LIBRARY OF TIIK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. OIF T <)!•• 8.558 1 ('l'us A TRANSACTIONS OF THE WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE OF PHILADELPHIA VOLUME V. JANUARY, 1898 WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE MONTGOMERY AVE. AND SEVENTEENTH ST. PHILADELPHIA TRANSACTIONS OF THE WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE OF PHILADELPHIA VOL. V. JANUARY, 1898 1. A STUDY OF HAWAIIAN SKULLS BY HARRISON ALLEN, M.D. 2. NOTES ON THE PALEONTOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS OF PROFESSOR WILLIAM WAGNER BY WILLIAM HEALEY DALL, A.M. V WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE MONTGOMERY AVE. AND SEVENTEENTH ST. PHILADELPHIA A STUDY OF HAWAIIAN SKULLS BY HARRISON ALLEN, M.D. WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE OF PHILADELPHIA TRUSTEES SAMUEL WAGNER, President. RICHARD B. WESTBROOK, Treasurer. JOSEPH W1LLCOX, Secretary. J. VAUGHAN MERRICK, JR. S. T. SKIDMORE. HARRISON S. MORRIS. SAMUEL TOBIAS WAGNER. FACULTY HENRY LEFFMANN, A.M., M.D., President of the Faculty. S. T. WAGNER, B.S., C.E., Secretary of the Faculty. * HENRY LEFFMANN, A.M., M.D., Professor of Chemistry. J. T. ROTHROCK, M.D., S. T. SKIDMORE, A.M., Professor of Botany. Professor of Physics. . W. B. SCOTT, A.M., ROBERT ELLIS THOMPSON, A.M., Professor of Geology. Professor of History, Literature, and Political Economy. S. T. WAGNER, B.S.,C.E., THOMAS H. MONTGOMERY, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Engineering. Professor of Biology. WILLIAM HEALEY DALL, A.M., Honorary Professor of Invertebrate Paleontology. THOMAS L. MONTGOMERY, A.B., CHARLES W. JOHNSON, . Actuary and Librarian. Curator of Museum.' PREFATORY NOTE IN presenting this remarkable craniological study to the scientific public, a few words in reference to its lamented author and to the chief results which it reaches will not be unwelcome to readers. This memoir was the last of Dr. Allen's many contributions to our knowledge of organic forms and their modifications. Only a week before his sudden death he handed it to the Publication Committee, prepared so carefully that it was in all respects ready for the printer. As on several occasions he showed me his manuscript and explained to me what features in it he con- sidered of special importance, it may be well in these introductory lines, which the Committee on Publication has kindly suggested I should write, to single out these points for comment. In a general sense this memoir is a continuation of Dr. Allen's previous earlier article on " Crania from the Mounds of the St. John's River, Florida," etc., published in the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadel- phia (vol. x., November 24, 1896). The same terminology is adopted and the lines of investigation are analogous. That paper attracted most favorable attention from the leading c.raniologists of Europe, and Professor Emil Schmidt, of Leipsic, did not exaggerate its merits when he closed his review of it in the Centralblatt fur Antliropologie (Bd. ii., Heft 3, p. 258) with the words, " Allen's work is the most important craniological investigation which Ameri- can scientific literature has had to show for a long series of years." It was one of Dr. Allen's chief aims to establish some other, and if pos- sible more stable criteria of cranial comparison than those in common use; and, on the other hand, to subject the latter to a much closer criticism than they have heretofore received. In the former direction he emphasized the significance of the presence of the prenasal fossa as determining grade ; pointed out the value of the infra- orbital suture, which is generally neglected ; and offered as entirely new the comparisons of the pyramidal process of the palatal bone and the prominence or recession of the zygoma when the skull is viewed from above. He esti- Vlll PREFATORY NOTE mated with precision the signification of p.-Edoniorphism as a sign not so much of arrested as of incompleted development. Undoubtedly the most striking of the results demonstrated in the present memoir, and that on which in conversation he laid the greatest stress, was in his own words that "the differences between the crania are not due to race, but to methods of living, and in some degree to differences of mental strength in individuals." This modest statement by no means conveys the full import of his demonstration. What his laborious, skilful, and accurate measure- ments, taken in conjunction with the proved unity of race but diversity of nutrition and culture-conditions of his specimens, show, is that the ordinary contrasts in skull-forms, upon which many stately theories of races and schemes of prehistoric interminglings have been erected, are of such minor and doubtful significance that they are inadequate for that purpose. Pursuing this line of research further, Dr. Allen asked himself, What is the proximate and remote etiology, what are the immediate and more distant factors, in the modification of skull-forms ? In the present memoir he brings out some of these with force, while others, which, had he lived, he would have developed fully, are merely suggested. Thus, the correlation of the loss of the upper front teeth with important variations in cranial conformation is ad- mirably set forth ; and the influence of diseased action causing disuse, and thus, in turn, lessening nutrition and modifying shape and contour, is clearly explained. The tentative inquiries which he placed in the paragraph previous to his " concluding remarks" were of far more weight in his own mind than his expressions indicate. In the last conversation I had with him, a few days before his decease, he asked my attention particularly to the consideration whether the whole range of exanthemata, and especially measles, to which the white race has been time out of mind exposed and is now largely immune, are not chargeable with many of its peculiar characteristics in facial and cranial anatomy. It was clearly his intention to present this from a much wider comparative scheme than the present memoir permitted. He also almost incidentally refers in the present paper to a subject which interested him deeply and on which he would have made more extended ex- aminations ; that is, as above mentioned, the mental capacity of the individual as a distinct cause of modified skull-form. While this in itself is not new, he aimed to approach it by novel tests. The last lines of the memoir are indicative of his loftier estimate of PREFATORY NOTE ix craniology than as a mere criterion of race. As such, he did not esteem it highly ; but he saw in the investigation of the nutritive, psychical, cultural, and morbid processes which alter the cranial contours admirable illustrations of those profound forces which shape and mould life-forms everywhere, and are the underlying momenta of all morphology, whether of plants or of animals. In this loftier sense craniology takes just rank among the great and leading subjects of scientific investigation. In conclusion, some reference should be made to the novel graphic method which Dr. Allen devised, and which is published for the first time in this memoir. He called it the " terrace" method, and points out its superior advantages over the graphic system of comparison by curves. Its excellence for this and allied purposes will be obvious to the student at a glance. D. G. BRINTON, M.D. INTRODUCTION THE study of the skulls of the Hawaiian Islanders is of exceptional interest. The specimens represent the most remote, yet isolated, locality of a vast range of distribution which began in Southeastern Asia at a period varying in estimation from the fifth to the eleventh centuries.10 The accounts pre- served of the methods of burial are sufficiently exact to define two kinds of crania, — one of a noble class from the caves, and one of the people from the superficial graves. The crania of the time before and that after the European conquest can be distinguished, and the sad record of deterioration due to infectious diseases traced in indubitable characters. In no other series of crania of a primitive people is the student similarly assisted, not only by chronology, but by the operation of factors which have modified the form in recent and relatively short periods of time. That the distinction between three social classes — the nobles, the priests, and the people — into which the ancient Hawaiians were divided extended into their methods of burial, we are informed by W. D. Alexander.' Accord- ing to this authority, the deified bones of the chiefs were generally carefully concealed in secret and inaccessible caves. This statement is confirmed by J. M. Whitney,'7 who says, " The most ancient and favorite of these places of interment were in the old lava caves, with which the island of Hawaii particu- larly abounds. A lava stream flowing from some opening on the mountain- side would cool first on the surface, leaving the still flowing, lava within to empty itself on the country below, and thus long irregular caves of varying dimensions would be formed, many of these open from mountain-sides, and often from apparently inaccessible precipices." Alexander, indeed, qualifies these accounts with reference to bones that have been found in ancient coral beds that evidently are of great antiquity. Also, in steep cliffs running down to the water's edge at Kealakeakua Bay, are a great number of ancient Hawaiian burial-places, which appear to be readily inspected by the casual observer. The remains of Captain Cook himself lie buried in one of these caves. Yet, as a whole, the caves are said by Dr. Whitney to be the ancient xii INTRODUCTION sepulchres, while the coast burials are more recent. The specimens herewith studied appear to have come from one or the other of these localities. It must be acknowledged that the account of W. Ellis' of a depository of the dead is of separate value. A house is described by him built of fragments of lava, laid up evenly on the outside, generally about eighty feet long, from four to six broad, and about four feet high. Some were apparently ancient, others evidently had been standing but a few years. The bodies of the priests were buried within the precincts of the temple, while those of the common people — though in some instances placed in caves and subterranean caverns — were, as a rule, buried in small pits near houses or in the sand. The number of the priests is necessarily small and can be here excluded. I am of the opinion that the statements here made do not invalidate the conclusion that the material forming the basis of this paper represents two classes of crania, which are separated into a high and a low class group. The difference noted in mortuary customs harmonizes with certain con- trasts in physical proportions between the upper and lower caste. The nobility were of large stature. They had more abundant food than the lower caste; indeed, were great gluttons. Dr. Chapin4 describes them, as late as 1837, as eating three or four heavy meals of flesh and poi daily and becoming excessively corpulent. Diseases local to the alimentary canal and lungs were common. The people were subject to apoplexy and asthma, and a mild form of rheumatism attacked both classes. Nothing was known of the systemic diseases with which Europeans are afflicted, such as measles, typhus fever, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, whooping-cough, mumps, and syphilis. Malarial diseases and leprosy were also unheard of. But both classes had much in common. The supply of food in pre- European times was monotonous. With the exception of a few fruits and an occasional fishj hog, or fowl, the islanders subsisted on poi, a farinaceous dish prepared from the taro (Colocasia antiqiioruiri). In 1893 a collection of skulls was made by Dr. Whitney, under circum- stances which make it certain that they are all of the noble class. In the same year Professor Benjamin Sharp, of the Academy of Natural Sciences, and Professor William Libbey, of Princeton University, made a collection at Kipakai, on the island of Kauwai, which are as certainly of the lower class. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia possesses a miscellaneous series of Hawaiian skulls which have been collected from superficial graves, and most of. them of recent origin. All the specimens above named, sixty-five INTRODUCTION Xlll in number, fortunately came under my observation. The specimens of the cave crania are of two series collected at one time by Dr. Whitney from a lava cave on the island of Hawaii. One of these, eighteen in number, he presented to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ; the other, fourteen in number, he presented to the Museum of the Harvard Dental School. The coast crania studied, thirty-three in number, are in the main in the series represented in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and in Princeton University. Sixteen of these were collected by Messrs. Sharp and Libbey. In general appearance the specimens form two groups, those having a uniform Isabella brown tint and those which were bleached in whole or in part. The statements of residents explain these contrasts. The brown speci- mens are from the caves and the bleached specimens are from the superficial graves. The cave skulls are undoubtedly more than a hundred years old, since the natives ceased to, use the caves for burial purposes after European intrusion, yet they are intact, the smallest processes in the interior of the nose, and even the tartar and food detritus on the teeth, being undisturbed. The coast skulls, on the other hand, are rarely perfect. The teeth are often lost by dropping out, or even sometimes knocked out. The laborers introduced from other islands of late years, according to Dr. Whitney, seek everywhere for the skulls, and remove the teeth for the purpose of making necklaces. The cave skulls are, for the most part, free from disease affecting the periphery, but are commonly the subject of defective nutrition, the bones being often thin and occupied with numerous foramina of absorption ; together with this, and in a measure concomitant, were numerous small exostoses and arthritic deformations. The specimens, with few exceptions, are well developed, but, as will be seen, show evidences of low grade in many details. The coast skulls, on the whole, are of a lower structural type as compared with those of the cave, and show a greater variety of diseased action. The miscellaneous series of the Morton cabinet exhibit in marked degree evidences of diseases of inflammatory origin ; they are often stunted, almost uniformly of an inferior grade, and are bleached and deteriorated in other ways by exposure to the air. It is impossible to say to what extent the above differences were due to caste, through the operation of which the bodies of the ruling class were buried in the caves and the lower classes in the sand, or to what degree Whitney's statement can be accepted, that the coast crania are all .more recent xiv INTRODUCTION than those of the caves, and by inference that they show detrimental effects of contact with Europeans, not only in the abrupt departure from a diet to which the people had been accustomed, but in the character of the attacks of infectious disease to which they were in no degree immune. In recording the peculiarities of these crania two methods were enter- tained. The first included measurements, the second a systematic record of selected characters. The conclusions drawn from these methods is that the first, all things being considered, is most fruitful, the ranges of anatomical variation between the cave and coast groups being naturally much the same, since the ethnic type had been long isolated. But while the contrasts between the two series in measurement was striking and expressed in terms of pre- cision, the differences in percentages of anatomical variation was also found to be of considerable interest. The specimens will be often mentioned by the names of the institutions where they are owned or by the initials of the same. The crania of the Hawaiian Islands have received attention from Retzius,'6 Uhde,'7 Dumoutier,' J. B. Davis,5 Flower," Turner,'5 and Virchow. The most elaborate studies are those of Davis and Turner. The former measuring thirty-two examples (four of which were from caves) and the latter thirty-seven, with nine from the caves. It will be seen that the number of the cave series in this paper is much the largest of any that has been observed. HAWAIIAN SKULLS Sex The sex of all the skulls examined is male with the exception of five, — namely, one P. U., one H. U., and three A. N. S. The female skulls have been excluded from all the studies of averages and indices, and being so few in number, I have contented myself with recording their measurements. In the Hawaiian crania studied by Turner, nineteen were found to be males and fourteen to be females. The discrepancy between this result and mine is so great that a word of comment is demanded. Turner had but four cave skulls under observation, all of them being males ; this corresponds nearly to the skulls in the largest series of this paper, since but one female was found in all the cave crania. In the tabulated twenty-seven crania from Oahu, expressly stated by Turner not to be from caves (and, therefore, com- parable to my coast series), there were twelve females. It is probable that the smaller number of females noted by myself is due to the fact that the coast crania were for the most part collected from an ancient battle-field at Kipakai. Measurements CUBICAL CAPACITY. — The cubical capacity of the cave series shows fifteen (fifty-two per cent.) to be megacephalic, ten (thirty-four per cent.) to be meso- cephalic, and four (fourteen per cent.) microcephalic. In Turner's series of four cave crania, only one was mesocephalic, one megacephalic, and two microcephalic ; yet, according to the law of averages, this series is regarded by Turner to be mesocephalic. Of the coast series, seven (twenty-three per cent.) only are megacephalic, fourteen (forty-five per cent.) microcephalic, and ten (thirty-two per cent.) mesocephalic; a conclusion in full harmony with other deductions drawn in contrasting the two series of skulls. In Turner's group of Oahu crania (eighteen tabulated) the three kinds of crania were about evenly distributed, — viz., seven megacephalic, six mesocephalic, and five microcephalic. BREADTH INDEX. — The analyses of the breadth index in the cave series show that twenty-one (sixty-five per cent.) are brachycephalic, ten (thirty-one 15 16 TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER HAWAIIAN SKULLS MEASUREMENTS OF Catalogue Number. i X y> Capacity of Brain-Case. Length, Ophryo-occipital Greatest Breadth. Height, Basibregmatic. Auriculobregmatic. Minimum Frontal. Biauricular. Index of Breadth. Index of Height. Horizontal Circumfcren'e Basinasal Length. Basialveolar Length. Alveolar Index. Greatest Diam. of Face. Least Diameter of Face. 1 Interorbital Width. Orbital Height. Orbital Width. 1 3 *2 13 6 ft • 1 IIO4 30 d1 1470 '93 I33P 149 135 89 123 69 77 522 110 112 I O2 "5 97 26 35 37 95 49 1105 3° <$ 1465 1 88 I42P H3 '33 93 127 75 76 528 "5 109 94 "23 IOO 3° 37 37 IOO 57 1106 25 S 57 44 '23 70 5° 26 33 5o 25 '5 60 13 10 0 o o '35 '3«> I23 25 48 100 9' <"'5 54 40 1 20 78 5° 26 36 47 21 •5 7' '5 n 11 59 123 120 125 110 27 54 no 99 o o 53 o 7' 46 28 32 5i 25 12 48 o IO 0 0 o '23 "25 0 25 52 IOO 92 65 5S 54 128 7° 40 28J35 55 25 M 56 IS IO 9 0 I2i> 120 no 1 10 23 48 1 06 IOO 58 54 57 nS 71 40 28 34 55 2O '3 65 IS 10 o o O I25 no "5 24 52 95 89 56 54 54 125 66 47 26 32 55 22 15 59 17 IO 10 o 0 '3° "5 "3 22 49 98 90 35 55 47 120 62 4' 27 35 49 20 ii 55 «5 10 o 58 116 123 120 IIO 25 51 103 96 63 55 40 I25 65 47 3° 36 52 21 H 67 '5 12 o 67 140 '35 120 95 22 48 96 90 59 49 47 117 65 46 »S 3' 47 22 12 55 ii O 8 89 1 20 1 20 125 i'3 22 49 IOO 9' 66 61 45 127 72 5° 29 37 52 22 12 55 20 '9 IO 53 136 '35 122 122 25 55 103 85 59 60 49 126 66 45 24 34 55 22 12 55 '3 20 II 0 146 130 I IO 130 26 56 103 96 55 55 54 "9 69 46 25 36 55 22 12 55 if) II 13 59 130 127 1 2O III 25 54 105 95 5o 56 52 127 70 45 25 35 5° O 0 0 15 7 8 83 15° '3° 130 'OS 25 45 105 100 48 59 47 0 69 47 3' 44 5i 26 16 61 20 '7 16 59 102 128 "5 114 25 5° 103 94 5i 56 5* 122 70 46 o o 0 22 '3 59 '3 o 14 85 98 i3£ 120 IIO 24 47 III 100 5° 55 52 O 66 46 30 36 46 22 '3 59 11 12 12 53 120 120 120 "5 25 44 IOO 98 60 65 47 I09 75 46 21 33 51 27 «3 48 8 0 0 53 104 no 120 105 25 5° 98 90 45 55 47 123 67 5° 28 37 55 25 H 56 17 O II 60 130 124 130 104 28 51 98 97 40 60 55 120 75 52 26 40 54 26 15 57 '5 '9 12 40 126135 '35 "3 25 48 105 96 48 55 46 125 7° 49 26 35 57 21 12 57 10 8 8 0 120 118 IIS no 28 57 95 95 42 55 5° "5 72 40 27 35 55 19 «3 68 15 o '4 47 O 120 120 US 24 54 '°3 97 42 5° 49 121 65 45 29 37 55 20 H 70 18 16 15 0 144 120 1 2O IIO 25 51 IOI 92 77 66 50 t'5 64 46 27 29 46 O o o 15 15 0 0 124 119 120 "5 22 45 IOO 90 68 50 53 126 65 46 26 32 52 22 12 55 "5 ° 10 o II8I2O 120 122 25 51 107 IOI 48 57 5° 123 69 5° 0 0 5i 24 15 62 18 10 10 IOO 140 120 "3 125 25 51 102 93 57 57 5° 122 69 46 27 35 52 23 '3 58 15 >3 II 64 124 125 122 112 28 56 97 120 42 54 5° 123 7° 45 3° 34 53 22 12 55 10 IO 0 0 132 130 120 "S 25 5i 95 90 60 53 55 117 68 46 21 31 5O 22 12 55 '5 10 II 46 I4C [2C »5 105 28 61 IOO O 44 53 47 log 61 47 25 33 50 27 12 44 IO 13 o 86 122 IIC I2C 105 20 45 IOI 89 42 53 59 IO/] 59 42 24 32 49 24 12 58 '9 13 0 o I4C 1 06 125 108 25 53 98 75 47 53 5.5 "3 64 45 25 32 5° 24 12 53 14 II II 66 134 ne I2C 108 The remaining numbers — Academy of Natural Sciences. TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER 2O HAWAIIAN SKULLS per cent.) mesaticephalic, and only one (No. 1 104 H. U.) is dolichocephalic. This skull is described under the head of Diseased Action as an example of change in skull-form, due to disease. Turner's cave series were all brachy- cephalic. The coast series, on the contrary, exhibit fifteen (fifty per cent.) brachycephalic, ten (thirty-three percent.) dolichocephalic, and five (seventeen per cent.) mesaticephalic. The Oahu series of Turner exhibited seven brachy- cephalic, eleven mesaticephalic, and fifteen dolichocephalic. ALVEOLAR INDEX. — Of the cave series, eight (twenty-seven per cent.) are orthognathous, sixteen (fifty-five per cent.) mesognathous, and five (seventeen per cent.) prognathous. In the Turner crania two were mesognathous and two were orthognathous. In the coast series thirteen (fifty per cent.) are orthognathous, nine (thirty-four per cent.) mesognathous, and four (fifteen per cent.) prognathous. In Turner's Oahu series seven were orthognathous, six- teen mesognathous, and three prognathous. ORBITAL INDEX. — The orbital index exhibits in the cave series twenty- four (ninety-two per cent.) megaseme, two (eight per cent.) mesoseme, and none microseme. Turner's conclusions are practically the same. In the coast series there are no examples which are not megaseme. This statement is of interest, since Turner regards the Oahu crania to be mesoseme. NASAL INDEX. — Of the cave crania, ten (thirty per cent.) are leptorhine, seventeen (fifty-one per cent.) mesorhine, and six (eighteen per cent.) platy- rhine. This series embraces skull 1753 H. U., which has a very well pro- nounced prenasal fossa. It is doubtful in what manner skulls having this peculiarity should be measured for this index, since the limitation for height is a difficult matter to determine. It may be well to say, in taking the meas- urement, I selected the nasion for one point, and the top of the incisor crest as the second. Of the coast series, five (sixteen per cent.) are leptorhine, fifteen (fifty per cent.) mesorhine, and ten (thirty-three per cent.) platyrhine. According to Turner, in the cave series two were mesorhine and two lepto- rhine, and of the Oahu crania, three were platyrhine, six mesorhine, and two leptorhine. By the vomerobregmatic height (see Florida Skulls,2 p. 412) I denote the distance between the bregma and the alas of the vomer as they join the body of the sphenoid bone, to indicate (when this measurement is compared to the basibregmatic) the degree of inclination of the basilar process. It must be con- ceded, however, that this height may measure the degree of depression of the bregma itself. I do not consider it, therefore, a measurement of great value. FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE HAWAIIAN SKULLS 21 Observations on the Collation of Measurements It must be acknowledged that the results obtained by the measurement of skulls have not met the expectation of those who have made them. The average measurement is often inadequate as a means of expression of general conclusions. I venture to propose a method of treatment of the figures which appears to me to have advantages over mere summation or the securance of averages, — an arrangement which will include all the numbers of a given series in order from the minimum to the maximum, and which will indicate precisely those measurements most frequently recurring as well as those which are absent. I will illustrate my meaning by reference to the measure- ments of the Interorbital Width, because this is subject to the least amount of variation. The figures as copied from the table are as follows : CAVE. COAST. CAVE. COAST. CAVE. COAST. 26 20 20 25 20 23 3° 25 26 24 25 23 20 25 26 22 25 25 25 21 23 22 20 23 25 18 25 24 29 25 22 25 24 26 26 20 26 25 23 23 24 21 '9 20 20 29 27 20 20 25 25 . 24 25 26 23 2O 22 28 25 These figures when arranged with the maximum number at the top and the minimum at the bottom, and grouped as indicated by braces, are herewith given : CAVE. COAST. CAVE. COAST. CAVE. COAST. CAVE. COAST. 3° 29 29 28 ' 25 25 25 25 f 24 I 24 2 24 I 24 , r 20 20 2, 1 2. j 2 2? 25 25 24 -L 20 f 26 26 26, j 26] 2 25 25 25 25 C 23 23 23 } 20 'i 20 20 20 26 25 25 233 23 ^ 2O , 20 , 26 I 265 25 , 25 8 25 25 , 8 i::, 23 23 J4 20 20 . 5 22 1 «l '9 18 22 TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER HAWAIIAN SKULLS In each of the columns ten kinds of numbers are recorded, and in each there has been two breaks in sequence, — namely, between 20 and 22, 27 and 29, in the cave, and between 18 and 20, and 26 and 28, in the coast : in both these occur towards the ends. In attempting to record these peculiarities in a graphic manner I have placed the numbers on quadrille paper as follows : CHART I. iNTERORlilTAL WIDTH 30 29 • \2B 27 • PRI • 26 • X £6 * _ • • X • Z^ • • • • • 25 * * * * • » . t • » C, V - • c oA y tA MM • • • | 24 . as • • • 23 * • • * • li • 22 • I • Zi I 20 • 1 • X 20 * • • • • . • • • 9 • 18 * • • / FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE HAWAIIAN SKULLS CHART II. LONGITUDINAL OCCIPITAL ARC -fe TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER 24 HAWAIIAN SKULLS The line is to be read from below upward. The number 19 in the cave series indicates that the minimum measurement is 19 mm., and that is repre- sented by a single square of the paper, marked by a central dot, which indi- cates that there is one specimen in the series which has an interorbital diam- eter of 19 mm. The number above that of 19 is 20, there being six skulls in the series of this measurement of 20 mm. ; but between 20 and 22 there is a break in the sequence, and since there is no skull in the series having a meas- urement of 21 mm., an asterisk is employed in place of the missing number. Reviewing the entire series, it is seen at a glance that the number which is most frequently represented is 25. Comparing the line for the cave series with that of the coast, it will be noted that the most constant number in this series, also, is 25, and the general appearance of the two records is much the same. I contrast the interorbital width with the longitudinal occipital arc, since this measurement is of the most variable. It is evident that the dissimilarity between the coast and the cave series is marked, not only in those numbers which repeat themselves most frequently, but in the breaks in sequence, — the coast series exhibiting constancy in many instances, but also greater breaks in sequence in others. The differences in these measurements is more easily detected by mapping out the lines in the manner above indicated than in any other way known to me. The biauricular measurement and the opticonasion measurement are, also, herewith presented, in evidence of contrasts which can be accepted as corresponding to the distinctions between the high and low caste. All things being the same, I believe a measurement of the opticonasion (which is approxi- mately for the base of the anterior frontal lobe) correlates, in this group, with mentality, for we learn that the cave series show not only a higher grade of numbers (the series running from 47 to 60, while the coast series is but 30 to 57), but that the cave series, save in two instances only, exhibit no breaks in sequence, while that of the coast shows five such interruptions at the same time that the cave series is disposed to be relatively more constant. There are five crania measuring 48 mm. in the opticonasion length, seven measuring 50 mm., five measuring 53 mm., and four measuring 55 mm. In the coast series there is a less marked disposition for the skulls to have the same num- ber,— five skulls only being in the same series, namely, 47 mm. The biauric- ular measurement can be accepted as having the same significance as the opticonasion. The greatest breadth, as a rule, is interparietal for both cave and coast FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE HAWAIIAN SKULLS CHART III. BIAURICULAR 26 TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER HAWAIIAN SKULLS series. The instances of the greatest breadth being intersquamosal are more frequent in the cave than in the coast, as shown in the figures 9 for the former and 4 for the latter. CHART IV. OPTICONASION 60 59 • 55 • • X X X • * 57 • • 54 • 55 • • 54 • X Ct W £• S3 • .0 AS • • . • • • 53 • • • 52 • &e » • • — • • 50 • » • X 50 * • • X • . • 49 • • • • 47 • 49 * • X • • 48 • • • • • 36 r • • 35 • • • 30 47 • • X X X • • In the greatest diameter of the face a notable contrast is detected between the series. The numbers that are absent in the coast series are those best represented in the cave series. On the whole, the disposition for constancy is FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE HAWAIIAN SKULLS best marked in the former, while at the same time the interruptions of the sequence is greater, fourteen numbers being represented in the cave and eight only in the coast. CHART V. GREATEST DIAMETER OF FACE 0 <« • • K X X X m • • • X X X X X a X e • X X X X in 0 » • 0 CM • t- . IT X 0 X X X X ifl 00 • than in the cave series, while those of the cave series are all of higher grade. The bimalar diameter, when compared with the greatest facial diameters, FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE HAWAIIAN SKULLS 29 shows curious contrasts, the degrees of constancy being greater in the cave group. The opticonasion measurement is also important, since it is an approxima- tion to the length of the frontal lobes. CHART VII. NASOMALAR LINE .10 ^M * 1 113 i to - 07 • • X * • X X. 109 • 05 •— * 106 WUm • — 08 • • • • • 103 • • - X 07 • • ex vt\ 06 • L OA M • • * 05 « I • IUI • * ool • • X • 104 • • • * • 1 03 * 98 • 02 • . X • • • • 101 • 96 * 00 • 95 • X • V • I The dotted squares represent numbers of skulls of the measurement in millimeters, represented over the dotted vertical row. The horizontal lines are breaks in the numeration. Thus, in the coast series the line between 30 and 34 represents that the numbers 31, 32, or 33 are absent in the series. TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER 30 HAWAIIAN SKULLS It will be seen that there are more breaks in the coast than in the cave series, and less disposition for the skulls of the same measurement to form clumps. In a word, as a rule, there is less uniformity. These facts, taken with the lower figures themselves (viz., 47 mm., 60 mm., as opposed to 30 mm., 57 mm.), indicate inferiority, a conclusion which is harmonious with the results obtained from other observations on the same group. The widths of the face, as shown in the greatest face diameter, the bimalar line and the nasoinalar lines, also exhibit striking contrasts. Studies in Variation I concede that, in the almost numberless ways in which the subject of variation can be approached, something must be left to the personal inclina- tion or interest of the observer. The following features are held by me to be worthy of comparison, for I had in the paper on Floridan skulls2 made obser- vations on the same peculiarities. My method consisted in tabulating all the characters which form the basis of this section, and afterwards using them as data for the brief conclusions here preserved. It is not thought to be neces- sary to print the tables themselves. The word " terrace" is an appropriate term to use in arranging the numbers and lines on the quadrille paper, and appears to me more instructive than would a curve, which is usually employed in making graphic records. The reader is referred to the Florida Skull Memoir for explanation of all terms. Some of these, as in the curves of the profile, the description of the nasal bones, and the anterior nasal aperture, are innovations. Cham&prosopy In races which are leptoprosopic the few chamasprosopic skulls become of special interest. I have noted such in the paper on Floridan skulls, and I again invite attention to three examples found among the Hawaiians. The frowning expression, the projecting jaw, the receding chin, are striking char- acters. All the chamaeprosopic crania closely resemble one another. In both Nos. 1 107 (plate i.) and 1 105 (plate ii.), H. U., the skull-rest is on condyle and opisthion. The glabella is large, the nose-root (radix) depressed, FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE HAWAIIAN SKULLS the anterior nasal spine and incisor crest rudimentary, and the temporal impression not interrupted at the stephanion. The chief contrasts are noted in the degree of projection of the upper jaw. In No. 1 105 this is highly pro- jecting, while in No. 1107 it is straight. In the specimen, 1105, the skull is massive and heavy. In specimen No. 1104, H. U., which is described in the section on dis- eased action, the type is also chamaeprosopic. It is dolichocephalic and massive. The skull-rest is condyle-opisthotic. Pczdomorphism The retention of the child type of skull in the adult, or of individual traits of the child's skull, is much more conspicuous in the coast than in the cave series. Indeed, it may be said to be almost absent in the latter. Among the former three, Nos. 565 and 1300, A. N. S., and 1116, H. U., striking examples of the retention are seen, especially in the proportions of the parietal bone, in the retention of an open sagittal suture, and in the flat hard palate. In No. 1300, the admission of the malar bone into the sphenomaxillary fissure is exceptionally large. The nasal bones, the mastoid processes, and the shape of the temporal impression are almost exactly as in the skull of a child. Inflated Maxilla Two rhombocephalic skulls, No. 1755, A. N. S., cave, and No. 2094, A. N. S., coast, show peculiar inflation of the superior maxillae. The anterior surfaces of the bones are convex, and give a swollen appearance to the face. The infraorbital canal is 10 mm. below the orbital margin. In sharp contrast to the maxillae, the premaxilla exhibits well-defined depressions. The skulls resemble one another in having wide pterygoid plates and markedly hyper- bolic hard palates. In the cave skull the malar bone is remarkable for joining the lachrymal bone. Well-developed tympanic exostoses and small prenasal fossae are seen in both specimens. The cave skull is much higher in grade than the coast. The malar bone in the cave skull enters the sphenoidal fissure, while in the coast skulls it does not; in the former the bone is without suture trace, while on the right side of the coast skull the bone is deeply furrowed on the inner side. TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER 12 HAWAIIAN SKULLS It appears that both specimens are of persons who belonged to the same variable type, as seen in the resemblances above noted, yet were separated by circumstances in conditions of life which embraced differences in nutrition, and yielded some equally striking individual contrasts. The Lachrymal Bone While classified with the bones of the orbit, one cannot separate the lachrymal bone from the outline of the nasal chamber, or, indeed, as compara- tive anatomy teaches, from the face. It is of interest to note that the hamular process will not infrequently articulate with the maxilla, where the base of the ascending process enters into the composition of the inferior orbital margin. Specimen No. 1751, H. U., which, in many respects, showed evidences of interstitial absorption in the wall of the nasal chamber, exhibits the hamular process marked by numerous minute foramina and of different textures; a peculiarity, in all probability, the result arising from a centre of ossification. The Prenasal Fossa In the specimen No. 3, P. U., aet. 25, ?, the nasal eminence (a) is raised well above the floor of the nose. The fossa proper (b) is defined between this eminence and the openings (c, c, c, c) which are placed over the roots of the incisor teeth. The vomer (e) retains the sulcus for the accommodation of the triangular cartilage. The well-defined contours of the bone overlie the incisor crest just over the basal eminence. The maxillae exhibit marked asymmetry at the incisor region. On the right side the parts are of normal proportion. But on the left they are stunted, a peculiarity embracing the alveoli of the incisor, which are scarcely half the size of those on the opposite side. The left fossa, while as wide as the right, is not so deep, and extends over the region of the roots of the teeth. The alveolar line (d) is unusually bold and trenchant on the right side, but is not well defined on the left below the level of the basil eminence. Indeed, the fossa is insensibly blended with the alveolar region over the almost rudimentary incisors. Other peculiarities of the maxillae should not escape notice. The infraorbital margin of the left maxilla? is with open suture. The part here called the ectal (see Infraorbital Suture) passes over the ental, thus excluding it from the margin and entering into FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE 42 HAWAIIAN SKULLS composition of the ductus ad nasum. On the right side the union between the ectal and ental portions is obliterated. Again, on the right side the lachrymal crest at the base is advanced so as to form part of the outer wall of the ductus ad nasmn : on the left side it is excluded. The other parts of the face present nothing unusual. In varying degrees of development the prenasal fossa is present in thirty- nine per cent, of the cave series as opposed to twenty-four per cent, of the coast, thus showing that is of significance in determining grade. The actual number was seven in the former and fourteen in the latter. The Pyramidal Process The pyramidal process of the palatal bone is a character which has been overlooked, so far as I know, in the comparative study of the skull. I noted the subject in the study of the Florida skulls, where reference is made to the large size of the process in the Hawaiian form. In the study, as now com- pleted, the process is found to be 12 mm. wide at the free margin in the cave and 1 1 mm. in the coast. The Lower Jaw In specimen No. 1752, A. N. S., the lower jaw presents an extraordinary variation in both the body and the ramus. The body presents a convex lower border in the region answering to the teeth, as accurately shown in plate iv. I have seen but one example similar to this in my examinations of crania, which now embrace many individuals. The variation is probably due to pre- mature symphysal union. The ramal peculiarity was confined to a foramen on the inner side of the base of the coronoid process, and just above the beginning of the inferior dental canal. The position is shown by the arrow engraved on the figure. Comparisons of the degree of angulation on the condyles of the lower jaw — the degree of concealment of the last molar by the base of the coronoid process, the position of the mental foramen with respect to the teeth, the peculiarities of the genial spine and crest — were made in all examples. The entire number of bones examined was twenty-two, but the number of lower jaws in the coast are so few as to make results inadequate. 3 34 TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER HAWAIIAN SKULLS The disposition for the condyloid process to be angulated is more marked in the cave series than in the coast, six examples being found in the former and two only in the latter. The partial concealment of the third molar by the base of the coronoid process, thus indicating a disposition for the body of the bone to be short- ened, is present in three of the cave series, and in one only is the molar dis- tinctly in advance of the process. It would be desirable to select a measure by which the relative degree of growth of the body of the bone could be fixed. The short goniosymphyseal length is well seen in an Hawaiian skull figured by Dumoutier. The following tables of measurements of the lower jaw will prove use- ful. Some of the specimens are unaccompanied with the skulls. CAVK. Width, Height, or Lower Jaw. Lower Jaw. Jjj Ramus. 60 1 | O ! 1 ~$ a a J2 j I - -a E I £ i I E 1 I I | c 0 & in S o 3 X 1722 70 97 29 25 70 IOO 67 34 1752 85 IOO 24 30 62 90 56 33 '773 83 92 29 29 70 105 72 45 177! 79 IOO 3° 28 65 98 60 37 1775 79 80 35 29 56 90 55 32 1 107 80 93 32 25 70 IOO 54 40 1105 82 93 3' 33 73 IO2 69 4i 1 104 80 9' 3" 29 70 93 73 35 1 1 14 79 82 31 3° 65 86 55 35 1 1 20 88 89 25 26 59 85 53 35 1 1 06 76 85 29 3° 58 85 52 3° 1751 82 89 34 35 74 too 72 40 '749 87 99 35 3i 67 87 67 37 Averages 81 9' 30 29 66 94 62 36 FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE HAWAIIAN SKULLS 35 COAST. Width. Height, Of Lower Jaw. Lower Jaw. i Ramus. ! j $ •a •S 8 X . •a £ I — •a i i -a* c a '£ L.' 'o .s Jj o \ 1 "o S c 0 'B a a S o 1 863 86 99 32 o 62 89 60 35 1999 87 89 32 32 7° 98 61 37 2OOO 75 86 29 25 65 88 61 35 '957 0 o o 0 68 o 0 0 1872 75 78 31 26 o So 60 36 2093 74 87 3' 29 67 89 63 35 2092 83 83 25 24 56 77 54 3' 1 1 16 o 90 23 26 i 57 89 55 3° Averages So 87 29 27 63 87 59 34 2091 O. 83 83 23 22 57 86 55 32 The Infraorbital Suture Halbertsma, in 1859, described a suture which extended upward from the infraorbital foramen into the floor of the orbit. In 1885, Turner re- described this suture. In examining the Hawaiian crania with reference to its presence, I find that in the cave series it was found in twenty-two examples. In the.coast crania it was present in eleven instances only. The malar bone holds varying relations to the maxilla in the region of this suture. In nine of the cave series it joins that portion of the maxillary margin lying to the outer side of the suture. In the coast series the malar bone was so situated in but five examples. That the malar bone should ever cross the suture is not mentioned either by Halbertsma or Turner, but I find it so placed symmetrically in ten of the cave series and in six of the coast. In this group of variations the infraorbital suture, of course, does not extend into the orbit, but juts directly against the zygomatic process of the malar bone. The following observations were made upon three crania in which the entrance of the zygomatic process into the composition of the lower orbital margin took place to the mesal side of the infraorbital suture asymmetrically. TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER HAWAIIAN SKULLS Table correlating the Position of tJie Infraorbital Suture to Orbi- tal Measurements Orbital Height. Orbital Width. (No. 1764, right 34 mm. vi mm. Left side, with malar bone " left 35 " 37 " crossing infiaorbital su- No. 1 104 right ,r ii 36 " ture. " left 34 " 37 " Right side, with malar bone {No 1 105 right ,7 II VI " crossing infraorbital su- •• left 35 " 36 " ture. . The most striking difference was noted in the shape of the superior orbital margin. In Nos. 1764 and 1 104 the margin on the left side in both specimens was inclined downward to a greater degree than on the right side. In a word, the malar bone appeared to be pushed downward and inward (mesad) by the initial inclination of the external frontal process, to extend to a corresponding degree mesad, and the end of the zygomatic process to reach beyond the infraorbital suture. In the third specimen (No. 1115) no essential difference obtained between the two frontal processes, though the right orbit was the larger. That the side having the mesad disposition of the zygomatic process is the stronger side is shown by numerous minute signs. In No. 1115 the impressions of the internal pterygoid and masseter muscles are the stronger, and the measurements of the lower jaw larger, on the right side. In No. 1755 the zygomatic process extends on each side mesad as far as the lachrymal bone which it joins. I propose calling that portion of the inferior orbital margin of the max- illa lying to the outer (lateral) side of the infraorbital suture the ectal por- tion, and that lying to the inner (mesad) side the ental portion. Miscellaneous Notes The proportion of the phcenozygous crania to the cryptozygous is confirm- atory of the relative grades of the two castes. The percentage in which the FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE HAWAIIAN SKULLS zygoma is concealed, when the skull is viewed from above, is nearly twice as large in the cave series as in the coast. Respecting the shape of the skull, it can be said that it is in harmony with other facts. Thus, there are but eight oval skulls in the cave series and twenty-three rhombecephalic, whereas there are nineteen oval skulls in the coast series and thirteen rhombecephalic. The basal aspect of the petrosal portion of the temporal bone, as it lies near the basilar process, is disposed to be swollen (i.e., inflated) in the lower caste group. The disposition for the alisphenoid to unite with the parietal bone, or, in its absence, permitting the squamosal element to join witli tlie frontal bone, is made the subject of special scrutiny. The frontosquamosal junction is found in two examples of cave crania and in one, only, of the coast. In one cave and in one coast cranium the junction is found on the right side, — the left being alisphenoidoparietal. The nasal septum is straight, as a rule, in both groups. It is deflected to the left in thirty-two per cent, of the cave skulls and in fifteen per cent, of the coast, — facts which bear out the conclusion that high-grade people exhibit a tendency for the nasal septum to be deflected to the left. In my memoir on Florida skulls I noted the curves seen in the profile of the brain-case. At first sight it would seem that a well-developed skull is an expanded one, and would tend to present a single curve (opisthioglabellar) from opisthion to the glabella. Yet in the cave series such a curve is present in twenty-three per cent, while in the coast it is found in twenty-six per cent. The next grade is found in an interruption of the curve (opisthioinion ; inio- giabellar) by a prominent inion ; this process, being created by muscle traction, appears to have no connection with grade, for in the cave series it is present in forty-two per cent., and only in three per cent, of the coast ; so the curve must be read not by the standard of intellection, but of muscular power, which, nevertheless, is best expressed in the first grade. When the inion is over-prominent and yet the rest of the cranial curve (opisthioinion ; inio- interparietal ; interparietoglabellar) interrupted at the intertuberal portion of the sagitta, or a little farther in advance of this place near the bregma, we have a great preponderance of the coast grade over the cave, as shown in the following statement : for the cave series nineteen per cent, and for the coast series fifty-two per cent. The remaining curves are so few in number as not to be thought worthy TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER HAWAIIAN SKULLS of expressing by percentages. It is of interest to note, however, that but one cave skull shows a depression at the lambda sufficiently marked to cause an interruption of the profile curve, while three of this kind are found in the coast series. In the coast series in one skull (No. 3, ?, Princeton Univer- sity) a marked depression is found at the obelion, marking an opisthioinion ; inio-obelial : obelial intertuberal curve, which is of the lowest grade possible, since it indicates a retarded expansion of both the occipital squama and the parietal bones. The glabella is slightly larger in the cave people, being 5 mm. as against 3 mm. in diameter. The junctions of the nasal bones with the frontal bone, the maxilla, and premaxilla are as follows: with frontal bone, 3 mm. for both series; with maxilla, 2O mm. for the cave and 19 mm. for the coast; with pre- maxilla, 4 mm. for the cave and 3 mm. for the coast. The nose-root (radix) is 9 mm. long in cave and 8 mm. for the coast ; the angulation 83° of the former as against 82° of the latter. The salient is 14 mm. long in the cave and 12 mm. in the coast, with a salient of 35° in the former as against 41° of the latter. In all the crania, therefore, a singular uniformity is noted in the characters selected for comparison excepting the nose salient, where the projection is more marked in the coast. The position of the mental foramen is subject to slight variation. In the cave series the foramen is opposite the second premolar in four examples, between the premolars in three, and between the second premolar and first molar in one. The genial spine is double as a rule. It is present in nine cave bones and in seven coast, and single in one cave and two coast. The genial crest is developed in the same way in both series and appears to have little significance. The Hard Palate Since the hyperbolic form is found in advanced stages of civilization, it is natural to infer that the cave series would show a higher percentage than the coast, — i.e., eighty-nine per cent, as against eighty-five per cent. The para- bolic form, on the other hand, is found in lower types, and the four per cent, of the cave as against fifteen per cent, of the coast was to be expected. 1\\e foramen lacerum medium, whether present or absent, is a study which has interested me. It is closed in lower types both of quadrupeds and of FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE 39 HAWAIIAN SKULLS men. The comparison here is rather against than in favor of the proposition as stated, for the percentage of the closed foramina while small is confined to the cave series. The spinous process of the sphenoid bone when overlapping the petroso- sphenoidal suture is assumed by me to indicate an advance from the juvenile expression, and all things remaining the same, from the primitive adult type. But the examination does not bear out this conclusion, for the cave series exhibits the overlapping in twenty-one per cent, as against twenty-seven per cent, of the coast. The anterior nasal opening yields some interesting contrasts in the two groups. The high incisor crest is found only in the cave series, where it exists in the proportion of six per cent. It is absent in the coast series. On the contrary, the absence of the crest, a sign of low grade, is more frequent in the cave than in the coast, as seen in the figure, sixty-eight per cent, of the former as compared to the fifty per cent, of the latter. The temporal line as it crosses the coronal suture in the coast series is more uniform than in the cave series, and is, therefore, an indication of the harmony of development existing between the frontal bone as compared with that of the parietal. Such uniformity is indicated in the percentage, seventy- five per cent, of the coast as contrasted with the sixty-three per cent, of the cave. The lambdoidal suture near the asterion is determined by causes which largely relate to the volume of the return blood from the brain, as shown in the position of the venous sinuses. In a morphological sense the region of the asterion is a weak part of the skull, and, all tilings remaining the same, the sutures will close less firmly in the higher types, so it is reasonable to find forty-three per cent, of harmonic suturation in the cave series as against thirty-three per cent, in the coast, and but fifty per cent, of serrate suturation in the cave as against sixty-seven per cent, in the coast. We have found the weaker of the two temporal muscles to be associated with the harmonic variety of suturation in specimen No. 1 104 (page 47) showing that the weaker temporal muscle naturally correlates with luxury and the more sedentary life of the higher caste. The skull-rest as it effects the occiput is of importance in studying the relation between the brain and the skull. The skull rests on the occipital bone well up from the foramen magnum in the coast series only, and here but twenty per cent. ; it rests in thirty-three per cent, of the series as against TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER 4° HAWAIIAN SKULLS twenty-eight per cent, of the coast on the posterior border of the foramen magnum, while it rests on the occipital condyles in thirty-nine per cent, of the cave as against twenty-seven per cent, of the coast, thus showing a marked difference in the two groups, though it is difficult to assign reasons for it. It can be stated in definite terms that the lower the type of the Hawaiian skull the more convex and more depressed becomes the occipital bone in the posi- tion answering to the position of the cerebellar hemispheres. The marginal process of the malar bone has been accepted to be a char- acter of sex. I took observation on the presence or absence of the process to ascertain if it might not also be a character of grade. The contrast of the presence of the process of fifty-six per cent, in the cave series as opposed to sixty-two per cent, in the coast would indicate that it is disposed to be such a character. The sphenomaxillary fissure when admitting the malar bone into its com- position expresses the fact that the bone is disposed to be large and the temporal fossa at the region of the frontal bone deep. If we accept this method of reasoning, we are not surprised to find that the malar bone enters into the fissure in seventy-two per cent, of the cave series, while it is present but in sixty-five per cent, of the coast. The contrast is striking even if the above attempt at explanation be not accepted. Froment (see Henle's Anat- omic) notes three hundred and seventy-five skulls in which in one hundred and five times the malar bone entered the fissure on both sides and eighty-five times on one side. The suture trace on the inner side of the malar bone is present in twenty- eight per cent., only, of the cave series, while in forty-seven per cent, of the coast. It will be convenient to present some of the foregoing variations in columns, as follows : CAVE. COAST. Hard Palate. (Hyperbolic . . .24, 89 per cent. 22, 85 per cent. Parabolic . . . i, 4 per cent. 4, 15 per cent. U-shaped . . . 2, 7 per cent. o Foramen Lacerum Medium. (Open . . . . 25, 83 per cent. 27, 87 per cent. Closed . . . i I, 3 per cent. o Nearly closed . . . 4, 1 3 per cent. 4, 13 per cent. The opening was small in two examples. FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE HAWAIIAN SKULLS CAVE. COAST. Spinous Process. {Overlapping . . . 6, 21 percent. 9, 27 per cent. Not overlapping . . 22, 78 per cent. 24, 73 per cent. Nasal Vestibule. {Macrolophic . . . 2, 6 per cent. o Microlophic . . . 8, 26 per cent. 16, 50 per cent. Analophic . . .21, 68 per cent. 16, 50 per cent. Temporal Ridge. ( Interrupted . . 10, 34 per cent. 8, 26 per cent. 1 Not interrupted . . 19, 65 per cent. 23, 75 per cent. Lambdoidal Suture. {Harmonic . . . 13, 46 per cent. 1 1, 33 per cent. Serrate .... 15, 54 per cent. 22, 67 per cent. "Skull-rest." Conceptum Cerebellum . o 6, 20 per cent. Opisthion . . . 8, 28 per cent. 10, 33 per cent. Condyloid Process . . n, 39 per cent. 8, 27 per cent. Mastoid Process . . 9, 32 per cent. 6, 20 per cent. Malar Bone. (In Sphenomaxillary Fissure 21, 72 per cent. 21, 65 per cent. Not in Sphenomaxillary Fissure . . . 8, 28 per cent. n, 34 per cent. {Suture trace on Malar Bone 9, 28 per cent. 15, 47 per cent. No Suture trace on Malar Bone . . .23, 72 per cent. 17, 53 per cent. Marginal Process on Malar Bone. i Present . . . 15, 56 per cent. 20, 62 per cent. \ Absent .... 12, 44 per cent. 12, 37 per cent! The Teeth The teeth exhibited much variation in size and anomaly. No. 2092, A. N. S., aged twenty-one years, the second right lower molar showed a sup- plemental denticle 10 mm. long on the buccal border posteriorly ; in the upper jaw the second right deciduous molar remained in position. On the left side the tooth had been lost, but its space in the alveolar arch was reserved, though the second permanent premolar had not taken its place. The third molar was absent. No. 2091, A. .N. S., the right second premolar had not been TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER 42 HAWAIIAN SKULLS erupted, though the space for it had been reserved. No. 2087, A. N. S., the third upper molar had not been erupted. No. 2094, A. N. S., the third upper molar showed a supplemental cusp interposed on posterior border between metacone and hypocone. In a Princeton skull the third upper molar on both sides was absent. No. 2089, A. N. S., the hypocone of the first molar ex- tended forward back of the protocone ; in the second molar the metacone and hypocone were rudimental and reduced to a mere posterior hem, while they were absent in the small nodular third molar. No. 1105, H. U., exhibited lower molars f°-f°, upper molars 433. The lateral upper incisor almost conical. The first left upper premolar in- clined forward the canine, with which tooth it is functionally associated. The second and third upper molars were with protocone occupying the entire palatal aspect of the tooth ; the metacone was rudimentary, while the hypo- cone was absent. The left third molar resembled in form that of the pre- molar; the left third molar was absent. In No. 1999, A. N. S., the third upper molar was very large, measuring 13 mm. within outward and 10 mm. from side to side. It was composed of six large cusps. In No. 2092, A. N. S., age twenty-five years, the deciduous second premolar had been retained on the right side and but recently lost on the left. The third upper molar was not erupted. The right exoccipital bone was smaller than the left and de- formed. The lower central incisors have been prematurely lost, or possibly may never have appeared. The second lower molar, right side, possessed a supplemental cusp. The third lower molar was present. The body of the lower jaw was markedly convex on the lower border, as in No. I752» A. N. S., and like this tooth retained an accessory opening to the outer side of the inferior dental canal. The genial spine was enormous and double. The skull can be regarded as an example of retarded development. It appears to have been arrested in growth at about the thirteenth year, when the second per- manent premolar should have made its appearance. The disposition for the right squama and parietal to be very convex is marked, while the correspond- ing parts of the opposite side are flat. The Effects of Disuse That disuse creates alteration in the bones is a statement accepted by all anatomists. The establishment of the initial loss or tendency is of importance to study in every instance, and I assume, both in the interest of the etiology FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE HAWAIIAN SKULLS of the variation in skull form, as well as in the more restricted problems of the influence of environment over the primary factors in the pathology of a race, that the following observation may be accepted as germane in a com- parative study of crania. T/ic Loss of Upper Front Teetli determining Important Changes in tlie Shape of the Skull Some or all of the tipper incisor teeth were found wanting in nine speci- mens,—namely, Nos. 1117, 1 120, H. U., 1749, 1755, 1757, 1763, A. N. S., of the cave, and Nos. 1957, 2088, 2089, A. N. S., of the coast series. It is evident that these losses had occurred at a time sufficiently early to permit the alveoli to be completely absorbed, while the remaining teeth were scarcely at all worn, and the sagittal suture remained open. In three specimens all the incisors were lost; in one the centrals; in two the laterals; three speci- mens showed loss of one tooth only ; in one all the teeth on the left side were wanting. The crown being removed, though the root remained in the socket, it was interesting to note the attempt on the part of the alveolus to cover in the root. In two specimens only (Nos. 1117, H. U., and 2088, A. N. S.) were the lost teeth to be accredited to age. I believe it is tenable to associate this peculiar condition of the teeth with the following statement. The natives of the Sandwich Islands were in the habit of knocking out some of the upper front teeth as a sign of mourning for the death of a chief- W. Ellis states that a front tooth was broken off. The loss of a single front tooth sufficed for an occasion of mourning, but the mutilations being repeated, few men were seen with an entire set of teeth (p. 165). According to S. Dibbles, " The people not only wailed, but shaved their heads, burnt their bodies with sharp, pointed sticks, and knocked out their front teeth" (p. 84). A similar account is given by W. D. Alexander. If the men deferred the operation, an oppor- tunity was taken by the women to do it for them while they slept. It is evident, from the fact that more specimens of the premature loss of teeth are found in the cave specimens than in the coast, that the chiefs were subjected to the same mutilation as the lower class. In a lower jaw without skull (No. 1773, A. N. S.) the right canine and the left incisor had been early lost. The changes subsequent to their loss had increased the interval between the right premolars by moving the first premolar forward while having no influence upon the second. This corre- TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER 44- HAWA1IAN SKULLS sponds to the statement made in my memoir on Florida Crania,' that the second premolar relates in the main to the molar series. The loss of the left incisors leaves an interval of but 7 mm., and is associated with the left canine moving forward. Specimen No. 1221, H. U., without lower jaw, male, estimated age thirty years, the individual had lost all the left upper teeth excepting the central incisor, which had been broken off close to the socket and was partly encysted in bone; the third molar had probably been lost posthumously. The alveolus from the central incisor to the molar series was hard, sharp, and thin, but that of the molar series was porose. The study of the cranium led me to believe that the loss of such an extensive series of teeth might have led to changes in the skull, which would correspond to loss of masticatory power on the left side of the head as compared with the right, the teeth being scarcely worn. The following comparisons were accordingly instituted. The face seen from in front exhibited osteophytes along the lines of the malomaxillary suture, and the suture itself was open. The infraorbital foramen retained an osteo- phyte on the inner margin. The suture between two parts of the maxilla in the infraorbital margin was rugose and elevated. On the right side of the face all these conditions were reversed. A hyperostosis directly back of the last molar on the left side, while there was none on the right. This hyperos- tosis as usually seen in edentulous skulls gave the impression that the retention in position of the last upper molar had not been sufficient to prevent the left side of the jaw undergoing the same change as though all the teeth had been lost. The left external pterygoid plate was much narrower than the right. The squama on the left side was provided with numerous coarse denticles at the posterior half of the upper margin. On the right side these were confined to the middle third, and were much larger than on the left side. Numerous details in the texture of the surfaces of the temporal fossae indicated that the left temporal muscle had been less powerful than the right. The part of the asterion into which the parietal bone enters was provided with harmonic sutures on the left side, while on the right they were coarsely lobate. When the skull was examined by transmitted light the left half was seen to be more opaque, at the same time several small areas on the frontal bone were translucent. On the right side the entire region of the squama was normally translucent, and no isolated translucent areas were seen. The surface for contact of the semiarticular cartilage of the left glenoid cavity was much smaller than on the right side. >• fty* FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE 45 HAWAIIAN SKULLS Making allowance for the difference the observer expects to find between the two sides of any skull, the contrasts noted above were of a kind and degree different from what is usually found, and in my opinion should be associated with the gross changes in the upper jaw in the region of the teeth. That absorption should go on in the maxilla of the left side is in full conso- nance with what is known of the laws controlling use and disuse. The parts above the alveolus no longer receiving the stimulus arising from impact and not yet entering into the senile state showed the effect of prolonged disuse. The presence of the osteophytes on the disused side is of interest, since it shows that they may appear under conditions of disuse. The small size of the left external pterygoid plate, the small impression general of the left temporal fossa, the harmonic suture at the posterior part of the temporal fossa, all show weakened left temporal muscle. Diseased Action caiising Disuse, with resultant Changes in Skull-form The result of disuse are beautifully illustrated in No. 1104; in this instance not from loss of teeth but from disease of the jaw. The specimen is that of a male, aged about forty years ; the right lower jaw exhibits a large mass of hyperostosis on the free surface of the right condyloid process,* which doubtless interfered with mastication, and notably on the corresponding side, as shown in the great amount of wear of the molars and premolars. Notwithstanding that the disease had presumably appeared after the skull had become mature, the affected side shows a number of characters due to disuse which are not noted upon the other. The infraorbital margin has a minute exostosis on ectomaxillary element at the suture ; the outer pterygoid plate is perforate in the centre; the parietotemporal line is more remote from the lambda than on the opposite side ; the lower border of the malar bone is thin. The great contrast between the external pterygoid plates in the above specimen is also a feature in a skull of the Princeton series (No. 6), forty years of age. The teeth on the right side are lost or worn down to stumps ; in other respects the series is intact. The left zygomatic arch showed the effects of fracture with displacement of the fragments. Correlated with these * Several examples of hyperostosis of the condyles are described by J. B. Davis s TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER 46 HAWAIIAN SKULLS conditions, the left external pterygoid plate is much smaller than the right, and the teeth on the corresponding side of the skull are not worn. The left maxillary sinus is open posteriorly and expanded anteriorly. The left orbito- sphenoidal septum is absorbed in part and the sphenomaxillary fissure enor- mously widened. The ascending process of the malar bone measures 15 mm. on the left side and 17 mm. on the right. The alisphenoidosqua- mosal suture remains open on the base of the skull, but is closed on the right. It is evident that a blow on the left zygoma had thrown an excess of labor in mastication on the teeth of the right side. They were, indeed, worn away before the fortieth year. The act of chewing, however, had strengthened the muscular impression on this side of the skull. From disuse the parts on the left side remained uniformly less developed than on the right. The asymmetry of the external pterygoid plates is marked in a skull from a dissecting room, in the collection of Professor M. H. Cryer, of the University of Pennsylvania. The right plate measured 15 mm. and the left 2O mm. in diameter. In addition the left extended to the spinous process, and was perforated at its base near the oval foramen. Coincident with the larger plate was obliteration of the articular eminence, a greatly reduced condyloid process of the lower jaw, and a relatively strong impression for the left temporal muscle. The skull was that of a nearly edentulous female whose sutures were closed, this statement even including the squamosa- parietal suture. The wear of the condyloid process is sometimes so great as to cause the expanded part normally articulating with the glenoid cavity to disappear. Such lower jaws really articulate with the neck of the bone, which is thus adventitiously converted into a condyle. In one specimen of the lower jaw, from a dissecting room, in my possession, of a nearly edentulous individual, the left condyle measured but 10 mm. in length and 7 mm. in width. In a second specimen the condyloid process had been worn away to the level of the beginning of the posterior dental canal ; the coronoid process being apparently elongated on the condyloid recedent so that it represents a height from the alveolus of 33 mm. In No. 1104, H. U., a markedly dolicocephalic skull, massive, had with prominent glabella a large outgrowth of bone, the result of arthritis at the right condyloid process, was accompanied with numerous minute changes in the corresponding half of the skull. The changes were apparently the results of disuse following the inefficiency of the right mandibulosquamosal articu- FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE HAWAIIAN SKULLS lation, and are as follows: the right teeth less worn than the left, the mid- temporal crest 53 mm. from the sagitta on the right, while, as it is 48 mm. from the same on the left, and the posterior part of the temporal right 41 mm. distant from the lambda, where it was but 22 mm. distant on the left side, a difference of 19 mm., thus indicating in low degree of development of the right temporal muscle, the right ramus of the lower jaw was 3 mm. narrower than the left ; a greater distance from the orbit to the alveolus at the second molar on the right side as compared with the left, 40 mm. on right 35 mm. on left; the right upper orbital margin was straight or nearly so, while the left was greatly inclined downward ; the orbital measurement on the two sides were as follows: right, 35h X 38"; left, 34h X 38". A distinct though small exostosis was seen at the junction of the ectal and endal tribu- taries to the infraorbital margin, while no exostosis was seen on the left side. While the greater measurement in the above enumeration was on the left side, the greater coracoid height was on the right side, the distance being 71 mm., while on the left side it is but 66 mm., a difference which answers pretty nearly to the amount of new bone deposited on the right condyloid process by reason of the old arthritis. In addition to these the left orbito- sphenoid was perforated at its pedicle. I am of the opinion that the exostosis noted in the above specimen on the weaker side harmonized with the appearance in the specimen No. 1121, H. U., in which similar outgrowths were noted in the infraorbital region of the weaker side, and the suggestion is received that in the skulls generally the weaker or less well-nourished specimens are apt to exhibit the greater number of nodosities or 'osteophytic outgrowths; this tendency is shown even in the crests at borders of some muscular impressions, as in No. 1761, A. N. S., a skull of light texture and thin walls, yet which showed large shelf-like projections of the superior semicircular line of the occipital bone. No. 1109, H. U., exhibited two small nodosities on the left side of the frontal bone in the temporal fossa, one being on the line of the closed coronal suture. Diseased Action Among the difficulties associated with craniology the changes of form, due to disease, holds a prominent place. No people, however primitive they may be, appear to have been free from these pathological conditions, though it must be said that the tendency is increased among the civilized. The TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER 48 HAWAIIAN SKULLS effects of malnutrition in determining the time of the closure of sutures; the inability of the base of the skull to resist flattening from the weight of the superimposed head ; the hyperostosis, probably rheumatic, as shown in the increased thickness of the cranial vault, are familiarly seen in every osteo- logical collection, no matter of what people or of what grade. Gross varia- tions, probably pathological in character, are of greater frequency in some groups than in others ; among these may be named the auditory exostoses so common among Peruvians and the islands of the South Seas, and the exos- toses on the inner side of the lower jaw in the northern examples of man in America. Among the appearances to be noted in the Hawaiian skulls are the following : osteoporosis ; ostitis and hyperostosis ; defects in maxillae ; pre- mature closure of sutures; effects of measles on the conformation of the facial bones. It has been already noted (page xiii) that the cave skulls were disposed to osteoporosis, minute exostoses, and arthritis, while the coast skulls were prone to effects of ostitis. Statements are here made in more detail respect- ing these conditions. Osteoporosis Two specimens, Nos. 1112, H. U., and 1756, A. N. S., were very light and exhibited the effects of interstitial absorption, with concomitant disposi- tion to superficial hyperostosis. In No. 1112 the process was less developed than in No. 1756, and confined to the region of the face. The turbinated bones were perforated by numerous foramina. The maxillary sinus on each side was inflated back of the malar process, both towards the nasal chambers where the outer wall was convex posteriorly, and towards the sphenomaxillary fissure, where the tuberosity was conspicuously distended and porose. While the age of the individual was not over forty years, the teeth were much protruded from their sockets, and the second and third molars were lost. A disposition to hyperostosis was co-ordinate. Ossicles in the facial suture lines were numerous. The process for the superior oblique muscle was prolonged, the exostoses on the tympanic bones were conspicuous, and the frontal and sphenoid bones in the temporal fossae were rugose. The alisphenoid at the level of the orbit was occupied by a large vacuity. The floor of the right orbit exhibited a large vacuity near the infraorbital canal. In No. 1756 the process of absorption was more diffuse, and had caused FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE 49 HAWAIIAN SKULLS the outer plate of the parietal bone to give way and expose the diploe to a great extent on the left bone at the vertex, in front of the tuber, and to a slight extent on the right bone near the coronal suture. The lambda was also the seat of a similar exposure. The alisphenoid, basiocciptal, and orbital plates of the frontal bones were the locations for numerous venous openings. Hyperostoses were present in the tympanic bone as it entered into the com- position of the external auditory meatus, at the lower orbital margin. The specimen, while not over thirty years of age, exhibited the teeth distinctly protruded. The frontal and sphenoid bones were distinctly rugose as they entered into the composition of the temporal fossae. The process of absorption shaded off, and, while detectable in Nos. 1760 and 1751, A. N. S., was not present in sufficient degree to demand detailed description. No. 1751, the inner wall of the right orbit had in great part given way, as well as the floor along the line of the infraorbital canal. No. 1760, a similar absorptive area was seen on the floor of the left orbit. The only specimen possessing a lower jaw was No. 1751. The bone was massive and exhibited a convex lower margin to the body. In No. 1749, A. N. S., about fifty years of age, the disposition to porosis was moderate in degree, yet the tendency to exostosis marked. This is noted in many places, chiefly in the suture lines of the face, the outgrowths on the tympanic bone in the external auditory meatus, the marginal hyperostosis for the origin of muscle at the occiput. A remarkable nodule 1 1 mm. in width at base was attached to the frontotemporal crest, near the stephanion. While these outgrowths were so conspicuous, the postglenoid process was rudimen- tary. The teeth were scarcely prolonged. Maxillary tuberosities were greatly pitted and rugose. The condyloid process had undergone inflation and sub- sequent wear. No. 2094, A. N. S., the skull was light, teeth unworn, yet the sagittal suture had disappeared. The sinuses of face were inflated. The pyramidal processes were of great size (see page 31). The uncinate processes were placed transversely to the axis of the nasal chamber, and conspicuous exos- toses were seen in the external auditory meatus. The sconce was marked with numerous depressions in the same locations as in the specimen in which this region had given way. The left side of the hard palate was remarkably deflected and had the best developed teeth, the second molar having the hypocone well developed, while on the right side of the corresponding tooth this cusp was rudimental. 4 TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER 50 HAWAIIAN SKULLS Ostitis Besides osteoporosis, the coast series showed many evidences of diseased action. Knowing of the terrible devastation to which the natives were sub- jected after European contact, it is not strange that the bones should in some sense record it. In No. 1023, the skull of a young woman, the turbinated bones and vomer were in part destroyed. The superficies of the face were covered with a new growth from the periosteum, the result of ostitis. The abrupt changes in contour of the sconce in many of the coast crania belong- ing to the Academy of Natural Sciences, the presence of node-like swellings, which are doubtless of inflammatory origin, give the impression that many of these skulls had been collected after the natives had become infected with syphilis.* The specimens obtained by Messrs. Sharp and Libbey at Kipakai appear to be free from syphilis. The only effect of inflammation being apparent in the bones of the nasal chamber. Hyperostosis of the Condyloid Process of the Lower Jaw retaining the Normal Division of the Articular Surface In i86/3 I described the variations in the form of the condyloid process, especially considering the degree of angulation, due to the wearing away of the outer half of the process, and the tendency for the inner half (being rela- * The following notes on crania which were collected after diseases of European origin had left their impression on the natives may prove of interest. No. 1860. Much diseased; ostitis of frontal bone; caries of the turbinals. No. 1863. Age, thirty-five, a good example of a dolichocephalic skull, with large prenasal fossa. Alveolar process diseased and prematurely absorbed. Central incisors lost, probably from caries. Excessive ostitis in right nasal chamber, involving the nasal bones ; the sutures in the orbits closed, excepting that between the ethmoid and lachrymal bones. The molars and second premolars lost and alveolus absorbed. No. 2003. Nasal bones almost nil. Ostitis of the bones of the vertex, evidently syphilitic inflammation of childhood. Coronal suture wide, low at stephanion. Lambdoidal suture very large, wide, coarse, and open. Wormian bones present. A rudiment of transverse occipital suture present on both sides. Marked symmelrical convexity seen below the frontotemporal crest. No. 2000. Nasal bones compressed, narrow, large, depression on left frontal bone apparently the seat of a syphilitic gumma. No. 1957. Much diseased, apparently from syphilitic ostitis; ethmoidal suture broad and coarsely lobate. Front teeth knocked out, probably post mortem. After loss of molar teeth, instead of the customary absorption of alveolus a hyperostosis set in. FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE 51 HAWAIIAN SKULLS lively free from friction effects) to extend upward and inward. In specimen No. 1749, A. N. S., the left condyloid process exhibits great wear on both inner and outer facets, at the same time indicating effects of diseased action. Notwithstanding the confusion naturally incident to these combinations, the inner and outer regions are clearly separated by an irregular fissure, thus demonstrating that a pathological process is limited to the areas which have already been determined by physiological action. See also page 46 for description of hyperostosis of the condyloid process changing the form of the skull. Tympanic Exostosis in the External Auditory Meatus Tympanic exostosis was noted in twelve specimens. Good examples are seen in Nos. 1112, 1120, H. U., and Nos. 1752, 1749, 1756, 1999, A. N. S. The specimens were equally distributed between the cave and coast series. In seven specimens the exostosis was confined to the upper margin of the tympanic bone as it entered into the composition of the meatus. In two ex- amples only was the outgrowth in the form of elliptical swellings in adjacent parts of the canal. It would appear, from this examination, that the exos- toses result, in the main, as outgrowths of the tympanic bone. Instances of similar tendencies are seen in the styloid process and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone. The conclusion that some bones continue to grow, un- less checked by pressure from an opposed bone, is a tentative conclusion. Defects in the Maxilla In two cave specimens, Nos. 1 124 and 1 1 14, H. U., the superior maxillae exhibited a peculiar stunting in the regions of the sinuses. The anterior sur- faces were deeply concave beneath the orbits. No. 1 124, H. U., aged thirteen years, showed the effect on the incisors and canines of an inflammation of the gums at a time before the teeth were erupted. In No. 1 1 14, aged eighteen years, the effects were less marked, though of the same kind as in the fore- going, though the teeth were well formed. (See description of this skull under the head of Premature Closure of Sutures.) No. 1860, A. N. S., coast, aged about thirty years, possessed a peculiarity similar to the above. The bones of the vertex and the interior of the nasal chamber showed the effects of chronic inflammation, probably of syphilitic origin. TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER 52 HAWAIIAN SKULLS Premature Closure of the Sutures The cave series exhibited twelve instances (nearly one-half) of absolute or almost absolute closure of the sagittal suture, while the coast showed thir- teen instances of the same. When the average age of the two series is borne in mind, it is seen that the closure of the suture tends to take place earlier than in other races, at least earlier than in the European. I was unable to give the condition of the suture much weight in ascertaining the age of the individual. No connection between the state of the suture and the degree of tooth wear could be ascertained. I am of the opinion that this tendency to early obliteration of the suture is pathological. On page 53 several instances are noted of the premature closure of the sutures of the orbit. Premature union of the sutures of the Hawaiian skull has been noted by J. B. Davis, who gives brief descriptions of some of them. OBLITERATION OF RIGHT HALF OF THE LAMBDOIDAL SUTURE. — The speci- men No. 1 1 14, H. U., that of a youth about nineteen years of age, is remark- able for the disappearance of the right parieto-occipital suture from the lambda to near the asterion. In the inner two-thirds of the line all traces of the suture are lost, the skull being as smooth as over the parietal eminence. In the outer third the suture position is evident, and at the asterion is open, a small Wormian appearing at the asterial point, which is not seen on the left. The left parieto-occipital suture is open throughout. The loss of the right suture is accompanied by a depression on the right side of the skull from the sagitta to the parietal eminence, but in all other respects the skull seems normal. The parietal bones retain the subacuminate eminence seen in childhood. The obelional foramina are absent on both sides. Measurements of the parietal bones in No. 1114: Right. Left. Skull Height and Bregmatic ... 126 122 Bregmasquamosal Length ... 92 90 Pterioasterial Length ... 97 97 Coronal Length 98 96 Lambdoidal Length ... 90 80 Sagittosquamosal Circumference over Tuber . 1 30 1 38. Bregmasquamosal " i'5 IO5 Bregma-auditory " " . 15° '45 FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE HAWAIIAN SKULLS 53 The measurements of the two parietal bones are in essentials the same, excepting on the lambdoidal border, where the affected side is 10 mm. longer. The circumference, however, often contrasts ; the measurement on the sagitto- squamosal suture being 8 mm. less on the right than on the left side, while the bregmasquamosal is 10 mm. more. The skull height is greater on the right side by 4 mm., and the bregma-auditory circumference greater by 5 mm. An Account of a Child's Skull whose Teeth exhibit the Effects of Measles on the Enamel : these Appearances being correlated -a'ifh Changes in the Facial Bones Six skulls of children are not accounted for in the above enumeration. In two of these the six-year molar had not been erupted, and the interfrontal suture was open. The remaining skulls (Nos. 695, A. N. S., 1680, A. N. S., 2096, A. N. S., and 1 124, H. U.) will receive some notice. The six-year molar was erupted in all, and the interfrontal suture was closed. With the excep- tion of 1124, H. U., which was about thirteen years of age, the skulls were from individuals barely twelve years of age. Still, the skulls as numbered can be compared, for the general appearances of age were in all much the same. The measurements of the facial region were as follows : Nasal Index. Orbital Index. kiterorbital Diameter. Least Facial Diameter. Great Facial Diameter. Face Height. Palate Length. Palate Width. 695 53 90 22 88 109 59 48 37 1680 45 97 2° 84 92 6l 43 36 2096 53 100 22 IOO O 55 47 34 1124 48 IOO H 69 91 51 42 3' It will be observed in these figures that the proportion of the nasal index to the orbital index in specimen No. 1124 is of higher grade than in any other crania. This can scarcely be due to age, since there is not more than a year's difference between the skulls. The interorbital diameter in this skull is also much the smallest of the series, a striking fact when the tendency to constancy of this measurement is remembered. The least and greatest facial diameters, face height, and palatal length and width are all smaller than in the other specimens. The acutely arched nasal bones, the ascending process of the maxilla TRANSACTIONS OF WAGNER HAWAIIAN SKULLS lying nearly parallel to the inner wall of the orbit, the deep recession of the anterior aspect of the body of the maxilla, the wide megaseme orbit, all indi- cate a pinched, narrow, under-developed facial region. Yet precocity of a certain kind is seen in the closure of the sutures in the infraorbital margin and the disappearance of the intermaxillomaxillary suture on the hard palate. Asymmetry is seen in a prenasal fossa, being confined to the right side, and a small pteriotic bone being found on the left, while there is none on the right side. What cause can be given for these features occurring in so young an individual ? And why should the oldest skull in a series of four show the smallest face proportions ? I venture to believe that it is to be found in an attack of measles, which has left characteristic impressions. The central in- cisors are pitted on the crowns near the cutting edges, the remaining single- rooted teeth are gibbous (i.e., abruptly convex at the base of the crowns pos- teriorly) : all the teeth are stunted. A wide interval lies between the centrals, and all the single-rooted teeth are intervalled on the left side. The interior of the nose shows signs of inflammation. The other appearances above noted are probably the outcome of the attack. It must be recalled that measles was unknown to the Hawaiians until it was brought to them by the Europeans. It was terribly devastating, the survivors exhibiting many evidences of the ordeal through which they had passed. It is fair to assume that the skull, so different from other Hawaiian crania of about the same age, yields the sequelae of a virulent type of the disease. Reflecting upon these features I was lead to ask myself the question, To what extent does the action of the exanthemata modify the skull in our own people? The deformities in the Hawaiian child were impossible before the measles came to the community of which he was a part. How many of the deformations of our own children's heads are due to the exanthemata whose ravages are familiar in the communities of which they are a part? To what extent do these diseases, caused by the operation of the law of transmission of acquired characters, produce a gradual alteration in the ethnic type which is unknown to the peoples to whom the exanthemata are also unknown ? Concluding Remarks In the study just completed I have described a new graphic method of collating measurements. I have endeavored to establish the proposition, that FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE HAWAIIAN SKULLS the differences between the crania called here the " cave and the coast crania," are not due to race but to methods of living, and in some degree to differences of mental strength in individuals. The cave series represents the dominating and superior type and the coast series the weak and conquered type. I have suggested that some of the contrasts that obtain in the proportions of the face of the crania after European contact may be traced to the impress made upon the individual by the action of the exanthematous diseases. I remain of the opinion that the interest attached to the study of the human skull is not confined to attempting to limit race, but to the study of the effects of nutritive and even morbid processes upon the skull form. LITERATURE 1. ALEXANDER, W. I)., A Brief History of the Hawaiian People. American Book Company, 1891, page 75. 2. ALLEN, HARRISON, Crania from the Mounds of the St. John's River, Florida. Journal Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. New Series, 1896, vol. x. No. 4. 3. ALLEN, HARRISON, Dental Cosmos, 1867. 4. CHAI-IX, ALONZO, American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 1837, vol. xx. page 43. 5. DAVIS, J. BERNARD, Thesaurus Craniorum, London, 1867, page 325. 6. DiHin.r.s, SHELDON, Travels in the Sandwich Islands, Labainaluna, 1843. 7. DuMorxiKR, Voyage au Pole Sud (Astrolabe et Zelee), Anthropologie, plate 32. 8. DWIGHT, THOMAS, American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 1892, page 156. 9. KI.LIS, W., Missionary Tour through Hawaii, London, 1827. 10. K.MEKSOX, N. B., The Long Voyages of the Ancient Hawaiians. Proceedings Hawaiian Historical Society, May 18, 1893. 11. FLOWER, WM. H., Osteological Catalogue, 1897, page 136. 12. FROMENT, Recherches sur plusieurs Points d' Anatomic, Paris, 1854, page 55. 13. HALBERTSMA, H. J., Amsterdam Verslagen, Akad., 1859, vol. ix., page 177, plates 1-3. 14. TURNER, W., Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 1885, vol. xix., page 218. 15. TURNER, W., Voyage H.M.S. Challenger, vol. xi., Report on Human Crania, 1884, page 62. 1 6. RETZIUS, Uber Schadel von Sandwich Insulaner Ethnologische Schriften, fol., 1864. 17. UHDE, C. W. F., Uber die Schadelform der Sandwich Insulaner, 410, 1861. 18. WHITNEY, J. M., Dental Cosmos, Philadelphia, 1893, page i. TRANSACTIONS WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE PLATE I. No. 1107, H. U. TRANSACTIONS WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE PLATE II. No. 1105, H. U. No. 2094, A. N. S. TRANSACTIONS WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE PLATE III. No. 1752, A. N. S. PLATE IV. No. 1752, A. N. S. No. 1749, A. N. S. TRANSACTIONS WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE PLATE V. No. ii2i,H. U. No. 1 121, H. U. TRANSACTIONS WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE PLATE VI. No. 1121, H. U. TRANSACTIONS WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE PLATK VII. No. 1 121, H. U. No. 1755, A. N. S. TRANSACTIONS WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE PLATE VIII. No. 1 121, H. U. No. 1 104, H. U. TRANSACTIONS WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE PLATE IX. No. 1 104, H. U. TRANSACTIONS WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE PLATE X. No. 1756, A. N. S. No. 1124, H. U. TRANSACTIONS WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE PLATE XI. No. 1114, H. U. 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