Arm Const. En3- Res. Ctr. MR 81-5 A Study of the Invertebrates and Fishes of Salt Marshes in Two Oregon Estuaries by Duane L. Higley and Robert L. Holton MISCELLANEOUS REPORT NO. 81-5 i E 1981 /o owt JUNE 19 DOCUMENT ) <8 conection J {97 > : S ‘ me OT eteaine 2 distribution unlimited. Prepared for U.S. ARMY, CORPS OF ENGINEERS COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER. Kingman Building | Fort Belvoir, Va: 22060 Reprint or republication of any of this material shall give appropriate credit to the U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center. Limited free distribution within the United States of single copies of this publication has been made by this Center. Additional copies are available from: Nattonal Technical Informatton Service ATTN: Operations Diviston 5285 Port Royal Road Springfteld, Virginta 22161 Contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents. M Wit MON 0 0301 00894eb 4 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) READ INSTRUCTIONS REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE BEFORE COMPLETING FORM REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER MR 81-5 vs: 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED A STUDY OF THE INVERTEBRATES AND FISHES OF SALT MARSHES IN TWO OREGON ESTUARIES Miscellaneous Report 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTHOR(s) 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(s) Duane L. Higley Dr. Robert L. Holton DACW72-77-C-0013 10. PROGRAM ELEM AREA & WORK U G31534 12. REPORT DATE June 1981 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 132 15. SECURITY CLASS. (of thie report) UNCLASSIFIED NT, PROJECT, TASK IT NUMBERS 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS School of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Ee N 11, CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS Department of the Army Coastal Engineering Research Center Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS(if different from Controlling Office) DECL ASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 15a. 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of this Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, if different from Report) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse side if necessary and identify by block number) Fish Netarts Bay, Cregon Siletz Bay, Oregon Invertebrates Salt marshes 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse side if necesaary and identify by block number) This study examines the invertebrate and fish life in the estuarine tidal marshes of Siletz and Netarts Bays, Oregon. Sweep nets, corers, enclosures, and clip-quadrat samplers were used to collect both quantitative and nonquantitative samples of invertebrates in level marsh, pan, tidal creek, and tidal flat habi- tats located in seven study areas representing various types of marsh. Fish in these habitats, as well as in a slough and in bay channels, were sampled by seine and otter trawls. Community taxonomic composition and trophic structure, (Continued ) FORM DD , nani 1473 EDFTION OF 1 NOV 65 IS OBSOLETE UNCLASSIFIED l SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Data Entered) along with fish stomach contents, are presented as relative frequency histograms and pie charts. Dominant invertebrate taxa in terrestrial collections were Acarina, Homoptera, and Diptera, and in aquatic collections were Capitellidae (polychaeta), Oligochaeta, Gnortmosphaeroma (Isopoda), and Antsogammarus and Corophtum (Amphipoda). Three-spine stickleback and young staghorn sculpin were by far the most common fish species throughout the marsh zone; juvenile sal- monids and other species were captured only in submerged level marshes and in a slough. Trophic structure of terrestrial and aquatic invertebrate communities was generally heavily weighted to detritivores and scavengers. The herbivore component increased from low marsh to high marsh and was the dominant trophic type in the higher vegetation (sweep net collections) of the high marsh. Araneae was the dominant invertebrate carnivore in the terrestrial communities. Fish consumed primarily aquatic animals, even those captured in tidal creek and sub- merged level marsh habitats where tidal inundation would be expected to make terrestrial foods available. The detritus food chain appears more important than the grazing food chain in the terrestrial communities, and transfer of marsh products to aquatic food chains apparently is predominantly through the export of detritus rather than by the direct consumption of terrestrial animals. 2) UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Data Entered) PREFACE This report provides base-line and food-chain data on the invertebrate and fish fauna of several marsh habitats located in Siletz and Netarts Bays, Oregon. The study, sponsored by the U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) under CERC Contract No. DACW72-77-C-0013, evaluates the trophic value of Pacific coast salt marshes to provide information for assessing the impact of Corps of Engineers projects on these resources in the bay areas and in other marshland along the Oregon coast. Results and conclusions presented here are those of the authors and are not necessarily accepted by CERC or the Corps of Engineers. The report was prepared by Duane L. Higley, Research Assistant, and Dr. Robert L. Holton, Assistant Professor of Oceanography, School of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, with the assistance of the following members of the staff of the School of Oceanography, Oregon State University: K. Chalopka, K. Jones, J. Morgan, J. Shaffer, and F. Stilwell. In addition, several students in the College Work Study Program worked on the project. Assistance in identifying animals and trophic types was provided by Drs. G. Ferguson, J. Latin, and G. Krantz, and T. Dudley, B. Frost, and G. Peters of the Department of Entomology; and by Dr. C. Baynes of the Department of Zoology at Oregon State University. R.M. Yancey and A.K. Hurme were the CERC contract monitors for the report, under the general supervision of E.J. Pullen, Chief, Coastal Ecology Branch, Research Division. Comments on this publication are invited. Approved for publication in accordance with Public Law 166, 79th Congress, approved 31 July 1945, as supplemented by Public Law 172, 88th Congress, approved 7 November 1963. A ’ D E. BISHOP Colonel, Corps of Engineers Commander and Director —_ CONTENTS CONVERSION FACTORS, U.S. CUSTOMARY TO METRIC (SI). I INTRODUCTION . Il DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA. iPeGeneralt Bel Orca § Barnabas 2. Siletz and Netarts Bays . 3. Bay Study Areas . . IEICAL METHODS. SO aky atlas Ss ley ca GEMS rail eaiesires went sce ae gp ker is) eee ste Neseinretie crayons col oleae 2. Invertebrate Studies. 3. Fish Studies. IV RESULTS. aa eens lee GEIST AMPS eree a theaiee Mist Prat) ier = ethan itces# ontircm Wrens ttenr Mr iiet) Mr oiaere aia 2. Taxonomic Structure of Invertebrate Communities 3. Trophic Structure of Invertebrate Communities 4. Composition of Fish Communities . 5. Fish Food Habits. V DISCUSSION . VI CONCLUSION . LITERATURE CITED . APPENDIX J ONG Se YN) tt A CRITIQUE OF METHODS. B TAXONOMIC LIST OF INVERTEBRATES. C TAXONOMIC LIST OF FISH . D INVERTEBRATE SAMPLE DATA . E FISH SAMPLE DATA . F FISH FOOD HABITS DATA. TABLES Salinity and temperature readings . Substrate characteristics of marsh soils. Description of sampling gear and methods. Occurrence of fish species in marsh and nonmarsh habitats Size of fish species collected in marsh and nonmarsh habitats . Invertebrates characteristic of terrestrial habitats. Invertebrates characteristic of aquatic habitats. Page PWN F&F 15 16 N7/ 18 LY) 20 21 ee. ZS 24 CONTENTS--Continued FIGURES Location of study areas in Netarts and Siletz Bays Habitats of the salt marsh ecosystem . Taxonomic structure of level marsh soil invertebrate community . Taxonomic structure of level marsh low vegetation invertebrate community... Taxonomic structure of level marsh high vegetation invertebrate community . Taxonomic structure of level marsh debris line invertebrate community . Taxonomic structure of level marsh submerged vegetation aighGroECUpCEhES CommMmomMeey~o G 6 5 6 6 6606 00008 Taxonomic structure of level marsh submerged vegetation IMEC OHNO COMME 56 5 6050050000000 Taxonomic structure of pan water invertebrate community. Taxonomic structure of tidal creek soil invertebrate community . Taxonomic structure of tidal creek water invertebrate community. Taxonomic structure of tidal flat soil invertebrate community. Trophic structure of level marsh soil invertebrate community . Trophic structure of level marsh low vegetation invertebrate community . Trophic structure of level marsh high vegetation invertebrate community . Trophic structure of level marsh debris line invertebrate community . Trophic structure of tidal creek soil invertebrate community . Trophic structure of tidal flat soil invertebrate community. Fish stomach contents from submerged level marsh Fish stomach contents from pan..... Fish stomach contents from tidal creek . Fish stomach contents from slough. Fish stomach contents from tidal flat. Fish stomach contents from bay channel Page 11 17 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 30 31 33 33 34 34 35 35 38 38 39 39 40 40 CONVERSION FACTORS, U.S. CUSTOMARY TO METRIC (SI) UNITS OF MEASUREMENT U.S. customary units of measurement used in this report can be converted to metric (SI) units as follows: Multiply by To obtain inches 25.4 millimeters 2.54 centimeters square inches 6.452 square centimeters cubic inches 16.39 cubic centimeters feet 30.48 centimeters 0.3048 meters square feet 0.0929 Square meters cubic feet 0.0283 cubic meters yards 0.9144 meters Square yards 0.836 square meters cubic yards 0.7646 cubic meters miles 1.6093 kilometers square miles 259.0 hectares knots 1.852 kilometers per hour acres 0.4047 hectares foot—pounds 1.3558 newton meters atAyares AON se 1073 kilograms per square centimeter ounces 28.35 grams pounds 453.6 grams 0.4536 kilograms ton, long 1.0160 metric tons ton, short 0.9072 metric tons degrees (angle) 0.01745 radians Fahrenheit degrees 5/9 Celsius degrees or Kelvins! 1T9 obtain Celsius (C) temperature readings from Fahrenheit (F) readings, use formula: C = (5/9) (F -32). To obtain Kelvin (K) readings, use formula: Ke ((5y/9)) (Ga =3)2) ap BI Salo A STUDY OF THE INVERTEBRATES AND FISHES OF SALT MARSHES IN TWO OREGON ESTUARIES by Duane L. Higley and Robert L. Holton I. INTRODUCTION North American salt marsh ecosystems have been intensively studied because of their high productivity and relatively simple structure. However this attention has been mainly directed to the Atlantic coast marshes. Prior studies have investigated community structure and popula- tion energy flow (Odum and Smalley, 1959; Teal, 1962; Nixon and Oviatt, 1973), nutrient pathways using radionuclide tracers (Marples, 1966), and faunal distribution (Barnes, 1953; Davis and Gray, 1966). Studies centered in the Chesapeake Bay region, the Carolina coast, Sapelo Island (Georgia), and Barataria Bay (Louisiana) have produced the following information on salt marsh characteristics: (a) Primary productivity is high (about 445 to 2,883 grams dry weight per square meter per year), comparable to the most fertile natural and agricultural systems; (b) little of the marsh production is grazed (<10 percent), most ending up in detritus food webs of the estuary; and c) the nutritional content of detrital particles consumed is enhanced by adhering decomposer organisms (summarized by de la Cruz, 1973). Because of the major importance of detritus food chains in marsh and other estuarine habitats, recent work has emphasized determining the rates and outputs of marsh detritus (Reimold, et al., 1975), and the structure of the dependent heterotrophic food chains (Odum and Heald, 1975). Floral composition and zonation of salt marshes on the Pacific coast have been documented (MacDonald, 1977). The major study of Oregon salt marsh vegetation is by Jefferson (1974), who characterized and mapped essentially all Oregon's coastal marshes except those in the Columbia River. Her descriptions of species composition and community structure, succession, and distribution apply to Washington marshes (MacDonald, 1977). Further description of marsh composition and zonation is provided by Frenkel, Boss, and Schuller (1978). They studied the transition zone between intertidal marshes and contiguous upland vegetation in Oregon and Washington. Eilers (1979) conducted an intensive study of the salt marshes of Nehalem Bay, Oregon. He determined plant associations and zonation relations, and measured primary production and detrital output. Net primary production varied between 518 and 1,936 grams per square meter per year. An excess of 90 percent of the intertidal net production was trans- ported into the estuary as detritus. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently studying salt marsh plant productivity in Siletz and Netarts Bays, Oregon. The EPA study is part of a larger program concerned with defining wetland bounda- ries, the reactions of wetlands to perturbation, and the effects of wet- lands on water quality (H. Kibby, Corvallis Environmental Research Labora- tory, EPA, Corvallis, Oregon, personal communication, 1979). Information on the structure and ecology of the animal communities of Pacific coast salt marshes is incomplete. MacDonald (1969) studied the local, seasonal, and latitudinal variations in molluskan fauna in level marsh and tidal creek habitats along the Pacific coast from Baja, Califor- nia, to Washington. He found Asstmtnea translucens, a small prosobranch, to be ubiquitous in level marshes of this region, with Ltttortna newcombiana (Prosobranchia) and Phytta myosotts (Pulmonata) joining Asstminea to form a characteristic Oregonian assemblage. Tidal creek mollusks were mostly bivalves, a Macoma-Mya assemblage characterizing the Oregonian Province. The number of species recorded from edch habitat increased from north to south. Level marsh mollusks fed predominantly on algae or plant detritus by rasping; tidal creek forms included deposit and suspension feeders as well as predators and scavengers. Whitlatch (1974) observed the growth, production, and seasonal abundance patterns of Battllarta zonalts, a small introduced prosobranch, in pans, tidal creeks, mudflats, and Saltcornta level marshes of Tomales Bay, California. Abundance was greatest in pans and creeks, but recruit- ment was lacking in the creeks which apparently resulted in the relative stability of the populations there. Influx was likely due to immigration from the pans where recruitment was successful. Two studies have been made of insect populations of San Francisco Bay marshes. Using a sweep net for collecting, Lane (1969) identified 124 species in Spartina-Saltcornta marshes. The majority of species were in the orders Diptera (flies) and Homoptera (planthoppers); Delphacidae (Homoptera), and Chloropidae, Ephydridae, and Chironomidae (all Diptera) were the dominant families. Cameron (1972) used a clip-quadrat method in a Similar marsh to study insect trophic diversity and its relation to resource availability (living and dead plant materials). He found that herbivore diversity increased with primary production, and that saprovore diversity increased during periods of detrital input. In general, trophic diversity showed seasonal patterns relating to physical factors and (more clearly) to resource availability. Cameron hypothesized that seasonal increases in diversity occurred as seasonal species joined persistent species in exploiting expanding resources. The only major study of trophic relations in a Pacific coast salt marsh ecosystem is the Coos Bay, Oregon, study sponsored by the National Science Foundation (Hoffnagle, et al., 1976). Short-term field and laboratory studies were used to measure net primary production, detrital production, decomposition rate, nutrition of key species, and the composi- tion of insect and fish populations of several marsh sites. In recent years, interest has increased in the role of estuarine food chains in the growth and survival of seaward-migrating juvenile salmonids along the Pacific Northwest coast. There is evidence that those juveniles which benefit from favorable estuarine conditions have a better chance at sea (e.g., Reimers, 1971). These fish seem to adjust their habitat and feeding strategies to exploit freshwater and marine as well as estuarine food chains while making the transition to marine life (Mason, 1974). The fish are found in some marsh habitats, especially tidal creeks. Dunford (1975) found juvenile,chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) and chinook salmon (0. tshawytscha) residing in sloughs and creeks of the Fraser River estuary marshlands (British Columbia) in the spring and summer. The salmon consumed a variety of terrestrial, planktonic, and benthic foods. Dunford identified 13 other fish species in these habitats. Junvenile salmonids in nonmarsh habitats may exploit marsh-based food chains. In the Squamish River estuary (British Columbia), Cliff and Stockner (1973) discovered heavy feeding by salmon on amphipods (principally Antsogammarus spp.) which are largely marsh-dependent. Juvenile chum salmon in the Nanaimo estuary (British Columbia) heavily exploit harpacti- coid copepods and thus have a food chain that depends on detritus from the marshlands (Healey, 1979). Although past studies of Pacific coast salt marshes have been limited, the data collected suggest similarities of structure and function between these marshes and the Atlantic coast marshes; e.g., levels of primary production, contribution to detritus-based food chains, and some aspects of community composition. Important questions remain regarding the value of Pacific coast marsh habitats and food chains for various fish species, especially juveniles. The trophic structure and function of these marshes should be determined, especially to evaluate the human use of marshlands. This study characterizes the animal communities and food chains of marshes in Siletz and Netarts Bays, Oregon. The objectives were to develop taxonomic lists, to characterize the trophic structure of marsh invertebrate communities, and to identify the principal fish species using the marsh and marsh-related habitats. In addition, food habits of these fish were studied to determine marsh food-chain relations. II. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREAS es General. Salt marshes of the Pacific Northwest are of recent origin and, in comparison to the Atlantic marshes, are limited in size and distribution. The steep and rocky coastlines of Washington, Oregon, and California restrict suitable marsh habitats to a few bays, estuaries, and lagoons. These marshes generally lack the thick peat layers which reflect long-term accretion (MacDonald, 1969). In Oregon, interglacial deposits filled river mouths, and post- Pleistocene drowning produced extensive tidelands in the northern and central bays. More rapid sediment deposition in the southern bays matched rises in sea level and thus restricted tideland development. All the 27 estuaries in Oregon are presently accumulating sediment. Fires in the mid- 19th century and the Tillamook fire in 1933, augmented by logging and other detrimental land-use practices, have increased the erosional sources of bay deposits (Jefferson, 1974). The climate of the Oregon coast is wet-temperate. Annual precipi- tation averages about 180 centimeters and temperature about 10° Celsius. The frost-free season lasts 250 to 300 days, and freezing weather is infrequent. Pacific winter storms accompanied by gale-force winds are common, but generally lack the destructive force of tropical and convective storms common to the Atlantic coast. Winter freshets in coastal rivers and the diluting effects of the Columbia River discharge may substantially reduce estuarine salinities. In light of this, Kistritz (1978) suggests that the term ''salt marsh'' may often be inappropriate in describing tidal marshes of the Pacific Northwest. Mixed diurnal tidal fluctuations result in abrupt changes of immersion and exposure times at about 2.7 meters or mean higher high water (MHHW), where mean lower low water (MLLW) is the zero datum. Below MHHW a distinc- tive salt marsh vegetation characterized by pickleweed (Saltcornta virgtntea) , commonly known as "low marsh,"' extends down to about mean lower high water (MLHW). Above MHHW, a "high marsh," characterized by tufted hair grass (Deschampsta caespttosa), grades into terrestrial vegetation at about extreme high water (EHW). Jefferson (1974) lists six vegetation types for Oregon saline-brackish intertidal marshes: (a) low sand marsh, (b) low silt marsh, (c) sedge marsh, (d) immature high marsh, (e) mature high marsh, and (f) bulrush and sedge marsh. One to seven vegetative communities may occur within each vegetation type. These communities and marshes form complex and somewhat variable relations with each other and with tidal level which Jefferson treats as successional. Three successional patterns occur, depending on substrate (sand versus silt) and freshwater influence. Lyngbye's sedge (Carex lyngbyet) is intermediate in all three patterns, widely distributed, and considered by Jefferson to typify Oregon salt marshes. Low marshes typically advance through coalescing colonies of seaside arrowgrass (lrtglochin maritima) or rhizomous mats of pickleweed. The lower edges of the marsh are also commonly lined with three-square bulrush (Setrpus amertcanus). Transitions from low to high marsh may be gradual or abrupt across an eroded bank. Tidal flat to high marsh eroded banks may be 1 meter high. Extensive diking, landfills, and other man-induced effects have significantly changed the marshlands. Jefferson (1974) states that undiked old, high marsh is nearly nonexistent in Oregon. Ze Siletz and Netarts Bays. Siletz Bay, a spit-protected estuary of about 4.8 square kilometers, is located on the central Oregon coast (Fig. 1). The bay receives runoff from the Siletz River and two creeks. The average winter and summer Siletz River discharge is 45 and 6 cubic meters per second, respectively. Logging has caused extensive sedimentation, and diking, roadbuilding, and filling projects have restricted flushing, causing tidelands to increase; therefore, the marshes are expanding. Salinity varies widely according to discharge and tide stage. During winter freshets, the salinity of surface waters is often less than 5 parts per thousand where the Siletz River enters the bay; summer surface salinities exceed 20 parts per thousand (Rauw, 1975). Temperatures generally vary from 7° to 15° Celsius (Rauw, 1975), but may exceed 18° Celsius in some habitats (Table 1). Netarts Bay, a shallow, bar-built estuary of about 10.4 square kilometers, is located on the north-central Oregon coast (Fig. 1). The bay has a very small watershed, which drains through 13 small creeks, and is therefore usually completely mixed and marine-dominated. Salinities usually exceed 25 parts per thousand. Bay temperatures generally reflect ocean temperatures (about 8° to 15° Celsius); however, temperatures greater 10 S 1 2 3 4 5 6 TUDY AREAS Low sand marsh Low silt marsh Sedge marsh Immature high marsh Mature high marsh Netarts open bay otter trawl Sites (indicated by~ ) Netarts low sand marsh seine site Siletz low sand marsh seine site Siletz open bay otter trawl OCEAN Gast) NE TARTS PACIFIC NETARTS BAY Sites (indicated by «a ) ewe 2) WASHINGTON E28, Netarts Bay — Siletz Bay — PACIFIC OCEAN CALIFORNIA SILETZ ~ MILLSPORT < SLOUGH SILETZ BAY Figure 1. Location of study areas in Netarts and Siletz Bays. Table 1. Salinity and temperature readings. Area Habitat Date Salinity Temperature C/o) (°C) | Netarts Bay | Level marsh 18 Jan. 78 Level marsh 7 BO. 7 Tidal flat 7 Apr. 78 Large pan T Nore, 7/3} Level marsh 7 yee 7S Bay channel 3 June 78 Level marsh 22 July 78 Level marsh lY Oces 7 Tidal creek ly Os 78 Marsh channe J Nov. 78 Pan 1 Nov. 78 Tidal flat 29 Aug. 78 Ge, eres i) 12 Noes 72 WZ Mores . V8 wie | 12 ime, 79 1 1 4 4 1 6 1 1 5 5 5 7/ 5 5 7 Siletz Bay _ marsh 18 Jan. 78 marsh OpKebe 78 marsh 6 Apr. 78 marsh 6 Apr. 78 Slough 24 June 78 Tidal creek Mk Apulbyye 73) Level marsh 21 July 78 Tidal creek AM Soy 73 Tidal flat 3 Sept. 78 Level marsh 16 Oct. 78 Level marsh WO Oees 78 Tidal creek AAS) /Noneo —/) Level marsh KS Noes 7G) Pan 26 Apr. C1 C CY SS) MW BH WW DS WM NN & Ww WwW HH than 26° Celsius may occur in the summer over tidal flats and marshlands (Table 1). Logging on the watershed from 1951 to 1971 caused extensive siltation in the bay, but sediment input now is apparently low and stable (Kreag, 1979). High and low marshes fringe the inner shore of the spit, and a large area of high marsh occupies the southern end of the bay. This marsh was once diked and used for pasture; however, the marsh has since reverted to nearly natural drainage patterns under State ownership. Sc Bay Study Areas. Nine study areas were established in the two estuaries (Fig. 1). Areas 1 to 5 were chosen to represent the specific vegetation types listed by Jefferson (1974), and were sampled most thoroughly. Substrate characteristics of the marsh soil in these areas are given in Table 2. The other areas are open bay and low marsh habitats, sampled once for fish. Elevation data for areas 1, 3, and 4 are based on nearby EPA study sites (H. Kibby, personal communication, 1979). a. Area 1, Low Sand Marsh (Netarts Spit). This sandy beach (Table 2) supports a mixed cover of pickleweed and saltgrass (Disttchlts sptcata). The lower edge of the marsh is lined with three-square bulrush. Inverte- brate samples were taken in the pickleweed-saltgrass zone (about 2.4 meters above MLLW), and fish samples in the three-square bulrush zone and the adjacent tidal flat (<2.1 meters above MLLW). A debris line of dead eelgrass (Zostera marina) frequently forms at varying levels along this marsh. b. Area 2, Low Silt Marsh (North of Siletz River). This is an area of prograding low marsh along Highway 101. The substrate in the marsh and the adjoining tidal flat is mud (Table 2). The lower edge of the marsh is composed of interrupted colonies of seaside arrowgrass invaded by Lyngbye's sedge, which is the dominant species at higher elevations. Aquatic inver- tebrate samples were taken in this transition zone which is characterized by frequent flooding, pools of standing water among the plants, and dense populations of amphipods and isopods. Terrestrial invertebrate samples were collected higher in the sedge stand. Fish samples were collected about 100 meters south of these sites in a series of small tidal creeks that extend from high marsh through the sedge community and through the bulrush community at the edge of the marsh. c. Area 3, Sedge Marsh (South of the Siletz River). This marsh has muddy soil (Table 2) with vegetation dominated by sedge, but floods less frequently than the low silt sedge marsh. Elevation in the region of level marsh invertebrate sampling site is about 2.3 meters above MLLW. A dendritic system of small tidal creeks laces the marsh and apparently receives some seepage through earthen dikes. A major creek (maximum 10 meters wide, 0.7 meter deep) dissects the marsh in an east-west direction. The channel is deep at both marsh edges and shallow at the marsh center. Therefore marsh drainage water in the channel flows in both directions away from the center. Fish and aquatic invertebrate samples were taken in various creek, pan, and tidal flat habitats, as well as in Millport Slough which borders the marsh on the southwest. All these habitats have muddy substrates. 13 “STeTIOJeU IeTIWITS pue *sTTeYys *S}OOL papn{[IUT SUOT}IeIZ STIQOp OY] + paystom -AIp 910M suUOTIOeIF [[e (Pp) pUe fsuUdeTDS LOJOWTT[IW-szZ1T°O pue *-Gz7°0 *-S'0 ‘-g°[ uo peAots-AIp SeM UOTIOeIF pues dy. (9) ‘(pnw = wu ¢90'0> ‘pues = WU €$90‘°Q<) UseTDS LOJOWI[[W-¢90°0 & UO PaASTS-JaM SEM UOTIIEIF JUOWTpss oyi (q) ‘(qJUowTpes = wu Z> “STAqop = WU Z<) UseLTDS LOJOWTT[IW-Z eB UO PaASTS-JOM SBM atdues eToym oyy (e) :itouuew BuUTMOT[OF 9Y} UT pessadoad oem soLOd oTdules, £900 > ScT°0-£90 °0 OSE-O-SGE-O 00S °0-0S2°0 00° E-00S°0 00°T< (ul) sseT) eZTS quouwtpes JUSUT Pas stiqoq (s eore) (vy Bore) (¢ Pvore) (z Bore) (1 vote) ysty oinzew | yYsty sini eUWT a3pas VITS MOT pues Moy $}IP1ON S$} ICON Z29TIS Z}9TIS $}1e19N *SsoqTS I . Sutitdwes ysiew TOAST 3e [TOS ySAIeW FO SOTASTAOOeIeYO oJeTISGNS “7 9eTqQe] 14 d. Area 4, Immature High Marsh (Netarts Spit). This marsh, located slightly north of the low sand marsh, has an elevation of about 3.2 meters above MLLW and is bordered by an eroded bank. The dominant vegetation is tufted hairgrass and Pacific silverweed (Potenttlla paetfica). The soil is peaty with an underlayer of fine sand (Table 2). A large pan (40 by 10 meters) retains tidal and runoff water during the winter and spring but dries up by midsummer. e. Area 5, High Marsh (South End of Netarts Bay). A branch of Jackson Creek, which flows directly into the ocean, flows through this 40- hectare marsh. The marsh is dissected by numerous deep tidal creeks with several openings into the bay. These creeks and the northern edge of the marsh have steep eroded banks. The marsh soil is peaty with a sand under- layer. The creek bottom and adjoining tidal flats vary from brown sandy mud to black mud. Marsh vegetation is primarily tufted hairgrass but the composition varies; some areas are dominated by Pacific silverweed, pickle- weed, rush, and other plants. The creeks are often clogged with rotting eelgrass. Several pans are scattered throughout the marsh. Those connected to creeks retain water, while others tend to dry out in midsummer. f. Area 6, Netarts Open Bay. This designates the bay channel and tidal flat regions in which otter trawls were used to obtain estuarine fish samples. The channels are mostly shallow, many of them having eelgrass beds. g. Area 7, Low Sand Marsh Seine Site (Netarts Bay). This 1-kilometer section of low sand marsh, located immediately south of area 1, is a narrow strip (about 3 to 20 meters wide) that is mostly vegetated by pickleweed. Plant cover is variable, and the shoreline is irregular due to erosion. h. Area 8, Low Sand Marsh Seine Site (Siletz Bay). This 0.4-kilometer strip of low marsh, located on the southeast edge of the Siletz spit, has high marsh along eroded banks. i. Area 9, Siletz Open Bay. This designates tidal flats and channels which were sampled for estuarine fish using an otter trawl. Selection of the study areas was partly based on EPA use of areas 1, 3, and 4 for their productivity studies. The intent was to establish site- specific data on the animal communities of marshes where the EPA studies were being conducted. The EPA work focused on determining primary produc- tivity and decomposition rates for selected, nearly monospecific vegetation types (pure stands) and determining the availability of marsh production to detritus-based food chains. The results of this work are currently being compiled (H. Kibby, personal communication, 1979). Initial conclu- sions are that primary productivity rates range from about 500 to 1,800 grams per square meter per year, with Lyngbeye's sedge having the highest productivity. Biomass of this sedge peaks in June-July at about 1,200 grams per square meter per year. Seaside arrowgrass apparently decomposes more rapidly than other species studied, and is the only species which showed evidence of grazing (probably by deer). The marshlands provide a variety of habitats and subhabitats whose properties change daily with tidal and seasonal conditions. Animal popula- tions respond with zonations and marked fluctuations which reflect life cycles, tidal exchange, and migrations to escape inundation. In this study, it was impossible to fully characterize these fluctuating populations over the variety of marshes and habitats studied. The approach was to sample the major habitat types in the marsh ecosystem (Fig. 2), and to collect comparative samples from other estuarine habitats such as tidal flats and bay channels. Extensive sampling was conducted in level marshes, the most widely distributed, and tidal creeks, the most likely contributors to aquatic food chains of the marsh habitats. III. METHODS his General. The basic objective of this research was to characterize the inverte- brate and fish life of the Siletz Bay and Netarts Bay marshes. Sampling, which varied with weather and tidal conditions, was conducted at approxi- mately 2-month intervals. The greatest sampling effort was made in the spring and summer. Most collections were either one-time surveys or repeated surveys as opportunities arose. The only habitat for which seasonal data were collected was the submerged marshes (invertebrate fauna). On some occasions, two work crews were used to exploit a brief sampling time frame (e.g., a single high tide). Table 3 lists the various sampling devices and their uses. Appendix A provides suggestions for gear improvement. Ze Invertebrate Studies. Aquatic invertebrate samples from level marsh, pan, tidal creek, and adjacent tidal flat habitats were routinely processed and preserved in the field using a 5- to 10-percent buffered seawater formalin solution. Occasionally, it was necessary to process samples in the laboratory after storage in an ice chest for a day. Such treatment had no observable effect on the stored animals. Except for terrestrial and certain core samples, all samples were sieved on 0.5-millimeter screens or were obtained with 0.5-millimeter-mesh nets. After several days storage in formalin solution, the samples were transferred to a 70-percent isopropanol solution and stained with rose bengal or a similar stain to enhance visibility of the animals during sorting. Samples were sorted, under a 3-diopter illuminated lens, to broad taxonomic groups, and later identified. Usually, crustaceans, polychaetes, and bivalves were identified to genus or species, insects to family, and other groups to higher taxa (order, class, etc.). When appro- priate, life stage (e.g., adult, larva, pupa) was recorded. Invertebrate classification follows Barnes (1974) and Borror, DeLong, and Triplehorn (1976). The aquatic samples varied widely in quantity of debris and number of animals collected. To facilitate processing, the samples were separated by stacked sieves into two size groups (0.5 to 2 millimeters and >2 milli- meters) or split quantitatively with a Folsom plankton splitter. This 16 Bay Channel Figure 2. Habitats of the salt marsh ecosystem (adapted from Ranwell, 1972). Table 3. Device Small corer Description 5.l-cm-diameter tube with handles 10.2-cm-diameter tube with handles Medium corer 15.2-cm-diameter tube with handles Large corer Small enclosure 27-cm-diameter by 30-cm-high plastic cyliner Large enclosure l-m-diameter by 1l-m-high canvas cylinder with lead- line and floats ; Aquatic sweep net 0.S-mm-mesh nitex Terrestrial sweep net |Fine mesh muslin 0.S5-mm-mesh nitex net on 12.5-cm-diameter frame Small drift net 0.5-mm-mesh nitex net on 25- by 50-cm frame Large drift net Clip quadrat 25- by 25-cm wooden frame within which plant material was clipped loose from the soil Common-sense seine with 0.6-cm mesh 3-m seine 15-m seine 1.3-cm-mesh body and 0.6-cm-mesh bag 52-m seine 2.5-cm-mesh body and 1.3-cm-mesh bag S-m trawl with 3.2-cm- mesh body and 0.6-cm-mesh cod end Otter trawl Description of sampling gear and methods. Use Quantitative infauna sampling; also sediment sampling Quantitative infauna sampling Quantitative infauna sampling Quantitative sampling of in- vertebrates of strand line Quantitative sampling of in- vertebrates in submerged level marsh Quantitative (with large enclosure) and nonquantitative sampling of submerged in- vertebrates Semiquantitative sampling of invertebrates on exposed vegetation Nonquantitative drift organisms creeks sampling of in small tidal Nonquantitative drift organisms creeks sampling of in large tidal Quantitative sampling of in- vertebrates on exposed level marsh Fish collection in small tidal creeks and pans in large tidal low (level) Fish collection creeks and over marshes Fish collection over low marshes and adjacent tidal flats and sloughs Fish collection in bay channels and mudflats process was especially useful for samples collected with the large enclosure in the fall when detached vegetation was present. a. Level Marsh. The principal method for collecting submerged invertebrates in the level marshes was the large enclosure (Table 3). It was dropped over a preselected sample point and secured at the soil by standing on the leadline, which closely conformed to the soil contours. The 0.5-millimeter-mesh aquatic sweep net was then repeatedly swept within the enclosure until capture rates were very low or zero. The animals and debris were concentrated and preserved. This method provides a semiquantitative measure of the aquatic and terrestrial animals found near or in submerged vegetation, although in a few cases it was difficult to remove all of the highly abundant isopods found in the low silt marsh (Siletz Bay) study site. Large enclosure studies were designed primarily for the low marshes although a single sample set was collected in the immature high marsh during an extremely high winter tide. Samples from the low marshes were collected on three to four occasions. Large enclosure sample sites were established where a stand of selected type of vegetation occurred in a reasonably accessible location. Each site was a 10- by 10-meter grid divided into 100 sampling areas. On each sampling day, four randomly preselected areas were sampled. Each area was sampled only once during the study. A similar sampling plan was established to study the infauna of level marshes. A plug of soil and roots 10.2 centimeters in diameter and up to 25 centimeters deep was removed at selected sampling areas in a grid (separate from but near the large enclosure grid). The plug was disaggre- gated by hand under water and then sieved on a 0.5-millimeter screen. Early results showed that the majority of the animals were near the surface, so later samples were only 5 to 10 centimeters deep. It was also decided that the few animals collected and the relative unlikelihood of their directly entering aquatic food chains did not warrant the time and effort required for extensive sampling. Therefore, only one set of four samples per marsh was collected and completely processed. Sampling of terrestrial invertebrates of the level marsh was conducted during low tides with the terrestrial sweep nets, clip-quadrat method, and small enclosure (Table 3). One set of samples was taken at each marsh. Collections were planned during the warmest and driest period of the year, but an unusually wet season forced the postponement of several collecting trips. The collections were finally accomplished during favorable tides and weather on 29 August 1978 (low sand and immature high marshes of Netarts Bay), of September 1978 (low silt and sedge marshes of Siletz Bay), and 25 September 1978 (mature high marsh of Netarts Bay). On these dates, the air temperature was 19° to 24° Celsius, the wind 0 to 16 kilo- meters per hour, and the sky sunny to overcast. All samples were taken at low tide. The wind was minimal, the air temperatures were moderate, and the marsh vegetation was slightly damp. Within each level marsh type, sample sites met the following criteria: (1) selected vegetation community, (2) uniform vegetational cover, (3) 19 level ground, (4) easy accessibility, and (5) no evidence of recent distur- bance. A 10- by iO0-meter grid at each site was measured and marked off by corner stakes. The terrestrial sweep net sampling method (Table 3) was adapted from Davis and Gray (1966). The net was vigorously swept back and forth across the upper parts of the vegetation through an horizontal arc of about 1 meter. Following each sweep, one step was taken and the direction of the net was reversed. Four samples, each consisting of 20 strokes (10 in each direction), were obtained, one along each edge of the perimeter of the grid. After each sample, the contents of the net were placed in a large ethyl acetate-charged killing jar and later transferred to a wide-mouth specimen jar. The samples were cooled in an ice chest for processing in the laboratory where they were then stored in a cold room until the damp and sometimes succulent plant debris could be removed. The insects were sorted and stored dry except for soft-bodied species which were preserved in 70-percent isopropanol solution. At each marsh grid, four randomly preselected points were sampled by the clip-quadrat method (Table 3). The vegetation was first clipped off 15 centimeters above the ground. The remaining vegetation was then sliced off at the ground level with a sharp knife and placed in a heavy plastic bag along with any plant litter that could be gathered at the base of the plant. Roots were not collected. Insects seen crawling on the ground inside the quadrat frame were also deposited in the bag. The bags were inflated and securely fastened to avoid crushing the collected plants and insects. The inflated bags were packed in an ice chest for transport to the laboratory. In the laboratory, the plant material was processed in a Berlese-Tullgren apparatus for 7 days. The insects were preserved in small specimen jars filled with 70-percent isopropanol solution. b. Debris Line. Invertebrate life of a 40- by l-meter (approximate) debris line in the low sand marsh was sampled using the small enclosure method (Table 3). Four randomly chosen areas in the line were sampled by pushing the small enclosure through the debris (principally eelgrass) and removing the enclosed plants and invertebrates. The samples were processed in the same manner as the clip-quadrat samples. All the terrestrial samples were sorted in a flat container under a binocular dissecting scope. Terrestrial sweep net samples, which often contained considerable plant debris, were sorted in a white enamel pan. Samples processed in the Berlese-Tullgren apparatus were sorted in a petri dish. Larvae and the animals less than 0.5 millimeter were not included in the data. c. Pan. Several samples were taken in pans in immature and mature high marsh using the aquatic sweep net method (Table 3). Some laboratory observations of living animals were also made. d. Tidal Creeks. Tidal creeks were sampled using small corer, large corer, and aquatic sweep net methods along transects in the mature high marsh in Netarts Bay (1 November 1978) and sedge marsh in Siletz Bay 20 (24 June 1978). In each bay, the creeks were sampled at equal intervals as measured along the curves of the creeks, using the small corer (four samples per station), the large corer (one sample per station), and the aquatic sweep net (one sample per station). The small corer samples were 10 centimeters deep and captured small surface crustaceans and worms. Large corer samples penetrated 30 centimeters to sample larger and deeper dwelling species such as bivalves. Small corer samples were screened on a 0.5-millimeter sieve and the large corer samples on a 2-millimeter sieve. The mature high marsh transect was 480 meters long and included five stations spaced at 120-meter intervals. Station 1 was located at the creek mouth, where the bottom is 28 meters wide and 0.8 meter below the level marsh. Stations 1, 2, and 3 were located below a dike, and stations 4 and 5 above the dike in a tributary creek. The creek at station 5 was 1.1 meter deep and 0.7 meter wide. Aquatic sweep net samples were taken only atmstacions Ie 25 and 4 The sedge transect was 400 meters long with eight stations spaced at 50-meter intervals. The creek bisects the sedge marsh, and drains in opposite directions from a shallow center area (station 5). Maximum creek width was 10 meters, and maximum depth was 0.7 meter (station 8). At station 5, the creek forms an 8-centimeter-wide depression in a sparsely vegetated, dark muddy area. Because of time constraints, stations 4 and 7 were not sampled. -Two small tidal creeks in the sedge marsh were sampled by aquatic sweep net on 6 April 1978. The creeks are about 0.5 meter wide and 0.5 meter deep and form part of the dendritic system that flows into the major creek. ‘Drift nets (Table 3) were set in the lower regions of the creeks in the sedge and mature high marshes to collect animals that represent avail- able fish food. Large drift net samples were collected in a small, den- dritic creek in the sedge marsh on 19 December 1977, and at the bayward mouth of the large tidal creek on 16 October 1978 and 26 April 1979. A “small creek was also sampled on 6 February 1978 using the small drift net. Large drift net samples in the mature high marsh were collected at a single location in the lower region of a major tidal creek on 17 October 1978, 1 November 1978, and 12 April 1979. A small drift net sample was obtained in gl. Smeulil qexelprceayy On WA ANorelil IE)/E)- e. Tidal Flats. Infaunal samples were collected by large and medium corers (Table 3) over 30- by 60-meter grids located on tidal flats adjoining the low sand (Netarts Bay) and sedge (Siletz Bay) marshes. The grids were marked at l-meter intervals producing 1,800 potential sample areas. Ten of these were randomly selected for each set of samples. At each area, a 10- centimeter-deep medium corer sample and a 30-centimeter-deep larger corer sample were collected. Medium corer samples were screened on 0.5-millimeter sieve and the large corer samples on a 2-millimeter sieve. Bo Fish Studies. Fish were collected with seines and an otter trawl from several marsh habitats and in the open bay of each estuary. A comparison was made of the species composition and food habits of the bay fauna and the marsh fauna. 2 | a.. Collection. Major collec bay species were made by otter trawl on 2-3 June 1978 in Netarts B: ind on 18 September 1978 in Siletz Bay. Fish were taken by seine lige marsh (18 September 1978). and mature high marsh (1 Novembexz | 12. April 79), and in the tidal creeks at sites which previous] snsively sampled for aquatic invertebrates. Also, floode 5 rshe 7 and 8) were seined for juvenile salmonids and othe species in Apa 1979..| Twenty additional seine samples were colle 3 creek, mudflat, and slough habitats. 7) ?] Only part. of the catch, was. gene; ¥ retained since the primary objec— tive was to document habitat u : x to specie td to provide speci- mens for stomach content analys: here large numbers of the same species were a eote in a, single haul al hauls, a subsample of each species representing : pectrum captured was retained. Fish were preserved in 10-pe 1 Ffered se ter formalin dnthe field's) the abdominal cavities of all but very small: fish were opened to allow penetra- tion of the preservative n the laboratory, the fish were transferred to 70-percent isopropanol for storage, All specimens were identified to species and measured for fork len b. Stomach Content / from a sample were analyze c were analyzed). ihe fash s size distribution of the stomach contents of 10 to 12 fash fish stomachs from 27 samples species composition and Presery Stomach content analysis invol the stomach and estimating stomach fullness, digestion state, bolus voi -, and volumes and numbers of the different food items. The analysis was made using a binocular dissecting microscope and a grided petri d SEStION S e of the bolus was rated on a scale of 0 to 9, base rey recosnizZ lity (i.e., 0 = nothing recognizable; 9 = totall zable). The volume (but not number of items) of unrecognizable items were identified accordi studies. das a separate atem.)y Prey a used in the invertebrate 1. General. Thewstructure oft depicted on a taxonom cases, the data are pr the trophic interpretat trophic type (herbivore, nonfeeder, and unknown) stomach contents data. cebrate and fash communities) is and then on a trophic basis. In both the form of relative abundance. For brate taxon was assigned to a Ly : AInivore, omnivore, scavenger, Fish trophic relations are: based on the Drift net. data were omit Wen ets presentation because of sampling difficulties (App. A) and because the aquatic sweep net collections in tidal creeks provided similar information. Appendixes MN mM B and C are taxonomic checklists of invertebrates and fish, re- spectively. Tabular summaries of the data are provided in Appendixes D' (invertebrate collections), E (fish collec contents). 2. Taxonomic Structure of Invertebrate Communities. Soil infauna, sampleca medi orer, was dominated by oligo= chaetes and several ! i 5). Ceratopogonid and chironomid larvae were especially abundant in the low marshes (sand, Silt, and sedge); mycetoph d dolichopodid larvae were most abundant in the two high marshes, \ had a more diverse dipterous fauna. Certain taxa numerous in the low marshes samples--Acarina, Isopoda, and the amphipod gene1 Antsogammarus and Orchestta--are epifaunal forms which were apped at the surface by the corer. Another amphipod genus, Corophiwn, lives in tubes both in the substrate and.on vegetation, depending on species. The dominant species in the marshes was .C: salmonis, which is an infaunal animal common in muddy | estuarine tidal flats. Its high density in the low silt marsh re- flects the fact that the samples were collected near the edge of a prograding marsh where it merges with a tidal flat. The fauna of low vegetation (clip-quadrat samples) included high densities of Acarina™“in all marshes (Fig. 4). Collembola were abundant only in the high marshes, Coleoptera and Homoptera occurred in both low and high marshes. The isopod, Gnorimosphaeroma lutea, was abundant only in the low silt marsh. The high marsh fauna in- cluded, four families of Collembola, two of Homoptera, and eight of Coleoptera. Aphididae (Homoptera) and Limnebiidae (Coleoptera) in- habited some of the low marshes The invertebrate fauna of the high vegetation sampled by terres- trial sweep net’ was broadly similar for all five marshes in that Acarina, Homoptera, Diptera, Aran and Hymenoptera were abundant in’all@marshes (Fig. 5). Hemiptera the low marshes were pre-= dominantly saldids, and in the high ‘shes mirids and pentostomids, although these were not abundant, The composition of the Homoptera varied among marshes, although Delphacidae was generally abundant. The dipterous fauna tended to be more diverse in the high marshes; the low number of taxa in the low sand marsh likely relates to the poor vegetation cover afforded by pickleweed and saltgrass. The fauna of the low sand marsh debris line was composed chiefly of Acarina, Collembola, Amphipoda (Orchestta traskiana), and Aranae (Fig. 6). This fauna differs in part from the fauna of the low vege- tation and high vegetation habitats of the low sand level marsh, although Acarina and limnebiid beetles were abundant in all three habitats. Collembola (mostly isotomids) were abundant in the debris line, but absent from both high and low vegetation. Debris line dipterans were mostly ao ne cha sate Ss contrasted with chironomids and ceratopogonids found in the low vegetation,. and muscids in the high vegetation. ctions), and F (fish stomach "pa}eoT pur OSTMI9YIO SSeTUN A[Npe ST 93eqS OFT] *quoozed [> = ‘umoys sojzep uo sotdwes oj.edt{det tof o8eireAe = U % “AY TUNUMIOD 94eIGOAIOAUT [TOS YSIeU TAAST FO 9A4n}ONIZsS JTWOUOXe] “¢ sAN3TY VudldId yd0d IHdWV zg, # ae OCC ileal Epa 2.8 a8 B shistieisisles! Gigi}! & Ppa Ba tafe bo fa balen Popa on fen ale | ES mag Sy ye 15 % =i —— 0 w/Z0S‘TT=u LIIS MOT ww ou z /tLL quedied ERNE ‘Ts u/ere Tsu quadied HOIH JaNLVWWI 0 o zu/09s ‘7=u quacieg HOIH JuNLlyW 110S HSYVW 14Aa7 rc) n vdOd01dId vdaodOTIH) Vala. LdONSWAH VAUVI VvadldId VAUVT Vus.LdOHOT EL VidaddI Wald vaodOuLsvo VIUVITIGUAL Vvda0dIHdWV VdOLVWIN VIUVGIND VLOASNI vdod0st * WLIVHIAI10d > | vaovnna * | avaNvav a VLAVH309110 quedlad wu ‘Te=u z /<2p ‘Te e461 Azeniqed £ 2/s08 Szau 8461 Ateniqay 9 quadled wy096 ‘6=U 7i87096°6 8461 Azeniqgey 9 w ‘you z 760° L 8461 Areniqey / w ‘psu z / £26 'b B46T Ttady 72 eames 10S HSUWW ‘13A3T HOIH TUNLYW LIS MOT GNVS MOT ERE HOIH JuMLVAWI 24 *pa}zeOIpur oSTMIoy}O sSseTuUN j[Npe ST 98e4S aFT] ‘JUoedTed [> = x “umoys soiep uo sotdues ojedTTder Toy o8eraAe = u *AQTUNWUOD 9}VIGSLSOAUT UOTIEIOZOA MOT YSIeEW TSAST FO 91njonNIIs JTWOUOXe], ‘“y oANSTY Vud.ld0d 109 Vuid.LdOWOH v108Wa71109 |AHAV.LS VOI ANd OWD.LNS z 5 z i Svd1waI0es LH AVGIHdv1dSd AVGTUNHLNIWS AvalUundod VG IGaNAIT AVdIdTHdv AVGISVHd130 SvdITIld ald 134dSNn SVGINOLOST SVGINIT. o cal avdlgvavd quedi8d GNVS MOT U/pysu z / ov m/Z1Z=u quesied quested Sc zu/oteu quesiedg 0/96 1=U quested zu/a0t=u NOILVLEO8A MO HBYVW 18A87 =) (= a rr) HOIH JaNLVWAI ga9d3S LIIS MOT HOIH JaNLVW VIdadIwaId Vvd0dIHdWV V108WIT109 Vvaodosi — : ge LE ] vumlara | vywaLd0a709 quacied wg, su z /00S 8/61 3sn3ny 62 | * 2/995 ‘Tsu (5) o qusdI3edg B61 tequieydes 7 quacisg 120/216 “gsu B61 taquieqdes 7 quapied w ‘7=u z /2SL°Z 8461 ysn3ny 6z 8461 sequeades sz NOILVL999A MO1 HSYVW 19Aa1 NYS KOT HOIH JuNLVWWI a9das LTIS: MOT HOIH Junlyw 25 0} dO¥CTHO avaruaanda FVGTuSONAWHES | . } “Vavarzsno19s SVGEHOHA ne36 | / VOLYELAOHIONOT DIPTERA OISEOLYOS (OTST IND u at i yGIRONOYIHD | _~ es | ay | | FVOININOAOLWAD phoned S| tes AVOIGOHOASA | | | AGI 1SHOSANHO fi 2 Tey] i Saar al [7 [eeutser2000 ea coor a ~~ ‘[avarnaviasa : ) t | SVOINDTAHSVIS — | TVOLISINALT COLEOPTERA SvGigwivo ggraloadsnn z oO = < = 5 5 a > = Co 2 = = = = =; = & Ey Syaidinay HOMOPTERA SyarT1aCyoI9 | 5 } i aS, | 2 | a¥o1d0owa9 9 a o ry } SHGMAN | } SAVGIHOLVLNGd Eee ly OES avar4IK ) & hat z SVGISVOAT Se eeneraeeed eS r T f Tifa SHAHN ayOIWOLVINGE ees Sa c Nee ee et AVMICIYS avOIaTyS | a 1 ~~ \igaiaroaasnn (pogeh c LiverT ca cals ee Torre ion emdenes asl vali ine R quedied = qusoied HOIH JUALVA HOIH SURLVWAT gods LATS MOT NYS: MOT 26 h 2 HEMIPTERA VuaLdONSHAH: i | [| WESLAIG } bs area 3 ¥ yusidod109 — a SS ! f Hirsh cohGs | Wug.LAONOH LEVEL MARSH HIGH VEGETATION co ny WdLd 1H ok 2 | C3) a] os ae & 4. 5 x | oS 3g, | WHSLAONVSARL © ao 3} its a ree cos w VUALAOHLYO at 2 a oS Sees 4 mo 5 € © | Fon 2, z = tar | = 2 YIOHTITOS re a o : 3 a ‘ E z se ” * “i yoOdIHAHY a & ss % 3 < * ¥aod0si x a n & } ty ' BOONE, YNIBVOY * | AVaNvuV: oat : rt [say wl ave eral iegs lait nash eee 3 qussi194 Cea 4099494 es uasacd es quested ells 4uaDz04 r=) HOIH JHLlyn HOIH Zufiveed 350aS nis 1 ONVS #07 tebrate inver dates shown. high vegetation Life stage is adult unless otherwise indicated. average for replicate samples on n= Taxonomic structure of level marsh community. B= and terrestrial forms (Figs. 7 and 8). Domine sarina in the low sand and sedge marshes, isopod i h, and dipterous larvae in the:immature high mars ) ‘haetes’ were moderately abundant in the low silt < sec ‘eC eee were fre- quently found inside deca) ion which made their quantification diffi cole rans ; captured from the submerged vegetation of the 1 were limnebiids, staphy- linids, and coccinellids. n the jature high marsh, carabids and hydrophilids were collected. It i: iteresting that the hydrophilids., which are aquatic, moved into mergence. These animals prob: bank habitats. Diptera of the vel marsh were primarily larvae psychodids, ceratopogor , and chironomids, with some variation among marshes. Homoptera, although not abundant in the Submerged marshes, was represented | ree families--Cicadel lidae; Delphacidae, the most abundant; and Aphidid is high m 1 during its rare sub- inated in nearby pan or eroded Aquatic crustaceans of the submerged level marshes were the amphipods Corophtum spp., Antsogamma: ‘ervicolus, and Orchestia trasktana, the isopod G. lutea, and the two cumacean genera, Hemileucon and Cumeitla (Figs. 7 and 8). Of these, G. lutea and A. confervicolus were especially abundant~in the low silt marsh. Dense summer populations of G. lutea swarmed in the warm water of llow depressions between vegetated areas. In the low sand marsh, large matics of talitrid amphipods migrated upshore ahead of advancing tides, seeking shelter in dead eelgrass and other debris. When this material floated within the large enclosure” sampling grid, amphipod. and other animal densities measured very high. 45> AGT Vad LdOHOTUL Vvudld0d109 xc | VuaLdONOH % | Vaald IWaH Wud. LdONVSAHL V108Wd1109 VLOASNI ydOdvO40 vdOdIHdWy VaODVULSO YNIYWOV 21 July 1978 16 October 1978 é * & Vaod0sI rs “s aS w o ~ a ~ & 8 ye | VEOVaIVNVL 2S 5 Qo tp fay cy = Bh x | Yaovnno oO ~ =] oN E-) c GB ¢ 5 aS 32 VaOVGISAN z7: £8 a lee gaye Shae as | Ya0dadoo = o n Z 6 - c a w > Fa =) VdOdOUHLYY vdaodOUwLSvo VLIVHI09110 VLIVHDATOd CAP GaP TAY TAP VOOLVWAN VINVITIE aL VIUYVGIND quadiedg CO G4 LIIS MOT qUusd10q °o GNVS MOT B quecdi98dg Ce HOIH JumLYWAT ques1adq o ERNE 50 AYV1 AUV1 n = average for rep- Life stage is adult unless otherwise indicated. AVGITIHdOLADAR WAUV1 AVOIWONOYTHD AGW AVCINODOdOLVYSD FVCINODOdOLVaD [AGVT AVOIGOHDASd AGT SVaIINdIL IAT Gald1DadSNn GaldID3dSNN 3VGI15HOSAYHD SVOI119NI9909 S3VOIHdV139Sd FVGINITAHdVLS AVI I@3NnI1 AVI TIHdOWGAH avdlgvavd SVAUVI a1 a1DadSNn a3 1419adSNn * = <] percent. LEVEL MARSH SUBMERGED VEGETATION 3VdIGIHdv avdISVHd1390 aVdI1190vdI9 dalaIOadSNn n=6/m PAVINSVYL WILSSHIYO SVOIMLITVL a £ NIOITAYRANOD S SNYVANVOOSINY 5 WATHAOHOD Taxonomic structure of level marsh submerged vegetation invertebrate community licate samples on dates shown. SORLIGAY Ga 1aIDadSNn | fry i quedieg ° LIS 401 Figure 7. TT a quasised ERETS 3 quaciag ° HOTH JWNLVWWI 50 ques10q ° QNVS NOT DIPTERA COLEOPTERA HOMOPTERA AMPHIPODA n = average for rep- Taxonomic structure of level marsh submerged vegetation invertebrate community licate samples on dates shown. Figure 8. Life stage is adult unless otherwise indicated. * = <] percent. 28 Several pans in the high marshes sampled by aquatic sweep net were inhabited by a variety of aquatic forms (Fig. 9). The immature high pan had large numbers of copepods (mostly harpacticpods), the amphipod A. confervitcolus, and oligochaetes. amphipods and oligochaetes; corixids, and ephydrid and culicid larvae were also abundant. Infauna of tidal creeks in the sedge and mature high marshes were Similar (Fig. 10). Oligochaetes, polychaetes, and amphipods were the most abundant forms in each creek. Capitellids and ampharetids dominated the polychaete fauna in both creeks, although spirobids and spionids were also abundant in the mature high creek. Amphipods were mostly Corophtum and Antsogammarus confervicolus, but included some talitrids and Amptthoe in the mature high creek. Macoma balthica, a small tellinid bivalve, was common in the sedge creek but absent from the mature high creek. Animals collected in the tidal creeks by aquatic sweep net were a > The mature high pans also contained mixture of aquatic and terrestrial animals also collected in large e closure samples and in creek infauna samples (Estar sIS) Bic enetory n- PAN WATER PAN WATER 1 November 1978 MATURE HIGH IMMATURE HIGH é 12 April 1979 3 S = oO n22,983 w S$ =< * e = ) z ==) 7 April 1978 & e x= e ° a & 8 a 5 n=1,080 eS a zi * * - x 5 m_ ee 4 “a = » | G21d19gdSNoa | Vuaidia x | VudLdONOH * | VLOISNI | | vaOd IHdWY > | Yaodos I VAOVGIWNV.L | vaovNnd | vd0dad09 x | YdOOVULSO n=38,298/m- > | YNIUVOV 1 November 1978 2 n=202, 205/m TIDAL CREEK SOIL 24 June 1978 VIATVAIG * | VdOdOULSVD VLAVHICDITO Co iy VI3VHOATOd | VOOLYWaN VALUaWaN %* | viuvaINno RB quesi0q oO 2 queoi0g ° HOIH JanLyW g9qgS AMPHIPODA average for Life stage is adult unless OIdSOTATULS n * | vuoaxodoanasa avdIauoulds Blo aie tebrate community. TIDAL CREEK WATER ii inver * = <] percent. dal creek soil 1 ted. ica tructure of t ind xonomic s replicate samples on dates shown. otherwise Ta * TIDAL CREEK WATER November 1978 n=477 21 July 1978 n=4,870 1 Figure 10. HOIH JUL VT AIT AVOL9SNN > | avaruannaa AYYI AVd1GOd0HD1100 >& | SVG1GOd0HOI'100 SVAUVT AVAUVT ODTAYZANOD SAXVWAVIOSIOY ValuOTd VINOSEOH xx YIOOINAIT SIHINVEN queoieg a ERNE Vvualdia Vue. Ld077100 VLOASNI vd0dv93aG Vd0d IHdMV ‘vdodOst VAOVOIYNVL waovwnd VIGSd YI vaodad0) VdOSVULSO VAUVT VIATVAIG VLIVH909110 V.LIVHDATOd VOOLVWAN VaLYaWIN VIEYCIND ‘ average for dult unless n AMPHIPODA Life stage is a tebrate community. <1 percent. POLYCHAETA * ted. indica replicate samples on dates shown. Taxonomic structure of tidal creek water inver otherwise Figure 11. SILETZ BAY NETARTS BAY terrestrial animals in the creek fell into the water or were washed in during tidal submergence. Diptera of the two creeks were quite differ- ent,’ being quite diverse in the sedge creek and limited to a few taxa in the mature high creek. This may reflect the comparatively large amounts of filamentous algae occurring in the sedge creek at the time of sampling. The algae appeared to have high densities of dipterous lar- vae and other taxa captured by the aquatic sweep net and the corer. The grapsid crab, Hemtgrapsus oreg was also common in the algae, og although it was not quantitatively Qu The infauna of the sedge tidal flat was similar in many respects to the infauna of the sedge creek infauna (Fig. 12). The tidal’flat is located near the bayward outlet of the creek, and both the.creek and the tidal flat have muddy substrates. The tidal flat infauna was relatively poor in Diptera, however, having only low densities of dolichopodid larvae. Other differences included a lower density of a burrowing cnidarian, and the addition of a sacoglossan gastrod, Alderta. The infauna of the sandy tidal flat located below the low sand marsh (Netarts Bay) differed from the infauna of the sedge tidal flat in having a relatively greater abundance of polychaetes (principally Haploscoloplos) and an Hohaustroius-Paraphoxus amphipod fauna, in con- trast to the Corophtwn-dominated fauna at the sedge mudflat. The decapod shrimp, Callianassa, and the bivalve, Cryptomya californica, an inhabitant of Calltanassa burrows, were also present in the sandy tidal, flats. sO Ga [an TIDAL FLAT sorL =) TIDAL FLAT SOIL 24 June 1978 2 n=4,333/m n=71,404/m- SILETZ BAY Percent 22 July 1973 n=14,794/m- n=84 ijn? NETARTS BAY Percent ‘Leal 0 dail ea ws w *_* 4 x < <'tat«< Blin L Ses sucs we sesesesede Sus a soe Bers Sees) ssn Begs 3/2 22268283 22828 2 ewe ene ie mom a GaP Ee) Rey Rses2@2 S$ & 3 Suse S02 abs 2 oss apse S388 5 2 83288 Sa88 5 — 3 28 FREE Ss 228 225 8S § = 8 a8 @ She Sas S = Biecies eS Baie shee ore SORSE eS et cel nears SSe2 8 2 2 = SS} gs & Ss 3a 2 8 & > an <= S= 9 Rite ZS 8 mR > POLYCHAETA AMPHIPODA Figure 12. Taxonomic structure of pan water invertebrate community. n = average for replicate samples on dates shown. * = wo > fo =| LEVEL MARSH SOIL HOIH JanlVW quedied HOIH FaNLYW p “cl = =} 2 quesIed So B quested o = qQued13eqg co ® quelled ° = HOIH JUALVWAI g9d3s LIS MO1 GNVS NOT i) (2) + cc o u \} 00 “d am) or 2) at (50) =. a op O-d 6 8 3 Se) * x [ caisrozgwn OO ’uadgaa4NON o o up 0 essa if) BES Ose * * 3 Oo 3 as) bs z BS & Dies oe = =a Of “ded =) i} o o i=} oo Y Cx) qusdIedg CD) quesied ta) quasie8eqg Cy) quedIeq one " 4 Oo HOIH FaNLVWAT g9qgas LTIS 461 GNVS MOT fn * Figure 13. 2S) = S = e 3° % zw Be Fy G3 i= = ape F | if ~ o 195194 co ry HOTH Suny (iss lse lien o quasI04 a 2 HOIH 2YALVAAT PUERR OPT ERGEES quosa10q LIS MOT Ruada0q GNVS MOT > | daTarogdsnn RECEEER YIONTAVIS > | FIOATNAO AYOATNYVO AUOAOLIYLAG JYOALS YAH structure of level marsh high vegetation Trophic Figure 15): <1 percent. co invertebrate community. yx [Oatatogasnn > | MAGaSANON Eg UIONTAVOS se |AYOATNWO | AYOATNYVD LEVEL MARSH DEBRIS LINE AYOAOLIULAG «ye | auoarauat queodied ° GN¥YS MOT so Trophic structure of level marsh debris line invertebrate community. Figure 16. ToD eG e Mitre J 34 (ca) TIDAL CREEK SOIL 4us010g HOTH SYN.LYA 50 qusodi1eg agdas * d@aTaToOadSNN YAdaTINON YAONFAVOS FYOAINWO FUOAINUVS FYOAOLTIYLAG TUOATAUSH Trophic structure of tidal creek soil invertebrate * =| >P > Ostracoda Copepoda Calanoida Cyclopoida Harpacticoida Cirripedia Balanidae Cumacea Cunella sp. Hemtleucon sp. 1, = adult, L = larvae, N = nymphs. Aphididae Coleoptera Hydrophilidae Limnebiidae Staphy linidae Trichoptera Limnephilidae Diptera Tipulidae Psychodidae Ceratopogonidae Chironomidae Culicidae Tabanidae Dolichopodidae Ephydridae Muscidae 44 marsh, used a clip-quadrat method to harvest animals from the total aboveground plant. Thus his method approximates a combination of the sweep net and clip-quadrat methods used in Siletz and Netarts Bays. He found that the orders Diptera, Coleoptera, and Hymenoptera con- tributed the most species, but that a pseudococcid homopteran was the most abundant species throughout the year. The dominant homopterans in Lane (1969) were delphacids and psyllids. In the Oregon marshes, aphidids, delphacids, and cicadellids varied as the most abundant homopterans, depending on marsh and collection method. Adult dipterans in the Oregon marshes were almost absent in the low vegetation, and both abundant and varied in the high vegetation, where ceratopogonids, dolichopodids and muscids were common (Figs. 4 and 5). Dominant dipterans in Lane (1969) were Chloropidae, Ephydridae, and Chironomidae. Cameron (1972) did not provide abundance information for Diptera. Davis and Gray (1966) used a sweep net to collect insects from the North Carolina salt marshes where the dominant orders were also Homop- tera and Diptera. The most abundant homopterans were cicadellids and delphacids, and the most abundant dipterans were chloropids, dolicho- podids, and ephydrids. Collembolans were concentrated in the low vegetation of the Oregon high level marshes (Fig. 4). The most abundant family, Isotomidae, also occurred in Lane's (1969) core samples but were not abundant in his other samples. Davis and Gray (1966) did not list Collembola as abundant. In Cameron (1972), a podurid was extremely abundant in Spartina foltosa (a low marsh), especially after high tides. Paviour- Smith (1956) indicated that an isotomid was very abundant in the high marsh zone of a New Zealand salt meadow which she sampled using a cylindrical enclosure. She points out that collembolan densities can be erratic due to rapid summer reproductive cycles and the fact that the animals float onshore with the incoming tide where they remain in dense colonies when the tide recedes. The coleopterous families Coccinellidae and Chrysomellidae were collected in the Oregon marshes (Fig. 5), as well as in the Atlantic coast marsh (Davis and Gray, 1966) and in San Francisco marshes (Lane, 1969). Paviour-Smith (1956) does not list these families. The mention of several other families (e.g., Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Curculionidae) varied in these studies, but there was no consistent pattern to their occurrence. Limnebiidae, abundant in the low sand marsh of Netarts Bay, was not mentioned in the other studies. Of four terrestrial families of Hemiptera found in the Oregon marshes (Table 6), Lygaeidae, Miridae, and Pentatomidae were described by Davis and Gray (1966) as the most abundant hemipterans in North Carolina marshes. The remaining Oregon family, Saldidae, was listed by Lane (1969) as occurring in the San Francisco marsh along with Miridae, Pentatomidae, and two other families not found in the Oregon marshes. 45 The order Hymenoptera was relatively low in abundance in the low marshes and of moderate abundance in the high marshes (Fig. 3). Few ants (Formicidae) were captured, even in the high marshes, possibly because of the small sampling areas. The majority of the hymenopterans collected were wasps and similar flying forms, which were not further identified. Davis and Gray (1966) stated that all the common Hymenop- tera in the North Carolina marsh were ants; Lane (1969) reported that although an ant species was the most prevalent soil insect in his study, several wasp species were also collected. Thysanoptera were common only in the high marshes (high vegetation) of the present study (Fig. 5). Few were identified in Paviour-Smith (1956), Davis and Gray (1966), Lane (1969) and Cameron (1972). Other terrestrial insect orders collected in the Oregon marshes were Lipidoptera, Diplura, and Orthoptera (Table 6). These were all of low occurrence in the San Francisco marshes (Lane, 1969; Cameron, 1972). However, Teal (1962), Davis and Gray (1966), and Marples (1966) indicated that grasshoppers (Orcheltmwn) may be common and trophically important in Atlantic coast marshes. The scarcity of orthopterans in Pacific coast collections may be both a matter of chance and the animal's ability to escape collection. However, large populations were not observed in the Oregon marshes. The high Acarina populations found in the Oregon low marshes (Fig. 7) have received little attention elsewhere. In contrast, however, Paviour-Smith's (1956) kite diagrams showed a strong zonation of mites by family, and indicated that highest population density occurred in higher marshes. Araneae populations were relatively low in abundance in the low vegetation and, except in the low sand marsh, moderate in abundance in the high vegetation (Figs. 4 and 5). Barnes (1953) provides a thorough description of maritime spider communities in North Carolina. A striking feature of the Oregon marsh collections is the scarcity of gastropods, especially in light of MacDonald's (1977) observation that Asstmerea translucens is ubiquitous across Pacific coast marshes, and that gastropod densities often reach several thousand per square meter. Gastropods are common members of level marsh fauna on the Atlantic coast (Teal, 1962; Nixon and Oviatt, 1973), although Paviour- Smith (1956) apparently found few or no gastropods in New Zealand marshes. It seems unlikely that gastropods were common in the Oregon marsh study areas, since several sites were investigated with varying techniques. More likely, these differences illustrate high variability in faunal composition. The fauna of the debris line (Table 2) on the low sand marsh is an interesting blend of taxa found in other habitats. Like other level marsh habitats, the debris line contained large numbers of Acarina and low numbers of Araneae. The collembolan family Isotomidae 46 was abundant, as in the high marsh low vegetation suggesting that the debris line of the low sand marsh provides a rich, but unstable, habitat comparable to the accumulated litter found in high marshes. Other debris line taxa were the amphipod Orehestta trasktana, found in all the marshes, Saldidae (Hemiptera), found principally in the low marshes, and Lim- nebiidae (Coleoptera) found mostly in the low sand marsh. Dipterous adults were not abundant; most were spaerocerids, which occurred in both high and low marshes. Several terrestrial taxa were collected from inundated vegetation during high tide (Figs. 7 and 8). Adult Coleoptera, Homoptera, Hemip- tera, and Collembola appeared in many of the submerged marsh samples, where several beetle families were collected. Limnebiid beetles were as abundant in the submerged low sand marsh as they were during tidal exposure. Adult Diptera were rare except in the low sand marsh. The data suggest that more active flying animals (Diptera) are less apt to be inundated than animals less likely to fly (Coleoptera, Homoptera, Collembola, Hemiptera). Opinions differ as to the ability of terres- trial insects in salt marshes to escape submergence. Cameron (1972) tested the response of adult insects to submergence in several strata of salt marsh plants during different phases of exposure and submergence. He detected no differences to the animal communities that would suggest exodus or upward migration on the plants. He did not provide the taxonomic composition for his samples. Since Cameron used the clip- quadrat sampling technique, it is unlikely that adult dipterans were adequately sampled. Thus, he probably studied the less active orders of insects, such as those found in the submerged vegetation in the Oregon marshes. The infauna of pans and tidal creeks include estuarine animals (e.g., Polychaeta, Amphipoda, Tanaidacea,Isopoda) and animals of terrestrial origin (dipterous larvae) (Table 7). Many of the taxa found in the Oregon tidal creeks also occur in Atlantic coast tidal creeks or embayments. These include Weanthes, Streblospto, Polydora, Hobsonta, Capitellidae, Eteone, Corophtun, Orchestta, Dolichopodidae, Ephydridae, and Muscidae (Nixon and Oviatt, 1973; Cammen, 1976). The polychaete, Hobsonta florida, is common on the east coast and is apparently widespread in the Pacific Northwest estuaries, where it has only recently been identified (Banse, 1979). The Atlantic coast tidal creeks apparently are inhabited by a greater variety of decapods, in- cluding fiddler crabs (Uca), the green crab (Caretnides maenas), and the blue crab (Callinectes saptdus) (Nixon and Oviatt, 1973). Only one decapod, Hemtgrapsus oregonensts, was found in the sedge and mature high tidal creeks, although it is possible that estuarine decapods, such as Crangon, Calltanassa, and Cancer, occur in other Oregon tidal creeks. Molluskan diversity was also low in the Oregon tidal creeks. Only two taxa were abundant, Alderia and Macoma balthtica. MacDonald (1969) found Macoma tneonsptcua (considered here to be synonomous with M. balthtca) and Mya arenarta in a marsh tidal creek of Coos Bay, a southern Oregon estuary. He found these species plus Macoma nasuta and Cryptomya caltfornica in Grays Harbour, Washington. All four species are common in the Pacific Northwest estuaries. Fewer species of tidal creek mollusks tended to occur in the Oregonian Province than in the Californian Province. These tidal creek mollusks 47 were not mentioned in Nixon and Oviatt (1973) or Cammen (1976), al- though both Macoma balthtea and Mya arenaria occur in Atlantic coast estuaries. The trophic structure of invertebrate communities in the Oregon marshes is strongly oriented to the detritus food chain. In the marsh soil, low vegetation, debris line, tidal creek substrate, and tidal flat habitats, numbers of detritivores and scavengers far exceeded the number of herbivores (Figs. 13 to 18). Only the upper vegetation sampled by sweep net contained a large proportion of herbivores, and this proportion increased from low marsh to high marsh. Herbivores were concentrated on growing plant tissues where their food resources are greatest; detritivores and scavengers were abundant in surface debris and in the soil where their food accumulates. Overall animal abundance appears to favor detritivores and scavengers and thus the detritus food chain. This is consistent with the observation that energy flow in salt marshes is greater through detritus than through grazing food chains (Teal, 1962), and that marsh plants produce sur- pluses of organics that are both incorporated into marsh food chains and exported to other estuarine food chains (Teal, 1962; Cameron, 1972; Eilers, 1979). As in other studies (Davis and Gray, 1966; Cameron, 1972), spiders were found to be the dominant invertebrate carnivore in terrestrial food chains. Few fish species were collected in the marsh habitats. Three- spine stickleback, staghorn sculpin, and fewer numbers of prickly sculpin (Cottus asper), coastal sculpin (C. aleutteus), shiner surf- perch, surf smelt, and chum salmon were found in the tidal creeks. In tidal creeks of marshes in the Fraser River estuary, Dunford (1975) collected juvenile chum and chinook salmon, threespine stickleback, and small numbers of prickly sculpin. In slough habitats he collected a much greater variety of fish, including juvenile salmon, starry flounder, threespine stickleback, prickly sculpin, staghorn sculpin, peamouth (Mylochetlus caurinus), squawfish (Ptychochetlus oregonensts) , and several species of the minnow family (Cyprintdae). Although the two studies agree that fish diversity is higher in sloughs than in tidal creeks, species composition tended toward freshwater species in the Fraser River sloughs and marine species in the Siletz River slough. Daiber (1977), working in Delaware marshes, and Shenker and Dean (1979), working in South Carolina marshes, observed high usage of Atlantic coast tidal creeks by larval and juvenile fishes. Their results emphasize the high diel and seasonal variability in catch com- position. Also, while more species used creeks in the lower more marine parts of the estuary, variation in use from creek to creek was high (Daiber, 1977).. A total of 22 species and 16 families of larval, juvenile, and adult fish used the South Carolina Creeks. Many of these are marine species. Based on Dunford's (1975) study and the Oregon study, the fish fauna of marsh tidal creeks in the Pacific Northwest estuaries are low in diversity and does not include large or diverse larval and 48 juvenile populations. The following explanations are possible: (1) The studies did not adequately represent the fauna studies, which may vary greatly, by season, by day, and from creek to creek; (2) the low salinity regime of the estuaries studied prevented the influx of marine species; and (3) the relatively simple and spatially restricted nature of Pacific coast marshes has not encouraged extensive exploita- tion of the tidal creek habitats by juveniles of marine species such as has occurred on the Atlantic coast. Dunford's (1975) study of fish communities in slough and tidal creek habitats of the Fraser River estuary provides comparative infor- mation to the Oregon study. Juvenile chum, chinook, and sockeye (Oneorhynchus nerka) salmon, which he collected in these habitats, consumed mostly aquatic foods. However, there appeared to be more terrestrial animals consumed in the tidal creeks than in sloughs, and more of these animals were consumed in late May than in April. The principal prey organisms were Homoptera and Collembola, although other terrestrial animals were eaten. In some incidences, terrestrial animals accounted for more than 40 percent of the prey biomass. The implication'is that the young salmon fed opportunistically on available prey, which included increasing amounts of terrestrial insects as populations increased during early spring. More insects presumably wash into the marsh-lined tidal creeks than into sloughs. In other studies of northwest estuaries, juvenile salmon consumed predominantly benthic amphipods (Cliff and Stockner, 1973), harpacti- coids (Healey, 1979), and a mixture of amphipods, isopods, dipterous larvae, and copepods (Mason, 1974). The diurnal variation in juvenile chum and coho (0. ktsuteh) salmon foods observed by Mason in a small coastal creek is an excellent illustration of the dietary flexibility exhibited by young salmonids. Other fish species in the slough habitat in Dunford's (1975) study consumed mostly aquatic foods: (1) longfin smelt (Sptrinchus thaletehthys)--mysids; (2) peamouth--cladocera and ostracods; (3) starry flounder--benthic amphipods and isopods, oligochaetes, polychaetes, and chironomid larvae; (4) prickly sculpin--benthic isopods, chironomid and tabanid larvae, and benthic amphipods; (5) staghorn sculpin--benthic amphipods and isopods, and juvenile salmon; and (6) threespine stickleback--chironomid larvae, oligochaetes, benthic amphipods tabanid larvae, copepods, cladocerans, and terrestrial insects. In the tidal creek, threespine stickleback ate copepods and amphipods, and prickly sculpin ate mostly benthic isopods and amphipods. In Siletz and Netarts Bays, small amounts of terrestrial inverte- brates were consumed by fish collected in marsh habitats, and an adjoining slough, and in bay channels. Amphipods, isopods, tanaids, polychaetes, cumaceans, copepods, dipterous larvae and pupae, and fish were the dominant food items. Thus, it appears that energy flows into the aquatic communities primarily through the detrital 49. pathway, where it is augmented by inputs from benthic and planktonic primary producers. This conclusion is consistent with the results of Teal (1962), Odum and Heald (1975), and similar studies of estuarine food chains. VI. CONCLUSIONS The structure and trophic relations of fish and invertebrate communities were studied in several marsh and estuarine habitats of Siletz and Netarts bays, Oregon. These marshes do not appear to directly play a dominant role in aquatic food chains of these estuaries. Fish diversity was low in marsh habitats (tidal creek, pan, slough, and submerged level marsh), although juvenile chum salmon, staghorn sculpin, and threespine stickleback were occasionally abundant. In other Pacific Northwest marshes, several freshwater species plus additional species of juvenile Pacific salmon occur. Fish in the Oregon marshes consumed minor amounts of terrestrial foods in comparison to aquatic foods. Only juvenile chum salmon feeding over submerged level marshes consumed substantial amounts of terrestrial insects and spiders. In general, these marshes apparently do not form a nursery area for a high diversity of marine species as occurs in Atlantic coast marshes. The paucity of marine species may relate to low salinity or to a lack of extensive marsh aquatic habitats. Detritivores dominated the food chains in most of the Oregon marsh habitats, although herbivores were dominant in the upper vegetation of high marshes. This overall emphasis of detritus- based food chains coincides with conclusions based on studies of Atlantic coast marshes. The study of Oregon marshes indicates that many invertebrate taxa are common to both Atlantic and Pacific coast marshes, and that there is a tendency among the marshes for similar taxa to be numerically dominant. However, enough differences exist in invertebrate and especially fish communities to suggest that assessments of the trophic value of western marshes should be based on direct study of these marshes rather than on inferences made from marshes located elsewhere. 50 LITERATURE CITED BANSE, K., "Ampharetidae (Polychaeta) from British Columbia and Wash- ington," Canadtan Journal of Zoology, Ottawa, Vol. 57, No. 8, Aug. 1979, pp. 1543-1552. BARNES, R.D., ''The Ecological Distribution of Spiders in Non-Forest Maritime Communities at Beaufort, North Carolina," Eeologtcal Mono- graphs, Vol. 23, No. 4, Oct. 1953, pp. 315-337. BARNES, R.D., Invertebrate Zoology, 3d ed., W.B. Saunders Co., Phila- delphalas Pa. 1974. BORROR, D.J., DELONG, D.M., AND TRIPLEHORN, C.A., An Introduction to the Study of Insects, 4th ed., Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New VOR, M9/S.> CAMERON, G.N., "Analysis of Insect Tropic Diversity in Two Salt Marsh Communities," Heology, Vol. 53, No. 1, 1972, pp. 58-73. CAMMEN, L.M., "Abundance and Production of Macroinvertebrates from Natural and Artificially Established Salt Marshes in North Carolina," The Amertcan Midland Naturalist, Vol. 96, Oct. 1976, pp. 487-493. CLIFF, D.D., and STOCKNER, J.G., ''Primary and Secondary Components of the Food-Web of the Outer Squamish River Estuary," Manuscript Report Series No. 1214, Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Pacific Environment Institute, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Jan. 1973. DAIBER, F., "Salt-Marsh Animals: Distributions Related to Tidal Flooding and Vegetation," Heosystems of the World 1: Wet Coastal Ecosystems, V. J. Chapman, ed., Elsevier Publishing Co., New York, 1977, pp. 70- 108. DAVIS, L.V., and GRAY, I.E., ''Zonal and Seasonal Distribution of Insects in North Carolina Salt Marshes,"' Eeologtcal Monographs, Vol. 36, No. 3, 1966, pp. 275-295. DE LA CRUZ, A.A., 'The Role of Tidal Marshes in the Productivity of Coastal Waters," The Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulle- tin, Vol. 20, No. 4, Oct. 1973, pp. 147-156. DUNFORD, W.E., ''Space and Food Utilization by Salmonids in Marsh Habitats of the Fraser River Estuary,'' M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada, 1975. EDWARDS, T.D., DUKES, J.C., and AXTELL, R.C., '"'Soilwashing Apparatus for Recovery of Tabanid Larvae and Other Invertebrates," Journal of the Georgta Entomologteal Soctety, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1974, pp. 32-35. EILERS, H.P., "Production Ecology in an Oregon Coastal Salt Marsh," Estuartne and Coastal Marine Seience, Vol. 8, May 1979, pp. 399-410. 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ODUM, W.E., and HEALD, E.J., ''The Detritus-Based Food Web of an Estuarine Mangrove Community," Estuarine Research, L.E. Cronin, ed., Vol. 1, Academic Press, New York, 1975, pp. 265-286. PAVIOUR-SMITH, K., "The Biotic Community of a Salt Meadow in New Zealand," Transactions of the Royal Soctety of New Zealand, Wellington, Vol. 335 Pee SG, dais OSG, jo, SAS=S554, j RANWELL, D.S., Ecology of Salt Marshes and Sand Dunes, Chapman and Hall, Ltd., London, England, 1972. RAUW, C.I., ''Seasonal Variations of Tidal Dynamics, Water Quality, and Sediments in the Siletz Estuary," M.Sc. Thesis, Oregon State Univer- sity, Corvallis, Oreg., 1975. : REIMERS, P.E., "The Length of Residence of Juvenile Fall Chinook Salmon in Sixes River, Oregon,'' Ph.D. Thesis, Oregon State University, Comyalisis., Oreeos U97/ils REIMOLD, R.J., et al., "Detritus Production in Coastal Georgia Salt Marshes," Estuarine Research, L.E. Cronin, ed., Vol. 1, Academic Press, New Youk, 1975, pp. 217-228. SHENKER, J.M,, and DEAN, J.M., ''The Utilization of an Intertidal Salt Marsh Creek by Larval and Juvenile Fishes: Abundance, Diversity and Temporal Variation," Estuaries, Vol. 2, No. 3, Sept. 1979, pp. 154-163. TEAL, J.M., "Energy Flow in the Salt Marsh Ecosystem of Georgia," Ecology, Vol. 43, No. 4, 1962, pp. 614-624. WALL, W.J., Jr., ''The Intertidal Sand and Salt Marsh Invertebrate Fauna Associated with the Bloodsucking Diptera of Cape Cod, Massachusetts,"' Envtronmental Entomology, Vol. 2, Aug. 1973, pp. 681-684. WHITLACH, R.B., "Studies on the Population Ecology of the Salt Marsh Gastrop Batillarta zonalis,"' Veltger, Vol. 17, No. 1, July 1974, pp. 47-55. D8) Jai mye rn APPENDIX A CRITIQUE OF METHODS An adequate study of faunal seasonality requires site-intensive study with summer sampling at 1- or 2-week intervals, a schedule beyond the resources of this study. Travel among the study areas was time- consuming and the number of habitats under study was large. These factors combined with weather and tidal patterns to prevent an adequate study of seasonality. In retrospect, effort should have been concentrated in fewer visits so that the survey aspects could have been emphasized and thus provide a more evenly distributed data base covering the various habitats. Of the sampling methods used, only the corer samples provided quantitative estimates of animal abundance. The enclosure and clip- quadrat samples were semiquantitative; terrestrial sweep net, drift net, seine, and aquatic sweep net samples provided estimates of relative abundance. Because of these varying characteristics, com- parisons among habitats and samplers have necessarily emphasized relative rather than absolute abundance. The large enclosure method could be made more quantitative by using a device which severs the enclosed vegetation, which could then be rinsed in a dilute formalin solution to remove attached animal life. This method, as with the one used here, does not account for organisms such as oligochaetes and insects which live within living and dead plant tissues and are likely important factors in detrital and grazing food chains. The enclosure apparently could be smaller than the l-meter diameter used, since sample counts in some cases exceeded several thousand for dominant species. However, this decision should consider the fact that sample counts varied greatly according to season and site. Based on the low sample counts obtained for level marsh infauna, a larger sampler than the 918-centimeter-diameter corer used would be desirable, although core depths apparently can be limited to about 5 centimeters. This assumes first that the study of this fauna is warranted, and second that an efficient method for separating animals from the soil is available. The silty soils of Siletz Bay were compacted and root-bound and thus resistant to simple methods of animal extraction such as provided by the Berlese funnel. The mostly sandy and peaty nature of soils at Netarts study sites likely would have allowed use of the Berlese funnel, although such use would have created differences of methodology between the two bays. Other methods tend to be time-consuming, arduous, or selective for certain taxa, and also may require special washing racks (Edwards, Dukes, and Axtell, 1974; Kline, Dukes, and Axtell, 1975). Measurements of invertebrate drift in tidal channels were non- quantitative principally because water speeds were too low to operate the net flow meter (General Oceanics Model 2030). -Use of a more sensitive meter or direct measurement of waterflow rate appears necessary if drift is to be quantified. Quantification of fish populations in tidal creeks apparently can be approached through use of nets described by Shenker and Dean (1979). 55. Phylum Protozoa APPENDIX B TAXONOMIC LIST OF INVERTEBRATES Subphylum Sarcomastigophora Class Rhizopodea Order Foraminifera Phylum Cnidaria Class Anthozoa Subclass Zoantharia Order Actinaria Phylum Platyhelminthes Class Turbellaria _ Class Trematoda Phylum Nemertea Phylum Nematoda Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Halacampa (7?) sp. Order Orbiniida Family Orbiniidae Haploscoloplos sp. Order Spinoida Family Spionidae Polydora sp. Pseudopolydora sp. Pygospto sp. Streblospto sp. Order Capitellida Family Capitellidae Order Phyllodocida Family Glyceridae Glycera sp. Family Nereidae Neanthes lirntcola Family Phyllodocidae Eteone sp. Order Eunicida Family Arabellidae Order Terebellida Family Ampharetidae Hobsonta florida Family Terebellidae Amaeana sp. Order Sabellida Class Oligochaeta Phylum Mollusca Class Gastropoda Family Spirorbidae Subclass Opisthobranchia Order Class Bivalvia Order Order Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Chelicerata Class Arachnida Order Order Order Subphylum Mandibulata Class Crustacea Sacoglossa Alderta (?) sp. Myoida Family Myidae Cryptomya caltfornica Veneroida Family Tellenidae Macoma balthica Pseudoscorpiones Aranae Acarina Subclass Branchiopoda Order Diplostraca Suborder Cladocera Family Polyphemidae Subclass Ostracoda Subclass Copepoda Order Order Order Subclass Cirripedia Order Podon sp. Evadne sp. Calanoida Cyclopoida Harpacticoida Thoracica Suborder Balanomorpha Family Balanidae 56 Subclass Malacostraca Superorder Peracarida Order Mysidacea Family Mysidae Neomysts mercedis Order Cumacea Family Nannastacidae Cumella sp. Family Hemileuconidae Hemileucon sp. Order Tanaidacea Family Tanaidae Pancolus sp. Family Paratanaidae Leptochelta sp. Order Isopoda Suborder Flabellifera Family Sphaeromatidae Gnorimosphaeroma lutea Suborder Valvifera Family Idoteidae Idotea fewkest Idotea resecata Suborder Oniscoidea Family Ligiidae Ligtdiun gracilis Family Oniscidae Porcellto scaber Order Amphipoda Suborder Gammaridea ° Family Ampithoidae Ampithoe sp. Family Corophiidae Corophiun sp. Family Gammaridae Anisogammarus confervicolus Family Haustoriidae Eohaustorius sp. Family Phoxocephalidae Paraphoxus sp. Family Talitridae Orchestia traskiana Suborder Caprellidea Family Caprellidae Superorder Eucarida Order Decapoda Suborder Natantia Family Crangonidae Crangon franciscorun Crangon nigricauda Family Pandalidae Pandalus danae Suborder Reptantia Family Callianassidae Family Paguridae Family Cancridae Cancer magister Cancer productus Family Grapsidae Hemigrapsus oregonensts Family Majidae Pugettta producta Class Insecta Subclass Apterygota Order Collembola Family Entomobryidae Family Isotomidae Family Onychiuridae Family Poduridae Family Sminthuridae Order Diplura Order Odonata Suborder Anisoptera Order Orthoptera Order Thysanoptera Order Hemiptera Suborder Amphibicorizae Family Saldidae Suborder Geocorizae Family Lygaeidae Family Miridae Family Pentatomidae Suborder Hydrocorizae Family Corixidae Order Homoptera Suborder Auchenorrhyncha Family Cercopidae Family Cicadellidae Family Delphacidae Suborder Sternorrhyncha Family Aphididae Order Coleoptera Suborder Adephaga Family Carabidae Suborder Polyphaga Family Hydrophilidae Family Limnebiidae Family Staphylinidae Family Silphidae Family Pselaphidae Family Ptiliidae Family Heteroceridae Family Coccinellidae Family Corylophidae Family Chrysomelidae Order Trichoptera Family Limnephilidae Order Lepidoptera Suborder Frenatae Family Pyralidae Order Diptera Suborder Nematocera Family Tipulidae Family Psychodidae Family Ceratopogonidae Family Chironomidae Family Culicidae Family Mycetophilidae Family Scatopsidae Family Sciaridae Family Cecidomyiidae Family Stratiomyidae Family Tabanidae Family Dolichopodidae Suborder Cyclorrhapha Family Longchopteridae Family Phoridae Family Syrphidae Family Sepsidae Family Sciomyzidae Family Sphaeroceridae Family Ephydridae Family Chloropidae Family Muscidae Order Hymenoptera Suborder Apocrita Family Formicidae Class Chilopoda Class Diplopoda Phylum Echinodermata Class Stelleroidea Subclass Asterbdidea Order Forcipulatida Leptasterias hexractis Family Ammodytidae Atherinidae Bothidae Cottidae Cottidae Cottidae Cottidae Cottidae Embiotocidae Embiotocidae Engraulidadae Gadidae Gasterosteidae Gasterosteidae Hexagrammidae Hexagrammidae Osmeridae Pholidae Pleuronectidae Pleuronectidae Pleuronectidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Scorpaenidae Stichaetidae Syngnathidae APPENDIX C TAXANOMIC LIST OF FISH Scientific Name Ammodytes hexapterus Athertnops affints Cithartehthys sttgmaeus Leptocottus armatus Enophrys btson Scorpaentchthys marmoratus Cottus asper Cottus aleuttcus Cymatogaster aggregata Phanerodon fureatus Engraults mordax Mtcrogadus proximus Aulorhynehus flavtdus Gasterosteus aculeatus Ophtodon elongatus Hexagranmos decagramnus _Hypomesus prettosus Pholts ornata Plattchthys stellatus Parophrys vetulus Psetttchthys melanostictus Oneorhynechus keta Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Salmo gatrdnerit Sebastes spp Iumpenus sagttta Syngnathus Leptornychus 58 Common Name Pacific Sandlance Topsmelt Speckled Sanddab Staghorn Sculpin Buffalo Sculpin Cabezon Prickly Sculpin Coastal Sculpin Shiner Surfperch White Surfperch Northern Anchovy Pacific Tomcod Tubesnout Threespine Stickleback Lingcod Kelp Greenling Surf Smelt Saddleback Gunnel Starry Flounder English Sole Sand Sole Chum Salmon Chinook Salmon Steelhead Trout Rockfish spp Snake Prickleback Bay Pipefish APPENDIX D INVERTEBRATE SAMPLE DATA Abbreviations used for gear in this appendix are AN = aquatic sweep net CQ = clip-quadrat LC = large corer LD = large drift net LE = large enclosure MC = medium corer SC = small corer SD = small drift net SE = small enclosure TN = terrestrial sweep net 99 Table D-1. Density (number per square meter) of infauna captured by MC in the exposed level marsh of the low sand area, 7 February 1978. The samples were 20 centimeters deep. L_SANC L_SAND LU SAND L_SANO RAP LER WS i GE aa CB an RCI ae SAMPLE p015 0023 «= 0048 «=S 5 TAXON LIFE STAGE MEAN (SOD INVERTESRATES POLYCHAETA : AMPHERETIOAE SPP AOULTS 123 30.84 5304) MeO CGENAETA spP ADULTS 370 2960 2220 2467 2004.46 980.5) A CAS TRSTROPOOA SPP ADULTS 267 370 154.2 16062) MRA OAREAE SPP ACULTS 247 123 3205 10223) AeA AE ARINA SPP ADULTS 4317 2837 6908 247 3577020 2412.6) MACEA oe COmELLA SPP AOULTS 123 740 215.9( 306-8) AMPHIPCOA . COROFHIUH SPP ADULTS 2037 art ery GAMMLRICEA SFP _ ADULTS 123 987 266.7 2703) IN, SOGAMMARUS CONFERVICOLUS AOULTS 247 61.7 106.8) See autre sneer ag Gees ORCHESTIA TRASKI ANA ADULTS 1604 40009( 69404) PTERA COL EO RNESTIOAE spp AOULTS 123 123 1110 33902( 44709) OIP TERA 123.3( 213.6) OOLICHOPOD 10AE_SPP LARVAE 493 ane ae al teins ABE HELE TEES susan Ata terattt FiPocTSae SPP LARVAE 1604 987 647.64 68363) TOTAL 9743 19219 34045 62766 Table D-2. Density (number per square meter) of infauna captured by MC in the exposed level marsh of the low silt area, 6 February 1978. The samples were 20 centimeters deep. AREA LSet Beitr sty © sty SAMPLER “ic Ac MC NC SINE OL o1 01 OL SAMPLE 0000 a023 0090 0053 TAXON LIFE STAGE MEAN (SO) INVERT EBRATES ChIOARIA CN4D4RIA SPP ADULTS 247 267 123.3( 123.3) NEMATODA NEHATUDA SPP ADULTS 247 123 92.5 102.3) POLYCHAETA CAPITELLIOAE SPP AUULTS 123 30.8( 53.4) HOdSCNIA FLORIOA ADULTS 760 185.0 320.5) OLIGOUHAETA OLAGOCHAETA SPP ADULTS 4317 987 14185 2467 548901( 515765) TsoProua GNORIHOSPHAEROMA LUTEA ADULTS 123 2960 77009 1265-1) AMPHIPOOA 5 BHPHIPODE SPP AUULTS - 123 30.8( 53.4) CORUFHIUN SPP ADULTS 419% 34661 1480 740 10268.9(14141.6) ANISCGAMHARUS CONFERVICOLUS AJULTS 2344 2344 123 1202.7¢ 1141.8) INSECTA INSECTA SPP NYMPHS 247 61070 10608) DIPTERA MUSCIOAE SPP LARVAE 123 3008( 53.4) DOLILHUFODIOAE SPP LARVAE 123 123 123 92.5¢ 53.4) CEnATUPOGONIDAE SPP LARVAE 21633 3207 2837 123 7000-1 8646-1) CHiKCNOMIDAE SEP LARVAE 123 30.8( 53.4) PSYCHOOIDAL SPP LARVAE 247 6le7( 106.8) TIPULLOLE SFP LARVAE 1357 339.2( 567.5) TOTAL 33428 42186 19468 8139 60 Table D-3. Table D-4. marsh of the immature high area, 7 February 1978. T AXON INVERTEIRATES NEMATOOA NEMATODA SPP OLIGOUHAETA OLIGUCHAETA SPP ACARINA ACmRINA SPP CIRRIPEOIA JALANADAE SPP CUMACcA HE MILEUCG CUMELLA S TSOFODA GNURIMOSPHAEROMA LUTEA APPHIPOOA COnOPHIUN SPP ANLSOGAMMHARUS CONFERWICOLUS TRICHUPTERA LIMNEPHILIOAE SPP N_SPP PP AREA SAPPLER SAMPLE TAXON INVERTES RATES TURDELLARIA TURDELLARIA SPP MATUOS ne NENATODA spe GOCHLETA MeO TCCENAETA SPP ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA SPP ARAREAE ARANEAE SPP ACARINA ACaRINA SPP POOK reo RSELLIO SCAdER LILIOIUN GRACILIS AAPFIFODA ORCHEST IA TRASKIANA NSECTA z S Rtecra sep ul MOMCPTERA HOMOPTERA COLEOPTERA COLEUPTERA SPP SPP HINER! HILOPOGA € CHILGPOOA SPP LIFE STAGE ADULTS ADULTS AGULTS ADULTS LIFE STAGE ADULTS ADULTS AQULTS UNSPECIFIEO ADULTS AQULTS LARVAE AOULTS LARVAE PUPBE Lakvae. LakwAE LARVAE LARVBDE LARVAE LARVAE ADULTS ToraAL The samples were 20 centimeters deep. 16652 1357 3207 123 bOs7 6| SEOGE SEOGE SEOGE 4c MC nC OL a1 OL 0052 od61 00863 493 3577 2837 3084 370 123 370 123 123 370 663 267 740 123 123 123 247 247 123 4811 2220 1119 740 9668 6907 6412 HE In WHI ac o1 o1 Q063 6095 419% 2300 123 123 370 123 123 693 123 493 od 740 123 207 tito 370 2aT 693 123 247 6075 3946 Density (number per square meter) of infauna captured by MC in the exposed level marsh of the sedge area, 6 february 1978. MEAN (SD) 339.2( 363.6) 2960.46 444.7) 215294 2202) 30.8¢ 53.6) 493.4( 654.5) 30.66 S34) 565-90 353.0) 462066 66604) 30604( 282.6) 32.6C 5304) 30.66 53.4) 61.7¢ 106.8) 92.5( 102.3) 4101.4 275362) 3O03¢ 5324) 185.0¢ 320.5) In HI nc OL 0097 MEAN (SO) 339-2 567.5) 123 30.66 S3.4) 7771 &S33.10 1925.6) 123 61.74 Gie7) 123 92.50 53.4) 92-5( 160.2) 30.86 53.0) 123 30.60 S36) 123 3C.Ot S3.o) : 267 Gice7¢ 10628) 30.06 S300) 693 266.70 266.7) 123 61.76 61.7) 267 165e0¢ 2046.6) a ey eee . 1 . 1727 832.66 bale 195-0€ 206.6) 30.86 S3.o) 61.7 106.0) 12067 Density (number per square meter) of infauna captured by MC in the exposed level The samples were 20 centimeters deep. Table D-5. Density (number per square meter) of infauna captured by MC in the exposed level marsh of the mature high area, 7 April 1978. The samples were 5S to 7 centimeters deep. AREA MAT HI NAT HI MAT HI MAT HI eoUms AZ MO WIs0O OVOHIFsP OO “2 r XN oO AweMoozm HO PPP Chummo rPmv a < =z Zz MleINnES TOM oF OM COnMWUDSpP OULT QULT OULT nnn ROULTS >> ou cc re + on ErPPYPSD AAs nunuuun MAT HI ca 10 0002 1446 592 616 16 16 32 32 16 1664 64 at Ne 16 1€ 4272 MAT HI CQ 10 Ovo2 144 3696 5264 640 16 48 re Noo 1104 HA ca T HI 10 0003 128 2496 128 5088 3920 HAT HI cQ 10 0004 3608 774% Density (number per square meter) of animals captured by CQ in the exposed level MEAN (SO) 48.06 35.6) 1700.0¢ 640.1) 26.06 23-7) 4206 609) 24.0( 24.0) 16.0(¢ 11.3) 16.0(¢ 19.6) 4.0( 6.9) &oO0¢ 6.9) 20.0¢ 2622) 20.0l 13.3) %o0( 6.9) 12.0¢ 20.8) 406 6.9) Density (number per square meter) of animals captured by CQ in the exposed level MEAN (SO) 124.06 2602) 2668.0 1293.7) 4o0¢ 6.9) 4.06 6.9) 76.0( 45.8) 1466.0( 657.5) 166.0 2465.9) 66.0¢ 42.9) 12.0¢ 13.3) 184.0¢ 219.8) &.0¢ BORK 8-0¢ 8.0) HOC 609) Solty 11.3) 26.06 13.3) 46.06 49.3) 24) 12.9) 25) HEAN(SO) ofl 25C 40 10 30.56 43 29 16 LIFE STAGE AOULTS AOQULTS ADULTS NYMPHS ADULTS ADU AUU: ERA SPP OAE SPP Number of animals captured in standardized TN collections (nonquantitative) in the E spp exposed level marsh vegetation of the low sand arca, 29 August 1978. ARGNEAE SPP ACwRiaNA SPP TAXON INVERTESRATES ARARC RE ACARINA Table D-11. =~ - no) = anna as = aan ane ane ne o o NN OD © OD NNHMMOMW wn NUN MRM aAR IRD ° ° ° ° ° eececee on ° cose cee ee Oras elas @ cs - Ww oom rN] NN ANGAROM do A NINN OR « ” ve) ©) oa) iS CD hal c ~ “d z 545455 Sa: 2335555535 HP Lo] [=] a o (=) Q 2929730 ao i) 99.3399593999 3 4 a Onda aw wy twWwF at aQ OF ON WHHeROOd Wan FO ae eONMaZOnO0 WlO4 KFOWTOHMH wr oO @ at 24 069 42 26 HUET 2491S KGE 19 varrAIC4aK I a x oe TN Ue HO OM HE aT QWWWWaide AWA OO WHADdIWrHNDE a = ai G i wo oo Cos.) aa Ye wITAaNM4s GOt WO KOWTO00A 0G ro) fo} = ay a : 168 echo 9 BB F 2 35 H x an Wier =< > = 7 = So 2 [o} aint az oa, qT ee Ht a4 3 Oo Ee 10.7) 26 36.56 1030 28 1288 53 39 ise1 668 65 ADULTS TOTAL HYGENOGPTERA SPP HYMENOPTERA MEAN(SD)D 2723) 207.3) 2036 2.3) CR 510.34 94 795 46 456 72 570 120 220 Number of animals captured in standardized TN collections (nonquantitative) in the LIFE STAGE ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS exposed level marsh vegetation of the sedge area, 7 September 1978. ARANEAE SPP ACHRINA SPP INVERTESRATES ARANERE ACARiNA Table D-13. TAXON o a fa) i=] ee ees ‘4 ons aM we WOMOMOKRDAMD o eee eee ee eee ee ces e e wn Modan NAN o -~ nt - 2 “4 ve) ——~ -——~ ~~ wee eve en ~ o e2nmM OFM NM BDoDOMNOnoOH © p eoe eee oe eoeeoeeaeoe ° 4 Oo a = Nod MON MM AN of Dp 8 & 235% Seon ANGRS BR BSKlRoaRSone os n bs OD Sods Dono sbddo BS SS a 5 moss Onna wa on CON ere ee = a 3 ~ o = 39S 9 cop Geo coe S & 5 . 2 2 8 WH ARMS £997 SonKA A SHonnsonaSOn 2@ oN ON Wow nan 9 AON NSS a Orn a HOW NOdA RH a “ 2 =“ - my det a =) =o ro) oa) «4 2) ied ou ‘4 a8 eee ee ee aay adit NOd HN ON wo N 03 aos ” CJ bl =) 3) oe) KR oct mz” Lol er HAD on on > 2 oT « Wes ~ nwa 5) 2 33 1 98 ~ = omen OND cu w ° ; zz” a o Zo a Nv o = = 1s} eo i fw aA a GON Ln | N nunNen “ o aie ys rz | tal i) 2NA ad hash MennmM wh fo) 3 oP iY] a a 2 *J i) N 2 ee “ 23 £347 44 gat as wane 4 sen o xz”? a8 = ep new 5 w 3S a w (=) S 8 arn) tu ‘ded = ao H uu “ “” vv ouow wun nun “ nuMnMNnWAMM “ vo ie Se Ss wses she5 cHeee oS Steeecoreaee a ow irs 5 3) 3) fsa 3535) 33533) 3). 333333333332 non nnn un nunnnnnnnMNDn 7) a Hp 4 82 2 8g £352 92332 93322 2 339533033330 EL etn ee ote ie eco iene = 5 < a4 aap saaaa0 2 agaeeegaazae Cy ene See = Ss) pw Pry eee Sey SEE eEREEEY 2) - =2ZQ afm 983 a905900335 a isu ©) Z5a «aa aq aaaaqacaqaqa <¢ Ss 5 fo) ned ae af aa 39 a «BRR Ee be ae) a ret Ne Gesa ye. oO 4) San ae & a wa we o a awww W a aaaoain —& oD <= aa we Max a Maosicsa aa ao © a aia Waa w an Osu9 4« a attasxyvwada ae > Bo tics ortig Geer Perea) fy Gree Ge eile = = Wo ne Odwoe Ce = 1B, a ee ott acest RS5s G5565 a6 Swessbiesuw a an a ira} 8 ws WWW GIO «dure wa aagoaascnnes a i mn a fo} a wos Z ez sures se8ug wszras wo xvorsserHasc c é F Waren §O USASL SSS zon mee a ye eeat S$ w2 42 00 Geese Goods SLOISS Ge at eOsgaabaeur an owao wa a ta tel S We a0 az aww adie Gseeaz ow war sausaoOadS aye wa Q az9V0a40an 7) DE CF om IDE OS ee FS 99004 WODNAG By Howes sou IMMA a 4 nao aaa 3 ee aoa wan 9H a anéuviniw 4 g aauaSua 2c # 2 fr) esate naa a0 H awns0a vw a oe ion Pitas ot un onus Ju Yt QD2OWWWs WwW o aan 25 w Hoa Se QuaGHaGaH ae i S Se ke aWW OJIN 2aWO azHa00R0090 rao o —a0da dd of ZH AXLMOTOQHYHO WO i WHOD 4r3B0 WHm WO4deTOWIE KZ 5 WOAH Wad OD derOHtONADO aw t+ Bove HFG9T OOK WATAIKR grid OF ta) Se) Ode AWHO OO WraNDIWNADAHCE Fe 1 Oo HYETE COUT WOOD TOWEDOANYFO Wr an zr. ts ~ a. 5 x ° Ww =} o 4 = oA, =x x (é) ° 53 inse Oo ss] i= 6.9) 22 12 L736 96 a3. 7e 29 162 66 ADULTS TOTAL HTMENUPTERA SPP MYMCNOPTERS Table D-15. Number of animals captured in standardized TN collections (nonquantitative) in the exposed level marsh vegetation of the mature high area, 25 September 1978. AREA RAT HE AAT HE AAT HIE MAT WL SARPLER ™N ™N 1! Th SITE 10 10 10 1 SArPLE ooo1 oo02 ooos 0004 TAXON LIFE STAGE mMEAN(SOD ITNVERTEQKATES ARANEAE AQANEKE SPP ADULTS 12 15 10 13 12.5 108) ACARINA c RO RINA spp AQULTS 2a 32 7 2 15.56 11.6) OLLEMBOLA G SMANTHIRIDAE SPP AOULTS 1 St eb) RTHQFTERS o uy TROPTERA SPP ADULTS 1 t 25 5) THY SANOPTERA THTSANOPTERA SPP AOULTS nu ai 4% 2 12.00 11.5) HEMIPTERS x PENTATOMIOAE SPP UNSPECIFIED 1 oSt eS) HOMOPTERA Oc. PhaCIOAE SPP AQULTS 12s 106 46 6? 86.56 29.6) CILAVELLIOME SPP AUULTS 3a 23 6 12 17-06 9.3) APHIOIOAE SPP ADULTS 5 1 1 1.66 1.9) COLEOrTERa COLEUPTERA SPP AUULTS 1 o5f 5) PSCL&PHIOAE a AUULTS 2 o8t 29) ITMNEBLIUAE SPP AUULTS o3t eo) HARYSOMELIQAE SPP AUULTS * 1.06 1.7) PTERL orp tt erera spp ADULTS 3 3 6 6 50 2eaD EPmYURIOAE SPP ADULTS 1 Sf ee) MULCIOAE SPP AUULTS 1 2 266 9) CERATUPOGONIOAE SPP ADULTS & 1 3 2.06 1.o) CHanuhOMLDAE SPP AUULTS 2 1 +Sl 8) PSTYCHOJLUAE SPP ASULTS 4 3 5 3.08 1.9) CULICIOLE SPP AQULTS 1 «St a) PrAEROCERLOAE SPP AQULTS 4 1 2 1.0¢ 7) CLARLUAE SPP AUULTS Peas 9) SCmTOFSLOAE SPP AUULTS 1 oil oe) SCaOmrZIOAE SPP AUULTS a o3t ok. HIMENGPTERA HYMENOPTERA spe AOULTS 66 56 24 6 36.56 23.3) TOTAL 309 256 120 iia Table D-16. Density (number per square meter) of animals captured by SE along a debris line in the exposed level marsh of the low sand area, 29 August 1978. AREA L SANJ L SAND L SAND AN SAMPLER SE yg SE ere SEN aes btn? 1 SAMPLE oooL ood2 0003 0004 TAAKON LIFE STAGE MEAN(SO) INVERTESRATES ARANEAE ARaNEKE SPP AoULTS 699 577 «a9 454 55407 Ihe) ACARINA ACARINA SPP ADULTS 9993 5590 13033 12019 10158.6( 2855.6) AAPHIPOGA AMPHIPOOA SPP ADULTS 80% 754 604% 1537 9764.0¢ 326.0) coe ER TGURIDAE SPP ADULTS SMINTHL UL 17 bowl 7.6) ISUTUNIOKE SPP AQULTS 2009 1467 = 2306 5 5 ONYCHIURIOAE SPP ADULTS 157 35 7 oFet 30253t 723953 THY SANOPTERA THYSANJPTERA SPP ADULTS 17 35 13.10 14.5) eM oTOae spp NYMPHS Sac 5 H 402 0 4.0) SALCDIOAE SPP ADULTS 559 245 165 eeeit base oO ORPHYCINIQAE SPP oULTS STaPHYL S AoUL 157 4 . CARAS IOAE SPP ACULTS 105 52 35 52 isnt 2622) LIMNESLICAE SPP ADULTS 661 384 52 5c? w06.2¢ 229.9) LEPIOQUPTERA LEPIGGPTERA SPP AOULTS 17 17 8.76 8.7) See ENT ERA see OULT r ADULTS CHIRGNOMIOAE SPP AOULTS 17 ° at week a8 SPnAERJCERIDE SPP ADULTS 105 210 70 96.16 75.6) CiARIOGE SPP ADULTS 17 Beal 726) ELICOMYILOAE SPP AUULTS 35 6.76 ©1561) HVMENGPTESA HYMENOPTERA SPP ADULTS 52 52 26.2 ©2662) TOTAL 15372 9555 17120 22045 67 Table D-17. Density (number per square meter) of pelagic and epifaunal animals captured by LE in the submerged level marsh of the low sand area, 7 February 1978. AEA & SAND & SANO L SANO Lt SANO SAMPLER Le Le Le LE SITE ty a1 a1 Q SAMPLE o6s 6059 oo7Sa 0C6 TAXON LIFE STAGE MEAN (SOD INVERT ESRATES NICGRIA s Ten ibarta SPP ADULTS 27 6 6.34 16.9) NEMEQTEA SUNEMERTEA SPP ACULTS 3 o6t tot) NEAATODA NEAZTOOA SPP AOWTS 6 1.00 1.6) YCHAETA ool CP AERETIOAE sPP ADULTS 26 Soil 008) ETEONE SPP AvucTS 2 i o6t 06) HAPLOSCOLOPLOS SPP ADULTS a 3 s 5 3.56 1.6) ANAEANA SPP AuULTS 3 o6f dod OLIGOCHAETA QLIGOCHAETA SPP ADWTS 9 768 62 417 OS.76 2104) ARAREAE ARmNEAE SPP ADULTS 3 6 ® 16 7.66 6.8) ACARINA aeSRINA SPP AOUWTS 6 1998 £90 976 067.60 736.6) COPEPUDA CALANOLOA SPP AQULTS 3 5 3 2.5 1.8) MARPACTACOIOA SPP AQULTS a o 3 5) Cunacea CURELLA SPP ADULTS 6 $6 a 65 S2.7C 20.6) Tsopooa GNURIMOSPHAERQHA LUTEA ADULTS 1 oS 23) ANP PI POOR COROPHIUM SPP AOULTS 4 S ry 3 2.5¢ 1.6) ANASCGAMMABUS CONFERVICOLUS ADULTS 4 20 10 ry 12.76 6.6) TAGITRIOLE SPP aoducTs 105 79 50 58.66 39.1) ORCHESTIA TRASKIANA ADULTS 5 1 a 69 19.00 26.6) OECAPODL GELAPODA SPP TOEA ® a % 2.20 1.6) IMS ECTA TusECta SPP PuPace 4 o3C oS) MEAIPTERA SAGIOAE SPP ADULTS 4 o3t oS) COLEOPTERA CuLcEGPTERA SPP LARVAE 3 o3f 25) LIANESIIGCAE SPP AOWTS 42 40 2 10.0¢ 7.6) KETERKOCERICAE SPP AOULTS 266 Qotd OIPTERA ULPTERA SPP Larvae ry oS o3) OIPTERA SPP ADULTS 4 eX °5) EPnYuURLOLE SPP ADULTS ry oS oH MJoLluae SPP LakvAE i t 06 ob) QJ.ILHOPOO IDGE SPP Larvae 4 1s 45 7.66 v.93) OOLILHOPLOLCAc SPP ALVULTS & 1.0¢ 1.6) CERATOPOLUALOAE SPP LakvAE 566 393 7a 619 Se1.50 Reigieap CHahCNOMLOAE SPP LakWae 1 8 3o.2¢ $00 P3SIChOUULLAE SPP LARVAE 1 o St 25) Treuylone aA ARYAG 22 o7 37 26 32.66 210.2) AYCEelOPHILIOAE SPP LAavaA % 1.06 4.6) FISH COrT[use le etécorrus ARRATUS AOULTS 4 36 oS) VoTar o33 2618 040 1770 68 Table D-18. LA NPLER TE PPLE TAAON INVERTESRATES NETSTUOK WEMATOOA SPP OLIGOLHAETA OLLLUCHAETA SPP GAST2UPODA ALWERLA SPP ARAKE RE ARMNEAE SPP ACARINA ACwRINA SPP CoPEPuOA MARPECTACO IDA SPP NYS J24CEA MYSILACEA SPP CUMACEA HEMILEUCON SPP CURELLA SPP TANS TRACER TANalOACEA SPP se —€ spe o1P O20C+4 FOVOM FOTN YYW &Mm Oro. MCRMM eeAOO DMOU PEMD ZO Mavc Lens HYMENOPT AYRENU: Table D-19. LIFE STAGE ADULTS AQULTS AOULTS AOULTS TOTAL we valu kw Le t OL 0001 es uw wer 4536 vA Lmtd O1 OL oos2 0066 21 go 151 3069 26196 3 1 17 29 1 17 $1 % 9 1 12 1 4 1 1 4 1 3o 95 6 & 3 1 » 3 5 3156 620599 Lo okhd Le o1 065% 6367 6767 the submerged level marsh of the low sand area, 17 October 1978. VERTESRATES POLYCHAETA SPIRORIIOAE SPP OLIGOUHAETA OLaGOCHAETA SPP GASTROPODA ALUERIA SPP ARANESE ARANEAE SPP ACABINE ACwRINA SPP CUMACCA SUMELLA SPP TsoPo AMPFIPOCA OR CHESTIA TRASKIANA HEMIPTE i) bd r o Q ca o v ( s0OCCOA Frum ui FIMCHM HAO P mzrte PMPrHapP TZvV-47 OO Oear wa FISH OAS UR Re a GASTCROST POVA GNUFIMOSPHAEROMA LUTEA LIFE STAGE ADULTS ADULTS ACULTS ADULTS AUULTS ADULTS rerPeov rPrPEece 13 6711 30 27 6860 3909 3973 262 20 25 7531 132 25 7998 MEAN (SOD 1.6 2.7) Goof 6.2) 3.50). 6.7) TToAk &Te2d 10620.5(10333.0) 60.9( 119.3) -3¢ 5) By SE 5A 5) cat Gay Pet eR 23 oy) 2657 131 132 3015 ot 5) es3¢ bl leet 16) poet See . «6) 2.2¢ 1-6) $2:5¢ Suse) 1.0 1.6) 1:06 1st) 196 3335) 156 127) 2090 3.6) 16500 © 2355) tra 1.7) . ’ 23¢ 8h 3.26 1.4) Density (number per square meter) of pelagic and epifaunal fauna captured by LE in the submerged level marsh of the low sand area, 21 July 1978. Density (number per square meter) of pelagic and epifaunal animals captured by LE in MEAN (SD) 65040 113.3) 11.4( 5.8) 066 1.1) 50.86 2724) 5702.0 2694.3) 06¢ 066 73.76 o3t 1.1) 1.1) 58.7) Table D-20. Density (number per square meter) of pelagic and epifaunal animals captured by LE in the submerged leve! marsh of the low silt area, 6 April 1978. AREA LSP te SULT tL SILT Lt SILT RarRteER ce Le Le Le ITE a1 OL a1 OL SAMPLE 0053 0061 ooad 0096 TAXON LIFE STAGE NEAN(SOD INVERTEBRATES CNIOARI Gnioarra spe AUULTS 36 377 156 Si 199.50 157.0) NENATO RERETOOA sep AOULTS 3 63 21.36 35.0) PO SPTTECLIOME SPP AUULTS 13 rp L ReGRINES LANNICOLA AQUL T'S t 1 Beer BEUCED HOoSONIA FLORIDA AQULTS 1 75 Te.0l 86.3) OLIGOUNAETA CLAGUCHAETA SPP AQULTS 196 1021 uv 272 375.9¢ 363.0) ACARINA ACaRINA SPP AOQULTS aL 1 3.20 4.0) OSTRALCCA OSTRACODA SPP AOULTS & 20 3 6.7t 8.0) ccPEP RERPACTACOIOA spP AOULTS 1 o3t oS) Cumacea HEMILEUCON SPP ADULTS 36 1699 Oe 307 G61.6( 727.00 130 ERURINOSPHAERONA LUTEA AQULTS 251 eT 126 716 265.10 259.4) ARPHI PODER COROrAIUN SPP ADULTS 30 2244 Ts 862 803.64 897.2) ANISUGARMARUS CONFERVICOLUS AUULTS 168 36 217 13462 weleSt 526.3 CCLLEMBULS TSuTCMiOLE SFP ADULTS 1 23 <5) ONYCnIURIOAE SPP AUULTS 1 oSt 25) OIPTERA OLFTERA SPP PUPAE 106 26 s 3eo3t MUSCIDAE SPP LARVAE 9 2.2 OO.ICHOPUDIDAE SPP LARVAE 5 1 5 2.96 CEnATUPOGOKIOAE SPP Carvat So 1063 353 26 374.06 GRaRKUN ONTO ae SPP Larval 1 1 6 2.56 IPULIOAE SrP LARVAE a 5 1.60 STRATIOMYIORE SFP Lakd ae 1 o Sf TAGANIOAE SPP LARVAE 1 23 FISH CLA a LEPIUCOTIUS ARRATUS AOQULTS 1 3 1 Lo3t 9 TOTAL 90% 7237 1617 3b60 Table D-21. Density (number per square meter) of pelagic and epifaunal animals captured by LE in the submerged level marsh of the low silt area, 21 July 1978. cr LoSILT o SILT L SILT L SILT Ae cecea te te te te SITE OL OL OL o1 oare.e aoe? oa7s 0077 0695 TAXON LIFE STAGE MEAN (SON INVERTEdRATES EC NIOQRIA c TON SOBRZA spp AQULTS 1 o3t -5) POLTCnacra YAO SSONTA FLORIDA AQULTS 5 a 119 Si.o6¢ 50.8) GOGHEETA oe toenaera SPP AOULTS * 72 8 107 193 94-90 66.9) GAsTRuPOoA PALUERIA SPP AvULTS 6 1.66 2079 ARAREAE ARmnEAE SPP AOULTS 106 9 37 &2 G89 36.3) ACARI WA ca EEARINA SPP AOULTS 10 3 a 13 O.3¢ Tet) OSTRALOD, Osieecooa SPP ADULTS 5 1.3¢ 202) METER cunEMELEUCON SPP ADULTS 16 6 6.00 763) s0PO0a aS ERURIMOSPHAERONA LUTEA AOULTS 13020 754 4603 7103 6519.20 4789.2) AMPHIPCCA COnGrHIUM SPP ADULTS 306 1 36 6sert 128.0) NSECTA INSTR SECTA SPP Touts 1 ot 5) MEMTOTECH ACUi04E SPP NYMPHS 66 22 Te 37 Beit 18.5) 3aculoae SPP AUULTS uv & aL 3 9e2t 6.6) PTERS sone onesz OME spe AJULTS 10 2.5 bee) CIUGECLIUAE SPP AUULTS 1 oS 25) APmIOIJAE SPP AVULTS e 3 a 2056 206) ‘ TEQA SOLEQrTERA cop ALULTS 1 3 a) STLENYLENT CAE see AUULTS. 15 1 3 6.66 6.1) eae ere Tega SPP Puree 52 33 22 32 3e.66 ULPTERa SPP Larvce 1 56 OlPTina [ep AUULTS 1 1 1 206 CO Cibae SPP Lakvae q $384 OSLILMUPOILOAE SPP Caxvat i out CEneFO-OUONIUAE SPP LabvAL 67 6 ot 66 $0.26 CHibUNOMILUBE SPP LARVAE > 43! PSICHOJiCAR SPP LAkWAE be } 679 233.06 TihuUclote LPP Lakvae id Geel Ta&TLOMYLUZE SPP LAKWAE 6 6 2.56 Aoahluss SP LAKVAE 1 oS HYSENUPTERD HYMENOPTERA SPP LARVAE 3 125¢ 2.2) FISH ASTENCSTFE LOGE C aSTeuosteus ACULEATUS AOULTS 3 off 4.1) Toran 16596 667 4676 e032 70 Table D-22. in the submerged level marsh of the low silt area, Table D-23. Density (number per square meter) of pelagic and epifaunal animals captured by ce INVERTEBRATES NIOARLB MLO TORRIA SPP NEMATUDK hEMATOOA SPP POLYCHAETO CAPLITELLIDAE SPP RMOOSUNIA FLORLIA HEETA Me COGHMETA spp AST2LPO0K was TESLA SPP ARAKEAE ARaANERE ACAAL S AE ORINA sPP TRALODA os OSTRACODA SPP Pp OY AXPACTAGO 10a SPP mM ACe cu AERLLEUCON spP TSOP OURIMOSPHAEROMA LUTEA AAPHIPOOS CORCHHIUM SPP ANISUGAMMARUS ORLHESTIA TRA APJOk oe HEMIGRAPSUS OREGONENSIS HEMIPTERS oO spp SUNFERWICOLUS SKIANA LIFE STAGE AUULTS AUULTS AUULTS ADULTS AOULTS AOULTS AOQULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS fCeereery PEPEPP rc mEDTLTDD eaccceeD PERPPPEM mmmmmmm TOTAL Density (number per square meter) the submerged level marsh of the sedge area, 16 October 1578. uc Sdur cL Smut tL StLT Lb SILT Ce OL ve OL Oe oL OL 0026 0005 a076 0067 10 2351 357 237 52 226 415 5460 oL 7 6 16 13 6 1165 20 1 3 26 5437 5325 6172 4595 168 10 163 378 197 193 463 1 1 1 3 a 4 woes 1 30 3 15 30 » . 3 6038 S937 8826 19069 of pelagic and epifaunal 19 December 1977. lal AREA SEOGE SEOGE SAMPLER LE LE SITE O14 Q1 SANPLE 0004 0019 TAXON LIFE STAGE INVERTEBRATES OLIGOUHAETA QLIGOCHAETA SPP ADULTS 152 66 ARANEAE ARANERE SPP ADULTS 18 ACARINA ACARINA SPP ADULTS 29 CUMACEA HEMILEUCON SPP ADULTS 6 4 TSOPODA GNURIMOSPHAEROMA LUTEA AQULTS 86 15 ANPHIPODA ANISOGAHMARUS CONFERVICOLUS ADULTS 42 19 TAICHUFTERA LIMNEPHILIGAE SPP LARVAE 3 LEPIOUPTER4 PYRALIQAE SPP LARVAE 1 OIPTERA CHIROMOMIOAE SPP LARVAE 1 PSVCHOUIOAE SPP LARVAE 165 i TIPULIOAE SPP LARVAE TOTAL 480 106 MEAN (SOD 2056 booed 507.74 1017.9) 89.20 1546.5) 59-74 L0S.6) 1536.6 2267.6) 10.2¢ 17.6) 21.06 32.70 6.66 2) 276-20 Sidead Sell 6.6) 6.00 10.8) 5662.6( 136161) 92.56 63.2) 313.90 125-10 1.06 1.6) ot 5) oil 22) St 5) +60 1.) 1.96 3.5) past 7.7) 1011.2 1753.0) 16.06 10.7) 6.66 12.7) 1.06 1.6) bt iet) animals captured by LE in MEAN (SO) 10902( 632) 6.96 6-9) 14066, 14.6) 507 109) 50.8( 3526) 3005( = 1104) 1.3¢ 1.3) 066 26) 066 6) 73006 7168) 1.9 1.9) Table D-24. Density (number per square meter) of pelagic and epifaunal animals captured by LE in the submerged level marsh of the sedge area, 6 February 1978. SEDGE SEOGE SEOGE SEOGE SaFeLER ie E ie Lege Site 3b FS) oss ©0065 SAMPLE oo2 ao2 00% TAAON LIFE STAGE MEAN (SOD INVERT ESKATES CH EAS OARIA SPP ADULTS 6 1.00 © 2.6) OLIGO Unt EC eTA SPP ADULTS 734 3057 390 1062 1515.70 1067.4) MR AR AREAE SPP ADULTS. 6 15 6 5 8.36 weld ACAEINE | s cop ADULTS 909 1050 559 2261 1219.6( 661.2) ACE MTS TO ORYSES MERCEOIS AOULTS 3 ot fend Cumacea CUmscEa SPP ADULTS 23 57 9.9) pp AUULTS 165 6 72 593 214.3 22729) eee eB p® AQULTS 16 ai 9 16 13204 323) TSO PRURIMOSPMAERONA LUTEA ADULTS 236 342 161 575 328.0{ 156.6) ARPHIFOUA : P pe ADULTS L 1-66 2.1) CoebenION Se AUULTS 28 43 7 187 AQhSe 22383 reeeter ets CONFERVICOLUS AJULTS 217 109 ae eb. 20€ 296.6) ORLHESTIA TRASKIANA ACULTS 23 <5) MOM PMTULOLE SPP AOULTS ® 1.06 1.6) A TREE TSREPAILEGAE SPP Larvae 3 15 6 4 7.6 &e5D ry 4 EP KELEOAE SPP LARVAE 1 5 9 14 7.3¢ &.7) IPTERA ALULTS o3t 5) aera thine Sg tins erst ch fee LICHUFOD 10aE SPP CaRvas 15 1 5 G8 6.1) ERETOPUGONIUAE SPP Cawsae rey 307 58 $60 283.5¢ 193.1) HakGNUMLLAE SP LAnvaE 2 “6 46 30 buell 6.2) BS TCHOOLOAE SP LARVAE 671 1063 18 2004 1036:9¢ 60228) TEPULIOAE SPP CARVAE 6 10 5556 rrr) FISH UNE CENTIE TED LARVAE 1 o St 05) TOTAL 3337 6119 2256 go72 Table D-25. Density (number per square meter) of pelagic and epifaunal animals captured by LE in the submerged level marsh of the sedge area, 6 April 1978. area SEDGE SEOGE SEDGE SEOCE SEDGE SAMPLER u re te ie ue SITE OL oL OL o1 o1 SAn5LE aos 0059 ©9660 s08e o09c TAXON LIFE STAGE MEAN(SO) INVERTESRATES CNICARIA CHLOGRLA SPP ADULTS 5 1 18 s 20 9.96 7.6) NEMAT COS WEnaTOOA SPP ADULTS $23 175 au 130 305 284.71 167.3) POLTCHAETA NEmMIHES CIMNICOLA AouLTS 1 3 3) OLIGOUHcErA QLIGGCHAETA SPP AQULTS 1216 1102 639 053 1076 997.5¢ 2LL.19 ARANEA Rakeae sep ADULTS. 9 17 6 3 6.96 5.7) ACARIN AGLRINa SPP AUULTS 2318 2007 1969 1236 1354 1912.6¢ 556.9) OSTRACOGA USTR&COOA SPP AQUTS 37 1 7.64 16.60 COPEPODA WAnFACTACOLOA SPP AOULTS 23 230 vy 30 368 133.6 162.1) cen eMILEUCON SPP AOULTS 130 65 2a3 ADL 4 . CunecLa SPP AuuLTs i bia! ua eee 3 t5 Ot CPUOA ADULTS 3 . b 3.3) dRckimosPHacaona Lures AQULTS 2 27 72 Ned 90 Prt tH Siu) ae CER CERIUM. SP ADULTS 3 ROER io s . vt Gnigcthananus conreavicowus Abucts § i n rent 430) DEC sPv0 detePooA SPP REGALOPS 1 34 a) INSECTA MSECTA SPP UNSPECIFIED a ol +5) NOECTA SPP Laavac 1 23 ri} Tursancereea THTSAHOPTERA SPP ADULTS 3 St 1.0) HosUPTESS MOMOFTERA SPP AUULTS J 1 1 1.06 4.0) COLEOPTEIas COLECPTFRA SPP ACULTS 1 Pai 5) TALCHUPTERA CIMhKEPHILIOME SPP LARVAE 1 3 ot 1600 LEPLouPTEre PYRALIJ&E SPP Laavae ® 9 3 4 s.3t Sed Otc PP € Lg oa] Pure UlrTeaa Gpe Lanvee bo OH san eet Oy, rates OlPtesa SyP AGULTS 3 tot MJLUI DBE SRP Lanenk ° BH GacTo~2evd IcAe SPP tansae 3 t 5 6 Tipe QOL TE! su Adee SP ADULTS 3 . “ot CRATCPUDIRIUAE 5 Lohwae Jos 177 242 43h 10 Ries yt CHincnomtua: 5°p shea of BC HHE a ea ee a a sILHIILY. 3 a E ; Pr rcrod{UMe 3Pp repre ai - CS a oR sere Cu. 4a ADULTS 1 Tae Th tee Lanebe L a Tae ThrUciuae sep ADULTS ry tt Tananiuae SPP LARVAE 1 1 256 f isa UnLoenTLELED Flan SPP LARVAE 1 Tora Sb10 5536 6295 3703 6056 Table D-26. Density (number per square meter) of pelagic and epifaunal animals captured by LE in the submerged level marsh of the sedge area, 16 October 1978. AREA SEDGE SEOGE SEOGE SEDGE SAMPLER Le LE ce Le SITE OL OL oy OL SanPLe 00415 0053 007 0649 TAAON LIFE STAGE MEAN(SOD INVERTE3SRATES OLIGOCHAETA OL.LOCHAETA SPP AOULTS 255 o77 532 153% 699.54 396.2) ARAHE aE ARANEAE SPP AOULTS 66 63 62 72 70.66 7.7) ACARI NA ACARINA SPP AQULTS 669 2566 969 1190 1403.04 691.3) TsoPpoua fSuP08 AOULTS 6 1.66 AURIMOSPRAERONA LUTEA AQULTS 38 58 99 30 56.56 AMPHEPLOA COROPHIUM SPP AOULTS 3 1 1.06 TALITRICAE SPP AQUCTS 3 6 2.26 ORCHESTIA TRASKIANA AQULTS 5 5 9 6.86 AEMIPTERA SA.ULOAE SPP AQULTS % 1.06 1.6) mOnoP TERA FTERA SPP ADULTS L +3 rT) De cennc uae SPP AUULTS 6 10 bel 45) COLEQFTERS INELLIDAE SPP AOUTS 5 1.36 2.2) CaRKS TORE SPP ADULTS 1 o3f 25) LEPIQUPTERA PYRALIOAE SPP LARVAE 3 266 1.1) OTP OT PTERA SPP PUPAE 2] DleTERA SPP LARVAE 4 6 B23 228) OIrTeRa SPP AJULTS 3 1 14 ary Sie) EPnvURIOLE SPP Larvae 1 23 [5) PUSCIORE SPP LARVAE 6 6 & ell 2:6) OOLICHIPOD 10AE SPP LARVAE $s 3 15 ial aig CenATGPOGUAILGE SPP LARdaE 3 5 1.96 221) CHsRONOMLORE SPP LARVAE 1 5 15 23 11.16 8:5) PSYCHOOLOAE SPP LARVAE 586 1362 e77 770 853-10 31202) TIPULIUAE SPP LARVAE * 5 252 2:3) HYMENOFTERA HEMENOPTERA SPP AQULTS 1 3 1.06 1a) TOTAL 1667 4007 ©2379 3497 Table D-27. Density (number per square meter) of pelagic and epifaunal animals captured by LE in the submerged level marsh of the immature high area, 7 February 1978. aea IM KI In HE In wt In WE sArPlea Le Le Le frre H oy 3 G SAMPLE 000! 002 oz 009 Tason LIFE STAGE mEaN«SO) INVERTESRATES TURJELERIA UnBLLLARIA SPP AOULTS 33 6 1 10.26 13.4) MEmaTJO8 NEmaTOOA SPP AQWTS r3 9 Ze2E 3.0) OLILOVHEETA OLIGCCNAETA SPP ADULTS 635 229 138 “50 65.10 196.7) GASTRLPOO CASTRCPODA SPP AQULTS at 1 3.26 6.8) ANT rRCPcOM ARTRPUPOOA SPP UNSPECIFIED 1 25 6.70 10.00 ARARE WE ARRREAE SPP ADULTS 91 32 a7 20 1.96 ACAGINA AcaRInA SPP AouTS se ° a7. 19 Soe1t CoPEoucA CACAnOrOA SPP ADULTS 3 +66 HAnPACTACO IDA SPP AQULTS ai 2.9 Cunmace GoRELLa see AQULTS 19 an 30 22 20.66 6.0) T30P0ua GNISCIOLE SPP ABUL TS r #3 1) PIMLELLIO SCadER aguct 30 1 723 13361 L1sI0Lum Gaaciuls ADULTS 16 3 6 Ca 6.8) asPnr rood GAnmcRIOEA ADULTS s $3! 2.2) dnaeGenma RUS CONF ERVICOLUS AgUCTS . 6 15 290 6.3) TACGTRIOAE AOULTS 1 1 1 1.06 3) DRCHEST IA TRESKIANA AouLTS 1 5 9 oe5t zin INS ECTE INsELTa spe UNSPECIFIED a +3 5) INSECTA Sep PUPAE 1 use 3) NDECTA SPP ARWAE 3 76E alpe NOECTA SPP UULTS i Bi oh Coens “t3e fhaeca see ADULTS 1 o3t +31 VALCaE SP AuuLT 3 260 ab PoounioAe SBP. auuct » 3 v2 19:70 30.5) THYSArCFTERS Tri S&nJPTERA SPP AOWTS 109 3 6 3 Bt 3.2) mMOMOPTERL RUMCrTEGA SPE, ADULTS } 3) Cz uemSc1O6e AUULTS 2 3 8.5) eicacercsoae sep AQULTS 3 s 15 3 5.2) COLE gr TERE COLECHTERA See LaKvae ° 5 6 3 1.9) CICECPTERa See ADULTS © 2 223) PocL-PaIUae SPP AuULTS 6 j 2ikh Cancale 5F1 AQULTS 13 6 1 Ssh CinsegiTuae SPP AuuLTS 1 9 7) CanTSOMELICAE SPP AvucTS a 1 3) ROsbGPMILL CAE SPP AQULTS 5 1 17 6.5) TRISH FT ERA CIMNEPHILIOAE SPP LaRAE s 1.36 2.2) LEPIIUPTELD cEr.LOPTERA SPP LARVAE 1 3 5) JIPTEns Olrreza spp PUPAE 3 1 JLETERA SPP 1.006 tet) dreteaa Sep aOULTS at es .) Biek( 3965) C325 2n5600 loce P tansae uy sis! gt artes Fy : 5 CendTokucontoge spe tansae é $ a * Ceo UREA A\RONOMIGAE SPP LAnvaAE 42 6 56 169 $ by AYCET UP 60.54 60.0) LETLPRMIL IDAE SPP Larvae yy 5 26.34 Belz) MYM YSPIE A PEMENOPTERA SPP Aou FOnMICIOME SPP auc Ts s 1 a aH CME A2r 34 mALOP: 2LOPOOA SPP ADULTS ry aG in ToTAL 1193 356 632 O06 Table D-28. Number of animals taken by AN (nonquantitative) ina large pan of the immature high area, 7 April 1978. TAXON INVERT ESKATES QLIGOUHAETA OL4GOCHAETA SPP COPEPODA CALANOIO HAnPACTA cu ARPHIPODA FHIUM OGA THO bi 4£zZO0 Ure HNO: U H E (=) o oO ro On OF FEO = m xz Hr OV OP a4 co zv0 Hm ZP 4 yw (i) zo i=) = v ozmo- zrcvuRm ee 107i PO PPIOTMO MMR CO BY FISH UnICENTIFIED FIsH SPP A SPP MACER CUMELLA SPP SPP Rus CONFERVICOLUS MAT HI AN 15 Qo0i LIFE STAGE ADULTS AOULTS a1 AOULTS AOULTS ADULTS 96 LARVAE eeeceeeer PPrPprrPrc XXTADDDDV < 7) Pre Is BHM TE TH SP ON AE oc co RI ©O FO acrv oO PS > “a °o 2» “4 > QS iz) oO uv or oO rary) ov rv yn v v iz) H Rp wn» LOM OD BPH BF FA OD TVIO Pe PPD YP CH wm FH FO Onmp I N ie) s H G P E E NEAE SPP a KR fe) kK 0 a F E A CUM ACEA CUMALCEA SPP HEAILEUCON SPP CUMELLA SPP ISOPOUA GNORIMOSPHAEROHMA LUTEA AMPHIPCDA PRONGERNLCOEUS OECAPODK HEMIGRAPSUS OREGONENSIS INSECTA INSE v v PPOOOCOOUMD MerOOTuN un UNnDD VvVIVY vv YUMmMPzzHH.D V a AVVOGOHOOAMO HUMIMMOOCT DH Usxr Aare rvxiy COODEEHHOKA FIT ss0GHOM MOOZOOTIOAD OCOCOVTCOEMD BHHzCOvVMO MOOHAGRCO PH ww CORE VWIS SMM vvUmm v AE EUS ACULEATUS LIFE STAGE ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS 0 ) 0 10) rere 4444 nn4nH U U Ui U Prep ADULTS AOULTS AOULTS ADULTS ADULTS PrrrSrcercrrp Corr OFOppeo cexzwxerecmacc @rececreere AAP Da rapp as vummumummun ADULTS TOTAL SEOGE AN Q3 0101 119 63 1022 5 165 1411 109 51 28614 82 SEDGE AN o3 0201 15 36 ry 152 SEDGE AN 0o3 0301 4& 52 13 17 14 373 SEOGE AN C3 0601 30 29 it 50 Bee e GS we 267 SEDGE AN 03 0601 41 ‘10 urn SPE OD Ww 1264 at five sampling points in a tidal creek of the sedge area, 21 July 1978. HEAN (SO) Buobl © bbe) 226 Ty) 26024 ©2728) 263.9¢ 390.1) 1.0¢ 2.0) ay 8) 53.0( 67.1) 320.6( 611.3) 12.4( 41.3) 1026 1.2) 1606( 14.5) 1.8 Bei) oral +4) 23.6( 17.4) 02 04) 4 °8) 2u,2¢ 20.8) 266 1.2) 77.6( 11020) 220 4) 3e.8( 38.2) 226 74) 2264 207) 326 24) 02 4) 026 24) 4 28) 20 4) 38k Set) 206 6.0) 27-86 ©1665) 606 4.6) 226 4) 066 1.2) 4 ( 25) 6.06 8.6) 22 34) 1.2 2.46) 2.06 2.2) 226 ry) 8.6( 10.8) 2 4) 2206 3.0) 9-0 6.4) 24 ar) 264 1.2) 2.66 202) Table D-44. Number of animals taken by AN (nonquantitative) at three sampling points ina tidal creek of the mature high area, 1 November 1978. AREA WAT WE AAT HI maT HE girgeee ANAM oe LANs Abbe O11 ozbt abt TARON LIFE STAGE MEAN (SOD IMVERTESRATES CHIDAK]a CAsberta spp AOUTS Ly) 16.06 22.6) POLYCHAETA CAPITELLIDAE SPP AouLT 4s 2 1 AMPRARETIOAE SPP AguL ry SP.RURGIQAE SPP avuct ar 1 POLYLORA SP AUULT 6 PSEUDOPOLYCORKA SPP AUULTS PruusPlo AUULT } STaestosPlo spp Acuc 2 OL 1Gou GeICOENaETA SPP ADULTS a9 6e r) 32.34 17.60 ACARING ACuRINM SPP ACUTS 1 o3t oS) CIRRIPEDJA JALANADAE SPP AOUTS a St oS) Cun RERILEUGON SPP ADULTS 1 33 Mi03€ 15.30 ra TRCCEUS sep aout 6 3 Cer hcnEL TA’ sep Aout rs f ol tt] pooa aS Hen OSPHAERONA LUTEA AguL =}! 5) QUTELORE spr aguc $ 1. 1.7) TOUTE RESECATA ACUL 1.76 1.2) ane CROP ALUN aout 12 3 1 NTSOCAMMARUS CONFERWIGOLUS ADULTS 5 8 bs TALITRIDE AOULTS 5 1 ] 2.06 AMPLTHOE Si AOULTS 26 ai 2 19.76 6.3 ee DIRE spp NY HEH i ent fone Sep aout 4 HH 3 COLEOPTERA COLEOPTERA SPP AOWTS a ott oS) DIPTERA DOLICHOPODIOKE SPP Lansac o3t 3) FRIRONOMIOAE SPP taRvag } ort 9) TPULLOAE SPP LARGA st 3 FISH COTTIuAE Ubetbcorrus ARAMATUS AOWTS a o3t oSD Gas AE dig SPERS tis ACULEATUS ADULTS 2 o7t oo) TOTAL ais 256 166 Table D-45. Number of animals taken by drift net (monquantitative) in tidal creeks of the sedge area. Site 03 (at the mouth of the large creek) was sampled by LD for 6 to 8 hours through an ebbtide on 16 October 1978 and on 26 April 1979. Sites 01 and 22 are in small creeks and were sampled by SD for 1 hour on 6 Feb-_ ruary 1978 (site 01) and for 6 hours on 26 April 1979 (site 22) during ebbtides: SEQGE SEOGE DGE SEDGE Lo i] 5 so sree ier 3 ry 22 ELE 10 = ob2 = owet oat TAKop LIFE STAGE mean (sod INVERTEGRATES NICARIA OMT ENSOARIA SeP aouLTs a1 So3t Ged NEMATC! AEMATODA SPP AoULTS 12 3 3.06 POLYICH4ETA ON UEPITECLIOAE SPP anu, ts 2 85 3 12.56 ~ NEANTHES rng gta AOWTS 1 o3f HOSSUAIA FLORIOA ADULTS R 5 3 2206 OLIGOUHZETA MTOCICCENAETA SPP AQULTS 23 ry) 87 bbo5t A UPODA wae RTROPODA_SPP Anu Ts 5 Ao3t 2020 ALUERIA SPP abut a out 38) a RARRGREAE SPP AouLTS 1 23 oo | aca fEMina sep aouLTs rT) 153 ry 1 60-66 © 62.3) osTRavo O3reeCooa sep ADULTS 3 ry 4000 4020 Cor cacgnoroa ACULTS 2 1 &.0t 6) can : RARPACEACOION SPP AgULTS 33 35 asi0t | a8s8) NYSIOmCEA AGONYSES NERCEDIS auLTs a a o5t 5) Cunacca HEAILEUCON SPP _ AQuLTS 10 033 4 213.0¢ 356.0) CURELLA SPP ADULTS 1 30 i dsoc | 42e70 TSOFOvA GNURIMOSPHAERONA LUTEA aouLTs 4 43 3.50 5.50 AMPRIPOOA ” gerne a anucts as 3e 276 66. 210.40 AamGRIOEA AvuUL 1 ° eS) ANISCCAMRARUS CONFERVECOLUS ADULT 19 $9 zo 460534 250.6) DEC azupA CePooa spp ZQEA 2a s a 0.6) DEcerooe SPP GALOPS F 28) HOMOPTERA HOACPTERA SPP AOwTs ® 4.06 © ter CcLEoPrEeRa CUCEOPTERA SPP AOULTS ry 34 ry) TAICHUPTERA CIMNEPHILIOAE SPP LARVAE 2 25 xy) LEPIOUPFERA PaURALIOAE SPP LaRgvAE a o3t oS) DIPTERA OLrTERA SPP PUPAE 233 - 10g. OlrTera SPP AJULTS & oF) OO. ICHOFUO me see : $ . $33 a te — SPP LARVA Ss t :: ’ CHikONOMIOAE SPP LARVAE s 26) PSTCHOO,OAE spe LARVAE 2 9 TIPULIOAE SPP CARVAE i ey) FISH URE CENTIFIEO isn SP SHISEe Laavac a a 5.36 Cortpose LEFTCCOTTUS ARMATUS ADULTS E 3 004 be SD Toran abe 2153 630: 4 7 83 Table D-46. Number of animals taken by drift net (nonquantitative) in tidal creeks of the mature high area. Site 13 (large creek) was sampled by the large drift net on 17 October 1978, 1 November 1978, and 12 April 1979; and site 16 (small creek) was sampled by the small drift net on 12 April 1979. Samples 13-0001 and 13-0002 each sampled about 1 hour and samples 13-0003 and 16-0001 about 2 hours during ebbtide. The latter two samples were collected during high winds which stirred bottom materials and likely affected ‘sample composition. AREA HAT WE NAT NE WAT WE HAT HE SAMPLER to to to so SANE ai i} a3 ui SAMPLE ood: = 00 00 oodt TAAON LIFE STAGE MEAN (SO) INVERTESRATES CHI CART NOARIA SPP ADULTS T 1006 3.0) NENERTEA NEMERTEA SPP ADULTS 40 10-0¢ ©1763) NEMATUDA NEMATODA SPP ADULTS ry 2 20 i Can ver) rn EPTTECLIOAE SPP AOQULTS ry L L 5 5 SPuRORSIOAE SPP ADULTS i Cy Ob Pocrcoaa SPP AUULTS 1 3t 8) STREBLISPIC SPP AduLTs i ut o4) OLIGOCHAETA OLiGOCHAETA SPP AouLTS ® 1 a0 13 26.5¢ 16.3) ARAKERE ARRNEAE SPP ADULTS a 3 Ay) ACARI Nn AGcRINA sep AOULTS 3 3 1.5¢ 1.5) cone RELEUCON. SPP avu' MEMAL . conétca’ Sep rathe £3 ce a ant Le ead rep TANATOACER PANCOLUS SPP ADULTS 2 1 2 6l OU IsoFOoa GNURIMOSPHAERONA LUTEA AOULTS 20 2 5.5t 0.6) PO OKOPHIUN SPP AouLTS On u 1 ® 1.3¢ 1.6) ANGSUGAMMARUS CONFERVICOLUS AQULT b Bu sSuGaRMaRUS Fra i ; 660 18 119-71 196-61 ANFITHOE SPP ague 1 2 1586 F EC sPouE ELAPODA SPP Z0€a ry o3t ay) COLLENBOL 8 NTOMDSRYIDAE SPP ADULTS r oS 6) HOMOPTERA OMOPTERA SPP ADULTS i o3t 4) OTP TS TERA SPP PUPAE 2 Chetena spp ADULTS . 2 Ht O33 GOLICHOFLO IONE see LakvAE t 3 24) ERATOPOGOALOAE SPP LARVAE 23 24) FISH Fe UALOENTIFIEO PESKIERS Larvae a “Ht 4) TOTAL 13 79 «13200 379 Table D-47. Density (number per square meter) of small infauna in a sandflat adjacent to the low sand area, 22 July 1978. A single MC sample 10 centimeters deep was taken at each of 10 sampling points within a 30- by 60-meter grid. The samples were screened on a 0.5-millimeter sieve. AREA HSAMe SANG L Sano 1 SAMO SANO L SAND L SAND L SAWO LU SANG L SAND pigs D oe 6 A in Son Sing Ande ait} osei oust 1288 1335 aii oaste ld sold 508d TARON LIFE STAGE EAN (SOD ImvERTE@QATES WEMERTER HEMERTEA SPP aouLTs az3 ro 207 G1.70 99.8) nemaTuoa WENATOOA SPP AOULTS oi? oir 1357 207 063 063 907 555.16 Poi rc Exeftet roa SPP AouLTS 6662 1006 = SaSu 2960 1900 Woo 89-4357 495 1674.96 ei tcre. see abutts ? 2 617 7 uo teint RUPLOSCOLOFLOS SPP Farrag] 108k? 835 aseze 2008s = oh Gh SUT sft 4ide s92t 3oS6 AE: oC PSEUIIPOLTOURA SPP AguL 125 1 j2s Lot eecRarhe sep mpucts aor 2o7 423 2e7 OT $i: af ARASELLIOAE SPP aout 495 2606 O9.rt OLIGOCHAETA OLAGOCHAETA SPP AouTS 2037 5097 2716 2037 2596 3956 2220 o3i7 2220 2026.76 EuaLeyt CRIFTOMYA CALIFORMICA AUULTS or azs 267 61.76 TRACCOR OST AE YKECOOA SPP ADULTS 125 12-30 37.00 Cup {reberoroa spe AQULIS 693 267 123 123 oi? 160.66 226.09 TawaTuaces PanCoL AQULTS 123 HERe Qn PP AguCTS 207 617 +3t 091.5) AAP IEG! EQnauSTORELS SPP AOUL rf 70 08 093 063 2 6 y 4 760. 854.9) Fonts roar ie8 Priva § 138 135 Ai} 1} ee ty eS) igsbt 6223} CCLLENBOLO ISUTCRIGAE SFP AoULTS 123 12,30 37.00 WOMCPTERA APAIOIOAE SPP ADULTS azy 12.36 37.0) PIERA OUP LERATOPOGOMLOAE SPP Laavae 123 12.34 97.00 Toray 19600 A3OLS 22217 «19263 «ASSHd «AR VOS «= ROSE = OTA AHO Toot 84 Table D-48. Density (number per square meter) of large infauna in a sandflat adjacent to the low sand area, 22 July 1978. A single LC sample 30 centimeters deep was taken at each of 11 sampling points in a 30- by 60-meter grid. The samples were screened on a 2-millimeter sieve. L SANO L_SANO Lt SAND L_SANO L SANO L_SANO ee L SAND anee tc tc tc tc tc tc tc SARBCER 16 16 16 16 16 16 SAPPL TAXON LIFE STAGE INVERTEBRATES 4 55 5 ay A YPTONYA CALIFORNICA ADULTS 55 55 110 164 55 16 5 55 OE OEE OCTANASSA SPP AOULTS 219 219 110 55 164 TOTAL 55 274 329 274 110 328 55 110 DAMPLEA tc Ag tc AG SAnPLe 5uie 5818 . TAXON LIFE STAGE MEAN (SO) INVERTEBRATES BEN A YPTOHYA CALIFORNICA ADULTS 55 55 62.26 44.2) OC AE ULIANASSA SPP ADULTS 164 164 115.16 79.3) TOTAL 219 219 Table D-49. Density (number per square meter) of small infauna in a mudflat adjacent to the sedge area, 24 June 1978. A single MC sample 10 centimeters deep was taken at each of 10 sampling points in a 30- by 60-meter grid. The samples were screened on a 0.5-millimeter sieve. AREA SEO GE SEOGE SEDGE SEQCE SEOQGE SEOGE SEOGE SEDGE SAMPLER nC nc AC Ac nc Ac "Cc 4c SITE o2 o2 02 o2 a2 o2 o2 02 SamPLe O13 O303 0616 1508 23510 2414 Soar 5922 TAXON LIFE STAGE WEAN (SD) INVERTESRATES Cal Canta eNLDARIA SPP ADULTS 967 123 267 169060 320.8) WERATUOb NEMATOOA SPP AOULTS Se27 678.4( 1794.9) PO ronseTa CAFITELLIOAE SPP ADULTS 2220 60212 6366 Te0L 9375 3967 194e9 2220 21656.6(11980.7) ETcONE SPP AQULTS 267 267 247 740 370 76C 6 0 @lo.3( 268.6) PocUUOPOLYOORA SPP AQULTS 493 760 493 1236 1466 493 616.8( &9S.6) PYLUSPIO SPP anaes b196 6416 49S 2226 19746 1942.58 2169.A) STREILUSPIO SPP AQULTS 267 267 6167¢ 106.6) MI aSUNIA FLORIDA ADULTS 1727 1480 1236 2716 12346 4196 2220 185003 L571) OLIGOHLETA CLAGUCHAETA SPP ADULTS 39965 56027 31066 69833 36265 15769 57661 47120 $1665.6112609.6) GASTQuPLOA a4 0) spp ADULTS 2716 267 267 606-90 860-4) aleauvia SACOMA BAL THICA ADULTS 493 769 267 267 987 339.2( $67.5) CoPEPoDA MARPGLCTACO 104 SPP ADULTS 1660 205.60 609.5) CUMACES HEAMILEUCON SPP AQULTS 6306 493 9868 41662 15542 10415 1727 720608 5018.9) CURMELLA SPP ADULTS 267 3608 6166) AMPH POUR SOnOFHIUM SPP AUULTS 6661 So7% 66146 567% 19% 5161 267 6255.61 2687.7) AVSSIGAMAARUS TONFERVICOLUS ADULTS 267 267 61.70 106.8) TACITRIOAE SPP ADULTS 123 USe60 60.8) OIPTERA OQO.ICWHOPODIOAE SPP LARVAE 267 . 30.00 01.6) TOTAL o019% 105096 63156 76205 78205 ‘2or67 101661 S7975 85 Table D-50. Density (number per square meter) of large infauna in a mudflat adjacent to the sedge area, 24 June 1978. A single LC sample 30 centimeters deep was taken at each of 10 sampling points in a 30- by 60-meter grid (two samples were lost during processing). The samples were screened on a 2-millimeter sieve. TAAQN INVERTESRATES SIvALvIA MALCHA BALTHICA OECAPUDA HEMIGRAPSUS CREGONENSIS AREA SAPFPLER SITE SAMPLE TAAON INVERT EdR ATES JIVAL VIA MAULCHA BALTHICA DECAPUDA HEMIGRAPSUS OREGONENSIS LIFE STAGE AOULTS ADULTS TOTAL LIFE STAGE ADULTS ADULTS TOTAL SEOGE SEDGE SEDGE SEDGE SEDGE SEOGE SEIGE SEOGE tc uc ?@ Lc L LG Lc tc 03 uc os 03 os 03 3 03 0113 0303 0505 0816 1508 2310 2416 4623 439 658 932 439 548 384% 1535 55 439 713 932 439 566 364% 1535 SEDGE SEOGE SEOGE tc Lc uc Q3 03 03 4 616 S411 5922 HEAN(SO) 603 1042 677 677-6( .367.8) 506 156) 603 1042 677 86 APPENDIX E FISH SAMPLE DATA Abbreviations for gear used in this appendix are LS = large seine MS = medium seine OT = otter trawl SS = small seine 87 Table E-1. Area 1 (Low Sand) Sampler MS Site 13 Sample Ol Habitat Low level marsh Date 17 November 1978 Fork Length (mm) Table E-3. Area 2 (Low Silt) Sampler MS Site Ol Sample Ol Habitat Low level marsh Date 6 April 1978 <= s We vo oo Ga h 3 n Threespine Stickleback Sculpin Smelt Chum Sulmon Surf. UN anNeueunuee Threespine stickleback me DOWDWUNNODWNIUNH NEN Table E-2. Area 7 (Netarts Seine) Sampler MS Site 01 Samples 0101-140) (Combined results of 14 samples) Habitat Low level marsh Date 12 April 1979 Stickleback Surf Fork Length (mm) BUN BUYER HRENKNeYWHeN Nea Table E-4. Area 3 (Sedge) Sampler MS Site Ol Sample 01 Habitat Low level marsh Date 6 February 1978 Stickleback Staghorn Sculpin Threespine Fork Fork Length (mm) 22 32 1 40 43 Smelt Salmon Chum Table E-5S. Area 8 (Siletz Seine) Sampler LS Site 01 Samples Ol, 02, 04 (Combined results of 3 samples) Habitat Low level marsh Date 26 April 1979 Fork Length (am) Threespine Stickleback ee oe ol del Surf ~ u ~ Table E-6. Area 2 (Low Silt) Sampler MS Site 10 Sample 01 Habitat Pan Date 18 September 1978 Threespine Stickleback rk Length (mm) Sacit Sturry Flounder UNNRUANRORUNN - en nn mN 89 Table E-7. Area 3 (Sedge) Sampler SS Sitemels Sample 01 Habitat Pan Date 18 September 1978 Fork Length (mm) 12 13 14 1s 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 Table E-8. Area 4 (Immature High) Sampler MS Site Ol Sample Ol 2, Habitat Pan Boca Date 7 April 1978 223 cao GJ SS) is Fork Length (mn) inne Table E-9. Area 5S (Mature High) Sampler MS Site 15 Sample 01 Habitat Pan 1 November 1978 Date Threespine Fork Length (mm) o i= al = uw” o o he + c= = Re Ree WRN BWnNe tickleback kleb Table E-10. Table E-12. Area 5 (Mature High) Area 2 (Low Silt) Samper MS Sampler MS Site 15 ~ Site 02 x Sample 02 3 Sample 02 £3 Habitat Pan ‘o Habitat Small tidal creek ac Date 12 April 1979 * Date 18 September 1978 ox ol boot Fork Length (mm) 5 Fork Length (mm) f= oF) 44 1 20 4s 1 21 48 1 22 50 1 23 $l 1 24 $2 3 25 $3 &} 26 54 1 27 SS 4 28 56 2 29 $7 3 30 58 1 31 $9 2 32 60 1 > oS} 62 1 34 63 1 38 65 1 36 38 39 40 41 44 76 Table E-11. Area 2 (Low Silt) Table E-13. Sampler MS Site 02 “ Sample Ol 3 Habitat Small Tidal Creek 2 Date 6 April 1978 2 Area 3 (Sedge): Ss Sampler SS = Sites 01, 02 HY i Samples 01, 01 22 1 (Combined results of 2 samples) 23 3 Habitat Small] tidal creek a z Date 6 April 1978 27 3 28 3 Fork Length (mm) 29 4 30 1 1 31 2 33 2 1 34 3 1 35 1 1 36 1 37 3 1 38 3 3 39 2 1 40 2 41 3 1 42 2 1 43 2 4a 3 46 1 47 2 48 3 49 2 50 1 51 2 $2 3 $3 2 $4 1 ss 2 Se 1 57 3 38 2 6 1 90 Table E-14. Area 3 (Sedge) Samplers MS, SS Site 17 Samples 0201, 0301, 0601, 0801 (Combined results of 4 samples Haoitat Large tidal creek Date 18 September 1978 Surfperch Topsmelt Table E-16. Area S$ (Mature High) Sampler MS Site 14 Sample 0102, 0301 (Combined results of 2 samples.) Habitat Large tidal creek Date 12 April 1979 Fork Length (mn ee RR RUN NUN WYN INR BNO E TR HN 9| Table E-15. Area 5 (Mature High) Sampler MS Site 14 Sample 0101, 0201, 0401 (Combined results of 3 samples.) Habitat Large tidal creek Date 1 November 1978 Sculpin Threespine Stickleback = nd Salmon Table E-17. Table E-18. Area 3 (Sedge) | Area 3 (Sedge) Sampler LS Sampler LS Site ll one Site 10 =~ Sample 91 Sle ofS 2 r+ Sample 01 « es) (3 Habitat Slough Slo sle=| _|>3is Habitat Slough tl» les} 12 Date 18 September 1978 Ses ahc oe ae 4 Date 18 September 1978 Bossa) ys z Sap assis aaa sz 322i BAR RSabdmalse sls l= 213 2 Fork Length (mm Fork Length (mm) Hote aA 2s 2 32 1 26 1 3s 1 27 3 so 1 28 2 Si 1 29 8 $2 1 30 12 $3 2 31 1s ss 1 32 9 S6 4 33 12 s7 4 34 12] 1 $8 9 3s 14 s9 1 36 10 60 1 37 8 61 4 38 9 62 7) 39 1 63 7 40 9 64 6 41 3 6S 13 43 1 66 3 44 2 67 ll 4s 1 68 14 46 1 69 16 47 1 70 22 so 2 71 12 $1 1 72 6 $2 1 73 13 ss 1 74 11 58 1 7s 17 60 1 76 8 61 6 77 7 62 6 78 6 63 4 79 711 64 6 80 s 6s 7 2 1 66 7 83 3 67 s 84 1 68 4 8S 2 69 4 86 1 70 5 87 2 7 4 88 2 72 2 92 3 73 1 1 93 1 74 3 1 94 2 7s 1 95 2 76 1 96 3 84 2 97 4 94 1 98 3 97 1 1 99 2 98 1 100 7 99 1 101 2 101 2 102 4 102 1 103 4 104 7 10S 2 105 73 1 106 3 108 1 107 4 110 1 108 s 113 3 109 3 114 2 110 9 122 1 Ml 3 128 1 112 2 130 1 113 6 131 1 114 6 137 1 11s 5 138 116 1 142 1 117 1 160 118 2 172 1 119 1 196 i 120 2 121 1 122 2 124 2 125 2 127 1 128 2 129 2 133 1 137 1 147 154 1 164 173 92 Table E-19. Table E-21. eo siplersiste Area 1 (Low Sand) Site 10 ofl Sampler MS sample mO2 $|52 . 3 Site Ol Ecl les A SEG rat 1979 ae 32 5 2| wlp3}_ §|3 S\= - Sample 01 Sais cle Sie gis S13 22 )2 Bi Habitat Tidal flat (sandy) G9 alr lo Bim 216 215 32 F| Date 7 February 1978 ° vo Fork Length (mm) & 36 2 41 1 42 1 Table E-22. Area 1 (Low Sand) Sampler MS Site 01 Sample 02 Habitat Tidal flat (sandy) Date 3 June 1978 Fork Length (mm) Table E-20. Table E-23. Area 2 (Low Silt) Area 3 (Sedge) Sampler MS Sampler MS Sitemels ~ Site 23 Sample 01 oes Sample 01 Habitat Tidal flat (muddy) Hal Habitat Slough (shallow region) Date 18 September 1978 ox Date 26 April 1979 i eee Fork Length (mm) ein Fork Length (mm) ll Ree RPE WN PO WMO ERODSH rH WH 93 Table E-24. Area 9 (Siletz Trawl) Sampler OT Site ll Sample O01 Habitat Tidal flat (muddy) Date 18 September 1978 << Fork Length (mm) 94 G 204 st WS yJodtd Aeg WeqeTy tad ayeus 210s ucS 2105 siy3u yeuun) 2EG>IpPes ajpaus Jans Jutpusea9 di3n YPEQIT ADIs aurdsaoryt 1 gle wa) yuay y204 u a|P als 5 fas bahia la gl6t aunr z aieq 2\> a6 Teuury> Avg yearqril wie ) (‘sotdwas ay8yo yo Sapnsax paurquoy (aaps yous) (0 opto B0-10 89915 IO s9yilwng (Tawa, $24929N) 9 caay “S¢-d 8T4PL oyrus 310s x amma RMONNManazmontrtroOTMTR AN Touur) gacgeippcs afeas JANS ut [usss) dray poosury yWorga(yoas aurtdsooayL ynousaqny uozaqe) urdpnas oreygng =m -nm- maw ns qeppues patyoads 22ue(pues 2esyord 7Juaz 410. BL6r eunr Z yauury> Avg 32 idwes ay8te jo sijnsai pau ©21s yree) 10 80-10 wi (tata, 622020N) 9 e199 wage 19809) ol dues 5211S atdevs vory Se) Table E-26. Area 9 Siletz Trawl Sampler OT Sites 12, 15, 16 Sample 01 (each site) (Combined results of 3 samples. Habitat Bay channel Date 18 September 1978 Fork Length (mm) x © Onc s/c slo i Ula O] 3 Hojo ec w/o o}.o x Ooi ord bh oO] a]o a Oc Sy) v o <|— © oo Ke) roles] EwuMloulu Ss UOC E ao 3\w 3 fa wl) RAJ O Salad Je O/5 0 2 sJc via 5 Solo a (2Ii 2) =e) NWI NIN © wnNwnlo wn ee ~ om 2S = ~ » Cabezon ~ Se SUS 55 tae See te [SRS iS se eect eee See ar re ea Sen 96 APPENDIX F FISH FOOD HABITS DATA Stomach contents of fish captured in marsh and bay channel habitats. Each food habits table is referenced to the appropriate table in Appendix E which provides species and length-frequency data for the sample. Mean prey volumes are shown for all fish examined in a sample (excluding fish with empty stomachs). Means shown as "'.0'' represent values <.05 percent. Fish species codes are interpreted in the following table: 0301 0401 0901 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 2201 2202 2301 2401 2501 2502 2901 2902 3401 3901 4001 4002 4003 4401 4402 4403 4801 $301 5401 Family Ammodyt idae Atherinidae Bothidae Cottidae Cottidae Cottidae Cottidae Cottidae Embiotocidae Embiotocidae Engraulidadae Gadidae Gasterosteidae Gasterosteidae Hexagrammidae Hexagrammidae Osmeridae Pholidae Pleuronectidae Pleuronectidae Pleuronectidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Salmonidae Scorpaenidae Stichaetidae Syngnathidae Scientific Name Ammodytes hexapterus Atherinops affinis Citharichthys stigmaeus Leptocottus armatus Enophrys bison Scorpaentchthys marmoratus Cottus asper Cottus aleuttcus Cymatogaster aggregata Phanerodon furcatus Engraulis mordax Microgadus proximus Aulorhynchus flavidus Gasterosteus aculeatus Ophiodon elongatus Hexagramnos decagrammus Hypomesus prettiosus Pholis ornata Platichthys stellatus Parophrys vetulus Psettichthys melanostictus Oncorhynchus keta Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Salmo gairdnerit Sebastes spp Iwnpenus sagitta Syngnathus lLeptornychus Common Name Pacific Sandlance Topsmelt Speckled Sanddab Staghorn Sculpin Buffalo Sculpin Cabezon Prickly Sculpin Coastal Sculpin Shiner Surfperch White Surfperch Northern Anchovy Pacific Tomcod Tubesnout Threespine Stickleback: Lingcod Kelp Greenling Surf Smelt Saddleback Gunnel Starry Flounder English Sole Sand Sole Chum Salmon Chinook Salmon Steelhead Trout Rockfish spp Snake Prickleback Bay Pipefish Abbreviations for LS MS OT SS gear used in this appendix are large seine medium seine otter trawl small trawl Si Table F-1. aRcas L SAND SANPLERS AS SITEs 43 SGMPLES 4 SPECIESs SPECIAEN Fx LNG HA STOM FULL & JILUS VOL HNOPT NIG stare PREV UNSPECIFIED ANVERIE GRATES WEMATCOA PARASITIC SPP POLYCHAETA POLYCHACTA SPP OLIGOCHAETA OLIGOCHAETA SPP ACARINA ACARINA SPP CeauSTAcea CRUSTACZA SPP OSTRACODS OSTR&COJA SPP COPEPGDA AARPACTICOIDA SPP CIRRIPEDIA CIRRIPEDIA SPP CUMACEA CUMELLA SPP TANAIDACEA TANAIDALEA SPP ARP4IPOOA 4MPHIPODA SPP AMPHIPOUA SPP SOROPHIUR SPP AAPITHOc SPP DIPTERA DIPTERA SFP EPHVORTOAE SPP AUSCIGAE SPP DO.LCHOPOOLOAE SPP CERATOPOGGNIDAE SPP CHIRONOAIOAE SPP (Reference Table ADULTS A0ULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS &DULTS ADULTS LARVAE ADULTS ADULTS JUVENILES AOULTS ADULTS ADULTS LARVAE LARVAE LARVAE LARVAE LARVAE LARVAE 2502 1 &3 0 13.8 6 WUAB VIL XE NO 6228 9 7 176 2608 a 108 6 6.0 a 206 i od 16 Soo 98 2502 2 36 50 508 s NUNB VOL X WUAB VOL &% WUNB VOL % NG 53.9 ) °f 79 1305 25 2002 1 607 2 205 B 2c6 ND 267 Cn 2502 3 42 7 4205 6 3906 06 19.8 29e1 bel Lo2 G06 2502 & 43 50 20.8 3 NO 8603 416 Loe 1 0S t) 6.6 6 3ee 2502 2502 5 6 38 42 30 60 6.9 32.8 6 6 NUMD VOL X NUMB VOL x ND 80.0 WO 6002 a 04 53 110% 2a 1.6 a 1.0 aa 608 39 Shee 4200 507 3 my pe Table F-1. BREA’ L SAND SAPPLFRE AS SITEs 13 SLUPLES 1 SPCCIES® SPECIAEN FK LAG BM STIM FULL % BOLUS VOL MNPe3 (Concluded) OIL state PREY UNSPECIFIcD TAVERTESRATES hERATODA PARASITIC SPP s0ULTS POLYCHAETA POLYCHAETA SPP ADULTS OLIGOCHAETA OLIGGCHAETA SPP ADULTS ACACIKA ACARINA SPP ADULTS SRUSTACEA CRUSTACEA SPP ADULTS OSTeacooa OSTPACODA SPP 40uLTS COPZPOODA HARPSCTTSOIOA SPP ADULTS CIRRIPEDLA CIRRIPEUTA SPP LARVAE CUMACE4 CUMELLA SPP ADULTS TANAIOACCA TANASIDACEA SPP ADULTS AMPHIPOOA ANMPHIPODA SPP JUVENILES AMPHIPOLS SPP AGULTS COROPHIUM SPP ADULTS AWPITHOE SPP ADULTS DIPTEKA DIPTERA SPP LARVAE EPHYDRIDAE SPP LARVAE MUSCIOAE SPP LARVAE BOLTCHOPOGIDAE SPP LARVAE CERATOPUGONIDAE SPP LARVAE CHIRUNOMIDAE SPP LAQWAE WUAB VOL X WUAB 97 io 10 2502 7 39 50 13-6 5 68.5 10.8 7.8 2.9 108 a9 wo &23 3B 2502 2562 2502 2261 8 9 10 11 42 36 ae 75 60 60 75 15 59.3 13.9 64.0 15.6 7 T 9 5 VOL % NUMB VOL % WUMS VOL & NUMD VOL % HEAN VOL 4 26-6 ND 5708 ND 1600 NO 66-8 5502 oo} 68.9 6.3 334 0526 7.8 1 o2 1 o& ei ot 02 2 23 27 47 7 fel 68 15-9 29 2.7 9-9 03 a 02 22 2 1.8 ot) 02 6 500 $1 2164 6.2 2 ob 2 10% o2 o& o7 24 1660 6.7 oh 4 ot) 02 02 20 7 3.0 i ord 44 608 2.3 1 105 oc Table F-2. (Reference Table E-2) AREAL N SEIN SAMPLERS BS SITE? i SAMPLE# O181-140) SPECIES! eeb1 1602 1601 1661 1601 1o0L SPECIMEN 1 2 3 ® 5 6 Fx LNG AN oy) 57 26 40 46 36 SICM FULL % 70 100 90 65 60 75 SOLUS WUL AAPPS 13.6 51206 508 O09 65.8 528 OIG State 7? 6 5 ® & 3 PREY NUMS VOL X WUAB VOL & WUNG VOL X WNUNB VOL X NUAB VOL X WNUHE VOL X UNSPECIFIED NO 3508 ND 805 NO 6506 ND 6506 NO 5609 ND 9206 THVERTEDRALES PROTOZOA FORAMINIFERA SPP ADULTS 4 Sol NEMATODA PARASITIC SPP ADULTS POLYCHAETA POLYCHAETA SPP AOQULTS WD 1406 ETLONE SPP Qa9ULTS MEANTHES LIANICOLA AQULTS A 542 CRUSTACEA CRUSTACEA SPP JUWENILES CGPEPODA CALANUTVA SPP ADULTS 4 oS TYCLGPOIDOA SPP ADULTS 4HARPACTICOIDA SPP ADULTS 19 2608 2 1.6 CUMACER CUMACER SPF ADULTS HEMILEUCON SPP ADULTS 16 60.8 i z.8 TENAINGCCA TANAZOALEA SPP ADULTS a 206 ZSOPOGA TsoPa0a SPP JUVENILES a 22 AMPHIPCDA AMPHIPOUA SPP ADULTS 4 1069 1 1608 AMPHIPOJA SPP JUVENILES CORGPHIUM SPP ADULTS i bod 3 1203 NO 2606 i 1.5 ANITSOGASMLRUS CONFERVICOLU ADULTS a 009 & 1567 AMPZTHOE SPP ADULTS DIPTERA DIPTERA SPP PUPAE CERATOPUGONIDAE SPP LAR@AE a 207 SHIRGNOAIDAE SPP LARV AE a ef 2 26 2 Joi FISH UNIDENTIFLIEO UNSPECIFIED SOTTIDAE STAGHORN SCULPIN UNSPECIFIED a 13.5 100 Table F-2. (Continued) AREA! N SEIN SHMPLERI AS SITES 4 SAMPLES O104-140; SPECIESS# 1601 1601 e601 eo01 601 6601 SPECIMEN 7 8 9 10 11 12 FkK LNG AR 30 32 36 4&2 37 38 STOM FULL X 60 60 20 60 40 60 BOLUS vou MMP 2.2 Sel oo) 908 4.8 5.9 DIG STATE & 6 i 3 & & PREY NUMB VIL K NUNG VOL X WNUMB VOL X WUAB VOL X NUNB ¥OL % NUMB VOL X% UASPECAF ILD NO [bed NO 60.8 NO 100.0 ND 3604 NO 1669 ND 62.3 INVERTEBRATES PROTOZOA FORAMINIFERA SPP ADULTS NEMATODA PARASITIC SPP ADULTS PILYCHAETA POL YCHAETA SPP AOULTS ETEONE SPP ADULTS NEANTHES LIMNICOLA ADULTS CRUSTACEA CRUSTACEA SPP JUVENILES a 06 COPEPODA CALANOIDA SPP ADULTS 1 1.2 CYCLOPOLOA SPP ADULTS HARPACTLICOIDA SPP ADULTS 9 19.2 22 8928 CUMACEA CUMACEA SPP ADULTS i Reb ch) 309 HEMILEUSON SPP ADULTS 28 STeb6 6 56.8 13° 50.9 TANAIDACEA TANAIDACEA SPP AOULTS 1 Tei 2 1609 TSoPoose ISOPODA SPP JUVENILES ANPHIPODA AMPHIPODA SPP ADULTS ANPHIPOJA SPP JUVENILES i °3 COROPHIUM SPP ADULTS ANISOGANMARUS CONFERWICOLU ADULTS AAMPITROc SPP ADULTS DIPTERA DIPTERA SPP PUPAE i 6.6 CERETOPOGONIDAE SPP LARVAE i 1.3 2 Boi 4 Toh CHIRONOMIDAE SPP LARVAE FISH UNIDENTIFIEO UNSPECIFIED COTTIDAE STAGHCRN SCULPIN UNSPECIFIED 10] Table F-2. (Continued) ARE4! N S=IK SA4PLERU nS SITE! i SAMPLE# ©181-I401 SPECIES!# 2502 2502 2502 4401 yeoL 2502 SPECIMEN 13 a6 15 16 17 18 Fx LNG AA $2 53 49 39 43 4s STOM FULL % bo 5G 68 60 10 35 BOLUS VOL MN°O3 1202 508 903 1.0 oi 563 Ole STATE 2 8 U 3 1 i PREY WUMB VIL % NUNG VOL % NUAD VOL X NUMB VOL X NUAB VOL X% NUMA VOL X UNSPCCIFIED NO 9300 NO 1206 WD 3002 ND 7500 WD 100.0 ND 5100 INVERTEBRATES e PROTOZOA FORAMINIFERA SPP aDULTS WEMATOOA PARASITIC SPP aou.TS 1 100 POLYCHAETA : POLYCHAETA SPP ADULTS ETEUNE SPP ADULTS NEANTHES LIMNICOLA ADULTS CRUSTACEA CRUSTACEA SPP JUVE NILES COPEPODA CALGNOIGA SPP ADULTS 2 500 6 89 a 105 CYCLOPOLOA SPP AOULTS HARPACTICOIQA SPP ADULTS 2 103 1 6 CUMACEA CUMACEA SPP ADULTS HEMILEUCON SPP ADULTS 5 365 43 3603 1 25.0 2 Te2 TANAIDACEA TANAIDACEA SPP ADULTS ISOFODA ISOPoDA SPP JUVENILES AMPHIPODA AMPHIPODA SPP ADULTS 3 38.5 AAPHIPOUG SPP JUVENILES COROPAIUM SOP ADULTS - & 2702 2 6008 ANZSOGAMHARUS CONFERVICOLU ADULTS i 2 bo? AMPITHO: SPP ADULTS DIPTERA OIPTERA SPP PUPAE CERKTOPGGCNIOAE SPP LARVAE P CHIRONOMI UAE SPP LARWAE FISH UNIDENTIFIED UNSPECIFIED CoTTIOae STAGHCRN SCULPIW UNSPECIFIED 102 Table F-2. (Concluded) arRfAt W SCIN SA4PLEKE MS SITES Py SAMPLEt ©161-!40] SPECIES# SPECIAEN Fx LNG fin STOM FULL & BOLUS WOL mNOeeS OLG STaTE PREY UNSPECIFISD TNVERTEBRATES PROTOZOA FORAMINAFERA SFP ADULTS NEMATODA PARASITIC SPP ADULTS PULVCHACTA POLYCHAETA SPP ADULTS ETEONE SPP ADULTS MEANTHES LIMNICOLA ADULTS CRUSTACEA CRISTACEA SPP JUVENILES COPEPODS CAL ANOIZA SPP ADULTS CYCLOPIiDA SPP aCULTS HARPACTICOIOA SPP ADULTS CUMACEA CUMACEA SPP AOULTS mEMILEUCCN SPP C AUULTS TANAIOACCA TANAJOACEA SPP ADULTS ISOPODA ISOPOOA SPP JUVENILES AMPHIPODA AMPHLPOSK SPP ADULTS &MPHIPODG SPP JUVENILES CGROFHIum SPP aduLTS ANLSOGARMARUS CONFERVICOLU ADULTS ANPITMOE SPP ADULTS DIPTERA OIPTERA SPP PUPAE CERATOPUGGNIOAE SPP LARVAE CHIRONOAIOAE SPP LARVAE FISH UNIDENTIFIED UNSPECIFIED COTTIDAc STAGHORN SCULPIN UNSPECIFICO AREAt N ScYh SGAPLERE WS SILES i SAMP_E& Ofol-/40/ SPECIES# SPCCIAEN Fe UNG AR STOM FULL .% BILUS VOL MAOPS O1G STATE PREY UNSPECIFIED INVERTESRETES COPEPONA HARPACTICOIOA SPP ADULTS CUAACEA AERILEUCON SPP ADULTS AHPnIPODA COROPHIUA SPP Z ADULTS ANISOGANNARUS CONFERWICOLU ADULTS OIPTERS CERATOPOGONIOAE SPP LARVAE WUMB VOL Z WHO 2208 26 5606 2 i168 a Bob eeOL 1 el 55 bee 6 1601 1601 401 3401 oe01 2a 2 22 23 26 61 bb 40 65 39 90 90 65 16 80 196.0 91el 6-0 hel 27.0 2 5 6 5 6 WUMNB® VOL % NUMD VOL % NUMY VOL X NUAB VOL % NUMB VOL % NEANY vou WD 616 WD &209 ND 10006 NO Sic? NO 6307 $5.1 2 20 26 2 17627 7 202 00 7 1 169 et A ol a o2 1 3.5 3.9 3 3 608 35 4508 1906 1 o3 9 606 Leb 6 ND = Se2 2 57 Bet 20 3 5e3 So2 2 606 126 2 2004 28 2 del 3 i 9 °6 °2 4 32.6 1.3 0} 4604 2 Ct) 63 308 ? NUAS VOL X AUAB VOL XZ MEAN VOL z ND 6306 NO 2608 boo7 a ef of 1% 23.8 17 «718 5000 2 208 1.6 1 508 2.5 2 oS 2 3.0 108 Table F-3. (Reference Table E-5) SPECIES! 1664 2562 SPECIMEN AREAG S$ SEIN 1 2 Fe LNG AA SAMPLERS US rs 66 Si STOM FULL X SITES a 95 60 JOLUS VOL AMPOR SASPLES i 12.5 2106 OIG STATE 6 7? PREV NUMB VIL & WUAB VOL & UNSPECIFIED RO 1608 ND 1108 INVERTEBRATES POLYCHAETA ARPHARETIOAE SPP AOULTS OSTRACODA OSTRACOJA SPP ADULTS COPEPOOA MARPACTICOIOA SPP AoULTS CumMacea MEMILEUCON SPP aouUTs ® 308 6 $d AMPHIPODA SOROPHIUA SPP ADULTS 16 60.0 ANISOGARMARUS CONFERVICOLU AOWTS 4a 208 & 1408 ORTHOPTERA ORTMOPTERA SPP aou.Ts OIPTERA DIPTERA SPP PUPAE OIPTERA SPP AOULTS SERATOPGGONIDAE SPP PUPAE CERATOPOGONIOAE SPP LARVAE PSVCHOODiDAE SPP AOULTS. PSYCHOO; DAE SPP PUPAE HYMENOPTERA FORMICIDAE SPP ADULTS FISH UNIDENTIFIED FIS LARVAE Vv 70.8 SPECIESS 1662 1681 SPECI AEN v r) Fe LNG AM 27 31 STOM FULL Z 06 2) BOLUS VOL AROey 107 oh) OlG STATE a 5 PREY WUMe VIL ZT WUAB VOL % UNSPECIFIED ND Sbob NO 6608 TNVERTEBRATES POLYCHAETA QAMPHERETIDAE SPP AOULTS 4 ob OSTRACODA OSTRACOVA SPP AOULTS 3B 18.8 COPEPODA AARPACTSCOIDA SPP ALULTS a ef CURACEA MEAILEUCON SPP AOULTS a 128 QHPHIPODA COROPHIUM SPP AQULTS 2 61.8 @ 32.8 ANISOGARHARUS CONFERVICOLY ADWTS ORTHOPTERA OaTHOPTERA SPP ADULTS GIPTERA OLPTERA SPP PuPAE OLPTERA SPP ADULTS CERATOPUGONIDAE SPP PuPAE a 3.8 CERATOPUGONIOAE SPP LARVAE PSYCHOOIDAE SPP ADULTS PSYCHOOLDAE SPP PUPAE a eof HYMENOPTERA FORAICIGAE SPP AOULTS FISH UNIDENTIFIED LARVAE 104 1601 Yoon ood 3 & 5 60 43 52 a0 8 05 906 0 1800 7 8 2 NUMB VOL % NUNS VOL X NUNG VOL X WO 1508 WO 8328 2 65.8 2 166 20 7.0 aa 808 4 106 ebOi 1662 9g 16 69 22 8s es bob °f 3 6 WUMB VOL X AUNB VOL Z MEAN voL x sea.t HO 76.8 NO 6100.0 So sb ef 2.8 °f 2 of tel 2 8.8 17.9 Alot ef r 8.8 2o2 9 o3 2 5 ot & 78 1.9 o') e2 To8 ebat 6 52 85 1205 z WUMB VOL Z NO 8607 12 520 6 0S 13° 1008 a 26 Table F-4. AREAt S SEIN SAMPLERE LS SITE) 1 SAVPLED 2 SPECIES# SPECIMEN Fx LNG AM STOM FULL &% dOLUS VOL HMPeS OIG STATE PREY UNSPECIFIED INVERTEBRATES POL. YCHAETA POLYCHAETA SPP ETEONE SPP GLYCERA SPP CUMACEA HENILEULON SPP AMPHIPODA COROPHIUM SPP AWLSUGAMMARUS C DECAPODA QECAPODa SPP CALLIANASSA SPP DIPTERA TABZANIOAE SPP (Reference a0ULTS AOULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS CNFERVICQLU ADULTS LARVAE ADULTS PUPAE Table E-5) hOO1 4001 4061 a 2 3 189 215 250 60 76 55 2.8 66.0 376.0 6 3 6 NUMB VIL X WUNG VOL X NUAB VOL X NUNS VOL X NO 2608 wo 3.8 WO 208 a 1.0 1 328 36 63-8 a 5oB ND 93-8 2 98.0 105 6001 & 169 30 19.0 6 NO 4107 1 1.8 1 o3 2 2.0 2 1660 1 39-0 6001 3 199 7s 116.5 a WUNS YUL X MEAN vOL Xx ND 99-8 3405 o2 02 4 o2 06 et 16.2 402 16.6 1906 78 Table F-5. (Reference aRzat S SEIN S@aPLERI LS SITEs 4 SASPLES 6 SPECIES! SPECIMEN FK UNG MA STOM FULL X BOLUS VOL NNPPS OUG STATE PREY UNSPECIFIED INVERTEBRATES ARANEAE ARAREAE SPP AoULTS COPEPOUA COPEPOOa SPP AIULTS CALANOTOA SPP ADULTS HARPACITLOLOA SPP ADULTS MYSTOACEA MYSIDACEA SPP ADULTS AMPHIPODA COROFYIUM SPP ADULTS DECAPODA OECAPODA SPP LAPdhE CaRIDEA SPP AOULTS COLLEMBOLA . COLLEM3OLA SPP ADULTS HEMIPTERA HEMIPTERA SPP ADULTS COLEOPTE2A COLEOPTERA sep LARVAE COLEOPT=RA SPP ADULTS DIPTERA DIPTERA SPP aou.ts DIPTERA SPP PupaAc DOLICHOPODIDAE SPP LARGAE CERATOPOGONIDAE SPP Larvae CHIRGHOMIDAE SPP LARVAE PSYCHOOADAE SPP PuPAac PSVCHOOLOAE SPP LARVAE PSYCHUOiDAE SPP aGuLTs HYMENOPTERA HYMENOPTERA SPP ADULTS FORHICIOAE SPP AOULTS FISH UNIDENTIFIED LARVAE Table E-5) beOi 4601 eooL 9691 O01 i 2 3 6 5 oy 42 oO? Sa $2 00 65 60 95 92 12.5 208 10.2 1205 12.3 3 ® 8 2 5 WUMB VIL & NUNB VOL X WNUNG VOL & WUMD VOL & NUNB VOL X% WO 62.3 NO 61-0 ND 6300 ND 6900 WD 66.0 a oY a 1.0 A of 4 10 NO 2.8 a oS 13 6.8 22 3166 io 608 bl 2608 60 S100 1 120 t) 1.0 20 600 i ob 69 47-0 6 106 3 2.0 29 2.0 e 1.8 ? 2.0 1 1-6 4 108 4 4.8 1 120 106 42 6 56 oT 31.3 6 WUMB VOL Xx NO 7.1 1 ei 2 205 i 02 i 4 1 1.0 1 ef 6 1.0 2 e2 1 of 33 6.0 3 1.9 34 «680.5 Table F-S. AEA’ S SEIN SAMPLER? oS SITEt 4 SAMPLES LV} SPECIES! SPECIMEN FK LNG AN STOM FULL X% BOLUS VOL M1S9S OIG STATE PREY UNSPECIFIED InvERTEBRATES ARANERE ARANCAE SPP COPEPODA COPEFODA SPP CALANOILJA SPP HARPACTICOIDA SPP MVSTDACEA MYSIDACEA SPP AMPHIPOOA COROPHIUM SPP OECAPCOA DECAPODA SPP CARIDEA SPP COLLENBOLA COLLEMBULA SPP HERIPTERA HEMIPTERA SPP COLEOPTERA COLECPTERA SPP COLEOPTERA SPP OIPTERA Ol? TERA SPP OIPTERA SPP DO. ICHOPOOIOAE SPP CEROTOPOGCNIDAE SPP SHIRGNONIGAE SPP PSVCHOOIDAE SPP PSVCHOOIDAE SPP PSYVCHODINAE SPP HVHENOPTERG HVNEMOPTERA SPP FORMICIOME SPP FISH UNIDENTIFIED (Concluded) AOULTS” aOULTS AOULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS LARVAE ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS LakvAE AOULTS ADULTS PUPAE LARVAE LARVAE LARVAE PUPAE LARVAE AOULTS ADULTS aOULTS LARVAE hood ? 62 92 12.5 6 wWuUMB WIL WO Lvof 1 ef 1 of i «1 9 bob 9 2.8 03 Tod 107 6403 601 e601 r) 9 10 59 55 65 97 96 86 17-6 10.8 bee 6 ? 5 WUMB VOL X WUMB VOL X WUNG VOL X WEAN vuL % ND 600 Nd Goll Wo fO08 otob 4 0 20 0 2 16 of a ef 3 8 ob 28 1 oS ei o2 2 ot i 0S of 10 «300 08 % 1-8 21 1308 A3eb ed °9 2 o2 9 160 eb 1201 06 6 228 % 3.8 1.5 e2 3 2 2.6 ob 36 06.6 27 «88.8 25-6 Table F-6. (Reference Table E-6) ARFAt L SILT SAMPLER! AS SITES 16 SAMPLES 4 SPECIES!# 2502 2502 2502 2502 2502 2502 SPECIMEN i 2 3 & 5 6 Fx LNG MA 21 22 25 29 32 28 STOM FULL % 60 t) 50 60 60 75 BOLUS VOL AMeeS Sob 6 200 2260 700 1506 OIG STATE 3 t) v & & b PREY WUAB 9JL X NUMB VOL % NUAB VOL X WUMB WOL X NUAS VOL X NUMNB VOL X UNSPECIFIzD NO 6Bo2 NO 58.6 ND 51.3 ND 30% NO 55-8 INVERTEORGTLS OLIGOCHAETA GLIGOCHAETA SPP ADULTS i 405 G&STRGPODA ALOERIA SPP ADULTS. i 11-6 2 7.8 a 3.0 ACARINA ACARINA SPP ADULTS a ob OSTRACODA QISTR&CODA SPP ADULTS i of 6 202 COPEPODA HARPACTXECOIDA SPP ADULTS 61 2006 30 Bob ? 103 29 3.7 57 13.6 CURACEA HEMILEUGON SPP ADULTS 4 308 ISOPODA GNORIHOSPHAEROMA LUTEA ADULTS 2 1708 AMPHIPODA COROPHIUR SPP ADULTS 2 1526 DIPTERA DIPTERA SPP PUPAE i 1.9 a 1.9 MUSCIDAE SPP LaRVAE a 202 DOLICHOPOCIDAE SPP LARVAE 2 Job CERATOPSGONIDAE SPP LARVAE 3 ileb 12 19-6 29 2204 27 3726 27) «1768 PSYCHOOiDAE SPP LARVAE 7 11.5 TiPULIOAE SPP LARVAE 4 e& i 05 SPCCIES3 2502 2502 2502 2502 SPECIMEN 7 () 9 10 FK LNG AR e7 30 27 26 STOR FULL X% 65 7S 75 90 BOLUS VOL HNeeS 508 2169 903 2hob OIG STATE 5 3 6 5 PREV NUAB VIL ZX NURS VOL X NUAMB WGL X WUND VOL &% MEAN vOL Xx UNSPECIFIED ND 6602 ND 5703 NO 690% NO 6007 56.6 INVERTEBRATES VEL ROMAETA OLIGOCHAETA SPP aDu.ts 5 Te3 ry °3 2 23 Leh GASTROPODA ALDERIA SPP ADULTS B 10.5 i 305 500 ACARINA ACARINA SPP ADULTS & 06 1 02 el OSTRACODA OSTRACOJA SPP ADULTS a o6 3 °5 05 CUPEPOOA HARPACTICOIDA SPP ADULTS 31 507 6 o3 37 69 oh) 305 6.8 CUMACEA HEMILEUZON SPP ADULTS ob ISOPODA GNORIMOSPHAEROHA LUTEA ADULTS 109 4MPHIPODG COROPHIUM SPP ADULTS 1.7 DIPTERA DIPTERA SPP PUPAT oh HUSCIDAE SPP LARVAE of JOLICHOPOD: DAE SPP LARVAE 2 1.3 oS CERATIPIGONIDAE SPP LARVAE 9 bob Si 22.7 21 2hee 50 313 21.3 PSYCHODIDAE SPP LARVAE 2 203 4 oS 106 TIPULTOAE SPP LARVAE 3B 1103 det 108 Table F-7. QPEAe Im WI SQsPLER8 WS SITE! 1 SAMPLES a SPECIESS SPECIMEN FK LNG AN STOM FULL X BILUS VOL HMOOZ DIG STATE PREY UNSPECIFIED INVERTLBRATES OLIGOCHAETA (Reference OLIGOCHHETA SPP COPEPOOA CALANOIDA SPP HARPACTICOIDA SPP AMPHIPODA AMPHIPODA SPP A0ULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ANISOGANMARUS CONFERVICOLU ADULTS DIPTERA DIPTERA SPP SPECIES! SPECIMEN FK LNG AN STOM FULL X BOLUS VOL ANDES DIG STATE PREV UNSPECIFIcD INVERTEBRATES OLIGOCHAETA OLIGOCHAETA SPP COPEPODA COLANOIUA SPP HARFACTICOIDA SPP AMNPHIPODA AHPHIPODA SPP LARVAE ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ANISOGANMARUS CONFERVICOLU ADULTS DIPTERA OLPTERA SPP LARVAE Table E-8) 2502 i 6B 2a 1706 6 NUMB VO. Xx NO bo 27% 90.0 13 1.8 1 1.8 1501 7 76 50 12.5 2 MUMB WIL ZX ND 33eb NO 33.3 2 3303 109 2502 2 62 15 2169 5 NUMB VOL ZX ND 4906 135 3902 87 725 MEAN VOL & 3002 o2 66.8 365 Gob 1206 02 58 20 17.6 9 NUMB VOL % WNUMB VOL X MUNG VOL Xx NOD 6.8 a 1.5 165 64.6 32 6G 3 Soi 2502 & 52 15 6.0 7 ND 620i 55 5 1.0 7 NO 67.0 2502 6 60 30 32.6 7 NUMB VOL % WO 508 131 50.0 43 3.3 7? 6107 Table F-8. (Reference Table E-9) QQEAS MAT HI SAMPLER! AS SITE! 15 SAMPLE! a SPECIES8 2502 2502 2562 2502 2502 2502 SPECIMEN a 2 3 % 5 6 FK LKG KA 39 38 65 41 46 43 STUM FULL X& 30 40 5 25 20 5 BILUS WIL ANPPS Bou $26 2228 6.8 5.8 efi O1G STATE 4 1 2 2 2 a PREY NUMB VOL XZ NUAB VOL X NUMB VOL X WUMS VOL X& WNUNB VOL X NUMA VOL Xx UNSPECIFIED NO 99.8 WO 998 NO 9700 NO 90.0 ND 60.8 ND 9929 TNVERTEBRATES NEMATODA PARASITIC SPP ADULTS 2 20 COPEPODA CA.ANOIDA SPP ADULTS 1 205 HARPACT COIDA SPP AVULTS 4 o3 13 3.5 HEMIPTERA HEMIPTERA SPP NVMPHS ; 2 408 HESIPTERA SPP ADULTS 1 108 DIPTERA DIPTERA SPP ADULTS EPHYORIGAE SPP LARVAE CERATGPOGONIOAE SPP LARVAE CHIRONONIDAE SPP LARVAE 4 of 5 200 3 60.0 SPECTESS 2502 2502 2562 2502 SPECIMEN 7 8 9 10 FK LKG AM 37 &2 36 4&0 STOW FULL % 415 70 58 10 a0.uUS vOL AHPeS 109 1526 528 03 OLG STATE 2 3 2 a PREY NUMB VIL ZX NURB VOL X NUNB VOL X% WUAB VOL & MEAN VOL x% UNSPECIFIED ND 75-8 NO 6300 NO 9806. NO 100.0 0601 INVERTEGRATES WEMATODA PARGSITIC SPP ADULTS 5 5 of COPEPODA CALLNOIOA SPP ADULTS 5 106 23 HARPACTICOIDA SPP AGULTS 25 608 100 HEAIFIERS NEMIPTER& SPP NYRPAS 0b HESIPTERA SPP ADULTS et DIPTERA OIPTERA SPP ADULTS 1 63.0 43 EPHYORIJAE SPP LARG AE 1 25-0 2.5 CERATCPUGONIUAE SPP LORIE i oS ei CHIRONOAIGAE SPP LARVAE 9 725 3 e3 Sei 10 Table F-9. AREALt MAT H1 SAnPLERE AS Sifce 15 SAMPLES 2 SPLCIES!# SPECIMEN FxK LNG MM STOM FULL 4 BOLUS WOL ANPPS DIG STATE PREV UNSPECIFSED ANVERTEARODES NEMATODA MEMLTODK SPP OLIGOCHACTA OLIGOCHsETA SPP COPEPOOA CALANGIOA SPP HARPALCT COICA SPP ISOPOD4 GNORIMNOSPHAERONA LUTEA AMPHIPODA TALITRIOQAE SPP DIPTERA CHIRCIOAIL&E SPP CHIRONUALOAE SPP FISH UMIDENTIFLEG FIS SPECIES! SPELIMEN FK LNG HMA STON FULL % SOLUS VOL MMEPS OLS STATE PREY UNSPCCIFIEO INVERTEBRATES NEHMATODA NEMATOOA SPP QLIGOCHAETA OLIGOCHLETA SPP COPEPOCA CALANOTDA SPP h&RPACTICOIOA SPP TSOPODA GNORIMOSPHAERONA LUTEA AMPHIPOOK TALITRiDAE SPP DIPTERA CHIRONONIDAE SPP CHIRGNOWIGAE SPP FISH UNIDENTIFIED ADULTS ADULTS” AOULTS ADULTS ADULTS AOULTS LaAavae Aa0ULTS EGGS a0ULTS ADULTS ADULTS AdULTS ADULTS ADULTS LARVAE ADULTS EGGS 1601 2502 1 2 60 53 ge 76 13.7 o4 7? a WUMB VIL Z NURD WOL X ND 2168 ND 100.0 1 5.0 39° 7hed 1201 z5u2 T C) 54 546 92 85 1.6 9 2 8 WUMo VOL X NUAB VOL Z NO 9606 WO 4.0 bé 1.3 1356 960 6G 2.8 a ef (Reference Table E-10) NUAB WOL X ND 9660 2562 9 53 60 608 6 WUNG VOL &% ND 708 1992 92.0 8 108 1601 1604 4 5 57 60 40 45 os) 9.0 0 9 NUMB VOL % NUMB VOL % WO 9905 ND 208 i e2 3 or) 1 98.0 2562 10 55 70 3.6 7 WUAd VOL X MEAN vo. x ND 4207 5607 1 ei a) i o2 6 293 7.0 19.9 59 3.0 0G 908 of i@ 65:0 406 1 200 o2 Tob 2502 4 54 30 o) 1 NUMB WOL X ND 9600 35168 174 3.0 Table F-10. (Reference Table E-11) AREA L SILT SAKPLER! WS SUIECMRS SAMPLES a SPESIES# 1604 1601 1601 1601 1601 1601 SPECIMEN 1 2 3 4 5 6 FK LNG AN b2 58 57 b2 42 38 STOM FULL X 90 4S 65 ry.) 60 40 BOLUS VOL AMNPeS 05.2 30.5 19501 27.0 3228 15.6 OIG STATE v tL} 8 e 5 2 PREY MUAMB VOL X£ NUMB VOL X AWUAB VOL X WUMB VOL X NUNS VOL 4 NLMB VOL X UNSPECIFIED NO 17.3 WO 1720 ND 558 ND 7900 ND 600% ND 6507 INVERTESRATES POLYCHAETA GAPHARETIOAE SPP ADULTS ACKRINA ACARINA SPP ADULTS OSTRACODA OSTRACOQA SPP ADULTS CUPEPODA CALANOIUA SPP ADULTS MARPACTICOIDA SPP ADULTS CUMACEA HENILEUCORK SPP ADULTS 1 2.8 ISOPODA GNORIMOSPHACROHA LUTEA ADULTS 1 1600 1 16.2 AMPKIPODR AHPHIPODA SPP ADULTS 1 °3 ND 1104 NO 205 ND 14.3 COROPHIUN SPP ADULTS 3& 76.8 ANISOGARMMARUS CONFERVICOLU ADULTS 3 heb & 53 9 3202 1 14.6 3 60.4 DIPTERA DIPTERA SiP PUPAE CERATOPUGCNIDAE SPP LARVAE & 85 CHIRONOMIOAE SPP LARdAE 3 120 3 bed 3 100 2 367 & 3.0 PSYCHODAiDAE SPP LARVAE YIPULIDAE SPP LAQVAE SPECIES! 1601 1601 1601 1601 2502 2567 SPECIMEN T 8 9 10 11 12 Fe LNG AM 37 29 26 23 30 be STOM FULL % 65 40 8a 60 75 80 BOLUS VOL MHOeS 2109 ol 1907 Joe 6.9 66-0 OIG STATE 5 6 6 t) 6 5 PREY WUNB VOL X WNUMB VOL % AUNB VOL X WUM3 VOL X NUNB VOL X NUMB VOL X URSPECIFIED ND 6303 WD &&08 NOD 300 ND 7.5 ND 20.3 ND 36.2 INVERTESRATES POLYCHAETA SMPHARETIOAE SPP ADULTS aC&RINA ACARLNA SPP ADULTS 1 3 ISTRACIOA OSTRACOSR SPF ADULTS 1 22 2 3 COrePooa CALANOIJA SFP ADULTS WARPACTICLIDA SPP ADULTS 1 o2 3 220 2 oo} 91 18.9 10 o4 CUMACER NEMILEUCOn SPP ADULTS 1 of ISGPOCA SNORTHGSPHAEROMA LUTEA ADULTS 1 100% AMPHIPSDA AMPHSPO.A SPP ADULTS COROPHIum SPr ADULTS 12 9500 & 9407 1 4.3 3 605 ANLSOGANMLRUS CONFERVICOLU ADULTS 2 2620 1 2609 1 Tob DIPTERA CIPTER& SPP PUPAE 1 74 15 24e1 CERATOPQLONIOLE SPP LARVAE 42 39.3 3B 1729 22 08.0 23 16.3 CHIRGNOMIDAE SPP LARVAE PSYCHOJLDAE SPP LARVAc 1 1.3 TIPULTOac SPP LARVAE & fot Il2 Table F-10. (Concluded) AZEAt L SILT SAMPLERS AS sitce 2 SAMPLES 2 sercicse 2502 2502 SPECIMEN 13 14 FK LNG HH 36 ry) STOM FULL % so 60 BOLUS VGL HMPeS 528 12520 DIG STATE 7 6 PREY WUAB VIL X& MUMS VOL X MEAN vol x UNSPECIFIED WD 6906 ND 2608 3706 INVERTEBRATES POLY CHAETA AMPHARETIOAE SPP AdU.TS 7 33.0 264 ACARINA ACARINA SPP AOULTS 20 OSTRACODA OSTRACOCA SPP ADULTS 2 el 20 COPEPUDA CALANOILA SPP ADULTS t o2 0 WHARPALCTICOIOA SPP ADULTS 320 (902 7 3 203 CUMACEA HEMILEUCON SPP ADULTS 22 ZSOPODA GNORIHOSPHAEROMA LUTEA ADULTS 3.0 hAPHIPOOK QAPHIPOOK SPP ADULTS Lt) 6.2 205 COROPHIUN SPP ADULTS 7 20-6 21.3 ANISOGARMARUS CONFERVICOLU ADULTS 2 2605 5 i1eb 1706 DIPTERA DIPTERA SPP PUPAE A ty 203 CERATOFUGONIDAE SPP LARVAE @ 12.5 907 CHIRONONIDAE SPP Larvae 3 PSYCHOSINAE SPP LARWAE el TIPLLIOAe SPP Laavae t 203 cra It3 Table F-11. (Reference Table E-12) QrREAt L SILT S44PLER¢@ AS Stres 2 S4mPLES 2 SPECIES! 2502 2502 2582 2562 2502 2502 SPECIMEN 1 2 3 © 5 6 Fe LNG MA 25 268 32 27 22 Se STOM FULL & 60 75 60 60 60 7s BOLUS WOL ANS bod 10.7 3509 609 49 17.6 SIG STATE % 5 8 5 5 ir PREY WMUMB VI. © NUAB VOL X NUN VOL % AUMB VOL X NUAG VOL & NUNS VOL % UNSPECLIFIEG WO 73.0 ND 6905 NO 708 ND S107 ND 7702 ND 3403 INVERTEARATES POLYCHAETA PO. YCHAETA SPP ADULTS 2° 308 OLIGCCHAETA OLIGUCHAETA SPP ADULTS 2 bob SASTROPOUA ALOERIA SPP ADULTS 2 205 BRANEAT ARLWEAE SPP ADULTS ACARIKA ACHRINA SPP ADULTS a 04 i ok OSTRAccoOA QSTRACOLA SPP ADULTS & 200 5 208 2 e6 COPEPOQCK HARFACTICUIOA SPP ADULTS 16 ibe2 61 1306 7 Oh) 79 «11065 32 1023 63 307 CIRRIPEDIA CIRRIPEuIA SPP LARV AE 3 109 Tsupooa GNIRIMOSPHAEROMA LUTEA ADULTS AMPHIPOJh KHPHIPOJA SPP ADULTS COROPHIUM SFP ADULTS "3 bo? ANISOCARMHARUS CONFERVICOLU ADULTS a 203 5 503 TALITRIJ“CE SPF ADULTS a ob a 603 INSECTA INSECTA SPP LARVAE a 1.6 HOMOPTERA QPHIDIOwE S?P AOULTS DEPTERA OLPTERA SPP PUFAE = 2 3.7 MUSCIOAE SPP LARVAE a 602 a 405 1 06 DOLICHOPGOIDAE Srp LAFYAE CERATOPUGONIGAE SPP LARVAE a 06 & 3.7 ; 20 14069 6 Sel 29 5369 CHIRCNOMIDAE SPP LakvAE 2 320 92 83.7 TIPULIDAE SPP Larvae 2 13.9 a 10d 114 Table F-11. (Continued) arCat L SILT SAMPLERS MS SITES r4 SAMPLES 2 SPECIES!# 2502 2502 2502 2502 1601 1601 SPECIHEN 7 & 9 10 11 12 fK LNG AN foi 25 30 29 76 36 STOM FULL x 75 70 65 75 75 85 30.US5 VOL Anees 79.5 1328 903 8.68 19501 22.0 DIG STATE 5 % 5 7 7 6 PREY NUMB VIL & NUNG VOL % WUD VOL % WUMB VOL X% WUMB VOLK X NUAMB VOL % UNSrecdF {eb WO Get ND 66.3 NO 6003 NO 3208 NO 30.0 NO 11.5 INVERTEGRATCS POLVCHAETA POLYCHAETA SPP ADULTS GLIGOCHAETA OLIGOCiWmWETA SPP ADULTS 10 908 & 209 3 203 SASTROFOOA ALDERIA SPP ADULTS @ i703 2 1.5 .) 6.8 AR ANEAE ARANEAE SPP ADULTS 1 ef ACARINA ACARINA SPP ADULTS 2 oS OSTRACODA OSTRACOUA SPP ADULTS a 12 1 °5 1 2.3 COPEPODA HARPACTICOIDA SPP ADULTS Tv e3 458 17.2 39 &o2 36 5.8 CIRQIPEDLA CIRRIPEOIA SPP LARVAE TSOPODA GNOKIMOSPHAEROMA LUTEA ADULTS 6 3ho2 3 13-0 AMPHIPODA AMNPHIPOCA SPP ADULTS NO 12-7 COROPHIUM SPP ADULTS & 366 ANISOGAMMARUS CONFERVICOLU AQJUTS 3 bet fos 19 3Sbeoa 1 3806 TALITRIGAE SPP ADULTS INSECTA INSECTA SPP LARVAE HOMOPTERA APHIOIDAE SPP ADULTS 6 903 DIPTERA OIPTERA SPP PUPAE a 1.0 MUSCIDAE SPP LARVAE 1 2.3 COLICHOPOOIDAE SPP LARVAE 1 5} i 5-6 CEXATOPOGONIDAE SPP LARVAE 15 6.6 15 307 7 609 ei 27.7 CHIRONOMIDAE SPP LARVAE 2 09 i eS TIPULIOAE SPP LARVAE 4 23 2 729 2 13.9 2 1206 5 Table F-1l. At Sil S4HPLER! WS SITEs 2 SAMPLES 2 SPECIESt SUECI AEN Fx LNG AK STON FULL &% 3OLUS WOL WNeOT O3G STATE PREY UNSPECIFIED TRVERTECRATES POLYCHAETA POLYCHAZTA SPP OLIGCCHALTA OLIGOLHKETA SPP GASTROPOOA ALUERIA SPP ARANESE ARANEAE SPP ACLRINA ACHRINA SPP ISTRACOOA SSTRACOUA SPP COPEPOOA HARPACTICOIDA SPP CIRKIPEOIE CIRRIPEGIA SPP TSOPOUA GNORINOSPHAEROHA LUTEA ANPHIPODA ANPHIPOSA SPP COROPHIUM SPP ANISOGAMAARUS CONFERVICOLU TALITRIDAE SPP TNSECTA INSECTA SPP HOMOPTERA APHIDIOGE SPP DIPTERA OIPTERA SPP MUSCIDAE SPP DOL ICHOPOCIGAE SPP CERATOPGGONIDAE SFP CHIRGNOAIDAE Srp TIPULZDat SPP (Concluded) ADULTS ADULTS AOQULTS ASULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS LARVAE ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS 40ULTS AOULTS LARVAE ADULTS PUPAc LARVAE LARVAE LARV aE eARVAE LARVAE NJUHB VIL X NUNB VOL 4 NUMB VOL % NO 10.7 ND 3 58 3 of 2 & 12.6 2 ND 2hebd t 1 6328 a 6 1601 1601 14 15 36 3b 2s 60 108 96 6 6 4308 ND 2107 1.2 2500 2 3.3 NOD 403 500 3 60-7 2520 2 Seo7 a 43 3 10% 200 el 09 5.3 of ob Table F-12. AREAS SEDGE SAHPLFRE SS SITES 2 SAMPLES a SPECIES!8 SPECIHEN FR LNG AA STOM FULL X BOLUS JOL MFees OIG STATE PREY UNSPECIFICO Laver teanates ACARINA ACAKINA SPP COPEPLOA HWARPACTELCOIOA SPP TSGPODA GNIRINOSPhHAEROAMA LUTEA AMPHIPODK CHP ZTPODA SPP ROROSHIuUN SPP TOLITRKIVAE SPP OLPTERA OL°TERA SPP OIPTERA SPP CERATOPSGONIOAC SPP SPECIES! SPECI HEN FK UNG AN STOM FULL % BoLuS vOL mmees OIG STATE PREY UNSPECIFIED INVERTESRATES ACARINE ACARINA SPP COPEFCOA HARPECTACOIDA SPP ISGPOOK GNORIMOSPHREROMA LUTEA AMPHIFOOS AMPHIPOUA SPP COROPHIJM SPP TALITAIDGE SPP DLPTERA DIPTERA SPP DIPTERA SPP CERATOPUGONIDAE SPP (Reference ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS AOULTS ADULTS LARVAE ALULTS LARVAE ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ACULTS LARVAE " ADULTS LARVAE Table E-13) ipod al 66 75 27.0 6 NUAB WIL NO 28.8 2 1.8 i 5 1 33.0 3 637.0 a 05 1604 7 5% 160 125-0 6 NUMB VOL Z ND 55.8 NO 22.9 & 22098 5 108 16014 2 4&7 75 &2.9 3 WUMB VOL X WUMB VOL X WUMB VOL X ND &6c% NO 1 1 1 11.6 1 3428 1 209 3 4.3 » 1601 8 47 30 6.0 7 WUNB VOL X MEAN VOL % ND 9-8 53.8 of o7 15.3 ND 69-0 13.9 68 43 1.3 of a 208 1eb 117 6? 60 e607 3 &9ol G9eo1 1601 4 63 75 Glo 2 WO 60.0 4601 1691 5 6 25 5a 50 50 5 16.0 6 2 NUMB VOL X NUAMB VOL % ND 95-0 WO 688.8 1 520 1 16.0 9 200 Table F-13. (Reference Table E-14) ASEAt SEDSE SAMPLERS 4S SITE: 17 SAMPLEt Fol SPECIESS 2502 2502 2502 25C2 2502 2592 SPECIMEN 1 2 3 & 5 6 FK UNG BA 31 36 34 35 32 34 STOM FULL & 20 100 75 60 85 70 30-US vOL MAPey 1306 32.6 10.6 21.9 35.9 19.7 OIS STATE 8 4 3 © 7 7 PREY NUHB VOU & NUAB WGL X NUAS VOL X WUMB VOL % NUMZ VOL % NUND VOL X UNSPECIFIES NO 25.0 NO 62.0 NO 6506 ND 9302 NO 7ic7 NO Sheo6 Tnvtr ti JSates NEMATODA NEMATOD4 3PP ADULTS 2 3 PILYCHAETA QAPHARETIOAE SPP ADULTS a 3.8 GASTROFOLA ALDERIA SPP ADULTS & 1.8 ARANELE GIANEAE SPP ADULTS &CARINA &CARINA SFP ADULTS ERANCHIOPODA CLADCCE COROPHIUN SPP ADULTS 45 «38-2 23 16.3 1702 ANISOGANMARJS CONFERVICOLU ADULTS 25 DIPTERA PSYCHODIDAE SPP LARVAE od I2U Table F-17. SPECIES! SPECINEN Fe UNG AM STIS FULL = BILUS JCL AAPSZ OIG STaTe PREY UNSPECIFIED SNVERTESRATES NERMERTEA WERERTEA SPP NEMATICA PARASITIC SPP POLYC+SETA PILVIOMAETA SPP PI. TCHAETA SPP ETECNE SPP PSEUCUPULYDIRA SPP OLISCoMmAztTsé OLIGCCHaETA SPP OSTzacoja OSTR&COJA SPP COPEP=IIA CYCLLPOIDA SPP HARPECTICOIDA SPP Ten ATsaCea TANALOASEA SPP TSOPODA IOOTEIDAE SPP ARPHIPIDE QAPHIPOIA SPP AMPriPQvA SPP COROPHIUN SPP CaPRELLADAE SPP SPCCIES# SPECIAEN FRK LNG HA Sion Furi Zz ZOLUS VOL MAOeT OLG STATE PRcty UNSPECIFIZED INVERTEGRATES WEMCRTEA NEAESTEG SPP REMATIOA PaRASITIC SPP PILYCHsETA POLYCHLcTA SPP POL onacTA SPP ETEONE SPP PSEUDSPULYDORA SPP OL.TGOC+acTa OLIGCIMAETA SPP ostasccoa ISTRACOIA SPP COPEPICA CYCLUPG.0A SPP MARPALTECIIOG SPP Tanalcacca TANAISACEA SPP TS3?Coa TOOSTEISAE SPP AMPHIPOD AMPHIPSIO SPP AAPHIPCSA SPP SO20PHiuA SPP CaPhecLIDAE SPP (Reference to Table @R£A8 L SAND SATPLERE AS StTEt a SasPLes 2 ADULTS ADULTS AaoULTS JUVENILES AOULTS A40uU.TS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS JUVENILES ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS JUVENILES ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS AoULTS ADULTS JUVENILES AOULTS ADULTS E-22) e002 4002 4032 4002 @b32 i 2 3 % 5 ° 35 ss %6 a6 33 50 60 50 ea 50 Te2 5903 1506 1907 409 8 v 5 S 7 NUNS VIL E NUMD VOL X NUNS VIL X NUN@ VOL KX NUAB VOL % no Bob ND 2602 NO 6eb NO 20.0 WO 10.6 6 903 23 56S NO Sic? 4 6.8 % boD ‘a 3205 2 10.3 % Gob 3 106 5 3.5 5 205 2 08 3 ot 2 of 2 ob v 205 96 36.8 10 52-0 Te = &006 Be 3500 16 6528 44 3608 2 %o8 2 10046 4652 1601 1631 41601 1601 7 6 ] ag aa 53 45 55 60 Si 75 75 25 50 68 16609 5409 4306 39.3 Qloi 6 7 5 6 7 WUHG VIL EZ NUNS VOL 4 NUAS VOL X WUNB VOL & WUMS VOL X& NO Af ot ND 2be3 ND 590? ND Sho ND 26c8 a o& 2 o7 ° 2 0% a 5 416 53.8 93 7206 & 36d 98 68 1et 0500 2 of ® 3.3 1 @7ob a 108 1 5-0 4 oS 3 1.7 ® 12 2 409 a of 128 160 1 6 €2 60 166. 9 6 WuRd VOL X% NO 3528 347) «(GA HEAN vO. Zz 2606 Se7 105 3.2 Table F-18. AREAG N TIL SAMPLERS OF SITES 3 SAMPLES i SPECIES# SPECIMEN FK LNG AA STOM FULL Z BOLUS VOL HN°°S (Reference Table E-25) DIG STATE PREY UNSPECIFIED INVERTEBRATES POLYCHAETA AMPHARETIOAE SPP ADULTS OSTRACODA OSTRACOJA SPP ADULTS COPEPOOA CALANOLIA SPP ADULTS nARPACTLCOIDA SPP AOULTS CUKACEA CUMELLA SPP AOULTS ANP4IPODA AMPHZIPODA SPP ADULTS COROPHIuN SPP AOQULTS AMPITHOE SPP ADULTS TAPRELLADAE SPP ADULTS DECAPOOA DECAPODA SPP LaRWAE SRANGON FRANCISCORUA ADULTS PANDALUS DANAE ADULTS PISH UNIDENTIFIEO UNSPECIFIEO SPECIESS SPLoL mem Fa wae AA STOM FULL % BOLUS WOL MHePS OIG STATE PREV UNSPECIFIED INVERTEBRATES POLYCHAETA AMPHARETIOAE SPP Aou.TS OSTRACODA OSTRACOLA SPP ADULTS COPEPODA CALANCIOA SPP ADULTS HARPACTICOIGA SPP ADULTS CUMACEA CUHELiA SPP aouLTs AHPHIPODA ARPHIPOSA SPP AQULTS SOROPHIUM SPP ADULTS AKPITHOE SPP AOULTS CAPRELLIDAE SPP ADULTS DECAPODA DECAPODS SPP LARJAE CRANGON FRANCISCORUN ADULTS PANDALUS DANAE ADULTS FISn F UNICENTIFIEO UNSPECIFIED 266 8 205 1 NUMB WIL © ND 508 2902 2 73 95 1301 6 4062 2961 1601 3 4 5 93 86 100 8 90 t) 8 908 0 6 6 Qo MUMd VOL % NUNS VOL X NUAG VOL X WUAB VOL X 1608 ND 128 1 99-6 2901 1601 901 V4 j lf il 6g 86 66 65 36 66 bod 202 905 2 4 & NUMB VOL % La) 3.8 1 9720 NUMS VOL & NUNS VOL X WUNB VOL X NUMB VOL % NUMB VOL % NUNBD VOL % MEAN 6 426 2 V9 23.8 508 2.0 66.6 208 ND ’ 3.0 WO 100.0 ND 29.0 3 70.6 95.8 NO 209 1 25.0 2 73.8 vol Xx 20.2 10.8 Beet owe 2 3VAuVI 3170S HSII9N3 3vVOTLO3NOUNIId neat A $66 3VANVI O3TITANIOINA HSId ye 2 siinog ddS 3V0100H9ASd 3° t _ Shino ddS V¥3LdI0 vuaidia 1 sitnov ddS NOSNYES a t simev VONVIIYDIN WOONTED a°ss : ose o°oos & Sitnov WNOISTINIES NOSHDDI o°8 e ‘ IVAN dd$ v00d¥930 v00d 0930 5°08 o°oe 66 ‘ sitnov ddS 3v01113NdV9 ©° t Sino ddS 2OHITAHY a t SATNAV NIOITAYTINID SNAVKNVOOSINV a°t ’ 0B. 2 oot 6 siinov déS WNIHd0¥wOd 4°03 ove £9 siinov ddS VCOdIHdNY i VOOdIHdKY o°2 ecz 2 £ : Sitnov ddS ivoOT3icor : vaodost $° a sitnov ddS VIIVOTYNVE VI0VOIUNVS “20 t 2° t siqnav ddS v1173KN9 Va VHD 96 oczz2 ete e Sitnov ddS VCTOIILIVGYVH at Ooty 298 Sitnov ddS VOIGNY1V9 va0d3d09 a 3 siimoy ddS VCOOVYISC cy : voodvysso s° 2 : sitnav ddS 3VINVUT BVINVUV 6° a) 3 Sianov ddS O319133dS4N . S31LVYBILUIANT 9°68 a°%2 ON or2 $°S6 ON s° oN ON it) o°s2 ON O313193dSNN % TOA GAN % TOA ONAN X OA GUNN % TOA GHAN X% TOA EWON % TOA EXNN X% TOA BHNN X% TOA GHAN % TOA SHAN X 10A BWNN A3Ud rY ry 9 4 9 6 S 0 9 Bivis 910 ry 6° 2°2 $°44 eed 2°st ors 8 g°te faekW TOA Sh108 8 0S $9 66 iT) 1) 5S 0 26 x 11N3 HOLS a 4s 26 iT) oe S6 29 aor ett WH ONT NJ ot 6 9 4 9 $ 9 £ 2 N3H193dS 1098 2062 106 Toa 2009 3062 200% 3093 1062 1$3193dS t 13 1dhvS ¥ of3aats iC rt Idhvs WEL N tV3R0 (SZ-d STqeL souetesoy) “6I-d STqeL 130 Table F-20. (Reference Table E-26) e AREAS’ S TRwL SO4PLERS OF SITE® 12 SAMPLES 1 SPECIES! 5 e001 1601 2261 1601 9001 ©0001 SPECI HEN 1 2 3 4 5 6 FK LNG HAM 193 107 79 176 135 146 STOM FULL X 60 88 a0 15 63 76 BOLUS WOL MKeeS 1307 21.6 106 2005 7229 16.9 OIG STATE 5 3 1 2 3 3 PREY MUMB VIL & MUNB VOL £ WUMG VOL X WUNB VOL X WUMB VOL ZX NUMO VOL X YNSPECIFIZED NO 19.3 ND 65.5 NO 99.5 ND 99.0 NO 62.0 NO 68.5 INVERTESRATES WEHATODA NEMATOOA SPP ADULTS POLYCHAETA CAPITELLIGAc SPP ADULTS 1 5 GMPHERETIDAE SPP AOULTS 5 2.8 a 1.8 POLYOGRA SPP AOULTS 6 620 BIVALVIA BIVALWIA SPP ADULTS . 2 66-8 OSTRACODA OSTR&CODK SPP ADULTS a 35 HVSIDACEA RYSIOACZA SPP adULTS 1 °5 AMPHIPODA COROPHIJM SPP ADULTS 4 1.0 16 30.0 35 1620 5 200 ANISGGANMARJS CONFERVICOLU ADULTS 1 1.0 DECAPODA GECAPODA SPP LARVAE 2 26.0 INSECIA INSECTA SPP LAaRdAE 1 7 SPECTES! 1601 1661 6601 4001 SPECIMEN 7 6 9 1¢ FK LNG SN 125 112 322. 367 STOM FuLL x $5 93 8 15 BOLUS WOL NMOPS 12520 2408 6 ~ 5608 DIG STATE a 2 6 1 PREY NUMB VOL X% NUNS VOL X WUNB VOL X% NUHS VOL X MEAN VOL % UNSPOCIFICO NO 100.0 WD 9765 ND 2.0 6906 INJERTEGRATES WOMATODA NEMATODA SPP ADULTS 2 oS of POLYCHAETA CAPITELLIGAS SPP ADULTS 3 ei ANPS£RETIORE SPP AQULTS 23 POLYOCR& SPP ADULTS ar) BIVaLVIA 3ivALvIa SPP aDULTS 2 98.0 20.7 OSTaACODA OSTR&CODA SPP AOULTS et AVSIOACEA . SYSIUACEA SPP ADULTS el AMPHIPODA : COROFHIUA SPP ADULTS & 2.6 ST ANISOGARMKRUS CONFERVICOLU ADULTS of OECKPODA DECAPOOA SPP LARVAE 207 INSECTA INSECTA SPP LARV AE S ei | Table F-21. AREAS S TReL SAMPLER! OT SITE#® 15 SAMPLES 1 SPECIES® SPECIHEN FK LNG AA STON FULL & BOLUS VOL AANeP3 OIG STaTE PREY UNSPECIFICO INVERTEBRATES POLYCHAETA CAPITELLIDAE SPP SLYCERA SPP BIlvALvIAa BIVALVIA SPP CUNACEA CUMELLA SPP ISOPCDA ZSOPODA SPP &MPHIPODA COROPHIUAM SPP GAHMARIVEK SPP (Reference Table E-26) AOULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ANISOGAAMARUS CONFERVICOLU ADULTS TALITRIDAE SPP DECAPODA CRANSON FRANCISCORUA SPECIES? SPECIMEN Fk LNG AN STI4 FULL Z BOLUS vOL mares DIG STATE PREY UNSPECIFIZD TMdERTEBROTES POLYCHAETA CAPITELLIDAE SPP G.YCERA SPP BivelvIA BlvALJI& SPP CUHACEA CUMELLA SPP ISOPODA ISOPGDA SPP AMPHIPODL COROFMIVH SPP GAHMLRIVEA SPP ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ADULTS ALULTS AOULTS ANISOGANMGRUS CONFERWICOLU ADULTS TALiTRIDAE SPP DECAPODA CRANGON FRANCISCORUA ADULTS ADULTS 150. a 120 90 5500 6 NUNB VIL & NUND NO 3305 ND 34 a 3.8 i 1.8 a i 05 a 208 2 55.8 6061 7 122 95 6505 7 NUMB VIL XZ NUND nO 5.0 NO 24 77.0 49 NO 13920 3 4 132 11.5 1700 208 1.0 NUNB NO NUAB NO 1601 4001 3 & o7 126 To 65 13.3 To2 5 7 VOL 4 WUNB vOL xX 2608 NO 7.0 1 3.0 22 8608 a 1.8 4 160 Ted 208 400L 061% 9 10 69 65 77 76 11.2 9e7 7 7 VOL % NUHB VOL % 21.8 NO Loe 75-8 1.8 2 °f 3.0 135 96.0 NUAMB VOL % NO 8.0 25 90.0 1 2.0 WEAN VOL & 13.6 1601 6 72 92 1726 6 NUAB VOL % ND 1.0 L729 Se} SOW! amTgcn €0ZOL *SseTIaS "A °C-Tg vou £ ((°S°N) JeqUaQ YoITeeSoYy SupTiseuTsuq TeIseo)) Jiode1 snosueTTessTW :seTieg “AT *KhydersouevssgQ JO TooydsS *ARTSTaATUN 99eIS UOZSIO “III °71 J4taeqoy ‘fuORTOH “IT *OTITL *1 «°Aheg zJeTTS—--uo8e19--AZoTooe ysiemept], *g *Aeg sqIeION --u03a10--AZoTo99 ysiewapT, °¢ *Aeg zJaTTS—-—-uoZe10--seysTy °y *Aeg sqJiejaN--uoSei9--seysty *¢ *heg zJeTTS—--uo8s19--seqje1qeqIsAUT otTaenby °z “Aeg s71e}aN--u0Ze109--sajeaqejyAsAuy OTQeNby °T euose19 ‘skeg sj1e39N pue zZJeTTS UT pe,eooT sjzeITqeu YSieM TeleAeS JO euney YySTJ pue 9}eIGaIBAUT Jy UO eJep UTeY-pooyz pue suTT-eseq saeptaoid jaodeay *AqTSisATuUN a3eqSg uose19 ‘Aydea8oue|asQ Jo Tooyds ayq Aq paredeig (€T00-0-L/-ZLMOVG 39813009) (¢-[g ou { i1ajuaD YydIeesSey BuTIseUuTsUq jTeyseo) / jiode1 snosueyTTeosTW)--°md /z £ sdem ‘*T{TT : *d [ZET] “1861 ‘(SILN Wory atTqeTTeae : sea ‘SpyTeTy3utads) { rzequeg yoieasey ZupTiveuTsuq ~Teqyseo) ‘sisveutT3uyq jo sdiop ‘SAwmry *S*n : *eA fATOATAg Jioq—-*u0ITOH *T 31eqoy pue AeT3TH °7 sueng Aq / satienqse uo03e10 OM} UT Saysiew WTeS JO saysTJ pue sajeiqezIsAUT 9y. Jo Apnqs y *7 oueng ‘AoT3TH L209 GS-18 °ou auTgcn €0ZOL *SeTIes “A °G-1g cou £ ((°S°N) JeqUaD YoIeesey SuTIss.uTsuq TeIseoD)) 31ode1 snosueTTe9sTW :seT1eg AT *Ahydea8ouras9 JO TooydS °ARTSIPATUQ 93eIS U0ZEIQ “III °71 349908 Suo0jTOH “IT *OTITL °1 °Aeg zZIaTTS—--uo3e19--AZoTove ysieMepT], °9 °Aeg SqIeION --u03010--A30TOIa YsiewapT] °¢ c°Aeg ZIJeTTS——-uodeIOQ--soeysTy °4 *Aeg s}1e}eN--u03eI0--seysTy °¢ c°ABY ZISTTS—-uosei9--seqe1qezASAUT oTaenby °Z °Aeg SsqieJoN—--u0de19—-seqeiqezAVAUT DTAeNby °{ *uo3019 ‘sheg sq1eION pue zJeTTS UT pe zedoT szeRTQeU YSIeM [Te1sAVS Jo euNeyZ YSTF pue 93P1qez1eAUT 9Y UO eJep UTeYyd-pooy pue osut{T-s9seq septaoid jaodoy *AVPSIPATUN 23e9S uodeI9 ‘AYyde1ZoUe|aZ0 Jo TooyDS ey Aq poeredeirg (€T00-0-Z/-ZLMOVA 39813009) (G-1g °oU { AaqUeD YoIesSey BuTIseUT3Uuq Te3seoj / Jiodei snosueTTessTW)—--°mo /zZ £ sdew ‘*TTT : ed [ZET] “1861 ‘(SIIN Wo1rz eTqeTTeae : *ea ‘pTetTy3utids) £ ataqueg yoieasey SuyiveuTsuq Teyseog ‘s1veuT3uy Jo sd1og ‘Amy °S°n : °eA SITOATOG JAoq—--*u0zTOH *] 31eqoy pue AeT3TH °*7 suenq Aq / satTienjzse u0Ze109 OM} UT SoysieM ATes Jo soysTF pue sajeiqajzisAUT 9yQ Jo Apnqys y ey oueng ‘f4eT3TH L279 S-T8 °ou awTgcn €07ZOL *SeTI9S *A “C-Tg “ou £ ((°S°N) AeqUeD YoIeeSey SuTiseutsuq TeIseoD) qiode1 snosuelTTe9sTW zseTies “AI *Aydei8oues20 JO TooydS *ARTSIBATUN 27e9S UOZ2IO “III °*1T 3JAeqoy ‘uo qTOH “TI *OTITL ‘I «*Aeg z3eTTS—--uo8%e19--AZoToI9 ysiewepT] *g *Aheg sq1ejON —-u08910--A8o0ToDe ysiewepT], *G *Aeg zaTTS—--uo8e109--seysTy “yh *Aeg sqiejeN—--uose10--soysty *¢ *Aheg zJeTTS——uo8eiQ—-seje1qa719AUT oTaenby °Z *Aeg s}1e}eN--u08e10--sajeiqeazIeAUyT oTAeNby °T *uo3e19 ‘skeg sqiejeN pue ZJaTTS UT peqedsoT sjejITqey ysSieW Te1sAeS Jo euNney ySsTF pue 9Je1qezIsAUT 9YyR UO ejep UTeYS-poojy pue suT{[-eseq sapytAoid jaoday *AQTSisatTuy 33e3Sg uo8e19 ‘Aydea8ouras9Q Jo Tooyss ey Aq posredeig (€T00-0-ZL/-ZZMOV 32813U09) (¢-Tg *ou { JaqUaD YoIeesay BuTiseUT3Uq Teqseo) / J1odei snosueTTeostTW)--*wo /z7 £ sdem **TTT : *d [ZET] “1861 ‘(SILN wo1z atqeTtTeae : *ea ‘ptTety8utads) § aaque9g yoreasay SuyiseuTsuq Teyseop ‘siseuy3uq jo sdiop ‘Away *S°n : *eA SATOATOG JIOJ—-*u0ITOH *T Jieqoy pue AvT3TH *7 sueng Aq / satienjzse uoZe19 OM} UT SeysieM Tes JO SaysTy pue sajeiqeaqisAUuyT oy} Jo Apnqs y “7 sueng ‘faT3TH L729 S-T8 °ou amTgcn €02OL *SseTes °A °G-1g cou £ ((°S°N) JeqUeD YoIePEeSSYy SuyieeuT3uq Te3ISeOD) Jaode1 snosueTTe29STW :seTes “AI °AYydeisoues20 JO Tooyds °AZTSAaATUN 27eI9S UOZEIO *TII °1 3Zeqoy ‘uOITOH “IT °OTITL °1 °Aeg Z3eTTS——uo3e19--AZo0TODe ysieMepTL, °*9 °Aeg S21eIEN --u03910--A8oTODe YsiewepTL, °G °Aeg zZIeT}TS—-uo3ei10--seysTty °y keg sqieqeN--uo3e19—-soysty °¢ cheg zJaTTS—-uo3e10--se}e1qG9719AUT otaenby °7 °Aeg sqi1eqeN--u03e10--sejeiqeqzIeAUT DTQeNnby °T euode19 ‘skeg sq1eqeN pue zJeTTS UT pe .es0T szeITQey YSieM Te1eAeS JO euNey YySTJ pue 97P1g9zIZAUT 29Y} UO eJep UTeYD-pooyz pue suT{T-eseq septaoid jaioday *AQIsieatug 03e3S uo8e19 ‘AydeaZoue|sx9 Jo Tooyds ay Aq peiredsig (€100-0-L/-ZLMOV 39813U0D) (G-1g cou { JejUeD YOIePeSeYy BuTIseUuTsUq Teqseoj / y1odai snoeueytTeostW)——°wo /z $ sdem ‘*qTTt : *d [ZET] “1861 ‘(SILN Wo1y eTqeTTeae : eA SpTetTys3utids) £ aaqueD Yyoiressy SuyiseutTsuy TeIseog ‘sis0uTSuq Jo sd1op ‘Away *S°n : °eA SITOATAG J1Oq--*u0jZTOH *T Jaeqoy pue AeT3TH °*7 eueng fq / setienqzsa uo0se10 OM} UT SoYysiIeM 4TeS JO SeYysTyZ pue seqeiqeaz1aAUT ey? Jo Apnis Vy 7 sueng ‘AoT3TH