TR-150 TECHNICAL REPORT SUBMARINE SEDIMENT DATA COLLECTION AND MANAGEMENT AT THE U.S. NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC OFFICE JOHN K. DUNCAN Environment Branch Oceanographic Analysis Division Marine Sciences Department AUGUST 1964 roe ; MoE U.S. NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC OFFICE ho. 12-150 WASHINGTON, D. C. 20390 Price 75 cents ABSTRACT This report has been prepared for the use of persons studying the composition of the sea bottom. It describes the source, type, quantity, and geographic distribution of bottom sediment information available at the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office and lists the principal types of charts which can be prepared from such information. It also describes the forms in which bottom sediment data appear and discusses their relative re- liability in terms of the sampling device employed, the type of analysis made, and the classification or description of the sediment. Furthermore, this report describes the filing system used to organize, control, maintain, and retrieve the data. FOREWORD This technical report discusses the collection, use, relative reliability, and control of submarine sediment data at the U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office. Data sources are listed and their geographic distribution charted by one-degree quadrangles. DENYS W. KNOLL Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy Commander U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office AYO iil O 0301 OO44498 5 i MA iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page RG TOW OT Cluvnsriet Wap halite itey fe Yeo fo! te) Nay, ta. Mo, fo te) Mo) Mey ts Melo SPeR Tel Mal hes: eats iii JLRS OR IMYEAESCS 6 G6 GhiG dui Gu sonoma c Cai lath Parra Mich le ae vi Mal CMe eiys, Wales io MOVCRE cetera Stometay mar vialca! aly! geen amore, Meo a) alr nmralt famine. vii Teintroductiony seen. te FSA SUMS OOS Lee A IY, ERS 1 II. Major Sources of Submarine Sediment Data ..... 5 0 1 Mnanpublished Survey, Data: yo. sea el cee sia te See 1 B. Published Survey or Laboratory Data. ....... . 2 CreNauticaleG arts: 5... ) she) tsi w te) eel) ss ce ce 3 III. Bottom Sediment Chart Compilation ....... 5 O-comd 4 IV. Relative Reliability of Data ....... a lo Olko sake Oo 5 V. Collection, Filing, and Control of Bottom Sechlenoints IDE! Vee ea ory: Gk Gabo bun: 6) Or Cad GO MORO 7 em GOllkection: Ofebataly oc) cps) sen) syne sein ene cen er a O60 q ByOnganization ofsDatay ballet mmr. Meet tar eitoh sire he eae 14 Go GomGsell Oe IDEN Ap ob 6 ovo) 6 avo Gol eGo a5 0 0 20 ViteiGomposition of Data Collection™ 3. 2795 32 4 5 6 = « 21 Will, Jebiorpeeyynte INNS G4 G65 5 6 oo OOo OOO oo OOO 22 LIST OF FIGURES Figure i 10. Ib 2s W 13's 14, Wisye LO U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office Sediment Analysis Summary Sample Analysis Emphasizing Water Content. . Sample Classification Reported by an Italian Source . . Biological and Mineral Composition of a Sample Reported by British Source. ...... . Description and Grain Size Distribution of a Sample Reported by a Swedish Source . Description, Grain Size, and Organic Composition of a Sample Translated from a Russian Source . . Example of a Detailed Description of a Surface Sediment Sample Reported in a Portuguese IPWISICAEO “5 oo 5 6504600 560000060 . Example of Field Classification and Chemical Analysis of a Core Reported in a Russian Publication . . Example of Biological or Micropaleontologic Analysis of a Sediment Sample... Description and Phi Grain Size Distribution OH 6, GOpe Serle 5 6 656 5615 6 0 Sample Description Reported in French. ‘Brief Field Classification of a Core Sample Example of Graphic Representation of Core Analysis Ten-degree Divisions of Marsden Squares Five. and One-degree Divisions of Marsden Squares, Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - Distribution of Submarine Sediment Sample Analyses ......... oa vi Page 10 Wl WL 11 M7 12 13 15 15 16 16 16 I 2 18 19 63 Wile 18, Ge 20, (adhe ZZ. 43. 24, (Ala, Western North Atlantic Ocean - Distribution of Submarine Sediment Sample Analyses South Atlantic Ocean - Distribution of Submarine Sediment Sample Analyses Eastern North Pacific Ocean — Distribution of Submarine Sediment Sample Analyses. Western North Pacific Ocean - Distribution of Submarine Sediment Sample Analyses . Eastern South Pacific Ocean - Distribution of Submarine Sediment Sample Analyses..... Western South Pacific Ocean ~ Distribution of Submarine Sediment Sample Analyses . Indian Ocean - Distributuon of Submarine Sediment Sample Analyses. Arctic Ocean ~ Distribution of Submarine Sediment Sample Analyses. Seas around Antarctica - Distribution of Submarine Sediment Sample Analyses TABLE Variation of Area of 1° Quadrangles with Latitude vii Page 65 67 69 val 73 UD) CU vy 81 62 a>\ vatuiye ey SUBMARINE SEDIMENT DATA COLLECTION AND MANAGEMENT AT THE U. S. NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC OFFICE I. Introduction The primary purpose of establishing a bottom sediment data file is to collect in one place all pertinent data in a form suitable for rapid sorting and retrieval. It also unites on one card or series of cards all of the information describing a particular sample or locations, since the data may be scattered widely through many publications. II. Major Sources of Submarine Sediment Data There are three principal sources of bottom sediment information; unpublished survey data; published survey or laboratory data reports and data reported in the scientific literature, or in research reports; and nautical charts. A. Unpublished Survey Data Unpublished survey data are the most difficult tolocate, acquire, or use, Their existence is discovered, often by hearsay, by personal contact with researchers in the field, and by conscientious and constant perusal of the scientific literature for clues. Careful search for the location of unpublished data and lengthy correspondence with the Owners are usually required before they can be borrowed or copied. Finally, since such data often are incompletely analyzed, unchecked, handwritten and often illegible, and unsummarized, considerable labor and expense are required to put them in intelligible and usable form. The information about a single sample often is scattered through a large number of laboratory analysis sheets, each reporting a single operation or type of analysis such as organic carbon analysis; pipette division of the fine fractions; sieve separation of the coarse grains; mineral separation and identification; indentification of foraminifera; measurements of wet density, plasticity, shear strength, chemical composition, and radioactivity; and many- others. The field description, geographic location, water depth, andtype of sampler often are recorded on separate forms. The great difficulty of acquiring and processing such unpublished data, except those available from Oceanographic Office surveys, has caused effort to be concentrated primarily on published data. B. Published Survey or Laboratory Data Descriptions and analyses of large numbers of sediment samples appear in scientific journals, cruise reports, progress reports of research contracts, and published data reports. Data are reported in an infinite variety of tables, lists, graphs, histograms, profiles, sections, summaries, and descriptions. The reported data often are incompatible because they have been derived through many different methods of analysis and are described in terms of different systems of classification and units of weights and measurement. One example is the basic classification of sediments in terms of mud, sand, gravel, and rock which is subject to the following difficulties: 1. These terms may describe quantitatively measured and computed grain size composition,or the observer’s opinion based upon the appearance of the sample (wet or dry) or the feel of the sample,or both. If the classification is based upon appearance and feel, its accuracy depends upon many varying and indefinable factors such as the observer’s bias, knowledge, and experience; the type and amount of organic material; and the homogeneity of the sample. Experiments have shown that even experienced geologists permit a small (less than 10 percent) proportion of clay, dark color, or stickiness to obscure the dominant coarseness of a sand sample and will classify it as mud or mud-sand., 2. If the grain size of the sediment is measured in the labora- tory, classification of the sample still is complicated by determination of the range of grain sizes which defines a mud, sand, or gravel. Such definitions are arbitrary, and no single system of classification has become widely accepted. Attempts to equate English, metric, and logarithmic (phi) scales of measurement cause additional complications. 3. A third source of disagreement in sediment classification is in selection of the statistical parameters (mean, median, or mode of the frequency distribution of grain sizes) used to classify a sample, and the effect of the type and amount of deviation of the grain size distribution from the normal (sorting, skewness, kurtosis). Some geologists describe a sample composed of 70 percent sand sized grains and 30 percent or more silt as a silty sand, while others would classify the same sample as only a sand. Others adopt 20 or 10 percent as the minimum proportion of silt to be classified as silty sand. Some geologists use an elaborate descriptive system,using and often mixing English terms with others of Latin and Greek derivation such as pSammitic pellite (sandy clay), arenaceous lutaceous argillite (sandy silty clay), or psephitic argillaceous calcarenite (gravelly clayey calcareous sand), each denoting fairly specific proportions of each particle size class. 4. Confusion also arises in combining particle size classifica- tions with ones which denote chemical or mineral composition or origin of the sediment. It is extremely difficult to determine exactly what is meant by‘‘coral sand,’’i.e., whether it is coral (size of particle may range from clay size to massive reefs) and sand, or sand sized calcium carbonate grains of coral origin. Shell may describe mollusks as large as giant clams or microscopic skeletal remains of pelagic foraminifera. Rockand stone are very indefinite terms used to describe a wide range of particle sizes, as well as solid bedrock outcrops or reefs, Detritus, alluvium, and diluvium are terms which indicate origin or mode of deposition, but they are used by many authors to imply various particle size ranges. Volcanic ash and pumice indicate origin and composition with unspecific grain size implications. The terms mud and ooze are used in many different ways to indicate or only to imply fine grain size, or to indicate plasticity, origin, or composition. 5. Determination of exact English equivalents of foreignlanguage terms is difficult and often impossible. The term “wadden” often is used in European journals to describe tidal flat sediments, but some authors restrict it to mud or silts and clays, others include sand sized grains, and many use it without defining it. Russian scientists are not consisteut in their use of terms such as mud, as the same author (M. V. Klenova) equates it with silt on one page, equates it with silt and clay on another, and uses it on a third page in a very general sense of a “muddy” sediment which may include large proportions of sand, gravel, pebbles, and shell. Thus, the lack of consistency in analysis, definition, and reporting of bottom sediment data makes it very difficult to adapt machine methods economically to their storage, retrieval, and analysis. C. Nautical Charts Abbreviated designations of bottom type appear on nearly all U. S. and foreign nautical charts. The notations of bottom material are made from field descriptions of samples obtained in the course of hydrographic surveys. Few of them are based upon laboratory analysis of samples. They are subject to all of the inconsistencies listed above. However, they are the only type of sediment information existent in sufficient quantities to permit drawing boundaries between different sediment types. U. S. nautical chart notations of bottom material have been defined by W. H. Berninghausen* and his definitions are used as the basis for geologic interpretation of these data in the Naval Oceanographic Office. The number of sediment notations on nautical charts varies geographically with water depth, Since hydrographic surveys are made primarily to locate dangers to navigation and to chart areas of shoal water having depths less than the draft of ships, most soundings and consequently bottom sediment notations are in shoal nearshore waters of 25 fathoms or less. The number of nautical chart notations also depends on the country which produces the chart. Japanese and Portuguese charts are remarkable for printing a notation of the bottom type for almost every sounding. On some Japanese and Portuguese large scale nearshore charts, notations exceed 50,000 per one-degree quadrangle. Such density of information permits highly exact and detailed delineation of sediment types. The use of bottom notations on foreign nautical charts is complicated by the language barrier. Nautical chart notations appear in 16 major foreign languages (not including national variations such as between Spanish and Argentinian) and pose the dual problem of translation to English and of determining if the definition of the foreign term is fully equivalent to the definition of the English term. An example of this problem is “st.” which is “stein” on German charts and “stone” on British Admiralty charts. It is difficult to determine whether the British use “stone” as synonymous with “rock” to denote a specific range of grain size, or generally to include material ranging from fine gravel through boulders to bedrock reefs, or possibly to indicate lack of specific knowledge of the bottom except that it is hard. It is even more difficult to determine if the German use of the term corresponds to the British use, and to equate both to some term in the U. S. classi- fication of bottom materials, which does not include “stone” as a separate category. III, Bottom Sediment Chart Compilation Several types of bottom sediment charts can be prepared showing the geographic distribution of various properties of submarine surface sediments. However, only four major types of sediment charts can be SN a NP ee aD ise *BERNINGHAUSEN, W. H. The Quality of the Bottom, a Glossary of Terms, U. S, Navy Hydrographic Office, SP-56, 11 p., November 1961. Washington, D.C. prepared from nautical chart notations of bottom type. One type shows bottom material classified descriptively as mud, sand, gravel, rock, coral, shell, and various combinations of these, Another can show the quality of the bottom in terms of hard, soft, sticky, rough, etc. The third can show sediments classed according to origin and composition, i.e., shell, coral, volcanic material, oozes (globigerina, radiolarian, diatom, pteropod), blue mud,and red clay. The fourth type of chart can show sediment color, Charts can be prepared for limited areas showing the surface distribution of other properties of submarine sediments suchas mineral composition, chemical composition, statistical grain size parameters, radioactivity, engineering properties, organic content, species of planktonic foraminifera, paleomagnetism, and many others, Other charts can show the vertical variations of these properties in the bottom. However, such charts require information from cores and carefully collected and analyzed sediment samples which are available in sufficient quantities only for small areas. For most of the oceans and seas such data can be presented only for widely scattered specific locations, and no meaningful boundaries can be drawn showing the extent of or change in any parameter except on very large scale charts of small areas. IV. Relative Reliability of Data The value of bottom sediment data depends upon how reliably the samples represent the population (sea floor) from which they are drawn. Sediment data reliability varies according to sampling design, type of sample, sampling instrument, accuracy of the ship’s position, handling, movement and storage of sample, type of analysis, and initial purpose of collecting the sample. Rarely can the effect of all of these be evaluated for a particular sample or suite of samples. Usually only an estimate of how representative a sample is can be made. Sediment data can be divided into three major reliability groups, which are relative and often overlap: A. The best data are those obtained from laboratory analysis of core samples. These are usually less distorted inthe sampling process than other types of samples and therefore more representative of the sediment as it exists on the sea floor. Core samples are usually more carefully handled and analyzed than other types because of the longer time requirements and greater expense of obtaining them. Considerable differences in reliability exist between different types of coring devices (gravity, piston, vibro-piston, hydrostatic) and the type of material sampled, Coarse grained and hard sediments such as coarse sand, gravel, and rock are difficult to core, andoften poor samples or none at all are obtained. For hard coarse materials (gravel, sand) a scoopfish or bucket dredge may obtain the most representative sample. B. Generally less representative than cores are dredge, trawl, grab or snapper, and scoopfish samples, even when carefully analyzed by conscientious and competent persons, The grab and snapper samples usually destroy the structure of the sediment and often bias the grain size distribution toward coarser sizes by winnowing or washing in the sampling process. Trawls and dredges also may bias the size distri- bution by preferential selection of certain sizes. However, they provide composite samples of the submarine bottom material over an area or along a track. While such a composite sample is not representative of the material at any specific spot, it probably is more representative of the range of material in a region than one or even several cores, Therefore, one composite sample might better describe the bottom materials of a given area than one core sample, but ten core samples would describe more accurately the materials of the same area than would ten composite samples. C. The poorest data and the most numerous are abbreviated nota- tions of types and consistency of bottom materials which appear on boat sheets, compilation sheets, and printed nautical charts. Most of them are cursory identifications of small samples, often only a few grains, brought up on sounding leads in the course of hydrographic surveys. The identifications of these inadequate samples are made routinely by enlisted naval personnel who usually have little or no scientific training insedimentary petrology or mineralogy. Navigational positioning errors are compounded by cartographic compilation and printing errors, Although some of the notations are highly reliable and accurate abbreviations of field descriptions of samples from the other two groups, they usually cannot be distinguished from the majority of less reliable data and must be classed with them. The total effect of all of these possible sources of errors significantly reduces the reliability of bottom sediment charts based solely upon nautical chart notations. The charts become much more reliable when chart notations are substantiated by numerous and well-distributed core and grab samples. The bottom sediment data collection maintained by the U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office (apart from chart compilations) consists almost entirely of data of the first two classes. Data in the third class are included only when reported in professional journals (such as Annalen der Hydrographie, Deutsches Hydrographisches Zeitschrift, and Annales Hydrographiques) or in the scientific literature, where exact positions are given and some evaluation can be made of their validity (Figures Zp, Only) and) 12). Nautical chart notations are compiled region by region from foreign and domestic charts of all scales from 1:5,000 harbor charts to 1:10,000,000 charts covering large ocean areas, The compilation bases are acetate or tissue overlays placed on large or medium scale nautical charts on which the notations are assembled from all available charts which cover portions of the area of the base chart, The numbers and nationality of the chart sources are listed on each overlay, and notes indicate overlaps on other compilation bases. When completed, photostatic reductions of the overlays are made. These are filed together with other miscellaneous geologic data numerically in folders, each of which corresponds to a single sheet of the worldwide strategic plotting chart series, V. Collection, Filing, and Control of Bottom Sediment Data Bottom sediment data are analyzed and published in such a great variety of forms that coding or conversion of data to machine punch cards is impractical until some international agreement is reached on uniformity in reporting geologic data. for this and other reasons, manual filing of data on 5" x 8" index cards was adopted. A. Collection of data -= Bottom sediment data are assembled through systematic search of the published scientific literature and by acquisition, whenever possible, of unpublished data reports, field notes, laboratory analysis summary sheets, survey data records, intelligence reports, and ship logs. Progress in the search is recorded on a 3" x 5" card, one for each journal or series of reports examined which contains bottom sediment data. On the cards are listed the volumes, years, and issue numbers which have been searched and from which all data have been abstracted, The following journals often contain submarine geologic information and have been partially or completely searched to date. This is far from a complete list, and new ones are added when found. It does not include the many sources of data which are not published serially. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin American Journal of Science Antarctic Record (Japan) Archiv der Deutschen Seewarte Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Centre de Recherches et d’Etudes Oceanographiques, Cahiers du Commercial Fisheries Review Consejo Oceanografico Ibero Americano, Memorias del Deep Sea Research Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift Geographical Review Geographical Journal Geological Society of America, Bulletin of Geology, Journal of Geophysics Geophysical Research, Journal’ of Gosudarstvennogo Okeanograficheskogo Instituta, Trudy Grdnland, Meddelelser om Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, Annalen der Hydrographiques, Annales Instituta Okeanologii, Trudy Institute Oceanographique (Monaco), Annales Institute Oceanographique (Monaco), Bulletin Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, Boletin del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, Trabajos Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography Limnology and Oceanography Marine Biological Association (UK), Journal of Marine Research, Journal of New Zealand Oceanographic Committee, Publications Okeanologiya Oceanografiska Institutet i G¢teborg, Meddelander fran Oceanographical Society of Japan, Journal (Nippon Kaiyo Gakkaisi) Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica Ozeanographie (Deutsches Hydrographische Institute) Records of Oceanographic Works in Japan Science Scottish Geographical Magazine Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Bulletins Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Contributions Sedimentary Petrology, Journal of Sedimentology Station Marine d’EndOume, Recueil de Travaux Vsesoyuz Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Instituta Morskogo Rybnogo Khozyaistva i Okeanografia, Trudy Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (MIT) Papers in Physical Oceanography Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Technical Reports Data from these sources are abstracted and recorded on the 5% x 8" data cards, or negative photostats are made of relevant tables, figures, or pages of text and stapled or glued to the cards. Usually only one sample is recorded on each card, front and rear; however, very detailed analyses sometimes require several cards which are clipped or stapled together. Where two or more samples are taken at a single location by the same ship, they may be recorded on a single card even if they are different types of samples (Figure 5), Occasionally, when a very close sampling design is followed ona survey, several samples are recorded on a single card, but only if they are located within a single degree of latitude and longitude (Figures 2,3, and 4). Several representative examples of the types of data and forms in which bottom samples are recorded on data cards are shown in Figures 1 through 12, The U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office summarizes most of its sediment data as shown in Figure |. Only the results of engineer- ing tests (Atterberg limits, unconfined compression strength, vane shear strength, and consolidation rate), which are made ona few samples, are reported on a different form. A photostatic reduction of the summary sheet is made to mount it onthe 5" x 8" data card, Figure 2 presents an example of a core analysis (Code 47) which gives the representative median grain size and sorting coefficients; however, the water content is the only sediment property for which the vertical variation is given. In Figure 3 data from an Italian source (Code 276) shows field classifications of eight shallow water samples of the surface sediment which were obtained within the one-degree quadrangle 44°-45°N, 12°-13°E. Such data are more reliable than nautical chart notations only because the source is identified anda scientist (Mario Picotti) has classified the sediment samples. A third sample (Code 20, Murray and Chumley, 1924-1926) in Figure 4 classifies a pelagic sediment sample and reports its mineral composi- tion and the relative proportions of various types of organic remains. In Figurel0a shallow water core sample obtained during ATLANTIS Cruise 21 (Code 172) gives a field description of the core, the median and mean grain size, the size sorting coefficient, and the percentage distribution of grain sizes using the phi notation for three representa- tive subsamples. A summary description of a deepwater core (Figurel1) is reported from a French source (Code 138). A qualitative classification of a deepwater sample obtained by the ATLANTIS Cruise 151 is of limited value because of the paucity of information and no indication as to type of sample (Figure 12). 1. SAMPLE HUMBER 10 7.N. Gill 5. SAMPLER TYPE Orange Peel 2. LATITUDE 29° 40 00 6. WATER DEPTH (fm.) 15. 3. Loncitune O80 45 00 7. CORE LENGTH (in.) 4. DATE (Day, month, year) 26 April 1953 « CORE PENETRATION (in.) 11. COLOR Pale Olive 10 Y 6/2 12. ODOR 15. MAXIMUM POROSITY (%) 45 16. MINIMUM POROSITY (%) 35 17. WATER CONTENT (%) 18. ORGANIC CARBON CONTENT (%) 19. SIZE ANALYSIS AND STATISTICAL MEASURES a (%) b. -24 to -1, (%) c to 04 (%) h. 4, to 6, (%) i. 6, to By (%) j. > 8, (4) . SUBSAMPLE DRY WEIGHT (am) . SPHERICITY (avg. ) . ROUNDNESS (avg. ) 23. SURFACE TEXTURE (ava. ) . DOMIKANT MINERAL (%) . SECONDARY MINERAL (%) Shell 20 . OTHER MINERALS (%) 27. REMARKS: Gill Il, Station No. 20—Regular Large shell framents up to 5 cm. FIGURE 1 U.S. NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC OFFICE SEDIMENT ANALYSIS SUMMARY 10 CODE 47 MS 152 LATITUDE LONGITUDE BOTTOM SEDIMENTS OFF 43°05’N 70° 42°W PORTSMOUTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE (APPROX) 1947 WATER CONTENT AND LIQUID LIMIT RESULTS WATER CONT. WATER CONT. WATER CONT. WATER CONT. MED. SORT. STA. TOP MIDSEC. BOTTOM OF LIQ. LIMIT DIAM. COEFF.SO LOG SO 83 127.0 143.0 160.0 117.9 0.00295 29) 0.46 FIGURE 2 SAMPLE ANALYSIS EMPHASIZING WATER CONTENT CODE 276 PICOTTI, MARIO MS 179 DATE: (9, 13) 16/8/55 (10) 17/8/55 (12, 14) 20/8/55 (10B, 12B, 12-15) 9/9/55 STA. NO. LAT. N. LONG. E. DEPTH (M) TYPE OF BOTTOM 9 Ave e58°! 100 1. S55 Co 24.5 FANGO 10 44. 58 00 12, 4554) Gioe 3 SABBIA FANGOSA CON ARGILLA 12 44 48 DA 12) 248° 1336 34.5 FANGO GRIGIO 13 Ab— ghd AS 12038) SO 30 FANGO GRIGIO 14 “ay G3 24 12 frr4it = 100 33 FANGO GRIGIO 10B 44. 58 00 12 1 €54, 00 33 SABBIA FINE 128 44. 4824 1:2" > hee/AB wn hs36 32 ARGILLA 12-15 AAD e489, 654 126 ihe 55eae 00 37 FANGO POCA SABBIA FIGURE 3 SAMPLE CLASSIFICATION REPORTED BY AN ITALIAN SOURCE CODE 20 MS 146 1107 S. S. “BRITANNIA”’ SOUNDING 396, JULY 18, 1899, LAT. 46°22'35”N., LONG. 18°51'56”W., 2522 FATHOMS. GLOBIGERINA OOZE, LIGHT BROWN, SLIGHTLY COHERENT. CALCIUM CARBONATE (82-65%), PELAGIC FORAMINIFERA (78%), BOTTOM FORAMINIFERA (2%), OTHER REMAINS (2-65%), INCLUDING OSTRACODS, ECHINOID SPINES, COCCOLITHS, RHABDOLITHS, COCCOSPHERES, FRAGMENTS OF LIMESTONE. RESIDUE (17-35%), BROWN— MINERALS (5%), M. DI. O-O8 MM., ROUNDED AND ANGULAR; PRINCIPALLY QUARTZ GRAINS, WITH ROCK FRAGMENTS, PUMICE, VOLCANIC GLASS ETC. SILICEOUS REMAINS (2%), RADIOLARIA, SPONGE SPICULES, DIATOMS, IMPERFECT CASTS. FINE WASHINGS (10-35%), AMORPHOUS CLAYEY MATTER WITH FINE MINERAL PARTICLES. FIGURE 4 BIOLOGICAL AND MINERAL COMPOSITION OF A SAMPLE REPORTED BY A BRITISH SOURCE ili] CODE 214 ALBATROSS 1947-48 MS 024 04°45’N., 128°08’E. WATER DEPTH 7710 METERS (MINDANAO TROUGH) CORE NO. 108 CORE LENGTH—390 CM. DEPTH IN CORE CM. 0-3.5 GREY-BROWN SAND. DEEPEST PART OF CORE PROBABLY A MUD 3.5-285.5 GREYISH GREEN CLAY AND SILT WITH | FLOW. NEXT ABOVE ARE GRADED SAND LAYERS SEVERAL DARK LAYERS. (TURBIDITY CURRENTS—KUENEN). THESE BEDS 285.5-360 SEVERAL LAYERS OF DARK SAND CON- COVERED BY 3 METERS OF FINE-GRAINED TER- TAINING SILT AND CLAY. SOME RESTRIAL MUD WITH MINOR AMOUNTS OF LAYERS BECOME COARSER WITH DEPTH. | VOLCANIC GLASS AND ORGANIC SILICA. A EretiomenuNere SM Sane LAYER IS ABOVE ALL. COARSE 360-389.5 IRREGULARLY MIXED SAND, SILT AND oe Pua NERS ES ergs CLAY—LIGHT PARTS ARE FINER THAN 7c THE DARK ONES. PARTICLE SAMPLE DEPTH (CM.) WT. % OF DRY, SALT FREE SEDIMENT SIZE MM. <.006 2 pep 5iuies 63 uuerl545gur52 5m 207 OO REG OGRENES 24034200 CMO 006-.02 5.7 49.2 56.2 36.0 3.9 IAA FAA 166 02-06 19 19.0 16.5 15.2 2.2 a5 a1 E28 20a) 72 06-.125 85 950 TOO 11 SIO 650 92 240 15.9 Wee AS NO, Al Gd) 150 BO son 70 SR On 201 236 25-.5 539 Cheeses Om eo m0/6 ADVE 2 508163 16:4 27-77 Alias 5-1.0 ise) = S02 = Ol ax Shi GENS 124 102 1.0-2.0 O05 = = = = an OS Wl Or Ts 3.2 72.0 - - - — - ex - 20 98 — — Be ee x Be yg a =) AON BO = = FIGURE 5 DESCRIPTION AND GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF A SAMPLE REPORTED BY A SWEDISH SOURCE CODE 262 PERSEY MS 283 78°37.3'N. STA. DEPTH ORG. MAT. % PETERSEN DREDGE 55° 20'E. NO. (M) c NIw C/NI™="co2 BROWN SANDY MUD 1927-31 1261 207 79.4. Ally aye Za gh O5 CORE 0-4 CM BROWN SANDY MUD 4-16 CM. GREENISH-GREY MUD 16-25 MM. DARK GREY CLAYEY MUD SURFACE SAMPLE % GRAIN SIZE % M.M. M.M. >I 27 <0.01 16 0.1 1 <0.01 30 0.05 26 FIGURE 6 DESCRIPTION, GRAIN SIZE, AND ORGANIC COMPOSITION OF A SAMPLE TRANSLATED FROM A RUSSIAN SOURCE 12 CODE 163 MS 005 02°59’N. 49°20'W ae ae A um Ne ae ar 200 23 17 13 10 4 5 13 15 19 23 1 14 52 Za 22 19 10 3 1 3 22 24 10 2 1 26 24 12 1 1 26 22 12 5) 27 24 6 1 FIGURE 13 EXAMPLE OF GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF CORE ANALYSIS aly/ SIYVNOS NAGSYVW JO SNOISIAIG 3349I3G-NaL vl JYNO!d 01 02 18 (o) NORTH LATITUDE SOUTH LATITUDE WEST LONGITUDE EAST LONGITUDE WEST LONGITUDE EAST LONGITUDE FIGURE 15 FIVE-AND ONE-DEGREE DIVISIONS OF MARSDEN SQUARES 19 SOUTH LATITUDE © NORTH LATITUDE ° 10 C. Control of data -- Control of the data is accomplished by use of a card file of bibliographic sources, a tally card file, and a log book of sources coded and keyed to bibliographic and data cards. The bibliographic file is a complete record ofall sources, published and unpublished, from which data have been obtained. Each biblio- graphic card contains the complete bibliographic citation including the library which owns the reference; the ship, expedition, or operation which collected the samples; the date of the survey; the bibliographic code number; alistof cross references; andcertain pertinent comments. The comments usually indicate the number and types of samples reported in the source and the numbers of the 10-degree Marsden squares in which the data are filed. The cross references are kept toa minimum and key the geographic area (sea, gulf, bay, etc.) of the survey (unless it is worldwide or oceanwide), the ship or ships, expedition, operation code names, and author(s) of the report to the bibliographic card, When small station location or sediment distribution charts appear in the sources, reduced copies are made and fastened to the bibliographic card, The library from which the source publication was obtained is indicated on the card (preceding the call number)as follows: NAV OCEANO - Naval Oceanographic Office, USCGS - U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, LC - Library of Congress, USGS - U. S. Geological Survey, DI - Department of the Interior, SI - Smithsonian Institution (National Oceanographic Data Center, WB - Weather Bureau, DA - Department of Agriculture, and WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute), The bibliographic cards are filed alphabetically by name of the survey ship and cruise number; e.g., VEMA-6 follows VEMA-5., If the ship is not given, then the expedition, cruise, or operation name is used, e.g., Capricorn Expedition, DEEP FREEZE (operation), AMOS (project). If none of theseis given, thenthe cards are filed alphabetically by senior author or occasionally by geographic area name if the source deals with a limited area such as the Sea of Azov. The purposes of the bibliographic file are: 1. To direct users of data to the original source for information not supplied by the data card. 2. To prevent duplication of data by indicating if recently acquired data or sources already have been filed. 20 3. To provide bibliographic listings of marine geologic sources of information (not only bottom sediment samples) for specific areas through area cross references, and to provide lists of reports dealing with projects, operations, cruises, or expeditions. 4, To relate reports and analyses which come from several sources or authors but deal with the same samples. The ship, expedition, or project name with the date is most useful for this purpose. 5. To be able to enter on the cards additional information about the samples from new sources by using the list of Marsden squares given under comments on the bibliographic card. The tally file is maintained to provide current listings of the num- bers and geographic distributions of bottom sediment samples contained in the data collection, Eventually, it ishoped, the tally file will indicate the worldwide distribution of all published and muchunpublished bottom sediment data. This file is used as a guide in planning oceanographic surveys by indicating regions for which data are lacking and where survey efforts should be concentrated. Charts prepared periodically from this file will indicate progress in the collection of submarine sediment information. The tally cards also show the number of core samples and the number of samples of other types (designated surface samples) in each one-degree square. The code number of the source of each sample or the ship’s name and date of collection are recorded on the tally card, A log book is maintained in which all bibliographic sources of bottom sediment data are entered and numbered (code number) in the chronological order in which their data are added to the data file. Its major purpose is to serve as an additional record of sources and as a key to sources which may be indicated on data and tally cards only by code number VI. Composition of Data Collection The data file now contains analyses or descriptions of approximately 20,000 samples, of which about 17,000 are surface samples and 3,000 are core samples. Data for several thousand of the samples were ob- tained from foreign language sources, many of which have been partially translated. However, translation time and cost remain a restriction on full use of foreign sources. Russian, Japanese, Chinese, German, French, Spanish, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Finnish, Turkish, 21 Israeli, and Scandinavian as well as English language sources have supplied data for the collection, The worldwide distribution of bottom sediment data in the Naval Oceanographic Office collection as of 1 January 1963 is shown in Figures 16 through 25. Two categories of data are shown for each one- degree quadrangle (note exception in North Pole Chart,Figure 24), namely the number of core samples and the number of surface samples of all other types (trawls, dredges, snappers, etc.). To aid in adequate evaluation of relative density of data per unit area, the table on page 62 is included to show the latitudinal variation in area of 1° quadrangles. VII. Bibliographic File The bibliographic file on which this report is based consists of the following sources, Following each citation is a list of the ships and expeditions or project names involved, where appropriate. The library from which the referenced publication was obtained is indicated by abbreviations (identified on page 20) preceding the call number. Where no library is given the publication is in the Naval Oceanographic Office Library. ANON. Dredging results from the oceanographic cruise “Tithys.” Research Proceedings, Marine Laboratory, Greece, vol. l,no. 2, pp. 7-11, 1962. WHOI TITHYS 1961 - - - Lothungen im Chinesischen Meere und bei Japan. Annalen der Hydrographie und Martimen Meteorologie, jahrgang III, no. 23 and 24, p. 470, 1875. VK 588 Ao 1875 ERZHERZOG FRIEDRICH 1875 - -- Tiefseelotungen S. M. S. “PLANET” 1910 unter dem kommando von Korvettenkapitan Dominik, Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, jahrgang 39, heft I, pp. 16-20, 1911. VK 588 Ao 1911 PLANET 1910 --- Kleinere Mitteilungen - 3, Lotungen in dem Bosporus und dem Schwarzen Meere. Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, jahrgang 34, p. 135, March 1906. VK 588 A6é 1906 VON PODBIELSKI 1905 22 AGASSIZ, A. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the tropical Pacific in charge of Alexander Agassiz by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer ALBATROSS from August 1899 to March 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Com- manding. I. Preliminary Report and list of stations with remarks on the deep-sea deposits by Sir John Murray. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, vol. XXVI, no. 1, pp. 1-114, Cambridge, January 1902. (USGS) S(214)qH 3l ALBATROSS 1899-1900, 1904-1905 AKSENOV, A. A. O zanosimosti podkhednykh portovykh kanalov v Azovskom More (Deposition in the port approaches and channels of the Azov Sea). Glavnoye Upravleniye Gidrometeorologicheskoi Sluzhby pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Okeano- graficheskogo Insituta, vypusk 31 (43) pp. 58-71, ed. A.A. Aksenov, Leningrad, 1956. Serial File ALCOCK, A. A _ naturalist in Indian seas, or four years with the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship “Investigator.” John Murray, London, 328 p. 1902. QL 137 A35 INVESTIGATOR 1888-1892 ALVERSON, D. L. Deep-water trawling survey off the coast of Washington (Aug. 27-Oct 19, 1951), U. S. Fishand Wildlife Service, Commercial Fisheries Review, vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 1-16, November 1951. Serial File JOHN N. COBB 1951 - - - Deep-water trawling survey off the Oregonand Washington coasts (August 25-October 3, 1952), U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Commercial Fisheries Review, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 5-15, October 1953. Serial File JOHN N. COBB 1952 ANDERSON, A. W. Oceanographic data report, Project Chiper, March- April 1960. U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office, Informal Manuscript Reports No. 0-38-62, pp. Bl-11, September 1962. Unpublished Manuscript. CHIPER (Project) BURTON ISLAND 1960 ATHEARN, W. D. Bottom sediments and Foraminiferafrom Labrador, BLUE DOLPHIN 1951 and 1952. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Reference No. 54-42. 16 p., June 1954. Unpublished Manuscript. GC 491 W8A8 54-42 BLUE DOLPHIN 1951-1952 23 BADER, R. G., and HENRY, V. J. Marine sediments of Prince of Wales Strait and Amundsen Gulf, West Canadian Arctic. Texas A & M College, Department of Oceanography and Meteorology, Series No. 130, also University of Washington, Department of Oceanography, Contribution No. 231, Journal of Marine Research, vOlwuli/noO wl, spp els>—2, 1 JDO moe rich ere BEAUFORT SEA EXPEDITION 1953 BERRIT, G. R. Etude des teneurs en manganese et en carbonates de quelques carottes sedimentaires Atlantiques et Pacifiques. Meddelanden fran Oceanografiska [Institutet 1 Goteborg, 23, Sjatte Foljden, ser. B, band 6, no, 12, 61 p., GoOteborgs Kungl. Vetens- kapsoch Vitterhets-Samhalle, 1955. AS 284 G7 No. 23 ALBATROSS 1947-1948 SWEDISH DEEP SEA EXPEDITION 1947-1948 BERTHOIS, L. I. Contribution a l’étude litholigique ges galets du fond de la Manche in “Missions du navire cablier “Emile-Baudot” sur le plateau continental Breton (Juillet- Aut- Septembre 1 ey a ee Cahiers du Centre de Récherches et d'Etudes OceAnographiques, Travaux de la Station Océanographiques de la Rochelle-Pallice, , Cahier No, 3, pp. 1-10, February 1950. GC7 F8Al No, 3 EMILE-BAUDOT 1949 (Cable Ship) BEZRUKOV, P.L., MURDMAA,I.O., SAIDOVA, Kh. M. and FILATOVA, Z. A. Ob osadkakh i donnoi faune severnoi chasti, Vostochno- Kitaiskogo Morya. (Sediments and bottom fauna of the northern part of the East China Sea). Oceanologia et Limnogie Sinica, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 293-315, November 1958. Serial File VITYAZ 1955 BLACK, M. Fossil coccospheres from a Tertiary outcrop onthe continental slope. Geological Magazine, vol. XCIX, no. 2, pp. 123-127, March-April 1962. (USGS) SARSIA (R/V) 1959 BLANC-VERNET, L. Etude de quelques sediments dragues au nord du Cap Corse, Marseille. Station Marine d’Endoume. Recueil de Travaux, Fascicule 34, Bulletin No. 21, pp. 103-120, 1961. uncatalogued CALYPSO 1957 (Sept.) GYF 1956 BOGGILD, O. B. Sediments sous-marins recuellis dans la mer du Gronland., Geologie. Louis Philippe Robert, Duc d’Orleans, Croisiére océanographique accomplié a bord de la Belgica dans la mer du Gronland 1905, pp. 85-98, C. Bulens, ed. Bruxelles, 1907. (USGS)530.1 qL93 24 --- Samples of the sea-floor along the coast of East Greenland 741/2-70 N. L. Carlsbergfondet Expedition til @st Grdnland, udfort i Aarene 1898-1900 under Ledelse af G. Amdrup, II, Meddelelser om Grgnland, Med 16, vol. 28, pp. 95. Kjfbenhavn, 1909. Serial File CARLSBERGFONDETS EXPEDITION TO EAST GREENLAND 1898-1900 BORDOVSKIY, O. K. K khimii osadkov tsentral’noi chasti Tikhogo Okeana (The chemistry of sediments of the Central Pacific Ocean), Akademiya Nauk, SSSR, Trudy Instituta Okeanologii, tom XLII, pp. 107-116, 1960. Serial File VITYAZ 1953-1955 BOURCART, J. Les sediments precontinentaux profonds dans le Golfe de Génes. Deep Sea Research, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 215-221, March 1959. Serial File CALYPSO 1958 BOURNE, G. C. Report of a trawling cruise in HMS RESEARCH off the southwest coast of Ireland. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, vol. 1 (N. S.), pp. 306-323, 1889-1890. Serial File RESEARCH (HMS) 1889 BRAMLETTE, M. N. and BRADLEY, W. H. Geology and biology of North Atlantic deep-sea cores between Newfoundland and Ireland. Part 1, Lithology and geologic interpretations. U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey Professional Paper 196, pp. 1-33, Government Printing Office. 1942. GC 380 B8 LORD KELVIN 1936 BRENNECKE, W. Ozeanographische arbeiten der Deutschen Antark- tisches Expedition. Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimes Meteorologie, jahrgang 39, heft VII, pp. 350-353, heft IX, pp. 464- 471, heft XII, pp. 642-647, 1911. VK 588 A6 1911 DEUTSCHLAND 1911 DEUTSCHEN ANTARKTISCHEN EXPEDITION 1911 --- Die forschungsreise SMS “Planet” Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, jahrgang 34, pp. 353-361, 414, 457-462, and 556-558, 1906. VK 588 A6é 1906 PLANET 1906 BRODIE, J. W. Features of the sea-floor west of New Zealand. New Zealand Oceanographic Committee, Publication No. 7, New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, sect. B, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 373-384, March 1952. GCl N45 No. 7 RECORDER (cable ship) 1932 725) BROTSKAYA, V. and ZENKEVICH, L. Materialy po kolichestvennomy uchetu donnoi fauny Barentsova, Belogo i Karskogo morti (Materi- als for the quantitative evaluation of the bottom fauna of the Barents, White and Kara seas) vol. 6--Kolichestvenniy uchet donnoi faun Cheshskoi guby (A qualitative evaluation of the bottom fauna of the Cheshskayo Bay). Gidro-meteorologicheskii Komitet SSSR, Trudy, Gosudarstvennogo Okeanograficheskogo Instituta Moskva, tom II, vyp. 2, pp. 41-56, 1932. Serial File PERSEY X BRUUN, A. ATLANTIDE-Report No. 1. Scientific results of the Danish Expedition to the coasts of tropical West Africa 1945-1946. The University of Copenhagen and the British Museum (Natural History) London, Danish Science Press Ltd., pp. 1-47, 1950. Q115 Atlantide 1945-1946 No. 1 ATLANTIDE 1945-1946 DANISH EXPEDITION TO TROPICAL WEST AFRICA 1945-1946 ---, LANGER, E., and PAULY, H. Magnetic particles found by raking the deep sea bottom. Deep Sea Research, vol. 2, no. 3, pp.230-246, April 1955. Serial File GALATHEA DANISH DEEP SEA EXPEDITION 1950-1952 BRUYEVICH, S. V. and ZAITSEVA, E. D. K khimii osadkov severo- zapadnoi chasti Tikhogo Okeana (The chemistry of sediments of of the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean). Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Instituta Okeanologii, tom XLII, pp. 1-88, 1960. Serial File VITYAZ 1949-1955 BUCHANAN, J. Y. On the composition of some deep-sea deposits from the Mediterranean. Proceedings, Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 18, 1892. GC 387 BY DACIA, S. S. Sept. 1879 CARSOLA, A. J. Marine geology of the Beaufort and eastern Chukchi Seas. U.S. Navy Electronics Laboratory, San Diego, California NE 12-221-3 (NEL 2A5) Report 392, 49 p., 6 August 1953, Gerais u5 BURTON ISLAND (US AGB-1) 1950-1952 BAREX RESUPPLY EXPEDITION 26 CEBULSKI, DONALD E. Distribution of Foraminifera in the barrier reef and lagoon of British Honduras. The Agriculture and Mechan- ical College of Texas, Department of Oceanography and Meteorology, Project 24, Ref. 61-13T, May 1961. CHAPMAN, F. Sea floor deposits from soundings. Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-1914 under the leadership of Sir Douglas Mawson, Part 1, Scientific Reports. Series A., vol 11, Oceanog- raphy, pp. 1-60, J. Spence Actg. Gov't Printer, Sydney, 1922. Q115 AAE 1911-1914 Series A II-III AURORA 1911-1914 AUSTRALASIAN ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION 1911-1914 CHUMLEY, J. Report on the deposit samples collected during the ‘*Michael Sars’’ North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition 1910in‘‘ Report on the scientific results of the MICHAEL SARS North Atlantic Deep Sea Expedition 1910.’’ vol. 1, pp. 1-10, Bergen Museum, John Grieg, Bergen (1929-1933). Z115 M 6 v.1 MICHAEL SARS NORTH ATLANTIC DEEP SEA EXPEDITION 1910 CLARKE, A. H., JR. Abyssal mollusks from the South Atlantic Ocean. Contribution No. 503. Lamont Geological Observatory Bulletin, Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard College, vol. 125,no. 12, pp. 345-387, October 1961. VEMA CRUISES 12 and 14 1957, 1958 - - - HUNTSMAN, A. G. Results of the Hudson Bay Expedition, 1920. III. The Echinoderms, IV. The Ascidiacea. Contributions to Canadian Biology, New Series, vol. 1, nos, 2 and 3, pp. 21-38, 1922. Serial File HUDSON BAY EXPEDITION 1920 COHEE, G. F. Sediments of the submarine canyons off the California coast. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 19-33, April 1938. Serial File 27 COLOM, G. Foraminiferos de los costas de Galiciea (Campanas del ‘*Xauen’’ en 1949-1950). Boletin del Instituto Espanol de Oceanograf- ia No. 52, 58 p.,7 June 1952 Serial File XAUEN 1949-1950 CREAGER, J. S. and McMANUS, D.C. Preliminary investigations of the marine geology of the southeastern Chukchi Sea. BROWN BEAR Cruise No. 236, 1 August to 2 September 1959. University of Washington, Department of Oceanography, Technical Report No. 68. Reference 61-15. 46 p. May 1961, GC 856 W2A4 No. 68 BROWN BEAR CRUISE 236 Aug.-Sept. 1959 PLOWSHARE (OPERATION) - CHARIOT (PROJECT) CUSHMAN, J. A. Foraminifera, Part M, Volume IX: Annelids, parasitic worms, protozoans, etc. Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-1918, Southern Party 1913-1916, J. de Labro- querie Tache, Ottawa. 13 p., February 6, 1920.(USGS)502(980)C 165 v.9, pt. M CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDTION 1913-1918 DANGEARD, L. Observations de geologie sous-marine et d’oceano- graphie relatives ‘a la Manche. Annales de 1’Institut Océanographique (Foundation Albert 1 Prince de Monaco) New series, tome VI, fasc. 1, pp. 1-295, 1928. GC 1 Monaco Serie II POURQUOI-PAS ? 1922-1927 DAVIS, J. K. Soundings. Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-1914 under the leadership of Sir Douglas Mawson. Part 3, Scientific Reports, series A, vol. II, Oceanography, pp. 91-102. T.H. Tennant, Actg. Gov’s Printer, Sydney NSW, Australia, 1940. Q115 AAE 1911-1914 Series A II-III. AURORA 1911-1914 AUSTRALASIAN ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION 1911-1914 DAY, A. A. The continental margin between Brittany and Ireland. Deep Sea Research, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 249-265, May 1959. (NOO) Serial File DALRYMPLE (HMS) SARSIA (RN) 28 DEMEL, J. and MULICKI, Z. Quantitative investigations onthe biologic- al bottom productivity of the south Baltic. Reports of the south Baltic. Reports of the Sea Fisheries Institute (Morski Instytut Rybacki) in Gdynia, Nr. 7, pp. 75-126. Warsaw, Poland, 1954, (D. I.) QH 301 G27, No. 7 DI NAPOLI ATTATA, E. Btude delacarotte No. 19 campagne du “Vema” dans la Méditerranée (Mer Tyrrhénienne) in “La topographie et la geologie des profondeurs océaniques. ” Collogues Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, vol. LXXXIII, Nice- Walllefranche s5=l2) Mar. 1958, pp. -6l=71, “Publ, Parisml959: (LC) GC 83 F7 VEMA Cruise 10 1956 DORAN, E. JR. Land forms of the southeast Bahamas. The University of Texas Publication No. 5509, 38 p. May1, 1955. (NOO) GB 429 D6 LADY LEONA (Sloop) 1953-1954 DRYGALSKI, E. von. I. Lothungen, Zweiter Theil-Sonderberichte uber die fahrt von Kapstadt bis Kerguelen in Deutsche Sudpolar- Expedition auf dem Schiff “Gauss,” Bericht uber die wissenschaft- lichen arbeiten auf der fahrt von Kapstadt bis zu den Kerguelen 27 November 1901 bis 2 Januar 1902. Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fur Meereskunde und des Geographischen Instituts und der Universitat Berlin, heft 2, August 1902. E. S. Mittler u. Sohn, Berlin. GCl B5 No. 2.5 GAUSS 1901-1903 DEUTSCHE SUDPOLAR EXPEDITION 1901-1903 EMERY, K.O., Geology of Johnston Island and its surrounding shal- lows, central Pacific Ocean. Bulletin of the Geological Society CtmeAmenicaiiviols 67, no, Ll), pps. 1505-1520; (November 1956, Serial File DVO wm On bULGHER,. Wi oS. GOULD Ho Ro and Sib PAR y Rib. Submarine geology off San Diego, California. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, New Series, no, 588, Allan Hancock Foundation Contribution no. 85, The Journal of Geology, vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 511-548, November 1952. Serial File 29 EMERY, K. O. and HULSEMAN, J. The relationship of sediments, life and water in a marine basin. Deep Sea Research, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 165-180, 1962. Serial File VELERO IV ERICSON, D. B., EWING, M. and HEEZEN, B.C. Turbidity currents and sediments in North Atlantic. Lamont Geological Observatory Contribution No. 47. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Con- tribution No. 604, Bulletin of the American Association of Petro- leum Geologists, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 489-511, March 1952. Serial File ATLANTIS CRUISE 152 1947-1951 ERICSON, D. B., EWING, M., WOLLIN, G. and HEEZEN, B.C. Atlantic deep-sea sediment cores. Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol, 72, no, 2, pp. 193-286, February 1961. Serial File ATLANTIS REHOBOTH CARYN SAN PABLO VEMA ERICSON, D. B. and WOLLIN, G. Micropaleontology and lithology of Arctic sediment cores. Lamont Geological Observatory Contribu- tion No. 346, in “Scientific studies at Fletcher's Ice Island, T-3 (1952-1955),” vol. I, Geophysical Research Papers No. 63, Geo- physics Research Directorate, Air Force Cambridge Research Center, USAF, Air Force Research and Development Command AFLRC-TR-59-232(1) ASTIA Document No. AD-216813, pp. 51-58, September 1959. QC 801 U5G3 No. 63 v. 1 Fletcher’S ICE ISLAND (T-3) EWING, M. and HEEZEN, B. C. Puerto Rico Trench topographic and geophysical data. Lamont Geological Observatory Contribution No. 135, in Poldervaart, A. Crust of the Earth (A Symposium), Geological Society of America Special Paper 62, pp. 255-263, 1955. ATLANTIS 1949-1954 CHALLENGER SAN PABLO FELL, H. B. The fauna of the Rose Sea, Part 1, Ophiuroidea. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 18, New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Bulletin 142, 79 p., 1961. GCl N452 M5 No. 18 ENDEAVOUR Cruise I 1958 (HMNZS) Cruise II 1959 30 FLEMING, R. H. and Staff. Physical and chemical data, North Pacific Ocean Brown Bear Cruise 199, July-Aug. 1958 for the International Geophysical Year of 1957-1958. University of Washington, Depart- ment of Oceanography, Special Report 30, pp. 12-13, March 1959. GC 856 W2A3 No, 30 BROWN BEAR Cruise 199 July-Aug. 1958 FORD, E. Animal communities of the level sea-bottom in the waters adjacent to Plymouth. Journal of the Marine Biological Associa- tion of the United Kingdom, vol. XIII (NS), no. 1, pp. 164-224, December 1923. Serial File FREDRIKSSON, K. A sediment core from the Mindanao Trough. Re- ports of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition 1947-1948. Sediment cores from the West Pacific, vol. VI, fasc. IV, pp. 97-134, Gote- borgs Kungl. Vetenskaps Och Vitterhets-Samhalle, July 1959. Q115 S 8 v. 6-7 ALBATROSS 1947-1948 SWEDISH DEEP SEA EXPEDITION 1947-1948 GAUTIER, Y. V. Sur quelques Bryozoaires de la “Zone a coraux profonds” du Golfe de Génes (Campagne de la “Calypso” de Novembre 1957). Bulletin de 1’Institut Océanographique, Monaco, no, 1123, 10 p. 25 July 1958. (DI) GC1 1 45 CALYPSO 1957 ELIE-~MONNIER 1952 GOETHEM, C. VON Etude physique et chimique du milieu marin. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelle de Belgique. “Expédition Océanographique Belge dans les eaux Cotiéres Africaines del ‘Atlantique Sud (1948-1949),” Resultats Scientifiques, vol. II, fasc. 1, 152 p., Bruxelles, 1951. Z115 EY vy. 2, fasc. 1, NOORDENDE 1948-1949 GOLDBERG, E. P. and KOIDE, M. Ionium-thorium chronology in deep sea sediments ofthe Pacific. Science, vol, 128, no. 3330, pp. 1003, October 24, 1958. Serial File. CAPRICORN CHINOOK CHUBASCO CUSP NORTHERN HOLIDAY Sh GOMEZ DE LLARENA, J. Observaciones sobre los sedimentos recogidos entre los Cabos Juby y Bojador. Exploracion Oceanografica del Africa Occidential, Boletin del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, no, 29, 23 p., 20 March 1950. Serial File MALASPINA May-June 1947 4 GONZALEZ PENA, J. M. Estadio mineralégico comparativeo de la fraccion ‘‘arcilla’’ de algunos sedimentos del litoral espanol, Po S62 the Boletin del Instituto Espanal de Oceanografia, no. 90, Madrid, 15 February 1958, Serial File XAUEN 55-7 & 56-1 GORSHKOVA, T. I. Organicheskiye veshchestvo i karbonaty v osadkakh Barenstova Morya (Organic matter and carbonates in the sedi- ments of the Barents Sea). Kolebaniya chislennosti i usloviya promysla donnykh ryb v Bareustovom More (Variations in the number and trade conditions of bottom fish in the Barents Sea). Trudy Polyarnogo Nauchno-Issledovatel’skogo Instituta Morskogo Rybnogo Khozyaistva i Okeanografiy Imeni N. M. Knipovicha (PINRO) uypusk X, pp. 260-280, 1957. (LC) SH1.M8 PERSEY 1927-1931 NICOLAI KNIPOVICH 1930-1931 GORSLINE, DONN S. and STEWART, R. A. Benthic marine exploration of Bahia de San Quintin, Baja, California, 1960-1961. Marine and Quaternary Geology. Pacific Naturalist, vol. 3, no. 8, Oct. 16, 1962. Serial File GOULD, H. R. and BUDINGER, T. F. Control of sedimentation and bottom configuration by convection currents, Lake Washington, Washington. University of Washington, Department of Oceanography Contribution No, 221, Journal of Marine Research, vol.17, pp. 183- NOS algo Sr Serial File GRIEG, J. A. Brachiopoda, Scaphopoda, Gastropoda, and Lamelli- branchiata from the “Michael Sars” North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition 1910. Report of the Scientific Results of the “Michael Sars” North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition 1910, vol. III, pt. I, DM Nelo, WOE, Bergen Museum, John Grieg, Bergen 1933. Q115 Mé v.3 MICHAEL SAR 1910 NORTH ATLANTIC DEEP-SEA EXPEDITION 1910 32 GRIPENBERG, S. A _ study of the sediments of the North Baltic and adjoining seas. Vth Hydrological Conference of the Baltic States. Communication 12A. Helsinki-Helsingfors, 23lp., 1934. GB 660 Baltic 1936 Commun, NAUTILUS (FINLAND) 1924-1930 HABE, T. Pelecypod shell remains in Tanabe Bay, Wakayama Pre- fecture, Records of Oceanographic Works in Japan, Special Number 4, pp. 39-51, March 1960. Serial File HAMILTON, E. L. Upper Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Recent planktonic foraminifera from Mid-Pacific flat-topped seamounts. Jounal of Paleontology, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 204-237, March 1953. (USGS) also Contribution No. 615, 1953, Scripps Institution of Oceanography G@ 1S535953 MID-PAC 1950 HANZAWA, S. Diatom (Ethmodiscus) ooze obtained from the tropical southwestern North Pacific Ocean. Records of Oceanographic Works in Japan, vol. VII, no. 1, pp. 37-43, May 1953. Serial File KOSYU MANSYU OD © HEEZEN, B. C., ERICSON, D. B. and EWING, M. Further evidence for a turbidity current following the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake. Deep Sea Research, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 193-202, July 1954. Serial File ATLANTIS CRUISE 180 1952 HERAS, A, R. et al. Analisis de fondos de la Bahia de Cadiz, Boletin del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, no. 75, 30 p., Madrid, 15 April 1956, Serial File XAUEN 1953 HILL, M. N. and KING, W. B. R. Seismic prospecting in the English Channel and its geological interpretation. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. CIX, no. 1, pp. 1-19, 1953. (LC) QE 1 G4 33 HOHNK, W. Ein beitrag zur ozeanischen Mykologie in-Bohnecke, Buckmann, A. Die expeditionen von F. F. S. “Anton Dohrn” und V.F.S. “Gauss” in Internationalen Geophysikalischen Jahr 1957/ 1958. Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut-Hamburg, Deutschen Hydrographischen Zeitschrift, Erganzungsheft Reihe B (4°), nr. 3p eo Ula, NOH), Seresieul ime ANTON DOHRN_ 1958 HOLME, N. A. The bottom fauna of Great West Bay, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, vol. 29, pp. 163-183, 1950-1951. Serial File HOLTEDAHL, H. On the Norwegian continental terrace, primarily outside Mdre-Romsdal: its geomorphology and sediments. With contribution on the Quaternary geology of the adjacent land on the bottom deposits of the Norwegian Sea. Universitet i Bergen, Arbok 1955, Naturvitenskapelig rekke nr. 14, 209 p. A.S. John Griegs Boktrykkeri, Bergen 1957. GB 457.3 H7 ARMAUER HANSEN 1950-1953 G. ©. SARS #954 - - - Geology and paleontology of Norwegian Sea bottom cores, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 16-29, March, 1959. Serial File ARMAUER HANSEN 1950-1953 GG. OaSARS eelg54 HOLZMAN, J. E. Submarine geology of Cortes and Tanner Banks. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 97-118, June 1952. Serial File VELEROIV 1949 HOSOKAWA,.I., OKOBE, S., and HAMODA, S. Oceanographical studies on the sediments in the East China Sea, (1) On the contents of organic carbon and total nitrogen. Journal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 43-47, June 1959. Serial File HOSHINO, M. and ICHIHARA, Y. Submarine topography and bottom sediments off Kumano-nada and Enshu Nada. Journal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 41-46, June 1960. Serial File 34 HOUGH, J. L. Sediments of Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Contribution No. 184, Journal of Sedimientanyin Petrology, vol ili2) now) pp. el0=305, April942. Serial File ASTERIAS 1935 HOUGH, J. L. Sediments of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Contribution No. 187, Journal of Sedi- mentary Petrology, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 19-32, April 1940. Serial File ASTERIAS 1934 HUNKINS, K. L., EWING, M., HEEZEN, B. C. and MENZIES, R. J. Biological and geological observations on the first photographs of the Arctic Ocean deep-sea floor. Lamont Geological Observatory Contribution No. 411. Limnology and Oceanography, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 154-161, April 1960. Serial File ARCTIC DRIFT STATION “A” DECEMBER 1957 HURLEY, R. J. Expedition Chinook I lowering log June-August 1956. Scripps Institution of Oceanography. 23 P. 1956. GC 781 S4E9 also GC771 S4S5 CHINOOK I EXPEDITION 1956 SPENCER F. BAIRD 1956 IJAMA, A. The bottom sediments of the Japan and Kuril trenches collected by the Ryofu Maru during the Japanese Deep Sea Expedi- tion in 1959. JEDS Contribution No. 8. Geological Institute, University of Tokyo, The Oceanographical Magazine, vol. ll, no. 2, pp. 225-231, May 1960. Serial File RYOFU MARU 1959 JARKE, J. Beitrag zur kenntnis der foraminiferen-fauna der mittleren und westlicken Barents-See. Reprint - Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol., vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 581-654, 1960. Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut, Oceanographie 1960, nr. 8, Hamburg, 1961. GC 1H 1 1960 CORDILLERA 1939 FRANKEN 1939 HEINRICH BAUMGARTEN 1938 STUTTGART 1938 KAGAMI, H. and IJIMA, A. On the bottom sediments off Onagawa and Kushiro, the adjacent continental slope of Japan Trench. JEDS Contribution No. 9, Geological Institute, University of Tokyo, The Oceanographical Magazine, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 233-242, March 1960. Serial File RYOFU MARU 1959 35 KAGAMI, H. Submarine sediments off Sakata, Yamagata, Japan. Geological Institute University of Tokyo Contribution, Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. XXXII, nos. 3-4, pp. 397- 410, November 25, 1961. Serial File MEIYO TENKAI TORII KLENOVA, M. V. Geologiya Barentsova Morya (Geology ofthe Barents Sea). Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Komissiya po Problemam Severa, pri Prezidiume AN SSSR, 367 p., Moskva, 1960. ISSLEDOVATEL’ NICOLAI KNIPOVICH POLYARNAYA ZVEZDA PERSEY SADKO KASHALOT PERSEY-2 SRT-440 KNOX, G. A. General account of the Chatham Islands 1954 Expedition. New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin 122, New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoirs No. 2. 37 p., 1957. GCl N452 M5 (WB Library) M06.5/931 K74ge CHATHAM ISLANDS EXPEDITION 1954 NORA NIVEN 1907 ALERT 1954 KOBAYASHI, K., OINUMA, K., and SAIDO, T. Clay mineralogical study on recent sediments (I) Samples JEDS-iR'’, JEDS-1R®". JEDS Contribution No. 15, Geological Institute, University of Tokyo, The Oceanographical Magazine, vol. 11, no, 2, pp. 215-223, March 1960. Serial File RYOFU MARU 1959 KOMUKAI, R. On the bottom topography and sediments in the western passage of Tsugaru Strait. The Report of the Hydrographic Office, Maritime Safety Office, Tokyo, Japan. Various pages. 1956. GC 821 K8 IIOMMAMT, . Go eich COON, de E. Preliminary results of recent deep drilling on Cape Code, Massachusetts. Science, vol. 137, no. 3523, p. 34, July 1962. Serial File 36 KROG, H. Post-glacial submergence of the Great Belt dated by pollen- analysis and radio carbon, International Geological Congress, Report of the Twenty-First Session Norden, Part IV, Proceedings, Section 4 ~ Chronology and Climatology of the Quaternary, pp. 127- 13s, UNOO. KRUMBEIN, W. C. and ABERDEEN, E. The sediments of Barataria Bay amounnalmotisedimentarye Petrology, vole a1,) now len pps s— lil, Aprilligs ia serial bale KUENEN, P. H. Two problems of marine geology: atolls and canyons. Verhndelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akadamie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Natuurkunde, Tweede Sectie, Deel XLIII, no. 3, pp. 1-69, 1947,N. V. Nood-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maats-~ schappij, Amsterdam, 1947. QE 33 K9 KUENEN, P. H. Geological results, vol. V, Bottom samples, pt. 3, Collecting of the samples and some general aspects, section I. also NEEB, I. G. A. The composition and distribution of the samples in “The Snellius Expedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East- Indies 1929-1930. 265p., E. T. Brill-Leiden, 1943. Q115 SNELLIUS Vo Dp je & SNELLIUS EXPEDITION 1929-1930 KULP, O. Beitrag zur entwicklungsgeschichte der Mecklenburger Bucht, Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, heft 4, 105 jahrgang, pp. 249-256, VEB. Hermann Haack, Geographische Kartographische, Anstalt Gotha, Dresden, DDR, 1961. Translation. KULP, J. L. and CARR, D. R. Surface area of deep-sea sediments. Lamont Geological Observatory Contribution 14, Journal of Geology, vol. 60, no. 2, March 1952. Serial File URC wiG we HOnaminiferes jet Ostracodesy ide 1*Etang de Thau. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Péches Maritimes, tome XX\, fasc. A. GELS JD, esse, Wo SSl AOS INS) s75 45 ie, Z OSTREA 1956-1958 37 LAEVASTU, T. The occurrence of pigments in marine sediments. Department of Oceanography, University of Washington Contribution No. 228, Journal of Marine Research, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 325-334, November 1958. Serial File DAROND; E. Cy, DIETZ, RS.) PRETCHARD, D> We Oceanographic measurements from the USS NEREUS on a cruise to the Bering and Chukchi Seas, 1947, Report 91 Problem 2A5, U.S. Navy Electronics Laboratory, San Diego, California. 96 p., February 1949. GL 841 U5 B4l NEREUS 1947 LAUGHTON, A. S. Sound propagation in compacted ocean sediments. Geophysics, vol. XXII, no. 2, pp. 233-260, April 1957. Serial File DISCOVERY II 1952 LIVINGSTONE, R. Preliminary investigation of the southeastern Alaska abalone (Haliotis Kamtschatkova). Part I--Exploratory diving. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Commercial Fisheries Review, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 8-16, September 1952. Serial Pile LADY BESS Sept.-Oct. 1951. LLARENA, J. G. de Observaciones sobre los sedimentos de las costas de Galicia (Campanas del “Xauen” en 1949-1950). Boletin del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, no. 52., 24 p., November LOS Zao e Tia lable XAUEN 1949-1950 LOCHER, F. W. Sedimentpetrographische untersuchung der lotkerne 255 und 257. Reports of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition. Sediment cores from the North Atlantic Ocean, vol. VII, no. 4, pp. 187-208. Goteborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhalle IES, ON GS SS 5% On7/ ALBATROSS 1947-1948 SWEDISH DEEP SEA EXPEDITION 1947-1948 MATTHEWS, L. H. The marine deposits of the Patagonian continental shelf. Discovery Reports, vol. IX, pp. 175-206, University Press, Cambridge, 1934. Q115 Discovery v. 9 WILLIAM SCORESBY (RRS) 1927-1932 38 MENARD, H. W. Pleistocene and Recent sediment from the floor of the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Geological Society of America, Bulletin, vol. 64, no. 11, pp. 1279-1294, November 1953. Serial Bales NORTHERN HOLIDAY 1951 MENARD, H. W., ALLISON, E. C. and DURHAM, J. W. A drowned Miocene terrace in the Hawaiian Islands, Science, vol. 138, no. 3543, pp. 896-897, 23 November 1962 Serial File ARGO 1961 MOLENGRAFF, G. A. F. Geologie-Hoofdstruk (Chapter) VI in “De zeeén van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie,” Koninklyk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, pp. 272-357. E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1922. (USGS) 503(910) qN28 CACHALOT 1858 GAZELLE 1875 CHALLENGER 1874-1875 SIBOGA 1899-1900 VALDIVIA 1899 MOORE, H. B. The muds of the Clyde Sea area. 1. Phosphate and nitrogen contents. Journal of the Marine Biological Association (United Kingdom), vol. 16, pp. 595-607, 1930. Serial File MOORE, DAVID G. and SHUMWAY, GEORGE. Sediment thickness and physical properties; Pigeon Point Shelf, California. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 64, no. 3, March 1959. Serial File MULLER, G. Die rezenten sedimente im Golf von Neapel. Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli, vol. 31, fasc. 1, pp. 1-27, September 1959. (also in Geol. Rundsch. vol. 47, 1958). (SI) CAVOLINI 1957 MUNTHE, H. Den Svenska Hydrografiska Expeditionen Ar 1877 under ledving af F. L. Ekman, Afdelningen II, Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, Ny Fjold, bandet 27, no. 2. 35 p. Stockholm, 1894. (USDA) 502 St6 H27, 1894. SVENSKA HYDROGRAFISKA EXPEDITIONEN AR 1877 MURRAY, J. Balfour Shoal: a submarine elevation in the Coral Sea. The Scottish Geographical Magazine, vol. 13, no. 3, March 1897. Serial File PENGUIN (HMS) 1894-1895 39 - = - Onthe depth and marine deposits of the Indian Ocean, with descriptions of the deposit-samples collected by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner in 1905. Report No. 13 of the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, under the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner. The Transactions of the Linnean Society of Hendon, end) Ser, Zoolosy,n voles lionmpt mon 10-8 54.) pp >> =o9 oF June 1910. WS 1SS7tiT WOOD, Wo Zp iIN@s 3 PERCY SLADEN TRUST EXPEDITION 1905 - -- On marine deposits inthe Indian, Southern, and Antarctic Oceans. The Scottish Geographical Magazine, vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 405-435, August 1889. (WB) No. 13328, S43 1lgv.5. 1889 EGERIA (HMS) 1887 FLYING FISH (HMS) 1887 INVESTIGATOR (HMS) 1887 MURRAY, J. and CHUMLEY, J. The deep-sea deposits of the Atlantic Ocean. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. LIV, pt. I. - Session 1923-1924, pp. 1-252, R. Grant & Son, Edinburgh, 1924. (USGS) S(512) qEd. 52 v. 54, 1924-1926. ATLANTIC DEEP SEA DEPOSITS 1857-1911 ARGUS (HMS) 1879 MINIA (SS) 1903 BRITANNIA (SS) 1897-99 MUTINE (HMS) 1907-08 BUCCANEER (SS) 1886 PORCUPINE (HMS) 1869 CHALLENGER (HMS) 1872-76 RAMBLER (HMS) 1895-99 CYCLOPS (HMS) 1857 SCOTIA (SS) 1883 DACA (SS) 1883293 SEINE (SS) 1889 DOLPHIN (USS) 1889 SERPENT (HMS) 1872-76 EGERIA (HMS) 1897 SIEMENS (SS) 1875 ENTERPRISE (USS) 1883 SILVERTOWN (SS) 1884 FARADAY (SS) 1903 STEPHAN (SS) 1911 GAZELLE (SS) 1875 SYLVIA (HMS) 1886 GETTYSBURG (USS) 1876 TALISMAN (SS) 1883 GOLDFINCH (HMS) 1902-05 TRITON (HMS) 1882 KNIGHT ERRANT (HMS) 1880 VALDIVIA (SS) 1898 MICHAEL SARS (SS) 1910 VALOROUS (HMS) 1875 MURRAY, J. and LEE, G. V. The depth and marine deposits of the Pacific. Reports on the scientific results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific on USS Steamship ALBATROSS, August 1899 - March 1900, no. XVII. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative ANNA TS WS Bp MO, No UO ios Iwme I9OO, EGO tl Az ALBATROSS EXPEDITION TO THE TROPICAL PACIFIC 1899-1900 40 MURRAY, J. and RENARD, A. F. Report on deep-sea deposits based on the specimens collected in the years 1872 to 1876. In “Report on the scientific results of the voyage of HMS Challenger during the years 1873-1876", 523 p., London: Longmans & Co., 1891. Q115 CHALLENGER 1873-1876 vol. 2 CHALLENGER 1873-1876 NANSEN, F. The Norwegian North Polar Expedition 1893-1896. Scientific Results, vol. IV-1904, vol. V-1906, Jacob Dydwad, Christiania, Q115 N8 v.4, v. 5 NORWEGIAN NORTH POLAR EXPEDITION 1893-1896 - - - The bathymetrical features of the North Polar Seas with the discussion of the continental shelves and previous oscillations of Chiemms hone —linespr VOl nus, spt.celSs cole prea sune a JO Zr—ehebel 904. Q115 N8 v.4 NORWEGIAN NORTH POLAR EXPEDITION 1893-1896 NASU, N. Particle size distribution in the vicinity off Sagami River mouth, (The processes forming beach and dune sands), Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section II--Geology, Mineralogy, Geography, Geophysics, vol. X, pt. 1, pp. 65-103, NOS O= NO Sine (USGS) G(620) T62 ASASHIO R/V 1950 - - - Oceanographic investigation in the Chukchi Sea during the summer of 1958. The Scientific Reports of the Whales Research Institute, no. 15, pp. 143-157, Tokyo, November, 1960. (LC) Serial Division FUMI MARU No. 16 1958 NASU, N., IJIMA, A. and KAGAMI, H. Geological results in the Japanese Deep Sea Expedition in 1959 -- Exploration of the Ramapo Deep in the Japan Trench and the southernmost part of the Kurile Trench by the RYOFU MARU. JEDS Contribution No. 6, Geological Institute, University of Tokyo, The Oceanographical Magazine, VOlnMlleEnonIey) pps 201214. March l960— 5s Serialeniles RY COMM) MUNRO! ay) NAVARRO, F. de P. Exploracion oceanografica del Africa Occidental desde el Cabo Ghir al Cabo Juby -- Resultados de las campanas del “Malaspina” y del “XKauen” en Mayo de 1946. Ministerio de Marina, Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, Trabajos, no. 20. 39 p. Madrid, 1947. GC 1 S7 No.20 XAUEN 1946 MALASPINA 1946 41 NEAVERSON, E. The sea-floor deposits I. General characters and distribution. Discovery Reports, vol. IX, pp. 295-350, University Press, Cambridge, 1934. Q115 Discovery v. 9 DISCOVERY (RRS.) 1925-1933 WILLIAM SCORESBY 1927-1932 NEUMANN, A. C. The configuration and sediments of Stetson Bank, northwestern Gulf of Mexico. The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, A& M, Project 24, Reference 58-5T, Technical Report No. 26., 124 p., February 1958. G52) f35No. Ze DNS IN UNO IDN BYE, BISA, SID, LYST NIINO, H. On the soundings from the sea bottom at the offing of Cape Cook, Prince Harald Coast, Antarctic continent. Report of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions, no. Ile) appease —2 i, January 1961, also in Journal of Tokyo University Fisheries (Special ed.), vol. 1, no. 3, 1958. Serial File SECOND JAPANESE ANTARCTIC RESEARCH EXPEDITION 1957-58 UMITAKA MARU 1957 - -- Study on the natural radioactivity of bottom deposits (II). Bottom deposits in the vicinity of Takamatsu City, SetoInland Sea. Records of ,Oceanographic Works in Japan, Special No. 4 (New Series), Japanese National Commission for UNESCO, pp. 165-170, March 1960. Serial File under “Records of” SHINYO MARU 1958 _-- Sediments of Oki Bankinthe Japanese Sea, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 79-85, August 1948. Serial File SOYO MARU 1941 SUIROBU MARU NORIN, E. The sediments of the central Tyrrhenian Sea. Reports of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition 1947-1948. Sediment cores from the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, vol. VII, Fasc. 1, pp. 1-136, Géteborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps-Och Vitterhets-Samhalle, 1958, Q115 S8 v. 8-10 ALBATROSS 1947-1948 SWEDISH DEEP SEA EXPEDITION 1947-1948 NYBELIN, O. Introduction and station list. Report of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition 1947-1948. Zoology, vol. I, fasc. 1, pp. 1-28. GOteborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps-Och Vitterhets-Samhalle, 1958. Q 115 S8 1947/48 v. 2 fasc. 1 ALBATROSS 1947-1948 SWEDISH DEEP SEA EXPEDITION 1947-1948 42 --- Zoological results of the “Skagerrak” expedition 1946. Introduc- tion and station list. Goteborgs Kungl, Vetenskaps=och Vitterhets= Samhalles Handlingar fj. 6, ser. B, band 5, no. ll. 12 p., 1947. (Meddelanden Fran Géteborgs Musei Zoologiska Avdelning 118). (DA) P50 Z5Gal\ EH ALBATROSS 1947-1948 SKAGERRAK 1946 OFFICER, C. B. and WEBER, J. H. Useof continuous seismic profiles in offshore explorations and engineering. Offshore, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 36-37, July 1959. Serial File OLIVER, M. Carta pesca de los Baleares I. Este y Sur de Menorca. Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, Trabajos, no. 26, pp. 7-20, Madrid, 1959. GCal Sv XAUEN 1958 ORTH, Beitrage zur meereskunde, Annalen der Hydrographie und Meritimen Meteorologie, Jahrgang der Hydrographischen Mitteil- Uncen liwno. 15 sund.= lo) @pp. 302=310, N87 55 VIG SSSeAowlsi7,5 DRACHE 1874 INEZ MUS METEOR 1873 POMMERANIA 1873 OSTROUMOV, E. A. and FOMINA, L. C. O formakh soyedinenii seri v donnykh otlozheniyakh severo-zapadnoi chasti Tikhogo Okeana (Types of sulfur compounds in the bottom sediments of the north- western portions cf the Pacific Ocean) in Geologicheskiye issledovaniya v dalnevostochnikh moryakh (Geologic studies in the Far Eastern Seas), Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Instituta Okeanologii, tom XXXII, pp. 206-214, 1960. Serial File VITYAZ OSTROUMOV, E. A. and VOLKOV, I. I. O formakh soyedinenii sery vy donnykh otlozheniyakh Tikhogo Okeana u Novoi Zelandii (Forms of sulfur compounds in the bottom sediments of the Pacific Ocean near New Zealand), Akademiya Nauk, SSSR, Trudy Instituta Okeano- logii, tom XLII, pp. 117-124, 1960. Serial File VITYAZ OTTMANN, F. Estudo das amostras do fundo recolhidas pelo N. E. “Almirante Saldanha na regidao da embocadura do Rio Amazonas. Missao da Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegacao por ocasiao do Ano Geofisico Internacional (Dezembro de 1958). Trabalhos do Instituto de Biologia Maritima e Oceanografia, Universidade do Riecitemeole le) no. 1, pp. (v-106, December) 1959 (IE) R52558599 R649 UIYSY ALMIRANTE SALDANHA 1958 43 OTTMANN, F. and OTTMANN, J. M. Les sediments de l’embouchure du Capibaribe, Recife, Bresil. Trabalhos do Instituto de Biologia Maritima e Oceanografia, Universidade de Recife, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 51-69, December 1959. (LC) 525.7.99 R.29 1959 OWEN, D. M. ATLANTIS Cruise 151 to Mediterranean area, Scientific Reporte NOnece Bottom samples and underwater photography. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Reference No, 49-8. 38 p. January 1949. Q115 A88 No. 2 ATLANTIS CRUISE 151 1947-1948 PARR, W. J. Foraminifera. Reports-Series B (Zoology and Botany) B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Research Expedition 1929-1931, vol. V, pt. 6, pp. 235-392, B.A.N.Z.A.R. Expedition Committee, University of Adelaide, The Hassell Press, Adelaide, May 1950. Q115 BANZ SOI, 135 We B PEO BRITISH-AUSTRALIAN-NEW ZEALAND ANTARCTIC RESEARCH EXPEDITION (BANZ) 1929-1931 PEREZ MATEOS, J. Mineralogia de la fraccion ‘‘arena’’ de los sedimentos marinos que se estudian. pp. 29-35, Boletin del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, no. 90, Madrid, 15 February 1958. Serial File XAUEN 55-7 & 56-1 1955-56 PERRY, R. B. A study of the marine sediments of the Canadian Eastern Arctic Archipelago. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Atlantic Oceanographic Group, Manuscript Report Series (Ocean- ographic and Limnological) no. 89., 80p., April1961. GC 854 C2M2 No. 89 LABRADOR July-October 1957 PETTERSSON, H. Three sediment cores from the Tyrrhenian Sea. Meddelanden fran Oceanografiska Institutet i Goteborg, 15, Gote- borgs Kungl. Vetenskaps-och Vittershets-Samhalles Handlingar, Sjatte Foljden, ser. B band 5, no. 13, 94p., 1948. AS 284 G7 No, 11-20 SKAGERRAK 1946 44 - -- Teneur en radium des depots de mer profonde (PRINCESS-ALICE II et CHALLENGER). Résultats des compagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par Albert Ier Prince Souverain de Monaco, fasc LXXXI, pp. 3-50, 1930. (LC) QL5 A3 CHALLENGER PRINC ESSE-ALICE II PHILIPPI, E. Die Grundproben der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901-1903 in -- Drygalski, E. von, Deutsche Sudpolar Expedition 1901-1903 im Auftrage des Reicksamtes des Innern, band II. Geographie und Geologie, heft VI, pp. 415-616. Berlin. 1910. (LC) Q115 D49 DEUTSCHES SUDPOLAR EXPEDITION 1901-1903 GAUSS 1901-1903 PE GR eee SearandaRICSON, eDrss: Hydrography the western Atlantic, bottom sediments off Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Technical Report No. 6., 15., August 1947. GC 501 W8 No. 6-10 ANTON DOHRN R/V_ 1946 PHYSALIA R/V 1946 PICOTTI, M. Crociera talassografica Adriatica 1955, III. Tabelle delle osservazioni fisiche, chimiche, biologiche e psammografiche, Instituto Sperimentale Talassografico Trieste, Pubbl. N. 361, Estratto dell’Archive di Oceanografia e Limnologia, vol. XI, fasc. 3, pp. 371-377 and tables. 1960. GCl T80 No. 361 ADRIATIC THALASSOGRAPHIC CRUISE 1955 PIRIE, J. H. H. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition 1902-1904: Deep sea deposits. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, VOlwexduDerpts 3, Session 1912-1913, pp. 645-086) 193. (USGS) S (512) q E 52 SCOTIA 1902-1904 SCOTTISH NATIONAL ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION 1902-1904 PORTER, URQUHART, McCREARY and O’BRIEN CONSULTING EN- GINEERS. Feasibility study for harbor development, San Clemente Island, California. U. S. Navy, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Eleventh Naval District, Public Works Office, San Diego, Californ- ia. 74 p. December 1956. Uncatalogued. 45 PRATJE, O. Die bodenbedeckung der sudlichen und mittleren Ostsee und ihre bedeutung fur die ausdeutung fossiler sedimente (43. Beitrag zur geologie der meere). Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut, Hamburg, Deutsches Hydrographische Zeitschrift, band 1, heft 2/3, pp. 45-61, June 1948. Serial File PRVAV EE ©} Die sedimente des Stdatlantischen Ozeans. Erste Lieferung-Correns, C. gewinnung und bearbeitung der boden proben, A. Die verfahren der gewinnung und untersuchung der sedimente. B. Schott, W. Die foraminiferen in dem aquatorialen teil des Atlantischen Ozeans. 2. Lieferung - C. Zusammenstellung der untersuchungsergebnisse nach stationen geordnet. D. Auswertung der ergebnisse, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen At- lantischen Expedition auf dem Forschungs und Vermessungsschiff “Meteor” 1925-1927. Herausgegeben in auftrage der Notgemein- schaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft von A. Defant, band III, Verlag von Wi, des Gruytersiand Coy, berlin wand) eipzipey 29Sipaselo sie Q115 Meteor bd. 3, Teil 2 and 3 METEOR 1925-1927 DEUTSCHEN ATLANTISCHEN EXPEDITION 1925-1927 RAO, M.S. Distribution of calcium carbonateinthe shelf sediments off East coast of India. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 274-285, September 1958, Serial File INDIAN MINESWEEPERS 1952-1957 REED, J. J. and LEOPARD, A. E. Sediments of Cook Strait, New Zealand Oceanographic Committee Publication No. 17, New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, Section B, ‘vol. 30, ime, I, pp. 14-22, July 1954. GCl N45 No. 17 LACHLAN (HMNZS) REVELLE, R. R. I. Marine bottom samples collected in the Pacific Ocean by the CARNEGIE on its seventh cruise. PIGGOT, C. S. Il. Radium content of ocean-bottom sediments. Scientific results of cruise VII of the CARNEGIE during 1928-1929 under command of Captain J. P. Ault. Oceanography II, Dept. of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institute of Washington. Pub. 556, 196 p., 1944. Q115 CARNEGIE 0-1-IV CARNEGIE VII 1928-1929: 46 RICHARDS, H. C€. and HILL, D. Great Barrier Reef bores, 1926 and 1937 —~ descriptions, analysis and interpretations. Reports ole thewGreat barrienmReet eGommittee, volves plblepss0RApril MOA 2 USGS) i Sa(890) G32) vee5 GREAT BARRIER REEF 1926 - 1927 RICHTER, E. VON Liste der grundproben von der studienfahrt der ‘‘Minseroog’’ 1923 Senckenbergiana, Wissenschaftliche Mitteill- ungen, Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesselschaft in Frankfurt a. M., band 10, heft 5, pp. 195-203, September 1928. (USGS) S (530) F 884 MINSEROOG 1923 RICKETTS, N. G. and TRASK, P. D. The bathymetry and sediments, Part 1, Scientific Results (of) The ‘‘Marion’’ Expedition to Davis Strait and Baffin Bay under the direction of the U. S. Coast Guard, 1928, U. &. Treasury Department, Coast Guard, Bulletin No. 19, Sik jos CGolPsOsy Wiveslatoyertonig IDS (Ge WO sz. ONS: WSCC IPs Ib; UO28~ MARION (USCG) 1928 RIEDEL, W. R. Siliceous organic remains in pelagic sediments, In- SILICA IN SEDIMENTS, a publication of the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, pp. 80-91, May 1959. GC 771 S485 GUIDE (USCGS) 1923 PIONEER (USCGS) 1922 MID-PAC EXPEDITION 1953 RIIS-CARSTENSEN, E. The Godthaab Expedition 1928. Report on the expedition. Kommissionen for Videnskabelige Undersdgelser i Gronland, band 78, nr. 1, pp. 3-105, 1931. (USGS) (980) Mbd. 78 1931-1939 GODTHAAB 1928 ROSENBERG, L. A. Mikrobiologischeskaya kharakteristika gruntov i vody Sredizemnogo Morya (Microbiological characteristics of the bottom and water of the Mediterranean Sea). Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Okeanolgiya, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 109-117, Moskva, 1962. Serial File AKADEMIK S. VAVILOV June-August 1960 47 SCHAEFERS, E. A. and SMITH, K. A. Shellfish explorations in the Yakutat Bay area, Alaska, by the JOHN N. COBB, Spring 1953. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Commercial Fisheries Review, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. l=lly Marzch eliG54eaSexialerpilie JOHN N. COBB 1953 SCHAEFERS, E. S., SMITH, J. A. and GREENWOOD, M. R. Bottom fish and shellfish explorations in the Prince William Sound area, Alaska, 1954. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Commercial Fish- eries Review, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 6-28, April 1955. Serial File JOHN N. COBB 1954 SCHMIDT, J. Report on the Danish Oceanographical Expeditions 1908-1910 to the Mediterranean and adjacent seas, vol. I: I. Introduction, pp. 1-48. III. Béggild, O. B. The deposits of the sea bottom, pp. 255-269. Andr. Fred. Hést & Son, Copenhagen, 1912. OH5eDs3eNor! THOR 1908-1910 SCHULER, F. Untersuchungen tiber die machtigkeit von schlickschichten mit hilfe des echographen. Deutsche Hydrographischen Zeit- schrifts band 5,ehett.5/O,mpparccOaZeoleelo>2euse rialwrilie GAUSS (VFS) May 1952 SKISHKINA, O. V. Khimicheskii sostav ilovikh vod Tikhogo Okeana (Chemical composition of the interstital water of the Pacific Ocean), Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Instituta Okeanologii, tom XXXIII, pp. 146-164, 1959. Serial File VITYAZ 1953-1955 - - - Sulfaty v ilovykh vodakh Chernogo Morya (Sulfates in the muds of waters of the Black Sea), Problemy Khimii Morya, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Instituta Okeanologii, tom XXXIII, pp. 178-193, 1:95 9). eSenialebple AKADEMIK VAVILOV 1956 SHUKRI, N. M. and HIGAZY, R. A. Mechnical analysis of some bottom deposits of the northern Red Sea. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 43-69, August 1944. Serial File MAHABITH (RRS) EGYPTIAN PRELIMINARY EXPEDITION TO THE NORTHERN RED SEA 1934-1935 48 STEPHEN, A. C. The Sipunculids of Haifa Bay and neighbourhood, The Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, vol 7B, No. 3-4, pp. 129-136, Oct. 1958. Records File EN3/EF40, RS 05788, 19 Jul. 62 STETSON, H. C. The sediments of the continental shelf off the eastern coast of the United States. WHOI Contribution No. 178, Papers in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, vol. V., no. 4; 47 p.. July) 1938. @€ 851 P15, v. 5 No. 4 STETSON, H. C. The sediments and stratigraphy of the East coast continental margin; Georges Bank to Norfolk Canyon. WHOI.Con- tribution No. 487,Papers in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceano- graphice Institution, vol. XI, no. 2; 52 p., August 1949. QC 851 IPI) Wo LL INOS Z STETSON, H. C. -Part I. The Continental terrace of the western Gulf of Mexico; its surface sediments, origin and development. TRASK, P. D. -Part II. 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Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, California, Technical Report R-213, Y-5015-01-001 (g)) 2Zepe 26) Octobermlgio2e SMITH, W. D. Recent underwater surveys using low frequency sound to locate shallow bedrock. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, vol. 69, no. 1. pp. 79-90, January 1958, Serial File PASSAMAQUODDY BAY SURVEY 1951 SPETHMANN, H. Studien Uber die bodenzusammen-setzung der Baltischen depression vom Kattegat bis zur Insel Gottland. Laboratorium fur Internationale Meeresforschung in Kiel, Hydro- grafische Abteilung nr.8,Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen Kommission zur Wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der Deutschen Meere in Kiel und der Biologischen Anstalt auf Helgoland, Neue folge, 12th band, pp. 303-314, Scan Kiel, 1911 (USGS) 530qW 1 aiwel Neh Bde Sz POSEIDON 1909 STARIKOVA, N. D. Nekotoriye danniye po organischeskomy veshchestvu zhidkoi fazi osadkov Chernogo i Azovskogo morei (Some data on the organic composition of the liquid phase of sediments of the Black and Azov Seas) in Khimiya Morya (Marine Chemistry) Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Okeanograficheskoi Komissii, tom X, vyp. 2, pp. 30-48, 1960. (LC) T168.25, Tom X, vyp 2. 1960 VAVILOV 1956-1957 STARIKOVA, N. D. Organicheskii veshchesti zhidkoi fazi osadkov severozapadnoi chasti Tikhogo okeano (Organic matter of the liquid phase of the sediments of the northwestern Pacific Ocean). Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Instituta Okeanologii, tom XXXII, a5 WORN NOB VASRNPAZ lO 5355 STARK, J. T. and DAPPLES, E. C. Nearshore lagoon sediments from Raiatea, Society Islands. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 21-27, April 1941 Serial File 50 STETSON, H. C. and UPSON, J. E. Bottom deposits of the Ross Sea, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Contribution No. 130. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 55-66, August (9SU6 Sercteul ks BEAR 1934 Second Byrd Antarctic Expedition 1934-35 STETSON, T. R. Report on Atlantis Cruise No. 266 June-July 1961, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Reference No. 61-35, 24 p. October 1961. Uncatalogued ATLANTIS 1961 Cruise 266 STEWART, H. B. Oceanographic cruise report USC&GSS EXPLORER 1960. Seattle, Wash. to Norfolk, Virginia, 2 Feb. - 27 Apr. 1960. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U. S. Department of Commerce. GPO, Wash. D. C., pp. 100-120, 1960. GC 57 S8 EXPLORER (USCGS) 2 Feb. - 27 Apr. 1960 STRIDE, A. H. A linear pattern on the sea floor and its interpretation Journal of the Marine Biological Association ofthe United Kingdom, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 313-318, June 1959. Serial File SARSIA (RV) Sept. 1958 STUBBINGS, H. G. The marine deposits of the Arabian Sea. An in- vestigation into their distribution and biology. The John Murray Expedition 1933-34, Scientific Reports, vol. III, no. 2, pp. 32-158, British Museum (Natural History), 1939. Q115 Murray 1933-34 v. 2 and 3 THE JOHN MURRAY EXPEDITION 1933-34 MAHABISS 1933-34 SUGIMURA, Y. and NOGUCHI, J. Content of organic matter in the bottom sediments off Lutzow-Holm Bay collected: by the 2nd Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition. Antarctic Record, vol. 12, no. 3, March 1961. Serial File or HO Route Sheet No. 936 Second Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition 1957-58 SOYA 1957-58 SUSSBACH, S. and BRECKNER, A. Die _ seeigel, seesterne und schlangensterne der Nord-und Ostsee. Wissenshaftliche Meere- suntersuchungen, Kommission zur Wissenschaftlichen Unter- suchungen der Deutschen Meere in Kiel und der Biologischen Anstalt auf Helgoland. Neue folge, 12th band, Abteilung Kiel, pp. 169-299, 1911. (USGS) 530q W76 wil ‘‘Kiel’’ N. F. Bd. 1112 POSEIDON 1902-07 51 SUTTON, G. Hy, BERCKHEMBER,) Hi) vand! SNAG, J, H-Physicall analysis of deep sea sediments. Lamont Geological Observatory Contribution No. 260, Geophysics, vol. XXII, no. 4, pp. 779-812, October 1957. Serial File VEMA 4 July-Sept 1954 SVIRENKO, I. P. Granulometricheskiy i mineralogicheskiy sostavy donnykh otlozheniy morya Deyvisa (Granulometric and mineralogic composition of the bottom sediments of the Davis Sea). Arkticheskiy i Antarktischeskiy Nauchno-Is sledovatel’skiy Institut, Glavnogo Upravleniya Severnogo Morskogo Puti, Ministerstva Mor- skogo Flota SSSR, Informatsionnyi Byulleten Sovietskoi Ant- arkticheskoi Ekspeditsii, no. 22, pp. 17-31, Morskoi Transport, Leningrad, 1960. G 860 S581 No. 22 Oss UC e 2) 2) 1/ THOMAS, C. W., Commander - Bering Sea Patrol, 1948, Report, U. S. Coast Guard, various pages and annexes, 1948. Q115 B51 1948 NORTHWIND (USCG) 1948 THORP, E. M. The sediments of Pearl and Hermes Reef. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 109-118, August 1936 Serial File THORP, E. M. Descriptions of deep-sea bottom samples from the western North Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Bulletin, Technical Series, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-31, IDSG Gist YS G3 Wicd BACHE SIALIA DISCOVERER SURVEYOR GUIDE LYDONIA PIONEER AMEONWEIDA, Ne meade lithologique de fonds recueilles dans les parages de la Nouvelle-Zemble. Duc D'Orleans - Campagne Arctique de 1907, 28 p., Charles Bulens, ed. Bruxelles, 1910. Q115Belgica 1907, Vol I Large. BELGICA 1907 DUC D'ORLEANS CAMPAGNE ARCTIQUE DE 1907 52 THOULET, M. J. Relations entre la composition des sediments sous- marins et les conditions des eaux superficielles. Bulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique (Monaco) no, 470, 28 p., 1 February 1926. GCI Monaco 469-486 TODD, J. P. Shoal water deposits of the Bermuda Banks. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Contribution No. 191, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 8-13, April 1939. Serial File TODD, R. Foraminifera from western Mediterranean deep-sea cores. Reports of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition 1947-48. Sediment cores from the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, vol VII, fasc, II, pp. 169-215, Gdteborges Kungl. Vetenskaps-Och Vitterhets- Samhalle, 1958 Q115 S8 v. 8-10 ALBATROSS 1946-48 SWEDISH DEEP SEA EXPEDITION 1947-48 TOLBERT, W. H. and AUSTIN, G. B. On the nearshore marine environment of the Gulf of Mexico at Panama City, Florida. U. S. Navy Mine Defense Laboratory Tehnical Paper No. TP 161, 104 p., May 1959. GC 521 U505 SEASITE (Project) 1955-58 TOOMBS, R. B. Some characteristics of Bute Inlet sediments. Canadian Committee on Oceanography, Transactions of the Royal SocietyavotiiGanadas volt... ssieries lnm pp m59 05 mune mh9 50. GC-83 C2 TRASK, P.D. Originand environment of source sediments of petroleum. American Petroleum Institute Project 4, 1926-31, Gulf Publishing Co., Houston, Texas, 323 p., 1932. (USGS) 467 T 69 API Project 4 1926-31 TYLER, S. A. A study of sediments from the North Carolina and Florida coasts. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 4, no. l, PpasllywApril 1934. Serial eile LYDONIA (USCGS) URRY, W. D. Radioactivity of ocean sediments, VI. Concentrations of the radio-elements in marine sediments of the southern hemisphere American Journal of Science, vol. 247, no. 4, pp. 257-275, April 1949. Serial File NORTHWIND 1946-47 53 VASNETSOV, V. A. K gidrologii Karskogo morya (Hydrology of the Kara Sea). Trudy Gosundarstvennogo Okeanograficheskogo Instituta, tom. I, ivypusk. 2=3,)spp.5 5-46, Sle (OG Cle do eaelemoS 1y/is2 PERSEY-14 Sept 1927 VAYSSIERE, A. J. Resultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par Albert I-er, Prince Souverain de Monaco. Mollusques, Heteropodes et Eupteropodes provenant des campagnes des yachts Princesse-Alice I et II et Hirondelle II. fascicule LXXI, 383 p. 4, June 1927. Imprimerie de Monaco. 1927. (LC) QL 5.A3 HIRONDELLE 1886-1915 PRINCESSE-ALICE I & II 1886-1915 VERNON, J. H. and BADER, R. G. Recent sedimentation and related oceanographic factors in the west Mississippi delta area. The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, Department of Oceanography and Meteorology, Texas A and M Research Foundation, A and M Project 142 and 197, Reference 61-6T and 61-10F, 187 pp., May 1961. VINOGRADOVA, P. S. Issledovaniye rel'efa dna i gruntov raiona Korytova (Investigation of the bottom relief and sediments in the Korytov region), Kolebaniy chislennostii usloviya promysla donnykh ryb v Barentsevom More. (Variations in the number and trade con- ditions of bottom fish in the Barents Sea). Trudy Polyarnogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Morskogo Rybnogo Khozyaistva i Okeanografiy Imeni N. M. Knipovicha (PINRO), Vypusk X, pp. 1862197, 1957. (EG) SH lo M's KASHALOT 1935-54 PERSEY-2 1954 PERSE 21935 WALTON, W. R. Ecology of living benthonic Foraminifera, Todos Santos Bay, Baja California. Scripps Institution of Oceanography Contribution No. 814, Marine Foraminifera Laboratory Contribution No. 23, Journal of Paleontology, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 952-1018, November 1955. (USGS) G (200) J83p WANGERSKY, P. J. Sedimentation in three carbonate cores. Journal of Geology, vol. 70, no. 3; pp. 364-374, May 1962. Serial) mile 54 WEIBULL, W. The thickness of ocean sediments measured by a re- flection method. Meddelanden fran Oceanografiska Institutet i Gote- borg. 12. Goteborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps-och Vittershets-Samh§@lles Handlingar, Sjatte FOljden, ser. B., band 5, no. 4, 17 p., 1947. AS284 G7 No. 11-20 SKAGERRAK 1944-45 WISEVEAN, iJ De HH. and BENNE DT, oH: the distributionjof organic carbon and nitrogen in sediments from the Arabian Sea. vol. III, no. 4, pp. 194-221, 1940. Q115 Murray 1933-34 v. 2 and 3 MAHABISS 1933-34 THE JOHN MURRAY EXPEDITION 1933-34 WIG III, RG | Ig Bottom sediments of Georges Bank, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 165-188, June 1961. Serial File ALBATROSS III (USFWS) 1957 WISEMAN, J. D. The relation between paleotemperature and carbonate in an equatorial Atlantic pilot core. Journal of Geology, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 685-690, November 1959. Serial File ALBATROSS 1947-48 SWEDISH DEEP SEA EXPEDITION 1947-48 WOLFENDEN, R. N. Scientific and biological researches in the North Atlantic conducted by the author on his yachts ‘‘The Walwin”’ and the ‘‘Silver Belle.’’ Memoirs of the Challenger Society, no. 1, 234 p.,Rebman Ltd. London, 1907. Q115 Wolf SILVER BELLE 1904-07 WALWIN 1904-07 ZAITSEVA, E. D. Yemkost! obmena kationov osadkov Tikhogo Okeana (Exchange capacity of cations of Pacific Ocean sediments), Trudy Instituta Okeanologii, Akademii Nauk, SSSR, tom XXXII, pp. 128- 136, 1959. Serial File VITYAZ 1953-55 ZIEGLER, J., HOFFMEISTER, W., GIESE,G., and TASHA, H. Discovery of Eocene sediments in subsurface of Cape Cod. Science, vol. 132, no. 2437, pp. 1397-98, 11 November 1960, Serial File CAPE COD 1960 55 HUMBOLDT STATE COLLEGE. An oceanographic study between the points of Trinidad Head and Eel River. Humboldt State College, Arcata, California, Annual Report-1959 for the California Water Pollution Control Board, 1959. TD 425 C2 INSTITUTO ESPANOL DE OCEANOGRAFIA Exploracion oceanografica del Africa Occidental Campanas del ‘‘Malaspina’’ en 1947 y 1948 en aguas del Sahara, desde Cabo Juby aPunta Durnford-Registro de operaciones, Boletin del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia no. 23, 28 p. 26 January 1950. Serial File MALASPINA 1947-58 Cruise 475 and 485 INSTITUTO ESPANOL DE OCEANOGRAFIA Exploracion oceanografica del Africa Occidental Campana del ‘‘Malaspina’’ en enero de 1950 en aguas del Sahara, desde Punta Durnforda Cabo Barbas, Registro de operaciones, Ministerio de Marina, Boletin del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, no. 38, 12 p., Madrid 15 July 1950. Serial File MALASPINA Cruise 501 January 1950 INSTITUTO ESPANOL DE OCEANOGRAFIA Campana del ‘‘Tofino’’ ‘**T,.5212°’ (13 a 20 Diciembre de 1952). Registro de operaciones: sondeos con cable. Cuadro 1. Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, Trabajos,, no.) 922, opp. lash Maldridt elo 53 eG Gi aleSimNonecilayZ9 TOFINO T-5212 INSTITUTO ESPANOL DE OCEANOGRAFIA Campanas del ‘‘Xauen’’ en 1947 y 1948 en el Mar de Albor4n y en el Estrecho de Gibraltar, Boletin del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, no. 18, 53p., 30 June 1949. GCl Spain 1949 Nos. 13-24 or Serial File XAUEN Cruise X-474, 481, 482, 488 Sept. 1948 INSTITUTO ESPANOL DE OCEANOGRAFIA Campanas biologicas del ‘*Xauen’’ en las costas del Mediterraneo marroqui, Mar de Alboran, Baleares Noroeste y Cantabrico espanoles en los anos 1952, 1953 y 1954, Registro de operaciones, Boletin del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, now 103,)) pp. 3=150,) mebruarny, e961) (Sexialaerilie XAUEN 1952-54 INSTITUT OKEANOLOGII, ADADAMIYA NAUK, SSSR. Bottom sediment tables ‘‘Ekvator’’ Atlantic Ocean, 3-31 October 1958. (NODC) 137.5 A-2 HKVEATIORT Octs ig 58 56 INSTITUT OKEANOLOGII, AKADEMIYA NAUK, SSSR. Bottom sediment tables ‘‘Ekvator’’ Atlantic Ocean, 3-31 October 1958. (NODC) W355) AeA BKVATOR Oct) 1958 INSTITUT OKEANOLOGII, AKADEMIYA NAUK, SSSR. Bottom sediment tables) *“bkKvator”” Atlantic Ocean, 28 March = 25 )April/1958. (NODC) 137.5 A-1 EKVATOR 1958 INSTITUT OKEANOLOGII, AKADEMIYA NAUK, SSSR. Bottom sediment tables lst cruise ‘‘M. Lomonosov’’ Atlantic Ocean, November 1957. (NODC) 137.4 A-2 MIKHAIL LOMONOSOV 1 November 1957 INSTITUT OKEANOLOGII, AKADEMIYA NAUK, SSSR. Bottom sediment tables Second Cruise ‘‘Mikhail Lomonosov”’ Atlantic Ocean, 2 Mar.- 5 June 1958, 30 p. (NODC) 137.4A2 MIKHAIL LOMONOSOV Cruise 2 Mar-Jun 1958 KOBE MARINE OBSERVATORY. The report of the oceanographical observations on board the R. M.S. ‘‘Syunpu Maru’’ in the Maizuru Bay (Oct. 15-18, 1947). The Kobe Marine Observatory, The Data of the Oceanographical Observation, no. 7, 10 p., 1947. GC 821 Kobe No. 7 SYUNPU MARU (RMS) 1947 SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY. List of cores collected on CAPRICORN (1952-53), CUSP (1954) and ACAPULCO TRENCH (1954) Expeditions, University of California, LaJolla, pp. Ss 1 May 1958, GC 380 S4L7 CAPRICORN EXPEDITION 1952-53 HORIZON 1952-53 SPENCER F. BAIRD 1952-53 SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY. List of cores collected on CAPRICORN (1952-53), CUSP (1954) and ACAPULCO TRENCH (1954) Expeditions. University of California, LaJolla, 30 p., 1 May 1958. GC 380 S4L7 CHUBASCO (ACAPULCO TRENCH) 1954 CUSP 1954 CAPRICORN 1952-53 57 SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY DOWNWIND Expedition 1957-58. List of cores and dredge samples copied from shipboard logs. University of California, LaJolla, 28 p., May 1958. GC771 S4 D7 DOWNWIND EXPEDITION 1957-58 SPENCER F. BAIRD HORIZON SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY. List of cores and dredge samples copied from shipboard logs on the Fanfare Expedition O59. FANFARE EXPEDITION 1959 SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY. Pacific bottom samples. MUKLUK Expedition, July-August 1957. Core and dredge samples. Information from shipboard coring log. 6 p.,1957. GC 851 S4 M9 MUKLUK EXPEDITION 1957 SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY. Northern Holiday core log August-September 1951, Scripps Institution of Oceanography 7 p., 1951. GC 781 S4 N87 also GC 771 S4 S5 NORTHERN HOLIDAY 1951 U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Bottom sediment Analysis Work Sheets (for USC and GS Ship Hydrographer) vol 2, May to Junesi955 .Or TS SlsUSZavy. 2 ; HYDROGRAPHER (USCGS) May-June 1955 U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Bottom Sediments, North Atlantic Ocean and Adjacent Seas 1949-53. 246 p., May 1958. H. O. TR-36 (unpublished) AMOS 1949-53 U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Survey results of BuShips- Hydrographic Office anchor testing - bottom sediment sampling conducted in Norfolk-Little Creek area, York River mouth and Key West harbor approaches 2 October through 7 November 1956, U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office, H. O. Misc. 16547, 10 p.,March 1957. H. O. Misc. 16547 Anchor Test 1956 58 U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Operation Deep Freeze 60, 1959-60, Oceanographic survey results. Technical Report TR-82, ZS Do, Swine WNoils ists (O); ase ti DEEP FREEZE 60 Expedition 1960 BURTON ISLAND (AGB-1) EASTWIND (WAGB-279) GLACIER (AGB-4) U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Operation Deep Freeze II 1956-57 oceanographic survey results. Technical Report TR-29. 155 p., October 1957. H. O. TR-29 ATKA (USS) DEEPFREEZE II 1956-57 GLACIER (AGB-4) NORTHWIND (USCGS) STATEN ISLAND (USS) U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Oceanographic survey results Project 572, July - Sept. 1955 USS REQUISITE (AGS-18) Beaufort Sea, Amundsen Gulf, Dolphin and Union Strait, Shepherd Bay. U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office, Wash. D. C. 170 p., April 1957. HO Misc. No. 16366 REQUISITE (AGS 18) USS 1955 U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Oceanographic survey results Task Force Five 26-August - 20 Sept. 1955, USS STATEN ISLAND (AGB-5) Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, Bering Strait, Bering Sea. Hes@s) Mise. No: 15047236; 6 ps, March: 1956..HO! Misict! 15047236 STATEN ISLAND (USS - AGB-5) 1955 U.S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Oceanographic observations in Arctic waters, Task Force Five and Six, Summer-Autumn 1956, USS REQUISITE (AGS-18), USS ELDORADO (AGC-11), USS ATKA (AGB-3) USCGC EASTWIND (WAGB-279) Technical Report TR-58, 89 p. October 1960. HC TR-58 ATKA (USS-AGB- 3) Task Force 5 and 6 EASTWIND (USCGC-WAGB-279) REQUISITE (USS-AGS-18) ELDORADO (USS-AGS-11) 59 U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Oceanographic observations, Arctic waters, Task Force Five and Six, Summer - Autumn 1957. Technical Report TR-59, 45 p., November 1959. HO TR-59 ATKA (USS-AGB-3) EASTWIND (USCGC-WAGB-279) Task Force 5 and 6 WESTWIND (USCGC-WAGB-281) SPAR (USCGC-WAGL-403) U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Bottom sediment analyses. Supplement No. 1 to oceanographic observations U.S.F. & W.S. M/V Theodore N, Gill Cruises I-IX 1953-54, U. S. Navy Hydro- graphic Office, Wash. D. CeH.nOy Mise.) 1560) 0;el 9s ps) June Mg 5e. HO Misc, 15610 THEODORE N. GILL (M/V) Cruise I-IX 1953-54 U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Oceanographic survey results Bering Sea area Winter and Spring 1955. Technical Report TR-46, oi py Aprile 95 oso Ouwlin=4 OM lO 5s BURTON ISLAND (AGB-1) NORTHWIND (USCGC-WAGB-282) 1955 U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Unpublished bottom sediment analysis summary and work sheets - Bottom samples taken aboard CYRUS FIELD during cable laying operations south and east of Newfoundland and Georges Bank, 1953-55, vol. 1. QE581 U52 Wo whe CYRUS FIELD (Cable Layer) 1953-55 USS WHIPPOORWILL. Hydrographic-oceanographic-meteorological data collected by USS WHIPPOORWILL (MSC 207) during the period 27-31 July 1959 while operating at Karatsu, Japan. Ltr. to Hydro- grapher MSC-207/01: an/3160 Ser: 292, 17 August 1959. (NAV- OCEANO Records) File Hl, RS 12654, 31 August 1959 WHIPPOORWILL (USS) 1959 U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Unpublished summary sheets of samples taken by various U. S. Navy ships in the Mediterranean Sea by Ocean Survey Division - James Underwood in charge. Sept.) Olf=janwoZ SWERVE FLOOD (project) 60 U.S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Samples taken along submarine cable routes by Bell Telephone Laboratories, and analyzed by the U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office. U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Unpublished data of bottom samples taken during June 1962 by Naval Oceanographic Office for Naval Ordnance Laboratory off Ft. Lauderdale, Florida AKL-43 U.S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Unpublished summary sheets of sediment samples taken by the USS ATKA and USCGC WESTWIND dummp@eroject, Arctic 1958. 1U., S. Hydrographic j@ftice Cruise 00602 ARCTIC 1958 ATKA (USS) 1958 WESTWIND (USCGC) 1958 U. S. NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. Unpublished summary sheets of sediment samples taken by U. S. Hydrographic Office Cruises in the Arctic region in 1959. ING IGM ILS) 61 Variation of Area of 1° Quadrangles with Latitude Latitude (°) Approximate Area of 1° Quadrangle (nautical miles ) 0 3,768 10 3,534 20 3,307 30 3,118 40 2,763 45 2,555 50 2,324 55 2,079 60 1,813 65 1,533 70 1,241 75 941 80 631 85 317 89 63 90 0 62 LEGEND -CORE SAMPLE -SURFACE SEDIMENT SAMPLE IN U.S. NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC a QUADRANGLE THE NUMBER OF ANALYSES FIGURES INDICATE FOR EACH ONE-DEGREE FILED OFFICE ON 1 JANUARY 1963. +t iRvert4 4 7 5{_ 13] 11 40 \og~77 Sis) 3} 12)G0 4 24 - 2|_ 3} 17) 15) 19) 271 ; 2 J /2 Tishaa! 1 | 1 a ae - 1 | FIGURE 16 EASTERN NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN—DISTRIBUTION OF SUBMARINE SEDIMENT SAMPLE ANALYSES a LEGEND 2 ——CORE SAMPLE Zz 33—SURFACE SEDIMENT SAMPLE FIGURES INDICATE FOR EACH ONE-DEGREE QUADRANGLE THE NUMBER OF ANALYSES FILED IN U.S. NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC OFFICE ON 1 JANUARY 1963, FIGURE 17 WESTERN NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN—DISTRIBUTION OF SUBMARINE SEDIMENT SAMPLE ANALYSES 65 if va 7 oa ey 2. gle level lini yr Sega ry : keine senna aceon dscenips SASAIVNY 31dWVS LNaWIG3S INIAYWANS JO NOLLNSIISIQ—NV390 JUNVILY HINOS 81 38NdId €96L AYVNNVE | NO 331430 SIHdVYDONVIDO IVAYN 'S Ni 31d S3SAIWNV JO Y38WNN 3JHL JIONVEGVNO 33YD3G-INO HDVI YO4 FLVDIGNI S3YNDI4 Ddwvs LN3WIGAS 3JDV4INS —zi | JdWvs JWOD ——f N3931 LEGEND f34—CORE SAMPLE LIZ—SURFACE SEDIMENT SAMPLE FIGURES INDICATE FOR EACH ONE-DEGREE QUADRANGLE THE NUMBER OF ANALYSES FILED IN U.S. NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC OFFICE ON 1 JANUARY 1963, FIGURE 19 EASTERN NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN—DISTRIBUTION OF SUBMARINE SEDIMENT SAMPLE ANALYSES: 69 LEGEND Ale SAMPLE 3 —SURFACE SEDIMENT SAMPLE FIGURES INDICATE FOR EACH ONE-DEGREE QUADRANGLE THE NUMBER OF ANALYSES FILED IN U.S. NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC OFFICE ON 1 JANUARY 1963. FIGURE 20 WESTERN NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN—DISTRIBUTION OF SUBMARINE SEDIMENT SAMPLE ANALYSES 7 es peakeetee ert slept (eee she e bietci ita A CPAReee AERA ENAT MY 8 SH SISATVNYV J1dWVS LN3WIGIS INIYVWENS JO NOUNBIISIO~NVIDO DisIOVd HLNOS NYBLS¥9 LZ IWNDId 20El Ov COO Lee “£96 AYWANYE L NO 331dJO DIHAVYDONVIDO IVAYN 'S 1 NI Galld SASAIVNVY 4O 438WNN 3HL JIONVYaYNO 3WIOIGINO HDVA YO ALVDIGNI S3¥NdI4 JdWvS LNIWIGaS pK Wdwvs 3OI—z N3931 ‘ia § thi f Ag : i popes re, oT eet \ SISAIVNY 31dW¥S LN3WIG3S INIYVYWENS JO NOILNBIMISIO—N¥390 JIsID¥d HINOS N¥31SIM ZZ INO “E96L AYVANYE | NO 3314JO DIHAVYDONVIDO IVAYN SN NI 3d S3SAIVNY 4O Y38WNN 3JHL JIONVYGVNO 334¥930-3NO HDVF YOI FLVDIGNI SIYNSI4 Wdwvs LN3awid3as eal JdWVS JOD -——£ QN3931 i EB feist ug ee ODES eee CORES ERReeeee 2091 v ie ican tet 24 zl} REEnE lo} ys: + 4 NEL FIGURE 23 INDIAN OCEAN—DISTRIBUTION OF SUBMARINE SEDIMENT SAMPLE ANALYSES 7 CORE SAMPLE L12— SURFACE SEDIMENT SAMPLE FIGURES INDICATE FOR EACH ONE-DEGREE —— FILED IN U.S. NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE THE NUMBER OF ANALYSES OFFICE ON 1 JANUARY 1963. LEGEND pipes, SAMPLE 1 —SURFACE SEDIMENT SAMPLE FIGURES INDICATE FOR EACH ONE-DEGREE QUADRANGLE THE NUMBER OF ANALYSES FILED IN U.S. NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC OFFICE ON 1 JANUARY 1963. FIGURES SHOWN FOR 5° QUADRANGLES NORTH OF 85°N. FIGURE 24 ARCTIC OCEAN—DISTRIBUTION OF SUBMARINE SEDIMENT SAMPLE ANALYSES 79 aiid i \S Lp LEGEND CORE SAMPLE SURFACE SEDIMENT SAMPLE FIGURES INDICATE FOR EACH ONE-DEGREE 2. iz QUADRANGLE THE NUMBER OF ANALYSES FILED IN U.S. NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC OFFICE ON 1 JANUARY 1963. Y Wi \ \y < S S myer, ai = a at SS (ae, = === S| a SoSsssSss=s5 ey ee SSS SEER EES Ps iit ee FIGURE 25 SEAS AROUND ANTARCTICA—DISTRIBUTION OF SUBMARINE SEDIMENT SAMPLE ANALYSES OSI-UL “TEE ugoung “3 uyof :1oynE “TT *ao1jJO o1ydeidoues20 TEAEN ‘S'f au} Je JUSMIaSeUEW pue uoTdaTIOD ye WauUlIpes ouTieUIgnsS :31}h * AZo[Oa aut IeyA * T e syuauntpag auyreuqns *¢ uo}eJUeMAIpag * 4 sjuew{pag WOH “T OST-U.L “TTT WW weoung “Mf wyof :royyne “2010 o1ydesrdouea00 TeEARN “S'f au} 3 JUeMIAZeULW pue uopdaTI[OD e}eC JUsMIpag suyAeMIgNS ‘apy ° AZo[Oa) auyIeyA * sjuatipag euyreuigns * UO}FEWUSTATPES * syuem}pes WoRO" ~ ANOS ‘uMoUs S} Say[Zuerpenb aaidep-auo Aq uoIyNqT1}SIp aPlA P[IOM pue pajs}] ole Sadmmos eyed *9d1HJO otyderdoues00 [eAeN ‘S'N eu} 3e eyep JUSUTIpas aulrewmigns Suy10}s pue Zutssaooad ‘Suyanoes jo gpoyjeul ay} Saq{iosap }10dar TeopuYysa} SIUL *soanSty pue arty opydessoryqiq Sutpnyout ‘dgg * 961 ISHBny “ueoung "YH uyof 4q ¥O1dAO OIHAVUDONV HOO TVAVN ‘$° FHL LV LNSWaDVNVW CNV NOLL -OATIOO VLVC LNAWIGaS ANIUVWANS ao1JO s1ydesrdoueed0 [BABN “SN *uMoUsS S] Se[Zuerpenb aaidap-auo Aq uoTNgTIySIp aplA plIOA pue pajs}] ere sevInos eyed “3010 aqydesZoueas0 [eAEN “S’N oy} 3e eyep JUSUITpes auyrewmgns Juy10}s pue Jujsseooid ‘Zuyanoas jo gpoyjew ay} Seq{1osap y10der [eoyuyse} STYL *saan31y pue at} oyydessoq[q1q Suypnyouy “dgg * P96 sNBny ‘weoungd "H uyof 4q AO1AA0 OIHAVUDONV HOO TVAVN “$°N AHL LV LNAANSDVNVW CNV NOLL -OFTI00 VLVG LNAWIGdS ANIUVINENS ad1JJO d1yde1d0ueeI0 [BAEN “S “N OSI-UL “TET uvoung ‘3M uyof :1oyyNe “TT ‘ao1YJO o1yde1s0uea09 JRAEN ‘SN ay} Je JUOMaZeULW pue uoT}DaT[ND Vyeq JUsUTIpag sulsvUgngS +9131} * cal AZojOa) autre * syuemIpag auyreuqns * uoTJeUSMATpas * sjuemIpas woyog ° ANH OGI-UL “TEE veoung “a uyof :royyne “TT *ao1JO olydeisouea00 TRARN "S'f. 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