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The Yearbook of Boston College

Chestnut Hill. AAA 02 167


Volume 72




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Bostonian Transition

Students come to Boston from all over the nation. Their first impression is "So this is Boston. Big fat hairy deal." The freshman from New York will raise his eyebrows in scorn while scoping out the skyline with its lonely Pru and j. Han- cock towers. He will think to himself how NY, NY could do better even on the Lower West Side. The inhabitant of Los Angeles will get off the plane and immediately hold his breath because he is suspicious about breathing air he can't see. Conversely, the farmboy from a western ranch that is the size of Rhode Island will stand in amazement staring up at the sl<yscrapers and ask. "How they git them thangs so tall?" Then, of course, those from certain parts of jersey will shamefaced- ly hide their dioxin detectors in their footlockers and only take

them out to check their sleep- ing roommates for contamina- tion.

Whomever the person is and no matter what part of the country he comes from, after one semester he is more of a Bostonian than he could know. He/she can ask for a tonic when they want a soda. The student can "hop the T" to Aku-Aku in order to get blown-away scor- pion bowling without fear of being stung to death. And he/ she can use Mom and Dad's credit card as a divining rod to find the fastest way to Filene's Basement. After four four years of sight-seeing, shopping, din- ing, dancing, museum-going, researching and just partying, the kid from anyplace west will be a genuine Bostonian.

During a student's four years at BC little more than the desire to 'do' Boston, a guide book.

and a pocketful of change for the T can turn him into a New England sophisticate. Easy ac- cess to Boston, albeit slow at times, allows a BC undergrad to supplement his education with day visits to the "Hub of the universe around which all things revolve." There is not a student or major on campus who cannot benefit from the immense resources the city has to offer.

There are two ways for the freshman and future Bostonian to view the city. The first is that he can expand his mind by studying the history, museums, art galleries and libraries. Bos- ton can become a living labora- tory full of information and in- ternships with librarians and assistants waiting in their dusty offices for an industrious stu- dent to come by. This is an op- portunity not often pursued

though it is always rewarding. The other way the new stu dent can attack the city is to tr to forget everything he ha learned and blow his mine away. Along this more travellec path there is inexhaustable en tertainment in the form of danc ing as diverse as swing, disco and even square dancing. Then is a wide range of food style: offered from the Italian cuisin( of the North End to the deli cious and fresh seafood of the Harbor. There are restaurant: that serve anything from Arabi< to Cuban foods and any variet> in between. For the shoppe there is antiquing along the Charles St. windows. There i; the Coop in Cambridge, there are the bull market carts o Quincy Market, and there is al ways Filene's Basement. What ever a person's interest is in the city, Boston leaves an indelible






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mark on the students who spend their undergrad years in the Hub.

Picture a senior whose pres- ence always dominates the room she is in. Chances are that this person is much different from the shy and removed freshman who came here with the same name. The unique fla- vor that Boston simmers into students has had a hand in the metamorphosis from teena- ger-acting-iii<e-an-adult to an actual adult. This change is most noticable in the senior's wardrobe.

You can't remember when you first saw her because she was so non-descript that she faded right into the woodwork. She was there, however, stand- ing diminutively in her preppy uniform. The standard docksid- ers, navy blue cardigan com- plete with alligator, and whale

covered dickies were offset by her virgin-white turtleneck and the contrite "I'm gonna join the yearbook" smile. She studied all the time and she only took off her tortoise-rim glasses to rub her eyes. The next time you saw her was a year or so later. You passed her outside of the Nick- elodeon Theatre. She was now attired in a more comfortable outfit, consisting of a Levi's jean jacket and a pink Lauren polo with the collar turned up. She still had a sweater with her though because somewhere in the back of her mind her mother's voice was warning her about catching a cold. She had gained a certain amount of self- assurance and this popcorn- tossing-girl-having-fun had come a long way. Then, outside of the Metro one night junior year, you noticed the change. She had the same face but that

was about alt. You stared at her from top to bottom then bot- tom to top. She had on white character shoes and tight voilet colored pants clung to her legs. She had traded in her Polo shirt for a navy blue sweatshirt which she wore inside out. A studded double belt was around her waist. Black shades covered her eyes even though it was past midnight and when you com- mented, she explained that she liked it that way. Her hair wasn't quite the ail-American gid- next-door cut that she had come with. She now wore it with a streak of pink in the front and a duck tail in the back. An abundance of jewelry adorned her person now. Friday nights were when she went out on the town. Working hard for good grades was still important to her but school work was done during the week only. The

sweater whicii nctu ueen nne for cuddling up with Shal^espeare had been replaced with a tweed overcoat that would keep her warm while waiting for theT.

The last time you saw her, a few weeks ago, she had toned down. The pink streak was gone and she was in a blue pin- stripe on her way for a job inter- view in town somewhere. What had happened to her? She had grown up and established an identity of her own. Living in Boston, shopping at its stores, working in its offices, and par- tying in its hot spots had effected her development. Take a moment to think about how you changed and the part that this city has played, it is probably greater than you real- ized.

T.H. McMorran


There is a legend in Boston about a nnan named Charlie. Charlie is the man who never returned from his ride on the MBTA. Would he ever return? Well he hasn't yet. Charlie has never been able to pay his fare to get off the "T". So he still sits in the window and waves at his wife every day because he is too poor to leave . . .

"T " was short for MBTA Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Boston's subway system. For many Bostonians, "T " stood for transportation, trouble, traffic, terrific, train, trolley, and trauma. The problem was not with the cars themselves: they were in remarkably good condition. The trains themselves were quite clean, fast and convenient. For sixty or seventy-five cents many Bostonians had the same problem Charlie had they never had enough change to pay the fare.

Naturally the best part of the "T," (or worst, depending on your viewpoint) was the people. Half the fun was watching the charac- ters that got on. Hopping on at the BC stop, passengers consisted of alligator-badged preppies in docksiders and Nantucket tans: near Harvard Ave. the "T" was inundated by leather-jacketed hoodlums out for an evening's prowl; Kenmore Square deposited an odd assortment of students. Orientals and baseball fans; Copley resounded with the clinks of money from the pockets of the well-to-do shoppers on Newbury Street: Park smelled faintly of incense and Cuban cigars as the Krishnas boarded in search of converts: from Government Center a daily batch of shiny-shoed young executives headed for their prestigious Downtown offices. In between stops, a myraid of passengers might board every- one from bag ladies to eccentric millionaires, from authors to airplane pilots, from foreign students to government workers. In this group of people, it wasn't hard to think that Charlie might be sitting somewhere along the aisle. He'd fit right in!






Bostonian folklore has a legend about "Char- lie and the MBTA." Like Charlie. Bostonians and visitors alike have a variety of experiences on the 'T," from finding change, missing train, riding down the rails and just watching the people.





For Bahston, For Bahston

"Would you like atonic? Someone asked a freshman at a reception four years ago.

"No thanks," the freshman replied, puz- zled but gracious. "I feel fine."

So began an encounter with "Boston En- glish," the language that predominates a stu- dents' experience in the "Hub of the Uni- verse."

Imported by the first colonists, enriched by waves of (mostly Irish) immigrants, made in- ternationally recognizable during the pres- idency of John F. Kennedy, and tempered by the generations who have spoken it, the "Boston Accent" has become as recogniz- able as the city's scrod and Faneuil Hall. The induence of Boston Speech is reflected in the seaboard dialectics from Maine to Cape Cod, and it extends cis far west as the Con- necticut River.

The most notable feature of Boston speech is the "r-less" quality of many words. Beyond the sterotypical "Pahk the cah in the Hahvahdyahd," an expression that most stu- dents probably saw on ashtrays and on post- cards before students enrolled at BC, most encounters with Bostonese came when buying buthday cahds, attending vahsity football games, and leahning about Kahl Mahx in the School of Ahts and Sciences. It is by the "r-less" quality that we say of the Bostonian, "By his speech you will know him."

Another phonetic feature often cissociated with Bostonians' speech is the "elongated a," as in "your awan's glasses." Even the na- tives tend to hear this, however, as a charac-

teristic of an aristocratic accent more associ- ated with social dass than with regional un- iqueness, more likely to be heard in the com- mon room at Choate than in the bah in Dah- chesta.

Tonic, (meaning soft drink) is Boston's most distinguishing trade word. In addition to drinking lots of tonic in Boston, students may also have tried johnnycaltes, or en- joyed eating quoiiogs. And undoubtedly, students have drank a frappe and have had jimmies on their ice cream.

With the possible exception of the ex- pression "so don't 1" (to indicate complete agreement), the language of Boston has no syntactical features to distinguish it from lan- guage in the rest of America. Banners con- taining grammatically flawed expressions like "Stomp Them Gophers" are not ex- pected to be seen in front of a home-grown Boston cheering section. On the contrary, people typcially associate the quality of Bos- ton's grammar with the quality often ascribed to Boston's natives "proper. "

In The Grapes of Wrath, Ivy hits the nail on the head concerning the linguistic state of affairs:

"Ever'body says words different. Arkansas folks say 'em different, and Oklahomy folks say em different. And we seen a lady from Massachusetts, an'she said 'em differentest of all. Couin' hardly make out what she was sayin'." After only a few months in the city, anyone would be equipped to make out what any lady from Massachusetts is sayin' I Professor John F. Savage

students soon lose their native accents and dialects upon coming to Boston; soon they're they "pahking theh cahs" and riding the "1."





!n every section of Boston, something has happened that has shaped our country. The Boston Tea Party, which took place in Boston Harbor, ex- pressed the colonist's disillu- sionment with and anger at En- gland, and the colonist's desire to be free. Every year at the site of Griffin's Wharf, where the ship carrying the tea was moored, colonial "rebels" reinact the infamous revolt of the British taxes, the Boston Tea Party.

Boston is one of the few cities in America that keeps its history so alive. History is juxtaposed with modern images of new technologies. The Old Trinity Church, for example, nestles up next to Boston's tallest sky- scraper the John Hancock Tow- er. The Constitution and Faneuil Hall are only two of the monu- ments to great times in history.

How could one live sur- rounded by these artifacts, sta- tues and places and not feel a part of the historical fabric of our country? Bostonians have always been extremely proud of their city and the role it has played in the founding of the United States of America. How wonderful to grow up near the Old North Church where Paul Revere saw his "two if by sea." Or to pass Ben Franklin's home everyday on the way to work. But Bostonians do not take

these sites for granted. They want to keep history alive and want other to come and see for themselves where it all began.

The Old State House is an im- portant site of many historical events. Perhaps the most famous event was the Boston Massacre, of 1 770. The shoot- ing of the English soldiers here did much to solidify the feelings against the British and for inde- pendence.

The battle of Bunker Hill is one of the most well known of the Revolutionary War, and it is a favorite site for tourists. De- spite the American loss there, this battle in the winter of 1 776 proved to the English that the colonists could stand firm with military skill.

Boston is recognized for the part it played in the birth of our nation. But Boston did not stop contributing in 1 776. In virtually every decade and century since the revolution, Boston has play- ed host to important events, was home to great people, and set an example for other cities to follow. Boston is truly one of the great cities of the world. TM &. CS

Clockwise from right: Boston's histor- ical sights reflect the beginning of our nation: The Inside of the Old North Church; the State House; the Con- stitution Bell; Tea Party; Statue of Paul Revere.





The Arts . . .

Boston, city of the Pha- roahs. You say "Boston city of the Pharoah's?" Yes! The Museum of Fine Arts will tell you so and even trot out a few resident pharoah's to prove it. Boston is a treasure grove of man's history. Within the vaults and display rooms of its many museums lies a record of mankind from the earliest stone-throwing, chauvinistic Neanderthal to the most re- cent collection on the Suf- fragettes and Woman's Lib- bers. The archeologists who will someday research the ruins of an ancient city once called Boston will hold their breath with wonder and turn to each other in the lamplight saying what was said at the opening of Tutantkamen's Tomb, "I see many wonderful things." But these future dig- gers of the past will find also thata thriving intellectual soci- ety dwelt here. They will find conservatories, art galleries and beautiful architecture. They will marvel at the interest and patronage in art and cul- ture our time had. For those of us self-appointed art critics not yet ready to resign ourselves to becoming 22nd- century show pieces, Boston hcis been a rewarding experi- ence which has rounded and polished our studies. The number of places to go and things to see in this town are nearly inexhaustable. There- fore only a few of the places can be remembered herein.

The Museum of Fine Arts: This is the major museum of Boston. The building itself is

pleasing to the eye and the statue in front with the Indian seated bareback on a horse ei- ther praying to the great spirit or hoping for rain is a favorite picture for magazine articles about Bean Town. The MFA, as those in the know call it, has an especially fine collection of Asiatic art. The exhibition stu- dents enjoy the most if the collection of Impressionist paintings including a number of works by Monet. One won- ders how the French allowed them out of the country. Yet these are just a small part of the museum. There can be found things as diverse as Paul Revere silver and Revolution- ary war momentoes and Rus- sian tapestry.

Museums other than the MFA: The Hayden Planetar- ium, the Museum of Science, the Children's Museum (a marvelous place where ex- hibits are "hands-on"- designed for kids with dis- plays like the Giant's desktop, Wkid-TV, and Playspace.) and the USS Constitution are some of the other major places to go on a rainy Satur- day morning.

The Mary Stewart Gardener Museum: This edifice proves that eccentricity can be a ben- efit. Ms. Gardener showed the world that a person's home is his/her castle. This palace actually an imported villa and completed in 1902, has been kept the way she left it. It is composed of bits and pieces of Italian Renaissance 'pala- zios' which she took a fancy to and brought home. In a way

Clockwise from right: The Christian Science Building stands with the grace and beauty of a fairytale palace. An artist discusses her work with a few well meaning art critics. The Greek with the Beak stands pa- tiently In some obscure garden waiting to become a masterpiece. And the Indian who promotes the Met's special exhibits begs you to stop in and have a look.

she was the ultimate impul- sive shopper. One can just im- agine her breezing in from Europe with a dozen trucl^s worth of court-yard from Italy saying "I just had to have it." The house is now home to a comprehensive collection of Renaissance art. It is also the sight of concerts for Renaiss- ance and classical music buffs.

The Institute of Contem- pory Art: This is a haven and Valhalla for the modern artist. The Institute's collection is based mainly on the 20th cen- tury American artist. Yearly showings of contemporary artwork, sculpture, and films are given and throughout the year lectures on new styles of art, techniques of filmmaking and so forth are given by the creators themselves. This is a musuem for people of all tastes. The conservative can shake his head in dismay at the way the field is going to pot. The moderate can consider and reconsider what he sees and finally say he thinks it "in- teresting." The liberal can merely enjoy what he sees.

The John F. Kennedy Library: This features the career of jFK and American Politics. It is some distance from BC, however, and usually only reached by the Poli-Sci major doing research on the Pres- idency. This person is in luck because the library contains a vast archive with thousands of documents, photographs, films, and taped interviews. Tom H. McMorran


Boston is a unique city with unique drivers. The "rules of the road" as one might hesitantly call them are few in number but vastly important to transporta- tion and life in general. There are in fact two rules: 1 . When in doubt, go. 2. When going, look the other way.

The first thing a driver in Bos- ton must remember is that street signs, signals and the lines painted of the road are for out-of-staters only. People are proud of this city and will tell anyone "This is my town." They mean it and will thus express it in no uncertain terms out on the streets when they weave in and out of traffic, chose not to use their directionals. make illegal turns and so forth.

To anyone from outside of Boston those red eight-sided

octagonal signs mean stop. To anyone from Boston they mean to slow for a couple of yards then look into the mirror to see if they got einy points for hitting a pedestrian.

City planners probably in- tended "one parking space per car." It was a nice idea but it shows some naivite The status quo today is either "two park- ing spaces per showpiece" or "as many Datsuns as can be crammed in."

This is Boston driving In Its lightest form. If you ever won- dered why the subway system is as efficient as it is you will come to understand why waty pedestrians flock to the under- ground system and the security it offers.

Donna L Martin



The night life in Boston does not always center around Mary Anne's and Molly's. There is al- ways some form of drama, com- edy, tragi-drama, comedy farce, etc. to entertain the theatre buff. Companies lil<e the Boston Re- pertory and the Charles Street Playhouse specialize in new plays and playwrights.

The Boston Shakespeare Company which performs the worlds of the prestigious William Shakespeare has, in the past year, come under the direction of Peter Sellars. He has stirred up the classical interpretation of Shakespeare and brought a new vivacity to the stage.

The Lyrics Stage presents re- vivals of classic masterpieces by Ibsen, Chekov, Shaw and others. The Lyric presents works by the more obscure artists as well.

The Boston Stage has often used as a practice run for Broad- way-bound shows. Recently, the smash hit "My One and Only" which featured Tommy Tune, who was voted best actor in a musical in '82, had its first canter at the Shubert. By all accounts the bird wouldn't have flown if it hadn't been for the trail run which showed the work the show needed.

For those who can't afford the high price of theatre seats there is a wide selection of movie houses with a diverse collection of movie greats and not-so- greats. There is the Brattle Street Theatre in Cambridge for diehard Bogart fans. The Orsen Wells Theatre is also in Cambridge. It provides a wide variety of genres which are sure to pleiise every- one. Somewhat closer to home is the Nickelodeon which fea- tures foreign films and recent re- leases that do not tour nationally; "Chan is Missing" fits under both categories. It is a film which was written, directed and produced by a Japanese man whose hobby is filmmaking. The movie was shot during twelve consecutive weekends for under twenty- thousand dollars. The Nickelo- deon is a favorite for cult films like "Women In Love," "Liquid Sky," and "Eraser Head". The Exeter Street Theatre is never to far for "Rocky Horrow" fans. The film begins at midnight complete with a stage show of dedicated (or is it decadent) fans who act out the movie during the show. There is always something for everyone.

Boston has many ways to enf oy the fine culture of the Theatre Arts. Anyone can buy tickets from outlets such as Bostix to enjoy piays outside on the Common or in the Shubert Theatre. Many aitemative movie houses iilie the Exeter feature unusual films.










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A night on the town begins for most people at noon, if the occasion is planned, the after- noon is spent showering, shaving (legs or face), and picking out clothes. The anti- cipation of a fun evening will destroy attention spans and the burning desire to compre- hend that calc problem will be quenched by the thought of an ice-cold beer. If the even- ing is decided upon at the Icist moment there are the ten thousand phone calls to friends, organization of car rides, and so forth. Any night is a good night for heading into the city. Friday is perhaps the most popular because that's

when the food check comes from Mom and Dad. Once the logistics are worked out the "invasion" can begin.

The question is not what to do but where to do it. Having a good time is never a difficulty when you have good friends and a few bucks. The final deci- sion, which bar, pub, or speak- easy to hit is a tough choice because the many quality spots in town are equally attractive. Eventually the first drink is served up and the night is young. What's next?

Dancing, music, neon and laser lights fleishing at the Met- ro, 9 Lansdown St., or The Ark? Isn't that what the night life is

about? Or is it stepping out after class and having a few drinks at Lily's, Houlahans, or Our House? Whatever your definition of a "night on the town" is, relaxing and en- joying old friends and meet- ing new people are part of the fun of a night in town.

It's little wonder that col- lege students are traditionally drawn to these "hot spots in Boston. Many of these clubs offer discounts to the college crowd, two-for-one nights, ladies nights, and BC nights. TM KG

Steppin' out at night in Boston.

Wait A Minute

students experience all extremes of the weather under the Heights. The mail may come through rain sun sleet or snow but so do BCers. Only a very strong constitution can force the nature lover to leave the beauty of a tree changing colors and listen to a cold lecture. Prying people off the radiators and getting them to faced the snow is another story.

34 / BOSTOiM


There's an old saying around these parts: If you don't like the weather, wait a minute. How many times did you put on your thickest 100% wool sweater in the morning only to peel it off on the way to classes? Or how about those trips into the city that were cancelled because the T couldn't plow through the snow? Don't you just love when it rains for four days straight and you need a boat to cross the puddle on Hig- gins stairs?

Well, it's just Boston weather, folks, and you have to get used to it. But after four years, you find it kind of grows on you. Take the seasons, for example. Autumn is really nice. The campus trans- forms itself in October the leaves become maroon and gold, there is a refreshing nip in the air and tailgates spring up everywhere. You are reminded of the first day you came to look at BC when everything seemed just perfect and you knew that this was the place for you. There is a feeling of settling in and getting comfortable in fall; the kilts come out of the closet and the duckboots come in from the rain. At last you finally feel that summer is over and you can really get down to work.

Winter isn't too bad. Bapst looks beautiful when it's scalloped with snow. The hockey rink opens for fun and games, and freshmen learn to keep their dorm windows open so they won't bake to death. Snowball wars break out at the slighest provocation. Who can do home- work with the slopes calling ev- ery weekend? Waiting for the buses seems to last forever in the bitter cold, but then again, think how good it feels to get home.

Spring, of course, is everyone's favorite. Those first Frisbees whizzing around the Dustbowl are the cue for sunbathers, blast- ing stereos and baseball games. Everyone rushes to put on shorts and T-shirts only to find that win- ter always makes one last stand. Spring also means the Boston Marathon and the fun it brings. Most importantly, spring brings the promise of a long, relaxing summer (or maybe a brand-new job!)

So even if you think will never get used to the unpredictable weather, you cannot deny that the changes from day to day and season to season add life and color to life at BC.

Colleen Seibert

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Being near the water has an atmosphere like no other the smells, the breezes, the food and the fun it brings are ail something special. To the delight of college students in Boston, the city makes excel- lent use of its waterfront loca- tion. Who could imagine Bos- ton without crewing on the Charles or feasting on scrod? Many BC students chose to attend this university because of its proximity to Boston. And getting to know this wonder- ful city means learning about the many activities that take place on, in or around the water.

One of the first experiences many students have at BC is the Harbor Cruise. Rocking along the waterfront, listening to the D], under the stars, sur- rounded by fishing boats and salt air is a wonderful introduc- tion to Boston life. It is the ex- tra appeal of the Bay and the ferryboat that separate this

Students can enjoy many water rec- reation activities ranging from Swan Boats to sailing and crewing.

type dance from all the others.

Canoeing on the Charles is another favorite of students despite the fact that most have no idea what they're doing! Whether it be splashing around the dock or seriously paddling for Cam- bridge, everyone has fun. Of course, the topic of the Charles would not be com- plete without the sailboats that glide up and down it. Any member of the Sailing Club will tell you it's the only way to see Boston!

Something that people dis- cover when they arrive in Bos- ton (some for the first time) is the seafood. The wharf area is loaded with great restaurants featuring lobster and clams and all kinds of fish. Although many of these places can put a dent in a student's budget, the chance to enjoy seafood caught only a few yards away is worth the price. Of course, there's always No-Names . . .

If you'd rather watch fish than eat them, Boston's costal locale offers the Aquarium,

with its sealions, dolphin shows and penguins, which provides the chance to learn about the area's marine life. Its whale watching tours also add to the appreciation of the wa- ters surrounding our city and our world.

Of course, living so near the ocean is a great opportunity for road-tripping to the beach. For people who refuse to re- linquish their summer tans, Newport, the Cape and Rock- port are only a short trip from BC and are great excuses for those get-away weekends. The beach areas are even fun after the season is over. The crowds are gone and the ocean flavor really comes alive.

in all, part of Boston's un- iqueness is that it is a seaside town and that it makes use of this fact in so many ways. Many of our memories of the city will include splashing, swimming, sunning, snorkel- ing and sight-seeing in the sensational city by the sea!

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"Hey guys, 1 don't feel like cooking tonight and besides, all we have is tunafish and leftover spaghetti sauce. Let's go out to eat!", Beth suggested.

Kathy's eyes lit up at her roommate's suggestion, "Yeah", she chimed in, "we've got all of the great Boston res- taurants to choose from and we never take advantage of them. Let's do something exciting for a change and eat in the city."

"Aw, it's too much trouble to go all the way into Boston just to eat." complained Sue. "Why don't we just go to The Back- yard or something?"

"Because there are so many opportunities for great eating all around us and we're not going to be around much lon- ger to appreciate them. I mean, if we were at some little hick school out in the country, we would be dying to get the chance to eat in Boston, right? So let's do it!"

"OK, where do you want to go?" asked Sue with a sigh.

"How about the European? I love the North End and all that delicious Italian food." Kathy said. "You can't go there too many times and it's not very ex- pensive either."

"Nah, it's pretty late and the crowd is going to be enor- mous," Nancy reminded her. "And some of those other North End places are so small that they're mobbed when only the waitresses are there."

"Let's go to No-Names!" cried Beth. "I love eating near the water and you can't beat the

seafood there. We always see someone we know, too."

"Beth, it's 30° outside and you know that the line is going to be a mile long. " said Jill.

"But that's part of the fun. Be- sides, we'll take along some wine and pick up a few cute guys while we wait. Come on!"

"I wanna go to Pizzeria Uno" Sue announced suddenly. "They've got the best pizza around, thick and full of top- pings. And their drinks . . . now that's real eating!"

"Talk about lines! Uno's will be at least an hour's wait." re- marked Meg. "What about Houlihan's? It's so romantic looking out onto Fanueil Hall with the snow falling, the lights twinkling, the music playing ..."

"... The crowds of people walking through on their way to Paco's Tacos. And the crowds of people waiting for tables glaring at you." |ill cut in.

Nancy said, "We can go to 33 1/2 Dunster St. That's a great place. I can hear that salad bar calling me now. There's only one problem."

"The lines!" everyone shouted.

"Boy, everyone says how great the food is in Boston, but how can you tell when you can't get into a restaurant to find out?" asked Meg.

'"Yeah. And after standing up for an hour, you're too tired to eat when you do get in!" said Kathy.

"Dunster Street does sound good, but it'll take us at least two hours to get to Cambridge.

I'd be eating my shoe by then!" exclaimed Sue.

"Hey, The Top of the Hub has lines but at least you feel clcissy while you wait. They always have a band that plays oldies too. " noted Jill.

"Are you kidding? Top of the Hub? Who can afford even the appetizers on their menu?" Certainly not us!" laughed Sue.

"I say we go to Legal Sea- food. It's close by and the prices aren't too steep. I especially love their soft shell crabs!" ex- plained Beth.

■'That sounds good, but I nev- er could get used to having six differentwaiterswhobringyour food at six different times" complained Meg.

"1 heard of a place last week called Guadalahara's. They serve Mexican food there, like buritoes and enchiladas all that hot stuff." Kathy said.

"A friend of mine went to |C Hillary's last week. The steal<s are supposed to be great there. We could get baked potatoes, a salad, mushrooms ..." Nancy drifted off.

"We swore off red meat re- member?" Kathy replied.

"Oh yeah." said Nancy, "Well, any other suggestions?"

""There's always the Nest," Sue said quietly.

"'Uh, how about some of that great tuna and spaghetti sauce cassarole of yours Beth?"

Colleen Seibert

Quincy Market is the ultimate haven for the gourmet or the just piain starv- ing: seafood choices; sweet treats; shoppers struggle to decide between booths; a bit of class while on the go.




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All styles of music can be found wMiln Boston. Classical music Is popular the Boston Symphony Orchestra Is known, naturally. Rock and Roll has a special place at conceits. Elsewhere, In clubs, In the streets, or on the subway, music of ail kinds can be found.

The lights go down, the crowd hushes expectantly and sudden- ly and the place is filled with mu- sic. You're at the Boston Garden and it's The Police, right? Or is it the Boston Pops at Symphony Hall? Cold it be John Butcher Axis at the Channel? Boston is filled with wonderful places to experi- ence music, no matter where your tastes lie.

For classical lovers, there's al- ways the Boston Symphony Or- chestra. This orchestra has been around for 1 02 years and is still one of the finest groups in the country. The repertoire ranges from Mozart to Copeland and is superbly conducted by Seiji Oza- wa. One opportunity that many students do not know about is the chance to sit in on open re- hearsals on Wednesday nights and witness a concert taking shape. The summertime coun- terpart of the BSO is the Boston Pops, made famous by the late Arthur Redler.

The Opera Company of Bos- ton rounds out the classical mu- sic tour of the city. Each season is filled with famous operas per- formed by some of the best sin- gers in the country. The opera house used to be an old movie theater but recent renovations have converted it into an elegant hall.

Of course, our city has more music to offer than just classical. The Berklee Performance Center offers a concert of jazz music performed by the best in the field, students and faculty of the Berklee School of Music.

Rock 'n rolll is alive and well and beating in Boston. Some stu- dents know the Ticketron phone number better than they do their home numbers. Boston Garden and the Orpheum Theatre host the biggest and best groups around. Ten thousand Boston rock fans tend to be rowdy and that just adds to the atmosphere.

Music is one of the exciting fe- atures that Boston has to offer. It is something that everyone should experience, even if it's just an excuse to get away from your roommate's stereo.



The city of Boston presented its traditions and institutions perhaps more vigorously than any other American metropo- lis. This attitude largely ex- tended to the realm of sports, which rated equally in the re- verce accorded its cultural counterparts.

The pride that Boston har- bored toward its sports legacy was of a proud but demanding nature. To become an institu- tion in this city, it was not enough that an athletic entity merely attain greatness; a team had to attain that greatness through dedication and talent and retain these qualities as the team obtained greatness.

When the Boston Celtics won an unprecedented eleven championships in the period

between 1957-1969, they established powerful tradition within the city. Yet that alliance was not so powerful that fans of Boston ceeised demanding a quality basketball team. For this reason, the presence of players such as Bill Russell, John Hav- licek and Larry Bird repre- sented to the fans of Boston a guarantee of continued suc- cess.

The Boston Marathon was as interwoven in this city's tradi- tions as much as the early pat- riot resistence was interwoven in the American Revolution. So, when carpetbagger Marshall Wadoff attempted to com- mercialize this great race, he was practically run out of town on a rail.

Red Sox left-fielder Carl Yas-

tremsky accrued as much crit- icism as he did acclaim for the twenty-three years he played baseball in Fenway Park. Yet on one memorable weekend in October, this city embraced him like it had no other sports hero, clutching him to its heart in the very last moments of his career.

Thus, an organization, an event, and an individual must earn its elite status as an institu- tion, but once it does, it is not likely that the fans of this city will really accept a change in that tradition. Many teams however, are not fortunate enough to garner such fa- vored status. Just like the Bos- ton . . . erthe New Orleans . . . Breakers.

Jeff Kern

Counter clockwise from top: Some of the traditions the in- famous Boston fans have supported included the Bos- ton Marathon, the Celtics, the Breakers, and the Red Sox' Call Yastremskl.




# V ♦"•

To the Bostonian: " ."

"Fix your eyes on the greatness of . . . | Boston] as you have it -before you day by day, fall in love with her, and when you feel her great, remember that this greatness was won by men [and wom- en I withcourage, with knowledge of their duty, and with a sense of honor in action, . . ., :" Eurpides











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The Undergraduate Gov- ernment of Boston College, UGBC, was composed of var- ious committees whicli dedi- cate their time to the students. These committees repre- sented the student body as a service organization and a community building organiza- tion.

The programming commit- tee of UGBC, responsible for events on campus, was the Social Committee, it focused on evoking spirit among the student body through various activities and creating stronger inter-campus re- lationships. The activities in- cluded trips into Boston, con- certs on campus, and the "Screw Your Roommate" semi-formal, tail gating par- ties, Socials, and "Thursday Night at the Rat." Chairper- sons: Mamie Armstrong, Kevin Convery, and John Doian.

The Cultural Committee of UGBC concentrated on "en- lightening" the student through a variety of cultural events and issues. The stu- dents learned more about their peers and the campus. The various events which the committee sponsored were lectures, international festi- vals, cultural weekends in a city, art sales, student art shows, trips to theater productions, and trips to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Chairper- sons: Jim Burke, Diane De- Guzman, and Anne O'Brien.

The Commuter Committee addressed a number of issues and problems which effected the commuter. It helped to in- tegrate the commuter into the University through events which were to help commut- ing students become ac- quainted with the other stu- dents. The committee head- quarters was located in Lyons Hall, outside of the Rat. In the center, the commuter could find exclusive information about transportation, parking, tenant's rights, overnight

Top to bottom: (left to right) Steve Fallon and Tom Shannon of the Commuter Committee. On Newton Campus The Resident Assistants at Duchesne West during resident check In. Left page: Workers at the Rat on Thursday night (sponsored by the UGBC Social Committee).

housing, and carpooling. The Commuter Committee Com- munications office printed a

newsletter called Daytripper. Daytripper publicized the various social activities. The popular activities included: Thursday night dinners at Murray House, monthly piano bars, college mixers, commut- er/parent receptions at Mur- ray House, pre-movie parties and parties, off-campus ex- cursions, theme parties, live bands at the Rat, and semi- formals. Chairpersons: Martha Bagley and Tom Shannon.

UGBC was one of the most influential group on campus, but it didn't meet all resident students needs. The Office of University Housing de- veloped a Resident Student Life Committee to meet these needs. BC had a wide range of University Housing from on- campus dormitories and suites to apartments and modular housing units. By working with the Dean of Stu- dents-Office, the Office of University Housing formu- lated disciplinary policies and judicial procedures. The Office also provided updated lists of apartments and rooms avail- able for students living off- campus. Chairpersons: Sara Bloom, Lily Robles, and Jeff Thielman.

The Resident Advisory Board was the official student voice in University Housing. The members were elected by their dorm-mates and attended bi-monthly meet- ings to evaluate and create new policies. They discussed such problems as damage bills, dorm security, the Hous- ing Budget, the Resident Staff selection, and energy con- servation. Chairpersons: Ter- ry Hanlon and Steve Torto- lani.

The most active group of assistants in a student's life was the Resident Assistants. The RA's planned socials, trips into Boston, and Harbor Cruises. There were 1 03 resi- dence hall staff members in the RA program which in- cluded Staff Assistants, Area Co-ordinators, Resident Assistants, and Jesuits-in- Residence. The responsibili- ties of an RA included the safe- ty and well-being of students living on-campus.

ACnvmES / 49




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Lee Pellegrini


The Alliance of Student Activities was a unifying group of all organizations and clubs. The basic function of ASA was to assist the Office of Student Programs and Re- sources in providing informa- tion for club leaders and their organizations. The Advise- ment Team aided students in such areas as form comple- tion, obtaining information, programming and club forma- tion. The team distributed newsletters and a directory of clubs and organizations. The team also devoted much of its energy to Student Activities Day and the OSPAR Awards Banquet, which honored stu- dent leaders. The goal of ASA was to "create a rapport with club leaders to promote lead- ership and coordinate better activities." The Advisement Team for the 1 983- 1 984 ac- ademic year Included: Kevin Flagg, Steve Hoffman, Chris Lyon, Martha Morkan, David O'Brien, Lisa Placek, Paula Raymond, and Louise Sul- livan.

The University Counseling Services catered to all under- graduate students. The Counseling Services were available to students in the form of confidential consulta- tions in careers and academics and personal mat- ters. Each school within the University had its own Counseling Services which arranged appointments for in- dividual, confidential counsel- ing and psychotherapy and counseling groups.

An important part of the University Counseling Ser- vices wcis the Entering Stu- dents Assistant Program, which trained Freshman, Transfer, and Registered Nurse Assistant volunteers. The programs utilized volun- teer students who helped freshman, transfer, and nurs- ing students become familiar with the academic, spiritual, cultural, and social ^lspects of campus life. Student Direc- tor: Jay Sullivan.

The Transfer Center pro- vided service for all under- graduate students who had either transferred into the Uni- versity or who were consider- ing transferring to another university. The Transfer Center helped to make the transition to campus an easy one by sponsoring student transfer socials, which enabled trans- fers to meet each other. Uni- versity administrators and fac-

ulty. The Center contained an extensive, up to date collec- tion of undergraduate cata- logues and a file containing educational opportunities.

The Career Center, through individual advisement and workshops, assisted students with both career decision- making and job hunting. All students could find informa- tion on career fields, specific employers, resume writing, interviewing, and career plan- ning Services and programs of the Career Center included: resume critiques, videotaping simulated interviews, spon- soring professions to lecture on career opportunities, and special workshops on career topics. A Career Alumni Net- work consisted of over 700 alumni who were willing to discuss their career fields with undergraduates.

The Career Center and UGBC also sponsored the Boston College Internship Program (BCIP). The function of BCIP was to act as a clearing house for students, an advise- ment and placement center, and an information center for students interested in doing "hands on" work in career- related fields.

The Career Planning Advisement Team, located at the Career Center, helped advise students in many areas concerning future plans and careers. The members of the 1983-1984 Career Planning Advisement Team were Julie McClallen and Mark McHugh.

The Admissions Office was where undergraduates had their first official contact with the University. Through the Student Admissions Program, students introduced prospec- tive students to the campus and informed them of Univer- sity facts through tours, high school visits, and day visits. The students also interviewed prospective students for ad- mission to the University. Stu- dent Coordinator: Karen Pel- legrino.

Clock wise from left: International Student Orientation: "Habia Espa- nol?", "Sprechen Sle Deutsch?", "Parlez-vous Francals?", "Do you speak English?". The Career Center located on Commonwealth Avenue. Frank DILorenzo looking through the catalogues In the Transfer Cen- ter. Four members of the Alliance of Student Activities (left to right) Paula Raymond, Louise Sullivan, Steve Hoffman and Lisa Placek. Bart Wel- ten talking to another student dur- ing International Student Orienta- tion.








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Clockwise from top left: Ceri Murphy and Kathy Kindness working on the word processors In the Sub Turri office; George Moustakeis of the Sub TurrI staff taking pictures; )ohn Carpenter, editor-in-cfiief of tfie Heights, working on layouts: editors of the Stylus posing with past issues; The Heights newspaper.






Literary organizations were essential to tine University be- cause they allowed diverse voices of the student body to be heard. On campus, there were five student- administered publications: The Heights, The Observer, The Boston Advocate, Sub Turri, and The Stylus.

BC's most familiar publica- tion wcis the weekly student newspaper, The Heights. This independent publication offered students up-to-date coverage of campus and local events, as well as an overview of national and international issues. Its most popular fea- tures included: "Chris Mullen at Large" and "Voices from the Dustbowl." The last page usually contained a calendar of the week's upcoming events and a classified section open to all students. In 1 983- 84 the editors of the Heights tried to expand their coverage in the various sections hoping to make the student body more aware of matters shap- ing our society. Editor-in- Chief: John Carpenter.

In February, 1983, another newspaper was introduced to the University The Observ-

er of Boston College. The tri- weekly publication's main objectives were to provide students with a constructive commentary on today's most important political issues. It covered not only BC but local and national affairs as well. The editors considered the Observer "a conservative journal which respects and admires the values of a free government as established by our founding fathers." Articles concerning economics were regularly featured along with an occasional book or movie review. The Observer offered BC's modern academic envi- ronment a traditionally liberal overview of current political and economic fronts. Editor: John Birkmeyer

Another newspaper avail- able to students was The Bos- ton Advocate which did not specifically focus on events on campus or the local area. This bi-weekly paper provided a broad outlook on the national and international events that effected the current society. The Advocate was a progres- sive publication which pro- moted student activism. Its main purpose was to make students more aware of the issues and events taking place in the world. Executive Editor: Chris Disipio.

Sub Turri, a "treasury of memories," celebrated its 70th birthday in 1983. Since 1913, Sub Turri, meaning "under the tower," has been traditionally an award-winning yearbook. Six sections Bos- ton, Student Ufe, Sports, Activ- ities, Academics, and Seniors were designed to capture the history of the year on cam- pus, in Boston and around the world. The staff consisted en- tirely of volunteer students, freshmen to seniors, who not only contributed their talents but obtained valuable skills in layout, journalism, photogra- phy and management. Editor- in-Chief: Katherine Kind- ness.

The Stylus, one of the old- est college publications in the country, was the campus liter- ary magazine. It came out three times a year, in the fall, winter, and spring. It did not follow any particular theme and contained everything from fiction and poetry to artwork and photography. It offered students an outlet in which to display their talents and creativity. Co-Editors: Susan Cavan and Richard Paczynski.





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The Musical Guild was

established to cultivate cultu- ral awareness and a greater appreciation of music. The twenty musicians who com- prised the guild performed scores ranging from classical to jazz. In its first year, the guild's accomplishments in- cluded a unique student/ faculty concert plus several mini-concerts on the dust- bowl. The guild also spon- sored movies, lectures, and trips to the Boston Symphony Orchestra throughout the year.

The Children's Theatre Company was BC's own traveling variety show. The nine Ccist members performed for audiences of children throughout the community such as for Children's Hospi- tal, libraries, and schools. This year's productions included "The Little Prince" and an im- provisational show complete with original stories and music designed to generate audi- ence participation. Proceeds

from the group's productions were donated to local chil- dren's causes.

Striving to create a better awareness of dance as art, the Dance Ensemble graced the stage with productions in- cluding ballet, jazz, tap, and modern dance. The Ensemble was completely student-run and had elected student directors. Auditions for the En- semble's spring and fall pro- ductions were open to all stu- dents. Dancers were selected on their innate dance ability rather than formal training. The Ensemble sought to en- hance students' talents and choreography skills through the bi-annual productions as well as in workshops offering technical instruction and smaller-scale performances. Lisa Bernier

Clockwise from left: performing In this year's fall production, "Emotion in Motton"; wrapped up in her danc- ing; dancing on toe, a form of ballet, during "Emotion in Motion"; The Musical Guild on the dustbowl play- ing classical and |azz music.

.* 1


56 / ACTIVmtS



Many students found self- expression through music. Whether one's interest was jazz, soul, cicissical, choral or marching tunes, there was an excellent musical group for everyone

The Swingin' Eagles |azz Band performed at many differ- ent functions during the year. Some of these included Fallfest, Springfest, and |azz at Rat. They also did a few concerts in the New Theatre. The Jazz band's highlight was to perform with Bob Hope when he came to Roberts Center last year.

The Voices of Imani Gospel Choir saw as its goal praising God and bringing His message to the world through music. The choir continued to grow in '83- '84 as it had every year. Some of the group's concerts included the annual Gospelfest, which brought different area choirs together on campus, a perfor- mance at the Martin Luther King Jr. ecumenical dinner, partici- pation in Black Family Weekend and attending an Easter celebra- tion. President: Karen Young.

Another musical organization was the University Chorale. Made up of 1 60 men and wom- en, the chorale had the reputa- tion as one of the best university choruses in the nation.

In 1983-84, the singers per- formed Bach's "Magnificat" at Newton Chapel, a Christmas concert in the Theatre, a Palm Sunday liturgy and a spring con- cert. The most exciting project, however, was the chorale's trip to West Germany where they gave a series of concerts, includ- ing one in the Cologne Cathe- dral. The chorale was under the direction of Dr. Alexander Pelo- quin. President Maureen Cullum. Colleen Seibert

Clockwise from top left: The Chorale putting on a concert In the Newton Chapel; the Jazz Ensemble performing In O'Connell House; the Jazz Ensemble; members of the Gospel Choir practic- ing In Lyons; a member of the Chorale singing during a practice.





Music groups were not only performing groups, but "cheerleaders" as well, pro- moting sciiool spirit at many athletic events.

The "Screaming" Eagles Marching Band, with 1 50 members, was one of the largest student organizations on campus. The band per- formed at all home football games and travelled to many of the away games.

This year's band was the first band ever to play at the Yale Bowl in New Haven. The band also travelled to West Point and had a second trip to Syra- cuse. The highlight of the year was the trip to Memphis, Ten- nessee for the Liberty Bowl. The band also performed at various off-campus events in- cluding the opening of the Weston Hotel in Boston, the Woburn parade, the Patriots- Chargers football game and a performance at Faneuil Hall.

The band sponsored many different activities for its mem- bers throughout the year such as barbecues, parties, semi- formals and dinners.

Tiie Pep Band was a volun- teer organization which play- ed in the stands at both bas- ketball and hockey games. They also travelled with the

teams to the Big East tourna- ment and NCAA playoffs. The band's repertoire included Tight" songs and jazz num- bers, which the Pep Band play- ed to promote school spirit at athletic events.

The Colorguard and twir- lers added sparkle and color to the marching band's routines. The squad, which consisted of 2 1 women was under the direction of Kathy Howell, who designed and re- hearsed the intricate routines. The Colorguard was a tradi- tion that went back to when BC was an all-male school. The '83-'84 colorguard squad not only worked with flags, but they twirled dowels (which were yellow sticks with streamers attached); they also used pom poms and per- formed dances. The members enjoyed their positions de- spite the eight hours per week of practice and travelling to away games. Director: Kathy Howell

Kathy Aubin and Colleen Seibert

Clockwise from top left: The band during a halftlme show; watching Holy Cross football game; one of the twirlers smiling during the halfdme show; practicing for their perfor- mance at the Weston Hotel.



A very important part of a person's life is his or her cultu- ral heritage. The myriad of dif- ferent cultural clubs on cam- pus proved that the need for education in and expression of one's roots v^as a strong concern of students. The di- versity of the clubs' activities showed that their members wanted to share their experi- ences with other students in the university.

AHANA represented the in- terests of Black American, Na- tive American, Asian Ameri- can, and Hispanic students. The organization provided aid for those students needing academic, social or emotional support. The group spon- sored a summer orientation program to introduce fresh- man minority students to the campus and its resources. AHANA members put out a

newsletter entitled Collage and produced a radio pro- gram on WZBC named "Ex- pansions." Director: Donald Brown.

The Armenian Club fo- cused on students interested in the culture, arts, religion and lives of the Armenian people, through an Armenian- American intercollegiate dance with Tufts University, a panel discussion on Armenian church unity, and the celebra- tion of Armenian Martyr's Day in April. The club spread knowledge about Armenian life by donating books on the subject to the library each year. Co-presidents: Lauren Koshgarian and Lori Davidson.

The Asian Students Club allowed students to observe and participate in the different facets of Asian life. In '83-84,

the members held a Hallo- ween Dance, a cultural night and a presentation of five Asian dance companies. The club encouraged all students to attend their activities. Pres- ident: Sophia Chin.

The Black Student Forum's goal was "to make students aware of the diversity of Afro- American heritage and cul- ture" through various activi- ties such as: a Dance Marathon, a Jazz and R&^B social, a T-shirt sale and hosting speakers from the business community. Presi- dent: Gerald Harris.

Le Cercle Francals was in- terested in exposing students to the social and cultural aspects of French life. This year they held a bake sale, planned trips to French films and spon- sored a spring trip to Quebec, held socials to practice speak-



Clockwise from left opposite page: (left to right) Students doing Greek dances during the Greek Festival at O'Connell House; three members of CIrocolo Itallano enjoying canolls during a fundraiser In McElroy Lobby; giris enjoying the Greek Fes- tival by dancing holding hands In a circle; two students eating a tradi- tional Greek meal, Baklava.

ing in French and learn about French culture. President: Judith Gleba.

11 Circolo italiano mem- bers explored all the aspects of Italian life and language through trips to the North End, showing movies such as "Bread and Chocolate" and meeting with students learn- ing Italian to speak the lan- guage. One of their most re- warding activities was teaching English to Italian im- migrants in Boston. Presi- dent: Carl Valeri.

The German Academy strove to foster participation and knowledge in the German culture. Their activities in- cluded sponsoring an Octoberfest with UGBC, a Christmas social, a trip to Wur- sthaus in Harvard Square and a visit to the Goethe Institute which promotes German cul-

ture in Boston. President: Rosemary Loughran.

The Irish Society weis a very traditional club that enjoyed exploring the lives and loves of the Irish. This was accom- plished through a Celtic New Year party at O'Connell House, Ceilis Irish square dances and Simsas, which were meetings for the mem- bers. They also sponsored an Irish radio show on WZBC. President: Margaret Fay.

A new club on campus was the Middle Eastern Student's Association which strove to promote the cultural, social and educational awareness of Middle Eastern life. President Brad Smith coordinated the showing of a very successful film entitled "Report from Beirut: Summer of "82" with speakers afterwards, a Mediterranian social with

other cultural clubs.

The Organization for In- ternational Student Affairs

weis a service organization for foreign students on campus. The organization urged inter- raction between international and American students. Coor- dinator: Jean Yoder.

The Slavic and Eastern Cir- cle not only promoted aware- ness of Slavic culture, it advised and served as a stu- dent caucus for students studying Slavic Studies or Asian Studies. The members were interested in learning about culture through plays and movies and they especial- ly enjoyed getting together to cook Russian foods. Presi- dent: lames Nee.

A particularly active group was the Spanish Club. They worked at ELS, a school for people from other countries

who wish to learn English in- tensively. They also had fun by having Spanish dinners, going to the "Nutcracker Suite" and participating in the audience of "Nosotros" a Spanish TV show. President: Carolyn Plunket.

La Union Latlna sponsored cultural and social events along with academic pursuits; the club hosted speaker Fr. John Blazer who addressed the topic of religion and revo- lution in Central America. A series of Spanish classical films was shown. The members tu- tored Spanish-speaking stu- dents in all subjects as well. President Magdiel Canales. Colleen Seibert


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Everyone knew O'Connell House as the place for movies on Sunday nights and a great place for Middle-March. But there was much more to O'Connell House than was generally known.

The house was built in 1 895 by the Storey family and then purchased by the Ligget fami- ly in the 1920's. Cardinal O'Connell bought it in the late 1930's and donated it to the University. The building is a copy of a Welsh castle called 'Gwydener," and is complete with sixteen fireplaces, and Tudor architecture.

O'Connell House was used as a Jesuit residence for a while and then it housed the Fine Arts department. Today, O'Connell is used for many different student-oriented activities. Five staff members run the house and all have dif- ferent responsibilities.

The house was open during the week for studying and piano and on weekends par- ties, dances, films and many other events were held. A lo- cal band, the "Trademarks" performed, as did different jazz bands on Sunday after- noons. Rita Warnock, a phychic, visited the house; an International Christmas party was held; the Tuition Forum with Dr. Campanella took

place there.

The two main events of the year were Harvest Night, with music, dancing and a carnival, in October, and the Middle March Ball, which was a black- tie, all night affair.

O'Connell underwent some renovations this year, such as new carpeting and the paint- ing of the Grand Hall. The staff members hoped for greater student involvement with the house. The house was a part of the traditions of both the Uni- versity and Chestnut Hill and has contributed to the cultural life of the students.

The 1983-84 consisted of: Timothy Hambor, Steven Sharaf, Kathy Calnen, Mark McNamara, and John Mullen.

My Mother's Fleabag was a comedy group that had a five year tradition on campus. The group got its name from the vaudevillian "fleabag" hotels that entertainers used to stay in. This year's collection of twelve members was one of the largest groups ever; it in- cluded nine seniors, five of whom were involved in fleabag since their freshman year. Fleabaggers got their ideas wherever they could find them from brainstorm- ing sessions, individual sug- gestions, and improvisations during rehearsals. The mem-

bers rehearsed three nights a week for two main produc- tions each year. My Mother's Fleabag also performed at the Casba, Freshman Orientation, a Development dinner and during Alcohol Awareness Week.

The company traditionally performed at O'Connell House, as the performers found the atmosphere warm and condusive to audience participation.

The cast emphcisized that they were not a club; they had neither an advisor nor a con- stitution. The philosophy of the group was "to be free to make fun of things on campus and in the world today." None of their skits were written with malicious intent, but no one was safe from their barbs. "We want to make a statement, " one member said. "We are successful if we can make

people laugh and think at the same time."

Besides the laughter, a close group feeling was the result of My Mother's Fleabag. There was nothing in the shows that wasn't original material and a special friendship developed among its members. All of the people involved were serious stu- dents and they found that per- forming comedy was a great way to let off pressure and have a great time. They were, in their own words, a "zany, madcap bunch."

The cast members were: Heike Allen, PC Bennison, Dave Boudreau, Will Boud- reau, Anne Kirwin, Jenny Li- quori, Joe Patchen, Laura Ritchin, Vinnie Tangredi, Melissa Robinson, Ann McCarthy, and Bob Fries, di- rector.

Colleen Seibert

Paul D. Campanella

Clockwise from left: The O'Connell House as photographed and de- veloped by George Moustakas; the O'Connell House Staff for '83-84; the fall performance of My Mother's Fleabag.


The commitment to help and serve others Wcis part of being a Catholic University. There were several organiza- tions dedicated to this goal.

Community-minded stu- dents got involved in Circle K, which is the largest college service organization in the world. Students participated in service projects such as Christmas caroling at the Bap- tist Home and having an "un- birthday" party at the Nazareth Home. They raked leaves at the Ronald Mac- Donald house in Boston and planned a "jello Jamboree" in cooperation with the Special Olympics. President: Eiien Fiowers.

The Goid Key Society was another service club on cam- pus. The members, wearing their maroon and gold armbands, could be seen ushering at football games, helping out with Orientation and working at the Red Cross Blood Drives. The club held a Christmas Dance this year, as

well as a showing of "Dawn of the Dead." They were the only student-representative group to participate in the planning of Parents Weekend. Gold Key also sponsored a lecture by Congressman Boiling. One of their most successful events was the trip to the Gold Key retreat house on the Cape in March. President: Daria Chapeisliy.

T)ie Student Council for Exceptional Children was part of the School Education and was concerned with help- ing and entertaining children with special needs. This chap- ter of the nationwide orga- nization was open to all stu- dents. Some of the events this year included a Halloween party at the campus school, giving Thanksgiving baskets to Campus School children, a Christmas card sale/fundraiser and the Campus School Car- nival. The members also planned events with the Fes- tival of Friendship and The Special Olympics. Chairper-

son: Tammy Bateson.

"The PULSE Program in- volved students in works of social service and advocacy with communities and institu- tions throughout Greater Bos- ton and in disciplined philo- sophical and theological re- flection in the classroom. Through such involvement, the program hoped to pro- mote a deeper self- understanding, engage the student in a sophisticated analysis of the causes and complexities of social order and disorder, and foster a commitment to assume per- sonal responsibility for addressing these injustices and disorders."

This rationale of the PULSE program, which was in its four- teenth year on campus, neatly capsulized the hopes and goals of this organization. The program provided place- ments in such areas as: Emergency Services and Shelters; Special Needs, Re- search and Legal Work; Men-

tal Health, the Elderly, Correc- tional Systems; Youth Work and Peace Work. There was also a summer international program in Belize, Central America. The group con- tinued its new Pulse Advisory program which was made up of students who helped in- vestigate new placements, plan projects and aid the council with its other plans. PULSE directors: Professor Dicl( Keely and student Therese Callahan.

The National Association for the Advancement of Col- ored People (NAACP) con- tinued its concern for helping black students coordinate their personal, educational and career lives. Some of the group's activities included a Civil Rights Day, a member- ship drive, a job Fair, and cultu- ral events during Black History month. President: Greer Hansen.

Colleen Seibert



Left Page: Members of the Cold Key Society during a social. Right Page (clockwise from top left): A member of the Gold Key Society helping at a blood drive; two members of Pulse during their office hours; and the door to the Pulse office.


Right Page: two current movies which were popular during the 1983- 1 984 school year. Left page (clockwise from top photo): Two students putting film on a reel


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At BC, communications were of utmost important to fully enjoy the school and what it had to offer. There were four organizations that gave students practical expo- sure to the various fields that encompass communications. Film, radio, public relations, and advertising were all addressed in their respective clubs. Workshops, guest speakers, films and social events were sponsored by each organization to promote the communications field.

The BC Film Board offered free films each weekend to the student body and faculty. On Fridays and Saturdays the films were show in McGuinn Auditorium and on Sundays in

the Barry Arts Pavillion on Newton Campus. The movies shown by the Film Board appealed to the diverse BC student and, cis an added fea- ture, cartoon shorts were shown prior to the movie. The Film Board also sponsored trips to the Rocky Horror Pic- ture Sliow and special pre- views of new movies. The stu- dents at BC benefited im- mensely from the board's efforts.

Reaching an audience over 50 miles away and operating of an output power of 1 000 watts, WZBC was considered by the Phoenix to be one of Boston's top music stations. WZBC AM and FM played mu- sic 1 8 hours a day and the DJ's

at the station were noted for their fervor. WZBC played a variety of music in conjunction with different clubs in Boston to sponsor bands. Along with the music shows at ZBC, the station was also noted for its sports coverage of BC athlet- ics. This season, during the miserable weather at the Ala- bama game at Sullivan Sta- dium, ZBC continued to cover the game on air despite the fact that every other station lost power. Through the efforts and hard work of the students and coordinators, BC continually maintained an im- pressive radio station.

The Public Reiations Club furthered a professional inter- est for students who wished

to take advantage of its re- sources. The PR club offered workshops, speaker forums, career nights, and seminars for those interested in this area of communications. The club also sponsored various activities that focused on planning, counseling, and the technical aspects of this field. During the school year the Advertising Club was very ac- tive on campus. This club sponsored a program on sub- liminal advertising and author jean Kilborne was the featured speaker. Workshops, films, and career nights were held, sometimes in conjunction wit the top ad agencies in Boston, giving practical exposure to the advertising field.

ACTIVrnES / 67



Certainly any large universi- ty campus is composed of a myriad of buildings, large and small, each serving its own special purposes. Indeed, BC was no exception to the rule. Perhaps one of its most famous structures, and meet- ing places, was McElroy Com- mons.

Yet, it was not necessary to hang around McElroy 24 hours a day to meet people. BC owned several houses, lo- cated within close proximity to the campus, that served

some of its special needs. Greydiff, the foreign language house on Commonwealth Ave., under the direction of Resident Assistants Bernhard Waase and Margarita Anguita, offered students the opportu- nity to speak French or Span- ish within a dormitory envi- ronment.

Shaw House, the Honors Program House on Upper Campus, was another asset to the BC community. With the help of |esuit-in-Residence Fr. David Gill, SJ and Resident

Assistnat )erome Larkin, the house sponsored a number of activities. This year some especially successful events were the monthly dinners with various professors who took some time to talk with the stu - dents in an informal setting.

Haley House, located at 3 1 4 Hammond St. was a facil- ity at BC promoting social jus- tice. The ten resident staff members living in this com- munity provided lectures, films and workshops on a vari- ety of contemporary social issues in an attempt to awaken the BC community to the issue of justice. Not only did the house wish to create an awareness but it also was ac- tive in acting justly. This year some of its benefit coffee houses raised money for several needy Boston shel- ters.

Murray House, the Com- muter Center at 292 Ham- mond Street, was a large Tudor house offering study space, a TV lounge, typing rooms, a game room and a complete kitchen facility to all BC students. The three stu- dent managers of Murray House this year, Mike Doher- ty, Pat Dunn and Patti Hoey, opened the house up to both formal and informal gather- ings, from their weekly spaghetti dinners to official meetings, lectures and films.

Whether one was in the mood to battle the crowds in McElroy or meet in the homey atmospheres of Greydiff, Shaw, Haley or Murray Houses, it was clear that BC offered its students plenty of places to meet, greet and learn from one another.


I 5AFETV ^^^<^ -r":-' ' :v^5

Left page: The Haley House on Ham- mond Street. Right page: (Clockwise from top left) Murray House located at the corner of Beacon Street and Hammond Street; a poster advertis- ing a rape prevention seminar; and students eating lunch in McElroy.



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The World Hunger Com- mittee was dedicated to allievating the hunger suffered by one quarter of the people on the Earth. The members tried to mal<e BC students aware of the hunger problems around us. The members held a fast in the fall and organized a food bank, which collected food from students to donate to different soup kitchens in the Boston area. They also brought speakers and films to the campus which addressed the problem of world hunger. President: Mary Burns.

The Women's Resource Center was an advisement center for BC women. It pro- vided academic, social and personal support and it main- tained a library of over 2,000 works on various women's issues. The Center also pro- vided information about ser- vices and organizations in the Boston area which dealt with health, careers, birth control, legal aid and counselling. The Center sponsored meetings, films, workshops and social events throughout the year. Director: Ann Morgan.

Student Ministry had as its goal the enrichment of the re-

ligious and personal lives of BC students. Members strove to integrate their spiritual and academic lives. The group provided retreats, Bible study groups, music ministers and prayer groups throughout the year. Community and volun- teer work were combined with activity in world hunger and justice. Coordinator: Andrew Parlter.

Campus Crusade for Clirist wcis a group for both Catholics and Protestants to share and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The group held Bible studies, lectures and films which in- creased the awareness of or deepened a committment to God. President: Ricl( Vlalia.

Hiilei Wcis affiliated with the Hillel Foundation of Greater Boston, and Wcis an informal Jewish student group. The club provided information on Jewish events in Boston and encouraged various Jewish traditions. Members held Shabbat dinners and services.. Holocaust seminars, Passover Seders and Jewish education classes. President: Kalili Saposnici(.

Paul D. Campanetia



The UCBC Caucus was

the legislative branch of UGBC. It oversaw all the committees in- volved with UGBC and it ap- proved all important executive decisions, such as cabinet ap- pointments, new laws, and ap-

Members of the Hellenic Society were among the few who could make sense of things that non- members would shrug off saying "It's all Creek to me."

proval for large expenditures. The UGBC Caucus approved the an- nual UGBC budget, which con- sisted of the $30.00 activity fees charged to all students. The Caucus ensured that all UGBC ac- tivities were open to all students and that policies did not violate the official policies of BC.

The School of Education Sen- ate served Education majors as well as the entire student body. The Senate's activities included publishing the "Campion Chroni- cal" (the SOE newsletter), and running the following councils:

Field Place- ment Concerns, Education policy. Academic Affairs, UGBC Senate, the Council for Excep- tional Children and the Human Development Caucus. The annual interclass skits were the highlight of the year. President: |osephine Umjuco.

The School of Nursing Senate represented student interests and opinions, encouraged stu- dent and faculty interaction and fostered awareness of health is- sues. The Senate was part of the Massachusetts Student Nurses Association and the National Stu- dent Nurses Association. Presi- dent: Donna Paventy.


The School of Manage- ment Senate provided the same services as tiie other school sen- ates as well AS sponsoring ayearly survey for the promotion and tenure of faculty members. Sev- eral social events were held to encourage friendship and inter- est in SOM. President: Connie Mines.

The Evening College Senate represented students from ail the schools. The members were de- dicated to the belief that learning outside of the classroom was equally important as that inside the classroom. The Senate repre- sented student opinions brought together students and faculty and promoted social and cultural in- terests as well.

The Academy of Sciences was made up of students interested in

computer science, mathematics and natural science. The mem- bers acted as advisors during reg- istration offered tutoring services and aided other campus organi- zations, President: Ted Martin.

Students planning careers in accounting could turn to the Ac- counting Academy for work- shops on interviewing and resumes and lectures by speakers from accounting firms. This year they sponsored an income tax program which instructed stu- dents on how to frll out tax forms. These students then went on to help the elderly and the poor fill out their forms free of charge. President: Edward Riley.

The Association for Women in Management encouraged

awareness of the problems and opportunities facing women en- tering the business world. The club hosted speakers from vari- ous fields to share their experi- ences and to offer advice. This year some speakers included those from an employment agency who talked about inter- views and the job search, women entrepreneurs and those who at- tended the seminar on women's concerns. Dress for Success was an annual event as was the ice cream social. President: Patty Pheian.

The Beliarmine Law Academy was made up of pre-law students. The club provided information about law schools and admis- sions policies. Speakers were also invited to share their experiences with students; among these were fr. Herrman, a Boston public de- fender and Dean Huber from BC Law School. President: Brian Kornbrath.

The Computer Science Acad- emy was committed to assist BC students and faculty with their questions about computers and related topics. President: Michelle Ahmed.

Economics majors learned about their career opportunities through the Economics Caucus. Faculty and students got to- gether at socials and guest speakers provided advice on ec- onomics-related topics. Presi- dent: Ann Kennedy.

The Finance Academy held many events to inform students on the issues related to finance. At Alumni Night 25 BC alumni spoke on different careers in fi- nance, banking and stocks. Their biggest event was the Finance Spring Seminar which brought together over 300 parricipants involved in the worid of finance. President: John Cregan.

The Mathematics Society not

only addressed career oppor- tunities in mathematics, but members could share their input on curriculum and faculty tenure in the Mathematics Dept. Presi- dent: Donna Pflaumer.

The Mariieting Academy held aCareer Night which attracted 26 companies interested in recruit- ing. They hosted a seminar on the value of an MBA degree along with other programs which in- creased student awareness in the field of marketing. President: Greg Swenson.

The History Caucus was a ser- vice club for History majors or others interested in history. Members advised students on academic and career issues and offered social activities to every- one. Advisor: Carol Petiilo.

The Mendel Club was an or- ganization that pursued the inter- ests of students planning on health and science professions. Several of the group's events in- cluded Medical School Admis- sions Night, a lecture on in vitro fertilization by Dr. Seibel, a CPR course and a Health Fair. The clubs major event was the annual Bioethics Conference, where ethical issues, controversial speakers and papers were pre- sented to and by students from across the nation. President: Mark Simonelli.

The Political Science Associa- tion was sponsored by the Politi- cal Science Department and members concerned themselves with academic quality at BC. An informal luncheon with profes- sors was held once a month where current events and per- sonal matters were discussed. In March, Career Day hosted speakers from business, govern- ment, law and journalism. Presi- dent; Melanie Eifers.

The Psychology Caucus pro- vided educational and social ac- tivities for psychology students. The club published a newsletter and encouraged faculty/student interaction. President: |enny Quigley.

The Fine Arts Union wel- comed studio and art history ma- jors as well as others interested in the fine arts. Art shows, trips to museums and galleries and a lec- ture series were among the group's activities. President: Kevin Supples.

The major events of The Hel- lenic Society were Greek Night in December and the institution of a Modern Creek course to be of- fered in Fall '84. Socials with the Middle East and Armenian clubs

and trips to Greek clubs in the area fostered awareness and ap- preciation of Greek culture. Presi- dent: Georgia Tsoucalas.

The Investment Club was a group that received funds from BC and used them to invest in various companies. This year's protfolio included stock from MCI, El Chico Restaurant. Seagate and First Interstate Bank Corp. Students interested in finance and investing followed their motto of "innovation education". President: William Doty.

Paraprofessionai Leaders Group was a counseling group made up of students with leader- ship, organizational and manage- rial skills. Assisted by University Counseling Services, the leaders aided other groups on campus and trained new advisors in aca- demics, career planning, health services and handicapped assis- tance.

The Personnel Management Association pursued interests in personnel management and the employment process. Members hosted guest speakers on related topics and sponsored social events. President: John Dimasi.

The Sociolgy Caucus was comprised of Sociology majors and was closely linked to the So- ciolgy Department. Their main goal was to acquaint students with each other and to work to- ward an increased interest in So- ciology. A Career Planning seminar was held for majors to lis- ten to business people speak on the role of sociologists in the business worid. Members also provided registration advisement for undergraduates. President: Christine Graveline.

The Straussian Society mem- bers discussed political issues and strove to educate the BC community about different gov- ernment and economic activities. The club was made up of the Na- tional Security and Nuclear Activ- ity Committee and the Global Problems Committee. President: Thomas Sileo.

The Chemistry Caucus worked closely with the Chemis- try Department on course offer- ings and related topics. A member of the American Chemi- cal Society. Students could take advantage of the preprofessional programs it offered. President: Michelle Sherban.

The Geology and Geophysics Club held lectures, trips and so- cial events, related to the field of Geology. A key goal was the bringing together of students and faculty. President: Milce Webster.

ACnVlTIES / 75


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Right page: The wall In Massplrg office at BC; Students making Im- portant phone calls. Left page: (Clockwise form top): The Massplrg office; the Amnesty International Board In McElroy Lobby; and signing a Nestle's boycott petition In the dustbowl.



Anne Marie McLaughlin


Amnesty International was

a group that worked on the behalf of people imprisoned because of their religious or political beliefs and who have not used violence. The group was active in 78 countries, working for the abolition of torture and the death penalty. This year the members col- lected a petition for a universal appeal for amnesty for prison- ers of conscience. They wrote letters for prisoners who needed world public support. They also sponsored Human Rights Awareness Week which brought speakers and films to campus. Group Coor- dinator: Jerry Larkin.

The BC chapter of MASS- PIRG was part of the largest consumer advocate group in New England. AMSSPIRG was founded in 1 972 in response to the work done by consum- er advocate Ralph Nader. The group worked in a wide vari-

ety of fields, such as environ- mental protection, govern- ment action, hazardous waste, and housing. PIRG was instrumental in the passage of the Massachusetts Bottle Bill as well as setting up consumer hotlines to deal with legal questions.

A key issue this year was acid rain. The group worked for the passage of a bill that would limit the amount of sul- fur put into Massachusetts' air by industry. Members cam- paigned to educated BC stu- dents about the issue, they lobbied City councils and local governments to pass local res- olutions and they prepared to put acid rain on the 1 984 national campaign agenda. BCPIRG also worked to regis- ter voters in preparation for the 1984 Presidential elec- tion. President: Martha Morkan.

The Democratic Club

strove to attain political free- doms and social justice. The members advocated liberal politics and attempted to in- crease student awareness in the Democratic beliefs. They were involved with the Demo- cratic Campaign Headquar- ters and sponsoring lectures. President: Kirk Carter.

Young Americans for Free- dom was a strictly conserva- tive group that saw an increas- ing loss of personal rights and an increasingly restrictive government in our country. Members worked to reverse these trends through aware- ness of the problems. Presi- dent: Robert Pomeroy.

The problems of hazardous wastes, ocean dumping and endangered species were the concerns of The Environmen- tal Action Group. The mem- bers were involved in nature hikes, a whale watch spon- sored by Greenpeace, and

keeping informed on such issues as acid rain and land preservation. President: Loretta Stec.

The Coalition Against Nu- clear War was one of the few clubs on campus that involved students, faculty and chap- lains together. The issue of nuclear holocaust was one of the prime concerns of the year and the group's members got involved in many ways. The main event was the presenta- tion of the movie "The Day Af- ter". The annual Firebreaks game recreated the political events leading up to a nuclear war, with students and faculty acting out the roles of world leaders. Speakers such as jerry Sanders and Martin Sherwin came to campus and a mock presss conference was held on the dustbowl. Some mem- bers also participated in a demonstration against Euro- missiles on Boston Common.



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Personalizing Education

The students were vety di- verse, creating a need for many different social and cultural programs. To satisfy this need, the administration offered students OSPAR, The Office of Student Programs and Resources, which contrib- uted to the students' total development.

OSPAR, under the direction of Carole Wegman, strove to enhance the educational ex- perience of college from a non-academic point of view. Wegman acted as an advo- cate for the student organiza- tions. She devoted much effort to helping individuals and student groups set goals and develop ideas. She was also responsible for allocating space in McElroy Commons to student groups and outside vendors.

The Assistant Director, Bill Thompson, developed pro- grams for organizations coordinated any requests with other University offices. Thompson was editor for the campus Student Guide, chaired the Orientation Com- mittee, and assisted Wegman in her various functions.

jean Yoder was the advisor for the International Student Program, providing informa- tion on the requirements and procedures of the US Im- migration and Naturalization Service. Yoder helped the stu-

dents adjust to life and studies by advising and programming through the International Stu- dent Orientation and the In- ternational Peer Assistants Programs. She also coordi- nated the Ticket Information Center, oversaw the work study staff, and assisted with the University budgets.

OSPAR had two secretaries, Kim Zamecnik and Carol Cler- ici, who were responsible for the front office . They acted as welcomers to any student who needed help from OSPAR. Zamecnik and Clerici lent a supporting hand to Wegman, Thompson and Yoder.

OSPAR provided students with an environment which encouraged student orga- nizations. They offered advice on how to establish an orga- nization as well as advice on planning social and cultural events. By iissisting in the con- tractual process, OSPAR acted as liason between orga- nizations and agencies.

Once a club or organization was formed, OSPAR weis there with various advisement pro- grams. Through regular dis- cussions they helped orga- nizations make decisions that brought them closer to their goals. It was also important that clubs learned to interact within their organizations and within the University commu-

nity. They also achieved this through Organizational Devel- opment Workshops, active as- sistance, and daily advising on a one-to-one basis.

To ensure groups got the public exposure that was nec- essary to maintain interest, OSPAR provided a general publication with information about the University as well as the surrounding area. OSPAR edited and put out the Student Guide as well as various in- formative newsletters.

Space requests for meetings and functions were handled through OSPAR. Coordinating the locations was important to a club because it helped to make things run more smoothly.

OSPAR greatly affected new students as well. A member of OSPAR usually chaired the Ori- entation Committee to help a student adjust personally and psychologically to his/her new life in college. They were in charge of coordinating club participation. OSPAR helped to personalize a students' envi- ronment through the develop- ment of active organizations. OSPAR assisted an organiza- tion in the programming of so- cial and cultural activities, and helped the undergraduate gov- ernment committees and stu-

dent unions. OSPAR assisted an organization in any problems it encountered and gave advice as needed. They also aided in setting values, achieving goals, interacting within the group and the University community. This was done through advise- ment sessions and discussions.

The Ticket Information Cen- ter was a service offered by OSPAR. This provided a central location for the distribution of tickets or information on events both on and off campus. The Center sold discount passes for the local movie theaters, group rates for off-Broadway shows in Boston, athletic events in Bos- ton, concerts, and dances, in order to get a Screw-Your- Roommate ticket, one had to wait in a line of students (who had slept on the floor in front of the booth. Once, seven hun- dred tickets sold in less than two hours).

The Office of Student Pro- grams and Resources encour- aged students to make the utmost of their college years. They recognized the impor- tance of academics, but they also emphasized the impor- tance of broadening one's hori- zon by being involved with the University Community.

Roberta BIaz and Kerstin Gnazzo


Clockwise from top left: The OSPAR office, In McElroy Commons 141, Is open Monday through Friday to serve the needs of students and organiza- tions; lean |oder, the International Student advisor; Carole Wegman, direc- tor of OSPAR; (left to right) Bill Thompson, Assistant Director and Carole Wegman; Kim Zamechik also assists In filing, typing, and signing clubs up for rooms to meet in.



'TAgy Used To Be A CLb"

''Women s Soccer: NCAA dmaiih/''

The women's soccer team, a club only fouryears ago, displayed outstanding tal- ent that ranked it among the nation's top ten women's programs in the country in 1 983. The Eagles faced the top teams in the East and compiled a winning record under the leadership of coach Mike Lavigne and assistants Peter Counsell and Rick Copland.

The team progressed rapidly between 1 980 and "83 adding to their strength two first team All-Scholastic players each year. As Counsell explained "You don't have to go much farther than your back yard to insure a nationally competitive team."

The Eagles proved themselves a nationally competitive team early in their season at the Cortland State Tournament. The team came away with a 2- 1 upset against second-ranked Florida that morn- ing. They lost to fourth ranked CS later that same day but the experience and confidence they gained launched them into a ten-game winning streak.

The team's courageous defense made them unbeatable. The backfield was cov- ered by co-captain Laura Toole, junior Denise Dechesser, and sophomores Anne Donahue and Patty Hill. Lavigne spoke highly of his players saying they were "unbelievable, they're so tough."

Behind the aggressive defensive line

Consistent scoring and a stalwart defense helped lead the '83 women's soccer team to a berth In the NCAA tournament where they were stopped by their arch rival UCONN.

was Kathy Brophy, the reliable goalie. She gave up only three goals in the team's ten-game winning streak. Brophy col- lected shutouts against a number of good teams including Tufts, UNH, Holy Cross, George Washington University, and Springfield

The offensive game was led by juniors Ann Porell, Cathy Murphy, and Peggy Flemming. Freshman sensations Martha McNamara and Jen Fitzpatrick boosted the scoring power and struck fear into any defensive line.

The season's brightest highlight was their first victory over the Harvard Cris- mon in the history of the program. The Eagles maintained composure to pull out a 2-1 overtime victory. Defensively neu- tralizing Harvard's scoring power with un- shakable marking, the Eagles took it to the Harvard goal with 28 shots. The Eagles ended the season ranked in fifth position nationally with a 14-4 record. Their losses came from #1 UConn, #2 North Carolina, #3 UMass, and #4 Cort- land State.

The Eagles alone played all of the other top five teams. The only nationally ranked team with a part-time coaching staff, the women had established themselves as contenders. The Beast from the East was not to be found in football alone.

Kelly Short




University of N. Carolina 2-S

University of Vermont 2-1

at Tufts 2-0

University of New Hampshire 5-0

at Cortland State Tournament

Central Florida 2-1

at Cortland State Tournament

Cortland 0-2

at Cordand State Tournament

George Washington U. I -0

Holy Cross 5-0

at Bowdoln 2-1

at Providence 6-0

at Boston University 7-0

Harvard 2- 1

Colby 3-0

Plymouth State 4-0

Springfield 2-0

Radford University 3-1

at University of Connecticut 0-3

University of Massachusetts 0- 1 Regular Season Record: 14-4 NCAA Championship Tournament: First Round:

1 1/5/83 at Princeton U. 2-0

Second Round:

1 1/12/83 at University of Conn 0-2

Photos by Marc Veilleux



Meet The Eagles

Paul D. Campanella

The day after Thanksgiving, on the snowy, rainy, wind-swept, astroturf of Sul- livan Stadium, the Eagles sent a message to the world of Division I football: We've beaten two legends; bring on one more in Memphis."

This game was not just a 20- 1 3 BC victo- ry. It was a 20- 1 3 victory over one of the all-time great gridiron powers, the Crim- son Tide of Alabama, and their heralded Heisman Trophy candidate. Waiter Lewis. The then 1 5th ranked Eagles utilized their timely defense, led by seniors Steve Lubisher and tri-captain Steve DeOssie and stalled Alabama on several key drives.

Meanwhile, BC's "little big man from Natick," junior, second team UPl All- American, Doug Flutie (177-345, 2724 yards, 1 5 Interceptions, 1 7 TD's) fought the horrendous weather conditions and the Crimson defense to lead the Eagles

back from an early third quarter 13-6 def- icit. In the fourth quarter, Flutie rolled out on a naked bootleg and hit tri-captain Bob Biestek in the right side of the endzone to close the gap to one. After a penalty on a two-point conversion attempt, head coach jack Bicknell sent in a struggling Kevin Snow to try for the extra point. The sophomore put it through the uprights, knqttiiig Llie SLom at 13.

But this would not last for.lonff, asjEaj Defensive End Dave TnoJhas Je^dyarea Tide fumble on the Visitor's .Very nJ down, and BC had Rosaea^cm^the^Alat mai34 yard line. '|XO!?|C

<3«i^ again, the^seej rHn^y?riagicajj|i u - tie ran^cknell's short offeDse-tCperfec- tion, driving4tie_£agles'to the Bama goal line. Biestek bulled in from the right side to give the Eagles the lead for good. But, al- though the offense put the points on the

diamond vision screen, it was the defense who sealed the victory, tackling Lewis on the Eagle ten yard line as time ran out.

This was npt-tllt! Ulily-4aig win of the Eagles' se^^^. Same were bigHsecause of the qu^flty ofnBHLponent, while, others were/&g beclo^Wthe Eagle's margin of victory. For 3nstance, the home opener ag/inst Division 11 Morgan State was a^ig margin win for the Eagles. vvA

DeOssie gaveil!fijicfl|(BiW|W of tWnfes to come, as he pouiMfepn ajBlorgan Stale fumble on the second pleiy. Flutie hitseniir tri-captain Brian Brennan for the first of 36 times in the year, atth^Morgan State eight lina From there, sophomore tailback Ifoy Stratifora swept the right sideifor ther first of many Eagle TD's. Forjtefrecgyd, the Eagles won the game 45- j^rDupIre first of several riSvUtests came th^-^^xt week against the 1 984=NTrtic5nal Champion


Clemson Tigers.

Clemson: The year before, the Eagles and the Tigers had battled to a 1 7- 1 7 tie in Death Valley that catapulted the '82 Eagle squad to the Tangarine Bowl. Again in '83, the Tigers would be the team that would set the tone for the Eagles' season. Things didn't look good in the first half for BC, as the Tigers rodfetherannirimof Stacey Driv- er and the Ipg of Dpnald iWebuike to a 16-3 halftinie lead. But>he\agles came back in the| second half, t>uTting on an offensive display that lit the scoreboard as the halftim^ fireworks show had the sky. Clemson's self-proclaimed "pest Defen- sive Line" reeled backward^ before the Eagles' on^aught.TJie^ coaches' superb play selection fufther cojwusea the visitors until it was too lat^SI^ Eagles' offensive line led the vwiy for"roy Stradford ( 1 79 yards, 1 TD), arid protected Fbtie (20-36, 223 yards, 1 Interception, 2 Tl3's) through- out. Flutie, who struggled early, found his touch late in the game, regaining it in time to hit Split End Gerard Phelan on a 39 yard bomb that sealed the victory.

This game answered a number of ques- tions that were not even asked during the

Left: Tri-captains Bob Belstlk, Brian Brennan, and Steve DeOssle come on to the field at SulUvan Stadium, where; Below: Troy Stradford leads the Eagles on the ground over the Crusaders of Holy Cross.

Morgan State debacle. The offensive line could do the job, and do it well. The names of Shawn Regent, Mark Bardwell, )ack Bick- nell Jr., Glen Reagan, and Mark MacDonald still were not as well known as some of the people they blocked for, or went up against, such as Clemson's famed "re- frigerator," GE Perty, but their quality be- gan to be recognized by Eagle followers. Also, Scott Giesleman could replace Scott Nizoiek at tight endTarKLdp the job well. The defense, as they vyould '^o all seiison, came through in thef:3utch. \

The next vjveek's game wak just about exciting as tlfe Morgan State blowout. BC destroyed Rutgers at the Meadowlands in East Rutherfdrd, New Jersey. This time the score was 4i-22 and the only difference was that the] Eaglejs were led l?y back-up signal caller Shawn Halloran, wt^o replaced Flutie (concuBsion| In the secohd quarter. Thesophom|)rev#nt6-8, 102j 1 TD, thus proving that coCird-^Yfri'"Vv1t|i a 6-4 man running the pffense rather than the 5-9 Flutie.

Injuries the greatest cause of migrains among coaches. Also injured in against the Scarlet Knights was Biestek, who suffered a fractured left forearm. Adding to Bicknell's problems was the fact that DeOssie did not play a down as the result of a damaged left shoulder suffered against Clemson. But the


Eagles did not miss these three leaders against the inferior Scarlet Knights.

However, their absence did not go un- noticed for long, as the Eagles fumbled their way to a 27-17 loss to the Moun- taineers of West Virginia at Alumni the next week. The injuries continued to pile up, and on the opening kick-off Bicknell made a controversial decision. The third year coach placed-Stradford^at-the-goal line to take the kick. But tenyards upfield, he took a shot fror^ West Virginia's Cam Zopp, fumbling the ball and his chance for a 1 000 yard seasoi| (He finished with BlO yards and 7 TD's for the year). \

Without biestek and Stradford in the backfield, me pressure was on replace- ments Stevie Strachati, Brian Ki^stoforski, Ken Bell, ancLELutje. On three separate occcvsions, rhe ailing Eagles failed to break the plane W the ged-Hner-^spite an absurd 1 4 chances on these possessions inside the 10 yard line. The Mountaineers twice stopped the Eagles on fourth down runs and picked off one Flutie aerial.

Injuries, along with West Virginia's stub- born defense, ruined all hopes of a perfect ( 1 1 -0| season. ^^

Despite tl^eEersopn^ losses, BC got back on tn^fflwinning^ffcKk the\ following week against Temple. But it, wias a near thing, The Eagles nearly upsi^ themselves, as Brian WftldrOh and Kevin Sno\^ missed five fifeld gi^s between therrr.The danger- ous giip cJlShianage to connect twice, giv- ing thf' Eagles fusLenough for A fortunate 1 8- 15 win. Cormng aftetithe VVek Virginia lossl ai|Dthers^l6^k>s(6ul^'ve be&n dis- asterous. But goocTfeanr^ j^in Wen yvhen they aren't having g^oott^jislSancI the Ea^es came through on this rainy-^Htur-

Still, things were looking a little shaky for the Eagles as they headed to the Yale Bowl the next week. But there is nothing like a winless ivy League team to get an aspiring Division 1 powerhouse back on track. Flutie and company had a field day, and Flutie left the field eartly in the third quarter to avoid injury. Once the score began'to mount, the subs came in, and also had a fine time. The Bowl scout^ had begun to gajther, and they were impressed.

At the hallfway point of tne season, BC was 5- 1 . Wijth Jly-ee weej^ off before their Sullivan StaAium debui^Kiir|st Penn State, the Eagles hpd time toTelrneir injuries heal, DeOssie's Ihoulder was better. Biestek and Stradf4rd would both i be returning, and the entire team had a c|hance to rest, both physilally and psychologically. On October 2?|th, the healthy, rested Eagles were ready to confront the Nittany Lions, who, after a slow start, had won their last five games, giving therri ai 5r3 mark going in.

Like last yiear, the Eagles ^ot off to a 7-0 lead, but unlike last year, they were able to increase this margin, going} ahead at one point in thefsecond quarfei"' 2 1 -0. But the Nittany Lions 'stormed back, closing the gap to 24- i 0 at the half. Tlfe rejuvenated Eagle offense scoTeS'arwnfearly on, while a healthy DeOssie and company shut down the previously red-hot Doug Strang. Aside from a 45 yard scamper up the mid- dle by DJ Dozier, the Eagles defensive



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it*? >^:











Phoios by P<iul D CampanelU



Eagles: Bowl B

Photos by Marc Veilleux


Left: Steve Strachan goes over the top for a short gain. Below: Gerard Phelan hauls in another Flutie bomb.

Paul D. Campanella

game plan worked to perfection. Blitzing was the name of the game and the game belonged to the Eagles' defense.

The Eagles continued to move the ball in the second half, but were unable to pull away, having to settle for a lone 40-yard Kevin SnoWTTgtcTg'oal late in the contest. The Penn/State offef^se finally neated up, consistently drivifig the ball into Eagle terri- tory. But' the Eagles' ^a^fense ohce again came through in the\dltch, giving ground slowly and usirig the dock to its advantage. The Nitlany u'ons only scored one touch- down in the fourth quarter and the Eagles had what they wanted; their first wif) in 1 2 tries 4gflinst Penn State., defending Na- tional* Ch.ampioii|S. , pi V_ \

After ^n expected [blowoyt against a weak Army team in WesF Point, New rark, (34-14), the Eagtes dropped-oul uf major bowl contention in the dreaded Carrier Dome of the Syracuse Orangemen with a 21-10 disappointment. The famed "four


wheel drive" defense line of Syracuse was able to effectively contain Flutie, prevent- ing him from utilizing his most potent weapon, his rolling out of the pocket. Flutie did not htwe.£noughJirne. as the Orange- men were in his face"atrday: .

Holy Cross provided a regional uV audi- ence and the $32^;000 that went with it when they faced BC. Too bad they did not give thfe Eagles a game, as welij'hp Eagles struggled in the first half, leading just 1 0-0

at halftfme. But Flutie shook off the problehns of the last six quacte^. Eagles rolled to a 45-7 winP"^

With the legends of Peno^ State And Ala bamaJbehind them and vvlth the "-"=--- Bowl ket, the Eagles were eager their (tatholic cousins from the mic Iwest to the lisrof legenaary victims in the 83 cam- paign.

Mike Corcoran and Jim Van Angler

piissing and the

Winged Warriors

Right and above: BC defense harrasses ^ a,

highly-touted quarterbacks Walter Lewis and Peter '^ •*»<** -*

MuldOOn. :-iSSS«;?i;3SiS;


Morgan State



West Virginia



Penn State



Holy Cross


BC OPP 45 IZ 31 16 42 22 17 27 18—15 42—7 27— 17 34— 14 10 21 47—7 20—13



Steve DeOssie: Linebacker. The Beast of "The Beast of the East. " Steve DeOssie: Se- nior tri-captain. Second team AP All Ameri- can. The heart of the stellar 1 983 BC de- fense.

Although his first two seasons were not spectacular, 1981 contained flashes of what was to come. Individually, DeOssie led the team in tackles for the first of three times under new Coach Jack Bicknell.

DeOssie came into his own during the 1 982 Tangerine Bowl secison. His penchant for standing over fallen opponents, arms raised in triumph, may not have been liked by some, but they saw his ability. DeOssie entered his senior year, a preseason Ail- American candidate, and although suffering a shoulder injury against Clemson, didn't disappoint the team or his fans.

DeOssie was the first to share the credit with his teammates. "Sometimes we would hold off a team until the offense got going. Other times they scored right away, which made our job a lot easier."

Mike Corcoran and jim VanAnglen

Left: Anatomy of a play Flutie eludes the defense one more time.



Brian Brennan rewrote the Eagles' re- ceiving records during his career. His se- nior season earned him second team UP and API Ali-American honors. But there could have been even more.

Brennan did all this in just over two and a quarter seasons. His freshman year was decimated by a hernia and mono, while a broken collar bone against Temple made his junior year a three-plus game season.

A senior tri-captain in '83 -'84 year, Bren- nan wanted the team "To go to a major bowl." The Liberty Bowl, one of the six top

money bowls, fit the bill. Personally, "I wanted to catch 60 passes (he caught 66). I have a receiver's mentality. As far as I'm concerned, I was always open," said Brennan.

Brennan was disappointed that the team did not go to the Fiesta Bowl but said, "There aren't too many 9-2 teams in the country right now. If they were choosing again now, I'm sure we'd be going to the Fiesta Bowl."

Brennan said that the '83 team 'Had good senior leadership. We were very confident and close. Every time we (the offense) were out there, we thought we could make the big play. We got that from Coach Bicknell."

Mike Corcoran


MBT @m @F m^m

Rampant rumors spread around Chestnut Hill that the Eagles of BC had begun to grow used to post-season play. Whatever the reason, the team performed so exceptional- ly in the 1 983 season that they were invited to one of the country's most presitigous bowls. The Liberty Bowl. And as if that were not enough, it was to be a battle that fans from Chestnut Hill had only dreamed of for years. The opponent was to be none other than The Fighting Irish of Notre Dame!

Coach Jack Bicknell announced that the team would accept the bid to play in the Liberty Bowl following the upset to Syracuse which dashed all hopes of securing the bid to the Fiesta Bowl. But considering the match with Notre Dame, that could not have mattered less. As that week continued it appeared as though Notre Dame weis hav- ing second thoughts about playing the mighty Eagles. Their record had been so poor through the se^lSon that Notre Dame itself felt they were not worthy of the bid. But following a closed vote among the players the bid was accepted.

After a three-week rest the team headed for Memphis, ready to play in the Bowl. De- spite the fact that the game was not to be played until December 29th, the players left for Memphis, Tennessee before Christmas. They had left early in order to get in some outdoor practice before the game. (A luxury that could not be afforded in the cold of BC's Alumni Stadium during January). But from the minute they arrived nothing went right for BC. From the weather to the game itself the Liberty Bowel was all wrong.

There was no need to try to make excuses for the loss to Nore Dame; plenty of valid reasons abounded and each one of them was one degree lower than the \e&X. The game began at a brisk 1 5 degrees, only to see the mercury dropping lower and lower as the game proceeded. Though the cold affected all the players, it hit the kickers hardest of all.

This was clear at the opening of the game as Brian Waldron slipped, missing the extra

Jack Bicknell and ND Coach Gerry Faust questions from a lively press corps.


point following the 63 -yard drive that end- ed in a reception by Brian Brennan for a 17 yard touchdown. Not only was the kicking affected but the receivers faced a virtually impossible task due to the bitter conditions. Were it not for the conditions it is certain that both Brennan and Gieselman would have connected on a number of the passes missed throughout the game.

Despite the difficulty for the receivers Doug Flutie seemed to have few problems with his game. He was chosen Most Valu- able Offensive Player of the game. His only interception throughout the entire game was snagged by Tony Furjanic. The game's Most Valuable Defensive Player. At the game's end Flutie finished with an impres- sive three touchdowns, 16 for 37, for a grand total of 287 yards. It is hard to say but had it not been for the frigid weather Flutie could well have exceeded his typically phe- nomenal performance.

His control throughout the game enabled BC to score two more times following the initial drive. But in the end it was "that extra point" that continued to vex the Eagles.lt was only practical according to Coach )ack Bicknell to attempt the two point conver- sion. Due to the extreme conditions caused by the weather it would have proved futile to attempt a kick. Had BC been able to com- plete the final attempt at the two point con- version it would have resulted in BC's taking the lead 20 to 1 9.

The 1 983 season ended with a blaze of glory for the talented group from Chestnut Hill despite their one point loss to The Fight- ing Irish. The Eagles were awarded the pres- tigious Lambert Trophy. The winner of the Lambert Trophy is selected through a vote of eastern sports writers. The selection of Boston College completing the season with a 9-3 record wcis unexpected. West Virginia who had beaten BC and been victorious in their Bowl quest versus Kentucky would have appeared to have been a more natural choice.


Through and through, the 1983 season proved to be as fantastic as most BC fans would have predicted. And despite the fact that things did not go well in Mem- phis it has not dampened the spirits of anyone at Chestnut Hill, all of whom agree that the only problem in future bowls will be deciding which one was the best. Geri Murphy

Clockwise from top: BC fans cheer on Lagles through frigid weather In Memphis. One fan dons a face mask to combat the elements. |lm Browne cuts to the inside. Steve DeOssle played with his usual Intensity. BC players huddle around port- able heater.






Field Hockey

The women's field hockey team antici- pated an overall winning season for 1983. The switch to Division I competi- tion did not hurt the team; the club be- nefitted from a more experienced and skilled level of play. The team reported to pre-season camp in mid-August and held triple sessions for two weeks. To mark the end of camp, the Lady Eagles travelled to Pennsylvania to play in the Pocono Invita- tional Tournament. The women played very well together and proved New En- gland supremecy by going undefeated against tough Pennsylvania teams.

One reason for this year's strong team was the twelve returning players from Icist year. Only two players were lost to grad- uation. Amazingly, the '83-'84 squad had

no seniors. The body of the team was made up of ten talented sophomores joined by junior tri-captains Lynne Prates, Virginia Gaffney, and Nancy Gonsalves. Rounding off the roster were five fresh- men who are the result of successful re- cruiting. In addition, there was a six- player taxi squad that practiced with the team and Wcis always ready to play when needed.

Last year's leading scorer was Lynne Prates and she was backed up by one of the most effective offensive lines in the Division. The team was under the direc- tion of head coach Karen Keogh and the new assistant coach Gina Villa.

Nancy Gonsalves

Linda Griffln acts incredulous to a referee's cail.

1 00 /SPORTS



0 5


3 2


0 2

Boston Univ.



1 1



Univ. of Vermont

0 2

Holy Cross



0— 1


1 —3


5 2






2 1


1 0


0 0

ECAC Tournament (Ursinus)

0— 1

Junior tri'CaptaIn and forward Lynn Frates batdes with archrival Holy Cross defenders under the lights at Alumni Stadium.



A Sad Year For A Great Team

After experiencing the greatest sea- son in the team's history in 1982, the 1 983 version of coach Ben Brewster's soccer squad was mired in mediocrity. Expectations were high for the Eagles; the immediate predecessors to the team had won the Greater Boston League Championship, finished second in the Big East Championship, shared the New England Championsllip with the University of Connecticut, and travelled to the NCAA's.

But by the fourth game of the fall sea- son, it became apparent that too much had been expected of the Eagles. Pos- sessing a 2-1 record and the number twelve spot in The Sporting News na- tional poll of collegiate soccer teams, the Eagles faced off against UConn in their biggest game of the season. This game would be the deciding factor in which direction the Eagles were head- ing. Unfortunately, the Eagles got trounced 3-0 and appeared very weak against the Huskies from Connecticut. This abruptly ended the national rank- ings for the squad for the rest of the season.

The season was still young though, and the Eagles still anticipated another banner year of soccer excitement and domination over their opponents. Three straight victories over UNH, Tufts, and 1 983 Big Eiist Champion Syracuse was fuel for the Eagles' anticipation. A pair of wins in their upcoming trip to the sunny fields of Florida would certify the Eagles as a legitimate soccer power as the Eagles were to play the University of Tampa and the University of South Flor- ida. This extended road trip would be the turning point of the se^lson.

Then the season turned for the worse. The Eagles played well in a 2-1 loss to Tampa, but then were humiliated by a South Florida team that dominated the game with its powerhouse offense and won with a score of 5-1. Insult was added to injury as the Eagles returned home to lose to Harvard. The Eagles took a road trip to another Ivy league opponent and as many supporters were on hand at Yale as filled the stands be- fore the BC-Yale Football game. The proud onlookers watched their beloved Eagles drop at the hands of the Eli, but were later consolled on the gridiron in the Yale bowl. Their second consecutive loss to an Ivy League opponent plum- meted the high flying Eagles to a dismal 5-6. From then on they continually swapped win-for-loss with their oppo- nents maintaining a .500 season. The Eagles' performance during this part of the season showed some fliishes of bril- liance, but for the most part the Eagles battled against their own inconsistency.

The team that had trampled the turf of Alumni Stadium during the autumn of 1983 was not a bad one. To win ten games by one goal, as the '82 team did, takes a few lucky bounces as well as the

right personnel. Those bounces apparently landed the wrong way this season and even though the personnel vjas largely the same (eighteen lettermen returned), the magic of the '82 Cinderella Eagles was missing.

It was a particularly frustrating finish for a group of athletes that had distinguished themselves, their team, and their school dur- ing their careers cis soccer players on campus. For four years Keith Brown, Peter Dorfman, |on Farrow, Tony Gomes, Jay Hutchins, Kevin Hutchinson, Jorge Montoya, and Tony Sulli- van performed above and beyond the ex- ploits of any cleiss of soccer players before them in the University's history. When they were finished, despite the anti-climactic finale, they had accumulated the best record of any four-year class of soccer players in the history of the sport at the Heights.






North Carolina




at Connecticut


New Hampsliire






at Tampa


at South Florida


at Harvard


at Yale








Old Dominion


at Rhode island


at Massachusetts


at Brandels


Holy Cross


at Boston University


In BIG EAST Tournament:



hi^ ■-■>♦»- ^ -.%i«>V-







While the excitement and success of the football team highlighted the fall sporting scene on campus, the 1983-84 edition of the men's tennis squad silently ran away with its fourth Big East Championship crown in five years. The team overcame a tough schedule with excellent play from a young squad which promised to excell in upcom- ing seasons.

The team returned seven of eight players from last year's team which lost only one match all season. However, they lost their number-one singles player in John O'Con- nell and would have to rely upon a young squad in a difficult league. The team's youn- ger players pulled through, continuing the tradition of the on-court excellence of their predecessors. The fall record was 6-2, cul- minating with a Big East Championship title.

This year's young squad consisted of: Juniors Jim Garaventi (3rd seed) and Paul Rolincik (4th seed): Sophomores Luis Nunez (1st Seed), Carlos Silva (2nd seed), Bobby Conklin (5th seed), Eric Weinheimer (7th seed) and Chris Smith (8th seed): as well as talented freshman Brian Bortnick (6th seed(, who beat out a field of over fifty fresh- men competing for the final roster spot.

The sccison began on September 1 3, as the Eagle tennis squad routed local Bentley in a mismatch that should never have been played. They shutout the Bentley squad 9-0. The team, in high gear, next defeated Clark University 7-2 and the University of Rhode Island in another shutout victory 9-0.

However, these matches were merely warm-ups for their match with archrival Bos- ton University on September 19. The Eagle squad hoped to keep its record perfect with a win over the always tough Terriers, but it was not to be. Despite excellent play, the Eagles fell in the final match on a tie breaker, 5-4. The men then got some revenge on the next day by destroying MIT. 7-2 at Cam- bridge.

In the weekend-long Big East Tournament at Concord, New York, the squad easily de- feated Big East competitiors; St. John's and Georgetown to secure their fourth Big East cup. The men blew away their competition and clinched the title before the last day of the tournament was even completed. St. John's Mike Borstam trimmed top seeded Luis Nunez 7-6, 7-5, 6-4 for the Eagles' only loss. But Nunez got some revenge as he teamed with teammate Carlos Silva to top Borstman and Eric Fargo, 7-6, 7-1, 6-3.

Paul Rolincik of Lexington, Bob Conklin, and freshman Brian Bortnik were also win- ners for the Eagles with Conklin and Bortnik also pairing to win the third seed doubles title. In the end of the tournament, BC had 22 points, St. John's 14, and Georgetown 12.

After finishing in the middle of a tough ECAC pack the following weekend, the men beat Tufts University 8-1 and Brandeis 7-2


on October 7. Heading into their final match at Dartmouth on the 9th, the Eagles were 6-1.

Dartmouth proved to be too tough for the Eagles, taking a tight 6-3 match. Coach Mike MacDonald said defiantly, "We should have beaten them. We'll beat them next year."

The Eagle squad was looking forward to a full squad and a good '84 season with all of its top six players returning, looking for another banner year of tennis action and perhaps a fifth Big East title.

Leo Melanson




9— 0


7— 2


9— 0


5— 4


7— 2

St lohn's

22 14


8— 1


7— 2


6— 1

Paul D. Campanella

Luis Nunez and teammates demonstrate the aggressive play that made them the Big East Champions.


Paul D. Campanella


KJoia^ W(U^ KoAo/friJuo^m^

Led by the buoyant enthusiasm of fresh- man Katie Molumphy and the grim deter- mination and consistency of senior Bemie Diaz, the hard-worl<ing women's tennis team raised its regular season ledger to 7-2, the team's best record ever. Crowning off its outstanding sccison was the capture of the Big East Championship in late October; BC won five of the six singles seeds to upset the favored Orangewomen of Syracuse.

Playing first seed all season was eigh- teen year old Kate Molumphy who spar- kled, winning 1 7 of her first 22 matches at the Heights. Said third year coach Howard Singer, "Katie played very well this season. We've beaten a lot of teams because of matches that we've won at the top board."

Among the beaten schools was BU, who has made habit over the years of beating the Eagles silly. Molumphy also led BC to victory over Brown, marking the first time the women have ever beaten an Ivy League school. Molumphy used low, flat groundstrokes with considerable pace to overpower her opponents.

Diaz was likened to a brick wall because she managed to keep everything in play. She beat her opposition by grit, guile, and

guts, grinding her opponents into submis- sion, and subsequently, into defeat. Her doubles play improved dramatically this season; Diaz and Molumphy combined their contreisting styles to bring back im- portant, often crucial decisions.

The talent glut on campus did not stop with Diaz and Molumphy. Nanette Han- sen, Ester Viti, and freshman Julie Walsh also collected titles at the Big East tourney. The cool, calm Hansen became known for her pressure play, always enough for the win. Viti caught on fire near midseason, losing only two games over the last two days of the Big East. Walsh also hit her high near the seeison's end, clinching the Big East title for BC with a thrilling 7-5, 7-6 decision. Their success reflected tremendous depth that Singer had orches- trated throughout the program. Not to be neglected, there were Elaine Power, a strong doubles player, and Julie Sheridan, who went nearly a year, at one point, with- out suffering a loss.

With only Diaz and Sheridan graduating, Howard Singer had every right to smile at the future of the women's tennis pro- gram.

Michael Rolfes

Counterclockwise from right: Bernadette Diaz unleashes a backhand for a winner as freshman Katie Molumphy sternly concentrates on her serve. Nanette Hansen quickly moves to return the serve of her opponent In singles competition.

Rhode Island










Boston University


North Eastern


Providence (Big East)


Syracuse (Big East)


The women's rugby club, undefeated in regular season play in the fall of '83 had come to embody the success of college athletics. In only its fifth year of existence, the team competed successfully against such colleges as Bridgewater State, and Prov- idence College. Instrumental in the club's winning season were Verone Flood, Mary Sue Hoban, Lisa Keogh, Donna Herlihy, Ali- son Folino, and Rosie Gillen.

Playing a spring schedule in addition to the fall tour, the club had traditionally en- joyed frequent post-game gatherings with opposing teams. Of course, tribute had to be extended to Ken Daly, who generously volunteered his coaching skills.

Verone Flood




Ruggers in the Scrum

For the men's rugby football club, 1983- 84 saw a general increase in different facets of the club's life: game organization, fun- draising success and team spirit.

The fall season marked the first time In many years that the club had been a mem- ber of any organized college rugby league. Previously, the rugby club had competed in- dependently, scheduling games with differ- ent eastern colleges. During the '83 season, however, the newly-formed New England College Rugby League pitted the Eagles against such rugby powers as Boston Uni- versity and the University of Massachusetts, as well as Babson College and the University of Vermont. With the loss of only twelve se- niors from the '82 team, the Eagles were pre-season favorites to finish first in the new five-school league. A NECRL championship would have given the club a chance to par- ticipate in the highly-coveted national col- lege rugby tournament in the spring.

However, due to both injuries and inex- perience in key positions, the ruggers were unable to finish in the top position. Disap- pointing losses to Boston, BU and UMass placed the Eagles fourth in the final league standings with a record of one win and three losses. The only league victory came against the winless rugby team from the University ofVermont.

Despite their poor league performance,

the ruggers showed an improvement in their three other non-league matches. The Eagles soundly defeated Providence Col- lege as well as the University of Rhode Island in an annual game played un- der the lights at Shea Field. The season's final rugby match was against Middlebury College in Vermont. Playing under ad- verse weather conditions, the ruggers lost and any faint hopes at finishing the season above .500 were dashed. The rugby club finished the Fall season with an overall record of 3-4.

Although the club had a losing season on the field, the

willingness of the players to

contribute much time and effort made for a winning season off the field. The ruggers were able to raise money through various club activities in order to support the team's low budget and rising costs. Clothing sales, dances and contributions allowed for the purchase of new equipment and partly fi- nanced a team trip to Louisiana to partici- pate in the Mardi Gras Rugby Tournament in the Spring.

In '83-'84, as in years past, much thanks was due to different people who willingly offer their time to further the advancement


of club rugby on campus. The team thanked the seniors for their astute qualities of lead- ership and dependability that they dis- played so appreciatively.

Thanks also went to Mr. Ken Daly who, in his seventeenth year as a voluntary coach and referee for the rugby club, has shown a heartfelt concern for, and an unmatched devotion to, each rugby player.

A generous appreciation was also due to the priests of Saint John's Seminary in Brighton. They allowed the club the continu- ous use of their athletic fields for home rugby games.

A final thanks went out to Father Hanra- han, Sj, who served as the team's chaplain and to Mr. Kevin O'Neill, a history professor who acted as the rugby club's faculty advi- sor.

Michael F. Sullivan

Ball possession and a fast-paced idcking game are all part of the game of rugby which combines the sports of football and soccer.






The men's cross country coach jack Mac- Donald was quoted at the beginning of the season as saying, "This is the best cross- country team BC's ever had." Well, he ought to i<now. MacDonaid had been coaching at BC for six years and his cross country team had placed first overall every one of those six years.

There wcis some doubt as to the abilities of the 1 983- 1 984 team at the beginning of the season. The '82-'83 top runner, Fernando Braz, was injured and could not participate in the season. Some people felt his absence would keep the team from achieving its usual excellence. But all doubts were dispel- led by the great performances of Jose Rocha, one of the five freshmen who make up the top seven runners on the team.

Rocha set personal and school records almost every time he ran and spurred the team onto victories. Chris Blanchet and Paul Plissy were other outstanding freshmen who helped keep the team at the top.

The Harriers finished fourth in the Greater Boston track meet, with Todd Renehan finishing sixth. Rocha finished in 30:40 which set a new freshman school record. Rocha set another record against North Eastern.

The Eagles tied for second with Brandeis at the Holy Cross meet. Two runners




fi/G Ui/

Paul D. Campanel'

finished in the top three there. The team placed fourth in the New England cham- pionships competing against thirty-five teams. Coach MacDonaid felt this meet "was the best they have run as a team." This race sent them on their way to the NCAA qualifiers where the team hoped to move onto the finals.

Colleen Seibert





28 39


28 55


29 26


55 47


55 55

Greater Boston's

40 23

Big East

4th place

New England's

6th place

4th place

Paul D. Campanella

[j Two BC runners hit the home stretch »t the Big East held at Franklin Park.

Above: Peter Hughes, Ken Coutoumas, Matt Cassidy, Larry Holodak, Mike Walsh, Steve Walters, Paul Hughes.

Steve Walters takes his after-race stretch.




For the second year in a row, the women's cross country team won the Big East Championship. Under coach |acl< MacDonald, the team won 37-50 overVil- lanova. Michelle Hallettwas the defending individual champion and finished in 1 6:58:8. Sharon Willis and captain Nancy Small finished fourth and fifth respectively and also contributed to the win.

The women's team also placed first at the New England Cross Country meet in Worchester, beating out rival BU. Again Hallett, Willis and Small set the pace, but as MacDonald noted, "What won the meet was the performances of Virginia Connors and Leslie Wrixon."

The Harriers were not so lucky at the Greater Boston track meet, yet they man- aged to place six runners in the top ten. Michelle Hallett finished third as the top winner for the Eagles. Five new personal records were set despite the 26 to 3 1 loss. This race weis especially important because the Eagles had a chance to create the repu- tation they lacked going in.

Because of their outstanding finish, the

women thought they have a shot at the NCAA. Their goal was to work towards more total team effort which could only improve their already outstanding record. Colleen Seibert





21 —48

Holy Cross

15 48


31 —24

Greater Boston

21 —63

Big East

2nd place

New England

1st place

1 St place



The women harriers capped off their successful season by capturing the Big tast Crown at Franklin Park. They also captured the New England TMe while finishing second In the Greater Boston's.




The Men's version of the 1983-84 Track squad gained the respect they deserved early in the winter season during competi- tion at the respected Dartmouth Relays. The weekend at Dartmouth was highlighted by the spectacular performances of co-captain Craig Coffey and teammates )im Kenney and Ross Muscato. Coffey finished second in the penthalon breaking the school record in the process by accumulating 3644 points surpassing the old mark of Chris Nance by 94 points. Kenney turned in a winning per- formance in the 35 lb. weight throw while Russ Muscato copped top honors in the 800 in a time of 1 .56.

Although Craig Coffey lead this year's squad in the high jump, Freshman Jim Man- iscalco gained height quickly with his jump of 6' 10", good enough for a second place finish at the Relays.

Integral to the success of the 1983-84 squad was the combined efforts of Head Coach jack McDonald and his assistants, jim Sheehan handled all the throwing events and was responsible for developing indi- vidual strength programs for every track athlete. Rob Lanney became assistant coach for all jumpers after spending two years ^ls a graduate eissistant. In his first year at the Heights since graduating in 1972, Dick Mahoney lent his expertise as a world-cliiss distance runner to the team.

Through the commitment, enthusiasm, and drive of all the athletes and coaches the team was again invited to participate in the prestigious Millrose Games in New York's Madison Square Garden on January 27.



Left. Brian Annese hands off to fellow senior Steve Walter. Middle. Paul Pllssey makes use of the straightaway. End, Tom Scanlon passes a Fitchking state runner.

SPORTS /1 19

m :•:


Since the history of a women's track pro- gram at BC did not extend as far back cis the men's, if was not surprising that their 1 984 record book was being dominated by underlcassmen. With the emerging success of the women's track program at BC. It was also not surprising that school meet records were being broken at a consistent rate. The Dartmouth Relays held early in January were no exception. Setting the pace on that day was Janice Reid who took first place in the 400, while adding her name to the school record books with a time of 57.6 seconds shaving a full second off the old record held by senior co-captain Clare Connelly.

Janice Reid did it again. Teaming up with Kathi Lucey. Clare Connelly and Leslie Free- man to break the school indoor record for the mile relay. Two other outstanding per- formances given at the Relays were from junior Lianne Supple, who finished first in the high jump with a leap of 5'6", and Virginia Connors who finished first in the women's 5000 meter heat at 18.07.5.

Assisting Jack McDonald with the coaching and coordination of the women's program was Karen Keith who also worked heaviiv' \,'vlth the sprinters. What undoubted- ly c -d to the success of the 1983- 84 \. . sq' lad in the indoor season was the of captains Clare Connelly

Top Left Kathy Lucey gets the jump at BU. Below left. Therese Boucette heads for the straightaway. Above. Ann Failon takes the outside lane during the BC Holiday Classic. Right. Martha Madaus and Llane Supple both clear the bar early in competition at the Holi- day Track Classic


Chris Lynch, senior co-captains Harry Briggs and Al Lawrence, and |ohn Biood, a strong men's team in San |uan practiced their form in the luxury of a warm ciimate.



■^ -^ .^ .



Common descriptions of the 84 Men's Swim Team were terms lii<e: Made a strong showing, toolc the two best times of the day, won easily, and cruised to an easy victory. These comments were apt be- cause the team had a good season. In their first meet of the seeison against Holy Cross the team won the Relay, 1 000 Free, 200 Free, 50 Free, 200 IM, 1 meter Dive, 200 Fly, 200 Back, 500 Free, and 3 Meter Dive. The team took second in the other two events of the day: The 200 Breaststroke and the 400 Free Relay. Coach Groden commented that the 50 Free was the high- light of the day. John Crocoran took first with a time of23.35 and Roberta Ayala was right behind with a time of 23.39. Al Lawr- ence had a great day winning the 1 000 Free and the 500 Free without any real competition. Freshman John Blood proved himself an opponent to be reckoned with in his first meet for the Eagles.

In their second meet against Keene State John Blood, Harry Briggs, Steve Walsh, and Roberta Ayala set a new dual meet time of 3:50:88 in the medley relay. The rest of the meet seemed to be a repeat performance of the first. Co-captain Chris

Lynch took the 1 000 Free in excellent time. The Diving team had a good day as well and wanted credit to go to Siobhan Cam- bell their coach. Geoff Geis collected 265.80 points it the 1 meter setting a pool record. The 200 Breastroke saw co- captain Harry Brigg's best time all semes- ter in that event. Towards the end of the term reporters were hoping the team would lose something so they could have something new to write about. But the team refused to comply. The Eagles used their combined talents to maintain an ex- cellent record for the year.

The Coaching staff was led by Tom Groden who was in his 1 2th year at BC. Working with him were Simone Carson '81 , Siobhan Cambell '79, Jennifer Jorgen- sen, and Joe Stockwell. The team was led by co-captains Harry Briggs '84 and Chris Lynch '84. The rest of the divers and swim- mers were John Crocano '84, Al Lawrence '85, Andrew (Duke) Maloney '85, Mark McCullagh '85, Lonnie Quinn '85, Mike Cusack '86, Geoffery Geis 86', Kevin Kenny '86, Ed Lawler '86, Don Turner '86, and Steve Walsh '86.

B.R. Heron

Sophomore Steve Walsh makes waves during a mid- day woritout.





s^ ■■■.




Clockwise from top: TrI-captains |eanne Connelly. Mary Kennedy, and Kathy Malloy take a well de- served rest; Mary could also be found In the water much of the time. Next page from top; Tara McKen- na, Diane Ilaherty, Linda Dixon and Sheila Malloy take to the water.

VXit ij <


^, ^"





Tom Gordon


The BC Women's Swimming and Div- ing team's season opened on No- vember 30th against Harvard Univer- sity. Although the BC women lost 58 to 82 there were some fine individual swims. Senior Jeanne Connelly took second place in the 200 free relay and Kathy Malloy, also a senior finished first in the 50 free. Sue Bales, a senior diver placed second in the 1 meter and third in the 3 meter.

Junior Mary Kennedy collected the highest individual point score. She weis first in the 100 free, second in the 500 free and was part of the winning relay team. Denise Callahan got first in the 50 back and Linda Dixon placed second in the 50 breaststroke. Fresh- man Tara McKenna qualified for Divi- sion II Nationals in the 200 breast.

BC women participated in the Women's Pentathalon and took sec- ond, third and fourth places, with seven swimmers in the top nine. Mary Kennedy, the second place victor overall took first in the 1 00 butterfly, third in the 200 individual medley, and first in the 1 00 freestyle.

Denise Callahan finished fourth overall thanks to some fine swims. She won the 100 backstroke and came within .02 of the record. Tara McKenna was the only BC swimmer to meet a record at this event. She made 1:11 :86 in the 100 breaststroke and placed sixth overall.

The December 3rd meet against UNH ended BC 7 1 UNH 69. The 200 medley relay team of Denise Callahan, Tara McKenna. Linda Dixon and Kathy Malloy set the best time ever in a dual meet. Maty Kennedy took first in the 200 freestyle. Second in the 1 00 free and first in the 500 free. In the 1 00 backstroke, Denise Callahan set a new team record and qualified for the nationals in the 1 00 baclcstroke. Tara McKenna also made the nationals with her record-breaking 1 00 breaststroke and another record in the 200 breast.

The Eagle women got second, third and fourth in the 200 backstroke, and in the 200 IM, a BC speciality, the top three finishers were Sheila Malloy, Tara McKenna and Diane Flaherty.

For the sixth year in a row, the lady swimmers shared the victory of the BC coed relays with the men against Northeastern, Keene State, Fairfield, Brandeis and St. Michael's. The team came within an amazing one point of a perfect score.

Colleen Seibert


ticamt ta ii\t (Uluhl

Club sports, affiliated with the Office of Stu- dent Programs and Resources, were athletic organizations generally formed through student interest in the sport, and gave stu- dents opportunities in teams not offered through the intramural or varsity athletic programs. Although club sports did not have varsity ranking, some club teams did compete against varsity squads from other colleges and universities around the coun- try. Despite the club teams' non-varsity af- filation, club sports had become increasingly popular with students as a recreational ac- tivity. Students could play all kinds of in- teresting and diverse sports under the title of club.

The fundamental goal of the Bicycling Clul> was to promote bicycling as a form of aerobic exercise and as an alternate means of transportation, to emphcisize the need for bicycle safety, and to advance the rights and interests of all bicyclists. The Frisbee Disc

Club aimed to provide students with an organization that offered Ultimate Frisbee competition, both intercollegiate and intra- mural. It also provided instruction and recre- ation into freestyle and other froms of fris- bee fun and games. The club had members that ranged from novices to those who competed in national tournaments.

The Women's Ice Hockey Team had been in existence as a club sport for over 1 0 years at Boston College. The team was a member of Women's Collegiate Ice Hockey Associa- tion, a loosely structured, thirty-four team league similar to the ECAC in Men's Ice Hockey. In this league, the team competed against both varsity and club teams repre- senting schools throughout New England and the Northecistern United States, includ- ing such traditional hockey rivals as Boston University, Northeiistern University, Univer- sity of New Hampshire, and Providence Col- lege. Highlights of the season included a

Tim Cregan

Women's Beanpot Tournament and post- season tournaments.

Membership in the Karate Club was open to both men and women. For those with no experience in the martial arts, the art and philosophy of karate-do offered a chance to learn self defense and provided an alterna- tive to conventional exercise. For those with experience, the club offered the chance to learn a new style and further develop their martial arts background. The club was per- sonally instructed by Sensei Kazumi Tabata, a sixth degree black belt and head of the North American Karate Federation. In addi- tion to personal development, members of the club competed against other colleges in New England Collegiate Karate Confedera- tion tournaments.

The activities of the Sailing Club included learn-to-sail and recreational boating pro- grams. Students of all sailing abilities, from beginner to expert, were given the opportu-


nity to sail on the Charles River. The Sailing Club also competed in sailing competitions and performs in sailing reggatas all over New England.

The Sparring Club wcis for members who wanted to practice various styles of martial arts such as Tae Kwon Do, Karate, and Kung Fu. The club met informally to exchange in light sparring matches where various styles could be taught and experienced. All match- es were supervised and were recom- mended only to those with extensive expe- rience in the martial arts. White belts thru Black belts were welcome to the club. It was an ideal way to meet fellow martial artists on campus and although no formal teaching was given, individuals gained experience from one another.

The Men's Water Polo Club was a club sport in which the intensity of varsity com- petition abounded. The club was open to all students and started its seeison in early Sep- tember. The first semester consisted of NCAA Division II league play. The AAU spring season began at the start of second semester. Water Polo created physical as

The Boxing and Karate clubs were popular clubs on campus. Each club worked out in the Rec Plex during the week to relieve the pressure and tensions of homework.



well as mental discipline in the serious play- er. At least 1 2 games and two tournaments were scheduled every season and provided the players with competition and a way to keep in great physical condition while en- joying this water sport.

The Women's Water Polo Club hosted and traveled to dual meets and tournaments against other women's water polo organiza- tions throughout New England. It combined the skills of swimming and expert team work and concentration to be successful.

The Men's Volleyball Club was a team

comprised of non-scholarship athletes who enjoyed the sport of competitive volleyball, a fast-paced, action-filled sport. The team competed in the New England Volleyball league. Their matches with intercollegiate rivals were hard fought as BC was well repre- sented in the sport of volleyball by our excel- lent club team.

The Fencing Club was an unusual orga- nization which was dedicated to preserving the art of fencing. In practices, members were schooled in the various methods, cus- toms, and weapons utilized in fencing;

however, in competition, team members use fencing methods associated with the "foil" weapon. The club concentrated on de- veloping individual talents and competi- tions between club members.

Whatever student's interests were, the University had a club sport designed to allow constructive competition, healthy physical activity, and team spirit for those who were not capable of playing a varsity sport here at the university.

Leo Melanson

1 28 /SPORTS




1 30 /SPORTS

BC had a rich tradition of athletic competi- tion which existed not only at the varsity level in intercollegiate sports, but also at the intramural level where students competed within the BC community. The intramural program at BC became one of the most popular activities on campus ^ls new pro- grams drew greater interest and partici- pation from all members of the BC commu- nity. In every sport, there was a high level of competition but the important thing was that fun was had by all who participated. The program offered students who were not able to participate in varsity-level sports an opportunity to compete, exercise, relieve academic tensions, meet other students from the university, and above all, have a good time playing the sport they loved most.

Competition had always been an inherent part of collegiate life, and the excellent progams offered by the intramural pro- grams were no exceptions, allowing stu- dents, faculty, and staff members to join together for a few hours a week of fun and good sportsmanship. The progam spanned the competitive spectrum of sports from football to ping-pong and was offered to both sexes. The secison got off to a competi- tive start with football, which was played

under the lights at Shea Field and Alumni Stadium. It was only a touch league, but the season came to a close. The playoffs offered the winners the championship of football, the most coveted sport in the program.

Intramural golf gave a student the oppor- tunity to get out the rusty clubs and work on his or her game, as well as providing the chance to play nearby golf courses in tour- nament play. Men's and women's tennis tournaments held at the Plex usually brought out many John McEnroes and Chris Everett Lloyds from the BC undergraduate ranks. Field goal kicking, women's volleyball, raquetball toumaments, co-ed Softball, and the UGBC Road Race held during Home- coming weekend rounded out the fall sports, with co-ed softball drawing the most participation with it's popular Sunday games at Shea Field and St. John's Seminary Field.

With winter, the competition got tougher as the most popular sports of ice hockey and basketball got underway. B^lsketball, which was offered to both men and women in seperate leagues, was by far the most popular sport of the entire program as Bas- ketball-mania hit the Heights (just as our varsity tali men swung into action in the Big East Conference). Over 650 students, facul- ty, and staff participated every year. This year, the league was divided into two divi- sions known as the Pro and College Divi- sions. The Pro league was designed for se- rious players who had extensive high school

Marc Vellleux

experience but lacked the courage and abili- ty to tangle with the likes of Mr. Ewing and the Big East gang. The College Division was designed for less intense play but still en- courage competition in a structured format. Both leagues, as well as the expanding league for women, were enthusiastically pursued by the B-ball enthusiasts that would otherwise have lain dormant in their rooms. The intramural hockey program was equally popular and competitive among BC students who missed the exciting action of hockey from their high school days. The play was actually very good and hard-fought ex-




format. These games were also held on the astro-turf in Alumni Stadium with several night games played. The women's program, despite limited par- ticipation, usually offered those who en- joyed the sport the chance to play make Pele proud.

The Intramural Program at BC also sponsored many individual sports for those who liked to rely upon their own individual talents to excel in these sports. These included: tennis, field-goal kicking, racquetball, road-racing, squiish, ping- pong and a one-on-one basketball tour- nament. The winners of both the men's and women's divisions of the tournament then combined their talents as a co-ed

team that played in an inter-collegiate tour- nament, highlighted by a final game during halftime in the Boston Garden during a Bos- ton Celtics game. This chance reflected the high level of play in the Intramural Program. Another often overlooked aspect of the intramural program was the referee pro- gram which paid students a minimum wage of officiate all sports during the season. These refs were usually students who were specially trained by the head referee of the program to provide fair play and well- officiated games for all. This aspect of in- tramurals gave the non-athlete the opportu- nity to participate and earn some extra cash for his or her efforts.

Leo Melanson


cept that checking was not allowed, to pre- vent extensive injuries. The league was split into two divisions. The winners of the Flynn and Carrol divisions squared off against one another for the Kelly cup. The Stanley Cup or Beanpot of the Intramural Program. These games were played early in the morning before the start of classes or late at night in McHugh Forum.

A growing sport among women in the country was volleyball. Here at BC, the intra- mural program was no exception as a well- balanced league played an exciting season with a dramatic playoff finish. In the spring, co-ed volleyball, another popular sport, allowed students to join dorm floors or apartments together for a few hours of co- ed fun and competition.

The spring brought soccer fever to the in-' tramural fanatics at the Heights as men and women competed in new leagues which grew out of a small round-robin tournament


Marc Vellleux

SPORTS/ 1133




The wrestling team, coming off the best season ever last year, hoped for even great- er success and excellence in grappling. Last season, the squad placed in the top five in the New England Division I wrestling cham- pionship tournament, sending two wres- tlers to the NCAA tournament.

In the opening half of the season, the grapplers warmed up with December meets against Brown, Hartford and Albany. Other meets included matches with Springfield, Western New England, UMass and WPI, but the real match for the Eagles was crosstown rival Boston University.

For the second half of their season, the Eagles arrived on campus January 1 0th for double season practices, preparing for the Terriers of BU. Unfortunately, the Eagles lost a close match to BU, one of their most for- midable opponents, 30-12. John Zogley and Carl Traylor pinned their opponents, but Dave Attnassio, who returned to action after knee surgery, was disappointment, as was heavyweight Bill Kalif by Todd Chiles, cur- rently ranked 5th in the nation.

Leo Melanson

Marc Vellteux



Lady Hoopsters !

The women's basketball team had a tough year but their performance was far from being a failure. Having been established only in 1 979 as a varsity sport the team moved swiftly into Division 1 play in the 82-83 sea- son. That year was quite a surprise to their opponents as they defeated every team in New England with ease. In comparison the 83-84 season seemed horrible. The Eagles struggled to a .500 season. They used the same players and the same strategies but the other teams, out to revenge the losses they had taken from the newcomers, were better prepared for hard playing.

"We expected it would be a tough year," said Coach Margo Plotzke. "We knew we had a lot of hard work ahead of us." Plotzke went on to explain that she was still in the process of building a competitive team. Coach Plotzke was a personable leader. She was intensely interested in the players and the game. "It's really important to be posi- tive," she said, "as a group (the players) are such great kids to work with. They want to play. They want to do well." Plotzke spoke highly of her staff as well. She praised the selfless dedication that Cindy Mulica, who volunteered her coaching skills, and Assis- tant coach Ali Kantor gave to building a strong team. Coach Plozke admitted she would have liked to have had a better record but stressed that the team was still evolving: "We're a very defensive team," she said. And this accounts for the low foul line percen- tages, the thrown away balls, and missed shots which cost the team a lot. She ex- pressed the hope of getting some of the more accomplished high school players to come to campus since the diligent Eagles had proved themselves capable of breaking even in the Big East. There was a lot of work to be done before the women's team en- joyed the powerhouse respect the men's team did but the Coach felt her team was "moving basically in the right direction."

The 83-84 Eagles were co-captained by the only seniors on the squad, Mary Pat Kelly and Kate Carey. A young team, they worked well together and felt their wins were accomplished by team effort. Sally Mediera, a sophomore, referred to as a "real capable player" by Coach Plozke, ranked eighth in the Big East in overall scoring and third in field goals. The Eagles were IucIq' to catch 6'-3" freshman Kathleen Sweet whose offensive prowess helped keep the games close. The rest of the team was comprised of juniors Biz Houghton, Jane Haubrich, Kelly Sullivan and Kelly Hart, sophomores Rita Roach and Maureen Robinson, and fresh- man Pam Thorton.

As of February the Eagles stood at an 11- 1 1 record. Not as impressive as they had hoped the year to have been, there were some highlights and many valiantly played games nontheless. The team will recall with pleasure their 59-57 Victory over Seton Hall which pulled them out of a four game losing streak. The Eagles knew they had to win. 'They went down there and beat'em by 2," said Coach Plotzke with much pride.

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The efforts of the Eagles left opponents amazed, Intimidated, and kept teammates cheering.


Madeira was the top scorer once again witli 19 points and 6 rebounds. Jane Haubrich gave the Pirate defense a hard time racl<ing up eight basl<ets; and center Biz Houghton also had a strong game charging in to the bcisl<et for 1 3 points and four rebounds. Thorton did a good job on the rebounds coming up with five, it was a hard played game on both sides but the team proved that they could be trouble when they had it together.

The Highlight of the season was the Nike Classic held at Roberts Center the day after the Liberty Bowl. BC ran 1 3th ranked Virginia ragged but couldn't manage to keep up the score losing 48-56. They bounced back to overcome Notre Dame in a hotly contested 59-55 battle. The Eagles had a day that rare- ly comes to a team. Their determination, spirit, and refusal to give anything less than their all stirred the crowd of 2300 into deaf- ing roars of approval. That day the Eagles soared above their problems. And when they left the court the crowd, as coach

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Plotzke put it "just stood up and went crazy."

The women's basketball program was going through a time of growth. And like any fledglings the Eagles had their difficul- ties: Turn-overs came much to often, too many times the offense was unable to find those few game-winning points, and re- bounds were missed. But there was always a positive attitude.

T.H. McMorran


The lady hoopsters excelled this year In pas sing as demonstrated here by Sally Medeira against NU.





Farleigh Dickinson

New Hampshire



Rhode Island




Notre Dame






C.W. Post

Holy Cross



Boston University




BC-OPP 69-66 68-72 45-65 73-61 72-92 73-48 55-46 60-49 46-58 59-55 61-62 46-61 55-78 60-72 59-57 88-53 61-66 78-42 77-55 78-88 61-74 51-60 52-53

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Eagles Aim for Fourth NCAA Trip

For both coach Gary Williams and the BC basketball team, the expectations were high, but the reality of the '83-'84 season had been less than sensational.

BC began the season ranked in the top 20 by both wire services. The previous three seasons, the Eagles were ignored by the "experts," but reached the sweet sixteen round of the NCAA's. This year's team was expected to perform well.

Williams remarked, "This year they didn't look at the team, they just put us up there. This put pressure on us we didn't have be- fore. It made us a big target. It's much easier being the underdog. Now every team is up when they play us. We haven't faced a team all year that wasn't ready for us."

This pressure may have been intensified by the Eagles early schedule. Seven early (though not all impressive) wins against cream-puff opponents (including Williams' 100th career win against UNH), had BC ranked sixth going into their first big game, a CBS nationally televised joust at Maryland.

Quite simply, BC was blown out. The then eighth ranked Terrapins outdid the Eagles in the intensity and performance. Maryland employed a triangle and two defense de- signed to stop junior point guard Michael

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Marc Vellleux

Top: Gary Williams directs the troops; Riglit: Crowd favorite Rodney Rice executes defensive worii; Far Right: Big, litde man Michael Adams.


Adams, and senior forward jay Murphy. It did.

For tiie first time tine burden fell on the other starters, sophomore 6'5" center Ro- ger McCready, senior forward Martin Clari< and sophomore off-guard Dominic Press- ley. They were unable to fully meet the chal- lenge. BC had their first loss.

In the Hoosier cliissic, December 29 and 30, tri-captains Adams and Murphy again carried the team. They led BC to an 88-80 opening round victory against Iowa State and combined for 54 points in the 72-66 championship loss to host Indiana.

Hoosier (and 1984 US Olympic coach) Bobby Knight said, "Boy, they (the Eagles) are tough. They never gave up. I'd never want to play them on the road."

in the Big East opener, January 4, Murphy and Adams again were the show in an 8 1 -77 win over Pittsburgh. Afterwards, Pitt coach Roy Chipman said. "To beat BC, you don't play everybody. You play Murphy and Adams." But Pitt lost both games to BC, so they must have done something wrong.

At this point BC began to come together, winning six of their next eight games, includ- ing five of eight in the Big East. Tri-captain Clark began to cissert himself offensively, contributing key baskets in most games. His production made up for Adams' offensive problems and the lack of production from an off-guard. But these problems eventually caught up with BC.

Before the February 8 Villanova game, BC was 1 5-5 overall, 6-3 in the conference. Six days later they were 1 5-8, 6-6 and heading for the bottom half of the Big East standings.

Williams said, "Last year we got the

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breaks, we won the close games in the league. This year we're not. But you can't complain. You just have to keep trying." Mike Corcoran

Marc Vellleux

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Marc Vellleux

Marc Vellleux

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Photos by George Moustakas







New Hampshire


Puget Sound




at Rhode Island


Holy Cross


at Maryland


Iowa State































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Clockwise from left; Martin Clark fights for a rebound; Dominic Pressley and Martin Clark above the crowd.


J v

Photos by Paul D. Campanella

BC's Four Star Performers

Jay Murphy and Martin Clark were BC bas- ketball captains. Each had started in over 1 00 games for BC. Both scored over 1 ,000 points. But their styles and personalities were as different as their achievements were alike.

Murphy Wcis an oddity, a 6' 11 " forward whose specialty was the long jumper. His points seemed to come smoothly and almost without effort. When he was not, they came in bunches. Murphy's outside accuracy has him in the race for the Big East scoring crown. With over 1 ,600 career points, Murphy could have been BC's all time leading scorer before his eligibility ex- pired.

Murphy could have made the US Olympic basketball team, and would probably be picked in the first round of the NBA draft.

His rebounding had been questioned, but Murphy led BC in rebounding his junioryear, not center John Garris. Murphy's outside shooting often removed him from offensive rebounding battles, partially accounting for seemingly low totals in this area.

You can tell from Murphy how the team was doing. If BC was ahead, or playing well early. Murphy would give the ball to the opposing inbounder after an Eagle basket. When BC Wcis struggling, or the game was close, no help would be given.

Clark was probably the hardest worker on the team. He often worked out on his own, in addition to the regular team workouts. He played hard, but hid his intensity under an almost mechanical exterior. When Clark was pressuring an inbounder, he would yell "Ball" at him, hoping to distract him and cause a turnov- er. Clark fit the Puritan work ethic perfectly, al- though he was a native of Old England.

After a fine freshman year, Clark's produc- tion fell off, especially his junior year. Coach Williams commented, "Last year Martin's role was to get the ball to John (Garris) and Jay (Murphy) inside. He sacrificed himself like a good team player. This year, without |ohn, we need his outside shooting more. He's really played well, particulariy in the last ten or so games."

Clark also had his eyes on the NBA, citing this aspiration as the main reason he came to school in the US. A dean's list student, Clark takes his basketball seriously, possibly appearance on the English Olympic team. Mike Corcoran

Photo by Marc Vellleux

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. . . Tlie Excitement Never Ends






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The Eagle Hockey team was promising from the start. The group was led by five seniors; tri-captians ]im Chisoim, Billy McDonough, and Ed Ravsio, along with Robin Monitor and Dan Griffin. "We've had a great senior class academically and athleti- cally," commented head coach Len Ceglars- ki. The team lost Lee Blossom, Mike O'Neil, and Joe McCarron as well as goalie standout Billy Switaj, but they had plenty to be opti- mistic about with a strong underclassmen line-up and several strong recruits. Bob Sweeny, and sophomores Scott Gorden and Freshman Shawn Real could have the hardest job trying to defend the goal in the tradition and success of Switaj. Pre-season ranked number one in the top ten teams in the country, the Eagles got off to their best start in several years winning their first seven contests. The Eagles first opponent, the Chiefs from the University of Lowell made the Eagles wary as a Division II chief team thrashed BC 1 0-0 in exhibition play last year. This was not to be repeated, however, as the Eagles gave the Chiefs a rude awakening in their Division I debut with a 3-2 win. In his first game of the season, Gordon was out- standing making several key saves late in the game to thwart the Chiefs rally. Goals by Niel Shea, Tim Mitchell, and Bob Sweeney were good enough for the victory with good de- fense and goaltending.

Arch-rival Holy Cross proved to be not as much competition as the purple football and hoop teams, as the Eagles dropped the Cru- saders 1 0-2 BC proved from the first period that it was the better of the two teams by racing to a 3-0 lead on goals by Kevin Stevens, Jim Merliky, and Tim Mitchell whose goal was the eventual gamewinner as he scored with a quick wristshot. The

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Photos by Paul D. Campanella

Eagles continued with their high powered attacl< on goals by Sweeney, Neil Shea and Ed Ravsio. Doug Brown, Dan Griffin and Scott Harlow also tallied.

The Eagles defended cross town rivals Northeastern 3-1 and needed overtime to surpass a stubborn Brown squad at McHugh Forum 4-3. BC scored three easy goals by defensive Dom Campadelli, Neal Shea, and David Livingston, but a scrappy enemy de- fense pressurred BC in the third period and sent three home to even the score and send BC into its first overtime of the season. The Eagles were outshot8-5 in the overtime, but Bob Emery pushed a loose puck to Tim Mitchell who slapped it past Bruin Goalie, Paul McCarthy for the victory.

On a two game road trip that promised to be difficult, the Eagles collected two more victories. They travelled to Potsdam, New York and got two goals by Livingston to propell BC to a 5-3 win over Clarkson break- ing their ten game home unbeaten streak. Gordon had 40 saves and Ravsio, Harlow and Bob Emery had the other goals.

The BC squad next headed to Canton, New York and scored a 5-4 overtime victory over St. Lawrence on a goal by Herliky with just twelve seconds left in OT. The scorers were Sweeney, McDonough, and Scott Har- low with two first period goals. The two wins on the road brought some notice to the hockey team which spent most of its time skating in the shadow of the basketball team. The Eagles followed three days later with a win over the Maine Black Bears team at McHugh opening their record to 7-0, one of the team's best starts in their history as a

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varsity sport.

But the hard fought victories tool< their toll on the team which was played with injuries which sidelined almost one third of the skat- ers. This situation came at a bad time as the team travelled to Matthews Arena and dropped a hard fought game to the Huskies of Northeastern. The weakened squad then returned to face their toughest opponent, Providence. Last season, the Friars won both contests which were hampered by fights, cheap shots, and very aggressive hockey. This years match was much cleaner, but the outcome was the same as BC dropped its second game. The birds then closed out their home schedule of the first semester with another overtime victory over the Ti- gers of Princeton University. Brooke Shields didn't make the game, much to the dismay of BC's regular fans.

Over Christmas vacation, the Eagles faced off against many different foes all across the country. They defeated a highly ranked Min- nisota-Deluth team and also claimed two victories at the Christmas Hockey Tourna- ment against Minn.-Deluth, Lake Superior State, and Ferris State. In January the Eagles topped the Crimson of Harvard and then packed their bags for Anchorage, Alaska, the Eagles beat the host Anchorage team and then entered the first Alaskan Interstate Classic finishing in fifth place with two wins and one loss in a field of; BC, Northeastern, Colorado College, North Dakota, University of British Columbia, Dalhovsie State, and the

George Moustakas

Paul D. Campanella

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host team, Anchorage. The Eskimos were great hockey fans.

On January 1 1 , the team began the sec- ond half of competition by defeating the BU. Terriers in front of a sold-out Forum. On a short road trip, BC defeated Cornell but were very surprised by a talented Yale team at New Haven in the ECAC upset of the year when Sean Nesly registered a hat trick and Eli goalie, Mike Schwab turned aside 36 shots, frustrating the Eagles. Jennifer Beals missed the game. The next game would decide the fate of the Eagles as the strong Wildcats of UNH came to McHugh.

Both teams were rated fifth in the nation, UNH with an 11-8-1 record and BC with a 1 6-4 ledger. BC struck quickly, 43 seconds into the game on a goal by Herliky from Ravsio and Chisolm. UNH knotted the game but BC scorer Scott Harlow placed the puck past Wildcat goalie, Bruce Gillis. But UNH fired up and scored two goals for a 3-2 lead. Robin Monlion then showed his speed and talent on a 4 on 4 situation to tie the game. But UNH stormed back and took the lead again on Dan Muse's second goal. The game became scrappy as Billy McDonough worked hard to set up Monlion for his sec- ond goal.

With the score tied at four and the stand- ing room only crowd roaring, Jim Merliky connected with a 25 foot shot at 16:08 of the final period. Outstanding saves by Gor- don sealed the amazing come-back victory giving them a 16-4 record and their best start since the 79-80 season. In the next contest BC displayed power in overtime by defeating the University of Vermont 5-4 on a goal by Herlil^ increasing their record to 17-4.

Next, the Eagles humiliated Dartmouth 1 0-2 and then recorded their eighth over- time victory against Colgate 4-3 on a goal by Delaney. The Eagles dropped their next three, losing to their rivals, the Providence Friars, The BU Terriers and losing 4-3 to powerful RPI in the battle for the league. The Engineers pelted Gordon with 5 1 shots and an expert passing game. The Eagles clinched third place in the Beanpot by defeating Harvard in the consolation game and re- mained in good shape for the ECAC playoffs (March second through tenth see supple- ment.) With remaining games against UNH, Maine, Army, and BU, the Eagles had the chance for home ice advantage for the March playoffs and hopefully a berth in the NCAA tournament.

Leo Melanson

f T

Top: Three Eagles celebrate a goal by Tim I Mitchell; Below: Ld Ravsio races past R.P.' I defender for the puck; Opposite: Crashi

Marc Veilleux

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Phoeos by PC &. MV

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Holy Cross









Ferris State

Lake Superior State



North Dakota

British Columbia

Colorado College









Boston University



BC-OPP 3-2 10-2 3- 4-3 5-3 5-4 5-4 4-9 1-2 6-5 9-6 6-4 6-4 3-1 3-4 4-3 4-3 4-3 3-1 3-5 5-4 5-4 10-2 4-3 2-5 5-6 3-4 5-2

Every institution, whether political, social, cultural, or otherwise, carries with it a set of terms which is nearly always associated with that particular institution. The Presidency gives us "the Chief Executive," Hollywood the "leading lady," High Finance "in the black," and Baseball the "fall clcissic." The point is that when you discuss these things you expect to come in contact with these terms.

The Beanpot Hockey Tournament, yearly contested between BC, Harvard, Northeast- ern, and Boston University the first two Monday nights in February, is no different from any other institution.

When you attend the Beanpot, read about or talk about it, you can expect certain termi- nology to be used and certain things to hap- pen. There's just no getting around it.

For instance, the tournament is referred to as a "showcase of hockey," the "Midwinter" or "February Classic," a "social and athletic must," an "ice extravaganza," the "T' Stop Tournament," the "battle of Boston," and the "only tournament of its kind in collegiate sports." Don't forget "the (fill in the number) Annual Beanpot."

The trophy given to the winner is almost always called "the Pot of Beans," or the "cov- eted Beanpot Cup." But not only is the winner given "the coveted trophy," it also receives the "bragging rights of Boston," and if its a particularly impressive triumph, the "bragging which extends from the bars of Fanueil Hall to the Beaches of the Cape."

Inevitably, you will always hear some toothless local boy being interviewed on TV, saying "what a thrill it is to play in the Bean- pot, especially if you've grown up around here. Ever since 1 was little kid, I've always wanted to play in a Beanpot."

Additionally, you will always see former BC coach John "Snooks" Kelly sitting in the first seat of the first row of the first loge of the Boston Garden, chatting amiacably with for- mer BU coach Jack Kelly.

Oh, there is one thing you may never see. You will never see the team favored to win the tournament actually win it and most like- ly you will never see a team win it two years in a row.

JT Kern



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A Bird For All Seasons

"Alumni stadium is packed to the rafters with 33,000 screaming BC fans awaiting the entrance of the Football team. My eyes are on the tunnel of band members lined up across the field. I am looking for the captains, but wait a second, that's not Bob Biestek or Steve DeOssie, it's our crazy mascot, the fabulous Eagle! Onto the field runs this comedian sporting a maroon and gold flag with BC's emblem on it. The crowd now rises to its feet as the excite- ment grows to an immeasurable pitch." A fan.

The Eagle mascot typified the spirit and enthusiasm characteristic of a BC sporting event. He was definitely one of the centers of attraction for the crowd and he helped the fans to get fired up to support the team. Whether he did stunts with the

cheerleaders, his closest companions, or ran among the capacity crowd eager to shake hands and meet friends he wcis al- ways entertaining to watch. In the eyes of many long time fans, he was a celebrity. Fans flocked to get close to the field for his autograph while others told their mom and dad that one day they wanted to be this feathered hero.

In Roberts Center, he was more tangible to the tighter-packed Basketball audience (infamous across the country for it's man- ical fanaticism for their favorite sport). In Roberts Center, the Eagle mingled con- tinually with the crowd, helping to moti- vate their excitement. He particularly en- joyed screaming at rivals invading the Eagle's nest. The Eagle's most famous stunts included flips, dunking basketballs from a mini-tramp, and of course, sliding across the floor to molest other squads of cheerleaders or to compliment his own

squad's pyramids and cheers. His efforts were usually rewarded as the home crowd intimidated the opponent and cheered the Eagle hoopsters on to victory. The ever- popular Eagle was admired by many and despised by few (usually opposing teams and fans). His is a job that requires courage, spirit, daring, and audacity.

The Eagle had his work cut out for him. There was no excuse for missing a game (which he never did), because he was ac- countable not to one person, but to thousands of BC fans and supporters who expected to always see the Eagle in fine form.

What would the team and fans have done without this inspirational individual? The game just wouldn't have been the same without the talents of that remark- able Eagle.

B.j. Agugliaro

Paul D. Campaneila


Marc Veilleux

The Making Of A Legend

For all intents and purposes, it was simp- ly a matter of timing and pure, unadulter- ated luck, in spring 1 98 1 , BC had just lost two quarterback recruits to other schools, and had only one scholarship left to give out.

"Some kid" named Flutie, a quarterback at nearby Natick High was still available, although the word at the time was that he was leaning towards Holy Cross, and that according to the rules, the kid was a little small to be playing NCAA Division l-A foot- ball. The charge was illustrated by the fact that BC was the only major football school whose coaches had even given him any serious consideration, and that even they had their doubts, thinking he might be bet- ter suited as a defensive back if they actual- ly did pick him up. No, this was the '80's. 5'9", 1 7 5 pounds would not quite make it. Something like 6'3", 2 1 5 pounds now that's the ideal college quarterback. All the same, BC gave him the scholarship.

Talk about good luck. That decision in 1 98 1 was filed under the heading "mutual- ly beneficial." One could only speculate, but who knows what the fortunes of Rutie and the Eagles would have been had they not joined forces on that fateful day. What did happen was somehow magical, some- how fated. One decision small in nature, huge in impact. Chance perhaps, but what resulted is the metamorphosis of Doug Flutie from good athlete to national super- star, and the transformation of BC football from 0-11 in 1978 to the Tangerine Bowl in 1982.

What had Doug Flutie done in three years at BC? First, he did his best to shatter a few notions. Faulty notions maybe, but maybe they are not. When applied to Flutie, however, notions were meaningless. Too short? Tell that to all the so-called great defenses Flutie has humbled. One man couldn't do it alone? Tell that to anyone who watched him singlehandedly win two games he had no business winning in 1982, with less than a minute left in each. Eastern football wcis inherently regional, especially in New England? Tell that to the media kingpins of America, all of whom were stepping over each other to grab a piece of him. With Doug Flutie, any precon- ceived ide^ls went out with the bathwater. They just didn't stand up any more.

For a "short history," Flutie arrived at the Heights in the fall of '8 1 , when he found his way onto the depth chart cis the fifth string quarterback, and part time kick returner. The seeison started on a promising note as the Eagles defeated Texcis A&JV\ in a 1 3- 1 2 thriller. BC soon went into a tailspin, however, losing four straight games and three quarterbacks to injury. In the third game of the losing streak, BC was being shut out mercilessly at Penn State, and new head coack jack Bicknell decided in the fourth quarter to give his fifth-string fresh- man a tryout. Bicknell probably never made a better decision. Flutie threw for 1 3 5 yards and a touchdown, and promptly became the team's starter. Bicknell saw something there.

After a loss to Navy and a blowout of

Army, number 22 unleashed the firepower and excitement that would become his trademark against then second-ranked Pittsburgh. First there were the raw stats 23 for 42, 347 yards, two TD passes. Then there was the score. BC lost 29-24, but only after scaring the living he-- out of the Panthers. Flutie connected on pass after pass, marching it right down the visitors' throats, staging comeback after comeback only to be thwarted by a string of bad luck. The unfortunate outcome was not what those in attendance (at probably the most exciting football game they'll ever see) will remember. No, it will be that spark Flutie generated that is remembered. What we saw was not a conventional quarterback, but a practicing magician. When he shuf- fled a desperate underhand forward pass to Leo Smith for a crucial first down, Flutie fully revealed his secrets innovation and spontaneous rewriting of traditional wis- dom. These and an uncanny self- confidence on the field were what made Flutie an integral part of the team, and a legend unto himself.

But the best was yet to come. Flutie had a lot to prove when he resumed control of the Eagle offense, which itself had a lot to prove, at the start of the 1 982 season. Was his freshman se^lson a fluke? Would he start thinking like a quarterback and forego his reckless style of play, thus ruining his arsenal? Or would he just get better? Flutie chose the latter, and made history, passing for 2749 yards and leading his team to its first bowl in 40 years.



'^t ■^■





The famous Doug Flutie fust avoids a sack In time to release a pass. Flutie warms up for action before the Temple game In Phi- ladelphia.



At times Flutie seemed unbounded in his sophomore seeison. He began it with a showing that matched his Pittsburgh out- ing of the previous year by whipping Texas A8JVI 38-12 on 356 yards passing and three TDs. There were the supernatural comeback wins over Rutgers and Syra- cuse, which will go down in the annals of BC football cis the work of a God decidedly partial to Jesuits. There was the comeback tie against Clemson. Then there was the Penn State game, in which Flutie had prob- ably the best single performance ever by a BC athlete, passing for an unbelievable 520 yards. Nittany Lion coach Joe Patemo cal- led him a "one man team." But it was more than the ability Flutie showed in his great games, and more than his wonderful over- all season that made 1 982 such an enjoy- able season to follow. It was the little things, like the charisma, like the sheer au- dacity to keep on throwing after making a few mistakes, like the instinct to run a ply his way because he senses something no- body else does. And after an '83 season in which he eliminated a tendency to throw interceptions, and fully integrated his style of play with the entire Eagle offensive game plan, who knows how far he can go?

John Gill

.* -m


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"Looking back at my four years at BC, I will always have fond memories of foot- ball games on cold Saturday afternoons as our beloved Eagles clashed with for- midable foes from-around the country. The special quality of these memories lies not in the game itself, but in the unique aura of excitement and happiness of the people surrounding the game. It didn't matter if we won the game or not be- cause football games are and always will be more than just a game. I wouldn't miss one for anything in the world." A Fan.

The day of a game, at 8 o'clock AM, the faithful legions of tailgaters began pour- ing into the parking lot with fresh aromas of hamburgers, hot dogs, and beer on tap. The alumni ranged from 1 983 grads

to the class of 1 940, all wearing every bit of maroon and gold clothing they could squeeze on. The faithful Biestek Brigade, the Hawaiian tailgate, those crazy guys painted from head to foot in BC colors were all major attractions in the parking lot packed with masses of BC supporters and friends. All the fans were having a great time despite their hangovers. If it were just any Saturday, everyone would still be asleep. But on a game day for college football and no one would miss it for anything in the world.

The rowdie Screaming Eagles Band would march through the parking lot playing "For Boston" as loud as they could. This signaled everyone to finish their last brew and find a seat. There

MiiSiL M.

> * J

would be television cameras all over the place and one could see people on top of the Rec Plex, Higgins, and Resies. As the Eagles ran out to field behind the cheer- leaders and the Eagle, everyone would scream and begin humming the fight song, never actually knowing all of the words. The game would be about to begin and everyone knew that it would be special and exciting, continuing the spectable of excitement that actually began many hours before the players arrived.

Would the traditions of pre-game ex- citement and support continue in the years ahead? Many '84 grads intended to be at all the games as alumni. Who would miss them for anything in the world?

Cooperation remember the banana, everytime it leaves the bunch, it gets skinned. United we fail, divided we stand."

This motto reflected the attitude of the leam. After losing players from the 1982- 1 983 season, the women's volleyball team struggled through a rebuilding year. The record failed to reflect the hard work, hours of practicing, and enthusiasm of all the players. Unfortunately the team was plagued with in- fufies throughout the season, and the "Vol- ^eybaii Machines" were unable to fulfill their potenual Tvvo players had graduated in

' ' t^ra Levy and Ann Weiler. Both will

<1 rfemendously. on and off the

i^ seven new players in 1983-

ni^?ht prove to be much more

■) had much talent, waltin(|^B dps most importantly, de^W ne team still had fun!


Western Connecticut




Eastern Nazarene




American International






























Salem State







0 3

Oockwlse from left: The BC lady splkera display their fine form on defense, close to the Une, and In preparation for (iieir opponent's serve.

C h e e r I e a d i n g had become an es- sential and integral aspect of college sporting events all across the country in the exciting and high-spirited NCAA. It had grown up from an era of pom-pom-squad-type cheerleaders screaming at their favorite players on the field to an important crowd- pleasing sideshow. In 1983-84. cheerleaders were responsible for entertaining the fans as well as for exciting the crowd and drumming up enthusiasm and support for the athletic teams they represented (even if they were behind by 54 points). The cheerleaders were quite a spectacle and created excitement by incorporating stunts, pyramids, gymnastics, cheers, and intricate dances into an outstanding spirit-raising program.

Fans were very proud of the cheerleading squad which had grown alongside the teams in terms of national recognition. They were among the best cheerleaders in the country. Where some col- leges and universities had special gymnastic programs, scholarships, coaches, training facilities, and financial backing, the BC cheerleader program had excelled and grown on it's own without any of these forms of support. Less than six years ago, BC had a ragged squad which consisted of a few good looking individuals not very proficient in the skills of today's cheerleaders. The accomplishments of the BC cheerleaders added to the growing recognition of BC as a fine athletic institution. The cheerleaders held difficult tryouts every season to attract the strongest

and best candi- dates for the job. A candidate's spirit, athletic ability, character, dedication, and patience were required to drive endless hours to away games, spend many frustrating hours a week practicing and perfecting routines. The job was a tough one and it put a strain on the individual's physical and mental capacities to maintain spirit and enthusiasm, and to raise support their favorite team.

The entire squad, consisting of fourteen members and a mascot, attended a spirit-raising camp during the summer months where they were instructed by The Universal Cheer- leaders Association at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Virginia. Here, they refined their repetoire of stunts and cheers with every other major collegiate squad from all over the country.

The goal of the cheerleaders was to promote school enthusiasm at home and at away football and basketball games. The BC cheerleaders also competed for national recognition and a trip to the National Cheerleading Championships held in Hawaii in January. The cheer- leaders felt that if they could get their crowd excited about winning, the crowd would get the team excited about winning. Winning was thus the greatest reward and the ultimate goal for the cheerleaders. Their spirit and enthusiasm for our sports programs should serve as a model to us all.

Leo M. Melanson


iSports Featurei

Kevin Hutchinson ioolts up fieid for assistance. |orge Montoya boots a pass into Yaie territory. Tony Gomes awaits a pass from teammates.

From Rags To Rankings

After experiencing the greatest secison in the team's history, the 1983-84 version of coach Ben Brewster's soccer squad mired in mediocrity. Expectations were high for the Eagles, the immediate predecessors to the team that won the Greater Boston League Championship, finished second in the Big East Championship, shared the New Eng- land Championship with the University of Connecticut, and travelled to the NCAA's.

But by the fourth game of the fall secison, it became apparent that too much had been expected of the Eagles. Possessing a 2-1 record and the number twelve spot in The Sporting News national poll of collegiate soccer teams, the Eagles faced off against UCONN in their biggest game of the sea- son. This game would be the deciding factor in the Eagle's win-loss record. Unfortunately the Eagles got trounced 3-0 and appeared very weak against the Huskies from Con- necticut. This abruptly ended the national rankings for the soccer squad for the rest of the season.

The season was still young, though, and BC still anticipated another banner year of soccer excitement and domination over their opponents. Three straight victories

over UNH, Tufts, and 1983 Big East Champions Syracuse, seemed to be the fuel for the Eagles anticipation. A pair of wins in their upcoming trip to the sunny fields of Florida would certify the Eagles as a legitimate soccer power as the Eagles were to play the University of Tam- pa and the University of South Florida. This extended road trip would be the turning point of the season.

The tum was for the worse. The Eagles played well in a 2- 1 loss to Tampa, but then were humiliated by a South Florida team that dominated the play with their powerhouse offense and won the game 5- 1 . Insult was added to injuiy as the Eagles retumed home to lose to Harvard. BC then made a road trip to another Ivy league opponent and many supporters were on hand. The proud onlookers watched their beloved Eagles drop at the hands of the Eli, but were later consolled on the gridiron in the Yale bowl. Their second consecutive loss to an Ivy League opponent plummeted the high flying Eagles to a dismal 5-6. From then on they continually swapped win for loss with their opponents maintaining a .500 season. The play during this part

of the season showed some flashes of bril- liance, but for the most part saw the Eagles battling against their own inconsistency.

The team that had trampled the turf of Alumni stadium during autumn 1983 was not a bad one. To win ten games by one goal, as the '82 team did, takes a few lucky bounces as well as the right personnel. Those lucky bounces apparently landed the wrong way this season and even though the personnel was largely the same, eighteen lettermen returned, the magic of the '82 Cinderella Eagles was missing.

It was a particularly frustrating finish for a group of athletes that had distinguished themselves, their team, and their school during their careers as soccer players here at BC. For four years Keith Brown, Peter Dorf- man, Jon Farrow, Tony Gomes, Jay Hutchins, Kevin Hutchinson, Jorge Montoya, and Tony Sullivan performed above and beyond the exploits of any class of soccer players before them in BC history. When they were finished, despite the anti climactic finale, they had accumulated the best record of any class of soccer players.

VIn Sylvia


Marc Veilleux

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Top to bottom: John Farrow crashes by Yale defender. Peter Doifman avoids more Yale defenders.

These Senior Soccer players have brought a new wave of excitement about soccer to the Heights over the past four years.

Top to bottom: |ay Hutchlns and Yale defense await corner kick. Keith Brown trys to keep the bail in bounds.

Paul D. Campanella

Marc Meileux

"My life as a |esult is nurtured immensely by coming in contact with young people at a very important time of their life." William Neenan, S|.

Jesuits and education go hand in hand; they also go way bacl< to the year 1 52 1 when St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the So- ciety of Jesus, was injured at Pamplona. Dur- ing his recovery, St. Ignatius read two books. After reflection on the content of the books, St. Ignatius changed his life and founded the Jesuit order in 1 540, basing the order on his conversion of philosophy an outstanding accomplishment! An importance attrached to the value of an idea, the reflection on that idea, and then the reflection to action.

"Contemplatio en actione." Contempla- tion in action, the Jesuit motto embodies the educational experience as distinct from any other. There was an emphasis and respect for the idea and an emphases on a careful examination of the text out of which one is expected to act. A Jesuit education was not mere contemplation rather it was one that lead to action in one's own life and for the betterment of society. There was the con- stant interaction of activity and reflection. Fr. William B. Neenan, SJ, cited BC's PULSE ex- perience as being the exact pairing of the Jesuit motto: text and experience. Education was not merely a self-perfection goal, it was the passing on of knowledge in helping and assisting others.

Fr. Neenan saw BC as "assuming a leader- ship role in Catholic/Jesuit education." it's location and identity with Boston and it's traditions and Boston's present position as a highly educational center in the United States helped to increcise the University's recognition. Fr. Neenan reflected: "In the past 1 5 to 20 years, the last five in particular, I have seen an increased visibility. 1 think that BC is becoming one of the leading Catholic/ Jesuit universities, competing with George- town and Notre Dame." He also believed that the increasing national recognition and responsibility would be achieved without losing our sense of roots. He noted, "BC has grown out of specific historical traditions, we will grow organically, maintain our sense of community and personal responsibility, and continue our respect for individual backgrounds." There w£is a definite con- tinuity with the past and acceptance of the new national role.

One particular form of maintaining tradi- tions at BC was the positioning of a Jesuit as the president of the University. This was not a mandatory criteria for occupying the office but a symbolic statement of the values and beliefs of a Jesuit education. Yet Fr. Neenan recognized that "as the number of Jesuits decline, in relative and absolute numbers, it is increasingly important that lay faculty and administrators appreciate the values of the University."

Students also recognized the Jesuit influ- ence on and off campus. Many students came to BC because of the Jesuit traditions in education. Once students were on cam- pus, they absorbed an identity witli the tradi- tions. The purpose of the philosophy and theology requirements according to Fr. Neenan was that it was "part of being an educated person, reality is more than what we can touch or feel. It is within this curricu-


lum that we can come to grips with great thini^ers that try to grapple with intangibles." As a perfect example of Jesuits and edu- cation going hand in hand, Fr. Neenan, as a Jesuit in an education institution found his life rewarding and nurtured by his student, faculty, and administrative relationships. "My life as a Jesuit is nurtured immensely by coming in contact with young people at a very important time of their lives when they are making important decisions and en- countering crises. I am exposed to their openness and generosity, it is a very nurtur- ing experience. I also enjoy and find very invigorating, my interaction with lay faculty and administrators. They give me a fresh outlook on life hope for the future and concern for the present, i am less selfish than 1 would othenA/ise be. In all honesty, it's a ball, in fact it's such a wonderful life that I'm surprised that there aren't more people embracing it."

Aileen Heller

Ted Dzlak, S| and Edward Hanrahan, S| Interacting with the BC student community.


Two impressive structures abroad: the clocl( tower of London, or Big Ben, and St. Basil's Cathedrai and Kremlin Wall, Red Square, Moscow.

loan and Ruta en|oy a peaceful moment on Westminster Bridge; the BC study group poses on a man-made beach in Siberia; and the Fine Arts trip to Italy was highlight- ed by an audience with the Pope.












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The, world of DH Law- rence came alive for some of us during a week-long field trip to London, and Nottingham, En- gland in February, 1983. Accompanied by Professor Hughes and his daughter. Josh, our English class retraced the steps of Lawrence's life and discovered the Not- tingham countryside which so deeply influenced the world-famous author.

Nottingham, home of the legendary Robin Hood, was the mining town in which Lawrence grew up. We walked along the same narrow, dirt roads as he and we visited the tiny row homes in which he was raised. The quaint British pubs and green open fields were famil- iar to us through Lawrence's writings that we had studied. The trip was like stepping back one hundred years in time in to the world of his novels: Sons and Lovers, Women in Love, and Lady Chatterley's Lover.

London, however, was a complete contrast to the quiet world of Lawrence. This city was bustling with activities Buckingham Palace, Westminister Abbey, museums, theaters, double-decker buses and lots of people. There was plenty to keep us busy.

All in all, our field trip was a great experience. We saw two sides of a country past and present and brought the world of DH Lawrence back to campus. Gina Surrichio

Embarking on a new adventure, the Fine Arts department sponsored a study abroad program in Italy this past summer. Directed by Professor Von Hennenberg, the program aimed at offering the student a novel, historical educa- tion integrated with cultural ex- posure. In just three weeks we covered centuries of history visiting modern, baroque, re- naissance and ancient sites.

Spending ten days in Florence and ten days in Rome, we soon acquainted ourselves with the local flavor: discovering old leather tanneries, great home- made ice cream stands, family restaurants, youth quarters and ancient ruins. Our flexible schedule allowed us unlimited freedom to explore on our own, enhancing our indepen- dence and unleashing our own interests. The informal

educational expe- rience, combined with shopping sprees, soccer games, concerts, ballets, sun-

bathing at the beach, day trips to well known cities and visiting the Pope, ranked this as an invaluable op- portunity for any college student. It was an unforgetable chapter in my Univer- sity experience.

Mille grazie profes- soravon Hennenberg! Cindi Gardner

Academics / 1 77

From day one, my public relations in- ternship at Bloomingdaie's was a liighiy educational and demanding experience.

My first responsibility was drinl<.ing champagne at Ralph Lauren's Fall Preview Reception. My second responsibility was drinking champagne at the black tie open- ing of Bloomies' "Fete de France" promo- tion. When they said it is a rat-race out there, they weren't kidding.

Actually I came to find that the glamor- ous social functions were tremendously small rewards for the long hours and time consuming projects public-relations work involved. A Public Relations Department, especially within the retailing industry, is the store scapegoat. If sales dropped. Pub- lic Relations was blamed for a poor promo- tion. When customers had a complaint, the PR Department got ALL the gripes, and when anyone had a question no one else could answer, the PR staff was considered the omniscient authority.

In the midst of all this, the Public Rela- tions Department was responsible for the planning and implementation of special events and promotional ventures. At Bloomingdaie's, which was staffed by only three people, 1 had been involved with vir- tually every aspect of store PR. In addition to sipping champagne with Boston's Blue Bloods, I also addressed reams and reams of invitations, compiled press lists, arranged bus tours, organized fashion shows, hired talent and made scores of

hotel, restaurant and limo reservations.

The two days I spent at Bloomingdales, which usually amounted to 1 6 hours a week, were hectic, exhausting, and posi- tively invaluable. The exposure itself was tremendous, but if I had to summarize the internship's value in one word it would be "contacts." On the local scale, Boston's television personalities and producers, newspaper and magazine editors and wri- ters, important "captains of local industry" (to say nothing of influential customers), had daily dealings with the PR Department. On the national scale, Bloomingdaie's was constantly doing business with Public Rela- tions Departments of major clothing and home furnishing lines, other retail stores, fashion magazines and various divisions of the entertainment industry. 1 even made international contacts working directly with "Gerard," the fashion designer for Nina Ricci.

I received three credits from the Speech Communications Department for my in- ternship. 1 added a great entry to my re- sume, and as I mentioned earlier, made a lot of contacts. However, more important- ly, the internship helped me to develop confidence in my marketability. The public relations job market wasn't quite as threatening anymore . . . especially after I acquired a taste for champagne.

Beth Brickley

Beth Brickley and Paul Reader enjoy some of the many benefits of their internships.

Beyond The BC Campus


SO You wanted a career in television, huh? If you liked pressure, long-odd hours, competition, enormous egos, and yet im- mediate rewards for a job well done, then a career in television might have been the place for you.

It happened to be the right place for me. I interned at WCVB-TV. (Channel 5). the local ABC television affiliate here in Boston. I worked three days a week, while taking classes. It was a great way to get off campus and really find out what you wanted to do . . . something a great number of students in their senior year go off the deep end over.

Second semester junior year I interned in the newsroom of News Center 5 and assisted the producers of the mid-day and evening newscasts. It was an opportunity that few got and most appreciated.

Educationally, one was able to apply course work, while at the same time work among those in the industry who were pro- fessionals and set a great example.

To gain another perspective of television, I worked in the Specials Unit, the production house of Metromedia Inc., which was a divi- sion of Channel 5. There I assisted producers and directors in the special production of programs that aired periodically throughout the year on a national level.

Don't get me wrong, TV wasn't as glamor- ous or cis polished ^ls it seems. It was hectic, aggressive, and a powerful business. Yet no where could you match the outlet for creativity and excitement.

Had I not interned, I wouldn't have learned about television ... or myself.

Paul Reader

Beacon Communications, it sounded im- pressive. A company that owned a cliain of over fourteen weei<ly and daily newspap- ers. It sounded big: Beacon Communica- tions, it sounded lil<e it could use an intern. So I applied. I went right to the top of the company's corporate ladder and arranged an interview with the executive editor. Armed with my portfolio of Heights articles, I marched into his Acton office.

"Yes," said Mr. Executive Editor, "We could use an intern here. I don't know where, but with over fourteen publications, I'm sure we can find a spot for you some- where."

My niche turned out to be the tiny office of The Sunday Independent, a weekly tabloid heralding sections featuring anything from health and fitness to homemaking and en- tertaining. One entire section was even de- voted to a graphoanalyst who analyzed reader's handwriting.

During my first few days at The Indepen- dent, I felt as if I had acquired a secretarial internship instead of one involving use of journalism skills. 1 addressed envelopes, answered telephones, typed endless calen- dar events into the company's word proces- sor, and even was sent on a mission to buy my editor's son a sweatsuit.

Eventually the staff began to place greater responsibility on me. When the sales man- ager decided The Independent should offer a free movie listing, I made the contacts with the local cinemas. If an article needed a quote, or a fact needed to be verified, I made the phone call. When the press re- leases arrived in the mail from various cor- porations, I sifted through them to write the colums for "Names and Faces in Business" and "Questions and Answers."

One day as I was sitting at my terminal typing in classified ads, the editor of The Independent mentioned that she had been trying to think of ideas for the Entertainment section, particularly with the theme of enter- tainment in the fall. I thought I was so clever when I suggested tailgating, with an angle of continuing summer barbecues into the fall. She loved the idea. The next thing I knew, I was told to write the story that day, in one hour, without any notes in front of me to rely on. It was my first lesson in quick, creative writing. It was my first real deadline. It wcis also my first byline.

Yet the people who were earning their living from their bylines were my greatest source of knowledge. I shared their enthu- siasm with each article, respected their cri- ticism, felt their anxiety as each deadline approached, and listened to their com- plaints concerning the hectic lifestyle they were leading.

Beacon Communications found a place for me a place that gave me a genuine taste of the fast-paced, high-pressured atmosphere in a newspaper office. I realized the enormous amount of organization, de- sign, and turnover that went into the pro- duction of a newspaper. But most impor- tantly. Beacon Communications gave me a chance to be a real newspaper reporter for a semester.

Lisa Bernier

Glenn Cunha hobnobs with President of the Senate, William Bulger while Lisa Bernier types In "all the news that's fit to print."

After three years of running around campus, Monday through Friday, going from classes to the Eagles Nest to the UGBC office, I realized that it was time for a change of scenery. I wanted to get off campus a few days each week to see what existed beyond the borders of Commonwealth Avenue and Beacon Street. Having an interest in politics and government, the State House in Boston seemed to be the place for me.

Professor Gary Brazier's Internship Seminar provided me with six credits to spend fifteen hours a week at the State House as an intern and to discuss politi- cal issues one day a week for two hours with a prominent guest speaker. Since I had never taken a Political Science course, this program offered the most convenient way for me to receive prac- tical experience in state government. During the semester, I learned more about politics and government than I could have in any course. As a legislative assistant to Senator Joseph Timilty, I wit- nessed, first hand, how political deci- sions were made, how bills become laws, how politicians were always candi- dates, and how our political system functioned on a daily basis.

My three-year involvement in UGBC had been sparked by an interest in poli- tics. I discovered that there really was not much of a difference between stu- dent government on Chestnut Hill and state government on Beacon Hill. Members constantly debated issues, controversies arose, and someone al- ways seemed to come out smiling, while someone else was frowing. No- thing was easy hard work was always a requirement in any proposal or issue

and the politicians always seemed to be campaigning. Whether in the UGBC office or in the halls of the State House, someone was always counting votes.

My internship provided me with a realistic introduction to the professional world which awaited so many seniors. Up at 7:00 AM and out in the street by 8:00 AM, I caught the "T" on Common- wealth Ave. Donned in suit and tie, I was ready to enter the hustle and bustle of Boston's working world.

I am glad that I had the opportunity to experience this while still a college stu- dent. I knew what to expect the next year when it really counted!

by Glenn Cunha


In the fall of 1981, the Academic Vice President Joseph Panusi<a, S], dedicated his last year at BC to research. He initiated programs, funds and even secretarial help to encourage professors from all depart- ments to conduct research. In 1983-84 Academic Vice President, Joseph Fahey, SJ, continued this committment to the project. He expanded the research pro- grams and added new aid and funds to promote the research process at BC. The two professors interviewed here con- ducted very different kinds of research, yet they shared many of the same problems and rewards.

Professor William Sullivan, SJ, a full pro- fessor in the Biology Department, has taught at BC for twenty-six years and in 1982 he began doing research for the Sonntag Institute for Cancer Research. He and Nick Pacella, a senior pre-med stu- dent, were interested in isolating the pro- tein that regulates cell division. By combin- ing hundreds of microorganisms and syn- chronizing their division cycles, they could identify and examine the different proteins that were produced in the cell before and after division. If the protein that controls cell division could be found, scientists

Professor William Sullivan, S|, Biology Department.


could perhaps find a way to inhibit its ac- tions, thus stopping the growth of cancer cells. Father Sullivan noted, "We are not concerned with curing cancer, but in understanding the cell and how it is in- volved in cancer." He expected to spend at least five or six more years with these experiments although, "This is a subject for a lifetime of work."

The Sonntag Institute funded the re- search and though BC did not give money to Father Sullivan, the University did not charge overhead on the grants, which could reach 51%. Father Sullivan felt while the University encouraged research in the science, the University could contribute; he noted, "I would like to see more money given to us." Almost all of the Biology pro- fessors conducted some sort of research and were expected to do so.

How did Father Sullivan balance re- search and teaching? He taught two Biolo- gy courses which dealt with experiments and every semester ten undergraduate students were chosen by the department to help professors with their research. Re- search and education were therefore closely linked.

A very different sort of research was

Associate Professor David Northrup, History Department

done by Associate Professor David North- rup of the History Department. Professor Northrup had taught at BC since 1 974 and his special field was sub-Saharan black Afri- ca. In 1 983-84 he was working on a book about the movement from slave labor to free labor in Eastern Zaire from 1870- 1940.

Professor Northrup tookayear's leave of absence to travel to Belgium and Zaire in 1980-1981 He researched his material there and in 1 983 was working on compil- ing this information. His trips to Europe and Africa were funded by grants from the Na- tional Endowment for the Humanities, the Social Science Research Council and the Fullbright-Hays Faculty Research Fellow- ship. Although getting money to conduct research was an obstacle, "The biggest problem is getting time away from teaching to travel," Northrup said.

As he wrote his book. Professor North- rup presented sections of it in papers and lectures at professional meetings to get input and feedback from others in his field. He did most of his work during the sum- mer months and he was about half-finished with the project in 1983.

Professor Northrup noted that in the last two or three years BC had "blossomed in terms of encouragement of research."

There had been more sources of funding made available, there was a new program of paid leave for professors and there was an increased interest in the research pro- cess. He believed that this expansion was due to BC's desire to raise the quality of the faculty and become a more professional university.

Although he had no students helping him with his book. Professor Northrup felt that "the research that I do is very useful in my teaching. It opens up new topics in class and it aids in terms of new courses. The students are beneficiaries of our research."

Northrup believed that the History De- partment stood out at BC in terms of re- search.

Professor Northrup and Father Sullivan were representative of the intelligent ded- icated faculty members at the University who pursued their fields through research as well as through teaching. It was en- couraging to find that there are so many professors who believe that there was more to education lecturing and grading papers. Whether it be searching for an understanding of cancer, or shedding light on the history of our world, these profes- sors strove to instruct and learn. Their con- tributions significantly enhanced the quali- ty of academic life.


Going Far

For students, finding a study space is often a more tedious task than ttie actuai studying. Grace, Karen, Arthur, Michei, and Cien have ali found a spot to satisfy their study needs.


Cleaning house and "upgrading academics" were two i<ey phrases throughout the 1983-84 school year for Academic Vice President Joseph Fahey, S). For Fr. Fahey, entering his second year at BC, the year revolved quite fully about aca- demic issues.

With the undergraduate enrollment listed at 8,528 and graduate at 3,555, in- novative improvements and advance- ments in education were continuously sought. All work done within the broad realm of academics was contributed to by administrators, faculty, and students alike. The student voice was best represented via student liasons to the numerous com- mittees within the University seeking to deal with specific academic areas.

The establishment of the Student Arts and Sciences Coalition united all schools and served them with a consolidated lead- ership. The School of Nursing, School of Education and School of Management Senates continued to serve student needs and work in unity with UGBC.

While the University underwent physical improvements with the construction of the new library and renovation of the Lan- guage Laboratory in Lyons Hall, new and improved programming was also achieved. A special addition to the curricu- lum included the expansion of the Immer- sion Program. Under the direction of Katherine Hastings, Executive Assistant to the Academic Vice President, in conjunc- tion with Dr. James Flagg and Professor Jill Syverson-Stork, the program allowed stu-

dents to take various courses in areas such eis economics, political science, sociology, and business in either French or Spanish. The program met with much success and catered to those who had been abroad as well as to advanced language students.

The Junior Year Abroad Program con- tinued to be a highlight for Juniors. One hundred and forty students participated during the 1 982-83 term in programs not only in England, France, and Spain, but in Austria, Italy and Denmark. The programs, such as The University of Cork, Ireland en- couraged year-long participation.

The Arts and Sciences Educational Policy Committee developed minors in Women's studies. Medieval studies, Asian studies. Film studies, and Irish studies. The commit- tee then looked to the possibility of minors within major areas of study and continued to emphasize the importance of the Hon- ors Programs. Opportunities such as De- partmental Honors and Scholar of the Col- lege were available to students who quali- fied for application. Honors were pre- sented to students who completed a year- long thesis on a given topic.

Student participation began immediate- ly in September as representatives voiced their opinions about academics and stu- dent response at the Academics Commit- tee of the Board of Trustees. Executive As- sistant for Academic Affairs, Mary Louise Vitelli served as the student liason to the committee where issues discussed ranged from student advisement to computerized registration and the upgrading of academ-

ic study.

Of course, a major dilemma faced by 1983-84 students was the scheduling of only one study day during the first semes- ter. While negotiations between students and the administration did occur, the im- plementation of two study days was not deemed as possible. Sfudents fared well considering the lack of usual study time and looked to amend similar scheduling in 1 986 when again one study day was pro- posed for the spring semester.

Several major questions arose during the year which stirred thought within all sectors of the campus community. Fore- most was the question of the feeisibility of a department and, perhaps, a School of En- gineering. While the plans seemed to be quite positive, a steering committee had yet to be formed. In keeping pace with the future, the administration also had to deal with the question of how best to utilize space in Bapst library upon the completion of the Central Library. Computers, class- rooms and study areas were to be located within the new edifice leaving Bapst with options including archives, offices, the Fine Arts department and study space.

While these questions circulated amongst students, faculty, and adminis- trators, it became obvious that the direc- tion of the University was beginning to de- part from the one in which it had been going until a decade ago. In comparison with surrounding universities, BC managed to maintain a high quality faculty and top student body while creating new academic programs and thereby developing a changed attitude for Boston: an attitude where a liberal arts education was still strongly encouraged as was knowledge of the world and the ability to communicate. However, the world of computers and business was more emphasized than in the past at the University. A "well-educated" person still evolved with the administra- tion's willingness to innovate and follow the trend of the future.

Mary Louise Vitelli



The Paraprofessional Leadership Group had been a part of the campus community for twenty-six years, its founder, Dr. Wes- ton |enl<s, was the director of this organiza- tion which serviced over 5000 students a year.

According to Ienl<s, the students in the PLC were selected on the basis of their exposure to leadership positions, their postential for growth in leadership skills and their high motivation.

The members received intense training, which was comprised of four workshops communication skills, management skills, interview skills, and professional role conference. In tum, some members were assigned to various projects within the campus, which included advisement teams for the Career Center and academic services. There were other projects for Health Services, Pre-Law Advisement and Special Needs Assistance. The largest project was the University Assistance Pro- gram which helped over 2500 students last year.

The role of members in projects wiis to help those organizations run more effec- tively, direct and delegate duties and aid in communication.

"I don't know of any university that has a Paraprofessional Leadership Group in ex- actly this way," said Jenks. "Most schools have a group under the same name, but their function is different."

"The unique feature about our group," he continued," is their willingness to work on a voluntary basis. It's always been my own philosophy that part of a person's ed- ucation ought to be the experience and awareness of selfless service."

An organization to be helped by the PLG was chosen on the basis of a need that had not been fulfilled. "Sometimes, we initiate an assistance program," jenks said, "and sometimes an organization will come to us and ask for help."

The student co-directors of PLG were Gerard Powers and Julie McCarthy, whose role it was to interview, select, train new members, and assign coordinator posi- tions.

"The training and development of lead- ership in the university affects so many stu- dents in this school," said Powers. "I like overseeing that type of organization, where specific areas are provided with leadership. I get a lot out of that."

Gina Surrichio

Clockwise from top: PLG career center staff: Back Row: VIn TrovinI, Allison Follno, Gary Niland, Rob Hebeler, Sharon Smith, Dennis Nlckerson. Front Row: Sue Arnold, Glne Surrichio, Mark McHugh, |ulle McClallen, Mary Jane Dyer, Sue McKenzie; Charles Galllgan gets some resume advice from PL career center advisor, Sue McKenzie; Dr. Weston Jenks, Director of A&.S Counseling and Coordina- tor of PLG; The I983-S4 Paraprofessional Leader- ship Group.



A<-AUtMICS / 1 85

Intellectually Stimulating

On these pages vye would like to express our appreciation to the faculty of BC for all their hard work, patience and dedication.

We owe our entire education to these men and women, who lead us through four years of courses. They shared their knowl- edge with us and strove for our understand- ing. They corrected our mistakes and re- warded our victories. Often we took them for granted, until we were faced with a task that wcis solved by the knowledge they gave us.

Some professors stood apart from their collegues as the most sought-after by stu- dents. Their courses were the first to be filled and recommended. Others were noted for their involvemenet in student activities and events. Many dedicated themselves to re- search and study outside of the clevssroom.

Professors often seemed to be ail- powerful dispensing wisdom on a plat- form while students madly scribbled their every word. But professors are real human beings and many of us failed to get to know them apart from the classroom. The friendship they had to offer was just as im- portant as any lecture they could give. We thank them for all their gifts.







o u r

In the 1 960's there was a movement away from "serious" academics and to- wards a more creative college education. Courses that allowed students to "find themselves" through self-expression were popular. In the 1 980's the pendulum swung back to conservativism. The need to get a job overshadowed the desire for creativity. Business courses and other practical majors were on the rise.

But there were some students that held onto the belief that there was more to a college degree than career-prep courses. Classes in art, music, theatre and writing were less popular than they had been in the '60's but they still provided students with the opportunity to develop artistic talents and break up the pressures of a full course load.

The Fine Arts Department offered a branch of Studio Art which contained sever- al art techniques. Drawing and Painting taught the different media, such as oils, watercolors and charcoals. Ceramics and Sculpture studied form and objects in space, working with clay. Teaching "how an observation can be turned into a vision" was the purpose of the Film-making and Pho- tography courses.

All of these art courses stressed the need to express a personal vision and develop one's own creative force. Yet many of the classes also paid close attention to history and artistic foundation. The evolution of these disciplines was as important as learn- ing to use them.

Music was another creative form that stu- dents could learn more about. Along with the music history courses offered by the Music Department, there were classes in Music Theory, Instrumentation and Piano Performance. The study of how a symphony is written or learning to properly interpret a piano composition gave more people a chance to broaden their understanding of a world filled with music.

Students who desired to learn to use their bodies as instruments could turn to the Theatre Department. All of the facets of theatre were covered, from acting, to direct- ing, to scenic and costume design. Princi- ples of Acting and Acting Workshop de- veloped the techniques of expression through movement, voice and character. Students learned through improvisation, line reading and movement exercises. Play Direction I and II concentrated on interpret- ing a script for action and character. The coordination of all the elements of a play was a primary goal.

Writing workshops allowed for expres- sion through the written word. Attention was given to both technical and artistic style. Playwriting, Prose Writing, Poetry Workshop and Film Scenario covered the different forms of writing and the elements particular to each. Some professors encouraged their students not only to write but to attempt to get their work published.

These creative courses gave students the chance to pursue an interest or prepare for a career in the arts. Some students took them to simply ease their academic burdens, and went on to discover a whole new way of looking at art and at life. Although college had become more complex and speci£ilized,

188 /Academics


it was reassuring to Icnow that there were still outlets for expression and talent, whether for fun or for a career.

Colleen Seibert

Academics / 1 89



Enthusiastic, assertive and full of good ideas was how Sheila Deianey '84 described the staff of the Student Agencies Club. Sheila, the agencies' president, seemed to be in complete control of the operation. "I've learned just so much about running a business, bookkeeping and all that stuff. But what we've all learned is how to be innova- tive." 1 984 was a trial balloon for the club and it found fair weather to take off in. It was an offshoot of UGBC which put up fifteen thousand dollars to start off the en- trepeneurs and the University generously matched that amount. Sheila spoke very highly of the help she received from the board of trustees. "They've got a tough job to do trying to keep the prices down and everyone happy but they were very in- terested in the project," Sheila said. The club was formed to give a student practical exper- ience in the business world. The idea was that if a student could run his or her own business for a year the learning would be far greater than what he or she could have gained from a text book.

The Agency was advised by Carol Con- sodine, an MBA student on campus. She E received about twenty-five applications 5 from prospective business tycoons and, < with the aid of OSPAR'S Carole Wegman I and Professor Bob Hisrich of the School of Management, chose the six most promis- ing. The choice was b^lsed on a projected balance sheet turned in by the students which listed expenses, materials, products, costs, and expected profits. Sheila was offered the presidency and was quite sur-

Shella Deianey, President and Caroline Consodine, Administrative Director. Donna Raymond, Office Manager; Gerry Moriarty, 1 984-85 President; and Kelly Kossuth, Cheers.

190 /Academics

All It takes Is hard work, dedication, and a great line to be a successful entrepeneur. Sheila Delaney, President; Randy Seldl, Marketing; Mike Jarmusz, Treasurer.

prised. But luckily for the Agencies she g accepted. Michael Jarmusz '85 was chosen | to be treasurer. They felt they benefitted | immensely from the experience they gained | working with the administration and dis- ~ covering how the University operated.

The agencies were six individual businesses that offered products as diverse as The Queen Of Hearts Cards found in the McElroy Lobby to trips to Memphis. The cards were handcrafted by Paula Raymond '85. They were of excellent quality and teiste and tended to have hearts adorning the front. Another agency was BC Travel run by Lisa De Mederos '85 and Joan Crowley '85. They were licensed travel agents who could arrange a trip to anywhere. They were generally swamped with requests for trips to Colorado or Vermont for skiing or to Flor- ida for fijn in the sun. They also organized a bus trip to Memphis for the Liberty Bowl. The sojourners had a fantastic time in spite of the 55 hour bus trip due to inclement weather and, of course, the loss of the game.

Help Unlimited was a job agency run by Ruthanne Dinoia '84 and Jennifer Fontanals '84 that tried to match jobs from the local community for babysitting, lawn work, snow shoveling, typing and so forth, with students having sitting, working, shoveling and typ- ing skills. Their year, though fairly busy, was not as good as they had hoped. They ex- plained that though they had hundreds of work-requests, few of the students on cam- pus knew of them or chose to use their


One of the most successful businesses, Cheers of BC, wiis run by Kerry Schmidt '84 and Kelly Kossuth '86. They would deliver Balloons, cakes and cookies any- where on campus as birthday presents, surprises, orjust to cheersomeone up. As of January the thermometer registering their sales had reached the "almost there" section with 235 out of the pro- jected 300 sales achieved.

"Randy is our real salesman," Sheila said admiringly. "He's had the most suc- cess." Randy SeidI '85, and the tycoon behind BC Marketing, was into sales. He sold BC hats, team shirts, jackets, and the infamous BC Country Club sweaters and hats. "It's great business experience and all that stuff," he said. "It's just what I've been doing all along, but with the Uni- versity's approval." Randy had an easy- going yet direct manner that confirmed Sheila's statement. He said, "It's kind of an entrepeneural experience." Randy commented on the amount of paper- work involved in running a business but testified that the reward of being his own boss was worth the time put in.

Publishings Advertising, the last of the businesses, was run by Pat White '84 and Pat Cony '85. They did printing and typing jobs, advertisements and resumes or just about anything that needed to be put into print.

The Student Agencies Club was located in the basement of Carney, Room 30. The room always seemed to be bustling with activity and the staff worked well together. They looked forward to a more successful second year. Forgiving practical experience to students, the organization was a valuable investment of its time and the school's


T.H. McMorran

Academics/ 191

Growing, Growing, Gone

For University President J. Donald Monan, SJ, reflections of iiis past twelve years at Boston College revealed the great metamorphosis which occured In the aca- demic, athletic, and social spheres of the University campus.

Before coming to campus. Father Monan was well aware of the importance of the "college experience." In fact. Father Monan had been experiencing college ever since he completed his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Louvaine in Belgium, and continued his studies at Eng- land's Oxford University. Upon returning to the US, he found himself placed at Le Moyne College ( a small Jesuit college out- side ofSyracuse), where he would become dean of students and, later, academic vice- president.

In 1 972 after twelve years of punching the clock at Le Moyne, Father Monan came to The Heights of Chestnut Hill. His arrival came shortly after the student strike of the early 70's and the turbulent protests which swept the US demanding a withdrawl from Viet Nam.

Since then Father Monan saw the aca- demic renown of the school improve iis the number of applicants and their back- grounds increased and spread to the more remote reaches of the country. Improve- ments in the athletic sphere carried BC to the NCAA basketball tournament for three consecutive years, two college bowl games, various other sports finals, and the completion of the "Plex" which allowed the individuals to cultivate their own ath- letic skills. Even socially, BC experienced considerable improvements in the number and quality of the "on campus" housing facilities.

Improvement was essential to the BC motto, "Ever to Excel," a motto which ex- perienced considerable success at a time when many American universities were diminishing because of the decrease in the

number of college students. Having observed the development of these in- stitutions for the past quarter of a century. Father Monan noted that BC fared well amidst the depression in numbers of col- lege students: "The last ten years have not been times of expansion for higher educa- tion. At BC, however, there has been a con- centration on improvement and the quality across the schools in the development of new curricula."

As might be expected, a university presi- dent would stress the importance of academics. Father Monan also, however, acknowledges many of the other charac- teristics which make the college experi- ence worthwhile. This year's graduating class (the first completing all four years'in the 80's) examplified many of these qual- ities. "From an academic point of view the seniors are well qualified, industrious, and serious in their work. But more than that, I think, just in terms of personality, they are very generous, helpful to each other and have enjoyed a genuine spirit of communi- ty. All of this makes for a very constructive atmosphere for individual and institutional growth."

The growth of the university and that of the individual involved a very delicate ba- lance of reciprocities: cultivating personal development in a cliiss required a univesity which was growing to meet the needs of those individuals within it, simultaneously the students had to be aware of the uni- versity's development.

According to Father Monan, the devel- opment which BC experienced since the early 70's has made it possible so that "the level of attainment in meeting the universi- ty's own ideals has, perhaps, not been higher." For this reason, he believed that this 1 984's graduating class saw four of the best years BC has experienced.

in addition to the institutional develop- ment from within the University and the

physical changes which occured since his arrival. Father Monan stressed the signifi- cance which two new developments had upon BC's academic standards in the fu- ture. He attributed the vast number of ways in which computer technology was begin- ning to affect the educational process, and the development of the new library as hav- ing had "an accumulating effect on the University."

Since Father Gasson's frontiering of the Chestnut Hill campus buildings had been placed into the rock of Higgins Hill and reservoirs had been filled in order to accomodate the space needs of an ex- panding campus. To relieve part of this pressure, in 1974 BC purchased Newton Campus and designated it as the "fresh- man campus." Main campus reached its building limitation, and Father Monan didn't foresee any building plans in the near future. The student body had also ma- tured to its maximum level, and the admin- istration realized this in 1976 when they placed a ceiling on enrollments which had not increased since then, according to Fa- ther Monan.

The feasibility of the growth that the Uni- versity experienced Father Monan attri- buted to the considerable increase in aca- demic and, more recently, athletic recog- nition. He saw the national recognition as having "very favorable consequences" for maintaining the status quo and allowing the future stability of BC. Proof of this might be that, parallelled with the recognition was a significant increase in the number of freshman applicants. The result of the visi- bility which BC received in the recent years spread to all comers of the country, which afforded a considerably more diverse stu- dent body than the predominately Irish Catholic sons of Boston blue-collar families who preceded us.

One of the greatest ironies about Boston College is its own name. BC is neither a college, nor is it located in Boston, though it would still be true, had it not been for growth. Monan cited that one of the greatest results of the increased national recognition would, hopefully, be "to re- medy the misunderstanding that people have from our name (as a 'college')." Bos- ton College is a UNIVERSITY dedicated to "ever-excel," and Father Monan said, "There is no other university I'd rather be president of."

Dan Hermes



Some people will do anything for the "A"




Most students would have ranked giving an oral presentation in class below a request to see Fr. Hahrahan on a Monday morning and slightly above taking three finals on one day. But many classes required these proj- ects and for most students, the experience turned out to be well worth the effort put into them.

Eugene Bronstein, a lecturer in the Marketing Department, was a professor who required an oral presentation for his Retailing class. His assignment was for the student to take a subject, perform back- ground research on the topic, and then go out into the field to find out what was hap- pening in the area today. Some of the topics included: the marketing of professional ser- vices, the affect of working women on retail stores and the deregulation of airlines.

Bronstein called this type of assignment "an alive paper." He believed that it not only taught the student about the topic, it gave him or her a taste of the real world. "Going to a real business gives a student confidence talking to people," he said. "Who knows? Maybe it will lead to a job opportunity." Get- ting the student to relate academic work with work in the business world was a major goal of the project.

When asked how his students responded to this type of assignment, Bronstein replied that initially they were not very excited about it. "There are a few, though, who really go after it; they're not afraid to tacl<le the problem." He did point out, however, that once the students got outside, they really seemed to enjoy it.

Professor Bronstein's reasoning for an oral project stemmed from his concern that many students today are not well-spoken. "Every business article you find says that business people feel that the students com- ing out of universities can't communicate." Bronstein added that not enough time is spent on learning to speak properly, and he sees his projects as practice or training for students. "It is one of the most important problems in the School of Management and even in the other Schools."

Dr. Donald Hurwitz, of the Speech Com- munications and Theatre Department, also assigned oral presentations, but he came in contact with students who already had some training in public speaking. In his Intro- duction to Advertising class, presentations were given to simulate those given in the world of advertising.

"Advertising is about presentations," said Dr. Hurwitz. "The students are forced to confront the circumstances that an advertis- ing person confronts. It recreates the mood and pressures of the environment and it gives them a feel for the sense of the disci-


"Retailing Is the bread of life."

pline and the compromises people some- times have to mai<e. This is 'reality testing'."

Dr. Hurwitz stressed that he could lecture about how to read a book of research data or what a campaign proposal is like, but he noted, "once they've done it themselves, they're much better able to do that process of critiquing on their own."

How do the students like the assignment? "Communications majors have too many group projects to do anyway, but the skills they acquire serve them well later. They usually end up grateful that they did it. I would like to add that they do a beautiful job, too," said Dr. Hurwitz.

When asked how he responded to Pro- fessor's Bronstein's concern for poor com- munications skills. Dr. Hurwitz replied that teachers "have an investment in working on student speech skills, meeting manage- ment skills and general self-presentation."

These two professors were just a sample of the many professors who used oral pre- sentations in cl;iss. Both agreed that the ex- perience gained from them would be useful not only the class, but in the business world as well. It was an assignment that con- tributed greatly to a useful education.

Colleen Seibert

"I'll have the McElroy Special


Communication was a l<ey part of college life. Whether we're talking to friends, lovers, parents, or professors, students used words and actions to convey their thoughts and feelings. Many times students communicated a message they were not even aware of, for the old adage "actions speak louder than words" held true. How they walked, talked, partied, danced, dressed and played all offered clues to a sometimes hidden aspect of their personalities; and this was the concept of Body Language. The following pages depict these unspoken methods of individual expression.

Clockwise from top left: "I can't believe Itl"; "yeah, I know how you feel"; "He's wearing a swim suit? I"; "Caught in the act of cutting class."



The Art of Communication

Counter-clockwise from left: Karen Eberie amused on the phone; Tom FreKas, Jennifer HllUard and Nicole Crespan chatting In the quad; "Are you kidding me?"



Party (Pah'tee) An intoxicating experience.

ingredients: A l<eg of friends, a case of roomnnates, a pitclner of atmospliere, a shot of crashers, two jiggers of music and one chilled RA. Mix liberally and enjoy. Dance (Dans) A social affair.

Components: A roomfull of ac- quaintances, a dance floor of dates, a table of friends, corners of couples. (Note Prepare men with tuxes and women with gowns. Add flowers and music to taste).

Combine parts and create memories.

Clockwise from top left: "I wonder what their bodies are saying "A 'A keg of friends. An old favorite Quarters. Opposite page, top: A table of friends. Bottom right to left: Having fun at "Screw Vour Roommate"; The crowd Is rocking; "How is this for atmosphere?"





How students expressed themselves was yet another clue to their personalities. Some People loved labels, some glasses, some old jeans, or BC garb whatever they chose to wear, it was a personal statement for all to see.

How students spent their free time gave clues to their personalities too watching television, playing fooseball, participating in sports, and reading books. The answer to the question "how are you" could often be found in observing the whole person his/her actions, words, and appearance. So watch and be conscious of the language without words, body language.



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Counterclockwise from left: Alr- condltloned |eans; students staying warm In BC garb; the Prep; Punk or Prep7; "Last night was a strange night"; John Ester- brook Is psyched; Tricia Healy thinks It's a bit chilly for a suntan; "WHO Is this guy?"


"To Every Thing There Is A Season''

... Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.


Stars over snow.

And' in the west a planet Swinging below a star

Look for a lovely thing and

you will find it. It is not far

It never will be far.

S. Teasdale


The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning.

l.B. Priest

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1 Clockwise from left: the Resevoir. The Garden at St. Mary's; A scenic night at Chestnut Hill; Newton Chapel In the winter.


7776 Mysteries of BC

As is the case with many places, BC is an institution with many very interesting, yet little known characteristics. It also harbors a vast quantity of historical trivia of which the student body is unaware. The following reveals some very interesting facts about. How many are you aware of?

The Myth of the Eagle Everyone is conscious of the Gold Eagle in front of Gasson. Well, the myth behind that eagle predicts that it will never fly. It states that the eagle will remain where it currently stands until an untainted woman graduates. When did BC become Coeducational? 1 970

How many |esuits in residence does BC have? . . . Thirty (30) This is more than any other |esuit university in the country. Whathome state receives the most joking? . . New jersey, of course. Needless to say, everyone is probably acquainted with at \east 3 people from the area. What Is the smallest department at Boston College? . . . The Communications Department with only five full time faculty members. Where Is the "New Dorm"? . . . The New Dorm is the former name of Walsh Hall. This particular nomenclature however, will pass with the graduation of the class of 1 984. The building was dubbed the New Dorm in October of 1 980 when it first opened. The name was not changed until last year when it was named for Fr. Michael Walsh, former President of Boston College. Who is Lois? . . . Lois, the beagle, was a favorite visitor to the BC campus in peist years. She, regretfully, died about a year ago. What does the "|." stand for In Father Monan's name? . . Joseph. His full title is, therefore, Joseph Donald Monan, Soci- ety of Jesus. Name Three well-known BC Alumni . The list of famous graduates is fairly extensive. To name a few includes: US House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neil, Jr. ('36), Massachusetts Governor Edward King ('48), US Secretary of Health and Human Services Margaret Heckler (law school '56). What key administrator was adopted by BC at the close of Newton College? . . . Dean Marie McHugh, Assistant Dean of Arts and Sciences Before O'Connell House was the student union, what func- tion did it serve? ... In the mid- 1900s when BC first ac- quired upper campus from the O'Connell family, O'Connell House wiis used as a dormitory. Prior to that, the house was the main building on the estate of this family. What is the correct pronunciation of McElroy? . . . McElroy, contrary to public belief, is actually pronounced Mc-EI-Roy, not Mac'Elroy. Rumor has it that the students adopted this pronunciation because it was quicker to say. Father McElroy, and his family, however, utilized the first method way back when. The last two years have been fantastic for BC football. Before this, however, the team has its ups and downs. When was the last time that BC was given the chance for a Bowl Game? . . . 1942. This was the famous Coconut Grove inci- dent. BC would have had a Bowl Game this year. However, in order to secure it, they needed to defeat Hoy Cross in their leist game of the secison. The Coconut Grove was rented for the victory party. BC did not win the game, though. That night, the Coconut Grove burned to the ground, killing all of those inside. BC football, luckily, weis not there.

Campus Trivia


In 1983-84, there were many strange and unexplained things around campus. For example, the cement structure in the Quad that resembled a Viking boat. This figure was originally placed in front of Gasson where the Eagle is now perched. It was on the Eagle's pedestal and four ccist iron lamps hung from its edges. When the figure was replaced no one knew what to do with it so the lights were removed and it was dropped into the Quad.

Another curiosity wcis "Skoal,"

a chewing tobacco. It was very popular with the more rugged type male. Skoal became such a popular item that the company held promotional activities on campus.

What w£is "people passing?" People passing occurred at foot- ball games individuals were lifted into the air and passed through the crowd.

Where was Beer Can Hill? Beer Can Hill was the small patch of land to the side of Shea Field. It was called so because of the pro- fusion of cans which grew in the shade of the trees like aluminum mushrooms.

What was the message board? The residents of Mod 43A enter- tained the campus with phrases, word jumbles and quotes throughout the year carefully dis- played on a window signboard.




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In recent years, the problems will not only allow for additional of limited study and shelf space** study space, but will also allow in_the building, coupled with for the consolidation of Bapst

BC's new campus improve- ment crusade, had enough im- pact for the administration to invest in an estimated twenty to thirty million dollar project the construction of a new li- brary. The newest addition to

and all of its satellite libraries into one building. Also, the new library will be completely oprd/f puterized; this will hapslj^ijey- erything from bool*^i4rrowin|g and library fine billings to the card catalogue. The new sys-

the campus. Central Library, .Jem will be so efficient that it will scheduled to open in Mg^yr Hinder much of the existing 11- 1 984. J^ " - '»ll:aty system obsolete. One last

Central Library will have*Fiany'",<%dvantage of Central Library is advantages. Primarily, each of that, due to increased space, it its four levels will be equivalent will allow for an increased book in size to the football field. This collection. "*

^ M

The basic goals and objec- tives of Bapst will continue: to serve as a learning resource for students and to provide basic assistanc;e to all patrons. After the opening of the new library (which has yet to be named), Bapst will remain, in part, a study hall, it will continue to be,^ appreciated for its%chitectural beauty in yeafs to'come.ras it has been for the past 56 years.

A quote from thi^^dicailon

ceremonies of Bapst might

jippropriately serve' as a wish

for the future of Central Library:

"W^ to this Boston College Ll-

brary of the future will come many a generation of eagerl generous youth to sit in som^ quiet niche or ^cove to stttdy, to view with pleasur^^^qm^ beautiful w^n^ow or p^ting, some rr^jjjy Wrought door or arch^ome special room, each the"g!||^f»a devoted donor, whose mlferibed name lives and is read and honored as one who did his share to advance this architectural thing of beauty, and make possible the culture and glory of gei^ltions ye%^^


Diane Polutchko

sfdDENT LIFE / 209




Mary Leonard

|ust suppose that a student had wanted to escape the pro- vocative theories of Marx or Neitzsche, the pure abstract logic of mathematics, or the dynamics of chemical reaction. Well, there were ways.

Leaving the campus for a short duration was always a good idea. A weekend of Mom's delicious cooking and eight hours sleep in a quiet room could do wonders; so could an evening with an old friend or hometown sweetheart. If not home, the student-under- stress could escape to the Cape or a quiet weekend in the moun- tains. Time away from campus allowed the student a chance to regain a healthy perspective of campus life.

During the course of the se- mester, however, there was usually a lack of both time and money and most students were therefore prompted to discover other means. Drinking became the unchallenged favorite. Stu- dents drank to relieve tension as well as to socialize. Parties could be quickly mustered for any cause ranging from "Exams are finished" to "It's Tuesday night." When campus excitement was lacking, such popular sites as Mary Ann's, Chips, and "Play It Again Sam's" were frequented.

To deal with college pressures, others submerged into the ghet- to of the junk-food-junky. Such haunts as White Mountain Creamery, Pizzeria Uno and the apartment refrigerator were points of "fix"ation for these indi- viduals. The convenience stores such as Store 24, and Bostonian Market also supported the mid- night munchie attack, although as with most habits, the expense could be staggering.

There were those students, of course, who took an alternate plan of action. These individuals exerted their anxieties in more self-benefiting manners. Run- ning, swimming, playing rac- quetball, lifting weights, or cy- cling were among their favorite pastimes. Of course, there was also an envigorating walk around campus or the reservoir. This could be both healthful and en- joyable.

DG &. TB

Opposite page: Ben Brewster and Roberto Cuidi hash it out. Cloclovise from left: Greg Santa recovers from a major tension reiease. A few men relax up in the BC tradition before the West Virginia Came. Bob Forrester has found an inviting way to escape everyday has- sles.


Students were in perpetual need of money. Tuition was continually on the rise and few families could afford to give their young scholars a free ride. The cost of living was not cheap and after a few weeks of shop- ping at Star Market even the most inexperienced of shop- pers were clipping coupons and fighting over the "Economy Brand" macaroni elbows. BCers had a greater financial burden than most other college stu- dents. It was not the new library or the new communications systems. Neither was it the still unpaid bill for the new Theatre. No, this great and near insur- mountable burden was the Beer Tab. Luckily the work-

study program and numerous off-campus jobs offered a way to make ends meet.

Work-study was a Federal Government project which gave aid to both student and the University. Every year the Government alloted a certain amount of money to each uni- versity. The school used this money to hire needy students for positions. Such positions In- cluded the operation of camera and video equipment for the Audio-Visual Department, sec- retarial and filing work for the Financial Aid Office, waiting tables at the Golden Lantern, and a myriad of other jobs. An ambitious worker could have learned a number of valuable

skills which could have en-- hanced his resume. There? were also a number of on-- campus positions available fort those who didn't qualify for the ; work-study. The Dining Service ; was a favorite organization for r such students to work in be cause the workers could usually / sneak a free meal while they/ were on break.

Lyons Cafeteria was the; smallest of the dining halls but t made up for this by serving ex- cellent food such as the "clam i boat special." The people in the funny blue aprons who shouted I numbers and shoved food at you because they were in such a hurry were able to pick up a few extra bucks. "All this," one


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worker said over her shoulder while deftly guiding an overfull glass of Coke through the bus- tling crowd, "for $3.50 an hour." Then she added with a smile "What the heck. It's a job."

Cutting up bagals, making pizza, and satisfying the animal needs of a group of Sophs on a study break at MDQ's was one way to squeeze a few dollars out of a few spare hours. Sweeping late at night at McEl- roy, affectionately known as 'The Big House," wcis another money-getter. There were, however, jobs to be had off- campus for the more adven- turous.

Many of the local stores re- lied heavily on students to keep

them running. The Little Peach convenience store, the White Mountain Creamery, the Bosto- nian Market, and Store 24 were only a few of the shops within walking distance.

The Chestnut Hill Mall offered a large selection of jobs in the various stores. Filene's, Bloomingdale's, Charlie's Sa- loon, and Legal Seafood were usually swamped with job ap- plications at the beginning of each semester. The market for these jobs was pretty tight but inevitably a few students finagled a job. Generally those most interested in working at the Mall were quite willing to spend whatever they had earned on clothes or whatever

their employee discounts could buy.

For the truly ambitious there were many jobs to be found further into the city which correlated well with their ma- jors and future occupations. For the accountants and financiers there was telling at "Baybanks" or "Shawmut." For the English majors there were opportuni- ties in the bool^tores and pub- lishing companies scattered around the city. The students who worked in the city liked to think of their jobs as internships with pay.

For any student, achieving a balance between classes, work, and homework was a constant struggle. For those of us who

had to work there was 1 0 to 20 hours a week that could not be spent studying, watching soaps, playing sports or being active in clubs. Our jobs howev- er, on and off campus, did help us to make ends meet. We learned many invaluable skills, such as how to manage our time and how to be responsi- ble. Working while going to col- lege was a burden we took on to ease the financial crunch but working was an advantage as well.

Eileen Kerwin TH McMorran


What They Don't Know

Won't Hurt Them

Dear Mom and Dad,

Hi! How are you? I'm fine. My only complaint is that there never seems to be enough time to finish my homework. It's so hard! Dad, you were right! This year I spend about five hours a night and all weekend, working.

I do take some time off, though. Last weekend my roommates and I had a small get together with the other members of the ... Communications Committee.

Speaking of my roommates they all say hello. They are doing pretty well. It's so nice to come home to such nice girls after a long day.

Oh, last Sunday i was working on a ... biology project and I ended up spending tons of money on magic markers and stuff. And now I am out of tooth- paste, shampoo, and aspirin. Do you think you could possibly send me a check? I'd really appreciate it. g

Well, that's about it for now. I think I'll start reading \ ahead in Biology. I don't want to get behind ... I

Sorry I wasn't in when you called last Thursday, but I § had a . . . Social Committee meeting at Lyons Hall. I like | to get involved even though I don't have much free time.

Well, take care. I'll write again soon. I love you and miss you,


214 / STUDENT LIFE Zoanne Kangas

"I have to read this whole book before the Rat


Dear Joe,

Hey, what's up, buddy? How are things down in "sun city?" Your last letter was hysterical. Sorry 1 haven't written back sooner, but you know how busy things get. So, it's been pretty wild at BC this year. There is never enough time to get everything in 1 want to, and of course there is the small matter of clcisses. If there weren't three days between Sunday and Thursday to recuperate from the weekend 1 would be in serious trouble. Weekends last from Thursday night to some- time Sunday. Then you have to cram for all of the classes that you blew off all week. Like they say, these are the best years of our lives . . .

You should have been here last Saturday! You would have appreciated the bash my roommates and 1 threw. We bought three kegs and half of the campus came over. Now, we are kind of in trouble with the RA's and our bathroom will never be the same again. But we had fun.

My roommates are all pretty nice, except for the pre-med. She has developed a habit of storing little petri dishes full of fuzzy stuff in the fridge. And if you ask me, she looks a little too curiously at the kitten my other roommate brought home leist month. The man- agement major is a little weird too. She insists on sched- uling everything from telephone time down to bath- room shifts in the morning. Oh well.

My psychology classes are going pretty well. They keep me pretty amused. As a matter of fact, 1 have my other roommate Laura trained already. We are studying

Pavlov and Classical Conditioning and the stimulus and response stuff. One of the assignments was to run an experiment using those techniques, so 1 came up with this idea. Laura always tells me the latest dirt on every- one and she bores me to tears. Anyway, there is never any wild rush to do the dinner dishes around here, so 1 wait until she goes into the kitchen and then 1 start running the water, squirt in the lemon Joy and eisk her what's hot off the grapevine. And eventually she starts absent-mindedly washing as she is gabbing. 1 did that every night for about a week, and now all 1 have to do for sparkling dishes and pots is to run the water. Now she follows me right in, reels off the gossip and cleans everything in ten minutes flat. How is that for practical application?

Remember our road trips senior year in high school? Well, we do them here too. A couple of weeks ago, my buddies and 1 split for the great white North. No reason we just wanted to catch some of the Fall foliage. Of course, it was close to eleven on Saturday night and we were thirsty.

Well, 1 gotta get going . . . Um, don't forget to watch the game on TV! Take care and try to go easy on the women!

Much love, Jane

Zoanne Kangas

Lower left: "Get a load of this one." Above: "I wonder if I should take that psych class |ane always tall(s about?"


Are You a

Boston College invites va- rious types of people to its campus. Once here, however, everyone seems to flow into a mainstream; upper-middle class, Irish Catholic, privately- educated people. Thus a stereotypical "BC Guy" and "BC Girl" emerges. Much can be said about both categories. Here is one way to look at the BC Woman:

WEARING IZOD Polo in Pas- tel Color: One of seventeen folded neatly and displayed in Chic High-Tech milk crates stacked nicely on her dresser.

STRING OF PEARLS: Mom missed them a week after daughter left for school.

DOCKSIDERS OR PENNY LOAFERS: Choice of which de- pends on whether she is feeling liberal or conservative.

WOODEN HANDLED POCK- ETBOOK WITH MONOGRAM: Contents consist of small jar of Vaseline for lip protection in blustery weather, small brush and comb for quick touch-ups, keys, address book filled with numbers of men that she would never consider calling except In an extreme emergency (such as two weeks before the Com- mencement Ball).

TM HOLDING OUT FOR MR. RIGHT" SMIRK: Inspires fear of rejection in underclass- men, but upperclassmen know better.

JUST THE RIGHT HEIGHT: to snugly under a fullback's arm.

PUNK SUNGLASSES: Tucked away for those zany nights at Narcissus.

PLEATED LAND'S-END WOOLEN PANTS: For strolling along in that Virginia Slims style.

BC Girl?

RADIANT LOOK OF INNO- CENCE: Complete with a pout- ing lower lip, ready at a mo- ment's notice to accompany a weak excuse to the Dean.

FRIEND'S NOTEBOOK: So that she can xerox those notes from the class she blew off to beat the traffic to the Cape.

HEART OF GOLD: Still be- lieves that nothing is too good for Daddy's little angel, but gets her heart broken most weekends anyway, just to have it mended eventually by the handsome boy next door that she never noticed in high school.

Zoanne Kangas

Counterclockwise from right: A BC co-ed unexpectedly caught by the camera. Tennis player |ulle Sheridan depicts the BC Sportswoman. Esmerelda Correla, Ann Maysek and Lucas Clarofalo chat In the Quad.


Are You a

The BC Male is also stereotyped. Here are some of the more popular characteris- tics:

MUSSED HAIR: in the latest blow dry fashion: Too hungover to do anything more than jump out of the shower and bolt to class.

WRINKLED T-SHIRT: Laundry forgotten in dryer overnight be- cause of last night's quarters game. Iron has not been seen in weeks anyway.

CANVAS STRIPED BELT: Ordered from the LL Bean cata- logue along with five others of the same type. Still not enough to keep pants on hips.

PONY STUDS: Good traction for Higgins Stairs in mid- February and to pass exits at the Rat when spotted by current flame's boyfriend from home, up visiting for weekend.

BC Guy?

LEVIS jeans or sweat pants: Pants do not match the color of anything else being worn. Pockets stuffed full with all of life's essentials: Point books, T- passes, wallet with Bay Banks card and a few bucks for an emergency six-pack, apart- ment keys (unless forgotten on top of stereo because he forgot to set the alarm last night and woke up late), tattered phone number of a girl that he met at MA's one Thursday, with illegi- ble ink now due to a number of washes that it has been through, though this fact, un- doubtedly will not bother him much.

DEVIL-MAY-CARE SMILE: Used to talk unsuspecting freshmen into compromising situations and to melt the heart of any dateless senior woman.

HEART OF GOLD: Though attempts have been made to capture it by many a comely BC co-ed, the key still belongs to Mom and probably will for many years.

Zoanne Kangas

Clockwise from left: Could this man be from the Boston College Men calender? Bob Belstek demonstrates that good old Eagles' spirit. A typical weekday scene In McElroy Lobby.


Although college life was a treasured experience, there were those factors that could annoy even the most patient person. Lines, laundry, phone bills, cooking and cleaning were a few such annoyances that simply had to be dealt with.

Lines were an integral part of life on campus. There were lines for registering for a class, drop/adding, ciishing a check, buying a book, taking a show- er, reserving a court, finding the keg, and buying a twenty- cent stamp.

And if lines did not do enough for frustration, there was always laundry. Laundry machines were often hard to get. As a result, many students frequented the laundry room very late at night. It was amaz- ing to see the amount of items found underneath dirty clothes that have been re- moved from the floor. There were such things as: paychecks, textbooks, half- written papers, old lists, and the tap that was never re- turned.

Although laundry may have disappeared, phone bills nev- er did. The phone company apparently spoke English, but did not understand it. The cy- cle went like this: Students re- ceived phones and needed them "installed but the phone company did not hook up the phone right away and stu- dents started to get impatient. They were forced to call the company and complain, but to do so, a pay phone had to be located first. And finally, while on the pay phone, the

dime ran out because Ma Bell had put the student on hold, if that was not enough for frus- tration, the phone bill arrived within the next week. No one wanted the responsibility of dividing the itemizes calls. And what on earth was a mes- sage unit anyway? All that was known was that it cost .0929 cents to have, and no one even wanted it.

Along with paying bills, many had the added respon- sibility of renting an apart- ment. Cooking was a chore as well as an adventure. It was tedious eating the same thing day after day but too much energy was required to invent new meals. The adventure was seeing if six people could prepare six different dishes at the same time without killing each other. Every apartment had that one inept roommate who couldn't even boil water. This was the same person who set off the smoke alarm mak- ing toast and for whom Raid was a kind of creamy salad dressing.

Most apartments had pseudo-cleaning schedules. The two motivating factors for a good housecleaning were a visit from parents or a party.

Even though these activities were very annoying and time consuming, they did some- times provide a needed break from homework and a possi- ble avenue for social interac- tion.

What do you remember as your Ho Hums?

Gina Surrochio and Ken Cowan

Clockwise from upper left: Another long line 'This food should last about a month." "I wonder what he's dolngi" "I always lose my socksl" "Three more pages to go." 'Too much studyingi"







many of us, our first impres- sion of campus was rattier gray and dismal (or should we say white and cinderblock?) We learned very early in our college careers how to make use of the theory of il- lusion and the scheme of color. Just what to do with such deco- rating problems as immovable furniture, institutionalized

wastebaskets and grasshopper green walls demanded much imagination and artistic talent.

Most students were more creative than the practical archi- tects that designed such living facilities. Freshmen and Sopho- mores especially had to call forth their creative talents. Try- ing to make one room as livable as an entire house for eight months could be very taxing. However, once roommates ad- justed to one another and a decorating scheme had been decided upon, many interest- ing things happened. Curtains and carpets took away much of the sterility of the surroundings. Posters and prints from the Coop (after freshmen discov- ered what that was) soon dis- guised the true identity of the walls. Small tokens reminiscent of high school days and home each adopted a new place where they could always be found. These articles were of particular interest not only for the stories connected with them, but because, even after their significance wcis lost,


these articles still lingered around. They no longer served the same sentimental purposes but their habitual, almost ritualistic ap- pearance was irreplaceable.

For those that lived on Lower Campus, creating a home-like atmosphere was less of a chal- lenge. Taking a very generic apartment and making some- thing very individual out of it was difficult; for the most part, however, those that lived in this part of campus knew both the type of living situation into which they were embarking and the people with whom they would be living.

Roommates as a rule were very interesting groups. Some were the best of friends while others simply lived together because they were thrown into a rooming situation. Still others could barely manage that. That Wcis when RA's, good friends and sleeping bags became an individual's best friends.

Roommates were also curi- ous because of their decorating techniques. Those roommates that were not exceptionally compatible could be spotted immediately.



Their belong- ings were sep- arated by every- thing but a white line. On the other hand, those roommates that were friends could go to the extremes. Many times they associated with one another so well that all of their things also seemed to try to get closer. (This of course Wcis at the expense of every ob- ject in the room). All of the furni- ture, the floor, and even the window sills were simply cov- ered with a disarray of clothing, jewelry and other personal items. What belonged to whom was something that only the roommates themselves would be able to decipher. No one else in the world would dare venture into that zone. The pos- sibilities of never returning per- sonal items, however, were far too great for most to risk.

Despite the fact that there were many types of people with equally as many decorat- ing preferences, there was still some universality to some things that could be found in shared quarters. Pictures of home and high school friends were to be found everywhere. The "What We Did In College"

photo- graphs were impera- tive. These covered a range of activities from a day on the Cape to that party thatyou couldn't remember but that no one else let you forget. Other objects that would not usually be found in a suburban home always seemed to turn up in college dwellings. Stolen wine glasses and beer mugs that attested to a night of fun and items collected through pranks were prominent, thus street and traffic signs, con- struction pylons and flags were very popular decorative items. Men and women tended to decorate differently. For many men, walls could be covered with one of two subjects; alco- hol or women. Many men en- joyed putting beer advertise- ments over the walls and bars against them. Others believed that the simple white wall should not be marred with any- thing but the Christie Brinkley Calendar. Women, on the other hand, addressed different topics; these were usually art and men. What apartment would be complete without at least one Norman Rockwell and one photograph of someone's latest long distance boyfriend? But, then again, that's what made dorm life unique. For what did campus housing pro- vide but yet another way for people to express their individ- uality?


Aku-Aku, Anxi- ^^IT'ety, Applica- tions, Alumni Sta- dium, Apartments

o s


BC-50, Bapst, /TjFun, FFF, Fire ^ Beer, Buses, LiIT^cirills, Family Bingeing, Boston, weekends, Flutie BC Beach and Football games



Guts," Gasson

/r^ Caffeine, Coha- AT Li3^bitation, Com- LiIxGradua

Eisson, /TT tion, \^

puters. Core Grocery shopping, courses, Cambridge General Hospital

Jesuits, Jobs, Jocks, Jogging

fTolD us t l/^D ate


, /nriHome, Hang- /riT] Kennedy, Kind- s ( ? ) , Lo^ overs. Housing, l/_x ness, Kegs and

Dorms, Drunks, The Heights, Home- eggs Dances, Deans work, Higgins

Eagles, Ex- cuses, Exhaus- tion, Exercising


/rninfirmary, In- LiIT^ternships, In- sanity, Ignatius, in- terviews

/jTlLottery, Lois, LlS^Lectures, Let- ters, Laundry, Learning


^ ''., ^ - ''f^tv^l

Just to log your memory Look at these

pages and remember the good times, places, people and things noted here. From Steve's Ice Cream to the Mods, anxiety to excuses, ZBC to applications, there's a lot to remember!

Left: Life in the Dustbowl Who hasn't read, slept, played frisbee or talked to friends in the Dustbowl? Voted "the most memorable place" In a recent Sub Turri poll.


UGBC, Upper Campus

/fulUnos, LC3^ Upper

Mary Leonard

Plex, Parties, / v Vacations, Vic Parking, Panic, LL7tories

At^ Parking Problems, Preppies and Punl<s

/TolThe Quad, The /Tyi' LczQuonset Hut, Lcz

Weekends ''Wicked,'

Quizzes, Quincy Withdrawals, White Marl<et, Quitting Mountain Creamery

Paul D. Campanella

/mMono, Mass, /|T|RA's,The "Res," /IT

LcxMods, Morn- Ll/The Rat, Re- \2lX

ings, Majors, Molly s sumes, Reading, cellent"

and MA's Roommates

X - m a s , Xeroxed, "X-


Naps, No time No Names

Steve's Seniors


Newton, "New Strep Throat, Sullivan Dorm" Stadium


TAB, The

OJ, Overdrawn,

Overheating, k^Tailgating, Typ Orientation, O'Con- ing. Tuition nell House

, Typ- L^










"Come on man. Hawaii it's got to be Hawaii or Florida. They're the only places that are warm enough this time of the year."

"Yeah, well you can forget about Florida cause were not going back to the Tangerine Bowl again and were too good for the Aloha bowl," Ted snapped back at Jeff.

"Look if we can keep things going the way we have been. We can tell them what bowl were going to." called Frank from the kitchen as he beat some frozen ravioli against the counter, trying to break them apart.

"He's right Teddy, if we beat Penn State tomorrow we'll have a bid from every bowl there is" answered Jeff

Late the next day . . .

"God what a game. This place is really going to rock tonight." Frank called to the others as steam poured out of the bath- room. "Hey turn that song up.

yeah-yeah that's it 'Fiesta For- ever'. Look out Phoenix here we come."

"Hey Frank." called Ted from the kitchen, "don't count your chickens before they're hatched. The Fiesta bowl is far from in the bag."

As Ted had predicted their dreams were about to be shot down just the next week as the Eagles capitulated to Syracuse in an unexpected upset. "What next!" cried Frank. "Chill out, kid," answered Jeff. "Were still going to get into a bowl. Be- sides what's so great about Phoenix?"

Litte did the three ardent fans know what was to occur in the next few days. It was, perhaps, better than any of them had hoped for. The Screaming Eagles of Chestnut Hill were offered a bowl bid to play the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. It was to be a playoff between two of the largest Irish Catholic Universities in the United States. And Jeff, Ted and Frank were sure to be there.

"This is it! This is it!" called Frank as he picked up the Globe from the front stoop of their Mod. "The Liberty Bowl! And we're playing Notre Dame!"

In the days to follow the guys investigated every package deal there was to Memphis, Tennessee. They were only three among thousands of other BC and Notre Dame

alumni to head for the Sunny South.

They flew from Boston to Memphis the day after Christ- mas. But due to a cold wave that had swept the country that week their reception in the sun- ny south was far from warm. Yet the sub-zero temperatures did not dampen the boys' spirits one bit.

The week was spent explor- ing Memphis. They stayed at the Riverside Holiday Inn which was located right next to the Mississippi River. In the morn- ing they could see the chucks of ice flowing down the river.

"Hey Ted!" called Frank. "These chucks of ice flowing down the river are getting really beat. Let's rent a car and go over to Arkansas." So they did. It took a lot of finegling to con- vince the rental agent that they were old enough to rent a car but she finally gave in. There wasn't really too much to do in Arkansas but at least they could say that they had been there.

As they crossed back over the Mississippi that evening they discussed plans for the evening. They had heard about some place called Silky Sulli- vans that was supposed to be pretty popular. Since that's where everybody seemd to be going they figured they would too. It was much different from the places they had gone to in Boston. Silky's offered drinks that were served in paint cans with foot-long straws. Every- body from BC and ND seemed to be there or in another place called Trivia's.

The next day they decided it would be different to head over to Mud Island. "Hey." said Jeff it says here that they have a repli- ca of the Mississippi that's five blocks long." Unfortunately, they found that when they got there that the Mud part of Mud Island was frozen. That is to say the five block-long replica of the Mississippi had completely congealed.




Above: Psyched for the game. Is this Aki-Aku Memphis?; Silky SuiUvans the place to be?; Rocking Trivlas.

Seeing that there wasn't much to do on Mud Island they headed back to Memphis for^ another night of fun and frolick- ing with the Fighting Irish fans. The fans from both teams had been enjoying each other's company all week long but as the game drew closer a rift had definitely begun to emerge.

The day of the game, the temperature in Memphis never rose above five degrees. Ted, Frank and Jeff had planned to go to Graceland, the mansion that Elvis Presley had built just outside of Memphis. But, figur- ing that it might take them awhile to get to the game and park they just drove by it.

As had been reported all day long it was well below freezing the night of the game. But that did not dampen the spirits of the fans on either side at all. When the cold became unbear- able they built fires in the stands or headed out to the buses to warm up for a few minutes. De- spite the loss Ted, Frank and jeff went out with the rest of the fans to celebrate that night just because they had had such a great time. As they flew back to Boston they thought about the next bowl they would follow the Eagles to.

"Listen." said jeff. "1 had a great time in Memphis and all but next time let's make it Hawaii."

Geri Murphy


Soi^ihern Hospiiaiih/?



When the topic of sports was discussed at BC, such activities as football, basl<etball and hoci<ey came to mind. However, even if both competitive and intramural sports were considered, a great majority of collegiate sports were overlooked. These unoffical events were the most popular. They were the activities that students engaged in for fun.

In the fall, students occupied their time in various ways. Frisbee on the Dustbowl was one of the more prevalent activities. Football games mustered most of the attention, however. People were crammed into a once again over-sold Alumni stadium for an emotionally-driven BC home game.

When winter finally arrived, the snow gave the campus a new look. Students went skating, skiing, and sledding. They constructed snowmen and had snowball fights with friends and neighbors. And by February they impatiently anticipated the arrival of spring.

Spring once again ushered


the Frisbees out. Shorts and bathing suits also found their way out of the closets and the tanning craze set in. People littered every available space that could be had the Dustbowl, dorm roofs and of course Mod backyards, complete with chaise lounges and pina coladas.

There were activites that dared not be neglected. They transcended those limitations dictated by the seasons. Drinking was by far the BC favorite. What would Thursday night have been without the Rat or a good game of quarters? Or Friday night without Molly's, Mary Ann's or Chip's? And who could forget that turtle marathon each Sunday of who would get to Brunch before whom and the accompanying speculations of the other's general condition? Brunch at any of the campus food services always illicited complaints. College students were quite proficient in complaining, so much so that it could even have been described as an art. Food, lines, the "T" all had their places.

But most of all, people

enjoyed playing pranks on one another more than anything. Each left college with a favorite repertoire of devious schemes. Although some could be very innovative, there were a certain number that are remembered by all; short sheeting, vaseline on doorknobs, "pennying in", and water and shaving cream

fights were some.

These are just a few of the many unofficial sporting events of college years. These activities provided for many hours of entertainment and for many years of memories. And most of all they helped us to keep our sanity in a very competitive environment.










Left: Soon to become obsolete? Below: A momentaiy pause for thought.

Au^^-^VA^BO^' PkukmOf

The audio-visual field had made great advancements in justa few years. With the simpli- fication of computers and the increiise in other types of tech- nology, this area had grown to phenomenal proportions. Con- sequently, this industry then ac- quired an impact on the every- day life of the average Ameri- can.

During the early 1 980s, one could scarcely travel anywhere without spotting or at least hearing a Sony-Walkman or a ghetto blaster. Both of these devices were popular ways of taking music along throughout the day. The Walkman weis pre- ferred for its small size and light jweight. Ghetto blasters, or boxes, as they were sometimes

referred to, were inexpensive yet portable sterophonic sound that was not just restricted to the individual's ear; one could make or take the party right along.'

Phone systems also became more complex at this time. Put- ting someone "on hold", a lux- ury previously reserved only for offices, was instituted on the personal level with the "total" phone. Also, innovations such as MCI and SPRINT vollied to make long distance calling not only just as convenient as al- ways, but less expensive as well. Even Boston College at this time was introduced to some of the new technology. A new telecommunications office and new phone system where-












¥DOE© ©^/^1D[

by an extension could be con- tacted directly instead of first having to call the BC operator were installed. The 969-0100 number w^ls replaced by the more progressive and efficent 552-

In visual advancements, the movies moved into the home with a number of different in- ventions. Cable television popularized. Home entertain- ment was further revolution- ized with the sale of Video Cassette Recorders. Atari games and home computers became a common item in many households. Outside of the home, large movie theatre- like screens for television view- ing were used in bars and other public places. Three-D movies

witnessed a revitalization. Final- ly, both audio and video were united in the music video indus- try. Music television and video disk albums were the fad. High technology had become sim- ple enough for the average American.

The Audio-Video craze of the early 1 980s changed the path of America's future. It had been speculated that a computer would be a necessity in every home by 1 990. Just how greatly this would be realized was for future generations to deter- mine.



Top: Dan Hermes contemplating life after Colege. Right: An Antisocial Social.


Mr. Finchley twisted his wrists up toward his squirreiish face and frowned at his watch. Annoyed, he got up from behind the desk and be- gan to stuff his papers into a brief- case. Mr. Finchley didn't like it when people missed their job interviews. Waiting for them made him late get- ting back to the office, which made him late getting home for dinner. And Mr. Finchley didn't like that at all.

He was buttoning his coat when the door blew open.

"Oh. HI." the girl greeted him like a long-lost comrade. "Did you just get here too? I'm so glad I didn't come early-like. I just HATE to wait around." She shed her lime-green slicker with an "Ick!" and shook her pageboy back into perfection.

"You're twenty minutes late. Miss Creamcheese," he said with an offi- cial tone.

"I know; I woke up this morning and I'm like 'Suzy, you got a Chase- Manhattan interview, gotta be on time.' But then you look outside an it's like raining, and all your nylons have these huge gaping slashes through them, because my room- mate like never cuts her toenails? You should see them, they're bogus. They look just like my grand- mother's."

"I'm afraid this doesn't make a very good impression." said Finchley, chewing the thought thoroughly.

"Yeah, I figured that too." Suzy nodded understandingly. "But then I thought, wait a minute, this is Chase- Manhattan. They have loans out to Third World countries that are fifteen years overdue. So I figured you guys didn't sweat like somebody being late for an interview."

Finchley's mind struggled to grasp the logic of this, and failed. He pulled a file out of his briefcase and decided to sit down, since she already had.

"Now Miss Creamcheese, it says here you went to a Catholic girl's school in Connecticut, Lauralton Hall?"

"Ick, don't remind me. " Suzy rolled her eyes.

"You weren't happy there?" asked Mr. Finchley jotting notes.

"Number one," Suzy explained, counting the reasons off on her fin- gers. "The nearest guy's school wcis approximately three light years'

drive from us; number two. our uniforms were repulsive; and number three, nuns are dead- beats by nature." She pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Deadbeats?" the shocked Finchley repeated.

"Well, face it," explained Suzy in her get-real manner. "They are not dynamic people. When's the last time you saw a nun on johnny Carson? And look at the colors of their habits black and white? It's like get a llfel There is a rain- bow out there, ladies!"

"I think we're stray- ing a little bit," Finchley jumped incis

she paused for a breath. "Now about the application you filled out for us. Un- der charity or- ganizations' you have 'Fi- nance A c a d - emy'? I wouldn't call that a charity."

"You obviously don't know the people in it." she retorted, popping a stick of Wrigley's in her mouth. Finchley closed his eyes.

"Why don't you tell me some- thing about BC?" he ventured.

"What?" Suzy asked with a dis- dainful wince.

"Just tell me what "

"Mind if I have a ciggy?" she inquired suddenly, having just thought of it. She touched a match to the Carlton pinched in her lips.

"As a matter of fact "

"I like never smoke anymore," she said, puffing smoke out the side of her mouth, "except when I'm really bored."

"Miss Creamcheese "

"Oh, yeah, BC. Well, I guess it's an OK school, considering there's no frats."

'Tou like frats, I take it?" in- quired Finchley.

"Oh, they're unreal! Like Brad, he goes to Dartmouth, and on weekends his Frat just goes ani- mal. It's great. Plus here, anybody at all comes to a party. Like if you want to have just the right peo- ple, you just can't say 'no' when somebody comes in because everybody thinks you're a grunge. And nobody here charges, so you can't like say. "O.K., ten bucks to get in, please. But I guess otherwise it's a pretty gid school."

"Pretty gId?" inquired Finchley in a confused tone.

"Gid. y'know? Great, nice? Op- posite of bad?"

"Oh, good," he translated. "Are you gonna be like this?" she said in disgust. "Cause if you are, I'm leaving." She crossed her legs and flicked her ashes over her shoulder.

"Alright," he sighed, taking a deep breath. "Let's just get this over with."

"Oh gid deal, " she agreed. "My girifriend Heidi's having this blow-out cocktail hour tonight, and I like can't miss it. Like, is this gonna take more than a half- hour?" "What is your most memorable e X p e r i - ence at BC?" Finch- ley tried again. "What will you remem- ber best?" "One thing I will definitely not remember is Thursday nights. I mean the only way I could ever gauge how good a time I had was like how late I got up the next morning, and where. The great thing about the Rat was if somebody you knew never showed up there, you found out they were losers in rime to drop them, like fast. And I have danced with the biggest spazzes just because 'Gloria' or 'Our Lips Are Sealed' was playing."

"That's fine. " interrupted Finchley, "but I'm trying to "

"And Springsteen! Oh my God, it was so excellent, everywhere you went they were playing 'Born to Run." Bruce was like God, only way better. Now these Freshmen play Culture Club and it's like, oh right, I'm really like into them. too. Not too queer. " "That's fine. Miss Crea " "Limo races were so-o-o nuts." she went on obliviously. "Did you know we're like the only school that has them? We had one last semester, we were so shattered. Brad, my boyfriend? He's like playing peek-a-boo with the chauffeur, putting his hands over the guy's eyes as we're cruising down Boylston Street. And meanwhile Heidi and Robbo are blowing brunch all over the back seat. Chauffeur was pretty p.o.ed. but at the end he was cool, I think he was in shock or something."

"Know the feeling," nodded Finchley. who had given up.

"And spring, spring here is so intense. Winter's pretty beat, but then one day spring hits and bang! Everybody's on the Dust-

bowl in shorts and shades before you can change classes. So on Friday morning you pile into anything with a steering wheel and a sunroof and boot it to the Cape, and stay the weekend rill you feel so gross and salty you'll give your MG for a shower."

"I've got to get going. Miss Creamcheese."

"Oh, and just when everybody got dried out from Thursday night? It Wcis rime for Molly's, it's like Cape Codders, yum! If I didn't watch ""All My Children". 1 definitely would have lost touch with reality, like big-rime."

"I'm leaving," warned Finchley.

'"And can you believe Mary Ann's? They are such losers, they have us believing closing forever? My room- mates like cried for a week straight, and come to find out they only changed owners. Now if somebody asks me to go there, I'm like. 'Walk on, no way.' I'd rather study in Bapst, y'know? Of course I never get any- thing done there because 1 know ab- solutely everybody in there. So I end up pulling all-nighters and popping No-Doze and having these bizarre conversarions with my roommates 'cause we're all wired."

"Goodbye. Miss Creamcheese." Finchley picked up his briefcase and put his coat back on.

"We used to have these monster lines at registration? It was so re- tarded because you'd have to sleep out in the hall in front of a depart- ment office to get your course? But that wasn't the worst, the worst was the showers in Upper were always cold, so you had to bag it and go to class with a frisbee helmet on which makes you look like a complete Ha- ley House resident. Have I told you about Lois the dog? She wcis so adorable, she used to come up to us in the Nest and we'd feed her french fries. Like, where are you going?"

"I'm going home Miss Cream- cheese," Finchley said from the door.

"Well, what's the deal?" asked Suzy, getting out of the chair. "Did I do gid or what?"

"I'm going to recommend you for a second interview," announced Finchley, "only because no one at the office will ever believe you are like you are unless they see you."

"Why thank you Mr. Finchley, you are very cool. I wanna party with you. Kegs and eggs action at my Mod right now what do you say? Defi- nite madness or what?


i THi «9,*JSSvORK Three ]

i 'bC i.nde.8'7^i* srnall for

f "'' ""Sw weekend.

\ tunes everyj^^^^^ ^






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I lust heard they ordered another keg from Murray's Liquors.

Hey, who are you looking at, haven't you seen anyone having fun?


"Ah, last night was fantastic, I could stay In bed all day." Sue picks Donna after a win in quarters; but Sue, you're pointing.

This might be a typical BC party In the Hillsides, but who's the partier in this crowd Paul, Steve, Sue, or Ed?

234 / Student Life


What will you remember most about BC in ten years?

"Gasson Tower after snowfall." Rita Coyne '84

"Lines." jim Drew '84

"Hangovers and dorm damage." Micheal Twohig '84

"Where it is." Brian Mahoney '85

"... the community life, having everyone the same age." "Tom Freitas '84

"Lacl< of sexual conquest." Joseph Hanchi ill '84

"Nothing." Mike O'Leary '84

Well, by the time I graduate from law school and settle down and buy a house . . . well, what about BC?

"I'll remember most mothering the guys on the hall." Kathy Hannigan '84

"The girl across the hall who kept trying to mother us." Al Goduti '84

" Strawberry frappes and busses going to Newton when 1 wanted to hit the Circle." Rob Reiger '84

"Being on the food plan and eating so much ice cream || that 1 was the only girl to run out of points. 1 was very embrassed." Lisa Isafano '84

"The night my Screw-Your-Roomate date never showed." Anonymous

"People coming up to me at parties and saying 'hey big guy, whassup?!." Dave Farrell '84

"Higgins stairs especially on mornings when 1 had a 9:00 class . . . How fcist time always seemed to go by." Veronica Jareck '84

I really can't think of much anything I'll remember In 1 0 years

Student Life / 235

What will you remember most about BC in ten years?

"Never getting to bed before 2 a.m. . . . Laughing, meeting some of the best people in the world." Patty Doherty '84

"AH of the hard work." Debbie Logan '86

"Curtain calls for Romeo and Juliet." Tom McMorran '85

"Overcrowded couches in off-campus apartments." Tony Sasso '84

"Deadlines." Dan Hermes '84

"Firedrills and seeing all the new residents." Jane Aber- deen '84

"The administration and how screwed up it is." Bill Toman '84

"Buds, bagos, broads, bunting, buddies, a booth; lower campus for 4 years, 'the boys."Jack Giglio '84

"Ail the new people." Charlie Garcia '84

I have been waiting for two weeks for this fudge and nut Ice cream, It Is orgasmic.

Looking for a job ... no dates." Gerard Powers '84

"Happy hours and limo races . . . good times and good friends." Eileen Heller '84

"Entertaining and angering the mod community with our sign board . . . being afraid of which classroom my final is in." Vince Asanza '84

"White Mountain . . . study breaks Sue Hennessey '84


"BC basketball. After four years 1 still can't get enough." Hugo Duran Jr. '84

"Marathon brunches in Stuart cafeteria." Laura Parker '84

"Saturday afternoons in the North End." Rose Marie Gionta '84

"1 never learned a thing 1 couldn't forget." Damian Gambacini '84

I was only going to have one beer, really, but like, I'm wasted.

236 / Student Life

Another party worth remembering to those who attend or perhaps would they like to forget?

Watch out Fort Lauderdale, here come the BC Party animals .1

"Is It legal to publish stuff like this?"













Student Life / 237

238 / Student Life

Although the college experi- ence was different for each stu- dent, students did have some- thing in common choosing a major. For some, this major de- cision was as clear and as sim- ple as deciding what to wear in the morning. But for most, it was not just a major decision ... it was a major dilemma!

There were various methods of reaching a conclusion. The course catalog was always a be- ginning. Speaking with profes- sors was also an alternative. But, one of the most helpful weis speaking with upperclassmen in the considered major.

After taking a number of courses in a particular area of study, students began to be- come like that major. Consider the stereotypical computer sci- ence major a very logical

person who sat In front of a ter- minal for half of his college ca- reer. Or the education major. How many student teachers did you know junior year? The psychology student attributed everything to the subconscious and everyone he knew could be classified into some Freudian category.

Pre-meds and biology ma- jors never seemed to be around; they were always studying. But when one did find them, usually in Higgins or Dev- lin, the smell of the building could sway many an opinion; if the stench of chemicals and for- maldihyde was influential, then the choice of these disciplines as a potential major was made easier. No one ever said it was easy to select a major.


Student Life / 239

120 Steps

To A





Each day, thousands of feet tread up and down Cardiac Hill by way of Higgins Stairs. These 1 20 stairs connected the social and academic aspects of life at BC. Calculated at one trek a day, that adds up to 1 2,000 steps per week!

Higgins linked two sides of student life. Lower Campus offered the social side of life: dorm living, parties, athletic events, theatre productions, and even church services.

Upon reaching the top of Hig- gins Stairs and emitting a sigh of relief, however, students pro- ceeded to be intellectually nur- tured in the many libraries, class- rooms, and laboratories. Thus, although Higgins may not be one of our fondest memories of BC, it was a bridge between so- cial and academic life that had to be endured . . . But, then again, there was always the shuttle dus.


'f- ." --St.' ^ 'y--\-< v


Applications and Resumes

The Ins, the Outs and the In-Betweens

Those applying to BC usually did not anticipate many of traits of the university. One of the most time-consuming and subse- quently memorable trait was paperwork. Both alumni and cur- rent students, if asked, could probably trace their college careers through a seemingly endless stretch of paperwork. The bulk of this was applications.

The process began in the Admissions Office. BC had its ap- plicants fill out not one, but two application forms! This was then followed by a string of related applications and forms, all of which were imperative. There were application forms asking for residence hall preferences, health records and payment in- tentions.

Financial aid forms were an annually dreaded affair in most homes. The university required two of those one for the gov- ernment and one for their own records. But for most students to return this inconvenience was a necessity.

Each new semester also prom- ised to cascade new quantities of paperwork upon the student. Loan signing was one of these rituals. Not uncharacteristically, one also had to report a multi- tude of other facts at this time: who are your parents, where is your permanent address, who knows you well enough to testify that you are a responsible and trustworthy individual. Septem- ber and January were memorable for Drop/Add, time conflict and override forms. Work study hire forms and time sheets and job applications had to be com- pleted. Even to escape all of this with a weekend at home re- quired that one fill out an OSPAR form just to find a ride.

Juniors and seniors faced more foreboding types of forms. Many applied for Honor Societies and special programs. Of course, there were graduate and law school applications. A secured job after graduation would be heaven for most; in order to ac- quire this, BC sent its students out into the world with the two most crucial forms of all: a diplo- ma and a resume.


Boston College Admissions Application Preliminary 1984


Read "Information for Applicants" on the reverse side carefully. Type or print clearly in ink.

Enclose a $30 check or money order (non-refundable), payable to: Trustees of Boston College.

Do not attach transcript to this form. Return this application as early as possible to: Office of

Undergraduate Admissions

Lyons Hall Boston College Chestnut HilL MA 02 167

*lf you received a Boston College Viewbook by mail, please use the mailing label affixed to the

back cover. Please make any necessary changes. Thank you.

Social Security Number Legal Name

'^ last firet middle

Home address

no &. street city state zip

Reply address (if different)

no &, Street city state zip

Home Telephone Number

area code exchange number

Secondary School College Board Code Number

(ask for counselor)

Name of Secondary School Adress of Secondary School

telephone number

Transfer Students Only:

If you are applying as a transfer student, give the name and adress of college, university,

or nursing school attended.


Transfer Applicant city state College Board Code #

Date of Birth



visanumb*, If not US what type of visa do you hold?

I Black, non-hlspanic 2. American Indlari'Alaskan native 3. White non-hlspanlc

Predominant Ethnic Background (Optional): ^ «,,„„,,.., ^. , , ,

O \ I / 4 Aslan'Paclfic Islander 5 Hispanic 6 Other (Specify)

Check if you expect to be a resident student or a commuting student Are you the son or daughter of a Boston College Alumnus or Alumna? ves no Have you had an on-campus interview? yes no

Do you intend to apply for any type of financial aid from Boston College? ves no Check if you are applying to Boston College as an early decision candidate? Check if you are applying to Boston College as a Freshman Transfer Indicate the Undergraduate School to which you are making application:

College of Arts and Sciences School of Nursing

School of Education School of Nursing (transfer)

Check the semester in which you plant to enroll at Boston College:

Fall Semester {September 1984)

Spring Semester (January 1984)

Tentative Major

Pre -Professional Major

loseph Turri Local Address: Home Address:

MOD #6A 45 Bristol Road

Boston College Franklin Lake, N| 07055

Chestnut Hill, MA 02169 (617)964-4922

OBJECTIVE: To obtain a position with IBM utilizing my managerial and communicative sl<ills.

EDUCATION: Boston College Chestnut Hill, MA School of Management Bachelor of Science, May, 1984 GPA: 3.3/4.0

Holy Cross Catholic, Paramus, N| Graduated June, 1980

ACTIVITIES: Paraprofessional Leadership Group

Responsible for attending seminars on group organization and structure, aiding students in

preparing resumes, cover and follow up letters, and managing a small portion of the Career

Center budget.

Student Advisement Service

Responsible for advising underclassmen in the School of

Management in their choice of curriculum.

Undergraduate Government of Boston College

Responsible for maintaining the finances, making speeches, handling emergencies, and distribut- ing flyers.

WORK EXPERIENCE: New Jersey Bank and Trust Handled $100,000 in cash daily. Responsible for customer relations, extensive paperwork, as well as internal and external accounts.

Southwestern Publishing Company Independent dealer responsible for personal business during the summer. Generated $9,000 worth of business in 3 months time.

Stop and Shop Supermarkets Promoted from clerk to cashier. Responsible for handling large sums of money daily and running errands for the manager.

INTERESTS: Skiing, racquetball, music, photography REFERENCES: Furnished upon request.

Paramus, NJ Summer '83

Nashville, TN Summer '82

Passaic, NJ Summer '81,'80.'79






---: ■■ ,*i^*


Because fact is born of vision, Because faith makes " J Ail things whole, .- "

We have prayed that .;

Our eyes be single And swerve not fiom the goal. Look! On the grass-clad hilltop. Where chestnut and maple blow. And the groping elm-trees Yearn to the mother-green below, Embodied in marble and granite, Throned on the lake's clear blue. Real as the sky and sunshine. The Dream that we dared . Is come true.

im , From "The College Beautiful"

\iii'- Tihiothy Wilfred Coakley ■^ ■'-• Cla5^of 1884 ? .-'>i SjbbTurri, 1913





246 / Student Life



•n Sarajevo. Summer i Winter Olympics 'nSaraj
















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C/3 CL

Student Life /24J

One night I had a dream ... It was the end of my life, and I was walking along a beach with Christ. I noticed that all along the sand there were the footprints I had taken in my life, and all along the mountains and difficult places I had traveled there was only one set of footprints.

I turned to Christ and asked, "There is something I don't understand. Why is it that down the hills and over the smooth

and easy places, I see two sets of footprints, for you have walked by my side. But here on the rough and difficult places, I see just one set of footprints. Have I walked alone?" Christ turned to me and replied, "It is that while your life was easy I walked along at your side, but here when the walking was hard and the paths difficult, 1 realized you needed me the most, and I carried you."

In Memoriam of Kevin J. Conway

"After Glow"

I'd like the memory of me to be a happy one.

I'd like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done.

I'd like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways.

Of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days.

I'd like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun.

Of happy memories that I leave when life is done.

Carol Mirkel

Kevin J. Conway

Class of 1 9S4

College of Arts and Sciences

Lebanon, New Jersey

248 / STUDENT LirE

In Remembrance of Feffi Stiassni

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old;

Age shall not weary them, not the years condemn.

At the sun going down and in the morning

We will remember them.

Laurence Binyon






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Gladstone O. Abati-Ceorge Eileen S. Abbott Sally |. Aberdeen

School of Management Arts &. Sciences Arts 8. Sciences

BS, Operations Management AB, Speech Communication AB, Psychology

Daniel |. Abraham

School of Management BS, Marketing

Ann C. Abrams

School of Education

AB, Secondary Education


Kenneth P. Abriola

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology

leannlne Acocella

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology Psychology

Cynthia M. Adams

School of Management

BS. Accounting


Paul |. Adams

Arts &^ Sciences AB, History

Marcia E. Adukonis

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Laurie A. Agnew

Arts &. Sciences AB, Economics

Naomi Agosto

Arts &> Sciences AB, Sociology

Shelley R. Aguda

School of Management

BS, Economics

Computer Science

Elizabeth A. Ahem

School of Management BS, Accounting

Michelle A. Ahmed

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Culdo A. Alroldl

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, History

John P. Alberta

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Thomas A. Albino

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Michael A. Alessandro

School of Management BS, Accounting

Hariklia Aiexas

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Sociology


Scott A. Allegretti

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Paul |. Allen

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Sociology


Call P. Alleva

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Collette R. Allitto

School of Management BS, Marketing

Mathew Mucid


Outside observers have long been sty- mied in their attempts to understand the ever-enduring tradition of tailgating at football games. Rumor has it that the cus- tom dates back further than the invention of the automobile itself. Some claim that a fossilized keg from Murray's Liquors was found in the remains of a horse-drawn carriage on Beer Can Hill.

At one time, it Wcis believed that tailgat- ing provided therapeutic benefits for the depressed fans of the 1 978 team. But this hypothesis has lost credibility in recent years. Beginning with the 1982 sea- son, the Eagles' football team made its nest in the national top-20 rankings. Ini- tial elation wcis tempered by trepidation as diehard tailgaters predicted an end to the historic tradition. It was feared that fans would opt for game-watching in place of tailgating. But resourceful tailga- ters positioned themselves in strategic locations so they could follow the game on the scoreboard without leaving their post. And those fans who actually watch- ed the game inside usually found cause

for celebration with post-game victory tailgaters.

Against all odds, tailgating had en- dured. Even events of nature could not stand in the way as hearty souls braved the Rec-Plex parking lot in snow and flood. A milestone challenge was pre- sented when BC's tailgaters were taken out of their natural environment for the 1982 Tangerine Bowl in Florida. With strong conviction, these troops secured (PTT's) (Prime Tailgating Territories) and were reported to have instructed the na- tives in the custom.

During the 1 983 season, tailgating on campus wrapped up after just three games. Then the Eagles travelled to Sulli- van Stadium, finding more seats for game-watching and more parking spaces for tailgating. And there a new theorem was discovered: "the number of tailgaters will increase to fill any given area." The last tailgate for the dass of 1 984 was held in Memphis with the Lib- erty Bowl. But many knew that they would return because even graduation can't stop an avid tailgater. Stephen

1. Fallon


Corinne A. Allttto

Arts &, Sciences AB, Politiced Science

Maria R. AUmendlnger

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Philosophy

Fernando Alonso

Schooi of Management BS. Marl<eting

Mlchele Alphonse

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Chemistry

David ). Alves

Arts S. Sciences BS, Geophysics

The Dating Game

Aimee had been seen down at 'Lilly's' on Thursday night, wearing a Glendale plaid kilt and a monogrammed sweater, with some guy in a tweed blazer? The news spread like wild fire across lower campus.

Neighbors scoffed, "I know that wcis her in the 'Rat' buyin' a tray of beers ". Acquaintances were aghast, "Well, all 1 know is that she told me she'd be in Bapst basement all week." Would-be suitors were dismayed, "That's why she didn't

meet me in 'Chips' at 1 :00 sharp!"

Yes, one of the truly rare BC phe- nomenons had occurred an honest to goodness date. This is not to say that we at BC did not date at all, it was just that, well, with the 'Rat,' 'Campus Pub,' 'Chips,' five roommates and not to mention a little studying now and then, we tended to be distracted from the more traditional forms of courtship. However, every once in a while, the urge for a nice civilized evening with a member of the opposite sex overcame us all.

Clarke Devereux

George Moustakas

Donna M. Amaral

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, Computer Science


Lisa M. Amaral

Arts 8< Sciences AB, English

Sherry A. Ambrosinl

Arts &. Sciences AB. Social Work


Carolyn V. Anderson

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Laura L. Anderson

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Philip D. Anderson

Arts S> Sciences AB, History

Christopher M. Andreach

School of Management BS, Finance

Paul Andrews

Arts &. Sciences AB, Psychology

Laurie L. Anello

Arts 8> Sciences AB, Philosophy

Margarita L. Angulta

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Spanish

Brian D. Annese

School of Management BS, Accounting

Lisa Antonangell

School of Management BS, Accounting

Robin M. Antonellls

School of Management

BS, Human Resources


Chrtsta M. Anzalone

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Sociology

Karen Ann Appicelll

School of Management BS, Accounting

Mayra M. Arana

School of Education AB, Special Education

John R. ArchambauK

Arts &. Sciences AB, Philosophy

Michael F. Arcleri

Arts Sv Sciences BS, Biology

Leslie A. Ardlnger

Arts &. Sciences AB, Economics

Susan M. Arlzlnl

School of Management BS, Marketing

Kerin H. Arnold

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Susan C. Arnold

Arts S. Sciences

AB, French Germanic Studies

Derek C. Aronovltz

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology



Klmberiy A. Arouth

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Cabriela R. Arruda

Arts &. Sciences AB, Psyciioiogy

Henrique M. Amida

Arts &v Sciences AB. Economics

Vincent Asanza

School of Management BS, Marketing

Karen M. Asch

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Brian T. Ashe

Lisa Mary Ashley

Allison K. Astorino

William M. Athas

David Attanasio

Arts 8. Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

Arts &v Sciences

School of Management

School of Management

AB, History

AB. Studio Art Spanish

AB. Political Science

BS. Accounting Computer Science

BS, Accounting

Nancy Attardo

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Leslie A. Atwiil

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Studio Art

William C. Atwood

warts &v Sciences AB, Theology

Kathleen A. Aubin

Arts &, Sciences BS. Biology

lennlfer A. Audet

School of Management BS. Accounting

lorge M. Augusto

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Kathleen I. Austin

School of Education AB, Human Development

Ronald Austin

School of Management BS, Accounting

Sandra M. Autori

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Elaine M. Aversa

School of Nursing BS, Nursing


Karen D. Aveiy

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Theresa A. Avery

Sciiool of Management BS, Marl<eting

William A. Aviles

Sciiool of Management BS, Finance

Scott A. Avore

Arts 8^ Sciences Economics

Linda |. Ayr

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Englisti

Stephanie L. Ayres

School of Management BS, Finance

Michael R. Azevedo

Arts & Sciences AB, Speech Communication

David C. Aznavoorlan

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Hurrah for MA's!

"Are you sure they'll take an expired Delaware liquor license?"

"Forget Carlisle's mid-term, we'll just go and have one beer."

"Don't tell me your mom really thought that was your girlfriend's name?"

What place is being referred to here: Bapst? Meet the Jesuits? The Monthly Math Social?

All wrong. The answer of course is not just a bar, now an institution, but a way of life. Like bread and butter, or kegs and RA's, there was always Thursday night and Mary Ann's. Whole generations of stu- dents have flocked to that lit-up, one story block of bricks in the Circle to start the weekend twenty-four hours early. Though the fading sign on the side of the building said so, there was never any food, and as far as the entertainment went, all you ever really needed were

your friends and a little money. Usually, the crowd Wcis a mixture of a dash of freshmen, three parts sophomores topped off with a healthy portion of upperclass- men; shake well and serve over ice. If you got there after ten o'clock on a Thurs- day, forget it the place would be so packed you'd have to settle for Chip's, or worse, go home and study. Sure, it was a mob scene, but let's face it, where did you really initiate that first BC romance? It wasn't Narcissus, but wasn't it the wildest place to dance in Brookline? Finally, where was the best place to blow off steam after five mid-terms, five papers or five rejection letters? Whatever the case, if you asked any professor, he or she could tell you why one-third of their cleisses were absent on Friday morning. An an anonymous BC poet once scratch- ed into a Bapst desk:

My head is aching, my mouth is dry; If this cliiss doesn't end, I'll probably die. Mary Ann's is the death of me; Thursday nights from nine til three.

Paul D. Campanella


Carol A. Baclawski

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Michael Z. Baer

Arts &. Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Lisa K. Bagley

Arts &. Sciences AB, Economics

A Woman's World

The dictionary says a woman is simply an adult female human being and a man is simply an adult male human being. But are the differences as simple as that? Ever since human beings have been walking upright, man and women have been treat- ed differently. Even today there are divi- sions between the sexes. However, women are slowly beginning to come into their own and enjoy all that it means to be women. The Women's Studies Program helped many women to gain insight into their roles as women in the changing world around them.

Many of us started with Introduction to Feminism a student-taught course. It game some of us a chance to share our joys and fears of being a woman in to- day's society. The Feminism course was a great opportunity to really share our feel- ings with other women and realize we

Deirdre Reidy

weren't alone.

After taking this course, one could choose from a number of courses about women that were offered by different de- partments. The changing role of women was explored through philosophical, po- litical, historical and literary viewpoints. Through courses like "Feminist Ethics", "Mothers and Daughters in Literature" and "Women at Work", many women and some men learned about the history of women and their roles in society over the ages. As we studied about the situa- tion today, we carried with us a new and better understanding of our heritage. As women who were entering a new and challenging future, we needed the sup- port we got from having a better under- standing of where we came from and what we might be. The closeness we have nurtured with otherwomen has hopefully helped us become better people.

Bridget O'Connor

Thomas F. Bair

School of Management BS. Finance

Melissa A. Baker

School of Education

AB, Elementary

Special Education

loseph H. Baldlga

Arts &> Sciences AB, English

Carl P. Saldino

Arts &^ Sciences

BS. Biology Political Science

Henry F. Baldwin

Arts &. Sciences

AB, Philosophy



Susan L. Bales

Arts &> Sciences AB. Mathematics Computer Science

Joanne P. Balickl

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. Psychology

Ceorglna BaKodano

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Anna M. Bamonte

Arts &. Sciences AB. Political Science

|ohn P. Banks

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Spanish

Michael R. Banks

Arts &^ Sciences AB, History

Louis W. BarassI

Arts &^ Sciences AB, History

Roxanne E. Barber

Arts K Sciences AB. French Philosophy

Sherri L. Bariow

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Speech Communication

IMichael P. Barcne

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Computer Science

Mark S. Barr

School of Management BS, Computer Science

|uan P. Bairenechea

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Economics


Lisa M. BarresI

School of Management BS, Computer Science

John |. Barrett

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Carol F. Barron

School of Management BS, Accounting

Josephine D. Barron

Arts &. Sciences AB, Studio Art

Janet C. Barth

School of Education

AB, Mathematics Secondary Education

Diana M. Bartolomel

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Tracy E. Bascetta

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

Linda M. Bates

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology


Theresa C. Bates

Arts S. Sciences AB. Sociology

Deborah A. Bathon

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Art History

Dariene M. Bator

Sciiool of Management BS, Finance Accounting

lennifer M. Beard

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. Russian

Suzanne M. Beauchamp

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics


Normand J. Beauchesne

School of Management BS, Accounting

Steven P. Beaudette

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Cfiemistry

Gregory S. Beaulieu

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Stephen R. Beaupre

Arts &. Sciences BS, Chemistry

Sandra L. Beckwith

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

David M. Belcher

Scott |. Belhumeur

Diane E. Bella

Carolyn |. Bellerose

Yolanda M. Benltez

Arts &. Sciences

School of Management

Arts &. Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

BS, Biology

BS, Computer Science Marketing

AB. Philosophy

BS, Biology

AB. Political Science

Thomas G. Benneche

Arts 8. Sciences AB, History

Bruce F. Bennett

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Hortence E. Bennett

School of Education AB, Human Development

David S. Bennlnghoff

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Anthony H. Benoit

Arts 8, Sciences

AB, Economics



Kathleen M. Benson

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Gardner C. Bent

Arts 8v Sciences BS, Geology Geopfiysics

Gall E. Berg

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics

Kathleen £. BemardI

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Sheila S. Bemer

Arts &> Sciences AB, French

John D. Bemhard

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Mathematics

Lisa M. Bemler

Arts &. Sciences AB, Speech Communication

George L. Bero

School of Management BS, Accounting

Puffing Up Higgins

The single most formulative exercise of character development on campus may have seemed to many, at first thought, academics and social activity. But the real test of survival and the "everness to ex- cell" on campus was to be able to climb all 120 steps of Higgins without a single pant, total collapse, or a muttered curse.

Higgins stairs . . . probably the most hated and respected architectural struc- ture on campus that almost every stu- dent, professor, or priest came to know, out of necessity. No matter how good one might have been feeling, no matter where one might have been coming from or going to, those stairs always got to one. It wiis usually around the sixth group of granite that the heaving breathing of silent students evolved into a rhythimc pattern of despair.

Back in 1 966, when Reverend Michael P. Walsh began the dedication ceremony of Higgins (as reported by the November 1 1 th issue of The Heights) he would have been surprised to know the far-reaching extent of his message. "The opening of Higgins Hall," Father Walsh said, "is such a milestone in the life of Boston College. This building not only reveals to others the dedication of our university to sci- ence, but it will enable us to contribute even more to the formation of the young and to the penetration of scientific knowl- edge."

What a milestone, Father Walsh; a formation of both our physical and men- tal psyche, thanks to that long winding climb up and down the side of Higgins Hall. The best understanding of success, after Higgins Stairs was to climb to the top of the stairs, slowly but surely, and realize it was all downhill from there. Sophie Don


i' . >^!-fc



Deirdre Reidy


Lori |. Berrini

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

|on Blasetd

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Robin M. BIckley

School of Management BS. Marketing

Robert |. Blemer

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Political Science

Jennifer M. Bilewskl

School of Management BS, Marketing

Matthew |. Bilodeau

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

lanlne M. Blache

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Daniel |. Blake

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Political Science

BC 50

They were there all the time: guarding the gates, patrolling the campus and in- vestigating the crimes. The campus police were a permanent fixture of our college lives yet we seemed to take them for granted.

But police officers are people too and they had definite feelings about BC stu- dents. They were proud of their jobs and equally proud of the community they protected.

Patrolman FrankX. Byrne found the stu- dents to be "a top bunch of Students." He thought we were basically good and that discipline was not a real problem. He had been on the force for ten years and through those years the changes have "only been for the better." When asked what he would like to change about stu- dents he replied that they should be less careless about their dorms and security. "I wish they would be more cooperative about their cars," he added.

Another officer, who preferred not to be identified, had a more solemn view of students. He had also been on the force for ten years, but he saw changes for the worst. "The students drink a lot more," he explained, "and this causes more prob- lems." He felt the greatest problem was discipline. "Ninety-eight percent of the kids are great. It's the two percent we get called about."

Regarding what changes he would like to see he said, "Parents should make stu- dents more aware of what goes on in the world. They shouldn't try to protect them." This sobering advice eis especially appropriate due to the rash of sexual assaults that took place on campus.

They may have different views about BC, but it seemed that most police offi- cers enjoyed working at the University and they admired the students they served.

Colleen Seibert

The Heights


luUanne H. Blanchet

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Thomas B. Blesslngton

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Patricia A. Bligh

Arts Sv Sciences AB, Psycology

|. Barry Bocklet

School of Management BS, Finance

Nancy A. Bolsture

School of Education

AB, Early Childhood



|ohn A. Bolsvert

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Economics


Alfred T. Bolden

Arts 8. Sciences AB, English

Caryn L. Bollhofer

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Betoko Longele Bolokwa

School of Management

BS, International


Carolan M. Bombara

School of Management BS, Accounting

Philip B. Boncaldo

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Psychology

Kathleen E. Borkes

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Mathematics Computer Science

Damon |. Borrelli

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Mary I. Borrelli

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Michael B. Botte

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Nancy t. Bouchard

School of Education AB, Human Development

Valerie |. Boucher

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Political Science


David E. Boudreau

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Paul A. Boudreau

School of Education AB, Human Development

David |. Boundy

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Political Science


Paul D Campanella

A Career???

It was senior year and he was finally getting around to facing that awful ques- tion he had been hearing for four years: What are you going to do when you graduate? So he mustered his courage and headed for the Career Center, that building on Comm. Ave. that he always passed on the way to White Mountain Creamery.

Entering the busy atmosphere, he was inundated with bulletin boards full of notices about available services and cur- rent happenings. Skimming a Directory of Services, he was surprised to see that there was much more offered here than simply rooms in which recruiters inter- viewed. The variety of workshops was amazing, ranging from those which helped him to evaluate his needs in terms of a career goal to those which taught him how to write a resume. Timidly approaching a desk, he decided to make an appointment with one of the three professional career advisors to help guide him through all of this information.

"Year, please?" the receptionist asked. "Why senior, of course." he replied, only to look around and realize that many of the students who used the resources at the Center were undercliissmen. All of a sudden it seemed like there were so many alternatives to consider: Should he interview for jobs? Go to graduate school? Professional school, maybe?

A career advisor directed him to the

Internship Office. He decided to volun- teer at a company in Boston to gain career-related work experience and to help clarify his goals. One step toward a job had been accomplished and he felt a little better.

He then attended a workshop where a paraprofessional student helped him to formulate a resume. He submitted it to several prescreenings by recruiting em- ployers. Recognizing the fact that 7296 students interviewed with 207 com- panies the year before, he began the Cen- ter's plan for researching the job market beyond campus recruiting.

Taking yet more time for his busy se- nior schedule, he found himself spending many hours at the Career Center. He utiized the Alumni Career Network and workshops on "Creative Job Search Strategies " to design a multi-faced job campaign.

Getting a job was a time-consuming task and hard work. Follow-up and per- sistance, plus a clear awareness of what he was looking for, had him out ahead of where he would be had he relied soley on campus recruiting for that first job.

He was encouraged to know that if May found him still job hunting (and later, when he was ready to move along his career path), BC would be there with Alumni Career Services!

Linda Langford

Kathleen Bowker

School of Nursing BS, Nursing


Carrie L Boyd

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Lillian M. Boyle

School of Management BS, Accounting

Karen M. Bracdo

School of Nursing BS. Nursing


Caroline M. Bradley

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Paul |. Bradley

Schooi of Management BS. Accounting

Elizabeth L. Brady

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, History

Ellen Brady

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. Psychology

Robert C. Branca

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology

Thomas A. Brant

School of Management

BS, Accounting


Cynthia L. Bremer

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Brian M. Brennan

School of Management BS, Finance

Marlgrace T. Brennan

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Ingeborg A. Brennlnkmeyer

Arts &^ Sciences AB. History

Maiy Elizabeth Bresch

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

Mary L. Breskovlch

Arts &. Sciences

AB. Psychology


Marie E. Briasco

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Mary E. Bricidey

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Harry C. Briggs

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Geology

iWK^ ^^■■^■-v'^if^'iv . o^^'ESSS^

Lisa Brinkman

School of Education AB, Severe Special Needs

Neal A. Bronzo

Arts (y. Sciences

AB, Economics

Computer Science

Paul L. Broughton

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

fane A. Brown

School of Education

AB, Early Childhood


Keith R. Brown

School of Management BS, Finance


Kevin M. Brown

Arts S^ Sciences BS, Biology Psychology

Meghan D. Brown

School of Education AB. Early Childhood

Patricia A. Brown

School of Education

AB. Elementary

Special Education

Tlionias M. Brown

School of Management

BS, Economics


Adeie K. Brownfieid

Arts 8. Sciences AB, English

Wiliiam H. Brox

School of Management BS, Marketing

Lisa M. Brunette

Arts &. Sciences AB, English

Vincent F. BuccI

Arts &^ Sciences AB, History

James A. Bucldey

Arts &^ Sciences

AB. Mathematics


|ohn T. Buckley

Arts 8> Sciences AB, Economics

Megan Bucldey

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Richard P. Bucldey, |r.

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Audrey M. Buehner

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, Economics


Monica Bulich

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology

Stephen A. Buono

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Mathematics Computer Science

Lisa D. Burgess

School of Management

BS, Finance


Jennifer M. Burghardt

Arts S^ Sciences

AB. Speech Communication


Alfred |. Burgo

Arts S. Sciences BS. Biology

John D. Burke

School of Management BS. Computer Science

Patricia A. Burke

School of Management

BS. Marl^eting

Computer Science


"Demanding'' Deposits

What does Pope say? "Hope springs eternal in the human breeist." This may be so, but as far as wringing money out of the BayBanl< machines went, the second line of Pope's couplet was more accurate: "Man never is, but always to be blest." A person's typical run-in was as follows:

Arrived at four PM, with the rent due at five, out of breath from having run all the way from More Hall. The cashier's win- dow closed at 3:44:59 and refused to stay open one minute longer.

Got at the end of a line of a dozen or so people at the BayBank machine. (The number of people increased in propor- tion to the lack of time available to get the money). The person using the machine decided to balance his checking account, open a savings account, and withdraw at

Paul D. Campanetla

least half the money in the machine.

Lost place in line while getting a de- posit slip from the pile on the floor. Got at the end of the line, which now numbered 35 because the Woman's soccer team decided to go to No-Names after prac- tice.

Finally got to the machine and put the BayBank card in. Deposited $36.75 and withdrew $235.00, leaving a balance of a buck seventy-five. The machine spit out only $225 and refused to give back the card. Kicked, yelled, screamed, rent hair, gnashed teeth, put on sackcloth and ceremoniously dumped ashes on head in the true biblical style. When nothing worked, called the telephone number flashing in green on the monitor. Heard a cheery voice assuring that the machine was foolproof and informing that the ten dollars lost would be credited to the account.

T.H. McMorran

Susan C. I. Burkhalter

School of Education AB, Human Development

Mary C. Burns

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Sheila A. Bums

Arts K Sciences AB, Psychology

Sheila M. Bums

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Mark R. Burrowes

Arts &. Sciences AB, Philosophy

tileen M. Burrows

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Charlene M. Bushman

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Mathematics


Brian P. Busslere

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Mathematics


loseph Butera

Arts &. Sciences AB, Economics

Peter Buttrick

Arts &^ Sciences AB, History

lames F. Byman

School of Management BS. Accounting

Diana Caban

School of Management BS. Accounting

Mary C. Caffrey

Arts S^ Sciences

AB, English Speech Theater

Joan Cahalane

Arts &. Sciences AB, Economics

Daniel |. Cahlll

Arts &> Sciences

AB, Philosophy


Kelly A. Cahlll

School of Management BS. Accounting

Mary T. Cahlll

School of Management BS. Finance

Kevin C. Cain

School of Management BS. Finance

Margaret H. Cain

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Romance Language

Edward P. Callendo

Arts S. Sciences AB. Speech Communication

Steven |. Callguri

Arts 8. Sciences BS. Physics

Barbara A. Callahan

Arts &^ Sciences BS. Biology

John |. Callahan

Arts &. Sciences AB. Economics

Kathleen M. Callahan

School of Management BS, Marketing

lean T. Callanan

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Ellen E. Callas

Arts &> Sciences AB, Psychology

Virginia M. Calotta

School of Management BS, Finance

Eileen A. Cameron

School of Nursing BS, Nursing


Patricia |. Campanella

Arts 8v Sciences

AB, Psychology/MSW


Paul D. Campanella, |r.

School of Management BS, Finance

Alice T. Campbell

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Beth M. Campbell

School o f Management BS, Marketing

Christopher H. Campbell

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Russian

Soap Suds

A seemingly harmless occupation had become of major importance to seniors. Watching General Hospital (GH) was not just for fun anymore.

It all started with Luke and Laura. They married, then Laura disappeared. Luke fell in love with Holly, the daughter of a bigwig whose organization wanted to ruin Luke. Then Luke disappeared and Holly, pregnant with Luke's child, married Robert Scorpio, Luke's best friend. Well, Luke reappeared, but a short while later he and Holly both disappeared. Scorpio found them while, in the meantime, Laura returned to the GH gang. Such was the main attraction in a nutshell.

Every day of every school year was the same. The dorm crowded into one room at 3 PM to watch the tube. Once in front of the tube, otherwise normally "sweet

and innocent" people turned into beeists and savages. Heaven help the one who broke the silence. He or she was im- mediately cuffed and thrown out of the room to face the punishment of a day without soaps. If anyone dared to block the view of an avid GH fan, the one sinned against would resort to whatever means possible to remove the obstruction.

Professors must have wondered why virtually no one registered for their 3 PM classes. True fans made sure all their classes were scheduled accordingly so that nothing interferred with their daily, prime-time viewing.

However, the tradition would live on so long as the underclassmen became fix- ated. The only solution to the problem would be to award a degree in General Hospital Watching.

Jennifer McKinney

leannle E. Campbell

School of Management BS, Marketing

Scott W. CampbeU

School of Management BS, Finance

Eileen C. Cancroft

School of Education AB, Human Development



Every vacation the campus became a ghost town. Students shared rides and left campus life behind for awhile. They were getting into Greyhound. They were going the Amtrak way. They were flying the friendly skies.

The mass of students seemed to clear the campus in a single movement. Even tuition strikes never motivated the stu- dent body the way an upcoming vacation could. And it didn't matter what the Reg- istrar's office said. The students knew when clcisses would end.

Professors tried to predict when the exodus from campus would begin. Some adhered to the class-add-on view, which determined that students would add days to their vacation equal to the num- ber of semesters they had been at BC. Others used flat percentage formulas, guessing that vacarions would always be 20% longer than the calendar suggested. New critics were struggling with the

Deirdre Reicly

Bowl-climate hypothesis, which drew attention to the trends during Christmcis break.

Once it began, the exodus was un- stoppable. Students found that there was always room in the car for one more suit- case and one more passenger. Of course, that meant putring things on the roof (usually not piissengers).

And when it weis over, some guessed that the students who stayed on campus were outnumbered by the Jesuits, five to one. Most of the remaining students locked themselves in dorm rooms and got caught up in the semester's courses, or even last semester's.

Those who looked were sometimes abailable to see another side of life on campus. As they wandered the still cam- pus, memories would fill the dustbowl. For some, it was a rare chance to relax and see BC as more than the sum of their classes.

Stephen J. Fallon

William X. Candela

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. History Philosophy

Laura E. Canfleld

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Timothy S. Cann

School of Nursing BS, Nursing


Bethany ). Cannlffe

Arts L Sciences AB, Economics

Mark |. Caola

Arts &. Sciences AB. Economics

Marcia T. CappuccI

Arts &> Sciences AB, Mathematics

MIchele Carfoeny

Arts &^ Sciences AB. English Psychology

|ohn |. Cardlto

School of Management

BS. Finance

Computer Science


Thomas A. Carelli

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, History

Speech Communication

Catherine N. Carey

Arts &. Sciences BS, Geology

Mark D. Carnesi

Arts 8. Sciences AB, English

Christine Carney

School of Education AB, Early Childhood Human Development

Gerard A. Caron

Arts & Sciences AB. English

Francis P. Carpenito

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Diane |. Carpenter

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Eiise A. Carpenter

Arts & Sciences AB, Spanish

|ohn C. Carpenter

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communications

Brian K. Carroll

School of Management

BS, Marl<eting


Brian P. Carroll

Arts 8> Sciences AB, History

Cristen N. Carter

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

Kirk A. Carter

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Lisa M. Carter

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Paul |. Carter

School of Management BS, Finance

Stephen L. Carter

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Daniel C. Carton

School of Management BS, Marketing

lanice M. Casey

School of Education AB Elementary Education

Karen E. Casey

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

Peter C. Casiraghl

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology



BC, like most other universities, was a cultural center. It was a society of its own in which students of different ethnic back- grounds from all over came together, ex- changing ideas and shared traditions. In such a culturally diverse atmosphere, it was no wonder that the students developed their own individual tastes in fashion, which reflected their lifestyles as well iis the times. The University, after all, located in the Bos- ton area, which has been the home of the social trendsetters and the fashion- conscious. So it was easy to understand how our campuses were home to a diversity of fashion. This ran the gamut from "college traditional" to "new-wave bizzare". Never- theless, it was a range which was wide, col- orful, and to say the least quite in- teresting.

Many students were devotees of the peasant look. The ladies preferred shawls and long, frilly skirts, while the men wore longer hair, jackets with fringe, and buckled boots. They embodied the independentstu- dents who preferred the traditional life- style. Some students still hoped that the 1 960's had not ended; they favored sandals, bell-bottoms, miniskirts, Vietnam-style army fatigues, and the like. Perhaps the students were only preparing for a nuclear attach. Nevertheless, they were comfortable.

Or one might have adhered to the casual, country look. Give these laid-back folk a roomy, faded, broken in pair of jeans and suspenders and an old sheepskin winter jacket any day. You might have wanted to throw in a good-ole pair of work boots or clogs and a sewn-on quilt patch, to boot.

All work and no play makes for a dull undergrad, or so said the campus trendset- ter. Be there a new fashion craze newly sprung in the area, he or she was apt to be flashing it. These students liked to study in style. They sported legwarmers, torn Flash- dance danskins, designer jeans you name it. The trendsetter kept his or her TransAm on campus, ready for action. This student came to class equipped with notebook in hand to study, but dressed to go out for a drink and fun afterward.

jogging into the picture and across the campus was the jock, the athletic undergrad who came to class in sweatpants, football jersey, Converse basketball sneakers, and lacrosse stick in hand. Or one might have been that type of student who always came cloaked in a scarf and raincoat. Then there was the Chemistry Major who sported Coke-bottle eyeglasses, a black suit and tie. In appearance he resembled a biological specimen and was always being mistaken

Matthew |. Cassidy

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, History

Raymond R. Castagnola

Arts &, Sciences AB, Psycliology

David A. Catalano, |r.

School of Management

BS, Computer Science


Michael |. Catanzaro

Arts &~ Sciences BS, Biology

Catherine M. Cauiey

Arts &. Sciences AB, Mathematics

Marie G. Cauifleid

School of Management BS, Accounting


loAnne DellaCamera

John L. Cavalier

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics Computer Science

CIna L. Caycedo

Scliool of Management BS, Marketing

Susan A. Cayer

Arts &v Sciences AB, Economics


for a science professor. And one must not forget the student who arrived to class wearing shorts and thongs in the middle of a December snowstorm.

The conservative undergrad was of a spe- cial breed. His or her clothes were the stuff of the Ivy League and represented the tradi- tional campus look. No ripped jeans or un- laced workboots for this species, thank you. These were the clean-cut gentlemen in V- neck jerseys, cords, and tennis shoes who escorted across campus their girls, donning pleated skirts, green sweaters, and Peter- Pan collars.

One might define the Preppy style as con- servatism taken to the extreme but it still made for an ongoing fashion trend on cam- pus. Preppy people were especially fond of accessories with rainbow stripes such as hairbands and wristwatches. They also de- lighted in shoes that looked like green snowboots. The Prep's wardrobe had to fea- ture a tweed blazer with collar upturned over the compulsory purple polo shirt and brightly-colored print slacks. The girls might have opted for a wrap-around plaid skirt fastened with a large safety pin and a monogrammed sweater. Each Prep was footed by Mumsie in a bright, new, shiny pair of penny loafers.

A survey of the fashion scene must men- tion the new-waver to be complete. The undergrad who was an aficionado of punk, funk, and rock hung out on Lansdown Street and rocked to the Sex Pistols once his or her homework was done. One could easily spot the new-waver on campus sporting bracelets, bangles, bandanniis, and studded leather. They sported slicked-back, flopped- over hairstyles which came in a variety of shades (provided, of course, that the punk preferred to wear hair, which was not neces- sarily a requirement. One may have com- promised with a mohawk). Punks slid into tights, stripes, and leather pants and tucked them into elf shoes or combat boots. And each new-waver's ensemble had to include a headset, complete with an earphone ready to be plugged in and blare out The Stray Cats in the middle of Statistics class.

They say different strokes for different folks, and so it went with the fashion scene on campus. The choices and tastes may have been wide and varied, but there was no "norm". Everyone \nas a deviant, although some were more successful at being out- rageous than are others. What was signifi- cant was that, in the long run, each person believed in and did his own thing, and was comfortable at it too.

Gary Presto

Michael |. Celentano

Scliool of Education AB, Human Development

Teresa E.. Celona

Arts 8v Sciences BS, Biology

Karen M. Cemach

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology


An Apathetic Appeal

To the Editor:

Concerning a problem here at Boston College.

Apathy. What a pain in the necl<.. Or actually, what a pain it is to combat apathy; to do, to initiate, to act.

I guess the problem facing each of us is the ease at which one can flop the legs up, lean back and rationalize such lazy thoughts as "oh well . .. ," "won't do any good . . . ," "someone else will do it ... " or "later, later ..." And because of our happiness we develop from being able to relax once again, we become almost un- knowing victims: at the sound or sight of a constructive or productive moment, the big black ominous machine with A-P- A-T-H-Y glaring on its sides sears through the clouds and ... RAT-TAT-TAT!!! "Oh well . . . ," "maybe next time ..." moans the target, and the sinister machine notches another victory.

Most people have little problem moti- vating to accomplish something that is directly related to themselves. Eating, sleeping, partying, occasional school work, etc. But it is important to under- stand that oneself and one's interests reach further than that . . . world politics, the future of the US, the future (or hope- fully lack of future) of cancer, and even life

here at Boston College. Although our personal perspective will put eating, drinking, sleeping, and dating as more important, each of us still have a stake, and a growing one as we ourselves get older, in things going on around us.

As a common example to us all, let's look at good ole BC. Tremendous physi- cal campus (babes— guys included), good people . . . but . . . There are always those complaints circulating among drinking buddies, at parties, behind closed doors, that are attacked artistically and intelligently, but are usually shot down, as the conversation ends, by Darth Apathy (sorry).

"I don't know; my family and 1 pay a lot of money to come here, and I get angry as hell when I'm closed out of certain courses ..." There can always be changes made in certain academic areas. Books could possibly be sold cheaper, alleviating (granting to a small extent) the financial burden of going to a university these days. The social aspects have room for considerable change. Perhaps if more parties were allowed, each would be smaller and people would go where they wished and a more normal social atmos- phere would be maintained. Many more social activities could be planned and ex- ecuted. The list goes on and, hopefully, the illustration is made. Grievances exist

David G. Chabot

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

Dianne G. Chabot

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Poiiclcal Science

|ohn M. Chambers

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Computer Science

|uan C. Chamorro

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Kathleen A. Chandler

School of Management BS, Human Resources

Mary M. Chang

Arts &. Sciences AB, Psychology

Robert |. Chanis

School of Management BS, Accounting

Daria M. Chapelsky

School of Management BS. Organizational Studies

Stephen F. Charles

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Maureen Charron

School of Management BS, Marketing


and are known but the black bird of apathy has shat on the ideas before ac- tion is taken.

In a sense, this is an introspective kick in the pants to myself, but I think a large proportion of the students would agree that apathy is a problem. Not that I feel I have matured to any amazing extent (I still laugh when certain people fart), but I hope the freshmen and sophomores take a more active stance to life here at BC, and that juniors and seniors will do the same in terms of the "real world." College prepares us for the rest of life in several ways one of which is to take a re- sponsible role in acting for those things we feel are right, and acting against those things one feels are wrong. We'd be sur- prised how good a beer and spleef taste after shaking some of that apathy and acting.

1 thought of writing this letter . . . heard the viscous drone of Apathy's engine above, made a few quick scribbles and maneuvers, and evaded the dreadful enemy. On completion, a healthy pat on the back, I curse apathy and its countless victories, and score one for initiative. Michael Grant. '84 (reprinted with permission from the Heights)

Mary Leonard

Carolyn A. Chen

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Sociology

Sunny L. K. Cheng

School of Management BS. Computer Science


Thomas B. Childs

School of Management BS, Finance

Howard D. Chin

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Economics Political Science

Maeling Chin

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Studio Art

|unko Chino

Arts &. Sciences AB, Economics

James t. Chlsholm

School of Management BS, Marketing

Robert V. Chlsholm

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Spanish


Stephanie A. Chlsholm

Arts 8> Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Kwok Wing Chu

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Maria M. Clafrel

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Lisa A. CIcolIni

School of Management

BS, Computer Science


Francis T. CImerol

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. English

Joanne CIse

School of Management

BS, Marketing



Cynthia A. Clancy

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Martin |. Clark

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Mary E. Clark

School of Education AB, Special Education

Shaun C. Clasby

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Jeanmarle Clausen

School of Management BS. Finance

John C. Clavln

School of Management

BS, Economics


Kara L. Cleary

School of Education

AB, Human Development


ludlth L. Coates

School of Management BS, Organizational Studies

Mary P. Cobb

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Dorothy C. Coccia

School of Management BS, Finance

Mary L. Coco

Arts L Sciences AB, English

Christopher |. Coffey

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology

Eileen M. Coffey

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Lynn M. Coffin

Arts &. Sciences AB. Political Science

Chariene |. Colby

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Christine M. Cole

School of Education AB, Fluman Development

Roland S. Cole

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, Political Science


Daniel P. Coleman

Arts &. Sciences AB, English

Carroll D. Coletti

Arts 8> Sciences AB, English

Maria B. Collna

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology


Anna Colorito

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Robert V. Comiskey

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Physics

Heather K. Concannon

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Sociology

Remembering . . .

In the fall of 1 983 a new course was offered in the history department and it soon becanne one of the most popular classes on campus. "Remembering the 60's," taught by Carol Petillo, was a course about that turbulent time in Amer- ica's history, the 1960's. Although for many the 60's might seem like yesterday, for others it has already become a histor- ical period that should be analyzed and evaluated.

But why wcis there this interest in a time that did not seem that long pcist? The sixties have often been looked upon as a time of renewed interest in justice and equality, and personal committment to ideals. It has also been thought of as a time of messy hippies, violence in the streets, and war abroad. All of this is true. Still, it was hard to explain the nostalgia in

the eyes of the students for a time they never really knew. One of the goals of the class was to examine the nostalgia.

The class had a unique structure. Numerous history professors lectured once a week. They told of their personal experiences in the sixties. Students heard about Civil Rights, Woman's Rights, the War in Vietnam, the activists, the pacifists, and of course, rock-n-roll. Following these educational and entertaining lec- tures, there wcis one movie a week re- lated to the topic. Films ranged from fea- ture-length films like "The Graduate" to the "Vietnam Documentary: Hearts and Minds," Students were stimulated to think about this era rather than just im- agine it to be the Utopia of personal in- volvement students want it to be.

Bridget O'Connor

Maria D. Conde

Arts &. Sciences AB, Mathematics

Dean F. Condon

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Theology


Kathryn E. Conellas

School of Management BS, Finance

Kerry A. Congdon

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Steven D. Conkling

School of Management BS. Finance Economics


Brian W. Conley

School of Management BS, Finance

Clare L. Connelly

School of Management BS, Marketing

Edwin W. Connelly

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

Jeanne F. Connelly

Arts S> Sciences BS. Biology

Edwin T. Connick

School of Management BS, Finance


"You're kidding, right?" John Pleaded sheepishly.

The stone-faced cashier reeled in yards of receipt tape and held it up saying "See for yourself."

He scanned the list futilely. "Are you sure you didn't misplace the decimal?" John groped. He remembered harboring the same suspicion when the Registrar's office calculated his GPA last semester. The cashier stared at him evenly.

"Alright," John gave in, pulling his checkbook out. "Scientific notation okay?"

It was no use. The battle with the book- store wcis underway again. Thousands of fellow students faced the same scene apprehensively at the start of each se- mester. John had hoped he'd be used to

the encounter by now, being a senior, but no one ever got over the BC Bookstore Blues.

He stopped and scanned the store. Mark shrieked when he found that his fifty-page, paperback lab manual cost more than the class text itself. Laura wiis plowing through the crowds, frantically trying to find an Economics book. She'd checked the course number. She'd looked in the floorstacks. She'd been through the Late Section, the Late, Late Section and the Incredibly Late Section. And there it was in the Philosophy shelves.

John looked over to the mob surround- ing The Hidden Register. "About as hid- den as the secret box in record-club ads," he mused. As he turned to leave, weary and financially battered, John found con- solation in one thought: at least he hcisn't tried the Book Coop.

Stephen j. Fallon

loAnne Dellacamera

Kathleen E. Connolly

Arts 8, Sciences

AB. Political Science

Speech Communication

Kera A. Connolly

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Mathematics

Marianne Connolly

School of Nursing BS, Nursing


Charies |. Consentino

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Ann Marie Conte

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Rosemarie |. Conte

School of Management BS. Accounting

Ellen M. Cook

School of Management BS. Marketing

Michael A. Cook

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Physics

Julia M. Corijett

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Psychology


Jean M. Coiboslero

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. Spanish

Jane F. Corcoran

School of Management BS, Marketing

Joseph A. Corcoran

Arts 8. Sciences AB. Speech Theatre

Joseph C. Corcoran

Arts 8. Sciences AB, English

Margaret A. Corey

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Paul F. Corey

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English Philosophy

Jeffrey T. Corkery

Arts 8> Sciences AB, Political Science

Steven M. Coriiss

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Biology


i ^




"^^H '



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^^^^jI^v J

Catherine Comello

School of Education AB, Early Childhood

Keith P. Corodimas

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Psychology

Jaime R. Correas

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Esmeralda M. Correla

School of Management

BS, Human Resources


Kimbeily B. Correli

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Philosophy

Joseph M. Corsl

School of Management BS, Computer Science


Michael ). Corso

Arts &. Sciences

AB. English


Georgia L. Cost

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, Political Science


Antone R. Costa

Arts &. Sciences AB, Mathematics

ludith A. Costello

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Patrice A. Costello

School of Management BS. Finance

Kathleen A. Costlgan

Arts S^ Sciences AB, Spanish

Catherine B. Coudert

School of Education

AB, Early Childhood


Peter M. Coumoyer

Arts &> Sciences BS, Biology Psychology

Brian C. Courtney

Arts &, Sciences AB, History

Kenneth J. Coutoumas

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Kenneth F. Cowan

School of Management BS, Accounting

Cynthia M. Coyle

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Rita A. Coyne

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, French Political Science

Timothy R. Coyne

School of Management BS. Finance

David T. Craig

School of Management BS, Finance

Marc A. Craig

Arts &. Sciences AB, History

Elaine M. Cranstoun

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. Psychology

John D. Cregan

School of Management BS. Finance

Maureen E. Crehan

School of Management BS, Marketing

lain R. Crerar

Arts 8v Sciences

AB. Economics



Nicole M. Crespan

School of Management BS, Economics

Elaine S. Crist

Arts &. Sciences AB, Speecfi Communication

John |. Crocamo

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology

Lawrence |. Crosby

School of Management BS, Marketing

Lawrence A. Crovo

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Carolyn M. Crowley

School of Management BS, Accounting

Edward ). Crowley

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Maria Theresa Cruz

Evening College BS, Management

Marathon or Party-thon?

The Boston Marathon. To nearly every- one it meant a 26.2 mile race that was the culmination of years of training. However, when the thousands of runners were Struggling towards the Prudential Center, Students were conducting a marathon of their own a nine-to-five Olympic effort through an obstacle course of barbecues, kegs, cops and crowds. Before Bill Rog- ers had even passed, the average BC apartment or dorm had set in motion a contingency plan that would probably be the envy of the Pentagon:

"9:00 Jim and Ed stake out a spot on Heartbreak Hill. 9:05 Sparky and Tim go to 'Service' and get the kegs. 9:25 Mike, Doug and Chris get the burgers and char- coal and report to the Hill. 1 0:00 kegs, food and roommates are ready for yet another Marathon "Top-off."

The party tradition of the Boston Marathon was a demanding one. How else could you describe the custom of students attempting to visit every barbe- cue and keg on Heartbreak Hill, plus cheering on the winners at the same time? By the eleventh hotdog or brew, the true Eagles had been separated from the flock of pseudo-partygoers. The overall "champions" of the party marathon Wcis any person who could not only overcome the days imbibing and in- digestion, but who could also skirt past the police dispersing the crowds at the races end and get back to his or her Mod or apartment with the empty kegs. Truly such an accomplishment possessed "the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." However way you look at it, the Boston Marathon was another BC celebration. Clarke Devereux

George C Moustakas


Maria V. Cruz

Arts &. Sciences AB, Psychology

Diane L. Ciyts

School of Management BS. Accounting

Maureen L. Cullum

School of Management BS, Accounting

Doug Who?

Doug Flutie, Boston College, Class of 1985. An Eagles quarterback with in- credible statistics. Everyone knew who Doug Flutie was. So what did people think of this reknowned college football player?

There were two ways of looking at Doug. First: "Flutie the football hero." Most people agreed that they admired Flutie very much as an athlete and were very proud to say that he played football for their school. But, almost everyone had something else to say about Doug's "other personality"; Doug Flutie, the stu- dent. How did one react to the fact that once Flutie was off the field and in the classroom, he was the same as everyone else?

"Once, I said two words to Doug Flu- tie," said one female student. "I was intro- duced to him by a mutual friend, and all I

kept thinking was, "Wow, this is Doug Flutie! Should I let him know that I know what a great football player he is or should I be really calm and ask again what his name was?!"

"Doug is really just like everyone else," said one of his roommates. "He is very home-oriented, he studies, and he isn't pretentious at all. When he talks to peo- ple he has just met he acts the same as he does when he talks to one of us."

Generally, Flutie was very respected among his colleagues. "Being on televi- sion is sort of like a game to Doug," com- mented one of his teammates. "He doesn't get excited because forty-million people are watching him, he gets excited because of all the famous and interesting people he is going to meet. I like Doug even though he's a good player. He's not just an image, he's his own person." Tania Zielinski

Jane A. Cummlngs

School of Management BS, Accounting

loan A. Cummings

School of Management BS, Accounting

Glenn A. Cunha

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Economics

Glen P. Cunnlff

Evening College BS, Accounting

Daniel P. Cunningham

Arts 8, Sciences AB. History Economics


Timothy M. Cunningham

School of Management BS, Accounting

Cheryl |. Curchin

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Laurene M. Curran

School of Management

BS, Computer Science


Patrick D. Curran

School of Management BS, Accounting

Eileen M. Currier

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Laura N. Currier

School of Management BS, Finance

Cathleen A. Curtin

School of Management BS, Marketing

Terrence ). Curtin

Arts Sciences AB, Political Science

Gabriel H. Cusanelll

Arts 8. Sciences AB, English

Carolyn |. Cushing

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Charles M. Cutmore

Arts 8^ Science AB, History

Mary Cutrl

School of Education AB, Human Development

Cynthia A. Czaja

Arts 8. Sciences AB. Speech Communication

Julie Ann D'Antuono

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Political Science

|une A. D'Orsi

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Juliette M. Dacey

School of Education AB, Human Development

Lynn A. Dadourian

Arts 8> Sciences AB, Economics

John F. Daikh

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Kathleen C. Daley

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Lisa M. Daley

School of Education

AB, Elementary, Special



Laurie Dairymple

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Biology

Sandra L. Dairymple

Scliool of Nursing BS, Nursing

lulia M. Dahon

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Spanish Economics

Michael F. Daly

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Fausto M. Dambrosio

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Susan |. Daniels

David A. Daplce

Kevin P. Darsney

Lori A. Davidian

Carolyn I. Davis

School of Education

School of Management

Arts &. Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

Arts S. Sciences

AB, Special Education

BS. Marketing

AB, Psychology

AB, French

AB, Russin

Elizabeth A. Davis

School of Management

BS, Accounting


Glenn A. Davis

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Suzanne M. Davis

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

Mary C. Davitt

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Richard |. Dawson

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Kathleen |. Day

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Ugo D. DeBlasi

School of Mangement BS, Accounting

Franit |. DeCaro

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Marie DeCicco

Arts 8. Sciences AB, English

iUchard M. DeFellx

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science


Russian Roulette?

I believe a Political Science major should keep up with current events. I try to follow the news every night; dashing to my TV set promptly at 7:00 to watch the national news teleceist. 1 suppose it is a good habit.

On this night the news seemed as bleak cis ever. The newscaster's opening story was on the crisis in Lebanon. He followed this up with a report on El Salva- dor. After a commercial break, he was back to talk about nuclear weapons. "The world is in bad shape," I thought. But then again, I always think this cis I watch the news.

The final news story concerned a miss- ing airliner. A Korean Airlines jumbo jet was six hours overdue in Seoul, Korea and this was the only detail they had at the time. Off went my TV and on went the stereo.

The next day I, like the rest of the world, was shocked to hear that the Russians had shot down that overdue plane. In an instant, 269 lives had ended with no

questions asked, no explanations and not even a decent apology offered by the Soviet Union. With all their advanced sur- veillence techniques, the Russians must have been in contact with the commercial airliner as it strayed off course. The Soviet MIG pilot came within less than a mile of the airplane before he fired and he had reported positive contact with the target. The outline of a 747 is very distinct, even to the untrained observer.

I cannot help but feel contempt for a country which sanctions cold-blooded murder. It is sorrowful that a nation is so paranoid it must shoot down unarmed aircraft which enter into its airspace. And what of the Russian pilot who claims to have "just followed orders?" It seems that his excuse has been heard before in the history of our world. Courage on his part might have saved the lives of those peo- ple.

Maybe the world is beyond hope. Perhaps nations cannot live together in peace. This crisis has shows us just how cold-hearted man can be.

Henry Gomez

George Moustakas

David E. Degenhart

Arts &v Sciences AB, Sociology

Kathleen DeLacey

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communications

Llanne M. DeLaluz

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Sheila M. Delaney

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Thomas |. Delaney

Arts &. Sciences

AB, Political Science


Caria M. DeLeillls

Arts &. Sciences

AB. Computer Science


Susan M. DeLelllis School of Management BS, Computer Science

Jean Delfeiro

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Philosophy



loanne M. Delia Camera

School of Education

AB, Early Childhood


Janice C. DeLuca

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. Psychology

Laura |. DeMalo

School of Management BS, Marketing

Patrick |. DeMalo |r.

School of Management BS. Accounting

Michael A. DeMalia

School of Management

BS. Accounting

Computer Science

lames L. DeMarco

School of Management BS. Accounting

John R. Demers

School of Management

BS. Marketing

Computer Science

Paul |. Demers

Arts &, Sciences AB. Mathematics Computer Science

David Denofrio

Arts 8^ Sciences BS. Chemistry

Victoria |. Denton

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Economics

Timothy E. Deren

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Carta M. DeRobblo

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Philosophy

Lynn A. DeRosa

School of Management BS, Finance

lames P. DeSantls

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Editor's Privilege

Dear Mr. Printer.

^^B^^^M? ^^^^^^^^^1

1 thought I'd sent page forty-four,

But 1 just found it on the floor.

it is enclosed with ninety-eight,

I'm sorry it's a month too late.

1 said I'd send the rest myself.

These ten were lying on a shelf.

^K!^^^^^ ^^^^^

The pages sent as six and seven.

I'd like to change to ten and eleven.

That is unless they're already done.

r ^

In that case make it ninety-one.



Renee M. DeSantis

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, History

Denlse Desmarals

School of Education AB, Early Cliildhood Education

Clarke P. Devereux

Arts &^ Sciences

AB. English


Therese A. Devin

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Nancy F. DeVine

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

William V. DeVlne

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Tracy A. Dexter

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, French

Gaston R. Deysine

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Brenda |. Dias

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Bemadette M. Diaz

Arts 8v Sciences AB, History

Please send page twelve and thirteen

back, I should have made those two girls'


Instead I sent girls' volleyball, And that can't go in there at all.

1 had it planned wrong, that's the

thing 1 plumb forgot it came in "Spring."

I'm sorry all our stuff was late. Could that affect the delivery date? Love, The Editor

Paul D. Campanella


Lys Diaz-Velarde

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

1 ^

Paul |. DIFaIco

School of Education

AB, Secondary Education


Nancy A. DIFIIIlpo

School of Management BS. Computer Science

Barbara A. Dlliihunt

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Frank A. DILorenzo

School of Management BS, Finance

Vera H. DILuglo

Arts &~ Sciences AB. English

|ohn L. DIMasI

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Therese S. Dinnan

School of Education

AB, Elementary Special


Mourners in Manila

On August 21, 1983 Benigno S. Aquino )r. was shot and killed as he got off his plane at Manila International Airport. This was a sad event for the people of Manila, but the incident had larger rami- fications for the world as a whole.

Aquino was a former Manilan senator who was arrested when Ferdinand Mar- cos proclaimed martial law in 1 972. He was sentenced to death, but later re- leased to come to the United States for heart surgery. Aquino then taught at Har- vard and MIT and lived across the street from the BC campus.

Three years after coming to the US, Aquino decided it was time to return to his homeland, despite the warnings that he would be arrested if he entered Man- ila. But he was determined to put moral pressure on Marcos and show his sincere desire for peace. In a speech prepared for his return, Aquino wrote. "I could have opted to seek political asylum in America, but I feel it is my duty, as it is the duty of every Filipino, to suffer with his people, especially in time of crisis."

As Aquino descended from the plane on that day, a man dressed in airport em- ployee clothes stepped out from among the soldiers guarding Aquino and shot him to death. Within seconds, the gun- man was also dead.

The US accused the Marcos govern- ment of the slaying, but it denied any involvement President Reagan cancelled a planned trip to Manila in protest. The assassin was later identified as Rolando Galmany Dawang, a known hired killer. No conclusive evidence was found that could implicate the government in the killing, despite the fact that Galman was strategically placed among the soldiers and he knew which flight Aquino was coming in on, a fact that not even family members were sure of.

At Aquino's funeral on August 2 1 ,

AQUINO: "personified Filipino courage in tiie face of oppression."

1983, which drew over 10,000 mourners, Jaime Cardinal Sin eulogized the slain leader, saying he "personified Filipino courage in the face of oppression". The world grieved for the loss of one of its truly good people. Colleen Seibert




Maura A. DInneen

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Ruthanne I. DINoia

Scliool of Management BS, Marinating

Cheryl L. Dishner

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

James S. DIugos

Arts & Sciences AB, English

Mary F. Dmohowski

School of Management BS, Accounting

Charles R. Doherty

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Economics


Claire E. Doherty

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Biology Sociology

Michael P. Doherty

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Patricia A. Doherty

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Michelle M. Dolron

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Edward M. Dolan

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Mary I. Dolan

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Political Science

Carol A. Donahue

Arts (x Sciences AB, History

Kelly L. Donahue

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics Computer Science

Pierre M. Donahue

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Paul M. Donegan

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

leannette Donnelly

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Political Science

Karen Donohue

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Chemistry

Eileen M. Donovan

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Speech Communications


Julie A. Donovan

Arts 8> Sciences AB, English


Teresa M. Donovan

Arts &v Sciences

AB, French Political Science

Paula A. Doran

Sctiool of Nursing BS, Nursing

Peter N. Dorfman

Arts & Sciences AB, Economics

John P. Dorman

Arts S> Sciences AB. Political Science

Marilyn ). Dotolo

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Jeanne Dotterwelch

Arts 8. Sciences AB, English

William W. Doty

Arts &. Sciences AB, Economics

Theresa A. Dougal

Arts &^ Sciences AB. English

Margaret K. Downey

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Donna A. Dowsid

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Colleen M. Doyle

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Deborah A. Doyle

School of Management BS, Accounting

Elizabeth A. Doyle

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

Marion Doyle

Evening College BS, Business

Timothy P. Doyle

School of Management BS, Marketing

Anne |ane Dregalla

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, American Studies

lames F. Drew

Arts 8^ Sciences

BS, Biology


Robert W. Drew

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Dana B. Dreyfus

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

David |. Driscoll

School of Management BS, Finance


Call M. Driscoil

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Mathetmatics

Maureen F. Driscoil

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

William F. Driscoil

School of Education

AB. Special Education


Donna |. Duchlnsky

School of Management BS. Marketing

Cheryl A. Duffy

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. Speech Communication

Taking a Byte

It was inevitable. By senior year Mom and Dad decided tiiat you liad tal<en enough courses like "Man and His Uni- verse" or "The Communist Experience in Renaissance English Literature"; it was time to get a "real" education. That meant only one thing Computer Program- ming. So you registered, knowing for cer- tain that you hated computers and you were going to get a D-.

At first things went as you expected. Did one EXIT and then LOG or LOG and then EXIT? What was the difference be- tween a MID and a LEN? What happened if you forgot to save your program and you needed a Hardcopy in 1 0 minutes?

But eventually you got to feel comfort- able around computers. The programs suddenly became fun to do. Sure, the user assistants practically knew your whole life story but somehow, knowing

that there others like you in G^lsson Base- ment at 3:26 AM on a Wednesday morn- ing made things easier to bear. All those late hours hunched over a keyboard, eyes numbed by the CRT were worth it.

Soon you were casually dropping words like byte and DEC writer and se- quential file. You read an article on com- puter technology and actually under- stood what it was about. Finally, you reached that magic plateau that all re- sumes cry out for computer literacy. Now, if you couldn't pursue a career in philosophy, you would have at least one job skill.

Computer Programming wasn't so bad after all. It taughtyou how to think logical- ly and it tested your ability to live on Snickers Bars for an entire weekend, in fact, next semester they're offering Struc- tured Programming in Pascal . . .

Colleen Seibert

George Moustakas

Maik A. Duffy

School of Management BS, Marketing

Claudette |. DuFour

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Teresa A. Duke

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Studio Art


Future Shock

"Dateline, second semester, Boston College: some 2100 seemingly imper- vious senior egos collapsed under the impending doom of resume drafting duties and job interviews."

Many of us expected our epitaphs would read like this. Our self-esteem eroded in the wal<e of stormy job market forecasts.

We huddled in the shelter of the warm Career Center, attending dozens of workshops. But even this sanctuary was soon penetrated by the showers of reali- ty. They told us that we couldn't print our resumes on index cards. They told us that our devotion to the Rat nights couldn't be counted as extracurricular activity. They told us that we would have to list more under "work expereince" than: "yes." And then we faced the full fury of the storm when they heartlessly told us we would have to be able the name the job we were seeking.

Many of us panicked and fled to law

loAnne Delia Camera

schools, med schools and graduate schools, but some of us forged our way forward on the muddy path of interviews. We had our jeans bronzed and stored away. We asked our parents to lend us their clothes. We memorized sales fig- ures of prospective employers and traded annual reports like baseball cards.

Then we were ready for our first inter- view. Our palms were sweaty enough to melt M&JVl's. We tried to walk into the interview confidently but we couldn't bend our knees. We braced ourselves for the first trick question. The interviewer smiled and evsked us. "How are you to- day?" We responded by telling him our GPA.

The downpour continued in the form of rejection letters. But most of us knew we would prevail. While we waited for the life-saving job offers, the clouds broke and give way to Senior Week activities. And we began a more enjoyable exit from BC.

Stephen J. Fallom

Linda L. Dunlavy

Arts S. Sciences AB, Psychology


Patrick F. Dunn

School of Management

BS, Marketing

Computer Science

Linda M. Dunne

School of Management BS, Accounting

Lynn A. Dupre

Arts &, Sciences BS, Biology

Hugo Duran, |r.

Arts &^ Sciences BS. Biology

Suzanne C. Duval

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

James C. Dwyer

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Philosophy

Timothy W. Dwyer

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics


Victoria Dwyer

School of Management BS, Accounting

Kerry F. Dyer

Arts 8k. Sciences AB, Political Science

Mary |ane Dyer

Arts &v Sciences AB, Psychology

Melissa M. Dzledzic

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Patricia A. Early

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. English

Karen C. Eberie

School of Management BS, Finance Marketing

Elizabeth T. Echlln

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Economics


Jennifer Edwards

School of Management BS, General Management

Michael F. Egan

School of Management BS, Accounting

Thomas W. Egger

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Charies R. EIck, Jr.

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Speech Communication


Susan Elbeeiy

School of Management

BS, Computer Science


Melanle M. Elfers

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Jacqueline J. Ellard

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Winifred Filing

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Llane Emmons

School of Management BS, Marketing

Stephen D. Emond

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Biology

Thomas M. Engel

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Carol M. Engelhardt

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, English


Mary C. Englert

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology


Patrick C. Enright

School of Management BS, Finance

Eleanor M. Errico

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Psychology

Carol Ann Espejo

School of Management

BS, Marketing


Rul C. Esplnola

School of Management BS. Marketing

John |. Esposito

Arts &. Sciences AB. Philosophy

Ann M. Evans

Robin L. Evans

Elizabeth A. Fales

lames M. Fallon

Paul F. Fallon

)ol of Management

School of Education

Arts &, Sciences

Arts 8. Sciences

Arts 8^ Sciences

BS, Finance

AB. Mathematics Secondary Education

AB, Philosophy

AB, English

BS, Biology

Stephen |. Fallon

Ellen M. Falvey

Christopher M. Fanning

Colleen A. Farrell

David W. Farrell

Arts &. Sciences

School of Management

Arts &. Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Economics

BS, Marketing

AB, Computer Science

AB, Speech Communication

AB, Political Science


Eileen M. Farrell

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Philosophy

Maria Elena Fartan

School of Management BS, Finance

John M. Fay, II

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Margaret M. Fay

School of Management

BS, Accounting


Thomas |. Fazio

School of Management BS, Finance


Anthony G. Featherston

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, History

Judith A. Feeley

School of Management BS, Marketing

Kevin P. Feeley

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Dean's Notes

Dean of Students Edward Hanrahan, SJ was asked for his general view of the class of 1984. He replied that the class will be unparalleled. "They came in heady, ex- uberant and enthusieistic, untouched by the political anguish of the early 1 970's. They crawled through freshman year, just missing out on the 1 8 year old drinking age."

On the major changes he has seen: "They were more than eager to adjust to a style of minimum security but maximum risk. Their first years were living in a com- plete vacuum, floating on clouds of irre- sponsibility.

"Junior and Senior years they became very industrious academically perfect- ing majors and sorting out careers.

"This was the one class that developed their own beautiful sense of natural euphoria, with no need for a little 'Mary

George Moustakas

Jane.' But they added tremendously to the GNP by supporting Miller, Budweiser, and Molsen.

"Most of all they had a tremendous sense of values and academic achieve- ments. They have spread the quality of the University across the nation."

When asked for some parting advice, Fr. Hanrahan replied, "Take the years slowly and in pleasure. You will have your days when you are conservative and re- publican. Enjoy these next thirty to forty years of growing, contributing to the values offriendship, community and hon- esty.

"The telltale footprints you have left on the campus, which at times might have bordered on mediocrity, are forever for- given. That was your life; this is your uni- versity. Carry it into the 2 1 st century with pride and support."

Colleen Seibert


Elizabeth A. Feeney

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Political Science

Moira T. Feeney

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Jeffrey O. Fellows

School of Management BS, Finance

John J. Felock

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Geology

Mary E. Fenton

School of Management BS, Finance Marketing



Maroon and Gold!

(Air: " The West's Awake.")

Dear Alma, Mater, loved of old.

Thy grateful, loyal sons behold!

With hand and voice and heart with thee,

Crowd round thee ever tenderly.

And, proudly all our worship claim

Yea, thrill to boast thy honored name.

And High thy stainless banner hold.

Maroon and Gold! Maroon and Gold! God's blessing on thee evermore. Who us hath blessed from days of yore. For still thy hand doth light the way. Thy love we learn with every day. Queen school to us, thy latest hest Still finds thee throned within our breeist. We love thy banner every fold!

Maroon and Gold! Maroon and gold! SubTurrl 1913, p. 142

Edward N. Ferguson

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Gary F. Ferreira

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

|ohn |. Flore

Arts &> Sciences BS, Biology

Claudia M. Fernandez

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Lynn A. Ferrazoll

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Kris K. Fllan

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Martin B. FInzer

School of Management BS, Finance

llda C. Firmani

Arts 8, Sciences AB, French Economics

Steven P. Fischer

School of Management BS, Finance

Carol |. Fisher

Arts 8. Sciences AB, English

Brian W. FlUgerald

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Dennis P. Fitzgerald

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology


Lynne C. Fitzgerald

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

John |. Fitzmaurice

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology

Laura P. Fitzpatrick

Arts &. Sciences AB, Theology

Mark |. Fitzpatrick

School of Management BS. Accounting

Women's Resource Center

Founded in 1973, the Women's Re- source Center wiis committed to educat- ing and encouraging women in their full personal and professional development by providing resources, programs and personal counseling.

The WRC was staffed by a graduate student coordinator, a graduate assistant, and five work study students. Sister Ann F. Morgan; Assistant Dean of Students, offered the center administrative support in furthering its goals each year. The cen- ter also had an advisory committee, which consisted of faculty, staff and ad- ministrators from every area of the Uni- versity. These women played an active part in generating programming ideas and support for the center.

The center had a 2000 volume lending library, a referral file containing informa- tion about: Health, Legal Aid, Employ- ment, Counseling, and Women's Orga- nizations and an extensive subject file.

This year the center sponsored a film series, a dialog discussion Luncheon series and International Women's Day. In '83-'84 the Center co-sponsored Speak- er Maya Angelou with the Humanities Series and critic Jean Kilbourne with UGBC Women's Caucus.

Tlieresa L. Fitzpatrick

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Tracy A. Fitzpatrick

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology

Jeanne M. Fitzsimmons

Arts &. Sciences AB, English Irish Studies

Miciiaei L. Fiaherty

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Monica A. Flalierty

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, Philosophy


Susan L Flaherty

School of Education AB, Human Development

Elizabeth A. Flanagan

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

|ane F. Flanagan

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Catherine M. Flatiey

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Political Science

Laura L. Flatiey

Arts &v Sciences AB, English



Did you know . . . the first woman to obtain a degree from Boston College was Ms. Margaret Ursula Macgrath, a graduate from Mount Holyoke College '00 who earned her Miister of Arts de- gree from BC in June, 1 926. Even before then, women could attend a summer session at the University in 1924. Un- dergraduate women, however, were not enrolled into the University until the School of Education was founded in 1952 and when Campion Hall was completed in 1 955. The School of Nurs- ing was relocated on the Chestnut Hill campus in 1 960, increasing the number of women enrolled on campus. The last two colleges to admit women were Arts and Sciences (open to women in 1 969) and the School of Management ( 1 970). Now there are more men than women enrolled at BC, a school founded initially for men!

(Information courtesy of Boston Col- lege: A Pictorial History and the Woman's Resource Center).

Deirdre Reidy

Helen ). Flavin

Arts &, Sciences BS, Chemistry

Cannen A. Fleetwood

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

lean E. Flelschman

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Constance M. Fleming

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

John C. Flick

Arts &v Sciences AB, Political Science

Veronica M. Flood

Arts &v Sciences AB, Fine Arts

Lisa V. Florence

School of Management

BS, Computer Science


Alicia A. Flynn

School of Management

BS, Marketing


Brian T. Flynn

Arts &^ Sciences BS. Biology

Christopher R. Flynn

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics


James F. Flynn

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

John P. Flynn

Arts S^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Lisa M. Flynn

School of Management BS, Marketing

Marguerite M. Flyntz

Arts &. Sciences AB, Economics

Kenneth E. Fogarty

School of Management BS, Finance

Living History

Most students knew that BC stretched beyond the confines of Main Campus. Hammond Street offered some beautiful houses such as Haley House for the socially concerned, Connolly House for academic activities, Murray House for the commuters and Hovey House for all of these and more.

Hovey House? Where was that? Hovey House was one of the Universities best- kept secrets. This beautiful residence housed professors, concerts and lectures, yet almost no one knew about it.

Despite the campus' Gothic architecture, the University houses only one building in the National Register of Historic Places: Hovey House. There are only two surviving buildings of the origi- nal village of Chestnut Hill: Hovey House is one of them. There are only two Giant Sequoia trees in Massachusetts: one is

planted on the grounds of Hovey House.

Hovey House is the oldest building owned by the University; it was built in 1 879 by Dr. Daniel D. Salde, who wanted to provide an artistic and intellectual envi- ronment in a small New England town. Slade used as his model the Shake- spearean country estate, with elaborate gardens, a boxwood maze, and exotic plants.

Professor Richard A. Lawson of the His- tory Department had an office in Hovey House an a strong interest in getting the house recognized by the University for preservation. Although Hovey House had been determined by experts to be a valuable landmark, it did not get the rec- ognition it deserved.

It is a shame that this valuable re- sources was so greatly ignored by those who shared its ideals.

Colleen Seibert


Paul D. Campanella

Robert |. Fogarty

School of Management BS, Accounting

Christine F. Foley

School of Management BS. Computer Science

Ellen M. Foley

Arts &^ Sciences AB. English


Janet L. Foley

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Karen P. Foley

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Karen E. Follansbee

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Russian

Jennifer A. Fontanals

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speecii Communication

Julia D. Ford

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Thomas M. Foristall, II

Thomas D. Forrester

Robert D. Forster

Laura Forte

Vivlane Fortuno

Arts S^ Sciences

Arts 8v Sciences

School of Management

Arts 8^ Science

School of Education

BS, Biology

AB, Political Science Philosophy

BS, Accounting Finance

AB, History

AB, Elementary Education

Katheilne A. Fox

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Speech Communication


Teresa J. Francis

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology Psychology

Margaret P. Franidin

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Joanne Frazler

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Daniel F. Freltas

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Thomas M. Freltas

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Danine M. Fresch

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Robert ). Fries

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Christine M. Frita

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Carol M. Fucillo

Shool of Nursing BS, Nursing


Tadashi Fukuda

Arts &. Sciences BS, Computer Science

William K. Fullerton

Sclnool of Management BS. Accounting

Troy C. Fulton

Arts &^ Sciences

AB. English

Speecin Communication

Christopher S. Caffney

Scliool of Management

BS, Economics


Kathleen Gallagan

School of Management BS. Marketing

Mary E. Gallagher

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Sociology

Charies 0. Galiigan

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Katherine M. Galiinaro

Arts &. Sciences AB. English

Andrew F. Galllvan

Arts S. Sciences AB, Economics

Lisa A. Callmann

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Damlan P. Gambacinl

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, Political Science


Lesleigh L. Ganz

Arts &v Sciences AB, Psychology

Patricia A. Garate

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Political Science

Charies A. Garcia

School of Management

BS. Computer Science


AnnMarie Gardner

Arts & Sciences AB. Speech Communication

Christine P. Gardner

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Christopher W. Gardner

Arts &v Sciences AB, Economics

Jeffrey Gardner

School of Education

AB, Human Development


Reglna CarenanI Charies A. Garflnk

School of Education Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Elementary Education AB. English


Stephen C. Car^ano

School of Management

BS, Accounting


Lucas N. Garofalo

Arts 8v Sciences BS, Chemistry

John P. Carrahan

Arts &. Sciences

AB, Mathematics


Cameron £. Garrett

Arts &. Sciences AB, English

Joseph F. Canity

Arts &. Science AB, History Economics

Michael R. Cany

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Scott E. Garvey

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Susan E. Gasdia

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics

Teaching Does Reward

Each time I entered the front door of Newton North High School a sinldng feeling would force the half-bowl of cheerios and three cups of coffee to the pit of my stomach where they stayed churning; they reflected the agitated state 1 was in. Passing the crowd of chainsmoking teenagers, many of whom were larger and older looking than I, a litany of questions ran through my mind: Would the students like me today? Would they be responsive to my lesson plan? Was there any reason why they should love Hemingway and Shake- speare as I did? And the answers once again eluded me.

A very convincing list of arguments why I shouldn't teach did present itself however. A low income was the first reason. Even with a Master's degree, otherwise known as a seventy thousand dollar education, I would still be making less than the average Mass Pike toll-taker. The prestige associated with being an educator had long ago been replaced with the scornful idea that people got into teaching because they weren't good enough to make it in the "real world." The typical working week of a teacher did not, as most thought, run from 8:30 A.M. to 2:45 P.M. It rather galloped from the first 7:45 A.M. student-teacher conference to an 8:00 P.M. town meeting on budget- ing. The strongest reason that always plagued me as I stood in my classroom awaiting the onrush of young learners was remembering the early morning taunts my roomates loved to tease me with about how easy my major was. "S.O. Easy." they would say. Another favorite was "Do you pre-wed majors do any homework other than during "General Hospital" commercial breaks?" 1 returned equally offensive remarks directed at their studies. But the taunts haunted me and I doubted my abilities as a teacher. One special day dispelled my doubts.

The class had been especially trouble- some. They were an average group,

lethargic, and the Icist thing they wanted was to read "The Snows of Kilamanjaro." My host teacher and I had a rough time keeping the class interested and attentive. One girl had the fidgets and was continually disrupting the clciss. We had to speak with her several times. After the period was over she lin- gered behind the mad dash for the hallway and the few minutes freetime between cl£isses if offered. Without any pretense she told us that she was dying of cancer. We were shocked. It was incomprehensible that anyone so young and full of life could be so near death. My instructor, obviously shaken, found the words to comfort her. She was frightened and in need of guidance. After a few moments she wais in better spirits. She made an appointment to meet with him privately to discuss any problems and began to leave the room. She turned as she reached in the doorway and smiling said she "kinda liked that Hemingway stuff."

That incident made the thought of long hours, no money, and little prestige seem trite. The rewards to be found in education were beyond monetary value.

T.H. McMorran S.O.E.

loAnne Delia Camera


Craig S. Gatarz

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

Carolyn A. Gaucher

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Michael P. Gaughan

Arts &. Sciences AB, Mathematics Computer Science

Hoppin* Hotspots

Eyes bounce about the room like mar- bles in a jar, searciiing for a smile, a nod, or a sparkle. Most eyes strike each other and instantly break away, squeamishly shy or playing a game of hide and seek, while some are caught with a child's playful grip. Some find a friend, others find more than that.

Boston nightspots provided students with some of the best atmosphere in which to socialize, celebrate, or simply blow off steam. Most hotspots catered to the casually dressed, but these cozy establishments were usually subjected to this school's wolf-pack attitude toward partying, resulting in, you guessed it, CROWDS!!

The University's social strata built a tradition of mentally preparing for its weekend festivities by attending Father Hanrahan's weekly extravaganzas in Lyons Basement, so affectionatly referred to as the RAT. Since its re-establishment 1981, the Rat's popularity soared. Djs spun the latest hits and frenzied waitres- ses snaked their way through a packed house. "Beat the Clock," "Two for One." and fifty-cent beers kept the crowds coming.

Deldre Reldy

The only logical follow-up for a night at the Rat was an excursion to Cleveland Circle. While "Mary Ann's" (RIP) was the favorite watering hole, with its two-for- one specials, its closing left "Chips" as the Thursday night heir apparent.

When Thursday had been put to rest, the fun wasn't over, because the weekend had just begun. Most partiers preferred to warm up to a "Molly's " Hap- py Hour on Friday afternoon. Sea Breezes for the girls and Cape Codders for the guys made a vacation setting for all to forget the week's academic labors. Drink- ing contests frequerntly pitted BC against its Commonwealth Avenue Rivals, BU. Who wasn't ready for a night on the town?

Those unafraid of the "T" could under- take a venture outward-bound and still find themselves on BC turf. "Who's on First" and "Play it Again Sam's" allowed a nostalgic inebriation "Who's" painted the walls in sports trivia, while at "Sam's" the Forties came alive.

While the student body owed a great deal to the friendly temptation offered by Boston's drinkeries, BC brought its own brand of fun and frolic to each of its adoped night spots.

Peter Quigley

Thomas R. Gaughan

School of Mangement BS. Accounting

Rosemary A. Gavin

School of Education AB, Human Development

William E. Gearty

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English Economics

Rosalia A. Geloso

Arts &v Science AB, Speech Communication

Anthony H. Gemma

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics


nnifer M. Gendron

Mary Anne George

Brian Geraghty

David B. Gersh

Pamela L. Gheysen

Arts 8v Sciences

School of Education

School of Management

Arts S. Sciences

School of Management

AB, Psychology

AB, Human Development English

BS, Accounting

AB, Mathematics

BS, Accounting

Susan M. Ghldella

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Matthew S. Glanatassio

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Sociology

Daniel N. Glatrells

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Maiy Susan Gibbons

School of Management

BS, Computer Science


Mary Beth Gibney

School of Management

BS, Marketing



|ohn F. Gigllo

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

|ohn E. Gill

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Speech Communication


Patricia A. Giilen

School of Education AB, Human Development

Margaret M. Giliigan

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Sociology


Lisa M. Gilmore

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Christina M. Gin

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Political Science


RoseMarie V. Gionta Jerry Giordano

Ats 8. Sciences Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Speech Communication AB, Speech Communication

Lucille Giusto

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Margaret M. Giander

School of Management BS, Accounting


Lisa S. Classman

Almond G. Goduti

Michele L. Godvin

Michele A. Goggin

Lori A. Golder

Arts 8. Sciences

School of Management

School of Management

Arts 8^ Sciences

School of Management

AB. Psychology

BS, Computer Science

BS, Accounting

AB, English

BS, General Management



George W. Goneconto

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Psychology

Maria F. Gonzalez

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. Psychology

Michael N. Coodberiet

School of Management BS, Marketing

George V. Gooding

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Philosophy

Una M. Coon

School of Management BS, Accounting

Kathryn A. Gorham

Arts 8v Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Anne Gorman

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

William |. Gorman

Arts 8. Sciences AB, History

Laurel A. Gormley

School of Management BS, Finance

Pamela A. Gorskl

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Ronald W. Gorskl

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Political Science

L7il\ iVj. Goss

School of Management

BS, Accounting

Susan E. Govoni

School of Management BS, Marketing

Brian P. Graham

School of Management BS, Marketing

William R. Graham

School of Management BS, Accounting


Screw A Roommate

The other day, as I was sitting at my desk in the stacks of Bapst, some loud noise distracted my attention from the sentence 1 had just finished reading for the fourth time. I glanced over the parti- tion only to see a very good friend of mine who looked veiy perturbed.

I discovered that she was trying to write her resume. 1 quickly assessed the situation and deduced that the problem lay In a certain area of "self-esteem de- ficiency."

"Kathy, why not write down Screw Your Roommate' as one of your successful accomplishments In your college ca- reer?" 1 suggested. "If you think of all of the necessary qualifications that go into making a successful 'screw' you could conceivably come up with a pretty long list of positive qualities. Okay, it may be far-fetched but consider, for the moment freshman year and the first time you tried to match your roomate up with someone.

"The process of finding a date was a good exercise in diplomacy which you executed with all the skill of a greasy poll- tlcan. No one could every figure out why you kept sneaking over to the first floor Gushing at all hours of the night only to come home and blacken out the faces of various guys in the Freshman Register. In

Ann M McLaughlin

fact, I don't think I every found out how much money you spent trying to con- vince her boyfriend from home into com- ing up for the dance. Well, now that 1 think of It, maybe diplomacy Isn'tyour best skill, but consider all of your experience!

"Think of the time you got screwed and had to go to the dance with that philoso- phy major from BU. That was a definite case of noteworthy public relations. Who else could have lasted an entire evening discussing the revival of Neo-platonic philosophy in an age of advertising? You manuevered the conversation so skillful- ly, he never even noticed when you spilled your drink all over the front of his suit.

"Finally, what about the sharpening of your marketable skills (such cis learning how to present your roommate in the most appealing light without disclosing who she actually Is). It's amazing just how much a tangle with 'Screw Your Room- mate' Is really worth.

"So, don't worry. With all of your per- sonal experience, who needs a resume? The worst thing that can happen Is when you finally come across your old date, the philosophy major, you find out he is mak- ing $40,000 as a systems analyst at IBM. On second thought, maybe he wasn't such a bad date after all ... "

Tania Ziellnski

lerome Granato

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology Psychology

Michael D. Grant

Scliool of Management BS, Computer Science

Michael C. Grant

Scliool of Education AB, Human Development

Mary C. Gravellne

Arts S. Sciences AB, Sociology

Paul V. Greco

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Kathleen M. Greenler

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. Speech Communication

Katherlne M. Greer

School of Management BS, Marketing

Katherlne M. Gileder

Arts 8^ Sciences BS. Biology


Daniel C. Griffin

School of Management BS. Marketing

Kim A. Gniskowsid

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Carole |. Cruszka

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

|olin M. Guarino

Arts &v Sciences AB, Political Science

Michelle M. Grigas

School of Management BS, Accounting

Bariiara E. Grigat

School of Management

BS. Finance

Human Resources

Renee |. Grossimon

School of Management BS, Finance

William Growley

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. English



A Fond Adieu

In May, the class of 1 984 will graduate and disperse throughout this wide world of ours, filled with dreams, hopes and ambi- tions that will attempt to make the universe a better place for generations to come.

Many will become successful in their chosen careers, many will create families of their own, most will continue to dream, but few will forget the days they spent at their alma-mater.

Twenty-five years from now in prepara- tion for the Cleiss of 1 984 Reunion, many of us will turn the pages of SubTurri and fond- ly reminisce about our undergraduate years at Boston College. "Those were the best years ..."

It may be hard to imagine this now, for we are young, and vibrant, and anxious to get on with the business of life. But conceivably, this vision will occur, just as it has with our parents and other graduates before us.

Walking across campus these past weeks I've often looked about me, watched other students interact, admired the graciousness of this particular autumn and of campus life in general. I've had some true hardships these past four years I'm sure others have too but upon reflection, I've come to the realization that the good has far outweighed the bad.

Perhaps Critical Reading and Writing was an academic horror, but Europe in the 1 8th Century made up for it many times over.

Paul D. Campanella

"Screw-Your-Roommate" Sophomore year may have been a night to forget, but that same dance Senior year ranks among my list of "Top Ten Great Nights In My Life." While Professor and I never hit it

off, the relationships I developed with Pro- fessors Miller and Pick will always be cher- ished.

Many things changed: The presidential administration, the geography of the cam- pus, ideas, roommates, my major . . . and me. But what remained constant was the dedication of the student body to the attain- ment of self-betterment within a superior academic and social environment.

Caught up in an attempt to finish that \ast minute paper or study for an oncoming exam, many of us have sometimes taken for granted the serenity of this campus, the devotion of our professors, the excellent quality of the courses, and the marvelous diversity of the entire student body. But it is hard to do so for long, and as graduation day fast approaches, I hesitate often in the steps of my fast-paced life and appreciate all that I have had at BC.

Though I do no know what I will be doing next autumn, or where I will be doing it, one thing is certain. I will have with me a book of photographs and memories that will never allow me to forget for long a beautiful and crucial period of my life. With the end in sight, I bid you, BC, a fond adieu . . . My hat goes off to you.

Ann Abrams


Bemadette M. Guerin

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Nancy E. Guidone

Arts &. Sciences AB, English

Sergio D. Guillen-Vicente

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics Computer Science

David M. Gulllet

Arts S^ Sciences BS, Chemistry

Linda D. Gunnery

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Vhian E. Gutierrez

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Irene L. Gutowski

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Mark C. Gutowski

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Robert G. Hacliey

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Robert N. Haidinger, |r.

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Jeffrey C. Hall

School of Management

BS, Finance

Computer Science

|lll A. Hall

Arts S. Sciences BS, Biology

Kathryn E. Hall

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Donald G. Halloran

School of Management BS, Marketing

Karen E. Halloran

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Ann E. Haltmaier

Arts &. Sciences AB, Mathematics Computer Science

Stephen R. Ham

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Timothy |. Hambor

Arts L Sciences

AB, Art History


Kathleen T. Hamilton

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Joseph HanchI

School of Management BS, Economics


Karen M. Hanley

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Christopher R. Hanlon

Arts &. Sciences AB, Economics

Terrance G. Hanlon

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology

Sean T. Hanna

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Kathleen A. Hannlgan

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Donna C. Hansberry

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. English Philosophy

Greer |. Hansen

Arts &^ Sciences

AB. Political Science

Speech Theatre

lames P. Hansen

Arts &^ Sciences AB. English

Sona-Llse Haratunian

Arts S^ Sciences AB. Economics

Karen A. Hardin

Arts &v Sciences AB. English

Off To The Races


Scene: John's bedroom

Characters: John (BC student), Mom

(John's mother), Irving (kidnapping


Setting; Sunday, 10:51 AM. Telephone

rings loudly.

John (fumbling for receiver): Huh? Uh, hello?"

Mom: John? Is that you darling? I just wanted to say good morning. Have you done your laundry this week? Your sister says you haven't written in months and your father thinks it's time you got your hair cut . . . (click)

Sunday, 10:56 AM. Telephone rings loudly.

John: Hello. Oh, sorry Mom, I think some- one disconnected us. (Pause) Me?! Oh No, I've been up for hours. Last night? I, uh, went on a Limo race. (Pause) No. I'm not hungover, what makes you think I'd drink during a Limo race?! Mom, hold on a sec! (He rolls over and notices a small goldfish swimming in a beer mug on his roomate's dresser). Wow, it's still alive.

Mom: John dear, just what do you do on a 'Limo Race?"


Leo |. Hannon, |r.

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Economics


Robert |. Harrington

School of Management

BS, Finance

Computer Science

Jean M. Harrison

School of Management BS, Economics Finance

Robert A. Harrison

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Mathematics Computer Science

William I. Hart

School of Education AB, Human Development



Barry G. Hartunlan

Arts &> Sciences

AB. Psychology


Daniel C. Hatem

School of Management BS, Finance

Stephen A. Hatem

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English Philosophy

Lisa M. Hauck

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, Spanish

Speech Communication

Eileen M. Hayes

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

John: Oh it's really a type of learning ex- perience (aside IF you can remember what happened). Well, a whole bunch of people rent limousines and get all dressed up and then they stop at about six bars, or, un, maybe more than that. Anyway, at each bar, you have a drink and you are supposed to steal something from every place."

Mom: Steal something! John, I don't Wcint you getting involved in anything illegal!

John: Oh no, you don't take anything ma- jor, just a matchbook or a waitress or something. The first group of people to get back to BC with things from all six bars is the winner. Anyway, tell Dad my hair is fine. One of the guys cut it for me when we got back from the race. It's just a little uneven but . . . (click).

John: Wow, she didn't even let me tell her about Irving swimming in the beer mug!


Tania Zielinski

George Moustakas

Gregory A. Hayes

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Margaret A. Healy

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Chemistry

William B. Heavey

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

Elizabeth A. Hebert

Arts 8. Sciences AB. Political Science



<'^" 1 1

Laura G. Hecker

Arts 8v Sciences AB. Mathematics

Kathleen A. Heffeman

School of Management BS, Marl<eting

Deborah |. Heiman

Arts &. Sciences AB, Psychology

|ohn L. Heineman

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. Mathematics Computer Science

Alan M. Helnlein

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Geology Geophysics

Aileen A. Heller

Arts 8v Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Mary L. Helmrich

School of Management BS, Accounting

Kyle A. Helwig

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Mary E. Henehan

School of Management BS, Finance

Gerald |. Hennessy

School of Management BS, Finance

Susan M. Hennessy

School Education AB, Elementary Education

Colleen A. Hennlgan

School of Management BS, Marketing

Glenn A. Henshall

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics

Tracy D. Hensiey

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Colleen A. Herllhy

School of Management BS, Marketing

Daniel |. Hermes

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Biology

Mary Beth Heroux

School of Education

AB, Human Development


Mary E. Hetherlngton

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Economics


Veronica L. Hetiand

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Political Science

Helen C. Hickey

School of Education AB, Elementary Education


Thomas ). Hickey

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, French

Elizabet A. HIggins

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Pamela |. Higgins

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Dagmar C. Hlller

School of Management BS, Marl<eting

lennifer M. Hilllard

School of Management

BS, Finance

Human Resources

The Freshmen Ten

Some have said, though truth may not agree, that in a small section of Chestnut Hill, a wise, old Jesuit priest decided to establish a college. He wished to educate the youth about such important matters as theology and philosophy.

Because this was a new college, there was limited space. The wise, old Jesuit decided to set up a strict admissions pro- gram so that only a small, elite group of students would be allowed to attend. The stroy tells of the first class of the college that had only ten students.

These ten freshmen would sit in the library for hours trying to study. They knew they were a privileged group and desperately wanted to impress the wise, old Jesuit priest, as well as their parents. The freshmen knew their mothers and fathers were paying a lot of money to send them to this prestigious institution. Unfortunately this was the first time any of them had been away from home and there were many temptations. They found themselves staying up until ail hours of the night drinking alcoholic bev- erages (since Service Liquors had already been established) and eating munchies. They began eating cheese omelettes and bran muffins every morning in Lyons and McElroy. At lunch they would order

french fries and onion rings and sausage subs. The ten freshmen would dessert on carrot cake and over-sized cookies. At dinner, they were always sure to have an extra large dish, or two, of heavenly hash ice-cream.

The ten freshmen found it even more difficult to study on the weekends. In- stead, they would take trips into Boston and test every food pavillion. They found themselves enjoying keg parties and dis- co dancing at Mary Ann's. It was not long before the freshmen also discovered tail- gate parties and limosine races.

After many alcoholic and carbohydrate hangovers, the academic year came to an end. Not one of the original ten, the legend says, had a grade point average higher than 2.5 as they had spent all their time partying instead of studying. What those ten freshmen had done, however, was to gain an enormous amount of weight. The combination of worry and fun had given each of those freshmen ten extra and unwanted pounds.

Those original freshmen did return to the college in Chestnut Hill the following year, but being sophomores they were much wiser and more cautious. Now there was a new freshman class, learning the hard (and heavy) way just as the first cl£iss had done.

Terry Donovan


Constance M. HInes

School of Management BS, Marketing

Guido Hlraldi

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, History

Stephen P. Hodgklns

School of Management BS, Accounting


History Repeats Again

In the Fall of 1 983, we paused to ask each other, "Where were you the day that Kennedy was shot?" We measured the changes in our lives and in our nation by looking back to the events of twenty years before. Now, twenty years after 1983, few of us pause to ask, "Where were you when American troops landed in Grenada? Where were you when the bomb went off in Beirut?" But we must wonder what these events have con- tributed to the decades that followed.

American foreign policy, we were told, swings like a pendulum between activism and withdrawal, as each generation of leaders grows exiisperated or chastened by the choices of the generations before. The Vietnam War, which we remember now only as Myth, halted an activist swing and set us back on an arc toward with- drawal that should have lasted until the 1990's. But Ronald Reagan was not a President of a new generation. He was a relic of the 1950's, a throwback to an activist era. And in Grenada and Lebanon, he tried to reverse the pendulum's swing.

Grenada and Lebanon were so very dif- ferent. Grenada was close to home, we could imagine that we ought to have been concerned about it, even though few of us had ever heard of it before. The battles were over swiftly, the people gave

us welcome, and the troops were home by Christmas. Lebanon was another place. We had no history there, it was far from our borders and understanding. We went as peacekeepers and stayed as combatants. Subdued and bloodied, we grasped at any promise of a settlement that would allow us to depart.

In 1983, the lessons in all of this were too confusing. Both cases involved the use of force, and the moral implications and human costs of this at first consumed our thoughts. But Grenada was also a re- minder of something we had forgotten after Vietnam that the US had enor- mous capacity for doing good, if it acted wisely, and that with the blessings of wealth and power went obligations to use them for the good of others, not just for ourselves. Grenada reminded us, too, that doing good sometimes meant using force.

Yet Lebanon was a reminder that de- spite American wealth and power, there were limits on our ability to change the world. Good intentions alone could not make wise policy. Lebanon reminded us as well that trying to do good sometimes risked grievous loss of lives. Since the good that we might do for others was for them to enjoy, while our losses were our own, the pain of those losses was what we felt most at the time.

Donald L. Hafner Associate Professor, Political Science Dept.




Christopher D. Hoifman

School of Education

/\B, Human Development


Elizabeth R. Hoffmann

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Studio Art

Christopher W. Hogan

School of Management BS, Computer Science

John M. Hogan

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

David L. Hojlo

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics Political Science

Laurei G. Hoimes

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology Psychology

Lawrence P. Hoiodali

School of Management

BS. Economics

Computer Science

Karen T. Homansicy

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication


Catherine I. Hoodlet

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Maureen P. Horan

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Sherry M. Horn

School of Management BS, Accounting

Nancy A. Hovseplan

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Randolph G. Howard

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Sharon C. Howery

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Cayle A. Howes

School of Management BS, Accounting

Elizabeth Ya Hsu

Arts &v Sciences AB, Economics

Mary Ann Hsu

Arts S^ Sciences BS, Biology

So-Yen Huang

School of Management BS, Finance

(anet L Huetteman

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Paul A. Hughes

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Peter T. Hughes

Arts 8v Sciences AB, English

Meiinda A. Hulmes

Arts 8v Sciences AB, History

|ohn T. HuKqulst

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Suzanne Hunerwadel

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Kathleen M. Hunt

School of Management

BS, Computer Science


Stephen F. Huriey

School of Management

BS, Organizational Studies


Elizabeth Humey

School of Management

BS, Finance

Human Resources

Kelly S. Hussey

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology


lay T. Hutchlns

Arts &. Sciences AB, Speech Communication

James M. Hyland

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, History Political Science

Lori A. ladarola

Arts 8v Sciences

AB, English Speech Theater

Jean M. lasbarrone

School of Management BS, Finance

Michael D. lerardi

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Ronald D. Imperiail

Brian R. Incremona

lane M. Infurchia

Susan A. inguanti

|lll M. Iris

Arts &^ Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

Arts 8. Sciences

Arts 8^ Sciences

BS, Biology

BS, Biology

AB, Speech Communication French

BS, Biology

AB, Mathematics

Theodosia K. Isaac

School of Management BS, Marketing

|ohn P. Iwanlcki

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Chemistry

Karen A. IzzI

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Economics

Monet T. |ackson

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Political Science


Cheryl A. |acques

School of Management BS, General Management

Rafael |aimes

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Mary Anne |anke

Arts 8> Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Veronica L. |arek

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Michael A. |efferson

Arts 8v Sciences AB. Speech Communication

Bruce S. |ewett

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics


Deborah A. |igar)Un

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Heather A. Johnson

Arts &v Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Kathleen D. |ohnson

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

"Whatever God Wants

"Whatever God wants" . . . flowed the last words of Humbarto Cardinal Medeiros eis he prepared himself for six hours of delicate, taxing surgery a surgery which would prove too strenu- ous for the gentle and loving heart of "the boy from Fall River."

Cardinal Medeiros, through his actions, gestures, pureness of speech, and at times silence, wcis for Boston and the world a man of peace, a man of deep sensitivity, a symbol of Christ's presence on earth, and a profound advocate of hu- man dignity and the enrichment of the minds of the faithful through the gifts fo the Lord. Such a presence, such a char- ismatic gift to the world as His Eminence was sadly missed from the immediate Boston area. BC lost a true frined both spiritually and academically.

Throughout the last thirteen years His Eminence's "special" emphasis on the furtherment of the wholeness of educa- tion permeated both the walls and atmosphere of BC. His frequent meetings with administration and the devout love which he gave to students must be seen as his way of living the "good news" the Christian gospel. If one message should be carried from the grounds of the University on Commencement Day it must be the "academic" lesson of His Eminence, and I quote: "God loves you. If God loves me, this poor little sheep, then God surely loves you. Yes He does."

In the Archdiocen interim period we looked forward to the new Archbishop of Boston, not in order to judge him against our late beloved shepard, but, rather as one to live on in Cardinal Mederiors' pur- suit of holiness. Through a recent revision in canon law which calls for ecclesiastical and Catholic university sacred studies to be accredited by the local Ordinary, we looked forward to continued theological soundness at BC. I'm sure we also looked forward to, not a replacement of His Emi- nence, but rather a brother in truth.

In a closing statement to the graduates

of 1 984, I intended to leave you with the words I felt His Eminence would say if he had the chance. It wiis later that I found a line which 1 discovered in a song that happened to be His Eminence's favorite saying. Thus, I take this quote as not written by mysef but rather as the result of Humberto Cardinal Medeiros' spirit in my pen. To all seniors:

"As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you Live on in my love."

James DiCorpo

Kathleen M. Johnson

Arts &> Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Mark D. Johnson

School of Management BS, Finance

Mark D. Johnson

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Richard G. Johnson

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Robert J. Johnson

Arts &v Sciences AB, Political Science


Shelly A. |ohnson

School of Management BS, Accounting

Loil |o Johnston

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. Mathematics Computer Science

Leo R. lolicoeur

School of Management

BS, Finance

Computer Science

Anthony D. |ones

Arts S^ Sciences AB, Sociology

Jeffrey A. Jones

Arts &v Sciences AB, Psychology

A Sunkist Success

When all the talk began over a possible 1 983 Bowl bid, memories of tangerines came to mind. Think back for a moment to the 1 982 Eagles football season. The scene: Father Monan on a rain-drenched Alumni field, following a tempest victory over Syracuse Orangemen, accepting the 1 982 Tangerine Bowl invitation. With fans going wild and tangerines being thrown high in the air, it was a spon- taneous and sweet climax for the entire BC community to savour.

BC and the Tangerine Bowl possessed all the ingredients for an MGM movie: The Eagles, underdog North-East college team to go south to Orlando, home of sunshine, Mickey Mouse, and 1 00% pure orange juice. The script wiis flawless . . . even the loss to Auburn University de- spite a strong second-half comeback did not dampen the BC fun.

Maroon and Gold loyalists made up for BC's forty-year absence from College bowl action. The fans, from Tip O'Neil,

class of '36, to Jack Mathews, dass of '60, to Leonnora Poravas, class of '85 travelled the biggest Road Trip of the sea- son, a 2,000 mile trek either by plane, car or bus. The spirit and enthusiasm of the North invaded the South, a reminiscent rival of days gone by. But the Bowl was more than a four quarter game, it was Rosy O'Grady's Days Inns, Epcott Center, and Lone Lines, "War, Dam Eagles, War," Zonies and Hurrican drinks. As Ed Brick- ley, class of '57, summed up, "The Tangerine Bowl represented pure, un- adulterated fun."

A year later the bowl picture was differ- ent. An invitation, and an expected occur- ence with six figures offers influencing decisions. No, the innocence and novelty of the 1 982 Tangerine Bowl wcis missing from the Liberty Bowl. For BC football there would be no more tangerines; they and Auburn share the distinction of being the last two teams to compete in what was then called the Tangerine Bowl, now known as the Citrus Bowl.

Nina Murphy

George Moustakas

Karen S. Jones

School of Management BS. Accounting

Patricia M. Jones

Arts &. Sciences AB, English

Susan M. Jones

Arts 8. Sciences AB, English


Margaret A. Jordan

School of Management

BS, Accounting

Computer Science

Susan ). Joslin

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Germanic Studies

|ayne M. |oyal

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Brian A. Joyce

School of Management BS, Marketing

Colleen Joyce

School of Education AB, Human Development

D. Justine Joyce

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Stephen M. Joyce

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Economics

Computer Science

Julie M. Joyner

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Mary t. Juan

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Cordon Juric

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Cari A. Kafka

School of Management BS, Accounting

Eva H. Kahng

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Michael H. Kalajlan

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics

Ellen P. Kalbacher

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Stephen M. Kane

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Histoiy


Kyongnam Kang

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Zoanne E. Kangas

School of Management BS, Marketing

Robert M. Karess

Arts &. Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Karen Karldoyanes

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Paul A. Karpinski

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology


Susan A. Kasper

Arts &. Sciences AB, Economics

Lisa R. Kasprzak

Arts &^ Sciences AB, History

Cindy A. Kassanos

School of Management BS. Finance

Lisa A. Kauffman

Scfiool of Management

BS, Marl<etlng Speecfi Communication

Lisa D. Kaufmann

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psycfiology

|ohn D. Kavanaugli

School of Management

BS. Accounting


|olin |. Keaney

School of Management BS. Computer Science

AnnMarie K. Kearney

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Patrtcic |. Kearney

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Art History

Timothy I. Keefe

School of Management BS, Finance

Albert E. Keicii

School of Education

AB, History Secondary Education

Jeffrey S. Keitli

Arts &. Sciences AB, English

Remembering . . .

Has it been that long? 1 can still remem- ber day one. Feeling lost, misplace, scared utter confusion.

I'll never remember where everything is or who everybody is. What's your name? What's your major? Where ya from? So terribly inadequate, in an attempt to adjust, to make friends.

High school was gone, along with its security. And the questions raced through my mind. What am I doing here? How will I ever live with him or her or them? Who can I trust? How can I pos- sibly pass all five courses? Ah, but they only meet two or three times a week!!

Freedom no constraints, no Mom, no Dad, no curfew. Late night talks, getting to know each other. Party in Duchesne!! Watch out RA no open alcohol in common areas!

OK, so there were a few things to get around. I managed, I adapted. Some things were easy, some things were not. My first all-nighter for that history paper, yeah but I could finally pronounce McEI- roy correctly. And the mail, it had to be checked daily. Everyone knew a letter or better yet, a package, could make your day but dinner really was the best (the social scene, not the food). Two hours in Stuart, that's a pretty good guess. Thank God for ice cream. How could we have survived?! Yet we did.

And then came the day we could walk through the dustbowl with a feeling of confidence. This place, BC, was ours! Yeah, it's been that long!

Lynn Dupre


Paul D, Campanella




To the editor:

Despite tlie attention given the Grena- da invasion, the most tragic events of hu- man hubris and manipulation still center on Central America, especially in Nica- ragua. It appears possible that the US could, for the 34th time this century, in- tervene militarily in the affairs of another country, this time to end the Nicaraguan government and install another military dictatorship.

The Administration's campaign of sabotage, and economic and political isolation of the Sandinista Government is becoming more blatantly illegal on politi- cal and moral grounds. The CIA backed Contras or rebels are employing terrorist tactics against Nicaraguan civilians w^hile trying to destroy the economic infra- structure of this poverty plagued nation. By supporting such activity the Adminis- tration perpetuates v^hat it detests: the Sandinistas' slowness in instituting dem- ocratic reforms. One wonders if a self- fulfilling prophesy is already at work.

The American-backed aggression against Nicaragua lends to more blood- shed primarily of innocent peasants while it weakens the power of the moderate faction within the Sandinista Ruling Coun- cil. It lessens America's position in the world as a nation that fosters and en- hances personal freedom and respects political responsibility. It destroys the hope that a middle ground can be found between crude capitalism backed by re- pressive dictatorship and crass socialism supported by atheistic communism.

Initially the Administration defended its support of the Contras by stating they would stem the flow of arms to Salva- dorian guerillas. In fact, most of the arms used by El Salvador's guerillas are pur-

chased on the open, world-wide arms market or are stolen from the US backed Salvadorian government. Although the Sandinistas have failed to move quickly toward more democratic participation in government, they are no where near as ruthless toward their own people as other Central and Latin American dicta- torships so frequently backed with US economic and military aid. No one, in- cluding the Reagan Administration, will argue that primary health care, education and land reform have not been positive achievements of the Sandinista govern- ment. Because the Sandinistcis seek a middle ground between liberal capitalism and atheistic socialism is not sufficient reason to support brutal attacks against the Nicaraguan people!

The true nature of President Reagan's aims in Central America is reflected in his rejection of recent security accords put forth by the Sandinistas. These records state that: 1 ) The Sandinista government agrees not to supply Salvadorian guerillas with arms if the US ends its support of the Contrcis against Nicaragua: 2) Nicaragua would not allow itself to be used to threaten the security of US or any nation, that is, no Soviet or Cuban bases would be built or allowed to continue on Nica- ragua soil: 3) the Contadora Group Venezuela, Panama, Mexico, and Co- lumbia — would verify these accords; and 4) violations would be publicly identified and compensation paid by the violators. These accords seem to respond to de- mands reflecting the legitimate concerns made by the US. Nevertheless, the Ad- ministration refuses to address these accords.

Rev. Julio Giulietti S.). (reprinted with permission from the Heights)

KaraUne M. Kelley

School of Education AB, Human Development

Mary C. Kelley

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

William G. Kelley

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Ann M. Kelly

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Mathematics


Mark |. Kelly

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

IVIary P. Kelly

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Richard |. Kelly, |r.

School of Management BS, Finance

Diane A. Kenneally

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Ann L. Kennedy

School of Management

BS, Accounting



Eileen M. Kennedy

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Patricia A. Kennedy

School of Education

AB, Special Elementary


William E. Kennedy

School of Management

BS, Accounting

Computer Science

Stephen V. Kenney

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

|ohn T. Kent

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Lisa M. Keogh

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Jeffrey T. Kem

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, English Political Science

Adrian Vincent Kerrigan

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Eileen T. Kerwin

School of Management BS, Marketing

Catherine A. Keyes

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Annette Khoury

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Francis X. Kllkelly

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Biology

Lisa A. Killian

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Douglas W. Kllllp

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics

Katherine A. Kindness

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, History/English

BS, Sub Turri


David D. King

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Henry |. King

Arts &. Sciences AB. Mathematics

Lorraine M. King

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Catherine M. Klntzel

School of Management

BS, Finance

Computer Science

Peter Kirklris

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Anne E. KIrwIn

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Kim M. KIsatsky

Arts &^ Sciences AB, French

Matthew Kohlbrenner

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Martha M. Kolf

School of Education

AB, Early Childhood


lames B. Kontra

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Brett A. Koons

School of Management BS, Finance

Laura |. Koppel

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Brian |. Kombrath

Arts 8< Sciences AB, History

Jomarie KosiarskI

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Kathiyn A. Kossmann

School of Management BS, Accounting

William Kotopoulos

Arts 8^ Sciences

BS, Mathematics

Computer Science

Alex M. Kouri

Arts 8v Sciences BS, Geology

Kathleen A. Kowalcky

School of Education AB, Human Development

KImberty Ann Koze

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology Psychology

Timothy ). KozlkowskI

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics


Elaine M. Krehley

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Mathematics

Catherine A. Krivlckas

School of Management BS, Mari<eting

Brian P. Krystoforski

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, History

Secondary Education

Laura A. Kuehl

Schooi of Nursing BS, Nursing

Kristyn L. Kuhn

Arts &. Sciences

AB. Engiish

Speech Communication

Lazars Kupeli

Arts 8^ Sciences

BS, Independent


Rekha Kurikoti

School of Education

AB, Severe Special


Cynthia A. KurowskI

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Spanish

Romance Language

The Day After"

Total nuclear conflagural annihilation. There are weapon systems which could be deployed at any moment bringing the end of humankind's civilization and possible all life on earth. Our world, a blue-green, spinning sphere of mass en- veloped in swirling clouds, upon which four billion people live, go to war with patriotic fury, make love with intense pas- sion, arbitrate, create, pursue the excel- lence of Justice or fall to ignobility, be- come immortal and eventually die, could become a lifeless colorless rock slowly revolving in a small star system in an obscure section of an average galaxy.

The possibility of a nuclear war is com- mon knowledge though most do not think of it in terms of such sweeping gran- deur. Few people can find the fortitude to go from day to day with this knowledge ever in the front of their minds. Students have an especially difficult time forcing themselves to face the consequences of the horror lying silently, but not dormant- ly, in the wheatfields of the Soviet Union and in the American submarines patrol- ling deep in the ocean.

As students, we must believe in the future because we are preparing to be an Integral part of it. Yet instead of concen- trating on becoming aware of the truth about nuclear armaments and the poli- cies which promulgate them, we turn a blind eye to the topic. With the exception of a handful of dedicated people who make up organizations like the Nuclear

Freeze coalition, most students deny the facts or indulge in a sickening form of black humor.

When "The Day After" was aired by ABC on the twentieth of November. 1 983 student reaction was of three kinds. Some were deeply touched and became involved in educating themselves about nuclear weaponry. A great majority were stunned into a frightening awareness which drove them into depressions which they could only escape by sinking once again into apathy. A collection of foolish people gathered at the Mods to set off Roman Candles in imitation of the scenes depicting American "superiority," which consisted of missiles exploding out of the farmland that surrounds Kans£is City.

Two weeks later nothing changed. The initial furvor had died down. Was the reason people had watched it at all be- cause it was fashionable to be concerned that week? A month later, the only people still interested were the Freeze members who toted around their actual size Euro- missile and the 'Toung Americans For Freedom" who slavishly followed a pro build-up campaign by throwing up signs saying "No Freeze." No explanations were given why one should not want a freeze. Neither side would speak to the other and little was solved.

"What about God?" one student had asked during those few days after "The Day After." A second responded earnest- ly "it's not God's problem, it's ours. We are responsible for what happens."

T.H. McMorran

The Heights


Kathy A. Kurtz

Arts L Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Donna L. Kusnierz

Arts &. Sciences AB, Mathematics

» ..^T»i

|udy L. Kwan

School of Management BS. Computer Science

In Search of Sustinance

Off-campus life brought with it a host of new problems. Besides having cock- roaches big enough to need flea collars, there were the phone bill, power bill, parking fines, rent and food to pay for. The monetary difficulty wiis paying all the bills at the same time. The city of Boston was kept in operation thanks to the gross income it received from our apartment in parking violations. Most of the money remaining paid the rent A little more was sloshed down at Chips during Friday night wakes held to lament how little dough we had left. The few dollars re- maining went to pay for food.

One phenomenon of nature was made clear during our year off the point plan; a two-ounce package of "Oodles of Noo- dles" can maintain a two hundred pound person for a school year.

Each Saturday morning we would crawl out of our beds and stagger to the kitch- en, our arms stretched out before us and our legs swining forward but not bending at the knees. We looked like second cousins to Frankenstein. Our monsterous headaches and cottonmouth-dryness caused us to forget comraderie and fight over who would drink the last of the orange juice. As we stood gathered be- fore the refrigerator we would quarrel for a few moments in hoarse whispers, throwing "Oodles of Noodles" packages at each other, only to find out that there was no 0| left. After a few moments of silence we would spring, well actually creak, into action. The three of us donned sweatsuits, shaved our tongues, and set of like the Magi for Star Market, in search of the elixor of life.

Once inside the supermarket we would grab a cart and, hanging on for dear life, venture into the first aisle. Out method of shopping was unique. We got whatever we had coupons for. It was an

Mary Leonard

economical idea but not money saving. The only coupons we were sure to have were for "Oodles of Noodles," kitty litter, and io- dized salt. We were certain to load up on these items because we could really save a bundle. Other food was haphazardly thrown in the cart as we progressed: Hebrew alphabet soup, canned tomatoes, hambur- ger meat, and so forth until the cart was full. As we headed for the checkout stand three things would always happen. Michael would come running from the fresh fish section with King Crab legs, we would send him back; Stephen would belt out in a loud voice "Should we feed the baby this month?", to which Mike would respond, "Nah, we'll give it the cat food we set out last week." (This was a device to scare old, three-foot-tall ladies with blue hair out of the check-out line). The third thing that always happened was that we forgot the 0| we had gone in search of.

T.H. McMorran

Judy Anne P. Kwek

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Political Science

- \ \\ Vivian Kwok

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology

Ann Kyle

Arts &v Sciences AB, Mathematics

Anthoula Kyriakou

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology Psychology

Suzanne M. Laboe

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English


|ohn R. LaCasse

School of Education

AB, Secondary Education


Stephen C. Lacerenza

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Psychology

Andrea M. LaChance

Arts S^ Sciences AB. English

Lisa A. LaChance

School of Management BS, Accounting

Brian J. Lachapelle

School of Management

BS, Marketing Organizational Studies

James C. Lackey

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Kelly A. Ucy

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Thomas P. LaFrance

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Ceny O. Lake

School of Management BS, Accounting

Daphne YY Lam

School of Management BS, Accounting

Evelyn Y. Lam

School of Management BS, Finance

Susan E. LaMere

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics

Valerie Lampros

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Francis K. LandolphI

Arts 8^ Sciences Ab, History

Sandra |. Landor

Arts 8^ Sciencs

AB, Political Science


Christopher |. Lane

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Biology

Robert |. Lane

School of Management BS, Finance

Anne C. Laplante

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Economics


Jerome M. Larkin

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. History

Michael A. Urkin

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. Economics


Theresa M. Larkin

Arts &. Sciences AB, Sociology

Kara A. Larsen

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Philosophy

fames R. Lasaponara

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology

Albert A. Lascaibar

Arts &v Sciences BS. Biology Psychology

Arthur C. Laske

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Lauren M. Latulippe

School of Management

BS, Computer Science


Nancy A. Laue

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Ruth S. Laurence

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Denise M. Lauretti

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Linda A. Lauretti

Arts &v Sciences BS, Biology

Steven E. LaValley

School of Management BS, General Management

Lisa E. Lavey

School of Management BS, Accounting

Anne M. Lawlor

Arts &, Sciences AB, Spanish Economics

Paul O. Lawrence

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, Economics


Troy Lawson

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

John M. Lawton

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Peter |. Lawton

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Tracey K. Layden

School of Management BS, Marketing

Stephen G. Leahy

Arts 8> Sciences AB, History Economics

Eileen M. Leary

School of Management BS, Finance Accounting


The French Connection

I don't think it will ever be possible for me to forget my Junior Year Abroad in Paris, as it was an incredible experi- ence. Having been luci^ enough to spend ten months abroad was an opportunity which I will always be thankful for.

Being in Paris enabled me to become adept at speaking French, as well as pro- viding an opportunity to learn about the people, the culture, and the "state of mind" of the French people as well as that of Western Europe in general. I was able to travel to the Octoberfest in Munich, to

London, Amsterdam, Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve at St. Peter's in Rome, New Year's Eve in Athens, Easter in Madrid; Places many people do not have the op- portunity to travel to in an entire lifetime. All this traveling "broadened my hori- zons" in that I not only learned more about these various people and ways of life but I also gained a better understand- ing of the United States and myself. Europe was, to employ an old and over- used cliche, my classroom. I made many friends and I had a whole lot of fun. It was, to echo the sentiments expressed by a fellow student who wcis in Paris with me, the best year of my life.

Philip A. Littlehale

George Moustakas

Kathleen Leber

Arts 8> Sciences

BS, Biology

Speech Communication

Lee A. LeBlanc

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Raymond M. LeBlanc

Arts &. Sciences AB, History

Robert F. LeBlanc

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Louise M. LeBoeuf

School of Management

BS, Marketing

Human Resources

Klmberiey A. Leddy

Arts 8v Sciences AB, English

Patrick M. Lee

School of Management BS, Finance

Mandy |. Leech

Arts &v Sciences AB, Political Science


Jennifer C. Lehman

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Speech Communication

Political Science

Suzanne M. LeMieux

School of Management BS, Finance

Barbara L. Lennon

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Computer Science

Anne |. Leonard

Evening College AB, English

Deborah |. Leong

Arts &v Sciences BS. Computer Science

Christine L. Leonhardt

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Flavio S. Leonin, |r.

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

|ohn R. Letcher

School of Management

BS, Accounting

Computer Science

The Making Of An RA

There Wcis a group of people on cam- pus with whom both students and offi- cials of the University eventually came into contact. They were in many respects the most visible part of the BC bureaucra- cy we had all come to know and love. They were at the same time among the students' strongest advocates in ensur- ing that they were treated fairly by this same bureaucracy. They had many roles: managers, policy enforcers, counselors, referral agents, organizers, leaders, role models, students, friends. They were commonly perceived to be walking keys. They were, in short, the RA's.

There were approximately 100 RA's living in Newton, Upper and Lower cam- puses. They were hired by the University through a process of interviews eind eval- uations during the spring of each year. RA's were given a week-long training session just prior to the arrival of the other students in the fall, and again attended workshops in January and April. They tended to be idealistic, dedicated to serv- ing both their fellow students and the University. They strove to create an atmosphere in the residence halls which was congenial to the self-development of each individual. Occasionally, they were the source of authority and disci- pline.

The job could be both frustrating and exciting. The RA's came from a variety of backgrounds, and were all individuals in their own right. Yet when they had "the badge" on, they were all the same. RA's were often the subject of smug contempt and derision. More often they were the objects of respect. The rewards were in fact as intangible as a sense of accom- plishment and pride in performing both a needed and valuable job while continuing to be a full-time student.

It was sometimes difficult to remember what you had done on Friday nights be- fore you became an RA, who your friends were, or what it felt like to be just a stu- dent. You often forgot that you ever had

any life outside of your job. But despite this, we came from the job having had our col- lege experience raised to a higher level. The sense of responsibility and learning how to deal with it, the realization of unknown potentials, the close, close friendships formed with fellow students both in the resi- dence halls and on the staff all contributed to making the RA experience one of the truly unique and rewarding opportunities of BC.

jerry Larkin

Mathew Mucc


Dany |. LeToumeau

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Maria Letunic

School of Management

BS. Marketing

Computer Science

Patricia Leung

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Robert P. Levesque

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Scott D. Levin

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Debra |. Levy

School of Education

AB, Early Childhood


Ellen M. Levy

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Sociology

Joan Lewis

School of Management BS, Marketing

Sarah Lewis

School of Management BS, Marketing

Margaret M. Leyden

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Speech Communication


|ohn M. Leydon

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics

Robert V. LIbertlnl, II

School of Management BS, Finance

Reglna T. LIbro

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Computer Science

Victoria L. Lleb

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Marjorie A. Liese

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

David Martin Lima

Arts 8^ kciences

AB, Economics


Carios R. Limeres

School of Management BS, Accounting

Helen Lin

School of Management

BS, Finance


Sherman S. Lin

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Penny A. LIndstrom

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Studio Art


Paul M. LInehan

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics

|enny M. Liquori

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

MaryLynn Litavls

School of Management BS. Accounting

William Livingstone

School of Management BS, Finance

Renee A. Llorente

School of Education AB. Human Development

Lori M. Lobo

School of Management BS, Accounting

Charies E. Loeber

Arts &> Sciences

AB, Psychology


Anne C. Logue

School of Education

AB, Elementary Special


Kevin W. Loiselle

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Political Science


Deirdre A. Long

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Psychology

Michael |. Long

School of Management BS, Marketing

Anne Marie Looney

Arts & Sciences BS, Biology

Llizabeth R. Lorenzi

School of Education

AB, Early Childhood


Paul |. Loscocco

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Political Science

Rosemary H. Loughran

School of Management

BS, Finance


loanne M. Lovett

School of Education

AB, Elementary Education

Human Development

Thomas J. Lowe

Arts &> Sciences AB, Psychology

Charies W. Lowney

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, English


Stephen A. Lubischer

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Kathleen S. Lucey

School of Management BS, Accounting


)ulle A. Lucyk

Lisa A. Lupinacci

George C. Lyman

Christopher R. Lynch

David P. Lynch

Arts 8^ Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

Arts &v Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

AB, Psychology

AB. Classical Civilization

AB, Economics

BS, Geology

AB, Economics

On Eaglets Wings

Like an eagle, Honor hovers majestical- ly over the attempts of man: The instru- ments to reach its airy perch are many, but the path is one. All must tread the same course the soldier, the states- man, and the scholar. It is a steep and

arduous climb, but the vision which the heights allows is breathtaking. For honor is synonymous with dignity. It is a symbol of success and a recognition of achieve- ment. Only the truly great reach the shel- ter of the eagle's wings. Those who do are worthy of the acclaim they receive. Reprinted from the 1 956 Sub Turri.

Paul DVCampanella


Donna M. Lynch

Arts &v Sciences AB, Mathematics

Elien E. Lynch

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Edmond F. Lyon

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Studio Art

Art History


Barbara Lyons-Doucet

Barry W. Lyons

Deborah A. Lyons

|ohn |. Lysaght, |r.

Todd E. Macaluso

Evening College

School of Management

Arts S. Sciences

School of Management

Arts &^ Sciences

BS, Management

BS. Accounting

AB, English Speech Communication

BS, Accounting Psychology

AB, Political Science

Gregory M. MacCune

School of Management BS, Accounting

Kathleen M. MacDonald

School of Education

AB, Early Childhood

Special Education

Mark G. MacDonald

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Scott A. MacDonald

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Mark A. MacGllllvray

Arts S^ Sciences AB, Economics

Mark A. Machera

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Mary E. Maclnnis

Arts &. Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Jane L. Maclntyre

Arts &v Sciences AB, Psychology

Eileen C. Mackey

School of Management BS, Finance

Christina M. MacLean

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Psychology

Speech Communication

Edward W. MacSherry

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Gerald f . Madaus, |r.

School of Management BS, Economics

Sarah A. Madaus

School of Management BS, Accounting

lohnna T. Madden

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Theology

Stephen F. Madden

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, History


Marianna Maffa

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Elizabeth Maffei

School of Education AB, Human Development

Carol Ann Maggelet

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, English Speech Theater

Paul D. MagglonI

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

Commuter Chaos

Everyone said college would be a learning experience and first step into adult life. I took that to mean I could go out whenever I wanted and let my laun- dry pile up. I forgot about living off- campus for a year.

When I entered the lottery as a fresh- man I prayed 1 would get my junior year off. I wasn't ready to leave dorm life the next year. 1 wanted to barbeque away my senior year in the Mods. I acted as if living somewhere else would be a year of pur- gatory; I looked upon the people with four-year housing cis magical.

The reality hit home when the housing lottery arrived sophomore year. It seemed every friend I had was busy com- paring numbers and choosing suite

mates. There I was in the middle of all this activity, trying to act as if I was the lucky one.

When I finally found someone to live with the real problems began. Should we find more people to live with? Do we want an apartment? What does sub-let mean? How much can we afford? How far from the T?

Of course we found a place, and sud- denly the prospect of living on our own, cooking our own meals, and decorating an apartment were exciting. As my junior year progressed, I discovered the joy of getting away from it all at the end of the day. It was so quiet that I could study at home. There were no more screaming girls running down the hall at 2:30 AM. This was fun.

Colleen Seibert

George Moustakas



Tip O Neill Library

As the college career of the class of 1 984 came to a close, the college career of the new library on middle campus was only just beginning. For a year and a half the seniors, along with others in the BC community witnessed the transformation of a parking lot and squirrel-populated hill into a stoic structure of granite to be known across the country as one of the five largest libraries in New England. With its five floors, its capacity for 800,000 volumes, and a new computer center, the building would be a continuing symbol of the Jesuit academic ideal. "Ever to Excel." Structurally, the new library possessed a majestic view of lower campus, the Res- ervoir and the distant Boston skyline, providing students with every opportuni- ty to daydream away their study time.

Unfortunately, the relationship be- tween the new library and the cleiss of 1984 was purely superficial, never going beyond the chain-linked fence which sur- rounded the construction site since the winter of '82. Seniors never had "final anxieties" there, nor searched frantically in its stacks for a bibliographic source needed for a paper due in an hour. And of course, there were no memories of that additional purpose of any library: spotting a possible date sitting in the last seat at the fourth table on the left. No, seniors only recalled the library as some miissive invasion of construction in between the Gothic buildings of Gasson, St. Mary's and Devlin.

Therefore, ambivalent feelings existed

Paul D Campanella

amidst seniors about the new library; there were feeling of envy and a tinge of resentment.

"I hope the students of tomorrow will appreciate the new library and all it will have to offer. For these students will nev- er be able to imagine in their wildest dreams the difficulty past students ex- perienced in trying to locate resource materials and books," commented Beth Brickley, '84.

Her sentiments echoed those of many who envied the students who will be able to reap the benefits of this technological- ly advanced facility. This envy turned into resentment with those seniors who felt that because a percentage of their tuition dollars were used in funding the new li- brary, they were "not getting their money's worth." But as Liz Davis, '84 pointed out, "It is ignorant to expect that future dividends will come about without the support of the currently-enrolled stu- dents." After all, in their four years at BC seniors enjoyed the luxuries of on- campus living, "Plexing" and the theater at the expense of past students who made their contribution to the growth of BC.

The new library consolidated all the li- braries on ciimpus and serve as the melt- ing pot of all the schools. The majority of the seniors welcomed the arrival of the new building, although the idea of SOM'ers and A&^S people studying side by side under the same roof was a little difficult to swallow, especially for those loyal Bapst groupies.

Nina Murphy

James A. MagllozzI

School of Management BS, Marketing

Ann M. Maher

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Geology

Jorgina T. Mahoney

Arts 8. Sciences AB. Studio Art

Susan Mahoney

School of Management BS, Marketing

William D. Mahoney

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

Maryellen Mahony

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Andrew Majewski

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Catherine M. Malapanis

School of Management

BS, Computer Science



Patricia E. Malcolm

School of Management

BS, Accounting


Ana Teresa MalDonado

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Mathematics

loanne R. Malltsky

School of Management

BS, Human Resources


Susan M. IMalkin

School of Management BS, Marketing

Kathleen F. Malloy

School of Education AB, Human Development

Samantha D. Malloy

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

Jeanne M. Malone

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, Computer Science


Debra A. Maloney

Arts S. Sciences AB, Mathematics

loseph P. Maloney

School of Management BS, Finance

Maribeth A. Maloney

Arts &v Sciences AB, English Philosophy

Thomas F. Maloney

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Ann S. Malonis

School of Management

BS, Marketing

Computer Science

Simonetta Malusa

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Computer Science

Gregory A. Mancini

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

May Lis Manley

Arts &. Sciences AB, Spanish Philosophy

Kathleen M. Mann

Arts S. Sciences AB, Economics

Lori ). Manni

School of Management BS, Accounting

Mark C. Manning

Arts S^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Stacie |. Manning

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Anthony T. Manzanero

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology


Kathleen M. Mara

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

Devereux Margraf

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Political Science


Lisa Mariuzza

School of Education AB, Human Development

Linda H. Marquardt

School of Education AB, Human Development

Carol D. Mairoquin

School of Management BS, General Management

Lisa M. Martignone

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Cynthia A. Martin

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

luila M. Mardn

School of Education AB, Human Development

Marianne T. Martin

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Theodore F. Martin

School of Management

BS, Accounting

Computer Science

Manuel Martinez, |r.

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Maria Martinez

Arts &. Sciences AB, Economics

Christopher Bingham Marx

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Ecnomics

Mary |. Marzullo

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

lames M. Mason

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Lynn M. Mason

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Monica Massara

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

ludith M.R. Masterson

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Mark W. Matrone

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Elizabeth M. Maunsell

Arts 8> Sciences AB, Psychology


Susan M. Maurer

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Chartes F. Maxwell, III

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Nita K. MayeU

School of Management BS, Marketing

Finding God's Smile

Serious doubts plagued my decision to go with twenty-three other BC seniors and juniors on the Chaplaincy's annual retreat to Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The doubts concerned my in- eptness in the French, (no less the Creole) language, as well as my discomfort with the brevity of the trip (ten days, which before departure seemed the, equivalent of ten minutes, and upon arriving in the country, passed like ten years). Because I knew that statistics and magazine photos had never registered on my consciousness the reality of starvation in the world in any authentic way, 1 chose to put my doubts aside and go.

With the evening stars not yet dimmed from my view, I struggled from my Edmonds apartment with over-stuffed luggage across an icy plex parking lot, where two vans des- tined for Logan Airport stood waiting. Hours later, the twenty-four of us were traveling in a wooden "tap-tap" bus of sorts, raising a wake of dust behind us through the streets





of the congested city of Port-au-Prince. The dry, musky smell of a burnt and sun- bleached land stole in and out on a win- dow breeze. From tin roofed shacks about the size of my bedroom in Edmonds, yet housing entire famililes appeared brown faces staring expec- tantly. As we slowed for a collection of goats in the street, a woman, effortlessly balancing a basket of mangos on her head, glanced through my window with a direct and unyielding Haitian smile.

After some days of orientation and adjustment, we began our work at Mother Teresa's Home for the Destitute and Dying. To this day, there is not much I can articulate about the Home. I have found no language that can adequately hold the experiences. What I can say is that in the tuberculine ward I met a man of unusual gentility, "Alfredo." As we had been doing with other men and women in the wards, I rubbed, with plastic gloves, moist vaseline into his parched leather skin: the spine, the neck, the fragile chin, the forehead, the fingertips ... He pointed weakly to his ear. I touched it with cream. Alfredo, eyes closing, barely sitting up, breathed "merci." Faintly smil- ing, he showed me, in that hour, the sac- ramentality of the human touch ... his touch. Here transpired, I believe, some acknowledgement of profound kinship, transcending language, culture and blame. In his smile was a glimmer of a famished God, not a God who causes suffering, but a God who is suffering with us.

Returning to BC the following week, I found myself again studying in the New Dorm lounge, again with highlighter and text in hand, tea and muffin nearby. Yet something had changed, or at least had begun to germinate. There began for me a process of sensitization, which I believe will be life-long (and does not require a trip to Haiti to initiate). Slowly, 1 am begin- ning to learn that the world is small, and it is round, and we who are in it are intense- ly responsible for . . . and graced by . . . one another.

Therese Callahan

Anthony |. Mayo Mark R. Mayock Ann M. Maysek

School of Management Arts 8^ Sciences Arts 8^ Sciences

BS, Organizational Behaviors AB, Speech Communication BS. Chemistry Computer Science

Susan L. Mazzamauro

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Anne L McArdle

Arts &. Sciences AB, Philosophy


William R. McAreavy

School of Management

BS, Marketing


Mary F. McCabe

School of Management

BS, Computer Science


Llla A. McCain

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Psychology


Brian ). McCann

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB. Speech Theatre


Alice M. McCarthy

Arts S. Sciences BS, Biology

Stage Left

Students and people in the Boston area became much more aware of the fact that there was theatre at BC since the completion of the new Theatre Arts Cen- ter in the fall of 1 98 1 . This complex pro- vided both students and faculty with many new opportunities that helped to bring the quality of BC Theatre close of that of professional theatre.

The New Theatre gave students in par- ticular the chance to strive towards this professionalism. Students had the op- portunity to direct their own theatrical productions, as had been the custom for some time on campus. The new differ- ence was that students had access to the Bonn Studio Theatre in which to rehearse and perform these student-directed shows. These "second season produc-

tions" had become more numerous and more technically elaborate since the completion of the Theatre Arts Center.

During the 1983-84 academic year, there were four student-directed pro- ductions performed at the Bonn Studio Theatre. The preparations for these shows began in the Spring of 1 983. At this time a number of students submitted proposals for the theatrical pieces that they hoped to direct. Four students were chosen by the Theatre Department Facul- ty and the Dramatics Society Officers. They were given the opportunity to be the directors who ultimately choose the actors, costume design, lighting design, set design, and sound design. These Stu- dent Directors were able to experience the thrill of becoming the central person around which any play revolves.

Kate Caffrey

Paul D Campanella

Bruce E. McCarthy

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

David W. McCarthy

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Chemistry

Eguene F. McCarthy, |r.

School of Management BS, Accounting


Heidi E. McCarthy

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Joann A. McCarthy

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

)ulie Ann McCarthy

Arts S^ Sciences AB, English

Kathieen M. McCarthy

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, Speech Communication


Kevin F. McCarthy

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Richard D. McCarthy

School of Management

BS, Accounting

Computer Science

Robert E. McCarthy

School of Management BS, Finance

Timothy C. McCarthy

School of Management BS, Accounting

Charlene A. McCaughey

School of Education

AB, Elementary Special


lulie M. McCiailen

School of Management BS, Marketing


Kathleen E. McCooe

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

Andrew W. McCool

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics Computer Science

Gregory M. McCouit

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Sociology

David |. McCuiiagh

Arts 8.. Sciences AB, English


Dougias |. McDade

arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Anne M. McDonald

School of Management Bs, Computer Science

Stephanie A. McDonald

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, History

Stephen T. McDonald

School of Management BS, Finance

Anne M. McEachem

Arts 8v Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Carolyn |. McGarr

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science


Morgan O. McGivem

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Studio Art

James M. McGovem

Arts &^ Sciences AB, French Philosopliy

Linda McCovem

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Virginia M. McCowan

Arts &v Sciences BS, Biology

Ellen R. McCrattan

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Economics


Elizabeth A. McGuili

School of Education AB, Human Development

lolin W. McGulrl(

School of Management

BS, Finance

Computer Science

Marl< |. McHugh

Arts & Sciences AB, Economics

Sarah E. Mclnnls

School of Nursing BS. Nursing

Janice S. McKay

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Theresa N. McKay

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

Colleen M. McKenna

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

leanne M. McKenna

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

Joanne E. McKenna

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Mary C. McKenna

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Susan A. McKenzle

School of Management BS, Marketing

Lynda R. McKinney

Arts S^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Kathleen A. McKone

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Mark R. McLaren

Arts 8> Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Ann Marie McLaughlin

School of Management BS, Finance


Lisa McLaughlin

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Kerstin F. McMalion

School of Education AB, Human Development

Virginia A. McMalion

Arts &. Sciences

AB. Mathematics


Maria L. McMunn

School of Management BS. Marketing

Patricl( |. McNally

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

Daniel P. McNeely

School of Management BS, Accounting

Alice |. McPherson

School of Management BS, General Management

Maureen A. McQuade

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Students Are Human Too

More than changing over the years, students seemed to remain the same. There were the same insecurities; the same single-minded drive (dissect that dogfish sharl<!). The same spurts of intel- lectual vigor; the same Sunday morning lethargy, where, in front of the mirror with an elephantine headache, the reminder tinkles, "I am not an animal, I am a human being."

There were, though some areas where change was detectable. Students were more job oriented and less inclined to- ward the liberal arts. A college education, now that everybody is getting one, was no longer an assurance of the best jobs. Specialization at an early age in your life's work, such as accounting, or better, ac- counting for those companies which pro- duce cereal, was seen to be good. It gave you the edge over your competition, and so it went, with no one else knowing any- thing about Greek or Raphael or Ruskin. The liberal arts were no longer even an access to a good old boy network, so, like, man, I mean, what's the use?

Another change was that students were less apologetic about missing classes. The degree to which the picture was widespread at Boston College is un- known. What was known was that stu- dents had developed an aristocratic free- dom towards attendance.

At BC, education had been "co- " long enough for the initial uncomfortableness to have disappeared. There were other problems of course. I heard one student protesting to his girl friend, or perhaps former girlfriend, "I am not a feminist, I am a human being." It possibly would not have been surprising to hear an overly scrupulous history "docent" addressing a class with, "In 1 776 when Adam Smith wanted to demonstrate the wonders of modern mass production he or she used the example of ten workers producing 48,000 needles a day."

One major change was that more and more students were feeling comfortable

with and profitably using computers to assist them in study. A paper on several short stories from the Boston literary maga- zine. Ploughshares, was handed in to me. Its words had been processed. On the bot- tom of eage page, including the last, the word "more" was typed in capital letters so I never once made the mistake of thinking I was finished when I had merely come to the bottom of a page. On the top was "slug," followed by a colon, followed by "PLSHRS." Receiving compugraphics in my English classes made me aware of how many PleaSHuReS the computer had added to the lives of students.

But whatever the changes, the continuity remained. Colleges have always helped and will continue to help students better enter- tain themselves, their friends and new ideeis. In other words, colleges continue enchanc- ing the humanness of human beings.

Marshall Toman; English Dept.

Sub Turri File Phoro


Taking A Break

Every-day college life often included a rigorous schedule of cliisses, extended study periods, independent research, jobs, and internships. However, on occa- sion, the average student found time available in which to pursue other equally important matters.

the easiest thing, sometimes, was just to curl up in bed, preferably without a book, and go to sleep. In other words, succumb to what Garfield calls a "nap attack." The average college student was notably deficient in such somnolance.

Another effortless excursion wcis the watching ofTV Afternoons were prime for an hour of GH while dinner was made, complete with re-runs of MASH.

These regular diversions were often supplemented with more spontaneous past times. In weather, hot or cold, few could resist the urge to walk over to White Mountain Creamery for a dessert or midnight snack of home-made ice cream with mix-ins.

Sometimes it was fun just to sit back and page through the the old freshmen register or to consult The Source and give a friend a jingle. Some like to let off steam by hitting the plex to lift, play ra- quetball, or to compete in intramurals. Women, in some ciises, found their own living room rug the perfect place to do a side of jane Fonda's workout album. Sun- ny days were the ultimate invitation to toss a Frisbee or jog around the "Resy."

Other pcist-times required additonal planning and preparation. Social events such as Homecoming, Screw-Your- Roomate, the Parker House Semi-formal, and the Middle-March Ball provided ex- citement and elegance. Looking sharp brought out the best in everyone. Some- times more fun could be had at the par- ties preceeding the event than during.

Limousine Races also became exciting events to anticipate. Closer to home, a night at the Rat was always an event which aided in passing the week's work. Likewise, a trip to one of the many area watering holes was a sure bet for fun and relaxation.

Similarly it was not surprising that drinking games, spontaneously con- ceived, became a large part of adventur- ism. "Quarters," "Mexican," "Fuzzy Duck," and "Sink the Ship" were favorites.

In a calmer light, many students found that most fulfilling was the time spent with the opposite sex. Easy conversation, a night out, or a quiet moment were al- ways remembered with a smile.

The pressures of school and work were eased and forgotten in various ways by different people. These and other pursuits provided the student with good times to look forward to during those particularly difficult periods.

Peter Quigley



George Moustakas

James J. McSheffrey

Arts &^ Sciences AB. History

Sandra A. Meade

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

lames K. Meehan

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Geology

Sean B. McSweeney

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, History

W. Kelly McWilllams

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, Psychology


Kathleen |. Meagher

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Sharon A. Mechaley

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Carolyn E. Megan

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Spanish

Mark R. Melanson

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Economics


Sharon A. Melbourne

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Ana C. Mendez

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

|ohn F. Menzel

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Computer Science


Dateline: BC

There were many familiar phrases on campus which one could usually pick up in a relatively short period of time. Many favorites were "Where are the parties to- night?," "Hey, there's a keg at 321 Res- sies," "No, I've got to write a paper," "LxDok out, it's Father Hanrahan," and "Wow! That was intense."

However, although there were many social languages, there was one word which was evidently lacking in a BC stu- dent's vocabulary. "Date" seemed to be a four letter word that one scarcely uttered.

One of the most common complaints around here was that guys did not ask girls out on dates. I asked some of the "guys" why, at a school where the females outnumbered the males, they did not take advantage of their situation? The answers ranged from "I'd rather go out with my buddies" to "Gee, maybe I will go out on a date sometime."

Girls, on the other hand, were both dis- appointed and confused. "When I was in high school," said one student, "1 dated a lot But when I came here, I realized that you just don't date in college."

"Why?" is the resounding question. It seems as though it will remain un- answered. For who could understand the traditional meaning of a date in a time where women were challenging male

"superiority" and where the question was no longer "Should I kiss him (or her) goodnight?" but "Should we go to bed?"

This was a very complex situation and although it seemd as if it existed on cam- pus alone, there were enough magazine articles and "Dear Abby" columns to prove that there were other places where a good "old fashioned date" was had to be found. (The key word here is "old fashioned").

From the male point of view one got the distinct impression that there was no need to date. A common response was, "There are plenty of ways to meet girls and for girls to meet guys. There are classes and co-ed dorms and lots of par- ties." Many students agreed that this was a very easy way to meet people. Howev- er, everyone also agreed that the next day, when you say that particular person whom you had spent an hour talking to the night before, it was usually very painful when that person looked the other way.

On the bright side, several students questioned had begun to "date." In fact, one student mentioned that he had "in- tense" date on Friday night. Surprised, when asked who she was he said, "Oh, you wouldn't know her. She goes to Sim- mons." Sigh.

Tania A. Zielinski

leannlne E. Mercure

Arts &, Sciences AB, Political Science

Maria B. Meriino

Arts 8v Sciences AB, English Philosophy

Eileen F. Mescall

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Katherine M. Meservey

Arts &, Sciences BS, Biology

Alison N. Metzner

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, History


Alisa A. MigUaccIo

Arts &v Sciences AB. English

Robert A. Miley

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Economics Political Science

Cliristine V. Miller

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Art History

lolin D. Miller

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. History

Kimberty |. MUier

School of Management

BS. Marketing



* -^


"When I was in high school, I dated a lot, but when I came here, I realized that you just don't date in college."


Philip |. Miiier

School of Management BS, Accounting

*# .^

David F. Miliette

Arts &v Sciences AB, English

Richard H. MUler

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Robert E. Minalga

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology Theology

Stephen |. MIngolia

School of Management

BS, Marketing

Human Resources

Susan C. MioUa

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Sociology

Elizabeth C. Mirisola

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, Economics

Speech Communication

Daniel |. Mirskl

Evening College BS, Accounting

Mark S. Miskovsky

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Philosophy

Maura A. Mitchell

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Sociology

Christopher C. Mohen

School of Management BS, Finance

Vivian M. Molinari

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Lisa J. Mollo

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Psychology

Roger W. Mollo, il

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology


Phyllis M. Monachino

Arts &v Sciences AB, Psychology

Patrice M. Moncrieff

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology

Thomas P. Mondani, |r.

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

OXonnell House

It was awkward when this year's O'Connell House Staff moved in this fall. After all, how many college students lived in a mansion with five other people that they had never previously known? As the year progressed we grew closer together and close to the house, not out of a sense of duty, but because the beauty of the house and what it stood for evoked a feeling of concern.

On a personal level we were able to experience the University from the per- spective of our work as a staff, and our interaction with students and administra- tion. Living with the people with whom we worked was an enriching and chal-

lenging experience. In addition to this we worked closely with OSPAR which gave us a view of the interal workings of the University. The O'Connell House experi- ence was one that opened us up to all facets of the community life.

One can't talk about O'Connell House without mentioning the elegant Middle- march Ball. We will always remember the grandness of O'Connell House as it appeared on that night. The House was certainly "putting on the Ritz" with many guests in black Tuxedos and gowns. And now that we are leaving we only wish that it was as easy to leave as it was to arrive. The O'Connell House Staff

Kathy Calnen, Tim Hambor, John Mul- lin, and Steve Sharaf

Paul D. Campanella


Robin A. Monleon

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Michael |. Monte

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Theatre

Michelle P. Montmlny

School of Management

BS, Marketing

Computer Science

Jorge A. Montoya

Arts &^ Sciences

AB. Sociology


Rosemary A. Moody

School of Nursing BS. Nursing


Christina M. Moore

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Susan |. Moore

Arts &. Sciences AB, Economics

Gladys Morales

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

lames M. Moran

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

|oyce G. Moran

School of Management BS, Finance

Mary C. Moran

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, History

Victoria A. Moran

Art &^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Patricia A. Moreira

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Michael A. Morgan

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Eileen Morris

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Ellen B. Morris

Arts &,. Sciences BS, Biology Psychology

Pamela A. Morris

School of Management BS, Marketing

Martha A. Morrison

School of Management

BS, Economics


Ellen M. Moulton

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Political Science

ludy Moy

School of Management BS, Marketing

|ohn S. Moynihan

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

David P. Mueller

School of Management BS, Accounting

Kathleen A. Mueller

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

lulianne M. Muldoon

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Computer Science

Jeanne E. Mullaney

Arts S^ Sciences AB, Economics


Christopher R. Mullen

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, English


loseph D. Mullen

Scliool of Management BS, Accounting

Mary Beth Mulligan

School of Education AB. Human Development

|ohn |. Muilln

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Linda A. Mura

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Brendan |. Murphy

Arts Sv Sciences

AB, Economics

Speech Communication

Brian Murphy

School of Management BS, Finance

Catherine E. Murphy

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, History

Cornelia M. Murphy

Arts S^ Sciences AB, Speech Theatre


Edmund F. Murphy

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Elaine M. Murphy

Arts 8v Sciences BS, Biology

Glenn S. Murphy

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Biology

lacqueiine E. Murphy

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

Kathleen |. Murphy

School of Management BS, Finance

Mark P. Murphy

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Maureen T. Murphy

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Maureen T. Murphy

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Raymond Murphy

School of Management BS, Finance Accounting

Kathleen P. Murray

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Lynne A. Murray

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science


Guarding the Gates

"Good evening Mr. Murphy!"

"Well, good evening to you Miss Mur- phy," was the familiar reply as the Toyota pulled through the main gate. The gate- guard returned to reading his paper in his booth on Commonwealth Avenue.

BC gateguards. The first time you en- countered one was when you got so lazy that you decided to sweet talk your way onto middle campus. Anything to avoid Higgins stairs. But that gateguard was no push over. Oh, if you had a pass he was the friendliest person in the world but if not you could just forget about it.

They were a friendly group of people, the gateguards. They always smiles and said hello when you walked by. But none of that was really important. Gateguards represented something more than their appearance revealed. If you went to the University you would see it in their faces. There was no one in the world that was more proud of BC than those gateguards.

It seemed strange but it was obvious that they had made some kind of a pact between themselves. First of all, no mat- ter which gate they worked at a BC hat was a requirement. If you ever saw a guard who was not wearing a BC cap be assured that he was an imposter. The per- son who therefore stood before you had bound and gagged the real gucird who was struggling to get free on the floor of the booth just out of your sight. And he did struggle. Because you see, you were not dealing with simply anyone. He knew how important he was. BC depended on him. Not because it was so very impor- tant that all the cars had stickers on them but because it was so very important that all the guards had smiles.

Geri Murphy

George Moustakas

Kim R. Nagy

Arts &. Sciences AB, English

Susan |. Nahles

Arts S^ Sciences

AB, Economics

Speech Communication

Patricia L. Napier

Arts S. Sciences AB, Sociology

Robert A. Napoiitano

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

Rosemary Nasli

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Suzanne M. Nasipali

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Nancy Navarretta

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, Psychology

Speech Communication

Ada E. Nazario

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Speech Communication


Kelly M. Neal

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Philosophy

Thomas K. Neave

School of Management BS, Marketing

lames M. Nee

Arts &. Sciences AB, Russian

Catherine E. Needham

Arts &. Sciences

AB, History

Romance Languages

Kurt C. Neldhardt

School of Management BS, Accounting

Dean M. Nejame

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Maryam Nejat

Arts S^ Sciences BS, Biology

Hazel L. Nemanlch

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

A Special House

Shaw House was an old, slightly de- caying mansion located between Kostka and the Townhouses. Although it was lo- cated on Upper Campus, it differed from the other residence halls in the area in a number of ways. The house was associ- ated with the College of Arts and Scien- ces Honors Program. As such, it was pop- ulated for the most part by students who were in the Honors Program, although a number of other resident did not belong to the program. Housing a comparatively small group of students, numbering only 23, Shaw House provided an opportunity for close friendships and it fostered a strong sense of community.

A variety of activities occurred in the course of the school year which were de- signed to enhance the social and cultural lives of the residents. These included faculty/student dinners, which were planned and prepared by the students them- selves and provided an opportunity for students to interact with members of the faculty outside of the classroom. Other activities included lectures, films and trips to Boston. The House had a piano and study areas which were open to the en- tire Upper Campus community. All of these contributed to creating a sense of solidarity among the residents which was not easily attained in other, larger dorms. Alison Bane

Paul D, Campanella


Martha |. Nevins

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

lennifer L. NewcHy

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Biology

Catherine C. Newlon

School of Management BS, Marl<eting

King L. Ng

Arts &. Sciences AB, Mathematics

leffrey G. Nicholson

Arts &v Sciences BS, Biology Philosophy

Dennis |. Nickerson

School of Management BS, Economics

Marie E. Nickerson

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Nancy E. Nickerson

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

|uan M. Nieto

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Economics

Susan Nikel

School of Management BS, Accounting

John R. Nolan

Arts S^ Sciences

AB, Economics


Timothy G. Nolan

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Christine M. Noonan

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Patrick B. Noone

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Biology

Karen E. Norbert

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Suzanne |. North

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics

Frank Novo, |r.

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Gregory H. Nugent

Arts &. Sciences AB, History

Mary-|o P. Nugent

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Biology Psychology

Pamela |. Nugent

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication


Thomas E. Nunan

Michael R. Nurse

Bany W. O'Brien

Daniel C. O'Brien

Gail M. O'Brien

Arts 8^ Sciences

Arts &v Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

School of Management

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Philosophy

AB, Speech Communication

AB, Economics

BS, Marketing

AB, Economics


Karen M. O'Brien

School of Education AB, Special Education

Katherine E. O'Brien

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Thomas G. O'Brien

Arts &. Sciences AB, Economics

Thomas |. O'Brien

Arts &v Sciences

AB, Speech Communication


Brian A. O'Connell

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Brian C. O'Connell

School of Management BS, Accounting

|ohn M. O'Connell

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English Economics

Bridget E. O'Connor

Arts S. Sciences AB, English

Jean T. O'Connor

Arts &. Sciences AB, Sociology

Karen M. O'Connor

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science


Raymond S. O'Connor

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics

J. David O'Donnell

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. History

James A. O'Donnell

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Maureen A. O'Donnell

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Steven P. O'Donnell

School of Management

BS, Accounting

Computer Science


|. Thomas O'Hara

School of Management

BS, Accounting


Elizabeth A. O'Heir

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Catherine O'Keefe

School of Management

BS, Accounting

Computer Science

Maureen E. O'Keefe

School of Management

BS. Accounting

Computer Science

Lynda O'Leary

Evening College AB. English


Since being voted off campus in 1977, the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) had not been a career center op- tion available to BC students until North- eastern University offered Army ROTC credit to BC through the cross campus enrollment program.

To be in ROTC a student had to attend a military science class offered on campus, accompanied by a Tuesday morning lab. Land Navigation, Military History and Dynamics of Leadership. The courses were taught on campus for the first time in twelve years.

In the fall the freshman cadets studied military courtesy and marching. Later in the year they were trained in frist aid and the use of standard weapons. In the sum- mer of their junior years the cadets were

packed off to Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. The program lasted six weeks and was designed to give practical experience and to reinforce the classroom theory. Some were given the opportunity to attend special schools such as Airborne, Northern Warfare and Medical service, signal corps and Infantry.

The campus battalion was mentored by six professors of military science. It was commanded, however, by the senior cadets. The 1983-84 Northeastern Uni- versity Command was headed by Randolf Howard. He was the first cadet from BC to hold such a high office, and he stated "My position proves that BC cadets can have an active part in NU. ROTC. I hope it encourages more students to partici- pate."

John Dorman

George Moustakos

Kevin E. O'Marah

Arts &^ Sciences

BS, Economics


Nora O'Meara

Arts &^ Sciences AB. English

Maureen O'Neal

School of Nursing BS, Nursing


The Lucky Lottery

The worst part about the Housing Lot- tery was that it coincided with midterms and registration. The combined pressures of talking exams and hunting down pro- fessors for overrides were bad enough without having to decide which friend had to be left out of next year's apart- ment.

The lottery was an exciting time it spurred happy thoughts about a new year on campus, and for some it was the long-awaited proof that a certain roommate was not a permanent curse.

The Housing Lottery also reminded some people that the year off-campus was soon to arrive. They could sit and watch the others struggling for Hillsides. But the inevitable apartment hunt was lying in wait.

The moment of truth arrived when the lottery numbers came. Everyone hurried to More Hall to have their fate deter-

George Moustakas

mined for the coming year by a comput- er. A high number could be the difference between bliss in the Mods or another year of purgatory in Ressies.

Finally the big night came. Armed with ID'S, signature forms, proxy forms, birth certificates and finger prints, the group of two, three, four, six or eight rushed down 2 1/2 hours before its slot time to watch the best rooms disappear. By the time slot 43 1 had its turn, the only rooms left were above the laundry room, below the bathroom and next to the garbage chute or the dreaded apartment known last year as "The Lair," where the bottle caps were permanently embedded in the bathroom tile.

No matter what the outcome, it seemed that no one got the first choice apartment. But one of the cardinal rules of college life was: Make do with you've got. Besides, with a few plants and posters this place will look as good as new. Colleen Seibert

Timothy W. O'Neil

School of Management

BS, Finance

Computer Science

Daniel |. O'Rourke

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Philosopliy

Karen T. O'Rourke

Arts &> Sciences AB, Political Science

Timothy |. O'Shea justina Ekemma Odunukwe

Arts 8^ Sciences School of Management

AB. Speech Communication BS, General Management

Krtsten K. Olen

School of Management BS. Accounting

Caroline Ollveira

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Kimberty C. Oliver

School of Nursing BS, Nursing


Suzanne Oram

School of Management BS, Finance Accounting

Robert |. Orbe

Arts &^ Sciences AB, History

Hector R. Ortega

Sciiool of Management BS, Marlteting

Mayra R. Ortiz

Sciiool of Management BS, Finance

Renee E. Osipuk

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Philosophy

Oalna H. Outerbridge

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Patricia A. Owens

School of Management

BS, Accounting

Computer Science

Nicholas P. Pacella

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Loren E. Pacl(

Arts S^ Sciences AB, French

iMaureen |. Paclier

Arts &^ Sciences AB, American Studies

Therese E. Paget

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Mary M. Pagliarulo

Arts &v Sciences AB, Psychology

Leslie E. Paier

School of Education AB, Human Development

Steven |. Paige

Arts &< Sciences AB, Psychology

Catlierine M. Palermo

School of Education AB, Human Development

Laura |. Palmer

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Susan M. Palmer

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Clana L. Paolino

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Studio Art

Gregory A. Paolino

School of Management

BS, Computer Science


Donna M. Papapietro

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication


Andrew P. Parker

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Theology


Earl F. Parker

school of management BS, Computer Science

Laura A. Parker

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, Speech Communication


Michelle I. Parks

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Classical Civilization

Mark Parrish

Arts Jk Sciences AB, Economics

Melanie Parsons

School of Education

AB, Severe Special


Lisa M. Pasquale

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Joseph M. Patchen

Arts &. Sciences AB, History

Karen M. Paulsen

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Donna M. Paventy

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

VHtorlo F. Pavia

School of Management

BS, Marketing


tugene S. Pawlak, |r.

Arts 8> Sciences BS. Biology

(III M. Payne

School of Education AB. Human Development


Nancy A. Pegoll

Arts &. Sciences

AB. Economics


"Jane's First Love"

The BC Radio Theater was a student broadcasting club that produced the only live soap opera in the greater Boston area "Jane's First Love." Students wrote, acted in, directed, created sound effects for, and engineered the entire show. Each week a new episode in the life of fictitious BC undergrad Jane Harrington (played by Heather Kelley) was broadcast from WZBC's live studio "B." The show had new excitement every week because it was a live production created by stu- dents.

JANE HARRINGTON had fallen in love with a rock star, and had to decide be- tween her new love and her old, steady boyfriend, DOUGLAS. Her good friend LUCILE BARCLAY (Karen Barrett) was also a BC undergrad. LUCILE married BAR- TON BRAND (Dave Gionfriddo) who abused and beat her. In self defense, and to protect her newborn twins, LUCILE shot BARTON. But LUCILE was accused of murder, and now was on trial for her life.

Helping at LUCILE's trial was third-year BC law student LAURA ASHLEY (Valerie Querela). Complicating matters was the fact that some of the chief witnesses were unavailable when the trial started. NELL NEWTON, Barton's old girlfriend, could

Karen A. Pellegrino

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Psychology


Victoria C. Pellegrino

School of Management BS, Marketing

lacqueline Pelletier

School of Management BS, Finance

Norman A. Peloquin

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Terri A. Pendergast

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Janice Ann Peneno

School of Education

AB, Severe Special


Francisco |. Perdomo

School of Management BS, Accounting

Giselle R. Perez

School of Management BS, Marketing

Mark |. Perreault

School of Management

BS, Marketing

Computer Science

Mark F. Perron

School of Management BS, Operations Management

not be found. She was on Spectacle Is- land, in Boston Harbor, holding MACK HARRINGTON, Jane's father, prisoner, MACK had managed to reach the island after the submarine that he and DR. ORGAN (Deidre Orr) were in hit a rock and sank. DR. ORGAN was rescued, and returned to BC where she was the school psychiatrist. But everyone thought MACK was dead, until he was rescued by JANE and her brother LEADER, a West Point transfer student who now goes to BC. While A/IACK was on Spectacle Island, his wife remarried. She also got pregnant by her new husband: however, she had a miscarriage just before Thanksgiving. With JANE'S mother and father reunited, everyone turned their attention on the trial of LUCILE BARCLAY. As 1 984 began, the trial was in its fifth month and every- one was still unsure how it would turn out. The show was created by Michael Christian and Michelle Lowney in 1 982. It was broadcast live from WZBC's studios in McElroy Commons. Background music and sound effects were used in each show. The Engineer was Bill Genova. The cast also included Lisa Cavanaugh, Alan Feeney, Liz Lamb, Nancy McManus, Mike O'Mara, Tammy Pace, Don Stewart, Anne Renehan, Chris Tricarico, and Bill Norine. Michael Christian

Pau I D. Campanella


Ronald D. Perry

Arts Bk Sciences AB. History

Kimberty |. Petelle

School of Management

BS. Computer Science


Rhonda L. Peters

School of Management

BS, Accounting


Thomas C. Peters

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Chemistry

|ohn C. Peterson

School of Management BS. Computer Science

Donna M. Pflaumer

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Esther Phelan

Arts &> Sciences AB, English

Patricia M. Phelan

School of Management BS, Finance

Marietta V. Phillips

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Walter |. Phlnney

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

udlth A. PlantedosI

Joel F. PIcard

Suzanne R. Pelkllk

Robert M. Pier

David |. Pierce

Arts 8v Sciences

Arts 8^ Sciences

School of Nursing

School of Management

School of Management

AB, Mathematics

BS, Biology

BS, Nursing

BS, Computer Science

BS, Accounting

Computer Science

Nancy A. Pierce

School of Management BS, Marketing

Megan R. PIgnataro

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Uurie E. PIgnatelll

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

William M. PImentel

School of Management BS, Marketing

Michelle A. PInaud

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology


Sandra Carolina Pinto

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Suzanne PIstocchi

School of Management

BS, Finance


Maria C. PIstorino

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics


(Course Registration and Scheduling System]

Taking a CORSS

To the Editor:

"Oh, no. The last day! I always get the last day."

"No kidding. I always get the last slot on the last day."

Statements such as these were uttered repeatedly in the Lyons foyer last week. Wcis there any truth to them?

"I've had the worst slot for the last six semesters."

I knew that was an exaggeration. This is only the third semester of on-line regis- tration. But what about all the others?

Back in my office. I spoke with a few students about their registration appoint- ments and found that what they remem- bered about their previous appointments didn't agree with what the record indi- cated.

But my curiosity was aroused and I de- cided to calculate the probability of the claims made by so many others.

If appointments are distributed ran- domly, can someone repeatedly come up with the last day. Of course. If you've taken statistics, you know that each time

Paul D. Campanella

you toss a coin, you have a fifty-percent chance of getting heads. Each time you toss, there is a 50/50 chance of getting heads or tails. The same thing happens each time the registration appointment scheduler runs. You have one chance in three of coming up with the last day.

So you've got the last day. What are the chances the event will recur the next time? One in nine. And the third time? 4 in 100. The fourth? 1 in 100. The fifth? 4 in 1000. And the sixth? 1 in 1000.

Let's take a look at the chance of get- ting the last appointment slot. Each class is scheduled over a three day period comprised of 72 time slots. So your chances of getting the last slot are 1 in 72. If it happens to you, the likelihood the event will be repeated in the second year will have improved to 1 in 500,000 and, by the fourth year 1 in 25,000,000.

Did I hear you say you wanted a seat in Statistics? Sorry, it's closed.

Louise Lonabocker University Registrar (reprinted with permission from the Heights)

Timothy P. Pittinger

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology Mathematics

Cynthia E. Pleach

Arts &. Sciences AB, Mathematics

Jeannle M. Plugis

Arts & Sciences AB, Psychology

Laura M. Plumb

Arts S^ Sciences AB, English

Carolyn F. Plunkett

Arts &. Sciences AB, Spanish


lanlce R. Pogran

School of Management

BS, Marketing

Human Resources

|ayne Polcaro

School of Management

BS, Marketing

Human Resources

Francis C. Poll, II

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Joanne M. Polinsky

Arts 8v Sciences

AB. English


Robert M. Pomeroy

School of Management BS. Accounting

To the Editor:

Last week you printed a letter ("Stiffed Again") by an employee of tiie Golden Lantern Restaurant regarding the lack of sufficient tipping. I would appreciate the opportunity to respond witii an opposing view, and address the remainder of this letter to that employee.

Granted, the service at the Lantern is usually fair, and sometimes it is good. However, I have spoken with many GL employees, past and present, and have discovered with no great surprise that your job is no where near as difficult as the jobs of waiters and waitresses in other restaureints; nor as demanding as many of the jobs open to other BC students.

You acknowledge that tips are gratu- itous. You should take the next step and realize that only those employees who perform their job well should receive a good tip. A waiter or waitress who only does a 'fair' job should not be incensed by a three or four dollar tip. We work hard for our money: and we resent that you ex- pect us to hand some over to you for anything other than "horrible service."

Your job is a contract; and you con- tracted for a certain amount per hour. Why do you thinkyou deserve more? You wrote that "the lack of tipping reflects an inconsiderate attitude" on the part of the patrons. Why do you complain? Every night you make more than you con- tracted for; you should be grateful for any extra money you receive and not com- plain when it isn't there at all.

All GL waiters and waitresses make at least 3.35 an hour, to which they add a percentage of any tips. Few things are as annoying as hearing someone who has a good arrangement complaining for more. There are students here, in the Eagle's Nest and other cafeterias, who dish out food all day and never make a cent more than 3.35 an hour. It is well known the GL jobs are in high demand. If you're unhappy with your income, go find another job. There are plenty of people who would love to take your place.

Michael Conza On behalf of the Golden Lantern patrons (reprinted with permission of The Heights.

Ann Marie McLaughlin

David V. Popeo

School of Management BS, Finance

Cathy M. Popp

School of Education

AB. Elementary Special


Juan C. Pou

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Economics Political Science


Mary E. Power

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Pamela K. Power

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Romance Languages

Gerard F. Powers

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology

Patricia A. Powers

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Amy C. Pozzo

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Philip G. Pratt, |r.

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Sociology

Marl( G. Preskenis

School of Management BS, Marketing

Gary |. Presto

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Italian

Susan M. Princiotta

School of Management

BS, Economics

Industrial Relations

Lawrence R. Priola

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics

Nancy A. Procaccino

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

John A. Profacl

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Psychology

Lisa A. Provost

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Michael N. Pullano

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Susan L. Pultz

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Veronlque F. Puton

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Romance Languages

Jack Quan

School of Management BS, Marketing

Valerie A. Querela

Arts 8. Sciences AB, English

Donna L. Querques

School of Management BS, Accounting

MaiyEllen Quigley

School of Education

AB, Early Childhood



Peter f. Quigley

Maurice Quijano

Kevin M. Quinlan

Maura A. Quinlivan

Bonnie Clare Quinn

Arts 8. Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

Scliool of Management

Arts S. Sciences

School of Management

AB, History

AB, Speech Communication

BS. Accounting

AB, Mathematics

BS, Marketing

Brett A. Quinn

School of Management

BS, Marketing

Computer Science

Alex D. Rabasco

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Mathematics


Edward Rabasco, |r.

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Teri M. Rabb

School of Management BS, Accounting

Michael V. Racanelll

School of Management BS, Finance


Usa |. Rafter

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

MIchele Rahlll

School of Management BS, Accounting

Margaret C. Ranieri

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

Nancy |. Raso

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Histoty

Vincent S. Raso

School of Management BS, Marketing

Edward |. Rauseo

Arts &v Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Daniel E. Ray

Arts &. Sciences AB, Psychology

Paul Reader

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Glenn P. Reagan

School of Management BS, Marketing

Mary F. Reardon

School of Education

AB, Early Childhood

Special Education


Typing Troubles

More than the beer mug or the back- pack, the typewriter probably best sym- bolized the college student. It was the classic high school graduation gift.

Those students who ignored Persona! Typing I in high school soon regretted the decision when they found that professors required all papers to be typed. There were always plenty of people who would type a paper for a price but often the chore became self-inflicted.

The worst part of writing a paper was usually typing it up. The triumphant mo- ment at 3:30 AM when the paper was finished was soon squelched by the pros- pect of typing it. The average paper of the average typist took and average of two-

and-a-half hours to type. Most papers are researched and written in less time!

Even if one had no papers to do, the typewriter still became an enemy. Friends would drop by to borrow the typewriter "just for an hour" and would return it a week later, after having used up all of the ribbon. One lone typist in the hall could keep a whole floor awake for half the night. There were even the roommates who insisted on typing in the room no matter what the hour.

With more people using word proces- sors and text editors, the typewriter may become a thing of the past. Typing class, erasable paper and ribbon cartridges could one day be obsolete. Good rid- dance.

Colleen Seibert


George Moustakas

Stephanye A. Redd

Arts &v Sciences

AB, Speech Communication

Human Resources

Ruth E. Redmond

Arts &. Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Allan C. Reed

School of Management BS, Marketing

Cynthia E. Reed

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Lisa E. Reed

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Psychology

Michael |. Regan

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Gregory C. Regazzini

Arts S, Sciences AB, Economics

Wanda M. Reichard

Arts &. Sciences AB, Speech Communication


Andrew M. Reidy

Arts &. Sciences AB, English

Ellen T. Reidy

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Sociology

Dennis P. Reiily

School of Management BS, Accounting

Maiy I. Reiily

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

Michael F. Reiily

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

WlUiam |. Reiily

Arts &> Sciences AB, English

Theresa |. Reinhart

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Marise A. Relfe

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

Ray Flynn Wins!

On January 2, 1 984, Raymond S. Flynn officially became the mayor of Boston. Perhaps the most visible candidate to ever run for public office, Flynn campaigned tirelessly through the neighborhoods of Boston, many times working an eighteen- hour day. A native of South Boston, Ray was a familiar political figure in Boston, having served eis a State Representative and City Councilman during the past dec- ade. Always a champion of the under dog, Ray Flynn will undoubtedly continue his legacy of helping the needy, the poor and the under-privileged as mayor.

Because of his devotion to the working class and minorities of Boston, it was not surprising that Ray led the battle against condo conversion, and fought for Rent Control as a Boston city councilman. As mayor of Boston, Flynn will continue to support these meeisures, and hopes as well to restore old federal housing units to their prior standings.

Housing was just one of the many issues Ray campaigned on during the mayoral contest. Flynn took a hard-line stance against crime, and one of his goals cis mayor will be to re-open several neighbor- hood district police stations closed as a result of "Preposition 2 1/2." By adding more police to the Boston police force, Flynn expects to see a steady decline in the arson rate. Arson prevention was another main issue given top priority by Flynn in his campaign.

Better housing, more police and new jobs are just some of the services Flynn will hope to render to the people of Boston as mayor. By his two-to-one victory in the finals on November 1 5, 1 983 over oppo- nent Mel King, Ray certainly was given a vote of confidence by the people of Bos-

ton. His hard work and total commitment to Bostonians were two trademarks Ray will assuredly carry with him to the Mayor's office in City Hall.

Just as he always gave one-hundred per- cent on the court as a basketball star at Providence College, Raymond Flynn will surely expend one-hundred percent of his time, energy and devotion to the people of Boston as their mayor.

Stephanie A. McDonald


Brenda A. Reynolds

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Margaret M. Reynolds

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Matliematics

Patricia Reynolds

Arts &> Sciences AB, Economics

Catherine M.B. Rezendes

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Emily L. Rezendes

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Sociology

Diana B. Ribera

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Michael |. Ribera

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Chemistry

Joseph A. Rlcca

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Demetrio D. Ricciardone

Arts S^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Barijara ). Rice

School of Management BS, Marketing


ludlth Rice

Arts 8^ Sciences Speech Communication

Rose Richard

Evening College AB, Psychology

Rosemarie S. Richards

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Economics

Germanic Studies

Steven P. RidinI

Arts &. Sciences

AB, Biology Political Science

Robert F. Rleger

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

David |. Rigby

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, History

Donna M. Riley

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Edward M. Riley

School of Management BS, Accounting

Sheila A. Riley

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Mary F. Rinehart

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Spanish


Dona L. Rintelman

Arts 8. Sciences AB, History

Linda A. Roach

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Tlieoiogy

Jane C. Robinson

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. Political Science

Amy C. Ritter

School of Management BS, Marketing

Richard |. Rizzo, |r.

School of Management

BS, Accounting


Karen Roarlie

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Studio Art

David A. Roat

Arts &. Sciences BS, Physics

David A. Roberts

Gary M. Robinson

lames M. Robinson

Arts &. Sciences

Arts 8^ Sciences

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Economics

BS, Geology

AB, Economics



Melissa B. Robinson

Arts 8^ Sciences

BS, Biology


Sheila A. Rocca

School of Nursing BS, Nursing


Arches and Art

Architecture on campus reflected a tradition that an evolving legacy could be traced through the decades of this centu- ry, changing and adapting to the times and needs of the college community.

The land on which BC now stands was purchased in 1 907 and its first edifice was raised by 1913. The Tower became the legendary trademark of BC. This grand beginning, Gasson Hall, was the first of a long line of buildings, designed by the architectural firm of Maginnis and Walsh. Winners of an architectural competition for the right to design the campus, they embraced the Collegiate Gothic Style in a conscious effort to create the "Oxford of Newton." Workmanship and materials were always first class, allowing for an ornate interior of stain glass and artwork. Bapst library, St. Mary's Hall, and Devlin Hall were completed by 1 930 in identical style as BC's destiny took shape.

Itwould be twentyyears before Magin- nis and Walsh would be commissioned to complete the "quad" area in similar style. The Fulton Business School was com- pleted in 1 948 when Lyons followed in 1951.

The Style then moved into an interim phase where a modernized version of the Gothic style was used. This trend con- tinued with McElroy and Gushing in 1 960, while a twist was added when Car- ney was accidentally constructed back- wards in 1 962. In the late 1 960's a shift Into the modernist style could be seen in the construction of McGuinn and Hig- gins Halls.

The upper-campus dormatories were initiated in 1 956 with the construction of Loyola and were completed in 1 965 with the addition of Welch and Williams. Cen- tered around the richly sculpted O'Con- nell house, the traditional-style dorma- tories were built in red brick with stone trim.

In 1972 the rolling tent-like student Recreation Complex appeared adjacent the stadium, accompanied by the "tem- poraty" modular apartments a year ear- lier. The purple-tinged Edmonds Hall, erected in 1 975, gave BC its first high-rise apartment building. Lower campus was now truly a world away from the tradition of the academic middle-campus. Con- struction on Lower campus was com- pleted with the addition of Walsh Hall and the New Theater Arts Center.

The latest addition to the campus was the collosal central library. Easily the largest building on campus, it was con- structed entirely with modern materials, covered with a veneer of minnesotan granite. The libraty's sltylight and copper roof provided an air of quality and distinc- tion.

Peter Quigley

Paul D. Campanella




Robert T. Rocha

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, History Political Science

Francis |. Rochford

Arts &^ Science

AB. Mathematics


Patricia Rodden

Arts &. Sciences BS, Geology

Karen E. Roe

School of Education

AB, Elementary

Special Education

One Scoop or Two?

Ice cream is the ultimate pleiisure in life. Will ice cream ever break your heart? Will it ever fail you? Will it ever give offense to your taste buds? The answer is, of course, a resounding NO. Yet it will cure a broken heart; it will commiserate with you in failure; it will delight the palate with a celestial sweetness, a creamy cloud-on-your-tongue delicacy which in- cites madness no disonysian liquor could inspire. It is the eliquor of life, the paragon of edibles, the one firm foothold in a sea of junkfood. All these things it is ... and for a reasonable price too.

During the most troublesome times at school we turned to our best friends, our jebbie advisors, and ice cream. And on too many of us it showed. The extra pound or two we carried around came from the beer at the Rat on Thursdays and the ice cream from one of the many local sweetshops on Sundays. "Alas the ice cream, 1 knew it well" we said as we tried to force ourselves into our jeans. The first and foremost of the sweetshops was Whtie Mountain Creamery. Reminiscent of the old fiishion stores long gone and only to be seen in a Norman Rockwell painint or a Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney movie, it was a good place to take a study break and pig-out.

Syivia Roger

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Patricia S. Roka

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Christoplier P. Rol(Ous

Arts &> Sciences AB, Economics

Roy |. Roidan

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Micliael ). Roifes

Arts 8v Sciences AB, English

Arthur J. Rooney, III

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Mary |. Rooney

School of Education AB, Human Development

Patricia C. Rooney

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Michelle |. Roos

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Aleida N. Rosado

Arts &, Sciences AB, Political Science


Upon entering we would be welcomed be the scent of a freshly made waffle ready to be Olaffed. joining the line we shuffled forward like pilgrims at a saint's tomb, catching a glimpse of the Heath- cliffs, Hershey bars and Granola waiting to be added in. Coming closer the full spec- trum of flavors would come into view, everything from the generic vanilla to Jamaican rum. Finally at the head of the line indecision hit. There was no way to choose just one. Then after making a des- perate choice it all happened too quick- ly. It seemed the ice cream hadn't even been given a chance to melt when it was gone, devoured in an impassioned eating session. Temporal, but close to heaven, that was real ice cream.

T.H. McMorran

Mary Leonard

Lori Rosasco

School of Management BS, Accounting

Martha R. Rose

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

|ill M. Rosenbaum

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Steven I. Rosenblum

School of Education

AB, Severe Special


Susan M. Rosenthal

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Elizabeth N. Ross

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Ruth A. Ross

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Caren M. Rossi

School of Education AB, Human Development

Caria M. Rossi

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Biology

Mary ). Rotanz

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication


John A. Rourke

Arts &. Sciences

AB, Economics


Diane P. Rousseau

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Martlne Rowan

Arts & Sciences BS, Biology

June E. Roy

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Elizabeth A. Russeli

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Speech Communication

|ohn F. Ryan

Arts S^ Sciences BS, Biology Psychology

Maureen A. Ryan

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics

MIcliaei A. Ryan

Arts &, Sciences AB, Political Science

Brian |. Ryder

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Albeit Saavedra

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

Susan |. Sabeiia

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Romance Languages


Rodoifo Sabogal

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Robert C. Sacco

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Political Science

Speech Communication

Peter C. Safloi

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Richard |. Saigh

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

John C. Sakles

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biochemistry

Micheal |. Sakosits

School of Management BS, Marketing

Donna M. Sakowsid

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Mathematics

Theresa A. Sala

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics

Louis E. Salemy

School of Management BS, Accounting


Murray House

One of the first places freshman com- muters visited during Orientation weel< was Murray House. The Commuter Com- mittee and the Murray House staff joined together to host freshman barbeques which served as comfortable icebreai<ers. And Murray House remained a conve- nient meeting spot for many commuters through their years on campus. Whether gathering for the Friday afternoon Com- muter Committee meetings or taking in an episode of General Hosital, Murray House's casual, social atmosphere wcis a popular attraction.

And yet, Murray House did not remain

George Moustakas

completely unchanged over the years. For one thing, it began to shed its "com- muter only" status when the Commuter Committee office was relocated from the second floor of Murray House to Lyons Basement in 1 980. Then Murray House was opened more frequently to other groups for their meetings. And the ever- popular Thursday night spaghetti dinners often attracted as many resident students seeking a change from the dining halls. All in all, Murray House's congenial spirit made it almost like a frat house for commuters, without initiations, dues or duties.

Stephen J. Fallon

|ohn E. Salerno

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Psychology

Computer Science

Dianne M. Sales

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Englisli Speecli Theater

David P. Salter

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Suzanne M. Salvucci

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Harry L. Sanabria

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Isabel A. Sanchez

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

|ulie A. Santaniello

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Anne Marie Santos

School of Education AB, Elementary Education


Robin P. Sardagnola

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Political Science

Paul |. Sartori

School of Management BS, Accounting

Christopher Sartory

Arts & Sciences BS, Biology

Anthony C. Sasso

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Economics


Robert A. Sauro

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Caiy R. Savage

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Political Science

Bari>ara A. Savarese

School of Education

AB, Early Childhood

Special Education

Maria T. Savo

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Cabbage Craze

As parents rushed around buying tea sets and trucks for children this Christmas they noticed that a new item had been added to this year's list. There was hardly a toddler who could be found that had not whispered in Santa's ear that they just had to have a Cabbage Patch Kid for Christmas.

It would have been wonderful if each child that wanted one of these dimpled, pudgy, little people could have had one but such was not the case. The dolls be- came so popular that they had to be ordered in advance to insure delivery by Christmas. For those who did not order one it became a matter of watching and waiting to see what toy store they would arrive in and then dashing off in hopes of arriving in time to fight off other would be purchasers. People were injured as they grappled over the dolls.

The reason for the mad dash to the stores has been attributed to the stupendous marketing strategies developed by Coleco. Cabbage Patch Kids are all individually de- signed according to their Coleco. There is a sad note to this tale of the Cabbage Patch Kids too. The kids are orphans in search of homes. When a doll is purchased it comes with a name, birth certificate and adoption forms. When the forms are returned the owner becomes the legal guardian of the baby and receives an adoption certif- icate and birthday card each year.

if that were not enough to explain why such a craze developed over the dolls well, the picture's worth a thousand words. Everyone

had their fun making jokes about the kids from the Cabbage Patch, johnny Carson and David Letterman got a whole week's worth of laughs by making fun of them. Despite the jokes anyone who meets one of the kids just can't help but notice "something". They might be called down- right ugly but it is clear by the furror that arose that they are quite lovable. Children found not just another toy but a playmate in their child. A playmate so wonderful that as the package was opened on Christmas day they cried out. "Oh my golly! I got my dolly!"

Geri Murphy

George Moustakas


Christine A. Scanlon

School of Management BS, Marketing


lanet C. Scanlon

Arts &^ Sciences Romance Languages

Philip J. Scanlon

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Studio Art

Paula P. Scardino

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Marissa V. Scauzzo

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Rebekah Schenck

School of Education AB, Human Development

Mary K. Schlmanski

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Gall M. Schlueter

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Keny L. Schmidt

School of Management BS, Marketing

Maria E. Schmidt

School of Management BS, Marketing

Paula M. Schoenfeld

School of Management

BS, Computer Science


Sharon S. Schomo

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Scott C. Schroeder

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Chemistry

Katherine T. Schulten

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Anthony Sclaraffa

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Philosophy

Nell |. Scognamlgllo

School of Management

BS, Computer Science


Ann M. Scott

School of Management BS, Finance

Elizabeth A. Scott

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Karen L. Scott

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Thomas D. Scully

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Political Science


Elizabeth |. Segrave-Daly

Arts &> Sciences

AB, English


Nancy |. Seldel

School of Education AB, Human Development

Nader Sepahpur

School of Management BS, Finance

Christopher |. Sergl

School of Management BS, Accounting

Jan I. Sessler

School of Management BS, Marketing

Daniel C. Shadbeglan

Arts & Sciences AB, Spanish

Maria M. Shahbazian

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Joseph J. Shamon

Arts & Sciences AB. History

Susan Q. Shaner

Arts 8. Sciences AB, English

Michael P. Shannon

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Political Science

Molly Shannon

Lynn E. Shapiro

Diane M. Shea

Ann M. Sheehan

Katherine K. Sheehan

Arts &. Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

School of Nursing

Arts 8^ Sciences

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Economics

AB, Speech Communication

BS, Nursing

AB, Classical Civilization

BS, Biology


Susie Sheehan

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Melissa R. Sheerin

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Louis A. Shelzl

Arts Sv Sciences AB, English

John J. Sheridan

School of Management BS. Finance

Julie M. Sheridan

Arts &. Sciences

AB, Economics



Margot A. Sheridan

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Maura A. Shields

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Speech) Communication


Kevin |. Shine

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Matliematics Computer Science

Hazellne L. Shropshire

School of Management BS, Marl<eting

Joseph F. SIddall

School of Management BS, Accounting

Various Venders

They were not mentioned in the Stu- dent Guide and no one every really planned to visit them, but they were al- ways expected to be there. The sales booths in McElroy lobby offered an in- credible display of jewelry, clothing, artwork and gifts. Struggling through the lobby between classes, one got a taste of what Marakesh would feel like. It always seemed like there should be a camel somewhere.

The sales booths were perfect for a last-minute gift or a room decoration. They were diseistrous for the impulsive shopper. Those trinkets never seemed that expensive but they sure added up.

Some of the merchandise was a little

more ambitious than a scarf or a poster. One could find genuine leather luggage, hard-knit alpaca sweaters, or artist- signed photographs. The quality of the items was always surprising and, judging by the crowds, they were popular too.

The merchants were as varied as their wares. There were a couple fo "old- timers" one could depend on every time. There was the man who was cleared out of his $ 1 9 Walkmans and leather back- gammon sets after the first few hours. The annual print sale \Nas a favorite, with its sign offering a free print to anyone who worked for a few hours. Every Friday, of course, there was the guy selling flowers at unbelievable prices.


Paul D. Campanella

Edward W. Slegel

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Evelyn |ohanna Sieger

School of Management BS, Human Resources

Monica Sieger

Arts 8. Sciences AB, French


Registration Headaches

Suddenly the music on Mary Lou's AM- FM radio blared its morning alarm.

"Wah . . . ?!"An arm shot out of the pile of blankets, shut off the music and dis- appeared again.

"Oh my head," moaned Marylou as she set it gently back on the pillows. "I can't understand why Beth would set the alarm so early on a Tuesday morning.

She glanced over to see if she had woken up, But Beth's bed wiis neatly made and there was no evidence of her whereabouts.

"Wow, that was quick. Where did she go so fast?" Slowly, memories of the night before began to drift into conscious form; reason and time began to come into focus . . .

"Oh my God, I have to register!"

Registration at BC: "A mid-semester period filled with feelings of anxiety, anti- cipation, joy, frustration and wonder (sort of like Christmas).

And now, back to Maiylou who in rec- ord-breaking time has jumped out of bed, splashed some cold water on her face, pulled her hair back into a tight ponytail and put on her most comfortable sweatsuit.

As she ran out of her apartment and began to climb the hills towards Gasson she remembered that she forgot her reg- istration materials. A quick spring back and the minor dilemma was taken care of.

"Okay," thought Marylou, "be logical for just one minute. Now, what courses should I take?" Finally, she was in Gasson, staring at lists and lists of closed courses or courses open to specified majors only ("Wait a minute. I'm a senior, there aren't supposed to be any closed courses!")

"Okay, there are three courses I can take and I'll just get an override for this course which really shouldn't be any

problem." Later . . .

"What do you mean you can't stamp my override?!"

"I'm sorry dear, but you need a dean's approval, and he is in a meeting right now."

"But couldn't you just stamp it? I'm a senior. I've gone through this for three years and this time I swore registration would be no problem."

The secretary, in a rare moment of emotion, told Marylou that the dean would be leaving his meeting through the side door of the building and maybe, she could wait for him there and get his signa- ture.

Well, Marylou finally got his signature and went to register. However, when she got to the line for registration, she found out that there was a misprint, and "Art in the Baroque Period" wasn't open to "Art Majors Only" after all (So Marylou, you got the Dean's autograph for nothing but fond memories). There's nothing like reg- istration to get one in a festive mood. Tania A. Zielinski





\ mm

Donna M. Slems

School of Management BS, Marketing

Thomas P. SIleo

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Policital Science


Deborah A. Sillcocks

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

Lorraine G. Sllva

School of Education

AB. Secondary Education


Daniel Silverman

School of Management

BS, Accounting

Computer Science

Nancy L. Simmons

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Mark |. SImonelli

Arts 8^ Sciences BS. Biology

Margaret E. Simpson

School of Nursing BS. Nursing


Penny A. SInert

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Cynthia A. Sison

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Patricia S. Sisti

School of Management BS, Accounting

Antliony |. Sicanipa

School of Management

BS, Computer Science


|anet A. Siieiian

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

AUcia D. Siieny

School of Management BS, Marketing

Paui T. Si(udiarel(

School of Management

BS, Economics


Yvonne M. Skuncii(

School of Management BS, Organizational Studies

Douglas ). Sieeper

School of Management BS, Finance

Raymond G. Sleiglit

Arts 8^ Sciences

BS, Biology


Rosemary Siein

School of Management

BS, Accounting

Computer Science

Nancy |. Small

School of Management BS, Marketing

Jeffrey P. Smith

School of Management BS, Marketing

Karen L. Smith

School of Management BS, Marketing

Kurt C. Smith

School of Management BS, Economics

Maureen L. Smith

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Nancy ). Smith

School of Management BS, Human Resources

Peter Smith

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Biology

Shannon t. Smith

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Sharon I. Smith

School of Management

BS, Organizational Studies



Tara M. Smith

Timothy M. Smith

Paul Solano

Constance A. Soper

Lauren M. Soranno

School of Management

School of Management

Arts &^ Sciences

Arts 8^ Sciences

School of Education

BS, Finance

BS, Finance

AB, History

AB, Mathematics

AB, Early Childhood




Barbara M. SossI

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Stephen Sotiropoulos

School of Management

BS, Marketing

Computer Science

Tammy A. Souza

Arts 8^ Sciences Bs, Biology Psychology

Maria |. Speidel

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

Geoffrey D. SplUane

Arts &. Sciences AB, Economics

Michael Sputo

School of Management BS, Accounting

Elizabeth A. Stamos

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Anthony K. Stankiewicz

Arts S. Sciences

AB, Political Science


Thomas ). Stanton

School of Management BS, Finance

WllUam SUnton

Evening College BS, Business Administration

Usa M. Stapleton

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Art History

Maiy E. Staud

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Geophysics

Georgia Stavropoulos

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Jane E. Stawarky

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Loretta A. Stec

Arts & Sciences AB, English


Cheryl A. Stefan

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Richard C. StefanaccI

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Daniel ). Stelnhafel

Arts 8v Sciences

AB, Philosopliy


A Friendly Festival

On April 7, in the recreation complex, the second annual Festival of Friendship welcomed over 200 special-needs- children who ranged in age from 6 to 18. The children were treated to a day of carnival-type activities and musical enter- tainment. Close to 400 "friends" for the day escorted the 200 children through the various games and musical entertain- ment. The activities included races, physi- cal tests and lots of fun.

The purpose of the Festiveil of Friendship was to unite the special needs and civic communities in a day of fun that would

make both groups aware of the opportu- nities available to each other. The simple goal of the day was to make one child smile; needless to say, the goal was well exceeded.

The idea of a festival for the special needs community on campus was initi- ated and eventually realized by seniors Brian Carroll and Kevin Mulkerin. The overwhelming success of Festival of Friendships were an indication of the eagerness with which the students were willing to enrich their awareness and understanding of the special needs pop- ulation.

Julie Appleby

Joan M. Steppe

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, English

Speech Communication

IMary Ellen Stevenson

School of Management

BS, Computer Science


|lll M. Stewart

Arts 8v Sciences

AB, Speech Communication

Human Resources

Denlse A. Stickle

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Suzanne M. Stleilen

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Psychology

Human Resources


Deborah L. Stillman

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Anne F. Stingle

Arts &. Sciences

AB, Economics


lulie M. Stinneford

Arts &, Sciences AB. English

Thomas |. Stosur

Arts &c Sciences AB. History

Gregory M. Strakosch

Arts &> Sciences AB. Political Science

Melissa A. Strand

School of Education

AB, Early Childhood


losephlne A. Stresino

School of Management BS, Accounting

Derek A. Strohschnelder

Arts &^ Sciences BS. Biology

Cathryn A. Struzzlero

Arts &^ Sciences AB. Economics

David |. Stuart

School of Management BS, Finance


The Flashdance experience! Moviegoers sat in the darl< and secretly tapped along to the beat, indulging in a dream where they could dance. The story was another Hollywood version of a Cin- derella who had to follow her dream. It was probably what happened to every 18-year-old welder who moonlighted at a go-go bar and lived in a warehouse.

After the movie came out we saw how many arobics nuts shared the fantasy of being a flashdancer. Frizzy hairstyles and sweatshirts with the neck in carefully- arranged disarray so as to expose a sultry shoulder became the fad and fashion for the summerwear of '83. "This old thing?" girls would say, indicating their attire with mock indifference though everyone knew they had spent twenty dollars or more to have Calvin Klein rip the neck out.

Flashdance was a Paramount picture based on the story by Tom Hedley Alex, an 18-year-old girl who wanted to be- come a ballerina, played by Jennifer Beals, was unable to afford formal training. She worked as a welder during the day and danced in a bar at night. Encouraged by her boss-turned-lover, and struck with the loss of her old friend, she became determined to audition at the Pittsburg Ballet Company. Her audition stunned

the admissions board and she was accepted immediately. Then she, her lov- er, and her dog who had been given a red ribbon for the scene, turned into a still life tableau, proving once again that Holly- wood loves a happy ending. They would have ridden into the sunset but Pittsburgh can't always manager a clear day and Clint Eastwood was usuing it in another movie anyway. And since Flashdance didn't call for cheap violence the sunset was scratched.

The theme song "What a Feeling," sung by Irene Cara of Fame, fame hit the top of the charts along with "Manhunt" in the early summer of '83. They were replaced with the aerobics favorite "Maniac" when the D]s discovered the album's flipside towards the end of the summer. The movie became famous for inspiring a Flashdance fad. The craze extended itself from impressionable high school girls to the public at large and soon in the more chic discos one could be knocked over by an amateur dancing her (or his) heart out. A strenuous and amazing form of street dancing known as "Breaking" which de- veloped in New York City also became popular. A breaker can walk backwards while seeming to go forwards and twist himself into an array of pretzel-like shapes.

T.H. McMorran


Carole Stuchbury

School of Management BS, Finance

Catherine L. Sulesky

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Catherine Sullivan

School of Management BS. Accounting

Jerome H. Sullivan

Arts S^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

|ohn A. Sullivan

Arts &> Sciences AB, English

Kathle A. Sullivan

Arts &. Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Lisa A. Sullivan

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

Michael F. Sullivan

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Michael ). Sullivan

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Patricia Sullivan

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Sociology

Thomas H. Sullivan

Arts &^ Sciences

AB, History Political Science

Lisa M. Sumpter

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Psychology

Timothy R. Sullivan

School of Management BS. Finance Marl<eting

Thomas R. Suozzi

School of Management BS. Accounting


Pamela E. Surette

School of Education AB. Human Development

Gina M. Surrlchio

Arts 8v Sciences AB, English

Robert Sutherby

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Political Science

Joann Suzemore

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Michael W. Sweeney

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Nursing News

In our senior year, it was iiard to believe we were actually completing our very last nursing clinical rotation. The feeling was wonderful, and it was definitely well- celebrated. The joys and tears we shared with each other were many and the mem- ories were endless.

Freshman year it was Anatomy and Phys- iology when, to our amazement, many of our test scores plunged to the single digits. We were introduced to the people with which we would spend the next four years and we stuck together for support and courage to continue.

We will never forget our sophomore year capping ceremony. Or the Capping dinner dance we had with our parents and our much sough-after dates (after all, we did attend 95% female classes!)

The books seemed to get more numer- ous, and thicker and heavier as the years went by. We were notoriously identified by our huge books and frequent trips to Gushing library.

Who could forget our junior and senior-year clinical days? Clinical days? Certainly our roommates will not forget our 5:30 AM alarms and our groping through the darkness on the way to the shower, or our late nights at the kitchen table preparing care plans.

We will all remember our patients who often had traumatic, acute or chronic diffi- culties that gave us a broad spectrum of learning situations. Then there was memorizing a patient's long list of drugs what they did, how they did it and what the side effects were. We couldn't forget our instructors, who we often thought ex- pected too much, but who helped us to reach those expectations.

The experiences were many being involved in the birth of a couple's first baby, receiving a smile from a frightened, hospi- talized child, or experiencing the pains and sadness at the death of a patient.

We were thankful to have trained at

Mass. General Children's Hospital and McLean Hospital, among others, and to have professors and instructors with highly accredited degrees and positions. Most of all we are thankful for the caring rela- tionships that grew between our class membes. We will miss each other greatly after graduation.

Kathy Bowker

George Moustakas

Gregory R. Swenson

School of Management

BS. Accounting


Doreen L. Sylvester

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Elizabeth A. Tabrlsky

School of Management BS. Accounting


Lesly Talbot

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Speech Communication

Political Science

Sun W. Tanri

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Amelia Tamburrini

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Mamiko Tanefusa

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Studio Art

Vincent |. Tangredi, III

Arts S^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Keni A. Tarmey

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, English Classical Studies

Lisa Tata

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Political Science

Rosemary H. Tekeyan

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

John ). Tennant

School of Management BS, Marketing

Carios A. Teran

School of Management BS, Finance

Scott A. Tessler

School of Management

BS, Accounting


Pamela G. Theodore

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Mathematics


Colette M. Theriault

Arts 8v Sciences AB, Mathematics

Barry E. Thomas

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Physics

David |. Thomas

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Sociology

Denise A. Thomas

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, English Political Science

Brenda M. Thompson

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

lacqueline H. Thompson

School of Nursing BS. Nursing

Paul E. Thompson

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English Economics

Tracy N. Thompson

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Biology


|ulle A. Thome

School of Management BS, Economics

Raymond I. Tlemey

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Geology Geophysics

Edward F. Timmerman

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Sarit Tiomkin

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Susan M. Tirrell

School of Management BS, Accounting

Kelly L. Todd

Linda M. Todd

Colleen E. Tolan

William |. Tomon

Patricia E. Tonra

Arts &. Scicences

Arts 8^ Sciences

School of Management

School of Management

School of Nursing

AB, English

AB, Speech Communication Computer Science

BS, Computer Science Finance

BS, Accounting

BS, Nursing

Laura |. Toole

lames |. Toomey

Anthony F. Torre

Maria L. Torres

Michael J. ToitolanI

Arts 8^ Sciences

Arts &^ Sciences

School of Management

School of Management

Arts &. Sciences

AB, Mathematics

AB, History

BS, Accounting

BS, Marketing

AB, Philosophy

Computer Science


Ann L. Tosone

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

John L. Totino

School of Management BS, Marketing

Joanne F. Tower

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, History

Joseph F. Tower

School of Management BS, Accounting


Elizabeth A. Tracey

School of Management Bs, Computer Science


Nicholas |. Trakas

School of Management BS, Computer Science

John F. Travels

Arts &^ Sciences AB, History

loseph W. Travers

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Ralph |. Tricomi

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Karen T. Tripodes

Arts &. Sciences AB, Sociology

Loretta TrolanI

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Engllsli Philosophy

Vincent P. Trovinl

School of Management BS, Finance Philosophy

Suzanne M. Troy

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Taking A Break

Thanksgiving came at a most inoppor- tune time. I had just gotten Cathy Coed to agree to go to the 'Bama game when my parents called to tell me we were leaving for Maine on the 24th. 1 like Maine as much as the next moose hunter. 1 don't particularly mind tall thin farmers with crew cuts and bad teeth who say "1 'member back in '45 that's 1 845 son- ny, when the crops gave out." But com- pare to a weekend date with Cathy Coed it was just not enough. The 24th found me on highway 101 heading north to- wards out ancestral home. For those of you 2nd and 3rd generation Irish I'm talk- ing about a Mayflowerian ancestry, not some split-level house in Brooklyn. My great great . . . grandfather Zacharia Heron was the first man in the new world to be imprisoned. He was put into thumbscrews for snoring in church. Up at the farm we still have the screws and the thumbs. They have a place of honor on the hearth. 1 suffered through the weekend somehow. Of course I had to sit at the children's table again even though I

am 22. After dinner we crammed into the living room for a game of Charades. The thing that galled me the most was that while I was playing harmless games with my tender relatives, my no good, two- timing roomate was tendering relations to Cathy Coed at the 'Bama game.

Thanksgiving was over and Christmas was fast approaching when my roomy got a call from his parents. They were to go to Vale Colorado for a two week ski trip. 1 resigned myself to the usual Christ- mas dinner at Aunt Louise's who is stone deaf but won't admit it. She shouts at the top of her lungs. "Have another cookie boy!" But luckily we had a change in plans. My Mother won the church raffle of two tickets to the Shady Lane Resort in Barbados, "1 suppose you'll want to take Dad along? 1 asked plaintively. She re- plied. 'Yes," and asked if 1 would mind watching over the little ones during my break. For three weeks 1 cooked, did laun- dry, vacuumed, and cleaned. Some vaca- tion.

Vacationing can be "just peachy." B.R. Heron

George Moustakas


Thomas |. Trullinger

School of Education AB, Human Development

Sotirios Tslmlkas

Arts &. Sciences BS, Chemistry

Dante Tuccero, Jr.

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

p^ l^^^l


1 ^^

K"~ ^






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Woolen Wonders

Green ones, blue ones, fuzzy ones, new ones! Sweaters, sweaters, sweaters everywhere you looked. Nearly every collegiate had at leeist a closet full of them and the co-eds on campus were certainly no exception to this rule. It was natural to expect that being in Boston one would need to have a fair amount of sweaters but it seemed that the proportions

Paul D. Campanella

alloted to some were far more than could ever be deemed necessary.

The science of sweatering was by no means an easy major. There were a num- ber of categories to be considered. Ev- erything from the color, to the seeison, to the occasion had to be taken into serious consideration. The true-die-hard sweat- er-wearer on campus presented an in- teresting case study to say the least. Tank Fredericics

Stephen M. Tumolo

School of Management BS, Economics

|ohn V. Turchetta

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology Economics

Carol |. Turner

Arts &. Sciences AB, Psychology

Michael |. Twohig

School of Management BS, Finance Accounting

Paula |. Twombly

Arts &. Sciences AB, Psychology


Donna L. Uclferro

School of Management BS, Accounting

tiena T. Uglietto

Richard Uisini

Anne M. Vaccaro

Renee M. Vachon

Arts 8v Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

BS, Computer Science

BS, Chemistry

AB, Political Science

AB. Economics


Reza Vahabzadeh

Lisa A. Valenti

Barbara Ann E. Vaiio

Peter C. Van Beaver

Robert B. Vanasse

School of Management

Arts 8. Sciences

School of Education

Arts &. Sciences

School of Management

BS, Accounting

AB, Political Science

AB, Early Childhood

AB, Mathematics

BS, Computer Science



Marie C. Vaughan

Annette M. Vautrain

Thomas D. Veale

Andrew J. Vecchio

Marc |. Veiiieux

School of Nursing

Arts 8. Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

Arts &. Sciences

Arts 8v Sciences

BS, Nursing

AB, English

AB, Economics

AB, Biochemistry

AB, History

loanne Veioudos

Arts &. Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Mawk N. Vena

Arts &^ Sciences AB, History

Jaqueiin M. Veraart

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Biology

lanis M. Verrilii

Arts &. Sciences AB, English

NancI L. Vicedomini

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics


John A. Vicidomino

School of Management BS, Marketing

Robert F. Viola

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Speecli Communication

Robert S. Vfssers

School of Management BS, Marl<eting

Henry F. Vitale

School of Management

BS. Marketing


|ohn R. Vitale

School of Management

BS, Marketing


Michael |. Vitale

MaryLoulse VHelll

Esther C. VM

Dean M. Vogel

Lydia |. Voles

Arts &. Sciences

Arts 8. Sciences

School of Education

School of Management

School of Education

BS, Biology

AB, Political Science Spanish

AB, Human Development

BS, Finance

AB, Elementary Education

Edward A. Von Nessen

School of Management AB, General Management

Matthew |. Vossler

Arts &^ Sciences AB, History

William Vranos

Arts &. Sciences BS, Biology

Catherine A. Wadsworth

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Tracy I. Waienty

School of Management BS, Finance

lames E. Wailier, III

School of Management

BS, Economics


Gregory T. Wallace

Arts &^ Sciences AB, English

Kathleen M. Walsh

School of Management

Uurie A. Walsh

School of Education

BS, Organizational Studies AB, Elementary Education

Mary M. Walsh

School of Management BS, Accounting


"Doing It Nicely"

In the fall of everyyear, something hap- pens on campus. Men walk around in various states of formal wear shorts with suitcoat and tie or suit minus the tie and jacket (taken off after "the event" for comfort during classes). Women appear looking like Vogue covergirls, dressed to the hilt or wearing dressy blouses with their everyday Levi's. Suddenly mirrors everywhere reflect primping seniors,

Paul D. Campanella

trying to get their hair and makeup "just right." Its' senior portrait time, when lines stretch all the way from McElroy 1 03 past the WZBC station, when seniors (and yearbook editors alike) miss class to "get shot," when rain brings disaster, depres- sion, and soggy curls. Everyone wants to look "just right" after all, if you were going to be staring from a place of honor over the mantle piece for eternity wouldn't you want to look your best?


Maureen E. Walsh

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Political Science

Michael G. Walsh

Arts S^ Sciences AB, Economics

Richard |. Walsh

School of Management BS, Accounting

Susan Walsh

Arts 8v Sciences AB, English

Susan A. Walsh

Arts 8> Sciences AB, English

Stephen C. Walter

School of Management BS, Marketing

Nancy M. Walters

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

John D. Ward

School of Management

BS. Marketing

Human Resources


Barbara Warner

Arts &. Sciences AB, English

Brian F. Warren

School of Management BS, Accounting

Mary E. Warsavage

Arts 8. Sciences AB. Mathematics

Jamie D. Washburn

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Economics

Mary E. Wasnewsky

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Mathematics

Mark S. Waterhouse

School of Management BS, Finance

Nancy E. Waters

School of Management BS. Accounting

Elizabeth A. Watts

School of Management BS, Finance

Micheie Weber

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Chemistry

Joanne K. Webster

Arts S^ Sciences BS, Computer Science

Mark J. Webster

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Economics

Ann W. Weiler

Arts S^ Sciences

AB, Psychology



A Student's Best Friend

The Eagle was not the only mascot on the campus in recentyears. Sure, the vigi- lant gold eagle atop the pedestal outside Gasson Hall embodied the vaunted ideals which ran through BC life: Pride, Grace, Courage, Power.

While the Eagle represented heroic guidelines for students, the local pets provided companionship on a day to day basis. Real, live eagels were hard to come by, so students had to look elsewhere for pets. The choices were narrowed quickly.

First, all types of pets that were not independently clean were crossed off the list. Next, considerations of durability came to the forefront (no goldfish could survive a mod party). Last, and least con- sidered, was the problem of hiding the pet from the RA. But this factor soon grew in importance. It might have been cute to hid that puppy in the New Dorm closet in the beginning of the semester. But by the time mid-terms rolled around, even the common room wcis not big enough for what was it? A Saint Bernard? Perfect.

So most of the pets were roamers. Some had owners, but many didn't know it. Who could forget that black and white beast that looked like the result of a prac- tical joke from the Genetics lab? Then there were all of the frisbee catchers in the dustbowl. And the triplets; Buddy, Jake and Lance.

Yet, the original, infamous mascot was Lois, the beagle. Freshmen were able to recognize Lois across the campus before they could even pronounce "McElroy." There was pride in Lois too: A grace in her limp (the result of an accident in her puppyhood). A power in her presever- ance (she could outlast any Ressie party). A courage in her every action (right down to eating the food in the Rat).

But Lois was old. Some say even older than the Jesuits. Sadly, Lois went to that great dog house in the sky during the second semester of the 1 982 year. Stu- dents across campus mourned their loss at Lois' commemorative mass. But spirits were lifted when Snickers, the golden re- triever, bounded onto campus. This year Snickers graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BA in Communciations. Her red scarf has been hung up next to Lois' red barrel.

Stephen J. Fallon

Leslejgh Lome Ganz


Lawrence P. Wein

Arts t. Sciences AB. Economics

Vincent |. Weiner

Scfiool of Management BS. Marl<eting

Edward G. Weiss

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Kenneth R. Weiss

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Lawrence E. Weissbach

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Physics

The BUrian

The staff of Sub Turri tried to live and breathe the school's motto "Ever to Ex- ceil." In fact, so adept was the staff at the job they did, that some standard of excel- lence was needed to which they could compare themselves. After all, BC only had one yearbook. So as the first deadline counted down and the frantic activity of the staff speeded up, the "Subturrians" created the BUrian Staff. Supposedly the BUrian stands for the name of the BU yearbook because none of the twenty- two people from BU that we asked could name their yearbook.

Members had to be fluent in the Burian

Vocabulary which included key expres- sions such as: "You bet!", "That will do it nicely!", "About two weeks," "Sheet- Loads," "Apparatus," and "Peiraphemalia." Those who managed to survive the year- long ordeal were not forgotten at year's end. After the last deadline the executive board of the BUrian sponsored an all ex- pense-paid trip to Barbados. There the members were able to combine both re- laxation and sun-related activities along with shooting and writing for the Barba- dos section of the BUrian. We took along our Apple Ills and Nikons for on-the-spot production.

BUrain Staff

Burian File Photo

Monica A. Welch

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Kathleen M. Wellehan

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Studio Art

Mary-Beth Wenger

School of Management BS, Accounting


Cretchen C. Werner

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Anke K. Wessels

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Economics


limmy West

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

Donna IM. Westberg

Arts S~ Sciences AB, Economics

Susan Westover

Arts S. Sciences AB, Psychology

lane M. Wetterllng

School of Management BS, Accounting

Maureen A. Wheeler

Arts 8. Sciences

BS, Biology

Romance Languages

David M. Whelan

School of Management BS, Accounting

Katherine Whelan

Evening College BS, Management

Karen t. White

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Kevin R. White

Arts &. Sciences

AB, Economics


Linda Whitney

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Political Science

Jane M. Wickers

Arts S^ Sciences BS, Biology

Nancy R. Wilkins

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Mathematics


Beth A. Williams

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

David E. WllUams

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Geology Geophysics

David W. Williams

Arts 8. Sciences AB, Economics

Uura A. Williams

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, History

Sandra M. Williams

School of Management BS, Marketing

Elizabeth K. Willoughby

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Psychology



Usa ). Wilson

School of Management BS, Marketing

Robin M. Wiison

School of Management

BS. Marketing Organizational Studies

David P. Winge

Arts & Sciences AB, Philosophy

Susan M. Winltel

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Psychology

luiie M. WoJtl(owsld

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

lotin T. Woiali

School of Management BS. Finance

Jeffrey C. Wolfe

School of Management BS. Finance

Deborati A. Wong

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Debra S. Wong

School of Management BS. Accounting

Jenny K. Wong

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Joseph Yi Wong

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. History

Joyce Wong

School of Management BS. Accounting

i^fung A. Wong

Artis &^ Sciences AB. Psychology

iVIiciiaei Wong

School of Management BS. Finance

Susie Wong

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Mark S. Wood

Arts &. Sciences BS. Biology Philosophy

Sandra J. Wooding

Arts 8^ Sciences BS. Geology Geophysics

Maureen P. Woods

School of Management BS. Marketing

Keith Woung, Jr.

Arts 8> Sciences BS. Chemistry

IMichael T. Wright

Arts 8v Sciences AB. Theology


Patricia A. Wulftange

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Economics

Laura M. Yacovone

Arts &^ Sciences AB, Psychology

|ohn P. Yasuda

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, Speech Communication

Lydia IVl. Yee

Arts &^ Sciences BS, Biology

Mee-Young Yim

School of Management BS, Computer Science

Anne K. Young

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Carolyn M. Young

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Robert L. Youngberg

Arts 8. Sciences

AB, Psychology


Talking Vendor Speaks

The final semester on campus began £is normal as the last seven had for the class of 1 984. There Wcis but one small change on campus that no one even seemed to notice. Students bustled about running to the book co-op, picking up financial clear- ance cards and dropping or adding a class every chance they got.

It seemed that nothing had changed on campus until someone put a quarter into the Coke Machine in McElroy Lobby. "Hel- lo, 1 am a talking vending machine" the machine pronounced loud and clearly. Everyone in the lobby turned to see what was going on. The girl who had put the quarter in the machine found herself grow- ing redder and redder as the glare of the spectators intensified. Since she had been having a craving for something sweet all day long, she had been planning to pur- chase a Coke. But considering that she was rather chubby for her height and with all these people staring at her she now found herself compelled to get a Tab.

The incessant machine continued to rat- tle on cis she placed the remainder of the now sixty cents it cost to acquire a can of "tonic" (as those true natives of Mas- sachusettes would say). It was dispensing a rather tiny version of the already obnox- iously overplayed version of the Coca-cola jingle "Coke is it! " The computerized music continued to pour out as a crowd gathered around the blushing blimp.

"Please make your selection," requested the machine when the full sixty cents had been deposited. "Ooo ... ", the crowd nodded in amazement. Never before had anything of this sort been seen in McElroy lobby. No version of the Heights had ever bestowed such literary prowess upon the

students that had convened here for de- cades. Now glowing in the darkest crim- son possible the co-ed recevied her Tab and broke through the crowd. As she walked away from the talking vendor it called after her, "Thank You for using the talking Vendor from Coca-cola and Com- pany."

The repurcussions of the machine were felt far and wide. It appeared as though automation had finally seeped into every comer of American life, it had not seemed possible. Orwell's predictions had begun to be fulfilled; 1 984 was upon us and the talking vendor was only the beginning. Geri Murphy



Paul D. Campanella




After May 21,1 984, long all-nighters, lonely hours in Bapst Library, intellectually (and unintellectually) stimulating cl^lsses, writer's cramp, "blue-book dread," "the final fidgets" and endless research papers will come to an end. Seniors will be traveling to various locales and fulfilling a myriad of destinies. Thinking about the future raises the inevitable questions: Will I be a success? Will my dreams come true? Ten years down the road, what will I be doing?

Cynthia M. Zadkovlch

Arts 8v Sciences AB, English

Some responses:

1 ) "Speaking as the President of Boston College at Commencement." 2) "Shark- hunting off to the Ivory coast." 3) "Being installed as the second female Supreme Court Justice." 4) "Playing cowboy with Ronnie (Reagan)." 5) "Editing Time magazine." 6) "Teaching the virtues of Hemingway and Thoreau to sixth- graders." 7) "Attending a board meeting for exclusive IBM executives." 8) "Track- ing down icons in Siberian USSR"


Elizabeth F. Zima

Arts 8^ Sciences AB, English

Mary |. Zmijewsid

School of Nursing BS, Nursing

Tracy A. Zorpette

Arts &. Sciences AB, Political Science

Caroie R. Zubicid

Arts 8. Sciences BS, Chemistry

lames J. Zuhuslcy

Arts 8^ Sciences BS, Computer Science

Kathleen F. Zurio

School of Nursing BS, Nursing




J\y\ 1^1 V>l V^ I v-/ 1 O r<3re\ve neither

+w^ UniversiW' ®H;Trr\on costs.

or ond Mrs. Juan ^^


^'*feDov^^§'S^no>r. 0'- """^H WK Joseph G- C™|^o\m

Ftances and cnoi pavis. tsQ.

^■andM^SS-^*^^*'''' M|r and MR. ]!^°ISj Fotev

40Z / Patrons

^^' ^^^ Mrs Matthew A. ^u> 1 ^^'.^^rt B Holloran '56

Mr.ondMrs. IdF.Hines

Mr. and Mr^ Jr. 1

Joseph f'^^2\aah\

Mt. and Mre. eaudencio = uu

ToiheBest.iv L^

I MoroopB-H

Patrons / 403


¥r- and mS- ^.?lte'- Rossi

'™' and Mr, ,'y"^ Rossi onj'^sfelV. Shea

P- and Mr; Tr 'V.Sn/ne and Mrs. .V^;/ '^r'^^po

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t^f' and MrP?- ^*"te teSoe, /f \-^ Mrs. ^.^Sl?4^«^;

'©2 and

'■ ''*^'* H. Wison, Sr.

404 / Patrons


Mr, and Mrs. William J. Apone Dr. and Mrs. Alfred F, Arcieri Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Arouth

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Arr^oni Dr. and Mrs. Iraj Assefi

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ayr Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Ayres o.C. Baldino Gertrude Bales, M.D Mr, and Mrs. John E. Baney Luigi F. Barassi

Dr. and Mrs. Exequiel F. Barrero Mr. and Mrs. John P. BarRT Mr, and Mrs. Richard J. Barth Mr^'^^i ??'^ Barbara Bascetta Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Bator ^^Jcira and Richard Beafuce Andrew Beke, M D

M^^''''^'^ ?!?^ '^'^'^^''^ Bellerose Mr, and Mrs. William A. Benson Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Bent Mr. and Mrs. Bennie R. Berardi Norman and Joyce Beretta George L, Bero

Fred and Hirol<o Bilewski

Louis V, Blanchet

Mr, and Mrs^ John P. Blessington

Andrew and Shirley Boisvert

Cy Baoff^'"' ^"""^'^^ ^' ^°^bara

Elsa C. Londono de Botero

Tarigio A. Botte

Mr. and Mrs. E. Peter Bouchard

Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Bowker

Mr, and Mrs. Stephen J. Brady

Mr, and Mrs. Paul A, Breen ^

Michael J. Breslin, Jr.

Harry L. Bricker, Jr., Esa

Dr. arid Mrs. Harry C. Briggs

Isabel and Don Brown

Paul and Jane Broughton

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burghardt

James N. Buttrick

The Byman Family

Mr' °'^5 Kl""^' i^^^^ B' Cahalane M """"^ ^/'' '^°'^®rt D. Calderone Mr. and Mrs. James Callahan

Mr "^""i ^P- ^^^"^ E' Callahan Mr. and Mrs. John J. Callahan, Jr l^j'ce and Paul Campanella Mr. and Mrs. John H. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Silvio Carelii Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carpenter, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Carter Mr. and Mrs, Thomas J. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Carter Jr Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carton '

Patrons / 405

406 / Patvons

John C. Cpsey catdano

Mr. and Mrs. ^a^'^,d^G Chabot ^/ir. and Mrs. Donara^ bot M^'^'^^^/rt'FuaeneChanis ,,

Janet Coflm ^ _w l. Colby Wiiriam A and Nanc^ l


Mrs. Margaret E^C^rena ^^ ^^

Knd Mrs. John C%^ Mr, and Mrs. JX^^cumrr^ings

•jm a" d Mor/ Doyle Kran'dMrl:S"rftDriscdl

D' °"?S" rme^l'DurKin Mr. and Mrs. James l. u

M'- °"d Mrs. Lowrence^^t

Oon«Sne.a«on Dorr^inic a^^d Catherine

rorffi.WeS"J"fonning Phillip W.Fajrner Robert and Patt«Dia Feeley Kl'rs^EdwafdKe^ln Ferguson

Mr and Mrs, Joseph Ferreira Dr. Arnold D. Ficscone


Tim and Joan Flaherty M> and Mrs. Edward Flynn



Dr. and Mrs. Samue^ R. |^^f ^g^sr. and Farr^iiy



Mr. and Mrs. Aaron L GersTen Mr. and Mrs. James F.Gbbons

Mr. and Mrs. Robe^j.. Gibney Mr and Mrs. Richard N. GUI ^ar^So and Gloria Gionta^ Mr nnd Mrs. Alfred J. Oiusto

Mr and Mrs. Kendall Griffith

Vivian Elena Gutierrez .

yi:' HpJen M Gutowski KdMrs^ Robert N.Haidinger

Tom Snd Del Hannigan

Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Jj^Hatem

Mr and Mrs. John G. Hauck rSndMrs'fs?ephenH.ayes,M.D. Mr and Mrs. Maxwell Heiman Mr Snd Mrs. Bruce Helmes

'neien M. Hetherington M. James and Sal y Higgins Don and Eileen Hill John M. Hogan

l^f^dX Arthur J. Huetteman K^; Snd Mrs. Jack Hu^es^

Dominic lerardi Julia A. Inguanti

Patrons / 407

ivs / J'atrons

Clement and Elizabeth Izzi Dr. and Mrs. Ctiarles JanHn Mr. and Mrs. WiSSm J Jardin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J JqS

Mr. and Mrs. John E Kearnpv

Norman E, King

Dr. and Mrs. John A. Kline

Mr, and Mrs, Richard F Krai Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kusnter^

Mr, and Mrs, Henri R LeBlann Mr, and Mrs PPt^^r i i ^, u

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mahoney

pf and mTlo'!?.'^*" L. Mohoney ^a* C, MannS®' ^- 'baloney. /

Frank McArd/e

Or o,S'^^S^!^°"^« F. Megan

Mr. and Mrs. Ren?? u'^®'°"»" Mr. and Mre u„ '^' Menzel Mr. and M^' d^S!^J^- Miller

Edmond A. Meal ir '^"'P'^V

,?d^^J;f-?gX"eldhardt EdWdrd Newr^Sn^^""^' ''^■

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Mr, and Mrs Aihlin- n A^ '^®efe

fS£S?-er ,'^r. and Ms /vS? F' O'^derdonk

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^^' «d Mrs. Edwin C. Por^eroy

Patrons / 409

-'» !0 / Patrons

Mr. and Mrs. '^^y'^J Quipiivan Dr. and Mrs. Jo^^rider Rabasco

Mr and Mrs. Edward P. Wice

K/ir nnd Mrs. John t. l^oiTeb MrSndMrs,JohnP.RooneY K^ , and Mrs. Tomas Rosado Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth J. Rose

Mr and Mrs. Joseph J. Silva Diana M. Simmons

M,. Snd Mrs. William Smiy

Thomas W, Sullivan ^^^.^

Mr ond Mrs. Joseph A^Suozz

M'- and M's, Franc s c j,.

Mr and Mrs. J.l. lejeuu

VJhn end pot Thornton ^^^^^^^„

Mr, and Mrs. Kooen

??'=^:^d Mrs tSnce J. Toole


RnlDh J. Tricomi- Sr. ifeM«SrA,T..ev


^^'■'a«.'woltera^-^^°" Mrs, Eleanor M^Veai^i^or^ino

Dr. and Mrs^ Hearo Connie and Henp/v Mrs. Anthony P. v item David W wash

M^' a^^ ^;'- WnSer P Wasnewsky Mr. and Mrs. falter jV

A^ ^^"^J^sJeSn J Webster

^'' °^H Mr. A J Werner, Jr.

tVir. and Mrs. ^•^•r y^etterling

Mr. and Mrs. ^onK vv (^^

Mr, and Mrs. J_ ^^ayne ^,(,,^^^3, jr,

^^•^"h^p'^andFra^^^^^^^ M-aS^dKl^tSf^W^-Q

Lillian Zima

Patrons / 4 1 1

Congratulations and Best Wishes

to the Class of 1984


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Congratulations and Godspeed

to the

Class of 1984


^ r

The Staff of Sub Turri

the Class of


Compliments of the








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The Deans, Faculty

and Staff, of the School of Education

Salute the Class of 1984


Congratulations ta the Class of 1984 From

Carol Hurd Green, Associate Dean

Marie McHugh, Associate Dean

Henry McMahon, Associate Dean

William B. Neenan, S.J., Dean

The College of Arts and Sciences



and Best Wishes to

the Class of 1984

Deans and Faculty of the School of Nursing

To the members of

the Student Program

in Admissions,

"Thanks for all

your help"

From the entire

Admissions staff and class

of 1988!



Best Wishes to the

Future and

Thanks for the


Reverend Edward J.

Hanrahan, S.J.

Dean of Students

I pardon all things to the spirit of liberty."


The Bellarmine Law

Academy Extends

Congratulations to

the Class of


In Memory


Raleigh A. Hunter, Jr.

The members of the staff of Sub Turrl for the past decade owe a great deal of their success to the fine quality of Hunter Publishing

Co. That quality Wcis the direct result of the dedication and talents of Raleigh A. Hunter Jr., the President and Chairman of the Board at Hunter Publishing Co.. Hunter always portrayed the highest interest in the endeavors undertalien by the schools that contracted Hunter to publish their yearbooks. The seminars and trips to the Hunter's plant in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, provided our staff with the knowl- edge to continually improve the quality of Sub Turrl. According to legend Mr. Hunter even lent a station wagon to a past Editor-in-Chief (unfortunately the said editor totaled the automobile). Despite this Mr. Hunter continued to offer his advise and show genuine interest in the needs of the Sub Turri staff for the production of the book. Many of the Alumni would never have received their yearbooks nor would you be holding this one right now if it had not been for the special consideration bestowed upon Sub Turri by Mr. Hunter through extensions, special deadlines and countless other favors. In memory of Mr. Hunter and his dedication to the alumnae of Boston College, the staff of Sub Turrl asks that he be remembered through donations to Crossnore School, Crossnore, NC. It is the least that can be done in memory of a man that has done so much for Boston College. In addition we say thanks Raleigh for all of your support and advice.










Kathy Greenlilf Boston Editor


ntin Gnazzo Activities



George Moustakas|k- Darl<room Manager

h '^' Mm 9m

P Paul 0|,mpanella -•- Photogi;

Aileen Heller Academics Editor

"An Individual Design ..." not exactly the theme George Orwell had in mind when he published his futuristic novel 1984, Well, 1 984 commenced, and contrary to OnA^ell's predictions, individualism, creativity and amusement were still American and Sub Turri virtues. "Big Brother" wasn't even watching, either over the country's welfare or the staftin McElroy 1 03.

Hour upon hour, through five delirious deadlines, between trips to MDQ's, after run- ning to Boris Color Labs and Sub Tech. of Newbury Street, and even during a pre- deadline blackout (ever try checking layout by candlelight?), a handful of original minds faithfully invented layout after layout in the windowless basement of McElroy. (They should have named the book SUB TERRA

"Underground", not SUB TURRI " under the tower"). Before deadlines, the office was a crazy-but-fun madhouse of Sub Turrians working diligently to produce Sub Turrl 1 984. From shutter bugs to editors, artists to authors. BUrains to "Barbadosians," jocks to jesters, and philosophers to feminists, every- one experienced virtuous victory and ago- nizing delete. Who could forget the first phe- nomenal photos, the anticipation before opening the first blue proofe, all-nighters in the darkroom and ice cream at 3 am? And what about those reprints that had to be re-reprinted and the illogical Apple 111 with pre-deadline anxiety?

Yes, 1 984 was unique, in terms of the staff, in terms of the book, and in terms of the year. Sorry George!!!

lev. lec?WltCd!lri^S| Faculty .Afittsor Gera^ine Tara Murphy Associate Edit

42 J /SubTurri


Katherine A. Kindness,


Geraldine Tara Murphy,

Associate Editor

Julie Ann D'Antuono,

Business Manager

Advisor Photography Editor Darkroom Manager 8. Chief Photographer Copy Editors

Boston Editor Activities Editor Sports Editors

Academics Editor Student Life Editors

Seniors Editors

Layout and Design Darlvoom Staff

Advertising Staff

Rev. Leo McGovem, S.J. Paul D. Campanella

George C. Moustakas

Colleen E. Selbert

Thomas H. McMorran

Kathleen M. Greenler

Kerstln R. Gnazzo

Leo M. Melanson

IVIarc ). Veilleux

Aileen A. HeUer

Theresa C. Bates

Elizabeth A. Flanagan

Ann C. Abrams

Lesleigh Lorrie Ganz

Lesleigh Lorrie Ganz

Dan Hermes

Ramona IMcGee

Kerry F. Dyer

Suzanne M. Tray

John Huitquist

Contributing Photographers

Jane Abenleen. Marc Amalfltano, Paul D. Campanella, Eliz- abeth Flanagan, Lesleigh Lonle Ganz. Chris Hanlon, Dan Hennes, MaUs latridls, Peter Klldaras, Deldre Leonard, Maiy Leonard, Julie Martin, Ramona McGee, A.M. McLaugh- lin, Leo Melanson, George Moustakas, Matt Mudd, Kade Murphy, Marc VelUeux. Contributing writers

Ann Abrams, B.|. AgugUo, JuUe Appleby, Kathy Aubin, All- son Bane, Usa Bemler, Roberta BIaz, Kathy Bowker, Beth Brickley, Kate Caffrey, Therese Callahan, Kathy Calnen, MIcheal Christian, Mike Corcoran, Ken Cowan, Glenn Cunha, Clarke Devereux, Lynne Dupre, James DICorpo, Sophie Don, Terry Donovan, John Dorman, Stephen J. Fal- lon, Uz Flanagan, Verone Flood, Tank Fredricks, John GUI, MIcheal Grant, Kathy Greenler, Henry Gomez, MIcheal Gon- za, Nancy Gonsahres, Rev. Julio Gulletd, S.J., Asso. Prof. Donald L HafFner, Tim Harbor, Alteen Heller, B.R. Heron, Zoanne Kangas, Jeff Kem, Eileen Kerwln, Katherine Kind- ness, Linda Langford, Jerry Larkln, Philip A. LIttlehale, Louise Lonabocker, Donna L. Martin, Stephanie A. McDon- ald, Jennifer McKlnney, Leo Melanson, Chris MuDen, John MuUIn, Geri Murphy, Nina Murphy, Bridglt O'Connor, Diane Polutchko, Gary Presto, Peter Quigley, Paul Reader, MIcheal Rolfes, Prof. John F. Savage, Steve Sharaf, Kelly Short, MIcheal F. SuUtvan, GIna Surrichlo, Vln SyMa. Mar- shall Toman, Susan Towey, |lm Van Anglen, Mary Louise VHelll, and Tonia ZelUnskl.

Special Thanks

Fr Leo McGovem; Lee Pellegrini and the Office of Com- munications for precious help when we needed It; Carole Wegman and the Office of Student Programs and Resources: Reld OsIIr; The Heights; Campus Police; Amie Lohmann and Hunter Publishing Co.; Harold Dodge. Ed Raiicki. Jim Williams. George Rosa III and Yearbook Associates; 1 984 Patrons, Be- nefactors and Advertisers; the Class of 1984. The Richards: Mom, Dad II. Ted, Scott and Jamie for their love and support; The Murphy Clan, Lisa, Kathy, Chris, and Theresa, for listening to an endless stream of Sub Turri business matters; Steve: co-habltators of apt. #3; our professors for their patience and understanding.

Copyright MCMCXXXIV. Sub Turri. The Yearbook of Boston College. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the expressed permission of the Editor- in-Chief,




Volume 72 of Sub Turri, The Yearbook of Boston College was printed by Hunter Publishing Company of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in April, 1 984. Publishing representative was Arnold Lohmann. 2, 1 00 copies of 440 pages were printed using offset lithography process. The cover is maroon lexatone. Artwork on front and back covers and spine is Letraset Candice; lettering and stripes are debossed with gold mylar stamping. Endsheets are in India tarotext; the front endsheet is embossed and done in black ink to match cover design. Cover and endsheet designs by Lesleigh Lorrie Ganz and Geraldine Tara Murphy. Paper stock is 80 pound dull with some gloss, except for the following pages which are 80 pound gloss paper stock: 1-16, 17-32, 33-48, 81-96, 161-176, 193-208, 241-256. Primary typeface is Quadrata, with the exception of Benefactors, done in Avant Book; headlines are from Hunter stock, Lettraset and Chartpack. Portraiture photographed by Harold Dodge of Yearbook Associates, Millers Falls, MA. Sales representative were Ed Raiicki, Jim Williams, 8^ George Rosa III.

The following pages were reproduced from Cibochrome II prints, processed by Boris Color Labs, Boston: 1-48, 161, 164, 165, 169, 172, 173, 1 76. The following color pages were reproduced from transperencies: 8 1 , 84, 85, 88, 89, 92, 93, 1 93, 1 96, 1 97, 200, 20 1 , 204, 205, 208, 24 1 , 244, 245, 248, 249, 252,253. The divider pages, opening and closing pages and various section pages are printed with spot color from the Pantone Matching System, utilizing the following colors: Sig. 1 -293c; Sig. 2 8. 3-40% 293c with lettering 100% 293c; Sig. 4-180c; Sig. 6-355c; Sig. 1 1 -470c; Sig. 1 3-474C; Sig. 1 6-484c; Sig. 28-877c. Artwork throughout the book by Lesleigh Lorrie Ganz except for the following artists: Geraldine Tara Murphy 246-247; artwork by Elizabeth Flanagan on 201 ; artwork by Cindy Czaja 238-239. The following photographers deserve credit for photos on the following pages: Paul D. Campanella 1 ,4 (top), 5, 6, 7 (top), 1 0 (top), 11,12 (top), 1 4, 1 5 (top), 24, 26 (top &. right); 46, 1 72, 1 96 George C. Moustakas 3,4 (bottom), 13,15 (bottom), 16-19, 22, 23, 28-29 (inset), 30, 32, 33, 37 (middle), 38, 39, 40 (left), 41 (middle/ bottom), 42 (bottom left) 252, 434. Marc Veilleux— 8, 9 (top), 43. Cornerstone Labs

2. Marc Amalfltano 28, 29. File photos 34, 35, 40 (inset), 44, 45. Lee Pellegrini 46, 47. Matt Mudd 36 (top left) Makis latridis 438. "Ed Vasso" or "John BUrian" used for unknown photographers. Many thanks to those photo- graphers not listed.

"Letters to the Editor" reprinted with permission of The Heights, pp. 324, 363, 364.

The book's general format delineates the theme of "An Individual Design" and each section contains a different format as follows: Opening/closing 2 column, Boston/Activities/Student Life 4 column, Academics/Sports 3 column. Seniors

varying. All internal margins remain consistently 1 pica between elements. New design elements included: varying headlines, copy in the Senior section, varying spot colors, slanted picture/copy blocks, shading and special photographic effects.

By incorporating "An Individual Design" theme graphically pictorially. and with copy, the 1 984 Sub Turri staff has attempted to both "break the mold" of the stereotypical Boston College yearbook and portray the 1 983-84 year through the eyes of creatve individuals. As dreams completed become memories, this year's staff has dared to "dream the impossible dream and reach the unreachable star" through our imaginations; in trying "ever to excel," we hope to have preserved the best and worst of times on campus this year. More importantly we've designed a book cis memorable as 1 984 hcis been, as individual as Boston College is, and as unique as students are and will continue to be.

1 hope that each student will remember these four special years at "The Heights" of Boston College as they have been preserved by Sub Turri 1984.

Good luck in the future and never fear to be an individual!

"l^^cdtKiUAnNJz- /\ , ]Ckjyi<iQyS<JUx^



A&3 Educational Policies Co-nmittee

182 Abatl-George, Gladstone 254 Abbott, Eileen S, 254 Aberdeen, |ane 236 Aberdeen, Sally). 254 Abraham, Daniel |. 254 Abrams, Ann C. 254 Abrlola. Kenneth P. 254 Academy of Sciences 74 Accounting Academy 74 Acocella. )eannlne 254 Adams. Cynthia M. 254 Adams, Michael 144 Adams. Paul |. 254 Admissions Program 5 1 Adukonls, Marcla E. 254 Advertising Club 67 Agnew, Laurie A. 254 Agosto. Naomi 254 Aguda. Shelley R. 254 AHANA 60 Ahem Elizabeth A. 254 Ahmed, Michelle A. 74. 254 Alroldi, Guido A, 254 Alberta. |ohn P. 254 Albino. Thomas A. 254 Alessandro. Michael A, 254 Alexas. Harildia 254 Allegretti. Scott A. 255 Allen. Heike 63 Allen, Paul |. 255 Alleva. Gall P. 255 Alliance of Student Activities 5 1 Allltto, Collette R. 255 Allltto. Corinne A. 256 Allmendinger. Maria R. 256 Alonso. Fernando 256 Alper, Ben 186 Alpha Epsilon Delta 7 1 Alpha Kappa Delta 7 1 Alpha Sigma Nu 71 Alphonse. Michele 256 Alves. David 256 Amaral. Donna M. 256 Amaral. Lisa M. 256 Ambrosini, Sherry A, 256 Amnesty international 76, 77 Anderson. Carolyn V- 257 Anderson. Laura L. 257 Anderson, Philip D. 257 Andreach, Christopher M. 257 Andrews, Paul 257 Anelio, Uurle L. 257 Angulta, Margarita L. 68. 257 Annese. Brian D, 1 18. 257 Antonangeli, Lisa 257

Antonellls. Robin M. 257

Anzalone. Christa M, 257

Appicelli. Karen A. 257

Aquino. Benlgno 290

Arana. Mayra M. 257

Archambault. )ohn R. 257

Arcleri. Michael F. 257

Ardinger. Leslie A. 257

Arizini. Susan M. 257

Armenian Club 60

Armstrong, Mamie 49

Amold. Kerin H. 257

Arnold. Susan C 184. 257

Aronovitz. Derek C. 257

Arouth, Kimberly A. 258

Arruda, Gabriela R. 258

Arruda, Henrique M, 258

Asanza. Vincent 207, 236. 258

Asch. Karen M. 258

Ashe, Brian T. 258

Ashley, Lisa Mary 258

Asian Students Club 60

Association for Women in Management 74

Astorino, Allison K, 258

Athas. William M. 258

Attanaslo. David 258

Attardo. Nancy 258

Atwill. Leslie A. 258

Atwood. William C 258

Aubln. Kathleen A. 258

Audet. lennlfer A. 258

Augusto. |orge M 258

Austin. Kathleen E 258

Austin. Ronald 258

Autori. Sandra M. 258

Aversa. Elaine M. 258

Avery. Karen D. 259

Avery. Theresa A. 259

Aviles. William A. 259

Avore. Scott A. 259 Ayala, Roberto 125 Ayr. Linda |. 259 Ayres. Stephanie L, 259 Azevedo. Michael R. 259 Aznavoorian. David C. 259 Baclawskl. Carol A. 260 Baer, Michael Z. 260 Bagley, Usa K. 260 Bagley, Martha 49 Balr, Thomas F. 260 Baker. Melissa A, 260 Baldlga loseph H, 260 Baldino. Cari P. 260 Baldwin, Henry F. 260 Bales. Susan L— 125, 261 Ballcki, loanne P 261 Baltodano, Georgina 261

424 / Index

Bamonte, Anna M. 261 Banks, John P 261 Banks. Michael R. 261 Barassl. LoulsW. 261 Barber. Roxanne E. 26 1 Bardwell. Mark 90 Bariow. Sheril L. 261 Barone. Michael P. 261 Ban-. Marks, 261 Barrenechea. )uan P. 261 Barresl. LlsaM 261 Barrett. |ohn |. 261 Barron. Carol F. 261 Barron, Josephine D. 261 Barth. Janet C. 26 1 Bartolomel. Diana M, 261 Bascetta. Tracey E. 261 Bates, LindaM 261 Bates, Theresa C. 262 Bateson. Tammy 64 Bathon. Deborah A. 262 Bator. Dariene M. 262 BC Eagle— 160, 161 BC Radio Theatre 360 Beard. Jennifer M. 262 Beauchamp. Suzanne M- 262 Beuchesne. Normand J. 262 Beaudette. Steven P. 262 Beaulieu. Gregory S. 262 Beaupre. Stephen R 262 Beckwith, Sandra L 262 Belstik. Robert 2 1 7 Belcher. David M. 262 Belhummeur. Scott J. 262 Bell, Kim 90 Bella. Diane L 262 Bellarmine Law Academy 74 Bellerose. Carolyn J, 262 Benitez. Yolanda M, 262 Benneche. Thomas G, 262 Bennett. Bnjce F. 262 Bennett. Hortence E, 262 Benninghoff. David S. 262 Bennlson. PC 63

Benolt. Anthony H. 262

Benson. Kathleen M. 263

Bent. Gardner C 263

Berg. Gall E. 263

Bemardi. Kathleen E. 263

Bemer. Sheila S. 263

Bemhard. John D, 263

Bemier. Lisa M. 1 79. 263

Bero. George L. 263

Benini, Lori J. 264

Beta Gamma Sigma 7 1

Biasettl. |on 264

BIckley. Robin M. 264

BIckneil. Jack 90, 98

BIcknell, Jack Jr 90

Bicycling Club 126

Blemer. Robert J, 207. 264

Blestak. Bob 90. 91. 217

Bllewski. Jennifer M. 264

Bllodeau. Matthew J. 264

Blrkmeyer. John 53

Blache. Janlne M. 264

Black Student Forum 60

Blake, Daniel J. 264

Blanchet. Chris 1 1 4

Blanchet. Jullanne H. 265

Blazer. Fr. John

Blessington. Thomas B. 207. 265

Bllgh. Patricia A. 265

Blood, John— 122. 123

Bloom. Sara 49

Bluestone. Barry 1 87

Bocklet. J Barry 265

Bolsture. Nancy A. 265

Bolsvert. John A, 265

Bolden. Alfred T, 265

Bollhofer. Caryn L 265

Bolokwa. Betoko Longele 265

Bombara, Carolan M. 265

Boncaldo. Philip B. 265

Borkes. Kathleen E. 265

Borrelli. Damon J. 265

Borrelli. Mary I. 265

Bortnlck. Brian— 106

Boston Advocate 53

Botte. Michael B. 265

Boucette. Therese 121

Bouchard. Nancy E. 265

Boucher. Valerie J. 265

Boudreau. David E 63. 265

Boudreau. Paul A. 265

Boudreau. Will 63

Boundy. David J. 265

Bowker, Kathleen 266

Boxing Club 127

Boyd, Carrie L. 266

Boyle. Lillian M. 266

Braccio. Karen M. 266

Bradley. Caroline M. 267

Bradley. Paul J. 267

Brady. Elizabeth L. 267

Brady. Ellen 267

Bradt, Ellen 267

Branca. Robert G, 267

Brant, Thomas A. 267

Bremer, Cynthia L. 267

Brennan, Brian M 90. 91, 97, 98,


Brennan. Marigrace T. 267

Brenninkmeyer, Ingeborge 267

Bresch. Mary Elizabeth 267

Breskovlch. Mary L 267

Brewster. Ben 103. 170, 21 1

Briasco. Marie E. 267

Brickley. Beth 1 78

Brickley, Mary E, 267

Briggs, Harry C— 1 22, 1 23, 267

Brinkman, Lisa 267

Bronstlen, Eugene 1 94

Bronzo. Neal A. 267

Brophy. Kathy 86

Broughton. Paul L. 267

Brown, Donald 60

Brown, Doug I 52

Brown. Jane A. 267

Brown. Keith R— 103, 170, 171. 267

Brown. Kevin M, 268

Brown. Meghan D. 268

Brown, Patrica A. 268

Brown, Thomas M, 268

Brown. Thomas M. 268

Browne. Jim 99

BrownHeld, Adele K. 268

Brox. Bill 268

Bnjnette, Lisa M. 268

Buccl. Vincent F, 268

Buckley, James A. 268

Buckley, John T. 268

Buckley. Megan 268

Buckley. Richard P. Jr. 268

Buehner. Audrey M. 268

Bullch. Monica 268

Buono. Stephen A. 268

Burgess. Lisa D. 268

Burghardt. Jennifer M. 268

Burgo. Alfred J. 71. 268

Burke. John D, 268

Burke. Jim 49

Burke, Patricia A. 268

Burkhalter. Susan C. 269

Bums. Mary C. 73. 269

Bums. Sheila A. 269

Bums. Sheila M. 269

Burrowes. Mark R. 269

Burrows, Eileen M. 269

Bushman. Chariene M. 269

Alpha Sigma Nu Row 1 Robert Cheney, SJ. Kim Gruskowskl. Row 2 John Archambault. Gate Wadsworth.

^^^^wi' ' ^^^^I^^^^I^^K' '^#^^^^^^1^1


^^^i^B '^' 1 '^B|S||^^H

^v *

Math Society Row 1 Jamie Mamer. Geo Beaulieu. John Bolsvert. Tony Losta Row .- 2 Laura Hecker. Vicki Moran, Joanne Webster. Row 3 Marcla Cappuccl. Ann « Haltmaier. Donna Pflaumer President. Mary Wasnewsky. Joann McCarthy.

Student Judicial Board Row 1 Richard Hagoplan. )im Moore. Steven Sharaf, ' Susan Steele. Dennis Kllcullen, Chris Montani. Row 2 Nancy McManus. Paulu Afonso. Leo Melanson. Mary Brobson. Row 3 -^ Kitty Leber. Tony Stankiewicz, Mary Louise Vltelli. John Sakles. Lia Geloso.

Karate Club Row 1 Wayne Pierce. Barry O'Brien. Dawn Aiello. Jackie Blau. Kevin Downey. Lyle Hall. Dave Habbestead. Lou Guerrinni. Row 2 Linda O'Brien. Judy Barnett. Doug Spink. Andrea Sullivan. Chrisann Taras. Dia Colbert, Jorge Augusto. Row 3 George Goodllffe, Kevin Darsney President, Howard Chin, Bob Branca. David Millette.l'at Hannlgan, Chuck Mattlews.

Resident Advluiy Board Row 1 Paul Norton, John Mulligan, jlm Coffey, |oe Ramirez. Broce Balon. Kevin Gates. Row 2 Donna Brown. Kathy Brady, Lisa Amendola. Charies Crescl. Patrick Cavanagh. Marc Rollo, Sydney Jear. Row 3 Lisa* Hauck. Debbie Borsos. Terry Hanlon Chairperson. Maty Cobb. Steven Sitley. Row" 4 Judi Von Feldt. Suzanne Beauchamp. Nina Gramaglia. Mike Jurado. Stephanie* Fine. Jeffrey Phillips.


' Special Events Committee UGBC Row 1 Mark Prisco Row 2 Kerry Sweeney, i AJny Filippone.

Fencing Qub Row 1 Andrew Furlong. So-yen Huang, Patrick Kearney. Row 2 - Leslie Anderson, Malte Ballester. Leslie Cummlngs, Cathy Sulesky.

Association for Women In Management Row I Phyllis Reno. Donna Siems, Alicia Skerry. Row 2 Susan Stoney. Patty Phelan President. Eilleen Kennedy.

Busslere. Brian P. 269

Butera, Joseph 270

Buttrick, Peter— 270

Byman, James F- 270

Caban, Diana 270

Caffrey, Mary C. 270

Cahalane, loan 270

Cahill, Daniel |, 270

Cahill, Kelly A 270

Cahill. Mary T 270

Cain. Kevin C. 270

Cain. Margaret H. 270

Caliendo. Edward P. 270

Caliguri. Steven j. 270

Callahan. Barbara A. 270

Callahan. Denlse 125

Callahan, lohn j, 270

Callahan. Kathleen M. 270

Callahan. Therese 64

Callanan. )ean T, 270

Callas. Ellen E, 270

Calnan. Kathy 63

Calotta. Virginia M. 270

Cambell. Slobhan I 23

Cameron. Eileen A. 270

Campadelll. Dom I 52

Campanella. Dr. 63

Campanella. Patricia ). 271

Campanella. Paul D. )r. 271

Campbell. Alice T. 27 I

Campbell. Beth M. 271

Campbell. Christopher H. 271

Campbell, [eannie E. 271

Campbell. Scott W. 271

Campus Crusade for Christ 73

Canales. Magdiel 60

Cancroft. ElleenC. 271

Candela. William X. 272

Canfieid. Laura E. 272

Cann. Timothy S. 272

Cannlffe. Bethany |. 272

Caola. Mark ]. 272

Cappuccl. Marcia T. 272

Carberry. Mlchele 272

Cardito. |ohn |. 272

Career Center 51. 266

Career Planning Advisement Team


Carelli. Thomas A. 273

Carey. Catherine N. 1 38. 273

Camesl. Mark D. 273

Carney. Christine 273

Caron. Gerard A. 273

Carpenlto. Francis P. 273

Carpenter. Diane [. 273

Carpenter. Ellse A. 273

Carpenter. |ohn C. 53. 53. 198. 273

Carroll. Brian K. 273

Carroll. Brian P. 273

Carson. SImone 1 23

Carter. Cristen N. 273

Carter. Kirk A. 77.273

Carter. Lisa M. 273

Carter. Paul |. 273

Carter. Stephen E. 273

Carton. Daniel C. 273

Casey. Janice M. 273

Casey. Karen E. 273

Caslraghi. Peter C. 273

Cassidy. Matthew |. 1 1 5. 274

Castagnola. Raymond R- 274

Catalano. David A. jr. 274

Catanzaro. Michael ). 274

Cauley. Catherine M. 274

Caulfleld. Mark G. 274

Cavallere. )ohn ). 275

Cavan. Susan 53

Caycedo. Gina L. 275

Cayer. Susan A. 275

Cegiarskl. Len 1 52. I 56

Celentano. Michael ). 275

Celona. Teresa E 275

Cemach. Karen M. 275

Central LIbary 209. 338

Cercle Francais 60

Chabot. David G. 276

Chabot. DIanne G. 276

Chambers. |ohn M. 276

Chamorro. )uan C. 276

Chandler. Kathleen A. 276

Chang. Mary M. 276

Chanis. Robert |, 276

Chapelsky. Daria M. 64. 276

Charies. Stephen F. 276

Charron. Maureen 276

Cheerleaders 1 68

Chen. Carolyn A. 277

Cheng. Sunny L.K. 277

Chemistry Caucus 74

Children's Theatre Company 55

Chlids. Thomas B. 277

Chin. Howard D. 277

Chin. Maellng 277

Chin. Sophia 60

Chino. )unko 277

Chisholm. lames E. 152. 156. 277

Chlsholm. Robert V. 277

Chisholm. Stephanie A. 277

Chu. Kwok Wing 277

Ciaftei. MariaM. 277

Cicoiini. Lisa A. 277

Clmerol. Francis T. 277

Circle K 64

Circolo Italiano 60

Clse. loanne 277

Clancy. Cynthia A. 278

Clark. Martin |. 146. 148. 225. 278

Clark. Mary E. 278

Clasby. Shawn C 278

Clausen. Jeanmarie 278

Clavin. |ohn C. 278

Cleaiy. Kara L. 278

Clericl. Carol 82

Club Sports— 126

Coalition Against Nuclear War 77

Coates. Judith L 278

Cobb. Mary P. 278

Coccla. Dorothy C. 278

Coco, Mary L. 278

Coffey, Christopher |. 278

Coffey. Craig I 18

Coffey. Eileen M. 278

Coffin. Lynn M. 278

Colby. Chariene j. 278

Cole. ChrisHne M. 278

Cole. Roland S. 278

Coleman. Daniel P. 278

Colettl. Carroll D. 278

Collna. Maria B. 278

Color Guard 59

Colorito. Anna 278

Comlskey. Robert V. 279

Computer Science Academy 74

Computer Committee. 49

Concannon. Heather K. 279

Conde. Maria D. 279

Condon. Dean F. 279

Conelias. Kathryn E. 279

Congdon. Kerry A. 279

ConWln. Bobby 1 06

Conkling. Steven D. 280

Conley. Brian W. 280

Connelly. Clare L. 1 1 8. 280

Connel^. Edwin W. 280

Connelly. |eanne E. 1 24. 280

Connlck, Edwin T. 280

Connolly. Kathleen I. 280

Connolly. Kera A. 280

Connolly. Marianne 280

Connors, Virginia 1 1 6. 1 20

UGBC Resident Student life Row I Alan Feeney. Kathy Reilly. Ellen Martin. Fred Lorenz. Greg Froton. Cathey Hassey. Patrick Murphy. Marc Rolio. Row 2 Sheila Halllday. Nancy DeDominlcls. Kristlna Ding. Cindy Bouthot. Kathy McNamara. Suzanne Lavln. Katy Stephens. Row 3 Lauren Forienza. )enny DeLucia, Barbara Bary. Elizabeth Reilly, Betsy Grody, Karen OToole, Katherine Hudson, Liz RIordan. Row 4 Joseph Letendre. Uly Robles. |eff ThIelman. Donna Lee Richards. Todd Veale.

Dance Ensemble Row I Ann Archambault, |ohn ParisI, Paul Fischer, Maureen MacFar- lane. Row 2 Kathy Benson, Karie Fox. Row 3 Laurel Holmes Director. |oe Corcoran. Caren Rossi. Row 4 Janice Pogran

Consadine. Carol 1 90 Consentino. Charies j. 281 Conte. Ann Marie 281 Conte. Rosemarie |. 281 Convery. Kevin 49 Cook. Ellen M. 281 Cook. Michael A. 281 Copland. Rick 86 Corbett. Julia— 281 Corbosiero, |ean M. 281 Corcorah. )ohn 123 Corcoran. Jane F, 281 Corcoran. Joseph A 80. 81. 281 Corey. Margaret A. 281 Corey. Paul F 281 Corkery. Jeffrey T 281 Coriiss, Steven M. 281 Comelio. Catherine 281 Corodlmas. Keith P. 281 Correas. Jaime R. 281 Coneia. Esmeralda M. 281 Correll. Kimberiy B 281 Cony. Pat 1 90 Corsl. Joseph M 281 Corso. Michael J. 80. 282 Cost. Georgia L. 282 Costa. Antone R. 282 Costello. Judith A. 282 Costello. Patrice A. 282 Cosrigan. Kathleen A. 282 Coudert. Catherine B. 282 Counsell. Peter 86 Coumoyer. Peter M. 282 Courtney. Brian C. 282 Coutoumas. Kenneth J. 115 Cowan. Kenneth F. 282 Coyle. Cynthia M. 282 Coyne. Rita A. 235. 282 Coyne. Timothy R. 282 Craig. David T. 282 Craig. Marc A. 282 Cranstoun. Elaine M. 282 Cregan. John D. 74. 282 Crehan. Maureen E. 282 Crerar. lain R. 282 Crespan, Nicole M. 1 99. 283 Crist. Elaine S. 283 Crocamo. John J 1 23. 1 25. 283 Crosby. Lawrence J. 283 Crovo. Lawrence A. 283 Crowley. Carolyn M. 283 Crowley. Edward J. 283 Cruz. Maria Teresa 283 Cmz. Maria V. 284 Cjyts. Diane L. 284 Cullum. Maureen L 57. 284 Cultural Committee 49 Cummlngs. Jane A. 284 Cummlngs. Joan A. 284 Cunha, Glen P. I 79, 284 Cunniff, Glen P. 284 Cunningham, Daniel P. 284 Cunningham, Timothy M. 285 Curchin, Cheryl J. 285 Curran, Laurene M. 285 Curran, Patrick D. 285 Currier, Eileen M. 285 Currier, Laura N. 285 Curtin, Cathleen A. 285 Curtin. Terrence J. 285 CusacfcMike- 123 Cusanelll. Gabriel H, 285 Gushing. Carolyn J. 285 Cutmore. Charies M. 285 Cutri. Mary 285 Czaja. Cynthia A. 285 D'Antuano. Julie Ann 285 D' Orsi. June A. 285 Dacey, Juliette M. 285 Dadourian. Lynn A. 285 Daikh. John F 285 Daley. Kathleen C. 285 Daley. Lisa M. 285 Dalrymple. Laurie 286 Dalrympie. Sandra 286 Dalsimer. Adele 1 87 Dalton. Julia M. 286 Da^. Ken 1 1 0. 1 1 2 Daly. Michael F. 286 Dambroslo. Fausto M. 286 Dance Ensemble 55 Daniels. Susan |. 286 Daplce. David A. 286 Darsney. Kevin P. 286 Davidlan. Lori A. 60. 286 Davis. Carolyn I. 286 Davis. Elizabeth A. 286 Davis. Glen A. 286 Davis. Suzanne M. 286 Davltt. Mary C. 286 Dawson. Richard J. 286 Day. Kathleen J, 286 DeBlasl. Ugo D. 286 DeCaro. Frank J. 286 Dechesser. Denlse 86 DeClcco. Marie 286 DeFeilx. Richard M. 286 DeGenhart. David E. 287 DeGuzman. Diane 49 DeLacey. Kathleen 287 DeLaluz. Llanne M. 287 Deianey. Shellia M— 190. 191. 287 Deianey. Thomas J. 287 DeLellls. Caria M. 287

Index/ 425


DeLellis. Susan N. 287

Delferro. |ean 287

Delia Camera. )oanne M, 288

DeLuca. lanice C. 288

DeMalo. Uura |. 288

DeMario, Patrick |. 288

DeMalia. Michael A 288

DeMarco. |ames L. 288

DeMederos. Lisa 1 90

Demers, |ohn R. 288

Demers. Paul |. 288

Democratic Club 77

Denofrio. David 288

Denton. Victoria I. 288

DeOssie. Steve 90. 91, 97. 99

Deren. Timothy E. 288

Derobbio. Carta M. 288

DeRosa. Lynn A. 288

DeSantis. lames P. 288

DeSanris. Renee M, 289

DesMarals. Denise 289

Devereux. Clark P. 289

Devin. Therese A. 289

Devine. Nancy F 289

Devine. William V. 289

Dexter. Tracey A. 289

Deyslne. Gaston R. 289

Dias. Brenda |, 289

Diaz. Bernadette M, \ 08. 289

Diaz-Velarde. Lys 290

DiFalco. Paul |, 290

DiFillipo. Nancy A, 290

Dillihunt. Barbara A. 290

DiLorenzo, Frank A, 5 1 . 290

DiLugio. Vera H. 290

Dimasi. |ohn L 74, 290

Dinan. Therese S. 290

Dinneen. Maura A. 291

Dinoia Ruthanne E. 190, 291

DIshner, Cheryl L 291

DIsipio, Chris 53

Dixon, Linda— 124, 125

DIugos. )ames S 291

DmohowskI, Mary F- 291

Dobro Solvo 7 1

Doherty, Charles R. 291

Doherty, Claire E. 291

Doherty, Michael P. 68, 291

Doherty, Patricia A. 236, 291

Doircn. Michelle M. 291

Dolan. Edward M. 291

Dolan. John 49

Dolan. Mary E. 291

Donahue. Anne 86

Donahue. Carol A. 291

Donahue. Kelly L 291

Donahue. Pierre M. 291

Donegan. Paul M. 291

Donnelly leannette 291

Donohue. Karen 291

Donovan. Eileen 29!

Donovan. )ulie A. 291

Donovan. Theresa M. 292

Doran. Paula A. 292

Dorfman. Peter N 1 03. 170. 171,


Dorman. |ohn P 292

Dotolo. Marilyn | 292

Dotterweich. Jeanne 292

Doty. William W, 74. 292

Dougal. Theresa A. 292

Downey. Margaret K, 292

Dowski. Donna A. 292

Doyle. Colleen M. 292

Doyle. Deborah A. 292

Doyle. Elizabeth A, 292

Doyle. Marion 292

Doyle. Timothy P. 292

Dramatics Society 80

Dregalla. Anne 292

Drew, lames F, 235. 292

Drew. Robert W 292

Dreyfus. Dana B. 292

Driscoll. David |, 292

Driscoll. Gail M, 293

Driscoll. Maureen F. 293

Driscoll. William F, 293

Duchinsky, Donna |. 293

Duffy. Cheryl A. 293

Duf^. Mark A. 293

Dufour. Claudene |. 293

Duke. Tteresa A. 293

Dunlavy. Linda L. 294

Dunn. Patrick F. 68. 294

Dunne. Linda M. 294

Dupre. Lynn A- 294

Duran. Hugo |r. 236. 294

Duval. Suzanne C. 294

Dwyer. lames G. 294

Dwyer. Timothy W, 294

Dwyer. Victoria 295

Dyer. Kerry F. 295

Dyer, Mary |ane 1 84. 295

Dzlak. S]. Ted 175

Dzledzlc. Melissa M, 295

Eagle's Nest 68

Early. Patricia A. 295

Eberte. Karen G. 199, 295

Echlin. Elizabeth T. 295

Economics Caucus 74

Edwards. Jennifer 295

Egan. Michael F. 295

Egger. Thomas W. 295

Elck. Charies R |r, 295

Elbeery. Susan 295

Elfers. Melanie M. 74. 295

Ellard. |acqueiine |, 295

Elling. Winifred 295

Emery. Bob I 52

Emmons. Liane 295

Emond. Stephen D. 295

Engel. Thomas M. 295

Engelhardt. Carol M- 295

Englert. Mary C. 295

Enoch. Howard 80

Enright. Patrick C. 296

Entering Students Assistant Program

51 Environment Acrion Group 77 Ernesti. Monica 80. 81 Errico. Eleanor M. 296 Espejo. Carol Ann 296 Espinola. Rui C. 296 Esposito. John )- 296 Esterbrook. )ohn 203 Evans. Ann M. 296 Evans. Robin L. 296 Evening College Senate 74 Fahey. SMoseph 180. 182 Fales. Elizabeth A. 296 Fallon. Ann 121 Fallon, lames M. 296 Fallon. Paul F, 296

Fallon. Stephen j. 49. 296

Falvey. Ellen M. 296

Fanning. Christopher M. 296

Farrell. Colleen A. 296

Farrell. David W. 207. 235. 296

Farrell. Eileen M. 296

Farrow, jon— 103. 170. 171

Fartan. Maria E. 296

Faucissi. Vincent 80

Fay. John M II 296

Fay. Margaret M 60. 296

Fazio. Thomas j. 296

Featherston. Anthony G. 297

Feeley. Judith A. 297

Feeley. Kevin P, 297

Feeney. Elizabeth A. 297

Feeney. Moira T. 297

Fellows. Jeffrey O, 297

Felock, John j. 297

Fencing Club 126

Fenton. Maiy E. 297

Ferguson. Edward N, 299

Fernandez. Claudia M. 299

Ferrazoli. Lynn A. 299

Ferreira Gary F, 299

Fesrtval of Friendship 383

Filan. Kris K. 299

Film Board 67

Finance Academy 74

Fine Arts Union 74

Finzer. Marrtn B. 299

Flore. John |. 299

FlriTianl. Ilda C 299

Fischer. Steven P. 299

Fitchausize. Kathleen 80

Fitzgerald. Brian W. 299

Fitzgerald. Dennis P- 299

Fitzgerald. Lynne C. 300

Fitzmaurice. John |, 300

FItzpatrick. Jen 86

FItzpatrick, Uura P. 300 FItzpatrick, Mark |. 300 FItzpatrick, Theresa L 300 FItzpatrick. Tracy A. 300 Fitzsimmons.leanne M- 300 Flagg. Dr. |ames 182 Flagg. Kevin 5 1 Flaherty. Diane 124. 125 Flaherty. Michael L 300 Flaherty. Monica A. 300 Flaherty. Susan E. 300 Flanagan. Elizabeth A. 300

Flanagan. )ane E. 300

Flanagan. S|. |oseph 187

Flatley. Catherine M. 300

Ratiey. Uura L. 300

Flavin. Helen |. 301

Fleetwood. Carmen A. 30 1

Flelschman, lean E. 301

Fleming. Costance M. 301

Flemming. Peggy 86

Flick, lohn C. 301

nood. Veronica M. 1 10. 301

Florence, Usa V. 301

Flowers, Ellen 64

Flutie, Doug 90, 96. 97, 98, 162,

163, 284 Flynn, Alicia A. 301 Flynn, Brian T 301 Flynn, Christopher R. 301 Flynn, lames F. 302 Flynn, |ohn P 302 Flynn, Mayor Ray 368 Flynn, Lisa M. 302 Flyntz, Marguerite M. 302 Fogarty. Kenneth E. 302 Fogarty, Robert 1 302 Foley. Cristlne F, 302 Foley. Ellen M. 302 Foley, lanet L 303 Foley. Karen P. 303 Folino. Alison 110 Follansbee. Karen E. 303 Fontanals. Jennifer A. 190. 303 Football 90. 164. 206 Ford, lulla D. 303

Forristall. Thomas M. II 303

Forrester. Bob 2 1 1

Forrester. Thomas D. 303

Forster. Robert D 303

Forte. Laura 303

Fortund. Viviane 303

Fox. Katherine A. 303

Francis. Teresa 303

Franklin. Margaret P 303

Frates. Lynne 1 00. 101

Frazier. |oanne 303

Freeman. Leslie 1 20

Freitas. Daniel F, 303

Freltas. Thomas M. 199. 235. 303

Fresch. Danine M. 303

Fries. Robert |. 63. 303

Frisbee Disc Club 1 26

Fritz. Christine M. 303

Fikuda. Tadashi 304

Fullenon. William K. 304

Fulton. Troy C. 304

Gaffney. Christopher S. 304

Gaffney. Virginia 1 00

Gallagan. Kathleen 304

Gallagher. Mary E. 304

Galllgan. Charies G. 1 84. 304

Galllnaro. Katherine M, 304

Gallrvan. Andrew F- 304

Gallmann. Lisa A, 304

Gambaclnl. Damian P. 236. 304

Ganz. Lesleigh L 304

Garate. Patricia A. 304

Garaventi. jim 106

Garcia. Charies A. 304. 236

Gardner. Ann Marie 304

Gardner. Christine P. 304

Gardner. Christopher W, 304

Gardner. CIndi 177

Gardner. |effrey 304

Garenani. Reglna 304

Gartlnk. Charles A. 304

Gargano. Stephen G. 305

Garofalo. Lucas N, 305

Garrahan. |ohn P. 305

Garrett. Cameron E. 305

Garrity. loseph F. 305


The Student Ministry Row I Chris Fritz. Andy Parker Coordinator. Barbara Lennon.

MASSPIRC Row 1 Gina Bisagni. Michael Gillogly. Chris White, lamie Kontre. |im Arguin Row 2 Anne O'Dwyer. Leslie Samuelrich. Paul Skudlarek. Mary Dolan.

Spanish aub Row 1 Mary Beth Hassett Kelley Black. |oe Dow. Criag Hemandis. frank Novo. loAnne Henna Row 2 |ill Hendrzak. Dan Connor. Lisa Ashley. Carolyn Plunkett— President. Alina Redziniak. Deborah Elsasser. Anthony Stankiewicz

PolMcal Science Association Row 1 Bridget Goodridge. Gladys Morales Row 2 - Dev Margraf. Melanie Elfers President. Ronald Gorski.

Accoundng Academy Row 1 Ken Cowan. Brian OConnell. Bill Hansen. Bill Fullerton. Thomas Suozzi. Stanley Dmohowski Row 2 Dave Mueller Bill Kennedy. Lillian Boyle. Diane Ciyts. Susan TIrrell. Bill Athas. |im Byman. |ohn Chambers. Row 3 Dan McNee^. Sal DeLuca. Debbie Doyle. Linda Dunne. Lori Rosasco. Carolan Bombara. Patty Keenan. |ohn Letcher. Peter Beltran. Row 4 |oan Cummings. Michelle Rahill. Path Owens. Edward Riley President. Tony Torre. Row 5 Mary Lynn Litavls. Peggy Glander. Kathy Kossmann. Lori Manni. Karen Apicelli.

426 / Index


Asian Students Oub Row 1 Rose Lew, Newton Chung. Sophia Chin Presi- dent.

Chorale Row 1 Bonnie-Clare Quinn, Daniel Kelly. |lm Mroz, Peun Risio. Row 2 - Patricia Jacques. Maureen Cullum, Kathy Greer, Michael Botte.

Voices of Imanl Row 1 Antony McCants, Richard Salcedo, John Julian, Pierre Monette, Lany Delong. Row 2 Edella Best, Phyllis Austin, Ramona McGee. Stephanie Hatcher, Jack Badlani, Dale Howard. Helen Menen, Nina Rivera. Row 3 Sally Soto, Janet Morgan, Donna Hubbard. Bridget Morgan, Andrea Bamett, Vickie McDaniels, Ethel Garvin, Karen Young President.



»©^ f^BL

m ^^ mUT


Senior Week Committee Row 1 Bruce |ewett, |ack GIglio. Gerald Powers, Tom Freltas, Andy McCool. Tom Kermit-Neave, Kevin O'Marah. Pat Lee. |anet Barth. Row 2 Mary Louise Vitelll, Christine Foley, Robin Antonellls, Lynne Dupre, Kathleen Mann, Laurene Corran. Lisa Martignone, Heather Johnson, Joanie Cahalane, Suzan- ne Troy. Liz Maunsell. Row 3 Betsy Featon, llda FIrmani. Glenn Cunha, Bob Forster, Craig Gatarz, |lm Drew. Row 4 Aileen Helier. Eileen Kerwin, Mary-lo Nugent, Jeff ArmentI, Al Godutl.

Cany, Michael R. 305 Gan/ey, Scott E. 305 Gasdia, Susan E. 305 Gatarz. Craig S. 306 Gaucher, Carolyn A. 306 Caughan, Michael P. 306 Gaughan, Thomas R. 306 Gavin, Rosemary A. 306 Cearty, William E. 306 Gels, Geoff 1 23 Geioso, Rosalia A. 306 Gemma, Anthony H. 306 Gendron. Jennifer M. 307 Geology K Geophysics Club 7 George. Mary Anne 307 Geraghty. Brian 307 German Academy 60 Gersh. David B. 307 Gheysen, Pamela L 307 Ghidella, Susan M. 307 Gianatassio, Matthew S. 307 Glonta, Rose Marie 236 Glatrells, Daniel N. 307 Gibbons. Mary Susan 307 GIbney. Mary Beth 307 Glesleman. Scott 90 GIgilo. John F. 236. 307 Gill, SJ. David 68 Glil, John E. 307 Glllen. Patricia A. 307 Glilen. Rosie— 1 10 Gliligan. Margaret M. 307 Gllmore. Lisa M. 307 Gin, Christine M. 307 Glonta, Rosemaire V. 307 Giordano, Jerry 307 Glusto, Lucille 307 Glander, Margaret M. 307 Glassman. Lisa S. 308 Gleba, Judith 60 Godutl. Almond G. 235. 308 Godvin. Michele L. 308 Goggln. MIcheie A. 308 Gold Key Society 64. 65 Goider, Lori A. 308 Gomes. Tony 1 03. 170 Goneconto. George W. 308 Gonsaives. Nancy 1 00 Gonzalez. Maria F. 308 Goodberiet. Michael N. 308 Gooding. George V. 308 Goon. Tina M. 308 Gordon. Scott 1 52. I 56 Gotham. Kathryn A. 308 Gorman. Anne 308 Gonrran. William J. 308 Gormley. Laurel A. 308 Gorsiy. Pamela A. 308 Gorsiil. Ronald W. 308 Goss. Erin M. 308 Govonl. Susan E. 308 Graham. Brian P. 308 Graham. William R. 308 Granato. Jerome 309 Grant. Michael D. 309 Grant. Michael G. 309 Graveline. Christine 74 Gravellne. Mary C. 309 Greco, Paul V. 309 Greenier, Kathleen M. 309 Greer. Katherine M. 309 Greydiff 68

Grieder. Katherine M. 309 Griffin. Daniel G.— 152. 310 Grigas. Michelle M. 3 1 0 Grigat. Barbara t. 3 1 0 Griffin. Linda— 100 Groden, Tom 1 23 Grossimon, Renee J. 310 Growley. William 310 Grusltowsid. Kim A. 71. 310

Gruszka, Carole H. 310

Guarino. John M. 310

Guerin. Bernadette M. 211

Guldl. Roberto 3 1 1

Guldone, Nancy 311

Gulllen-Vincente Sergio D. 3 1 1

Gulilet. David M. 3 1 1

Gunnery. Linda D. 311

Gutierrez. Vivian E. 3 1 1

Gutowski, Irene L. 311

Gutowskl, Mark C. 3 1 1

Hachey. Robert G. 3 1 1

Haldinger. Robert N, |r 31 1

Haley Hosue 68. 69

Hall. Jeffrey C. 3 1 1

Hall. Jill A. 3 1 1

Hall. Kathryn L 3 1 1

Hallett. Michelle 1 16

Halloran. Donald G. 3 1 1

Halioran. Karen E. 311

Halloran. Shawn 90

Haltmaler. Ann E. 3 1 1

Ham. Stephen R. 3 1 1

Hambor. Timothy J. 63, 31 1

Hamilton, Kathleen T. 3 1 1

Hanchi. Joseph 235. 311

Hanely. Karen M. 3 1 2

Hanlon, Christopher R 312

Hanion. Terrence B. 49, 3 1 2

Hanna. Sean T. 312

Hannigan. Kathleen A. 235. 312

Hanrahan. SJ. Edward 1 1 2. 1 75. 297

Hansberry. Donna C. 3 1 2

Hansen. Greer J. 64. 3 1 2

Hansen. James P. 312

Hansen. Nanette 1 08

Haratunlan. Sona-Lise 312

Hardin. Karen A. 3 1 2

Hariow. Scott 1 52

Harmon. Leo J. Jr. 313

Harrington. Robert J. 3 1 3

Harrison. Jean M. 313

Harrison. Robert A. 313

Hart, Kelly 1 38

Hart, William 1. 313

Hartunlan. Bany G. 313

Hastings, Katherine 1 82

Hatem, Daniel C. 3 1 3

Hatem, Stephen A. 3 1 3

Hauck, Lisa M. 3 1 3

Haubrich. Jane 1 38

Hayes. Eileen M. 3 1 3

Hayes. Gregory A. 313

Healy. Margaret A. 3 1 3

Hea^. Tricia 203

Heavey, William B. 3 1 3

Hebeler, Rob— 184

Hebert, Elizabeth A. 3 1 3

Hecker, Laura G. 314

Heffeman. Kathleen A. 314

Heights 53

Heiman, Deborah J. 314

Heineman, John L. 314

Heiniein. Alan M. 314

Hellenic Society 74

Heller. Aileen A. 236. 3 1 4

Helmrich. Mary L 314

Helwlg. Kyle A. 314

Henehan, Mary E. 314

Hennessy, Gerald J. 314

Hennessy. Susan M. 236. 314

Hennigan. Colleen A. 314

Henshali. Glenn A. 314

Hensley. Tracy D 3 1 4

Heriihy. Colieen A. 3 1 4

Heriihy. Donna 1 1 0

Hermes. Daniel J. 23 1 . 236, 3 1 4

Heroux, Mary Beth 314

Hetherington. Mary E. 314

Hetiand, Veronica L. 3 1 4

Omlcron Delta Epsllon Row 1 Tony Gemma. Dan Bleck. Tom Childs. Steve DeLuca. Ricardo Noltenius. George Lyman. Bill Doty. Larry Priola, Louis D'Avanzo. Row 2 Paul Thompson. Mark McHugh. Todd Veale. Brian Kearney. Susan Goode. Don Filiion. Joe Tragert. Jim Bromley, Steve Tumolo. Susan Princiotta. Row 3 Jeff Erickson. Kevin O'Marah. Ellen McGrattan. Prof. Leon Smoilnski. FA. Anne Marie Lawior. Georgia Cost. RlckMacconi. Row4 Mary Hetherington, Patricia Wulftange. Audrey Buehner. Donna Brown, Gall O'Brien, Anne RIckard.

HIckey. Helen C 3 1 4

HIckey. Thomas J. 3 1 5

HIggins. Elizabeth A. 3 1 5

Higgins. Pamela J 315

HilTPatty 86

Hlliei 73

Hlller. Dagmar C 3 1 5

Hllllard. Jennifer M. 1 99. 3 1 5

HInes. Constance M. 74. 31 5

Hiraldi, Guldo 325

Hisrich, Prof. Bob 1 90

History Caucus 74

Hoban, Mary Sue 110

Hodgklns, Stephen P. 3 1 5

Hoffman. Steve 5 1

Hoffmann. Christopher D. 316

Hoffmann. Elizabeth R. 3 1 6

Hoey. Patti 68

Hogan. John M. 316

HoJIo. David L 316

Holmes. Laurel G. 316

Holodak, Lawrence P. 115.316

Homansky. Karen T. 316

Hoodlet. Catherine L 3 1 7

Horan. Maureen P. 317

Horn. Sherry M. 3 1 7

Houghton. Biz— 138. 141

Hovey House 302

Hovespian, Nancy A. 317

Howard, Randolph G. 317

Howell, Kathy 59

Howery, Sharon 317

Howes, Gayie A. 317

Hsu, Elizabeth Ya 3 1 7

Hsu, Mary Ann 317

Huang, So- Yen 3 1 7

Huetteman. Janet E. 3 1 7

Hughs. Paul 1 1 5

Hughes. Paul A.— 317

Hughes. Peter T. 1 1 5. 3 1 7

Hughes. Prof.- 177

Hulmes, Mellnda A. 317

Hultqulst, John T. 3 1 7

Hunerwadal Suzanne 317

Hunt, Kathleen M, 3 1 7

Huriey, Stephen F. 3 1 7

Humey, Elizabeth 3 1 7

Hurwitz, Dr Donald 194

Hussey, Kelly S. 317

Hutchins. Jay T. 1 03. 1 70. 1 7 1 . 3 1 8

Hutchinson. Kevin 103. 170, 171

Hyland, James M. 3 1 8

ladarola. Lori A. 318

lasbarrone. Jean M. 318

Ice Hockey— 152-159

lerardi. Michael D. 318

immersion Program 1 82

Imperiali. Ronald D. 3 1 8

Incremona. Brian R, 318

Infurchia. Jane M. 3 1 8

Inguanri. Susan A. 318

Internships— 178. 179

Intemship Program 5 1

Intramurals 131

Investment Club 74

Iris. Jill M. 318

Irish Society 60

Isaac, Theodosia K. 3 1 8

Isafano, Lisa 235

Iwanickl, John P. 318

Izzi, Karen A. 318

Jackson. Monet T. 318

Jacques. Cheryl A. 318

jalmes. Rafael 3 1 8

Janke. Mary Anne 318

jarek. Veronica 235.318

jamiusz. Michael 190. 191

iefferson,Michael A. 3 1 8

Jenks. Dr, Weston 1 84

jewett, Bruce S. 3 1 8

Jesuits— 174

Jigarjian. Deborah A. 3 1 9

Johnson, Heather A. 319

Johnson, Kathleen D. 3 1 9

Johnson, Kathleen M. 3 19

Johnson, Mark D. 3 1 9

Johnson, Richard G 3 1 9

Johnson, Robert J. 3 1 9

Johnson. Shelly A. 320

Johnston. Lori Jo 320

jollcoeur. Leo R 320

Jones, Anthony D. 320

Jones, Jeffrey A. 320

Jones, Karen S. 320

Jones, Patricia M. 320

Jones, Susan M. 320

Jordan, Margaret A. 321

Jorgensen. Jennifer

Joslln. Susan J. 321

joyal. Jayne M. 321

Joyce. Brian A. 321

Joyce. Colleen 321

Joyce. D. Jusflne 321

Joyce. Stephen M. 321

Joyner. Julie M. 321

Juan. Mary E. 321

Junior Year Abroad Program 182

Juric. Gordon 32 1

Kafka Cart A. 32 1

Kahng, Eva H. 32 1

Kala)lan, Michael H. 321

Kalbacher. Ellen P. 32 1

Kane, Stephen M. 321

Kangas. Zoanne E. ^^ 321

Index / 427


Kantor. All 1 38

Karate Club— 126, 127, 129

Karess, Robert M. 321

Karldoyanes. Karen 321

Karpinskl, Paul A. 321

Kaspet. Susan A, 322

Kasprzak. Lisa R. 322

Kassanos, Cindy A. 322

Kauffman, Lisa A. 322

Kauffman, Lisa D. 322

Kavanaugh, John D- 322

Kaynor, Fred 8 1

Keaney, John |. 322

Kearney. Annmarie K 322

Kearney, Patrick |, 322

Keefe, Timothy E. 322

Keeley, Dick 64

Kelch, Albert E. 322

Keith, Jeffrey S. 322

Keith, Karen 1 20

Kelley. Karaline M. 324

Kelley, Mary C, 324

Kelley, William C. 324

Kelly. Ann M. 324

Kelly, Mark |. 325

Kelly, Mary P.— 138, 141, 325

Kelly. Richard |. Jr. 325

Kenneally. Diane A. 325

Kennedy, Ann L, 74. 325

Kennedy. Eileen M. 325

Kennedy. Maiy 124, 125

Kennedy, Patricia A. 325

Kennedy, William E, 325

Kenney, |lm— 1 18

Kenney, Stephen V- 325

Kenny, Kevin— 123

Kent. |ohn T. 325

Keogh. Karen 1 00

Keogh. LisaM 110. 325

Kern. leffreyT —325

Kerrigan, Adrian 325

Kerwin, Eileen T. 325

Keyes. Catherine A- 325

Khoury. Annette 325

Kilkelly. Francis X. 325

Killlan. Lisa A. 325

Kllllp. DouglasW 325

Kindness. Katherine A. 52. 325. 423

King, David D. 326

King. Henry |- 326

King. Lorriane M. 326

Klntzel. Catherine M. 326

KIrkiris. Peter 326

Kliwln. Anne E, 63, 326

Klsatsky. Kim M. 326

Kohlbrenner. Matthew 326

Kolf. Martha M. 326

Kontra, )ames B- 326

Koons. Brett A- 326

Koppel. Laura |, 326

Kombrath. Brian |. 74. 326

Koshgarian. Lauren 60

Kosiarskl. Jomarie 326

Kossman, Kathcyn A. 326

Kossuth, Kelly 1 90

Kotopoulos, William 326

Kouri. Alex M 326

Kowalcky. Kathleen A. 326

Koze, KImberty 326

Kozikowskl, Timothy |, 326

Krehley, Elaine M. 327

Krivickas, Catherine A. 327

Kiystoforskl. Brian P 90. 327

Kuehl. Uurie 327

Kuhn. Kristyn L 327

Kupell. Lazars 327

Kurikotl. Rekha 327

Kurowskl. Cynthia A. 327

Kurtz, Kathy A. 328

Kusnierz. Donna E. 329

Kwan. |udy L. 328

Kwek. Judy Anne P 328

Kok Vivian 328

Kyle. Ann 328

Kyriakou. Anthoula 328

Laboe, Suzanne M. 328

Lacasse. John R. 329

Lacerenza, Stephen C. 329

Lachance, Andrea M. 329

Lachance. Lisa A. 329

Lachapelie. Brian |, 329

Lackey, James G. 329

Lacy, Kelly A, 329

Lafrance, Thomas P. 329

Lake, Ceny O. 329

Lam, Daphne Y. 329

Lam. Evelyn Y. 329

LaMere, Susan L 329

Lampros. Valerie 329

Landolphl. Francis K. 329

Landor. Sandra J. 329

lane. Christopher |. 329

Lane. Robert |. 329

Lanney, Rob 11 8

LaPlante, Anne C. 329

Larkin, |erome M. 68, 77, 80, 329

Urkln, Michael A. 329

Larkin, Theresa M. 330

Larsen, Kara A. 330

Lasaponara, James R. 330

Lascalbar, Albert A. 330

Laske, Arthur C. 330

LaTulippe, Lauren M. 330

Laue. Nancy A, 330

Laurence, Ruth S. 330

LaurettI, Denlse M, 330

Laurettl. Unda A 330

UValley, Steven E. 330

Uvey, Lisa E. 330

Uvigne, Mike 86

Lav^ler. Ed 123

Lawlor. Anne M. 330

Uwrence, Al— 122, 123

Lawrence, Paul O. 30

Lawson, Richard 302

Lawson, Troy 330

Lawton, John M. 330

Lawton, Peter J. 330

Uyden, Tracey K. 330

Leahy, Stephen G. 330

Leary, Eileen M, 330

Leber, Kathleen 331

LeBlanc. Lee A 331

LeBlanc, Paul— 177

LeBlanc, Raymond M. 331

LeBlanc, Robert F 331

LeBoeuf, Lousle M 331

Leddy. Klmeriey A. 331

Lee. PatrickM. 331

Leech. MandyJ. 331

Lehman. Jennifer C. 332

LeMleux. Suzanne M. 332

Lennon. BariDara L 332

Leonard Anne J. 332

Leong. Debroah I- 332

Leonhardt. Chrisrine L 332

Leonln. Havio S, Jr. 332

Letcher, John R. 332

LeToumeau, Dany J, 333

LeTunIc, Maria 333

Leung, Patricia 333

Levesque, Robert P- 333

Levin. Scott D. 333

Levy, DebraJ 167, 333

Levy, Ellen M. 333

Lewis, Joan 333

Lewis, Sarah 333

Leyden. Margaret M, 333

Leydon, John M. 333

Ubertlnl. Robert V. 11 333

Uberty Bowl 90. 98. 226

Ubro. ReglnaT. 333

Ueb. Victoria L 333

Llese. Marjorie A. 333

Lima. David 333

Llmres. Carios R. 33

Umjuco. Josephine 74

Un, Helen 333

LJn, Sherman S, 333

Undstrom, Penny A. 333

Unehan. Paul M. 334

Uquori. Jenny M. 63, 334

Utavls. Marylynn 334

Livingston, David I 52

Livingstone. William 334

Uorente, Renee A 334

Lobo. Lori M. 334

Loeber, Charies L 334

Logan. Debbie 236

Logue, Anne C 334

Loiselle. Kevin W, 334

Long. Delrdre A 334

Long. Michael J. 334

Looney, Anne 334

Lorenzi, Elizabeth R 334

Loscocco, Paul J. 334

Loughran. Rosemary H. 60. 334

Lovett. Joanne M. 334

Lowe. Thomas J. 334

Lowney. Charies W, 334

Lublscher. Stephen A. 90. 334

Lucey, Kathleen S— 1 1 8. 1 2 1 . 334

Lucyk, Julie A. 335

Luke. Tara 125

Lupinacci. Lisa A. 335 Lyman. George C 335 Lynch, Christopher R, 122. 335 Lynch. David P. 335 Lynch. Donna M. 335 Lynch, Ellen E. 335 Lyon. Chris 5 1 Lyon. Edmond F, 335 Lyons-Doucet. Barbara 336 Lyons. Barry W. 336 Lyons. Deborah A. 336 Lysaght. John J. Jr. 336 Macaiuso. Todd E. 336 MacDonald. Jack— 114. 116 MacDonald. Kathleen M. 336 MacDonald. Mark G. 90. 336 MacDonald. Scott A. 336 MacGllllvray. Mark A 336 MacHera. Mark A. 336 Macinnis. Mary E. 336 Maclntyre, Jane L 336 Mackey, Eileen 336 MacLean, Chrisrina M. 336 MacSheny, Edward W 336 Madaus, Gerald F. Jr. 336 Madaus, Martha 121 Madaus. Sarah A. 336 Madden. Johnna T. 336 Madden. Stephen F, 336 Maffa. Marianne 337 Maffel. Elizabeth 337 Maggelet, Carol Ann 337 Maggionl. Paul D, 337 Magllozzi, James A 338 Maher. Ann M. 338

Mahoney, Brian 235

Mahoney, Dick 1 1 8

Mahoney, Jorglna T. 338

Mahoney, Susan 338

Mahoney. William D. 338

Mahoney. MaryEllen 338

Majewsid. Andrew 338

Malapanls. Catherine M. 338

Malcolm. Pamela F 339

Maldonado. Ana Teresa 339

Malitsky. Joanne R. 339

Malkln. Susan M. 339

Malloy, Kathleen F, 124. 125. 339

Malloy. Samantha D. 339

Malloy, Sheila 1 24

Malone, Jeanne M. 339

Maloney, Andrew 1 23

Maloney, Debra A. 339

MaJoney. Joseph P. 339

Maloney, MariBeth A. 339

Maloney. Thomas F 339

Malonis, Ann A, 339

Malusa, Simonetta 339

Mandni, Gregory A. 339

Manlscalo, Jim— 118

Manley, May Us 339

Mann, Kathleen M, 339

Manni. Lori J, 339

Manning. Mark C. 339

Manning, Stacle J. 339

Manzanero, Anthony T. 339

Mara. Kathleen M. 340

Marcoux, J. Paul 80

Margraf, Devereux 340

Martuzza. Lisa 340

Markering Academy 74

Marquardt, Linda H. 340

Marroquin, Carol D, 340

Martlgnone, Usa M. 340

Martin, Cynthia A. 340

Martin, Elizabeth 80

Martin, Julie M. 340

Martin. Marianne T. 340

Martin. Theodore F. 74. 340 Martinez, Manuel Jr. 340

Appalachia Volunteer Coordinators Row 1 Dave Lima. Stephen Hatem Row 2 Mary Louise Vlteili, Mary Cutn, Patty Campanella.

Dramadcs Society Row 1 Chhs Greco, Richard Carey. Jerry Larkin. TJ Kozikowskl, Lorelei Pepi, Joey Corcoran, Melissa Strand, David Brennan, Joe Tragert. Row 2 Lori iadaroia, Michael Monte, Dianne Sales, Mickey Corso President.

Le Cerdc Francals Row 1 Gail Schrimmer, Theo Spiika, Terry Francis. Row 2 - Rosemary Scardaviile. Judith Gleba President. Sylvia Roger.

nim Board Row 1 Tom Melsenbacher, Richard Audet, Charies Mathieu Row 2 Russell Turk, Greg Zuercher. Bruce Balon. Michael Nyklewicz. Row 3 Mark Amaifltano, Emily Rembe. Vinnie Bucci President. Lisa Carter. Salvatore DeLuca Jr.

The Heights Row 1 —Terence Connors, Michael Corcoran. Karen Izzl. Paul Barker. Julie Fucarlie. Row 2 Tony Zarillo. Peter Klidaras. Mike Cronln. Kelly Short. Steve LeBlanc, Bemie Coccla, Alice Bredin, Richard Kelley, Diana Walch. Row 3 —Jim Van Angien, Mary Anne Janke, Mary Alberghene, Heather Kelley, Kathleen McCooe, Karen OToole, Paul Cloos. Row 4 Michael Rolfes, Judl Feeiey, Patti Roka. Mary Davltt, John Carpenter Editor in Chief, JT Kem, Dan Hermes, John Gill, Angela BInda. Row 5 Christina Hippeli. Rob Mungovan. Vin Sykla, Ceci Connolly. Patti Hom, Chris Mullen,

428 / Index


OISA Row 1 Javier Celaya, Stephanie DaCosta. Row 2 Mardy Leech, Ellen Carr, Ada Nazario.

BC Bike Club Row I Ruth Fusco. Darlene Olmstead. Dan McMartin. Paula Doran, |ohn Leung. Row 2 Helen Boyle. Patty Horan. |eff Langan President, Steve D'AntonIo, Peter Orlando.

Alliance of Student ActivMes Row I Louise Sullivan, Steve Hoffman, Chris Lyon, Paula Raymond. Row 2 Kevin Flagg, Lisa Placek, David O'Brien.

Martinez, Maria 340 Marx, Christopher B. 340 Marzullo, Mary |. 340 Mason, James M. 340 Mason, Lynn M. 340 Massara, Monica 340 MassPIRG 76, 77 Masterson, |udith M. R. 340 Mathematics Society 74 Matrone, Mark W. 340 Maunsell, Elizabeth M. 340 Maurer, Susan M. 34 1 Maxwell. Charles F. Ill 341 Maycocit, Mark 207 Mayell, NitaK. 341 Maho, Anthony |. 341 Mayock, Mark R. 34 1 Maysek, Ann M. 341 Mazzamauro, Susan L. 341 McArdle, Anne L. 341 McAreavy, Mllliam R. 342 McCabe, Mary F. 342 McCain, Lila A. 342 McCann, Brian |. 80, 342 McCarthy, Alice M. 342 McCarthy. Ann 63 McCarthy, Bruce E. 342 McCarthy, David W. 342 McCarthy, Eugene F. Jr. 342 McCarthy, Heidi E. 343 McCarghy, Joann A. 343 McCarthy, Julie 184, 343 McCarthy, Kathleen M. 343 McCarthy, Kevin F. 343 McCarthy, Richard D. 343 McCarthy, Robert E. 343 McCarthy, Timothy C. 343 McCaughey, Chariene A. 343 McClallen, Julie M. 51, 343 McCooe, Kathleen E. 343 McCool, Andrew W. 343 McCourt, Gregory M. 343 McCready, Roger 147 McCullagh, David J. 343 McCullagh, Mark— 123 McCade, Douglas J. 343 McDonald, Anne M. 343 McDonald, Jack 1 18, 1 20 McDonald, Stephanie A. 343 McDonald, Stephen T. 343 McDonough. Billy I 52 McEachem, Anne M. 343 McElroy 68, 69 McGarr, Carolyn J. 343 McGan-ahan, Will 80 McGlvem, Morgan 344 McGovem, James M. 344 McGovem. Linda 344 McGowan. Virginia M. 344 McGratran, Ellen R. 344 McGulll. Elizabeth A. 344 McGurik, John W. 344 McHugh, Mark J. 51, 184, 344 Mclnnls, Sarah E. 344 McKay, Janice S. 344 McKay, Theresa N. 344 McKenna, Colleen M, 344 McKenna, Jeanne M. 344 McKenna, Joanne E. 344 McKenna, Mary C. 344 McKenna. Tara 124, 125 McKenIze, Susan A. 1 84, 344 McKinney, Lynda R. 344 McKone, Kathleen A. 344 McLaren, Mark R. 344 McLaughlin, Ann M. 344 McUughlln, Lisa 345 McMahon, Kerstin F. 345 McMahon, Virginia A. 345 McMunn, Maria L. 345

McMorran, Tom 236

McNally, Patrick J. 345

McNamara, Mark 63

McNamara, Martha 86

McNeeley, Daniel P. 345

McPherson, Alice J. 345

McQuade, Maureen A. 345

McSheffrey, James J. 347

McSweeney, Sean B. 347

McWllliams, W, Kelly 347

Meade. Sandra A. 347

Meagher. Kathleen J. 347

Mechaley. Sharon A. 347

Medeira, Sally 1 38, 140

Medieros, Cardinal Humberto 319

Meehan, James K. 347

Megan. Carolyn E. 347

Melanson, Mark R. 347

Melbourne, Sharon A. 347

Mendel Club 74

Mendez, Ana 347

Men's Basketball 142-149

Men's Cross Country 114

Men's Indoor Track 118

Men's Rugby 112

Men's Soccer 103

Men's Swim Team 123

Men's Tennis 1 06

Men's Volley Club 126, 129

Men's W/ater Polo Club 1 26

Menzel, John F. 347

Mercure, Jeannine E. 348

Meriiky, Jim 1 52

Merlino, Maria B. 348

Mescall, Eileen F. 348

Meservey, Katherine M. 348

Metzner, Alison N. 348

Middle Eastem Students Association

60 MIgllaccIo, Allsa A. 348 Mlley, Robert A. 348 Miller, Chrisrine V. 348 Miller, John D. 348 Miller, KImberly J. 348 Miller, Philip |. 349 Miller, Richard H. 349 Mlllette, David F. 349 MInalga, Robert E. 349 MIngolla, Stephen J. 349 Miolla, Susan C. 349 Mirisola, Elizabeth C. 349 Mlrskl, Daniel J. 349 Miskovsky, Mark S. 349 Mitchell, Maura A. 349 Mitchell, Tim 152, 155 Mohen, Christopher G. 349 Mollnari, Vivian M. 349 Mollo, Lisa J. 349 Mollo, Roger W. II 349 Molumphy, Karie 1 08 Monachlno, Phyllis M. ^ 350 Monan, Fr. 1 92 Moncrieff, Patrice M. 350 MondanI, Thomas P. Jr. 350 Monitor, Robin 1 52 Monleon, Robin A. 350 Monte, Michael J. 80, 350 Montminy, Michelle P. 350 Montoya, Jorge A. 103, 170, 350 Moody, Rosemary A. 350 Moore, Christina M. 351 Moore, Susan J. 351 Morales, Gladys 351 Moran, James M. 351 Moran, Joyce G. 351 Moran, Mary C. 351 Moran, Victoria A. 35 1 Moreira, Patricia A. 351 Morgan, Ann 73, 300 Morgan, Michael A. 351

Sailing Team Row I Mario Robles, John Slegl, John Rellly, Scott Hayward, Jim Manan, Andrew Wilson, Jeff Lewis. Row 2 Mary Clare Cooper, Kevin Cain, Laura Plumb, Mike Jordan, Tara Cassidy, Rick Ryan, Helen McSweeney. Row 3 Michael

, Banks, jane Wickers Co-Captain, Mark MacGllllvray Co-Captain, Mlml Dalton,

. Steve Ullan.

Order of the Cross and Crown Row I Jeffrey Nicholson, Joseph Patchen, Julie Stinneford, Slobhan Murphy, Kathleen Connolly, Karen Pellegrino, RoseMarie Gionta, Hazel Nemanlch, William Neenan, SJ, Jerome Larkin, Anne Jane Dregalla. Robert Sauro, Tracy 2orpette, Al Burgo, Kevin Shine, Neal Bronzo. Row 2 Brian Foye, Jim Drew, Mary Davin, Patrick White, Criag Catarz, Mark SImonelli, James Dwyer. Ken Abriola, Martin Clark, Gordon Juric, Jim Moran Row 3 Jerry Glrodano, Lisa Lupinacci, Maria Meriino, Lorerta Trolant, Lisa Glimore, Valerie Newman, Carroll Coletri, Stephen Emond, John Archambauit, Thomas LaFrance, Nicholas Pacella.

Morkan, Martha —51,77 Morris, Eileen- 351 Morris, Ellen B. 351 Morris, Pamela A. 351 Morrison, Kristin 187 Morrison, Martha A. 351 Moulton, Ellen M. 351 Moustakas, George 52, 63 Moy, Judy 35 1 Moynihan, John S. 351 Mueller. David P 351 Mueller, Kathleen A. 351 Muldoon, Jullanne M. 351 Mullca, Cindy 1 38 Mullaney, Jeanne E. 351 Mullen, Christopher R. 232, 233,

352 Mullen, John 63 Mullen, Joseph D. 352 Mulligan, Mary Beth 352 Mullin John J. 352 Mura, Linda A. 352 Murphy, Brendan J. 352 Murphy, Brian 352 Murphy, Catherine E. 86, 352 Murphy. Cornelia M. 352 Murphy, Edmund F. 352 Murphy, Elaine M. 352 Murphy, Geri 52, 53 Murphy, Glenn S. 352 Murphy, Jacqueline E. 352 Murphy, jay 1 46 Murphy, Kathleen J. 352 Murphy, Mark P. 80, 81, 352 Murphy, Maureen T. 352 Murphy, Raymond 352 Murray, Kathleen P 352 Murray, Lynne A. 352 Murray House 49, 68, 69, 375 Muscato, Ross 1 1 8 Musical Guild 55 My Mother's Fleabag 63 NAACP 64 Nagy, Kim R. 353 Nahles, Susan J. 353 Napier, Patricia L. 353 Napolltano, Robert A. 353 Nash, Rosemary 353 Naslpak, Suzanne M. 353 Navarretta, Nancy 353 Nazario, Ada E. 353 Neal, Kelly M. 354 Neave, Thomas K. 354 Nee, James M. 60, 354 Needham, Catherine E. 354 Neenan, William B. SJ I 74 Neldhart, KurtC. 354 Nejame, Dean M. 354 Nejat, Maiyam 354 Nemanlch, Hazel L. 354 Nevins, Martha |. 355 Newclty, Jennifer L 355 Newlon, Catherine G. 355 Ng, King L 355 Nicholson, Jeffrey G. 355 Nickerson, Dennis J 184, 355 NIckerson, Marie E. 355 Nickerson, Nancy E. 355 Nieto, Juan M. 355 Nikel, Susan 355 Niland, Gary- 184 NIzoaIek, Csott 90 Nolan, John R 355 Nolan, Timothy G. 355 Noonan, Christine M. 355 Noone, Patrick B. 355 Norbert, Karen E. 355 North, Suzanne J. 355 Northmp, David 180, 181 Novo, Frank Jr. 355 Nugent, Gregory R. 355 Nugent, Mary-Jo P. 355 Nugent, Pamela J. 355 Nunan, Thomas F. 355 Nunez Luis— 106, 107 Nurse, Michael R. 355 O'Brien, Anne 49 O'Brien, Barry W. 356 O'Brien, Daniel C. 356 O'Brien, David 51 O'Brien, Gall M. 356 O'Brien. Karen M 356 O'Brien, Katherine E. 356 O'Brien, Thomas G 177, 356 O'Brien, Thomas J 2 1 3. 356 O'Connell, Brian A. 356 O'Connell. Brian C. 356 O'Connell, John M. 356 O'Connell House 63, 206, 350 O'Connor. Brigid E. 80. 356 O'Connor, (ean T. 356 O'Connor, Karen M. 356 O'Connor, Raymond S. 356 O'Donnell, J. David 356 O'Donnell, James A. 356 O'Donnell. Maureen A. 356 O'Connell, Steven P. 356 O'Hara, J. Thomas 357 O'HeIr, Ellzaeth,A. 357 O'Keefe, Catherine 357 O'Keefe, Maureen E. 357 O'Leary, Lynda 357 O'Leary, Mike 235 O'Marah. Kevin E. 357

Index/ 429


OMeara, Nora 357

O'Neal, Maureen 357

O'Neal. Timothy W. 358

O'Neill. Kevin UZ

O'Rourke. Daniel |. 358

O'Rourke. Karen T. 358

O'Shea. Timothy |. 358

Observer 53

Odunulnve. Sr. |ustlna E. 358

Olen. Kristen K 358

Ollvelra. Caroline 358

Oliver. KJmberly C. 358

Omircron Delta Epsilon 7 1

Oram. Suzanne 359

Orbe, Robert |. 359

Order of the Cross and Crown 7 1

Organization for international

Student Affairs 60

Ortega. Hector R. 359

Ortiz. Mayra R 359

Oslpuke, Renee E. 359

OSPAR 51. 82

Outerbrfdge, Dalna H. 359

Owens. Patncia A. 359

Pacelia. Nicholas P. 180. 359

Pack. Loren E. 359

Packer. Maureen j, 359

Paczynskl. Richard 53

Paget, Therese E. 359

Pagilamlo. Mary M. 359

Paler. Leslie E. 359

Paige. Steven |. 359

Palermo. Catherine M, 359

Palmer. Laura ), 359

Palmer. Susan M. 359

Paoilno. Glana L. 359

Paoiino, Gregory A. 359

Papapietro. Donna M. 359

Paquette. David 8 i

Paraprofessionai Leaders Group 74,

184 Parker, Andrew P, 73, 360 Parker, Eari F, 360 Parker, Laura A. 360 Parks, Michelle i. 360 Parrtsh, Mark 360 Parsons, Melanie 360 Pasquale, Lisa M, 360 Patchen, Joseph M. 63. 360 Paulsen. Karen M. 360 Paventy. Donna M. 74, 360 Pavia, Vittorlo F. 360 Pawlak. Eugene S. ]r, 360 Payne. |lli M. 360 Pegoll, Nancy A. 360 Pellegrlno, Karen A. 5 1 , 36 1 Pellegrino, Victoria G. 36 1 Pelletler, Jacqueline 361 Peloquin, Dr. Alexander 57 Peloquin, Norman A. 361 Pendergast, Terri A, 361 Peneno, )anlce A. 361 Pep Band 59 Perdomo, Francisco ). 361 Perez. Giselle R. 361 Perreauit. Mark |, 361 Perron, Mark F. 361 Perry, Ronald D. 362 Personal Manangement Association

74 Petelle, Kimber^ |. 362 Peters, Rhonda L 362 Peters, Thomas G. 362 Peterson, |ohn C, 362 Petillo, Carol 74 Pflaumer, Donna M. 74. 362 Phelan. Esther 362 Phelan. Gerard 90. 94 Phelan. Patricia M. 74, 362 Phi Alpha Theta 7 1 Phi Beta Kappa 7 1 Phillips. Marietta V. 362 Phlnnev. Walter |. 362 Piantedosi, |udith A. 362 Picard, loei F. 362 Peikllk. Suzanne R 362 Pier, Robert M. 362 Pierce, David |. 362 Pierce, Nancy A. 362 PIgnataro, Megan R. 362 Pignateili. Laurie E. 362 Pimentel. William M. 362 Pinaud, Michelle A. 362 Pinto. Sandra Carolina 363 Pistocchi. Suzanne 363 PIstorlno. Maria C. 363 Pittlnger, Timothy P. 363 Placek. Lisa 5 1 Pleach, Cynthia E 363 Pllssy, Paul 1 1 4, 1 1 8 Plotzke. Margo 1 38 Plugis, leannle M. 363 Plum, Laura M. 363 Plunkett, Carolyn F. 60. 363 Pogran, |anice R. 364 Polcaro, layne 364 Poll, Francis C. 11 364 Pollnsky. Joanne M. 364 Political Science Association 74 Pomeroy. Robert M. 77, 364 Popeo. David V. 364 Popp, Cathy M. 364 Porell, Ann 86 Pou, luan C. 364

Power. Elaine 1 08

Power. Mary L 365

Power. Pamelak 365

Powers. Gerard F. 184. 236. 365

Powers. Patricia A. 365

Pozzo. Amy C. 365

Pratt. Philip G. |r, 365

Preskenis, Mark C. 365

Pressley, Dominic 1 48

Presto. Gary |, 365

Primus. Stu 147

Prtnclotta. Susan M- 365

Priola. Lawrence R. 365

Procaccino. Nancy A. 365

Prolaci. |ohn A, 365

Provost. Lisa A. 365

Psychology Caucus 74

Public Relations Club 67

Puliano, Michael N, 365

PULSE 64, 65

Pultz, Susan L 365

Puton. Veronique F- 365

Quan, lack 365

Querela. Valeria A. 365

Querques. Donna L. 365

Quigley. Jenny 74

Quigley. MaryEllen 365

Quigley, Peter F. 366 QuIJano, Maurtce 366 Quinlan, Kevin M. 366 Quinlivan, Maura A. 366 Quinn. Bonnie C. 366 Quinn. Brett A. 366 QuInn. Lonnle 123 Rabasco, Alex D. 366 Rabasco. Edward Jr. 366 Rabb. Ten M. 366 Racanelll. Michael V. 366 Rafter. Lisa J. 366 Rahlll. Michelle 366 Ranieri, Margaret C. 366 Raso. Nancy J. 366 Raso. Vincent S. 366 Rauseo, Edward |. 366 Ravsia. Ed 1 52. 1 55 Ray. Daniel E. 366 Raymond, Paula 51, 1 90

Reader, Paul 1 78, 366 Reagan. Glenn P. 90. 366 Real. Shawn 1 52 Reardon. Mary F. 366 Redd, Stephanye A. 367 Redmond, Dennis 80 Redmond, Ruth E. 367 Reed, Allan C. 367 Reed, Lisa E. 367 Regan, Michael J. 367 Regazzini, Gregory 367 Regent, Shawn 90 Relchard, Wanda M. 367 Reid. Janice— 1 18 Reldy. Andrew M. 368 Reldy. Ellen T. 368 Relger. Rob 235 Relily. Dennis P. 368 Rellly. Mary E. 368 Relily. Michael F. 368 Rellly. William J. 368 Reinhart. Theresa J. 368 Relfe. Marise A, 368 Renehan, Todd 1 14 Resident Advisory Board 49 Resident Assistants 49 Resident Student Life Committee - Reynolds. Brenda A. 369 Reynolds. Margaret M. 369 Reynolds. Patricia 369 Rezendes. Catherine M. 369 Rezendes, Emily L 369 RIbera. Diana B. 369 Ribera. Michael J. 369 Ricca^ Joseph A, 369 RIcclSrdone, Demettio D. 369 Rice, Barbara J. 369 Rice, Judith 369 Rice, Rodney 1 44 Richard, Rose 369 Richards. Rosemarie S. 369 Rldlnl. Steven P. 369 Rleger. Robert F, 369 Rigfay. David J. 369 Riley. Donna M. 369 Riley, Edward M. 74. 369 Riley, Sheila A. 369 RInehart, Mary F. 369

Student Admissions Program Row 1 Louise Sullivan. Jeny Giordano Karen Peilegnno head coordinator, Frank Carpenito. Danine Fresch. Row 2 Tanii Reed. Teresa Cllne, Marina UBoy. '

Gold Key Society Row 1 Jay Mozek. Stephen Fallon. Joseph Travers. CariValeri. Row 2 Mark Perreauit. Judy DePierro, Daria Chapelsky President. Patrick DeMalo.

Musical Guild Row 1 Maryann Hsu. Helen Lin. Sergio Guillen. Donna Sakowskl. Paul McDen^ott,

Irish Society Row I Krisrine Paget. Colin Croweil. Rory Maguire. Eileen Nugent, Lisa Nuccitelll. Row 2 Judi Costello. Siobhan Murphy, Margaret Fay President, Cindy Coyle, Kerry Sullivan.

Sub Turri Row 1 George Moustakas. Paul Campanella. Tom McMorran. Row 2 Alleen Heller. Liz Flanagan, Theresa Bates, Kathy Greenler, Kersrin Gnazzo, Colleen belbert. Row 3 Leo Melanson, Geri Murphy. Kathy Kindness Editor In Chief. Julie D Antuono. Marc Vellleux. y- j j . i

The Pulse Council Row 1 Steve Tumolo. Ed Spurgas, Cecil Broderick. Tom Nunan. Anne Kimmerllng. Row 2 Therese Callahan. Suzanne Mettier. Mary Ann Gilbert. Nora Rubacky. Dick Keeley. Row 3 Marial Chappell, Kathleen Dunn. Lori Havrilla. Jennifer Ireland. Mary Kate Costantino.

430 / Index


Alpha EpsUon Delta Row 1 Paul Rollnclk, Pat Noone. Row I Mary-|o Nugent. Al Burgo President, Tom Murtaugh.

UGBC Executive Cabinet Row 1 Pat Corry, Gary )ackson. Art Laske. John Viddomlno. Row 2 Paul Fitzgerald. Maiy Louise Vitelli. Ilda Firmani, Mary Rotanz. Henry Gomez.

Rlntelman. Dona L 370 RItchin. Laura 63 Ritter, Amy C. ^ 370 Rlzzo, Richard |. |r. 370 Roach, Linda A. 370 Roach. Rita— 138. 141 Roarke. Karen 370 Roat. David A. 370 Roberts. David A. 370 Robinson. Gary M. 370 Robinson. James M. 370 Robinson, jane C. 370 Robinson Melissa B. 63. 370 Robles. Lily 49 Rocca. Sheila A. 370 Rocha. [osa 114 Rocha. Robert!. 372 Rochford. Francis |. 372 Rodden. Patricia 372 Roe. ICaren E. 372 Roger, Sylvia 372 Roka. Patricias —372 Rokous. Christopher P. 372 Roldan. Roy |. 372 Rolfes. Michael]. 372 Rollnclk. Paul 1 06 Rooney, Arthur J. Ill 372 Rooney, Mary ). 372 Rooney, Pahicia C. 372 Roos. Michelle |. 372 Rosado. Alelda N. 372 Rosasco. Lori 373 Rose. Martha R. 373 Rosenbaum. |ill M. 373 Rosenblum, Steven 1. 373 Rosenthal. Susan M. 373 Ross. Elizabeth N. 373 Ross, Ruth A. 373 Rossi. Caren M. 373 Rossi, CarlaM. 373 Rotanz. Mary |. 373 Rourke. |ohn A. 374 Rousseau. Diane P 374 Rowan. Martine 374 Roy. |une L 374 Rule. Allyn— 187 Russell. Elizabeth A. 374 Ryan. )ohn F. 374

Ryan. Maureen A. 374

Ryan. Michael A. 374

Ryder, Brian j. 374

Saavedra, Albert 374

Sabella. Susan ). 374

Sabogal. Rodolfo 374

Sacco. Robert C. 374

Safiol, Peter G. 374

Salgh. Richard |. 374

Sailing Club 1 26

Sakles, |ohn C. 374

Sakosits, Michael |. 374

Sakowksl, Donna M. 374

Sala. Theresa A. 374

SaJemy, Louis E. 374

Salerno. |ohn E 375

Sales. Dianne M. 80, 81. 375

Salter. David P. 375

Salvuccl. Suzanne M. 375

Sanabria. Harry L, 375

Sanchez, Isabel A. 275

Santa, Greg 211

Santanlello, Julie A. 375

Santos. Anne 375

Santos. Tom 80, 8 1

Saposnick, Kahli 73

Sardagnola, Robin P. 376

Sartori, Paul J. 376

Sartory, Christopher 376

Sasso. Anthony C. 236. 376

Sauro, Robert A. 376

Savage. Gary R. 376

Savarese, Barbara 376

Savo, Maria T. 376

Scanlon, Chrisrine A. 377

Scanlon, Janet C. 377

Scanlon, Philip J. 377

Scanlon, Tom 118

Scardino, Paula P. 377

Scauzzo, Marissa V. 377

Schenck. Rebekah 377

Schimanskl. Mary K. 377

Schloeter Call M. 377

Schmidt, Kerry L 190. 377

Schmidt, Maria E. 377

Schoenfeld, Paula M. 377

School of Education Senate 74

School of Management Senate 74

Bellannlne Law Academy Row 1 Joe Shamon, Mike Shannon, Brian Kombrath. Row 2 Carol Baclawskl. Fr. Mahoney.

Finance Academy Row 1 Laurene Curran. Patty Phelan. Carole Stuchbury. Bob Forster. RezaVahabzadeh. Larry Hill, CrisrinaSllva Row 2 Lisa Burgess. John Cregan President. Laurie Gormley.

Computer Committee UGBC Row 1 Jennifer Tyreil. Patrick DeMaio. Jim Flynn. Joe Shamon. Wendy Carios. Joan Fantucchio, Row 2 Nancy Savage. Michael Raskin. Christine Fetris. Holly Havens. Robin Rose. Nancy Sammalco. Steve Johnson. Row 3

, Stephen Fallon, Martha Bagley, Kathleen Connolly. Tom Shannon Maria

, Malolepszy.

Mendel Club Row I Mary Gingrass, James Mason. Brian McKinnon. Michael Kalajlan. Peter Kildaras. Jeff Nicholson. Row 2 Mary-Jo Nugent. Teresa Celona. Patrice Mon- crieff. Julie Burke. Kathleen Moody, Row 3 Steven Ridini, Eileen Burrows, Mark SImonelli President. Andreas Calianos. Melissa Robinson.

School of Nursing Senate 74 Schomo. Sharon S. 377 Schulten. Katherine T, 377 Schroeder. Scott C- 377 Sclaraffa, Anthony 377 Scognamlgllo, Neil J. 377 Scott, Ann M 377 Scott, Elizabeth A. 377 Scott, Karen L 377 Screaming Eagles Marching Band - Scully, Thomas D. 377 Segrave-Daly, Elizabeth J. 378 Seldel. Nancy J, 378 Seldi, Randy 1 90, 191 Sellars, Mike 81 Sepahpur, Nader 378 SergI, Christopher J. 378 Sessler, Jan E, 378 Shadbeglan, Daniel C. 378 Shahbazian, Maria M. 378 Shamon. Joseph J, 378 Shaner. Susan Q, 378 Shannon, Michael P. 378 Shannon. Tom 49 Shannon, Molly 378 Shapiro. Lynn E, 378 Sharaf, Steven 63 Shaw House 68, 354 Shea, Diane M. 378 Shea. Nell I 52 Sheehan. Ann M, 378 Sheehan, Katherine K. 378 Sheehan. jlm 118 Sheehan. Susie 378 Sheerin. Melissa R 378 Shelzl. Louis A. 378 Sherban. Michelle 74 Sheridan, John J. 378 Sheridan, Julie M. 108, 378 Sheridan, Margot A. 379 Shields, Maura A. 379 Shine, Kevin J. 379 Shropshire. Hazeline L 379 Siddall, Joseph F, 379 Siegel, Edward W— 379 Sieger, Evelyn Johanna 379 Sieger, Monica 379 Stems, Donna M. 380 Sigma Theta Tau 7 1 Slleo. Thomas P, 74, 380 Slllcocks, Deborah A. 380 Sllva, Carios 1 06 Silva, Lorraine O. 380 Silvemian, Daniel 380 Simmons, Nancy L. 380 SImonelli, Mark J. 74, 380 Simpson, Margaret E 380 Slnert, Penny A, 381 Singer. Howard 1 08 SIson. Cynthia A, 381 SIstl. Patricia A. 38 1 Skarupa, Anthony J. 381 Skehan, Janet A. 381 Skerry, Alicia D. 381 Skudlarek, PaulT. 381 Skuncik, Yvonne M. 381 Slavic and Eastern Circle 60 Sleeper. Douglas J. 381 Sleight. Raymond G. 381 Slein. Rosemary 381 Small. Nancy J.— 116. 381 Smith. Brad 60

Smith, Chris— 106

Smith. Jeffrey P. 381

Smith. Karen E. 381

Smith, Kurt C 381

Smith. Maureen L 381

Smith. Nancy j. 381

Smith. Peter 38 1

Smith. Shannon E. 381

Smith, Sharon E. 184. 381

Smith, Tara M, 382

Smith, Timothy M. 382

Snow, Kevin 90

Social Committee 49

Sociology Caucus 74

Solano, Paul 382

Soper, Constance A. 382

Soranno. Lauren M. 382

Sossl. Barbara M. 382

Sotlropoulos. Stephen 382

Souza. Tammy A. 382

Spanish Club 60

Sparring Club 1 26

Speldel. Maria j. 382

Splllane. Geoffrey D. 382

Sputo. Michael 382

Stamos. Elizabeth A. 382

Stankiewlcz. Anthony K 382

Stanton. William 382

Stapleton. Lisa M. 382

Staud, Mary E, 382

Stavropoulos. Georgia 382

Stawarky. Jane E. 382

Stec, Loretta A. 77, 382

Stefan, Cheryl A. 383

Stefanaccl. Richard C. 383

Stelnhafel. Daniel F 383

Steppe. Joan M. 383

Stevens. Kevin 1 52

Stevenson, Mary Ellen 383

Stewart, Jill M. 383

Stickle. Denlse A, 383

Stierien, Suzanne M. 383

Index / 43 1


Stillman, Deborah L 384 Stingle, Anne F. 384 Stinneford. |u[ie M- 384 Stockwell, |oe I 23 Stosur. Thomas |. 384 Strachan. Steve 90, 94 Strakosch. Gregory M. 384 Strand. Melissa A. 81 . 384 Stratford. Troy 90. 9 1 Straussian Society 74 Streslno. )osephine A. 384 Strohschnedler. Derek A. 384 Strurzlero. Cathryn A. 384 Stuart, David |, 384 Stuchbury. Carole 385 Stylus 53 Student Council for E^cceptionaj

Children 64 Student Minsitry 73 Sub Turn 53 Sulesky, Catherine L 385 Sullh/an. Catherine 385 Sullivan, lay 5 1 Sullivan, lerome H. 385 Sullivan, |ohn A. 385 Sullivan, Katie A, 385 Sullivan, Kelly 1 38 Sullivan. Lisa A. 385 Sullivan. Louise 5 1 Sullivan, Michael F. 385 Sullivan. Michael |, 385 Sullivan. Patricia 385 Sullivan. Thomas H. 385 Sullivan. Timothy R. 385 Sullivan. Tony 103. 170 Sullivan. S|, William 180 Sumpter. Lisa M. 385 Suozzl. Thomas R. 385 Supple. Lianne 120, 121 Supples. Kevin 74 Surette. Pamela E. 386 Surrichla, CIna M. 177, 184, 386 Sutherby, Robert 386 Suzemore, joann 386 Sweeney, Bob 1 52 Sweeney, Michael W. 386 Swenson, Gregory R 74, 386 Swingin' Eagles jazz Band 57 Syverson-Stork. |lll 182 Syvester. Doreen L 386 Tabata, Sensei Kazumi 1 26 Tabrlsky, Elizabeth A. 386 Talbot, Lesly 387 Tally. Terrence 1 47 Tam. Sun W. 387 Tamburrinl. Amelia 387 Tanefusa, Mamiko 387 Tangredl. Vincent |. Ill 63. 387 Tamiey. Kerri A. 387 Tata. Lisa 387 Tekeyan. Rosemary H. 387 Tennant, |ohn j. 387 Teran. Carios A. 387 Tessler. Scott A. 387 Theodore. Pamela G. 387 Thielman. |eff 49 Theriault. Colene M. 387 Thomas. Barry L 387 Thomas. David |. 90. 387 Thomas, Denlse A. 387 Thompson. Bill 82 Thompson. Brenda M. 387 Thompson. Jacqueline H. 387 Thompson. Paul E, 387 Thompson. Tracy N. 387 Thome. Julie A. 388 Thornton. Pam 138 Thowlg. Michael 235 Tiemey. Victoria 80 Tiemey. Raymond 1. 388 Timmerman. Edward F 388 Tiomkin. Sarit 388 Tirrell. Susan M. 388 Todd. Kelly L 388 Todd. Linda M. 388 Tolan. Colleen L 388 Tomon. William |. 207. 388 Tonra. Patricia E. 388 Toole. Laura |- 86. 388 Toomey. lames |. 388 Torre. Anthony F. 388 Torres. Maria L 388 Tortolani. Michael |. 388 Tortolani. Steve 49 Tosone. Ann L 388 Totino. |ohn L 388 Tower. Joanne F. 388 Tower. Joseph F. 388 Tracey. Elizabeth A. 388 Trakas. Nicholas |. 389 Transfer Center 5 1 Travers. John F. 389 Travers. Joseph W. 389 Tricomi. Ralph j. 389 Trtpodes. Karen T. 389 Trolani. Loretta 389 Trovlnl. Vincent P. 184. 389 Troy. Suzanne M. 389 Trulllnger. Thomas 390 Tslmikas. Sotlrios 390 Tsoucalas. Georgia 74 Tuccero. Dante |t. 390 Tumolo. Stephen M. 390 Turchetta, John V. 390

Turner. Carol |. 390 TwohlB. Michael |. 390 Twombly. Paula |- 390 Ucifen^o, Donna L 391 UGBC 49 UGBC Caucus 74 Uglletto. ElenaT. 391 Union Latina 60 University Chorale 57 Universi^ Counseling Services - Ursini. Richard 391 Vaccaro. Anne M. 391 Vachon. Renee M. 391 Vahabzadeh. Reza 39 1 Valenti. Lisa A. 391 Valeri, Cari 60 Vallo. Barbara Anne E. 391 Vanbeaver, Peter C, 391 Vanasse. Robert B, 391 Vaughan. Marie C, 391 Vautrain. Annette M. 391 Veale. Thomas D. 391

Vecchio. Andrew |. 391

Veilleux.Marc|. 391

Veloudos. Joanne 391

Vena Mark N, 39 1

Veraart, Jacqueline 391

Ver Eecke. S|. Robert 80. 1 86

Verrilli. Janis M. 391

VIcedomlni. Nanci L 391

VIcidomlno. John A. 392

Villa GIna— 100

Viola, Robert F, 392

VIssers. Robert S. 392

VitaJe. Henry F. 392

Vitale. John R 392

Vitale. Michael J. 392

Vitelli, Mary Louise 182. 392

Via. Ester C— 108, 392

Vlaha, Rick 73

Voices of imani Gospel Choir 57

Vogel, Dean M. 392

Voles. Lydia J. 392

Von Hennenber.i?. Prof, 1 77

Economic Caucus Row 1 William Doty. Martha Morrison. Row 2 Ed Ferguson, Ann Kennedy,

Armenian Club Row 1 Daniel Shadbegian, Ferit Sahenk. Hagop Didizian. Michael Kalajian. Ellen Mesrobian. Lynn Dadourian. Row 2 Rosemary Tekeyan. Lauren Koshgarian. Sona Haratunlan. Laura Klanian. Lori Davidian.

Helenic Society Row 1 Professor Eugene Bushalla, Lisa Haralambos. Maria Grammas. Sandy Vagelatos. Connie Bebls. Georgia Tsoucelas. Phillip Stathas.

Geiman Academy Row 1 Elizabeth Strickler. Robin Weissbach. Ian FHarris. Bill Crowley. Peter Van SUngerland. Edward Martens, Tmdi Siegrrwnn. Row 2 Chris Hanlon, Valda Meingailis. Rosemary Loughran President. Susan Arnold. Rosemarie Richards.

SOM Honon Program Row I Brian Stansky. Carolan Bombara. John Kavanaugh. Row 2 ~ Denlse Dunne. Pat Curran. Kathy Kossmann.

Italian Cub Row 1 Kelll Costa. Michelle Manning, Andrew Traietri. Laura Plumb President. Cari Valeri. Rachel Marshall. Melinda Zlegeweid. Row 2 Emily Ruberto. Suzanne Arena, Analisa Sama, Vera Helena DiLugiio, Domenica Bottari. Ellen Lynch.

432 / Index


Von Nessen. Edward A. 392 Vossler, Matthew |. 392 Vranos. William 392 Waase, Bernard 68 Wadsworth, Catherine A. 392 Waldren, Brian 98 Walenty, Tracy I. 392 Walker. James E. Ill 392 Wallace, Cregoiy T. 392 Walsh, Julie— 108 Walsh, Kathleen M. 392

Walsh, Uurie A. 392 Walsh, Mary M. 392 Walsh, Maureen I. 393 Walsh, Michael G. I 15, 393 Walsh, Richard |. 393 Walsh, Susan 393 Walsh, Susan A. 393 Walsh, Steven 1 23 Walter, Stephen G. I 18, 393 Walters, Nancy M. 393 Walters, Steve 1 1 5

Slavic and Eastern Qrde Row 1 Renee Pruneau, James Nee. Jennifer Beard.

The Children's Theater Company Row I Alan Feeney, Jim McEJeney. Row 2 Gerre Anne Harte, Kelly Mulcahy President, Row 3 Erin McGlnley, Row 4 Jeannlne LaPlace.

UGBC Senate Row 1 Peter RIchter, Cathy Coudert, Susan Sullivan, Nina Murphy, John Cogan, Elaine Paul. Row 2 Lany Busching, Steven LIpIn, Karen Foley, Peter Thomas. Lisa Andreaggl. Stephen Hodgkins. Jeifrey Smith.

Campus Crusade for Christ Row I Caryn Bollhofer. Betsy Easton. Mark Francls- conl. Dean Condon, Arden Anderson. Klrstln Mundy. Janet Hesenlus, Shelley San- chlrico, Rhonda PIcard. Paul Wagner, Sue Crane. Row 2 Rick Vlaha, Pete LeVlness. Monica Un, Jackie Thompson. Madeline Kelleher. Donna Paradie. Scott Petersen, Mandy Leech.

School of Education Senate Row 1 Therese DInnan. Tim Lynch. Bill WIemers. David Clarke. Row 2 Chris FHoffman. Mary Ellen Quigley. Melissa Baker, Margaret McCon- nell. Marianne Solda. Row 3 Tricia Griffin, Jean Emery. Tara Luke. Josephine Limjuco President, Teresa Coppola. Karen Twltchell.

Ward. John D. 393

Warner. Barbara 394

Wan-en. Brian F. 394

Warsavage. Mary E. 394

Washbum. Jamie D. 394

Wasnewsky. Mary E. 394

Waterhouse. Mark S. 394

Waters. Nancy E. 394

Watts. Elizabeth A. 394

Weber. MIchele 394

Webster. Joanne K. 394

Webster. Mark J, 394

Webster. Mike 74

Wegman. Carole 82. 83. 190

Weller. Ann W. 167. 394

Weln. Lawrence P. 396

Welner. Vincent J, 396

Welngart. Mike 81

Welnhelmer. Eric 1 06

Weiss. Edward G. 396

Weiss. Kenneth R 396

Welssbach. Lawrence L 396

Welch. Monica A. 396

Wellehan. Kathleen M. 396

Welten. Bart— 51

Wenger. Mary-Beth 396

Wemer. Gretchen C. 396

Wessels. Anke K. 396

West. Jimmy 396

Westberg. Donna M. 396

Westover. Susan 396

Wetterilng. Jane M. 396

Wheeler, Maureen A. 396

Whelan. David M. 396

Whelan. Katherine 396

White. Karen E. 396

White. Kevin R 396

White. Pat— 190

Whitney. Linda 396

Wickers. Jane M. 397

Wllklns. Nancy R 397

Williams. Beth A. 397

Williams. David L 397

Williams. Gary 144

Williams. Laura A. 397

Williams. Sandra M. 397

Willis. Sharon 116

Wllloughby. Elizabeth K. 397

Wilson. Usa J. 398

Wilson. Robin M. 398

WInge. David P. 398

WInkel, Susan M. 398

Wojtkowski. Julie M. 398

Wolak. John T 398

Wolfe. Jeffrey C. 398

Women's Basktball 138-141

Women's Cross Country 116

Women's Field Flockey 1 00

Women's Ice Hockey 1 26

Women's Indoor Track 120

Women's Resource Center 73. 300

Women's Rugby 110

Women's Soccer 86

Women's Studies 300

Women's Swim Team 125

Women's Tennis 1 08

Women's Volleyball 167

Women's Water Polo Club 1 26

Wong. Deborah A. 398

Wong, Debra S. 398

Wong, Jenny K. 398

Wong. Joseph L 398

Wong. Joyce 398

Wong. Lalfung A. 398

Wong. Michael 398

Wong. Susie 398

Wong. Mark S. 398

Wooding, Sandra J. 398

Woods. Maureen P. 398

Worid Hunger Committee 73

Woung. Keith Jr. 398

Wright. Michael T. 398

Wrixon. Leslie 1 1 6

Wulftange. Patricia A. 399

WZBC 66. 67

Yacovone. Laura M, 399

Yasuda. John P. 399

Yee, Lydia M. 399

Yim. Mee-Young 399

Yoder. Jean 82. 83

Young. Anne K. 399

Young. Carolyn M. 399

Young. Karen 57

Young Americans for Freedom 77

Zadkovlch. CInthia M. 399

Zima. Elizabeth F. 40 1

Zmyewskl. Mary J. 401

Zorpette. Tracy A. 40 1

Zublckl. Carole R 40 1

Zuhusky. James J. 401

Zurio. Kathleen F. 401

Zamecnik. Kim 82. 83

Marketing Academy Row 1 Karen Smith. Bill Sullivan. Jim Ferrera. Stephen Cargano, Janice Pogran. Row 2 Debbie Hannellng. Patty Burke. Nancy Hovse- plan. Row 3 Dagmar Hlller. Elaine Grist. Greg Swenson. Lisa Wilson. Beth Campbell.

My Mother's Fleabag Row 1 Joe Patchen. John Downey. Mary Anne Jankt. Row 2 Melissa Robinson. Ann McCarthy. Jenny LIquori. Helke Allen. Bruce Jewett. Row 3 PC Bennlson, Bob Fries. Dave Boudreau.VinnleTangredl, Wilfred Boudreau. Row 4 Laura 'Madwoman' RItchen. Annie KIrwin.

Index/ 433

436 / Finale


Finale / 439

440 / FINALE!


Supplement / 441

Senior Week 1 984 Sizzl

442 / Supplement

ed with Explosive Excitement

The senior week activities this year were as tradition called for ... an absolute blast! During the week seniors spent a day at George's Island and a day at the Club. The evenings of course were filled with gala events ranging from the Commencement Ball to the night at Gatsbys. In the true tradition of Boston College the seniors went wild for a solid week to celebrate the end of their four years together. It was also the last time that many of them would spend together for a long time to come. But realizing this only made the members of the class of 1 984 more determined to go out with a bang. And as you'll see in the following pages they managed to do so with a unique sense of style and flare!

Supplement / 443

Senior Week 1 984 Heats


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444 / Supplement

Up Graduates' Emotions

Supplement / 445

Senior Week 1 984 SizzI

446 / Supplement

ed with Explosive Excitement

Supplement / 447

448 / Supplement

'84 Still # 1 in Skits


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jchool of Education once again displayed rhe ralent of the future teac! *:rsoE ^'|n the SOE skits held in April in the new theatre.

SKits were once again dominated by the class of 1 084 who won the awai for best skit for the third year in a row, Though each class put on an excetienc show, rhe senior's skit showed the finesse and polish necessary, for the litst. place prize.

In tradition with past skits each class was required to develop their skits from scratch. The freshman skitwas about the parties at Boston College and friendship. Sophomores this year centered their skit around tiie iheme of teamwork as they headed for the Olympics. The juniors, !tke the freshman, took a lookar the true nneahing of a good friencl,::'}i|' In their skit. "At rhe Hop". And the seniors portrayed the impor- tance of adding spice to your life In. "Color Your Own VVori<;lN™

In addition to the prize for ifirst' place, the senior clasis|| captured a second award for the third year in a row. Me- lissa Baker. '84, wrote the award-winning song for the third year in a row;

But par for the course those involved in the SOE skits were in It for more than the awards. Every- one who was involved in the stUts sperit count- less hours writing scripts, designing sets and sewing costumes. Despite the hard work the skits were great furi.

It Is through the skits that rhe mem- bers of the school of education got to know each other, it Is because of these skits that they are able .to become the tightly knit; ■,■.;,, pgroup that Is unique to i |S0E. Cerl Murphy

Supplement / 449

Baseball Team Toughs It Out

The Boston College Baseball team suf- fered a sub par season, finishing with an overall record of 7- 1 7. 7-8 in ECAC divi- sion 1 New England, and 2-6 in the Great- er Boston League. However, despite a disappointing season, the Eagles finished off the year with three victories over arch rivals Holy Cross. The other victories were against Vermont and Northeastern Uni- versity, but the wins against the Crusad- ers were the sweetest taste of victory for the Eagle batters.

The team, a young one full of potential for next season, wcis led by three Juniors and one Senior. Senior Catcher, John McGuirk, a four year member, batted .240 while nailing 5 of 1 1 attempted stealers. Junior Center Fielder, Larry Hill, batted .333 and led the team in total bases with 5 1 . Steve Simos, another Ju- nior, batted .300, hit safely in the last 7 games, and made only one error all sea- son at third base. Juniors, Rockey Daley and Rick Murphy batted .333 and .304 respectively and will be back next year to provide the Eagles with a mature infield.

450 / Supplement

Marathon Rain Couldn't Dampen Spirits

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Despite the rain the Boston College fan's lined up along Commonwealth Ave- nue again this year to cheer on the run- ners in the annual Boston Marathon. The marathon took place during the spring- fest weekend held at BC each year. And although the weather w£is far from sunny there was little that could dampen the spirits of the BC community who could feel spring just around the corner despite the gray skies.

Supplement/ 45 1

Lacrosse Strives for Victory

452 / Supplement

1984 Seniors

'The staff of Sub Turri sincerely apologizes to the seniors and patrons listed below who were not included in the nriain text. We thank you for your support of Sub Turri, the Yearbook of Boston College.

Ellen Abdow

School of Education AB, Special Education

Mark T. Christo

Scholl of Management BS. Economics

Lisa A. lacofand

Arts 8^ Sciences BS. Biology Psychology

Genevieve B. Liquor!

Arts 8^ Sciences

AB, Speech Communication


Mildred M. Lockwood

School of Education AB, Elementary Education

Maureen Oleary

Arts &. Sciences AB. Psychology

Photo Credits

A special thanks to all those who assisted on the supplement aside from those photographers listed below.

Makis iatridis SOE skits, darkroom.

Mark Veilleux Commencement Ball.

Heights Baseball, Lacrosse.

George Moustakas all other events.


Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Congdon

The Family of Rui Lspinola

Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Murray

Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neill

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Quinn

Art Rooney III

Gloria L. Todd

Walter and Kay Todd

Victor and Rosalie Zurlo

A Letter from the Editor

The Boston College basketball season ended in a bang once again this year although this time the administration was not cheering about it. A situation that began with a scuffle between senior starterMartin Clark and coach Gary Williams ended with a serious look at Boston College and its athletic program.

Following the scuffle between Clark and Williams at the last game of the season in Roberts center, Clark was suspended for one game. But a few weeks later he resigned from the team, live on the six-o-dock news only hours after the end of practice. It was during that broadcast that Clark hinted there were some problems at BC, though he did not feel it was his place to disclose what they were.

The Boston Herald, however, seemed to feel it was their place to disclose what they believed to be the problem when they printed a letter that had been written to Jay Murphy reguarding his scholastic status.

It would have been far more preferable if the administration at Boston College had taken a public stand on the issues revolving around scholastic status and athletic eligibility. Mar- tin Clark claimed that he had been asking the administration to do so for two years. His frustration at their failure to do so was the apparent cause of his resignation.

Although many at Boston College would prefer to forget the series of events that ended this year's season it is impor- tant that they do not. The problems that plagued the end of the 1 984 basketball season brought to light a serious problem. It cannot just be swept under the mg. Boston College must design an affirmative plan to set academic standards that will determine athletic eligibility. by Geri Murphy

Laura Rlchln

Arts 8^ Sciences AB. Philosophy

Nancy Sturgis

Arts 8. Sciences BS. Biology

Patrick Thomas White

School of Management BS. Economics

Joan M. Morley

Arts &. Sciences

AB, Sociology

Social Work

Supplement / 453

454 / Supplement


Supplement / 455

456 / Supplement


Supplement 7 457

Class of *84 Commences

Seniors and their families gatlier in Alumni

Stadium May 21,1 984

458 / Supplement

Supplement / 459


460 / Supplement



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