SUITABLILITY OF GRAPES FOR GEN- ' ERAL CULTURE IN THE STATES OF THE OLD SOUTH BY FLOYD BRALLIAR, PH. D. : re PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Reid GEORGE PEABODY COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS ne NASHVILLE, TENN, . Ironot Ins SUITABLILITY OF GRAPES FOR GEN- | ERAL CULTURE IN THE STATES OF THE OLD SOUTH R, BY FLOYD BRALLIAR, PH. D. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF GEORGE PEABODY COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS NASHVILLE, TENN. "| JOn3 H Pile! TABLE OF CONTENTS LD OTREAL TEI JAE Sis OE oe aa Re SM ara 6 re pe eae er ee Pe EN ele he ahs. wh alle On yynveins 4S 6 SUCRE © os 5 Oa SLE SII EE get oS am net ae Pea ae ear 6 aarti eA FUE Sa shacks oe is Wasa x 2 Gun leea ea eee 6 Eiger Ol VIMY EGOS... 4. shal. ae ie ewe lee ewe A 7 bier MPMI I ee RE hs Gio crv ong dain kn wis 7 en er eT nla Le Sock rabeihe nmin oes 7 Sapmlementairy Opservatlons: oo: 2a .o fe. ak ees oP ee ak z PMO CHEMNCTI Gs! 1k. oe es Wie ee eee Ga de i Sate | 8 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION—GRAPES OF AMERICA Grapes Among Ancients .......... Beh a eae et Se Oe Crinneamebied Grown ss. ok, heen cites a es oe ae 9 iranian of Wald Grapes. 0.2.0)... 66)... 6.b.5e anes 9 Grapes Indigenous to Tennessee, 22... ee ee ee 9 Karly Attempts to Grow G1 rapes Fes ik 2 eee eee eee, tea. 10 (SURES. sigh nalts | a os ae ee ne eG Se ee ane Ee 10 ONS WP i hte) Ss aks c sie cs nvcnd ad eo ae Ee eed SS 10 Sea are Is NOTIMESBEG 2... cic. uae hae ne dae ee ee 11 Prieroouuhent Vineyards . 0... 0... ek WAh a olde wae 12 CHAPTER II VARIETY TRIALS Mie MNINOVETO: tc. oe dhe Geese che ds PALSY RE Win Snot 13 permet areie age ee Nd ons (a A 2 Se 13 PPP BEAEIOMSOR OOS = fort oo ed Lie ha sto Be NEW 8 Ree 13 Pimme.and Care ......... PR Aee ied Aiba Widest ed 1 ee 13 eer MO TAM CCHS eer hick u's ss de Os Se eS Seu ee 13 CERF ge RN en ca Rae ere aac nd ne Me ee aOR PETE 14 pare eae bear een. tee eee ties) Oo i, Wa ro ON Ba a 14 er Uren IMELICH MIMO nye thik ee oat a ar 14 esteral MIME UAE ee tiie ds esi ts) tro ait |: ae ie dee 17 OS SRCTNTGS I ages A a 1 0 UR 18 Tabie of Contents IPTOnnisina NN anieGiCe: (cee eRe ee okie fs wane ee 3 18 Pisedsed wad PTEVENMOM oo 0o6 car ate ee as 8 Mas oe eles 19 IDIECUBSIOMIGEMVALICCIES, PMR Ge fk is ha, bala vate ace Hs 19 WS IGISTPR ST) ererers Sy RUT INV sere) eae ee oe i A 20 CHAPTER III GRAPE BREEDING POO MORE RGRCE MMe car ae ncee clothe Re ee HEM oc 4. vag. gh ci ghee 21 CESS Ciel ee! sek ca ane AY ge) ae CR ea oe ae CROW Se COMIMNG Siler erres icant ei beccs Soe et mead Sawa ds 21 TESS RNaUEA SS a7 ole \ tas Me Tectia OS 6 gee et eee gee a 22 AG SUIGCESSIUIL SOCOM oe easiest nls aden cence cee ad ee 22 Other SOUmmerMubrecders: oc ce.. c. tk we keh abe ewe eee 2a TEE ISUIVOMIT gop yA RES IMENT 9! a eR a re 23 SNTTITTISCTTIE se 9 A nad a AD I ee ae) 23 Zimaimer nd analsre liens; eee ree TAS sa sculls wee ee 23 IESSTEIED ea Sg gh 1 Ek ee eae ee re 24 CHAPTER IV VINIFERA GRAPES EAST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS Anny eee ReCE He wee nee t i. cited owed aes wes sels 25 Chargcrersties Of; NIIEETA ta. sis sof og airai se 4 Gels ss os 25 TES SURD TUT eC TNTT SCT Se a) bee 0 fk en ac ee 25 LOSES SS aha Sy ally oe ale eh al CA le a a 26 Varieties Tested ......... ER OREN Nectar Sen esl taok i Ate Mi 26 SOO ORS M UE ee en ee Ne ad ewe w a ede ate 28 WiheramobMecrM me memss ect cha. oes, OM ed cold Stee aoe 28 Mine Wor namiaraliitiancs Sien te ek ee ag Soh teed 28 NG COME are. anor ie Paar Me 21S Se i, bee nclecaie wokoens 28 LIST JES POT GIG SLT Ataris hal eens oe St, OC i alg gn a 28 CHAPTER V RESPONSE TO ENVIROMENT TSYEUTERGT OTe OEY FG Wf CO Len ee Sct OP) Ct ee ae a 30 Wudat a ernie Oo Slag) ks a Mies Peae Ue areaen yk nar ge Cee a OS ee 30 Table of Contents SD ITRS: 0 cohen lars Gee PIEEIORT ea Ue age a 30 18 LCDI SGT SEN TI A eo MMR Ru 30 INI DDATOL es goa Aaidls «ates: ae ene eee ae ed se) Need tar Pxperimental VIMCVATdS § <0 ci. eek bo ow cw 0s ye we 31 JSS UEUNGI SSCS op oe oud PE 8 a Ee, ee a 32 ROME CIR Pencarian e 2a: PAN Ead Aon’ challevis Bi fige ale eis ad ew 33 VAsiSsane: OoservatiOnee..oauetaklec.. odode sei deae. ee! 35 FOREWORD PURPOSE The investigation herein reported was undertaken for four main objects:—First: To determine the possibility and practica- bility of the middle South and, so far as conclusions could be reached, the entire South growing not only its own supply of grapes but producing them commercially. Second: To as- certain what varieties of grapes already in existence are best suited to southern conditions. Incidentially, this includes a study of the variation of size and quality within a given variety due to local soil and climatic conditions. Third: The selection of parents most suitable for crossing in the hope of obtaining varieties preeminently suited to southern conditions. Fourth: An investigation of the possibility of growing the Vitis vinifera species of grapes in the South by taking advantage of our present knowedge of philloxera control and of the use of sprays in pre- venting blights, rots and mildews. First Incentives—About fourteen years ago (1908) a letter was received from Mr. Moore, a grape investigator of Burling- ton, Iowa, now deceased, stating that after much study he had reached the conclusion that the State of Tennessee must be a- bout the geographic center of the grape’s habitat, and suggesting that an investigation be made of the wild grapes of the state, and that a trial vineyard be started where grapes from all parts of the world could be tested. Observation and inquiry began a- bout that time, but it was not until some five or six years later wheri a few Lutie grape vines were found growing by an old cabin on Paradise Ridge, some four miles from Joulton, Tenn., vines that had never known the benefits of knife, spray, or cultivation, yet were loaded with perfectly delicious fruit, that a decision was reached to make this trial planting. Though every good author- ity on grapes rated Lutie as a second rate variety, here in the hills of Tennessee, within thirty miles of its point of origin, it was the equal of any grape of American origin. If this were true of one variety, why might it not be true of others? To determine this, plans were laid for planting a vineyard. At first all that was contemplated was a plantation of the varieties that do best in . the South; but on inquiry it became evident that no one knew which these varities were. A visit to the trial vineyard at the State Agricultural College revealed the fact that it had tested less than a score of the most common varieties. Correspond- ance with State horticulturists and personal visits to agricultural colleges and experimental stations were equally futile. Mr. Meir of Hendersonville, Tenn., had tested more varieties and gave more information than any one else. PLANTING TRIAL OF VINEYARDS After some preliminary attempts to establish a vineyard, work was begun in earnest by selecting a fairly well drained: plot of land lying on the top of aridge onthe Nashville Agricultural Normal Institute’s farm at Madison, Tennessee. The first grapes planted were Moore’s Early, Niagara, Lutie, and Concord; and two years later Worden was added. The following year a further planting was made of Catawba, Caco, Norton, Winchel, and Herbert. In the fall of nineteen hundred seventeen another plot of land adjacent to these plantings was prepared, plants secured, and about one hundred sixty-eight additional varieties were set. The unit decided on for this plantation was five vines of a variety, though in several instances, either more or less than this number were planted. These variations appear in Chapter IT. In nineteen hundred eighteen a number of addi- tional varieties were planted, some of them being cross-bred seedlings produced on the place. A complete list of the varieties planted appears elsewhere. ' In addition to the work done in this trial vineyard, personal observations have been made in various parts of every state in the old South except Louisiana, as well as in many of the border and northern states. Literally hundreds of miles were tramped through ‘Tennessee, North Carolina, and North Georgia studying wild grapes. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Much valuable data has been furnished by the horticultura] departments of the various states, and especially by Mr. G. B. Hussman, Chief Viticulturist of the United States Department of Agriculture, and Mr. Morrell, Agriculturist for the Southern Railroad System. Mr. Antoine Wintzer, of the Conard-Jones Rose Company, West Grove, Pennsylvania, and Mr. G. B. Starcher, of Auburn, Alabama, should be especially mentioned for valuable assistance rendered in collecting cuttings and making observations. CHAPTER I! INTRODUCTION -- GRAPES OF AMERICA From the dawn of history the grape has been regarded as the king of fruits. When Moses sent spies into the promised land, (1)* as the most convincing evidence of its desirability, they brought back a giant cluster of grapes from Eschol. When Ruth gleaned in the field of Boaz, at noontide she was invited to dip her morsel in the ‘‘vinegar,”’ a sweet marmalade made from the grape, (*) and among other things Abigail brought raisins to David to appease his wrath after his insult by Nabal. (3) The Roman historian Tacitus states that the climate of Germany was cold and damp. !n his day it would not produce the vine, and without doubt this was one of the chief reasons it escaped Roman dominion. (*) Even the Vikings judged the value. of a land by its ability to grow the vine, for in the Saga of Leif the Fortunate, we read that when he discovered a new land to the Westward (America), finding wild grapes, he gathered enough to load the stern of his vessel, and he named the country “Vineland.” (5) Grapes are found growing wild in most of Asia and Europe, though only a single species, Vitis vinifera, has ever been cul- tivated in those regions of either continent that have played an important part in history. In China and Japan, however, there are a few inferior wild g1rapes that do not belong to this species. Hundreds of varieties of this species have been developed, but they all agree in having a sweet firm flesh that does not part from the thin, tender skin; andin the soft, succulent roots that distinguish them from all other grapes. (6) Until less than two centuries ago all cultivated grapes were of this species, so it is not surprising that it possesses many superior qualities rot the least of wh'ch are its excellent table qualities and its ability to produce raisins. In all the world some fifty or sixty species of grapes are known, depending upon classification, more than half of which are native to the United States. (7) However, hardly a dozen species have ever been extensively cul- tivated, all but two of which are native American grapes and the eleventh, V. Bourquiniana, is doubtless an American hybrid. (8) Six of these cultivated species are native to the South. The State of Tennessee and the western part of North Carolina seem to be the geographical center of the grape world, containing more wild species than any other district of the world, with the pos- sible exception of the region of the Brazos river in Texas. * The figures in the text refer to authorities appearing in the Bibilography bering the key number, 10 Cultivated Grapes The following grapes are indigenous to Tennessee: Vitis lab- ruca, Vitis aestivalis, probably a few Vitis bicolor in the high- lands bordering Kentucky, Vitis Bourquiniana, probably escpaed from cultivation, wild, Vitis cinerea, Vitis Baileyana on the borders of North Carolina, Vitis cordifolia, Vitis rubra, Vitis vulpina, Vitis Longii, and Vitis rotundifolia. (°) One or more of these are found on all soils in all districts of the State, while in some districts several of these varieties are found together with many natural hybrids. Most of the wild grapes of K.entucky, Western Carolina, Tennessee, and Missouri grow on clay soil. Even where the soil is very poor they thrive abundantly. Farther south and south- east they grow on sandy soils. Naturally the varieties that thrive best on clay soils are not so well suited to the sandy districts. Cultivated Grapes.—Seeing the wealth of wild grapes every- where, the early explorers naturally concluded that grape growing would be one of the most profitable pursuits in the New World. (74) So it isnot surprising that in sixteen hundred nineteen the James- ‘town colonists were each required to put out and cultivate ten grape cuttings, and that for years every inducement was held out for growing vineyards. (1%) ('4) None of these vineyards were ever profitable and the vines _ soon sickened and died. Many attempts to grow grapes were made in all of the original colonies, but with little success. In Louisiana, only, was wine made profitably in quantities, and sever- al large vineyards were established there, when the French, fearing their competition, forbade further wine making in the colony. (22) @*) But all of these people made the mistake of neglecting the na- tive grape and planted vinifera varieties imported from Europe. All reported that the vines grew thriftily for a year or two, then were taken with ‘‘a sickness’ and died. The last attempt to grow European grapes on an extensive scale in Eastern America was on the Tombigbee river in Alabama. More than eleven hun- dred acres were set, professional growers being brought from France for the purpose. The success of the experiment seemed likely for some time, but disease and disaster were so great that the enterprise never paid expenses and the company - finally became bankrupt and the vineyards were abandoned. Gradually a few people, more wise than their fellows, turned to the native grape, and began selecting, crossing, and growing seedlings. The first real impetus to grape growing in America came with the introduction of a native grape, the Alexander, under the claim that it was from the Cape of Good Hope. (18) This was a native labrusca variety introduced late in the eighteen- th century. Concord soon appeared, as a seedling produced in Successful Plantations i Massachusetts, and Catawba was introduced into Maryland, doubtless having been carried there from the headwaters of the Little Catawba river, in North Carolina. (45) (18) Grape culture was now a success in the North and East, but no record has been found of attempts made to grow grapes commercially in most of the South for years. However vineyards of Bourquiniana varieties were being profitably grown near Savan- nah, Georgia, as early as eighteen hundred and investigations have shown many small vineyards of Coneord and Catawba from Columbia, South Carolina, northward to Hendersonville, North Carolina, that have been bearing for over twenty-five years, and evidence was obtained that at least one of these vine- yards had been bearing since before the Civil War. (15) (17) (48) Successful Plantations.— Doubtless the most successful attempt to grow grapes commercially in the South is in what is known as the thermal belt at Tryon, North Carolina. _(!9) (2°) Mr. Lindsey, the pioneer grape grower of this district and today head of the Tryon Grape Growers’ and Shippers’ Association, after courteously showing a number of the vineyards, stated that the vines are uniformly heatlhy and _ productive. (15) Niagara and Deleware are principally grown, not because other varieties do not succeed, but because these were the first varieties planted and the reputation of the district was made on them. They are not only shipped locally in small quantities, but in car lots. They are grown on the steep mountain slopes, the higher the vineyard the better the quality of the fruit obtained. Good crops are secured on the low lands but the quality is not so good. John Meir came from Spain, and in eighteen hundred ninety purchased land near Hendersonville, Tennessee, and began plant- ing grapes. He states that he has planted more than sixty varie- ties during the time he has grown grapes there. He has the largest vineyard in Tennessee—twenty-seven acres, and reports good success from a financial standpoint. He secures as large an average yield as do the New York or Michigan growers, and gets a much higher price for his fruit. In the vicinity of Graysville, Tennessee, A. K. Baker and Wil- fiam Lenker for a number of years grew grapes commercially, growing principally Brighton. Their venture was highly success- ful, as a visit to their vineyard in nineteen hundred sixteen showed. In nineteen hundred fourteen Jethro Kloss set several thousand grape vines near Fountain Head, Tennessee. This planting was increased from time to time until it covered several acres. Mr. Kloss sold his farm and the vineyard was neglected for some time. Mr. B. N. Mulford now owns this vineyard and has partly re- suscitated it. It is beginning to bear profitable crops. In nineteen hundred sixteen W. S. Boynton planted an acre 12 Successful Plantations of grapes near Douglasville, Georgia, on flat sandy land. In two years they were bearing large crops of marketable grapes and have borne regularly since. In nineteen hundred seventeen and eighteen the Southern Junior College, at Ooltewah, Tennessee, planted several hundred grapevines consisting of Concord, Ives, Lutie, Niagara, Winchel and Norton. They are now producing profitable crops. On the ridge above Dry Fork near Nashville, Tennessee, are sevearl vineyards of an acre or more each, in extent, mostly Concords, that are proving profitable. The vineyard at the Nashville Agricultural and Normal In- stitute, near Madison, Tennessee, has been in bearing since nineteen hundred fourteen. The crop in nineteen hundred six- teen averaged eight tons per acre, and it did not fall below four tons per acre until in nineteen hundred twenty when the vine- yard suffered severely from drought. In nineteen hundred twenty-one the grape crop was cut short by frost, but in nine- teen hundred twenty-two the yield on all mature vines is aver- aging about two tons to the acre. Small vineyards were visited at Jackson and Hazelhurst, Mississippi, at Austel, Atlanta and Griffin, Georgia, at Hunts- ville and Mckinley, Alabama, and at Columbia and Johnson City, South Carolina. All were producing grapes of good quality. Reports have been received through Mr. Morrel, Agriculturist for the Southern Railroad, and from Mr. Zimmerman, of Florida, all agreeing that grapes are actually being produced in many other parts of the South in sufficient quantities to show that they are profitable. Figures obtained from A. C. Taite of Old Fort, North Carolina, show that his father has made a clear average profit of over three hundred dollars per acre on his vine- yard for several years. CHAPTER II VARIETY TRIALS As previously mentioned several settings of grapes were made on the land of the Nashville Agricultural Normal Institute at Madison, Tennessee (ten miles from Nashville) previous to 1918. In 1917 a plot of yellow clay soil lying adjacent to the latest planting already made, and only about three or four hundred feet from the other plantings was selected on which to plant a rather extensive trial vineyard. This site was selected because it was so near the dozen or more varieties already planted that it would be unnecessary to plant any of them again. The land was fairly well drained, lying on the crest of a ridge, sloping to the west and southwest. The soil was poor, but being clay could be built up. It was underlaid with strata of carbonate of lime and carbonate of magnesia at a depth varying from sixteen inches to six feet from the surface, but this fact was not known when the site was selected. In 1917 this land was planted in corn for early roasting ears and in August was planted to Irish potatoes, no commercial and but little stable fertilizer being used. The potatoes were dug late in October and the land was sown to rye and crimson clover. During the winter sixteen tons per acre of stable manure were spread over this land. Early in March, when the cover crop was four or five inches tall, the land was plowed about eight inches deep and in April the grapes were set. The rows were placed eight feet apart, and the plants seven to twelve feet apart in the row, according to variety. Most varieties were planted eight feet apart in the row. Varie- ties such as Brilliant, and Deleware that were known to be weak growers were set only seven feet apart while some of the Munson varieties were planted twelve feet apart. No fertilizer was used at setting time. : Beans, soybeans, or cowpeas were grown between the rows the first summer, and. after most of the pods had been picked, the tops were plowed under and the land again sown to rye, with a little crimson clover. The first season was very dry, the drought coming in June. In July there were heavy rains, and then extreme drought again in August, lasting till November. As a result many of the vines died either before or during the winter of 1918-19. In April of 1919 a cover crop was plowed under and most of the dead vines were replaced. Some that could not be re- placed were reset with wholly new varieties. They suffered even more from drought this second season, and the following winter was equally hard on the vineyard. In the 14 Variety Trials spring of 1920 we sieebedel in putting the vineyard in pretty good condition and there has been little loss since. The following is a list of the varieties set. Those marked with $ failed to live, the number immediately after the $ show the number that died, again the number following show how many were reset. Those marked with * were reset in 1919, while those marked f were set for the first time in 1919. This list does not include the V. vinifera varieties as they appear elsewhere. This vine- yard was planted in cooperation with the U. 8. Dept. of Agri- culture, it furnishing all vines bearing a number; the number being their nursery number. All grapes are more or less subject to brown rot and bird’s » eye rot in this climate. As a preventative these grapes were sprayed three times in 1922, 4-4-50 Bordeaux mixture being used. Heavy and continuous rains prevented this giving the degree of protection that could reasonably have been expected but as all were treated alike the degree of susceptibility observed should be accurate. Those varieties only slighly subject to rot are marked 1. Those showing considerable disease are marked 2, while those in which the disease was so severe as to seriously damage the market quality of most of the bunches are marked 3. These numbers appear at the extreme right in the complete list. Phylloxera has not been present thus far in great enough degree to make it possible to give an accurate study of variety suscepti- bility to this disease. Leaf roller has given more or less trouble every season since the vineyard was planted. A few varieties seem wholly resistant to this insect while none seem conspicuously susceptible above the general average. Those that are resistant are marked* on the list of fifty. No. Vines Variety Vitality No. Resistance to rot 2 * Agawam F 7842 2 Seger | Albania 2 5 ‘+ Amber Queen §S 7845 2 5 * Ambrosia S 7846 2 4 * America R ] 5 Alexander Winter F 6759 5 Alice F 6760 3 5 $2* Amerbonte 6765 it 5 Antionette S 6766 2 5 Arkansas F 6767 1 5 + Armalaga R 1 4 $ Atoka 6769 4 5 Bacchus S 6648 Z 5. Banner F 6772 i nS. > Barry F 6774 P No. Vines ag * $1 fT LR Ls) — $I R — H Or Or OTD CO Or OU ES BB Or Ot O81 Or Or Or Or Ot Ot Or Ot Or St Ot Or Ot St St St WO WH Or Or Gt Ot Gt Or Cr WB OL Or Kt OK SO A OQ —+-—+ * *#AHR Variety Trials Variety Belle Berkmans Berkmans Brilliant Bertha. Big Extra Big Extra Blondin Captain Captivator Cayuga Carmen ~ Centenial Champenel Champion Champion Clevener Collier Colombian Imp. Cornucopia Creveling Cunningham Big Hope Brighton Diogenese Delaba Delaware Diana Dracut Amber Eclipse Ellen Scott Edna Elvira Emerald Essex Etta Etta Ellen Scott Eumodel Eumelan Faith Faith Franklin Fern Munson Gaertner: Golden Drop Vitality W F-S TD U2 UR bef by TAS st ba ba CA si hey Pal bay UO = = 1 TD = CA th 2 OD st Sh hl st set a bl hf et hf Pl bf al bf ay Pf op) 15 No. Resistance to rot 6775 6652 6652 6778 6654. 6781 6782 6785 6790 6791 6792 6795 6794 6797 6803 6805 6806 6808 7856 7858 7875 6811 6812 6672 6817 6822 6824 6677 6829 6832 6831 6833 6835 6679 6836 7892 6680 6840 NNK NNN FRE NNNNWNNRFNNNRFWNHRFNNNWNNNNNEFNNNNNNWWNR RE bl 16 No. Vines I iw) a A amen UE SL fe oo a LNs) FA+ aw %¥—- * eo) | kee a x on — orb Cn x ie) Or —s Variely Variety Golden Drop Gold Gold Dust Govenor Ross Governor Ross Green’s Early Grein’s Golden Headlight Helen Keller Helen Keller Herbert Herbert Hicks Hopicans Hopicans Iona Iona Isabella Isabella Ive’s Seedling Jaeger Jessica Kingsessing Last Rose Linn Lindley’s Lindley’s Livingston Lomanto Long John Louisiana Lukfata Manito Marguerite Massasoit Maxatawney Maxatawney Mericadel Merrimac Moyer Muench Oliatatoo Oliatatoo Onedia Oneida Paradox Trials Valalily he Pay sf Po tt st haf Py barf Py Py TR No. 6840 6685 66835 7898 7899 6845 6846 6687 6847 6849 6850 6690 6853 6691 6854 6855 7911 6858 7916 6883 6864 6866 6868 6869 6873 6875 6877 6880 6881 1881 6701 6882 7928 6886 6710 6891 6894 6895 6899 Resistance to rot NNN NNR KF KE NONNNNNW ND WNNNMNNNNWNNNNWRHRF RF NRFWNNNRFWNN — Ww & Variety Trials Vy 5 5 + Peabody F 6901 2 3 Prentiss S 6909 2 5 $5 + Poughkeepsie 7937 2 5 * Pressley 7939 2 5D $3. fT Red Bagle” AW. 6913 2 4 Rockford s 6919 3 i Rockford S 6920 3 5 1 + Rommel S 6926 2 5 Ronaldo — F 6928 2 5 Rupert F 6929 2 & Rebecea R 6931 2 6 *. BR: We Munson’ R 1 3 Salem ¥ 6925 2 5 ft Stark’s Delicious F 2 5 Triumph F 6938 2 5 Valhalah S-F 6939 2 Fela ale a Vergennes F 6719 2 4 4 Wine King R 1 5 Wyoming Red W 6946 2 At least 25 of each of the following had been planted before 1918 except Seedling No. 6. Brighton F Catawba r Caco IF Campbell’s Karly F-S Concord Fr Cynthiana S-F Diamond YS) Variety Green Mountain (Winchell) F-S Lutie it Moore’s Early W-F ‘Niagara S Norton S Perkins S Pocklington S 1 Vine Seedling No. 6F Worden F CARE OF VINEYARDS These grapes have not received as good cultivation as they should have had, and altogether have suffered more hardships than would be the case in the average vineyard. In a way this has been an advantage as it has helped show the weeknesses of the more undesirable varieties, 18 Promising Varteties In 1921-1922 all grapes were carefully pruned and put en wires, the two- wire Kniffin system being used. All of the pre- vious year’s growth was carefuily measured and recorded in order to make a careful comparative study of their habits of growth. The growth up to August 1, 1922 was again studied, amd the results of these two studies appear in the first list under vitality. The strongest growers are marked R ‘rampant), Those pro- ducing more than one hundred feet of new wood are marked § (strong growers) provided they did not show weak growth in 1922. Those making less than one hundred feet of new wood but more than fifty fair are marked I (fair) while those making still less growth are marked W (weak growers.) = * In a few instances failure to make strong growth might possibly be due to the nearness of rock formation under a vine, but as in most instances there are five vines of each variety, and as the average growth is taken in each case, the unfav orable location of a “single vine does not give any serious discrepancy. Late frosts in 1921 prevented many varieties fruiting at all, but a carefully tabulated study of quality, quantity, and char- acter of fruit borne by every vine that fruited was made. A Similar study and record was made of these same varietiees in the United States Government test vineyard at Arlington, Vir- ginia, in August of the same year. In 1922 a similar careful study was made of the fruit in the trial vineyard at Madison. A severe hail storm on August 3, 1922 destroyed a great part of the fruit, however, so it was im- possible to get the exact weight of the fruit on the different vines. MOST PROMISING VARIETIES A list of the fifty most promising varieties is here given with a record of their behavior. Those marked H fruit heavily. Those marked M bear an average or moderate crop, while those marked F have only made a fair yield. It is not deemed necessary to list those that bore less than a fair crop. It must -be understood however that the vineyard is young and some varieties come into bearing younger than others. On the other hand, the vine- yard at Arlington, Virginia, is well established and should have corrected any errors in the Madison vineyard. Agawam és M Banner ily H America Ja AR *Berkman’s J-T M Armalaga Jor - NM Brighton Jy M Bacchus J M Brilliant i F * Since the above table was compiled all of these varities have been studied for two more years .But there has been no reason to change the relative rating of any of them, all now making an abundance of wood and are bearing well. —_ We) Conduct of Trials Captivator 4 M Lomento J-T M Campbell’s Early T H *Lukfata J-T M Catawba ‘A M Lutie ay M Cynthiana J-T F Last Rose fs M Concord ae M Mericadel J-T M Delaware ik F Manito fh M Diamond (Moore’s)T M Moore’s Early Ae F Eclipse ts M Nectar a F Ellen Scott T-J H Niagara c H Elvira T-J F Norton’s a H Eumodel £ M Number 6 AG H Eumelan Ty M Peabody J-T M Faith J-T M Perkins J M *Fern Munson J-T H Pocklington Aly F Golden Grain Ai F *R. W. Munson J-T M Gold Dust An M Salem a M Green Mountain T M Stark’s Delicious T M Herbert a M Wine King J-T F Hicks A M Wyoming Red J-T M Hopicans J-T F Worden fly M Ive’s Seedling J-T H Xenia ae M In the list above J means best for making grape juice, T for table use. ADABTABILITY Those grapes that after two fruiting seasons seem to be most reliable for general planting over a great district in the South are given in the list at the close of this chapter. Only such varieties are listed as have been observed or reported as succeed- ing in widely separated parts of the South. This list is of less value south of the latitude of Atlanta, Georgia than it is north of that line. All grapes included in this list are not of equal value as table grapes. To illustrate, Norton’s Virginia bears heavy crops of grapes that are of great value for grape juice, jelly, etc., but are not satisfactory as table grapes. Wine King falls into the same class. Ives’ seedling is a most excellent grape for these purposes but it is also a good table grape when well ripened, which means at least ten days after it has turned black. Lutie and Ellen Scott are both free bearers of excellent grapes for home use but the former loses flavor quickly when picked and shatters badly, while the latter has a very thin skin and so bruises and bursts easily. Neither will do for distant market. Green Mountain is a most excellent table grape, but is too small to look attractive on the market. Worden is included in this 20 Recommended Varieties list because it is very fine where it succeeds, though it is not adapted to such a wide variation of soil and climate. List of grapes recommended for planting in the South: Armalaga Green Mountain Banner (should be grafted) Ives’ Seedling Berkman’s Lutie Brighton Moore’s Early Campbell’s Early Norton’s Catawba Number 6 (Seedling) Concord Niagara Cynthiana (in places) R. W. Munson Delaware Salem Diamond (Moore’s) Worden Ellen Scott Wine King Enmodel Wyoming Red Fern Munson CHAPTER III GRAPE BREEDING The work of grape breeding herein reported began in the spring - of 1916, though several crosses had been made in a neighbor’s vineyard in 1913. Crosses were made between Concord, Lutie Moore’s Early, Niagara, Diamond, Worden, Delaware, and later Green Mountain (Winchel). Each variety was used as a pollin- ator of every other variety except that Delaware was at no time used as a mother. The actual work was largely done by Botany and Biology classes under direction of the writer as teacher. Just as a cluster of blossoms were opening -and before any pollen had ripened all anthers were removed, either by hand or with tweezers, a reading glass being employed where necessary to make sure the work was thoroughly done. A cluster of blossoms, the pollen of which was ripe, was then brought from the other parent and the pollen thoroughly dusted over the emasculated cluster, which was at once enclosed in a tissue paper cap and labeled. By this method only a few of the blossoms on a cluster took the pollen and matured fruit, but this insured well matured seed. Grapes are more difficult to pollinate than many other flowers but the simple method used never failed to produce at least a few grapes. The fruit was allowed to ripen thoroughly and was then gathered, the seeds saved, and planted, a label being placed with each lot. Some of the seeds were kept in a dry state for some months before planting, but all were planted before January 1, in cold frames without protection of any kind. The percentage of germination has been uniformly good, but perhaps half of the seedlings produced have not lived for more than three months. They suffer from insect ravages, damping off and blight, and many of them die without any apparent reason. Seedlings are never sprayed or given any sort of pro- tection as it is felt that only plants that are strong enough to succeed without protection would be strong enough for general cultivation. A good seedling should produce two or three feet of top the first summer. When one year old all seedlings are transplanted to a nursery row and cut back to two inches in height. Here great loss is sustained, for reasons that have not been satisfactorily determined. These vines are cared for as if they were yearling vines brought from a nursery, being cut back hard each spring but are not sprayed. The first blossoms may appear the third year but some have never blossomed as yet. The first fruit set on a seedling is almost sure to be small but it is possible to determine the color and flavor. Both size of berry 29 Grape Breeding and size of bunch increased for three years or more, at the end of which time it is possible to determine the value of a seedling. There are always some vines that are pure males and as soon as this is determined they are destroyed. Only one seedling of promise has appeared thus far. It is a Concord seedling pollinated with Delaware. This vine is now seven years old but was transplanted when three years old and suffered greatly as a result. This is designated in this dissertation as No. 6. This vine had never been sprayed until 1922, when, it was sprayed with the rest of the vineyard. The plant is a strong grower but produces a slender vine with short internodes. The color of the bark on the young wood is rather distinctive, being a peculiar grayish color as if slightly mildewed. The foliage is ample but the leaf is not large. In outline and color it resembles the foliage of Concord. Experiments show that this grape roots easily from ordinary hard wood cuttings, but the cuttings should be made rather early in the fall as the newly formed wood at the tips of the vine suffers from the winter, often killing back two or three feet. Otherwise the vine is hardy. The vine is unusually productive, the blossoms being perfect and apparently self-fertile. The clusters are of medium size and vary somewhat in shape, though they are mostly slightly shouldered. The berry is black, or blue-black, closely resembling Concord in color. The size is still increasing but is not yet so large as Concord, though larger than the old and well known Clinton. The flavor is exceptionally good, resembling that of Deleware. The skin is unusually thin though it shows no ten- dency to crack. The ripening period has not yet been fully determined. When it bore its first fruit it ripened with Moore’s Early, and the follow- ing season it was ready to eat as early as Lutie and Green Moun- tain. In 1922 the fruit ripened only a week earlier than Concord, and fully ten days later than either Lutie or Green Mountain. This grape has not shown the least susceptibility to rot or mil- dew of any kind, and has always produced well filled bunches until the present season, 1922, when in common with other varie- ties many of.the flowers failed to set fruit, doubtless because of the almost continuous rains at blossoming time. * Several other seedlings show vigor and disease resistance but have not as yet produced fruit, or if fruit has been produced, the quality is inferior. * This grape has since shown susceptability to black rot, though it is more resistant than Concord. Southern Grape Breeders 23 OTHER SOUTHERN GRAPE BREEDERS Soon after the close of the Civil War, Dr. L. C. Chisholm of Spring Hill, Tennessee, became interested in grape breeding as a recreation. No very complete account of his work is available, but for the purpose of this dissertation this is not needed. He produced three varieties of sufficient merit to be tested to some extent, but as none of them showed great merit'in New York, they were never widely planted and were soon dropped from most nurs- ery lists. However of these one, Lutie, was of such outstanding merit inthe South, that it has gradually forced its way to the front, and information received by conversation with the Vitacultur- ist of the United States Department of Agriculture shows it is now being planted more widely than any other red grape in the United States. Its disease resistance, productiveness, and table qualities especially recommend it to the South. Its greatest weakness lies in the fact that it neither keeps nor ships well, and the crop does not ripen all at once. Naturally these are no disadvantage for home use. Many inferior varieties have been sold for Lutie, hence its reputation has suffered in certain localities. Observations made within ten miles of the site of its origin showed it growing luxuraintly on a trellis owned by D. K. Tren- airy, though it had never been either sprayed or pruned, pro- ducing large crops regularly. In 1873 Mr. T. V. Munson became intensely interested in grape culture. In 1876 he purchased land near Dennison, Texas, and began his life work of testing and. breeding grapes. Mr. Munson spent thousands of dollars and traveled all over the United States studying wild grapes and collecting plants for his breeding station. He became the foremost authority on both the botany of the grape and grape breeding in America. He made thousands of crosses and grew tens of thousands of seedlings. Something more than a hundred of these have been offered to the public. None proved of great value in the North and hence they have not been widely planted or known. They are very rapidly, gaining popularity in Texas and Oklahoma and recently have proven of great value in Florida where they are being planted by thousands. Wherever tested south of the Mason and Dixon line they are showing their value and are doing their part in proving that grapes produced in the South will yield profitable crops there. The Zimmerman Brothers of Oldsmar, Florida have not only tested many of the Munson varieties but have used them as parent stock for growing seedlings. Today they are growing grapes very profitably, but invariably those giving best results are either their own or the Munson varieties. 24 Southern Grape Breeders All who have become intelligent on the subject agree that these two men, and especially Munson, have not only given us some of the finest flavored grapes known to cultivation, but have solved the question of grape growing in the South by providing varieties that are resistant to philloxera, black rot, and bird’s eye rot, the leading grape enemies in this region. While it has proven impossible to secure reliable statistics, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the State Departments of Agriculture of Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, and North Carolina all agree that the production of grapes in the South is now on the increase. Florida alone reports an increase of six thousand acres of vineyard within the last ten years. A Grape Growers’ and Shippers’ Association has been formed with headquarters at Oldsmar. Growers predict that grape growing will soon take rank with orange culture in Florida. CHAPTER IV VINIFERA GRAPES EAST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS As before stated, practically all attempts to grow grapes in America before 1800 were failures because only the vinifera varieties were planted. (!4)(?5)(26) These attempts were made in widely separated parts of the country. The Jesuits near St. Louis, Missouri; Nicholas Longworth, Sr., near Cincinnati, Ohio; Dunfour in Kentucky; the Prices—father, son and grandson— on Long Island; a colony of Napoleon’s exiled officers on the banks of the Tombigbee; and the old French settlers in Louisiana; all grew these grapes rather extensively, and in the early history of their enterprises with fair success. All had the same experience. In a few years the vines sickened and died; but no one at that period seems to have discovered the cause. Vinifera grapes have soft, fleshy roots; a feature that disting- uishes them from all other grapes. Everywhere east of the Rocky Mountains our wild grapes have always been more or less infested with small aphids known as phylloxera. These aphids begin their work on the leaves, but quickly move to the roots, where they live for years. These insects pierce the bark of the root with their beaks and suck the sap. Whether they inject an irritating substance into the root or whether the mere mechanical effect of the piercing injures the root is not fully determined. Whatever the cause, the roots soon develop knotty protuberances at the point of injury which hinder the free passage of sap. Of course this is Just what the insect desires. On most of our native species the bark is hard and very little injury is caused by the insect. But the soft, fleshy roots of the vinifera respond so readily to the work of phylloxera that they soon cease to develop new roots; and in a few months or, at most, vears, the vine dies, Of our native grapes the labrusca suffer most from these insects; hence we would naturally ex- pect phylloxera to be less abundant where this grape thrives in the wild state. This is true, but another difficulty is found here. Labrusca grapes are native where there is great and sudden variation in temperature. This is alike fatal to phylloxera and to vinifera grapes, both of which need an equable temperature. TrEsTs IN Ti NNESSEE In 1912 several hundreds of Vinifera grape cuttings were sent to the Nashville Agricultural Normal Institute from California for trial. These were either planted or distributed among affili- ated institutions. They rooted promptly and grew rapidly, but many of them failed to survive the changeable weather of 26 Vinifira Trials the first winter. Most of those that survived grew readily the first half of the second summer, by which time, being unsprayed, the foliage was badly damaged by rot. In a few instances they grew three years and produced fruit of good quality, but by this time they became infected with phylloxera and soon died. — In 1914 some vinifera wood was grafted on wild vines by Neil Martin, near Bon Aqua, Tennessee, which took readily and made good growth. The second year some fruit was produced but being unsprayed the foliage became diseased. Unfortunately they had been grafted on slow growing vines, and the vinifera grew so much more rapidly than the vine on which they grew that they broke off. in a wind storm and this experiment came to an untimely end. In 1918 the appended list of vinifera grapes were obtained from the United States Department of Agriculture. They were sent from Chico, California, and did not arrive in good condition. Some of the roots were very dry. All were planted on a slight southwestern exposure on heavy clay soil, together with over a - hundred American varieties. The season proved unusualiy dry. and many of the plants failed to grow. These were replaced the next spring, but a second even more severe and prolonged drouth prevented their growing well. The drought was so severe that the grapes withered on well established Lutie and Concord vines, and a number of six-year-old Lutie vines and three six-year-old Concord vines~ died _ outright. The unusually — cold winter of 1919-20 following this drought killed most of the remaining vines together with nearly a hundred vines of various American varieties of the same age. It is felt that this experiment failed to show these grapes under normal conditions, yet several vines produced a few bunches of first class grapes, entirely free from mildew, rot, or other disease the second season. New set- tings under normal conditions are thriving, but are not old enough to produce fruit. All of these are grafted vines. List of vinifera grapes planted on trial vineyard near Madison, Tennessee, in 1918. Only one vine of each was planted. Variety Stock Alexandria Joly Angelina Mont. x Rip. Albardiens Rup. St. George Aramon Mont. x Rip. Burger Constantia Black Morocco Rup. St. George Bokator Constantia Blauer Portugieser Constantia Vinefira Trials 20 Variety Chass. dore Cinsaut Corinthe Blane Corinthe Rose Cornichon Chass. Rose de Falleaux “Chass. Rose Royal Dodrelabi Damascus Emperor Flame Tokay Green Hungarian Jura Museat Kadarka Lann Traube Luglienga Nero Mantua de Philo Muscatel Frontignam Ohanez Olivette noir Panariti Panariti Syrian St. Macaire Sicilien Servan Blane Semillon Terret Monsite Trivolti Torock goher noir Teneron Bermentino Vahandova Vigne de Zericho Veltliner Verdel White Tokay 4 Zinfandel Stock Mourv. x Rup. Mont. x Rip. Berl. x Rip. Mont. x Rip. Constantia Rup. St. George Constantia Rup. x Berl. Constantia Rup. St. George Rip. x Rup. Jaeger Rup. Des Semis Constantia Constantia Constantia Rip. x Rup. Constantia Mont. x Rip. Berl. x Rip. Berl. x Rip. Rip. x Berl. Rup. x Berl. Constantia Rup. x Berl. Constantia Berl. x Rip. Rup. x Berl. Rup. St. George Constantia Constantia Rup. St. George Berl. x Rip. Rup. St. George Constantia Mont. x Rip. Rup. St. George Rup. x Berl. Constantia 28 Vinifira Trials VINIFERA ON ITS OWN ROOTS In 1919 the acquaintance was made of a Mr. Poganani of West Grove, Pennsylvania. This man was acting as fireman in the Dingee and Conrad Rose Company’s greenhouses. He proudly exhibited a home vineyard of vinifera grapes that were bearing heavily, though growing on their own roots. He offered to lead the way to a number of similar vineyards which he stated were doing as well as his own. Mr. Robert Pyle and Mr. Antoine Wintzer of the Conrad-Jones Company have reported this vine- yard several times since, and sent cuttings from it. It is still thriving and bearing regularly. This vineyard is growing in clay mixed with sharp sand. It was planted from cuttings some three feet long. The varieties are the three Muscatels and the cuttings were brought from Italy. Holes were dug eighteen inches deep and the cutting was coiled in the bottom of the hole until it just reached the surface. Mr. Pog- anani feels that this method of planting is important. The grapes are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture regularly every ten days or two weeks, and are carefully pruned and cultivated. OTHER SOUTHERN TRIALS In about 1910 Mr. Lindsay, of Tryon, North Carolina, received a number of varieties of vinifera grapes from the Department of Agriculture. These were grafted on resistant roots. They have received the same treatment as his other vineyards. When studied in 1921 they were thriving and Mr. Lindsay stated that they fruited regularly. He gave it as his opinion that vinifera grapes can be grown there, and with very little more trouble than the American varieties, if grafted on proper roots. Because of his well established and profitable trade in the American varie- ties and because of failing health, he has not increased his plant- ings. In 1918 the Southern Railroad Company furnished one hundred vinifera grapes grafted on resistant roots for a trial in northern Georgia. Mr. Morrell reports that they are doing well and are already coming into profitable bearing. In the Sixteenth Biennial Report of the Department of Agriculture of the State of Florida, F. J. Zimmerman, the leading authority on grape growing in Florida, states that ‘‘The vinifera varieties of Europe and California are found to do reasonably well only when grafted on phylloxera resistant roots.’’ This doubtless refers to conditions in Florida. Many additional instances observed or reported by Mr. Huss- man, Chief Viticulturist of the United States Department of Agriculture, make it reasonably clear that if vinifera grapes are Vinifira Trials 29 grafted on resistant roots of a character that is adapted to the soil where they are to grow; and if the vines are regularly and carefully sprayed with 4-6-50 Bordeaux mixture, with arsenate of lead added when necessary to prevent insect ravages, vinifira grapes can be successfully grown over much of the South. It is safe to predict that there will be many small plantings of these grapes made in this section in the near future. CHAPTER V RESPONSE’ TO ENVIORNMENT In studying grapes in different localities it soon became evident that a grape that succeeds in one locality may be of little worth in some other place. To illustrate, an attempt was made to grow Museadine grapes dug on the banks of the Oostanaula River, Georgia, at Hillerest, some eight miles from Nashville, Tennessee: but they made only indifferent growth and never bloomed. Mr. Ed. Truitt of Franklin, Tennessee, reported most excellent success with Catawba grapes, and because of his success two hun- dred vines of this variety were set at Nashville Agricultural Normal Institute. They have been bearing for four vears, but have given only ordinary results. At Greenville, Tennessee Worden grapes were seen at their best. Prof. Albert C. Holt, dean of Tusculum College, near there, reported this as the most successful grape in his vicinity. On the contrary, Mr. John Muir of Hendersonville, Tennessee, one of the largest grape growers in the South, reports it as an un- profitable variety. In the vineyard in which the variety studies reported herein were largely made, it has sueceeded fairly well, but not so well as Concord. As it grows for a neighbor on newly cleared land, it is extra good. Delaware is generally reported to be a weak grower and a poor yielder. In North Carolina, especially around Tryon, it is pro- ductive and has proved a very profitable grape. In most of Tenn- essee 1t has done well. In the Nashville Agricultural Normal Institute vineyard where these studies were made, Moore’s Early has never produced enough grapes to be profitable, and the quality is poor. On Mr. Muntr’s place at Hendersonville, Tennessee, it produces large enough crops to be profitable because of its earliness. Concord has proyen to be a grape of great adaptability. It usually succeeds even where others fail, but at Mr. Cantrell’s place near Austell, Georgia, it failed; while Niagara, a grape that is usually subject to disease, was giving good results when observed in 1915 As mentioned above, Niayvara was found fruiting heavily at Austel, Georgia, without having been sprayed. At Tryon, North Carolina, it is the leading grape grown. It has been observed three seasons fruiting well at Farm School, near Swanninoah, North Carolina. Where these studies were made, it bears heavy crops, but is very subject to disease and so requires extra spraying. Mr. Lindsey gives the information that at Tryon, North Carolina, it is as disease resistant as Concord. Not far from Mobile, Alabama. at Gulfport, there are according Variability of Behavior 31 to the reports of Mr. Russell, formerly of Nashville, Tennessee, Mr. Starcher, State Entomologist of Alabama, and Mr. Morrell, Agriculturist for the Southern Railroad Company, several small plantings of an unidentified grape ofthe Concord type, known locally as the Indiana grape because of having been brought from that state. It is thriving and yielding good crops regularly without any special care in a region where it is considered im- possible to grow such grapes. These facts, together with many similar ones that could be given, show the importance of experimental vineyards in many places in the South. This is especially important because in the past very little such work has been done, in any of the southern states and, asa consequence, knows with any degree of certainty whether any given variety of grape may be set with a reasonable expectation of giving profitable returns. From the fact that it is expensive to set a vineyard and care for it for three or four years until it comes to bearing, few people are willing to take the chance unless they are reasonably sure of results. The various state experiment stations would render a great service to the public were they to plant more or less complete trial vineyards and report the results to the public. When this is done, one or more varieties of grapes now in,cultivation are likely to be found suitable to most districts in the South, and ean be grown profitably. State North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Kentucky ‘Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana APPENDIX GRAPES: NUMBER OF VINES IN THE SOUTHA PER U.S. CENSUS. Vines of Bearing Age 543734 S7487 182119 57840 327429 359972 183759 56912 19601 Vines not of Bearing Age 114582 27874 38588 29767 69439 98928 60995 24041 12583 Production 1919 lbs. 10679108 2016506 2865319 1220623 1497769 1839450 1446814 760563 67203 AVERAGE PRODUCTION PER VINE IN POUNDS Data furnished by the various State Horticulturists and from U. 8. Census reports. North Carolina South Carolina Ceorgia Florida Kentucky ‘Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Texas Louisiana New York 20 24 15 21 pn Owwrsjok This table shows conclusively that the average production of grapes per vine in the South is fully equal to that in the North. Appendix 33 BIBLIOGRAPHY (Numbers here given correspond to numbers in the text) . Bible, Numbers 13:23. . Tasitus, Bohn’s Classical Library, Vol. I, page 184. . Bible, Ruth 2:14. Bible, I Sam. 25:18. : Barnes, Studies in American History, Subject, The Vikings. : Hedrick, Grapes of New York, page 1. : Hedrick, Manual of America Grape Growing, page 1. . Munson, Foundations of American Grape Culture, pp. 55-60. - Munson, Classification and Generic Species of the Wild Gapes of North America. 10. Phin, Open Air Grape Culture, pp. 1, 2. LT. Phin, Open Air Grape Culture, pp. 22-29. 12. Hedrick’s Grapes of New York, Chapter IV. 13. Hedrick’s Grapes of New York, Chapter I. 14. Phin, Open Air Grape Culture, Chapter I. 15. Lindsey, W. T., Tryon, N. C. Conversation and private letters. 16. Garrison, W. A. B., Blackmountain, N. C. Conversation and private letters. 17. Little, G. F. Conversation and private letters. 18. Davis, H. S. University of 8. C., Colombia, 8. C. Private conversations. 19. Hussman, G. B. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Personal information. 20. Personal visits and observations. 21. Hussman, American Grape Growing and Wine Making, p. 6. 22. Emerson, Story of the Vine, Subject, Pruning. 23. Hedrick, Manual of American Grape Growing, pp. 132-138. 24. Hussman, American Grape Growing and Wine Making, pp. 62-64. 25. Phin, Open Air Grape Culture, Chapter I. 26. Phelps, The Vine; its Culture in the United States, Subject, Karly Grape Plantations. 27. Fisher, Observations on the Character and Culture of the American Vine, Chapter I. Authorites Consulted but not Quoted. COND MwWNM hE . American Pomological Society—Report from 1852 to date. . Andre—