jt%e»^«;^«»,e «>,:.''T^'U'^^'-»-'>-"^-^-«^-t>^^ /t\A— tH-'t-.-t^/t-^x/Z TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES OF THE EQUATOR SUPPLEMENTARY APPENDIX SUPPLEMENTARY APPENDIX TO TEAVELS AMONGST THE GEEAT ANDES OF THE EQUATOE BY EDWAKD WHYMPEE WITH CONTRIBUTIOXS BY H. W. BATES, F.R.S. PETER CAMERON. A. E. EATON, M.A. MARTIN JACOBY. 0. SALVIN, F.R.S. T. G. BONNEY, D.Sc, F.R.S. F. DAY, CLE., F.L.S., F.Z.S. F. D. GODMAN, F.R.S. E. J. MIERS, F.L.S., F.Z.S. G. A. BOULENGER. W. L. DISTANT, F.Z.S. H. S. GORHAM, F.Z.S. A. SIDNEY OLLIFF. DAVID SHARP, M.B., F.R.S. T. R. R. STEBBING, M.A. ILLUSTRATED .Quae fuit durum pati, Meminisse dulce est. Senec.\ C LONDON JOHN MUEEAY, ALBEMAELE STEEET 1891 All rights are reserved PREFACE. I HAVE already explained in the narration of my Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator the circumstances under which the collec- tions were formed that are described in this Supplementary Appendix to that work. It is said there, and it may be desirable to repeat here, that, whilst it was my aim to secure all we might discover in the highest zones of the Andes of Ecuador, it was not intended to attempt to examine zoologically the lower regions of that country. The latter have often been worked l)y professional collectors, and they are easy of access, and can be explored with comparatively little trou]:)le at any time. The loftier and highest regions, on the other hand, had not previoTisly been examined ; they offer nothing that is attractive to a commercial collector; they are more or less difficult of access, and they are, in consequence of the violent and rapid meteorological dis- turbances which frequently occur, well-nigh inaccessible to all except those who are prepared to remain for a length of time at a great height, provided with such equipments as will afford efficient protec- tion against the inclemency of the weather. After our experiences in these elevated regions, I should call the work of collection in them one of the most arduous that a Botanist or Zoologist could undertake. In the intervals of fine weather acquisi- tions are likely to be small, and there are long periods in which nothing can be accomplished ; and, since my return, I have felt even more strongly than before our departure, it is improbable that for vi PREFACE. a considerable length of time any one will be delegated to, or will impose upon himself, the task of collecting either in Zoology or Botany amongst the highest zones of the Andes. For this reason, as well as for the others which have been given elsewhere, it seemed of more importance and utility to give such moments as could be spared from our other work to research in the higher and highest zones than to attempt to investigate the lower regions. We accordingly pushed rapidly across the lower country both in going to and returning from the interior ; ^ and only acquired, whilst passing through it, such objects as came readily to hand. In respect to the interior, it should be noted (1) that the exigencies of travel often caused us to traverse considerable stretches of country without attempting to collect at all ; (2) that, at such places as we stopped at, our researches never even approached an exhaustive character ; and (3) that the more minute species were rejected, o^Wng to the known diffi- culty of inducing specialists to undertake their examination. Bearing these various points in mind, it appears to me improbable that in the interior (say, in the areas more elevated than 8000 feet) we obtained as much as one-tenth of the number of species which might have been collected by a person who could have given his whole time and atten- tion to zoological research. Amongst the Insects collected from the level of the sea up to 8000 feet, 16 per cent are new to science. One hundred and sixty species were obtained from 8000 feet and upwards, and of these exactly 60 per cent were previously unknown ; and at the greatest heights (15-16,000 feet) the whole are new. The following table exhibits ^ In .speaking of tlie "interior," it is to be miclerstood that I refer to tracts of country seldom less elevated than 8500 feet. The neighbourhood of the town of Ibarra (7300 feet), and the bottom of the great ravine of Guallabamba (6472 feet), were the only localities we visited in the interior which ^^■ere at a lower level. Dur- ing the 212 days we passed in the interior, there were only four ujion whicli we were at a lower elevation than 6000 feet. It has not been considered necessary to place the word ' Ecuador ' after the habitats which are quoted throughout this volume ; but it should be understood that the whole of the localities which are mentioned are situated in tliat country. PREFACE. vii the increasing proportion of unknown to known species the higher we ascended : — Height. No. of species obtained. Previously known. New to science. Not identified. 8- 9,000 feet 9-10,000 ,. 10-11,000 ., 11-12,000 „ 12-13,000 „ 13-14,000 ,. 14-15,000 „ 15-16,000 „ above 16,000 „ 16 48 3 34 18 17 14 9 1 12 21 4 3 4 3 4 22 3 24 13 11 10 9 5 6 2 2 1 1 Totals . . 160 47 96 17 It may possibly be inferred, from the comparatively large number of beetles which were secured, that the Coleoptera much preponderate over other orders of Insects upon the Great Andes of the Equator. Such an opinion would, I think, be erroneous, though at the very greatest heights they are possibly as numerous as all other insects put together. Yet various Diptera range almost as high as the highest of the Coleoptera, and I can count up 75 species of spiders which were obtained at 9500 feet and upwards. At moderate elevations in Ecuador — say 10-11,000 feet — spiders were apparently more numerous than anything else, and at some localities, such, for example, as Machachi, they swarmed in countless numbers. Few Hymenoptera were found anywhere near the snow-line, and of this order it may be remarked that some of the largest species are found towards the superior limit of its range, which is an exception to the general rule.^ ^ I strongly dissent from the statement made by the late Prof. James Orton (in "Contributions to tlie Natural History of the Valley of Quito," in the American viii PREFACE. The insects referred to in this volume number 359 species, aucl of these less than one-half come from 8000 feet and upwards. In the remaining (undescribed) collections the proportion of species ob- tained from these altitudes is much larger, and there are probably amongst them not less than 350 species which were collected by myself and my assistants at heights greater than 9000 feet. It is with very great regret I find myself compelled, after so long delay, to publish only a portion of the results which were obtained on the journey, and unable to present a more substantial contribution towards the Zoology of the Great Andes of the Equator. Should it be found practicable, the remaining results may one day appear as a Second Supplement. COLEOPTERA. The beetles which were obtained at heights greater than 15,000 feet belong to the Pterostichince, Otiorrhynchidce., and Ourcu- lionidm, and are described by Mr. H. W. Bates and Mr. S. Olliff. The strongly -marked characters of the species in the latter groups rendered the selection of specimens more easy than in the genera dealt with by Mr. Bates ; and, partly owing to this, comparatively few examples came into Mr. Olliff's hands. ^ In most instances, the beetles which were obtained at the greatest heights were discovered by tearing up roots, digging, or by turning over stones, and I do not recall a single occasion on which they were found actually upon the surface. The two Colpodes which are described as C. 'inegacepludus (p. 13) and C. Pichinchce (p. 15), both came from the highest peak of Pichincha, — the Naturalist, Nov. 1872, p. 651) that insects are few in number in the interior. In localities with vegetation, they are often conspicuously numerous, and they are not wanting in the most arid districts. But, in saying this, I mean that they are con- spicuously numerous to those who will search for them. At the greatest altitudes scarcely anything was obtained except by diligent searching ; and, as the majority of the insects which are obtainable are dull in coloration ai.id small in size, they may readily be overlooked. Of the more minute insects (say those less than four millimetres in length), myriads can be found at heights between 9-13,000 feet. 1 The smallness of my means, and the necessity of keeping down baggage to the lowest possible point, frequently caused the rejection of many dui)licatcs which it would perhaps have been advisable to have retained. PREFACE. ix former from the very liighest point, and the latter from a place about GOO feet below, at which we encamped. In each case the insects were discovered in course of breaking out rock specimens, and were dis- interred from amongst stones which were cemented together with ice. It is scarcely exaggeration to say that they were imbedded amongst the stones. In these instances, and in many others, the Colpodes were found in groups or clusters. The Curculios, on the contrary, were com- mouly met with as isolated individuals. The most widely-diffused beetle that we observed in the interior is the Astylus described by Mr. Gorham (p. 52). It was collected at various heights between 9-13,500 feet, and was found almost every- where within that range, congregated in such numbers that hundreds of specimens might have been obtained from a single bush. As this insect is of moderate size, and readily catches the eye, it is surprising that it has not been described long since. The beetle Leucopelcea albescens, Bates (p. 30), is also a remarkable example of oversight. This was found, in the first instance, upon a sandy plain to the north- west of Cotopaxi. Vegetation was scanty at this spot, and the insects, which were in large numbers, quickly attracted the eye. Dead as well as living were spread over the ground for a distance of several miles ; and, although about a dozen only were secured, many hundreds might have been taken. This region has been traversed by several, at least, of my predecessors. It is indeed obvious that the middle zones of Ecuador have been very imperfectly worked by collectors, even in the localities most frequently visited by them, such as Quito. At the southern outskirts of that city there is a prominent hill called the Panecillo,^ which is now almost surrounded by houses, and is used as a playground by the youth of the place. I visited this eminence one day alone, to olitain a round of angles, and by beating the dwarf vegetation into my hat secured about thirty species of insects of various orders, without any expectation that a place so frequented 1 See the plan of Quito accompanying the narrative. The summit of the I^anecillo is almost exactly 10,000 feet above the level of the sea. b X PREFACE. would yield interesting results. Yet amongst the few which have been described there are two new genera, and nothing that was col- lected appears to have Ijeen ol)tained before.^ FORMICID/E. A very small number of Ants were met Avith in the interior. All were insignificant in size, and at no place were they so numerous as to be an inconvenience, — though the reverse was the case at Guayaquil. It was at this place, in my bedroom, I secured, casually, the only remarkable ant obtained on the journey — the Holco- ponera described by Mr. Cameron (p. 92). LEPIDOPTERA. A great number of Butterflies are found in the interior, belonging to a comparatively small number of species. The lower zones, on the other hand, are exceedingly prolific in species ; and it is no exaggeration to say that a larger number may be obtained in some of them in one day than can be secured from 8000 feet upwards in an entire year? In returning towards Guayaquil we took what is termed the railway route, and were arrested at the Bridge of Chimbo (about 1000 feet above the sea) by want of a train. Whilst waiting, in little more than half an hour, we collected the twenty-two species which will be found enumerated between pp. 96-110, on a j^icce of ground not more than 300 yards long by 100 broad, and saw not less than a dozen others which we should have secured had we worked a little longer. In the interior, from 8000 feet upwards, our endeavours during six months only procured 28 species, and we certainly did not see so many as half a dozen others which were not captured. ^ The following appear in this volnmc. Flcdonotum nigrum, Gorham (pp. 51-2) ; Listrus cenescens, Gorham (p. 53) ; Scyvmus ? (p. 58) ; Apion Andinum, Olliff (p. 78) ; Ltqwrosoma marginata, Jacoby (p. 87) ; and Phcidole ononticola, Cameron (p. 93). Tlie Panecillo had been visited by Humboldt and Bonpland, Buckley, Ida rfeillei', Reiss and Stlibel, and by many others. - I am informed by Messrs. Godman and Salvin that the described species of Lepidoptera which are reputed to have come from Ecuador now exceed one thousand ; and there is little doubt that the lower zones contain many more as yet unknown. Very incorrect localities have been, I think, cpioted as habitats of the described species. PREFACE. xi By far the most abundant buttertly in the interior of Ecuador is the Colias which has been identified by Messrs. Godman and Salvin as C. dimem (p. 108) ; and exchiding one other {Pieris xcmtJiodice) its individuals possibly exceed in number the individuals of all the other species put together. It was collected at numerous localities between 7200-13,000 feet, and was seen almost everywhere within that range. It was especially abiindant along the banks of streams, and was often found congregated in hundreds over muddy spots or marshy soil. The much less abundant Colias which has been identified as C. Icshia fluttered in company with its more numerous relatives, and upon several occasions the two were taken at one sweep of the net. The highest flying butterfly, and (with the exception of three or four beetles) the highest insect of any kind obtained, barring stragglers, is the Colias which is described by Messrs. Godman and Salvin as C. alticola (p. 107). I have elsewhere identified it as the same species which was seen upon Chimborazo by Humboldt and Bonpland.^ This was actually collected between 12,000-16,000 feet, and was observed slightly higher. Its highest range therefore exceeds the height of the mean snow-line.^ It is scarcely possible that we can have overlooked other species of diurnal Lepidoptera at the greatest altitudes ; and, in the absence of others, Colias alticola must be regarded as the highest- flying butterfly in either of the two Americas. In number of individuals, Pieris xardhodice (p. 106) is inferior only to Colias dimera, and in the height which it attains it stands second to Colias alticola, but its range in altitude is greater than that of eithei\ It was observed in localities somewhat below 9000 feet up to a little higher than 15,000 feet, and at all intermediate points. Its range in altitude therefore exceeds 6000 feet, which is a larger amount than was observed in the case of any other butterfly. It was moder- ately abundant over the whole of the country we traversed, and was ' See Travels amongst the Great Andes, Cliap. XIX., and the aecomiianyiiig figure. - The snow-line in Ecuador, as in other countries, varies upon different moun- tains, and upon different sides of the same mountain. In no place should I be disposed to regard it as higher than 16,000 feet. xii PREFACE. conspicuously so upon the great slopes of the basin of Machachi, where it was frequently met with, flying in large companies, in rather open order.^ RHYNCHOTA. A small insect that has been referred to the genus Emesa (p. 117) Avas the solitary example of its order which was taken at a great elevation. This was obtained at 16,500 feet on the southern side of Illiniza (about a thousand feet above the snowdine), and was obviously a straggler. We saw no other living thing at so great a height as this, and the only animal remains which were obtained at an equal or greater altitude were the partly fossilized bones which were found at 18,000 feet on the southern side of Chimborazo.^ The interior of Ecuador is rich in this order of insects, and the small extent of our collection is due to the fact that we Avere unable to give the necessary time for research in the most favoured localities. CRUSTACEA. It is observed in Chapter V. of Travels amongst the Great Andes that Crustacea appear to be scarce in the interior of Ecua- dor. Five species only were obtained,^ and these, although new to the country, Avere all previously knoAvn. The three species of Woodlice Avere both numerous and AA'idely distributed, and it is not easy to under- stand hoAv they have been overlooked by others. One of these, namely AletojJonortJms p'uinosus, is amongst the exceptional species with a great range in altitude, having been taken Avith my own hands on the banks of the Guayas at the level of the sea, at the Hacienda of Antisana (13,300 feet) and at several intermediate points. The single Amphi- pod, Hyalella inermis, S. I. Smith (p. 125), captured at the Hacienda of Antisana, in the Valley of Collanes (12,500 feet), and near Machachi (9800 feet), was numerous at each of those localities, and is probably Avidely distributed in the interior. According to the Rev. T. R 11. ^ Other remarks upon the diurnal Lepidoptera arc more couvenieutly given in the volume of narrative. A figure oi Pier is xanthodicc is given in Chap. XIX. - Travels amongst the Great Andes, Chap. III. ^ Pseudothclphusa macropa, S. I. Smith ([). 121); Philoscia angustata, Nicolet (p. 125) ; Porcellio loivis, Latreille (p. 125) ; Metopu)iorthus pruinostis, Brandt (p. 125) ; and Hijalclla inermis, S. I. Smith (p. 125). PREFACE. xiii Stebbing, to whom I am indel)tecl for its identification, no Amplii})0(l has hitlierto been recorded from so considerable an elevation. ^ REPTILIA. Three species of Lizards were obtained in the interior, which have been identified by Mr. Boulenger as Liocephalus trachijcepha- lus (A. Dum.) ; EcpIeopus(Pholidobohis)montium, 'Peters; and Prodoporus unieolor (Gray). The Lioceplnilas was numerous throughout the interior generally, between elevations of a little over 8000 feet to a little under 12,000 feet, and was more frequently noticed in the northern than in the southern part of the country, — being especially abundant on the Plain of Tumbaco (to the N.N.E. of Quito), less frequently seen in the basin of Machachi, while to the south of the basin of Eiobamba it only occurred occasionally. Ecpleopus montmm was less numerous, yet still was far from being rare, and was rather widely distributed ; but the Prodoporus (p. 130) was only obtained on the eastern side of the Plain of Tumbaco, and in the contiguous basin of Chillo. This little lizard (averaging only 4i inches in length), when caught, turned upon his captors, bit fiercely, and could hang on with its jaws to a finger or anything which was presented for it to snap at. There are probably two other species of Lizards, inhabiting the interior, which we failed to capture. In the higher and highest parts of the interior we neither saw Snakes nor could learn of the existence of any. The two solitary specimens which were obtained both came from the lowest basins, and were brought in alive by natives.'' The examples of Bothrops Schlegeli were presented to me by Mons. Giacometti, r/uiUre d'Jwfel, at Quito, who obtained them upon his farm ; which, according to his description, is placed a considerable distance to the west of Quito, and is probably situ.ated at a low altitude, but I was unable to procure any precise information about it. This snake is said to be very particularly venom- ous, and is greatly feared. 1 A tigure of Hyaldla incnnis is given in Travds amongst the Great Andes, Chap. XIX. - These were brought in through rewards being oti'ered. xiv PREFACE. BATRACHIA. Ouly four species of Frogs were collected in the interior, namely, Phryniscus IcBvis, Gthr. ; Hylodes unistrigatiis, Gthr. ; //. Whymperi, Bouleng. ; and Nototrema marswpiatum (Dum. & BiJDr.). Of these, the first mentioned is I think the most widely distributed, and the last named is the most numerous. In the vicinity of the town of Machachi we saw thousands, and must have heard hundreds of thousands of frogs,^ principally of this latter species, — which is very variable in its colouring and markings. Of the Hylodes it may be remarked that we obtained all our specimens upon the ground. The species with which Mr. Boulenger has associated my name was observed only at rather highly-placed localities, and seems very restricted in its range in altitude ; whereas Phryniscus Icevis is seen at almost every height between 7000-13,500 feet. PISCES. The readers of Humboldt's works will remember the remarkable statements which were made by him about the little silu- roid fish which he described and figured as Pimelodus cyclopum.^ I should scarcely have been led to make any search or enquiry for this fish if I had not seen the remarks by Dr. Putnam in the American Naturalist, 1871, p. 694, and learnt that Humboldt's fish appeared to have been described upon five or six diff"erent occasions, under as many different names. Dr. Putnam advanced the opinion that the whole of these so-called diff"erent species should be referred to one, somewhat vari- able, species. The descriptions were based either upon single specimens, or upon a very small number of examples, and I thought it advisable to procure a considerable number, from different localities, so that the whole subject might be re-investigated. Several hundreds were procured on the spot ; these were reduced to fifty-one, and I had the advantage of submitting them, upon my return, to the independent examination of Dr. F. Day, who coincides with the views expressed by Dr. Putnam.'^ ^ Compare this with Orton ; "of frogs there are not enough to get np a choir." 'The Andes and the Amazons, English ed., p. 107. ^ Observations de Zoologie et d' Anatomic comparee, vol. i. pp. 21-5, \A. 7, Paris, 1811 ; and in Aspects of Nature, vol. ii. p. 34. ^ Some remarks upon this fish will be found in my Chapter upon Cayauibe. PREFACE. XV It is now my duty to acknowledge the assistance which has been so kindly rendered by the eminent specialists Avho have examined these collections ; ^ and, whilst thanking all, I should very especially thank my old friends Mr. H. W. Bates and Professor T. CI. Bonney. Besides the important contributions from the pen of Mr. Bates, I am greatly indebted to him for having acted throughout as my entomological adviser. The extensive series of rocks which was brought home has been carefully and thoroughly investigated by Professor Bonney, but it is thought sufficient to present in this volume only a few general remarks, as his observations have already been published in full in the Proceedings of the Royal Society. Amongst my friends in Ecuador who have rendered assistance, I should particularly mention and thank Mr. G. Chambers, British Consul at Guayacpiil, for the snakes which he presented from that locality. At Chillo, I received valuable aid from a sharp little English lad. Master "Willie Slater, who volunteered to collect for me in a district which I was obliged to leave too soon. His diligence was rewarded by obtaining several of the species which are here first described. In Quito, help was rendered by a highly-intelligent Swede (to whom I had been recommended by Baron de Thielmann), Ludwig by name, and through him I acquired the greater part of the collec- tions which come from Milligalli, Tanti, and other places in the West of Ecuador — a region Avhich there was no time to visit. Lastly, my most sincere thanks are due to my two assistants, Jean- Antoine and Louis Carrel, for their zeal and industry upon all occa- sions. Our altitudes were determined by mercurial barometers, and the laborious duty of transporting these instruments devolved upon J. -A. Carrel. In consequence of his extreme care, no breakages occurred; and the heights of the localities which are mentioned throughout this volume are accordingly fixed with a degree of ' The authors are solely responsible for their respective contributions. The wliole of the Type Specimens of the Insects remain in the possession of the authors of tlie papers ; and those of tlie Reptiles and Frogs have been acquired by the Biitish (Natural History) Museum. xv-i PREFACE. accuracy which could not have been attained by any other method that could have been employed.^ Careful observations for altitude were of the first importance in this country. Within its various zones, it contains almost as many climates, and as great a range of temperature as the entire continent ; and, if the collections had no better habitat than "Ecuador" attached to them, scarcely more information would be afforded than if they were said to have come from South America. Through the hearty co-operation of my two assistants, something was obtained from every locality we visited, and every specimen was accurately labelled and catalogued."^ In his Vues dcs Cordillhes, Humboldt deplores the small results which have been attained upon high mountain expeditions in the following passage : " Ces excursions penibles, dont les recits excitent generalement I'int^ret du public, n'ofFrent qu'un tres-petit nombre de r^sultats utiles au progres des sciences." This statement has been substantially true, and it has conveyed a reproach alike to the men of science who have 'not investigated the loftier portions of the earth's surface, and to those who have penetrated them without making use of their opportunities. It has commonly been taken for granted that the tracts in the neighbourhood of the snow-line, or rising above it, are either lifeless or are denizened by stragglers. Could the whole of our acquisitions have been presented here, they would have demon- strated that the upper zones of Ecuador — even the tracts closely bordering the snow-line — are far from being lifeless. They would have exhibited forms the most extraordinary, of wondrous diversity ; they would have defined the upper range of many species ; and would, doubtless, have supplied various missing links. I repeat the expres- 1 Talilos of altitudes and temperatures are given in Travels amongst the Great Andes. - In course of setting the insects, various specimens from Macliachi (9800 feet) were mixed with others from the Pacific slopes (7-8000 feet). It was not possible to identify the whole from recollection, and I destroyed those which could not be referred to their proper localities, with the exccjition of the five species described at pp. 25, 26, 40, 50 and fi8. PREFACE. xvii sions of my deep regret that it is only possible to present some fragments of our results. Yet, enough I trust appears to encourage my contemporaries in mountain-travel to continue similar researches, laborious and unthankful though they may be ; gradually to amass such a body of evidence as will in course of time render no longer true the dictum of my illustrious predecessor; and will permit it to be said, instead, that high-mountain explorations, although perhaps of little interest to the general public, are of great value to Science. EDWARD WHYMPEE. CONTENTS. PACES Introduction, by H. W. Bates, F.R.S 1-6 COLEOPTERA, by H. W. Bates, F.R.S 7-39 ,, Fam. CiciXDELiD.E. ,, ,, CARAEIDjE. ,, ,, COPRID^. ,, ,, TROGIDiE. ,, ,, Melolonthid.e. ,, ,, Rutelid^. ,, ,, dynastid.t5. ,, ,, CETONIIDiE. ,, ,, passalid.e. ,, ,, Prionid.e. ,, ,, Cerambycid.e. ,, Lamitti.e. Do. (continued), by David SiiAur, :\[.15 40-44 ,, Fain. Dytiscid.e. ,, ,, SlLPHID^E. ,, ,, Staphylinid.e. ,, ,, TENEBRIONIDyf:. Do. (continued), by the Rev. Henry S. Gouham, F.Z.S. . . 44-58 ,, Fam. Elateridj?. ,, ,, Dascillid.e. ,, !, LYCIDJ3. ,, ,, LAMPYRIDiE. ,, ,, TELEPHORIDiE. ,, ,, MELYRIDiE. ,, ,, PtINIDxE. ,, ,, Hispid^. , , , , Cassidid^. ,, ,, Erotylid^. coccinellid/e. CONTENTS. COLEOPTERA (continued), by A. Sidnfa* Olliff Fam. NiTiDULiD^. TrogositiDjE. Otiorrhynchih*. curciilionid^. Calandrid^. BRENTHIDiE. Do. ( continued ), by Martin Jac'OF.y ,, Fain. EuM0LPiD,?5. ,, ,, CHRYSOMELIDiE. ,, ,, HALTiciD.a;. Galerucid.e. PAGES .58-81 82-88 HYMENOPTERA (Fokmicid-e), by Peter Cameron . . . . LEPIDOPTERA, by F. Ducane Godman, F.R.S., & Osrert Salvin, F.R.S RHYNCHOTA, by W. L. Distant, F.Z.S CRUSTACEA (Poi.oriiTHALMiA), by Edw. J. Miers, F.L.S.. F.Z.S. Do. (Isopoda), by the Rev. A. E. Eaton, M.A. . Do. (Amphipoda), by the Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing, M.A. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA, by G. A. Boulenger . CYCLOPIUM CYCLOPUM, Htmboldt, by F. Day, CLE., F.L.8. F.Z.S NOTE ON ROCKS FROM THE ANDES, by Prof. T. G. Bonney D.Sc, F.R.S 96- -110 111 -120 121 -124 125 125- -127 128-136 137-139 140-143 Index to Genera 14i5-147 LIST OF ILLUSTEATIONS. The Figures have been drawn by R. J. Coombs, W. Herbert, W. Purkiss, E. Wilson, and others ; and have been engraved on wood by Edward Whymper. PLATES. 10. Leucopel^a albescens, Bates Barotheus Andinx^s, Bates . Baryxenus ^QiTATor.ius, Bates Heteeogomphus Whymperi, Bates Praogolofa ukicolor, Bates . Ppjonogalits "VVhympeei, Bates Hammoderus sticticus, Bates Strongylium dexticolle, Sharp Asiopus opatroides, Sharp Plectonotum nigrum, Gorham SiLis Chimeorazoxa, Gop.ham Helicoerhyxchus vuLsrs, Ollifi Pleueoneces moxtanus, Oij.iff DiEOLIA A'lEIDIS, JaCOBY . LUPEROSOMA MARGIXATA, JaCOEY Doryphora picturata, Jacoey IIOLGOPONERA WlIYJIPERI, CAMEROX Lyde teanslucida, Distant . Neomiris pr^celsus, Distani- Dionyza variegata, Distaxt . Squilla dijbia(?), M. Edwards Cycloph'm cyglopx'm, Humboldt To face Page -31 .31 32 33 34 36 39 42 42 .51 51 60 60 84 92 113 113 113 124 137 FIGURES IN THE TEXT. 1. Trachyderes veemiculatus, Bates 2. Axisotaesus Bradytoides, Bates . 3. Pteeostichus (Ageaphodeeus) AxTisAXiE, Bates 4. CoLPODES Altarexsis, Bates .... PAGE 6 8 10 16 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 5. colpodes steno, bates 6. Uroxys latesulcatus, Bates 7. Ontherus ^quatoritjs, Bates 8. Clceotits tubericatjda, Bates 9. Clavipalpus ANTisANiE, Bates . 10. Platycoelia prasina, Erichs. 11. Cyclocephala rubescens, Bates . 12. Gymnetis flavocincta, Bates . 13. EUBYSTHEA ANGUSTICOLLIS, BATES 14. Carneades nodicornis, Bates 15. Athous dispar, Gorham 16. Plateros? alticola, Gorham 17. Gladodes nigricollis, Gorham . 18. Xenismus Whymperi, Gorham . 19. Astylus bis-sexguttatus, Gorham 20. CoMPSUs Whymperi, Olliff 21. EXORIDES carinatus, Pascoe 22. LiSTRODERES PUNCTATISSIMlT.s, GlLIFF 23. Maciiops ccelorum, Olliff . 24. Anchonus monticola, Olliff 25. HiLiPUS longicollis, Olliff 26. Otidocephalus ? spinicollis, Olliff 27. Brenthus vulneratus, Gylh. 28. Camponotus Mayri, Cameron 29. Pheidole monticola, Cameron . 30. cinyphus ? obscurus, distant 31. Stenopoda scutellata, Distant . 32. Pnohirmus Whymperi, Distant . 33. Acanthia Andensis, Distant 34. Carineta fimbuiata, Walker 35. Tettigonia duplicaria, Distant 36. P.seudothelphusa macropa, M. Edwards 37. pseudothelphxrsa macropa, var. plana, s 38. Coronella Whymperi, Boulenger 39. Prostherapis Whymperi, Boulenoei: 40. Phryniscus elegans, Boulenger 41. Hylodes Whymperi, Boulenger 42. Head and ventral fin of Ctclopium cyc I. Smith LOPUM, Humboldt PAGE 20 24 25 26 27 29 31 35 38 39 45 47 47 50 53 64 65 70 72 73 75 77 81 90 94 115 116 117 118 119 120 122 122 131 133 134 135 138 ADDENDA. The two following species have been found l)y Mr. H. W. Bates since the sheets of his paper were worked off. — E. W. 20*. Colpodes quadricollis, Chaudoir, Ann. Soc. Eut. Fr., 1859, p. 300; id. ibid. 1878, ]}. 287. Hal. Corredor Machai (12,779 feet). 40*. Bemhidium Andinum, n. sp. Hab. Chimborazo, west side (15,811 feet). Eight examples. B. fulvocindo affine ; minor et minus convexum, fulvescenti-iuneum, sub- auratum politum, subtus cum pedibus castaneo-rufum. Long. 3^ millim. The head is scarcely narrowed behind the eyes, which are only very moderately prominent, and the elytra are ovate with the slight humeral angles close to the hind angles of the thorax. The frontal furrows are broad and shallow, and between them and the eye respectively the surface is flat, with the anterior setiferous pore large and conspicuous. The thorax is rather more narrowly cordate than in B. fulvocmdum, strongly sinuated and nar- rowed behind the middle, and with acute hind angles ; the basal fovea large and deep, and the side near the angle not distinctly carinated. The elytra are obsoletely striated, the stri;e being visible only when viewed oblicj^uely and from the apex ; the two marginal striaj being closely approximated in a marginal groove. Antennae and palpi dusky, scape reddish. ERRATA. Plate facing p. 31, bottom figure, 'side siew " should be "side view." Page 74, line 22 from top. "closely allied" should be "closely allied to." SUPPLEMENTAEY APPENDIX INTRODUCTION. By H. W. Bates, F.liS. The total number of species of Insecta and Araclinida collected by Mr. Whyinper during his journey in Ecuador amounts to about one thousand. Unfortunately it has been found impossible to induce specialists to work up the whole of the grou[)s for the })urpose of the present volume ; several important families and whole orders remain unnamed, and are therefore for the present unavailable in aiding us to form some idea of the nature and relations of the Faiuia of the Ecpia- torial Andes. A rough estimate has been made of the numbers of species in the missing groups. Thus Baron von Osten Sacken, on look- ing over the Diptera, considered them to number about 100; Mr. Druce, who partial]}' determined the Moths {LepkUptera Ileterocera), found 44 species ; the Hymenoptera (exclusive of the Ants) appear to be scared}' less numerous than the Diptera, and the Spiders comprise not fewer than 200 sj^ecies. The Orders and Families of the Insecta class enumerated or described in this Supplementary Appendix comprise 359 species. Of these no fewer than 131 are new to science, and many of them are so distinct that 14 new genera have had to be instituted for their reception. So much interest attaches to the nature of the Insect Fauna of high altitudes in the Equatorial zone of the Andes, and to its relations to the Faunas of Chili and Temperate zones of North America and Europe, that it wouLl be undesirable to let the occasion pass of ana- lysing Mr. Wlnmper's collection with this view, notwithstanding that p. 2 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. so large a portion must be left out of the examination. The few remarks I have to make must further be restricted almost exclusively to the Coleojitera. There is the less disadvantage in this that the collections made by Mr. Whymper at very high altitudes consisted largely of this order of Insects, and that Coleoptera, by their great number and ubiquity, and the tendency to definiteness in their areas of distribution, offer better material for this class of inquiry than almost any other group of organisms. The remarkable relationship which exists between the Fauna and Flora of Chili and those of high latitudes in North America, and even Europe, has often been discussed by writers on Geographical Distribu- tion. In Darwin's Origin of S;pecies it is stated (on the authority of Sir Joseph Hooker) that not fewer than 46 species of flowering plants of Chili and Europe are identical, — North America showing evidence of its having lain in the path of the supposed migration. The number of flowering plants common to these regions and the remarkable general similarity in their Botanical products has been, quite recently, shown by Dr. Philippi, the Chilian Botanist, to be much greater even than stated by Darwin. An analogous relationship has also been pointed out in their animal forms. In Insects, for example, numerous genera are com- mon to the three regions, which are totally absent from the intervening Tropical and warm Temperate zones of America. The curious and puzzling feature in these classes of facts is that, as far as Insects and Plants are concerned, the relationship is not of the same degree. In Plants there is a large amount of identity as to species, but in Insects there is little or none ; the relationship is generic only. The explana- tion of the proportional identity of Plants offered by Darwin — namely, that the species migrated along the high lands of the Andes from north to south during the Glacial epoch, does not meet the case of the more distant relationship of the respective Insect Faunas. Darwin's explana- tion had been previously applied to account for similar relationship between the Faunas of south and north temperate latitudes in the old world, and has been almost universally adopted. With good reason, for here we have the remarkable evidence of its validity offered l)y the INTRODUCTION. 3 products of high altitudes within the old world tropics, and those of low lauds near the Arctic zone and the moiintains of temperate latitudes. jNIultitudes of closely-allied or identical species are now found in these various localities, thus indicating the paths that species took, Avhen driven by the great climatic changes of the Glacial peri(jd. The ques- tion then arises. Have we any similar proof of a glacial migration in Tropical xVmerica ? Any final conclusion on this point, at any rate as regards the Insects, has hitherto been deferred, on account of our ignorance of the products of the high Andes at elevations near the snowdine. The researches of Hundioldt and Bonpland in this direction were unsatis- factory, as no species were obtained at great elevations ; and, like those famous travellers, subsetpient explorers have brought away from the upper slopes and vallej's of Ecuador and Coloml)ia, until within the last few years, only Tropical American forms, or species of Andean genera closely allied to the products of the plains at their feet. There was no trace of the great host of genera and species characteristic of similar local conditions in north and south temperate latitudes. The mountain- living genera Carabus and Nchria of the old world temi^erate fauna and of North America, or their Chilian allies Ceroglossus, Migadnps and very many others, certainly ought to be found, if the inferences drawn from the botanical relationship were as sound as they appear to be. Shortly before Mr. Whymper's wonderful ascents of the snow-capped peaks of Ecuador, a few Coleoptera and Lepidoptera from high elevations there and in Coloml)ia had reached Europe, and went far to discourage any expectations ; but we may sa\' that Mr. Whymper's more thorough and complete search, at all elevations and on nearly all the loftier mountains, has set the question at rest. If there had lieen any distinct element of a North Temperate or >South Temperate Coleopterous Fauna on the Ecuadorian Andes the collections he made, inexhaustivc though they may be, would have shown some traces of it ; but there are none. A few genera Ijelonging to temperate latitudes, though not found in the tropical lowlands, do indeed occur, Ijut they are forms of almost world-wide distriliution in similar climates, and there is no representa- I! -2 4 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. tive of the numerous characteristic and common genera of the north or south. Even the northern genera more or less alnnidantly found on the Mexican highlands are absent. The species of Coleoptera collected at altitudes above 9000 feet are about 100 in number. The majority of these are mountain repre- sentatives of genera characteristic of the lower levels or the plains of Tropical America, some of which genera {e.g. Colpodes, Silpha, Fhihni- ihus, etc.) occur also in other parts of the world ; others {e.g. Anisofarsns, PelmateUus, Flati/codia, Lcuco])ehi'.a, Trigonogenius, etc.) are American genera, having Chilian or Antarctic affinities, whilst others, as far as we at present know, are peculiar to the high Andes. One feature of the Fauna is of great interest. It is the occurrence of apterous species of genera which at lower levels are always winged ; of these Mr. Whymper found two belonging to the genus Bembidium, and one, a weevil, belonging to the genus Macrops. This apterous condition has been dwelt upon by Darwin, as a significant characteristic of the Coleoptera of lofty mountains and Oceanic Islands. All the species of Bemhidinin found on the island of St. Helena are a})terous, forming a distinct group within the genus. The butterfiies enumerated in this Appendix are nearly all species of the Tropical American lowlands, or closely allied to them. The exceptions are the few which were found fiying at elevations from 10,000 to 16,000 feet, viz. Pieiis Xavthodire, CoJius (dticola, and Colias dimem, all three belonging to small groups of their respective genera which occur at great altitudes throughout South America, and as far south as Chili. The genera Erebia, Chionobas, Parnassius, Argynnis, Epinephele and many others, so highly characteristic of the Faunas of the North Temperate zone, or Chili, or both, and of high vertical ranges, are ({uite absent. It seems to me a fair deduction from the facts here set forth that no distinct traces of a migration during the lifetime of existing species, from north to south, or vice versa, along the Andes, have as yet been discovered, or are now likely to be discovered. It does not follow, however, that the Darwinian explanation of the i)eculiar distribution of INTRODUCTION. 5 species ami genera on mountains in the Tropical and Temperate zones, and in high latitudes of the old world, is an erroneous one. The difterent state of things in the new world is probably due to the existence of some obstacle to free migration, as far as regards Insects, between north and south, both during and since the Glacial epoch. The problem, like most others relating to Geographical Distribution, is a complicated one ; but there are one or two considerations, likely to ho, overlooked, Avhich may tend to its solution. One is the great alti- tude at which the vigorous denizens of the teeming tropical lowlands flourish on the slopes of the Andes. INIr. Whymper found, for example, species of many of the genera of Longicorn Coleoptera characteristic of the lowland forests at altitudes of 9000 and 10,000 feet, and Kirsch has recorded numerous species of Lainjii/rida', Lycuhv, and other families lielonging equally to Tropical American forest genera, as met with by Reiss and Stiibel in Colombia and Ecuador at 12,000 feet. In Ecuador all the w^arm moisture brought by the Eastern trade-winds is not inter- cepted even now by the wall of the Andes, and wherever that falls, in the depressions, conditions of climate and vegetation will he created suitable to these encroaching Tropical forms. If we add to this the barrenness and generally unfavourable conditions of the zone above those altitudes, there can be little wonder that Temperate forms have not freely passed along the Andes. Another consideration is that there may have been a breach of continuity of the land in Glacial times, at the Isthmus of Panama, sufficient to })revent free migration. It may, further, be legitimate to speculate on the possibility of the Andes being lower in the Tropical zone during the Glacial epoch. A few hundred feet lower than the present altitude, combined with the copious warm rains which must have accompanied the age of ice, would present con- ditions undoubtedly favourable to the spread of Tropical forms over the whole area, which would successfully resist the invasion of higli northern or southern species. The main principle in distribution, how- ever, is that forms sooner or later, and in proportion to their intrinsic and extrinsic facilities of dissemination, will find their way all over the world to wherever the conditions inorganic and orjianic are favourable 6 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. to their acquiring a footing. That these facilities are possessed in a higher degree by Plants than Insects and some other groups of animals may be a sufficient explanation of the fact that so many species of Plants have surmounted the obstacles to their passage from north to south during the last Glacial epoch, Mdiile few or no Insects have done so. The more distant, or generic, relationship between the Insects of Chili and those of the North Temperate zone can only be explained on the assumption of a migration at some epoch far more remote than the last Glacial epoch. TRACHYDERES VERMICULATUS, BATES. NEAR CHILLO. COLEOPTERAJ I'.Y JI. \V. DATES, Y.U.S., F.L.S. Tribe ADEPHAGA. Fain. VICIXDELID^E. 1. Psciiiloxiicheila bipustulata, Latreille, Voy. de Hunilioklt & Bdiqiland, Ins. p. 153, t. 16, figs. 1, 2 {Cicindela). Hab. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). A single example. Latreille gives the lumks of tile Amazons as the locality of Humboldt and Bonpland's specimens. In his description he seems to include this and the next form (C amjuMatu) in one species. 2. ]'. angustata, Chaudoii', Cat. Coll. (Mcuidelula', p. {j-2. Jfa6. Milligalli (6230 feet "-'). I have specimens from North Peru, and from Macas in Ecuador taken by Buckley, and, according to Chaudoii', it has also been obtained in East Peru. Mi'. Whyinper's specimen is much nairowei' in form, both of thorax and elytia, than P. hiimstulata, and generally is of a greenish instead of a blue colour. Faiii. OAJLIJJIJJ^E. Hulifaiu. Anisodactylin.e. 3. Anisotarsus Peruvicm,us, Dejean, Spec. Gen. Col., iv, p. 289. Hab. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). One example, doubtfully referred to this species, tire thorax being more quadrate, i.e. with straightei' sides and less rounded hind angles. Dejean's type-specimens came from S. Lorenzo, in Peru ; they vary in colour from Itright green or blue to Ijronzed Ijlack, and the ^ , if not also the $ , is shining on the upper surface. 1 The whole of the Ooleoptera liave been described under the geneial direction of Mr. H. W. Bates. His personal contribution extends from p. 7 to p. 39. — E. IT. " The altitude of Milligalli is given on the authority of Father Menten. See Proc. Royal Geog. Soc, p. 489, Aug. ISHl.—E.W. 8 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 4. A. Bradytouh's, n. sp. Hub. Penipe to Riobamlia (9000 fet't); Machachi (9-10,000 feet); Illiuiza (14,000 feet). Niimevcms examples. ANISOTARSUS BRADYTOIDES, BATES. ILLINIZA, MACHACHI, ETC. A. Peruvicmo proxiiiie attini.s ; differt colore supra semper obscure fusco- cupreo (raro viridi-tincto) elytris ^ $ subtiliter alutaceis, sericeo-nitentibus, tarsis sicut tibiis feinoribusqiie piceis nee rufo-fulvis : corpore breviori et latiori : elytrorum interstitiis planissimis. Long. 8-10 millim. (^ 9. Subfam. Pelmatellin.35. 5. Pehnatellus variipcs., n. sp. Hah. Machachi (9-10,000 feet); between Latacunga and Machachi (9200 feet); Quito (9350 feet); Pichincha (12,000 feet); Hacienda of Guacliala (9217 feet); Pacific slopes (7-8000 feet). Numerous examples. P. nitescenti (Bates) simillimus, sed differt thoracis angulis jiosticis onniino rotundatis, femoribusque (interdum tildisque apice) nigro-fusci.^. Long. 5|-6| millim. ^ ? . Difficult to be distinguished from the common and widely-distributed Central American P. nitescens (Bates, in Salvin and Godnian, Biologia Centrali- American. Col., vol. i, p. 68, pi. iii, fig. 17), but the blackish femora and the more rounded hind angles of the thorax are conspicuous and pretty constant differential characters ; the species varies in the colour of the legs, the apex of the tiliiaj and the tarsi being also sometimes more or less blackisli, the l)asal part of the tibire (Hily remaiuing pale reddish. /'. (>J>fii.'linear, very faintly iinjiressed and impunctate. The third elytiul interstice has no trace of puncture in the numerous specimens I have examined, and tlie scutellar striole is also wanting. 8. P. Guachalensis, n. sp. Hah. Hacienda of Guachala (9217 feet). Two examples. P. Andium simillimus, sed dift'ert thoracis fovea basali profunda, punctata, elytrorumque striola scutellari punctoque interstitii tertii munitis. Minor, 10 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT A^WES. castaneo-rufus, iijneo-tinctus capite oljscuriori, politissimus : thorace rotundato, elytris acute striatis interstitiis plaiiissiinis. Long. 5 1 millini. 9 . 9. Pelmatellus ? Hah. Forests above the Bridge of Cliimbo (1-3000 feet). Two speci- mens, females, possibly of this genus, but not determinable from this sex alone. Sulifam. PoLPOCHiLiN^E. 10. Folpockila scaritides, Perty, Del. Anim. Artie. Bras. Ins., p. 13, t. 3, I 7. Hub. Guayaquil (indoors). Two examples. Has also been found on the Upper Amazons. Sulifam. Pterostichin^e. 11. Fferostichus {Agrcqilioderus) Antisana', n. sp. Hab. Hacienda of Antisana (13,300 feet); La Dormida, Cayambe (11,800 feet); southern side of Chimborazo (12-13,000 feet). Seven examples. Omaseo minori (Gyll.) hand dissimilis. Oblongus, j)iceo-niger nitidus ( 1^ 9 ) antennis palpis pedibusque piceo-rufis : capite leevi sulcis frontalibus sat tenuibus : thorace late quadrate >, lateri- bus sat rotundatis prope basin sinuatis an- gulis posticis rectis, fovea basali utrinque (a margine longe distanti) sublineari vix impressa : elytris oblongis basi lectis liu- meris brevissime dentatis, apice profunde sinuatis, striatis, interstitiis planis tertio bi- punctato puncto 1"^° prope liasin ail striam tertiam (interdum aljsenti) 2"^^° paullo post medium pi'ope striam secundam. Segmento ultimo ventrali simplice, PTER0STICHUS(AGRAPH.)ANT.SAN.15, BATES. ^^^^.-^ ^, ^ UUipUUCtatO ? l)ipUnctatO. ANTISANA, CHIMBORAZO, ETC. Long. Tj-Sl millim. Similar in form to a small Omaseus (e.g. 0. minor Gyll., but rather broader). The marginal stria of the elytra is single, the prosternal process faintly mar- gined, the palpi tapering at the apex and briefly truncated, the ventral segments simple with a pair of setiferous punctures in the middle. 12. Pt. {Ag7'aphoderus) PidiinchK., n. sp. Hah. Pichincha (12,000 feet). Pt. Antisance proxime aftinis, difl'ert sohim statura min(isti(is (i)itusissimis. Long. 7 millim. ^ . APPENDIX— COLEOPTERA . 1 1 One example only, dilfeiiiig fium Pt. Antisance almost solely in the form of the thorax, its sides being equally and moderately rounded and behinel curving ol)liijuely, without the slightest trace of siniration, to the base, forming a very olituse angle : the base on each side has a smooth and rounded fovea, slightly impressed midway between the median line and the angle. The elytra are of the same form, the strife strongly marked and the interstices plane, but the anterior puncture on the third is alisent. As in Pt. Aiitisanai there is a rather short scutellai' striide obli(|uely }>laceii)unctata) ; abdomen subtus ^ ? sicut in Ft. Antisanw. Long. 8-1 Oi millim. ^ ?. Distinguislied from its allies Ijy its peculiar' outline, tlie tlioi'ax being narrowed (in some examples much narrowed) anteriorly and tlie elytra slightly taj)ering jjosteriorly from behind the shoulders. In other respects it differs very little from Pt. liodes. The discoidal punctures of the elytra ajipear normally to be three in number, one in the middle, one midway between that and the base, and the third midway l^etween the middle one and the apex, but one or other of them is wanting in some examples, or supplementary punctures appear, in one case even two on the fifth interstice. The four preceding species all agree in the fusiform apical joint of the palpi, moderately impressed frontal furrows, margined prosternum, short metathoracic episterna, and simple apical ventral segment in the ^, and they differ from the allied genera Pterostichus, HaiAoderus, etc., sufficiently to require their separation as a distinct group. I projjose for the group the name Agraphoderus. 1 5. Pterostichus ? Hah. Between Machachi and Pedregal (10,000 feet). A single immature and distorted § example, possibly belonging to the restricted genu.s Pterostichus, having deep thoracic foveas, simple apex of prosternum, etc. 16. Anchomenus Qiiitensis, n. sp. Hah. Quito (9350 feet). A single example. A. Chilensi (Dej.) atfinis, sed thorace angustiori, angulis posticis distinctis. Gracilis, subfeneo-niger, politus, palpis antennis pedibusque piceis : capite angusto, sulcis frontalibus profundis, oculis magnis ; thorace anguste cordato, postice sat angustato sed hand sinuato angulis posticis obtusis (apice acutis) margine basali prope angulum ntrinque obliquo : elytris oblongis, apice obtusis, plica basali cum margine laterali ad humeros nullomodo angulum Ibiinanti, tenuiter striatis, striis 5-7 subobsoletis, interstitiis planis tertio 3-punctato. Long. 7 millim. Belongs to a group of species inhabiting temperate South America, of which A. Chilensis may be cited as the type. The foui'th tarsal joint in the anterior tarsi is emarginated, but in the middle and posterior pair is rather narrow and triangular ; the tar'si are rather slender, finely setose beneath and sulcated on the sides of the basal joint in the fuui' hinder legs ; the meta- thoracic episterna are long and narro\v. APPENDIX— CULEOPTERA . 1 3 17. A. (Sericoda) decemjmndatus, Reiclie, Rev. Zool., 1843, p. 310 {Dromius). Hah. Cayanilje village (9320 feet), and Ijetween Macliaclii and Pedregal (10,000 feet). Two examples. A widely -distributed species at high elevations in Colombia, Chiriqui, Guatemala, Mexico. 18. A. {Agonum) Andicola, n. sp. Hah. Eastern slopes of Pichincha (12,000 feet). One example. Sat bre^ater ovatus, nigro-Sineus, nitidus, scapo tibiis femoribusque sulitus obscure rufis : caj)ite ovato, Isevi, linea tenui impressa a fovea frontali usque ad oculum ducta : tliorace Ijreviter ovato, postice magisquam antice angustato, angulis posticis nullis, margine laterali usijue ad medium basin pauUo elevato : elytris postice sat perspicue siuuatis, aciite striatis striis 5-7 subobsoletis, interstitiis planis teitio 4-punctato. Long. 5^ millim. Broader and relatively shorter than the European A. fuligmosus, the thorax shorter and more circular, the colour a daik l^rassy, the stride fine but sharply impressed, except 5-7 which are very faint and the interstices perfectly plane. 19. Coljjodes viegaccphalus, n. sj). Hah. On the summit ridge of Guagua Pichincha (15,600 feet); Hacienda of Antisana (13,300 feet); and Cayambe (12-14,000 feet). Seven examples. Oblongus, piceo-niger, ($ nitidus 5 alutaceus subopacus, palpis antennis pedibus pectoreque (plus minusve) castaneo-rufis : antennis in hoc genere Ijrevibus : capite magno pone oculos elongato - tumido, coUo crasso haud transversim impresso : thorace quadrato postice gradatim siiljrecte angustato, angulis i:)osticis subobtusis : elytris subtilissime inuictulato-striatis interstitiis planissimis tertio 4-7 punctato : tarsis sulttus dense ciliatis articulo 4*^' emai'ginato. Long. 13-15 millim. S ?• Belongs to the small gi'oup of species (jf which ('. cephalotea (Chaud.) is a member, peculiar to high elevations in the Andes, and distinguislied by the very large head, elongated anteriorly and tumid around and behind the eyes, the rather short antenna', and obtusely-rounded aj^ex of the elytra. It is much broader and larger than C. cephalotes, and resembles, at first sight, a Pterodichus or small Pcrcus, but the head has only A^ery shallow frontal furrows. The palpi are moderately elongated, with the apical joints nearly cylindrical. The thorax has advanced anterior angles and oljtuse posterioi' angles roiinded at their apices, the sides being nearly straight without the slightest sinuation near the liase. The soles of the tarsi have a rather dense 14 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GEE AT ANDES. bnisli of short moderately stiff liairs, and the sides of the basal j\)ints have only faint longituasal ones being on the third stria or in the middle of the third interstice — the others near the second stria. 20. 0. ccqnto, n. sp. Hab. Altar (12,500 feet). A single example. Elongatus, elytris elongato-ovatus, nitidus, ( $ ) castaneo-fuscus, partibus oris antennis pedibusque castaneo-rufis : capite sat magno, oculis prominent- ibus, post oculos lecte angustato, collo supra tx'ansversim depresso : thorace quadrato postice subrecte angustato, margine lateral! postice valde reflexo angulis rectis : elytris apice conjunctim subacuminatis vix perspicue sinuatis, punctulato-striatis, interstitiis planis, tertio tripunctato : tarsis articulo 4''" bilobato, posticis lobo exterior! elougato. Long. 1 1 millim. ? . Belongs to the C. cejihalotes group by the comparatively short antennaj with joints more ovate than in the typical Colpodes. The metathoracic epi- sterna are short, but the outer side appears a little longer than the width at the Ijase. The head differs much in shape from C. mecjace^jhalus, having a constricted neck as usual in the genu.s, and the sides, instead of forming an elongate tumour behind the eyes, narrowing obliquely and almost in a straight line to the neck, the eyes standing out very prominent. The soles of the tarsi are rather densely clothed with short bristles, the claw joint is naked. 21. C seriejnmctatus, Chaudoir, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1859, p. 298. Hah. High plateaux of Colombia. Mr. Whymper took a specimen that answers fairly well to the description at La Dormida, Cayambe (11,800 feet). 22. C. imstulosus, n. sp. Huh. Cajvambe (15,000 feet). One exami)le. Oblongo - ovatus castaneo-rufus : capite ovato antice cum mandibulis brevi collo crasso supra nullomodo depresso, oculis mininie convexis : an- tennis Ijrevibus articulis 5-10 quadrato-ovatis : thorace breviter quadrato postice valde sinuato, angulis posticis exstantibus acutis, supra prope angulum A PPENDIX— GOLEOPTERA . 1 5 iitiiiH[ue elevatione coiisjiicuii idtunda puytulit'urnie : t'lytiis uvatiss apioe obtuse conj uiictim rotiindatis, basi utrinque depressis plica Ijasali ubsoleta, striis fere obsoletis, sed iiiterstitiis convexis tertio iinipuuctato : tarsis 4 anticis aiticulo 4*° j^rofunde, 2 posticis vix, einarginatis. Long. 6^ millim. ^ • This species has a peculiar facies o^\'i^g to the shortness of the niandiljles, and the consequent bluntness of the muzzle, so diffeieiit frdiu the usual aspect of Colpodes. The maxilliB project far beyond the mandibles, and the apical joint of the palpi is fusiform. Tlie thorax is similar in tbrni to that of many Pterostichi, but presents the singular feature of a rounded bladder- like elevation near each posterior angle, — the metathoracic episterna are very shoit. 23. C. rotnndictps, n. sp. Hab. Cayambe (15,000 feet). One example. C. imstuloso affinissimus, sed multo gracilior, castaneo-fuscus capite nigro, partilais oris antennis pedil)us(pu! rutinribus: antennis sat graciliV)us : capite ovato antice cum rnandibulis brevi collo transversim depresso, oculis minime convexis : thorace elongate cordato-quadrato, postice valde sinuato fere con- stricto, angulis exstantibus acutis, spatio inter foveam et angulum elongato- convexo : elytris ovatis, apice o1)tuse I'otundatis, basi utiinque depresso sed plica basali Integra, subtiliter punctulato-striatis, 3'" fjuinque-punctato : tarsis 4 anticis hand profunde, 2 posticis \'ix perspicue, emarginatis. Long. 9^^ millim. 9 • Very similar to ('. imstulosus, V)ut longer and slenderer in all its paits ; differing specifically, besides, in the presence of a well-marked basal plica on tlie elytra. The mandibles in C. jnistulosus pixject very little beyond tlie labi'um, scarcely the labrum's length ; in C. rotundiceps they project about \h the length of the labrum ; the maxilla project far beyond the mandibles in l)oth species. The usual tumid enlargement Ijehind the ej^es is elongated, liut gradually narrows to the neck which has a faint constriction. The thorax is very much narrower and resembles in form that of G. piceolus (Chaudoir). 24. G. Pichinchcc, n. sp. Hab. Pichincha, second camp (15,000 feet). Three examples. G. pustuloso proxime affinis, differt capite antice mandibulisque longior- ibus fere sicut in Golpodes normalibus, collo angustiori supra perparum depresso, oculis proniinentibus capite post oculos tumido rotundatim angus- tato. Castaneo - rufus ; thorace suljcoi'dato-(|uadrato, postice valde sinuato, angulis exstantibus subacutis, inter fnveam et angulum convexo : elytris a])ice 16 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. late obtusis, basi vitrinque depressis plicaque obsoleta, sii1)tilissime striatis, interstitio tertio 3-punctato, puncto priino prope basin alteris duobus longe post medium. Long. 7 1 millim. ^ 5 . Closely allied to C. pustulosus, having similar short antennse, feebly emarginated posterior tarsi, depressed base of each elytron, etc. ; but differing in the shape of the head and the more oblong elytra. The thorax is similar, but narrower and more elongated, and the rounded pustiile-like elevation near the posterior angle is reduced to a simple convexity, without distinct rounded outline. The claw joint of the tarsi has beneath a few very short bristles. 25. C. orthomus, Chaudoir, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1878, p. 289. Hab. Hacienda of Antisana (13,300 feet), Cayambe (12-15,000 feet). Ten examples. In Chaudoir's description, dra-«ii from a single specimen, the sides of the thorax are said to be " presque droits " ; they are nearly straight in some examples but distinctly sinuated in others, the general form however being always trapezoidal, as Chaudoir indicates. The thorax is relatively very lar<>e, and the elytra short in this species, which resembles a short Calathus rather than a Colpodes. Chaudoir speaks of the scutellar striole as effaced, a term not strictly apidicable as there exists a short rudiment. The base of the thorax between the smooth fovea and the angle has a convexity resembling the more pronounced ]Dustular elevation of G. pustulosus. 26. C. Altar crisis, n. sp. Hab. Valley of Collanes, Altar (12,500 feet). Four examples. Augustus, niger vix nitidus ; antennis lirevibus ; capite parvo, collo per- parum constricto : thorace subovato, postice paullo angustato, angulis posticis rotundatis, nullis : elytris apice minus late rotundatis nee sinuatis ^ $ aluta-"" ceis, subtiliter striatis interstitio tertio 3-punctato : tarsis subtus sparsim setosis articulo 4*° modice emarginato. Long. 7|-8l millim. ^ $ . Resembles certain slen very short. APPENDIX ~~ COLEOPTERA . 1 7 27. C. denigratus, n. sp. Hah. Picliincha (12,000 feet). One examiik-. V. Altarensi simillimus sed differt antennis elongatis : gmciliur, niger elytris ( (J ) alutaceis subopacis, antennis partibnsque oris fulvo-rufis : capite jiarvo, Cdllo hand tninsversim depresso, oculis paruni jHYiminentilius : thorace sicut in ('. Altarensi <|nadrato-ovato angulis ^()sti(;is nullis, niarginibns angustis : elytris longioribns, anguste oblongis, apice perparuni siniiatis, plica basali fere recta, transversa, liumeris rotnndatis, puuctulato-striatis, inter- stitiis planissimis tertio tripunctatn : tarsis i)lantis sat dense tenui-setosis 4*" (piatuor posticovum Libo cxteriori c(ins]>icne elongato. Long. 9 niillim. ^. Very similar to C. Altarends in form, sculpture, and colour, l)Ut different in the greater length of the antennae, and the elongation of the outt-r angle of the fourth tarsal joint to the middle and hind legs, which assumes the pm- portions of a lobe; so that the joint may be said to lie unilobulai'. The insect is of more oblong form, but without the structural ditl'erences in antennae and tarsi it would not be considt^ed as more than a local varietv of ('. Altarensis. 28. C. fiisipalim, n. sp. Hah. Cayambe (15,000 feet). One example. Sat gracilis, niger, antennis palpis pedilmsipic piceo-rufis : antennis lirevi- bus sed articulis minus ovatis : capite ovatn, oculis parum ]iriiminentilius, collo transversim modice depresso : palpis articulo ultimo late fusiformi : thorace angusto ipiadrato ante basin profnnde sinuato, angulis jiosticis exstantibus fere rectis : elytris ovatis subtiliter striatis iuterslitio tertin tripunctato : tarsis articulo 4^" sat ])rofund{' emarginato, postcrinrum angulis pi'oductis. Long. 6 1 millim. Apparently allied to V. ooi:>teroides (Chaud.), and possildy the sauie species, but Chaudoir does not mention the thick fusiform terminal joint of the maxillary and lal>ial palpi ; the swollen part of the joint being much wider than the penultinaate. The antennas and legs are short and stout, the thoiax is narrow, (puulrate Imt deejily sinuated before the Ijase, and the hind angles salient and sharp at their apiices ; the liase is rugulose and thei'C is a slight linear convexity between the fovea and the angle. The elytra are elongate- ovate, the base narrow with well-marked curved basal plica, and the apex rounded without sinuation. The metathoracic episterna are remarkably short, and the fourth tarsal joint is much more deeply emarginated (nearly bilobed) than in ('. juisttdosiix and allies. D 18 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 29. G. PatrohouJe.% ii. sp. Hab. Valley of CoUanes, Altar (12,500 feet). One example. G. cajnto affini.s et similis, sed multo gracilior capite(|ue minus dilatato, etc. : piceo-niger antennis palpis pediljusque castaneo-rufis : capita normali oculis prominentibus, collo constricto : thorace quadrato postice paullo an- gustato ante basin sinuato angulis posticis rectis subacutis, margine laterali prope angulos anticos explanato, postice nee explanato nee elevato : elytiis elongato-ovatis convexis ( ^ ) nitidis, apice perparum sinuatis, punctulato- striatis : tarsis subtus sparsim setosis, articulo 4^ emarginato, posteriorum angulis Ijreviter elongatis. Long. 8 millim. c^ . Allied to G.fusiiKilpis, but larger and more slender in all its parts. In the form of tlie thorax and elytra (particularl}' the dilated anterior margins of the thorax), and in the prominent eyes with the sides of the head converg- ing oblic^uely and rapidly from the eyes to the somewhat constricted neck, the species resembles also G. capito, but it differs greatly from that species in the clothing of the soles of the tarsi and the feebler emaigination of their fourth joint, besides its smaller head and the narrower, nnreflexed posterior margins of the thorax. 30. ('. oreas, n. sp. Hah. Western side of Chimborazo, tifth camp (15,800 feet). One example, Elongatiis, nigro - piceus, palpis antennis pedibusque castaneo-rufis: antennis modice elongatis : capite ovato, collo transversim depresso, post oculos pariim convexos paullulum tumido, rotundatim angustato : thorace subcordato, postice perparum sinuato angulis posticis rectis nee productis : elytris valde elongatis, liasi angustis apice obtuse rotundatis, subtiliter punctulato-striatis, interstitiis planissimis tertio 4-punctato : tarsis subtus pauei- setosis articulo 4*'^ jH'ofunde emarginato fere bilobato, posticis lobo- exteriori elongato. Long. 10| millim. S • Elongate in Snin, with oval head, the eyes being scarcely more prominent than the tumid cheeks behind them, which latter narrow in a slightly curved line to the moderately constricted neck. The palpi have slender terminal joints, a little wider in their middle portion. The antennte are a little more slender than in G. cejihalote.'^. The thorax is cordate with rectangular hind angles and much reflexed but narrow lateral margins, which are widest at the anterior angles. The elytra are relatively very long but somewhat ovate in outline. The claw joints of the tarsi are naked beneath. The metathor- APPENDIX— COLEOPTEBA. ■ 19 ucic epistL-niu are rather narrow, the outer margin being a little longer than the base. 31. C. Icevilatens, n. sp. Hah. Between Tortorillas ami Clui(|uipn(piiu, Chimborazo (12-13,000 feet). Two examples. Elongatus, gracilis, castaueo-fuscus nitidus ( ^ ) antennis palpis peilil >us(|ue rufioribus : capite antice cum mandiliulis elongato, oculis pmniinentibus picist oculos recte angustato, cello angusto sed supra parum depresso : antennis sat elongatis : thorace relative parvo, cordato-(£uadrato postice paullo sinuato angulis rectis sed apice hand acmninatis : elytris elongato-ovatis basi angustis apice paullo sinuatis suljol.tsolete striatis, interstitiis interioril)Us convexis exterioribus planis politis tertio o-punctato : tarsis onniilnis articulo 4*'' bilobato lobo exteriori vix longiori. Long. 9 millim. ^ . A slender and elongated species with relatively long but not large head, ehjugated mandililes, prominent eyes, and narrow elongate-ovate elytra, the 4-7th stria^ of which are very faintly impressed. The legs are slender, the tarsi clothed beneath rather densely with moderately fine hairs, and the fourth joint in all bilobed, the outer lobes a little longer and broader than the inner. The metathoracic episterna are very short. The thorax differs from that of 0. piceolus and allied species in not being deeply sinuated behind or having produced posterior angles, the lateral margin being straight for some distance Ijefore the angle. The colour of the thorax is a little redder than that of the head and elytra. This species is evidently closely related to C. alpinus (Chaudoir) also irom Chimborazo ; but the author's description of the stria3 does not accord with G. Icevilateris, and the claw joint of the tarsi is without cilia. 32. G. jnceolus, Chaudoir, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1878, p. 299. Originally taken in Colombia by Steinheil. Two examples taken by Mr. Whymper on Cayambe at 12-14,000 feet agree very well with Chaudoir's description ; but according to the author's synoptical table the foui-th joint of the posterior tarsi ought to be without external lobe. Mr. Whymper's insect has a distinct narrow pointed lobe ; it is, however, difficult of detection, and may possibly have been overlooked. I am unwilling to consider it as a dis- tinct species. An example sent me by M. Putzeys (who supplied M. de Chaudoir with specimens) as G. yiceolus^ is extremely like Mr. Wliympei''s, but the basal plica of the elytra is obsolete and the base so narrow that the humeral angles are brought near to the base of the thoi'ax ; it cannot there- fore be Chaudoir's species, and was evidently mistaken for it by Mr. Putzeys owing to its close resemblance. D 2 20 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. ?}'i. C. diopsin, n. sp. Hah. Pic-liinclia (14-15,000 feet). Intermediate between ('. j:»{feoZ«.s- and C. sfmo, ^onie examjili,-^ almost Ijiidging ovei' tlie difference between the two. But tlie el}'tra instead of being rather bi'oadly ovate as in 0. piccolus are narrow oldong-ovate almost as in C. steno. It may be distinguished fi'om G. steno by the elytral shoulders being somewhat distant from the angles of the thorax ami the striae being distinetly punctulated as in G. inceolus. Length, 8-8^ millim. 34. G. steno, n. sp. Hah. Cayamlie (15,000 feet), Pichincha (14-15,500 feet). Fourteen examples. G. inceolo alhnis sed niidt(_) angustior. Gracilis, castaneo-fuseus, palpis antennis ]iedil)us(|ue rufi(iril)us : capite anguste ovato, post oculos tumido rotundato-angustato, collo parum depresso : thorace cor dato-tpad rate postice valde si- nuatc) fere constricto angulis exstantibus acutis, margine laterali postice reflexo-ele- vato : elytris elongato - ovatis, plica basali integi'a parum arcuata, humeris a thorace distantilius apice oljtuse rotundatis, punc- tulato-striatis, striis 5-7 sulitilioribus :^ tar- sis articulo 4^'^ emarginato, posticis angulo exterioii elongato acuto, articulo 5*'' haud ciliato. Long. 7-10 millim. Var. G. retentus. Hah. Cayambe (15,000 feet). Two ex- amples. Differs from the ty])e only in the sides of the thorax continuing straight, or parallel from the sinuation to the hind angle, the latter remaining acute as in the tj^^jical examples. Long. 10 millim. 35. G. hclwriduK, n. sp. Hah. Between Antisanilla and Pinantura (11,000 feet). One example. G. riuedo (Dej.) c[uoad formam similis et affinis, sed minor collocpie ci'asso. I*aullo gracilior, elongato-ovatus, castaneo-fuscus, palpis antennisque rufioi'ibus : capite subtriangiilari, collo lato crasso, mox pone oculos transversim leviter depresso : thorace sat late subcordato-quadrato, ante basin subsinuato, angulis posticis rotxmdatis : elytris convexis, ajjice obtusis parum sinuatis, humeris subrectis, acute i)unclulato-striatis, interstitiis planis tertio impunctato : tarsis COLl'ODES STENO, BATES. CAYAMBE &. PICHINCHA. APPENDIX— aoLEoPTERA. 2 1 roliuslis, 4 posticis ;iil latent biHulcuti.s, articulu 4'^" iutcnnediis Inloliato, ]iostieis einarginato an,L;ul(j exteiiori elougato. Lung. 8 millim. cj ■ Allied to the comiuun C. rmestus of the Mexican plateaux, and helimging to the same section, but much smaller, a little narrower, and the head very different in the form of its l)road convex neck, which has above a slight transverse impression : the eyes are con\ex, but the cheeks narrow rapidly l)eliind them to the broad neck. The lal)runi has a straight fore margin, the palpi have very slightly fusiform apical joints, and the antenna' liaA'e tlie joints 5-11 notably broad and compressed. The claw joint, which, like the other joints of the tarsi, is shoi'ter and stcuiter than usual in the genus, is naked l)eneath. The colour of tlie head and thorax aliove is nearly black, the elytra are chestnut-brown, and the body Ijeneath as well as the legs, antenme, etc., reddish ; but the colour of the underside is probaldy variable as in other species of the section. 3G. IJ. Drusillus, n. sp. Hah. Pacific slopes (7-8000 feet). Two examples. Gracilis, elongato-ovatus, nigro-i)iceus nitidus ( c^ $ ) palpis antennis pedi- busque rufioribus : capite sat gracile dvato |)ost oculos grailatim angustato, collo supra parum depresso : thorace anguste ovato subquadrato, ante l>asin paullo sinuato, angulis posticis ol)tusissimis : elytris apice parum sinuatis, punctulato-striatis interstitiis planis 3'" tripunctato : tarsis sul:)tus dense tenuisetosis, 4 posticis bisulcatis articulo 4^" bil(il)ato lol)o exteriori (pra'cipue posticis) ebingato ; 5*^'^ nudo. Long. 8|- millim. (^ J • Also allied to C. nurdiis, but very much smaller and more slender, with rather narrow oval thorax having obtuse, nearly rounded, hind angles pre- ceded by a slight sinuation of the sides and oblique basal margin near the angles. It thus resemljles to deceiiticn certain slender species of A(jonnm. The elytra are elongate-ovate ; the legs I'ather slender with deep siilci on the sides of the four hinder tarsi, the outer lobe of the fourth joint in the hind- most pair being narrow and elongated. The elytra have a distinct scutellar sti'iole, and the first stria has at its origin an ocellated puncture. 37. C. aUicola, n. sp. Hub. Hacienda of Antisana (13,300 feet), Pichincha (12-13,000 feet), Antisanilla to Pinantura (11,000 feet), Machachi (9-10,000 feet). Numerous examjiles. Elongata, antennis pedibusque sat gracililms capite mox pone oculos citius angustato : niger politus, elytris ^ upacis, antennis paljiis (pedibusque 22 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. interduin) rutioribus : thorace quadrato, postice angnstato, lateribus antice plus luiniisve rotundatis ante basin leviter sinuatis, angulis posticis valde obtusis sed distinctis margine basali j^rope angulum obliquo : elytris elongato- ovatis, acute subpunctulato-striatis, interstitiis planis tertio 3-5 punctato : tarsis 4 posticis extus sulcatis, subtus dense tenuisetosis, articulo 4*" inter- mediis bilobato, lobo exteriori pauUo longiori, posticis emarginato angulo ex- teriori distincte elongate ; articulo 5*'^ sulitus ciliato. Long. 10|-12l millim. Agrees in some respects botli with 0. alpinus (Cliaud.) from Cliimborazo, and C. dijschromus (Cliaud.) from Colombia, but the author's descriptions founded on too few individuals, and imperfect in other respects, leave one in doubt. I do not find an insect amongst Mr. Whymper's numerous series having simply emarginated fourth joint to the middle tarsi like G. alpinus, as Chaudoir's description implies, and the number of large punctures on the third interstice is not 3 (except in rare instances) as in G. dyschromus but 4 or 5 ; they are very variable in position, and are very conspicuous on the sericeous -opaque elytra of the $. The male is unusually brilliant in its lilack colour. The thorax ^•aries greatly in -^v-idtli and rotundity of the sides. 38. G. piirjmratus, Reiche, Rev. Zool, 1842, p. 375 ; Chaudoir, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1878, p. 340. A common insect in Colombia. Mr. Whymper obtained one example from Milligalli (6200 feet). This is the only -species of Golpodes collected by Mr. Whymper belonging to the third and most numerous section of the genus, characterised by its long and narrow metathoracic episteina and almost universally metallic colours. All the other species have very short episterna, and black or dark-brown colours. Subfam. TRECHiNiE. 39. Trechus ■? One Inoken specimen, undoubtedly of this genus, was taken on Cayamlie at 15,000 feet. Subtam. BEMBiDilNiE. 40. Bembidium fulvocindum, n. sp. Hub. Tortorillas to Chuquipoquio, Chimborazo (12-13,000 feet); Haci- enda of Antisana (13,300 feet); Valley of Collanes, Altar (12,500 feet); Pichincha, first camp (14,000 feet); Cayambe (15,000 feet). Seven examples. Convexum apterum, nigro-piceum vel castaneum teneo-tinctum, elytris plus minusve distincte fulvo-marginatis, antennis basi pediljusque fulvo-nifis : sulcis frontaliljus modice impressis sat vagis vei'sus oculos curvatis : thorace APPENDIX—COLEOPTEEA 23 rotundato-cordato versus liasin valde angustato, angiilis posticis acutis, fovea obliqua curta profunda utriiique ab angulo carina obtusa separata : elytris ovalibus versus humeros valde rotundatis ; striato-punctatis interstitiis planis tertio iJunctis parvis duobus ; striis versus apicem plus niinusve obsoletis : stria 8^'^ ante basin cum stria Q"'*^ conjuncta. Long. 3 1 niilliin. In its very oval elytra resembles the St. Helena Bcmhiilia more than any group of Europe or North America. The curA-e of the sides continues to the end of the plica which forms a little angle near the basal angle of the thorax. The general form is rather short and oval, the surface glossy, the elytral strise scarcely impressed, and the width of the tawny border very irregular. 41. B. {Pcrijj)hus) Chimbora:.omim, n. sp. Hah. Tortorillas to Chu(|uipoqino, Chimborazo (12-13,000 feet). Eijdit examples. B. decoro (Panz.) fpioad formam liaud dissimile sed apterum, elytris versus basin magis attenuatis, basi angustis, angulis humeralibus nullis ; olivaceo- nigrum scapo rufo, pedibus fulvo-piceis : oculis minus prominentibus collo- que sat crasso : thorace cordato - quadrato, antice rotundato prope basin sinuato-angustato, angulis posticis acutis, fovea utrinque basali unica pro- funda ab angulo carina acuta separata : elytris anguste elongato-ovatis versus basin angustatis, striis 1 - 4 baud acute impressis sed interstitiis convexis, 5 indistincta 6 - 7 obsoletis, 8^'^ fere us(|ue ad basin extensa ; interstitio punctis magnis transversis duobus. Long. 5-5^ milKm. (^ 9- Approaches in form the species allied to B. decorum, but the elytra narrowed in a moderate curve to the base without trace of humeral angles, and the meml)ranous wings wanting. The frontal furrows are moderately long ; the punctures of the thiid elytral interstice in well-de^'eloped examples extend across the interstice ; the strife are scarcely at all impressed, and are rendered apparent only l^y the convexity of the interstices. 42. B. {Nota'plius) Cayambcnse, n. sp. Hab. Village of Cayambe (9320 feet). Two examples. B. Aubei (Solier) affine sed magis depressum ; Kneum, immaculatum, scapo pedibus rufo-testaceis seneo-tinctis : foveis frontalibus simplicibus latis : thorace antice pauUo magis quam postice angustato, angulis posticis subacutis, basi utrinque fovea lata, alteraque angusta ab angulo carina separata : elytris oblongis, punctato-striatis striis vix impressis, interstitiis planissimis 3'" et 5*° cseteris latioribus, 3'" ])unctis duobus in medio interstitio sitis. Long. 5 millim. 24 TRAVELS AMuNGST THE GEE AT ANDES. A distinct species of the very iiuinei(ius and univeisally distributed group Notaphus, approaching nearest B. Avhci of Chili, though very different in colour and more flattened in form, in these respects having a general resemblance to the much larger Mexican species />'. placiti turn. SuLfam. Dryptin/E. 43. Galerifa ruficollis, Dejean, Sp. Gen. Col., i, p. 191. Hah. Guayaquil. A widely-distributed species in Central America and the West Indies. Trilie LAMELLICORNIA. Fam. COnilDJi. 44. Uroxys elongatus, Harohl, Col. Hefte, iii, p. 44. Hab. Cotocachi (11-13,500 feet). Two examples. Previously known from Quito. 45. U. latesulcatus, n. sp. Hah. Pichincha (12.000 feet), Machachi (0-10,000 feet). Six examples. mtOXYS LATESUI.CATUS, I'.ATK! PICHINCHA AND MACHACHI. U. elonrjato proximo afhnis ; ditfert elytris late sulcatis, sulcis opacis striis vix perspicue punctulatis interstitiis convt'xis politis : obloiigns, niger, ca])ite A PPENDIX^ COLEOPTERA . 25 supra cui-vatiiu luyuloso, veitice unitulierculato, cl}'i:)eus liidentato : thorace transversim qiiadrato, angulis posticis rotundatis, sulco obliquo submargiiiali spatioque inter sulcum et marginem laterali coiivexo, fovea impresso : tibiis 4 posticis extus medio deiite valido insti'ucti). (J Pedibus aiiticis elongatis, til)iis valde ciirvatis, intus longe ante l)asiii unidentatis. Lung. 12-15 millim. ^ 9. 46. Untherus (equatoriiis, n. s]). Hab. Ecuador, probably Pacific slopes.^ One example only. Elongato-oblougus, niger nitidus, antennis pal})is(pu' rutis : clypcd aiilice ruguloso, obtusissime bideiitatn, cdinu veiticis mbusto, runiru nbtiiso : tlioiace ONTHERUa .KyUATORlUS, BATES. relative brevi, antice fere verticaliter declive ibique et lateribus crebre punctulato, disco punctulis minus impressis, sulco dorsali vix impresso : elytris elongatis profunde striatis, striis sat grosse crenulatis, interstitiis elevatis sed supra late planulatis, subtiliter punctulatis : pectore et ventris lateribus grosse punctatis ; metasterno Ifcvi, medio fovea rotundata. Long. 18 millim. (J ? ^ The locality was lost hy the setter. — E. W. E 26 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 47. Pinotus Satanas, Harold, Col. Hefte, ii, p. 98. Hab. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). Two examples. A cominoii insect at moderate elevations in Colomlna. 48. P. Cotopaxi, Guerin, Verliandl. Zoo. Bot. Verein, Wien, \., p. 588. Hab. Pacific slopes (below 1400 feet). A single exam^ile. Appears to be peculiar to Ecuador. 49. Phanceus conspicillatus, Fabr., Syst. Eleutli., i, p. 32. Hab. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). Numerous examples. Widely distributed in the northern part of South Ameiica, and a common insect in the forest j)lains of the Upper Amazons. Faui. TROGID^'E. 50. Trox suberosus, FaT)r., Syst. Entom., p. 31. Hab. Machachi (9-10,000 feet). A single example. Widely distributed throughout Tropical America. 51. Cla'otus tubericauda, n. sp. Hah. Ecuador (altitude unkn(jwn i). (l metallico (Harold) valde affinis. Nigro-seneus politus corpore subtus rufti, clypei elytrorumque marginibus pedi- busque (partim) rufescentibns : clypeo sat angulato genis acutis, fronte medio tu- mido suljlaevi cteteris grosse punctatis : thorace punctulato, lateribus late depressis grossius j)unctatis, disco postice la3vi sulco antico submarginali integro, angulis pos- ticis rotundatis : elytris (margine hand crenato) striato - punctulatis interstitiis planissimis, la3vibus, 1'"*^ apice 10'"'' 12'"° longe ante apicem acute carinatis CLCEOTUS T0BER1CAUDA, BATES. . , i , ^ ^ ■ ^■^ ■■ cseteris contuse et obtuse tuberosis : tibiis posticis apice extus productis tarsis elongatis. Long. 6 millim. Fam. MELOLONTHID^. 52. Astaina produda, n. sp. Hab. Machachi to Pedregal (10,000 feet). A single example. Elongato-oblonga castaneo-rufa polita glabra, clypeo sat elongato, quad- rato grossissime punctato, margine antico elevato, angulis fere rectis : thorace 1 The locality was lost by the setter. — E. W. A FP ENDIX - CO LEiJP TK II A . 27 aiitice valde angustato aiiguli^ loiiLce ]iiuolicus autice acuminatus reflexus. Antenn;e 10 articulatge clava (c?) brevi. LaVirum (sub clypeo obtectum) sat elongatum, corneum, medio carinatum. Maxillae edentatis, omnino pilosa^ Mandibulai elongata; producta? angustse apice obtuse acuminatie. Mentum apice angustatum acuminatum. Tibiai anticje breves et latse, tridentataj (^ dentis obtusis). Tarsi antici {S ) articulo unguiculari incrassato, unguibus valde imequalilnis, grossiori apice bifido. The stout iVimtal tul)ercle, or short horn, is formed by the thickening and folding of the siituiv. Avliicli separates the cly]K'ns frcmi tlie forehead, and it is LEUCOPEL/EA ALBESCENS, BATES, A. ANTERIOR CLAW OF THE MALE. FROM NORTH-WEST SIDE OF COTOPAXI, l2,0O0 FEET. BAROTHEUS ANDINUS, BATES. A. srDE srEW OF head. FROM MACHACHI, CHIMBORAZO, ETC.. 9000-11,700 FEET. A PPENDIX— COLEOI'TFAIA . 31 perpendicular, or even concave on its anterior face and gradually sloping behind, the frontal suture being traceable to its summit. It is peculiar in being equally develojjed in both sexes. G2. Barotheas Andinus, n. sp. Hab. Chillo (9000 feet); Machachi (9-10,000 feet); between Machachi and Pedregal (10,000 feet) ; Chuquipo(j[uio, Chimborazo (11,700 feet). Eight examples. Fusco-niger nitidus ( ^ elytris sericeo-opacis) : capite et tliorace sparsim, clypens crebrius, punctatis, elytris impunctatis interdum obsolete striato- pnnctatis : antennis, palpis tarsisque plus minusve rutis ; interdum thorace et pedibus castaneo-rufis : pectore longe fulvo-hirsuto : pygidio obsolete punctu- lato et strigoso apice fulvo ciliato elytiorum inarginibus breviter ciliatis. Long. 9-11 lin. S ?• For Figure see the accompanying Plate. 63. C ydocephala diluta, Erichson, Wiegm. Archiv, 1847, i, p. 97. Hab. Guayac^uil ; Pacific slopes (below 1400 feet). Two examples. Erichson described the species as being without spots on the elytra. Mr. Whymper's examples have several ill-defined brownish streaks, in one more numerous than in the other, showing the A^ariability of the character. 64. C. collaris, Burm., Handl>., v, p. 47. Hab. Pacific slopes (below 1400 feet). A single female example, closely lesembling others Avith M-hicli I have comj)ared it from Panama. 65. C. rubescens, n. sp. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). Four examples. G. lucida' (Burm.) proxime aftinis, sed differt inter alia clypeo hand sinuato. Elongato-oblonga convexa, testaceo-rufa glabra nitida, vertice thoracisque maciilis quatuor (transversim seriatis) nigris : clypeo semiovato marginibus reflexis, vermiculato - rugulosis et ocellato-piinctatis, fronte bituberculata, vertice sparsim punctato : thorace antice rotundato- dilatato Isevissimo : elytris ol)solete striato- punctatis, 5 callo elongato submarginali mar- gineque proximo incrassato : abdominis seg- mento penultimo dorsali elongato ( i^ ? ) ex- serto, pygidio relative curto, convexo, nitido setifero-punctato. Long. 22 millim. ^ 9 • Belongs to Burmeister's section " Cyclocephalce parabolical:' Theelytraor rathertlie "after-body" cvolocephala rubescens, bates. is parallel -sided and not wider than the thorax. nanegal. 32 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 66. Dyscinetus dvhius, Oliv., Eiit., i, 5, p. 32, t. 3, f. 20, «, b ; geminatus, Fdb., Syst. El., ii, 166 ; Burin., Handb., v, p. 78. Hah. La Mona (under 200 feet). Four examples. Widely distributed in Equatorial America, throughout the Amazons plains, Cayenne, etc. Burmeister drew up his desciiption of D. geminatus evidently from South Brazilian specimens, in which the pygidium is coarsely shagreened for a greater or less extent at the l^ase in Ijoth sexes and sparsely punctured in the rest of its extent. In the true Guiana form of the species, to which Olivier's and probably Fabricius' specimens belonged, the pygidium in the male is densely rugulose or vermiculate-punctate throughout, except for a small .space on the disk, and in the female sparsely punctui'ed with the base r(jughened. The S. Brazilian form is moi'e oblong (the elytia being scarcely dilated be- hind), the S anterior claws and claw joint much thicker, and the clypeus generally more coarsely punctured than in the Guiana type ; in tlie latter the S pygidium is clothed with stiff haii's, the 9 naked and much more coni- ];)ressed laterally. Ecuadorian examples are much more tinely punctured than those from the Amazons. 67. Stenocraies laborator, Fabr., Syst. Ent., i, p. 18. Hab. Guayaquil. Three example.^. Also Amazons plains and Surinam. 68. S. holomelanus, Germar, Ins. Spec, nov., jx 116. Hab. Pacific slopes (below 1400 feet). Three examples. Found through- out tropical South America. 69. Megaceras Philoctetes, Oliv., Ent., i, 3, p. 16, t. 14, f. 125 : syn. M. Teucer, Burm., Handb., v, p. 223. Hab. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). One female example, probably of this species. Baryxenus, nov. gen. Ad Sect. Pimeloindes pertinet. Corpus oblongum, crassum, convexum. Caput parvum ; clypeus triangularis ; frons ( $ ) tuberculo acuto armata. Mandibulre breves, crassie, obtusfe extiis rotundata?. Maxillai subobtuste, inermes, pilosoe. Mentum antice angustatum. Palpi articulo terminali oq- teris conjunctis longiori subcylindrico. Antennfe articulis 3-5 brevibus 6-7 latae. Thorax antice parum retusu.s tulterculis duobus antico-discoidalibus. Tibiae anticEe 4-dentat8e ; intermedite et posticaj intus planatae, extus uni- carinatse apice oblique truncatfe, truncatur^e marginibus simplicibus ; calcaria lata, obtusa : tarsi articulo l'"*^ obtuso triangulari. Prosternum lobo post- roxali mnnituni. ARYXENUS /EQUAIORIUS, BATES. FROM MACHACHI, 10,000 FEET. HETEROCOMPHUS WHYMPERI, BATE.S, FROM THE COUNTRY TO THE WEST OF QUITO .4 PPENDTX— COLEOPTEBA . 3 3 70. Barii-xemts cv-quatorius, n. sp. Hab. Machaclii (9-10,000 feet). Castaneo - f usciis, capite et thorace antice arcuatim-stxigulosis ; elytris nitidis vage rugatis et hie illic olisolete striato-punctatis, stria suturali paullo distinctiori : pectore nifo-liirto : pygidio politissimo, basi punetulato. Long. 40 millim. $ . A .lingular form, nf wliicli uiifortunatL-ly only a single female specimen was oV)taincd. Altliougli belonging to Lacordaire's group Pimelo^ndes, tlie hind tibia} are not so broad and robust as in the other genera of that group, and the edge of the ol)liquely truncated tibi;c is somewhat flexuous. The propygidium is not produced (at least in the $ ), and the pygidium is very large and convex. For Figure see the Plato facing p. 32. 71. Hderorjomplius Bourcieri, Guerin, Rev. Zool., 1851, p. 160. Hah. Between Guallabamba and Guachala (9000 feet). 72. H. JJ'hijmjJcri, n. sp. H. Schonherri (Burm.) affinis : differt statura majori elytris basi hcvilius, ^ cornu thoracico vix ascendenti, valde elongato, versus apicem angustato apice lireviter emarginato. Long. 30 lines = 64 millim. S ■ Hi(h. West of Quito (height nut known). Mr. Whymper obtained at Quito one specimen only of this fine species, which differs too much from the CV)loml>ian H. Schdnherri to l)e considered merely an extreme development of that insect. The general form is longer and less convex, the elytra relatively longer, and the thorax more gradually narrowed in front. It is glossy-black above and dark rusty-ldack beneath. The head horn is ninth longer than in H. Schujiherri ($ , less regularly curved, flexuous, and thickened behind a little before the apex ; the thoracic horn is less elevated, more horizontal and greatly lengthened, the apex reach- ing Ijeyond the clypeus ; it is densely clothed, as well as the jjunctured anterior concavity of the thorax, with reddish hairs, which also cover a great part of the under surface of the body and the base of the pygidium. The sides of the thorax are coarsely rugose-punctate, the upper surface smooth. The elytra are nearly smooth near the scutellum and densely vermiculate- rugose and punctate, but much less coarsely than H. Schonherri in the rest of their surface. For Figure see the accompanying Plate. 73. Enema Pan, Fabr., Syst. Ent., i, p. 5 ; Burni., Handb., v, p. 235. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). One male and one female examjile. F 31 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 74. Sfrafcrgus Almis, Lin., Syst. Nat, i, 2, p. 542 ; Burni., Handb., v, \\ 235. Hah. Nauc'gal (3-4000 feet). One example. 75. Golofa ^Egeon, Fabr., Syst. El., i, p. 4 ; Bium., Handb., v, p. 253. Hah. Milligalli (G200 feet). One pair. Praogolofa, nov. gen. A Gen. Golofa Jiffert capite tlioraceque ^ inerniibus. Quoad formani Golofis $ simili.s. Clyjiens antice attenuatu.s, apice brevissime Ijidentatus : frons medio $ tuberculo conico, 5 carinula transversa : mandilnilai extiis valde sinuatfe apice lata?, ol)tuse bidentatje, dente interior! nmlto minori. Thorax (^ et 9 omnino inermis ; pedes et iinguiculi (prrecipiie $ ) sat elongati, tibiae anticaj $ tridentata?, $ qnadridentatfe (dente 4*'^ parvo) ; tibite posticas mar- gine apicali leviter flexuoso sed baud dentato, breviter setoso. Notwithstanding the absence of the remarkable horn-like projections from the head and thorax so characteristic of the genus Golofa, and which have been considered as essentially distinguishing the sub-family to which that genus belongs, there can be no doubt of the correctness of referring the present form to the same group. The form and sculpture of the body, the parts of the moiith and other characters are as in Golofa, and the legs and tarsi differ in relative length only in degree. A species of Golofa with unarmed thorax, aj^parently undescribed, connects the genus with the typical Golofa'. Tlie species here desciibed somewhat resemljles the Cycloccjjhahe. 76. Praogolofa unicolor, n. sj). Hab. Between Guallabamba and Guachala (9000 feet). Two examples. Fulvo-testacea nitida, pectore, pygidio basi femoribus tibiisque longe et dense fulvo - pilosis : capite grosse et crebre punctato nigro-fusco : thorace sparsim punctulato : elytris pauUo grossius sulistriato-punctulatis et rugo- sulis, costis indistinctis. Long. 33-35 inillim. S ? • Golofa inermis, Thomson, is described as having the thorax and elyti'a narrowly liordered with lilack and the scutellum and suture black : the borders and scutellum in the present species are pale-coloured like the rest of the surface. For Figure see the accompanying Plate. Fam. CETONIID^. 77. Gymnetis Jlavocinda, n. sp. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). One example only. G. Cheiirolafii atfinis ; differt elytrorum margine flavo rectissimo, ramnlis 'RAOCOLOFA UNICOLOR.. BATES, PROM BETWEEN GUALLABAMBA AND GUACHALA, 9000 FEET. APPENDIX— GOLEOPTERA . 35 millis : Fuliginosij-iii^ia subtus iiigt-a nitida ; clypeo sicut in G. Ghevrnlatii paiillo ampliato, alte leflexo-marginato antice recto : processo sternali antice minus acute tulierculato : abJoniine sulitus fei^e Itevi, lateril)U8 puuctis pev- ])aucis. Long. 26 milliiu. $ i Bears some resemljlance to G. vuujnifica, but having the broader and more highly margined cly- peus of G. Gherrolatii J. From lioth it differs in the yeUow border Ijeing very sharply and straightly limited (witliout trace of branchlet) from the shnuhler to tlie sutuiv, a short indistinct jirojec- tion appearing only just beneath tlie ai)ical callus. (iYMNETlM FLAVOCINCTA, BATES. NANEGAL. Fan.. PASSALID.-E. 78. Pa.m das fare ilabri.% Eschsch., Nouv. Mem. Mosc, i, 1829, [>. 25 ; Kaup, C\)l. Hefte, iv, p. 25. l{((h. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). One example. Also Cayenne. 7!). P. platiirhinHf!, Hoi)e, Cat. Lucanid;e, p. 28 ; Kauj), Col. Hefte, iv, p. 28. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). Two examples. Also Colondiia ami Venezuela. 80. Passalus .^ One example of a species of this genus from the Pacific slopes (5000 feet), which cannot satisfactorily be detennined. 81. Plioroneus jmncfatosfriatiis, Percheron, Monogr. Passal., p. 78, t. 0, fig. 1. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). One example. A common Central Ameri- can species. 82. P. hinominatus, Percheron, Monogr. Passal., SuppL, i, p. 23. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). Two examples. Recorded from the West Indies. 83. Phoroneus ? A single specimen taken at Tanti (1890 feet i) ; the species indetermin- ^ On the authority of Father "Menteii. See Proc. Royal Geog. Soc, p. 489, Aug 1881.— a;. \V. F 2 36 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 84. P. Maillei, Percheron, Monogr. Passal., Suppl., i, p. 31, t. 78, fig. 6. Hah. Pacific slopes (5000 feet). A widely-distributed species in tlie northern part of South America, and in Central America. 85. Pertinax morio, Percheron, Monogr. Passal., p. 83, t. 6, fig. 4. Hab. Nanegal (3 - 4000 feet). Five exami^les. Recorded also from Colombia and Mexico. 86. Nelcus imndatissimus, Eschsch., Nouv. Mem. Mosc, 1829, i, p. 19. Hab. Pacific slopes (below 1400 feet). One example. A common insect in Peru and Colombia. Tribe LONGICORNIA. Fam. PBIONID.^. 87. Parandra glabra, De Geer, Mem., iv, p. 351. Hab. Chillo (9000 feet). One example. A widely-distributed species in Ti'opical America. 88. /'. luciana, Thorns., Mus. Scientif., p. 86. Hab. Milligalli (6200 feet) ; Nanegal (3-4000 feet). Four examples. Three males and one female of a species which answers fairly well to Thomson's desci'ijition of P. luciana. 89. Prionocalus Whyniferi, n. sp. Hab. Milligalli (6200 feet). Two S and one $ examples. ^ . P. BucMeiji proxime affinis, diffei't tantum elytris versus apicem magis angustatis abdominis apicem tegentibus, sculpturaque toti corporis paullo subtiliori, crebrerrime et usque ad elytrorum apicem tequaliter vermiculato- rugosis : pedibus et palpis nigris. Long. 40-45 millim. 9 . A P. BucMeyi $ valde differt ; elytris valde elongatis, abdominis apicem longe transeuntilius, lateribus fere oaqualitei' rotundatis, apice suturali rotundato : sculptura sicut in (^ crebriori et subtilioii (|uam in P. BucMeyi : pedibus et palpis piceo-nigris. Long. 65 millim. If the $ example above described really belongs to the c^ , this species is certainly distinct from P. BucMeyi, the elytra in P. Bucldeyi $ being very much shorter and not covering the pygidium. Tlie only (diaracters dis- 'RIONOCALUS WHYHPER!, BATES. FROM MILLIGALLI, 6200 FEET. APPENDIX— rOLEOPTERA. 37 tiii>;ui8liiug the mak-s uf the two forms are the tlatter, less uneven, surface of the thui'ax, the more tapeiing elytra (almost as tapering as those of P. atys ^ ), and the minuter, sharper, and more vermiculate rugosity of the whole surface, which on account of the sculpture is less glossy than in P. BucMcyi. For Figure see the accompanying Plate, which is on a scale one half larger' than nature. 90. P. Budioji, Waterhouse, Entom. ^lonthly Mag., viii, p. 261 (Ap. 1872). Hab. Pacific slopes (4000 feet). One ^ example, which in the sculp- ture of the elytra is a little less coarse than in the typical foiin, and to that extent approaches P. JFhymperi. In outline and in the shortness of the elytra it c^uite agrees with P. Bucldeiji. 91. P. trigunodt's, n. sp. Hah. La Mona (under 200 feet), one (^ . Taken also by Mr. Buckley on his last journey. (J P. Whymperi atiinis, sed angustior, elytris postice magis attenuatis, elongato-triangularibus, abdominis apicem hand transeuntibus ; supra passim pequaliter creberrime vermiculato - rugulosus : tarsis omnil)us, tibiis anticis palpisque castaneo-rufis. Variat antennis (ab articulo 2"^!°) castaneo-rufis, pedibusipie interdum rufo-piceis. Lung. 27-37 millini. ^. 92. Mallodon maxUlosum, Fabr., Syst. Ent, p. 163. Hall. Guayuquil (taken indoors). One example, ^ • Fani. CERAMBYCID^E. 93. Chlorida cincta, Guerin, Rev. Zool., 1844, p. 259. Hab. Near Chillo (9000 feet). One example. Widely distributed in Central America, up to Mexico. 94. Achryson lincolatum, Erichson, Wiegm. Archiv, 1847, i, p. 142. Hah. Guayaquil. One example (taken indoors). Inhabits also the coast- region of Northern Peru. 95. Ehuria quadrijiotafa, Latr., Voy. de Humboldt & Bonpland, Zool., i, p. 165, t. 16, f. 9. Hah. Guayaquil (taken indoors). A common insect in the north-western region of South America. 96. Eurysthea angusticollis, n. sp. Hah. Machachi (9-10,000 feet), and between Machachi and Pedregal (10,000 feet). Three examples. 38 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. E. Lacordairei (Lac, Gen. Atlas, t. 87, fig. 1) affinis, sed niulto angustior. Angusta, siiblinearis, griseo-hirta, castaneo-fusca (elytris seneo-tinctis) an tennis, pedibus maculisque (vel vittis) elytrorum testaceo-i'ulvis : thorace angusto fere cylindrico, grosse punctato, ochraceo-vario, tuberculis quinqiie parvis (mediano EUKYSTHEA ANGUSTICOLLIS, BATES. MACHACHI TO PEDREGAL. et 2 postei'ioribus parvis vel oltsoletis) spina laterali longa et acuta : scutello ocliraceo-pvibescenti : elytris crebre punctulatis, pilis inciunbentibus alteris- que erectis vestitis, utrinque vitta irregulari fulva apud medium et ante apicem furcata, apico utrinque sinuatis, angulo suturali producto, exteriori longe si^inosa. Variat elytiis vitta medio interrupta. Long. 17 millim. The narrow tliorax and its less elevated tubercles and sharp lateral s])ine distinguish the species from Eu. obliqua and Eu. Lacordairei. 97. Ciillene dongnfa, Chevrolat, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 18G1, p. 379. Hah. Pacific slopes (1-3000 feet). One example. 98. Trachyderes vermiculahis, n. sp. Hab. Chillo (9000 feet). Two examples. Elongato-oblongus, supra planulatiis, subtus dense griseo-hirtus, supra thorace dense elytris parcius pubescentibus : fuscescente-rufus, subopacus, an- tennis rufis 3-6 apice, 7-9 totis, nigris : pedibus rufis, tarsis nigris, vel totis nigro-fuscis ; elytris sutura et apice interdum nigro-fuscis : thorace medio carina transversa, lateribus spina mediana elongata retrorsum cirrvata, tuber- ibusque ducjbus obtusis ante spinam : elytris vermiculato-rugosis : prosterno processo verticali anteriori parvo olitusn. Long. 23-2fJ millim. $ . HAMMODERUS STICTICUS, BATES, NEAR CHILLO, 9000 FEET A PPENDIX— CO LEO P TERA . 39 Nearest allied to the Brazilian T. juvencus, from \\liicli it differs greatly in markings. It is only in well-preserved examples that the elytra are seen to l)e pubescent, clothed with short laid hairs and long erect haiis, the latter most thickly near the base. See Figure on p. 6. Fain. LAMIIDu^. 9.9. Tivniofes marmoratus, Thomson, System. Ceraniliyc, p. 554. Hah. Milligalli (6200 feet). Tliree examples. 100. Hammoikrus stirticm, Bates, Trans. Ent. Sue. Lond., 1874, p. 225. Hah. Near Chillo (9000 feet). One example. Taken also by Buckley, on the Morona, Ecuador. For Figure see the accompanying Plate. 101. Oncideres callidrijas, Bates, Ann. Mag. N. H., xvi, 1865, p. 175. Hah. Tanti (1890 feet). One example. A variety with less distinct and duller maculation of the elytia. 102. Hyimoma ■ ? Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). A single exam])le, possilily of an unde- scribed species. 103. Carneadi-s noiUcornis, Bates, Entom. M. M., xvii, ji. 277. Hah. ]\Iilligalli (6200 feet). One example. Taken previously by Mr. Buckley in some numbers in Ecuador, and by Salmon in the Cauca Valley, Colombia. OARNEADES NODICORNIS, BATES. MrLLIGALLI. 40 TBAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. COLE O PT E R A-(CONTINUED). By DAVID SHARP, M.B. Fain. DYTISCIDM. 1. Rhantits vicinus, var. C'olymbetes vicinus, Aiibe, Sp. Gen., p. 243. Hah. Ecuador (locality unknown).^ Pre^dously found in Coloml)ia. The single female differs slightly from the Colomlnan imiividuals in the sculpture of the thorax and the length of the hind claws, and when the male is knoAvn may possibly prove to be a distinct species. Fam. SILPHin.E. 2. Silplm Cayennensis, Cast. Hist. Nat., ii, p. 5. Hah. Forests above the Bridge of Chimbo (1-3000 feet). Two examples. Tliis is an abundant species in Equatorial America. 3. S. microiis, n. sp. Hah. Quito (9500 feet). Six examples. Nigra ; antennis brevibus, articulo octavo valdc transverso ; prothorace dense punctato, medio lineis duabus posterius convergentibus elevatis ante 1)asiu desinentibus, basi utrinque linea brevi ; elytris crebre, fere fortiter, punctatis, lineis tribus elevatis argutis, externa pone medium abbrcAdata a callositate transversa limitata, apicibus nullo modo ablircAdatis, angulo suturali anguste sul)rotundato ; abdominis segmento ultimo tostaceo : oculis minoribus. Long. corp. 16 mm. Two females were found of this species, Avhich notwithstanding its very ordinary appearance does not apjjear to be closely allied to any other. Fam. STAPH VLINID.E. 4. Pliilontkus TVhymiyeri, n. sp. Hah. Hacienda of Guachala (9217 feet), Antisanilla to Pinantura (11,000 feet), Machachi (9-10,000 feet). Five examples. Niger, nitidus, capite thoraceque nitidissimis, sul)violaceo-tinctis, elytris ]rarpureis ; antennis sat elongatis, extrorsum baud crassioribus, articulo ])enultimo subquadrato ; capite quadrato ; thorace laterib^is subsinuatis, ])osterius angustiore ; elytris prothorace longioril)US et latioril)us, crebre sat 1 The catalogue number was lost by the setter. — A'. H'. (V APPENDIX— COLEOPTERA . 41 fortiter piiuctatis ; abdoinine l)asi parce, apice crebre, punctato ; tarsis anterioi'iljus latroque sexii simpliciljus : maris segmento ultimo ventrali aj)ice tantum leviter emaiginato. Long. corp. 10-12 mm. The five examples befoie me of tliis species are remarkal)le from the \'ariation in the numljer of the thoracic piinctmes. These may be either 3, 4, ()!■ 5 in each series ; thus it is somewhat unceitain to which of Eiichson's groups of species it should be referred, but pi'obaldy it may jn-ove to lielong to group 4. Mr. Whymper informs me that this species is rather aliundant in the interior of Ecuador. 5. P. ilivisus, n. sp. (Group 5, Erichson). Hah. Machachi (9-10,000 feet). One exampk-. Niger, nitidus, clytris la^te flavis, basi violaceo ; antenni.s parum cldngatis, articulis quinto ad decimum tnnisvei'sis ; capite ol)long(:), parce fortiter punc- tato ; tliorace nitidissimo laterilms subrectis, angulis anteiioribus subrotun- datis, ntrinque serie discoidali punctorum quinque impresso ; elytris parum profunde, ,sed hand subtiliter punctatis ; abdomine nitidulo, parce jiunctato ; tarsis iiifescentibus. ^las incognitus ; feminse tarsis anterioribus simplicibus. Long. corp. circiter 1 2 mm. G. Sterculia impressvpcnnis, n. sp. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). Three examples. Cyaneo-violaceus ; antennis sat elongatis, scapo giacili ; capite lutioi'e, densissime fortiter punctato ; prothorace angusto, posterius parum latiore, crebrius fortiter punctato, posterius in medio Isevigato, ad latera parum impresso ; elytris crebre obsolete punctatis, versus latera anterius leviter, ad angulos posteriores profunde, impressis ; capite subtus fortiter sat crebi'e punctato. Long. corp. 21 mm. The tliree examples vary somewhat in colour and size, and a good deal in the length of the mandil)les, but agree in the thoracic structure and punctuation. 7. Cryptohium, sp. '( Hah. Pacific slopes (7-8000 feet). A single female exampk' in a muti- lated condition, unsuitable for description. 8. Pa'derus ornatkornis, n. sp. Hab, GuayaquiL A single example, taken indoois. Niger, antennarum articulis trilnis liasalibus articuloque ultinid Havis, elytris vii'idis ; antennis tenuil)us sat elongatis ; capite parum lato, sat crebre hand fortiter punctato ; thorace oblongo-ovali, lateribus obsolete punctatis ; G 42 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. elytris parallelis, isrotliorace longioribus, crebre, fortiter subru-^ulosopiinctatis, setulis nigris orectis adspersis ; abdomine parce punetato. Maris segmeiito Tiltiiiio ventrali profunde exciso, excisioue angulis fere rectis. Long. cor]). 10 mm. Ex affinitate /'. ryanijjcunis Giier. setl dui'ln miiinr, staturai(m' graciliore. Fa 11 1. TENEBRIONIDJS. I). Epitnuius dilutm, n. .sp. Hah. Bodegas (level of sea). Three examples. Rufo-ajneus, iiitidus, jmbe brevissima parciiis adspersus, elypeo apice bisinuato, lol)0 intermedio late rotundato ; protli(jrace crebre punetato, liasi in medio vix perspicue impresso ; elytris baud striatis, subtiliter seriatim punctatis, interstitiis obsolete punctulatis ; corpore subtus infuscato ; antennis jKMlilnisque rufis. Long. corp. 8 mm. Tlie Sandwich island E. direvqdu^, Karsch, is very closely allied to this s])ecies. 10. Nydohnlcs ijigas, {TencJirio (jujas) Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 12, ji. 674. Hah. La Mona (200 feet). Tw() examples. This species is very alaindant in Tropical South America. 1 1. Strowjylium devticolle, n. s]). Hah. Milligalli (6000 feet). A single example. Oblongo-ovatum, metallico-viride, antennis extrorsum nigris, femorilms basi flavo ; prothorace transverso, iniiequali, sat crebre ina3(|ualiter piinctato, lateribus in medio denticulatis, nullo modo marginatis ; elytris posterius subacuminatis, ad basin et in medio seriatim grosse fossulatis, ad apicem pro- funde striatis ; pedibus gracilibus, tarsis tenuiljirs elongatis, articulo ultimo prtesertim elongato, quam articulo Ixasali duplo longiore ; corpore subtus lajte- metallico, versicolore, pectoris lateribus fulgidis. Long. corp. 16 mm. This is a very aberrant species, but in the present unsatisfactory condi- tion of the group of genera forming the Strongyliides, had better be ti'eated as a meml )er of the great genus Strongylium : the general form, however, approaches to Spheniscus : the metathoracic episterna are broader in front than in other species of the genus, Init yet are more distinctly se])arate(l from the middle acetabula ; the antennse are not elongate, the penultimate joint being scarcely longer than broad, and have quite the form found in some species oi Strongyliurii : the clyjieiis is very dctinitely iiiarl<('d nfT. For Figure .see llie accompanying Plate. STRONGYLIUM DENTICOLLE, SHARP, FROM MILLIGALLI, 600O FEET. ASIOPUS OPATROIDES, SHARP, FROM THE PACIFIC SLOPES, BELOW 1400 FEET. APPENDIX— nOLEOPTERA. 43 Ariioprs, nov. j^en. Mciituiu unjust iuii,iialpi lal nak'^^ bivve^^, articulo iiltimu cmssiusculo, ovali ; palpi maxillares ai'ticulo ultimo magno, securiformi. Autennre elougatoe, apicem versus paruui incrassata', articuilis iiltimis subglobosis. Chqieus antice emarginatus. This little insect has probably hitheilo escaped the notice of entomologists on account of its ()l>scui'ity. It has the size and appearance of an Alphltobius or Opatrum, but its systematic place must Ije at present in the group AihMides of Lacordaire, near Addium, from which it ditfers Ijy the emai'ginate clypeus, and very narrow mentum. The tarsi are densely clothed with tine pubescence Ijeneath ; the anterior feet are rather broad and large, with tlie fourth j dint excavate ab(jve for the reception of the terminal joint, Init not liilobed. The prothorax is strongly margined at the sides, and the body is ^^rovided with wings. Probably the nearest true ally is the genus Sn'nph(i(iii><, which is itself of doul)tful position. 12. Asiopm apafroides, n. sp. Hah. Pacific slopes (below 1 400 feet). Two examples. Oljlongus, parum convexus, subojiacus, nigro-piceus, antennis pedibusque piceis ; prothorace crebre punctate, basi utrinf^ue sinuato, angulis posteri- nrilnis retrorsum spectantilnis, acutis ; elytris fortiter, regulariter seriatim punctatis, interstitiis subtilissime punctulatis. Long. corp. 7i mm. The antenna) are as long as the head and thorax, with the third joint three times as long as the very .slioi't second joiirt, the seventh, eightli, and ninth j(nnts are each about as long as broad, the tenth a little shorter. The body is destitute of pubescence, but the antennpe, tiliifc, and the punctures of the head bear excessively minute short grey specks of hairs or scales sufficient to give them a feebly giisescent appearance. The punctures in the series near the suture of the wing-cases are connected by fine hjngitudinal strife, but this striate appearance is absent from the other series. For Figure see the Plate facing page 42. 13. Meloe sexguttatas, n. sp. (subgen. Psewlomcloe, F. & G.). Hah. Pichincha (12,000 feet), Machachi (9-10,000 feet), Cotocachi (11-13,500 feet). Seven examples. Niger, capite thorace elytrisij[ue nitidis, per-parum punctatis, his maculis ({uatuor basalil)us flavis, singuloque ad apicem macula majore aurantiaca, abdominis lateribus late testaceis ; prothorace anterius vage transversim impresso, liasi in medio longitudinaliter impresso, lateribus simplicilnis, IcBvigatis. Long. corp. (inseeto siccato) 14 mm. G 2 44 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. The tiavescent cdIouf of tlie hind-body is coutined to the membranous lioi'der in which the stigmata are situated, the dorsal and ventral plates being entirely Ijlack. The Peruvian M. pustulatus, Er., is an insect marked in a manner similar to M. se.ajuttafus, Ijut has the thoivax tuberculate and rugose at the sides. 14. Ancmca debilis, n. sj). Hub. Machachi (9-10,000 feet), Illiuiza (14,000 feet). Two examples. Sordide testacea, opaca, i>rothoracis lateriljus, al)domine, pedibusque in medio fuscescentibus ; anteuuis tenuibus, elongatis, corpora paium brevioril;)us ; prothorace subintequali, crebre punctato, seti;lisque depressis concoloribus munito ; elytris dense punctatis et setulosis, lineis elevatis longitudinalibus obsoletis. Long. cori>. 9-11 mm. Var. abdomine testaceo, concolore. One example from each locality. Thougli diU'ering in the colour of the liiud-l)ody Ijeneath, I have no doul:>t they are one species ; the specimen from Machachi with dark hind-boilv being the male. COL EOPTER A (Continued). By the Rev. HENRY S. GORHAM, F.Z.S. Faiu. ELATERID^. 1 . Athous dispar, n. sj). H(ih. Eastern side of Chimborazo (11,700 feet). Four specimens. Nigro-piceus, nitidus, antennis, palpis, pedibus(|ue rutis, caj^ite ci'ebre, prothorace minus crebie distincte punctatis ; elytris punctato-striatis, punctis— obsoletis. Long. 13-1 7 ndllim. ^ $. Mas, minor, prothorace oblongo lateri- bus leviter sinuatis. Femina, latior, prothorace latiori magis convexo laterilnxs foitius siniiatis, elytris convexioril)US pone medium leviter ampliatis. Head Avith the nasal portion well produced, coarsely punctured, raised at the edge and a little corrugated ; frontal ridge distinct, flattened between the antenna) and more finely punctured. Antenna) (of the male) aliout two- thirds as long as the body, basal joint a little longer than the fourth, second joint e(puil to the third, and these together shorter than fourth. The icmainder suliequal to the fourth joint with the exception that in one of the ^ A FPENDIX^i'uLEuFTEltA . 45 i\\i> iiiuli' sji.'ciiuens the niuth and tenth joints are shortened and (listoru-d ; in tile t'eniule tlie three basal joints l)ear the same ]iroportion, 1iut tlie remainder are all rather shorter. The thorax is closely hut distinetly and deeply jiunetured, in that of the male there is scarcely riMim between the ATHi5US DISPAR, GORHAM. CHIMBORAZO, 11,700 FEET. separate punctures for another of the same size, lait in the female there are here and there spaces which would admit one. Tlie hind angles are jiro- duced, compressed and margined. Elytra faintly pubescent toward the apex. Underside rather evenly distinctly punctate. Mcnitli red, mandildes pitchy. 2. I'ljwphoriis nortihiciix, Fab. Hah. Xanegal (3-4000 feet). Two examjiles. 3. Semiotm imperialis, Gueian. Hab. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). Six examples. Fam. DASCILLIILE. 4. ArtrmatopHS sp. ? Hah. Forests above the Bridge of Chimbo (1-3000 feet). One example. Agrees with a specimen in my own collection from Rio Janeiro. The 46 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GEE AT ANDES. species of this genus would therefore appear to have a wide range, the present one is a brown insect seven milliniMres in length with punctate-striate elytra, and the antennae longer than the wluile l>ody. The whole insect is sparingly puliescent including the antenna). It is allied to A. lonriicornis, Perty. 5. Ptilodadyla sp. ? Hab. First camp on Pichincha (14,000 feet). A single specimen. One of the larger species, seven and a half millimetres in length, chestnut- lirown, with obsoletely striate elytra, and ferruginous legs and antennpe. Fam. LYCID^-E. The genus Calopteron includes numerous species from both Noilh and South America, but is not found out of the New World. The first section of these have the elytra wonderfully dilated posteriorly, and often very beautifully reticulated, of a metallic l>lue colour, with white or yellow fascige or marks. The single specimen collected Ijy Mr. Whymper l:)elongs to this section, but is of moderate size and development compared with many species from lower regions. 6. Cahi^teron Sfeinheili, Bourgeois, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1878, p. 168. Cat. d. Lijr. rec. par M. Ed. Stcinheil, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1879, PI. 4, f. 7. Hah. Valley of Collanes, Altar (12,500 feet). One specimen. Three species of Caloi^teron are described by Bourgeois fiom Colombia which have the head, thorax, elytra, body, and legs, black or Iduish black, with the exception of a mai'king near the apex of the elytra which is yellow. Of these the specimen caj^tured by Mr. Whymper appeal's to me both from the description and the figure to agree most nearly with the si)ecies to ^\-hich it is here referred, it is, however, very nearly related to C. Povvri. 7. Plateros? alticola, n. sp. Hab. Hacienda of Guachala (9217 feet). A single specimen. Oblongus subparallelus, niger, opacus, thrirace parum nitido, antice pro- funde punctato, medio sulcato, lateribus elevatis, parallelis, angulis posticis acutis, prominulis ; elytris decem-striatis, interstitiis alternis elevatioribus, sqiiamosis, ochraceis, basi circum scutello, sutuia apicecpie sat late nigris, antennis corporis dimidio parum longiorilnis ; articulo tertio, secundo sesqui longiore, subquadrato, articulis quartfj ad undecimuin sul^equalibus, baud serratis. Long. 8 millim. ^ l This s]>ecies, of which also only nuc specimen was scciirc(l, lias tlic '_;\'n('ial A PPENDIX— GOLEOPTERA . 47 structure and ap]K'arance of a species of tlie genus Plakros, the elytra in tlieii close striation, punctuation, and scale-like but very close vestiture entirely agree with that genus, the antenute also agree, the head is a litth- more ])rominent, but the prothorax is unlike that ofy-'/o/cTOs, the sides Ix'ing rather contracted l)('l(iw the middle, and tla' land angles turneil imtward, the sides and niiddh- nf the disk are raised, thus k-aving a deep and wide fovea on each side while the centre itself has a deep rather rudely - formed channel, not open at the base nor reaching within one-third of the front. The characters which separate genera of Lycidce are so difficult to seize and define, that T won institute a genus upon a single s]>ecimeii. Fam. LAMPYRID.-E. Cladodes, Solier, is a genus of Lampjiruhr, of which, generally, the species are of large size, with antenna^ tiabellate on one side, and with ;i very sniall I'l.ATKUciS .' AI.TU'DLA, CORHAM. HACIENDA OF GUACHALA. not undertake ti CLADODES NIGEICOLLIS, (i(lR HACIENDA OF GUACHALA. portion of the abdomen capable of transmitting light. It is remarkable that hitherto we have been unable to distinguish the sexes, probaldy all the speci- 48 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. mens sent are males, the female remaininj^- unknfiwn owing to some peculiarity in habit. 8. Cladodes iiigricollia, Gorham, Trans. Ent. Soc, 1880, \>. 8. Huh. Hacienda of Guachala (9217 feet). Three examples. Ater, opacus, thorace brevi, semicirculari, disco subdepresso ; elytris croceis, postice attenuatis, triente apicali nigro, tarsis subtiis griseo-pubes- centibiis, unguibiis rufis. Long. 15 millim. ^. See Figure on p. 47. Of this species I have before only seen one specimen — the tyj)e which is now in the Brussels Museum and was obtained in Ecuador ; and I can only identify it by memory and from my descrij)tion. I have therefore made a rather longer diagnosis from the three specimens taken by Mr. Whymper. Xot having before seen Lampijridce from such a high elevation, it is a most interesting addition to our knowledge of this genus. This species is not very nearly allied to any of its congeners, but is nearest to a Chilian species. 9. Photinus longi'pemiis, ]\Iots. Etud. Ent., ii, p. 37 ; Gorli., Trans. Ent. Soc, 1880, p. 24. Hub. Corredor Machai, Sara-urcu (12,700 feet) (^ , and La Dormida, Cayambe (11,800 feet) $. Two specimens. A common Colombian insect. The females have shortened elytra, and are much rarer in collections than the males. Photinus, Castelnau, is a New World genus and evidently one of laige extent. The Central American species enumerated in Godman and Salvin's " Biologia " alone reach about fifty, but tliis number will convey a very imperfect idea of the Tropical South American species, when they shall be Avoiked up. They are known by their ovate form, simple antenna), and often highly luminous abdominal segments. The species recorded here is one of the largest. 10. Crutomorphus discomfus, Kirsch, Berl. Ent. Zeit., 1865, p. 72. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). One example. Previously obtained in Colombia. The character which distinguishes the sj)ecimen o1)tained by Mr. Whymper, and which is a male, is that the seventh ventral segment is excavated on its apical margin, disclosing a short small eighth segment, and the pygidium bi'oadly truncate very faintly bisinuate. It is undou])tc(ny very near the species which I have identified with G. fuscipennis, Mots., and I have received that species from Peru. It is, however, rather moie con- tracted towards the apex of the elytra than is usual in that species. APPENDIX— COLEUPTERA . 49 Cratomorphus, Motscliiilsky. Includes some of the largest known Lam- }rij7-{dfe. The males have very lar^e eyes, which constitute liy far the larger portion of the head. The abdominal ventral plates are different in the sexes and afford the best differential characters for species ; these are, however, often very hard to discriminate, and I have some hesitation as to the species to which Ml-. AVhymper's specimen (jught to be referred. 11. Phenyodea 'pidchella, Guerin, Rev. Zool., 1843, p. 17 ; Lacord., Gen. des Col. Atlas, Tab. 44, f. 6. Hah. Chillo (9000 feet). One example. Previously obtained in Coloml»ia. A single specimen taken by Mr. Whymper seems so close to this species that I cannot venture on separating it, but it differs from a specimen in my own collection in lui\ing the head and thorax nearly smooth. The sixth and seventh segments are brilliant ivory white and shining, yet it is not known that these insects are luminous. I think it probable that they are in some way parasitical u]i(.iii true Lampuruhc. Fam. TELEPHOlilD^E. 12. Telephorus inonticola, n. sp. Hab. Between Machachi and Pedregal (10,000 feet). A single example. Niger, opacus, thorace nitido albo, disco nigro, ad angulos anticos albo ; capite sul)ltevi occipite subcarinato, ore et ad antenuarum insertionem albido, oculis valde prominentibus, antennis nigrofuscis, articulo secundo tertio plus (piam duplo bre^•iore, ai'ticulorum apicilnis aiigustissime albis ; pedibus sat longis, nigrofuscis, coxis et trochanteribus dilutioribus ; elytris longis ad apicem amplioril)us, opacis crebre subtilissime rugosis. Long. 12 millim. S- Mas, unguiculis anterioribus fissis, segmeuto septimo ventrali fisso. This is a S]3ecies at first sight having altogether the appeai-ance of a Pudabrus, the head is conti'acted behind the prominent eyes in the same manner, the thorax is small and short with its margins gently reflexed, but the structure of the claws is that of the species of the Central American genus Discodon, Gorham, and so is the form of the seventh ventral segment, \\hicli is divided liy a line suture for its entire length. The anterior claws of the front tarsi have a lamina, are more bent than the posterior ones of the same foot. The anterior ones of the intermediate and hind feet appear cleft. Fi'om tA'pical Discodons this insect differs in not having the edge of the pro- thorax nicked. In most Podabri the third joint of the antennre is scarcely longer than the second, here it is more than twice as l(.)ng. The position, therefore, of this species must remain conjectural till more specimens have been seen, and of both sexes. H 50 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 13. Xenismus IFhijnijm-i, n. sp. Hab. Ecuador (locality unknown). ^ Two specimens. Testaceus, capite nigro glabro, autennis palpisque feriaigineis, his apice, illis articulis singulis apicibus summis nigris ; protliorace subquadrato le^-iter transverse, glabro, nitidissimo, in medio signatura irregulari nigro ; elytris pallide flavis, piistici attenuati, l>asi (margine reflexo pra^termisso) nigris ; pectore fusco, pedilnis ferrugineis, aljdomine testaceo lateriltus infuscatis. Long. 12-13 millim. nnected, while in several all the spots vanish with the exception of the liasal one. Mr. Whymper, however, informs me that when the insect is alive the spots are more distinctly red than they are now, the colouring liaving undergone alteration since the speci- mens have l)een in spirit ; and he says that he " (lid not notice any other beetle in the interior of Ecuador wliicli was so widely distributed, and in such large nuud_>ers. It was found almost every- where, between 8-11,000 feet, u]ion trees, Inishes, and plants, and was con- sjiicuously niuner(nis." Afitijlnif is a genus highly characteristic of the South American tropical fauna. They are hairy insects, repi'esentative of the Old World P)asijf('.% and having similar habits, sitting on plants and in flowers in the hot sunshine. About twenty species are now desciiljed. ASTYLUS BIS-SEXGUTTATUS, CORIIA.M. 9000-13,500 FEET. 17. Listriix cenescens, n. sp. Hah. The Paneeillo, Quito (10,000 feet). A single example. Niger, punctatus, elytris suba^neis, antennis rufis, articulis quatuor apical - ibus nigris, pedibus ol>scure rufis, femoribus piceis, capite crebre et distincte, prothorace parcius punctatis, hoc alutaceo, illo inter antennas bifoveolato ; elytris crebre punctatis. Long. 3^ millim. Head with the eyes moderately j^i'ominent ; antennte longer than the head and thorax, basal joint red, spotted with black above, the three or four apical joints scarcely form a club, Init are wider and Idack ; thorax not wider than longer, but a little narrowed in fiont, margined by a fine line on the sides and base, and very indistinctly so in front. There is a faint shallow depression on the disk near the base, otherwise it is even, with distinct punctures. Elytra rather more shining than the thorax, closely and snbcon- fluently punctate. 54 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. Listrus is a genus of small beetles allied to the European Danacceas. In the Bii)logia Centrali Americana eight species are desci'iljed from that region, and al)nut ten others are known, all North American. Kirsch's genus Haplammtrus, of which he has described two species from Bogota, seems to differ from this in having erect hairs and to be nearer to Pristoscelis. 18. Listrus favipcnnw, n. sp. Hah. Machachi to Pedregal (10,000 feet). Five examples. Nigro t«neus, antennis pedibustpie ferrugineis elytris, flavo - testaceis, sutura et circum scutellum aniescentibus, capite prothoracec^ue distincte parcius punctatis subtilissime alutaceis, elytris obsoletius punctatis. Long. 4-4j millim. Head and thorax similar in form and in punctuation to L. frnescens ; antennte with the two basal joints spotted with pitchy, l)ut Avith that excep- tion entirely yellow ; palpi dark, elytra yellow, closely and rather oljsoletely punctate, especially so near the base and suture, the latter pitchy, or Idack and with a black patch I'lnind the scutellum ; the shoulder is I'ather tuber- cular. Legs chestnut yellow, tarsi of the same colour Avith the rest of the legs. l''aiii. I'TINID.E. 19. Trigonogenius squalidvs, Boield, Mon. Ptin., p. (ifi7 ; ('hevr. Ann. Fr., 1861, p. 389. Hah. Machachi (9-10,000 feet). A single example. This is a small alnifist glijbular-bodied Ptinus, with a Ijroad thorax, and covered densely with grey brown scales, and erect Idack hairs on the thorax and elytra. Very few Ptiuida' have at pi'csent lieen recorded fiom the South Ameiican continent, this species with one other {T. globulum) being all that have yet been observed, with the exception that Chili has three or four. Trigonogenius is a Chilian type, with which have been associated some species from the Atlantic Islands, ami Ijy myself a species from Central America. The species to which we refer Mr. Whymper's Ecuador insect has V)een recorded from Columbia. Faiii. HIS PI D.J':. 20. Arcsciis j^armnfunctatus, n. S2>. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). A single specimen. Niger, nitidus capite cornu luto subcpiadrato basi parum amjiliato, prn- A PPKXDTX—f'OLEOPTERA. 55 tliorace traiisverso, aiigulis auticis depressis, sulireetis, posticis acutiusculis, disco convexo, basi sinuato in medio depresso ; scutello nioro. Elytiis luteis obsolete piinctato-striatis, stiiis extroi-suni ct ad a])icem olditeratis ; puuctis tribus ni,i;ns, una luunerali una discoidali ante nx'diuni, una niajoiv pone medium lunata. Lcm-^. 13 niillim. Apparently allied to A. ^jerplexus, Baly, but apart from tlie colour (ujkiu wliicli in this variable genus mueli stress cannot be laid) tlie elyti'a are Udt angularly produced, their ajjex imly 1 icing slightly emarginate ; nnr are they distinctly striate, but have rows of close, small brown ])unctures, inters])erse(l with irregular ones at the sides. Ar(:'Acii>{ is one of the most l>eautiful and interesting genera, of the Hisjiidir, c()nd)ining strangeness of form with beauty of colour. Six s])ecies are described, all from Soutli Aiiierii'a. Fain. CASSIDIJJ.E. ■n. PhiisojKitii (lilatatii, Kirscli, Dents. Ent. Zeits., 1876, p. 93 ? Huh. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). Two sitecimens. These appear to me to agiee fairly with the description given by Kii'scli of his species from Chanchamayo. Tlie veiy large size of one of these (19 millimetres in length), the coloui' of the antenna', of the underside, and elytra, seem to point to the conclusion that our species is identical. A sec(md obviously conspecitic measures 15 millimetres. In neither is the suture black at the apex beneath, and some ininor disere]iancies such as may be due te- neath, the latter pitchy at the sides, the elytra smooth and ])olishi'd without stria? or punctuation. 27. ^Egithus nva, Lac, Mon. Erotyl., p. 290. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). The only difference between one specimen of this and my examples of J?, nva from Colombia is that the abdomen in this one is yellowish. I do imt rliink, however, it is distinct. Faiii. COCCINELLIIKi:. 28. Eriojns connexa {Coccinella connexa), Germar, Ins. .sp. nov., p. 62. Hah. Hacienda of Guachala (9217 feet), Cayambe village (9220 feet), Machachi (9-10,000 feet). Nine specimens. Some species of Coccindliihv have a remarkably wide range of distriljution, and sometimes with less variation than would naturally lie expected under such circumstances. The present species occurs from the Straits of Magellan to Vancouver's Island, and apparently is not restiicted to the Pacific side of the Southern Continent, being recorded from Brazil, Montevideo, etc. It is variable, nioie so than usual in this family. 29. Megilla maculafa (I'ocrmdln inacitlafa), De Geer, Mini., v, p. 392 ; T. 16 f. 22. Hah. Bodegas (level of sea). Three specimens. Vei'V variable in size and someAvhat so in the ground colour, and size of spots. This has almost as extended a range as E. connexa. It is recorded from Chili, and as far north as Canada. It is common in North America. In the Amazon distinct a large and developed variety occurs. 30. Ncda Norrisii (Coccinella Norrisii), Guerin, Icon. Regn. An., ji. 320. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). Numerous specimens. A common species in Ecuador, occurring also in Colomliia. The elytra vary from pale straw-colour to rich red, and haA'e usually four black squarish spots — one basal, one transverse marginal with one opposite it near the suture, one submarginal, one third from the apex, but there is a variety in which the basal spot is wanting. 31. Cycloneda sp. ? Hah. Eastern side of Corazon (12,000 feet). One example. Quito (Coll. Gorham, A. ^lurray). I 58 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. This is a small species barely exceeding 4 milliinetres in length, black, the head with two white spots, the thorax margined neatly with white, and with two linear white spots ; the elytra orange with the basal margin pale I aiu not able to ascertain if it has been descriljed. Cycloneda was proposed Ijy Crotch for the species placed under JJaulin by Mnlsant, with simie few others. They are all American, the type ('. {Daulis) sanguinea, L., being a widely spread and very alnindaut sjiecies with un- spotted red elytra. 32. Scyvmus sp. ? Hah. The Panecillo, Quito (10,000 feet). One specimen. A single example of a small yellow Scymnus, which is probably unde- scribed, but which is not in a condition to allow of its being characterised, was met with. The genus is pretty nearly if not cjuite cosmopolitan. COLEOPTERA-(CONTINUED). By a. SIDNEY OLLIFF. CLAVICORNIA. The two Nitidulidre ol)tained Ijy Mr. Whymper appear tt) he uudescribed. For one of them I am constrained to esta])lish a new genus, as it differs con- siderably from anything previously known. The family Trogosiiidm is only represented by the widely distributed Trogosita cenea which was described from Brazil, and is also found at Poi'to Rico and Jamaica. Fani. NITIDULID^. 1. Cercometes Andicola, sj). n. Hah. Eastern side of Corazon (12,000 feet). Ehingate-ovate, moderately convex, Inight metallic green, shining, head and pi'othorax veiy slightly darker. Head ti'ansverse, closely and very hnely punctuied on the ci'own, less closely punctured at the base. Antennas fulvous, the did) slightly darker. Prothorax lather convex, consideralily widei' than long, narrower in front tlian Ixdiind ; the disc extremely finely coriaceous and very finely and not very closely punctured, the sides and shoulders under a moderately strong magnifying power aj^pear rather more closely punctured and coriaceous ; sides arcuate, very slightly sinuate just before the basal angles V A I'PEXinX—C'OLEOPTEUA. 59 which are oljtuso. Scutellnm broader than long, pointcMl beliind, rcguLxrly and very delicately punctured, the sides arcuate. Elytra rather longer than wide, obliquely truncated liehiml, moderately convex, extremely finely asperate- punctate ; the humeral angles not A'ery pi'ominent ; the sides regularly arcuate ; the outer apical angles ri)unded, the sutural angles slightly oljtuse. Pygidium very finely and closely punctured, sparingly covered with very fine yellowish grey pubescence. Underside not quite such a bright metallic colour as above ; prosternum finely coiiaceous ; meso- and metasternum ex- tremely finely punctured. Legs reddish testaceous, claws fuscous. Length, 2 J mm. This species is allied to Cercometes politus, Reitter (Verh. des naturf. Yer. Briinn, xii, p. 167, 1873), from Colombia and G. Deijrollci, Reitter (^.c. xiii, ]>. 100, 1875), from Brazil. Judging fmm the description, it may be distinguished from the former by its lieing of a uietallic green colour instead of dark Vdack, and in having the posterior angles of the protliorax obtusely rounded and not riglit angles ; and from the latter, not only in colour but also in having the protliorax finely punctured and coriaceous on the disc. At first sight it some- what resembles Cercus ahdominalis, Eiicli., but structurally is quite dift'erent ; the claws are strongly toothed at the base, and the labial palpi appear to be four-jointed, th\is agreeing with the genus Cercometes of Reitter. Pleuronec'Es, gen. nov. Body depressed and rather l>road. Head moderately large, transverse. Eyes rather large, prominent and not very sti'ongly facetted. Antenna3 eleven-jointed, the basal joint rather large, the second to fifth narrower, rather shoiter, and of about ecpial length, sixth to eighth much shorter, tei'- minated by a tolerably cijmpact club of three joints. Labrum strongly bilobed. Mandiljles strongly recurved, the apex acute, with four or fi\e teeth on the inner maigin, the last of these teeth rather larger than the others. JMaxilla; with the lobe enlarged in front, the fringe long and some- what bristly, only extending on the inner margin for about one-thii'd of its length ; maxillary palpi four-jointed, the basal joint moderately large, the second slightly longer and much narrowei' at the base than at the apex, the third decidedly shorter, the apical longer than the second and third together, roundeunctui'ed ; humeral angles rather prominent ; outer apical angles strongly and sutural angles feebly rounded. Pygidium densely l)ut not very strongly punctured, sparingly clothed with short bristly pubescence. Underside pitchy black ; prosternum finely punctured and coriaceous ; mesosternum, metasternum and abdominal segments rather more strongly and regularly punctured. Legs brownish testaceous, femora somewhat darker. Length, 4^ mm. ; greatest width, 2^ mm. For Figure see the accompanying Plate. Fain. TROGOSITID^E. 3. TrogosHa {Teinnochila) (e7ica, Oliv., Ent. ii, 19, j). 7, pi. 1, fig. 3 (1790); Eeitter, Verb, des naturf. Ver. Brunu, xiii, p. 14 (1875). Hah. Pacific slopes (below 1400 feet). A single example. RHYNCHOPHORA. Amongst the Rhynchophora in Mr. Wliymper's Ecuadorian collections, the two large families Otiorrliynchidce and Curculionidce are, as might be expected, ])etter rejiresented than any others, twenty-eight of the thii'ty-four species HELICORRHYNCHUS VULSU8, OLLIFF. PICHINCHA & CHIMBORAZO, 15,500-16,000 FEET PLEURONECES MONTANUS, OLLIFF. BETWEEN ANTISANILLA & PINANTURA, 11,000 FEET A FFENDIX COLEnPTEEA . 61 obtained are referable to tliese families, whilst four ijertaiii to the Calandrida' in its broadest sense. The Brenthidce are represented by two sijecies and were found at comparatively hjw altitudes. So many of the Ehyiichophora ai'e apterous that it would be unsafe to lay any great stress on the fact that a certain proportion of the species in the present collection are wingless ; it may, however, be worth mentioning that Macrops ccdorum is apterous, as it was found at a A^ery great elevation and belongs to a genus which has hitherto contained as far as I am aware only winged species. The measurements in the following descriptions are exclusive of the rostrum except when the contrary is stated. I have to thank ]\Ir. F. P. Pascoe for kindly permitting me to see the types in his collection that I have found it advisable to examine. The following are the new species described in this paper : — Helicorrhynchus vulsus. Pandeldius argentatus. Compsus TFliymperi. Naupadus serjiiipeii. N. pauper. N. nigrans. N. parvicollis. Amphideritus hrevis. A. pygmceiis. Lidroderes inconspjicuus. L. pundatissimus. A mathynefea alticola. A. simulans. Macrops coelorum. Anchonus monticola. A. Altar en sis. Hilipus longicollis. Erirrliinoid.es distinct us. Erirrhinus glaber. Otidocephalus ? spinicollis. Apion Andinum. Hphenophorus notandus. Cossonus color at us. Fam. OTIORRHYNCHID^^. Helicorrhynchus, gen. nov. General characters of Otiorrhynchus; rostrum stout, longer than the head, the tip feebly emarginate in the middle, with a slight sinuation on eacli side near the anterior angles and a moderately strong circular impression on the disc between the antenn?e. The antenna long ; scape .slightly sinu- ous in the middle ; funiculus seven -jointed, the first two joints only slightly longer than the following ones ; club elongate. Scrobes deep, lateral, strongly arcuate and almost reaching the lower margin of the eye. Eyes moderately large, round, not very prominent. Prothorax with a very strong circular impression on each side behind the middle. Scutellum moderately large and distinct. Elytra elongate, oval. Metasternum rather short, the side- 62 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDE><. pieces very narrow. The third and fourth abdominal segments nearly equal in length, the two togctlier about as long as the second segment. Legs long, femora clavate, tibia' A'ery feeldy arcuate. Tliis genus is allied to OtiorrhijndmH, Genu., and Sciopithes, Horn (Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, xa% p. 62, 1876), but differs in the structure of the rostrum and antennal scrobes, etc., and also from tlie latter in the presence of a distinct scutellum. 4. Helicorrhyncliits vulsus, sp. n. Hab. Pichincha (15,500 feet), Cliimborazo (15,800-16,000 feet). Elongate-OA'ate, moderately convex, pitchy black, shining. Head rather l)road, finely and closely punctured, Avith an elongate feeble impression lietween the eyes and a much shortei' and dee])ei' imj^ressiim at the l)ase which is sometimes hidden beneath the prothorax ; rostrum liroader in front than behind, slightly constricted in the middle, more strongly punctured than the head, finely and irregularly strigose near the sides, with a moderately strong longitudinal impression near the apex between tlie an- tenna". Antenuie ferruginous, clothed with fine yellow pubescence. Pro- tlmrax slightly longer than bmad, narrower in front than behind, extremely tinelv and rather closely puncturease and a row of short sharp teeth on the inner margin towards the apical half In the female the elytra are much broader liehind than in the male. A very distinct species allied t(j Pandeletius tibialis, Bohem., from ^lexico ; ditfeis in colour, in having the anterior femora toothed and the prothorax broader. Length, c? 6i ; $ 7 mm. 6. Pohjdacris, sp. A single imperfect si:)ecimen. Hah. Camp at Corredor Machai, Sara-urcu (12,700 feet). 7. Compiius JJliijinperi, sp. n. Hab. Ambato (8000 feet) ; Penipe to Kiobamba (9000 feet). Ovate, narrower in front than behind, convex, dull black, finely setose and sparingly covered with dirty \\liite pubescence. Head smooth ; rostrum with a moderately strong groove on each side extending from the apex nearly to the eyes and approximating behind ; median line not very strongly maiked. Antenme covered with veiy tine dirty white scales and pubescence. Pi-othoiax longer than broad, somewhat naiiuwed in front, rather strongly rugose, with two strong approximate ridges on the disc, the space between these ridges nearly smooth and impunctate ; sides feebly arcuate. Scutellum very small. Elytra ovate, convex, at the base much broader than the prcj- tliorax, liroader Ijehind the middle, rather strongly and irregularly I'ugose- punctate, the depressions lather strong on the disc, stronger near the sides wdiere they are like small pits, with a moderately strong irregular lidge on each side of the sutuie, usually in the third interstice, commencing at the base and ilisaiipearing l)ehind the middle ; humeral angles somewhat produced. Umlerside dull blark, extremely finely rugose, very sparingly 64 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. covered with fine sette ; the mesosternum rathei' more strongly rugose and covered with dirty white scales. Legs finely setose ; femora black ; til)i;Te and tarsi covered with very fine dirty white scales. Length, 10-16 mm. COMPSUS WHYMPERT, OLLIFF. AMBATO, 8000 FEET. Three specimens of this fine insect, differing somewhat among themselves l)iit I believe representing one very varialjle species, Avere obtained l)y Mi'i "Whymper, to whom it is dedicated. The largest specimen, measuring 16 mm., differs from tlie other two in having the jirothorax somewhat In-oader and the punctuation on the disc of the elytra more regular. 8. Compsun sp. Hah. Pacific slopes (1-3000 feet). A single malformed specimen of a species closely allied to ComjJsus armircus, Linn., Init having the pro thorax longer and more densely punctured, and both the upper and under sides of the entire insect covered with silvery-grey and pale bluish-green scales. Length, 9 mm. .4 1'PEXniX— OOLEUPTEIIA . 65 !). Exorides carinatus, Pascue, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) vii, p. 43 (1881). Hab. Lower slojjes of Antisana (13,000 feet). Six examples. Appears to be a slight variety of this species, having the elytral carinas stronger than the type. EXORIDES OARINATUS, PASCOE. ANTISANA, 13,000 FEET. 10. Praepodes annulonotafus, Waterh., Cistula Ent., ii, p. 423, pi. ix, tig. 3 (1879). Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). A small specimen which ]>erfectly agrees witli the type of this species in the British Museum from Medellin in Cex. LTnderside rather j)aler in colour than above ; the sternum very finely punctured ; abdominal segments finely aciculate transversely, very spaiingly and obsoletely punctured. Legs pitchy red, the knees and upper sides of the femora near the liase slightly dai'ker. Length, 7^-9 mm. Differs from all the described species of Navjmctus in the large size of K 2 68 TBAVELi< AMONGST THE GBEAT ANDES. its head, the remarkal^ly narrow protliorax and its comparatively smooth and highly polished iipper surface. N. gibhicollin, Boheni., from Brazil, is black and highly polisheil, hut has little in comiiinii witli the insect characterised above. 15. AmpMderitJis brcris, sp. n. Hah. Ecuador (no exact locality noted).i Elongate-ovate, rather short, moderately convex, Idack, shining, sparingly covered with greyish white pubescence. Head finely punctured and pubes- cent ; rostrum obli(|uely rugulose, with a moderately strong longitudinal impression extending from l^etween the eyes to just beliind the apex. Antennfe dark ferruginous, the club i)aler and closely covered with grey pubescence. Prothorax transverse, at its greatest width just liehind the middle, rather narrower in front than behind, con^'ex, stronglj^ and rather closely punctured mi the disc, near the sides somewhat more closely and less strongly punctured ; without median line ; the sides strongly arcuate. Scutellum very small, shining and impunctate. Elytra about twice as long as the head and prothorax together, strongly striate-punctate, clothed witli fine brownish -white pultescence especially near the apex, the interstices moderately broad and smo(jth ; shoulders not prominent ; sides arcuately narrowed to the apex. Underside lilack, shining ; the sterna finely and not very closely punctureil ; the first two abdominal segments more finely punctured, the others almost impunctate, shining and very sparingly pubescent. Legs finely pubescent ; femora blaclc ; til>iie and tarsi dark ferruginoiTS. Length, 7^- mm. Allied to Amphiderifus rilis, Bohem., from Cidomliia, but is easily separated by its shorter and broader form, more strongly punctured prothorax, and the more strongly ])un(tured strire and less closely pubescent surface of the elytra. 16. A. pugmwits, sp. n. Hah. Chimbora/.o (12-13,000 feet). Elongate, rather convex, Ijlack, shining, sparingly and very finely pubes- cent. Head \ev\ finely punctured ; rostrum finely rugulose, with a rather deeply impressed line extending from between the eyes to just liefore the apex. Protliorax very finely and sparingly punctured on the disc, tlie sides rather more strongly and much more closely punctured. Elytra punctured in rows, the ]mnctures distinct near the ba.se, gradually obliterated towards the a]>ex, the interstices liroad, flat and impunctate. Underside black, finely ' Tlie locality was lost by the setter. — A'. //'. APPENDIX— COLEOPTERA. (i9 pubescent ; the fiterna finely punctured ; abdominal .■^e<^inent.'«, exce])t the last which is shining and impunctate, extremely finely punctured. Legs lilack and puliescent ; libi* and tarsi dark ferruginous. Length, 5|- mm. Closely allied to the preceding sjiecies, but differs in being smaller and comparatively narrower, in having the prothorax much more finely ami sparingly jninctured and the elytra very feebly striate-punctafe. Fain. CUnCULIONin.E. 17. Listrodercs inconsjiiriius, sp. n. Hah. Cayambe (15,000 feet). Broadly ovate, narrower in front than behind, moderately con-\-ex, l.)lack, closely covered with short pale greenish grey decumbent pirliescence. Heail strongly convex, finely and closely punctured ; rostrum with a distinct median ridge, the sides irregularly punctured and somewhat strigose. Antenn;i' pitchy red, finely pubescent. Prothorax sirongly transverse, very slightly constricted both in front and behind, finely and very closely ])unctured ; the sides arcuate. Scutellum very small, finely ]iunctured. Elytra slightly more than twice as long as the head and pj'olhorax together, moderately convex, densely pubescent, very feeljly striate-punctate, the interstices broad ; humeral angles not prominent ; sides arcuately roiinded to the apex. Underside coloiu'ed as above but much more sparingly pubescent ; the sterna Aery" finely and not very closely punctured ; alxlominal segments finely and closelv jiunctured : the third and fourth segments shorter than the others Imt slightlv longer than in the t^'^'e of this genus. Legs black, the pubescence especially on the tibite inclining to yellf)wish. Length, 8 mm. This species is best placeil near I/iatroderrx >iiihro<:i(itiix^ Waterh., desrrilieil from Chili. 18. L. punctatissimus, sp. n. Hab. Chimborazo (11,700 feet). Broaaringly ]iunctured on the disc, strongly rugulose at the sides ; the median line not distinct but rather strongly impressed at the base and just beyond the middle ; with two obsolete impressions on each side, one placed obliquely near the apex and the other behind the middle nearer the side ; the anterior mai'"in slightlv ^^S^^S^ HILIPUS LONOICOLLIS, OLLIFF. HACIENDA OF ANTISANA, 13,300 FEET. emai'ginate in the middle ; sides strongly arcuate ; jjosterior margin nearly straight. Scutellum very small, rounded behind and inijiuuctate. Elytra oblong-oA^ate, convex, about twice as long as the prothorax ; sides gradually arcuate ; each elytron with seven rather broad depressed costse which are ir- regular and more or less interrupted, the interstices about the same width as the costfe, each with a series of flattened tubercles placed rather irregularly. Underside black, .shining ; the sterna and first four alidominal segments very strongly and sparingly punctured. Legs pitchy black, moderately sti'ongly punctured. Length, 14 mm. L 2 76 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. Nearer to Hilipus scabripenm.% Boliem., from Brazil, tlian to any other S2:)ecies known to me. 26. Erirrliinoides distinchis, sp. n. Hah. Chimborazo (15,800 feet). Oblong-ovate, broader behind than in front, Ijlack and shining. Head slightly narrower in front than behind ; rather strongly and closely pnnctured, the punctures slightly closer near the eyes, with a feeble im- punctate impression near the base of the rostrum ; eyes lateral, not very prominent ; rostrum moderately long, slightly curved, irregularly punctured near the base, the punctures gradually becoming obsolete towards the apex. Antennae pitchy, the club covered with grey pubescence. Prothorax slightly broader than long, strongly constricted in front, rather strongly and sparingly- punctured ; the median line slightly raised but not very distinct ; the sides strongly arcuate liehind the constriction. Scutellum small, triangular and impunctate. Elytra al)out as long as the rostrum, head, and prothorax together, slightly In-oader behind than in ftxnit, moderately strongly punc- tate-striate, the interstices rather broad, slightly raised and finely rugulose but not punctured ; the striae disappear posteriorly ; humeral angles not prominent ; the sides gently rounded to the apex. Underside pitchy, the sternal channel extending to the middle coxae ; the sterna strongly and not very closely punctured ; the abdomen with an oblong impression in the middle common to the first two segments which are as strongly punctured as the sterna, the other segments less strongly and closely punctured. Legs pitchy. Length, 4j mm. A very distinct species, differing from the only other species of the genus, Erirrliinoides %micolor, Blanch., from Chili, in having the prothorax more strongly constricted in front, the sternal channel broader and extending further j)osteriorly, etc. 27. Erirrhinus glahcr, sp. n. Hab. Cayambe (15,000 feet). Elongate-ovate, much nari'ower in front than behind, moderately convex, shining Idack. Head very short and finely i)unctui'ed ; rostrum long, slightly nairowed towards the base, extremely finely punctured. Antennse pale 2)itchy, densely clothed with fine grey pubescence. Prothorax slightly Ijroader than long, much narrower in front than behind, rather densely covered with fine indistinct punctures ; the median line slightly raised ; anterior margin with a slight emargination in the middle ; the sides feebly arcuate, with two small obtuse processes one just before, the other just A PPENDIX— COLEOPTERA . 77 liL'liiiul the middle. Seutellum .small, romided beliind, finely aciculate. Elytra about as long as the rostrum, head and prothorax together, narrower in front than behind, modeiately strongly stiiate-punctate, the inter.stices I'ather broad, slightly I'aised and smooth ; shoulders not very prominent ; sides arcuately rounded to tlie apex. Underside black ; the sternum rather strongly and closely punctured ; abdominal segments shining extremely finely and not very closely ])unctured. Legs ])itchy. Length (including rostrum), 7 mm. An isolated species which appears to belong to Erirrhinm. In general appearance it is nearer to Erycus (Erirrhinns) morio, Mannerh., from North America than to any other species with which I am ac([uainted. 28. Erirrhinvx, sp. Hah. Eastern slopes of Corazon (12,000 feet). A .single specimen of a small testaceous species liaving the lica<, sp. n. Hab. Chimborazo (12-13,000 feet). Elongate -ovate, moderately convex, shining Idack. Head transverse, (ITIDOCEPHAI.US? SI'INJCi II.LIS, OLLIFI'. CHIMBORAZO, 12-1^,000 FEET. finely and not very closely punctured ; eyes large, lateral, not prominent ; rostrum moderately long, broader in fiuut than behind, finely and rather 78 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. closely punctured. Antennte pitcliy red, club sliglitly darker and clothed witli yellowish grey pubescence. Prothorax only slightly longer than broad, somewhat narrowed both in front and behind, a little flattened on the disc, rather finely and sparingly punctured ; sides arcviate, slightly sinuate in front ; with a short, sliarp and moderately strong spine on each side neai' the base. Scutellum very small, rounded behind, impunctate. Elytra about as long as the rostrum, head and prothorax together, at the base considerably liroader than the protliorax, gradually widening to just behind the middle, strongly striate-punctate, the interstices not very Ijroad and smooth, with a feeble impression on each side near the shoulder ; sides arcuately rounded to the apex. Underside black, shining ; the sterna and first abdominal segment very strongly and sj^aringly punctured in irregular transverse rows, the other abdominal segments with only a few extremely fine punctures near the sides. Legs black, tibise and tarsi pitchy. Length, 3f mm. As this insect is only rej^resented by a single example I think for the present it will be better to regard it as an aberi^ant Otidocephalus ; perhaps, when more specimens are available for examination, it will be found neces- sary to establish a new genus for its reception. This insect may be readily distinguished from all the described species by its comparatively In-oad spined prothorax and strongly punctured surface. 30. Lyterins, sji. Hah. Pichincha (12,000 feet). A single liroken example of a sjjecies which appears to l)elong to this 31. Ainon Andinutn, sp. n. Hah. Panecillo, Quito (10,000 feet). Short ovate, dull brassy green, shining, convex, ratlier tliickly covered with short grey pubescence. Head rather narrow, finely and irregularly punctured ; rostrum about as long as the head and prothorax together, slender, not very strongly curved, not pubescent ; eyes rather prominent, moderately large. Prothorax at the base about one-third In'oader than long, narrowed and slightly constricted anteriorly, rather strongly and not A'ery closely punctured ; anterior margin slightly raised, the angles rounded, sides arcuate behind the constriction ; posterior angles nearly right angles. Scutellum rounded behind. Elytra not (piite twice as long as broad, slightly prolonged behind, rather strongly striate, the strife obsoletely punctured, the inter.stices broad, somewhat raised and impunctate ; humeral APPENDIX— COLEOPTERA . 7 9 angles not very prominent ; sides arcuately rounded, slightly sinuate just before tlie apex, whicli is somewhat produced. Underside not such a metallic colour as above, more finely pubescent, obsoletely punctured. Legs moderately robust, finely pubescent. Length, 2 J mm. As this species does not appear to agree witli any of the South American species of Apion described by Dr. Gerstaecker in the " Stettiner Entomo- logische Zeitung" for the year 1854, I have ventured to characterise it as new. In general shape and colour it is not unlike A. cuprescens, Mannerh., from North America, but in sculpture, form of the rostrum, etc., it differs greatly as will be seen iipon comparing the descriptions. Faiii. UALANDrJD.E. 32. Metcunasius sericeus, Latr. Humbnldt and Bonpland, Voy. i, p. 206, \>]. 22, fig. 4 (1811); Horn, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. xiii, p. 410 (1873). This widely distributed species was found at Nanegal at an elevation of three thousand feet. 33. S'phenophorus notanduf:, s]i. u. Hah. Milligalli (6230 feet). Elongate-ovate, dull pitchy black, flattened above. Head small, extremely finely and not very closely punctured ; rostrum long, strongly curved, pitchy reil, -with a moderately strong longitudinal impression extending from the Ijase to just in front of the antennse. Antenna pitchy black and shining. Prothorax long, narrowed in front, very strongly and irregularly punctured ; the sides nearly parallel for the basal two -thirds of their length then narrowed to the apex. Elytra not much longer than the prothorax, strongly narrowed towards the apex, with fine stria^, the interstices broad and with very feeble transverse elevations near the suture. Underside black ; proster- num did.1, as strongly punctured as the prothorax ; mesosternum shining, extremely finely punctured ; metasternum and abdominal segments shining and not rpiite as strongly punctured as the presternum. Legs pitchy black ; tibite pitchy red. Length, 15 mm. At some future time it may be found necessary to institute a genus for the reception of this species ; the anterior coxa; are cj^uite as Avidely separated as in Metamasius, Horn. In general appearance and colour it greatly resembles i. 31. Hab. Pacific slopes (1-3000 feet). One example. Has also been obtained in Colonil)ia and Mexico. 2. Colaspis adlichloris, Lefevre, Mittli. Munchener Ent, Veiein, 1878, p. 121. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). One example. Has also been obtained in Coloml)ia and Mexico. 3. C. montmia, n. sji. Hab. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). One example. Obscure piceous below ; femora pale fulvous ; joints 5-7 and the lltli of antennie black ; above obscxrre dark fulvous witb greenish gloss ; thorax finely, elytra strongly semipunctate-striate. Length, 6| mm. Head rather closely and strongly punctured, deeply transversely grooved between the eyes ; epistome about as broad as long, punctured like the head ; labrum fulvous ; jaws black ; antennte slender, the third and fourth joints of equal length, the four basal joints and the eighth to the tenth, testaceous, — the others black ; thorax rather transverse, scarcely narrowed in front, sides dettexed anteriorly, the angles produced in a short tooth ; lateral margin l)identate at the middle, surface finely punctured, dark fulvous, the extreme lateral margins metallic green ; elytra distinctly transversely depressed below_ the l)ase, very strongly punctate-striate anteriorly, geminate and more finely punctate below the middle, the punctuation very coarse and deep at the sides where the interstices are convex and transversely wrinkled, from the shoulder to the apex runs a more or less distinct costa parallel with the lateral margin, another short costa is placed close to the first one at the humeral callus ; underside, the knees, tibiae and tarsi piceous ; femora fulvous. The only specimen before me seems closely allied in coloration to C. laridula, Lefevre, but differs in its larger size, more finely anlack ; antenni?e more than half the length of the body, slender, third joint double the length of the second, four or five basal joints fulvous, the rest piceous ; thorax nearly three times as l)road as long, slightly wiiie and the tarsi, black. A single apparently female specimen. Principally separated from several closely allied species described liy M. Lefevre, by the closely and finely punctured thorax, the bisinuate sides of the latter and the general smaller size of the insect as well as its black tarsi. Fara. CHRYSOMELIN.^. 5. Calligrcqjha nupta, Stal., Monogr. Chrysom., 1862, p. 267. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). One example. Has also been obtained in Coloml)ia. 6. C. Percheronii, Guer., Voy. Coquille ZooL, 1830, p. 146. Stal., Monogr., p. 272. ■Hah. Riobamba (9000 feet). Hacienda of Guachala (9217 feet). Nine examples. Has also lieen detained in Peru. 7. L)ory])hora funehris, var. .Jacnby. Proc. Zool. Soc, 1880, p. 597. Tab. liv. Fig. 11. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). Previously obtained by Mr. Buckley in Ecuador. The specimen obtained by Mr. Whymper is no doubt but a variety of the ai 2 84 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. a1j(jve in which the isolated greenish jeneous spots of the typical form are united in shape of two very bi'oad transverse bands, occupying almost the entire disk and interrupted only hy the very narrow ilavous bands ; the shape of the latter agrees quite with the yellow mai'kings of the tyi:)e, but the punctuation is rather more closely placed ; the insect is also larger (probably a female). In other I'cspects no ditferences are to be found. 8. I), pidurata, n. sp. Hab. Tanti (1890 feet). One specimen. Ovate, convex ; below greenish black ; head and lateral margins of the thorax, Havous ; elytra bluish black, geminate punctate-striate, a round spot near the scutellum, a narrow short band near the lateral margin, a broader transverse one below the middle and a spot near the apex, flavous. Length, 7^ mm. Head rather closely and tinely punctured with several obsolete depressions ; antenna.^ extending below the base of the thorax, the lirst five joints metallic greenish black, the rest opaque, pidjescent ; thorax nearly three times as l)road as long, the sides straight near the base, rounded towards the apex where they turn inwards towards the head ; anterior angles pointed ; surface sparingly and rather finely punctured, middle of the disk, greenish black, the sides broadly flavous ; elytra not broader at the base than the thorax, strongly and closely geminate punctate-striate, greenish black, a narrow short longi- tudinal band at the base, in front of the lateral margin, a round sjjot near the scutellum, a broad transverse, slightly curved band Itelow the mitldle, not touching the margins and a small triangular spot at the apex, flavous ; meso- sternal process very short. For Figure see the accompanying Plate. 9. Cltrysomela cisaeis, Stal., Mouogr. Chrys. Amer., p. 335. Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). One example. Has also been obtained in Peru. Fam. RALTICIDJB. 10. Eintrix nigrocenea, Harold, Coleopt, Hefte xiv, 1875, p. 36. Hah. Hacienda of Guachala (9217 feet), Quito (9500 feet). Village of Cayandje (9320 feet). Six examples. Has also been ol)tai'ned in Colombia. 11. Longitarsus ooptcrns, Harold, Coleopt., Hefte xv, 1876, p. 29. Hab. La Dormida, Cayambe (11,800 feet). Has also been obtained at La Luzera, Colombia. The only specimen obtained, agrees in every respect with the description of the author ; it is wingless and of an uniform chestnut brown colour : for the rest I must refer to the original description. I ^1 DIBOIIA ViRIDlS. JACOBY. EASTERN SIDE OF CORAZON, 12.000 FEET LUPER0S0L1A MARCiflATA, JACOBY. PANECILLO. QUITO. 10,000 FEET. ^PHORA PlCTURATA, JACOBY, FROM TANTI, I890 FEET. A PPENDIX— COLEOPTERA . 85 12. HaUica amethystina, Olivier, Ent., vi, p. 687, Tab. 2, Fig. 31. Hub. Macliaclii (9-10,000 feet) and CliilLi (9000 feet). Fourteen ex- amples. Has previously been obtained in S. Domingo, Guatemala, Honduras, and Colomljia, 13. Trichaltica costatijjennis, n. sp. Hah. Hacienda of Guacliala (9217 feet). One example. Underside and legs, black ; bead and thorax yellowish lirown, coarsely punctured ; antennae black, apical joints ilavous ; elytra blue-black, deeply punctate-striate, the interstices distinctly costate and finely pubescent. Length, 2 mm. Head very deeply punctured round the inner margin of the eyes ; the frontal tul)ercles indicated only by very narrow oltlique ridges ; antenna^ about half the length of the body, black, the three lower joints flavous, spotted with black above ; second j(jint thicker but scarcely shorter than the third ; thorax about one-half bi'oader than long, slightly narrowed at the Ijase, the sides widened at the milunt tnbercle, behind this the petiole is tinely striated laterally. Directly in front of the metathorax it is aciculated, above there is a distinct margin. The sides of the petiole are slightly com- pressed. Separating the petiole from the abdomen is a broad (comparatively) belt-like constriction, smooth, shining, very finely transversely striated. A similar constriction is between the 1st and 2d segments ; it is contracted a little at the side, expanding again on the ventral surface. The lower half of the sides of the 1st segment is smooth, shining, impunctate, as are also the remaining abdominal segments ; these liear above some short, glistening hairs ; beneath some longer pale hairs. Legs stout, smooth shining. For Figure see the accompanying Plate. Length, 8 mm. Odontomachus, Latr. 9. Odontomachus lurmatodes, Lin., Syst. Nat., ii, \k !)fi5. Hab. Guayaquil. Two examples. Pheidole, Westw. 10. Pheidole inoaticola, sp. n. Hab. Cayambe village (9320 feet), workers ; Penipe to Rioliamlia (9000 feet), soldiers; the Panecillo, Quito (10,000 feet), females and workers. Numerous specimens. Soldier. Blackish fuscous ; the abdomen more or less obscured with tes- taceous, thorax with piceous ; mandibles ferruginous ; more or less of face below the antennte and basal half of scape obscure ferruginous ; apex of last joint of antennae castaneous. Mandibles shining, inner edge black, acute, inner half with some minute punctures ; covered with a pale pubescence longest on lower side ; apex bidentate. Head covered with a depressed pile, shining, smooth, obscurely alutaceous in front ; frontal lamin;e curved, dilated in middle ; frontal fovea absent, area raised, a depression at its base ; separated clearly fi'om clypeus, which is obscurely imnctured, covei'ed with a pale, scattered, depressed pile. Pronotum almost shining, scarcely punc- tured ; meso- and metanotum minutely punctured, semi-opaque ; metathorax Avith two stout, slightly diverging spines ; the space between these and behind smooth, shining, almost impunctate. Petiole half-shining, completely so at base, which is testaceous ; first node depressed in centre of top ; second double wide as long, aciculated, sides projecting, rounded. Abdomen half- shining, obscurely aciculated, the junction of segments pale ; covered sparsely 94 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. with a moderately long, pale hair. Legs covered with a white, glistening, semi-depressed pubescence ; the apex of coxaj and trochanters obscure ferru- PHEIDOLE MONTICOLA, CAMERON. CAYAMBE, RIOBAMBA, QUITO, 9-10,000 FEET. A. WORKER. B. SOLDIER. C. FEMALE. ginou.s ; tibite obscure ferruginous or piceous ; tarsi testacec^us. The thorax bears some depressed, pale hairs ; the 2:)etiole has a longer ]-)ubescence. Length, 5^ mm. A PPENDIX— H YMENOPTERA . 9 5 Worker. Testaceous, ol>scured with fuscous or black. Head and mamliljles smootli, shining, impunctate, front sometimes faintly aciculated ; frontal laminae somewhat shorter than in soldier ; sides of pleura' longitudi- nally striated and p)unctured. Posterior node of petiole not so much rounded and dilated at the sides, and not contracted posterior as in soldier ; anterior not depressed in centre above. Alidonien aciculated at the base. Otherwise as in the soldier. Length, 3^-4 mm. Female. Black ; mandibles and antennal tubercles ferruginous ; knees, and 4 anterior tiljiaj piceous, tarsi testaceous ; apex of last and l.)asal joint of flagellum obscure ferruginous. Entii'e body densely covered with a greyish or fuscous hair. Head at top smooth, obscurely aciculated, and bearing a few punctures ; front longitudinally rugose : smooth in the centre : clypeus shining. Mandibles black on inner liorder, shining, a few scattered punctures on inner side : apex bidentate : thorax half-shining, alutaceous, metanotum aciculated or punctured, sides finely punctured, a short, obscure keel on mesonotum in front. Between the metathoracic spines (which are triangular, acute at toj), and diverging) transversely striated ; metapleura3 below Icjiigi- tudinally striated ; a carina on either side arising from the spines. Petiole with a distinct neck at base, in front of 1st node, which is ol)Scurely trans- versely striated below, aciculate above, depressed iir ceirtre of top ; 2ird node broader than loirg, bulging out in the centre ; the griseous hair is especially thick on petiole. Al^domen derrsely pilose, alirtaceous, segmental divisions white. Antennce and legs covered with a white, stitf hair. Length, 7-8 mm. The worker varies considerably in coloration from light testace(jus to fuscous. In the table of the American species of Pheidole giverr by Mayr (Verh. z. b. Wien, 1870, p. 981) the soldier comes iir at 176, rrear P. flavens, Rogers, it having no frontal srrture : the worker at p. 984, near P. pusilla. In the form of the head it approaches Aiiluenogaster. I am indebted to Prof Gustav Mayr of Vienna for his opinion oir it. PSEUDOJIYRMA, Guer. 11. Pseudomyrma gracilis, Fab., Syst. Piez., p. 405. Hah. Bodegas (level of sea) ; Pacific slopes (1-2000 feet). Two examples. Atta, Fab. 12. Atta sexilens, Lin., Syst. Nat., i, p. 964: = sexdentata, Latr., Hist. Nat. Fourm., p. 228. Hah. Pacific slopes (1-8000 feet). ^ 9G TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. LEPIDOPTERA. EHOPALOCERA. By F. DUCANE GODMAN, F.R.S., & OSBERT SALVIN, F.R.S. The collection of Diurnal Lepidoptera submitted to us by Mr. Wbymper contains specimens of 105 species, whicli were obtained at A'arious elevations from 1000 to 16,000 feet above the sea leA-el. As might l)e expected, novel- ties amongst the butterflies were not numerous. As regards the lowlands, the collection represents but a fragment of the Lepidopterous fauna,^ but as regards the higher mountains Mr. Whymper has probably obtained a majority of the species. Pieris xanthodicc and Colias alticola occur at the highest elevations, the former of these has a wide range in the Andes, but the latter is only known as yet from the mountains of Ecuador. At 14,500 feet Lymayiopoda tener and two species of Pedaliodes appear, and a little lower, at 14,000 feet, Lyccena Iwa occurs, the latter being also found in Peru. At 13,000 feet we find Golias dimera, and at 1 2,000 feet an undetermined species of Pieris ; a form of Acnea thalia occurs at 11,000 feet, and at 10,500 a species of Ancy- loxypha — the highest ranging of the Hespcridcc. At 10,000 feet and a little below it we get a large accession of species, a Steroma, Lymanopoda lecena, Agrmilis glycera, Pyrameis htoiicm and P. canje, Junonia vellida, Lyccena andicola, Papilio americns, Pieris suadeUa, Golias leshia, and Pamphila pliylceus. Between 9000 and 8500 feet we find three species of Terias, Euptoieta hege- sia, Pieris eleone, and Meganostoma cesonia ; and at 7300 feet Pieris elodia. These represent the ujiland species of Mr. Whymper's collection, and a glance at the names will show that the bulk of them are Andean f(irms of genera of wide distribution, and that the evidence of anything like a specialised Alpine~ butterfly fauna can hardly be said to exist. Fam. NYMPRALID.€. Sub-fam. Danain^. 1. Danais plexippns (Linn.). Goilm. and Sah-., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rliop., i, p. 1. Huh. Coimtry west of Quito (alt. uncertain). One example. ^ It should, however, be observed that it was not onr aim to collect in the lower zones. — E. W. Qy APPENDIX— LEPIDOPTERA. 97 2. It una lamirus (Latr.). Heliconius lamirus, Latr. in Humb. and BonpL, Olis. ZouL, ii, p. 126, t. 41, f. 7, 8. Ituna lamirus, Godm. and Sal\'., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rliop., i, p. 5. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). One example. 3. Mechanitis manfincus, Hew., E(^uat. Lep., p. 12; Ex. Butt., PleliconiidcTe, f. 16. Hab. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). One example. A species of western Ecuador, discovered by Buckley, and described by Hemtson in 1869. 4. Geratinia antonia (Hew.). Ithomia antonia, Hew., Efpiat. Lep., p. 14 ; Ex. Butt., Ithomia, t. 29, f. 191. Hab. Bridge of Chimbu (1000 feet). Two examples. 5. Ithomia consobrina, sp. n. Alis anticis nigris, dimidio basali interne et posticis pra-ter marginem externum ferrugineis, anticaruin apicibus maculis septein notatis, dualnis costa; proximis maximis sordide albescentibus ; duabus maculis alteris ob- soletis ad angulum posticarum apicalem ; subtus ut supia anticarura dimidio apicali ferrugineo tincto. Exp. 2' 5 inches. Hab. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). One example. Obs. I. virginianoi et /. adelphinoi valde affinis sed maculis anticaruni api- calibus majoribus et sordide (nee pure) albis ; maculis ad celluhe finem nullis quoque distinguenda. We have long possessed specimens of tliis Ithomia in our collection obtained in Ecuador by Buckley and otliers, Ijut we have hitherto refrained from describing it. The species is closely allied to /. virginiana and /. adel- 'phina, but with apparently constant distinguishing characters. The three species belong to the section or genus Hifposcada of our work on Central American Rhopalocera (Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rliop., p. 35). 6. Ithomia lilla. Hew., Ex. Butt., Ithomia, t. 18, 1'. 108. Hab. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). One e.xample. Described from Guayaijuil specimens. 7. Ithomia diasia, Hew., Ex. Butt., Ithomia, t. 5, f. 28. Hab. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). One example. O 98 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 8. Ithomia andromica, Hew., Ex. Butt., Ithomia, t. 7, f. 38. Hab. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). One example. A species of wide range, the type being from Venezuela. 9. Ithomia padilla, Hew., Ex. Butt., Ithomia, t. 24, f. 149. Hab. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). Three examples. Sub-fam. Satyrin^. 10. Steroma sp. ? Hah. Machachi (10,000 feet). Two examples. These specimens are in bad condition, and we are thus unalile to deter- mine them satisfactorily. The species is apparently allied to S. pronopliila, Felder. 11. Pedaliodes sp. ? Hab. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). One example. In poor condition. Allied apparently to P. i)orina, Hew. 12. Pedaliodes sj). ? Hab. Machachi (10,000 feet). Two examples. In poor condition. P. IJiirrliaiba appears to l^e its nearest ally. 13. Pedaliodes sp. ? Hab. Pichincha (11-12,-500 feet); Cotocachi (14,000 feet); Cayambe (13-13,500 feet); Machachi (10,000 feet). Fourteen examples. All in poor condition. P. manis, Feld., seems to be nearly allied. 14. Ly'inanoj)oda lemna, Hew., Journ. Ent., i, p. 156, t. 9, f. 1. Hab. Machachi (10,000 feet). Two examples. 15. Lymanopoda tener, Hew., Ent. Monthly Mag., vi, p. 98. Hah. Cayambe (13-14,500 feet); between Antisanilla and Piuantura (11-12,000 feet) ; Hacienda of Antisana (13,300 feet) ; Pichincha (11-12,500 feet); La Dormida, Cayambe (11,805 feet); Machachi (10,000 feet); Altar (13,000 feet). Many examples. Descriljed by Hewitson from specimens collected by Buckley in Ecuador. IG. Lasiophila ^-Mpatom, var. Pronophila zapatoza, Westw., Gen. Diurn., Lep., p. 358. Hah. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). One example. Closely allied to the Venezuelan form of L. zapatoza, of which it is duubt- less a localised race. According to Westwood and Hewitson the range of the species includes the Andes from Venezuela to Bolivia. APPENDIX— LEPTDOPTERA. 99 17. Coradcs rnyo, Hew., P. Z. S., 1848, p. 117, t. 4. Hah. Nanec^al (alt. uncertain). One example. Snl)-fam. Morphine. 18. Morpho pdeides, KolL, Denkschr. Ak. Wien, i, p. 356 ; Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Eliop., i, p. 119. Hah. Nanegal (alt. uncertain); Bridge of Chiml)0 (1000 feet). Three examjiles. A variable species, ranging northwards into Southern Mexico. Suh-fara. Brassolin^. 19. OpsiplmncH tamarindi, Feld., Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.- Rhop., i, p. 128. Hub. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Two examples. 20. 02}si2)hancs quirinus, Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rho]i., i, p. 128. Hah. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Two examples, male and female agreeing with our Central American types. 21. Calicjo o'ileus (Feld.). Pavonia oilcus, Feld., Wien Ent. Mon., v, p. Ill ; Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rhop., i, p. 132. Hah. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Two examples. These and other Ecuador specimens in our collection have the upper surface of the primaries more uniform in tint, the dark outer border being less e\'ident than in ty[tical 0. oileus. 22. Galigo dentina, Druce, Trans. Ent. Soc, 1874, p. 155. ■ Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). One example. Sub-fam. AcR^EiNiE. 23. Adinote thalia (Linn.). Papilio thalia, Linn., Mus. Ulr., p. 230. Hab. Pichincha (11-12,000 feet); Valley of Chillo (9000 feet). Three specimens which 1;ielong to one of the many forms of A. thalia. 24. Adinote ozonune (Godt.). Acrcea ozomene, Godt., Enc. Metli., ix, p. 241. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Two examples. 100 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 8ub-f;im. HeliconiiNvE. 25. Heliconius 2^eruviani(s, Feld., Wien Ent. Monatschr., iii, ji. 396. Hah. Biidge of Chimbo (1000 feet). One example. 26. Heliconius cyrhia, Godt., Enc. Metli., ix, p. 203. Hab. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). Two examples. A very characteristic species of western Ecuador, where alone it has been found. 27. Heliconius erato (Linn.). Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am.,, Lep.-Rhop., i, p. 160. Hab. Country west of Quito. Two examples. Both these examples are of the form with the base of the secondaries greenish-blue — the Papilio doris of Linnreus. Sub-fam. Nymphalin^. 28. Colwnis dclila (Faljr.). Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rhop., i, p. 168. Hab. Country west of Quito. Two exami>les. These specimens have no dark bar on the primaries, and thus agree with Central American examples rather than with those of countries lying to the eastward, where G. jvMa is found. 29. Agraulis glycera, Feld., Wien Ent. Monatschr., v, p. 102. Hab. Otovalo (8500 feet) ; Valley of Cniillo (9000 feet) ; Maehachi (9800 feet). Eight examples. A species of the Andes of Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. 30. Agraulis andicola, Bates, Journ. Ent, ii, p. 187 (note). Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Three examples. Discovered in Western Ecuador by Mr. Spruce. 31. Euptoida hegcsia (Cram.). Godm. and Salv., Biol. Ci-ntr. Am., Lep.-T\li(>i>., i, p. 175. Hab. Otovalo (8500 feet). Four examples. A species of very wide range. 32. Eresia clara, Bates, Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., L('p.-l?lio]>., i, p. 189. Hah. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). One example. APPENDIX— LEPinOPTERA. 1 01 33. Plujdodes flavida (Hew.), Ex. Butt., Eresia, t. 7, f, 61. Hah. Bodegas de Babahoyo (level of sea). One example. Peculiar to Western Ecuador. 34. Phijciodes daud.ina (Escliscli.). Kotzelx Eeise, iii, p. 212, t. 8, f. 18 a, 1). Eresia daudina, Hew., Ex. Butt., Eresia, t. 7, f. 52. Hub. Bridge of Chinibo (1000 feet). One example. 35. Eurema lethe (Fabr.). Godni. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rliop., i, p. 212. Hah. Nanegal (alt. i;ncertain). Three examples. 36. Pyrameis liuntcra (Fabr.). Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rhop., i, p. 218. Hah. Machachi (9800 feet). Two examples. 37. Pyrameis carye (Hiibn.). Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rhojx, i, p. 217. Hah. Otovalo (8500 feet); Machachi (9800 feet). Four examples. 38. Jtinonia vellida (Falir.). Papilio vellida, Falir., Mant. Ins., ii. p. 35 ; Donovan, Ins. New Holl., t. 25, f. 3. Hah. Valley of Chillo (8600 feet) ; Machachi (9800 feet). Six examples. These specimens agree very closely with Australian examples and others from various islands in the Pacific Ocean. The fulvous border of the second- aries is somewhat wider in the Ecuador insect.s, but the difference is trivial. Besides these specimens, we have in our cdllection one from Peru, brought from there about fifteen years ago by the botanical collector Pearce ; another is from Costa Rica, sent us by Rogers in 1879. Junonia vdlida therefore seems to be established in South America. In connection with this wide extension of its range, it must be remembered that it was once takeii in England and described in 1827 l>y Stephens as Cynthia hampstedicnsis. 39. AnartiO: arnalthea (Linn.). Papilio arnalthea, Cram., Pap. Ex., t. 309, A, B. Anartia arnalthea, Doubl. and Hew., Gen. Diurn., Lep., t. 24, f. 5. Hah. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). Five examples. 40. Myscelia cyaniris (Doubl. and Hew.), Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rhoj)., i, p. 230. Hah. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). One example. 102 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 41. Perisama euriclea, Donbl. and Hew., Gen. Din rn., Lep., t. 28, f. 5. Catagramvia euriclea, Hew., Ex. Bntt, Catagramma, t. 12, f. 90, 91. ^Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). One example. This specimen has rather less red at the base of the secondaries beneath, and these wings are slightly more rounded than in typical Venezuelan examples. 42. Gallicore viarchalii (Guer.). Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rhop., i, p. 256. Hah. Country west of Quito. One example. 43. Gallicore pavira, Guen^e, M^m. Phys. G^n., xxi, p. 388. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Two examples. These specimens (and we have others) agree fairly with Guenee's descrip- tion, but we cannot be certain of this identification. The species is allied to the Colombian G. eucleides, Latr., but has the cross-band of the wings much -nader, that of the secondaries extending almost to the base of the wing. 44. Gallicore nystographa, Guenee, Mem. Phys. Gen., xxi, p. 387. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Four examples. The insect we identify with Guenee's description is a local form of G. eucleides (Latr.). It has the greenish-blue bands of both wings of nearly equal width instead of the band of the primaries being raiich wider, as in the Colombian l)utterfly which we call by Latreille's name. 45. Didonis biblis (Fabr.). Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rhop., i, p. 277. Hah. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). Two examples. 46. Amphirene epaphus (Latr.). Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.- Rhop., i, p. 281. Hah. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Four examples. 47. Timetes marcella, Feld., Wien Ent. Monatschr., v, p. 108 ; Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rhop., i, p. 284. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Three examples. 48. Timcfcs berania, Hew., Ex. Butt., Timetes, t. 1, f. 1 ; Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rhop., i, p. 286. Hab. Country west of Quito. One example. APPENDIX— LEPIDOPTERA . 1 03 49. Timetes coresia (Godt.), Enc. Meth., ix, p. 359. Marpesia zerynthia, Hiibu., Samml. ex. Sclimett. Hah. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Two examples. 50. Adelpha spruceana (Bates), Ent. Monthly Mag., i, p. 129. Hah. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Two examples. Described by Mr. Bates from a specimen taken by Spruce on the western slope of the Andes of Ecuador. 51. Adelpha cytherea (Linn.). Godm. and Sal v., Biol. Centr. Ani., Lep.-Rhop., i, p. 303. Hab. Country west of Quito. One example. 52. Afjanisthos orion (Fabr.). Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rhop., i, p. 324. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Three examples. 53. C'oea cadmus (Cram.). Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rhop., i, p. 326. Papilio pherecydes, Cramer. Hab. Country west of Quito. Two examples. 54. Prepona chromus, Guer., Icon. Regn. Anim., Texte, p. 478. Prcpona hercules, Doubh and Hew., Gen. Diurn., Lep., t. 47, f. 1. Hab. Mindo (4000 feet) ; Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Three examples. 55. Prepona amphitoe (Godt.). Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rhop., i, p. 322. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). One example. 50. Prepona amphimachus (Fabr.). Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.- Rhop., i, p. 322. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). One example. 57. Ancea iphis (Latr.). Xymphalis iphis, Latr., in Hiimli. and B(jnpl., Obs. Zool., ii, p. 80. Hab. Country west of Quito. One example. 58. Ancea amenophis (Feld.). Nympjhalis amenophis, Feld., Reise d. No\-., Lep., p. 449. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). One example. 104 TRAVEL8 AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. Fam. ERYGINID.-E. 59. Mcsosemia molina, Godm. and Sal v., Biol. Centr. Am., Lcp.-Rhop., i, p. 386. Hah. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). One example. 60. Siseme s-prucei, Bates, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool., ix, p. 384. Hah. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Five examples. 61. Emesis mandana (Cram.). Godm. and Salv., Biol. Centr. Am., Lep.-Rliop., i, p. 443. Hah. Country west of Quito. One example. Fam. LYCjENIDAi. 62. Lyama koa, Druce, P. Z. S., 1876, p. 239, t. 18, f. 7. Hah. Macliachi (10,000 feet); Hacienda of Antisana (13,300 feet); Cayambe mountain (13-14,000 feet). Seven examples. These specimens agree fairly with the types from Peru, though the transverse marks of the primaries beneath are not so clearly shown ; but we do not think the Ecuadorean insect is separable on this account. There are several examples in the Hewitson collection of Buckley's collecting. 63. Lycwna andicola, sp. n. Alis supra violaceo-cteruleis, ciliis sordide sericeo-albis; subtus griseo-fuscis maculis obscurioribus albo circumcinctis transfasciatis, posticis fascia albida margin! externo plus minusve parallela notata, extra eam ad angulum analem ocellis tribus fulvis nigro pupillatis et argenteo atomatis ; anticarum apicibus alicj[uot acutis. Exp. 1-25 inches. Hab. Guallabamba (7500 feet); Quito (9400 feet); between Cayambe village and Otuvalo (9500 feet); Machachi (9800 feet); Cotocachi (12,000 feet). Ten examples. Obs. L. cassio et L. marince attinis inter alia anticis magis acutis hand difl&cile distinguenda. We have an Ecuadorean specimen of this species and another from Colombia. It is a close ally of L. marina, but at the same time readily dis- tinguishable, not only by the more pointed primaries, but also by the smaller size and narrower edging of the rows of transverse spots beneath. There aie three spots near the anal angle of the secondaries instead of two as in the allied form, and none appear on the upper surface. In the latter respect it resembles L. cassias. APPENDIX— LEPIDOPTERA. 1 05 04. Lycana (?) Hab. Pichincha (11-12,500 ieet) ; Cotocachi (12,000 feet). Two specimens of a species uiiknovvn to us, but wliicli are not in sulH- ciently perfect condition to determine satisfactorily. Faui. PAPILlONID^i:. Sub-fam. Pierin^. 65. Euterpe leucodrosime, Kollar, Denk. Ak. Wiss. Wien, Math. CI. i, p. 358, t. 44, f. 3, 4. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). One example. 66. Euterpe critias, Feld., Wien Ent. Mouatsclir., iii, p. 327 ; Reise d. Nov., Lep., p. 158, t. 23, f. 13, 14. Hab. Bridge of Cliimbo (1000 feet). Two examples. 67. Euteiye zenoUa, Feld., Reise d. Nov., Lep., p. 146, t. 23, f. 5, 6. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Two examples. 68. Hesperocharis marchali (Guer.), Icon. Regne An. Ins., Texte, p. 468. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Two examples. 69. Hesperocharis sp. 1 Hab. Country west of Quito. One example. Unknown to us, Ijut not in a condition to describe. 70. Leptalis avonia, Hew., Trans. Ent. Soc, ser. 3, v, p. 563 ; Ex. Butt., Leptalis, t. 7, f. 46-48. Hab. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). One example. 71. Leptalis jethys., Boisd., Sp. Gen., i, p. 423. Hah. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). One example. This specimen agrees fairly with some examples of this species which, so far as we know at present, is subject to great variation as regards the 1)lack markings of the primaries. In this respect it is intermediate between the extreme forms. 72. Leptalis nemesis (Latr.). Pieris nemesis, Latr., in Humlj. and BonpL, Obs. ZooL, ii, p. 78, t. 35, 1'. 7,8. Hab. Valley of Chillo (8600 feet). One example. P 106 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 73. Terias yaugamcla, Fekl, Reise d. Nov., Lep., p. 199, t. 36, f. 5. Hab. Valley of Cliillo (8500-9000) feet); Ibarra (7300 feet). Seven examples. The black border of the wings of the males is as broad as in specimens from Mexico and Guatemala. In typical T. yaugamela these borders are much narrower, but there seems to be every gradation in this respect between the extreme forms. 74. Terias cequatorialis, Feld., Wien Ent. Monatschr., v, p. 85. Hab. Valley of Chillo (8600 feet). One example. 75. Terias constancia, Feld., Reise d. Nov., Lep., p. 200. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Three examples. 76. Terias sp. ? Hah. Hacienda of Guachala (9217 feet). One example. This specimen is too much rubbed to admit of determination. It belongs to the same group as the last. 77. Pieris xanthodice, Lucas, Rev. Zool., 1852, p. 337. Hab. Valley of Chillo (9000 feet); Machachi (9500-10,000 feet); be- tween Antisanilla and Piuantura (11,000 feet); Pichincha (11-12,000 feet); Illiniza (13,000 feet); Hacienda of Antisana (13,300 feet); Cayambe mountain (13-13,500 feet); Fourth camp, Chimborazo (14,350 feet) ; south side of Chimborazo (15,000 feet). Very numerous examples. These specimens agree with others from different parts of the Andes, the females being somewhat variable, some darker than others. 78. Pieris marana, Doubl, Ann. and Mag. N. H., xiv, p. 421 ; Hew., Ex. Butt., Pieris, t. 6, f 42. Hab. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). One example. 79. Pieris cuthemia, Feld., Reise d. Nov., Lep., p. 177. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). One example. 80. Pieris elodia, Boisd., Sp. Gen., p. 529; Lucas, in La Sagra Hist. Fis. y Pol. Ins. Cuba, p. 492, t. 15, f. 3, 3 a. Hab. In the town of Ibarra (7300 feet). Numerous examples. 81. Pieris suadclla, Feld., Reise d. Nov., Lep., p. 179. Hab. Machachi (9800 feet). Two examples. A PPENDTX— L EPIDOPTERA. 107 82. Pieris eleone, Doubl. and Hew., Gen. Diurn., Lej?., t. 6, f. 6. Hah. Valley of Chillo (8600 feet). Two examples. 83. Pieris margarita (Hil1:)n.). Mylothris margarita, Hilbn., Samml. ex. 8ehm., ii, t. 1^0. Hah. Nanegal and the country west of Quito. Two examples. 84. Pieris sp. ? Hob. Picbinclia (12,000 feet). One example. A mucli rubl)ed female specimen of a Pierid with whicb we are wholly unacquainted. It is in much too damaged a condition to describe. 85. Gallidryas 'philea (Linn.). Papilio fhilea, Linn., Syst. Nat, i, p. 764. Hah. Country west of Quito. One example. 86. Gallidryas euhule (Linn.). Papilio euhule, Linn., Syst. Nat., i, p. 764. Hab. Country west of Quito. One example. 87. Gallidryas arganfe (Fabr.). Papilio argante, Fabr., Syst. Ent., p. 470. Hah. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Two examples. 88. Gallidryas riirina, Feld., Reise d. Nov., Lep., p. 194, t. 26, f 9-11. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Two examples. 89. Meganostoma cesonia (Stoll.). Papilio cesonia, Stoll., Suppl. Cram., t. 41, f. 2, 2b. Hab. Otovalo (8600 feet). ( Jm- example. 90. Golias alticola, sp. n. G. leshice quoad alarum colores forsan proxima sed multo minor et posticis plaga ad Itasin costiie vi ulla, alis sulphureis hand rubro-aurantiacis ; subtus anticis area discali sulphureis maculis submarginalibus nullis. Exp. 1*7 inches. $ maii similis sed pallidior, anticis ad apicem trimaculatis. Feniina altera fere allnda. Hab. Pichincha (12,000 feet); Tortorillas, Chimborazo (13,000 feet); Cayambe (13,000 feet) ; Chimborazo, west side (15,000 feet) ; Antisana, west side (16,000 feet). Nine examples. It is with considerable reluctance that we add another species to this complicated genus, but we are unalile to associate Mr. Whymper's specimens 108 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GEE AT AXDES. with any known species, and Mr. Elwes in his additional notes on the genus Colias (Trans. Ent. Soc, 1884, p. 12) in his note on these same specimens, was equally unsuccessful. We have little doxiht that of described species it is with Colias leshia that the present insect should be compared, but from it G. alticola may be recognised without much difficulty by the points to which we have already dra'\\ai attention. A still more nearly allied Colias is found in Bolivia, where the late Mr. Buckley took several examples, and it may at some future time be necessary to describe this latter insect. From C. dimera G. alticola may be readily distinguished by both the wings being of the same tint, while in the former the primaries are orange and the secondaries pale yellow. 91. Colias leshia (Fabr.). Papilio leshia, Fabr., Syst. Ent., p. 477. Colias leshia, Elwes, Trans. Ent. Soc, 1884, p. 13. ffab. Between Otovalo and Ibarra (8000 feet) ; Otovalo (8600 feet) ; Valley of Chillo (8600-9000 feet); Machachi (10,000 feet). Fifteen ex- amples. These specimens agree very fairly, as Mr. Elwes has already pointed out, with others from the Argentine Eepublic ; excepting only that the rosy tint on the upper surface of the wings is almost entirely wanting. The females are all of one type, there being none of the pale form amongst them ; but we have little doubt tliat the insect described by Mr. Kirby as C. dinow (Trans. Ent. Soc, 1881, p. 358) should be referred to this pale form. Mr. Henley Smith has kindly lent us the type of C. dinora, and we have no doubt upon this point. 92. Colias dimera, Doubl. and Hew., Gen. Diurn. Lep., t. 9, f. 3 ; Elwes, Trans. Ent. Soc, 1880, p. 137. Colias dimera, var. semperi, Strecker, Lep.-Rhop. and Het., p. 27, t. 4, f. 4. Hah. Guallabamba (7200 feet) ; between Otovalo and Ibarra (8000 feet); Otovalo (8500 feet) ; Valley of Chillo (9000 feet) ; Hacienda of Guachala (9217 feet) ; between Caj-ambe and Otovalo (9500 feet) ; IMachachi (10,000 feet) ; between Antisanilla and Piiiantura (11,000 feet) ; Pichincha (11- 12,000 feet); Cotocachi (12,000 feet); Illiniza (12-13,000 feet). Very numerous examples. The females in Mr. Whymper's collection are all of the form described and figured by Mr. Strecker as Colias semperi. APPENDIX— LEPIDOPTERA 109 Sub-fani. Papilioni^'^. 93. Painlio protcsilaus, Linn., Mus. Ulr., p. 209. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Two examples. 94. Papilio ifliidamas, Fabr., Ent. Syst., iii, p. 17. Hah. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). One example. 95. Papilio americus, KoUar, Denk. Ak. Wien, Math., CI. i, p. P,;)4. Papilio sadalus, Lucas, Rev. Zool, 1852, p. 133, t. 10, f. 4. Hab. Machachi (9800-10,000 feet). Five examples. 96. Papilio thrason, Feld., Reise d. Nov., Lep., p. 74. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). Two examples. 97. Papilio pandion, Feld. ? Reise d. Nov., Lep., p. 79. Hab. Country west of Quito. One example. This specimen has a spot at the end of the cell of the primaries, as in the Central American P. pandion, and it agrees generally with examples of that species. But we have never hitherto seen P. pandion from so far south, and a single specimen of a species of this difficult group is not sufficient to enable us to speak positively respecting its correct name. Fani. HESPERIID^E. 98. Thijmele eurycles (Latr.). Papilio eurycles, Latr., Enc. Meth., ix, p. 730. Hab. Country west of Quito. One example. 99. Pyrrhopyfja sp. 1 Pyrrhopyga vulcanus, Hew., Ex. Butt., t. Pyrrhopyga, i, f 2. (nee Cramer). Hab. Country west of Quito. One example agreeing with the figure above referred to ami many specimens in our collection. We have not yet found a name for it. 100. Proteides dahnani (Latr.). Hesperia dahnani, Latr., Enc. IMcth., ix, p. 747. Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). A single example, in bad condition, agrees with specimens thus named in our collection. no TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 101. Pamphila phylcens (Drury). Papilio phylceus, Drury, 111. Ex. Ent., i, t. 13, f. 4. 5. Hab. Machaclii (9-10,000 feet). Several specimens. 102. Ancyloxypha sp. 1 Hab. Valley of Cliillo (9-10,000 feet) ; Macliaclii (9500-10,000 feet) ; Quito (9400 feet). Four examples closely allied to A. melaneura of Felder, but differing in the absence of the silvery streaks on the secondaries beneath. 103. Pyrgus orcus (Cram.). Papilio orcus, Cram., Pap. Exot., t. 334, £ K. L. Hab. Bridge of Chimbo (1000 feet). Two examples, which appear refer- able to this species. 104. Pythonides tryxus {(^v^m.). Papilio tryxus, Cram., Pa]3. Exot., t. 334, f G. H. Hab. Country west of Quito. One example.'. 105. Achlyodes sp. ? Hab. Nanegal (alt. uncertain). A single example in bad condition. Agrees with many specimens in our collection from vaiious pai'ts of Central America, but we have not yet found a name for it. .4 PPENDIX— RHYNGHOTA 1 1 1 RHYNCHOTA.' By W. L. distant, F.Z.S. Suborder HEMIPTERA-HETEROPTERA. Fam. PENT A TOMID.-E. Subfain. Cydnin.*;. 1. Gcotomus nvjrocinctus, Sign. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (1883), p. 40, 8, t. xvii, f. 148. Hah. Pacific slopes (below 1400 feet). A single example. This species has only recently been described from a specimen in the Vienna Museum with the habitat " Brazil." Sul)fom. PENTATOlIINi-E. •2. Thyanta i)enlitor. Cimex perditor, Fabi\, Ent. Syst., iv, p. 102, 90 (1794). Thyanta perditoi; Stal, En. Hem., ii, p. 34, 1 (1872) ; Dist, Biol. Centr. Am. RhyncL, i, p. 66, 1 (1880). Hah. Machaclii (9-10,000 feet). A single exauipk-. This is not only a variable, but an extremely widely distributed species. Its variable nature has caused it to be described under many different names, all of which will be found in the synonymy of Stal and myself as referred to above. The one specimen collected by Mr. Whymper has the ground colour bright pale olivaceous green, and has the lateral angles of the pronotum spinously produced (this is an inconstant character in the species). It is both a Nearctic and Neotropical .species. In North America it has been 1 It was found necessary to publish Mr. Distaut's coutributiou to the Supplementary Appendix to Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Eqimtor uijon December 17, 1886, iu advance of the volume. It is stated, however, that this paper contains errors ; and, as it has not been found possible either to obtain corrections of these errors, or the return of the specimens upon which the descriptious were founded, the descriptions are now omitted. — E. W. 6 112 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. recoixled from Nebraska, Colorado and Texas, it is common in Mexico and Central America, and lias been collected l^otli in Coloml)ia and Brazil ; whilst in the Antilles, the Islands of Culja, St. Domingo, and St. Vincent are undoul)ted haliitats. 3. Arocera splemlens. Pentatoma splendens, Blanch., Hist. Nat. Ins., iii, 148, 5 (1841). Arocera splendens, Stal, En. Hem., ii, p. 38, 6 (1872); Dist., Biol. Centr. Am. RliyncL, i, p. 75, 7, t. vii, f. 13, 14 (1880). Hab. Guayaquil (indoors). Two examj^les. This is a moderately common Neotropical species. It has not been re- corded farther north than Mexico, and extends throughout Central America to Colombia and Venezuela. 4. Nezara nebulosa, n. sp. Hab. Forests above the Bridge of Chimbo (1-3000 feet). Closely allied to N. stictica, DalL, but differing by its very much smaller size, somewhat darker coloration above, the absence of the central longi- tudinal series of spots to the abdomen beneath, etc. Long. 12 to 13 millim. 5. Piezodorus Guildingii. Rhajjhiijaster Guildinii, Hope, Cat., i, p. 31 (1837). Piezodorus Guildinii, Stal, En. Hem., ii, p. 45, 2 (1872) ; P. Guildimji, Dist, Biol. Centr. Am. Rhynch., i, p. 81, 1, t. vii, f. 6 (1880). Hab. Chillo (9000 feet). A single example. This species is moderately abundant in Central Ameiica, has been recorded from the islands of Cuba and St. Vincent, and is probably found throughout the tropical parts of the Neotropical region. Fain. COEEIBjE. Division Sfartoceraria. 6. Sejihina culta, n. s]). Hab. Milligalli (6200 feet). A single example. Long. 22 millim. Exp. lat. ang. pron. 8 millim. This species, by its peculiar markings, is nearest allied to S. noticulutu, Dist., received from Costa Rica. LYDE TRANSLUCIDA, DISTANT. PICHINCHA, 12,000 FEET. NEOMIRIS PR/ECELSUS, DISTANT, HACIENDA OF ANTISANA. 13.300 FEET. DIONYZA VARIECATA, DISTANT, EASTERN SIDE OF CORAZON, 12,000 FEET. A PFENDIX— imrXCHOTA . 113 Divisi((U Corearitt. 7. Margus tibialis, u. 8p. Hub. Eastern .side of Comzon (12,000 feet), eastern side of Pieliinclia (12,000 feet). Hacienda of Guachala (9217 feet), Macliaclii (9-10,000 feet). Pacific slopes (7-8000 feet). Six examples. Lowj,. 7 to 8 millim. This species is allieil to liutli ^[. j'fctoralis, and ill. faUipes of Dallas. Division ILirmosfni-ia. 8. Harmostes Curazoniis, n. sp. Hab. Eastern side of Corazon (12,000 feet). Two examples. Long. 5I, millim. This species is apparently allied to the Cliilian H. raphimerus, Spin. 9. H. montivdiiiis^ 11. sp. Hah. Machaclii (9-10,000 feet), eastern side of Corazon (12,000 feet). Three examples. Long. 6 millim. Faiii. L YG^'EIDA:. Division Ursillaria. 10. Xy sins procerus, n. s}>. Hah. Maihachi (9-10,000 feet). One example. Long. 4 millim. This species should l>e nearest allied to the Colomliian X. nuhilus, Dall, the type of which is no longer to lie found in the British Museum. Fam. GAPSIDjE. Subfam. CAPSiXiE. Division Miraria. Neomiris, gen. nov. 1 1 . Xeomiris prcecelsus, n. sp. Hab. Hacienda of Antisana (13,300 feet). Two examples. Long. 8 millim. For Figure see the accompanying Plate. Q 114 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. Division Phytocoi-aria. DiONTZA, gen. nov. 1 2. Dionyza variegafa, n. sp. Hah. Eastern side of Corazon (12,000 feet). A single example. Long. 7 millini. For Figure see tlie Plate facing page 113. 13. Calocoris montanus, n. sp. Hah. La Dormida, Cayambe (11,800 feet). Pacific slopes (7-8000 feet). Seven examples. Long. 7 millim. Only one pei'fectly developed specimen of this species was captured by Mr. Wliymper, tlie others Ijeing immature S2)ecimens. Division Caj^saria. 1 4. Ly,tts collinus, n. sp. Hah. Hacienda of Guachala (9217 feet). Two examples. Long. 6 millim. 15. L. suhlimatus, n. sp. Hah. La Dormida, Cayambe (11,800 feet). A single examjile. Long. 5 millim. 16. L. crcclsus, n. sj). H<(h. Ea.stern .side of Corazon (12,000 feet). Two exam]>les. Long. 5 millim. 1 )ivisi()n Ilryocoraria. Lyde, gen. n^v. 17. Lyde tranducida, n. sp. Hab. Pichincha (12,000 feet). A single example. Long. 4^ millim. For Figure see the Plate facing page 113. Fam. AEJDID.-E. Subfam. Brachyrhynchin^. Division Brachyrhyncharia. 18. Cinyi)lius? ohscurus, n. sj). Hah. Forests above the Bridge ..f CliimlM) (1-3000 feet). A single example. Lono'. 8 nnllim. .4 PPENDIX—llHYNGHOTA . 115 I have provisionally retaiuwl this species in the genus Cinyphns, to which it lias the strongest attinities. It ditfers, however, in the structure of the IINYPUUS? OB.SCUUUS, DISTANT. FORESTS ABOVE THE BRIDGE OF CHIMBO. antenna^, and will (loulitless eventually necessitate the crealidu nl' a new genus for its receptimi. 19. Anenrus flavomaculatus, n. sp. Hah. Eastern slopes of Pichincha (12,000 feet). Nine examples. Long. 6 niillim. Fain. REDUVIID.E. Subfani. Eeduviin^. 20. I'rionotus carinatiis. Cimcx cariuafus, Forst, Nov. Spec. Ins., p. 72, 72 (1771). Prionotus carinatus, .Stal, En. Hem., ii, p. 72, 2 (1872). Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). A single example. This species may he considei-ed as not extending much farther north than Ecuador. In Cohimhia it is replaced liy P. gallns, Stal. /-'. cari7iatns is a Brazilian species, and is connnon in the neighbourhood of Rio Janeiro. I have also received it fiom Paiaguay. Sul ifam. ACANTHASPIDIN^. 21. Conorhinus dimidiatns. Ecduvius dimidiatus, Latr., in Hum1>. & Bonpl. Obs. ZooL, i, p. 149, t. 15, f. 11. Conorhinus dimidiatus, Stal, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr., iii, p. 110, 7 (1859). Hah. Guayarpiil (indoors). Five examples. This species extends as far north as Mexico, and is common in Central America. It had previously been recorded from Guayaquil by StaL 116 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 22. Conorhinus «p. ^ Hah. La Moua (100 feet). A single example. I am in doubt as to the identity of this species, and in the absence of tyi)ical examples of those described by Philippi, refrain from describing it as a new specie.s. Subfam. Stkxopodin^. 23. Stenopoda scutellata, n. sp. STENOPODA SCUTELLAIW, DI.ST.'VNT. GUAYAQUIL. Hub. Guayatj^uil (indoors). Two examples. Long. 20 millim. APPENDIX^ KHYNCHOTA. IV 24. P)whiriiiiis Jllii/uqjeri, u. sp. PNOHIRMUS WHYMPERI, DISTANT. LA MONA. Hall. La Mona (100 feet). Three examijles. Lonu. 13 to 14 millim. Sulifaiu. Emewin/E. 25. Emesa sp. Hah. Illiniza (16,500 feet). A single specimen of this genus was captured by Mr. ^\'hyni2jer at tliis ele\ation, and was, as tliat traveller informs me, " the highest animal life of any kind ohtained or observed. I did not even see Condors so high as this." The specimen being contained in spirit, was incapable of exact identifica- tion, though I dissected it for that j)urpose. Its nearest ally is the E. longipes, De Geer, a well-kno\^ai North American insect which is described as living " in the branches of small pine trees, and in outhouses and barns." 118 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. Fam. ACANriilADyE. 26. Acanthia Andensis, n. 8p. ACANTHIA ANDENSIS, DISTANT. MACHACHI, 10,000 FEET. Hub. Machaclii (9-10,000 feet). A single example. Long. 4 millini. Fam. BELUSTOMID.E. 27. Zaitha anura. Dij)lonycIms anurus, H.-S., Wauz. Ins., viii, p. 26, t. 257, f. 799 (1848). Zaitha ammis, Mayr, Verh. d. Zool.-ljot. Ges. Wien, xxi, pp. 408 and 412, 6 (1871). Hah. Guayaquil (indoors). Two examples. A very widely distributed species, ranging from Mexico to the Argentine Republic, and recorded from Cuba. Suborder HEMIPTEEA-HOMOPTERA. Fam. CICADID^E. 28. Zammara smaragdina, Walker, List. Hom., i, p. 33, 3 (1850) ; ib., iv, t. 1, f. 4 (1852) ; Dist., Biol. Centr. Am. Rliyncli. Horn., p. 3, 1, t. 1, f. 1, la, lb (1881). Hah. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). Tliis species is found in Mexico, is moderately abundant tlirougliout Central America, and I have already examined specimens from Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador, contained in the Dresden ]\Iuseum. .1 PPENDTX— HHYNCHOTA . 119 29. Carineta socia, Uhk-r, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, xvii, p. 285 (1875). Hab. La Mona (100 feet), Tanti (1890 feet). Tw(^ examples. Tliis species wa.s described from specimens collectetl on tlie Lower Amazons, and I have since also examined specimens collected l)y Moritz in Colombia. 30. C. hasalis, Walker, List. Hom., i, p. 245, 7 (1850). Hah. Nanegal (3-4000), Cliillo (9000 feet). Numerous examples. Hitlierto recorded from Colondjia and Venezuela. 31. (J. fmbriata, Walker, sis. Hab. Nanegal (3-4000 feet), Quito (9350 feet), Machaclii (9-10,000 feet). Three examples. f-ARINETA FIMBRIATA, WALKER. MACHACHI, 10,000 FEET. This species is named 0. Jhnhriata, Walk., in the collection of the British Museum, but I have failed to find any jjuljlished description of the species. Long. 21 millim. Exp. tegm. 70 millim. I had previously received this species from Ecuador, where it seems to be of a somewliat abundant character. Fam. CERCOPID^E. Subfam. (jERCOPIXiE. 32. Sphe7iorhina ruida, n. sp. Hab. Forests above the Bridge of Chimbo (1-3000 feet). A single example. Long. 8 millim. 33. >S'. Jullia, n. sp. Hib. Forests above tlic Bridge of Chimbo (1-3000 feet). A single example. Long. 9 millim. 120 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. Fam. MEMBRACIDJ^:. Sulifani. Smiliin/E. 34. Heranice miltoglypta. Thelia miltoglyj)fa, Fairm., Aim. Soe. Eiit. Fr., ser. 2, vol. iv, p. 306, 2, t. 5, f. 4, 12 (1846). Hab. Madiaohi (9-10,000 feet), Corazon (12,000 feet). Three examples. This is an aljundant species in ColoniLia. 35. Acutalis sp. Hab. Pichincha (12,000 feet). A somewhat mutilated specimen, which may be an undescriljed species, and is allied to A. ferminalis, Walk. Fam. JASSW.E. SuV)fum. Tettigoxiin^. 36. Tettif/onia Medusa, n. sp. Hab. Machachi (9-10,000 feet). A single example. Long. 8 millim. This species is allied to T. JJ^alleri, Sign., a species received from Quito. 37. T. (hq}liraria, n. sp. TRTTinOXIA DUPLICARIA, DISTANT. MACHACHI, 10,000 Feet. Hah. Machachi (9-10,000 feet), Hacienda of Ouachala (9217 feet). Four examples. Long. 8 millim. 38. Tettigonia sp. Hab. Forests ahove the Bridge of Chimbo (1-3000 feet). One specimen collected bv ^Ir. Whym])er is closely allied t(i, if not identical witli, T. -pruinosa, Walk. APPENDIX— CRUSTACEA. 121 CRUSTACEA. PODOPHTHA LMIA. By EDW. J. MIERS, F.L.S., F.Z.8. The Podophthalmia collected by Mr. Whvmper in Ecuador comprise only some half-dozen species, but among these the specimens of Pscudothelphusa macropa are of special interest, on account of the high altitude at which they were obtained. The small Crayfish which, according to Prof. Orton, abounds in the stagnant waters about Quito,i does not occur in Mr. Whym- per's collection. Upon tlie whole series obtained it may be observed, that the species which have rewarded Mr. Whymper's search are less numerous than might with reason have been anticipated. Even if account be taken solely of terrestrial and fluviatile forms, some additional Thelphusidea or tertestrial Palmnonidce might have been expected to occur in the Collection. It should, however, in justice to Mr. Whymper, be noted that Prof. Ortnn (I.e.) says the Crayfish above referred to is, he believes, the only Crustacean inhabiting the Quito valley. Species of this class are therefore, probably, scarce. 1. Pseiidotluiphum. macropa. (Figs. A, B.) Boscia macropa, M. Edwards, Ann. Sci. Nat. (3me serie), Zool. xx, p. 208 (1853); Arch. Mus. d'Hist. Nat., vii, p. 175, pi. xii, fig. 3 (1854). Pneudothdphusa ■macropa, S. I. Smith, Trans. Connect. Acad., ii, p. 146 (1870). Hab. Milligalli (6200 feet) ; Plain of Tumbaco (7850 feet). Five ex- amples. Four small females are referred to this .species, obtained at Milligalli, which according to Mr. Whymper's information is about 39 miles by road from Quito, and about 6000 feet above the sea ; and also an adult but small female reported to have been taken on the Plain of Tumbaco, about three hours north of Quito, and 7850 feet above the sea. This, the largest example, measures as follow-s : — Ad. 9 5 length of carapace about 7 lines (15 millim.) ; breadth of carapace about 12 lines (25 millim.). I subjoin a de.scription of these specimens. Carapace transverse, its greatest width about 1^ times exceeding its length ; depressed and nearly flat on the dorsal surface, which is finely ' Ainericau Naturalist, vi, p. 650 (1872). R 122 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. punctulated and biit slightly convex near to the frontal and anterior margin ; the mesogastric and cervical sutures are faintly defined ; the antero-lateral margins are regularly and strongly arcuated, and are granulated rather than denticulated. The front is deflexed, less tlian 1 the width of the carapace, and its anterior margin is sinuated, and posterior to it there is sometimes a transverse elevation, which is indistinctly granulated (see Fig. A). The orbital margins are without fissures, and are rather indistinctly granulated. The ptery- gostouiian regions are nearly smooth. The eye pi-duncles are short, and not PSEUDOTHELPHUSA MACROPA, M. EDWARDS. PSKUPOTHELPHUSA MACKOPA, VAK. PLANA, S. I. SMITH (?). very stout, and do not quite till the orbital cavities. Tlie exterior maxilli- pedes are punctulated and are of the form figured by Milne Edwards as characteristic of P. macrojm. The chelipedes are small and unequal, the merus in the larger (left) chelipede is short, trigonous, scarcely reaching beyond the antero-lateral margins of the carapace ; its anterior margin is armed with small, somewhat triangular teeth, its upper surface has the smooth, oval depression (very slightly indicated) which is referred to by Milne Edwards in his description of P. macrojxo ; the carpus has an acute spine on the interior margin ; the palm is slightl}' convex, rounded above, about as long as the merus and finely gramilated, fingers about as long as the palm, with the apices slightly incurved, acute, and the interior nuirgins armed with regular and rather small teeth. In the smaller chelijiede the palm is APPENDIX— CUUHrAGEA. 123 rather shorter, and the fingers are straighter. Tlie ambulatory legs (which are imperfect) are of moderate length, and Imt slightly compressed, and naked, the dactyli styliform slightly longer than the penultimate joints, nearly straight, and armed with rather distant spinules. In the specimens from Milligalli tlie iiunctulations of the carapace are much more distinct and numerous, the granulated post-frontal ridge is obsolete, and the eyes more nearly fill the orbital cavities (see Fig. B). In the single example from Tumbaco, in which the rudimentary granulated post- frontal crest is slightly developed, the carapace is minutely granulated and the eye peduncles are rather slenderer. It will be observed that the specimens differ in some particulars from Milne Edwards' description, particularly as regards the antero-lateral margins of the carapace, which although not denticulated are very distinctly granulated. The specimens from Milligalli may very probably be identical with the form designated by S. I. Smith, Pseudothelphusa 'plana, and may be specifically distinct ; the largest female, whicli is nearly the same size as the specimen from Tumbaco, is proportionately slightly narrower, measuring as follows : — $. Length of carapace about 7 lines (15 millims.) ; breadth of carapace nearly 12 lines (24'5 millims.). There are examples of both varieties, from Guatemala, in the Collection of the British (Natural History) Museum. 2. Aratus Pisoni. Scsarma Piso)ii, M. Edwards, Hist. Nat. Crust., ii, p. 76, pi. xvi, figs. 4, 5 (1837). Amtus Pi-ioiii, M. Edwards, Ann. Sci. Nat. (3me serie), Zool. .\x, p. 187 (1853) ; Kingsley, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., p. 218 (1880). Hab. Guayaciuil. A single female specimen. Length of carapace about 6h lines (1 3'5 millims.) ; breadth of carapace about 6h lines (13-5 millims.). The specimen is a small one and somewhat faded; but it cannot, I think, Ije distinguished specifically from .specimens from Jamaica and Brazil in the Collection of the British Museum. The occurrence of this species on the Western Coast (at Nicaragua) has already ))een noted by Kingsley. On the Eastern Coast its range extends southwards to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Heller). At Guayaquil two Cralis were collected with Aratus Pisoni which probably belong to different species of the genus Gelasimus, but their identification must remain uncertain since one is a female, and the other, although a male, has lost the larger chelipede. In both of these specimens the front between the eyes is broad, and the antero-lateral margins are anteriorly nearly parallel, and convergent from a point placed at some distance behind the exterior angles of the orliits, as in several American species of this genus. 124 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 3. Pakemon Jamaicensis. Cancer (Astamis) Jamaicensis, Herbst, Naturgescli. der Krabbeii ii. Krebse, ii (heft 2), p. 57, pi. xxvii, fig. 2 (1792). Pcdccmon Jamaicensis, Olivier, Eiicycl. Meth., viii, p. 659 (1811) ; M. Edwards, Hist. Nat. des Crust., ii, p. 398 (1837) ; v. Martens, Arch. f. Nat, XXXV, p. 23 (1869) ; xxxviii, p. 137 (1872) ; S. I. Smith, Rep. Peab. Acad. Sci., p. 97 (1869), pub. 1871. Trans. Connecticut Acad., ii, p. 23 (1869) ; Kingsley, Bull. Essex Institute, x, p. 68 (1878) ; xiv, p. 107 (1883). Pala'moyi brachydactyhis, Wiegniann, Arch. f. Naturgescli., ii, p. 148 (1836), var. '( Palcemon imnctatm, Randall, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil., p. 146 (1839). Macrohrachium, Amcricanum, Spence Bate, Proc. Zool. Soc, p. 363, pi. xxx (1868) ; c.f. Semper, Proc. Zool. Soc, t. c. p. 585 (1868). Hab. Tanti (1890 feet). One example. The specimen, which is adult, has the rostrum broken, but its identifi- cation is I think certain. (J. Length of body to base of rostrum 3^ inches (85 millim.). This sjiecies occurs commonly in the West Indies and Brazil, and in the fresh waters of Mexico and Central America, and Prof. Kingsley has already recorded its having been brought by Prof. Orton from the junction of the Napo and Maranon Rivers, and from Guatemala, and from Polvon, W. Nicaragua. There are small siDecimens which I think are referable to P. Jamaicensis, from the Cape Verde Islands, in the Collection of the British (Natural History) Museum. 4. Squilla duhia. (See the accompanying Plate.) Squilla duhia, M. Edwards, Hist. Nat. Crust., ii, p. 522 (1837) ; Miers, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 5), v, p. 24 (1880) and synonyma. Hah. GuayaquiL Two examples. Two adult males are in the collection, obtained from the saline back- water at Guaya(|uil. In all essential particulars, they resemble specimens from San Domingo and Honduras in the Collection of the British (Natural History) Museum. Mr. Whymper was informed that the local name M'as ' Camaron brujo.' "It lives in the mud, and the natives have tried to eat it, but found it poisonous." Ad. $ . Length of body to end of rostrum 5| inches (147 millim.). As Milne Edwards' original description is very short, and is unaccom- panied by any illustration, it has been thought Avell to figure the smaller and more perfect male collected by Mr. Whymper, in order to facilitate the identification of this species, which if not correctly referred to Squilla duhia must be designated by Dana's name, S. ruhrolineata. SQUILLA OUBiA ('), M, EDWARDS, FROM THE SALINE BACKWATER AT GUAYAQUIL. APPENDIX— CRUSTACEA. 1 25 C RUSTAC EA-(CONTINUED). By thk Rev. A. E. EATON, M.A. ISOPODA. The species of Terresti-ial hopoJa collected by Mr. Whyinper in Eciiadur are three in number, lepreseuted altoLjether liy twenty-tive specimens, cap- tured in eight localities, mostly at high altitudes. One of these species was previously known as a native of Chili ; the others are met with in nearly all countries. 1. Philoscia angustata, Nicolet [in Oniscus, Nicolet], Gay's Hist. Fis. y Polit. de Chile, Zool., iii, 268, Atlas Crustaceos, iii, 8-8b (1849). Hah. Lower slopes of Pichincha (12,000 feet) ; La Dormida, Cayambe (1 1,800 feet). Five examples. 2. PorceUio kcvis, Latreille, Hist. Nat. d. Crust. & Ins., vii, 46 (1804) ; Lere- boullet, Mem. Soc. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Strasbourg, iv, 45-49, pi. i, 7 and (details) iii, 55-60 (1853). H „ 5. A. stiijmoms, Bocourt, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, v, ] 869, Bull. p. 48. Hab. Tanti (1890 feet). One ? specimen. 6. Liocephalus trachiicephalux, (A. Dum.). Holotropis tnichijccpludus, A. Dum., Cat. Meth. Rept, p. 76. Hah. Otovalo (8460 feet) ; between Quito and Guallabamba (8500 feet) ; l)etween Guallabamba and Guachala (8000 feet) ; Amliato (8606 feet) ; Machachi (9-10,000 feet); La Dormida, Cayambe mountain (11,800 feet); anJ Hacienda de la Rosai'io, on tlie lower slopes of Illiuiza (10,356 feet). TAventy-five specimens. 7. L. iridcscens, Gthr. Proc. Zool. Soc, 1859, p. 409, pi. xx, hg. B. Hah. (luayaquil. One sjiecimen. 8. Ameiva sejifrmlineafa, A. Dum., Cat. Meth. Rept., ]>. 1 1 2. Ameiva sexscnfata, Giinth., Proc. Zool. Soc, 1859, p. 402. Hah. Tanti (1890 feet). Two specimens ( ? and li. gr.). 9. Ecpjleoims (PholkhJiolus) montium., Peters, Abh. Berl. Ac, 1862, p. 196, pi. ii, fig. 3. Hah. Hacienda Olalla (8500 feet) ; Chillo (9000 feet) ; and lower shjpes of Pichincha (11,000 feet). Nine specimens. s 130 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GFEAT ANDE^. 10. Prodoporus unicolor, (Crra^'). liiama unicolor. Gray, Proe. Zool. Soc, 1858, p. 446, pi. XV, fig. 2. Hah. Hacienda Olalla (8500 feet) ; Chillo (9000 feet). Seven specimens. A small median occipital sliield is frequently present. 11. Amjjhishccna fuliginosa, L. Dum. & Bil)r., Erp. Gen., v, p. 480. Hah. Tanti (1890 feet) ; Guayaquil. Two specimens. Ophidia. From tlie interior of Ecuador Mr. Wliymper obtained only two snakes, belonging to two s^iecies, viz. Liojihis alticola and Leftoynathus nebulatus ; and he observes : — " The most intelligent persons I could cpiestion declared that snakes did not exist ; ami the surprise and cuiiosity which these two specimens excited amongst the natives showed that they were rare." In his paper on the reptiles collected by the Orton expedition Prof Cope mentions no less than nine species of snakes from the " valley of Quito." This is in contradiction with what Orton himself says : — " During a residence of nearly tliree months in the Quito valley we saw liut one snake " (' The Andes and the Amazon,' English edition, p. 107). I -I. Boa constrictor, L. Jan, Icon. Ophid., 5^ livr., pi. ii, fig. 2. Hab. Guayaquil. One young specimen. 13. Hoinalocranion wrlnnorqihahim., (L.). Jan, Icon. Opliid., 13". livr., pi. iii, fig. 4. Hah. Milligalli (6200 feet). One specimen. 14. Coronella doliata, (L.), var. formosa. Jan, Icon. Ophid., 14 . livr., pi. iv, fig. 1. Hah. Guayaquil. One specimen, with undivided anal and twenty-three rows of scales. 15. C. Whymperi, Buuleng., Ann. and Mag. N. H. (5) ix, p. 460. Hab. Milligalli (6200 feet). Two specimens. Habit of Coronella austriaca. Head moderate ; snout short, its length not quite twice the diameter of the eye. Rostral moderate, not advancing on the internasals ; latter longer than broad ; frontal as long as its distance from the tip of the snout, its front edge nearly straight ; parietals longer than frontal, narrowed and including a considerable notch l)eliiud. Eight supero- labials, fourth and fifth entering the eye ; one pieoculai', two postoculars, lower smaller than uj^per ; a single anterior temporal ; eight inferior labials, five in contact with mentals ; latter, hinder pair longest. Scales in seventeen rows. Gastrosteges 154 or 156 ; anal bifid ; urosteges 55 or 66. Brown APPENDIX— REPTILIA . 131 above, upper half of supero-labials yellowish, lower half Ijlackish ; a Ijlack streak from the eye along the side of the neck ; a light black-edgeil spot on each side of the nape; a rather indistinct, interrupted, yellowish line along each side of the front half of the body, between the tilth and sixth rows of CORONELLA WHYMPERI, BOVLENGER. MILLIGALLI, 6200 FEET. scales ; a black stripe along the nnddle of the tail and of the hind part of the back ; yellow or brownish-yellow beneath ; outer edge of gastrosteges and urosteges, and sometimes front edge of former, black. Length of the two specimens: — Head and body 514, 410 millini. ; tail 127, 135 millim. This species bears a close resemblance to C'oronella decomfa, Gtlu\ (Cat. Colubr. Sn., p. 35), from Mexico, liut ditfers in the narrower internasals, shorter tail, size, and coloration. IG. Liophis reghue, (L.), var. alhivcntris, Jan, Icon. Ophid., 16*. livr., pi. vi. Hah. Milligalli (two adult and two young) ; Tanti (one half-grown). The var. quadrilineatus, Jan, is rejiresented by two specimens, which are evidently the adult state of var. alhiventris. 132 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 17. L. alticola, (Cope). Opheomorphus ultirolKS, Cope, Pioc. Ac. N. S. Pliilad, 1868, p. 102. Hah. Hacie'uda Olalla, plain of Tuiiiliaco (8500 feet). One tine specimen, which was brouglit in to Mr. Whyniper alive, and excited much curiosity amongst the natives. 18. L. sjjlendens, Jan, Icon. Ophid., 18". livr., jil. v, tig. 1. Hub. Hacienda of Palmira, Nanegal (about 3000 feet). One specimen. 19. Herpetodryas brunneus, Gthr. Cat. Col. Sn., p. IIG. Hab. Guayaquil. One specimen. 20. Oxyrhopus clalia, (Daud.). Jan, Icon. Ophid., SS*". livr., pi. i, fig. 1. Hab. Hacienda of Palmira, Nanegal. One specimen. 21. 0. x>etolarius^ (L.). Jan, Icon. Ophiil., 36^ livr., pi. i, fig. 1. Hab. Guayaquil. One specimen. 22. Himantodes ccnchoa, (L.). Dum. & Bilir., Erp. Gen., vii, p. 1065. Hab. Guaya(piil. One specimen. 23. Leptog>iathus nebnlatus, (L.). Jan, Icon. Ophid., 37^ livr., pi. v, fig. 3. Hab. Ibarra (7300 feet). One half-grown specimen, which was broiight in to Mr. Wliymper alive. 24. Ekqjs Mamjravi, Wied, var. ancolaris, Jan, Icon. Ophid., 42^ livr., pi. iv, fig. 2. Hab. Nanegal (3000 feet). One specimen. 25. E. lemniscatus, (L.). Jan, Icon. Ophid., 42^ livr., pi. v, fig. 1. Hab. Guayaipiil. One specimen. 26. Bothrops atrox, (L.). Jan, Icon. Ophid., 47^ livr., pi. ii. Hab. Nanegal (3000 feet) ; Mindo, W. of Quito (about 4000 feet). Three specimens. 27. B. Schleijeli, (Berthold). Jan, Icon. Ophid., 47". livr., pi. vi, fig. 2. Hab. Bologna (height unknown) ; S. Dnmingo de los Colorados (heiglit unknown). Obtained at Quito. Two adult, and two young specimens. BAT EACH I A. ECAUDATA. 28. Prostherapis IVhympcri, Bouleng., Ann. and Mag. N. H. (5), ix, ]». 462. Hab. Tanti (1890 feet). A single i^ specimen. Snout depressed, projecting, truncate, with angular canthus rostralis ; A PPENDIX— BA TEA CHI A . 133 lorcal region neaily vertical ; nostril nearer tlie tip of the snont than the eye ; the greatest diameter of the oi'bit equals the length of the snout ; inter- orbital space broader than the upper eyelid ; tympanum perfectly distinct, two-thirds the breadth of the eye. First and second fingers equal ; toes (piite free ; disks of fingers and toes small ; subarticular and inner meta- tarsal tubercles indistinct ; no outer metatarsal tubercle. The hind limb being carried forwards along the IkkIv, the tibio-tarsal articulation marks the anterior liorder of the eye. Skin everywhere perfectly smooth. Blackish ; throat and belly marlded with grey ; lower surface of hind limits gieyish, of arms whitish. An intei'nal sul:)gular vocal sac. From sn(jut U) ^•ent 24 PROSTHERAPIS WHYMPEHI, BOULENGER. TANTI, 1890 FEET. This small frog is closely allied to P. inyuinalis, Cope, hitherto the uni([Ue species of the interesting genus Prosthercqns, Cope. The British Museum having recently received the latter from Ecuador (Sarayacu and Canelos) through Mr. Buckley, I have been aide to compare it with this new form ; and I have no douljt they are perfectly distinct from each other. In P. in- (juinalis the tympanum is hidden, the first finger is longer than the second, the digital expansions are larger, there is an outer metatarsal tubercle, and the upper lip is margined with white. 29. Dendrohatcs tinctorius, (Schneid.). Bouleng., Cat. Batr. Ecaud., p. 142. Hah. Tanti (1890 feet). Two specimens. 30. Phryniscut; kcvis, Gthr., Cat. Batr. Sal., p. 43, pi. iii, fig. A. Hab. Between Latacunga and Machachi (9000 to 11,500 feet); Pane- cillo, Quito (10,000 feet); Hacienda of Guachala (9217 feet) ; and Riobamba (9000 feet). Eleven specimens. 134 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. Of this frog Mr. Whyinper says, " it is one of the most widely distrihuted, I think the most widely distributed, in the interior of Ecuailur. I have seen it almost everywhere from 7000 feet above the sea to 13,500 feet. We could have olttained thousands of specimens." 31. P. elajans, Bouh-ng., Ann. and Mag. N. H. (5), ix, p. 464. Hah. Tanti (1890 feet). A single 9 specimen. Head small, its length nearly one-third that of the body ; snout pro- minent, truncate, woi pointed, a little longer than the diameter of the eye- liall ; canthus rostialis angular ; loreal region vertical ; rostral nearer the \i]) of the snout than the eye ; iuterorldtal s])ace broader than the ui)per THRYNISCUS ELEGANS, BOULENGER. TANTI, 1890 FEET. eyelid. Limlis slender ; stretched along the body, the fore limb extends beyond the vent by the length of the fourth finger, the hind limb marks the middle of the eye with the tiljiotarsal articulation. Fingers slightly webljed at the base, first very short ; toes nearly entirely webljed, the last two phalanges of fourth toe free ; inner toe very short, but perfectly distinct ; no subarticular, nor carpal, nor metatarsal tubercles. Skin perfectly smooth. Lijdit pinkish grey above, vermiculated with broad black lines; a black streak from the tip of the snout, through the eye, along each side of the bodv to the groin ; lower surfaces white, immaculate, except a U'w small ldai;k spots under the limbs. From snout to vent 34 millim. A PPENDTX^ ^ BA TRA CHI A . ]35 32. Hylodf's conspicillatus, Gtlir., Cat. Batr. Sal., p. 92. Hah. Milligalli (6200 feet). Twd specimens, (^ and young'. 33. H. Hnistn'tiatns, Gtlir., Pruc. Zool. Soe., 1859, ix 41G. H((b. Macluichi (9-10,000 feet) ; Cliillo (9000 feet) ; Hacienda of Olalla, ]ilain of Tuniliaco (8500 feet). Twelve .specimens. 34. H. JJ'hijmperi, Bouleng., Ann. and Mag. N. H. (5), ix, jx 465. Hah. Picliinclia (11-12,000 feet) ; Valley of Collanes (12,500 feet) ; Coto- caclii (13,000 feet) ; Tortorillas, Cliiml>orazo (13,200 feet). Six specimens. Habit of Hi/la arhorea. Tongue oval, entire. Vomeiine teetli in two oblique series behind tlie clioan;^. Snout idunded, as long as the greatest orl.)ital diameter, with distinct canlhus rostralis ; nostril nearer the lip of the snout than the eye ; interorl.)ital space a little liroader than the upper eyelid ; tympanum hidden. Fingers moderate, first shorter than second ; toes moderate, (piite free ; disks and sub- articular tubercles moderate ; two meta- tarsal tubercles. The hind lind) being car- ried foi'wards along the body, the tibio-tax-sul articulation reaches the angle of the nuiuth. Skin of up]>er surface tuliercular ; on the liack the tubercles are confluent into more or less distinct longitudinal lines ; l)elly granulate. Dark olive-lnown al.)ove (in one specimen with a few light sjxits) ; greyish or reddish brown, immaculate or marbled with dark brown, beneath ; upjier lip whitish. In the specimen from the valley of Collanes and in that from the mountain Cotocachi the front and hinder sides of tlie thighs are tinged with magenta red. From snout to vent 27 millim. H. IVliijmperi resembles H. unistriijatits in general ajipearance ; l)ut the latter has a distinct tympanum, larger digital expansions, the skin smooth, or neai'ly smooth, aljove, and a strong fold across the chest. Besides these three well-characterised Hijlodes thei'e are eleven very small specimens from Chillo, 9 to 15 millim. long from snout to vent, too young to be projierly determined. U2)on these Mr. Whyniper observes, " This miniature species was first brought to my notice by an English resident ; and he assured me that the largest of the specimens represents the full size of the sjiecie,*." This is evidently a mistake, as all the specimens prove to be young. They perhaps belong to a new s]iecies ; Imt with the materials before me I will not venture to descril)e it. HVLODES WHYMPERI, BOULENGER. PICHINCHA, COTOCACHr, ETC. 136 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. 3o. Bufo cceruleostidiis, Gtlir., Pioc. Zool. Sue, 1859, p. 41"). Hab. Nanegal (3-4000 feet). One male specimen. 36. B. viarinns, (L.). Bouleug., Cat. Batr. Ecaud, p. 315. Hab. Near the Bridge of Chimbo (900 feet). Two very young specimens. 37. B. cracifer, Wied. Bouleng., Cat. Batr. Ecaud., p. 310. Hah. Tanti (1890 feet). Two half-grown specimens. 33. Notutrema marsupiatum, (Dum. & Bibr.). Erp. Gen., viii, p. 598, pi. xcviii. Hab. Machachi (9-10,000 feet); Hacienda of Autisana (13,300 feet); Pedregal (11, GOO feet). Numerous examples. Mr. Whymper says that the ground colour was bright green. " These frogs were in great numbers in the neighbourhood of Machachi, and in the evening theii' music was so loud as almost to interfere with hearing when walking out." Apoda. 39. Caxilia pachynema, Gthr., Proc. Zool. Soc, 1859, p. 417. Hab. Milligalli (6200 feet). One specimen. 40. C. . 95. Hab. Guaya(pul. One specimen. \ CYCLOPIUM CYCLOPUM, HUMBOLDT, A VIEW FROM BELOW, B, VIEW FROM ABOVE C. SIDE VIEW APPENDTX^UYGLOPIUM nVCLoPUM. . 137 CYCLOPIUM CYCLOPUM, Humboldt. By F. day, CLE., F.L.S., F.Z.S. I received in Sept. 1883, Mr. Wliyiu2ier'.s collection of these small siluroid fishes, in excellent condition, amounting to 51 specimens, which were ohtained at Machachi (9500), Chillo (8500), neighhourhood of Cayandie (9-9500), and Riobamba (9000).^ The streams from the three first-named of these localities flow into the Pacific, and from the last jiass into the Amazons. B. iv., T). i I 0-1, P. -, V. ^, A. A, C. 13. 0 I '■• ' 4 ' 0-(i ' Length of head about 4| to 5, of caudal fin 4| to 6| in the total length, — among four specimens from Chillo being as follows : — Length of spcciinon .3-6 inches ; of head 4i of cauilal fin 5^ in the total length. 3-0 ,. ,. i> ,, 6| „ 1"9 M ,, 4| ,, 4f „ 2-0 ,, ,, 4i ,, 5 The al)(>ve figures show that a consideral)le individual variation in pro- portions exists. The width of the head as a rule etj^uals its length, but varies from ~ to | of that extent. Eyes small, situated in or slightly behind the middle of the length of the head. Lips thick, broad, especially the lower, and evidently used as a sucker ; nostrils — separated by a well - developed flap — situated one-half nearer the snout than the orbit, and a barltel at the angle of the mouth wliich reaches as far as the orbit. The skin on the U2>per surface of the head rough. Gill -openings separated l)v a broad isthmus. Teeth — in the upper jaw in several rows, the outer of which are flattened and of a club-like form in their outer ends, while the inner rows of teeth have y-like branched outer extremities. In the lower jaw the teeth are larger ^ As a detailed account of the small siluroid.s of the Andes has been given by Dr. F. W. Putnam (American Naturalist, 1871, p. 694) it will be unnecessary to again go through them at much length. The conclusions there arrived at were formulated from an investigation into a specimen from Quito, Ecuador, and from the descriptions by Dr. Giinther of Arges brachycejjhalus, founded on two specimens from the Andes of Western Ecuador, and Stygogencs Humholdtii, Giinther, described from four specimens up to two inches in length from Madame I. Pfeitfer's collection D. —^ \ 0-1, A. 6, C. 13, P. 8-10, V. 6. Putnam suggested that the spine in the second dorsal fin of Humboldt's specimen was overlooked, and also in Dr. Glinther's specimen of Sti/gogenes, but more probably it was atrophied. T 138 TL'AVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. thiui in the upper ; the outer row being y-shaped, while the two or three iiinei' I'ows are siniihxr in form but much smaller. Fins — the dorsal is situ- ated in the anterior half of the total length, excluding the caudal fin, its first I'ay § the length of the head is semi-osseous in its lower portion, while its anterior and lateral surfaces are covered with fine spines directed upwards, — its remaining rays ai'e liranched. There is no distinct second dorsal in the larger examples, but in the two smaller ones there is a constriction along the body as if an adi2)ose fin had extended from the first dorsal to the caudal but which becomes lost in the larger specimens. Caudal — emarginate, with the outer rays spinate as in the first dorsal ray, but to a less extent. Pectoral commences under the gill-opening, its outer ray very similar to the first of the dorsal, Init stronger and ^ longer, and extending to above the ventral. CYCLOPIUM CYCLOPUM, HUMBOLDT. A. HEAD, FRONT VIEW. B. VENTRAL FIN. The \cntral inserted on a line lieneath the third or fourth dorsal ray. It is rather longer than the pectoral, while its outer ray is of a similar character. It does not extenra', while the air-bladder was enclosed in bone as in the loaches. It would be tedious to follow out each specimen as all agreed witli the before-descril)ed form. The five smallest from 0-9 inches to 1'5 inches in length show the adipose dorsal spine Avith its spinate upper edge. From 1-8 inches in length to 2-4 the long and low adi])ose fin is still visible, but in another at 2'4 inches it has entirely disappeared. Six other specimens taken from near the same locality and all of small size show the adipose dorsal spine — this series evidently proving that not only may the adij)ose dorsal spine hi atrophied in large examples but also that all trace of the dorsal fin itself may be lost. Twenty -seven specimens were received from the neighbourhood of Cayambe. The lengths of these fish \'arv fi'om 0-7 of an inch to 2'7 inches, while most ai'e infested with parasites. Piecisely the same chai'actei's are shown, liut the adijiose dorsal fin is not so completely lost in the larger ones as in those from Machachi. This would seem to be due to the examples Ijeing rather better prepared. Were these specimens kept in weak sjiirit doiU)tless they would take on the appearance of a long, low adipose dorsal fin. As to breeding the ova are comparatively large, while tlie male appears to possess an intromittent organ. My examination of the foregoing series of siluroids fit^m the Andes induces me to coincide with Dr. Putnam's views. 1. That the adipose dorsal spine has not even a specific value. Although all four specimens from Cliillo agree with Arges brachycephalus, Giinther, so likewise do the larger examples with SUjgogcnes Humboldtii, Gimther. 2. That the names of the fish have the following priority. Cydo'pium (Swainson) cyclojmm, Hundjoldt : Pime- lodus cydojnun, Hund)., 1803 : Cycloirium Humboldtii, Swainson, 1839 : Aryes cyclopum, Guv. and Val., 1840 : Arges brachycephalus, Giinther, 1859 : Hfygo- genes Humboldtii, Giinther, 1864 : and Stygogeni's cyclopum, Giinther, 1864. 140 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. NOTE ON ROCKS FROM THE ANDES. By Puofessor T. G. BONNEY, D.Sc, F.R.S. Duiiiig liis journey in the Ecnaddiian Andes, Mr. Wliyniper cullected a large series of rocks, wliicli he has placed in my hands for mici'oscopic examination.^ The collection has an exceptional interest from the fact that so many of the specimens have been obtained from localities never visited before Ijy travellers, and in not a few cases by any human being, for among them are fragments from the highest ciags of seveial peaks hitherto nn- ascended. Mr. Wliymper endeavoured to make his collection thoroughly representative, so that the specimens are in various stages of jii'eservation ; but there has always been a fair proportion in as good a condition for examination as could reasonably be expected from localities where there are no quarries and the rainfall is heavy. The number of specimens from the different localities varies. From some mountains, such as Pichincha, Antisana, and Chimborazo, it is large, — from others only two or three specimens have been brought. This has been j)artly due to the exigencies of travel, and yet more to the fact that there is such a general resemblance among the igneous rocks of the whole district that it was in many cases obviously useless to accumulate specimens which would be lithologically duplicates, differing only in localities.^ With the exception of one mountain (Sara-urcu), which is composed of metamorphic rocks, all the great peaks of the Andes ascended by Mr. Whymper consist of one species of volcanic rock — that to which the name Andesite has been given. This name, the derivation of which is obvious, was first applied by Von Buch to the rock, as was the name Andedne to a species of felspar which it was supposed largely to contain. This felspar is regarded as a membei' of the plagioclastic group, and contains neaily equal amounts ^ Descriptions of these liave been read before the Royal Society during tlie year 1S84, and the five parts are published iu their Proceedings for that year. - The collection included specimens of the highest rocks of the four loftiest of the Ecuadorian Andes, viz. — Chimborazo (20,498 feet), Cotopaxi (19,613 feet), Antisana (19,335 feet), and Cayambe (19,186 feet) ; and others from the actual sumnuts of Cari- huairazo (16,515 feet), Cotocachi (16,301 feet), Sincholagua (16,365 feet), Pichincha (15,918 feet), Corazon (15,871 feet), and Sara-urcu (15,502 feet). APFENDIX—NOTE ON ROCKS FROM THE ANDES. 141 i)f lime and .soda, occupying thus a position intermediate l)etween oligoclase (which has distinctly more soda than lime), and labradorite (whicli has more lime than soda). The silica percentage also is intermediate between those of the same two felspars. Whetlier there be snch a felsjsar, capable of distinc- tion as a species, we mnst leave to mineralogists to decide ; and to settle how many are the true species of felsjjar is a c[uestion not ea.sy to solve. The rock Andesite, however, is a well-recognised and fairly definite one. The dominant felsjiar is always plagioclastic, and commonly, if felspar be present both in distinct crystals and in microlitlis, the former contain the lower per- centage of silica and approximate to lal)radorite, the latter contain the higher and come nearer to oligoclase. Cliemically the rock is di.stinguished liy the predominance of soda among its alkaline base.s. The jiercentage of silica may fall rather lielow 60, in the more liasic A^arieties, or ri.se up to more than 70 in the most acid varieties (often called Dacites) in which fiee quartz is usually present. In the c^uartzless grouj), however, the silica iJercentage is geneially not more than 65.i Lithologically the rock consists of a glassy l>ase (often crowded with micrcjlithic products) in which are usually scattered larger cry.stals of felspar, of a pyroxenic mineral, and of iron -oxide. The l^yroxenic constituent may be one or more of the following : — augite, horn- blende, hypersthene ; ^ occasionally there is a little biotite. The great majority of the specimens collected Ijy ]\Ir. Whymper lielong to the c[uartzless division of the Andesites, only an outlying part of one moun- tain (Antisana) having furni.shed varieties which have a silica percentage exceeding 70. The latter are pitchstones of ordinary aspect, being probably very vitreous members of the Dacite group. The most basic forms, repre- sented by the nearly black, .suljvitreous rock, which Ijut for a i>eculiar resin- ous aspect and rather too low specific gra\'ity might readily be classed as a basalt (the melaphyre and the pitchstone porphyrite of some authors), also seem to be rare ; the majority of the specimens varying in colour from light greyi.sh or yellowish or reddish to duller tints of grey or red, which in onlv a few cases api:)roach black. I give below a taljle of the volcanic products of each mountain, enumer- ating them from north to south.-'^ 1 Numerous analyses have Leen published. Several will lie found in Zirkel, Microscopical Petrology (Report of the Geol. Expl. of the 40tli Parallel, U.S.A.). 2 It has been doubted whether this be only a dimorphic (rhombic) foi m of augite, or true hypersthene, but recent investigations show that its analysis warrants the reference to the latter mineral. ^ The following explanation may be useful. If the observed pyro.xeuic constituent is wholly, or almost wholly, augite, the rock is called an augite-andesite ; if hornblende, a honiblendc-andesitc ; and when there is a marked amount of hypersthene the epithet hypcrstheniferous is added, and so on. 142 TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES. WESTERN ANDES. CoTOCACHi. Hyperstheniferous au- yite-andesite. PiCHiNCHA. Highest peak, chiefly hornblende - andesites. Second peak (Rucu - Pichincha) hyperdhe7iifero'u.'< augite-andedtes. CoRAZOX. Augite-midesites, usually hyperstheniferous ; in one case (summit ridge) rather rich in this mineral. Illiniza. Few si^ecimens. The be.st preserved a hornUendic mtgite-andesite, with some mica and hypersthene. The summit rock a micaceous andesite. Carihuairazo. Summit rock aii- (/ite-andesite, perhaps hyperstheniferous. Chimborazo. Augite - andesites, generally hyj^erstheniferous; sometimes almost entitled to be called a hypier- stheneandesite. Occasionally hm-n blende is also present. EASTERN ANDES. Cayambe. Generally a ugite-andesite, but with considei'able minor varia- tions of the pyroxenic constituent ; best general term hornhlendic augite- andesite : one a mica-andesite. Antisana. The main mass of the mountain augite -andesites, sometimes hyperstlieniferous. From an outlying part of the mountain come some pitch- stones, pi'ol)ably very glassy dacite. SiNCHOLAGUA. Aiujite - andesite, probaljly hyperstheniferous. CoTOPAXi. Hyperstheniferous augite- andesite. Altar. Augite-andesites, probal)ly in general hyperstheniferous. Some of the rocks seem to come nearer to basalt in their composition than is usual in these .specimens from the Ecuadorian Andes. Saia-urcu, the only non-volcanic peak ascended by Mr. Whymper, lies to the east, rather to the south-east of Cayambe. Among its rocks are varieties i)f mica-schists and fine-grained gneisses, and a sjjecimen of 'spotted schist,' ccmsisting chiefly of small crystals of mica, and a mineral or minerals belong- ing to the lum-alkaline alumina silicates. I am a little doubtfid whether the felspar-like mineral in the so-called gneisses may not be rather kyanite or some kindred mineral. So far as I can judge from the lithological characters of the rocks I slioidd regard them as Archican, and comi)are them Avith the definitely bedded schists, which usually belong to the nuddle or u]>])er ])art of that great series. Mr. Wliymper nowhere saw crystalline igneous rock in the mountain region of the Andes. From a boulder in a stream at the western margin he lirought a specimen of tonalite (or quartz-diorite) ; and from the district east of that visited l)y him he secui'ed a sjiecimen of granite. He brought back a considerable series of specimens of volcanic dusts from APPENDIX— NOTE ON ROCKS FROM THE ANDES. 143 t.'otoiiaxi ; one of them having been ejecteel l)y that volcano and collected upiiu the slopes of Chimin nazo under the exceptionally interesting circum- stances detailed in his narrative. Of these it may suffice to say that they consist of minute lapilli, chips of vijlcanic glass, and fiugnients of crystals of plagioclastic felspar, augite, and hypersthene (I have noticed one or two vei'v characteristic crystals of the last). They are in shoi't the mateidals which one might expect to ol)tain from the explosive destruction of lavas such as occur on the cone of the mountain. The glass is moderately solid, difiering thus (for example) from the very vesicular ejectments of Krakatoa — the constant ' puffing ' of Cotopaxi probably preventing the accumulations of such a large amount of steam as to permeate completely the more or less molten matter in the pipe of the crater. The dust which fell on Chimborazo, after an aerial voyage of full 65 miles, consisted of fragments varying from about four -thousandths of an inch downwards, A'ery many ranging fi'oni al)0ut one-thousandth to three-thnusandths. Specimens of a coarser iisli of a pumiceous character have also been brought, which no doubt also belongs to the same group as the more solid rocks. INDEX TO GENEEA. BATRACHIA. BuFO, 136. ccecilia, 136. Dendkobates, 133. Hylodes, 135. nototrema, 136. phryn18cus, 133-4. Peosthekapis, 132-.3. coleoptera. achkysox, 37. .^GITHUS, 56-7. Agoxuji, 16. Alethaxius, 83. Amathy'netes, 61, 70-1. Amphideritus, 61, 68. Ananca, 44. axchomekus, 12, 13. anchonu.s, 61, 72-4. Ancogxatha, 30. Axcylonyx'HA, 28. axisutarsus, 4, 7. 8. AXOMALA, 28. axthocomus, 52. axtichira, 29. Aphthoxa, 85-6. Apiox, 61, 78-9. Arescus, 54-5. Artematopus, 45-6. Asiopus, 43. AST.EXA, 26. ASTY'LUS, 52-3. Athous, 44-5. Attalus, 52. Barotheus, 30-1. Baryxexus, 32-3. Bembidium, 4, 22-4. Brachy.sph(exus, 56. Brexthus, 80-1. Calandra, 80. Calathus, 16. Calligrapha, 83. Calopterox, 46. Carabus, 3. Carxeades, 39. cerc0mete8, 58. Cercus, 59. Ceroglossus, 3. Chauliogxathus, 51. Chely'morpha, 55. Chloiuda, 37. Chlorota, 29. Chrysomela, 84. Cladodes, 47-8. Clayipalpus, 27. Clceotus, 26. coccixella, 57. COLASPIS, 82. CoLPODES, 4, 13-22. COLY\MBETES, 40. CoMPSU.s, 61, 63-4. COPTOCY'CLA, 55-6. Cossoxus, 61, 80. Cratomorphus, 48-9. Cryptobutm, 41. Cyclocephala, 31. Cycloxeda, 57-8. Cyllexe, 38. Dasy'tes, 53. Daxtlis, 58. DiABROTICA, 87-8. Dibolia, 86. DlPHAULACA, S6. Dlscodox, 451. dory'phora, 83-4. Dy.scinetu.s, 32. Eburia, 37. u EXEMA, 33. Epitragus, 42. Epitrix, 84. Epur.ea, 60. Eriopis, 57. Erirrhixoihe.s, 61, 76. Erirrhixus, 61, 76-7. Erycus, 77. estexorrhixus, 80. Eurysthea, 37-8. exorides, 65. Galerita, 24. (tOLOEA, 34. (tYmxeti.s, 34-5. Halttoa, 85. hammoderu.s, 39. Haplamaurus, 54. Haptoderus, 12. helic0rrhyxchu8, 61-2. Heterogomphus, 33. Hiuprs, 61, 74-6. homuiotelus, 56. Hyp.sioma, 39. Lasiocala, 29. Leucopel^a, 30. LiSTROUERES, 61, 69-71. LiSTRUS, 53-4. Luxgitarsu.s, 84. Luperosoma, 87-8. LuPERUS, 87. Lyterius, 78. Macrops, 4, 61, 72. Mallodox, 37. Malthesis, 52. Megaceras, 32. Megilla, 57. Meloe, 43-4. Metamasiu.';, 79. MiGADOPS, 3. 146 TNDEX TO GENERA. MORPHOIDES, 56. NAUPAcrrs, 61, 65-8. Xebria, 3. Neda, 57. Neleus, 36. NlTIDULA, 60. NoDA, 82. Nyctobates, 42. OxiDOCEPHALUt-, 61, 77-8. Omaseus, 10. oxcideres, 39. oxtheru.s, 25. Otiorrhynchus, 61-2. Pandeletius, 61-3. Parandra, 36. Passalus, 35. Pelmatellus, 4, 8, 9, 10. Percus, 13. Pertinax, 36. Phax^us, 26. Phexgodes, 49. Philoxthus, 4, 40, 41. Phoroxeu.s, 35-6. Photixus, 48. Physoxota, 55. PixoTUs, 26. Plateros, 46-7. Platyccelia, 4, 29, 30. Plectoxotum, 51-2. Pleuroxeces, 59-60. P^DERUS, 41-2. Polpochila, 10. Polydacris, 63. Praepodes, 65. Praogolofa, 34. Prioxogalus, 36-7. Pristoscei.is, 54. PsEUDOXYCHEII.A, 7. Pterostichus, 10-12. Ptilodactyla, 46. Pyrophorus, 45. Rhaxtu.s, 40. sciopithes, 62. SCYMXUS, 58. Semiotus, 45. SiLis, 51-2. SiLPHA, 4, 40. SiTOXES, 66. SrHEX0PH()P>u,s, 61, 79. Stexocrate-s, 32. Sterculia, 41. Strat^gus, 34. Stroxgylium, 42. T^xiOTES, 39. telephoru.s, 49. Texebrio, 42. Thyridium, 29. Trachydere.s, 6, 38. Trechus, 22. Trichaltica, 85. Trigoxogexiu.s, 4, 54. Tro(;osita, 60. Trox, 26. Uroxys, 24. Xexisiius, 50, 51. crustacea. Ali.orchestes, 126. Amphilhue, 126. Aratfs, 123. BosciA, 121. Caxcer, 124. Gammarus, 126. Gelasimus, 123. Hyale, 126. Hyaleli.a, 125-7. Macrobrachium, 124. Metopoxorthus, 125. Orchestia, 126. PAI..EMOX, 124. Philoscia, 125. porcellio, 125. PSEUDOTHELPHUSA, 121-2. Sesarma, 123. Squilla, 124. hymenoptera. Atta, 95. Campoxotu.k, 89-91. ectatomma, 91. Holcopoxera, 92-3. Odoxtom.\chus, 93. Pachycoxdyla, 91. Pheidole, 93-5. POXERA, 91. PSEUDOMYRMA, 95. LEPIDOPTERA. ACHLY0DE8, 110. AcR^A, 96, 99. actixote, 99. Adelpha, 103. Agaxisthos, 103. Agraulis, 96, 100. Amphirexe, 102. Ax^a, 103. Axartia, 101. axcyloxypha, 96, 110. Argy^xxis, 4. Caligo, 99. Callicore, 102. Callidry'as, 107. Cat.\gramma, 102. Ceratixia, 97. Chioxobas, 4. COEA, 103. COL^XIS, 100. CoLlAS, 4, 96, 107-8. CORADES, 99. Daxais, 96. DiDOXis, 102. Emesls, 104. Epixephei.e, 4. Erebia, 4. Ere.sia, 100-1. EUPTOIETA, 96, 100. ElTREMA, 101. Euterpe, 105. HELicoxiirs, 97, 100. Hesperia, 109. Hesperocharis, 10."i. Hyposcada, 97. Ithomia, 97-8. PrrxA, 97. JuxoxiA, 96, lOl. Lasiophila, 98. Leptalis, 105. Lyc^xa, 96, 104, 105. Lymaxopoda, 96, 98. Marpesia, 103. MECHAxrn.s, 97. Megaxostoma, 96, 107. Mesosemia, 104. ]\roRPHO, 99. Mylothris, 107. INDEX TO GENERA. 14' Myscelia, 101. Nyju'halis, 103. Opsiphanes, 99. Pamphila, 96, 110. Papilio, 96, 99, 100, 103, 107-9, 110. Paenas.siu^;, 4. Pavonia, 99. Pedaliodes, 96, 98. Perisama, 102. Phyciodes, 101. PiEKis, 4, 96, 105-7. Pkepona, 103. Proxophila, 98. Proteide8, 109. Pyrameis, 96, 101. Pyrgu.s, 110. Pyrrhopy'ga, 109. Pythonides, 110. SiSEME, 104. Steroma, 96, 98. Terias, 96, 106. Thymele, 109. Timetes, 102-3. Arges, 137, 139. Cyclopixjm, 137, 139. Pijielodtjm, 139. Stygoge\e.s, 137. 139. REPTILIA, Ameiva, 129. Amphisbcexa, 130. AxoLis, 128-9. Boa, 130. BOTHROP.S, 132. CiNOSTERNUM, 128. CORONELLA, 130-1. ecpleopus, 129. Elaps, 132. gonatodes, 128. Gymxodactylus, 128. Herpetodryas, 132. HlMAXTODES, 132. holotropis, 129. homalocraxion, 130. Leptognathits, 130, 132. LlOCEPHALUS, 129. LiOPHis, 130, 131, 132. Opheomorphus, 132. oxyrhopus, 132. Proctopoktts, 130. rhynchota. acaxthia, 118. acutalis, 120. AneuPvUS, 115. Arocera, 112. Calocoris, 114. Carixeta; 119. CiMEX, 111, 115. ClXYPHl'S, 114. COXORHIXU.S, 115. DiOXYZA, 114. DiPLOXYCHU.S, lis. Emesa, 117. Geotomus, 111. Harmostes, 113. Hekaxice, 120. Lyde, 114. Lygus, 114. Margus, 113. Neomiris, 113. Nezara, 112. ]SrY.siu.s, 113. Pextatoma, 112. PlEZODORUS, 112. pxohirmus, 117. Prioxotus, 115. Reduvius, 115. Rhaphigasteu, 112. Sephixa, 112. Sphexorhixa, 119. Stexopoda, 116. Tettigoxia, 120. Thelia, 120. Thyaxta, 111. Zaitha, 118. Zammara, 118. THE EXD. Printed iy R. & R. Clark, Edinho-gh. QL Whymper, Edward. 481 Supplementary appendix to A1W48 travels amongst the great Ent. Andes of the equator. , mff In,"^°^IAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES 3 =}Oafi p05b031^ ^ „ , nhent QL481 A1W48 Supplementary append,. toTatelsamongs JMiliiii^^&MimMiiiiKMiiii I