te aes tee ested ie cd do ons elt i Liopel Meee A eeR RSs) Oe See a eee oe kee 0 Copyright N° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT: SURE FEED CROPS BY JOHN FIELDS Editor Oklahoma Farm Journal OKLAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA FARM JOURNAL 1912 Copyright, 1912, by JOHN FIELDS All rights reserved ~* © C.A330284 CONTENTS PAGB General Statements ....... d.s\sje'd s'dieie'e\e sle'w'd oln(ale'e leieie « 1 The Grain: PRP COTI irate le eels aieiaielannale « siaimeiea aa) al a}al eel ute ote eteratals 7 VENT CTEPARI ZS) (pie \eyala sieeve sieve alee siavatalecalans iekiliala alana shaimarenn 33 Cottonseed!) PTOMUCTE: 2663s aides, oh sinie 4 twrele eaiewie 44 The Forage: PARADA! avs cies wareicie'd'e-e ate oe ale ora Meee atill ei eiasahaiec ate a cantatas 53 Mee saree hkl uate ehh er auhase re raahla Rig tals ote gle catalan 100 PE MAREDEEE asus ahh rat aviula’ avai Qs Svale? alle Phar alta etS oie: ere.o ea’ ehess 111 RvR CEEDR SUA! Ay 15 Jas 8 1ch-4 oha\d val Ciara sicnite chee aiid ol Sly aie yarn wa: viet eared et a@reiats 118 RUINRETE Epa cna ehaiaiere eek Goi ghee, i Sta TN ahaa aaah) ce lant Shek ghee 123 BEN haan a Vabaalals atals 1 tle alayeiel a) SIAN we VN LUGS 125 The Pasture: Bermuda Grass ..... TERS COSTE TSu ate 1 epee unbon eege ge fa ereiee ass! 00 een Other ‘Grasses ‘and Cloverse iio elds bee slower 164 PETAL PAS CV Ge OPI 85 Ul LN tele lee eas esd e fale Lie Rainfall and Crops, by George L. Bishop ............ 179 To the men, women, and children who are building and maintaining homes on the farms of the Central Southwest, and whose friendship and esteem are valued above all things else, this book is dedicated by THE AUTHOR. SURE FEED CROPS. GENERAL STATEMENTS 1. Abundant and regular supplies of feed for livestock are vital to individual and collective agricultural prosperity. Livestock always have been the basis of every permanently profitable system of farming. Without the certainty of production of abundant feed crops, in unfavor- able as well as in favorable years, the raising of livestock on the farm is as likely to result in loss as in profit through a series of years. If, at irregular periods, because of shortage of feed, it is necessary for farmers to dispose of their livestock, they must do so on a falling market at a great loss. Their investment in equipment for the care of livestock becomes unproductive and the entire system of farming becomes disar- ranged. When the time of plenty comes again, the building up of the breeding herds is a slow and expensive process. The supply is short and the demand is strong, making prices high. 2. Wide variations in climatic conditions in the United States call for greater differences in agricultural practice than have generally been recognized. The farmers from the Atlantic coast states who pushed into the unknown, set- 2 SURE FEED CROPS tling the Ohio valleys; the prairies of Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa; the valleys and plains of — Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas; brought with them their stores of practical experience in farming. Each at first followed the methods and tried to grow the crops to which he was accustomed. Many still do so. Capital for the development of new localities was required; it must be had from the old states, and the men who controlled it must be convinced that condi- tions are as they expected them to be. Scientific investigation of all matters pertaining to agri- culture in the United States began along the eastern border; text and reference books relat- ing to farming have largely been written from the standpoint of conditions which do not exist in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Every influ- ence has tended to cause farmers in these states to follow the old methods and grow the old crops. 3. A system of farming, based upon experi- ence and experiment in these states of the Cen- tral Southwest, where rainfall is always vari- able and often deficient, and where strong winds and high summer temperatures introduce condi- tions unknown to farmers of the Northern and Atlantic coast states, must be developed and adopted. With limitations and modifications which are indicated elsewhere in this volume, the general plan of operations should be the following: Not less than ten acres of kafireorn or milo- GENERAL STATEMENTS 3 maize should be planted in April, May, or June every year on every farm. When drouth comes, they produce as much grain as corn averages in the best years; and the better the soil and the season, the higher the yield of these drouth- resisters. Corn should be planted only on bottom lands. Every acre of good, rich bottom land should be put to alfalfa as soon as possible. The washy soils, hillsides, rough places, alkali lands, and low, overflow bottoms should be set to hardy bermuda grass, wherever this grass thrives. The smooth, tillable uplands and prairies should be planted to kafircorn or milomaize for a sure crop of grain for feed and sale, to cowpeas and peanuts for feed and forage and soil im- provement, and to oats, wheat, broom corn, and cotton for cash crops, wherever the soil and climate are suitable. Those who follow such a system, stick to it, and feed most of what they produce to good livestock, will be the ultimate owners of the farms of the Central Southwest. 4. Production must replace speculation before farming will be on a safe business basis. sor a period in the eighties and early nineties in Kansas, and until very recently in Oklahoma and Texas, the get-rich-quick idea seemed to dominate everything. The influence of the towns, where nearly everything centered around schemes to sell lots for greater and still greater L SURE FEED CROPS prices, extended to the farms. The purpose of those who farmed seemed to be to get the land into such shape and crops as would make 1 sell readily to someone else whose purpose was not to make it his home, but to sell at a higher figure to still others with the same idea. Per- manent agricultural prosperity cannot come until attention is turned from speculation to production. Whatever has been unfavorable in © the past has been largly the fault of men who have hoped for a change in climatic conditions to suit their desires and who have failed to appreciate the fact that regular and certain production of crops, every year, is the only foundation for permanent land values. 5. Rainfall does not increase and the climate does not change as the result of the occupation of any region by men. ‘‘The So-Called Change of Climatic Conditions in the Semiarid West?’ is fully discussed in an article by Richard H. Sullivan, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau, Wichita, Kansas, in the 1908 Yearbook of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. He states: ‘Tt is the man that has changed. not the climate, and the face of nature has changed with efforts far exceeding those of the early eastern pioneers. The western man who has observed the wilderness blossom as the rose decries his own power when he charges to the account of change of climate the blessings resulting from his own initiative. It required much more than the buzzing of the drones while the climate was GENERAL STATEMENTS 4) ‘changing’ to make orchards, meadows, grain fields, and vineyards in Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, and the Dakotas.’’ And again: ‘‘We are led to the conclusion that the so-called changes in climate have been nothing more than irregular oscillations; that a succes- sion of dry years has given way to recurring wet years; that there are alternating series of warm and cool years; that drouths are possible in any part of the country at any time, winter or summer. ’’ 6. ‘‘Scientific agriculture’? has in recent years come to be an expression with which to conjure and to obtain increased appropriations and additional jobs for friends of the adminis- tration, both national and state. ‘‘Scientists’’ who know but little of science have developed ‘‘svstems’’? which they insist will grow corn, whether it rains or not. Those with lands for sale in regions of limited and variable rainfall have lured the hopeful settler on and, in count- less cases, left him stranded. The mysterious hocus-pocus which is supposed to make the im- possible happen with regularity has been in- voked in all of its forms. But it is coming now to be understood that the problem of profitable farming in the Central Southwest has been solved by many farmers. It may be solved by all who will grow those crops and follow the methods which experience has demonstrated may be depended upon to produce an abundance of feed for livestock, no matter how unfavorable 6 SURE FEED CROPS the season. There is no better statement of the situation than that made by the late Dr. S. A. Knapp, who said: ‘‘ Agriculture is not a science and it has but little science in it. That little science can be taught. The remainder must be acquired by observation, experience, and busi- ness methods. Agriculture might be defined as being about one-eighth science, three-eighths art, and half business.’’ THE GRAIN KAFIRCORN 7. Partial failures of Indian corn when the prairies of Kansas were being developed into farms brought heavy losses to many of the early settlers. In 1876, kafireorn was brought from South Africa, but it was not generally cul- tivated until 1890. The Kansas Experiment Station, from 1889 to 1900, investigated cultural methods and the feeding value of kafircorn. The Oklahoma Experiment Station, beginning in 1892, followed similar lines of study. The con- clusions were widely published, but they were not generally adopted and put in practice by farmers. Public sentiment opposed the admis- sion that it was necessary to grow this drouth- resisting crop. Farmers who persisted in doing so were called ‘‘kafircorn woolies’’ and urged to grow a ‘dignified crop,’’ such as Indian corn. 8. Kafircorn made slow progress as an impor- tant crop. Butler county, Kansas, led in the production of kafircorn in 1911. In 1897, the farmers of this Kansas county planted 187,873 acres to Indian corn and it brought a return of $2.30 per acre. They had begun learning a ‘< 8 SURE FEED CROPS little of kafireorn and had 11,714 acres of it planted that year; it turned off $9.75 per acre. But the habit of planting large acreages of Indian corn is firmly fixed. In 1910, thirteen years later, these farmers had abandoned only one-third of the acreage of the crop which had brought in $2.30 per acre and had replaced it with the crop which cashed in for $9.75 per acre. In 1910, Butler county, Kansas, had 139,- 924 acres planted to corn; it yielded $6.60 per acre. And the 58,789 acres planted to kafircorn turned in $13.00 per acre. 9. The supreme test of kafircorn came in the season of 1911. Speaking of it, J. B. Adams of El] Dorado, Kansas, who has had much to do with establishing kafircorn as a real crop in Butler county, said: ‘‘It was a season of un- usual severity, the dryest and hottest in Kansas as 1t was in Oklahoma since 1901. A pitiless sun burned up the Indian corn and parched the native grass upon the prairies. Throughout this trying ordeal, our unfailing friend, the hardy and indomitable kafir, stood sentinel upon the prairies with that patient fortitude inherent in its nature, born of centuries of hardship upon the desert; it bided its time and silently waited for rain, springing triumphantly into new life with the first downpour from the heavens. Our prairie hay turned out less than a third of a crop and our alfalfa only a little better than half acrop. But notwithstanding this accumu- 1ation of calamities, we pushed back the im- THE GRAIN 9 pudent face of famine, cheated the hot winds, and whipped the drouth to a standstill, with kafircorn.’’? Referring to the influence of kafir- corn upon the fortunes of his community, Mr. Adams said: ‘‘In 1896, half of the upland por- tion of our county was owned by eastern in- vestors, fire insurance and loan companies, the titles having been secured by that peculiar in- vestment process known as mortgage foreclos- ures. Uplands that had formerly been consid- ered worth from $15 to $25 per acre were of- fered without buyers at from $3 to $8 per acre. These lands, now selling at from $30 to $50 per acre, have been bought back by our farmers and most of them paid for with kafircorn.’’ 10. The cash returns from kafircorn and corn through a series of years show kafirecorn’s true place among the crops grown upon the farms of the Central Southwest. The Kansas State Board of Agriculture issues annual reports based upon assessors’ returns showing the acreage and value of every crop grown. The following statement of the cash value of kafircorn and corn for the past eleven years was compiled from these published re- ports. A careful study of it is commended to those who repeat the statement that Indian corn yields more than kafircorn, and who in other ways display their entire lack of knowl- edge of what they are talking about. 10 SURE FEED CROPS Value per acre. Kafircorn Corn 18 0 ACO RS oe AOR 6) 10/32 $ 3.85 DE Ui Ea VM 12.69 1120 12210 Se a MAREN 9.30 8.74 10) Aa SR aa Oui2 Lsek 10.0 TSU nN 9.94 10:07 1S 0 SPOR a IS TAS 9.18 9.89 (LEY OY RR ed a i a DM bs 9.25 CEL Rn BSE ty SU OED 10.88 11:70 SDS inch Cin Siesta Th aul i We LON Oe eR NM RR AG Cal 1392 8.89 1 EE A MRE OR RE 172 7.68 Total, 11 years ....$123.03 $99 27 INVERSE Ui Cin, 0 be Wea Be: $ 9.02 In Kansas, the average cash return from an acre of kafircorn during the past eleven years was 23.94 percent. greater than from an acre of corn. The figures are based on the total acre- age planted to these crops during that period. Corn turned off more money than kafircorn in but three years out of the eleven, and in each ease the difference per acre was less than a dollar. In 1901, the value of kafircorn per acre was more than three times the value of corn. In 1911, an acre of kafircorn brought more than twice as much money as an acre of corn. It is not likely that the best land was planted THE GRAIN 11 to kafircorn, or that it had as good cultivation as corn. 11. Many landowners positively prohibit the planting of kafircorn on their land. Others en- courage it. One farm loan company, which has been in business in Kansas since 1881, and in Oklahoma since 1889, has adopted the following plan: ‘‘We have for three years been refusing to lease land under our charge to a tenant who will not put at least one-half of the land, in- tended for corn, to kafircorn, the blackhull white variety being preferred. On one farm in Kay county, Central Oklahoma, the tenant had in 1911, 120 acres of Indian corn which made thirty bushels to the acre. On this same farm were 100 acres of kafireorn which made sixty bushels per acre. The land is of the same quality. The old idea that kafircorn ruins the land is passing away. If kafircorn is planted reasonably early, the grain harvested and the stalks plowed under while green, the land will be enriched. We write it in the lease that the tenants shall plant as much kafircorn as they plant of Indian corn.’’ 12. Growing a crop of kafircorn is not diffi- eult. In general, the same methods of prepar- ing the soil, planting, and cultivating as are used in growing Indian corn should be followed. Kafireorn will produce a crop on any soil which will grow anything else; the better the soil, the higher the yields. Hard land should be plowed 12 SURE FEED CROPS during the fali and winter and worked down to a firm seed bed. Flat planting gives better re- sults than listing on such soils. Very sandy soils should not be plowed. The lister should be used in the same manner as for planting corn on such lands, but shallower. 13. Blackhull white kafircorn is the standard variety. It has yielded more than others in practically all comparative tests. Seed of this variety has been selected and improved by the Kansas and Oklahoma Experiment Stations and by growers so that it is now possible to obtain first class seed for planting. Different varieties of kafirecorn cross-pollenize just as do different varieties of corn. It is an advantage if all farmers in a given locality grow the same va- riety. The grade of the product to be marketed is lowered by a mixture of varieties, which al- ways bring lower prices than the pure article. A germination test of kafircorn seed should always be made before planting. When stored in bulk, it heats readily. This injures the seed so that much of it may not germinate. Kafir- eorn seed which has a musty odor or which sticks togther in lumps should not be used for planting. 14. A warm soil is needed for the germination of kafireorn seed. It should not be planted until after the usual time of planting Indian corn. In Oklahoma, the highest average yields have been secured from plantings made from April 15th to THE GRAIN 13 May 15th, though much kafircorn is planted as late as June. In regions where cotton is grown, kafircorn may be planted just before planting the cotton. Not less than four months from planting time until frost is desirable for the maturing of kafircorn. Five months is better, because in very dry weather, kafircorn waits and makes practically no progress toward ma- turity. 15. The distance between plants has an im- portant bearing upon the yields of kafircorn. The rows should be not less than three and one- half feet apart. Where the average annual rainfall exceeds forty inches, single plants should be about four inches apart. The dis- tance between plants should gradually be in- creased as the average annual rainfall dimin- ishes until they are a foot apart in regions with less than twenty-five inches of rain. Planters should be adjusted so that single grains are dropped at the proper distances. The tendency is to plant kafircorn too thickly, probably be- cause most planters are equipped with ‘‘cane’’ plates. Blank plates should be obtained and drilled especially for kafircorn. From two to five pounds of kafircorn seed will plant an acre, varying with the distance apart at which the grains are dropped. 16. The cultivation of kafircorn should be the same as that given Indian corn. Because of the fact that kafireorn withstands drouth, many 14 SURE FEED CROPS fail to give it the care and cultivation which it must have to produce maximum yields. The plant is smaller and weaker than Indian corn when it first comes up. The first cultivations may be given with the harrow, followed by whatever implements are available. Late culti- vation should be shallow so as not to disturb the extensive root system of the kafircorn, which fills the soil more completely than the root svstem of Indian corn. The harrow eulti- vator with fourteen teeth, or a mower wheel dragged between the rows will do satisfactory work. No crust should be permitted to form on the surface of the soil until after the grain is practically mature. 17. The harvesting of kafircorn presents some difficulties to those unaccustomed to the crop. With experience, these are quickly overcome and, with proper equipment, the work of har- vesting kafircorn can be done more quickly and cheaply than can the husking of Indian corn. The stalk and leaves of kafireorn remain green long after the grain is mature, and usually until eut or killed bv frost. The general custom in Butler county, Kansas, is to wait until the kafir- corn has had a light frost. It is then eut with a corn binder and shocked. After curing in the shock for several weeks, the bundles are headed by a knife attached to a wagon box, (19) and the fodder is reshocked. The heads are stacked like headed wheat, a layer of hay or straw being first placed on the ground to protect them. THE GRAIN 15 The threshing is done at convenient times dur- ing the winter. 18. In the Texas Panhandle, with its dry climate, the following method, described by a Swisher county farmer, is in general use: ‘©When the grain is to be threshed, either for the market or to be ground and fed, we use an ordinary grain header of any of the standard makes. We allow the grain to mature thor- oughly and prefer, if possible, to have one or two good frosts before cutting. Handled in this way, the grain should not be put in too large ricks on account of danger of heating. With one man to run the header, two men to run the header wagons, and one or two extra men to help unload, from twenty-five to thirty-five acres per day can be harvested. This method puts the heads in the ricks ready to be threshed at one handling.’’ There is also a kafircorn header which is bolted to the side of a wagon box and does good work where the heads are produced at a uniform height. 19. Bound kafircorn can be headed more cheaply than corn can be husked. A farmer in Custer county, Western Oklahoma, gives the following description of his plan: ‘‘I use a knife made out of an old sixteen-inch plow lay. The landside piece should be taken off and the lay sharpened and straightened. Then have a hole drilled in the point, about an inch from the end. Bolt a piece of pipe five or six feet long 16 SURE FEED CROPS to the side of the lay for a handle. Get a flat piece of iron a little longer than the lay. Have holes drilled in each end. Bore two holes through the sideboard of the wagon box to match this iron, about an inch from the top. Put the knife in the inside of the wagon box, then the front end of the piece of iron, and bolt it. Put a couple of washers between the iron and the wagon box at the back end and bolt it. Keep the knife sharp with a file. If possible, put your box on a wagon with low wheels and put on double sideboards. One man can cut off the heads as fast as two can place them under the knife. The bundles can then be reshocked very quickly.’’ 20. Heading kafircorn by hand is entirely practicable where only limited acreages are grown. A well balanced butcher knife or a very short bladed eane knife should be used and the heads should be cut off with as short a shank as possible, so as to hasten curing. Some leave the heads in small piles in the field for a few days before stacking; others place the heads in long ricks, eight to ten feet wide, direct from the wagons after first putting down a layer of stalks to keep the heads from the ground. Covers should be provided for use in case rain should come before the stack is completed and to protect the finished stack. If these are not at hand, the stack of kafircorn heads should be topped out with some material which will turn water. Kafircorn heads may also be stored in THE GRAIN iW roofed cribs, such as are used for storing Indian corn. 21. Kafircorn is threshed with the regular machines used for threshing wheat and oats. Small threshers with gasoline engine on the same truck are coming into general use in West- ern Oklahoma and are especially adapted to rough localities with poor roads. For use on the farm, it is not necessary in most cases that all of a crop of kafireorn be threshed. It is cus- tomary for the producer to do the threshing and it is well to delay this work until winter, when it may be done more cheaply, and the threshed grain will not heat so readily when stored. Ventilation from the bottom should al- ways be provided in bins where threshed kafir- corn is to be stored. Make one ventilator for each four feet of length of bin, extending across the bin and through the wall on each side, and raised about one inch from the floor. T'wo pieces of one by four lumber, spaced six inches apart with blocks of wood and covered on the two open sides with galvanized screen wire and open to the outside air at the ends, make good ventilators. 22. Concerning markets for kafircorn, H. M. Cottrell, Agricultural Commissioner of the Rock Island Lines, after extended inquiry among the largest buyers of grain in Chicago, made the following statement: ‘‘Kafircorn and milomaize are worth ninety percent. as much as the same 18 SURE FEED CROPS weight of corn for feeding work horses, beef and dairy cattle, hogs and sheep. The limited supply on the markets and the strong demand for these grains for poultry feeds has kept the price at or above that of corn. This has made it impossible for stockmen to buy these grains for the regular feeding and fattening of live- stock. A number of grain men have been con- sulted and every man stated that whenever the supply of kafircorn and milomaize became so large that it assumed an important place in the markets, it would be absorbed just the same as corn, oats, barley, and other feeds, selling at a price compared with the price for other grains proportionate to its feed value.’’ To reach the markets, enough must be grown close to a ship- ping point to make it to someone’s interest to buy and ship. There may have been no cash markets for single loads of kafircorn. But a thousand or ten thousand loads will find a ready market. no matter what the size of the corn crop. Kafircorn is usually quoted on the markets by the hundred weight instead of the bushel of fifty-six pounds. From seventy-five to eighty pounds of kafircorn heads, if well cured, will thresh out fifty-six pounds of grain. 23. Methods of feeding kafircorn differ but little from the best methods of feeding Indian eorn. Kafircorn must be ground to obtain its full feeding value. In digestion experiments conducted by the writer at the Oklahoma Ex- periment Station in 1897-98, two-thirds of the THE GRAIN 19 weight of whole kafircorn fed to steers was re- covered from the dung, practically unaffected by the digestive juices. It is true that hogs following steers fed whole kafircorn will put most of it to good use, but steers being fattened should be at more profitable work than pre- digesting kafircorn for hogs. Coarsely ground kafircorn contains 5.79 percent. digestible pro- tein and 56.54 percent. digestible carbohydrates and fat. Average corn meal contains 6.13 per- cent. digestible protein and 74.36 percent. di- gestible carbohydrates and fat. Average analyses of kafircorn show that it contains a total of 11.2 percent. protein and 3.1 percent. fat; Indian corn contains a total of 10.4 per- cent. protein and 5.0 percent. fat. 24. For horses, kafircorn heads may entirely take the place of corn. The heads may be fed without grinding, but the feed is improved by . running the heads through feed cutters which will cut them into quarter to half-inch pieces. The ration is improved by the addition of a limited amount of bran, shorts, or cottonseed meal, but this is not necessary if the horses have alfalfa, cowpea, or peanut hay. (81) It is de- sirable, however, when prairie hay is fed. 25. As feed for calves, kafircorn meal fed dry has been shown by the Kansas Experiment Station to be well suited to feed with skimmilk. Kafircorn meal has a tendency to constipate 20 SURE FEED CROPS animals to which it is fed and this overcomes the scouring effect of the skimmilk. 26. For fattening steers, ground kafircorn may entirely take the place of Indian corn. Ex- cellent results have been obtained when ground kafireorn was fed with enough alfalfa hay or cottonseed meal to balance the ration. The re- sults are not as satisfactory when ground kafir- corn is fed alone and kafir or corn stover, prairie or sorghum hay, is used for rough feed. Comparisons of corn meal and kafircorn meal made at the Kansas Experiment Station, where some alfalfa hay was fed, showed ground kafir- corn to be worth only 7 percent. less than ground corn for fattening steers. Beginning in 1899, the Oklahoma Experiment Station made a series of feeding experiments to ascertain the com- parative value of corn meal, kafir meal, alfalfa hay, and kafir stover as beef producers. The trials were repeated three times. In the last year of the experiment, corn meal and alfalfa hay produced an average daily gain per steer of 2.39 pounds. Each pound of gain required seven pounds of corn and six pounds of alfalfa hay. The steers fed ground kafircorn and al- falfa hay made a daily gain of 2.36 pounds each and each pound of gain required seven and one- third pounds of grain and six and one-half pounds of alfalfa hay. 27. Fed to dairy cows, kafircorn should al- ways be ground and it is especially important THE GRAIN 21 that something be fed to balance the ration and overcome the constipating tendency of the kafir- eorn. Alfalfa, cowpea, or peanut hay is excel- lent for this purpose and when they are on hand, no feed need be purchased. If ordinary roughness is fed, the grain ration should con- sist of two-thirds ground kafireorn and one- third bran or shorts; or three-fourths ground kafireorn and one-fourth cottonseed meal. It is wasteful to feed unground kafirecorn to cattle of any sort, and especially to dairy cows. The grain need not be threshed before grinding. Ordinary sweep mills, with proper attachments, will grind kafireorn heads just as they grind eorn. Ground kafircorn heads are entirely satis- factory for all classes of cattle, but the ration should always be balanced with alfalfa, cowpea, or peanut hay, or cottonseed meal. 28. Growing pigs should be fed alfalfa, cow- pea, or peanut hay, or shorts in addition to kafireorn heads, or ground kafireorn, which should be moistened before feeding. Kafircorn heads should be fed on a slightly sloping floor so that the refuse will be worked to one side. As an exclusive ration, kafircorn will not take the place of corn in pig feeding. Kafircorn con- tains less oil than corn, and pigs fed exclusively on ground kafircorn quickly become constipated and get out of condition. This trouble may be entirely avoided by balancing the ration with home-grown feeds which are rich in protein. (150, 172, 184.) 22 SURE FEED CROPS 29. For fattening hogs, ground kafireorn or ground kafircorn heads may practically take the place of corn, though the addition of some- thing to balance the ration is desirable and profitable. There is nothing better than alfalfa, cowpea, or peanut hay for this purpose. There is less waste if the hay is cut into short lengths before feeding, but the cheapest gains will come from feeding the hay in low racks where the hogs can get at it without wasting it. At the Oklahoma Experiment Station, one lot of 115 pound shoats was fed what cowpea hay the pigs would eat in addition to a mixture of one-half kafircorn meal and one-half corn meal. They eonsumed four and three-fourths pounds of grain for each pound of gain. Another lot fed the same kind of grain but no cowpea hay con- sumed eight and one-fifth pounds of grain for each pound of gain. The lot receiving cowpea hay had better appetites, ate more grain, and made much better gains than the lot which did not receive cowpea hay. If none of these hays is to be had, cottonseed meal, if judiciously fed, may profitably be used. Five pounds per day of ground kafircorn heads with one-half to one pound of cottonseed meal will make a good ration for a hundred-pound hog. In a trial at the Oklahoma Experiment Station, pigs fed a ration of four-fifths ground kafireorn and one-fifth cottonseed meal made a daily gain of 1.28 lbs. each, using 3.19 lbs. of grain costing 1.72 cents to produce a pound of THE GRAIN 23 gain. At the same time, other pigs fed a ration of one-half ground kafircorn and one-half corn meal made a daily gain of 1.04 Ibs. each, using o./1 lbs. of grain costing 2.55 cents for each pound of gain. (84.) 30. As poultry feed, no single grain is supe- rior to kafirecorn. It need not be ground, except for chicks. It does not tend to fatten hens rapidly as corn does and consequently is a better egg-producer. Much of the kafircorn which is marketed is used in the preparation of poultry feed and its use for this purpose is rapidly increasing. 31. Kafircorn makes good silage. O. E. Reed of the dairy department of the Kansas Agricul- tural College says: ‘‘For silage, kafircorn is better than cane but not as good as corn. Kafir- corn ranks between the two in food value, acre- age yield, and effect on the soil. Its special advantages over corn are that it is more drouth- resisting and yields higher. It generally yields about seven tons to the acre.’’ Other points in kafircorn’s favor are: it is practically certain to produce a crop of grain and forage, corn may not do so in very dry seasons; the plant remains green long after the grain is mature, thus giv- ing a longer time during which the silo may be filled; the corn plant dies quickly after the ear is formed; kafircorn is more conveniently handled by corn binders and ensilage cutters. 32. Kafircorn smut sometimes reduces the 24 SURE FEED CROPS yields. It is different from corn smut and may be prevented by treating the seed with a solu- tion composed of one pound of formaldehyde to thirty gallons of water. With this strength of solution, the seed should be soaked for one hour and then dried. It takes about four and one- half gallons of this solution to treat one bushel of seed and the treatment costs about five cents per bushel. At the Kansas Experiment Station, untreated seed produced about thirty percent. of smutted heads. while treated seed produced no smut whatever. 33. Kafircorn blight is popularly supposed to be caused by rain washing the pollen from the heads while in bloom. The Bureau of Plant Industry, U. 8. Department of Agriculture, has recently reported the results of investigation of grain-sorghum production in the San Antonio region of Texas. The results indicate that the blasting of heads of kafircorn is due to the work of the sorghum midge instead of to rains while the plants are in bloom. The experiments also showed that when kafircorn is planted early, it has a much better chance of escaping this trouble than if planted late. Relatively little loss has been caused by blight of kafircorn, especially where it is treated as a real crop instead of an afterthought. 34, Kafircorn seed may be selected and im- proved more easily than can seed corn. The entire plant, including the head, may be taken THE GRAIN 25 into account when selecting kafircorn seed. Plump, well-filled heads, borne by sturdy stalks of uniform height should be selected after the crop is fully matured. These should be hung up in a dry and well-ventilated place and the grain should be left on the heads until just before planting time. Tall stalks which appear in the field should be removed before they bloom. These show a mixture with broom corn, sorghum, milo, and other related varieties and are even more undesirable than a mixture of grains of different colors in Indian corn. The Oklahoma Experiment Station, by continued selection, developed a strain of blackhull white kafircorn having much larger grain than the kind usually grown, and still retaining all of the other desirable characters of the crop. Many farmers have also, by continued selection, worked similar improvements in the kafircorn which they grow. 35. ‘‘Kafircorn ruins the land’’ is probably the most frequently offered excuse for not grow- ing kafireorn. Many farmers who carefully located their feed lots and barns near the head of a draw, so that a heavy rain will haul out the manure, say that they will not plant kafircorn ‘‘because it will ruin the land.’’? When urged to plant kafircorn, they seem suddenly to become much concerned about maintaining the fertility of their soils. Recent analyses published by the Oklahoma Experiment Station show that a crop of thirty bushels of kafircorn removes from the 26 SURE FEED CROPS soil 32.9 lbs. nitrogen, 6.5 lbs. potash, and 10.4 Ibs. phosphoric acid; a crop of thirty bushels of corn removes 380.7 Ibs. nitrogen, 6.8 lbs. potash, and 11.0 lbs. phosphorie acid. The differences are so slight that they amount to nothing. But since in 1911, kafireorn on the farm of the Okla- homa Experiment Station yielded fifty-six bushels per acre while Indian corn alongside yielded nothing, there is no question in this instance about kafircorn removing more of the elements of plant-food than Indian corn did. 36. Kafircorn dries out the soil because of its extensive root system and the fact that it con- tinues growing until killed by frost. Corn dies while kafircorn still finds enough moisture in the soil to keep it in good condition for growth when rains come. Corn is dead in August or September and quits taking moisture from the soil. Kafircorn keeps on growing until killed by a freeze and usually leaves the soil very dry in November. Land which grew kafircorn, unless it is sandy, should all be plowed before Christ- mas. The effect of the thorough drying of the soil can be overcome by turning the land over and giving the frosts of winter a chance to break it up so that it may absorb and hold the rain which falls. Many farmers in Butler county, Kansas, insist that kafircorn actually improves the soil. There are fields on which kafircorn has followed kafircorn for fifteen years without any reduction of yield. But on this land, the kafircorn is headed high and the fodder THE GRAIN 27 is turned under early in the winter. The de- cayed vegetable matter has improved the phy- sical condition of the soil so that the removal of the plant food by the successive crops of grain has not yet been noticed on the yields. Kafircorn should be rotated with other crops, such as oats, cowpeas, peanuts, and cotton. With proper attention given to early and thor- ough preparation of land which has grown a crop of kafircorn, its fancied ill effects upon the soil fertility will disappear. 37. Actual experience in the growing of any crop under the varying conditions of farm prac- tice finally determines its place in a system of farming. Kafircorn is actually being grown, marketed, and fed with profit by many thou- sands of farmers in the Central Southwest. Brief statements from a few of them, relating their experiences in 1911, follow: 38. Washita County, Western Oklahoma. ‘‘I have been planting kafircorn for three years and expect to continue planting it and to increase the acreage each year. I have my barn full of kafireorn heads now and it looks good to me.’’ ‘‘T have lived here eleven years and have tried all of this time to grow Indian corn. Made two good crops of corn, three short crops, from ten to twenty bushels per acre, mostly trash and smut, and six complete failures. In all of these eleven years, I have never seen a failure of 28 SURE FEED CROPS kafireorn. It has always produced a crop, wher- ever it had any show at all, and I have never seen any kind of a crop respond more readily to good land and good cultivation than kafircorn does.’’ 39. Custer County, Western Oklahoma. ‘‘T have been in the state only since December 1, 1909, and got my lesson with Indian corn the first year. If it had not been for about twenty acres of kafireorn which I planted that year, I could not have pulled through. One acre of my kafireorn made more than all my crop of corn. In 1911, — had fifty-seven acres of kafirecorn and milomaize and, regardless of the extreme drouth and torrid winds, it made good yields. I am billed for kafireorn, milomaize, cowpeas, and alfalfa and, unless my wife does the planting, we will not have a patch of roasting ears. The old-timers here call me a ‘kafircorn wooly’ and IT am proud of the name.’’ 40. Kiowa County, Western Oklahoma. ‘‘I planted some kafircorn in April and May, 1911. In July, after it began raining, I planted two hundred acres more to kafircorn and milomaize. It made so much feed that I had to come to the Oklahoma City stockyards to buy steers to eat it. They weighed 700 Ibs. and cost me $4.48 in October. They were fed this kafir and milo with just enough alfalfa and cottonseed cake to provide ieee On March 19, 1912, they weighed 1060 lbs. at the Oklahoma City stock- THE GRAIN 29 yards and sold for $6.25, topping the market for that weight. I’ll have to grow kafircorn for a few years before I can afford to make any more attempts to prove that I live in a ‘great corn country’. After this, my corn acreage will be limited to a roasting ear patch.’’ ‘*Tn 1911 from fifty-five acres of sod kafircorn, I raised 1590 bushels of threshed grain. All the attention this had was to break the sod about three inches deep in March, and in April to plant three and one-half bushels of kafircorn with an ordinary two-horse planter. It was cut in September with a corn binder. The total expense of planting, cutting, and shocking was $104.50. Figure the crop of 1590 bushels at sixty cents, $954. Deducting $75 for threshing and $104.50 for other expenses leaves a net re- turn of $774.50 and enough roughness out of the stalks to last a natural lifetime.’’ 41. Woods County, Western Oklahoma. ‘‘I have finally got around to the conclusion that kafircorn is the only grain for this part of Okla- homa. As long as I remain sane and live here, I shall waste but little time on corn. It is hard to give up, but these hot winds are too much for it. Even moisture and the best of cultiva- tion are no guarantee of a crop of corn.”’ 42. Dewey County, Western Oklahoma. ‘‘I had fifteen acres of kafircorn in 1911 which made twenty-five bushels per acre. Thirty acres of corn in the same field made about six bushels 30 SURE FEED CROPS per acre. I shall put out another fifteen acre ‘accident insurance policy’ of kafircorn each year hereafter.’’ 43. Texas County, Western Oklahoma. ‘‘To satisfy my curiosity, I measured out one bushel of kafircorn and kept it before my chickens until consumed. During the period, exactly one week, twenty-three laying hens laid eighty-one eggs, worth eighty-one cents on the market. That looks good, considering that the top price paid for kafircorn here this year has been sixty- two cents. But there were also twenty-eight early hatched pullets that helped consume the kafireorn. Most of them had recently been bought and were not used to grain except what they rustled from a milomaize field. The pul- lets must have also added considerable weight to their poor frames; at any rate, they con- sumed much of the grain.’’ 44, Woodward County, Western Oklahoma. “‘T have raised kafircorn for eleven years and have always found a market for all I had to spare. Kafircorn surely gave this country a lift in 1911. There was a large acreage, on account of the failure of wheat, and the yields were from thirty to fifty bushels per acre. I raised about 1600 bushels.’’ 45. Kay County, Central Oklahoma. ‘‘You advised planting ten acres of kafireorn. Why did you not say one hundred? Kafircorn has never failed since I have been here. An aver- THE GRAIN 31 age acre of kafircorn will make more beef or pork in Oklahoma than an average acre of corn will in the north. And it will make five to ten times as many eggs.’’ 46. Pawnee County, Central Oklahoma. ‘Where kafircorn and milomaize were planted at the right time in 1911, they made good yields. My own made from sixty to seventy-five bushels per acre. Corn in the same field did not make over two bushels per acre.’’ 47. Lincoln County, Central Oklahoma. ‘‘I plant plenty of other stuff for feed so that I will not need the kafirecorn stalks. As soon as the heads are ripe, I cut them off with a tree pruner. As soon as I am through heading, I plow the green stalks under good and deep. I first tried this on a five-acre piece which I con- sidered the poorest spot on the farm, but it made forty bushels of Indian corn to the acre the next year. If it had not been for kafircorn in 1911, I would have been compelled to dispose of all my pure-bred Berkshire hogs, but I have been able to keep the best of them.’’ 48. Kingfisher County, Central Oklahoma. ‘‘I have been in Oklahoma three years; came from Canada. I have been trying to raise corn but have not been very successful. I had one hun- dred and thirty acres the first year and it aver- aged about four bushels; the next year fifty acres which averaged about eight bushels; sixty 32 SURE FEED CROPS acres in 1911 and it made a total crop of about sixty bushels. I have three hundred acres for erops in 1912, and will have one hundred and forty acres of wheat, twenty-five of oats, ten of cotton, fifteen of corn, and the rest in kafir- corn. There will not be much corn for me after tas. 49. Osage County, Central Oklahoma. ‘‘ When the dry weather came on in 1911, we saw that we were going to lose the corn crop. I relisted the ground and planted one hundred and fifty acres to kafircorn. This made an average of forty bushels per acre and was sold for fifty cents a bushel. You can see that hereafter, kafircorn will always be good enough for me.”’ 50. Murray County, Eastern Oklahoma. ‘‘ We never had much experience with kafircorn or milomaize until in 1911 when we got all kinds of experience. Much of the corn and stubble land was planted at different dates, ranging from May 20 to August 20. Kafireorn planted in May yielded about twenty bushels per acre. Milomaize didn’t yield as much grain as kafir- corn and made much less fodder. Corn was a complete failure.’’ 51. Johnston County, Eastern Oklahoma. ‘‘Last spring I asked you about planting kafir- corn and milomaize and you gave me what I’ve found to be facts. I told you then that I in- tended to plant thirty acres of kafircorn and am THE GRAIN ao kicking myself for not doing it. I planted only twelve acres and it made good.’’ 52. LeFlore County, Eastern Oklahoma. ‘‘I planted five acres of kafircorn on oats stubble and it was fine; thin land too. I got more from it than from three crops of oats.’’ MILOMAIZE 53. The value of milomaize and its final place among the crops grown in regions of limited and variable rainfall have not been determined as fully as for kafireorn. The crop is of more recent introduction, having first been grown in the United States about 1885. Many farmers in the Central Southwest got their first experi- ence with both kafircorn and milomaize in the very dry season of 1911. After all else had failed, these crops were planted in July and early August. It is but natural that many should use the comparative returns from these crops, planted late and under unfavorable con- ditions, as a basis for determining which crop to plant on at least a portion of the land usually planted to corn. Because late planted milo- maize generally matured more grain than kafir- corn planted on the same dates, many Jumped to the conclusion that milomaize is a more satis- factory crop than kafircorn. 54, Both crops have their place and the writer has given much attention to determining the o4 SURE FEED CROPS conditions under which one is to be preferred to the other. For fifteen years, and especially throughout the season of 1911, information bearing upon this has been gathered by cor- respondence and personal investigation. In the fall of 1911, the entire matter was gone over with W. D. Bentley, G. L. Bishop, and F. F. Ferguson, agents of the farmers’ co-operative demonstration work of the U. 8. Department of Agriculture, who travel constantly over Oklahoma, inspecting the work of county agents and visiting farmers who are striving to improve their methods. 59. The grain crop to replace all or a portion of the corn, if it is to attain much importance, must be planted at about the same time that corn is usually planted. There is an interval of about a month between the time corn and eotton are planted, approximately April 15 to May 15 in Oklahoma. Planted between these dates, kafircorn is more resistant to drouth than milomaize. In 1911, early planted kafircorn generally matured a good crop while much of the milomaize planted at the same time died. Many instances were reported where milomaize heads had blasted in the boot, like corn tassels, while kafireorn merely stopped growing and waited for rain. 56. Harvesting with machinery is necessary in order that any grain crop may become of commercial importance. Kafircorn may be THE GRAIN 30 harvested with machinery in common use, such as wheat binders, headers and header binders, wagon box kafircorn headers, and corn har- vesters. Milomaize, even under the best con- ditions, is not easily harvested by machinery and if planted early, is usually very difficult to gather. A close examination of fields of these two crops will make this difference very clear. Very few men would choose the job of harvest- ing one hundred acres of milomaize instead of a like acreage of kafircorn. And these few wouldn’t do it again. 57. Milomaize matures grain in a shorter time than is required by kafircorn. This char- acteristic makes it more desirable than kafir- corn for regions with high altitude and short growing seasons. Where the average annual rainfall is less than twenty-five inches, milo- maize is preferred as a grain crop. In those localities, the crop is usually planted in June. Tf planted earlier, milomaize will furnish early grain feed for hogging down. Where the aver- age annual rainfall is between twenty-five and forty inches, milomaize may be planted on wheat or oats stubble immediately after har- vest. Kafircorn resists the work of chinch bugs better than milomaize and if the bugs are pres- ent in the stubble, the former is safer, even for late planting. 58. Dwarf yellow milomaize is the variety most generally grown. It generally yields fully 36 SURE FEED CROPS as much and is harvested more easily than the standard yellow variety. Careful selection of seed is required to maintain the dwarf habit. The number of stalks bearing the head erect instead of on a crooked shank may also be in- creased by planting seed from erect heads or by close planting. A white variety of milomaize is also grown to a limited extent but its value in comparison with the yellow variety has not been determined. A farmer in Beckham county, Western Oklahoma, reported: ‘‘I had two plats planted to white milomaize last year and they made forty-one bushels per acre. Some kafircorn and yellow milomaize were also raised and they made good yields. The men who raised them have plenty of feed and are selling it to those who raise cotton and plant corn.’’ 59. A uniform product is more desirable if the grain is to be put on the market. If dif- ferent farmers on the same day offer to the buyer one load of blackhull white kafircorn, one load of red kafirecorn, one load of yellow milo- maize, one load of white milomaize, one load of ‘‘fodderinktum,’’ one load of ‘‘buncoita,’’ and several loads of miscellaneous mixtures and crosses of these with each other and with broom corn and different varieties of sweet sorghum, the market is apt to go off. This can be shipped only as mixed stuff, no grade, and will bring low prices in comparison with what would have been obtained if full cars of either blackhull THE GRAIN 37 white kafircorn, or of yellow milomaize had been shipped. 60. Methods of growing milomaize differ but little from those used in growing kafircorn. (12-16) Thorough and early preparation of the soil and killing the weeds before planting pays well. If the crop is to be planted after wheat or oats are harvested, the stubble should be disked as the crop is cut. As soon as possible, milomaize should be planted in shallow lister furrows at about the same distance between plants as for kafireorn. (15) Frequent, shal- low cultivations should be given until the crop is well along toward maturity. 61. When a corn crop fails completely, as it did over much of Oklahoma in 1911, milomaize may yet produce good yields of grain. A farmer in Tulsa county, Eastern Oklahoma, re- ported: ‘‘I have a good bottom farm; raised from fifty to sixty-five bushels of corn to the acre with the exception of 1901 and 1911. I made twenty-five bushels per acre in 1901 and the hot winds cooked one hundred and twenty acres for me in 1911. I eut the corn off of forty acres and disked the land good. On July 19, I began planting milomaize. It came up and grew fine; cultivated it three times. When the seed began hardening, we cut and shocked twenty acres; we headed the other twenty acres and it made better than fifty bushels per acre. The eighty acres of corn left made from 38 SURE FEED CROPS three to twenty bushels per acre on better land.’’ But July cannot always be depended upon to have sufficient rainfall to make this practicable every season. 62. Harvesting milomaize is usually done by cutting the heads off by hand. The irregular height of the stalks and their tendency to sprawl around, and the crooked stem on which the head is borne, make heading by machinery dif- ficult. But milomaize may be headed as cheaply as corn can be husked. Since the fodder of milomaize is of but little value, heading is usually put off until after frost. The heads are thus fully matured and cure out readily, though it is well to take the same precautions as with kafircorn to prevent heating. (20-21.) 63. Markets for milomaize are becoming es- tablished, the same as for kafircorn. But the best market for both of these crops is livestock to consume them on the farm which produced them. Milomaize may be threshed with the usual machinery and the methods are in gen- eral the same as for kafircorn. (21.) 64, For feeding, milomaize has about the same value as kafircorn. It has not been studied so fully by the experiment staions but there is a large accumulation of the results of practical experience. Average analyses show that milo- maize contains 10.7 percent. protein and 2.8 percent. fat. (23) The grains being larger THE GRAIN 39 than kafircorn, grinding is not so essential and this is one of the chief points of preference by those farmers who grow milomaize instead of kafircorn for feed for their own stock. While desirable, it is not so necessary that a ration of milomaize be balanced with other feeds, as is the case with kafircorn. (2430) ..).«s5en ZO fourteen years’ results... 135 NATO crete evens Sidieie exetton cepbeltoes IN SOG: A anh susterersters ot eceveveeans 158 LUMA S cose cece ohotelonshotereee 139 on cumbo, land We aaee 159 on sandy loam pasture. . 159 on upland pasture .. 160 pasture becomes sodbound 162 produces seed 1 specific questions ...156-161 starting from seed .... 189 starting in pasture ... 158 varieties Of .....ce0cce 107 Bermuda hay, for feeding TO) WOTSESiiciel ete ayer guevails Blackhull white kafircorn.. 12 Bloat of cattle on alfalfa. ae Bound kafircorn Bromus inermis Bo cc 167 Canada bluegrass ........ 164 Care of young alfalfa.. i Climatic conditions ..... 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