a 7 a a, at DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN, Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS SOMERSET COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUR- VEY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES CHIEF OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PARTY ASSISTANT, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN, Supenntendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS SOMERSET COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SUR- VEY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES CHIEF OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PARTY ASSISTANT, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 7 _ Drrantaesct oF ConsvERCE AND Document No. o4 COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY 7 3.4 ‘< 4 : D. OF D- NOV 10 19Us LETTER On SUBMITTAL, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR, Coast AND GEODETIC SURVEY, Washington, June 29, 1908. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the report of the officer detailed from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to cooperate with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission in surveying the oyster bars of the State of Maryland, and certain technical results which are necessary for the interpretation and use of the plats of the survey made by the Government. This work has been done under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled “An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish com- missioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland,” approved May 26, 1906, and of the acts of Congress making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1907, 1908, and 1909. Respectfully, O. H. Tirrmann, Superintendent. To Hon. Oscar S. STRAUS, Secretary of Commerce and Labor. nee rbd La va CEE TIE VC ADLON. ANNAPOLIS, Mp., June 25, 1908. The following publication is certified to contain correct technical descriptions of all boundaries and landmarks established in the waters of Somerset County by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in cooperation with the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. C. C. YATEs, Chief of Coast and Geodetic Survey Party, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey. ANNAPOLIS, MD., June 25, 1908. Examined and certified to be correct. WALTER J. MITCHELL, CaSWELL GRAVE, BENJAMIN K. GREEN, Maryland Shell Fish Commissioners. SWEPSON EARLE, Hydrographic Engineer. Norr.—As required by law, certified copies of this publication and of the charts of the natural oyster bars of “Somerset County and adjacent waters’’ were filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Somerset County and in the office of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners, at Annapolis, on July 1, 1908. “CON TEN Ts: < Page IBROGRESSEMAP: = 5— <2, (0S Te eee ee ce ee ee in ee ee ee a a aoa sce Follows 118 eres DE Re OF: SUIBMIELIAT oars een ae Se 3 rl SO eee ye & Se oe ee Rhee SE eae See 4 (CHTTEN@MNON Ea oo oe ee ee Se eee ee ee ee ie ee 5 INTRODUCTION: Piiblcatignss=se. =o! seen on soos See re eas Sees ees oS S254 sao Sse se — =e 13 Cooperation| ofthe! Coast and Geodetic sunvey=—==---- = = == 528 ee ee 14 Cooper tonloithess Urcallonphisheriess=s=ssm tt tne a ena eee eee 14 (Generalbremarks hse op ne Soe ea Sa See = Se eee a Se ke See a See eben eee the 14 REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY: Tis tilictio nS see se. Sere ae eae eee ae Sane SS ee ee weceu es seas eee ceucksesseecs 16 Orpantzatio nee = see = eee a ne ae ee een oe oe ee eee eee enew cae iF) Tifa Oh One Gel fs ee eee SE See ee a ee er 17 Chronolopicalistatementjofiworks< 22 sa ee a en eee ee 17 Statistics: tee ara eee oe Se ee at Coe eee cn eS tS aos asic Shee aed 18 General statement______- Be eee oa ea eee Sas sea ee seais eee Se cote steele Sess 19 CHARTS AND MAPS: Chantstofenattralioystenbarseseseesa. ae | eee a eae See es Sas e eee sah eo Soa ase csa Sess 20 WeasingiCh arts. aoe eee eee see = ese ae See ee aa Se eS oe === 22 ES Coyle COR SS 22 iIProgresswmapS=—— = sa soae = ek es See ee na eee eeeee a Someta ease esos acte 23 BOUNDARIES OF COUNTY WATERS: Watersawithiniterditonal limits of countyoe sseee == a— = sa = e e e eee a n 23 Wreatens contipttols:tolCOlnty =e. == a= ee een ee oe wise a eee ee ee nen 24 LANDMARKS (U.S. Coast AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATIONS): Explanation of descriptions of triangulation stations_-.........-..-_-__.-------------- 25 Descriptions of triangulation stations— Chart No. 5 (upper end of Tangier Sound and Wicomico River)— Wenatoia (seevalso: Charts /Nos- Olatid!"7) === see eee eee ee 27 (Gree ae cee ee ee ae ee oe Sees See eee ccenedscsteedeclol es 28 Wharkin Shoaldightes=- ea a oe ere Sean See see cus sce Seneca seee ne 28 YAS a a ee 28 [Oe eae ace Se SS aE SS aS SS pe ae er Se ee 29 CON fe SM et eS 29 Nat CO KCNC HUT Chit pain ae nee en eee oe oe oo See ete Se eee 30 RRO ee a a 30 NEW - t eeeerees 30 WW Gao. Seteon se ae 52 5S 3a eRe Se eae eee 31 1g ee ee nn en AB en el ee ee eee eS Eek 31 VOM and Esa age a eos oe ee Sees bar ese asees lest soels.e 2 (Civil 2 ee oo ee ee J Se ee ee ae oe 2) Cree ea ee ee ee ee oe ah es Sie oS eee 32 8 Contents. LANDMARKS (U.S. Coast AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATIONS)—Continued. Page. Descriptions of triangulation stations—Continued. Chart No. 5 (upper end of Tangier Sound and Wicomico River)—Continued. IDG Le a es se Se oe Se SS SS See Sees esse 33 Walnitis= 2252 sae = aes ee ee ee re ee 33 (Ones o 34 Tvees cose ae tase soe = = Sa a a a ee 34 Mount, Vernon: Church’ ==. .- 23 2 Sa ees 35 Ball.-2-=22222 2. 3252225025 bssgssccee jose ee nee ee = oe ee 35 Wari ee ee ee 35 Little. 2.252 2222-2 es Sens Sq so se oS eee eee 35 1D) OV Cae 36 Great! Shoals Wight. = 22s a 36 SSDOT se eee ee 37 PERO 10 37 1B bate re ee ene es SSS Sas Sse see se ee eSeseesercce 37 Deal ‘Island ‘Church-222_--= 2. 322232 ses 5 sees es eee 38 Bar (seevalso'Chart: No: 7) 2-22-22 ss2-sSeo< sae nee s =e ee eeeee 38 Jean (seealsoiChart No-.7)2-2-- S22 aa eee ee ee 39 Sandy: |(seealsoChartiNios 7) =a a 39 Chart No. 6 (Chesapeake Bay west of Kedge and Holland straits)— Holland dsland\ Bar light=22 =o =a a ee 39 Senator (see also Charts Nos. 5 and 7)_---_--- Woo oan Soe dee sae a ee eee ee 27 Solomons) Lump Lights (see also) Chart\No. 7) 22 - === === 39 Fog_-_------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 Joseph' (Seevalsoi ChartNo: 8) S222 = sae 40° Chart No. 7 (Middle Tangier Sound and tributaries)— Werrapines ses eee se a a ee 40 Solomons) tinip Light (seevalso|lChart | NO:16) eo = 39 Vil CS ee es 41 Senator (seelalsoi\Charts/Nos'5and\6)G== eae ee ee ee 27 Bar: |(seevalso.Chart!No: 5) ==2sece= see a a Sa en a ee 38 SOSH ae eee ee a ee 41 Kel ye ee a ee 41 Marsh 22a ee a es ee a 42 Ste Pierre ne ee ee ee a ee eS 42 jJean’(seetalsoi Chante Os, 5)) sae 39 Sandy; (Seevalsoy Charts No nt5)) Se 39 VOCUS (oe ee 42 Fitz (outside limitsiof chart; ‘see progress map) === = 43 Wab' (outside limitsiof chart; see progress map)=-————— == — ee 43 Pen! (outsidedimits of chart: see progress;map) ae ee ee 43 Coxzss Sone aeeeas we a Jae eee Se ee ee 43 Greene an Ss ee ae ea a ee eee 44 Batnsoe os) foe See aes Se ee a 44 (Ctipolas = ae ee a a 44 Staff. 32 253 22 ee Se ee ae ee ae es 44 EairmountsChurchie = == eee = ee ee ee 44 Prick yee = 45 18 Ee ee eS a IS ae See SSeS ese a SSeceeaccees 45 Ford. 222 -22c2sheceu 2 Pave aes essa Sc Se ese lessee eee 45 MOOT Sees oe ee ee ee ee 45 Colburn=22-_ Ss. S See see 2 ee eee eee 46 Geog Sess ee et 46 Contents. LANDMARKS (U. S. Coast AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATIONS)—Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations—Continued. Chart No. 8 (Chesapeake Bay west of Smith Island)— Sriithm eo tlyi 2h Caen Mens) en eee ee ee oe Bee SE ae ee esse be “Joseph (see also Chart No. 6)__-_- Bo ese Nowin Chaitigd y (Gyrorea i bw ese ee Be eee eee OCC hiirehh(Snarthyls and) == seen eee ee eee Sone ee aot Brellichurcha(Smithilsland) 22 se2a26 se ae nee a ee et See eee s acess Shrnlccellanmni 0 CkSee see ee sens a ca a ee ers See ee cca sew Sec loe Chart No. 9 (lower end of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds)— VES CHES 00) £11 0G Ree a ee a re ee ee ee ee Se eee es Se ae RiShib One 22 === ee ee pee ne eee eee SU ee eee ee eee es eae Janes "Island ight =s2= ee see eee ee eee somers | CoveWvight====2 52 52-—=-255- 22 =e iDyrapreven bel (Ciiitel is = = Be a eee Mottntebleasant Church sss === == == see ASbttiys Church is Secs a2 ene oe sees sae ones = sea a seesesssoe IRCA COna mee es Sn nae oe = eee Se See oa Se Sa See estes Se sos eel Soe BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS: Explanation of descriptions of boundaries__.__..-.------------------ aE

B car ae ee ee lebih Ge 8 ee ee eee Wingate: 222-252-2522 oscaescasessscses=s Mount ViernonswWhathes-sse= soso sa=a--=—-— (Georges (seevalso Chart Noy 7)=-- == -=--=-- —-- Chart No. 6 (Chesapeake Bay west of Kedge and Holland straits)— Southwest Middleground (see also Chart No. 8) Kedve Straits=-=--=- === ss? 5 ee Oyster Creelhe= Sees See oe ee es 50095—08 =i 2 IO Contents. BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS—Continued. Boundaries of natural oyster bars—Continued. Chart No. 7 (Middle Tangier Sound and tributaries) — Miissel olen 2224 2 So 2s ase eae ee ene a en een ae eee ee Turtle Hee islands (seé-also|Chart No.5) = asses ee ee ee Chain’ Shoal 22° 12-5225) 225 See ee Ber ee ee EE ae ee Pe Piney IslandsWiest=2. 22-2. S22 S22 ee ean aoe eee eee Ee eee Piney: Islandi\Swashs-23 2 2.322.023 ssa: See eee - See ee ae ene es Georges! (seefalsa'ChartyNor 5) =e s = ee and’: Point 82. 22 oe SLES eee eee are ee See E Sie ee eerie G@ormal: 2. 2e6 22 Se Sih Sheen oe ase ee ee een MarshyIslandi..=2.s2ss-sn2si-J2ssscense= =n see eee eee Druin (Points... = 2.22. = 52-5222 0cesssactel ane te keee ee ee Prickly Point: 225 J2s2c.s22s.iieses-S.822 cece 5 rr Piney sland! Mast. 2222-2625 -cs242 25525 Sakae ee ee ee BiecAnnemesseki = 2 2.522 Sse 3 vod see ee Chart No. 8 (Chesapeake Bay west of Smith Island)— southwest Middleground (Seevalso}GharteNo; 6) =e = = ee Church: (Creek:.<22_- -.5: 2) 22S See ee See ee es Chart No. 9 (lower end of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds)— PhilibySt s22.25 04 2o56 525 leper ee ee et Great (Rock. 22 a5 22+ a2 46 56 Scar See Se ee ee ee ee ee Watkins...) = 2... +222 <2 ee = ee ee Long: Point. 2 !o22 5 sss56 se ye oS ee eee See A= Chart No. to (upper end of Pocomoke Sound)— Kitts (Creek West = 20 San oe oo ee Se ee eee ee ‘Ratts Creek Mast. oo a2o2 2c Slee san So nee bE eee eee ee ee eee BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS: Explanationvof descriptionsiof bond artes se = ee Surveying methods formelocation of boundaritess=— se — = aoe == ee ee ee Boundaries of crab bottoms— Chart No. 5 (Upper Tangier Sound and Wicomico River)— Deep: Bauks)(seeralso;ChartsiNos: Granid!7\e= = ee ee ee HollandtStraitsi(seetalsoi@hantsiNosso;a ny) ae a PungersiCreeksi(SeeralsoyChartssNoss orandi7) is a= ee ae lvaws Mhoroughtare.N orth] 22-226 ane a ee ee Deal Island. (see;also'Charé Noi7) 4-2-2 = S22 ee ee ee oe ee Laws: Dhoroughtare) south (seevalsoiChart No: 7) =e a ee ee Marsh Island (see also Chart No. 7)--------- sea eee A tape See St. Pierre (seesalso'Chart (NoO:.7) 2222 25 2a ee Oe ee Geanquakin (see also Chart No. 7)----------------- SS ae ne Ae Chart No. 6 (Chesapeake Bay west of Kedge and Holland straits)— Pungers Creek (see also Charts Nos. 5 and 7)_-_--_-_______-- Holland Straits (see also Charts Nos. 5 and 7)_----____- ee Deep Banks (see also Charts Nos. 5 and 7)_-_--.----------------- ea ae. : Spring: Island: 22-0" 4 2 3k eee oe SS A ee ee ee eee eae a= Pye CONGs eee eee ee ao Bee ee Seles nS Nee North Kedge'Stratts.-_.=- 3-283 ee Soe ocs soc ies ee Sheepshead '(see"also) Chart- No.7) 2222252 -<252--2-- 2 ee Fishing” Point (seeyalso Chart Nos 7) 22-2. =-- =~ == ee Contents. Tir BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—Continued. j Page. Boundaries of crab bottoms—Continued. : Chart No. 6 (Chesapeake Bay west of Kedge and Holland straits)—Continued. SortnpNeEG pe Strats a= ene een So ee ee ee bee 88 Smith Island Thoroughfare (see also Charts Nos. 8 and g)_--------------------- ~ 89 Chart No. 7 (Middle Tangier Sound and tributaries)— Fiera gayoyen Sysetl (GIS eGo) (Chews Neh We) a oe ee ae ee eee 89 Bushings Lotti (seeye sol Chatty O10) a= ee = a eee eee (Se eat k Ree is 88 Sheepshead) (See.alsolGhanrt (Not (6) Eas 29s. ee 87 Sorin Wiki NS es oe ke ae Oe ae a a go Pungers| Creel |(seealso) Charts Nos. syandi6)===—— === = 82 Weep bauks}(GeealsolChantsiNosss5pand(6) fesse === = ee 81 Elolland: Strartsi(Ssee also Charts Noss 5¢andi6)2= == 2s 2) ee 82 Dealelslanda(see-also ChantwNOgG) sao Senet ae ee ae ee ee ease eae 83 NGOS ET Se = Ses 8 ee a A a I eS ee ee ee 990 Deahtiles Dealels and === eee Renae yy ee Sees eee ee oe oe ae 91 On GEMM OL OU ota ees eee eee Oe ee ae ee ee ee ae gt Rineyeclaric Seen ee eae a eee Aenea ee een ee ee 2 Laws Thoroughfare South (see also Chart No. 5)------.--------------- Se 2s c= 84 IMarshwlslanda(seetalso.ChantyNOws)==s=—= === == 2a == ee eee 84 Shi, Pere (Ges GIRO Chere IN Cs, G))) 5 ee eee 85 (Geanquaksra (Seeralsou Ghia titgN sph) ss etc er 85 bea eed Cre seem eee ae eee ee ee eS a eon ee oe eee coe oo 93 (Geese Grad & sete. Se see ae a fae 93 IMUiTIe Cree knee Sarena ee en et eee oe ae aoe sean seam eens 94 [a 7a 1 eee oe ee oe Se an ae anes eee eee ease 94 Shank Poh tae = eee eee eee ee ee a ee ae eae ee eae ee 95 OCC SRV/ ia 1 ae a er eae eee re ee ee eee ama 95 (Cranial Coy Chae ee ee ee ae ee ae ae ee 96 SVC CES 2 ae a ee 96 ed Cap) Cree eae ae ee ee en a ee ee 97 Miles oe ae ee eee nny ene Se Sa ees Se Sasa ee Rasa 97 . (QoilittegnL 2s 8 Se ee ee ee ee 98 fenelssroyat USE eee 98 iJorles | Cree kee se gee eee See ne eee aa en = 99 IDES aay (Cea Se se ee ee ee ee re 99 BRED COBO lr tae ee ee ee ee Se SS Sea Soe ee cet aa ace eae 100 Chart No. 8 (Chesapeake Bay west of Smith Island)— Smith Island Thoroughfare (see also Charts Nos. 6 and g)______---------------- 89 yeaah SS (Cer en a ah ee ee 100 itvlercGreekal(Seeralsoy ChiartaN Os)) ae ae er eee 101 Chart No. 9 (lower end of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds)— 4tilivesi Cradle (Gaaialleay Oinaiat INO), )\ a ee ee ee 101 Smith Island Thoroughfare (see also Charts Nos. 6 and 8)___------------------- 89 iy? WS biG eee ane Soa eeE SoS Sse ee ee eee cee ee anes e IOI IDYREG Se ake See a Bt 102 Mecrapin sanicda(see/aiso) Chari Ow 7) ses ee ee ee 89 OT CIBETG 1s ea ae ee ee ee ee See Se eae 102 IRIE TRIO O SS. a Spe ee a se SS ee ese Se a = Sa Sat oneee 103 (hinge ss ne= bee SSL Sa ee See eee ees eee eee cease 104 Teysel eye ee Sp 104 Iban aie. so Se ee EE Be es ee 105 [Gd aS CR 2. eee et oe Re ea eS 105 CSS eS 3G et ee a ee en ee ee a 106 Corea RO tn a eee ee ee naa 107 12 Contents. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—Continued. Page. Boundaries of crab bottoms—Continued. Chart No. 9 (lower end of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds)—Continued. ' Pushing Creek. -2 2c20 22 bee Oa ea ee = a ee ee ee eee eee 107 Cedar Straits: 253230 esee se 6 ee a She Se 108 Broad*GCreek=-<- 22".--2 = a ee er a ee eee ee oe 108 Ware Point) =—~ 3222 o2. oS 22 e e e Se rane en a Ral ee 109 Apes Hole®22=u. 2. Jae S$ Se Sasa Se = SS Se a eS eee 110 Chart No. to (upper end of Pocomoke Sound). [No crab bottoms.] BOUNDARIES OF CLAM BEDS: Pxplanationvofdescriptions of botndaries os nee ee ee 110 Surveying methods for relocation of boundaries___-_ === ==2-= 2-2 2 eee III Boundaries of clam beds— Charts Nos. 5, 6,7, and 8. [No clam beds on these charts.] Chart No. 9 (lower end of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds)— WaretRodk: <2 2.225 S452 ose eee ee a ne III Gravel Rock._--.-2 2-2-2 lss-2ssses ess ecsce cose ean eee nee == ee eee IIl FlatRock (see‘also \Chart.No: 10) 2) 2-252 5255 coe noesn ane ee ee eee 112 Chart No. ro (upper end of Pocomoke Sound)— Hlat Rock, (seealsoiChart) No.9) Ss = aese ae = ae ee ee eeer 112 APPENDIXES: Appendix A.—Laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission__---------------------- 113 Appendix B.—laws relating to survey of clam beds.___._----==--.---+-=--------------- 116 Appendix C.—Statistics of results of the combined operations of the Government and State. 117 Appendix D.—‘ The Haman Oyster Culture Law” (extract from First Report of Shell Fish Commission) s¢ =... =>2DwWIN WARFIELD, Governor of Maryland, Annapolis, Md. «4 No mention is made here of the large amount of administrative work of the Commission, which is greatly complicated and increaséd by the economic and political effect of the oyster-survey opera- tions on many thousands of people whose interests are more or less involved. b For these laws see Appendix A. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. sy) DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR, Coast AND GEODETIC SURVEY, Washington, July 3, 1906. Sir: Upon the receipt of these instructions you will surrender the command, accounts, etc., of the steamer Endeavor to the Hydrographic Inspector. * * * As soon as this transfer is completed you will enter upon the duties of Coast Survey representative on the Shell Fish Commission of Maryland. You will consult the commissioners, prepare a programme of work, and submit estimates in the usual form. You are authorized to come to Washington for consultation from time to time as may be necessary. Very respectfully, : O. H. Tirrmann, Superintendent. Capt. C. C. YaTEs, U.S. C. and G. S. Steamer Endeavor, Baltimore, Md. ORGANIZATION. The organization of the party has remained practically unchanged and consists of the chief and the necessary triangulators, computors, and draftsmen. EQUIPMENT. The equipment for the work of the party has been ample and satisfactory. The large living and office quarters furnished the Government on the Maryland Shell Fish Commission house boat Oyster have been very convenient for the work, besides facili- tating efficient cooperation with the surveying and oyster investigation parties of the State. In addition to the accommodations on the Oyster the Coast and Geodetic Survey party has had the constant use of the large steam launch Inspector and several other boats furnished by their own Service, and the occasional use of the Bureau of Fisheries launch Canvasback* and the steamer Governor McLane? of the State fishery force. The greater part of the equipment of instruments for the operations of both the Government and State have been furnished by the Coast and Geodetic Survey and consist of all necessary theodolites, levels, sextants, drafting instruments, hydrometers, ete., required for all field and office work. CHRONOLOGICAL STATEMENT OF WORK.° On June 20, 1907, the ‘‘Charts of Natural Oyster Bars” and report? of ‘Survey of Oyster Bars”’ for Anne Arundel County were issued and filed, and the survey records and reports for that county have been filed in the archives of the Survey at Washington. In addition to this work, a Coast and Geodetic Survey signal-building party was engaged in the erection of triangulation signals in Somerset County from May 2 to June 25 in cooperation with a signal-building party of the Shell Fish Commission. @ By courtesy of Dr. H. F. Moore, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. » By courtesy of Capt. James A. Turner, commanding. ¢ The field and office work relating to Somerset County is so intermixed with that of Wicomico County that this statement includes part of the work of the latter county. @ See this report for an account of the work from July 3, 1906, to June 20, 1907. 50095—08——3 18 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. From June 25 to November 6, when the field work in Somerset and Wicomico counties was practically completed, the usual routine of field and office work was followed without material interruption except that resulting from the moving of the house boat Oyster from Crisfield to Manokin River on July 13, then to Piney Island on August 27, and to Wicomico River, on August 30, where she remained until her removal to Nanti- coke River on September 30. From this latter date the work in Wicomico County predominated, and when the field surveys were practically completed on November 6 the entire party left by rail for Worcester County, it being impracticable to move the house boat to the waters of that locality. At the close of the survey work in Worcester County in the last part of December, office work relating to Somerset and Wicomico counties was actively commenced at Baltimore* and was continued without material interruption until March 23, 1908, when a subparty went to Worcester and Somerset counties to finish some details of field work in those sections required for the preparation of the technical reports and oyster charts. The very large amount of work of computation and drafting necessary to make the results of the survey of the previous season available for publication was nearly com- pleted on May 2, when it was transferred to the Government quarters on the house boat Oyster, which left Baltimore on the same day with the party and outfit for her anchorage off Solomons Island, in the Patuxent River. The active field work in Calvert County dates from May 2, but from that time until the filing of this report and the oyster charts of Somerset County the chief of party, in addition to his regular field duties, was frequently at Baltimore and Washington to look after their final preparation for publication. STATISTICS.? Wandmarksiand tranpiilationssigmalls erected s ae eee ee cee eee 60 Monuments planted to mark triangulation stations____----___------------------~----------- 61 Triangulation stations occupied for observations of horizontal angles_________---------------- 66 © Oldttrianp lation! stations recovered eee me ee ee ee 2 New? trian pitlationystabions eS tet] (S ia el eeee em nee aa 62 Total old and new triangulation stations marked and described___-------------------------- 86 Linear miles of shore line covered by triangulation (approximate) ____--__------------~----- 125 Square miles covered by triangulation (approximate)_------------------------------------- 375 Hydrographic projections prepared and completed as records of oyster, crab, and clam bound- 2G (ef a eS eo ae een - SEE e see Saee eo oet ae ee a Ses 13 A Doteheted sp Gepeaholitdel se a en Se sie SY Sees 209 Geographic pPOSibiOMs ie CON pte clee eee e e e e 76 a Office rooms were furnished for the work of the Government party in the “old court-house”’ and afterwards in the new custom-house by courtesy of Hon. William F. Stone, collector of customs. b These statistics only include field and office work directly performed by the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the oyster survey of Somerset County, and do not include the many thousands of soundings and examinations of the character of the bottom made by the engineers of the Commission, which are of considerable value to the Coast and Geodetic Survey as hydrographic records for future use in connection with the preparation of new editions of charts of the waters of Maryland. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 19 Corners of oyster, crab, and clam boundaries established by computation___-__- mest Sd ee e500) Back azimuths and distances computed from corners of boundaries to triangulation stations_____ 1, 518 Descriptions of triangulation stations prepared for publication____-------------------------- 86 Descriptions of oyster, crab, and clam boundaries prepared for publication___-~--~------------ 94 Total typewritten pages of manuscript prepared for publication of report-__--____------------ | 264 “Ghartsiof Natural Oyster Bars” prepared for publication.—.__2__-__-----=-----------=._-- 6 BropressrmeipEpre pared On plbUCAt ONS == == ane =n a= a ane ag ee ee ee I GENERAL STATEMENT. The results obtained from the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in Somerset County in cooperation with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Com- mission need no other summary than is indicated by the published ‘‘Charts of Natural Oyster Bars’? and the scheme of hydrographic projections and triangulation stations shown on the progress map at the beginning of this report. The triangulation has been carried on in accordance with the standard methods of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, making this work and that of the ‘‘ Descriptions of Triangulation Stations’ of permanent value, not only to the State of Maryland in the survey of her oyster bars, but also to the Government for any future work it may do in the regions covered by the oyster survey operations. The hydrographic projections and published charts were prepared with all the accuracy permitted by their large scale, especially as to the boundaries of the various shell-fish bottoms in relation to landmarks, but this accuracy of location on the charts is further added to by published technical descriptions which should minimize the proba- bility of any future dispute as to either landmarks or boundaries. Stated another way and quoting from the report of the “Survey of Oyster Bars of Anne Arundel County:” The geographic positions of the permanent landmarks and signals have been determined with the usual precision of a trigonometric survey, and their locations at all points necessary to provide ample foundation for the surveying and charting operations permitted great accuracy of definition and location for the natural oyster bar and other boundaries established. At the same time, the very important element of permanency of the positions of boundaries has been secured, as the relocation of geodetic positions can always be accomplished by a competent surveyor, even though the original landmarks and monuments have been washed away, as has been the fate of hundreds of such points established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay during the last sixty-five years. In fact, when the survey of the oyster bars of Maryland is completed, it is believed that it will stand the test of time and practical use as a working foundation for whatever form the oyster legislation of the future may assume; and that the doing of the work systematically and accurately, once for all, not only means a better foundation of a great oyster industry by irradicably locating the natural oyster bars for the use of the public, but also a better and more permanent superstructure of oyster culture for the individual by the reason of the integrity of the foundation on which it stands. Before ending this report the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey wishes to renew his statement of appreciation of the courteous assistance received from various Government and State officials and others interested in the oyster industry of Maryland, especially to the following : To his colleague from the Department of Commerce and Labor, Dr. H. F. Moore of the Bureau of Fisheries, whose efficient cooperation, well-known experience, and scientific knowledge of all matters relating to oysters have been of great value to the work. 20 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Ma. To Mr. Walter J. Mitchell, chairman of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, who, by his administrative ability in carrying out the complicated requirements of the oyster laws and by his unfailing tact, has made the cooperation of the various services engaged on the work both agreeable and effective. To Dr. Caswell Grave, secretary of the Commission, who, as editor of the Com- mission’s annual report and commissioner in charge of the biological and economic oyster investigations, has been brought into constant contact with the Government work and aided its operations in every way. To Benjamin K. Green, treasurer of the Commission, who has looked after the equipment and commissary of the house boat in such a way as to add greatly to the comfort’ and convenience of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. To Swepson Earle, hydrographic engineer to the Commission, whose knowledge of the work from former service in the Coast and Geodetic Survey has greatly facilitated his practical use of the technical data furnished by the Government. To Thomas H. Robinson, counsel to the Commission, for courteously furnishing valuable information relating to county boundaries. And to the many others connected with the Commission or who as residents in the locality where the work was being carried on have greatly assisted by furnishing important information or willing services. CHARTS AND MAPS. CHARTS OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. The charts? of the natural oyster bars of ““Somerset County and Adjacent Waters,” published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey from results of surveys of the Government in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, consist of a series of five sheets covering the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay from Hooper Strait to the Maryland- Virginia boundary, including Tangier and Pocomoke sounds and numerous other tributaries. They are published on a scale of 1 part in 20,000 (approximately 314 inches to a statute mile) and are constructed on polyconic projections and based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These charts show all oyster bars, crab bottoms, clam beds, and other boundaries established by the Commission, and-are certified for the purpose of filing in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Somerset County and in the office of the Commission at Annapolis, as required by the oyster laws of Maryland. In addition to the oyster-bar and other boundaries, the charts show the location and name of all landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in making the survey, together with the hydrography and topography ” necessary to make the technical definitions and delineations of boundaries readily understandable a These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. + Much of the details of the inshore topography was obtained from the excellent map of Somerset County prepared and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark from surveys of the Maryland Geological Survey in cooperation with the U. S. Geological Survey. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 2X both by the people engaged in the oyster industry and the general public who may become interested through leasing of barren bottoms for oyster culture. The names of the’oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds are those used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. When there was no local name in common use, as was generally the case with the crab bottoms, a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity. By the use of recognized names or those that would naturally suggest certain sections of water, it is believed that much confusion will be avoided in the location on the charts of the oyster bars and crab bottoms, especially by those not familiar with the use of maps. The corners of the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds are numbered from 1 to the total number of corners in each area under consideration. Where boundaries adjoin, making one point a corner of two or more oyster bars, crab bottoms, or clam beds, as the case may: be, these points have two or more numbers, each number corre- sponding to the bar, bottom, or bed in which the figure is located. The numbers of the corners correspond with the technical and legal descriptions of this publication under the headings of ‘‘Boundaries of natural oyster bars,’’ “‘Boundaries of crab bottoms,’ and ‘“‘ Boundaries of clam beds.” The landmarks, oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds have been grouped in the “Contents”’ of this publication in accordance with the charts upon which they are shown. To find a particular bar, bottom, bed, or landmark which is only known by name, consult the ““Contents’’ and the desired chart and general location will be indi- cated. To find the name of a bar, bottom, bed, or landmark which is only known by location, consult the progress map at the beginning of this publication for the number of the chart on which it is to be found, and then examine the known locality on the chart for the name of the bar, bottom, bed, or landmark in question. The contours on the charts showing the depth of water at mean low tide have been taken from the hydrographic sheets of former work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Four curves were selected as being the most convenient for taking off from the original hydrographic sheets and the ones of greatest value to those interested in shell-fish industries. The 1-fathom contour (6 feet) corresponds in a general way to the outer limits of the crab bottoms, while the waters outside of this curve and inside the 5-fathom contour (30 feet) practically include all the oyster bars surveyed. The 3-fathom con- tour (18 feet) furnishes the curve of about the average depth of water on the oyster bars and the 1o-fathom contour (60 feet) serves in a general way to indicate the outer limits of probable oyster culture. The boundaries of the waters within the “territorial limits of the county”’ and the boundaries of the “waters contiguous to the county’? opened up for the leasing with Somerset County are plainly indicated on the charts. A full technical description of these boundaries is given in this publication under the heading ‘‘ Boundaries of county waters.” The areas in acres of the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds were determined under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by two independent planimeter measurements of the areas as delineated on the smooth projections of the 22 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Mad. Coast and Geodetic Survey. These areas are given in small figures in parentheses on the face of the chart and are usually located within the boundaries of the different areas. The symbols used on the charts for the different kinds of boundaries, triangulation stations, contours of depth of water, etc., require no other explanation than that given in the legend and other notes on the face of the charts. LEASING CHARTS. The leasing charts of Somerset County, like those for Anne Arundel County, have been prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. These charts are constructed on polyconic projections and based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. They are made on the scales of I part in 5,000 or 1 part in 10,000, as the needs of oyster culture may require. Anne Arundel County required 13 leasing charts and Somerset County 12 to cover their oyster bottoms. These charts show all the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds and other boundaries established by the Commission, and also all boundaries of oyster lots leased for the purpose of oyster culture, thus making them comprehensive and valuable records of the results of the operations of the oyster-culture laws. The lots leased under the provision of the “old 5-acre law”’ are frequently of irregular shape, but the lots leased under the provision of the new oyster laws must be of rec- tangular shape by the terms of that act. For this latter purpose the leasing charts have been divided by parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude into small rec- tangles of 1 acre or 5 acres, as may be best suited to area under consideration, and prospective leaseholders by the rules of the Commission are compelled to select whole rectangles as far as practicable. - For reasons of the present changeable nature of the number of lots leased and the large number of charts required, the leasing charts are not likely to be published for some years, but they can be seen at any time on file at the offices of the Commission, in Annapolis. PROJECTIONS. The polyconic projections” covering Somerset County waters are 13 in number and on the scale of 1 part in 10,000. They were all constructed by draftsmen of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, who also plotted the sextant positions on the smooth projections which determine the location of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars, crab bottoms, or clam beds as delineated by the Shell Fish Commission. A copy of each of these projections, with all the plotted positions of triangulation stations, shore line, sextant positions, and boundaries of oyster bars, was made under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by pricking through with a sharp needle the intersections of the projection lines and all other points as plotted on the original sheets. These projections (in duplicate) are the original records of all oyster bar and other boundaries established by the Commission, one set being filed in the archives of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, and the other set in the office of the Shell Fish Commission at Annapolis. @ For the scheme of these projections see the progress map at the beginning of this publication. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 23 PROGRESS MAPS. The progress map to be found at the beginning of this publication is on a scale of I part in 100,000, and shows in outline the work accomplished by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey in Somerset County and contiguous waters. It gives the scheme of all the charts and smooth projections constructed in connection with the survey, the location and names of all triangulation stations used as a basis for the surveying work, and the “boundaries of county waters” established by the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture. Besides indicating the amount of work done by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the work of the Shell Fish Commission, this progress map will be of special value for index purposes to engineers and others searching for the particular chart or projection covering the locality of the oyster bars or landmarks that may. be under consideration. The progress map® accompanying the ‘‘First Annual Report of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission’’ was prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. It is on the scale of 1 part in 400,000 and shows the outline of the tide-water counties of Maryland, with shaded areas to indicate the waters already covered by the operations of the oyster survey of Maryland. BOUNDARIES OF COUNTY WATERS.?® WATERS WITHIN TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF COUNTY. The laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture provide that ‘‘no person shall be permitted, by lease, assignment, or in any other manner, to acquire a greater amount of land than ten acres situated within the territorial limits of any of the counties, or one hundred acres in any other place.” The boundary line © between the waters “within the territorial limits’? of Somerset County and the waters in “any other place,” as established by the Shell Fish Com- mission for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws, and delineated on the charts and the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, is technically described and defined as follows: Commencing at a point defined by the intersection of the channels of Wicomico Creek and Wicomico River; thence with the channel of Wicomico River along the boundary line as laid down on Chart No. 5 of the “Natural Oyster Bars” of Maryland, published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, to a point defined by the intersection of the channel of Nanticoke River with Wicomico River; thence in a straight line to a point defined Dye. latitude 38° rr’ 50 ’3, and longitude 75° 58’ 20. eh situated in pony end of @ This map and ein can be obtained by application to Maryland Shell Fish Come at Annapolis, Md. > For a complete historical and legal description of the boundaries of the counties of Maryland, the valuable publication entitled “The Counties of Maryland—Their Origin, Boundaries, and Election Districts,” prepared by Dr. Edward B. Mathews and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark, Superintendent, should be consulted, as the boundaries described in this publication have been established and technically defined for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws of the State, and may or may not be correct for other purposes. ¢See “Charts of Natural Oyster Bars,’’ published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the progress map at the beginning of this publication. @JVatitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard datum of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 24 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. Tangier Sound, about 74 mile “ east-southeast of Sharkfin Shoal Light, 2% miles south of western ex- tremity of Clay Island, and 134 miles west-northwest of Halls Point; thence in a straight line along the channel of Tangier Sound to a point defined by latitude 38° 10’ 08.”1, and longitude 75° 58 40."6, situated about 23¢ miles south by east of Sharkfin Shoal Light and 156 miles west of upper land end of Deal Island; thence in a straight line across Tangier Sound to a point defined by latitude 38° 08’ 50."6, and longitude 76° o1’ 53.4, situated on a point of land on the southeastern extremity of Bloodworth Island, which is the north point of the Tangier Sound entrance to Holland Straits; thence in a straight line across Holland Straits to a point defined by latitude 38° 06’ 39.”9, and longitude 76° 03/ 17.”8, situated on northwest extremity of a small island slightly detached from South Marsh and on north side of Holland Straits entrance to Pry Cove; thence in a straight line to a point defined by latitude 38° 05’ 44."1, and longi- tude 76° 03’ 44.”6, situated on Pry Island, which is located on south side of Holland Straits entrance to Pry Cove; thence in a straight line to the open waters of the Chesapeake Bay at point defined by latitude 38° 04/ 40.”8, and longitude 76° 04’ 14.”8, situated at junction of Holland and Kedge straits; thence in a straight line along the dividing waters of Chesapeake Bay and Kedge Straits to a point defined by latitude 38° 02’ 07.”0, and longitude 76° 02’ 34.0, situated on the northwest side of Fog Point, which is the south point of the Chesapeake Bay entrance to Kedge Straits; thence along the mean low water line of the Chesapeake Bay shore of Smith Island across the mouth of all inlets less than roo yards in width to a point defined by latitude 38° 00’ 31.’0, and longitude 76° 03’ 08.9, situated on a point at the extreme northwest entrance to Smith Island Thoroughfare; thence in a straight line across the Chesapeake Bay entrance of Smith Island Thoroughfare and Goose Harbor Cove to a point defined by latitude 37° 59’ 30.”0, and longitude 76° 03’ 09.6, situated ona point at the extreme southwest entrance to Goose Harbor Cove; thence along the mean low water line of Chesapeake Bay shore of Smith Island across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width to the intersection of the mean low water line and the Maryland-Virginia boundary line; thence in a straight line with the Maryland-Virginia boundary across Smith Island and the waters of Smith Gut, Shanks Creek, and Tylers Creek to a point at a corner of the boundary near the Tangier Sound shore of Smith Island situated on land known locally as Horse Hummock; thence in a straight line with the Maryland-Virginia boundary to point at a corner of the boundary in the middle of Tangier Sound, situated about 174 miles southwest by west of James Island Light, 234 miles east by south of Horse Hummock, and 34 miles northwest of House Island: thence in a straight line with the Maryland-Virginia boundary to a point at a corner of the boundary in the middle of Tangier Sound, situated about 434 miles southwest by south of James Island Light, 374 miles southeast by east of Horse Hummock, and 25% miles west of House Island; thence in a straight line with the Maryland-Virginia boundary across House Island to a corner of the boundary situated in the water between Watkins Point and Green Harbor Island; thence in a straight line with the Maryland-Virginia boundary to a corner of the boundary situated in the middle of Pocomoke Sound about 44 miles east of Watkins Point and 25 miles south of Watkins Island off entrance to Apes Hole Creek; thence in a straight line with the Maryland-Virginia boundary to a corner of the boundary situated in the middle of Pocomoke Sound about 2% miles northwest by west of Saxis Church, 2% miles east by south of Watkins Island off entrance to Apes Hole, and 2 miles southwest of extreme end of point between East and Marumsco creeks; thence with the Maryland-Virginia boundary as laid down on “Charts of Natural Oyster Bars” No. 10 along the middle of Pocomoke Sound and Pocomoke River as far as oysters grow. WATERS CONTIGUOUS TO COUNTY. The oyster laws of Maryland provide that a true and accurate delineation of all natural oyster bars shall be made on copies of charts of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, “which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said Commissioners in the city of Annapolis,”’ and ‘‘in the office of the clerks of the circuit courts for the respec- tive counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie.”’ For the purpose of carrying out the latter part of this section of the law and for the purpose of establishing the limits of the oyster-culture area to be opened up for the « Statute miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 25 leasing with Somerset County, a boundary line between the waters contiguous to but not within the territorial limits of Somerset County and the waters contiguous to but not within the territorial limits of adjacent counties has been established by the Shell Fish Commission. This boundary line* has been delineated on the “Charts of Natural Oyster Bars,” published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and is technically described and defined as follows: Commencing at a point defined by latitude 38° 04’ 40’’.8, and longitude 76° 04’ 14”.8, situated on line of territorial limits of county at junction of Holland and Kedge straits; thence in a straight line across waters of Chesapeake Bay to Holland Island Bar Light, the location of which is defined by latitude 38° 04’ 07.3, and longitude 76° 05’ 45”.9; thence in a straight line across waters of Chesapeake Bay toa point defined by latitude 38° 04’ 34”.8, and longitude 76° 12’ or”.0, situated near the middle of Chesapeake Bay, on northwestern end of a shoal marked by a red buoy of the U.S. Light-House Establishment situated about 554 miles west by north of Holland Island Bar Light, 714 miles east by north of Point Lookout Light, and 1314 miles north of Smith Point Light; thence in a straight line with the waters of Chesapeake Bay to a point on Smith Point defined by the corner of the Maryland-Virginia boundary at the intersection of the straight line boundary across Chesapeake Bay and the low-water line of the southern shore of Potomac River; thence with the Maryland-Virginia boundary in a straight line across Chesapeake Bay to the point defined by the intersection of the boundary with the mean low-water line of the Chesapeake Bay shore of Smith Island; thence with territorial limits of county along the Chesapeake Bay shore of Smith Island and waters of entrance to Kedge Straits to point of beginning. LANDMARKS (U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATIONS). EXPLANATION OF DESCRIPTIONS OF LANDMARKS. The oyster laws of Maryland authorizing the surveys to be made by the Shell Fish Commission provide for “‘an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a deserip- tion of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by delineation on the maps and charts.” The law of the United States author- izing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the erection of “such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland.” Under the provisions of the sections of the laws stated above, the markings and descriptions of landmarks must be sufficient for the present and future needs of both the Government and the State. With this end in view, considerable work has been expended in erecting permanent monuments at the triangulation stations and in the proper description of their location. An effort has been made to arrange the descriptions of locations of landmarks in a uniform and logical manner. The descriptions start with the assumption that the individual seeking to find a landmark has only an indefinite idea of its location. @ See progress map at the end of this publication 26 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. They then gradually proceed from general descriptions of the surroundings of a land- mark to the specific details of the character of the center and reference markings. An examination of the descriptions themselves will best indicate the method followed. The heading of each description is the name by which the landmark or triangulation station is known and designated in all work and records of the Government and State. Under the heading of “Locality” the first paragraph gives a description of the general locality of the landmark and the serial number of the published “Chart of Oyster Bars” of Maryland which best shows its location. ‘The published charts are on the large scale of 1 part in 20,000, and show the location of the triangulation stations so clearly that in many cases the written descriptions will not be required to find them. Under the same heading of “‘ Locality” the second paragraph furnishes the descrip- tion of the immediate locality of the landmark and refers to the bearing and distance of standard cement monument marking the reference station, as it is the first object that is likely to catch the eye when the immediate vicinity of the desired station is reached. Under the heading of ‘‘Marks”’ a description is given of the character of the mark- ings of the ‘observed station”’ and the reference station. It will be noted that, although the ‘observed station”’ is the one “occupied” and “‘ observed on”’ for horizontal angles, and also the one whose geographic position is computed, frequently it is not marked as well as the reference station, and in many instances has only a pine stub to indicate its position. This is the case for the reason that the necessity of intervisibility of land- marks usually made it compulsory to locate these stations on edges of banks and ends of points of land, which in Chesapeake Bay and tributaries generally means that they will be washed away in a short period of years. ‘The past experience of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in this region has shown the necessity of reference marks, if the frequent reestablishment of a new framework of triangulation is to be avoided. All the marks designated in the descriptions as “the center point of triangle on standard cement monument” are exactly alike. These monuments are made of cement, sand, and gravel, and are 2 feet long and 8 inches square at top and bottom. ‘Their tops are all marked with the same brass mold and show a center hole surrounded by a triangle, with the letters “‘M. S. F. C.”’ arranged around the vertex and the letters “U.S. C. S.” underneath the base of the triangle. The center hole is always in the center of the top of the monument by construction, and if this is found to have been broken off without disturbing the bottom, the center of its square section can be used as the location of the station. All the ‘‘standard cement monuments,”’ whether used for marking the “‘observed station’”’ or ‘‘reference station,’ have been planted upright in exactly the same manner, with their tops projecting 3 or 4 inches above the surface of the ground. Therefore, as the above facts in reference to the “standard cement monuments” ) ‘ are a constant element in all cases, the repetition of these facts in the description of stations is made needless by this one statement. It is the expectation that the reference stations,” the character of which is explained observed sta- ras above, will be used in many cases in the near future in the place of the «To obtain the geographic positions of any of the “observed stations”’ or of the “‘reference sta- tions,”’ application should be made to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Wash- ington, D.C. — Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 27 tions.’ ‘This has been made possible by the careful measurements of direction and distance of these stations from the “‘observed station,’ which are recorded under the heading of ‘‘ References.” Under the heading of ‘‘References’’ are given the directions and distances of all objects that might be useful in locating the stations when the surface marks can not be found. It is also contemplated that for general purposes of topography, hydrography, or location of boundaries of oyster bars these references will be sufficient in many cases to relocate the position of an ‘“‘observed station’’ or reference station when both of them have been destroyed. The first reference object given in the descriptions is always a triangulation station visible from the station being described. Its direction is taken as being 0° 00’ 00”, and the direction of all other objects are measured from it as an initial point, the angles being taken in a clockwise direction (left to right). The true bearing “ of the initial object is always given in parenthesis alongside the name. ‘This furnishes means for the calculation of the bearings of any of the other reference objects for the purposes of locating a station by compass bearings or for the relocation of corner buoys of oyster-bar boundaries by the method of horizontal angles described in this publication under the heading of ‘“‘ Boundaries of oyster bars.”’ The distances in the last column under “ References’’ are given in three different units, which vary according to their accuracy. The ‘‘miles” are statute miles and may be considered only as rough estimates. The ‘‘yards’’ are more accurate, but must be looked on as results generally obtained by pacing or careful estimating. The ‘“‘meters,”’ however, are accurate to the degree indicated by their decimals and in every case have been measured with a steel tape. In the same manner the accuracy of the directions are indicated by the refinement of direction with which they are recorded. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIANGULATION STATIONS. SENATOR. Locality.—Western shore of Tangier Sound, on southern side of Holland Straits and on extreme northeast point of South Marsh. (See Charts Nos. 5, 6, and 7.) Observed station is on marsh land about 35 yards from*north side and about 30 yards from east side of point. Myrtle bushes skirt shore, commencing due north, and two small pools of water are near station, one due south about 1o yards and the other southwest about 5 yards. No permanent reference points near station. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2 Peg “Sharkfin Shoal Light’’ (N 16° 20’ E)______ (lo) | (o'os (ovo ee 434 miles. Chimney on house to right of ““Haines’’__-_ 31 30 —-- ------ 434 miles. Left-hand chimney of crab house on Deal Slane ee ae Se eee SOP LOmee eee 3% miles. Right end of large oyster house on Deal sland sees ts Ae ae ean oe ee ee SIL Som a= .s2so as 3% miles. Woneypineitreec= <9 = 22-2 2 ee 20 lee 3 5a oe 17g miles. a The mean magnetic variation for Somerset County for 1908 was 5° 30’ west of north and increas- ing at the rate of 3’ yearly. 28 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Mad. CRAB. Locality.—Upper end and western shore of Tangier Sound on eastern side of Bloodsworth Island about 25 miles southeast of Sharkfin Shoal Light House and about halfway between Piney Island Cove to north and Great Cove to south. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is about 15 yards from high-water mark to the northeast and about 35 yards from the shore to the east. A small flat-roof crab house stands about 80 yards to the north-northeast and another crab house about twice the distance in the same direction. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References — Se ET att “Sharkfin Shoal Light’? (N 45° 25’ E)_----_- OO) (OOn 00%] == see 25% miles. Left end of large white house near Stump POI seers ae eee eee wa a ee G6) Ere =< eee 77 miles. End of roof of white house on bluff_________ 30. 36292. Seas 614 miles. Endiof Dealiislandwhart= 522-5222 eee 53.003" 2 = ee 334 miles. arse whitehouse near ted roohones----=-=" 72) 35) =— == 4% miles. ASHE ntneetleciie 2 OSHle) = See ee ae S82 106) va eee ae 5) miles. yal Mpitie wirees es 2 sce «aes ate ee ees See 105) 500) 40), eee 114 miles. Near end of flat-roof shanty_-_------------ 288032) sa) eee 80 yards. Flag pole on Brown’s crab house_____------ 299 oO -- ------ 150 yards. SHARKFIN SHOAL LIGHT. Locality.—Northern end of Tangier Sound about equally distant from entrances of Hooper Strait, Fishing Bay, and Nanticoke River. (See Chart No. 5.) Marks.—Observed station is center point of black lantern on hexagonal screw pile known as “Sharkfin Shoal Light.’ References.— 8 owt NG “Great Shoals Light’’ (N 81° 45’ E)_-------- 00) 00) “00! 22=2—5 57% miles. HEAD. Locality —Upper end of Tangier Sound, on southern part of peninsula known as “ Bishops Head,” situated between Hooper Strait and Fishing Bay. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on eastern side marsh land about !4 mile north of extreme southerly end of Bishops Head and about 15 yards east of two crab houses. It is about 15 yards southwest of high- water mark, behind water bushes which skirt the shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.41 meters west from observed station. Marks.—Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2 Me FU! “Sharkfin Shoal Light’”’ (S 60° 41’ E)_--- 00 00 oo ___--- 234 miles. Crab-housemagstatio= === == es EXON Wil O} ts ee 34 miles. Parce pine ts ss see eee ee O72 == 2 miles. INR BER EN GE Sita DEON = =e eee ee TS OPE nel Oana 13.41 meters. Near gable of 2!4-story white house_____- TAQ wrod) ee) se 1% mile. Chimney on white house______---_------ T50y Adee 222 ee 14 mile. Veli: side’oficrab house-225"— = LOO Bone 17. 31 meters. Rishtisideofierabihousel== aes ae ae 199). SA Se ae 16. 11 meters. Chimney on yellow house_-------------- 200) 20 114 miles. Chimney on end of white house______---- 238 53 -- ------ 3 miles. Right side of Nanticoke Point woods_____ 326 56 —- ------ 714 miles. known as ‘‘Frog Point.” f=) from the east side and 25 yards from the west side. no permanent reference objects near station. meters north of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. FROG. 29) Locality—West shore of mouth of Nanticoke River, on the southeasterly point of Clay Island, (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a marsh point about 25 yards back from extreme end of point, 20 yards Water bushes abound back of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.10 There are Marks.—Observed station is nail in stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— o etd “Sharkfin Shoal Light” (S 41° 25’ W) ---- 00 00 00 --_--- 31% miles. Retwranzenton Clayalslandeaa-=—==seee =a a7) ae 114 miles. RIERERENGE: SALTON Ss =o ae ees a wii iggy See 13. 10 meters. Right tangent of Sandy Point__--------- Nghe wel, Pe ee eee = 34 mile. Chimney on white house with black roof__ 179 12 -- ------ 214 miles. Chimney on near end of large red-roof WO ten OTIS = er ee eS ithe Oy eee 21% miles. Stackonjeanningwholses---=—) === ===— TS 4ae3 OMe eee 21% miles. landiendiof Nanticoke wharl=sss=---— £84) 36) == ——--— = 2% miles. End of Nanticoke wharf house___--_------ 186 O00 -- --~_--- 2% miles. Chimney on ell end of main part of large red-roof white house__-_-------------- 211 yf eee ee 2% miles. Right tangent of Nanticoke Point woods. 238 44 -- ------ 234 miles. Large square chimney on white house (Waimies) Onarter) saan eee OA a7) a aoe 4 miles. Rock Creek poplar tree__.-------------- 2 ST 7 ees 3% miles. Blagstaft on Deal Island wharf_---------- 322 09 -- ------ 434 miles. COW. Locality.—Western shore Nanticoke River on Mink Point about 14 mile east of entrance to Cow Creek. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a very soft marsh point at the outer edge of water bushes about 5 yards back from the shore to the east, 15 yards from extreme end of point to the southeast, and 15 yards from the shore to the southwest. No permanent reference objects near station. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.68 meters northwest of observed station. Marks.—Observed station is a nail in a pine stub flush with ground. point of triangle on standard cement monument. Reference station is center References.— Cy ee i ETOT uN (OlOwms) W)ras-=eneasso ee s2 5 00) 00) 005 222=2=" 2 miles ASShan tyee = =e See eee ee eae eS B7p pON ey eee 34 mile RERERENGCE SUATIONG 2 = o- =o nena sea == T2Q (LONE 2ONe ee 8. 68 meters. Wihitetshanty= saa. -eee ss Eee TSOWM SS ea sso a= 1 mile. ARS atl iy ee en ee Ee 20Q M5 20 ee ean 1% mile. shangentsofplandesssesno2d- egos eee oe Pie Mh, ae eee 1% mile. Large red roof greenhouse-___------------- 230A Smee nee as 2'% miles. \Whbava baer ei ee ANG) oy ee ee eee 234 miles. Gambrelkothatises=ss= = = eae ee Wg Gia aa ee 214 miles. Chimney of large greenhouse_____-_------ 25a GM as ree 2% miles. Cannineabouse:stacks=2 224. -2sJo5 2-2. 2 = DG OL me Sete 134 miles. Canningghotse'stack=_-2=-__-=* = = === - 2752 Oe eee = 11% miles. Near corner of Nanticoke wharf___--_----- 2 SAAC mee =) a= == = 1% miles. Large red roof white house_______-_------ Ay) So) eee eee 2% miles. Large red roof white house_--_--_--------- 2GQmN24ee eS pea 24 miles. Right tangent of Nanticoke woods--_~---- S30) Oi tes Smee 3 miles. Left tangent of Sandy Point--------_---~- 241 48) =--S<22-- -1% miles. 30 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. NANTICOKE CHURCH. Locality.—Eastern shore of Nanticoke River in town of Nanticoke, about 14 mile back from river and 34 mile northeast of Roaring Point. (See Chart No. 5.) Marks.—Observed station is center point of spire of church known as “Nanticoke Methodist Episcopal Church.” References.—None necessary. ROAR. Locality.—Eastern shore of Nanticoke River on point of land known as Roaring Point, and about 14 mile north from outer end of Roaring Point wharf. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is 30 yards to the east of the extreme end of the point and on a sandy knoll about 5 feet above high-water mark. It is about 20 yards back from high-water mark on the north side and about 40 yards back from high-water mark on south side of the point. Pine woods stand about 150 yards inshore from station. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2 Foe ae RTO (139202) WW) aan eee ee (ere) \(6%0), {ovo = 2% miles. Wworshanties #5 2s2e 352 ie asa a eee {Ov 7s 2s sesse= 2 miles. One!shanty=-2 222525 4 = eee eee 30 2 Oh we een 134 miles. Arshan by 2== = sees 2 2 Seb 2. See eee = Hie Boe eee ea 1% miles. “ Wihitetshanty2= 2-2. 2+ See ee ee 8! G53 =. =o 134 miles. Barn steeples a= aoe eee see See DL 7s WAT epee 4% miles. White shanty behind “Okay”’____-_______-- L212 Sie 234 miles. Redsroot-house-220 2) Et eee ee se TAA FAD ge, a ee 714 miles. Twin trees on Ragged Point_-_-------------- ESQ 30) 5 Sees 2 miles. Chimneyson white Hotisels== == === L75, 230 =) eee 1% miles. Windmill= =. ~ 222 2 = ee eee 134 204g = eee 1 mile. Gambrelltoof hotise=2—--a52—"—= === ==e === T3490 32002 ee 1 mile. White canning house stack___-------------- 195, TS S2\e2 See Wy mile. andiendtot: wharl= 2s ===222 se -= === ee 27 aes Seed ee 4 mile. Wargeihousehs. = a2en2 oan soe a ee a 293, 138 «227 os2=3 1% miles. Right tangent of Nanticoke Point woods--_-- 2907) 22) 2 Sass =e 2% miles Right tangent of Nanticoke wharf___-__-_---- 304 52 -- -.---- % mile. Left tangent of Sandy Point_..-.--.-.----- OG) Gites Sees 134 miles NANTI. Locality —Eastern side of entrance to Nanticoke River about '4 mile northwest of Nanticoke Point. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on grassy land about 2 feet above and 20 yards back from high-water mark. It is about midway between edge of woods on Nanticoke Point and unpainted house near poplars %4 mile to the north. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2 ne ve “‘Sharkfin Shoal Light”’ (S 65° 14’ W)_--_--- 00 00 00 -__.-- 5 miles. DangentioliSandy, Pointe.- 2222 9-5— === 5d “33: sos sagees 2% miles. Leftiend ‘of Nanticokeiwharfi=22=----==——— === SOPRA Sue = 2 miles. Near chimney of red roof house-_-_-_--_---__-~-- 96.950) ao5 eee 34 mile. Chimney of unpainted house_-_--_---------- TOI OS beeen ance se 4 mile. Near chimney of house nearest woods----_- Se G 5 Ot gee ee 4 mile. Treevhigh above woodSia=-s-2=2s=— == a==== INQ), 53) 2 eee 2% miles. Right\end! of heavy woods==22-- 2 =---=2-= =) 134) (03) = sewers 1% miles. Right/endof scant woodS=-= 5) = == a===a=——= 147) TT 22 RES 3% mile. nr Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Mad. 31 ° 7 uM Wildkchermystreessn esa = 22-22 oe ee ee 1787) 24°" 3. os ea= 50 yards WeliendbolswOOdS: 2. =< sss -o- 22 soe ce - oe 227s A Oe eee 14 mile. Rughizendkon woOOdS!=-=--s-=-2252222=5=525 20Gte AS sean =n oo 4 mile. Poplaminee Dames Onatter == == a2 = BO7= 28 Ae eee 234 miles. Manrent of Haines Pointe -->----------=- 33055. as) ocean 4% miles. WHITE. i Locality.—Eastern shore of entrance to Nanticoke River on western part of Nanticoke Point. (See Chart No. 5.) ‘ Observed station is on a sand and grass point about 2 feet above high-water mark, 3 yards trom the west side, 15 yards from the south end, and 20 yards from southeast side. Dense pine woods stand about 100 yards to the northwest, open marsh to the northeast, and a clump of about a dozen pine trees in marsh about 3g mile to the northeast. There is a cove about 40 yards east of the station and another point of land about 100 yards to the southeast. Cement monument marking reference station is 16.63 meters north of observed station. Marks.—Observed station is a nail in a pine stub about 6 inches below surface of ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences.— 2° Set “Great Shoals Light” (S 44°16’ E)_-____ =) 00,100: OOfs222 = 1% miles Poplamtreeat Dames Ouarter-2--==--==-= 65) 08 =2- 2---__ 2'4 miles anpentiotstallyPomte=s=- == 2 9-=ese ee SGMo6%,=5 S922-. 334 miles. Mangentiof sandy Point.-=-=---=- = 22. = LOAM 7) sees 3 miles. Betwendrofspinewoodssa== == === === ee U2 aan 7 ee 100 yards. Right end of pine woods =___2____=-=---_ 213. Qi case ns 150 yards. IRUERERENGE (STATIONS = 33a ae a ee = = 2D FAQ) (OO) a 16.63 meters. Largest tree in clump of about 12 pines__-_ 247 23 -- ------ 3% mile. Chimney on cabin-on Hillis Point--_---_--- 279 05 -- ------ 2 miles. Wititey houses! =< ase 25 san eee ee Bite 540s) eae % mile Point olland ss se eee ee ses 335m O26 Se eae 100 yards ELLA. Locahity—North shore of Wicomico River on point at east side of entrance to Ellis Bay. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a marsh point about 1 foot above high-water mark. It is about 10 yards back from the shore to the west, 20 yards back from the shore to the south, and 20 yards back from the shore to the north. No permanent reference objects near station. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2 Lie Ia as “Great Shoals Light” (S 9° 49’ W)_-------- 00) (00) CO =2=22- 2 miles. Tangent of land on Mollies Point___-___--__- Spo D4veres po 2a 1 mile. Wiatchihousess sessae sae sss ss Seen esone 26: JO! see (sacan Y% mile. Left of woods on Nanticoke Point______---- 44g 023) Ss. eee 1% miles. Right of woods on Nanticoke Point-_-_-_-_- Ch che. ee, eae 1% miles. Chinineyzotnwhitewhousesesss= sae eee eae TS 5a ag oa eee 2 miles. Chimneysot pray Nousels- == aaa a TAZ AG waste Sa 2 miles. Chimneys otawiltiteyHousesease se aeee erases 2401027, Sy o2-= 28 200 yards. Mount Vernon Churcht =22=2="2----22--- =. 2570 15S: Ves seaaae 2% miles. Chimney on middle of white house____-_-_-- OT AG2 3 et == oe 114 miles. Chimney on cream and brown house_____-_- ZOU AAG ere eae 1 mile. Chimney on brownihouse==-=------=---=-- 2OTR MOS y pees on eae = 1 mile. Smoke pipe of watch house_-__--_--_---___- BOO MDS 7. aes 1 mile 2 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. iss) HOLLAND. Locality.—North shore of Wicomico River on Holland Point about 114 miles west of Mount Vernon Church, and 114 miles east of Ellis Bay. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is ona marsh point about 20 yards north of high-water mark on its extreme end and about 100 yards west of a creek. A small cabin stands about 200 yards to the west. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— Ee 2 Wand? (5282735 Wasa a es ee eee (0) (ie) (lo) Sass 1% miles. Great-Shoalsitightie= =— 22s Ses eee sane LEAS AOE Mes = eee 234 miles. Mangentot Mollies}Roint===== === =e 18:30" See Mae Se 2 miles. Left tangent of woods on Nanticoke Point-__ 34 33 -- ------ 234 miles. Right tangent of woods on Nanticoke Point_._ 39 28 —- ------ 234 miles. Chimney of house near Ellis Bay----___.--_ 46 19 =. ------ 1% miles Chimneysottcabine sess. ee eae So. at 2h See 200 yards. Chimney on left end of large red roof building. 91 56 —-- ---_-- 3 miles. Warge chimney ‘on! white} hotse--2=---=—-==-— 1838) 31) 2 22seee 1% miles. Chimney of slate-colored house_--~~------_- 220), 430 yee 144 miles. Chimney on middle of light-blue house_______ 24O! SAS iss oe See 1 mile. Chimney on 2%-story light-green house__-___ 266 41 -- --_--- 34 mile. Right chimney on white hotise_-----+----__- 317 29 -= ----_- % mile. CHILD. Locality—North shore of Wicomico River about 74 mile north of Mount Vernon Church. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on marsh land about 2 feet above and 15 yards back from high-water mark. There is an old wharf about 300 yards to the east and at a point about roo yards to the north, two creeks join and form a single creek about 20 feet wide which flows into the river at a point about 15 yards west of observed station. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 7 oe “Mount Vernon Church?” (Gi10° 15’ H)--==- 00) 00) 100) -===-= 7% mile. Chimney on white house in woods on opposite SHOE. 2S Shas FE ee eee eee ee BU 23h) See 3% mile. Chimney on white house on sand bluff on opposite;shore= ses fee ne eae eee 15° 32° = seitseee 5g mile. Smoke pipe on large white house_________- 19 55 re fete 34 mile. Chimney on brown house. -------------- = 48> S14) s-" 2=See 114 miles. Great:ShoalsSLight® 2-2) 3-222 2222 2eee eS AQP BS, a sane 334 miles. han gent ofelollaridls ote eee Ot eee 1% miles. Morkvoficreeks = 53-2 sha s Sleek oa ees 183 108) "25 =2eae= 100 yards. Chinittey of largeshouses== 3 ==se == Eee 206) 39) 22 EoS2== 2 miles. Chimney of-another large thonse==2= 2S nees 62354 eee 34 mile. Mount Vernon wharf smoke pipe____--_---- 293 12 -- ------ 1% miles. Large white house in woods___------------ 32403) sete eee 34 mile. Cream-colored house in woods__----------- BUS BATH) ap eee Y% mile. CREEK. Locality.—North shore of Wicomico River, about 34 mile northwest of Mount Vernon wharf and about 134 miles northeast of Mount Vernon Church. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a marsh grass and sand point making out to the south and about ro yards from the high-water mark of each of the three sides of the point. About ro yards west of observed station is the mouth of a creek or drain 10 feet wide which runs only a short distance inland. There are several unpainted houses within 200 yards of observed station and a lone pear tree stands about 200 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 38 yards to the north. There is a cultivated field about 150 yards back of station which extends to edge of woods '4 mile distant. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 4 Ln ae “Mount Vernon Church”’ (S 30° 39’ W)_--- 00 00 00 -_-_--_- 13% miles. Chimney on light-blue house with red blinds 13 46 -- ~---_- 114 miles. EQ MER UT CC See a et ee eres a ae 7 eS Nee ee 1 mile. Chimney of old unpainted house_____- ~~ ~~~ TOSS: by aise = 300 yards. Chimney of light-green trimmed WO oan WAG TG ee saceee 200 yards. Re ate thee ae seer ara Neeser ay see te ot SE eye TSO AS ea 2e & eee 200 yards. Left chimney of cream-colored house___.-.- 218 06 -. -__--- 300 yards. Many enttio ft COv.e = ames eae eee ae ee PC YTON Fapjoe s Ah et eae 30 yards. Smoke pipe on Mount Vernon wharf_______- PAS acyl ee eee 34 mile. Chimney outside yellow house___------__-- BlZe OAW yes, = Sees 3g mile. Chimney on slate-colored house____-- ~~~ ~~ - SGA Gh ae eS 34 mile. END. Locality —North shore of Wicomico River, opposite Mount Vernon wharf. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on marsh land about 3 feet above and about 100 yards north of high-water mark in river and about 75 yards to the northwest of a large creek which runs about 2 miles inland Water bushes skirt shore around station. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2 a Ns meOueS a (S1O07 8300) se ane ee see wa AS OO) 400)" O0lE=-=-- 34 mile. Chimneyionswhiteyhousess=e=-——= see ees === Mey Oe en ee 1 mile, hang entroiglandeaeseeceee a= ee sere 228.) 2S ee 1 mile. Near chimney of cream-colored house____-__- Gs AR 25 sasees HA ientlle, Cupolasonsredsbarn= sess sees eee ae ikea 5 eee 34 mile. Oldestylesvind mille eee nee née) “WO eal eauece 34 mile. Chimney of Whitehaven Hotel_____--------- Tle OO) aa eae = 114 miles. NWebStersicanninte: house=ss= == se. see see De "Oe peepee ess Y mile. Right hand chimney on gray house___-._-.-. 273 42 -- ------ ' mile. Wefteside,oteMount Vernon wharf. ----==---5 294. 13. 22 =2=-_- 14 mile Stack of Dashiell’s canning house_-_-__--_ ~~~ Ody 52m ee _ 3% mile. Middle attic window of white house__-_~__ ~~~ 32 SiakS Aiea eee 14 mile. Chimney outside of yellow house_____--_--_- Boo) meses = ee Zumile: WALNUT. Locality South shore of Wicomico River, about 175 yards east of Mount Vernon wharf. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on marsh land about 17 feet from shore and 50 yards west of a small creek. Several large walnut and locust trees stand about 250 yards south of station and 2 houses and 2 sheds about 250 yards to the southwest. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2 fe eg BOs” (Sg? dice Whee Se oe Sa eriesee aes (Gio) oye: Holey LE See 34 mile. Right side of Mount Vernon wharf house__.. 17 18 —-- ------ 175 yards. Chimney outside of whiteshouse:==-------22 46 52 -- ----_~ 1 mile. Weftzchimney, of; cabledshousel===_ == -=..-- 58, 47 -= 2252-= 1 mile, Old style windmill___-.----~- Bee tare eS ol Tote OOLe as eae == ‘4 mile. Left end of roof of Whitehaven wharf_____- 136 18 -- ----~-- 1'% miles. Chimney of Whitehaven Hotel__----__-==-- 136 40 .. —---_- 11% miles. Opening between pair of pine trees near Wilitte havent seam meee re ore = TAQ Mone -toee cae 114 miles. 50095—08 5 aan Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. ° / 4 Stack of Webster’s canning house__-------- OHMS Ole ee ae 300 yards. Opening between two walnut trees_________ Di ANNE Stata Moe Saas 200 yards. Chimneysol Wihitlockisihottse == eee O77) ea 250 yards. Stack of Dashiell’s canning house___-~---__- 8526250 ease 400 yards. JONES. Locality.—South shore of Wicomico River about 34 mile west of Mount Vernon wharf. (See Chart No. 5.) ; Observed station is on a knoll about 25 feet above and 30 yards to south of high-water mark, and about 200 yards to the east of a cove. The knoll oa which the station is located is the highest point on the shore in this locality. Several small cabins stand to the northward about 25 yards, and a large lone cedar tree about 35 yards to the southwest. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2 ui 4 SP Tyreeza (Sia SciG 4. Ne) eee ae ee ee OO MOO! OO) ae 34 mile. Large square chimney on four-gable house 10 05 -- ------ 14 mile. Cedar tress === oes ae ee ee a Se 25 yards. Tangent of point of land__-—--_---_----- 34. 1§4* 2s See oss Vg mile. Naim iblazean(cedarittces== === O2 INS One 20. 30 meters. Chimney on light-green house on opposite shores: a2 £2 86 3 Fo se ee Ss eae eee (O02 334 Se 52S ere 34 mile. White cupola in Whitehaven_-_---------- WAST S32 ene eee ee 2% mile. OldistyleswindmillS= = C5Sh Glee Soe ee 11% miles Whitehaven Hotel chimney ------------- T5508 4o: os= Seseee 21% miles. Large chimney on yellow house__-_------ 178 37 -- ------ 14 mile. Chimney on end of brown house_--~--- ~~~ 2 Ola SAT oe ee 1, mile. Chimney on white house____------------ 20042 Be peewee 14 mile. WieepingawillowWsss=== === =e eee 3 OF mS Swe wee 14 mile. Nailin blazejin' cedar trees===== = — 318, QO) 2. s=s4e— 31. 10 meters. IVEE. Locality.—Southeast shore of Wicomico River about 14 mile northwest of Mount Vernon Church’ (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on grass land about 1 foot above and 10 feet back from high-water mark. A small cove makes in about 100 yards east of station. A small lone pine stands about 110 yards to the east-southeast, and a sand bluff with pine trees about 100 yards to the southwest. Beyond the woods along the beach is a bluff 15 feet high upon which are several houses. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— o. 4 a “Mount Vernon Church” (S 22° 37’ E)--- 00 ©0 OO ------ 34 mile. Wihtteshouse chimney os == == meee on eee 14 mile. Chimney on end of white house____------ ZOO UMASS ee ee 2 miles. Chimney of green-trimmed house near Greeks 2 S58 = el ee eee eas DAS 28") ae cae 114 miles. Oldtstyletyvind nat See ee 264 A Ba see ee 21% miles. Slate-colored!house!--2-=—-==2--=—--=——— 27 OW 22; So aes Yy mile. Chimney on middle of white house beyond WOOdS:)3 eerie ee ae eee 207° Tl . 22 2sseee 1 mile. One pin Gtk Cements eee Sy Se sees = 110 yards. oe * ca > Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. (SS) on MOUNT VERNON CHURGH. Locality.—Southeast side of Wicomico River about 3 mile back from the shore 1/4 miles south- west of Mount Vernon wharf. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on main road in Mount Vernon and is situated on the highest point in the vicinity. j Marks.—Observed station is center of steeple of Mount Vernon Methodist Church. References.—None necessary. BALL: Locality.—Southeast shore of Wicomico River on a point of land about 1 mile northeast of Wingate Point. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a sand and grass point making out about 100 yards west of a sand bluff. A small creek empties into the river about 10 yards to the east, and three poplars stand about 100 yards to the south. The extreme northern end of the point is about 35 yards from station and the western side is about 10 yards. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument References.— 2 as “Holland’’ (N 20° 03’ W) 3 100!) OO} G0). 5-522 14 mile. Middletoneloisiv.erpiness= === === === O07 OO) | == —- 22 100 yards. Chimney on John Withlock’s house______~ Seis eh 7) —ss=2--= lOO. yards Meltiend of pine woodS-2--- ---------52--- TG mee ee ae ' mile. ‘ Right end of pine woods_______-____ eascce MEG), yR Ee Sees Y mile. Chimney on white house___----__-___-__-_- itetie ACP RE Bee eee ‘1 mile. iDhindipoplar= sas ae eB se at 200 O48 == === Too yards: Chinineyofsbrown houses =e = 2A8 7 22 = ee ', mile. WIND. Locahty.—Southeast shore of Wicomico River about 14 mile north of southern end of Wingate Point. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is about 30 yards from high-water mark of Wicomico River on the north side and 20 yards from the west side. An oyster watchhouse stands about 100 yards to the east of the station Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— a 4 ue “Great Shoals Light’”’ (S 36° 29’ W)__-_---- 00 00 oO __.___ 11% miles. Tangent of Mollies Point_________________- et i 1 mile. eftivendyoli woodS=— ==) ase e ewes ee ee Eich Sie (eee Sees 134 miles. eevealoneissaval fost (yfoyo(eley_ = = ip Cano eae 134 miles. shany er tOlee lishe o1tite a= == = ee NODA = eee =| t= 1 mile. Wihitethouse i woods=- -=2=-==—---- === _ LS dee O pes - ee 3 miles. » Somoke pipeyon! watchhouse:-=--= == === = 185) Yo =-, =--_. 100 yards. Chimney of brown house_____-_--__---_--_- 203 GSeeee eeaee 2 ls mile. Chimney of cream-colored house with brown UL A OT 8S ea ree oe a Se 205,134. 22 se-255 WZ mile: Watchhouse<2=8a0 sane ee See eee = 208) 41 1 mile. Chimney on 2'%-story house_____-_.------- 342 18 = Sesto - 3 miles. Chimney on end of white house Dames Ouantentee nas eee se ee BSOun 57s = 2 2 miles: LITTLE. Locality.—Southern shore of Monie Bay on second prominent point of marsle about !4 mile to the west of entrance to Little Monie Creek. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a marsh point covered with water bushes and reeds. It is about 1 foot above high-water mark, 7 yards from the west side, 10 yards from the east side, and about 50 yards from extreme end of point. No permanent reference objects near station. 26 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences.— c ul “Great Shoals Light” (S 83° 43’ W)_------- 00 00 Left side of woods on Nanticoke Point _____ 19 34 Right side of woods on Nanticoke Point___. 22 2 Tangentioh Wingate Pointe: === s sss =e 34 39 Chimney on red roof white house_________.__ 60 13 Chimney on near end of white house with browatrina nin pst | ee eee tO? OD Chimney on red roof white house with green blind sibs 2a eee es ee eee ee 62 43 Left chimney of yellow house trimmed white. 79 52 Middlevofawoods S55 ema at aes ae ee Soe Warsel bro wit NOWSe=== =e ae eee oe O35 Mount Vernon! Chirenas ss" ees n eee 102 42 Tangentiof point of lands=2 see. ess = ee 165 47 Qangent of point (of land2=2222 == == === == 320 16 hangent/ofWand==s 2225422 eiees asses ese 346 47 DOVE. Locality.—South shore of Monie Bay and about 14 mile east of entrance to Pigeon Creek. Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on marsh land about 10 yards back from high-water mark not far from water bushes which stand to the east. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.98 meters southeast ” from observed station. No permanent reference objects near station. Marks.—Obseryed station is a nail in pine stub flush with ground. point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. ° “Great Shoals Light’ (N 57°41’ W) ----- 00 Left side of Nanticoke Point woods--- ~~ 6 Left side of Roaring Point heavy woods___ 19 High lone pine showing above woods_ -___ 2) Tangent of Wingate Point_-_-__-----=__—- 52 Chimney of red roof house-------------- 67 Chimney on yellow house with red gable TOO (ae ee: er eee eee Se 84 Mount: Vernon! Church======= 2522 -=- == 86 dlangent ofan de=s ===> == es aera aaa OO RERERENCE SLALIONS === === === ara 202 Chimney of white house with dark red trimmings: = ss 2s ee eee a 245 GREAT SHOALS LIGHT. Locality—Middle of entrances to Monie Bay and Wicomico River about halfway between Long Point to the south and Mollies Point to the north. Marks.—Observed station is center of black lantern on square screw pile structure known as “Great Shoals Light.” References.— (See Chart No. 5.) fo} } “Sharkfin Shoal Light’? (S 81° 50’ W)__--.-- 00 00 ” (8/0) (aa _ 2% miles. - 3% miles. _ 3% miles. _ 1% miles. _ 1% miles. _ 1% miles. _ 144 miles _ 1% miles 134 miles - 134 miles. - 13% miles. . mile. - 75 yards. = 3 miles. Reference station 1% miles. 234 miles. 34 5 miles. 5 miles. 2 miles. 2 miles. 3 miles. 314 miles. 300 yards. 13. 98 meters. miles. 57s miles. al tee te ee ee Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Mad. ww “I SHORT. Locahty.—Southern shore of entrances to Monie Bay and Wicomico River on Long Point and about 1 mile south-southwest from Great Shoals Light. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a sandy knoll on eastern side of entrance to Dames Quarter Creek about 15 feet back from high-water mark on the north side and about 30 feet from east side of point. It is on the highest part of the knoll which is about 5 feet above high-water mark. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— & ef oY “Sharkfin Shoal Light” (S 89° 03’ W)_-- 00 00 0 _____- 55s miles. Tile pipe in cement (‘Long ”’ 1901)_____ 2Be AS Ab Se 63. 703 meters. INamticokeswhanletee=er aa) o-oo CA Aye aS ee 414 miles. Left side of Nanticoke woods_---------- COMI Sah oe 2 miles. Yellow house with red blinds____----__- The. Gh eR ee 3% miles. Veligtancent of Wingate sont =n Date 3) Sates 238 miles. Chimney on red roof white house_______- 1324120 ey ane ce tow = 3 miles. Near chimney of yellow house___--~-~--_- HgtSi NO) wk, Sone 3 miles. Chininey on red itrimmed housel_-- ----= 212) 49) =2 =2--_- 2 miles. Left tree at Dames Quarter__-------_-_-- 2600.37. oe a ly mile. Chininey/oulwihite bam =e 2222-2 -s-— = 27 Ola AS a hea ee So 300 yards. Left chimney on white house___--- ~~ ~~ - BIOMMOR ess eee ss = 200 yards. Chimney on yellow house___--.._----_-- BAT ESS) eee an soa 200 yards. ROOM. Locality.—Upper end and eastern shore of Tangier Sound on Halls Point. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on a bluff 15 feet high about 5 yards back from its edge. It is about 25 yards east of a clump of mulberry trees and about 15 yards north-northwest of a barn. Locust and mulberry trees stand all about station and locust bushes along the edge of the bluff. A wagon trail runs parallel to the shore about 15 yards back of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 21.45 meters south-southwest of observed station and almost in line with a large mulberry tree. Marks.—Observed station is nail in center of stub with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— g i wy “Sharkfin Shoal Light” (N 70° 00’ W)-- 00 00 o0 _____- 21% miles. Gable on near side of red roof on white house on’ Bishop's Head___---_2-_----- BunOlmem Sans tae 5)4 miles. Near end of roof of large 244-story house-- 12 53 -- ------ 7% miles. WettcanpentiotClayvalsiandas====seme=e— SOS, 2. Sa-2 22 3% miles. Left side of Sandy Point woods____ ~~~ ~~~ “Ol eh Se See see 4 miles. Roaring Point wharke === e225 522—2=—45— = Sh 22! Meee se 5 miles. Near chimney on end of large red roof whitevhouse: sho. soos ee moet eee = CV EL 2 Ree eee 414 miles. Right side of Nanticoke woods__-___-_---- IWOr 928 eee jae ssoS 334 miles. Movie Waterton (Claire — = 52S o 2 eee TOF LS) eee a 7 miles. Nearicornen ofbarne = os oe se eo U37 MOO, Son seeee = 15.96 meters. Right hand corner of barn___----------- D5 2aOSL wks cae a 18. 11 meters. REBERENGCE ST ATIONS= === = sao see ee = 268 30 ©O6 __-.__ 21.45 meters. Wargercedar the@ie= == ae se eee ee 270. 30) mea eaonse 100 yards. siworinehwironypipess=s a= ~s=— == = A= 27. OR. 3 Bm BO) a g. 21 meters. HAINES. 4 Locality.—U pper end and eastern shore of Tangier Sound on Haines Point, about 54 mile north of Deal Island Wharf. (See Chart No. 5.) Observed station is on sand and grass point about 20 yards back and 5 feet above high-water mark. Locust and water bushes stand about 20 yards to the north and the left edge of this clump is about on 38 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. line with Sharkfin Shoal Light. A barbwire fence runs 3 yards east of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.64 meters east of observed station. Marks.—Observed station is nail in pine stub in center of a drain tile with top broken off below surface. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— = eS f td “Sharkfin Shoal Light” (N 45° 58’ W)__--- (oo), oxo}m (0\0)) 214 miles. Left of btishes: === =e oP aes ee B30) GP pe ee he 20 yards. Left of Sandy Point woods__-_---_-----_- Ie Hak | aera at ee os 434 miles. Chimney of 2!%-story white house trimmed Withred 402 s_ 2 sie ete eee ee P75 GO At eres by oe 1, miles. Chimney ofuanpaimtedhouse!2== 52 -= = === a S5) 49) == Se 350 yards. Chimney on end of red cottage trimmed SAL ee a ce ev 99° 000 2) eae 34 mile. INE RE REN Ch iSitADIO N= =e = ne = eee 123. "AO! e4ONe= = ae 9. 64 meters. Pineytnee:— -8- 28 oe. 32 5 ke EE eS Pee 148° 37 30)=---_- 2sa4qumeters: Large square chimney on red house_---___- 15240) 24 -s aoe 400 yards. Rightioneoirs large pineS-2-- == == 184) [AQ es Svan 300 yards. Half way between chimneys on store on Deal Mislanda ese yer ee 213; OSia eae e 34 mile. Dealtsland! Church = 2-2. e ee eee 217 Loomer ena 14 miles. BlaGkptim streelee Se ee we ee >, 223. Oe 6. 70 meters. Right end of Deall Island wharf_-------=-= 234) To) 2-92 =-== V4 mile. Hooper straits Wiohte== See ae eee 343: 342 ~cee- 714 miles DEAL ISLAND CHURCH. Locality.—Deal Island on main road about % mile from the shore and about 34 mile south of Laws Thoroughfare. (See Chart No. 5.) Marks.—Observed station is center of steeple on Deal Island Methodist Church. References.—None necessary. BAR. Locality.—Eastern shore of Tangier Sound on western side of Deal Island, about 1 mile northwest of entrance to Lower Thoroughfare and ‘4 mile south of Middle Creek. (See Charts Nos. 5 and 7.) Observed station is about 10 yards east of high-water mark on sand and grass land back of sandy beach. ‘The first of many tree stumps which are submerged at high water commence about 100 yards to the north and cat-tails grow abundantly back of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.09 meters east of observed station. Marks.—Observed station is a nail in pine stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— oS ae “Sharkfin Shoal Light’ (N 19° 40’ W)_--- 00 00 00 -___--_ 414 miles. Tangentjof Haines Poimt===22==-==—=) ==" — 27 20h sa eee 2'% miles. Flag pole on large building on Deal Island Wharf 50_-4 5 3 ss ee Ph ey” Uso eae ea 2 miles. Middle chimney of large gray building___-__ yp ah eee es 1 mile. Chimney on white house_______--_ ere. SAGO se SA ae eee 400 yards. Middle chimney on red roof white house-_-. 79 51 --~ ~----- 3g mile. REFERENCE STATION. _-_-_ 222225 =-5=-=- 107) 10) (OO) =2=—2— 6.09 meters. Chimney ‘on white housel=—2==- == === === ERS AS Pen ee eee 400 yards. Chimney on dark gray house_-___--------- TOG) 570" 22. eee 300 yards. Right chimney on white four-gabled house Withored'roofee=— == ee — ee POM go) =e 1, mile. ee th! cama lg Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 39 JEAN. Localhtty.—Northern shore of Manokin River on a marsh point on the west side of entrance to Geanquakin Creek. (See Charts Nos. 5 and 7.) Observed station is on low marsh land about 35 yards back from extreme end, 30 yards from east side and 4o yards from north side of point. Pine woods stand about 'g mile back from station. There are no permanent reference objects near station. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— le ane SHainmount: Church’? (S399 137 B)-2--=——- OOM OOM OOM === = 334 miles. Chimney on cabin standing near two others. 145 48 —~ ------ 34 mile. Weft end of cabin im woods_______.---=-_- CXL Ol wee eee aes 1% miles. Chimney ofsWilliamyMuinsistorel2 == == e= 3Or (O7 == 2----= 14 miles. Cupolaronsbacni (eB aroun) eee eee eye: uci) OY SS en ee 25% miles. Chimney of house near “Staff”___._-_---- Glee pat 1% miles. SANDY. Locahty.—Northern shore of Manokin River on point of land known as Sandy Point opposite Vishing Island. (See Charts Nos. 5 and 7.) Observed station is on a sandy point about 5 feet above and 10 yards back from high-water mark on south side of point and about 75 yards from high-water mark on west side. A sandy beach is building out to southward and a heavy clump of myrtle bushes extends from a point about 25 yards west to a point about 75 yards west. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences.— iC i a Pabarnmo mit Churches (S72 544 )es === 100) OO 00 = _-— 2'4 miles. Bell tower on oyster house (“Cupola’’)____~ Ro Ge Glo) ssa oe 34 mile. Flag staff on oyster house (‘‘Staff’’)_--__-__ G5 48) p50) eee 1's miles. Chimney on William Muir’s store__________- 13 aed Oo ae ee 34 mile. Chimineyon' store cabin===-=- 2s oe a ee nO), Ht Ses eee Ys mile. Righinendiofroofe= = ewes aes ane GA AORE. sues Set 1 mile. Cupola ‘ontbarn( Barn) = s2=- se se=ss- 2 307m eA Ole ae = 34 mile. HOLLAND ISLAND BAR LIGHT. Locality.—Kasterly side of Chesapeake Bay off entrance to Kedge Straits, about 23, miles south of Holland Island, 2's miles southwest of South Marsh, and 334 miles northwest of Smith Island. (See Chart No. 6.) Marks.—Observed station is center point of black lantern on hexagonal screw pile structure known as “Holland Island Bar Light.” References.— : “Solomons Lump Light” (S 72° 06’ E)__---- 00 00 00 -.-~.. 434 miles. ° , ” SOLOMONS LUMP LIGHT. Locality.—Kedge Straits about '%4 mile north of Smith Island and about 1!2 miles south of South Marsh. (See Charts Nos. 6 and 7.) Marks.—Observed station is center of black lantern on square tower on northerly side of a caisson and octagonal structure known as ‘Solomons Lump Light.’’ References.— “Janesisland ight \(Si42o 12") === 00)) 00) 00) ==2- == 77% miles. FOG. Locality.—Kastern shore of Chesapeake Bay and southern shore of Kedge Straits on northwest point of Smith Island known as “Fog Point.” (See Chart No. 6.) Observed station is on the north side of a sand and grass point about 1 foot above high-water and about 65 yards from extreme end of point to northeast and 6 vards south-southeast from shore. The 4o Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. remains of old ‘‘Fog Point Light House’’ are about 50 yards to west-southwest, and myrtle bushes abound on all sides except on the west side, which is a sandy beach. Cement monument marking reference station is 15.26 meters south from observed station and about in line with a lone cherry tree '4 mile distant. Marks.—Observed station is nail in center of tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. pet ay “Solomons Lump Light’”” (N 59° 22’ E)_-- 00 00 o0 __--__ 134 miles. Tangent of poitrotlands==s-.s= === == 19) OS ae here 34 mile. RareeitreemeatahwOnsmial lemons === === ame eA een ee 1% miles. IONS [INS (UNAS. oe oe See oe eee SSS 89 228i" 2 Eee ee 1 mile. REFERENCE STATION == 2 oe oa ae ee Wei Busy SiO) ee 15. 26 meters. Wane enone Chen hy athee ae eee U2 16-020) Poy ere 14 mile. MinstOone (Of tWwOsthees ame == ae eee = 133, (AG tourer \% mile. Old light-house foundation____________ ~~ LOBM AAT) en, =e ee 50 yards. First tree on Holland Island____________- Dy NG fen me i 534 miles. JOSEPH. Locality.—Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay and western side of Smith Island, about 3 miles south- west from Solomons Lump Light and about 4 mile north of entrance to Smith Island Thoroughfare (See Charts Nos. 6 and 8.) Observed station is on marsh land about 30 yards back from edge of sandy shore. ‘There is nothing but marsh grass for !4 mile on all sides except a slough about 30 yards wide, which begins about 60 yards southeast of observed station and runs south to Smith Island Thoroughfare. Cement monument marking reference station is 38.74 meters northeast of station and is nearly on line with Solomons Lump Light. Marks.—Observed station is nail in stub flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— © Z “Solomons Lump Light” (N 40° 47’ E)-- 00 00 00 _----- 3 miles. REFERENCE (STATIONS = 25 ees a= a eee 00/ ES ely ee aa 38. 74 meters. ikalilonesirecs=== === see eee aes FAO). of Ra BE eee be 11% miles. Rug btshandeone ol two piles ses a Sas 5) ee ¥% mile. Ro iohe Salo On Goto Se ee eee GO as re, eer 60 yards. Smith Island North Church: --.._------- 1039 2300S ieee ee 1% miles. Gable on front of 2'%-story house____~-_-_- 100). 29.5 oo eee 1% miles. somite lsland’ Old’ Chirchiees Sa =e Oe Oe ae eee 3% miles. TERRAPIN. Locality.—Western shore of Tangier Sound on extreme northeast point of Smith Island, known as ‘Terrapin Sand Point.” (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on the northeast side of a marsh point about 50 yards west of the extreme end and 35 yards southwest of high-water mark on northeast side. A clump of myrtle bushes stands on point about 150 yards southwest of the station. There are no permanent reference objects near station. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2 if “ “Janes Island Light” (S 37° 40’ E)_---_--- (ofoye olor lo} Spears 4¥s8 miles. ettiendtofeniyxtlelpitst Cs sees enn Speen 2 sn ene 150 yards. Swuthylsland|@hiireh =e === == =a See BOR a5 emer 4 miles. Lone tree to right of another tree_________- S520 ee eee 7 miles. Solomons eumpiyighiteese ee eee L6G" +20" ase, eee 33% miles. a LXoybalimopwrelseyncytchilel ees Sa ee Ree RS STA! ROR! pose ee 150 yards. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 41 MILES. Locality.—Western shore of Tangier Sound on eastern side of the lower half of South Marsh. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on a marsh point making out about 75 yards south of entrance to small creek, which is middle one of three on this shore of the island. Station is about 50 yards south of the north side and about 60 yards west of extreme end of point. A row of myrtle bushes stands east of the station, Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— ° , ” “Sharkfin Shoal Light’? (N 8° 33’ E) _-___-- OO) MOON (00) = === 7% miles. Wealelstaridks Church=== eae sheen see ae eeezOn 20) ee a 54 miles. End of roof of white house among trees, Deal Tcl avrr Gl.) Sage See ee eye ge Se ee or CT ea tg Seer 4% miles. Mangentiofmeampointiomland=ss==a=esa=a= 155 9 35) 2-22 —=— % mile. NOLOMORSHE Un pep een eee een S: 56.055, os. - 314 miles. Dhird. (first large) treeliromileitz==----- == _- 23% 5 7ee~ =o 52 = 7% mile. one pine treessaee an nee ne eet ae 380) 27a ae es 414 miles. JOSHUA. Locality Eastern shore of Tangier Sound on western side of Little Island, about 4 mile south- east from extreme eastern point of island. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on northern half of a sand dune about 10 feet above and 20 feet back from high-water mark. The southern half of the sand dune is covered with bushes and scrub trees. A large aspen tree stands about 14 mile north of the station. Cement monument marking reference station is located on low land 32.06 meters north of observed station, and is nearly on line with large aspen tree. Marks.—Observed station is a nail in pine stub flush with ground and is likely to be disturbed by shifting of sand dune. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— co Md “Solomons Lump Light” (S 37° 41’ W)-- 00 00 o0 ------ 57% miles. Tall pine tree on opposite shore of Tangier Wounds -2 aso. aa: See ee Sir ASy Le sees 5% miles. Center point of square roof house on Deal island a= eae = eae ee eae aeons L290 132) jase sees 114 miles. Warceaspenvttee = nem == eae te Soe WOON OS ==) eae 14 mile. REFERENCE STATION 160) 919!) 20)"=-=-=— 32. 06 meters. Nail in blaze in peach tree (1% inches in Cita e tet, passe ee et eee eas ae eee re eee 259) B40!" sates eae 30. 74 meters. Tangent) point of island=2-20:- 222222 2 = 200: #A8e =) ese hes ly mile. KELLEY. Locality.—Northern shore of Manokin River on Kelley Island, which is located off point between Fishing Creek and Laws Thoroughfare just inside of entrance to Laws Thoroughfare. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on a small point making off southern side of a marsh island known as “ Kelley Island.” It is about 8 yards from the east side and about 12 yards from west side of point. Myrtle bushes grow about 5 yards to west and north of observed station and a crab shanty stands on northern end of island about 1oo yards north from station. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.44 meters northeast of observed station. Marks.—Observed station is center of a square wooden box with top just above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2 ae “Fairmount Church” (S 70° 41’ E).---_-- 00) 00%) 00) ==--=- 614 miles. Pineito leftiof twovothershs--=------ === ise tsi | See a 334 miles. Left’end of new house_-__-------- tee Oi, GR. gl hee ean 4 miles. Aspen’ tree near “Joshua’=_=_=— == == - — WOMeS2. a= Sees 244 ‘miles. 50095—08 ——6 42 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. Chimney on very large white house on Deal ° vim Get Island!) 422 Saco cea ae meee NOTES seen 2 miles. Crab house on Kelley island =s eee 2537 120) (==) 100 yards. REFERENCE STATION--=.---------- Seess 283 57 IO =----- LO: 44 meters: MARSH. Locality —Northern shore of Manokin River on a small marshy island on eastern side of entrance to Fishing Creek. (See Chart No. 7.) - Observed station is on southern part of a small marshy island about 25 feet from the south side, 30 feet from the northeast side, and ro feet from west side of the island. Cement monument marking reference station is 24.34 meters northwest of observed station. Marks.—Observed station is a nail in a pine stub in center of square wooden box. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2 et “Fairmount Church” (S 64° 47’ E)------ (00) 00) 100) == === = 47% miles. Pine to the left of two other pines________ Bi AS me 234 miles. Right side of house on Deal Island____-__ 143 10 ~~ ------ 2'4 miles. IRERERENCE, SIPATIONG 22am see 222 22a Opes 24. 34 meters. Chimmeysof cabinjanlwoodsse=== === == 630083 7)ae = eee 21% miles. Right-hand end of crab house__-__--_--- 326) 22he Sees ese 34 mile ST. PIERRE. Locality.—Manokin River on a small marsh island known as “St. Pierre Island.’’ (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on west side of island about 20 yards from the shore to the west and about 30 yards from the shore to the south. A clump of myrtle bushes stand about 15 yards northwest of station, and the shore of a small bay is about 30 yards to the east. Cement monument marking refer- ence station is 7.97 meters east-southeast of observed station and on line to “Fairmount Church.” Marks.—Observed station is a nail in pine stub in center of square wooden box. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— ° Oe “Fairmount Church”’ (S 59° 49’ E)-------- ‘OOMOOn OO gee 334 miles. RERERENCH (ST ALION == eee eee 00: OP pO Sh-2=5 7.97 meters. Chimmney-on house with two ells:_-._-“=--_ 57 15 -- ------ 134 miles. Pine tree to the left of two others_________ ‘58 at520 sa geen 2 miles. Left end of roof of white house--------_- ~~ 60 (09. 9=2— eeeee= 17% miles. Left end of crab house near Muddy Cove_-_ 188 14 -- ------ 134 miles. Chimney ‘onlicabin===== 22-5 5—2—--ne~-se = 258 549 Megs eee 114 miles. Chimney on Mitir's'store2_-- == --—_ = --==_= BONe iO. we eee 214 miles. Right-hand chimney on yellow house _---- S13 AA. 22 oe 4 miles. LOCUST. Locality—Western shore of upper Manokin River, about 1% mile north of Locust Point. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on marsh land about 12 yards west from shore of river and about 12 yards north from a small creek. Myrtle bushes extend atongside of river and creek. There are no other permanent reference marks near station. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2, d ut “Barn” (S 12° 48’ E) See ) 222. 00) 00) 00) 2-2-2 Ye mile: Bell cupola on oyster house (“Cupola’’)_—__- 2 Nt 5 ee eee ae 1 mile. Chimney on white house_________- Je 210) 20 : . #% mile. Chimney on cabin near “ Wab”’____--..---. 244 22 -_ --__-. 14 miles: North chimney on brick house (*' Pen’’)____- 267) }O4) 22 seater 1 mile Chimney of cabin near “Cox’’________---_- 287) 22; ee 5g mile a oe ee ee A Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 43 FITZ. Locality.—Northwestern shore of upper Manokin River, about 1 mile northeast from Locust Point. (See Progress Map.) Observed station is on the edge of the lawn of a large old red brick house owned by Mr. Fitzgerald, about 4 yards west of shore and 23 yards southwest of extreme end of point. Four locust trees, each 8 inches in diameter, stand back of station, and there is a cobblestone about 12 inches in diameter about 2 yards to the east. There is a small pond 20 yards to the north of the station. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— - oy SE “Fairmount Church” (S 10° 50’ W)s. ----- (oxo, (0%) {0.0} 33% miles. Bell cupola on oyster house (‘‘Cupola’’)_-. 29 05 —~ ------ 15g miles. Chimney of white house_---.---.--.----- 3 SES 5a pee ee ‘5 mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diame- CET) a ee oe ee es ee am 1O5. O20) = soe == 5-42 meters. Near corner of brick house______________- eye), BY ee SS eeee 100 yards. Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches in di- @Neten) = a= ae co see ee eee ea 208a 52) gaa eee 6. 24 meters Chimneyrofampainted) house==s2-222=—-2-= 224) "O29 == = === - 1, mile. Chimney of cabin near ‘“‘Wab’’___._.----- ZO TES 2) ee a 1, mile. North chimney on large brick house (CORY) a 2975 OMe ZO) ae = 5 mile. WAB. Locality.—North shore of upper Manokin River on a point on the western side of entrance to Goose Creek. (See Progress Map.) = Observed station is on a shell and marsh point about 1o feet back from both sides of point and about 3 feet above high-water mark. A small shanty stands directly west of station. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— SC POD Le PMRETEs (Sploss 24e hyena a ee oe ee OOMNOO ROOt == ae Yy mile. Left-hand corner of shanty__-...-------- 80; OL sa sees=5 19. 46 meters. Next corner of shanty=—---=--.22=----=- 90" (SS ee 18.77 meters. Chimney of two-story unpainted house--_ 107. 50 -_ ~_-_~- 250 yards. WOMCppiNGle es a= 4 4o> oe en esses nas NOS; OF, = asease 250 yards. Chimney on middle of red roof on white MOUSE) CaS tee ae ee Pas See ao 254 ee BAD feo eto ', mile. Easterly chimney of white house on op- posite shore == ==) = Saas as sae Soe 2809 gliS) aoe ease a= 1, mile. PEN. Locality.—Southeastern shore of upper Manokin River on Clifton Point. (See Progress Map.) Observed station is northern chimney of a large 2'% story, 4-gable roof, brick house belonging to Mr. Pendelton. ‘The house is back from the river, and there are trees between it and the shore. Marks.—Observed station is center of northern chimney on house belonging to Mr. Pendelton. References.—None necessary. e COX. Localhtty.—Eastern shore of upper Manokin River on marsh point about 34 mile north of entrance to Back Creek. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is about 15 yards east and ro yards south of high-water mark. A small building stands in the water about 20 feet from bank to the northeast of station, and Bennett’s oyster watch- house is about 15 yards east of station. 44 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2 ts “Fairmount Church?” (S 15° 34/W)2222= 00) "00! 00 ==-_—= 234 miles. Cipolacon barn! (jBarn?))/22s= se OMG TE See 7% mile. Bell cupola on oyster house (““Cupola’’)_-- 43 51 -- ------ 1% miles. Chimney of white house==s29- ss eee TL ay? 7 ae 34 mile. West corner of roof brick of house on oppo- site Shore mean = Hitz tye ee ane Tati Ge a hea ei ee 34 mile. Cabininear (°Wabt222222-— == T89)=-33-, coh Se 14 mile. Left corner of watchhouse ---__-__-_-__- 266A 5 peo 17. 20 meters. Near corner of watchhouse -__------_--- ee 258.422 SS 14. 13 meters. GREEN. Locality —Upper Manokin River on eastern shore about 14 mile north of entrance to Back Creek. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on grassy land about 10 yards east of a sandy beach adjoining a marsh point, and is about 3 yards north of curve in road. ‘Two small locust trees stand about 3 yards distant, one to the northwest and the other to the east of station. A cedar tree 10 inches in diameter stands about ‘ro yards to the south. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— e saat “Fairmount Chiurch®*((S'182)53/ W)2---2-=. CO) (00) (00) =s2 = 2% miles. Weftichimney of white hovses= === ee a=) 7 hos eee 34 mile. Cupola’ on barn! (Barn) See see 25 see Ome ees 34 mile. Pine tree to the right of two others_------_- B55 Olea eee ae 4% miles. Wialliam Muir'sistoreichimney==2 = == = 22.) S4N55 ee 134 miles. Nail in blaze on tree (3 inches diameter)_. 107 Or —-- ~_---- 3.65 meters. Chimneyjon whiteshouse======—==—= == =ee 1260 It 9 220=2es= 34 mile Mangentiof poitiohiiland==2=2s.--s=== TAT 18, <2 ce =see 100 yards. Nail in blaze on tree (10 inches diameter). 342 09g -- ------ 8.90 meters. BARN. Locality.—South shore of Manokin River on prominent point of land between Wolf Trap and Back creeks. (See Chart No. 7.) Marks.—Observed station is center point of cupola on a large red frame structure used as a barn on farm of Hershel Ford. Rejerences.—None necessary. CUPOLA. Locality.—South shore of Manokin River on north end of Fishing Island. (See Chart No. 7.) Marks.—Observed station is center point of top of bell cupola on Bennett’s oyster house. References.—N one necessary. STAFF. Locality.—Southern shore of Manokin River on eastern side of entrance to Broad Creek, about 14 mile southeast of Cormal Point. (See Chart No. 7.) Marks.—Observed station is flagstaff on eastern end of roof of oyster house on Cox’s wharf. References.—None necessary. FAIRMOUNT CHURCH. Locality.—Town of Upper Fairmount about halfway between Manokin and Big Annemessex rivers. (See Chart No. 7.) Marks.—Observed station is center point of steeple on Fairmount Methodist Church. References.—N one necessary. ieee ai een ee LL - Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 45 PRICKLY. Locality.—Eastern shore of Tangier Sound and southeastern side of entrance to Manokin River on a small point 14 mile south of Prickly Point. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on a sandy spot about 5 feet above and 30 yards back from high-water mark on west side and about 35 yards from end of point to northwest. About 10 feet southeast of station is a clump of myrtle bushes, and 7 to 18 yards back of these is a small group of pine trees. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— Fees erotmbrerren (N79 sur) eee ee ae ee OO 00) (00 =5=-<= 3% miles. Pine tree to left of two others______--_-_- 20m Saye oe tans ses 1% miles. Chimneyion pray housel==-——- = eae 30) 22) == Soo. % mile. Pointed cupola on building through trees. 49 54 —-- ------ 34 mile. INeariendiotnroolonbouseses=s—a=— ae 52) 250 aes ae 1 mile. Nailin blazeun treeses== === ae ee OS. OB =e aaa 19. 69 meters. Weft end of white houses=2-===---------- OS OMe = es 1% miles. Left end of roof of yellow house__-__~----~- Moye Moye wee ween ees 34 mile. Nailiintblazeninitce css =a eee 25 R20 ee 28 O7eImeters: Chimney on gray house on next point---- 163 02 -- -_---- 54 mile. Tangent of point of land____.._.--.----- 332) NOAM Sawn aee te 1% mile.- HAS. Locality.—Eastern shore of Tangier Sound on point at north side of entrance to Big Annemessex River about halfway between Porpoise Point and Two Mouth Creek. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on a sand dune ‘about 10 feet above and 30 yards back from high-water mark to the west. A pool averaging 40 feet by 100 feet stands 50 feet east of observed station. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.21 meters east of observed station and about on line to Fords wharf. Marks.—Observed station is a nail in a pine stub with top flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— a we) ORY “Solomons Lump Light” (S 84° 127 W)--- 00 00 oo -__-__- 734 miles. Mangentiof:poimtiob land s=2-= -=-2—="4—== T2302 yuo pees % mile. Chimney of house among trees______------ 2p RTOw aa eae 13 miles. Right end of white house roof _-____------ x7 5 Ane ee 2 miles. Chimney on large unpainted house_______- 120) 140) = a mile: REFERENCE STATIONS] 2-2 = === se ee =a W/O LL) ASescas== 5- 21 meters. ‘Tower on Odd Fellows Building, Crisfield. 265 50 -- ------ 534 miles. FORD. Locality.—North shore of Big Annemessex River on south side of Jerico Marshes just east of Muddy Creek. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is chimney on roof of oyster house near Fords wharf. Chimney is a little east of middle of roof. Marks.—Observed station is center of chimney on roof of oyster house. References.—None necessary. MOON. Locality.—North shore of Big Annemessex River on point between Moon Bay and Crane Cove. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on a marsh point about 35 yards from extreme end, 25 yards from east side and 30 yards from south side. A small pool stands about ro yards south of observed station and a crescent- shaped pool about 10 feet wide and 100 feet long extends from a point about 20 yards west to a point about 20 yards north of station. A row of small myrtle bushes begins at a point directly south of 46 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. observed station, extends along shore toward the east, and ends at Moon Bay. Another lot of small myrtle bushes begins at a point about 100 yards west of observed station and extends along the shore to the west. There are no other points of reference near station. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— ee “Ford?” (N 75°41) W) =. = see = ee OO (00) (00) =_=2=— 154 miles. Hastertiend of cabin toolsee ses = = Ol OOM =n ae 1% miles. Chinineyon\cabinsesss== = === = =3 == —==== === 83) 12.) ssceeeace 134 miles. Chimney on\cabin#es= === ==—-——=— === 854A Saye toes 134 miles. Peak of center gable of red roof house__------ 104 45 -- ------ 2% miles. Near end of old 214-story house------------ Li; OO) Sone soe= 15 miles. Western chimney of square roof house_-_~__- 189) fc 47) me ee 1 mile. Eastern end of white house roof____________- 202: 18 Seen eee 114 miles Easterniend of roof of large barn’ = ========== 229) 30) = ===] 22) oremile: Chimney on house (“‘Colburn”’)____-____-_-- 262 916. 2. 225282 34 mile Chimney on middle of long barn______--_____ 267 16 -= --.--- 34 mile. Tangent of point of land_____.___..-------- B28 goSeoe aoe 5g mile. COLBURN. Locality.—South shore of Big Annemessex River on southeastern side of entrance to Colburn Creek (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is chimney on top of a modern several gable house. House sets alone about halfway between oyster houses to the west and a group of houses to the east. Marks.—Observed station is center of chimney on top of modern several gabled house. References.—None necessary. GEOG. Locality.—South shore of Big Annemessex River on point on east side of a square-shaped inlet about 34 mile northeast of the entrance to Jones Creek. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on marsh land about 50 yards back form extreme end of point, about 20 yards from southeast corner of square-shaped bay and about 25 yards from east shore line. Myrtle bushes extend along shore to the east of station for about 100 yards, and reeds grow 25 yards to the north. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— oe & o MLS hz UNO 7A Sa) eee = etn es a OO7O0) NGO) Sane == 234 miles. Nearest end of red roof on opposite shore--_ 40 43 —~ ---__- 334 miles. Pinetree to) the right of twoothers=--=-===—) 47 17) == Sees 4)4 miles. ~ Chimney on oyster house (“‘ Ford’’)_________ 5a) 22.0 == eben 1% _miles. Centerigabletofiredihouseza=aa eae e eee 1OON N37 ee eee 37% miles. Chimney on middle of dark red oyster house. 155 25 -- ------ 1 mile. FLAT CAP. Locality.—Eastern shore of Tangier Sound and about 14 mile south of Flat Cap Point on south side of entrance to Big Annemessex River. (See Chart No. 7.) Observed station is on a sand dune about 10 yards back and 10 feet above high-water mark. A sandy beach extends along shore for about 100 yards in both directions and remainder of land is grassy. A slough begins at a point about 50 yards southeast of observed station and extends south. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.64 meters east of observed station. Marks.—Observed station is a 14-inch iron pipe with top flush with the surface of the ground Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— ° uv M “Solomons Lump Light” (N 81° 14 W)_- 00 00 oo __-___- 734 miles. Left end of roof of white house near Prickly sPoi0 be eee ee a ee 90 25 2. 2225 2'% miles ee a ET ARNE no es ls ite a + Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 47 ° / a” Right end of long building in woods_____- NGQip OOM tose -— = 2% miles. IREEERENGCE STATION. =—3--2=--2=5----== 17) 9 2216 AOre es 13. 64 meters. Tower of Odd Fellows building, Crisfield__ 243 06 -_ ______ 314 miles. Lone smokestack on Crisfield Ice Plant--- 251 31 -- ---_-_ 334 miles. Bish factory stack Janes Island=--._--_=. 277 36 _.{ _-_-.- 4% miles. SMITH POINT LIGHT. Locality.—Western side of Chesapeake Bay on southern side of entrance to Potomac River and about 3 miles east by south of Smith Point. (See Chart No. 8.) Marks.—Observed station is center point of black lantern on caisson and brick structure known as “Smith Point Light.” References.— ¢ d % “Holland Island Bar Light” (N 20° 13’ KE). 00 00 oo ______ 1334 miles. NORTH CHURCH (SMITH ISLAND). Locality.—In town of Ewell on group of marsh islands known as ‘Smith Island.”’ (See Chart No. 8.) Observed station is on solid land on south shore of Smith Island Thoroughfare about 1 mile from the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. Marks.— Observed station is center point of spire of church known as “Corinth Methodist Episcopal Church.” References—None necessary. OLD CHURCH (SMITH ISLAND). Locality.—Western side of the group of marsh islands known as “Smith Island’’ on solid land about 3s mile from the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay and 1! mile east of upper end of Shanks Creek at Rhodes Point. (See Chart No. 8.) Marks.—Observed station is center point of spire of church known as “Calvary Methodist Epis- copal Church.” References. None necessary. EWELL CHURCH (SMITH ISLAND). Localhity.—In town of Tylerton near the center of the group of marsh islands known as ‘‘Smith Island” on solid land about 1s mile east of the narrowest part of waters joining Tylers Creek and Tylers Ditch. (See Chart No. 8.) : Marks.—Observed station is center point of spire of church known as “ Union Methodist Episcopal Church.” References —None necessary. SHANKS HAMMOCK. Locality.—Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Shanks Island, which is located in Virginia about 34 mile east of the southern end of Smith Island. (See Chart No. 8.) Observed station is on the northeast side of the island, on low ground about !'% mile from its northern end about 70 yards back from shore and r1o yards from end of point to east. It is near the southern extremity ot a hummock covered with a dense growth of scrub trees and bushes and is about 35 yards north of a pile of brick, the ruins of a house. Cement monument marking reference station is 1.43 meters southwest of observed station. Marks.—Observed station is center of a 4-inch tile pipe with top just below the surface of the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— ° tt ud “Smith Point Light” (S 69’ 16” W)_------- ©0 00 oo ____-- 814 miles. Smith Island Corinth Church (North Church) 115 50 00 _____- 5 miles 48 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. ° , ” Smith Island Union Church (Ewell Church). 130 13 00 ~-__-_- 334 miles. Hotse Hammock poplar === ae eens DON 33) Se eaenee 3% miles. Rightitan gent of point==== === aera T6888" 22 Ses 22— 110 yards. Pinetree iso ae eon ne eee ae ee ee 1s oy WAC ete ee 34 miles. Stove pipe onlargeictab hotses===" === ae= 62070 O07) = aaa 21% miles. SRoxisland Poplatge === a= ae eee DTA A, AG Se eae. 734 miles. Pilevot brick; sthemumsiofalhotse = sssesa= 273 6 a eee eee 35 yards. REEBRENCEUSTALIONG See ee eo ae 249 8106), .208 == =- = I. 43 meters. REACH HAMMOCK. Locality —South end and eastern side of Tangier Sound on Reach Hammock Island, which is located between Smith and Tangier islands about 1 mile east of Fishbone Island. (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is on the northeastern end of a small marshy island known as Reach Hammock and is about 5 feet from the present shore line, which is rapidly washing away. It is close to a small fish fertilizer factory which stands on the island. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.10 meters east by south of observed station. Marks.—Observed station is the center of a 6-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of the ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2 fry tt ‘Rox: Island Poplar? (N77204/)a2=-==2=) GON 100) (002s 44 miles. Left corner of brick work of factory_____. 85 07 -- ------ 6. 68 meters. Right corner of brick work____.-_-____-_- O77 Aaah = eee 7.31 meters. Near cormmerof shed2225== == aan oo LOO) eOQE =) ee 18. 32 meters. REFERENCE STATIONS: === eae ee a= a= LOO O23 Olena = g. 10 meters. Chimney, of small houses 22-22) 22e===-= 185) O08 aaa aes 45 yards. Weftied geiothoisesa=) == — sae = a= =e eee 208 a5 eee ae a 114 miles. Right edge of roof of right-hand house_____ 2NO PO Tsay eee 14 miles. Chimney of 2'%-story house on Herring Tsland2 233 2 = 2 3 See eee eer 230F RG OUD ene 2 miles. Tallest: pine Smith Island=-—-222=-2=-_ == PYAR CLAW yo Sipe Se 414 miles. Poplar near Horses se 22 sae ae ee a7 5 er On ea 5 miles. ‘SJanesusland Wight?*2=--- 2-222 oe, SLA 155) See 634 miles. FISHBONE. Locality.—Dividing waters of Chesapeake Bay and Tangier Sound on western side of Fishbone Island, which is located between Smith and Tangier islands. (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is on marsh ground about 15 yards from shore to the west and about halfway between northern and southern extremities of island. The station is about level with high-water mark, but there is a slight elevation between station and shore and a small shanty stands about 20 yards to the southwest. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.08 meters south of observed station and about on line with shanty. Marks.—Observed station is a nail in stub flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 3 Lipp NZ “Janes Island Light’’ (N 40° 34” E)_----- QO) (00700) =====4 7% miles. “Hox Icland’Poplani== === == === a= 3001 TO! ae pene 5% miles. Chimney on house on Reach Hammock___ 58 49 -- ------ 1% miles. RERRRENCEIST ATION: So oe es eee esa Oa ONT 5 Og eee 10. 08 meters. Nearicormer of shanty==-=5_-5555-=--ee2=— E59) #408 62 29s2s==— 17.44 meters. Chimney on 21!4-story house on Herring Tslandes = = 2 ae eee ea eee 300) 132) A eae 1% miles. Peak: of ‘left house 22:5 23-522 522e2222524 (34032), 25 ae 200 yards. Stove pipe on flat roof shanty_-_--_---_- e560. 40) ==) 200 yards. a Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Ma. 49 HORSE. Locality.—West shore of Tangier Sound on east shore of Smith Island at point known as ‘“‘ Horse Hammock.” (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is about 10 yards off shore in 2 feet of water at low-tide, between shore and northernmost row of piling. Several trees stand on bank near station. Cement monument marking reference station is 27.12 meters west of observed station and 20 yards back from shore. Marks.—Observed station is stake in water. Reference station is center point of triangle on _ standard cement monument. : References.— 2 Ue om “Janes Island Light’’ (N 80° 19’ E)__---__ OOM OO OOF 22 == = 4% miles. MOMersiCOVe LO teee se eae oe ae ee rs ON OOM an 6% miles. igh piless. aes sam dese es nen Se Wop 7) @ 30-52 so= 8. 41 meters. Hoxacland’ Poplars ee eae A Om 255 50) --.-- 614 miles. Left tangent of Smiths Island________--_- TOOW SAG USS Ssa=== 150 yards. Near corner of old cedar___-_-------_--- WS. Top sve tose 32.42 meters. Blazetingtreet aoe ae eee eee aes nGOG) Cae) Soe eee 14. 21 meters. Blazexinetice sae = =e a = seme ea eee LOOW2 meee =e 25492 meters: RERERENCE STATON. 2=2s==55 5 semsoe ae 174) 5) 30) =----— 27. 12 meters. Blazeinpoplat = 292. 8 =e ea Gi Fey “GX0) se ee ne 45.74 meters, Pile extending above row of piles__--___- BOG OS) yee Wee e es 16. 66 meters, Highs pileeeet sense se See oe om SO 33t OS m= ee g. 80 meters. fcettactonyastacks= 25-222 oe. Be Any 74 miles. Bishptactonyss tacks === aeae se eee ae BOM O¢mnee! 2-2 ee 534 miles. JANES ISLAND LIGHT. Locality —Tangier Sound off entrance to Little Annemessex River. (See Chart No. 9.) Marks.—Observed station is center of black lantern on hexagonal screw pile structure known as “Janes Island Light.” References.— “Solomons Lump Light’’ (N 42° 08’ W)__-- 00 00 oo _____- 7 miles. SOMERS COVE LIGHT. Locality —Little Annemessex River at entrance to Crisfield Harbor. (See Chart No. 9.) Marks.— Observed station is center of spindle on top of black lantern on square screw pile structure known as ‘‘Somers Cove Light.” References.— “Janes Island Light’’ (S 84° 41’ W)_------- (0y9)) (00) | Korey eee 2'%4 miles. ° f? un ° , " EMMANUEL CHURCH. Localhity.—City of Crisfield, about 34 mile east of Crisfield Harbor. (See Chart No. 9.) Marks.—Observed station is center of steeple on church known as “‘ Emmanuel Methodist Episcopal Church.” Rejferences.—None necessary. MOUNT PLEASANT CHURCH. Locality.—City of Crisfield, about 1 mile from Crisfield Harbor. (See Chart No. 9.) Marks.—Observed station is center of steeple on brick church on Main street Known as “Mount Pleasant Methodist Protestant Church.” References.—None necessary. ASBURY CHURCH. Locality.—In town of Lawsonia, about 1% miles from Crisfield Harbor. (See Chart No. 9.) Marks.—Observed station is center of very slender steeple on church known as ‘‘ Asbury Methodist Ipiscopal Church.’’ Rejerences.—None necessary. SOO S08 a7 50 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BEACON. Locality.— Between Tangier and Pocomoke sounds, on small island just north of Great Fox Island known as “House Island.”’ (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is about 100 yards south of extreme northern shore and about 30 yards from west shore of island. The shore of an inlet which makes into eastern side of island is about 15 feet northwest of observed station. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.12 meters west of observed station. _A temporary wooden beacon stands 0.40 meters south of observed station. Marks —Observed station is center of a 6-inch tile pipe set in cement and projecting above ground about 6 inches. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Note. What was taken to be center mark of old “ Beacon”’ of 1898 is a 2-inch iron pipe projecting above ground with three stubs projecting 3 feet above ground which were apparently used to support instrument. Wooden sills supported by 10-inch piles form a square with the 2-inch pipe in center. References at observed station.— “Janes Island Light’’ (N 11° or’ W)_----- {0,0}, (010) oo per 334 miles. HishwactonygstaCko === === eae eee DORA) (22) eeoese 4% miles. ‘SASDinymCHNtCh Spile yeas ee Bie 92) 5) Sasec= 6 miles. ‘OAT ae ee ee Ae SRR ened eee 92) 742 105) ==— 114 miles. Chimney of highest building on Fox Island 171 16 —_ ~____- 1% miles. Shoxallslandeeoplariee =a ==] Seen IGA $260] 2 APE aa 1 mile, 2-Inch iron pipe (“ Beacon, 189877)2==-5 22 200° 28) 15) =--=- 7.26 meters. Wioodenahec ot ssa eee 222) 916) MOONe a een 0. 40 meters. REFERENCE STATION (cement monument). 299 20 40 _____- 4. 12 meters. References at 2-inch iron pipe (“Beacon 1898”)— °° % ” ‘Janes Island Light” (N 11° or’ W)____- (op) (oY)! «foYo) oe = 334 miles. ishiiactony sta Ck ses= === eae 22 20 eee eae: SNShb tty Oh ULChins plvei ns ae ee L301 case 6 miles. RUT Oe eo ea po ee ee O22 7gh on eee aes 114 miles. Chimney on highest building on Fox Island 171 07 -~ ------ 114 miles. Pei Rtope Iisehntell J2toy0) Pye oes ee eS NOAM 23 See 1 mile. REFERENCE STATION (Cement monument)_ 353 13 50 ------- 8. 875 meters ‘Beacon’? (OBSERVED STATION)-_--_--_--- 20) 1/35, (00 2-2 -=- 7. 26 meters. \oodenvbeacones=" "=== 2 === ee TO 265-5 Ss22=2 6. 89 meters. FOX ISLAND POPLAR. Locality—Eastern shore of lower Tangier Sound on western side of Great Fox Island about half- way between the northern and southern ends of the island. (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is a very prominent lone Lombardy poplar situated on solid land about 1 mile inshore from Tangier Sound. Marks.—Observed station is center of a lone Lombardy poplar tree. References.—None necessary. SAM. Locality.—Western end and northern shore of Pocomoke Sound on north side of the entrance to Cedar Straits about 14 mile north of Green Harbor Island. (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is on marsh land between two clumps of water bushes about 10 yards back from extreme high-water mark and 15 yards back from ordinary high-water mark. A slough passes about 100 yards north of station and there are several pools 50 yards north of station. Cement monument marking reference station is 2.81 meters north of observed station. ‘‘ Watkins Point” of the Maryland- Virginia boundary is in the water between “Sam” and Green Harbor Island. Marks.—Observed station is center of iron pipe projecting 4 inches above ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. ee ee a Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Mad. I 3 b ) g 5 References.— oN eT” ‘Janes Island Light” (N 27° 30’ W)-_----- (lel ley 000) Soon 4 miles. Hishblactonygstack== == eee aes oe== 23) 560 a= sooo 4 miles. Neetactony stack! oss eseee = ana sae ose ss AO AO? Mae. = aes 434 miles. RVRERENCHUSLALIONG soe 22 2255 soo 5 son =— At 3550 e-==—— 2. 81 meters. ENG ce Sop ee ee 95) 03) vee uneo n= 3 miles. omits olan SS er a = ae a eA A 20ND O ees Se er 50 yards. Left tangent of small island_____________-_- TS lone Somes] | 300) yards: Rusht tancentorsmallislandes2s2 22222222 2025 50) == =222-2 300 yards. Left chimney on Fox Island_________---_- 23 OMS tee nee ear 134 miles. Chimney on middle of large building on Fox isl air cl ees ar een Sei re che re OA ae O Smee fe nee. 134 miles. paltoxe sland o p12) pense ae 2h3) 24s ee oe 134 miles. Large clump of trees on Fox Island____-__- 2OA@ a 20 gles ae S25 a 134 miles. WATERMELON HUMMOCK. Locality —Northern shore of Pocomoke Sound in midst of a large tract of marsh land lying between Apes Hole Creek and Broad Creek about 2'%4 miles southeast of Somers Cove Light. (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is in midst of marsh near a clump of trees which stand about 25 yards to the north. It is about 150 yards southwest of a wide part of the upper end of Massey Creek. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 9S 2 hs “Somers Cove Light” (N 51° 30’ W)__--- 06 00 00 __---- 21% miles. Natikinkblazesm pine=== sss eae ee AGL 55) 30) 5 - = 21. oo meters. Narlkinimbla-zeninnpines =a ee Se SBI AT) 30. Soo ee 11. 36 meters. Cedar trecmeaee as a= een wae ees ae ee een 935%) 1G) so" Sees = roo yards. CANON UG enavel 2teyo) he a Ay sit ee eee 434 miles. EAST. Locality.—North shore of Pocomoke Sound between Apes Hole and Broad creeks on a detached marsh point on east side of entrance to Cow Gap Creek. (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is on southerly part of a small marsh island separated about 200 yards from point of mainland. Water bushes cover northerly part of the island. Observed station is about 13 yards south of shore, 14 yards west of shore, 36 yards north of shore, and 5 yards east of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.38 meters southeast of observed station. : Marks.—Observed station is a spike in a cement filled tile pipe with top even with surface of marsh. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— oY us “Janes Island Light” (N 62° 19’ W)------ (fe) Meloy Ole) See 5% miles. ishutactonypstacka. = eee a eee TOM OOlme are = 4% miles. Somers Cove Light____ FAO ssh ole ee 3% miles. allitree as 22s ee ee Se ee A Owe 27 Mey eter 134 miles. letoviniitore Mehatel aie oe Se MA. Mel ©} ey ee = 35 yards. RGR REN GH STAT ION= sa see eee es eee DIZ TOANOOe = === = 6. 38 meters. Io Sie Wy Siar Into eee oe eee Of ie ee ae eee 3% miles. Right chimney of first house on Fox Island_ 298 31 -- ----.- 4% miles. Pointotwancdiwest=a= == =ass= eo ee Rie A. ee Bee 200 yards. Cabinkchimne yeas 9 eee oes see SI6 OGM) 24 oso. = 'y mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Ma. mn iS) MONKEY. Locality.— North side of Pocomoke Sound on a small island known as ‘‘ Watkins Island”’ off entrance to Apes Hole Creek. (See Chart No. 9.) Observed station is in the middle of a small islet about 12 yards by 4 yards which is covered with marsh grass and awash at high water. It is very solid ground on top but soft beneath and island will probably be washed away in a few years. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— SiN es 2x! EES COtae NI 77 cmeley Mul) eee ee ee OOM GOMNOO I= 334 miles. Chinmney, of Stirling’s watch houses == =2) 19)8 27 2a a 34 mile. Left hand chimney of Matthews red roof s houseionmanisalsland == se 22 Ore 5 miles. Chimney totishanty near aMosu= saa ss se enOS a 46.) =e eee 414 miles. Witeksn 3a in cl eee en Oe es rig yl eel Ramee = = 200 yards. Diuckingiblinds2e es ee Ree 2 eee At ato Se St oose 200 yards. Peaks otibtowiglo Ses a ae 302.4 (TSy poo eee 214 miles WandrnillontbarnE sos a— See ere ea TE ee AB ng Se eee 21% miles. Cnpolaxofted houses=== === aan eee 3360) AQ ast seen 514 miles. SCOT. Locality.—North shore of Pocomoke Sound on extreme southern point of marsh land between Ikast and Marumsco creeks. (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is on a marsh point about 25 yards back from extreme end of point, 30 yards back from west side of point, and 20 yards from south side. It is surrounded by a thick and high clump of water bushes which extend along the shore to the eastward. There are no permanent reference objects near station. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.66 meters northeast of observed station. Marks.—Observed station is an inverted spike in cement which is flush with ground and covers the top of a 6-inch tile pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— a Gg i “Old: 26 (Ni832 00! 1s) be = ae ee a 00) 00) G0) 22224 2% miles. Furst red house (near iOil)===22 22) Roy me ty Ne i ine ae 334 miles. 2U/A-StOny white DOUSe== === =a =a ae SL wee ee ee 214 miles Chimneysonta-sablevhonsebaa- =e ae 7 Ol ee 214 miles ei “Saxis (Church... 25 ose eee os eee a lor Ge), Bi) eae 234 miles. Chimney of Stirling’s watch house_______- 72.055) <- S-ssee 21% miles. Warge: treesae as eee a ee = ee WOTe 120 rl (eace== 514 miles. REFERENCEASTATIONS === saan. == oe ae BF Bl (4Ousoss—s 11. 66 meters. Chinineysof brown house!====— === a= === SA 5 Ole a ee 214 miles. Chininey tof oyster Holsehene saa eee S5SReS yin Sere eeees 2% miles. OLD. Locality.—North shore of Upper Pocomoke Sound on point of land halfway between Marumsco Creek (called ‘Old Johns Creek” on navigation charts) and Williams Point. (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is about 150 yards east of John T. Handy’s wharf and about 15 feet back. It is on a narrow strip of marsh land which is wearing away by wave action, and thick water bushes stand east and west of station. ‘Three large pine trees stand about 1s mile north by east and several oyster houses about 200 yards to the west. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.57 meters north by east of observed station and about on line with largest of three large pines mentioned above. Marks.—Observed station is spike in cement which is flush with ground and covers the top of a 6-inch tile pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. ——————— el ‘vor Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 53 Rejerences.— ss é i MOCOL IOs suO2 Waser. een sna Son 8 (eloy (0,6)! (0,0) See 2% miles. Chimney of Richardson’s oyster house. _____ TOU AG ees ee 134 miles. nd tG haw hana ean eee ee eee ley Va eee soe 150 yards. Chimney of dwelling house___~_- aS ona Sh ee Se 125 yards. ALC esmOMiILee pile treesa= === ee se a= TLC) 740) Se == = 14 mile. dreeito mehit on three pine treess=----=-=—— MiwA (oy 925 5S ee \y mile. RU HERENCH ESTADO N= seen sa Sanne ea Tue 3 OS One ee oe 11.57 meters. Chimney of dilapidated white house___-- ~~ USNR po ee 250 yards. Nearest gable of first faded red roof house_- 250 03 —- -__--- 2 miles. Nearest end of peak of Matthew’s house on SERaew biG ta. = 2. Pee See eee CNG). Gin eas 2% miles. Right tangent of Saxis Island______------_- SME SON ea 214 miles WILL. Locality—North shore of Pocomoke River on peninsula known as “‘ Williams Point.” (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is on the highest part of Williams Point about 3¢ mile north of extreme southern end of point and well back from both shores. A clump of bushes and two small cedar trees stand about 4o yards to the north and two medium-sized cedar trees about 300 yards to the west. A drainage creek with mouth on easterly side of peninsula runs almost completely around observed station, passing about 50 feet to the south. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— o u MG pa @ daa (Ne ame (Wi) == saeenea seer see oS G0) 100) 100" =222"=— 134 miles. (Cedars eeeeees eee see ce seen te ee WW aks = Gap oeeee 300 yards. IReiesivania ey (NCO eee Seems Se eee Olan ae ae sea 320 yards, Nail in blaze in cedar tree__________--___- ie. Diy 6) Ja== 34. 30 meters. Cedaraireements sO lies sare ee ae ee OTe Pra en ee 134 miles. Cedarsinee sa see ee ee ee ee ee 207 55 e es Sanee 300 yards CUR: Locality.—Virginia side of Pocomoke River on solid land about 14 mile back from shore and 1% mile from nearest bend of Holden Creek. (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is octagonal cupola on unpainted barn on land known as “ Jolly’s Neck Farm.” Barn stands near many cedar trees and south of another large unpainted building. Marks.—Observed station is center point of top of cupola on barn. References.—None necessary. SUMMER. Locality.—South and Virginia shore of mouth of Pocomoke River about 34 mile south of Williams Point, on point known locally as ‘‘Sand Bar Point.” (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is on sandy part of marsh land about 20 feet back from high-water mark on north and west sides of point. There are no permanent reference marks near station. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences.— 2 y ui be PLM OMI ING 7 oO OMI) peewee ene te koe OO) CO) 100) S22 == 134 miles. Chimney of large white house__________-__-_- US SOs. a=) oe ase 214 miles. War Seal COute Chee eee me re ee eet. oe 25 DX ee eee 3 miles. Large high tree (opposite shore)_______----_- SL OSMe ee == 2 miles. Southerly chimney of large house______-____- li Mh.) = ee 134 miles. Chimney on ell of red roof house_____-._-__-._ 119 48 -- -__--- ¥ mile. First pine tree in half dozen or more____---~_- MOWge2 5. hos eee 4 mile. Larger chimney of white house near woods__-- 199 52 —- ~----- Vs mile. Redenman’s windmilloasa=252255--—-=-- ---—- Zp My eh Caer 2 lV, mile. 54 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. o y ” Peak of Bedenman'sistore: 222" Se aree en 274 53) ae ae 34 mile. SOW Al aos ALU Ore 2 Se a ae ee QSTOl, BUS pea 1 mile. Mone ‘tree. eS - 522 e ae eee Silty? 52) ss ees 2% miles. OIL. Locality—South and Virginia shore of upper end of Pocomoke Sound on a point of land known as “Pig Point,” located about 114 miles southwest of Williams Point. (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is on western side of a marsh point covered with sand about 2 feet above and 30 feet east of ordinary high-water mark, 5 feet east of extreme high-water mark, 100 feet south of ordinary high-water mark, and about 3 feet south of extreme high-water mark. Water bushes skirt shore to east and north and sand beach curves to southwest. On next point about 14 mile southwest are two trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 46.18 meters south of observed station. Marks.—Observed station is spike in center of 6-inch tile pipe filled with cement with top flush with surface. Reference station is center of triangle on standard cement monument. Rejerences.— I Alice ad mea Ve Leta ON] 2477 Cie @ £918) eee eon ee eee es (fe), exe) {0%0) 5 1% miles. (arg ed one tr eee aay ae me eter te aL fea ee ee 2% miles. Peak of roof of Federman’s store___- ~~~ ~~ - 70) TOS eee ee Se 34 mile. Chimney on oyster house_____---=+------- 78:07, Sea 14 mile. argertrees=- 2.8 eS erase eae 84... 47 ee 14 mile. WrandmilifonHedernman|s\barn=== == 90) Oa ee 34 mile. Chimney outside oficabina= == === = === 100) | 50 a 1 mile. Persimmon tree: 2-2" ee eee TOS \ ee Soe 14 mile. : IREERRENCE (STATION= 2 222 oe eee 037, 250) 40) =o =s 46. 18 meters. Trees: #52 8 See eon ee eee 179) 50 See 14 mile. Pointioflands=2ss==sse= see eee ae TSG. Ome aa a 100 yards. awaxis!Chiinch {a2 = ia = a eee eee [930.28 SS eee 234 miles. Wihart!.-= 3 2.886 = Ss se ee ae 2097 032) Cia) eee 234 miles. Chimney of whitejhouse="=- = ==-22==" 2 = 207 @54. os ea aeee 21% miles. Highest chimney in group of white houses. 290 20 -- ------ 134 miles. ichilonsleatepimete === ae === n= 295.153.) eo 2 miles. Westerlyiend ofibann= === — === see Ge wll. esol 2 miles. WHARF. Locality—Southeast and Virginia side of Pocomoke Sound about 1% mile offshore of Saxis Island and about 34 mile north-northwest of ‘““Saxis Church.” (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is on northwest end of house on detached pile structure called Saxis Pier. Marks.—Observed station is flag pole on northwest end of peak of pier house on Saxis Island pier References.— : ¢ ‘ids “SaxisiGhurche(Si26S 10th) === eee ae 00} (00) 00) ease == 34 mile. SAXIS CHURCH. Locality.—Southeast and Virginia shore of Pocomoke Sound on solid land known as “ Saxis Island” about 3!4 miles from shore of sound and !4 mile northeast of mouth of Starling Creek. (See Chart No. 10.) Marks.—Observed station is center point of spire on church known as Southern Methodist Episcopal Church. References.—None necessary. MOS. Locality—Eastern extremity of marsh land between Pocomoke Sound and Messongo Creek on a point of land locally called ‘Fishing Point.” (See Chart No. 10.) Observed station is on the western extremity of marsh point and about 's mile east of the eastern extremity of a small island, It is about 2 feet above and 8 feet back from ordinary high-water on north Se EEE ae ee ey ee Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Ma. 55 side and 45 feet from western end of point. A crab-packing shanty stands about 8 yards to eastward of observed station. Marks.—Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References.— 2 4 us @ Monkey iN) 35° 23(\W) pease eo —o = = = = (ey Clo) foros 225-8 4% miles. Rointeoielslandee 52 -— =e = 53-2 SQM Oy a) ee 3g mile. Bo OckIS? CHUN Chie oo Asem ete ee ee ore a 82s 069 Oy =s=— == 25% miles. Right edge of woods on Saxis Island_______ Sonn Mas, es 21% miles. Jhefit commer of crab hotse--_-__--------=_- O85E5 Oe Sat efae-e 6.74 meters. Right corner of crab house__-=-----2--==- Was Gigs 6a eee eee 6. 37 meters. Point of land on Burntwood Island_____ -__ NOSMOL Alea eee 2 miles. @himmneyiontshan tyee=s=e= aes ee ee BOS Or are Se 200 yards. BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION OF DESCRIPTIONS OF BOUNDARIES. The oyster bars of Somerset County are 37 in number, and their total area, as marked out by buoys placed by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission, is 27,566 acres. As provided by law, the boundaries of the oyster bars are all straight lines, but they inclose areas of all shapes from triangles to complicated fourteen-sided figures, and of all sizes from 3,083 acres to ro acres.* The sides vary in length from 130 to 6,800 yards, and in some cases the corners of the boundaries are practically at the triangulation stations from which they are located, while in other instances they are over 13,600 yards from the landmarks most available for the purpose of fixing their positions. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been made, and the magnitude of the work, with the consequent need of fixed and uniform methods, has made the problem of describing the boundaries one of considerable difficulty and importance. The boundaries of the oyster bars of Maryland, as established by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and projections and on the leasing charts of the Commission, are technically defined and described by a method somewhat different from that used in other oyster surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the survey for both the present and future. ‘The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in the county. At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the oyster bar to be described, its general locality, and the serial number of the ‘“‘Charts of Oyster Bars” of Maryland on which its legal boundaries are shown. The first column, under the heading of ‘Corner of bar,”’ gives the number corre- sponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the corners have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. 1, thence proceeding in a clockwise direction around the bar; but where a corner of one oyster bar is identical with the @ For,similar statistics for other counties that have been surveyed, see Appendix C of this publi- cation. 56 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. corner of the boundaries of one or more other oyster bars, crab bottoms, or clam beds, only the number of the corner of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. The second and third columns, under the headings of ‘‘ Latitude’ and “ Longitude,” give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the Commission as the primary technical definition of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrepancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations of the Survey, even though all the land- marks and buoys originally used for their location have been destroyed by natural causes or by acts of vandals desiring to defeat the purposes of the oyster laws of Maryland. The fourth and fifth columns, under the general heading of ‘True bearing’’¢ and the specific headings ‘‘Forward”’ and “Back,” give bearings measured from a true north- and-south line. The three ‘“‘Forward’’ bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three ‘“‘Back”’ bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. The difference in minutes of are between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the computations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. The sixth column, under the heading of ‘Distance,’ gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. The seventh and last column, under the heading of “U.S.C. & G. S. triangulation station,’’” gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the correspond- ing ‘‘Latitude,” “Longitude,” “True bearing,” and ‘‘ Distance” of the “Corner of the bar” designated in the first column. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication, under the heading of “Description of triangulation stations.” SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the leasing charts of the Shell Fish Commission. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particular kind of surveying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of ways and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likely to present themselves to those interested in the boundaries of natural oyster bars. One, to determine whether the buoys marking « The mean magnetic variation of Somerset County for 1908 was 5° 30’ west of north, and increasing at the rate of 3’ yearly. » Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be obtained by application to the Super- intendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington. : le ee Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 5) the corners have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. ‘The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments possessed by the engineer and his assistants and partly on his training and experience. (1) Triangulation.—This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation rarely used by engineers not engaged in geodetic surveying, it is recommended only for cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An explanation of this class of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those not familiar with this method are referred to the publications on the subject by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. (2) Hydrographic.—This method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the surveyor can obtain the use of the necessary instruments and assistants. It is the one best suited for the work of the engineers of the Commission in relocating corners of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the advantage of being available whenever three triangu- lation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the offshore points needing relocation. Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquainted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a position on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. In the case where there is only one engineer, having a single sextant, the three-point method can be used, but not until the two angles determining the position of any buoy have been derived from the ‘‘Forward bearing’ given in the tabular forms describing the boundaries of the oyster bars. For example, take ‘Turtle Egg Island” bar, which is the first one described in this publication, and assume that ‘‘Corner No. 3,” is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks “Senator” and “Deal Island Church” as determined from right to left from the forward bearings from this corner is 128° 39’ and the angle between ‘‘Deal Island Churech’’ and ‘“‘Crab”’ is 99° 30’. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calcula- tions were made. If the measured and calculated angles do not agree the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary corner must be relocated. This is accom- plished by moving the boat about until a point is reached where angles do agree, and this point being the desired location, the buoy can be placed in its correct position. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a three-arm protractor (“position finder’’), the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is essential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally used in describing the boundaries. Under these cireum- stances, any three landmarks of suitable relative positions that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buoy of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three landmarks selected. These two angles are set off on the three-arm protractor and the actual position of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edge of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the 8 50095—08 58 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if the point thus obtained does not coincide with the true position of the corner of the bound- ary as given on the chart, the surveyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversing the operation. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the protractor over the corner of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adjacent protractor angles between the three selected landmarks. One of the angles thus obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about until the two land- marks are shown by the sextant to subtend the same angle obtained from the pro- tractor. ‘The second angle is then placed on the sextant and the same operation gone through, and so on, first using one angle on the sextant then the other until a point is reached where both observed sextant angles are practically identical with the pro- tractor angles. The point thus.located is the desired one and the buoy can be placed to mark the true position of the corner of the boundary in question. If the engineer possesses two sextants and a protractor, this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be set off on separate sextants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree with the protractor angles by using one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers, two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid and accurate hydrographic locations of points are attained; in fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the corners of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the Commission. (3) Magnetic bearings jrom ofjshore—This method of fixing a position ‘on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass and will be of special use to the State fishery force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer takes compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the boundary corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local declination,” and if the results agree with the published bearings the buoy is correctly located. In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or -has disappeared alto- gether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the cor- rected bearings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location. In the case where the landmarks for which the bearings are published have been destroyed or washed away, any landmarks whose positions are indicated on the charts can be used by getting their bearings directly from the chart by parallel rulers or a pro- tractor and then applying them in the same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4) Magnetic bearings from shore.—This method will be of special value to engineers having an ordinary surveyor’s compass. The compass can be set over the point mark ing a “triangulation station” on shore, the name of-which is given in the last column ‘corner’’ in question. The instrument is then set at the corresponding opposite the «The mean magnetic variation of Somerset County for 1908 was 5° 30’ west of north and increasing at the rate of 3/ yearly. ‘= Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 59 “back” bearing (corrected for local magnetic declination), given in the fourth column of the tables opposite the ‘‘corner’’ in question and on line with the name of the ‘“‘sta- tion” being occupied. The direction thus determined will give one range on which the desired point must be located. The compass can then be moved to a second trian- gulation station and another range located in a similar manner. The intersection of these two range lines will give the desired point; but in general it should be checked by an additional range line determined from a third station. (5) Horizontal angles measured at landmarks.—This process is a modification of the triangulation method, and will be useful to engineers who have a transit and desire considerable accuracy. The instrument is placed over a “triangulation station,”’ the name of which appears in the last column of the tabular description opposite the ‘‘corner’’ in question. The telescope is then pointed to the landmark indicated in the “‘ Descriptions of landmarks’’ as having a direction of 0° 00’ 00’’ from the triangulation station being occupied by the transit. The tabular description of the boundaries is next examined and the “back”’ bearing of the questionable boundary “‘corner’’ from the landmark being occupied is taken out. The angle calculated from the ‘back’ bearing and the bearing given in parentheses alongside the zero landmark in the “Descriptions of landmarks”’ is then set off on the transit, and a range line established on which the desired point must be located. A similar process is then carried on at a second station, and so on until the position of the buoy is satisfactorily fixed. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. TURTLE EGG ISLAND. (Upper Tangier Sound—Charts Nos. 5 and 7 ) Cor- | | True bearing sr Latitude Longitude Distance) U.S.C. & SC. Si eianbulation bar Forward Back i r —— ° ’ u” ° , u ° ta °o , y ards i | 38 05 40:58 | 76-00 03.78 | S 77 38 W | N 77 38 E 609 | Miles. |S 12 54 W | N 12 53 E 6113 | Solomons Lump Light | N 65 07 E |S 65 09 W 5553 Joshua. 2) 38° 06) 24. 78) ||76 00) 21.47 |S) 5 22 W iN 5 22 E 1323 | Miles. N 78 12 E |S 78 14 W 5629 Joshua. | N 10 or W |S 10 E 3400 Senator. 3 | 38 08 42.38 | 76 00 20.00 | S 26 o1 W | N 26 01 E 1437. Senator. IND 3/7) 2A Be WS) Gap eh 5582 | Deal Island Church. | N 22 08 W |S 22 08 E 3984 | Crab. | | 4 | 38 08 37.36 | 75 59 11.44 | N 69 02 E | S 69 03 W 3878 | Deal Island Church. N 40 45 W |S 40 46 E 5095 Crab. S 65 28 W | N 65 27 E | 2700 | Senator. BS s8nO5 57202) | 75 50) 10120 19) 7.9 W |N 79 12 E 2059 Miles S 2412 W | N 24 11 E 6812 Solomons Lump Light N 60 02 E S 60 03 W 4168 Joshua. 60 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. MUD. (Upper Tangier Sound—Chart No. 5.) a ror 7 | _—— | Cor- | True bearing rer | Latitude | Longitude | ‘Distance | U.S.C. & Ge Seanad bar | | Forward Back | } = = {= fe = Po ° ’ ” ° , u" ° , °o , Yards. 1 | 38 08 37.36 | 75 59 11-44 | N 69 02 E |S 69 03: W 3878 Deal Island Church. N 40 45 W |S 40 46 E 5095 Crab. |S 65 28 W | N 65 27 B 2700 | Senator. . 2 | 38 08 42.38 | 76 00 20.00 | S 26 or W | N 26 01 E | 1437 | Senator. |N 77 22 E |S 77 24 W | 5582 Deal Island Church. | N 22 08 W | § 22 08 E 3984 Crab. | | Z 38 09 06.39 | 76 00 41.00;S 156 W )|N 156£E | 2102 | Senator. N 8605 E |S 8607 W 6019 Deal Island Church. | N 18 06 W |S 18 06 E 3030. Crab. 4 | 38 09 26.74 | 76 00 23.48 | S 1055 W | N 10 55 E 2838 Senator. S 87 10 E N 87 07 W 5546 Deal Island Church. | N 32 41 W |S 32 41 E 2607 | Crab. 5 | 38 09 53.08 | 75 59 18.00 | N 67 28 W | S 67 29 E 3411 | Crab. |S 31 50 W | N 3r 49, 4325 | Senator. S 7257 E | N 72 58 W | 3970 | Deal Island Church. { | OLD ORCHARD. (Upper Tangier Sound—Chart No. 5.) _ | s | ioe { | ° , u” ° , " ° / | ° , Wards 1 | 38 09 12.58 | 75 58 01.68 | N 83 29 E*| S 83 30 W 1775 | Deal Island Church. | | N 26 24 E | S 26 24 W | 3064 Haines. | |S 6r 51 W | N 61 53 E | 4893 | Senator. 2 | 38 09 15.60) | 75 58 21-20) |"N 87 gr BR |S) (87 32 Wi 2285 Deal Island Church. | N 35 27 E |S 35 28 W ! 3245 | Haines. S057 34 W) [ON 57733' 2 | 4495 Senator. 3 | 38 10 06.90 | 75 58 19.19 | S 42 53 W | N 42 52 E | 5651 Senator. S 53 49 E | N 53 49 W | 2761 | Deal Island Church | N 63 27 E |S 63 28 W | 2044 | Haines. 4 | 38 10 09.70 | 75 57 15-91 | N 957 E.|S 9 58avV | 831 Haines. | N 83 20 W |S 83 17 E 6445 Crab. | Sior7 gu ey INE ayes Wi | 1809 Deal Island Church. | | | | 7 ees te cee erent ten felny eget gh ily Gres lig Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 61 BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. HAINES. (Upper Tangier Sound—Chart No. 5.) Cor- True bearing rg Latitude Longitude Distance} U.S.C. & Sep Re bar | Forward Back | ° / ” ° , ” | ° 2 | ° / Watisl I | 38 10 06.90 | 75 58 19.19 | S 42 53 W | N 42 52 & 5651 | Senator. |S 53 49 E | N 53 49 W 2761 | Deal Island Church. peN 63827 2H) (S 163,23) W 2044 | Haines. | 2 | 38 11 13.65 | 75 58 16.39 | N 39 44 W |S 39 45 E 2367. Sharkfin Shoal Light. S76) re 0) | N 73 35 E | 4993 | Crab. S 52 40 E | N 52 4a W 2206 | Haines. 3 | 38 12 08.36 | 75 57 32.19) S 46 31 E | N 46 30 W 2365 Room. N 61 58 E | S 62 00 W 6723 White. NGIgh2 nee eSe1322 Wi 4252 Frog. 4 | 38°11 16.19 | 75 57 95-79|S 503 W|N 503 E 1429 Haines. N 82 39 E |S 82 39 W 1023. Room. | N) 243: & | S 243 W | 5903 Frog. 5 38 10 46.46 75 57 43.66 | S 85 02 W | N 85 00 E 5683 Crab. |S 23 24 E | N 23 24 W 3230 Deal Island Church. | S 6430 E | N 64 30 W 978 Haines. | 6 38 10 09.70| 75 57 15-91| N 957E |S 958 W | 831 | Haines. | N 83 20 W |S 83117 E 6445 Crab. S 17 31 E | N 17 31 W | 1809 | Deal Island Church. — ——— —— = | 7 —~ 2 — — ee HALLS POINT. (Upper Tangier Sound—Chart No. 5.) o 4 ” DP ” | o or o Ff 1 || 38 1© 16.19 | 75: 57.05-79 |S 503 WIN 503 E | | | N 82 39 E |S 82 39 W N 243 E |S 243 W 2 | 38 12 08.36 75 57 32-19 |S 46 31 E N 46 30 W |N 61 58 E |S 62 00 W | N 13 21 EF |S 13 32 W | 3 | 38 12 22.96! 75 57 04.02 |S 24 30 E iN 24 30 W | N 62 46 E |S 62 48 W PONGs Shorey 1.9.5 13139 WW. 4 | 38 12 10.72 | 75 55 55-59 | N 47 32 E |S 47 33 W | : | N 21 22 W |S 21 22 E | |S 2635 W | N 26 35 E 5 | 38 11 52.57 | 75 55 45-84 | N 4004 E | S 4o 05 W Nessa lis emigs ek, |S 45 28 W | N 45 28 E | 6 | 38 11 47.98 | 75 56 30.40| S 422 E N 422 W | N 48 07 E S 48 o9 W IN 748 W {|S 749E | Yards. | 1429 1023 5903 2365 6723 4252 2330 5830 3653 | 4560 4357 1909 4824 5022 1563 944 5762 4870 Haines. Room Frog. Room. White, Frog. Room. White. Frog White. Frog. Room. White. Frog. Room. Room. White. Frog. = 62 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. ROCK CREEK. (Upper Tangier Sound—Chart No. 5.) Cor- True bearing | rok: Latitude Longitude | ae aera] | Distance U.S.C. & Gis naseue bar Forward | Back } o t u” ° , u ° , | ° ’ Yards. | 1 | 38 12 11.80 | 75 55 19.92 |S 45 58 W | N 45 57 EB 2509 Room. N 89 35 E 89 36 W 3363 | Short. | N 38 27 E |S 38 28 W 3884 | White. 2 | 38 12 17.40 | 75 55 28.62 | S 39 07 W | N 39 07 EB 2492 Room. S 87 23 E | N 87 20 W 3598 | Short. |N 42 51 EF | S 42 52 W 3892 | White. 3 | 38 12 20.98 | 75 55 15-54 | S 43 05 W | N 43 04 E 2812 | Room. S 8459 E | N 8457 W 3259 Short. N 40 04 E |S 40 05 W 3572 | White. | | EVANS. (Entrance to Wicomico River—Chart No. 5.) ; ——-— ° / u" ° v7 ” | ° , ° jd Yards. | 1 | 38 12 11.13 | 75 55 00.80 | N 89 04 E |S 89 05 W 2854 | Short. No3r53 2, |S) 30 54 Wi 3610 | White. S 53 20 W | N 53 20 E 2883 | Room. | 2 | 38 12 36.31 | 75 54 44.50 | S 46 54 W N 46 53 E | 3762 | Room. |S 71 39 E | N 71 38 W | 2550 | Short. | N 33 37 E |S 33 38 W | 2661 | White. | 3 | 38 12 50.97 | 75 53 52.76 S 38 49 E | N 38 49 W | 1664 | Short. ; N 89 20 E |S 89 20 W | 1755 | Great Shoals Light. IN 3748 |S 3534 W | 1725 | White. 4 | 38 12 38.84 | 75 53 10.40 |S 5 22 WEN 5 22E | 8092 | Short. N55 41 Eo) 8° 55 40 Wi 761 Great Shoals Light. N 25 48 W |S 25 48 E | 2367 | White. 5 | 38 12 24-72 | 75.53 38-75 | © 58 20 N 58 26 W 787 | Short. N 5647 E |S 56 48 W 1652 Great Shoals Light. |N 602 W/S 6 02 E 2621 | White. BUOY. (Entrance Wicomico River—Chart No. 5.) ° , uv fo} i? uv ° , ° , | Yards. | r | 38 12 30.79 | 75 52 38.34 |S 73 13 E N 73 12 W 1765 | Dove. N 1745 W |S 1745 E | 736 | Great Shoals Light. S 56 38 W N 56 38 E 1121 Short. 2 | 38 12 45.82 | 75 52 36.80 | N 53 50 W |S 53 50 E 328 Great Shoals Light. | S 4102 W Nqrork 1489 Short. | S 58 21 EF | N 58 21 W 1938 | Dove. 3 | 38 12 48.43 | 75 52 23-80 | N 80 10 W |S 8010 E 620. Great Shoals Light. S 47 31 W | N 47 31 E | 1795 | Short. S 49 43 E N 49 43 W 1708 Dove. 4 | 38 12 32.26 | 75 52 22.18 | N 45 08 W | S 45 08 E 923 Great Shoals Light. S 64 00 WN 64 00 E | 1520. Short. | | S 66 04 E | N 66 04 W | 1376 | Dove. aac hs a EOE a ~~ — —- Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. WINGATE. (Lower Wacomico River—Chart No. 5.) Cor- | True bearing a | . Latitude Longitude _————$____— =— ———_| Distance bar | Forward Back ater | —— ——— °o , “” ° , ” ° , ° v Yards. Di ss14 Or. sr 75 51 58.40 | Ni 7o 1408 |S 7o 14 W 379 | Wind. INT 3853 > P9138 53 2099 Holland. Nesiea7 W 1S 30 47 1307 | Ella. on te 12) nN oy w 2E38) 0405512, | 75° 53 61 19 E N 61 19 W 536 | Wind. BS 1138 | Ella. 3 | 38 Id) 23.26) 75 52 40.501) Ni 45 ep IS, | See ey NYY 1277. Holland. N 69 23 WS 69 24 E 1245 | Ella. | |S 826 W N 8 26E | 810 | Wind. | 4 | 38 14 12./82 | 75 51 33.60 | N 27 50 B S 27 50 W | 1409 Holland. N 61 48 W_ §S 61 49 E 1529 | Ella. S 30 21 W | N 30 21 © 598 Wind. MOUNT VERNON WHARF. (Middle Wicomico River—Chart No. 5.) 43 32 W 2077. Holland. E U.S. C. & G. S. triangulation station lich 7 ” Qa ” | CW o + | Yards. © | 38 15) £0.22 | 75 48 20.18 |S) 77°45 E N 77 44 W 175 | Walnut. |N 601 W/|S 601 E | 434 | End. S 81 02 W.| N 81 o2 E 1138 | Jones. 2 | 38 15 13:76 |-75 48 30.30 | N 50 26 W |S 50 26 E 1342 | Creek. S 74 50 W | N 74 50 E 1134 | Jones. S 52 02 E N 52 02 W 254 | Walnut. 3 | 38 15 15.14 | 75 48 19.08 | N 49 44 W |S 4o 44 E 411 | End. 7609 W | N 76 09 E 1435 | Jones. FS 25 44 W | N 25 44 E 225 | Walnut. 4 | 38 15 18.76 | 75 48 09.97 | N 75 29 W |S 75 29 E 574 | End. 74 07 W | N 74 06 E 1701 | Jones. S 46 18 W | N 46 18 E 470 | Walnut. 5 | 38 15 14.18 | 75 48 08.56 | N 63 19 W | S 63 19 E 665 | End. 79 28 W | N 79 28 E 1702 | Jones. S 65 41 W | N 65 41 E 414 | Walnut. 64 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS— continued. GEORGES. (Middle Manokin River—Charts Nos. 5 and 7.) Cor- | True bearing Toe | Latitude Longitude | —————— Distance] U- S.C. & G5. tnianeilacon bar | Forward Back | | ° , ” i ° , ” | °o , ° / Yards | 1 | 38 07 34.98 | 75 50 51.58 | S 61 04 E N 61 02 W 4965 | Fairmount Church. N 13 42 E |S 13 42 W 2314 | Jean. | N 5358 W/S 5358 E | 1054 | St. Pierre. 2 | 38 07 37-55 | 75 51 09.09 | S 62 39 E | N 62 37 W 5417 | Fairmount Church. N 35 54 W |S 35 54 E 659 | St. Pierre. | N 68 19 W |S 68 20 E 3245 | Marsh. 3 | 38 08 15.04 | 75 50 56.73 | S 44 25 W | N 44 25 E 1023 | St. Pierre. S 71755 —& | N 71 55 W 2350 | Staff. NGS 7ote, S 37 22 W | 1130 | Jean. 4 | 38 08 41/22 | 75 50 12.44 | N 88 14 W/S 88 14 E | 492 | Jean. |S 33:22 IN) 33 1 Wi | 1927 | Staff: |S 78 31 E | N 78 30 W | 2701 | Sandy. | | | 5 | 38 08 46.80 | 75 50 02.99 | S 7656 W | N 76 56 E | 766 | Jean. S24) (03) N 24 02 W 1972 | Staff. S 60 07 E | N 60 07 W 2594 Cupola. 6 | 38 08 42.06 | 75 49 27.21 | S 89 33 W | N 89 33 E 1698 Jean. S 62 07 W | N 62 05 E | 3508 | St. Pierre. S 513 W|N 513 E | 1647 | Staff. 7 | 38 08 22.52 75 49 17.98 | N 71 37 W |S 71 38 E 2054 | Jean. S 21 56 W | N er 56 5 1059 Staff. S 65 43 E N 65 43 W 1153 Cupola. 8 | 38 08 22.89 | 75 48 50.33 S 48 42 W | N 48 42 E 1507. Staff. S 32 51 E N 32 51 W 579 Cupola. N 83 32 E |S 83 33 W 551 Sandy. 9 | 38 08 18.77 | 75 48 36.40 | S 60 21 W | N 60 21 E 1729 | Staff. S 919 W/N g 19 E 352 | Cupola. N 41 21 EF |S 41 21 W 268 Sandy. 10 | 38 08 13.78 | 75 48 46.70 S 60 47 W | N 60 46 E 1407 | Staff. S 50 31 E | N 50 31 W 282 | Cupola. N 50 42 E |S 50 42 W 583 Sandy. II | 38 08 16.22 | 75 49 44.00 | N 55 34 W ls 55 34 E 1517 | Jean. S$ 73 49 W | N 73 48 E 2762 St. Pierre. S 21 08 E | N 21 08 W 825 Staff. 12 | 38 08 07.26 | 75 50 47.14 S 64 16 W | N 64 16 E 1078 | St. Pierre. N 20 20 E |S 20 20 W 1237 | Jean. S 76 43 EB) | N76 43 Wi 2034 Staff. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 65 BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. SOUTHWEST MIDDLEGROUND. (Chesapeake Bay—Oj} Smith Island—Charts Nos. 6 and 8.) True bearing Latitude Longitude | = == = — Distance U.S.C. & Cae amaneulation | Forward Back , " } o + ” o oF feu 7 | Yards. 58 56.46 | 76:10 01.95 | S 87 36 E N 87 31 W | 12019 , Old Church (Smith Island). N 70 20 EF | S$ 7o 24 W | 11802 | Joseph. N 33 04 E 8 33 07 W- 12510 | Holland Island Bar Light. 2 OI 24.82 |'76 10 20.36 | S 66 14 E N 66 09 W 13658 | Old Church (Smith Island). S 84 49 E N 84 44 W | 11653 | Joseph. N 53 10 E S$ 53 13 W | g142 | Holland Island Bar Light. i | 00 48.20 | 76 08 02.85 | S 64 10 E N 64 07 W | 9810 | Old Church (Smith Island). | N 88 43 E |S 88 46 W | 7940 | Joseph. | N 28 33 E S 28 34 W | 7642 | Holland Island Bar Light. 59 25.92 | 76 07 29.61 | S 79 18 E N 79 15 W | 8083 | Old Church (Smith Island). N 67 17 E |S 67 20 W | 7643 | Joseph. | N 16 15 E 5 16 16 W | 9882 | Holland Island Bar Light. ae | — KEDGE STRAITS. (Chesapeake Bay—Ojj Kedge Straits—-Chart No. 6.) = e = / ” | fe] , u fe} , fe} , Yards. 02 59.2 | 76 05 02.83 | S 67 03 E | N 67 or W 4415 | Fog. | S 88 09 E N 88 07 W 6613 | Solomons Lump Light. N 26 34 W |S 26 34 FE 2566 | Holland Island Bar Light. | 2 03 44.58 | 76 05 27.95 |S 55 28 E | N 55 26 W | 5735 | Fog. S 76 33 E N 76 30 W 7485 | Solomons Lump Light. N 31 59 W | 9 31 59 E go2 Holland Island Bar Light. 04 06.44 | 76 04 14.42 | N 89 20 W |S 8 21 E 2438 | Holland Island Bar Light. S 34 50 E N 34 W 4858 | Fog. S 64 59 E N 64 57 W 5869 | Solomons Lump Light. 03 23.36 | 76 04 o1.96 S 16 38 E N 16 38 W 5279 | Joseph. S 4355 EF | N 43 54 W | 3519 | Fog. S Fo en N 78 19 W | 5092. Solomons Lump Light. | OYSTER CREEK. (Outer Kedge Straits—Chart No. 6.) , ” fo} , u” | °o / °o , Vards. | 03 41.17 76 02 30.87 N 80 23 W $8 80 25 E_ | 5272 | Holland Island Bar Light. |S o14 EF |N o 14 W 3138 | Fog. Se57 30 8, N 57 30 W 3033 | Solomons Lump Light, 04 09.14 | 76 04 o1.30!S 88 43 W | N 88 42 E 2789 Holland Island Bar Light. S 30 43 E | N 30 42 W | 4745 | Fog. S 62 38 E N 62 36 W 5595 Solomons Lump Light. 04 34.32 | 76 04 32.26 | S 65 05 W |, N 65 04 E 2164 Holland Island Bar Light. S 33 24 E | N 33 24 W | 5903 | Fog. : 59 26 E N 59 24 W 6730 Solomons,lump Light. 50095—08——9 6 ~ 38 38 38 38 0 38 38 04 O4 03 5. LO. 20) 01.98 29. 16 13. 84 44.55 07. 81 40.94 5 49-58 50. 04 Survcy of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. Longitude 76 © o4 03 00 oO Oo, 7o 40. 24 45.49 35-49 OYSTER CREEK—Continued. True bearing Forward Dn nNnW why Oo noun nnn 2 Ou oo His tea nnn PHD aa w& co mma NNnn MNnDM on ° iid én Or estes Back MUSSEL HOLE. Distance (Middle Tangier Sound—Chart No. 7.) 41.02 05.88 10. 20 34-94 Nny NAA aH~ Ann~l on rss a =a un BZnn NAZ Co No} 8 aA > co Plestest zpestes| toe amnm | U. S.C. & G. S. triangulation station Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. Solomons Lump Light. Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. . Solomons Lump Light. Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. Solomons Lump Light. Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. Solomons Lump Light. Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. Solomons Lump Light. Miles. Solomons Lump Light. Terrapin. Miles. Solomons Lump Light. Terrapin. Joshua. Miles. Solomons Lump Light. Miles. Solomons Lump Light. | Terrapin. Miles. Solomons Lump Light. Joshua. Miles. Solomons Lump Light. Joshua. Miles. Solomons Lump Light. | Terrapin. mee ee = ed on a’ Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. CHAIN SHOAL. (Upper Tangier Sound—Chart No. 7.) 38 38 38 38 38 Latitude 05 06 O7 07 06 06 03 05 95 05 o2 41. 49- 49. 49.5 02. 48. 56. 53 . 96 66 44 86 82 . 60 +53 Longitude 75 58 29.59 75 58 08. 32 | 75 57 48.36 75 57 51-84 Hoo, 29) nS ° o , ” 75 56 30.20 1 to) oT 49259 75 57 19.40 | 75 56 59.66 75 55 46.18 75 57 18.84 NAZZ O22 DNA NAW WAZ Nn nny PINEY ISLAND WEST. (Middle Tangier Sound—Chart No. 7.) eavayra Nad A GREN 2 True bearing Forward | Dun BZHOM ° 4 Yards. 6823 8366 7959 6401 6326 6080 2776 4174 7724 Tp starice Back , PAS Yards S 40 52 W 2877 S 43 58 E 6077 N 85 28 E 3763 N 77 06 W 2594 S 52 07 E 4525 N 58 42 E 3633 S 83 00 E 4024 N 40 11.E 5466 N 50 56 W 2711 S 83 16 E 4167 N 41 18 E 5561 N 48 55 W 2603 S 8353 E 4695 N 45 13 E 5920 | N 40 or W 2224 S 50 or W 1988 S 52 47 E 5748 | N 73 52 EB | 4279 S 26 02 W 2108 |S 51 40 EB 6599 N 83 04 E 4744 67 U.S: ©. & 1G. is: triangulation station Joshua. Senator. Miles. Joshua. Senator. Miles. Senator. Miles. Joshua. Senator. Miles. Joshua. Senator. Miles. Joshua. Joshua. Senator. Miles. Joshua. Senator. Miles. Has. Joshua. Solomons Lump Light Joshua. Miles. Solomons Lump Light. Joshua. Miles. Solomons Lump Light. Joshua. Miles. Solomons Lump Light Joshua. Miles. Solomons Lump Light. Has. Joshua. Solomons Lump Light. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Mad. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. PINEY ISLAND SWASH. (Lower Manokin River—Chart No. 7.) True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U- 5- C.& GS. mangas Forward Back , ” ° , u” ° / fo} / Y ards 06 30.82 | 75 55 43.81 | N 51 16 E S 51 18 W 5513 Marsh N 27 o9 E S 27 08 W 3826 Kelley. N 63 23 W |S 63 24 E 2111 Joshua. 2 06 40.44 75 56 03.80 | IN57 O76-E) >) 167) O50 5756 Marsh. | N 36 29 B |S 36 28 W 3832 Kelley. | N65 22 W |S 65 23 E 1491 Joshua. | , 06 55.34 | 75 55 50-46 | N 59 39 E | S 59 42 W 5201 Marsh. N 36 43 S 36 44 W 3216 Kelley. | N 86 02 W |S 86 or E 1715 Joshua. | 07 20.78 | 75 55 27-89 | N 65 32 E S 65 33 W 4260 | Marsh. IONS Age iors 732 AV 2170 | Kelley. S 72 17 W | N 72 16 & 2427 Joshua. 5 07 54-55 | 75. 53 44-94.| S 89 25 E N 89 21 W. 3765 | St. Pierre. N 61 07 E S 61 07 W | 1296 ! Marsh. N 67 43 W 8S 67 44 FE | 1534 Kelley. 07 37-14 | 75 53 26.26 | N 80 28 E S 80 30 W 3313 | St. Pierre. N 27 45 E |S 27 45 W 1369 Marsh. N 58 38 W |S 58 37 B 2256 Kelley. 06 40.66 75 54 52.43 | N 43 15 E S 43 16 W 4279 Marsh. N 700 E |S 700 W | 3096 | Kelley. N 79 19 W S$ 79 20 E | 3314 | Joshua. 06 59-58 75 55 20.55 | N 56 02 EB S 65 05 W 4439 Marsh. N 24 50 E |S 24 49 W | 2683 | Kelley. S 89 27 W | N 89 26 E 2508 Joshua. SANDY POINT. (Middle Manokin River—Chart No. 7.) , ” ° / “u” ° / ° ’ Yards. I] 38 08 08.44 | 75 48 27.900 | N 70 53 EB |S 7o 53 W 2070 ~Green / N 509 W |S 5 09 E 553 sandy. N 89 48 W §S 89 48 E 283 Cupola. 2 08 13.78 75.48 46.70 |S 60 47 W N 60 46 E 1407 | Staff. = 50 31 B N 50 31 W 282 | Cupola. N 50 42 E |S 50 42 W 583 | Sandy. 3 08 18.77. 75 48 36.40 S 60 21 W_ N 60 21 E 1729 | Staff. S 9 WYN o 19 2 352 Cupola. N 4% 21 E | 8 41 21 W 268 Sandy. 08 16.04 75 48 08.80 N 74 07 E S 74 07 W 1502 Green. N 62 18 W § 62 18 E 631 Sandy. S 72 08 W !N 72 08 E 832 Cupola. 5 08 10.17. 75 48 07.23 N 66 13 E S 66 14 W 1536 Green. N 50 43 W S$ 50 43 E 775 | Sandy. S 8604 W N 86 04 E 836 Cupola. a en - Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 69 BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. CORMAL. (Middle Manokin River—Chart No. 7.) Cor- | | ‘True bearing ee Latitude | Longitude j Distance U.S.C. & Se peenenladon bar | Forward Back | ae = = _ = = , ° fo} , “” fe} , ° le Yards I | 38 07 33.63 | 75 50 42.00 | S' 60 03 EF | N 60 or W 4720 | Fairmount Church. | N 70 06 FE |S 70 07 W 1959 | Staff. | WENT 71 50 18) Sy ads 2313 } Jean. | | 2 | 38 07 34.98 | 75 50 51-58 | © 61 04 E N 61 02 V 4965 | Fairmount Church N 13 42 E S) 13) 42 9W. 2314 | Jean. N 53 58 W IS 53 58 E 1054 | St. Pierre. 3. 38 08 07.26 | 75 50 47-14 | S 64 16 W | N 64 16 E 1078 | St. Pierre. | N 20 20 E S 20 20 W 1237 | Jean. S 76 43 © | N 76 43 W 2034 Staff. 4 | 38 08 16.22 | 75 49 44.00 | N 55 34 V © 55 34 8 1517 | Jean. S 73 49 Wi} N 73 48 2762 4 ot. Pierre. S 2n 08 E N 21 08 W 825 Staff. 5 | 38 08 13.78 | 75 48 46.70 | S 60 47 W | N 60 46 E 1407 Staff. S) 50 30 4B N 50 31 W 282 Cupola. | N 50 42 E S 50 42 W 583 Sandy. 6 | 38 07 59.80 | 75 49 18! 22 | N 74 32 E S 74 33 W 1098 Cupola. : N 5653 E |S 5653 W 1538 Sandy. |S 60 59 W | N 60 59 E 445 Staff. | 7 | 38 08 08.57 | 75 49 29.28 | S 80 27 W | N 80 26 E 3087 St. Pierre. S 10 28 W | N 10 28 E 52r | Stati S 89 51 EB | N 89 51 W | 1352 | Cupola. | | 8 | 38 08 09.18 }-75-49- 54.96 | S 47 56 E N 47 55 W 794 Staff. |N 7659 E |S 77 00 W 2329 | ©Sandy. N 42 13° Wi })S) 4073 1457. Jean. g | 38 08 05.77 | 75 49 58.00 | S 58 07 E N 58 07 W 790 Staff. |N 74 46 E |S 74 47 W | 2435 Sandy. N 35 58 W |S 35 59 E 1499 Jean. to | 38 08 00. 34 | 75 49 53-88 | S 67 21 E N 67 20 W 607. Staff. N35 20) We os5 cn 1708 Jean. S 84 23 W | N 84 23 E 2402 | St. Pierre. Ir | 38 07 52.81 | 75 50 00.00 | N 88 26 EF |S 88 26 W 734 | Staff. | N 26 36 W |S 26 a7 1843 Jean. N 89 30 |S 89 31 E 2227 | ot. Pierre. 12 | 38 07 45.55 | 75 50 26.40 | N 79 29 E | S 79 30 W 1451 Staff. N 3 42 W iis 3 42 2 1896 Jean. N 80 10 W |S 80 11 E 1546 St. Pierre. is) 6 38 38 38 Latitude 07 07 17. 50. 37-5 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 40 06 98 -79 05. 46. 36 go BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. MARSHY ISLAND. (Lower Manokin River—Chart No. 7.) True bearing Longitude | Distance U.S.C. & Cae Forward | Back On 4 " Gh Ofseut: | Yards 75 53 40.47 |S 17 05 E | N 17 04 W | 6283 | Flat Cap. S 40 08 E N 40 08 W | 3321 | Has. N 63 55 E |S 63 56 W | 2225 | Prickly. 75 54019. 70) 22 40 & | N 22 40 W 7505 | Flat Cap. S 42 41 E | N 42 40 W | 4704 | Has. N 88 54 E |S 8855 W 3047 | Prickly. 75 54 24.20|S 71 25 & | No7r 24 W | 3338 | Prickly. ’ N 24 23 E |S 24 25 W | 5282 | Marsh. N 60 03 W |S 6005 E | 4626 | Joshua. 75 53 18.62 |N 61 34 E S 61 36 W | 3483 | St. Pierre. N 10 35 E |S ro 35 W | 2362 | Marsh. N 42 56 W |S 4257 E | 3113 | Kelley. 75 52 23.58 | Ni 72 05-E |S 72 05. 1679 | St. Pierre. N 41 08 W |S 41 09 E |. 1568 | Marsh. N 72 23 W |S 72 25 E | 3763 | Kelley. 75 51 09.09 | S 62 39 E N 62 37 W 5417 Fairmount Church. N 35 54 W |S 35 54 © | 1659 | st: Pierre: N 68 19 W |S 68 20 H 3245 | Marsh. 75 50 51.58 S 61 04 EB N 61 02 W 4965 | Fairmount Church. N 13 42 E S$ 13 42 W 2314 | Jean. N 53 58 W |S 53 58 EB 1054 | St. Pierre. 75 51 10.99 | S 74 29 E N 74 27 W 5046 | Fairmount Church. Non er WW VS 1 22.8 1705 | St. Pierre. N 51 45 W /S 51 46 B 3775 | Marsh. 75 52 17.32 | \s 7803 EB N 78 or W 6776 | Fairmount Church. | N 41 28 E |S 41 29 W 2161 | St. Pierre. | N 27 41 W |S 27 42 E 2579 | Marsh. 75 53 38-71 |S 64 08 E N 64 08 W 2169 | Prickly. N 11 07 E | 8 11 08 W 5024 | Marsh. N 65 03 W |S 65 05 E 5757 | Joshua. en sa a Te a rm al a I ~~. iw - to II 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. DRUM POINT. (Lower Manokin River—Chart No. 7.) Latitude Longitude |— , u” °o re ” 04 32.62 75 53 15-53 04 49-82 75 53 40.47 05 46.90 75 53 38.71 07 05.36 | 75 52 17.32 07 03-79 75 51 10.99 07 34.98 | 75 50 51.58 07 33-63 | 75 50 42.00 | 07 22.98 | 75 50 41.10 07 14-55 | 75 5° 47-49 | 06 59.16 75 50 46.00 | | 06 35-34 | 75 51 56.97 | | 06 05.78 | 75 52 32-34 | 05 56.46 75 53 00. 24 05 01.80 | 75 52 41.83 | Z20 2Zow ZZnQ 2Z2Zn ZZn Ann ZZO ZZO ZZ0 ZAZH ZZn ZA2HnH Z2Z2Zn Zaz (True bearing Forward Jim doh aoe : 25m Het Boh Sm shin esBestea! abit ODnYA® ONZAZ ONY DHA WNwZAz WAZA nnA7 NNZ HONG nue nnZ nN nny Back ~ Distance U.S. C. & G. 5S. triangulation station Flat Cap. Has. Prickly. Flat Cap. _ Has. Prickly Prickly. Marsh. Joshua. Fairmount Church. St. Pierre. Marsh. Fairmount Church. St. Pierre. | Marsh. Fairmount Church. Jean. St. Pierre. Fairmount Church. Staff. Jean. Fairmount Church. Staff. Jean. Fairmount Church. Staff. St. Pierre. Fairmount Church. Staff. St. Pierre. Fairmount Church. St. Pierre. Marsh. Prickly. Fairmount Church. St. Pierre. Prickly. St. Pierre. Marsh. St. Pierre. Marsh. Joshua. mn Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. PRICKLY POINT. (Mouth Manokin River—Chart No. 7.) True bearing U.S. C. & G. S. triangulation Latitude Longitude = = ; = | Distance Station Forward Back AS Ire = (f u ° , yu ° , °o rf eae B04 28.72) | 75) 53 LORS nono ea N 13 46 W | 5452 | Flat Cap. S 41 06 EF | N 41r 05 W 2426 | Has. N 40 40 EF | S 40 41 W 2228 | Prickly. 04 50.38 | 75 54 16.08 | S 24 53 EF | N 24 52 W 6641 | Flat Cap. Si) 50: 24018 1) N=50.22 WW. 4011 Has. No7r 58 ES) 7t 59) 3100 Prickly. OS 17:10 | 75 54 louza) So 2294008 N 22 4o W 7505 | Flat Cap. S 42 41 E | N 42 40 W 4704 | Has. N 88 54 EF | S: 8855 W 3047. Prickly. 04 49.82 | 75 53 40.47 | S 17 05 E N 17 04 W 6283 Flat Cap. : S 40 08 E | N 40 08 W 3321 | Has. N 63 55 E |S 63 56 W 2225 Prickly. O4 32.62| 75 53 15253 | 9 12 a0 H. | Nor2 Too 5552 Flat Cap. S 37 08 E | N 37 07 W 2445 | Has. N 40 34 E S 40 35 W 2052 Prickly. PINEY ISLAND EAST. (Middle Tangier Sound—Chart No. 7.) i) , uv fo} , ” ° , ° y “Yards 03 05.04 | 75 54 16.59 | S 48 39 E N 48 37 W 3742 Flat Cap. N 72 14 E S72) is) | 3260 Has. N 28 06 W S 28 08 E | 8939 = Joshua. 04 19.61 | 75 54 49.20/ S 36 25 E N 36 23 W 6196 | Flat Cap. S 69 05 E N 69 03 W | 4255 Has. N 62 28 EF |S 62 30 W | 4320 | Prickly. Of 125349] 75) 53° 21.70)| 9) 15) 408 N 15 48 W 4929. ©6F lat Cap. S 52 10 E N 52 10 W 2079 | Has. N 33 47 E S 33 48 W | 2698 Prickly. 03 23.75 | 75 53 02-85 | © I5 rr B N 15 10 W | 3216. Flat Cap. Ni 72508 Eo |S 720) W 1194 | Has. N 40 24 W |S 40 27 E 9527 Joshua. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. HARRIS. (Middle Tangier Sound—Chart No. 7.) Cor- True bearing | : he Latitude Longitude = — = Distance U.S.C. & eee ceneneniation bar Forward Back | ee = 2 = = ° Uy uw ° {2 “u” ° / ° ty Yards. | I 38 02 37.94 75 54 04.81 iS 58 00 FE | N 57 59 W 2942 | Flat Cap. N 55 38 E |S 55 39 W 3380 | Has. N 27 13 W |S 27 15 & 9894 | Joshua. | 2 38 03 05.04 | 75 54 16.59 | S 48 39 E | N 48 37 W 3742 | Flat Cap. ING 2p Ae aS. 72. 5) We 3260 Has. N 28 06 W_ S 28 08 E 8939 Joshua. 351 3803) 23575 | 75) 53, 02.85 | Sy oe 13, N 15 10 W 3216 | Flat Cap. N72) 1809 | 97219) Wi 1194 Has. . N 40 24 W_ S 40 27 E | 9527 | Joshua. 4 38 02 40.04 75 52 45.88 is 139.26 5 | N 13 26 Wi | 1675 Flat Cap. | N 5848 E S 58 49 W 5484 Ford. N20 28 E S$ 20 28 W | 1961 | Has. BIG ANNEMESSEX. (Big Annemessex River—Chart No. 7.) ° , °o / uw ° oe ° , Yards 1 | 38 02 50.93 | 75 51 45-86 N 51 20 E |S 51 21 W 3959 | Ford. N 31 53 WS 31 53 & 1731 | Has. © 31 14 WN 31:14 2336 | Flat Cap. 2 | 38 03 16.52 75 51 49.69 | N 63 14 E S$ 63 15 W 3576 | Ford. - N53 14 W S$ 5314 E 1014 | Has. Siar r2 W | N 2r 12 3066 | Flat.Cap. 3 | 38 03 45.06 | 75 51 07-58 | S 3017 W N 3017 E 4426 | Flat Cap. S55, 28k, Nissarn W 3314 , Geog. N 72 37 8 |S 72°37 W 2170 | Ford. 4 | 38 03 51.42 | 75 49 12.66 | N 66 25 W |S 66 25 E 1084 | Ford. S 916 W|N 9 6E 2134 | Geog. |S 43 22 E N43 21 W 2420 | Colburn. 5 | 38 03 08.18 | 75 48 47.60 | S 73 07 E | N 73 06 W | 1039 | Colburn. N 44 50E |S 44 50 W 1650 | Moon. N 41 17 W |S 41 18 E 2517 | Ford. 6 | 38 03 03.08 | 75 48 54.81 | S 83 45 E | N 83 45 W 1193 | Colburn. |N 45 17 E |S 45 17 W 1908 | Moon. ICN! 35 27 Wi |S 35\27 E 2533 | Ford. of || SEC) Gea) 7 Ce ao eg |S 8475 |N 847 W 982 | Geog. N 69 58 E |S 69 59 W 2475 | Moon. N 1740 W !S 17 40 E 1646 | Ford. 8 | 38 03 05.44 | 75 50 32-58 | S 72 45 E | N 72 44 W 1872 | Geog.3j N 29 50 E |S 29 50 W 2287 | Ford. N 7107 W |S 71 o&&8 E 3031 | Has. 50095 — 08 10 ss 74 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. ° BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS— continued. CHURCH CREEK. (Chesapeake Bay—Off Smith Island—Chart No. 8.) Cor True bearing : pore Latitude Longitude SSS —— Jistance| U.S.C. & CxS rianewerne bar Forward Back ° ‘ ” ° , wu ° , ° ‘ Wraps 1 | 37 58 41.19 | 76 04 16.61 | N 89 55 E S 89 56 W 2791 Old Church (Smith Island). | N 60 15 E S 60 16 W 4167. North Church(Smith Isl’d). N 22106 E | S 22,07 W 7531 | Fog. 2 | 37°58 53-37 | 70 O05 40.59 | © 85 25 BN 85 23 W 5075 Old Church (Smith Island). N 74 16 E S 7418 W | 6114 | North Church(Smith Isl’d). N 3749 E S 37 52 W | 8316 | Fog. | 3 37:59 53-49 7605 47.45 | S 65 00 E N 64 58 W | 5755 | Old Church (Smith Island). S 86 31 E N 86 28 W | 6053. North Church (Smith Isl’d). N 49 10 E § 49 12 W 6945 | Fog. 4. | 3800 01.79 | 76 04 12.09 | 'S 44 32 N 44 31 W 3807. Old Church (Smith Island). S 79 28 E N 79 27 W 3557. North Church (Smith Isl’d). 1N) 32) 2008 S 32 30 W 5050 | Fog. | asi : PHILIBYS. (Lower Tangier Sound—Chart No. 9.) ° , ” ° , u" °o , ° , Yards. r | 37 56 57-88 | 75 54 49-54 | N 59 04 B | $5905 V 4041 Somers Cove Light. N 15 or W |S 15 or E 1771 Janes Island Light. N 86 25 W S$ 86 28 E 7711 Horse. | 2 | 37 57 10.161) 75 55 47.46) N 7a 38 Rx |S) 7x 40 W 5281 Somers Cove Light. : N 39 59 E S 40 00 W 1692 Janes Island Light. N 89 24 WS 89 26 E 6149 Horse. 3 | 37 57 36-68 | 75 54 13-91 N 7405 W |S 74 05 E 1467 Janes Island Light. S 146 W/N 1 46E 7833 Fox Island Poplar. N 73 00 E S 73 01 W 2629 Somers Cove Light. 4 | 37 57) 06: 76) 75) 5425-70 | ot) O37 BE. JN for37. W 6821 Fox Island Poplar. N 57 52 E S 57 53 W 3341 Somers Cove Light. N°37 49 W |S 37 50 E 1786 Janes Island Light. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. “I Nn BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. GREAT ROCK. (Lower Tangier Sound—Chart No. 9.) True bearing U.S. C. & G. S. triangulation QEQuEQEQyYyQe = = Latitude Longitude a os — Distance sation | Forward Back ° ” | ° , ” ° , | ° , Yards. 37 03. 68 | 75 55 47-80 | S 40 19 EF | N 40 18 W 3504 Fox Island Poplar. PN arog Ss ar 10 WW 5668 Janes Island Light. | N 54 48 W |S 54 51 E 7514 Horse. 37 04.91 | 75 56 45.03 | S 54 27 E | N 54 26 W | 4665 | Fox Island Poplar. INS25) 26) Ea iho 2527) Wi | 6112 Janes Island Light. N 47 05 W |S 47 07 E 6298 Horse. 37 05.24 | 75 56 31-32 |.N 58 03 E |S 58 06 W 7286 Somers Cove Light. ING 32 56.8) 1/9932) 57) Wi 4153. Janes Island Light. N 65 38 W |S 65 40 E 5465 Horse. | 37 10.16 | 75 55 47-46, N 71 38 E |S 71 40 W 5281 Somers Cove Light. N 39 59 E |S 40 00 W 1692 Janes Island Light. N 89 24 W |S 89 26 E 6149 Horse. 37 57-88 | 75 54 49-54 | N 59 04 E |S 59 05 W 4041 Somers Cove Light. | N 15 or W | S 15 o1 E 1771 Janes Island Light. | N 86 25 W | S 86 28 E 7711 Horse. FOX ISLAND. (Lower Tangier Sound—Chart No. 9.) ° u | ° 7d un ° , ° , Yards. 37 26.23 |-75-56-53:80 |S 7o 45 E | N 70 43 W 4269 Fox Island Poplar N 22 44 E |S 22 45 W 7398 Janes Island Light. N 38 03 W |S 38 05 E 7103 | Horse. 37 04.91 | 75 56 45-03 | S 54 27°, E | N 54 26 W 4665 | Fox Island Poplar. N 25 26 E |S 25 27 W 6112. Janes Island Light. | | N 47 05 W |S 47 07 E | 6298 | Horse. i \* 37 03. 68 | 75 55 47-80 S 4019 E | N 40 18 W | 3504 _ Fox Island Poplar. |N 1109 E |S 11 10 W |! 5668 | Janes Island Light. N 54 48 W | S54 51 E | 7514 | Horse. 137 29.34 | 75 56 05.26 | S 61 02 H | N 61 o1 W 3124 | Fox Island Poplar. N 13 06 E S 13 06 W 6898 | Janes Island Light. | N 45 57 W |S 45 59 E 7894 | Horse. 69 48 E | 4141 76 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. STONE. (Northern Pocomoke Sound—Chart No. 9.) 7 iz | Cor- | True bearing var | Latitude Longitude | = SS | Distance U.S.C.& GS enaneen ee bar Forward Back | ° , u” ° , ” | ° fe ° , Yards. 1 | 37 55 41-57 | 75 48 32-21 | S 85 52 E | N 85 49 W 8251 | Saxis Church. | |N 751 E |S 7 51 W 2676 | Monkey. N 88 43 W | 88 44 E 2467 | East. 2 | 37 55 53.601 75 48 43.03 | S 83 19 EB | N 83 15 W 8577 | Saxis Church. |N 1615 E |S 16 15 W 2339 | Monkey. S 8051 W | N 80 50 E | 2206 | East. 3 | 37 56 11.53 | 75 48 29.22 | N 65 24 EF |S 65 27 W | 7473 | Scot. Ni 6 152) 15") 9653) Wi 1666 Monkey. S 69 26 W | N 69 25 E 2720 | East. 4 | 37 56 Of.22 | 75 48 05.47 ; N 60-42 E |S 60 45 W | 7065 | Scot. N 950W/|S 9 56E 2021 Monkey. S 79 11 W | N 79 10 E 3238 | East. 5 | 37 55 50-76 | 75 47 52-93 | S 82 49 E | N 82 46 W 7237 | Saxis Church. N 16 16 W |S 16 16 E 2439 | Monkey. S 85 52 W | N 85 53 E 3525 | East. 6 | 37 55 45-79 | 75 48 13-644|N 258W/S 2588 2517 | Monkey. |S 88 19 W'| N 88 18 E 2964 | East. S 67 30 W | N 67 27 E 10680 Fox Island Poplar. WATKINS. (Northern Pocomoke Sound—Chart No. 9.) ° , ” ° t uv ° / ° ‘A Yards. 1 | 37 56 O1.22 | 75 48 05.47 | N 60 42 EB S 60 45 W 7065 «= Scot. N 956W/S 9 56E 2021 Monkey. S 79 11 W | N 79 10 E 3238 | Hast. 2 | 37 56 11.53 | 75 48 29.22] N 65 24 EF | S 65 27 W 7473 Scot. N 952EF |S 953 W 1666 Monkey. |S 69 26 W | N 69 25 E 2720 | Hast. 3 | 37 56 25.34 | 75 48 44.22 | N 69 49 E | S 69 52 W 7666 | Scot. N 30 16 E ! S$ 30 16 W |* 1362 | Monkey. S 56 29 W | N 56 28 E 2573 | East. 4 37 56 41.98 | 75 48 17.81 | N 72 12 E | S 72 15 W | 6816 | Scot. {N 146W{|S 146E | 614 | Monkey. S 5522 W | N55 22 EF | 3472 | Bast.” 5 | 37 56 42.70 | 75 47 54.58 | N 70 40 E |S 70 43 W 6220 | Scot. |N 47 16 W |S 4717E 870 | Monkey. S 59 59 W | N 59 58 E 4009 | East. 6 | 37 56 25.57 | 75 47 39-00 | N 64 12 E |S 64 14 W 6057 | Scot. N 42 06 W |S 42 06 E 1574 | Monkey. S 6950 W N East. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. Gal BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. LONG POINT. (Northern Pocomoke Sound—Chart No. 9.) Cor- | True bearing | uke Latitude Longitude |Distance| U- S- ©. & GS Setnaneiarion bar | Forward Back | on , D o + ” GY ony Yards. | I | 37 56 25.34 | 75 48 44.22 ' N 69 49 E |S 69 52 W 7666 | Scot. |N 30 16 E | S-30 16 W 1362 | Monkey. |S 56 29 W |N 56 28 E | 2573 | East. og7 57) 00182 | 75 481420301) S73) 37 Wil N73) 36 8 2931 _ Watermelon Hummock, S 40 01 WN 40 o0 E 3418 East S$ 88 09 E | N 88 08 W 635 | Monkey. 3 | 37 57 02.80 | 75 48 31. 38 |S) 73 57 W | N 73 56 E 3229 Watermelon Hummock. S 42 50 W | N 42 49 E 3660 East. S75 31 E |N 75 31 W | 354 Monkey. 4 37 56 50.20 | 75 48 38.72! S 8050 W | N 80 49 W | 2945 | Watermelon Hummock. S 45 25 W | N 45 24 E 3218 | East. S 7055 E | N 70 52 W ~ 8892 | Saxis Church. 5 | 37 56 41.98 | 75 48 17.81 | N 72 12 EF |S 72 15 W | 6816 | Scot. | N 146Wj|S 146E 614 Monkey. | S 55 12 W |N55 11 E | 3472 | Bast. | ; GUNBY. (Middle Pocomoke Sound—Chart No. 10.) ° , ” ° , Ue ° {2 ° tf Yards. I | 37 56 11.06 | 75 46 07.04 | S 11 50 E | N 11 50 W 4762 | Mos. -|$ 6955 E | N 69 54 W 4634 | Saxis Church. N 43 49 E |S 43 51 W 4330 | Scot. 2 | 37 56 28.98 | 75 46 40.33 |S 19 31 E | N 19 31 W 5586 | Mos. |S 67 17 E | N 67 15 W 5681 | Saxis Church. | N 57 03 E |S 57 04 W 4632 | Scot. 3 | 37 56 48.98 | 75 46 15.36 | S 11 25 E | N 11 24 W 6059 | Mos. I 1S 57 54 & | N 57 52 W 5399 | Saxis Church. N 60 11 E | $ 60 12 W 3712 | Scot. 4 | 37 56 35-02 | 75 45 34.66/S 110 EF |N 1 10 W 5470 | Mos. S55 28 E | N55 27 W 4231 | Saxis Church. | N 42 40 W |S 42 41 E 3150 | Scot. 78 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Mad. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. MARUMSCO. (Middle Pocomoke Sound—Chart No. ro.) Cor- | True bearing j : ars Latitude Longitude | | Distance] U.S.C.& G: &. Suaneniats bar Forward Back = = -| = pee? ° , ” ° , u | ° , ° , Yards. | 1 | 37 56.45.40 | 75 44 30.51 | S 15 24 W | N 15 23 E | 6034 | Mos. S) 32) 50) N 32 49 W 3272 | Saxis Church. | N 62 44 E |S 62 46 W | 5484 | Old. 2 37 57 27-13 | 75 45 13-96|S 330 W|N 330k 7239 | Mos. |S 35 13 E | N 35 12 W 5087 Saxis Church. | N 70 33 E | S 70 33 W 1678 | Scot. 3 | 37 57 39-07 | 75 43 56.62 | N 72 05 W |S 7205 E | 507 | Scot. S 10 47 E | N 10 47 W | 4641 | Saxis Church. |N 79 58 E |S 79 59 W | 4032 | Old. Ao) 37150155202) 07543. 48.54) | So. 1 58 Bo Nes 3a) 3146 | Saxis Church. N 59 49 E |S 59 50 W | 4344 | Old. N 23 11 W |S 23 11 E 1781 | Scot. KITTS CREEK WEST. (Upper Pocomoke Sound—Chart No. 10.) ° , ” | ° , u” ° tf | ° , Yards | : Ti 37 58 18.42 | 75 42 32.72 | S 66 44 W | N 66 43 E 2964 | Scot. S 13 08 W |N 13 07 E 6044 | Saxis Church. | S 70 09 E | N 70 08 W 1841 | Old. 2 | 37 58 26.98 | 75 42 47.64 |S 57 53 W | N 57 52 E 2744 | Scot. S 38 58 Wi || Ni 858° 6251 | Saxis Church. | S 66 47 W | N 66 46 E | 2316 | Old. 3 | 37 58 32.00 | 75 42 41.52 |S 56 48 W | N 56 47 E 2973 | Scot. S 10 10 W | N 10 10 E 6445 | Saxis Church. S 61 09 E | N 61 09 W | 2244 | Old. 4 | 37 58 26.82 | 75 42 27.42 |S 63 06 W | N 63 04 E | 3212 | Scot. | S 13 47 W | N 13 47 E 6353 | Saxis Church. S 6015 E | N 60 14 W 1831 | Old. | ee Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Ma. 79 BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS—continued. KITTS CREEK EAST. (Upper Pocomoke Sound—Chart No. ro.) Cor- True bearing rd | Latitude Longitude —- = Sl In fgeres) We Seles Gre fanguiaton | . i Ste bar | Forward Back | ° , ” ° , " ° , | | 82 56 W Tales 58-10: 75) 4adaza7w 10S N 82 54 E 3954 | Scot. S 26 20 W | N 26 19 E 5805 | Saxis Church N 83 45 E |S 83 45 W 533 | Old. 20/9375 58 15-78 | 75 42 20-14 S69 32° W || Ni Goo gr 3093 | Scot. S 14 57,W |N 14 57 E 6001 Saxis Church. S 7059 E | N 7058 W 1645 Old. 3 | 37 58 24.01 75 42 20.96! S 65 54 W |N 65 52 E 3327 Scot. | S 15 31 W |N 15 30 E 6305 Saxis Church. S 60 08 E N 60 08 W 1634 Old. | 4 | 37 58 16.70 75 42 09.59) S 71 35 W | N 71 34 E 3520 Scot. S 18 51.W | N.18 51 E 6158 | Saxis Church S 63 00 E N 63 00 W 1249 Old. 5 | 37 58 06.40 75 41 41.59 |S 79 25 W |N 79 23 E 4159 | Scot. S 26 33 W |N 26 32 E 6131 Saxis Church. |S 59 00 EF !N 59 00 W 426 Old. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS. EXPLANATION OF DESCRIPTIONS OF BOUNDARIES. The laws providing for the survey of the oyster bars of Maryland also contain a section which requires “an accurate survey of and delineation upon the maps and charts aforesaid of all bottoms of the tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay where grass grows and it is profitable to scrape for soft shell or shedder crabs, and shall have such bottoms properly designated by permanent objects on the shore, as provided hereinbefore for natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, which said crabbing sections shall be exempt from leasing for oyster culture.”’ The crab bottoms of Somerset County are the first ones to be surveyed in Mary- land, “ and as far as known such a survey is altogether a new problem which differs? in many ways from that of a survey of oyster bars. In a general way it can be stated that the boundaries of the crab bottoms as estab- lished by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the ‘‘Charts of Ovster Bars,”’ published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, are confined to waters between the 1-fathom contour (6 feet depth of water) and the shore line. Therefore, in most cases the mean low water line of the shore has been adopted as an inner boundary for the « Anne Arundel County has no crab bottoms within the meaning of the law. » See pages 69 to 70 of “First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission’’ for description of ‘Survey of crabbing grounds.”’ 80 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Mad. crab bottoms, but the same system of straight lines and numbered corners used to delin- eate the oyster bars has been retained for defining the offshore water boundaries. There are 54 individual “crab bottoms’’ in Somerset County exempt from leasing for oyster culture which have been surveyed and delineated under separate names by the Commission, and their total area as determined by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission is 32,108 acres. The largest of these bottoms is 2,182 acres and the smallest 23 acres. . ; The boundaries of the crab bottoms of Somerset County as established by the Shell Fish Commission and shown on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and pro- jections and on the “‘leasing charts’ of the Commission are technically defined and described by a method but little different from that used for the description of the boundaries of oyster bars. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all crabbing bottoms in the county. At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the crab bottom to be described, its general locality, and the serial numbers of the “Charts of Oyster Bars”’ of Maryland on which its boundaries are shown. The first column, under the heading of ‘“‘Corner of bottom,” gives the number corresponding to the corner of the boundary as sHown on the charts. These numbers have been assigned to the corners of the crab bottoms in a slightly different manner from that used in describing the oyster bars, although both proceed in a clockwise direction around their boundaries. In delineating the crab bottoms it was generaily planned to have both the first and last corners fall on land, thus making the mean low-water line of the shore between these two corners form the connecting boundary, as is always stated in such cases in a note at the bottom of the tabular descriptions. Where a cotner of one bottom is identical with the corners of one or more other crab bottoms, oyster bars, or clam beds, only the number of the crab bottom being described in the table is given in this column. ; The second and third columns, under the headings of “‘ Latitude’’ and “ Longitude,” give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the Commission as the primary téchnical definitions of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrepancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations of the Survey, even though all the landmarks and buoys used for their original location have been destroyed. The fourth and fifth columns, under the general heading of “True bearing” * and the specific headings of ‘“‘Forward”’ and ‘‘ Back,” give bearings measured from a true north and south line. The three ‘“‘Forward’’ bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three “ Back’ bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. , a The mean magnetic variation of Somerset County for 1908 was 5° 30’ west of north and increasing at the rate of 3’ yearly. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. Si The sixth column, under the heading of ‘‘Distance,” gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the crab bottom noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. The seventh and last column, under the heading of “U.S.C. & G. S. triangulation station,’ gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the corresponding “Latitude,” “Longitude,” “True bearing,” and “Distance” of the ‘“‘Corner of the bottom” designated in the first column. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication, under the heading of “ Descriptions of landmarks.” The descriptive note of the shore line boundary which usually follows the description of the last corner on the tabular form and sometimes between intermediate corners which happen to fall on land requires no explanation, other than to state that the laws of Maryland reserve to riparian owners all waters of ‘‘any creek, cove, or inlet less than one hundred yards in width at its mouth at low tide.”’ SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the crab bottoms as technically described ia this publication and delineated | on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, but as they are practically — the same as those required for the relocation of oyster-bar boundaries the description of the “Surveying methods for relocation of boundaries”’ under the heading of ‘‘ Boundaries of oyster bars” in this publication will be sufficient to indicate several methods that can be used in the relocation of crab-bottom boundaries. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS. DEEP BANKS. (Inner Holland Straits—Charts Nos. 5 and 6.) Cor- True bearing ; fecol Latitude Longitude — = = — Distance US.C.& Ser eiensalation tom Forward Back ° t ” ° / u ° Y? ° i Yards. I 38 07 32.98 7602 06.20 S 4o1r W WN 4o 10 E 9076 =Holland Island Bar Light. S! gisy Ext 15; N 36 23 W 4494 Miles. N 6429 E S 64 30 W 2435 Senator. 2 |.38 07 45.04 |: 76 02 35.76 |) 34 .36.E N 34 36 E 8920 Holland Island Bar Light. S 40 39 E N 40 38 W 5303 Miles. NGi7asn 1S) 77752) Wi 3054 Senator. 3 | 38 08 50.58 | 76 or 53-42 |S 32 59 W N 32 56 E 11384 Holland Island Bar Light. | S 20 28 E N 20 27 W 6653. =Miles. S 49 51 E N 49 50 W 2431 | Senator. 4 | 38 08 04.09 | 76 00 43.66' S 5 43 E N 5 43 W 4689 | Miles. S 7o 1 E N 70 09 W 6484 Joshua. N 80 42 E S 80 45 W 5117 | Bar. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 50095—o08——-II o2 Cor- ner of hot- tom is) any Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. Latitude | I ° , os ° 38 08 04.09 | 76 38 08 50.58 76 | 38 09 26.74 | 76 38 09 06.39 76 38 08 42. 38 38 08 o4. 38 08 42.38 76 38 06 24. 78 38 05 49.58 | 76 38 05 46.97 76 | Thence from cornet creek, cove, or inlet HOLLAND STRAITS. (West Tangier Sound—Charts Nos. 5, 6, and 7.) ‘True bearing | | U. S.C. & G. S. triangulation station ongitude Sal cence Forward Back : if ut oP ni Ont Yards. 00 43.66 |S’ 5 43 E N 5 43 W 4689 S 7o 11 E N 70 09 W 6484 N 80 42 EF |S 80 45 W 5117 Of 53542 |S 32 59 W | N 32 56 EF 11384 S 20 28 E | N 20 27 W 6653 S 49 51 EF | N 49 50 W 2431 00 23.48 | S 1055 W | N 10 55 E 2838 S 87 10 E | N 8&7 07 W 5546 N 32 41 W !§ 32 41 EB 2607 | 00 41.00'S 1 56 W | N 1568 2102 N 8605 E |S 8607 W 6019 N 18 06 W |§ 18 06 E 3030 00 20.00 S 26 W | N 2601 E 1437 IN 77) 220 Sera as 5582 N 22 08 W./ S 22 08 E 3984 PUNGERS CREEK. Miles. Joshua. Bar. » Holland Island Bar Light. Miles. Senator. Senator. Deal Island Church. Crab. _ Senator. Deal Island Church. Crab. Senator. | Deal Island Church. | Crab. (West Upper Tangier Sound—Charts Nos. 5, 6, and 7.) Yards. 14 ” ° ff °o if 00 43.66/S 5 43 EF |N 5 43 W | 4689 S 7o 11 E | N 7o 09 W 6484 N 80 42 E |S 80 45 W 5117 00 20:00 |S 2601 W | N 2601 E | 1437 N97 2208) Saiz 24 Wi 5582 N 22 08 W |S 22 08 E 3984 Oo) ec |S) AONE | IN 5 2 19: 1323 INE Osh sey 19, S 78 14 W 5629 N ro ot W | S 10 o1 3400 0003.78 |S 77 38 W | N 77 38 E 609 S72 54 WN re 53.8 6113 N 65 07 E |S 65 09 W 5553 oo 23.58 | N 66 27 FE | S 66 29 W 6072 N 636 .W|S 6 36 2 4654 So57 ure We | N57 er ae, 80 r No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the sho less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low | Miles. Joshua. Bar. Senator. Deal Island Church. Crab. Miles. Joshua. Senator. Miles. _ Solomons Lump Light, Joshua. | | Joshua. | Senator. | Miles. re to corner No. 1, excluding tide. — Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Mea. 83 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued, LAWS THOROUGHFARE NORTH. (Northeast Tangier Sound—Inside Deal Island—Chart No. 5.) Cor- : True bearing | aerod Latitude Longitude —— SS Distance! U- 8. ©. & Soy ensuites tom Forward | Back Z a ee | |e ° , ” fo} / uv ie} y | ° y lezen: I | 38 10 00.83 75 56 45.32 N 3058 W | S 30 58 E 1304 | Haines. S 5813 W |N 5810 EF | 7468 | Senator. S 10 46 W | N to 46 E 1449 | Deal Island Church. 2 38 10 12.78 | 75 56 36.20 Nosx 57 Wo] Ss 50 57 B 1160 Haines. S 56 39 W | N 56 37 E 7889 | Senator. © 15 42 W | N 15 42 E 1897 | Deal Island Church. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. DEAL ISLAND. (East Upper Tangier Sound—Charts Nos. 5 and 7.) ° , u” ° / ” te} , ° , Yards. 1 | 38 07 50.57 | 75 57 26.57 | 85 or WS 85 03 E 5269 Senator. 48 40 W N 48 38 E 6371 Miles. oo W 1940 Joshua. ~ oy ° ° peo a No roy N S) S) 2 | 38 07 49.36 | 75 57 48.36 | N 8355 W |S 83 53 E 4695 Senator. S 45 1 W | N 45 13 5920. Miles. S 40 02 E N 40 or W 2224 Joshua. 3 | 38 07 49.58 | 75 58 08.32 | N 83 15 W |S 83 16 E 4167 Senator. > |S 41 19 W ]N 47 18 E 5561 Miles. | |S 48 56 EF | N 4855 W 2603 Joshua. 4 | 38 08 20.24 | 75 58 12.82 | N 74 45 E |S 74 45 W | 1071 | Bar. N 46 20 EF |S 46 21 W 2848 Deal Island Church. S 82°17 W | N 8215 E 4054 Senator. 5 | 38 08 47.88 75 57 40.59 | S 15 o1 EB N 15 or W 674 | Bar. N 49 18 E | S 49 18 W 1585 Deal Island Church. Ne 12) 37 1 Si 12°37 Wi 3666 Haines. 6 | 38 08 50.96 75 57 21.51 | N 36 43 E |S 36 43 W 1160 Deal Island Church. |N 449 E |S 449 W | 3486! Haines. |S 23 52 W | N 23:52 E 825 | Bar. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. U.S. C. & G. S. triangulation Kelley. _ Prickly. Marsh. St. Pierre. Marsh. Kelley. Marsh. Kelley. Joshua. Joshua. Prickly. Kelley. 84 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. LAWS THOROUGHFARE SOUTH. (North Manokin River—Inside of Deal Island—Charts Nos. 5 and 7.) om | Cor- | ‘True bearing ner of Latitude Longitude - Distance tom Forward Back ° , u” ° te u" ° , | ° if Yards. I 38 08 17.58 | 75 54 13.80] S 73 20 W |! N 73 20 E 680 25 36 E | N 25 35 W 6683 8 85 28 E | N 85 27 W 1909 2 38 07 54.55 | 75 53 44-94 | S 89 25 BH | N 89 21 W | 3765 N 61 07 E | S 61 07 W 1296 N 67 43 W'| S 67 44 E 1534 3 | 38 07 20.78 | 7555 27-89 | N 65 32 E S 65 33 W 4260 Ni3g7 32 2) |S) 37.320 Wi 2170 S 72 17 W | N 72 16 E 2427 4 | 38 07 33-58 | 75 55 38-18 | S 60 08 W | N 6007 E 2350 48 31 E | N 48 29 W 6856 | N 51 05 E | S 5105 W 2052 | | | Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. MARSH ISLAND. (North Shore Manokin River—Charts Nos. 5 and 7.) °o 7 u" o , u” c , ° , 1 | 38 08 13.09 | 75 53 02.32 S 68 oo. W N 67 57 S) o2z078) | N 392 8 7549 E WN 75 48 2) 38 07 54.55 | 75 53 44-94 | S 89 25 E WN 8 21 Ni 61407 ES )3S) 61.07 N 67 43 W 8S 67 44 3 | 38 08 17.58 | 75 54 13-80! S 73 20 W N 73 20 S 25 36H N 25 35 S 85 28 E | N 85 27 Yards. 6675 5957 27, 2712 | 3765 | 1296 1534 680 6683 1909 Joshua. Prickly. St. Pierre. St. Pierre. Marsh. Kelley. Kelley. Prickly. Marsh. station 1, excluding | . . Thence from corner No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. Cor- nerof bot- tom fe} rT | 38 2 38 3) } 38 4 38 5 | 38 6 | 38 7 | 38 Latitude 08 08 07 O7 o7 08 37:5 38. 37: 54. ie 06 55 09 Survey of Oyster Pars, Somerset County, Ma. 85 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. (North Shore Manokin River—Charts Nos. 5 and 7.) Longitude 75 75 SI 50 51 53 53 53 09. 44. 02. | Thence from corner No. 7 ° , u” I | 38 09 02.82 2 | 38,08 41. 22 3 | 38 08 15. 04 fe} 09 .58 . 26 94 ZOW ZZn Znw AZZ 1 ZZn AAA nnn ST. PIERRE. True bearing eT ete U.S. C. & G. S. triangulation station Forward Back OE Oat Yards. | 10 30 WN 10 30 E 676 | St. Pierre. 87 56 E | N 87 54 W 4276 | Cupola. 258 E |S 5259 W 1601 | Jean. 44 25 W | N 44 25 E 1023 | St. Pierre. Gi Sy I IN ape SG) WM 2350 | Staff. S7e 2 eS 37022) Wi 1130 Jean. 62 39 E | N 62 37 W 5417. Fairmount Church. 35 54 W |S 35 54 E 659 | St. Pierre. 68 19 W |S 68 20 E 3245 Marsh. 72 05 E |S 72 05 W 1679 | St. Pierre. 41 08 W |S 41 09 E 1568 Marsh. 7eN2g Wels: 72025) H, |) 37038) Kelley. | | 80 28 E |S 80 30 W 3303) | ot. mierre: 2745 E |S 27 45 W | 1369 | Marsh. 58 38 W | S 58 37 E 2256 | Kelley. 89 25 E | N 8 21 W 3765 | St. Pierre. 61 07 E |S 61 07 W 1296 Marsh. 67 43 W |S 67 44 E 1534 Kelley. | 68 oo W | N 67 57 E 6675 | Joshua. 9 29 EF |N 9 29 W | 5957 | Prickly. 75 49 E | N75 48 W | 2712 | St. Pierre. along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. (North Shore , u 75 50 09. 12 75 50 12.44 | | 75 50° 56. 73 ! 4 38 08 13.08 | 75 51 18.98 Zan 2ZOnD OHZ HHH GEANQUAKIN. Manokin River—Charts Nos. 5 and 7.) os ant Yards. 39 08 WN 39 09 E 920 Jean. 22) 200; N 22 26 W 2531 | Staff. 64.07 E N 64 06 W 2942 Sandy. 88 14 W | S 88 14 E 492 Jean. 33) 1208, ) Ni sg) ro Wi 1927 | Staff. 78 31 E WN 78 30 W 2791 Sandy. 44 25 W N 44 25 E 1023 | St. Pierre. Fess ee VN 755) Wi 2350 | Staff. a7 ar HS, 3722) Wi 1130 Jean. 10 30 W_ N 10 30 E 676 St. Pierre. 87 56 E WN 87 54 W 4276 Cupola. 5258 E S$ 5259 W 1601 Jean. | | ‘Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 56 Cor- ner of bot- tom Latitude ° , ” I | 38 06 39. 86 23107) A5\. o4 2) |) 38 (07 32. 08 |e Thence from corner No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. SPRING ISLAND. (East Shore Holland Straits—Chart No. 6.) Longitude 76 02 06. 20 True bearing Forward Back fo} , fo} / S! 37 20° | Ni 37) 28 S68) 05) N 68 13 N55 19 E |S 55 20 S34) 97 WV | N 34536 S 40 39 E N 40 38 NI jg Se Be | Sk 7 SP S 40 11 W | N 40 10 S 36 24 BF N 36 2 N 64 29 E | S 64 30 Distance Yards. 6484 4926 4992 8920 | 5393 3954 9076 4494 2435 U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation _ station Holland Island Bar Light. Miles. Senator. Holland Island Bar Light. Miles. Senator. Holland Island Bar Light. Miles. Senator. any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. PRY COVE. (East Shore Holland Straits—Chart No. 6.) | ° / u | ° / uw , fo} 7 Y ards. 1 | 38 05 44.11 | 76 03 44.60 S 44 43 W N 44 42 E 4594 Holland Island Bar Light. | Sny 12 12: N 15 11 W 7546 Fog. S 38 05 E N 38 03 W 7318 Solomons Lump Light. 2 | 38 06 39.86 | 76 03 17.80 , S-37 30 W ) N 37 28 E 6484 Holland Island Bar Light. © 68 15 E N 68 13 W 4926 Miles. | N 55 19 E S 55 20) W 4992 Senator. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 87 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. NORTH KEDGE STRAITS. (Entrance Kedge Straits—Chart No. 6.) Cor- | ; « True bearing nerof Latitude Longitude = a ae a ae Distance U.S.C. & GeO) trinnedietion tom Forward Back : rr at Sins | | | = CH ” Ones, ” Oumny, | ey | Yards. t | 38 04 29.67 | 76 02 08.22 | S 82 36 W | N 82 34 E 5851 Holland Island Bar Light. S 704 W)N 704 E | 4809 | Fog. S 30 54 E | N 30 53 W | 3805 | Solomons Lump Light. | 2 | 38 04 13.84 | 76 02 35.49 | S 87 31 W | N 87 29 E 5080 Holland Island Bar Light. | | |S 250 Bh |N 150 W 4241 Fog. | S44 23) & N 44 27 W 3826 Solomons Lump Light. 3 38 04 29.16 76.03 45-49)| © 77 04 W | N77 02 EB 3293 Holland Island Bar Light las. 22550 1 N 22 50 W | 5160, Fog. | |S 54 28 E N 54 27 W 5587. Solomons Lump Light. 4 38 05 01.98 | 76 03 40.24 |S 61 10 W | N 61 08 E 3823 Holland Island Bar Light. Sou 3s) Ni i737 W |) 6150) | Hog. SS) “Gy Bie 3D, N 45 20 W 6195 Solomons,Lump Light. | | 5 | 3805 10:20] 76 04 00.70] S 52 53 W | N 52 52 E | 3516 | Holland Island Bar Light. S 2: 25 B | N 21 24 W | 6593 | Fog. S 4656 E N 4654 W . 6780. Solomons Lump Light. 6 38 05 44.11 | 76 03 44.60| S 44 43 W | N 44 42 E 4594 Holland Island Bar Light. VSS Ge INT iy ae NY 7546 | Fog. |S. 38 05 E | N 38 03 W 7318 | Solomons Lump Light. any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. - SHEEPSHEAD. (North Kedge Straits—Charts Nos. 6 and 7.) 1 ° / u ° , uw fe} / ° , Yards. I | 38 04 14.98 | 76 00 47.58 404 W N 403 E 2777. Solomons Lump Light. 48 18 E S$ 48 21 W 8310 Joshua. 10 36 E SS 10 36 W 3112 | Miles. DAZ ZA " es re 2)| 38 03 07.81 | 75 59 52:42 S 31 19 W gi18 Joshua. IN 934 W S 935 E | 5399 | Miles. |S 73.09 W N 73 09 E 1742 Solomons Lump Light. 3.| 38 03 52.80 | 76 or 33.90 | N 85 49 W S85 52 EB 6734 Holland Island Bar Light. Sa 23— TO) Will Nes coo) e 3837 | Fog. | Se ay 3eg 13; N 27 11 W 2272 | Solomons Lump Light. 4 | 38 04 13.84 | 76 02 35.49 | S 87 31 W | N 87 29 E 5080 Holland Island Bar Light. |S 1 50 E | N 150 W 4241 | Fog. |S 44 28 E N 44 27 W 3826 Solomons Lump Light. 5 | 38 04 29.67 | 76 02 08.22 | S§ 82 36 WN 82 34 EB 5851 Holland Island Bar Light. IS), 7 104 We | IN 7 04. 4809 Fog. |S 30 54 E N 30 53 W 3805 Solomons Lump Light. | Thence from corner No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 83 to Thence from corner No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding Latitude Or 44. 54 . 00 . 96 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset. County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. FISHING POINT. (Tangier Sound—Entrance Kedge Straits—Charts Nos. 6 and 7.) Longitude ic = - Distance Yorward Back | het a Ce | de L Yards. 76 00 50390)) Ni 93037 BE) Ss 3 30 Wi 805 N 66 43 W | S 66 46°E 8389 S 74 16° W | N 74 17 2587 | 76 00 55.48 | N 238 E |S 238 W 272 N 70 16 W S 70 19 E 8224 |S 64 00 W | N 63 59 E 2817 | 76 00 03.70; N 508 W/S 5 08 E 6674 N 59 03 W | 5 5904 E1593 S 44 24 E | N 44 23 W | 4327 75 59 10.00|S 5107 E N 51 07 W 2050 N 18 16 E S 18 18 W_ 11502 N 46 50 W SS 46 51 E 3836 75 59 14.56) 9 57 46% | N57 45 W {| 2140 N 18 31 W S$ 18 30 B 11732 N 43 25 W | © 43 26 8 3894 | True bearing U. S.C. & G. S. triangulation station Solomons Lump Light. Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. Solomons Lump Light. Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. Miles. Solomons Lump Light. Terrapin. Terrapin. Joshua. Solomons Lump Light. Terrapin. Joshua. Solomons Lump Light. any creek, cove, or inlet less than roo yards in width at its mouth at low tide. iS} 6 38 38 Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding 07.00 30. 46. 44. 44 - 00 76 76 76 | 76 02 oI 00 00 00 SOUTH KEDGE STRAITS. (Entrance Kedge Straits—Chart No. 6.) . O4, 48. 54- 95 . 48 56. 80 DAZ DAZ 31 43 16 NAN NNN , II 40 37 2 06 9 22 2 08 38 19 59 3 31 66 TA 46 17 Yards. | 104 3060 6528 6049 755 2776 6884 1704 1450 8152 2958 13840 Fog. Solomons Lump Light. Holland.Island Bar Light. Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. Solomons Lump Light. Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. Solomons Lump Light. Holland Island Bar Light Fog. Janes Island Light. Solomons Lump Light. Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. Solomons Lump Light. Holland Island Bar Light. Fog. any ereek, cove, or inlet less than roo yards in width at its mouth at low tide = ee Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Mad. 89 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. SMITH ISLAND THOROUGHFARE. (Smith Island—Charts Nos. 6, 8, and 9.) | True bearing Cor- | : ; ner of Latitude | Longitude — = — STATICS U.S.C. & Sa eoaueulevon tom | Forward Back ae = se E — | ° , ” ° , ” ° / ° / Yards. I 37 59 49.66 76 02 56.68 |S 15 55 N 15 55 2397. Old Church. | S 80 46 N 80 45 1504 North Church. N 6 08 3145 Old Church. 1885 North Church. 1410 Joseph. 2 | 38 oo 11.66 | 76 03 or.32 | S 14 23 W W 6 08 E 2160 Joseph. W | E .|N 4 20 W E Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. TERRAPIN SAND. (Southwest Tangier Sound—Charts Nos. 7 and 9.) ° , ” | ° , Nn ° vf ° th eae | 1 38 or 28.96 | 75 59 14.56 | S$ 5746 E | N57 45 W | 2140 | Terrapin. | N 18 31 W |S 18 30 E | 11732 | Joshua. | N 43 25 W |S 43 26 E | 3894 | Solomons Lump Light. 2 38 OI 35.00 75 59 10.00 ls 51 07 E N 51 07 W | 2050. Terrapin. | N18 16 E |S 18 18 W | x1502 | Joshua. | N 4650 W |S 46 51 E 3836 Solomons Lump Light. 3 | 38 oF OF. 70 | 75 57 33537 |S 8030 W ;, N 8030 & | 0905 ! Terrapin. : Sy 2g} Tey WY PIN) 222) eR DS. 8424 | Horse. N 78 09 E |S 78 14 W | 8233 | Flat Cap. 4 | 38 00 15.12 | 75 57 10.17 | N 48 42 W |S 48 43 E 2131 | Terrapin. S 32 34 W | N 32 32 E | 7322 | Horse. Ss) 33°43 8 | N 33 42 W 5938 Janes Island Light. 5 3800 10.56 75 57 23.66 | N 38 30 W_ S 38 30 E 1994 Terrapin. S 30 45 W | N 30 44 E | 7002 | Horse. S 37 22 E | N 37 21 W | 6022 | Janes Island Light. 6 | 38 00 18.54 | 75 58 43.38 | S 13 00 W | N 13 00 E 6453 Horse. S 4851 E N 48 49 W | 7680 | Janes Island Light. | N 34 27 E |S 34 27 W 1566 ‘Terrapin. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 5009, 5 —08 ——12 go Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Ma. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. SOUTH MARSH. (West Tangier Sound—Chart No. 7.) Cor- True bearing meres Latitude Longitude lapis Wine TS. ss GS) tianewlaay tom Forward | Back | : ae |——— 3 soa ° , ” ° , u” ° , ° fd | Yards. 1 | 38 05 46.97 | 76 00 23.58 | N 66 27 E |S 66 29 W | 6072 | Joshua. N (6 26Wi |S) 6) 360 4654 Senator. S57) mn WV) WeNe S720 2. | 80 Miles. 2 | 38 05 49.58 | 76 00 03.78 | S 77 38 W | N 77 38 E 609 Miles. ; S 1254 W |N 1253 E 6113 Solomons Lump Light. N 65 07 E S 65.09 W | 5553 Joshua. 3 | 38 03 40.94 | 75 59 32.90 | N 18 38 W | 18 38 E | 4440 | Miles. : S 53 27 W |N 53 27 E | 2723 Solomons Lump Light. S 21 45 E N 21 44 W | 5957. Terrapin. 4 | 38 og§o7). 8r |) 75 50 52.42 | No 3u 17 E CS 30 19 g118 Joshua. N59) 34 WS) 19.35 | 5399 Miles. , S 73 09 W N 73 09 | 1742 Solomons Lump Light. W E BE 5 | 38 04 14.98 | 76 00 47.58 |S 404 W |N 4 03 E 2777. Solomons Lump Light. | N 48 18 E |S 48 21 W | 8310 Joshua. N 10 E | W | 3112. Miles. Thence from corner No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1,excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. WENONA: (East Upper Tangier Sound—Chart No. 7.) ° f} } 2 , " ° , ° , Yards I | 38 07 07.07 | 75 57 00.83 | N 72 02 W 72 04 E 6239 | Senator. | S 63 23 W 63 21 E | 6119 | Miles. S 30 39 E 30 38 W 322 | Joshua. 2 | 38 07 07.81 | 75 57 24.02 1D 5646 | Senator. 60 17 E 5584 | Miles. W 839 | Joshua. S) N N 70 21 W | S 70 23 60 18 W | N N N S 68 54 E 3 | 38 07 49.36 | 75 57 48.36 | N 83 55 W |S 83 53 4695 | Senator. S) S) E 45 14 W | N 45 13 E 5920 | Miles. 40 02 E | N 40 or W 2224 | Joshua. 85 or W |S 85 03 E 5269 | Senator. 40 W | N 48 38 E | 6371 | Miles. 26 00 E | N 26 00 W 1940 | Joshua. 4 | 38 07 50.57 | 75 57 26.57 nnz ns ie) Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No 5, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than roo yards in width at its mouth at low tide 5 | 38 07 37.82 | 75 56 52:22 | N 821 48 W |S 89 51 B 6228 Senator. S 56 28 W | N 56 25 E 6838 | Miles. S 2 50) Wi | N 2 50 E 1316 Joshua. 6 | 38 07 37.02 | 75°56 47.40 | N 81 43) W |S 82 46 E 6357. Senator. S 57 14 W | N57 11 6929 | Miles. S 829 W;N 8 29 E 1301 | Joshua. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Ma. gl BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. LITTLE DEAL ISLAND. (North Entrance Manokin River—Chart No. 7.) | | | True bearing Cor- er of Latitude Longitude | Distance U.S.C. & Sapataanee ator tom | Forward Back | i} = | a eee = = a — = — ° , u" ° , u ° , ° , Yards. I | 38 07 01.70 | 75 56 or.94 | N 63 17 E |S 63 18 W | 5355 | Marsh. | N 43 19 E |S 43 20 W 3249 | Kelley. S 8606 W N 8605 E 1407 | Joshua. 2 | 38 06 55.34 | 75 55 50.46 | N 59 39 E |S 59 41 W__ 5201 | Marsh. | N 36 43 S 36 44 W 3216 | Kelley. N 86 02 W |S 8601 E 1715 | Joshua. , * 3 | 38 06 40.44 | 75 56 03.80 | N 57 07 E $ 5705 W 5756 | Marsh. N 36 29 E |S 36 28 W 3832 | Kelley. | N 65 22 W |S 65 23 E 1491 Joshua. 4 | 38 06 22.24 | 75 55 56:58 | S 69 12 E | N 69 10 W 6018 | Prickly. | S 29 27 E | N 29 26 W 4243 | Kelley. { N 51 25 W |S 51 25 E 1979 | Joshua. 5 | 38 06 22.82 | 75 57 00.64 |S 73 38 E ,| N 73 36 W 7643 Prickly. |N 45 54 E |S 45 55 W 5281 Kelley. 'N 7 28 Ea/S 7 28 W 1226 | Joshua. 6 | 38 06 55.00 | 75 56 48.50| S 65 12 E N 65 10 W 7722 | Prickly. N 53 15 E S 53 16 W 4330 Kelley. N 51 35 W |S 51 35 E 210 Joshua. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. LOWER THOROUGHFARE. (Inside of Latile Deal Island—Chart No. 7) ° iD ” ° {? " ° , | fo} , Yards. 1 | 38 07 33.58 | 75 55 38.18 | S 60 08 W | N 6007 E 2350. Joshua. S 48 31 E | N 48 29 W | 6856 | Prickly. | N 5105 E |S 51 05 W | 2052 | Kelley. 2 | 38 07 20.78 | 75 55 27.89] N 65 32 E S 65 33 W 4260 Marsh. WONiea7i 32) PS) 377 32 Wi 2170 ‘Kelley. Si 72 17) W |-N 72 16 # 2427 | Joshua. 3 | 38 06 55.34 | 75 55 50-46 | N 59 39 E s 59 41 W 5201. Marsh. : N 36 43 E |S 36 44 W 3216 Kelley | | N 86 02 W |S 8601 E 1715 , Joshua. 4 | 38 07 o1.70 | 75 56 o1.94 | N 63 17 E |S 63 18 W 5355 | Marsh. | N 43 19 E |S 43 20 W 3249 | Kelley. S 86 06 W | N 8605 E 1407 | Joshua. 5 | 38 07. 37-02 | 75 56 47.46 | N 81 43 W S 81 46 E 6357 | Senator. | Syste we oN 7) eae 6929. Miles. |. |S 29 W |N 8 29 E 1301 Joshua. 6 | 38 07 37.82 | 75 56 52.22 N 81 48 W |S 81 51 E 6228 | Senator. $5628 WW EN 5625 6838 | Miles. S 250 W Neeson 1316 | Joshua. ‘Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than roo yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 92 Latitude Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS —continued. (Entrance Manokin River—Chart No. 7.) Longitude 2) 10 Il 38 | 38 38 38 | 38 38 o4 05 95 06 06 06 o7 O07 95 50. 38 | 18. 53: 30. 59: 40. 37- 38. O4. 50. 04 95 58 66 14 06 40 + 10 75 75 | 75 75 75 75 75 54 55 55 55 53 53 54 54 It. 98 . 00 43.- 20. 52. 19. 81 55 43 78 | ZZO ZA2Z Zoo AZAAZ BZAZZzA AAA oOZZ ZZ ZOD PINEY ISLAND. True bearing = Distance es ». Co & eat et Forward Back ou eget! Yards. | 24 53 E | N 24 52 W 6641 | Flat Cap. 50 24 E | N 50 22 W 4011 Has. 7158 E |S 71 59 W 3100 Prickly. 89 39 E |S 89 41 W 4438 | Prickly. 843 E |S 8 43 W 5916 | Kelley. 38 49 W |S 38 50 E 4363 | Joshua. 77 30 E | N 77 34 W. 5362 | Prickly. 19 57 E |S 19 57 W | 4977 | Kelley. 41 02 W |S 4102 E 2942 | Joshua. 51 16 EB | S 51 18 W | 5513 | Marsh. 27 09 E |S 27 08 W | 3826 | Kelley. 63 23 W |S 63 24 E | air | Joshua. 5602 EF |S 5605 W | 4439 | Marsh. 24 50E |S 24 49 W 2683 | Kelley. 89 27 W | N 89 26 E 2508 | Joshua. | 43 15 E |S 43 16 W | 4279 | Marsh. 700 EF |S 700 W 3096 | Kelley. 79 19 W |S 79 20 E 3314 | Joshua. 80 28 E | S$ 80 30 W 3313 | St. Pierre. if Ely De WAS yy Cay WY 1369 | Marsh. 58 38 W |S 58 37 E | 2256! Kelley. 7205 EF |S 72 05 W | 1679 | St. Pierre. 41 08 W |S 41 09 E | 1568 | Marsh. 2) 23) Wi |S) 72) 25, Bl) 93763), Kelley, 61 34 E |S 61 36 W | 3483 St. Pierre. 10 35 E | S$ 10 35 W | 2362 | Marsh. 256 W |S 4257 E | 3113 | Kelley. Fhe Ax 8) 4) INP ie aA, Ne 3338 | Prickly. 24) 23) hl Sea) 25) ai 5282 | Marsh. 60 03 W |S 6005 E 4626 Joshua | 22 41 E | N 22 40 W 7505 | Flat Cap. 42 41 E | N 42 40 -W | 4704 | Has. 8854 BE |S 8855 W | 3047 | Prickly. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 93 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. TEAGUE CREEK. (South Shore Manokin River—Chart No. 7.) | { | | Cor- | True bearing neo Latitude Longitude 2 + en = | Distance U- 8. ©. & os aviansletion tom Forward Back | | ° , u” | ° , ” ° if fo} , | Yards. | ' 1 38 06 48.06 | 75 50 19. 23 S 7644 E | N 76 44 W | 3578 | Fairmount Church. : N 29 12 FE |S 29 13 W | 2526 | Staff. N 3754 W |S 3754 E | 2791 | St. Pierre. 2 | 38 07 00.26 | 75 50 28.47 | S 71 43 E | N 71 42 W | 3928 | Fairmount Church. | N 39 36 E |S 39 36 W | 2325 | Staff. | N 39 21 W |S 39 21 E | 2316 | St. Pierre. | | | 3 | 38 07 36.22 | 75 50 21.92 | S 55 29 E | N 55 28 W | 4314 | Fairmount Church. _ N 66 06 EF |S 6607 W | 1430 | Staff. N .7o 36 W |S 70 36 E 1742 | St. Pierre. Thence from corner No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. GOOSE CREEK. (South Shore Manokin River—Chart No. 7.) ° , u” ° , n” ° / ° ’ Yards. | I | 38 05 18.83 | 75 52 25.47 | N 17 33 E_ |S 17 34 W 5466 | St. Pierre. in| | N 64 48 W |S 64 50 E | 7926 | Joshua. | S$ 218E |N 218 W | 3520 | Has. 2 | 38 05 18.78 | 75 52 39.20 | N 89 35 E |S 89 35 W 366 | Prickly. I> N 559W |S 559 £E | 5910 | Marsh. | | _N 63 36 WS 63 39 E | 7597 | Joshua. 3 | 38 06 05.78 | 75 52 32-348 636E |N 636 W |} 1593 | Prickly. N 85 04 E |S 85 07 W | 7056 Fairmount Church. ¢ N 26 46E |S 26 47 W 4964 St. Pierre. 4 | 38 06 24.82 | 75 51 34.20 | S 89 37 E | N 89 35 W 5481 | Fairmount Church, | IN 5 24E |S$ 5 24 W 3000 St. Pierre. | | N 32 44 W |S 32 45 E 4340 | Marsh. | | | | 5 | 38 06 17.94 | 75 51 23-71 | N 87 51 E |S 87 53 W 5204 | Fairmount Church. IN 003 E |S 003 W 3214 | St. Pierre. | | N 34 04 W |S 3405 E | 4687 | Marsh. | Thence from corner No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. | 2 | | 94 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Mad. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued o MINE CREEK. (South Entrance Manokin River—Chart No. 7.) True bearing Cor- nec of Latitude. | Longitude - | Distance| U- S.C. & GS ena tom Forward Back | ° / u | ° / ” ° , | ° , leer I | 38 04 19.88 | 75 52 56.22 |S 735 & | N 7 35 W 5040 | Flat Cap. S 32 09 E | N 32 09 W | 1807 | Has. Ni2226 1 (S22) 255W 2150 | Prickly. = | | 2 | 38 04 28.72 | 75 53 19-95 | S 13 47 E | N 13 46 W | 5452 | Flat Cap. S 41 06 E | N 41 05 W 2426 | Has. N 40 40 E |S 4o 41 W 2228 | Prickly. Bul ouOAN S2O2018 75) 53015" 53 | S 12 16 EF | N 12 16 W | 5552 | Flat Cap. S 37 08 E | N 37 07 W | 2445 | Has. | N 40 34 E |S 40 35 W | 2052 | Prickly. 4 38 05 o1.80 | 75 52 41.83 | N 19 48 E |S 19 49 W | 6149 | St. Pierre. | |N 450W |S 450E | 6473 | Marsh. | N 59 37 W |S 59 39 E | 7808 | Joshua. 5 | 38 05 18.78 | 75 52 39.20 | N 89 35 E |S 89 35 W | 366 | Prickly. N 559 W S$ 559 E | 5910 | Marsh. N 63 36 W |S 63 39 E | 7597 | Joshua. 6 | 38 05 18.83 | 75 52 25-47 | N 17 33 E nS 17 34 W 5466 St. Pierre. | N 64 48 WS 64 50 E | 7926 | Joshua. | Sit 2 18) PN 28s We 35200|P Eas: | Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 1 9 38 03 34-52 | 75 52 38 03 14.58 | 75 52 nN 3 | 38 03 37.66 | 75 53 4 | 38 04. 28.72 | 75 53 5 | 38 04 19.88 75 52 6 | 38 03 40.62 | 75 52 06. 76 19.95 34. 38 Zon Zoo PACED ZOW 2ZnM nn 18 W 12 W G3n Wv 38 W 40 E 59 W 50 08 53 47 06 40 35 09 24 17 29 06 eoBeobes! beoBesBeolmmesteotes! leoHesBes! HAZARD. (East Tangier Sound—Chart No. 7.) ZZ 00 - DAZ NAA OZZ OZyZ VAZeZ + / 18 07 E 1 53 E 37 38 59 50 97 53 aaa see dee sae Beh | Yards. 3520. Prickly. 13798 Solomons Lump Light. 3480 Flat Cap. 2804 Flat Cap. 4804 | Geog. 676 Has. 3696 Flat Cap. 1247 | Has. 3585 , Prickly. 5452 | Flat Cap. 2426 | Has. 2228 | Prickly. 5040 Flat Cap 1807 | Has. 2150 Prickly 3673 | Flat Cap 431 | Has. 3320, Prickly. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No I, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. | | Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 95 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. SHARK POINT. (North Entrance Big Annemessex River—Chart No. 7.) Cor- \True bearing merof Latitude | Longitude a Fos ‘ Distance U.S.C.& Gos tladediation tom | | Forward Back ° , u” ° , u ° , | ° ’ Yards. 1 | 38 04 03.54 | 75 51 00.00 S 28 43 W | N 28 42 E 5078 Flat Cap. S 45 03 E N 45 02 W 3559 Geog. | N 89 13 E S 89 14 W 1868 Ford. 2 | 38 03 45.06 | 75 51 07-581 S: 30 17 W | N 30 17 E 4426 , Flat Cap. S55 men [ON 55) re Wi 3314 | Geog. | N 72 37 E |S 72 37 W | 2170! Ford. | | 3 | 38 03 16.52 | 75 51 49.69 | N 63 14 E |S 63 15 W 3576 | Ford. N53) 145. |) 9: 53) 14, 2 1014 Has. Sy) ites We || INT are a) 33; 3066 Flat Cap. 4 | 38 03 14.58 | 75 52 22.80 S§ 438 W |N 4 37 E 2804 | Flat Cap. S$ 79 40 E | N 79 38 W 4804 Geog. N 559° W |S 5 50 E 676 | Has. 5 | 38 03 34.52 | 75 52 20:16|N 218 W|S 218E 3520. Prickly. ; | S 84 12 W | N 84 07 E | 13798 Solomons Lump Light. S$ 453 W|N 453 E 3480 Flat Cap. Thence from corner No 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. | | | | | FORDS WHARF. (North Shore Big Annemessex River—Chart No. 7.) ° , u” | ° , nN” ° / ° , | I | 38 03 59.36 | 75 49 12.98 | N 80 26 W |S 80 26 E 998 | Ford. Is) 802) W) | Ni ‘8 02) 2397 | Geog. S$ 7314E | N 73 14 W 1923. Moon. 2 | 38 03 51.42 | 75 49 12.66 | N 66 25 W |S 66 25 E | 1084 | Ford. S$ 916W /|N g916E 2134 | Geog. S 43 22 E | N 43 21 W 2420 | Colburn. 3. 38 03 45.06 | 75 51 07.58 | S 30 17 W | N 30 17 E 4426 | Flat Cap. 55) 220 ON 55) nn We 3314 | Geog. | Ni 72 37 eS e72es 7. 2170 | Ford. 4 | 38 04 03.54 | 75 51 00.00 | S 28 43 W | N 28 42 E | 5078 | Flat Cap. S 45 03 E | N 45 02 W | 3559 | Geog. N 89 13 E |S 89 14 W | 1868 ! Ford. | | | Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. | Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Ma. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. (Upper Big Annemessex River—Chart No. 7.) CRANE COVE. True bearing 96 Cor- Bene Latitude Longitude tom ° , ” ° , ” I | 38 03 42.22 \n75 48 07.10 | 2 38 03 38.99 | 75 48 30.78 3 38 03 30.79 | 75 48 41.32 | | 4 | 38 03 33-72 | 75 48 44.02 Forward ° , 49 22 3 24 74 44 40 53 22 07 79) 33 39 54 37 50 67 43 36 16 37 41 73 50 On Zon 2ZOH 2ZHONM U.S. C. & G. S. triangulation Distance Berton Back | aes + Che! Yards. N 49 21 E 2756 | Geog. N 324 E 1452 | Colburn. S 74 44 W 86 | Moon. N 40 53 E 2231 | Geog. N 22 07 W 1447 | Colburn. S 79 33 W 711 | Moon. N 39 54 E 1838 | Geog. N 37 49 W 1347 | Colburn. S 67 43 W 1076 | Moon. N 36 16 E 1871 | Geog. N 37 41 W 1470 | Colburn. S73, 50 OW. 1112 | Moon. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than roo yards in width at its mouth at low tide. | 38 04 17. 38 03 51. 38 03 34. | | 38 03 42 | 40 | 46 | | 22 | | 75 75 75 75 75 Us) 47 47 47 47 47 48 MOON BAY. (Upper Big Annemessex River—Chart No. 7.) 18.00 11.18 10. 50 54. 40 58. 21 07.10 ° ’ 19 43 36 18 23 57 22 50 38 07 25 44 19 58 59 39 08 4 11 41 37 13 35 28 16 56 38 15 13 49 22 3 24 74 44 Zn UNF NWF NHF DH HH ios) W Ww E DAZ ZZO ZZH ZZH ZZH ALZH Op - Sof ON oe) BS BSS Bem Ses Ses aS wun eho} ~ H ” 37 35 Yards. 3987 2069 3436 3937 | 2279 3625 Fairmount Church. Moon. Colburn. Fairmount Church. Moon. Colburn. Fairmount Church. Moon. Colburn. Fairmount Church. Moon. | Colburn. Moon. Geog. Colburn. Geog. Colburn. Moon. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at lowjtide. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Mi. 97 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. RED CAP CREEK. (Upper Big Annemessex River—Chart No. 7.) Cor- True bearing nerok Latitude Longitude Distance, U- 5. ©. & G. Se toangulstion tom Forward Back ° 7, u fe} fy u” ° Lk ° , Yards. I | 38 04 26.31 75 46 37.60 we yh WY Sy hie es} 4640 Fairmount Church. | 57 (33) Wi IN 457-33 2727 | Moon. | 40 07 W | N 40 06 7 | Fairmount Church, 5 Moon. 40 | Colburn. 29 30 W |S 29 31 40 44 W | N 40 44 28 51 W | N 28 51 E 4 E EK E 3839 | Colburn. 2 | 38 04 44.16 75 46 57.22 E nny nny Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. MILES. (Upper Big Annemessex River—Chart No. 7.) ° tf ” ° / u ° , ce} , Yards. © | 38 03.52.10) 75 4051.00 | N 22 00 W |S 2200 EF 5513 Fairmount Church, S 8101 W N 8r1o0 E 1968 | Moon. S 49 53 W |N 49 52 E 2766 | Colburn. 2 | 38 03 59.10 | 75 47 02.98 | N 19 42 W |S 19 43 E 5179 | Fairmount Church. © 71 25 Wo WN 7x 25 E 1715 Moon. S 41 40 W | N 41 39 E 2701 | “olburn. 2)/ 38 04 10.22 | 75 46 53.34 | N 23 50 W |S 24 00 E 4927 - Fairmount Church. S 63 56 W | N 6355 E 2095 | Moon. S 40 37 W | N 4o 36 E 3153 Colburn. | | 4 38 04 07.16 75 46 47.40 | N 25 08 W |S 25 09 E | 5086 | Fairmount Church. S 68 08 WN 68 08 E | 2196 | Moon. S 44 00 W | N 43 59 E | 3183 | Colburn. | \ Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean :ow-water line of the shore to corner No, 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 50095—08 13 98 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. COLBURN. (Upper Big Annemessex River—Chart No. 7.) | Cor- * | True bearing . mex ct Latitude Longitude = ——————— Distagice U.S.C. & G. S- trasenlation tom Forward Back ° , ” °o /, ” °o , ° y Y ards I | 38 03 25.02 | 75 47 30.76 | N 29) Wi FS'* 9 20.8 6108 Fairmount Church. S 55 44 W | N 55 44 E 1071 Moon. S$ 50 30 W N 50 30 E 1367 Colburn. 2 | 38 03 30:00 | 75 47 32-62.) N 16 W / 5 17 E 5934 Fairmount Church. | N 62 29 W | S 62 30 B 942 Moon. S 44 06 W | N 44 06 E 1445 Colburn. 3 | 38 03 46.98 | 75 47 28.88 | N 11 18 W | S a1 18 EB 5388 Fairmount Church. S 81 38 W | N 81 37 E 945 Moon. S 34 28 W | N 34 28 E 1953 | Colburn. 4 | 38 03 56.66 | 75 47 23.30 | N 13 39 W 1S 13 40 8 5102. Fairmount Church. S 66 49 W | N 66 49 E 1179 | Moon. S 32 56 W | Ni 3255 E 2307. Colburn. 5 | 38 03 58.06 | 75 47 14.60 N 16 18 W |S 16 19 BE 5116 | Fairmount Church. S 68°43 W | N 68 43 E 1409 Moon. S 36 50 W | N 36 50 B 2485 | Colburn. 6 | 38 03 47.78 | 75 46 59-70 | N 19 13, WS 19 14 E 5568 Fairmount Church. S 84 31 W |! N 84 30 & 1720. Moon. S 49 00 W | N 49 00 E 2496 | Colburn. | “7 Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than roo yards in width at its mouth at low tide. JACKSON ISLAND. (South Shore Big Annemessex River—Chart No. 7.) ° y uw fo} / ” ° , ° , ¥ ards. i | 38 02 18.76 | 75 50 16, 42'| N 53) 06.8 S 53 07 W 1696 Geog N 11 14 E S or 1 W 3627 | Ford N 52 15 W |S 52 16 © 4173 Has 2 | 38 02 16.18 | 75 50 37-78 | N 60 08 E S 60 09 W 2221 | Geog. N 19 18 E S 19 18 W 3862 Ford. N 45 56 W |S 45 57 E 3799 Has 3 | 38 03 05.44 | 75 50 32.58 | S 72 45 E N 72 44 W 1872 Geog N 29 50 E © 29 50 W 2287 | Ford N 71 07 W |S 71 08 E 3031 | Has 4 38 03 17-77 | 75 49 31-17 |S .847E |N 8 47 W 982 Geog N 69 58 E- | S 69 59 W 2475 Moon N 17 40° Wo Ss: x7 40: 1646 Ford 03 03.08 75 48 54.81 on ios) io’) N 83 45 W 1193 Colburn. S 45 17 W 1908 Moon. S) 3502702 2533 + Ford. AZAD os On On Ge mR eves € | 38 02 40.80 | 75 49 05.64 N 67 09 E S 67 ro W 1601 Colburn. 22 45 W |S 22 45 E 3052 Ford. N 60 34 W S$ 60 34 E 598 Geog. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than roo yards in width at its mouth at low tide. Survey of Ovster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 99 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. JONES CREEK. (South Shore Big Annemessex River—Chart No. 7.) Cor- True bearing | nerof . - a Pease | ee hae | U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation bot Latitude Longitude Distance Seation tom Forward Back ° if u” ° , ” ° , ° ff ¥y ards Y 38 OF 55.18 | 75 50 19,00 | N38 10 E |S 38 11 W 2306 Geog. N 43-57 W |S 43 59 E | 4654 | Has. S 88 06 W | N 88 05 E 3530 Flat Cap. 2 38 02 16.18 75 50 37.78 | N 6008 E | S 60 09 W 2221 Geog. N 19 18 S 19 18 W 3862. Ford. N 4556 W'S 45 57 E | 3799 | Has. 3 38 02 18.76 } 75 50 16.42 | N 53 06 E S 53 07 W 1696 | Geog. * N ti 1 E |S 11 14 W 3627 | Ford. N52 15 W |S 5216 EB | 4173 | Has. | al Thence from corner No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No, 4, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 38 02 18.80 | 75 49 56.98 N 39 28 E |S 39 29 W 1319 Geog. N 56 13 W !S 56 14 E 4593 | Has. S77 30 We | N77 28 4216 Flat Cap. 4 5 | 38 02 06.75 | 75 50 01.30 | N 33 49 E S 33 49 W 1714 Geog. NGS u Sue or 5m) 23) 4740 , Has. S 82 47 W | N 82 46 E 4032 , Flat Cap. 61} 38 6207.95 | 75 49 52.38 | N27 22 B | S 27 22 W 1557 | Geog. Ni 53) 27, WS) 53) 290) E 4904 Has. S 82 39 W | N 82 37 E 4273 Flat Cap. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. DAUGHERTY CREEK. ~ (South Shore Big Annemessex River—Chart No. 7.) ° , u ° , ” °o , ° , Yards. I | 38 02 06.39 | 75 50 54.34 N58 46E S 58 47 W 2769 |~=6Geog. No37 36 WS: 37°37 3750 Has. S$ 79 10 WN 79 09 E 2632 Flat Cap. 2 | 38 o2 16.18 | 75 50 37-78 N 6008 E |S 6009 W 2221 Geog. N 19 18 E S 19 18 W 3862 Ford. N 45 OS AiG 577 32, 3799 Has. 3 | 38 of 55.18 | 75 50 19.00 N 38 10 E S 38 11 W 2306 Geog. N 4357 W 8S 4359 E 4654 Has. S 88 06 W WN 8805 E 3530 Flat Cap. Thence from corner No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 100 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. TENTH POINT. (South Shore Big Annemessex River—Chart No. 7.) Cor- ‘True bearing ner of aan . oe , U.S.C. & G. S. triangulation Bate Latitude Longitude Distance SPARIOT tom Forward Back. ° , u ° , u” ° / ° / Yards S) 26:15. Wi | No 26 15) Be 694 Flat Cap. N 7416 E |S 74 17 W 4827 Geog. N omg) Wi (Storr) 2842 Has. 2) 38 02 23542) | 75 52) 03.085) Nii4oni5 2 S 46 16 W | 4919 Ford. N 10:42 W 4S 10 42 E 2440 Has. O35) One [EN 35 one: 1314 | Flat Cap. 3 | 38 02 32-43 1475 51 27:28 | N39 58 © S 39 59 W 4041 Ford. N33) 57 W 1 Si3358) 2 2524 Has. Sis mire Wie eN San ome 2190 Flat Cap. 4 | 38 02 16.18 | 75 50 37.78 | N 60 08 E S 60 09 W 2221 | Geog. N 19 18 E S 19 18 W 3862 = Ford. |N 4556 W 8S 45 57 E 3799 Has. 5 38 02 06.39 | 75 50 54.34 N 58 46 E S 58 47 W 2769 Geog. N 37 36 W'S 37 37 E 3750 Has. S 79 10 W N 79 09 & 2632 Flat Cap. Thence from corner No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. SHANKS CREEK. (Smith Island—Chart No. 8.) ° / u” ° / ” ° , ° / Yards. 1 | 37 57 15-10 | 76 or 47.78 | S 88 19 E N 88 17 W 3472 Horse. N 24.06 E |S 24 07 W 2535 Ewell Church. N 22 07 W |S 22 07 E 3138 Old Church. 2137 57 15-78 |) 70.02 17-530) s) sszo N 88 18 W 4268 Horse. N 38 36 E |S 38 37 W 2932 Ewell Church. | N 739 W |S: 7 39 EB 2909 = Old Church. | Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than roo yards in width at its mouth at low tide. Cor- | True bearing nerf Latitude | Longitude = == ——| Distance tom | Forward Back pee a OMe " | mM fy w Omny Cy 2 Yards. 1 | 37 57 13-20 | 76 00 24.18 |S 8814 E N 88 14 W 1239 N 26 42 W S$ 26 42 E 2662 | N 4857 W S 48 59 E 4524 2 (637) 57) 14.16 | 76 Or 05-301] 8) 88 17 E N 88 16 W 2338 ING 2 S24 Winrar 2 224.b) 2348 N 38 16 W |S 38 15 E 3741 Thence from corner No. 2 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Med. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. TYLERS CREEK. (Smath Island—Charts Nos. 8 and 9.) U.S. C. & G. S. triangulation station Horse. Ewell Church. Old Church. Horse. Ewell Church. Old Church. | along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. ° , ” ° , ” ° tA ° / Yards. I | 37 59 14.18 | 75 58 57-16 | S 14 45 W N14 45 E | 4257 S 6453 E N 6451 W 6793 N19 54 E |5S 19 55 W 3681 2 | 37 58 13-99 | 75 57 58-77 | S 51 42 W N 51 41 E | 3368 5 79 27 E | N 79 29 W 4672 | N. 3 20W |S 321E 5499 3 | 37 57 43-00 | 75 58 22.82 |) N 87 55 B "| S 87 57 W | 5238 Ne2557) 2. |S) 257 W 6544 S 62 29 W | N 62 28 E 2257 4 | 37 57 25-62 | 75 58 29.02 | N 81 49 EB |S 81 51 W | 5456 N 402 EF |S 402 W | 7139 | S 7602 W |N 76 01 E 1891 | 5 | 37 57 06.40 | 75 58 59.12 N 77 04 E |S 77 06 W | 6366 N 9 32 E S 9 33 W 7878 N 79 30 W |S 79 31 E 1050 6 | 37 57 12-07 | 75 59 37-78 |S 649 E |N 649 W | 8754 N 80 19 E S 80 22 W 7341 N17 08 EF |S 17 09 BIG ISLAND. (Southwest Tangier Sound—Chart No. 9.) W | 7931 Horse. Janes Island Light. Terrapin. Horse. Janes Island Light. Terrapin. Janes Island Light. Terrapin. Horse. Janes Island Light. Terrapin. Horse. Janes Island Light. Terrapin. Horse. Reach Hammock. Janes Island Light. Terrapin. if Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. TO2 Cor- ner of bot- tom °o Ty [238 2 38 3) 3H 4 | SF Sa © | 37 7) 37 Latitude 00 10. : 59 33: ] 58 47.< 59 14. H Longitude —= Distance Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Mea. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. DRUM. : (Southwest Tangier Sound—Chart No. 9.) True bearing U.S. C. & G. S. triangulation station Forward Back , Us ° ‘ ° / Yards 58 43-38 S 13 00 W | N 13 00 EB 6453 Horse. S 48 51 E N 48 49 W 7680 Janes Island Light. N) 34 27 EB | Si 34 27 W 1566 Terrapin. 57 23.66 N 38 30 W | S 38 30 B 1994 ‘Terrapin. S 30 45 W | N 30 44 E 7002 Horse. Si Gyie2on N 37-21 W. 6022 Janes Island Light 57, 20,02) | Nias 24 Wi Ses 25, 3119 Terrapin. S 37 W | N 37 40 E 6015 Horse. S 45 15 E N 45 13 W 5011 Janes Island Light. 56 57-37 N 28 59 W |S 29 oo E 4008 Terrapin. S 46 27 W-| N 46 26 B 5910 Horse. S 46 07 E N 46 07 W 4098 Janes Island Light. 57 15-60] N 18 27 W |S 18 27 B 4601 Terrapin. S 4945 W | N 49 44 B 4974 Horse. S 60 04 E N 60 03 W 3970 = Janes Island Light. 5759-77) (oo) 52 42 WW | Nos aoe 3368 Horse. = S79 27 E | .N 79 29 W 4672 Janes Island Light. IN 4) 200i ys) shen & 5499 ‘Terrapin. 58 57-16) S 14 45 W | N 14 45 E 4257 Horse. S 64 53 E N 64 51 W 6793 Janes Island Light. N 19 54 E S 19 55 W 3681 Terrapin. Thence from corner No. 7 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. ° it 37 Bul 37 3 37 anliag 58 09. §& 58 19 58 16. OLD HOUSE. (Little Annemessex River—Chart No. 9.) si Y Ce cae Yards. ei Oe US) Sapa We IN Gap Bie 18) 3688 Janes Island Light. S 36 33 E N 36 33 W 548 Somers Cove Light. N 6x 52 |S 6r 5am 3176 Emmanuel Church. 5257.62 |] S 78 17 W | N78 16) 3520 Janes Island Light. S53) 529 N 53 52 W- 592 Somers Cove Light. N 61 43 E |S 61 45 W 3353. Emmanuel Church. 53 14.30 | 7O 53 WoL N Zo 5258 3176 Janes Island Light. Sioa scue N 53 53 W 1143 Somers Cove Light. N 69 35 E S 69 37 W 3625 Emmanuel Church. 53 17-44 )5 71 56 Wo) Nyr sae 3069 = Janes Island Light. 5 59 48 E | N 59 48 W | 1166 | Somers Cove Light. N 68 46 E S 68 48 W 3735 Emmanuel Church. i Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. } Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. 103 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. LIGHT HOUSE. (Little Annemessex River—Chart No. 9.) Cor- True bearing nerof A . " =~ .,| U- ©. ©. & G. S. triangulation Dot- | Latitude Longitude Distance sation tom Forward Back les i owes ” ° t ” ° , Ou? Wariyile: } 23 ) 24 W 1912 Mount Pleasant Church. S)35723) We N35) 23, & 1617 Somers Cove Light. 53 N E 5145 Janes Island Light. nN 37 58 37.49 | 75 52 03.44 | N 73 01 E. | S 73 02 W 1893 Mount Pleasant Church. | S) 37 04 W | N 37 04 E 1606 Somers Cove Light. I Flee 5163 Janes Island Light. a) ro) ~l wn oo iP} i Se nS ~I on on Ww 9 5 ° iS) wo 2 Somers Cove Light. 2 Mount Pleasant Church. 3. Emmanuel Church. 96 Somers Cove Light. 43 Mount Pleasant Church. 48 Emmanuel Church. as wn ~ on nn nr eo ~ un uw tn a ae ZZO ZA ets wo ho nn? on ROR fo) No} =a id) SF So nOy. hy) 75) 52a O2 Gin ssh 1S 414 Somers Cove Light. 57 20 W 2917. Mount Pleasant Church. 52 03 W 2729 Emmanuel Church. on Nn? | yp aay 18. 483 Somers Cove Light. f Mount Pleasant Church. 56 14 W 2711 Emmanuel Church. ZZn ar ag Bos nny wn oO a on a iS) Ne} 4 i 17 41 E 372 Somers Cove Light. 0 58 W 3049 Mount Pleasant Church. 56 10 W 2843 Emmanuel Church. 49 49 E 262 Somers Cove Light. c Mount Pleasant Church. 52 08 W 2881 Emmanuel Church. Si7/ Shs) ABs J 84 39 E 3941 Janes Island Light. 51 30 W 4507 Watermelon Hummock. 51 52 W 3136 Emmanuel Church. 9 | 37 57 59-48 | 75 52 39-71 96 Somers Cove Light. Flat Cap. Janes Island Light. Ojwssn| 75) 52 57 Oe Janes Island Light. Somers Cove Light. 3353. Emmanuel Church. N N i) | 21 E 3688 Janes Island Light. W 548 Somers Cove Light. W 3176 Emmanuel Church. 12] 37 58 12:54 ~ mn on iS) uy 51.94 58 77 a~I w i=) 192] ios) a Ui te Nw NW nm=a DAwn~ | N 61 = mn Ww ! | Thence from corner No. 12 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. | ——— eee a_i 2 ° oo “I we w w& ‘ 3 Bay aa on on on on € ro.) ~I [o*} io.) on ° ad S on on a) on [o} iva ~ ~ ~ ni on on un wn on on to nw we we on w o2 ~~ nN mn to BN [o} lee] n COA AON ETA ae Ans © WT WHO UNE UAQHH BO ARO Hep HUD DON DW uw Sten On OOM ont Leal & Wal Oo or oe et OH00 OnaIK Ww Bist smhm Wms Os Bes ie AOU Une ON On tn anu (o-2) ~I on Aw oO Nh oO = Bow HOD eI ana ) oO fe} sai Ws a =) i ~I Ww non DO w [e} on ea fon) Se) ont No) 1O4 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued, CANCER. (Little Annemessex River—Chart No. 9.) Cor- True bearing ner of Latitude Longitude — = ——| Distance U. S. C& Goss tom Forward Back | ° y u ° , ” to} Ld ° , | Yards. ° t | 37 59 x9228' | 75 5202-18 | S'62 55 2 N 62 54 W 1655 Emmanuel Church. S 20 25 W N 20 25 EF | 2871 | Somers Cove Light. S 58 11 W | N 58 09 E 5797. Janes Island Light. 2) 37 59.08. 74. | 75i 52 OGh 27) | omy 50530 N 75 52 W 1631 Emmanuel Church. S 2055 W WN 2055 E | 2500 Somers Cove Light. S 60 44 W N 60 42 E 5523 Janes Island Light. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than roo yards in width at its mouth at low tide. BACK CREEK. (Little Annemessex River—Chart No. 9.) ! u O 2? ” | Gh i 92 Yards. tT | 37 58 57-06 | 75 52 42-16 |S 88 30 N 88 31 W 943 Emmanuel Church. | S 38 02 W | N 38 o2 B 2492 Somers Cove Light. |S 66 56 W | N 66 53 E 5936 Janes Island Light. | 2 | 37 58 57-48 | 75 51 44 76 | 88 58 E N 88 58 W 1008 Emmanuel Church. | 36°52 Wi | Ni 36 50 & 2444 Somers Cove Light. | 66 43 W | N 66 41 E 5869 ©Janes Island Light. 3 | 37 59 11-57 | 75 51 37-00 | 58 22 E | N 58 21 W 940 Emmanuel Church. 34 33 W | N 34 32 E 2952 Somers Cove Light. 3 28 W | N 63 26 & 6258 Janes Island Light. 7 Emmanuel Church. 2 Somers Cove Light. o Janes Island Light. 37 59 30.96 | 75 51 59.84 50.53 & | N50 52 W 1818 Emmanuel Church. 18 57 W | N 18 56 E 3261 Somers Cove Light. | 55 20 W |N 55 18 E | 6066 | Janes Island Light. | | | J | i Thence from corner No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. DUN N2NH HDNH HnHnM a oo Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Ma. 105 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. LAVELLETTE. (Little Annemessex River—Chart No. 9.) True bearing Cor- | | a F ; uerof Latitude Longitude === —| Distance U.S.C. & Coes stgeneenen tom Forward Back | ° ’ ” ° / " ° / ° fe y ards . E37 57 32-69 | 75 51 53-921, N 29 37 E ° S 29 38 W 3148 | Mount Pleasant Church. IND Ge Ge YS) sy Bey IS: 1520 Somers Cove Light. N 8402 W S 84 04 E 5175 | Janes Island Light. Bal e757 62.80) 75 50 58572 tN so S 31 39 W | 3211 | Mount Pleasant Church. N 50 35 W S 50 35 B 1416 Somers Cove Light. N 8355 W S 8357 E 5047. Janes Island Light. | Ba 37 57S S275 2 60,20 me 4336) E S 43 37 W 2889 | Mount Pleasant Church. N 71 48 W |S 71 48 E | 827 | Somers Cove Light. S 88 40 W N 88 42 E 4714 Janes Island Light. 4 37 58 03.21 | 75 52 07.92 N 48 29 E |S 48 29 W | 2578) Mount Pleasant Church. N 41 54 EF | S 41 55 W 2434 Emmanuel Church. S 8034 WW | IN 85 34 8 | 857. Somers Cove Light. 5) 37 58 13-52 | 75 52 50:98 | N50 17 |S 50.18 W || 212 Mount Pleasant Church. N 42 20 E S 42 21 W } 1980 | Emmanuel Church. S 67 28 WN 67 27 E_| 1235 | Somers Cove Light. 6 37 58 21-78 | 75 51 50.86 | N53 44 EB S 53 44 W 1828 Mount Pleasant Church. N 44 38 E | S 44 39 W 1666 Emmanuel Church. S 60 02 W, N 60 o1 E 1505 Somers Cove Light. | | 37 58 21.84 | 75 51 42.60 | | 49 16 E S 49 16 W 1655 Mount Pleasant Church. | E |S 38 46 W 1518 Emmanuel Church. | | 63 41 W | N 63 41 E | 1701 Somers Cove Light. | i) Thence from corner No. 7 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 7 DAA is) o aS an JENKINS CREEK. (Little Annemessex River—Chart No. 9.) ° , u" ° , ” ° , ° , VY ards I | 37 57 06.40 | 75 51 57-59 | N 32 08 W | S 32 09 E 2114 Somers Cove Light. N 7414 W |S 74 16 E | 5243 | Janes Island Light. | S 20 40 W | N 20 39 E | 5130 | Sam. 2 | 37 57 25-62 | 75 52 09.39 | N 35 20 WS 35 20 E | ‘1400 Somers Cove Light. | N 80 41 W’. S 80 43 E 4798 Janes Island Light. Poems 20 Wi | Neis)20 5 5650 Sam. | Ba RSTa ST 1322008) foro oo72) | Ne gie38)R | S31 39) Wi | 3211 Mount Pleasant Church. | N50 35 W |S 5035 E 1416 Somers Cove Light. | N 83.55 W |S 8357 E 5047. Janes Island Light. | | 4.) 37) 5732-09) | 7505) 53-92 | N 20°37 E) |S) 29738) Wi | 3148 Mount Pleasant Church. | N 53 32 W |S 53 33 E | 1520 | Somers Cove Light. | N 84 02 W |S 8404 E 5175 Janes Island Light. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 5, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 50095—08 ——14 106 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTLOMS—continued. JENKINS CREEK—Continued. Cor- True bearing > TeKor Latitude Longitude = = 7 = Distance US.C.& GS a eee : fom ' + Forward Back y ° , u” fe} / u” ° / fo} / Yards. 5 1 37-57 Bl O48 75 5 47220 | ON 26.258; S 26 25 W 3095 | Mount Pleasant Church. ; | NEG nie Wi ASego 133; 1686 Somers Cove Light. : | N 83 51 W |S 8353 E 5358 | Janes Island Light. ; 61 3757) 32.5875) 50 132. saalaNexonroe S 19 12 W 2902 | Mount Pleasant Church. N 63 34 W |S 63 35 E 2038 Somers Cove Light. | N 84 37 W |S 84 39 E 5773 Janes Island Light. | 7 | 37.57 20.20) || 75) 5x 30.62 JN 17 220k, S 17 33 W 3100 Mount Pleasant Church. | N 58 41 W |S 58 42 B 2159 Somers Cove Light. | | N 82 31 W |S 82 34 E 5819 Janes Island Light. . Thence from corner No. 7 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. KINGS ISLAND. (Little Annemessex River—Chart No. 9.) o 7 7 OMe " () oy) o 7 Yards. | I) 37) 57 33014 || 75) 53038558.) Neg 308) Noe sielnaez4TO | Janes Island Light. S 850 BN 850 Wil) s7708 loam: , N 60 32 E_ | S$ 60 32 W | 1806 | Somers Cove Light. 2 | 37-57 37. 36)| 75.53 30.00) Ni 8x 38 We} s Sr 39 8 | 2608 | Janes Island Light. |S 627H |N 626 W 5881 Sam. | N 60 58 E |S 60 59 W 1538 | Somers Cove Light. 3 | 37 57 43-07 | 75 53 27-44 | N85 58 W | S 85 59.E 2657. Janes Island Light. Se Seles Ny Si LY 6065 | Sam. | N 66 31 EF | S 66 31 W 1389 Somers Cove Light. 4 \ 37 57 42.74 | 75 53 19.82 | N 8602 W |S 8603 B 2861 | Janes Island Light. S.340EF |N 340 W 6038 | Sam. N 62 12 EF |S 62 13 W | 1211 | Somers Cove Light. | 5 | 37 57 32-64 1 75 53) 8.550) N 79026 Wn 70) a7: 2937 | Janes Island Light. Si 3 oGhe WON 13533) Vi 5695 | Sam. N 48 54 E' |S 48 55 W | 1377 | Somers Cove Light. : | 6 | 37 57 32-00 | 75 53 12.34 N43 14 E |S 43 15 W 1272 | Somers Cove Light. | S$ 153 E |N 154 W 5666 | Sam. N 79 36 W |S 79 37 E 3105 | Janes Island Light. | 7 | 37 57 46.22 | 75 53 02.98 | N 88 35 W |S 88 37 E 3305 | Janes Island Light. S 036W|N o 3628 6143 | Sam. | N 5453 E |S 5453 W 759 | Somers Cove Light. | t 8 | 37.57 44.46 | 75 52 35-80 | N ir 39 W |S 12 39 B 517 | Somers Cove Light. | | N 88 00 W |S 88 o1 E 4032 | Janes Island Light. S 724 W |N 7 23 8 6134 | Sam. 9: | 37°57 47,004 75 52 22.50 | N47 25 W iS 47 25 & 622 | Somers Cove Light. | N 89 26 W |S 89 27 E 4383 | Janes Island Light. S 10 30 W |N 10 30 E 6274 | Sam. ‘ Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Ma. 107 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. KINGS ISLAND—Continued. Cor- | | ‘True bearing nerof, A < | an a aaa U.S.C. & G. S. triangulation bot- Latitude Longitude | Distance station tom Forward Back =a as 3 | ae ar lb | ‘ - ais : - al a o +7 ” GP og " ‘Oper | Omar Yards IO)| 37 57 25-62 | 75 52 09:39 | N 35 20 W'| S 35 20 EB 1400 Somers Cove Light. N 80 41 W | S 80 43 E | 4798 Janes Island Light. |S 15 21 W | N15 20 EB | 5650 | Sam. Ir | 37 57 06.40 75 51 57-59 | N 32 08 W |S 32 09 E | 2114 Somers Cove Light. N 7414 W |S 74 16 E 5243 Janes Island Light. S 20 40 W | N 20 39 E 5130) | Sam. Thence from corner No. 11 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. GREAT POINT. (Entrance Little Annemessex River—Chart No. 9.) | | | oO , Hn ° , uM” fe} / re) iy Yards. | r E | 37 56 58.46 | 75 53 32-95 |S 914 E | N 9 14 W | 4592 | Sam. : N 34 38 E S 34 39 W 2494 Somers Cove Light. N55 W !1S 55 58 E 3022 Janes Island Light. | 2 | 37 56 58.91 | 75 53 46.39 |S 13 33 E | N 13 33 W | 4677 | Sam. ; | N 41 05 EF |S 41 05 W 2709 | Somers Cove Light. | N 52 00 W |S 52 o0 F 2722 | Janes Island Light. 3) 37 57.48. 22 | 75 53 58.10 | N 89 35 W |S 89 35 E 1832 Janes Island Light. S 1247 E | N 12 46 W 6367 Sam. N79 42 E |S 79 43 W 2127. Somers Cove Light. | | 4 | 37 57-37-3675 53 30.06 | N 81 38 W |S 81 39 E 2608 Janes Island Light. S16 27) 139 | Ni © ae WY 5881 | Sam. N 60 58 EF |S 6059 W 1538 Somers Cove Light. Ses Sass ta 75 SUS Coo C I N 77.30 Wile on 2410 | Janes Island Light. Ss) (850 2) | IN) 8) 50 Wi 5772 | Sam. N 60 32 E |S 60 32 W 1806 | Somers Cove Light. Thence from corner No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. FISHING CREEK. (Southeast Tangier Sound—Chart No. 9.) | r | u fe} , u | fo} / / y ar d. Sef io} y ° \ | L | 37 55 43-30 | 75 53 53-32 | S 32 40 HE .| N 32 39 W | 2373 | Sam. N 23 10 E S 23 11 W 4994. Somers Cove Light. N 24 53 W |S 24 54 E 4658 Janes Island Light. | -2 | 37 59 05-77 | 75153 49-43 |S 23 08 HR | N 23.07 W 2996 Sam. > N 25 53 EF |S 25 54 W 4262 Somers Cove Light. N 30 45 W |S 30 46 E 4035 Janes Island Light. Thence from corner No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 108 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Ma. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. CEDAR STRAITS. (Cedar Straits—Chart No. 9.) Cor-| True bearing nerol Latitude | Longitude — = nF = = Distance U.S.C. & G. S.trianeulatied tom | Forward Back | ° / u” o / u” ° tA ° / Yards. i} I | 37 54 43-46! 75 52 59.66 | N 82 48 W |S 82 48 B 153 | Sam. | S 48 12 W | N 4811 E 2986 Fox Island Poplar. N 66 41 EF | S 66 43 W 5092 | East. 2 | 37 54 40.64 | 75 52 50.74 N 65 43 BF |S 65 45 W | 5131 | Hast. N 52 43 W |S 52 43 E 188 | Sam. S 49 37 W | N 49 33 E 2921 | Fox Island Poplar. 3 37 54 36-20.) 75) 54 15-221] S645 WN) 6145) & 1757. Fox Island Poplar. N 81 56 EB |S 81 57 W 1883 , Sam N 20 24 E S 20 25 W 7313 | Somers Cove Light. | Thence from corner No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 4, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than roo yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 4 | 37 54 41.87 | 75 54 17.75 S 406 W {| N 406E 1941 Fox Island Poplar. N 87 50 EF |S 87 51 W | 1933 | Sam. N rr 44 WS ir 44 E | 6430 | Janes Island Light. 5 | 37 55 19-06 | 75 53 58.24 | S 11 42 W | N ir 41 E 3258 Fox Island Poplar. Ss 5005 E N 50 04 W 1841 Sam. N 20 ar ) S- 2n 12) W 5802 Somers Cove Light. 691937955 33-42 1 75053) 57233) 1) 1Onsan Vi ONS ton g3i ce, 3738 | Fox Island Poplar. S 39 48 E N 39 47 W 2168 Sam. N 22 49 E |S 22 50 W 5343 Somers Cove Light. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean jow-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. BROAD CREEK. (Western Pocomoke Sound—Chart No. 9.) | | / u ° , ” | ° / ° , Yards | I | 37 55 43-19 | 75 50 04.56 | N 47 28 E S 47 29 W 3842 Monkey. : N 18 57 W |S 18 58 E 1894 Watermelon Hummock. S 59 51 W | N 59 48 EB 7983 | Fox Island Poplar. 2 | 37 54 43.02 | 75 49 20.87 | N 19 48 E | S$ 19 48 W 4916 | Monkey. N 29 54 W | S 29 55 E 2340 | East. | N 89 40 S 89 43 E | 5997 | Sam. Bales 7 5425. | 75 50 04.82 | N 31 26 EF | S 31 27 W 5442 , Monkey. N 12 2B SIRS) owns” W. 2046 | Hast. N 89 22 W | S 89 24 E 4823 | Sam. 4 | 37 55 04. 64 | 75, 50) 32.13 | N 29 32°E | S\ 20 32° Wi 1494 | East. N 215 EF Sh) aiby AW) 3093 | Watermelon Hummock. |S 8023 W | N 8021 E | 4151 | Sam. 5. | 37 55 04.58 | 75 51 06.16 | N 51 39 E | S 51 39 W | 2098 | East. | N 18 25 E |S 18 26 W | 3259 Watermelon Hummock. |S 77 42 W |N 77 41 E 3259 | Sam. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Mad. 109 BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. BROAD CREEK—Continued. Cor- True bearing eer Latitude Longitude = ——— “ aes DISTANCE tom Forward Back ° , wu” fo} / Mu fe} ’ fe) is Yards 6 | 37 54 41.93 | 75 50 58-48 | N 3453. EF S 34 54 W | 2517 | N 1204 E S$ 12 05 W 3944 | N 88 48 W S$ 88 49 E 3390 7 | 37 54 40-64 | 75 52 59-74 | N 65 43 EF S 65 45 W’| 5131 N 52 43 W S) G21 Avs: 188 S 49 37 W N 49 33 E 2921 8 | 37 54 43-46 | 75 52 59.66 | N 82 48 W S 82 48 E 153 | S 48 12 W WN 48irE 2986 N 6641 E S$ 66 43 W 5092 U. S. ©. & G. S. triangulation station East. Watermelon Hummock. Sam. East. Sam. Fox Island Poplar. | Sam. Fox Island Poplar. East. Thence from corner No. 8 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. WARE POINT. (Northern Pocomoke Sound—Chart No. 9.) ° , u °o , nv | °o , ° / Yards. | I | 37 57 02-04 | 75 49 28.14 | S 61 20 W | N 61 20 E 1810 | Watermelon Hummock. S 20 06 W | N 20 05 E 2830 | East. S 88 07 W | N 88 06 E 1860 | Monkey. 2) 37 57 00182) | 75 48 422301 | 8 73°37 W | N 73°36 E 2931 | Watermelon Hummock. S 40 01 W | N 40 00 E 3418 | East. $ 8809 E N 88 08 W 635 Monkey. 3 | 37 56 47-45 | 75 48 49.97 | N 62 52 E |S 62 53 W | 944 | Monkey. S 81 48 W |N 81 47 E 2633 | Watermelon Hummock. S 42 36 W | N 42 35 E 2943 | Bast. 4 | 37 55 25.60} 75 48 51.05 | N15 14 BE | S 15 14 W 3306 | Monkey. N 47 15 W |S 47 16 E 3512 | Watermelon Hummock. NEF 3y tr IW) tS) 73) 12) 2050 | East. | 5 | 37 54 43-02 | 75 49 20.87 N19 48 E |S 19 48 W 4916 | Monkey. N 29 54 WS 2955 E 2340 | Fast. N 89 40 W_ S 89 43 E 5997 Sam. 6 | 37 55 43-19 | 75 50 04.56 | N 47 28 KE S 47 29 W 3842 | Monkey. N 18 57 W |S 18 58 E 1894 | Watermelon Hummock. S$ 59 51 W | N 59 48 E | Fox Island Poplar. | 7983 Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. IIo Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CRAB BOTTOMS—continued. APES HOLE. (Northern Pocomoke Sound—Chart No. 9.) Cor- True bearing nerof -Y atitude Longitude § ——————___—_-————— istance| U- S- C- & G. S. triangulation bot- station tom Forward Back ie} , u" / u" °o / ° / Yards. I | 37 57 14.29 | 75 48 12.92 ' S 7o 24 W | N 70 22 E 3818 Watermelon Hummock. S 4409 W N 44 08 E 4280 East. S) 2729) W-| N 1729 E 498 Monkey. 2°! 37 56 41.98 | 75 48 17.81 | N 72 12 B 1 S 72 15 W 6816 Scot. N 146W/}S 1 46E 614 Monkey. | © 55 12 Wl N ssc & 3472 | Hast. 3 | 37 56 50.20 75 48 38.72 | S 80 50 W | N 80 49 E 2945 Watermelon Hummock. S 45 25 W 1 N45 24 © 3218 East. | S 70 55 E N 70 52 W | 8892. Saxis Church. 4 | 37 57 02.80 | 75 48 32.38 | S 73.57 W ! N 73°56 E 3229 Watermelon Hummiock. | S 42 50 W | N 42 49 E | 3660 | Hast. Srey che 1S N 75 31 W | 354 Monkey. 3046 Watermelon Hummock. 3909 East. | 1134 Monkey. oO fo) ass Ea| Zi = Go lo) as 8 Epeolcs 6 | 37 57 26.04 | 75 48 43.29 | S 58 58 W | N 58 57 EB 3252 Watermelon Hummock. | S 32 03 W | N 32 02 E 4091 | East. Si 373 2) | ON 37ers ew 1094 Monkey. | Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 1, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. BOUNDARIES OF CLAM: BEDS. EXPLANATION OF DESCRIPTIONS OF BOUNDARIES. The Maryland legislature of 1908 in an act® passed to prescribe additional duties to be performed by the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners provided for the establish- ment of boundaries of certain clam beds in Pocomoke Sound, which were to be “‘sur- veyed and designated on charts’’ and records prepared and filed in every particular as provided for by the Maryland laws for the survey of natural oyster bars. The clam beds specified by the law are only 3 in number, with total acreage of 506 acres, the largest bed being 180 acres and the smallest 152 acres. The boundaries of these clam beds were surveyed and established by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the ‘“‘Charts of Oyster Bars” published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in a manner identical with that used for the establishment of the oyster bar boundaries. ‘Therefore the “Explanation of descriptions of boundaries,’”’ under the heading of “‘ Boundaries of oyster bars,” to be found in another part of this publication, will apply to the clam beds. « For the text of this act see Appendix B of this publication. Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. Tiamat SURVEYING METHODS OF RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. For similar reasons to those given under the previous heading, the ‘“‘Surveying methods of relocation of boundaries,” given under the heading of ‘‘ Boundaries of oyster bars,” to be found in another part of this publication, will apply to clam beds. BOUNDARIES OF CLAM BEDS. WARE ROCK. (Pocomoke Sound—Chart No. 9.) Cor- True bearing at Latitude Longitude = Distance| U- S. C. & G..S. triangulation station bed Forward Back ° ’ u °o , ” ° / ° ’ Yards t | 37 55: 13-00) 75| 48.09.78 | N 3.42 W |S 3 42 & 3622 Monkey. Non 37, WwW.) |i zt 38) E 3230 East. S 73 21 W | N 73 18 10407. Fox Island Poplar. 2 | 37°55 14.60 | 75 48 46.62 | N ir 54 E S 11 54 W 3640 Monkey. N 65 09 W |S 65 09 E 2294 | East. S 71 20 W | N 71 17 E 9486 Fox Island Poplar. 31 37 55 41-57 | 75 48 32-21 | S 85 52 E | N 85 49 W 8251 Saxis Church. N Rid) |S) sa Ny 2676 | Monkey. N 88 43 W |S 88 44 B 2467 | East. 41 37 55 45979 | 7540 13.64 | N 258 W 1S 2°58 2 2517 | Monkey. |S 88 19 W N 88 18 E 2964 Hast. |S 67 30 W | N 67 30 W | 10680 | Fox Island Poplar. GRAVEL ROCK. (Pocomoke Sound—Chart No. 9.) ] S Q 5 ° / ” ° , ” ° , ° I | 37 55 11.66 | 75 47 39-42! N15 55 W |S 15 57 E | 3808 | Monkey. N 74 39 W |S 74 41 E 4020 | East. S 7447 W | N 74 42 E 11174 Fox Island Poplar. 2 | 37 55. 13-00 | 75 48 09-78 | N 3.42 W {|S 3.42 E 3622 | Monkey. Negi 37 WS: 72 38 E 3230 | Hast. Se7g2n W | N73 18 & 10407 | Fox Island Poplar. 3) 37 55 45-79 | 75 48 13-64 | N 258 W |S 25828 2517. Monkey. |S 88 19 W | N 88 18 B 2964 | East. |S 67 30 W_ N 67 27 E _| 10680 _ Fox Island Poplar. 41637 55 50.76) 75) 47 52.93) © 82 49 EB N 82 46 W 7237. Saxis Church. N 1616 W S$ 16 16 E 2439 Monkey. S 85 52 W | N 85 53 E 3525 Hast. ios) “I Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF CLAM BEDS—continued. FLAT ROCK. (Pocomoke Sound—Charts Nos. 9 and ro.) | True bearing Latitude Longitude ee! —' Distance! U- S- ©. & G. S. triangulation station Forward Back | , ” °o , ” °o be ° / Yards. 55 34:84 | 75 46 56.00] N 37 26 W | S 37 27 E 362 Monkey. N 86 47 W_ S 86 49 E 5044 | East. S 72.43 W | N 72 38 12505 Fox Island Poplar. 55 39:26 | 75 47 40.94 | N 20 11 W | S 20 12 EF 2908 Monkey. | N 88 or W |S 88 o2 E 3837 | East. S 70 13 W | N 70 08 E 11416 Fox Island Poplar. 56 08.82 | 75 47 03.84 | N 49 00 W | S 49 00 E 2642 Monkey. : |S 79 52 W | N 79 50 E 4904 East. S 67 30 W | N 67 25 B 12700 Fox Island Poplar. 55 43-18 | 75 46 44.80 | N 43 56 W |S 43 57 E 3607 | Monkey. N 89 59 W |S 8959 E 5336 | East. | S 71 56 W | N 71 51 E _— 12877 | Fox Island Poplar. APPENDIXES. APPENDIX A.—LAWS RELATING TO THE COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND BUREAU OF FISHERIES WITH THE MARYLAND SHELL FISH COM- MISSION. : The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries, in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, in surveying the oystér bars, establishing permanent landmarks at triangulation stations, and preparing for publication the necessary charts and technical and legal descriptions of boundaries and landmarks shown on these charts, has been executed in compliance with a request from the governor of the State of Maryland to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and by the authority of the following laws of the United States and Maryland: {Act of Congress approved May 26, 1906.] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish commissioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon the request of the governor of the State of Maryland, to designate such officers, experts, and employees of the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State board of shellfish commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the officers, experts, and employees of said Bureaus so detailed as aforesaid such instruments, appliances, and steam launches as may be necessary to make the survey aforesaid; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to have made in the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey all the plats necessary to show the results of the aforesaid survey and‘the locations of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland, and to furnish to the board of shell- fish commissioners of the State of Maryland such copies as may be necessary, and for this purpose to employ, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, such technically qualified persons as may be neces- sary to carry out the purpose of this act. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby further authorized to have erected or constructed by the officers so detailed as aforesaid, while making such survey, such structures as "may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland. ; * * * * * * * Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. [Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth nineteen hundred and seven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, namely: * * * 50095—08——I5 aS 114 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. . Coast AND GEODETIC SuRvEY: * * * For any special surveys * * * including the expenditures authorized under Public Act Numbered One hundred and eighty-one, approved May twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and six, and contingent expenses incident thereto, five thousand dollars, together with the unexpended balance under this appropriation for nineteen hundred and six and prior years which is hereby reappropriated and made available on this account for the fiscal year nine- teen hundred and seven. * * * [Act of Congress approved March 4, 1907.] AN ACT Making appropnations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and for other purposes, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America 1m Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, namely: * * * Coast AND GEODETIC SuRVEY: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, te be immediately available and to continue available until expended, twenty-five thousand dollars. * * * [Act of Congress approved May 27, 1908.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are-hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, namely: * * * Coast AND GEODETIC SURVEY: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. {Act of the legislature of Maryland approved April 2, 1906.) AN ACY to establish and promote the industry of oyster culture in Maryland, to define and mark natural oyster beds, bars and rocks lying under the waters of this State, to prescribe penalties for the infringement of the provisions of this Act, and * * * : SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the following sections be, and they are hereby, added to Article 72 of the Code of Public General Laws, title “Oysters.” * * * Sec. 86. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall, as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, cause to be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars and rocks of this State, said survey to be made with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey, as hereinafter required. A true and accurate delineation of the same shall be made on copies of published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said commissioners in the city of Annapolis; and the said commissioners shall further cause to be delineated upon copies of the published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic sur- vey, of the largest scale, one copy for each of the counties of this State in the waters of which there are natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, all natural beds, bars and rocks lying within the waters of such county, which maps shall be filed in the offices of the clerks of the Circuit Court for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie. * ee F * * * * * Sec. 87. The Governor of this State is hereby requested to ask the assistance of the United States coast and geodetic survey, and of the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid in the carrying out of the provisions of the preceding section. * ¥* * Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. IIS Sec. 89. As soon as practicable after the first day of April, 1906, the said commissioners shall organize, and shall at once proceed, with the assistance of such person or persons as may be detailed by the United States coast and geodetic survey, and the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid them in their work, and of such persons as may be appointed under the preceding section, to have laid out, surveyed and designated on the said charts, the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable, the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars and rocks, as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, as shown by a delineation on the maps and charts provided in this Act; said report shall be completed and filed in the office of the board in the city of Annapolis within ninety days after the completion of the survey of any county. Said commissioners shall cause the same to be published in pamphlet form, and transmit copies of the same to the clerks of the Circuit Court for the respective counties, where the charts have been filed or directed to be filed as hereinafter provided; the said report to be filed by the clerks of the several counties in a book kept for that purpose. And the said survey and report, when filed, subject to the right of appeal hereafter provided for in this Act, shall be taken in.all of the courts of this State as conclusive evidence of the boundaries and limits of all natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, lying within the waters of the county wherein such survey and report are filed, and shall be construed to mean in all of the said courts that there are no natural oyster beds, bars or rocks lying within the waters of the counties wherein such report and survey are filed, other than those embraced in the survey authorized by this Act, and that all areas of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries within the State of Maryland, not shown in the survey to be natural oyster beds, bars or rocks, shall be construed in all the courts of the State to be barren bottoms, and open for disposal by the State for the purpose of private planting or propagation of oysters thereon under the provisions of this Act; provided, that the said survey and report shall not be so construed as to affect in any manner the holdings by citizens of this State in any lot which may have been appropriated or taken up under the laws of this State prior to the approval of this Act. * * * The law of the State of Maryland, passed March 9, 1842, authorizing officers of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey to enter upon the lands within the State limits for the purposes of the Survey, is as follows: ? An Act Concerning the Survey of the Coast of Maryland. SECTION 1. Be tt enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shalland may be lawful for any person or persons employed under and by virtue of an act of the Congress of the United States, * * * at any. time hereafter to enter upon lands within this State for the purpose of exploring, surveying, triangulating, or levelling, or doing any other matter or thing which may be necessary to effect the objects of said act, and to erect any works, stations, buildings, or appendages requisite for that purpose, doing no unnecessary injury to private or other property. Sec. 2.¢ And be it enacted, That in case the person or persons employed under the act of Congress aforesaid, can not agree with the owners or possessors of the land so entered upon and used as to the amount of damage done thereto by reason of the removal of fences, cutting of trees or injury to the crop or crops growing on the same, it shall and may be lawful for the said parties or either of them to apply to the chief justice for the time being or one of the associate judges of the judicial district in - which such land may be situated, who shall thereupon appoint three disinterested and judicious free- holders, residents of the same judicial district, to proceed with as much despatch as possible to the examination of the matter in question, and the faithful assessment of the damages sustained by the owners or possessors aforesaid, and the said freeholders or a majority of them, having first taken and subscribed an oath or affirmation before the chief or associate justice aforesaid or other person duly authorized to administer the same, that they will well and truly examine and assess as aforesaid, and having given five days’ notice to both parties of the time of their meeting, shall proceed to the spot, and then and there upon their own view and if required, upon the evidence of witnesses, (to be by @ Under the rulings of the Comptroller of the Treasury no damages can be collected except through the United States Court of Claims unless an agreement has been made in advance. 116 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. them sworn or affirmed and examined) shall assess the said damages, and shall afterward make report thereof and of their proceedings in writing under their hands and seals and file the same within five days thereafter in the office of the clerk of the county in which the land aforesaid is situated, subject to an appeal by either party to the county court of the said county within ten days after filing as aforesaid, and the said report so made as aforesaid, if no appeal as aforesaid be taken, shall be held to be final and conclusive as between the said parties, and the amount so assessed and reported shall be paid to the said owners or possessors of the land so damaged within twenty days after the filing of said report, and the said chief or associate justice as aforesaid, shall have authority to tax and allow upon the filing of said report, such costs, fees and expenses to the said freeholders for the performance of their duty as he shall think equitable and just, which allowance shall be paid by the person or persons employed under the act of congress aforesaid, within the time last above limited, but if an appeal as aforesaid be taken, the case shall be set down for hearing at the first term of county court aforesaid, ensuing upon and after appeal, and it shall be lawful for either party immediately after the entry of such appeal, to take out summons for such witnesses as may be necessary to be examined upon the hearing aforesaid, and the said court shall have power in its discretion to award costs against which ever the final judgment shall be entered, and such appeal at the option of either party may and shall be heard before and the damages assessed by a jury of twelve men to be taken from the regular panel and elected as in other cases. Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall wilfully injure or deface or remove any signal, monument or building or any appendage thereto, erected, used or constructed under and by virtue of the act of congress aforesaid, such person or persons so offending shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars with costs of suit to be sued for and recovered by any person who shall first prosecute the same before any justice of the peace of the county where the person so offending may reside, and shall also be liable to pay the amount of damages thereby sustained, to be recovered with costs of suit in an action on the case, in the name and for the use of the United States of America, in any court. of competent jurisdiction. APPENDIX B.—LAWS RELATING TO SURVEY OF CLAM BEDS. [Act of the legislature of Maryland approved April 6, 1908.¢] AN ACT to prescribe additional duties to be performed by the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners, to the duties already prescribed for them by Chapter 711 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1906. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall be the duty of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners, as soon after the passage of this Act as practicable, to have laid out, surveyed and designated on charts provided for such purpose, Gravel Rock, Ware Rock, and Flat ° Rock, being clam banks located in the waters of Pocomoke Sound, in Somerset county, and State of Maryland, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and bounda- ries of each of the above named rocks, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey and make the report and perform all other duties connected with said survey as said duties are prescribed by Chapter 711 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1906, pertaining to natural oyster beds and bars. Sec. 2. And be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That after said rocks shall have been surveyed as provided in Section 1 of this Act, no part of them shall be leased to any person or persons for the purpose of planting, bedding or cultivating oysters, thereon, but they shall be reserved to the public in the State of Maryland for the sole purpose of taking clams therefrom, and shall be treated in every particular as are the natural oyster beds or bars which haye been or shall be surveyed by the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners under Chapter 711 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1906. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect from the date of its passage. 4 As published in bill form. ek of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Ma. Liy APPENDIX C.—STATISTICS OF RESULTS OF THE COMBINED OPERATIONS OF uae GOVERNMENT AND STATE. For a further understanding of the character of the oyster survey work that is being carried on in Maryland the following statistical tabulations of the combined results of the various operations of both the Government and State will be of value. In this connection it should be remembered that these statistics only include the new work required to supplement the large amount of existing data obtained from the archives of Coast and Geodetic Survey and utilized in the preparation of the charts and technical records. Operation. mee poses Total. (4) Natural oyster bars surveyed and delineated__----2---=------_- =. -----=-=--- QI 37 128 Acresolematirelloysters VALS se rss a= eae = ere ers ere tats ef eh ee te 33,666 27,566 | (b) 61,232 Crabipottonsisurveyed andidelineated=---..~ = ooo oe ie een ee ee ee ce eee ca saleece scence 54 A 54 SCTeS OM Cra DIG UOOMIS ee ae ee = a eee ea ee ee ee ee ee | 32,108 32,108 Clamjbedsisurveyed! and) delineated!= 22 —~ == 2222-525 2555552 cco non seek eases ceo ss Senet 3 3 Mieres of clamibedses a ee eee 506 506 Number of oyster lots leased and surveyed 185 223 Acres‘oroystertlotsileasediand: surveyed =—- 2-- = 27 == 2 eo ooo anaes 920 I,123 Boindarvabiovslocatediandiplanted=s——= =n ane a= aa ee nee ee anes Z 154 * 5.20) Pmanp wa tonWananiarks eStaDMShed a= nese = a ne 86 | 209 Milesiotvshote line covered by tiiangilation -== === === ee ee ean : 110 125 235 Square miles‘of water covered by triangulation_-__---_____--_._--.-_.-----=-.- ! 220 375 595 Miles of examination of shell bottom with chain apparatus___________---------- ! 369 296 665 Oystetiyestigation sta vlonsiocci pled asses. oe sae ae ee a | 440 679 1,119 Number of soundings over shell bottoms | 37,049 17,904 | 54,953 Square miles covered by soundings and chain apparatus | 58 47 105 Brayechioussprepare Goan plOtre daa ee ee ee eee ae eee eae | 9 13 22 Measingucharts prepared =< nen ea ee aac n aoe = anes ae neo eee soncoeeeeeees 13 I2 25 Oyster charts:published ==. == sis. s5a-s252-2=55-~ soem eee ene tose schon aes etna | 4 6 -3 Io SET PANG eo eee Sets a Se coos See ee a see | 2 | 2 3 IProgressamaps publiShe da. 2a a= ee ee ae a eae ee eee ee 2) 2 3 (4) Less quantities covered by statistics of more than one county. () Total area of natural oyster bars of Connecticut is 5,770 acres. AppenpIx D.-THE HAMAN OYSTER CULTURE LAW. [Extract from First Report of Shell Fish Commission.] OBJECT. “The legislature in placing chapter 711 of the acts of 1906, better known as the Haman Oyster Culture Law, upon the statute books of Maryland had a twofold object in view: 1. To encourage an industry in oyster culture upon the barren bottoms beneath the tidewaters of the State. 2. To prevent the leasing of natural oyster bars tor the purpose of oyster culture.”’ SURVEY. “To make the leasing of barren bottoms possible and the leasing of natural bars impossible, provision was made for a survey of the natural bars for the purpose of accurately locating and marking the same. It was definitely provided that no barren bottoms should be leased in any part of the State until the natural bars of that region had been surveyed, charted, and marked with buoys.” 118 Survey of Oyster Bars, Somerset County, Md. NATURAL BAR NOT DEFINED. “The Shell Fish Commission is instructed by section 90 of the Haman Oyster Culture Law to exercise its judgment liberally in favor of the natural bars when surveying, charting and buoying them, but other than this the Commission is uninstructed in this important matter. The responsibility of defining a natural bar is placed upon the Commission.”’ DEFINITION OF A NATURAL OYSTER BAR. DIVERSITY OF OPINION. “No definition of a natural oyster bar could be formulated by any man or body of men which would meet with the approval of all parties concerned. Oystermen, as a rule, hold that all bottoms where oysters grow or have grown naturally even though now practically barren of oysters should be consid- ered natural bars. Other citizens of the State who are not directly interested in the oyster business, but interested in the oyster industry from the standpoint of revenue, hold, as a rule, that no bottoms should be excluded from leasing for oyster culture which, by methods known to oyster culturalists, may be made to yield a greater number of oysters than they now produce.”’ “Tt should be evident to every one that neither of these definitions could be adopted by the Com- mission as a working basis for determining which of the grounds surveyed are natural oyster bars.”’ THE GOLDSBOROUGH DEFINITION. “The definition of a natural bar which very nearly approaches a reasonable and satisfactory compromise between the extreme views given above and which has therefore been adopted by the Commission, is that contained in an opinion rendered by Judge Charles F. Goldsborough in the circuit court for Dorchester County in the July term, 1881, in the case of William T. Windsor and George R. Tood, v. Job T. Moore. It is as follows: What then is a natural bar or bed of oysters? It would be a palpable absurdity for the State to attempt to promote the propagation and growth of oysters and to encourage its citizens, by a grant of land, to engage in their culture, if the lands authorized to be taken up were only those upon which oysters do not and can not be made to grow. That there may be lands covered by water in the State where no oysters can be found, but where, if planted, they could be cultivated successfully, may be possible, but, if so, I imagine that their extent must be too limited for them to be of much practical, general advantage for the purposes of such a law as the one under discussion; but there are thousands of acres of hard and shifting sands where oysters not only are not found, but where it would be folly to plant them; and these latter it can not be supposed that the State intended to offer to give away, for the simple reason that the State could not help knowing that nobody would have them. Upon the other hand there are large and numerous tracts where oysters of natural growth may be found in moderate numbers, but not in quantities sufficient to make it profitable to catch them, and yet where oysters may be successfully planted and propagated. In my opinion these can not be called natural bars or beds of oysters, within the meaning of the Act of Assembly, and it is just such lands as these that the State meant to allow to be taken up under the provisions of the above-mentioned section of the Act. But there is still another class of lands where oysters grow naturally and in large quantities and to which the public are now and have been for many years in the habit of resorting with a view to ~ earning a livelihood by catching this natural growth, and here, I think, is the true test of the whole question. Land can not be said to be a natural oyster bar or bed merely because oysters are scattered here and there upon it, and because if planted they will readily live and thrive there; but whenever the natural growth is so thick and abundant that the public resort to it for a livelihood, it is a natural oyster bar or bed and comes within the above-quoted restriction in the law, and cannot be located or appropriated by any individual.”’ O fig Con 7 : _ Leo€ y o Fe ~ S Taye x rl 9 WoL Ce | \ SOG} ¥ (7, aa 15’ 10) os! 2 ee a wil Great Sha Saas 4 Projection D_ I $ CHART No.6. oe t 2 « * i RY + + COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PROGRESS MAP SOMERSET COUNTY MARYLAND To accompany report of work of United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in cooperation with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission 1907 + + © Landmarks (Coast Survey Triangulation Stations) = Waters contiguous to county —— —Waters within territorial limits of county Limits of projections on file at Washington Limits of charts published by Coast and Geodetic Survey Seale rods00 pe pce woReach Hammock No.10. CHART + HAD ‘aa! es —- ” —_— > —————— Q —_—_— " —— Fin. eS a a) Ne x YF “ Ey, ~ RG ee > ~o ake nd) Se A . Bry.s : \ - ayo en O2 —-" pr yeu —* gt eyo v —TenuaD THERMOS » —-, 7 ‘ grtae~ aha) Aer trae" waa? 40, ail, 1 . 7 LE Je 09 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS