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University of Illinois Library *b ■ ■ . 22 MAY 7 m Jwtl - ^ L161 — H41 THE SU SITE EXCAVATIONS AT A MOGOLLON VILLAGE WESTERN NEW MEXICO THIRD SEASON 1946 BY PAUL S. MARTIN CHIEF CURATOR, DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY AND JOHN B. RINALDO ASSISTANT IN ARCHAEOLOGY ANTHROPOLOGICAL SERIES FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOLUME 32, NUMBER 3 JUNE 6, 1947 PUBLICATION 601 THE LIBRARY Of THE JUN 251947 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY FIELD MUSEUM PRESS 573..05 FA 3z3 "*. .» / CONTENTS PAGE List of Illustrations 277 Preface 281 I. Introduction 283 Summary 283 Location 283 Houses 284 Pottery 284 Artifacts 286 Conjectures • • 287 II. Description of Architectural Details 294 Pit House Q 294 Pit House R 296 Pit House S 298 Pit House T 300 Pit House U 302 Pit House V 304 Pit House W 306 Pit House X 308 Pit House (or Kiva) Y 310 Pit House Z 312 III. Artifacts 314 List of Artifacts 314 Shaping of Tools 315 Functions of Artifacts 315 Relation of Artifacts to Food-Gathering 316 Comparisons with Artifacts from Other Horizons 317 Occurrence of Artifacts by Pit Houses 319 Manos 320 Rubbing Stones 326 Metates 328 Small, Metate-like Grinding Stones 332 Abrading Slabs or Paint Grinding Stones 332 Mortars 334 Paint Palette 334 Pitted Pebbles 334 Pestles 338 Polishing Stones 338 Hammer Stones 338 275 276 Contents PAGE Mauls 340 Pipes 342 Projectile Points 344 Knives 346 Scrapers 346 Drills 346 Choppers 348 Pot Covers 348 Hoes 348 Bone Awls 350 Bone End-Scraper or Flesher 350 Pottery Pipes 352 Miniature Ladles 352 Basketry Molded Sherd 352 Worked Sherds 354 Pendants 356 Beads 356 Bone Tube 356 Bone Die 356 Problematical Object 356 Unworked Stone 358 Data on Unworked Bone Fragments 358 IV. Pottery, by Leonard G. Johnson 362 General Remarks 362 Shapes (Pine Lawn Phase) 362 Description and Measurements (Pine Lawn Phase) 364 Alma Plain 364 Alma Rough 364 San Francisco Red, Saliz Variety 364 Pottery of Late Houses (Three Circle Phase) 369 Shapes (Three Circle Phase) 372 Explanation of Pottery Data 372 V. Report on the Burials 376 Bibliography 379 Index 380 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS TEXT FIGURES PAGE 92. Pit House Q before excavation 285 93. Pit House Q; showing storage pits, trench butt in left foreground, and entrance in right foreground. Arrow (50 cm. long) points north; meter stick in background 295 94. Pit House R; showing squared-off trench in background, post-holes, and storage pits. Arrow (50 cm. long) points north; meter stick in background 297 95. Pit House S; showing squared-off trench butt in foreground, burial pit (Burial No. 49) in upper left corner, post-holes, and grooves. Arrow (50 cm. long) points north; meter stick in background . . . 299 96. Pit House T; showing manos and metates in pit in situ, pit, and post- holes. Arrow (50 cm. long) points north; meter stick in back- ground 301 97. Pit House U; showing entrance at upper left, pits, and post-holes. Bulge at right is shallow pit, included, apparently, under roof of house. Arrow (50 cm. long) points north; meter stick in back- ground 303 98. Pit House V; showing entrance at left, pits, and post-holes. Note unusual diameter and depth of house. Arrow (50 cm. long) points north; meter stick in background 305 99. Pit House W, plan view. Note pits and post-holes. Arrow (50 cm. long) points north; meter stick in background 307 100. Pit House X; showing pits, post-holes, and burial (No. 54) in situ. Arrow (50 cm. long) points north; meter stick in background . . . 309 101. Pit House (or Kiva) Y; showing post-holes, firepit, and ventilator shaft (to right of meter stick). Arrow (50 cm. long) points north . . .311 102. Pit House Z; showing pits and post-holes. Note uneven floor. Arrow (50 cm. long) points north; meter stick in background 313 103. Manos (miscellaneous types). Length of upper left specimen 10.6 cm. . 321 104. Rectangular two-handed manos (upper surfaces). Length of top speci- men 23 cm 323 105. Rectangular two-handed manos (grinding surfaces). Length of top speci- men 23 cm 324 106. Outlines and sections of manos: disk type, oval pebble type, squarish type with rounded ends (left, top to bottom); squarish type, rectangular type, turtleback type (right, top to bottom). Length of lower right specimen 13 cm 325 107. Miscellaneous types of manos (upper row) and rubbing stones (lower row). Length of lower right specimen 11.7 cm 327 108. Trough type metate, trough open at both ends. Length 45.9 cm. . . . 329 109. Metates and manos in situ, Pit House T 330 110. Outlines and sections of metates: basin and slab types (top); trough types (bottom). Length of lower right specimen 45.9 cm 331 111. Small, metate-like grinding stones. Length of bottom specimen 27.1 cm. 333 112. Pebble type mortars. Diameter of bottom specimen 25.5 cm 335 277 278 List of Illustrations PAGE 113. Pebble type mortars (top and bottom rows); pitted pebbles (center row). Diameter of lower right specimen 30 cm 336 114. Mortar made from boulder. Pit House Y. Length 43 cm 337 115. Angular pestle and three multi-faced pestles. Length of specimen at left 8.3 cm 339 116. Full-grooved mauls. Length of bottom specimen 15.5 cm 341 117. Tubular stone pipes. Length of upper right specimen 4.6 cm 343 118. Projectile points (types a-g). Length of upper left specimen 4.5 cm. . . 345 119. a, Knife blades; b, Drill fragment; c, Plano-convex! knives; d, Scrapers. Length of upper left specimen 9 cm 347 120. Plano-convex and bifaced choppers. Length of lower left specimen 10 cm 349 121. Bone awls and flesher. Length of specimen on right 15.4 cm 351 122. Ladle fragments (top row); pottery pipes (middle row); basketry molded sherd (bottom row). Length of pipes 4 and 4.5 cm. . . . 353 123. Worked sherds. Diameter of upper left specimen 6.2 cm 355 124. Zoomorphic pendant, bone die (top); stone disk beads (center); proble- matical object, bone tube (bottom). Length of bone tube 4.1 cm. 357 125. Graph representing distribution (in percentages) of pottery types found on floors of all houses excavated in 1946 363 126. Double bowls (San Francisco Red, Saliz variety): from Pit House S, stripping (top) ; from Pit House T (bottom) 365 127. Bowl and jar forms; Alma Plain and Alma Rough 366 128. Bowl and jar forms; San Francisco Red, Saliz variety 367 129. a, Red Mesa Black-on- White stirrup jar, Pit House X; b, Restored Mimbres bowl (type not yet named), Pit House X (Burial No. 54). 370 130. Painted and textured wares from Pit Houses W, X, and Y: a, b, Mim- bres; c, d, Three Circle Red-on-White; e, f, Red Mesa Black-on- White; g, h, Three Circle Neck Corrugated; i,j, Incised Corrugated; k, Alma Neck Banded; I, Alma Punched 371 131. Restored vessels: a, Alma Plain jar, Pit House W; b, San Francisco Red jar, Pit House Y; c, Three Circle Neck Corrugated jar, Pit House X; d, Alma Plain jar, Pit House T 373 132. Restored vessels: Alma Plain "seed" jar, Pit House D (top); Three Circle Neck Corrugated jar, Pit House D (bottom) 375 133. Burial 54 in situ, Pit House X. Note Three Circle Neck Corrugated jar near skull and parts of a Mimbres bowl (type not yet named) on either side of the skeleton. Arrow (50 cm. long) points north . . . 377 MAPS 24. Map showing location of SU site, New Mexico 280 FACING PAGE 25. Map of west end of SU site, showing area excavated in 1946 282 26. Plan and sections of Pit House Q 294 27. Plan and sections of Pit House R 296 28. Plan and sections of Pit House S 298 29. Plan and sections of Pit House T 300 List of Illustrations 279 FACING PAGE 30. Plan and sections of Pit House U 302 31. Plan and sections of Pit House V 304 32. Plan and sections of Pit House W 306 33. Plan and sections of Pit House X 308 34. Plan and sections of Pit House (or Kiva) Y 310 35. Plan and sections of Pit House Z 312 MONTICELLO O 1928-29 EXCAVATIONS ■1937 EXCAVATIONS BLANDING O | [{f O PLEASANT VIEW O ACKMEN UTAH ■LOWRY RUIN 1930-34 -1938 EXCAVATIONS COLORADO DURANGO MEXICO Map 24. Map showing location of SU site, New Mexico. PREFACE After a hiatus of five years, I again conducted the Field Museum Archaeological Expedition to western New Mexico in order to com- plete our investigation of the SU site. This Mogollon village is located in the New Mexico portion of the Apache National Forest, Township 7 S., Range 20 W., N.M.P.M., Catron County. The site is 6,440 feet above sea level. The nearest town is Reserve, New Mexico, about seven miles to the east. Excavations in the Forest were carried on under a permit issued to Field Museum of Natural History by the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture. From Mr. R. B. Ewing, Forest Supervisor, Apache National Forest, Springerville, Arizona, we received cooperation and friendly assistance, for which I wish to express my gratitude. Our excavations at the SU site were begun in 1939, and continued in 1941. We finished our researches during the season of 1946, when happily, we unearthed many more charred roof-beams, which have been sent to Dr. A. E. Douglass for study. One of the goals of this last expedition was to recover more timbers so that absolute dates might possibly be obtained. We now hope that with these additional beams, some cutting dates will be derived from our specimens. I should like to thank Mr. Stanley Field and Colonel Clifford C. Gregg, respectively President and Director of Field Museum of Natural History, and the Board of Trustees, for their continuing interest in and appreciation of our field researches. I take great pleasure in thanking publicly the members of my camp staff for their cooperation and assistance and in acknowledging my indebtedness to each of them: Dr. John Rinaldo, Mr. Robert F. Anderson, Mr. Leonard G. Johnson, and Mr. Tod Egan. Mrs. Mary Crackel, proprietress of Pine Lawn Camp, continued her generous assistance to us and provided us with light, water, and milk. I am grateful to her. I wish to express my thanks to the men who dug for us: Jose Armijo, Abel Armijo, Martin Armijo, Joe Arrias, Bued Delgado, Frank Naranjo, Pablo Serna, Willy Serna, and Gilberto Ulibarri. Dr. A. E. Douglass, Director of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, Tucson, Arizona, and his assistants, Dr. Edmund Schul- man and Mr. Ted Smiley, have undertaken to analyze our tree-ring specimens. 281 282 Preface The drawings of pottery shapes were done by Mr. Gustaf Dal- strom of the Museum's staff; those of the milling stones and metates as well as the chart of percentages of pottery types were done by Dr. John Rinaldo. Paul S. Martin 0< 200 METERS O PITHOUSE a 0 5 10 20 O 329 METERS PITHOUSE Z PITHOUSE X V". * J PITHOUSE S PITHOUSE T C3 TRENCH 35 200 METERS O PITHOUSE Q PITHOUSE Y PITHOUSE W 0 5 10 20 Map 26. Map of west end of SU site, showing area excavated in 1946. THE SU SITE I. INTRODUCTION In the second report on the SU site (Martin, 1943), we presented a synthesis concerning the site, together with some conjectures concerning the possibility of placing our data and hypothesis in a taxonomic setup and calling it a Mogollon entity or assemblage. During the season of 1946, ten pit houses were excavated, eight of which we have placed in the Pine Lawn phase. The data assem- bled after this last season fit in with the hypotheses of 1943. Nothing new was encountered that would in any way make it necessary to set forth new or modified theories. In fact, we are sure the reader will quickly realize, after glancing at the data and examining the illustrations herein, that most of our materials (except those from three later houses — W, X, and Y) are identical with those found in 1939 and 1941. Since the SU site is an important one and is not duplicated in the neighborhood, and since generalizations need to be based on large masses of data, the third season at the site seemed more than justified. It is hoped that our raw data, quite aside from our own hypotheses concerning them, will be useful in the future to others. Perhaps the most worth-while event of the 1946 season was the accumulation of another lot of burned roof-timbers from the houses. These have been sent to the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at Tucson, Arizona. We hope that these charred roof-beams, together with those collected in 1939 and 1941, will eventually yield cutting dates. The Pine Lawn phase, as delineated in the report on the second season at the SU site (Martin, 1943), stands unaltered. Summary location The SU site is located in the Apache National Forest, Township 7 S., Range 20 W., N.M.P.M., Catron County, New Mexico. The elevation of the site is 6,440 feet above sea level; the average annual rainfall is 14.04 inches. 283 284 The SU Site: Western New Mexico houses In 1946, we excavated ten pit houses. Thus, a total of twenty- eight houses (twenty-five pit houses and three surface houses) have been studied at the SU site. We have placed twenty-four of these houses in the Pine Lawn phase (Martin, 1943, p. 121), and four (houses D, W, X, and Y) in the Three Circle phase. No firepits were found in any houses of the Pine Lawn phase. (For further remarks about house forms, see pp. 288 289.) I should like to point out that these pit houses differed some- what from Basket Maker III houses in the following details: 1. Mogollon pit houses (Pine Lawn phase) lacked any partition wall (see Martin, 1939, p. 461; Brew, 1946, p. 154); Basket Maker pit houses usually had such walls. 2. Mogollon pit houses (Pine Lawn phase) lacked an ante- chamber; Basket Maker pit houses usually were provided with antechambers. 3. Mogollon pit houses (Pine Lawn phase) were equipped with one or more deep floor pits; Basket Maker pit houses rarely contained floor pits. (For further discussion of houses of the Pine Lawn phase, see Martin, 1943, pp. 115-116, 130; and pp. 288-289 in this report.) Attention is drawn to structure Y, which has been labeled "pit house" or "kiva." If, by definition, a kiva is a semi- or completely subterranean building equipped with a ventilator, a deflector, and a firepit, then structure Y at the SU village may be properly labeled a kiva. Ashes were found in the firepit. Because of the late pottery that was found on the floor of this building, we have put it in the Three Circle phase. Houses W and X have also been placed in the same phase for the same reason. It is barely possible that they were the domiciles associated with Kiva Y. POTTERY During the 1946 season, 15,263 sherds were recovered from the site. The three principal types were Alma Plain, Alma Rough, and San Francisco Red, Saliz variety. A few black-on-white and tex- tured sherds were also excavated in the houses classified as Three Circle phase (houses W, X, and Y). The total number of sherds gathered in 1939, 1941, and 1946 was 46,660, of which 764 were textured and black-on-white wares. - - O — Cj QJ ■I. c crjj 4J CD t- CO o fl c o w +3 c +^ o s a bl CO c OS o O £ B 295 PIT HOUSE R (Fig. 94 and Map 27) Shape. — Almost circular; greatest diameter, 5.6 meters. Walls of unplastered, native soil. Floor of gravelly orange clay; uneven; depth below present ground level, 40 to 65 cm. Firepit. — None found. Lateral Entrance. — On east side; shape and length not well denned. Pits. — Two in number; least diameter, 70 cm.; greatest diameter, 1.25 meters; least depth, 20 cm.; greatest depth, 55 cm. Contained fire-cracked rocks. Groove. — On north periphery; similar to grooves found in Pit House A (Martin, 1940); shaped like half a log; length, 1.4 meters; width, 45 cm.; depth, 10 cm. Use unknown. Post-holes. — Ten in number; diameters range from 20 to 50 cm.; depths range from 10 to 45 cm. Roof. — Exact character unknown. Pottery. — Floor level: Alma Plain, 29 per cent; Alma Rough, 38.6 per cent; San Francisco Red, Saliz variety, 32.4 per cent. Phase. — Pine Lawn. General Comments. — Pit House R did not burn. 296 Map 27. Plan and sections of Pit House R. (3 C O SH cr VI bd C . •CT3 -£ ° .- bfl O C 297 PIT HOUSE S (Fig. 95 and Map 28) Shape. — Oval; greatest diameter, 5.65 meters. Walls of reddish brown clay. Floor of yellow clay; uneven; depth below present ground level, 43 to 50 cm. Firepit. — None found. Lateral Entrance. — None found. Pit. — One; bowl-shaped; least diameter, 85 cm.; greatest diameter, 1 meter; depth, 30 cm.; contained a flexed burial (No. 49) and several large rocks, one of which weighed more than 100 pounds. Burials. — Flexed burial (No. 49) in pit; associated with it was fragment of disk-type rubbing stone. Four burials (Nos. 50-53) found in stripping operations outside of house close to a large pit; two of these in flexed position; other two yielded skulls only. Grooves. — Four in number; in south half of house; similar to that found in Pit House R; shaped like a half log; three end in hole in wall; lengths vary from 25 to 48 cm.; depths vary from 10 to 15 cm.; all are 5 cm. wide. Post-holes. — Nine in number; least diameter, 20 cm.; greatest diameter, 45 cm.; least depth, 8 cm.; greatest depth, 30 cm. Roof. — Exact character unknown. Pottery. — Floor level: Alma Plain, 33.5 per cent; Alma Rough, 19.0 per cent; San Francisco Red, Saliz variety, 47.5 per cent. Phase. — Pine Lawn. General Comments. — Pit House S did not burn. 298 C Pit E Floor F Trough G Burial • Posthole © Doubtful Posthole 23 Undisturbed Clay Limits of Excavations Possible Form of House Section A A Map 28. Plan and sections of Pit House S. i • 299 PIT HOUSE T (Fig. 96 and Map 29) Shape. — Circular; greatest diameter, 7.5 meters. Walls of unplastered, orange-colored clay. Floor of sandy clay; fairly even; depth below present ground level, 40 to 70 cm. Fire-pit. — None found. Lateral Entrance. — None found. Pit. — One; oval, with more or less vertical sides; diameters, 1.4 by 1.74 meters; depth, 50 cm. In it were three slab metates, manos, pestles, a hoe, and a grooved maul. Post-holes. — Eight in number; least diameter, 25 cm.; greatest diameter, 55 cm.; least depth, 12 cm.; greatest depth, 35 cm. Roof. — May have been umbrella-like with large central post to which were attached at a sloping angle secondary rafters. Charred beams lay pointing toward center of house. Pottery. — Floor level: Alma Plain, 56.3 per cent; Alma Rough, 10.7 per cent; San Francisco Red, Saliz variety, 33 per cent. Phase. — Pine Lawn. General Comments. — This house burned. Three metates (two trough type and one boulder type) lay in a row, close together, on the floor and near the pit. Pit, as noted above, contained assemblage of grinding tools and may have been used as storage place for them. 300 Map 29. Plan and sections of Pit House T. iimmmPI^K.-:. ■ ■ a » i • £ V* * . ' ' •• » - '■*.'■' : '","- 1 ' ::' ■?XJF ;^;, »V.". bo O C m o fo-C 301 PIT HOUSE U (Fig. 97 and Map 30) Shape. — More or less round; greatest diameter, 8 meters. Walls of orange-colored, gravelly earth. Floor of orange-colored, gravelly clay; depth below present ground level, 34 to 58 cm. Firepit. — None found. Lateral Entrance. — On northeast side, ovaloid in shape; floor slopes up toward outer end. Pits. — Five in number; four bowl-shaped, one jug-shaped; least diameter, 53 cm.; greatest diameter, 1.95 meters; least depth, 40 cm.; greatest depth, 50 cm.; largest pit filled with unworked stones, hammer stones, and knife blade; jug-shaped pit contained seven pebble mortars, two slab mortars, and one mano; in another pit bits of charred corn, metates, and manos. Post-holes. — Eleven in number; least diameter, 14 cm.; greatest diameter, 42 cm.; least depth, 8 cm.; greatest depth, 30 cm. Roof. — Exact character unknown. Pottery. — Floor level: Alma Plain, 40.1 per cent; Alma Rough, 21.1 per cent; San Francisco Red, Saliz variety, 38.8 per cent. Phase. — Pine Lawn. General Comments. — Pit House U partly burned. Presence of charred nuts, nut shells and seeds as well as charred corn, verify guess that food-gathering and some agriculture were means of subsistence. This is the second instance of the presence of corn at this site, and from that it may be inferred that agriculture was not important at the SU site. The corn was identified by Dr. Edgar Anderson of the Missouri Botanical Garden, who stated that the specimen has characteristics similar to those of Papago and Basket Maker varieties. 302 Section A A Map 30. Plan and sections of Pit House U. 303 PIT HOUSE V (Fig. 98 and Map 31) Shape. — Kidney-shaped; greatest diameter, 10 meters. Walls of orange-yellow clay mixed with gravel. Floor of orange-yellow clay; depth below present ground level, 1.15 to 1.55 meters. Fire-pit. — None found. Lateral Entrance. — On east side of house. Pits. — Four in number; one round, three oval; least diameter, 90 cm.; greatest diameter, 2 meters; least depth, 25 cm.; greatest depth, 60 cm. Post-holes. — Sixteen in number; diameters range from 20 to 50 cm.; depth, from 15 to 75 cm. Roof. — Exact character unknown, but probably two central, crotched posts supported roof-beams ranged in spoke pattern. Pottery. — Floor level: Alma Plain, 54.9 per cent; Alma Rough, 0.3 per cent; San Francisco Red, Saliz variety, 44.8 per cent. Phase. — Pine Lawn. General Comments. — This house probably burned. General plan (assemblage of artifacts and pottery) like Pit House A. 304 Section A A' Map 31. Plan and sections of Pit House V. ■ H 305 PIT HOUSE W (Fig. 99 and Map 32) Shape. — Squarish with rounded corners; greatest diameter, 6.5 meters. Walls of yellow-orange clay. Floor of gravelly, yellow-orange clay; depth below present ground level, 50 cm. to 1.2 meters. Firepits. — None found. Lateral Entrance. — On northeast side; semicircular in shape; floor about 30 cm. above pit house floor. Pits.— Two in number; one round, one oval; least diameter, 50 cm.; greatest diameter, 70 cm.; least depth, 30 cm.; greatest depth, 40 cm. Post-holes. — Ten in number; least diameter, 20 cm.; greatest diameter, 50 cm.; least depth, 10 cm.; greatest depth, 35 cm. Roof. — Exact character unknown. Pottery. — Floor level: Alma Plain, 49.6 per cent; Alma Rough, 0.6 per cent; San Francisco Red, Saliz variety, 40.3 per cent; Three Circle Neck Corrugated, 5 per cent; Reserve Smudged, 0.9 per cent; Mimbres Black-on-White, 0.4 per cent; Three Circle Red-on-White, 0.4 per cent; Red Mesa Black-on-White, 0.8 per cent; Incised Corrugated, 0.2 per cent; Indeterminate Black-on-White, 1 per cent; Indeterminate Corrugated, 0.8 per cent. Phase. — Three Circle. General Comments. — This house probably burned. 306 B' C Pit E Floor • POSTHOLE ffll Undisturbed Cuy Section a A' Map 32. Plan and sections of Pit House W. ■ ■ r> ■ H Oh 307 PIT HOUSE X (Fig. 100 and Map 33) Shape. — D-shaped; greatest diameter, 6.9 meters. Walls of yellow-orange clay. Floor of gravelly, yellow-orange clay; fairly even; depth below present ground level, 50 to 95 cm. Firepit. — None found. Lateral Entrance. — None found. Pits. — Five in number; three round, two oval; least diameter, 35 cm.; greatest diameter, 1.3 meters; least depth, 10 cm.; greatest depth, 60 cm. Largest pit contained one mano and many unworked stones; semi-flexed burial (No. 54) in pit next to largest one. Burial. — Semi-flexed burial (No. 54) found in potato-shaped pit; small Three Circle Neck Corrugated jar at head; broken Mimbres bowl (type not yet named) found, half on either side of skeleton; hammer stone near pelvis; disk-shaped stone beads around neck. Post-holes. — Six in number; diameters range from 20 cm. to 35 cm.; depth, from 10 cm. to 25 cm.; one large post-hole in each quadrant of house; beams probably arranged in rectangle between posts. From burned clay impression, beams were covered by splints and then earth. Pottery. — Floor level: Alma Plain, 47.7 per cent; Alma Rough, 16.6 per cent; San Francisco Red, Saliz variety, 17.7 per cent; Three Circle Neck Corrugated, 9.3 per cent; Alma Neck Banded, 0.4 per cent; Incised Corrugated, 0.4 per cent; Mimbres (not typed), 0.4 per cent; Red Mesa Black-on-White, 1.5 per cent; Indeterminate Black-on-White, 1.9 per cent; Indeterminate Textured, 1.1 per cent. Phase. — Three Circle. General Comments. — This house burned. 308 Section A A' Map 33. Plan and sections of Pit House X. fc 309 PIT HOUSE (OR KIVA) Y (Fig. 101 and Map 34) Shape. — Rectangular; greatest inside diameter, 4.8 meters. Walls of yellow-orange clay on north, east, and west walls and portion of south wall; above ventilator opening and on either side, rubble masonry of flat, unworked stones; walls covered by grayish-brown plaster 1 cm. thick. Floor of yellow-orange clay covered with grayish mud plaster; smooth; depth below present ground level, 1.5 to 1.8 meters. Fire-pit. — One; rectangular; 30 cm. wide, 40 cm. long, 20 cm. deep; lined with grayish mud plaster with rounded, grayish mud plaster coping. Deflector. — Small post-holes at south corners of firepit may have held sup- ports for stone slab; fragment of slab found inside firepit. Lateral Entrance. — None found. Ventilator. — On south side; tunnel opening 30 cm. square framed by small plaster-covered posts. The interior of tunnel plastered 30 cm. beyond door; tunnel 60 cm. long; distance from tunnel ceiling to surface of ground, 90 cm. Sipapu. — None found. Pits. — None found. Post-holes. — Four primary; diameters from 15 to 23 cm.; depth from 15 to 28 cm. Roof. — Exact character unknown; possibly main beams laid on top of walls and supported where needed by upright posts. Pottery. — Floor level: Alma Plain, 52.9 per cent; San Francisco Red, Saliz variety, 17.6 per cent; Mimbres Bold Face, 5.9 per cent; Indeterminate Black-on- White, 11.8 per cent; Reserve Smudged, 11.8 per cent. Phase. — Three Circle. General Comments. — This house burned. It is quite apparent from descrip- tion given and from ground plan that this structure differs from all others at the SU site and was possibly a kiva rather than a house. Extensive stripping and trenching around the building revealed no surface house. Only 75 sherds were found in the building, including those in the fill and on the floor. 310 Meters D Firepit E Floor # Posthole E22 Undisturbed Clay Section A A' I Section B B' 1 Map 34. Plan and sections of Pit House (or Kiva) Y. ♦•r 2 -■'&£•%$■ 311 PIT HOUSE Z (Fig. 102 and Map 35) Shape. — About circular; greatest diameter, 6.1 meters. Walls of orange-colored, gravelly earth. Floor of gravelly and sandy clay with some rather large stones protruding; depth below present ground level, 50 to 85 cm. Firepit. — None found. Lateral Entrance. — None found. Pits. — Four in number; least diameter, 50 cm.; greatest diameter, 1.3 meters; least depth, 15 cm.; greatest depth, 45 cm. One pit contained a mano and a hammer stone. Post-holes. — Six in number; diameters range from 25 to 30 cm.; depths range from 25 to 40 cm. Roof. — Exact character unknown. Pottery. — Floor level: Alma Plain, 57.8 per cent; Alma Rough, 29.2 per cent; San Francisco Red, Saliz variety, 13 per cent. Phase. — Pine Lawn. General Comments. — This house burned. 312 A' 1 C Pit E Floor • posthole 77\ Undisturbed Clay Section A A Map 35. Plan and sections of Pit Houso Z. w ,T3 313 III. ARTIFACTS On pages 320-361 the details of the artifacts are given in outline form. For convenience in comparison the objects have been grouped as follows : l ARTIFACTS Object Ground and Pecked Stone Number Hand Stones excavated Manos 110 Rubbing stones 24 Milling stones Metates 40 Small, metate-like grinding stones 38 Mortars 23 Pestles 16 Polishing stones 16 Hammer stones 27 Mauls 15 Pitted pebbles or stones 6 Paint palette 1 Paint grinding stones 4 Pipes 5 Chipped Stone Projectile points 14 Knives 9 Scrapers 19 Choppers 12 Drills 2 Pot covers 4 Hoes 2 Polished Stone Zoomorphic figurine 2 Beads 92 Pendants 1 Bone Awls 8 End-scraper 1 Dice 1 Tube 1 Clay Worked sherds 24 Pipes 2 Miniature ladles 6 Unworked Stone Pigments 11 Crystals 5 Total number of artifacts 541 1 Based on field notes compiled by Leonard Johnson. 314 Artifacts 315 A study of the artifacts unearthed during the 1946 field season furnishes us with additional evidence to support such generalizations concerning the material culture of the Pine Lawn phase as were made in the reports on the previous two seasons at the SU site. These generalizations and the new supporting evidence may be summarized as follows : Shaping of Tools The majority of tools unearthed at the SU site show very few marks of modification and shaping previous to their use. It is evi- dent that the stones that were selected conformed to convenient, culturally determined shapes and that these stones were then used without preliminary change and shaping, because the majority of the tools recovered at the site are unmodified except on their working surfaces. Consequently, when most of the stone artifacts were unearthed they could be distinguished from other stones in the fill only by their worked surfaces, such as the pecked and striated grinding surfaces of the manos and metates, the battered ends of the hammer stones and pestles, and the chipped edges of the scrapers and knives. In fact, the more highly finished artifacts such as projectile points, pipes, carved figurines, and beads which were worked and shaped on all surfaces are in a distinct minority. Functions of Artifacts The evidence for functions of particular artifacts for the most part also duplicates that found in previous seasons. The association of manos and rubbing stones with metates (for example, the convex- grinding-surfaced manos with the troughed and basin type metates) ; associations in position, as in Pit House T, where three metates were set up in a graded series with their manos, and another set of manos and metates had been placed in a neighboring shallow pit for storage; and, finally, such associations as mortars with pestles — all bear evidence to the functions of the particular artifact types in such associations. It should be noted that these metates were not tilted at an angle by placing small stones underneath, as has been observed elsewhere. The desired angle was obtained by other means, such as shaping the trough at an angle within the block of which it was manufactured, or by carving the metate from a block in which the upper grinding surface inclined at an angle to the plane of the base of the metate. 316 The SU Site: Western New Mexico Again, artifacts were found which bear indications that they served more than one function. For example, many manos and rubbing stones have battered ends indicating their use as hammer stones or pestles. In other instances it was difficult to determine from the general shape or features, other than size of certain classes of artifacts, whether they were used for one purpose or another. For example, slab type metates were distinguished from metate-like grinding stones, pebble type manos from oval rubbing stones, and oval rubbing stones from oval polishing stones primarily on the quite arbitrary basis of size; in other features they were nearly identical. Furthermore, random flake scrapers could be distinguished from random flake knives in certain instances only on the rather arbitrary basis of thickness. Thus it becomes increasingly apparent that the Mogollon peoples of this particular phase did not have very well- defined limitations on the size of stone selected for a definite func- tion. Apparently they used whatever stone happened to be handy at the moment, and used some tools for more than one function if it was convenient to do so. Relation of Artifacts to Food-Gathering Additional evidence was found to support previous observations that the Mogollon peoples of the Pine Lawn phase depended for their food subsistence primarily on gathering wild seeds, roots, bulbs, and nuts and only secondarily on hunting and agriculture. This season as in other seasons the types of milling stones ordinarily associated with a "seed-gathering" economy continued to predominate over other types of tools found. The more undeveloped "primitive" types of these tools, such as the concave slab and basin type metates, oval and round one-handed manos, multi-faced pestles, and pebble type mortars, were the types most often found. The more developed types, such as the trough type metate, rectangular two-handed manos, and the like types ordinarily associated with a developed agriculture in the Southwest, were far less frequently found. Furthermore, artifacts which might ordinarily be associated with hunting are also proportionately scarce; projectile points, in particular, continue to show a heterogeneity of types, instead of becoming stylized as in later periods. Correlated with this type of economy is the relative scarcity of remains of food products indicative of developed agriculture or hunt- ing. Although several pit houses excavated had been burned and contained more than the usual quantity of material because of the Artifacts 317 action of fire, only one small cache of charred corn was found, and no evidence of beans, squash, or other domesticated plants. This is equally true of the residue of products of the chase; the worked bone artifacts are made of deer, long-bones only, and of no other animal. Furthermore, very little unworked bone was found — evidence which, with these other things, would indicate either a lack of interest or a lack of ability in hunting. This small interest in hunting, greater than evidenced in the Cochise culture, was developed to an even greater proportion in later phases. Comparisons with Artifacts from Other Horizons Another aspect of this study was the investigation of similarities and differences between the artifacts of the Pine Lawn phase and those of other time horizons and cultures. As has been previously observed, similarities between the arti- facts from the SU site and those of the several stages of the Cochise culture are numerous and marked. I Cochise-like traits continued to be found at the SU site this season in such numbers that it seems probable that the Pine Lawn phase represents an interval in the Cochise-Mogollon continuunii Although there are exceptions, the majority of stone traits, especially of the milling and grinding tool types, have their counterparts in the Cochise artifacts. Even many of the exceptions are clearly developments from Cochise traits. For example, the rounded contours, slightly constricted and curved sides at the open end, and the lack of shelf at the closed end of the trough type metate show clearly that it is a development from the Cochise basin type metate that is slightly open at one end and that is found in both San Pedro and Pine Lawn phases. Similarly, it seems clear that the rectangular two-handed mano is a development from the symmetrical bifaced mano of Cochise times, and the three- quarters grooved maul a development from the full grooved maul. Other traits such as the choppers, random flake scrapers and knives, and the lateral notched projectile points are straight Cochise traits and show a minimum of difference and development. On the other hand, there are the bone awls and flakers, the pottery objects, the pipes, and numerous projectile point types which do not have counterparts in artifacts of the Cochise culture and which must perforce be compared with the traits of other cultures and periods. A few such relationships are evident at the SU site in a comparison of the earlier pit houses (Pit Houses Q-V) with the artifacts from later ones (Pit Houses W, X, Y). These differences 318 The SU Site: Western New Mexico are not as distinct as one might suppose and are more apparent in architecture and pottery than in stone and bone artifacts. The differences in stone and bone artifacts are differences in frequencies rather than in presence or absence of particular traits, with a few exceptions; namely, the trough type metate with trough open at both ends, disk type beads, and rectangular worked sherds of the pottery smoother type. Nor are these differences too apparent in the frequencies. The oblong two-handed manos with single flat grinding surfaces are slightly more frequent in the later pit houses, and in general there are many more one-handed manos in the earlier pit houses and more two-handed manos in the later pit houses. A minor number of traits are generally similar to those of other cultures. Examples of these traits are the Anasazi-like cloud blower pipes, the longer examples of the lateral notched projectile points with expanding stems which vaguely resemble Basket Maker atlatl dart points, the bone dice, the rectangular two-handed manos with parallel grinding surfaces, and the trough type metate open at both ends. Also, strangely enough, the paint palette is more reminiscent of Anasazi paint palettes than the carved, decorated Hohokam palettes. Thus it appears that the stone industry of this phase was a simple, stable industry stemming from the Cochise and branching out in the later Mogollon culture with gradually increasing relations by trade or other means with the Anasazi culture. The identification of materials in the stone objects was made by Dr. Sharat K. Roy, Chief Curator, Department of Geology, Chicago Natural History Museum. The identification of materials in the bone implements and of the identifiable unworked bone fragments was made by Mr. D. D wight Davis, Curator of Anatomy, Depart- ment of Zoology, Chicago Natural History Museum. OCCURRENCE OF ARTIFACTS BY PIT HOUSES Pit House Q: Manos 14, metates 4, grinding slabs 6, mortars 4, polishing stones 3, hammer stones 2, mauls 1, pipes 1, projectile points 1, choppers 2, pot covers 1, worked sherds 1, pigments 1, crystals 1 Pit House R: Manos 4, rubbing stones 2, metates 2, grinding slabs 1, paint grind- ing stones 2, pitted pebbles 2, pestles 2, polishing stones 1, hammer stones 6, mauls 2, projectile points 1, knives 1, scrapers 1, choppers 2 Pit House S: Manos 13, rubbing stones 5, metates 4, grinding slabs 1, mortars 2, pestles 4, polishing stones 4, hammer stones 3, mauls 3, pipes 2, projectile points 2, knives 1, scrapers 1, choppers 3, hoes 1, bone die 1, drill 1, awls 2, worked sherds 1, pigments 1, crystals 3, miniature ladles 2 Pit House T: Manos 21, rubbing stones 4, metates 6, grinding slabs 1, mortars 4, pestles 2, polishing stones 2, hammer stones 2, mauls 3, pipes 2, projectile points 4, scrapers 2, choppers 3, pot covers 2, ceremonial object 1, bone awls 1, bone flesher 1, worked sherds 1, miniature ladles 1 Pit House U: Manos 12, rubbing stones 8, metates 3, grinding slabs 7, paint grinding stones 1, mortars 8, paint palette 1, pestles 4, polishing stones 2, hammer stones 8, mauls 4, projectile points 1, knives 3, scrapers 3, choppers 1, bone awls 1, worked sherds 1, miniature ladles 1, basketry sherd 1, pigments 2, crystals 1 Pit House V: Manos 10, rubbing stones 2, metates 14, grinding slabs 19, mortars 1, pitted pebbles 2, pestles 2, polishing stones 3, hammer stones 3, mauls 1, pro- jectile points 2, knives 1, scrapers 4, choppers 1, pot covers 1, bird pendants 1, worked sherds 12, pigments 3 Pit House W: Manos 16, rubbing stones 2, metates 4, grinding slabs 1, mortars 1, pestles 1, hammer stones 1, pipes 1, knives 1, scrapers 1, hoes 1, bone tube 1, bone awl 1, worked sherds 4 Pit House X: Manos 14, rubbing stones 1, grinding slabs 2, pitted pebbles 1, pestles 1, hammer stones 1, projectile points 2, knives 2, scrapers 4, beads 92, drills 1, worked sherds 2, miniature ladles 1, pigments 1 Pit House Y: Manos 2, mortars 3, pitted pebbles 1, polishing stones 1, hammer stones 1, mauls 1, pipes 1, projectile points 1, scrapers 1, miniature ladles 1, pigments 1, bone awls 2 Pit House Z: Manos 2, scrapers 1, worked sherds 1 319 MANOS (Figs. 103-107, 109) Manos with single grinding surfaces: (a) Oblong in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface convex 6 From Pit Houses S, W, X Length: maximum, 22.7 cm.; minimum, 18.8 cm.; average, 20.5 cm. Width: maximum, 12.6 cm.; minimum, 9 cm.; average, 10.7 cm. Thickness: maximum, 7.8 cm.; minimum, 3.1 cm.; average, 4.3 cm. (b) Oblong in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface slightly convex . . 1 From Pit House W Length, 16.7 cm.; width, 10.4 cm.; thickness, 2.6 cm. (c) Oblong in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface flat 4 From Pit Houses Q, R, X Length: fragmentary Width: maximum, 11.3 cm.; minimum, 9.4 cm.; average, 10.9 cm. Thickness: maximum, 5.8 cm.; minimum, 4.4 cm.; average, 5 cm. (d) Oblong in outline, wedge-shaped in cross section, grinding surface flat 2 From Pit Houses T, X Lengths, 12.2, 16.1 cm.; widths, 9.9, 12.6 cm.; thicknesses, 4.9, 5.5 cm. (e) Oval in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface convex 17 From Pit Houses Q, S, T, U, V, W, X Length: maximum, 20.6 cm.; minimum, 12.9 cm.; average, 17.3 cm. Width: maximum, 13.6 cm.; minimum, 8.2 cm.; average, 10.2 cm. Thickness: maximum, 7.3 cm.; minimum, 2.2 cm.; average, 4.7 cm. (f) Oval in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface slightly convex. . . 9 From Pit Houses R, U, V, X, Z Length: maximum, 19 cm.; minimum, 10.6 cm.; average, 14.6 cm. Width: maximum, 13 cm.; minimum, 7.9 cm.; average, 10.1 cm. Thickness: maximum, 6.5 cm.; minimum, 3.7 cm.; average, 4.7 cm. (g) Oval in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface flat 12 From Pit Houses Q, R, S, U, V, W Length: maximum, 20.4 cm.; minimum, 11.6 cm.; average, 15 cm. Width: maximum, 12.6 cm.; minimum, 8.5 cm.; average, 10.4 cm. Thickness: maximum, 5.8 cm.; minimum, 2.8 cm.; average, 4.2 cm. (h) Round in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface convex 2 From Pit House Z; Pit House S (stripping) Lengths, 9.3, 10.3 cm.; widths, 8.2, 10 cm.; thicknesses, 6.7, 4.1 cm. (i) Round in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface slightly convex, small pitted depression in upper surface 2 From Pit Houses W, Y Lengths, 15.5, 11.5 cm.; widths, 11.4, 9.3 cm.; thicknesses, 5.3, 6.3 cm. (j) Disk-shaped, surfaces parallel, grinding surface flat 1 From Pit House Q Length, 12.2 cm.; width, 11.1 cm.; thickness, 3.6 cm. (k) Rectangular in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface convex. . 18 From Pit Houses Q, R, S, T, W, X Length: maximum, 22.7 cm.; minimum, 14.2 cm.; average, 20.3 cm. Width: maximum, 12.4 cm.; minimum, 8.6 cm.; average, 10.5 cm. Thickness: maximum, 7.4 cm.; minimum, 3.4 cm.; average, 4.9 cm. 320 *w Fig. 103. Manos (miscellaneous types). Length of left specimen (top row) 10.6 cm. 321 MANOS — continued (Figs. 103-107, 109) (1) Rectangular in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface slightly convex 9 From Pit Houses Q, U, V, W Length: maximum, 23 cm.; minimum, 10.6 cm.; average, 19.1 cm. Width: maximum, 13.4 cm.; minimum, 9.8 cm.; average, 11.4 cm. Thickness: maximum, 5.9 cm.; minimum, 3.9 cm.; average, 4.6 cm. (m) Rectangular in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface flat 3 From Pit Houses Q, T, V Lengths, 17.5 cm.; widths, 7.8, 9.4, 12.1 cm.; thicknesses, 3.8, 5.6 cm. (n) Roughly square in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface con- vex 8 From Pit Houses S, T, U, W Length: maximum, 18.7 cm.; minimum, 11.5 cm.; average, 15.5 cm. Width: maximum, 12.7 cm.; minimum, 10 cm.; average, 11.6 cm. Thickness: maximum, 7 cm.; minimum, 3.2 cm.; average, 4.7 cm. (o) Turtleback type, squarish with rounded ends in outline, surfaces parallel, upper surface convex, grinding surface convex lengthwise, slightly convex crosswise 3 From Pit Houses Q, X Lengths, 18.7, 18.9, 16.3 cm.; widths, 10.4, 8.4, 11.8 cm.; thicknesses, 4, 3.6, 3.3 cm. (p) Oblong in outline, one rounded end, one squarish end, surfaces parallel, grinding surface convex 3 From Pit House T Lengths, 20.8, 21.5, 18.8 cm.; widths, 13, 11.7, 13.2 cm.; thicknesses, 3.8, 3.7, 6.7 cm. Manos with two grinding surfaces: (a) Round in outline, surfaces parallel, flat 1 From Pit House Y Length, 12.4 cm.; width, 10.8 cm.; thickness, 4.2 cm. (b) Oval in outline, surfaces parallel, slightly convex 2 From Pit Houses T, U Lengths (fragmentary); widths, 13.8 cm.; thicknesses, 5.1, 2.5 cm. (c) Rectangular in outline, surfaces parallel, flat 6 From Pit Houses Q, R, T, V, W Length: maximum, 24.6 cm.; minimum, 10.1 cm.; average, 17.5 cm. Width: maximum, 13.5 cm.; minimum, 10.2 cm.; average, 12 cm. Thickness: maximum, 8.3 cm.; minimum, 3.2 cm.; average, 5.4 cm. (d) Roughly square in outline, surfaces parallel, flat, smooth 1 From Pit House Q Length, 17.7 cm.; width, 11 cm.; thickness, 4 cm. Materials: granite, trachyte, quartzite. Manos with long edge grooved for finger grip 2 322 Fig. 104. Rectangular two-handed manos (upper surfaces). Length of top specimen 23 cm. 323 Fig. 105. Rectangular two-handed manos (grinding surfaces). Length of top specimen 23 cm. 324 — ■ ^ if ii ^ Fig 106. Outlines and sections of manos: disk type, oval pebble type, squarish type with rounded ends (left, top to bottom) ; squarish type, rectangular type, turtleback type (right, top to bottom). Length of right specimen (bottom row) 13 cm. 325 RUBBING STONES (Fig. 107) Rubbing stones with single rubbing surface: (a) Oval in outline, surfaces parallel, rubbing surface flat 8 From Pit Houses R, T, U, V, X Length: maximum, 12 cm.; minimum, 7.7 cm.; average, 10.1 cm. Width: maximum, 9.3 cm.; minimum, 4 cm.; average, 7.3 cm. Thickness: maximum, 6 cm.; minimum, 1.8 cm.; average, 4.5 cm. (b) Roughly round in outline, surfaces parallel, rubbing surface flat 7 From Pit Houses S, T, U, W Length: maximum, 9.9 cm.; minimum, 7.8 cm.; average, 9 cm. Width: maximum, 9.8 cm.; minimum, 5.7 cm.; average, 8.2 cm. Thickness: maximum, 6.3 cm.; minimum, 2.7 cm.; average, 4.4 cm. (c) Roughly round in outline, wedge-shaped in cross section, flat rubbing surface 1 From Pit House S Length, 10.3 cm.; width, 9.6 cm.; thickness, 4.5 cm. (d) Oblong in outline, surfaces parallel, flat rubbing surface 1 From Pit House T Length, 11.4 cm.; width, 6.8 cm.; thickness, 4.5 cm. (e) Roughly square in outline, surfaces parallel, flat rubbing surface 3 From Pit Houses U, V, W Lengths, 9.2, 10.9, 8.9 cm.; widths, 6.9, 9.5, 6 cm.; thicknesses, 3, 6.4, 1.5 cm. Rubbing stones with two rubbing surfaces: (a) Oval or oblong in outline with two flat rubbing surfaces 4 From Pit Houses S, T, U Length: maximum, 11.3 cm.; minimum, 8.4 cm.; average, 10.1 cm. Width: maximum, 9.1 cm.; minimum, 6.2 cm.; average, 7.6 cm. Thickness: maximum, 5 cm.; minimum, 1.7 cm.; average, 3.5 cm. 326 ' 1 § ££ fa M 327 METATES (Figs. 108-110) (a) Slab type, large slab, generally rectangular or oval in outline with flat or slightly concave upper surface; bottom and sides of boulder unworked, concavity sometimes pecked 17 From Pit Houses Q, R, S, T, U, V Length: maximum, 58.5 cm.; minimum, 39.8 cm.; average, 45.7 cm. Width: maximum, 37.4 cm.; minimum, 25.1 cm.; average, 31.2 cm. Thickness: maximum, 13.6 cm.; minimum, 3.7 cm.; average, 6.5 cm. (b) Basin type, unshaped blocks of stone with oval grinding surfaces somewhat basin-shaped and extending to one edge of stone 8 From Pit Houses R, S, T, U, V Length: maximum, 71.1 cm.; minimum, 68 cm.; average, 69.5 cm. Width: maximum, 48 cm.; minimum, 33.8 cm.; average, 39.9 cm. Thickness: maximum, 19 cm.; minimum, 11.1 cm.; average, 16 cm. (c) Trough type, open one end only; unshaped blocks of stone with trough-shaped grinding surface open at one end only; trough slopes up steeply at closed end, sides curved slightly 14 From Pit Houses Q, S, T, U, V, W Length: maximum, 61 cm.; minimum, 42 cm.; average, 52.8 cm. Width: maximum, 46 cm.; minimum, 33.4 cm.; average, 39.3 cm. Thickness: maximum, 19 cm.; minimum, 6.5 cm.; average, 12.2 cm. (d) Trough type, open at both ends; unshaped block of stone roughly square in outline; upper end of trough slopes up sharply and is narrower than lower end; surface deeply pitted from pecking with hammer stone 1 Length, 45.9 cm.; width, 41.6 cm.; thickness, 16.9 cm. Dimensions of trough, trough type metates: Length: maximum, 49.1 cm.; minimum, 28.1 cm.; average, 41.3 cm. Width: maximum, 26.7 cm.; minimum, 19.5 cm.; average, 23.3 cm. Depth: maximum, 11.3 cm.; minimum, 2.7 cm.; average, 4.7 cm. Dimensions of basin, basin type metates: Length: maximum, 42 cm.; minimum, 31.6 cm.; average, 36.8 cm. Width: maximum, 29 cm.; minimum, 16.5 cm.; average, 20.3 cm. Depth: maximum, 15.1 cm.; minimum, 4.5 cm.; average, 7.8 cm. 328 Fig. 108. Trough type metate, trough open at both ends. Length 45.9 cm. 329 Fig. 109. Metates and manos in situ, Pit House T. 330 Fig. 110. Outlines and sections of metates: basin and slab types (top); trough types (bottom). Length of right specimen (bottom row) 45.9 cm. 331 SMALL, METATE-LIKE GRINDING STONES (Fig. Ill) With single grinding surface: (a) Large slabs of stone, roughly rectangular or oval in outline, with smooth grinding surface, occasionally slightly concave; sides and bottom usually unworked, occasionally bottom-beveled so that grinding surface is sloping 28 From Pit Houses Q, R, S, T, U, V, W Length: maximum, 41.7 cm.; minimum, 19.7 cm.; average, 25.8 cm. Width: maximum, 33.3 cm.; minimum, 8.7 cm.; average, 19.2 cm. Thickness: maximum, 17.1 cm.; minimum, 3.8 cm.; average, 7.1 cm. With two grinding surfaces: (a) Roughly rectangular or oval in outline, worked by pecking, smoothed by grinding 10 From Pit Houses U, V, X Length: maximum, 29.4 cm.; minimum, 21.3 cm.; average, 25.5 cm. Width: maximum, 27.2 cm.; minimum, 14 cm.; average, 20.3 cm. Thickness: maximum, 7.6 cm.; minimum, 4.2 cm.; average, 5.8 cm. ABRADING SLABS or PAINT GRINDING STONES (Not illustrated) (a) Small slabs of stone, roughly rectangular in outline, with single flat or slightly concave grinding surface, worked by pecking, smoothed by grinding, frequently showing traces of paint 4 From Pit Houses R, S, U Lengths, 16.4, 11.2, 19.3, 14.7 cm.; widths, 10.5, 10.5, 12.2, 14.4 cm.: thicknesses, 4.3, 3.2, 4.3, 2.9 cm. 332 •• . — -1 -j. ■•- »5k - Fig. 111. Small, metate-like grinding stones. Length of lower specimen 27.1 cm. 333 MORTARS (Figs. 112-114) (a) Pebble type, large, porous, roughly round pebbles, exterior unworked, bear- ing deep cup-shaped depression pecked in center of one face 22 From Pit Houses Q, S, T, U, V, W, Y Length: maximum, 30 cm.; minimum, 17.1 cm.; average, 23.5 cm. Width: maximum, 27.6 cm.; minimum, 11.5 cm.; average, 20.2 cm. Thickness: maximum, 16.4 cm.; minimum, 5.6 cm.; average, 10.4 cm. Diameter of depressions: maximum, 14.3 cm.; minimum, 9.4 cm.; average, 11.1 cm. Depth of depressions: maximum, 10.2 cm.; minimum, 3.5 cm.; average, 5.8 cm. (b) Large, rough, oval boulder, exterior unworked, with deep oval cavity pecked in one face 1 From Pit House Y Length, 43 cm.; width, 33.7 cm.; thickness, 24.2 cm. Length of depression, 16.8 cm.; width of depression, 13.2 cm.; depth of depression, 9.3 cm. PAINT PALETTE (Not illustrated) Thin slab, roughly square in outline, surfaces parallel, very smooth, oval depression in one face 1 From Pit House U Length, 16.9 cm.; width, 16.3 cm.; thickness, 2.8 cm. Length of depression, 12.4 cm.; width of depression, 9.4 cm.; depth of depres- sion, 1.6 cm. PITTED PEBBLES (Fig. 113) Ovoid and round pebbles having small round depression worked in one sur- face 6 From Pit Houses R, V, X, Y Length: maximum, 14.8 cm.; minimum, 8.4 cm.; average, 12 cm. Width: maximum, 12.9 cm.; minimum, 7.2 cm.; average, 10 cm. Thickness: maximum, 9.6 cm.; minimum, 5.9 cm.; average, 7.6 cm. Diameter of depression: maximum, 6.6 cm.; minimum, 3.3 cm.; average, 4.9 cm. Depth of depression: maximum, 3 cm.; minimum, 2 cm. 334 Iliff ■ ■ ?-■.' ■'• '-•«*•> ,*.Jt Fig. 112. Pebble type mortars. Diameter of lower specimen 25.5 cm. 335 Fig. 113. Pebble type mortars (top and bottom rows); pitted pebbles (center row). Diameter of right specimen (bottom row) 30 cm. 336 ■ I J Fig. 114. Mortar made from boulder. Pit House Y. Length 43 cm. 337 PESTLES (Fig. 115) (a) Angular type, long angular stone, unaltered except for one end, which is round, pecked and battered; other end wider and round for hand grip. . 10 From Pit Houses R, S, T, U, V, W, X Length: maximum, 34.1 cm.; minimum, 15.6 cm.; average, 22.9 cm. Width: maximum, 11.1 cm.; minimum, 6 cm.; average, 9.1 cm. Thickness: maximum, 9.4 cm.; minimum, 5.5 cm.; average, 6.6 cm. (b) Multi-faced type, roundish pebbles with some pecked flat surfaces, and battered ends 6 From Pit Houses S, T, U Length: maximum, 10.8 cm.; minimum, 8.3 cm.; average, 9.3 cm. Width: maximum, 9 cm.; minimum, 8.6 cm.; average, 8.7 cm. Thickness: maximum, 8.8 cm.; minimum, 7 cm.; average, 7.7 cm. POLISHING STONES (Not illustrated) Oval or roundish in outline with one or more smooth flat polishing surfaces . . 16 From Pit Houses Q, R, S, T, U, V, Y Length: maximum, 8.7 cm.; minimum, 4.3 cm.; average, 7 cm. Width: maximum, 6.7 cm.; minimum, 2 cm.; average, 4.6 cm. Thickness: maximum, 6.4 cm.; minimum, 1.4 cm.; average, 2.3 cm. HAMMER STONES (Not illustrated) Battered and pitted pebbles, mostly round and angular shapes 27 From Pit Houses Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y Length: maximum, 12.7 cm.; minimum, 6 cm.; average, 8.7 cm. 338 *r- ^ 339 MAULS (Fig. 116) (a) Round pebbles, oval in outline, with full groove around middle, one or more ends battered 13 From Pit Houses Q, R, S, T, U, V Length: maximum, 16.6 cm.; minimum, 7.3 cm.; average, 13.9 cm. Width: maximum, 11.2 cm.; minimum, 5.3 cm.; average, 8.9 cm. Thickness: maximum, 10.4 cm.; minimum, 4 cm.; average, 7.2 cm. (b) Round pebble, oval in outline with three-quarters groove around middle, one end battered 1 From Pit House R Length, 12.8 cm.; width, 9.8 cm.; thickness, 8.2 cm. (c) Roughly rectangular pebble, full grooved around middle, battered at one end 1 From Pit House Y Length, 15.6 cm.; width, 8.9 cm.; thickness, 8.2 cm. 340 ^gMfcj Fig. 116. Full-grooved mauls. Length of bottom specimen 15.5 cm. 341 PIPES (Fig. 117) Cylindrical or tubular type, tapering slightly from larger bowl end to smaller stem end; greatest diameter about seven-eighths distance from stem end; central perforation through pipe is narrower at stem end; two specimens with bores unfinished 5 From Pit Houses Q, S, T, W Lengths: 4.9, 5.2, 3.5, 6.4, 4.6 cm. Diameters: 2.8, 4.2, 3.4, 3.1, 2.5 cm. Diameters of bores: 1.1, 2.3, 2.2, 2, 1.4 cm. Material: scoria. 342 yL^;jrA«*aa!«-, **"" «# Fig. 117. Tubular stone pipes. Length of right specimen (top row) 4.6 cm. 343 PROJECTILE POINTS (Fig. 118) (a) Lateral notched, expanding stem narrower than shoulder, straight base, straight or slightly convex edges 4 From Pit Houses Q, S, X Lengths, 3.8, 4.5, 3.9, 2.5 cm.; widths, 1.9, 2.4, 2.2, 1.7 cm.; thicknesses, 0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.4 cm. (b) Diagonal notched, expanding stem narrower than shoulder, base slightly convex, edges straight with slightly flaring barbs 1 From Pit House U Length, 2.3 cm.; width, 1.6 cm.; thickness, 0.3 cm. (c) Short, leaf-shaped, with slightly convex edges and convex base 1 From Pit House V Length, 3.8 cm.; width, 3.1 cm.; thickness, 0.7 cm. (d) Roughly leaf-shaped, upper portion of edges slightly convex, basal portion of edges straight; straight base 2 From Pit Houses R, S Lengths, 5.1, 2.9 cm.; widths, 1.8 cm.; thicknesses, 0.4 cm. (e) Small, slender, corner-notched, with slightly expanding stem narrower than shoulder, edges straight 2 From Pit Houses T, Y Lengths, 3.5, 2.5 cm.; widths, 1.4, 1.1 cm.; thicknesses, 0.1, 0.3 cm. (f) Long, slender blade with straight edges, straight stem and straight base . . 1 From Pit House T Length, 6.5 cm.; width, 2.2 cm.; thickness, 0.6 cm. (g) Fragments, one tip with convex edges and two basal portions, lateral notched with expanding stem 3 From Pit Houses T, V Materials: obsidian, chert, flint, jasper, smoky quartz. 344 so o B is Fig. 118. Projectile points (types a-g). Length of left specimen (top row) 4.5 cm. 345 KNIVES (Fig. 119) (a) Plano-convex flakes with longitudinal chipping along convex surface, secondary chipping along one edge 7 From Pit Houses S, U, V, X Length: maximum, 6.3 cm.; minimum, 3.9 cm.; average, 5.1 cm. Width: maximum, 3.9 cm.; minimum, 2 cm.; average, 2.6 cm. Thickness: maximum, 1.3 cm.; minimum, 0.6 cm.; average, 0.9 cm. (b) Blades with curved edges and secondary chipping on all major surfaces and edges 2 From Pit Houses U, W Lengths, 6.2, 9 cm.; widths, 3, 3.9 cm.; thicknesses, 1.4, 1.1 cm. Materials: flint, chert, felsite, basalt, quartz-chlorite schist. SCRAPERS (Fig. 119) (a) Convenient thick flakes with secondary chipping along one or more edges; edges frequently curved 18 From Pit Houses R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z Length: maximum, 6.1 cm.; minimum, 3.3 cm.; average, 4.7 cm. Width: maximum, 4.8 cm.; minimum, 2.3 cm.; average, 3.6 cm. Thickness: maximum, 1.9 cm.; minimum, 0.6 cm.; average, 1.3 cm. (b) Large, rough, thick, angular flake with pressure chipping along one edge; original cleavage surface unaltered except on one edge 1 From Pit House X Length, 7.5 cm.; width, 5.4 cm.; thickness, 1.8 cm. Materials: flint, chert, quartz-felsite, basalt. DRILLS (Fig. 119) Broad bases of drills tapering gradually to shaft (tip broken off) 2 From Pit House S (stripping) and Pit House X Lengths, 3.3, 7 cm.; widths, 1.9, 3.6 cm.; thicknesses, 0.4, 0.6 cm. Materials: basalt, chalcedony. 346 m % i Fig. 119. a, Knife blades; b, Drill fragment; c, Plano-convex knives; d, Scrapers. Length of left specimen (top row) 9 cm. 347 CHOPPERS (Fig. 120) Large angular core implements, one or more sides flaked to cutting edge; frequently plano-convex in cross section, occasionally part of the original crust left intact 12 From Pit Houses Q, R, S, T, U, V Length: maximum, 11.8 cm.; minimum, 8 cm.; average, 10.3 cm. Width: maximum, 10.3 cm.; minimum, 6.2 cm.; average, 8.8 cm. Thickness: maximum, 7.1 cm.; minimum, 2.5 cm.; average, 5.2 cm. POT COVERS (Not illustrated) Roughly circular disks, edges chipped, surfaces parallel, smooth, occasionally one surface rough, unworked 4 From Pit Houses Q, T, V Diameters: 14.6, 13, 15.5, 15.7 cm. Thicknesses: 2.7, 1.4, 3, 2.2 cm. HOES (Not illustrated) Thin natural plates of stone, roughly oblong in outline with one end rounded, other end pointed; edges chipped and rounded through use 2 From Pit Houses S, W Lengths, 20.3, 12.5 cm.; widths, 11.9, 9.2 cm.; thickness, 1.1, 1.2 cm. 348 Fig. 120. Plano-convex and bifaced choppers. Length of left specimen (bottom row) 10 cm. 349 BONE AWLS (Fig. 121) (a) Head of bone unworked except by original splitting, other end ground and polished to a sharp point; four with side notch made from bones split in half 6 From Pit Houses S, T, U, W, Y Length: maximum, 15.4 cm.; minimum, 9.1 cm.; average, 12.7 cm. Material: deer (Odocoileus sp.) metacarpals. (b) Split bone; head almost wholly removed, other end ground, polished and tapered to sharp point 2 From Pit Houses S, Y Lengths: 15.4, 9.4 cm. BONE END-SCRAPER or FLESHER (Fig. 121) (Fragmentary and charred); made from almost flat section of split bone shaft, beveled and chipped at one end, other end broken 1 From Pit House T Fragment 4.8 cm. long 350 Fig. 121. Bone awls and flesher. Length of specimen on right 15.4 cm. 351 MINIATURE LADLES (Fig. 122) Fragments of bowls and handles of miniature ladles; bowl portion generally round, shallow; handles rod-like, occasionally almost flat on upper surface; no complete specimens 6 From Pit Houses S, T, U, X, Y Materials: Alma Rough, Alma Plain. POTTERY PIPES (Fig. 122) "Cloud blower" type, funnel shape, greatest diameter at bowl end; tapering from bowl to stem end; small hole at stem end; bowl and stem in one piece; bowl flares out abruptly from stem portion in one specimen 2 From Pit Houses S, T Lengths, 4.5, 4 cm.; diameters of bowls, 2.2, 2.3 cm. BASKETRY MOLDED SHERD (Fig. 122) Fragment of pottery bowl which shows impression of coiled basketry . From Pit House U 352 Fig. 122. Ladle fragments (top row); pottery pipes (middle row); basketry molded sherd (bottom row). Length of pipes 4 and 4.5 cm. 353 WORKED SHERDS (Fig. 123) (a) Small pottery disks with edges ground smooth; two with holes drilled through center 20 From Pit Houses Q, S, T, U, V, X, Z Diameters: maximum, 6.2 cm.; minimum, 2.1 cm.; average, 3.5 cm. Thicknesses: maximum, 1 cm.; minimum, 0.5 cm.; average, 0.6 cm. Materials: Alma Plain, Alma Rough, San Francisco Red. (b) Fragments of rectangular worked sherds with edges ground smooth 4 From Pit House W Widths, 3.8, 3.5, 3.1 cm.; thicknesses, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7 cm. Materials: Alma Plain, San Francisco Red. 354 355 PENDANTS (Fig. 124) (a) Zoomorphic image, carved in round, head crested, hole drilled through body for suspension, possibly bird 1 From Pit House V Length, 3.2 cm.; width, 1.5 cm.; height, 1.6 cm. Material: fluorite. BEADS (Fig. 124) Disk-shaped stone beads, perforated through center 92 From Pit House X Diameter, 3 mm.; thickness, 0.5 to 1 mm. Material: serpentine. BONE TUBE (Fig. 124) Short section of hollow shaft of long-bone, ends polished smooth 1 From Pit House W Length, 4.1 cm.; width, 2.8 cm.; thickness, 2.2 cm. BONE DIE (Fig. 124) Rectangular slip of bone with curved edges; scratched diagonally on smooth side; other surface left rough 1 From Pit House S (stripping) Length, 2.4 cm.; width, 1.4 cm.; thickness, 0.4 cm. PROBLEMATICAL OBJECT (Fig. 124) Bipartite object; upper part of white stone, roughly triangular lower part of dark gray stone, carinate 1 From Pit House T Length, 7 cm.; width, 3.2 cm.; height, 6.9 cm. Material: limestone. 356 Fig. 124. Zoomorphic pendant and bone die (top); stone disk beads (center); problematical object and bone tube (bottom). Length of bone tube 4.1 cm. 357 UNWORKED STONE (Not illustrated) Pigments Lumps of azurite, malachite, limonite, hematite, turquoise 11 From Pit Houses Q, S, U, V, X, Y Crystals Hexagonal quartz crystals 5 From Pit Houses Q, S, U DATA ON UNWORKED BONE FRAGMENTS Meleagris gallapavo (turkey) Lepus sp. (jack-rabbit) Thomomys sp. (pocket gopher) Canis lupus (wolf) Odocoileus sp. (deer) Number of identifiable fragments 24 Unidentified animal bone fragments 133 358 — — — Z_ — Z- — _ ■Oh Oh Oh Oh ' J H t-OOJ^tOCOiOHMOlMCOXOiOHCO^t-t-OOlH COaiOOlOOOaCCO^HCTS'M J(- lOMflHN CO i-H CM ,-H .— I r-H ,-H ,— I >M --H ^»"*N CM <-H <,5 C<1 CM -1 7 ■* m a h n 10 ^ :i o h jj oo t> cm T-i SI •HNW Mt-TfN N OO!0H^Wt-0KMflflH000)MMC0S5OHM!OrH ""# t~ 00 C~ • V a ,-, S co Tt ^h co f N CM - — 1 1— i ■ co • io t-h • -cm «OlO • -T-l ,-H • -,-H • CM CM CM a> 5 b-5 c cj co<3 £ c • 2 « . ., „ o c c c c c . ^OOOOO bo C s HOJCOH • ^H > c o • >-C C bo+i n— m w ^ 73 -a tJ _-_- c c c UCH333 > > O O O > c O X C bfl-£ - > n'^ a Hi e o oiiC i o tT tT tS 3 . 0} cd C8 O* J£ -3-33 M^ bfl bo bo >> a c c c^-S cd cd cd hr— ■ 0 o o 3 t- 01 U D O 3 £ 05 05 OS H —T cd ~ +j c m sd 0) bo« £ g Tl R T3 fi > s- 3 L-. < bfltf o si :- ^C3 -£ as cr 4r"3 ^ bfl 3 ^ = bo >» _r 5 bo cd « 3 > oi o O05 05 a cd rC 03 I a> bO T3T3 C C 3 3 o o rt cr U U o O-Q o 05 05O05 5P .3 cd §.£_• 3 a^oi bfl - r^ +3 5fl bo cd C-Q OO o t* H 359 S PhPh ■Ph -Ph "Ph J e- Oi ■** cm cm (O^HHt-t- t-h t- co -*}"M t~ 10 -** cm >— i (Oh ■— i ^ •>* -^ CO C- • CO Ol •>* OS 00 t- i— i ■OiOH^iNiOMM ■ ■oimhh^hoiomnh ■ J, COHH ■ CM i-h CM CM ■H'^'MIMffi^NCl ■ ■ N £* i O KJOt-OO N Ot-XTfrH00MO'^WNrHH«)fflO«D!Ot->OKl^rHl>lOC']'^' Tf • • CO i— I i— I i— I • • t-H i— I ■ • • t-H i— I ■ • i-H • ■ ►- -^ oo co so ■ as ■«* io ■ l— i t-i • • cm cm cm • co co i— i >— i ■^ T— I • 1— I 1— I _, CQHHH • t- CO tJ< H GO 00 -i-l • -* TjHNH CM i— I i— I CM CM CO CO ■ • CM CM ■ •«* ■ -^ CM CM •<* CO CO CO • -NHrHNH co co ■ ■*<#-& CflC 0)0)0 O O M ^ cfl C,«S u JO S M3t * ° &0) M3 § « O «rf bO to .£ - -US 0 M OT 2 SS-S.S-5-S a£+-^.2 Cg-a g-ff-ax: 2 Mc.S ■ ?3 _cj a! tn <- r3 .S :> e "£ CM CM CM • i—i SO CM r- 1 r- 1 CO CM H i— I cu cuWPhHE-i g 73 ££ cu -3 cu - o) 5 ft -S M&" BO HI d "3 CU'T- Ph^-S^-S c3 ^3 CU PhP-iPh ■OCfi t, cs to co &3 jg e Puffi ^ & >=3 §5 t- MfcT > 2 s O 3 a3 o !y-^> u , o bo a) a> CU t-c QJ CO co bo bfl.5 _CT3 'S s • QJ ■ — i M k. 3nC >> co a3 rt 3 -3 > > O ^ 3 — sOOtfaHO c^ ^3 WO cu c bOT cu 2 _" ai » jo § co *u S-*5 tT -p*-pj5 » cu 3 W O co-ox) "S O C«3 2 fl n c p3 O) cS'S cu-3 3~J3 . " g O +? to =- iT -P CO O H H .2, «s •- ,c aj S cu ?-^ CU fj 5 ^ 360 'PhCl, -P-iPh "Ph Jh (C«! t-h O >-H CM CM OS "* CM r-H CM O t-h t-h CM t-h < ,"3 T"H <— I I— I T— I s ?,- I HOJIM MNHIOIOH • 1— I • CM CM • t~ Oi t-h ■ WOOWMr- It— (Tt*CO <; t-h ■ • • • t-h • co cm Olt^OI G5Mr- I CM CM Tjt CM T-H CM 1— lr- I CM t- 1 00 © (M r- I T* 00 01 "** CO ^ ^ ♦— I i— I ' "* "* ■— , ^ co r— i to co NHH -i—l CM CM • CO CO Ol T-H • CM T-H t-H • T-H > CM • T-H CO CO T3 OS a; ea TJ > 1) CIS +J CJ Ed X > o> CD ij CO O CD ^c 05 3 35 O CO J3 "-" — co u o o o O ■ t-h t-h • CM CM O > '2 -* bfl cj 53 O, x a, cd.3" >Xi c « o :>, o t* c^ cu C o. u « 2 tfPQ s 2« M 3 O ^ CO S Si! oj 2 bo - bole CO 5 1 "t3 >0 35 CD -— !3 c en c ca o 05 rj-! „Q T3 «-, — T3 OQ el &iS J On, -C O" Old) O Ol; CO O Ph n P-, pq PQ pq Q Ph pq OS a> aj ffi 3 " o pq S'O g c3 3 C-S^ oQPhK.S 2 &h ^ SpqPHO • o co CD CD m co 5 3 cu ° ° Q, X K >» CD CD CJ CJ +-> <"» rt 3 (H f-i "*-l 3 3+3 CO 03 >- Co CD CD CD -O x) CO 3 .5 2 3 C ° .3 -3. U O Ph o I J, "^ < W >> -4-> to W ',- a> cd f-< 05 CO C3 ° ° £ " " '» .±2 ."3 co PhPh S cd CU CD +^ +f T3 o o ^ 361 IV. POTTERY BY Leonard G. Johnson General Remarks The 15,263 sherds recovered during the third and concluding season's work at SU site served to corroborate the findings of the previous two seasons. Only the plain wares, Alma Plain, Alma Rough, and San Fran- cisco Red, were encountered in Pine Lawn phase houses Q-V, and Z. The plain wares of the Pine Lawn phase reveal no interperiodic fluctuations or type variation. The work of three seasons and the collection of 46,660 sherds reveal Alma Plain as the predominating and basic pottery type. The numerical count also seems to indicate a close rivalry between Alma Rough and San Francisco Red. (For a full description of Alma Plain, Alma Rough, and San Francisco Red see Martin, 1943, pp. 236 246.) The tabulation below is a compilation of all pottery excavated during the seasons of 1939, 1941, and 1946. It is intended to present a composite numerical and percentile picture of all pottery excavated at the SU site. In tables 4-7 a similar treatment is accorded all individual houses excavated during 1946. Tabulation of All Pottery San Francisco Year Alma Plain Alma Rough Red, Saliz Painted and Total No. Variety Textured of Sherds No. cc No. % No. % No. % 1939... 6,077 51.7 3,354 28.5 2,322 19.8 11,753 1941... 10,861 55.3 3,873 19.7 4,910 25.0 19,644 1946... 7,241 47.5 2,356 15.4 4,901 32.1 764 5.0 15,263 24,179 51.8 9,583 20.5 12,133 26.0 764 1.7 46,660 Shapes (Pine Lawn Phase) I have illustrated by drawings (Figs. 127, 128) all the recon- structed pots recovered from Pine Lawn phase houses (AC, E-V, and Z). Within these early houses there is nothing to indicate the pres- ence of any Anasazi or Hohokam influences, and for this reason I shall treat all those vessels that came from early houses as Mogollon types. Additional research is sorely needed if we are to set up indis- putable vessel types for the Mogollon culture. 362 PIT HOUSE POTTERY TYPES 10 20 PERCENT 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 TOTAL FLOOR SHERDS Q AP 953 AR SFR ! i R AP ^^__ 228 AR SFR 1 * ' . | -U S AP 1 85 AR SFR "1 I T AP 469 AR SFR 1 U AP AR SFR 312 j 1 V AP 7 89 AR SFR |x ! z AP AR SFR 1 ~~] 192 w A P AR SFR RS PT D TEX X 486 |x X AP AR SFR RS PTD TEX ,,,. i 465 ft UJ Y AP A R SFR RS PTD TEX 17 1 llllllllll ,1 sir - ■■] 10 20 30 40 50 GO 70 80 90 100 X-LESS THAN 0.5 PERCENT APi-A RSG-R LMA PLAIN ESERVE SMUDGED AR □ ■ ALMA ROUGH PTD Q -PAINTED SFR 0 ■ SAN FRANCISCO RED TEX Q- TEXTURED Fig. 125. Graph representing distribution (in percentages) of pottery types found on floors of all houses excavated in 1946. 363 364 The SU Site: Western New Mexico Description and Measurements (Pine Lawn Phase) alma plain Bowls: Pit House B, Fig. 127, a. Deep hemispherical bowl with vertical walls, roughly rounded lip. Greatest diameter, 13.5 cm.; greatest height, 7.7 cm. (see also Martin, 1940, Fig. 35). Jars: Pit House B, 127, b. Small globular jar without neck; incurving rim; thick, bluntly rounded lip. Greatest diameter, 10.5 cm.; greatest height, 8.5 cm. (see also Martin, 1940, Fig. 35). Pit House B, Fig. 127, c. Small, wide-mouthed jar with oral part drawn out from body; direct rim with thin, sharp lip. Greatest diameter, 10.2 cm.; greatest height, 11 cm. (see also Martin, 1940, Fig. 35). Pit House M, Fig. 127, d. Barrel-shaped; greatest diameter occurs close to bottom of vessel; incurved, sloping walls and rim with rounded lip; flat bottom. Greatest diameter, 19.1 cm.; greatest height, 16 cm. (see also Martin, 1943, Fig. 88). Pit House T, Fig. 127, e. Small, globular, wide-mouthed jar, slightly incurved rim. Greatest diameter, 14.7 cm.; greatest height, 13.3 cm. (see also Fig. 131, d). Jars: ALMA ROUGH Pit House F, Fig. 127, /. Small globular jar without neck; incurving rim with roughly rounded lip. Greatest diameter, 15 cm.; greatest height, 11.4 cm. (see also Martin, 1940, Fig. 35). Pit House P, Fig. 127, g. Wide-mouthed jar; low shoulder with straight, insloped wall; roundish, irregular lip; flat bottom. Greatest diameter, 21.3 cm.; greatest height, 16.3 cm. (see also Martin, 1943, Fig. 88). SAN FRANCISCO RED, SALIZ VARIETY Bowls: Pit House E, Fig. 128, h. Deep, hemispherical bowl; very slightly incurved rim with rounded lip. Greatest diameter, 21.7 cm.; greatest height, 13.2 cm. (see also Martin, 1943, Fig. 89). Pit House F, Fig. 128, i. Hemispherical bowl with slightly incurving rim; gently rounded lip. Greatest diameter, 16.8 cm.; greatest height, 9.6 cm. (see also Martin, 1943, Fig. 89). Pit House S (stripping), Figs. 128, j; 126, top. Double bowl; bottom portion hemispherical, pinching in approximately two-thirds of total height above base; upper portion hemispherical and having greatest diameter; slightly incurved rim. Greatest diameter, at top, 28.9 cm.; greatest height, 13.9 cm. Pit House T, Figs. 128, k; 126, bottom. Double bowl; bottom portion hemi- spherical, pinching in approximately one-half of total height above base; upper portion hemispherical and having greatest diameter; slightly incurved rim. Greatest diameter at top, 21.5 cm.; at bottom, 17.2 cm.; greatest height, 14 cm. Jars: Pit House G, Fig. 128, I. Narrow-mouthed jar with oral part drawn out from body; round bottom; wall sloping gently inward. Greatest diameter, 32 cm.; greatest height, 42.8 cm. (see also Martin, 1943, Fig. 90). Pit House C, Fig. 128, m. Large, globular, narrow-mouthed jar with short neck; slightly incurved rim with rounded lip. Greatest diameter, 34.7 cm.; greatest height, 34 cm. (see also Martin, 1940, Fig. 36). Fig. 126. Double bowls (San Francisco Red, Saliz variety) : from Pit House S, stripping (top); from Pit House T (bottom). 365 Fig. 127. Bowl and jar forms; Alma Plain and Alma Rough. 366 K M Fig. 128. Bowl and jar forms; San Francisco Red, Saliz variety. 367 368 The SU Site: Western New Mexico Table 4. — Plain Wares, Pine Lawn Phase Houses (1946 Season) Location Alma Plain Alma Rough No. % No. % Pit House Q Surface 5 13.5 31 83.8 Fill 373 41.0 350 38.4 Floor 401 42.1 374 39.2 Pits and entrance.. . 56 40.0 38 27.1 835 40.9 793 38.9 San Francisco Red, Saliz Variety No. 1 188 178 46 % 2.7 20.6 18.7 32.9 413 20.2 Total No. of Sherds 37 911 953 140 2,041 Pit House R Fill 71 Floor 66 Pits 8 145 Pit House S Fill 293 Floor 62 355 Pit House T Trench 34 327 (Surface to floor) Fill 179 Floor 264 Pits and entrance. . . 145 915 Pit House U Test trench 35 56 Trench around wall . 46 Fill 38 Floor 125 Pits and post-holes. . Ill 376 25.0 132 46.4 81 28.6 284 29.0 88 38.6 74 32.4 228 21.0 4 10.5 26 68.5 38 26.4 35.5 52.7 224 40.7 181 32.9 151 15.1 86 13.9 495 49.4 207 33.4 550 35.9 116 14.2 407 49.9 816 33.5 35 19.0 88 47.5 185 1,001 620 45.4 56 14.4 158 40.2 393 56.3 50 10.7 155 33.0 469 41.1 44 236 12.5 12.8 164 684 46.4 37.3 353 49.9 1,835 34.2 42 25.6 66 40.2 164 33.8 31 22.8 59 43.4 136 19.0 66 33.0 96 48.0 200 40.1 66 21.1 121 38.8 312 40.9 36 13.2 125 45.9 272 34.7 241 22.2 467 43.1 1,084 Pit House V Trench around wall to floor 506 Fill 598 Floor 433 1,537 Pit House Z Trench 35 Fill 12 Floor Ill 158 Stripping Environs of R 88 Environs of S 261 49.8 47.2 47.0 54.9 149 60 2 211 13.9 4.7 0.3 6.7 418 614 354 38.9 48.3 44.8 44.2 1,073 1,272 789 49.1 1,386 3,134 34.0 52.1 57.8 59 8 56 58.2 34.8 29.2 9 3 25 7.8 13.1 13.0 103 23 192 123 38.8 37 11.4 318 46.5 46 24.4 55 29.1 189 61.0 56 13.1 111 25.9 428 Pottery 369 Pottery of Late Houses (Three Circle Phase) The painted and textured wares of the three late houses, W, X, and Y, are numerically insignificant when compared to the total of sherds obtained at SU site, and relatively insignificant when compared to the plain wares found within the late houses them- selves. Alma Plain and San Francisco Red sherds are in the majority for the site, as a whole. The presence in Houses W, X, and Y of dated painted wares and textured wares, although both were few in number, makes it necessary to assume that these domiciles were later than the houses of the Pine Lawn phase. After consideration of these late pottery types it was decided to put Houses W, X, and Y in the Three Circle phase a.d. 900-1050. The identification of the late pottery was based primarily on design, although paste and surface features were also noted. The restored black-on-white bowl, found in Pit House X with Burial No. 54 (Fig. 129), and sixty-seven black-on-white sherds recovered from Pit Houses W, X, and Y, can not be classified as true Mimbres Bold Face or Mimbres Classic (Haury, 1936b). On the basis of color and paste, however, this pottery does fit within a broad Mimbres classification. A consideration of design leads me to believe that this material is intermediate between Mimbres Bold Face and Classic. While Alma Plain maintained its dominating position of impor- tance, Alma Rough was being replaced by the textured wares and Three Circle Neck Corrugated in particular (Haury, 1936b). Sherds from Houses W, X, and Y * Plain Wares No. Alma Plain 2,571 Alma Rough 275 San Francisco Red 1,073 Reserve Smudged 120 Painted Wares Textured Wares No. No. Mimbres 67 Three Circle Neck Corrugated . . 326 Three Circle Red-on-White .... 4 Incised Corrugated 23 Red Mesa (Gladwin, 1945) 43 Alma Punched 29 Indeterminate 101 Alma Neck Banded 5 Indeterminate 46 *For details and percentages consult Tables 4-7. For illustrations of late type sherds see Fig. 130. Fig. 129. a, Red Mesa Black-on-White stirrup jar, Pit House X; b, Restored Mimbres bowl (type not yet named), Pit House X (Burial No. 54). 370 fm 9 w w 9 if y-r ■*H B Fig. 130. Painted and textured wares from Pit Houses W, X, and Y: a, b, Mimbres; c, d, Three Circle Red-on-White; e, f, Red Mesa Black-on-White; g, h, Three Circle Neck Corrugated; i, j, Incised Corrugated; k, Alma Neck Banded; I, Alma Punched. 371 372 The SU Site: Western New Mexico Shapes (Three Circle Phase) Description and Measurements Fig. 131, a. Alma Plain wide-mouthed globular jar with rounded lip; flat bottom. Greatest diameter, 17.1 cm.; greatest height, 16 cm. Fig. 131, b. San Francisco Red wide-mouthed globular jar with an almost direct rim. Greatest diameter, 15.5 cm.; greatest height, 14.9 cm. Fig. 131, c. Three Circle Neck Corrugated jar; globular in shape with slightly flaring rim; two small neck lugs present. Greatest diameter, 10.6 cm.; greatest height, 10.5 cm. Fig. 131, d. See page 364. Fig. 132, top. Alma Plain "seed" jar, narrow-mouthed globular jar. Greatest diameter, 21 cm.; greatest height, 20.5 cm. Fig. 132, bottom. Three Circle Neck Corrugated jar; globular in shape with corrugated neck, rounded bottom. Greatest diameter, 28.9 cm.; greatest height, 27.4 cm. Explanation of Pottery Data "Floor" sherds are those sherds that lay directly on the floor of the house, and in the first 10 cm. of fill above the floor. "Fill" includes all dirt in a pit house from the surface to within 10 cm. of the floor. All sherds from the post-holes and storage pits are listed under "Pits." Table 5. — Sherd Analysis Pit House W, Three Circle Phase Trench Fill Floor No. % No. % No. % Plain Alma Plain 789 52.1 389 61.6 241 49.6 Alma Rough 77 5.0 20 3.4 3 0.6 San Francisco Red 467 30.8 158 24.8 196 40.3 Reserve Smudged 14 1.0 19 2.9 4 0.9 Painted Mimbres 28 2.0 10 1.5 2 0.4 Three Circle R/W 2 0.1 2 0.4 Red Mesa B/W 6 0.4 2 0.3 4 0.8 Indeterminate 34 2.2 3 0.4 5 1.0 Textured Three Circle Neck Cor- rugated 74 5.0 29 4.5 24 5.0 Alma Neck Banded 2 0.1 Incised Corrugated 4 0.2 3 0.3 1 0.2 Alma Punched 7 0.5 Indeterminate 9 0.6 3 0.3 4 0.8 Total 1,513 636 486 2,635 Total Sherds No. % 1,419 53.9 100 3.8 821 31.1 37 1.4 40 1.5 4 0.1 12 0.5 42 1.6 127 4.8 2 0.1 8 0.3 7 0.3 16 0.6 B Fig. 131. Restored vessels: a, Alma Plain jar, Pit House W; b, San Francisco Red jar, Pit House Y; c, Three Circle Neck Corrugated jar, Pit House X; d, Alma Plain jar, Pit House T. 373 374 The SU Site: Western New Mexico Table 6. — Sherd Analysis Pit House X, Three Circle Phase Trench Fill Floor No. % No. % No. % Plain Alma Plain 245 54.7 401 61.4 222 47.7 Alma Rough 46 10.3 43 6.5 77 16.6 San Francisco Red 45 10.0 41 6.3 82 17.7 Reserve Smudged 13 3.0 25 3.8 14 3.0 Painted Mimbres (not typed) ... . 5 1.1 12 1.9 2 0.4 Red Mesa B/W 4 0.9 17 2.6 7 1.5 Indeterminate 17 3.8 17 2.6 9 1.9 Textured Three Circle Neck Cor- rugated 45 10.0 70 10.7 43 9.3 Incised Corrugated 8 1.8 2 0.3 2 0.4 Alma Punched 9 2.0 10 1.6 Alma Neck Banded ... 1 0.2 2 0.4 Indeterminate 11 2.4 14 2.1 5 1.1 Total 448 653 465 'OTAL ! No. Sherds % 868 166 168 52 55.5 10.6 10.8 3.3 19 28 43 1.2 1.7 2.7 158 12 19 3 30 10.0 0.8 1.2 0.2 2.0 1,566 Table 7. — Sherd Analysis Pit House Y, Three Circle Phase Trench Fill Floor No. % No. % No. % Plain Alma Plain 236 57.7 39 69.6 9 52.9 Alma Rough 9 2.2 San Francisco Red 75 18.3 6 10.7 3 17.6 Reserve Smudged 24 5.9 5 8.9 2 11.8 Painted Mimbres (not typed) ... . 6 1.5 1 1.8 1 5.9 Red Mesa B/W 2 0.5 1 1.8 Indeterminate 13 3.2 1 1.8 2 11.8 Textured Three Circle Neck Cor- rugated 38 9.3 3 5.4 Incised Corrugated 3 0.7 Alma Punched 3 0.7 Total 409 56 17 Total Sherds No. % 284 9 84 31 58.9 1.9 17.3 6.5 8 3 16 1.7 0.7 3.3 41 3 3 8.5 0.6 0.6 482 Fig. 132. Restored vessels: Alma Plain "seed" jar, Pit House D (top); Three Circle Neck Corrugated jar, Pit House D (bottom). 375 V. REPORT ON THE BURIALS Eight burials were uncovered at the SU site during the summer of 1946. Four of these were found in the stripping around Pit House S, and the other four in the pits in the house floors. There were few artifacts associated with these burials. A fragment of a rubbing stone was found with one, a bone die with another, and pottery vessels and a hammer stone with a third. Whenever the position of the burial was determinable, the body was generally found to be in a flexed seated position with the individual facing east. All the skeletons were in a poor state of preservation. In two cases only parts of broken skulls were found, and in two other burials the bones were disarticulated and in such a powdery condition that they could be traced only with the greatest difficulty. One cal- varium and three incomplete skeletons with skulls were brought back to the Museum. These were cleaned and coated with a vinyl acetate solution, but were not mended. They still await mending, study, and measurement by a physical anthropologist. A total of thirty-one crania have been brought back to the Museum from the SU site since the first season and should present a fair series for future study. The following is an outline of such particular features of each burial uncovered as could be determined while they were in situ: Burial 47: Location: Pit House Q, pit in rear of house. Age: Old (55+ years). Deformation: Occipital flat. Position: Disarticulated (possibly bundle?). Associated Objects: None. Sex: Female? Orientation: Could not be determined. Burial 48: Location: Pit House Q, pit in rear of house. Age: Middle-aged (45+ years). Deformation: ? Position: Disarticulated (possibly bundle?). Associated Objects: None. Sex: Could not be determined. Orientation: Could not be determined. Burial 49: Location: Pit House S, pit. Age: 35-40 years. Deformation: Slight occipital. Position: Flexed seated, arms across body. Associated Objects: Fragment of disk type rubbing stone. Sex: Female? Orientation: Facing east. 376 Fig. 133. Burial 54 in situ, Pit House X. Note Three Circle Neck Corru- gated jar near skull and parts of a Mimbres bowl (type not yet named) on either side of the skeleton. Arrow (50 cm. long) points north. 377 378 The SU Site: Western New Mexico Burial 50: Location: Small pit, 20 cm. outside southeast wall, Pit House S. Age: 35-40 years. Deformation: Posthumous warping too great to determine original con- formation of skull. Position: Flexed seated. Associated Objects: Bone die. Sex: Male. Orientation: Facing east. Burial 51: Location: 30 cm. outside southeast wall, Pit House S. Remarks: Only broken fragments of skull found. Burial 52: Location: Outside south wall of Pit House S. Age: Child (7-8 years). Deformation: Skull mashed flat (found only 20 cm. below ground surface). Position: Flexed seated. Associated Objects: None. Sex: ? Orientation: Facing north. Burial 53: Location: In southwest wall of Pit House S. Remarks: Only broken fragments of skull found 10 cm. below surface. Burial 54: Location: Shallow pit in southwest quadrant of Pit House X. Age: Ca. 30 years. Sex: Male. Deformation: Flat occipital, "cradle board." Position: Semi-flexed on back, arms across body, legs flexed. Associated Objects: Small Three Circle Neck Corrugated jar, broken Mimbres bowl (type not yet named), flint core, hammer stone. Orientation: Axis of body southwest to northeast. Face turned toward east. Remarks: This was the only burial uncovered in excavating the Three Circle phase houses; all other burials were located in or just outside Pine Lawn phase houses. BIBLIOGRAPHY Brew, John Otis 1946. Archaeology of Alkali Ridge, southeastern Utah. Papers, Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, vol. 21. Cosgrove, H. S. and C. B. 1932. The Swarts ruin, a typical Mimbres site of southwestern New Mexico. Papers, Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, vol. 15, No. 1. Gladwin, H. S. 1945. The Chaco Branch. Excavations at White Mound and in the Red Mesa Valley. Gila Pueblo, Medallion Papers, No. 33. Globe, Arizona. Haury, Emil W. 1936a. The Mogollon culture of southwestern New Mexico. Gila Pueblo, Medallion Papers, No. 20. Globe, Arizona. 1936b. Some Southwestern pottery types. Series 4. Gila Pueblo, Medallion Papers, No. 19. Globe, Arizona. 1941. Excavations in the Forestdale Valley, east-central Arizona. University of Arizona Bulletin, vol. 11, No. 4 (Social Science Bulletin No. 12). Tucson, Arizona. Martin, Paul S. 1939. Modified Basket Maker sites in the Ackmen-Lowry area, southwestern Colorado. Field Museum of Natural Historv, Anthropological Series, vol. 23, No. 3. 1940. The SU site. Excavations at a Mogollon village, western New Mexico, 1939. Field Museum of Natural History, Anthropological Series, vol. 32, No. 1. 1943. The SU site. Excavations at a Mogollon village, western New Mexico, 1941. Field Museum of Natural History, Anthropological Series, vol. 32, No. 2. Nesbitt, Paul H. 1938. The Starkweather ruin, New Mexico. Logan Museum Publications in Anthropology, Bulletin 6. Beloit, Wisconsin. Sayles, E. B., and Antevs, Ernst 1941. The Cochise culture. Gila Pueblo, Medallion Papers, No. 29. Globe, Arizona. 379 INDEX Abrading slabs, 332 Agriculture at SU site, 287, 290, 316 Alma Neck Banded, 369, 372; see also Pottery Alma Plain, 284, 286, 362, 364, 369, 372; see also Pottery Alma Punched, 372; see also Pottery Alma Rough, 284, 286, 362; see also Pottery Anasazi: culture, 318; influences, 362 Anderson, Edgar, 287 Anderson, R. F., 281 Animal bones, 290 Animal life, 287, 288 Apache National Forest, 281, 283 Architecture, description of details of, 294 Arizona, 286 Armijo, Abel, 281 Armijo, Jose, 281 Armijo, Martin, 281 Arrias, Joe, 281 Arrow, 290 Artifacts, 286, 314; comparison of Pine Lawn phase with other horizons, 317; functions of, 315; occurrence by pit houses, 319, 359-361; stone, 286; total number of, 286, 314 Awls, bone, 291, 314, 350, 361; see also Bone artifacts Basket Maker: culture, 284; corn, 287; houses, 284; period, 289; see also Pottery Basketry molded sherd, 352, 353, 361 Beads, stone, 291, 314, 356, 357; disk type, 318, 361 Beams, roof, 289 Beans, 291, 316 Bipartite division, house groups, 292 Bone artifacts, 314, 350; awls, 361; dice, 287, 314; die, 356, 357, 361; end- scraper, 314, 350; flesher, 350, 361; fragments, 358; tools, 286; tube, 314, 356, 357, 361 Bones, animal, 290 Boulder mortars, 293 Bow, 290 Bowl forms, 366, 367; see also Pottery Bracelets, shell, 291 Bulbs, 316 Burials, 292, 376, 378; in Pit Houses Q, 294, S, 298, X, 308 Cactus, 288 Catron County, New Mexico, 281 Cave Creek, 286 Ceremonial structures, 292; purposes of, 292 Choppers, 290, 314, 317, 347, 348, 361 Clay artifacts, 286, 314; see also Pottery Clothing, 291 Clubs, 290 Cochise culture, 287, 293, 317; -Mogo- llon continuum, 287 Conjectures, 287 Cooking pits, 289 Corn, charred, 287, 291 Cover, see Pot cover Coyote, 288 Crackel, (Mrs.) M., 281 Crystals, 314, 361 Dalstrom, Gustaf, 282 Dams, 291 Davis, D. D., 318 Deer, 288 Defense mechanism, 293 Deflector, 289; in Pit House Y, 310 Delgado, Bued, 281 Dibble stick, 291 Dice, bone, 287, 314 Die, bone, 356, 357 Digging implements, 289 Distribution of pottery types (in per- centages), 286 Douglass, A. E., 281 Drainage, 288 Drills, 314, 346, 347, 361 Ecology of region around SU site, 287 Economy of Mogollon peoples of Pine Lawn phase, 316 Egan, Tod, 281 Elevation of SU site, 283, 287 End-scraper, bone, 314, 350 Entrances, 289; see also Lateral entrances Ewing, R. B., 281 Field, Stanley, 281 Figurine, zoomorphic, 314 Fill, definition of term, 372 Firepits, 289; in Pit Houses Q, 294, R, 296, S, 298, T, 300, U, 302, V, 304, W, 306, X, 308, Y, 310, Z, 312 Flesher, bone, 361 Floor sherds, definition of term, 372 Floors: in Pit Houses Q, 294, R, 296, S, 298, T, 300, U, 302, V, 304, W, 306, X, 308, Y, 310, Z, 312 Gee string, 291 Gila River, 287 Gladwin, H. S., 369 Graph of pottery types, 362, 363 Gregg, C. C, 281 380 Index 381 Grinding stones, small, metate-like, 314, 332 Grooves, 296; in Pit Houses R, 296, S, 298 Ground and pecked stone, 314 Hand stones, 314 Hammer stones, 314, 338, 360 Haury, E. W., 286 Havasupai Indians, 290 Hoe-blades, 291 Hoes, 289, 314, 348, 361 Hohokam influences, 362 Houses, 284, 288, 292; see also Pit Houses Hunting, 290, 316 Incised Corrugated ware, 369, 372; see also Pottery Indeterminate ware, 369; Black-on- White, 372; Corrugated, 372; see also Pottery Irrigation ditches, 291 Jars, 364; forms of, 366, 367; see also Pottery Johnson, L. G., 281, 314, 362 Juniper, 287, 288 Kiva, definition of, 284 Kiva Y, 284, 310; see also Pit House Y Knives, 291, 314, 346, 347, 361; ran- dom flake, 317 Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, 283 Ladles, miniature clay, 314, 352, 353, 361 Late houses (Three Circle phase), 369, 372 Lateral entrances: in Pit Houses Q, 294, R, 296, S, 298, T, 300, U, 302, V, 304, W, 306, X, 308, Y, 310, Z, 312 Left-handedness, 290 Live oak, 287 Location of SU site, 283 Lynx, 288 Magic, 293 Manos, 314, 320-325, 359; one-handed, 316; outlines and sections of, 325; rectangular, 287; two-handed, 287 Mauls, 314, 340, 341, 360 Metates, 289, 290, 314, 328-331, 360; basin type, 316, 317; outlines and sections of, 331 ; trough type, 291, 318 Milling processes, 290 Milling stones, 287, 290, 314; fre- quencies, 287 Milling tools, 289 Mimbres Bold Face, 369; Black-on- White, 372; Classic, 369 Miniature ladles, 314, 352, 353, 361 Mogollon: culture, 362; pit houses, 284; Red-on-Brown, 286 Mortars, 289, 290, 314, 334, 360 Mountain sheep, 288 Naranjo, Frank, 281 Necklaces, 291 Needles, 291 Nesbitt, Paul, 286 Nuts, 290, 316 Ornaments, 292 Paint palette, 314, 318, 334, 360 Paint grinding stones, 314, 360 Pallet, paint, see Paint palette Papago, 287 Partition-wall, 289 Pebbles, pitted, 314, 334, 360 Pecked and ground stone, 314 Pendants, 291, 292, 314, 356, 357; bird, 361 Pestles, 290, 314, 338, 360; multi-faced, 316 Pigments, 314, 361 Pine Lawn phase, 283, 293, 317; pit houses, 289; pottery shapes, 362 Pine, yellow, 287, 288 Pihon, 287, 288 Pipes, 287, 292; clay, 314; cloud blower, 318, 360; pottery, 352, 353; stone, 314, 342, 343 Pit House B, 364 Pit House C, 364 Pit House E, 364 Pit House F, 364 Pit House G, 364 Pit House N, 364 Pit House P, 364 Pit House Q, 294, 376; phase, 294 Pit House R, 296; phase, 296 Pit House S, 298, 364, 376, 378; phase, 298 Pit House T, 300, 364; phase, 300 Pit House U, 302; phase, 302 Pit House V, 304; phase, 304 Pit House W, 306, 372; phase, 306 Pit House X, 308, 374, 378; phase, 308 Pit House (or Kiva) Y, 310, 374; phase, 310 Pit House Z, 312; phase, 312 Pits, 289; cooking, 289; definition of term, 372; in Pit Houses Q, 294, R, 296, S, 298, T, 300, U, 302, V, 304, W, 306, X, 308, Y, 310, Z, 312 Pitted pebbles, 314, 334, 360 Plant life, 287 Points, projectile, 290, 314, 344, 345, 360; lateral notched, 287, 317 Polishing stones, 314, 338, 360 Post-holes: in Pit Houses Q, 294, R, 296, S, 298, T, 300, U, 302, V, 304, W, 306, X, 308, Y, 310, Z, 312 382 The SU Site: Western New Mexico Posts, 289 Potsherds, see Sherds Pot covers, 314, 348, 361 Pottery, 362; Alma Neck Banded, 372; Alma Plain, 364; Alma Punched, 372; Alma Rough, 364, 372; data, explana- tion of, 372; in Pit Houses Q, 294, R, 296, S, 298, T, 300, U, 302, V, 304, W, 306, X, 308, Y, 310, Z, 312; Incised Corrugated, 372; Indetermi- nate Black-on-White, 372; Inde- terminate Corrugated, 372; Late houses (Three Circle phase), 369, 372; Pine Lawn phase, description and measurements, 286, 362, 364; Red Mesa Black-on-White, 372; Reserve Smudged, 372; San Fran- cisco Red, Saliz variety, 362, 364; sherds, total collected, 284; tabula- tion of, 362; Three Circle Red-on- White, 372; types, distribution in percentages, 286 Problematical object, 356, 357, 361 Projectile points, see Points, pro- jectile Rabbit, 288 Rainfall at SU site, 283 Red Mesa, 369; see also Pottery Religion: concepts, 287; life, 292 Reserve, Mew Mexico, 281 Reserve Smudged, 369 Right-handedness, 290 Rituals, 292 Robes, fur, 291 Roofs, 288; beams of, 289; in Pit Houses Q, 294, R, 296, S, 298, T, 300, U, 302, V, 304, W, 306, Y, 310, Z, 312; supports of, 289; timbers of, 283 Roots, 316 Roy, S. K., 318 Rubbing stones, 314, 326, 327, 359 Sage hen, 288 San Francisco Mountains, 288 San Francisco Red, Saliz variety, 284, 286, 362, 364, 369, 372; see also Pottery San Francisco River, 287 San Pedro phase, 293 Sayles, E. B., 286 Schulman, E., 281 Scrapers, 291, 314, 347, 361; end, 350; random flake, 317 Seed-gathering, 290 Seeds, wild, 290, 316 Serna, Pablo, 281 Serna, Willy, 281 Sheep, mountain, 288 Shell: artifacts, 291; bracelets, 291 Sherds, 284; analysis of, in Pit Houses W, 372, X, 374, Y, 374; basketrv molded, 352, 353, 361; total collected, 284; worked, 314, 354, 355, 361 Sipapu, Pit House Y, 310 Site of village, 288 Skeletons, 376 Slabs: abrading, 332; concave, 316 Sleeping-places, 289 Smiley, Ted, 281 Snares, 290 Social grouping, 292 Spindle-whorl disks, 291 Squash, 291, 316 Stone artifacts: chipped, 314; ground, 314; milling, 290; paint grinding, 332; pecked, 314; pitted, 314; polishing, 314; metate-like grinding, 332; rub- bing, 326, 327; unworked, 314, 358 Subsistence: food, 316; problems, 287 Supports of roof, 289 SU site: data, 283; culture of people, 293; location, 283; rainfall, 283 Thistles, 288 Three Circle phase, 284; pottery shapes. 369, 372 Tools, 289; bone, 286; milling, 289; shaping of, 314 Trenching, 288 Tube, bone, 314, 356, 357 Turkey, 288 Ulibarri, Gilberto, 281 Unworked stone, 358 Ventilator, Pit House Y, 310 Village site, 288 Walls: in Pit Houses Q, 294, R, 296, S, 298, T, 300, U, 302, V, 304, W, 306, X, 308, Y, 310, Z, 312 Whistles, 290 Worked sherds, 354, 355, 361 Yellow pine, 287, 288 Yucca, 288 Yuma Indians, 290 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 084204640