SYLLABUS A COURSE OF LECTURES PHYSIOLOGY J. BURDON-SANDERSON, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. JODRELL PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON SECOND EDITION I LONDON H. K. LEWIS, 136 GOWER STREET, W.C. i879 LONDON t PRINTED BY H. K. LEWI'S, 136 GOWER STREET. J> PREFACE. IN the new edition of the Syllabus of my Lectures on Physiology, I have followed the same arrangement as in the last, with the exception that in the chemical part the descriptions of immediate principles, which were before printed separately, have now been incorporated in the text. The whole has been revised, and some parts have been much extended. Under the title " Practical Exer- cises," I have added to the Syllabus instructions for labo- ratory work relating to the chemical properties of the animal liquids, and of the most important foodstuffs ; and to the physiological endowments of living tissues and organs. The experiments I have selected are of so simple a character that, with the directions given and such aid as he will readily obtain in the laboratory, every man who takes pains will find it easy to carry them out successfully. The chemical series already form part of the Course of Practical Physiology. The others, which relate chiefly to the properties of the excitable and contractile tissues, have been hitherto omitted ; not because they are regarded as of less importance, but for want of space — a difficulty which will be removed as soon as our new laboratories are completed. I cannot too strongly recommend their use to all who desire to acquire a serviceable knowledge of the elementary facts of physiology. They will also fulfil another but less important purpose, that of aiding candi- IV PREFACE. dates in their preparation for the higher examinations in physiology, of the University. To the " Practical Exercises " I have added a series of " Demonstrations." Under this heading I have given an account of experiments which, although they are of such fundamental importance that every student ought to wit- ness them, cannot be advantageously repeated. These are given during the winder session, all students who have already attended the summer practical course being invited to attend them. CONTENTS. PART I. PAGE THE CHEMICAL PROCESSES — IMMEDIATE PRINCIPLES OF FOOD . . ,/'... . 2 DIGESTION 7 INTESTINAL ABSORPTION 16 BLOOD . 17 THE SPLEEN 22 LYMPH. . . . . . . . . 23 CHEMICAL PROCESS OF RESPIRATION 23 URINE .26 MUSCULAR TISSUE 31 NERVOUS TISSUE 32 EXCHANGE OF MATERIAL 33 PRODUCTION OF HEAT' ....... 41 PRACTICAL EXERCISES RELATING TO FOOD STUFFS ... 44 ,, ,, ,, ANIMAL LIQUIDS . . 48 PART II. MECHANICAL PROCESSES — MUSCULAR CONTRACTION CIRCULATION THE HEART RESPIRATION BODILY MOTION . VOICE AND SPEECH 55 59 66 68 70 72 vi CONTENTS. PART III. PAGE FUNCTIONS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM — NERVES 74 FUNCTIONS OF NERVE CENTRES 78 „ „ ROOTS OF SPINAL NERVES .... 80 „ „ WHITE COLUMN OF SPINAL CORD 81 CENTRES OF MEDULLA OBLONGATA 82 DEATH BY ASPHYXIA 9° REFLEX OF SWALLOWING 91 REGULATION OF PERISTALTIC ACTION 92 INFLUENCE OF NERVOUS SYSTEM ON PROCESSES OF SECRETION 94 REGULATION OF LOCOMOTION 97 ,, ,, MOTIONS OF THE EYEBALLS ... 98 FUNCTIONS OF THE BRAIN 100 SENSATIONS AND PERCEPTIONS 103 TACTILE SENSATION ........ 104 MUSCULAR „ 105 VISION 105 HEARING 115 TASTE 119 SMELL 121 PRACTICAL EXERCISES RELATING TO THE PHYSIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF THE ORGANS AND TISSUES OF THE NERVOUS AND MUSCULAR SYSTEMS 123 DEMONSTRATIONS 139 N.B. — Before using the Syllabus the Student must make the following corrections : — P. 2, 1. 12 from bottom, for "when boiled" read "at temperatures above 73° C." P. 3, 1. 4, for " bases " read "basis." P. 3, 1. 4 from bottom, for "by the prolonged" read " by prolonged." P. 9, 1. 22, for "dried gastric mucous membrane and hydrochloric acid" read " expressed juice of gastric mucous membrane dried at a low tem- perature. " P. 10, 1. $,for "bases, by" read "by basic." P. 12, 1. ii from bottom, for " stercobolin " read "stercobilin." P. 14, 1. 5 from bottom, omit "having." P. 15, 1. i, for " C6" read "C8," line n,for " H50" read "H5." P. 12, 1. 25, for " solubility " read "insolubility." P. 42, in the table, for "9069" read "9-069," and for "230" read "5-230." P. 43, in the table, for "at 582 " read "X 0-582." SYLLABUS OF A COURSE OF LECTURES ON PHYSIOLOGY. PART I. THE CHEMICAL PROCESSES. ANIMAL life, as observed in man and the higher animals, is an aggregate of chemical processes for which food and oxygen afford materials, the products being heat, muscular action, carbonic anhydride, water and ammonia. Food essentially consists of albuminous bodies, carbonic hydrates and fat, all of which undergo chemical disintegration in the animal body, in addition to water and certain inorganic salts. The fats and carbonic hydrates are the sources from which the organism derives the material for muscular action and the production of heat. Their carbon and hydrogen leave the body as CO2 and H2O. Of the proteid material used by the body, a part is represented in the discharges by bodies of known chemical constitution con- taining nitrogen (nitrogenous "metabolites"): theremainder eventually leaves the organism as CO2 and H2O, but may, in the meantime, take part in the production of fat, or of other non-nitrogenous immediate principles. Vegetable life is also a chemical process. Green plants build up their tissues out of carbonic anhydride, ammonia and certain inorganic salts. Colourless plants do not dis- sociate carbonic anhydride, but derive their carbon entirely from the soil on which they grow. The most important B 2 IMMEDIATE PRINCIPLES constituents of the tissues of plants are albuminous bodies, and carbonic hydrates; for these exist in all plants. The characteristic property of a plant is its power of forming its tissues out of inorganic materials. The term protoplasm is used to denote the apparently, but not really, homogeneous substance which forms the active parts of the tissues of plants and animals. It con- sists chiefly of albuminous bodies, and exhibits in itself all the essential phenomena of life : for in it, not only the general actions which belong to the organism as a whole, but the specific actions of particular parts, such as those of muscle, nerve and gland, have their seat. IMMEDIATE PRINCIPLES OF FOOD. * ^ The term " immediate principle" or " proximate principle" () Draw two parallel lines in white, on a black ground, each £ millimetre wide, and separated by an interval of the same width. Place the board against a wall, and fix one eye on it at a distance of five feet (ij metre, and consequently 100 times as far from the crossing point as the surface of the retina). In a normal eye the two lines can be distinguished at that distance : if not, lessen the distance until this is the case. If the eye is myopic, a cor- recting lens must be used. In those of the following experiments which depend on the blending of retinal excitations which occurs when these follow each other in rapid succes- sion, a circular brass plate which revolves on a central axis is used. It is furnished with an arrangement by which its rate of revolution at any desired moment can be measured. 136 VISION. 6. Duration and culmination of light sensations.— On a black card draw two concentric circles, of which the respective diameters are 6 and 10 inches. Draw a straight line through the centre, so as to divide the annular space between them into two equal parts. Cover one of these spaces with white paper. Cut out the card along the outer circle and fix it to the revolving disk. If the rate of revolution is gradually increased, the moment can be deter- , mined at which the sensations due to successive exposures of the white sector become blended. It will be found that this happens when the rate of revolution is such that the white is visible each revolution for from o"'i5 to o" '2 ; for the time required for the light given off by a white surface in common daylight to produce its full sensational effect, is about a sixth of a second. If the rate of revolution is further increased, the subjective lumi- nosity diminishes, but finally becomes constant. Its brightness is then just half of that of the white paper at rest. 7- Diminution of sensational effect in continued exci- tation Of the Retina. — To prove that when the eye is exposed to the light from a bright surface, the apparent luminousness of the surface after culminating gradually diminishes, fix against a wall a black sheet of paper with a small white square in the middle, and place beside it a white sheet of similar size. Having fixed the eye steadily on the white square, suddenly direct it to the adjoining white surface. A grey square is seen on a white ground, of which the shade differs according to the number of seconds that the white square has been contemplated. . 8. Smallest perceptible difference.— Prepare a piece of black paper," six centimeters in length, and varying in width from 2 millims. to 8 millims. Cut it transversely into six bits, and apply the smallest to a white disk, half way between centre and circumference, with its long edge against a diameter of the disk. Set the disk in rapid revolution and observe the effect. Replace the bit of black paper by the one next it in width, and repeat the observation. Proceed in this way until a faint grey ring is seen, when the disk is in revolution. This happens when the width of the black surface is about one hundredth of the circumference of the ring. 9. Visual perception Of Motion.— When a disk on which a num- ber of concentric spirals at equal distances from each other are inscribed, is contemplated in rapid revolution, radial motion is perceived, which is centri- petal or centrifugal, according to the direction of rotation. If the eye is sud- denly directed to a blank surface, radial motion is still for a time perceived, but it is in the opposite direction. This experiment serves not only to illustrate the principle enunciated on p. 97, but to prove that the subjective perception is not due, as has been supposed in other similar cases, to felt motions of the eyeballs. For experiments relating to the blending of sensations of colour (p. 1 12), disks are used, each of which has a radial cut extending from the circular hole in the centre, to the circumference. Two or more of these cardboard disks can be fixed to the brass disk, in such a way that a sector of each colour may be exposed, and that their relative areas may be varied at will. For many purposes of study, the following method of blending is more useful : — VISION. 137 Fix a pane of plate glass vertically across the middle of a board about 16 inches long by 8 wide. On either side place a sheet of paper of the colours •which it is desired to blend. Arrange the board so that the illumination of each sheet may be varied, independently of that of the other, and that one sheet is seen through the glass, the other by reflection. 10. The angle Of rotation (see p. 113). — Draw on a wall of a mode- rately dark room, a horizontal line, at a height of a couple of feet above that of the eyes. In a black card, cut out a cross, each bar of which should be about a twentieth of an inch in width. Close one eye, and place the cross between the other and a bright lamp, and fix the eye on the luminous cross for several seconds. Then turn to the wall, which should be at a distance of four or five feet, and direct the eye to a point exactly opposite it and at the same level. If now the eye is fixed on a point in the horizontal line imme- diately above the first (the position of the head being unaltered), it is seen that the transverse bar of the bright image of the cross coincides with the line. But if (the eye remaining fixed) the head is turned to the right, the image gradually assumes an appearance of distortion, the upper end of the upright bar seeming to incline to the left, and the outer end of the horizontal bar to incline upwards. As in reality the horizontal bar coincides with the horizontal meridian line of the retina, it is clear that the retinal image of the horizontal line crosses the meridian line at an acute angle. This angle is the angle of rotation for the particular (tertiary) position assumed by the eye. !!• Judgment Of Form. — For experiments on this subject pairs of diagrams representing respectively the right and left aspects of characteristic objects are used, of which the retinal images are blended by means of the stereoscope. The most important observations are the following : — (a) If two diagrams representing the right and left aspects of a pyramid are imaged on the right and left retina, and the images blended by giving the eyes the degree of convergence necessary to unite the apices, a solid pyramid is seen. If the diagrams are transposed and the process repeated the pyramid appears hollow, (b) If two similar diagrams are viewed stereoscopically, of which one is represented white with black edges on a black ground, and the other black with white edges on a white ground, the combined image is lustrous. 12. Judgment Of Distance. — If a number of balls of similar colour, but differing in size, are allowed to fall one after another before one eye, the the other being closed, at such distances that in each case their retinal images are equal, and at such velocities that their images pass over the same retinal distance in the same time, the observer is unable to form any judgment either as to their size, distance, or rate of motion. All of these can be judged of at once if the other eye is opened. For this experiment an apparatus is used. 139 DEMONSTRATIONS RELATING TO THE FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA OF CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION, AND TO THE ELECTROMOTIVE PROPERTIES OF MUSCLE. I. — Mode of Measuring and Recording the Arterial Pressure. Use of Recording Apparatus. The instrument used is called a kymograph (see p. 61). The arterial cannula is a T-shaped tube of glass. By its stem, it is connected with the manometer (a U-shaped glass tube containing mercury). One branch of the T is drawn out and bevelled so as to be easily introduced into the artery : to the other is fitted a short piece of indiarubber tubing, guarded by a steel clip. The stem of the cannula communicates with the proximal arm of the mano- meter by an unyielding tube of lead or guttapercha. The proximal arm (that connected with the cannula) also communicates by a long flexible tube with a bottle containing solution of bicarbonate of sodium under pressure. The mano- meter is fixed to the recording apparatus, so that its oscillations are inscribed on the moving surface. This is effected by means of a style carried by a vulcanite rod, which floats on the surface of the mercury in the distal (open) limb of the manometer. The recording cylinder is driven by clockwork : it is either covered with smoked glazed paper, or is fed by an endless roll of paper, in which case a sable pencil, charged with coloured ink, is substituted for the style. The paper surface in either case moves at a uniform] rate of 20 inches per minute. The artery used is the carotid of the rabbit. The distal end of the prepared part of the vessel is ligatured. The proximal end is temporarily closed by a spring-clip. The vessel having been opened near the ligature, the cannula is introduced and secured in its place by a second ligature, its drawn-out end being directed towards the heart. This done, the guttapercha tube of the manometer is connected with the stem of the cannula, and the whole system filled with solution of sodic bicarbonate under a pressure of about four inches of mercury. On removing the clip on the artery, communi- cation is established between the arterial system and the manometer, which now records the variations of arterial pressure. The tracing exhibits larger (respiratory) undulations, on each of which many smaller undulations (cardiac pulsations) are inscribed. It shows (i) that each contraction of the I4O DEMONSTRATIONS. left ventricle produces a momentary increase of arterial pressure ; (2) that the pressure increases after each inspiration, and sinks in the interval ; (3) that during the rise of pressure, the pulsations are more frequent than during the fall. Excitation of the Cardiac end of the divided Vagus, by faradization, produces (if weak induction currents are used) diminution of the frequency of the heart's pulsation and of the arterial pressure. If stronger currents are used, the heart is arrested in diastole (see p. 85). [N.B. In each of the Demonstrations I., II., III., and IV., a rabbit is used, which is rendered completely insensible by a suitable anaesthetic, and is killed before recovery.] II. — The Normal Respiratory Movements. Influence of the Vagus Nerve and of its Centre. Apncea and Dyspnoea. The motions of a metal plate which is kept in constant contact with the posterior surface of the central tendon of the diaphragm of the rabbit, by the pressure of a spring are communicated by a long steel wire to the vertical arm of a bell-crank lever. The horizontal arm of the lever is prolonged, and bears a style by which an enlarged record of the respiratory motion of the diaphragm is inscribed on the cylinder of the recording apparatus. The rate of movement of the cylinder is the same as in the last demonstration. The inspiratory contraction of the diaphragm is expressed by the descent of the writing style, its relaxation by the ascent, which is at first rapid, but afterwards more gradual. Apnoea. When by excessive artificial respiration the circulating blood becomes overcharged with oxygen, all respiratory movement ceases. On discontinuing the injections of air, the respirations after a time begin again : at first they are scarcely perceptible, but each exceeds its predecessor in extent, until the normal is reached. Dyspnoea. When nitrogen containing an inadequate percentage of oxygen is respired, the opposite effect to that described above is produced. The respirations become more ample and more frequent, and the auxiliary muscles are brought into action. No such effect is produced by an atmosphere containing as much as ten per cent, of CO2, provided that the supply of oxygen is sufficient. Excitation of the Superior Laryngeal Nerve.— Excitation of the central end of the trunk of the superior laryngeal nerve, by faradization, arrests the respiratory movements, the diaphragm becoming stationary in the position of expiration. When extremely feeble currents are used, rhythmical movements may continue at long intervals. Introduction of irritant gases or vapours into the larynx produces similar effects. Similar excitation of the central end of the divided vagus, below the cricoid cartilage, produces effects which differ according to the strength of the induction currents employed. When currents of moderate strength are used, the diaphragm remains during the excitation in the position of inspiration, the state of contraction being, however, usually interrupted by momentary relaxa- tions at short intervals. DEMONSTRATIONS. 141 III. — Influence of the Cardiac and Vasomotor Centres on the Circulation and on the Motions of the Heart. The atlanto-occipital membrane having been previously exposed, the carotid is connected with the kymograph. A record is taken, and the mean arterial pressure measured. On faradization of the spinal cord, at the level of the third vertebra, mixed effects are observed, due partly to the excitation of the vascular nerves, partly to escape of induction currents to the cardiac centre. If both vagi have been previously divided, those due to the latter cause do not appear. The cord is now severed above the seat of excitation, respiration being continued artificially : the arterial pressure sinks to a third of the previous mean. The excitation is repeated ; the pressure rises rapidly, the heart beating with great frequency. On opening the thoracic cavity, the action of the heart may be studied. It is seen that so long as artificial respiration is continued, it beats regularly. If the injections of air are intermitted for a few moments, its cavities become more distended and its action more vigorous than before, and a similar effect is produced by excitation of the spinal cord. IV. — Functions of Vascular Nerves. Constricting Nerves. — Division of the trunk of the sympathetic opposite the cricoid cartilage is followed by dilatation of the central artery of the lobe of the ear on the same side, and increase of vascularity. On compar- ing the temperature of the congested lobe with that of the other side, it is found to be two or three degrees higher. The pupil of the same side is more contracted than the opposite one. Excitation of the end next the superior ganglion produces constriction of the central artery and abolishes the conges- tion of the lobe. Dilating Nerves. — Excitation of the central end of the great auricular nerve (or of the posterior auricular) produces temporary vascular changes, which are identical with those permanently produced by section of the sympa- thetic. Depressor Nerve.— Excitation of the central end of the divided depressor occasions general diminution of arterial pressure (dependent on dilatation of the blood-vessels supplied by the splanchnic nerves). If the vagi have been previously divided, the diminution of pressure is not asso- ciated with any change in the frequency of the contractions of the heart. V. — Movements of Circulation and Respiration in Man. i. The Cardiograph and Sphygmograph.— a. Two receiving tympana (cardiographs) are used. One is applied to the seat of the cardiac impulse, the other to the carotid artery. The two recording tympana with which these are severally connected, inscribe the motion of the heart and that of the artery respectively, on the same cylinder. The arterial expansion 142 DEMONSTRATIONS. follows that of the heart at an interval of about eight-hundredths of a second. The duration of the ventricular impulse is about three-tenths of a second. b. The sphygmograph having been adjusted so as to record the radial pulse, a receiving tympanum on the carotid is connected with a recording tympanum attached to the frame of the sphygmograph, so that its lever writes on the same surface as that of the sphygmograph. The interval of time between the impulse of the carotid and that of the radial is about the same as that between the carotid and the heart. 2. The StethOgraph. — The changes of form of the thorax in respira- tion are investigated by the measurement of the diameters of the chest. The most important diameters are the antero-posterior (from upper end of sternum to third dorsal spine, 150 millims. and from lower end of sternum to eighth spine, 200 millims. ) ; the transverse (at the eighth rib, about 230 millims. ). These measurements refer to an adult male, as taken during the respiratory pause. The first of these diameters increases about a millimeter, the second about two millimeters, and the third about two and a half in ordinary tranquil inspiration. These measurements, when recorded by the stethograph, yield the " respiratory curve. " VI.— The Heart of the Frog. 1. Rhythmical Motions of the Ventricle ; Influences thereon of Temperature and other External Conditions. 2. The Cardiac Vagus, and the Intracardiac Inhibitory Centre. The experiments relating to these subjects are described in the Practical Exercises. Such of them only as can be seen at a distance are shown. VII. — Electromotive Phenomena of Mtisde. The most important instrument used is a Thomson's Reflecting Galvanometer of high resistance, the terminals of which are connected by insulated copper wires with non-polarizable electrodes. These are in contact by their clay plugs with the two surfaces to be compared. To the needle of the galvanometer a light concave mirror is attached, on which a beam of light falls and is focussed, after reflection, on a divided screen. Thus the smallest deflection of the needle (by which any electrical difference between the two contacts is indicated) can be exactly measured. By means of a suitable shunt, either the whole, a tenth, or other decimal fraction of any current flowing through the circuit can be led through the galvanometer. i. Electromotive Phenomena of Muscle.— The gastrocnemius muscle of the frog is used. One of the electrodes is in contact with the convex surface of the muscle near its upper end, the other with the expansion of the DEMONSTRATIONS. 143 tendo Achillis. In this arrangement the surface of the tendon is negative to that of the muscle. 2. On exciting the muscle by faradizing its nerve, a deflection takes place in such a direction as to indicate that the electrical difference between the two surfaces is diminished. After excitation the needle resumes its former position. 3. The electrode in contact with the tendinous expansion is now brought near to its fellow, so that both contacts are now muscular. They are nearly isoelectrical. On injuring the lower of the two contacts mechanically or by heat, it becomes at once strongly negative. On excitation of the nerve by induced currents, the negativity diminishes as before. 4- Electromotive Phenomena of the Ventricle of the Frog Heart. — A Stannius' Heart Preparation (see Practical Exercises) is " led off" by contacts at its apex and base. If the heart is uninjured, these surfaces will be found to be nearly isoelectrical. On injuring either surface it becomes negative. 2. A normally contracting heart is led off by contacts similarly situated. Each contraction is accompanied by a deflection of the needle, indicating that the apex becomes first positive then negative. By injuring the apex, mechani- cally or otherwise, the deflection becomes entirely positive. 3. A "ventricle preparation " is led off at apex and cut surface. During contraction, the effect is similar, but the negative deflection is much larger. 4. A ventricle apex preparation (which does not contract spontaneously) is led off as above. Its cut surface is at first strongly negative to the apex. On excitation at the base by a single induction shock, the ventricle contracts, its contraction being accompanied by a deflection indicating that the apex becomes negative. H. K. LEWIS, PRINTER, 136 GOWER STREET, LONDON. -7 a UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY Do not remove the card from this Pocket. Acme Library Card Pocket Under Pat. "Ref. Index File." Made by LIBRARY BUREAU, Boston •BHH