| EOS Na Ar 12 SYLLOGEUS ia NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL SCIENCES MUSEE NATIONAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DSSS E.:55:5555555 ZYANOFEYZ SESE 5555555555 —- David Jarzen Palynological Research at the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa. "Today and Tomorrow”. MUSÉES NATIONAUX DU CANADA OTTAWA NATIONAL MUSEUMS OF CANADA Syllogeus includes papers on natural sciences and closely related topics that are not immediately appropriate for inclusion in other publications and are issued in either English or French. Syllogeus appears at irregular intervals and individual issues are available from the Library and the Director, National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa, KIA 0M8, Canada. La collection Syllogeus réunit un certain nombre d'articles sur les sciences naturelles ou sur des sujets qui leur sont apparentés, et qui sont publiés soit en frangais, soit en anglais. Les articles paraissent irréguliérement et on peut les obtenir de la bibliothéque des Musées nationaux ou du cabinet du Directeur du Musée des Sciences naturelles, Ottawa, K1A OM8, Canada. Syllogeus Series No. 10 - (c) Crown Copyrights reserved - The National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, November 1976. Palynological Research at the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa. - Today and Tomorrow - David M. Jarzen National Museum of Natural Sciences Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. K1A OM8 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the reader with the purpose, scope and holdings of the palynology laboratory of the National Museum of Natural Sciences. Because the science of palynology is a relative newcomer to the museum, and since many of the terms used in this paper are unique to this branch of science, a brief summary of palynology and some definitions of terms are presented, The term "palynology" was first used in the early 1940's by two botanists - Hyde and Williams, who were examining postglacial peat samples collected from Scandinavian bogs. They were impressed with the great abundance of microscopic plant pollen and spores which were contained within the peat, and coined the word "palynology" to describe the study of recovering and interpreting the significance of these microfossils. In actuality the study of pollen and spores contained in peat had earlier beginnings in the late teens of the present century, but Hyde and Williams are credited with establishing it as a science or separate discipline. The word palynology is derived from the Greek verb palynein, which means to spread or strew around. Indeed, pollen grains are often spread by wind, water or by animals such as insects, birds and bats. Palynology today is concerned not only with fossil pollen and spores recovered from peat samples, but also has been extended in recent years to include pollen, spores and other microscopic organisms living and fossil. The study of fossil palynology (paleopalynology) includes organisms of all geologic ages, even extending backwards some three billion years -- a time when life was appearing on Earth. The various structures studied by palynologists have at least one thing in common -- their small size. Pollen and fern spores on the average measure between 20 microns to 200 microns (one micron equals one-thousandth of a millimeter). A period on this page is about 500 microns. The spores of some mushrooms and other fungi are much smaller. In addition to pollen and spores, palynologists may also study dinoflagellates and hystrichospheres, which are tiny mobile organisms found primarily in ocean waters, and related to the algae. Another group of organisms studied by palynologists are nannoplankton which are extremely small, free-floating organisms whose spherical bodies are composed of several plates of calcium carbonate arranged in a tight fitting, overlapping arrangement. These organisms, too, are related to the algae. The use of palynology as a science is based on the facts that pollen and spores are 1) produced in great abundance, 2) are dispersed into the atmosphere and fall as the "pollen rain", and 3) because of their highly resistent walls, are often preserved in river, lake and near-shore ocean sediments. To the palynologist studying the past history of plants and to the palynologist in the oil industry, the last point is of major importance. THE LABORATORY The laboratory requirements for palynology are different than the requirements in most other areas within paleontology, inasmuch as contamination from outside sources must be carefully controlled, In addition, the fossil pollen and spore material under investigation is microscopic, often only 29 to 30u in size. As a result the laboratory must be designed to 1) be relatively contamination free, and 2) be equipped with specialized materials and chemicals to extract and prepare the fossil pollen and spores. To meet these basic require- ments the laboratory is designed to operate as a separate entity, Laboratory furniture and major pieces of equipment such as fume hood and floor type centrifuge fulfill the refined laboratory techniques of pollen analysis. The use of hazardous chemicals in palynological research is common practice. Several precautions are employed in the laboratory to protect the lab technicians, the other people working in the building and to protect the fixtures and furnishings. These pieces of equipment include a powerful motor blower to exhaust harmful acid fumes from the lab and to prevent the back up of fumes into the adjoining parts of the building; fire extinguishers to handle all types of laboratory fires; an eyewash station which can completely wash the eyes free of acid within seconds; acid resistent bench tops, and acid resistent sink parts. The palynological laboratory is organized to handle short term research projects which may require as little time as three to four days, yet is also equipped to maintain longer, large scale research programs which require specialized techniques and full scale contamination control, and lab time as much as three to six months. THE TECHNIQUES The various mechanical and chemical techniques employed in the course of palynological studies range from ultra simple to very sophisticated. In order to remove the fossilized pollen contained within the matrix of a lithified deposit the use of strong acids is necessary. A rock sample is first mechanically broken apart with a mortar and pestle until the crushed sample passes through a 2mm screen. The "powder" is then treated with a series of acid and water washes to remove the various mineral components of the rock matrix. Hydrochloric acid will remove most carbonates, hydroflouric acid is used to digest silicates, and nitric acid will remove most organic fine particles except for the pollen grains which as mentioned before are very resistent to acid attack. These acid treatments must not be followed one after the other without thorough removal of the preceeding acid, Failure to remove completely one of the acids before the addition of the next may result in the formation of unwanted and insoluble chemical compounds. One such compound is calcium fluoride. To remove an acid (or any liquid reagent) from a residue (at this stage, the liquefied crushed sample is termed a residue) requires several washes or rinses in distilled water, The residue is transferred to round bottom test tubes specially designed to fit into the metal carriers of a centrifuge. Water is added to the residue and the mixture is spun in the centrifuge at approximately 1,500 to 2,000 rpm for four to five minutes. When complete, the residue (because of its weight and the centrifugal force supplied by the centrifuge), is packed tightly to the bottom of the tube. The water and acid are then poured off, causing no disturbance to the residue. Several such centrifugations using distilled water will eventually dilute and remove the reagent. Once the mineral components of the rock have been removed, oxidation of the organic constituent is effected by the use of nitric acid, sodium hypochlorite (Javex) or "Shultz Solution" (concentrated nitric acid and sodium chlorite). This last solution is a very strong oxidant and can frequently cause violent explosions. At this point, the sample is normally ready for slide preparation, but all too often some very fine (