Marine Biological Laboratory RprP,vpH May 1, 1942 Accession No. 54964 Given By D^* Douglas rarsland ivew York University Place THE STRUCTURE OF PROTOPLASM ^ Symposium ofi^ THE STRUCTURE OF PROTOPLASM A MONOGRAPH OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGISTS Edited By WILLIAM SEIFRIZ icQlQ5Ak- ■^**^%M''^*'^if^- ■^^^^-"^•^^M-^- i_. ca4.5A 'v^^lltiM -***^1iti»^- •'^^"^liti^ A c Fig. 5. Model photographs showing three faces of a packet of parallel pro- tein chains. A. Three rows of seven chains each showing ends of the chains. Note flat shape of individual units when viewed in this direction; width ap- proximately 10.5A, thickness about 4.5A. B. Top view of same packet. C. Side view. is a strong probability that water molecules, by means of hydrogen bridges, may form a seam between adjacent backbones (54). The spacing may then become about 7 A instead of 4.5 A as when dry. The hydrophilic end groups may furnish loci for hydrogen bridges between the layers within a particle and also between particles. Here the distribution of the oxygen- and nitrogen-bearing residues is effective in furnishing few or many bridges according to the Molecular Structure in Protoplasm 55 patterns formed by these residues on the surface. The presence of the water molecules within the particle may spread the chains lat- erally from the 10.5 A distance when dry to perhaps as much as 15 to 20 A when water is plentiful as in an active cell. This would enlarge the protein packet just mentioned to a cube of about 50 A on an edge. Although the particles may appear regular in diagram, they will no doubt be definitely irregular in outline due to the variable lengths of the amino acid residues and perhaps to the uneven length of the chain folds. Details of the structural features will depend to a considerable extent upon the proportion and distribution of the residues on the chain, as well as upon the number of chain folds in the particle. We turn now to a more intimate consideration of the residues and their influence upon the formation of these larger structures. There are about twenty different amino acids obtainable from prac- tically every protein, and one protein differs from another in the proportion of the amino acid residues it contains. Thus while gelatin contains 25.5 per cent glycine (55) , casein has only 0.5 per cent (56) and so for the variations in quantity of all twenty. While the amino acids themselves have a generic similarity, in that each has a group consisting of a carboxyl and an amino group attached to the alpha carbon, they differ specifically in the remainder of the molecule (57) . In general, in the case of cytoplasmic proteins, at least one-third of the total residues are polar; the remaining two-thirds have residues which contain neither oxygen nor nitrogen atoms and thus are comparable to fatty substances in their behavior toward water. In contrast to this about one-third of the amino acid residues have either OH or COOH as oxygen-containing groups, and NHj or some other nitrogen-containing group such as the guanidine group or the imidazole ring. Those having an affinity for water coordinate with various, but rather specific, numbers of water molecules; for example, OH and NH- may each form hydrogen bridges with three water molecules (54) . In the formation of larger protein structures, ionization plays an important part. From the amino acid analyses (8) of various proteins whose residues are approximately one-third polar, it is possible to ascertain that approximately 85 per cent of these polar residues are ionizable at pH 7, the pH of cytoplasm; that is, about one-fourth of the total residues on the chain or at least 60 out of 56 The Structure of Protoplasm 300 residues are capable of existing ionized at this concentration of hydrogen ions. The manner in which the end groups of the various amino acid residues become ionized is indicated for the two general types. A. The acidic groups lose a proton and thus bear a negative charge. They include glutamic and aspartic acid residues. — COOH ^ H H COO B. The basic groups gain a proton and thus carry a positive charge. Three types are of importance. 1. The amino group of lysine. — NH, + H' ^ — NH.r 2. The guanidine group of arginine (19). H H H + N N H II H + H II H — N— C-N +H — N-C-N H H 3. The imidazole ring of histidine (59) . -C = CH -C = CH I I + I I + HN N + H ^HN NH \ // \ // C C H H Studies (58) correlating" the range of hydrogen-ion concentra- tion in which these groups ionize (7) with the resultant hydrogen- ion concentration of cytoplasm (23, 60, 61, 62) , indicate that glutamic and aspartic acid, as well as arginine and lysine, are probably com- pletely ionized at the pH of cytoplasm. Histidine may be expected to be only partially ionized, and tyrosine, serine, and the amide groups of asparagine and glutamine probably not at all (7) . The relative number of positively and negatively ionized residues, as well as their spatial distribution (63) , may be expected to have a great influence upon the electrical field surrounding the elementary protein particles. Some of these ionized groups will be distributed throughout the interior of the particle, perhaps forming ionic link- ages which may help to maintain the specific configuration of the chain (46 and 51); other ionized groups may exist on the surface of the particle. A particle, such as in Figure 5, consisting of three layers, will have six faces over which charged groups may be dis- tributed, and these should have at least six to eight ionized groups on each face; some plus, some minus. In the model at least four of I Molecular Structure in Protoplasm 57 the six surfaces would contain ionized residues available for the attachment of small organic molecules. The interaction of one charged particle with another in its imme- diate environment depends largely upon the pattern of the electrical field surrounding it. The magnitude of this field diminishes with distance. It is possible (58) , by arbitrarily placing a single positive charge at various short distances out from the charged groups on the surfaces, and by making use of Coulomb's law (65) in which the force of attraction and of repulsion varies inversely as the square of the distance, to gain some notion of the variation of the resultant field around a particle. In general the resultant effect is such as to give strong local areas of positive and of negative fields close to the surface of the particle, while weaker resultant fields occur farther away (58). The net charge may be effective only at distances of 50-100 A and may be either positive or negative. It may be thought of as the algebraic sum of the positively and negatively ionized residues. An additional feature of the protein molecule which may prove to be significant when considering attachment of other molecules is that concerned with residue arrangement. The frequency of distribution along the chain of polar residues, such as lysine with an amino group and glutamic acid with its carboxyl group, has a strong bearing on the location of these groups on the surface of the particle. It has long been realized (66) that, given twenty different kinds of amino acid residues with no restrictions as to the relative number of each, it is possible to obtain millions of different proteins on the basis of composition alone without considering the number of additional types possible when their arrangement is also varied. Recent experimental studies (67, 68) of quite homogeneous pro- teins, using carefully tested methods of amino acid analysis, seem to indicate that the residues do not occur in random amounts but instead are present to the extent of 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, 1/9, 1/12, 1/16, 1/18, 1/36 . . . etc., of the total residue number. Although this generalization may be based on insufficient experimental evi- dence, it furnishes an indication that some numerical rule may be involved in the synthesis of the protein molecule in the living cell. This observation has led to the hypothesis (67, 68) that the various amino acid residues may occur at constant intervals along the protein chain. Thus if there are 24 glutamic acid residues in a chain of 288 residues a uniform spacing along the chain will place one at every twelfth residue position; if there are 32 lysine residues, 58 The Structure of Protoplasm every ninth will be of lysine; and so on for the various amino acid residues. While this notion of residue distribution still needs more sup- porting evidence, there seems to be at least a probability, from the biological point of view, that a certain amount of orderliness must prevail in the formation of proteins. We are accepting this as plaus- ible and are making use of it in a general way since it serves as a basis for the arrangement of the residue end groups into patterns or mosaics both on the surface and inside of the particle. Thus, if it is necessary that the glutamic acid and lysine residue endings occur at a specific distance from each other in order that a fatty molecule or a respiratory prosthetic group may be attached, their distribution may allow this to occur only once on a surface or at most only a few times. Of the molecules occurring in cytoplasm which are thought to play an important part in the structural features of protein aggre- gates the fatty materials stand out as the most prominent. They occur in active protoplasm in quantities of at least ten to fifteen molecules for every protein molecule of 36,000 molecular weight. They form a miscellaneous class in which the common feature is the excessively large amount of carbon-hydrogen groups and the relatively infrequent occurrence of oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The significance of these proportions of component atoms comes out when it is recalled that the oxygen and nitrogen atoms have a strong affinity for water due to their negative residuals, while the carbons are lacking in this attraction for water. The resulting insolubility in water has led us to think of these materials as fatty substances. The long-chain fatty acids, the neutral fats which are glycerol esters of the long-chain fatty acids, the phospholipids, and the sterols are included in this group. Of these the two most constant and ubiquitous in occurrence in cytoplasmic material are the phospho- lipids and sterols (69, 70, 71) . At least three methods indicate that these materials may be found associated with protein material within the heavier cytoplasmic granules. The methods include solubility or dispersal of the large particles in fat solvents (72, 73, 74, 75, 76), blackening with osmic acid indicating the presence of unsaturated fatty acids (77) and detection of the aldehyde grouping of the acetal-phospholipids (78) . The phospholipids include two general groups, the ester-phospho- lipids represented by lecithin and cephalin and the recently discov- Molecular Structure in Protoplasm 59 ered acetal-phospholipids (78) . Lecithin may be thought of as a modified fat in which one of the three fatty acid radicals is replaced by phosphoric acid plus a nitrogenous group, choline. Figure 6 shows a model of lecithin with its characteristic polar and nonpolar regions. Approximately half of the phospholipids found in typical animal cells are lecithins. The other half is composed largely of cephalin, which differs from lecithin mainly in the fact that the choline portion is replaced by colamine, or amino-ethyl alcohol. Concerning the ionization of the phospholipids it has been pointed out (79) that lecithin and cephalin ionize as shown in the diagram in Figure 7. The isoelectric point of the former is about pH 6.7 (80) . It seems probable that in the case of lecithin both groups, phosphoric acid and choline, are ion- ized at the pH of cytoplasm (79, 81, 82, 83) . Cephalin, on the other hand, has a weaker basic group (84) and may be only partially ionized in cytoplasm. This makes it possible for certain of the cephalin molecules to exist with a negative charge. For many years organic chemists (71) struggled with a large group of fatty compounds which apparently bore some structural FiG. 6. Model photograph of a lecithin molecule. Length parallel to hydrocarbon chains is equal to approximately 25A. 1 1 1 o=c 1 1 c=o 1 1 0 1 1 0 H 1 1 0 H H II 1 1 — P — 0 — c— c 1 1 1 1 H-C- 1 1 1 -c — c — 1 1 0 1 H H H 1 1 1 oe H H I R, B o=c c=o I I O O H O H H III 'I II 0 (chX H— C — C-C — 0-P-O-C — c-nh, III I II H H H ,0 H Fig. 7. Diagrams to show ionization of lecithin and cephalin. A. Zwitterion form of lecithin. B. Zwitterion form of Cephalin. relation to one another even though they were widely different in their physiological effects (sex hormones, etc.). It is due to the efforts of the X-ray analyst, however, that this work crystallized into 60 The Structure of Protoplasvi our present understanding of the large group of compounds known as the sterols (85) . The common feature of the sterols is now known (71) to be a complex ring system plus miscellaneous small side chains forming, in general, a rather flattened molecule about 5 A in thickness, 7-7.5 A in width, and approximately 20 A in length (85) . Minor structural variations give rise to the various sterols of which perhaps the best known are cholesterol (86) , shown in Figure 8, and ergosterol. They are found in both plants and animals; those in the higher plants are generally termed phytosterols. At the present time very little is known of the specific role, either structural or physiological, of the sterols in the living cell. ^ »s In addition to the proteins and fatty substances J#-r* which occur in relatively large amounts in cyto- V^ "A^^— plasm, a small quantity of organic molecules of V^IH^H great diversity play an important part in the activities of the cell, although in the structural framework they are insignificant. A considerable number of them are known to be involved in respiration, and when attached to proteins as prosthetic groups form the active part of cellular mechanisms, or enzymes (87) . Most of these have been shown (64, 88, and 89) to occur in conjunc- tion with specific proteins which appear to be albumins and globulins. The existence of cytoplasmic granules which show intense respiration and hence contain respiratory prosthetic groups has been amply demonstrated in preparations from materials such as Arbacia eggs (126, 127) , liver tissue (128) , pig's heart muscle (12) , and the breast muscle of the pigeon (13). It has been reported (111) that similar material, con- taining lipoids in addition to protein and respiratory prosthetic groups, has been isolated from normal chick embryo. The associa- tion of these three materials in cytoplasmic aggregates seems to be more generally recognized as experimental work progresses (111) . In order to show the diversity in structure of these small mole- cules, a list of the better known is given, with here and there photographic reproductions of molecular models and brief discus- sions concerning the individual dimensions and properties. The model photographs in Figures 9-12 inclusive are made to the same Fig. 8. Photo- graph of model of Cholesterol. Black balls indicate car- bon atoms; grey ball at bottom, oxygen atom; and small white ones, hydrogen. I Molecular Structure in Protoplasm 61 scale as the portion of the protein chain in Figure 9D in order that dimensional comparisons may be made. The most natural classification of these small molecules is that based on structure. The list may be a bit misleading for it is not known whether all of these occur in all living cells or in what amounts the various forms are associated in a single cell. The list is given on the assumption that many of them occur in every living cell and that the list is not ex- haustive (88, 89). They may be sorted out into about six general classes. The first three in- clude the alcohols and car- bohydrates, the aldehydes, and the organic acids, such as ascorbic (90) , succinic, malic, pyruvic, lactic, and amino acids (Fig. 9) . The fourth group con- sists of larger molecules called nucleotides, which are composed of phos- phoric acid, a sugar, and a nitrogenous base arranged in the order given (8) . They may occur as single forms, such as riboflavinphosphate (91) and adenosine pyrophos- phate; as dinucleotides, such as flavine-adenine dinucleotide (92) and diphosphopyridine nucleotide (93) ; and as tetranucleotides (94) , such as nucleic acid. These vary mainly in the nitrogen- containing groups (Fig. 10) . The fifth group includes the metal-containing prosthetic groups (95, 11) , such as cytochrome, containing iron (96) ; chlorophyll, con- taining magnesium (Fig. 11) ; and certain copper-containing groups (95). The sixth group consists of molecules containing sulfur, such as glutathione (88) and thiamine pyrophosphate (97, 98) (Fig. 12) . This partial listing and brief discussion of the fatty materials and smaller molecules which act as prosthetic groups of enzymes Fig. 9. Photographs of models of various types of small organic molecules. A. Ethyl alcohol. B. Ascorbic acid. C. Succinic acid. D. A portion of a protein chain made to same scale as the small organic molecules. 62 The Structure of Protoplasm give us a somewhat broader view of the molecular constituents of the particles in cytoplasm. Of the dozen or more prosthetic groups, each has its own specific protein molecule, at least in vitro, ,^♦ Fig. 10. A. Adenosine triphosphate, a nucleotide plus two phosphoric acid groups. B. Flavine-adenine dinucleotide. C. Nucleic acid, a tetranucleotide. to which it may be attached. If we think of the attachment as being associated with the patterns or mosaics formed by end groups of particular amino acid residues on the surface of the protein particle, then a specific protein may mean that in order to fit a prosthetic group of one sort the configuration of the chain is different than when it fits another prosthetic group. In other words it may not mean that the amino acid composition of the chain is necessarily different in order to have specific properties but that merely a difference in configuration or arrangement of the chain lengths in the particle would suffice, since this would alter the patterns formed by the residue end groups. With these conceptions of the spatial and electrical properties of the various constituents of cytoplasmic particles, we see the need for restrictions or limitations on the infinite number of ways in which these materials could aggregate to form cytoplasmic particles; without these a future comprehension of the larger structures seems practically impossible. This aggregation, it has been pointed out (99) , may be brought about by means of three sorts of bonding forces: primary valence bonds, such as cystine bridges; bonds due to electrostatic forces, such as charged groups, or ions; electrostatic effects as observed in hydrogen bridges; and van der Waals' 4 Molecular Structure in Protoplasvi 63 cohesion forces. The most important of these are the electrical effects arising from the existence of ionized groups, since they may act at considerable distances as well as at close range, while the 9 r A> Fig. 11. A. Portion of the prosthetic group of Cytochrome c. B. Chlorophyll A. The large central ball in the porphyrin ring represents iron in Cytochrome and magnesium in Chlorophyll. other types are effective mainly at short distances, a matter of 1 to about 5 Angstroms. Here, again, we come to the borderline between the physical- chemical and the biological viewpoints. Aggregates formed by all possible combinations of these various molecules would produce merely a heterogeneous mixture in the cell, while opposed to this, organization is characteristic of the living protoplasm. Nevertheless, the various means of attachment, no matter how they are brought about, are undoubtedly the same in living as in inert matter; and Fig. 12. A. Thiamine pyrophosphate (97, 98). B. Glutathione, glutamyl- cysteinylglycine (88). The very lightly-colored ball near the middle in each model represents a sulfur atom. while it seems probable that the discrete molecules and particles, such as we have selected from the proteins, fats and other organic molecules, may not take exactly the same relative arrangement in space in vivo as they do in vitro, comprehension in the latter seems likely to aid in an understanding in the former. To this end a few points concerning the attachment of various combinations of molecules is introduced. We need not dwell on the 64 The Structure of Protoplas^n cross-linkage of a residue on one chain to a residue on an adjacent chain by means of primary valence bonds. These are merely chemical bonds such as in any molecule. We are more interested in what may be termed cohesion bondings through electrostatic and van der Waals' forces. In all cases of combinations of molecules we are thinking of the protein as being especially prominent, and there- fore we are concerned with the surfaces or faces of the protem particles. It will be recalled that certain faces of the 50 A protein molecule may have as many as fifty to sixty residue end groups exposed, forming some sort of mosaic pattern. On this only about ten to twenty are likely to be polar, and perhaps even fewer are ionized. Thus the face will have patterns also based on ionized groups. Some of these will be positively, some negatively, charged. The effect of these charges is strongly localized at a short distance above the surface, and resultants of these begin to appear as the distance from the face increases, first in accordance with the arrangement of the charges with respect to one another on the surface; and farther out, perhaps at 50 A or more, the resultant effect is a blend of all charges, internal as well as those on the surface, or is, in effect, the net charge, or the algebraic sum, of all of the charges on the particle. Interaction of two such particles may occur, providing their net charge is opposite in sign. The resultant attraction of unlike and the repulsion of like charges should produce a mutual rotation of one particle with respect to another until their most attractive sur- faces become adjacent. The surfaces should then turn until they reach a position of best fit (99) . There is some doubt as to whether the particles would be able to make direct contact because of the possible presence of a 10 A layer of "electrically saturated" water (16) around the ionized groups on their surface; that is, water which is completely polarized and oriented. As the two oppositely charged particles approached each other, they would reach a point at a separation distance of about 20 A where their shells of similarly oriented water molecules would touch; if their attraction for each other is not large, it is possible that this might act as a barrier to further approach (100) . However, in protoplasm other aggregating" mechanisms may aid in squeezing out the water molecules and in bringing the elementary protein particles into more intimate contact. For example, van der Waals' attractive forces (19) become effective at short distances of particle separation, and as the particles approach still closer, hydrogen bridges between polar residues may become Molecular Structure in Protoplasm 65 possible in addition to direct ionic linkages and cystine bridges. Thus all three types may be influential in the production of aggre- gates of protein particles. The more complementary the two faces are to one another, the greater their interaction should be (99) . Van der Waals' forces (65) are effective between all types of atoms, while hydrogen bridges and ionic linkages, on the other hand, are only possible between groups containing oxygen and nitrogen atoms (19). Ionic linkages are possible only between oppositely charged residues, such as ionized lysine and aspartic acid. In both hydrogen bridges and ionic linkages, the atoms involved will approach to a separation distance of approximately 2.8 A (19, 65) in contrast to 3.5-4 A for van der Waals' distance (101) . A primary valence bond, as in a cystine bridge, brings the bonded atoms to a distance of approximately 1.5 A (19) . The relative stability of these linkages is of interest. Ionic link- ages and gross electrical effects are markedly affected by changes in hydrogen-ion concentration (102). In addition to this, cystine bridges are influenced greatly by the concentration of electron- donating systems within the cell. Van der Waals' forces, on the other hand, are practically independent of these two factors. Tem- perature, of course, affects all forms of cohesion. Recently evidence has been accumulating which indicates that phospholipids and sterols may occur bound to the protein material (103) . That the zwitterion portion of lecithin and cephalin, previ- ously shown in Figure 7, may be effective as the means of attach- ment is indicated by the similarity in the distance of 7 A between the positive and negative charges on the lecithin, and the distance of 7 A also between adjacent amino acid residues of the protein. The lecithin might then become attached to two adjacent, oppositely ionized residues of the protein through ionic attractions, or the phosphoric acid group might bridge to a hydrogen-donating residue, such as serine or tyrosine. If attached to the protein as shown in Figure 13, it would project out about 25 A from the ends of the amino residues (104, 105) . In certain instances the phospholipids may act in blocking specific residue patterns where respiratory prosthetic groups might otherwise become attached. Concerning the attachment of the smaller molecules, the respira- tary prosthetic groups, to protein particles, it seems too early to make much more than suggestive statements, but one thing at least may be sensed from the work which has been done; that is, degrees of specificity seem to exist, or rather, some prosthetic groups may be 66 The Structure of Protoplasm much more exacting than others in the type of residue or residue combination to which they can become attached. For example, small, uncharged organic molecules, such as acetaldehyde, ethyl alcohol, etc., may require only a single polar residue; whereas small ionized monocarboxylic acids, such as formic and acetic, may require either a hydrogen-donating residue or a basically ionized group; while others, such as hexose-diphosphate and the dicar- •^♦Vi Fig. 13. Model photograph showing dimensional relationship between ad- jacent amino acid residues on the protein and the possible points of attach- ment on the phospholipid. boxylic acid, succinic, may require two adjacent residues for attach- ment and proper orientation for reaction (Fig. 14) . In some of the nucleotides only the ionized phosphoric acid group may attach to the protein (106) ; while nucleic acid may require four adjacent, positively ionized residues, such as those of arginine, for attach- ment to its four negatively charged phosphoric acid groups. Evidence (107) is accumulating which indicates that diphosphothiamine may require two points of attachment, i. e., its phosphoric acid group and the amino group of its pyrimidine ring. A somewhat similar attach- ment was suggested for lactoflavinphosphate (108, 109) . Degrees of specificity seem still more evident when it is noted that in certain instances where two adjacent residues are required, any two of seven different polar endings may be satisfactory; while in other cases a more restricted combination is necessary. The relative lengths of the adjacent residues may further restrict or Molecidar Structure in Protoplasm 67 limit residue specificity; for example, if a hydroxyl group is needed adjacent to an arginine residue ending, serine may be too short and only a tyrosine residue would suffice to furnish the hydroxyl. Again, in some instances, a large specific area consisting of as many as four to six specific residues properly placed may be required on the surface in order to provide for not only the active prosthetic group but also for the substrate molecule with which it reacts; for Fig. 14. Photographs of models showing dimensional relationship between: (A) Ascorbic acid and adjacent amino acid residues; (B) Hexose diphosphate and adjacent residues. example, in the case of the pyridine nucleotides (110) the protein determines the kind of substrate molecule with which it may react. A further instance, one in which the conception of a prosthetic group attached to the face of a particle gives way to a more complex structure, is seen in the enzyme, cytochrome. It has been said (111) "the heme residue is linked in two different ways to the protein, viz., by stable main valency bonds between the protein and one or two vinyl side chains of the porphyrin, as well as by the usual coordinate bonds between the central iron atom and some hemochromogen- forming groupings in the protein component." To accommodate this complex attachment the flat prosthetic group, shown previously in Figure 11, would have to be partially enclosed by the protein chains (129) . From such examples as these, where experimental evidence 68 The Structure of Protoplasm points obviously to the necessity for attachment of certain small molecules to specific larger ones in order to bring about particular activities, and where the only means of attachment is through a few sorts of residues restricted to limited localities on the larger molecule to specific larger ones in order to bring about particular activities, and where the only means of at- tachment is through a few sorts of residues restricted to limited localities on the larger molecule, the concep- tion of specificity is given a spatial as well as a structur- al connotation. There is still one more class of components which is involved in the construc- tion of particle aggregates in cytoplasm; this comprises the inorganic ions. In general the interactions of these small ions and the protein » "^ r% Fig. 15. Nucleic acid, a tetranucleotide, plus a protein showing dimensional rela- tionship between four phosphoric acid groups and four adjacent amino acid resi- dues. molecules are of two sorts; the ions may attach to the protein, and the protein may have a dis- placing effect on the neighboring ions in the surrounding medium. The kind and number of ions adsorbed will depend upon the nature and distribution, both quantitative and spatial, of the charged groups on the protein particle. The monovalent ions, Na+ and K+, will have some tendency to associate with ionized carboxyl groups, but the divalent ions, Ca"l + and Mg++, will have a more pronounced tend- ency to become absorbed (112, 7) . The negative ions, NOs", SO4 , and PO4 , have been shown to associate with basic proteins (113) probably with the residues of lysine, histidine, and arginine. Studies of the displacement of the isoelectric point of various proteins with changes of ion concentration of the solution (7, 114) give evidence of ion association with the protein. These examples of aggregation in which only one protein molecule is involved with another protein, or with a fatty molecule, or with another small organic molecule, or an inorganic ion, are instances of simple interactions involving only two molecules at a time. It Molecular Structure in Protoplasm 69 seems probable, however, that in the Uving organism several organic molecules and ions become attached to a single protein molecule to form a complex aggregate (115). The complexity to which this is likely to lead may be brought out by referring to the composition of active protoplasm as given in Table 2 where an average situation is shown based on one molecule of protein of molecular weight 36,000. A content of 2 per cent for the fatty materials (69) corresponds to about 10 molecules, such as those of the phospholipids, and the percentages of remaining materials indi- cate about 20 small organic molecules and perhaps 50 to 100 inorganic ions, also present on the average for each protein molecule of this size. The small organic molecules include principally such substrate molecules as those of hexose, triose, etc., since analyses indicate very small amounts of the pyridine nucleotides (116) of cytochrome (117) , thiamine-pyrophosphate (97) and riboflavinphosphate (118) . In fact, computations show the number of these to be only 1 pyridine nucleotide to about 20 molecules of protein of the size mentioned; 1 cytochrome to about 500 to 600 protein; 1 thiamine pyrophosphate to about 1,700, and 1 riboflavinphosphate to about 1,300 protein molecules of 50 A size. If we now think of the protein as a cube of 50 A with six faces and about ten polar amino acid residues on at least four faces, we will have perhaps fifty potential places of attachment for the various smaller molecules and ions, and in all there must be at least 150 molecules and ions available in the cytoplasm for each protein par- ticle of 50 A in size, thus making it seem probable that some of the small organic molecules are not attached to the protein but instead are contained in the channels and submicroscopic vacuoles. We now have some comprehension of an elementary protein par- ticle to which several phospholipids as well as several inorganic ions and perhaps a respiratory prosthetic group are attached. In the living protoplasm, however, it seems reasonably certain that several or many complexes of this sort are attached to form larger and structurally more complex aggregates which serve particular pur- poses. Down in the lower submicroscopic region, however, relatively little is known concerning the aggregation of these conjugated pro- teins with one another; further, there is very little evidence concern- ing the quantitative distribution and localization of these materials throughout the cell. Aggregation of a number of small 50 A protein particles into a larger complex involves the nature of the outer faces of the particles, 70 The Structure of Protoplasm the number and distribution of the polar residue end groups. If the particles could come together, face to face, a rather solid protein complex would be formed; but with the large number of phospho- lipids and smaller organic molecules present in protoplasm it seems likely that some of them would intervene and prevent close face-to- face attachment. We would expect, then, a rather wide separation of perhaps 25-50 A due to the presence of the long hydrocarbon chains of the phospholipids on some faces and less separation due to the smaller organic molecules on other faces. It should be pointed out also that inorganic ions may prove to be of considerable importance in the formation of loose and transitory aggregates (122). If we allow ourselves to speculate somewhat concerning the in- ternal construction of the larger particles consisting of an aggre- gation of perhaps thousands of these complex, conjugated proteins, it seems reasonable to think that rather compact regions may occur in addition to regions in which, either due to the overlapping of particles or to loose aggregation (122), submicroscopic vacuoles oc- cur. It is possible that it is in these regions that many of the "vital" activities take place. In other words, the complex aggregates of many simple 50 A particles are likely to be relatively porous with some small and some large submicroscopic vacuoles. These loose, spongy, complex aggregates may consist of a thousand component protein particles, interpenetrated with water channels which widen here and there to form the internal vacuoles, or "reaction chambers" as they have been called (123). The walls of these "chambers" are the faces of the protein particles to which fatty materials and res- piratory prosthetic groups may be attached, probably in some spe- cific pattern. The "chambers" may be relatively isolated from one another within the same complex and are likely to vary somewhat in their activity towards a substrate molecule. It seems possible that the substrate molecule may be transformed in one manner in. one "reaction chamber" and in quite a different manner in another. By this means a channeling of reactions may occur which would not take place if these materials were mixed and distributed in any other fashion. Such a definite arrangement may be considered as one phase of orgayiization in the particle as a whole. The existence of complexes, whose activity depends upon the integrity of the whole and whose organization is relatively easily disturbed, has been demonstrated recently (14, 124, 125). The need for such particular specific internal arrangements between the res- piratory components has been sensed for some time (111) , and it Molecular Structure in Protoplasm 71 seems probable that many vital activities take place in such or- ganized structures. With this conception of aggregates in which protein molecules with attached smaller organic molecules are in turn held together by cohesion forces of the same sort, hydrogen bridges, ionic bondings, and van der Waals' forces, the enormous number of submicroscopic granules in the fluid cytoplasm begin to take on the suggestion of individual characteristics. Some may be too small or too simple to perform any particular activity; others, although complex enough, may be nonfunctional because they do not contain the proper con- stituents or because of unsuitable arrangement of the constituents; while some are definitely functional in character. A functional ag- gregate is comparable to a large "floating laboratory" in which a variety of separate, although coordinated projects are being carried out. Throughout this discussion, in which we have been concerned with the molecular components of protoplasm and with the manner in which their constituent atomic and molecular groups would allow them to fit together, we have made use of the "particle" as a means of keeping the molecular characteristics constantly in sight; and al- though this has been a convenient means, it is based on in vitro experimentation almost exclusively. The obvious question of the biologist is: To what extent is it applicable to the living state? The principal difference seems to lie in the random nature of the in vitro world and the organization of the materials in the in vivo world; further, in the living cell the functional aggregates are formed in the presence of organized structures, of pre-existing mechanisms or patterns. We have come to a point where we wonder whether the elemen- tary molecules interact simply by chance as recognized by statistical methods or, instead of this freedom, have some orderliness brought into their relationships by restrictions imposed upon them by their living environment. The nature of this orderliness in construction must be consistent with the behavior of the living cell, and our way of thinking must now be altered to include the biological, as well as the chemical-physical, statistical point of view. At this stage it now becomes a matter of not what possible things can happen to protein particles and to the other component molecules to transform them into protoplasm, but instead, what has happened to bring about the construction of active protoplasm from which these organic mole- cules were obtained. 72 The Structure of Protoplasm Perhaps it will clarify matters somewhat if we start with the raw materials available to the plant and attempt to trace, in a general way, their formation into larger aggregates. Inorganic ions and water molecules are brought into the plant where carbon atoms from car- bon dioxide have already been bound together into short carbon chains with hydrogens and oxygens attached, as in glucose. These we may think of as the basic substances. They are not combined at random to form various substances, but instead are brought into the presence of an already existing protoplasm, where only particular constructions are permissible. The protoplasm present is a "going concern" consisting of mechanisms which are capable of converting these raw materials into particular molecular structures. We now become confronted with the matter of construction, or shall we call it synthesis. But synthesis of what, of more protoplasm, in place, from basic materials, a sort of accretion; or of more mechanisms similar to those already existing as component structures of the pro- toplasm; or synthesis of large molecules, as those of protein, which we may think of as building blocks used for construction of the mechanisms? In other words, where does chance, as exemplified by random interaction, enter into the formation of new protoplasm, and at what stage does the pattern of pre-existing materials cease to be of significance? We are rather rapidly heading towards a dynamic picture, yet it is the static, or only a single frame from a movie film, with which we would momentarily be satisfied. If we should discover that it is the larger molecules which are synthesized, then we have the task of finding how they are put together to form a mechanism; and when we know that, we still have to discover the organized arrangement of the mechanisms which will produce active protoplasm. We have omitted to mention synthesis of smaller molecules of which the larger seem to be composed. The queries come up, which we repeat although difficult to formulate clearly, as to whether the new proto- plasm is built up by accretion in situ from the basic small-molecule materials, or by addition of large already-elaborated molecules to the existing protoplasmic structures, or by bringing already-built mechanisms into proper relations for protoplasmic activity. The difficulty of merely stating the questions is probably evident. Many additional queries arise concerning "mechanisms," the simplest of which may be the respiration complex which we have just considered in a general way. Here the nature of the complex is not yet well established, although small molecular mechanisms, en- Molecular Structure in Protoplasm 73 zymes in this case, are fairly well known (64) . The larger complex is thought to consist of several different enzymes which function in a series, one reaction following another in more or less gradual steps leading eventually to the disintegration of glucose. Each of the en- zymes consists of a protein molecule and a prosthetic group. The prosthetic groups, at least several of them, are known; and of the pro- tein, the molecular weights of some are known, but little more in- formation is available concerning them except that they are specific for their particular prosthetic groups. The steps in the disintegration process are known to some extent although not completely; we know the materials which go into the machine and the details of a consider- able amount of the disintegration as well as the final products; thus here we have the parts of the machine and know how they perform by themselves, but we do not know how to put them together to form the complete structure; that is, we are ignorant of the arrangement of the small mechanisms in the complex as a whole. Recent evidence makes it seem probable that these small respira- tory mechanisms may be associated with still other small mechanisms to carry on even more complex activities. For example, the presence of copper and iron along with chlorophyll, proteins, and lipoids has been shown in isolated, intact chloroplasts (119, 120), thereby in- dicating that respiratory mechanisms are probably associated with photosynthetic mechanisms in the minute chlorophyll-containing portions. Concerning this synthetic process we know with a con- siderable degree of certainty that the raw materials which go into the machine are carbon dioxide and water and that the products which come out are glucose and oxygen; and we know here also the mole- cular nature of part of the machine, the energy-absorbing chloro- phyll molecule and in general the protein chain. This is a step in advance of the leucoplast where the material going in, glucose, and that coming out, starch grain, are known, but concerning the mole- cular structure of the machine, practically nothing is known except that it probably is mainly protein. In contrast to the chloroplast, however, here the end product, the starch grain, is microscopically visible. In the microscope we see a leucoplast as a complex mechanism, but as though at a great distance, for the details are invisible, al- though the output of starch grain is seen. Here we see a mechanism as a whole but know nothing of the smaller component mechanisms or of their molecular details. By taking the starch grain apart we have learned that the mechanism is capable of condensing glucose 74 The Structure of Protoplasyn molecules and placing them in an orderly manner to form the starch grain. It seems probable that, in detail, there are many small mechan- isms within the plastid which are active in placing the glucose mole- cules on the surface of the grain and also in producing an ether link- age between them. Actually we know only that the starch grain becomes larger; to our mechanistic minds there must be machinery of some sort, but of its construction we know very little. In the plastid we think of an orderliness of some sort, in the placement of the ma- chinery which produces starch grains, since the shapes of the starch grains are fairly specific with plant species, and as a matter of fact, the behavior of the starch itself is in some respects almost as specific as the structures of the grains. Despite this, it seems fairly reasonable to think that the individual mechanisms which bring about the con- densation of glucose to starch are more or less universal in plants. From the biological point of view we think of the plastid as a very large particle. Shall we think of its growth as consisting of a build- ing-up process, in place, from small molecules, or large molecules as of protein, or from ready-made small mechanisms? We come to similar questions concerning a large protein molecule of some thou- sand atoms. Is there a machine to manufacture these with the proper amount of amino acids for each species and for each mechanism where several specific proteins are apparently needed as in respira- tion? Or is it more likely that the protein molecules are merely the wreckage of the larger mechanism complexes which were built by accretion of the small basic molecules? Questions of this sort and the discussion of them leads primarily to a demand for experimental answers, and each small point is likely to mean a large experimental task. Concerning these questions which have been posed here, there is undoubtedly much more information in the literature than is known to any one of us. Some of it is based on cytology or allied subjects; some on morphological, some on physiological and some on other bio- logical procedures. Here and there are items in chemical and phys- ical journals. Our questions involve the interpretation of biological experiments from a physical and chemical point of view; for example, the microscopic measurement of the rate of deposition of a growing cell wall, the transverse septum of an algal cell (121) . This is a bio- logical experiment, yet the interpretation of these measurements into the rate of deposition of glucose molecules is chemical in that it gives a rate of ether linkage formation, and physical in that the process of crystal formation may be studied. Molecular Structure in Protoplasm 75 Experimental work is greatly desired which takes the molecular viewpoint into consideration even though the direct purpose of the experiment is based on a higher dimensional level. On the other hand it may be possible that the molecular viewpoint and the sub- microscopic viewpoint, where molecular structure of the particle is taken into consideration, will help to direct the experimental at- tempts to answer the many questions which are constantly arising. Suggestive bits of information come out of the molecular dimen- sional models and also from the conception of cohesion forces in their manner of holding molecules and particles together. This informa- tion seems directly applicable to the materials of protoplasm, for regardless of whether we are dealing with large molecules, with mechanisms, or with the summation of these into a protoplasmic mass, we still are dealing with atoms and atomic groups and with the forces which are involved in their interaction and in the formation of mole- cular structures. Further, the atoms and the molecular groups occupy specific amounts of space which must be reckoned with in their movement within a concentrated mixture, especially when organ- ized to the extent of cytoplasm. SUMMARY A very short summary may help to point out what we consider to be important in forming conceptions of molecular structure, as we now think of it in protoplasm. Specifically, the atomic radii and their directive valence angles should be the same in vivo as in vitro. They give shape and size to structures on the molecular level and should actively influence structure on higher levels. The primary valence bond may be considered as furnishing the binding strength and closeness of atomic approach necessary to make the molecule an entity. The manner of attachment of molecules and particles to one an- other must be the same in the cell as in vitro; that is, by means of H-bridges, ionic and van der Waals' attraction. The H-bridge is effect- ive directly between two atoms of oxygen and nitrogen only. Ionic forces of attraction may be effective in a similar individual manner between oppositely charged groups; and also as a resultant of several or many charges. Thus particles may be held together by several negatively and positively charged atoms pairing up directly and also by the resultant field produced by all of the charges on the particle, within as well as on the surface. Van der Waals' forces act much less locally on a particle; instead, they act more like a diffuse field 76 The Structure of Protoplasm around the particle as a whole. The strength of attachment will depend to such a great extent upon the specific nature of the approaching atoms and faces that little more can be said than that a considerable although a relatively limited number of variations occur. This must be evident when one considers the possibilities existent in the approach, face to face, of two protein particles. An H-bridge may be effective at one point, several ions may pair up at other points, and van der Waals' forces will always be effective when the surfaces are close together; that is, within 3 to 5 A. Attachment of prosthetic groups to the protein is thought to occur specifically. In some instances the small molecule may be bound directly to the protein through hydrogen bridges, in other cases through ionic pairing. Primary valence bonds and even van der Waals' forces are not to be excluded. The spacing between the atomic constituents which are thought to be active in the attach- ment of the prosthetic group to the protein was shown to be com- patible in certain instances with the distance of about 7 A between adjacent residues on the protein chain. These fundamental concepts of molecular models and inter- molecular forces of attraction make it possible to determine the nature of larger structures. The larger structures we may think of as particles at one moment, principally because we are familiar with microscopic particles in protoplasm; while at another moment we may think of them as mechanisms, because we know from experi- mental procedures that particles are involved in activities of various sorts. From the composition of the particles we are enabled to carry over the structural molecular concepts to the mechanisms, but only insofar as we know the composition of the mechanisms. Organization of these mechanisms, in some as yet undetermined manner, in the cell, we assume at the present stage of investigations, constitutes the physical basis for vital activities. In conclusion, we feel that this organization within the cell, which is without doubt responsible for the phenomena presented by a living organism, is of such a nature that further elucidation of it may come from the application of the fundamental concepts mentioned, to experimental investigations involving both biological and physical-chemical pro- 2edures. LITERATURE CITED 1. Sponsler, O. L. The Quarterly Review of Biology VIII, 1, 1933. 2. Gaidukov. N. Ber. d. Deutschen Bat. Gesell 24, 107, 155, 580. 1906; Dunkel- jeldheleuchtujig und Ultraynicroscopie in der Biologie und in der Medi- zin, Jena. 1910. Molecidar Structure in Protoplasvn 77 3. Chambers, R. Jour. Exp. Zool. 23, 483. 1917. 4. Bayliss, W. M. Proc. Roy. Soc, Series B. 91, 196. 1920. 5. Price, S. R. A7i?i. Bot. 28, 601. 1914. 6. Taylor, C. V. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol, and Med. 22, 533. 1925. 7. Lloyd, D. J., and A. Shore. The Chemistry of the Proteins. Philadelphia. 1938. 8. Schmidt, C. L. A. 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Those few among us who had the good fortune to work in his laboratory will remember him as one of the most inspiring teachers, fair and tolerant colleagues, and gracious companions that a man could desire. His was a truly great character. Biology has lost one of its ablest and noblest friends. [83] SOME MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SOLS AND GELS AND THEIR RELATION TO PROTOPLASMIC STRUCTURE Herbert Freundlich Editor's Note: This article was found among the papers of the late Professor H. Freundlich in an unfinished state. The first part, dealing with the mechanical properties of sols and gels, seems to be nearly complete. No notes concerning the latter part were found. Except for minor styhstic alterations and correction of typographical errors, the manuscript is printed as found. The references and figures were added by L. Moyer and K. Sollner. In older textbooks of physiology, let us say of about 1900, the state of aggregation of protoplasm is left very unclear.^ It is fre- quently considered to be fluid. On the other hand, it is emphasized that life processes seem to require a well-defined "organization" and that such an organization can hardly be imagined without some kind of a more or less solid structure. There is practically no indi- cation of the fact that the mechanical properties of protoplasm differ essentially from those of normal liquids or solids and that they may be correlated with its colloidal nature. References to colloids are found, if at all, when the impermeability of membranes to proteins, or swelling, or the scarcity of distinct crystals are discussed. This outlook has completely changed during the last twenty years. It has been found that there may exist a number of inter- mediate stages between the normal liquid state and the state of a crystalline solid. These are frequently observed in colloidal sys- tems, particularly if they contain a sufficiently high amount of dis- perse phase. Consequently, concentrated colloidal solutions may differ essentially in their mechanical properties (viscosity, elas- ticity, etc.) from normal, so-called Newtonian liquids. These differ- ences may be manifold. Two limiting cases are of outstanding im- portance; the first is that of thixotropy. Whereas the viscosity of a Newtonian liquid is not changed by mechanical means, such as flow- ing or stirring, a thixotropic system becomes less viscous while flowing or when being stirred. This phenomenon is particularly ob- vious if we have a thixotropic gel: It is liquefied by shaking and sets again to a gel when at rest. We thus have an isothermal, reversible, sol-gel transformation. - [85] 86 Tks Structure of Protoplasm We are dealing with a thixotropic change, too, if the viscosity of a concentrated sol can be reduced by shaking or stirring and if it increases again when at rest. The viscosity of such a sol differs in other respects from that of a Newtonian liquid. It is anomalous, i.e., it does not obey Poiseuille's law for laminar flow; the amount of liquid passing through a capillary in a given time depends on the applied pressure in a different way. Speaking more specifically, the viscous resistance is not directly proportional to the velocity gradient of the laminar flow, as in Newtonian liquids. The characteristic behavior of anomalously viscous, thixotropic sols and likewise of thixotropic gels is correlated with the existence of a yield value. This can be demonstrated in a graphic way by using a viscometer, in which a ball is pulled through the viscous system in question by a weight which can be increased at will; for different weights the speed of the moving ball is compared.^' In a Newtonian liquid the speed is proportional to the weight applied (curve 1 in Fig. 1) . In a thixotropic sol or gel we have a yield value (A) : The weight must exceed a certain minimum to cause the ball to move; only with higher weights does its speed change in a way similar to that ob- served in a normal liquid (cf. curve 2 in Fig. 1). Curve 1 refers to glycerol, a typically Newtonian liquid, curve 2 to a thixotropic, aqueous iron oxide gel. In other cases we may actually have a less straightforward behavior: a curve which, at higher weights, is simi- lar to curve 2 but which does not intersect the abscissa; instead, it is curved and passes through the zero point. Systems showing anomalous viscosity also exhibit a characteris- tic behavior with respect to their electrical conductivity. The elec- trical conductivity of an aqueous solution is markedly influenced by its Newtonian viscosity; as a rule, it is, in a first approximation, inversely proportional to the viscosity. For instance, the electrical conductivity of an aqueous salt solution having a fairly high vis- cosity, owing to the presence of a suitable concentration of glycerol, is lower than that of a solution of the same salt concentration in pure water. The anomalous viscosity of a thixotropic sol or gel, on the other hand, leaves the electrical conductivity practically un- changed. The electrical conductivity of a salt solution remains the same, although it may contain so much gelatin that its apparent vis- cosity is about equal to that of the solution containing glycerol.^ It is well known that even gels of gelatin (containing electrolytes) or of soaps do not differ in their electrical conductivity from the sols from which they were produced. ' Presumably the movement of the Sols and Gels — Relation to Protoplasmic Structure 87 ions is not influenced by the structure of thixotropic sols and gels, which is very coarse compared to the small size of the ions. Finally, not only gels but also sols of this type (gelatin, soaps, etc.) show elastic properties. Small solid particles suspended in such a sol may be moved by an external force but return to their Fig. 1. original position when the force stops acting, a phenomenon not ob- served in Newtonian liquids.'' This elasticity in sols is not found so regularly as the other characteristic properties just mentioned. The presence of distinctly rod-shaped colloidal particles is perhaps more decisive in causing elastic effects than it is with the other properties characteristic of this kind of anomalous viscosity. Thixotropic behavior is not exceptional; it is very common, pro- vided that suitable concentrations of the colloid are chosen. Ex- amples are: thixotropic, aqueous gels of many oxides' (aluminum, iron, scandium, vanadium, titanium, thorium, etc.), of colloidal 88 The Structure of Protoplasm bentonite,*^ of myosin,^ and tobacco mosaic virus/" of dibenzoyl- cystine^^ and of barium malonate^- in a medium of water and alcohol. Aqueous solutions of gelatin have been found to show thixotropy, both as concentrated solutions and as gels.^^ Coarse suspensions containing particles with a diameter of 1^ and more may also be thixotropic: They behave as a liquid while being shaken and settle to a solid paste when shaking stops. This behavior is again found very frequently with aqueous suspensions of clays, slates (Solnhofen slate) , and many powdered minerals (mica, iron oxide, jet, etc.)^^; with finely powdered mercaptoben- zothiazol in many organic liquids (benzine, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, benzene, toluene, etc.)^''; and in suspensions of many pigments in oils.^'' Bentonite is a particalrly good example of a sub- stance forming thixotropic systems both in colloidal and in coarse suspensions.'^ The mechanical properties of coarse suspensions are important because they enable us to understand better the mecha- nism of these phenomena. Hence I shall have to refer to them fre- quently, although protoplasm is certainly a truly colloidal system containing very much smaller particles. The other limiting case is that of dilatancy. So far, it has been investigated only in coarse suspensions. Although observed and named by Osborne Reynolds^ ^ in 1885, it has only recently been recognized as a remarkable counterpart to thixotropy. Osborne Reynolds used the term when describing the behavior of moist quartz sand: It whitens and appears to be dry when the foot falls on it and becomes wet again when the foot is raised. An aqueous suspension of finely ground quartz powder (particle size 1 to 5 |.i) at a concentration of about 44 per cent of the solid is strongly dilatant^: A glass rod can easily be moved through the mass at low speed, but an enormous resistance is set up if the speed is increased above a certain limit. Using the viscometer mentioned above, curve 3 (cf. Fig. 1) is observed: The suspension behaves like a Newtonian liquid at low speeds but, from a certain higher speed, the horizontal part of the curve implies a solid behavior. In this part of the curve there are some intricacies which are better dis- cussed later. Suspensions of intact starch grains in water are strongly dilatant too." There is every reason to believe that colloidal solutions may also be dilatant. A colloidal solution of silicic acid of a suitable con- centration and pH is found to be extremely viscous but Newtonian in its behavior; it becomes hard and brittle, breaking up to a white, Sols and Gels — Helation to Protoplasynic Structure 89 dry powder when crushed with a stout glass rod. Left to itself, the powdered mass returns again to its original viscous liquid state. ^"^ A technical product, Nuodex Calcium-S (a colloidal solution of about 10 per cent calcium naphthenate in a petroleum distillate), shows a similar behavior.^ "^ A complete curve of one of these colloidal systems corresponding to curve 3 in Figure 1 has not yet been measured. The behavior of coarse particles of suspensions under the micro- scope gives us a clue concerning that property of the particles which makes a suspension dilatant or thixotropic.^''- ^'' The particles of a dilatant suspension are quite independent of each other; there is not the least indication of coagulation. If they are settled on the slide, they are all separated from each other; if dislodged and driven into the liquid by a slight knock, they remain separated in Brownian movement until they have settled again. On the other hand, the particles of a thixotropic suspension are always found to be coagu- lated to a certain degree, sticking together and forming clusters. If brought into suspension in the liquid, they may be temporarily separated from each other, but they always unite again to clusters. This distinctive behavior allows us to understand many results obtained with thixotropic or dilatant systems. For instance, in order to make a concentrated iron oxide sol thixotropic a small amount of a coagulating electrolyte like NaCl must be added, an amount much smaller than that needed for actual coagulation.-" In agreement with the positive C-potential of the iron oxide par- ticles and with the Schulze-Hardy rule, the anions are especially effective. Smaller concentrations of polyvalent anions are necessary to obtain the same state of thixotropy, which is characterized by the same time of re-solidification to a gel after the original gel has been liquefied to a sol by shaking. The thixotropic state, therefore, is often considered to be a primary stage of coagulation. The following experiments done by W. Heller prove this concept more quantitatively-^: If an iron oxide sol, which is just too dilute in iron oxide to give a thixotropic gel on adding a certain amount of electrolyte, is centrifuged after the electrolyte has been added, a more concentrated, gelatinous sediment is accumulated at the bottom of the vessel. This sediment is not formed on using the same centrifugal force, if no electrolyte has been added. The sediment can be reversibly redispersed in the liquid by shaking. If the sedi- ment is separated from the less concentrated liquid on top, it is found to be a normal, i. e., reversible, thixotropic gel. From the 90 The Structure of Protoplasm way the rate of sedimentation is correlated with the concentration of the added electrolyte, it can be concluded that reversible coagu- lates are formed. These are very rich in water and contain a number of colloidal iron oxide particles. This number increases greatly with increasing concentration of the added electrolyte. Such revers- ible coagulates, "geloids," are also formed in the original dilute sol on adding electrolyte, but their concentration is not high enough to let them coalesce to a coherent structure and turn the whole sol to a gel. If, however, the geloids are concentrated by centrifuging, they coalesce to a thixotropic gel. By investigating the change of so-called conservative light absorption during the process of thixo- tropic gelation, i. e., the light absorption caused exclusively by the scattering of light (due to the presence of the colloidal particles) , it can be shown that the reversible coagulation causing thixotropy is always accompanied by a certain degree of irreversible coagu- lation, which increases strongly with increasing electrolyte concen- tration.-- This irreversible coagulation is the chief factor in the regular coagulation occurring at higher concentrations of electrolyte. How many colloidal particles are contained in a geloid and how their number depends on the nature of the colloid is not known. These differences may be marked, as can be concluded from the fact that the minimum concentrations of colloid, when a thixotropic gel is formed, vary distinctly: For an iron oxide sol (of the Graham type) , this concentration is about 5 gm. per litre, -^ for a VoO-, sol, it is only about 0.1 gm. per litre. -^ Thixotropy may be sensitive to very small changes in the con- centration of substances contained in the sol. Thus iron oxide sols are particularly sensitive to H- and OH' ions"; the time of solidifica- tion is strongly increased by an increase in H* ions, decreased by an increase in OH' ions, i. e., an increase in H- ions has a liquefy- ing effect and vice versa.-"' A pH change from 3.9 to 3.1 caused the time of solidification to rise from 82 seconds to 150 minutes. By dipping a silver plate into an iron oxide gel for 18 hours, the pH changed from 3.4 to 3.8, producing a decrease in the time of solidifi- cation from 33 minutes to 72 seconds. It was further found that amino acids had a liquefying action upon these gels, independent of the change they caused in pH, i. e., they increased the time of solidification, although they increased the pH.-*^ It is important, also, from a biological point of view, that not onlv electrolytes, but also suitable organic nonelectrolytes, are able Sols and Gels — Relation to Protoplasmic Structure 91 to produce thixotropy. Alcohol added to a suitable iron oxide sol makes it thixotropic.--^ We are probably dealing with a coagulation due to "dehydration." These iron oxide sols may be considered to be sufficiently hydrophilic to allow one to expect such effects of dehydration as are discussed by Kruyt and Bungenberg de Jong in their theory of the stability of hydrophilic sols and of coacerva- tion.-^ If the alcohol is removed from the thixotropic gel by exposing it to sulfuric acid in a desiccator, the gel is liquefied to a sol. All these results show that substances causing a certain degree I of coagulation lead to the formation of thixotropic systems. Inversely, a strong peptizing agent, making the particles independent of each other, can transform a thixotropic system (having the proper par- ticle size) into a dilatant one. A technical dispersing agent, "Horn- kem," a sulfonated product of vegetable origin, applied in a suitably high concentration in aqueous solution, acts upon ZnO particles in such a way that it produces a strongly dilatant suspension parallel with a maximum degree of dispersion.-' In pure water, the same ZnO produces a very stiff paste without any indication of dilatancy. In this case it can even be observed that thixotropy requires a medium degree of coagulation: In pure water the degree of cluster- ing is too great to allow a thixotropic behavior of the suspension; if, however, the right amount of a dilute solution of Hornkem is added, the paste becomes thixotropic, whereas at higher concen- trations of Hornkem a state of high dispersion and dilatancy is reached.-' It fits in well with these results that a dilatant paste can be transformed into a thixotropic one by causing a certain degree of coagulation of the particles. Hydrophilic colloids at low concentra- tions favor the coagulation of hydrophobic particles, the phenome- non of sensitization; whereas at high concentration they protect the hydrophobic system. In this way, lecithin at low concentration may coagulate aqueous quartz suspensions to a certain degree-'^; this is proved by the marked increase in the rate of sedimentation of the clustered particles after lecithin has been added. Only in this range of sensitization by the lecithin are these quartz suspensions found to be thixotropic, whereas they are dilatant in pure water. The following facts cannot, presumably, be applied to biological phenomena, but they deserve to be mentioned briefly, nevertheless. The thixotropic or dilatant state depends strongly on the dispersion medium. Whereas suspensions of quartz or of intact starch grains 92 The Structure of Protoplasm are dilatant in water, they are thixotropic in organic liquids such as benzene, carbon tetrachloride, etc.^ It is possible to pass gradually from one state to the other by using two miscible liquids. In these organic liquids, too, a small amount of a second sub- stance may cause a marked change in behavior: A paste made from a very fine iron powder and carbon tetrachloride is pronouncedly plastic, a behavior which is practically always correlated with a marked thixotropy.-'' On adding a small amount of oleic acid, the paste is liquefied to a strongly dilatant suspension. The adsorption of the oleic acid on the surface of the particles produces a state of independence, and hence dilatancy. Suspensions of finely powdered solids in organic liquids, such as mixtures of oils, have been used for a very long time as paints. It is, therefore, no wonder that painters have been acquainted with the manifold, anomalous mechanical properties of suspensions, though without having defined such limiting cases as thixotropy and dilatancy. But it can hardly be doubted that many pastes of paints, described as stiff and plastic and as having a marked yield value, are thixotropic (in our terminology) if the concentration of the solid is suitably chosen, whereas if they were dispersed to a mobile liquid by the right dispersing agent, they would show dilatancy, again at a suitable concentration of the solid. Green,^" at a time when the phenomenon of thixotropy was hardly known, pubhshed striking photomicrographs of plastic pastes of ZnO formed by sus- pension in kerosene, which showed the ZnO particles to be coagu- lated. When poppy seed oil was added as a dispersing agent, the same particles were independent and dispersed. They are shown in Figures 2a and 2b and are good examples of the state of the particles in a thixotropic and in a dilatant system. Our knowledge of the forces acting between the particles and causing these phenomena is not yet sufficiently advanced to allow me to state concisely, in the compass of a lecture, the processes involved. Only a few points may be mentioned. The geloids in thixotropic sols and gels are closely related to the factoids,^-' i. e., double refracting groups of oriented particles formed spontaneously in concentrated sols containing nonspherical particles,-""' and to the coacervates as defined by Bungenberg de Jong,-'^ i. e., hquid coagu- lates of hydrophilic sols containing one or more kinds of colloidal particles. In geloids, tactoids, and coacervates, the colloidal particles are very far apart,-^^ up to many yi. It is, therefore, improbable that the attraction between the particles is due to van der Waals' forces, Sols and Gels — Relatio7i to Protoplasmic Structure 93 which act over smaller distances; an attraction due to electric forces is more probable. The possibility has been considered that both attractive and repulsive forces between the particles may be of electric origin.''- But this concept is perhaps not easily reconciled with the fact that the forces between the particles may be markedly specific. Vanadium pentoxide, as well as benzopurpurin sols, form tactoids which carry a negative electric charge. In a mixed sol of the two, under proper conditions, both kinds of tactoids may be formed ■^- i>.'**»i*.. *'■■..■ -J* "^ ' J B Fig. 2. side by side, containing only VoO-, and benzopurpurin particles respectively.'^^ These two kinds of tactoids can be distinguished, because those of V2O,-, are positively, those of the dyestuff negatively, double refracting. The very specific behavior of some ions when producing autocomplex coacervates must also be mentioned in this connection. The nonspherical shape of the colloidal particles strongly favors thixotropy. But the opinion, which has been occasionally expressed, that nonspherical shape is an indispensable factor for thixotropy is not correct. Thixotropic systems are known whose particles hardly deviate from the spherical shape, e. g., pastes of intact starch grains in organic liquids.'' It is becoming more and more probable''^ that the thixotropic, i. e., isothermal change, sol ^^ gel, is the general phenomenon. When dealing with the so-called, nonisothermal sol ^ gel transformation, as we have it in aqueous sols of gelatin, agar, or methyl cellulose,^'' we must distinguish between (1) the actual sol ^ gel transforma- 94 The Structure of Protoplasjn tion, which presumably has the same mechanism as the thixotropic transformation and which is not changed essentially by a change of temperature, and (2) a change in the solvation of the particles, which depends pronouncedly on temperature.'^"' The latter factor may secondarily influence the sol ^ gel change. Gelatin and agar have the normal behavior — the gel is formed at low temperatures, the sol at higher ones — whereas sols of methyl cellulose show the so-called inverse, nonisothermal sol ^ gel transformation: The gel is produced at higher temperatures and turns to a sol again on being cooled. The problems of thixotropy are always those of a special kind of coagulation. Dilatancy is observed when the particles have a very small, or perhaps even the least possible, tendency to be coagulated, i. e., they do not stick spontaneously to each other at all. As long as the suspension is exposed to weak mechanical forces, the particles glide easily past each other, thanks to the continuous layers of liquid between them. But if the forces applied exceed a certain limit, the particles are brought much closer together. This may lead to a displacement of the layer causing the independence of the particles — the layer of oleic acid in the case of the iron particles, or the electric double layer in aqueous suspensions — and the particles may be made to touch each other. This will cause a high resistance toward the acting force. As soon as the force stops acting, the particles return to their independent behavior, which corresponds to a state of equilibrium, and the suspension again assumes its liquid state.^' We do not yet know whether thixotropy and dilatancy are always produced by the same kind of mechanism or whether one will have to distinguish different types of these phenomena in the future. These do not represent the only characteristic features of anomalous viscosity in colloidal solutions and in suspensions. One other phe- nomenon may be mentioned, because it has been confused with dilatancy. Gels of V-Or, and of bentonite, suspensions of clays, etc., are liquefied by strong shaking and stirring, but a weak movement — a tapping or rolling of the vessel containing the liquefied system — may markedly increase the rate of setting to a solid gel or paste. This phenomenon has been called rheopexy.^*^ Striking experiments were done by Hauser and Reed ^^ with aqueous bentonite sols; these sols were fairly homodisperse, the particle diameter of the finest dispersion being about 15 mji (a) , that of the coarsest 35 mf^i (b) . The times of normal thixotropic setting were 42 seconds and 70 minutes 1 Sols and Gels — Relation to Protoplasmic Structure 95 for a and b respectively. The rheopectic effect was produced by grasping the tube containing the sol between two fingers and oscil- lating it like a pendulum about the point where it was grasped. The times of rheopectic setting were about 10 seconds and 40 seconds for a and b respectively. In rheopexy, the nonspherical shape seems to be a decisive factor in causing the phenomenon. The gel (or paste) produced by rheopectic action does not appear to have the same structure as the one that has set spontaneously. The difference between dilatancy and rheopexy is obvious: In dilatancy the final state is liquid; the system behaves as a sohd only as long as the external force is acting. In rheopexy the final state is solid; the external force, causing the slight movement, only increases the rate of solidification. The mechanical forces causing liquefaction in thixotropy and the increased rate of solidification in rheopexy may be replaced by the action of ultrasonic waves.-^^' ^^ These phenomena deserve to be discussed here, because the action of ultrasonics upon organisms has already produced some interesting results and may lead to a better discrimination of the manifold influence of mechanical forces upon living systems.^^'* Thixotropic gels like those of iron oxide, etc., are liquefied by ultrasonics of sufficiently high energy.^^ Experiments of this kind are done by simply dipping the test tube containing the gel into the oil fountain that is formed above the vibrating quartz plate gener- ating the ultrasonic waves; the plate is lying in an oil bath. This effect is one of so-called cavitation.^" The waves produce periodic dilations and compressions in the systems through which they pass. The dilations may be intense enough to cause the liquid to tear, i. e., a cavity is formed, filled with the vapor of the liquid. This cavity may collapse, if it again gets into a region of higher pressure. This collapse of a cavity — to which we are referring if we speak of an effect of cavitation — may lead to very high local concentrations of energy and hence to effects like those of an explosion. It is appar- ently mainly this phenomenon that produces the strongly destruc- tive effects of ultrasonics.^" Cavitation is, for instance, the cause of the strong dispersing action of ultrasonics upon mixtures of organic liquids, such as benzene and water, where it has been inves- tigated thoroughly. A collapse of cavities does not occur in vacuo, the cavities formed simply increase in size; under a sufficiently high outside pressure, on the other hand, cavities are not formed at all.^" Hence, an action of ultrasonics due to cavitation is observed only 96 The Structure of Protoplasm in a certain range of pressures and it may, therefore, be distinguished from other actions of the waves not caused by cavitation. In vacuo and at a suitably high pressure, thixotropic gels are not liquefied by ultrasonics, which proves that the phenomenon is produced by a collapse of cavities. ^^ The thixotropic decrease of structural viscosity in concentrated colloidal solutions can also be produced by ultrasonics as an effect of cavitation. This was shown for sols of gelatin where the effect was partially reversible."'- In many cases effects are observed which are due to cavitation, but are irreversible and which, therefore, must be explained somewhat differently. In the sols of methyl cellulose mentioned above, the structural viscosity left over, after cooling a gel which had been formed at higher temperatures, can be made to disappear by ultrasonics.^" In colloidal solutions of hemocyanin {Helix pomatia) , ultrasonics split the molecules in halves; on pro- longed action, a certain percentage of eighths appears. ^^ Perhaps such a splitting effect occurs to a smaller or larger extent in many solu- tions of highly polymerized organic substances.^- Besides the destructive action due to cavitation, ultrasonics also exert a coagulating effect which becomes conspicuous, both at high energies and at such low ones that no more effects of cavitation are observed.^"' Coagulation is very striking when ultrasonics act upon fogs or smokes.^*^ It is also shown by the fact that, on emulsifying two liquids like water and benzene in each other, a limiting value of particle concentration is reached, where the dispersing effect is balanced by the coagulation.^"^ In emulsions and suspensions of suitable concentration, stationary ultrasonic waves cause an accumu- lation of the particles in the nodes or antinodes, depending on whether the particles are lighter or heavier than the surrounding medium.^^ Coagulation may be observed where this accumulation takes place. Coagulation by ultrasonics may be due to several reasons which are not easily distinguished from each other. Two may be mentioned: (1) Attractive forces of a hydrodynamic nature are produced between particles, if the particles are suspended in a medium exposed to vibration.'' (2) The so-called orthokinetic coagulation may cause collisions and hence a clustering of particles. ^"^ This latter kind of coagulation occurs if the particles do not have equal sizes and hence move with different rates, when exposed to external forces. The marked effect of ultrasonics on some rheopectic suspensions is due to coagulation. If a suspension of a kaolin ("Stockalite") in an aqueous solution of NaCl was liquefied by shaking and exposed Sols and Gels — Relation to Protoplasmic Structure 97 to ultrasonics, which were too weak to cause cavitation but strong enough to cause coagulation, it solidified in 15 seconds, whereas it remained liquid for 17 minutes if left to itself; it took 30 seconds to cause the rheopectic solidification by tapping.'''' A dilatant suspension is kept liquid by ultrasonics; it does not show the characteristic increase in mechanical resistance, when treated with a glass rod.-^^ This effect is not due to cavitation. Finally, there is still a third effect, which appears with very weak ultrasonics: Rod- or plate-like particles of a suspension are oriented with their long axes vertical to the direction in which the energy of the waves flows. •''^ FOOTNOTES 'Verworn, M., Allgemeine Physiologie, Jena, (1895); Wilson, E. B., The Cell in Development and Inheritance, New York, (1897). ' For a general survey of thixotropy, see H. Freundlich, Thixotropy, Actualites scientifiques et industrielles, No. 267, Paris, Hermann et Cie., (1935). 'Freundlich, H., and Roder, H. L., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1938, 34. 308; R6der, H. L., Rheology of Suspensions, Ph. D. Thesis, Amsterdam, 1939. ^ Sameshima, I., Bl. chem. Soc, Japan, 1926, 1, 255. ■ Laing, M. E., Jour. Phys. Chem., 1924, 28, 673. '■ Freundlich, H., and Seifriz, W., Z. phijs. Chem., 1923, 104, 233. • Szegvari, A., and Schalek, E., Kolloid-Z., 1925, 32, 318; 33, 326; and many later articles, mostly by Freundlich and co-workers; for references, see Freundlich, H., Kolloid-Z., 1928, 46, 289, and FreundUch, H., Thixotropy, 1935 (see footnote 2). 'Freundlich, H., Schmidt, O., and Lindau, G., Z. phys. Chem., Bodenstein- iestband 1931, 333; Kolloid Beihejte, 1932, 36, 43; Hauser, E. A., and Reed, C. E., Jour. Phys. Chem., 1937, 41, 911. ' Edsall, J. T., and Mehl, J. W., Jour. Biol. Chem., 1940, 133, 409; Mirsky, A. E., Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 1938, 6, 150. '"LaufTer, A. M., and Stanley, W. M., Kolloid-Z., 1940, 91, 62 (no mention is made in this paper of thixotropy, but there is anomalous viscosity). " Zocher, H., and Albu, H. W., Kolloid-Z., 1928, 46, 27. '•' Zocher, H., and Albu, H. W., Kolloid-Z., 1928, 46, 33. 'Freundlich, H., and Abramson, H. A., Z. phys. Chem., 1927, 131. 278; Heller. W., Compt. rend., 1936, 202, 1507. " Freundlich, H., and JuUusburger, F., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1934, 30, 333; Freundlich, H., and Jones, A. D., Jour. phys. Chem., 1936, 40, 1217. '' Reckhnghausen, H. V., Kolloid-Z., 1932, 60, 34. '"Green, H., hid. and Eng. Chem., 1923, 15. 122. ''Reynolds, O., Phil. Mag. (5), 1885, 20, 469; Nature, 1886, 33, 429. '' Olze, A., and Daniel, F. K. quoted by Freundlich, H., and Roder, H. L., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1938, 34, 308. " Freundlich, H., and Jones, A. D., Jour. Phys. Chem., 1936, 40, 1217. '"Freundlich, H., and S511ner, K., Kolloid-Z., 1928, 45, 348. "Heller, W., Compt. rend., 1936, 202, 61; Jonr. Phys. Chem., in press. '^ Heller, W., and Quimfe, G., Compt. rend.. 1937, 205, 857; Heller, W., and Vassy, E., Co-nipt, rend., 1939, 208, 812, Jour. phys. Chem., in press. 98 The Structure of Protoplasm ^ Kandelaky, B. S., Kolloid-Z., 1936, 74, 200. " Goodeve, C. F., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1939, 35, 342. ='Freundlich, H., and SoUner, K., Kolloid-Z., 1928, 44, 309. '" See, e.g., Bungenberg de Jong, H. G., La coacervation, les coacervats, et leur importance en biologic. Volumes 1 and 2, Paris, Hermann et Cie., 1936. "Daniel, F. K., hidia Rubber World, 101, Nos. 3 and 4, 1939. '' Freundlich, H., Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1934, 53, 223 T., and especially South- ern, W. A., Ph. D. Thesis, London, 1939. ^ Verwey, E. J., and de Boer, J. H., Rec. trav. chivi., 1938, 57, 383. '" As to the nature of tactoids, see: Zocher, H., Z. anorgan. u. allg. Chem., 1925, 147, 91; Coper, K., and Freundhch, H., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1937, 33, 348; Heller, W., ComiJt. rend., 1935, 201, 831. ■■'^ Heller, W., unpublished. ''Levine, S., Proc. Roy. Soc. London, (Series A), 1939, 170, 145, 165; Levine, S., and Dube, S. P., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1939, 35, 1125, 1141. '= Freundlich, H., Enslin, O., and Sollner, K., Protoplasma, 1933, 17, 489. '^ Roder, H. L., Rheology of suspensions, A study of dilatancy and thixotropy, Ph. D. Thesis, Amsterdam 1939; Heller, W., Compt. rend., 1938, 207, 157. ''Heymann, E., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1935, 31, 846; 1936, 32, 1. '' Freundlich, H., and Juliusburger, F., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1935, 31, 920. " Hauser, E. A., and Reed, C. E., Jour. Phys. Chem., 1937, 41, 911, ^^ Freundlich, H., Kapillarchemie, Leipzig, 4th ed., vol. 2, 1932, 616; Freund- hch, H., Rogowski, F., and Sollner, K., Z. phxjs. Chem., A., 1932, 160, 469; Kolloid Beihefte, 1933, 37, 223; Freundlich, H., and Sollner, K., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1936, 32, 966. '■° Burger, F. J., and Sollner, K., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1936, 32, 1598. ^^^ Some newer reviews of the action of ultrasonics on biological objects are: Dognon, A. and Biancani, E. H., Ultra-Sons et Biologie, Paris, Gauthier-Villards, 1937; Hiedemann, E., Grundlagen und Ergebnisse der Ultraschallforschung, Ber- lin, Walter de Gruyter and Co., 1939, pp. 179-185. *" See, e. g., Bondy, C, and Sollner, K., Tratis. Farad. Soc, 1935, 31, 835; Sollner, K., Jour. Phys. Chem., 1938, 42, 1071. " Freundlich, H., and Sollner, K., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1936, 32, 966. "Freundlich, H., and Gillings, D. W., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1938, 34, 649. See there many additional references. ''Heymann, E., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1935, 31, 846. "Brohult, S., Nature, 1937, 140, 805. '' Solhier, K., and Bondy, C, Trans. Farad. Soc, 1936, 32, 616. ^^ Patterson, H. S., and Cawood, W., Nature, 1931, 127, 667; Brandt, O., and Hiedemann, E., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1936, 32, 1101; Kolloid-Z., 1936, 75, 129; Brandt, O., Freund, H., and Hiedemann, E., Kolloid-Z. 1936, 77, 103; da C. Andrade, E. N., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1936, 32, 1111; etc. The best summary in: Hiedemann, E., Grundlagen und Ergebnisse der Ultraschallforschung, Berlin, 1939. " Bjerknes, V., Vorlesungen liber hydrodynamische Fernkrafte nach C. A. Bjerknes' Theorie, Leipzig, 1900-01; Kbnig, W., Ann. Phys. (Wiedemann), 1891, 42, 353, 549. Brandt, O., Freund, H., and Hiedemann, E., Kolloid-Z., 1936, 77, 103; Zeitschr. j. Physik, 1937, 104, 511; etc. ^^ Sollner, K., and Bondy, C, 1. c. 45; SoUner, K., Trans. Farad. Soc, 1936, 32, 1119; Brandt, O., and Hiedemann, E., and Brandt, O., Freund H., and Hiedemann, E., 1. c. 46; for a review see pp. 199-201 in Hiedemann, E., Grundlagen und Ergeb- nisse der Ultraschallforschung, Berlin, 1939. v^\C/1^ STRUCTURAL DIFFERENTIATION OF CYTOPLASM G. W. SCARTH McGill University Theories as to the basic structure of protoplasm usually assume that there is a single master key to the problem. But if differ- entiation exists in the physical properties of different regions of the cell, it is necessary to consider the question of correspond- ing differences in submicroscopic structure. The present paper is concerned with the cytoplasm and, because of considerations of time and relative importance, will deal only with the continuous ground substance, omitting the various inclusions. The type of cytoplasmic differentiation which seems to be most general is that of a series of concentric zones, not usually defined by any sharp vi.sible boundary but each showing distinctive phys- ical properties when studied experimentally. INTERIOR VS. CORTEX As regards animal cells, viscosity tests of all kinds agree in proving that the bulk of the internal cytoplasm of echinoderm eggs and sometimes of amoeba and other protozoa is relatively fluid. The same seems to be the case with most kinds of animal cells though there appear to be exceptions such as epidermal and cer- tain other epithelial cells. Along with the usual fluidity of the interior, its water miscibility, solvent properties, and electrical con- ductivity point to its being a sol with aqueous dispersion medium. On the other, hand, a cortical zone of varying thickness always has much higher consistency. This region combines elastic with plastic or fluid qualities to a degree which is rarely if ever paralleled in physical systems; the combination becomes more intelligible in the light of its marked capacity for undergoing rapid reversible gel- sol transformation. In amoeboid and other movements involving vortical streaming, not only do reciprocal sol-gel changes occur but the cytoplasm circulates between the internal and cortical regions. However, the whole of the cortex does not liquify at once; some coherent structure persists as a basis of organization. [99] 100 The Structure of Protoplasm As regards plant cells it was through the investigations of my co-workers, Siminovitch and Levitt, on cytoplasmic behavior in relation to frost resistance that the widespread occurrence in such cells of the same differentiation into gelatinous cortex and liquid endoplasm or mesoplasm was impressed upon me. In a non- vacuolate type, the pollen mother cells of Trillium, an outer plas- magel zone of variable thickness and an inner fluid one are easily demonstrated with the aid of a little micromanipulation (Stern). In vacuolate cells having a thick layer of cytoplasm, such as the cortical cells of many trees especially in winter time, the same dis- tinction is apparent when rupture occurs during deplasmolysis. A thin cortical layer tears the rest spills out and mixes with water. Even in the thinnest cytoplasmic layers, this differentiation is revealed by a technique based on Chambers' method of applying oil drops to the cell surface. An oil drop snaps into the surface of a plant protoplast, taking the form of a biconvex lens. When the protoplast is stretched (by deplasmolysis or pressure) the oil drop is pulled out into a flatter and ultimately concavo-convex shape. When again the protoplast is allowed to contract, the oil goes through reverse change in shape, and if the contraction goes far enough it becomes spherical. Evidently the tension on the edge of the oil lens is that of an elastic, not a liquid, film. But while the cortex is thus shown to shrink and stretch elastically, the meso- plasm flows into and out of the angular space between the edge of the drop and the surface of the vacuole, and must therefore be quite fluid (Siminovitch and Levitt) . PROTOPLASMIC SURFACE FILM OR ECTOPLAST The cortical gel layer, when wide enough to be seen, often shows little optical differentiation from the liquid endoplasm ex- cept as regards restriction of Brownian movement. Both zones are commonly granular. In contrast to this there is distinguish- able on the surface of many cells a thin layer of more hyaline appearance. This has been called ectoplasm or the ectoplast, but as the term has also been applied to the cortical gel in amoeba. Cham- bers prefers to call it the "protoplasmic surface film." Much of our knowledge of this layer comes from Chambers' studies of echinoderm eggs. He gives many proofs of its fluidity and shows that its con- tinuity over the surface is essential to the integrity of the proto- plast, whereas other membranes which normally exist external to Structural Differentiation of Cytoplasm 101 this can be removed without harm to the cell. The hyaline film on amoeba is also fluid and cohesive. According to Mast the fluid film is here bounded by a more rigid pellicle, the plasmalemma. In the case of plant cells a so-called hyaline layer on the surface becomes visibly apparent only in very fine strands pulled out from the surface. Incidentally, though it has been the custom to call the film hyaline, it is by no means free from granules. But the very fact that strands of fluid consistency can be pulled out from the surface of a cell which has been dehydrated by plasmolysis until its gel layer is rigid and brittle, is evidence for the existence of a differ- entiated liquid layer overlying the gel. The fine strands which connect a plasmolysed plant protoplast with the cell wall, being composed entirely of the film substance, reveal some of its proper- ties by their behavior. In strong plasmolytes they stiffen suffi- ciently to crumple up on breaking, but tenuous as they are, this stiffening seems to be confined to a still thinner surface film, since under the same conditions of dehydration they become beaded on standing due apparently to the running into drops of a more liquid core. All this indicates that the protoplasmic surface layer may have a denser film of its own — compare the plasmalemma of amoeba. In spite of this capacity for hardening at its surface, the ectoplast shows little sign of elastic extensibiUty. That quality of the proto- plasm seems to reside mainly in the layer beneath. Some properties of the surface film in plant cells are brought out by the behavior of applied oil drops. On making contact with the protoplasmic surface, a body of oil, even when large, relative to the cell, immediately has its surface tension greatly reduced so that it will often maintain shapes of nonminimal area. That the surface-active material spreads as a film over the oil is shown by the speed with which the change occurs and by the dragging of gran- ules and chloroplasts with it, especially when the oil drop is large. Further, the transport of these bodies through the cytoplasm to the drop seems to prove bodily movement of a film over the proto- plasm. The movement of the film is not prevented by plasmolysis which is strong enough to make the gel layer quite stiff, which is further proof that the surface film is distinct from the gel layer. THE TONOPLAST At the inner cytoplasmic surface in contact with the central vacuole is another film, the tonoplast of de Vries, which is often 102 The Structure of Protoplasm left intact when the rest of the cytoplasm has become disorganized and separated from it. The isolated tonoplast persists as a fluid semipermeable sac enclosing the vacuolar sap, and may preserve its integrity for days or even weeks. By contrast, the external surface film has never been completely separated from the proto- plast, but probably this is due simply to its position, as local elevation sometimes occurs naturally and may be produced artifi- cially. Both surfaces of the tonoplast resemble the surface of the ectoplast in showing immediate adhesion to oil but adhesion to glass only after mechanical disturbance. An oil drop which has snapped onto the outer surface of a freed tonoplast is deformed somewhat by stretching of the latter but not to the same extent as at the cell surface. It is possible that this slight display of elastic property may be due to an adsorbed film of protein from the endo- plasm. Chambers and Hofler emphasize the highly fluid, though cohesive and extensible, nature of the tonoplast and the immisci- bility of its substance with water. On the whole the physical properties of the tonoplast and ecto- plast seem to be very similar, and Plowe has described how the two films may merge to form a single envelope. IS THERE AN INNER GEL LAYER? Since the cytoplasm of the plant cell is bounded on its vacuolar side by a fluid layer similar to the surface film, the question arises whether there is also an inner zone which corresponds to the cor- tical plasmagel. The frequent elasticity of transvacuolar strands and of strands pulled by micro-needles into the vacuole, as com- pared with the relatively inelastic quality of strands pulled from an isolated tonoplast, suggests that the elasticity of the former resides in the core of endoplasm which such strands usually con- tain. On the other hand, an oil drop applied to the surface of the vacuole sinks into the cytoplasm much more easily than a similar drop applied to the outside, which indicates that if an inner gel layer exists it is much less substantial than the outer one. OTHER CYTOPLASMIC FILMS OR MEMBRANES It seems reasonable to regard the colorless film which covers chloroplasts and can be elevated from them in pathological swell- ing as being equally with the ectoplast and tonoplast a cytoplasmic structure. Even the nuclear membrane, or part of it at least (since 1 Structural Differentiation of Cytoplasm 103 in elevation it sometimes splits into two), may belong to the cyto- plasm. All these films show many points of resemblance, among which is their relationship to the kinoplasm. KINOPLASM This is a structure of more variable occurrence than those al- ready described, but it seems worthy of mention in a discussion of the fundamental differentiations of cytoplasm because of its pos- sible physiological importance and also because of its apparent relation to the various surface films. Typically the differentiation to which Strasburger gave the name kinoplasm appears as more or less mobile filaments or tubules of very slightly higher refractive index than the matrix in which they are imbedded. To be seen at all, they must be in sharp focus, which may be the reason why they have been observed mainly in plant cells in which the thinness of the cytoplasm keeps them almost in one plane. The chains of granules carried along by the kinoplasm are, however, easily observed. From the point of view of structure, the visibile connection be- tween some of the kinoplasmic strands and the various surface films is of interest. Strands can be seen to flow out of and into the envelope of chloroplasts and of the nucleus. Sometimes they swell to enclose small vacuoles. Streams of kinoplasm have been ob- served to converge upon an applied oil drop at the moment of con- tact. This points to a connection between the outer surface film and the strands and also explains how granules and plastids im- bedded in the cytoplasm but attached to the kinoplasm come to be carried over the oil drop. It is not possible from a surface view of the cytoplasm to observe at what level the strands lie. In a profile view of the thicker portions of the cytoplasm of some cells, the serial procession of granules which marks the position of a kino- plasmic stream can be located. It ranges from the outer to the inner boundary, and furthermore, streams may arch beyond the general level of the cytoplasm into the central vacuole. The shapes and movements of kinoplasm recall the typical myelin processes which often adorn the inner surface of the tonoplast and which have also been observed in a number of cases on the outer surface of the ectoplast. It is not suggested that they are identical, since myelin processes proper are random structures and often (though not always) the result of an abnormal environment, whereas 104 The Structure of Protoplasm the internal kinoplasm is a normal and presumably functional organization. Yet the tendency of cytoplasmic surface films in general to form these myelin-like outgrowths on both their surfaces, has significance with respect to the composition and molecular structure of both the films and the fibrils. At this point attention may be drawn to Figure 1, which shows diagrammatically the supposed position and relationship of the differentiations described. MOLECULAR STRUCTURE On the basis of physical properties and probable structure, the cytoplasmic differentiations fall into two groups. The plasmasol and plasmagel, being reciprocally transformable, are merely different physical states of one substance. The same relation seems to hold between the films and kinoplasm. But the two pairs show no sign of being interchangeable, and what is more significant, they ex- hibit fundamentally different properties. Those of the sol-gel region, the endoplasm, include elasticity, thixotropy, stream bi- refringence, etc., which, as shown by the previous speaker, point to elongated protein units as the building stones. On the other hand, the properties of the film-kinoplasm complex are prominently lipoidal, though no doubt proteins also enter into its composition. Incidentally, while the film substance occupies much the lesser part of the protoplast, yet (if such a distinction can be made) it is the more essential part, being capable of preserving an independent existence for a time, which the endoplasm is unable to do. Let us see what these lipoidal properties are. Already men- tioned is the tendency to myelin formation, a phenomenon confined to a limited group of substances including phosphatides, cerebro- cides and trioleates — all ingredients of protoplasm. It depends on the assumption of paracrystalline structure, consisting of parallel sheets of orientated molecules with the principal optical axis and longer diameter of the molecules at right angles to the plane of layering. The type of birefringence which results from this form of structure tends to disappear with a high degree of hydration and reappear on dehydration. Accordingly, it is significant that such double refraction develops in the hyaline layer on the amoebocytes of various invertebrates when partially dehydrated (Faure-Fremiet, see Schmidt). Masses of myelin-forming material which, under certain conditions, accumulate on the lining of the plant vacuole. Structural Dijferentiation of Cytoplasm 105 afford confirmatory evidence of their composition by staining with lipoid soluble dyes such as chrysoidin and by blackening with osmic acid. These phenomena indicate that the film-forming substance is rich in lipoids as compared with the protoplasm as a whole. The lamellar type of structure, of which there is optical evi- dence in myelin figures and in the dehydrated surface film of some cells, is much more highly developed in irreversibly differentiated structures such as chloroplasts and the myelin sheath of nerve. A nerve fiber may be re- garded as a sort of cry- stallized filamentous pseu- dopodium in which the axon or endoplasm is largely a bundle of parallel protein fibrils and the sheath or ectoplasm con- sists of concentric sheets of orientated lipoid mole- cules alternating with sheets of protein. Although it requires ex- ceptional conditions to produce visible double re- fraction of ordinary proto- plasmic films, molecular layering may be present at all times toward their surface where the conditions for orientation operate more strongly. (Contrary to what we might except, however, the usual lipophilic adhesion of the cell surface would seem to indicate that the hydrocarbon ends of the lipoid molecules point outward.) A closely packed, superficial lipoid film is, of course, in harmony with the gen- eral conception of the protoplasmic surface derived from the study of permeability. The properties of the hypothetical plasma mem- brane probably belong to an organized film of molecular dimensions (perhaps including proteins as well as lipoids) rather than to the ectoplast as a whole. As to the colloidal state of the isotropic film substance, its appar- ent immiscibility with water points to a coacervate rather than a Fig. 1. Diagrammatic cross section of the cytoplasm of a plant cell showing differentia- tions, w — cell wall, e — ectoplast or proto- plasmic surface film, pg — plasmagel layer or cortical endoplasm. ps — plasmasol or liquid endoplasm. k — kinoplasm. t — tonoplast. v — vacuole, s — transvacuolar strand, m — mye- lin processes, p — plastid. 106 The Structure of Protoplasm sol. In a coacervate, according to Bungenberg de Jong, the col- loidal units are attracted by electrostatic force but kept apart by that of solvation. Thus the aggregrate, while coherent, may be quite fluid. The whole cell has been compared by de Jong to a compound mixed coacervate, but as already pointed out the liquid endoplasm has normally the property of a sol. On the other hand, so-called emulsion structure when it appears in cytoplasm may well be a coacervation phenomenon, and reversible coacervation (droplet precipitation) of colloids in the vacuole is a common oc- currence. Compared with this the whole substance of a surface film is suggested to be an irreversible coacervate mass having a very low surface tension. Of the types of coacervate which have so far been studied ex- tensively by Bungenberg de Jong, those which most resemble the protoplasmic films are the auto-coacervates of phosphatides. Among the points of resemblance are: relative irreversibility, due apparently to the formation of a stable layer of orientated molecules at their surface; lipophilic adhesion, due apparently to the hydrocarbon chains of the orientated superficial molecules being directed outward; myelin forvnation under certain conditions; vacuole formation as a result of reduced colloidal hydration (shared by other coacervates) along with nonfusion of the vacuoles when pressed together, due apparently to separa- tion by a very stable bimolecular film; and change from optical isotropy to anistropy with dehydration. There is also fair agreement between the action of electrolytes on the packing of phosphatide films and on cell permeability, re- spectively. On the other hand, their effect on electrophoresis of cells is unlike that of phosphatide drops, inasmuch as the sign of the charge at the cell surface is not so easily reversed. Perhaps further study of coacervates which contain proteins as well as lipoids may furnish still better models of the protoplasmic surface film. In conclusion, let me point out the moral which my story is meant to teach. It is the fallacy of taking a partial view to be a true picture of the whole. That was the error of the blind men of Indostan in their theorising on the structure of the elephant. I cannot do better than parody this clever fable to suit the present Structural Differentiation of Cytoplasm 107 In the original were six blind men. I shall list only four, leaving the reader to complete the number as he sees fit: case It was four fundamentalists to learning much inclined, Who went to see the Protoplast (though all of them were blind) That each its structure might observe to satisfy his mind. The first advancing hurriedly and happening to fall Right through its soft interior at once began to bawl "God bless me! But the Protoplast is very like a sol." The second poked the animal and felt his staff repel Its tough and springy cortex, so he began to yell •• 'Tis evident the Protoplast is very like a gel." The third approaching gingerly did only pinch and squeeze Its slippery oleaginous hide when he began to wheeze "It seems to me the Protoplast is just a lump of grease." The fourth man, having punched and probed and proved its plastic state, Watery yet indissoluble, did thus asseverate "The Protoplast is a compound, complex co-a-cerv-ate." And so these fundamentalists disputed loud and long Each in his own opinion exceeding stiff and strong, Though each was partly in the right and all of them were wrong. SOME KEY REFERENCES BuNGENBERG DE JoNG, H. G. (1936) "Actualites Scientifiques et Industriellesl" Exposes de Biologie, La Coacervation 6 and 7. AND J. Bonner. (1935) "Phosphatide auto-complex coacervates, etc." Protoplasma 24, 198. Chambers, R. (1938) "The physical state of protoplasm with special reference to its surface." Amer. Nat. 72, 141. AND K. HoFLER. (1931) "Micrurgical Studies on the tonoplast of Allium cepa." Protoplasma 12, 338. Frey-Wyssling, a. (1938) "Submikroskopishe morphologie der protoplasmas und seiner derivate." Protoplasma monograph. Plowe, J. K. (1931) "Membranes in the plant cell." Protoplasma 12, 196. Scarth, G. W. (1927) "Structural organization of protoplasm in the light of Micrurgy." Protoplasma 2, 189. Scarth. G. W., J. Levitt, and D. Siminovitch. (1940) "Plasma membrane struc- ture in the light of frost hardening changes." Cold Spring Harbor symposium 8, 102. Siminovitch, D., and J. Levitt. (1941) "Relation between frost injury and physi- cal state of protoplasm, ii. The protoplasmic surface." Can. Jour, of Research, 19, 9. Schmidt, W. J. (1937) "Die doppelbrechung von karyoplasma, zytoplasma und metaplasma." Protoplasma monograph. STRUCTURAL DIFFERENTIATION OF THE NUCLEUS C. L. HUSKINS McGill University, Montreal From studies on protoplasm in general, presented by previous speakers in this Symposium, we may proceed to a consideration of the elaborate structural features which are present throughout the life of the nucleus, even in the "resting" stage when many of them are not directly observable. These are today being studied from many different points of view and by very diverse techniques. To simplify, and perhaps to promote, discussion we may classify these attacks upon the problems of the nucleus into four groups, though recognizing, of course, that there are many studies which overlap the boundaries that are, rather arbitrarily, here laid down. Apart from simplifying discussion, the classification may also serve a useful purpose in emphasizing that some studies of the nucleus pro- ceed in rather extraordinary isolation from others and that general- izations made by workers of one group often ignore the data of the other groups or, in soine cases, draw unwarranted conclusions from them. The diversity in points of view and of detailed opinion found among students of the nucleus indicate in themselves the complexity of the structures within the boundary of the nuclear membrane and the scope of the problems that remain to be elucidated. In the first of the four groups we may place all studies aiming at the elucidation of the "submicroscopic" structure of the nucleus. Often such investigations use wave lengths shorter than those of visible light. The second level of analysis comprises all microscopic studies with visible light of killed and fixed materials. The third includes all the varied studies on the living cell made by the methods of "experimental cytology." The fourth comprises the interpretation of structure derived from observations of function made with the techniques of genetics. Workers in any of these fields should, of course, be familiar with all four. Unfortunately, few of us are! Accepting a more limited standard, those working on the first level viust, of course, be familiar with the data of the second group. The second group must today know the techniques and discoveries of the geneticists if they are [109] 110 The Structure of Protoplasm to avoid drifting again into the relative stagnation from which their subject has fairly recently emerged. The geneticists interested in nuclear structure must know the data of the first and second groups. The third group needs to know all the data of all the groups. Much of my own work falls jointly into fields two and four. At present I am particularly impressed, perhaps depressed, by the divergencies of opinion between workers on the second level — the one with which I am most familiar. These I consider the greatest source of danger for those workers of the other groups who seek to bolster or check the hypotheses formed from their own observations by the data of the second group. This difficulty in its relation to vari- ous aspects of the general problems of nuclear structure will there- fore be stressed. Studies on the presence and distribution of nucleic acids made jointly on the microscopic and submicroscopic levels, have been of particular interest in recent years. The studies with visible light have depended largely on the Feulgen reaction; those at a lower level on the ultraviolet absorption technique developed by Caspers- son. With the Feulgen method (the application of Schiff's reagent to the aldehyde groups of the pentose constituents of nucleic acids) , desoxyribose (ribodesose-, "thymo-") nucleic acids give a positive staining reaction, while ribose ("yeast-") nucleic acids do not stain. This test is, however, of only limited value in making quantitative determinations of thymonucleic acid in cytological preparations, The method of Caspersson (1936, 1940) permits quantitative deter- minations of nucleic acids, but the ultraviolet absorption spectra with characteristic maxima at 2,600 A, "being determined by the nitrogenous constituents," do not differentiate between the desoxy- ribose and ribose types. For the study of the nucleic acid distribution in the cell, a combination of both methods is thus indicated. Studies by the Feulgen method have shown clearly that desoxy- ribonucleic acid is concentrated in the chromosomes and is either absent or present only in very much smaller amounts in the cyto- plasm and nucleolus. Since thymonucleic acid appears to be the "typical chromosome nucleic acid" Caspersson (1939) believes that it is synthesized on the chromatid. The numerous objections to the use of the Feulgen method in cytology have almost all been ade- quately dispelled by Milovidov (1938) , Hillary (1940) , and others who showed that when properly used, "chromatin" and only chroma- tin is stained by it, as Feulgen claimed. The remaining difficulty, that at certain stages in the maturation of the animal egg the chromo- Structural Diferentiation of the Nucleus 111 somes cannot ordinarily be stained by Feulgen, has recently been removed by Brachet (1940) , who finds, contrary to Koltzoff (1938) and others, that the chromosomes are never entirely Feulgen- negative during oogenesis. It is easy to see them throughout all meiotic stages in Triton, and also in many insects, but they tend to disappear at mid-prophase in the frog. Brachet concludes that it is the changing size of the chromosomes and the degree of dispersion of the thymonucleic acid that causes variation in staining capacity. Here is the first of several examples where differences of opinion between workers on the microscopic level can lead to extreme divergence in conclusions about the submicroscopic. Koltzoff, find- ing no reaction with Feulgen at certain stages, says that thymo- nucleic acid cannot be an essential component of the gene, but only, perhaps, its protector. Brachet, finding some Feulgen positive particles at all stages, cannot agree. With his ultraviolet absorption technique Caspersson (1936) showed that: during mitosis nucleic acid is localized in and around the chromosomes, and in collaboration with Hammersten and others, he supplemented the absorption determinations with digestion experiments in which trypsin preparations containing lanthanum dissolve the protein and leave the nucleic acid as insoluble lanthanum thymonucleate. With these two methods it was found that metaphase chromosomes contain nucleic acids and proteins intimately mixed — not as protein islands with surrounding zones rich in nucleic acids — and that salivary gland chromosomes comprise segments alternately rich in and free of nucleic acid. The former are the "bands" so clearly seen after aceto-carmine fixation. Their highly organized structure found after trypsin digestion, indicates that they are more likely to be the seat of the genes than the interband regions which were completely digested. Mazia and Jaegar (1938) confirmed the trypsin results and per- formed the complementary experiment of digestion with pepsin. This, they found, "did not dissolve any constituent concerned in maintaining the integrity of the chromosome." After treatment with spleen nuclease, the chromosomes could not be stained with either aceto-carmine or by the Feulgen method. They had not, however, been disintegrated by the nuclease, as the ninhydrin reaction for determining proteins stained them a deep blue while the cytoplasm stained a lighter blue. These authors conclude that "the chromo- some must have a continuous protein structure and the nucleic acid must be attached in such a way that it may be split and the 112 The Structure of Protoplasm pentose may be removed without affecting the continuity of struc- ture." Since the protein of the chromosomes was not digested by pepsin, they consider that it may be related to the protamines or histones. The molecular structure of the chromosome which these authors support is one of long polypeptide chains and parallel nucleic acid molecules. Experiments with polarized light and X-ray diffrac- tion studies reviewed by Frey-Wyssling (1938) and Schmitt (1940) suggested the assumption of parallel structure and are, like Mazia and Jaegar's data, against earlier concepts of a warp-and-woof fabric. Caspersson (1936) observed that the nucleic acid content is increased shortly before cell division, and after cell division it decreases again. Later (1939), he showed that in grasshopper sper- matocytes, nucleic acid "synthesis" is completed, i. e., the maximum amount is reached, before "maximum condensation of the chromo- somes." Since nucleic acids are present in large amounts before cell division and evidence from other studies on the submicroscopic level indicates that the self-reproducing viruses and phages also contain appreciable amounts of nucleic acid in their molecules, an attempt is made to correlate these data with observations from the second level. Here trouble begins — or so at least it seems to me. The generalization is first made that nucleic acid concentration is at a maximum in the nucleus at about the same time as the chromosome is believed to reproduce itself, and from this the conclusion is reached that nucleic acid is fundamentally connected with gene reproduc- tion. This is a plausible and, I should think, even highly probable hypothesis. But, how is it supported by microscopic data? The latter deal with chroviosome reproduction or "splitting," and there is much evidence against and little in favor of the view that this is the same thing as gene reproduction. As Caspersson points out, chromosome "splitting" cannot be seen until there has been an accumulation of nucleic acid, for it is this which stains. He says, for this reason, that the observation of chromosome splitting in very early prophase says nothing against the view that nucleic acid formation and gene reduplication go together. But is it not also reasonable to conclude that the association he has found says noth- ing definitely for it? In itself the observation that nucleic acid con- centration is at a maximum near the time that chromosome splitting becomes obvious may mean nothing more than that nucleic acid con- centration permits doubleness of the chromosome to be seen. How- ever this may be, the attempted first and second level correlation runs into further difficulties. The first of these is that descriptive Structural Diferentiation of the Nucleus 113 cytologists, together with cytogeneticists who seek data from irradi- ation experiments as well as direct observation, fall into two schools regarding the time at which chromosome splitting takes place. And the submicroscopic data that fit in with the views of one school regarding meiosis seem to me to be against that school regarding mitosis. Darlington (1937) and his school consider that meiotic chromosomes reproduce themselves during late pachytene. This fits Caspersson's data on the greatest concentration of nucleic acid occurring just before the tetrad split becomes visible in grasshopper spermatocytes. But Darlington is likewise convinced that repro- duction of somatic chromosomes occurs during the resting stage immediately preceding the mitosis in which separation of chromo- some halves occurs — his whole "precocity theory" relating meiosis to mitosis stands or falls on this diff'erence in the time of splitting of meiotic and mitotic chromosomes. And during the resting stage, when the chromosomes are believed by this school to split, the nucleic acid concentration of the nucleus is at a minimum! One should add that Darlington and La Cour (1940) state that "the chromosome cycle is adjusted to have a maximum aggregate nucleic acid attachment at metaphase" and that "during the resting stage it is present in the nucleus in smaller quantity and largely unattached to the chromosomes," but the basis for this opinion is not entirely clear. However this may be, the other school, to which I belong, is convinced that chromonemata (and genes) reduplicate themselves at least one and probably two or more cell generations before the mitosis in which the "split" becomes "effective." It is clear from the work of Caspersson and Schultz that nucleic acid production is con- trolled by genes, but to me the converse conclusion, that nucleic acid is essential to gene reproduction, is not fully established by present data, and it seems most unlikely that the obvious, wide separation of chromosome halves that is seen in the earliest prophase of mitosis is the chronologically immediate result of gene reproduction. Rather, it is related to the onset of mitosis; and the occurrence of polytene chromosomes, apart from all other evidence, shows per contra that special physiological conditions not necessarily correlated with gene or chromonema reproduction are involved in the initiation of nuclear division. Before proceeding to other aspects of Caspersson and Schultz's work we must recall the differentiation of the chromosomes into regions which Heitz (1935) termed "euchromatic" and "hetero- chromatic." Here we must consider data from all four levels. Long 114 The Structure oj Protoplasm ago, in the days when it was still commonly believed that the chromosomes lose their identity at the end of mitosis and are formed again in the prophase of the next division, it was noted that in some organisms there are chromatic bodies in the "resting" or "energic" nucleus. The chromosomes were observed to "form" in connection with these, and they were therefore sometimes called prochromo- somes. We cannot enter into any detailed discussion of these in this short talk — for an outline of almost all that is known and of all that can reasonably be guessed on the basis of present knowledge reference may be made to recent publications of Geitler (1938) and White (1940). In brief, the known facts from the second and third levels are: (1) There are parts of the chromosomes that, in many species of animals and plants, stain at all stages of the nuclear cycle. (2) The sex chromosomes are particularly prone to bear such "heterochromatic" regions. (3) Instead of staining at all stages, they may in some species be relatively understained at times when the "euchromatic" parts are deeply stained. (4) Heterochromatic regions are often indiscriminate in their pairing capacity, and (5) the nucleolus is very often formed in connection with one or more of them. From the studies of Caspersson et al. we know (6) that they are regions that differ from the rest of the chromosomes in their nucleic acid cycle or total nucleic acid-producing capacity. From the fourth level there may be added (7) that heterochromatic regions seem to be devoid of genes that affect morphological char- acteristics, and (8) that they affect the expression of genes adjacent to them. A. characteristic that may be related to heterochromatism is the tei.dency for certain regions of the chromosomes to be understained after exposure to low temperatures. This has been reported in a number of plants, particularly by Shmargon (1938) and other Rus- sian workers, but it is particularly striking in the genera Paris and Trillium in which Darlington and La Cour (1940) have studied it.^ These understained "differential regions" of metaphase are, accord- ing to Darlington and La Cour, the heterochromatic regions which are deeply stained during the resting stage. They attribute the attenuation at metaphase after cold treatment to relative "nucleic- acid starvation" in these species which, they assume, normally have a particularly high nucleic acid concentration. Schultz, Caspersson, and Aquilonius (1940) conclude that the heterochromatic regions of Drosophila melanogaster have the ' See also Wilson & Boothroyd, Cayi. J. Res. 19: 400-412, 1941. Structural Differentiation of the Nucleus 115 capacity " (1) to form large amounts of thymonucleic acid (or. better perhaps, thymonucleoprotein) in the chromosomes themselves; (2) to form or affect the composition of the nucleoli; (3) to affect the characteristics of neighboring regions translocated to them in such a way as to change the developmental effects of these regions in somatic cells; (4) to affect the content of the ribonucleic acids in the egg cytoplasm of Drosophila." Conclusions (1), (2), and (4) are based largely on ultraviolet data. Number (3) is a conclusion drawn jointly from submicroscopic and genetic data; the problem of the mechanism of the developmental effect, viz., variegation, remains open and need not be entered upon here. Conclusion (4) leads us to the problem of the transfer of materials between the nucleus, nucleolus, and cytoplasm, which will be discussed after we have considered ways of increasing the nucleic acid content of a given nucleus by changing its chromosome constitution. The old problems of the nucleo-plasma ratio and of changes in nuclear volume began to receive renewed attention following the observations of Jacobj (1935) on differences in nuclear size within a tissue. He found that there were regular differences in size that did not follow the probability curve but one with several maxima. One maximum tended to be about double that of the preceding one, i. e., nuclear volumes of 1:2:4:8 were more frequent than inter- mediate values. In man almost all tissues were foujid to have nuclei in nine classes, with volumes ranging from 1-256, which would involve eight doublings. To account for this, Jacobj suggested rhythmic growth, an alternation of longer rest periods and shorter growth periods. Wermel also found a rhythm of nuclear growth in tissue cultures, but showed that the volume doubling was not reached in a single period of growth; the increase was first to one and one-half times. Similar results were obtained in observations on nuclear growth in the intestine of Anopheles and in the fat bodies of silkworms (see Wermel and Portugalow, 1935). Fischer (1935) found that growth of the follicular epithelium of some Orthoptera occurs in two ways: (1) by mitotic increase in cell number, during which the nuclei remain in the smallest size class, (2) by increase in cell volume, with constant cell number, which occurs when the secretory function of the cell starts. He states that the secretory cells of the follicle do not divide mitotically at this time but that after the last mitosis there is a doubling of nuclear volume and then what is apparently an amitotic division. After this there is rhythmic 116 The Structure of Protoplasyn growth of the nuclei of secreting cells, giving six size classes 1 : 2 : 4 : 8 : 16 : 32, all of which are correlated with distinct phases of secretory activity. It is, of course, well known that great variation in nuclear size can occur, both normally and in experiments, without reproduction of the constituent chromosomes or other permanent change in struc- ture. Sometimes increase in nuclear volume is associated with enlargement of the nucleolus. Metz and his students have shown particularly clearly by in viva experiments that when hypertonic Ringer solution is injected into the body cavity of Sciara larvae the nuclear and chromosome volume of the salivary gland cells both decrease by at least 25 per cent. With hypotonic solutions there is an increase of at least 20 per cent. Complete recovery occurs. They found also that reversible nuclear shrinkage occurs when cells are under pressure. Upon asphyxiation of Sciara larvae with CO2 or N2 for 1-3 minutes, the nuclear volume of salivary glands remains unchanged, but the chromosomes shrink and contract into a ball. When shrinking they give out a clear fluid into the nucleus, and when recovery occurs this is reabsorbed by the chromosomes. The regular alterations in nuclear size described above for many animal tissues occur also in plants (Hoppner, 1939) . They are often correlated with multiplication of the chromosomes within the nucleus or of the chromonemata within the chromosomes. Berger (1938) has reinvestigated the polyploidy long known to occur in mosquitoes. He found that in Culex pipiens, with n r= 3 chromosomes, the ileum of the larva grows without mitosis until the nuclei are 8-16 times the normal volume. When mitoses begin, up to 48 chromosomes are commonly observed, and some nuclei have 96, which is 32-ploid. The chromosomes must therefore have divided three or four times during the long larval development without division of the nucleus occurring. Geitler (1938) called this phenomenon "endomitosis" and found it to occur in many tissues of insects such as the Mal- pighian tubules, testis septa, follicular epithelium, fat bodies, salivary glands, connective tissues, and epithelium of the mid-gut. A particu- larly high degree of polyploidy was found in the salivary gland nuclei of Gerris. The X chromosome of Gerris is heterochromatic, and the number of chromosomes sets could therefore be determined by counting the heterochromatic bodies; thus the number of chromo- somes can be estimated though the nucleus is not dividing mitotic- ally. As high as 2,048-ploid nuclei were found. It is not known whether in insects the polyploid tissues which divide mitotically Structural Differentiation of the Nucleus 117 owe their origin to endomitoses. Such somatic polyploidy is common (see Oksala, 1939). Smith (1941) found the chromosome number to be doubled in wing buds of sawflies (Hymenoptera) , i. e., to be 2n in males and 4n in females. In the ovariole wall it was octoploid and in neural cells 20-30n. In leguminous plants, Wipf and Cooper (1938) found that dividing cells in the root nodules, which are involved in the process of nitrogen fixation, are characteristically tetraploid. The clearest case of endomitosis in plants occurs in spinach, 2n = 12, where somatic polyploidy has long been known, but its origin due to endomitosis was shown only recently by Gentcheff and Gustafsson (1939). They find that in the periblem cells of roots from germinating seeds, the nuclei have as many as 96 chromosomes. This polyploidy is correlated with the presence of a large amount of storage products in the periblem cells. The chromo- somes are split at the beginning of prophase. At metaphase they lie in pairs and do not separate. After a resting stage they are present in the double number and unpaired. Levan (1939) obtained similar results in auxin-treated cortical cells of spinach. In Allium, auxin produced endomitosis differing only in that the kinetochores were delayed in their division relative to the arms, and "diplochromo- somes" were therefore present at metaphase. In these experiments with auxin, cellular enlargement precedes the increase in nuclear volume, and endomitosis appears to be initiated thereby. In most of the other cases cited, chromosome or chromonema multiplication precedes and apparently initiates the increase in nuclear volume. This is also the case in polyploidy produced experimentally with col- chicine. Colchicine apparently inhibits the centrosome or spindle activity and sometimes the reproduction of the kinetochore, but not that of the chromonema. Levan obtained cells with as many as 1,000 diplochromosomes, i. e., chromosomes divided except at the kineto- chore, in Alliinn which normally has 16. The giant chromosomes of the salivary gland nuclei of Diptera are now generally, though not universally, conceded to be bundles of chromonemata. They appear to result from successive endomitoses which apparently differ from the foregoing cases chiefly in that the chromonemata remain associated, instead of falling apart and constituting separate chromosomes, and that homologues become tightly paired. These differences may both well be concomitants of the closer association which exists between homologous chromo- somes in all cells of the Diptera— Metz (1916) showed that in poly- 118 The Structure of Protoplasyn ploid as well as diploid cells of Drosophila, the homologous chromo- somes all tend to lie together. The fact that endomitosis provides a way in which the nucleo- protein content of a nucleus may be increased, and the apparent association of endomitotic chromosome or chromonema multiplication with secretory or nutritional function have naturally led to a good deal of speculation on the mechanism of the exchange which must take place between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Without going seriously into this problem an indication of the present state of opin- ion may be given by citing three papers which appeared in close succession in the same Journal last year. Painter (1940) suggests that rapidly segmenting eggs can draw the material for the synthesis of their chromosomes from the chromatin or its derivatives that have been produced by endomitosis and poured out into the cytoplasm by the breakdown of the germinal vesicle, or by indirect absorption from nurse cells. Calvm, Kodani, and Goldschmidt (1940) consider that salivary gland chromosomes are essentially of the same structure as mammalian egg "lampbrush" chromosomes from which they con- sider chromatin is being sloughed off. Caspersson and Schultz (1940) , however, point out that the high concentration of ribonucleic acid in the cytoplasm occurs before the nuclear membrane breaks down. They observe that the cytoplasm or nucleolus which does not ordinarily stain with Feulgen does contain nucleic acids which must be assumed to be of the ribose type. There is a high concentration of these around the nuclear membrane in several rapidly growing tissues and a gradient from it to the outside of the cell. The amount of ribonucleic acid in the cytoplasm can be increased by adding heterochromatin (in particular by adding extra Y chromosomes in Drosophila) . It seems that more must be learned of the relationships between different nucleic acids before we can proceed much further with this problem. The same applies to the relationship between the chromosomes and the nucleolus. Of the latter, Nebel (1939) says, "The understanding of this problem has not progressed far during the last fifty years" and "recent work has further emphasized the complexity of the problem in that it is necessary to avoid all general- izations." Caspersson and Schultz commit themselves to little in this connection except to state that nucleoli are produced in hetero- chromatic regions, that these regions "are especially concerned with the ribonucleic acid metabolism of the cell," and that "activity of nucleoU is closely associated with an intense synthesis of the cyto- plasmic ribonucleic acids." Since the heterochromatic regions stain Structural Differentiation of the Nucleus 119 deeply with Feulgen during the "resting" stage, they must, however, be rich in desoxyrihonucleic acids at that time. The work of McClin- tock (1934) on the nucleolar-forming body in Maize, and that of Navashin, Heitz, and others on various plants, besides establishing morphological and developmental relationships, indicates possible lines of attack on problems of nucleolar function. We may proceed now to a discussion of some features of chromo- some structure for which submicroscopic interpretations are as yet either very limited in scope or else highly speculative. Very diverse opinions have been expressed by different workers on the function or even the existence of the matrix of the chromosomes. Darlington (1935a) dismisses it entirely but concedes that "the chromosome thread probably has some sort of pelUcle." Heitz and Kuwada, respec- tively, introduced the terms kalymma and hyalonema. These and others are, as Nebel (1939) says, "synonymous terms for a morpho- logical entity, at present insufficiently defined in terms of chemical constitution." Some authors, including myself, consider that there is evidence for both matrix and a sheath or pellicle. Nebel considers each chromonema to have its own matrix and all the chromonemata of a chromosome to have, in addition, a common matrix. However this may be, it may be taken as established that the chromosomes in mitosis and meiosis consist of chromonemata surrounded by a substance for which we may as well use the now noncommittal term matrix until more is known of its nature, structure, and function. From this point we may logically consider next the problem of the number of chromonemata and their arrangement within the chromosomes during division. As Nebel (1939) has so recently presented an extensive review of chromosome structure, only a brief outline, particularly of those problems still at issue, will be given here. The detailed nature of the coiling of the chromonemata within mitotic or meiotic chromosomes and the mechanisms concerned in coiling have engaged much attention since about 1925 when Kauf- mann demonstrated it clearly in pollen mother-cell meiosis of plants with large chromosomes. More recently spiral structure has been established definitely in somatic chromosomes of plants, in grass- hoppers (White, 1940) , sawflies (Smith, 1941) , a mammal (Roller, 1938) , and protozoa (Cleveland, 1938) . Though it has not yet been clearly demonstrated in many animals nor in plants with very small chromosomes, it seems a fairly safe assumption that the condensed chromosomes characteristic of mitosis and meiosis in most organisms all have a coiled structure and that spiralization is the chief mechan- 120 The Structure of Protoplasm ism of "condensation" or better, of "packing" (Darlington) . Maxi- mum spiralization occurs at metaphase or early anaphase in plants with large chromosomes (and probably in almost all organisms) but at the end of anaphase in some protozoa (Belar, 1926, Bauer, 1938) . For the purpose of analysis it is necessary to consider the many different forms that coiling may take or stages that may occur in the process. The chromonema within each chromatid of a mitotic chromosome forms a helix which is best termed a standard coil (Nebel, 1939) . The two chromatids are twisted about each other like the two strands of electric flex, i. e., they are extended coils turning in the same direction. This is termed relational coiling (Darlington, 1935b) . In the prophase of mitosis, especially in the first microspore division, the chromonemata are in loose spirals which Darlington termed relic coils. They have now definitely been shown, in pollen grain divisions, to be the residuum of the coils of the previous division, as his term implies (Sparrow, Huskins, and Wilson, 1941) . At the metaphase and anaphase of meiosis, there is typically a coil of much larger diameter. Fujii, in 1926, first described the chromonema forming this coil as being itself a small-gyred spiral. These two helices are now generally termed the major and minor coils (Huskins and Smith, 1935) . In some organisms, e. g., Trillium, the major coil persists relatively unchanged through both divisions of meiosis and appears as a large- gyred relic coil in the prophase of the first pollen grain division. In others, e. g., Tradescantia, the major coil disappears during meiotic interkinesis and a new smaller-gyred spiral appears in the second division. In my opinion much confusion has resulted from the use of terms with implications beyond those warranted by the existing data and from failure to keep theory sharply differentiated from observation. For instance, the major and minor coil were originally termed pri- mary and secondary, and the terms were then interchanged as evidence accumulated on their relationship. The small-gyred coil of the second meiotic division in Tradescantia and that of somatic cells have often been called minor coils, thus implying a relationship with the minor coil of the first division of meiosis which is not yet established. The frankly deductive hypothesis of coiling presented by Darlington (1935b) relates all the different coils, and traces them back to an assumed molecular spiral unitarily controlled from the centromere or kinetochore. Certain of Darlington's fol- lowers took the molecular spiral as a datum and when they found Structural Differentiation of the Nucleus 121 changes in direction of the major coil or in the sahvary gland chromosomes, explained them away, or in some cases ignored them, because they could not, of course, be accommodated to a theory having this basis. Similarly, many other workers presented figures of drawn-out major spirals as evidence for the minor spiral concept of Fujii, Kuwada, et al. Further confusion resulted from disagree- ment on the number of chromonemata within meiotic chromosomes. Kuwada and Nakamura (1933) , in one of the first presentations in English of the work of the current Japanese school, showed the coil- within-a-coil structure by means of a diagram containing four strands. This diagram was adopted by the Darlington school since it agrees with their concept of the number of strands. Kuwada and Nakamura had, however, already pointed out in publications in Japanese that there is a further split in each of the chromatids in the second division, and they stressed this point in a publication in English in the following year (1934) . They and others have since brought forward much evidence for the existence of at least eight strands in a meiotic bivalent. The Darlington school, however, still sees only four. It is obvious that optical images can be given very different interpretations as coils when such a disagreement exists on the number of strands. It has also been pointed out (Huskins, 1937) that the minor coil of some workers is a tightly wound helix, while that of others is a mere waviness. The former would most easily be explicable as the result of its molecular structure; the latter may be interpreted as the initiation of a spiral determined by mechanical forces. There are also differences of opinion on the relationship between the two major coils formed by the two chroma- tids of a meiotic chromosome. Some authors have pictured them as intertwined; to get them separated Matsuura has postulated breaking and rejoining (genetic crossing-over) during anaphase — for which there is no evidence. Most observers, however, find the chromatid spirals twisted on their own axis but free of each other. In the hope of resolving these differences of opinion on the interpretation of microscopic images, efforts have been made, but with very meager success, to obtain evidence from other levels. Polarized light experiments were for some time held to prove the existence of a minor spiral at right angles to the major spiral, but it is now generally conceded that the existing data on birefringence of chromosomes are equivocal (cf. Frey-Wyssling, 1938) . Innumer- able experiments have been made to determine the number of chromonemata through the breakage effects of X-rays. The results 122 The Structure of Protoplasm have mostly been interpreted in accordance with the opinion the investigator had previously formed from direct microscopic obser- vation. The opinion is now gaining ground that X-rays are too crude a tool for settling this problem. Fourth level data show that there are four genetically effective strands in a meiotic bivalent so far as crossing over is concerned, but this says nothing of the structure within each of these. In our McGill laboratory we have, during the last five years, attempted to get more definite evidence on some of these problems by starting with statistical analyses of extensive data from the largest and most easily observed spiral structures. For this purpose Trillium is exceptionally favorable material. Our first significant observation was that the major coil changes direction at numerous points in Trillium. By analysis of normal material and comparison with pollen mother-cells that had different degrees of lack of association between homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids through temperature treatments, we have been able to establish (Huskins and Wilson, 1938) that reversals occur with random frequency at the kinetochore and at chiasmata, and that elsewhere they may occur from unknown causes with a frequency proportional to the length of chromosome involved. It was next discovered (Wilson and Huskins, 1939) that the chromo- nema more than doubles in length during formation of the major coil — the nature of the elongation is not yet determined. These facts seem decisively to rule out any hypothesis which involves an internal torsion due to molecular pattern and directed as a unit. They are fitted for the present by the simple assumption that a thread of a resilient consistency will take up a spiral form if it expands in length within a confined space— the sheath or pellicle. Almost surely this concept will be found inadequate to explain some of the other spirals now being studied. The relational coil has generally been assumed to result from torsion causing the chromonemata to twist around each other. Our current data (Sparrow, Huskins, and Wilson, 1941) show that the microspore chromatid relational coiling results directly from the partial straightening out of the gyres of the major coil of meiosis and is related to the plane assumed by the tertiary split in the major coil. This cannot, of course, be the direct cause of the relational coiling of homologous chromosomes in the prophase of meiosis — which requires much more rigid analysis than it has yet received. We are proceeding at present with analyses of standard somatic Structural Differentiation of the Nucleus 123 coils. The torsion hypotheses of coiling and crossing over have also been checked by analyses of the relationship of successive chiasmata (Huskins and Newcombe, 1941). These reveal a more complex relationship than previously envisaged, and experiments with Neuro- spora (Lindegren and Lindegren, 1937 and unpublished) seem to substantiate the results with fourth level, genetic data. To sum up: The structure of the nucleus is highly involved and changes in it are being correlated with function. Studies of the nucleus are proceeding on four different levels which differ con- siderably in the degree of accuracy or objectivity attainable. First- level analyses of chromosomes have led to hypotheses on their mole- cular pattern. Ultraviolet and Feulgen studies of the nucleus have established the nucleic acid cycle during mitosis and interkinesis. The conclusions from these regarding the time of reproduction of the gene rest, however, partly on second-level or microscopic obser- vations of the time of chromosome or chromonema reproduction, regarding which there are sharp differences of opinion. They are, therefore, much less definitely established than the first-level data on which they may appear to be based. Microchemical studies on genetically controlled materials involving heterochromatic regions (combined first-, fourth-, and third-level studies) indicate: (a) that heterochromatic regions are specialized for the production of nucleic acid, (b) that they are concerned in the formation of the nucleolus, and (c) that the position of genes relative to these regions affects the expression of the characteristics they determine. The functions of nucleoli of different types remain undetermined. Second-level microscopic studies are now very frequently com- bined with fourth-level, genetic analyses. Where the correlation is experimental, very solid progress has been made. One school of second-level cytology uses genetic data extensively for the deductive formulation of cytological hypotheses (Darlington, 1935a and b) . Very great advances have been made by this technique, but the dangers inherent in the method are apparently not realized by all those following it, nor is the admittedly tentative nature of some of the conclusions drawn by this school realized by many workers on other levels who attempt correlations of them with their own data. Third-level studies by the methods of experimental cytology- have not been considered to any extent in the above brief review, since they are considered by another contributor to this symposium. Only limited aspects of the problems of mitosis have been consid- ered since this process obviously depends upon reactions of the cell 124 The Structure of Protoplasm as a whole and only nuclear problems are here considered in any detail. The coiled structure of meiotic and mitotic chromosomes is being studied comprehensively by the deductive school and piece- meal by others, including our own group, who are attempting to remain more inductive in their approach. Coiling is being related by both schools to mechanical function during nuclear division. The structure of the resting or "energic" (Berrill and Huskins, 1936) nucleus is fairly evidently correlated with physiological func- tion, and cytogenetic methods of attacking this problem are available (cf. Stern, 1938) . Progress is apparently being made most rapidly in nearly all of the problems of the nucleus when attacks are made by associations of workers with training in the different techniques of the four "levels" into which, for the purpose of stimulating discussion, analyses of nuclear structure are here somewhat arbitrarily grouped. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bauer, H. 1938. Chromosomenstruktur. Arch. Exp. Zellf. 22: 181-187. Belar, K. 1926. Der Formwechsel der Protistenkerne. Erg. Fortschr. Zool. 6: 235-652. Berger, C. a. 1938. Multiplication and reduction of somatic chromosome groups as a regular developmental process in the mosquito, Culex pipiens. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 496: 209-232. 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Chromosome numbers in nodules and roots of red clover, common vetch and garden pea. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 24: 87-91. PROTOPLASMIC STREAMING IN RELATION TO GEL STRUCTURE IN THE CYTOPLASM Douglas A. Marsland Washington Square College of Arts and Science, New York University I. INTRODUCTION Reversible sol-gel transformations are commonly recognized in protoplasmic systems, and for some time it has been thought that these reactions may play an important role in physiological activity. Thus Mast ('26 and '31), and Lewis ('39) have considered that the movement of amoeboid cells depends upon a series of gelations occurring at the anterior ends of the pseudopodia, and upon com- pensating processes of solation in the posterior part of the cell. Aside from this case, however, examples establishing the physiological importance of sol-gel reactions have not been demonstrated very clearly. A. SOL-GEL EQUILIBRIA IN RELATION TO HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE A relationship between hydrostatic pressure and the structural characteristics of protoplasmic gels was first revealed by Dugald E. S. Brown in 1934. Brown ('34c) found that the central mass of the protoplasm of the Arbacia egg is relatively fluid compared to a cortical layer, about 5 microns thick, which displays the properties of a fairly rigid gel. When these eggs were centrifuged at atmos- pheric pressure in a weak centrifugal field, the granular components of the central fluid protoplasm were readily displaced, but the gran- ules of the gelated cortex, mainly the pigment granules, remained quite fixed. But when the centrifuging was done at increasingly higher hydrostatic pressure, up to 10,000 pounds per square inch, the cortical gel displayed a greater and greater degree of lique- faction. In the higher range of pressure the pigment granules were displaced with great rapidity, and at 10,000 lbs. /in.,- the cortical gel offered less than 10 per cent of its atmospheric resistance. Subsequent work has demonstrated that hydrostatic pressure imposes solation upon the protoplasmic gels of animal and plant cells generally. Among the animals, the effect has been shown in a num- ber of different eggs;^ in two kinds of amoeba,- in the tentacles of [127] 128 The Structure of Protoplasm a suctorian^ (Ephelota) , in Paramecium,^ and in human erythro- cytes.^ Among the plants a similar effect has appeared in the leaf cells of Elodea,'' in the plasmodium of Physarum," and in the cells of Spirogyra.^ A number of the cases have yielded quantitative measurements, and these indicate that the relative magnitude of the liquefaction induced by pressure is the same in all cases, regardless of whether the initial gel at atmospheric pressure is quite firm or is relatively fluid. Each increment of 1,000 Ibs./in.- reduces the rigidity by almost 25 per cent. Furthermore, within fairly broad limits, the effect is reversible. Pressures up to 4,000 Ibs./in." may be maintained for about an hour, and yet, when the cells are returned to atmospheric pressure, the original structural characteristics of the gel are i-estored within a minute, or perhaps within an even shorter time. For higher pressures irreversible changes begin to appear much sooner, depending upon the intensity. B. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Since it is known that pressure induces solation, or conversely, that pressure prevents gelation from occurring in protoplasmic systems, a useful tool has been provided for analyzing the role of such phenomena in various forms of physiological activity. At the present time quite a number of studies are available, and the pur- pose of this paper is to determine, so far as is possible, how the manifold physiological effects of pressure may be related to changes in the sol ^ gel equilibrium. C. STREAMING ACTIVITIES IN CONTRAST TO OTHER PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES Perhaps a general statement of the results, made in advance of the detailed account, will provide a useful orientation. In general, it seems valid to say that one group of physiological activities, the group in which protoplasmic streaming is the common attribute, appears to be particularly vulnerable to inhibition by very moderate (below 5,000 Ibs./in.-) intensities of compression. This pressure- susceptible group includes amoeboid movement, cyclosis, cell division (in animal cells) , and the migration of pigment in the unicellular type of chromatophores. A second group of activities, which includes contraction in muscle, conduction in nerve, and the motility of cilia and flagella, is not inhibited by moderate pressures. In fact, the characteristic activities Protoplasmic Streatiiing — Relation to Gel Structure 129 of the second group are considerably augmented or accelerated in the lower range of pressure. Furthermore, it may be said that the effect of pressure upon the activities of the first group is in propor- tion to the effect upon the gel system, whereas this does not seem to be the case for the second group. II. METHOD A. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HYDROSTATIC AND OTHER TYPES OF COMPRESSION It is important to realize that the pressure used in the experi- ments is of the hydrostatic type. Each cell or tissue is completely surrounded by a liquid medium, and this medium serves to trans- mit the pressure from the pump equally in all directions. This condition eliminates all distortional injury, such as would result if the tissues were compressed locally between impinging solid surfaces. The difference is well illustrated by experiments on divid- ing Arbacia eggs. When these cells are compressed between a slide and coverslip, less than 5 Ibs./in.- suffices to cause considerable distortion and to block the cleavage. Under hydrostatic compression, however, the form of the egg remains unchanged, aside from a very slight loss of volume, at pressures well above 10,000 Ibs./in.-, and the capacity to furrow is not completely abolished until a pressure of more than 5,000 Ibs./in.- is reached. Another important experimental condition is the absence of any gas phase in the system. Many of the early experiments in the field were complicated by the fact that the pressure was applied through the medium of a supernatant atmosphere. This made it difficult to distinguish between the effects of the pressure per se, and the effects of driving excessive quantities of the atmospheric gases into solution in the protoplasm and the surrounding liquid medium. When the gaseous phase is eliminated, the main effect of the pressure must be mediated through small changes in the protoplasmic volume" and through the consequent alterations in the fundamental molecular pattern of the protoplasmic system. B. RECENT TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS All of the experimental methods cannot be given in detail, but a brief consideration of two recently developed pieces of apparatus will permit a clearer understanding of the ensuing work. The first is the centrifuge-pressure bomb devised by Brown ('34c). This 130 The Structure of Protoplasm apparatus makes it possible to centrifuge a tissue while the com- pression is maintained at any desired level up to 14,000 Ibs./in.- Thus one may measure, by the centrifuge method, the fluidity of the protoplasmic system as a function of pressure. The bomb is divided into two parts; (1) the experimental, or pressure chamber, and (2) the control chamber. A needle valve seals the pressure into the experimental chamber during the period of centrifugation, and since the centrifugal radius is the same for both chambers, the control (atmospheric), and the high pressure specimens are subjected to an equal centrifugal force. The second apparatus is the microscope-pressure chamber described by Marsland and Brown in 1936. In this chamber, speci- mens may be viewed during the period of compression at magnifica- tions up to 600 diameters."" Upper and lower windows, 3 mm. thick, permit hght to be transmitted through the chamber to a special objective'^ which, despite an unusually great working distance of 15 mm.,1" possesses a magnification of 15 diameters. Since the specimens in the chamber tend to drop to the upper surface of the lower window, the bomb is used with an mverted microscope, and good images are obtained with oculars up to 20 X- III. CELLULAR ACTIVITIES WHICH INVOLVE PROTOPLASMIC STREAMING A. AMOEBOID MOVEMENT The dependence of this activity upon the structural character- istics of the gel system of the amoeboid cell has been demonstrated by several types of experiment (Brown and Marsland, '36, and Marsland and Brown, '36) . (1) Effects of high pressure, rapidly established In this type of experiment, the amoebae were placed in the pressure chamber and then, while under continuous observation, were rapidly compressed at the rate of about 1,500 Ibs./in.- per second. The first effect of the compression is the cessation of the proto- plasmic flow when the pressure reaches about 4,000 lbs. Then no further change is noted until the pressure reaches approximately 6,500 lbs. At this point, within 0.5 second each elongate pseudo- podium undergoes a sudden shrinkage in length and develops a terminal sphere of the type shown in Figure 1. This abrupt and rapid reorganization of the pseudopodium is followed by a more B 4-^ # ■f^ ^^H^ m 0 m *^^. m # % * -ti • B , ' ♦ Fig. 1. Solation of the plasmagel of the pseudopodia of Amoeba duhia. In A, the specimens are at low pressure (1,500 Ibs./in.-). Note that characteristically the pseudopodia are elongate cylinders. B shows the same specimens 1 second after raising the pressure to 6,500 lbs. in.- Due to the greater fluidity of the plasmagel, each pseudopodium undergoes a rapid reorganization, tending to become spherical as a result of the tensional forces of the surface. 132 The Structure oj Protoplasm 100 5J 90 80 70 60 0 = Arbitrary point; all other values are relative to this. T =: Gel value, Amoeba. J. = Gel value, unfert. Arbacia egg. X — Gel value, cleaving. Arbacia egg. + — Rate of cleavage, Arbacia egg. • — Gel value, Elodea cells. 0 — Rate of streaming, Elodea cells. M — Gel value, myosin gel (rabbit) pH = 65: temp. 23°-24°C. 50 :\ \ 40 - i\ \ 30 - \ ^8\ \ M 20 - 0 \ 10 I . .J — 1 — 1 10 PRESSURE -LBS./ 1 N^x 10^ Fig. 2. Proportionality between the effects of pressure on protoplasmic streaming (and cell division) and the degree of solation imposed by pressure, in various gel systems. The data for the myosin gel are entirely tentative, since only points nearest the general curve were selected from several pre- liminary experiments. gradual change in the entire form of the amoeba such that in about 5 minutes all of the specimens become quite spherical. This type of experiment clearly indicates that the tubular form of a pseudopodium is maintained by rigid properties which are inherent in the plasmagel layer. The data of Figure 2 reveal that the rigidity of this layer at 6,500 lbs. is less than 20 per cent of its atmospheric value. When the rigid properties of the gel are lost, the pseudopodium behaves as a cylinder^ ^ of nonmiscible liquid sus- pended in water and becomes unstable under the tensional forces of the surface. Protoplasmic Streaviing — Relation to Gel Structure 133 The foregoing reaction is exhibited most strikingly in the case of Ainoeha duhia. With Amoeba jjroteus the formation of the terminal spheres is not so well marked and requires slightly higher pressures. In this case and in the case of the amoebocytes of the body fluid of Arbacia the sudden collapse of many of the pseudopodia is repre- sented chiefly by an abrupt shrinkage in length. In all cases, how- ever, the cells gradually become spherical if the high pressure is maintained. A similar phenomenon has been observed by Kitching and Pease, '39, who studied the behavior of the tentacles of the suctorian protozoa. Ephelota coronata. In this case the disintegration, which occurred mainly at pressures between 6,500 and 8,500 lbs. /in., - was so complete that the suctorial processes broke up into tiny isolated beads of protoplasm. This difference is probably due to the greater length of the tentacular processes and to the absence of a visibly differentiated surface membrane such as is present in the Amoeba. (2) Indications of a gradient in the tensile properties of the plasmogel It is significant to note in the Amoeba experiments that the rigidity of the plasmagel varies somewhat in different parts of the pseudopodium. Thus in a newly formed pseudopodium, which is actively extending at the moment of compression, the terminal sphere may involve all but a short remnant at the base, whereas in older less active ones, only the distal tip may be involved. Assuming that pressure produces the same percentage loss of rigidity in all parts of the plasmagel system,^- these observations indicate that normally the plasmagel is more fluid in the more recently formed parts of the pseudopodium. They also support the view of Mast ('26) , namely, that a gradient of rigidity exists in the plasmagel tube, decreasing as one proceeds from the base to the tip of the pseudopodium. (3) Measurement of the solating effect of the pressure The experimental results (Brown and Marsland, '36) , which clearly describe the solation of the plasmagel as a function of pressure, are given in Figure 2. The gelation percentages^^ are taken to be in proportion to the time of centrifugation" required for the formation of a standard hyaline zone (see Fig. 3) , measured at each of the indicated levels of pressure. The formation of the hyaline zone (Fig. 3) requires the displace- ment of all the formed bodies originally present in this region of the 134 The Structure of Protoplasm protoplasm. The greatest resistance to such displacement occurs in the peripheral protoplasm, that is to say, in the plasmagel rather than in the plasmasol. At 7,000 X gravity the displacement of the formed elements of the sol region is practically instantaneous (Heil- brunn, '29) . Consequently, it may be said that the so- lation measurements ob- tained deal entirely with the gel portion of the protoplasm of this cell. (4) Equilibration to lower pressures, steadily main- tained In view of the marked effects of the sudden high compression of the Amoe- bae, it seemed important to ascertain the character- istic form and movement of the specimens when equilibrated to lower pres- sures which do not induce such a drastic liquefaction of the plasmagel. In the experiments the amoebae were exposed to the de- sired pressure until the characteristic form was assumed, a matter usually of about 5 minutes. In most instances the same group of animals was compressed at suc- cessively higher pressures and then decompressed, step-wise, through the same pressure range, sufficient time for equilibration being allowed at each pressure. The variation in form of the Amoebae as a function of pressure involves a progressive diminution in the diameter of the pseudo- podia which are formed. At lower pressures, i. e., up to 2,000 Ibs./in.,- there is also a lengthening^'' of the pseudopodia, but thereafter both the length and the diameter are reduced more and more. At 5,000 lbs. the pseudopodia, although numerous, appear as mere pin points projecting from the surface of the otherwise spherical cell. Above Fig. 3. The solation effect of pressure in the Amoeba. Specimens E (experimental) and C (control) were centrifuged simultaneously for only 10 seconds. E was in the pressure section of the centrifuge at 8,000 lbs./in.% whereas C was at atmospheric pressure. The much greater fluidity of the plasmagel of E is indicated by the sharp centrifugal zoning. An equivalent zoning of atmospheric speci- mens requires more than 3 minutes of cen- trifuging. Note also in E, that the contractile vacuole was on the point of being thrown out from the centripetal end of the cell at the instant when the nucleus reached the opposite end: o, the oil zone; h, the hyaline zone; g, the granular zone. Protoplasmic Streaming — Relation to Gel Structure 135 6,000 lbs. no pseudopodia can be formed or maintained, and the Amoebae become completely spherical. With few exceptions the equilibrium form is assumed by all of the specimens of an experi- mental group, whether the particular pressure is approached from a higher or a lower level. Apparently each characteristic form represents a steady state with respect to the conditions imposed by the pressure. The extent to which the variations in the diameter of the pseudo- podia may be accounted for on the basis of the increased fluidity of the plasmagel constitutes an interesting question. Essentially, a pseudopodium must be a tube of plasmagel through which the plas- masol flows outward as extension is occurring, and the tubular form of a pseudopodium must be maintained by rigid properties residual in the plasmagel wall. Due to the solating effect of an increase of pressure, a gel layer of equal thickness would possess a lesser strength. On the basis that hydrodynamic factors are involved in the flow of plasmasol, a reduction in the diameter of the pseudo- podium can be regarded as a compensation for the diminished strength of the wall. The situation would be analogous to a tube of smaller diameter successfully conducting a fluid which is flowing under a pressure that would be sufficient to rupture the wall if the diameter of the lumen were greater. Some further observations appear to justify the foregoing view- point. At pressures below 3,000 lbs., a range in which an appreciable protoplasmic flow continues, a few of the pseudopodia do not extend steadily in one direction. Instead, the progress of the extending pseudopodium is interrupted at intervals of about 15 seconds by sudden ruptures in the lateral wall, just proximal to the advancing tip. When a rupture occurs, the protoplasmic granules pour rapidly out into the resulting lateral bulge, and then the flow stops altogether for a moment. When the advance begins again, the direction is deflected slightly toward the ruptured side. Such pseudopodia assume a somewhat tortuous form. It would seem probable that this phenomenon indicates an incomplete compensation in the particular pseudopodia which are involved, and that the diameter of these pseudopodia is reduced to a degree which is not quite sufficient to provide stability during periods of active flow. B. CYCLOSIS A study of the effects of pressure upon protoplasmic streaming in the leaf cells of Elodea (Marsland, '39b) , has also established a 136 The Structure of Protoplasm dependence of this activity upon sol ^ gel reactions. In this case it has been found that the rate of streaming diminishes^*^ in propor- tion to the degree of solation which increasing pressure induces in the nonflowing parts of the protoplasm (Fig. 2) . (1) The velocity of streaming in relation to pressure Qualitative observations on the rate of streaming as a function pressure are relatively easy to make. At 2,400 Ibs./in.,^ the velocity appears to be about half the atmospheric rate. At 5,500 lbs., the chloroplasts continue to move, but the progress is almost imper- ceptible. Between 6,500 and 7,500 lbs., depending upon the particular cell which is being watched, streaming ceases altogether. However, the flow begins again within about 1 minute after decompression, provided the exposure in the higher range was not too prolonged. In view of such a prompt reversal of the pressure effect, it is not difficult to understand why Fontaine ('29) reported that pressures up to 10,000 Ibs./in.- had no immediate effect upon the velocity of streaming, since this worker was unable to see the cells until a few minutes after decompression had occurred. Quantitative measurements of the rate of streaming are some- what difficult to obtain. It is necessary to select a cell which can be brought into sharp focus in the pressure chamber, and with a stop watch to time at least ten individual chloroplasts as they pass through a complete circuit, or at least through a definitely fixed major part of the circuit. Although considerable variation is found from cell to cell, the same cell frequently maintains its individual rate, calculated from the average of ten successive timings, for a period of more than half an hour, provided that the hght and tem- perature conditions are kept constant. In such cells it is possible to measure the pressure rate relative to the initial atmospheric rate. In each case the measurements were discarded if, after decompres- sion, the particular cell failed to return, within 5 per cent, to its original atmospheric rate of streaming. (2) Measurement of the solation effect The very marked solating effect of pressure upon the protoplasm of Elodea cells is demonstrated in Figure 4. Leaf A (at 6,000 Ibs./in.-) and Leaf B (at atmospheric pressure) were centrifuged in the same field for only 45 seconds. The greater resistance to the displacement of the chloroplasts in the gelated protoplasm of the atmospheric specimen is indicated by the absence of any clear sedi- mentation zones. Such clear sedimentation zones may be obtained Protoplasmic Streaming — Relation to Gel Structure 137 Fig. 4. The solation effect of pressure in the cells of Elodea canadensis. Lieaves A and B were centrifuged simultaneously for 45 seconds, A at 6,000 Ibs./in." and B at atmospheric pressure. The greater fluidity of A is indicated by the marked sedimentation of the chloroplasts. Leaf C was centrifuged for 4 minutes at atmospheric pressure. in atmospheric specimens, but only by prolonged centrifugation (about 5 minutes; see Fig. 4-C) . When a leaf is placed in the control, and in the experimental section of the centrifuge-pressure head, care must be taken that the axis of the leaf is fixed in the proper position, i. e., parallel to the radius of the head. Thus the displacement of the chloroplasts and other heavier granules is toward one of the ends of the elongate cells, 138 The Structure of Protoplasm rather than toward one of the sides. In each of the experiments the centrifuging was started 1 minute after the pressure was estabUshed in the experimental section of the bomb, and a uniform force, 810 X gravity, was used. In view of the fact that protoplasmic streaming, and consequently a redistribution of the sedimented chloroplasts, would begin very shortly after the centrifuging was stopped, it was necessary to fix the material in order to obtain an accurate measure- ment of the degree of sedimentation. Heat fixation, obtained by placing the bomb in boiling water for 45 seconds, gave excellent results. This method, which avoids chemical contamination of the chamber, was used in all the experiments. (3) The plasmagel system in plant cells Although it has not been usual to speak of a "plasmasol" and "plasmagel" with reference to the protoplasm of plant cells, these terms do not seem inapt, at least in plant cells which display proto- plasmic streaming. A close observation of a cell of Elodea during active cyclosis shows that, except under special circumstances,^' only a relatively small portion of the protoplasm is involved in the actual stream. Usually the flowing part is restricted to a fairly nar- row channel which follows the side and end walls completely around the cell. The protoplasm which lies above and below this channel, i. e., along the upper and lower margins of the walls, and over the "roof" and "floor" of the cell, does not flow. In these parts of the protoplasm, the chloroplasts, even those which border directly upon the flowing part, may maintain a fixed position for many minutes. Thus the nonflowing portion of the protoplasm resembles the plas- magel of an amoeboid cell, whereas the actively streaming part may be regarded as plasmasol. The gelation percentages, which in Figure 2 have been plotted as a function of pressure, undoubtedly deal with the properties of the plasmagel, rather than of the plasmasol portions of the protoplasm. As in the case of the Amoeba, the present measurements are based upon the assumption that the relative degree of gelation is in propor- tion to the minimum time of centrifugation^^ required for the formation of a standard zoning at each of the indicated pressures. C. CELL DIVISION The effects of pressure upon cell division as it occurs in the eggs of various marine animals have now been reported by several workers (Brown, '34c; Marsland, '36, '38, and '39a; Pease and Mars- land, '39; and Pease, '40a), and there is general agreement that Protoplasmic Streaming — Relation to Gel Structure 139 sol ^ gel reactions play an important role in the mechanism which operates to cleave the cytosoma.^'' This view has also been supported recently by other types of work (Schechtman, '37; Chambers, '38; and Dan and co-workers, '37) . (1) The plas7nagel systeyn of egg cells On the basis of a number of recent observations, it is possible to compare the egg cell with the Amoeba and to distinguish two well differentiated parts of the cytoplasm: (1) the plasmagel,-" a corti- cally situated layer,-^ about 5 microns thick, which displays marked gelation changes during the different phases of division, and (2) the plasmasoh the more fluid internal cytoplasm, which participates in the protoplasmic streaming at the time of cleavage, and in which the spindle and the asters are formed. The existence of a differentiated cortical plasmagel layer in the Arbacia egg was first demonstrated clearly by the centrifuge experi- ments of Brown, '34c, and of Costello, '34. In these experiments it was observed that the formed elements of the cortex undergo cen- trifugal displacement much less easily than those in the medullary region of the egg, and that displacement of the cortical pigment requires higher centrifugal forces, and longer centrifugal periods. And Costello further observed that the apparent viscosity of the internal protoplasm increases markedly as the temperature falls, whereas the cortical layer, as judged by the displacement of the pigment granules, becomes slightly less "viscous" in the range between 20° and 2° C. Subsequently there have been a number of confirmatory observa- tions. Motomura, '35, and Schechtman, '37, noted that the protoplas- mic currents of the frog's egg, which appear at the time of the cleavage furrow, involve only the deeper cytoplasm, and that visible granules in the peripheral gelled layer are not disturbed by the stream. Chambers, '38, determined that the thickness of the plas- magel layer in the furrow region of the Arbacia egg is about 5 microns, by the method of watching the furrow impinge upon a mass of oil which had been injected into the stalk between the blasto- meres, replacing the plasmasol in this region. Furthermore, Cham- bers has observed-'- that when one of the two potential blastomeres of a dividing egg is punctured, practically all of the internal cyto- plasm pours out from the unpunctured blastomere, through the aperture surrounded by the impinging furrow, leaving a rind of protoplasm which is especially thick bordering the furrow. This cortical remnant displays the properties of a gel, not only in that it 140 The Structure of Protoplasm does not participate in the flow of escaping plasmasol, but also in its behavior when manipulated with micro-needles. Finally, the work of Marsland, '38 and '39a, has confirmed and amplified the original observations of Brown. (2) The setthig of the cortical gel diLring active cleavage An indication that the furrowing process might involve gelation reactions occurring primarily in the cortical layer of the egg cell was provided by Brown's observation ('34c) that when the furrows are about to appear (and during the time when they are actually cleaving the cell) , the plasmagel part of the protoplasm becomes set much more firmly than in other phases of the division cycle (see Fig. 5) . This very marked shift in the equilibrium is indicated by the fact that no displacement of the pigment granules of the cortex can be obtained even in a relatively strong centrifugal field (18,000 X gravity, Marsland, '39a) when the eggs are centrifuged during the cleavage period; whereas, if the centrifuging is done shortly before or shortly after this period, a clear displacement can be obtained in relatively weak fields (7,000 X gravity) . On the basis of the foregoing observations, experiments were undertaken to determine the effects of pressure upon the visible aspects of cleavage in the Arbacia egg-'' (Marsland, '38) , and upon the sol ^gel equilibrium of the plasmagel system (Marsland, '39) . (3) The cleavage block at high pressures The first type of experiment involved subjecting the eggs to a relatively high pressure (7,000 Ibs./in.-) applied suddenly at the time when fairly deep furrows were visible in a majority of the cells. As soon as the pressure is applied, the progress of each furrow ceases. This is true whether the invagination has just begun or whether it has already almost cleaved the egg. Not only does the inward movement of the furrow stop, but soon a slow recession begins (Fig. 6) and if the pressure is maintained, each of the bilobed cells gradually-^ reverts to a sphere. It seemed likely that this phenomenon might be comparable to the slow rounding of amoeboid cells which occurs at a similar pres- sure. Apparently the bilobed form of the cleaving egg is stable provided that the cortical plasmagel possesses a sufficient degree of rigidity. According to this view the cells become rounded under the agency of surface forces as soon as, due to the solating effect of the pressure, the resistance of the plasmagel drops below a certain critical value. The inhibition of furrowing by pressure is remarkedly reversible. Protoplasmic Streaviing — Relation to Gel Structure 141 As soon as the pressure is released the furrow recedes no further, and within less than a minute it begins to push inward once more toward the axis. The delayed furrowing now continues rapidly to completion, provided that the pressure inhibition has not been main- tained for more than 14 or 15 minutes.-"^ No injury appears to result A mn B Fig. 5. The setting of the cortical gel of the Arbacia egg, which occui'S just prior to the appearance of the cleavage furrow. A, two unfertilized eggs, and B, a fertilized egg 5 minutes before cleavage time, all centrifuged together for 6 minutes at atmospheric pressure. The greater rigidity of the cortical gel of B is indicated by the fact that there has been scarcely any displacement of the pigment granules, which in this egg (Arbacia piLstulosa) are localized entirely in the cortex. Note that the undisplaced pigment is readily observable in the cortical part of the hyaline zone. from the temporary suppression, for the eggs continue to develop in an apparently normal fashion. They go through the second and third cleavage at the same time as control eggs, and give rise to blastulae which cannot be distinguished from untreated specimens. (4) Ejfect of pressure on the rate of furrowing In view of the marked effect of the relatively high pressure, it was of interest to determine how cleavage might be modified by lesser degrees of constraint. Soon it became apparent that lower 149 The Structure of Protoplasm Fig. 6. Recession of the cleavage furrows as a result of hydrostatic compres- sion. A, eggs (Arhacia puiictulata) 10 seconds after a pressure of 6,500 lbs. /in.' was established in the chamber; B, two minutes later, pressure still maintained; C, two minutes after decompression, which occurred immediately after photo- graph B was taken. Note (bl and b2) that recession of the furrow occurred even though the "blastomeres" were conne^ed by a mere strand of protoplasm at the time when the pressure was applied. The fertilization membranes were removed shortly after the spei'm was added. pressures merely retard the rate at which the furrow intrudes upon the division axis, and a quantitative study of this effect was under- taken. In these experiments the fertihzed eggs were allowed to develop in the chamber at atmospheric pressure until 4 minutes before the Proto-plasmic Streaming — Relation to Gel Structure 143 furrows were expected-'" to appear, at which time the pressure was raised quickly to the desired level. In order to time the progress of the intruding furrow accurately, it was found necessary to remove the fertilization membranes by shaking the eggs before placing them in the chamber. This procedure permits the dividing eggs to become more elongate in the direction of the division axis and enables one to see the furrows more plainly. In this way it is possible to deter- mine precisely when the furrow begins to form and when it finally reaches the axis of the dividing cell. As the pressure is increased there is a marked increase in the time required for the furrow to complete its passage from the equator to the axis. At 2,000 lbs. /in.- the rate of progress of the furrow is only half the atmospheric rate,-' whereas at 5,000 lbs. the progress is slowed to about one-fifth of the original rate. At pressures between 5,000 and 6,000 lbs., abortive furrows are formed which fail to reach the division axis before receding. Above 6,000 lbs. no furrows appear although the eggs do become slightly elongate at the time when cleavage is due. When one plots the rate of furrowing as a function of pressure (Fig. 2) , it becomes apparent that the retardation is in proportion to the solation effect which the pressure exerts upon protoplasmic gels generally. This would indicate an intimate relation between the mechanics of furrowing and the capacity of the plasmagel system to undergo a process of setting at the time when the furrowing is active. However, direct measurements of the pressure effect upon the exceptionally stiff gel which is formed at this critical time, remain for consideration. (5) Solation of the firm "cleavage gel" The eggs of Arhacia pustulosa, which are available at the Naples laboratory in adequate quantities throughout the year, were chosen for these experiments. These eggs possess an unusually generous number of pigment granules, and this pigment is confined, even in the unfertilized egg, almost entirely to the cortical layer of the cytoplasm. These two attributes are of particular advantage in the experiments. Heretofore, it had not been possible, using centrifugal forces up to 7,200 X gravity, and pressures up to 7,000 Ibs./in.- (Brown, '34c) , to cause any appreciable displacement of the pigment granules if the centrifuging were done late in the division cycle, i. e., within 10 minutes of the time when the furrows were due to appear. In 144 The Structure of Protoplasm tiie present experiments it was found necessary to use a force of 16,500 X gravity to secure an adequately rapid displacement of the pigment granules through the firmly set plasmagel. But even this force is not sufficient to dislodge the granules except under the liquefying action of pressures greater than 1,500 Ibs./in.- At atmospheric pressure, a force of 18,680 X gravity, the highest immediately available at the Naples laboratory, gave practically no pigment displacement even with prolonged centrifugation. The centrifugal force used in the experiments was 16,500 X gravity, and each sample of eggs, compressed to the desired degree, was centrifuged for a period just sufficient to displace the cortical pigment into a compact zone at the centrifugal pole of the cell. In each case the eggs of a single female were fertilized and allowed to develop in the usual fashion until the first furrows began to appear. Then, without delay, the control and experimental samples were placed in their respective sections of the centrifuge-pressure bomb, and the desired pressure was established in the pressure section. The operations were so fixed that, at the time when the pressure was applied and the centrifuging begun, about 50 per cent of the eggs possessed furrows of greater or lesser depth. The very marked solating action of the higher pressures upon the pigment-laden cortical protoplasm of the cleaving egg is clearly shown in Figure 7. All of these eggs were centrifuged at the same time for 2V2 minutes. It may be noted that each of the pressure- treated specimens displays, in addition to the usual oil, hyaline, and yolk zones, a sharp pigment zone, at the centrifugal pole. This zone is absent in the atmospheric specimens.-"' Also it may be noted that the one egg which had just completed the first cleavage by the time the suppressing action of the pressure could take effect displays the same physical properties as the others. Assuming that the firmness (gelation percentage) of the cortical gel is in proportion to the minimum centrifuge time required to pro- duce a standard zoning of the pigment granules, in the range of pressure wherein an effective displacement occurs, it is possible to plot the gelation values as a function of pressure. These data (Fig. 2) indicate, not only that the very firm plasmagel of the cleavage period shows the same relative susceptibility to the solating effects of pressure as other cellular gels, but also that the inhibition of furrow- ing is quantitatively related to the concomitant shifts in the sol ^ gel equilibrium. Protoplasmic Streaming — Relation to Gel Structure 145 D. BEHAVIOR OF UNICELLULAR PIGMENTARY EFFECTORS Recently, experiments have been started to determine the effects of pressure upon the ebb and flov/ of pigment granules as it occurs in the melanophores of Fundulus (Marsland, '40) . As yet the results are far from complete, but there are clear indications that 1^*9 ^ ^ # i^ Fig. 7. Solation of the stiffer "cleavage gel" by pressure. All of these eggs were centrifuged simultaneously for 2.5 minutes at the time when 50 percent of them displayed furrows. The E (experimental) samples were at 7,000 Ibs./in.", whereas the control (C) eggs were at atmospheric pressure. The solation of the cortical gel of the pressure specimens is indicated by the pigment zones at the centrifugal ends, and by the fact that all pigment has been thrown out of the hyaline zones. this type of streaming may also involve gelational phenomena. These results, if borne out by further work, may provide a basis for decid- ing M^hether the unicellular pigmentary effector is to be regarded as a modification of visceral muscle (Spaeth, '16) or as an amoeboid type of cell (Hooker, '14) . (1) Suppression of the "contraction" phase of the pigmentary response In this type of experiment the isolated scale of Fundulus v/as immersed in N/10 KCl solution and exposed to various degrees of compression in the microscope-pressure chamber. At atmospheric 146 The Structure of Protoplasm, pressure the scales in KCl assume the punctate form, that is to say, all of the pigment granules are withdrawn from the numerous twig- like branches which radiate out into the surrounding tissues, and are aggregated in the central mass of the cell. As the pressure is increased, however, by steps of 1,000 lbs., invariably there is a greater and greater dispersal of the pigment (see Fig. 8) until at 1000 LSS / IN' iOOO 4000 6000 7000 SINGLE MELANOPHORE ; SCALE OF FUNDULUS ISOLATED IN N/10 KCL Fig. 8. Suppression of the "contraction" phase of the response of a unicellular chromatophore. about 7,000 lbs. the pigment reaches the extremities of the proto- plasmic branches and all of the melanophores have becoine com- pletely stellate. The "expansion" of the melanophore appears to reach an equil- ibrium value at each level of pressure, and if the pressure is kept at a certain intensity the melanophores remain expanded to the char- acteristic extent. This steady state is reached in 40-80 seconds after each shift in pressure, and is approximately the same whether a certain level is reached from above, during a step-wise decompres- sion, or whether it is attained from below via step-wise increments of pressure. Furthermore, at a given pressure each cell returns Protoplasmic Streaming — Relation to Gel Structure 147 approximately to the same form when the experiment is repeated a number of times, provided the exposure to pressures in excess of 5,000 lbs. does not endure beyond about 20 minutes. Quantitative measurements of the chromatophoral expansion as a function of pressure are difficult due to the extremely irregular form of the pigment cell, and at the present time only qualitative data are available. The same is true of centrifuging experiments which have been undertaken to determine the effects of pressure upon the gel properties of these cells. Without question solation does occur, but several technical difficulties must be overcome before accurate measurements can be made. From a qualitative point of view, however, it would appear that the contraction phase of the pigmentary response is limited by pressure in a manner that parallels, at least roughly, the inhibition of gelation which has been demonstrated in plasmagel systems generally. It may be seen, for example, that the "half-expanded" state of the chromatophore which occurs at about 2,500 Ibs./in.,- corresponds to a gelation value of approximately 50 per cent, and it seems probable that the other values, when they become available, may likewise fall upon the general curve. (2) Effects on pulsating chromatophore s In this other type of experiment the chromatophores were induced to pulsate by the method-"* of Spaeth, '16, before the isolated scales were placed in the pressure chamber and exposed to pressures of 1,000, 2,000, . . . 8,000 Ibs./in.- Immediately it becomes apparent that the pressure imposes a limitation upon the "contraction phase" of the pulsation. At 1,000 lbs. the pulsations continue, but although the outward flow of the pigment granules is complete and reaches the distal extremities of the numerous protoplasmic branches, the inward flow is curtailed and a reversal of the direction of flow occurs before the end of the procession of granules returning from each branch quite reaches the control mass of the cell. At 2,000, 3,000, . . . 6,000 Ibs./in.,- a greater and greater reduction in the amplitude of the pulsations is witnessed, but the reduction is due entirely to a further and further curtailment of the inward flow, for the outward flow continues to reach the distal ends of the branches. Finally, at 7,000 lbs. all pulsations cease, and while the pressure is maintained, all of the melanophores remain in a fully expanded condition. When decompression occurs, however, provided it has not been delayed beyond some 25 minutes, the chromatophores immediately undergo 148 The Structure of Protoplasm a complete and vigorous "contraction," and within about 3 minuiei;, full pulsations have been resumed. (3) Coraparison between pseudopodia and the branches oj a pig- ment cell One further observation may be added to the evidence which indicates that the effects of the pressure are being mediated through solational changes similar to those which have been demonstrated in other cases. At pressures of 7,000-8,000 Ibs./in.- occasionally it may be seen that one of the several elongate protoplasmic processes which radiate out from a particular melanophore becomes pinched off, losing its connection with the central portion of the cell at a greater or lesser distance from the origin. Such isolated portions of the cell become rounded into a discrete mass while the higher pressure is maintained, but show abortive attempts at "expansion" and "contraction" when the pressure is reduced. This observation indicates that the branches of the unicellular chromatophore are in a sense comparable to the pseudopodia of the amoeboid cell and that a reorganization of the elongate form may occur when a profound solation of the protoplasm is induced. The greater resistance in the case of the chromatophore may be due largely to the fact that its branches are not free, but rather extend out into the interstices between the other tissues (see Matthews, '31) . Under such conditions, no doubt, the chromatophore branches receive additional support, from contact with (or attachments to) the sur- rounding cells, and this support is sufficient, in most cases, to prevent collapse even in periods of complete protoplasmic liquefaction. IV. CELLULAR ACTIVITIES WHICH DO NOT INVOLVE A very brief and fragmentary consideration of the many experi- ments which have dealt with the effects of pressure upon the physio- logical activity of muscle, nerve, cilia, and flagella may suffice to show- that this group of phenomena must be considered in a separate category. The physiological activities which already have been considered at length display certain common attributes. All are progressively inhibited throughout the entire physiological range of pressure, and in all cases, the degree of inhibition appears to be in proportion to the suppressing action of pressure upon the formation of protoplasmic gels. In contrast to this, the physiological activities which remain for consideration are not inhibited, but rather are augmented in the lower portion of the pressure range, and further- more, no clear relationship has been demonstrated between the Protoplasmic Streavung — Relation to Gel Structure 149 physiological effects and the effects of the pressure upon the physical characteristics of protoplasmic gel systems. A. MUSCULAR CONTRACTION The marked increase in the tension developed during a single isometric contraction^" at pressures between 100 and 6,000 Ibs./in.^ was reported, first for cardiac muscle (Edwards and Cattell, '27) and then for skeletal muscle (Cattell and Edwards, '28) . For cardiac muscle the maximum augmented tension is four to six times greater than the atmospheric value and occurs at about 6,000 Ibs./in.- (Edwards and Cattell, '30). For skeletal muscle, however, the maximum additional tension is only 20-40 per cent greater than the atmospheric value and is reached at pressures between 2,000 and 4,000 Ibs./in.- (Cattell and Edwards, '32) . The pressure effect on tension in both cardiac and skeletal muscle varies, however, markedly with temperature. In fact, a reversal of sign occurs, at 5-8° C. for cardiac muscle (auricular muscle of the turtle. Brown, '34a), and at 9-14° C. for striated muscle (sartorius muscle of the frog, Cattell and Edwards, '32) . Below these critical points a depression of tension occurs throughout all of the physio- logical pressure range. Brown ('36) has observed that the full measure of additional tension is obtained only when the period of compression antecedes the moment of stimulation, and that no extra tension is obtained unless the compression intervenes before the first one-eighth of the contraction has been completed (Fig. 9) . In fact, when the period of compression is confined to the remaining seven-eighths of the contraction phase, the tension amounts to less than the atmospheric control value (Brown, '34b and '36) . B. CONDUCTION OF THE NERVE IMPULSE Grundfest and Cattell ('35) have demonstrated clearly that the compression effects on the nerve impulse do not constitute a simple case of progressive inhibition. These observations, on the form and magnitude of the spike potential and on the rate of propagation, were recorded by means of a cathode ray oscillograph, utilizing grouped A fibres of the frog sciatic nerve, and in some cases, single fibres of a sciatic-peroneal preparation. The effects of moderate compression (below 5,000-6,000 Ibs./in.^) c J, "O O "TJ 0) c c 8 g- CO ■ o O 01 •Sc o o 9 ■on c c CO a ^-s :;: G o ^8 +^ tn ^ C O o '-'0 0) >> a O m 3 ,^ <" ^ l« m _ s o S CO • I— I oo ■^3 C\J S-i HI >> CO 0) CO CO u <1) "cO C 3 P. >T3 T3 C o 3 o O 75 O 0) M D c c ■r„ CO c CO O CO ft u 0)^ en o 3 c 0) CO 72 O OJ CO C« S-c CO TS c CO cu o c CO S CO o a, en CO -M "I [ G S 8 ^ a; "o G > s 53 CO > - 0) -a OJ -f^ £ CO 00 0) .S G ^ -35 « m ■a ^ O * §• ^ ^ l* ^ >> 3 CO 0) r-H CO 3 3 CD 5 S-I CO !-. S-I •" x; CO o S ft u 73 s: 01 ft s ■- ft a; 0. -M o rt "-2 o o •^ CO CO +3 « "i a; o. t« .s i3 o ■*-' in CO o a ■* CO c 01 03 £ si W C" o o O, ft 0) 1) CO CO M f/^ ■* o;^ u g d u tH 0) fe fo fe fe CO Viscosity Changes of Protoplasvi 181 protoplasm which is evidently in the gel state. This holds back the granular endoplasm which piles up behind it, but seems to permit, as Mast has suggested for the ameba, the hyaloplasm to filter through its pores to form the hyaline cap. This rather thin, granular, plas- mogel membrane often has a smooth outline bordering the base of the hyaline cap, and its granular vacuoles are at rest. This membrane may persist, or a small local break or two may occur and small streams of granules suddenly pour through them into the cap. Then the entire membrane may give way and the cap rapidly fill with granules and all traces of the gel layer disappear. The anterior end does not possess a thick, tough gel layer such as one can see and manipulate at the posterior end and tube region. There is much more protoplasm at the anterior end and in the anterior part of the broad transition zone than in the tube and posterior end, but it seems to be less viscous. With each forward flow of the endoplasm pro- duced by the contraction of the gel layer at the posterior end and on the tube, this mushy protoplasm is pushed forward within the bulging boundaries of a rather thin gel layer of the lobes. At the weakest areas, the pseudopods and hyaline caps form and bulge out still more. Forward flow is probably much impeded and slowed by the friction in the relatively large number of small and minute ter- minal channels. The forward flow and expansion cease with the increase in the viscosity and partial gelation of the lobes and of the pseudopods. One can detect these changes by the absence of the flow and the absence of Brownian movement of the granular vacuoles. This is probably not a very viscous gel, but there are many such ends. It seems probable that height of gelation is synchronized with a weakening of contractile tension at the posterior end so that the contractile tension which now develops at the anterior ends as a result of the increased viscosity and gelation reverses the endo- plasmic flow. During the anterior contraction period each pseudopod contracts and shortens. They do not always contract simultaneously, and an occasional new one may form. The amount of contraction usually falls short of the previous gain so that there results a net forward gain with each cycle. The contraction usually involves more than the pseudopodal tip and there may be a considerable amount of retraction of the whole lobe. During the contraction there is a backward flow of the endoplasm. Small, more-or-less temporary streams from neighboring tips join to form larger and larger chan- nels which unite and join to form the tubes. A large part of the 182 The Structure of Protoplasm slightly gelated protoplasm of the pseudopods solates and joins the endoplasm. The endoplasm is also enhanced by solation along the borders of these small streams. The solation and backward flow continues until the tips are weakened and the contractile tension becomes less than that which develops at the posterior end. The flow is then reversed, and the cycle is repeated. There are a number of important differences between the anterior end and the posterior end. The small plasmolets with a single pos- terior end and one main tube about 100 microns in diameter may have a dozen lobes at the anterior end with one to four pseudopodia on each one. The main tube branches and rebranches in the broad zone into about forty more or less temporary little terminal chan- nels which supply approximately a corresponding number of pseudo- podia. Some lobes enlarge, subdivide, and spread more than others. The channels leading into such lobes increase in size as do also the number of branches and the number of terminal channels. Some lobes decrease in size and become retracting ends, and a reverse series of events occurs until finally through contraction and solation all traces of the lobe are lost. The whole response of the branching system of channels and terminals to enlarging areas reminds one of the growth of capillaries and the formation of veins and arteries in growing regions of the vertebrate embryo. A fantastic comparison can be made of the functional response of the tubes and channels of the slime mold with the developing vascular system of man. MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF SLIME MOLD The visible microscopic structure of the slime mold seems to be somewhat similar to that of the ameba as described by Mast (1926) . The thin areas of the transition zone can be examined with the oil immersion lens, and Camp (1937) took advantage of them for his observations on the minute structure of the protoplasm. His descrip- tion which I now quote can be readily confirmed (p. 316) : ''The protoplasm. Careful microscopic examination of very thin areas of a plasmodial sheet reveals the presence of an optically homogeneous substance which has an exceedingly faint bluish-gray color. This is the substance which is generally recognized and referred to as hyaloplasm. Scattered throughout the hyaloplasm there are numer- ous granules, vacuoles, and particles of ingested material. The granular bodies exhibit widely varying degrees of optical differen- tiation, and they vary in size from approximately 0.2 microns to slightly more than 1 micron. In general they are more or less Viscosity Changes of Protoplasm 183 spherical, but some, especially the larger ones, may be irregular in shape. The smallest granules are rather highly refractive; they appear to be similar to those which Mast (1925 and 1926) observed in Amoeba and designated as 'alpha' granules, and they are similar to the microsomes described by Chambers (1924) and which he believes to be always present in protoplasm. Many of the granules are contained in very small vesicles which bear close resemblance to vacuoles." "The vesicles do not possess well-defined boundaries, and in addition to containing one or more granules they seem to be filled with a substance which is more completely hyaline and less viscous than the surrounding hyaloplasm. That the material of these vesicles is in a liquid state is indicated by the fact that these granules which it surrounds are always in marked Brownian movement and can very clearly be seen to move freely from place to place in the vesicles." Granules not in vacuoles may at times exhibit very slight Brownian movement. To this account, I might add a few observations. Minute areas of solation frequently occur in the thin areas, and one can see the little vacuoles with their contained granules move out into the flow of newly formed endoplasm. When endoplasm gels again in such areas, the vacuoles can be noted as they come to rest. This indicates that they either have or acquire a definite wall when the hyaloplasm surrounding them solates. It thus seems quite probable that even in the streaming endoplasm of the large channels the vacuoles persist. One can sometimes detect them when the endoplasm comes to rest. Some of the granules noted by Camp were not in vacuoles. These I have also noted in great numbers. They are considerably smaller than the vacuoles, are grayish in color, and are best seen in areas that are too thin to accommodate the vacuoles. They stain with Janus green and are mitochondria. They occur all through the gel layer and endoplasm. The contractile vacuoles also noted by Camp and others are often quite numerous in the neighborhood of the thin areas and throughout the gel layer. They, like the granule-con- taining vacuoles, are freed and carried into the endoplasmic stream when the surrounding hyaloplasm solates. They also either have or acquire a definite wall. Camp does not mention the nuclei which are present in great numbers. They are small, round, and have a single, rather large, gray nucleolus. They are very difficult to see, because the nucleo- plasm is optically similar to the gelated hyaloplasm, but once one 184 The Structure of Protoplasm has learned to recognize them they can be detected in the neighbor- hood of every thin area as grayish areas surrounded by the small granule-containing vacuoles, with a darker gray nucleolar center. They are much larger than the granule-containing vacuoles. A flake of iodine placed under "the cover glass soon reveals great numbers of nuclei and also a diffuse port-wine color in the protoplasm indi- cating the presence of glycogen. VISCOSITY OF SLIME MOLD The following quotation from Camp expresses in general terms rather obvious conclusions that one would reach from observations and testings with a needle: (p. 372), "All of those considerations would seem to lead to the conclusion that the viscosity of the protoplasm of a plasmodium varies from place to place in the Plas- modium, that it changes with changing external and internal condi- tions, and that alterations in the physical state, i. e., changes from sol to gel and gel to sol, take place more or less constantly through- out all parts of a plasmodium. Normally, therefore, the protoplasm of Plasmodia does not have an absolute and unchanging viscosity, and variations in its viscosity seem to be due to alterations in the physical state of the hyaloplasm." Perhaps the presence of great numbers of small vacuoles, mito- chondria, and nuclei and the relatively small amount of hyaloplasm may have something to do with the apparent ease with which the protoplasm or hyaloplasm changes from sol to gel and gel to sol. CELL DIVISION— MITOSIS Cell division consists of a series of interdependent reactions which lead to a series of overlapping events, each of which takes a considerable period of time. Most, if not all, of the visible reactions are due to viscosity changes. The reactions lead to two essential events, the formation of the daughter nuclei and the cleavage of the cell into two parts. Mitotic division of the nucleus is not always accompanied by cell cleavage so that perhaps none of the events which result in cell cleavage are necessary for mitotic division of the nucleus. The events, however, which lead to cell cleavage or at least some of them are probably dependent upon events which result in the mitotic division of the nucleus. A brief outline of the events as exhibited by an ordinary living fibroblast in tissue culture is as follows: Viscosity Changes of Protoplasm 185 The first-known event is the migration of part of the centrosome material to the opposite pole. This has not been seen or reported for Uving fibroblasts, but undoubtedly occurs some time before prophase. Events leading to the formation of the daughter nuclei. The only visible structures in a resting nucleus are one to several nucleoli, a homogeneous nucleoplasm, and a thin nuclear membrane. In early prophase fine granules appear in the nucleoplasm. They seem to become larger and larger and are recognizable as chromo- somes toward mid-prophase. They ultimately almost fill the nucleus except for a small amount of nuclear sap between them. During the change from late prophase to metaphase the chromosomes become more distinct and probably smaller and occupy less space in what has now become the spindle than they did in the prophase nucleus. The condition of the chromosomes in the resting nucleus is obscure because they are invisible. It may be that they are swollen and of low viscosity, and occupy the entire nucleus. Gelation and then contraction of the chromosomes with a loss of fluid might make them visible and also account for their small size as compared with the relatively large amount of spindle material in metaphase stage. The chromosomes split and move to the poles to form the two small compact masses and leave behind a large amount of exnuclear sap which extends across the midline from one mass to the other. These nuclear masses soon begin to increase in size as clear areas appear and increase in size and number. As the nucleus enlarges, the visible chromosome material gradually becomes more or less dispersed as granules. Most of them disappear, and the few that remain unite to form one to several nucleoli. It may be that there is a reversal of the prophase process in that the chromosomes take up fluid, swell and solate, and become invisible except for the nucleolar part. The nuclear membrane seems to disappear in late prophase just before the chromosomes begin to move and does not become visible until after the daughter nuclei begin to increase in size. It is very thin and scarcely recognizable except as the sharp border of the nucleus. It is probably in the gel state. Its fate is unknown. Does it solate and disappear, or does it contribute to the spindle? The chromosomes suddenly begin to move in late prophase. The movements are scarcely perceptible to the eye, but in motion pictures where events are speeded up they become quite pronounced. They f '^•^- ^ 4 I > I -* I * / ■ 4* in i 9 i } m "me' \ 00 »"?/ • * • ^t s ' f * ; ■ r ■ *». «• / *<» ,• v» •x '' 'A • '.*"."; ■ «.*v 'k' J3 OJ 0) T3 '% r-" 1) 5 CO CO a 73 O .2 S 1-7-! ■" o ■a! 6 o ^ .i: 0) O o u ^ o +j ^ «*-< "„ o >) in '^ tn i3 dJ o CJ o a t ^ CO CO a 5 ° CO 3 -^ 0) a CO ■^ 0) >> Qj ji; T) a> 3 ^ S g .2 s '3 c o CO 0) 1 . ,a CM ^ O X! CO t (-1 m .3 a; o Mt-i o 3 73^ (D O O ^ .a a 3 £ M O CO 2 6 ■" CO 0, ^ .r: a i3 o CO "= ri >, "a from a 1-d ■etraction of ous dark fat g telophase. ( ent inward b later. Mid- CO a ^ fi H 00^ &E £H 1 w o lO ,» o .^ ■^ m tH «3 t^ ' 00 t/j as fa ^ CD C '" - ci S 6 «1 ci M X CO ^

ecial ref- erence to the factors involved in attachment to the substratum. Proto- plasma 8:344-377. 1931. Locomoton in amoeba proteus (Leidy) . Protoplasma 14:321-330. ScHECHTMAN, A. M. 1937. Localized cortical growth as the immediate cause of cell division. Science 85: 222. Seifriz, W. 1938. Recent contributions to the theory of protoplasmic structure. Science 88: 21. PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF PROTOPLASMIC STREAMING NoBURo Kamiya I. INTRODUCTION Protoplasmic streaming is maintained by a motive force which overcomes the viscosity of protoplasm, and in so doing imparts a specific velocity gradient to it. Until now the magnitude of this motive force was not known, nor was it known how it changes. The development of a suitable technique has made it possible to measure the absolute value of the motive force generated in proto- plasm. The experiments were done on the plasmodia of the Myxomycete, Physaruvi polycephalum. As is well known, the plasmodium of a Myxomycete consists of stationary protoplasm of higher viscosity and less viscous flowing protoplasm, both of which are readily inter- convertible. Streaming is accompanied by changes in the contour of the Plasmodium as a whole. These two processes, streaming of the fluid, inner protoplasm, and change in contour of the whole body are so closely related that one movement necessarily involves the other. One remarkable feature of the protoplasmic streaming in Myxomy- cetes is its comparatively great speed, and especially significant is the characteristic reversal in direction of flow. The velocity of flow changes according to the rhythmic pattern. Before proceeding with the subject matter of this paper, it would seem pertinent to state briefly the behavior of protoplasmic flow under locally applied mechanical pressure, which behavior was so characteristic as to lead me to undertake the experiments reported here. A cover-glass culture of a plasmodium is inverted on a glass slide with enough water to keep the protoplasm from touching the slide. Then, a certain point on the cover glass is gently pushed down by means of a bent needle affixed to a micromanipulator. When some part of a plasmodium thus mounted first touches, under applied pressure, the surface of the slide, the movement of the interior, fluid protoplasm is strikingly affected. As the mechanical pressure is exerted unequally upon the plasmodium, because of the uneven surface of the plasmodium, and the fact that pressure is applied only [199] 200 The Structure of Protoplasvi at one selected point of the cover glass, the fluid protoplasm is pressed out of the parts to which the pressure is applied and goes to those parts which are free from pressure. By this simple pro- cedure the spatial relations of the fluid protoplasm can be observed to change very readily in the network of strands or in the branched courses throughout the fan-like expanses of gelatinous protoplasm. The movement of the protoplasm induced by the mechanical pres- sure is superimposed on the normal flow. Therefore, when applied mechanical pressure affects the natural flow, a temporary accelera- tion, retardation or reversal in direction takes place, after which the protoplasm takes its normal course. Such superimposed modified flow, controlled by mechanically applied pressure, causes no injury to the protoplasm. When the mechanical pressure is removed, the surface layer of the protoplasm takes on its original form again, presumably because of its elasticity, and the interior fluid protoplasm, which had been displaced, returns. By careful control of the screw of the micromanipulator, a spasmodic movement, as well as a rebounding of the interior protoplasm, can be repeatedly produced, without giving rise to any observable dis- turbances, provided that the applied pressure is not so strong as to cause a structural disturbance of the protoplasm, such as was observed by Balbach (1936) . From the simple experiment above described one can say that the streaming of the interior more fluid protoplasm is modified in a manner directly dependent upon the pressure applied. These observations verify the conclusion of Hilton (1908), who applied mechanical-pressure by the tapping of a needle upon a small piece of cover glass placed outside of the microscopic field and covering a part of the body of a plasmodium. The application of localized pres- sure can also be made with a blunt glass microneedle by pressing it directly against the surface of the plasmodium, as reported by Camp (1937). The fact that a slight, unequally applied pressure produces prac- tically no injury to protoplasm, yet induces artificial flow, suggests the possibility that protoplasm is normally driven passively by a pressure difference established in the system of a plasmodium. Cur- iosity about such a behavior of protoplasmic flow led me to perform further experiments in which air-pressure was used instead of mechanical-pressure. If each of two masses of protoplasm connected by an unbroken Physical Aspects of Protoplasynic Streaming 201 strand are placed in separate air-tight compartments, thus permitting the protoplasm to flow freely from one compartment to the other, and if the air-pressure in one of the compartments is modified, then the protoplasmic streaming in the connecting strand will be modified accordingly. The tendency to flow from one compartment to the other is thus opposed by a counter-pressure. In order to realize such an experiment in practice, the following technique has been arrived at after repeated modifications and improvements. II. METHOD (a) Preparation of the Material. The stock culture of Physarum polycephalum is grown on moist filter paper and fed powdered oats (Camp, 1936). Then a tiny bit, say 1/20 gram, of protoplasm is removed from the stock culture and placed on the surface of nutri- tion-free (tap water) 2 per cent agar in a Petri-dish. After an hour or two the protoplasmic mass spreads out into a thin round sheet, and later into a network or branched system of vigorous strands with a wavy advancing margin or several peninsula-like expanses. When a comparatively straight part is found among these vigorous strands, a small rectangular sheet of agar (ca. 15 X 25 mm., 1 mm. in thickness) , including the selected protoplasmic strand, is cut out. This rectangular sheet of agar, containing a strand of protoplasm lying parallel to its longer sides, is placed on a glass slide of 24 X 60 mm. (Fig. lA) . The next step in the preparation is to put new blobs of protoplasm from the stock culture on to both terminals of the strand. The strand and the two blobs of homospecific protoplasm soon fuse, and the three separate parts now unite to make one dumbbell-shaped Plasmodium (Fig. IB) . Further procedure involves inverting this glass slide with the agar sheet and the dumbbell-shaped plasmodium on to a specially con- structed double chamber, shown in Figure 2. The glass slide covers the top of this chamber. As shown in Figure 2, two glass partitions (p) 1 mm. thickness, are fastened vertically across the chamber 6 mm. apart from each other. As the height of these partitions is about 1.5 mm. less than that of the side wall of the chamber, there remains just this much distance between the upper edge of the glass partitions and the under surface of the slide after the latter is inverted on the top of the chamber. This space will partly be occupied by the con- necting strand of the protoplasm and by the thin sheet of agar that 202 The Structure of Protoplasm adheres to the sHde. The small space between the two partitions is filled with a 2 per cent agar sol at about 40°C., the meniscus of which is higher than the upper edges of the partitions. Before the agar is transformed to a gel, which occurs at about 35°C., the glass slide with the agar sheet and the dumbbell-shaped plasmodium is inverted over the chamber. As the agar is still in a sol state, it fills up all the spaces to be closed without injuring the delicate strand of protoplasm. After this procedure the 2 per cent agar soon gelatinizes, and the chamber is divided into two air- tight compartments. Figure 3A shows a cross-section through the double chamber at the agar wall and Figure 3B, its longitudinal section at the iniddle part. Protoplasmic flow^ is stopped temporarily because of mechani- cal and thermal disturbances, but it soon recovers. Meanwhile, the two blobs of protoplasm at both ends of the strand, which are in the separate compartments, spread out, having already fused with the connecting strand (Fig. 4A) . The observation chamber is now put, with rubber gaskets, between two metal frames which are tightly joined together by means of four screws. Thus is the pre- paration of the material accomplished (Fig. 4B) . It is a favorable characteristic of agar to have a large hysteresis range, within which agar can exist either as a sol or as a gel. Two hardly compatible technical requirements are thus fulfilled; namely, the two separate compartments are kept air-tight against a consid- erable pressure difference between them, and at the same time the cross-wall does not block the flow of protoplasm in the delicate connecting strand. Furthermore, agar is sufficiently transparent to permit observation of the flowing protoplasm in the connecting strand. It is by means of light transmitted through the agar wall that the observation is made. Though it is not absolutely necessary for simple observation of flow, one can get a clearer microscopic image of the connecting strand if a rectangular prism of glass of suitable size is mounted in the agar wall between the two partitions. Fig. 1. A. An agar sheet, ag. with a protoplasmic strand, st, placed on a glass slide. B. Two protoplasmic masses placed on the agar sheet at both ends of the strand. Physical Aspects of Protoplasmic Streaming 203 Fig. 2. Observation chamber with two partitions, p. X\\\\\\\\\\\v ■ • ^4 : ■ , \K\\\\\\\\\>;-j b B B Fig. 3. A. The cross section through the prepared observation chamber at the agar wall. The broken line, e, shows the upper edges of the two glass partitions. B. The longitudinal section through the middle part of the same chamber divided into the two compartments, A and B. The protoplasm, a and b, in the separate compartments and the connecting strand, st, are dotted. The shaded parts in figures A and B represent agar. That part in which the hatching runs from upper left to lower right represents an agar sheet adhering to the glass slide, whereas that part in which the hatching runs from lower left to upper right represents agar poured between the two partitions, p, just before inverting the slide over the chamber, and which then serves to seal the chamber. 204 The Structure of Protoplasm (b) Control of Pressure. In order to establish a pressure differ- ence between the two compartments, the opening of one compart- ment is connected with a passage leading to an aspirator tube and a manometer, while the opening of the other compartment is kept open, as shown in Figure 5. Aspirator As, used for controlling the air-pressure, is made of a thick, rubber tube, the middle part of which is placed between two solid metal plates (shaded in Fig. 5) . The upper plate is equipped so that it can be moved gently up and down by means of a screw S, with the result that the inner volume of the rubber as- pirator tube can be con- trolled most exactly. After opening the stop- cock SC, the aspirator is pushed down gradually by tightening the screw S. The air pushed out by this depression is let off at the stop-cock SC. When the aspirator tube is pushed down to about half of the stroke, the stop-cock SC is closed. The whole sys- tem consisting of compart- ment B, the aspirator As and the manometer M is now air-tight. If the screw S is tightened farther, the inner pressure of the entire system is increased, i.e., the pressure of compartment B becomes higher than that of compartment A. If, on the contrary, the screw S is loosened, being turned in the opposite direction, then the aspirator tube will expand because of the elas- ticity of its rubber wall. The inner pressure of the system, including compartment B, becomes, therefore, lower than atmospheric pres- sure. The pressure of compartment B can thus be controlled to any desirable degree within the necessary range, both in regard to positive and negative compression, by means of a single screw. The range desired is usually between + and — 30 cm. of water. Fig. 4. A. The double chamber, after in- verting the glass slide with the agar sheet and the material. The thin strand of proto- plasm runs through the agar wall. B. The com- pleted preparation: finished observation cham- ber fastened between metal frames with two rubber gaskets. Physical Aspects of Protoplasmic Streaming 205 The pressure difference between compartment A and compart- ment B is ascertained by a water manometer M of 50 cm. in height. Compartment A and compartment B will, hereafter, be referred to as A and B for the sake of simplicity. Ill EFFECT OF PRESSURE DIFFERENCE ON PROTOPLASMIC STREAMING ' When there is no pressure difference between A and B, streammg takes place normally along the connecting strand of the prepared W^ Fig. 5. Diagram showing the arrangement of the whole system consisting of the double chamber having two compartments, A and B, rubber aspirator, As, controlled by screw, S, manometer, M, and stop cock, SC. Agar wall is shaded. Protoplasm in A and B is designated a and h, respectively. Plasmodium which penetrates the agar wall, showing the usual rhythmic reversal in direction of flow. But when the two com- partments are subjected to a pressure difference, the velocity of the streaming, which otherwise would proceed normally, is modi- fied in accordance with the extent and direction of the pressure difference established (Kamiya, 1940) . Let us suppose the protoplasm to be flowing from a to b (Fig. 5) . If a slightly lower pressure causing suction is applied to B, then the flow of the protoplasm along the connecting strand from a into b is accelerated. 206 The Structure of Protoplasm During the time in which the protoplasm flows in the opposite direction, namely from h to a, the air-pressure of A must be lowered below that of B, if the flow is to be accelerated. In practice, however, the pressure of B is increased instead of decreasing the pressure of A, in order to establish a pressure difference in this direction. Protoplasmic streaming can be artificially speeded up in this way to maximum velocities which are beyond those of natural conditions. By establishing a pressure difference of, say 20 cm. of water, so as to cooperate with the motive force developed in the protoplasm, one can readily increase the velocity to more than 2 mm. per second through a connecting capillary of 200!^i inner diameter. The normal maximum is about 1 mm. a second. Next must be considered the effect of a pressure difference, which is established so as to oppose the protoplasmic force. In this case, as expected, the velocity of the flow is retarded. When, for instance, the protoplasm flows from a into b, the volume of the proto- plasm b is, of course, increased. If the air-pressure of B is made higher than that of A, then it is clear that a part of the motive force generated in the protoplasm must be used in the work required to bring about the expansion of the protoplasmic volume against the higher pressure which has been artificially applied. Should the pressure applied be stronger than the protoplasmic force developed in the plasmodium, then the forward-moving protoplasm is forced backwards. In other words, the motive force of the protoplasm is overcome by the application of a counter-pressure. If, now, the protoplasm is flowing as before, namely from b to a, a lower pressure must be appHed to B, if the flow is to be retarded or reversed. From the foregoing description it is evident that by changing the pressure of B both on the + and — sides of the manometer, the direction and speed of the protoplasmic flow along the connecting strand can be accurately controlled. Flowing protoplasm thus con- trolled is driven by a resultant force which is the algebraic sum of the shearing stress developed in the protoplasm and that caused by the pressure difference artificially induced. One would expect that artificial acceleration, retardation, or reversal of flow would induce serious disturbances in the proto- plasm, but a wholly normal flow is resumed as soon as the pressure is released. It is rather surprising that such a remarkable modifica- tion of the flow does not result in any pathological abnormality. Physical Aspects of Protoplasmic Streayning 207 IV. MEASUREMENT OF THE MOTIVE FORCE By controlling the air-pressure in B, it is possible to oppose the motive force in such a way as to hold the protoplasm at a standstill. The counter-pressure, which is just sufficient to prevent the proto- plasm from flowing either forward or backward, is a measure of the absolute value of the motive force responsible for the streaming of the protoplasm. This counter-pressure has been termed "balance- pressure" (Kamiya, 1940) . The range of the absolute value of the balance-pressure is usually within 20 cm. of water. But this value, as will be shown later, varies from plasmodium to plasmodium of the same species, and from rhythm to rhythm of the same plasmodium under the same external conditions. The maximum value so far encountered was 30 cm. of water. Since the motive force developed in the protoplasm does not remain constant, the balance-pressure must be adjusted accordingly, if the protoplasm is to be kept immobile. In order to do this, one must constantly watch the direction tendency of the moving proto- plasm at some definite part of the connecting strand. As soon as the equilibrium between the natural motive force and the balance- pressure is broken and, consequently, the tendency of the flowing direction is recognizable, the counter-pressure is increased or de- creased, as the case may be, so that the protoplasm under observa- tion always stays at the same place. With a little practice and skill this procedure enables one to restrict the movement of the proto- plasm within a range of 50ii. So sensitive is the movement of the protoplasm that the slightest deviation from the balance point will induce movement in an 8 mm. strand.^ When the protoplasm is kept motionless at a definite point in the connecting strand, there is no longer a mutual transference of the protoplasm between the two parts of the plasmodium. However, it must be noted, that suspension of flow of the protoplasm under observation does not mean the cessation of movement elsewhere in the plasmodium. Local displacement of the interior protoplasm, ^This fact does not, however, necessarily mean that protoplasm has no "yield value," since there is a possibility that displacement due to the slightest shearing stress may be ascribable to an elastic deformation. The inherent motive force which cannot be eliminated under normal conditions makes it impossible to determine whether or not the slightest shearing stress is capable of allowing protoplasm to undergo continuous deformation (flow), or whether a certain amount of critical shearing stress is necessary to make protoplasm flow. 208 The Structure of Protoplasm though restricted, continues to take place within the protoplasmic expanses at both ends of the connecting strand, which are spread into more complicated forms than those schematically shown in Figure 5, a and b. Morphologically, the two parts of protoplasm in the different compartments are still connected, but functionally, they behave just as if they were two independent plasmodia, as long as movement in the connecting strand is suspended. As in the case of an artificial change in velocity, the cessation of protoplasmic flow for a period of time by uninterrupted adjustment of the balance-pressure also causes no visible abnormalities in the protoplasm. Nor is there any indication of physiological disturbance even after more than two hours, during which time the flow is stopped. When the balance-pressure is released by opening the stop-cock (SC in Fig. 5) , the protoplasm in the connecting strand immediately starts to flow. The velocity depends upon the inherent motive force in the protoplasm at the moment of release. V. RELATED PROBLEMS The experiment reported above gives a means of attacking prob- lems covering important subjects of protoplasmic research. The Capillary Method as a New Means of Measurement of Proto- plasmic Viscosity. It is impossible to make slime mold protoplasm flow through a glass capillary without fatal resuhs, but through its own capillary, such as a connecting strand, the protoplasm can flow quite normally. A dumbbell-shaped plasmodium consisting of its own capillary and two "reservoirs" of protoplasm is, as it were, in itself a capillary viscometer. If one releases a balance-pressure of known value and compares the velocities of protoplasmic flow at the time of release in a treated and a control plasmodium, one can estimate the relative viscosity of the interior flowing protoplasm under controlled con- ditions. As the inner diameter of the connecting strand is not kept exactly the same, some correction for this is needed. The diameter and length of the connecting strand are both determinable; the motive force responsible for the flow can now be measured. By determining the velocity of protoplasmic flow through the capillary of known diameter and length under known shearing stress (motive force) , it seems not impossible to evaluate even the absolute viscosity of protoplasm by applying Poiseuille's Law. In passing, another point may be mentioned, namely, the Physical Asjiects of Protoplasmic Streaming 209 possibility of causing protoplasm to flow under various rates of shear. It may be that the capillary method will help throw some light on the study of the anomalous, or non-Newtonian, flow of protoplasm which is at the present time based upon a complex mixture of fact and theory. Motive Force versus Viscosity. * As remarked by Ewart (1903, 61) , the speed of the flow is dependent upon viscosity as well as upon the motive force which drives the protoplasm. In fact, streaming must be considered in terms of these two variables. There has been, however, no method developed to measure the motive force, which is a fundamental factor in the mechanics of protoplasmic flow. Heilbrunn (1937, 243) pointed out the difficulty arising from an attempt to interpret the result of experiments on protoplasmic streaming, since it was impossible to decide to what extent a change in speed is due to a modification of the motive force, and to what extent it is due to a change in the viscosity of the protoplasm. It is hoped that the experiments reported above may make some contribution to analytical studies on the effect of physical and chemical agents on protoplasmic streaming. Some of the observations made that might prove to be of value in this respect, are as follows: ascertaining, when an external agent has been applied that the protoplasmic flow is stopped because of an immense increase in viscosity rather than a dying away of the motive force; or ascertaining that the situation is different, namely, the flow is retarded because of a reduction in motive force rather than an increase of the viscosity. VI. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THE MOTIVE FORCE— "DYNAMOPLASMOGRAM" In section IV, it was stated that the balance-pressure must be adjusted continuously in order to keep the protoplasm quiet. Since the balance-pressure is a measure of the motive force, an increase and decrease of it must mean a parallel change in the motive force. Changes in the balance-pressure reveal autonomic variations of the mechanical forces liberated in the vital system. In order to determine in what manner and to what extent the motive force changes in relation to time, instantaneous values of the balance-pressure were read at 5-second intervals. The recording was made by another observer, who watched the manometer.- The ' I am indebted to Miss A. Cantlin, Mr. J. Evans, Mr. R. Ferlauto, Mr. M. Ross, Miss M. Uraguchi and others for their kind assistance in the experiment. 210 The Structure of Protoplasm 5-second sound signal was given by an apparatus operated by a synchronous motor whose speed was governed by A.C. cycle con- stancy. By plotting a series of these succeeding values as ordinates against time as abscissas, undulating curves were obtained which faithfully portray the distinguishing features of the changes which the motive force undergoes in accordance with the autonomic scheme of the protoplasm. The graphs thus obtained, which shall be referred to as "dynamoplasmogram," give a complete pattern of the rhythm in protoplasmic activity. All the characteristics of rhythm such as wave form, frequency, polarity, and amplitude are portrayed by graphical representation. So striking and impressive is the rhythmic flow of the protoplasm, that one is inclined to view the streaming as the significant thing, when actually it is only the visible end-effect of the motive force. The speed of flow is a function not only of the motive force, but also of various factors which are not kept constant during the rhythmic flow, such as thickness of the strand, viscosity,'^ etc. Holding protoplasm quiet artificially is a method which has decided advantages. By such means, the motive force can be meas- ured directly under statical conditions, thus eliminating numerous factors which would possibly exert a disturbing influence. It was possible, through the development of special techniques, to measure continuously rates of flow and volume of protoplasm transported. When these values are plotted against time, they yield rhythmic wave patterns comparable to the dynamoplasmograms. However, the dynamoplasmograms will be considered exclusively as a standard of rhythm in the present paper, because the motive force when thus measured is purer in respect to the rhythmic functioning of proto- plasm than any other observable phenomenon. In order to understand a dynamoplasmogram, it is necessary to remember that the protoplasm is being opposed and kept at a stand- still. In other words, what one observes is quiet, but what one measures is a motive force which still functions, i. e., the rhythm continues. The value of the balance-pressure at any point in the time scheme represents the motive force responsible for the flow which would have taken place were the balance-pressure removed at that moment. In virtue of the high sensibility of protoplasmic mobil- ' Viscosity may not remain constant under different rates of shear (velocity gradient) during the normal rhythmic flow, since protoplasm is thought to be non-Newtonian in nature (Pfeiffer, 1936, 1937). Physical Aspects of Protoplasmic Streaming 211 ity to pressure variations, the experimental data obtained would seem to have a high degr-ee of accuracy. The measurements were made at room temperature (22°-25"C.) , which deviated not more than 0.5°C. during the time of experiment. In all the following figures, the abscissas represent the balance- pressure applied to B (Fig. 5) , but they are equal to the vital motive force, if the direction from a to b is regarded as positive and the opposite direction, viz., from b to a as negative. Figure 6 represents the usual and most regular change in the motive force. The undulating curve is beautifully smooth and the points plotted are almost in line. The points at which the wave passes through the base line, where the balance-pressure is zero, correspond, if the protoplasm were free to flow, to the reversal moments of the flowing direction. According to the concept generally accepted, one rhythm involves the duration of time for a complete progression and regression of the protoplasmic streaming (cf. Vouk 1910, 1913). Therefore, graphically, the distance on the base line between alternating reversal points, including both + and — sides of the wave, denotes, in a general sense, "one" complete rhythm. Except for the wave groups at the beginning and at the end of the wave train, the distances between any two adjacent maxima or adja- cent minima have approximately constant intervals (periods) aver- aging 93.7 seconds, and there is also mostly one point of inflexion between the consecutive maximum and minimum of the curve. The wave looks, on the whole, fairly regular and bears considerable resemblance to the sinusoidal wave. The wave in Figure 6 does, however, show slight fluctuations, which indicate that there is quantitatively no constant factor in respect to amplitude, wave-form, etc. At the beginning and end of the wave train, the amplitude diminishes conspicuously, and the wave no longer sustains a regular form; whereas, in the middle part of the train, the waves swell. When one considers the "envelope", or imaginary margin, of this wave train, it assumes the form of a long spindle, the middle portion of which is six times as wide as the ends. It is extremely interesting to note that the change in amplitude often takes place with considerable regularity, i. e., after a decreas- ing amplitude period the wave swells out gradually to a maximum, and after the lapse of a certain period of time, the magnitude decreases again and is followed by the next increasing period. Fig- ure 6 shows simply one long "waxing" period between two "waning" 212 The Structure of Protoplasm Fig. 6. Physical Aspects of Proto'plasmic Streaming 213 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 - 12 Fig. 6 — continued. 214 The Structure of Protoplasm periods. The alternation of waxing and waning periods is better illustrated in Figure 7. During the periods of 9-13, 21-25, 32-36, and 42-46 minutes on the abscissa, the waves have an increased amplitude, and the shape approaches the harmonic wave. Between any two of these adjacent wave groups, there are periods of decreased amplitude where the wave form is irregular and clonic. The interval of waxing and waning periods in Figure 7 remains approximately constant for about 11 minutes; that is, the wave undergoes a similar change in amplitude every 11 minutes. This is, however, not a general rule, but applies only to the plasmodium used in this experi- ment. The duration of the waxing and waning periods of a Plas- modium, if any, differs from specimen to specimen; indeed, it changes in one and the same plasmodium, as will be considered later. Figure 8 shows a pattern similar to Figure 7, but the increase and decrease of the amplitude takes place more frequently. Here the irregular and clonic portions of the curve, which correspond to the waning periods in the foregoing graphs, appear every 6-7 min- utes, preceded and followed by only two or three smooth and reen- forced waves. The patterns of the clonic parts of the waves are not similar to each other. From the graph discussed above (Figs. 7 and 8), it is evident that the waves undergo pronounced variations in amplitude and that these variations occur according to a rhythmic pattern. It must be noted, however, that the regular alternation between waxing and waning periods can not be observed in all specimens of plasmodia. The waxing and waning of the wave train often take place at vary- ing intervals and to a varying extent. Figure 9 is an example of this. The wave magnitude changes from rhythm to rhythm, but tonic and clonic changes occur at irregular intervals. During the periods 0-6, 26-29, 55-70 minutes on the abscissa, the waves show a decrease in magnitude. A similar tendency is also recognized, though less promi- nently, during 16-19 minutes on the abscissa. On the other hand, the wave groups between two of these depressed portions of the curve are comparatively tonic. The constancy of the waxing and waning periods is not maintained here. The foregoing graphs show that the motive force undergoes pro- nounced variations not only in its magnitude, but also in its wave form during the rhythmic succession of vital processes. Sometimes a characteristic form appears repeatedly throughout several rhythms. Even when an exactly similar wave form is not repeated, the change is generally transitional in the course of the successive waves. Physical Aspects of Protoplasmic Streaining 215 1x1 cr D (f)