Ja 4 INVERTEBRATE Z00L0GY } a WILDER i] } \f ; J] Ti HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY. OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY GAO Raa She Saree SAY, ot il LP = 7.7 ai SYNOPSIS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM, TOGETHER WITH A LABORATORY PRACTICUM OF INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. BY HARRIS H. WILDER. Privately printed for the use of students in Smith College. Rorthampton, Wass. : The Gazette Printing Company, 1894. S To my students in 95 and ’96, in acknowl- edgement of the patient work with which they have aided me in the completion of this book. Copyrighted by Harris H. Wilder, 1894. 106 GON TE Noles: SYNOPSIS. SYNOPSIS OF TYPES, ’ 3 DEFINITIONS OF TYPES, : : SYNOPSIS AND DEFINITIONS OF CLASSES AND ORDERS, PHYLOGENETIC DIAGRAM, LABORATORY PRACTICUM. PROTOZOA, ASCON SPONGE, SYCON SPONGE, HypRa, CAMPANULARIA, TURBELLARIA, DisToMUM, TAENIA, ROTIFERA ASCARIS, LUMBRICUS, CAMBARUS, PORCELLIO, CYCLOPS, SIMOCEPHALUS, CYPRIS, SPIDER, CHILOPOD, CALOPTENUS, Mya, HELIX, BuGuULA, ASTERIAS, SEA URCHIN, : BALANOGLOSSUS, Poon Neo TS. SV OR obs eO lei viakS: AS EROTOZOA: B. METAZOA. DIVISION I. PROTAXONIA (Coelenterata). TYPE I. PORIFERA. Type II. CNIDARIA. Type III. CTENOPHORA. DIVISION Il. HETERAXONIA (Coelomata). Type IV. ZYGONEURA. SUB-TYPE I. PROTONEPHRIDOZOA (Scolecida). Cladus) 1. Platodes: Cladus Il.) Vermes: Sup-TYPE Il. Me&rtTaANEPHRIDOZOA (Aposcolecida). Cladus I. Articulata. Sub-cladus I. Annelida. Sub-cladus II. Arthropoda. Cladus II. Mollusca. Cladus III. Molluscoidea. TYPE V. AMBULACRALIA. Cladus. Echinodermata. TYPE VI. CHORDATA. Cladus I. Hemichorda. Cladus II. Urochorda (Twunicata). Cladus III. Cephalochorda (Leptocardit). Cladus IV. Vertebrata. Oe Oe Me Foc ystal tg paalieee hss Vi PN. ny iF ey CARES ait LOTPAS and ib a ‘pad Fi Roa ACD ea oi SARE RTL p? OSG STi ap roar ald hii | AY) Seb aficcoseit@te. a Lat ema Gries ls Tee a eal a we da bier aes fy She f) CEERI: a Koywe eats Dei aes Fr j f NEN eae tonne ree ae void Fal tae Ae De en AD Week tah (a a SR ee ata 5 eens wi Pil DET INTTIONS: OF TYRES: A; PROTOZOA. Unicellular animal organisms. Reproduction by fission and gemmation, also by conjugation, which may simulate sex-differentiation. Colonial forms may show polymorphism (with division of labor) and thus serve as transition- forms between PROTOZOA and METAZOA. B. METAZOA. Multicellular animal organisms with sex-differentiation. The individual begins as a single cell, formed by the union of two half cells (egg and sper- matozoén) produced by the parents. During development all metazoa pass through a blastula and gastrula stage, supposed repetitions of ancient blastaea and gastraea forms. DIVISION I. PROTAXONIA (Coelenterata). ‘*Gastraea animals,” i. e. forms with persisting gastraea characteristics, the primary axis, the protostoma and the gastrocoele, from which all the cay- ities of the body may be derived. No coelom. TYPE I. PORIFERA. Gastraea animals, sessile by the protostoma. Secondary excurrent opening, osculum, at the apical pole: with numerous lateral pores in the body wall. Middle layer (mesenchyma) present, derived from the primary endoderm. In this are produced spicules, and the germ cells. Type II. CNIDARIA. Gastraea-animals, mostly marine, free-swimming or sessile at the aboral pole. Develop tentacles around the protostoma. Certain specialized ecto- derm cells form Cnidoblasts (nettle cells). These are most numerous on the tentacles and serve as weapons. Middle layer a supporting lamella, seldom cellular. Germ cells from ectoderm or endoderm, 10 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Type III. CTENOPHORA. Gastraea animals, all marine ; structure a modified radiate, or doubly bi- lateral one. Free-swimming; moving by means of eight meridional rows of peculiar organs derived from cilia. Sense organs at apical pole. Adhesive cells with spiral, contractile thread developed in ectoderm, replacing the Cni- doblasts of Type II. Middle layer a richly developed gelatinous tissue filled with muscle cells. Germ cells probably from ectoderm (at present a matter of controversy). {In comparing the three groups of Gastraea-animals, Types I-III, notice the differences in development and use of the apical pole. In Lit serves as an excurrent orifice ; in II as point of support, and in II] it is directed forward during locomotion and develops sense- organs. ] DIVISION Il. HETERAXONIA (Coelomata). Bilateral animals, primary axis either embryonic or suppressed. Secondary (middle) layer from two sources ; (1) from paired epithelial sacks (mesoderm); (2) from wandering cells, derived from the primary endoderm (—mesenchyma). The first is a new formation and is often reduced to single cells, or otherwise obscurely indicated in the lower forms. The second is probably homologous with the middle layer of the Protaxonia. Coelom present, either a proto- coelom (derivative of Blastocoele) or metacoelom (cavities of the mesodermic sacks). Type IV. ZYGONEURA. Animals derived from the hypothetical Trochozoén (or an earlier form, Pro- trochozoén) which are frequently repeated throughout the class in the ‘** Trochophore-larva” and similar forms. Nervous system consists of an api- cal cerebral ganglion from which proceeds at least one pair of longitudinal nerves. SUB-TYPE I. PROTONEPHRIDOZOA (Scolecida). Entire body a ‘‘ prosoma” (i. e. derived from the ancestral form), main body cavity the protocoelom. Metacoelom represented as protonephridium and pri- mary sack-gonads. Cladus I. Platodes. Forms derived from the Protrochozoén, which is represented in a few mem- bers of the group by a “ protrochula” larva. The adult forms are flat, either creeping or swimming slowly by means of cilia, or reduced by parasitic life, INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. il Intestine incomplete and without anal orifice. Protocoelom secondarily filled up by a connective tissue parenchyma, derived from the mesenchyma. Pro- tonephridium a system of branching tubules, the so-called ‘‘ water-vascular system.” Mostly hermaphroditic with complicated reproductive system. Cladus II. Vermes. Forms derived from Trochozoén. Protocoelom serves as body cavity and is not filled with mesenchyma. Intestine complete with anus. The animals of this class are externally very unlike and fitted for many different environ- ments. Some are plainly modified Trochophores when adult, others pass this stage in early life, while in others the stage has dropped out. They are most easily distinguished from other worm-like forms by their lack of segmentation. SuB-TYPE II. METANEPHRIDOZOA (Aposcolecida). Anterior part of body alone (Prosoma) derived from Trochozoén, to which the remainder (—Metasoma, generally the larger portion) is added by success- ive growths forming segments or somites. Each somite forms organs like the prosoma, which are distinguished as meta-nephridia, and secondary gonads. In some forms the organs of the prosoma remain to supply that portion, in others they early disappear, the region being secondarily supplied by in- growths from the metasomatic organs. The body-cavity is the meta-coelom, formed by paired mesodermic coelom sacks, which may be considered as ex- pansions of the sack gonads in which the germ cells are localized in certain areas as ‘‘surface gonads.” The metanephridia communicate internally with the coelom and externally with the outside. They may be repetitions or seg- mentations of the protonephridia, secondarily connected with the coelom ; or they may be evaginations of the coelom itself. Cladus IT. Articulata: Segmentation very pronounced, each segment typically furnished with a pair of appendages, jointed in the higher forms. Segments and appendages often show marked specialization in different body regions. Integument pro- tected by a cuticula which may become a thick chitinous exoskeleton. Meta- coelom spacious, mesenchyma poorly developed; nervous system a double cerebral ganglion dorsal to intestine, connected by commissures to a ventral ganglionic chain. Metanephridia in the typical form segmentally arranged, in higher forms modified or fail, being replaced by other organs, 12 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Sub-cladus I. Annelida. Appendages in the form of parapodia, i. e. fleshy outgrowths of the lateral walls, bearing bristles, gills, and other organs, but never jointed. In some forms the processes are suppressed, the bristles being inserted in pits. No marked differentiation of the body into definite body regions. In this group appear the most typical Trochophore larvae. Sub-cladus II. Arthropoda. Appendages jointed. A Trochophore larva does not appear, but their posi- tion is determined by means of their marked relationship to the Annelids. Development by larval forms is common, but many of these are plainly sec- ondarily acquired and of no value in phylogenesis. Cladus II. Mollusca. Metasoma consisting of one segment, which early fuses with the prosoma, resulting in an apparently unsegmented body. Metanephridia a single pair. Metacoelom almost filled with parenchymatous tissue, the pericardial cavity and those of the germ glands alone remaining. The body consists typically of head, foot and visceral sack, of which the first two may fail or be modified beyond recognition. The body is generally surrounded by a duplicature of the integument termed the mantle, which secretes a calcareous shell and en- closes a branchial cavity. As reminiscence of the Trochozoén, there fre- quently appears the ‘‘ Veliger” larva, similar to the Trochophore. Cladus III. Molluscoidea. Sessile animals, mostly marine and often colonial, either enclosed in cells or protected by dorsal and ventral calcareous shells. Mouth surrounded by a ridge, the lophophore, which bears ciliated tentacles, or two spiral ciliated arms. Intestine U-shaped, with anus just outside the lophophore. Meta- coelom present, developing in the typical forms from a pair of lateral sacs. One pair of metanephridia. Central nervous system a ganglion between mouth and anus. The apparent lack of segmentation may be explained here as in Mollusca. by supposing a simple metasoma INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 13 Type V. AMBULACRALIA (with one Cladus). Cladus. Echinodermata. Primarily bilateral pelagic forms, which attain a secondary radiate penta- merous structure, after which they may become creeping or even sessile. The bilateral larvae are all derivable from a common form, the Pro-awricularia, which is itself derived directly from the gastraea by the formation of a sec- ondary mouth and the conversion of the protostoma into the anus. This form somewhat resembles the trochozoén, but differs from it in the origin of mouth and anus, and in the absence of an apical sense organ. During development the protocoelom becomes filled with mesenchyma, and the definite coelom appears in the form of a pair of mesodermic sacs (or one double sac), the enterocoeles, from which arise typically a pair of secondary sacs, assuming the form of five-pointed rosettes, the ydrocoeles. Of these, the right one aborts and the left one grows into the water-vascular system of the definite radiate form. In most cases the right hydrocoele is entirely sup- pressed. The adult form possesses oral and ab-oral surfaces, which corres- pond respectively to the left and right sides of the posterior portion of the larva. Larval locomotion is by cilia, the adult mainly by the water-vascular sys- tem. Characteristic in all stages is the possession of a skeleton, composed of calcareous elements, which may form closely articulated plates, a network of loosely woven spicules, or may be reduced to minute granules imbedded in the integument. [P. and L. SARASIN and others attribute to the hydrocoeles the value of nephridia, and Bury claims that the enterocoele normally develops from two pairs of coelom-sacs.] TYPE VI. CHORDATA. Bilateral animals with dorsal nervous system, supported ventrally during some stage at least by a skeletal rod, the notochord, derived from the endo- derm. The pharynx is perforated by lateral slits, respiratory in function, which may develop gills, supported by skeletal rods, the visceral or gill arches. The protostoma is embryonic and occupies the future dorsal region, appearing in higher embryoes as an elongated groove or cleft, the primitive streak. The mesoderm arises from the lateral region of the primordial intestine, typically in the form of paired sacs, segmentally arranged, but in modified forms as more or less solid masses, which segment and develop cavities after separation from the endoderm. From these mesodermic cavities the metacoelom is formed. The protocoelom becomes filled with mesenchyma, which forms the connective tissues and the blood vessels. 14 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Cladus I. Hemichorda. Notochord confined to anterior part of body above pharynx. Nervous sys- tem dorsal and ventral chords, not entirely distinct from ectoderm. Pharynx perforated by paired gill slits. Genital organs consist of several pairs of sac-gonads. opening independently on the dorsal side. As diverticula of the primordial intestine (archenteron) arise 2-8 pairs of coelom-sacs, as well as a median dorsal pore, compared by some to the dorsal pore of Echinoderm lar- vae. This appears double in some species. Some species develop directly, others by a free-swimming larva, the Tornaria, which appears in some re- spects similar to Proauricularia, and in others to the trochophore. Develop- ment by Tornaria-larva, is undoubtedly more primitive than the direct method, and hence Tornaria must represent the free-swimming pelagic ancestor of the Chordata. Its relationship to the other primitive forms is uncertain. Cladus II. Urochorda (Tunicata). A group of marine Chordata, representing various stages of degeneracy, and thus of very varied external appearance. The larvae are free-swimming and pelagic, but may become sessile in adult life. The notochord is confined to the caudal region where it supports the posterior part of the dorsal nervous system. It is persistant throughout life in a single group of small pelagic forms, the Perennichordata (Appendicularia), becoming reduced in all others. Corresponding to the changes in the notochord, the larval nervous system is elongated, but in the adult becomes reduced to a single ganglion, lying dorsal to the pharynx. The mesoderm arises as in typical chordata, but is without trace of segmentation, and lacks the coelomic cavities, which either do not appear or become early obliterated. Nephridia fail. The body of the adult is enclosed in a mantle or tunic, which may be gelatinous, leathery or carti- laginous, and posesses two orifices ; an incurrent or oral, and an excurrent or cloacal. The pharynx is perforated by gill slits which may appear in two lateral rows, or by secondary reduplication may convert the entire pharyngeal wall into a lattice-work. The water passes from these slits into a peri- branchial or cloacal cavity, formed by the mantle, and into which the intes- tine and the genital ducts also open. In the sessile forms the intestine is U-shaped, and the two mantle openings approximate, while in the free-swim- ming forms they are situated at the two poles of the oval or cask-shaped body. Asexual reproduction combined with complicated alternation of generations occur in this group, The sexual forms are hermaphroditic, INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 15 Cladus III. Cephalochorda. Elongated fish-like marine forms, without head, brain, or skull. Notochord persistant, extending through entire body from tip to tip. Mouth near ante- rior end. Pharynx perforated by paired gill slits, which open, not to the ex- terior, butinto a space formed by integumental folds, the peri-branchial cav- ity. This communicates with the exterior through a median opening, anterior to the arms, the atriopore. The nervous system consists of a dorsal cord lying upon the notochord. It possesses a central lumen which enlarges a little at the anterior end. The sense organs are a set of cilia about the mouth, a median olfactory pit and a median pigment-fleck lying upon the anterior end of the nerve cord. The reproductive glands are a series of pairs of follicles projecting into the peri-branchial cavity. The germ cells become free by rupture of the follicu- lar walls, and later pass into the water through the mouth or the atriopore. The excretory organs consist of paired nephridia in the branchial region, which pass from the true coelom into the peri-branchial cavity. Cladus IV. Vertebrata. The main group of Chordata, characterized by the possession of a head and two pairs of lateral fins, which may become modified in various ways. The anterior portion of the central nervous system becomes enlarged to form a brain, which consists of five vesicles, and bears three pairs of sense-capsules, nose, eye and ear. The notochord, which ends anteriorly at about the level of the ear-capsules, is cartilaginous, in some stage at least, but in the higher forms is reinforced by segmentally arranged osseous arches and other elements alternating with the mesodermic somites, which may entirely replace the original structure (vertebral column.) The brain and sense capsules are protected by a cranium, which consists primarily of two pairs of cartilaginous elements, to which may be added osseous tissues. Visceral arches always appear, but in the higher terrestrial forms, only show their primitive relationship in larval or embryonic life, and later undergo modification and reduction. The germ-glands are surface-gonads, i. e. localized portions of the coelomic mesoderm. The excretory organs develop as paired nephridia, appearing in several series ; these are consolidated to form kidneys, or utilized to convey the germ- cells, 16 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Sub-cladus I. Cyclostomata. Mouth circular, suctorial, without true jaws. Within the mouth are ‘*teeth” of pure epidermic formation, and not homologous with the teeth of higher vertebrates. Paired limbs fail. The gill arches connect with each other and form a sort of basket-work in the pharyngeal region. Sub-cladus II. Gnathostomata. Mouth slit-like, transverse, furnished with jaws, which are originally modi- fications of the first visceral arch. The integument develops horny plates, formed from both epidermis and cutis, some of which become localized on the jaws as true teeth, others by fusion giving rise to the so-called ‘‘ dermal ” bones, which reinforce the skeleton. Paired limbs typically present. Appen- dicular skeleton develops, consisting of girdles about the body with which the skeleton of the free-limbs articulates. Synopsis and Definitions of the Classes and Orders. A; PROTOZOA: Classe SS RoIZORODAC EE eee ee eee Order 1. iPropoplasta sesh caer Sub-order 1. Protoplasta lobosa.. Sub-order 2. Protoplasta filosa. . Order 2. Order 38. Order 4. ehOZORME eee eee IRRVOIOIRTHIEY 65 nodos Sout ac Foraminifera . Protozoa without a cell wall, moving by pseudopodia. .Fresh water rhizopods found crawling over submerged objects, and on damp bog-moss, either naked or enclosed by a shell made of chitinous plates, sand grains, etc., with one large opening, out of which the animal extends its pseudo- podia. With thick, generally rounded pseudo- podia. 4 Amoeba, Difflugia, With fine, thread-like pseudopodia. % Englypha. .Free-swimming fresh water Rhizopods, radiate in structure and often possessing a silicious skeleton, but without central capsule. 4 Actinophrys, Clathrulina. Marine Rhizopods, with radiate, silicious skeleton. Protoplasm divided by a cen- tral capsule into extra- and infra-capsular plasm. 4 Polycystina. ..Marine Rhizopods, with calcareous shell, perforated with very numerous minute openings (foramina) through which the animal projects its fine pseudopodia. * Globigerina, etc., im deep-sea dredg- ings. (18) INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 19 Class hiner IN EUSORTA c.icm ence ie cle: Protozoa with cell-wall, moving by cilia or flagella. Order 1. Ciliata........ Saree wrntscete Infusoria moving by cilia. Sub-order 1. Holotricha. .. ...Cilia uniformly covering the body. *% Paramoecium. Sub-order 2. Heterotrichu..... Cilia in patches and often of different lengths. ye Stentor. Sub-order 3. Hypotricha....... Cilia only underneath. Creeping forms. Sub-order 4. Peritricha........ Cilia in a ring around the mouth. * Vorticella, Epistylis. Order 2. Flagellata....... ......Infusoria moving by flagella. Sub-order 1. Nudoflagellata....Simple monads. ye Englena. Sub-order 2. Choanoflagellata. .Collared monads, often colonial. *% Codosiga. Sub-order 8. Cilioflagellata. ...Mostly marine forms with a silicious exo- skeleton. 4 Ceratium. Sub-order 4. Cystoflagellata...Very large marine forms, with reticula- ted endoplasm. 4 Noctiluca. Supplementary Sub-order 5. Volvocina..... Spherical colonies, showing division of labor. Perhaps similar to Blastaea. y& Volvow. Order 3. Suctoria ...... ........With knobbed tentacular processes that act as suckers. SUPPLEMENTARY CLASSES. @lassee GREGARINIDA 220.0. ole Worm-like unicellular parasites, with contractile layer. Reproduction by means of pseudonavicella-cyst. *% Monocystis. Class. SCHIZOMYCETES (Bacteria)...The most minute of organisms. The cause of ferment, decomposition and dis- ease, now generally placed among the plants. The chief forms are the ball form, Micrococcus, the sticks and threads, Bacterium and Bacillus, and the spiral form, Spirillum. 20 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. B. M Division I. Type I. PORIFERA. Class I. CALCISPONGIAE........... Order 1. Order 2. Order 3. Class II. Class III. Type II. IASCONIGa Se ae eee oe SVCOMIdAaee eer mer ect WMeuconidaneesise cee SIMIGISPONGIAE. «2... - 5+. KERATOSPONGIAE..... CNIDARIA (Coelenterata). MARS IL, TEDMDIRNOAONS 465 su Sesuae coc Order 1. ANWHNIYCHBIES & gsos soa500 ETAZOA. PROTAXONIA. .Spicules calcareous—structure of sponge comparatively simple. Wall of sponge not folded—main cavity lined with digestive cells. 4 Ascetta. Wall of sponge forming oblong chambers opening directly into the main cavity. Digestive cells confined to the chambers. *% Sycandra. .Wall of sponge with a very thick meso- derm, in which are spherical chambers lined with digestive endodermal cells Chambers connected with the exterior and with the main internal cavity by branching canals. Spicules silicious, sometimes woven to- gether like threads. % Huplectella, Spongilla. ..No spicules, skeleton a mesh-work of woven threads, or wanting. *% Euspongia. Polyp form [HypRULA] without mesente- ries, only in a few instances producing coral. Medusa form (Craspedota) gener- ally small, with velum, 4-8 radiating ca- nals, uncovered sense organs, generally a long manubrium and no genital pouches. Marginal lobes wanting. Gelatinous mid- dle layer without cells. Sexual cells produced by polyp-form. No medusa generation (free or reduced). INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 21 Sub-order 1. Hydrida..........Simple, fresh-water polyps. Solitary in- dividuals reproducing asexually in sum- mer and sexually at the approach of win- ter. Do not form colonies. 4 Hydra. Sub-order 2. Hydrocorallinae...Tropical marine forms, polymorphic, in colonies, producing a sort of coral. * Millipora. Order 2. Hydro-medusae.........Sexual cells produced by medusa, which may be 1) a free form produced by a ses- sile or floating colony of polyps: 2) a re- duced form borne ona polyp colony ; 3) a free-swimming form without polyp an- cestors. All marine. Sub-order 1. Gymnoblastea-anthomedusae .. Sessile colonies of polyps, the separate individuals of which are naked, and not protected by the perisarc. The medusae possess ocelli and genital organs in the manubrium. 4 Pennaria with reduced medusae. § #&Syncoryne—polyp } fr bee om one colony. ( Sarsia—=medusa 3 Sub-order 2. Calyptoblastea-leptomedusae. ...Sessile colonies of polyps, perisarc forming cups for the protection of the individuals. Medusae with oto- cysts and genital organs on radial canals. * Campanularia with free medusa. * Sertularia with reduced medusa. « Sub-order 3. Trachymedusae...Free-swimming medusa with direct de- velopment (no polyps). Velum, 4-6 ra- diating canals, and other characteristics of. hydro-medusae. Evidently forms with suppressed polyp generation. {Prim- itive forms that have not developed the polyp form—BRoOokSs. | * Geryonia, Liriope. 22 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Sub-order 4. Siphonophora. ...Free-swimming colonies of polymorphic individuals representing both types (polyp and medusa) and characterized by the occurrence of a complex of several per- sons, known as a Cormidium. In some forms the medusae become free, > Vel- lela; in the majority the medusae are reduced, and develop germ cells (gener- ally one egg in female) in the manubrium. *% Physophora, Physalia. Class) Il.) “SCYPHOZOAs2 scccigs. kre Polyp form [ScyPHULA] with an invagi- nated protostoma, forming oesophagus and secondary mouth, mesenteries pres- ent, extending between oesophagus and body-wall. Gastrocoele containing mes- enterial filaments. Medusa form (acras- peda) large, without velum, with very many branching radiating canals, with square mouth and four genital pouches, with marginal lobes on sub-umbrellar side. Body cavity containing gastral fil- aments. Gelatinous middle layer cellu- lar. Order Ie Anthozoas sae a eee Polyps of Scyphula type, without medusa generation. Mostly coral producers. Sub-order 1. Hexacoralla......Mesenteries and other parts in sixes. Many forms produce coral, showing the arrangement of the mesenteries. * Metridium, Fungia. Sub-order 2. Octocoralla (Aleyonaria) ........ Mesenteries and tentacles eight —coral consists of a horny axis coated with a polyparium containing sklerites. ye Renilla, Corallium. Sub-order 8. Tetracoralla......Partsin fours. All fossil. (Palaeozoic.) Order 2. Scyphomedusae....... Large medusae of the above description (under Scyphozoa), which alternate with reduced polyp generation of the Scyphula type. 4 Aurelia. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 23 Supplementary Class. PLANULOIDEA....Minute endoparasites without mouth Type ILI. @lassmles UDENTACULATAY mdse cee. Class IT. Type IV. Sub-type I. Cladus I. Class I.. TURBELLARIA Order 1. Order 2. Sub-order 1. Triclada........ Sub-order 2. Polyclada....... Class IL. NuDA.... CTENOPHORA. Division II. ZYGONEURA. Platodes. Rhabdocoela........... Dendrocoela........ PRR MATODHSsa aces eae or intestinal lumen, resembling the pla- nula larva of Cnidarian polyps. There are two groups: the Dicyemidae, found in the nephridia of Cephalopods, and the Orthonectidae, in Ophiuridea, Turbellaria and Nemertea. They have been™consid- ered as Mesozoa, between Protozoa and Metazoa, but are more probably Cnidaria, reduced by parasitism. With two long, prehensile, thread-like tentacles. 4 Pleurobrachia. .. Tentacles wanting. 4 Beroe. HETERAXONIA. PROTONEPHRIDOZOA (Scolecida). Small, free-swimming Platodes, of oval shape ; body very contractile and covered with cilia. -Intestine a straight, unbranched tube. Pharynx simple: small forms. % Mesostomum. ..Intestine dendritic. Pharynx tubular. Larger forms, very flat. .. Intestine with three main trunks—one anterior, and two posterior. ye Planaria. . Intestine like foregoing, but with more than two posterior branches. %& Planocera. .Parasitic Platodes. Body of adult not ciliated, but generally furnished with sucking-discs. Intestine much as in Triclada. 24 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Order 1. Monogenea (Polystomeae)....Ecto-parasites upon gills, integu- ment, bladder, etc., of aquatic verte- brates. Sucking-discs, three or more. Development direct. 4 Polystomum. Order 2. Digenea (Distomeae)....Ento-parasites with never more than two sucking-discs. Development by het- erogony, through forms known as Sporo- cyst, Redia, Cercaria, etc., which inhabit several hosts, the first being a pond snail, or some allied form. %*% Phasciola, (Distomum). Class III. CrSTopES......-. ........Ento-parasitic Platodes without intestine. Adult form generally composed of ‘‘links” (Proglottids), which may be considered reduplicated abdomens, or as attaining the value of individuals of a colony. Larval form (Cysticercus) provided with sucking-discs, and often loops. In the typical forms the cysticercus encysts it- self in the muscles or internal organs of its first host, and develops into the chain- form only when swallowed by some spe- cial animal, which thus serves as its sec- ond host. + Taenia. Cladus II. Vermes, Class I. ROTIFERA....... ........-Minute aquatic forms, which may be considered as modified Trochozoa. The prae-oral band of cilia persists, often modified to form a pair of contractile organs resembling rotating wheels. Pro- tocoelom spacious. Alimentary canal differentiated into a stomach, containing chitinous teeth, an intestine and a cloaca into which the protonephridia and repro- ductive ducts empty. Generally a jointed forked appendage or ‘‘ foot,” projecting posteriorily and serving for temporary attachment. Bisexual, the males rare, and much reduced. * Brachionus, Rotifer. Class II. Class III. Class IV. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 25 GASTROTRECHIA wees chore HW NDORROCTAGR ce aeen nie INE MATODESS-ysiccc siete sites Minute aquatic forms about the size of large Infusoria, having an independent origin from Trochozoa and modified in a different manner from the above. They are elongated, somewhat flattened, and possess a double band of cilia on the ven- tral side, derived from the ventral stripe of the Trochozoén. Ciliated zones fail, body generally terminated in a fork. *& Ichthidium. Aquatic forms, mostly marine—probably to be viewed as Trochozoa, modified by sessile life. The larvae are free swim- ming, but soon become attached by a stalk developed from the apical pole. The prae-oral zone (Trochus) develops into a crown of ciliated tentacles, within which are mouth and anus, as well as the genital and nephridial openings. The apical ganglion of the larva disappears and is functionally replaced by another, situated between mouth and anus. The group is generally referred to Bryozoa, q. Vv. ¥%& Urnatella, Loxosoma. .Long, cylindrical worms without cilia. Body cavity present. Sub-cuticula with four longitudinal thickenings, dorsal, ven- tral and lateral, between which lie four bands of longitudinal muscles. Proto- nephridia forming two lateral canals en- ‘sased in the lateral sub-cuticular thick- enings. Sack gonads long and tubular, often contorted. Ventral nervous system an oesophageal ring, from which issue longitudinal nerves, of which two (dor- sal and ventral) lie in the sub-cuticular ridges. Bisexual with a single exception. Development direct. Free-swimming and 26 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. parasitic forms. ¥ Trichina, Anguillula (vinegar-eel). Ascaris (pin-worm). Gor- dius (hair-snake). Class V. ACANTHOCEPHALI.... ...A single family of worms, externally similar to last, but with an anterior ex- tensile proboscis beset with hooks, and no intestinal canal. The body wall de- velops two solid masses (Lemnisci) which project into the protocoelom. The re- productive organs open posteriorly. De- velopment by metamorphosis. Larval stage in crustaceans and insects, adult in intestine of vertebrates. * Echinorhynchus. SUPPLEMENTARY CLASS—NEMERTINI. Flattened forms, often very long, externally covered with cilia. At ante- rior end a long retractile proboscis. Protocoelom filled with parenchyma. Alimentary canal complete with anal orifice. Nephridia and gonads repeated in pairs along the body. Complicated blood and nervous systems. Bisexual. Many develop by metamorphosis and possess a curious larval form, the ‘* Pilidium,” which is similar to a Protrochula. The relations of this group are very uncertain. Many characteristics would place them near the Platodes, but the complete alimentary canal, the blood system and the segmentally arranged nephridia and gonads would exclude them from these and place them nearer the Annelides. It seems at present more probable that they are Protonephridozoa, and that the metameric char- acter of some of the internal organs is due to a reduplication of protosomatic elements, rather than to the formation of a metasoma (cf. the reduplication of the abdomen in Taenia). Order 1. Hoplonemertini........ Proboscis armed with bristles. Order 2. Schizonemertini........ Proboscis unarmed, head nearly divided by deep, longitudinal fissures. Order 3, Palaeonemertini........Proboscis unarmed. Head nearly entire. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 27 Sub-type II. MertTaNnepHriIpozoa (Aposcolecida). Cladus III. Articulata. Sub-cladus I. Annelida. Class I. ARCHIANNELIDES..........Small marine forms of very simple or- ganization. No external segmentation. Metameres all alike; bristles, cilia and parapodia fail. Development with a metomorphosis, in which occurs the most typical trochophore. Polygordius. Class Ul.” CHARTOPODA: ....<% vs. se: Typical Annelids, with well marked ex- ternal segments, corresponding to the in- ternal metamerism—segments furnished with paired groups of chitinous bristles. Order 1. Polychaeta...... .... .Bristles conspicuous, situated on raised lAteral portions, parapodia. Head gen- erally present. Development by a meta- morphosis, usually with a Trochophore larva. Sub-order 1. P. errantia....... Free-swimming, active, predaceous. * Nereis. Sub-order 2. P. sedentaria.....Live in tubes built of sand, mud, bits of shell, etc., subsist upon vegetable sub- stances. ye Amphitrite, Serpula. Order 2. Oligochaeta............ Bristles very small, sunk in hollows along the sides ; no parapodia ; no distinct head; hermaphroditic, development direct. Sub-order 1. O. limicola....... Aquatic, in mud of swamps. » Nais. Sub-order 2. O. terricola....... In damp earth. 4 Lumbricus. @lasselliee EMRUDINHAY 22... y55.2- -Aquatic hermaphroditic ecto-parasites ; segments without bristles ; move by ter- minal, adhesive suckers. External and internal segments do not correspond. Order 1. Rhynchobdellidae...... Pharynx extensile, forming a sort of pro- boscis. ye Clepsine. 28 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Order 2. Gnathobdellidae........Pharynx not extensile, with three longi- tudinal ridges which are often toothed. * Hirudo. SUPPLEMENTARY CLASSES. Class CHAETIFERA, formerly taken with Sipunculoidea to form class Gephy- rea. Here belong a very few marine worms, Echiurus, Bonellia, etc., which show affinities to the Chaetopoda. .They are segmented only as larvae, but possess paired nephridia and a system of blood vessels similar to that of Annelids. Class SIPUNCULOIDEA includes a very few forms of marine worms, bearing some slight affinity to Annelids. They were formerly united with Chaetifera to form the class Gephyrea. They are cylindrical, unsegmented forms with- out bristles, and possess a retractile proboscis. 4 Sipuneulus, Phascolosoma. Class CHAETOGNATHA. This includes one form, Sagitta, a small, transpar- ent, unsegmented worm found on the surface of the ocean. The body is flat and possesses lateral fire-like extensions. The mouth is armed with jaws beset with sharp hooks. Hermaphroditic. It develops lateral coelom sacks, which appear to have the value of a metacoelom. It is placed by some with the Nematodes. Sub-cladus II. Arthropoda. Class I. CRUSTACEA................Aquatic Arthropoda, a few being second- arily adapted to a terrestrial life. Res- piration either through the general sur- face of the integument or by localized thin portions of the same, in the form of evaginated plates or structures, almost always placed in some relation to the appendages—and known as ‘‘ gills.” Ap- pendages typically composed of two branches, which may be modified beyond recognition. Development from a Nau- plias larva, which is suppressed in the higher forms. Female generally pro- vided with a brood-sack for the care of the young. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 29 Sub-class I. ENTOMOSTRAKA....... Small, often minute Crustacea with a variable number of segments (not 20). Abdomen generally without appendages. Nauplias larva almost universal. Parthe- nogenesis frequent. Order 1. Branchiopoda... .......With flat, leaf-like legs bearing gill-sacks. Body generally enclosed in an integu- mental duplicature in the form of lat- eral shells or a dorsal shield. Sub-order 1. Phyllopoda....... Body plainly segmented. Numerous pairs of legs (10-40). 4% Branchipus. Sub-order 2. Cladocera........ Body enclosed in a shell with two lateral valves—head free; second pair of ante- meae enormously developed, and used as oars. 4-6 pairs of legs. Gill-sacks may fail. +e Daphnia. Order 2. Copepoda...............Body generally elongated and plainly segmented, without integumental dupli- cature. 4-5 pairs of flattened, two- branched legs used as oars. Eggs in two lateral pedicelled sacks. Many forms re- duced by parasitism. Sub-order 1. Hucopepoda...... Free-swimming forms with typical char- acteristics. ye Cyclops. Sub-order 2. Copepoda parasitica... ..Parasites upon gills of fish or in internalorgans. Often witha free-swim- ming stage, especially in male. In later life may be reduced to a shapeless sack. Antennae may be modified to form hooks. 4 Lernaea. Sub-order 3. Branchiura.......Flattened oval forms, attached to the sides of fish and subsisting upon slime. * Argulus. Oriler 3. Ostracoda: so... 55566: Body, including head, enclosed in a bi- valve shell, with hinge and adductor muscle. seven pairs of appendages, of which only 2(or 8) may be reckoned as legs. > Cypris. 30 Order 4. Cirripedia.... Sub-order 1. Lepadoidea. Sub-order 2. Balanoidea...... Sub-order 3. Rhizocephala.. . Sub-class II. MALACOSTRAKA INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Sessile forms, enclosed in an inverted position in a calcareous 2-valved shell. Generally six pairs of 2-branched legs, modified to form attenuated many jointed cirri. Larval stage a free-swimming nauplias which soon becomes fixed by the first antennae. This after passing through a so-called ‘‘ Cypris” stage, de- velops into the adult. Forms with stalk and flexible valves— skeleton mainly composed of scuta, terga and carina. ye Lepas. .Forms without stalk, skeleton reinforced by lateral pieces, which, with carina and rostrum, form a calcareous tube. * Balanus. .Degenerate parasites upon crabs (Bra- chyura). Body consists of a sack, from which grow countless root-like threads (=the stalks, morphologically) which penetrate the flesh of the host. Recog- nizable as Cirripedia only in larval life. % Succulina. Generally large forms with a constant number of segments (20) consisting of a head with five, a thorax with eight and an abdomen of seven segments. The first two portions are often fused to form a cephalo-thorax of thirteen segments. Only the first six abdominal segments bear appendages, and of these the last pair is generally modified and united with the terminal segment to form a caudal appendage. The paired reproductive ori- fices of the male are found upon the last thoracic segment, and those of the female upon the third from the last. Develop- ment sometimes direct—generally with a metamorphosis. Nauplias larvae appear only in a few primitive forms. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 31 Legion 1. Phyllocarida (Leptostraka)....This group, mostly fossil, contains but a single pelagic form, valuable as a link between Entomostraka and Malakos- traka. A smallintegumental duplicature covers the head and thorax. The abdomen is 8-jointed, thus departing from the con- stant number found in Malacostraka. The feet are like those of Phyllopods. *% Nebalia. Legion 2. Arthrostraka (Edriophthalmata)......Sessile-eyed Malacostraka, with free thoracic segments, and without carapace. Thoracic appendages distribu- ted as one mavxilliped and seven legs. Brood cavity borne between thoracic legs. Order d= “Amphipoda. ..-. 5-3... Compressed forms, body generally bent into a curve. Gills upon the thoracic legs. Abdomen with six pairs of legs, of which the first three are used in swim- ming, and the last three form a springing organ. In a few forms the abdomen is reduced. +e Gammarus. Ondere2se lsopoddaee a9. 55-45 Depressed forms with seven free thoracic segments. The abdominal appendages are in the form of flattened plates and protect the gills. 4 Porcellio. Legion 8. Thoracostraka (Podophthalmata)....Eyes situated upon movable stalks. Carapace involving all or nearly all the thoracic rings. Brood cavity upon the ventral side of the flexible abdoinen and protected by the sixth abdominal ap- pendage and the terminal segment (telson). Ordern emt CUMAGCCA fat. cee. Carapace small, involving only 3-4 tho- racic segments, two pairs of maxillipeds and six pairs of legs. Abdomen of fe- male without appendages; of male with 3-5. tc Diastylis. 32 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Order 2. -‘Stomatopoda:.....-..-.. Carapace involving five thoracic seg- ments, five pairs of maxillipeds, and three pairs of legs. Gills upon the ab- dominal appendages. ye Squilla. Order 35) Sehiz0poGaee eee ee Carapace involving entire thorax, eight pairs of two-branched, gill-bearing, tho- racic legs, no maxillipeds. 4 Mysis. Order 4. “Dekapodane.--s- += a: Carapace large and heavy, involving the entire thorax, six pairs of maxillipeds and five pairs of legs, of which the first bears aheavy claw. Gills at base of thoracic feet upon the sides, protected by the edge of the carapace. Sub-order 1. Maecrura..........Abdomen elongated, bearing appendages. *% Homarus. Sub-order 2. Brachyura....... Carapace generally broader than long, with grooves for the reception of the short antennae and eyes. Abdomen re- duced, and folded back over the sternum. *% Cancer. SUPPLEMENT TO THE CRUSTACEA. TRILOBITEA. An important group of fossil forms, presenting some superficial resemblance to the Isopods. They are oval and flattened in form, and possess a dorsal car- apace, divided by two longitudinal grooves into three areas, one median (rhachis) and two lateral (plewrae). The carapace consists of a cephalo- thorax, and a variable number of segments, of which the anterior ones are free-moving, and termed the ‘‘ thorax,” followed by several fused ones, the ‘abdomen ” or pygidium. The cephalo thorax consists of a central piece (glabellum), and two lateral pieces, the fixed and movable cheeks, between which are a pair of compound eyes. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 33 The ventral side is almost unknown. Probably each thoracic segment has a pair of crustacean-like legs, above which there may have been a pair of gills, protected by the overhanging edge of the carapace. Recently (1894) some finely preserved specimens have been discovered showing one pair of long antennae. The Trilobites appear to have close affinity to the branchiate Arachnoids, as well as to the genuine Crustacea. Class II. Sub-class I. Order 1. ARACHNOIDEA....... .Head and thorax fused into a single piece, the cephalo-thorax, bearing six pairs of appendages, of which one is prae-oral. These may all be used as legs, or one or more pieces may be chelate or toothed and serve as mandibles or wea- pons of defense. In the lower forms the abdomen is elongated and segmented and may bear appendages, but in the higher forms it is consolidated and may be fused with the cephalo-thorax. Respiratory organs originally lamellate gills, devel- oped as adjuncts of the abdominal ap- pendages. In the air breathing forms they may be modified and reduced in number, or even replaced by a sort of tracheal system, not homologous with that of insects. ARACHNOIDEA BRANCHIATA....Mainly fossil forms, all marine, Gigantostraka. .. gills lamellate, one pair of eyes (‘‘ trilo- bite”) in side of cephalo-thorax, and one pair of small ones anterior to these near the middle line. Coxal joints of the legs, or of some of them forming spiny plates used in mastication. Fossil forms with long extended abdo- men, which may terminate in a spine. *% Pterygotus. 34 Order 2. Sub-class IT. Order 1. Order 2. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Xiphosura (Limuloidea) eh Me Mostly fossil, with three surviving species—A bdomen consolidated in recent forms and bearing six plate-like append- ages, of which the last five bear lamel- late gills. A long terminal spine at end of abdomen. The larvae pass through a ‘‘ trilobite” stage, showing three well marked longitudinal areas—and without the terminal spine. Limulus. ARACHNOIDEA TRACHEATA...Mostly terrestrial forms—breath- SCOLMIONIG eames. -s eran Pseudoscorpionidea..... ing either by gill plates hanging from the roof of pneumatic chambers, or by tra- cheal tubes. Both sorts communicate with the exterior by paired stigmata sit- uated on the ventral side of the abdomen. 1-6 pair of eyes—generally simple. First two pairs of appendages employed as mouth parts, often chelate. Last four serve as legs. .Cephalo-thorax of one piece, broad prae- abdomen of seven segments and narrow, elongated post-abdomen of five, ending in a poisonous spine. Mandibles chelate. Second pair of appendages enormously developed and chelate. Four pairs of respiratory chambers. 4 Scorpio. Cephalo-thorax of one piece. Abdomen 11-jointed, broad and flat, without atten- uated portion or sting. First and second pairs of appendages as in Scorpionidea. Breath by tracheal tubes, which open by two pairs of stigmata on second and third abdominal segments. Spinnerets on the second abdominal segment. Small animals found under bark, ete. * Chelifer. Order 3. Order 4. Solpugidea Order 5. Order 6. Pedipalpit..2.--..- Bihalaneordar seers Arachnida... INVERTEBRATE .Entire body a shortened oval. ZOOLOGY. 35 Cephalo-thorax of one piece. Abdomen broad and depressed, 11-12 jointed, with- out antenuated post-abdomen, but in some cases ending in a long filiform process. Mandibles with single claw. Second pair of appendages large and chelate. Third pair feeler-like, extended like whip lashes. Two pairs of respiratory cham- bers on second and third abdominal seg- ments. x Phrynus. Head distinct, thorax of three segments, abdomen cylindrical, 10-jointed—mandi- bles chelate. Second pair of appendages leg-like, not chelate. Tracheal respira- tory system with stigmata on the first thoracic segment and second and third abdominal segments. Nocturnal animals found in sandy parts of the tropics— bite poisonous. 7% Solpuga. Reduced abdomen closely applied to cephalo-tho- rax, but distinct and consisting of six segments. Mandibles chelate. Legs very long and attenuated. Tracheal tubes with one pair of stigmata between tho- rax and abdomen. ye Phalangiwm. Abdomen without segments, swollen and attached to cephalo-thorax by a stalk. Mandibles ending in a simple claw with poison gland. Second pair of appendages leg-like—modified in male. 2-8 pairs of spinnerets at end of abdomen. 1-2 pairs of respiratory chambers situated on ab- domen. These may be also connected with a system of tracheal tubes. *% EHpeira. 36 Order 7. Acarina Pantapoda. Tardigrada INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. a ar Abdomen fused with cephalo-thorax. Body unsegmented. Appendages about mouth often modified to form a sucking tube. Respiration by tracheal tubes or merely through integument in smaller forms—many parasitic. * Ixodes, Tyroglyphus. SUPPLEMENTARY GROUPS. ........Hxtremely attenuated marine forms with long slender legs and body of about the same diameter. Cephalo-thorax of six segments, of which the first are fused, possessing a beak at the anterior end. Abdomen much reduced and _sac-like. Seven pairs of legs, containing the repro- ductive organs and diverticula of the stomach. Respiratory organs fail. *% Nymphon. al ere Mr Minute fresh water forms, with four pairs of short legs bearing little hooks. Hermaphroditic—without heart or organs of respiration. 4 Macrobiotus. Pentastomidea (Linguatulina).....Parasites in the lungs and nasal cavities of reptiles and mammals. Long, flat- tened worms, resembling Taeniae, but with Arachnoid development. Legs re- duced to two pairs of hooks about the mouth. + Pentastomum. Class II. TRACHEATA ANTENNATA.. .Head always distinct, never fused with thorax, one pair of antennae, breathe by system of tracheal tubes opening by stigmata. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 37 Sub-class I. ONYCHOPHORA .. ... This includes one genus of widely sepa- rated species, intermediate between An- nelids and Myriapods. The body is worm- like, each segment bearing a pair of limbs with indistinct articulations, thus resembling parapodia. Paired nephridia of Annelid type, opening at the base of the feet. A richly branched tracheal system, opening by irregularly dispersed stigmata. ye Peripatus. Sub-class II]. MyriapoDa ... ..... Head with antennae, mandibles, and two pairs of maxillae. No differentiation of thorax. Each segment bears a pair of legs, alike in shape and size. Orderel-aeChilopodane-.--ie see: Mainly depressed in form. One pair of legs to each segment. Mandibles well developed, fitted for predaceous life. First pair of legs transformed to a pair of jaws furnished with poison glands. Reproductive opening at posterior end of body. > Lithobius, Scolopendra. Order 2. Diplopoda....... .. ...A double pair of legs to each segment. Maxillae united to form a complex under- lip, the gnathochilarium. Reproductive opening at base of second pair of legs. *% Lulus. Sub-class. Hexapopa (Insecta).....Body divided into three distinct regions, or segment-complexes, head, thorax and abdomen. Mouth parts typically of three component parts, the mandibles, and the first and second maxillae, which may be- come strongly modified in adaptation to very varied life habits. Thorax of three segments, each one with a pair of legs. The last two segments in higher insects bear each a pair of wings formed by an integumental duplicature and directly de- rivable from ‘* tracheal gills,” a modifica- 38 Order 1. Order 2. Order 3. Order 4. Order 5. Thysaneura Pseudoneuroptera. .... INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Orthopterai). 0% ek Neuropteraseecs essen Coleoptera tion originally for aquatic breathing and still retained in a few aquatic larval forms. The higher insects have gained secondary larval forms and thus develop by a metamorphosis. Soyer yen a Minute wingless forms, with biting mouth parts, found in decayed wood and damp earth. They are the most primitive insects and have never devel- oped wings. Some show rudiments of of abdominal legs. Ametabolic, i. e. de- velopment direct. 4% Podura. .Mouth parts biting, wingsall alike, trans- parent, delicate, with lace-like venation. This group was formerly united with the Neuroptera, but has an active pupa (hemimetabolism). * Libellula, Ephemera. Mouth parts biting—upper wings parch- ment-like, generally narrow — under wings membraneous and often folded. Development hemimetabolic i. e. pupa active. 4 Caloptenus. Mouth parts biting—somewhat modified in Phryganidae. Wings as in Order 2. Development holometabolic i. e. pupa— quiescent. 4 Phryganea. Mouth parts biting—upper wings (clytra) forming hard shields for the protection of the membraneous lower ones. Holo- metabolic. Thorax free and quite dis- tinct from the posterior portion, thus dividing the body into three regions, head, pro-thorax, and meso- and meta- thorax + abdomen. Holometabolic. *% Carabus. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 39 Order 6. Rhynchota (Hemiptera).. Mouth parts modified to form a straight Order 7. Lepidoptera .. jointed beak, which lies between the coxal joints of the legs. Wings either membraneous and alike, or with the outer diagonal half of the upper wings pergamenteous. Many forms wingless. Hemimetabolic. 4 Coreus, Cicada. Mouth parts a double coiled proboscis, formed by the first maxillae. Wings alike in texture, membraneous, covered with minute colored scales. Holometa- bolic. ye Papilio, Sphine. Orderkss eDipteradeasa- sess lee: Mouth parts variously modified, sucking, Order 9. Hymenoptera. Cladus II. Mollusca. Class I. AMPHINEURA piercing or lapping—never biting. Fore wings membraneous, hind wings reduced to minute knobs—the so-called balancers. Holometabolic. *% Culex, Musca. Mouth parts biting—or biting and lap- ping. Wings membraneous, alike in text- ure, but hind pair reduced in size. Body generally much constricted between tho- rax and abdomen. Ovipositor of male generally accompanied by organs for sawing, boring or digging, and in some a venomous sting. Holometabolic. *% Vespa, Formica. A small group of bilaterally symmetrical marine molluscs with very primitive characteristics. They have a nerve ring around the mouth, from which pass two lateral and two ventral nerve cords con- nected by transverse commissures. 40 Order 1. Solenogastres......... Orders2seChitonest car ice Class II. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA.... Order ey siphomiateiaee es ee Sub-order 1. Sub-order 2. Order 2. Asiphonia........-. Sub-order 1. a) Sub-order 2. Sub-order 3. Sinupalliata. ... Integripalliata....Siphons short, not contractile. Homomyaria. . . Heteromyaria. .. Monomyaria...... INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. ..Worm-like forms without mantle or shell, but with calcareous spicules im- bedded in the cuticula. Some possess a ciliated ventral furrow, in the bottom of which lies arudimentary foot. In others furrow and foot fail. 4% Proneomenia. Depressed forms with a dorsal shell com- posed of eight transverse pieces. Cteni- dia in two longitudinal rows between foot and edge of mantle. Foot large, with oval, flattened creeping surface. * Chiton. ..Bilaterally symmetrical Mollusca with four (in a few cases two) plate-like gills, and with two lateral shells generally united dorsally. They are without a dis- tinct head and lack a ‘‘ lingual ribbon” or radula. The foot is compressed and never forms a creeping disc. .With two posterior siphons, separate or fused. Edges of mantle often joined. Siphons long and contractile. Mantle line with sinus. ye Mya, Venus, Solen. No pal- lial sinus. ¥& Cyclas. . .Siphons absent. Anterior and posterior adductor muscles about equal. 4% Unio. .Anterior adductor very small. *& Mytilus. Anterior adductor wanting. *% Ostrea, Pecten. Class III. INVERTEBR SCAPHOPODA...........- Class LEV). (GASTEROPODA.... .....- Order 1. Order 2. Order 3. Prosobranchiata........ Heteropoda. .........- Pulmonata ATE ZOOLOGY. 41 Bilaterally-symmetrical forms with body cavity greatly elongated in a dorso-ven- tral direction. Mantle and shell tubular and somewhat curved, with a smaller dorsal and a larger ventral opening. Ctenidia fail. Foot elongated and coni- cal. A single family of marine forms. * Dentalium. Molluscs with a head, foot and visceral sack. The first two are bilateral, the third is almost invariably unsymmetri- cal, the pallial complex, with its organs being developed upon one side only (usu- ally the right). The visceral sack is generally contained in a spirally twisted shell, wound usually toward the right about a central axis, and capable of re- ceiving the other parts when contracted. The mouth is furnished with a radula;: the foot generally forms a creeping disc. Shell present, ctenidium anterior to heart ; foot a creeping disc ; bisexual. % Oliva, Conus, Cypraea, Strombus. Shell small or wanting. Gill as in pre- vious order. Anterior part of foot com- pressed, forming a sort of keel. Bisex- ual. This order includes a very few nearly transparent forms, which swim on the surface of the ocean. They may be considered as Prosobranchiata adapted to a pelagic life. > Carinaria. Land and fresh water snails, breathing by plexus of blood vessels, which lie in a respiratory chamber communicating with the exterior, and placed anterior to the heart. Ctenidia fail. Shell generally present. Hermaphroditic. * Helix, Limnaea, 42 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Order 4. Opisthobranchiata...... Order 5. Pteropoda...... Class) Ve. CERHATLOPRODALE A eee ernee Order 1. Order 2, Tetrabranchiata Dibranchivatae- eee Shell delicate or wanting. Respiration seldom by ctenidia, often by secondary or adaptive gills, or through the integu- ment. Gills, when present, lie behind the heart. Back of naked forms often ornamented with simple or dendritic papillae. Hermaphroditic. * Bulla, Eolis. Shell fragile or wanting, foot developed into a pair of wing-like expansions. Hermaphroditic. A small group of forms which swim at night upon the surface of the ocean—often referred to preceding order, from which they have undoubt- edly been derived. ye Cymbuliopsis. Body bilaterally symmetrical, extended in a dorso-ventral direction and flattened antoro-posteriorily so that the anterior aspect seems dorsal, the posterior ven- tral, the dorsal posterior, etc. The greatly modified foot forms a series of tentacles about the mouth and a funnel or infundibulum behind it. The head is large and distinct, with two large prom- inent eyes. Mouth provided with a pair of chitinous jaws. Shell large and cham- bered, or reduced or even internal. Gills four, mouth surrounded by numer- ous unarmed tentacles. Ink bag fails. A heavy external shell convoluted and divided into chambers—the animal being in the terminal and largest one. * Nautilus (only living form). .Gills two. Eight (or ten) arms around the mouth, covered with cup-shaped sucking discs. Ink bag present. Shell internal (a very fragile external shell in Argonauta), % Octopus, Loligo, Sepia, INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 43 The present Cephalods are the few degenerate descendants of a very large and abundant group, which filled the seas in Palaeozoic and Mesozoic times. They possessed, originally, well developed shells, divided into chambers ; some shells being straight, others spirally coiled. The orders of NAUTILOIDEA and AMMONOIDEA were Tetrabranchs, the BELEMNOIDEA Dibranchs. Cladus III. Molluscoidea. Class I. Bryozoa (Polyzoa)........Minute forms, usually colonial. At an- terior end a ridge, the lophophore, which bears ciliated tentacles. Anus situated outside the lophophore. Order 1. Phoronidea... .........Worm-like forms, enclosed in leathery tubes. Larva free-swimming—the ‘‘ Ac- tinotrocha.” Similar to the trochophore —one genus. Phoronis. @rder;2)) Ketoprocta.. ...- 2... - Typical forms, nearly always forming a colony, which resembles an alga. Each animal is enclosed in a transparent cell, from which it may extend its tentacles, and into whichit may entirely withdraw. A few fresh water forms, the rest marine. * Bugula, Plumatella. Class Il. BRACHIOPODA...........-/ All marine, depressed in form, with dor- sal and ventral shells, which are sym- metrical, but unequal. Mouth situated between two spiral ciliated arms, which lie coiled up in the shell—a large fossil order. Few living. Ordengl-eLCALCINGS re se: Shell without hinge. »& Lingula. Order 2. Testicardines... .......Shell with hinge, usually calcareous loops to support arms. ¥& Terebratulina. Type V. AMBULACRALIA. Cladus. Echinodermata. Classs) SHOLOTHUROIDBA...--:-.-- Adult creeping or sessile, oval or vermi- form, covered by a leathery integument in which minute calcareous spicules, plates, etc., lies imbedded, Around the 44 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Orders edataesensn eee erie Orderses Amodagae... oan = Classen VCRINOIDE ACNE See eae [The following fossil classes belong here. Claissh BGYSPUD WAC eis) .i0ejeie nie eis = siete viele @lass. BEASTOMD EA. ccs ateeiale'saiteielere Glassell -ASTEROIDWAH se oe Orokere il, . A\eweravelen 565 Géciccodoce Order 2. Ophiuridea........ GlasssDVen LICHINOIDH A oh e a eeee ce mouth is a crown of fringed retractile tentacles. Ambulacral feet, either in rows, or irregularly disposed, or wanting. Larval form the Awricularia—reduced in some cases. Ambulacral feet present. *% Pentacta, Thyone. ..Ambulacral feet wanting. » Synapta. Mostly sessile, flower-like forms; with stem, calyx and many-branching arms covered with pinnulae. Very few living forms—many fossil. Free-swimming larval form oval, with ciliated bands. * Pentacrinus. They are often included among Crinoids: Mostly with arms, calyx plates irregular. Without arms, calyx plates regular.] Adult star-shaped to pentagonal, with exo-skeleton in the form of a rough net- work, studded with fixed spines. Ambu- lacral feet in grooves on oval side. No clear distinction between mouth and arms. Larval form the Bipinnaria and Brachiolaria. 4 Asterias. .Disc and arms distinct, the latter serpen- tine and very brittle. Larval form a Pluteus, similar to that of Echinoidea. * Ophiopolis. Adult spheroidal, oval or disc-shaped, with exo-skeleton composed of solid cal- careous plates arranged in meridional or radial rows. The surface of this shell is beset with spines which rotate upon tu- bercles. Rows of ambulacral feet pro- ject from foramina in shell, INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 45 Sub-class I. PALECHINIDA.......... Shell with more than twenty rows of plates—all fossil. Sub-class II. HEUCHINIDA........... Shell with twenty rows of plates, ten ambulacral and ten interambulacral. Order i>) Resularias = 5..-+ 425. Mouth and anus in the center of their respective surfaces. * Strongylocentrotus. Order 2. Clypeastroidea......... Mouth central, anus eccentric. * Echinarachnius. Order 3. Spatangoidea........... Mouth and anus both eccentric. * Spatangus. Type VI. CHORDATA. Cladus I. Hemichorda. This Cladus was founded for a single genus of worm-like marine forms, found in mud-flats. At the anterior end is a long, flexible proboscis, with which the animal pushes its way through the mud: at the base of this is a narrow zone, the collar, at the upper ventral edge of which the mouth is situ- ated. This is followed by a long worm-like body, showing paired gill-slits on its ventral aspect. The main details of its structure have been given under the description of the Cladus, q. v. %¢ Balanoglossus. [Cephalodiscus and Rhabdopleura, two sessile forms classed as Order, Pterobranchia, un- der Bryozoa, have been found to resemble Balanoglossus. In young buds of the former a division into proboscis, collar and body may be seen. There are also a single pair of gill- slits, and a dorsal diverticulum of the intestine (notochord ?”) lying under the dorsal ner- vous system. In Rhabdoplema no gill-slits have been detected, but in other respects the structure is similar to Cephalodiscus. HEMICHORDA may thus be represented by two classes: Class I, ENTEROPNEUSTA, including the different species of Balanoglossus, and Class II, PTEROBRANCHIA, including the two forms under consideration. ] Cladus II. Urochorda. Class J. PERENNICHORDATA........ Free-swimming forms, like the larvae of higher tunicates. They possess a long tail provided with a skeletal axis, the notochord. Pharynx with a single pair of gill-slits. No definite mantle, but a gelatinous envelope. ye Appendicularia, 46 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Class il. ACADUCICHORDAVIAG serene Tail and notochord present only in larval life. Sub-class I. AScIDIACEA............ Body sack-like. Pharyngeal wall form- ing a sort of lattice-work. Excurrent and incurrent orifices generally approxi- mated. Order 1. Ascidiae.................Sessile forms, either solitary (monasci- diae), or colonial (synascidiae) and ar- ranged in generally stellate groups, known as coenobia. * Boltenia, Botryllus. Orders2 sey rosomiae ses ane Free-swimming, transparent colonies of cylindrical or cone-shaped forms. Incur- rent openings upon the exterior, cloacal openings in the interior. ye Pyrosoma. Sule ss) JI; WMEWAIIDNOIWIN js ccaue. doc Free-swimming, transparent cask-shaped forms. Pharynx with two rows of small gill-slits, or a single pair of large gill- slits. Oval and cloacal openings at oppo- site poles—often with alternation of gen- erations. Orderel. .Doholkdacweaee esse ene Two rows of gill-slits. Muscle-bands in the form of closed rings. Mantle thin— generative cycle including one sexual and two asexual generations. 4 Doliolwm. Order 2. Salpidae ... .............4 single pair of gill-slits. Muscle-bands not as complete rings. Mantle thick. Alternation of generations simple, soli- tary asexual individuals alternating with a chain-like series of sexual forms. *& Salpa. Cladus III. Cephalochorda. This group includes but two closely allied genera. The anatomical details are given in the definition of the Cladus—q. v. % Amphioxus. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 47 Cladus IV. Vertebrata. Sub-cladus I. Cyclostomata. This Sub-cladus includes two groups which may have the value of families. For general anatomical details see the definition of the main group. Family I. Family 2. Petromyzontidae...... (Lamprey eels.) GI TEUTULOLC eat tetera (Hag-fish. ) Sub-cladus II. SAUINGASMINNEAY Ay nczte ac areiae Division [. CLASS ele SE ISCHS. 2h cchat ars coke Nota tnaes Order 1. Order 2. Nasal cavity a median blind-sack. Mouth without tentacles. They attach them- selves by their circular mouth to the sides of fishes and suck their blood. Fresh water and marine forms. *% Petromyzon. Nasal sack provided with an inner pala- tal opening. Mouth with tentacles. Habits more parasitic than the former. They push their way even into the body- cavity of other fish and consume their viscera. All marine. » Myxine. Gnathostomata. Amnion and other embryonic membranes fail. Breathe by gills during at least a portion of their life. Mesonephros func- tions as permanent kidney. Aquatic Anamnia, with branchial respir- ation. Paired limbs in the form of fins (Ichthyopterygium). Integument gener- ally produces scales, which contain bony material produced by the corium. Head with one auricle and one ventricle. Selachii (Elasmobranchii). .Skeleton cartilaginous, scales placoid. Ganoidei Tail heterocercal. 5-7 separate gill open- ings without operculum. ye Squalus. Skeleton more or less reinforced by bone. Scales overlaid with enamel and typically rhomboid in form (ganoid). Tail hetero- cereal, Gill-slits with operculum, 48 Sub-order 1. Sub-order 2. Order 3. Sub-order 1. Sub-order 2. Group Group. Group Group Group 5. Class# ll @DIPNOIG== eee eee INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Chondrostei...... Notochord an unsegmented cartilaginous rod, upon which the arches and other vertebral elements rest. Integument with rows of bony plates, or naked. *% Accipenser, Polyodon. FAOLOSUCU meer: Notochord with bony constrictions, cor- Meleostelicne eens eee vo Ty SOSGONUUs eae IVY SOCLUSUU teers Anacanthini...... Acanthopteri..... Pharyngognathi. . . Plectognathi....... Lophobranchit..... responding to the vertebral centra. Skull with membrane bones. % Lepidosteus. Skeleton osseous. Scales cycloid or cten- oid. Tail homocercal. Gills provided with an operculum. Swimming bladder provided with a pneu- matic duct. Ventral fins abdominal. Fin rays soft. Almost all the fresh water fish belong here. 4 Salmo. Swimming bladder without connection with alimentary tract, often wanting. .Fin rays weak. Ventral fins anterior to pectoral. 4 Gadus. Some fin rays spinous, at least of the dorsal fin. Inferior pharyngeal bones separate. The largest group of Teleosts. x Scomber. .Some fin rays spinous. Inferior pharyn- geal bones separate. ye Labrus. A small group of very compact forms. Maxilla and prae-maxilla immovably joined with skull. 4 Diodon. Gills tufted, eggs carried by male in a brood sack. Body covered by large plates. 4% Hippocampus. -... Skeleton mainly cartilaginous. Noto- chord persistent. Paired fins with a cen- tral skeletal axis and with or without INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 49 i lateral rays. Median fin continuous around tail. Swimming-bladder func- tions as lung. Gills with operculum. In one species small external gills. A very small, but isolated group, including 3-4 species. These represent two orders. Order 1. Monopneumones........Lung (=swimming-bladder) single. * Ceratodus. Order 2. Dipneumones.......... A pair of lungs present. 4 Protopterus. Class III. AMPHIBIA................Skin naked, very glandular and slimy. Gills, external and internal, present at some stage, generally transitory. Lungs usually present, with larynx and trachea. Paired limbs of the hand-form (cheirop- terygium) with normally five digits, often reduced in number. Two occipital con- dyles. Ordenwile -Wrodelaere cc .vo5 tease: Body elongated. Tail persistent. Sub-order 1. Perennibranchiata....With external gill-bushes and me- dian fin in caudal region. ye Necturus. Sub-order 2. Derotremata......No external gills, but with a persistent gill-slit. 4% Menopoma. © Sub-order 3. Salamandrida....External gills and gill-slits embryonic or larval. Adult breathe by lungs, or by pharyngeal and integumental respira- tion, the lungs failing. * Salamandra, Desmognathus. Order 2. Gymnophiona.......... Serpentine subterranean forms without tail, limbs or gills. Integument with minute scales sunken in pits. > Coecilia. Ordemio.) CANOUBALH ass sues See a Compact, cephalized forms, with tail present only in larval life. Hind legs enormously developed and used for leap- ingandswimming. No gills when adult. *% Rana, Bufo. 50 Division Il. AMNIOTA INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Classe Ve REE DAG yer creer Sub-class I. PLAGIOTREMATA... Order 1. Lacertilia Sub-order 1. Sub-order 2. Sub-order 3. Sub-order 4. Fissilinguia...... Brevilinguia..... OCrassilinguia. ... Vermilinguia Embryo furnished with amnjon and al- lantois. Mesonephros and its duct pos- sess an excretory function only in the embryo, being replaced in adult life by the definite kidney (metanephros). The mesonephros then disappears, except cer- tain portions, which are utilized by the reproductive system. Integument covered with scales, horns, and other structures of epidermic forma- tion. Glands confined to a definite local- ity (femoral glands of lizards) or want- ing. Gills never developed, embryonal gill-arches modified to subserve other functions. A single occipital condyle. ..Cloacal opening transverse, behind which, in the male, are paired organs of copula- tion. Body uniformly covered by deli- cate scales, which are cast off yearly often as a single piece. Habits terres- trial and arboreal. Quadratum mova- bly articulated with skull. Four well-developed limbs in the typical gano, and sternum or shoulder girdle present in forms with reduction of limbs. Tongue long and slender, extensile, forked at the end. 5 Lacerta. .Tongue short and thick, thin and notched at tip. Limbs sometimes fail. > Anguis. -Tongue short and thick, rounded at tip, not extensile. + Iguana, Gecko. Tongue very long, vermiform, thickened at tip. + Chameieo. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 51 Sub-order 5. Annulata.... ...No limbs or eyelids—Epidermis divided into oblong fields by longitudinal and transverse forms. ye Amphisbaena. Order) 2 Ophidia. =. :2--+2.- ....Body very much attenuated, limbs fail, no rudiment of shoulder girdle or ster- num. A single lung developed (right). Other paired organs placed the one be- hind the other. 4 Crotalus, Python. [A single species of a very ancient type of lizard occurs in New Zealand, Sphenodon (Hat- tena) punctata. The quadrate is immovable, ventral ribs and abdominal sternum are pres- ent, the vertebrae are amphicoelous. It is referred to the Order Rhynchocephalia.] Sub-class II. HyDROSAURIA........ Cloacal opening oval in shape, its longer axis longitudinal. A single organ of cop- ulation in the male, anterior to the cloaca. Scales large and irregular, often rein- forced by bony plates, which may coalesce to form dorsal and ventral shields. Mainly aquatic in habits. Quad- ratum immovably attached to skull. Order 1. Chelonia................Body enclosed by dorsal and ventral shields, formed partly by elements of the endo-skeleton and partly from the integ- ment. Teeth replaced by horny beak, with sharp cutting edge. *% Chrysemys, Chelone. @rderocs Crocodilia..ss-..--..--- Body elongated, covered by large plates, which do not coalesce. Thoracic and ab- dominal sterna present, connected by ventral and dorsal ribs. Teeth large, in alveoli. ye Alligator. [Our knowledge of Reptilia is greatly increased by the discovery of several fossil classes and orders. The PTEROSAURIA were allied to the Lacertilia, and possessed membraneous ex- pansions of the integument of the arms and fingers, by which they could fly. The PLEIsIo- SAURIA and IcHTHYOSAURIA were hydrosaurs, the former somewhat resembling turtles, the latter crocodiles. The DrnosAuRIA included some enormous terrestrial forms with massive skeletons, Brontosaurus, Igwuanodon. Other smaller Dinosaurs may have been the precursors of birds. They walked mainly upon their hind feet, possessed pneumatic cavities in their bones. and showed many other avian characteristics. An important form is Compsognathus (one specimen at Munich) which shows affinity to Archaeopteryx (see introduction to Aves)]. 52 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Classy Vis WIASVIES Teta Fc vedere sonst eriee Warm-blooded Vertebrates, showing many reptilian characters, but differing from them in the possession of feathers. These are epidermic structures closely related to scales. The anterior limb is modified to form a wing, generally giving the animal the power of flight. Quad- rate bone movably articulated with the skull. A single occipital condyle. [Some have recommended the fusion of Reptilia and Aves into a single class, Sauropsida, which is warranted not only on anatomical grounds, but by the possession of intermediate fossil forms. It seems, however, more practical to retain them as separate classes, which if we take living forms alone into consideration, is easy to do. The following fossil groups may be given, preceding the living forms. They should have the value of Sub-classes: SS ACR UA epee teiereolclefelerolelelelnisieisielesieloisieteisie Jaws containing teeth, tail elongated, containing a large number of vertebrae, with a pair of con- tour feathers to each. Digits of the wing not coalesced, three being armed with claws. * Archaeopteryx. ODONTORNIDHES 2 cjaceig oa olsinieisieia\ae)e le inie Bird-like forms similar to recent birds, but with teeth in both jaws, inserted either in separate alveoli, or in acommon groove. There are two groups of these birds, one having akeelless ster- num allied to the Ratitae, the other with a keeled sternum and allied to the Carinatae. *Hesperornis, Ichthyornis. | Sullo=@1ASsie lee AGITUAU erste eet eys Breast bone flat. Clavicles not united to form a furcula. Feathers down-like or plume-like. Running birds with small or rudimentary wings. Cannot fly. *% Struthio. Sub-class II. CARINATAE ..........Breast bone keeled. Furcula generally present. Contour feathers on wings and tail. Orderae. Gallinacetn. estar Feet stout, for scratching. Hind toe on a higher level than the others. Edge of upper beak shuts over lower beak. Sec- ondary sexual characters common, in form of combs, wattles, spurs, etc. * Gallus, Perdix. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 53 Orders) Colmmbini:ce.-+.:-26 OrdersoemNauabOresaa.. a... Order 4. ‘Grallatores............. @rdere). ) sGansores--..o.s scene. Orders Measseresi son es eses ue Order =e RapvOnesae sea eerecers Classeivaley sc VPA MIMATS WAS seers eye, oe Legs short, hind toe on a level with the others. Edge of upper beak in contact with that of lower. At base of upper beak two outgrowths covering the nos- trils. 4 Columba. Aquatic birds with oily feathers and short webbed feet. 4 Anser, Larus. .Wading birds with very long slender legs, and toes without webs. Often the lower half of the tibia is free from feath- ers. Neck and bill very long and slen- der. » Grus, Scolopax. Climbing birds. Inner forward toe re- versible, giving the foot two toes in front and two behind. Several groups of birds belong here, not closely related. * Psittacus, Picus. The most numerous group. Feet fitted for perching. Two groups, the Oscines, or singing birds, which have developed a special organ, the Syrinx, at the fork- ing of the bronchi: and the Clamatores, without this. 4% Fringilla, Cypselus. .Birds of prey. Toes furnished with hooked claws or talons. Point of upper beak sharp and talon-like, projecting over the lower one. ye Aquila, Strix. Warm-blooded vertebrates. Body clothed with hair; young nourished by milk, a secretion of integumental glands. Quad- rate in middle ear, two occipital condyles. Sub-class I. MONOTREMATA........ Low oviparous mammalia with reptilian characteristics. The young, immature when hatched, are brooded either in a nest or in a brood pouch temporarily de- veloped. No localized mammary glands; 54 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Sub-class II. MARSUPIALIA... Order Me sZOOPMALL ris. lc ene cer Orden 2a ehytophagivescs erect Sub-class III. PLACENTALIA....... OrdersieeeHdentatansneee eee < @OrdersoseCetaceas «..oe men eee the ‘‘ milk” is a secretion of perspiratory glands, richly developed in a certain area, the mammary pocket, and thus not strictly homologous with the milk of other mammals. Alimentary canal, urethra, and reproductive ducts open into a common cloaca. * Ornithorhynchus, Echidna. .. Viviparous mammals without placenta. The young are born ina very immature condition and brooded in an external ab- dominal pouch, the marsupium. Two lateral uteri imperfectly united. Divi- sion between anus and sinus uro-genitalis internal and indistinct. .Carnivorous marsupials with pointed teeth and well developed canines. % Didelphys. Herbivorous marsupials with flat teeth and reduction of canines. y Macropus. . Young nourished in uterus of mother by a capillary mass, the placenta, which ad- heres to the uterine wall and is connected with the embryo by the umbilical cord. Anus separated from the uro-genital sinus by a perinaewm. .Teeth either wanting or in condition of retrogressive metamorphosis. Incisors and canines generally fail. Large num- ber of sacral vertebrae. 4 Dasypus. Aquatic forms with naked skin, provided with hair in embryo. Hind limbs fail externally. Rudiments under — skin. Mammary glands in folds on the sides of the vagina. External nares in top of head connecting directly with a tubular pro- longation of the larynx. + Balaena. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 55 € OrderkoeeeoIneniar ey eesoe eek oes Order 4. WUnewlatas.. s4ec0 oe eae Sub-order 1. Perissodactyla... Sub-order 2. Artiodactyla. .... Order 5. Proboscidia... . OrderniGshodentiae sso... sss Aquatic forms with only the anterior limbs developed. Teeth often fail ; mo- lars, when present, resemble those of un- gulates. Sparsely hairy. A single pair of pectoral mammary glands. * Manatus. .Herbivorous mammals with flattened molars. Toes often reduced in number, tipped with flattened hoofs. .Ungulates with an odd number of toes, five, three or one, the middle one being the best developed. Prae-molars equal the molars in size. Integment often very thick. ye Rhinoceros, Equus. .Ungulates with an even number of toes, of which two, (3 and 4) are the best de- veloped, resulting typically in the cloven hoof. The prae-molars, 3-4, are smaller than the molars. Apart of them are ruminants. + Bos, Hippopotamus. .A group allied to the Ungulates, but with always five stout toes furnished with hoofs, making a ponderous rounded foot. The snout is enormously prolonged forming a muscular proboscis tipped with a sensitive finger-like process. One pair of incisors, which develop into mam- moth tusks. In recent forms it is those of the upper jaw. (Lower incisors in Dinotheriun.) x EHlephas. A group of small animals with teeth fit- ted for gnawing. One pair of incisors in each jaw develop into sharp cutting chisels. Canines fail. The molars are fitted with transverse ridges for cutting. *% Mus, Sciurus. 56 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Ordereipaelnsechivierann seen eres Order.ss)Carnivoras eee eee Ooder) 95 “Cheiropterar.-.+2 se. Orders lOherosimiteeen eee eee Orders eee rimaessets- eee Sub-order 1. JACHIOT AA DUD. 3 5600 6 Small insect-eating mammals with all the teeth prolonged into sharp points. Canines small or wanting. 4 Talpa. Beasts of prey with sharp well developed canines and pointed molars. The toes are armed with claws, which may be- come sharp and retractile. There are two groups, one terrestrial, Fissipedia, with toes separate, and one aquatic, with toes strongly webbed, forming paddles— Pinnipedia. 4& Felis, Phoca. The only flying mammals. Toes of ante- rior limb exceedingly attenuated, thus forming a frame work for a thin leathery web, which also includes the hind limb and tail. Thumb of fore limb and all the hind toes free. Teeth pointed as in Insectivora. In many respects similar to the apes, as a discoidal placenta and a single pair of pectoral mammary glands. % Vespertilio. A group of animals closely allied to the apes, but of a generally lower structure. Appendages hand-like, with opposing thumbs, but with a double uterus, and a diffuse placenta. The nails are devel- oped into claws. .Toes with flat nails. Appendages more or less hand-like, and generally fitted with opposing thumbs for grasping. One pair of pectoral mammary glands. Pla- centa discoidal. Nose flattened, nostrils separated by a broad septum, so that their orifices look outward. Confined to the new world. *%& Cebus. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 57 Sub-order 2. Catarrhini....... Internasal septum thin. Nostrils look forwards and downwards. % Cercopithecus, Gorilla. Sub-order 38. Anthropini.......Nose as in Sub-order 2. Thumb more movable — great toe less so. Hair re- duced. Erect position normal. ye Homo. [There are three main races of men, which are thought by some to have the value of spe- cies. Their characteristics and distribution are as follows: MOM INCOROES rans eel cclsisio sie Aeicoeeeor Hair curly, oval in cross-section, skin densely pigmented, nose fiat, lips projecting—includes : Papuans, Hottentots, Kaffirs and Sudanese. Cm MONGOULOTSH mde os cerca setacrecicie’s Hair straight, circular in section, skin brown or g yellow, cheek bones high, lips thin—includes :— Malays, Eskimos, Mongols, American Indians. BS ae COLL COST QUES ateiotate sie cia oie alate se tates Hair wavy or curly, circular in section, skin white, nose and lips thin—includes :—Semites, Indo-Europeans, Nubians, Dravidas.] Gee To Articalata Tum calle ie yim’ a Ze 0 . Boalawo gloss uS ” ° ye) Ps “p Blostaea & —————— : | Coloncal Protozoa 4 | S iw ple ProToqoa Provisional phylogenetic table, to express the relationships of the main groups as given in the Synopsis. Hypothetical ancestral forms are under- scored twice, larval forms once. I]. Laboratory Practicum. LABORATORY PRACTICUM. PROTOZOA. I. Proropnuasta. (‘‘ Rhizopods” in restricted sense.) These are minute globules of protoplasm, i. e. ‘‘ cells” without cell wall. Some are naked, others protected by a shell. Occur in enormous quantities in slime at bottom of ponds and in swamps, particularly in the moisture col- lected upon bog-moss (Sphagnum). {. Squeeze out a drop of water froma tuft of Sphagnum ; let it fall in the center of a clean slide ; cover and examine 100". cf. Leidy, Plates. Study several drops in this way and identify. If a form is interesting, bring it to the center of the field and adjust higher power 300-600". 9. Collect a few slimy leaves and sticks from a stagnant pond or ditch. Place in a shallow dish with water from the same place. [This is best trans- ported in a closed can.] Puta drop of this water upon a slide, mix with it the scrapings from a slimy leaf, cover and examine as above. (Continue the above investigations [1 and 2] until you have identified three of the follow- ing forms :—Amoeba, Difflugia, Euglypha, Nebela, Arcella, Hyalosphenia, Quadrula, Cyphoderia. Make a drawing of each of the three forins. noting the structure and the character of the shell when present.) 3. Study of living forms. Life is indicated by the movement of the protoplasm. Amoebae will always be found alive, as so minute a drop of dead protoplasm would disintegrate at once. On the other hand, the shells of the other forms are very enduring and are often empty. In such shells a deceptive appearance of life may be caused by swarms of minute infusoria, etc., which sometimes inhabit them. 3. «. If the form is an Amoeba, draw several successive shapes. Note the granular endoplasm and clear ectoplasm. Are the pseudopodia pointed or blunt? [cf. Leidy for different species.] Study the particles of food. What (60) INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 61 do Amoebae eat? Can you find a circular pinkish object that appears and dis- appears? This is the contractile vacuole. Can you see the nucleus? This is also circular and like the surrounding protoplasm, but more refractive. 3. 0b. In case of most shelled forms, the protoplasm cannot be well ob- served through the thick walls of the shell. In these, watch the large aper- ture of the shell and look for pseudopodia which may project from it, often for some distance (nearly the longer diameter of the shell). These may be finger-like (Difflugia) or exceedingly delicate and filamentous (2uglypha). In some delicate shells (Hyalosphenia, Cyphoderia) the interior protoplasm may be seen, connected with the shell by tapering threads. Encysted forms may be observed without pseudopodia, and the protoplasm in the form of a sphere within the shell. 3. c. Keep watch for reproducing Rhizopods. In the shelled forms the new one grows from the aperture of the shell. When fully formed one sees a pair of shells placed mouth to mouth. 4. (This experiment is not an essential one, but valuable for comparison). The ‘* white blood corpuscles” or Leucocytes are amoeboid cells with nucleus and pseudopodia. They occur in the blood and lymph as well as in the saliva and in the alimentary canal. They may be studied for comparison. Im- merse a fine needle in 100% Alc. to cleanse it; when dry again, prick the finger with it, and bring a drop of blood upon a slide. Dilute with clear saliva, free from bubbles, and cover. (The saliva is the best fluid for diluting the blood. It keeps the form of the red corpuscles and is itself rich in leu- cocytes.) Search for lencocytes. When found, examine for several minutes 300-600" and observe the changes of form. These are rendered extremely slow by the lowering of the temperature and soon stop. (cf. the difference be- tween 98.6° F., the temperature of the body and that of the microscopic stage.) The movements are better seen by use of the *‘ warm stage,” an ap- paratus which heats the preparation by means of an alcohol lamp, or by using the blood of some animal of lower normal temperature, as the frog. If. HELIOZzOA. These are radiate, free-swimming forms, found in clear water, captured best by the towing net. They are thus difficult to find and never at hand when wanted. Bear them in mind, however, and be ready to recognize the first one you meet in subsequent study of pond water. When one is found, study and draw it, and if possible identify it by Leidy. 62 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Ill. FORAMINIFERA These are marine and cover with their shells the bottom of the ocean over vast areas, and often at great depths. In such places the ‘‘ ooze” dredged from the bottom is mainly composed of Foraminifera shells. 5. Pour out a little of the dry ooze into a watch crystal and examine with dissecting microscope. Find as many different shapes as possible. A common form is the Globigerina form (several genera) a series of spheres of different sizes, irregularly heaped together. Another common shape is Rota- lia, and allied forms ; ‘flat and consisting of several chambers arranged in a spiral. 6. Place a few shells on a slide under a dissecting microscope and add a drop of HCl. What happens? Of what material do the shells consist ? 7. |The experimental part of this will furnish material for the entire class, and need not be performed by the student.] Boil gently a quantity of ooze in a test-tube of 70%. This is to expel air from the separate chambers. Allow it to settle and then decant off the 70% and replace with 95%. In the same way add 100% and turpentine, after which the preparation is brought into a shallow dish. A stay of several hours in each liquid is advisable. To prepare a permanent mount from this, pipette a drop upon a clean slide, drain off the excess of turpentine and mount in Balsam. In this preparation ob- serve the numerous pores, or foramina, through which in life the very numer- ous filamentous pseudopodia are projected. IV. INFUSORIA. 8. Placea handful of leaves, flower-stems, ete., with a pinch of sugar in a beaker of water and allow it to stand a week or two, until the water is of a greenish yellow color. Such water forms an ‘‘infusion,” and will be found filled with Infusoria. [In this as well as in subsequent experiments requiring time, make them as stated, and pass on to the next, returning to these at the proper time.] The Infusoria obtained by this experiment are mostly oval flattened forms, the type being called Paramoecium. 8. «. Bring a drop upon a slide, cover and examine. Study them in full motion as well as you can. By a little skill you can keep a moving form un- der continual observation, keeping the left hand on the slide, the right one on the focal screw and the eye at the microscope. The left hand follows the INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 63 movements in an horizontal plane, and the right. controls the up and down motion. This will only succeed with low powers, for the higher powers limit the field and exaggerate the velocity. 8. b. Mount a drop in a loose tuft of cotton. The animals will be con- fined between the threads and are easier to study. Watch their motions and find out if possible by what organs they move. 8. ¢. Look over several drops, if necessary, until you find a double one like the figure 8. Watch its movements and seek to explain the phenomenon. 8. d. Staining intra vitam. If Bismark Brown be added to a drop con- taining living forms, and withdrawn after a few minutes, the nuclei will be found stained, the animals remaining alive. A colony may be kept alive sey- eral days in a glass of weak Bismark Brown solution, with the same result. 9. Search among several different localities, i. e. different ponds, swamps, ditches, etc., as well as the different laboratory aquaria, for other forms of Infusoria. They may generally be distinguished from other forms by their rapid movement. Other Protozoa and most one-celled plants move very slowly or not at all. The few sessile forms show their Infusorial nature by the possession of cilia and by the movements of the parts of the body. Forms which are especially to be noted are the following :— a. The trumpet form, Stentor, a very large green Infusorium. b. The ‘‘ Bell animalcule.” The commonest forms are: (1) Vorticella, at- tached by spiral stalks to leaves and stems: (2) Epistylis, a large branching colony with rigid stems, often found upon the backs of snails ; (3) Cothurnia. In little cups without stalks, found upon antennae of Cyclops. ¢. Volvox—Colonies of flagellate infusoria arranged in the form of beauti- ful green globes. Look in these for sexual cells and daughter colonies. d. Monads—Simple flagellate forms, often green, distinguished by the long flagellum. Many of these forms are the flagellate stage (swarm-spores) of fresh water algae. 10. Killa frog, open the rectum and mount ina drop of water a bit of the slime from its walls. It will generally contain parasitic infusoria. Balan- tidium similar in form to Paramoecium. V. GREGARINIDA. These are vermiform unicellular forms, found as parasites in animals of every class. The largest ones are visible to the naked eye, but the majority are microscopic, often living within a single cell. Monocystis is a common 64 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. form infesting earth-worms. The adult, often visible to the naked eye. is found in the body cavity, lying along the wall of the alimentary canal. The encysted form, filled with pseudonavicellae, occurs in the spermatic vesicles and is found in one out of about three or four individuals. 14. Open an earth-worm along the mid-dorsal line. from the anterior end as far as a thickened girdle of lighter color, the clitellum (about the anterior fourth). Pin it out ina dissecting pan and examine with the lens. The spermatic vesicles consist of three pairs of very noticeable organs some- what kidney shaped and covering the alimentary canal dorsally. In infected specimens, minute white flecks may generally be found scattered over the sur- face of these organs, and often on the body wall, and other organs in the vi- cinity. When such a specimen is found, remove to a slidea bit of the infected portion, tease it out a little and press with a cover glass, but not too hard. With 50* the white flecks may be seen to be cysts filled with pseudonavicellae. These vary greatly in size and number contained. Select a small and clear one and observe separate pseudonavicellae with a high power. Crush a cyst by pressing a needle upon the cover glass while under observation, 50-100°. The individuals may thus be isolated and studied separately. VI. BACTERIA. {2. Collect in a water drop a very slight amount of the scum floating upon the top of stagnant water, or water containing decomposing material. Scum from macerating bones is especially good. Cover and observe with high powers. Focus high—i. e. for the upper surface of the layer of water. Look for extremely minute sticks and dots lying in all directions. These are stick forms. Bacillus and Bacterium. The screw form, Spirillum, is often present. These may all be in active motion or in a quiescent condition. 13. Make a permanent mount of the above, as follows : (1) Spread a very thin layer of the material containing Bacteria upon a cover-glass. (2) Set aside and allow to dry. (3) Hold glass in the fingers, preparation side uppermost, and pass quickly through an alcohol flame 2-3 times. This coagulates the thin pellicle of albu- men surrounding each individual and thus fastens it to the glass. (4) Lay the glass down and place upon it a drop of methyl violet, fuchsin, or methyl blue, and let it stand 3-5 minutes. (5) Take the glass in forceps and wash off with stream from wash bottle. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 65 (6) Lay it down, preparation side up, and allow to dry. (7) Place then a drop of Canada Balsam in the center of a clean slide, invert the cover glass and place it upon the drop. 14. Scrape the inside of the cheek very slightly with a dull knife and mount a little of the substance obtained in a drop of clear saliva—100". The field will be filled with large flat cells that look like thin membranes. Find one that is isolated from the rest and well spread out. Place this under 300-600". In the center will be seen its nucleus, a clear oval mass. Surround- ing this will be seen numerous round dots, highly refractive. These are ball- bacteria. Make a permanent mount of this as given above [13]. PORIFERA. Type I.—An Ascon Sponge. {5. Place an entire specimen, or group of several, in a watch crystal of 70¢ and study under dissecting microscope. Notice manner of growth, main body with osculum, and lateral buds. Have any of these oscula? Cut open with scissors and notice main cavity. Have the lateral buds cavities? Do they communicate with the main chamber? The texture of the sponge re- sembles felt. Cause of this? Draw the group with above details expressed. 16. Place a portion of the wall (single thickness) in a solid watch glass of Borax Carmine. Cover it and leave an hour. [While waiting. conduct ex- periments 17-19 and then return.] Wash out in 70¢, 5-10 minutes. Then five minutes each in 95 7—100 z—turpentine—and place in a drop of Balsam on a slide, inner wall uppermost, cover and examine. Most superficially come the endodermal cells, which in life are like collared monads. By focussing a lit- tle deeper the spicules come in view, and deeper yet the irregular cells of the mesoderm. Certain of these are very large—spherical and deeply stained. These are either eggs (one large cell) or spermatozoa (a mass of cells). Draw these details. 17. Select another portion of the wall, spread it out on a dry slide, inner wall uppermost, and allow to dry. When perfectly dry, examine for spicules, 50-60". 18. Place a few pieces in a watch crystal of K-O-H, and heat gently over an alcohol lamp. Pipette the residuum upon a slide, cover and examine, 50-60". Compare with dried specimen. Express the results of the last two 66 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. experiments by drawings showing (1) Isolated spicules, (2) Relation of spicules to each other. Include in the examination the spicules about the osculum. 19. Mount a small piece temporarily in 70¢. Add a drop of HCl at edge of cover and watch result through microscope. Of what are the spi- cules composed ? Type II.—A Sycon Sponge. 90. Study a specimen (or small group) as in 1. Do not cut open with scissors, but use a razor or asharp scalpel. Divide the sponge longitudinally, and make a few cross sections of one longitudinal half. Examine all these in the watch crystal. If you succeed in obtaining a very thin cross section, make a temporary mount of it and examine, 60°. Note the thick walls, the narrow central chamber and the pores in its walls. What do these signify ? Does an examination of the sections of the walls solve this problem? Have these pores any regular order? Note the palisade of large spicules about the osculum. 91. Repeat 4 for spicules. 992, Study of prepared sections. Method and introduction. The walls of this specimen are too thick to be mounted whole as in 2, and we must resort to microtome sections. The two most useful are longitudinal and transverse sections. [For this purpose specimens are prepared as follows : (1) Borax Carmine, 36 hours and thus stained in toto. (2) Washed out in ‘‘ acidulated alcohol,” i. e. 70% + a few drops of HCl, un- til bright scarlet, 3-5 minutes. (3) 95 %—3-6 hours. (4) 100 ¢%—8-6 hours. (5) Turpentine—s8-6 hours. (6) In paraffine, in oven, 1-2 hours and imbedded. | Consider the form of the specimen and answer the following :—Will one sponge yield more transverse or more longitudinal sections ? Which set will vary more among themselves? Will all longitudinal sections include the lumen? Longitudinal sections lying in the plane of a radius of a transverse section are termed radial, those not including a radius, but merely parallel to a tangential plane, are termed tangential. How many of each sort? Are all radial sections the same? Are all tangential sections? If the longitudi- nal axis of a specimen curves, how will that complicate the sections? What sort of specimens should be selected for sectioning ? INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 67 93. Study of a transverse section. Note the radial canals, characteris- tic of the type, the outlines of which form a symmetrical rosette. The canals are lined with endoderm cells of the same sort as those lining the main chambers of the Ascon. Between these are the spicules—broken by the knife in cutting. Can you detect any regular arrangement of these? Notice the long spicules forming an external cone capping each canal. What is the shape of acanal? Is it possible to tell from cross-sections alone? Why do some of the canals appear more or less filled up with cells ? 94, Study of a longitudinal section. How do the canals appear in this? Are they differently shaped in the middle and at the ends of the section. Explain this. After the above study, construct a series of diagrams representing the com- plete structure of the sponge. giving the relation of canals and partitions, arrangement of spicules, etc. These are not to be copies of the sections. Sections are generally imperfect, cut obliquely, torn, etc. A diagram should be without imperfections and should combine the result of all different modes of observation, and thus be a graphic method of representing one’s knowl- edge. In constructing these diagrams let each student select the view and devices which seem to her the best means of expressing the structure. Thus for instance: a perfect cross-section, with whole spicules, occupying such positions as will illustrate their plan of arrangement. The effect is height- ened if delicate colors be used to represent the different parts [cf. Dendy’s plates in Quarterly Journal for 1893]. A radial chamber, drawn as a solid body, and covered with spicules in regular arrangement, would express the shape well and explain the different planes seen in the sections. Additional study of sponges :— 95, Spicules may be isolated from a piece of silicious sponge by teasing or by K-O-H [cf. 4]. The shapes may be studied and their composition tested by HCl. This should not be added to a specimen in K-O-H, as the two reagents will counteract each other. If the fresh water sponge, Spongilla, be macerated in K—O-H, especially in the case of specimens collected during the autumn, gemmules may be isolated as well as the spicules. 96. Skeleton of a horn sponge. With a sharp razor make several very thin sections of a perfectly dry piece of bathing sponge and drop them into a watch crystal of turpentine for five minutes. Select the thinnest one and transfer it to a slide, spreading it out in a drop of turpentine. This structure. which is the part we use, is merely the skeleton of the sponge animal, the cel- lular portions having been removed by maceration or boiling. This skeleton 68 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. is neither silicious nor calcareous, but composed of closely interwoven threads of chitin (same material as horn, silk, etc). Draw a small area of this under a high power to show the relation of the threads to each other. This speci- men may be permanently mounted by removing the cover, wiping away the excess of turpentine and adding a drop of Canada Balsam. Type Ill.—Hydra. The Hydra is the only fresh water representative of the group. It is found in quiet pools, clinging to submerged vegetation. It is tubular or vase-shaped with 6-8 long thread-like tentacles hanging from the free end. There are two principle forms distinguished by their colors—the brown one, Hydra fusca, and the green one, Hydra viridis. 97. Field work. Search for specimens in stagnant water abounding in aquatic plants. Hydras average 14 inch in length and may be sometimes seen attached to submerged leaves and stems, their long tentacles streaming in the water. They are easily seen in an aquarium, but to find them in a nat- ural pool is much more difficult. The best plan is to collect a handful of aqua- tic plants, place them in a jar filled with clear water and hold it up to the light. The observation should not be too hasty. for hydras are extremely sensitive and contract at once when so roughly handled. One should there- fore wait a few minutes and allow them to expand. Repeat this test several times and in different localities. 98. Study of external form. Place a hydra ina watch crystal of water and observe with a dissecting microscope. Make outline drawings of several shapes and positions. Place under the low power of the compound micro- scope, and study the structure of the tentacles, body wall, etc. Make a sketch, using an outline (one of those just made), and fill in what you see. It is better to draw one tentacle and a little portion of the body-wall minutely and leave the rest in outline. 99, Study of life habits. Keep two or three specimens for several weeks in a large beaker, placed where it can be frequently watched. Feed with minute fresh water Crustacea (Cyclops, etc). The results of this experi- ment depend largely upon luck and continual observation. If fortunate, one may observe (1) the prey caught by the tentacles and conveyed to the mouth lying between them ; (2) the growth of new individuals from the sides of the older ones ; (3) the subsequent separation of the offspring as an independent hydra, etc. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 69 30. [This difficult experiment is placed here only as one which may be done, and should be attempted only by patient investigators, who are prepared for repeated failures.| Trembly, a French zoélogist. in 1744, cut living hydras in two and found that under favorable conditions each piece would grow again into a perfect hydra. He even cut one into several pieces and found the larger portions were capable of becoming complete animals. This experiment is easy to attempt. but results are hard to obtain. Cut several hydras in different ways—transverse, longitudinally, etc.. and keep the portions in a beaker of clear water. Scissors may be used for this, but a sharp razor is better. 31. Study of a cross-section. To killa hydra in an expanded condition, place in a watch crystal with a very little water. and suddenly deluge the ani- mal while expanded with a test tube full of hot alcoholic corrosive sublimate [70¢ + HgCl,]. Allow it to stand a few minutes until cool and then place in a large amount of pure 707%, which should be changed once after a few hours. Such a specimen may be treated as the Sycon Sponge in 22 and sectioned. In the section, notice the two layers of cells, ectoderm and endoderm, separa- ted by a definite line, the supporting lamella. Sections of different animals and of the same animal at different planes, show different points, as follows : a) Ova, large cells with amoeboid processes, crowded in between the two layers, but belonging to the ectoderm. Sections at about the middle of the body show this. b) Testes, a conical mass of cells, belonging to the ectodermic layer, form- ing a protuberance. Mostly in the upper portion of the vase-shaped body. c) Cross-section of a tentacle. Notice the few huge endoderm cells which form a lining and enclose a minute central lumen continuous with the gas- trocoele. d) Nettle cells, (nematocysts). These may be found anywhere, even in endo- derm, but are most common at the ends of the tentacles. They are large, oval capsules, semi-transparent, and much more refractive than the surround- ing tissue. Type IV.—Campanularia. 32. Make preliminary examination of material in a dish of 70%. No- tice the two forms of polyp, each enclosed in a transparent cup. Select and cut off with scissors one or two good branches for mounting. These should include specimens of both sorts of polyps; and, if possible, in different stages 6 70 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. and conditions—expanded, contracted, buds, empty cups, etc. Branches, the members of which lie approximately in one plane, are the best for this pur- pose. 33. Mark out on a sheet of white paper a series of rings the size of watch crystals, and designate as follows : Borax ow S xQ 100 %. Carmine. mee Place watch crystals on these and fill with the corresponding liquids. Use a solid watch-glass for the 1004 and keep it covered. Drop the branches se- lected into the borax carmine and let them stay 5-10 minutes, until deeply stained. Then transfer successively to the different watch crystals, 4-5 min- utes ineach. Use a needle for this, but do not break or prick the specimens. From the turpentine spread out the branch on a slide in a small drop of bal- sam. Cover and examine. The living protoplasmic portion is colored pink and consists of the polyps and irregular connecting stems between them, run- ning through the centre of the branches. The whole is invested by a trans- parent chitinous skeleton, the perisarc, which encloses the stems and expands into a cup about each polyp. Study details as follows :— a) A feeding polyp or Hydranth. The body is divided by a constriction into a terminal portion (manubriwm) which bears the tentacles, and an ex- panded basal portion. How many tentacles are there? Is the number con- stant? What can be seen upon these with the high power? The basal por- tion is hollow, containing the gastrocoele, or gastro-vascular cavity. Around the hydranth is an expanded cup, the hydrotheca. Can a polyp entirely re- tract into this? In this species the hydrotheca has the shape of a bell (cam- panula), hence the name. Just below the polyp the perisarc is divided into rings or joints. What is the probable use of them? Is their number con- stant? Does it bear any relation to the age or size of the polp? b) A reproductive polyp or Blastostyle. This is merely the stalk which bears round medusa-buds ; it may be considered a reduced polyp, elongated in shape, and without mouth or tentacles. It is surrounded by a cup, the Gonotheca. Compare with a hydrotheca. c) Medusa-buds. These are produced as buds from the sides of the Blasto- style. Which of these are the most mature? In what direction does growth INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 71 progress? Study the oldest of these buds. Can you find traces of medusa structure? [cf. 35]. 34. Express by drawing the results obtained. As such may be sug- gested: 1)asketch of an entire branch, only a few times enlarged, drawn from dissecting microscope. 2) An enlarged figure of each sort of polyp. Make this a perfect and symmetrical diagram, taking the details from several if necessary. Thus one specimen may have the best manubrium, another may show good tentacles, another a perfect hydrotheca, etc. 3) Drawing of de- tails as seen with a high power. Thus a portion of an enlarged tentacle, showing nettle cells, or a bit of body wall seen in ‘ optical section” i. e. focused to show the thickness of a lateral wall: the specimen is thus cut by the focal plane of the microscope. Such detailed drawings as these may be drawn beside (2) and connected by dotted lines with the corresponding part. 35, Study of a free medusa. These are caught in the open ocean with a tow net and may often be found in preserved specimens of tow. In this species they are of the size of pin-heads, disc-shaped and bordered by a fringe of tentacles. Search for them as follows: Place a watch crystal of 707 on stage of dissecting microscope. Pipette into this a drop of thick tow. This dilution will serve to isolate the forms, which may then be sorted over with a dissecting needle, looking continually through the lens. In case of fresh liy- ing tow, use sea-water instead of 70¢ for the dilution. When one is found, it may be stained and mounted as in 33, but handled with a pipette instead of a needle. In this, reduce to a minimum the amount of liquid transferred with the specimen. In case a specimen becomes lost, place the crystal upon the stage of the dissecting microscope and search as at first. In a well mounted specimen there may be seen :—(1) the manubrium, (2) four radiating canals, (38) four genital masses lying wpon the canals, (4) the tentacles with otocysts at the base of some of them. OTHER STUDIES OF HYDROZOAN FORMS. o6. Pennaria is a common form and shows many important differences from the foregoing. Prepare and study in the same way and note, 1) the perisarc does not grow up over the polyps, but stops short at their bases, leav- ing them unprotected. 2) The medusa-buds do not grow upon a blastostyle, but at the bases of the ordinary polyps, which are of but one kind, all hy- dranths. 3) These buds do not become free, but remain as reduced gono- phores, producing the genital products in the place of origin. The gonophores 72 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. are bisexual and produce eggs or spermatazoa. These unite in the water and develop into a polyp which may develop asexually into another colony. 4) There are also minor differences in the shape and arrangement of the tenta- cles, the nettle cells, the stem, ete. 37. Thamnocnidia (or Clava). These are solitary polyps, although gen- erally associated in clumps. Each polyp bears at its base very numerous medusa-buds or gonophores in racemose clusters. The male gonophores libe- rate the spermatozoa, which escape into the water; but the female gonophores retain the eggs which are fertilized and develop in situ, and leave it in the form of minute polyps, which pass out backwards, drawing their tentacles after them. Cross-fertilization is insured because a given polyp produces gonophores of only one sex; the polyp, although asexual, is thus often termed male or female. Thamnocnidia is too large for mounting entire. It may be studied in a watch crystal, and separate gonophore-clusters mounted. Clava may be mounted by cutting little strips of cardboard, soaking them a few minutes in turpentine and placing them in the balsam with the speci- men, and in such a way that the weight of the cover glass is sustained by them. SCYPHOZOA and CTENOPHORA. Members of these classes are peculiarly difficult of preservation and can be studied well only at the sea-shore. The hard parts of coral can be studied in any good collection. The spicules of Aleyonaria (octocoralla) are microscopic, and may be isolated as follows :— 38. Place in a test-tube a small portion of the Polyparium of any Aleyonarian. Cover with K-O-H and boil until there is left a residue in the bottom of the tube. Axial portions or other hard masses may be removed and the residue handled by decantation. Allow the residue to settle and then pour off the excess of K-O-H. Fill up with water, shake gently, let it settle and again decant the excess. Repeat the washing with water two or three times and then wash successively in 704, 954, 100%, and finally ‘turpentine, leaving the material in the last three for some hours each. Pipette a drop of the material thus prepared upon a slide, drain off the excess of turpentine with a cloth or blotting-paper, add balsam, cover and examine. Different species will yield different results. [This experiment will furnish material sufficient for an entire class. | INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 73 Type V.—Turbellaria (any fresh-water form.) 39. Field-work. Select for investigation a small pool or ditch of water. The water must be stagnant or slightly flowing, but pure and without foul odors. It should contain an abundance of green water plants and perhaps a little floating green slime as indications of the purity of the water. Use for collecting a net of cheese-cloth and a glass jar. Place the jar in the net and fill it with clear water by reaching out from the margin towards the center of the pool. Let the jar down and pass the empty net slowly back and forth through the water, taking care when turning the net not to reverse it. The minute animals contained in the water will thus be caught in the net and may be transferred to the jar by carefully reversing the net over the mouth of the jar and washing it gently. Hold the jar up to the light and examine. Collect material in the same manner from different depths and portions of the pool and finally scoop up a few of the sticks and leaves from the bottom and add a bit of scum and a piece of some aquatic plant. In this way the jar may be made to contain a sample of the different environments the pool affords. To study the gauna of each environment, the different collections must be kept apart and labelled. In this particular case the material from the bottom will be the most important. Examine the material thus collected and look for soft, very contractile, flat worms, which vary from a short oval to a long worm-like form. They vary in size from almost microscopic dimensions to 1.5 and in color from slate grey to brown, yellow or green. In an undis- turbed aquarium they frequently crawl in an inverted position along the under side of the surface of the water, after the manner of snails. 40. Finda Turbellarian in the material collected in 39, transfer it to a watch crystal with a pipette or glass tube and study with a dissecting mi- croscope. Notice its change of form and its mode of motion. It moves by muscular contraction aided by cilia, which cover its entire surface. These can be well seen on an edge when the specimen is under examination with the high powers [41 e]. In one group (Dendrocoela) the intestine is dendritic, i. e. branched like the limbs of a tree, and shows very conspicuously even with the single lens. In others it is a straight rod and not very noticeable (Rhabdo- coela). Notice also several other organs, usually dendritic, on the sides of the alimentary canal. These are the reproductive and yolk glands. The mouth is on the under side, about central, and rather difficult to see. Two pigment flecks at the anterior end serve as eyes. 41. General anatomy. Several common species of fresh water Turbel- laria (mostly Rhabdocoela) are so transparent that the internal organs may be 44 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. well studied in the living animal by compressing it slightly. Cut from a piece of cardboard a frame the size of the cover-glass and 2-3™" wide. Soak it in water and apply it to the center of a slide. Place a living specimen in this with a drop of water, cover and examine. By this means the animal will be slightly flattened and its motions circumscribed. Observe the following—100". a. Alimentary canal. The mouth is near the centre of the under side and is best seen by placing an animal ventral side up, although it may be generally made out by focusing through the body. It is circular and may be seen to open and close during the muscular contortions of the animal. The mouth is connected with the main alimentary tract by a cylindrical pharynx, which in a flattened animal may lie unsymmetrically upon the side. The canal itself is rather opaque, owing to its contents, and may be variously shaped [40]. b. Reproductive system. Turbellaria are hermaphroditic and the organs of both sexes are very complicated and often dendritic. Two sets of branching organs may be seen at the sides terminating in finger-like lobes. Of these, the thickest lobes, showing white by reflected light, and visible with the sim- ple lens, are the yolk glands. The other set, similar, but more delicate, forms the testes. The uterus. also branched, is very thin walled and almost invisi- ble, but is generally easily located by the large conspicuous eggs which it con- tains. If these are numerous, they will be seen to be arranged in rows which mark the disposal of the uterine tubules. c. Nervous system. The pigment eyes may be seen to rest upon an opaque mass from which pass four branches, two anteriorly and two posteriorly. The main mass forms the brain, and the branches are the four principal nerve cords. The anterior cords may be followed into the very extensile anterior end, where they resolve themselves into a brush-like mass of minute nerves, which render this extremity a very sensitive tactile organ. The posterior cords run down the sides of the body and divide into minute nerves. There is often a commissure just posterior to the pharynx connecting the two poste- rior cords. d. Nephridial system. This is an important system, but hard to make out in a living specimen. Four branching tubes, two anterior and two posterior, collect the liquid excreta from the body parenchyma. On each side the ante- rior and posterior tube join and form thus two lateral ducts which run into the pharynx near the mouth. e. Cilia. These are visible only at the edge, but it must be concluded that they cover the entire surface, from the fact that they are visible along the entire edge and at every edge that may be formed by chance foldings and INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 75 changes of shape. If the animal is sufficiently quiet, a high power (500°) may be used. 492, Preserving and mounting. Turbellaria are among the most diffi- cult animals to preserve. It is almost impossible to prevent their complete contraction upon the application of the customary fixing reagents, and even if this be effected, they are apt to disintegrate or dissolve. If the preserva- tion has been successful, there are many obstacles to success in staining. The integument and body parenchyma stain as deeply as the organs, and thus the internal parts, although well stained, are completely hidden. The following methods are an attempt to overcome these obstacles :— a. Fixing and preserving. Use for this Lang's fluid, prepared as follows : Weber si guna t na cree bie cotcls a Sil. wee abs 100 parts. Sodimiriy Cn OniG eh aes wach eae eee Oe ee EA CELI CHA CIO Nein stele oe cho he aie ee ok 5-8 CORrOsive SUDIUMAlet es -lees eee. ecole TANITA rt asc ee ea eee em eer LA TNE a Apply it cold, poured suddenly over the animal when expanded. Let it re- main in the fluid 14-1 hour, then in 3807, 50%, 2-3 hours each and finally in 70 % for preservation. b. Staining. A successfully stained specimen for mounting iz toto should have the separate systems faintly outlined, ‘the integument and parenchyma being as nearly colorless and transparent as possible. To effect this, two methods may be used—either to stain very slightly, or to stain deeply and afterwards extract the superfluous color with acid. For the first, use ORTH’S Lithium Carmine, Alum Cochineal, or EHRLICH’s Haematoxylin, a few drops in a beaker full of 707%—extremely dilute. Let it remain 1-3 weeks, taking it out from time to time for examination. For the second, use Lithium or Borax Carmine, diluted about one-half, stain 10-15 min. and extract the extra color with acid alcohol (i. e 70% + several drops of 10% HCl.). Watch this and check the action of the acid when necessary, by placing in clear 70%. All specimens for toto mounting must be flattened before applying the stain. This may be done with a slide and cover, placing the whole under the lens and pressing with a needle handle. < x x 20 — — — 10H, <(Gameresy Remove the branchiostegite from the side upon which the appendages have not been disturbed, and examine the delicate plumose gills. For this, immer- sion in water or weak alcohol will be necessary. There are three classes of gills, named according to their point of attachment. (1) Podobranchiae, attached to the basal joints of the legs. (2) Arthrobranchiae, attached to the delicate membrane between the skel- etal pieces ; of these there are two sorts, anterior and posterior. (3) Pleurobranchiae, attached to the lateral body-wall (Plewron). Gills may occur on every segment between VI-XIII, and each segment may have four, one podobranchia, two arthrobranchiae (anterior and posterior) and one pleurobranchia. Thus typically a complete equipment would number 4832, Actually, however, a portion of these fail, the resulting arrange- INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 95 ment being constant in a given species. but varying in different species. Fill in the following blanks with the formula for Cambarus, indicating the pres- ence of a well-developed gill by an x, a rudiment by R, and adding the epipodites. GILL FORMULA FOR CAMBARUS. Somite. Podo. Ant. Arth. Post. Arth. Pleuro. Epip. Total. VI XU yaa Total eS ee eae 67. Dissection of internal organs. Cambarus is dissected from the dor- sal side as in other Arthropods. For an animal of this size, a small tin dis- secting pan should be used, and the specimen covered with weak alcohol. A lens may be removed from the dissecting microscope and held in the fingers over the object, when minute observation is required. If necessary, a small and complicated part may be removed to a small glass dissecting pan, or watch crystal, and examined microscopically. The specimen should first be taken in the hand and the dorsal carapace care- fully removed in small pieces, taking great care not to harm the subjacent organs. Then the abdominal tergites may be cut through at the sides and removed. When this is completed, pin the specimen in the pan. (The student should now be ready to identify the different organs himself. at least in a simple form like Cambarus, and hence general rules for identification of parts and order of dissection will be substituted for the usual anatomical description. This method will be followed as far as possible in the rest of the book, excepting, of course, Type XVIII, which is designed as a preliminary study. ] Asa general rule, the alimentary canal should first be sought, and when- ever it is coiled or in any way obscures other parts, may be dissected away from its connections and laid aside. In this case, however, the delicate cen- tral organ of the circulatory system, the ‘* heart,” lies above the intestine, and should first be studied, The circulation can only be successfully demonstra- 96 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. ted in an artificially injected specimen, and for this purpose a large form, like the lobster, should be used. With the alimentary canal occur various diges- tive glands, one of which, the liver, is very constant in its occurrence. It is to be expected below the stomach, and is generally brownish or greenish in color and voluminous in size. Its connection with the alimentary canal should be traced, after which it may be removed with a portion of the canal. The stomach is peculiar in this animal and possesses a set of chitinous teeth, worked by external muscles. This should be carefully examined. In a bi- sexual form, as in this case, the sex should be determined by external indica- tions if possible, and the internal reproductive organs should then be sought. As essential parts of this, one may expect a germ gland, ovary or testis, and a tube, generally long, and often coiled, through which the germ cells may pass to the exterior. In the male this tube is proportionally small, and is termed vas deferens, while in the female it is often large, and termed oviduct. If a portion of it is enlarged to serve as a receptacle for the retention of eggs or embryoes, it is called the wlerus. Accessory organs are common and may be always expected, in the male, glands to secrete a quid medium in which to suspend the germ cells, and in the female, glands for yolk, shell-material, al- bumen, etc., besides receptacles for spermatozoa, etc. Nephridia, either as separate tubes or united into a mass, may be expected in any location, and in this case are in the form of the green gland, at the base of the second Antennae. The nervous system is similar to those of the earth-worm and grasshopper. The muscular system should be studied in con- nection with the skeleton, whether external or internal. The mechanism of a few joints, or of a few characteristic body-movements, will prove sufficient in the general study of a type. 68. Histological study. To obtain and preserve material for the study of cell structure, an animal should be killed by chloroform, and dissected either in the air or under water. The parts to be sectioned should be selected, cut out as rapidly as possible, and preserved by the method recommended for pieces of earth-worms, 61 b, land II. The pieces selected should be small, and sepa- rated as much as possible to allow the ready access of the reagents to all parts. After preservation, the parts may be kept in small bottles of 70% well labelled. For sectioning, a piece may be stained in toto, the principal being the same as in the staining of hydroids, the amount of time being regulated by the size and density of the piece. From the turpentine the piece is put into melted paraffine (in the paraffine oven) and imbedded when completely infiltrated, It is impossible to assign exact times for the different procedures, INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 97 but the following may be taken as a mean estimate. Specimens are not harmed by exceeding the time in the stain or in 707, but the higher alcohols and the turpentine render them hard and brittle. Preparing an object in toto for microtome sections. 1. A specimen, preserved as above, is taken from the bottle of 70% and placed in borax carmine—twenty-four hours. 2. Take from the stain and place in ‘“‘ acid 70%” i. e. 70% + a few drops of HCl. Watch the piece and see it turn from a dull maroon to a bright scarlet. The change should be moderately slow (5-10 min- utes). A too rapid change denotes an excess of acid, a too gradual change denotes too little. This should be remedied in either case. The piece should remain until it is thoroughly penetrated by the acid alcohol (10-20 minutes). oo Place in clean 70 % (2-6 hours). 4. 95% alcohol (6-12 hours). 5. 100% alcohol (4-8 hours). 6. Turpentine (4-8 hours). 7. Melted paraffine (2-4 hours). 8. Imbed. Small Stender dishes are the best to use for the work of the fluids. The 100 % should be kept in a tightly corked bottle. Bottles are often conveniently used for carrying about when changes are to be made out of laboratory hours. A preparation made in this way is amply sufficient for an entire class, and may be made by one person, the students taking turn in thus preparing the class specimens. Sections through the ‘‘ liver” (better hepato-pancreas) or through the intestine are very instructive and simple in structure. Type Xil.—Porcellio sp? 69. Collecting and preserving. Thisis the common ‘‘ sow-bug” or ‘* damp ‘pug,’ a terrestrial Crustacean found in damp shady woods beneath stones, and is often met with under bricks and boards in barns and cellars. Simple im- mersion in 707% is sufficient to kill and preserve them for the study of the ex- ternal parts, and each student before the approach of cold weather should 98 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. collect a bottle full of such specimens (8-10) to serve as a supply. For inter- nal anatomy they should be dissected in a fresh state, also prepared for the microtome and sectioned in various planes. As with insects, their hard chit- inous exo-skeleton forms a barrier to the penetration of the various preserva- tives, to overcome which, various means have been adopted, as follows :— 1. The use of hot fixing reagents. These are to be heated in a test tube and poured suddenly over the animal while alive. Perhaps the best for this purpose is hot alcoholic corrosive sublimate. This should remain 20-40 min., then washed out in 70 7%. 2. The selection of specimens which have just moulted and in which the chitin is soft and tender. These are also best preserved with hot reagents, 3. Punch or prick a hole through the exo-skeleton in a region not after- wards to be used for sectioning. A living animal may be cut in two with a sharp razor and the two parts instantly dropped into the fixative. Asin the case of preservation, staining also presents serious difficulties. To overcome these, use an alcoholic stain of a high grade (Borax Carmine may be made as high as 707%); also continne the immersion for a long time (several days or weeks if necessary). This will not hurt the specimen if the stain contains a high percentage of alcohol. Sections may be cut from an un- stained object and stained on the slide, by the method known as ‘‘slide stain- ing.” For this, cover the slide with an albumen fixative, rubbing it in well with the finger. After this, heat in the usual way, until the paraffine is melted, and then apply the usual reagents in the reverse order (4-5 minutes each), turpentine—100 7—95 7—70 7, etc., until the specimen reaches the grade of the desired stain. Apply the stain to the object and then pass it up again through the same succession as far as the turpentine. Then wipe the slide carefully, except the area covered by the specimen, which may be well drained but must not become dry. Add a drop of Balsam and cover as usual. The application of the different reagents is best performed by immersing the en- tire slide successively in jars containing the desired reagents, or in the case of single sections, the reagents may be pipetted on the slide, drop by drop, and successively wiped away, held in the hand or rested from time to time on some convenient support. All the different stains may be applied in this way, haematoxylin being especially recommended. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 99 70. Fxternal Anatomy. Use for this specimens killed by simple immer- sion in strong alcohol. Remove them, and spread them out on a glass slide upon the stage of a dissecting microscope, allowing them to dry. The larger external parts are best studied in this way, while the smaller appendages, maxillae, etc., may be mounted temporarily in a drop of water for details. Look over several specimens and distinguish the following: (1) Females car- rying young. These have a brood-sack formed by broad plates attached to the inner side of the first five pairs of legs. In this may be found eggs and young in all stages. Such females possess a median birth-opening between the fifth and sixth pairs of legs, while the lateral genital openings are obso- lete. (2) Females without brood-sack. These lack the appendages upon the legs, also the median birth-opening, but possess lateral genital openings at the bases of the fifth pair of legs. Females change from one of the above forms to the other by a moult. (3) Males. These possess a median organ of copula- tion at the juncture of thorax and abdomen. This folds backwards with the gills, but is generally easily distinguished by its darker color. A pair of gen- ital openings lie at its base. 1. General body-form. The body is depressed, i. e. flattened derso-ven- trally. The thoracic somites are free, and not united into a carapace as in Type XI. On the dorsal side note :—The head ; this consists of the true head of five somites + the first thoracic somite: the long antennae (—second): look carefully on the inner side of the base of these for the very rudimentary first pair ; the eyes, a facetted surface on each side. Seven free thoracic so- mites ; the first is concave anteriorly and receives the head, the last concave posteriorly, for the small abdomen. The abdomen, six separate pieces, large lateral processes on the second—fourth, the sixth representing the sixth and seventh somites fused. cf. Type XI. 2. The appendages. These may be separated with forceps or sharp needle, the larger ones studied dry and the smaller ones mounted temporarily in water. Those of the thorax and abdomen should be studied first, upon the entire specimen, For the parts of the head, remove this piece by cutting it through from the dorsal side. The parts here are delicate and may be best handled by placing the entire piece in a watch crystal and covering it with water. Make a detailed study of the separate parts, as in the case of the pre- vious Type, and draw each. Refer to the following formula : 100 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Somites. Appendages. ( Be) Ant, Rudimentary. | II | Ant, Large. se) Sale | = Ma se r & IV | a IMExs (ste SAV | Mx, (Sale) Mxp Lamellate, folded over the others. | VII ner =|) | VIII L, 4 | IX Ibi + With brood lamellae in female. o 4 a | x IU XI Wye 1) | XII Dies | XIII I ( 14 15d Les) | 15 PS | | Endopodite serves as gill. a | 16 Leda: g |} "7 Pl Expodite large, containing air chambers. ro) ‘ = | 5 Serves also as protection for the true gill. a 18 Pie) J) | 19 ) a Pl, Without gill, forming part of tail. eae) [20 2 —— Central tail piece, fused with 19. 71. Study of a cross-section. The internal anatomy of Porcellio is very similar to that of Type XI, and need not receive especial attention. A general idea of the relationship of the different parts may be obtained from a cross- section prepared as in 69. The section should be taken through the thorax and will serve as a type to illustrate the relationship of systems in Arthropods in general. In the center will be the alimentary canal ; above this will be the INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 101 dorsal blood vessel, and beneath it the nervous cord. The tubules and glands of the reproductive system will lie symmetrically upon the sides. If the sec- tion be well cut, the relation between the muscular masses and the exo-skele- tal plates will be beautifully shown. The external chitin is difficult to cut and is apt to crack into little pieces, some of which will be carried upon the edge of the knife across the section. This may be obviated by the use of the following reagent : Gum mastic, Absolute alcohol, Ether, Collodion, Take about equal parts of these, put the gum mastic in the alcohol, and allow it to dissolve as much as it will ; then add the other ingredients. This is to be applied to the flat section-surface of the paraffine block, and allowed to dry. The microtome screw is then turned and the section cut off in the usual way. The liquid forms a thin film over the section which holds the pieces of chitin in their natural place. 72. Preliminary study of the next three types. These represent three groups of minute Crustacea, having an average size of a small pin-head, and constituting the bulk of the material collected with the tow net, whether in marine or fresh water. The type specimens used here are fresh water forms and are collected in the same way as the Turbellaria, Type V. They often develop in quantity in the laboratory aquaria through the chance introduction of a few adult individuals, or from’ eggs brought in with the mud. Place the material containing these in a shallow crystallizing dish and set over a black surface. Look for small, rapidly moving animals, which may be distinguished by shape and mode of motion. 1. Somewhat elongated forms, body tapering behind into a tail. The females often possess a pair of egg-sacs half as large as the body, depending from the sides of the abdomen. They move by quick, darting motions, often progressing 3-4 inches by a single propulsion. They are thus very difficult of capture and are best taken by a long glass tube, Into which a quantity of water may be suddenly drawn. These animals are Copepods, of which the commonest form is Cy- clops, Type XIII. 2. Oval forms, somewhat flattened laterally, i. e. compressed. (cf. de- scription of Porcellio, 70, 1.). The body is covered by a pair of lat- eral shells which leave the head free. They are propelled by the sec- ond pair of antennae, which are enormously developed and used as 102 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. oars. Hence their motion consists of short rapid jerks. There are many common species of this group; Branchiopoda, Sub-order Cla- docera, any one of which may be taken as a type. The form de- scribed below is Simocephalus, a common form, larger than the ay- erage, and should be secured if possible. 3. Perfectly oval forms, entirely covered by large lateral shells, which include the head. These are the smallest of all and seek the bottom and sides of the glass, progressing by a steady, rolling motion, caused by the projection of minute legs from between the edges of the shells. They are Ostracods, mostly belonging to the genus Cy- pris, which is taken as Type XV. The large species, variegated with green and white, should be taken, if possible. The methods of investigation are similar in all three types. The two first are best studied alive, as they are so nearly transparent that the internal organs are readily seen. Examination in a watch-crystal under the dissecting lens will give the general body form, the use of the appendages, mode of mo- tion, etc., while they may be placed under the compound microscope by using slide and cover. They may be quieted by chloroform, which may be applied in drops, or by holding near them a bit of blotting paper, saturated with it. Warm Perenyi’s fluid poured over a group of Cypris, placed in a watch-crystal will cause them to die with the shells beautifully expanded. They may be preserved and sectioned as in 69. A mass of them may be handled at once by filtering the water containing them through a bit of muslin, after which they should be tied up in the muslin by a thread, and the bag and all subjected to the action of the different reagents. They must be removed from the bag to be placed in the paraffine oven and may be imbedded by pouring the paraffine containing them into a watch-crystal previously smeared with glycerine. The position of the separate individuals may be seen through the translucent mass and individuals that lie in a favorable position may be cut out in a cubic or oblong piece, which may then be melted upon the end of a large block and cut in the usual way. They are rather difficult to stain in toto. Slide stain- ing gives good results. Type XIII.—Cyclops sp? 73. External anatomy. The body is covered dorsally by a carapace which includes the head (five somites) and one leg-bearing thoracic somite. Then follow four free thoracic somites, each bearing a pair of legs. The long tapering abdomen consists of five somites (first two fused in female) and ends INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 103 in a fork (furea) tipped with long plumose bristles. In the center of the an- terior end of the carapace is the eye, a fleck of pigment which gives sensation of light and possibly of color. This eye gave the animal its name, but it is really double, as is seen by its shape. There are two pairs of antennae, of which the first bears tufts of olfactory hairs. It is transformed in the male into a clasping organ, used during pairing. The legs consist of a double basal piece and two branches, each consisting of flattened joints. There are no gills. The formula for somites and appendages is as follows. Body Regions. — Somites. Appendages. I Ant, (Clasping in male.) II Ant, Head III | Md IV | Mx, V Mx, Wire) De | VII Ly Thorax {+ VIII Ir IX ibe ( x ID (Reduced in size.) 11 | 12 Abdomen — + 13 poo es 14 ite —— (With anus and furca.) 74. Internal anatomy. The alimentary canal is a straight tube in the median line with but little differentiation of parts. Anus in fifth abdominal segment. No accessory organs. During life the canal oscillates continually back and forth, stirring the fluid in the body cavity and thus functionally re- placing a circulatory system, which fails entirely. There is no special respira- tory system. The reproductive organs differ in appearance during different 104 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. periods and should be studied in connection with the life history and develop- ment. 75, Development. This should be studied by arranging a small aquarium in a Stender dish or tumbler. Place in the bottom a layer of pond mud and introduce a bit of some green alga. Cyclops will multiply in this readily and very rapidly, and all stages may be found. For special study, individ- uals, pairs, etc., must be isolated and kept ina smaller dish. Investigate the following points :— (a) Males. These are much smaller than the females and of rather rare occurrence, only appearing at certain times. They are recognized by the peculiar modification of the first antennae. Testes and vas def- erens are recognizable only at time of pairing. The reproductive openings are upon the first abdominal somite. The spermatozoa form masses known as spermatophores, a pair of which appear dur- ing pairing, as little oval refractive bodies depending from the geni- tal somite. (b) Females. Look over several females until you find one in which the ovaries appear as dark branching masses. These lie symmetrically on either side of the alimentary canal, connected by one or two com- missures. After fertilization, the eggs pass out from these through openings in the first abdominal somite, and form a pair of external egg-masses, the ovisacs, attached by stalks to the parent. (c) Pairing. This may be observed only through chance, by continued watching during the period in which males are abundant. The male clasps the first antennae about the fifth pair of legs of the fe- male, and directs a strong current of water towards her by a rapid rowing motion of the legs. The two spermatophores, which appear on the outside, become liberated by this and are carried across to the female, to which they become attached. The ovisacs form soon after this (15 min.-1 hour), taking but a few minutes for their forma- tion. (d) Larvae. The young free-swimming larvae of Cyclops are called Nau- pliae, and are of theoretical importance from the occurrence of sim- ilar larvae among widely different groups of Crustacea, thus furnish- ing support for the theory that the Nauplias represents the primitive Crustacean form. They are common in aquaria filled with females, and are often seen in the field of the microscope during the study of INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 105 the adults. A Nauplias is oval in form and possesses three pairs of appendages used as legs. In later development these become the first and second antennae and mandibles, while new somites and appendages appear posterior to the original three, and develop into the remainder of the body. [76. Parasitic Copepoda. Many members of this group have forsaken their independent existence and are found as parasites upon the gills or external surface of aquatic verte- brates, representing all stages of degeneracy. Open the operculum or gill-flap of any fish, marine or fresh water, and search among the reddish fringes (gills) for these forms. Some are irregular, almost shapeless masses, tubular or sac-like, while others still show more or less affinity to Cyclops. Even the most degenerate possess the lateral egg-sacs which, how- ever, may appear as close coilsof tubules. When found, cut away the portion to which they are attached, wash until clean and examine with lens. Ascertain mode of attachment, look- ing especially for hooks, burrs, or other parts used in clinging to their host. Are these mod- ifications of typical parts, or new formations ?] Type XIV.—Simocephalus sp ? (or other typical Branchiopod). 77. General anatomy. The general structure may be ascertained from living specimens placed under a cover-glass. They lie upon their side and are flat and transparent, giving one the opportunity of using the higher lens. For mode of motion, shape as seen from above, etc., they must be studied in a watch-crystal. (a) External anatomy. The shell is formed by an integumental duplica- ture, that is, it is an exaggeration of a lateral fold. Focus on its surface for peculiar markings upon it. The head is free and provided with a short beak, the rostrum. The abdomen is slender and with- out appendages. It moves rapidly back and forth, being capable of projecting from beyond the margin of the shell. It is tipped with a pair of curved terminal spines, above which is a row of smaller spines. It is generally held in a curved position along the ventral side. The eye is median (its true position being seen in a dorsal view) and consists of a mass of black pigment, surrounded by highly re- fractive bodies, the ‘* crystalline lenses.” The eye is moved by minute muscular bands. There are two pairs of antennae, a short anterior pair, near the rostrum, provided with knobbed olfactory hairs, and an enormously developed second pair, the oar-antennae. These pos- sess two branches, one of four and the other of three joints. They are used for locomotion and thus functionally replace the legs which bear gills and are used solely for respiration, These legs are seen 106 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. through the shell, waving back and forth, thus beating the gills through the water. There are five pairs of legs, of which the last is placed at some little distance behind the others. The mouth parts consist of a pair of mandibles and two pairs of maxillae, but are too minute for general study. Internal anatomy. The alimentary canal is somewhat curved, termi- nating in the anal orifice. Where situated? Two small ‘ livers” or hepatic diverticula lie in the head. Look at these from above. No- tice the color of the food in different parts of the canal. Examine a crushed specimen with high powers and ascertain of what the food consists. In the neck region are a few very delicate wavy tubes, running transverse to the longitudinal axis of the body. These form the ‘‘shell gland,” an excretory organ, consisting of a mass of ne- phridia, which open near the second maxillae. The nervous system consists of a brain lying back of the eye, in the head, connected by commissures to a chain of seven ventral ganglia. Dorsally, at the beginning of the thorax, lies a little oval pulsating organ, the heart. It possesses a pair of lateral ostia for the reception of the blood, which is thence forced outward anteriorly. There are no blood- vessels. The reproductive system is closely connected with organs for the care of the young and the development, and should form the subject of separate investigation. 78. Specimens may be kept in small aquaria, as in the case of Cyclops, 75. Notice the following :— Males. These appear only at certain times in the year, the females reproducing at other times parthenogenetically. The testes are sim- ple tubes ventral and parallel to the alimentary canal, tapering pos- teriorly into vasa deferentia, which open ventrally in the abdominal region. The males are best distinguished by the absence of the brood cavity of the female. Females. These are the common form, being often the only sex pres- ent ina large aquarium. The ovaries lie in a similar position to the testes. They are nearly transparent, but may be distinguished by large cells, the eggs, which characterize them. The oviducts are at the posterior end of these tubes, but open dorsally into a broad cav- ity, and not ventrally, as in the case of the vasa deferentia. The brood cavity is an oblong space, bounded above and at the sides by the dorsal shell, ventrally by the alimentary canal, and is closed pos- INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 107 teriorly by a pair of processes, which project dorsally from the ab- domen, and which may be drawn downward to allow the escape of the young. The brood cavity is filled witha special fluid for the nourishment of the young, which develop here without metamor- phosis and escape in the same form as the adult. (c) Eggs and ephippium. The eggs which develop parthenogenetically are thin shelled, develop very rapidly and produce only females. Such eggs are called ‘‘summer” eggs. The fertilized or ‘* winter” eggs are hard-shelled and receive, when in the brood cavity, a second covering, called the saddle or ephippium, which is produced by the shell. An ephippium contains in this species two eggs, and is depos- ited in the mud, in which state the eggs can survive the winter, or endure drying up. Winter eggs produce both sexes. Type XV.—Cypris sp? 79, This is one of the most refractory objects of study, being too small to dissect, too opaque to treat like the former two types, and covered with thick chitinous shells, rendering it difficult to cut. It is best in a general course to be content with a superficial examination. They may be first studied alive, observing the movements of the shells, and of the appendages. For special study of the latter, a large specimen may be selected and one lat- eral shell lifted off with needles, or they may be opened by treatment with hot Perenyi’s fluid [72]. The shell is closed by a transverse adductor muscle, which unites the two valves at their centers. When this muscle is relaxed, an elastic ligament, situated at the dorsal hinge, draws the shells apart. An impression for the attachment of this muscle may be seen on the inner sur- face of a clean, empty shell. There are only seven pairs of appendages, borne on the anterior body portion, which corresponds to head and thorax ; the abdomen is attenuated and resembles the appendages. The appendages, with their forms and uses, are as follows : Ant, |} Long, leg-like, used in locomotion. The second pair modified Ant, in male. Md Large—provided with a palpus, and flattened piece or fan-plate. Mx, £Witha palpus and flattened fan-plate. Mx, With asmall, two-jointed palpus, and rudimentary fan-plate. Leg, This is often called the maxilliped. Used for locomotion. Leg, ‘‘ Cleaning foot,” curved backward and used in cleaning out the shell. 108 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 80. Development. Cypris develops by a Nauplias, which is a fine illus- tration of caenogenetic modification, or that modification by which an impor- tant modern character develops during the repetition of an ancestral stage. Here the Nauplias is provided with the characteristic bivalve shell. Search at the bottom of an aquarium filled with Cypris, and examine the smallest forms. The shells are transparent and some of them may be seen to possess but three pairs of appendages, the number characteristic of Naupliae. Bl. Comparison with barnacle larvae. The common barnacles, which cover the rocks and all submerged objects at the sea-coasts, are modified Crustacea, similar to Ostracods, which develop as free-swimming N aupliae, and afterwards become sessile in an inverted position. When sessile, the shells develop calcareous plates, and the appendages grow into delicate ten- dril-like extremities, suitable to direct to the mouth a current of sea water, containing nutritious material. The Nauplias larva is similar to that of the Ostracods, and a later stage, the so-called ‘‘ Cypris” stage, is similar to the adult. Barnacles may thus be considered modified Ostracods. The young stages are commonly found in marine tow, which should be diluted and exam- ined as in the case of Medusoids. The Naupliae of marine Copepods, simi- lar to Cyclops, are also to be expected, but these are distinguished by the ab- sence of lateral shells. Type XVI.—A Spider (almost any form will do). 82. Luxternal characteristics. Spiders may be killed by chloroform, ben- zine, or by immersion in alcohol. All spiders are venomous, but only the large ones have mandibles powerful enough to penetrate the thick cuticle at the finger tips. They can bite only what is beneath them, and may thus be firmly grasped from above with the thumb and finger. They may often be induced to drop into a wide mouthed bottle filled with alcohol, by holding it beneath them, and poking them carefully with a stick. For external parts, alcoholic specimens may be used, but large fresh specimens must be selected for dissection. Investigate the following external characteristics :— (a) Body. Two divisions, a cephalo-thorax and an abdomen. Anterior end square with abrupt anterior edge, upon which are situated sim- ple lenticular eyes, eight in most spiders. The arrangement and rel- ative size of these is an important systematic distinction. Compare and draw several different forms. The waist is attenuated and the abdomen is generally so conyex dorsally that it laps over the poste- INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 109 rior border of the thorax. Neither piece shows segmentation, although the paired appendages indicate that it is a segmented ani- mal. Is this consolidation a primitive characteristic, or is it a mod- ification? Is the spider a high or low form ? (b) Appendages. The cephalo-thorax possesses six pairs of appendages, of which one is prae-oral. 1. Chelicers (mandibles). These depend downwards from the abrupt anterior end. They consist of a powerful basal joint and a movable tooth or poison fang. A poison gland in the interior connects by a fine duct with this fang. In some members of this class the chelicers bear a double claw. 2. Pedipalpi (palpi). These resemble legs in the female, but are modified in the male into spoon-shaped organs, used to con- vey the spermatozoa over to the female during pairing. In some forms these also may become huge double claws (Ex. Scorpion). 3-6. True legs. These are seven jointed and possess minute toothed claws at their extremity. These are used in running about on the web. The abdomen of the embryo possesses rudimentary appendages, some of which disappear, while others form the spinnerets or spin- ning glands, at the end of the abdomen. How many pairs are there? In cases where a median spinneret is present, how may it be explained ? (c) Respiratory and genital openings. Spiders breathe by a system of plates, or fan-tracheae, which hang in respiratory chambers, the so- called ** lungs.” A few tropical forms have two pairs of these, but North American spiders have only a single pair. Look at the ven- tral side of the abdomen, close to the cephalo-thorax, for a pair of smooth, often shiny plates. These are the opercula, which cover the respiratory chambers. This system is reinforced by a system of sim- ple tracheal tubes, which open by a single median stigma just ante- rior to the spinnerets. The female possesses a median opening as outlet for the eggs, and two lateral openings for the reception of the spermatozoa, and leading into spermothecae. The median opening, or vagina, lies between or just posterior to the anterior pair of spin- nerets, and the lateral openings at its sides. The vasa deferentia of the male open by a median opening between the opercula, 110 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 83. Anatomical Synopsis. {A spider should be dissected in the same general way as other Arthropods ; the specimen opened from the dorsal side by cutting around the eyes and removing the entire dorsal wall, and then dissected under weak alcohol, pinned down ina small glass pan. As the specimens should be large and fresh, it is impossible to provide material for a large class. Students finding good specimens may make a general dissection, employing the following synopsis: | il. » oO. Alimentary canal. Muscular pharynx—long, narrow oesophagus, running through a mass of nerve ganglia—thoracic enlargement with paired diverticula reaching into legs and running around to the ventral side—an abdominal portion, also showing a few diverticula, (This, together with the thoracic enlargement, forms the chyle- stomach. )—the short rectum and large rectal vesicle, a sort of cloaca —a pair of Malpighian or urinary tubules which empty into the rectum. Nervous system. An almost solid mass, perforated by the oesophagus and giving out paired nerves to the eyes, appendages, abdominal vis- cera, etc. The portion dorsal to the oesophagus represents a supra- oesophageal ganglion and the ventral portion, the consolidated ven- tral chain. Some forms have a single small ventral ganglion just posterior to the main mass. Circulatory system. A dorsal vessel or ‘* heart” in the median line of the abdomen, with three pairs of ostia to receive the blood from the body, and anterior, posterior and lateral aortae, to send it to the dif- ferent parts. These arteries are short and with open ends, the re- mainder of the circulation being lacunar. Respiratory system. Fan tracheae consisting of hanging plates with double walls. The blood passes down between the walls of each plate and is aerated by the supply of air in the respiratory chambers. Trach- eal tubes somewhat similar to those of insects, a single median tube arising from the single stigma, which branches into two main stems, furnished with little tufts of tracheal tubes. Reproductive system. Male: Two long tubular testes in abdomen, becoming gradually more attenuated to form the vasa deferentia, which are often much convoluted. They unite at the end and open by amedian orifice. The pedipalpi serve as copulatory organs. The inner side of the terminal joint contains a spiral tube opening at the apex. This is filled with spermatozoa, which are thus conveyed to the receptacula of the female. Female: The two ovaries are tubu- INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 111 lar, but filled with large masses of egg-follicles, giving the whole the appearance of a bunch of grapes. The short oviducts are con- tinuous with these and unite with each other near the median open- ing to form a short vagina. (Generally two receptacula seminis situ- ated in close proximity to the median opening. In both sexes the blind ends of the tubular germ glands may unite, forming a sort of ring. 84. Development. Egg coccoons, formed by the mother, may be found during the winter upon trees, and in summer among the webs. They are of different species, but may be used indifferently. Examine for winter coccoons any little rolled leaf or bit of leaf attached to the twigs, and look among bushes for large round hanging masses. The detailed study of the develop- ment requires careful technical manipulation, but a general idea may be gained by studying the eggs with a lens or with the compound microscope. During the early stages the eggs are opaque, but in later development the growth of the embryo may be seen, the budding appendages, the appearance of the eyes, etc. Type XVE.—A Chilopod (preferably Lithobius). 85. Collecting and preserving. Myriapods are the ** thousand legged worms,” found under the bark of decayed stumps, under logs, etc., in damp woods, and occasionally in damp soil. The two orders are distinguished by the legs, one having a single and one a double pair for each somite. Those referred to here (Chilopoda) have a single pair for each somite and are some- what depressed in form. Alcoholic specimens are sufficient for the work re- quired here, which is merely the external anatomy. The internal anatomy is very similar to that of insects, and the mode of investigation the same. 86. External anatomy. Note the well marked segmentation. Is there distinction between body regions? Are the somites differentiated? Is this higher or lower than a grasshopper? Study the parts in the following order : 1. The head. This may be removed from the body and studied in a watch crystal. Be careful not to include the large curved pair of jaws which are reflected upwards and lie over the mouth. They are accessory mouth-parts, but belong to the thorax. The separate ap- pendages may be temporarily mounted for special examination. The eyes are small masses of simple eyes (ocelli) on the sides of the head. One pair of antennae. Mouth parts consist of mandi- 112 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. bles, and first and second maxillae. (Remove these in the reverse order for convenience and study separately.) Compare each maxilla ' with the typical first maxilla of the grasshopper, consisting of basal piece, inner and outer plate, and palpus. In what way does the sec- ond maxilla differ from the type? The first maxilla? 2. The body (=thorax + abdomen). Study the appendages of the first body somite, often called the maxilliped. Notice the inner plate with its teeth, and the free leg. What is the probable use of this free part? Notice a small opening on the inner side near the point. This is the opening of a poison gland. Compare this maxilliped with the second maxilla and with a free leg. To what does the palpus correspond? Study a typical leg. How many joints? Can you name them after the homology of the insect leg? [Type XVIII. ] Look at the last four legs for coxal glands. Is the last pair of legs any different? Why? Compare with the anal stylets of crickets and cockroaches. The somite posterior to the one bearing the last pair of legs is the genital somite, in which is the median genital opening. The appendages are changed into accessory genital organs. Are there differences in the two sexes? The final or anal somite is without appendages and contains the anal orifice. Type XVIIIl.—Caloptenus, sp? [ Dissosteira (Oedipoda) the large form, with black and yellow wings, or any other true grasshopper (Acrididae) may be used here. | [As this is intended to be used as a preliminary study. the rules for dissection and other technique will be given in full. Anatomical details, as relation, size and appearance of parts, will also be given.] 87. Collecting, choice of material, preservation, etc. The majority of grasshoppers are hatched in the early summer and grow continuously until Sept.-Oct., when swarms of large adults may be found everywhere. Obtain a few large forms, which may be caught in the fingers or with a small net, and select from them those having the following characteristics : Body brown- ish above, yellow beneath ; shanks of hind legs bright red ; a conical spine pro- jecting from the throat, just beneath the chin. This last is the most important characteristic and indicates the group of grasshoppers known as Caloptenus. If this form cannot be obtained, some other large species may be used, but one must expect to find some slight variation from the description given here. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 113 The sexes may be distinguished as follows: Male, smaller than female. with darker colored body, terminating posteriorly in alarge rounded knob. Female, often twice the size of the male, with large heavy body terminating in four spines, which may approximate to form a single sharp spine for boring holes in the ground to deposit the eggs. The sexes may be indifferently used as specimens, except in the sections on the reproductive system. For immediate use, or for the study of external parts, specimens may be dropped alive into collecting bottles containing 70-80% alcohol. This will not penetrate the inte- rior, however, sufficiently to preserve the inner organs. Benzine is the quick- est and simplest killing agent and may be used whenever a specimen is to be dissected at once. Dried specimens are often useful in the study of external parts. 88. Symmetry, Form, Orientation: The body is biluteral, i. e. it may be divided by one and only one plane, into two symmetrical halves. Locate this plane. The halves are termed right and left. Imagine the animal resting on a level surface in the natural position, and pass a plane through it, parallel to the level surface and perpendicular to the first plane. Are these halves equal and symmetrical? What are the characteristics of each, i. e. color, general shape, thickness of shell, etc.? What external environments may have pro- duced the difference ? The upper half is termed dorsal, the lower, ventral. Pass a plane through the middle of the body, perpendicular to the two preceding. This divides the body into two halves, anterior and posterior. The above terms are also ap- plied relatively, thus the inner pair of wings are ventral to the outer, although both lie in the dorsal half. The exterior is hard, formed of plates which over- lap each other, allowing the necessary motion, as in a suit of mediaeval armor. This hard exterior is really the skeleton, and is termed exo-skeleton in distinction from an internal, or endo-skeleton. The joints overlap each other in the direction from which injuries are liable to come, or in the direc- tion of the most usual motion. cf. the joints of the posterior half of the body. 89. Metamerism. Body regions. The body is divided transversely into more or less separate joints or segments. The segments are also termed meta- meres or somites, and an animal possessing them is said to be metameric or segmented. cf. oyster and earth-worm. In a simple metameric animal, the segments are all alike and distinct from each other, while in higher forms segments may be suppressed, over developed, united together and modified in many ways. This condition is considered higher because it has developed from the first, and is for the purpose of doing certain things better ; thus the 114 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. middle ventral region of the body may be consolidated into a single plate to offer a better support for the legs. Is the grasshopper a higher or lower met- americ animal? In higher forms the segments may be grouped into three body regions or segment complexes, the lead, thorax and abdomen, each equipped with its peculiar parts, and fitted to perform a certain range of functions. The head bears the sense organs, antennae, eyes, etc., and pos- sesses internally the central organ of the nervous system. the brain. Its function is therefore psychic. The thorax bears the legs and wings, and con- tains the largest of the body-muscles for moving these parts. It thus controls the animal functions. The abdomen bears the organs for egg-laying, fertiliz- ing the eggs, etc., and contains the reproductive and digestive organs. These functions are shared by plants and are termed vegetative. 90. Morphology. Its methods. Morphology is the comparative study of anatomical details. It considers every animal a plastic form, starting from a simple primitive type, and moulded and modified to suit its peculiar environ- ments and conditions of life. It thus seeks to express every anatomical detail in terms of the typical form, rather than by means which are purely arbi- trary. This may be made plain by referring to the following postulates, ap- plicable to the group of animals under consideration. 1. Typical somite.* The grasshopper is too much modified to obtain from it a clear idea of a simple unmodified somite; but the study of more primi- tive forms yields the following conception :—An approximately circular ring, composed mainly of two skeletal pieces, a larger, overlapping dorsal piece, the tergite, and a smaller, ventral piece, the sternite. These are united by lat- eral membranes, in which a farther pair of pieces may develop, the pleurites or pleura. This somite bears a pair of joinled appendages, inserted between the pleurite and sternite. 2. Typical animal (of this group). Corresponding to the above definition, a typical animal would be formed by a series of such somites, each overlap- ping the next posterior. Each somite must be of the same size and shape and must contain the same organs. There are no actual animals corresponding exactly to this description, but the more primitive members of this group ap- proach nearer to it. cf. Chilopoda and Peripatus. 3. Modifications. The grasshopper may be considered as the result of a series of gradually changing environments brought to bear upon the type * The above description is that of skeletal parts merely. INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 115 form, and must be compared with it, part by part. The most common modi- fications of the type are the following :— (a.) Eacessive development of a part. Ex. The tergite of the first seg- ment of the body. In some species this extends beyond the end of the abdomen. (b.) Reduction of g part. Ex. The sternite of the same segment. The reduction may lead to complete loss. - (c.) Change of form to subserve a certain function. Ex. The antennae, jaws and legs are all appendages. (d.) Fusion of several parts. This is done wherever support is needed, either for some powerful muscle, or against extensive injury. Ex. The partial fusion of the sternites in the thorax, or the complete fu- sion of the head to protect the brain. This change often affects the somites themselves so that their identification is often difficult. 91. Rules for resolution of fused somites. 1. Aseach pair of appendages represents a somite, their number will correspond to the minimum number of somites. Why the mini- mum? This is called the ‘“‘ Rule of Savigny.” 2. Often internal parts retain metameric structure longer than external. Why? Which parts are more directly under the influence of exter- nal conditions? The nervous system is especially primitive in this regard. 3. Individual development records past conditions more or less perfectly, and thus parts fused in the adult may be separate in the embryo or the larval form. 92. Special study of external details. Place a specimen upon the stage of a dissecting microscope and examine with the lowest lens, controlling the work with a pair of forceps in the left hand and a stout needle in the right. For minute details use the higher lens. For some purposes the lens is best removed from the microscope and used like a hand lens. If a specimen has just been removed from a bottle of alcohol it should become dry before the investigation to avoid the confusing refraction from the liquid. 1. Head. Remove this from the body, place it face towards you upon the stage and notice :—The antennae, delicate organs of touch. How many joints? The two large eyes at the sides. These are ‘* com- pound,” composed of numerous facettes. Look at these with the 116 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. higher power. The ocelli or simple eyes, one median, upon the ridge between the antennae, and two lateral, at the inner, upper edge of the compound eyes. The labrum, or upper lip, covering the mouth. Lift this up and notice the two heavy black jaws, the mandibles. These move laterally, and are toothed on the opposing inner sur- faces. At the sides of the mandibles are four jointed tactile organs, the palpi, attached to accessory mouth parts, not visible from above. Look over the general surface for seams or sutures dividing the head into separate areas. Of these the lateral pieces are the genae or cheeks, the small median one just above the labrum is the clypeus, and the remainder the epicranium. Make a large outline drawing of the head from the front, putting in these details. Mouth parts. Turn the head over and separate the loose pieces about the mouth. The first (lowest) is a double piece with two palpi, then will follow two lateral pieces, each resembling a half of the first piece, and each with one palpus, and lastly the mandibles. These pieces should be separately studied by placing them in a watch crys- tal of 704% alcohol, and using the dissecting lens. The separate lat- eral pieces are the mazillae, and the double piece the labiuwm or sec- ond maxillae. Between them all is found a little fleshy projection, the tongue. These parts, together with the labrum, constitute the ‘*mouth parts,” the arrangement of which is as follows : labrum. Ma. Md. Tongue. Me,. Max,. Ma, + Mas. All of these, with the exception of the tongue, are believed to repre- sent appendages. The labrum is plainly a pair united in the middle, and the notch in the center of the free margin of the labrum denotes its double origin. Make a detailed drawing of the first maxilla and the labium, noticing that each consists of a basal piece (two jointed) two terminal plates, inner and outer, and a palpus. The palpi are termed respectively, maxillary palpi and labial palpi. Segmentation of the head. As the fusion is complete, this is done en- tirely by counting the appendages, proving these, in doubtful cases, INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. oy by their relationship to pairs of nerves which supply them. The present solution is as follows : Somite. Appendages. I Antennae. II Lateral ocelli. Il Median ocellus (a fused pair). IV Eyes. V Labrum. VI Mandibles. VII First Maxillae. VIII Second Maxillae (labium). 4. Thorax. This consists of three segments, termed respectively, pro-, meso- and meta-thorax. Their tergites are termed pro-, meso- and meta-notum, and their sternites, pro-, meso- and meta-sternum. The terms ending in -ite, used in defining the parts of the type, are thus only employed in the abdomen. The pro-thorax is free and mova- ble. It consists of a broad pro-notum, forming a sort of collar, and a very narrow pro-sternum, bearing a spine, the pro-thoracic tuber- cle. Its appendages are the first pair of legs. The meso- and meta- sternum are fused to give a firm support to the third or jumping legs. They are reinforced by a portion of the first abdominal somite. Dorsally they are divided up into a complex mass of small skeletal elements, to give freedom of motion to the two pairs of wings which are not appendages, but integumental folds which have become mov- ably articulated with the rest of the skeleton. Ventrally a sternal plate is formed, the sutures of which show its composition. The most anterior piece is the meso-sternum, into which the meta-sternum is fitted by a joint knownas a *‘ dove-tail.” The first abdominal ster- nite is again dove-tailed into it, and forms the posterior portion of the sternal plate. Make an outline drawing of the sternal plate. The meso- and meta-thoracic legs are inserted at the posterior edges of their respective segments. The plewra of the meso- and meta- thorax are double, an episternwm in contact with the sternal plate, and an epimeron above it. There are also a few minute pieces de- veloped about the bases of the legs. 5. Legs. The first four are used for walking and the last pair for leap- ing. They consist of the same parts, but their relative size differs according to function. The two long joints are the ‘‘ thigh” (femur) 118 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. and ‘‘shank” (tibia), the angle between them being termed the ‘“‘knee.” Between the body and the thigh are interposed two little joints, cova and trochanter. Below the tibia extends the foot or tarsus. This typically consists of five joints, the terminal one bear- ing a pair of claws (wngues), but in the grasshopper the number is reduced to three. Examine the pulvilli, or little pads, at the bottom of the feet and see if you can explain this. Draw one of the legs. 6. Abdomen. The somites here conform nearly to the type, but lack appendages and pleurites. They consist of tergite and sternite, and are regular and plain except the first, which is fused ventrally with the thorax, and at the end, where they are modified to accommodate the reproductive organs and the outlet of the intestine. In this they differ in the two sexes. In the female are four long hooks, the rhab- dites or egg-guides. The ducts of the germ glands, and the alimen- tary canal have their outlets among these terminal plates. Keep this in mind and find the relationship of these parts, during the dissection of these systems. In the dorsal portion of the first segment, under- neath the wing, will be seen the ear, a vibratory membrane stretched across a cavity. 93. Digestive system. For all internal dissections, use fresh specimens and as large as possible. Hold the animal in the left hand with the head toward you, and clip off with the scissors the legs, wings and antennae. Then insert the point of the scissors just beneath the anterior edge of the pro- notum, at the place where it bends over laterally, and cut through the exo- skeleton, keeping on the side, as far as the end of the abdomen. Make a sim- ilar incision on the other side. In this, keep the concealed point of the instru- ment as near as possible the inner surface of the exo-skeleton, in order not to wound the parts beneath. Then pin the animal to the wax of a small glass dissecting pan, running the pins through the incision, close to the lateral walls. Cover the specimen with 30% and place the pan upon a dissecting microscope. Take the forceps in the left hand and the scalpel in the right, and lift off the free dorsal piece, cutting off the connections as close as pos- sible to the part to be removed. The internal organs will be seen lying in place in the ventral portion of the exo-skeleton, which thus serves as a shell. The alcohol renders transparent parts opaque, and the use of a liquid in dis- section is for the purpose of unfolding delicate membranes, etc., which would remain in air asa confused heap. (cf. the use of water in mounting “sea mosses.”) If the pins be gently spread out, the walls will widen a little. The INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 119 dissection consists of separating the different parts by cutting and teasing the almost invisible connecting bands, and is best done by the forceps and the sharp needle (the little spear-pointed instrument). The lens may be turned on or off according to desire, and the microscope stage makes a good rest for the little dissecting pan. Look first for the alimentary canal, a greenish or brownish tube running through the median axis of the body. It is divided into the following parts: Buccal or mouth cavity. This lies in the head and is not seen in this dissection. It is merely the little cavity within and between the mandibles. It is easily distinguished by its very dark brown walls. Oesophagus, a narrow tube running straight upwards to the apex of the head. There it makes a turn toward the neck. After passing the neck, the canal suddenly swells out into a huge crop, tapering at both ends and filled gener- ally with a dark brown fluid, which consists of the food mixed with some of the digestive juices. This is the *‘molasses” which is disgorged to inspire fear in its enemies. At the base of the crop the canal is re-inforced by six finger-lhke expansions, which possess both anterior and posterior por- tions. These are the gastric diverticula. They are hollow and thus reinforce the general digestive surface. They empty into a portion of the canal which forms the boundary between the crop and the stomach. It is called the pro- ventriculus, and is developed in the cricket and others, into a little spherical bag containing six hard, chitinous teeth. The stomach or ventriculus, is that portion of the canal which extends from the diverticula to the place where the canal is joined by countless little tubes appearing in a sort of tangle. They are the urinary or Malpighian tubules, which absorb excretory material from the body cavity in which they lie, and pour it into the lower portion of the canal. How many separate bunches are there? The remainder of the canal is termed the itestine, and may be divided into three portions, the ileum, or tapering conical portion, the colon, of small size, and slightly coiled, and the rectum, with six rectal glands. The plate above the anus is termed the anal plate. Which is it? Draw the canal and its parts, putting in the outlines of the body. Remove the en- tire alimentary canal, cutting it through at its two ends, and place in a watch crystal. Examine then the floor of the thorax for whitish masses something in the form of bunches of grapes. These are the salivary glands, which form anteriorly two tubes or ducts, opening into the mouth. Return now to the alimentary canal; cut it open with the scissors, rinse out the contents and examine the inner walls. The crop is marked by ridges, which are surmounted by tiny teeth, pointing backward, to prevent regurgi- tation of the solid food. (cf. later directions for mounting this.) Does the 120 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. proventriculus give any indication of teeth as seen in the cricket? Can you find the inner openings for the gastric diverticula? For the urinary tubules ? What else do you find at the beginning of the intestine ? 94, Female reproductive system. Select for this a large female specimen [87] and prepare as for digestive system. The large yellow masses lying dor- sal to the intestine are the ovarial tubules, or organs for the formation of the eggs. Part these in the middle and float them out at the sides of the body, without cutting the tube with which they are connected. The mass will re- solve itself under the lens into a collection of tapering tubules inserted by their larger end into a large tube, the oviduct. How many separate ovarial tubules compose one of the lateral masses? What is the condition of the upper, free end of the oviduct? Trace the two oviducts down until you find them uniting into one. What relation does this median tube sustain to the alimentary canal? Trace it out to the external orifice and locate it. What relation does it sustain to the rhabdites? The lower portion of the alimentary canal may be removed if in the way. Look near the union of the two ovi- ducts, and find alittle pyriform sac, connected by along duct with the exterior. How is this connection made? The sac is the Receptaculuwm seminis, which becomes filled during pairing with male germ-cells (spermatozoa), which may then fertilize the separate eggs as they come down into the median tube. Draw the entire system, putting inenough of the other parts to show relation- ship. Cut off a separate tubule, remove the large egg at the end, and place in the center of a clean slide. Put on a drop of the liquid used in dissection, and lay on a cover-glass. If there are air bubbles, add more of the liquid, drop by drop, until the cover-glass is full. If there is too much liquid, the cover-glass will float and the excess of liquid must be withdrawn by applying a cloth or bit of blotting paper. Such a preparation is termed a temporary mount. Examine this with the compound microscope 60-80%. [As this instru- ment is first introduced in this place, its use must be explained.| Of what does the tubule consist? What idea do you gain concerning the formation of eggs? Draw the specimen. [Stained preparations and sections will give further information on this subject and will be studied later. | 95. Male reproductive system. This consists, like the female system, of a system of tubules which secrete the germ cells, connected with excurrent ducts. Prepare a male specimen as above, and examine the orange yellow mass lying in the abdomen above the intestine. This is the fes/is, and may be resolved into a double bundle of nearly transparent club-shaped sacs, sur- rounded by a lace-work of yellow fat. The two bundles of spermatic tubules INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 121 may be separated as in the case of the ovary, and found to connect with a small tubule, the vas deferens. The two vasa deferentia unite below into a common tube, as in the case of the oviducts. A mass of coiled white tubules lying upon either side, con- nect also with the common tube. How may this mass be resolved? The tubules composing it may be termed prostate tubules and secrete a fluid me- dium in which the minute germ-cells may be suspended. Make a drawing illustrating this system. The finer anatomy of the tubules must be followed by sections, as will be directed later. 96. Respiratory system. Inthe insect the air is brought into intimate relation to all the organs of the body by a system of tracheal tubes which be- gin at lateral openings (spiracles) and spread everywhere in the form of a branching net-work. There is thus no venous blood, as it is constantly aérated at every point. The disadvantage in this method is that such an animal must remain of small size, for by this means it is impossible to furnish fresh air in large quantities at a distance from the source of the supply. The arrange- ment of spiracles and tracheal tubes in the grasshopper is as follows : I. The Spiracles (stigmata). These are the breathing-pores through which the respiratory system com- municates with the exterior. There are ten pairs of these in two lateral rows on thorax and abdomen. There are none on the head. IDES Ha oP OKOS an ng oboe oociae ...On membrane between pro- and meso- thorax, concealed by the posterior bor- der of the pronotum. DECONCMNOTACICG = eemer eee et oe On meso-thorax, just dorsal to the opening for the articulation of the sec- ond leg. MinsteA bdominal=s. su soe Lee ae On first abdominal tergite at anterior margin of auditory membrane. Second—eighth Abdominal....... On the anterior ventral angle of abdom- inal tergites 2-8. Make an outline drawing of the body as seen from the side. Number the somites and add the spiracles. Il. Dissection of the respiratory system. Use a fresh specimen, killed by benzine. (If alcohol be used for killing, do not allow the specimen to remain in the liquid.) Open dorsally and pin into 122 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. pan. Cover with water, as alcohol expels the air from the tubes and renders them hard to see. Look for a system of fine tubes and sacks, which appear silvery-white owing to the air confined within them. These are the tracheal tubes, or tracheae, which extend from the spiracles to every part. They vary greatly in size and shape, and may be thus placed under three categories : 1. Simple tubules. These are the most general, and in this form they ramify every organ and form a capillary net-work of extreme fineness. Different branches often anasto- mose with each other. 2. Dilated tracheae. These are local enlargements of the above and are found frequently along the main tubes. An impor- tant branch often begins as a dilated trachea. 3.