A Synopsis of the GENERAL MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS BY EDWIN GRANT CONKLIN GENERAL MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS A Synopsis of the GENERAL MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS By EDWIN GRANT CONKLIN Professor of Biology in Princeton University PRINCETON PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRE 1927 COPYRIGHT, 1927, BY PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINTED AT THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY, U.S.A. CONTENTS PAGE A. TAXONOMY i I. DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS II. SUBDIVISIONS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS 2 1. Protophyta and Protozoa 2. Metaphyta and Metazoa 3. Transitions from Unicellular to Multicellular Forms 4. Chief Subdivisions of the Plant Kingdom 3 5. Chief Subdivisions of the Animal Kingdom 6. Binomial Nomenclature B. PRINCIPLES OF MORPHOLOGY 4 I. DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION 1. Grades of Organization 2. Methods of Differentiation 5 3. Structure and Function II. INDIVIDUALITY 6 1. Definition 2. Grades of Individuality (a) Ultra-microscopic units (b) Visible cell structures (c) Cells (d) Tissues 7 (e) Organs (f) Systems (g) Antimeres Metameres 8 (h) Persons (i) Corms (j) Societies V CONTENTS PAGE III. HOMOLOGY AND ANALOGY 1. General or Meristic Homology 9 (a) Bilateral Homology (Homotypy) (b) Serial Homology (Homodynamy) 2. Special Homology (Homogeny, Homophyly) 3. Homoplasy (False Homology or "Convergence") 4. Causes of Homology (a) The Cause of General Homology . 10 (b) The Cause of Special Homology IV. ORGANIC SYMMETRY 11 C. MORPHOLOGY OF METAZOA 12 I. STAGES OF METAZOAN DEVELOPMENT 1. The Fertilized Egg 14 2. The Cleavage Stages 3. The Blastula 4. The Gastrula II. MODIFICATIONS AND COMPLICATIONS OF THE GASTRULA .... I5 1. Axes and Symmetry (a) Protaxonia (b) Heteraxonia l6 2. Mesoderm and Body Cavities 19 3. Metamerism 20 III. ORGAN SYSTEMS 23 1. Integumentary System (a) Epidermis (b) Dermis 25 2. Skeletal System 3. Motor System 28 (a) Amoeboid movement (b) Ciliary Movement 30 (c) Muscular Movement 32 vi CONTENTS PAGE 4. Alimentary System 34 Digestion Intracellular Digestion 35 Extracellular Digestion Openings into Digestive Cavity Fore, Mid, and Hind-Guts 37 Digestive Cells and Glands 40 Movements of Food in Alimentary Canal 5. Respiratory System Branchiae, Gills 41 Tracheae, Lungs 44 6. Circulatory System 47 Blood- Vascular System Circulation and Respiration 49 7. Excretory System 54 Nephridia Proto-nephridia ^^ Meta-nephridia Kidneys of Chordata ; Pronephros ^7 Mesonephros j'S Metanephros ^g Theories of Excretion 61 Excretory Ducts as Sex Ducts 8. Reproductive System 62 Sexual Reproduction; Sexes Ovaries and Testes 63 Gonads of Vertebrates 64 Semination 65 Secondary Sexual Characters Asexual Reproduction, or Monogony 66 9. Nervous System ( 1 ) Diffuse nervous system 69 (2) Linear nervous system (3) The ganglionic type 70 vii CONTENTS PAGE (4) The tubular type of nervous system 71 10. Sense Organs 7^ (1) Organs of smell and taste 74 (2) Organs of hearing and equilibration 76 Statocysts Arthropod Statocysts and Ears 78 Lateral Line Organs of Vertebrates 79 The vertebrate ear (3) Visual Organs 81 Vesicular Eyes The paired eyes of Vertebrates 83 The compound eyes of Arthropods 85 Table of Classification and Morphology of Animals Vlll INTRODUCTION THE following pages give a brief synopsis of that part of the course in General Biology in Princeton University which deals with the General Morphology of Animals; other parts of that course are General Physiology, Ecology and Biogeny (Genetics and Evolution). The Gen- eral Morphology is printed in this form because of the difficulty of finding elsewhere any such brief summary and because of the repeated requests of students for such a syllabus. In general the whole subject of animal morphology is here dealt with from the genetical (embryological and evolutionary) point of view because it is easier to under- stand complicated structures when they are seen in the process of becoming and also because by this method fun- damental resemblances or homologies are more readily ap- preciated. In so brief a statement covering so wide a field only bare outlines can be given ; very much has been omitted and many statements which should have been qualified have been given baldly, but it has seemed best in an elementary course to present only the leading principles, processes and structures of animal morphology without confusing the be- ginner with a multitude of details or with many qualifica- tions or exceptions. It is expected, of course, that students will use this synopsis only in connection with lectures, labo- ratory work, and assigned readings. GENERAL MORPHOLOGY GENERAL Morphology deals with the forms and structures of living things and is studied by methods of observation, comparison, development, and experiment. By observing and comparing the resemblances and differences among organisms they are classified into groups that are more or less alike; such classification is known as Taxonomy. By methods of comparison, development and experiment, the factors or causes which determine resemblances and dif- ferences in structure are studied, such studies being known as Comparative or Experimental Anatomy or Embryology, A. TAXONOMY (= CLASSIFICATION) All organisms are classified according to their structure into two kingdoms, plants and animals, a few main branches of each kingdom, and many minor subdivisions. Animals and plants are alike in the more fundamental features of ( i ) Pro- toplasmic and Cellular organization, (2) Metabolism, (3) Reproduction, (4) Irritability. I. DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS Animals generally have : Plants generally have : 1. No cellulose cell-walls 1. Cellulose cell-walls 2. Holozoic nutrition 2. Holophytic nutrition 3. Excretory organ (in green plants only) 4. Movements relatively 3. No excretory organ free 4. Relatively little move- ment c 1 ] MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS However, there may be exceptions to each of these criteria and then the decision as to whether the organism is a plant or animal may be difficult if not impossible to make. II. SUBDIVISIONS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS Both animals and plants are subdivided into one-celled and many-celled forms and each of these is further subdi- vided as is shown in the tables, pages 1 1, 12, 13 of the Labo- ratory Directions, and at the end of this Synopsis. 1. Protophyta are one-celled plants, and Protozoa are one- celled animals in which the entire body consists of a single cell, which may be independent, or may be joined with others like itself to form a colony of similar cells. 2. Metaphyta are many-celled plants and Metazoa are many-celled animals in which the body consists of many cells which differ more or less from one another. 3. Transitions from Unicellular to Multicellular forms. In plants there is a complete series 'of intermediate forms from the single cell to the solid aggregate of cells as fol- lows: (^) Single cell (e.g. Spherella), (^) Linear aggregate of cells (e.g. Spirogyra), (r) Superficial aggregate of cells (e.g. Ulva), (9 3 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS flattened mesoderm cells, the peritoneum^ and is usually divided into right and left halves by two longitudinal par- titions, the dorsal and ventral mesenteries^ one of which lies dorsal to the alimentary canal, the other ventral to it (^, %\ Fig. 5, C) ; in some animals, one or both of these mes- enteries may disappear (Fig. 5, D). In segmented animals the coelom may be further divided into a series of cham- bers by transverse partitions, the dissepiments or septa Figs. 3, D; 12, A), which may disappear more or less com- pletely in some cases. The excretory and sexual organs are developed in large part from the walls of the coelom and project into its cavity. The portion of the coelom surrounding the heart is usually separated from the re- mainder and is called the pericardial cavity; while in the highest vertebrates (mammals) the anterior portion of the coelom which contains the lungs is separated by the diaphragm from the posterior part containing the abdom- inal viscera. 3. Metamerism. A further complication of the gastrula is introduced in segmented animals by the repetition of the principal organs of the body in a series, one behind the other Fig. 3, D) ; such repetition is known as metameric segmentation, and each segment of the body is called a somite (annelids, arthropods, vertebrates). In the simplest cases each somite has its own section of the coelom and its own sensory, nervous, muscular, alimentary, respira- tory, excretory, and sexual organs, and each may bear a pair of limbs or locomotor organs. Each somite in short, contains all the important organs and may properly be called a little body (i.e. somite). [ 20 ] MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS Fig. S- Diagrammatic Transverse Sections of the bodies of A, Coelenterate ; B, Flatworm ; C, Annelid ; D, Vertebrate ; a, blastocoel filled with mesenchyme cells {m) ; G, Gastrocoel lined with endodermal epithelium ; g, gonocoel or cavity of sex ducts and glands, probably homologous with c, coelom of animals with true body cavity ; n, nerve tube ; nc, notochord. The walls of the coelom are composed of a thin layer of mesothelium (peritoneum), a thick muscular layer (solid black), a thin layer of mesenchyme cells (ot) in what was earlier the blastocoel {a), and covering the outside of the body the ectodermal epithelium, while endo- dermal epithelium lines the gastrocoel (G) ; d, dorsal mesentery ; v, ventral mesentery, which ^ has almost disappeared in the vertebrate (D). In the higher segmented animals the various somites are no longer alike (homonomous), but show physiological division of labor, some being differentiated for one func- tion and some for another (heteronomous). In this way some of the organs named above disappear in certain seg- ments, while others become greatly enlarged or modified. C 21 3 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS Finally this specialization of the somites is carried a step farther in higher arthropods and vertebrates, in which we have an intimate fusion of metameres and a coalescence of organs in certain regions, such as to more or less com- pletely mask the fundamental segmentation. This is espe- cially true of the vertebrates, the lower forms of which show segmentation of the axial skeleton (vertebrae and ribs) and attached muscles, of the nerves, of the gills and their blood vessels, and of the excretory and sexual organs ; while in the higher vertebrates (reptiles, birds, and mam- mals) segmentation is limited in the adult to the axial skeleton, muscles, and nerves. The fusion of somites is most pronounced in the anterior part of the body; such fusion leads to the formation of a head {cephalization). The head of insects contains three or four somites (Fig. 15, A), while the vertebrate head is composed of not fewer than nine. Primitively the limbs are all alike and a pair is borne on each somite (many annelids) ; however in higher annelids and arthropods they disappear entirely from certain somites and in others undergo great modifications of struc- ture to fit them for particular functions. In the case of vertebrates they are limited to but two pairs, and it is probable that these are derived from a continuous lateral limb-ridge by the suppression of an intermediate portion. The great modifications and complications which have been briefly sketched lead far from the simple form of the gastrula, which is the ground-form of all Metazoa. 1:22 n MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS III. ORGAN SYSTEMS Organ systems are two or more organs associated in a common function. We recognize the following systems: (i) Integumentary, (2) Skeletal, (3) Motor, (4) Alimen- tary, (5) Respiratory, (6) Circulatory, (7) Excretory, (8) Reproductive, (9) Nervous, (10) Sensory. 1. Integumentary System (^) Epidermis. In all animals the outer covering of the body consists of a layer of epithelial cells, derived from the ectoderm and known as the epidermis. Beneath this layer a basement 7nembrane is present, which in some animals is thick and serves for protection and support (Cnidaria, Platoda). This epidermis is frequently ciliated and it always contains gland and sensory cells and in addition may contain nerve and muscle cells as well as stinging cells (Cnidaria). In some animals the epidermis, which in these cases is called hypodermis^ secretes on its outer surface a cuticular covering which may be a thin and flexible membrane or cuticle (hydroids, trematodes, cestodes, annelids, rotifers), or it may be thick and flexible (nemathelminths) or dense and inflexible except at the joints (arthropods). In other cases the epidermis secretes skeletal structures in certain regions only, thus giving rise to calcareous shells (corals, moUusks, brachiopods). In arthropods this epidermal secretion is particularly dense and tough and is known as chitin; it may become calcified in certain portions. In mollusks the superficial epidermis remains naked except in a certain region, the embryonic shell-gland, where it first secretes a cuticular covering and then forms beneath this a dense calcareous layer, the shell ; c 23 1 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS A de \ Fig. 6. Sections of the Integument of A, young salamander ; ep, epidermis only two cells thick, de, dermis consisting of branched cells and a felt-work of fibers ; B, embryo shark showing formation of denticle (scale) ; its core of dentine d, resting on a plate of bone b, both from the dermis de, and its outer surface covered by enamel e from the columnar epidermal cells c ; C, developing tooth, ep, epidermis of mouth infolded to form enamel cells ec which secrete enamel (black line) ; dp, dental papilla from dermis, covered on outer side by odontoblasts o which secrete dentine dt. (B and C after Wiedersheim). at the margins of the shell gland (mantle edges) the secre- tion of these layers continues throughout life. In reptiles, birds, and mammals the superficial epithelium (epider- mis) becomes many layers thick and the outer layers of cells die and are transformed into horny or cuticular sub- stance, an adaptation to life out of water (Fig. 7). In these three classes of vertebrates there are also a number of characteristic epidermal outgrowths: in reptiles these take the form of horny scales or plates; in birds they appear as feathers which are only modified scales; and in mammals as hair (Fig. 7), while nails or claws are formed from the epidermis in all of these classes. In the mammals there are also epidermal ingrowths which 1: 24] MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS may give rise to various types of glands, such as sweat, oil, wax, and milk glands, all of which are epidermal in origin (Fig. 7). {b) Dermis. Beneath the surface epithelium, which is always ectodermal in origin, there is in many animals a fibrous or connective tissue layer known as the dermis or corium. This layer is derived from mesenchyme and is sometimes called "leather-skin," since leather comes from it. It is especially well developed among echinoderms and vertebrates, in both of which it may give rise to skeletal spicules or plates, thus forming a dermal exoskeleton (Fig. 10, ^/, sp). Among the vertebrates this is especially well developed in fishes, the scales which cover the body being of dermal origin ; in some cases these dermal scales are covered by enamel which is derived from the epider- mis. The same is also true of the teeth of vertebrates ; the inner portion or dentine is of dermal origin, while the enamel comes from the epidermis; teeth are in fact only modified scales (Fig. 6, B and C). Skeletal System An internal skeleton, not the product of the integument, is present in relatively few invertebrates, but is found in all vertebrates and is always derived from mesenchyme. Such a skeleton is found in sponges in the form of cal- careous, silicious and horny spicules; in cnidarians and ctenophores, as a supporting jelly; in many invertebrates, as a system of connective-tissue cells and fibres; in cepha- lopods and certain arthropods, as cartilages surrounding the central nervous system. On the other hand the possession of a primitive axial C 25 •} MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS Fig. 7. Section of human skin; ep epidermis, sc stratum corneum, sg stratum granulosum, sm stratum mucosum, mp Malpighian layer, all of epidermis ; h hair, hf hair follicle, kb hair bulb, og oil gland, m muscle of hair, sp sweat pore, sd sweat duct, sg sweat gland, all epidermal ingrowths ; n nerve, np nerve papilla, hp hair papilla, / sub-cutaneous fat, all in dermis. skeleton, the notochord (Fig. 12, B, nc)^ is one of the chief characteristics of the Chordata; in addition to this there are generally present in this phylum many other skeletal elements which are usually cartilaginous or bony. In all MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS true vertebrates the notochord becomes surrounded by cartilage, and the whole is then constricted into a series of segments, the centra of the vertebrae; from these centra cartilaginous arches grow dorsally around the spinal cord, while other skeletal arches, the ribs^ surround the trunk and later articulate with the vertebral column; finally the ribs may be united ventrally, thus forming the ster- num', these parts constitute the axial skeleton (Fig. 8). The degree of development of notochord and vertebral column in embryos and adults of different classes of verte- brates is shown in the following table : AXIAL SKELETON UNSEGMENTED CELLULAR ROD SEGMENTED VERTEBRAL COLUMN EACH VERTEBRA COMPOSED OF SEVERAL BONES EACH VERTEBRA A SINGLE BONE Amphioxus and Lowest Chordates In adult Sharks In embryo In adult Bony fishes Amphibia Reptiles In early embryo In later embryo In young and some adults Birds and Mammals In earliest embryo In early embryo In young In adult In addition there is the skeleton of the head (the skull) and that of the limbs (the appendicular skeleton). In the lower vertebrates and in the embryos of all higher forms the skull consists of a cartilaginous cranium partially sur- rounding the brain, and of paired cartilaginous rods form- ing the skeleton of the jaws and gill arches. In higher ver- tebrates these cartilaginous elements undergo ossification, 1:27 n MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS and in addition dermal bones are formed which partially overlie this cartilaginous basis. The appendicular skeleton consists of two limb girdles partially surrounding the trunk and axial skeleton, namely the pectoral and the pelvic girdles^ and of the skeleton of the limbs themselves (Fig. 8). In the fishes these girdles and limbs are peculiar and it is difficult to homologize their skeletal parts with those of higher forms; in all vertebrates above the fishes, how- ever, the relations of these parts are similar and their homologies are not difficult to determine. The corresponding parts and bones of the Fore Limbs and Hind Limbs PARTS BONES PARTS BONES Upper arm Humerus Thigh Femur Fore arm Ulna and Radius Shank Tibia and Fibula Wrist Carpals Ankle Tarsals Palm Metacarpals Sole Metatarsals Fingers Phalanges Toes Phalanges 3. Motor System All animals at some time in their lives have the power of locomotion, though in some cases this is lost before adult life is reached and the animal becomes fixed like a plant (hydroids, sponges, crinoids, molluscoids, and many para- sites). However, in all these cases certain parts of the body preserve the power of movement, though the animal as a whole is incapable of locomotion. Animal movement is of three fundamental types: amoeboid, ciliary, and muscular. (^) Amoeboid movement is limited to individual cells and is manifested especially by free cells. It consists of a 1: 283 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS Fig. 8. Human Skeleton. Axial skeleton consists of vertebral column (fc), ribs {rb) and sternum {st). Skull consists of cranium (cr), bones of the face, jaws (,md) and hyoid arch. Appendicular skeleton consists of the shoulder girdle {cl, clavicle and sc, scapula), the pelvic girdle (zV, ilium, is, ischium, pb, pubis) and the skeleton of the arm and the leg. The bones in the arm and hand are humerus Ch), ulna {u) and radius (r), 8 carpals {c), 5 metacarpals {mc), 14 phalanges (,ph) ; the bones of the leg and foot are femur (/), patella ipt), tibia {tb), and fibula {fb), 7 tarsals it), 5 metatarsals {mt) and 14 phalanges ipk). MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS streaming of semi-fluid protoplasm and is typically illus- trated by the proteus animalcule, Amoeba. In this proto- zoan small lobes, or pseudopodia^ may appear anywhere on the body, and into one or more of these the endoplasm, with all that it contains, may be seen to stream, at the same time being withdrawn from the other lobes. This flowing may continue for some time in a given direction, the outflow of protoplasm at one end of the body being compensated for by the inflow at the other end, thus pro- ducing an actively progressive movement; this is, there- fore, a vortex, the current moving forward through the middle and backward at the periphery (Fig. 9, A). The causes of this movement are obscure, but in some cases it seems to be associated with temporary inequalities in the tension of the surface layer; at points where the ten- sion of this layer is reduced, an outflow of protoplasm occurs, forming a lobe or pseudopod, into which proto- plasm from the main body continues to flow so long as the tension is least at this place. Several points of reduced tension may exist at the same time on the surface of an amoeboid cell, so that several lobes or pseudopodia are found radiating from a common center. In other cases such movement is, perhaps, due to the general contrac- tility of protoplasm, local contraction in one part of a cell causing an outflow in another part. (^) Ciliary movement consists in the rhythmical beat- ing of innumerable small protoplasmic threads {cilia) which project from the free surfaces of certain cells and which act somewhat like oars. Among one-celled organ- isms the entire cell may be covered by these cilia; in all Cso;] MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS B c yi Fig. 9. Types of Motor Cells. A, amoeboid cell, arrows show direction of flow ; B, ciliated cells, showing successive stages in the stroke (1-7) and in the recovery (7-12) ; C, smooth muscle cell, the peripheral portion of cell converted into contractile fibrillae ; D, striated muscle cell, with four nuclei, one side of cell filled with fibrillae, each consisting of a series of nodes and internodes, the latter with a granule at its middle. multicellular animals they are limited to the free borders of certain epithelial cells. The beating of a cilium includes two movements, — the stroke, which is rapid and by which the cilium is sharply bent in one direction, and the re- covery of the original position which is relatively slow and weak. It is probable that the cause of this beating is the unequal contraction of the protoplasm on different sides of the cilium, by which it is bent first in one direction and then in another. All the cilia covering a free surface beat in unison, the stroke being in one direction, and the movement is so timed that beginning at one end of a ciliated tract it seems to pass in a wave-like movement to the other end (Fig. 9, B). 1:31 : MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS {c) Muscular movement^ the principal type of move- ment in higher animals, is caused by the contraction of muscle fibres consisting of a kind of protoplasm especially differentiated for this purpose (Fig. 9, C, D). During the contraction or expansion of a muscle there is no change in its volume, the shortening of a fibre in one axis being com- pensated for by its expansion at right angles to that axis. All of these types of movement are found in certain Protozoa and in many Metazoa. Amoeboid movements are, however, usually restricted to free cells without mem- branes or dense cortical layers of protoplasm, such as certain egg cells, embryonic cells, endoderm cells, excre- tory, pigment, and lymph cells of various Metazoa ; in no case is this type effective in the movement of large bodies. In the larvae of all phyla except the nemathelminths and arthropods, locomotion is brought about, at least in part, by cilia, and even among the adult forms of many lower metazoans this is the principal type of locomotion (ctenophores, turbellarians, nemertines, rotifers). Among the nemathelminths and arthropods cilia are usually lack- ing throughout the whole life-cycle. In large animals locomotion is effected entirely by muscular contractility, while cilia are limited to certain regions where by their beating they produce currents. Muscle fibres are found in all Metazoa; they are of two kinds, striped and non- striped or smooth (Fig. 9, C, D) ; the latter are of very wide distribution throughout the Metazoa, the former are limited to a few phyla (mollusks, arthropods, chor- dates). Smooth muscle is contractile to a much greater extent than striped muscle, but is much slower in action. 1:32 3 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS The muscular system may consist of isolated fibres such as are found in many cnidarians, platodes, and rotifers, or these fibres may be united into bundles or sheets as is the case in most higher animals; these groups of muscles show many differences and can be compared only in a general way. In general the arrangement of the body muscles depends upon the presence or absence of a skeleton. Animals such as annelids, which have no skeleton, usually have the body musculature arranged in the form of two coats, an outer layer of circular fibres and an inner of longitudinal ones; while the intestinal musculature is also arranged in two coats, the outer (next the coelom) longitudinal and the inner circular (Fig. 5, C, D). If an exoskeleton is present, as in arthropods, these muscular layers of the body wall are broken up into bundles which become attached to the skeleton ; if an endoskeleton is present, as in verte- brates, the muscles become attached to the bones, many of which serve as levers. The locomotor apparatus of echinoderms is unique, consisting of a great number of tube-feet, which are hol- low muscular tubes, closed at the end by a sucking disk. The cavity of each tube is connected with the water-vas- cular {ambulacral) system within the body, from which water can be forced into the tube-feet. In this way they are protruded until the sucking disk touches and becomes attached to some object; then by contraction of the mus- cles of the tube-foot the water is forced back into the water system, and by simultaneous action of many of these feet the body is slowly warped along (Fig. 10). [ 33 3 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS FIG. 10. Cross section of arm of Starfish ; ep, epidermis ; d, dermis containing calcareous plates ipl) and spines {sp) ; c, coelom ; gp, gastric pockets, lined with endoderm (en); rn, radial nerve, lying in epidermis ; tf, tube foot, containing a water tube which communicates with an ampulla (am) ; s, sucking disk at end of foot. 4. Alimentary System With the exception of a few internal parasites which absorb their food in a digested condition from the bodies of their hosts, some form of digestive system is present in all animals. Digestion is the process of rendering insoluble foods soluble and dialyzable. One of the distinguishing charac- teristics of animals is that they, unlike plants, take in, through a mouth opening, solid food, much of which is in an insoluble condition. This process is called ingestion. By the process of digestion some of this insoluble food is rendered soluble, and hence capable of diffusing to all parts of the organism, where by a process known as assimi- lation some of it is built up into the substance of the proto- C 34 !] MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS plasm itself. After the substances rendered soluble by- digestion have been removed from the food, the indigesti- ble remnants are cast out of the body in solid form {egestion). Intracellular Digestion. Among the Protozoa digestion occurs within the body of a single cell, that is, it is intra- cellular. The same is true of sponges and some Cnidaria, in which the food, consisting of microscopic particles, is ingested and digested by certain epithelial cells, lining the endodermal cavities. In all animals above the sponges intracellular digestion is limited to the endoderm cells and to certain free cells, such as white blood-corpuscles (leucocytes^ and it is of decreasing importance as one ascends the scale. Extracellular Digestion. In all animals except the lowest, digestion occurs principally in a digestive cavity surrounded by cells which pour their secretions into the cavity. By the action of these secretions certain insoluble food substances are transformed into soluble ones. This digestive cavity is in all cases derived from the enteron or primitive digestive cavity of the gastrula, and in the sim- plest cases it is little more than a sac whose walls may be folded into ridges or septa, thus enlarging the digestive surface (Anthozoa), or they may be extended to form tubular canals, the gastro-vascular system, by means of which the digested food is also distributed to all parts of the animal (Scyphozoa, Ctenophora, Turbellaria, Fig. 11, A). Openings into Digestive Cavity. In all Cnidaria except the lowest class, and in all animals above the Cnidaria, C 35 3 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS ^. ^"o: ^^l FIG. 11. Diagrams of a Flat-worm {Planarian). A, showing gastro-vascular system in black, water-vascular (excretory) system as unshaded tubules ending in flame-cells, muscular pharynx, containing oesophagus, cross-hatched ; B, showing female reproductive organs on left, single ovary at anterior end of oviduct, which receives along its sides vitellaria, or yolk ducts ; testes, numerous shaded spheres on right ; uterus and copulatory organs, posterior to pharynx ; C, showing nervous system consisting of brain at anterior end, two nerve cords running posteriorly through body and giving off numerous lateral branches. (After Hatschek). MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS the ectoderm surrounding the mouth is folded in at the mouth opening, thus forming an ectodermal tube, or stomodaeum, which opens at the inner end into the gastric cavity. Among chordates this ectodermal invagination forms only the mouth cavity, the oesophagus being derived from the endoderm. In all Cnidaria, Ctenophora, and Platoda there is but one opening into the gastric cavity, the mouth, and through this single opening food is taken in and undigested remnants cast out. In the Nemertinea, and with a few exceptions in all higher animals, there is a second opening into the gastric cavity, namely the anus, through which the ejecta pass out. The anus is formed by an infolding of the ectoderm which meets and fuses with a portion of the gastric wall; this terminal ectodermal portion of the digestive tract is the hind-gut, or proctodaeum. Fore^ Mid, and Hind-Guts. With the formation of an anus the digestive tract becomes tubular, with mouth at one end and anus at the other, and the entire canal is divisible into three portions, an ectodermal stomodaeum or fore-gut, an endodermal mid-gut, and an ectodermal hind-gut. The relative development of these three por- tions differs much in difFerent phyla; for example among chordates the fore-gut is limited to the mouth-cavity, and the hind-gut to an insignificant terminal portion of the intestine, while the mid-gut gives rise to all the inter- vening portions of the digestive tract (Fig. 12, B). Among arthropods, on the other hand, the mid-gut is limited to an extremely small portion of the digestive tube between the stomach and the intestine, while all the remaining portions 1 31 : MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS are derived from the fore and hind-guts. In all the higher animals the fore and mid-guts may be subdivided into mouth-cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, and intes- tine (Fig. 12, A and B) and in some cases these portions may be further subdivided, as for example in birds where the oesophagus gives rise to an enlargement, the crop, the stomach is divisible into a glandular stomach and a grind- ing stomach, or gizzard, and the intestine consists of two portions, the small and the large intestine. Finally into a portion of the hind-gut the excretory and sexual ducts as well as the intestine may open, in which case this common chamber is called the cloaca (Fig. 12, B, cV). Various portions of the fore-gut may be armed with teeth, usually of a horny character among invertebrates, and of calcareous material in vertebrates; salivary glands open into it, and both mouth and pharynx may be pro- trusible. The digestive and absorptive surfaces of the mid- gut may be increased in three ways, — either ( 1 ) by an in- crease in length, in which case it becomes folded or coiled, or (2) by folds which project into the canal, or (3) by diverticula, that is blind sacs or tubes, which open out from the canal ; in many higher forms all of these methods coexist in the same individual. The extent of the digestive surface depends primarily upon the character of the food ; if the latter is highly nutritious the digestive surfaces are much smaller than where it is poor in nutrition. In car- nivorous mammals, for example, the alimentary tract is from four to five times the length of the body, whereas in certain herbivora it may be from twenty to thirty times the length of the body. MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS ^o MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS Digestive Cells and Glands. In the simplest Metazoa it is probable that all the cells lining the digestive cavity are alike and that they all secrete the same digestive fluids; in more complex animals the cells differ in structure in different portions of the tract. Some of these cells form diverticula or blind tubes opening out from the canal ; thus digestive glands are formed which pour particular diges- tive secretions into the alimentary canal. Those most gen- erally present are the salivary glands, opening into the fore-gut, and the liver and pancreas (or where both are united, as often happens among the invertebrates, the hepato-pancreas), which open into the mid-gut. Movements of Food in Alimentary Canal. In all of the lower invertebrates except the round worms the food is moved about in the alimentary tract by means of cilia or by general contractions of the body. In all higher forms the contraction of muscle fibres surrounding the canal plays an important part in this movement, though cilia may also be present. In the chordates both longi- tudinal and circular muscles surround the canal and by their rhythmical contractions produce a wave-like con- striction of the canal (^peristalsis^ ^ which passes along the canal from mouth to anus. 5. Respiratory System. Respiration consists in the exchange of gases between the body and the medium which surrounds it. The gas given off from the body is principally carbon-dioxide, one of the products of combustion within the body, while that which must be supplied to it is oxygen. Since oxidation is the one essential feature of destructive metabolism MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS which occurs in all living matter, it follows that respira- tion is a universal function in organisms. In small and simple animals this exchange of gases takes place directly between the living cells and the surrounding medium and occurs all over the surface of the body. In more complex forms with body fluids the exchange takes place between the cells and the body fluid or blood {internal respiration) and then between this fluid and the external medium (^.x:- ternal respiration). There are no special organs for in- ternal respiration. External respiration may take place through the general integument of the body without the aid of any specific organs, as is the case in all small animals and in many larger ones, — for example flat worms, round worms, rotifers, small annelids, and even some vertebrates, such as the lungless salamanders. However, in most ani- mals of any considerable size, special organs exist to facilitate this exchange. Branchiae^ Gills, In aquatic animals vascular processes are present which serve to bring the blood into close rela- tion with the water. These processes, which are called branchiae or gills^ are covered by a thin epithelium through which an interchange of gases contained in the blood and in the water can readily take place. To facili- tate this interchange the gills are usually much folded or branched so as to afford a large surface, and they are frequently covered by cilia which serve to keep the water in motion, while at the same time the blood is circulated through them. The simplest type of gill is a ciliated ten- tacle, which may also serve other functions, as in Mollus- coida and some MoUusca (Fig. 13, A); such gills may 1:41 3 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS m- ac .h .p aa Fig. 13. Respiratory and Circulatory Organs of Snail and Crayfish. A, Snail (Paludina) ; a, auricle; v, ventricle of heart; aa, abdominal aorta; ac, cephalic aorta; k, kidney; /, liver; g, gills ; V, vein carrying blood from body to gills ; bv, branchial vein carrying blood from gills to heart (blood goes from heart to all parts of body, comes back to kidney and gills and then goes to heart); t, tentacles; m, mouth; eg, cerebral ganglion with eye on its anterior side ; pg, pedal ganglion with statocyst on its posterior side ; /, foot. (After Leydig). B, Crayfish ; h, heart with 3 ostia (openings) on each side into pericardium (/>) ; aa, ab- dominal aorta ; ac, cephalic aorta ; as, sternal artery. Arteries are shown as empty tubes, veins and sinuses as black. Blood goes out from heart to all parts of body, comes back through veins and sinuses to gills, and then goes to the pericardium and heart. (After Claus), MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS become branched or plume-like or may fuse together into plates (Lamellibranchia). Gills are situated on those parts of the body where they will be most exposed to currents of water, and they occur in the most extraordinarily different positions in different phyla; thus they may be found on the limbs (some annelids, crustaceans, Fig. 13, B), on or around the head (sedentary annelids, molluscoids), along the sides of the body (primitive mollusks), on the lateral walls of the pharynx (chordates), or as outgrowths of the hind-gut (holothurians). Homology being "corre- spondence in the relative position and connection of parts," there can of course be no homology between struc- tures occurring in such diverse positions, and yet within a given phylum they may be homologous and of high mor- phological value (for example chordates). In the chordates a series of gill-clefts opens right and left through the walls of the pharynx (Fig. 12, B), and in the lower classes of this phylum the gills are found as highly vascular plates or tufts on the outer side of the arches lying between these clefts; water is taken in through the mouth and then forced out through the gill- clefts and thus over the gills. In the higher classes of the phylum (reptiles, birds, and mammals), imperforate gill- clefts and gill-arches are present during embryonic life, though at no time in their entire life history do these animals have gill filaments and respire water. The con- stancy of gill-clefts and arches among vertebrates gives this character a high value in determining the affinities of such doubtful forms as Balanoglossus, Cephalodiscus, and Tunicata. 1:433 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS The fate of the embryonic gill-pouches in different classes of vertebrates is shown in the accompanying table: Embryonic Gill Pouches Become in adult 1^/ Pair 2nd Pair 2trd Pair Ath Pair 5th Pair Lower Fishes Spiracle and Thymus Open Slit and Thymus Open Slit and Thymus Open Slit and Thymus Open Slit and Thymus Lower Amphibia Never Open (( « " Never Open Higher Amphibia Never Open Eustachian Tube and Middle Ear Open in Larva, closed in Adult Reptiles, Birds Mammals " Never open at any stage. Remnants of various pouches become Thymus, Tonsils, Parathyroids. Tracheae^ Lungs. In animals which do not dwell in water, and in some few which do (insect larvae, lung- fishes, etc.), certain infolded portions of the body wall or of the pharynx occur into which air is drawn and from which it is again expelled. Among invertebrates these in- folded portions are generally derived from the skin; among vertebrates from a portion of the alimentary canal, the pharynx. In the case of insects and allied forms (Tracheata) these infolded portions have the form of much branched tubes, the tracheae, which reach to all parts of the body, the terminal twigs of the tracheal sys- tem of tubes being found in connection with almost every bit of tissue in the body (Fig. 15, B). These tracheae open to the exterior though closeable pores, the spiracles, situ- ated on the sides of the body (Fig. 15, A) ; air is taken in MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS er-- FiG. 14. Gill Clefts of Vertebrate Embryos. A, Shark ; B, Chick, C, Man ; g, the gill clefts (black lines) between which are the gill arches (unshaded) ; M, mid-brain, H, hind-brain ; e, eye, er, ear; ft., fore-limb, hi, hind-limb. (After Scott). through these pores and by means of the tracheal tubes penetrates to all parts of the body, the exchange of gases taking place directly between the tissues and the tracheae (Fig. 15, B). Among the vertebrates the lungs are an evaginated portion of the pharynx. The swim-bladder, which in most fishes is a hydrostatic apparatus, (Fig. 12, B, /), in the lung fishes (Dipnoi) becomes highly vascular and may serve as a lung. In all higher vertebrates the lung is paired, and its walls which in the lower classes are rela- tively simple, become much folded and very richly sup- C45 : MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS 3 2 1 Fig. 15. Respiratory and Sensory Organs of Grasshopper. A, Surface view, showing head ^ s^**" ^ ^U ^^-H h§ «^ "<£ ^- ^ .s .s S ,w o' "^-^s^'-^SSQ^.cS ^ ^ S R^" 5t.t: C^ S a i^ •' o o " tn ° „ O" ^ a -^ ^ 2. t> .ti <^^a&^..£^;^SE^ s^.2 „ c:s- .c ^_t; <3 ? 5 ^ ' 1^ S 3 ^ CO E Ji-O ft a . •= >:S "^-^ 3 4; E- §^ MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS embryos and adults of different classes of vertebrates is shown in the accompanying table : Theories of Excretion. There are two conflicting theo- ries as to the method of excretion, {a) The theory of Heidenhain holds that the cells of the nephridial tubules take urea out of the surrounding blood capillaries and pass it into the tubules, while the fluid which comes through the ciliated funnels or glomeruli merely flushes out the tubules. Excretion on this theory consists in selection of urea by the cells of the tubules, {b) The theory of Ludwig maintains that fluids containing urea pass into the tubules through the funnels or glomeruli and the cells of the tubules then take up pure fluid from the tubules and pass it back into the surrounding capillaries. The cells of the tubule therefore merely concentrate the solution of urea in the tubules. The latter theory is the more probable. Excretory Ducts as Sex Ducts. Finally, the nephridia may carry off from the body-cavity not only coelomic fluid, but also cells which are set free into this fluid; some of these cells in the annelids may be loaded with urates which are thus carried to the exterior (chlorogogue cells), but the most important of the cells which thus escape from the coelom are the sex cells, ova and spermatozoa. The excretory ducts may be especially modified for carrying off these sex cells, in which case they are known as gono- ducts. Even among the vertebrates the oviducts and sper- miducts are derived from the nephric system. In some vertebrates the oviduct is split off in the embryo from the segmental duct and opens into the body-cavity at its an- terior end through a pronephric funnel (Fig. 21, C, /) ; its C 61 ] . MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS posterior portion may enlarge to form a uterus. The sper- miduct is the segmental duct itself (Fig. 21, C, sd) ; in Amphibia it carries off both urine and spermatozoa (Fig. 21, C) ; in animals above the amphibians, which have a metanephros and ureter, it acts exclusively as a spermi- duct (Fig. 21, D). Some of the mesonephric tubules (nephridia) grow into the testes and become the vasa eferentia and epididymis (Fig. 21, D, ep). There is thus an intimate relation between excretory ducts and genital ducts, and therefore these two systems in vertebrates are usually classed together as the urino-genital system. 8. Reproductive System Reproduction among animals is both sexual and asexual ; the former occurs among all animals, the latter is limited to the lower forms and to the constituent cells and organs of higher ones. Sexual Reproduction; Sexes. Sexual reproduction or amphigony consists in the union of the nuclei of two cells, the sex cells or gametes, to form a single nucleus or cell, of double origin, the oosperm or zygote, from which a new individual similar to the parental form develops. If the gametes are approximately equal in form and size their union is spoken of as conjugation, if they are very unlike in these respects they are called ova and spermatozoa, and their union is known as fertilization. Both conjuga- tion and fertilization occur among the Protozoa, whereas Metazoa reproduce by means of differentiated sex cells, namely ova and spermatozoa. In a few animals ova have the power of developing without previous fertilization, the process being known as parthenogenesis. If such de- :62 D MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS velopment without fertilization occurs in larval forms which have not completed their development it is known as paedogenesis. In many animals the sexes are separate, — that is, ova and spermatozoa are produced by dif- ferent individuals, males and females, and the species is dioecious; in some cases, however, both kinds of sex cells are produced by the same individual, which is then said to be hermaphrodite^ and the species is monoecious. Sepa- rate sexes were probably derived from hermaphrodites by the suppression of female organs in the male and of male organs in the females; in fact each sex has rudiments of the organs of the opposite sex. Ovaries and Testes. The essential reproductive organs are the gonads, or the glands which produce ova and sper- matozoa, namely the ovaries and the testes. In sponges the reproductive cells are widely scattered through the mesoderm so that in these animals ovaries and testes can- not be said to exist. In the lowest cnidarians (Hydrozoa) the sex cells are at first widely scattered in the ecto- dermal epithelium, but they actively migrate to certain portions of the hydroid stem where reproductive buds are being formed, and, aggregating there, form gonads. A similar migration of sex cells into the gonads has been described in several vertebrates. In all higher animals definite gonads are present. No genital ducts are present in the coelenterates and none are needed, since the sex cells can escape directly into the water in which they live. In animals above the coelen- terates the sex cells are mesodermal in origin, and in most cases form a part of the epithelium lining the coelom. In C63 3 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS animals without a true coelom the sex cells arise in tubes or glands the cavities of which may perhaps represent the coelom (Fig. 5, B). In flatworms the gonads, espe- cially the testes, occur in considerable numbers in a single individual (Fig. 11, B). In round worms they are limited to one or two elongated tubes ; in rotifers, mollusks, mol- luscoids, and echinoderms they are confined to one or at most a few sex glands, while in segmented animals they are found in primitive forms in every body somite, though with advancing organization they become limited to a few somites or even to one (Fig. 12, A). In most animals above the coelenterates some form of duct (gonoduct) exists for carrying the sex cells to the exterior; among the flatworms, roundworms, and rotifers these gonoducts are never the protonephridia, though they may possibly repre- sent the coelom of higher animals. In higher forms the gonoducts are usually metanephridia, or modified excre- tory ducts. Gonads of Vertebrates. In vertebrates the sexes are sepa- rate. A single pair of ovaries or testes is located in the dorsal part of the body-cavity near the kidney ( Fig. 2 1 , ^ ) , but in almost all mammals the testes descend from this position and come to lie outside the abdominal cavity in the scro- tum^ where a lower temperature favors the development of spermatozoa. The ovaries remain in their original po- sition and when the ova in them are ripe they break out into the body-cavity and are then carried to the exterior through the oviducts (Fig. 21, od). Spermatozoa of ver- tebrates never escape into the body-cavity but pass out c 643 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS through the mesonephric tubules and segmental ducts (epididymis and vas deferens, Fig. 21, D, ef^ vd). Semination. In many aquatic animals the ova and sper- matozoa escape directly into the water, and there the eggs are fertilized and undergo development; it is probable that in these animals the escape of ova stimulates the males to eject spermatozoa so that both kinds of sex cells are shed at about the same time. In such cases enormous numbers of sex cells are produced and very many are wasted. A slight advance over this condition is found in those animals (frogs, bony fishes, etc.) in which the open- ings of the male and female ducts are placed close to- gether at the time of shedding of the sex cells; this is known as external copulation. In other cases the spermato- zoa only escape from the body, and by means of currents of water they are carried into the body of the female, where they fertilize the ova in situ^ as in sponges, or they are carried into certain receptacles, into which the eggs also are collected, as in fresh-water mussels. In other animals copulatory organs exist which serve to introduce spermatozoa into the sex ducts of the female, thus in- creasing the chances for the fertilization of the ova; this is known as internal copulation. In many cases copulation occurs rarely, sometimes but once, and the spermatozoa are stored in a seminal receptacle which opens into or near the oviduct. Internal copulation is a necessity in all land animals and in most parasites, and it also occurs in many aquatic forms (flatworms, round worms, rotifers, gasteropods, cephalopods, annelids, arthropods). Secondary Sexual Characters. In certain animals the [ 65 1 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS sexes differ not only with respect to the sexual apparatus but also in many other regards, which are known as secon- dary sexual characters; when such differences are very marked they constitute what is known as sexual dimor- phism. In such cases the male is sometimes very degen- erate in form, being occasionally only a small fraction of the size of the female and entirely lacking alimentary canal, sense organs, and nervous system (rudimentary males of rotifers, barnacles, etc.). Asexual reproduction^ or monogony^ consists in the for- mation of new individuals by division of an old one. In one-celled organisms and in the constituent cells of higher animals this takes the form of cell division or the partial division of cell aggregates. In the lower Metazoa asexual reproduction is not limited to cell division, but the entire body or portions of it may undergo constriction and sub- sequent partial or complete division, thus giving rise to new individuals. This division may be into equal parts, in which case it is called fission ; or into unequal parts, when it is known as budding or gemmation. In animals which reproduce both sexually and asexually there is more or less regular alternation of one method with the other; this is known as alternation of generations or metagenesis. The alternation of amphigony with parthenogenesis is called heterogony. 9. Nervous System Sensation and coordination are manifestations of pro- toplasmic irritability, or that capacity of receiving and responding to stimuli characteristic of every cell. Animals, even the simplest, are sensitive to a variety of stimuli, [ 66] MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS among which may be mentioned mechanical, chemical, thermal, and electrical, as well as light, gravity, etc. These stimuli acting on the organism, start changes in the proto- plasm (impulses) which are transmitted to portions of the body distant from the point first stimulated and call forth the coordinated activities of many different parts. In higher animals there are special sense organs for receiving certain of these stimuli and specialized protoplasmic fibres (nerve fibres) for transmitting impulses, while nerve centers (nerve cells) for coordinating activities appear very far down in the animal scale. In the lowest animals, however, there are neither nervous system nor sense organs, and yet through the irritability of the general protoplasm these functions are performed. In somic of the higher Protozoa there are specialized parts of the protoplasm which serve for receiving and transmitting stimuli, but in the lower forms of this phylum these differentiations are lacking; and of course there are no specialized sensory or nerve cells in any pro- tozoan. The same is true of sponges, where none of the cells are differentiated for receiving and transmitting stimuli, i.e., there are no specialized sensory or nerve cells. In all other phyla, however, certain cells of the body are set apart for these particular functions, and the greater the differentiation in these respects the more definite and varied are the sensations, the more swiftly impulses are transmitted to the motor system, and the more compli- cated are the responses. The elements of the nervous system are nerve cells and fibres, the latter being merely outgrowths of the former C 67 ] MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS Fig. 22. Nerve Cells and their Origins. A, Epithelial nervous system, the five large nerve cells and the many nerve fibers (small circles) being part of the surface epithelium B ana C, Epitheliogenous nervous systems. B, Delaminate Nervous System, the nerve cells and fibers having split off from the surface epithelium ; C, Tubular Nervous System, the nerve cells and fibers having folded in and then separated from the surface epithelium. D, Unipolar Nerve Cell of an Annelid with one nerve fiber ( + ). E, Multipolar Nerve Cell of Electric Ray, the fiber marked + is the neurite or axon, the others are dendrites. (After Hatschek). MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS (Fig. 22, D, E). A nerve cell with all of its outgrowths is called a neuron. In practically all Metazoa these cells are derived from ectoderm, and in a good many animals the sense organs and entire nervous system remain throughout life a part of the superficial epithelium which covers the body (Coelenterata, Chaetognatha, certain An- nelida, Molluscoidea, many Echinodermata, Balanoglos- sus) ; such a nervous system is said to be epithelial (Fig. 22, A). In all other Metazoa the nervous system, though formed from epithelium, separates from it in the process of developmicnt, so that brain, ganglia, and nerve trunks come to lie some distance from the surface of the body; this is known as an epitheliogenous nervous system (Fig. 22, B, C) . In addition to the two classes just mentioned, which are based on the relations of the nerve cells to the body layers, four types of nervous system are found among Metazoa which are based upon the relations of the nerve cells to one another; these are (i) the diffuse type, (2) the linear type, (3) the ganglionic type, and (4) the tubular type. (1) A diffuse nervous system^ consisting of nerve cells and fibres scattered throughout the superficial epithelium, is the simplest type known and is found among such animals as hydroids and sea anemones; the nerve cells are here connected together by means of fibres into a nerve plexus. (2) The next step in increasing complexity is repre- sented by a linear nervous system found in jellyfishes, echinoderms, fiat- worms (Fig. 11, C) ; here many nerve cells and fibres are aggregated into definite lines or strands, C69 3 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS thus forming a centralized nervous system; other nerve cells remaining scattered throughout the epidermis serve to connect the nerve strand with the muscles. (3) The ganglionic type. In ctenophores, a sense organ from Which nerves radiate, is found at the apical pole (Fig. 2, C, so)^ and in a great many of the higher animals the earliest formed and most generally present portion of the nervous system is a group of nerve cells, or ganglion, which appears at the apical pole of the gastrula, and be- comes in the adult the cerebral ganglion^ or brain, lying on the dorsal side of the oesophagus (Figs. 3, 1 1, 12, A) . Nerve trunks are always given off from this ganglion, and very generally two of them run down on each side of the oesophagus to its ventral side, thus forming a circum-oeso- phageal nerve ring (Fig. 3, D). In different phyla longi- tudinal nerve trunks may be given off from different parts of this ring; in the case of annelids and arthropods this ring connects on the ventral side of the oesophagus with the ''ventral nerve chain ^'' which consists of a bilateral pair of ganglia in each somite connected with those in front and behind by nerve cords. The first one in the chain is the suh'oe so phageal ganglion^ connected with the cere- bral ganglion by the circumoesophageal connectives (Fig. 23, A). In the moUusks the nervous system consists of a pair of supra- and sub-oesophageal ganglia {^cerebral and pedal) which with their connectives form an oesophageal ring. To these is usually added a pair of plural and parietal ganglia forming a loop which extends back into the body, while ventral trunks {pedal cords) may be present in the foot (Fig. 13, A). 1:703 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS A B Bstr Fig. 23. A, Nervous System of Crayfish, consisting of cerebral ganglion (eg), circumoesoph- ageal ring (or), sub-oesophagial ganglion (so) and ventral chain (vc) of 12 ganglia. (After Huxley). B, Sense Cells in Epidermis of Earthworm; E, epidermis; sz, sense cells with fiber running into the ventral chain of ganglia (Bstr). (After Heidenhain). (4) The tubular type of nervous system is found only among the chordates; here the nervous system develops from an epithelial plate {^neural plate) on the dorsal sur- face of the embryo, which becomes invaginated in such a way as to form a longitudinal groove, the neural groove. This then separates from the epithelium as a tube (Fig. 22, C), which in all vertebrates is enlarged at its anterior 1: 71 3 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS end to form the brain (Fig. 4, E, n). This neural tube, while apparently a continuous structure, is really com- posed of segments, the neuromeres^ one neuromere being formed in each body somite ; the neuromeres are thus com- parable to the ganglia of the ventral chain of arthropods and annelids. This segmentation of the central nervous system of vertebrates, is indicated even in the adult by the segmental arrangement of the spinal and cranial nerves. In the embryonic development of all vertebrates the brain consists of three enlargements or vesicles, the fore-brain^ mid-brain^ and hind-brain (Fig. 24, A); the first gives rise to the cerebrum and 'tween brain of the adult, the second remains as the mid-brain^ while the third gives rise to the cerebellum and medulla (Fig. 24, C). The portion of the neural tube posterior to the brain becomes the spinal cord of the adult. With the differentiation of nerve cells and fibres in the walls of the neural tube these walls increase greatly in thickness, while the originally large cavity of the tube becomes restricted in size, forming in the adult the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the cord (Fig. 24, K). 10. Sense Organs The simplest sense organs are the scattered sensory cells found in the superficial epithelium of many animals ; these may be solitary or aggregated into buds. They are elon- gated epithelial cells with a hair-like process at the free border and a fibre at the deeper end connecting with the branches of a nerve cell (Fig. 23, B). They are organs of general sensation, — that is, they are capable of receiving MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS various kinds of stimuli, such as mechanical, thermal, elec- trical, and chemical, and are therefore largely undifferen- tiated, though probably chiefly subserving the sense of touch. These integumentary sense organs are found in almost every group of animals. Among the vertebrates they are pres- ent in primitive form over the general body surface; in the fishes and amphibia they are aggregated into buds, forming the lateral line organs^ while among the vertebrates which do not dwell in water, deeper-lying organs, of modified type, are found (^tactile cells^ corpuscles^ and hulbs^ Fig. 7, np). In ad- dition to these organs of general sensation, higher Metazoa generally possess specific sense organs namely, those differen- tiated for the reception of particular kinds of stimuli. These are organs of ( 1 ) smell and taste, (2) equilibrium and hearing, (3) vision. (1) Organs of smell and taste are organs for receiving chemical stimuli; they are present in all vertebrates and in many invertebrates. Their structure is extremely simple, being but slightly modified from the type of the primitive organs described above. In fact the olfactory sense cells of vertebrates are merely scattered sensory cells, while the organs of taste (taste buds. Fig. 25, A) are simply aggre- gations of such cells. Throughout the Metazoa the organs of taste and smell are generally located in ciliated pits or depressions of the integument either on the head or at least near the mouth or respiratory organs. In these positions they serve in the one case to test food and in the other the quality of the medium used in respiration. Among fishes the olfac- tory organs are located in pits on the front of the head; in all air-breathing vertebrates these pits open posteriorly into the mouth-cavity or pharynx, and thus form the anterior part of : 74 3 MORPHOLOGY OF ANIMALS A Fig. 25. Organs of Taste and Smell. A, Taste bud in epithelial layer. B, .Antennule of Crayfish, au, auditory sac on basal joint; ex, exopodite ; en, endopodite. C, Portion of exopo- dite bearing many hollow, olfactory hairs (leol|^tr. . ROTIFHM. Mitre VII. NEMATHELMINTHES :, ANNELJD.V Ringed covered br dense e. chilin; wilhout cilia. XI MOLLUSCOIDEA. , ECH.mODERMATA XIV. CHORDATA canal on ventral side s ... gill sliU opening throng), laleral walla of pSarynt Oi.hi..roidea (Brittle. , Suckers, Mnsdes !:SI: fbS;:'c5r W, Gonads. Dncu. Copnl S.J. Gonad.. Dncl Dor..?'"^^:;',,!!-^. lany layered Epidermis, Set Connective Tissue c Hypodermis Setae and Cutid Epitheliogcnou ^''ventrS^Sin '" fj'o Cilia *"' <"'&. .lesand^oi Fore-Mid-Hind ( '"^alplghian Tubes" lpilI*'fXs. Coxal'ciar rf.«. Gonads. Ducis, Copuli rf.?. Gonads. Ducts. Copula 1^,9, Gonads. Ducts. Copula SimoU Eyei Auditory "cR^n. J.^.9. Gonads, Duel: Cerebral. Pedal a 'cssels. No Capillaries (<.?. Gonads. Ducts. Copula 'i'. cmiilll'. 1 d Altmentanr Syi .-ind Glands (mouti PKary Brain. (Cerebrum aoc Eye Spots.— Olf. Organ Imtll and Taste Organs Eyes, Ears. Smell and Taste i^::±g:s&tf