SYONAN BOTANICAL QAHT'KNS )4 Monthly report for January 2605 A) Dp. FURTADO'b RiflWf _ ' *v> n -• - I jr-*i V- 1. Administrative & Technical Staff : There was no change in the administra- t i ve ana tne techmica 1 staff. Mr* GH^iN YORK ^HY^, ir. P. B0N*MI8 and Che NOADIMAN were ill with influ- enza or malaria for some u&^ a* 2 # Clerical ; Che «fUIwU.Ml was in charge of the usual office routine. There was an increase in work in this laonth due to the calculation of tne lncres s in the coolies* wa^es ana also in the calculation of the budget for the coolies wages for the comin^ year* The increases in the salaries of the Ho- joins and the other budgets were calculated by mr. qttAN aH GUN, the ayoki- Syunin jointly of the liseuiris and the u ardens Mr, ESPiBKSRMAH and sometimes Mr* B0NAM1S assisted Che JURAIMI Che JURAIM and I shd alscT^evote a good deal of oup time in compiling different statistics required from the Gardens’ Police Auxiliar es, eitherbbecrmse the other Gardens* Police Auxiliaries sere too bUB^ w th the gardens' work o because ^he statistics were urgently re- quired and there was no time t > explain the detail n to others* (In the Gardens* Kampong there live 11 police auxiliaries ana tnere are two more on the staff who live outside the Karapong)* Mr. ESPECKBdMAN also completed typing a list of plants tf Flora of Syonan II Monocotyledons M compiled, at the Director s request, by Mr. 3. J. H. CORN Bit, and " A List of Malayan Ferns * by Mr. R. B* H6LTUM. The typing was done at different times, but it is reported now because no report was made earlier. On several occasions Mr. ESPBCKLRMAN was called to attend to his poet and meetings as a Syokutyo in the 3 Division of Syonan. 3. Herbarium: Che NUR rearranged 4727 specimens in the Herbaria i incorpora- ting in it the specimens from the Hongkong herbarium of the families concer- ned, that is, of Haemodoraceae, Indaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Dioscoriaceae , Liliaceae, Cornmelinaceae , and Flagellariaceae. Che KIAH collected and dried seeds of different kinds of economic plants, and occacionally also living plants whenever wanted by Nipponzin visitors to the gardens. Ohc KIaK was also away for five (5/ days from 22-27 January for the pur- pose of collecting in *enang the specimens and seeds mainly of Geophila herbacea and Rhlnacanthus naaautus the former is said to contain emetine, a drug widely used in amoebic dy sentry , while the leaves of the latter plant ure a cure lorringworm, both maladies quite common now among many a labour force. Over to specimens or drawings were identified for Nipponzins. 16 p varus were written for the inuex of the Genera not represented before in tne herbarium. This addition of new genera is due to incorpora- tor! in tne Herbarium the specimens from the HonKong Herbarium which conta^nf| many specimens from temperate Asia. Libra r; : Mr. B0NAMI3 inspected and cleaned the books as usual and uHsic ted in the ^reparation of the different clerical returns. He fumigated 71 b > 0 K 8 and cleaned 637 volumes in all. mji 5. Forest Reserves : Che NGADI14AN was in charge of the Reserves In \\ and Bukit Timah. In both these reserves there was some unauthorised fellings by the coolies of some butais; but, since steps thave been taken to inform the Mpponzin superiors, it is expected that no Buch fellings will be made again. 6. Seeds : There was a good demand for vegetable seeds from mppon-zina especially from navy officials. The seeds mostly of 8awi, Bayam, Basella^ Climbing spinach), Kangkong, Cucumbers, Brinjals, Kundor(*ax Gourd) ,Talinum( Java spinach), Brechtites(Tumba-turaba Jipun) were supplied. The seeds of red Bayams(three kinds), of green Celosia with red flowers, and of small yellow flowering zinnias were supplied to the Tokubetu-bi Suido— for the purpose of camouflaging the water reservoir on Fort-Canning and further advice was also given fax how to get other living plants for ,he purpose, bo e seeds of flowering plants like Oaluhinla glauca , dwarf zinnia . Balaam, *a *igold, Celosia spp; etc* r~re g ven the of T' 'lala of a paper factory in Palem- b..n-, tin ' --m >eda of medic!-' pl.nte, but ao far ,e could supply only those of Cagniaaifita, J^f u batsa mifera . Andrographls _j^ijailgta , .rings. al.£a, a tu8 audition planting material of Ortho bij : 1 £11!?. , StsUt-Jv. — and Tithonia div. rsifolia . 7 Sulta na • 2 beds of Strouhanthu., 1~ plants of .lluntn, 27 px»nts oa '^uceaV'Tbeds of Hozelle, and 3 beds of a caffe-rent Ai*^cuu*er'* planted. X;, addition, several seeds of Androgrspius ana tobacco w«. e t o- u The other vegetables are reported below. t» vexe ables; The vegetable pxots were maintained as ui,luu ''“Vo. ides o/suoplyi^ seeds to the local people, a .a also pro*. ■ ox tg vegetate * to all our people. The labourers ..ere supplxeu each ni about p ,.stxea oi co uaunal pious over cu Uxi^a oi tapioca! -x 1 * ,, * A of Ua^ae, 31 bsas or Uyeet Potato, o beds oi Aelaux, timber wd 1 •?lL new shelters near the office were covered up Wi ^h amb.- ana turf.' 'The plants in the tropical show houses were changed from time tine bo as to maintain the attraction of the px-ces. 8ome flo,,erl ? * ' Srxine * A snelte *s in the Gardens' Kampong were cleaned twice d .x « the ’ th- rains on the night of 26th January two trees brofce do: r a >d ic was found tuat both had been weakened by splinters passing fiten ritw the shelling in February 2602. ^s the trunxs ,,ere an obLac' to roar, traffic, they were cut and removed in the same i ht bp usiwr »h..: Oarderc ' coolies. IP, babou: ere; All thf d r' labourer® were given a 2 to increase i n tris t ) the large incre. s© granted in October last to mth # this in additi - the cool Le a draw in le- ;i ' ti an a dollar a da\ • , -» ^ f*« n - .■he health was on the whole very good, the people suit*, ring o 1. fro- minor ailment®. i l1 ’ 1 \ uri t> t montane, Dioacorea pentaphylla, croton . - igofera, Ganna (Fride of X.L. ^ » Xilaun ho.. ,, Gorchorus oiitorius, ilhouodendron (J lota;, uutvx , .... .. u - Ubiacua US. *» * 9 » 4), Khodooe..uron _ . : ,o roaua and tubers of aaorphopiialiua, iu.u another species. , Plante ,ox ... - ■ ap., A talantia, Fukiena, hibiscus (« l Ixthonia » nna a i*ew Antiiurj-ui^i®. e , * x , ' 1 OfU' *i® .ere f\irnifii:®d with new tern root®. ■ jur ola •« of Hho do dexu irons were pianteu at the Plant ncuse. Jv, ujisui cessful attempts at grafting tonatoe on to faoli.nui.) ( -*aat ) -.1 jot J VI 0I*tJ tl^i lilt, t _ . it InAAO UtOritl J 0r>B» pollination of Garna® and also oi Arrauidaeas were r, ttenpte i. to n-i: .ids- The orchid collection of seedlings and larger plants • “ It usual? The collection of spathoglottis plants were re-potted. ^fe.v^new ^pollinations were made, chiefly of Lendrobiura {?^^I fTtL f 1 ?sT ti ! ?e r iu y 2ver 1 tio 8 y^arsi d aml wSKtlSid W«V HblTTUM. Three new hybrids flowered for the first time; Vanda Su^trana ♦ ^raoteXs II^Kerx.ui S a . v..t.n-. ioHeuhine + V. Hookeriana-ti oa a mu, the oth .'b discarded. E. T * * HOLT TOM 9 S BOTAIflG/tL A OKK . . . Mr."' KOLTTOM oo“ leter^hi® series of drawings of charaoterxstxc fee tiu-es of Uul.yan fur an.l continued to wr^te general account: ^ of tne ^ Qjj | of i _ .g i" 4^1aya. jogHi* ol Malay© * yra®Be® t * ! f\ i %■ - e 3 . writing new jlescriptioru of the IV, lagan specie^ of tint erera Paspalum, i an lour: # B^tachiaria , Ifiachne . All k ropsie f Srioehlon an iUconopuii , with key® to the species in each genue. C. Mr. CpiJihR' S hOiVdagAT, WORK Mr. COHk R continued his fttudiM on Malayan i **uit« # with respect to the development or the aril. 'he investigated particular! the Caesalpinoideae and was obliged to ma i, Borne detailed v Vudiea on the c.evelopment ox the flower* a id fruit in as grc.v e .era as were growing -in. tht Botanic Garden. v 54/f > r * 1 SYONAN BOTANICAL GARDENS Monthly report for February 2605 A) Dr. FURTADO f e RLDORT 1, Administrative ^ Technic a l Staff : Dr, FURTADO continued to be the chief administrative and technical assistant, and Mr* .UAN AH GUN, the Syoki-Syunin of the Department. . , ir. '■ . a, f fAXIAMAWM | rad Kr* B NAMI8 wet* sick from influenza and malaria, Che JURaIMI was down with muraps, 2. Herbarium : Che, NUR rearranged 2320 specimens belongin to the plant fami- lies jfuncaceae, Pandunaceae , and Araceae. Che, KlAH collected a number of seeds of different kinds of economic pla ts and prepared them in packets for the purpose of distributing them to the mili- tary and other public. He also went round to collect specimens of some ferns. Citrus hystriftf lLiiaau Purut), Lay slum domes ticura (Duku & Langset), and a, ecimens of some species ®f Lrythrina now flowering in by o nan. Over 115 specimens were identified for the Nipponese officers, most. of them were medicinal or poisonous plants. Information concerning them ami other plants was su^pl^ed. 3* Library : Mr, B0NAMIS cleaned and inspected the books as usual. He also typed for military visitors to the library over 40 pages of information con- cerning the uses, history, analyses, etc of some medicinal plants, 4* Plant and Seed Distribution ; Over 200 packets of vegetable seeds were dis- tributed to Nipponese visitors, most of the seeds being of kitchen vegetables like Basella, Talinura, Bayara, Erechtites, Celosla, Saw! , Tiraon and Kundor, in some cases cuttings of Tapioca, Sweet-Potatoes and Chekur Mania were given. Of medicinal plants seeds of Andrographis panlculata . Datura rnetel and cuttlr. of Tinosporo and Orthosiphon were supplied. Of ornamental and other plants the following were supplied: 1 clump of Gyrtostachys lakka . one of Bambusa sp. , one of Musa Textillg . 20 seedlings of Hymenaea courbaril (West Indian Locust tree), 100 plants of Lotus plants $-20 cuttings of Pterocarpus indicus (Poko Sena). In addition some military took a number of grown up seedlings for camouflaging purposes. * - i 5« Port sts : The two forert reserves were maintained as usual. There was njr florae unauth >rised felling in the Bukit Tiraeh Reserve but the suspected culprits bee a warned, 6. bul t.»n a : In a. ion to growing foodcropB the medicinal > lots were weeded ml cheu. Further 25 beds of Orthosiphon (Kurais Kuching) were planted, witn cuttings, 2 beds with seedlings of Akar Ohireta (Andrographie and 2 ,dt a seeue of blumea balsaraifera. V 7. ye f«.c tabl e ri ot s : The lots were maintained with the usual view of g rovdi, cooxju vegetables to meet the needs of the labourers arm other staff, t .veep a soock of seeds and plants for the public and to eervu as a uifflouBtx'uUoii for the Nipponese. In all about 2* katies of leaf,, ana o Kitties of Tapioca were supplied free to the labourers, the prouuce from plants grown in smaller scale being distributed to the members of the office staff, Darin > this month an attempt has been made to bring unuer cultivation abou;, o acres more of lan^in the Sultana, For this purpose the coolies were released from other work twice a week. As soon as this work is over, the co launal plots will be attended again. j c, La$ro and General Work : Motor mowers worked on Lawns B, K and W, where babats and scythes were also used. The Bunroc :ery, the paths in Lawn 0. the drains in 0, et Main Gate and Maranta Avenue were weeded. Supports were sup pi led to several Bougainvillea and Orchid Plante in Lawns B «■ X. Plants at the office and Plant house were regularly changed. 4any trees were pruned of their branches which obet^jeted the ro;>d traffic or were coring in contact with telephone wires. The coolie linos were cleaned twice during the month. 2 . Police Auxiliary Work : Sight Hojoins and three Miscellaneous Workmen a" the Gardens are serving ns members of the Police Auxiliary Force (lUisatsu Kyozyodan) and as. such they are called upon f re quently to do work concerning passive defence. During this month Mr. ESPECKdRMAN ( a Syokutyo in the 3 Division) an I Dr. FURTADO (a Kumityo in K Division) and his assistant Ohe JU RAIMI (xalboin) had to do a good deal ©f work in calling for and verifying the -worker* e books, and in their absence employers 1 certificates, to see if any of the persons were affected by the Male iSrapl oyrae nt Or di na no e . In this connection the h^usehol ere had also to be told not to get alarmed at this inquiry since the object of the ordinance, as explained in the preamble, is to direct the able bodied males between 15-40 years ©f age to more useful work as juoged from the food production ami the military point of view, leaving th^ less useful and non-fatiguing work for the males not falling in the above mentioned category, and to the female workers. In the three Kumis in the Gardens and around it, no one has been affected by the ordinance. Further we had to inform the people that though the Government would very much appreciate if female workers were to step in and fill up the vacancies created by the males affected by the ordinance, as explained by the official announcement, it will not violate the social or religious oustjuu of the local communities by compelling the female population to do work in offices, factories, etc. 10. Propagating Yard : Seeds Sown - Canna, 2 hybrids. Cuttings - Geophila (from Penang), Atalantia (suckers), Ruta graveolens, Petraeovitex, Petrea arborea, Ravenia spectabilis. Rhododendron indicum, Stephanotis, Lonicera Japonica, and a few unlabelled plants from Penang. Plants Potted - Lagerstroemia tomentosa. Hibiscus Nos. 95 , 87, 90, 79, 83, 102 $ 81, 85, 75.Mucuna Bennettii, Cactus sp. In the Glass House practically all the begonias, ferns, and succulent plants were re-potted. y J - Plants planted outside include Ravenia spectabilis, Zephranthes (hybrid Cooperanthes (hybrid), and Rhododendron (hybrids). Attempts at grafting tomato on Solanura (Santo Gaja) were made. A number of cross pollinations between a disease-resistant Canna and other varieties were made. Many flowers of Arrabidaea rotundata were crossed with A. magnifies and one good fruit resulted. )J 11. O rchids : month. A The orchid collection was maintained as usual during the nu: iber of plants were re-potted. A few new pollinations were mnrl of plants which rarely flower. B. Mr. HCdihJ rf S BOTANICAL WORK ter/” .OLIVIJ l continued his study of the grasses native in Malaya, writing new descriptions ef all species and correcting the names in Ridley 1 l KLor,. a e completed a survey of thePanicun tribe and began to Veal with the Anuropo, tribe. He also continued to write a summary of his ULual ©oaervati >ns on Malayan ferns. C. Ir. dJu. BOTANICAL .«QRk Mr* OU h/.R continued hie researches en the structure and development of h;l yuii fruits and seeds. He has nearly completed the survey of Leguminous seeas, and has made a large number of drawings illustrating he devel >pment net only ef the fruit but of the flower. The research has led to laay points of revision in the classification of the tropical Leguminosae f S YOKA! 3QT.,, .■ ,x/l, L it . Monthly repo r fc for February 2603 „) rr. purtjfq ' s imfORT %* * djiinistrntiye J Technical Staf f: Jr* RLFTAlX) continued to be the chief edninistretiv© end technical assistant, and Mr* I/AN AH GUN, the Byoki-J- gin of the . Mr. ^LUh ah GUN , Mr* YORK uHYiS, M&. T PAKIANATHAK, and Mr. B0HAMI3 were sick from influenza and malaria* Che «TUR>iIMI was down with mumps. 2, m /bari um ; Che. iff, rearranged 2320 specimens-- belon. ;L - Lo the plant fami- 2 1 e n «,;ui ica c ©a c , Pa ndr na ceae, a nd Ara c ea e . ^ che. collected a number of seeds of different Trit-s of ec c plants ene prepared then in packet S3 for the purpose of die tribute iii then to the mili- tary her public, he also went round to collroL cpcci-owns of same ferns , i -?n 'u •/ a: s t r iftyCLlraau lurut), L sl^aium don e st ion. y :;u • 1. irvoat , aru speciir.enf * aoJt ri.HL-irs of Srytiirina now flowering in <■ mm. t inci 1 1 . «.i rt o th > • r» J.l • nt ... k a./ 4 .UlVv r»\r type ?ci fir nt cernii IK t he t he i oil o . i iv were su p lied; i0 i ,,s j. ppolic ”c a X i icex'f , iaos t of 0l‘ ma -ft -J v ■V'K C uc<. hem a 1 1 . . - ki Li, c boo * i cj .1, il c vi 1 so P y* 0 pHp f a. Of inf or i 1 " r\ y, a t x or* con- on ie d i • a! • • -:e ts of v eg C tfi bio PC 6 n C*. * p 4 k~* * . v •e die- ee 1 1 s be in oi' ki to hen vege table os • # J. Cl , Saw 1 * xl non mid AUiU i • 3 <*5 and Oho kur -k a n -L i ;e re gi v en. ic uj. n 1 a (j* | Ti a a. * * tuw o me tel arid cutting! Of 0 /-!»■% <; mp a i in n w : it al and oth er nl 4* ants B 8;fl cusa Bp * » one of ais a 1' ex tills . 20 seedlings of Hyme naea ccu r barl l (west Indian Locust tree;, 100 plants of Lotus plants ,V 20 cuttln, s of ? t e ro c g rpu g i • 2 : cu b ( l oho Sena - * In addition some military' took a number oi grown up seed 1 inn ^ for camouflaging purposes. 3. Fo rests ; The two foret t reserves were maintained as usual, There xr s me unauthorised felling in the Bukit Tiraah Reserve but the suspected culprits have been warned. itn seeds of rlwu a balsc ;iif ora. 7# V eget ab le f lats: The : lots «ere maiuUii .run, with the usual vie* oi growing common veget; dies to meet thv. needs or tne labourers enu other tali , t kc«p a t .mcu of seeds anu _ Ian lb for Lie public ana to serve a 3 * nemo net rati for Lae ip^onese. In all about d katica of leaf; vegetable ^ act o ice tx e , a wi/j-jOii . two- aupplic* t Free to the labourers , cne produce f roi plants grot. in s udl ( % nd . 1,1 ice Auxiliary Work : .sight He joins an, three iiiecellaneous ^.ortonen fron the Gardena are serving .mbera oi the Polite Aux - . fron Uie far uems art? bcj-v-lh^ —*7 \ " ~ ^ (l.eisetsu Kyozyodan) and as such they are called u P? r ‘ fre ^f / a work cancemlW' passive defence, During this month :4r. iiSP^^K^IRgAr ( o iL the I division) an 1 It. FChfAfO (a hunityo in n Division) an. his assistant Che JUJU1MI (iteiboin) had to do a good deal or w ^*^”, Caxllng for ant ve .'if •••inf the worker’s books, and in their absence ^Players cex tifientee, to see if any of the persons were affected by the .foie In this connection the householders had also to be torn not „o . ut alarmed at this inquiry since the object of the ordinance as explained in ^ preamble, ie to direct the able bodied males between lr-»0 ye* 1 A - _ more useful work as Judged from the food production and the mlio.ii} - — •* view, leaving, the less useful ana non-fatiguing torn t or tlvs not i„ Hu. ir. the above mentioned category, and to the ieml- workers. in the tain e Kui.,ic in the Gterdens and around j^t, no one has been ai.ected b;, .he OX * ^Furtuer we tod to infom the people that though the Gov.rnaent would v i auch appreciate if female workers were to step x. ana tin c,. tue ...osuciea created by the males effected by the ordinance, as explai-»e<, oj tbt official announcement, it will not violate ta« ■ 1 0l ' t ,u : . . customs of the local corx.unities by compelling tu a. ale yo„»U.ut-.n to ^ t ork in ofi-tcee, factories, etc. mkm W # i j rp pfi ^a tin^ Yard : jtodti U’wn ~ Qcnnf > 2 bi^x-ius# Or Stingo - Oeophiln (fron Penang), Atalr.utia U . r, _ A _ „V _ «i5 ■ni C- i’lants tia (sue k<- /*e ) y kuta j {VhVGOlt Htj , ; ia v tr n i a r o c 1 abil i r y Kho dodenr^ ron » so.)). i c r. , x i u. .. f e w unlabclled i i >is ) >s :-os. k> f 37 $ 90, 79, 03, lii j lyf^CtlUa 6p • *■* . plants from Penang. e& - La^erstroemla tewaentosa , 102 ol. c35, 75.i:ucuno Beimettii, Cacti . h sp. in the ^laas Uoum practically all the toegoBlaR, i vm: , anu succulent '{aplu^ribh^s ^hybrid) | plants were re-potteu. Plants planted outside include wavenia syac .aoxiis, Coepcranthes (hybrid), and lihododeuaron (aybrxde). . _ _ •• . Attempts at grafting tomato on iioiaaum (ban to daja, A number of arose pollinations between a disrase-raEistant oi , ...,n . .... other varieties were node. Many flowers oi arrabiuaea rotun.u»t., «ei » crossed with A. magnifies nr d on« good fruit meultea. 11, orchids: The orchid collection war. maintained as durinrj-hc ^ non th. TTnur-iber of plants were re-potted. A few new pollinations we. c . of plants which rarely flower. 3. Mr*. KOLTTllC 9 S BOlViKlUAL » «0.U. . . , ErD huLVOTJt continued hin study of the grasses native xa^a, ( writing new descriptions of all species and correcting the names i. h id-ley s Flora. he completed a survey of thePanicun trio, and began to ue*i .x.n the Andi'opegtfat tribe. he also eoatiaued to write a summary oi his usual o'D3urva tloiits on xtixis. ky • SF/ . tli idi^cou ti uued 1 * his researches on the structure and development of xslayiiti fruit . nu seeds. he iu.s nearly completed tn* survey '<* htv-umiuoua -sceus, and has .xde a large nunbtr oi ura-mgs illustrating the . uvalnomt-nt .oi oni t >f the. fruit out ol the flower. The research nar led t “ p"i. C i rev don i . the classification of the tropical Aegum..nosse. z o ■ r Ba/ fs ( 4 i 3Y0: BOT, V ;«Ii< i.'.i M - j.-.thly re -.rt for- March ?6Q5 SJ5 K+r *&Ub" *—i9 Q ft h) Dr. PURTajO ’ G tiV J.U.. 1. Administrate v<~ TochAic;..! Gtuff t There was no change in the adainistra- tiV !hHu.*rSe C hL£ir^u *„ai-t.n*. was ill for 12 days with paou^ala, a ; a was treated at the bob win Hoapital. ■»# as.ecKernan was ill with xnij.uv-.uza, 2. rierbariuia: Ohe . ’angcd loijo specimens in Jibe Berbariua belong t n: ; to ju-aoeae ,Si«na«eae , Naiau..ceae uyper%ceae. ihe apeoinieui ox -ntsu faailioa from the hongaong herbanuu ..ere xncorporaaed in the general hei t>c- " iUm che a-lrdi collected ana dried sceas of the economic Pi»ht» _aiia also brought in living s .eoiraes when wan tea by visitors. In all 15-> s^eciiaent were determined for the Nipponese military • m JAN & Mr, BGNaMIS inspected the books both for verair hr £tt£u£ m the I„S„ Card.. XlpPOOCM »“ f of boom and reference. partelnlns to the .uhject. of -SjJJ.iS’XiSi ,jS 'e' medicinal. Mr. BONaMIS also typed some sheets o t j.nfoi raation required o t the visitors. 4. seeds t~ Planting Material Distributed : Many Military and Naval Butaiis visited the Gardens for vegetable seeds and toe f oiiowin^ wt £® x® £ ‘ Talinuia and iirechtites 120 paoKets of each, lemon (Cucumber; o packets, Bringala 5 packets, Celosia 20 pacxets, Anurographis 10 packets and Datura Mete! 3 fruits. Cutting a of the following were given away: , % , Tapioca 400, Talinum 100, Ortho siphon (Kuwia Kuching) 30 cutting , Tinospora indioa 30, and Uoecinea indica 25 • c Vfityp table Plots* They were maintained as usual with the purpose oi a ko f d^ grtmenf of the commonest vegetables and with the purpose ox enabling the department to supply the coolies with some vegetables v iy frequently. Owing to the heavy rains, all the plots suffered a bit *» many freshly prepared beds were washed off by the rains. b. Labo ur F orce; These were supplied with 5 katiea oi leai^ vegetables ana 6 jea ties’ of Tapioca, all free of cost. Owing to the very high rise in price or foodstuffs, the staff as a rule have been unable to Purchase in the commodities like fish, green gram (green *achang) are no ao.e controlled in the market. This has nad a very auv^-ise eiiect on tne n . itn oi tne staff as can he seen by the look at the piiysrcque of our men, irepxent diluents, also the lowered power of resistance ei~©a# to V, " l “ i i'f/coubln J tiou with the Police Auxiliaries, the coolies have been advised to cultivate every available inch of ground, to rear poultry, to ennnunt in larger uantities a variety of weeds and other eo/amonveg enable. th.*t . re avail- -ble in the area, and also to e». frequently c. ,xi ale of li htl ;/ f r u nted tapioca or cereals. (This last contains a quantity ox‘ Vitamin B. ) a The rur .windings of the Coolie Lines were cleaned officially 4 oxraes durin the month so as to reduce the danger from mosauitoes, Hey. ever, it would be a great boon if green gram (Kachar^ j^iji Hija , could be made available to our people at controlled price, at least at the rate of one katie per head. 7. ,,ult. rn : Most of the tirae of the ° oolie u avel i*^® rifi intaining the existing economic plants. however the i allowing Indigofera ~ 4 beds Krythroxylon - 2 beds *'6 re pin n ted: Blumea « — 5 beds Hibiscus (Roselle) 2 beds The following were harvested: 3esamura indicum - 5 katies Castor oil seeds - 1 Katie . AIfo about 5 katies of the branches of *ucar Chireta (Andrographis / ana 2 cities of Orthosiphon (Kurais Kuching) wore given away to visitor* to be used medicinally. £4 ; p> / s ■p'l’, fiscal.. Work : Motor lowers were worked in Lawns C,A, X B 0, and babats and^ scythe* ware worked in Lawn I>, X & 0* ’ The plants in Lawns G, it, B, E & 0 were weeded. The drains in Mare.nta Avenue, Dalvey Gate Road and in Lawn Z were cleaned and weeded. The at tap roof of the «j e quarters was mended with new attaps. The bullock cart was repaire and was used to transport compost, sweepings etc. The show of plants in rl^nt homes was maintained as usual. 9* forest Reserves : Botn tut Reserves were m&xntained as usual, Che NGADiilAd making frequent visits to both these places. 10. Propagating Yard : . deeds hewn — Datura, ducuma sp. , Arrab^ea rotunda ta (Goss.) Cuttings taken — Rondeletia odorata, Petrea nigo^a. Hibiscus Nos.. TO, 49, 51, 4, 42 , Juniperua conferta. Pl.nntp potted — Piper nigrum. Hibiscus 61,85, 78, 102 f Lycopodium squarrosum, Rhododendron No. 47, Livietona, Wooolf rdii Spathoglottis, Begonias and Maiden-Hair Ferns. In the Glass douse many Begonias and Maiden Hair ferns were propagate . Three plant* of Ravenia a; ectobilis and 1 Bougainvillea (Lord Will irq Aon; ere planted in the Lawns. 11 . Orchid s: Maintenance of the Collections was continued a* usual. B ) ’Jr. BQLTTU M f 3 BOTANICAL WOR K R?* Holt tun continued hi* study of Malayan grasses, preparing new descri tions of all species. He completed his account of the large tribe Andropogoneae and then dealt with the miscellaneous smaller tribes; the only re Ining large tribe is the Bambuseae. C ) Hr, CORNER'S BOTANICAL WORK Mr. CORNER continued his studies on the structure of the fruit, seed and flower In the Legurainoiaae , with a view to preparing an adequate introduction to this important family of tropical plants. He also continued VA* researches on the arillate seeds of flowering plants in general, making use of the living material in the Botanical Gardens as flower and fruit were produced. Thus, the f eld of study varied enormously from Miehelia to Delonix *nd Podocerpus. Many paintings and drawings of microscopic structure were ramie. ! ffmthly Kt nx>t lor &ay 2605 a) Dr. rUKTADOV j A.'- OHS 1. A ia iniajtratiyc / w ta to Know the euiblu ones, 3. . . iir ai'y ; uhe :LW dki , one JUK tiiil t dr. Bj.hdab ana Hr. i&rjjUhJfaJlAh . as-it-t^u in cleaning the books ana inspecting them inolue, Killing the . bore : . lie t present. . < . . serves ; Che NQADIIUN continued to be in charge oi’ the two \ S reserves. In the Bukit Tlmah lie serve vigilance had to be iih r et c i order to prevent the neighbouring Butais from encroaching on the x*erervee unknowingly. The coolies carried on regularly the duties both oi patrolling the area and of cleaning the paths. 5. y jego t‘ ble Plots 3 These plots, as anal, are maintained, firstly, to grow, for the purpose oi* demo \etration, as many con? ion, easily-growing local vegetables ns possible, and secondly , to provide for the entire staff, including the iempsyaa, as much leafy vegetable as possible. The seeds were also collected for the purpose of sup, lying them to the public. t. . Join : una 1 Taj X oca £ lo t s : An Attempt is belli lade to increase the area of the coiwauiia 3Tp lanti ny a under tapioca. For this purpose more people are being released from general work. During this month about 9 katics 61 tapioca tubers were distributed to every Hojoin and Kotiusya in the Gardena. | 7 * ouitana ; Owing to the re pilremetits of a Butai, the plots of Incigo and Castor oil had to be changed. Hence these two eropsfare now tK.i;ig planter in a new area. in aduition the following were __ liiiitfcl! Ort.iO siphon liuiuia Kuching) Jd beds ^ cuttings) Aiiilrograi his v*ocar jhireta) lb teds (ueedlin,;a; mature me tel (kechubomg) cannabis males var ^Ganja) 4 ecus (se<-de) 2 teas { seeds) o. General hox-a ; .iotor Lawn dozers were worked in Lawns 3, L», -a, a and h , a ud baba *s in La* ns ji, C , 0 a a. »eeain <*ae uone in drains ana around plants in Lawns a, 3, 0 and Bunrockeries. The cut grass, fallen loaves, etc. were collecteu and re: a ved to the vegetable plots for composting. Owing to many thefts of tapioca, the Tyersall grounds have been closed in many parts by barbed wires; this fence will be extended in the next month. The a srpenter and his assistant repaired r *< oi the huts in the Tyersall, soldered old watering cans an i repaired the Taira and the Plant houses and a cement water tank, that m, in addition to doing their usual duties of working out thi motor pupip, making labels, etc. The orchids ana the show plants in plant-houses and at the on ice if ore changed from time to time. i >. Laborers : The condition of the Iticour force has oouslderabl; v,. :, t .. ; , n ; ; . -he nx «*h rise in the cost, of living and no w that the >:u .Xy of bre-,d iu* bOv 2 ■ ' stopped they v*i31 feel tae ir.oo all the n»?»e, h cci-ily tin a pc -so,:./' who ha ve r large initmfoer of members of the family ,vhc ore not ■ foie to v?ork o k thus contribute tov/ar is the reiuotion of the fo iji p ex coses. xt is ,nt., this view :•■ mind that the Deportee t o?. ■ tO-ii; _,ta beet to anwift it. -3 .tUiff by exte; ainy the plot 3 under tap i ooa . . i. vogc tables anti giving nouethi^ extra to those who have largo f . diies. X. '. , • d .0 tx ie /e. '(3 carr ' od o* as n r ..-1* . O t _ , 11 ■ i • .4 .S ‘ . I . UCjit2P£< 1 i . \ it ■ n C »■; i ik.‘ <>u eds so on : - oumiabi 3 3a £ i va Cutting t..,von: * Ole^ruuir ( ink), fotrea ruposa, Caliietemon phoeni cells , o'uppreeeua piuifera v u ,ervxvci*8 car pyr&nia lis, « i. At^o roaou , ji-u JTelsla undulate , Plumbago caponci a, iiuot.ioae:i,:.ror iou u ura. j ia.iu^j i>o voei4« “ /ui’tiuiv: , iiibiscui. woa. Af * 7 o ob , # ]u*.*6c, ts , ;tn‘S ox cu* eo ro tmiun to . A — ttC-> UX i.t i’j * i -tOt.ifJt, ^ I 1 Oj_ <•* t j. v. ; . , U* CO t> 5’/ . 1 & Ou . Iji) : J - 1 1'. ', 1' 0 ol ...x ,i..iu i W 4*i' xViuc aUjplieu w . tu bone meal fwx*t..i .Ustu u . . bout do ,ea am xal orchitis acre furnished wxth fern r iOtni <3uao two t xou.jui f /in x-nxti uni. riant nouao* . x t U:. ^ x x .il ci*oesxii>. oit; oa were trie.i. .- rve ion ui hi 1 . i ' F " U -: «*U***tw* 4»ae nursery. drafts of a* nciron hybrid on to , .no, lenaron a. uc iv. 3 wnvs i.tUa -tud. *u A fw 11. . . c'ftluB : na ntc a tue of orchid seedlin* s and older plantp co tinueci as umeot Xn flasks as Inn-; ns .•ootvible , ao tnat tuQj V'-,;. be safer foj* transplanting. Fuv, r iei seedt' were pi anted. XUo ... ’■nnlrobiUii plants repotted some ino'it im ago are now will grown ami soiwe ewe xlowe. i i c . .tore have been repot t-ed during the month. } . ir. H-i/i'ltJ i f i3 bdlh.-i tfOJt XV -« Pi ' ia. hhL'a- i**id coi dieted hie account of the itelsynn ^rajaineao ( r e s, re; . iiv: deacrl time of tne bamboon. Tne bamboo 3 in cultivation in . den» wars very use Ail in this work. >l»n anil li.:t of cult . o-x. bi.mbooa wore checked Q ci sm o wronr identification!? correctct 'i; ‘111**3 '*e ▲ « ij j about thirty BpeeicB ox' 'cwii boos in the lardeua, incl idiiig three from iol . arhvh are f. rowing very vigorously. Towards* too end of the month. -i a stui'ivV of the fwi.dly eraoeae. - ,* ' * ^ * ut-i- y i)0 a j ■ i. a > • Jilt » -»es "Tuu c Is ’3; nearly" ccJirioted 1 his re s *e^rch/on the fined and fio/er Oj th ( . ,» 1X1. UOEatJ 9 a. - j i*xy tliu f t 1:1.2 O ** tluVlCil WiL. il-uitB auu seoati of s«vw>-nl Uyra sticc.cese , (Joriaaroocuo and btrruliaceae .... - 1 .* - vie* uttu vxWu > li *£• -4 m. I .j k’. 4 ill * i jl * >' Ox tllii-x: - ' SU2 *Ut. t tiro * .• .vl l .1 3 iutd a u. ut ox uiic x'xrst vol.. :c of v tor a on the arx.fiitivc fruit of i ?* »4 *4* 1 ) al Wi idb ^ V ilA. bh Lit* 1 1 .4, t> ^ C itxjrelp hiui fciie I»«: or:inoaae. **!?*!* % 3Y01V-' BOTi^.ICaL >• - Monthl y x'c rt 1 or V. roh \ 7 * ■; \ t K ri } j QPo ; P . 1 « /Ullfin.* . .» tm X> 1 V 6 ■-■: j. | - clill j.Cvi 1 . ■ tuf f j f'hbri - . i' c ; i. . . > ■ wive dud tieuium;...! Bt.xff. mie dun, the Uerbi **.-■.:» an t , ■ ±11. f ; * .<■«:« :;t Uic fun ‘ i'Ur. . .... < , . n j vhe .-..dninis tra- . ... 1 1 1 p 1 1 :ui ao n -k a , 4 ■ yi ±±i Witi: influent , *-* gierua.* ilp: viit ■ . ^ Tan ,;u lope ;. cc .*; ... .. 1 1 . *-.c.r -.jar lu: * ..• . 4# O » 44. .4 V ■«'*.- | .- i JL . L i'Ti I 1. 4.4 ^ 4 'i l ■ a. I \ .. V 4 i*. C . 1 L ■ ■ ^ V_ . . V. q 4. J. ' l . ' t. s. 1 .’4 P 4 1 . J)l, -w i i C < i 4. ■ .L > ’ 2 J. J. V. i7' ± J til', j.1 , j . . ^u. ii^j . i L 1 ’ u 1 j " -. U* . i i «■ * . P w« j i. i_. ± . j .. ti - U - . , j . u Li C, r C? i iU ilU< ■ i ’ JL 111’ 1 1 • W l Ui CUi H C W & : .t ■ I ' t ■ .. t VU >.fcj Oj, ui * *. CO • i -L v,’. ‘.4.- ./ Sa wild J i i' O brought in 11 vi ; . ; sjg W -t.aO L' \if Ilv. i i. * i i, i , *. \j t3 (,«- v t. • j 1 x 1 1 p i s - ! £cj.» u.iis ■ve r< . at- u •I’J 'ied for zi.- ji ; ioi - h t mili tar*; . Library; 3« V‘'-r# K du. i BQK/i IX inspected the books bo th i‘or vuzuin and for r Iteration in the -a ie>; Garde. Nipponese lili c ry v ere shown a nuifcer of boohH rvf re. ices pertaining to tat -ubjeots of uhe^r inquiry, not tiy rae icinel* Mr. BuLiuib also typed some sheet?- of information required -by the vi::itors. deed ; * & lOhiidn-: ivlaov^rigi Dastribut ed: litany Military and Naval B#;.,-:-, visited the Gardens for vegetable seeds arid the following were supplied: IVilinura end dreehtiteB 12G packets of each, feiaon (Uucuribor) i paekets, ringals f» packets, (Jelosie. 20 packets, Androgr^jihis 10 gae. rlr i \,C Datura Me tel 3 fruits. Cuttings of the following were given away; Tapioca 400 , Talinura 100, Orthosiphon (lands Kuching ) 30 outtfitg? i, finospora in-Lica 30, and Coccinea indica 25 . 3. Vcqre t. bi o lota ; fh.ey were Maintained as usual with the purpose of sho.;ir: f T ?• good m; sort lent of the coramonest vegetables and with uhe purpose of enabling tnc. ^epurtiiont to supply the cooliee with some vgf toblea very fre y.K wip,0.o.ii>. &o the heavy reins, ail the nlotk hug *.re*X n bit find ri.-.ny -.I'ceax, pr..,gii*eu belt*, wert washed off by the ruins, e. fw>o our io rce ; iVoe » ere supplied with 3 ka ties of leafy vegetables i Kn fc^cb ol‘ 'ia.-jLocfj , all free of cost. Owing to the very hJ : ;h rine -V — G ^ oi i . .on.- via* s , mUc staff as a rule have been unable to purcna&e - 1 0 w 8 g 1 fish, green gram (green K&oh&ng) etc* , which are no more controlxsn. ^ i an — inis has a very au . -ne effect o-. the a . it*, o j. g if ow can be seen by fcEfe* look at tht hp. x.. pae of our . *eu, rre g.e t j.ilme^ts, also the lowered power of reeistnace to V s 'sJ G r , ■. I fi . * p Ci ^c 0 tonij. j.. t ton ..gtn w no Auxilj.ariefc , the coolies it ve ucen nuvised to cuIl... v te cvcig availnble inch of ground, to rear >oultr^ , to consume in Inrgc -■ u. tities a variety of v/eerif and other* coi^'non veg< , bles that ? re available in iiie area, and also to eat frequently the cr-vUi- . . e of slightly ft r onted t«p:Looo or cereals. (This last eon 1 ..* ins n if-rpe \ua Lit,, of VitanL’i .) The £urround:k g s of the Coolie Lines v^ere cleaned officially /<. tines during the month so as to reduce the danger fro > • ... ioes, flies,; eve* io^'cwr, it would, bo a great boon if .green gram ( i3i ji tiijnu) ooul bo *n.tde available to our people at controlled price, at least uz the r j 1 1 nf o ne k* t i e pe r ) \e a d . i . Gultnno : ! -/>at of the time of the cool Go o v.1.1 blc was used in ni in. lining the existing economic plants. however tne following plnntn were planted: dl times 5 beds lucligofex*^ — h Deis dlbiscus irythroxylon - 2 beds (Roselle) 2 beds The following were harvested: desanuin indicun - 3 katies Castor oil seeds - 1 Katie kIf :> * 2 bout 3 duties of th.- hr .ciics of / . r Cliir«^ ta (Andrographic } ^ nd 2 : pf.iB of Orthosis hon (jdimi* Kuching) were given away to visitors to be used medicinally * 84 /flf « 2. .,**■ . V- 4 * £ . General Tork : ' • otor "towers were worked in Lawns C,A, X % 0, and b.^brts and scythes were worked in Lawn P, X & G. The plants in Lawn? 0, A, B, 5 A 0 were weeded. The drcuaG in 'a rant a Avenue, Pa Ivey Gate Road and in Lawn 2 were cleaned ant; weeded. The att^p roof of the Jnge* quarters was mended with new attape. The bullock cart was repaired and was used to transport oo.n vest, sweepings, etc. The show of plants in Plant houses was maintained as usual. 9. fore st Reserves : Both the Reserves were maintained as usual, bhe asking fre juant visits to both these places. 10. Pro p aga ting Yard : ^ 1 \\ iieeds Sown — Datura, Mueuraa sp. , Hrrab&dea rotund. t» (Gouw. ) Guttings taken — Rondeletia cdorfite, Petrfea nigoca, iibiccut *.:>•, ...c, h9, 51, 4* 4T* Juniperua conforta. Plants potted — Piper nigrum, Hibiscus 81,85, 78, 102, Lycopodium squsrraeura, Rhododendron No .47 , Li vis tons , Wood foraii , Spathoglottis , Begonias ant Maiden-Hair Ferns. In the Glass House many Begonias and maiden Hair ferns were £iropa L :a ted. Three plants of Raveni* ayectobilis and 1 Bougainvillea (Lord .. illin.dion) were oi anted in the Lawns. 11. Orchids: Maintenance of the Collections we s continued as u 'uni. B ) Hr . . HOLT TU. BOTANICAL WORK Mr. Holt turn continued his study of Malayan grasses, prepare n. ; ' \c u descri tions of all s ecies. He completed his account of the large tribe ^nuropogoneae and then dealt with the misceilaneoun araallei* tribes; trie only reran ining large tribe 1 b the Banbuceae. 0 } I r. 0C-iH--IR*3 BOTi.'ilCAL WORK M /*. viORU C; continued hia studies on the structure of the fruit, send and flower in the Legumlnosae, with a view to preparing an adequate introduction to tnie important family of tropical plants. he al;?o continued hit researches on the arillate 3Qeds of flovvering plants in general, making use of the living neterial in the Botanical Gardens as flower and fruit were produced. Thus , the field of study varied enormously from Mi oh el i a to Delonix and fodocarpus. 14auy paintings and drawings of microscopic structure were made. Id / ■ /W SYONAN BOTANICAL PARPENS ifonthly report for April 2605 A) Dr, Purtado* s REPORT 1* A^fll hAstrative & Technical staff ; There was no change in the administra- tive or technical staff of the Department. Mr, ^speckerraan and Mr, Boaainis were 611 with malaria, the former for 11 day a and the latter for 10 days, 2 , 2* Herbarium . OIIE *UR rearrange 6926 herbarium specimens belonging to Cypera* ceae and Oramineae. He also incorporated in the general herbarium the Hong K Kong specimens of these two farailies. Uhe K.IAH was busy collecting mostly seeds of economic plants, living spe- cimen. for demonstration and preparing seed packages for distribution. In all 165 specimens were identified for Nipponese Officials who wanted to learneither the local edible weeds or the local rneuicinal plants. There «>as also a request to be shown the the most >oisonous plants available in t the locality. 3. Library: The books sere cleaned by Messes. BdMkMiS, JURAIMI , KSPBCKK& .AN BAaURj., and the two attendants. Rats had come to the library to make nests and were trapped .nd killed, Nodamage was done to the books, but some newspapers wrappings were bitten off in order to make nests, • *+• , £.9.S£. s t Reserves: The two reserves were maintained as usual, Che NGADBUH making regular visits to both these areas. 5. oultana ; hq a part of the area is being handed to the Bata 4 the economic plants in the area are being transferred to another one. All seeds were sown in lo beds with Ihgofera. 6 beds with Andrographis, nearly 50 small beds with kioinus( castor Oil plant)/ -2 beds of Lemon grasB. ^ e Plot s : The vegetable plots were maintained as usual , firstly w -ltd the purpose of growing the seeds of common, easily growing vegetables a and secondly v^ith the purpose of supplying vegetables to the staff, both the Romusyas and others, .about 6 katies of leafyvegetables and 10 katies of Tapioca were supplied free of cost to all the Romusyas and others. 7, Labourers: ^he health of the Romusyas was on the whole good. On Tent^o betsu day(29vh) the entire staff both male and female were provided,gratis with two packets of Kooa cigarettes, 1 cake of soap. 8. General ^ork: Motor Mowers worked in Lawns D,E,o ,0 ,X ,X and 0 were weeded and manured with compost. fhe plants in the plant and the Orchid Houses and near the office were changed from time to time. The at tap roofs of some houses in Tyresall(Hultana) and some roofs of the clericle quarters were repaid t>y the Gardens 1 carpenters assisted by the coolies. The trees or branches broken down during the heavy Bhowers were cut off and the wood distributed to staff for fuel. Many trees had to be pruned either because the branches obstructed the trafiic of because theyawere a danger to the telephone wires or to the plant houses. distribution of Seeds and Plants ; The seeds of the coi’inonest vegetables as Basella, Erectitites, Talinum, Bayaras ,Celosia and Cosrioa we re distributed to the local Public and more specially to the Nipponese filitary or Naval Officers, buttings of Tapioca were supplied to some schools. Seeds of Androgaphis, Datura Erythroxylon coca were supplied to some military, and so also some cuttings of Strophanthus gratis and Orthosiphon etamineus. 1°* Potting Yard : General maintenance and routine continued as usual. Guttings taken -- Poinsettia v dwarf ) , Russelia ,Dalbergia Dalbergioides v Brunfelsia umfalais, Petrie rugosa. Plants potted; — Mucuua sp. Rhododendron Inlicum, Hibxscus(l5kinds ) P-:' 3 Polcienia Kodginaii. • • * j n v ^ •? npfl A few aerial orchids were furnished with new fern root. Five Rhododendrons ;,ere planted in the $lant House* Two Ipomeea Horsfall iae and four Ravenia spectabills were also planted in the lawns. in the $lass Houb© general maintaneace and propagations were continued. 11, Orchids : The orchid collection was maintained as usual • The Lendrobium white were repotted last year made gooa growth in the wet season and are now begining to flower. The only plants pollinated were D endrooiuia macrophyliura and a n T fNppnn fium- , jjearei hybrid which produce perfect flowers for the first time. B) Mr. HOLTTUM 1 S BOT^RlUxdi WORK ; dr* Holttura continued his study of Malayan grasses dealing mainly with bamboos, p repairing new discriptions of all species. The ma lay an bamboos need to be studied in the field before a satisfactory account of them can be written, but the present account should be aconsiderable help to anyone who is able to undertake field observations. MR CORNER'S WORK: Mr CORNER continued his research on the structure and dev el p>ment of le^u- minous fruits and seeds. He has nearly completed the study of Uiis family and haB begun that of the Myristicaceae, Connaraceae and others with arillate seeds. As the opportunity arises, MR. CORNER is making a collection of drawings and paintings to illustrate the structure of the tropical Leguminous group of the Caesalpin oideae. / % iJYON.Vr SO'DADiOAL GARDENS 'ioutirUy Report ror May SZGoj . -m, ++Y mm ■ ■» ■* . i Tv, FURTADO ' S RiSROHT I. Adsdi-ietrative snti technical btaff: There war r>o change i?a tho administrative or technics! itafT of tho Department. herb arium: Jhe ld!R rearranged 5657 specimens in the general herbarium incorporating :ua it the specimens from the Hong Kong herbarium; the i'B ..ulxes concerned being Granineae ana lulle-iiaceae. bne KIah ae voted most of hxa time to cleaning the canes of spirit collections, ail oi ihich nad a tar ted to he velop moulds on she panes a*! i boards. Le also devoted, some time to ting seeds of economic plants. • m all ifd specimens were i&eatiiiftd mostly of common weeas, of wnioh the Tilitar^ Auihor^tiea wan to a to xnow the e cable ones. 3. itinragy ; Ohe &AJUJ2X, Uie JURAl&I, i#r. B0NAMXS anu *ir. ndP .:giL.v be* * seieted in cleaning the books and Inspect in; them inside, Killing the borers men present* *u Port s at S o aar ve s : Ohe NGADIMAN continued to be in charge of the two rc re ft’ reserves . In the Bukit Timah Reserve vigilance had to oe trier 3a jje.i in order to prevent the neighbouring' Buts is from encroaching on the reserves unknowingly. The coolies carried on regularly the duties both of patrolling the area and of cleaning the paths* 5. Ve,t stable P lots : These plots , as usual, are maintained, firstly, to K**ow, for the purpose of demonstration, sp many common, easily-growing local vegetables as possible, aud secondly, to provide for the entire staff, including the Rorqpayas, as much leafy vegetable as possible. ■•' a*-) roods v ero also collected for the nurpose of sut.» plying them to bhe *ublio. 6. Oom ;unel Tapioca Plots : An attempt is being made to increase t) a or the oomrtunal J plantings unde,* tapioca. Por this purpose mo: »he purpose morn oopie ire being released, from general work. During this month about 9 Tat lei of tapioca tuber & were distributed to every Ho join and , Horausya In tne Gardens. 1 « * 1 7 • dul tars : Owing to the requirements of a Butai, the plots of Irdigo and Oastor oil nad to be changed. low be in la si led s iiow being planted in a new ares. In adc hence these two cropehre *ition the following were Ortho siphon (Kumis Kuching) 34 beds (cut tinge) Aadrogra^.-hiB (*Kar dnireta) lb beds (seedlings} Da turn me te ± ^ Ke cnuboi% ; ■Jt \ : i nab i s ±u di ca va r ( Oa n. fc ia ) 4 beds (seeds) k beds (seeds) -• General tifork s /iotor Lawn ftCowera were worked in Lawns B, D , K, K and W, and oaba ta in Lawns b, 0, m # a, tVeedi^.'. was done in drains aatx around plant a in Lar/na A, B f D t 0 a r • d Bunco e 1 .e ri e s . let cut grass, fall eu leaves, etc. ;t re collected and removed to the vegetable plots lor composting. Cv/; 1 ’ by to many thefts of tapioca, the Tyereall grounds have been closed in nsny parts by barbed wires; this fence »vill be extended In the next month. The carpenter and his ram slant repaired some of the huts in the Tyersnll , soldered old watering cans and repaired, the Paliv and the Plant houses &ml a cement water tank, that is, in addition to doing their usual duties of working out tho motor pump, .Making labels, etc. The orchids and the show plants in plant-houses and at the office were charged from tine to time. : • L- ibonr c ra: Th« s co sdition of the labour force his co tsiderably ^ j i 2 . deteriorated owing lo the high rise in the cost of living, and now that the supply of bread has been stopped they will feel the pinch all the more, specially those persons who have a large number - gjf, ra^ra fo &c g d£t=-t*e family who are not able to work ana thus contribute towards the reduction of the family expenses, it is with this view in mind that the Department is doing its best to assist its staff by ex to ding the plots under tapioca and vegetables and paving something extra t ■> those who have large families. . 10. Potting Yard : General maintenance and o .tine were carried on as usual. Seeds sown:- Gannabi s sativa Cuttings taken:- Oleander (pink) , Petrea rugoaa , Gallistemon phoenicetls, Ouppressun pisifera var s maroaa , Guppressus seirg ervivens car pyramids li q , Plumbago rosea, Bru.felsia undulata, Plumbago oapensis, Rho&oden ...ran ir.uicui'a. Plants pottedi- Verbena ten^ra, hibiscus Los. 74, 7& & 03, i&Laeia guineeasiL, ^rxeuxoaea rotundata. In tiie Glass house propagation or begonia® was continued, and most of the maiden hair ferns were supplies. wi th bone meal fertiliser. about a ao&en aerial orchids were furnished with fern roots. Also two Lycopodiums from the Plant House. S .w few attempts at crossing- Gannas were tried. Rive lots of Hibiscus were pl ritedif+t the nursery. Grafts of Rhododendron hybrid on to Rhododendron im iiouni were^ attempted. 11. Orchids : Maintenance of orchid seedlings end older plants continued usual. The young seedlings are kept in flasks as long as possible, so that they may be safer for transplanting. Pew new seeds were planted. The Dendrobiim plants repotted some months ago are now wtll grown and some are flowering. More have been repotted during the month. D) Mr. HOLCTfti’a BOTANICAL WORK Mr. HOIA'IIJM completed his account of the Malayan Grarcineae (grasses; by preparing deacri tione of the bamboos. The bamboos in cultivation in the Gardens were very useful in this work. The plan and list of cultivated bamboos v/ere checked and some wrong identifications corrected. Tnere are now about thirty species of bamboos in the Gardens, including three from Taiwan which are growing very vigorously. Towards the end of the month, Mr. hoLTTDl) began a study of the family Cype races e. 0) fir. OOKIIKK’S BQTAMlUAL WORK : -es Mr. Caiuf & nearly completed his research/on the seed and flo er of the Le urninosae, L articularly the Gaesalpinioideae. He also studied the fruits and seeds of several dyrlsticaceae , Gonnaraceae and Sfceruliaceae and mad© detailed drawing® and paintings of their structure. He has prepared a draft of the first volume of a v^ork on the primitive fruit of the Anglo sperm®, which deals entirely with the Leguminosae. ay on. j. boj : i j,vL >. . -i kns >.»» ••.'V M **■ -VI M onthly Report for June 2605 t f A. ) Dr . wV- „. dw. * , ■■ a-y OKT 1. /id~ a - 1 a t r. tive and Te c a j i 1 cal. 3 1 j < ff : There vwl no cttange in die u.waxhistm uive and Technical bt**ff of tht be art; ent. dr. -u-oi itc xl deck „* war sic* for 7 days with Malaria. Mr. ndi aoaoO u.m 6Tj ted 3 uays v*catiOh leave to w chore B*hru. vary «x. r Va*^ euixui tioagj These hav^ ue ter * or j t uu/ u o'^ciuera cl 4 thi. *ionth ii ' i xii,- s>uVt*i'66 e x i © v- 1 £> . e f ..Willies tc &u^ ort. The Gsrve e Dart* is uuj-k Is v rp beat to ultimate the,-..© uiffiouitiea by x v r san/c e . trw vc. et. tic oi* tii 1 t <^uCt* .> ‘a tiuiiti l i-'Oiii one o oi/Oi,diai. ^ i. d t s ^ out emce t re .J,0 , a ami w and Babats ir« Lawii A ,B,C ,r ,A ,& .0. weeding; of the lira ins nr.d around the j-la ts w as done in Law ns k,B , h ,p , and ... Several species of plants -i re f la ted. in the hockcrj . The cut gross ad fallen leaver were remove*, for exporting. fnree new le Jhed was cle nen, ar it xs iouua The Tank in the vegetable plot /as sh. Iters were op/ ied up. The rv, w * U hovKriruyvli&ks harbouring ticics. repax red, and the vwtter pump was re,;uliirly worked. a/, the lo rry not available for the Gar ui ns work, the h;-. rid -cart ana the Bullock- curt we re used. The fence in /any parts of Tyerssll has ho n rep; *ed : i th ha. 'bed v/ix*e. The , ot benches a the p»otting yard have be eu rewtoved , / S4/ft/l 2 , 10 . Orchids: The routine 01 ' ' dntr nance of seedlings ancl larger lants co ,u:*liV, u *T‘ usual. An exnerir; nt \«s started in growing young _ Reecilings in ter culture instead of on agar-agar; if ouceessful it should s-i.. e.liiy tut r. -i i 1/ of seedlings. A regular d^spli’y of flowering ore hi as v*&s naintu ined i - the ilant house* »l B) liOLTUT fs BCTAhICAL h'ORK ■ - ■ — - ■—■«-— - .MIA J ^ ri rn • . »*-'■»— Mr. HOI TTUM continued his study of the fa mily Cyperaee .e in Malaya , ne’iting ncov descriptions for all species and ore a: in * e i“* About two -thirds of the family had bet a dealt a ith ut the t 0j - ^ne oouth. o; Hr. GCRIVIR’S BOTANICAL WORK OBWKk. ■ - i. i — * ■■»-< > ■ wwi - -- - ■ ■ ■ nan »» « ■ — wi* *^* l » 1 w . i Mr. C0RT\ 1R finished his work on the seed struchare of the Le. u iost.e an u in >>n that of the Co narace. e and *nu<> u oese. ^ ^ time wc e spent in ia&kisg microscopic urav/ing ana In -ged • m ■ of 1*1 o ers representative of the genera. An import.* at disc v g ±-\ the iwiiOuuCcae ib the presence of three integuments ir t o ovi-le of mne genera , such as occurrence not having been recomicu j. other flo«era *ig 1 1 -cite. consider.-* Dlt t^ne was also ». iv- a t j ioo.-xig ° ver the fivint- colxec t-uon of specimniiB, tiu% colxec ui ol uv . *, s -no c. recoraa, as part of the half yearly .ce r utxne of -«hc La bora . B'f/f'b/Z r* : SYONmN BOTANICAL GARDENS Monthly Report for July 2S05 A) Dr. FITRTADO’s REPOR T 1. Administr a tive & Technical Staff : There was no change in this staff. T. PARIAN ATHAN , A. S3? SC KERMAN, P. B0NAMI3 and NGADIMAN were ill with influenza, beriberi or malaria. Mr. CiiAl YORK CHYE was given xjermission to leave this Department from let August with the view of evacuating to Batam-To. Mr. ESP EC KERMAN , Mr. JURAIMI and I had to work for some days overtime in order to nake returns of increased wages and salaries for the Romusyas an 1 the Hojoins of this Department. 2. living Conditions: As stated in my last report, these have deteriorated consmaerably and the health of some have in consequence begun to be affected. However, from the circulars issued to calculate the revision of wages and salaries, it is evident that the Authorities are very much alive to this question. But new salaries and wages have not been enforced yet, though the neighbouring Butais have already started paying the coolies under the new increased wage-scheme. 3. Herbarium ; Che NUR rearranged 5,333 specimens in the general herbarium incorporating in it the specimens of the Hong Kong herbarium; the families concerned being Anonaceae, Menispermaceae , Berberidaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Papaveracene , Cruciferae, Cistinae, Bixaceae, Caryophyllaceae and Hyp eric inaceae. Che KIAH attended to the cleaning of the spirit collection and to collecting of seeds. In all 85 specimens were identified for the Nipponese Military Officers. 4. Lib rary ; Che BAJTIRX and Mr. B0NAMI8 assisted in cleaning the books and killing the borers when present. The visits of rats have &e : decreased considerably. 5* For e sts Reserves : Che NGADIMAN continued to make regular inspection tourn in both the Reserves. A regular watch has to be kept so that Butais may not cause unnecessary felling. 6. Vegetable Plots : These plots, as usual, are maintained firstly to show the visitors as many, common, easily grown local vegetables as possible, and, secondly, to provide for the entire staff, including the Romusyas, as much leafy vegetables as possible. The seeds were also collected for the purpose of supplying them to the public. Leafy vegetables were supplied 6 times during the month to the entire staff including the Romusyas. 7* Communal Tapioca Plot s; About a quarter of an acre was increased in this month. During this month nearly 10 katies of tubers were distributed to ever^ Ho join and Romusya. 8. Gultana : The available coolies were used to maintain the plots. General Aork : Motor Lawn Mowers were used in Lawns A, 3, c, E, H ana 0, anc babats were used in Lawn H. Hand Mower was used to clean the grouna around the office. heeding of the drains and around the plants was done in Lawns A, B, G, E and H. A Kansi-Syo was erected on the roof of the Herbarium building. The Lorry and the hand cart were used to remove sweepings and cuttings to the vegetable plots for the purpose of composting. Owing to the difficulty of getting water, most of the valuable orchids were removed t > the plant house where they could be watered with lake water. The plants at the plant houses and near the office were changed from time to t ime / 2 . 10. Orchids: Maintenance continued as usual.. The aethod of * gppjp and v unff seedlin gs was continued experimentally , as x ■ *■ 1 S:«>od. .40 definite «no« on re.ulte o» yet he made. 11 41 sc el an opus Two bullocks which have been sick for a long une and si :- : is of improvement were transferred to Syo -.uinKa tor the ^ _ • J /% ^ •( tnA . s A M i-l 4 V*. 1 £Z> ' i i \ ^ Tl which showed no s^iw - — 7 ^ ^ g 1(0 m h «t purpose of treatment »r of slaughtering if c ^e is inposaihle. T at Department -laa terei one bullock ana gave to tnis Department 5© Jaties meat ..i.ieh u:.s distributed to the staff of the^ardensandthe Kyoiku-Ka (Ho.iubu) The Gardens Lorry was loaned for 5 days to the K/oiku her a martens. j.o-) berinninp- of this month 15* of the Rorausya were called upon t 1« r'otS fSS 4-5 day. for But.i .or*. tiu E -uii- ,.s of all the Tokutoetu-Si Departments. a. the beginning tnt-e !!!; =»“ «L?e.o»; m tl» »oli« omen, bec.u.o feme nnr. wr. p he coolies, ana as a result many coolies gave notice to leave ‘this De artraent. However, wnen the matter was fully explaineu to them, they withdrew their resignation ana soon realised „he lutxlitjr of listening to rumours. After investigations, i have found that *he coolies do not get enough rations. when this was brought to the notice of At-. CUI-san or the Labour Office, he immediately brought i« to the notice of tin. representative oi the Butais, and botn assurei me chat the matter would be attended to. B ) M r. HOLTTOM's BOfAIUO^L WORK !r. Holt turn continued hits study of the Malayan members ol the family Oyoeraceae and had almost completed describing the species by the end of the month. There will remain a general survey oi the family, and the preparation of keys, to be dealo wini. ) Mr. COkuER's BOTnhlC L WOR K Mr corner continued his researches on the structure and development of seeds ind 's^udiedf particularly , the Annonaceae Ebenaceae, Lauraceae and Bixaceae. Their seeds have complicated structure for the desorit. of which many drawings had to be made. Moreover, as the . floors e8 families are little known, it has been necessary to select a few exanpl from each and to trace the whole sequence of development from mover rudiment to ripened seed. BA /t a r>