^ ^ s C* \ ^2. — "at. iv hbl, stx ^ V. 2 3 T1S3 DDMaflE QU28W81846 System of anatomy : 5 ^ ro 00 00 00 ON ro 4 , 1 %fr'^- sSTSTEM OF ANATOMY FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS OF MEDICINE^ BY CASPAR.WISTAR, M.D., LATE PKOFESSOR OF ANATOMY IN \HE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. WITH NOTES AND ADDITIONS, BY WILLIAM E. HORNER, M.D., PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. NINTH EDITION. ENTIRELY REMODELED, AXD ILLUSTRATED BY MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED ENGRAVLNGS. BY J. PANCOAST, M. D., PROFESSOR OF GENERAL DESCRIPTIVE AND SURGICAL ANATOMY IX JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PHILADELPHIA, LECTURER ON CLINICAL SURGERY, FELLOW OF THE PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, ETC., ETC. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. PHILADELPHIA: THOMAS, COWPERTHWAIT & CO, 1846. Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in llie year 1843, by THOMAS, COWPERTHWAIT & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. GREENFIELD, MASS. MEKRIAM AND MIRICK, PRINTERS. CONTENTS OF VOL, II. PART VII. OF THE ABDOMEN. CHAPTER I. GENERAL VIEW OF THE ABDOMEN AND PELVIS, AND THEIR CONTENTS. GENE- RAL ANATOMY OF THE SEROUS TISSUES. OF TH^ PERITONEUM. Of the Abdomen, ------ 13 Regions of the Abdomen, - - • - - 16 Pelvic Viscera, ----... ig General Anatomy of Serous Membranes, - - - - 20 Of the Peritoneum and its reflections, - - - - 22 CHAPTER H. GENERAL STRUCTURE OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL. OF THE CESOPHAGUS, STOMACH, INTESTINES, ETC. General Structure, ------ 27 Of the CEsophagus, - - - - - - -28 Stomach, - - - - - - - 31 Intestines, - - - - - - -41 Villous Coat of, - - - - 42 Villi of, 43 Division of, - - - - - 45 Small Intestines, - - - - - - 46 Duodenum, ----.. 47 Jejunum and Ileum, - - - - - - 48 Mesentery, - - - - - - 51 Great Intestines, - - - - - - 53 Ccecum, ------.54 Colon, - - - - - - - 55 Rectum, ----.-.53 Absorbents aad Nerves of Intestines, - - - 60 1* VI CONTENTS. Of th& Omentum, - - - - - - 61 General Anatomy of Mucous Membranes, - - - 63 Villi, 66 Blood-Yessels and Nerves of Mucous Membranes, - - 68 Absorbent Vessels, ----- 69 Nerves, - - - - - - -70 Follicles and Glands, - - - - - 70 Lieberkubn's Follicles, - - - - - 71 Glandulee Solitarise, _ - . . _ 74 Glandulae Agminatae, - - - - - 75 General Anatomy of Glandular Tissue, - - - 77 Capillary Blood- Vessels of Glands, - - - - 84 CHAPTER III. OF THE LIVER, PANCREAS, AND SPLEEN. Of the Liver, - -- - - - - 87 Lobes of the Liver, - - - - - - 88 Ligaments of the Liver, ----- 89 Hepatic Vessels, - - - - - - 91 Hepatic Duct, ------ 92 Hepatic Nerves, - - - - - - 95 Acini of the Liver, ----- 97 Pancreas, ----... 105 Spleen, -----.. loT CHAPTER IV. OF THE URINARY ORGANS AND GLANDULE RENALES. Of the Glandulae Renales, - - - - - -117 Kidneys, - - - - - - 119 Ureters, - - - - - - - 126 Urinary Bladder, ------ 127 Sphincter of the Bladder, - - - - - 131 CHAPTER V. OF THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. Of the Testicles and their Appendages, - - - - 138 Scrotum, --..--. 139 Dartos, ------- 140 Spermatic Cord, - - - - - -141 CONTENTS. VU Of the Tunica Vaginalis Testis, - - - - 144 Tunica Albuginea, ------ 145 Epididymis, -___-- 146 Body of the Testicle, 146 Ducts of Testicle, ----- 149 Vas Deferens, ------ 153 Vesiculas Seminales, ----- 154 Prostate Gland, - - - - - -156 Cowper's Glands, ---_-. 158 Of the Penis, -..---- 158 Corpora Cavernosa, ----- 159 Urethra, - - - - - - -161 Canal of the Urethra, ----- 164 Integuments of the Penis, ----- 170 Fascia of the Perineum, - - - - 172 General Anatomy of Erectile Tissue, _ - - 178 CHAPTER VI. OF THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. Of the External parts of Generation, - - - - 183 Vaginae, --.---. I86 Uterus, ------- 189 Fallopian Tubes, - - - - - - 193 Round Ligaments, . - - - _ 195 Ovaries, ------- 195 Vessels of Uterus, - - - - - 197 Bladder and Urethra, ----- 199 Changes induced in the Uterus by Pregnancy, - - 200 Abdomen of the Foetus, ----- 202 Umbilical Vessels, ----- 204 PART VIII. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. CHAPTER Vn. BLOOD-VESSELS IN GENERAL. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE ARTERIAL SYSTEM. OF THE HEART. OF THE VENOUS SYSTEM. Of the Blood-Vessels in general, ----- 207 General Anatomy of the Arterial System, - - 209 VIU CONTENTS. Of the Structure of the Arteries, - - - - - 210 Position of the Heart, - - - - - 216 Dimensions of the Heart, - - - . . 217 Form of the Arteries, - - - - - 221 Capillaries, ----.._ 223 Action of the Heart and Arteries, . . - 226 Pulse, - - - - - - - 228 Veins, ---.-.. 229 Blood, ------- 232 Serum, ------- 233 Crassamentum, ------ 234 Coloring Matter, ----- 235 Globules of Blood, - - - - - - 236 Globules of Chyle, ----- 238 CHAPTER YHI. DISTRIBUTION OF THE ARTERIES. Of the Aorta and its Branches, - - - - . 240 Fore and Back Views of the Heart, - - - - 241 Common Carotid, ------. 246 External Carotid and its Branches, - - - . 247 Explanation of the Plate of the Aortic System, - - . 344 Of the Internal Carotid and its Branches, - - - 259 Subclavian and its Branches, - - - - 264 Explanation of Plate of the Arteries of the Brain, - - 268 Of the Axillary and its Branches, - - - - - 271 Explanation of Plate of the Arteries of the Arm, - - 278 Of the Branches sent off from the Aorta below its Arch, - - 281 in the Cavity of the Thorax, - - - 281 in the Cavity of the Abdomen, ... 283 Explanation of Plate, -.--.. 284 The Primitive Iliacs, -.-.._ 293 Of the Internal Iliac and its Branches, - - . . 294 External Iliac and its Branches, - - - . 299 Femoral Artery and its Branches, .. - . 301 Popliteal and its Branches, - - - - . 303 Explanation of Plate of the Arteries of the Lower Extremities, 308 CHAPTER IX. OF THE PARTICULAR DISTRIBUTION OF THE VEINS. Of the Particular Distribution of the Veins, - - - 310 Coronary Veins of the Heart, - - - - 311 CONTENTS. IX Of the Superior Cava, - - - - - - 312 Vena Azygos, ___--- 312 Intercostal Veins, . . _ . - 314 Internal Jugular, ------ 316 External Jugular, - _ _ - - 318 Veins of the Arm, ------ 319 Inferior Vena Cava, and the Veins connected with it, - 322 Veins of the Lower Extremity, . . - - 326 Pulmonary Arteries and Veins, - - - - 329 PART IX. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE ABSORBENT SYSTEM. General Anatomy of the Absorbent System, . . - 332 Comparison between Absorbents and Veins, - - - 334 Origin of Absorbents, ------ 337 Termination of Absorbents, ----- 346 Of the Chyle, 347 Lymph, _._--- 349 Comparison between Chyle and Lymph, - - - - 349 CHAPTER X. ABSORBENTS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES, ABDOMEN AND THORAX. Of the Absorbents of the Lower Extremities, - - - 351 Absorbents of the Abdomen and Thorax, - - - 355 Thoracic Duct, - - - - - - 360 CHAPTER XL ABSORBENTS OF THE HEAD AND NECK, UPPER EXTREMITIES, AND UPPER PART OF THE TRUNK OF THE BODY. Of the Absorbents of the Head and Neck, - - - - 364 Absorbents of the Arm and upper part of the Trunk, - 365 Brachio-Cephalic Trunk, ----- 367 CONTENTS. PART X. OF THE BRAIN AND SPINAL MARROW— OF THE EYE AND THE EAR. CHAPTER XII. OF THE BRAIN. Of the Membranes of the Brain, _ . _ - 371 Cerebrum, ------- 378 Ventricles, -.--., 38I Cerebellum, ------- 388 Basis of the Brain, and Nerves which proceed from it, - 389 CHAPTER XIH. OF THE SPINAL MARROW. Of the Spinal Marrow, - Ligamentum Denticulatum, Vessels of Spinal Marrow, 394 395 396 CHAPTER XIV. OF THE EYE. Of the parts auxiliary to the Eye, Palpebrae, - - - Lachr}Tnal Gland, Lachrymal Sac and Duct, Tensor Tarsi, - - . Ball of the Eye, Sclerotica, - - - Cornea, _ - - Choroid, - - - - Iris, - - - - Ciliary Body and Ciliary Processes, Retina, - - - Spot of Soemmering, Tunica Jacobi, Vitreous Humor, Crystalline Humor or Lens, Aqueous Humor, 397 398 402 405 407 408 410 412 415 420 428 430 433 436 437 441 445 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XV. OF THE EAR. Of the External Ear, - - - - - - 449 Cavity of the Tympanum, _ _ . - 453 Membrana Tympani, - - - - - 456 Eustachian Tube, ----- 457 Mastoid Cells, 459 Bones of the Ear, - - - - - 461 Muscles of the Bones of the Ear, - - - - 462 Chorda Tympani, - . . - - 463 Labyrinth, ------- 465 Vestibule, ------ 466 Cochlea, ------- 466 Semicircular Canals, ----- 468 Contents of the Labyrinth, ----- 469 Auditory Nerve, ------ 470 Jacobson's Nervous Anastomosis, ----- 476 The Aqueduct, ------- 479 PART XL OF THE NERVES. Structure of the Nerves, ------ 481 Nerves of the Brain, ------ 484 First pair, _ - - - - 485 Second pair, ----- 486 Third pair, 487 Fourth pair, ----- 487 Fifth pair, 488 Sixth pair, 496 Seventh pair, ----- 496 Eighth pair, 499 Ninth pair, ----- 505 Of the Cervical Nerves, ----- 507 Nerves of the Diaphragm, ----- 510 Brachial Plexus, - - - - - 511 Nerves of the Arm, ------ 512 Dorsal Nerves, - - - - - 517 Lumbar Nerves, ------ 518 Sacral Nerves, ----- 523 Xn CONTENTS. Of the Nerves of the Lower Extremity, . _ _ 525 Great Sympathetic Nerve, ----- 526 Cranial Ganglia, ----- 530 Cardiac Nerves, _--... 535 Plexus, ----- 53G Splancnic Nerves, ------ 537 Solar Plexus, ------ 538 CHAPTER XYI. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Of the Cineritious Neurine, ----- 543 Medullary Neurine, ----- 545 Neurilema, ------ 547 Functional Divisions of Nervous Substance, - - 549 Ganglia, ------- 551 Commissures, ------ 552 Nerves, ------- 552 CHAPTER XVH. OF THE SPECIAL ANATOMY OF THE SPINAL MARROW AND BRAIN, AS DE- SCRIBED FROM BELOW UPWARDS. Of the Medulla Spinalis, ----- 558 Nucleus of Spinal Marrow, - - _ _ 56O Fissure of Spinal Marrow, _ - - _ 551 Roots of the Nerves, - - . _ _ 562 Connexion of Nerves with Cord, - - _ 564 Medulla Oblongata, ----- 567 Corpus Restiforme, ----- 570 Corpus Pyramidale, ----- 571 Corpus Olivare, - - - - - 571 Cerebellum, ------ 573 Pons Varolii, ------ 578 Valve of Vieussens, ----- 580 Cerebrum, - - - - - - 581 Anterior and Posterior Ganglia of the Brain, - - 582 Corpus Callosum, - - - - - 584 Tubercula Quadrigemina, - - - - - 581 Fornix, ------ 585 Infundibulum and Pituitary Gland, - - - - 588 Immediate Origin of the Encephalic Nerves, - - 589 Development of the Fcetal Brain, - - - - 594 Glossary, ------- 603 SYSTEM OF ANATOMY.' PART VII. OF THE ABDOMEN. The lowermost of the two great cavities of the trunk of the body is called Abdomen. The pelvis may be considered as a chamber of this cavity, although its structure is very different. CHAPTER I. A GENERAL VIEW OF THE ABDOMEN AND PELVIS AND THEIR CONTENTS. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SEROUS MEM- BRANES. OF THE PERITONEUM. Of the Abdomen. This great cavity occupies more than half of the space enclosed by the ribs, and all the interior of the trunk of the body below the thorax. It is bounded above by the diaphragm, which is supported by the lower ribs ; by a portion of the spine and its adjoining muscles behind ; and on the front and sides by the various muscles which occur between the lower margin of the thorax and the upper margin of the ossa innominata : these bones contribute, by means of the costae of the ossa ilia to form the lateral walls. The pelvis forms the lower boundary. VOL. II. 2 14 CONSTKUCTION OF THE ABDOMEN. The general figure of this cavity partakes of the figure of the lower part of the trunk of the body ; with these exceptions that the diaphragm makes it arched or vaulted above, that the spine and psoae muscles, &c., are rather prominent on the pos- terior surface, and that the lower part corresponds with the costae of the ossa ilia and with the pelvis. To acquire a precise idea of this cavity, it is necessary first to study the bones concerned in its structure in their natural situation in the skeleton ; and then the muscles, which form so large a part of it. The arrangement of the tendons of some of these muscles, with a view to complete the cavity, is particularly interesting ; as that of the external oblique where it forms the crural arch.* The ligaments of the pelvis and the levatores ani muscles, as they also contribute to the formation of the cavity, and have an influence upon its figure, should likewise be attended to. In the walls of the cavity, thus constructed, there are many foramina, by which the viscera and other contained parts com- municate externally ; but few of them pass directly into the cavity ; for, like the thorax, there are no vacuities in it, exterior to the contained organs. Three of these foramina are in the diaphragm. One for the transmission of the aorta, another for the vena cava, and a third for the oesophagus. Below, there is an aperture at each of the crural arches, for the transmission of the great femoral vessels ; in each of the ligamentous membranes which closes the foramen thyroideum, for the obturator vessels and nerve ; and at the sacro-sciatic notches, for nerves and blood-vessels. There are also two apertures at the bottom of the pelvis, for the orifice of the rectum and of the urethra. In the tendons of the external oblique muscles are two orifices, covered by the integuments, for the spermatic cords ; and, in the foetal state, one for the umbilical cord. The apertures in the tendons, and under their edges, for the * See the account of this tendon, vol. i. in the description of the " Obliquus Descendens Externus." CONTENTS OF THE ABDOMEN. 15 transmission of the spermatic cords, blood-vessels, &c., are not to be considered as simple perforations made abruptly ; but the edges of these foramina are formed by tendinous mem- branes turned inwards, and continued so as to compose a cylin- drical tube, which becomes gradually so thin that it cannot be readily distinguished from the cellular membrane with which it is connected.* The blood-vessels, &c., pass along this tube before they go through the apertures. It is evident from the construction of this cavity, that it is essentially different from the thorax. It has no power of spon- taneous dilation whatever: it yields passively to the distension of the stomach and intestines, during deglutition, and when air is extricated from the aliment, &c. ; but it is particularly cal- culated for compressing its contents by the contraction of the muscles which compose it. The diminution of its capacity, which is thus effected, not only takes place to a great degree, but occasionally with great force. The diaphragm and the abdominal muscles may be considered in some measure as antagonists of each other. When the diaphragm descends, if the abdominal muscles are passive, they are distended by the contents of the abdomen, which are forcibly pressed from above : but if the abdominal muscles act at the same time, an effort to diminish the cavity in every direction takes place, and the contained parts are compressed with more or less force according to the exertion made. This will be very evi- dent upon examining the situation of the diaphragm and of the abdominal muscles. When their force is considered, it will also be very obvious that the various outlets of the cavity are constructed most advantageously ; otherwise hernia or protru- sion of its contents would be a daily occurrence. The abdomen contains, 1st, The Stomach and the whole Intestinal Tube, consisting of the small and the great intestines. 2d. The Assisting Chylopoietic Viscera, — the Liver, the Pancreas, and the Spleen. * The student of anatomy, when engaged with this subject, will be gratified by the examination of Sir Astley Cooper's plates relating to hernise. 16 REGIONS OF THE ABDOMEN. 3d. The Urinary Organs, — the Kidneys, the Ureters, and the Bladder. To which should be added the Glandulae Renales. 4th. The Organs of Generation in part : those of the female sex being almost wholly included in the pelvis ; and those of the male being situated partly within and partly with- out it. 5th. The Peritoneum and its various processes. The Mes- entery, Omentum, &c. 6th. A portion of the Aorta, and almost the whole of the Inferior Vena Cava, and their great ramifications ; with such of their branches as are appropriated to the Viscera of the Abdomen and Pelvis. 7th. Those "portions of the Par Vagum and Intercostal Nerves which are appropriated to the cavity ; and portions of some of the nerves destined to the lower extremities. 8th. The lower part of the Thoracic Duct, or the Great Trunk of the Absorbent System, with the large branches that compose it, and the glands connected with them : and also those absorbent vessels called Lacteals,znd their glands. As the cavity of the abdomen has no natural divisions, anatomists have divided it by imaginary lines into various regions, with a view to precision in their accounts of the situ- ation of the different contained parts. Thus, They have, very generally, agreed to apply two transverse lines to form three great divisions ; viz. the Upper, Middle, and Lower : and they have also agreed that each of these divi- sions shall be subdivided into three regions. The three regions of the uppermost division are defined with some precision. Those on each side, which are called the Right and Left Hypochondriac regions, occupy the space immediately within the lower ribs and their cartilages ; while the middle space, included within the margins of these carti- lages and a line drawn from the lower edge of the thorax on one side to that on the other, is denominated the Epigastric region. The boundaries of the regions below are less precisely defined. REGIONS OF THE ABDOMEN. 17 Many anatomists have fixed the two transverse lines above mentioned, at an arbitrary distance above and below the umbilicus : some choosing for this purpose two, inches, and others a hand's breadth. As these distances will occupy dif- ferent proportions of the cavity in persons of different stature, other anatomists, with a view to avoid this inconvenience, have proposed to connect these lines with certain fixed points of the skeleton. It is of importance that the boundaries of these regions should be fixed, and therefore the proposition of Sabatier may be adopted ; namely, To draw the upper transverse line from the most Inferior part of the lower margin of the thorax, on one side, to the corresponding part on the opposite side ; and the lower transverse line from the uppermost part of the spine of one ilium to the same part of the other. These lines will mark the three great divisions. If, then, two parallel lines are drawn directly upwards, one from each of the superior anterior spi- nous processes of the ilium,* until it touches the lower margin of the thorax, they will divide each of the two lower divisions of the abdomen into three regions. The centre of the middle division is the umbilical, and on each side of it is the risht and left lumbar region. The middle of the lower division is the hypogastric ; and on each side of it the right and left iliac region . It is true that the three middle regions of the abdomen will be made very small by the vicinity of the transverse lines to each other ; but the advantages derived from a principle which is similar in its application to all subjects, fully compensates for this inconvenience. There are therefore nine of these regions ; namely, The Epi- gastric and the two Hypochondriac : the Umbilical, and the two * Professor Horner makes a more equable division of the cavity of the abdomen, by drawing the two vertical lines from the anterior inferior spinous processes of the iliac bones, so as to subdivide each of the three divisions made by the transverse lines, into three nearly equal parts. Others draw the vertical Unas from the middle 2, Poupart's ligament. — p. 2* 18 SITUATION OF THE VISCERA IN THE Lumbar: the Hypogastric, and the two Iliac regions.* And it should be added, that the space immediately around the end of the sternum is sometimes called the Scrohiculis Cordis ; and the space immediately within and above the os pubis, the Regio Pubis. These different regions are generally occupied in the follow- ing manner : The liver fills nearly the whole of the right hypo- chondriac region, and extends through the upper part of the epigastric region into the left hypochondriac. The stomach occupies the principal part of the epigastric region, and a con- siderable portion of the left hypochondriac. The spleen is also situated in the left hypochondriac region. That portion of the intestinal tube, which is composed of small intestines, is gene- rally found in the umbilical, the hypogastric, and the iliac regions, and when the bladder is empty, in the pelvis. But the duodenum, or first of the small intestines, which proceeds immediately from the stomach, is situated in the epigastric and umbilical regions. The great intestine commences in or near the right iliac region, and ascends through the right lumbar to the right hypochondriac region. It then crosses the abdomen, passing through the lower part of the epigastric, or upper part of the umbilical to the left lumbar region ; from this it con- tinues into the left iliac region, and curves in such a manner that it finally arrives at the middle of the upper part of the os sacrum, when it descends into the pelvis, and, partaking of the curvature of the last mentioned bone, continues to the termina- tion of the OS coccygis. In the back part of the epigastric region, and very low down in it, is situated the pancreas. The kidneys lie in the most pos- terior parts of the lumbar regions, and from each of them is continued a tube or duct, called Ureter, that passes into the pelvis to convey the urine into the bladder. This viscus, in males, is in contact with the last portion of the great intestine called the Rectum, and with it occupies almost all the cavity of * It is lo be observed that the lateral regions of the middle and lower divi- sions of the abdomen are named differently by different writers. CAVITY OF THE ABDOMEN. 19 the pelvis ; while in females, the uterus and its appendages are situated between this intestine and the bladder. In the posterior part of the abdomen, in contact with the spine, is the aorta. This great blood-vessel passes from the thorax between the crura of the diaphragm, and continues down the spine until it approaches the margin of the pelvis, when it divides into two great branches called the Iliac Arteries. Each of these great branches divides again, on the side of the pelvis, into two ; namely, the External Iliac, which passes under the crural arch to the thigh, and the Internal Iliac or Hypogastric which descends into the cavity of the pelvis. Soon after the arrival of the aorta in the abdomen it gives off two large branches. The first, which is called the Caliac, is distributed to the liver, the stomach, and the spleen : the second, called the Superior Mesenteric, is spent upon the intestines. Lower down in the abdomen, it also sends off a small branch for the intestines, called Inferior Mesenteric. Besides these vessels for the chylopoietic viscera, the aorta sends off a large branch, called Emulgent, to each kidney. The inferior or ascending vena cava is situated on the right of the aorta, in front of the spine. It is formed below by the union of the iliac veins, and in its progress upwards, it receives the emulgent veins, which correspond to the arteries of the kidneys ; but it receives in its course no veins which correspond directly with the coeliac and mesenteric arteries. The smaller veins that answer to the branches of these arteries, unite and form one large vein, which goes to the liver, and' is called (from the part of that viscus at which it enters,) Veiia Porta- rum. From the liver three large veins pass into the vena cava, and deposit there the blood of the vena portarum, after it has furnished materials for the secretion of bile. The vena cava, in its passage upwards, is in close contact with the posterior thick edge of the liver : it often passes along a deep groove in this edge, and sometimes it is completely surrounded by the liver in its course. The veins of the liver enter the vena cava at this place, and of course they are not to be seen without dissection. Immediately after leaving the liver, the 20 GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SEROUS MEMBRANES. vena cava passes through an aperture in the tendinous centre of the diaphragm to unite itself to the right auricle of the heart. General Anatomy of Serous Tissues, — The serous tissue, is found in every part of the body where there is an habitual movement of parts upon each other. Its object appears to be to diminish friction and to facilitate motion, by the glassy smoothness of the free surfaces which it presents, and by its pouring out continually a lubrifying liquid between the surfaces where motion occurs. The serous system consists of a great number of membranes, forming closed sacs,* which are adherent by their external surface to the organs which they line ; — their internal surface is free and smooth, and secretes a fluid, with which they are in a healthy stale constantly mois- tened, analogous to the serum of the blood. The adhesion of the outer surface of the serous tissues to the subjacent parts, is so intimate in most places, that it has only been within latter times, by the labors of Bonn, Monro, and Bichat, that their proper character has been determined. They consist of the peritoneum, the pleura, the pericardial lining membrane, the arachnoid of the brain and spinal marrow, the tunica vaginalis testis, and the synovial capsulesf of the joints and tendons. The serous membranes are all extremely thin, delicate and of a transparent whiteness ; they are attached to the parts they cover by the intermedium of cellular tissue, which in some parts is long and loose, and in others so short and dense as to be scarcely discernible and to which they seem to form a simple serous facing. Hence Bordeu, and Rudolphi were disposed to consider the serous membranes as a modification of cellular tissue, formed by the flattening of the cells of the latter. — Though this is true probably in regard to their ultimate struc- * The peritoneum of the female, which has the fallopian tube opening into its cavity, is the only instance of a serous membrane which is not a closed sac, provided it be admitted that the synovial capsules of the joints cover the artic- ular cartilages. — p. f The synovial membranes were considered by Bichat as forming a distinct tissue, which he named synovial. — p. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SEROUS MEMBRANES. 21 ture, yet since they exist, as Bichat has shown us, as distinct membranes in the early periods of foetal life, and as their dis- eases exhibit peculiar phenomena, they deserve to rank among the elementary tissues of the body. Some of the serous mem- branes consist merely of a simple bag of greater or less size — some line cavities which are very irregular in surface and shape — and others, like the pleura and peritoneum, are reflect- ed over the inner face of the viscera, like the internal fold of the double night-cap over the head, and presenting a very complicated arrangement, so that the viscera which the mem- brane lines are necessarily left upon its outer side. All the vessels which enter these viscera, pass between the two layers that form the roots of the folds by which they are embraced. (See fig. 133, p. 24.) — In the healthy state the serous membranes are perfectly white and insensible ; and when in a state of inflammation, the appa- rent redness of the membrane is frequently owing to the injection of the sub-serous cellular tissue. Nevertheless they contain a vast number of serous capillary vessels, which Ruysch suc- ceeded in injecting in such abundance, as to be led to think they were composed chiefly of these vessels. Mascagni was equally successful in filling their lymphatics, and considered these vessels the principal elements in the composition of serous tissues. Both, therefore, exist in great numbers, and woven together with some intermediate connecting fibres like those of the cellular tissue, constitute these membranes. This, too, is the ultimate composition of cellular tissue as proved by the recent researches of Miiller and Treviranus. (See vol. i. p. 406.) The serous membranes are said to yield gelatine by boiling, and in this respect also they agree with the cellular membrane. The serous capillaries pour out a lubricating serous fluid, (called halitns from its vapory condition during life, and which con- denses as the body cools after death,) by a process called exhalation, which we do not fully understand, and which the absorbents gradually remove during health, so as to prevent its accumulation. But when the usual healthy balance of action between them is disturbed, either by too copious exhalation, 22 THE PERITONEUM. or by languid absorption, dropsy may take place in any one of what are called the serous cavities of the body. There is not in fact, though the term is in general use, any cavity or unoc- cupied space in the interior of any of these membranes. In the healthy state, organ is in contact with organ, and the reflected membranes with which they are lined, slide over those which line the parietes of the so called cavities. And when the area of a joint is suddenly enlarged, as those of the fingers may be by pulling at the phalanges, the fluid within becomes rarified to fill the vacuum, and is the cause by its sudden con- densation of the snapping noise heard when the bones return in contact. The same phenomenon is sometimes observed in mas- tication, produced by the relaxation of the ligaments of the temporo-maxillary articulation. — Though no nerves have been traced satisfactorily to the serous membranes, and they appear to possess little or no sen- sation in a physiological state, they become exquisitely sensitive when suddenly inflamed, as in pleuritis. The free polished surface of the serous membranes is shown by the microscope to be covered with a very delicate pavemented or tesselated epithelium. In no other part of the human body, according to Henle, but the ventricles of the brain, has the epithelium of serous membranes been found provided with cilia. — Of the Peritoneum. The abdomen, constructed and occupied as above described, is lined by a thin firm membrane called Peritoneum, which is extremely smooth on its internal surface, and is imme- diately connected with the cellular substance exterior to it. This membrane adheres closely to the anterior, lateral and superior portions of the surface of the abdomen ; and is extended from the posterior surface so as to cover more or less completely, the viscera of the cavity. Those viscera which are in close contact with the posterior surface of the abdomen, as some portions of the large intestine, are covered only on their anterior surfaces, and are fixed in THE PERITONEUM. 23 their precise situation by the peritoneum ; which extends from them to the contiguous surface of the cavity, and adheres where it is in contact, so as to produce this effect. Fig. 132.* Other viscera, which are not in close contact, but movable to a distance from the posterior surface of the abdomen, are covered by this membrane, which is extended to them from the surface ; and this extended portion forms an important part of the connexion between the viscus and the cavity in which it lies. This connecting part is called Mesentery, when it thus passes to the small intestines ; Mesocolon, when it goes to the colon, one of the larger intestines ; and Ligament, when it passes to some of the other viscera. The peritoneum is a complete but empty sac, which is fixed in the abdomen anterior to the viscera. The anterior portion of this sac forms the lining to the anterior and lateral parts of the surface of the abdomen : the posterior portion covers the viscera, and forms the mesentery, mesocolon, and ligaments above described. It necessarily follows that the mesentery and the other simi- lar processes are mere plaits or folds of the sac, which invests the viscera ; and that they must consist of two lamina ; and as the blood-vessels, nerves, and absorbents, are all posterior to * Diagram representing a transverse section of the abdomen, in the lumbar region, a, Umbilicus, b, A lumbar vertebra, c, Kidneys, d, Ascending colon, e, Small intestine. /, Descending colon, g, Inferior vena cava. ft, Aorta, i, Left mesocolon, k, Mesentery. I, Right mesocolon. 24 THE PERITONEUM. the peritoneum, they naturally pass between these lanoina of the mesentery. Some of the viscera are much more completely invested with the peritoneum than others. The stomach, liver, and spleen are almost completely surrounded by it; and it is said to form a coat for each of these viscera. That portion of the smaller intestinal tube, which is called jejunum and ileum, and the transverse portion of the large intestine, called the arch of the Fig. 133.* colon, are invested by it in the same way. But a con- siderable portion of the du- odenum and the pancreas is behind it. The lateral portions of the colon are in close contact with the pos- terior surface of the abdo- men, and the peritoneum only covers that portion of their surfaces which looks anteriorly towards the cavi- a ty of the abdomen, and is not in contact with its pos- terior surface. The urinary organs are not much connected with the peritoneum. The kid- neys appear exterior to it, and behind it : the bladder of urine is below it, and has but a partial covering from it, on its upper portion. * Fig. 133 is a diagram, illustrating the reflections of the peritoneum, a, Umbilicus, b, b, Diaphragm, c, Liver, d, Stomach, e, Transverse colon. /, Duodenum, g, Pancreas, h, Small intestines, i, Vertebral column, k, Promontory of the sacrum. I, Rectum, m, Uterus, n, Bladder, o, Symphysis pubis, p, Coronary ligament of the liver, q, Omentum minus or hepatico- gastricum. r, Omentum majus, or gastro-colicum. s, Transverse mesocolon. t, Sac of the omentum majus. u, Mesentery. — p. THE PERITONEUM. 25 The peritoneum, which covers the stomach, is extended from the great curvature of that organ so as to form a large mem- brane, which descends hke an apron before the intestines. This process of peritoneum is composed of two lamina, so thin and delicate as to resemble cellular membrane, which, after extend- ing downwards to the lower part of the abdomen, are turned backwards and upwards, and proceed in that direction until they arrive at the colon, which they enclose, and then continue to the back of the abdomen, forming the mesocolon. The part of this process which is between the stomach and the colon, is called Epiploon or Omentum. This extension of a membrane, from the surface of a cavity which it lines, to the external surface of a viscus in that cavity, is called by some anatomists, "reflection;" and the technical term rejlected membrane is therefore applied to a membrane distributed like the peritoneum. It must be evident that this distribution of the peritoneum is very complex, and that it is not easy to form an accurate con- ception of it from description, but it can be readily understood by demonstration ; therefore no farther account of its arrange- ment will now be attempted, but each of its processes will be considered with the organs to which they are particularly subservient. That portion of the peritoneum which lines the abdomen, and covers the viscera, is thin and delicate, but very firm. It yields to distension, as in pregnancy, ascites, &c., and again recovers its dimensions. It was formerly thought to be com- posed of two lamina, but this cannot be proved. The internal surface of this membrane is very smooth, and highly polished ; and from it exudes a liquor which is well calculated for lubri- cation, and barely sufScient to keep the surface moist during health ; but sometimes it is very abundant, and occasions the aforesaid disease — ascites. This fluid appears to exude from the surface of the peritoneum when it is compressed in a living animal, or one recently dead. It is probably effused from the extremities of arteries, for an effusion takes place when water is injected into these vessels. VOL. II. 3 26 THE PERITONEUM. The peritoneum abounds with absorbent vessels, and there- fore possesses the power of absorption to a great degree. This power may be inferred, not only from the spontaneous removal of the fluid of ascites, but if milk and water be introduced into the abdomen of a living animal, through a puncture, it will also disappear. The blood-vessels of the peritoneum are derived from those which supply the neighboring parts. Nerves have not yet been traced into it, and in a healthy state it has little or no sensibility. This membrane supports the viscera of the abdomen in their proper situations ; it also forms a surface for them and for the cavities which contain them, so smooth and lubricated, that no injury can arise from their friction. The cellular substance, by which the peritoneum is connect- ed to the contiguous parts, is very different in different places. It is very short indeed between this membrane and the stomach and intestines, and also between it and the tendinous centre of the diaphragm. Between the peritoneum and the muscles generally, it is much longer. Where it covers the kidneys and the psoas muscle, it is very lax and yielding. About the kid- neys a large quantity of adeps very commonly collects in it. On the psoas muscle it yields with but little resistance to the passage of pus, or any other effused fluid, as in the case of psoas abscess. GENERAL STRUCTUKE OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL. 27 CHAPTER II. OF THE GENERAL STRUCTURE OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL. OF THE OESOPHAGUS, THE STOMACH, AND THE INTESTINES. General Structure of the Alimentary Canal. — This canal, formed by the oesophagus, stomach, and intes- tines, extends inclusively from the pharynx to the anus. It is composed throughout, (with the exception of the oesophagus, the transverse part of the duodenum, and the termination of the rectum, which wants the serous coat,) of four membranes or tunics ; an internal mucous coat ; one exterior to this, Jihro- cellular (or nervous as it was formerly called) ; a third more external still, which is muscular; and of a fourth investing serous coat, which is derived from the peritoneum lining the cavity of the abdomen. There enter also into its composition, mucous glands, nerves, blood-vessels, and absorbents. The arrangement of the serous tunic varies in different portions of the canal ; but its general disposition is such, that it embraces the canal, and serves as a ligament to connect it to the back and lateral parts of the abdominal parietes, so as effectually to prevent any entan- glement or knotting in the folds of the canal, and at the same time allow it great latitude of motion. It is united to the outer face of the muscular coat, by cellular tissue. The muscular tunic is of a pale color, soft, and easily lacerated. — The muscular tunic consists throughout of two orders of fibres, a circular which is internal, and a longitudinal which is exter- nal. The former are not entirely circular, but consist of seg- ments, which, by their reunion, constitute perfect circles. The longitudinal do not run the whole length of the tube, but are interrupted after short courses. Both may be considered as having their origin and insertion in the fibro-cellular tunic, which separate them from the mucous membrane. The fibro- 28 THE (ESOPHAGUS. It is the strongest of all the Fig. 134* cellular (cellular or nervous coat,) forms a perfect cylinder, and is composed of fibres of condensed cellular tissue inter crossed in different directions, tunics, and gives to the canal its greatest power of resisting internal distension. The nerves ramify abundantly in this tunic before they reach the mucous coat ; hence the organic sufFer- hicr and often sudden death, resulting from sudden tympani- tic distension of the alimentary canal. The mucous membrane of the canal is every where continuous. It is of a reddish color, soft and spongy in its consistence, and varies in its thickness, and in the number of the villi, follicles, and folds, which it forms in different portions of the canal. — Of the (Esophagus. The OEsophagus is a muscular tube which passes from the pharynx to the stomach, and is so intimately connected with the stomach, that it will be advantageous to the student to attend to its structure immediately before he engages in the examination of that important organ. * Fig. 134. The pharynx slit open behind, in order to show the relative position of the opening of the posterior nares, the velum pendulum palati, the floor of the mouth, and the opening of the larynx, a, Base of the cranium. b, Mastoid process of the temporal bone, c, Vertical partition between the nasal fossce, and upon each side of it, the posterior opening of the nares. d, Velum pendulum palati, a fleshy appendage to the osseous palate; at its middle part, projecting downwnrds and backwards is seen the uvula, and on each side of the uvula, are seen the buccal cavities, e, Base of the tongue. /, Extrem- it)'' of the OS hyoides ; on the opposite side, this bone is entirely concealed by the portion of the posterior wall of the pharynx, which is folded outwards, g, Glottis, or opening of the larynx ; the epiglottis is seen above and in front of this opening, and is in this figure applied against the base of the tongue. A, Part of the trachea, i, Commencement of the oesophagus. I; Levator pharyn- geus muscle. — THE (ESOPHAGUS. 29 — The commencement of the cavity of the pharynx, from the base of the cranium, and its position behind the posterior opening of the cavities of the nose, mouth, and glottis, are well seen in fig. 134, page 28. Its termination below, and the commencement of the oesophagus are seen at i. — The pharynx has been above described* as composed of a varied stratum of muscular fibres, lined by a membrane which is continued from the internal surface of the nose and mouth. From the pharynx the oesophagus passes downwards between the trachea, and the vertebrae. After the bifurcation of the trachea, it proceeds in contact with the spine, between the lamina of the mediastinum to the diaphragm, which it passes through, and then terminates in the stomach. The oesophagus is a flexible tube, which, when distended, is nearly cylindrical. It consists of a muscular coat externally, and an internal tunic evidently continued from that of the pharynx. These coats are connected by a cellular substance called the Nervous Coat,f which is remarkably loose, and allows them to move considerably upon each other. The muscular coat, which is very distinguishable from that of the pharynx, consists of two substantial strata of fibres; the exterior of which is nearly longitudinal in its direction, and the interior circular or transverse. — The longitudinal fibres appear to arise in part from the posterior face of the cricoid cartilage, between the posterior crico-arytenoid muscles, and part from the lower end of the pharynx ; They are disposed regularly around the oesophagus, and below are manifestly continuous with the longitudinal muscular fibres of the stomach. The first ring of the circular fibres, also seems to arise from the cricoid cartilage, and has been described as the crico-oesophageal muscle. There is no sphincter, at the junction of the oesophagus with the stomach as has been asserted by some anatomists. * See Vol. i. p. 490. f The nervous coat, is as before observed nothing but a structure of submucous cellular tissue, which connects the mucous membrane, as the subcutaneous cellular tissue does the skin to the pans subjacent, and through which the nerves and blood-vessels ramify, before they spread minutely in the mucous mem- brane.— F. 3* 30 THE (ESOPHAGUS. — The muscular coat of the oesophagus is next in thickness to that of the pharynx, and thicker than that of any other portion of the alimentary canal. — The internal coat of the oesophagus, resembling that of the fauces, is soft and spongy. It is covered with a very delicate cuticle, which Haller supposed to be too tender to confine the matter of variolous pustules, as he had never found these extending into the oesophagus. It is very vascular, and abounds with the orifices of mucous follicles, from which is constantly poured out the mucus that is spread over this surface. When the oesophagus is not distended, many longitudinal plaits are found in this membrane by the contraction of the circular or transverse fibres exterior to it. These plaits are calculated to admit readily of the distension which is requisite in deglutition. This tunic is continued from the lining membrane of the pha- rynx above, and terminates below in the villous coat of the stomach ; from which, however, it is very different. — The cuticle terminates by an irregularly fringed or fes- tooned border at the cardiac orifice, where the oesophagus ter- minates, and is insensibly lost upon the mucous membrane of the stomach. The mucous membrane of the oesophagus, like that of the rectum (and unlike that of any other portion of the alimentary canal,) is united by a very loose cellular tissue to the inner face of the circular stratum of fibres, so that it may be withdrawn as a cylindrical tube from the muscular sheath in which it is contained. — Experimenters upon living animals have asserted that they have seen the muscular coat, force by its contraction the mu- cous membrane downwards into the stomach, so as to cause it to form a circular tumor, much like that of the mucous membrane of the rectum in prolapsus ani. — The blood-vessels of the oesophagus come from the aorta and those which are in the vicinity. The nerves are derived from the eighth pair. The lymphatic vessels are very abun- dant. In the neck the oesophagus inclines rather to the left of the middle line. As it proceeds down the back between the lamina FORM OF THE STOMACH. 31 of the mediaslinum, it preserves the same course to the fourth dorsal vertebra, when it assumes the middle position and pro- ceeds downwards, with the aorta to its left, and the pericardium before it. About the ninth dorsal vertebra it inclines again rather to the left, and somewhat forward, to arrive at the aper- ture in the diaphragm through which it passes. Throughout this course it is connected by cellular membrane to the contiguous parts ; and this investiture of cellular mem- brane has been called its External Coat. While the oesophagus is in the posterior mediastinum it is in contact with several small absorbent glands, especially when it first assumes a situation to the right of the aorta. These glands were formerly believed to be particularly connected with this tube, but they are now considered as belonging to the absor- bent system. They are sometimes greatly enlarged. Of the Stomach. This most important organ, which occasionally exerts a powerful influence upon every part of the body, appears very simple in its structure. It is a large sac, which is so thin when much inflated, that at first view it seems membranous, but upon examination is found to be composed of several lamina or coats, each of a different structure. It is of considerable length, but incurvated. It is much larger at one extremity than the other, and changes so gradually in this respect, that it would appear conical, if it were straight. It is not, however, strictly conical unless it is greatly distended ; for when moderately distended, a transverse section is rather oval than circular. It is, therefore, considered as having two broad sides or surfaces, and two edges, which are the curvatures. It has been compared by the anatomists of different nations to the wind sac of the musical instrument called the bagpipe.* The orifice in which the oesophagus terminates * The student ought not to attempt to acquire an idea of the form of the stomach without demonstration, for a view of one moment will be more serviceable than a long description. 32 POSITION OF THE STOMACH. Is at a small distance fi'om its largest extremity, and is called Cardia. The orifice which communicates with the intestines is at the termination of its small incurvated extremity, and is called the Pylorus. The two ends of the stomach being thus very different in size, are denominated the great and small extremities. The two curved portions of the surface are also called the great or superior and small or inferior curvatures. The two flat portions of the surface or the broadsides, are called the anterior and posterior surfaces. The situation of the stomach in the abdomen is nearly trans- verse: it lies principally in the left hypochondriac and epigas- tric regions, immediately below the liver. The great extremity Ficr. 135.* * A vertical and longitudinal section of the stomach and duodenum, made in such a direction as to include the two orifices of the stomach. 1. The oesopha- gus ; upon its internal surface the plicated arrangement of the cuticular epithelium is shown. 2. The cardiac orifice of the stomach, around which the fringed border of the cuticular epithelium is seen. 3. The great end of the stomach. 4. Its lesser or pyloric end. 5. The lesser curve. 6. The greater curve. 7. The dilatation at the lesser end of the stomach which received from Willis the name of antrum of the pylorus. This may be regarded as the rudi- ment of a second stomach. 8. The rugse of the stomach formed by the mucous membrane : their longitudinal direction is shown. 9. The Pylorus. 10. The oblique portion of the duodenum. 11. The descending portion. 12. The pan- creatic duct, and the ductus communis choledochus close to their termination. 13. The papilla upon which the ducts open. 14. The transverse portion of the duodenum. 15. The commencement of the jejunum. 16. In the interior of the duodenum and jejunum, the valvulse conniventes are seen. SEROUS OR EXTERNAL COAT OF THE STOMACH. 33 of the stomach is in the left hypochondriac region, and the lesser extremity in the epigastric region under the left lobe of the liver. The upper orifice, or Cardia, is nearly opposite to the body of the last dorsal vertebra ; and owing to the curved form of the stomach, the other orifice or Pylorus, is situated at a small distance to the right of that bone, and rather lower and more forward than the cardia : both orifices being in the epigas- tric region. The position of the stomach is oblique in two respects ; it inclines in a small degree from above downwards, from the left to the right ; and it also inclines downwards and forwards, from behind. Its two orifices are situated obliquely with respect to each other ; for if the stomach, when placed with its small curvature upwards, were divided into two equal parts by a vertical plane passing lengthways through it, they would be found on different sides of the plane. As the oesophagus terminates in the stomach immediately after it has passed through an aperture of the diaphragm, it is evident that the stomach must be somewhat fixed at that place ; but it is more movable at its other orifice ; for the extremity of the duodenum, into which it is continued, is movable. The stomach is connected to the concave surface of the liver by the reflection or continuation of the peritoneum which forms the lesser omentum. This membrane, after extending over each surface of the stomach, continues from its great curve in the form of the large omentum, and connects it to different parts, especially to the colon. There are likewise folds of the perito- neum, as it passes from the diaphragm and from the spleen to the stomach, which appear like ligaments. Notwithstanding these various connexions, the stomach undergoes considerable changes in its position. When it is nearly empty, and the intestines are in the same situation, its' broad surfaces are presented forwards and backwards ; but when it is distended, these surfaces are presented obliquely upwards and downwards, and the great curvature forwards. When its anterior surface is presented upwards, its orifices 34 SEROUS OR EXTERNAL COAT OF THE STOMACH. are considerably influenced in their direction, and the oesopha- gus forms an angle with the plane of the stomach. The stomach is composed of four dissimilar lamina, which may be demonstrated by a simple process of dissection. There is a first coat or external covering continued from the peritoneum : within this, and connected to it by delicate cellular substance, is a coat or stratum of muscular fibres : contiguous to these fibres, internally, is a layer of dense cellular sub- stance, called a nervous coat; and last is the internal coat of the stomach, called villous or fungous, from the structure of its surface. The external or first coat of the stomach, as has been already stated, is continued from the concave surface of the liver to the lesser curve of the stomach in two delicate lamina, which separate when they approach the stomach, and pass down, one on each side of it, adhering firmly to it in their course: at the opposite curve of the stomach they again unite to form the great omentum. The stomach is therefore closely invested by the peritoneum on every part of its surface except two strips, one at the lesser and the other at the greater curvature. These strips or uncovered places are formed by the separation of the lamina above mentioned, which includes a triangular space bounded by the stomach and these two lamina. In these triangular spaces, at each curvature of the stomach, are situat- ed the blood-vessels which run along the stomach in those directions, and also the glands which belong to the absorbent vessels of this viscus. The peculiar arrangement of the lamina at this place is particularly calculated to permit the dilatation of the stomach. When it is dilated, the lamina are in close contact with its surface, and the blood-vessels being in the angle formed by the adhesion of the two lamina to each other, are so likewise: when it contracts, the blood-vessels appear to recede from it, and the lamina are then applied to each other. Where the peritoneum thus forms a coat to the stomach, it is stronger and thicker than it is between the liver and stomach. In a recent subject it is very smooth and moist, but so thin MUSCULAR COAT OF THE STOMACH. 35 that the muscular fibres, blood-vessels, (fee, appear through it. If it is carefully dissected from the muscular coat, it appears somewhat flocculent on that surface which adhered to the muscular fibres. It seems to be most abundantly furnished with serous vessels ; but it has been asserted by Mascagni and Soemmering, that a large proportion of its texture consists of absorbent vessels. The cellular substance which connects this to the muscular coat, appears no way different from ordinary cellular membrane. The Muscular Coat of the stomach has been described very differently by respectable anatomists ; some considering it as forming three strata or fibres, and others but two. If the stomach and a portion of the oesophagus attached to it be moderately distended with air, and the external coat carefully dissected away, many longitudinal fibres will appear on every part of it, that evidently proceed from the oesophagus : these fibres are particularly numerous and strong on the lesser curvature of the stomach. — Beside the longitudinal fibres, there are many that have a circular direction, and these are particularly numerous towards the small extremity ; but it has been doubted whether there are any fibres in the muscular coat of the stomach that go directly round it. The whole sur- face of the stomach, when the peritoneal coat is removed, appears at first view to be uniformly covered by muscular fibres ; but upon close examination, there are interstices per- ceived, which are occupied with firm cellular membrane. — The longitudinal or superficial muscular fibres of the stom- ach, many of which can be traced from the oesophagus over the cardiac orifice of the stomach, are grouped together so as to form a thicker and stronger layer along the lesser curvature of the stomach ; many of these fibres, if traced with care, will be found continuous with the longitudinal fibres of the duodenum, while others are terminated by insertion in the cellular coat of the stomach near the pylorus. The circular fibres constitute the sphincter muscle of the pylorus, by being thickened into a muscular band at the line of separation between the stomach and duodenum. There is another order of fibres called the 36 CELLULAR OR NERVOUS COAT OF THE STOMACH. oblique, which are few in number, and spread over the left extre- raity or greater tuberosity. But it seems an unnecessary degree of refinement, to consider these fibres other than the circular altered in their direction, by the expansion which the left end of the stomach undergoes shortly after birth. They cannot well be studied except in cases where the muscular coat of the stomach is in a slate of hypertrophy. — The use of these oblique fibres, appears to be, to compress the great tuberosity of the stomach, and force the matters which it contains into the body of the stomach and towards the pylorus. The muscular fibres of the stomach are pale, and present in regard to color, the appearance of ligamentous fibres, for which they were mistaken by Helvetius and Winslow. This appearance is common likewise, to the mus- cular fibres of the intestinal canal, and of the bladder. — In the young infant, the shape of the stomach is more tubular, and like that of an intestine ; its left or splenic pouch not having yet been formed. Hence vomiting occurs so much more readily in the child than in the adult, the axis of the stomach in the latter, corresponding at its two extremities more nearly with that of the cardiac and pyloric orifices. — The cardiac orifice of the stomach is not provided with any sphincter, as it was thought to be by the ancients. — In contact with the internal surface of the muscular coat is the cellular stratum, which has been called the Nervous Coat of the stomach. It is dense and firm, of a whitish color, resembling condensed cellular membrane. It was considered as different from ordinary cellular membrane : but if air be insinuated into its texture, by blowing between the muscular and villous coats while it yet connects them to each other, it ex- hibits the proper appearance of cellular substance. It, however, adds greatly to the general strength of the stomach, and the vessels which terminate in the villous coat ramify in it. — The cellular coat is the most resisting of all the tunics of the stomach, and may be considered as the basis or frame- work of its structure. It is more closely united to the muscular coat on its outer face, than to the mucous on its inner. Its INTERNAL OR MUCOUS COAT. 37 attachment to the latter, will be seen on close inspection, to be by means of a substratum of delicate cellular tissue. — The internal coat of the stomach in the dead subject is com- monly of a whitish color, with a tinge of red. It is named villous, from its supposed resemblance to the surface of velvet. It has also been called fungous, because the processes analo- gous to the villi are extremely short, and its surface has a granulated appearance; differing in these respects from the internal surface of the intestines. It is continued from the lining membrane of the oesophagus, but is very different in its structure. Many very small vessels seem to enter into its texture, which are derived from branches that ramify in the nervous coat. It is supposed by several anatomists of the highest authority, to have a cuticle or epithelium ; and it is said that such a membrane has been separated by disease. It ought, however, to be remembered, that the structure of the villous coat of the stomach and intestines, is essentially different from the structure of the cuticle. The internal coat of the stomach is generally found covered, or spread over with mucus, which can be readily scraped off. This mucus is certainly effused upon it by secreting organs, and it has been supposed that there were small glandular bodies exterior to the villous coat, which furnished this secretion ; but the existence of such bodies is very doubtful, as many skillful anatomists hvae not met with any appearance that could be taken for glands, except in a very few instances, which would not be the case if those appearances had been natural. Pores, perhaps the orifices of mucous follicles, and also of exhalent vessels, are very numerous, but no proper glandular masses are attached to them. Glands, as has been already said, are found in the triangular spaces between the lamina of the peritoneum at the great and small curvatures of the stomach, but these evidently belong to the absorbent system.* Besides * The mucous coat of the stomach is, in its healthy state, thinner, softer, and more vascular in the cardiac half of the stomach, than in the pyloric. The villi or papilli as they are more properly called are better developed in the pyloric region. The place of glands in the stomach is supplied mainly by muciparous follicles, which are microscopical in regard to size. In pathological VOL. II. 4 38 THE GASTRIC LK^UOR. the mucus above mentioned, a large quantity of a different liquor, the proper Gastric Juice, or fluid of the stomach, is effused from its surface. It has been supposed that this fluid is furnished by the small glandular bodies believed to exist between the coats of this organ ; but, admitting the existence of these glands, they are not sufficiently numerous to produce so much of it as is found, and it is therefore probable that this fluid is discharged from the orifices of exhalent vessels in the internal surface. Much information respecting the gastric liquor has been obtained within a few years past by the researches of physio- logists, and they are generally agreed that it is the principal agent in the effects produced by the stomach upon alimentary substances.* As the muscular coat of the stomach frequently varies its dimensions, the villous and nervous coats, which have no such power of contraction, cannot exactly fit it. They there- fore generally appear larger, and of course are thrown into folds or rugae. These folds are commonly in a longitudinal direction ; but at the orifices of the stomach they are arranged in a radi- ated manner, and sometimes they are observed in a transverse conditions of the membrane, these follicles sometimes appear round, sometimes ovular, globular or flattened, and are believed to be analogous in structure and function, to the blennogenous apparatus of Breschet, which assists to form the cuticle of the skin. A cuticle ;7ro;?er does not extend farther dov?n the alimen- tary canal than the cardiac orifice of the stomach, at which place it terminates, as Chaussier first observed, in a crescentic margin. A delicate epithelial facing is however continued over the mucous membrane, throughout the whole length of the tube. — f. * On this subject, the student may consult with advantage — M. Reamur. In the Meraoires of the Academy of Sciences for 1752. John Hunter. London Philosophical Transactions for 1772; and also his observations on the Animal Economy, 1786. Dr. Edward Stevens. Inaugural Thesis de Alimentorum Concoctione, Edin- burg, 1777. The Abbe Spalanzani. Dissertations relative to Natural History, &c. The first volume of the English translation contains the author's dissertations on digestion, and also the first paper of DIr. Hunter, and the Thesis of Dr. Stevens, as well as an account of the experiments of Mr. Gosse of Geneva. In addition to these, there are several interesting essays in the French, Ger- man, and Italian languages, a compilation of which is to be found in Johnson's "History of the Progress and Present Slate of Animal Chemistry." See vol, i. p. 158. iiSwAii/H.'.x •/.. THE PYLORUS. 39 direction. They depend upon the contraction of the muscular fibres, and disappear entirely when the stomach is laid open and spread out. At the lower orifice is a circular fold, which is permanent, and constitutes the valve denominated Pylorus. It appears like a circular septum with a large foramen in its centre, or like a flat ring. The mucous and cellular coats of the stomach contribute to this, merely by forming the circular fold or ruga ; and within this fold is a ring of muscular fibres, evidently con- nected with the circular fibres of the muscular coat of the sto- mach, the diameter of which at this place is not larger than that of an intestine : the fibres of this ring seem a part of the muscular coat projecting into the cavity of the stomach and duodenum. If a portion of the lesser extremity of the stomach and the adjoining part of the duodenum be detached, and laid open by a longitudinal incision, and then spread out upon a board, the internal coat can be very easily dissected from the muscular, and the pylorus will then appear like a ridge or narrow bundle of muscular fibres, which run across the extend- ed muscular membrane. It is evident that when the parts are replaced so as to form a cylinder, this narrow fasciculus will form a ring in it. Tlius arranged the circular fibres can readily close the lower orifice of the stomach. The pylorus separates the stomach from the duodenum ; and this separation is marked exteriorly by a small circular depression, which corresponds exactly with the situation of the pylorus. The arteries of the stomach are derived from the Cceliac — the first branch which the aorta sends ofi" to the viscera of the abdomen. This great artery, immediately after it leaves the aorta, is divided into three branches, which are distributed to the stomach, the liver, and the spleen, and are called the Supe- rior Coronary or Gastric, the Hepatic and the Splenic. Besides the first mentioned branch, which is distributed princi- pally to the neighborhood of the cardia and to the lesser curvature, the stomach receives a considerable branch from the hepatic, which passes along the right portion of its great curva- 40 LYMPHATICS AND NERVKS OF THE STOMACH. ture, and has been called the right gastro-epiploic, and another from the spleen, which passes along the left portion of the great curvature, and has been called the left gastro-epiploic. In addition to these branches, the splenic artery, before it enters the spleen, sends off several small arteries to the great extremity of the stomach, which are called vasa brevia. These vasa brevia generally arise from the main trunk of the splenic artery, but sometimes from its branches. The veins which receive the blood from these arteries have similar names, and pursue corresponding courses backwards : but they terminate in the vena portarum. The absorbent vessels of the stomach are very numerous and large: they pass to the glands which are on the two curva- tures, and from thence to the thoracic duct. It is an important fact relative to the history of digestion, that there are good reasons for doubting whether chyle commonly passes through them, notwithstanding their number and size.* The nerves of the stomach are derived from the two great branches of the par vagum nerves which accompany the oesopha- gus and are mostly spent upon this organ, and from branches of several plexuses, which are formed from the splanchnic por- tions of the intercostal nerves. — The par vagum nerves form a plexus round the cardiac orifice, and are distributed, the left on the anterior, and the right on the posterior face of the stomach. — These nerves can be traced into the muscular coat of the stomach, and some of them as far as the duodenum. — The section of these nerves, paralizes the muscular coat of the stomach. They serve to connect the stomach, function- ally, with the oesophagus, the pharynx, larynx, lungs and heart. The nerves which the stomach receives from the plex- uses of the abdomen, in like manner connect it with the abdominal viscera. — * Sabatier, however, in one subject observed white lines on the stomach, which he suspected to be lacteals. See his account of the absorbents of the stomach. THE INTESTINES. 41 Of the Intestines. The intestines form a continued canal from the pylorus to the anus, which is generally six times the length of the subject to which they belong.* Although the different parts of this tube appear somewhat different from each other, they agree in their general structure. The coats or lamina of which they are composed, are much like those of the stomach, but the perito- neum which forms their external coat does not approach them in the same manner; nor is it continued in the form of omentum from the whole tube, their being only a certain portion of intes- tine, viz. the colon, from which such a process of peritoneum is continued. The Muscular Coat, like that of the stomach, consists of two strata, the exterior of which is composed of longitudinal fibres, which adhere to the external coat, and do not appear very strong. The other stratum, consisting of circular or transverse fibres, is stronger, as the fibres are more numerous. It is observable that they adhere to the longitudinal fibres ; and they seldom, if ever, form complete circles. The cellular substance immediately within the muscular fibres resembles the nervous coat of the stomach in its firmness and density. It is likewise so arranged as to form many circular ridges on its internal surface, which support to a certain degree the permanent circular plaits of the internal coat, called valvulae conniventes. The inner surface of the internal coat has been commonly compared to that of velvet, and the coat is therefore called villous ; but there is certainly a considerable difference * This is a rule a long time admitted among anatomists, making the small intestines twenty-four or twenty-eight feet in length, and the large intestines about six more. Cruvielhier considers the small intestine on the average about 20 feet in length, and the large, four to five feet. — But this mode of mea- surement is found to be totally defective when applied to comparative anatomy, and Dr. Horner has found it applicable only to man, when the intestine is left attached to the mesentery ; for, as he observes, "if it be cut off and straight- ened, the small intestine will measure thirty-four feet, which, added to the eight feet which the large intestine measures when treated in the same way, will amount in all to forty-two feet. If to this estimate of the length is added what is lost by the doubling of the mucous coat, the entire length of surface must amount to nearly sixty feet, at least in many subjects." — p. 4* 42 LIEBERKUHN ON THE VILLOUS COAT. between these surfaces ; for if a portion of the small intestine be inverted, and then suspended in perfectly transparent water, in a clear glass, and examined with a strong light, it will appear like the external surface of the skin of a peach, on which the down or hair-like processes are not so close as those on velvet. On this surface, between the villi, there are many orifices of mucous follicles and of exhaling vessels.* Exterior to the villous coat, many very small glandular bodies are some- times found, which are called after their describers Glandulae Brunneri and Peyeri. The internal coat of the upper portion of the intestinal tube is arranged so as to form a great number of transverse or circu- lar folds or plaits, called Vahuli>A',.,..a^4.^i- VESSELS OF THE SPLEEN. 109 gland. The splenic artery, before it arrives at the spleen, divides into five or six branches, which are also undulating in their progress, and penetrate into the body of the viscus at the above mentioned fissure. These branches are distributed to every part of the viscus, and ramify minutely. From these branches, or from the main trunk before it rami- fies, three or four smaller branches proceed to the left extre- mity of the stomach. They are called vasa brevia or arterise breves. The arteries which enter the spleen are accompanied by veins that emerge from it, and unite to form a great trunk. This trunk observes a course corresponding to that of the splenic artery, and receives veins from the stomach and pan- creas, which correspond with the arterial branches sent to those organs. The splenic vein is one of the principal branches of the vena portarum. The splenic artery is very large in proportion to the viscus to which it is sent, and the vein is unusually large in proportion to the artery. The vein is also very tender and delicate in its structure. The absorbent vessels of the spleen are very numerous. It has been asserted, that when those of the external coat of the spleen are injected, they are sufficient to form a fine net-work on it. The absorbents of the deep-seated parts unite to the superficial at the fissure where the blood-vessels enter. They terminate in the thoracic duct, after passing through several lymphatic glands. The nerves of the spleen are derived from the solar plexus : they form a plexus around the vessels, and accompany them through the viscus. The spleen consists of a substance which is much softer than that of any other viscus of the abdomen. This substance is made up either wholly or in great part of the ramifications of the splenic artery and vein, which are demonstrated by injec- tions to be very minute and numerous in this body. There are also many fine white cords, like threads, which pass from the internal surface x)f the inner coat of the spleen in its soft sub- VOL. II. 10 110 MALPIGHI ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE SPLEEN. Stance, in which some of them ramify. These cords connect the substance of the spleen pretty firmly to its coat, and they seem to have the effect of rendering the exterior part of the substance more firm and dense than the internal. They are particularly conspicuous if the spleen be immersed in water, and the coat pulled off while it is in that situation. — The proper or elastic coat of the spleen, besides sending inwards the cords above men- tioned, gives off tubular processes which serve as sheaths or investments to the vessels which enter it. — The spleen has a strong resemblance to the glandular organs hut has no excretory duct, and its particular function is not very obvious : for these reasons the structure of this organ is a subject of very interesting inquiry. Malpighi, who took the lead in researches of this nature, before injections of the blood-vessels with wax were in use, after investigating the structure of the spleen by long macera- tion, by boiling, by inflation, by the injection of ink or colored fluids, and by examination with microscopes, declared that its structure was cellular; that the cells communicated more freely with the veins than the arteries ; and that they might be con- sidered as appendices of the veins. He also asserted, that a large number of white bodies or vesicles were to be found in those cells and throughout the whole substance of the spleen, which were in bunches like grapes, and preserved their whitish color although the vessels around them were injected with a colored fluid. This description of Malpighi appears to have been admitted by some of the very respectable anatomists who were contemporary with him; but it was zealously opposed by Ruysch, who exhibited the spleen so completely injected with wax, that it appeared to be composed entirely of vessels.* Ruysch appears to have paid great attention to this subject, and to have made many preparations of the spleen. From these he derived the opinion, that the substance of this organ was entirely composed of arteries, veins, absorbent vessels and * Two plates, taken from drawings of these preparations are published in Ruysch's Works. One is attached to Epistola Problematica Quarta, in the second volume ; and the other in Thesaurus Septimus, in tfie third volume. RUrSCH AND DE LA SONE ON THE SPLEEN. Ill nerves ; and that if it were properly injected before It was dis- sected, no other structure would be found. He stated, that the minute ramifications of the blood-vessels appeared to have acquired a peculiar quality, and were so soft and delicate that their texture was destroyed by the least friction ; and that by the slightest degree of putrefaction they appeared to be reduced to a fluid state. He also denied the existence of cells, or of the whitish bodies described by Malpighi. The question thus at issue between these great masters of their art was very carefully examined by M. De La Sone, a French Physician, whose observations are published in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1754. After repeating the processes of each of these anatomists, and instituting some others in addition, he adopted the opinion that there was in the texture of the spleen, a pulpy substance which was not a mere coagulum, but which, however, could not be injected. He derived this opinion from this fact among others. After macerating the spleen a considerable time, and injecting water into the vessels until it returned colorless, he injected ink, and confined it some time in the vessels by tying them : he then allowed the ink to flow out of the vessels, and made various sections of the spleen ; but no ink appeared in the pulpy sub- stance, although it was visible in small vessels which ramined in that substance. He observed that this could not have been the case, if the pulpy substance had been composed entirely of ves- sels, as was supposed by Ruysch. He also examined the spleen after it had been injected with wax, according to the manner of Ruysch, and believed not only that the pulpy matter remained uninjected, but that Ruysch himself, in his own preparation, removed this substance, suppos- ing it to exist for the mere purpose of connecting the vessels to each other. To see the blood-vessels in the same state of distention in which they were during life, he tied the splenic vessels in a living animal, and removed the spleen with the ligatures on the vessels. In this situation he boiled it, and then examined the appearance of the vessels and the pulpy substance. — From 112 HALLER AND THE FRENCH ANATOMISTS ON THE SPLEEN. these, as well as his other observations, he decided, that the pulpy substance did not consist entirely of vessels, but was an additional and different structure. He also suggested, that as the brain and muscular fibres were so covered by blood-vessels in the injected preparations of Ruysch, that they appeared to be composed entirely of vessels, when in fact they consisted of a different substance, so the pulpy substance of the spleen was covered or obscured by the blood-vessels which passed through it, without constituting its whole substance. He confirms the account of Malpighi respecting the Whitish Vesicles or Follicles, and states, that in a majority of cases they are not to be discovered without a particular preparation ; but that they are generally made obvious by long maceration of the spleen in water. In his opinion they are the most essential part of the organ. Notwithstanding these investigations of M. De La Sone, the question respecting the structure of the spleen remains not com- pletely decided even to this day. Haller, who was perfectly well acquainted with the subject, inclined to the opinion of Ruysch ; while Sabatier adopted completely the opinion of De La Sone. It appears from the statement of Gavard, that Desault did not admit the existence of the transparent bodies ; although he believed that the pulpy substance of the spleen consisted of cells which resembled those of the cavernous bodies of the penis. Boyer, whose descriptions of the animal structure appear to have been formed with scrupulous exactitude, admits the exist- ence of transparent bodies ; sometimes so small' as to be scarcely visible, and sometimes as large as the head of a pin. He observes, that the best method of examining them is to place a very thin slice of the spleen between the eye and a strong light, when the transparency of these bodies occasions the slice of the spleen to appear as if perforated. As to the general structure of the pulpy substance, he avows himself unable to decide respecting it ; but observes that upon BRITISH ANATOMISTS ON THE SPLEEN. 113 examining the cut surface of the spleen, you perceive black liquid blood flow from the vessels ; if you then scrape this sur- face, you may express easily a species of sanies different from that which flows from the vessels, which, after exposure, be- comes red, and resembles coagulated Wood ; whether this is con- tained in the capillary vessels, or in the cavties of this organ, he acknowledges himself unaWe to determine. Notwithstanding the sendments of these French gentlemen, many of the British anatomists, who are entitled to great atten- tion on account of their skill in minute injections, have adopted the ideas of Ruysch. Among these are to be mentioned the late Dr. F. Nicholls. and many of the anatomists of London, as well a? the second Professor Monro, of Edinburgh. There are, however, two remarkable exceptions to this account of the British anatomists. The late Mr. Falconer, who wrote a dis- sertation on the situation and structure of the spleen, which contains the sentiments of the late truly respectable Mr. Hew- son,* after stating that the organ was extremely vascular, so that when injected it appeared like a mere congeries of vessels, makes this unequivocal assertion — that there are innumerable cells dispersed throughout the whole substance of it, which are so small that they are only to be discovered by the aid of a microscope ; and are to be seen after steeping a thin piece of spleen, the blood-vessels of which have been minutely injected, in clear water during a day, and changing the water frequently. He also adds, that the ultimate branches of the arteries and veins form a beautiful net-work on each cell ; and that these cells are sufficiently distinguished from the irregular interstices of the cellular substance, by their round figure and their great regularity. Sir Everard Home, in his papers on the structure and uses of the spleen, confirms the account of the vesicles in this organ ; and adds that these vesicles are occasionally seen in a distended and in a contracted state. That when distended they are twice as large as when contracted, and are distinguishable by the ♦ See Experimental Inquiries, vol. iii. 10* 114 THE STRUCTURE OF THE SPLEEN. naked eye ; whereas when contracted, they require a magnifying glass to be distinctly seen. These observations appear to have been made upon quadrupeds.* Professor Soemmering appears to unite in the general senti- ment of the British anatomists, that the spleen is simply vascu- lar. He says, that the tuberculi which sometimes appear in it, when examined with a magnifying glass, appear to be composed entirely of vessels. There are, therefore, two questions not perfectly decided respecting the spleen. First. Whether its general structure is simply vascular ; or whether there is any other structure either cellular or more sub- stantial, which composes its general bulk. Second. Whether the small transparent vesicles, originally described by Malpighi are to be regarded as essential parts of the structure of the spleen. With respect to the first question, the injections of Ruysch, and of the British anatomists in general, and even of Mr. Hew- son, as well as of Haller and Soemmering, seem to afford posi- tive facts in opposition to those of a negative kind adduced by M. De La Sone, and render it highly probable that the general structure is simply vascular. But the second question stands on different grounds. The existence of small transparent vesicles, although denied by Ruysch, and neglected by the British anatomists in general, was asserted as d. positive fact by Malpighi and De La Sone ; and their assertions have been confirmed, not only by most of the French anatomists, but also by Hewson and Home among the British. The sentiments of physiologists respecting the functions of the spleen, are more discordant than those of anatomists respect- ing its structure ; although the subject has been considered by many authors of great ingenuity .f * See the London Philosophical Transactions for 1808. t See M. Lieutaud, Elementa Physiologise ; Hewson's Experimental Inquiries, vol. iii. ; Dr. Rush, Medical Museum, vol. iii. ; and Haller, Elementa Physi- ologiae, torn. vi. page 414. THE STRUCTURE OF THE SPLEEN. 115 -^The spleen is met with only in vertebrate animals, and in them its presence is nearly constant. The whitish rounded corpuscles of Malpighi, which are found in many animals and occasionally in man, and are visible to the naked eye in the red substance of the spleen, were described by Dupuytren and Assolant as greyish bodies, without any cavity in their interior, one- fifth of a line in diameter, and so soft as to take the liquid form when raised on the knife. More recent observations have shown them to be vesicles, and not solid bodies containing an albumin- ous fluid. They appear to be appended in groups of six or eight to an arterial ramuscule. — Miiller considers them as growths or processes connected with the sheaths with which the capillary branches of the splenic artery are provided. Of their intimate texture and uses nothing is positively known. They are supposed to belong to the absorbent system and to consist of dilatations of the absorb- ent vessels. — The pulpy substance of the spleen consists of a mass of red- brown granules, as large as the red particles of the blood, but differing from them in form, being very irregularly globular. — These granules are easily separable from each other, and in their midst the minute arteries ramify in tufts, and terminate in the plexus of venous canals, in which all the blood of the spleen is poured, before it is carried out of the organ by the splenic vein. There are no distinct cells in the spleen ; those spaces seen in sections of the organs which have been mistaken for cells, are divided venous canals exceedingly thin and delicate. When the spleen is inflated with air, these vessels are distended and assume a slightly cellular appearance. — The spleen is now generally considered as belonging to the class of erectile or distensible tissues, and to serve as a diver- ticulum or temporary outlet to the blood, which accumulates in the venous plexuses of the stomach during digestion, and also when the blood is hurried so rapidly through the system as in running, as to endanger some of the weaker vessels ; in the latter case the accumulation is usually attended, especially in young persons, with pain in the region of the spleen. Its uses in the 116 EXTIRPATION OF THE SPLEEN. economy are by no means well understood, and in health or disease, it seems to have but little functional connexion with other organs. In the female, it appears to sympathize more with the organs of generation than any others. Its extirpation in animals may take place without destroying life. This ope- ration was practised by Dr. Schultz,* twenty-seven times in dogs, cats, goats, and rabbits, and of which but one died from the experiment. When the wound had healed, he remarked but little functional disturbance in any of the organs of the body except the generative. The chyle drawn from the thoracic duct, presented the same appearance as that of animals in which the experiment had not been practised ; a result not in accord- ance with the opinion of Tiedemann and Gmelin, who affirm the use of the spleen to be that of furnishing through its numer- ous absorbent vessels, a fluid which reddens and assists in animalizing the thoracic chyle. — In the animals operated upon, the power of procreation was greatly impaired, though not entirely destroyed. * Hecker's Annalen, torn. xii. THE GLANDULE RENALES. 117 CHAPTER IV. OF THE URINARY ORGANS AND THE GLANDULE RENALES. The lu'inaiy organs consist of the Kidneys, which are situated in the lumbar regions ; of the Bladder, which is in the pelvis ; of the Ureters, which are flexible tubes or canals that pass from the kidneys to the bladder ; and of the Urethra, or tube through which the urine is discharged from the bladder. These organs have but little connexion with the peritoneum. The kidneys are behind it, and a considerable quantity of cellu- lar membrane is placed between them and it. The ureters are also behind it ; and but a part of the bladder is invested with it. The GlandulcB Renales are described with the urinary organs, on account of their contiguity to the kidneys ; and to avoid a derangement of the natural order of description, they are considered first. The urethra pertains to the organs of generation as well as to the urinary organs, and can be described most advantageously with them. Of the Glandulce Renales. (Renes Succenturiati, CapsulcE Atrabiliares.) These are two small bodies situated on the psoas muscles, one on each side of the spine, behind the peritoneum and above the kidney, being in contact with its upper and anterior edge. They have an irregular semilunar figure with three aides, one of which is accommodated to the convexity of the kidney. Their color is commonly a dull yellow. The appearance and texture of these bodies have some resem- blance to those of glands, and hence their name^ but they have no excretory duct. When they are laid open by an incision, a cavity often appears, J 18 CAPSULE RENALES. which is somewhat triangular, and from the lower part of it a small thin ridge arises.* A small quantity of fluid is generally found in it, which has a very dark color in adults, is yellowish in young subjects, and red in infants. These bodies have not a single artery appropriated to them, as the spleen has, but receive small branches from several contiguous sources ; namely, from the arteries of the diaphragm, from the coeliac artery or the aorta, and from the arteries of the kidneys. There is generally one principal vein, as well as some that are smaller, belonging to each of these bodies : the large vein, on the right side, generally opens into the vena cava ; and, on the left, into the left emulgent vein. These bodies were first described by Eustachius, and have been regarded with attention by many anatomists since that period. They exist in a great number of animals ; but their nature and functions are altogether unknown. — Rayer,f adopts the opinion of Meckel, that in the normal state there is no cavity whatever in the renal capsules. When- ever I have observed this cavity in my dissections, it has been always filled with dark blood or a yellowish albuminous fluid, and the walls of the cavity have presented an irregular appear- ance, though having the general triangular form of the gland. In the healthy state, the supra renal vein can be traced into the centre of the gland which then presents a spongy appearance. The vein itself is dilated so as to form a sort of sinus in the interior of the gland. — Rayer considers the cavity as always produced by hasmorr- hage arising from a rupture of some of the lax vessels of the capsule, which causes a forcible separation of the soft tissue of the gland. He describes several cases of what he calls apoplexy of the gland, where a large amount of blood was collected in a cyst formed from the gland. Miiller believes that the deve- lopment of these glands is in some measure connected with that of the generative organs. * The cavity in these bodies has sometimes been sought for in vain. Haller found it in sixteen cases out of nineteen, t Sur les Maladies des Reins. — p. THE KIDNEYS AND URETERS. 119 -In structure they are. composed of two different looking substances which have been called cortical and medullary. The first is yellowish and external, and appears to be striated perpendicularly to its surface, from the direction in which the capillaries run through it. The medullary is in the centre, and is brown colored and soft. — Of the Kidneys and Ureters, The kidneys are two glandular bodies which secrete the urine. They are of a dull red color, and their form has a strong resemblance to that of the bean which bears their name. They have a peculiar texture, which is uniform, and not granulated or composed of acini ; and they are covered by a thin delicate fibrous tunic, which has no connection with the peritoneum. They are situated in the lumbar regions of the abdomen, one on each side of the spine. They are opposite to the two last dorsal and the two first lumbar vertebrae. They rest principally upon the psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles, and their position is oblique ; the concave edge presenting inwards and forwards, the convex edge backwards, and the upper extremity approaching nearer to the spine than the lower. The Right Kidney is situated rather lower than the left : it is below the posterior part of the right lobe of the liver, and behind the duodenum and the colon. The Left Kidney is below the spleen, and behind the descending portion of the colon. Each of the kidneys is below and very near to one of the glandulae renales. They are surrounded with a large quantity of lax adipose membrane, which in corpulent persons forms a very large mass of adeps around them ; while in the emaciated they are sur- rounded with a membrane almost free from fat. Each kidney has two broad sides, two extremities, and two edges. The side or surface which is posterior, when the kidney is in its natural situation, is rather broader than the other. The upper extre- mity, or portion, is also broader and larger than the lower. The edge which is posterior and external is regularly convex ; the anterior edge is concave ; but the concave edge or margin is 120 THE KIDNEYS. not very regular. In the middle it is. largely indented ; in this indentation is a deep fissure, which separates the two broad sur- faces or sides of the gland from each other ; and here the breadth of the posterior surface is evidently greater than the anterior. Each of the kidneys receives a large artery, which proceeds immediately from the aorta, nearly in a rectangular direction. A vein, which opens into the vena cava, accompanies the artery. It is obvious, from the situation of the kidneys with respect to the great vessels, that the artery on the right side must be longer than that on the left, and that the reverse of this must be the case with the veins ; the veins are also anterior to the arteries. At the great fissure these vessels divide into several branches, which enter the kidney at that place. The branches of the vein are before and above ; those of the artery are below, and in the middle. Surrounded more or less by the branches of those vessels, is a membranous sac ; the breadth of which extends from above downwards. This sac terminates in a tube that proceeds from the lower part of the fissure down to the bladder. The sac is denominated the pelvis of the kid- ney, and the tube a ureter: each of these parts will soon be more particularly described. The substance of the kidney, as has been already said, is uniform in its texture, and of a reddish brown color. When it is divided by an incision made lengthways, and from its convex to its concave edge, there appears to be a small differ- ence in the different parts of it. The exterior part, which is called cortical, is rather more pale in color and softer in consistence than the internal part. It varies in thickness, so that some writers have described it as equal to two lines, and others to one-third of the kidney. In a majority of subjects it will be found between the two statements. The interior part is called medullary, or tubular, and appears to be composed of very fine tubes. These tubes are so arranged, that a number of papillae or cones are formed by their convergence, and project into the fissure of the kidney. These papillae have been supposed to consist of a substance dif- ferent from either of the two above mentioned, but they appear to be formed merely by the tubular part. i^2sfadii^(^dkM)i^ THE KIDNEYS. 121 The arteries, accompanied by corresponding veins, and by- nerves and absorbent vessels, after ramifying in the fissure of the kidney, proceed into its substance, and continue their arborescent ramifications until they have arrived very near the exterior sur- face. They are so uniformly distributed to the different parts of the organ, that when the blood-vessels are injected with wax, and the substance of the kidney is removed from the injected matter, as is the case in corroded preparations, the injection exhibits accurately the form of the kidney. The large branches of the blood-vessels occupy the vacuities between the papillae in the fissure of the kidney. When they penetrate the substance of the kidney, they are enclosed by sheaths which are derived from the coat of the gland, and are surrounded by membrane which frequently contains adeps. There are commonly ten or twelve papillae in the fissure of each kidney, but there are sometimes more and sometimes less than this number. These papillae are surrounded by a mem- branous sac of a corresponding form ; the papillae being a cone, and the sac resembling the upper part of a funnel. The sac is therefore called an infundibulum. Sometimes there are two papillae in each infundibulum, and then the form of the sac is not so regular. The infundibulum adheres to the base of the papillae, but lies loose about the other parts of it. Each infun- dibulum communicates at its apex with the pelvis of the kidney. The Pelvis, as has been already mentioned, is a membranous sac which terminates in the ureter, exterior to the kidney. This sac generally divides itself, in the fissure of the kidney, into three large irregular branches, called calices, above described, each of which very soon terminates in three or four of the infundibula.* That portion of the sac which terminates in the ureter is exterior to the kidney. When the interior parts of the kidney are exposed to view, by the section above mentioned after the arteries and veins have been minutely injected, the cortical part will be found to * It is more usual now with anatomists to apply the term cmIt/x, to the cup- like portion of mucous membrane which surrounds the papilla, and that of in- fundibulum, to the three outlets by which the ten or twelve calices discharge into the common cavity of the pelvis of the kidney. — p. VOL. II. 11 122 CORTICAL AND TUBULAR PORTIONS OF THE KIDNEY. consist almost entirely of the minute ramifications of these vessels. Among them are some small bodies, which are dis- persed through the substance, Hke berries on a bush : these are asserted also to be composed of vessels. The tubular part certainly proceeds from this vascular cortical substance: for Ruysch, and after him several other injectors, have filled these tubes with injections thrown iuto the arteries. The tubuli, of which this part is composed, seem to arise obscurely from the cortical part. They soon assume somewhat of a radiated direction, and are finally arranged so as to form the papillae or cones above described. On these papillse or cones some of them can be traced, uniting with each other, to form larger tubes, which terminate on the surfaces of the papillae, in orifices large enough to be seen dis- tinctly. From these orifices urine may be forced out by com- pressing the papillae. On this account the tubes have been called tubuli uriniferi. — The minute round bodies (glomeruli) which are distributed like berries on a bush, among the arteries and veins of the cortical portion, and are visible to the naked eye, are called the corpuscles or acini of Malpighi. These bodies, Malpighi and Schumlansky, believed to be hollow sacs, with vessels ramifying on the parietes, and which secreted the urine. Ruysch, Hewson, and more recently Huschke, and Miiller, have shown that they are formed entirely of an agglomeration of minute vascular branches appended to the minute twigs of the arteries, and are mere reservoirs of blood. They vary from the j',^ to the ji,^ part of an inch in diameter. According to Mr. Bowman* the tuft of capillary vessels of which each glomerule or Malpighian body is composed, is enclosed within the commencing extremity of each uriniferous tube so that the number of these bodies corresponds with the number of uriniferous tubes. By this arrangement the tuft of vessels is received in a sort of funnel shaped dilata- tion of the tube as shown in fig. 153. From the interior of the vascular glomerule, a vein proceeds smaller than the artery * London Philosophical Transactions for 1842. ' "?'■ ■>' „ .vLn i Ml-iJMiki DUCTS OF FERREIN. DUCTS OF BELLINI. 123 ^^' which uniting with the veins form other Fig. 153. glomerules contributes to the formation of the dehcate venous plexus, wliich sur- rounds the tortuous uriniferous tubes in the conical part of the kidney. — The colloidal, medullary or tubular portions of the kidney, are from twelve to eighteen in number. The bases of these are rounded, and turned to the cortical matter which covers them to the thickness of two lines, and dips in for a much greater depth between their rounded margins. The arteries and veins send up their ramifications to the cortical mat- ter, between these different conoidal bodies so as to separate them from each other. The conoidal bodies terminate in the caliceSj'in little nipple-like projections, called papilla renales. At the apex of these, there is usually a depression, called foveola. There are usually but ten or twelve of these papillas, two of the conoidal bodies terminating as before described in several places in a common papilla. Theconoidal bodies being pyrami- dal in their shape, are sometimes called the pyramids of Malpighi. — Each of these conoidal bodies or pyramids, is composed of an immense number of minute tubes, {tuhuli uriniferi,^ which termi- nate by a small number of orifices on the surface of its papilla. — The tubes originate in the cortical portion, in their course through which they are serpentine and tortuous, and are called the ducts of Ferrein (dacti Ferreinei ;) the same ducts, as they pass from the cortical matter to the papilla become straight, and are called the ducts of Bellini, from two anatomists who devoted much attention to the structure of the kidney. Ferrein ascertained that the o-eneral convergence , of each cone or * Plan of the venal circulation after Mr. Bowman, a, Branch of the venal artery givingoff twigs to the raalpighian bodies. 1, A twig sent to one of these bodies or gloraercules(?n). From the glomercule {m) the uriniferous tube is .seen taking its tortuous course to {t), after which it becomes straight. 2, 2, Various efferent veins forming a plexus (p, p.) about the tubuli urinileri. This venous plexus transmits its blood, by a larger branch (f) which runs between the pyra- mids and by the side of the arterial branches, to empty into the great venal vein. — 124 STRUCTURE OF THE KIDNEY. pyramid of Malpigbi, from Its base to its papilla, was caused by the union of many of the ducts together, into common tubes, so as to constitute lesser pyramids, called the pyramids of Ferrein, (Pyramides Ferreinei.) The ducts of each of these pyramids, subsequently unite together, so that the conver- gence is uniform down to the papilla, where for the whole of the tubes of each conoidal body, there appears to be but from twenty to thirty terminal orifices. In each conoidal body, the pyramids of Ferrein, are said by that anatomist to be seven hundred in number, which, as the number of cones in a kidney are upon an average about fifteen, would make the whole number ef pyramids in the kidney, ten thousand five hundred. — Again, each of the pyramids of Ferrein, is said at its base to be composed of many hundred separate tubes, each of which tubes, according to Eysenhardt, is composed of twenty smaller ones : but the observations of this latter writer, even by the German anatomists, are considered rather as an exaggeration. — The exact mode of origin of the tubuli uriniferi has been long a question of doubt. According to Krause and Miiller and most modern observers who have investigated this subject, they originate as closed tubes, like the ducts of other glands. Mr. Bowman as before noticed, considers the closed tubes to be expanded into pouches at their coecal ends for the purpose of lodging the glomerules each pouch being pierced by two orifices, for the accommodation of the entering artery and efferent vein. These ducts, when examined with the microscope in the cortical portion, appear two or three times less in diameter, than the tubuli seminiferi, and therefore invisible to the naked eye, though they are still much larger than the capillary blood-vessels, which form in the cortical structure of the kid- neys a very minute net-work. The ducts of the cortical portion (ducti Ferreinei,) anastomose frequently with one another ; they are flexuous and closely aggregated together, which gives to the cortical matter the appearance of a solid mass. — From the minute currents of blood with which these vessels supply the glomerules and the walls of the ducts, the secretion of urine, takes place ; a part of the contents of the blood-ves- sels permeating their walls, and undergoing in the transit proba- '.ar..>i.',4vl NERVES AND LYMPHATICS. COAT OF THE KIDNEY. 125 biy some change. It is certain, that there is some intimate communication between the origin of the ducts, and the radicles of the veins, even in man and the higher animals. In oviparous animals, as has before been observed, the secretion of urine takes place from a portal vein. — A fine injecting fluid will pass readily from the veins into the uriniferous tubes ; and 1 find no difficulty in passing air in the retrograde direction, from the ureter into the veins by infla- tion of the former with a large blow-pipe ; the cut extremity of the veins being retained under water, large bubbles of air will be seen to escape from it during inflation. M. Huschke,* was also very successful in passing colored fluids in the same direction, by the aid of the air-pump. The uriniferous tubes were always well injected, the fluid passing in by the orifices on the papillae ; and in most cases the venous plexus in the cortical structure, was also filled. But in no instance, in man or the inferior animals, did he find the fluid passing into the cor- puscles of Malpighi, or into the arteries. Fig. 154.f — The average weight of a healthy kidney in the male according to M. Rayer is 4| ounces ; in the female 3g. The left kidney in both sexes is usually larger than the right. In the nephritis alhuminosa, (granular disease of Bright,) which is an affection of the cortical or glandular substance only, attended with albuminous urine, the first development of the minute red points, which subsequently become the gran- ulations of Bright, correspond for the most part according to Rayer,J to the highly vascular corpuscles of Malpighi. — * Isis, torn. xxi. t Fig. 154 is a vertical section of a kidney, in which the ureter is seen en- tering the organ, and dilating into a large sac called the pelvis. The pelvis is 11* X Oper. citat. 126 STRUCTURE OF THE URETERS. In the foetal state the kidney is formed of a number of dis- tinct lobuli, each of which consists of a papilla with the cortical matter connected to its base. Soon after birth these lobuli coalesce ; and in two or three years the substance of the kidney appears uniform, as above described. In some animals this lobulated structure continues during life : in them, and also in the foetus, each lobe appears like a distinct organ. Although in the adult kidney this structure has disappeared, the papillae and the tubular part connected with them are somewhat detach- ed from each other, in a manner corresponding to their original arrangement. — In the foetus the renal capsule appears very large, when compared with the kidney itself; this fact seems to indicate, that the organ performs some office of much importance in the foetal economy. — The JVerres of the Kidneys originate from the semilunar gang- lion, formerly mentioned. They form a plexus round the blood- vessels, and go with them into the gland. The kidneys have internal and external absorbent vessels, although the external vessels are very small. These absorbents pass through glands in the lumbar region to the thoracic duct. The proper coat of the kidney is said, by some anatomists, to consist of two lamina ; but this cannot be shown in common cases. It appears simple in its structure, and very flexible. It is but slightly connected to the glandular substance which it encloses, and may be easily peeled off. It is reflected inwards at the fissure of the kidney, and can be traced inwardly to some distance, forming sheaths for the vessels. In this internal situation it is very thin. The Ureters. The pelvis of the kidney terminates exteriorly in the Ureter, divided into three infundibuli, which are seen in part, in this section ; each in- fundibulum is subdivided usually into four calices, of which, of course part only can be seen in this section of the organ. The striated conoidal bodies are seen terminating by their papillae in these calices ; and in one calix a papilla is seen perforated by foramina, which are the terminal orifices of the urinifer- ous tubes. Between the rounded bases of the conoidal bodies, and on the peri- phery of the kidney is seen the cortical substance. — THE URINARY BLADDER. - 127 which is a membranous cylindrical tube, rather flattened, and between three and five lines in diameter, with some variations in this respect. The Ureters descend from the pelvis of the kidney so as to pass obliquely across the psoas muscle and the great iliac vessels. They are behind the peritoneum, but in contact with it. They approach the pelvis near the junction of the os ilium with the sacrum, and thence descend forwards and inwards, surrounded with loose cellular membrane, to the lower part of the bladder into which they are inserted at its external and posterior part. They first penetrate obliquely the muscular coat, and then proceed between the muscular and internal coats from half an inch to an inch, in an oblique direction, from without inwards and forwards, when they terminate by small orifices in the internal coat, each of which is at an equal distance, (rather more than an inch,) from the orifice of the uretha, thus forming a triangle with it. The ureters are said to have three coats. The exterior ap- pears to be derived from the cellular substance ; within it is another, which has been regarded very differently by different anatomists ; some considering it as merely membranous, and others as muscular. If the ureter be laid open and the internal coat peeled off, the muscular structure of this coat is often very perceptible. The internal coat is called villous, or mucous, and is continued from the internal coat of the bladder. Over this coat mucus is constantly spread, which defends it from the acrimony of the urine. It is very difficult to separate the two last mentioned coats from each other. The ureters receive blood-vessels and nerves from those of the neighboring parts. Their internal coat is very vascular, and is also very sensitive to irritation. The passage of a small urinary calculus can be traced from the pelvis of the kidney to the bladder, by the exquisite pain and the spasmodic affec- tions which it often excites. Of the Urinary Bladder. The urinary bladder is a large sac, of a muscular and mem- 128 THE URINARY BLADDER. branous structure, which occupies the anterior part of the cavity of the pelvis, immediately within the ossa pubis. The size of the bladder is in a continued state of variation, according to the quantity of urine secreted. When moderately distended, it is of an irregular oval form, but rather more flat at its lower extremity than above. It varies in form according to the different circumstances of the pelvis to which it has been subjected. It is fixed firmly and immovably to the pelvis immediately within the symphysis pubis; so that it is always to be found there of a larger or smaller size. This fixture is produced by the attachment of the lower portion of the fundus of the bladder to the parts beneath it, but principally by the anterior ligaments of the bladder which proceed one on each side from the lateral surfaces of the prostate gland, and are inserted into the pubis of the corresponding side at the lower part of the symphysis. These ligaments are in fact the extension of a membrane, (called by the French anatomists, the pelvic aponeurosis,) which proceeds from the upper part of the pelvis to the side of tlie prostate gland and bladder, and which may be seen by turning off the peritoneum from the levator ani muscle.* It is sometimes completely empty, and occupies no more space than the thickness of its coats requires. When moderately distended, it occupies a considerable portion of the pelvis : when distention increases, it presses the parts posterior to it against the sacrum, and extends itself above the brim of the pelvis into the general cavity, rising not only to the umbili- cus, but in some cases to the. epigastric region. In males the relative situation of the bladder and rectum is such, that the upper and middle part of the rectum is behind the bladder; but the lower part of the rectum, following the curve of the os sacrum and coccygis, is below the posterior part of the bladder. In females the vagina and uterus are situated between the bladder and rectum ; so that the connexion of these last men- tioned parts is very different in the two sexes. * See Thesis on Femoral Hernia, Ace, by Gilbert Breschet. Paris, April, 1819. Colles' Surgical Anatomy, Dublin, 1811, for a more minute account of this membrane. — h. MUSCULAR COAT OF THE BLADDER. 129 The peritoneum is reflected at the anterior part of the brim of the pelvis from the abdominal muscles, which it lines, to the upper part of the bladder, which is generally contiguous to the brim of the pelvis. It continues over to the posterior side of the bladder, and passes down upon it some distance towards the lower part ; but before it has arrived at the bottom, it is reflected towards the sacrum. In males it extends from the bladder to th^ rectum, and in females, to the vagina and uterus ; so that [there is a consider- able portion of the lower part of the bladder which is not invested by the peritoneum. It also follows, that when the bladder is extended into the abdomen, and rises above the brim of the pelvis, that part of it which presents anteriorly, and is in contact with the abdominal muscles, is without a covering of peritoneum ; being below it. — It is usual for anatomists and pathologists to divide the bladder when moderately distended into four regions, for the purpose of descrip- tion, viz. the middle part or body, the top or upper fundus, the inferior part or lower fundus, and the neck, at which the urethra commences. — In the foetus and young child, the neck of the bladder is the most de- pending portion. In the adult, the bottom of the bladder is depressed and expanded, so as to form a pouch below the level of the neck, which is technically known as the has fond. In this part the urine first begins to accumulate when the organ has been emptied, and calculi usually lodge. * The posterior aspect of the male bladder ; the serous covering is remov- ed in order to show the muscular coat. 1. The body of the bladder. 2. Its upper fundus. 3. Its lower fundus or base. 4. The urachus. 5, 5. The ure- ters. 6, 6. The vasa deferentia. 7, 7. The vesiculse seminales. 8. The triangular area, corresponding with the trigonum vesicae through which the bladder would be pierced, in puncturing the bladder through the rectum. The dotted line forming the base of this triangular area, marks the extent to which the recto- vesical fold of the peritoneum, descends upon the lower fundus of the bladder. 130 MUSCULAR COAT OF THE BLADDER. — The diameter of the bas fond or lower fundus Is rather greater laterally than in the antero-posterior direction. Its lateral portions in both sexes are in contact with the levator aiii muscles, and correspond to the spaces between the anus and the tuberosities of the ischium. In the female, its middle por- tion is in contact with the walls of the vagina ; in the male with the rectum in the middle line, and with the vesiculae semi- nales and the vasa deferentia upon the side. — The bladder is composed of a coat consisting of muscular fibres, of a stratum of cellular substance immediately within this, and of an internal lining membrane, which has been called villous ; but, as there are no villi perceptible on it, it may be more properly denominated mucous. It should be observed, that, in addition to these coats, the bladder has a peculiar investment of the peritoneum, as has- been already described ; and also of the common cellular mem- brane, which is placed between it and every part to which it is contiguous. The Muscular Coat of the Bladder consists of fibres which are not spread over it of a uniform thickness, but are thin in some places, and in others are collected in fasciculi. They run in every direction : some appear longitudinal, others circular, and some oblique ; and there are interstices between them which are occupied by cellular membrane. The longitudinal fibres originate from the lower part of the bladder ; and as this is the fixed part of that viscus, it is the place from which these fibres must necessarily act. These fibres are generally exte- rior. There is no arrangement of the muscular fibres to which the term of sphincter can properly be applied ; but many ana- tomists have thought that the fibres near the neck of the bladder, by their separate contraction, might prevent the escape of urine ; this sentiment, however, is contrary to that of several very respectable writers. The direction of the fibres, taken collectively, is such that, when they all contract, the cavity of the bladder is completely obliterated. — The longitudinal fibres form the detrusor urince muscle of some anatomists. They commence at the front and inferior part SPHINCTER MUSCLE. 131 of the bladder, by four tendons — two on each side, one of which comes from the pubic bone, and the other from the ramus of the ischium, and spread out as they ascend over the anterior surface of the bladder to the upper fundus. — They then con- verge as they descend on the back part of the organ. Some of these descending fibres may be traced by very careful dissection, to an insertion in the back part of the prostate gland ; others into the fascise covering the surface of the gland. A small deli- cate band of fibres, according to Harrison, enters the notch at the base of the gland, into which it is sometimes inserted, but can frequently be traced forward between the mucous membrane and the gland, in front of which it is attached by a delicate tendon, at the lower part of the seminal caruncle or caput gallinaginis. The office of this strip of fibres, is, he thinks, to depress the uvula, and thus open the neck of the bladder, and to draw down the seminal caruncle, (which he considers a vascular erectile body like the glans penis,) into the cavity which surrounds it, called sinus ^ocularis, out of the way of being irritated by the urine. The fibres which cover the prostate gland, connect it with the bladder in urination, and probably force out its mucus to lubrify the passages. — There has been much contrariety of opinion among anatomists of reputation, in regard to the existence of a sphincter muscle at the neck of the bladder, arising from the colorless appearance and reticulated character of the fibres of the part. — Those who deny the existence of a sphincter, as Bichat, Cloquet, Marjolin, consider the neck of the bladder made up of elastic fibro-ligamentous tissue, continuous with the longitudinal fibres, and which expands under the action of the detrusor muscle, to give passage to the urine. Those who admit the existence of a sphincter, as C. Bell, Meckel, Horner, Harrison, etc., describe it, however, very differently. — The inferences drawn from diseased conditions of the organ, are evidently much in favor of the existence of a muscular sphincter; viz. the paralysis and incontinence of urine, resulting from affection of the brain or spinal marrow, and the spasmodic closures of the neck in strangury, resulting from neighboring disease, or the acrimonious qualities of the urine. 132 INTERNAL OR MUCOUS COAT OF THE BLADDER. — Harrison,* who has investigated it most recentl)', thus describes It : — " When the several strata of longitudinal fibres have been raised firom the front and lateral parts of this region, the circular fibres of the bladder become distinct, but do not appear so proportionably increased as were the longitudinal ; but on detaching more completely the longitudinal strata, down to the circumference of the very opening of the urethra, a dis- tinctly fibrous, that is, muscular tissue is evident, bounding this opening laterally and superiorly, but not below. This muscu- lar fasciculus is not intimately connected to the general circular coat ; it appears redder and of a closer texture, and will be found to be attached to the fibrous or tendinous substance, forming the anterior part of the trigone on each side of the uvula, behind which it does not pass. The longitudinal fibres are inserted partly into this semicircular muscle, much in the same manner as the levatores ani are inserted into the circum- ference of the anus. This structure we consider to be partly elastic but essentially muscular ; it bounds the urethral opening laterally and above, but not below ; the slight projection of the uvula in the latter situation, and the elasticity and gentle state of contraction natural to all the sphincter muscles, will preserve this opening in a constantly closed state during the quiescent and normal condition of the parts." — For a description of the muscles of this part somewhat analo- gous to the above, see Dr. Horner's Anatomy, vol. ii. p. 80, 4th edit. — The cellular substance between the muscular and internal coats is dense. It yields in a remarkable manner to distension, and recovers its original dimensions very easily. From its analogy to a similar coat in the intestines, it is called the Ner- vous Coat. The Internal Coat of the bladder is of a light color in the dead subject, when it has been free from disease. It has been called villous improperly ; for the villous structure is not appa- rent upon its surface. Being continued from the integuments of the body which are extended along the urethra, it has been inferred, that the surface of this coat was formed by the epi- * Vide article Bladder, by J. Harrison, Cyclop, of Anat. and Physiology. — p. INTERNAL OR MUCOUS COAT OF THE BLADDER. 133 dermis ; and some respectable authors have supposed that they had seen cases in which portions of the epidermis of the bladder had separated and been discharged; but these appearances are very equivocal, and it is by no means certain that an epidermis exists there.* The fasciculi of fibres of the muscular coat occasion this coat to appear very irregular, but these irregularities correspond exactly with the arrangement of the fibres of the muscular coat. When the internal coat is separated by dissection from the muscular, its surface is very smooth and uniform. In the recent subject, when no disease has previously existed, it is always spread over with mucus of a light color, but nearly transparent, which can be easily scraped off. This mucus is spread upon the surface so uniformly, that it must be derived from sources which are situated upon every part of the surface; but these sources are not very obvious. On the membrane of the nose the orifices of many raucous ducts are very visible, but such orifices are not to be seen on this surface. — Haller mentions that he has seen mucous glands near the neck of the bladder; and it is stated by the pupils of Desault, that, in one of his courses, he pointed out a number of these glands, in a subject who had been afflicted with a catarrhal affection of the bladder. Notwithstanding that the sources of this mucus are obscure, the quantity of it is sometimes immense. In some cases, where the secretion is increased by the irritation of a calculus in the bladder, the urine is rendered somewhat viscid and white- colored by the mucus mixed with it ; which, after the urine has been allowed to remain for some time, subsides in such quantities as demonstrates that many ounces must be secreted in the course of the twenty-four hours. The same circum- stances occur without the irritation of calculus, in the disease called catarrhus vesicas. f It is probable that, in healthy persons, a great deal of it passes off un perceived, being dissolved or diffused in the urine. * In the fauces and the follicles of the tonsils, an effusion of coagulable matter, in consequence of inflatnmation, often forms crusts that may be mis- taken for sloughs of the integuments, although these integuments remain entire. f In some cases this mucus soon becomes putrid, and during the putrefactive process deposits its substance which appears to be calcareous. VOL. II. 12 134 ORIFICE OF THE URETHRA. From the quantity and the regular diffusion of this mucus on the surface of the bladder, there is the greatest reason for be- Ueving that it is effused from every part of the surface ; and it is a question that has not been decided whether it is discharged from glandular ducts too small to be perceived, or from the exhalent extremities of the blood-vessels. It is probable that the use of it is to defend the internal coat of the bladder from the acrimony of the urine. The symptoms of a stone in the bladder, as well as of several other diseases, evince that this coat is endued with a great degree of sensibility. It is evident that the essential parts in the general structure of the bladder are the muscular coat and the internal coat last described : but in addition to this account of them, there are some other important circumstances to be noted in the descrip- tion of this organ. It has been already stated, that the form of the bladder was an irregular oval, although it was somewhat varied in different persons.* The oval form is not much altered at the part called the neck of the bladder, where the urethra passes off from it. The orifice of the urethra is situated anteriorly near the lowermost part of the bladder. On the lower surface of the urethra, at its commencement, and on the bottom of the bladder, immediately connected with the urethra, is situated the Prostate Gland, (to be hereafter described with the organs of generation,) which is a firm body, that adheres strongly both to the bladder and urethra. This circumstance gives particular firmness and solidity to that part of the bladder. It has also been observed, that the bladder is attached firmly to the ossa pubis, at its neck, about the origin of the urethra. Each of these circumstances has an effect upon the orifice of the urethra ; and when the bladder is opened, and this orifice is examined from within, it appears to be kept open by the connexion of the bladder with the prostate, and has been very justly compared to the opening of the neck of a bottle into the great cavity of that vessel.f * In the female, the vertical diameter of the bladder is less than in the male. Its transverse diameter is greater in consequence of the greater width of the pelvis in the female. — p. f The late M. Lieutaud, and after him the French anatomists of the present LIGAMENTS AND VESSELS OF THE BLADDER. 135 The orifices of the two ureters are at equal distances from the orifices of the urethra, and form with it the angles of a triangle called trigonum vesicas, (^trigone T^esicale.) That part of the internal surface of the bladder which is within this triangular space, is more smooth than the remainder of the same surface, Fig. 156.* day, have described a small tubercle at the lower and posterior part of the ori- fice of the urethra, which resembles the uvula in form. It has not been noticed here ; and M. Boyer states, that it is often scarcely perceptible. He, however, makes a remark which is very worthy of attention, namely, that it is very sub- ject to enlargement in old people, forming a tumor which impedes the discharge of urine. Sabatier has also made the same observation. * A side view of the viscera of the pelvis, showing the bladder and its sur- rounding parts. 1. The symphysis pubis. 2. The bladder. 3. The recto- vesical fold of peritoneum, passing from the anterior surface of the rectum to the posterior part of the bladder ; from the upper part of the fundus of the bladder it is reflected upon the abdominal parietgs. 4. The ureter. 5. The vas deferens crossing the direction of the ureter. 6. The vesicula seminalis of the right side. 7, 7. The prostate gland divided by a longitudinal section. 8, 8. The section of a ring of elastic tissue encircling the prostatic portion of the urethra at its commencement. 9. The prostatic portion of the urethra. 10. The membranous portion, enclosed by the compressor urethra; muscle. 11. The commencement of the corpus spongiosum penis, the bulb. 12. The anterior ligaments of the bladder formed by the reflection of the pelvic fascia, from the internal surface of the os pubis to the neck of the bladder. 13. The edge of the pelvic fascia at the point where it is reflected upon the rectum. 14. An interval between the pelvic fascia and deep perineal fascia, occupied by a plexus of veins. 15. The deep perineal fascia ; its two layers. 16. Cowper's gland of the right side situated between the two layers below the membranous portion of the urethra. 17. The superficial perineal fascia ascending in front of the root of the penis to become continuous with the dartos of the scrotum (18.) 136 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. probably in consequence of the adhesion of the bladder to the prostate, and to other parts exterior to it. The part of the bottom of the bladder, which is immediately behind the triangular space, is rather lower than this space ; and but a small portion of cellular membrane exists between it and the rectum in males, and the vagina and it in females. The upper part of the bladder is connected with the umbilicus by means of a ligament, which passes between the peritoneum and the abdominal muscles. This ligament consists of three cords. One of these, which is in the middle, arises from the coats of the bladder, and was, in the foetus, the duct called urachus ; and the other two, which are connected to the bladder, principally by cellular membrane, were originally the umbilical arteries.* The middle cord is of a light color and fibrous structure ; it is thickest at the bladder, and gradually diminishes as it approaches the umbilicus. In a few instances it has been found to be hollow. In its progress to the umbilicus it becomes more or less blended with the linea alba or the tendons of the abdominal muscles. The other cords are generally solid. After passing from the umbilicus to the bladder they continue on the sides of that viscus, and finally terminate at the hypogastric or internal iliac artery. In the very young subject these cords are invested by distinct processes of the peritoneum, but their position is exterior to the peritoneum. , As the bladder is situated very near most of the large rami- fications of the hypogastric artery in the pelvis, it receives branches from several of them ; viz. from the umbilical arteries before they terminate ; from the pubic ; from the obturators, &-c. These branches ramify in the cellular membrane exterior to the muscular coat, and also in the cellular substance between the 19. The layer of the deep fascia which is prolonged to the rectum. 20. The lower part of the levator ani ; its tibres are concealed by the anal fascia. 21. The inferior segment of the funnel-shaped process given off from the posterior layer of the deep perineal fascia, which is continuous with the recto-vesical fascia of Tyrrell. The attachment of this fascia to the recto-vesical fold of peritoneum is seen at 22. * See the accounts of these parts in the description of the Abdomen of the FcEtus. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. . 137 muscular and internal coats. It has been conjectured, thai their termination in exhalents on the surface of the bladder are re- markably nunfierous. The veins correspond with the arteries ; but they are very numerous on the lower and lateral parts of the bladder, and by uniting with the veins of the rectum form a remarkable plexus. The Li/mphatic Vessels of this organ do not appear more numerous than those of other parts. They pass on each side of the bladder in the course of its blood-vessels, and unite with the larger lymphatics, and the glands which lie upon the great blood-vessels on the sides of the pelvis. The Nerves of the bladder are derived both from the inter- costal nerve and from the nerves of the medulla spinalis which pass off through the sacrum ; and therefore the bladder is more affected than the viscera of the abdomen, by injuries of the medulla spinalis. The action of the muscular fibres of the bladder in expelling urine, and the effect of those fibres which are situated near the orifice of the urethra in retaining it, can be considered with more advantage after the structure of the urethra and the muscles connected with that canal have been described. It has been stated that the internal coat of the bladder is ver)' sensible ; but it may be added, that in consequence of disease about the neck of the bladder, the natural sensibility appears most inordinately increased. When the inten- sity of pain which accompanies these complaints, the frequent recurrence of paroxysms, and their duration, are taken into view, there seems reason to believe that none of the painful affections of the human race exceed those which arise from certain diseases of the bladder. Happily these diseases are not very common. The functions of the kidneys is to secrete urine, and that of the bladder to retain it, until the proper time for evacuation. The urine may be regarded as an excrementitious fluid, which contains many substances in solution that are constantly found in it, and many others that are occasionally in it, which are taken as aliment or medicine, and pass to the bladder with little, if any change. The odor of the roseleaf, the color of rhubarb, &c., are occasionally perceiv^ed in urine. The substances constantly found in urine are numerous. The chemical account of the subject is so long that it cannot be detailed here ; but the student ought to make himself acquainted with it, and he will read with great advantage some of the modern treatises on Physiology and Animal Chemistry, and also Thomson's Elements of Chemistry. 12* 138 MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. CHAPTER V. OF THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. These organs consist first of the Testicles, and their appen- dages. 2d. Of certain parts denominated the VesicuJcB Seminahs and the Prostate Gland, which are situated near the commence- ment of the urethra, and are subservient to the purposes of generation. 3d. Of the Penis. Of the Testicles and their Appendages. The Testicles are two bodies of a flattened oval form. Each of them has a protuberance on its upper and posterior part called Epididymis, and is connected to parts within the cavity of the abdomen by a thick cord, which proceeds through the abdominal ring. Each testicle also appears to be contained in a sac, which is suspended by this cord and covered by the common integuments. — The testicle of the right side is usually suspended a little higher and is frequently larger than that of the left. They attain their fullest development in middle life, when they are an inch and a half long, an inch wide and three quarters of an inch in thickness. In old age they are shrunken in size, from the fluids being attracted to it in less quantity in consequence of the impaired sensibility of the organ. The upper extremity of each testicle has a slight inclination forwards, which is greatly increased in preparing it for demonstration by breaking up its posterior attachments. — The coverings of the testicles are formed from without inwards, of five tunics. 1. The Scrotum. 2. The dartos THE SCROTUM. 139 muscle. 3. The tunica vaginalis communis, so called from its covering in closely both tbe cord and testicle of each side, and sometimes named tunica eli/throides, from the cremaster muscle which is spread over it. 4. Of the tunica serosa or tunica vaginalis testis — and 5. Of the tunica albuginea, or proper coat of the testicle. — That portion of the common integuments which forms the external covering of the testicles, is denominated, The Scrotum. The skin of the scrotum, although it is very often in a state of corrugation, has the same structure with that on other parts of the body, except that it is rather thinner and more delicate. The superior delicacy of this portion of the skin is evinced by the great irritation produced by the application of stimulating substances, and the desquamation of the cuticle, which seems to be the eflect of irritation. There are many sebaceous follicles in this portion of skin ; and after puberty there are often a few long hairs growing out of it, the bulbs of which are often very conspicuous. There is a small raised line in the middle of this skin, which commences at the root of the penis, and proceeds backwards, dividing it into two equal parts: this line is denomi- nated Raphe. The corrugation which so often takes place in the skin of the scrotum, appears to be occasioned by the contraction of certain fibres, which are in the cellular substance immediately within it. This cellular substance appears to be. attached in a parti- cular way to the skin ; and it also invests each testicle in such a manner, that when they are withdrawn, a cavity is left in it. It has long been observed, that no adipose matter is found in this cellular substance : but it is often distended with water in hydropic diseases. As the contraction and corrugation of the scrotum has been imputed to this substance, it has been exam- ined with particular attention by anatomists, and very different sentiments have been entertained respecting it. While some dissectors have asserted that muscular fibres could be seen in it, which they have denominated the Dartos Muscle ; others have said that this substance was simply cellular, and 140 THE DARTOS. without any musclar fibres. This difference of sentiment may possibly have arisen from the different conditions of this part in different subjects ; for in some cases there are appearances which seem to justify the assertion that muscular fibres exist in this structure. After the testicles are removed, so as to leave the cellular substance, connected with the skin, if the scrotum be inverted, and this substance examined in a strong light, many fibres will appear superadded to the common cellular structure ; and sometimes their color can be distinguished to be red. It is not asserted that this will be uniformly the case ; but certainly it has often been observed in this way. The existence of an organ which possesses the power of contraction, within the skin of the scrotum and connected to it, is evinced by the corrugation which takes place when the scrotum is suddenly exposed to cold, after having been very warm. This corrugation occurs in a very sudden and rapid manner, in some cases, in which the wounded scrotum is thus exposed for the purpose of dressing : for example, upon removing an emolient poultice from this part some days after the operation for the cure of hydrops testis by incision, if the air of the chamber be cool, a motion of the scrotum will take place, almost equal to the peristaltic movements of the intestines. The Arteries of the scrotum are derived from two sources. One or two small arteries, which arise from the femoral artery, between Poupart's ligament and the origin of the profunda, are spent upon it. These are called the external pudic arteries. It also receives some small branches from the internal pudic artery. The Nerves of the scrotum are principally derived from the lumbar nerves. The Darios, — Considered as a muscle, arises on each side from the rami of the pubis and ischium, and passes down to the raphe of the scrotum, to which it is closely united. It is there reflected up in juxtaposition with its fellow of the opposite side, so as to form THE SPERMATIC CORD. 141 the septum scroti, and leave a pouch on each side for the lod<^- ment of the testicles, cords, and three inner tunics, and is finally inserted upon the lower portion of the corpus spongiosum uretlirse. Meckel suggested that the tissue of the dartos forms the transi- tion between cellular tissue and muscular fibre, and that there exists between ft and the other muscles of the body, the same relation as exists between the muscles of the superior and inle- rior animals ; in the latter of which the fibrous structure, is but feebly developed. The so-called dartos muscle, is now generally admitted as holding the place of superficial fascia to the scrotum, and con- sisting of the modification of cellular membrane known, as the red contractile fibrous tissue. The Spermatic Cord. The cord which proceeds to the testicle, through the abdo- minal ring, appears 'at first view like a bundle of muscular fibres ; but it consists of an artery and veins with many lymphatic ves- sels and nerves, and the excretory duct of the testicle ; these are connected to each other by cellular substance, and covered by an expansion of muscular fibres, which are derived from the lower edge of the internal oblique muscle of the abdomen, and continue from it to the upper part of the testicle. These fibres constitute the Cremasier Muscle. — This cellular substance which encloses both the cord and testicle, with the cremaster muscle (elythroid tunic) on its outer face, forms the tunica vaginalis cummunis. It is a thin layer, and serves to connect the dartos, to the tunica serosa, within. — The cremaster* muscle, is formed by an arched arrangement of the fibres of ilie internal oblique and transversalis muscles of the abdomen, according to the observations of J. Cloquet, made upon a considerable number of foetuses, before, during, and after the descent of the testes. The fibres originally passed from Poupart's ligament to the pubis, nearly in a straight direc- tion ; but as the testicle descended tlirough its canal to the scro- tum, these fibres were pushed before it and formed into arches or loops, which increased gradually in length, partly by distention * From X/jcynacj, suspendo. — v. 142 THE CREMASTER. Fig. 157.* and partly by interstitial growth, as the testicle proceeded in its descent. Hence when it is de- scribed as a distinct muscle, the origin and insertion of the cre- inaster are given the same as that of the inferior fibres of the inter- nal oblique. It arises from Pou- part's ligament, passes down on the outer side of the tunica vagi- nalis communis of the cord and testicle, and passes up on the in- ner side to be inserted into the pubis. It gives a complete red- dish coloring to these parts, called tunica elythroida.f — Its redness disappears in emaciated or dropsical subjects, and in cases of hernia the distention causes it to separate apparently into two bundles of fibres, internal and external. — Its action is to draw the testicle upwards and support it: it is distinct from that of the dartos.J — Fig. 157, from Sir A. Cooper's work on the testis, is a good illustiation of its structure. — * Fig. 157. ff, d, Rectus abdominis, b, Superficial fascia of the cord, and tendon of external oblique, c, Internal oblique, e, Descending fibres of inter- nal oblique, or origin of crennaster muscle from Poupart's ligament. /, Inser- tion of cremaster muscle on the pubis, g, g, Descending and ascending fibres. h, The loops M'hich are produced in the cremaster by the descent of the testicle. i, Testis, cov^ered by the tunica vaginalis to which is attached, by a sort of in- sertion, the loops of the cremaster. — f From EXul^oc, a sheath. — :j: Mr. Curling explains the development of the cremaster in a different man- ner.— He considers it the muscle of the gubernaculum, and states that it follows this cord up into the abdomen to be attached to the lower end of the testicle be- fore the descent of this organ, and that by its lower end the muscle is connected by three separate attachments to the pubis, to Poupart's ligament and to the bottom of the scrotum. The contraction of these separate bands, is the means he believes by which the testicle is made to descend. — This description of Mr. Curling is however by no means conclusive or satisfactory. — It is diflScult to conceive, how the same muscle, can at one time have for its office thai of draw- ing the testicle down, and at another as is always the case after birth, that of raising it up in the scrotum. — p. VESSELS AND NERVES OF THE CORD. 143 The artery above mentioned is called the Spermatic. Ii commonly arises from the front of the aorta, very near its fellow, at a small distance below the emulgents, and is not much larger than a crow's quill. It proceeds downwards behind the peritoneum and before the psoas muscle, and ureter. — While it is in contact with the psoas muscle, it joins the ramifications of the vein. It afterwards meets the vas deferens, and proceeds through the abdominal ring to the back part of the testis. Before it arrives at the testis, it divides into several branches, two of which generally go to the epididymis, and the others penetrate the tunica albuginea on the upper and back of the testicle, and ramify very minutely on the fine membranous partitions which exist on that body. In addition to the spermatic artery, there is a small twig from the umbilical branch of the hypogastric, which passes to the spermatic cord along the vas deferens. The branches of the spermatic vein are much larger than those of the artery : several of them proceed from the testicle so as to correspond with the arterial branches ; and in addition to these there are many smaller, which also arise from the testi- cle and epididymis. In their course up the cord they ramify, and again unite so as to form a considerable plexus, which is called the Corpus Pampiniforme, and constitutes a considerable part of the volume of the spermatic cord. As they proceed upwards, they unite into a few larger veins ; and finally, on the psoas muscle, they generally form one trunk, which continues upwards so as to unite with the vena cava on the right side, and the emulgent vein on the left. Sometimes, but not often, there are several spermatic veins on each side. The Lymphatic Vessels of the testicle are very numerous, considering the size of tlie organ. Six or eight, and sometimes more, large trunks have been injected, running upon the cord, and continuing to the glands on the back part of the abdomen. The JServes of the testicle are derived from those which supply the viscera of the abdomen, and are to be found in the cord, although they can scarcely be traced to the testicle. A small plexus, called the spermatic, is formed by fibres from the 144 TUNICA VAGINALIS TESTIS. renul plexus, and from the sympathetic nerve. These fibres accompany the spermatic vessels, and in all probability enter the body of the testis and the epididymis. The spermatic cord and cremaster muscle receive filaments from the second lumbar nerve. In addition to these vessels, the Vas Deferens, which is much firmer than either of them, is always to be distinguished in the back part of the cord. They are all covered in front and on the sides by the cremas- ter muscle, which passes with them from the lower margin of the internal oblique, through the abdominal ring, and continues to the upper part of the external coat of the testicle, which is a sac apparently containing that organ, and upon this sac it is spread out and terminates. The Turdca Vaginalis. The External Coat of the testicle, which is commonly called the Tunica Vaginalis, is a complete sac which encloses the tes- ticle as the pericardium encloses the heart. It covers the body of the testicle and epididymis, and adheres closely to them.* — It is then reflected from them so as to form a loose thin sac. {Tunica Vaginalis Rcjlexa,) which appears to contain them. The cavity of the tunica vaginalis commonly extends above the body of the testis up the cord, and is oval or pyriform. — This sac is so reflected from the body of the testicle that there is a place on the upper and back part of that body, at which the blood-vessels enter it, without penetrating the sac. It resembles the peritoneum and other serous membranes in texture, and is therefore thin and delicate. It always contains a quantity of moisture, sufficient to lubricate the surface which it forms. When the tunica vaginalis is laid open, the testicle appears as if it were contained in the posterior part of its cavity. — At the upper part of the testicle near the point at which it is connected with the head of the epididymis we commonly find a little hydaliforme body, first noticed by Morgogni, called the hydatis tunica vaginalis. * This part of the vaginal tunic, is called the tunica vaginalis propria. — p. TUNICA ALBUGINEA. 145 The testicles, as has been already stated, are of a flattened oval form. Their position is somewhat oblique, so that their upper extremities look upwards and forwards, their lower extremities downwards and backwards, and their edges present forwards and backwards. The body of the testicle is very firm, in consequence of its enclosure in a very firm coat called Tunica Alhuginea. Upon the upper and posterior part of it is the protuberant substance, called Epididymis, which is less firm, being exterior to the tunica albuginea. The blood-vessels of the testicle pass into it on the posterior edge, at some distance below the upper end. The Tunica Albuginea, In which the body of the testicle is commonly enclosed, is firm and dense ; and upon this coat its particular form depends. It is of a whitish color, and has a smooth external surface. It is thick as well as strong. The epididymis is exterior to it. It is only perforated by the blood-vessels, lymphatics and nerves, and by the vasa efFerentia, which carry out the secretion of the testis. One portion of the tunica vaginalis adheres very closely to it, and the other appears to contain it. The portion which adheres to it is with difficulty separated, but it is a distinct membrane. — The tunica albuginea is a fibrous membrane, considerably thinner than the sclerotic coat of the eye. It is very strong and resisting, and is susceptible of very considerable distention, when the dilating cause acts slowly, as in the engorgements of the testicle called hernia humoralis. It is also endowed with retractile properties, as is seen when the distending cause has ceased to act. Its internal surface, which is immediately applied upon the substance of the gland, gives origin to a great number of flattened filaments or septae, which divide the gland into compartments for the separate lobules, and upon which the blood-vessels run, to be distributed in the glandular tissue. These septae are directed to the back part of the organ neces- sarily, (as that is the direction in which the efferent ducts of the testis pass,) and form by their accumulation that thickened, oblong, fibrous mass, called the corpus highmorianum. The VOL. II. 13 146 THE BODY OF THE TESTICLE. blood-vessels with their connecting cellular tissue, form on the inner surface of the tunic a delicate membrane called the tunica vasculosa. The Epididymis Differs in color from the testicle, being more or less reddish. It commences at the upper and anterior extremity of the testicle, and passes down the posterior edge to the lower end. At the commencement the epididymis is somewhat rounded in form, and its upper part, or head, has been called the globus major: as it descends it lessens, and about the middle of the testicle it is flattish. Its lower end is rounded and forms the globus minor. It is firmly attached to the body of the testicle, at the upper end, where the vasa efFerentia pass to it ; and it is also attached to it below ; but at the middle it appears nearly detached from it. It has therefore been compared to an arch resting with its two extremities on the back of the testis ; it is, however, in con- tact with it at its middle ; but about the middle it only adheres by one of its edges to the body of the testis, and generally by its internal edge. It has a coat which is less firm than the tunica albuginea of the testicle, described on the last page. The tunica vaginalis of the testicle is so reflected as to cover a great part of the epididymis which is not in contact with the testicle, and also of those surfaces of the epididymis and testis which are in contact with each other and do not adhere. The Body of the Testicle. When the tunica albuginea is cut through, and the substance of the testicle examined, it appears to consist of a soft pulpy substance of convoluted threads, of a yellowish brown color, which is divided into separate portions by very delicate septa, attached to the internal surface of the tunica albuginea at the posterior part of the testicle. After maceration, by using a fine needle, to detach them from the cellular substance, these threads may be drawn out to a great length. In some animals they are larger than in the human species; in them, it is said, they are evidently hollow, and that very small blood-vessels appear in their coats. When mercury is injected into the CORPUS HIGHMORIA.NUM OR MEDIASTINUM TESTIS. 147 vas deferens, or excretory duct of the testis, in a retrograde course, it can be perceived in these ducts in the human subject. Fig. 158.* These delicate septa, or partitions, are united to the internal surface of the tunica albuginea at the posterior part of the testi- cle, at which place there is a body called Corpus Highmorianum, which has been regarded very differently by different anato- mists. It is a long whitish substance, which extends lengthwise on the posterior part of the testis; and was supposed by Haller to resemble one of the salivary ducts. It is now, however, generally agreed to be of a fibrous structure, and to contain and support the ducts which pass from the substance of the testicle to the epididymis. The blood-vessels pass into the body of the testicle upon these septa, and are continued from them to the filaments or tubes of which the body of the testicle consists. As in some animals blood-vessels are distinguished on these tubes, there is the greatest reason to believe that a direct communication sub- sists between the two without the intervention of any other structure, no other structure having been discovered : but at the same time it ought to be observed, that these tubes have not yet been injected from the blood-vessels. Some ingenious anat- omists have injected the artery going to the testicle so success- fully that the injection has passed from it Into the veins coming out of the testicle ; but it is not now said by any of them, that they have filled the tubes in this manner. * A transverse section of the testicle. 1. The cavity of the tunica vagina- lis ; the most external layer is the tunica vaginalis reflexa ; and that in contact with the organ, the tunica vaginalis testis. 2. The tunica albuginea. 3. The mediastinum testis, giving off numerous fibrous cords in a radiated direction to the internal surface of the tunica albuginea. The cut extremities of the ves- sels below the number belong to the rete testis ; and those above to the arteries and veins of the organ. 4. The tunica vasculosa, or pia mater testis. 5. One of the lobules, consisting of the convolutions of the tubuli seminiferi, and ter- minating by a single duct — the vas rectum. Corresponding lobules are seen betweeu the other fibrous cords of the mediastinum. 6. Section of the epi- didymis. 148 STRUCTURE OF THE TESTICLE, ETC. Mercury will pass into these vessels from the excretory duct of the testicle ; and by means of an injection in that way, the structure of the testicle can be unraveled. This structure is as follows : the cavity formed by the tunica albuginea is divided into a number of apartments by the very thin septa or partitions above mentioned. The filamentary or tubular matter which fills each of these chambers, consists of a seminiferous duct convoluted so as to form a lobule. Three hundred of these, according to Monro, may be counted in each testicle : from each one proceeds a number of small tubes or vessels, which observe a straight course : they are, therefore, called Vasa Recta. These vasa recta unite with each other and form a net-work on the back of the testis, within the tunica albuginea, which is called Rete Testis, Fig. 159.* From this net-work other vessels, from twelve to eighteen in number, de- nominated T^asa Efferentia, proceed through the albuginea to the epididy- mis. These vessels are convoluted in such a manner as to form bundles of a conical form, which are called Coni Vasculosi. The number of these corresponds with the number of the vasa efferentia, and they compose about one-third of the epididymis, viz. all the upper part of it. The single tubes which form each of these cones, succes- sively unite into one duct, which is con- voluted so as to form all the remainder of the epididymis and is turned up- wards on the back of the testicle ; the tube gradually enlarges and is less convoluted, and finally becomes * Anatomy of the testis. 1, 1. The tunica albuginea. 2, 2. The medias- tinum testis. 3, 3. The lobuli testis. 4, 4. The vasa recta. 5, 5. The rete testis. 6. The vasa efferentia. of which five only are represented in this dia- gram. 7. The coni vasculosi, constituting the globus major of the epididymis. 8. The body of the epididymis. 9. The globus minor of the epididymis. 10. The vas deferens. 11. The vasculum aberrans. TUBITLI SEMINIFERI. 149 Straight : it then takes the name of Vas Deferens, and con- tinues on the back of the testicle and at the inner side of the epididymis to the spermatic cord.*f A small solitary vessel or duct, has been observed by Haller, Monro, and several other anatomists, to proceed from near the upper part of the epididymis : sometimes it unites to the epi- didymis below, and sometimes it proceeds upwards. The nature of this vessel has not been ascertained with certainty. — This duct or appendix which was named vasculum aherrans by Haller, discharges mucus into the vas deferens. Occasion- ally two or three are met with, all of which commence, by a cul de sac, or coecal extremity. — Monro and Lauth, have both endeavored to estimate the length of the seminiferous ducts. This, however, could not be done directly, in consequence of the fragility of the ducts. Their estimate is founded partly on measurement, and partly on calculation, and can only be considered an approximation to the truth. The estimate of Monro exceeds that of Lauth. Accord- ing to the former, there are three hundred lobules, each one con- sisting of a single seminiferous duct, arranged in the lobules in a series of close serpentine doublings, which are held together by some delicate cellular tissue. When this cellular tissue is destroyed by maceration, for a short time, each duct may be drawn out with ease, and resembles the unraveled thread of a * De Graff appears to have been the first anatomist who made much pro- gress in the successful investigation of the structure of the testicle; and Haller ought to be mentioned next to him, on account of the plate exhibiting this structure, and the explanation of it, which he published in the Philosophical Transactions of London, for 1749. This plate has been republished by the second Monro, in the Literary and Physical Essays of Edinburgh, and also in his Inaugural Thesis. Haller has likewise republished it in his Opera Minora. It represents not only the vasa efferentia, and the cones formed by their convo- lutions, but also the rete testis, and the vasa recta. Haller could inject no farther than this ; but JMonro and Hunter soon afier succeeded so as to fill a considerable portion of the body of the testicle with mercury, injected by the vas deferens. f In Mr. Charles Bell's Anatomical Collection in London, there is a prepara- tion by his assistant, Mr. Shaw, in which the tubuli testis are completely injected with quicksilver and unraveled. I saw also in Leyden, one nearly as successfully executed by Professor Sandifort. — h. 13* 150 VAS DEFERENS. Stocking. The diameter of each duct is gi^th part of an inch, and its length a little short of seventeen and a half feet. The aggregate length of the whole will be, according to the sanne writer, about 5208 feet, or a little less than a mile. In the rete testis, these ducts anastomose very freely together, for the pur- pose, according to Laulh,* of more highly assimilating the fluid they carry, by exposing it to a more extensive surface of living tissue. The length of each efferent duct, with its conus vasculosus, he has found from seven to eight inches. The length of the convoluted duct forming the remainder of the epididymis, he has seen to vary in different individuals, from Fig. 160.f sixteen to twenty-nine feet : Mon- ro estimates it at thirty-one. Lauth estimates the entire length of the seminal canals at 1750 feet ; — Krause of Hanover, considers their mean length to be fairly stated 1015 feet. — Most observers now agree in estimating their diameter from of a line. There are but few instances, it appears, in which anatomists have succeeded completely in filling the tubuli testis with quicksilver, from the vas deferens. Hunter is said to have succeeded admirably in a preparation, which he sent as a present, to Catharine the second of Russia. Success in the preparation of this part, is dependent more upon perseverence and good fortune, than anatomical skill. It is useless, however, to make the effort except upon a healthy gland, taken from a subject who has died of some wasting dis- ease, in which excitement in the organ has so long ceased, as to leave no obstructing fluid in the ducts. I have now in my cabinet, a preparation, in which I succeeded a few years ago, in filling with quicksilver to all appearance the whole of the tubular structure of the testicle. the to the * Memoir Surle testicle humane: T. Lauth, Strasburg, 1833. t a, Tubuli seminiferi, greatly magnified, b, Mode of anastomosis of these tubes, c, Blood-vessels ramifying on these tubes. — COURSE OF THE VAS DEFERENS. 151 — According to Vauquelin, the semen masculinum consists chemically, of water 0.90 ; animal mucus 0.06 ; phosphate of lime 0.03; soda 0.01.— Fig. 161.* Fig. 162.t Descent jf the Testis — The testis is placed in the foetus nearly in the same situation as the ovarium is found in the female. This is seemingly for the purpose of ensuring its primitive development, which would have been less certain, if it had been from the first lodged in the scrotum, and the spermatic artery obliged to be formed through so long a space to reach it. — In the early periods of foetal life, the testis, as before observed, is placed immediately below the kidney of the same side. Between the fifth and sixth months, it is lodged on the psoas muscle. At the eighth month it is found in the scrotum. Its descent is mainly brought about by the action of the * A diagram illustrating the descent of the testis. 1. The testis. 2. The epididymis. 3, 3. The peritoneum. 4. The pouch formed around the testis by the peritoneum. 5. The pubic portion of the cremaster attached to the lower part of the testis. 6. The portion of the cremaster attached to Poupart's ligament. The mode of eversion of the cremaster is shown by these lines. 7. The gubernaculum, attached to the bottom of the scrotum, and becoming shortened by the contraction of the muscular fibres which surround it. 8, 8. The cavity of the scrotum. 9. The peritoneal cavity. t In this figure the testis has completed its descent. The gubernaculum is shortened to its utmost, and the cremaster completely everted. The pouch of peritoneum above the testis is compressed so as to form a tubular canal. 1. A doited line marks the point at which the tunica vaginalis will terminate supe- riorly ; and the figure 2 its cavity. 3. The peritoneal cavity. 152 DESCENT OF THE TESTIS. gubernaculuin testis. This consists of a cord formed of several stroncr fibres, which seem to belong to that peculiar tissue, described vol. i. p. 298, as the contractile. It is lodged in the inguinal canal, which is found already formed, and is attached by one end, to the lower extremity of the testis and epididymis and by the other to the cellular tissue of the scrotum, with which it seems to be continuous. The peritoneum of the lower part of the abdomen passes down upon and adheres to this contractile cord so as to form a small pouch in the inguinal canal, which is carried down before the testicle, and ultimately forms the tunica vaginalis rejiexa of the adult, while that portion of the peritoneum that covered the testicle in the abdomen, and is brought down with it, forms, according to Sir A. Cooper, or rather remains the tunica vaginalis testis. Soon after the descent of the organ, the serous cavity of the tunica vaginalis, is usually closed by the process of adhesion, so as to cut off all communication with the serous cavity of the abdomen. The process of closing begins above at the internal rino-, and continues gradually down the track of the spermatic cord. Occasionally, from some cause, as the sliding into it of a portion of the intestine or omentum, the orifice of communi- cation is not shut up. The infant is then liable to the forms of hydrocele and hernia, which have been called congenital. In all cases the testicle is not brought down by the gubernaculum. It may be left near the place of its first development, or partially depressed and lodged in some part of the inguinal canal. In the latter case it is exposed to injury from the action of the muscles, and to external violence, and is often found in the end to become atrophied from pressure, or to degenerate into malignant disease. ^The pressure of the descending intestine as in the formation of congenital hernia, has in some cases carried the testicle down to its proper location. — In some instances the testis has been observed, without any cause of this sort, but probably from some other connected with the natural excitement of the epoch to complete its descent about the period of puberty. If the testis remains in the VAS DEFERENS. 153 cavity, it increases to nearly its natural size, and seems to gain the power of executing its proper functions. — The Vas Deferens Is a very firm tube, about one line in diameter, which is not perfectly cylindrical exteriorly, although the cavity formed by it is so. This cavity is so small in diameter, that it will only admit a fine bristle. The coats of the duct have, of course, a considerable thickness. The internal coat forms a soft surface, analogous to that of the mucous membranes : the external is firm, and its texture resembles that of cartilage. Owing to the small size of the cavity, the internal coat has not been separated from the external. It passes upwards in the posterior part of the spermatic cord, and continues with it through the abdominal ring, under and exterior to the peritoneum ; soon after this it leaves the qord and dips down into the cavity of the pelvis, forming a curve on the side of the bladder, and proceeding backwards, down- wards, and inwards. In this course it crosses the ureter, and passes between it and the bladder. On the lower part of the bladder the two vasa deferentia approach each other so gra- dually that they appear to be nearly parallel. They proceed forward between the vesiculse seminales, which are two bodies irregularly convoluted, that are placed in a converging position with respect to each other, and communicate with the vasa deferentia. The vasa deferentia finally terminate almost in contact with each other in the posterior part of the prostate where they perforate the urethra. At the distance of about two inches and a half from their teftnination they enlarge in diameter, and become somewhat convoluted. At the posterior margin of the prostate they come in contact with the anterior extremities of the vesiculae seminales, and unite with them. After this union they diminish in size, and become conical ; and passing a short distance through the substance of the pros- tate, during which they approach each other more rapidly, they penetrate the urethra, so as to open in it on each side of a small tubercle, called the Caput Gallinaginis, soon to be described. 154 VESICUL^ SEMINALES. Of the VesiculcB Seminales and the Prostate Gland. The Vesicula Seminales are two bodies of a whitish color, and irregular form, being broad and flat at their posterior ex- tremities, and terminating in a point at the other. They are about two inches and a half in length, and six or seven lines in diameter at their widest part. Their surfaces are so convo- luted, that they have been compared to those of the brain. They are situated between the rectum and bladder, and are connected to each other by cellular membrane. When the vesiculae seminales are laid open by an incision, they appear to consist of cells of a considerable size, irregularly arranged ; but when they are carefully examined exteriorly, and the cellular membrane about them is detached and divided, they appear to be formed by a tube of rather more than two lines in diameter and four or five inches in length, which terminates, like the caecum, in a closed extremity. From this tube proceed from ten to fifteen short branches, which are closed in the same manner. All these tubes are convoluted so as to assume the form of the vesiculae seminales above described ; and they are fixed in this convoluted state by cellular membrane, which firmly connects their different parts to each other. It is obvious that tubes thus convoluted, when cut into will exhibit the appear- ance of cells, as in the present instance. This convoluted tube composing the vesiculae seminales, ter- minates in a very short duct, which is nearly of the same dia- meter with the vas deferens ; this duct joins the vas deferens so as to form an acute angle. From the union of the vesiculae seminales with the vas defe- rens on each side, a canal, which seems to be the continuation of the vas deferens, proceeds through part of the prostate to the urethra, which it perforates. These canals are from eight to twelve lines in length ; they are conical in form, their largest extremity being equal to the vas deferens at that part. If the air or any other fluid be injected through the vas de- ferens into the urethra, it will pass at the same time into the vesiculae seminales, and distend them. It has been observed, that a fluid passes in this manner much more readily from the VESICULffi SEMINALES. 155 vasa deferentia into the vesiculae seminales, than it does from these last mentioned organs into the duct. The union formed by the short duct of the seminal vesicle and the vas deferens of each side constitutes the ductus ejacula- torius, which is about an inch in length, and runs in close con- tact and parallel with its fellow of the opposite side, between the middle and lateral lobes of the prostate, and opens obliquely into the urethra by a small oblong orifice in the caput gallinaginis. Each ejaculatory duct is a conoidal tube, its apex being at its orifice in the urethra. Hence fluids pass so readily into the seminal vesicles, when injected along the vasa deferentia. The diminution of the duct at its urethral orifice, will also increase the force of the jet, by which the fluid of the vesicle is ejected, when spasmodically compressed by the levator ani muscle. — , These organs were generally regarded as reservoirs of semen, and analogous to the gall-bladder in their functions, until the late Mr. J. Hunter published his opinion that they were not intended to contain semen, but to secrete a peculiar mucus subservient to the purpose of generation. He states the following facts in support of his opinion. A fluid, very different from semen, is found after death in the vesiculae seminales. In persons who have lost one testicle, a considerable time before death, the vesiculae seminales on each side are equally distended with this peculiar fluid. In the case of a person who had a deficiency of the epididymis on one side, and of the vas deferens on the other, the vesiculae were filled with a peculiar fluid ! • The sensation arising from redundance of the secretion of the testis, is referred to the testis, and not to the vesiculae seminales. In some animals there is no connexion between the vasa deferentia and the vesiculae seminales. — And in many others as the dog, there are no vesiculae to be met with. — See Observations on certain Parts' of the Animal Economy, by John Hunter. 156 THE PROSTATE GLAND. The Prostate Gland Is situated on the under and posterior part of the neck of the bladder, so as to surround the urethra. Its form has some resemblance to that of the horse-chestnut, but it has a notch on the basis like that of the figure of the heart on playing cards, and it is much larger than the chestnut of this part of America. The basis of this body is posterior, and its apex anterior; its position is oblique, between the rectum and the symphysis pubis. Below there is in some cases a small furrow, which, in addition to the notch above, gives to the gland an appear- ance of being divided into two lobes. By turning away the vesiculae seminales and vasa deferentia from the under surface of the bladder, we bring into view a small tubercle at the upper part of jhe base of the prostate, called by Sir Everard Home the third lobe. When diseased it projects into the cavity of the bladder.* The prostate adheres to the urethra and neck of the bladder. Its consistence is very firm and dense, resembling the induration of scirrhus rather more than the ordinary texture of glands. This gland receives small branches from the neighboring blood-vessels, and has no artery of considerable size exclusively appropriated to it. As it lies in close contact with the urethra, the ducts which pass between it and the urethra are not to be seen separate from these bodies : but ducts can be seen in the substance of the gland, which perforate the urethra, and open on the sides of the caput gallinaginis to the number of five or six on each side. By pressure a small quantity of a whitish fluid can be forced from these orifices, which is rather viscid, and coagulable in alcohol. The particular use of this fluid is not known. — Fig. 163, is a magnified representation of a section of the prostate gland, which serves to show its vesicular structure. * In a healthy state, the third lobe forms but a slight elevation in the cavity of the bladder, covered by mucous membrane, called uvula vesicae. — p. PROSTATE GLAND. 157 Fig. 163.* — From these vesicles or modified follicles, originate many excretory canals, which unite together so as to constitute about twelve ducts, that open into the urethra by the sides of the caput gallinaginis. — Loder asserts that there are from thirty-two to forty-four of these excretory ducts — but this is probably an error. I have sought for these ducts in several cases where they were so much en- larged from catarrhal inflammation of the bladder, as to admit the end of a small probe, without being able to detect more than the number above mentioned. The whole structure of the prostate appears to be that of a compound mucous gland, designed to throw a lubrifying mucus in great abundance into the urethra, at the spot where the urine first enters it, in its passage outwards. — The substance of the prostate, in which these ducts and vesicles are placed, is not exactly understood. It is of a whitish appearance, very dense, distensible and yet easily lacerated. The superior face of the prostate is in contact with the anterior ligaments of the bladder ; its inferior with the rectum to which it adheres. It is overlapped by the rectum upon the sides when the latter is distended with feculent matter ; laterally it corresponds to the levator ani muscles ; by its hase, it corres- ponds to the neck of the bladder ; and by its apex or anterior extremity to the membranous portion of the urethra. Its dis- tance from the skin of the perineum, measuring from a point an inch in front of the anus, varies, according to Dupuytren, from two to three inches and a half, as the subject is thin or fat. — The prostate belong to the urethra, and not to the bladder as students generally suppose. The urethra passes through it near the centre, and this portion of it is called the prostatic portion of the urethra. The prostate gland is about an inch in * Section of the prostate gland magnified. — a, a, The two lobes separated, b, Excretory ducts. — f. VOL. II. 14 158 C0WPER*9 GLANDS. length, measured in the middle line, and an inch and a half ira breadth at its base or posterior part. Cowper^s Glands, ■ — Or, as they are sometimes called, the little prostate glands, are placed immediately behind the bulb of the urethra, between the two layers of the triangular ligament, yet to be described. Their ducts are about an inch in length, run under the mucous membrane of the urethra, and open obliquely into the canal about an inch in advance of the glands. The size of the glands is usually about that of a garden pea (see fig. 164*) ; sometimes they are much larger. I have succeeded in two or Fig. 164.f three instances in distending them with mer- , cury from their ducts. Their structure and /r>.i^-^ office is the same as that of the prostate, (see ^{'•^ '"' '^a fig. 163); sometimes they are entirely deficient. ^^^v.^;;^/ One or more small glands of a similar descrip- tion, have been discovered by Littre in front of those of Cowper, near the angle of union of the crura penis. They have been called the glands of Littre, but are rarely seen. Cowper's glands are placed within the circle formed by the ejaculator seminis muscles, the contraction of which will assist in discharging into the urethra the mucus they secrete. In some of the inferior animals, they are vesicular, and have been mistaken for another pair of vesicnia seminales ; in these cases however, the parts may always be distinguished from one another ; the vesiculse seminales are distended with fluid only at the epoch of rut ; Cowper's glands are always filled with an opaline starch-like mucus. — Of the Penis. The penis, when detached from the bladdel", and the bones, to which it is connected, and divested of the skin which covers it, is an oblong body, which is rounded at one extremity, and bifurcated at the other. * Fig. 164, is a representation of Cowper's gland, cut open, showing its similarity of structure with the prostate gland. — I a, a, Cowper's gland divided, b, Excretory duct. — THE PENIS. 159 It is composed of three parts, namely, two oblong bodies, called Corpora Cavernosa, which, at their commencement, form the bifurcated portions, and then unite to compose the body of the organ ; and a third part, of a spongy texture, which is connected to these bodies where they unite to each other, on the under side, and continues attached to them during the whole extent of their union, terminating in an expanded head which covers the anterior extremities of the corpora caver- nosa. The urethra passes from the neck of the bladder, on the under side of the penis, fo its anterior extremity, invested by this third body, which is therefore called Corpus Spongiosum Urethra. The two bifurcated extremities are attached each of them to one of the crura of the pubis and ischium ; they unite to form the body of the penis immediately anterior to the symphysis pubis, to which the lower part of it is also attached ; so that the penis is firmly connected to the middle of the anterior part of the pelvis. The urethra proceeds from the neck of the bladder, between the crura of the ischium and pubis and the crura of the penis, to join the body of the penis, at its commencement, and near this place its connexion with the corpus spongiosum begins ; so that there is a small portion of the urethra between the neck of the bladder, and the commencement of the corpus spongio- sum, which is not covered by the corpus spongiosum. This is called the membranous part of the urethra. The penis therefore consists of two oblong bodies of a cellu- lar structure, which originate separately, but unite together to form it ; and of the urethra, which joins these bodies immedi- ately after their union, and is invested by a spongy covering, which by its expansion forms the anterior extremity not only of the urethra, but of the whole penis. These three bodies, thus arranged and connected, are covered by cellular membrane and skin in a manner to be hereafter described. The Corpora Cavernosa, Which compose the body of the penis, are two irregular cylinders, that are formed by a thick dense elastic membrane, 160 CELLS OF THE CORPORA CAVERNOSA. of a whitish ligamentous appearance and great firmness. They are filled with a substance of a cellular structure, which is occa- sionally distended with blood. The crura of these cylindrical bodies, which are attached to the crura of the ischium and pubis, are small and pointed at the commencement, and are united to the periosteum of the bones. In their progress up- wards they enlarge, and at the symphysis of the pubis they unite so as to form an oblong body, which retains the appear- ance of a union of two cylinders applied to each other length- ways ; for above, there is a superficial groove passing in that direction, which is occupied by a large vein : and below there is a much deeper groove, in which the urethra is placed. Be- tween these grooves is a septum which divides one side of the penis from the other. It appears to proceed from the strong membrane which forms the penis, and is composed of bundles of fibres, which pass from one groove of the penis to the other, with many intervals between them, through which blood or in- jection passes very freely. Sometimes these bundles of fibres, with their intervals, are so regularly arranged, that they have been compared to the teeth of a comb. This septum extends from the union of the two crura to their termination. — It is called the Septum pectiniforme ; the internal between its bundles of dense cellular fibres, become so great and so numerous in the anterior half, that it ceases to divide the penis into two corpora cavernosa. Anatomists now consider the cor- pus cavernosum as one body imperfectly divided by the septum. It is a distinction, however, without much value. — Each of these cylinders is penetrated by the main branch of the pubic artery, which is about equal in size to a crow's quill. These arteries enter the corpora cavernosa near their union, and continue through their whole extent, sending off branches in their course ; the turgescence and erection of the penis is un- questionably produced by the blood which flows through these vessels into the penis. The interior structure of the penis, when examined in the recent subject, is of a soft spongy nature, and seems stained with blood. If any fluid be injected through the arteries this THE URETHRA. 161 substance appears cellular, and may be completely distended by it. When air is injected, and the structure becomes dry, the penis may be laid open ; the cellular structure then appears as if formed by a number of lamina and of filaments, which proceed from one part of the internal surface of the penis to another, and form irregular cells. It has been compared to the lattice-work in the interior of bones; and it is suggested by M. Roux, that the fibres of which the structure consists resemble those of the strong elastic coat of the penis.* If these cells are filled with colored wax, injected by the artery, and the animal substance is then destroyed by placing the preparation in a corroding liquor, the wax which remains shows that the membranes forming the cells are very thin. These cells communicate freely with each other ; and, there- fore, if a pipe be passed through the strong coat of the penis, the whole of them can be filled from it by the ordinary process of injection. The Urethra Is a membranous canal which extends from the neck of the bladder to the orifice at the extremity of the penis ; and for a very great part of its length is invested by a spongy structure, called the corpus spongiosum urethrae. It proceeds from the neck of the bladder along the upper part of the prostate ; from the prostate it continues between the crura of the penis until their junction : it then occupies the great groove formed by the corpora cavernosa on the lower side of the penis, and continues to the orifice above mentioned. At a small distance from the prostate gland the spongy substance which invests it com- mences, and continues to its termination. After this spongy substance has arrived at the termination of the corpora * Mr. John Hunter says on this subject, " That the cells of the corpom ca- vernosa are muscular, although no such appearance is to be observed in men : for the penis in erection is not at all times equally distended. The penis, in a cold day is not so large in erection as in a warm one : which probably arises from a kind of spasm, that could not act if it were not muscular." In the horse, the parts composing the cells of the penis appear evidently mus- cular to the eye, and in a horse just killed, they contract upon being stimulated — H, 14* 162 THE CORPUS SPONGIOSUM URETHRJE. cavernosa, it expands and forms a body of a particular figure which covers the extremities of the corpora cavernosa, and is denominated the Glaus Penis. The Corpus Spongiosum begins at the distance of eight or ten lines from the anterior part of the prostate. It is much larger at its commencement than at any other part except the glans, and this enlarged part is called the Bulb. It surrounds the whole of the urethra, and, with the exception of the bulb and the glans penis, is of a cylindrical figure. It is formed by a membrane which has some resemblance to the coat of the penis, but is much thinner, and by a peculiar spongy substance, which occupies the space between the internal surface of this membrane and the external surface of the canal of the urethra. The membrane and the spongy substance, form a coat to the urethra, which, with the exception of the enlargement before mentioned, is about one line thick. After this spongy substance has arrived at the termination, its coat adheres firmly to the coat of the penis. The Bulb, or first enlargement of the corpus spongiosum, is oblong, and rather oval in form ; it is marked by a longitudinal depression in the middle, which is very superficial. It consists entirely of the spongy substance above mentioned. The Glans Penis is also composed of the same spongy sub- stance, but the coat which covers it is more thin and delicate than that of the other parts of the urethra. The lower surface of the glans is fitted to the extremities of the corpora cavernosa, but it is broader than the corpora cavernosa, and therefore pro- jects over them on the upper and lateral parts of the surface of the penis. The edge of the prominent part is regularly rounded, and is denominated the Corona Glandis. —The contracted portion immediately behind the corona, is called the collum or neck. — Several small arteries pass to this spongy structure. The pudic artery, as it passes on each side to the corpora cavernosa, sends a branch to the bulb of the urethra. The same vessel, in the substance of the penis, also sends branches to the ure- thra ; and the artery on the back of the penis terminates in small tranches, which penetrate the substance of the glans. THE CORPUS SPONGIOSUM. 163 By these vessels blood is carried to the spongy substance of the urethra, which is occasionally distended in the same man- ner that the cavernous bodies of the penis are distended during the erection of that organ. But the cellular structure of this organ is not so unequivocal as that of the corpora cavernosa ; Fe>. 165.* * A longitudinal section of the bladder, prostate gland, and penis, showing the urethra. 1. The urachus attached to the upper part of the fundus of the bladder. 2. The recto-vesical fold of peritoneum, at its point of reflection from the base of the bladder, upon the anterior surface of the rectum. 3. The ope- ning of the right ureter. 4. A slight ridge, formed by the muscle of the ureter, and extending from the termination of the ureter to the commencement of the urethra. This ridge forms the lateral boundary of the trigonum vesicae. 5. The commencement of the urethra ; the elevation of mucous membrane imme- diately behind the figure is the uvula vesicae. The constriction of the bladder at this point is the neck of the bladder. 6. The prostatic portion of the urethra. 7, 7. The prostate gland ; the difference of thickness of the gland, above and below the urethra, is shown. 8. The isthmus, or third lobe of the prostate ; immediately beneath which the ejaculatory duct is seen passing. 9. The right vesicula seminalis ; the vas deferens is seen to be cut short off, close to its junction with the ejaculatory duct. 10. The membranous portion of the urethra. 11. Cowper's gland of the right side, with its duct. 12. The bulbous portion of the urethra ; throughout the whole length of the urethra of the corpus spongio- sum, numerous lacunae are seen. 13. The fossa navicularis. 14. The corpus ca- vernosum, cut somewhat obliquely to the right side,near its lower part. The char- acter of the venous-cellular texture is well shown. 15. The right crus penis. 16. Near the upper part of the corpus cavernosum, the section has fallen a little to the left of the middle line ; a portion of the septum pectiniforme is consequently seen. This- figure also indicates the thickness of the fibrous investment of the corpus cavernosum, and its abrupt termination at the base of ( 17) the glans penis. 18. The lower segment of the glans. 19. The meatus urinarius. 20. The corpus spongiosum. 21. The bulb of the corpus spongiosum. 164 INTERNAL OR MUCOUS COAT OF THE URETHRA. for if it be injected with colored wax, and corroded in the usual manner, the injected matter will exhibit an appearance which has the strongest resemblance to a convoluted vessel, like the vas deferens in the epididymis.* The Canal of the Urethra, Which conveys the urine from the bladder, is a very impor- tant part of the urinary organs. It consists of a vascular mem- brane with a smooth surface, which is perforated by the orifices of many mucous follicles, some of which are of considerable size. It is extremely sensible, and has so much power of con- traction, that some persons have supposed muscular fibres to exist in its structure. It is differently circumstanced in different parts of its course. While surrounded with the prostate it adheres firmly to that body, seeming to be supported by it ; and here its diameter is larger than it is farther forward. On the lower or posterior side of this portion of the urethra, is an oblong eminence, called Verumontamim, or Caput Gallinaginis, which commences at the orifice of the urethra, and continues throughout the whole portion that is surrounded by the prostate gland, terminating at the point of that body. The posterior extremity of this tubercle begins abruptly, and soon becomes thick and large ; anteriorly it gradually diminishes to a line, which is sometimes perceptible for a considerable distance in the urethra, in a straight forward direction. In the upper edge or top of this body is a groove, which is produced by a mucous follicle ; on the lateral surfaces, anterior to the middle, are the orifices of the common ducts of the vesiculae seminalis, and vasa deferentia, (see page 154,) which are sufficiently large to receive a thick bristle. Near these, on each side, are five or six smaller orifices of the excretory ducts of the prostate gland. At the distance of an inch before the extremity of the bulb of the * Mr. Hunter says, " that the corpus spongiosum urethrse and glans penis are not spongy or cellular, but made up of a plexus of veins. This structui:p is discernible in the human subject ; but is much more distinctly seen in many animals, as the horse,"' &c. — h. MUCOUS FOLLICLES OF THE URETHRA. 165 urethra, in the lining membrane, are the openings of two ducts, one on each side, that lead to small glandular bodies called Cowper's glands, which are situated on each side of the urethra below the bulb, but are covered by the acceleratores urinse muscles. The diameter of the urethra lessens after it leaves the prostate. That portion of the canal which is between this gland and the bulb, without investment, and therefore called the membranous part, is the smallest in diameter. After it is invested with the spongy substance, it has a small enlargement, and then continues nearly of one size, until it arrives near the glans penis, when it again enlarges and alters its form, being no longer cylindrical, but flattened. Its broad surfaces have now a lateral aspect. From the bulb of the corpus spongiosum to this last en- largement, the appearance of the inner surface of the urethra is uniform. The membrane is thin and delicate, and in a healthy subject, who has been free from disease of these parts, is of a whitish color; but blood-vessels are very perceptible in it. When it is relaxed, it appears to be thrown into longitudinal wrinkles ; but it admits of considerable extension ; being some- what elastic : when extended, its surface appears smooth, as if it were covered with an epithelium. Mr. Shaw, of London, has described a set of vessels immediately below the internal membrane of the urethra, which, when empty, are very similar in appearance to muscular fibres. He says he has discovered that these vessels form an internal spongy body, which passes down to the membranous part of the urethra, and forms even a small bulb there. His preparation with a quicksilver injec- tion of the part is certainly a very satisfactory proof of its ex- istence.* Throughout the whole extent of this part of the urethra, are the orifices of a great many mucous ducts or sinuses, which pass obliquely backwards. Many of these are so small that they cannot be penetrated by a bristle, or probe of that size ; but some are larger. It has not been observed that any glandular body immediately surrounds them, although they secrete the mucus with which the urethra is lubricated. ♦ See Med. Chirurg. Transactions of London, vol. x. 166 SITUATION OF THE MUbCLES. On the lower side of the urethra, near the commencement of the glans penis, there is one or more of them, so large that their orifices sometimes admit the point of a small bougie."* These organs when inflamed, secrete the puriform discharge which takes place in gonorrhoea. — In a natural state they pro- duce the mucus which is constantly spread over the surface of the urethra, to defend it from the acrimony of the urine, and which passes away with that fluid un perceived. The surface of the urethra is endued with great sensibility, and is therefore liable to great irritation from contact with any rough body or any acrid substance. Irritation, thus excited, induces a state of contraction, which is particularly remarkable, as no muscular fibres are to be seen in its structure. When a bougie has been passed into the urethra for a considerable dis- tance, if it cannot proceed the whole way, it sometimes happens that the instrument will be discharged by a steady uniform motion, which seems to proceed from a progressive contraction of the urethra, beginning very low down. At particular times, after the urethra has been much irritated, it will not receive a bougie, although at other times a bougie of equal size may be passed to the bladder without opposition. This cannot depend upon that elasticity which was noticed before.f Upon the two crura of the penis, or the beginning of the corpora cavernosa, are fixed the muscles called Erectores Penis, which are described in the first volume.j; These mus- cles cover the crura of the penis from their origin to the junction, and not only compress them, but also influence the motion of the penis when it is distended. The bulb of the urethra is covered by a muscular coat, called the Accelerator Urina, which has the effect of driving forwards * They were discovered by Plazzoni, of Padua, in 1621. Their number, according to Loder, amounts to about 65. See his plates. — h. f Sir Everard Home, whose professional opinions are of great weight, has lately described in the Transactions of the Royal Society, the appearance of the lining membrane of the urethra, when viewed through a microscope of great powers. From this paper it seems that he is fully convinced of its muscular structure. — n. t See description of " Muscles about the Male Organs of Generation," vol. 1, p. 306. SITUATION OF THE MUSCLES. 167 any fluid contained in the cavity of the urethra, and also of giving the same direction to the blood in that part of the corpus spongiosum. There is also the Transversus Perinei on each side, that passes transversely from the tuberosity of the ischium to the bulb of the urethra. — Finally, the lower part of the sphincter ani muscle, which is nearly elliptical in form, is in- serted by its anterior point into the muscular covering of the bulb of the urethra. Upon removing the integuments, these muscles are in view ; and the course of the urethra from the bladder is concealed, particularly by the anterior point of the sphincter ani. When the sphincter anI is dissected away from its anterior connexions, and the cellular and adipose substance, which is sometimes very abundant, is also removed, the lower surface of the membranous part of the urethra may be brought into view, as it proceeds from the. prostate gland to the bulb of the corpus spongiosum.* When the accelerator urinas is removed from the bulb of the urethra, there will appear two bodies, which have some resem- blance to flattened peas. They lie one on each side of the urethra, in contact or nearly so with its bulb, and from each gland proceeds an excretory duct of an inch and a quarter in length between the corpus spongiosum and tlie lining membrane of the canal of the urethra, and opens into the latter. Its orifice is found with some difficulty, but is large enough to admit a bris- tle. These are Cowper's glands.f The penis is connected to the symphysis pubis by a ligamen- tous substance, which proceeds from the back or upper surface of the organ to the anterior part of the symphysis, and connects these parts firmly to each other, called ligamentum suspenso- rium penis. * The natural situation of the membranous part of the urethra, and of the prostate gland, as well as their relative position with respect to the sphincter ani, rectum, &c., can be best studied by a lateral view of the contents of the pelvis ; which is to be obtained by removing carefully one of the ossa innomi- nata, and dissecting the parts which were enclosed by it. f These glands were discovered by Mery, in 1684, and described by Cowper, in 1699. A third gland, smaller than the preceding, connected with the curve of the urethra under the symphysis pubis, was discovered by Cowper, and Morgagni speaks of having observed a fourth. — h. 168 LENGTH OF THE URETHRA. Thus constructed, of the corpora cavernosa and the urethra with its corpus spongiosum, and attached to the pelvis as above mentioned, the penis is invested with its integuments in the fol- lowing manner. ' — The entire length of the urethral canal from its commence- ment at the back part of the prostate gland that is at the neck of the bladder, to its external orifice in the glans penis, varies in different subjects when distended or gently drawn out, from eight to ten inches. The difference in length in different indi- viduals is found to depend upon the greater or less development of the penis from the bulb of the urethra outwards ; the length of the membranous and prostatic portions being nearly the same in all adult subjects. The membranous portion of the urethra extends from the bulb to the anterior margin of the prostate, and is about three quarters of an inch long; it is rather longer on its upper than its lower surface, in consequence of the extension of the pendulous portion of the bulb backwards. In place of the spongy portion, it is covered on its outer surface with a thin layer of pale cellulo-muscular fibres like that forming the neck of the bladder (see page 131,) with which it is continuous.* * Mr. James "Wilson described a muscle, designated commonly as the muscle of Wilson, (see vol. 1, p. 338,) situated one upon each side of the membranous portion of the urethra, called the musculus compressor urethras or pubo-urethra- lis. It is oblong, quadrilateral, and flattened from without inwards. It arises from a short tendon on the back part of the pubis, near the symphysis. It in- creases in size as it descends, embraces closely the membranous portion of the urethra, and at the lower surface of the latter is closely connected with its fellow of the opposite side, so that the two form as it were a muscular ring around the urethra. In front it is usually connected with the posterior part of the accelerator urinse muscle, and below it is connected to the levator ani. It ap- pears to me to form a part of the latter muscle, and to act as a constrictor of the urethra to the male and of the vagina in the female. A transverse fasciculus belonging to this muscle was pointed out by Santorini to which the attention of the profession has recently been called by Mr. Guthrie. Among English anato- mists it is now known as the muscle of Guthrie. It arises on each side from the crus ischii, and is inserted into the under part of the membranous portion of the urethra, the perineal centre, and the point of the prostate. It embraces Cowper's glands, and is connected with the lower part of Wilson's muscle. These are voluntary muscles, according to Mailer, and are the principal agents by which we exercise any voluntary control over the discharge of urine. When spasmodically contracted, they compress the urethra, and often render the pass- ing of a catheter along this portion of the canal impossible, till the spasm is relaxed by medicinal means. — v. LENGTH OF THE URETHRA. 169 — The prostatic portion of the canal is of the length of the gland, and varies from fifteen to eighteen lines. It is conoidal in its shape, the base of the cone being on the side of the blad- der, and its narrowest part or apex continuous with the mem- branous portion. In consequence of this shape, small calculi frequently drop into it from the bladder, and sometimes imbed themselves in the substance of the prostate gland. The direc- tion of the prostatic and membranous portions of the urethra is from above downwards and backwards, towards the neck of the bladder, forming a curve, the concavity of which is towards the pubis. The spongy or external portion of the canal forms a curve in the opposite direction, so that the whole canal in its undistended state, resembles somewhat in shape the italic /. When the penis is drawn upwards and forwards, both curves, as Amusat has shown, are nearly effaced, and a straight instrument may, with facility, be passed into the bladder. — — Much difference of opinion exists among writers in reference to the length of the urethral canal. According to Sabatier it is from 10 to 12 inches long — Cloquet and Lisfrane 9 to 12 — Amusat 7 to 8 — Civiale and Maloraigne about 6. Much of this discrepency may be accounted for by the different modes of admeasurement adopted — whether the urethra be measured on the living subject by the means of a catheter, which gives the actual length of the tube in the unexcited state of the organ ; or after its removal from the body (when it becomes very disten- sible,) and having been stretched out on a board. Measure- ment by the former process, which gives the shorter length, is the only one of value in practice. The genital organs of the black in the opinions of most of American anatomists, are more largely developed than those of the white. — The following are the measurements of the urethra from the neck of the bladder to the external orifice of the penis, which I recently took from four patients in the Philadelphia Hospital ; viz. four blacks and two mulattoes. VOL. II. 15 Do. 5 ft. 5 inch Do. 5 " 6 " Mulatto, 6 " 1 " Do. 6 " " 170 INTEGUMENTS OF THE PENIS. — Negro — 6 feet 4 inches in height — length of urethra moderately stretched on catheter 8^ inches, unstretched 1\ inches. (( Q3 (( (( 7l ^4 '4 U Qi (( (( 7 ^4 u 8 " " 62 (( Qi (( <( 71 "4 '4 A small negro boy of 9 " 4 " " 3| Integuments of the Penis. The glans penis, the structure of which has been already described, is covered by a continuation of the skin which appears altered in its texture so as to resemble in some respects the skin of the lips, and in like manner is covered by a delicate production of cuticle. Around the corona of the glans, especially on its upper part, there are whitish tubercles, glandula. Tysonii, which are of different sizes in different persons, but always very small. The skin adheres firmly to the whole extent of the corona of the glans, and is very delicate in its structure, as it continues from the glans upon the body of the penis ; but it gradually changes so as to assume the appearance and structure of a common skin, and continues in this state over the penis. The adhesion of the skin to the ligamentous coat of the corpora cavernosa also becomes more loose, owing to the quantity and texture of the cellular substance which connects them. The skin, thus connected to the penis, has commonly more length than that organ, even in its extended state. In consequence of this greater length, and of its adhering firmly around the corona glandis, it necessarily forms a circular fold or plait, which varies in size according to the length of the skin. This fold is generally situated at the commencement of the firm attachment of the skin to the body of the penis, or around the glans ; but it may be formed any where upon the body of the penis by artificial management. This duplicature, or fold of the skin, when it takes place so as to cover the glans, is called the Prepuce; and the skin, INTEGUMENTS OF THE PENIS. 171 which is very tender and dehcate for some distance from the glans, forms that surface of the prepuce which is in contact with the glans when it covers that body. There is also a small fold of the skin which is longitudinal in its direction, that commences at the orifice of the urethra, and extends backwards on the lower surface of the penis. It is unvarying in its position, and is called Frenum. It is a general observation, that adeps is not found in the cellular substance which connects the skin to the body of the penis ; but this cellular substance is distended with water in some hydropic cases. From the glands of Tyson, and from small follicles on each side of the fraenum, is secreted an unctuous fluid, (^Smegma preputii,) which when allowed to continue, becomes inspissa- ted, and acquires a caseous consistence and color, as well as a peculiar odor. It sometimes also acquires an acrimony which produces inflammation on the surface with which it is in contact, as well as the copious secretion of a puriform fluid. The distribution of the pudic artery in the penis has already been mentioned ; and a farther account of its origin and pro- gress to its destination, will be found in the general account of the arteries. Sometimes small branches of the external pudic arteries, which originate from the femoral, are extended to the penis ; and it has been asserted, that branches of the middle haemorrhoidal artery have also been found there, but this does not often occur. The Veins of the penis are of two kinds ; those which origi- nate in the corpora cavernosa, accompany the corresponding branches of the pudic artery, but communicate more or less with the plexus of veins on the lower and lateral part of the bladder. There is also a great vein, which occupies the groove on the back of the penis, between the corpora cavernosa, that appears particularly appropriated to the corpus spongiosum urethra ; for it originates in the glans penis, and receives branches from the urethra as it proceeds backwards. There are often two of these veins, one in the groove, and the other more superficial: they generally unite near the root of the 172 PERINEAL FASCIA. penis. The common trunk then passes between the body of the penis and the symphysis pubis, and terminates in a plexus of veins at the neck of the bladder, which is connected to the plexus above mentioned on the lower and lateral parts of the same viscus. The Absorbent Vessels of the penis take two different direc- tions on each side. Those which arise from the integuments generally, unite so as to form a few trunks on the back of the penis, which divide near the root of the organ, and proceed to the glands of the groin. Those which originate from the inte- rior parts of the penis, accompany the blood-vessels, and ter- minate in the plexus of lymphatics in the pelvis. It ought to be noted, that the superficial lymphatics gene- rally enter the upper inguinal glands. — The deep-seated lymphatics, which originate in the glans penis and the cavern- ous structure, run with the cavernous artery of the penis, directly into the pelvis. Hence in chancres of the glans, the venereal poison may be introduced into the system without traversing the glands of the groin. — The Nerves of the penis are principally derived from the lower sacral nerves, which unite in the plexus that forms the great ischiatic. From these nerves a branch on each side ori- ginates, which passes, like the pudic artery, between the sacro- sciatic ligaments. In this course it divides into two branches, one of which passes below to the muscles of the penis and urethra, and to the contiguous parts ; and some of its branches seem finally to terminate in the dartos : the other branch pro- ceeds along the crura of the pubis and ischium, and passing between the symphysis pubis and the body of the penis, arrives at the upper surface or dorsum of the penis, along which it continues on the outside of the veins to the glans, in which it terminates. In this course it sends off several branches, some of which terminate in the integuments of the penis. Fascice of the Perineum. [There are several fasciae and ligaments about the perineum, which should be connected with the account of its viscera. INFERIOR PERINEAL FASCIA, 173 Immediately beneatl\ the skin of the perineum is the Perineal Fascia, a thin but stit>ng membrane, which extends from bone to bone, occupying the space between the anus and the poste- rior part of the scrotum. It is rather better seen in lean subjects than in fat ones, for in the latter it is converted in part into adi- pose membrane. When a rupture occurs in the posterior part of the urethra, this fascia prevents the urine from showing itself immediately in the perineum, and drives it into the cellular structure of the scrotum. Immediately beneath the perineal fascia are placed the muscles ; when they are removed, the bulb of the urethra may be seen very advantageously, extending in the middle of the perineum almost to the anus. It is not loose and pendulous, but is attached by its pelvic surface to the triangular ligament of the urethra. This ligament is a septum between the perineum and the pelvis, and connects itself to the pelvic or internal edges of the rami of the pubis and ischium as far down as the organs of the crura ^enis. It extends from the arch of the pubis to the line mentioned, and fills up all the space between the bones of the opposite sides. It consists of two lamina, and Cowper's glands are placed between them. About an inch below the symphysis pubis a perforation is made in this ligament for the passage of the membranous part of the urethra. Just below the symphysis pubis, between the two lamina of the triangular ligament, is placed a much stronger ligament called the pubic, which is about half an inch broad ; its lower edge is thick and rounded.] — There are three fasciae belonging to the region of the peri- neum, exclusive of the pubic ligament just described, and the common superficial or subcutaneous fascia which is here dense and loaded usually with fatty matter. — The three proper fasciae of the perineum, are named from their relative position. 1st. The inferior perineal fascia, described above simply as perineal fascia. 2d. The middle perineal fascia, which from its shape is generally known as the triangular ligament. — 3. The superior penneaZ/asaa, or pelvic aponeurosis. 15* 174 MIDDLE PERINEAL FASCIA. — 1. The Inferior perineal fascia, is somewhat of a triangular shape, the narrowest portion being in front. It contains many well marked transverse fibres, is attached to the rami of the pubis and ischium of each side, and stretched across the inter- Fig-. 166.* vening space, covering in several genital muscles and the root of the penis. Anteriorly it is connected with the dartos muscle of the scrotum, and the investing fascia of the penis. Poste- riorly it terminates in front of the anus, by being reflected under the transversus perinei muscles so as to communicate with the anterior layer of the middle perineal fascia. — 2. The middle fascia of the perineum called besides, deep fascia, triangular ligament of the urethra, and Comperes liga- ment is also attached but more internally than the inferior to the rami of the pubis and ischium of each side, and is also firmly * The pubic arch with the attachments of the perineal fasciae. 1, 1, 1. The superficial perineal fascia divided by a j^ shaped incision into three flaps ; the lateral flaps are turned over the ramus of the os pubis and ischium at each side, to which they are firmly attached. The posterior flap may be traced in continuation with the middle perineal fascia. 2. The middle perineal fascia or triangular ligament of the urethra. 3. The opening for the passage of the membranous part of the urethra previous to its entering the bulb. 4. Two projections of the anterior layer of the middle perineal fascia, corresponding with Cowper's glands. — TRIANGULAR LIGAMENT OF THE URETHRA. 175 Stretched Across the triangular space formed between these bones. This ligament is vertical near the arch of the pubis, and as far down as the bulb of the urethra, which is attached to its front surface by cellular tissue. Below the bulb its direction is obliquely backwards and downwards. This liga- ment consists of two layers, an anterior and posterior, which are nearly in contact below the arch of the pubis and separate more widely at their inferior termination. Between the layers are placed at the top — the sub-pubic ligament, a considerable part of the membranous portion of the urethra which pierces both lamina at the orifices left for it about an inch below the symphysis, Cowper's glands found a little below this orifice, the compressor urethra muscle, described page 168, and the pudic vessels which run up on the sides, and send in their branches between the lamina to supply the bulb. There are two openings through these layers above, by which the venae dorsales penis pass, upon the neck of the bladder so as to empty the vesical plexus. — Half an inchr below the orifice of the urethra is found the lower boundary of this middle perineal or triangular ligament. At this level the anterior layer is united under the transverse perineal muscles with the lower edge of the inferior perineal fascia and the posterior layer is reflected backwards to the rectum, the extremity of which intestine it aids the anal fascia in supporting. The posterior sends back besides, a funnel- shaped process along the membranous portion of the urethra, which covers the prostate gland and is continuous with the recto-vesical fascia lately described by Mr. Tyrrel. The use of this remarkable aponeurosis, is to support the bulb and mem- branous portions of the urethra, and form a strong septum of defence to the outlet of the pelvis. The rigidity and tenseness of this fascia around the urethral passage, which has its fixed curve at this point, constitutes an obstacle to the introduction of the catheter, when its point deviates from the direction of the canal. In the female the triangular ligament is perforated by the passage of the vagina, as well as by the urethra. 176 SUPERIOR PERINEAL FASCIA. — 3. The superior perineal fascia or pelvic aponeurosis, is but an extension of the fascia covering the iliacus internus muscle, {fascia iliaca) that passes beneath the external iliac vessels, turns over the brim of the pelvis to which it becomes Fig. 167.* attached, and then dips down to line the sides and bottom of the pelvic cavity. The rectum and bladder having tubular outlets which open inferiorly, the fascia cannot pass as a level sheet across the bottom of the cavity ; but where it encounters the rectum, and the bladder with its adherent prostate, it mounts up upon the sides of these organs, giving them an aponeurotic coat. Hence the layer at the bottom of the pelvic cavity which constitutes the superior perineal fascia, is some- * A transverse section of the pelvis, showing the distribution of the pelvic fascia. 1. The bladder. 2. The vesiculse seminales divided across. 3. The rectum. 4. The iliac fascia covering in the iliacus and psoas muscles (5) ; and foriuing a sheath for the external iliac vessels (G). 7. The anterior crural nerve excluded from the sheath. 8. The pelvic fascia. 9. Its ascending layer, form- ing the lateral ligament of the bladder of one side, and a sheath to the vesical plexus of veins. 10. The recto-vesical fascia of Mr. Tyrrel formed by the middle layer. 11. The inferior layer surrounding the rectum and meeting at the middle line with the fascia of the opposite side. 12. The levator ani mus- cle. 13. The obturator internus muscle, covered in by the obturator fascia, which also forms a sheath for the internal pudic vessels and nerve (14). 15. The layer of fascia which invests the under surface of the levator ani muscle, Che anal fascia. PELVIC APONEUROSIS. 177 times called the recto-vesical fascia or recto-vesical aponeuro- sis. The reflection of this fascia about the rectum, is consid- ered by Mr. Tyrrel as consisting of two layers. One which he calls the middle layer (see fig. 167,) passes between the base of the bladder, and the anterior face of the rectum. The other called by him the inferior layer, passes behind the rectum and with the layer of the opposite side completely surrounds this intestine. To the middle layer he has proposed to restrict the term recto-vesical fascia ; but this name, it appears to me is too commonly used in the more extended sense, to admit of this limitation. — As the fascia of each side passes from the two pubic bones to the bladder, there is formed in front two ligamentous bands, with a small fascia between them, lined by the peritoneum. These bands constitute the anterior ligaments of the bladder. — Posteriorly tjiis fascia or aponeurosis is reflected backwards from each side upon the front surface of the sacrum, where it becomes thin and is finally lost. It passes in front of the sciatic plexus of nerves, over which it sometimes forms a bow. — Another bow formed by this aponeurosis has been carefully described by Mr. Colles, the concavity of which looks up- wards. The anterior end of this bow is fastened to the pubis above the thyroid foramen ; the posterior to the ischium above its spine. This bow is called from its shape semi-lunar. At this point the pelvic aponeurosis splits into two layers, the inter- nal one of which, or \\\e pelvic, has alone been described. The other or outer one, is called the obturator, and passes directly downwards, as seen in fig. 167, lining the inner surface of the obturator internus muscle, and forming a sheath for the internal pudic vessels and nerves. Between these two fascia from which it partly has its origin, lies the levator ani muscle. The obtu- rator, and levator ani muscles diverge below from each other, forming thereby a. fossa opening downwards filled up with very vascular fat, called the ischio-rectal fossa. At the point of di- vergence, a thin process is sent off from the obturator fascia, which lines the lower portion of the levator ani muscle, and is continued on to the anus, this is sometimes called the anal fascia. 178 GENERAL ANATOMY OF ERECTILE TISSUE. After an examination of the relative situation of the muscles and blood-vessels of the male organs of generation, there appears reason to doubt, whether the erection of the penis can be referred to pressure upon the veins which return from that organ. Albinus has written on this subject. See Academicarutn Annotationum, lib. ii. caput xviii. Haller has also considered it, and stated the opinions of several anatomists, in his Elemenia Physiologige, torn. vii. page 555. The manner in which the urine is confined in the bladder does not appear to be clearly understood. The connexion of the neck of the bladder with the pros- tate, and the appearance of the contiguous parts of the bladder, do not ren- der it probable that these parts act like a sphincter. The late J. Hunter, who paid great attention to the functions of these organs, was very decided in his opinion that the contraction of the urethra produced the effect of a sphincter of the bladder. He has published some very ingenious observations respect- ing the manner in which urine is discharged from the bladder, in his Treatise on the Venereal Disease, part iii. chapter ix. Mr. Hunter also long since asserted, that the vascular convoluted appearance of the corpus spongiosum urethrse was more distinct in the horse than the man. In the fifth volume of Le9on's d' Anatomic Comparee of Cuvier, the very learned and ingenious author confirms the declaration of Hunter, respecting the vascular convolutions of the corpus spongiosum of the horse. He states, that the corpora cavernosa of the penis of the elephant appear to be filled ia a great degree with the ramifications of veins which communicate with each other by such large and frequent anastomoses, that they have a cellular ap- pearance. A similar structure exists in the horse, camel, bullock, deer, &:c. ; and |in them all these communicating branches can be distinguished from those which extend the whole length of the penis. The corpus spongiosum urethrae, according to M. Cuvier, is constructed in a similar manner. From these facts he is induced to believe that this structure pervades the whole class of mammalia. General Anatoray of Erectile Tissue. — The term erectile tissue, tela erectilis, was first adopted by Dupiiytren and Rullier, to indicate various parts which are principally composed of blood-vessels, intimately interwoven with nerves, and which, under various causes of excitement, mechanical or sensorial, are rendered turgid and prominent, or thrown into a state of erection by a sudden influx of blood. This system includes the corpus cavernosum penis, corpus spongiosum urethrae, clitoris, nymphae, plexus retiformis vaginae, nipples, cutaneous papillae, mucous villi, red borders of the lips, and, according to Harrison, the seminal tubercle or caput gallinaginis. It is supposed by some to exist in the iris, and Beclard is disposed to include in this tissue the spleen. It GENERAL ANATOMY OF ERECTILE TISSUE. 179 is seen also in other positions in the inferior animals, as in the wattles of the turkey, and tongue of the chameleon. It is developed also accidentally in different parts of the body, as in Fig. 168.* erectile tumors, (aneurisms from anastomosis,) and in fungus hae- matodes. In some of the organs it is enclosed in a fibrous sheath^ which limits the extent of the expansion and detern)ines its form. Its development, how- ever, is found more perfect in some organs than the rest, and it is most so in the corpus caver- nosum penis, and corpus spon- giosum urethree. In these parts it has principally been made the subject of investigation. The commonly received opinion, and which is kept up by the appear- ance which anatomical prepara- tions present when the common cellular tissue of the parts is filled with wax to exhibit their general form, is this ; that the erectile tissue consists of loose elastic tissue divided into innu- merable cells, into which, during erection, blood is poured by the arteries and taken up subse- quently by the veins. Such was the opinion of Ruysch, Haller, and Bichat. Vesalius, Mascagni and Hunter, were of the opin- ion that the tissue was made up of a multitude of arteries and veins, the latter predominating greatly in number, closely inter- woven, and resting upon the cells ;* which are formed by pro- cesses or trabecule sent inwards from the general investing sheath * See Erectile Tissue, Diet. Des Sciences Medicales, by Dupuytren and JRul- ller. — p. 180 GENERAL ANATOMY OF ERECTILE TISSUE. of the parts (involucrum). These divide the interior into cells, like the septae which divide the cavity of an orange, and form a sort of scaffolding for the support of the vessels. This opinion has been supported by Cuvier, Tiedemann, Beclard and Weber, who assert that a structure corresponding to it is discernible in man, and is particularly obvious in the horse and other large animals. The annexed cut from Moreschi, fig. 168, shows the congeries of vessels as they exist in the injected state in the glans penis, which are principally veins, and are characterized by their number tenuity and softness, and which empty into the superficial veins of the penis. — Professor Miiller has recently discovered in the structure of the corpus cavernosum penis, two sets of arteries forming rami- fications from the common trunk — the arteria profunda. One of these consists of the ordinary nutritious arteries of the part, which ramify over the cells and terminate in the capil- lary veins, and through which, in the unexcited state, all the blood flows that is conveyed by the profunda. The Fig. 169. other sets he calls the arteria helicince, see \%U ^o- 16^5 which is a magnified representa- ■''^Tw^'^ tion of part of the profunda with its helicine ^t^fi 'h^^ branches. These are so named from their 7-^^^ 4 ^)^ resemblance to the tendrils of the vine ; they are much shorter, however, m proportion to their thickness, than the comparison would seem to indicate. These arteries become dilated during the state of erection, and receive all the blood which is imported by the profunda in increased quantities during the period of excitement. They may be seen with the lens or even with the naked eye, in the back part of the corpus cavernosum penis, when the profunda has been injected with colored size, the corpus cavernosum subsequently slit open, and all the injection which has escaped into the cells, carefully washed away. These branches from the profunda are short, being about a line in length and a fifth of a millimetre* in diam- * A millimetre equals the 0.03937 of an English inch. GENERAL ANATOMY OF ERECTILE TISSUE. 181 eter, and are of the same size whether they are derived from the larger branches or the finest twigs. — The arteriae heHcinse, sometimes branch off singly ; sometimes in little bundles from three to ten in number, in which case they originate by a common trunk. They project constantly into the cells of the spongy substance, which Miiller considers venous cavities, and either terminate abruptly, or swell out into a club-like process without again subdividing. These vessels when they project into the venous cavities, according to Miiller, are not entirely naked, but are covered by a delicate membrane, which, under the microscope, appears granular, and when the arteries form a bundle like a skein of thread, the whole bundle is covered by a gauze-like membrane. Miiller considers this membrane as performing an important part in the phenomena of erection. The arteries have neither on their sides or extremities, any openings discoverable with the microscope ; and when the blood, as is probable, escapes from them in large quantities into the venous cells during erection, it must either pass through invisible open- ings or by orifices which become enlarged by the dilatation of the arteries. These helicine arteries appear to have been seen by Weber, and figured in his plates, though not under that par- ticular name, (V'ide Tab. xxvi. figs, xxvii. xxviii.)* — The discovery of these vessels by Miiller, though they do not by any means fully explain to us the phenomena of erec- tibility, goes far towards reconciling the two conflicting opinions entertained upon this subject. That the cells formed by the septae of the corpus cavernosum and spongiosum penis, are lined with the lining membrane and continuous with the cavity of the veins, there can, I think, be little doubt. For with the injecting pipe plunged at random in the cells of these parts, we invariably succeed in filling the superficial veins of the penis ; and by inserting a pipe in the vena magna ipsius penis, we are equally successful in distending with injecting matter, the spongy cells. In these cells ramify the helicine arteries of * Mullet's Archives, or London Medical Gazette, No. 423. VOL. II. 16 •" 182 COMPRESSOR VEN« DORSALIS MUSCLE. Miiller, by which the blood is conveyed with which the cells are distended as by an injection throughout the arteries, during erection. — How far any coarctation or compression of the superficial veins at the root of the veins may assist this accumulation of blood in the cells, or whether it takes place at all, is not known. Two muscles have been lately described by Mr. Houston* under the name of compressores vence dorsalis penis ; said to possess this office. They arise on each side from the ramus of the pubis above the erector penis muscle, expand into a thin layer, pass upward and forward and unite in a common tendinous band over the dorsal vein. They are separated from the muscle of Wilson by laying in front of the anterior layer of the triangular ligament ; and the crura of the penis intervenes between them and the erector penis muscle. — 1 consider it doubtful however from my own dissections, whether these mus- cles are any thing more than the anterior termination of the accelerator urinae muscles which may be traced forwards on the sides and dorsum of the penis to the suspensory ligament of the organ. The veins which they are said to compress are more- over the superficial, and not the deep seated which alone com- municate with the cells of the corpus cavernosum. — * Dublin Hospital Reports, vol, 5. FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 183 CHAPTER VI. OF THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. The female organs of generation consist of the Uterus and Ovaries, with their appendages ; and of the Vagina, with the structure which surrounds its external orifice. The uterus is situated in the pelvis, between the bladder and rectum ; and the ovaries are on each side of it. The vagina is a very large membranous canal, which passes from the uterus down- wards and forwards, also between the bladder and rectum, and opens externally. Connected with the orifice of the vagina are several bodies, which are called the external parts of generation, in order to distinguish them from the uterus and ovaries, and their appendages, and also from the canal of the vagina ; which are called the internal parts. The bladder of urine lies above and in contact with the vagina : the urethra is also intimately connected with it. The description of the bladder and urethra is therefore placed at the end of this chapter. Of the External parts of Generation. — All the external parts of generation are included under the general term of vulva. They consist of the mons veneris, the labia externa, the fourchette, the fossa navicularis, the clitoris, the nymphae, and the hymen. — The adipose membrane, immediately anterior to the sym- physis pubis, and on each side of it, forms a considerable prominence in females, which, at the age of puberty, is covered with hair, as in males. This prominence is denominated the Mons Veneris. 184 LABIA EXTERNA. CLITORIS. The exterior orifice commences immediately below this. On each side of this orifice is a prominence continued from the mons veneris, which is largest above, and gradually diminishes as it descends. These prominences have some hair upon them. They are called the Lahia Externa. Their junction below is denominated the Fourchette. — The fourchette or frenulum vulva, is a delicate duplicature of the lining membrane, which forms the posterior commissure of the labia externa. In the virgin state it contracts the opening into the vagina, and behind it that canal forms a little depression or pouch. It is usually ruptured or effaced during the first act of parturition. — The space between the place of their junction and the anus is rather more than an inch in extent, and is denominated the Perineum. — The perineal space between the vagina and rectum, extends upwards for about three inches, and terminates in a point ; it is filled chiefly with cellular and adipose matter, through which many nerves and blood-vessels run, and is called the perineal triangle. This shares in the distention of the vagina during parturition, so that in the passage of the head of the child, there appears only interposed between it and the cavity of the rectum, a thin membranous layer. — As the skin which forms the labia is continued internally, it becomes more thin and soft, and is covered by a more delicate cuticle. It is also more or less florid, and secretes a peculiar mucus. In the upper angle, formed by the labia externa, is the upper extremity and glans of the clitoris. The Clitoris is a body which has a very strong resemblance to the penis, but there is no urethra attached to it. It has two crura of considerable length, which originate, like those of the penis, from the crura of the pubis and ischium, and unite at the symphysis of the pubis so as to form a body, which is not much more than an inch in length, and is broad in proportion. The extremity of this organ, called the Glans of the Clitoris, forms a small tubercle, which is covered above and on the sides by a small plait or fold of the skin denominated Prepuce. These parts are lubricated by a secretion similar to that which is observed round the glans penis. NYMPHJ;. 185 The crura of the clitoris have muscles similar to the erectores penis. The interior structure of the Clitoris is very similar to that of the corpora cavernosa of the penis, or the corpus spon- giosum of the urethra. It appears constructed for a similar distension, and is endued with the same sensibility as the penis. The two lateral parts are also separated from each other by a septum, resembling that of the penis. It is united to the sym- physis pubis by a ligament. The Prepuce of the clitoris has a semicircular form : below its extremities two folds or plaits commence, one on each side, which are situated obliquely with respect to each other, so as to form an angle. These folds-are denominated the Nympha. The NymphfZ or Labia Interna extend from the clitoris downwards nearly as far as the middle of the orifice of the vagina. They are situated within the external labia, and are formed by the skin after it has become more delicate in its texture. Their surface, however, is often somewhat corrugated. There are many blood-vessels in their internal structure, and it is supposed they are occasionally somewhat tumid. They are flat, and their exterior edge is convex ; so that they are narrow at their extremities, and broad in the middle. Their breadth is very variable, and in some instances is great. In a majority of cases, it is equal to one-fourth of their length. Their color in young subjects is of a bright red ; in women advanced in years, and who have had many children, they are of a brown red, and sometimes of a dark color. The use of these parts is not very evident. They have been supposed to regulate the course of the urine as it flows from the urethra, but their effect in this respect is not great. They have also been supposed to favor the necessary enlargement of the parts in parturition. — The nymphae are larger usually in blacks than whites. They descend some distance below the labia externa, and con- stitute the tabUcrs or aprons of the " Hottentot females. The nymphae are very vascular. — The triangular and slightly concave depression, between the labia interna, about an inch or an inch and a quarter in length, 16* 186 HYMEN. VAGINA. is called the Vestibulum. The space between the posterior part of the orifice of the vagina, and the fourchette is called the Fossa Navicularis. On the surface of both these parts are observed a great number of mucous follicles. — The orifice of the urethra is situated about an inch and one quarter farther inward than the clitoris. It is often rather less than the diameter of the urethra, and is somewhat protuberent. The orifices of mucous ducts are to be perceived around it. The orifice of the urethra is at the commenceraent of the canal of the vagina. Immediately within this orifice is situated the membrane denominated Hymen. The Hymen is an incomplete septum, made by a fold or duplicature of the membrane which forms the surface contigu- ous to it. Sometimes it is circular, with an aperture in the centre. Sometimes it has a resemblance to the crescent, the aperture being at the upper part of it. The hymen has fre- quently been found without a perforation, and has therefore prevented the discharge of the menstrual evacuation. It is generally ruptured in the first intercourse of the sexes ; and some small tubercles, which are found on the surface of the vagina near the spot where it was situated, are supposed to be the remains of it. These tubercles are called Caruncula Myrtiformes. — Dr. Duvernoy, has found the hymen to exist in many of the inferior animals, in which it varies in regard to form, pre- cisely as it does in the human race. — Of the Vagina. The canal of the vagina, commencing at the hymen and the orifice of the urethra, is rather more narrow at its beginning than it is farther inward. From this place it extends backwards and upwards, and partakes in a small degree of the curve of the rectum: while the bladder, which is above it, and rests upon it, increases the curvature of the anterior part. It is much larger in women who have had children than in those who have not. CORPORA CAVERNOSA VAGINA. 187 — In the virgin state at puberty, its length is about five inches, and its breadth when moderately distended, one inch. In a natural state of the parts, there is no cavity, the surfaces of the mucous membrane being in contact. In women who have borne many children, its length diminishes, and its breadth increases in inverse proportion with its length. — Fig. no* * A side view of the viscera of the female pelvis. 1. The symphysis pubis ; to the upper part of which the tendon of the rectus muscle is attached. 2. The abdominal parietes. 3. The collection of fat, forming the projection of the mons Veneris. 4. The urinary bladder. 5. The entrance of the left ureter. 6. The canal of the urethra, converted into a mere fisshure by the contraction of its walls. 7. The meatus urinarius. 8. The clitoris, with its praepuiium, divided through the middle. 9. The left nympha. 10. The left labium majus. 11. The meatus of the vagina, narrowed by the contraction of its sphincter. 12. The canal of the vagina, upon which the transverse rugae are apparent. 13. The thick wall of seperation between the base of the bladder and the vagina. 14. The wall of separation between the vagina and rectum. 15. The perine- um. 16. The OS uteri. 17. Its cervix. 18. The fundus uteri. The cavitas uteri is seen along the centre of the organ. 19. The rectum, showing the disposition of its mucous membrane. 20. The anus. 21. The upper part of the rectum, invested by the peritoneum. 22. The recto-uterine fold of the peritoneum. 23. The utero-vesical fold. 24. The reflection of the peritoneum, from the apex of the bladder, upon the urachus to the internal surface of the abdominal parieties. 25. The last lumbar vertebra. 26. The sacrum. 27. The coccyx. 188 CORPORA CAVERNOSA VAGINAE. The membrane which lines the vagina resembles to a certain decree, the membranes which secrete mucus in different parts of the body. Its surface appears to consist of very small papillae ; and at the anterior extremity of the vagina it forms a great number of rugae, which are arranged in a transverse direction, both on the part of the vagina connected to the blad- der, and on that part which is connected to the rectum, while the lateral parts of the vagina are smooth. These rugae are most prominent in the middle ; so that a raised line appears to pass through them at right angles. This line extends from without inwards. The, rugae on the part next to the bladder are the strongest. This arrangement of the surface of the vagina does not ex- tend beyond the external half of the canal ; on the internal half part, or that nearest the uterus, the surface is smooth. The rugae are considerably diminished in women who have had children. Throughout this surface are to be seen, in some cases with the naked eye, the orifices of mucous follicles or ducts, which occasionally discharge considerable quantities of mucus. — Near the external orifice of the vagina, exist a couple of little glands, somewhat resembling those of Cowper, which discharge through their ducts a lubrifying mucus on the surface of the membrane. — Exterior to the lining membrane of the vagina is a dense cellular structure, which has not yet been completely investi- gated : it is of a lightish color, and has some resemblance to the texture of the body of the uterus. It is very vascular, and appears to be of a fibrous structure. It may be very much distended, and seems to have a contractile power. At the anterior extremity of the vagina, on each side of it, there is superadded to this, a cellular, or vascular substance, from eight lines to an inch in breadth : which, when cut into, resembles the corpora cavernosa, of the corpus spongiosum of the penis. These bodies commence near the body of the cli- toris, and extend downwards on each side of the vagina. They have been called Plexus Retiformis, and Corpora Cavernosa rnkm^^ UNIMPREGNATED UTERUS. 189 Vagina, and are occasionally distended with blood, like the clitoris and penis. These corpora cavernosa are covered by muscular fibres, which pass over them on each side from the sphincter ani to the body of the clitoris ; to each of which organs they are attached. These fibres constitute the sphincter vagina muscle, and contract the diameter of the vagina at the place where they are situated.* The transversus perinei muscles also exist in the female. They pass from the tuberosities of the ischia, and are inserted into a dense whitish substance in the perineum, to which the anterior extremity of the sphincter ani is likewise attached. The vagina is in contact with the rectum behind ; the bladder lies upon it and anterior to it. A small portion of peritoneum, to be reflected to the rectum, is continued from the uterus upon the posterior part of it. The lateral portions of it are invested with cellular substance. The anterior extremity of the uterus, which is called the Os Tincae, projects into it from above. Of the Uterus, the Ovaries and their Appendages. The Uterus has been compared to a pear with a long neck. There is, of course, a considerable difference between the body and neck ; the first being twice as broad as the last. Each of these parts is somewhat flattened. In subjects of mature age, who have never been pregnant, the whole of the uterus is about two inches and a half in length, and more than one inch and a half in breadth at the broadest part of the body : it is also near an inch in thickness. It is generally larger than this in women who have lately had children. The uterus is situated in the pelvis between the bladder and rectum, and is enclosed in a duplicature or fold of the perito- neum, which forms a loose septum that extends from one side * These two muscular bands, which when conjoined together form the sphinc- ter vaginas, have a similar origin and insertioQ and correspond with the accele- ratore urins muscles of the male. — p. 190 LIGAMENTS OF THE UTERUS. of the pelvis to the other, and divides it into an anterior and posterior chamber. The posterior surface of this septum is opposed to the rectum, and the anterior to the bladder. The two portions of this septum which are between the uterus and the lateral parts of the pelvis, are called the Broad Ligaments. On the posterior surface, the Ovaries are situated on each side of the uterus, being enclosed by a process of the ligament or septum. Above them, in the upper edge of the septum, are the Fallopian Tubes, which are ducts that commence at the upper part of the uterus on each side, and proceed in a lateral direction for some distance, when they form an angle and incline downwards to the ovaries. These ducts are enclosed between the two lamina of the septum for the greater part of their length. The peritoneum which forms the septum, is reflected from it, posteriorly, to the rectum, and the posterior surface of the pelvis, and anteriorly to the bladder. In its progress in each direction, it forms small plaits or folds ; two of which extend from the uterus to the rectum posteriorly, and two more to the bladder anteriorly : these are called the Anterior and Posterior Ligaments of the Uterus. The other ligaments, which proceed more immediately from the uterus are called the Round Ligaments. These arise from each side of the uterus, at a small distance before and below the origins of the Fallopian tubes, and proceed in an oblique course to the abdominal rings. These ligaments are also invested by the peritoneum. They pass through the rings and soon terminate in the fatty structure of the mons veneris. In the body of the uterus is a cavity, which approaches to the triangular form, and from which a canal proceeds through its neck. This cavity is so small that its sides are almost in contact, and the canal is in proportion ; so that this organ is very thick in proportion to its bulk. The substance of which the uterus consists is very firm and dense: it is of a whitish color, with a slight tinge of red. There are many blood-vessels, with nerves and absorbent vessels, in its texture. The nature and structure of this sub- FIBRES OF THE UTERUS. 191 Stance, has not yet been precisely ascertained. It appears very different indeed from muscle ; but the uterus occasionally con- tracts, with great force, during labor. It is not rendered thin by its enlargement during pregnancy, and the blood-vessels in its texture are generally enlarged at that time. — The proper tissue of the uterus in its ordinary condition, is of a grayish color, and of a density almost cartilaginous, especially in its neck. It is composed of fibres, the nature and arrangement of which it is then impossible to determine. When enlarged by gestation, its tissue is soft, reddish, very dilatable, contractile, and presents all the characters of muscular tissue. Its fibres* are arranged in the following manner : — — In the body of the uterus they form two layers, one super- ficial and one deep-seated. The former is composed first, of a vertical fasciculus, which runs over the anterior and posterior faces of the organ ; of a second fasciculus, which runs along the superior border of the fundus, and of several other oblique layers, which may be traced upon the Fallopian tubes, round ligaments, broad ligaments, and ligaments of the ovaries. In many animals, as in the cow, we find the broad ligament a mass of muscular fibres continuous with the uterus. — The second or deep-seated, form two cones, which are con- nected by their basis upon the median line, and by their apices to the Fallopian tubes. The neck of the uterus is composed entirely of circular fibres, closely compacted together. — Exteriorly, the uterus is covered by the peritoneum, as has already been mentioned. Internally it is lined with a delicate membrane that has some resemblance to those which secrete mucus, and is generally of a whitish color, abounding with small orifices that can be seen with a magnifying glass. This membrane is so intimately connected to the substance of the uterus, that some anatomists have supposed it was merely the internal surface of that substance, but this opinion is now generally abandoned. It is supposed that the color of this membrane is more florid about the period of menstruation. * The best description of the fibres of the uterus is that of Madame Boivin, Vide Maladies de I'Uierus, etc., by Mad. Boivia and A. Dugus. Paris.— p. 192 CAVITY OF THE UTERUS. The cavity of the uterus, as has been observed before, is triangular in form. When the organ is in its natural position, the upper side of this triangle is transverse with respect to the body, and the other sides pass downwards and inwards. In each of the upper angles are the orifices of the Fallopian tubes, which are of such size as to admit a hog's bristle. The two lower lines of the triangle are slightly curved outwards at their upper extremities ; so that the upper angles of the triangle project outwards and the orifices of the Fallopian tubes are nearer to the external surface than they otherwise would be. The lower angle of the cavity of the uterus is occupied by the orifice of the canal, which passes through the neck of the organ ; this orifice is from three to four lines in diameter. The canal is about an inch in length, and is rather wider in the middle than at either end. On the anterior and posterior por- tions of its surface are many small ridges which have an arbor- escent arrangement, one large ridge passing internally from the commencement of the canal, from which a number of other ridf^es go off in a transverse direction. These ridges extend nearly the whole length of the canal. In the grooves, between the ridges, are the orifices of many mucous ducts. — These folds or ridges all disappear during gestation, and their singular arrangement serves to explain, how the neck is capable, when expanded, of forming a third part of the gene- ral uterine cavity, at the latter period of gestation. — There are also on the surface a number of transparent bodies of a round form, equal in bulk to a middle-sized grain of sand, the nature and use of which is unknown. They have been called Ovula Nabothi, after a physiologist who published some speculations respecting their use, about the commencement of the last century. — These are now generally believed to be the mucous follicles of the neck of the uterus in a state of vesicular distention, the orifices of which have been obliterated, — The canal of the neck of the uterus is very different from other ducts, for it seems to be a part of the cavity to which it THE FALLOPIAN TUBES. 193 leads, and when the cavity of the uterus becomes enlarged in the progress of pregnancy, this canal is gradually converted into a part of that cavity. The lower extremity of the neck of the uterus is irregularly convex and tumid. The orifice of the canal in it, is oval, and so situated that it divides the convex surface of the neck into two portions, which are called the Liys. The anterior or upper portion is thicker than the other. This extremity of the uterus protrudes into the vagina, and is commonly called Os Tinea. As the anterior portion or lip is larger and more tumid than the posterior, the vagina extends far- ther beyond the os tincae on the posterior part than on the anterior. The Fallopian Tubes (or Oviducts) Are two canals, from four to five inches in length, which proceed between the lamina of the broad ligaments, from the upper angles of the uterus, in a transverse direction, to some distance from the uterus, when they form an angle, and take a direction downwards towards the ovaries. They are formed, for a considerable part of their extent, by a substance which resembles that of which the uterus consists, and are lined by a membrane continued from the internal membrane of the uterus. Their extremities appear to be com- posed of membrane, which is rendered florid by the blood-ves- sels in its texture. At the commencement, their diameters are extremely small ; but they enlarge in their progress. This enlargement is gradual for the first half, and afterwards 'sudden j the enlarged part is more membranous than the small part, and has a bright red color. The large extremity is loose in the cavity of the pelvis, and is not invested by the lamina of the broad ligaments. Near the termination the diameter is often contracted ; after which the membrane which forms the tube expands into an open mouth, the margin of which consists of fringed processes : tliis margin is also oblique, as respects the axis of the tube ; and the different fringed processes are not all of the same length ; but the longest are in the middle^ and the others regularly diminish on each side of them : these processes constitute the Fimbricc of the Fallopian tubes. VOL. II. 17 194 THE FALLOPIAN TUBES. The interna] surface of the large extremities of these tubes is extremely vascular; and there are some longitudinal fibres of a red color to be seen on it. — More recent investigations into the structure of the walls of the Fallopian tubes, have shown that they are composed of an inner lining of mucous membrane which is covered with a deli- cate ciliary epithelium, a middle or muscular coat consisting of circular and longitudinal fibres continuous with those of the uterus and an external serous tunic derived from the peritoneum. The great abundance and frequent anastomosis of the veins in the walls of the tubes, forms a sort of erectile spongy body, some- what like the corpus spongiosum. — When this spongy substance is distended by a fine size injection, I have found the tube bowed upwards as if in a state of erection, and the Fimbria or Morsus Diaholi, which are likewise rendered turgid, spread out upon the ovary, so that the dilated funnel-shaped cavity of the tube, the ostium abdominale, was brought in contact with this organ. One or two of the longest of these fimbrias are usually attached to the external margin of the ovary. Sometimes they are all found adherent as a consequence of accidental inflammation. In a young girl dead six or seven weeks after conception, Madame Boivin, found the trumpet-shaped extremity of the left tube curv- ed over the ovary so as to cover it almost entirely, and all the fimbriae strongly adherent to its surface. At the orifice of the tube was a membranous cyst, of the size of a hazle-nut, filled with a yellowish serum, and covered with minute red vessels. This interesting fact is in support of the function attributed to these oro-ans during fecundation : that of grasping the ovary with its fimbria, and sucking in the ovum when detached, which it trans- mits in ordinary cases to the womb. — There is reason to believe, that the pathological changes of the distal extremity of this tube, are a frequent cause of sterility. It is so commonly found diseased in the class of subjects with which our anatomical rooms are supplied, that it is even diffi- cult to procure a perfectly healthy specimen of the parts. The morbid changes that I have most frequently met with, are an agglutination of the end of the tube to the ovary or broad liga- THE OVARIES. 195 ments, its occlusion by inflammation or the development in it of hydatid vesicles. — The Round Ligaments Which have already been mentioned, are cords of a fibrous structure, with many blood-vessels in them. They arise from the uterus below the origin of the Fallopian tubes, and proceed under the anterior lamina of the broad ligaments to the abdo- minal rings through which they pass ; and then the fibres and vessels are expanded upon the contiguous cellular substance of the mons veneris and labia externa. The Ovaries, (Testes Muliebi-es,) Are two bodies of a flattened oval form ; one of which is situated on each side of the uterus on the posterior surface of the broad ligament, and invested completely by a process of the posterior lamen, which forms a coat, and also a ligament for it. The size of this organ varies in different subjects, but in a majority of those who are about the age of maturity, it is between ten and twelve lines in length. It is connected to the uterus by a small ligament (called ovarian) or bundle of fibres of the same structure with the round ligaments, which is not more than two lines in diameter, and is included between the lamina of the broad ligament. The process of the broad ligament forms an external serous coat to the ovary ; within this is the proper coat of the organ, (tunica albuginea,) which is a firm membrane. This membrane is so firmly connected to the substance of the ovary which it encloses, that it cannot be easily separated from it. The ovary is of a whitish color and soft texture, and has many blood-vessels. In virgins of mature age it contains fiorn ten to twenty vesicles, formed of a delicate membrane, filled with a transparent coagu- lable fluid. Some of these vesicles are situated so near to the surface of the ovary, that they are prominent on its surface ; others are near the centre. They are very different in size ; the largest being between two and three lines in diameter, and others not more than one-third of that size. In women who have had children, or in whom conception has 196 VESICULiE GRAAFIANJE. taken place, some of tliese vesicles are removed, and In their place a cicatrix is found. It has been ascertained, that during the sexual intercourse with males, one of these vesicles, which was protuberant on the surface, is often ruptured, and a cavity is found. A cicatrix is soon formed, where the membrane was ruptured ; and in the place occupied by the vesicle there is a yellow substance denom- inated Corpus Luteum. This corpus luteum generally contin- ues until the middle of pregnancy : it often remains during that state, and for some time after delivery, but it gradually vanishes. The cicatrization continues during life. In many cases these cicatrices correspond with the number of conceptions which have taken place ; but they often exceed the number of conceptions, and they have been found in cases where conception has not been known to have taken place. In very old subjects, where conception has never taken place, the vesicles are either entirely removed, or small dense tubercles only remain in their place. — These vesicles have been called the ovaov vesiculce GraaJlancE, in honor of Regnier De Graaf, who described them with care, though their existence had been previously pointed out by Vesalius and Fallopius. — These vesicles, as they increase in size at the approach of pu- berty, or from the effect of sexual excitation, make their way gradually to the surface through the stroma, or parenchymatous structure of the ovary. In two Instances where death had occur- red under peculiar circumstances, I have seen vesicles of the largest size seated as it were, in a little cup-like depression of the ovary, with the peritoneal lining raised in relief above them. A slight blush of inflammation could be seen on the walls of the vesicles, through the peritoneum, which corresponds with the description given by De Graaf, of the first stages of conception in the cow. One of these ovaries I steeped in boiling water, and found the vesicles it contained, the largest of which was about three lines in diameter, to consist of two membranes, separable from each other, the inner one containing a limpid albuminous fluid, which had been coagulated by the heat. The outer one of these membranes is called the ovular capsule, or the tunica ^ro- VESSELS OF THE UTERUS. 197 jjria ovisacci, as It was named by Barry. The second or internal forms the proper ovisac. By the aid of the microscope, a third membrane, of a serous character, and granulated on its surface (membrana granulosa), is found lining the ovisac. In the midst of the albuminous fluid contained by the third membrane floats lightly attached, the proper ovum or ovule a minute spherical or rather oblong body, from the \^ to the |=r part of a line in diameter. The proper germ or ovum, which finally escapes by the lacera- tion of the walls of the vesicles after conception is taken up by the prehensile action of the Fallopian tube and transmitted to the uterus. The lacerated walls of the vesicle, give issue to some blood, secrete a yellowish fluid, become fibrous and spongy and finally cicatrise over a central cavity in which the ovum has been lodged, and thus constitute the corpus luteum. False corpora lutea, are sometimes m.et with in the ovaries of the virgin, having a somewhat similar appearance to the foregoing, but being of smal- ler size and without any central cavity. The Arteries Of the uterus are derived from two very different sources ; namely, from the spermatic and from the hypogastric arteries. The spermatic arteries, instead of passing directly down to the abdominal ring, proceed between the lamina of the broad ligament, and send branches to the ovaries, which may some- times be traced to the vesicles. They also send branches to the Fallopian tubes and to the uterus. Those which are on the opposite sides of the uterus anastomose with each other, and also with the branches of the hypogastric arteries. There are also branches of these arteries in the round ligaments which accompany them to their termination outside of the abdominal ring. The principal arteries of the uterus are those derived from the hypogastric, which sends to each side of it a considerable branch, called the Uterine. This vessel leaves the hypogastric very near the origin of the internal pudic, and proceeds to the cervix of the uterus : it passes between the lamina of the broad ligaments, and sends branches to the edge of the uterus, which penetrate its texture. The branches which are in the texture of the uterus are very small, indeed, in young subjects. 17* 198 THE LYMPHATIC VESSELS. In women who have had children, they are considerably larger ; but during pregnancy they gradually enlarge with the growth of the uterus, and become very considerable. These arteries observe a serpentine and 'peculiarly tortuous course. Those on the opposite sides anastomose with each other. The Veins Of the uterus, like the arteries, form spermatic and uterine trunks. The spermatic vein is much larger than the artery. It ramifies, as in males, and forms a very large plexus, which constitutes the corpus pampiniforme. Many of the veins which form this body, originate near this ovary : a considerable num- ber also come from the Fallopian tubes and the uterus. The spermatic vein and its branches are greatly enlarged indeed during pregnancy ; and it is said that they are enlarged the same way during the menstrual discharge. The most important veins of the uterus are the branches of the Uterine Veins. They are extremely numerous, and form a plexus on the side of the uterus ; from which two or more uterine veins proceed in the course of the artery, and join the hypogastric. These veins also are greatly enlarged during pregnancy. Some of these are so large as to receive the end of the little finger, and are called uterine sinuses, though improperly. The Lymphatic Vessels Of the uterus, and its appendages, are very numerous. In the unimpregnated state they are small ; but during pregnancy they increase greatly. They proceed from the uterus in very different directions. Some that accompany the round ligaments go to the lymphatic gland of the groin. Others, which take the course of the uterine blood-vessels, pass to glands in the pelvis, and a third set follows the spermatic arteries and veins to the glands of the loins. The Nerves Of the ovaries are derived from the renal plexus, and those of the uterus and vagina from the hypogastric plexus, or the THE BLADDER AND URETHRA. 199 lower portions of the sympathetic, and the third and fourth sacral nerves. Of the Bladder and Urethra. The situation of the Bladder, as respects the synaphysis pubis, is nearly alike in both sexes; but that part of it which is immediately behind the insertion of the uterus is rather lower in males than in females. The bottom of the bladder rests upon the upper part of the vagina, a thin stratum of cellular substance intervening : when that viscus is distended it forms a tumor which compresses the vagina. The ureters are inserted, and the urethra commences in the same part of the bladder, in both sexes. The length of the Urethra is between one and two inches. When the body is in an erect position, it is nearly horizontal ; but it is slightly curved, with its convexity downwards. It is immediately above the vagina, and it passes below the body of the clitoris. The external orifice is rather more than an inch within the glans or head of the clitoris. This orifice is some- what prominent in the vagina. — In young persons, the external orifice of the urethra is immediately below the symphysis of the pubis, and nearly level with the anterior face of that bone. — In women who have borne many children, the urethra is retracted or shortened, so as to be rarely more than an inch and a quarter in length, and the orifice will be found behind the pubis, near its posterior face. A knowledge of these facts will render the introduction of the catheter in many cases more easy. — In the internal lining membrane of the urethra there are many orifices of mucous follicles, and also longitudinal wrinkles, as in the urethra of males. The diameter of the female urethra and its orifice in the bladder are larger than they are in the male. For this reason it has been supposed, that women are less liable to calculus of the bladder than men.* The urethra is intimately connected with the external coat of the vagina, and between them there is a spongy cellular * It has, however, been asserted tliat they are also less liable to calculi in the kidneys. 200 GENERAL CHANGES IN THE UTERUS. substance which makes the rough surface of the vagina promi- nent ; so that the urethra has been supposed, although errone- ously, to be invested with the prostate. It is capable of great artificial dilatation. Its diameter in the natural state is about a quarter of an inch. • Of the Changes induced in the Uterus hi the progress of Pregnancy. The alteration which takes place in the size of the uterus during pregnancy is truly great. About the conclusion of that period, instead of the small body above described, which is almost solid, the uterus forms an immense sac, which extends from the termination of the vagina in the pelvis, into the epi- gastric region, and from one side of the abdomen to the other; preserving, however, an ovoid figure. This change is so gradual at first, that the uterus does not extend beyond the cavity of the pelvis before the third month, although at the end of the seventh month it is very near the epigastric region. For the first six months the body of the uterus appears prin- cipally concerned in the enlargement : after this the cervix be- gins to change, and is gradually altered so as to compose a portion of the sac, of rather less thickness than the rest of the uterus ; the mouth being ultimately an aperture in a part which is much thinner than the other portions of the organ. ^ The change which takes place in the texture of some of the appendages of the uterus is very important. The Broad Ligaments, which seem particularly calculated to favor the extension of the uterus, are necessarily altered by the change in the size of that organ, but not entirely done away. The portion of peritoneum of which they are formed must be very much enlarged with the growth of the uterus, as it continues to cover it. The Round Ligaments are much elongated ; and they observe a more straight course to the abdominal ring. The Fallopian Tubes are enlarged ; and instead of passing off laterally from the uterus, they now proceed GENERAL OBSERVATIOxNS. 201 downwards by the side of it. The Ovaries appear rather larger and more spongy : their relative situation is necessarily lower. The change in the Uterus itself is particularly interesting. The great increase of its size is not attended with any conside- rable diminution of thickness in its substance ; nor are the arteries much less convoluted than before pregnancy, as might have been expected. They are greatly enlarged in diameter, and the orifices of the exhalent vessels on the internal surface of the uterus are much more perceptible. The veins are much more enlarged than the arteries, and in some places appear more than half an inch in diameter. They are not regularly cylindrical, but rather flat. They anastomose so as to form an irregular net-work. The uterus appears much more fibrous and muscular in the gravid than in the unimpregnated state. The contractile power of the gravid uterus is not only proved by the expulsion of its contents, but also by very vigorous contractions, which are occasionally observed by accoucheurs. Although the general effects which result from the particular conditions of the uterus in pregnancy, menstruation, <^:c., evince that the influence of this organ upon the whole system is very great, yet it seems probable that the sex- ual peculiarities of females are especially dependent upon the ovaria. This sentiment is confirmed by an account of a woman in whom the ovaria were deficient, which is published in the London Philosophical Transactions for 1805, by Mr. C. Pears. The subject lived to the age of twenty-nine years. She ceased to grow after the age often years, and therefore was not more than four feet six inches in height : her breadth across the hips was but nine inches, although the breadth of the shoulders was fourteen. Her breast and nipples were never enlarged more than they are in the male subject. There was no hair on the pubis, nor were there any indications of puberty in mind nor body. She never menstruated. At the age of twenty-nine she died of a complaint in the breast, attended with convulsions. The uterus and os tineas were found not increased beyond their usual size during infancy. The cavity of the uterus was of the common shape, but its coats were membranous. The Fallopian tubes were pervious. " The Ovaria rvere so indistinct that they rather showed the rudiments which ought to have formed them, than any part of the natural structure. Another case, which confirms the aforesaid sentiment, is related in one of the French periodical publications. It has been long known that a race of savages near the Cape of Good Hope were distinguished from the generality of their species by a peculiarity about the pitdendum. An account of this structure has been given with some precision by Messrs. Peron and Lesueur, in a paper which was read to the 202 PECULIARITIES IN THE ABDOMEN OF THE FffiTUS. National Institute of France. It is a flap or apron, four inches in length, which is united to the external labia near their upper angle, and hangs dowa before the clitoris and the external orifice of the parts of generation. It is divided below into two lobes, which cover the orifice. It is formed by a soft distensible skin, free from hair, which is occasionally corrogated like the scrotum, and is rather more florid than the ordinary cutis.* — This is the tablier, or mere natural enlargement of the nymphje, common to the females of some races of men. — The Abdomen of the Fcetus. The difference between the foetus and the adult, in the cavity of the abdomen, is very conspicuous at the first view. The Liver in the foetus is so large that it occupies a very con- siderable part of the abdomen. Its left lobe, which is larger in proportion than the right, extends far into the left hypochondriac region. The Bladder of urine, when filled, extends from the cavity of the pelvis a considerable distance towards the umbilicus : so that the greatest part of it is in the cavity of the abdomen. A ligament of a conical figure extends from the centre of the upper part of the bladder to the umbilicus, with an artery on each side of it, which is soon to be described. This ligament, which is in the situation of the urachus of the foetus of quad- rupeds, is hollow, and thus frequently forms a canal, which has a very small diameter, that communicates with the bladder by an aperture still smaller, and continues a short distance from the bladder towards the umbilicus. In a few rare instances, this canal has extended to the umbilicus, so that urine has been discharged through it, but the ligament is commonly solid there. The Stomach appears to be more curved in the foetus than in the adult. The Great Intestine does "not extend sufficiently far, beyond the insertion of the ileon, to form the Ccccum completely. The Glandula, Renales are much larger in proportion in the foetus than in the adult. The color of the fluid they contain is more florid. The Kidneys are lobulated. * This paper has not yet been published by the Institute, but it is referred to by M. Cuvier in his Le^onesd' Anatomic Comparee, vol. v. page 124. — Blessrs. Peron and Lesueur were naturalists who accompanied captain Baudin in his voyage of discovery ; the latter has been for some years resident in Philadelphia. DESCENT OF THE TESTICLE OF THE FCETUS. 203 The Testicles in the foetus are found above the pelvis, in the lumbar region, behind the peritoneum until two months before birth. Thus situated, their blood-vessels and nerves proceed from sources which are near them ; but the vas deferens, being connected to the vesiculae seminales by one extremity, is neces- sarily in a very different situation from what it is in the adult : it proceeds from the testicle downwards to the neck of the bladder. While each testicle is in this -situation, it is connected with a substance or ligament, called Gubernaculum, of a coni- cal or pyramidical form, \vhich is attached to its lower end, and extends from it to the abdominal ring. This substance is vas- cular, and of a fibrous texture : its large extremity adheres to the testicle, its lower and small extremity passes through the abdominal ring, and appears to terminate in the cellular sub- stance exterior to that opening, like the round ligament in females. The Gubernaculum, as well as the testicle, is behind the peritoneum ; and the peritoneum adheres to each of them more firmly than it does to any of the surrounding parts. It seems that, by the contraction of the Gubernaculum, the testicle is moved down from its original situation to the abdominal ring, and through the abdominal ring into the scro- tum. The peritoneum, which adheres firmly to the gubernac- ulum and testicle, and is loosely connected to the other parts, yields to this operation ; and when the testicle has arrived near the abdominal ring, a portion of the peritoneum is protruded a little way before it into the scrotum ; forming a cavity like the finger of a glove. The testicle passes down behind this process of the peritoneum, and is covered by it as it was in the abdomen. Although it appears protruded into the cavity, it is exterior to it ; and behind it ; and the vessels, he, which belong to the testicle are also exterior to it. The cavity formed in the scrotum, by this process of the peritoneum, necessarily communicates with the cavity of the abdomen at its formation ; but very soon after the testicle has descended into the scrotum, the upper part of this cavity is closed up, while the lower part of the process continues unchanged, and constitutes the Tunica Vaginalis Testis. In some instances the upper part of this process does not close up, 204 UMBILICAL VESSELS. Fig. 171.* and the communication with the cavity n of the abdomen continues. The descent of the intestine into the cavity thus cir- cumstanced, constitutes that species of hernia which is denominated Conge- nit a Lf The most important peculiarities in the abdomen of the foetus are those con- nected with the circulation of the blood. The internal iliac or hypogastric arte- ries are larger than the external iliacs. Their main trunks are continued on each side of the bladder to its fundus, and proceed from it, with the ligament, to the umbilicus ; when they pass out of the abdomen to go along the umbilical cord to the placenta. These arteries are now denominated the Umbilical, and are very considerable in size. After birth, as there is no cir- culation in them, they soon begin to change : their cavity becomes gradually obliterated, and they are converted into * Diagram of the circulation of the human foetus. 1, 1, Umbilical arteries. 2, Umbilical vein. The blood of the umbilical vein is partly distributed to the liver, in the right tube of which it becomes mixed with the blood of the porta, and in part passes directly by the ductus venosus 3, to the vena cava inferior, 4. 5, Vense cava; hepaticse or hepatic veins. 6, Superior cava. 7, Right auricle. 8, Pulmonary veins. 9; Left auricle. 10. Left ventricle. 11, Ascending aorta or left arch of the aorta. 12, Vessels to the head and upper extremities. 13, Right ventricle. 14, Ductus arteriosus, or right aortic arch. 15, Descending aorta. — p. t These interesting circumstances respecting the original situation of the tes- ticle, and its descent into the scrotum, were discovered and elucidated by Haller, Hunter, Pott, Camper, and several other very respectable anatomists and sur- geons. There is, however, a difference of opinion between some of them, as to the time when the testicle leaves the abdomen. Haller thought the testicles were seldom in the scrotum at birth. Hunter and Camper found them so generally. It has been suggested that there are some national peculiarities in this respect ; that amongst the Hungarians, for example, the testicles often remain above the abdominal ring until near the age of puberty. The student will find an interesting description of the situation of the testis, and its descent in the foetus, in the " Observations on certain parts of the Animal Economy," by John Hunter. THE UMBILICAL VESSELS. 205 ligaments. They are exterior to the peritoneum, and contained in a duplicature of it. A vein also called the Umbilical, which is much larger in diameter than both of the arteries, returns from the placenta along the cord, and enters the cavity of the abdomen at the umbilicus. It proceeds thence, exterior to the peritoneum, but in a duplicature of it called the Falciform Ligament, to the liver, and enters that viscus at the great fissure ; along which it passes to the left branch of the sinus of the vena portarum, into which it opens and discharges the blood which flows through it from the placenta. It opens on the anterior side of the branch of the vena portarum, and from the posterior side of the branch, opposite to this opening, proceeds a duct or canal, which opens into the left hepatic vein near its junction with the vena cava. This communicating vessel is called the Ductus, or Canalis Venosus ; to distinguish it from the duct which passes from the pulmonary artery to the aorta, and is called Ductus, or Canalis Arteriosus. This venous duct car- ries some of the blood of the umbilical vein directly to the vena cava ; but it is much smaller than the umbilical vein, and of course a considerable quantity of the blood which passes through the umbilical vein must pass through the liver by the vena portarum, before it can enter the cava. In some foetal subjects, if a probe of sufficient length be in- troduced within the umbilical vein, and pushed forwards, it will pass to the heart, without much difficulty or opposition, as if it proceeded along one continued tube, although it really passes from the umbilical vein across the branch of the vena portarum, and then through the ductus venosus, and through a portion of the left hepatic vein, into the inferior vena cava. If the umbilical vein be injected with a composition, which will be firm when cool, it appears to terminate in a rounded end, which is situated in the transverse fissure of the liver : the sinus of the vena portarum, into which this vein enters, appears like two branches going off, one from each side of it, and the ductus venosus like a branch continuing in the direction of the main trunk of the umbilical vein. VOL. II. 18 206 UMBILICAL VESSELS. The umbilical vein, in its progress through the fissure of the liver, before it arrives at the sinus of the vena portarum, sends off a considerable number of branches to each of the lobes of that organ, but more to the left than to the right lobe. After birth, when blood ceases to flow through the umbilical vein, it is gradually converted into a ligament ; and the venous duct is also converted into a ligament in the same manner. The vena portarum, which before appeared very small, when compared with the umbilical vein, now brings all the blood which fills its great sinus, and increases considerably in size. It has been ascertained by anatomical investigation, that the umbilical arteries above mentioned, after ramifying minutely in the placenta, communicate with the minute branches of the umbilical vein ; and it is probable that the whole blood carried to the placenta by these arteries, returns by the umbilical vein to the foetus. It is clearly proved by the efTects of pressure on the umbilical cord, in cases of delivery by the feet, as well as by other similar circumstances, that this circulation cannot be suspended for any length of time without destroying the life of the foetus. From these circumstances, and from the florid color which the blood acquires by circulating in the placenta, it seems probable that the object of the circulation through that organ is somewhat analo- ffous to the object of the pulmonary circulation through the lungs of adults.* * During the first four months of pregnancy a very small vesicle, which does not exceed the size of a pea, is found between the chorion and the amnios, near the insertion of the umbilical cord into the placenta. It is connected to the foetus by an artery and a vein, which pass from the abdomen through the umbilicus, and proceeding along the cord to the plancenta, continue from it to the vesicle. The artery arises from the mesenteric, and the vein is united to the mesenteric branch of the vena portarum. It is probable that these vessels com- monly exist no longer than the vesicle, namely, about four months; but they have been seen by Haller and Chaussier at the termination of pregnancy. They are called Omphalo- Mesenteric vessels. The vesicle is denominated the Umbilical Vesicle. This intricate structure is delineated in Hunter's Anatomy of the Gravid Uterus, plate xxxiii. figures v. and vi. ; in the Academical Annotations of Albi- nus, first book, plate i. figure xii. ; and also in the Icones Embryonum Humano- rum of Soemmering, figure ii. PART VIII. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. CHAPTER VII. OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS IN GENERAL. GENERAL ANATOMY OP THE ARTE- RIAL SYSTEM. GENERAL REMARKS UPON THE HEART. GENERAL ANAT- OMY OF THE VENOUS SYSTEM. Of the Blood-vessels in General. The blood-vessels are flexible tubes, of a peculiar texture, through which blood passes from the heart to the different parts of the body, and returns again from these parts to the heart. They are to be found, in varying proportions, in almost every part of the body, and seem to enter into its texture. The tubes which carry blood from the heart, are more sub- stantial and more elastic than those through which it returns to the heart. They are generally found empty after death ; and, therefore, were called Arteries by the ancient anatomists, who supposed that they carried air, and not blood. The tubes which return the blood to the heart are denomi- nated Veins. They are less substantial and less elastic than arteries, and are generally fullof blood in the dead subject. There are two great arteries, from which all the other arterial vessels of the body are derived. They are very justly compar- ed to the trunks of trees, and the smaller vessels to their branches. One of these great arteries, called the Aorta, carries blood to every part of the body. The other great vessel, called the Pulmonary Artery, carries blood exclusively to the lungs. The veins which correspond to the branches of the Aorta, unite to each other, so as to form the two great trunks that proceed to the heart. One of these trunks, coming from the 208 THE BLOOD-VESSELS IN GENEUAL. superior parts of the body, is called the Superior, or Descending Vena Cava. The other, which comes from the lower parts of the body, is called the Inferior, or Ascending Vena Cava. The veins which correspond with the branches of the Pul- monary Artery, and return to the heart the blood of the lungs, are four in number ; two of them proceeding from each lung. They are called Pulmonary Veins. Fig. 172.* In many of the veins there are valves which prevent the blood they contain from moving towards the surface and extremities of the body, but allow it to pass towards the heart without impediment. From the construction of the cavities of the heart, and the position of the valves which are in them, as well as the situation of the valves at the commencement of the great arteries, and the above mentioned valves of the veins, it is evident, that * Fig. 172. Trunk of a large vein, laid open in order to exhibit the valves, formed by doublings of the internal lining membrane, a, Superior portion of the vein, or that towards the heart, b, Valves, the concavity of which is di- rected towards the heart, c, Branches of the veins, anastomosing together, and uniting to form a large branch d, which opens into the principal trunk at e. — r. THE SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 209 when the blood circulates, it must move from the heart, through the aorta and its branches, to the different parts of the body, and return from these parts through the venae cavse, to the heart ; that, when deposited in the heart by the venae cavae, it must proceed through the pulmonary artery to the lungs, and return from the lungs through the pulmonary veins to the heart, in order to pass again from that organ into the aorta. It is also certain, that the blood is forced from the heart into the arteries, by the contraction of the muscular fibres of which the heart is composed ; and that the blood-vessels likewise perform a part in the circulation, they propelling the blood which is thus thrown into them : but their action appears to depend upon the causes of a complex nature. General Anatomy of the Arterial System. The arteries are so much concerned in the important function of the circulation of the blood, that every circumstance con- nected with them is very interesting. They are composed of coats or tunics, which are very elastic and strong, and which are also very thick. In consequence of the firmness of their coats, they continue open, after their contents are discharged, like hard tubes. They submit to great dilatation, and elongation, when fluids are forced into them, and return to their former dimensions when the- distending cause is withdrawn. This elasticity is particularly subservient to the circulation of the blood. It admits the artery to distend readily, and receive the blood which is thrown into it by the contraction of the heart. It also produces the contraction of the artery; which takes place as soon as the action of the heart ceases ; and this contraction of the heart necessarily forces the blood for- ward, as the valves at its orifice prevent it from returning to the heart. The motion of the artery, which is so easily perceived by the touch, and in many instances also by the eye, is completely explained by the discharge of blood into the artery from the heart, and by the elasticity of the vessel, by which it reacts upon the blood. In some cases it is not simply the diameter 1.8* 210 STRUCTURE OF THE ARTERIES. of the artery which is enlarged, but a portion of the vessel is elongated; and this elongation, by producing a curvature of it, renders its motion more visible. In the aorta, and probably in its large branches Elasticity seems to be the principal cause of the continuance of the motion which is originally given to the blood by the heart. But there are many circumstances connected with the smaller vessels, which evince that they exert a power which is very different indeed from elasticity. Thus, the application of local stimu- lants or rubefacients, and of heat, is followed by an increase of action in the arteries of the parts to which they are applied. Neither of these causes could produce their effect by the influ- ence of elasticity : but the effect of these and other similar causes is uniformly produced ; a power of independent motion, or Irritability, is thus proved to exist in these vessels, and seems essentially necessary to the circulation of the blood. The Structure of the Arteries Is, therefore, a subject of importance, and has received a considerable degree of attention from anatomists. They are composed of a dense elastic substance, of a whitish color. Their external surface is rough, and intimately con- nected with the cellular membrane, which every where surrounds it in varying quantities. Internally, they are lined with a thin membrane, which is very smooth and flexible, and is also very elastic. The substance which composes the artery, and is situated between the cellular investment and the internal membrane, consists of fibres, which are nearly, though not completely circular, but so arranged as to constitute a cylinder. These fibres may be separated from each other so as to form lamina, which have been considered as different coats of the arteries ; but there is no arrangement of them which composes regular distinct strata. The coats of arteries may, therefore, be separated into a greater or smaller number of lamina, accord- ing to the thickness of these lamina. The fibres which compose these lamina appear to be united to each other in a way which readily allows of their separation, k THE MUSCULARITY OF ARTERIES. 211 at the same time that they form a firm texture. Although arteries thus appear essentially different from muscles in their hardness and their elasticity, as well as in their 'general texture, they are considered, by a great majority of anatomists, as partaking more or less of a muscular structure. In the human subject their structure is very difficult of demonstration, and great differences exist in the accounts which are given of it, even by anatomists who agree in the general sentiment that the arteries are muscular. Thus, Haller believed that muscular fibres were most abun- dant in the large arteries, while J. Hunter thought the reverse. Hunter appears to have investigated this subject with great attention, and supposed the muscular substance, in the compo- sition of arteries, to be interior, and the elastic niatter exterior ; that in large arteries this muscular substance is very small in quantity, and gradually increases in proportion as the artery diminishes in size. He, however, observes, that he 7iever could discover the direction of the muscular Jibres.* When the great talents of Mr. Hunter as an anatomist are considered, this circumstance cannot fail to excite a belief that the existence of these fibres is not certain : and if to this be added the fact, that even the red-colored substance of the arteries is elastic, and in that respect different from muscular substance, the reasons for doubting must be increased. Bichat appears to have entertained very strong doubts on the subject ; but he stands almost alone ; for a large number both of the preceding and contemporary anatomists, seem to have adopted the sentiment, that the arteries have a muscular structure. The student of anatomy can very easily examine this subject himself, by separating the coats of arteries into different lamina ; and by viewing the edges of the transverse and longitudinal sections of those vessels. While thus engaged with this question, he will read with great advantage what has been written upon it by Mr. Hunter, in his treatise on the blood, &;c., (see chapter second, section 3.) Bichat ought also * Treatise on the Blood, &c., vol. i. p. 113. Bradford's edition. 212 PROOFS OF THE IRRITABILITY OF THE ARTERIES. to be read upon this subject, which he has discussed in his Anatomic Gcnerale — Sijstcme Vasculaire a Sang Rouge, article Troisieme, &c. ; and also in his Traite des Membranes article Sixieme. The belief of the irritability of arteries does not, however, rest upon the appearance of their fibres. 1. It is asserted by very respectable authors,* that they have been made to contract by the application of mechanical and of chemical irritation, and also of the electric and galvanic power. 2. A partial or local action of arteries is often produced by the local application of heat and rubefacients, as has been already observed. 3. Arterial action is often suspended in a particular part by the application of cold. It has also been observed that the arte- ries have for a short time ceased to pulsate in cases of extreme contusion and laceration of the limbs.f 4. When arteries are divided transversely in living animals, they often contract so as to close completely the orifice made by the division. 5. In a horse, bled to death, it was ascertained by Mr. Hun- ter, that the transverse diameter of the arteries was diminished to a degree that could not be explained by their elasticity. He also found that, after death, the arteries, especially those of the smaller size, are generally in a state of contraction, which is orreater than can be explained by their elasticity : for if they are distended mechanically, they do not contract again to their former size, but continue of a larger diameter than they were before the distension ; although their elasticity may act so as to restore a very considerable degree of the contraction observed at death. The contraction, which is thus done away by distention, Mr. Hunter supposed to have been produced by muscular * See Soemmering on the Structure of the Human body, vol. iv. German edition, Dr. Jones on the process employed by nature for suppressing Hemorrhoge, Ace. t This local suspension of arterial motion by cold, Ace, applied locally, is very difficult to explain: as the action of the heart and the elasticity of the arteries appear sufficient to account for the pulsation of the large arteries. k GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 213 fibres : for if it had been dependent on elasticity, it must have reappeared when the distending power was withdrawn. It therefore seems certain, that the arteries have a power of contraction different from that which depends upon elasticity ; but whether this depend upon muscular fibres superadded to them, or upon an irritable quality in the ordinary elastic fibres of blood-vessels, is a question which is not perhaps completely decided. Fig. 173.* — The middle coat of the arteries is composed of flat fibres and bundles of fibres, which surround the vessel in a circular direction. They are now generally believed to be not muscular in their structure, and do not exist in veins. In the ox and the elephant, they are particu- larly well developed, in both of which I have examined them with attention, but without discovering any evidence of muscularity in their com- position. Berzelius has shown that the fibres of the elastic coats of the arteries differ chemically from those of the muscles. Muscular substance is soft and lax, and contains nearly three- fourths iis weight of water, and has the same chemical proper- ties as tlie fibrine of the blood. The substance of the arterial coat is dry and contains no fibrine, and Dr. Hodgkin has observed that its fibres do not present the transverse striae seen on the muscular fibre. The arteries are eminently elastic, and to this they owe their property of contracticfh, when they have been distended, beyond their usual dimension. It is by virtue of this elasticity also, that the arteries retain their tubular form after death, when they are emptied of blood. The reaction of * Elastic tissue from the outer part of tlie middle fibrous coat of the aorta, as it appears when magnified 300 diameters. The intertangled fibres and elongated cells common to the elastic tissue are well shown. 214 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE ARTERIES. this coat during the intervals of the heart's action, ^also con- tributes to render the flow of blood more uniform. — * The motion of the blood in the arteries appears to depend, 1st, Upon the impulse given to it by the action of the heart. 2dly, Upon the elasticity of the arteries, in consequence of which they first give way to the blood impelled into them, and then react upon it ; and 3dly, Upon the power of contraction in the arteries, or their irritability. In the larger arteries the blood seems to move as it would through an inanimate elastic tube, in consequence of the impulse given by the heart, and kept up by the arteries themselves. In the smaller vessels it seems probable that the motion of the blood depends in a considerable degree upon the contraction which arises from their irritability. The obvious effect of the elasticity of the arteries is to resist distention and elongation, and to contract the artery to its natural state, when the distending or elongating cause ceases to act. But it must also resist the contraction induced by the mus- cular fibres, and restore the artery to its natural size when the muscular fibres cease to act after contracting it, as has been observed by Mr. Hunter. It seems probable that all the fibres of which the artery con- sists are nearly, but not completely circular ; for it is not certain that there are any longitudinal fibres in the structure of an artery. The internal coat of these vessels is very smooth, but extremely dense and firm ; and seems to be rendered moist and flexible by an exudation on its surface. It adheres very closely to the contiguous §bres of the coat exterior to it, but may be very readily peeled off from them. It is of a whitish color, and, like the fibrous structure of the artery, is very elastic. Like that substance, also, it is easily torn or broken ; and when ligatures have been applied to arteries, it has often been observed that the fibrous structure, and the internal coat have * Weber's Hildebrandt's Anatomie, tome iii. p. 68. — p. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 215 been separated while this external cellular coat has remained entire. The arteries are supplied with their proper blood-vessels and lymphatics ; (i)asa vasorum.) It is to be observed, that these blood-vessels are not derived from the artery on which they run, but from the contiguous vessels. These vessels have nerves also, which are rather small in size, when compared with those which go to other parts. Arteries appear to have a cylindrical form, for no diminution of diameter is observable in those portions of them which send off no ramifications. When an artery ramifies, the area of the different branches exceeds considerably that of the main trunk. Upon this prin- ciple, the aorta and its branches have been compared to a cone, the basis of which is formed by the branches, and the apex by the trunk.* The transverse section of an artery is circular. There are no valves in the arteries, except those of the ori- fices of the aorta and the pulmonary artery, at the heart. The valves of the pulmonary artery have been described in vol. i. p. 509, and those of the aorta have an exact resemblance to them, but are rather larger. The course of the arteries throughout the body is obviously calculated to prevent their exposure to pressure, or to great extension from the flexure of the articulations by which they pass. With this view they sometimes proceed in a winding direction ; and when they pass over parts which are subject to great distension or enlargement, as the cheeks, they often meander ; and, therefore, their length may be increased by straightening, without stretching them. Their course appears sometimes to have been calculated to lessen the force of the blood, as is the case with the Internal Carotid and the Vertebral arteries. In the trunk of the body the branches of arteries generally * According to Brussiere the relation of the branches of the aorta to its trunk is as 25 lo 16 ; Helvetius reckons the orifice of the aorta in comparison with its branches as 64 to 71. Lassus. — h. 216 GENERAL REMARKS UPON THE HEART. form obtuse angles with the trunks from which they proceed. In the limbs these angles are acute. The communication of arteries with each other is termed Anastomosis. In some instances, two branches which proceed in a course nearly similar, unite with an acute angle, and form one common trunk. Sometimes a transverse branch runs from one to the other, so as to form a right angle with each. In other cases, the two anastomosing branches form an arch, or portion of a circle, from which many branches go off. By successive ramifications, arteries gradually diminish in size, until they are finally extremely small. The small arteries do not carry red blood, their diameters being smaller than those of the red particles of that fluid, the serous or aqueous part of the blood can, therefore, only pass through them. Many of the arteries which carry red blood, and of the last mentioned serous arteries, terminate in veins, which are in some respects, a continuation of the tube reflected back- wards.* Position of the Heart. — The heart is situated mainly between the sternum and spine ; its left ventricle is placed immediately behind and to the inner side of the left nipple ; its base is horizontal, and nearly opposite a line drawn horizontally from the junction of the cartilage of the third rib with the sternum. The right auricle is placed so that its free border is a little to the right side of the sternum, between the junction of the third and fourth costal cartilages with that bone. The flattened surface * Malpighi and Leuenhoek declare, that by the aid of a microscope they have seen arteries terminating in the veins. Haller advances formally his own experience in support of his assertion. Other anatomists have seen, that in blowing into an artery, the air passed into the corresponding veins. Never- theless, Duverney and some others say, that a particular substance is inter- posed between the extremities of these vessels. Ruysch, in his Thesaurus Anatomicus, VI. No. 73, says, in repletione arteriarum, replentur et plurimum quosque venae, et vice versa, ita ut impossible videatur prsecise dicere quomodo res se habeat. Discours sur I'Anat. — h. DIMENSIONS OF THE HEART. 217 of ihe heart below, rests upon the bottom of the pericardium, covering the cordiform tendon of the diaphragm. The apex of the heart, formed by the extremity of the left ventricle, is nearly opposite the junction of the fifth rib with its cartilage at the dis- tance of two or three inches from the sternum. Dimensions of the Heart. — The heart was said by Laennec, to be of the size of the closed fist of the same subject. But this is a rule upon which little reliance can be placed. It was found by very accurate ob- servations made by M. Bizot,* on one hundred and fifty- six subjects of ages varying from one to eighty — that the heart has no natural limit in regard to size, but increases indefinitely without being diseased, according to the age of the subject. After fifty years, however, the growth is so slow, as to be scarcely noticeable, except it become diseased. — In 18 subjects between the ages of 16 and 29, on the average the length was 42 lines; breadth 46; thickness, 17i. In 19, between the ages of 50 and 79, the average length was 46 lines ; breadth 53 ; thickness 18j. In females upon the average at the same ages, the dimensions were each about three lines less. The dimensions of the heart are directly in relation to the breadth of the shoulders, and by careful observations made upon sixty-four subjects, consisting of nearly an equal number of each sex, it was found by M. Bizot, that in individuals of middle stature and under, that the heart was absolutely of greater size, than in those who were distinguished for their tallness. — It has been asserted by Andral,f that the four cavities of the heart, in their natural and healthy state, are as near as may be of equal dimensions ; and by M. Beclard,J that the right ven- tricle as age advances, becomes enlarged in a greater proportion than the left. * Mem. de la Societe Med. d'Observation de Paris, 1836. — f Diet, de Med. nouv. ed. torn. viii. — I Lieutaud and Sabatier, thought the cavities of the ventricles were equal in the healthy state, and that the cavity of the right was enlarged by the respira- tory struggles at the time of death. It has been proved, however, long since, by Legallois, that the mode of death has no effect in altering the form of the heart. — f. VOL. II. 19 218 GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. — The researches of the same careful observer has shown, that the right ventricle as well as right auricle,* and right auriculo- ventricular orifice and pulmonary artery, are larger than the corresponding parts of the left side, at all the different stages of life. The mean dimensions in men, taken from many indivi- duals, between the ages of 15 and 79, are — Left ventricle, length, 34, lines, breadth, 54 lines. Right " 37 " " 82 " — Mean thickness of the ventricles between same ages.f Left at base, 4i lines, middle, 5 lines, near its point, 4 lines. Right " 2 nearly, " li " " 1 " — Mean circumferences of the auriculo-ventricular orifices. Of the left, (between the same ages, 16 to 79,) 45i lines. Of the right, " " 54 " — Mean circumference of the orifice of the aorta, and pulmo- nary arteries, taken opposite the free border of the sigmoid valves. Of the aorta, (between the same ages,) 31i lines. Of the pulmonary artery, 32^J " — The coronary arteries undergo a development in size, exactly in harmony with that of the heart. In the foetus, where the thickness of both ventricles seems equal, there is no difference in the size of the coronary arteries. But as the walls increase in thickness, especially that of the left ventricle, these arteries enlarge, and in particular the left. Boyer, H. Cloquet and others, have fallen into error, in stating that the calibre of the left coronary artery is less than the right. * The comparative measurements of the auricles have not been taken. — f. f The thickness of the septum ventriculorum is about the same as that of the left ventricle, and undergoes the same modifications in respect to age. The columna? carnese are not included in the measurement of the thickness of the ventricle. — p. J In the latter ages of life, the aorta increases in its dimensions so as to exceed in circumference at its orifice, the pulmonary artery. This is in all probability owing to the frequency of the morbid alterations of the aorta in old men, in which the middle coat of the vessel loses its elasticity and becomes dilated : while alterations of the pulmonary artery are very rare, even at the most advanced stages of life. — p. MEASUKEMENT OF THE HEART. 219 — Circumference of the coronary arteries at their origin. General mean of the left in man, 5i lines. " " right " 4i " — The thickness of the ventricles, which are at birth nearly the same, go on increasing, as life advances, though not in equal proportions. The walls of the right ventricle are arrested in the healthy state at their maximum of thickness, much sooner than those of the left. — The volume of the heart, and the greater or less capacity of the right ventricle, have, in the healthy state, but little influence over the thickness of its walls. The thickness, however, is found slightly increased in advanced age. That of the left ventricle increases without cessation. Hence, the assertion of Andral and others, that the natural thickness of the walls of the left ventricle is three or four times as great as that of the right, is applicable only in advanced life. — Professor Cruveilhier has asserted, that the thickness of the ventricles beyond which only hypertrophy is to be considered as existing, are seven to eight lines for the left, and four to five lines for the right. The numerous and careful measurements of M. Bisot, have, however, proved this standard to be exces- sive, and that a thickness of seven lines of the left ventricles in man, and six in women, would be a commencement of hyper- trophy, even in the last stages of life ; and that the maximum of thickness in the right ventricle, from 50 to 79 years, in man is but 2,^th lines, and but l\ line in woman. — Mean dimensions of the aorta, taken from a large number of subjects at seven different points. — One line on the cardiac side of the arteria innominata. Men. Women. General mean of circum- ference, from 16 to 79, 33 lines. Do. from 16 to 89, 31 lines. Near the left subclavian, general mean, 33 " " 24 " Opposite the remains of the ductus arteriosus, 25 " " 23 " Above the cceliac artery, 22i " " 20^ " 220 GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. — In all the measurements of the heart and other portions o( the vascular system, we shall speak only of the healthy or nor- mal measurements at the different stages of life. Below the renal arteries, 17^ lines. In women 16 lines. Near its bifurcation, 17 " do. 15 " — The diameter of the aorta is greater, as will be seen by these measurements, both in the male and female, near the origin of the innominata, than at its connexion with the heart. It is less near the left subclavian, diminishes considerably near the coeliac and renal branches, and from thence to its termination, scarcely varies at all. These results also disprove the assertion of Richerand, that the descending aorta and iliac arteries,* are larger in woman than in man. In woman, the internal iliacs continue to increase in size even after the age at which the function of reproduction has ceased. In fact, the whole aortic trunk, like the heart, continues to increase gradually in size in both sexes, up to the most advanced period of life, and like the heart also, as it increases in calibre, has the thickness of its walls likewise augmented.! — The branches of the aorta both in regard to size and age, undergo corresponding changes with the aorta itself. Of the abdominal branches, the superior mesenteric is the largest of all ; the next in size are the renal and coeliac ; the two latter being nearly of the same size. Hence, each kidney receives as much arterial blood as the liver, spleen, and stomach togeth- er. This would seem to be rendered appropriate by the relative functions of the organs ; that of the kidneys being to depu- rate the mass of blood of its saline and many other noxious principles. — Of all the organs in the body, the heart and arteries are the only ones which constantly increase in dimensions; in old age the muscles become atrophied, the skin shrivels, and even the skeleton diminishes in bulk. * See (further on) measurement of iliac.- I See Richerand's Physiology, 10th edit. FORM OF THE ARTERIES. 221 Form of the Arteries. — Bicliat and Rlcherand have considered every arterial tube to be evenly cylindrical, the diameter of it only being diminished when branches were sent off. Beclard believed that they had the form of a truncated cone, with the base turned towards the heart, some of them, as the carotids for example, being enlarged at the place of division. Others be- lieve with Professor Horner,* " that the arterial system in its general configuration may be compared to a tree, the trunk of which is attached to the heart, and which, by a continued suc- cession of divisions and subdivisions reaches to every part of the body. There are no means of, estimating rigidly the collec- tive area of the branches in proportion to that of the trunk ; but a little observation on the size of the primitive branches, will satisfy one of a great excess on the part of the latter, and as the rule is maintained throughout, there must finally be an immense disproportion. We have then reason to believe, that if all the branches were assembled into a single cavity, this cavity would be somewhat like a cone, the apex of which would be next the heart. The same rule holds in regard to the venous system, it being observed, however, that the latter has two trunks connected with the heart instead of one. The general rule is therefore established throughout the vascular system, that the collective area of the branches is always greater than that of the trunk from which they proceed. By the same rule the circulation in the branches must be more languid than in the parent trunks, as this circulation is retarded both by additional friction, and by having to fill up a larger canal."* — Nevertheless, Professor Horner, gives a computation made by Mr. Erskine Hazard from actual measurement of the arte- ries, from which it appears, that in many of them" at least, the area of the large trunks before subdivision is greater than that of their divided branches united, and consequently that the * A Treatise on General and Special Anatomy, vol. ii. p. 155, by W. E. Homer, Prof, of Anat. University Penn., &.c. &c. ; fourth edition. — 19* 22^ GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. blood must flow faster through the branches than through the primitive trunk, as the same quantity of blood must be disposed of in the same space of time ; and that by this means, friction is reduced, as there is less surface of the vessels exposed to the passing of the blood, and the force of the heart's action is continued much farther through the system. — This manifest discrepancy among anatomists of high reputa- tion, is explicable by the facts made known from careful mea- surement by M. Bizot ; viz. that all the different modes of form above specified, are met with in the arterial system, and that each artery, so to speak, has its peculiar and constant form in a healthy state ; the corresponding arteries of the two sides of the body, being analogous in shape. To establish the truth in regard to these points, this writer measured 2,162 arteries, in addition to the measurements of the aorta already given.* All the modes of formation of the arteries he reduces to the five following. 1. A cone, the base of which is directed towards the heart, met with 39 times in the 100. 2. Two truncated cones opposed by their truncated summit, • met with 28 times in the 100. 3. A cone with its summit directed towards the heart, met with 14 times in the 100. 4. A perfect cylinder, met with 12 times in the 100. 5. Two truncated cones opposed by their base, met with five times in the 100. — It is seen by this statement that, contrary to the opinion of most anatomists, the perfect cylinder is one of the rarest forms. The arteria innominata belongs to the second class, or in other words, forms a tube narrowed in its middle, in nearly one half of the cases in which it was examined. The primitive carotid belonged to the same, in more than three-fourths ; whilst the same arteries but twice in one hundred and thirty-six in- stances presented the form of a cylinder. — The brachial, primitive and external iliacs, were found to * It has been computed that the blood flows 5,233 times slower in the capillaries than in the aorta. — p. THE CAPILLARIES. 223 belong to the second class in about one-third of the cases ex- amined. In the other arteries that form is much more rare. The vessels which present the cylindrical form most frequently, are the radial and crural arteries. The first form, that of a truncated cone, with the base to the heart, is by far most frequent in the arteries of the limbs. The popliteal, however, always presents the fifth form, that of two truncated cones opposed by their basis, or in other words is expanded in its middle at the place where popliteal aneurism usually occurs. Of the Capillaries. — The extreme ramifications of the arteries, constitute the capillary blood-vessels, which are intermediate to, and form the connexion between the arteries and veins, and may be considered as the radicles of the latter vessels. The extreme minuteness and delicacy of structure of the capillary vessels, are too great to admit of any very rigid scrutiny into the struc- ture of their walls, but it is considered probable that the internal coat of the arteries, is extended through them, so as to be con- tinuous with that of the veins. The capillary vessels, were at one time considered as having other terminations besides those which connected them with the arteries, on one hand, and the veins on the other : some were considered, as opening directly into, and thus forming the secretory ducts of the different glands; others as ending in a manner nearly similar, in order to form an imaginary system of vessels, called the exhalents, in the skin and the different serous and mucous membranes ; and others, according to Lond and Lepelletier de la Sarthe, as terminating in the midst of the different tissues, so as to allow the mole- cules of blood to escape naked among the organized parts, for the purposes of nutrition. It is now, however, generally admit- ted, that the capillaries have no termination but by their anas- tomoses with each other, and their communication with the arte- ries and veins ; that all the fluids which pass from them, for the purposes of nutrition, secretion, or exhalation, permeate in some manner their delicate coats, by an action, somewhat like the exosmosis of Dutrochet. 224 GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. — The direct communication between the arteries and veins, is readily shown by the facility with which the veins may be distended, by injection of the arteries of the extremities with mercury. In many of the viscera, also, it is not unusual to fill some of the veins, when distending the arteries with size injection. — Some anatomists (vide note, p. 216) assert that they have in the human subject, been able to trace with the microscope, the direct continuity of the arteries with the veins. This may be done more readily in the inferior animals, especially in the reptilia, where the globules of the blood are three or four times larger than those of man. — In the dissection of two large serpents, a python from South America, and a boa constrictor from the East Indies, made jointly by the late Dr. John P. Hopkinson and myself, an account of which was read before the American Philosophical Society in 1833, we were enabled by the aid of the mercurial pipe and column, to pass quicksilver, in many instances, from a branch of the aorta, into the capillary' arteries of the peritoneal investment of the oviducts. Then by gently pushing forwards the minute columns of mercury through these capillaries with the handle of a scalpel, we found it to pass into the veins, and back again in a retrograde direction to the vena cava. In these cases, the capillary vessels when- distended with mercury, were very obvious without the aid of a microscope. In the transparent parts of animals, as in the mesentery, in the fins of some fishes, and in the web of a frog's foot, or in a frog's tongue, the microscope exhibits very clearly the capillary system of vessels, as well as the series of blood globules which pass through them from the arteries to the veins. — Fig. 174, is a representation, after Thomson,* of the appear- ance of the capillary circulation in the web of a frog's foot. The arrows indicate the course of the blood, the globules of which are seen in these vessels arranged in a linear series. — Marshall Hall, considers the capillary system as a distinct portion, reticular in its structure, the branches anastomosing * Circulation — Cyclop, of Anat. and Physiology. — THE CAPILLARIES. 225 and separating from each other, and yet unlike either the arte- ries or veins, retaining always the same diameter. In the lungs he considers this system particularly well developed ; and that the walls of the ultimate branches of the arteries and veins are abruptly terminated, and appear cribriform under the microscope, when they communicate with or divide into the capillary arteries and veins. Fio-. 174. — The delicate capillary vessels of the lungs are inclosed in the mucous membrane, forming the bronchial cells. The mucous membrane of these cells being derived from the bronchia, is of course continuous throughout the lungs, and may be regarded as a delicate membrane filled with a net-work of capillary vessels, formed into cells for the mere purpose of allowing an extensive surface to be compressed into a small space : upon one surface of this membrane, the pulmonary vessels maintain a stream of blood, divided into currents of the minutest size ; and on the other, air is admitted through the bronchia, the oxygen of which acts upon the particles of blood in their most divided state. — The pulmonary or lesser circulation, (which is conducted through the pulmonary arteries and veins,) would be perfectly isolated from the greater or systemic, (that of the aorta and vena '226 GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. cava,) were it not that the bronchial arteries anastomose in the lungs with the smaller branches of the pulmonary. — -The capillary vessels are so abundant, that the width of the spaces left between them are believed in man to be less than the diameter of the vessels themselves. The diameter of the ca- pillaries, which has been taken by the aid of the microscope after the vessels had been minutely injected, has been found to vary in different parts of the body, It appears, however, to be uniform in the vessels of the same organ, but varies in different places from the jg^g to jJ^g parts of an inch. In the brain, the retina and villi, they are even said to measure only from jjgg to losoo* '^^® circulation through these vessels goes on slowly, and in an even stream. It appears from microscopical observations, that the current flows more rapidly in the centre, and dimin- ishes gradually toward the periphery of the vessel, so that there is formed on its inner wall, what has been called the motionless layer of blood. By this arrangement the plastic fluid of the blood, (not the blood globules,) is arrested by adhesion, as it were, on the inner surface of the vessel, for the purposes of exosmosis, or transudation into the surrounding substance, which it is to nourish. The mean of the measurement of the capil- laries, according to Miiller, is between the glggth and i|5[,th part of an inch. No other tubes in the body are so minute as the capillary vessels, not even those of the kidney or testicle. Action of the Heart and Arteries. — The heart of an adult man, in the middle period of life, con- tracts from seventy to seventy-6ve times a minute. At each pulsation it is calculated that about two ounces of blood is eject- ed. The whole amount of blood in the human body has been variously estimated, and it is perhaps impossible to arrive at a very accurate conclusion upon the subject; there is certainly a larger amount in the body than is usually at one time in active circulation, a part of it moving slowly, or remaining stagnant for a time, in the capillaries of some portions of the body. Accord- ing to Wrisberg, one woman lost by a fatal flooding, 26 lbs. of blood ; and in another plethoric woman, who was beheaded, ACTION AND SOUNDS OF THE HEART. 227 24 were collected. Herbst* has calculated that there is usually about ten lbs. of blood in free circulation in the human body. It may, therefore, be admitted with some certainty, that the cir- culation of the entire mass of floating blood may take place in from one to two minutes. — The frequency of the heart's action diminishes gradually from the commencement to the end of life, thus :f In the embryo, the number of beats in a minute is 150 Just after birth, ... - 130 to 140 During the first year, - - - 115 to 130 During the second year, - - - 100 to 115 During the third year, - - 90 to 100 About the seventh year, - - - 85 to 90 About the fourteenth year, - - 80 to 85 In the middle period of life, - - 70 to 75 In old age, - - - - 50 to 65 — In persons of sanguine temperament the heart beats some- what more frequently than in those of the phlegmatic, and in the female sex more frequently than in the male. The number of pulsations in the minute varies very much in different animals ; it is as low as 40 in the horse. — Tiie contraction (systole) of the heart is its only active state ; its dilatation (diastole) is effected passively during the moment of repose when the fibres are relaxed, by the blood which is poured into its cavities from the contiguous veins. Dupuy, a distinguished veterinary surgeon of Alfort, found, on intro- ducing his hand into the abdomen of a living horse, that the vena cava ascendens became turgid during the systole of the heart ; and flaccid during the diastole, in consequence of the blood rushing from the veins into the cavities of the heart. The apex of the heart is closely in contact with the ribs, from which it is separated only by the pericardium. The body of the heart is also near the inner surface of the ribs and sternum, for there is nothing intervening beside the pericardium but a * Herbst, De Sang. Quant, etc. Goettingen, 1822. f Mailer's Physiology, (Bennet's translation,) p. 171, vol. i. 228 GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. thin prolongation of the pulmonary tissue. The impulse of the heart, pulsis cordis, is owing to the shock communicated to the walls of the thorax in the neighborhood of the fifth and sixth ribs, and which is believed to take place during contrac- tion, by the apex of the heart being tilted upwards and for- wards. This impulse must not be confounded with the arterial pulse or proper sounds of the heart, though it is synchronous with the first sound. — The sou7ids of the heart are twofold ; the first sound and the stronger, is produced by the quick successive contraction of the auricles and ventricles. The second sound, as results from the recent observations of Dr. Carswell, is produced by the sudden closing under the elastic reaction of the arteries, of the semi- lunar valves of the aorta and pulmonary artery. The interval between these sounds is very slight ; it is calculated by Miiller to be about the fifth part of a second. — The pause which intervenes between the termination of the second and the recommencement of the first sound, is nearly equal to the period which elapses between the pulsations of the arteries. Of the Pulse. — The blood not being able to escape from the arteries into the veins through the capillaries, as quickly as it is injected into the former by the heart, it necessarily exerts a pressure on the elastic coat, which yields both in the direction of its length and its diameter. This elastic yielding constitutes the arterial throb or pulse. This pulsation is not produced, however, directly by the two ounces of blood injected that moment from the heart ; but indirectly, in consequence of these two ounces being injected into the base of the column of blood with which the aortic system is filled so as to transmit the shock through the whole arterial tubes, driving out at the other extremity a corresponding quantity into the veins. The impulse of the heart is transmitted by the oscillation of the particles, along the vessels, (precisely as takes place when a shock is communicated to a column of water in a hose,) and this constitutes the pulse. The elastic force of the arteries when distended is very familiar GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE VEINS. 229 to those who are in the habit of injecting them for anatomical study. By partially filling the vessels with a thin fluid and then throwing in more fluid per saltum, we may readily produce a sort of artificial pulse. — Of the Veins. These tubes, which return to the heart the blood carried from it by the arteries, are more numerous than the arteries, and often are larger in diameter. They generally accompany the arteries, and very often two v^eins are found with one artery. These are called the vente comites. — Accompanying the larger arteries of the body, we usually find but one attendant vein of proportionate size. It is the smaller arteries, and especially those of the extremities, that have generally running by their sides, and mostly in very close connection, two venous trunks (vena comites) all of which are invested in one common sheath. — In addition to these last mentioned veins, which may also be called deep-seated, there are many subcutaneous veins which appear on almost every part of the surface of the body. — There is a third division of the venous system known under the name of sinuses, found in the cranium, the diploe and cells of the bones, and in the substance of the uterus. These are all lined in their interior by the common lining membrane of the veins. But they differ from the other veins in regard to their outer tunic, which is formed of the dura mater in the cranium, of the cellular lining membrane found in the cells of the bones ; and in the uterus apparently of the substance of that organ. — The capacity of all the veins is much greater than that of all the arteries. Those subcutaneous veins which are of considerable size, communicate very freely with each other, and also with the deep-seated veins. — They are found just below the skin in the layers of the superficial fascia, which latter membrane they VOL. II. 20 230 GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. pierce in convenient positions to discharge their contents in the deeper seated veins. — The trunks of the veins, in those places where no branches go off, are generally cylindrical. There are, however, some exceptions, in which these vessels are irregularly dilated, as sometimes happens in the case of the internal jugular vein. It is, however, not easy to determine from the appearance of veins injected after death, respecting their situation during life, as their coats are very yielding ; and it is very probable that they are, therefore, preternaturally dilated by the injection. Veins, directly or indirectly, originate from the termination of arteries : but they do not pulsate as the arteries do, because the impulse given to the blood by the heart is very much diminished in consequence of the great diminution of the size of the vessels through which the blood has passed. In some cases, however, when blood flows from an opened vein, the extent of its projection is alternately increased and diminished, in quick succession, as if it were influenced by the pulsation of the heart. The Coats of Veins differ considerably from those of Arteries, — for they are thinner, and so much less Jirm, that veins, unlike arteries, collapse when they are empty. They consist of a dense elastic substance, the fibres of which are much less distinct than those of arteries, but some of them are to be seen in a longitudinal direction. These fibres can he made to contract by local irritation ; for if a vein be laid bare in a living animal, and then punctured, it will often contract so as to diminish its diameter very considerably, although no blood shall have escaped from the punctures. Next to the elastic substance is the internal coat, which is smooth and polished. It is separated from the substance exterior to it with difficulty, although it may be taken from it very easily in the vena cava.* * The microscopical observers have found considerable analogy in the structure of the arteries and veins, though their opinions vary in some respects. The arteries are described by Henle as being composed of six different layers. 1. The innermost epithelial lining. 2. A striated or fenestrated coat. 3. A granular fibrous layer. 4. The middle elastic or muscular coat, composed of THE VEINS. 231 This internal coat is more ostensible than the internal coat of arteries, and is not, like the latter, disposed to ossification. It is frequently so arranged as to form valves, which are plaits or folds, of a semilunar form, that project from the surfaces into the cavities of these vessels.* Two of these valves are generally placed opposite to each other; and, when raised up, they form a septum in the cylin- drical cavity of the vessel. The septum, thus composed, is concave towards the heart, (see fig. 172, p. 208.) The valves have a great effect in preventing the contents of the veins from moving in a retrograde course : they therefore necessarily modify the effects of lateral pressure, in such a manner, that it propels the blood forward, or towards the heart. These valves are generally found in the veins of the muscular parts of the body, especially in those of the extremities. They are not found in those veins which are in the cavities of the body, nor in the internal jugulars. They are placed at unequal distances from each other. The coats of the veins are somewhat transparent; and there- fore those veins which are subcutaneous have a bluish aspect, which is derived from the color of the blood they contain. The color of the blood in the veins is different from that in the arteries, being of a darker red. The situation and arrangement of the large trunks of veins are much alike in different subjects ; but the branches, especially those which are subcutaneous, are very variable in their situa- tions.— The situation of the deeper seated veins of the extremi- ties— the venae comites and the sinuses are subject to little circular fibres. 5. A coat of genuine elastic tissue. 6. The external cellular lining. The veins, though thinner much in their walls, present the same struc- ture, the true elastic coat only being absent. The valves of the veins consist of a fibrous membrane covered by the epithelium, and are not mere duplica- tures of the lining membrane. — p. * The valves of the veins were first described by Charles Etienne of Paris, in 1546. In 1547, Amaius, a Portuguese, saw at Ferrara, those at the mouth of the vena azygos. Sylvius, of Paris, announced them about the same time in the jugular, brachial and crural veins. Fabricus ab Aquapendente claims the discovery for himself in 1574. Lassus. 232 THE BLOOD. variation. There are three grand divisions of the venous sys- tem, which in a physiological point of view, are deserving of particular notice. — — 1st. The pulmonary venous system, by which the dark or venous blood, after it has been restored to its arterial hue is returned again to the left ventricle of the heart, through the pulmonary veins. Here we have the apparent anomaly, of veins carrying arterial blood, and of an artery — the pulmonary, which transmits venous. — 2d. The systemic venous system, or that of which the roots are formed in the two venae cavae. — 3d. The portal venous system. In this we have the singular instance of a vein which has its origin, like the rest, from capillary branches, branching again like an artery, so as to form a second set of capillary vessels in the substance of the liver, from which arises a new venous trunk, called the hepatic vein. If we except the placental circulation of the child, no other instance of a similar distribution of the veins appears in the human body. — Of the Blood. The blood of a healthy person indicates a tendency to coag- ulate very soon after it is discharged from the vessels which naturally contain it, although it is perfectly fluid in those vessels. If it remain at rest, after it is drawn from the vessels, it soon coagulates into a solid mass, of a soft texture. From this solid mass a fluid is soon observed to issue, which appears in very small drops on almost every part of the surface. These drops quickly increase and run together, and in a short time the fluid surrounds the solid mass, and exceeds it in quantity. The solid part which thus appears upon the spontaneous separation of the blood, is denominated Crassamentum or Cruor ; the fluid partis called Serum. The substance which contains the red color of the blood remains with the Crassamentum. The Serum, when it sepa- rates without agitation, is free from the red color. THE BLOOD. 233 The coloring matter may be separated completely from the Grassametitum by washing it with water. The blood, therefore, consists of three parts, namely ; the Serum ; the substance which coagulates spontaneously (Jibrine) ; and the Coloring Matter. — If the blood be examined with the microscope in the vessels of a transparent part, or immediately after it has flowed from the body, it is seen to consist of small red particles or globules, and a clear-colorless fluid. This fluid is the lymyha or liquor sanguinis, and must not be confounded with the serum, which separates from the crassamentum during coagula- tion. It can be obtained free from the red globules, before coagu- lation takes place, by filtering the blood of a frog or some other animal, in which the red globules are so large as not to pass through the pores of the filtering paper. The liquor sanguinis, consists of the serum of the blood that holds the fibrine, which is also colorless, in a state of solution. When the fibrine coagu- lates, it encloses within it the red particles, and the watery part of the blood (jseruni) is left, which holds the albumen in solution. — The Serum Has a considerable degree of consistence, although it is much thinner than blood. In its perfectly natural state, it is almost transparent, and appears to be very lightly tinged with a greenish yellow color; but it is very often impregnated with a portion of bile, which is probably carried to the blood-vessels, by the absorbents. It contains a large quantity of albumen, or matter like the white of an egg. If heated to 140° of Fah- renheit, it becomes opaque ; and when the heat is increased to 156° or 160,° it is firmly coagulated. It is also coagulated by alcohol, by mineral acids, and by rennet.* It is proved by chemists, that it contains a small quantity of pure soda. It therefore changes several of the blue colors of vegetables to green. It is also found to contain a similar quantity of the * See Hewson, vol. i. 139. — I suspect that some particular management is necessary in the use of rennet. 20* 234 THE BLOOD. muriate and the phosphate of soda and the phosphate of lime. These saline substances were discovered by diluting serum with water, and exposing the mixture to heat, by which the albumen was coagulated into flocculi ; these flocculi were sepa- rated by filtration ; the liquor was then diminished by evapora- tion, and the salts obtained from it by crystallization. Serum likewise contains a portion of sulphur combined with ammonia. When it is exposed to a coagulating heat, a small portion of it remains fluid. This fluid portion has been supposed to contain a considera- ble quantity of gelatine ; but it is contended by Mr. Brande,* that Gelatine does not exist in the serum of the blood, and that this portion consists of albumen combined with a propor- tion of alkali. It is also asserted by Dr. Bostock,f one of the later writers on the subject, that the serosity of blood, (the term applied to the last mentioned fluid,) contains no gelatine ; but that, with a minute quantity of albumen, it consists of a large portion of an animal matter, which is different either from gelatine or albumen, being unlike either of them, in its chemical qualities. The Crassamentum Is rendered very different in its appearance, by the different circumstances in which it may coagulate. When the blood remains at rest immediately after it is drawn, the crassamentum forms in it is a concrete substance, without the smallest appearance of fibre in its composition. If the blood be stirred with a rough stick, while it is flowing from an animal, a large portion of it will concrete upon the stick in a fibrous form, so as to resemble a mass of entangled thread, some of the red coloring matter still adhering to it. The crassamentum, in either of these forms, may be washed * In his Researches on the Blood, communicated to the Royal Society of London, in 1812, and republished in the Eclectic Repertory, for April, 1813. f See his Observations on the Serum of the Blood, in the Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, vol. ii, republished in the Eclectic Repertory, for October, 1812. THE BLOOD. 235 perfectly white ; the red coloring matter passing completely away with the water. In this state it appears* to have all the chemical properties of the fibrous matter of muscular flesh. It also resembles the gluten of vegetables, being soft and elastic. The name fibrine is now generally applied to it. If FIBRINE is washed and dried, its weight is very small indeed when compared with that of the blood from which it has been obtained. It is, therefore, probable that a considerable proportion of the bulk of the crassainentum, as it forms sponta- neously, depends upon the serum which exists in it, and can be washed away. The spontaneous coagulation of the blood, which appears to depend principally upon the Fibrine, may be prevented by the addition of several foreign substances to the blood, when it is drawn. It is subject to great variations that depend upon the state of the body at the time of bleeding ; and in some condi- tions, it does not take place at all.f In a majority of dead subjects the blood is found more or less coagulated in the veins ; but in some subjects it is found without coagulation. It is asserted that it does not coagulate in subjects who have died suddenly, in consequence of anger, lightning, or a blow on the stomach. The Coloring Matter. When the blood-vessels in the transparent parts of certain living animals are examined with magnifying glasses, it appears that the red color of the blood is owing to bodies of a globular form, which are diffused through a transparent fluid. The appearance of these bodies has been examined, with great atten- tion, by many physiologists, since the publication of Leuenhoeck, in the London Philosophical Transactions-! * By the experiments of Mr. Charles Hatchett, published in the London Phi- losophical Transactions for 1800. f See an Inquiry into the Properties of the Blood, by the late William Hew- son : and Experiments by his son^ T. T. Hewson, in the Eclectic Repertory, Jan. 1811. See, also, a Treatise on the Blood, ice, by the late J. Hunter. :|: Among the most distinguished of these observers were Father De la Torre, Haller, Hewson, Fontana, Spallanzani, J. Hunter, Cavallo. Some short accounts of Leuenhoeck's original observations on the Blood are 236 THE BLOOD. Several of these gentlemen have described the appearance of the blood very differently ; but Haller, Spallanzani and J. Hunter agree that the figure of the red particles is globular.* Hunter observes farther, that the red globules do not run into each other as two globules of oil would do when divided by water ; and he believes that they cannot unite. At the same time they seem not to have the properties of a solid : for when circulating in the vessels, they assume elliptical forms, adapting themselves to the size of the vessels. They also excite no sen- sation of solidity when touched. They appear to be more heavy than the other parts of the crassamentum : for in healthy blood the lower part of the mass contains more of the coloring matter than the upper part ; and in the blood of persons who labor under acute local inflamma- tion, they often subside completely from the upper part; and thus occasion what is called by Mr. Hewson the injlamniatory crust, or size. It has been observed by Mr. Hewson, and also by Mr. Hun- ter, that the globules do not retain their form in every fluid. They are said to be dissolved very quickly in water, and then they form a fine clear red. Several of the neutral salts, when dissolved in water, prevent the solution of the globules. Mr. Hunter informs us, that the vitriolic acid, when greatly diluted, does not dissolve them, &c. The muriatic acid, when three times as strong as vinegar destroys their color without dis- solving them, although when more diluted, it does dissolve them. to be found in the Philosophical Transactions of London, for 1G64, in the fasci- culi which are numbered 102 and 106. A more full description is contained in Boerhaave's Academical Lectures on the Theory of Physic. See the section on the nature of the blood. The glasses of Father De la Torre were transmitted from Naples to the Koy- al Society of London in 1765. They were accompanied by a letter from Sir F. H. E. Stiles, to which are subjoined some observations by the Rev. Father himself. The letter and the observations are published in the 55ih volume of the Transactions of that society. In the year 1798, Tiberius Cavallo published an Essay on the Medicinal Pro- perties of Factitious Air, with an Appendix on the Nature of the Blood, in which is contained a farther account of the glasses of De la Torre. * I believe that this is also the opinion of Fontana. — In J. Hunter's work on the blood there are some interesting observations on microscopical deceptions. See the note commencing in page 39, Bradford's edition. THE BLOOD. 237 — Hewson described ihe red globules as being flattened, and was the first to discover distinctly, the dark spot in the centre, formed by the central nucleus. Modern improvements in the manner of using the microscope, have confirmed his views, and shown that the globules of blood in different animals, are always flattened, and that they vary in their outline, from the elliptical to the circular form. Fig. 175.* — In the mammalia, including man, they are circu- lar disks ; that is, globules flattened upon the sides. In birds, reptiles, and fishes, they are elliptical ; the long diameter being twice that of the transverse. In the globules of human blood, their thickness is about one-fourth or one-fifth of their transverse diameter. The size of the red globules varies very much in difl^erent animals, and to some extent among themselves, even in the same animal. But in man and most other animals, the variation in size, never amounts to a doubling of the diameter. The size of the red globules in the amphibia, is greater than in any other class of animals. The long diameter of the red globules in the frog, is four times that of the circular diameter of those of man. The diameter of the blood corpuscles in man have been variously stated, from the sJootl^ to the jgggth part of an English inch. Fig. 176.f — In the centre of all the red particles there is jj/ ■•'"//'■ >w/ ././. ARTERIES OF THE PELVIS AND HAM. 293 The Middle Sacral Artery. It proceeds over the last lumbar vertebrag and down the middle of the sacrum to the os coccygis ; it sends off lateral branches, which are spent upon the rectum and contiguous parts, and inosculate with the arteriae sacrae laterales. Of the Arteries which originate at and below the Great Bifurcation of the Aorta. The Primitive lliacs, The terminal branches of the aorta, form an acute angle with each other at their origin. They proceed downwards behind the peritoneum, very near the margin of the pelvis, without sending off any branch of importance. At the junction of the sacrum with the ossa ilia, they divide into two great branches: the Internal Iliac, or Hypogastric, which descends into the pelvis ; and the External Iliac, which passes under the crural arch to the lower extremity. — Both of these vessels are crossed by the ureters just at their point of division. The right is also crossed by the intestinum ileum, where it is about to pass into the colon ; the left lies behind the sigmoid flexure of the colon. — Arteries of the Pelvis and Ham, (from Bell.) See Plate X. facing page 293. A. The body of the last Lumbar Vertebra sawn through. B. The Sacrum. c. Ischiatic Ligaments. D. The Lumbar Muscles. E. The Great Gluteus Muscle. F. The Lesser Gluteus Muscle. G. The Gracilis Muscle. H. The Vastus Externus Muscle. I. The Outer Hamstring Muscle ; i. e. the Biceps. K. The Inner Hamstring Muscles ; i. e. the Semi-tendinosus and Semi- membranosus. L. L. The Triceps. M. The Outer Condyle of the thigh bone. 25* 294 GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE INTERNAL ILIAC. N. The Inner Condyle. 0. The Belly of the Gastrocnemius Muscle. p. The Salens Muscle. Q. The Achilles Tendon. R. The Tibia. s. The Flexor Longus Pollicis. T. The Flexor Digitorum Communis. 1. The Internal Iliac Artery ; giving off. 2. Hypogastric Artery. 3. 3. Ischiatic Artery. 4.4. The Pudic Artery. 5. The Obturator Artery. 6.6. The Gluteal Artei-y. 7. A branch from the Internal Circumjkx Artery. 8. Branches of the Perforating Arteries of the Profunda. 9. The Popliteal Artery after it has pierced the Triceps Muscle. 10. Those branches sent off from the main artery as it is passing the ten- don ; they are called the perforating branches of the Popliteal Artery. 11. The Upper and Internal Articular Artery. 12. The Upper External Articular Artery. 13. The Lower External Articular Artery. ^ 14. The Lower Internal Articular Artery. 15. The Posterior Tibial Artery; the Anterior Tibial Artery (see plate, page 308) is a branch sent off from this. 16. The Peroneal Artery, or Fibular Artery. 17. The Posterior Tibial Artery appears here again from under the Soleus Muscle. 18. The Fibular or Peroneal Artery ; it is seen to form large inosculations with the Tibial Artery. 19. A remarkable inosculation betwixt the Tibial and Fibular Arteries. 20. The External Plantar Artery. 21. The Internal Plantar Artery. The Internal Iliac, or Hypogastric, Is distributed, in part, to the viscera of the pelvis and the orfyans of generation, and also to the large muscles exterior to the pelvis : it is, therefore, very large, although not quite equal to the External Iliac. — But in the foetus where it gives off on each side the umbilical artery it is double the size of the exter- nal.— It has already been mentioned, that in the foetal state, this vessel appears to continue in a curved direction from its origin SMALLER BRANCHES OF THE INTERNAL ILIAC. 295 to the lower part of the side of the bladder, and from thence to the umbilicus, under the denomination of the Umbilical Ar- tery. From the convex side of this curve the different branches of the internal iliac go off. In the foetal state they are very- small, in proportion to the umbilical artery ; but as the artery becomes ligamentous, these branches increase in size. In the adult, the arrangement of these vessels is very differ- ent. The Internal Iliac generally divides into two great branches ; the Gluteal, which passes through the sacro-sciatic notch, and ramifies on the exterior and upper part of the os ilium : and the Ischiatic, which passes downwards on the out- side of the tuberosity of the ischium. The former of these large ramifications passes out of the pel- vis above the pyriform muscle, and the latter of them below it. Several smaller arteries arise from these branches near their origin, or from the main trunk of the internal iliac, which are distributed to the different parts of the pelvis ; and one im- portant branch of the ischiatic, called the Pudic, proceeds downwards on the inside of the tuberosity of the ischium. The first of the smaller branches which the external iliac commonly sends off, is called the Ileo Lumbalis. The ilio-lumbar artery sometimes arises from the gluteal artery, and sometimes from the main trunk of the internal iliac. It passes outwards under the psoas muscle, and suddenly divides into two branches. One of them proceeds upwards, and is distributed in the lumbar region, while the other ramifies on the iliacus internus muscle, and is spent on the contiguous parts. There are, also, two or three small arteries called Arteria Sacra Laterales, Which sometimes arise singly, and sometimes in common, from the great trunk. They also occasionally originate from the gluteal artery. These vessels enter the anterior foramina of the OS sacrum, to be distributed on the cauda equina and 296 SMALLER BRANCHES OF THE INTERNAL ILIAC. the membranes which invest it. Some of their ramifications anastomose with branches of the sacra media and other con- tiguous arteries. On the anterior side of the internal iliac, near the origin of the above mentioned vessels, a ligament, which was originally the umbilical artery, goes off to the side of the bladder, and continues from thence to the umbilicus. Sometimes it con- tinues previous for a short distance, and then small branches pass from it to the bladder. In the female it also sends small branches to the uterus and vagina. In addition to these Vesical Arteries derived from the umbi- licals, there are other branches distributed to the bladder, which arise very differently, in different subjects, from branches which are soon to be described, as the hemorrhoidal, pudic, &c. From the anterior side of the internal iliac, or from one of its great branches, an artery arises which passes out of the pelvis through the aperture in the margin of the ligamentous membrane which closes the foramen thyroideum of the os innominatum ; this is called the Obturator Artery. This vessel, while it is in the pelvis, often sends small branches to the bladder and its appendages, and to the obturator internus muscle. After it passes out of the pelvis, it divides into branches ; some of which are spent on the obturator externus, and the contiguous muscles, and others go to the hip joint. — One branch of the artery called internal, is distributed in the adductor, gracilis and pectineus muscles which are placed on the inner side oC the thigh. — The origin of this artery is variable. Most commonly it arises from the internal iliac, but often from the ischiatic, and sometimes from the gluteal. In some instances, it originates in a way that is particularly inte- resting, when the operation for crural hernia is to be performed, viz. from the epigastric artery, soon to be described .' for in this case the obturator artery sometimes nearly surrounds the LARGER BRANCHES OF THE INTERNAL ILIAC. 297 neck of the hernial sac* — According to J. Cloquet, the artery arises from the epigastric in one case out of four. But, judging from my own dissections, this proportion is too great. Occa- sionally, also, the epigastric is given off from the trunk of the obturator. — A small artery passes from the internal iliac or one of its branches, to the rectum, which is called the Middle HcBinorrhoidal, From its situation between the branches which are sent to that intestine from the inferior mesenteric, and those which go to it from the pudic. This artery is spent upon that part of the rectum which is above and in contact with the sphincter. It sends branches to the prostate and vesiculae seminales, in males, and to the vagina and bladder in females. In females there is a peculiar artery. The Uterine, Which originates either from the internal iliac, near the origin of the ischiatic, or from one of its branches. It passes between the lam.ina of the broad ligaments to the cervix uteri, and pene- trates the texture of that organ. The size of this vessel varies with the varying size of the uterus. The Gluteal or Posterior Iliac Artery, One of the two great branches of the internal iliac, proceeds exteriorly through the sciatic notch above the pyriform mus- cle, very near the edge of the bone. On the outside of the ilium it generally divides into two branches, one of which ramifies between the gluteus medius and minimus, and the other between the medius and maximus. It is principally spent upon these muscles, and sends branches to the contiguous parts. * See Astley Cooper's great work on Hernia, vol. i. There is reason to belie\^e that this position of the artery occurs more fre- quently than has been supposed. 298 PUDIC ARTERY. The Ischiatic Artery, The other great branch of the internal iliac, passes through the sciatic notch below the pyriform muscle, and proceeds downwards, between the great trochanter of the os femoris and the tuberosity of the ischium, under the gluteus maximus muscle. Soon after its origin, it commonly sends off a conside- rable branch, the Arteria Pudica, which also passes downwards: it then continues its course as above mentioned, and its princi- pal branches are distributed to the gluteus maximus and the muscles of the upper and back part of the thigh, while its smaller branches go to the os sacrum and coccyx, and the con- tiguous small muscles. — An internal branch called the coccygeal, pierces the great sacro-sciatic ligament, and supplies the levator ani and coccygeus muscles. — Another passes down the back part of the thigh in company with the sciatic nerve to which it sends branches. — The Pudica Interna, As has been just mentioned, is usually a branch of the ischi- atic artery, but sometimes originates immediately from the internal iliac. It proceeds downwards and inwards, diverging from the ischiatic, and passing between the two sacro-sciatic ligaments to the interior side of the tuberosity of the ischium, whence it continues on the inside of the crura of the os ischium and pubis until it approaches the symphysis, when it generally divides Into three branches, which are spent upon the organs of generation, from which circumstance the name of this artery is derived. — Throughout the greater part of this course it lies upon the obturator internus muscle and is closely bound down by the obturator fascia between which and the muscle it is placed. — The three terminal branches are the artery of the bulb of the urethra (^arteria hulhi) the artery of the corpus cavernosum {arteria corporis cavernosi) and the artery to the back of the penis (arteria dorsalis penis.) — EXTERNAL ILIAC. 299 One or more branches from it also pass to the lower part of the rectum and sphincter ani, and are called the Loiver Hcemorr- hoidal Arteries. In its course, it sends off many small branches to the con- tiguous parts ; one of which, called the Perineal (transversa perinei) leaves it near the transversus perinei, and passes between that muscle and the skin, and between the bulb of the urethra and the crus of the penis, to the scrotum. When the Pudic has arrived near the bulb of the urethra, it sends a branch into it, (arteria bulhi) which is continued into the corpus spongiosum urethras, and ramifies there minutely. At the symphysis of the pubis it sends off a second branch, which passes to the back of each crus, and, proceeding along it, parallel to its fellow, terminates in the glans penis : in this course it sends branches to the elastic coat, to the integu- ments, and to the prepuce. This vessel is called the Arteria Dorsalis. The main trunk of the pudic artery then penetrates the corpus cavernosum, and proceeds through it in a straight direc- tion. Its ramifications appear to be distributed through the internal structure of the corpus cavernosum, and some of them extend through the septum to the other side, while others pass to the corpus spongiosum urethrse. — The pndic artery sometimes though rarely takes a different course from the one here described. Instead of coming out at the sciatic notch, it passes directly forward by the side of the bladder to the side of the prostate gland — and gets to its proper destination — the corpus cavernosum and dorsum penis, below the arch of the pubis. In such case of anomaly it is liable to be cut as it crosses the prostate in the lateral operation for stone. — The External Iliac, The great artery of the lower extremity, appears soon after birth, like a continuation of the primitive iliac, and proceeds along the brim of the pelvis behind the peritoneum, to Poupart's' ligament, or the crural arch, under which it passes. 300 EPIGASTRIC ARTERY. CIRCUMFLEX ARTERY. The psoas muscle is at first in contact with it on the outside, and the internal iliac vein on the inside. As it passes under Pou part's ligament, it is immediately anterior to the psoas and iliacus interniis muscles, where they are united, and the crural nerve is exterior to it. Before it arrives at the lower edge of Poupart's ligament, it sends off The Epigastric Artery, Which arises on its internal side, and proceeds downwards and inwards about half an inch ; then it turns upwards and inwards, and continues in that direction for a small distance, after which its course is less oblique. It passes between the peritoneum and the abdominal muscles, at the inner side of the internal abdominal ring, behind the spermatic cord, and the round ligaments in females. It generally changes its oblique direction after passing about two inches, and then proceeds in contact with the rectus and very near its external edge; its ramifications are expended upon the anterior parietes of the abdomen. And after it has arrived as high as the umbilicus, it commonly divides into branches which often inosculate with the ramifications of the internal mammary.* — The epigastric artery as before observed occasionally comes off from the obturator ; but has then the same ultimate destina- tion, as when it has its usual origin. — An artery which is rather smaller than the epigastric, arises nearly opposite to it, but rather lower, from the external side of the external iliac. It is called The Circumflex Artery of the Os Ilium, And proceeds upwards and outwards to the upper margin of the OS ilium, along which it continues very near to the spine. It is distributed principally to the abdominal muscle, to the iliacus internus and the psoas, and the parts contiguous. * Several respectable surgeons have been taught by experience, that when the abdomen is distended by ascites, the position of the epigastric artery is so much altered, that it will sometimes be found in the middle of the oblique line, which extends from the umbilicus to the superior anterior spine of the ilium. FEMORAL ARTERY. EXTERNAL PUDICS. 301 The artery of the lower extremity, after passing under Pou- part's ligament, takes the name of Femoral Artery, And proceeds downwards in a direction so spiral, that although it is in front at the upper part of the thigh, it is completely behind at the lower part. It sends branches to the muscles of the thigh, as the aorta does to the viscera of the abdomen, viz. by a few large vessels which extend and ramify to a great distance among them. The situation of the adductor muscles, and their attachment to the OS femoris, is such, that the artery in this course must necessarily perforate their common tendon, which it does at the distance of one-third of the length of the bone from its lower end. The aperture in this tendon corresponds precisely with the general course of the artery ; and before the artery enters this perforation, it is on the internal side of the bone; after it has passed the perforation, it is in the posterior side of it. After passing through the tendon of the adductors, it is denominated the Popliteal Artery, and it retains this name until it divides. It then proceeds downwards, being very near the bone, and between the tendons of the flexors of the leg, covered by the great nerve of the lower extremity, and very often, also, by the vein. After crossing the articulation of the knee, when it is between the heads of the gastrocnemus muscle, at the lower edge of the popliteus muscle, it divides into the anterior tibial and the common trunk of the peroneal and posterior tibial arteries. The Femoral artery, soon after emerging from Poupart's liga- ment, sends off very small branches to the inguinal glands, and other contiguous parts. — One of these is, the superficial circum- jiexa ilii, which pierces the fascia lata, and runs obliquely out- wards toward the crest of the ilium. — Another is called, the superficial epigastric, or arteria ad cutem abdominis of Haller. This likewise pierces the fascia lata, and ascends between the two layers of the superficial fascia obliquely upwards towards the umbilicus. It is commonly cut in the operation for inguinal hernia. — It also sends off the VOL. II. 26 d 302 CIRCUMFLEX ARTERIES. External Pudics, Which are two or three small arteries that are generally spent upon the scrotum in males, and the Labia Pudendi in iemales. About two inches below Poupart's ligament, the great branch which has been called the muscular artery of the thigh, leaves it. This vessel is commonly denominated Arteria Profunda. It arises from the back part of the trunk of the femoral, and passes downwards and backwards, in a way that has been compared to the separation of the internal iliac and the exter- nal. Very soon after its origin, it sends off two branches, which proceed, one on the internal, and the other on the external side of the thigh, and are called the circumflexa mterna and externa. It then passes downwards behind the trunk of the femoral, and sometimes very near it, on the adduc- tor muscles, and finally divides into branches, which are called the Perforating. The External Circumjlex Sometimes arises from the femoral, but most commonly is a branch of the profunda, as above stated. It passes under the rectus and tensor vaginas femoris towards the great trochanter, and generally divides into two branches, one of which continues in the transverse direction, and sends branches to the upper and back part of the thigh, and the parts contiguous to the joint ; while the other descends in the course of the rectus femoris muscle, and some of its ramifications extend near to the outside of the knee. The Internal Circumfex Is often smaller than the other. It generally passes between the psoas, and the pectineus muscles, and continues round the thigh towards the lesser trochanter. Its ramifications are expended on the upper portions of the adductor muscles and the muscular parts contiguous to the lesser trochanter. It also sends branches to the articulation. POPLITEAL ARTERY. 303 The Perforating Arteries Are two or three ramifications of the profunda, which pass through the adductor muscles, and are expended upon the flexor muscles on the back of the thigh. Some of the termi- nating branches of the profunda itself are also called perforating arteries. The next branch of importance which is sent off by the Femoral artery, leaves it before it enters the aperture in the tendon of the adductors, and is called The Anastomotic Artery. This vessel soon inclines downwards. Its ramifications extend into the vastus internus muscle ; some of them follow the tendon of the adductors, and ramify about the internal condyle. Several small branches go off from the great artery soon after it passes through the tendon of the adductors, which are distributed to the contiguous muscles. Some of them are also called Perforating Arteries. Among them is the principal Medullary or Nutritious Artery of the OS femoris. In the ham, the great artery and vein are called Popliteal. The Popliteal Artery Generally sends off several small branches. Two of them go off on the inside, one above and the other below the knee ; and two on the outside in the same manner. They are named, from their situation, The Superior and Inferior Internal, and The Superior and Inferior External Articulating Arteries. The Superior Internal artery perforates the tendon of the adductors above the internal condyle, and ramifies minutely on the inner side of the joint. The Superior External artery passes through the lower portion of the biceps above the external condyle, and ramifies minutely on the outer side of the joint. Its superior ramifica- tions anastomose with those of the descending branch of the J 304 POSTERIOR AND ANTERIOR TIBIAL ARTERIES. external circumflex, while its inferior ramifications communi- cate with those of the corresponding artery below. The two inferior arteries originate nearly opposite lo the middle of the joint and pass downwards. The Inferior Internal artery passes under the internal head of the gastrocnemius muscle, on the posterior and internal side of the head of the tibia. Its ramifications communicate with those of the corresponding artery above and of the tibialis antica below. They also extend to the interior of the joint. The Inferior External artery passes under the external head of the gastrocnemius and the plantaris muscle, and continues under the external lateral and capsular ligament. It is distri- buted on the external and inferior part of the articulation, and sends also some branches to the interior of the joint. There is frequently an azygos vessel, called the Middle Articular artery, which arises from the back of the popliteal, and is distributed to the posterior part of the articulation. The Popliteal artery after this, sends off a few small branches to the heads of the muscles of the leg, and among them one of considerable length, to each of the heads of the gastrocnemii. At the under edge of the popliteus muscle, it sends off horizon- tally a large branch, which passes directly forward between the tibia and the fibula, above the commencement of the interosse- ous ligament. After this, it continues to descend, nearly in the same direction, under the soleus muscle, behind the tibia ; but before it has proceeded farther than twelve or fifteen lines, it sends off a branch which forms an acute angle with it ; and approaches near the fibula, along which it descends. The branch sent off anteriorly, is called the Anterior Tibial artery. The main trunk, which continues downwards, is called the Posterior Tibial artery ; And the branch which descends near the fibula is called the Peroneal or Fibular artery. • The Anterior Tibial Artery, (^Tibialis Antica.) After its arrival on the anterior part of the leg, passes down k. THE PERONEAL ARTERY. 305 close to the interosseous ligament, with the tibialis amicus mus- cle on the inside, and the extensor communis on the outside. in the first part of its course ; and afterwards, with the extensor pollicis pedis on the outside of it. It gradually inclines inter- nally as it descends, so that a little above the ankle it is upon the front part of the tibia. It proceeds thence with the tendons of the extensor digitorum pedis, under the annular ligament, to the upper surface of the foot, on which it continues to the interstice of the first and second metatarsal bones, where it descends to anastomose in the way presently to be men- tioned. In this course it sends off, soon after it has arrived at its anterior situation, a recurrent branch, (recurrens tibialis) which is distributed to the heads of the muscles and the ligaments of the articulation, and which anastomoses with the branches of the inferior articular arteries. It also sends ofF, on each side, many arterial twigs to the contiguous muscles, and very fre- quently one branch of considerable size, which passes down near the fibula. When it has arrived near the end of the tibia, it sends a branch on each side, called the Internal and External Malleo- lar. On the top of the foot, it takes the name of dorsal artery of the foot, and among several smaller arteries, it sends off a branch under the extensor brevis digitorum pedis, which passes outwards and forwards, and supplies the muscles, &c., on the upper part of the foot. This vessel is called Arteria Tarsa. There is also another branch, called Metatarsa, which generally arises about the middle of the foot, and passes obliquely outward and forward, supplying the contiguous parts. The Anterior Tibial artery having arrived at the space be- tween the metatarsal bones of the first and second toes, bends down to the sole of the foot, but previously sends off a branch (dorsalis pollicis) which passes near the external edge of the metatarsal bone of the great toe, and divides into two branches, one of which gOes to the outside of the great toe, and the other lo the opposite side of the toe next to it. 26* 306 PERONEAL ARTERY. The Posterior Tibial Artery After parting with the anterior tibial, sends off the Peroneal or Fibular, as has been already stated, and then continues on the back of the tibia, behind the internal ankle, to the sole of the foot. The Peroneal or Fibular Artery Is not commonly so large as either of the two other arteries of the leg, nor is it so constant. It passes down very near the internal edge of the fibula. It is in contact, for some distance, with the tibialis posticus muscle, and is anterior to the soleus and the flexor pollicis longus ; it sends branches to the contigu- ous muscles. After it has passed along two-thirds of the length of the fibula, it frequently, but not always, divides into an ante- rior and a posterior branch. The Anterior Peroneal soon perforates the interosseous liga- ment, and passing down some distance on its anterior surface, continues to the ankle and upper surface of the foot. It gives ramifications to all the contiguous parts in its progress, and anastomoses with some of the small ramifications of the tibialis antica. The Posterior Peroneal Branch is the continuation of the main trunk. It passes behind the external malleolus, and rami- fies upon the external side of the foot. The Posterior Tibial artery passes down, inclining rather obliquely inwards, between the gastrocnemius internus, which is posterior to it, and the tibialis posticus and flexor digitorum, which are anterior to it. Upon the leg it gives off many small branches, one of which, termed the Arteria Nutritia Tibia, comes off high up,* and, after ramifying as it descends, sends a branch to the medv\llary foramen of the tibia. At the lower part of the leg, the Posterior Tibial is situated rather superficially between the tendo Achillis and the tibia. It proceeds thence behind the internal ankle in a deep situa- tion, covered by an annular ligament, and passes between the * This artery sometimes coHies off from the popliteal. EXTERNAL PLANTAR ARTERY. 307 abductor muscle of the great toe and the bones of the tarsus. It then divides into two branches — the internal and the external plantar arteries. TTie Internal Plantar Artery Is commonly much smaller than the other ramification. It passes in the direction of the internal edge of the foot, but at some distance from it, and often lies between the aponeurosis plantaris and the abductor pollicis. It frequently terminates by anastomosing with one of the arteries of the great toe, and in its course sends off several branches to the contiguous parts on each side of it. The External Plantar Artery Is the continuation of the main trunk. It proceeds outwards and forwards between the short flexor of the toes and the flexor accessorius ; and continues afterwards between the first of these muscles and the abductor of the little toe. At the metatarsal bone of the little toe it begins to curve, and con- tinues its curvature across the other metatarsal bones to the interstice between the great toe and the one next to it, passing between the tendons of the long extensor and the metatarsal bones. At the interstice above mentioned, it anastomoses with the tibialis anticus. The curvature, thus formed, is called the Arcus Plantaris. In this course, the External Plantar sends off several branches to the heel and the parts of the foot, especially on the external side ; the deep-seated parts of the foot being supplied from the curve. Digital branches go off from the curve, as they do in the hand, from the curve of the ulnar. There is first a small branch to the outside of the little toe, and then three regular branches, which pass to the junction of the roots of the four small toes, and divide, like the digital arteries of the hand, so as to send a branch to the side of each toe. These digital arteries pass between the muscle called Transversalis Pedis and the meta- 308 ARTERIES OF THE LOWER EXTREMITY. tarsal bones. Near the heads of these bones, each of them generally sends off two arteries that pass upwards between the interossei muscles and the bones, and anastomose with the rami- fications from the top of the foot. The External Plantar, soon after sending off the third digital artery, anastomoses with the anterior tibial, and then continues to the junction of the root of the great toe with the one next to it, when it divides into two branches, which go to the opposite sides of those toes. In its course it also sends a branch to the internal side of the great toe. Of the Arteries of the Lower Extremity. (^See Plate ^{.facing page 308.) A. The Tendon of the External Oblique Muscle. B. The Sartorius Muscle. c. The Gracilis. D. The Triceps Muscle. E. The Rectus Femoris, F. The Vastus Internus. G. The Vastus Externus. H. The Patella. I. The Tilna. K. The Head of the Fibula. L. The Gastrocnemius Muscle. M. The Soleus Muscle. N. The Tibialis Anticus. o. The Extensor Tendons of the Toes. Arteries. 1. The Femoral Artery. 2. The Epigastric Artery. 3. The Circumflexa Ilii. 4. A Cutaneous Branch to the head of the Sartorius, the Glands, and Fat. 5. To the Inguinal Glands, and Fat ; it sends out a pudic branch also. 6. The External Pudic Artery. 7. The Profunda. 8. The Internal Circumjkx Artery. 9. The Profunda, proceeding deep into the flesh of the thigh before it gives off the perforating branches. The Branches of the Profunda are seen in the interstices of the Rectus and Vastus Externus. k. ■■/,//< /[ IT I M /'i /- (j. 0./,r/u ...://, ARTERIES OF THE LOWER EXTREMITY. 309 10. The Femoral Artery, where it lies betwixt the triceps and vastus in- tern us muscle, before it perforates the triceps.* 11, f i^, 1.3. Articular Arteries, branches of the Popliteal Artery. 14. Th.e Anterior Tibial Artery X 15. The Reflected Branch of the Anterior Tibial Artery. 16. The Anterior Tibial Artery, continuing its course, and distributing small branches to the surrounding muscles. 17. At this part it passes under the Annular Ligament. 18. The Internal Malleolar Artery. 19. The External Malleolar Artery. 20. The Tarsal Artery. 21. The Anterior Tibial Artery descending on the fore part of the foot. 22. The part at which the Anterior Tibial Artery sinks into the sole of the foot, forming communications with the Plantar Arteries. 23. The last branch of the Anterior Tibial Artery, the Arteria Dorsahs Poinds. * Femoral Artery. This artery, near the place of its perforating the triceps, is the subject of one of the most important surgical operations for popliteal aneurism. In dissection it may be well to make this experiment : Place a string so as to reach from the superior spine of the os ilii to the promi- nent part of the inner condyle ; mark the middle of the string ; make an inci- sion a very little towards the inside of it, in the direction of the string ; first, you come to the sartorious muscle ; next, laying that aside, to a fascia, which stretches from the triceps to the vastus internus ; when this is sht up you may see the artery ; observe its shuation in regard to the vein, (he nervus longus, and the sheath which surrounds it. f This branch (the first perforating branch of the Popliteal Artery) is remark- ably enlarged in Popliteal Aneurism. % The Anterior Tibial Artery lies so under the projection of the Tibia, that it is not often wounded ; yet it may be cut by a deep wound, and the student should observe how it lies under the fascia and muscles. " The Anterior Tibial Artery comes through betwixt the bones, one inch be- low the projection of the knob of the Fibula ; we then cut by the edge of the Peroneus Longus, and follow the partition fascia, which is betwixt this muscle and the head of the Extensor Digitorum Commvnis. This partition carries us deep, and we find the artery lying on the interosseous ligament." When the artery is to be tied lower down, after slitting up the fascia, we must cut betwixt the TUnalis Anticus, and Extensor PoUicis. A 310 DISTRIBUTION OF THE VEINS. CHAPTER IX. OF THE PARTICULAR DISTRIBUTION OF THE VEINS. Anatomists of great respectability have very difFereot sentiments respecting the best method of describing the veins. Some of them, in order to follow the course of the circulation, commence with the small veins, and proceed to the large trunks which are formed by their union. Others begin with the great veins that empty into the heart, and proceed from them to the small ramifications of the venous system, in a direction the reverse of the circulation. As the last method is the easiest for the student of anatomy, it will be adopted here ; but it must always be kept in mind, that the blood flows from the small veins into the larger, and not from the latter into the former, as the mode of description seems to imply. The great trunk of the venous system differs considerably from that of the arterial with respect to its connexion with the heart ; for it communicates with that organ in such a manner, that, when viewed from before, it appears like two vessels ; one opening into the upper, and the other into the lower part of the right auricle. When viewed from behind, it appears like a continued tube, three-fourths of which are deficient anteriorly ; and to the margin of this deficiency the right sinus or pouch of the heart is connected. In some preparations of the heart, where all the great vessels connected with it are much distended by the injection, and the pulmonary vessels are injected first, the right auricle is so much pressed upon from behind, by the vessels which go to the right lung, that the direction of the superior and inferior portions of CORONARY VEINS OF THE HEART. 311 the vena cava, which thus communicate with it, is altered. Each of them is turned obliquely forwards, so that it forms an angle with the other. This occasions them to appear more like distinct vessels than they otherwise would do. The above mentioned portions of the great veins are denomi- nated the Superior or Descending, and the Inferior or Ascend- ing Vena Cava; as if they were perfectly distinct and uncon- nected with each other. The Coronary Veins, Which are exclusively appropriated to the heart, may be considered here, as they are not included in the general ar- rangement of the veins. The great vein of the heart begins at the lower part of the right auricle, very near to the septum, which divides the two auricles. It soon proceeds to the left in a circular direction, surrounded with adipose matter, in the deep groove which exists between the left auricle and the left ventricle. It con- tinues between the auricle and ventricle, until it is immediately over the septum, which divides the two ventricles. Here its direction changes, and it proceeds to the apex of the heart, where its small ramifications anastomose with others soon to be described. In its course round the basis of the left ven- tricle, it sends off several branches, one of which is of consider- able size, that proceed from the basis towards the apex of the heart, ramifying on the surface of the left ventricle. A second vein, much less than the first, appears to proceed from the great vessel at its commencement,* and continues on the lower flat surface of the heart, between the two ventricles, to the apex, accompanied by a branch of the right coronary artery. This has been called the Middle Vein of the heart. In addition to these there are several veins which begin at the right auricle, and extend on the surface of the right ven- tricle towards the apex of the heart. These have been called, the Anterior Veins. * It often opens into the auricle by a separate orifice. 312 SUPERIOR VENA CAVA AND ITS GREAT BRANCHES. Of the Superior or descending Vena Cava, and the veins which communicate with it. This great vessel proceeds upwards from the superior and posterior part of the right sinus or pouch of the heart ;* and a portion of it is so involved by the pericardium, that it seems to be included in that sac, as the heart is, in this situation. It is somewhat anterior as well as to the right of the aorta. It continues above the pericardium, adhering to the right lamen of the mediastinum, and rather inclining forward. When it is as high as the lower margin of the u[)per rib, it sends off a very large branch, which conveys the venous blood of the left arm and the left side of the head and neck. This large vein, which is very important, both on account of its size and situa- tion, proceeds in a transverse direction within the sternum, almost in contact with, and but little below, the upper and internal margin of that bone. Immediately behind, or within the origin of the left sterno-mastoid muscle, it divides into the left subclavian, which preserves a transverse course, and the left internal jugular, which proceeds to the cavity of the cran- ium by the foramen lacerum. After sending off this transverse branch of the left, the great vein continues upwards and behind the right sterno- mastoid muscles, and there sends off, nearly at right angles, the right subclavian vein. After it has parted with this vein, it takes the name of Internal Jugular, and continues to the right foramen lacerum, in the basis of the cranium. The superior vena cava is, therefore, principally formed by the union of the subclavians and internal jugulars from each side of the body. Immediately after the superior cava rises above the pericar- dium, before it divides as above stated, it sends off, from its posterior part, a large vein which is single, and, therefore, called Vena Azygos. This vessel projects backwards above the right pulmonary artery and right branch of the trachea, and then curves down- * See description of the heart, vol. i. page 504. k. VENA AZYGOS. 313 wards behind them. It proceeds down the spine to the right of the aorta and at a small distance from it, into the abdomen, between the crura of the diaphragm, and sometimes between some of the portions of that nmscle, which are attached to the dorsal vertebrae. In the abdomen it often anastomoses either with the lumbar veins or the vena cav^a. The azygos frequently sends off several small veins from its curvature to the contiguous parts, and also the right Bronchial Vein, which passes along the ramifications of the trachea into the substance of the lungs.* In its course downwards it gives off branches to the CESophagus, some of which are of conside- rable size. The Inferior Intercostal Veins originate directly or indirectly from the azygos. In some cases there is no superior intercostal on the right side ; and then the two or three uppermost of the right intercostals are also derived from the azygos; and often originate from it by a common trunk, which soon divides. Most commonly the ten inferior intercostals on the right side proceed directly from the azygos, and accompany the inter- costal arteries. Their posterior branches pass into the ver- tebral cavity, and communicate with the veins which are there. About the sixth or seventh rib, the vena azygos frequently sends off a branch to the left, which descends on the left side of the vertebrae, and sends off those left intercostal veins which are below its origin. It passes through the diaphragm with the aorta, or to the left of it, and anastomoses either with the azygos itself, or in a way which is analogous to the anastomosis of that vessel. The Vena Azygos may be regarded as the great trunk of the veins of the parietes of the thorax, which are thus collected, because they could not with convenience pass singly to the vena cava, as the arteries do to the aorta. Soon after sending off the vena azygos, the Superior Cava sends off the great transverse branch above mentioned. From this it continues upwards but a short distance, when it divides, * This bronchial vein sometimes arises from the superior cava. VOL. II. 27 314 SUPERIOR INTERCOSTAL VEINS. behind the right sterno-mastoid muscle, into the right subclavian and right internal jugular. The branches of the superior cava, which thus intervene between the great trunk and the subdivisions behind the sterno-mastoid muscles, are often called the Subclavian Veins ; but they do not appear to be accurately named.f For, 1st, they are not situated under the clavicle, and, 2dly, they are the common trunks of the subclavians and internal jugulars united. There is a difference in the places where some of the smaller veins origi- nate on each side. The internal mammary and the inferior thyroid, on the right side, arise from the supe- rior cava, or from the subclavian at its origin. On the left side, they arise from the subclavian. The Superior Intercostal Veins Are somewhat different on the two sides. That on the right is often the smallest and the least ex- * The veins of the trunk and neck. 1. The superior vena cava. 2. The left vena innominata. 3. The right vena ionominata. 4. The right subclavian vein. 5. The internal jugular vein. 6. The external jugular. 7. The ante- rior jugular. 8. The inferior vena cava. 9. The external iliac vein. 10. The internal iliac vein. 11. The common iliac veins ; the small vein between these is the vena sacra media. 12, 12. Lumbar veins. 13. The right spermatic vein. 14. The left spermatic, opening into the left renal vein. 15. The right renal vein. 16. The trunk of the hepatic veins. 17. The greater vena azygos, commencing inferiorly in the lumbar veins. 18. The lesser vena azygos, also commencing in the lumbar veins. 19. A branch of communication with the left renal vein. 20. The termination of the lesser in the greater vena azygos. 21. The superior intercostal vein ; communicating inferiorly with the lesser vena azygos, and terminating superiorly in the left vena innominata. f They are now called vencB innominata. — p. THE VERTEBRAL VEINS. 315 tensive. It commonly originates from the posterior and infe- rior part of the subclavian opposite to the origin of the verte- bral, and is generally distributed to the first and second inter- costal spaces, but rarely to the third. The Left Intercostal frequently originates near the left internal mammary, and sometimes in common with it. It descends behind the aorta on the left of the spine, and com- monly sends off the six upper intercostal veins, of which the two or three superior pass upwards from a part of the vein which is opposite to the third dorsal vertebra. Its extent is very difierent in different subjects. In some instances it passes so low as to supply the seventh or eighth intercostal space. This vein also gives off the Left Bronchial Vein, which sends branches to the oesophagus and bronchial glands. The Vertebral Veins Arise from the subclavians, but sometimes they proceed differently in different subjects : the right passing behind, and the left before the subclavian artery of its respective side. Each of them, however, becomes contiguous to its correspond- ing artery. When it has arrived at the place in the transverse processes, where the artery enters the vertebral canal, it sends off an external branch, which passes up before, and nearly in contact with those processes, and gives ramifications to the contiguous muscles, and also to the cavity of the spine. These last mentioned ramifications enter by the lateral apertures between the transverse processes, and anastomose with the veins and sinuses of the cavity. The branch often finally ter- minates in the lateral sinus of the dura mater, by passing through the foramen near the mastoid process of the temporal bone. The Main TrunJc of the vertebral vein generally sends off another external branch to the muscles near the basis of the neck, and afterwards enters the canal with the vertebral artery. While in this canal, it generally sends off two branches through each of the lateral apertures between the vertebrae. One of these branches passes backwards to the muscles of the neck, and the other proceeds into the great spinal cavity, and communicates with the venous sinuses. 316 THE INTERNAL JUGULAR. When it has arrived at the atlas, the Vertebral vein sends branches to the contiguous muscles of the neck. It also fre- quently sends a branch through the posterior condyloid fora- men of the occipital bone to the lateral sinus. It is evident, from these circumstances, that the vertebral vein carries a portion of blood from the sinuses of the brain and of the spinal marrow, as well as from the muscles of the neck, into the subclavian veins. The veins of the head are frequently very different in differ- ent subjects. The Internal Jugular, Already mentioned, is almost exclusively appropriated to the cavity of the cranium ; and all the exterior veins of the head are ramifications of one or more smaller vessels, which pass up superficially on the neck, and are denominated Exter- nal Jugulars. In some instances almost all the exterior veins of the head are united to the internal jugular at the upper part of the neck, and it of course conveys the blood of the exterior as well as of the interior parts of the head. Frequently these veins are divided between the internal and external jugulars, but they are divided very differently in different subjects. The Internal Jugular, however, almost always passes in the same direction from the inside of the origin of the sterno-mas- toid muscle to the posterior foramen lacerum of the cranium. It is deeply seated on the external side of the common carotid artery, and under the sterno-mastoid muscle. Between the upper margin of the thyroid cartilage and the angle of the lower jaw, it often sends off branches which are very different in different subjects, but commonly pass to the anterior parts of the neck and face: above these it generally sends another to communicate with the external jugular. One of the branches which often go off from the internal jugular is that which cor- responds with the superior thyroid or laryngeal artery. This vein, which has sometimes been called the Guttural, sends many ramifications to the thyroid gland. The Ranular veins, which are so conspicuous under the tongue, are also deriyed THE EXTERNAL JUGULAR. 317 from it ; and it likewise sends branches to the larynx and pharynx. Before the internal jugular enters the foramen lacerum, it suffers a partial dilatation, which is generally larger on one side than the other.* This dilatation occupies the fossa at the foramen lacerum. After passing through the aforesaid fora- men, the internal jugular terminates in the lateral sinuses of the dura mater.f These and the other sinuses within the cavity of the cranium are important portions of the venous system, which are interposed between the smaller branches, spread upon the pia mater and the great trunks of the neck. They will be described in the account of the brain. Into these sinuses the very numerous veins of the pia mater, open, pro- ceeding to the sinuses in a direction the reverse of that in which the blood flows in those channels. These veins are divided very minutely on the pia mater before they enter the substance of the brain. Into one of these sinuses, denominated the Cavernous, the ophthalmic vein discharges its contents. This vein proceeds from the anterior part of the sinus into the orbit of the eye through the sphenoid fissure.J Its ramifications correspond generally with those of the ophthalmic artery,<§. and some of them pass out of the orbit to anastomose with the branches of the facial vein. The superficial veins of the neck are variously arranged in different persons. There is often one considerable vein, * When the veins of the neck are injected, it very often appears that a con- siderable portion of the internal jugular is much larger on one side than the other, as if it were affected with varicose distention. It also often appears that the general arrangement of the exterior vein is different on the two sides of the head and neck. f It is asserted that the internal coat, or lining membrane of the internal jugulars, is continued into the lateral sinuses, and extends throughout all the sinuses of the dura mater ; so that the blood, during its passage through the sinuses, does not come in contact with any membrane different from that of the veins. I See the account of this fissure in vol. i. p. 132. <5> The Vasa Vorticosa of the choroides are one of the exceptions to this. 27* 318 GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE SUBCLAVIAN. The External Jugular, Which is sent off by the subclavian, very near its union with the internal jugular ; but sometimes it goes off from that vein much nearer the shoulder. There are sometimes two external jugulars, an anterior and posterior, nearly of equal size. More frequently one of them is much smaller than the other. In a majority of cases, the principal external jugular goes off near the junction of the internal jugular and subclavian, as above stated, and proceeds upwards towards the angle of the lower jaw, passing between the platysma myoides and the sterno- mastoid muscle. It often sends off, at the basis of the neck, one or more branches to the contiguous muscles, and then proceeds upwards. Near the angle of the jaw, it often com- municates with the internal jugular : it then continues upwards, covered with the parotid gland, near the temporal artery, and finally divides into superficial and deep-seated temporal branches. The External Jugular, near the angle of the jaw, often sends off the facial vein, which crosses the basis of the lower jaw, near the facial artery, and distributes branches to the side of the face and to the forehead. It also very often sends off, near this place, the internal maxillary vein, which generally ramifies in such a manner that its branches correspond with those of the internal maxillary artery. Veins which corres- pond to some of the other branches of the external carotid artery, the lingual, occipital, &.c., are often sent off near this place by the external jugular. They take the names of the arteries to which they correspond, and commonly accompany them. The Subclavian Vein, Although it originates differently on the two sides of the neck, is situated alike on each of them. After parting with the internal jugular, it proceeds over the first rib, under the clavicle, and does not pass between the scaleni muscles, as is the case with the arteries, but before the anterior scalenus muscle. It soon joins the great artery of the arm, and pro- GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE GREAT VEIN OF THE ARM. 319 ceeds before or below it to the axilla. In this situation, it mves off branches to the contiguous parts, ^'^S' 1^9.* which correspond with those given off ^j by the artery. In this course it also n „i 7 often gives off a large branch, called the CepAaZic, Which soon becomes superficial, and proceeds downwards between the mar- gins of the deltoid and pectoral muscles : it continues superficial on the external side of the biceps muscle, sending off many cutaneous branches. Near the external condyle of the os humeri, it generally sends off a branch towards the middle of the anterior part of the fore- arm, which is called the Median Ce- phalic, and also some other superficial branches. It then continues over the radius, and inclining to the back of the fore-arm, until it arrives at the back of the hand, where it divides into branches, some of which go to the thumb. In the axilla, the great vein, there called The Axillary Vein, Generally divides into two or three branches. One, which is commonly the largest, and appears like the continuation of the main trunk, is called * The veins of the fore-arm and bend of the elbow. 1. The radial vein. 2. The cephalic vein. 3. The anterior ulnar vein. 4. The posterior ulnar vein. 5. The trunk formed by their union. 6. The basilic vein, piercing the deep fascia at 7. 9. A communicating branch between the deep veins of the fore- arm and the upper part of the median vein. 10. The median cephalic vein. 11. The median basilic. 12. A slight convexity of the deep fascia, formed by the brachial artery. 13. The process of fascia, derived from the tendon of the biceps, and separating the median basilic vein from the brachial artery. 14. The external cutaneous nerve, piercing the deep fascia, and dividing into two branches, which pass behind the median cephalic vein. 15. The internal cuta- neous nerve, dividing into branches, which pass in front of the median basilic vein. 16. The intercosto-humeral cutaneous nerve. 17. The spiral cutaneous nerve, a branch of the musculo-spiral. 320 GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE GREAT VEIN OF THE ARM. The Basilic Vein. This vessel passes down, deeply seated, to the bend of the elbow. It becomes superficial near the internal condyle, and divides into several branches. One of these, called median basilic, generally proceeds to join the median branch of the cephalic, and from the union of these two branches is formed the median vein, which passes down near the middle of the anterior part of the fore-arm. This vein generally sends off a branch which proceeds internally, see fig. 179, and anasto- moses with the deep-seated radial veins of the fore-arm. — This venous branch, which establishes a direct communica- tion between the superficial and deep-seated veins at the bend of the arm, is called the vena communicans, and is deserving of particular attention on the part of the student. It is the channel through which the blood is chiefly made to flow by the action of the flexor muscles of the fingers, commonly put in motion during venesection, from the deep-seated to the superficial veins, so as to facilitate the withdrawal of blood in that operation. It is provided with valves, which open in a direction so as to prevent a return of blood toward the deep- seated veins ; a direction which is different from that of any other branch that I have yet noticed, connected with the deep- seated system of the veins of the arm. In my own dissections I have more frequently seen this vein open into the median basilic, than into the median vein, as represented in fig. 179, p. 319. The former therefore I look upon as the normal arrange- ment. Occasionally it has opened into the median cephalic. It passes from within outwards, through the fascia, at the outer side of the tendon of the biceps, and between the pronator radii teres, and supinator radii longus muscles. — In some instances that rarer form of aneurysm at the bend of the arm called aneurysmal varix, is produced not by a direct communication made by an unhealed puncture from a lancet through both coats of the median basilic vein and the anterior wall of the artery by which the blood seems to get into the superficial venous branch — but by one of the deep-seated GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE GREAT VEIN OF THE ARM. 321 brachial veins which has been opened by the same puncture, SO as to receive the blood of the artery and transmit it exter- nally through the ve7ia communicans into the superficial veins at the bend of the arm, which form then an elongated pulsa- tory tumor. Both punctures made with the lancet through the median basilic vein, healing up in this case without forming a communication with the artery. A patient presenting this form of disease is now under my care. By pressing with the finger between the place of puncture of the lancet, and the outer end of the vena communicans which is usually below the former, the pulsation of the veins above is arrested. This con- stitutes one means of diagnosis of a peculiar form of aneurysm, which sometimes gives rise to serious results, when meddled with by the usual form of operation. — There are frequently two other branches of the basilic vein. One, which is small, passes down on the ulnar side of the anterior part of the fore-arm, but does not extend to the wrist. The other passes down on the ulna, and gradually proceeds to the back of the hand, when it divides into several branches, one of which is generally appropriated to the little finger. The Axillary vein, after the Basilic leaves it, sometimes divides into two branches, and sometimes continues undivided. In either case it accompanies the humeral artery, and takes the name of Humeral Vein or Veins. It sends off branches which correspond to those of the artery, and continues to the bend of the elbow ; here it is so divided, that two of its ramifications accompany each of the three arteries of the fore-arm. These ramifications sometimes communicate with each other by anastomosing branches near the elbow, and they communicate also with the superficial veins. The superficial veins of the arm are so different in different subjects, that a general description will rarely apply accurately to an individual case. It may, however, be observed that a Cephalic vein will generally be found, which very frequently arises from the subclavian instead of the axillary, and commonly continues to the hand on the radial side of the arm. The super- ficial veins, on the ulnar side of the fore-arm very frequently are branches of a large vein which accompanies the humeral artery to the elbow, namely, the basilic ; but the median vein, formed by branches of the cephalic and basilic veins, is very often not to be found. 322 SITUATION OF THE INFERIOR VENA CAVA. Of the Inferior Vena Cava and the Veins which are con- nected with it. This great vessel exceeds the Superior Cava in diameter. It proceeds from the lower part of the right auricle, and very soon perforates the diaphragm, at a small distance in front of the spine, and rather to the right of the centre. As the peri- cardium adheres to the diaphragm at this place, the vessel appears to leave it abruptly. Immediately after leaving the diaphragm, it proceeds along a groove in the posterior edge of the liver, formed by the great lobe and the lobulus Spigelii.* After leaving the liver it continues downwards, inclining back- wards and to the left, and is soon in contact with the aorta, which is on the left of it. It accompanies the aorta to its great bifurcation, and divides in the same manner. It sends off, during this course, branches to the diaphragm, liver, right renal glands, the kidneys, and the testicles ; and also the lum- bar and middle sacral veins. The Inferior Phrenic Veins Are thus denominated to distinguish them from other veins, which are derived from the internal mammary, &;c. They generally accompany the phrenic arteries, and are distributed in the same manner. The Hepatic Veins Pass off from the vena cava, nearly at right angles, into the substance of the liver, while this vein is in the groove of that viscus, and before it has proceeded more than eight or ten lines from the heart. They arise from the anterior part of the vena cava, and are generally three in number. Sometimes there are two only, but then one of them divides immediately after it enters the substance of the gland. The distribution of these vessels in the liver has been detailed in the account of that organ, and therefore need not * Sometimes it is completely surrounded by the liver. Ik. VENA PORTARUM. 323 be stated here ; but the veins which unite to form the vena por- tarum, and the trunk of that great vein also, before it is con- nected with the liver, may be regarded as a portion of the regu- lar venous system, and ought now to be considered. Fig. 180.* The Vena Poriarum Passes downwards from the great sinus of the liver behind the pancreas, and inclining to the left. In this course it sends * The portal vein. 1. The inferior mesenteric vein ; it is traced by means of dotted lines behind the pancreas (2) to terminate in the splenic vein (3). 4. The spleen. 5. Gastric veins, opening into the splenic vein. 6. The supe- rior mesenteric vein, 7. The descending portion of the duodenum. 8. Its transverse portion, which is crossed by the superior mesenieric vein and by a part of the trunk of the superior mesenteric artery. 9. The portal vein. 10. The hepatic artery. 11. The ductus communis choledochus. 12. The division of the duct and vessels at the transverse fissure of the liver. 13. The cystic duct leading to the gall-bladder, 324 THE SPLENIC VEIN. branches to the gall-bladder, the stomach and pylorus, and the duodenum. At the upper and posterior edge of the pancreas, it sends off a very large branch to the spleen, which passes, with slight meanders, along a groove in the pancreas. The Splenic Vein Often sends off the Inferior Mesenteric vein, which proceeds downwards between the aorta and the left portion of the colon. It also sends off some of the coronary veins and the left gastro- epiploic vein to the stomach ; many small branches to the pan- creas ; and, finally, either from the main trunk or its branches, before they enter the spleen, the venae breves, which pass to the great extremity of the stomach. Before it enters the spleen, it forms several ramifications, which accompany the branches of the splenic artery. After sending off the splenic, the Ve7ia Portarum takes the name of The Superior Mesenteric Vein, Which is larger than the splenic and passes from behind the pancreas, before the transverse portion of the duodenum, into the mesentery ; where it accompanies the superior mesenteric artery. It is evident that the above described portion of the vena portarum simply performs the functions of a great vein ; but when it takes on the arrangements for entering the liver, it no longer acts like a vein, but an artery. The lower portion of the trunk of this vein and its ramifica- tions is denominated Vena Porta. Ventralis. The part which ramifies in the liver. Vena Porta Hepatica. The Capsular Veins Are small vessels, one on each side. That on the right passes from the vena cava to the right glandula renalis. That on the left arises from the left emulgent vein. EMULGENT VEINS. SPERMATIC VEINS. 325 The Emulgent, or Renal Veins, Are very large vessels, and, like the arteries, go off nearly at right-angles, one to each kidney. The right emulgent vein is not so long as the left, and it is rather anterior to its corresponding artery. The left emulgent, in its course to the kidney, crosses the aorta, and is anterior to it. These veins pass to the sinus of each kidney, and ramify before they enter it. The ramifications follow those of the arteries. The Spermatic Veins Arise one on each side ; the right from the vena cava, and the left from the emulgent vein. They proceed downwards behind the peritoneum, and on the psoas muscle generally divide into many branches, which communicate with each other as they progress downwards, and form a plexus denominated Corpus Pampiniforme. These branches proceed in the spermatic cord to the back of the testis. The principal part enters the body of that gland ; but some of the branches go to the epididymis. In females the spermatic vein, like the artery, passes to the ovary, the uterus and its appendages. The Lumbar Veins Correspond to the arteries of the same name. They arise from the posterior and lateral parts of the inferior cava, and those on the left side pass under the aorta. The Middle Sacral Vein Resembles the artery of the same name in its origin and distribution. The Inferior Vena Cava accompanies the aorta to the space between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae, and there it also divides into the two VOL. II. 28 326 INTERNAL ILIAC. VESICAL VEINS. Primitive Iliac Veins. The left vein crosses behind the artery of the right side, and rather behind the left primitive iliac artery, which it accompa- nies until they are opposite to the junction of the sacrum and ilium, when it divides again, like the artery, into the internal and external iliac veins. The Internal Iliac, or Hypogastric Vein Descends into the pelvis behind the artery, which it accom- panies. Its ramifications correspond in general with those of the artery, and, therefore, need not be particularly described. The Vena Vesicates Have such peculiarities that their ramifications require particular attention. They arise from the hypogastric, very near the origin of the obturator, and are large, as well as numerous. They are somewhat different in the two sexes. In men they form a remarkable plexus on the lateral and inferior portions of the bladder, and on the vesiculae seminales. This plexus extends more or less to the prostate ; from it a number of veins proceed to the symphysis of the os pubis, which com- municate in their course with the pudic vein. From thence arises the great vein of the penis, which proceeds in the groove between the corpora cavernosa, and terminates in the glans penis. This vein often divides, near the root of the penis, into two : one of which is in the groove, and the other more superficial.* i In females, the venffi vesicales form a considerable plexus on each side of the bladder and vagina. Many veins pass from these to the upper portions of the bladder and the contiguous parts, and form plexuses. The clitoris has a dorsal vein like the penis, and it originates in a manner analogous to the dorsal vein of the male. * The pudic veins accompany the arteries of that name. They communi- cate with the plexus, as above mentioned, and continue into the penis. BRANCHES OF THE EXTERNAL ILIAC VEIN. 327 The External Iliac Vein. The great trunk of the veins of the lower extremity proceeds on the inside of the artery, under the crural arch or Poupart's ligament. Before it passes from under the arch, it sends off two branches, which answer to the circumflex artery of the ilium and to the epigastric artery. The Circumjlex Vein. Arises from the external side of the iliac vein, and passes towards the anterior end of the spine of the ilium. It divides into branches, which accompany those of the artery of the same name. The Epigastric Vein Arises from the external iliac, and accompanies the epigas- tric artery. After passing a small distance inward and down^ ward, it turns up on the inside of the abdominal muscles. In the first part of its course it sends off some small branches to the spermatic cord. After passing beyond Poupart's ligament, the name of the great vessel is changed from external iliac to Femoral Vein. It proceeds downwards at first on the inside of the femoral artery, but gradually changes its relative situation, so that, in the thigh and in the ham, it is behind or on the outside of that vessel. At a short distance below Poupart's ligament, after giving off some small branches to the external organs of generation, and to the glands of the groin, it sends off, on the internal side of the thigh, a very large vein, which is called the Saphena Major. This vein immediately becomes superficial, and passes down on the internal side of the thigh, somewhat anteriorly ; giving off some small branches to the contiguous parts soon after it originates ; and many superficial veins afterwards. It con- 328 INSTANCES OF PECULIAR ARRANGEMENT OF THE VEINS. tinues along the inside of the knee and leg to the internal ankle, the anterior part of which it passes over. It then proceeds along the internal part of the upper surface of the foot to the middle, when it curves towards the external edge, and joins the lesser saphena. On the leg and foot, it also sends off many- branches, which anastomose with each other, and with those of the aforesaid vein. The femoral vein, after parting with the saphena, soon sends off the vena profunda, and the circumflexae also, when they do not arise from the profunda. These veins are gen- erally larger than the arteries to which they correspond, and their branches are more numerous ; but they observe the same course. The great vein accompanies the artery down the thigh, and through the perforation in the adductor magnus; but it changes its relative position, so that it is placed behind or on the exte- rior side of the artery, at the lower part of the thigh. It is very often behind it in the ham, where, like the artery, it takes the uRme of popliteal. In the ham it sends off another superficial vein, which seems very analogous to the basilar vein of the arm. This is called The Lesser or External Saphena. It proceeds from the ham over the external head of the gastrocnemius, and down the outside of the leg, sending off many branches in its course. It passes behind the external ankle, and near the exterior edge of the upper surface of the foot, about the middle of which it inclines towards the great saphena, and forms with it the anastomosis already mentioned. ' The popliteal vein, after passing across the articulation, ramifies like the artery, but sends two veins, which accompany each of the three arteries of the leg. In a few instances, some of the larger veins have been found to be arranged in a manner very different from that which is commonly observed. PULMONARY VESSELS. 329 One case of this kind has ah-eady been mentioned in the account of the liver,* where the Vena Portarum terminated in the Vena Cava, below the liver, without entering into it. Another very remarkable instance of peculiar arrangement is to be seen in a preparation now in the University of Pennsyl- vania, in which the Inferior Cava, instead of opening into the lower part of the right auricle, passes behind it, in the tract of the Vena Azygos, and opens into the Superior Cava, in the place where the Vena Azygos usually communicates with that vessel, receiving the Intercostal Veins in its course. In this preparation, the Hepatic Veins communicate directly with the right auricle, at its lower part ; the middle and left hepatic veins forming one trunk before they enter, and the right vein passing in singly.f Of the Pulmonary Arteries and Veins, see Plate I. page 241. Those portions of the Pulmonary artery and veins which are distinct from the lungs may be described very briefly. It has been already observed, that the pulmonary artery arises from the left and most anterior part of the basis of the right ventricle, and proceeds thence obliquely backwards, inclining gradually to the left side for about eighteen or twenty lines, when it divides into twe branches, which pass to the two lungs. This course places it under the curve of the aorta : for that great vessel passes over the right branch of the pulmonary artery, and the right side of the main trunk of it, in such a * See note to p. 97, of this volume. t The foregoing preparation was made by the present editor in 1814, since which two other anomalous cases have occurred to him. 1819. Case 1st. The ascending cava passed into the thorax on the left side of the spine, and getting as far as its upper part, was joined there by the trunk of the internal jugular and subclavian of the left side. It there passed across the vessels of the arch of the aorta and joined with the descending cava. The vessels of the liver entered the heart at the usual place, in the lower part of the right auricle. 1820. Case 2d. The trunk formed by the junction of the internal jugular and subclavian of the left side, instead of taking its usual course, passed down ver- tically, before the left branch of the pulmonary artery and before the left auri- cle, then making a slight curve between this auricle and the diaphragm joiued ■with the ascending cava. — h. 28* 330 PULMONARY VESSELS. manner that it proceeds downwards between the two branches and behind the angle formed by their bifurcation. From this place of bifurcation a short hgament proceeds to the lowejr part of the curve of the aorta, which is almost in contact with it. Fis. 181.* This ligament was originally the canal that formed the com- munication between the pulmonary artery and the aorta of the foetus. Each of the great branches of the pulmonary artery takes a direction backwards, and to its respective side. It soon joins the corresponding branch of the trachea and the two pul- monary veins, being anterior to the branch of the trachea, and * Fig. 181. — a, Left ventricle, b, Right ventricle, c, Right auricle. The left auricle is seen above the left ventricle of the same side, d, Vena cava in- ferior, e, Subclavian and jugular veins ; those of the left side unite to form the vena transversa ; those of the right, to form the vena innominata ; the junction of these larger trunks, constitute the vena cava superior or descen- dens. /, Left carotid, g, Left subclavian artery, arising from the arch of the aorta, h, Descending aorta, i. k, Right subclavian, and right carotid, given off from the arleria innominata, which is seen arising from the arch of the aorta. I, Pulmonary artery, dividing into two branches, one for each lung — the left passing in front of the descending aorta, the right behind the aorta, where it begins to form the curve, m, Vena cava superior, n, Aorta, o, Left pulmonary veins, entering auricle of same side. The right pulmonary veins, are seen on the opposite side, p, p, Lungs, t, Trachea. — PULMONARY VESSELS. 331 above the pulmonary veins. It is also invested, in common with them, by that portion of the pleura which forms the mediastinum, and thus enters into the composition of the root of the lungs. The Pulmonary Veins are four in number — two on each side. In conformity to the mode of description which we have adopted, it may be said that they arise from the sides of the Left Auricle, and proceed nearly in a transverse direction, two of them to each lung ; where they accompany the branches of the artery and of the trachea, being invested by the mediasti- num, in common with these branches. It has been observed that they differ from veins in general, by preserving a diameter nearly similar to that of the arteries which they accompany. PART IX. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE ABSORBENT SYSTEM. The absorbent vessels are small transparent tubes, of a deli- cate structure, which exist in considerable numbers, in almost every part of the body. These tubes originate upon the surfaces of all the cavities of the body ; and of the cellular membrane, in all the various parts into which it penetrates ; upon the internal surface of the stomach and the intestines; and probably upon the skin.* — The Absorbent System is frequently described under the name of the lymphatic ; but this latter term is not so appro- priate as the former, as a generic name, since it applies only to that large portion of the system whose office it is to take up the serous fluids and such effete substances as are found in the midst of the organs exterior to the cavities of the sanguineous capilla- ries ; whilst another portion called the lacteals, originate from the villous surface of the intestinal canal, for the purpose of taking up and transporting the product of digestion under the form of chyle. Both the lacteals and proper lymphatics, how- ever, may be appropriately described under the name of absorb- ents, as they are precisely similar in respect to structure, unite together so as to form common trunks, and discharge their con- tents by a common orifice into the venous system. — The existence of the absorbent system was unknown to the ancients : for although Herophilus and Erasistratus discovered parts of it in their dissections of large animals at Alexandria in Egypt, they were perfectly unconscious of the peculiar func- tions it performed in the economy ; and so little worthy of * See vol. i. p. 423. DISCOVERY OF ABSORBENTS. 333 attention was their discovery deemed, that Galen and his followers, down to the middle of the sixteenth century, believed that the whole function of absorption, even that of the nutritive materials, was performed by the veins. In 1656, Eustachius observed the thoracic duct in the horse, which he believed to be a vein, and named vejia alba thoracis. The chyliferous vessels were first discovered in 1622, by Gaspard Aselli, Professor of Anatomy at Pavia, while making the dis- section of a living dog in the presence of some friends, and were seen for the first time in man by Gassendi, in 1628. In 1649, Jean Pecquet observed anew the thoracic duct, while dissecting a living dog, showed it to be the common termination of the chyliferous vessels, and was the first to suggest that these formed a distinct vascular system. — Up to this time, the lacteals and thoracic duct, only had been the subject of observation, and the existence of the general lymphatic system had not even been suspected. The honor of having discovered the general lymphatics, has been warmly contested by three men, Olaus Rudbeck, a young Swedish anatomist, Thomas Bartholine, a Dane, and George JolyfF, an Englishman. It is now generally admitted to belong to Rud- beck, who observed the lymphatics in 1651, and in the following year, demonstrated them publicly before the young Queen, Christina, of Sweden. Since that time this interesting depart- ment of anatomy has had many zealous and successful cultiva- tors, among whom may particularly be mentioned, Ruysch, Meckel, Lieberkuhn, the Hunters, Hewson, Monro, Cruikshank, Sheldon, Soemmering, Schreger, Werner, Haase, and Mascagni ; and more recently, especially in the field of comparative ana- tomy, Fohman, Lauth, Lippi, Rossi, Panissa, Arnold, Miiller and Breschet. Comparison hettveen the Absorbent Vessels and the Veins. — The absorbent vessels like the veins, constitute an immense system, which originate as minute tubes in all portions of the body, run from the circumference to the centre, and converge into two or more canals of considerable size, which open into 334 COMPARISON BETWEEN THE ABSORBENTS AND VEINS. large venous trunks. Like the veins, also, the absorbents are divided, into two portions or couches ; a superficial set of ves- sels which are extensively spread immediately under the skin, and accompany in general the superficial veins of the limbs; and into a deep-seated or profound, which accompany the deep- seated arteries and veins. Like the veins, tgo, the absorbent vessels are provided abundantly with valves. — Here the analogy ceases between the two systems of vessels. The absorbents differ from the veins, in having their course interrupted from time to time, by the lymphatic glands; by the mode in which they run, not uniting successively into branches and into trunks like the veins, but each running as it were an independent course from their origin to near their termination, and not enlarging much in diameter, though they anastomose frequently with each other. The fluid which circulates in the veins, is yet, though in a diminished degree, under the influence of the heart (vis a tergo) ; the fluid of the absorbent vessels, appears to be exclusively under the influence of the walls of the vessels themselves. The origin of the veins have been clearly shown by the microscope, to be from the arteries through the intervention of the capillary vessels ; whilst the origin of the absorbents though yet involved in much obscurity, on account of their tenuity and the transparency of the fluids which they carry, is believed to be wholly different. — The absorbents which originate in the Lower Extremities and the Cavity of the Abdomen, unite and form a large trunk called the Thoracic Duct, which proceeds through the thorax, and terminates in the left Subclavian Vein, at its junction with the Internal Jugular. Those of the Left Upper Extre- mity, the Left Side of the Head, and the contiguous parts, form a trunk which terminates in the same place. While the remaining absorbents, or those of the Right Upper Extremity and the Right Side of the Head, ^c, also form a trunk which terminates in the corresponding part of the Right Subclavian Vein. The absorbent vessels of middle size, which arise from the union of the small vessels, and unite to form the larger, in STRUCTURE OF THE ABSORBENT VESSELS. 335 their progress to these large vessels, pass through certain bodies which have been denominated Conglobate Glands, and may be considered as appendages of the absorbent system. The absorbent vessels are composed of two coats, which are thin, but dense and firm, and also elastic* The coats of the thoracic duct may be separated from each other. The internal surface of the exterior coat is fibrous. The internal coat is a delicate but strong membrane. There is great reason to believe that the above mentioned fibres are muscular, or at least contractile ; for the absorbent vessels have been observed, by Haller, to contract upon the application of strong sulphuric acid. They have also been observed to propel their contents with considerable rapidity, by their own contraction, inde- pendent of pressure, or of motion communicated by any other body. Blood-vessels are sometimes observable in the coats of the larger absorbents, in injected subjects. The vascularity of these tubes may also be inferred from the inflammation which frequently takes place in them. Nerves have not been traced into their texture ; but the absorbents seem to be painful when they are inflamed, and, therefore, it is probable that they are supplied with nerves. The absorbent vessels are very generally supplied with valves, which are much more numerous in some of them than in others ; and are different in their number, in the same vessels, in different subjects. Very frequently there are several valves in the course of an inch : sometimes a valve will not appear in the course of several inches. In the Thoracic Duct the number of valves is very different in different subjects. These valves are folds or plaits of the internal membrane, and are of a semicircular form. There are commonly two of them together originating from opposite sides of the vessel. The absorbents are generally somewhat dilated on the side * Microscopical observers find in addition to these a third coat, placed on the inner face of the second which they call the epithelial lining. — p. 336 COMMENCEMENT OF THE ABSORBENTS. of the valve which is next to their termination, and this occa- sions their knotted appearance when they are injected. The object of this valvular structure seems to be the prevention of retrograde motion of the contained fluid, in consequence of lateral pressure. Where the different trunks of the absorbents open into the veins, there are one or two valves to prevent the regurgitation of the blood into them. The valves of course prevent the injection of the branches of these vessels from their trunks. In some animals the valves have sometimes been ruptured, or forced back ; and the absorb- ents have been injected in a retrograde direction. There are but two or three instances upon record where this has been practicable In the Human Subject. In consequence of the impracticability of injecting the small branches from the larger, the absorbent vessels cannot, gene- rally, be demonstrated at their commencement, or origin. It is, however, to be observed, that the Lacteals, or Absorbents of the Intestines, appear no way different from other absor- bents ; and they have been seen distended with chyle, from their commencement, in certain subjects who had died sud- denly. Their origins have been described very differently by different observers. Mr. Cruikshank describes them as originating on the sur- faces of the villi, by a number of very small radiated branches with open orifices ; which branches soon unite to form a trunk. Lieberkuhn believed them to commence in the form of an ampuUula. (See page 42 of this volume.) The second Monro also believed that the absorbents began by very small tubes, with open orifices in several species of fish.* It is stated by Dr. Soemmering, upon the authority of Haase, a German anatomist, that when mercury is forced backwards in the absorbent vessels of the foot and the heart, it has sometimes escaped on the surfaces of those parts. The probable inference * See his work on the Structure and Physiology of Fishes, p. 34. lllll^ ORIGIN OF THE ABSORBENT VESSELS. 337 from these facts is, that those vessels originate by open orifices on the surfaces of the heart and foot. Origin of the Absorbent Vessels. — Mascagni, who devoted the greater part of his life to the study of the absorbent vessels, was able to demonstrate their existence in every part of the body, with the exception of the substance of the brain, • the spinal marrow, the eye, bones, placenta, and umbilical cord. Within a recent period Fohman* has succeeded in detecting them on the surface of the enceph- alon, in the meninges, in the plexus choroides, in the pla- centa, and in the umbilical cord ; Arnoldf has seen them upon many of the tissues of the globe of the eye ; and Cruikshank, Soemmering, and Bonamy,J have succeeded in tracing them into the interior of the bones. There can, therefore, at the present moment, be no doubt of their general distribution throughout the body. — On the surfaces of the different membranes of the body, these vessels have, however, been found to be most numerous ; and Mascagni was induced to believe that these membranes, and especially the serous and the cellular, the latter of which forms the web-work of the whole body, consisted of a net-work of absorbent vessels. But he does not explain himself clearly in regard to the point in question, viz. the mode in which these vessels have their origin. — The great difficulty in determining this question in man and the superior animals, is the obstacle which the valves present to the injection of mercury backwards and towards their roots ; for if this could be effected, as it has been in the excretory ducts of the glands, the anatomist, by the aid of the microscope, would probably soon be enabled to solve the difficulty, and especially, as there is reason to believe that the radical absorb- ents have a diameter superior to that of the sanguineous capil- * Memoires sur les Vaisseaux Lympbat. etc., etc. Liege, 1833 ; and, Sur les Vaisseaux Absorb, du Placenta et du Cord Umbilicale. — f Anatomische and Physiol. Untersuchungen uber das Auge des Menschen. Heidelburg, 1832.— :j: Cruvielhier Anat. Spec. T. iii. VOL. II. 29 338 GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE ABSORBENT SYSTEM. laries. In the absence, therefore, of all positive knowledge upon the subject, there has been much room for speculation ; — some believing them to originate from the arteries, — some by open mouths or gaping orifices, — and some by a net-work, in which the vessels, tracing them towards their origin, seem to anastomose again and again with one another. — The first opinion was derived from the fact first noticed by Cowper, Cheselden, and Ferrein, that in making delicate injections of various parts of the body, the injecting . matter, will pass occasionally from the arteries into the lymphatics; and Breschet* has observed the same result when an in- jection has been pushed at the same time in several of the smaller branches of the veins, in the direction of their roots. The researches of Panissa,f Miiller, and others, have shown that this takes place but sparingly in any part of the body, and in gen- eral, only when considerable force is used, and that in some por- tions it cannot be effected at all. So that this communication with the blood-vessels, cannot be looked upon as evincing the com- mon mode of origin of the absorbent vessels, which are so very numerous ; in many instances it is probably produced by a lace- ration of the tissues from the force of the injection, by which means some of the injected fluid insinuates itself into a ruptured absorbent vessel. It is even possible that a communication may be made by forcing a passage through the pores in the parietes of the vessels, as Fohman has suggested. — The origin by open mouths or gaping orifices, which was main- tained by Lieberkuhn, Cruikshank, Cruveilhier, Magendie, and others, but only with respect to the lacteals, does not appear to be better founded. The orifices they saw probably resulted from a laceration of the parts, since Rudolphi, Panissa, Breschet, Fohman, and Lauth, in experiments made expressly to deter- mine this point, have never observed them as a normal state, either in the injection of dead bodies, or in the microscopical observations of the transparent parts of living animals, or in observations like that of Cruikshank, made by Lauth and * Le Systeme Lymph, etc., par G. Breschet. Paris, 1836 — t Observationes Antrop. Zoolomico Fisiologiche. By Prof. Panissa, Pavia, 1833.— 1^ ORIGIN OF THE ABSORBENTS. 339 Krause, on the lacteals of a human subject, that were found distended with chyle. (See vol. ii. p. 69.) — The mode of origin by a mesh or net-work, is not only the one which is best supported by the concurrent testimony of recent observers, but appears also to have been that supported by Mascagni. This appears to be demonstrated by the three only modes in which the capillary absorbent vessels have been made obvious to the eye. That of Mascagni, in which a serous cavity was filled with a colored fluid, with which the absorb- ents of the lining serous membrane filled themselves, and thus became visible ; that of Lauth, which consisted in filling the minute absorbents with mercury, and gently pushing it with the handle of a scalpel towards their capillary extremities, in which, as in the veins, the valves cease to exist ; and that of Cruvielhier and others, which consists in puncturing superfi- cially the surface of the skin, or of the mucous and serous membranes, with the point of a mercurial injecting tube, when the mercury will be seen gradually to dilate the orifice into a little sac, and then to insinuate itself into the absorbent vessels. The absorbents injected by either of these modes appear to constitute a dense net-work or plexus of vessels, which com- municate on the opposite side of the membrane with larger absorbent trunks, in which valves begin to be visible. From the injected membrane, the cuticle of the skin or the epithe- lium of the mucous tissue may be removed by maceration, Fig. 182.* without liberating the mercury, which ^5!^gS''^jf^::^IWWI^^^B '^ '^"^ shown to be confined not " M^y "■« merely in the cells of the cellular |^,^ij>ij*^v ■ tissue, but in a system of tubes. ^^«?^f%;:/,>,,,-t,:f; — Fig. 182, is a specimen of the 'fi^wil^'^f"* lymphatics of the mucous membrane ''■"';.; of the stomach, prepared in this way :„^,,,^„„, „„,;,,;,,.,,,,,:„,,.:,.,,,:.,:,:„ by Brcschet ; and fig. 183, page 343, of the lymphatics of the mucous surface of the glans penis, and of the skin of the scrotum. The vessels thus injected present * Fig. 182, is a representation of the origin of the absorbents of the stomach, after Breschet. a, Superficial layer, b, Deep-seated layer. — 340 GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE ABSORBENT SYSTEM. very much the appearance of a mesh of arteries and veins, for which, no doubt, they have been sometimes mistaken. — But the lymphatic net-work is evidently seated above the blood-vessels, for if the latter be subsequently injected, they never rise up so as to cover the former; and where the blood- vessels have first been filled, the lymphatics may be subse- quently injected above them. In the mucous membranes provided with epithelium, the situation of the superficial absorbent net-work is precisely the same as in the skin ; but in mucous membranes unprovided with epithelium, or rather in which the epithelium exists in a state of undried mucus, the situation of the lymphatic net-work is more naked, a condition which is eminently favorable for the accomplishment of the function of absorption. — Each of the villi of the mucous membranes, are now believed to be nothing more than delicate elevations of the mucous membranes, comprising separate loops of the sanguineous and absorbent vessels, and probably nervous fibrils, covered by a mu- cous pellicle. The lymphatic vessels have the same mode of origin in the lining membrane of the cavities of the heart, as well as on the exterior of that organ as has been proved by Lauth, Bonamy, and Cruveilhier,* who succeeded in injecting them. — The origin of the lymphatic vessels, from tlie midst of the nervous, muscular, and glandular structures, is not, from the very nature of the parts, easily susceptible of demonstration. Nothing positive, therefore, is known in regard to it, and it is most probable that Mascagni was right in his suggestion, that the numerous vessels which issue from the parts, originate in the cellular tissue which forms the woof of the organs. — The origin of the lymphatics from the cellular tissue and serous membrane which is but a modification of the cellular, is certainly more general than that from any other tissue of the body, and there is much reason to believe, that it is the princi- pal point from which they arise — the soil in which their radi- cles are found ; and in the different organs of the body where * Anat. Speciale, torn. iii. — ORIGIN OF THE ABSORBENTS. 341 lymphatics are known to originate, it is most probable, though not yet fully demonstrated, that it is from the cellular woof alone they take their rise. In fact, the organs in which this tissue does not enter, are the only one from which no lym- phatics originate, viz. the nails, horns, epidermis, ivory of the teeth, etc. Mascagni* and Cruveilhier have observed, in respect to the cellular tissue and the serous membranes, so many lymphatics in their combination as to be induced to believe that they are formed of these vessels. The microscopi cal researches of Fohman, Arnold, and Treviranus upon this subject, have led them nearly to the same conclusion ; the two first believing that the cellular tissue acts the part of a sponge to the absorbents which have their radicles in it, and that its filaments are probably composed of very minute elementary lymphatic vessels. Treviranu3,f in some observations upon the lower animals, (especially in the tortoise,) by the use of a glass of very great magnifying powers, was led to believe that the absorbents do take their origin in the cellular tissue which appeared to be composed of elementary cylinders, closely inter- laced together, some twisted, some zigzag in shape, and of such minuteness as to have a diameter only the 0.0016, to 0.0002 of a millimetre.^ Some of these appeared to unite together, and formed larger cylinders, which went out from the mass, united with others of the same kind, and thus formed trunks of 0.001 to 0.0023 of a millimetre in diameter, which had the appearance of lymphatics, and opened into the lymphatic vessels. Thus he believes, that when ultimately analyzed, the lymphatic ves- sels will be found to originate on all the free surfaces of the body, in the midst of the tissues, as well as in the intestinal villi, by elementary tubes belonging to the cellular tissue, which con- stitutes the basis or web-work of the organs ; and which tubes have appeared to him on the villi and free surfaces of the body, to terminate in vesicles that seemed in some parts to be pierced with a hole. * Vasor. Lymph. Corp. Human. Hist, et Tconogr. Sienne, 1787. — I Bertrage Zur Aufklaerung der Erscheinungen und Gesetze, der organits- chen Lebens. 1836, page 100. — I A millimetre equals the 0.039379 part of an English inch. — 29* 342 GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE ABSORBENT SYSTEM. — Whatever the facts may hereafter be found to be, in regard to these researches of Treviranus — for the high magnifying powers employed would necessarily render him liable to opti- cal illusions — we are fully justified, at the present advanced stage of anatomical science, in considering the absorbents as not arising either from the arteries or veins, but as separate vessels in the meshes of the cellular tissue, which divide, unite, re-divide, and anastomose together again and again, till they seem to occupy the whole mass of the tissue, and convert both the proper cellular and serous membranes, into mere spongy absorbing surfaces. — It would seem that absorption took place in consequence of the permeability of this net-work structure of the tissues to the fluids in which the absorbents are bathed, (as has been so clearly shown by E. Edwards* to be the case in the amphibise,) whether the fluid consists of effused serum, transmitted through the pores of the blood-vessels and mixed up with the effete molecules of the organs, or of ecchymosed blood, or of purulent collections ; and that this permeation is aided by an attraction through the walls of the vessels into their interior, called endos- mosis by Dutrochet, where the fluid is placed under the influence of the absorbents, and is passed onwards towards the thoracic duct. If the assertions of Treviranus should be found correct, it might be considered as being pumped up through a series of the minutest capillary tubes. — The contractility of the absorbent vessels is very evident, and exists even for many hours after death, as may be seen by opening an animal shortly after it has been killed. Their force of resistance is also very considerable compared with arteries and veins of the same diameter. — In the inferior extremities it is considered to be to that of the arteries in the proportion nearly of 10 to 3. — These vessels are very elastic, and one which is almost imperceptible to the naked eye, becomes, when fully distended with mercury, half a line in diameter. * De I'Influence des Agens Physiques sur la Vie, etc. — ABSORBENT GLANDS. 343 Fig. 183 * ./• s::^')d — This elasticity resides in the external coat of the vessels, which is no longer considered muscular, but as a sort of yellow * Fig. 183 (from Breschet,) represents the inguinal region of a young in- fant, the prepuce slit open, in order to expose the glans. a, a, Two of the superficial inguinal lymphatic glands, b, b, Efferent lymphatic vessels, filled with mercury, terminating in these gland.s. c, c, The same lymphatic vessels, laid bare in the groin, to exhibit their course in the subcutaneous cellular tissue. d, d, The same vessels penetrating the tissue of the skin, where, by their rami- fications and anastomoses, they form a dense net-work, e, e, which, properly speaking, constitutes their origin. This net-work is on the exterior face of the cutis vera, and is covered only by the epidermis. /, /, Arterial branches, dis- tended with fine colored injecting matter, in order to render it certain that the vessels filled with mercury, are lymphatic, and not sanguineous vessels. The termination of these vessels in the lymphatic glands, moreover, prove their character, g, g, Prepuce slit open on its upper part, in order to show its in- ternal face, upon which is seen a beautiful net-work of lymphatics in the cuta- neous tissue, which is here modified so as to appear like mucous membrane. h, h, Net-work of lymphatics in the mucous membrane covering the glans penis. The efferent vessels of the two inguinal glands are not seen in this figure, as they arise from the opposite side of the glands, and run deep to get into the cavity of the abdomen, below Poupari's ligament. — 344 GENERAL ANATOrST OF THE ABSORBENT SYSTEM. elastic tissue, somewhat like the structure of the dartos, which allows the lymphatics to extend themselves to a great degree without breaking, and subsequently to return upon themselves and propel their fluid contents onwards. — Absorbent Glands do not exist at all in reptiles and in fishes. The first trace of them is met with in birds, where ihey are formed merely by the absorbent vessels, interwoven and reticulated in the form of plexus. In man, their structure appears in fact to be the same, but the meshes are minute. Many anatomists, as Malpighi, Cruikshank, and Werner, believed there existed particular follicles, forming round cells with their walls in the interior of the glands, with which the vasa inferentia and efferentia communicated, and upon which the blood-vessels ramified ; but nearly all modern anatomists who have investigated this subject, adopt the opinions of Ruysch, Hewson, Meckel, and Mascagni, that these cells are nothing but artificial dilatations of the absorbent vessels, and that the entire structure of a lymphatic gland consists of convoluted lymphatic vessels, densely arranged, and anasto- mosing freely together, over which arteries and veins ramify, the whole being embraced by common cellular tissue, in the form of a capsule. — Magendie has called the attention of the profession to a fluid peculiar to the mesenteric glands, and which was known pre- viously to anatomists under the name of the succus •proprius. But Lauth has shown that this fluid does not exist in the interlobular cellular tissue, and is in fact but a part of the common contents of the blood-vessels, and found in all the other lymphatic glands. The absorbent glands are softer and larger in children and young persons than in adults, and seem to diminish in number in old men. There is nothing in this fact, according to Lauth, that should surprise us, since the glands are made up only of convoluted vessels, which, like the sanguineous capillaries, become less and less active, and are here and there obliterated in the atrophy attendant upon extreme old age. — It is as yet considered very doubtful, whether the absorbents GENERAL ANATOMr OF THE ABSORBENT SYSTEM. 345 have any communication with the secreting ducts of glands. In injecting the excretory ducts of the glands with mercury, especially tliose of the mamma, testicle, and liver, it is very usual to find some of it escaping into the absorbent vessels. This, which to all appearance, would seem to prove their direct connexion, is notwithstanding considered by many dis- tinguished anatomists, as caused by a rupture of some part of the glandular structure, and that the mercury finds its way into the openings made by the laceration in the absorbent ves- sels. But the communication between these vessels and the excretory ducts, takes place so readily, in the injection of the latter, and so much without the appearance of extravasation, as to render it most probable that there exists some anasto- mosis between them. The same degree of doubt exists in regard to the connexion between the absorbents and small veins. It has been chiefly alleged to exist between them in the excretory glands of the body, and in the absorbent glands themselves ; in all which parts, the friability of their structure renders them liable to laceration, by the pressure from a mer- curial column, or by ordinary minute injection thrown in with force. Though the fact is very evident, that many of the absorbents may be filled by injection of the ducts of the secernent glands, and that mercury passes with extreme facility from the lymphatics of the absorbent glands into the veins, the weight of testimony, is certainly at present in favor of its taking place only in consequence of a laceration of tissue. The statements of Lippi,* in regard to the free communica- tion, between the lymphatic vessels and veins, are now disre- garded, in consequence of its having been shown by Fohman, Panissa, and Breschet,f that he had mistaken in his investiga- tions capillary veins for lymphatic vessels. — The opinion in regard to the terminations of the absorbents, since the alleged venous communications of Lippi have been disproved, has now the same as that entertained formerly. * Illust. Fisiol. e Palhol. del Sistem. Limfat. Chil. etc. Firenze, 1825. — p. f Vide Breschet, sur la Systeme Absorbaate. 346 TERMINATION OF THE ABSORBENTS. by Hevvson, Cruikshank, and others ; namely, that the absorb- ent and venous systems, can be considered as connected only by the principal lymphatic trunk, the thoracic duct, which opens into the left subclavian vein, and by the right brachio- cephalic, and other branches, which open into the internal jugular and subclavian of the right side. All other communi- cations which take place between them may be received as ex- ceptions to the normal structure. — The most frequent of these, are the branches between the thoracic duct, and vena azygos. In many amphibia and reptilia, lymphatic hearts, or dilatations of the absorbent vessels that are capable of contracting somewhat like a heart, have been discovered by Miiller, which assist in the circulation of the lymphatic fluid.* Nothing analogous to them, has, however, been discovered in man. — The bodies connected with the absorbent vessels, which are called Conglobate Glands, are generally of a roundish, or irre- gular oval form, and somewhat flattened. They are of various sizes, from two lines in diameter to more than twelve. Their color is frequently whitish, but sometimes it is slightly inclined to red. They are invested with a covering of cellular membrane, which appears like a membranous coat ; and they are connected to the contiguous parts by a loose cellular sub- stance. When the absorbent vessels connected with these bodies approach near to them, they divide into a number of ramifications, most of which enter into the substance of the gland, while some of them run over it. On the opposite side of the gland a number of branches go out, which unite and form trunks similar to those which entered the gland. The vessels which enter the gland are called Vasa inferentia, and those which go out of it Vasa efferentia. These vessels are generally much convoluted in the sub- stance of the glands, so that those bodies sometimes appear like a mere convolution of absorbent vessels. There has been * See an interesting paper on this subject by Dr. Allison of Philadelphia — Amer. Jour. Med. Science, Aug. 1838. OF THE CHYLE. 347 much diversity of sentiment respecting the structure of these organs.* The absorbent vessels, in the different parts of the body, generally contain fluids resembling those which are found in those parts. Mr. Hewson opened the large absorbents in many living animals of different kinds, and found that they contained a transparent fluid, which coagulated when exposed to the open air. The arrangement of these vessels resembles that of the veins in several respects. Many of them are superficial ; but there are also deep-seated absorbents which accompany the blood- vessels. Of the Chyle. — Under this name we designate the fluid, carried by the absorbents of the intestinal canal during digestion; in the intervals of digestion, the trunks of the same vessels in the mesentery are filled only with the ordinary lymph. These vessels of the intestinal canal are called lacteals, in consequence of their white appearance when distended with chyle. The lymph proper, is a fluid taken up by the radicles of the general lymphatic system, and is mixed with the chyle in the thoracic duct. Chyle is limpid in birds, a little opaque in herbivorous animals, and very opaque in the carnivorous, including man. The opacity of the chyle, appears to depend upon the great number of globules suspended in it, which appear to be found in birds and all the mammalia, notwithstanding, the blood globules are elliptical in birds, and flattened in man. (See vol. ii. p. 238.) According to Miiller, the chyle globules are to be found in the first radicles of the lacteals, as he saw them dis- tinctly in the calf; this favors the opinion that they are not formed in the vessels themselves, but are probably taken up in * Mr. Abernethy states, that the mesenteric gland of the whale consists of large spherical bags, into which a number of the lacteals open. Numerous blood-vessels are ramified on the surfaces of these cysts ; and injection passes from them into the cyst. He also found cells in the glands of the absorbent vessels, in the groin and the axilla of the horse. See Philosophical Transac- tions, for 1796, Part I. 348 OF THE CHYLE. the state of globules during digestion, and are probably the results of the disintegration of the alimentary matter, by the' digestive process. The chyle has a spermatic odor, an alka- line taste, and varies in many respects, according to the nature of the aliment subjected to the action of the digestive organs. According to Magendie, Tiedeman and Gmelin, the chyle from aliments containing an abundance of fatty matter, is very white and full of oily particles, which, when the fluid is drawn from the vessels, float on its surface like a sort of cream : while that formed from food possessing little or no fatty matter, is more opaque, and exhibits but little or no creamy covering upon its surface. — The chyle evidently undergoes a change as it ascends in the thoracic duct. It exhibits more and more of a rose tint in place of its creamy color, and is more coagulable and more assimi- lated in appearance to the blood, the nearer to the top of the thoracic duct, that we extract it for examination during the act of digestion. During that period the duct is filled chiefly with the contents of the lacteal absorbents ; but little of the general lymph of the body, being at that time transported to the duct. When withdrawn from the duct, chyle coagulates of itself, and the action of the air heightens greatly its rosy hue. The coagulation takes place in this fluid, from the same causes that it does in blood ; from the fibrine which exists in a state of solution in the recent chyle, returning to the solid state, and inclosing a part of the globules. — The serum in which the coagulum floats, is a solution of albumen, containing likewise some of the globules, and at the same time, has floating upon its surface a layer of fatty particles. In the lungs, where the chyle passes, mixed with the venous blood, the final change is effected, so that the chyle can no longer be distinguished from the sanguineous fluid. The opaque color of the chyle in the lacteals, according to Tiede- mann and Gmelin, is dependent not only upon the number of the globules it contains, but in part, also, upon the minutely divided particles of fat which are suspended in it. THE LYMPH. 349 Of the Lymph. '■ — The term lymph has been very loosely applied by anato- mists and physiologists, not only to the fluids of the lymphatic vessels, but to the serum of the blood, to the transparent fluids of the serous cavities, and to many albuminous and fibrinous exudations. Latterly it has been more appropriately confined to the contents of the general lymphatic system. — It has been collected for examination from the thoracic duct, and from the absorbent trunks of the head, neck and upper extremities, in many animals after several days starvation, when no materials had been afforded for the formation of chyle ; it has also been recently obtained by Miiller, from the human subject, in the case of a young man in the hospital at Bonn. This individual had received a cut on the back of the foot which could not be made to cicatrise, and the divided absor- bents threw out, when pressed upon, a large quantity of lymph, which was transparent, inoderous, saline to the taste, with alcaline properties, and which, in about ten minutes after being collected, formed a delicate coagulum resembling a spider's web. The lymph, when examined with the microscope, presented many globules, much less abundant, however, and smaller than those of the blood. During coagulation part of these globules, were inclosed in the clot, but the greater part were suspended in the serum. — The coagulation was evidently produced by the solidification of a substance previously fluid, which is considered to be fibrine, and which, in passing to the solid state, enveloped a certain portion of these globules, that was before free. Comparison between Chyle and Lymph. — Both contain globules ; but they are few in number in the lymph, and abundant in the chyle. Both contain fibrine in solution. The most important difference between these fluids, consists in the fatty matter, which the chyle holds in solution, and which does not exist in the lymph. The other constituents, fibrine albumen, salts, etc., are much the same in both. VOL. II. 30 350 COMPARISON BETWEEN CHYLE AND LYMPH. — In regard to the disposition of the coloring matter which is generally found in chyle, and sometimes even in lymph, whether it is in a state of general solution, or attached to the globules, as in the case of the blood, we literally know nothing as yet. Between these two fluids there are, as may be observed, many points of analogy with the blood. The chyle contains new globules formed by the digestion and disintegra- tion of the alimentary matter, and which are destined, when they have received the last finish of assimilation in their pas- sage through the lungs, to constitute the nuclei of the red particles of the blood. — The lymph also contains globules formed from the wreck of the old materials of the body, as they exist in the molecular state throughout the different tissues. The size of these glob- ules, as has been shown by some observers, is about equal to that of the nuclei of the red particles of the blood. In the state in which they are found in the lymph, they are destined either to be thrown out from the body, as being worn out and worthless, or to be restored by the action of the lungs, to the same vital condition in which they were, previous to their having been deposited from the blood to constitute the atoms or molecules of the different organs. — SUPERFICIAL ABSORBENTS. 351 CHAPTER X. OF THE ABSORBENTS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES, THE ABDOMEN, AND THE THORAX. Under this head are arranged the ramifications of all the vessels which unite to form the Thoracic Duct. Of the Absorbents of the Loiver Extremities. These absorbents, like the veins, are superficial and deep- seated. The superficial lie in the cellular membrane, very near the skin ; and form an irregular net-work which extends over the whole limb. They are, however, most numerous on the internal side. The deep-seated accompany the arteries like the veins, and there are two at least to each artery. The Superficial Absorbents Have been injected from the toes so as to form a net-work, which occupies the upper surface of the foot. They have also been injected in a similar manner on the sole. Those on the upper surface of the foot generally proceed upward on the anterior and inner side of the leg; but some of them pass on the external side of it. Those on the sole are continued on the back of the leg, but communicate very frequently with the anterior vessels. Some of the absorbents from the outside of the foot and leg enter into some of the popliteal glands, soon to be described ; but they are not numerous ; and the principal number continues up to the glands of the groin. The absorb- ents which originate on the surface of the thigh, as well as those which pass over it from below, incline gradually along the anterior and posterior surface, to the internal side of it ; on which they proceed in great numbers, and very near to each 352 ABSORBENTS OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. Other to the inguinal glands. Superficial absorbents proceed also from the buttock and lower part of the back, from the lower part of the abdomen, the perineum and the exterior of the genital organs, to these glands. The Deep-seated Ahsorhents Are named from the arteries they accompany. The Anterior Tibial Ahsorhents. The anterior tibial artery is generally attended by one which comes with it from the sole, and by another which commences on the upper surface of the foot. The first mentioned absorb- ent continues with the artery. The last passes through an aperture in the interosseal ligament, about one-third of the distance from the ankle to the knee, and accompanies the fibu- lar artery, while the anterior tibial artery is joined by other absorbents about the same place. In some instances a small absorbent gland occurs in this course at a short distance below the knee. The Posterior Tibial Absorbents Have been injected from the under side of the toes. They accompany the ramifications on the sole of the foot ; and, after uniting, continue with the main trunk up the leg, where they enter the popliteal glands. The Peroneal Absorbents arise also from the sole of the foot, and its external side. They accompany the peroneal artery, and terminate in the popliteal glands, which receive also the absorbents from the knee and ham. From these glands four or five absorbent vessels proceed which accompany the great blood-vessels of the lower extremi- ty ; and, proceeding with them through the aperture in the tendon of the adductors, continue upwards until they enter some of the glands of the groin. The glands of the ham and groin, which are so intimately connected with the absorbents of the lower extremity, are very different from each other. ABSORBENTS OF THE INFEKIOR EXTREMITIES. 353 The Popliteal Glands, or those of the Ham, are but three or four in number, and very small in size. They are generally deep-seated, and very near the artery. The Inguinal Glands vary in number from eight to twelve or more. They are superficial and deep-seated. The svper- Jicial communicate principally with the superficial absorbents. The lowermost of them are at some distance below Poupart's ligament, and the uppermost are rather above it. They are exterior to the fascia lata of the thigh. Their number is generally six or eight, while that of the deep-seated is but three or four. — They are placed between the lamina into which the fascia superficialis of the thigh divides at this point. — The superficial absorbents from below, approach very near to each other, and enter these glands. They are commonly dis- tributed among three or four of the lowermost ; but some of them pass by these, and proceed to one that is higher up ; and some- times there are absorbent vessels which pass to the abdomen without entering into any of the glands of the groin. The deep-seated absorbents pass into the deep-seated glands, which, as has been already observed, are but few, and lie very near the artery, under the fascia of the thigh. The two sets of glands are connected with each other by many absorbent vessels that pass between them. The vessels which finally go out of these glands are considerably less in number than those which enter into thetn. They proceed under Poupart's ligament, and, in some instances, a large proportion of them passes through three glands which lie below this ligament, and are often so arranged, that they lie on each side of the great femoral vessels, and above them. One very frequently is found on the inside of the femoral vein, in the vacuity between it and the internal part of the ligament. All the absorbents of the lower extremity, however, do not enter these glands. Some pass along the great vessels and enter other glands near the margin of the pelvis. Some, also, descend a short distance into the pelvis, and unite with vessels that are passing from the pelvis to the plexus and the glands that surround the external iliac. 30* 354 INGUINAL AND EXTERNAL ILIAC GLANDS. The absorbents which proceed from the glands last mentioned, joined to those which pass under Poupart's ligament without entering these glands, and some which come from the pelvis, form a large plexus, which almost surrounds the external iliac vessels, and contains many glands. These External Iliac Glands vary in their number from six to ten or twelve. They lie on the side of the pelvis, in the course of the external iliac vessels, and some of them are of considerable size. These glands and the plexus of absorbents, extend in the track of the iliac vessels, to the first lumbar ver- tebra. In this course they are joined by the plexus which comes from the pelvis ; and soon after they arrive at the Lumbar Glands, which form a very large assemblage, that extends from the bifurcation of the aorta to the crura of the diaphragm. These glands lie irregularly on the aorta, the vena cava, and the lumbar vertebrae. Most, if not all, the absorbents above mentioned pass through some of them ; and from the union of these absorbents, some of the great branches, which unite to form the thoracic duct, are derived. In this course, from the thigh to the lumbar glands, these absorbent vessels are joined by several others. The Superficial Absorbents of the scrotum commonly enter into the upper inguinal glands, and thus unite to the great body of absorbents. The Absorbents of the Testicles, originate in the body, and the coats of the testicle, and in the epididymis, and are remark- ably large and numerous. They proceed along the spermatic cord, through the abdominal ring, to the lumbar glands. These vessels are remarkable for the little communication they have with each other. The Deep-seated Absorbents of the Scrotum accompany the absorbents of the testicle to the lumbar glands ; but those which are superficial enter the upper inguinal glands. The Absorbents of the Penis are also deep-seated and super- ficial. The deep-seated arise from the body of the penis, and accompany the internal pudic artery, into the pelvis. The superficial absorbents arise from the prepuce, and pass along ABSORBENTS OF THE ABDOMEN AND THORAX. 355 the dorsum of the penis. (See fig. 184, p. 361.) There are frequently several trunks which receive branches from the lower surface of the penis in their course. At the root of the penis they generally separate to the right and left, and pass to the glands on the respective sides. In females, the absorbents of the interior of the clitoris accompany the internal pudic artery. Some, which arise about the vagina, pass through the abdominal ring with the round ligament ; and others proceed to the inguinal glands. Of the Absorbents of the Abdomen and Thorax. The Absorbents of the lower portions of the jparietes of the Abdomen and Pelvis unite into trunks that follow the epigas- tric, the circumflex and the iliac, as well as the lumbar and sacral arteries, &c. They proceed to some of the glands which are in the groin ; or to the external iliac, the hypogastric, or some of the contiguous plexuses. The Absorbents of the Womb are extremely numerous ; and, in the gravid state, are very large. Those which are on the neck and anterior part of the body accompany the spermatic vessels. The Absorbents of the Bladder pass to small glands on its lateral and inferior parts, and finally join the hypogastric plexus. The Absorbents of the Rectum are of considerable size. They pass through glands that lie upon that intestine, and unite with the lumbar plexus. The Absorbents of the Kidney are superficial and deep- seated. They are very numerous, but, in a healthy state of the parts, are discovered with difficulty. Cruikshank describes them as they appeared, filled with blood, in consequence of pressing upon the kidney when its veins were full of blood. Mascagni did not inject the superficial vessels with mercury; but describes them as they appeared when filled with colorless size, after he had injected the blood-vessels of the organ with the colored fluid. The deep-seated absorbents pass out of the fissure of the kidney with the blood-vessels, and unite with the superficial ; they proceed to the lumbar plexus, and pass into different glands. 356 ABSORBENTS OF THE INTESTINES. Absorbent vessels can be proved to proceed from tlie pelvis of the kidney, and the ureters, by orifices analogous to those above mentioned. The Glandulce Renales are also supplied with absorbents, which are numerous in proportion to the size of the organs. They commonly join those of the kidney. The Absorbents of the Intestines Have generally been called Lacteals, froTn the white color of the chyle which they contain : but there seems no reason for believing that they are different in their structure and nature from the absorbents in other parts of the body. A small num- ber of them appear as if they formed a part of the structure of the intestines, and originated from their external surface, as they do in other parts of the abdomen ; while the principal part of them are appropriated to the absorption of the contents of the cavity of the intestines. The first mentioned absorbents run between the muscular and peritoneal coats, and proceed for some distance length- ways on the intestine, wiiile the otliers proceed for some dis- tance within the muscular coat, with the arteries ; and, after passing through it, continue between the lamina of the mesen- tery. Branches of these different absorbents are frequently united in one trunk, so as to prove that there is no essential difference between them. The absorbents which come from the internal surface of the intestines commence in the villi. The manner in which they originate ha:s been the subject of considerable inquiry, as has been stated in the account of the intestines.* The lacteals or absorbents of the intestines are very numer- ous. They pass between the lamina of the mesentery to glands which are also seated between those lamina. The number of these glands is very considerable,! and they are various in size — * See page 41. f They have been estimated between 130 and 150. ABSORBENTS OF THE INTESTINES. MESENTERIC GLANDS. 351 some being very minute, and others eight or ten lines in diame- ter. They are generally placed at a small distance from each other, and are most numerous in that part of the mesentery which is nearest to the spine. They are almost always at some distance from the intestines. They appear to be precisely like the absorbent glands in other places. These absorbent vessels, in their course frequently divide into branches ; which sometimes go to the same gland, some- times to different glands, and sometimes unite with other absorbent vessels. As they proceed, they frequently enlarge in size. When they have arrived near the spine, they frequently form three or four trunks, and sometimes one or two ; which proceed in the course of the superior mesenteric artery, until they have arrived near to the aorta. Here they either pass into the thoracic duct, or descend and join the trunks from the inferior extremities, to form the thoracic duct. The absorbents of the great intestines are not equal in size to those of the small ; but they are numerous. They enter into glands, which are very near, and in some places in contact with the intestine ; and are commonly very small in size. The vessels which arise from the caecum, and the right portion, as well as the arch of the colon, unite Vk'ith those of the small intestines; while the vessels from the left side of the colon, and the rectum, proceed to the lumbar glands. The absorbents of the intestines are frequently injected with mercury ; but the injection does not proceed to their termina- tion with so much facility as it does in other vessels of the same kind. They have, however, very often been seen in animals who were killed for the purpose after eating milk ; and in several human subjects who had died suddenly during digestion. The description of the origin of the lacteals, quoted in page 44 of this volume, from Mr. Cruikshank, was taken from a subject of this kind, of which an account is given in his work on the absorbent vessels. It is worthy of note, that in several instances, in which the lacteals were thus found distended with chyle, the glands in the mesentery were also uniformly white. 358 ABSORBENTS OF THE LIVER. The Absorbents of the Stomach Are of considerable size, and form three divisions. The ves- sels of the first set appear upon both sides of the stomach, and pass throtgh a few glands on the small curvature near the omentum minus. From these glands they proceed to others, which are larger, and which also receive some of the deep- seated absorbents of the liver. The vessels from these glands pass to the thoracic duct, near the origin of the coeliac artery. The second arise also on both sides of the stomach, and pass to the left extremity of the great curvature to unite with the absorbents of that side of the great omentum. They then pro- ceed with the lymphatics of the spleen and pancreas, to the tho- racic duct. The last set, pass off from the right extremity of the great curvature, and unite also with absorbents from the right portion of the omentum. They proceed to near the pylo- rus, and go to the thoracic duct, with some of the deep-seated absorbents of the liver. Although the absorbents of the stomach are deep-seated, as well as superficial, it is a general sentiment, that they do not contain chyle in the human subject; notwithstanding chyle has been found in the absorbents on the stomach of dogs, and some other animals. It ought, however, to be remembered, that Sabatier has, in some instances, seen white lines on the stomach, which he supposed to be lacteals. The Absorbents of the Liver Are especially interesting, because they have been more com- pletely injected than those of any other viscus. They are deep- seated and supcrfcial. The superficial, it has been already observed, admit of injection in a retrograde direction, and, there- fore can be exhibited most minutely ramified. They commu- nicate freely with each other, and also with the deep-seated vessels, by their small ramifications ; so that the whole gland has been injected from one large vessel. The gland is so large, that the absorbents of the superior and inferior surfaces proceed from it in different directions. ABSORBENTS OF THE LIVER. 359 A large absorbent is generally found on the suspensory- ligament. This is formed by the union of a great many branches that arise both on the right and left lobes, but princi- pally on the right. It often passes through the diaphragm at an interstice which is anterior to the xiphoid cartilage, and then proceeds through the glands on the anterior part of the pericardium. Several absorbents proceed to the lateral ligaments on each side, and then pass through the diaphragm. Some of these branches return again into the abdomen, and the others generally run forwards in the course of the ribs, and join those which pass up from the suspensory ligament. The trunk, or trunks, formed by these vessels, either pass up between the lamina of the mediastinum, and terminate in the upper part of the thora- cic duct ; or they accompany the internal mammary arteries, and terminate on the left side in the thoracic duct, and on the right in the trunk of the absorbents of that side. The Absorbents on the concave side of the liver are as nume- rous as those on the convex side ; they are also very abundant on the surface of the gall-bladder. The greatest part of them join the deep-seated vessels. The Deep-seated Absorbents proceed in considerable numbers from the interior of the liver through the portas. They accom- pany the biliary ducts and the great blood-vessels of the organ ; and, after passing through several glands, near the vena porta- rum, terminate in the thoracic duct, near the commencement of the superior mesenteric artery. Mascagni states, that the absorbents of the liver will be dis- tended, by injecting warm water into the biliary ducts, or the vena portarum. He also observes, that in those preparations in which the superficial vessels are completely injected, in the retrograde direction, the peritoneal coat of the liver appears to be com- posed entirely of absorbent vessels ; and to be connected to the membrane within, by many filaments, which are also absorbent vessels. 360 ABSORBENTS OF THE SPLEEN. The Absorbents of the Spleen Are composed of superficial and deep-seated vessels; but they differ greatly from those of the liver, in this respect, that the soperficial vessels are remarkably small in the human subject. Mascagni, however, asserts, that when the blood-vessels of the spleen are injected with size, colored with Vermillion, these absorbents will be filled with colorless size. In the spleen of the calf the superficial absorbents, are remarkably large. In the human subject the superficial absorbents of the spleen proceed from the convex to the concave surface, and there com- municate with the deep-seated absorbents, which proceed from the interior of the organ with the blood-vessels. These Deep-seated Absorbents are very numerous, and also large. They accompany the splenic artery ; and in their course pass through many glands, some of which are said to be of a dark color. The glands lie on the splenic artery, at a short distance from each other. Tlie absorbents of the spleen receive the absorbents of the pancreas in their course ; they unite with the absorbents of the stomach and the lower surface of the liver, and pass with them to the thoracic duct. Little has been latterly said by practical anatomists res- pecting The Absorbents of the Pancreas. Mr. Cruikshank once injected them in the retrograde direc- tion ; he found that they came out of the lobes of the pancreas in short branches like the blood-vessels, and passed at right angles into the absorbents of the spleen, as they accompanied the artery in the groove of the pancreas. The Thoracic Duct* Or common trunk of the absorbent system, is formed by the union of those absorbent vessels which are collected on the lumbar vertebrae. * First discovered by Eustachius, in the horse, 1564 ; but he considered it a vein for the nourishment of the thoracic viscera. — h. ^ THORACIC DUCT. 361 Fig. 184.* These vessels, as it has been already- observed, are derived from various sources, viz. The lower extremities ; the lower part of the trunk of the body ; the organs of generation ; the intestines, with the other viscera of the abdomen and pelvis, except a part of the liver. Their number is proportioned to the extent of their origin : for, with the numerous glands appropriated to them, they form the largest absorbent plexus in the body, and are spread over a considerable portion of the aorta and the vena cava. The manner in which these vessels unite to form the thoracic duct, is very different in different subjects; but in a majority of cases it originates imme- diately from three vessels, two of which are the trunks of the absorbents of the lower extremities, and the other is the common trunk of the lacteals and the other absorbents of the intes- tines. * The course and termination of the thoracic duct. 1. The arch of the aorta. 2. The thoracic aorta. 3. The abdominal aorta ; showing its principal branches divided near their origin. 4. The arteria innominata, dividing into the right carotid and right subclavian arteries. 5. The left carotid. 6. The left sub- clavian. 7. The superior cava, formed by the union of 8, the two vense inno- minatEB ; and these by the junction 9, of the internal jugular and subclavian vein at each side. 10. The greater vena azygos. 11. The termination of the lesser in the greater vena azygos. 12. The receptaculum chyli ; several lym- phatic trunks are seen opening into it. 13. The thoracic duct, dividing oppo- site the middle of the dorsal vertebrse into two branches which soon reunite ; the course of the duct behind the arch of the aorta and left subclavian arter}' is shown by a dotted line. 14. The duct making its turn at the root of the neck and receiving several lymphatic trunks previously to terminating in the poste- rior aspect of the junction of the internal jugular and subclavian vein. 15, The termination of the trunk of the right branchio- cephalic duct. VOL. II. 31 362 THORACIC DUCT. These vessels generally unite on the second or third lumbar vertebrae ; and, in some instances, the trunk which they form dilates considerably, soon after its commencement ; in conse- quence of which it was formerly called the receptacle of the chyle. At first it lies behind the aorta, but it soon inclines to the right of it, so as to be behind the right crus of the diaphragm. In the thorax, it appears on the front of the spine, between the aorta and the vena azygos, and continues between these ves- sels until it has arrived at the fourtli or third dorsal vertebra. It then inclines to the left, and proceeds in that direction until it emerges from the thorax, and has arisen above the left pleura, when it continues to ascend behind the internal jugular, nearly as high as the sixth cervical vertebra : it then turns downward and forward, and after descending from six to ten lines, terminates in the back part of the angle formed by the union of the left internal jugular with the left subclavian vein. Sometimes, after rising out of the thorax, it divides into two branches, which unite before they terminate. Sometimes it divides, and one of the branches terminates at the above mentioned angle, and the other in the subclavian vein, to the left of it. The orifice of the thoracic duct has two valves, which effectually prevent the passage of blood into it from the system of the vena cava. There are sometimes slight flexures in the course of the duct ; but it generally inclines to the left, in the upper part of the thorax, as above mentioned ; and is then so near the left lamen of the mediastinum that, if it be filled with colored injection, it can be seen through that membrane, when the left lung is raised up and pressed to the right. The duct sometimes varies considerably in its diameter in different parts of its course. About the middle of the thorax it has often been found very small. In these cases it generally enlarges in its progress upwards, and is often three lines in diameter, in its upper part. Many anatomists have observed it to divide and to unite again, about the middle of the thorax. ABSORBENTS OF THE LUNGS. 363 The Absorbents of the Lungs. The absorbents of the lungs are very numerous, and, like those of other viscera, are superficial and deep-seated. The large superficial vessels run in the interstices between the lobuli, and, therefore, form angular figures of considerable size. In successful injections, the vacancies within these figures are filled up with small vessels, and the whole surface appears minutely injected. Mascagni observes, that the superficial vessels are very visible when any fluid has been effused into the cavity of the thorax; or when warm water is injected, either into the blood- vessels of the lungs, or the ramifications of the trachea. Cruik- shank demonstrated them by inflating the lungs of a still-born child ; in which case the air passes rapidly into them. The deep-seated absorbents accompany the blood-vessels and the ramifications of the bronchise. They pass to the dark-col- ored glands, which are situated on the trachea at its bifurcation ; and on those portions of the bronchia which are exterior to the lungs. The injection of the absorbents, which pass to and from these glands, seem to prove that they are of the same nature with the absorbent glands in general, notwithstanding their color. They are numerous ; and they vary in size, from a diameter of two lines to that of eight or ten. From these glands, some of the absorbents of the left lung pass into the thoracic duct, while it is in the thorax, behind the bifurcation of the trachea ; others proceed upwards and enter into it near its termination ; while those of the right lung terminate in the common trunk of the absorbents of the right side. 364 ABSORBENTS OF THE HEAD AND NECK. CHAPTER XI. OF THE ABSORBENTS OF THE HEAD AND NECK ; OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES, AND THE UPPER PART OF THE TRUNK OF THE BODY. The absorbents from the various parts of the bead pass through glands, which are situated on the neck or the lower part of the head. Those on the head are the least numerous, and also the least in size. Some of them, which are generally small, lie about the parotid gland. Several of them, which are also small, are on the occiput, below and behind the mastoid process. Sometimes there are two or three on the cheek, near the basis of the lower jaw, about the anterior edge of the mas- seter muscle. Below the lower jaw, in contact with the sub- maxillary gland and anterior to it, there are always a number of these glands, which are generally small, but often swelled during infancy. The Glands on the Neck are the most numerous. Many of them are within the sterno-mastoid muscle, and accompany the internal jugular vein and the carotid artery down to the first rib. Many also lie in the triangular space between the sterno-mastoid muscle, the trapezius, and the clavicle; therefore it has been truly said that the glands of the neck are more numerous than those of any other part except the mesentery. They are frequently called Glandulce Concafenata. It has already been mentioned that the various absorbents, which are connected with these glands, unite on each side into a trunk, which on the left passes into the thoracic duct, and on the right into the common trunk of the absorbents of that side. Of the Absorbents of the Head and Neck. There is the greatest reason to believe that the brain and its appendages are supplied with absorbents like the other parts. k^ ABSORBENTS OF THE UPPER PART OF THE TRUNK. 365 Some of these vessels have been discovered in the cavity of the cranium; but very little precise information has as yet been obtained, respecting the extent, or arrangement of the absorb- ent system, in this part of the body. The absorbents on the exterior of the head are as numerous as in other parts of the body. On the occiput they pass down, inclining towards the ear, and continue behind it to the side of the neck ; behind the ear they pass through several glands. From the middle or temporal region of the cranium, they pass with the carotid artery before the ear, and enter some small glands that lie on the parotid ; from which they continue to the neck. They are on every part of the face, and unite, so that their principal trunks, which are very numerous, pass over the basis of the lower jaw, near the facial artery. They enter into glands, which are also very numerous, immediately under the jaw, or which are sometimes to be found on the cheek, at the anterior edge of the masseter muscle. All the absorbents of the exterior part of the head pass to the glands on the side of the neck, already described. Those from the interior of the nose accompany the ramifica- tions of the internal maxillary artery, and proceed to glands behind the angle of the lower jaw ; into which glands also enter the absorbents of the tongue and inner parts of the mouth. The absorbents of the thyroid gland, on the left side, pass down to the thoracic duct ; those on the right, unite to the trunk of the absorbents on that side, near its termination. It has been remarked, that they can be readily injected, by thrusting the pipe into the substance of the gland. Of the Absorbents of the Arm and Upper Part of the Trunk, The absorbents of the arm are superficial and deep-seated, like those of the lower extremity. The superficial absorbents have been injected on the ante- rior and posterior surfaces of the fingers and the thumb, near their sides. On the back of the hand they are very numerous, and increase considerably in their progress up the fore-arm. 31* 366 ABSORBENTS OF THE ARM AND UPPER PART OF THE TRUNK. As they yKoceed upwards, ihey incline towards the anterior surface of the fore-arm ; so that by the time they have arrived at the elbow, almost all of them are on the anterior surface. Tlie absorbents on the anterior part of the hand are not so numerous as those on the back. Sometimes there are digital branches from the fingers, and an arcus in the palm ; but this bow is not formed by one large absorbent, analogous to the ulnar artery. On the contrary, its two extremities are con- tinued over the wrist, and pass on the fore-arm like the absorbents. At the elbow some of them often pass into one or two small glands, which are very superficial ; but the whole of the absorbents, somewhat reduced in number, as some of them unite together, pass along with the blood-vessels into the hollow of the arm-pit, where they enter the axillary glands. There are generally one or more vessels which pass in the course of the cephalic vein, between the pectoral and the deltoid muscle, and enter into some of the glands under the clavicle. There are almost always several glands in and near the axilla. Some of them are very near the great blood-vessels ; sometimes one or more of them are much lower ; sometimes they are to be found under the pectoral muscle. They are commonly not so large as those of the groin, and are surrounded with fat. The deep-seated absorbents originate also at the fingers, and soon accompany the branches of the arteries. Those which attend the radial artery, originate on the back of the hand, and also in the palm, where they are associated with the arcus profundus. They go up with the radial artery to the elbow, and sometimes pass through a small gland about the middle of the fore-arm. Those which attend the ulnar artery, commence under the aponeurosis palmaris, and go with the artery to the elbow ; at the bend of the elbow they are generally joined by one or more, which accompany the interosseal artery; there they unite, so as to form several trunks, which pass up to the axilla with the humeral artery. They sometimes pass through one RIGHT BRACHIO-CEPHALIC TRUNK. 367 or two glands, which are near the elbow; and they receive in their course, deep-seated branches from the muscles on the humerus. The absorbents from the anterior and external part of the thorax, and the upper part of the abdomen, also proceed to the axilla, and enter into the glands there : those which are deep- seated joining the deep-seated vessels. The absorbents of the mammae pass to the same glands ; and when they are affected with the virus of cancer, can often be perceived, in their course, in the living subject. The absorbents of the uppermost half of the back, and those of the back of the neck, go likewise to the axilla. The absorbent vessels, collected from these various sources, proceed from the exterior to the innermost glands, but with a considerable diminution of their number : they accompany the subclavian vein, and are reduced to one or two trunks, that generally unite before their termination. On the left side, the absorbents of the head and neck generally open into the tho- racic duct, as has been already observed ; and those of the left arm also open into the thoracic duct, or into the subclavian vein very near it. On the right side the absorbents from each of these parts empty into the common trunk, which often is formed by the union of large vessels, from four sources, and called brachio cephalic ; namely, the head", the thyroid gland, the right arm, and the right cavity of the thorax. The diameter of the trunk is very considerable ; but it is often not more than half an inch in length. It generally opens into the right subclavian vein, at the place where it unites to the right internal jugular. Two respectable physiologists of Europe, (M. Seguin, of Paris and the late Dr. Currie of Liverpool,) have doubted whether absorption takes place on the external surface of the skin.* This question has been examined in a very interesting manner by several graduates of the University of Pennsylvania, * I believe that M. Seguin's Memoir on this subject was read to the Academy of Sciences a short time before the meetings of that body were suspended. It was published by M. Fourcroy, in La Medicine Eclairee par les Sciences Physiques, vol. iii. An extract from M. Fourcroy's publication may be seen in the J9th chapter of the first volume of Dr. Currie's " Medical Reports on the Effects of Water," &c., in which is also contained a statement of the Doctor's own experiments and reflections. 36S FACTS RELATING TO CUTANEOUS ABSORPTION. who chose it for the subject of their inaugural theses ; namely, Drs. Rous- seau, Klapp, Daingerfield, Mussey, and J. Bradner Stewart. The three first of these gentlemen state that when spirit of turpentine, and several other substances which are commonly supposed to be absorbed by the skin, were applied to it in a way which prevented their volatile parts from entering the lungs by respiration, no absorption took place. But when the inspireil air was impregnated with exhalations from these substances, they perceived satisfactory proofs that the exhalations entered the system. From these facts they inferred that when those articles entered the body by absorp- tion, ihey were taken in by the lungs, and not by the external surface. On the 01 her hand, the two gentlemen last mentioned, state that after immers- ing themselves in a bath consisting of a decoction of rhubarb, of madder, or of turmeric, their urine became tinged with these substances. They also assert that the coloring matter of these different articles is not volatile ; and, therefore, could not have entered the lungs during the experiments.* The statement in page 301, from Dr. Soemmering, that when mercury is in- jected backwards in the absorbent vessels which originate on the foot, it will sometimes appear in small globules on the skin of the foot, has an important connexion with this subject.f About the middle of the last century, it was generally believed by anatomists that absorption was performed by the veins. This doctrine seemed to be established by the experiments of Kaaw Boerhaave, which are related with many other interesting statements, in his work, entitled " Perspiratio Dicta Hippocrati," &c., published at Leyden, in 1738. In these experiments it appeared to the author, that when the stomach of a dog was emptied of its contents, and filled with warm water, immediately after death, the water passed into the minute ramifications of the veins of the stomach, and from them to the vena portarum, and ultimately to the heart in large quantities. This account appears to be disproved by some experiments of the late John Hunter, made about twenty years after, and published in the Medical Com- mentaries of Dr. William Huuter, part I.— Mr. Hunter's experiments have been considered as establishing the fact, that absorption, (in the intestines at least,) is performed exclusively by the lacteals, or proper absorbent vessels, and not at all by the veins. Kaaw Boerhaave is of course supposed to have been mistaken ; and Mascagni, who has repeated his experiments, refers the appearance of water in the veins to transudations through the coats of the intestines ; which he has observed to take place in a great degree. In the year 1809, a memoir was presented to the national institute of France by Messrs. Blagendie and Delile, which contains an account of some experi- ments that have an important relation to the above mentioned subject.^: — * The Thesis of Dr. Rousseau was published iu 1800. Those of Drs. Klapp and Dainger- field in 1805. Dr. Mussey published in the Third Supplement to the Medical and Physical Journal of Dr. Barton in 1809. Dr. Stewart published in 1810. Additional Observations by Drs. Klapp, Rousseau and Smith, are published in the Philadelphia Medical Museum, vol. i. new series. t Since the publication of the first volume the author has enjoyed the advantage of con- sultino- a translation, in manuscript, of some parts of the German edition of Dr. Soemmer- ing's valuable work on the Structure of the Human Body. t The title of the paper is a " Memoir on the Organs of Absorption in Mammiferous Ani- mals." A translation of it was published in the Medical and Philosophical Register of New York, and in several other periodical works. EXPERIMENTS OF BOERHAAVE AND HUNTER. 369 The authors being greatly surprised at the rapiJity with which the pois^on of Java, 6cc., appeared to enter the sanguiferous system, instituted a series of experiments to determine whether these substances proceeded to that system by the circuitous route of the absorbent vessels, or by the shorter course of the veins. Two of their experiments are especially interesting. They made an incision through the parietes of the abdomen of a living dog, who had eaten a large quantity of meat some hours before, (that his lacteals might be visible from their distention with chyle,) and drawing out a portion of the small intestine, they applied two ligatures to it, at the distance of five inches from each other. The portion of intestine between these ligatures was then separated by incision from the rest of the intestinal tube, and all the lacteals and blood-vessels, &:c., which passed to and from it, were divided, except one artery and a vein. A considerable length of this artery and vein were de- tached from all the surrounding parts, so that the authors supposed these vessels to form the only connexion between the portion of the intestine^ and the rest of the body. Into the cavity of the intestine, which was thus cir- cumstanced, they introduced a small quantity of the poison, and, to their astonishment, it produced its fatal effects in the same manner it would have done if it had been introduced into the intestine while all its connexions with the body were entire. This experiment, they assert, was repeated several times, without any difference in the result. After several other experiments, they finally separated the thigh from the body of a living dog in such a manner, that the crural artery and vein were left undivided. A quill was then introduced into the artery, and two ligatures were applied to fix it round the quill. The artery was then divided between the two ligatures. The vein was managed in the same manner. There was, therefore, no communication between the limb and the body, except by the blood which passed through the divided vessels and the quills. The poison was then introduced under the skin of the foot, and soon occasioned the death of the animal ; its deleterious effects commencing about four minutes after its application to the foot. This experiment appears to prove decidedly that the blood is the vehicle by which poison, when applied to the extremities, is carried to the body ; although it may not determine the question whether this poison was taken up by the absorbents or by the veins * Some other experiments made by the authors gave results, which are very diffi- cult indeed to explain. They wished to know if the blood of an animal thus contaminated, would produce similar effects upon another animal ; and, with a view to ascertain this point, they insinuated a small piece of wood, covered with the poison, into the thick part of the left side of the nose of a dog. Three minutes after the introduction of the poison, they transfused blood from the jugular vein of the same side, into one of the veins of another dog. About one minute after the commencement of the transfusion, the effects of the poison began in the dog to which it was applied, and continued until his death. Transfusion into the veins of the other dog went on during the whole time, and he received a large quantity of blood from the dying dog, without producing any effect. They varied this experiment in the following manner. The thigh of a dog was separated from the body ; the artery and the vein * Tliis experiment has been repeatefl in Philadelphia. See Professor Chapman's Medical and Physical Journal for February, 1823, No. 10.— h. STO THE ABSORBENT VESSELS. were arranp;ed as in the former experiment ; and poison was introduced into the foot. Three minutes after the introduction of the poison, the blood of the crural vein was passed into the jugular vein of another animal and transfu- sion was continued five minutes without producing any effect upon the animal receiving the blood ; it was then stopped, and the crural vein was so arranged that the blood flowed from it into the animal to which it belonged. This animal very soon exhibited symptoms of the operation of the poison.* From these very interesting experiments the authors infer that "foreign matters do not always proceed through the Lymphatic or Absorbent Vessels, nhen they enter into the Sanguiferous system." This memoir was referred by the Institute to four of its members, who are particularly distinguished by their profound knowledge of anatomy and phy- siology. These gentlemen, after stating their belief that the functions of the lymphatic or absorbent system have been completely ascertained by the ex- periments and observations of Hunter, Cruikshank, Mascagni, ^c, say far- ther, that in their opinion, the above mentioned inference ought to be a little modified, and that facts are not sufficiently numerous, or applicable to the point in question, to justify the inference xhdLt foreign matters do not always proceed through the Lymphatic or Absorbent Vessels, rvhen they enter the Sangui- ferous system. But Ihey also add, that as the author is still engaged in a series of experiments on the subject, they will suspend their judgment respecting the inferences to be deduced from the present staten.ent. The most extensive account of the absorbent system is contained in the " His- loria et Ichnographia Vasorum Lymphaticorum Corporis Hnmani" of Mas- cagni,— " The Anatomy of the Absorbing Vessels of the Human Body, by W. Cruikshank ;" — and " The Description of the Lymphatic System, by William Hewson," (the second volume of his Experimental Inquiries,) are also very interesting publications. * An account of tliese experiments was published by M. Magendie in a pamphlet. A statement of them is also contained in the report made to the Institute by the committee to whom the memoir was referred, which is published in the Journal de Physique, for March, 1813. In that statement this last mentioned experiment is omitted. A most interesting series of inquiries and experiments in regard to the laws of absorption will be found in Professor Chapman's Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences, No. 6, in a report of a Committee of the Academy of Medicine, signed by Doctors Lawrence and Coates, of this city. And a continuation of the same will be found in No. 10 of the same Journal, signed by Doctors Lawrence and Coates. Since the publication of the latter, to the regret of all who knew him, and to the great loss of Anatomy and of Physiology, the indefatigable and excellent Lawrence is no more. — h. k. PART X. OF THE BRAIN AND SPINAL MARROW : OF THE EYE AND THE EAR. CHAPTER XII. OF THE BRAIN. The whole of the soft mass, which fills the cavity of the cranium, is called the brain. This mass is covered by three membranes : two of which were called meninges or matres, by the ancient anatomists : who believed that all the other mem- branes of the body originated from them. These membranes are denominated the Dura Mater, Tunica Arachnoidea, and Pia Mater. Of the Membranes of the Brain, and Sinuses of the Dura Mater. Dura Mater. The Dura Mater encloses the brain and all its appendages, and lines the different parts of the cranium. It consists of one membrane of a very dense texture, which in several places is composed of two or more lamina. It is the thickest and strong- est membrane of the body, and is composed of tendinous fibres, which have a shining appearance, particularly on its inner sur- face. In many parts these fibres run in a variety of directions, and decussate each other at different angles. The dura mater adheres every where to the surface of the cranium, in the same manner as the periosteum adheres to the 372 DURA MATER. bones in the other parts of the body ; but is more firmly con- nected at the sutures and foramina than elsewhere ; and so much more firmly in children than in adults, that In separating it fi-om the cranium, it is apt to bring along with it some of the fibres of the bone to which it is attached. In the adult, the separation of the bone from the membrane is less difficult, in consequence of many of the fibres being obliterated ; although in old age the adhesion is sometimes very strong. The inner surface of the dura mater, which is remarkably smooth, is in close contact with the brain, but adheres only where the veins go into the sinuses ; and is lubricated by a fluid discharged through its vessels, which guards the brain from danger, according as it may be affected by the different states of respiration. The dura mater serves as a defence to the brain, and supplies the place of a periosteum to the inside of the cranium ; giving nourishment to it, as is evident from the numerous drops of blood which appear after removing a portion of it from the bone. The proper blood-vessels of the dura mater are not very numerous. Its arteries are derived partly from the external carotids, and partly from the internal carotids and the vertebral arteries. Corresponding veins accompany these arteries ; but the dura mater by the separation of its two lamina forms also reservoirs, that contain the venous blood, which is brought from the substance of the brain. These are called sinuses, and are very different from common veins. Nerves have been traced into the dura mater by the French anatomists, derived from the sympathetic in the neck. There have been disputes respecting its sensibility ; but there is reason to believe that in a sound state it has very little. — Nervous fibrils have been likewise traced into the dura mater, from the fourth pair and from several branches of the fifth. — The dura mater sends also a cylindrical prolongation through the basilar foramen to the margin of which it is closely adhe- rent, and down the vertebral canal, to enclose the medulla spinali. It sends also tubular prolongations over each of the TUNICA ARACHNOIDEA. PIA MATER. 373 nerves as it passes out the foramina of the cranium and spine, to assist in forming their neurileraa or sheath. — Tunica Arachnoidea. The Tunica Arachnoidea is an exceedingly thin, tender, and transparent membrane, in which no vessels have been hitherto observed. It is spread uniformly over the surface of the brain, enclosing all its convolutions, without insinuating itself between any of them. At the upper part of the brain it adheres so closely to the subjacent coat by fine cellular substance, that it can scarcely be separated from it ; but in different parts of the base of the brain, particularly about the tuber annulare and medulla oblongata, it is merely in contact with the membrane under it, and may readily be raised from it by the assistance of the blow-pipe. — The Tunica Arachnoidea belongs to the class of serous membranes and forms a double sac — one covering the surface of the brain or rather of the pia mater, and the other giving an internal polished facing to the dura mater. It does not however like the pia mater pass in to line the ventricles. — A separate arachnoid membrane is formed in these cavities. The arachnoid of the outer surface of the brain passes down through the basilar fora- men, to form one of the coverings of the spinal marrow. A loose cellular tissue serves to connect it to the pia mater, both of the brain and spinal marrow, which contains in the healthy state a limpid secretion, amounting to one and a half or two ounces called the sub-arachnoid fluid, which is supposed to serve as a protection to the delicate cerebro-spinal mass. The greater looseness of the arachnoid above noticed over the anterior part of the tuber-annulare and the medulla ablongata, form what are called, the anterior and posterior sub-arachnoid spaces. A third space called the superior is found above the tubercula quadri- gemina. The looseness of the arachnoid over the spinal marrow forms a spinal sub-arachnoid space of considerable dimensions. Pia Mater. The Pia Mater, named from its tenderness, is an extremely vascular membrane, made up exclusively of vessels and a deli- cate cellular tissue which unites them together. VOL. II. 32 374 PROCESSES OF THE DURA MATER. It covers the brain in general, enters double between all its convolutions, and lines the different cavities called ventricles. It serves to conduct and support the vessels of the brain, and allows them to divide into such minute parts, as to prevent the blood from entering the tender substance of this viscus with too great force. The arteries of the pia mater are the same with those of the brain and are derived from the internal carotids and vertebrals. The veins differ in no respect from those of the other viscera, excepting in this, that they do not accompany the arteries. — It gets its nerves from the branches of the sympathetic which attend the blood-vessels. Both it and the tunica arach- noidea send cylindrical prolongations down the vertebral canal, which surround the medulla spinalis. — The pia mater is changed in character so as to become a fibrous membrane, as it passes down over the crura cerebri, the pons varolii and the spinal medulla, which latter it closely embraces. — Processes of the Dura Mater. From the dura mater certain membranous processes go off, forming incomplete partitions, which partially divide the cavity of the cranium ; and in the same partial manner, separate the parts of the brain from each other : thus preventing them from pressing upon each other, and keeping them steady. They are formed of the internal lamina or layer of the dura mater, like a plait, and therefore each of them consists of a double membrane. The most conspicuous of these is denominated the falv, which extends from the anterior to the posterior part of the cranium, and divides the upper part of the brain into two hemispheres ; but it is not sufficiently deep to divide the whole of the brain : for, between the under edge of it, and the base of the cranium, there is a large space occupied by a portion of the brain, which is undivided : and, therefore, common to both hemispheres. The falx begins at the middle of the sphenoid bone, and, continuing its origin from the crista galli of the ethmoid bone, FALX MAJOR. TENTORIUM. FALX MINOR. 375 runs along the upper and nnidclle part of the head ; adhering first to the frontal, then to the joining of the parietal, and after- wards to the middle of the occipital bone. In its passage it becomes gradually broader, and terminates behind, in the middle of the tentorium. It runs from before backwards in a straight direction, and has some resemblance in shape to a sickle or scythe, placed with its edge downwards ; from which circumstance it has obtained the name o{ falx. After extending backwards as far as the centre of the crucial ridge, on the internal surface of the occipital bone, it extends to each side, and forms a horizontal partition, which partially divides the lower part of the cavity from the upper: but it does not extend so far forward, as to separate, completely, the mass which is under it, or the cerebellum, from the upper part of the brain, or cerebrum. This horizontal membrane is called the tentorium and also the transverse septum : it is connected behind to the inner transverse ridges and grooves of the occipital bone, and, at the fore and outer edges, to the ridges and great angles of the tem- poral bones, and terminates at the posterior clinoid process of the sphenoid bone. Between the inner edge of the tentorium and the posterior clinoid process of the sphenoid bone, there is a large notch, or oval foramen, where the brain and cerebellum are united, or where the tnher annulare is chiefly situated which unites them. The tentorium keeps the falx tense, and forms a floor or vault over the cerebellum, which prevents the cerebrum from pressing upon it. The falx minor, or septum cerebelli, is placed between the lobes of the cerebellum. It descends from the under and back part of the falx in the middle of the tentorium, adheres to the inferior longitudinal spine of the os occipitis, and terminates insensibly at the edge of the foramen magnum of that bone. Besides the process of the dura mater already described, there are four of inferior consideration ; two of which are situ- ated at the sides of the sella turcica, and two at the edges of the foramina lacera. 376 SINUSES. Sinuses of the Dura Mater. As these partitions arise like plaits from the internal surface of the dura mater, there must necessarily be a cavity, larger or smaller, between the external layer of the dura mater, which lines the internal surface of the cranium, and the basis of the partition or process which arises from it : this cavity must continue along the whole basis of the partition, and a section of it will be triangular. Fig. 185.* This cavity is of considerable size at the upper edge of the falx, where it rises from the dura mater, and also where it forms the tentorium ; and at the posterior edges of the tentorium, where it adheres to the occipital bone. The cavity at the upper edge of the falx is called the longi- tudinal si7ius ; that at the posterior edge of the tentorium forms two cavities, called the lateral sinuses ; and that which is at the junction of the falx and tentorium has the name of the torcular, or press of Herophilus ; so named, from a supposition enter- tained by the older anatomists, that the columns of blood, com- ing in different directions, compressed each other at this point. * The sinuses of the upper and back part of the skull. 1. The superior longitudinal sinus. 2, 2. The cerebral veins opening into the sinus from be- hind forwards. 3. The falx cerebri. 4. The inferior longitudinal sinus. 5. The straight or fourth sinus. 6. The vense Galeni. 7. The torcular Herophili. 8. The two lateral sinuses, with the occipital sinuses between them. 9. The termination of the inferior petrous sinus of one side. 10, The dilatations cor- responding with the jugular fossae, il. The internal jugular veins. ■^ SINUSES. 377 The veins of the brain open into these sinuses ; and the blood flows through them into the internal jugular veins. They differ from veins principally in this : that they are triangular, and, by the tension of the dura mater, are protected from pressure. The principal sinuses are, 1. The longitudinal sinus, which begins at the crista galli, and, running along the upper edge of the falx until it arrives at the tentorium, increases gradually in size, and terminates in the two lateral sinuses. [In this sinus, and beneath the dura mater near the top of the head, are many small bodies of various sizes called glandulse Pacchioni. They are of various dimensions, from a line and less to three or four lines in diameter. One of the largest of these glands on each side protrudes through the dura mater from the surface of the brain, and makes a pit in the OS parietale. Vesalius demonstrated these bodies in 1543. Pacchioni also demonstrated them fifty years afterwards ; and, claiming them as a discovery of his own, succeeded in attaching his name to them.] 2. The two lateral sinuses run in depressions of the occipital and temporal bones, until they terminate in the internal jugular veins at the foramen lacerum. 3. The torcular Herophili, which receives a large vein from the interior of the brain, formed by the union of the two vena Galeni, and is situated at the junction of the falx and tentorium, opening into the longitudinal sinus, where it divides into the late- ral sinuses. These are the larger sinuses of the dura mater ; but, in addi- tion to these, there are several small sinuses : as, 4. The inferior longitudinal sinus, which is situated at the under edge of the falx, and receives blood from the central parts of the cerebrum ; it terminates in the torcular Herophili, near the beginning. The other small sinuses are situated under the brain ; viz. 5. The circular sinus of Ridley,* which frequently surrounds the pituitary gland, and carries the blood from the contiguous parts to the * An English anatomist, who flourished near the end of the 17th century. 32* 3T8 CEREBRUM. 6. Cavernous sinuses, which are placed at the sides of the sella turcica, surrounding the carotid arteries and the sixth pair 'ISC. 186. of nerves, and receive blood from the circular sinuses the oph- thalmic veins and several con- tiguous parts, and discharge it into the 7. Inferior petrous sinuses, which are placed at the bases of the partes petrosae, and discharge this blood into the ends of the lateral sinuses. To these should be added 8. The superior petrous sinu- ses, which are situated on the up- per edges of the petrous bones. They communicate both with the lateral and the cavernous sinuses, and receive some small veins from the adjacent parts. There are also several small sinuses near the great occi- pital foramen, which communicate with the lateral sinuses, and also with the vertebral veins. They are called occipital sinuses. The brain or the whole of the soft substance contained within these membranes, is composed of four portions, viz., cerebrum, cerebellum, tuber annulare or pons Varolii, and medulla oblon- gata. Of the Cerebrum. The cerebrum completely fills the upper part of the cavity of the cranium. It has some resemblance to the half of an egg, which has been divided horizontally ; and is composed of two * The sinuses of the base of the skull. 1. The ophthalmic veins. 2. The cavernous sinus of one side. 3. The circular sinus ; the figure occupies the position of the pituitary gland in the sella turcica. 4. The inferior petrous sinus. 5. The transverse or anterior occipital sinus. 6. The superior petrous sinus. 7. The internal jugular vein. 8. The foramen magnum. 9. The occi- pital sinuses. 10. The torcular Herophili. 11, 11. The lateral sinuses. CEREBRUM. 379 equal parts, which are separated vertically from each other by the falx. This vertical separation does not extend through the centre of the cerebrum, although it divides it completely before and behind. A portion of the central part of the cerebrum ; which is situated deeper than the under edge of the falx, is not divided. The upper surface of the two hemispheres is convex. The under surface is rather irregular; it is divided in each hemi- sphere into three lobes : the anterior, the middle, and the posterior* The anterior lobes of the brain are situated on the front part of the base of the cranium, principally on the orbitar processes of the OS frontis. The middle lobes are lodged in the fossae formed by the tem- poral and sphenoid bones. The posterior lobes rest chiefly upon the tentorium, over the cerebellum. Between the anterior and middle lobes is a deep furrow, corresponding to the base of the cranium on which they rest, which is called the fossa Sylvii. The surface of the brain resembles that of a mass of small intestines, or of a convoluted cylindrical tube : it is, therefore, said to be convoluted. The fissures between these con- volutions do not extend very deep into the substance of the brain. The whole surface of the brain, thus convoluted, is covered by pia mater ; which is connected to every part of the surface by an infinite number of small vessels and processes, that appear when this membrane is peeled off from the surface of the brain. The mass of the brain consists of two substances of different colors ; one of which is, for the most part, exterior to the other. The exterior substance is of a light brown color, and is therefore called cineritious, or cortical, from its situa- tion. The internal substance is whhe, and is denominated the medullary. 380 CORPUS CALLOSUxM, The proportion of this medullary part is much greater than that of the cortical. The cortical, however, surrounds it, so as to form the whole of the surface of the cerebrum, that can be strictly said to be exterior. The color of the cortical part appears to be derived from the blood ; as its intensity seems regularly proportioned to the quantity of blood in the head. In subjects who have been plethoric, or have had a determination of blood to the head ; it is uniformly high-colored ; in pallid and exhausted subjects it is of a fainter color. The medullary matter is uniformly white ; but small red points appear upon its surface, when cut, which are the sec- tions of vessels which carry red blood ; and these points are larger and more numerous in plethoric, than in exhausted subjects. It is rather firmer than the cortical substance. These two substances are most intimately connected in the cerebrum, and indeed seem to be a continuation of each other. In some parts they are blended together ; and in other places, there are portions of cortical matter within the medullary. The division of the cerebrum into two hemispheres extends to a considerable depth from above, and also to a considerable distance internally, from its anterior and posterior extremities ; of course, the part which is undivided is in the centre. The cortical part covers also the surfaces, which are in the great fissure that forms the two hemispheres, and is occupied, in a great degree, by the falciform process of the dura mater. Towards the bottom of this fissure, and below the falx, these surfaces being opposed to each other, and in contact, are slight- ly united by adhesion of the membranes that cover them. The central part, which is not divided, and which must appear at the bottom of the fissure, when the two hemispheres are separated from each other, is medullary ; being evidently a union of the medullary matter of each hemisphere. This undivided medullary part is equal to about one half of the length of the hemispheres ; the fissures at each extremity ex- tending inwards, about one-fourth of their length. On each side of it, a fissure, equal to it in length, extends horizontally LATERAL VENTRICLES. 381 into the medullary matter in each hemisphere, about half an inch ; the whole of this unconnected surface, the middle of which is directly at the bottom of the great fissure, is termed corpus calhsum. When the hemispheres are cut away to the level of this sur- face, and the corpus callosum is examined, two raised lines appear in the middle, which extend from one end of it to the other ; and between them is a small groove of the same length. This groove is called the raphe, or suture of the corpus callo- sum. From the raised lines or bands on each side of the raphe, small lines less elevated pass across the corpus callosum, and are lost in the medullary matter. The hemispheres being thus cut off at the level of the corpus callosum, on the cut surface is to be seen the interior mass of medullary matter, with the cor- tical part exterior, its edge exhibiting the convoluted surface of the brain, and the pia mater, following the convolutions. The medullary surface, thus exhibited, with the corpus cal- losum in the centre, is denominated the centrum ovale. The Ventricles. In the brain there are four cavities called ventricles : three of these are formed in the substance of the cerebrum : the fourth is situated between the cerebellum, the pons Varolii, and medulla oblongata. The two largest are called the lateral ventricles, from their situations ; the others are named, from the order in which they occur, the third and the fourth ven- tricles. — Another ventricle has more lately been discovered called the fifth. It is very small and is situated between the two layers of the septum lucidum. It communicates downwards between the anterior crura of the fornix with the cavity of the third ventricle. — The lateral ventricles are cavities of an extremely irregular figure : they are situated in each hemisphere a little below the level of the corpus callosum : and, with the exception of the partition which separates them, are directly under it. They commence anteriorly, nearly on a line with the termination of 382 CORPUS STRIATUM. the fissure that separates the two hemispheres anteriorly ; and, continue backwards ahnost as far as the commencement of the fissure that separates them posteriorly : when they have attained this length posteriorly, they form a considerable curve, first outwards, then downwards, and afterwards forwards, so that they terminate almost as far forwards as they commenced ; but much deeper. At the posterior part of their curve, when they incline out- wards, previous to their turn downwards, a process or continu- ation of the cavity extends backwards, almost as far as the cerebrum does itself. These elongations are called the posterior cornua or sinuses, or the digital cavities. Each ventricle may, therefore, be divided into three parts, viz. The portion under the corpus callosum ; the portion which continues outwards and downwards, and terminates below it : and the posterior portion. It has been compared to a ram's horn, by some who have contemplated particularly the upper and lower portions of the cavity ; and by others who have had the whole extent in view, it has been called tricornis. The bottom, or lower surface of these cavities, is varied in almost every part of its extent. The front part of the bottom of each ventricle is a broad and convex eminence, which becomes narrower as it proceeds backwards ; so that it resem- bles a portion of a pear. It inclines outwards as well as back- wards, so that the narrow posterior extremities of the two bodies are farther from each other than the anterior broad ex- tremities. The color of these bodies is cineritious externally ; but they are striated with medullary matter within, and therefore are called corpora striata. Between their posterior extremities are two other eminences, which incline to the oval form, and have a white or medullary color ; although their substance, when cut into, is slightly striated : they are called the thalami nervorum opticorum. These bodies are very near each other: and, being convex in form, are in contact at the centre : they adhere slightly to each llbi. THALAMUS NERVI OPTICl. FORNIX. 383 other ; and this adhesion is called the soft commissure, (commis- sura 7nolUs.) The corpora striata, and the thalami nervorum opticorum Fig. 187.* join each other at the exterior sides of the thalami : where they are in contact, there is the appearance of a narrow medullary band, which con- tinues during the whole ex- tent of their connexion : it has been called, by some, tenia semicircularis, from its form ; by others, centrum ge- minum semicirculare, and tenia striata. — A vein of considerable size runs along the upper surface of the tenia, formed from the veins which emerge from the corpus striatum and thalamus and which vein empties into the vena galeni of the same side. * The lateral ventricles of the cerebrum. 1, 1. The two hemispheres cut down to a level with the corpus callosum so as to constitute the centrum ovale majus. The surface is seen to be studded with the small vascular points — puncta vasculosa ; and surrounded by a narrow margin which represents the grey substance. 2. A small portion of the anterior extremity of the corpus callosum. 3. Its posterior boundary ; the intermediate portion forming the roof of the lateral ventricles has been removed so as to completely expose those cavities, 4. A part of the septum lucidum, showing an interspace between its layers — the fifth ventricle. 5. The anterior cornu of one side. 6. The com- mencement of the middle cornu. 7. The posterior cornu. 8. The corpus stria- tum of one ventricle. 9. The tenia semicircularis covered by the vena corporis striati and tenia Tarini. 10. A small part of the thalamus opticus. 11. The dark fringe-like body to the left of the figure is the choroid plexus. This plexus is continuous by a small process of it which passes through the foramen of Monro, with the cavity of the third ventricle. A bristle is passed across, through the two foramina of Monro, the extremities of which rest on the cor- pus striatum of each side. Figure 11 rests upon the side of the fornix ; this side portion, terminates in the posterior crus of the fornix, which runs down the middle cornu of the lateral ventricle by the side of the hippocampus major and is (here caWed corpus Ji7)ibriatum. 12. The fornix. 13. The commencement of the hippocampus major descending into the middle cornua. The rounded oblong body in the posterior cornua of the lateral ventricle directly behind fig. 13 is the Ergot, or hippocampus minor. 384 FORNIX. — A yellowish band called the tenia Tarini or horny band form- ed by a thickening of the lining membrane of the ventricle over- lays this vein. — These surfaces constitute the bottom or floor of the first por- tion of the ventricles, which is under the corpus callosum : upon this floor is laid a thin lamen of the medullary matter, of a triangular form, called the Fornix, which covers the thalami nervorum opticorum, and is attached to them by a membrane ; so that when the ventricles are opened, the bottom appears to consist of the corpora striata, and the fornix. The upper surface or roof of the ventricles is concave ; from the middle of it, immediately under the raphe of the corpus callosum, there proceeds downwards a partition of medullary matter, which separates the two ventricles from each other. This is called septum lucidum, from its being nearly transparent : below, it adheres to the fornix, and anteriorly, it is continued into the medullary matter, between the corpora striata. This septum lucidum is formed of two lamina or plates, which are separated from each other in the anterior portion of the septum, and thus form a small cavity, which has communication with the third ventricle of the brain. The fornix is not perfectly flat, but accommodated to the sur- face of the thalami nervorum opticorum ; its under surface is rather concave, and its upper surface convex. The anterior angle passes down between the most anterior parts of the tha- lami nervorum opticorum, and is divided into two small portions called its crura, which can be traced some distance in that part of the brain. The body of the fornix is attached to the surfaces of the thalami nervorum opticorum on which it rests by a very vascular membrane, that is spread over the thalami, and called tela choroidea and velum interpositum. At the edges of the fornix, there are many blood-vessels in the membrane, arranged close to each other, which are called the plexus choroides. The posterior side or edge of the triangular fornix termi- nates in the corpus collosum, or the medullary matter which ■M||^ PLEXUS CHOROIDES. 385 is above it at that jDlace ; but the under surface is attached throughout to the parts on which it lies, by the aforesaid mem- brane. The two posterior angles of the fornix form what are called the crura, and they terminate in the following way. The surfaces of the inferior portions of the lateral ventricles are not uniformly concave ; but at the bottom of each there is a prominent body, which begins where this portion of the cavity winds outwards and forward, and continues its whole extent. This prominence has a curved form, and is marked by transverse indentations towards its extremity ; hence it has been termed the hippocampus, or cornu ammonis. A similar prominence, but smaller, and without the trans- verse indentations, is to be found in the posterior portion of the ventricle : this has, also, been called hippocampus ; but the terms major and minor are applied to distinguish them. The posterior angles of the fornix terminate in the large hippocampi ; and the margin or thin edge of the two anterior sides of the fornix, is continued to form an edge to the hippo- campus ; and is called the icEnia hippocampi, or corpus Jim- hriatum. The word fornix was the ancient name of a vault or arch ; and, from its supposed resemblance to an arch, this part has been called by that name. When the fornix is raised up, which must be done by divi- ding it at the anterior angle, and detaching it from the thalami nervorum opticorum, the thalami by dissecting off the velum in- terpositum, are brought fairly into view, and appear like oval bodies placed parallel to each other. They adhere slightly at their upper surfaces, and, when separated, a fissure appears between them, which is the third ventricle. At the upper and front part of this third ventricle, near its commencement, before the anterior crura of the fornix, and very near them, is a white chord, like a nerve, which passes across the ventricle, and can be traced to some distance on each side of the medul- lary matter of the brain. This chord is called the anterior commissure of the brain. VOL. II. 33 386 COMMISSURES OF THE BRAIN. The thalami nervorum opticorum being of an oval form, and touching each other in the middle, there must be a vacuity between them at their extremities. This vacuity is behind the anterior crura of the fornix, and has been called Vulva, Iter ad Infundibulnm, and Iter ad Tertium Ventriculum. It leads, of course, into the third ventricle ; but a passage continues from it downwards and rather forwards, to the infundibulum ; which is a process somewhat resembling a funnel that is composed principally of cineritious substance, and passes from the lower and front part of the third ventricle, towards the sella turcica ; in which is situated the small body called the Pituitary Gland. The infundibulum is hollow at its commencement, and solid at its extremity near the gland. The adhesion of the thalami nerv. optic, to each other, at the upper part of the third ventricle, has been denominated the Commissura Mollis. The recession from each other at their posterior extremities, in consequence of their oval figure, forms another opening into the third ventricle when the fornix and tela choroidea is raised, but which is closed when they are in iheir natural situations upon it. In the back part of the third ventricle is another medullary chord, called the Posterior Commissure, which appears much like the anterior commissure ; but does not extend into the substance of the brain in the same way. Under this chord, or posterior commissure, is a passage which leads to the fourth ventricle, called Iter ad Q^uartum Ventriculum, or Aqueduct of Sylvius. Behind the third ventricle, and terminating it posteriorly, are four. convex bodies, called Tubercula (^uadrigemina, or Nates and Testes : the nates are uppermost and most convex ; the testes are immediately below, and somewhat oval trans- versely. The nates and testes are situated so far backwards that they are near the anterior part of the upper surface of the cerebel- lum, and the anterior edge of the middle of the tentorium. The posterior part of the fornix is directly over them, but it COMMUNICATION OF THE VENTRICLES. 387 unites with the medullary matter of the cerebrum above it ; there would, therefore, be a passage into the lateral ventricles from behind, between the back of the fornix which is above, and the nates and testes which are below ; but the velum inter- positum passes in from behind, and attaches the lower surface of the fornix to all the parts on which it lies ; and thus closes the ventricles at this place. In this membrane, immediately over the posterior end of the fissure called the third Ventricle, and in contact with the nates, is the Pineal Gland. This body is not so large as a pea, and is formed like a pine-apple, or the cone of a pine tree. When the fornix is raised by dissecting the membrane, it may be elevated with the membrane and fornix. The nature of this body is not understood : it resembles a small gland in its appearance, but it is very soft ; and particles of sand-like matter are often found in it. There is a small chord on each edge of the third ventricle, which appears to proceed from the pineal gland, and continues on the edge of the ventricle to the anterior crura of the fornix, to which it unites. These chords join each other under the pineal gland: they are called the pedunculi, ov footstalks of the pineal gland. The membrane connected with the pineal gland, it has been said, is the tela choroidea, or velum interpositum, in which the plexus choroides is placed, at the edges of the fornix. This membrane is extended, somewhat thinner and less vascular, so as to line the surface of the ventricles. The plexus choroides appears to begin at the end of each 'of the inferior portions of the ventricles, where the pia mater penetrates from the basis of the brain : it proceeds into the upper portions of the ventricles, and continuing along the edge of the fornix, passes under that body at its inferior angle, and meets the plexus of the opposite side. Between this meeting of the plexus, and the crura of the fornix, is a vacuity of an oval figure, which forms a communi- cation between the ventricles of the brain. Under this vacuity or foramen, the thalami nerv. optic, recede from each other, and form the anterior passage into the third ventricle, described 388 THE CEREBELLUM. at page 386, so that at this place the three ventricles communi- cate with each other. From the plexus choroides of each side, where it has passed under the fornix at the anterior angle, a large vein is turned backwards, so as to run nearly over the fissure of the third ventricle towards the pineal gland. Several veins from the surface of the ventricle join this vein near its commence- ment ; thus formed, it passes along with the corresponding vein from the opposite side, sometimes in contact and some- times separated from it a small distance ; near the pineal gland, these veins unite into one trunk, the great internal vein of the brain, called the T-^ena Galeni : which terminates soon after in the torcular Herophili. Of the Cerebellum. The cerebellum is situated in the lower and posterior part of the cavity of the cranium, in contact with that portion of the OS occipitis which is below the groove for the lateral sinuses. It is, of course, much less than the brain. It is covered above by the tentorium, and is divided below into two lobes, by the falx minor. The surface of the cerebellum differs in some respects from that of the cerebrum. Instead of the convolutions, there are small superficial depressions, which are nearly horizontal, tending to divide the cerebellum into strata. The pia mater extends into these depressions ; and the tunica arachnoidea passes over them, as in the cerebrum. The exterior part of the cerebellum is composed of cine- ritious or cortical, and the interior of medullary matter, as is the case with the cerebrum : but the proportions of these sub- stances in the cerebellum, are the reverse of what they are in the cerebrum. If sections be made in the cerebellum, the medullary matter is so arranged that it appears like the stem or trunk of a plant, with ramifications extending from it. This appearance has been called the Arbor vita. PONS VAROLII. 389 On the basis of the brain is a part called Tuber Annulare, or Pons Varolii, which is formed by processes from the cerebrum, and cerebellum ; it is in contact with the anterior and inferior portion of the cerebellum in the middle. From this part the medulla oblongata proceeds downwards and backwards, under the cerebellum : and between the cerebellum, the medulla ob- longata, and the pons varolii, is the vacuity, called ihe fourth ventricle of the brain. When the brain is in its natural situation, this cavity is below and behind the nates and testes ; and from the cerebellum there passes up to the testes, a lamen of medullary matter, which closes it above. This lamen is called the Valve of Vieussens, or the Volve of the Brain. Below, the ventricle is closed by a membrane, which connects the medulla oblongata to the cere- bellum. There is a passage into this cavity from the third ventricle, which passes under the posterior commissure, the nates and testes, entering the fourth ventricle below the testes. Of the Basis of the Brain, and the Nerves which proceed from it. When the brain is detached from the basis of the cranium, and inverted, (which can be readily done, if the nerves that proceed from it are divided, as it is inverted,) the tunica arach- noidea appears more conspicuous on the basis than it is on the upper part ; the pia mater is disposed round the convolutions in the same manner that it is above ; but the nerves and vessels connected with the surface of the brain are so much involved with these membranes, that considerable dissection is required to expose them properly. The anterior and middle lobes of the brain are very conspi- cuous on the inverted surface. The anterior lobes appear separ- ated from each other by the extension of the great fissure which forms the two hemispheres. The middle lobes appear at some distance from each other in the centre ; and the cerebellum forms the posterior and most prominent part of the surface. When the brain has been carefully detached from the cranium, 33* 390 BASIS OF THE BRAIN, AND NERVES PROCEEDING FROM IT. and the nerves adhering to it are preserved, the olfactory or first pair^**' of nerves appear on the anterior lobes, running nearly parallel to each other at a small distance from the great fissure. Tiiey are flat, and thin, and soft, in their texture ; their breadth is rather more than one-sixth of an inch. They pass in three divisions from between the anterior and middle lobes of the cerebrum, which soon unite and run to the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, where they expand into soft bul- bous lobes, from which proceed the fibres that perforate the cribriform plate, and are spread upon the Schneiderian mem- brane. Behind the olfactory nerves are the optic. Each of which comes out between the anterior and middle lobes of the cere- brum ; and after blending so as to meet its fellow, turns off and passes through the optic foramen in the sphenoidal bone. These nerves can be traced in the brain to the thalami nerv. opticorum. In the angle formed by the optic nerves posteriorly, is a mass of softish cineritious matter (jpons Tarini) ; and also the infun- dibulum which passes to the sella turcica. In this soft cineritious matter are two round white bodies that resemble peas ; they are called the Corpora Albicantia of Willis or the Eminentice Mammillares. Behind these bodies are two large medullary processes, called the Crura Cerebri, which are best seen if some of the cortical part of the adjoining middle lobes is dissected away. They come from the medulla of the opposite sides of the brain, and gradually approach each other until they arrive at the tuber annulare, or pons Varolii. The Pons Varoliif is a mass of considerable size, which has a medullary appearance externally, but is striated within : it is formed by the union of the two above mentioned crura cerebri, and of two similar processes derived from the cerebellum, called also its Crura. It lies over a part of the body of the sphenoid bone, and of the cuneiform process of the occipital bone, and * The nerves are numbered from before. t Named from Varolius, physician to Gregory VIII. in 1573. 1^^ MEDULLA OBLONGATA. 891 under a portion of the middle lobes of the cerebrum and of the cerebellum. There is a longitudinal depression on its surface, made by the basilar artery ; and there are also many transverse streaks on it. The crura of the cerebellum, which runs into this substance, are evidently continued from the arbor vitse or medulla of the cerebellum. The anterior edge of the cerebellum, part of which is in con- tact with the pons Varolii, is remarkably prominent on each side of it. These prominences are called the Vermes of the cerebellum. The medulla oblongata is continued backwards from the pos- terior side of the tuber ; and somewhat resembles a truncated cone inverted. It lies on the cuneiform process of the occipital bone, and extends to the- foramen magnum. It is indented lengthwise, both anteriorly and posteriorly, by fissures which are very evident : it is composed of medullary matter externally, and cineritious matter within. On each side of the anterior fissure, which is in view when the brain is inverted, are two oblong convex bodies : those which are next to the fissure are called the Corpora Pyrami- dalia, and are the longest ; the two exterior are called Corpora OUvaria, and are not so long. The third pair of nerves come from between the crura of the cerebrum, and pass forward, diverging from each other. They proceed by the cavernous sinus, and, after penetrating the dura mater, go out of the cranium at the foramen lacerum. The fourth pair, the smallest nerves of the brain, resemble sewing thread in their size and appearance. They come out between the cerebellum and pons Varolii, but can be traced backwards as far as the testes. They proceed forwards by the sides of the pons Varolii, and after penetrating the dura mater near the posterior clinoid apophysis, pass through the foramen lacerum to the trochlearis muscles of the eye. ^\\Q fifth pair, the largest of the brain, arise from the crura of the cerebellum, where they unite with the pons varolii : they 392 NERVES OF THE BRAIN. pass forwards and downwards, and penetrate the dura mater near the point of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. This nerve appears Hke a bundle of fibres ; and, under the dura mater, forms a plexus ; from which its three great branches proceed to their destination. The sixth 'pair arise from the medulla oblongata, where it joins the pons varolii. It is often composed of two chords on each side, one of which is very small ; they pass under the pons Varolii, and through the cavernous sinus, with the carotid artery : after emerging from this sinus they proceed through the foramen lacerum to the abductor muscles of the eye. In this course a small twig passes from it, which accompanies the carotid artery through the canal in the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and with a twig from the fifth pair, is the origin of the intercostal nerve. The seventh pair appear at the side of the medulla oblongata, near the pons Varolii. It is composed on each side of two chords, called Portia Dura and Portio Mollis, and of one or more small fibres between them, called Portio Media. The portio mollis can be traced to the fourth ventricle. The portio dura seems to arise from the place of union of the pons Varolii with the medulla oblongata and the crura cerebelli. The portio media appears to originate in the same neighborhood, and may be considered as an appurtenance of the portio dura. They all proceed to the meatus auditorius internus, as it has been called, in the temporal bone. The eitrhth pair of nerves arise from the corpora olivaria on the side of the medulla oblongata. They are composed in each, of one chord called the Glosso-Pharyngeal, and of a conside- rable number of small filaments, which unite and form another chord called the Par Vogim. With these nerves is associated a third chord, called the Spinal Accessory Nerve of Willis, which passes up the spinal cavity, being composed of twigs from the posterior and ante- rior portions of almost all the cervical nerves. The par vagum, with this nerve and the glosso-pharyngeal, proceeds from its origin to the foramen lacerum formed by the EIGHTH AND NINTH PAIR OF NERVES. 393 occipital and temporal bones ; where they all pass out of the cranium ; separated from each other, and from the internal jugular vein, by small processes of the dura mater. Their destination is extremely different. The glosso-pharyn- geal is spent upon the tongue and pharynx ; the par vagum upon the contents of the thorax and abdomen, &tc., while the accessory branch, which seems to have no connexion with them, perforates the sterno-mastoid muscle, and is distributed among the muscles of the shoulder. The ninth pair arise from the corpora pyramidalia by many filaments, that are united on each side into three or four fasciculi, which perforate the dura mater separately, and then unite to pass out of the anterior condyloid foramen of the occipital bone : this pair is spent upon the muscles of the tongue. Within the last three or four years, there have been many allusions in the public papers, to the discoveries of Dr. Gall, formerly of Vienna, respecting the brain. For information concerning these discoveries, the reader is referred to a very learned and judicious Memoir, presented to the class of Mathematical and Physical Sciences of the National Institute of France, by Messrs. Tenon, Portal, Sabatier, Pinel, and Cuvier. A translation of this report has been published in the fifth volume of the Edinburgh IMedical and Surgical Journal for 1809. See, also. Lessons in Prac- tical Anatomy by the present editor, part I. Galen taught that there were two motions in the brain, one caused by the pulsation of the arteries, the other by respiration, the air being admitted into the ventricles through the ethmoidal and sphenoidal cells. Vasalius and Fallo- pius refuted the latter opinion and exposed ils error. In 1744, Mr. Schlich- ting, of Amsterdam, announced to the Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris, that the brain was elevated in expiration and depressed in inspiration. MM. Haller and Lamard repeated his experiments, and found that the motion of the brain depended on a reflux of blood through the internal jugulars, in cases of laborious respiration, besides the common motion from the pulsation of the arteries. — See Discours sur I'Anatomie par Lassus. — h. 394 SPINAL MARROW. CHAPTER XIII. OF THE SPINAL MARROW. The medulla oblongata is continued from the cavity of the cranium, through the great foramen of the occipital bone, into the great canal of the spine ; when it takes the name of Medulla Spinalis or Sjjinal Marrow. The dura mater passes with it through the great foramen, and encloses the whole of it. At the commencement of the spinal canal this membrane is attached to the surrounding bones ; viz. to the margin of the great occipital foramen, and to the atlas ; but below this it is loosely connected by a mem- brane which sometimes appears to contain a little adeps. The tunica arachnoidea and the pia mater also invest the medulla spinalis. The arachnoidea appears unconnected with the dura mater ; and it can easily be removed from the pia mater. The pia mater adheres rather firmly to the substance it encloses. The spinal marrow consists of medullary matter externally, and cineritious or cortical matter internally. The fissures which are observable, anteriorly, and posteriorly, in the medulla oblongata, are continued down the spinal mar- row ; dividing it partially into two lateral portions : these fissures penetrate to a considerable depth. Each of the lateral portions is marked on its external surface, by a more superficial fissure, which partially divides it into an anterior and posterior part ; so that a transverse section of the spine has a cruciform ap- pearance. The nerves go off in fasciculi from the anterior and poste- rior surfaces of each lateral portion of the spinal marrow ; so that each nerve is formed of two fasciculi : one from before, and the other from behind. The fasciculi are of different sizes in different parts of the spine. The lowermost of the neck are MEDULLA SPINALIS.— LIGAMENTUM DENTICULATUM. 395 large and broad; those of the back are slender: and those of the loins, and upper part of the sacrum, are very large. The uppermost of the fasciculi of the spine proceed almost at right-angles with the medulla spinalis, to the foramina through which they pass : those which are lower pass off in a direction obliquely downwards ; and the lowermost are almost perpen- dicular. Between the anterior and posterior fasciculi, a fine ligamentous chord passes, which is attached above to the dura mater as it passes through the foramen magnum, and continues to the OS coccygis. It passes between the tunica arachnoidea and pia mater, attached to the pia mater by cellular membrane. It sends off a small process in a lateral direction, to be attached to the dura mater in the interstices between the places where the fasciculi pass through the dura mater, and nearly in the middle between the upper and lower fasciculi. The spinal marrow terminates in a point near the uppermost lumbar vertebra. The ligamenta denticulata of the opposite sides join together at this point, and form a small chord, which, continuing downwards, is inserted into the os coccygis. These ligaments may support, and keep fixed, the medulla and the nerves, as they originate from it. As the spinal marrow terminates at the upper lumbar verte- bra the lumbar and sacral nerves go off above: they pass down like a bunch of straight twigs, and are called Cauda Equina, from a fancied resemblance to the tail of a horse. The sheath, formed by the dura mater for the spinal marrow, continues of its original size, and encloses them in one cavity. The posterior and anterior fasciculi pass out separately from the dura mater ; after they are out, the posterior fasciculus forms a ganglion ; from which one nerve passes that joins the anterior fasciculus, and thus forms the spinal nerves. When the nerves go off, either from the spinal canal, or the cavity of the cranium, the external lamen of the dura mater where they pass out, attaches itself to the bone or the peri- osteum ; while an internal lamen, together with the pia mater, and, perhaps, the tunica arachnoidea, is continued with the nerve. 396 VEINS OF THE SPINAL MARROW. This process from the dura mater becomes so much changed, that it has been considered as cellular membrane. The pia mater and tunica arachnoidea seem also to invest, not only the nerve in general, but the fibres of which it is com- posed. On this account, probably, the nerves are larger after passing through the dura mater, than they are when they leave the brain and spinal marrow. The Arteries of the Spinal Marroiv proceed from the head, and, with several additions, continue downwards to the lumbar vertebrae. There is, generally, one artery on the front surface of the medulla, which is formed by the union of two branches, that arise from the vertebral arteries within the cranium. This artery proceeds downwards and communicates with those of the neck, and with the intercostal arteries, by the intervertebral foramina, so that it preserves its size. It terminates with the spinal marrow ; and the cauda equina below it, is supplied by branches from the internal iliac, which enter through the foramina of the sacrum. There are, generally, two arteries on the posterior surface of the medulla spinalis, which also pass out from the cranium ; arising from the vertebral arteries or inferior arteries of the cerebellum ; they have a serpentine arrangement, and com- municate with each other, and with the ramifications of the anterior spinal artery. All of these arteries are dispersed upon the spinal marrow and its membrane, and the parts immediately contiguous. The veins correspond with the ramifications of the arteries ; but they are collected into two larger branches called the Sinus Venosi ; which are situated exterior to the dura mater, on the front and lateral sides of the spinal canal. They extend the whole length of the canal, and entering the great occipital fora- men, communicate with the lateral and occipital sinuses. THE EYE. "^ 397 CHAPTER XIV. OF THE EYE. It will be very proper to read the description of the orbit of the eye at page 120, volume 1st, as an introduction to the following description of the organ. In addition to that account of the bones, it is to be observed that processes of the dura mater pass through the foramina optica and lacera, which line the cavity of the orbit, and unite with the periosteum at the margin of it. The eye is an optical instrument of a spherical form, which lies in the orbit, in a bed of cellular membrane, more or less filled with adeps for the convenience of its motions. Con- nected with the ball of the eye, are several auxiliary parts which are calculated for its motion and protection, as well as accommodation in other respects. Of the parts auxiliary to the Eye. Above the upper margin of the orbit, on the prominences of the OS frontis, called superciliary ridges, the adipose membrane is commonly more full than it is in the other contiguous places ; and the skin which covers it is thereby rendered prominent. The supercilia or eyebrows grow out of this prominent skin. The hairs which compose them are placed obliquely, with their roots towards the nose. Their principal use seems to be to defend the eye from sweat and other matters which roll down the forehead. They are moved by the corrugator muscle, and thus express certain passions ; and they are also moved by the occipito- frontalis and orbicularis palpebrarum. — The extent and degree of curvature of the eyebrows, differ much in different individuals. The hairs of which they are composed, are short, curved, highly elastic, and arranged in VOL. II. 34 398 THE EYELIDS. rows, the middle of which are the longest. The internal extre- mities of the eyebrows, called the head, occasionally meet ; but most usually, there is an interval between them called glabella, which presents the smoothness and polish of other parts of the forehead, and adds to the open and noble expression of the face. The outer extremity or tail is terminated by a thin series of hairs, (cauda supercilii) near the outer angle of the frontal bone. The color corresponds generally with that of the hair. — The Eyelids or Palpehra, Are formed by a slit or orifice in the skin (Jlssura palpebra- rum) ; immediately under the skin, surrounding this orifice, is a portion of the orbicularis muscle ; under this portion of the muscle, there is a plate of cartilage, and under the cartilage, a portion of tunica conjunctiva, or membrane that covers the front part of the ball of the eye and lines the eyelids. — The eyelids, may be considered two movable fleshy cur- tains, nicely adjusted to one another at their free edges, and to the anterior surface of the ball of the eye which they exactly cover. — They are composed of the skin externally, which is so thin as to allow the light partially to pass through it, and which is folded inwards at the free margin of the lids, so as to line their inner surface, where it takes the character of mucous mem- brane, (^tunica conjunctiva) ; from the lids, it it reflected again over the anterior surface of the eyeball, so that the conjunctival linings of both eyelids form one continuous membrane. The lids are two in number, upper and lower, palpebra superioris, palpebra inferioris. They are divided unequally by the trans- verse fissures ; so that the upper lid is considerably the larger. Was it not for this, as the motions of the lower lid are very limited, the eye would be only half uncovered, in what is called, opening the eye. — The fissure which separates the lids is not exactly trans- verse ; it is slightly depressed externally. The reverse is said to be the case in regard to the Chinese, in whom the peculiar 1^ THE EYELIDS. 399 expression of the eye depends upon the depression of the inter- nal angle below the level of the outer. — The cellular tissue of the eyelids is very lax, but comprises no adipose membrane. Hence the lids may suffer from oedema- tous or sanguineous effusions, but are never burthened with fat. The two lids unite at the extremities of the transverse fissure, and form two angles, or canthi, the internal of which is the largest, and is called the great canthus. This is owing to the insertion of the orbicularis at the internal canthus upon a round tendon, which does not exist at the outer canthus. — The upper eyelids, therefore, are composed of the skin, of some fibres of the orbicularis muscle, of the tendon of the leva- tor palpebrae superioris muscle, of the cartilaginous plate, and of the tunica conjunctiva. The under eyelid is formed in the same way, with the exception of the cartilage, which, in it, is confined to the margin. There is besides no muscle or tendon in this lid analogous to the levator palpebrse superioris. These cartilages form the margin of each eyelid, which is called Tarsus. The upper cartilage is broad in the middle, and narrow at each extremity, and accommodated to the form of the eyeball and eyelid. The under cartilage is a narrow flat rim, which does not extend far from the margin of the eye- lid. A thin delicate membrane is extended from the upper and lower margins of the orbit to these cartilages, and has been considered as forming ligaments for them. These cartilages are closely connected together by some fibrous matter* at the external canthus, but terminate short of each other at the internal, by an attachment to the bifid extre- mity of the round tendon, in order to allow space for the lachrymal puncta and ducts. The superior tarsal cartilage, is much broadest in the middle, where it is about six lines wide. The inferior is about two lines in breadth, and is nearly of the same width in its whole extent. Their adhering borders, de- * This fibrous matter, is part of a thin ligamentous expansion continuous with the periosteum of the socket, attached to the margin of the tarsal cartilages, and placed between the conjunctiva and orbicularis muscle. It is sometimes called ligavientum latum palpebrarum. — p. 400 TARSAL CARTILAGES. TUNICA CONJUNCTIVA. generate into cellular tissue, by which they are connected to the fibrous layer of the lids. They present on the inner sur- face a number of vertical grooves in which are lodged the glands of Meibomius. Their edges are formed obliquely, and apply to each other in such way, that when the lids are closed a groove is formed between them and the eye ; by which the tears are conveyed towards the nose. The use of these cartilages is to keep the eyelids properly expanded ; and to form margins that apply accurately to each other. These cartilages are covered internally by the tunica con- junctiva. The levator palpebrae muscle, which arises from the bottom of the orbit, at the upper part of the foramen opticum, and passes over the superior muscle of the eyeball, is inserted by a broad thin tendon or aponeurosis into the cartilage of the upper eyelid, and draws it upwards, within the upper margin of the orbit, when the eyelids are opened. The antagonist muscle to the levator or that vv'hich closes the lids, is the orbicularis palpebrarum. The tunica conjunctiva, that lines the eyelids, is continued from them, without any interruption of the surface, over the anterior part of the ball of the eye ; in the same manner that the reflected membranes are continued from one surface to another. Although this membrane is a continuation of the skin, it is essentially different from its structure ; being extremely thin, flexible, and sensible, and also transparent. It abounds with vessels, which do not carry red blood in their natural state, but receive it largely when they are inflamed or much relaxed. It adheres firmly to the cartilage at the edge of the eyelids ; and becomes more loose in its adhesion to the lids, as it proceeds backwards. It is so reflected to the ball of the eye, that it covers and adheres to about one-third of it anteriorly. Where it first joins the eye, the adhesion is loose, but this adhesion becomes firmer as it advances over the eye ; and it cannot be separated from the cornea without maceration, and GLAiVDS OF MEIBOMIUS. 401 a slight degree of putrefaction. The part immediately connected with the cornea is extremely thin and delicate. This membrane closes the orbit of the eye, and completes the cavity which contains the muscles, lachrymal gland, &c., which are by this means precluded from contact with the exter- nal air. — The conjunctiva receives some very delicate nervous fibrils from the branches of the fifth pair, called the lachrymal and internal nasal. It contains, there is reason to believe, many mucous cryptae or follicles, but from their minuteness, it is diffi- cult to detect them. Stachow, however, asserts that with the microscope he has seen them most distinctly, though in the pal- pebral conjunctiva only. According to this observer they are most numerous in the upper lid, and in the neighborhood. of the tarsal cartilages ; especially at their extremities. — He found them in groups of 8, 12, or 15 together, and sometimes 50 or 60. That portion of the ocular conjunctiva which covers the sclerotica is sometimes called the tunica adnata. — On the inside of each eyelid, apparently between the tunica conjunctiva and the cartilages, are a number of lines runninc inwards from the edge of the lid. These lines are of various lengtlis, from one-fourth to near half an inch ; the longest are in the middle of the upper lid. Some of them are straight ; and others are serpentine : their color is a yellowish white. There are generally more than thirty in the upper eyelid, and more than twenty in the lower. They are called the glajids of Meihomius* By pressure a sebaceous substance can be forced out of them, in the form of fine threads, from orifices on the edges of the eyelids. They are follicles into which the sebaceous substance is secreted. This substance appears to have a two-fold effect : it prevents the tears from running over the eyelid, as any other unctious matter would do, and * Charles Etienne demonstrated the little sebaceous glands of the eyelids, and Casserius caused them to be drawn and engraved a long time before Henry Meibomius. The latter gave his name to them by a letter printed in Helmstadt in 1666, in which they were accurately described. See Lassus. — h. 34* 402 EYELASHES. LACRYMAL GLANDS. it prevents the eyelids from adhering to each other, in conse- quence of their contact during sleej3. — The orifices of these glands, are very minute, but will admit of the introduction of fine bristles. They are disposed in one or two ranges, immediately behind the eyelashes, and presenting toward the ball. These orifices lead into the little lines or ducts, which Meibomius described as glands. But the gland of Meibomius is now known to be a compound follicle, or rather a series of minute glands ranged parallel with each other upon the sides of the duct into which they open ; some of which communicate together by lateral openings. The oily matter which they deposit on the edges of the lids, serves, in the ordinary state of the eye, to confine the tears, as water is known not to pass so readily over a vessel, the margin of which is greased.- — The eyelashes or cilia are placed near the outer edge of the lower part of the cartilages of each eyelid. They are always more or less curved, and their convexities are opposed to each other. By this arrangement the eye is defended from small ex- ternal objects, and from light to a certain degree, without closing the lid completely. — The cilia consists of three or four ranges of hairs irregu- larly placed, the middle of which are longest, and which gives to the brush of hairs, a penicillous arrangement. They are strongest and most numerous in the upper lid. Their bulbs or follicles are placed between the skin and tarsal cartilages ;* and of course are not met with in the internal canthus. The lashes, or cilia are covered by an oily fluid, secreted by a number of minute cuticular follicles, common round the roots of all hairs. This secretion tends to keep the hairs separate, and prevents that agglutination that would otherwise take place, from the dry- ing of the lachrymal fluid, mixed as it is with the Meibomian secretion. — It is necessary, for the perfection of the eye, that the whole * The tarsal cartilages thus intervene between the bulbs of the cilia and the Meibomian glands. And upon this is founded Berlinghieri's operation for the cure of Trichiasis, by the extirpation of the bulbs of the glands. — p. LACHRYMAL GLAND. 403 surface covered by the tunica conjunctiva, viz. the anterior part of the eyeball and the internal surfaces of the eyelids, should be kept perfectly flexible and moist ; for this purpose the lach- rymal fluid is constantly secreted, in varying quantities, by the lachrymal gland, formerly called Glandula Innominata.* This body is -situated in a depression, in the upper surface of the orbit, near its external margin : it is exterior to, and above, the tunica conjunctiva. It is of an irregular oblong form, and rather flat; but it has some .thickness. The under surface is lobulated, and forms two principal lobes. From the anterior edge of the gland the excretory ducts, to the number of six or seven, pass off. They terminate at a short distance from the gland, near the upper end of the cartilage, and near the external angle of the eye. They do not commu- nicate with each other. These ducts are so small, that they are not often seen by the naked eye; but there is sometimes a chain of smaller glands, which lie between the gland and the eyelid, nearly in the direc- tion of the ducts. — This is called the palpebral portion of the lachrymal gland, and is of small size. — The layer or orbital portion of the lachrymal gland, is about the size of an almond, and consists in a great number of little fleshy granules of a reddish white color, in which the extreme branches of the arteries terminate, and from which, minute excretory ducts are believed to originate. The granules are separated from each other by processes of cellular tissue, which are sent in by the general cellular envelop of the gland, and by nerves and blood-vessels. The excretory ducts originat- ing from these glandular grains, form by inosculation the ducts above mentioned, which open through the conjunctiva. The orifices of these ducts in the conjunctiva, are readily seen in the eye of bullocks, but in the human eye, cannot well be discovered, without some artificial preparation. — After immersing the human eye, for some time in water * The necessity of this gland, exists only in land and amphibious animals, in which the eye is exposed to the evaporating effects of the air. In fishes, Sec, it is not met with. The eyes in them being moistened by the fluid in which they live. — p. 404 PUNCTA LACHRYMALIA. colored with indigo, ink, or blood, the orifices become visible, and the ducts may be filled with mercury up to the gland. The ducts are three or four lines in length. — The fluid secreted by this gland, (viz. the tears,) is transpa- rent, but is always salt to the taste. When evaporated, by exposure to the air, some cubic crystals, and a small quantity of mucilaginous matter remain. Chemistry has ascertained that these crystals contain muriate of soda, and soda uncombined, and that phosphate of lime and phosphate of soda may be obtained by burning inspissated tears ; but the whole of the saline matter does not amount to one-hundredth part of the tears in which they are dissolved. The tears, therefore, consist of these salts, and of mucus, dissolved in a large proportion of water. The tears are carried from the eye by two small canals, which commence, one on each eyelid, at the internal extremities of the cartilages, opposite to each other.* The orifices of these canals, being in small cartilages, (but not in those called the tarsi,) are always open, and are called the Puncta Lachrymalia. Each of these canals run, within the edge of each eyelid, from the place of its commencement to the lachrymal sac, which is a larger membranous canal situated in the depression formed by the anterior portion of the os unguis and the corresponding portion of the upper maxillary bone ; and extending thence along the bony canal is the nasal duct, which continues from this depression into the nose, and terminates under the inferior spongy bone near its anterior extremity. These canals are very small at their commencement at the puncta lachrymalia ; but this small portion is very short ; it forms an angle with the remainder of the canal, which is con- siderably larger.f The canals gradually approach each other as they proceed towards the lachrymal sac, into which they enter, in contact with each other, but by distinct orifices. * The Utile hollow at the internal caathus, in front of the caruncle, and where the tears collect before entering the puncta, is called the laats Jachry- malis. — P. t These canals were known to Galen, and were particularly described by Fallopius in 1584.— h. LACHRYMAL SAC AND DUCT. 405 — The orifices in the puncta are sufficiently large to admit readily a small bristle or probe. The ducts which lead from the puncta to the lachrymal sac, are called canalicula lach- rymalia. They are not straight ; they commence by ascend- ing perpendicularly in the upper, and by descending in the lower lid, for a line and a half; they are then turned at a right angle upon themselves, and pursue a course nearly horizontal to the lachrymal sac. Where the ducts turn to form the angle, a sensible dilatation takes place, in which are found one or two minute mucous cryptae,* which sometimes embarrass the surgeon in operating through the ducts, the end of the probe or tube becoming entangled in the lower folds. — About one-fourth part of the lachrymal sac is situated above the junction of the two eyelids, or the tendon of the orbicu- laris muscle ; and the remainder below. After it descends below the orbit of the eye, it contracts and takes the name of the Lachrymal or Nasal Duct. — The lachrymal sac is ovoidal in its form, and closed at top ; it rises about two lines above the round tendon of the orbicularis muscle, which is immediately in front of it, and feels like a grain of rice. Its diameter is about equal to that of a common goosequill. Anteriorly it is covered by the integuments, the tendon above alluded to, and the orbicularis muscle. Externally it is bounded by the caruncle, and con- junctiva.— The sac and duct have some resemblance to the Schneiderian membrane in structure ; and are defended with a similar mucus. The membrane of which they are composed, adheres to the periosteum of the bony canal. — Their walls are composed of two membranes, a mucous and fibrous ; or rather of a mucous facing on a fibrous basis. The mucous membrane, is internal, contains a number of follicles, which secrete a lubrifying mucus, as in the urethra, and as in the latter organ are apt, when inflamed, to produce strictures or obstructions in the passage, and thus become one of the causes of fistula lachrymalis. * Dalrymple, Anat. of Human Eye, p. 277. Lond. 1834. — p. 406 CARUNCULA LACHRYMALIS. — The length of the nasal duct is from four to six lines ; about equal to that of the sac. The direction of the duct in its bony canal, is downwards, backwards, and slightly inwards. At its termination in the inferior meatus of the nose, (about seven lines from the root of the nasal process of the u|3per maxillary bone,) the mucous lining membrane is thrown into a sort of valvular fold, which sometimes obstructs the introduction of a probe into it, from the nostril. The swelling of this valve, in coryza, measles, he, is said to be one of the causes of the accompanying epiphora. — The tears appear to enter the puncta lachrymalia upon the principle of capillary attraction ; and to be propelled forwards by the motion of the eyelids and the pressure of the orbicularis muscle. Between the puncta lachrymalia and the termination of the eyelids, at their junction with each other, is a small angular space, which is occupied by a body called the Caruncula Lachrymalis ; which is of a reddish color, with a few small hairs growing out of it : it is supposed to be glandular, and to secrete a sebaceous substance. It has an effect in directing the tears to the puncta lachrymalia. — The caruncula lachrymalis, consists of a collection of small mucous glands — seven in number — substitutes for the Meibomian glands which are deficient in the internal canthus. Six of these glands are placed upon a common level, and the seventh is seated upon the top of the rest near their centre, making the caruncle conoidal in shape, and about the size of a grain of wheat. — The conjunctiva is spread over then), and is pierced by a number of small apertures, which are the orifices of the excre- tory tubes of these glands. Each duct is garnished with a small hair placed close to its orifice. — Between the caruncula lachrymalis and the cornea, the tunica conjunctiva, in many persons, forms a plait or fold, which is very obvious when the eye is directed inwards ; this has some analogy with the membrana nictitans, or third eyelid of certain animals, and has been called the Valvula TENSOR TARSI. 407 Semilunaris ; its principal use appears to be, to give increased facility of motion to the globe in an outward direction, from the looseness of its connexions between the lids and the ball. The muscles of the eye, described at page 304, &tc.. are to be ranked among the auxiliary appurtenances of that organ. [At the internal corner of the eyelids is a small muscle which I had occasion to observe for the first time in the winter of 1821-2. It has, I believe, escaped the notice of other anato- mists till the present time. This muscle is about three lines broad and six lines long, and arises from the posterior flat sur- face of the OS unguis near its junction with the os ethmoides, and passes forwards and outwards, lying on the posterior face of the lachrymal ducts. As it approaches the junction of the lids, it splits into two parts, nearly equal, each of which is appropriated to a duct, and inserted along its course almost to the punctum lachrymale. To get a distinct view of it, the eyelids must be separated from the eye and turned over the nose, leaving the tendinous attachment of the orbicularis and ciliaris muscle. The semi- lunar valve is brought into sight by this process, which must be dissected away, and also the fat and cellular membrane beneath it. The muscle is now seen, and by passing bristles through the lachrymal ducts its connexion with them is rendered evident, at the same time that we get a good idea of its size, origin and insertion. While making this inspection, by turning the muscle a little aside, we shall be convinced of another fact of some impor- tance, and which is equally neglected by most anatomists. It is, that behind the tendon of the orbicularis muscle a ligamen- tous matter passes from the corners of the eyelids to the flat part of the os unguis, which ligament would keep the corner of the eyelids from being deformed, notwithstanding the tendon of the orbicularis be cut through in the treatment of fistula lachrymalis. The lachrymal ducts are included in this ligament, and pass through it into the sac instead of going along the edges of the eyelids, as is commonly asserted. This muscle appears to be intended to keep the puncta in 408 THE BALL OF THE EYE. contact with the ball of the eye. Dr. Physick has suggested, that it will also keep the edges of the eyelids applied to the eyeball in cases of extreme emaciation where the eye is much sunk. While investigating this subject, my attention was called by Dr. Harlan to a motion prevailing in the puncta lachrymalia, with which I was before unacquainted. The puncta project themselves and retract much after the manner of an earth worm, and it is probable that the latter motion may be produced in some measure by this muscle. In consideration of some of the functions of this muscle, I have ventured to propose that it be called Tensor Tarsi.]* The tendons of the four recti muscles, being spread upon the anterior part of the ball of the eye, constitute a partial covering, which has been called Tunica Albuginea.-f This tendinous expansion does not extend to the edge of the cornea, but stops short of it by several lines.| Of the Ball of the Eye. The spherical figure of the eyeball depends upon a strong and firm external coat called the Sclerotica ; which has an aperture in its anterior part, filled up with a transparent sub- stance denominated Cornea, that closes it perfectly. — The antero-posterior diameter of the globe of the eye, is greater than the transverse. The former is about ten or twelve lines, the latter about one line less. This difference is owing to the projection of the cornea, it being a section of a lesser sphere. A Transverse vertical section of the globe, taken at any part, will represent a perfect circle. In short-sighted persons, the antero-posterior diameter of the eye is greater still, relatively to the transverse. A similar difference exists * For a more full account of this muscle, see Horner's Anatomy. f This is no longer considered as a proper membrane ; it is inseparably con- nected with and forms a part of the sclerotic coat. The partial expansion of these tendons seen through the conjunctiva, gives a brilliant glistening appear- ance to the eye, from which is derived the common term, wJate of the eye. — p. :j: By line, is meant one-twelfth of an inch. BALL OF THE EYE. 409 between the eyes of young and old persons, and which accounts in part for the change which time effects in the power of vision. The axis of the globe of the eye does not correspond with the axis of the orbit ; but is exactly parallel with that of the ball of the opposite side, except in cases of obliquity or squinting. The optic nerves running out in the direction of the axis of the orbits, must therefore reach the balls of the eyes, on the inner side of their axis. Fig. 188.* — The sclerotic coat forms about five-sixths of the globe of the eye. The cornea the remaining sixth. — The sclerotica is lined by a thin and delicate membrane, the Choroides, which is in close contact with it, but does not extend * A longitudinal section of the globe of the eye. 1. The sclerotic, thicker behind than in front. 2. The cornea, received within the anterior margin of the sclerotic, and connected with it by means of a bevelled edge. 3. The cho- roid, connected anteriorly with (4) the ciliary ligament, and (5) the ciliary processes. 6. The iris. 7. The pupil. 8. The third layer of the eye, the retina, terminating anteriorly by an abrupt border at the commencement of the ciliary processes. 9. The canal of Petit, which encircles the lens (12) ; the thin layer in front of this canal is the zonula ciliaris, a prolongation of the vascular layer of the retina to the lens. 10. The anterior chamber of the eye, containing the aqueous humor: the lining membrane by which the humor Ls secreted is represented in the diagram. 11. The posterior chamber. 12. The lens, more convex behind than before, and enclosed in its proper capsule. 13. The vitreous humor enclosed in the hyaloid membrane, and in cells formed in its interior by that membrane. 14. A tubular sheath of the hyaloid mem- brane, which serves for the passage of the artery of the capsule of the lens. 15. The neurilema of the optic nerve. 16. The arteria centralis retinEe, em- bedded in its centre. VOL. II. 35 410 TUNICA SCLEROTICA. over the whole internal surface of the eye, and is deficient in the whole of the part occupied by the cornea. On the internal surface of the choroides is spread the pulpy expansion of the optic nerve, called the Retina; the natural consistence of which is not much more firm than mucus. Within these coats is a cavity that corresponds with the figure of the sclerotica and cornea, but is divided by an incom- plete membranous partition that separates the anterior part of it, which is covered by the cornea, from the remainder. This partition is called h-is ; and it has a circular vacuity in the centre, directly opposite to the middle of the cornea, which is denominated the Pupil. Rays of light, which penetrate the transparent cornea, pass through the pupil into the posterior part of the eye. The eye, thus formed, is filled with several transparent sub- stances, called Humors. The greatest part of the cavity, posterior to the iris, is occupied by the vitreous humor, which is thus denominated, from its apparent resemblance to melted glass. In front of the vitreous humor, and directly behind the pupil, is a small body, with double convex surfaces, called the Crystalline Lens or Crystalline Humor. In the space between the lens and cornea is a thin fluid, de- nominated, from its consistency, the Aqueous Humor. Several of the parts, above enumerated, have exquisite deli- cacy of structure, and require a very minute description. Of the Tunica Sclerotica. The Tunica Sclerotica, or external coat of the ball of the eye, derives its name from a Greek word, which signifies to make hard. It is composed of opaque white fibres, of great firmness, which form a membrane of very close texture, that supports the globular figure of the eye. It is thicker behind than it is before ; but the expansion of the tendons of the recti muscles gives it a' partial additional covering. — At its thickest part, just at the outer side of the optic nerve, the sclerotica,' is a line and a half thick. Immediately behind the insertion of TUNICA SCLEROTICA. 411 the recti muscles, about half a line. The latter is the weakest part of the parietes of the eye-ball, and a blow applied upon the cornea will cause a rupture at that part, rather than at any other. — It has been considered, by many anatomists, as continued into the cornea ; but it can be separated from it by putrefac- tion ; and it is essentially different from it in structure. The aperture in it, which is occupied by the cornea, is not perfectly circular, but inclines somewhat to the oval form, the transverse diameter being rather longer than the vertical. • Posteriorly it is intimately connected with the optic nerve, which enters it, not directly at the extremity of the axis that passes through the centre of the cornea and pupil, but on the inside of this spot. The optic nerve has a firm coat (neurilema) which invests it rather loosely ; this coat seems to be continued into, or expanded upon the sclerotica. Within it the delicate nerve diminishes considerably before it perforates the sclerotica, and appears to be composed of fibres. At the small place of its penetration, the sclerotica is very thin ; and it seems that the nerve does not penetrate through one aperture, but these fibres pass separately through very small foramina, in this thin part. The foramina are necessarily very small, as the diameter of the whole perfo- rated portion in some eyes, does not exceed two lines, or one-sixth of an inch.* The sclerotica, in its natural state, has few, if any, vessels, that carry red blood. The great vascularity, which is so evi- dent in ophthalmia, is in the tunica conjunctiva. — It is perforated posteriorly immediately around the optic nerve, with a great number of oblique foramina, through which * We find one or two of these larger than the rest, for the transmission of the central artery and vein of the retina. The space occupied by these fora- mina, is called the lamina cribrosm, or sieve-like plate of the sclerotica. The optic nerve is made up of bundles of medullary filaments, each of which is enclosed in a minute envelop of cellular tissue, formed by a process reflected inwards from the general neurilema of the nerve. By opening the eye, and removing all the coats but the sclerotic, and then squeezing slightly and press- ing forward the nerve, in the direction of the ball, the medullary matter will be seen to exude through the foramina of the cribriform plate. — f . 412 CORNEA. the ciliary arteries and nerves enter. A little in front of these are seen other orifices, by which the veins emerge from the interior ; and near its junction with the cornea, a few openings are met with, which allow of the entry and exit of vessels, di- rectly upon the iris. These latter vessels become very apparent in iritis, but present a hue less intensely bright, than those more superficial and more serpentine, which are involved in simple conjunctivitis. — * The Cornea. The transparent membrane which fills up the vacuity in th» anterior part of the sclerotica, is denominated Cornea, from its resemblance to horn. It is said to be superior in strength to the sclerotica ; and it is also very firm. It is formed of lamina, that are separable from each other, which are supposed to be connected by a very delicate cellular membrane. This cellular membrane appears sometimes to contain a fluid ; for, if a section be made of the coats of the eye, and pressure be applied to the cornea, an exudation will be perceived, both upon its internal and external surfaces. — The cornea is composed of six or seven distinct lamella, laying over each other like the leaves of a book, but which cannot very readily be separated by maceration. The cellular tissue which connects them enables us to slide the layers slightly over one another between the thumb and finger. The cells of this tissue are filled with a fluid ; hence it has been called by some writers, substantia spongiosa cornea. This fluid performs the important office of preserving the trans- * The neurilema of the optic nerve which is an emanation from the dura mater of the slSit„:,^i NINTH PAIR OF NERVES. 505 It arises by small filaments, which come off from the spinal marrow, between the anterior and posterior fasciculi of the cervical nerves, and proceeds upwards to the great occipital foramen, between these fasciculi. It commences sometimes at the sixth or seventh cervical vertebra, and sometimes about the fourth. It enters the cavity of the cranium through the foramen magnum, and proceeds upwards and outwards, so as to join the eighth pair of nerves at some distance from its origin, and in this course it receives filaments from the medulla oblongata. After approaching very near to the eighth pair of nerves, it accompanies it to the foramen lacerum, and passes out in its own separate sheath. It then leaves the eighth pair and descends towards the shoulder, proceeding through the sterno- mastoid muscle. Soon after it emerges from the cranium, it sends a ramification to the pharyngeal branch of the Par Vagum and another to the Par Vagum itself. After passing through the upper and back part of the sterno-mastoid muscle it terminates in the trapezius. It adheres to the ninth pair of nerves as it passes by it, and sends a twig to the sub-occipital and some of the cervical nerves. It also gives ramifications to the sterno-mastoid muscle as it passes through it. It has already been stated that the Laryngeal and Recurrent Nerves appear to answer different purposes in their distribution to the Larynx. When both of the recurrent nerves are divided in a living animal, the voice seems to be lost. When the laryngeal nerves only are divided, the strength of the voice remains, but it is flatter. The recurrent nerves, therefore, seem essential to the formation of the voice. The laryngeal nerves are necessary to its modulation. The history of the investigation of this subject up to that time, is contained in Mr. Haighton's paper in the third volume of Memoirs of the Medical Society of London. The later researches of Mr. Reid and Mr. Hilton, may be studied with advantage in regard to the structure and functions of the par vagum nerves. The Ninth Pair of Nerves. Each of these nerves arises from the groove in the medulla pharnygeal branch forming the pharyngeal plexus (14), assisted by a branch from the glosso-pharyngeal (8), and one from the superior laryngeal nerve (15). 16. Cardiac branches. 17. Recurrent larvngeal branch. 18. Anterior pulmo- nary branches. 19. Posterior pulmonary branches. 20. (Esophageal plexus. 21. Gastric branches. 22. Origin of the spinal accessory nerve. 23. Its branches distributed to the sterno-mastoid muscle. 24. Its branches to the trapezius muscle. VOL. II. 43 506 CERVICAL NERVES. oblongata, between the corpora pyramidalla and the corpora olivaria. Three or four fasciculi of distinct filaments, unite to form it. Thus composed, it proceeds to the anterior condy- loid foramen of the occipital bone, and passes through the dura mater. It seems firmly united, by the cellular mem- brane, to the eighth pair, and to the first ganglion of the sympathetic, soon after it passes from the occipital bone. It is either connected to the sub-occipital nerve by a small ramification, or it joins a branch which proceeds from the sub-occipital to the cervical, and bends round the transverse process of the atlas. It passes between the internal carotid artery and the internal jugular vein, and crosses the external carotid at the origin of the occipital artery. At this place it generally sends downwards a large branch which is called the Descendens Noni. Passing forwards, it is on the outside of the posterior portion of the digastric muscle, and inclines downwai'ds ; but near the tendon of the muscle it turns upwards, and proceeds on the inside of the mylo-hyoideus, where it divides into ramifications, which, at the anterior edge of the hyo-glossus muscle, begin to enter the substance of the tongue, between the genio-glossus and the lingualis muscles. Some of the branches of this nerve unite with those of the lingual branch of the fifth pair. Others are distributed to almost all the muscles connected with the tongue. — It also interchanges filaments of communication, with the pneumogastric and spinal accessory at the base of the skull behind the internal jugular vein. Branches likewise pass between it and the superior cervical ganglion. — The branch called descendens noni passes down in the course of the common carotid artery, and sends fibrils in its progress to the upper portions of the omo-hyoid and sterno- thyroid muscles ; it unites with ramifications of various sizes from the first, second, and third cervical nerves, which form a bow under the sterno-mastoid muscle, from which ramifications go to the lower portions of the sterno-hyoid and thyroid muscles, and of the omo-hyoid. CERVICAL NERVES. 507 Of the Cervical iSlerves. The tenth or last pair of the head, commonly called the Sub-occipital, may be arranged with these nerves, because it arises, like them, from the medulla spinalis, and is distributed to the muscltfs on the neck. — If counted with the cervical nerves it will make eight pair to the neck. — The Sub-occipital Nerves Arise on each side of the spinal marrow, nearly opposite to the interval between the great foramen of the os occipitis and the atlas. Each of these nerves consists of an anterior and posterior fasciculus, or bundle of fibres, which pass outwards immedi- ately under the vertebral arteries between the os occipitis and the atlas, and form a ganglion, from which proceed an anterior and a posterior branch. The anterior branch is united to the second cervical nerve below, and to the ninth nerve, or the hyoglossal, above. It also sends filaments to the upper ganglion of the great sympa- thetic nerve. The posterior branch is spent upon the Recti, the Obliqui, and some other muscles of the head. The proper Cervical Nerves consist of seven pairs ; of which the first six go off between the vertebrae of the neck, and the seventh between the last of the neck and the first of the back. The First Cervical Nerve, Passes out between the atlas and the Vertebra Dentata. It originates from two fasciculi, which are connected to each other at a ganglion, and then separate into an anterior and a posterior branch.* The anterior branch is connected by filaments with the accessory nerve, with the ninth pair of the head, and with the upper ganglion of the sympathetic. It is also connected * This arrancrement is common to the nerves of the spine. The ganglion is formed in all the spinal nerves by the posterior fasciculus. 508 CERVICAL NERVES. with the second cervical nerve, and sends some branches to the muscles on the anterior part of the spine. The posterior branch, after communicating with the poste- rior branches of the sub-occipital and the second nerves of the neck, perforates the complexus muscle, and ascending upon the back of the head, is distributed with the occipital artery. The Second Cervical Nerve, Sends off, from its Anterior Branch, a twig which descends to the lower cervical ganglion of the sympathetic, and a con- siderable ramification to the third cervical nerve. It also sends off some twigs to the sterno-mastoid muscle, and others to join the accessory nerve. Some of its small ramifications pass down upon the external jugular vein, and others unite with the descending branch of the ninth pair of the head. A small branch is also concerned in the formation of the phrenic nerve. Two larger branches of this nerve wind round the posterior edge of the sterno-mastoid, and are spread under the integu- ments of the anterior, lateral, and posterior parts of the neck and lower parts of the head ; they have a communication with the portio dura of the seventh pair.* — These two branches are called the auricularis magmis and the superjicialis colli. They both receive filaments from the third cervical nerve. They wind over and cross the outer surface of the sterno- cleido-mastoid. The auricularis is directed to the ear, sends branches to the pinna and lobus, to the integument over the parotid gland and the skin behind the ear. The superficialis colli passes forward in the direction of the submaxillary gland over which it assists in forming a plexus and sends branches to the integuments of the side of the neck, the chin, and side of the face, and anastomoses with branches of the facial. The posterior branch of the second cervical nerve called occipitalis major, is spent upon the extensor muscles of the head and neck. — Another small branch from the second cervical named * These superficial branches have sometimes been described as coming from a plexus ; but they often arise directly from the second cervical nerve. CERVICAL NERVES. 509 the occipitalis minor runs up along the posterior border of the sterno-cleido-mastoid to be distributed to the integuments of the side and back part of the head. See fig. 209. The Third Cervical Nerve, Sends down, from its Anterior Branch, the principal trunk of the phrenic nerve. It also sends twigs to the fourth cervi- cal, to the lower cervical ganglion of the intercostal, and to the descendens noni of the hypoglossal. Some of its branches unite with .twigs of the accessory nerve, and others are spent upon the muscles and integuments of the shoulder and lower part of the neck. A small Posterior Branch is spent upon the muscles of the back of the neck. Cervical Plexus. — The successive anastomosing loops and communications, which take place between the branches above described as coming off from the sub-occipital and the three upper cervical nerves, and the neighboring nervous trunks, form a mesh or network of nervous filaments that has received the name of cervical 'plexus. This plexus is divided into the Anterior and Posterior. The anterior, which is much the larger, is formed from the anterior branches of the nerves. This plexus rests beneath the platysma and sterno-cleido-mastoid muscles, and covers the outer surface of the levator scapulae, middle sca- lenus, and splenius muscles. The neighboring nerves with which it has communication are the spinal accessory, the pneumogastric, the sympathetic, and the hypoglossal ; it forms a junction also with the descending branch of this latter nerve {descendens noni) by a distinct cord called the communicons noni, which two trunks form a loop over the carotid vessels. — The posterior branches given off by each one of these same cervical nerves and the sub-occipital just as they emerge from the spinal column, form in a similar manner the posterior cer- vical plexus, which is placed between the complexus and semlsplnalls colli muscles. The branches forming this plexus are intended as has been already described, for the sup- 43* 510 ' CERVICAL NERVES. ply of the muscles and integuments on the back part of the head and neck — . The Nerves of the Diaphragm, Are generally denominated the Phrenic. The principal root of each of them is commonly derived from the third cer- vical nerve, but frequently the second and the fourth cervical nerves contribute to their formation ; they are sometimes also joined by a twig which is derived from the ninth pair. Each nerve proceeds down the neck, between the rectus capitis major and the scalenus anticus, and continues across the fore part of the latter muscle ; it descends into the thorax within the anterior end of the first rib, between the sub- clavian vein and the artery. It sometimes receives a twig from the fifth cervical nerve, and a twig passes between it and the great sympathetic. After entering the thorax, they de- scend, attached to the, mediastinum, before the root of the lungs. In consequence of the projection of the point of the heart to the left, the course of the left is a little different from that of the right ; that of the right proceeding in a more per- pendicular direction. When they arrive at the diaphragm, they divide into many ramifications, which have a radiated arrangement, and terminate on the fibres of that muscle, both on the upper and lower surface. Some fibres from each nerve are continued downward, and communicate in the abdomen with the fibres of the sympathetic. — The descending branches may readily be traced into the phrenic and solar plexus. Those of the right phrenic nerve may in addition be traced into the hepatic plexus. Upon the branches of this nerve in the upper surface of the dia- phragm, I have occasionally found distinct ganglia deve- loped.— The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Cervical Nerves, May be comprised in one description. They pass off suc- cessively from the medulla spinalis between the vertebrae, like the other nerves. Their Posterior Branches are generally BRACHIAL PLEXUS. 511 distrlbated to the back of the neck, and are very small. Their Anterior Branches are principally appropriated to the upper extremities, and are very large. They generally send each a small twig to the lower cervical ganglion of the intercostal nerve, and a few small branches to some of the contiguous muscles. They are arranged and combined so as to form the net- work, now to be described, which is called the Brachial or Axillary plexus ; and, in the formation of this plexus, they are joined by the anterior branch of the first dorsal nerve. The Brachial Plexus Extends from the lower part of the side of the neck into the arm-pit. It commences in the following manner. The fourth and fifth cervical nerves proceed downwards, and after uniting to each other about an inch and a half below their egress from the spine, they separate again, almost immediately, into two branches. The sixth cervical nerve, after passing downwards, divides also into two branches, one of which unites with the upper-, most branch that proceeds from the union of the fourth and fifth, and the other with the lowermost, and they all proceed downwards. * The Brachial plexus of nerves with its branches and their distribution. 1. The brachial plexus. 2. The short thoracic nerves. 3. The long thoracic or external respiratory of Bell. 4. The phrenic nerve. 5. The supra-scapular nerve. 6. The subscapular nerves. 7. The external cutaneous nerve. 8. The point at which it pierces the deep fascia. 10. The origin of tlie median nerve by two heads. 11. The bend of the elbow where the median passes be- tween the two heads of the pronator radii teres, and of the flexor sublimis digi- torum. 12. Its muscular branches. 13. Its anterior interosseous branch. 14. The point at which the nerve passes beneath the annular ligament, and divides into six terminal branches. The branch which crosses the annular ligament is 512 NERVES OF THE ARM. The seventh cervical is joined by the first dorsal, which pro- ceeds iijjwards, and unites with it at a short distance from the spine. The cord produced by their junction soon unites with one of the cords above described. As these different cords pro- ceed downwards, they divide, and their branches again unite. The axillary artery, which passes in the same direction, is sur- rounded by them. In this manner the axillary plexus is com- monly formed. The muscles about the shoulder, both before and behind are supplied by the axillary plexus. Thus, it sends two branches called the Short Thoracic to the Suh-scapularis, Teres Major, and Latissimiis Dorsi, behind ; and to the Pectoralis Major and Minor and the Mammary Gland. It also sends off a branch called the Supra-Scapular or Scapularis, which commonly arises from the upper part of the plexus, and proceeds through the notch in the upper costa of the scapula to the supra and infra spinatus, teres minor, he. — Three or four small branches called Sub-Scapular, go to the muscle of that name. An important branch called the Long thoracic, or external respiratory of Sir Charles Bell, arises high up in the plexus from the fourth and fifth cervical nerves and descends along the side of the chest over the serratus major amicus muscle to which it is distributed. — Nerves of the Arm. All the great nerves of the arm are derived from the axillary plexus. There are six of them, which are denominated The Musculo- Cutaneus ; The Median;* The Cubital, or Ulnar; the superficial palmar. 15. The ulnar nerve giving off several muscular branches to the triceps which have received no name. IG. The point at which it passes between the two heads of the flexor carpi ulnaris. 17. Its dorsal branch. 18. The termination of the nerve dividing into a superficial and deep palmar branch. 19. The musculo-spiral nerve. 20. Muscular branches of this nerve. 21. Spiral cutaneous nerve. 22. Posterior interosseous nerve, piercing the supinator brevis muscle. 23. The radial nerve. The two last nerves are the terminal branches of the musculo-spiral. 24. The point at which the radial nerve pierces the deep fascia. 25. The circumflex nerve of the shoulder joint. * Sometimes called Brachial. NERVES OF THE ARM. 513 The Internal Cutaneiis ; The Radial or Muscular S])iral ; and ihe Circumjlex or Articular. The Musculo- Cutaneous, External Cutaneous, or Perforating Nerve of Casserius, passes obliquely through the upper part of the coraco-brachialis muscle. Before it enters the muscle, it sends a branch to it. After leaving the muscle it passes down the arm between the biceps and the brachialis internus, to which it also gives branches. It proceeds to the outside of the biceps, and con- tinues under the median cephalic vein to the anterior and ex- ternal part of the fore-arm ; along which it passes under the integuments. — It perforates the fascia so as to become sub- cutaneous at the outer part of the bend of the elbow. — On the lower part of the fore-arm it divides into many branches, which extend to the root of the thumb and back of the head, and terminate in the integuments. The Median Nerve, Which is one of the largest of the arm, often proceeds from the axillary plexus next to the musculo-cutaneus ; it passes down the arm, very near the humeral artery, within the edge of the biceps flexor muscle, and, during this course, gives off no branches of any importance. — It comes off from the plexus by two roots which embrace between them the axillary artery ; a fact which it is injportant to recollect in ligature of this vessel in the axilla. — After passing the bend of the elbow, it proceeds under the aponeurosis of the biceps, between the brachialis internus and the pronator teres, and continues down near the middle of the fore-arm, between the flexor sublimis and the flexor profundus. At the elbow it sends branches to , several nmscles on the anterior side of the fore-arm, and to the integuments. Among these branches is one, called the Ante- rior Interosseal Nerve, which passes down on the anterior surface of the interosseal ligament, with the artery of that name. This nerve sends branches, in its course, to the long flexor of the thumb, and the deep flexor of the fingers. When it arrives il4 NERVES OF THE ARM. at the pronator quadratus, it sends branches to that muscle, and, passing between it and the interosseus ligament, perforates the ligament, and soon terminates on the posterior side of the wrist and hand. As the Median Nerve proceeds downwards, it becomes more superficial ; and continuing among the tendons of the flexors of the fingers, it gives off a branch called superficial palmar which crosses the annular ligament and is principally- spent upon the integuments of the ball of the thumb and the Fig. 212.* palm of the hand. This great nerve passes with the tendons under the an- nular ligament ; and immediately after, while it is covered by the Aponeurosis Palmaris, and by that portion of the artery which is called Arcus Sublimus, it divides into six branches, one muscu- lar and five digital, which separate from each other at acute angles, and subdi- vide so as to send a ramification to each side of the thumb, one to the radial side of the index, one which subdivides to the adjoining sides of the index and little finger, and one which branches in like manner to the radial side of the ring finger, and the ulnar surface of the middle. The muscular branch goes to the thumb. * Relation of the nerves and veins at the bend of the elbow. 1. The radial vein. 2. The cephalic vein. 3. The anterior ulnar vein. 4. The posterior ulnar vein. 5. The trunk formed by their union. 6. The basilic vein, piercing the deep fascia at 7. 9. A communicating branch between the deep veins of the fore-arm and the upper part of the median vein. 10. The median cephalic vein. 11. The median basilic. 12. A slight convexity of the deep fascia, formed by the brachial artery. 13. The process of fascia, derived from the tendon of the biceps, and separating the median basilic vein from the brachial artery. 14. The external cutaneous nerve, piercing the deep fascia, and divid- ing into two branches, which pass behind the median cephalic vein. 15. The internal cutaneous nerve, dividing into branches, which pass in front of the median basilic vein. 16. The intercosto-humeral cutaneous nerve. 17. The spiral cutaneous nerve, a branch of the musculo-spiral. NERVES OF THE ARM. 51' The Cuhital or Ulnar Nerve Is also of considerable size. It passes down on the inside of the triceps extensor muscle, to the great groove formed by the olecranon process and the internal condyle of the os humeri ; and, in this course, it often sends a branch to the triceps, some smaller twigs to the' upper part of the fore-arm, and one which piercing the fascia anastomoses with the internal cutaneous. From the groove it proceeds on the anterior part of the fore- arm, between the flexor carpi ulnaris and the flexor sublimis, to the wrist. At a small distance above the wrist it sends off a branch, called the Dorsalis, which passes between the flexor ulnaris and the ulna, to the bac4c of the fore-arm and wrist, where, after sending ramifications to the integuments and con- tiguous parts, it divides into branches which pass to the little finger and the finger next to it. These branches send off, in their course, many twigs which pass to the skin and cellular substance. The ulnar nerve then proceeds with the artery, over the annular ligament, on the radial side of the os pisiforme, and divides into two branches ; one of which is called the superfi- cial, and the other the deep-seated palmar. The Superficial divides into two principal branches, an external and an internal. The external passes under the apo- neurosis palmaris ; and, after sending a branch to combine with one from the median and some twigs to the contiguous muscle, it subdivides into two branches, one of which goes to the ulnar side of the ring finger and the opposite side of the little finger. The other branch sends off some twigs to the muscles, and proceeds along the ulnar side of the little finger. The Deep-seated palmar branch of the ulnar nerve passes between the muscles of the little finger, under the tendons of the flexors, and accompanies the deep-seated arterial arch in the palm of the hand, giving branches to the interossei, and other contiguous muscles. 516 NERVES OF THE ARM. The Radial or Musculo- Spiral Is the largest of the nerves of the arm. It passes from the axillary plexus downward, backward, and outward, under the triceps muscle to the external side of the os humeri. In this course, it gives off several muscular branches to the different portions of the triceps. It also frequently gives off a large branch called spiral cutaneous, which passes downwards on the outside of the olecranon, to the back of the fore-arm, and continues to the back of the hand, furnishing many branches which terminate in the integuments. It then proceeds down- wards between the supinator radii longus and the brachialis internus. Immediately after passing the articulation of the elbow, it divides into two branches, one denominated the Su- 'perficial or Radial, and the other the Profound or Posterior In- terosseous. The Superficial soon joins the radial artery, and proceeds downwards, sending branches to the contiguous mus- cles. In its course about the middle of the arm it passes beneath and across the tendon of the supinator longus, and proceeds between it and the tendon of the extensor carpi radi- alis longior ; it soon after divides into two branches, which are principally distributed to the thumb and fore-finger, and also to the integuments. — In the middle third of the arm only is this branch in relation with the radial artery ; it is there found lying to the outer side of the vessel. — The Profound branch pierces the supinator brevis muscle, proceeds to the back of the fore-arm under the radial extensor, and continues to the back of the wrist and hand. In this course it divides into two branches, which are distributed to all the muscles on the back of the fore-arm muscles, and the integuments. — One branch runs down as far as the posterior part of the wrist joint which it supplies. It there forms a long gangliform swelling as is common with the nerves which sup- ply the joints of the extremities. — The Internal Cutaneus Is the smallest of the nerves which proceed from the axillary plexus. It descends in the course of the basilic vein, and very m. .:■!-' DORSAL NERVES. 517 near it piercing the brachial aponeurosis about the middle of the arm. Above the elbow it divides into an Internal branch, which proceeds over the Basilic Vein, and separates into branches that pass down on the side of the fore-arm ; and an External Branch that passes under the Median Basilic Vein, and continues down on the anterior part of the fore-arm. — There is a long and delicate nerve usually seen on the inner side of the one just described, called the nerve of Wrisherg, or the lesser internal cutaneous. It usually arises from the common trunk of the last cervical and first dorsal, but is variable in its origin. It sends branches to the inner and front side of the arm as far down as the elbow joint. It anastomoses with the first intercosto-humeral in the axilla, and with the internal cutaneous, and spiral cutaneous at the elbow. — The Articular or Circumflex Nerve proceeds backwards from the plexus, between the teres major and minor, and passes nearly around the body of the OS humeri with the posterior circumflex artery, at a small distance below the head of the bone. It is distributed to the con- tiguous muscles, viz. the subscapularis, teres minor and major, latissimus dorsi and deltoid, and to the articulation ; but its prin- cipal branches terminate in the deltoid muscle. — Some branches pierce the deltoid, become cutaneous and are distributed to the integuments of the shoulder. — The Dorsal Nerves Proceed from the cavity of the spine between the dorsal ver- tebrae. They are sometimes called Intercostals, because their anterior branches pass between the ribs, like the blood-vessels of that name. There are twelve pairs of them, and they are named numerically, beginning from above. These nerves proceed from the medulla spinalis by two fasciculi of fibres — one from each of its lateral portions — the posterior fasciculus is the largest. After passing through the lateral foramen and the dura mater, a ganglion is formed by the posterior fasciculus : the anterior fasciculus unites to the VOL. II. 44 518 LUMBAR NERVES. posterior just beyond the ganglion so as to form a single nerve which ahnost immediately divides into an anterior and a pos- terior branch, of which the anterior is the largest. The posterior branch proceeds backwards, and is distributed to the muscles of the back. The anterior branch passes towards the angle of the rib, in contact with the pleura. Soon after its orio-in, this anterior branch sends off two ramifications which unite to the intercostal nerve, at the ganglion ; it then proceeds forwards with the blood-vessels, between the internal and ex- ternal intercostal muscles, in the groove near the lower margin of the ribs ; and terminates on the anterior part of the thorax. In its course it sends branches, not only to the intercostal mus- cles and pleura, but to the other muscles and the integuments of the thorax. Some of the dorsal nerves differ from the others, as to the ramifications which they send off. The first nerve, of this order, joins the lower cervical nerves in the axillary plexus ; but it sends off the ramifications to the sympathetic, and also a branch, which passes under the first rib like the other dorsal nerves. The second nerve sends off a branch, which passes through the external intercostal muscle into the axilla, and combines there with the lesser internal cutaneous nerve, (or nerve of Wrisberg) being distributed with it to the integuments of the internal and posterior part of the arm. — It is sometimes larger than usual and supplies the place of the nerve of Wrisberg. — The third dorsal nerve also sends off a cutaneous branch, which is distributed to the axilla and the back part of the arm. These cutaneous branches of the second and third dorsal nerves, are called Intercosto-hiancral nerves. The lower dorsal nerves supply the muscles and integuments of the abdomen. Of the Lumbar Nerves. There are five pairs of these nerves. The first of them passes off between the first and second of the lumbar vertebras, and the others succeed regularly ; so that the last pair is situated between the last lumbar vertebra and the sacrum. LUMBAR NERVES. 519 The first lumbar nerves arise from the medulla spinalis, before it forms the cauda equina ; the other four pair are formed by the Cauda equina. They commence from the medulla by anterior and posterior fasciculi, which are united just beyond the ganglion formed on the posterior root. From this union anterior and posterior branches go off, which are very different in size, the anterior being the largest. The posterior branches are distributed to the muscles of the back. The anterior send branches to the ganglions of the sym- pathetic nerve, and also communicate with each other to form the Lumbar Plexus, which is situated on the lateral parts of the bodies of the lumbar vertebrae, before their transverse processes, and supplies nerves to the muscles of the thigh. The First Lumbar Nerve Is connected, by its anterior branch, to the last dorsal and the second lumbar. From the same branch two ramifications go off to the Quadratus Lumborum, and obliquely across that muscle, to the lower part of the abdominal muscles near the spine of the ilium. — These are called the superior and inferior musculo-cutaneous , external spermatic, or ilio-scrotal nerves. The superior traverses the transversalis muscle near the crest of the ilium, and divides into two branches. One called the abdominal, passes across the abdomen to the rectus muscle, to which and the integument covering it, it is distributed ; the other branch named scrotal, passes out at the external abdominal ring, and is distributed to the skin of the groin and that covering the os pubis, to the scro- tum of the male, and the labium externum of the female. The inferior musculo-cutaneous is smaller than the superior, but has nearly a similar distribution : it anastomoses with the latter near the anterior superior spine of the ilium. — The Second Lumbar Nerve, — Sends off a branch called the External Cutaneous, which perforates the outer border of the psoas near its middle, crosses 520 LUMBAR NERVES. the iliacus internus muscle, and runs be- neath the fascia covering it, to reach the interval between the anterior and superior spinous processes of the ilium, where it passes from the pelvis underneath Pou- part's ligament. About two inches be- low this point it pierces the fascia lata, and is distributed to the integuments of the outer and posterior part of the thigh, the anterior filaments which it gives off reaching as far down as the knee. This external cutaneous is sometimes sent off from the anterior crural. — Another branch is sent off from the second lumbar called the External Sper- matic, or genito-crural, which perforates the front of the psoas muscle and the fas- cia covering it. It descends along the inner border of this muscle till it meets with the external iliac artery near Pou- part's ligament, where it divides into a spermatic or genital, and a crural branch. The spermatic branch passes out from the abdomen with the cord and is distributed on its cremasteric investment. In the female it sends branches to the round lig- ament. The crural or femoral branch runs out through the sheath of the vessels, just at the outer margin of the femoral artery, pierces the sheath and is spent upon the integuments of the inguinal region, or upper third of the front of the thigh.f — * A diagram showing the lumbar and sacral plexuses, with the nerves of the lower extremity. 1. The five lumbar nerves ; which, with a branch from the last dorsal constitutes the lumbar plexus. 2. The four upper sacral nerves ; which, with the last lumbar, form the sacral plexus. 3. The two musculo- cutaneous nerves, branches of the first lumbar nerve. 4. The external cuta- neous nerves. 5. The genito-crural nerve. 6. The crural or femoral nerve. 7. Its muscular branches. 8. Its cutaneous branches, middle cutaneous. 9. t The external spermatic often comes off from the second lumbar nerve. LUMBAR NERVES. 521 The Second Lumbar, after sending off these branches, passes downwards, and joins the Third lumbar nerve. From this union of the second and third nerves, a branch called the Cutaneous Medius, which will soon be described, proceeds downwards. After sending off this branch, the united trunk of the second and third joins the Fourth ; and fiom this union is sent off the Obturator Nerve, which passes through the aperture in the meoibrane that closes the foramen tbyroideum ; the Crural Nerve, which passes under Poupart's ligament ; and a third branch that proceeds downwards, and joins the Fifth lumbar nerve. The Fifth lumbar nerve, with this accession from above, descends into the pelvis, and unites with the sacral nerves, forming a branch called the lumbosacral. This arrangement of the lumbar nerves constitutes the Lumbar Plexus, which, as has been already stated furnishes three nerves to the lower extremity, namely, the Cutaneous Medius, the Obturator, and the Crural Nerve. The Cutaneous Medius, which arises from the union of the second and third nerves, and very frequently from the anterior crural, as has been already observed, proceeds downwards, and frequently adheres to the crural nerve, for a short distance, near Poupart's ligament, but soon leaves it, and ascends on the inside of the thigh, supplying the integuments as low as the knee. The Obturator Nerve, Descends into the pelvis, and passes out of it at the upper part of the foramen tbyroideum ; proceeding downwards in an internal direction, to be distributed on the inside of the thigh. Its descending or saphenous branches. 10. The short saphenous nerve. 11. The long or internal saphenous. 12. The obturator nerve. 13. The gluteal nerve ; a branch of the lumbo-sacral nerve. 14. The internal pudic nerve. 15. The lesser ischiatic nerve. 16. The greater ischiatic nerve. 17, The pop- liteal nerve. 18. The peroneal nerve. 19. The muscular branches of the pop- liteal. 20. The posterior tibial nerve ; dividing at 21, into the two plantar nerves. 22. The external saphenous nerve, formed by the union of the com- municans poplitei and communicans peronei. 23. The anterior tibial nerve. 24. The musculo-cutaneous nerve, piercing the deep fascia, and dividing into two cutaneous brandies, for the supply of the dorsum of the foot. 44* 522 ANTERIOR CRURAL NERVE. This nerve is generally accompanied by the obturator artery and vein : the artery being above, and the vein below it. When it has arrived at the foramen ovale or thyroideum, it sends off a branch to the internal and external obturator mus- cle, and, after passing these muscles, divides into two branches, which are distributed to the muscles on the inside of the thighs, the adductors, the pectineus, gracilis, &;c. — From the branch which supplies the adductor brevis, a small filament is sent to unite with the long saphenous nerve, which comes from the crural ; the branch to the adductor longus, gives off the long cutaneous nerve, which after uniting with the short saphenous nerve, descends to the knee, communicates there with the long saphenous nerve and is distributed to the skin upon the inner side of the leg. The branch to the adductor magnus after piercing this muscle, is called articular as it passes down with the popliteal artery and pierces the back part of the knee joint, to be distributed on the synovial membrane — . The Crural Nerve, Is situated at first behind, and then on the outside of the psoas muscle. It passes under Pou part's ligament with the great femoral vessels, being on the outside of the artery. It is distributed to the integuments, and also to the muscles which are situated on the anterior and internal parts of the thigh. Some of its ramifications go off before it passes under Poupart's ligament. Of these some muscular branches are distributed in the psoas, and iliacus internus. Several of them are superficial and are spent upon the integuments, and are. therefore, denominated Cutaneous. — They are distinguished by the terms Cutaneous Anterior, Cutaneous Internus, accord- ing to their situations, and are distributed to the integuments on the front and inner portions of the thigh. The deep-seated branches are the largest. They are prin- cipally spent upon the muscles on the anterior and the internal side of the thigh, namely, the four extensors, the adductors, the pectineus, the sartorius and the gracilis. Among the nerves coming off from the crural there is one, called the Long SACRAL NERVES. 523 Saphenous, which has a different destination. It accompanies the great artery of the thigh to the place where it perforates the Adductors ; it there separates from the artery, and passes over the tendon of the Adductors, under the sartorius muscle ; thence it continues, with the great saphena vein on the inside of the leg, to the internal ankle ; sending branches to the integument, in its course. It terminates in skin and cellular substance on the upper and internal surface of the foot. — Another branch is generally found coming from the outer crural called the short saphenous or accessory nerve of the saphenous. It anastomoses with the obturator and with the long saphenous nerve. It sends off some cutaneous branches in the middle of the thigh behind the internal saphena vein, and distributes filaments to the skin at the inner surface of the knee. When this nerve is absent its place is supplied by branches from the long saphenous. — The Sacral Nerves Are composed of those cords of the cauda equina which remain after the formation of the lumbar nerves. They are fre- quently stated to consist of five or six pairs, four of vv'hich pass through the foramina of the sacrum and the fifth between the sacrum and the os coccygis.* The cords of which they are respectively composed arise by anterior and posterior fasciculi. When they have arrived opposite to the foramina of the sacrum, through which they are to pass, a ganglion is formed, at which they unite ; they then divide into anterior and posterior branches.! The uppermost of the anterior branches are large, and pass through the anterior foramina of the sacrum. The posterior are small, and go through the posterior foramina. The Posterior Branches are generally spent upon the mus- cles which lie on the sacrum and posterior parts of the pelvis, externally. The anterior branches of the three first nerves send ramifica- tions to the sympathetic. They unite to each other, and are * The sixth pair, when they exist, proceed in a groove in the os coccygis. f The ganglions of the fourth and fifth nerves are extremely small, and not so near the foramina as those of the others. 5:24 SCIATIC nerve. joined by the last lumbar nerve, and by a branch of the fourth sacral, in the formation of the great sciatic nerve. This union constitutes the Sciatic Plexus. The anterior branch of the fourth nerve transmits branches to the sympathetic : it also sometimes sends a branch to the united nerves above, or the sciatic plexus. It sends branches to the hypogastric plexus, and to the contiguous muscles. The fifth and sixth pairs, which are very small, terminate also in the contiguous muscles and in the integuments. From the Sciatic plexus, or the nerves which compose it, sev- eral smaller branches go off. There are generally two which pass off backwards through the ischlatic notch, and are denomi- nated Gluteal, as they are distributed to the glutei muscles. From the lowermost of these a branch descends on the thigh. The Pudic nerve, which is appropriated to the organs of generation, also passes off from this plexus, and appears to consist of fibres which are derived from each of the nerves that compose it. It proceeds between the sacro-ischiatic ligaments and divides into two branches — an inferior and a superior. The inferior passes between the erector penis and the accelerator urinaj muscles, and is distributed to those muscles, to the bulb of the urethra and the interior of that canal, to the scrotum and dartos. The superior proceeds along the os pubis to the symphysis, and passes between the bone and the body of the penis to the dorsum. A considerable branch accompanies the artery on the dorsum, and terminates by many ramifications, on the glans penis ; after sending branches in its course to the integuments generally, and to the prepuce. In females, the Inferior pudic nerve or perineal proceeds along the external labia pudendi to the mons veneris, sending off many ramifications in its course. The Superior pudic nerve proceeds as in males, alono- the branch of the pubis to the superior surface of the clitoris, and terminates principally upon the extremity of that organ. — A nerve called the Lesser Sciatic, passes out through the sciatic notch below the pyriformis muscle. It gives off some muscular branches to the glutei muscles, and two that are SCIATIC NERVE. 525 cutaneous ; one of these two the pudendaUs longus inferior (perineal cutaneous) winds round the tuberosity of the ischium and is distributed to the inner surface of the scrotum, and the skin on the lower surface of the penis. The other cutane- ous nerve is called the middle posterior cutaneous and is spent upon the integuments of the middle and back part of the thigh and of the leg as far down as the calf. On the leg it forms a junction with the external saphenous nerve. — Some muscular branches are sent off likewise from the sacral plexus to the pyriformis, gemini, and quadratus femoris muscles. — The sacral nerves unite in the sciatic plexus to form the great nerve of the lower extremity, which is next to be de- scribed. THE GREAT SCIATIC NERVE Proceeds from the pelvis through the ischiatic notch, between the pyramidalis, and the superior gemellus muscle ; it then passes down to the back part of the thigh, between the tube- rosity of the ischium and the great trochanter of the os femoris ; and continues downwards, inclining from within outwards, to the ham, where it is situated between the tendons of the semi-tendinosus and semi-membranosus on the internal side, and the tendon of the biceps on the external. In this course it sends off branches to the muscles on the posterior part of the thigh. As the great nerve passes down the thigh, it sends off ob- liquely downwards and outwards, a large branch which is called the Fibular, that passes across the head of the fibula to the external and anterior part of the leg. The place where this branch separates from the main nerve is different in dif- ferent subjects. It continues in contact with it for some dis- tance, connected only by cellular membrane. The Fibular or Peroneal Nerve Proceeds downwards on the inside of the tendon of the biceps, and crosses obliquely to the outside of the external 526 POPLITEAL NERVE. head of the gastrocnemius : it then passes inwards between the peroneus longus muscle and the fibula : and descending between the muscles on the front of the leg, divides into two branches, one of which inclines to the exterior side of the leg, and the other preserves an internal situation. In its course from the great sciatic nerve to the fibula, it sends off some superficial ramifications. The two branches into which it divides, after passing over the fibula, continue downwards. The Internal or Anterior Tibial goes under the head of the extensor longus digitorutn to reach the outer side of the ante- rior tibial artery, and after supplying the muscles on the ante- rior part of the leg, passes under the annular ligament of the ankle, at the external side of this artery ; on the upper part of the foot, it divides into two ramifications, one of which proceeds forwards near the internal edge of the foot and the other near the external ; they divide again, and are distributed to the parts on the upper surface of the foot, one of their ramifications descending with the continuation of the anterior tibial artery to the sole of the foot. The External Branch of the fibular nerve called musculo- cutaneous, as it proceeds downwards, supplies ramifications to the contiguous muscles, and passing through the fascia on the outside of the leg, continues between it and the skin towards the foot. In this course it generally divides into two branches, which are spent upon the upper surface of the foot. The Great Sciatic Nerve, after the fibular nerve leaves It, continues down the thigh, between the tendons of the flexors, behind the great blood-vessels, and, of course, exterior to them. Popliteal. In the ham, this great nerve takes the name of Popliteal, and proceeds across the articulation of the knee, between the heads of the gastrocnemii, to the posterior side of the tibia : here it passes through the upper portion of the soleus or gastrocnemius internus, and continues between it and the long flexor of the toes, near the Posterior Tibial Artery ; descending with that artery to the hollow of the os calcis. In this situation it has the name of DISTRIBUTION OF THE TIBIAL NERVE. 527 Posterior Tibial Nerve. At the commencement of this course, a small distance below the internal condyle of theos fetnoris it gives off some muscular branches to the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle, and one to the knee joint which pierces the ligament of Winslow ; it sends off another of considerable size, called the Communicans Tibia, or Poplitei, or Snphena Externa, which passes down behind the gastrocnemius, and gradually inclines externally, so that it is situated on the external edge of the tendo Achillis, soon after the commencement of that tendon, and proceeds behind the external ankle, near the outer side of the foot, to the smaller toes : distributing branches to the contiguous parts. In its course on the back of the leg, it sends off a branch which unites with one of the superficial ramifications of the fibular nerve called Communicans per onei ; the trunk thus formed, descends to the outer part of the foot. The Posterior Tibial Nerve, in its course downwards, sends branches to the contiguous muscles, and a few twigs which form a species of network on the artery. In the hollow of the os calcis it sends off a superficial branch to the integuments of the sole of the foot, which proceeds on the outside of the aponeu- rosis plantaris : it there also divides into branches, which are denominated the Internal and External Plantar Nerves. The Internal Plantar Nerve proceeds forwards, alongside of the tendon of the long flexor muscle of the great toe, giving off small branches in its course ; about the middle of the foot it divides into four branches, one of which proceeds to the inside of the great toe ; and a second to the angle formed by the great toe and the toe next to it, where it divides and sends a branch to the opposite sides of those toes : the other two branches are distributed in a similar manner, to the succeeding toes. These digital branches are connected with each other by small ramifi- cations. The External Plantar Nerve proceeds with the external plantar artery towards the external side of the foot, between the short flexor of the toes and the flexor accessorius. Near 528 COMMENCEMENT OF THE SYMPATHETIC NERVE. the external edge of the foot, about the posterior end of the metacarpal bones, it divides into three branches. One pro- ceeds to the outside of the little toe ; another passes to the angle between the fourth toe and the little toe, and divides into branches which are distributed to the corresponding sides of these toes. The third branch proceeds more deeply in the foot, from the external towards the internal edge of it, and is spent upon the deep-seated contiguous muscles. The Great Sympathetic or Intercostal Nerve. — The great sympathetic system is characterised by the greyish color and the softness of its nerves, and the gangli- form enlargements found upon them in various situations, con- nected together by intervening cords or nervous filaments. These ganglia are found in the head, neck, thorax and abdo- men. Many of them are placed about the viscera and along the course of the blood-vessels of the trunk and head, having intercurrent branches, so as to form large centres or plexuses, from which nerves are distributed to the neighboring organs. A ganglionated cord composed of a large number of ganglia and intercurrent trunks, is formed in a line between the head and OS coccygis, on either side of the spinal column, for the double purpose of its interchanging filaments with the spinal nerves as they leave the intervertebral foramina, and commu- nicating with the sympathetic nervous plexuses placed over the middle portion of the spine. It communicates with the cerebral nerves in like manner, at their exit from the cranium, with the exception of the fourth and sixth, with which it forms junctions in the cavernous sinus, and the auditory, optic, and olfactory, with which it is connected at the places of their final distribution. Although this system does not send out branches as distinct nervous trunks to the extremities, it nevertheless gives fila- ments to all the spinal nerves, among the rest those that form the cervical, lumbar, and sciatic plexuses, and which they accompany in their distribution. The filaments which go to the extremities form, however, but a minute portion of this extensive system. They are not the agents of cerebral sensa- ^^i^^^Mtm^ GENERAL PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION. 529 tlon or voluntary motion, but of that organic sympathy or sen- sation, and those organic movements, which, to the knowledge of every one, exists in the viscera of the abdomen, susceptible of being but little influenced by the will, and which are mainly concerned in the great processes of digestion, circu- lation, and nutrition. Hence, from its manner of distribution, the sympathetic has been called the nervous system of organic life. The general, though not exclusive route of distribution of its branches is along the outer surface of the arteries. At the roots of the greater vessels, the nerves are collected in such numbers, occasionally intermixed with ganglia, as to form plexuses, which take the names of the arteries ; as the hepatic, the gastric, mesenteric plexus, &;c. For this reason the sympathetic has been called by some, the vascular system of nerves. The term of sympathetic, which is the more gene- rally used, appears to be derived from the fact of this system associating the different organs in separate sets or apparatuses, so that they are enabled to work together in their healthy condition, to the certain fulfilment of a common object. Thus we have the stomach, the liver, the pancreas, the intestines, and possibly the spleen, forming a combination for the purposes of digestion ; the kidneys, the ureters, and the bladder, for the removal of the urine : and this association is main- tained through the agency of the different central plexuses or ganglia, from which branches are sent to supply these different organs. — The sympathetic nervous system not only emits branches of communication to the cerebro-spinal, but likewise receives filaments from the latter in return, which are intermingled with and distributed to the organs along with its own parti- cular class of nervous fibres. This is especially the case in regard to the neck, the thorax, and the pelvis, where the voluntary and involuntary movements, though each at times exercised alone, are nevertheless much mixed and inter- mingled. — But the viscera of the abdomen in which voluntary cerebral power of all other parts can be least exerted, receive their VOL. II. 45 530 GREAT SYMPATHETIC OR INTERCOSTAL NERVE. supply, with but very (ew exceptions, solely from the great sympathetic system. — It is not now considered proper to apply the term origin, to the anastomosis which the sympathetic forms with the fifth and sixth nerves in the carotid canal, an anastomosis which has nothing in it different from the other junctions of this sys- tem with the cerebro-spinal nerves. Later researches have proved likewise that the sympathetic ascends much higher in the head, where is found in fact six sympathetic ganglia, each one forming a little centre from which branches proceed in various directions, especially about the blood-vessels. These are all connected more or less directly with each other, with the cerebral nerves, and with the superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic below, to the ascending nerves of which they seem to be superadded. — Of these sympathetic ganglia, we have 1st. As the upper- most, the ganglion of JRibes* situated in the cavity of the cranium on the anterior communicating artery of the brain, 2d. The ciliary or lenticular ganglion, placed on the outer side of the optic nerve just after its entry into the orbit. 3d. The naso-palatine ganglion, or ganglion of Cloquet, placed in the foramen incisivum of the upper maxillary bone. 4. The spheno-palatine ganglion, or the ganglion of Meckel, located in the spheno-maxillary fissure. 5. The sub-maxillary ganglion, situated on the outer side of the capsule of the sub-maxillary salivary gland ; and 6th, The auditory ganglion, or ganglion of Arnold, found just at the lower margin of the foramen ovale of the sphenoid bone, and which has been described at page 476. To these might be added a ganglion that is occa- sionally found at the upper opening of the carotid canal on the surface of the carotid artery, which has been named the carotid ganglion, or the ganglion of Laumonier, from the anatomist who first described it.f But in the far greater number of cases, in which I have looked for this ganglion, it consisted of a but slight elongated expansion of one of the nerves, which assist * So named from the anatomist who discovered it. f As it is found when present at the top of the carotid canal and by the side of the cavernous sinus, it has also received the name of cavernous ganglion. SYMPATHETIC GANGLIA IN THE HEAD. 531 in forming the carotid plexus, found at this point. The man- ner in which these ganglia communicate one with another and with the superior cervical is well shown in fig. 214. — The branches that are there seen connected with the upper part of the superior cervical ganglion, and which are described as descending from the carotid canal by Dr. Wistar, are now believed to be the proper ascending branches of the superior cervical ganglion itself, intended to place the important organs which are found in the cranium and face, in sympathetic con- nection with the great centres of organic life, the heart and the stomach. — From the carotid plexus, filaments ascend along the branches of the carotid artery ; one of these ascending with the anterior artery of the cerebrum, meets its fellow of the opposite side on the anterior communicating artery, and on it is formed the ganglion of Ribes ; thus constituting at their superior termina- tions an anastomosis of the sympathetic nerves of either side, as is found to take place below at their inferior extremity, on the front of the os coccygis. — A small branch is also seen -fig. 214, directed forwards and upwards to communicate with the ophthalmic or ciliary- ganglion. This ganglion as before described, page 490, has branches also passing in the orbit between it, and the motor oculi and the nasal branch of the fifth pair of cerebral nerves. From the ciliary ganglion pass off nine or ten ciliary nerves, which pierce the sclerotic coat at the back part of the ball, and are distributed to the tunics of the eye ; one branch, according to Tiedemann, accompanying the centralis retinae artery to the interior of the eyeball. — From the carotid plexus, a communication is made forwards and downwards with the spheno-palatine ganglion, which is the largest of all the sympathetic ganglia of the head. — On one of the nasal branches sent inwards and forwards from the ganglion, called the naso-palatine, is found the ganglion of Cloquet, which is then put in connection with the sympathetic nerve, through the medium of the ganglion of Meckel, or spheno-palatine. — But these ganglia have already 532 UPPER TERMINATION OF THE SYMPATHETIC NERVE. been described in their connection with the nerves of the head. — The submaxillary ganglion is of small size, and sends its branches principally to the ducts of the submaxillary and sub- Fig. 214.* lingual salivary glands, and some few which anastomose with the surrounding branches of the lingual and facial nerves. It is * The cranial ganglion of the sympathetic nerve. 1. The ganglion of Eibes. 2. The filament by which it communicates with the carotid plexus (3). 4. The ciliary or lenticular ganglion, giving ofl" ciliary branches for the supply of the globe of the eye. 5. Part of the inferior division of the third nerve, receiving a short thick branch from the ganglion. 6. Part of the nasal nerve, receiving a longer branch from the ganglion. 7. A slender filament sent directly back- wards from the ganglion to the sympathetic branches in the cavernous sinus. 8. Part of the sixth nerve in the cavernous sinus, receiving two branches from the carotid plexus. 9. Meckel's ganglion (spheno palatine.) 10. Its ascending branches, communicating with the superior maxillary nerve. 11. Its descend- ing branches, the posterior palatine. 12. Its anterior branches, spheno-palatine or nasal. 13. The naso-palatine branch, one of the nasal branches. * The swelling which Cloquet imagines to be a ganglion. 14. The posterior branch of the ganglion, the Vidian nerve. 15. Its carotid branch communicating with the carotid plexus. 16. Its petrosal branch, joining the angular bend of the facial nerve. 17. The facial nerve. 18. The chorda tympani nerve, which descends to join the gustatory nerve. 19. The gustatory nerve. 20. The sub- maxillary ganglion, receiving the chorda tympani nerve from the gustatory. 21. The superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic. SYMPATHETIC NERVE. CERVICAL GANGLIA. 533 placed in connection with the ganghon of IMeckel, and through that with the other gangha and the carotid plexus, by means of the superficial petrous or Vidian nerve, which, as already described, after having become the chorda iympani, terminates in the submaxillary ganglion. — The auditory ganglion has been already fully described, as well as its branches of communication with the surrounding parts at page 476. — The sympathetic system has been said to commence in the cranium with those small ramifications of the pterygoid branch of the upper maxillary nerve, and of the sixth pair, which ac- company the carotid artery through the canal in the petrous portion of the temporal bone. These small nerves form a net- work which surrounds the artery in the canal and gives rise to the incipient sympathetic, a small cord which passes down close to the nerves of the eighth and ninth pairs of the neck. Oppo- site to the second cervical vertebra, this nerve is swelled or di- lated, so as to form a body of a light red color, which is more than an inch in length, and has the form of two cones united to each other at their bases. This is the Superior Cervical Gang- lion of the Sympathetic Nerve, and from it the nerve descends, behind the Par Vagum, on the front part of the neck. This ganglion receives twigs from the first, second, third, and fourth pairs of cervical nerves, and also from the eighth and ninth nerves of the head. It sends off several twigs, which pass behind the carotid artery at its bifurcation and are joined by twigs of the Portia Dura and the Glosso-Pharyngeal nerves. From these united twigs proceed very small ramifications, which accompany several branches of the external carotid artery, and some of them pass down with the Common Ca- rotid. This superior ganglion also furnishes small twigs which accompany the Glosso-Pharyngeal to the tongue and pharynx. Sometimes a twig from it passes on the back part of the thy- roid gland to communicate with the recurrent nerve. From this ganglion go off some small branches, which, uniting with others from the superior laryngeal nerves, form the superior or superficial cardiac nerve, which will be soon described. 45* 534 SYMPATHETIC NERVE. CERVICAL GANGLIA. The trunk of the Sympathetic Nerve descends, on the front of the neck, from this ganglion, as has been ah-eady stated. In its course it receives very small twigs from the fourth and 6fth cervical nerves', and sends some very small twigs which appear to go to the oesophagus, and some which unite to the laryngeal nerve and go to the thyroid gland. Some twigs which are larger proceed from it into the thorax, and go to the cardiac plexus hereafter to be described. Opposite to the interval between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae it forms another ganglion, of an irregular shape, much smaller than the first. This ganglion, in different subjects, differs in size as well as in several other respects. Sometimes it is entirely wanting, and sometimes it is doubled. It is denom- inated the Middle Cervical or Thyroid Ganglion. When the fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical nerves do not send ramifications to the sympathetic nerve, this ganglion receives twigs from them. The Middle Cervical, or Thyroid Ganglion sends many ramifications downwards. Some of them enter the thorax and contribute to the formation of the Cardiac Plexus ; others accompany the inferior thyroid artery, and, with twigs from the recurrent nerve, form a plexus which extends towards the thyroid gland. Some proceed downwards before, and others behind, the subclavian artery, to the next ganglion ; among them is generally one which may be regarded as the trunk of the Sympathetic. This third Ganglion is denominated the Inferior Cervical, or the First Thoracic. It is almost constantly found in the same situation, viz. between the transverse process of the last cervical vertebra and the head of the first rib, and is partly covered by the origin of the vertebral artery. It is generally larger than the middle ganglion. It receives branches from the sixth and seventh cervical, and the two first dorsal nerves. Ramifications pass from it to the par vagum and recurrent nerve, and also to the cardiac and pulmonary plexus. From this ganglion the Sympathetic Nerve proceeds down- wards on the side of the spine, as will be described hereafter. CARDIAC NERVES. CARDIAC PLEXUS. 535 The Nerves of the Heart, Being derived from branches which have already been men- tioned, are now to be described. They arise principally from an arrangement of nerves deno- minated the Cardiac Plexus, or Plexuses, which is situated above the curve of the aorta, and extends, on the posterior side of it, from the root of the arteria innominata to the bifurcation of the pulmonary artery. This plexus is composed of nerves which are principally formed by the union of small ramifications that are derived fiom the three above mentioned ganglions of the Sympathetic Nerve, and the nerve itself; and also from the Par Vagum, and some of its branches. These nerves are denominated the Cardiac. They descend on their respective sides of the neck, but are somewhat different on the different sides. On the right side three nerves have been described as particularly entitled to this name, and on the left side but two. The first on the right side is denominated Superior, or Su- perficial Cardiac Nerve. It generally arises by several fine threads, which unite into one delicate cord that passes down by the side of the common carotid. When it has arrived on a line with the middle ganglion, it sends a twig to the thyroid plexus, and another that communicates with a twig from the par vagum, which continues downwards on the carotid artery. After passing beyond the ganglion, it divides into several branches, which unite themselves to branches of the recurrent nerve that are going to the middle ganglion. The second, which is denominated the Middle Cardiac, the Great Cardiac, or the Deep Cardiac, is the largest of the three. It arises from the Middle Cervical, or Thyroid Ganglion, by five or six fine fibrils, which finally form one, that passes before and across the subclavian ; and at that place, as well as lower down, it receives twigs from the par vagum: below this, it is joined by a considerable twig from the recurrent, and ter- minates in the Cardiac Plexus, to which it contributes largely. The third cardiac nerve of the right side is called the Infe- 536 CARDIAC NERVES. rior, or the Small Cardiac Nerve. It originates from the third, or lower cervical ganglion, by many fibrils which unite into a smaller number that form a plexus. It crosses behind the subclavian, and proceeds on the outside of the arteria inno- minata to the curve of the aorta ; continuing between it and the pulmonary artery, to the anterior coronary plexus. In this course it receives several fibres from the recurrent and the par vagum. On the left side the first cardiac nerve arises from the upper ganglion. The second derives its origin from the two lower ganglions. The left superior or superficial cardiac nerve arises like the right, by many distinct fibres, and proceeds downwards in the same way. It descends between the carotid and the subcla- vian, and when it has arrived at the place where they origi- nate from the aorta, it divides into a great number of small ramifications. Some pass before the aorta, either to join the branches of the inferior cardiac, or to unite with the cardiac branches of the left nerve of the par vagum. The others pro- ceed behind the aorta, and enter into the common cardiac plexus. The second cardiac nerve of the left side may be called the Great Left Cardiac, and has a double origin, as above men- tioned. The principal branch in its composition arises from the lowest cervical ganglion, and passes behind the transverse portion of the subclavian artery. Where the inferior thyroid artery arises from the subclavian, this branch receives a consider- able number of ramifications, which arise from the upper gang- lion, and are interwoven with each other before they unite to it. It passes behind the curve of the aorta, and terminates in the great cardiac plexus, which it particularly contributes to form. Here it is joined by many fibres from the par vagum. The Cardiac Plexus Is situated principally behind the curve of the aorta, at a small distance above the heart. It commences as high as the CARDIAC PLEXUS. 537 origin of the arteria innominata, and extends downwards to the bifurcation of the pulmonary artery. As has been ah-eady mentioned, it is principally composed of branches from the middle cardiac nerve of the right side, and the inferior cardiac nerve of the left ; but it receives branches from the superior cardiac of the left, and sometimes of the right side. Some fibres of the inferior cardiac of the right are also united to it. Many branches proceed from this plexus. A sniall number pass upon the aorta, and seem to enter into its texture.* Some of them also combine with the ramifications of the Par Vagiim in the anterior pulmonary plexus. The majority proceed to the basis of the heart, near the origin of the pulmonary artery and the aorta, and constitute the 'proper nerves of that organ. They accompany the coronary arteries, and are so arranged around them that, by some anatomists, they have been said to form plexuses, which have been denominated Coronary. The Sympathetic Nerve, as has been stated above, proceeds from the ganglion, called the Lower Cervical, or the First Tho- racic, before the neck of the first rib. It continues to descend, in the same direction, along the spine, exterior to the pleura, to the inferior part of the thorax. Near the head of each rib it forms a ganglion, which unites with the intercostal nerve behind it, by two branches, and thus forms an indirect communication with the medulla spinalis. From several of the uppermost of these ganglions small twigs proceed to the pulmonary plexus, and also to the great trunk of the aorta, below the curve forming a species of net-work, or plexus upon it. From the ganglions near the heads of the fifth and sixth ribs, and from four or five of the ganglions which succeed them, small nerves arise, which proceed downwards on the * It has been asserted that some of the anatomists of Paris have traced these nerves on the aorta, to a great distance from the heart. 538 SPLANCHNIC NERVES. SEMILUNAR GANGLION. sides of the bodies of the vertebrae, and unite into one trunk that is denominated the Splanchnic Nerve, because it is distri- buted to the viscera of the abdomen. — This nerve proceeds be- hind the crus of the diaphragm, on its respective side, into the abdomen. A second and smaller nerve, of the same destina- tion, called the lesser Splanchnic Nerve, arises lower down, from two or three of the lowermost dorsal ganglions, and penetrates separately into the cavity of the abdomen : it then generally divides into two branches, one of which unites to the great splanchnic nerve, and the other proceeds to the renal plexus soon to be described. As soon as the great splanchnic nerve has entered the abdo- men, it divides into many branches, which commonly form small ganglions on each side of the coeliac artery, but above it. These ganglions are generally contiguous : but sometimes they are at a small distance from each other, and united by nerves. They are, however, commonly spoken of as one, and called the Semi- lunar Ganglion. They are of irregular forms, and very different from each other in size, as well as form. Those formed by the splanchnic nerve on one side are sometimes different from those on the other. From this assemblage of ganglions proceed many small nerves, which are woven together so as to form a network denominated the Solar Plexus. This plexus is situated anterior to the spine and the crura of the diaphragm, behind the stomach and above the pancreas ; and is extended upon the coeliac and superior mesenteric arte- ries. Some ramifications from the par vagum and the phrenic also join it. •The lower part of the solar plexus, which surrounds more immediately the coeliac artery, is termed the Coeliac Plexus. From it networks of nerves extend upon the great branches of the artery to the organs to which they go. They extend to the stomach, (although it is supplied by the par vagum,) along the superior coronary or gastric branch of the coeliac ; and the fibres in their composition being spread CffiLIAC, MESENTERIC, AND RENAL PLEXUSES. 539 upon the coats of the stomach, unite with the branches of the par vagum, which are also spread upon them. A similar net-work, denominated the Hepatic Plexus, extends upon the Hepatic Artery, and from it to the Vena Portarum ; and accompanies those vessels into the substance of the liver. It also sends branches to the biliary duct and gall- bladder ; to the stomach by the arteria gastrica dextra ; and to the omentum. The Splenic Artery is invested by a similar but smaller ar- rangement of nerves, denominated the Splenic Plexus. In its course to the spleen, this plexus sends some nerves to the pancreas ; and also to the stomach and omentum, with the left gastric artery. The superior mesenteric artery is surrounded by a network, which extends to it directly from the solar plexus, and is the largest of all which proceed from that plexus. The Mesenteric Plexus at first nearly surrounds the artery, and proceeds with it between the lamina of the mesentery. In this course it sends branches, with the arteria colica dextra, to the transverse portion of the colon. Between the lamina of the mesentery, it sends ramifications with all the branches of the artery, to the small intestines generally ; to the coecum, and the riohx portion of the colon, as well as to the mesenteric glands. From the lower part of the solar plexus a network proceeds, on the front of the aorta, to the inferior mesenteric artery, and surrounds it. Nerves from this plexus accompany the artery to the left portion of the colon and the rectum. Some of their ramifications combine with those of the hypogastric plexus. The Emulgent Artery is attended by nerves, which are arranged like a network on its anterior and posterior surfaces, and are denominated the Renal Plexus. They are derived from the solar plexus, and frequently contain small ganglions. They proceed with the artery to the fissure of the kidney, and are distributed with its different ramifications, in the substance of the organ. 540 SPERMATIC AND HYPOGASTRIC PLEXUSES. Some branches pass from them to the renal gland with the capsular artery. Before the renal plexus arrives at the kidney, it sends off, from its inferior part, some new fibres, which, after joining some others from one of the lumbar nerves, accompany the spermatic arteries, and are, therefore, called the Spermatic Plexus. In the male, these fibres proceed through the abdomi- nal ring, and many of them go to the testis, but they are followed with great difficulty, on account of their small size. In the female, they go to the ovary and the Fallopian tubes. From the great plexuses above, a small network continues downwards on the aorta, receiving fibres from the intercostals on each side ; at the great bifurcation of the aorta it divides, and is joined on each side by many ramifications from the third lumbar nerves, which thus form a plexus of considerable extent, that sends nerves to the bladder, rectum, and vesiculae serninales in males ; and to the uterus and vagina, as well as the bladder and rectum, in females.* This is called the Hypogastric Plexus. The plexuses above mentioned are derived from the splanchnic nerve, which come off from the Sympathetic in the thorax. The Sympathetic Nerve, after giving off the lesser splanch- nic, is diminished in size, and approaches nearer to the bodies of the vertebrae. It passes through the crura of the diaphragm, and then proceeds forwards and downwards upon the spine, between the tendinous crura of the diaphragm and the psoas muscle ; near the vena cava on the right side, and the aorta on the left. In this course, it generally receives one or two small cords from the anterior branch of each of the lumbar nerves ; these cords proceed downwards and forwards, between the * Although the testicle receives nerves which are derived from the sympa- thetic, the penis and other external parts of the organs of generation do not to much extent : the nerves which accompany the pudic artery being derived from those which unite to form the great sciatic. ^^;»^M^'^^^'>iv;* :>,^,^Jto«^ THE GANGLIA. 541 bodies of the vertebrae and the psoas muscle, and a ganglion is generally formed at the place where they join the nerve. In its descent on the lumbar vertebrae, the sympathetic sends off several nerves that unite to the network which descends on the aorta from the plexus above. After passing over the lum- bar vertebrae, it descends into the pelvis, close to the sacrum, on the inner side of the great foramina : here it also forms gang- lions and communicates with the sacral nerves, and likewise with the hypogastric plexus. It terminates on the os coccygis, where its minute fibres join those of the opposite side, and form a gang- lion at their place of junction, called the coccygeal ganglion or ganglion impar. VOL. II. 46 542 GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. CHAPTER XVI. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. — In man, and animals nearest him in the scale of organi- zation, the nervous system, by its bulk and general distribution, no less than by the important functions it executes, forms a very prominent part in the constitution of the body. So early as the time of Herophilus, who flourished nearly three centuries before the commencement of the Christian era, the connexion of the nerves with the brain had been discovered ; as well as the fact that these parts were to be regarded as the instruments of sensation and motion. In the sixth century, the idea was also entertained by Galen that there was some specific differ- ences among the nerves. He held that the nerves of sensation originated in the brain, and those of motion, in the spinal cord. Closely connected, as it was found to be, with the phe- nomena of life, the nervous system has been, since the com- mencement of the seventeenth century, a subject of much re- search among anatomists; but, from its being the most delicate and complicated in its structure of all the tissues of the body, it has necessarily required extremely careful and oft repeated ex- amination, to arrive at any accuracy in regard to its structure. The progress made in its investigation has consequently been slow. Comparative anatomy has lent its aid to the elucidation of nervous structure. One after another, in the downward grade of animals, have been found provided with nervous centres and nervous cords, and the recent observations of Tiedemann, Ehren- berg, Remak, etc., have rendered it extremely doubtful that any animal exists, without a nervous system properly proportioned to the force and vitality of its vital actions. — The nervous structure of man and many of the inferior animals, is found disposed in masses, as in the brain and spinal marrow ; rolled up in the form of round cords, called nerves, which branch in every direction through the body ; and as small knots, or ganglia, which are developed in the course, or at THE CINERITI0U3 AND MEDULLARY NEURINE. 543 the origin of the nerves. Though thus diversified in its mode of disposition about the body, the nervous substance, or neurine, as it is now more appropriately called, is susceptible of being divided from its physical qualities and difference of functions, into two kinds, the cineriiious and medullary. Of the Cineriiious Neurine. — The cineriiious neurine, substantia cinerea, has as the term imports, derived its name from its gray or ash color, and is soft and pulpy. It is found only in the brain and spinal mar- row, and in the ganglia of the nerves.* It forms the central part of the medulla spinalis, and the portion of it lodged in that position, has received the name of the nucleus of the spinal marrow. It is found also, in the central parts of the cerebrum, the cer-ebellum, the crura cerebri, the pons varolii and the medulla oblongata. It forms, besides, the whole of tbe outer covering of the cerebrum and cerebellum, existing there in the form of a layer, a line to a line and a half in thickness, dipping down between and covering the bases and sides of the convo- lutions of the cerebrum, as well as the horizontal layers of the cerebellum, and thus amplifying the superficies of those organs to three or four times that of the interior surface of the walls of the cranium. From the external position it occupies in these organs, it has been called, though very inappropriately, the cortical substance of the brain. It is very abundantly supplied with blood-vessels, which exist in it in the form of meshes of capillary vessels conveying red blood, and pervade its whole substance, so as to render it, if not the most, one of the most, vascular portions of the body. This great vascularity appears to be the cause of the grayish brown color from which the name of cincritious has been derived. It is of a darker color in man than any other animal, and is found gradually to become paler, as we descend in our investigations, along the animal scale. Some of the central deposits of cineriiious * The microscopical observations of Kemak and Mailer, have shown it to exist occasionally in the nerves of the sympathetic, and in some of the enceph- alic nerves of the cerebro-spinal system. But in such cases, the nerves con- taining it are devoted wholly to the organic functions, and may be considered rather as elongated funicular ganglia. 544 CINERITIOUS GLOBULES. matter in the interior of the brain, are of a deeper color than that covering the surface : that in the crura cerebri is so dark as to have received from Soemmering* the name of locus niger ; that of the corpus dentatum of the cerebellum is yellowish. — A striking peculiarity in the mode of deposition of the cine- ritious matter, is its distribution in detached "portions. Thus, the cineritious coatings of the cerebrum and cerebellum, have no direct continuity with each other ; nor have the cineritious deposits in the interior of these organs, any communication except through the medium of the white or medullary portioa of the brain, with that of the spinal marrow, or of the different ganglia upon the trunks of the nerves. — The cineritious matter, when examined with the microscope, either in the brain, spinal marrow, or ganglia, is found composed of cellular globules or granules varying from j^^g to 55^5 part of an inch in diameter, having no distinct linear arrangement, but embraced in meshes of capillary vessels and granular cellular tissue, which serve as capsule about them. These globules form a granular mass or layer spread over and amidst the medullary matter. Each of these globules, according to Valentine, con- tains two nuclei, one concentric and within the other, the smaller and interior one being called the nucleolus. It has long been suspected that the globules of cineritious substance, were in some way connected with the termination or origin of the ner- vous fibrils, as the bellies of the muscles are with their tendons. Gall considered the cineritious substance as the matrix or genera- tor of the white fibres. But this assertion is unfounded, if it be used to imply more than a close and inseparable relationship between the two sets of fibres. — The question of their connec- tion may now be considered as nearly decided. Remak and Muller,f both assert, that in their microscopical investigations they have seen tooth-like white fibres coming off from the sur- face of the cineritious globules. In the ganglion, Remak suc- * This variety of color in different portions of the cineritious substance, is not peculiar to man. Cuvier found it to be the case in regard to the ganglia of some of the lower animals. In the Helices he found the ganglia red, and in the Aplysia, black, while the nerves were white. There is in some places pigmen- tary matter deposited in the gray substance even in man, as in the locics niger. t Mailer's Physiology, Part 3, vol, i., Bennet's Translatio--, STRUCTURE OF MEDULLARY NEURINE. 545 ceeded in isolating these tooth-like processes to an extent of many times their diameter, so as to be enabled to observe their similarity to the primitive gray fibres of the ganglionic nerves. There is therefore some reason to believe that this is the mode of origin of many of the ganglionic nerves — that is, those which exclusively belong to the organic functions, — and that many of the cerebro-spinal nervous filaments originate in the same way, especially those which have latterly been denominated by Mr. Marshall Hall the excito-motory, or with more propriety, the reflex system of nerves. Of the Medullary Neurine. — The medullary neurine, substantia medullaris, forms a large portion of the interior of the cerebrum and cerebellum, and has received its name from its central position in these parts, like that of the medulla or marrow within the cavity of a bone. But this term is far from being generally appropriate, for the medullary nervous substance, is found forming the exterior of the crura cerebri and cerebelli, the pons varolii, medulla oblongata and spinal marrow, and constitutes very nearly the entire structure of the nervous cords. But the term, introduced at an early period, has become so hallowed by usage, as to be con- sidered classical and is very generally employed. The medulla- ry nervous substance in its natural state is every where of a white or cream color. Unlike the cineritious substance of the brain, the medullary is apparently placed no where in detached masses ; the nervous cords are continuous with the medullary portion of the spinal marrow and this again with the medullary masses of the encephalon. The ganglia themselves being no interruption to the course of the nervous cords. — Unlike the cineritious matter also, the medullary is every where found to be fibrous ; a fact that was first demonstrated by Vieussens in 1684,* and which is now as generally admitted as any other truth in anatomy and physiology, and may be shown convincingly on a hardened brain to the most sceptical inquirer. — The mode adopted by Vieussens in order to display these medullary fibres, was that of scraping its surface in the recent * Vieussens, Neurographia Universalis. 46* 546 PRIMITIVE MEDULLARY NEURINE. State ; the same adopted by Gall, Spiirzhelm, Reil, and others, in the present century, by whom the anatomy of the brain, though still very imperfect, has been greatly advanced. — In the medullary neurine, when examined with the micro- scope, no globules of considerable size and detached distribu- tion, like those of the gray matter, are ever met with. Whether examined in the brain, spinal marrow, or white nerves, it pre- sents, when separated into its ultimate elements, the appearance of parallel white fibres (studded here and there with minute nerve cells,) the diameter of which, according to R. Wagner, is, in the nervous cords, the J^th part of a line. Fig. 215.* — These primitive fibres are simple threads, formed of a cylindrical sheath, filled with the nervous matter. This nervous matter or neurine, forms during ql life a transparent colorless oil-like fluid. It coagulates after death, and then pre- sents the white opaque curdy appear- ance with which all anatomists are familiar. Each one of these fibres, according to the elaborate investigation of Ehrenberg and Miiller, however frequently they may cross each other, or appear to unite, whether they are rolled up in separate bundles as in the nerves or penetrate in masses through the ganglia or through the substance of the brain, never unite or do more than come in close apposition with one another ; every where being kept sep- arate by their neurilematic sheaths, which insulates them as * Fig. 215. — Minute structure of nerve (from Wilson). 1. The mode of termination of nerve-fibres in loops ; three of these loops are simple, the fourth is convoluted. The latter arrangement is found in situations where an exalted degree of sensation exists. 2. A nerve- fibre from the brain, where the neuri- lematous covering is very thin, showing the varicose appearance produced by traction or pressure. 3, A nerve-fibre enlarged to show its structure — viz. a tubular enveloped, and a contained substance, neurine. 4. A nerve cell or granular globule of cineritious neurine, showing its composition to consist of a granular looking capsule, and granular contents. 5. Its nucleus containing a nucleolus. 6. A nerve cell from which several caudate (or tooth-like) processes are given off. It contains like the preceding, a nucleated nucleolus. 7. The third constituent of the medullar}' masses, namely, granules or rather minute cells. These are dispersed among the cerebral fibres in great numbers j they present every variety of size and are many of them nucleated. NEURILEMA OF THE WHITE FIBRES. 547 completely from one another as the Fig. 216.* windings of a silk thread, insulate the coils of wires, which serve as the con- ductors of a galvanic battery. When the bundles of white fibres constituting two or more nerves come together, and appear to anastomose directly or form a plexus, there is there- fore only a separation of the primitive filaments and a recombi- nation of them in a different order as they leave the plexus, so as to render more intimate the connexion existing between differ- ent organs of the body. In this manner the nervous substance of each fibril, is maintained separate in its course, so as to have no functional communication, Fig. 217.f except with the part from which it arises, and that to which it is distributed ; and however flexu- ous or involved its direction may be, or with whatever different orders of nerves it may be inci- dentally bound up, its functions are, nevertheless, as directly and singly exercised, as though there existed but one order of fibres in the body. The extremities of the nervous fibres, are not abrupt like the cut ends of a cord. They appear to have their origin in the gray matter in the form of a loop, and to terminate at their distant extremities in loops, which is highly convoluted in the cutaneous papilli and other sensitive parts, as shown in fig. 215. The neurile- matic covering investing the primitive fibres, is very delicate, almost gelatinous or structureless in the brain, so as to render * Fig. 216, is a microscopical view, after Raspail, of a transverse sectiou of a branch of a ganglionic nerve, which appears as a single cord. The cut ends of the numerous filaments are here seen, included in the general sheath or neuriiema of the cord. ■)■ Fig. 217, a similar transverse section of a median nerve, which exhibits several cords, ever}' cord or fasciculus having its own membrane, and all in- cluded in an envelop or neuriiema common to the whole. The cut ends of the fibrils forming each fasciculus are seen. The single dark spot represents a blood-vessel. 548 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE BRAIN. the tracing of the fibres through that organ, a matter of extreme difficulty. — But the existence of the neurilema there is nevertheless evi- dent, and especially, as I have several times had occasion to observe in cases of atrophy of parts of the brain, where the nervous substance had disappeared, and the neurilema been left, forming a shrunken mould of the part. — In the sympathetic nervous system, there is, according to Remak, a mixture of white and gray fibres, constituting the trunks of the nerves. The primitive gray fibres, originate from the sympathetic ganglia, are about one half the diameter of the corresponding white fibres, and have their surface here and there beset with minute granules of gray matter. The white fibres which are seen in the sympathetic nerves intermixed with the gray, especially in the neck, the loins, and the splanchnic nerves, are believed to be additional sensitive, and perhaps excito-motor nerves extending into them from the cerebro-spinal system. — Some of the cerebro-spinal nerves, as the trigeminus and glosso-pharyngeal, contain some gray fibres of a similar sort, which are derived from the sympathetic, and intermixed with those coming from the brain. — Mr. Johns* is the only chemist who, in his analysis of the brain, has hitherto separately examined the gray and white mat- ter. He has stated that the white matter contains more fat than the gray, and that its albumen is more firm. The following comparative analysis was made of the brain of one of the insane patients who died at the Salpetriere. Entire Brain, (^Density 1048.) Water, . . . . _ 77.0 Albumen, - - - - - - 9.6 White fatty matter, - - - - 7.2 Red fatty matter, - - - - 3.1 Osmazome, lactic acid, salts, - - - 2.0 Earthy phosphate, - - - - 1.1 * Journal de Chimie Med. 1835 ; Solly on the brain, p. 8. London, 1836. DIVISIONS OF THE NERVOUS SUBSTANCE. 549 ( Comp. Analysis.) White Subst. Gray Subst. Water, - - 73.0 - - 85.0 Albumen, 9.9 - - 7.5 White fatty matter , 13.9 - - 1.0 Red fatty matter, - 0.9 - - 3.7 Osmazome, etc.. 1.0 - - 1.4 Earthy phosphate, 0.3 - - 1.2 Functional Divisions of the Nervous Substance. — The student who wishes to form for himself a comprehen- sive and philosophical knowledge of the structure and func- tions of nervous matter, will do well to examine it in its simplest state of development as it is found in the radiated or star-shaped animals, in which unequivocal voluntary locomo- tive power exists, and where it is found dissected and simpli- fied as it were by the hand of nature. In these animals we find a ring of nervous ganglia, connected by intermediate cords or commissures which unite them together, surrounding the mouth and oesophagus ; and from the little nodules or ganglia which are placed opposite the rays or limbs of the animal, part nervous cords, which are distributed to the muscles, and are unquestionably the instruments of locomotion. Proceeding in his investigations up through the articulated, molluscous, and vertebrated animals to man, he will find the nervous sys- tem expanded in form, and complicated in arrangement, so as to harmonize exactly with the development of the different classes of animals, and the elevation of their vital functions. Life, which appeared at the zero point of the scale, to be manifested chiefly by motions excited by the contact of bodies, (mere excito-motory phenomena,) becomes complicated as we ascend, with the presence of other functions, larger ganglia being placed at the region of the head, which give the instinc- tive impulses to the animal. As we proceed upwards towards man, we find a cerebral ganglion, assuming more and more the appearance of a brain, and endowed with instinctive faculties, which approach slightly in character to the moral and intellectual. Finally, in man himself we find this part 550 DIVISIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. expanded forward and upward so as to constitute a preponde- rating mass of nervous substance, called encephalon or brain, which retains all the instinctive properties found in similar organs of the animals below him, and is endowed in addition with the high and governing qualities of the mind ; some of the organs, as those in the interior of his body, still living and acting by a system of excito-motory or organic phenomena, like those of the radiata, and for which we find arranged a separate system of ganglia and nerves. — In tracing up the anatomy of the nervous system in this man- ner, it will be found to consist entirely of the cineritious and medullary neurine, variously disposed throughout the body, so that the whole nervous structure, can be classed according to its functions into three parts. 1st. Ganglia composed principally of cineritious neurine, and which are believed to be the only sources of power in the nervous system. 2d. Commissures or bands which connect and associate the different ganglia with each other, composed sometiiDes of the cineritious, but most generally of the medullary neurine. And 3dly. Nerves or cords, formed almost exclusively of the medullary neurine, which establish communications between the ganglia, and all the different portions of the body. The nerves are but the passive agents of the ganglia, and have but a single and common func- tion, and the commissures, so far as their offices have yet been made out, have no more ; but the ganglia, differing among them- selves greatly in size and form, seem on either half of the body to be each one endowed with its peculiar function. Solly,* a late writer on this subject, has fully carried out this idea in his treatise on the brain. — Adopting at the outset, this rational and philosophical view of the nervous system, the student will have a physiological guide before him, which will, more satisfactorily than any other, lead him through this interesting and important portion of anatomy, that is yet far from being perfectly understood, and is obscured by a multitude of terms, applied often coarsely to different parts of the same physiological organ, from their fancied resemblance to other objects, or from mistaken views * Op. citat. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 551 in regard to their functions. The perpetuation of these sense- less terms, devised, many of them, at an early period of the science, and the conflicting accounts given of the structure and functions of the different parts of the brain, have rendered the nervous system a perplexing study, from which even a zeal- ous student is apt to rise despairingly, his memory loaded with names, and his mind charged with very indefinite notions of the structure and functions of nervous matter. Neurology within the last half century, has made such rapid advances, that anato- mists have become emboldened, to study the parts of the nervous system in their natural order ; tracing the fibres of the brain from below upwards, without reference to the artificial system so long practised, of dividing it in horizontal slices, which can no more teach the structure of its different parts, than would a series of transverse sections of the thigh, teach us the origin, course, and uses of the different muscles of that region. Following out these views of late investigators of the nervous system, we shall see many difficulties to disappear from the tangled subject, and the whole present itself in a light much more lucid and tangible to the mind. Of the Ganglia. — The term ganglion, which was originally applied to a knot or rounded mass of isolated cineritious neurine developed in the course of the white fibres of a nerve, may well be applied, since the term has come into such common use, to any isolated mass of cineritious substance, whatever its form ; whether spread out in a thin layer, folded upon itself as in the outer part of the cerebrum and cerebellum, or forming a long cylindrical mass surrounded by the white matter, as in the spinal marrow ; since the generally rounded ganglia of the nerves, present themselves under all varieties of forms, and thus prove that shape exercises no specific influence in regard to their function. — Hence, the outer layers of the hemispheres of the brain, are now spoken of as the hemispherical ganglia,* in which the intellectual and moral faculties have their seat ; the cineritious * Solly oper. citat. 552 THE NERVES. nucleus of the spinal marrow, as a series of spinal ganglia, (found in the lower animals to consist of separate knots,) whose office in particular it is, to preside over the sensations and voluntary motions of the limbs and body ; the ganglia of the sympathetic nerve, having mainly under their control the peculiar sensations and involuntary motions of the visceral organs. Of the Medullary Neurine forming the Commissures. — White bands of medullary neurine are found in many por- tions of the cerebro-spinal system, passing from side to side between symmetrical ganglia, (arising from one, so far as we can carry our investigation, and terminating in the other,) which are called commissures, and whose office it appears to be, to attach together these different organs so as to give to them a certain sort of unity in their operations. — We have one instance of the many commissures that exist, in the corpus callosum, which is extended across between the two hemispheres of the cerebrum, at the only place where they can come in contact, immediately below the falx major ; and another in the white fasciculi that pass across from the cere- bellum over the pons varolii, (see fig. 224, page 577,) and meet with those of the opposite side on the middle line of the pons. These constitute the great commissures or bonds of union of the two sides of the cerebrum and cerebellum. — In the ganglia of the syn) pathetic, parts of the fibres of the evident white cords connecting the ganglia together, are believed, by Solly, to belong to the system of commissures. Of the Nerves. — The means by which the ganglia are placed in connexion with the organs of sense, the skin, muscles, and other portions of the body, are the thousands of white medullary filaments, which, shortly after their origin from the central parts of the nervous system, pass out among the other tissues of the body, where they are rolled up into cylindrical cords and receive the name of nerves. These, for the purposes of greater clearness in description, are represented as dependencies of the central THE CINERITIOUS AND MEDULLARY NEURTNE. 553 ganglia and running from them to the different parts of the body. But they are, in fact, merely agents of communication, between the various ganglia of the nervous system, and the different organs of sense and motion ; some fibres carrying impressions from without inwards to the ganglia ; others in the opposite direction, transporting the motive or other influences which these impressions have excited in the ganglia, (especially those of the cerebrum,) outwards to the muscles. — It has been already observed, that the medullary substance, consists, when closely analyzed, of minute elementary fila- ments, each one surrounded by a separate neurilema, or cylin- drical sheath, which isolates it in its passage through the dif- ferent parts from its origin to its termination, and at the same time serves to support it in connexion with the coats of sur- rounding filaments, a number of which go to constitute a nervous cord. In the brain and spinal marrow this same fila- mentous arrangement exists, though more difficult of observation there, in consequence of the nervous filaments, as they are extended upwards into the brain, being no longer rolled up in cords, but placed in juxtaposition with each other so as to form a solid mass, each filament at the same time being compressed into a smaller space, so as to be diminished in its diameter. — The diameter of the primitive filaments found in the nerves is, as has been already stated, about ,JS.th part of a line, or nearly the 3500th part of an inch. But as they pass up into the brain through the spinal marrow, or through the encephalic nerves, they become so much lessoned in their diameter as not to measure more in the medullary substance of the brain than the TCoo^h part of an inch, or more than T^goo^h where they terminate in the cortical portion. From this cause and the great delicacy of the investing neurilema there is much diffi- culty in tracing their individual course within the cranium, but the fact that a large portion of the white fibres of the brain are continuous with those of the nerves, will no longer admit of being called in question. We say a part of the white fibres of the brain, for there is some reason to believe, that accord- ing to the doctrines of Gall, some white fibres, arise de novo, in the gangliform masses of cineritious matter placed at the VOL. II. 47 554 COURSE OF THE NERVOUS FIBRES. base of the brain, and go to increase its bulk. On the other hand, recent researches have shown that a part only of the nerves, are continuous with the brain ; some terminating and some originating in the gangha as organic filaments, and others termi- nating and originating in the cineritious substance of the spinal marrow and the base of the brain, to which the term excito^ motory has been applied. The anatomical grounds for the adop- tion of this term require to be investigated. That it renders the 'study of the functions of the nervous system, more clear and comprehensible, is something in proof of its anatomical correct- ness. The researches of Flourens* have shown, conclusively, that the seat of ordinary sensation and voluntary motion, is ex- clusively in the brain, and that yet there are many parts of the body gifted with peculiar instinctive sensations and involuntary movements, which are capable of exercising their offices to a greater or less extent, even when separated from the brain. Such are the parts which receive their supply from the ganglia of the sympathetic, and some too which obtain it through nerves sent off from the spinal marrow and medulla oblongata. The dissections and experiments of Sir C. Bell, before whose time the spinal marrow was considered a sort of tail-like appendage to the brain, as well as those of Magendie, have established as unquestioned facts, that the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves, and the anterior and pos- terior colunms of the spinal marrow from which these roots come out, are destined, — the former or anterior, for motion, and the latter or posterior, for sensation. Many of the other opinions of Sir C. Bell, in relation to the nervous system, have not stood the test of closer examination, and according to Mr. Grainger, his own views in regard to them were altered. Thus, beside the anterior and posterior columns of each half of the spinal marrow he admitted a middle or lateral portion, between them, which other anatomists have not been able to discover. He supposed all the white fibres of the cord conti- nuous with those of brain on the one hand, and with those * Recherches Experimentales, sur le Propr. et les Foiict du Syst. Nerveux. 2d edit. 1842. ORIGIN OF THE SPINAL NERVES. 555 of the nerves on the other; the most superficial of the fibres of the cord passing away, as the cervical nerves, and that thus the whole were given off in succession, till the most internal left it below, as the sacral and coccygeal ; thus making the spinal marrow merely a large nervous cord, in which the cine- ritious matter placed in its interior, appears no more to be needed than in any other nervous trunk. At the upper part, however, of the spinal marrow, where his imaginary lateral column is placed, he believed the nerves destined to respira- tion arose, and that these were capable of exercising their functions occasionally, as in sleep and apoplexy, through the influence of this column alone, without, and even in opposition to the agency of the will. — Sir C. Bell however by his experiments, established an inter- esting fact, that the function of respiration, even in man, is partly an instinctive act, and thus opened a new and impor- tant path of investigation. Anatomists following in his train of observation, have shown the cineritious nucleus of the spinal marrow, to be the source and origin of many of the fibres of the spinal and cerebral nerves, as he supposed the lateral column of the medulla oblongata to be to the respira- tory. Meckel and Cruvielhier assert that this appears to them to be the case ; Ollivier and Gall, have asserted it more boldly. Mayo and Marshall Hall,* seem to have proved it by their experiments, in which they separated the cord from the brain at various heights, and observed that nerves which came off from below the place of separation, running to the eye, nose, anus, etc., were still found, on mechanical irritation, to possess a sort of instinctive sensation, and to be capable of producing com- bined involuntary muscular movements to a certain extent. More recently Mr. Graingerf of London, by adopting an improved method of investigating the origin of the nerves, has succeeded in tracing a part of the fibres of the anterior and posterior roots of all the spinal nerves, into the cineritious * Vide Mayo's Physiology, and M. Hall on the Nervous System. f On the Structure and Functions of the Spinal Cord. London, 1838. 556 GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. matter of the spinal marrow, where they appear to end ; another portion of the fibres of the same nerves, turning upwards, and constituting a part of the spinal cord in its course to the brain. This arrangement of the nerves in the medulla, see fig. 221, Mr. Grainger observes, he demonstrated Fig. 218. to the entire satisfaction of Professors Arnold, Bur- dach, and Sir C. Bell. The same thing has also been nearly conclusively shown to exist in regard to the encephalic nerves, the principal difference between which and the ^^ spinal nerves is the origin of the former from a differ- ent portion of cineritious matter, and their not so usually having their fibres of sensation, and their fibres of motion rolled up into a common fasciculus, as is the case with the spinal nerves, but running out to their destination ^■'' '''j mainly as distinct nerves, either of motion or sensation. The fibres of the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves, that terminate in the spinal marrow, are called by Hall and Grainger, the true spinal, excito-motory , or incident and rejlcx spinal nerves, and are con- sidered to derive their origin and power from the cineritious matter of the spine in which they arise, and to have functions as much involuntary and organic, as any of those which belong to the sympathetic nervous system. Those which pass upwards into the brain are called the cerebral sensiferous and cerebral motorial nerves. — Fig. 218, is a plan of the spinal cord from Grainger, intended GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 557 to show the arrangement of the gray and fibrous substances in profile, the course of the true spinal or excito-motory nerves, and that of the true cerebral sensiferous and motorial. A. Posterior surface of the cord. B. Anterior surface. C. The cineritious or grey matter in the centre of the spinal marrow. D, E. The true spinal or reflex nerves ; the incident or spinal sensiferous nerve may be supposed to approach the spine at D, the true motor spinal nerve leaving at E, which is capable of producing contraction in the part to which its fibres are dis- tributed when excited by the cineritious matter that receives the stimulus brought by the incident spinal nerves at D. The roots of the fibres of the two sides probably form some con- nection in the cineritious matter. F. The cerebral sensiferous fibres going to the brain. G. The motor cerebral fibres dis- tributed to the muscles of volition. The respiratory nerves of Sir C. Bell, will no longer then stand apart as a separate system, but comes under the same category with the excito- motory, to which the great sympathetic, as has been already shown, in a measure belongs. 47* 558 THE MEDULLA SPINALIS. CHAPTER XVII. OF THE SPECIAL ANATOMY OF THE SPINAL MARROW AND BRAIN, AS DESCRIBED FROM BELOW UPWARDS. — Having investigated the general anatomy of the nervous system, the student may enter with advantage upon the study of its particular parts ; and for the convenience of demonstra- tion, it will be best to retain the artificial divisions, commonly made, viz. : 1st. The brain and spinal marrow, which forms the cerebro-spinal axis of Meckel, and the forty-two pairs of encephalic and spinal nerves which they give off; and 2d. The ganglia aad nerves of the great sympathetic or ganglionic system. Of the Medulla Spinalis of Man. — The medulla spinalis, is a cylindrical cord, slightly flattened in its antero-posterior diameter. In the adult it is on an average about sixteen inches in length, and extends from the first or second lumbar vertebra,* to the basilar foramen of the occipital bone, where it is directly continuous with the medulla oblongata, and through the latter with the cerebrum and cere- bellum. — The transverse or larger diameter of the cord, is, at the mid- dle of the back, five lines ; but at the lower part of the neck, and the lower part of the back, where the great plexuses of nerves are given off to the upper and lower extremities, it is a line or two more. It is surrounded by three membranes, like the brain ; viz. the dura mater, tunica arachnoidea, and the pia mater, the latter of which closely embraces the medulla. It is enclosed its whole length in the spinal canal, the diameter of which is much greater than that of the medulla ; it doos not * Keuffel has seen it commencing opposite the eleventh dorsal vertebra in one case, and the third lumbar in another. THE MEDULLA SPINALIS. 559 occupy exactly the centre of the canal, hut, according to 0111- vier, rests against its anterior wall in the vertical position, and inclines towards the posterior, especially at its lower part, when the individual rests upon his back. The consistence of the medulla is much greater when healthy and observed in the recent state, than is generally supposed ; it surpasses that of the cere- brum and cerebellum, though it is in general less than that of the pons varolii. — The weight of the medulla spinalis, separated from its mem- branes and nerves, is in the adult in proportion to the entire mass of the brain, according to Meckel, as one to forty. Man, however, is, of all animals, the one in which the medulla spi- nalis is the least in comparison with the brain : a fact, well exemplified by comparative anatomy, in which it will be found that the more we recede from man in the scale, the greater is the proportion of the medulla to the encephalon. The spinal medulla presents in its course two remarkable enlargements ; one, superior, named cervical or brachial, which extends from the third cervical vertebra to the second dorsal ; and the second, between the fourth dorsal vertebra and the second lumbar, which is called the lumbar or crural. Below the crural plexus the medulla is fusiform, and terminates most generally in a point, but sometimes in a bulb, and occasionally in a bifurca- tion. — The spinal cord, is divided into two symmetrical portions — that is, — one for each side of the body by two median fissures ; one called the anterior median fissure, forms a groove on its front surface of a depth equal to one-third of the diameter of the cord, the other gi'oove on its back part, called the posterior median fissure, is deep at the upper part of the medulla, but becomes quite superficial below. The anterior median fissure is more distinct and wider than the posterior. Both fissures run the whole length of the cord, and are to be found at all periods of life. In fig. 219, are seen transverse cuts of the medulla, show- ing its division by the anterior and posterior median fissures, into the two symmetrical halves. 560 CINERITIOUS NEURINE OF THE SPINAL CORD. Fig. 219.* — The transverse sections b c of the cord show that it is solid throughout, though it has erroneously been as- serted by some anatomists to possess a canal in its centre. Its outer portion is composed exclusively of the white or fibrous neurine, and its interior con- tains a considerable portion of the cineritious or pulpy neurine, called sometimes the nucleus of the spinal marrow. — The quantity of cineritious or gray matter included, varies very much at different heights of the cord, as seen in the follow- ing cuts. d Fig. 220.t — Every where in the spi- nal cord the medullary en- velops the cineritious neu- rine, the reverse of what takes place in the lobes of the cerebrum and cerebel- * Fig. 2 L9 represents transverse sections of the spinal cord at different heights, the large proportion of the central cineritious neurine compared with the me- dullary, and the variation in shape and size of the former, at different portions of the spine ; the size of the medulla being always greater at the points, where the largest number of roots to the spinal nerves are given off. The anterior surface of the cord, which is seen above, shows the anterior median fissure ; opposite to it below, is seen the posterior. The shape of each symmetrical portion of the cineritious nucleus, is more or less semilunar ; the anterior extremity or horn being blunt or round, and pre- senting towards the point where the anterior roots of the nerves are given off. The posterior extremity is acuminated, and terminates in the lateral fissure from which arise the posterior roots of the nerves, and which divides each half of the spinal marrow, into the posterior, and autero-lateral column, a, Is a section opposite the eleventh dorsal vertebra, b, a section opposite the fifth dorsal, and c, one opposite the fourth cervical. t Fig. 220, rf, is a representaiionofa^transverse section of the spinal marrow, opposite the third cervical vertebra. The bulk of the cineritious neurine in this, contrasted with that of a section immediately below it, opposite the fourth cer- vical, (see fig. 219,) from which the brachial plexus in part arises, is very small, e. Is a transverse section of the medulla oblongata, a little above the middle of the corpora olivaria showing the arrangement of its cineritious neurine, in three portions, corresponding with the divisions of the medulla oblongata, into three bodies. 1. Cineritious nucleus belonging to the corpus pyraraidale. 2. Cine- ritious nucleus belonging to the corpus olivare of the same side. The dark line below fig. 2, belongs to the corpus pyramidale. Both of the figures in this cut are taken from Solly. FISSURES OF THE SPINAL MARROW. 561 lum. The contrast of color between the two substances is the more marked, the younger the subject upon which the examination is made. In old age the contrast ceases to be distinct ; the central nucleus of the medulla presents but a grayish tint, yellowish at its border where it unites with the medullary matter, which has likewise become of a yellowish color. — The shape of the cineritious nucleus of the medulla spinalis, is in most parts like that of two )— ( united thus back to back ; in others it presents the appearance of four bands of cineritious matter, one anterior and one posterior to each half of the medulla. — These four bands, or the two c' are very generally united together in the centre of the medulla, though Keuffel, has found those of each side entirely separate. The anterior horns or bands, do not quite reach the surface of the cord, but are exactly opposite the connexion of the anterior roots of the nerves with the spine. The posterior extend completely through its substance, at the point where the posterior roots are connected with the cord. The bulk of the cineritious matter is always larger, where the largest amount of nerves are connected with the medulla, as in the brachial and lumbo- sacral plexus. It is also relatively to the white neurine, larger in man than in any other animal. The anterior horns of the cineritious matter, are not so long, but are thicker than the posterior. — The anterior and posterior median fissures do not quite extend into the cineritious nucleus ; the bottom of the fissures is closed by a layer of white matter, which is evidently trans- verse in the anterior, and, as I have repeatedly seen, is formed of a sort of medullary pellicle arising from the anterior part of each half of the cord, so as to form a union or commis- sure between the two halves. The posterior fissure is closed in a similar way, notwithstanding the assertion of Gall and Spur- zheim that the fibres of the posterior commissure were longitudi- nal in their directions. The longitudinal appearance of the fibres observed by these anatomists is made by the tearing up of the vessels in removing the pia mater. Each of these transverse 562 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR ROOTS OF THE SPINAL NERVE. bands is pierced with a great number of openings, through which the vessels run from the pia mater into the cineritious nucleus. — The medulla spinalis is divided, as we have seen, into two symmetrical halves, by the anterior and posterior median fissures. Each half of the cord has connected with it upon the side, thirty-one pair of nerves, called the spinal nerves; each nerve communicates with the medulla, (or, as is more commonly said, arises from it,) by two roots, called the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves. Viewing the spinal cord and nerves in connexion with their functions, it would be more correct to say, that the anterior roots only arise from the cord and run outward, and that the posterior terminate in the cord ; for it has been satisfactorily proved, as has been before ob- served, that the anterior roots are the nerves of motion, that is, conductors of the will to the voluntary muscles, and that the posterior are the nerves of sensation, conveying the impressions from without, through the medium of the spinal marrow to the brain, which is the seat of consciousness. — The fasciculi of the posterior roots are much larger than those of the anterior. They pass through a small oblong ganglion, just before their connexion with the cord, while upon the anterior roots there is no ganglion. Upon the outer side of the ganglion the filaments of both roots are inextricably interwoven. The fasciculi of both roots of the different spinal nerves, form flattened pyramids, at the base of which they communicate with the medulla spinalis, and the pyramids formed by each root nearly touch each other at their upper and lower margin, throughout the whole length of the spine. — The anterior arise from a superficial fissure on the external surface of the medulla, which extends throughout its whole length, and is exactly opposite the termination of ihe anterior horn of cineritious matter. This is called the anterior lateral fissure. Between the bottom of this fissure and the anterior horn of cineritious matter, there is nothing but a very thin lamen of medullary matter. — The connexion of the posterior roots, is by a fissure much WHITE AND GRA.Y SUBSTANCE OF THE CORD. 563 deeper than the former, which is called the posterior lateral fissure. The bottom of this fissure is formed by the projection of the posterior horn of the cineritious crescent. — From the greater depth of this fissure, and from the results of experiments by vivisection upon the spine, it has been con- sidered as subdividing each half of the spinal cord into two columns. The anterior, which comprises all between this posterior lateral, and the anterior median fissure, is called the motorial column, and that which is behind the posterior lateral, the sensorial column. The anterior forms a large part of each half of the cord, as seen in fig. 221, and is frequently spoken of as the antero-lateral column. At the lower part of the dor- sal, and in the lumbar region, it is one-fourth part larger than the posterior ; in the cervical region it is double the size, and in the medulla oblongata, yet to be spoken of, it forms a still larger' portion. — The white fibres of the cord are very simply arranged, lying parallel to each other ; in consequence of which they are easily stripped off, leaving the surface below smooth and regular, so that, as Sir C. Bell observes, " it appears that the superficial layers, furnish the roots of the higher nerves, and that the lower layers, go off to the roots of the nerves, as they suc- cessively arise." — The cineritious matter, on making a longitudinal cut of the cord, is seen passing up, as a column of granular matter, and terminating in the medulla oblongata, at the lower part of the fourth ventricle of the brain, and between the corpora restifor- mia, where it forms a grey mass called by Wenzel, tuberculum cinereum. The gray matter of the cord does not, in the adult or in the embryo, present the appearance of separate, gan- glionic masses, of which Gall believed it to consist. It is, however, believed by Miiller, Mayo, Hall, Grainger, Solly, and others, to be entirely analogous in its offices to the nodules of the articulata, though it is not, as in animals of that class, interrupted in the intervals of the attachment of the nerves. This opinion is in accordance with the laws of development in the inferior animals. In . the pupa of some insects, the 564 CONNEXION OF THE NERVES WITH THE CORD. ganglia exist in an isolated state, but are made to approach each other in the more perfect development of the animal and become fixed into a sort of spinal marrow, without any impairment of their functions. — The function of the gray matter of the spinal cord, may nevertheless be precisely the same in man, as though it was divided into separate masses. It has before been shown that no communication takes place laterally between the fibres of the medullary matter, however closely they may run in con- junction, their neurilematic covering isolating them from each other. The same may take place in regard to the globules of cineritious matter, each of which is surrounded and separated from the rest by a cellular envelop, and appears, as shown by the microscopical observations of Remak and Miiller, to act an independent part in giving origin to an individual medullary fibre. Connexion of the Nerves with the Cord. — In this granular mass of cineritious substance in man and the inferior animals, there are no fibres of any description to be seen in a longitudinal section. But in a transverse cut, as has been pointed out by Bellingeri, Mayo, and Grainger, a spotted appearance is presented, in consequence of the intermixture of the white fibres with the gray-substance. " The source and connexion of the white fibres," says Grainger,* " thus placed within the gray, are not known ; but it is certain that they must in part, if not entirely consist of certain fibres, which pass into the gray substance from the spinal nerves." He believes the peculiar crescentic shape of the gray matter depends upon the anatomical connexion of the nerves ; some of the fibres of both the anterior and posterior roots, passing into the gray substance, the junction of which is favored by one horn being turned forward and the other backward. After repeated examination, in man and the superior animals, Mr. Grainger, appears to have fully verified the opinion, entertained by most * Ob. citat. CONNEXION OF THE NERVES WITH THE CORD. 565 Fig. 221. anatomists of the present day, that the fasciculi of the spinal nerves, are more or less connected at their origin with the cineritious neurine of the spinal cord. Fig's 221 and 222, represent the connexion of the spinal nerves with medulla of the dog, and such as he proved it in man, in conjunction with his colleague Mr. Cooper, and Professor BischofF of Heidelburg. — Fig. 221 is the anterior surface of the spinal cord, where is seen the true roots of the anterior or motor nerves. A, The anterior median fissure, B, the anterior lateral. C C, The anterior roots of the nerves ; c' those running up the cord to the brain, and forming part of the white matter encircling the gray neurine, and called the cerebral or true volition fibres, and c", spinal or reflex, seen dipping in the gray matter of the cord. — Fig. 222, is a view of the posterior surface of the same cord. D, the posterior median fissure, E, poste- rior lateral ; F F, posterior root of the nerves, dividing into f, cerebral or true sensiferous fibres, which run up on the posterior part of the cord to the brain ; /', true spinal or incident nerves according to Hall -f and Grainger, seen entering the gray substance of the cord. These roots are invested with the gray matter like the fibres from the crus cerebri in the corpus striatum. In fig. 218, is seen a plan of the arrangement of the gray and fibrous structure seen in profile. — All the parts within the cavity of the cranium to which the medulla spinalis runs, are classed under the general name of encephalon or brain, which consists of a variety of parts vary- voL. II. 48 Fig. 222. 566 LIGAMENTUM DENTICULATUM. ing much among themselves in regard to structure and function^ and which have been concisely but very clearly described in their general outlines, at page 371. — It has there been shown that the brain and spinal marrow, are similarly inclosed within three continuous protecting membranes ; the dura mater, tunica arachnoidea and pia mater, which terminate in closed sacs over the top of the brain, and in an acute extremity at the lower portion of the spinal marrow. — The dura mater and tunica arachnoidea are analogous in structure, throughout the whole of their extent ; but the pia mater is considerably modified in the spinal canal. — The line of division established between the medulla spi- nalis, and the medulla oblongata, is within the ring formed by the atlas vertebra; this division is altogether arbitrary, and Cruvielhier has shown, by a number of experiments, that in flex- ion of the head, the spinal marrow is drawn up above that level. In the whole extent of the movable chain of bones forming the spinal column, flexion takes place in various directions, and it is to admit of this movement without risk of compressing the medulla, that the cavity of the bony canal, and that of the spinal dura mater and arachnoid membrane, are so much larger in diameter than the medulla itself. The immediate protecting organ of the medulla in flexion and extension of the spine is the pia mater, which in the spine tightly embraces the medulla, and is there so changed, that instead of the deli- cate cellular and vascular appearance, which it presents before it descends from the brain, it has become a firm, resisting, fibrous membrane. A close inspection of this membrane as it exists in the spine of the elephant and bullock, as well as in man, has convinced me of a fact, which has generally escaped the observation of anatomists ; viz. that it forms like- wise, by a duplicature of itself upon the sides of the medulla, the ligamentum denticulatum, described in page 395, which ligament is fastened at its outer margin by processes of insertion in the dura mater. " — FipT. 223, is a drawing I have made from the cervical portion I.IGAMENTUM DENTICULATUM FORMED BY THE PIA MATER. 567 of the spinal marrow of the elephant, a, Is the dura mater; the arachnoid membrane being removed, c, The medulla spinalis, d, The pia mater, closely embracing the medulla, and dipping in, in the form of a fold, to the bottom of the ante- rior median fissure e, and the posterior y*. g, Doubling of the pia mater, forming the ligamentum denticulatum. i, i, The tooth-like processes of the ligament, by which it is inserted into the inner face of the dura mater ; the ganglion k, formed on the posterior root of the nerve, as well as the anterior root, is closely embraced by a process from the dura mater b, forming its neurilema. In this manner the medulla is always effectually maintained in the middle of the lateral diameter of the spinal canal. Fig. 223. Of the Medulla Oblongata. — ^The medulla oblongata, (see fig. 224, page 577,) is obviously a prolongation of the spinal marrow as its name imports, and is the medium of communication, between all the parts of the body which receive nerves from the spinal cord and all the por- tions of the cerebrum and cerebellum above. Hence it has been called the central point of the nervous system, and as it gives origin to nerves, (pneumogastric, etc.,) directly connected with the performance of functions the most immediately neces- sary to life, it is deserving on the part of the anatomist of the most patient study. It occupies the groove in the basilar pro- cess of the occipital bone, and is covered on its posterior surface by the cerebellum. — It is about fourteen lines long, nine lines wide at its largest 568 MEDULLA OBLONGATA. part, and about six lines thick. Below, it is continuous insensi- bly with the spinal marrow ; above it terminates in, or rather passes through the pons varolii, (fig. 224,) by means of which it is continuous with the cerebrum ; and on its back part through the corpora restiformia, it is continuous with the cerebellum. — The anterior median fissure of the medulla spinalis is con- tinued up over the medulla oblongata ; it may be traced as a superficial groove over the pons varolii and is seen terminating in the fissure between the crura cerebri. — The posterior median fissure extends up on the back part of the medulla oblongata, to a cavity called the fourth ventricle, where the back part of the medulla oblongata seems to open and branch off towards the cerebellum. These two fissures divide the medulla oblongata into two lateral halves, like the divisions of the spinal marrow. On each of these divisions we observe three elevations. One called the corpus pyramid ale (b. fig. 224), from its triangular shape, which is broader above than below, and bounds the anterior median fissure ; one called the corpus restiforme, from its rounded shape, m, that forms the side of the posterior median fissure as well as part of that of the fourth ventricle, where it diverges from its fellow to so to the cerebellum. Between the two, upon each side, is seen an ob- long elevation, called the corpus olivare, c c, which is situated a little obliquely from without inwards, and from above down- wards. These three bodies do not, however, occupy the whole surface. of the medulla oblongata; between the corpus olivare and the corpus restiforme, an unelevated band of fibres is seen passing up called the corpus innominatum by Cruveilhier,* and which was first particularly pointed out by Sir C. Bell, as the lateral column.f — In the account of the spinal marrow, it has been observed (page 556,) that the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves, have been proved unquestionably to be endowed with * Sir C. Bell's division of each half into three columns, is no longer con- sidered tenable. t These parts have had the name of posterior pyramids applied to them by Eolando and Ollivier. The same term has been applied by others to the corpus restiforme. MEDULLA OBLONGATA. 569 different functions ; the anterior witii that of motion, the poste- rior that of sensation, and that the same division exists in regard to each half of the spinal column, though it has not been proved upon what part of the side of the medulla the line of demarca- tion exists. The deep lateral fissure, where the posterior roots of the nerves emerge, has been assumed as dividing each half of the spinal marrow into a posterior column, and an antero-lateral ; the posterior made up as experiments upon living animals would seem to show, wholly of fibres of sensation, and the latter com- posed on its front part exclusively of fibres of motion ; the fibres on the back part of the latter or antero-lateral column adjoining the posterior roots of the nerves, belonging to the column of sensation. We are therefore justified in considering with Solly and other recent writers, that the line of division between the fibres of sen- sation and those of motion, though unmarked, exist somewliere in the middle between the two orders of roots of the nerves. The absence of any tnarked line of division between the motorial and sensorial columns, being no evidence against this view, as nervous fibrils, when in juxtaposition have no intercommunication. — ^The two lateral fissures cannot well be traced up on the sides of the medulla oblongata, in consequence of their being oblite- rated by some curved transverse fibres,* concave on their up- per part, which seem to come from the corpora pyramidalia, and run over to the cerebellum. But a division of the medulla upon the side exactly between the roots of the nerves, extended upwards by tearing, in parts that have been prepared for dis- section, has a tendency to separate between the corpus olivare and the corpus innominatum. From this it may be considered probable, that all in front of this division, forms the motorial column, and all behind it the sensorial. For facility of de- scription, however, it is best to take the posterior median fis- sure as the line of division, and treat of the posterior column and the antero-lateral column. * These fibres have been called arciform or bow-shaped, by Santorini and Rolando ; and by Solly, the cerebeller fibres of the anterior columns. But the observations of Cruvielhier, render it probable, that these fibres come from the vertical septum of the medulla, described and figured by Sir C. Bell, in the T «r>M„n Philos. Trans, for 1834. 48* 570 THE CORPUS RESTIFORME. — The corpus restiforme, is continuous with the posterior column of the cord, enlarges as it ascends, and gradually recedes from its fellow of the opposite side, and turns backwards and out- wards, to throw itself into the cerebellum, of which it forms the inferior part of the crus, e fig. 224. The cavity left by this divergence seen only on the upper part of the medulla oblongata, forms a part of the fourth ventricle, (sinus quadratus,) and is in its shape resembling the letter V ; the posterior median fissure extended through it, gives it the appearance of the nib of a pen, and it was therefore called the calamus scriptorius, by Herophi- lus. Part of the lateral portion called innominata, goes upwards towards the cerebrum, and part may be traced backwards, ter- minating insensibly on the sides of the corpus restiforme, and going with it to the cerebellum. By cutting off the corpus res- tiforme at the crus of the cerebellum, and stripping it downwards, we separate the column of sensation from that of motion ; the cavity of the fourth ventricle is then found expanded, and a mass of cineritious substance is seen exposed at top of the calamus called tuberculum cinereitm, ov fasciola cinerea by Wenzel, which is continuous below, with the posterior horn of cineritious sub- stance in the cord, and upon the sides with the corpus restiforme ; the gray substance of which, is here increased in bulk exactly in proportion with the increase of the corpus restiforme over the posterior column of the cord. — The antero-lateral column of the spinal marrow is continued up over the anterior and lateral surface of the medulla oblon- gata to the pons varolii, constantly increasing in size, and upon it are developed the corpus pyramidale and corpus olivare ; a part of its fibres though, as just observed, passing off towards the cerebellum. Fifteen to eighteen lines below the pons varolii, is seen in the anterior median fissure after the removal of the pia mater which dips into it, a decussation of white fibres which nearly obliterates the fissure, fig. 224. This crossing, is tech- nically called the decussation of the pyramids, and is formed of three or four bands of medullary matter which pass over from each" anterior column to the opposite side, then run upwards parallel with the median fissure, and constitute the CORPUS PYRAMIDALE. 571 corpus pyramidale. All the constituent fibres of the motorial part of the cord, do not share in the decussation. Those on the front and on the back part of the column, making about two- thirds of the whole, cross in bands one over another, like the fingers of the two hands when obliquely interlocked, while the middle fibres of each motorial tract, pass straight up through the pons to the hemisphere of the brain of the same side.* ^ — On tearing carefully the corpus pyramidale from above downwards in a prepared organ, or separating it in the manner of Cruvielhier by the aid of a jet of water, it will be found that some of the decussating fibres are in contact with the gray substance, and that the inner face of the pyramid, has a column of gray neurine attached to it, which increases in bulk as it approaches the pons, and near which it terminates abruptly; this is considered as representing in position, a portion of the anterior horn of the nucleus of the cord. — The white fibres of the exterior, dip round the gray matter at its abrupt termination near the pons, and thus form the groove between the medulla oblongata and the pons, which is filled up with a process of the pia mater. — On the outer side of the pyramid is placed the Corpus Olivare. — This is a body of a ganglionic shape, formed interiorly of a vesicle of cineritious neurine arranged in folds, which, accord- ing to Burdach, is appended to the 'anterior horn of the gray substance belonging to the cord. Hence this vesicle is filled in its centre with white fibres, as well as covered on its outer surface with the white fibres which belong to the exterior of the medulla oblongata. * The fact of the decussation of these fibres, which is now universally ad- mitted, was first pointed out by Mistichelli in 1709. A decussation of the fibres had been believed to exist somewhere; as early as the time of Hippocrates and AretSBUs, in consequence of injuries of one side of the head, producing very generally, palsy of the opposite side of the body. All the fibres not crossing, we are enabled to comprehend, why palsy is sometimes, though very rarely found to occur on the same side of the body with the cerebral lesion. 572 CORPUS OLIVARE. — When cut through transversely as seen in fig. 221, page 565, it presents a serrated appearance, hke the corpus dentattim of the cerebellum, fig. 224, page 577. By the facility with which the corpus olivare may be turned out from its position, as shown in the dissection of Mr. Solly, it appears to be a ganglionic mass, intruded as it were between the ascending fibres of the medulla, and bulging them outwards. It forms in many animals a large ]obe for the origin of the pneumo- gastric nerves, and its office is considered by Mr. S. as exactly analogous in the human systeui. It appears to send up no fasciculus of fibres to the brain, except those that origi- nate in the interior of its cineritious vesicle ; the so called olivary bundle of fibres of Gall and Spurzheim, which are extended into the brain, coming from the lateral part or the antero- lateral column, called by Cruvielhier the corpus innominatum. This has already been described, page 570, as sending off one band of fibres to join the corpus restiforme ; the other is continued up, behind and around the corpus olivare,* lined on its inner or central face with cineritious substance, and which, enlarging as it ascends, and passing over the upper surface of the pons varolii, is expanded into the optic thalamus. The latter band thus forms in its course the anterior wall of the fourth ventricle, and is brought into view by brushing away the tuberculum cinereum, or gray matter of that ventricle. This band constantly increasing as it ascends, has been called the fasciculus cuneatus, (Burdach,) and fasciculus of reinforce- ment, as it is much mixed up with gray matter on its inner * The corpus olivare was considered a ganglion by Spurzheim, Prochaska, and Vic d'Azyr, though they did not attempt to determine its office. Solly con- siders it the ganglion of the pneumogastric nerve, part of the fibres of which, both from the result of experiments upon the ganglion, and from analogy with its structure in the inferior animals, he believes to originate from it. He con- siders it highly probable that it is a central point upon which is received the organic sensations arising from the lungs, and from which emanates that peculiar imperative power that the system of respiratory nerves conduct, and by which they call the, muscles of respiration into action, without the agency of the will. This is very probably the case in regard to a portion of the fibres of the pneumogastriC; forming its reflex system of nerves ; other fibres in all probability pass up into the brain, to constitute the cerebral sensiferous and motorial portion of this nerve. SULCI OR FISSURES OF THE CEREBELLUM. 573 face, from which it seems to derive no fibres. The arrange- ment of the cineritious substance of the medulla oblongata, is seen in fig. 220, e, page 560. — It will thus be seen that the medulla oblongata, is very com- plicated and intricate in its interior structure. It has been variously described by different anatomists, and its structure is not yet probably thoroughly understood. Its anterior or motorial fibres appear evidently directed upwards towards the cere- brum ; its posterior or sensiferous pass backwards and out- wards as the corpus resiforme, (inferior peduncle of the cerebellum) to the centre of the cerebellum, where it meets with a cineritious mass, called the corpus dentatum. From this point its fibres are radiated in increased numbers, to the circumference of the cerebellum, from whence, they have been considered by Foville as again reflected inward, returning nearly upon the same course to be converged into the crus cerebelli of each side, and continued onward to form a part of the structure of the pons. Of the Cerebellum. — The cerebellum lies below the posterior lobe of the cerebrum, in a cavity inclosed, below and behind by the sphenoid and occipital bones, laterally by the petrous portions of the tem- poral bones, and above by the tentorium. It measures trans- versely at its greatest breadth, from three inches ten lines, to four inches ; longitudinally in the centre, twenty lines ; either lateral portion is about two inches long, and about sixteen lines thick at its middle. The lateral parts are called hemispheres. The central poriion, from being the first part of the organ de- veloped in the inferior animals and in the human foetus, is called the fundamental portion by Gall and Spurzheim.* It consists of tvvo portions, the inferior and superior vermiform processes, so named from the transverse ridges upon the sur- face, which give them the appearance of a worm. The anterior * Reil considered this central part, a general .commissure, but this is evi- dently an error, for we find this part sometimes, constituting the whole cerebel- lum, as in rabbits, where there are no lateral lobes to connect. 574 MEDULLARY STRUCTURE OF THE CEREBELLUM. portion of the superior vermifonTi process is elevated, and is called the monticulus. — When viewed from above, the two hemispheres externally appear circular, and at the place where they are joined to the central portion are deeply notched before and behind. Hence they form two fissures in tl>e median line ; one looking towards the cerebrum, and receiving the tubercula quadrigemina, g, fig. 225, termed the semilunar fissure : the other backwards, receiving the falx cerebelli, and is called the purse-like fissure, from its narrowness at first, and its subsequent enlargement. Reil, employs the term horizontal or lateral fissures, to desig- nate those depressions which extend transversely across the fore part of the cerebellum, and contain the processes or parts of its crura passing to the pons varolii.* — These fissures are continuous with the intervals between the upper and under posterior parts of each hemisphere, which extend as far as the purse-like fissure. Thus a deep furrow may be traced all round each hemisphere dividing the cerebellum into an upper and under portion. Each hemisphere has five lobes, two on the upper, and three on the under surface ; these are separated from each other by deep furrows or fissures, which pass in to the central medullary nucleus, as seen in fig. 225, in which is represented a vertical section of one hemisphere. — Each one of these lobes, is subdivided, as we may see, into a nun)ber of lobules, by a series of smaller furrows. These are found on the periphery of the lobes, and on the sides of the large fissures which separate the lobes from each other, and each one of these lobules again is formed of a number of hori- zontal leaflets. Each leaflet is composed of a folded layer of cineritious neurine half a line thick on its outer side, and of a medullary layer within. The cineritious coverings of the leaf- lets are all continuous together, so that each hemisphere of the cerebellum has a cortical covering of cineritious matter, with a superfices equal to that of a sphere twenty inches in diameter, but plaited and folded up in a compact mass, to suit the narrow space in which it is lodged in the cranium. ^ * Reil, Mayor's Translation, Anat. and Med. Commentaries. MEDULLARY STRUCTURE OF THE CEREBELLUM. 575 — The medullary matter contained in the leaflets of each lobule, are radiations from a larger medullary mass at the base of the lobule, called a twig. The medullary twigs of each lobe, are derived in a similar way from larger white masses, called branches, and the branches again form a large medullary mass in the cen- tre of each lobe called the trunk. The whole of this beautiful arrangement of the medullary matter, forms what is called fanci- fully, the thuya, or arhor vita. If we trace these medullary fibres again out in a reversed direction (that is from the centre of each lobe of the cerebellum, towards the pons and medulla ob- longata,) we shall find that anteriorly the trunk of the arbor vitae or the medullary nucleus, advances towards the medulla oblongata, inclosing laterally the fourth ventricle ; each trunk then divides into three processes or pedunciiU ; one pair passes up as rounded columns to the testes of the tubercula quadrigemina, and is called the peduncle of these bodies, processus e cerebello ad testes oblique or intercerebral commissure of Solly ; a second pair to the medulla oblongata, (corpora restiformia,) and a third pair, over the lower surface of the pons, called its peduncle or the great commissure of the cerebellum. Under the term crus cerebelli, all these three parts are commonly, though inaccurately comprised. Between the inner borders of the two rounded col- umns which go to the testes, and closely adherent to them, is spread a thin layer called the valve of Vieusseus, valve of the brain, valve of the cerebellum.. This so called valve, forms the roof to the fourth ventricle ; when it is broken through, that cavity is exposed. — Each one of the lamina or leaflets of the lobes of the cere- bellum, are susceptible of being unfolded in a properly prepared part, and spread out so as to form a flat membrane, with a cine- ritious covering on its outer side, and a medullary layer within, consisting of parallel fibres, which can be traced down to the central medullary twig of each lobule. The last part of the stratum consists of coarse and curvilinear fasciculi, which con- stitute the central mass of medullary matter of each hemisphere (trunk of the arbor vitse,) fibres of which may be raised up in a properly prepared cerebellum with the forceps, in fine filaments the size of the thread of a silkworm. 576 CEREBELLUM. — The fibres of the peduncle of the pons, that is, of the lateral part of the crus cerebelli which forms the great commissure of the cerebellum according to Reil,can be traced in the backward direction, outwards and inwards, upwards and downwards, so as to appear to go almost to every part of each hemisphere of the cerebellum. The fibres of the corpus restiforme, when isolated, appear to pass in a similar direction. A vertical sec- tion of any part of the cerebellum, will show the arborescent arrangement of the white matter, (fig. 225.) But a section to exhibit the corpus dentatum, must be made at the inner side and in the course of the fibres of the corpus restiforme, which is in favor of the view of Gall, who considered the corpus dentatum as a ganglion of reinforcement to the corpus resti- forme, and called it the ganglion of the cerebellum.* — We have followed Reil in the main, in his description of the cerebellum, as it involves no theory in respect to its formation; but it appears equally probable, that the views of Gall lately elucidated by Foville, are equally correct ; viz. that the cerebel- lum is developed by diverging fibres which proceed from the corpus restiforme to the circumference of the organ, and then are reflected inwards or converged to form the peduncle of the pons, and that of the tubercula quadrigemina. — From this description it will be seen that the medulla oblon- gata, is formed of four plans of different fibres ; that of the cor- pus pyramidale, that of the corpus olivare, that of the medullary lamen of Sir Charles Bell, (corpus innominatum,) and fourthly, that of the corpus restiforme. The first one is formed by the anterior or motorial column of the spinal marrow exclusively ; that is, of the column between the anterior roots of the nerves, and the anterior median fissure. The second starts fiom the sano;- lionic mass of the corpus olivare and seems to run up with the fibres of the third bundle placed behind it. The third formed of one half of what is considered the motorial part of the lateral column of Sir C. Bell, (and which he considers the cerebral strands of * The best method pf unraveling a lobe, is that of Reil. A portion about an inch broad is to be cut out of a fresh cerebellum, and placed for twelve or twenty-four hours in a weak solution of caustic potash, then in distilled water for some hours more, and finally left from twenty-four to forty hours in pure alcohol. CEREBELLUM. 577 sensation,) and the fourth, formed of the posterior and sensorial half of this lateral column, united to the posterior column of the spinal marrow, which forms the corpus restiforme. . Fig. 224 * * Fig. 224, is a representation of the cerebellum, and a part of the base of the brain, showing especially the course of the anterior columns of the spinal marrow, to their termination on the hemispherical ganglia. A, A, Antero- lateral column of the cord continued on to the hemispheres of the cerebrum. B, Corpora pyramidalia, the decussating fibres of which are seen. C, Corpora olivaria. D, Pons varolii. F, Crus cerebri, g, Anterior cerebral ganglion or corpus striatum. H, Cineritious or cortical neurine of the hemispheres forming ■what have been called the hemispherical ganglia. 1, Cerebellum, a, Olfactory nerve, b, Optic nerve ; on its outer side, I, I, are seen the white fibres expand- ing into the base of the middle lobe, c. Fourth nerve, d, Sensory root of the fifth pair of nerves, e, Roots of the facial and auditory nerves. /, Anterior commissure, h, Eminentia mammillares ; on the left side the cineritious matter is scraped away so as to show the origin of the fornix from it in front, and a medullary band going on the inner face of the optic thalamus, i, to the corpus geniculatum externum, from which the root of the optic nerve has been cut. k, Trunk of the fifth pair as it emerges through the transverse fibres of the pons, D, which form the commissure of the cerebellum. On the opposite side, these transverse fibres have been removed, to exhibit the passing of the VOL. II. 49 578 PONS VAROLII. — The corpus restiforme, has been traced backwards into the clneritious coating of the cerebellum, and there is much reason to consider that its fibres form a doubling or reflection there, and again come forwards as a part of the pons varolii. The other three columns we can trace upwards through the anterior part of the pons varolii, and crura cerebri, to the brain. Pons Varolii. — By dividing on the lower surface of the pons the transverse fibres which come from the cerebellum to the depth of about one-eighth of an inch on the middle line, and then scraping them back towards the cerebellum, the fibres of the corpus pyramidale will be seen advancing through the pons varolii, emerging from the anterior or upper edge of this body, transvers- ing the upper part of the crus cerebri, a part of the thalamus opticus, and finally expanding into the corpus striatum g, to concur in the formation of the lobes of the cerebrum. The divergence of the two crura cerebri, forms the posterior bounda- ries of the lozenge-shaped cavity of the base of the brain. The fibres of the corpus pyramidale are separated from each other in their course through the pons, by gray matter, and the fasciculus ap- pears in consequence to increase in its breadth. According to Tiedemann, the transverse fibres of the pons, forming what fibres of the anterior column, from the corpus pyramidale, which begin to diverge and to be reinforced. On the left side, the brain being inverted, is seen a vertical section of the cerebellum, made through the entrance into it of the corpus restiforme m, (Pos- terior column of the spinal marrow.) w. Corpus dentatum or ganglion of the cerebellum, showing the augmentation of the corpus restiforme in the ganglion, and from which the medullary branches and twigs divide to the leaflets of the cerebellum. The whole of this medullary arrangement, constitutes the arbor vitffi. 0 0, Nervous fibres cut ofi", whicli spread out from the thalamus into the convolutions of the middle lobe, p, Medullary fibres which pass through the corpus striatum, reinforced as they proceed to the anterior lobe. The middle lobe of the brain on this side is entirely removed, which exposes the side of the ^reat lateral ventricle, q. In front of it a small section of the anterior lobe is seen, and the fibres which radiate into that lobe from the thalamus and corpus striatum. E, Inner termination of the fissure of Sylvius, from which the middle lobe has been cut, showing its proximity to the corpus striatum in the central part of the brain. 5, Fourth pair of nerves, i t, Anterior lobe of the cerebrum, u, Middle lobe, v, Posterior lobe. On the right side, just below the corpus olivare, are seen the arciform fibres of Santorini. In front of e is seen the auditory and facial nerves. COURSE OF THE ASCENDING FIBRES THROUGH THE PONS. 579 has been called the commissure of the cerebellum, are seen in the foetus, to form a junction with the ascending fibres of the corpus pyramidale. - — The fibres composing the anterior half of the lateral column (corpus innominatuin) ascending principally to the outer side or back part of the corpus olivare, plunge into the pons varolii, from the floor of the fourth ventricle, and pursue their course through the crus cerebri, F, fig. 224, to their appropriate gan- glion in front, the posterior cerebral, a, a, better known under the name of thalamus nervi optici. These fibres form the upper part of the crus cerebri, and are separated in that body, from the ascending fibres of the corpus pyramidale, by a deposit of dark-colored cineritious matter, called the locus niger of Soemmering. This tract, which is considered sensory by Bell and Solly, and motory by Foville,* is covered above where it forms the upper part of the crus cerebri by the valve of Vieussens, and the tubercula quadrigemina g. The course of these fibres through the posterior cerebral ganglion (thalamus) is not so distinctly marked, as those of the corpus pyramidale B, fig. 224, through the corpus striatum, or ante- rior cerebral ganglion ; they are more intimately intermixed with the cineritious substance in the centre of the former. From the outer side of this ganglion, the medullary fibres are seen issuing forth, and spreading in every direction to terminate in the cineritious outer covering of the cerebrum. The pons, it will be seen then, as its name imports, is a sort of bridge between the medulla oblongata, cerebrum, and cerebellum ; formed of transverse fibres coming from the cerebellum particu- larly well marked on the lower surface of the pons, of the ascending fibres of the medulla oblongata, and of the processus e cerebella ad testes or oblique commissure which passes on its upper surface from each lobe of the cerebellum to the tubercula quadrigemina, bodies which are placed on the back of the pons. Included within these parts immediately below the valve of Vieussens which is spread between the two processes or oblique commissures last mentioned, is the fourth ventricle, or ventricle of the cerebellum, from which a canal called the aqueduct of * Encephalon, Diet, de Med. et de Chir. Pratiques. 580 VALVE OF VIEUSSENS. Sylvius or iter e tertio ad quartum ventriculum, is extended up underneath the tubercula quadrigemina to the third ventricle, which will be found between, and extending a little above the crura cerebri. Among the white fibres constituting the pons, there is likewise intermixed a considerable quantity of cineritious matter. The Valve of Vteussens, — Arises from the central or fundamental portion of the cere- bellum and is extended upwards in the middle line to the lower two bodies of the tubercula quadrigemina — the testes. It is attached on each side to the processus e cerebella ad testis, form- ing as it were a portion of the pons, and part of its fibres passes under the tubercles to reach the thalami nervorum opticorum. It has been confounded in description with the processus cere- belli ad testes ; it ought rather to be called the processus cerebelli ad cerebrum. It covers in its course the top and sides of the fourth ventricle, is formed of a thin medullary lamen on its outer or posterior face and of a delicate cineritious layer on its inner. It received improperly the name of valve, from Vieussens ; from the appearance it presented when its upper end was cut off, by the system of horizontal slicing, with which this anatomist studi- ed the brain ; its detached end there seeming to face down like a valve to shut off the communication between the third and fourth ventricle. The cineritious matter is thickest at the middle portion of the valve, where its structure is least resisting, and from whence arises tlie fourth pair of nerves. The Crura Cerebri — Formed in the manner already described, are cylindrical, and closely approximated at their origin from the anterior and upper part of the pons. They are about six lines long, and six lines thick, and form the column of fibres, from which the hemis- pheres of the cerebrum are developed. As they pass up they recede from each other, in order to approach the middle of each hemisphere, where they terminate in the corpora striata and thalami nervorum opticorum. They flatten themselves as they recede from each other, and leave necessarily a cavity between them, which forms a part of the third ventricle. The THE CEREBRUM. 581 commissure of the optic nerves bounds them in front, and the triangular cavity left by their divergence is closed up below by the tuber cinereum, (pons Tarini) which surrounds the base of the eminentiae mammillares h, fig. 224. Into these latter bodies passes a band of white matter, which comes from the corpus innominatum or lateral portion of the medulla oblongata. The Tubercula Quadrigemina, — (Lobi optici of animals, see fig. 225,) are four tubercles placed upon the top of the pons, upon which they rest by their lateral borders, and form an arch over the aqueduct of Sylvius. — They form two pairs ; the superior called the nates, the infe- rior the testes. These bodies are rather small and rudimental in man, but large in the inferior animals. Tliey contain in their interior some cineritious matter, and are covered on their outer surface, by medullary fibres. Their direction is obliquely for- wards and upwards. The posterior tubercles or testes are the smaller, nearly hemispherical in shape, and are separated from the anterior by a transverse groove. This groove is crossed by another in the antero-posterior direction, which separates the two bodies of the right, from those of the left side. — Upon the testes terminates the valve of Vieussens, the rounded column of each side called processus e cerebella ad testes, which form the lateral boundaries of the fourth ventricle, and a trian- gular medullary fasciculus from the side of the pons, which may be traced upwards from the fascia innominata of the antero-lateral column. The fibres from these sources pass up through the tubercles, appear to be reinforced in the gray matter there, and expand into the optic thalamus of each side, with which the nates is continuous in an oblique direction, though partially sep- arated from it by a slight groove. From the anterior extremity of the nates, part some medullary fibres, which form a thin layer over the corpus geniculatum externum of the corresponding thala- mus, to assist in the formation of the optic nerve. A similar arm of medullary matter passes, into the thalami, from either testis. Cerehntm. — The cerebrum is that portion of the encephalic mass, which 49* 582 ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR GANGLIA OF CEREBRUM. occupies all the cavity of the cranium, with the exception of the fossa, formed on the inferior portion of the occipital bone. It forms, as it were, a sort of efflorescence or expansion on the top of the spinal column, into the centres of which on each side, {corpus striatum and thalamus opticus,^ we have now traced all the fibres of the medulla oblongata and cerebellum. The volume of the cerebrum, a structure which is peculiarly large in man, is from eight to tv/elve times greater than that of the cerebellum.* — The corpus striatum, {anterior ganglion of the cerehrum,) and the thalamus nervi optici, (posterior ganglion of the cerebrum,^ receive the fibres which come upwards from the spinal marrow, and are continuous with those from the cere- bellum. The corpus striatum is placed in front and slopes obliquely upwards, forwards, and outwards, in the direction of the anterior and middle lobes of the cerebrum, and thus receding from its fellow of the opposite side, contributes to form the cavities called the lateral ventricles. It is about two and a half inches long, about an inch broad at its anterior part, and is terminated in a tail-like process behind, which embraces the upper portion of the thalamus. The thalamus is placed more posteriorly ; it is about two inches long and one broad, and is sloped downward and backward in the direction of the posterior lobes of the cerebrum, and the posterior part of the middle lobes ; by receding from its fellow of the opposite side, it forms the upper and lateral boundaries of the third ventricle. It is covered with medullary fibres on its outer face, and pre- sents four rounded elevations. Three of these are found at its posterior extremity ; one is above the other two, and is called the tuherculum posterius superius ; those below consist of the corpus geniculatum internum, and corpus geniciilatum exter- num ; and there is one in front called tuherculum ante- rius. its interior is composed of cineritious neurine, which is continuous between the organs of the two sides, forming the * In three young subjects, Cruvielhier found the weight as follows : — lbs. oz. oz. Cerebrum, weighing 2 2 Cerebellum, 4^ (( (( O Q t« Cl EXPANSION OF THE FIBRES INTO THE HEMISPHERES. 583 commissura mollis of the third ventricle. The corpus stria- tum is cineritious on its upper surface, or that which presents to the ventricle, and is made up in its interior of alternate strata of cineritious and medullary neurine, which gives it when divided vertically a striated appearance, from which it has received its name. The cineritious neurine in both these organs, is marked with white medullary lines, which Gall first described as the origin of new medullary fibres reinforcing those which come from the medulla oblongata, to be expanded into the cerebrum. Hence he assigned to the corpus striatum and thalamus, the names of ganglia of the cerebrum. — From all points of the surface of these two ganglia, except those which form the walls of the ventricles, medullary fibres radiate in all directions, forming the solar rays or fan (even- tail) of Vieussens, and the radiating crown of Reil. Many of the fibres which emerge from the thalamus, pass also through a portion of the corpus striatum, and seem bridled, as it were, by the curvilinear band of white fibres called tenia striata which is placed along the inner margin of the corpus striatum. — The fundamental point in the anatomy and physiology of the cerebrum, consists in determining the ulterior course of the fibres which radiate from these two ganglia, corpora striata, and thalami optici, in order to constitute the convolutions of the cerebrum, and the various bands which connect the differ- ent parts of the brain together. This has not yet been satis- factorily accomplished. — Gall and Spurzheim, have considered them as passing off as bundles of diverging rays, in the form of inverted cones, to the outer or cineritious covering of the hemispheres, (hemispherical ganglia,) and that new fibres from the termination of these, or the same reflected inwards, pass subsequently in an opposite direction under the name of converging fibres to form the commissures. Tiedemann and Foville, with at least equal reason, have considered the hemisphere of each side as formed of a layer of medullary fibres, in the form of a sac, the com- mencing point of development of which as seen in the foetus, is at the sides of the corpus striatum and optic thalamus ; the fibres of the sac being covered on its outer face with the gran- 584 THE PINEAL GLAND. ular cinerltious neiirine, and the whole folded and plaited, so as to present on the exterior the appearance of sulci and con- volutions, and to be susceptible of being packed away, in the narrow compass of the walls of the cranium. In either view of the case, each convolution will consist of four layers, two exterior and cineritious, two interior and medullary : the latter of which may readily be separated by a jet of water in the middle line, so as to allow the doubling forming the convolu- tion to be straightened out. — The corpus callosum, or commissura magna cerebri, is evidently formed in part by a layer of white fibres, which, proceeding from the upper and outer margin of the thalamus and corpus striatum, turns inwards and passes transversely over to the middle line of the body, to unite in some way that is not fully understood, with a similar band from the opposite side ; forming an arch or vault over the thalamus and corpus striatum, which constitutes the roof of the lateral ventricles. The remaining part of the structure of the corpus callosum consists of a more external and thicker layer of white fibres, which evidently come in from the hemispheres of the cere- brum, as may be seen in an attempt to separate these parts from above outwards and downwards. — On the top of the tubercula quadrigemina, is seen a small conoidal mass of cineritious matter, called the pineal gland, (conarium,) which usually after the seventh year of life, con- tains some particles of gritty or sabulous matter. From it, extends a small band of medullary matter called its peduncle to each thalamus. . The use of this organ is not known. Descartes considered it, absurdly enough, the seat of the soul, after other uses had been found for the corpus striatum, fornix, and other parts, for which at different periods the same high office had been assigned. Solly is disposed to consider it with its peduncles a commissure between the thalami, and which he calls the pineal commissure. Above this body, and between the tuber- cula quadrigemina and back part of the corpus callosum, is the great lateral Jis sure of Bichat, where the pia mater covering the cerebellum and posterior lobes of the cerebrum is extended into the ventricles in the interior of the brain. A portion of it enve- THE HIPPOCAMPUS. 585 lops closely the pineal gland, and is extended over the top of the third ventricle, constituting the velum interyositum, and down the middle cornua of the lateral ventricles, forming the 'plexus choroides. At the bottom of the middle cornua, the plexus choroides communicates with the pia mater lining the fissure of Sylvius. The ventricular serous or arachnoid membrane, is a distinct membrane having no communication with that on the outer surface of the brain. The so called posterior commissure of the third ventricle, is formed merely by the bulging forwards of the white fibres of the nates, in consequence of the cineritious developments within. — The Fornix, {inferior longitudinal commissure,^ is extended over the upper surface of the velum interpositum. It has the shape of a vaulted roof, as its name imports, and forms the roof of the third ventricle, and part of the lower surface or floor of the two lateral. It arises by two rounded cords called the ante- rior pillars or crura of the fornix, from the eminentia mammil- lares (bulbce fornicis) two small rounded bodies that are found at the basis of the brain, (see fig. 224,) medullary externally, and cineritious within, and into which fibres extend both from the ascending columns of the medulla oblongata, and from the interior of the thalamus. The course of each of these cords, is first forward, then up- ward, and then backward, through the grey matter lining the lateral walls of the third ventricle. The crura thus form two semicircles, concave posteriorly, that shortly unite on the median line, the back surface of which is free and unattached, while the front convex surface, receives fibres from the anterior lobes and from the under part of the great transverse commissure or corpus callosum, by which means, a thin delicate partition is formed, hetiveen the lateral ventricles, called septum- lucidum. The fornix in its passage backwards and under the corpus callosum, to which it is attached, spreads laterally, and at first is nearly of the width of half an inch ; but afterwards becoming much wider, it de- scends to be connected with the convolutions, first of the back part, and afterwards of the inner and under part of the posterior lobes. Two bands of white matter called the posterior pillars or crura of the fornix, pass one on either side down into the mid- I 586 THE COMMISSURES. die cornua of the lateral ventricles. While tracing the fibres of the fornix in this portion of their course, two projections are ob- served which have received the absurd appellation of hippocam- pus major and hippocampus minor, which are usually described as distinct bodies, situated in the descending and posterior cornua of the lateral ventricles. When carefully examined in a brain that has been well hardened in alcohol, the hippocampus major, will be found to consist of cineritious neurine, covered by a thin layer of medullary fibres on its inner or ventricular face. This cineritious neurine is a part of, and continuous with, the external or cortical coat of the cerebrum. The hippocampus is a part of a convolution. The medullary fibres come from the under part of the cerebrum, in various directions, and being collected at the inner edge of this body, form what have been usually called the posterior pillars or crura of the fornix, or the tenia hippocampi, but which we must regard merely as the posterior and descend- ing extremity of the inferior longitudinal commissure. The cineritious neurine over which the fibres of the fornix pass at its anterior inferior, and posterior inferior extremities, is in fact but a continuation of that neurine which forms a part of the hemis- pheral ganglia ; that is, a part of the convoluted surface of the brain, but in this situation covered by the inferior fibres of the fornix or inferior longitudinal commissure. In this mode of in- vestigation the real character of the hippocampus major becomes manifest. — The hippocampus minor, is in some respects analogous to the hippocampus major, for it is formed by the projection at , the bottom of one of the fissures dividing the convolutions at the inner side of the posterior lobe, where it is covered by the posterior fibres of the longitudinal commissure. It differs from the hippocampus major in this respect, that the projection is caused by the central or medullary surface of the convolution, and not by the deep doubling inwards of the two layers as is the case in regard to the hippocampus major. It will thus be seen that the fornix serves to connect together many portions of the hemisphere of the same side, as the corpus callosum does those of the opposite sides. Several other commissures of less masnitude are described in the cere- VENTRICLES. INFUNDIBULUM. 587 brum, viz. the middle commissure of the third ventricle formed by the union of the cineritious substance of the two tha- lami ; the anterior commissure of the third ventricle, which passes across between the corpora striata and the neighbor- ing parts of the cerebrum, in front of the anterior crura of the fornix, and which sends some filaments which arch forwards Fis. 225.* 7 119 106 E to the origin of the olfactory nerve ; the superior longitudinal commissure described by Mayo as running along the sides of tlie longitudinal fissure above the corpus callosum, to connect * Fig. 225, is a vertical section of the cerebrum, cerebellum and medulla oblongata. A, Anterior lobe of the brain. B, Middle lobe. C. Posterior lobe. Z), Cerebellum. £, Medulla spinalis, i7, Medulla oblongata. JT, Pons varolii. L, Crus cerebri. /, Section of the corpus callosum, which is situated at the bottom of the fissure, separating the two hemispheres of the brain, g, Optic thalamus, of which the back part only is seen. The corpus striatum is placed in front of it, though not seen in this figure, and at the bottom of the dark space which forms the lateral ventricle. Below the thalamus is seen the section of the lubercula quadrigemina, (the superior eminences of which are called the nates, the lower, testes,) and below that again the valve of Vieussens ; which arises from the medullary layer of the central portion of the cerebellum, D. Below the corpus striatum is the lateral ventricle. Between the optic thalamus and the crus, is seen the third ventricle; (the fornix which separates these two 5bo ORIGIN OF THE ENCEPHALIC NERVES. together the convolutions placed above that part ; and the intercerehral commissure or valve of Vieussens, which has already been described. A laterel view of the different parts of the brain, is seen in the vertical section opposite, as well as the position of the ventricles, the channel of communication between them, and the relative position of the encephalic nerves at their origin. Where the brain is reversed, we observe at its base a deep fissure, which separates the anterior from the middle lobes. This is called the Fissure of Sylvius, and lodges the lesser wings of the sphenoid bone, and the middle cerebral artery. By tracing this fissure outwards, we fall upon an isolated cluster of five or six convolutions, called the Islmid of Reil, which forms the bottom structure to the corpus striatum. — At the inner end of the fissure of Sylvius, is a triangular plane of medullary matter, pierced by blood-vessels, which run into the corpus striatum ; it is called the substantia perforata. Immediately behind the optic commissure, and in front of the eminentia mammillares, is found a small mass of grey matter, called the tuber cinereum, which forms part of the floor to the third ventricle. — The infundibulum is a funnel-shaped reddish cineritious cord, two and a half lines long, which seems to spring from the tuber cinereum at the base of the third ventricle, and terminates on the pituitary gland. It presents an open cavity on the side of the third ventricle, and in the foetus communicates with the cavity in the gland ; after birth its inferior extremity appears to be ventricles, and the septum lucidum have been removed.) Between the tuber- cula quadrigemina and the pons is the aqueduct of S3ivius, or the passage from the third ventricle to the fourth, which forms the cavity, m. between the cere- bellum and the medulla oblongata. 1, Olfactory nerve. 2, The eye, upon which terminates the optic nerve, the root of which may be traced back, over the crus cerebri to the optic thalamus, and the nates. Next below the optic is seen the third pair of nerves, motor oculi. 4, The fourth pair running to the superior oblique muscle of the eye. 5, Superior maxillary branch of the fifth pair. 5', Ophthalmicbranchof the fifth pair. 5", Inferior maxillar)' branch of the fifth pair. 6, Sixth pair, or motor externus. 7, Facial or portio dura; below the origin of this is seen the trunk of the auditory nerve, or portio mollis. 9, Glosso-pharyng'eal. 10, Pneumogastric. 11, Hypo-glossal. 12, Spinal accessory of Willis. 14, 15, Cervical nerves. The ophthalmic ganglion is seen near the eye at the outer side of the optic nerve. ORIGIN OF THE ENCEPHALIC NERVES. 589 closed. Some medullary fibres have been traced from it to the optic nerve. It is closely embraced by the pia mater. Between the eminentia mammillares, in front, the pons Varo- lii, behind, and the crura cerebri on the sides, is found a layer of whitish gray matter, called the pons Tarini, or locus perfora- tus. It forms a bridge between the parts above mentioned, so as to aid in closing the bottom of the third ventricle, and is perforated by several thick tufts of arteries which are distributed in the optic thalami. — The Pituitary gland or hypophysis cerebri, is a small body weighing about ten grains, placed in the cavity of the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone, where it is closely embraced upon its side and part of its upper surface, by the processes of the dura mater forming the cavernous sinus, which mem- brane is reflected into the cavity of the sella turcica, and forms a capsule to the gland. — It consists evidently of two lobes, an anterior and posterior, as may be seen in the human subject. It is large, and may be studied to advantage in the calf, where it forms a body about an inch long, and five-eighths of an .inch wide. The posterior lobe is about a third the size of the anterior, and receives the apex of the infundibulum, through an oval opening left in the dura mater. It is conoidal in front, and received in a corresponding cavity of the anterior lobe, between which is reflected a partition of very vascular cellular tissue from the side of the capsule. The large lobe is cineritious and granular in its centre, and medullary on its outer face. — The posterior is of a grayish-white color, and presents two eminences; one, which is continued forwards to the cineritious centre of the anterior lobe, and one, which in the calf is evi- dently fibrous and continuous backwards with the infundibulum. The use of this organ is not understood ; in the human foetus, it is larger at the fifth month of intra-uterine life than at birth. It is proportionably larger in the inferior animals than in man, and in fishes it forms a large lobe with a cavity in its centre. Wenzel asserts that he has frequently found it diseased in epileptic sub- jects ; and latterly Arnold has traced to it, several branches of the sympathetic nerve which seem to originate from it. VOL. II. 50 590 ORIGIN OF THE ENCEPHALIC NERVES. On the Immediate Origin of the Encephalic Nerves. — By reference to fig. 225, it will be seen that all the ence- phalic nerves, (with the exception perhaps of the olfactory,) originate from portions of the base of the brain, into which has been directly traced the fibres of the spinal cord. It has been shown that the nerves arising from the spinal medulla, consist of two distinct classes, those of sensation and those of motion : and that each nerve is, in all probability, composed in part of filaments which, reflected at their origin from the gray substance of the spinal cord, have no connexion with the brain, and are called the reflex, or excito-motor ; and -partly of those which are directly continuous with the brain, called the sensiferous or cerebral. The encephalic nerves may be justly considered as originating much in the same manner, with the exception that their sensitive and motor roots, are, in general, continued on as distinct trunks, to their termination in the organs. — Their origin is derived in a great part from the medulla oblongata, which contains a large amount of cineritious matter, and from whence there is reflected a greater amount of nervous fibrils, than from any similar bulk of the spinal cord ; some of their fibres being also continued upwards to the brain, like the sensiferous of the spinal cord. If it were possible to isolate dis- tinctly the sensory from the motory fibres of the nerves, it would be better to describe them in the direction in which they act, the sensory from without inwards, and the motory from the central organs towards the circumference. As this cannot be done, they are considered from convenience of description, as all originating from the central organs. — The hypoglossal arises in the sulcus between the corpus pyramidale and corpus olivare, by three roots placed in a line with the anterior roots of the spinal nerves, which emerge by a number of minute filaments from the anterior columns of the medulla oblongata. It is a motor nerve. — The spinal accessory of Willis, as has been observed, (page 464,) arises from the cervical portion of the spinal marrow. — It commences from the lateral part of the cord, usually oppo- site the fifth cervical vertebra, behind the ligamentum den- ticulatum, and near the posterior roots of the spinal nerves. ORIGIN OF THE ENCEPHALIC NERVES. 591 The nerve ascends on the side of the medulla, between the ligament and the posterior roots of the nerves, and continues to receive filaments of origin from the medulla as high up as the roots of the pneumogastric with which the radical filaments of this nerve seem continuous. It receives filaments as it passes by, from the posterior root of the sub-occipital, and is sometimes connected with the posterior root of the first proper cervical. It passes up through the occipital foramen, and goes out from the cavity of the cranium in conjunction with the par vagum, with which it has been considered associated as a motor nerve for the external respiratory muscles. It is a round nerve like the third or the sixth. — The pneumogastric or par vagum, is a mixed nerve in its distribution, in consequence of its receiving motor filaments from the spinal accessory and other nerves, which ^re wrapped up in its general sheath. It is believed, however, to be a sen- sory nerve, entirely, at its origin from the lateral tract of the medulla oblongata, immediately behind the corpus olivare, where it consists of from seven to fourteen flattened fasciculi. The glosso-pharyngeal, is believed to be a compound nerve, giving nerves of sensation to the mucous membrane of the back part of the tongue and to the fauces, and nerves of motion to some of the muscles of the pharynx. It originates by two roots, which seem to come partly from the lateral tract, and partly from the corpus olivare, immediately above the pneumogastric. It has been considered the special nerve of taste ; but the nerve of taste appears not to be a distinct trunk. The fibres endowed with this function, are probably included in the branches of the glosso-pharyngeal and the fifth. The three latter nerves, spinal accessory, pneumogastric and glosso-pharyngeal make the eighth pair of the old anatomists. — The auditory nerve, (portio mollis of the seventh pair,) is ex- clusively one of sensation ; it originates by two roots, one of which passes through the substance of the medulla oblongata, and takes its origin from the corpus restiforme. The other winds round the restiform body, and arises from the medullary strife in the cineritious substance of the fourth ventricle. 592 ORIGIN OF THE ENCEPHALIC NERVES. — lihe facial nerve (portio dura of the seventh pair,) is con- sidered the principal motor trunk to the fifth pair. It emerges from the groove between the corpus pyramidale and olivare, but may be traced backwards according to Solly, through the pons varolii, to the inner side of, and in contact with, the sensory root of the fifth pair of nerves. It then divides into two roots ; one arising from the motor column of the spinal cord, and the other from the cerebeller or arciform fibres of the anterior column (see fig. 224.) — The motor externus or abductor oculi (sixth pair) proceeds from the anterior narrowed part of the corpus pyramidale, and Is exclusively a nerve of motion. — The trigeminus or fifth, is partly a mixed nerve, and arises by two roots, one for sensation and one for motion. The former called the portio major, constituting the great bulk of the nerve, emerges, from between the transverse fibres of the pons varolii, and can be traced down through the medulla oblongata, to the posterior columns of the spinal cord, an inch and a half below the pons. On the portio major, is formed exclusively the gang- lion of Gnsser ; upwards of a hundred filaments have been counted in this root. — The motorial root, portio minor, traverses the pons by a dis- tinct aperture and appears to originate from the antero-lateral or motorial portion of the spinal cord. These motor fibres join the third branch of the fifth pair, beyond the ganglion of Gasser, and supply the muscles of mastication. — The patheticus or fourth nerve, arises from the valve of Vieus- sens, near the tubercula quadrigemina, where it is placed in close connexion with other nerves going to the eye and its auxiliary parts ; viz., the optic and the motor oculi communis. — The motor oculi communis, or third nerve, emerges from the inner side of the crus cerebri, but it takes its rise by two roots ; one of which can be traced to the locus niger of the crus, and is there continuous with the ascending motor columns of the medulla oblongata ; the other passes round the outer margin of the crus, just in front of the pons, and is closely connected with that part of the origin of the optic nerve, nearest the peduncle. BULB OF THE OLFACTORY NERVE. 593 This is called the accessory root of Rolando. It is particularly well developed in the bullock. This nerve sends a large root to the ophthalmic ganglion,, from which the ciliary nerves are derived. It appears to be the motor nerve of the iris, for when, in the experiments of Mr. ]\fayo, the third pair was irritated, the iris was observed to contract. — The optic or second nerve, the largest of all those of the cranium, tracing it from its chiasm backwards, (where the inner half of the fibres of each nerve seem to cross over to the opposite side,) winds round the crus cerebri, to which it is attached by a thin medullary lamen at its outer edge. As it reaches the thalamus the nerve is divided into two roots, one of which arises from the coi'jms geniculatum externum of that organ ; the other passes over the corpus geniculatum internum to which it is slightly connected, to arise by two slips from the tubercula quadrigemina — one from the nates, and the other from the testes. This latter is the principal origin of the nerve in the inferior animals ; hence the tuberculi quadrigemina have been called the optic tubercles. — The olfactory or first pair of nerves, appears to originate by three roots, near the fissure of Sylvius, close to the substance of the corpus striatum. One of these is connected with the anterior commissure of the middle ventricle ; and one with the lateral prolongation of the corpus callosum at this part ; the third or central root comes from a papillary eminence of the cineritious structure in the posterior part of the fissure of Syl- vius. The nerve formed by the union of these roots runs out in a triangular groove on the lower surface of the anterior lobes, to its bulb, by the side of the crista galli of the ethmoid bone. The structure of the bulb is cineritious and pulpy in man. In the inferior animals, as the horse and sheep, and in the human foetus, it is of a similar structure, and forms a large olfactory lobe with a ventricle within it, on the anterior and inferior face of the brain. It would therefore in man be more correct, as Blainville and Rolando have observed, to consider the bulb as an olfactory lobe or ganglion, from which the true olfactory nerves are spread into the Schneiderian membrane, and the grayish cord extending back from it and 50* 594 DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAIN IN THE F(ETUS. j^ 'M^.^ ordinarily called the nerve, as but a commissure to connect it with the brain.* — Development of the Brain in the Foetus. In their course of development in the foetus, the spinal Fig. 226.f marrow and brain present many phases of structure, which cor- respond to a considerable extent, with the perfect forms of these parts in many of the inferior ani- mals. Two minute longitudinal cords, with five pairs of gangli- onic swellings at their upper or anterior parts, constitute all that exists of the cerebro-spinal axis in a human embryo of seven weeks. * The student will find his progress, in the difficult study of the nervous system accelerated by the possession of preparations upon which the nerves have been prepared and dried ; or what is next best, by drawings, which, at the same time that they are kept in the main true to nature, give to the subject, some- thing of the clearness of a diagram. In the latter respect, the student will derive considerable assistance from the " Plates of the Cerebro-Spinal Nerves, ■with references," by Dr. P. B. Goddard ; in Manec's two plates, of the cerebro- spinal axis, and of the sympathetic nerve, the size of life ; and in Professor Lobstein's treatise, " De structura, usu, et morbis, nervi sympathetici," the three last of which have been translated with additions, by the editor of this work. Quain's anatomical plates which have also been issued under the super- vision of the editor, by Carey & Hart, of this city, will be found to contain not only a complete exhibition of the nerves, but of all the parts of the human body. f Anatomic du Cerveau, &;c. par F. Tiedemann. t Fig. 226.— A. Side view of the brain and spinal marrow of a fcetus of seven weeks, a. Hemispheres of the cerebrum, a'. Corpus striatum and optic thalamus, b. Mass, from which is subsequently formed the tubercula quadrigemina. c. Ce- rebellum, k. Spinal marrow enlarged at the top where it forms its bulb d. B. Brain of a foetus of twelve weeks, d. Spinal marrow, expanded and curved above, forming the medulla oblongata, c. Cerebellum, below which is seen passing one of the ascending cords of the medulla, b. Mass of the tubercular quadrigemina. The crus of the cerebrum is seen directed downward and for- ward, a. Hemispherical sac. C. Brain and spinal marrow of the same fcetus seen from behind, d. Medulla spinalis, c. Cerebellum, a. Hemispheres of the brain, b. Mass of the tuber- cula quadrigemina. DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAIN IN THE FCETUS. 595 This represents the condition of the brain in the lowest class of fishes. Of these ganglia, (of which those of one side are well shown at A, fig. 226 taken from the work of Tiedeniann,) the two lower pairs represent the medulla oblon- gata ; the two next above the lobes of the cerebellum ; the two middle ones the mass of the tubercula quadrigemina which is of larger size than any of the rest ; the fourth the optic thalami or posterior ganglia of the brain proper, and the up- permost of all, the copora striata, or anterior ganglia of the brain, which are even so early as this covered over on each side with a thin membranous sac, filled with fluid, and constituting the rudimental hemispheres of the brain. These parts are all curved upon each other, so as to correspond with the direction of the future cranium. — In the progress of development, the three lower sets of ganglia speedily become united together on the median line, leaving within cavities filled with fluid, continuous with each other, connected behind with a canal formed in the same way in the centre of the spinal marrow, and with a larger cavity in front formed by the membranous sac of the hemispheres. This latter cavity represents the common hollow of the ventricles, which as yet, shows no mark of subdivision. — A further step of development is seen at B, which is a representation of the brain and spinal marrow of a fcEtus of twelve weeks. The olfactory, the optic, and some other nerves of the brain are now found connected with it, and the spinal accessory is seen at the lower part. At this period of growth it may be considered the type of the same parts, as they exist in their perfect state, in the amphibia. — At C, we have a view of the same foetal brain from its upper aspect. The lower surface of the same parts would now if examined, exhibit the crura cerebelli coming off" exclusively from the medulla oblongata, and the crura cerebri, extended beneath the mass distinguished as that of the tubercula quad- rigemina, to the thalami and corpora striata. If the membra- niform hemisphere be laid open from above, we see at the bot- tom of the cavity the corpora striata, which are curved like an arch round the crura cerebri, the fibres of which radiating for- o96 DEVELOPMENT OF THE FffiTAL BRAIN. wards and to the sides, form the hemispheres. On the front of this cavity, will be seen already formed the anterior part of two large commissures of the brain, the corpus callosum and the fornix. On separating the two thalami, we find them as yet not united at their middle parts so as to constitute the middle commissure of the third ventricle, or commissure mollis. By cutting into the mass of the tubercula quadrigemina, we find it a sac ; the cavity of which opens below by a small orifice into the fourth ventricle, which is continuous with that of the medulla spinalis, and above has a similar communication with the third ventricle. — In the foetus of four months, the medulla spinalis is yet very large in proportion to the bulk of the brain and encloses a cavity with which the posterior and median fissures commu- nicate. It is distinctly composed of longitudinal fibres and has formed on its bulb or medulla oblongata little elevations, which represent the corpus pyramidale and the corpus restiforme. Be- tween these bodies a middle or lateral band is seen but on which there is as yet no appearance of the corpus olivare. The cor- pora restiformia which are extended backwards and outwards on each side to form the cerebellum, have connected with their cerebeller extremities the ganglion of the cerebellum or corpus dentatum. The cerebellum is small and shows none of its horizontal folds. The great hollow mass of the tubercula quadrigemina has become altered in form, and contracted in the middle, diminishing somewhat its great cavity, which is subsequently to become a mere channel between the third and fourth ventricles called the aqueduct of Sylvius. In front of this contraction the small bodies forming the tubercula quad- rigemina proper, begin to appear, and behind, the rudiment of the pons varolii is visible. The thickness of the membranous walls of this mass is about a line and three quarters behind, but is not more than a third of a line in front. The hollow hemispheres of the cerebrum, are considerably more developed backwards and upon the sides, but as yet do not cover the tubercula quadrigemina or the pons. On separating the two sacs of the hemispheres, they will be found united in front so as to form the front part of the corpus callosum, which is as FffiTUS OF FOUR MONTHS. 597 yet but little developed. Below is seen the two anterior crura of the fornix, which come up from the eniinentia mammillares, unite slightly together, turn round the thalami, and subse- quently diverging to form the posterior crura of the fornix or corpus fimbriatum, are lost in the lower and posterior part of the hemispheres. On the outer side of these crura there is a doubling inwards of the walls of the ventricles, evidently in- tended to form the hippocampus major, and a corresponding elevation behind, the rudiment of the hippocampus minor. Tbe great cavity in each hemisphere, which forms as yet but one large ventricle, terminates in front in a canal which leads into the cavity of the bulb. The anterior commissure not being formed and the fornix as yet incomplete, there is no separation between the middle and lateral ventricles. The larger part of this cavity is filled up with the plexus choroides. The thalami are about a quarter of an inch long and nearly two lines broad, and seem placed as it were, as a bulbous expansion on the posterior ascend- ing fibres of the crus cerebri. On their upper surface are seen the peduncles of the pineal gland which unite together to form that body. — The corpora striata, are well formed and smooth, but do not present the striated appearance when divided across. — The cerebral hemispheres are about ten lines long and nearly a quarter of an inch broad, and form two sacs, one over each crus cerebri, which are as yet chiefly connected together by the anterior portion of the corpus callosum, and the fornix. The texture of the walls of these hemispheres is now plainly seen to be fibrous on its inner face. On the outer surface the structure though not fibrous, does not yet present any resemblance to cineritious matter. The fibres from the anterior columns of the medulla oblongata may be traced upwards and forwards; at first they are covered and partially interlaid with the transverse fibres from the cerebellum, that are to form in part the future pons varolii ; two membranous processes are then detached upwards on the back of the hollow mass known as that of the tubercula quadrigemina, the larger portion of the fibres of the crus, passes up through the optic thalamus ; some bundles of fibres descend on the inner and lower side of the thalamus to the eminentia m 598 DEVELOPMENT OF FffiTAL BRAIN. mammillares, and all the remaining fibres which are still very numerous, pass below the thalamus, and after sending up a band into the corpus striatum, radiate like the branches of a fan into the membranous hemisphere. These radiating fibres having gain- ed the top, redescend in the middle line to reach the crura of the fornix ; — some of the fibres of both hemispheres uniting at the front to form the corpus callosum. — The fibres described as descending to the eminentia mammil- lares from the crura cerebri, mount upwards as the pillars of the fornix, and are continued first backwards and then downwards as the posterior pillars of the same body, to the bottom of what is to become the middle cornua of the lateral ventricles. A sin- gular and interesting connection is thus early seen in the course of the fibres, which indicates the shape of the future ventricles, and shows at the same time that the development of the brain takes place in two directions. — In the foetus of^ Jive months, we find the medulla spinalis still tubular and capable of being inflated in a downward direction from the fourth ventricle. — The tube is expanded at the two enlargements of the medulla, where the brachial and sacral plexuses of nerves have their connection with it. — No corpus olivare is yet developed. The cerebellum now shows its divisions into central or fundamental, and lateral portions, the latter of which cover over behind the bottom of the fourth ventricle. The transverse fibres of tlie pons are better developed, and the ascending stratum of fibres called the valve of Vieussens, sent up by the pons to the tubercula quadri- gemina, is well seen. The two hemispheres of the cerebrum are prolonged more backward, and are about an inch and a quarter in length. As yet they exhibit no convolution, except at their internal and anterior part. — The masses of the tubercula quadrigemlna do not yet present the eminences called nates and testes. — The corpus callosum and the fornix have increased in size, and two thin lamina extend from the latter to the former, forming the commencement of the septum lucidum. These lamina have a ventricle between them, the fifth, that commu- FffiTUS OF SIX MONTHS. 599 nicates with the third which is now provided with its anterior commissure and the infundibulum. — The walls of the hemispheres are very thin ; on laying them open, the eminence analogous to the corpus striatum is found, surrounded and imbedded as it were, in the ascending fibres of the crus cerebri. It is not yet connected to the thalamus by the band called tenia striata. The olfactory nerves are seen arising in front from a hollow bulb, which communicates on each side with the anterior cornu of the lateral ventricle. The optic nerves come off partly from the mass of the tubercula quadri- gemina and from the thalami. The dura and pia mater are now well seen. In this stage of development, the brain of the foetus resembles much the perfect brain of the lower mammalia. At the sixth month the arachnoid membrane becomes apparent. The hemispheres of the cerebrum are still smooth on their upper surface, but much thicker and have extended so far backwards as to cover the tubercula quadrigemina and the cerebellum. The corpus callosum is so far developed backward, that the two hemispheres can no longer be separated in the middle line so as to expose the great ventricular cavity, without lacerating some of the fibres of that commissure. The fourth ventricle or the ventricle of the cerebellum is diminished much in size, the pons has greatly increased, and the valve of Vieussens is marked with the grey substance, forming the bands of Wensel. The optic thalami are not united by their middle commissure. But the anterior commissure uniting the two corpora striata together has become apparent. At the seventh month, the cavity in the medulla spinalis is found much diminished, and the inner face of its walls is covered with a granular substance, closely adherent to the pia mater which enters in at the median fissures. In the region of the back the medulla is very narrow, not more than a line in diameter, while it is double that size at the points at which it is connected with the roots of the brachial and lumbar plexu- ses. At the upper part of the medulla oblongata it is found about four lines and a half in diameter. — The cortical substance of the cerebrum has not taken its proper cineritious hue, a result which is only effected after birth. On the olivary or lateral fasciculus of this portion now appears 600 DEVELOPMENT OF FffiTAL BRAIN. for the first time the corpus oUvare, consisting chiefly of a mass of granular matter. — Each lobe of the cerebellum is about an inch in breadth. The hemispheres of the cerebrum have increased greatly in size in proportion to the growth of the cerebellum and medulla. They are extended even posteriorly to the cerebellum and are Fig. 227.* about two inches in length. On their upper surface the convo- lutions have now become apparent ; but the walls are still very thin, compared with the great size of the ventricles. The nates and testes are conspicuous on the masses of the tubercula quad- rio'emina, and in front of the eminentiae mammillares is seen the pituitary gland. — On opening the ventricles, the corpus callosum is found developed backwards to its full extent, and enveloped in part by a plane of fibres that comes from the outer side of the corpus striatum and the thalamus. On the outer side of this plane and in contact with it, another diverging layer which belongs to the cerebral hemispheres passes up as an expansion from the crura cerebri through the corpus striatum and the thalamus ; the fibres * Left hemisphere of the brain with the radiation of the fibres seen after the removal of the top portion of the cerebrum in a foetus of six months, a. Point of radiation ; within, at this point but not seen, is the corpus striatum, b, b, b, b. Fibres of the crus cerebri which radiate forward, bacliward and outward, c. The radiating fibres of the periphery which cover on their outer face the pre- ceding, and are overlaid themselves on the exterior with a soft granular cover- ing, d. Fissure of Sylvius. THE SPINAL MARROW. 601 of this layer pass up to the top of the brain, form a part of the corpus callosum, and join with those of the opposite side. The middle triangular portion of the fornix, called the lyra, is now developed between the extended portions of its crura, and the divisions of the ventricles are completely formed. The middle commissure of the thalami, nor the tenia striata are yet plainly shown. The foetal human brain presents at this stage of its growth, very much the same appearance, that it has in the animals nearest to man ; with the exception that in the foetal brain the proportionate development of the cerebrum is much greater. — The cerebro-spinal axis may now be considered as completely formed. The subsequent changes which occur during the eighth and ninth months consist chiefly in its general growth, the closing up of the cavity of the medulla spinalis with vascular granular matter that after a time becomes ash-colored and forms the nucleus of the medulla, and the development of the peri- phery of the hemispheres, which having become too extensive for the surface of the walls of the cranium, have their surfaces folded inwards in the form of convolutions, so as to encroach upon and nearly efface the cavity of the lateral ventricles. — VOL. II. 51 GLOSSARY* EXHIBITING THE DERIVATION OF CERTAIN ANATOMICAL TERMS. A. Acetabulum, The cavity which receives the head of the thigh-bone ; from ace- tum vinegar^ so called, because it represents the acetabulum or saucer of the ancients, in which vinegar was held for the use of the table. Acini. From acinus a grape. Acromion. A process of the scapula ; from aKpo^ extremity, and ujnoi the shoulder. Anastomosis. The communication of vessels with one another ; from ava through, and jo/!o mouth. Anatomy. The dissection of the human body ; from ava and tcjivo to dissect. Anconeus. A muscle ; so called from ayKUf the elbow. Aorta. Aoprr], from anp air, rnpioi to keep. Aponeurosis. A tendinous expansion ; from ottcj, and vcvpov a nerve; from an er- roneous supposition of the ancients, that it was formed by an expansion of nerve. Apophysis. A process of bone ; from ajro^voj to proceed from. A synonyme of process. Arachnoides. A net-like membrane ; from apa^vrj a spider, and ciSo; likeness. Artery. From arip air, r/jpcoj, to keep ; because the ancients supposed that air only was contained in them. Arthrodia. A species of connexion of bones ; from apdpocj to articulate. Arytccnoides. The name of two cartilages of the larynx ; also applied to some muscles of the larynx ; from ap-uraiva a funnel, and siJoj a shape. Astragalus. A bone of the tarsus ; so called from its resemblance to a die used in ancient games, from a^paXa a eockal or die. Atlas. The first vertebra of the neck ; so called, because it sustains the head ; from the fable of Atlas being supposed to have supported the world ; or from arXao) to sustain, because it sustains the head. Azygos. A term applied to parts without a fellow, from a priv. and fuyoj a yoke, because it has no fellow. B. Bursa. A bag ; from livpua : generally applied to the bursse mucosae. c. Cancelli. Lattice work ; generally applied to the reticular substance in bones. Cardia. The superior opening of the stomach ; from KapSia the heart. Carotid. The name of some arteries of the neck and head, from Kapooi to cause to sleep : for, if tied with a ligature, the animal was said to be affected with coma. * By Dr. Hooper. 604 GLOSSARY. Carpus. Kapnos ; the wrist. ClavicuJa. The clavicle or collar bone, a diminutive of davis a key ; so called from its resemblance to an ancient key. Clinoid. Four processes of the sella turcica of the ethmoid bone are so called, from (cXivj? a bed, and ci&oq likeness ; from their supposed resemblance to a couch. Clitoris. A part of the female pudenda ; enclosed by the labia raajora ; from K^tit,! to enclose or hide. Colon. The first of the large intestines; from (cojXoi', quasi koiXov, from KoiXoi hollow. Coracoid. From Kopa^ a crow, and tiJos resemblance ; shaped like the beak of a crow. Coronary. From corona a crown. The vessels of the heart, stomach, (fee, are so called because they surround the parts in the manner of a crown. Cotyloid. From Korv^n the name of an old measure, and eiSos resemblance : re- sembling the kotule. Cranium. The skull ; Kpaviov, quasi, Kapaviov from Kapa the head. Cremaster. A muscle so called ; from Kpcpaw to suspend, because it suspends the testicles. Cribriform. From cribrum a sieve, it being perforated like a sieve. Cricoid. Annular, round, like a ring ; from KpiKog a ring, and siJos likeness. Cuboides. A bone of the foot ; from Kv6oi a cube, and siSoi likeness ; because it resembles a cube. Cuneiform. Some bones are so called ; cuneus a wedge, and forma likeness, being shaped like a wedge. D. Deltoid. A muscle resembling the Greek letter A : from A, and tiSoi resemblance. Diaphragm. The muscle which separates the thorax from the abdomen ; from itari a skiff, and eiSos likeness. Sclerotic. A term applied to the outermost or hardest membrane of the eye ; from (TK'Snpooj to make hard. Sesamoid banes. From (tijoo^t; a grain, and siJoj likeness ; from their resemblance to the semen sesami. 608 GLOSSARY. Sigmoid. Parts are so called from their resemblance to ihe letter E ; from E, the letter Sigma, and etSo; likeness. Sphenoid. From cipnv a wedge, and etSoi likeness ; shaped like a wedge. Sphincter. The name of several muscles, whose office it is to shut up the apert- ure around which they are placed ; from (r^iyyco to shut up. Splanchnic. From iy!T\ayxvoi an entrail. Symphysis. A connexion of bones ; from avfitpvio to grow together. Synarthrosis. A connexion of bones ; from cw with, and apdpov a joint. Synchondrosis. A species of union of bones by means of cartilage ; from aw with, and ■^ovipo; a cartilage. Synneurosis. A species of connexion of bones by means of membrane ; from aw with, and vevpo^ a nerve ; because membranes, ligaments, and tendons, were by the ancients considered as nerves. Syssarcosis. A species of connexion of bones by means of muscle ; from aw with, and aap^ flesh. Systole. The contractile motion of the heart and arteries ; from avuTcWa to contract. T. Tmdon. From tcivu to extend. Thorax. Qwpa^. The breast^or chest. Thyroid- From dvpeoi, a shield, and etSo; likeness ; shaped like a shield. Trachea. The wind-pipe ; so called from its roughness ; from rpaxvi rough. Trochanter. A process of the thigh-bone, so called from rpoxos a wheel. u. Ulna. A name for the cubit ; from oXcvn the cubit. Ureter. The canal which conveys the urine from the kidney to the bladder ; from «pov the urine. Urethra. The passage through which the urine passes from the bladder ; from upov the urine. Uvea. The posterior lamen of the iris, so called because in many animals it is of the color of unripe grapes ; from uva an unripe grape. Uvula. The conical substance which hangs down from the middle of the soft palate ; so called from its resemblance to a grape. A dim. of uva a grape. V. Valves. From valves, folding doors. Vertebra. The bones of the spine are so called : from verto to turn. X. Xiphoid. So called from the resemblance to a sword ; from |i^of a sword, and eiSas likeness. z. Zygoma. The cavity under the zygomatic process of the temporal bones ; from ^vyoi a yoke. INDEX. A Antihelix, i Antitragus, i i 450 i 450 Abdomen, ii 13 Annulus abdominalis, i 328 contents of. ii 15 cruralis, » i 329 Abdominal muscles, 326 Antrum Highmorianum, • i 88 regions, ii 16 Aorta, i 514 i i 240 ring, 328 Aponeurosis pal maris, i 364 Abductores vide muscles. plantaris, i 391 Absorbents, general anatomy Apophysis, i 52 of. ii 332 Appendix to the diaphragm. i 343 origin of, ii 337 vermiformis, i i 54 glands. ii 343 Appendices epiploicae, i i 58 termination. ii 346 Aqua labyrinthi, i i 472 of the lower ex- Aqueductus cochlea3. i 69 tremities. ii 351 vestibuli. i 69 of the abdomen Sylvii, i i 386 and thorax, ii 352 Fallopii, i 69 / of the intestines ii 356 Aqueous humor, i i 445 of the head and Arachnoidea tunica, i i 373 neck. ii 264 Arbor vitas, i i 388 of the upper ex- Arch, femoral. i 329 tremities. ii 365 Arciform fibres, i i 569 Absorption, cutaneous, ii 368 Arcus senilis, i i 413 Acetabulum, i 169 Arthrodiae, i 53 Acini, i 78 Arteries, structures of, i i 210 Adductores vide muscles, form of, i i 221 Attachment of the lungs. 498 distribution of, i i 240 Adipose tissue. 408 acromialis, i i 271 Air cells, 523 adipose, i i 291 Alimentary canal. ii 27 alveolar, i i 256 Alveoli, 104 Anastomotica, i i 303 Alveus communis. ii 469 anterior tibial, i i 304 Ampullae, ii 468 aorta thoracica, i i 281 Amygdalae, 474 abdominalis, i i 283 Analysis of bone, 23 articular of the knee, i i 303 of cartilage, 38 articularis posterior, i i 281 of muscle. 299 axillary, i i 270 of brain. ii 548 basilar, i 1 267 Angles, occipital and facial. 134 brachial, i i 273 Anus, prolapsus, ii 60 brevis, i 1 273 Ankle joint. 264 bronchial, i i 281 blU INDEX. Arteries, buccinator, 256 Arteries, iliac internal, 294 carotid common, 246 ileo colic. 289 external, 247 lumbar. 295 internal , 259 infra orbital, 256 cavernous, 261 innominata. 242 carpi radialis, 275 intercostal superior, 269 centralis retinas, 261 inferior. 282 cerebelli inferior, 267 interosseal. 276 superior. 267 internal plantar. 307 cerebral, ii 268 and 264 maxillary, 254 cervicalis anterior. 269 mammary. 265 posterior, 269 ischiatic, 298 ciliary, 262 lingual. 248 circumflex anterior, 272 laryngeal. 248 posterior, 272 lachrymal, 261 ilei, 300 lateralis nasi, 250 humeri, 272 labial is inferior, 249 femoris. 302 lumbar. 292 coccygeal, 298 mammary external, 271 corporis callosi. 264 mesenteric superior, 288 coeliac, 285 inferior, 289 colic, media and dex - malleolar. 205 tra. ii 287 mediastinal, 266 communicans cerebri ,ii 263 meningea anterior or coronaria dextra, ii 287 parva. ii 254 labiorum. ii 249 media or magna ' ]] 254 ventriculi. ii 286 posterior, 267 cystica. ii 387 metacarpal, 275 dental or maxillary in- metatarsal, 307 ferior. 255 nasal. 257 digitales man us, 277 obturator, 296 pedis. 307 occipital. 250 dorsalis linguae. 249 oesophageal. ii 281 penis. 298 ophthalmic. ii 261 emulgent, 291 palatine superior. ii 257 epigastric, 300 palpebral. ii 253 ethmoidal. 262 pancreatic. ii 287 facial or external max- pancreatico-duodena - illary, ii 249 lis, ii 287 femoral, ii 301 palmaris profunda. ii 275 frontal, ii 263 perforantes, ii 303 gastric, inferior, ii 289 peroneal. ii 306 gastro-duodenalis. ii 287 pharyngea superior, ii 257 gastro-epiploica dex- inferior. ii 250 tra, ii 287 phrenic. ii 284 sinistra. ii 287 plantaris externa, ii 307 gluteal. ii 297 popliteal. ii 303 haemorrhoidal middle ,ii 297 profunda femoris, ii 302 superior. ii 299 humeri. ii 273 hepatic. ii 286 pterygoidea, ii 256 humeral. ii 273 palatine superior, ii 257 helicinae. ii 180 pterygo-palatine. ii 257 iliac common. ii 293 pudic external, ii 301 external or hy- internal. ii 298 pogastric, ii 299 pulmonary. ii 329 INDEX. 611 Arteries, piloric, 286 Articulations of the fingers, i 255 radial, 274 of the ribs, i 255 ranina, 249 of the hip joint, i 257 recurrens radialis, 274 of the knee. i 259 ulnaris, 275 of the tibia and tibialis. 305 fibula, i 263 renales, 291 of the ankle joint, i 264 sacralis media, 293 of the tarsus and laterales. 295 metatarsus. i 266 scapularis superior. 269 of the toes. i 267 internal. 271 Arytenoid cartilages. i 478 spermatic, 291 Auricles of the heart. i 505 spheno-palatine, 257 spinal. 283 B splenic, 287 stylo-mastoid, 251 subclavian. 264 Base of the brain, ii 389 sublingual, 248 of the cranium, ii 125 submaxillary or inf. 255 Bile, ii 105 submental. 249 Biliary ducts, ii 102 subscapular, 271 Bladder urinary, ii 127 superficial cervical or Blooc , colormg matter of, ii 235 ascending. 266 crassamentum, ii 234 supra-orbital, 262 serum, ii 233 supra-renal. 291 globules of, ii 237 supra-scapular, 269 Bones, general anatomy of. i 13 tarsal. ii 305 number of, i 14 temporalis, anterior Gerdy on. i 25 and posterior, ii 252 Deutsch and Miescher profunda ii 255 on the microscopical thoracicae externae. ii 271 structure of, i 30 thyroidea inferior. ii 266 formation and growth, i 40 superior. ii 248 Astragalus, i 212 tibialis antica. ii 304 atlas, i 142 postica. ii 306 calcis, 1 213 transversalis cervicis ii 266 carpus, i 191 faciei. ii 353 clavicle, i 175 perinei. ii 299 coccyx, I 152 tympanica. ii 253 costoe. 155 ulnar, ii 275 cuboid, 215 umbilical. ii 395 cuneiform, 216 uterine, ii 297 ethmoides, ] 75 vertebral. ii 266 femur, 201 vesical. ii 296 fibula. 207 Articulations in general, ii 232 frontal, i 61 of the head. ii 239 humerus, 181 of the vertebrae. ii 241 hyoides, i 118 of the lower jaw , i 244 ileum. 164 of the clavicle innominata, i 163 and scapula, ii 245 ischium, i 166 of the OS humeri ,i 246 lachrymal, i 90 of the elbow. i 248 malar, i 91 of the wrist, i 250 maxillary superior, i 86 of carpal and mc - inferior, i 96 tacarpal bones ,i 254 metacarpus, i 196 612 INDEX. Bones, metatarsus, i 217 Canaliculi lacrymales, i nasal, i 89 Callus, formation of naviculare, i 214 Canthi, i occipital, i 72 Capsulae suprarenales, i palati, i 92 Capsule of Glisson, i parietale, i 64 Caput gallinaginis, i patella. i 209 Cardia, i phalanges manus, i 199 Cardiac plexus, i pedis, i 219 Cartilages, structure of pisiform. i 195 temporary and per- pubis. i 167 manent. radius, i 188 accidental develop- Sacrum, i 151 ment of scaphoides, i 192 Caruncula lacrymalis, i scapula, i 177 myrtiformes, i semilunaris, i 193 Casserian ganglion, i sesamoid, i 221 Caudae equina, i sphenoid. i 79 Cavity of the cranium. sternum, i 160 thorax. tarsus. i 211 abdomen, i temporal , i 66 nose, tibia, i 205 mouth, trapesoides, i 193 Centrum ovale, i turbinata. i 95 Cerebellum, i ulna, i 186 Cerebrum, i vertebra; true, i 138 Ceruminous follicles, i false. i 151 Cervical ganglia, i vomer. i 95 Chordae tendinae, wormiana or triquetra, i 57 Chorda tympani, i of the ear, i i 460 Choroidea, i stapes, i i 460 Choroid plexus, i malleus, i i 460 Cellular membrane, incus, i i 460 Qilia, i Blood vessels, general anato- Ciliary ligament, i my of, i i 207 body, i capillary, i i 223 processes, i Brain, general account of. i 371 vessels and nerves, i membranes. i 372 ganglion, i special description of. i 558 Ciliary epithelium, development of. i 594 Clitoris, i analysis of i i 548 Circle of Willis, i Bursae mucosae, i 275 Circulation foetal, i Bronchia, i 517 Chyle, globules of i glands of i 518 comparison with blood Brunners glands, i 71 and lymph, i Chromato genous apparatus. C Cochlea, i Calamus scriptorius. li 570 Colon, i Caecum, li 53 Columnae carneae, Calices renales, ii 121 Commissura magna cerebri, i Canalis Fallopii, i 69 anterior, i of Fontana, . ii 414 posterior, i of Petit, ii 439 media or mollis, i Canals of Havers, i 29 Conglomerate glands, i Canalis arteriosus. ii 205 Coni renales, i INDEX. 613 Coni vasculosi, ii Conjunctiva, ii Corium, i Cornea, ii Comu ammonis, ii Cornua of the ventricles, ii Corona glandis, ii Coronary vessels v. arteries. Corpus pampiniforme, ii callosum, ii striatum, ii pyramidale, ii olivare, ii restiforme, ii cavernosum penis, ii vaginae, ii spongiosum urethrae, ii fimbriatum, ii papillare, i highmorianum, ii luteum, ii Corpora albicantia, ii quadrigemina, ii Corpuscles of bone and carti- lage, i of the spleen, ii of the kidney, ii Corpusculum arantii, i Cortical portion of the brain , ii of the kidney, ii substance of the teeth, i Cotyloid cavity and ligament, i Cowper's glands, ii Cricoid cartilage, i Crystalline lens, ii Crura eerebelli, ii cerebri, ii penis, ii Cutis vera, i Cuticle, i Cupola, ii D 148 398 425 412 385 382 162 143 381 382 391 171 170 159 188 162 385 389 147 196 390 336 44 111 122 509 329 120 102 169 158 426 411 390 390 160 411 430 467 Dartos, ii 140 Desmoid tissue, i 223 Derma, i 426 Dentition, aberration of, i 117 Diaphragm, i Diapnogenous apparatus, i Digital cavity, ii Diplos, i 343 426 382 18 Diploic sinuses, i 55 Ductus comunis choledochus, ii 104 Wirsungii, sue pan- creaticus, ii 107 Whartonianus, 472 Bartholini, 472 Stenonianus, 469 arteriosus Botalli, ii 205 venosus, ii 205 e tertio ad quartum ven- triculum. 579 brachio cephalic, 367 ad nasum. 404 hepaticus, 102 cysticus, 103 prostaticus, 156 thoracicus. ii 360 Duodenum, 47 Dura mater. ii 371 E Ear, external. 449 drum of, 453 labyrinth, 456 lymph. 473 calcarious concretions, 473 nerves. 477 function, 480 Ejaculatory duct. 155 Elastic tissue, 229 Enamel, 112 Enarthrosis, 51 Encephalic nerves. 485 Ensiform cartilage. 162 Eminentise mammillares, 390 Epidermis, 430 Epidydimis, 140 Epigastric region, 16 Epiglottis, 477 Epiphysis, 15 Epiploon, 25 Epithelium, cylinder, 65 tesselated, 64 Erectile tissue, 164 Eustachian tube, 458 Eye, orbit of. 127 ball of, 108 auxiliary parts. 397 humors of, 445 measurement. 447 manner of dissecting. 447 Eyelids, 398 Eyebrows, 397 Excito motory nerves, 556 Extremities, bones of sup.. 174 inf., 201 F Face, 85 YOL. II. 52 614 INDEX. Fascia superficialis abdomi- nis, i 331 lata, i 329 of the pelvis, or iliac, ii 176 of the perineum, ii 172 Fallopian tubes, ii 193 aqueduct, i 69 Falx cerebri, major and mi- nor, ii 375 Fauces, i 474 Femur, i 201 Femoral ring, i 329 Female organs of generation, ii 183 Fenestra ovalis and rotunda, ii 454 Fibrous tissue, i 223 Fasciculi and fibres of mus- cles, i 280 Fibro-caitilage, i 230 Fingers, i 199 Fimbria, ii 194 Fissures of the liver, ii 88 of the orbit, i 120 Foetus, head of, i 135 trunk, i 173 thorax, 1 526 extremities, i 221 heart, i 529 lungs, i 532 abdomen, ii 202 face, i 136 circulation of, ii 204 Follicles, sebaceous, i 413 muciparous, ii 72 of Lieberkuhn, ii 71 of Boehm, ii 67 Fontanelles, i 136 Foot, articulation of the, i 264 Foramen ovale, i 537 ccecum, i 467 of Winslow, ii 62 Fornix, ii 383 Fossa ovalis, i 506 navicularis, ii 163, ii 450 Fourchette, ii 184 Fraenum vulvas, ii 184 praeputii, ii 171 G Galactopherous ducts, i 495 Gall-bladder and duct, ii 103 Ganglia, general anatomy of, ii 551 sympathetic, ii 530 cervical, ii 534 thoracic, ii 537 Ganglia lumbar, ii sacral, ii semilunar, ii Ganglion of Arnold, ii lenticular, ii of Casser, ii of Meckel, ii otic, ii ophthalmic, ii Gastric liquor, ii Generation, male organs of, ii female organs of,ii General anatomy of the bones, i of fibrous tissue, i muscular tissue, i serous membranes, ii mucous membranes, ii ligamentous tissue, ii erectile tissue, ii alimentary canal, ii sanguiferous system, ii arterial, ii venous, ii absorbents, ii Gimbernat's ligament, i Ginglimus, i Glands, general anatomy of, ii parotid, submaxillary, sublingual, pineal, pituitary, prostate, thymus, thyroid, Cowper's, lymphatic, mucous, lacrymal, meibomii, of Tyson, of Peyer and Brun ner, Glandulae Pachioni, epiglottidea, agminatae, solitarias, Glans penis, clitoridis, Glissons capsule, Globules of the blood, of the chyle. Glottis, ligaments of, chink and ventricle of, Gomphosis, 540 541 538 530 487 488 491 477 487 88 138 183 13 223 279 20 63 229 178 27 209 209 229 232 326 53 77 469 471 472 387 38G 156 526 487 158 343 71 403 401 170 73 377 480 75 74 162 184 101 237 238 479 481 53 INDEX. 615 Graafian vesicles, ii 196 Gubernaculum testis, ii 203 Gumes, i 459 H Hairs, structure of, i bulb and color, i Halitus, ii Hand, v. bones and muscles. Havers glands, Head, dimensions of, Heart, structure of situation of dimensions of malformation of action of Hepatic duct, lobules, Helix, Hip-joint, Hippocampus major. Hyaloid tunic. Humor vitreous, crystalline, aqueous, hyaloid, Hottentots, peculiarity of Humerus, Hymen, Hypochondriac regions, Hypogastric, 441 444 21 235 132 511 216 217 533 226 102 98 450 257 385 438 437 442 445 438 185 81 186 18 18 Iteradquartumventriculum, ii 386 Iter ad infundibulum, ii 386 I Ileum, ii 48 Incus, ii 460 Infundabulum of the cochlea, ii 467 of the pituitary gland, ii 386 of the kidney, ii 121 Incisurae auris, ii 452 Inguinal region, ii 18 Integuments, i 403 Intestines, muscular coat, ii 41 villous coat, ii 42 villi of ii 69 division of, ii 45 small, ii 46 large, ii 53 follicles of ii 71 Interarticular cartilages, i 244 Intervertebral substance, i 241 Iris, ii 420 Isthmus faucium, ii 474 Ivory of the teeth, i 103 Jacob's membrane, ii 435 Jaw V. bones. Jejunum, ii 48 Joints, Ugaments of the ankle, i 226 elbow, i 264 wrist, i 250 hip, i 257 knee, i 259 shoulder ,i 246 K Kerkringius, valves of, Kidneys, structure of, Kiernan, researches of, ii 119 ii 65 ii 95 Lacerti ligamentosi, i I 240 Lachr3niial sac, i duct, i I 404 I 404 puncta, i Lacteals, or lymphatic vessels, i Lactiferous ducts, i 1 404 i 332 i 495 Labyrinth, L Lamina cribrosa, I 465 I 76 spiralis, i Larynx, structure of, i 467 I 476 Lateral ventricles, i I 381 Leg, Lens crystallina, i Limbus luteus, i I 264 i 441 1 433 Linea alba, I 327 semilunaris. i 328 Ligaments of the joints, Ligamentum acromio-clavicu- I 239 lare, i 245 bicorne. i 246 adscititum, i 248 conoid. i 246 coronary, i cotyloid, cricothyroidean, cruciforme. i 89 i 257 i 486 i 261 epiglottidean, Gimbernat's, i 486 i 328 Poupart's, i 329 1 616 INDEX. Ligamentum nuchae, i 249 Mons veneris, i i 183 orbiculare, i 243 Morsus diaboli, i i 194 pubic, i 273 Motions of the skeleton. i 397 rotundum s. te- of the muscles. i 287 res, i 258 Motor tract, i i 569 round or umbi! i- Monticulus cerebelli, i i 574 cal, ii 90 Mouth, cavity of. i 458 subclava, i 242 Mucous membranes, i i 63 suspensorium I e- follicles, i I 72 patis, ii 90 glands, i I 75 penis, ii 167 Muscular fibres, I 823 radiated. i 245 sheaths. t 281 transversalis at - Muscles , general anatomy of, 1 279 lantis. i 240 of organic life, I 280 triangular, ii 173 analysis of. I 298 trapesoid, i 246 individual. L 300 Lips, i 306 abductor oculi. I 305 Liquor Cotugni, ii 469 pollicis manus. 371 Morgagni, ii 442 digiti minimi sanguinis. ii 232 manus, 375 Liver, minute anatomy of. ii 98 pollicis pedis. 393 Lobulus spigelii, ii 88 indicis pedis. 395 quartus. ii 89 medii digiti pedis, 396 Lungs, structure of i 320 tertii pedis. 396 Lymphatic vessels, ii 349 minimi pedis. 396 Lumbar regions, ii 18 adductor oculi. 304 Lunula, i 440 pollicis manus, indicis, 372 375 M minimi digiti, magnus femoris, 373 376 Malleus, 460 pollicis pedis. 393 Mammae, 493 digiti medii, 395 Mastoid cells, 67 tertii, 395 Meatus auditorius externus, 452 minimi, 394 internus, 69 indicis. 395 Mediastinum anticum, 499 accelerator urinae. 337 posticum, 499 anterior auris. 371 Medulla oblongata, 391 attollens auris. 301 spinalis. 394 arytaeno-epiglotti- of the boYies, 35 deus superior. 486 Medullary substance of the inferior. 486 brain, 380 anconeus, 364 of the kidney 122 azygos uvulae. 320 lining membrane. 33 buccinator 309 neurine. 545 biceps, flexor cubiti. 362 Membrana pupillaris. 426 brachialis internus. I 362 tympani. 454 biceps flexor cruris, L 384 Membranous urethra. 168 corrugator supercilii, 1 300 Mesentery, 51 ciliaris. 303 Mesenteric glands. 356 compressor nasi. 306 Mesocolon, 61 crico-thyroideus, 307 Metacarpus, 196 constrictor isthmii fau - Metatarsus, 217 cium, I 309 Mitral valves, 510 constrictor pharyngis Modiolus, 466 inferior, i 320 INDEX. 617 es, constrictor pharyngis Muscles, genio glossns. 315 medius, i 320 gluteus maximus, 377 superior, i 320 medius. 378 cremaster, i 336 minimus, 378 coccygeus, i 348 gemelli, 379 complexus, i 353 gracilis, 387 coraco-braciiialis, i 361 gastrocnemius, 388 cruralis, i 383 hyoglossus. 315 crico-arytasnoideus intercostales extern i,i 324 posticus, i 484 interni ) ^ 324 lateralis, i 484 iliacus internus, 347 depressor labii supe- interspinales, 358 rioris, i 308 intertransversales, 358 anguli oris, i 308 infraspinatus, 3.59 labii inferioris,i 308 indicator. 370 digastricus, i 314 interosseous. 374 dartos, i 336 levator palpebrae deltoides, i 360 super. i 303 erector penis, i 336 anguli oris, i 307 clitoridis, i 340 labii super. extensor carpi radi- alaequenasii 307 alis longior, i 368 labii inferioris, 309 brevior, i 368 scapulae, 354 ulnaris, i 369 lingualis, 317 digitorum commu- longus colli, 321 nis, i 369 levator ani, 340 metacarpi pollicis, i 370 latissimus dorsi. 350 primi internodii, i 370 longissimus dorsi. 352 pollicis minor, i 370 lumbricales. 372 pollicis pedis, i 385 levator tympani longusdigitor.ped.i 386 major. ii 462 brevis, i 391 minor. ii 462 flexor carpi radialis, i 365 masseter, 311 ulnaris, i 365 mylohyoideus. 315 sublimis perfo- multiftdus spinae 355 ratus, i 366 occipito-frontalis, 300 profundus per- orbicularis palpebrarum,! 302 forans, i 266 oris, 310 longus pol- obliquus superior oculi ) f 305 licis, i 367 inferior, 305 flexor brevis pollicis, i 371 descendens abdominis, 326 parvus digit. ascendens. 332 minim., i 373 capitis superior. 357 longus digitor. inferior. 357 pedis, i 390 omo-hyoideus, 316 pollicis,! 390 obturator. 348 brevis digitor. opponens pollicis, 371 ped. i 291 obturator externus, 377 digitor. acces- pterygoideus internus, 312 sorius, i 392 externus )i 312 brevis pollicis platysma-myoideus. 313 pedis, i 393 palato pharyngeus, 319 digit, mini- pectoralis major, 323 mi, i 394 minor, 323 genio hyoidius, i 315 pyramid alls, 335 52* \ 618 INDEX. , psoas niagnus, i 346 parvus, i 346 palmaris longus, i 864 brevis, i 371 pronator teres, i 365 quadratus, i 367 prior indicis, i 374 annularis, i 374 medii, i 374 posterior indicis, i 374 annularis, i 375 medii, i 375 pectinalis, i 376 pyriformis, i 378 popliteus, i 384 peroneus longus, i 387 brevis, i 387 tertius, i 386 plantaris, i 389 quadratus lumborum,i 346 femoris, i 380 retrahens auris. recti oculi, i 304 rectus capitis inferior, i 322 lateralis, i 322 abdominis, i 334 capitis posticus, i 356 femoris, i 382 rhomboideus, i 351 sterno-cleido-mas- toideus, i 314 sterno hyoideus, i 316 thyroideus, i 316 stylo glossus, i 317 hyoideus, i 317 pharyngeus, i 318 salpingo -pharyn- geus, i 320 subclavius, i 323 serratus anticus, i 324 posticus su- perior, i 352 posticus in- ferior, i 351 sphincter ani, i 338 vaginae, i 341 splenius, i 351 spinalis dorsi, i 352 semi-spinalis dorsi, i 354 colli, i 356 sacrolumbalis, i 353 scalenus anticus, i 357 medius, i 357 posticus, i 357 Muscles, supraspinatus, i 359 subscapularis, i 361 supinator longus, i 367 brevis, i 369 sartorius, i 381 semitendinosus, i 383 semimembranosus, i 384 soleus, i 389 stapedius, ii 463 temporalis, i 311 thyrohyoideus, i 317 triangularis sterni, i 325 transversalisabdom. i 333 transversus perinasiji 337 trapezius or cucul- laris, i 348 trachelo-mastoideus,i 354 transversalis colli, i 356 teres major, i 360 minor, i 360 triceps cubiti, i 363 femoris, i 376 tensor palati, i 818 vaginae, i 880 tibialis anticus, i 385 posticus, i 390 transversalis digitor, i 396 pedis, i 396 thyreo arytasnoideus,! 485 epiglotticus, i 485 tensor tympani, i 462 vastus externus, i 382 internus, i 382 zygomaticus major, i 310 minor, i 310 N Nabothi ovula, ii 192 Nails, i 440 Nares, posterior, i 449 Nates of the brain, ii 886 Neck of the Bladder, ii 134 Nervous system, general view of ii 481 Nerves, origin of ii 482 structure of ii 483 of the brain, ii 485 of the spinal marrovr,ii 564 ganglionic, ii 529 , general anatomy of ii 543 functional division of ii 549 primitive filaments of ii 547 excito-motory or re- flex, ii 553 INDEX. 619 Serves, connection with the Nerves, sympathetic. 528 spinal cord. 564 cranial ganglia of, 532 origin of encephalic 566 Neurileraa, 547 1st pair, olfactory, 485 Neurine, cineriteous, 544 2d optic. 486 medullary, 545 3d motor oculi )^^ 486 analysis of. 548 4th pathetic. 487 Nipple, 495 5th trigeminus 488 Nymphae, 185 6th abducens, 496 0 7th acoustic and Obliquus ascendens v. mus - facial, ii 496 cles. 8th pneumogas - CEsophagus, ii 28 trie, ii 499 Omentum, ii 61 9th hypoglossus jii 505 Ophthalmic ganglion. ii 487 cardiac. ii 535 Orbit of the eye. i 120 glossopharyngeal. ii 499 Orifice of the urethra, ii 186 vagus, ii 501 of the stomach. ii 32 accessory of Willis ii 504 Ossification, i 40 vidian, ii 492 Ossa v. bones. recurrent, ii 502 Os tineas. ii 193 phrenic. ii 510 Otoconie or otolithes. ii 473 ciliary, ii 490 Ovaries, ii 195 descendens noni. ii 506 Ovula Graafiana, ii 196 ganglionic, ii 528 Nabothi, ii 192 median. ii 513 P palatine. ii 491 nerygoid. ii 492 Palatum mollis. 461 ingual or gustatory ,ii 494 Papillae renales, ii 123 anterior auricular. ii 495 conoidal, 465 tympanic (Jacob- filiform. 465 son's) ii 501 majores. 465 cervical. ii 507 of the skin, 425 suboccipital. ii 507 Parietal v. bones. auricularis, magnus ii 508 Parotis, 469 superficialis colli, ii 508 Pancreas, 105 communicans noni. ii 509 Pelvis, cavity of. 171 external respiratory , ii 512 dimensions of. 173 ulnar, ii 515 of the kidney. 121 radial or musculo- Pelvic fascia, 177 spiral, ii 516 Perineal fasciae, 173 great intercostal. ii 528 Perichondrium, 36 interosseus. ii 516 Pericardium, 502 cutaneus internus, ii 516 Periosteum external. 32 perforans Casseri, ii 513 internal. 33 musculo cutaneus, ii 513 Pericranium, 56 obturator, ii Peritoneum, 22 crural. ii Penis, 158 ischiatic. ii Peyer's glands, 73 tibial. ii Pes anserinus. 499 sacral. ii Pes hippocampi. 385 peroneal. ii Pharynx, 490 splanchnic. ii 538 Phalanges, 199 iris sympathetic : Pinna, 449 nerves of, ii 532 Pia mater. 373 spermatic, ii 540 Pineal gland, ii 387 620 INDEX. Pituitary gland, i 386 Round ligaments, ii 190 Pigmentum nigrum, i i 417 Rotula or patella, i 209 Placenta, i i 206 Rugffi, ii 188 Pleura, i 498 Rete vaginae or plexus reti - Plica semilunaris, i 407 formis. ii 188 Plexus pulmonary, i 503 brachial, i i 511 cardiac. i 536 S lumbar. i 502 solar, i 538 Sabatier on fcetal circulation , i 535 hypogastric, i 540 Sacs of the vestibule. ii 469 renal, i 539 Sacculus laryngus. 481 spermatic. i 540 sphericus, ii 469 choroides, i 384 hemisphericus. ii 469 Plexuses of the sympathetic, : i 539 Salivary gland. 469 Pons varolii. i 89 Scala tympani, ii 468 Tarini, i i 390 vestibuli. ii 468 Pomum adami. i 477 Sclerotica, ii 410 Portal vein, i i 323 Scalenus, v. muscles. Portio dura and mollis, i i 392 Scrotum, 139 Poupart's ligament, i 328 Sebaceous glands. 413 Prepuce, i i 170 Semilunar valves. 510 Prostatic gland. i 156 Septum scroti. 139 Processus vermiformis, i 54 narium. 123 Promontary or pyramid, i i 460 pectiniform. 160 Protuberantia annularis. i 389 pellucidum, 384 Pulse, of the, : i 288 cordis, 505 Puncta lacrymalia, i i 404 Serum of the blood. 203 Pupil, i i 420 Serous tissue. 20 Pulmonary vessels, i i 329 Semicircular canals, 468 Pylorus, i i 32 Schneiderian membrane. Sinus lateral, torcular Herophyli, 453 376 377 R longitudinal, occipital, ii ii 376 378 Radius v. bones. petrous, ii 378 Raphe scroti, i i 139 cavernous, ii 377 corporis callosi, i i 381 circularis of Ridley, ii 377 Receptaculum chyli, i i 362 sphenoidal, 78 Rectum, i i 58 Valsalvae, 509 Reflex nerves, i i 553 of the nose. 457 Renal capsules i I 117 venous of the heart, 564 Rete mucosum, I 415 Skeleton, 54 Reticular membrane, I 408 Skin, structure of, 411 Reticulated tissue of bones, I 16 Spheno-maxillary fissure, 122 Regions, abdominal, i I 17 ganglion. ii 491 Retina, i I 430 Spine, curvature of, 139 Retinacula morgagni, i I 57 Spinal marrow. ii 394 Ribs, movement in respirat. 165 nerves. ii 566 true and false. I 165 Spermatic cord. ii 141 Rimi glottidis. t 487 Spleen, ii 107 Ring, crural. I 327 Spongy part of the urethra, ii 165 abdominal. I 331 Spot of Soemmering, ii 433 Right auricle. I 505 Stapes, ii 460 ventricle, I 507 Stomach, fibres of. ii 35 INDEX. 621 Submaxillary gland, i 470 Sublingual gland, i 470 Superciliary ridges, ii 397 Sutures, i 57 Subcutaneous capsules, i 238 Syndesmology, i 223 Synovial capsules, i 234 sheaths, i 238 Taenia semicircularis, ii 383 hippocampi, ii 385 Tapetum lucidum, ii 418 Tarsus of the eylids, ii 399 Tela choroidea, ii 387 Teeth, composition of, i 100 alveoli, i 107 development, i 110 permanent, i 113 Tensor v. muscles. Tendons, general anatomy of, i 287 Tentorium, ii 375 Testicles, ii 138 Testes of the brain, ii 386 Thalamus nervi optici, ii 382 Throat, i 474 Thoracic duct, ii 360 Thorax, cavity of, i 497 Thyroid gland, i 487 cartilages, i 477 ligaments, i 478 Thymus gland, i 527 Tongue, structure of, i 462 Tonsils, i 474 Tragus, ii 450 Trachea, i 517 Trigonum vesicae, ii 135 Trunk, ii 137 Tuba Eustachii, ii 457 Tuber annulare, ii 389 cinereum, ii 386 Tubercula quadrigemina, ii 386 Tubuli uriniferi, ii 123 seminiferi, ii 148 Tunica conjunctiva, ii 400 sclerotica, ii 409 albuginea, ii 408 adnata, ii 401 elythroida, ii 142 vaginalis communis, ii 144 testis ii 144 albuginea testis, ii 145 arachnoidea, ii 473 hyaloidea, ii 438 Tunica Jacobi, ii 435 Ruyschiana, ii 419 Tympanum, cavity of, ii 453 U Ulna, v. bones. Umbilicus, ii 14 Umbilical fissure, ii 87 ligament, ii 90 vessels, ii 204 region, ii 17 Urachus, ii 202 Urinary organs, ii 1 17 bladder, ii 127 Ureters, ii 126 Urethra of male, ii 161 length of, ii 167 of female, ii 199 Uterus, ligaments of, ii 190 fibres, ii 192 cavity, ii 192 changes during preg- nancy, ii 203 Utriculus, ii 469 Uvea, ii 422 Uvula, ii 461 Vagina, ii 186 Valves of the veins, ii 231 of the absorbents, ii 235 Valve of the colon, ii 57 of Bauhin, ii 56 Botal, i 530 Eustachius, ii 507 Vieussens, ii 389 semilunar, i 509 tricuspid, i 507 mitral, i 510 of Thebesius, i 507 Valvulae conniventes, ii 41 Vasa recta, ii 148 efferentia, ii 148 vorticosa, ii 416 Vas deferens, ii 153 Veins, structure of, ii 229 distribution of, ii 310 bronchial, ii 315 vesicales, ii 826 pulmonary, ii 828 Uterine, ii 198 vertebral, ii 315 Vena cava superior, ii 812 inferior, ii 825 azygos, ii 312 622 INDEX. Vena portarum, ii 323 Vein, axillary, ii 319 basilic, ii 320 cephalic, ii 319 coronary, ii 311 capsular, ii 324 circumflex, ii 327 emulgent, ii 325 external iliac, ii 327 internal iliac, ii 326 epigastric, ii 326 saphena major, ii 328 minor, ii 328 femoral, ii 317 galeni, ii 388 hepatic, ii 322 hypogastric, ii 326 superior intercostal, ii 314 inferior, ii 313 primitive iliac, ii 326 jugular external, ii 318 internal, ii 316 lumbar, ii 325 sacral, ii 325 mesenteric, ii 224 phrenic, ii 322 subclavian, ii 318 splenic, ii 324 spermatic, ii 325 Velum pendulum palati, ii 462 interpositum, ii 387 Ventricles of the heart, of the brain, of the larynx, Verumontanum, Vertebrae, v. bones. Vestibule, Vesicula seminalis, graafiana. Villous coat. Villi of the tongue, of the stomach, of the intestines, Vidian nerve. Vitreous humor. Vocal ligaments, Vulva, Ventriculus succenturiatus, W 11 507 381 480 164 466 154 196 66 465 37 42 ii 492 ii 437 481 ii 183 ii 47 Weber, measurement of the capillaries, ii 226 Wrist, V. bones. Zona ciliaris, ossea, coriacea, membranosa, vesicularis, ii 440 ii 467 ii 467 ii 467 ii 467 University of Connecticut Libraries I 'i^^