HA 33 P4 v.1 cop .2 TABLES FOR STATISTICIANS AND BIOMETRICIANS EDITED BY KARL PEARSON, F.I LTON PROFESSOR, 1 ISSUED WITH ASSIS: MADE BY THE WORSHIPFl ' HE V: THE LIFE, LETTERS, AND LABOURS OF FRANCIS GALTON. BIOMETRIKA. ^^Bt ^ I. Mathen II. M in. IV. Mathei Mathei V. Ms I. II. III. On the // fa &ic,r-fe LL++ /f'jw/7/ 0 i>, ,-. to the IM: A Firs; Study of the statistics 01 i Of i Statistics of Th« •N, I . Pi VII. On the Intensity of Natural Selection VIII. A Fouri / of the Statistics of IX. A Statistical Study of Oral Tem- itance of the Die presented to Xibran? of tbe of Toronto \ TABLES FOR STATISTICIANS AND BIOMETRICIANS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, MANAKKK fconbon: FETTER LANE, E.G. (PDinburat : 100 PRINCES STREET ALSO JUntoon : H. K. LEWIS, Gower Street, W.C. and WILLIAM WESLEY AND SON, 28 Essex Street, W.C. Bnlin: A. ASHKIl AND CO. Iripiicj: F. A. BROCKHAU8 BombaR an» toltulU: MACMILLAN AND CO., LTI.. Kotonto: J. M. DENT AND SONS, LTD. Cokco: THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA rtpht* r««r««J TABLES FOR STATISTICIANS AND BIOMETRICIANS EDITED BY KARL PEARSON, F.R.S. GALTON PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON ;.\- ISSUED WITH ASSISTANCE FROM THE GRANT MADE BY THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF DRAPERS TO THE BIOMETRIC LABORATORY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Cambridge : at the University Press 1914 itr. DA7T...4pR 0 199? HA Cambnljgt : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE DN1VEB8ITY PRK8S. VI Cop 2 PEEFACE T AM very conscious of the delay which has intervened between the announce- ment of the publication of these Tables and their appearance. This delay has been chiefly due to two causes. First the great labour necessary, which largely fell on those otherwise occupied, and secondly the great expense involved (a) in the calculation of the Tables, and (6) in their publication. This matter of expense is one which my somewhat urgent correspondents, I venture to think, have entirely overlooked. It is perfectly true that only one single Table in this volume has been directly paid for, but a very large part of the labour of calculation has been done by the Staff of the Biometric Laboratory, whose very existence depends on the generous grant made to that laboratory by the Worshipful Company of Drapers. Our staff is not a large one and it has many duties, so that the progress of calculation has of necessity been slow. Even now I am omitting projected Tables, which I can only hope may be incorporated in a later edition of this work, e.g. Tables of the Incomplete B- and F-functions, and the Table needed to complete Everitt's work on High Values of Tetrachoric r when r lies between — '80 and — TOO. It would only satisfy my ideal of what these Tables should be, had I been able to throw into one volume with the present special tables, extensive tables of squares, of square roots, of reciprocals and of the natural trigonometric functions tabled to decimals of a degree. Logarithmic tables are relatively little used by the statistician to-day, which is the age of mechanical calculators, and he is perfectly ready to throw aside the fiction that there is any gain in the cumbersome notation of minutes and seconds of angle — a system which would have disappeared long ago, but for the appalling 'scrapping' of astronomical apparatus it would involve. But the ideal of one handy book for the statistician cannot be realised until we have a body of scientific statisticians far more numerous than at present. Statisticians must for the time being carry about with them not only this volume but a copy of Barlow's Tables, and a set of Tables of the Trigonometrical Functions. vi Tables for Statist i<-lmi* y initial publication in Biometrika and by direct assistance from the Drapers' Company Grant. Yet a few years ago when a reprint of these Tables in America was only stopped by the threat to prevent the circulation of the book in which they were to appear entering any country with which we had a reasonable copyright law, I was vigorously charged with checking the progress of science and acting solely from commercial ends! Meanwhile without any leave, large portions of these tables have been reprinted, sometimes without even citing the originals, in American psychological text-books. Two Russian subjects have reissued many of these Tables in Russian and Polish versions, and copies of their works in contravention of copyright are carried into other European countries. It does not seem to have occurred to these men of science that there was any- thing blameworthy in depriving Biometrika of such increased circulation as it obtained from being the sole Incuts of these Tables, nor did they see in their actions any injury to science as a whole resulting from lessening my power to publish other work of a similar character. It is a singular phase of modern science that it steals with a plagiaristic right hand while it stabs with a critical left The Introduction gives a brief description of each individual table ; it is by no means intended to replace actual instruction in the use of the tables such as * When uniing their prospectus in the spring of 1'JOl the Editors of Biometrika promised to provide " numerical tables tending to reduce the labour of statistical arithmetic." Preface vii is given in a statistical laboratory, nor does it profess to provide an account of the innumerable uses to which they may be put, or to warn the reader of the many difficulties which may arise from inept handling of them. Additional aid may be found in the text which usually accompanies the original publication of the tables. In conclusion here I wish to thank the loyal friends and colleagues — Dr W. F. Sheppard, Mr W. Palin Elderton, Dr Alice Lee, Mr P. F. Everitt, Miss Julia Bell, Miss Winifred Gibson, Mr A. Rhind, Mr H. E. Soper and others — whose un- remitting exertions have enabled so much to be accomplished, if that much is indeed not the whole we need. I have further to acknowledge the courtesy of the Council of the British Association, who have permitted the republication of the Tables of the G (r, v) Integrals, originally published in their Transactions. To the Syndics of the Cambridge Press I owe a deep debt of gratitude for allowing me the services of their staff in the preparation of this work. Pages and pages of these Tables were originally set up for Biometrika, or were set up afresh here, without the appearance of a single error. To those who have had experience of numerical tables prepared elsewhere, the excellence of the Cambridge first proof of columns of figures is a joy, which deserves the fullest acknowledgement. Should this work ever reach a second edition I will promise two things, rendered possible by the stereotyping of the tables : it shall not only appear at a much reduced price, but it shall be largely increased in extent. KARL PEARSON. BIOMETRIC LABORATORY, February 7, 1914. Errata The reader is requested to make before using these Tables the following corrections on pp. 82, 83, 84 and 85 : For 1-77 ViVSi and 177 -JN^ at the top of the Tables read 1-177 V2V2, and M When you can measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know something about it, but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatis- factory kind. LOUD KELVIN. La theVme des probabilites n'est au fond que le bon sens reduit au calcul ; elle fait apprecier avec exactitude ce que les esprits justes sentent par une sorte d'instinct, sans qu'ils puissent souvent s'en rendre compte. LAPLACE. ERRATA, ANTE USUM DILIGENTER CORRIGENDA. Introduction. p. xiii. Equation (i) cancel the + sign which follows A%o, or replace by - sign, p. xiv. For Equation (vii)bi8 read ff*% (-U0- itj + a. i + uj + d^ (5«1-3u0- («_, -ttj)+Wo-»o(0)=0, and add : " This equation is most effectively dealt with by finding the value of Up- ' and then calculating : p. xxxiv. Formula (xxxi), For N(ab — cd")'* read N(ad-bcY. l>. xxxv. Table (3) was taken from Biometrika, Vol. IX. p. 292. Unfortunately it was not there noted that Mr Yule's unit was 1000 houses : see his Theory of Statistics, p. 61. He has drawn the Editor's attention to this regrettable omission. The table for the statistical constants at the centre of the page should read : (3) Houses X2= 1439-2998, P-8'730/10312, while and Ct remain unchanged. On p. xxxvi. Lines 3 — 9 while correct for the illustration actually given as table (3) on p. xxv, are of course incorrect for the' true unit of 1000 houses. The statement in Lilies 19 — 23 with regard to the houses building or built is incorrect ; there is very marked positive association. We must now include the house-data, and Lines 26 — 27 should read : " If we regard these four tables the order of ascending association judged by either or <72 is (3), (4), (5), (2) as against Mr Yule's (2), (3), (4), (5)." p. xlvii. Line 6. For 4th -071,162 read 4th -073,116. p. xlviii. Table column (i), 22nd Line of figures. For 4'5 read 5-0, and for S(x) at foot read S(jj}. p. xlix. Line 1. For 6j = 10c0 read 61 = 10ci. p. Iv. Formula (xiii). For Io8 (r^f.-. ) = '0399,0899 + etc., read log p. Ix. Table, A =-2, B = 7. For (21-556) read (31-566). „ A = 2, B=S. For (12-202) read (13-202). p. Ixii. Line 11. •67449 , -67449 for — 20, and — 20, , read -6744920, and -67449 20,. p. Ixiii. The two w>lidi have been dn>p|ied in the bi<|iiadrati< ; For M8&-9ft-12)(4&-30,) = (10fc-12;S1 read 0, (8ft-90,-12)/(4ft-3ft)-(100,- 120, - 18W(/3,+3)». p. Ixv. Formula (Issvi) 20» - etc. p. Ixxv. Table, column A'*,', 3nl line, /or 38 rfad 36. p. Ixxvii. Line 2. For " We look out 5'8 in Table L. " rwirf " We look out 5-8 in Table LI." p. Ixxx. Line ft. For «-«•*•»« read «-«•*•»•. p. Ixxxiii. Lino 13 from bottom. For 2-371,76665 read 2-371,6665. Text of Tablet. p. 13. Table V, n-241. For x»= "03172 read -03072. pp. 82,83, 84 and 85. For 1-77\'.V2, uid 1-77^2, at the top of the Tables read 1-177 ^A' 2, and p. 92. Table XLVIII. For » = 20\ 0 m-20J ; r.1-2195 25-6098 read n = 20\ 0 ra = 20j 1 51-2195 25-6086 g 12-4765 .' 12-4766 S 5-9099 .: 5-9099 1 2-7154 4 2-7154 5 1-2068 r, 1-2068 6 •5172 6 •5172 7 •0839 7 •2130 # O81B 8 •0839 9 •0112 9 •0315 70 •0037 in Ol 12 jj •0012 11 •0037 j° = 5, log H(r,v)=* -106,5985, read log/f(r, v)=-196,5985. For r = 45, ° = 44, log F(r, v) = '483,7836, read log/"(r, i/)= 7-483,7836. For r = 50, c/>° - 4, log H (r, „ ) = -932,5457, read logJ7(r, v) = -392,6457. For r— 60, ' XXVII. Tables of Powers of Natural Numbers, 1 to 100 XXVIII. Tables of Sums of Powers of Natural Numbers 1 to 100 . XXIX. Tables to facilitate the Determination of Tetrachoric Corre- lation : Tables of the Tetrachoric Functions T, to rt for given marginal Frequencies .... iii -1' xxxiii 30 xxxiv 31 x \.\vi .'!! xxxvi 82 xxxvi 32 xlii -'i:! xlii :)4 xl :\~> xl .S."> xliii :><; xlv 37 xlvi 38-39 xlvi 40-41 1 42-51 Contents x TABLE PAGE PAGE XXX. Tables to facilitate the Determination of Tetrachoric Correlation : Supplementary Tables for determining high Tetrachoric Correlations (»- = '80 to I'OO) for given positions of the dichotomic lines . . liii 52-57 XXX [. Table of the Logarithms of the Gamma Function, loglXp) from p = \ to p=2 . . . . Iv 58-61 XXXII. Table to deduce the Subtense from a knowledge of Arc and Chord in the Case of the Common Catenary Ivi 62-63 XXXIII. A, Extension of Table XXXII for very flat Catenaries; B, Extension of Table XXXII for very narrow Catenaries ........ Ivi 64 X X X I V. Diagram to find the Correlation Coefficient r from the Mean Positive Contingency on the Hypothesis of a Normal Distribution ...... Ivii 65 XXXV. Diagram to determine the Type of a Frequency Distri- bution from a Knowledge of the Constants ft and ft. Customary Values of ft and ft . . . Ixiii 66 XXXVI. Diagram showing Distribution of Frequency Types for High or Unusual Values of ft and ft . . . Ixiii 67 XXXVII. Probable Errors of Frequency Constants: Table for the Probable Error of ft for given Values of ft and ft . Ixii 68-69 XXXVIII. Probable Errors of Frequency Constants : Table for the Probable Error of ft for given values of ft and ft . Ixii 70-71 XXXIX. Probable Errors of Frequency Constants: Values of the Correlation of Deviations in ft and ft(fl^iPi) for given values of ft and ft ..... Ixii 72-73 XL. Probable Errors of Frequency Constants : Probable Error of the Distance between Mean and Mode for given Values of ft and ft ... . Ixii 74-75 XLI. Probable Errors of Frequency Constants : Probable Error of the Skewness for given Values of ft and ft . Ixii 76-77 XLII. Values of the Frequency Constants ft, ft, ft and ft for given Values of ft and ft on the Assumption that the Frequency can be described by one or other of Pearson's Frequency Types ..... Ixii 78-79 XLIII. Probable Errors of the Frequency Constants : Probable Error of the Criterion of Type, «•„, for given Values of ft and ft . . . ..... Ixii 80-81 XLI V. Probable Error of the Determination of Frequency Type : Value of Semi-minor Axis of Probability Ellipse for given Values of ft and ft ..... Ixiv 82-83 6—2 XII Tablf* for Statist t'ritnt* =tan~'i> from 0° to 45° Ixxxi 12G-142 LV. Miscellaneous Constants in Frequent Use by Statisticians and Biometricians . Ixxxiii 143 INTRODUCTION TO THE USE OF THE TABLES For this introduction to the use of the Tables I have largely drawn on the prefaces to the original papers in Biometrika, and record here my acknowledge- ments to the authors of the same. INTERPOLATION. (1) A word must first be said as to interpolation. Let a function u be tabled for the argument x proceeding by differences A# = h. Then the scheme of such a table with the differences of u is : *-l «-, Au_3 «-l «-, AM_. *, "< A«0 a-, MI A«, «» ", Aitj a:. «, AH. #4 "i AH, a-, "5 A'-M_3 ASM A'M_, A3M_, AX A*, A4H_, etc., etc. AX A*«, where: AH, = M»+, — M,, AX = AJ/.-H — AM,, AX = AX+I — ^X etc., etc. Now there are throe interpolation formulae which it is desirable to remember. If the function be required for the value xa+ffh and this value be termed M0(0), then we have : 0(1-0)A1_. , 0(l-0)(2-0) 3! .(i), •("), where <^>=l-0. This is Everett's formula*. And lastly: K, ( 0) = M0 + 0 1 (A«0 + Au_.) + ~} A««_, - g(I3"|^ i < A*!*., -1- A»«_0 - , . (iii), where we work with the differences on or adjacent to the horizontal through xu. * .luiiriiiil , 1) 0 (1, 1) © if (1, 2) © K (2, 1) © L (2, 2) © © K \ (-1, L' (0, 2) interpolating e and f and then interpolating between e and f*. Various other methods for interpolation in n-diinensioned space will be found discussed by Palin Elderton in Biometrika^. The ideal method can hardly yet be said to be known, and it may well vary from table to table and from one part of the same table to another. One or other of the above methods will, however, suffice in practice for most statistical purposes. I consider now the individual tables. TABLE I (p. 1) Table of Deviates of the Normal Curve for each Permille of Frequency. (Calcu- lated by Sheppard and published by Galton in Biometrika, Vol. V. p. 405.) If N be the total number in a population, zSx the frequency between x and x + Sx, y the standard -deviation, then the frequency curve of the population assuming its distribution to be Gaussian or normal will be: N .(ix) V27TO- * B. A. Report, Dover 1899. Tables of G (r, K) -Integrals, Keport of the Committee (Drawn up by K. Pearson). f Vol. vi. p. 94. \\l I'nhli-K for nmf li!0'50 Hiumttrikti, Vol. V. p. 100. I — III] Introduction xvii (i.e. 92-88 x (+ -4361)) above the average undergraduate. The range of Second Class men is from + 40'50 to + 95'75 mentaces above the average undergraduate, and the range of First Class men all those with more than 95'7o mentaces above the average. The "genius" corresponds to an excess of no less than 287'02 mentaces. If we suppose that one individual in 1000 is completely feeble- minded or practically wanting in all intelligence, we should credit roughly the average man with 300 mentaces, and we should then have our range of intel- ligence on a Gaussian scale : Poll : below 296 mentaces ; Third Class : above 296 and below 340 mentaces ; Second Class: above 340 and below 396 mentaces; First Class : above 396 mentaces ; " Genius " : above 587 mentaces. In rough numbers : Poll, below 300 ; Third Class, 300 to 350 ; Second Class, 350 to 400 ; First Class, over 400 ; " Genius," over 600. Of course there is much that is hypothetical here, but the numbers give us some appreciation of the distribution of ability, and they serve to illustrate the construction of a Gaussian or normal scale. When more than three or four significant figures are needed Tables II and III must be used. TABLES II AND III (pp. 2—10) Talks of the Probability Integral: Area and Ordinate of the Normal Curve in terms of the Abscissa • ; and Abscissa and Ordinate in Terms of Difference of Areas. (Calculated by Dr W. F. Sheppard, and published in Biometrika, Vol. n. pp. 174_190.) " Sheppard's Tables" were the first to express the Gaussian* or normal probability integral in terms of the standard deviation ; they are so familiar to statisticians that it would almost seem a work of supererogation to explain their ' use," which is further too manifold for full description. We can only give a few sample illustrations. It is most important ivlten using these tables to pay attention to the signs of the differences recorded at the tops of the columns. Illustration (i). The mean length of cubit in 1063 adult English males is recorded as 18"'31 ± '019 and of their 1063 adult sons as 18"'52 ± "021. Determine the odds against these two measurements being really identical, i.e. random samples from the same population. We assume that the deviation of means and their differences follow the normal law. The difference is 0"'21 and the probable error of this difference = V(-019^ + ('021)a = 0"'0283. Since the probable error * The term is usual, but inaccurate. Laplace had reached the probability integral and suggested its tabulation several years before Gauss. B. e xviii Tables for Sti»/i/< trlcians [II — III = -(J7449 x standard deviation, we have the standard deviation of the difference «0"-04196. Hence the deviation in terms of the standard deviation = 0-21/(0'04196) = 5-0048. Table II, p. 8, gives the area $ (1 + o) of the normal curve up to the abscissa xja. Noting the remark at the foot of the table, we have xfa- = 5-00, i (1+ a) = "999,999,7 1 33, x\a = 5-01 , J (1 + a) = -999,999,7278, A = 145, A x 48 70, x/a = 5-0048, £ (1 + a) = -999,999,7203. Hence J (1 - a) = -000,000,2797. Accordingly if we suppose the deviation as likely to be in defect as in excess, the probability that we shall reach the observed deviation, or exceed it, is 2 x ^ (1 — a), and that we shall not is J (1 + a) — £ (1 — a), or the odds against the result on a pure random sampling chance are '999,999,4406 to '000,000,5594, or 1,787,629 to 1, i.e. overwhelming odds. Thus we may reasonably argue that sons in the professional classes in 1900 were substantially differentiated from their fathers by a longer forearm of about £". Illustration (ii). Find the value in mentaces of the mean intelligence of Poll- men, First, Second and Third Class men as given by the numbers in the Illustration to Table I. The equation to the normal or Gaussian curve being we easily find that if there be 'tabled' ordinates zl and za* at the abscissae Xi and xt, which cut off an area nn, then the mean Xj3 of this area is given by It will be sufficient to take the values of the abscissae already found, i.e. XI/ = -398,5241. + 48j Or, we might proceed as follows: for the Poll-men ^(1 — a) = -4817, hence a = -0366. But from Table III, p. 9, which gives z for a: a = -03, z = -398,6603 a = -04, z = -398,4408 0 = -66,' A,= -2194 A2= -627. Hence by formula (i): •fifi x -^4, *, = -398,6603 - -66 [2194] + - - [627] z = -398,0603] -1448> =-398,5225. + 70J We conclude therefore that z would be correct to five figures with second differ- ences, and that for four figures, first differences from either Table II or Table III will suffice. If we use formula (ii) p. xiii — Everitt's formula — we find from Table II : *, = -398,6233 - -58 [1793] + " '" [397] + = -398,6233 v - 1 040 1 + M. -398,52!,, + 5 and from Table III : z, = -398,6603 --C6 [2194]+'' -[627] + '^^ ^*[627] = •398,6603; -1448 J- = -398,5223. + 31 ) Working with formula (iii), Table II gives us ^='398,5242 and Table III zt = "398,5225 with second differences. We shall not therefore without higher differences get from any of our formulae closer than '398,522 with a possible error «9 XX Table* for Statistician.-! ana" />/»////» tri<-ian* [II — III of 1 or 2 in the lost place. This is, of course, amply sufficient for statistical purposes, where four figures as a rule would be sufficient. Using formula (i) p. xiii we obtain : *, = -39852, *, = -23-l z, = -36275, *4 = -00337. Whence : _ = + - - - • -00337 ^ = + ] .^^ = + U2'83 mentaces, • •f)AQQ7 _ A x^ = + ff = + 3-3700o- = + 313-01 mentaces. "0010 Assuming as before the average man to have 300 mentaces of intelligence we find : Average Poll-man has 223 mentaces. Average Third Class man has 318 mentaces. Average Second Class man has 366 mentaces. Average First Class man has 443 mentaces. Average man of "genius" has 613 mentaces. Thus the average First Class Honours man is twice as able as the average Poll- man, and the average "genius" has not quite twice the ability of the average Third Class Honours man. Illustration (iii). It is required to determine normal curve frequencies corre- sponding to the following frequencies of the cephalic index in Bavarian skulls. Here the mean and standard deviation found by moments in the usual way are m = 83-069, o- = 3'432. The deviations from the mean were next expressed in terms of the standard deviation, i.e. these deviations are -13-569, -12-569, ...- 0-569, +'431, +1-431, +2-431, ... + 14-431, and they are multiplied on a calculator by the reciprocal of the standard deviation, whence the column xja is found. Table II gives us £(l+a) knowing x/a- ; this has been calculated by first differences only. We shall consider as an illustration to Table XII, whether the normal distribution thus reached is to be considered a good fit to the observations. IV] Introduction xxi Index Observed mft 4(i + ") Calculated Frequency 69-5—70-f> 1 -3-9539 •99996 Under 70-5 -1 70-5—71-5 1 -3-6625 -99988 •2 : 1-5— 72-5 — -3-3711 -99963 •6 72-5— 7S-5 2-5 -3-0797 -99896 1-5 73-5—74-5 1-5 -2-7883 -99735 3-3 74-5—75-5 3-5 -2-4969 -99374 6-7 75-5 — 76-5 12-5 -2-2055 -98629 12-7 76-5—77-5 17 -1-9141 -97219 22-1 77-5—78-5 37 - 1 -6228 -94768 35-3 78-5—79-5 55 -1-3314 -90846 51-9 79-5 — 80-5 71-5 -1-0400 -85082 70-1 80-5—81-5 82 - -7486 -77294 87-0 81-5—8.'-:, 116 - -4572 -67623 99-4 X. '-5— 83-5 98 - -1658 -56584 104-2 83-5—84-5 107 •1256 -54997 100-5 84-5—8-,:-: 82 •4170 -66165 89-1 85-5—86-5 7 1 -7084 -76064 72-6 86-5—87-5 58 -9998 -841:2!) 54'3 87-5—88-5 34-5 1-2912 -90167 37-4 88-5—89-6 19 1-582'. -94324 23-7 89-5—90-5 10 1-8739 -96953 13-8 90-5—91-5 8 2-1653 •98482 7'4 91-5— !>.'-.'. 3 2-4.r.:.-.-, 1-5 3-3309 '99957 •3 95-5—96-5 3-6223 -99!tx-, Over 95 -5 -1 96-5—97-5 3-9137 •99995 — 97-5—98-5 1 4-2050 •99999 — Totals ... 900 — — 900-2 TABLE IV (p. 11) Extension of the Table of the Probability Integral F-^(\-a). (Calculated by Julia Bell, M.A., Drapers' Research Memoirs, Biometric Series, vm, p. 27.) It has been found needful occasionally to determine probabilities for deviations exceeding considerably the limit x\a = 6 of Sheppard's Table II. Illustration. If ac/a = 34 31, determine to two significant figures the probability of a deviation occurring as large or larger than this. The table gives us : 33 34 35 36 238-39135 252-95315 267-94888 283-37855 14-56180 14-99573 15-42967 •43393 •43394 \\ii Tables for Slut !*t i<-;• = 257-55542. - -04G41 Hence log F = - 257'55542 = 258-44458, .F=2-7834/10«", which measures the improbability required. TABLE V (pp. 12—18) AND TABLE VI (p. 18) Probable Errors of Means, Standard Deviations and Coefficients of Variation. (Table V calculated by Winifred Gibson, B.Sc.; Table VI by Dr Raymond Pearl and T. Blakeman, M.A. Biometrika, Vol. iv. pp. 385—393.) If m be a mean, a a standard deviation and F=100- Table V gives ^ and £, for each value of n up to 1000, Table VI gives -ty for each value of V proceeding by units from 0 to 50. When the frequency n is greater than 1000, the tables may still be used by taking out a square factor, which can be divided out at sight. Illustration (i). n = 2834 = 4 x 70S-5. n = 708, x, = -02.530 ; H = 709, x. = '02533. .-. w = 708-5, X, = -02534, and .-. for n = 2834, we have x, = '01267. Illustration (ii). In the case of the 900 Bavarian crania of the Illustration (iii) to Table II the values m = 83-069, a = 3-482, V — VIII] Introduction xxiii and therefore F=4'1315 were found. It is required to find the probable errors of these values. For 900, £! = "02248 and ^2= '01590, hence the probable errors of m and o- are p.e. of m = ftcr = '077, p.e. of 's fche "generalised probable error" of Pearson and Lee. IX— X] Introduction xxv Values of the "generalised probable error" coefficients are given in Table X for w=l to 11, and by means of a smooth curve the results may probably be extended to w = 15. The values found for this extension are : n = 12 n = 13 « = 14 n = 15 Xo 3-367 3-513 3-654 3-791 Illustration (i). Let us consider long bone data for Frenchmen. 1 = F= femur, '2 = H = humerus, 3 = T = tibia, 4 = R — radius*, then by formula (xviii) p. xxiv : R = 1, '84.21, -8058, -7439 •8421, 1, -8G01, -8451 •8058, -8601, 1, -7804 •7439, -8451, '7804, 1 Further in cms : m, = 45-23, o-, = 2'372, TO, = 33-01, 0-,= 1-538, m, = 36-81, a, = 1'799, TO4= 24-39, o-4=ri70. What is the chance that the following individual may be considered French ? /" = 36-97, H' = 26-82, r = 30'56, R' = 20'68. The deviations in terms of their standard deviations are : a:, = (F' - ml)lff1 = - 3'482, a;, = (//' - m^/ov, = - 4'059, x, = (T - TO,)/<7, = - 3-474, xt = (R' - «i4)/o-4 = - 3'171. Further : % = 3-7810, % = 6-5496, ^ = 4-3406, % = 3'6508, K H -K ft %= 2-0231, ^ = 1-1404, R£ = 0-2130, §= 2-1946, K Jl ti fi ^ = 2-3175, ^ = 0-6842. H H Whence n is even, hence : 16-741,035 and x = 4'0916, ' For particulars of these length measurements the reader must consult R. S. Proc. Vol. 61, pp. 343 et teq. and Phil. Tram. Vol. 192, A, p. 180. B. d \.\\l for Xfn/isfiriiiiix it in/ [IX — X and from the Table, p. 22, we have by formula (i), p. xiii : m,(4-0916) = -397,7378 + -916[3650] - $ (-91(i) (-084) [1043] = -398,0682. Hence IJN = \/27r x "398,0682 = -9978. Thus the odds are 9978 to 22, say 454 to 1 against a deviation-complex as great as or greater than this occurring in a French male skeleton, i.e. the bones very improbably were those of a Frenchman. Actually they were those of a male of the Aino race. Illustration (ii). The following are the ordinates of a frequency distribution for the speed of American trotting horses*. It is assumed that they form a truncated normal curve, and we require to determine (i) the mean of the whole population, (ii) its standard deviation, and (iii) what fraction the ' tail ' is of the whole population. The values of frequency in an arbitrary scale are : Seconds Frequency Seconds Frequency 89— 88 92-8 80—19 45-8 28—27 l(K)-4 19—18 38-4 87—86 95-0 18—17 87-a 86—85 71-2 17—16 19-8 85—84 67-6 16—15 10-7 24— ss 61-3 15—14 15-8 :•• :.' 61-4 14—13 7-9 88—81 44-8 13—18 5-0 81—80 44-5 18—11 2-1 11—10 5-6 Taking the working origin at 20 — 19 seconds, we find i/,' = -3-9214, v,' = 32-545,666 for raw moment coefficients. Hence, if d be the distance from 29 seconds, i.e. the stump of the tail from the mean, and S the standard deviation of the tail about its mean: d = 9-5 - 3-9214 = 5-5786 sees., 2» = Vf> _ Vi'» = 17-168,288, and accordingly 2*/dJ = '55l7. If this value be compared with those for i/r, in Table XI, p. 25, it will be seen that we have got slightly more than the half of a normal curve, i.e. not a true tail. We cannot therefore use Table XI, but must fall back on Table IX. * Gallon, R. S. Proc. Vol. 62, p. 310. See for another method of fitting, Pearson, Jiiomelrika, Vol. n. p. 3. IX — X] Introduction xxv Let x be the distance from stump to centre of curve, n equal the area of truncated portion, and N be whole population. Then n/N=T + I1'' ^=e-*x'*dx' = $ + m0(x/ ro nJ i :•) 'l nx^NaU + -f=e-**daf\, (Jo }-&•/%* ) ( 1 f" X' -il'2 , ,) = Na \ -=e • dx'\ , (V27T JO V27T ) = No- \-== - TO, («/«•)[ ................................. (xxi); IV27T ,v...^ir+r £..-»•*[ I Jo J-zlvVZTr {fz/ 2, g+OTt)(H>».)--^ and = say, for brevity. Here m, and m,, are given by Table IX and J + m» is the £ + J^x of Table II. Formula (xxv) has not yet been tabled for different values of x, as it occurs much more rarely than the corresponding function for a true tail. If we take three values a! = 0, O'l and 0'2, we have, from Tables II and IX, x = 0, i + m, = -500,0000, \ + m, = -500,0000, «'=•!, „ =-539,8278, „ ='500,1325, x ='2, „ =-579,2597, „ ='501,0512, Whence from formula (xxv) for the three values of x '5528 and V2?r , = -398,9423, ='396,9526, ='391,0427. \\\iii Tables for Sfafixtiriiiii* ' nn»< Irii-iniis [IX — XI But our value of ^/d* is '5517. Thus we find by interpolation *' = -10GO. It remains to determine m,, nt, and m, for this value of #', or simpler £ + »i,j, A + MJ- and -== — »i, from the above values for #' = '1 and a;' = '2. We timl V2TT i + m, = -542,194, ^ + m.i = '500,184, -^= - ml = '396,598. V27T Whence d/. If 87-0 - 5-0 •29 81-5— 8." ,'• 116 99-4 + 16-6 W7 8S-5—83-6 98 104-2 - 6-2 •87 83-5—84-5 107 100-5 + <;•:> •42 84-5— 8', -5 82 89-1 - 7-1 •57 85-5— »;-.-, 74 72-6 + 1-4 •03 86-5—87-5 58 54-3 + 3-7 •25 87-5—^ 84-6 37-4 - 2-9 •22 88-5— #.>•-. 19 23-7 - 4-7 •89 89-5—90-5 10 13-8 - 3-8 1-05 90-5—91-5 8 7-4 + 0-6 •05 Over 91 -5 9 6-3 + 2-7 1-16 Totals ... 900 900-2 18 Groups *»= 10-27 * A word of caution must be given about a recent extension by Slutsky (see Journal of Royal Rtiitiitical Society, Vol. i.xxvn. pp. 78—84) who has applied it to test the goodness of fit of regression curves. In such cases the means and standard deviations of each array should, I think, be deduced from the theoretical surface, and the method would then agree with that illustrated on pp. xxiv — xxvi, i.e. on the probability of a given complex of variates differing from the run of values of a given population significantly. Slutnky after assuming that the observed frequencies and standard deviations of the arrays may replace the theoretical values, deduces his 7' from Elderton's Tables instead of from the incomplete normal moment tablet). He finds for the fit of a straight regression line, used to predict the probable price of rye at Samara from the price a month previously, x2 = 2'2'2, giving P=-02, a bad fit. Had he, however, used the theoretical standard-deviation of an array, i.e. x 107080-375, where the powers of 39 are taken out of Table XXVII (p. 38). Hence using Table XIII, log P = 17-0625,1520 + 5-0297,0988 = f2-0922,2508, which gives us P = 1-23659/10"1. As a rule we can select n to be odd, but, if it is necessarily even, there is more trouble, not in the determination of the series, but in the evaluation of the integral A table of the values of F=%I for ^ = 5 to 500 has been given as Table IV (p. 11). This gives x'=25 to 250000 but the intervals are large. If greater accuracy be required then Schlomilch's formula* __ _ ^ __ + 2) (X3 + *) (X1 + 6) X' (*' + 2) (x3 + 4) (*' + 6) (jf + 8) 129 WTWTIo)+"-} (xxx) X'(X' + 2)(X1 + 4) (x3 + must be used. Here */— ve~^ will be found in Table XIII, and the series converges fairly V 7T rapidly. " ( 'iniiiifHiliiiiii dsr liiiliertn Analytit, Bd. n. 8. 270, Braunschweig, 1879. I!. « \ \ \ I \ for Stnllsl iriims it ml /iiimii'tn'i-iiiiix XVII TABLE XVII (,, :ih \'n I ties of (—/(«//' i <-iiiidiny to given values of •%* in a fourfold l: (K. Pearson: On a Novel Method of regarding the Association of two Van classed solely in Alternate Categories. Drapers' (\niijmny Research Memoirs, Biometric Series, vm. Dulau & Co.) If individuals be classed by the characters into -1 :md not-^1, B and not-.fi, we form a tetrachoric table of the form A Not-J Totals B ... N,,t -/; a e b d a + 6 c+d Totals a+c b + d .V For such a table : N(ab-cdY (a + b)(c+d)(b .(xxxi), gives a measure of the probability of independence, and, if the two attributes are highly associated, •£ will De large and P the probability of independence very small and largely outside Palin Elderton's Table XII. Table XVII provides for such cases. Illustrations. The following tables are given by Mr G. U. Yule in his Theory of Statistics*. His conclusions with regard to them arc: 1. Datura : " No Association." 2. Eye Colour in Father and Son : " Shows the tendency to resemblance." .3. Houses in course of erection, Urban and Rural : " Distinct Positive Association." 4. Imbecility and Deaf-Mutism : " High Degree of Association." 5. Developmental Defects and Dullness : " Very high indeed." It is required to measure the degree of probability that the variates in these five cases are independent. (1) Datura. (2) Eye-Colour in Father and Son. Colour of Flower. Father. Violet White Totals — ' rrickly ... Smooth... 47 12 21 I 68 15 Totals ... 59 24 83 Light Not Light Totals § Light N"t, Light ... 471 151 148 230 (519 Ul Totals ... «22 378 1000 * Pp. 37, 34, 62, 33, 84 and 45 respectively. XVII] (3) Houses in course of erection in Urban and Rural Districts. Introduction xxxv (4) Imbecility and Deaf-Mutism. Built Building Totals Urban . Rural ... 4960 1749 50 12 5010 1761 Totals ... 6709 n 6771 Imbecile Non-Imbecile Totals ... Deaf Mute Non-Deaf Mute . . . 451 48,431 14,795 32,464,323 15,246 32,512,754 Totals 48,882 32,479,118 32,528,000 (5) Developmental Defects and Dullness. With Defects Without Totals Dull Not-Dull ... 888 1420 1186 22,793 2074 24,213 Totals 2308 23,979 26,287 <£" the menn square contingency = \*JN and is the product-moment coefficient on the assumption that the 'presence of the character' is to be considered as a concrete unit*. The coefficient of mean square contingency C'» = V2/(! + $2). The following table gives the values of %*, <£-, and Cit and the values of P deduced. x' ** * C3 P (1) Datum -7080 •085,301 •2921 •2803 •8713 (2) Eye-Colour 133-3265 -133,327 •3651 •3430 1 -035/1028 (3) Houses 1-4393 -000,2125 •0146 '0146 •6948 (4) Imbecility and Deaf-Mutism 8014'(i2 -000,2464 •0157 •0157 3-179/101739 (5) Defects and Dullness ... 3256'797 -123,894 •:).-,!!> •3320 2-846/10™ For example, from Table XVII by Formula (i) we have for %*= 133-3265: (- ,og ,, , „*. + «£» [,0-770] - 5 (»«•) ("«») log P - 28'015, P = 1 '035/1 Oa. = 27-985, and therefore which leads to Or again, for x'= 8014'62 : - * I- .73,,. = 1738-498, * Pearson and Heron, Biometrika, Vol. ix. p. 107. ,000] «9 xxxvi Tabltut Jni- Stalls! n-lmiK >im/ IHniiH-trlriinix I XVI I \\ and therefore log P = 1739 502, and P = 3179/10"». In the first and third cases a different treatment must lie ust-d. For x*=l' we use Table XII. We have for i»' — 4 : P = -801253 + -4393 [- 228846] - J (-4393) (-5607) [+ 480G4] = •6948. Had we worked from Table XVII by Formula (i), we should have had P=-6950. For •£ = '7080, we can use Table XII, remembering that for %' = 0. f We have P = 1-000,000 + -708 [- 198,747] - } (-708) (-292) [- 30,099] = -8624. Had we worked from Table XVII by Formula (i), we should have had P = close enough for practical purposes. The true value of P worked from P. =2{ i f%-ix'd +JLe-i^ 1 lV2irJx * V27T by using Table II is P = '8713. See p. xxxviii. Examining the values of P we see that having regard to the errors of random sampling we can only say that there is no relation between rural and urban districts and houses building or built ; there is clearly no ' distinct association,' for in 69 out of 100 cases in sampling from independent material we should get more highly associated results. There is likewise no association on the given material in the Datura characters. The other three cases have clearly very marked association, quite independent of any influence of random sampling. If we regard these three tables the order of ascending association judged by either or Ct is (4), (5), (2), as against Mr Yule's (2), (4), (5). If we disregard the non-significance and take merely intensity of association, without regard to random sampling, the order is (3), (4), (1), (5), (2), as against Mr Yule's order (1), (2), (3), (4), (5). The best method of inquiry at present for relative association in the case of four-fold tables is, I hold, first to investigate P and throw out as not associated those cases like the 'Houses, built and building" above. Then to use either " tetrachoric rt " or Ct according as we are justified in considering the variates as continuous or not rp (see p. xxxvii) may be used as control. TABLES XVIII— XX (pp. 31—32) Tables for deterniinin;/ t/ie. Hijiiiprobable Tetraclioric Correlation rr. (Pearson and Bell : On a Novel Method of regarding the Association of two Variates classed XVIII— XX] Introduction xxxvn solely in Alternate Categories. Drapers' Company Research Memoirs, Biometric Series, vm. Dulau & Co.) We have seen under the discussion of the previous Table how to find a measure of the improbability of two variates being independent, when they are classed in alternate categories. The difficulty in such cases is to appreciate the relative importance of very large inverse powers of 10. The object of the present tables is to enable us to deduce a tetrachoric correlation, rt, of which the improbability is the same as that of the given system supposing it to arise, when the two variates have the same marginal frequencies but are really independent. In order to do this we have to determine Oo> for the given marginal frequencies, i.e. the standard deviation of rt on the assumption that r is really zero. This may be easily found from Abac Diagram XXI or from Table XXIV (see below). Table XVIII then gives us the value of (- logP) for each value of rt and Oo>. If we now turn to our original table and calculate its •)£, this as we have seen will correspond to a given (— log P). We now make the (— log P) from our ^2 correspond to the (— logP) from our rt and (,ov, this gives us a value of rt which has the same degree of improbability as our observed table. In other words, instead of trying to appreciate the meaning of inverse high powers of 10, we say that a table of the same marginal frequency would be as improbable if it had a tetrachoric correlation rt arising from random sampling of independent variates. Thus we read our improbability on a scale of tetrachoric correlation. We use our correlation merely as a scale to measure probability on. As log^5 provides a more satisfactory basis for interpolation, and as many readers use logarithm tables and not calculators, log^2 will be the form in which •)£ will be often presented. Table XX provides the value of rt corresponding to given 0<7r and given log ^'-'. We will assume for the present that Oov can be readily found from the marginal totals : see p. xli below. Illustration. Obtain the values of rf for the five tables given above on pp. xxxiv — v. The values of log ^* and Ht' tin- OOnehttlOB curves, the value of the equi probable correlation is under '03, say "027. In other words no significant association can be asserted. In the case of 0in •0157 3-179/101"8 •946 •330 +'01 2 •907 (5) Defects and Dullness •3320 2-846/10708 •851 •652+ '009 •846 It will be Been that equiprobable rp confirms generally the results from P, i.e. the tables for ' Datura ' and ' Houses ' give no sensible association. rt also confirms this view and shows that ' Houses ' is even lower in the scale than ' Datura.' The order of rp is the same as that of Yule's coefficient of association Q, but neither rp , rt, Cs, P or Q support the conclusions stated to flow from the percentages on xl Tables for Sfallxtin'mi* v\ hi^'h results (i>r ( 4) ;IIK| (o ), ami tins i- in a>-<-onl- aiicc with the view elsewhere expressed lli.it I'm- r\tivnn- dichotomies (J is not to be trusted. It may further he ili>nl>i>-<|, whether lor such dichotomies the theory of the distribution of deviations on which ;-,. is based can in its turn be accept* d. (In the whole /•, se,-m-> to mi- i he most .sit isl'ad 01 \ cot-tlien-iit of association, to be controlled by results for r,. in the casrs win-re iK-itlier the tlichotomies are extreme, nor the numbers so large or so small as to fall outside the moderate range of Tables XVIII— XX or Abacs XXI and XXII. AI-.A.S XXI AND XXII (pp. 33—34). See after Tables XXIII and XXIV. TAIIUSS XXIII AND XXIV Tables fur determining approximately the probable error of a tetracliurir correlation. (Pearson, Bwmctriku, Vol. IX. pp. 22 — 27. Tables calculated by Julia Bell, M.A.) Given a tetrachoric table a b rt+1> t d C + d U + r /,+,/ N so arranged that a + c> b + c + d, then if |(1 + a,) = (a + b)/N, i ( 1 + a,) = (o + c)/N, and ?-, be the correlation, we have approximately : Probable error of rt = Xi • Xrt • Xo, • Xo,- where K = '67449/VF, and is tabled in Table V, p. 12, at — ff • a.,- H and K being found from the z column of Table II, p. 2, and .1,1-0,) ll)> -, snr ~^ sin~'r, being read in degrees. ^a and ^a are tabled in Ta'nle XXIV and \r in Table XXIII (p. 35). This value of the probable error is only approximate and may diverge con- siderably from the true value* for extreme dichotomies. In such cases the full formula must be used. • I'liil. Traiu. Vol. 195, p. 14. Xn >» formula (I) should of course not be inclucii-.l un.i. r the radical. XXIII— XXIVJ Introduction xli When rt is zero in the population and not in the sample, the standard deviation Oo> of r = 0 is given accurately by ^=xaiXa.2- Illustration (i). Tetrachoric rt for the Table 22,793 1,186 23,979 1,420 888 2,308 24,213 2,074 26,287 is '652. Find approximately its probable error. From fable XXIII : r = -65, xr = '6785 ; r = '66, Xr = "6675. . -. Xr = -6785 - -01 10 x -2 = -6763. Now £(l+o,) = '9211, J(l+«s) = -9122. Hence from Table XXIII, Xai = 1 8249 + -11 [754] = 1-8332, Xa, = 1-7623 + -22 [626] = 1-7761, Xa,Xa, = 3-2559. X\ cannot be found from Table V in this case as ^V is beyond its range. But it equals •67449/V26287 = -67449/162-13 = -00416. Thus finally p.e. of rt = '00416 x -6763 x 3'2559 = •009. Illustration (ii). Find the value of Oo-r for the table : 471 151 622 148 230 619 381 378 1000 Here £(1+0,) = '619 and $(1 +aa) = '622. Xa, = 1-2712 + -9 [36] = 1-2744, Xai = 1-2748 + -2 [39] = 1 "2756. 0^ = ^,^/^1000 = '0514. In a similar manner the values for all the Oo-r's in the table on p. xxxvii were found. B. xlii 7'nl>li* /;//• Statistician* for the case just given of #=1000, 4(1+ a,) = -619, i (! + *)» -622. The vertical through '619 meets the 1000 horizontal in a point whose diagonal reaches the left-hand scale almost exactly in 620. Whence passing horizontally we reach the vertical through '622 in a point about midway between two diagonal lines. Passing up midway between these two diagonals, we reach almost exactly the 380 line on the left-hand scale. Passing across to the right-hand scale along this line, we see that we are slightly above the middle of the division between •050 and '052, say -0512. The actual value of Oo> is "0514. Illustration (ii). Let #=•6771, $ (! + «,) = '7399, £ (1 + «2) = -9908. A similar process gives first 450 ou left-hand scale and then about 248, whence crossing to right-hand scale we find Oo> = '0635 instead of '0634 actual. ABAC XXII (p. 34) Abac to determine from log ^a and Ofr the value of the equiprobable correlation rp,for a fourfold table. (Drapers' Company Research Memoirs, Biometric Series, vin. G. H. Soper's Abac.) The rule is very simple : Enter the Abac with the proper value of Oo> on the scale at the foot and rise on the vertical till the horizontal through the proper value of log ^* on the left-hand scale is reached. Then follow the curve through the meet of these two lines to the right-hand scale, where the requisite correlation will be found inscribed. Illustration. Take the Table for Eye Colour in Father and Son given on p. xxxiv. Here, as just shewn, Oo>='0514 and (p. xxxvii) logx'=2'1249. If we enter with the vertical through '0514 ou the scale at the bottom, and the horizontal through 2-1249 on the left-hand scale, the curve through their point of intersection reaches the right-hand scale just below the '53 mark, say '529. This agrees with the correlation found above (p. xxxviii) by interpolation from Table XX. XXV] Introduction xliii TABLE XXV (p. 36) Value of the probability that the mean of a small sample of n, drawn at random from a population following the normal law, will not exceed (in the algebraic sense) the mean of that population by more than z times the standard deviation of the sample. ("Student": Biometrika, Vol. vi. p. 19.) When n is greater than 10, it will be sufficient as a rule to use the approximate result vr- 73 fr (n-3)x> P= = e 2 dx (xxxv) V27T J-oo as a measure of the probability. This may be found from Table II. Illustration (i). Experiments of A. R. Cushney and A. R. Peebles on the difference in effect of Dextro-hyoscyamine hydrobromide and Laevo-hyoscyamine hydrobromide*. Additional Hours of Patient Sleep (Laevo - Dextro) 1 + 1-2 2 + 2-4 3 + 1-3 4 + 1-3 5 0 6 + 1-0 7 + 1-8 8 +0-8 9 + 4-6 10 + 1-4 Mean + 1-58 Standard Deviation 1-17 Table XXV shows that for z = 135 : P = -99854, or the odds are 666 to 1 that leavo- is a better soporific than dextro-hyoscyamine hydrobromide. Illustration (ii). Difference in weight of crops of potatoes grown by Dr Voelcker with (i) sulphate of potash and (ii) kainite as artificial manure. * Journal of Phyiiology, 1904. xliv Tables for Statistician* ami Jii»titrtrician* [XXV Oain by sulphate o 1904 (a) 10 cwt. 3 qr. 20 Ibs. (b) 1 ton 10 cwt. 1 (jr. '26 Ibs. 1905 (a) 6 cwt 0 qr. 3 Ib.s. (6) 13 cwt. 2 qr. 8 Ibs. Average gain= 15-25 cwt., and the standard deviation = 9 cwt., z= 15'25/9 = 1 '694. Here n = 4, and Table XXV gives us P = -9653 + 0-94 x [46] = '9696, or the odds are about 32 to 1 that the sulphate of potash is a better dressing than kainite for potatoes. Illustration (iii). Test whether it is of advantage to kiln-dry barley seed before sowing. The following table gives price of head corn in shillings per quarter for 11 sowings, the first seven in 1899 and the last four in 1900. Not Kiln-dried Kiln -dried A 26-5 26-5 0 28 26-5 1-5 29-5 28-5 1 1899 - 30 29 1 27-5 27 0-5 26 26 0 29 26 3 29-5 28-5 1 28-5 30 28 29 0-5 1 28-5 28 0-5 Mean •91 Standard Deviation •79 The Gaussian curve gives 0- -91/79 -1-1519, x' = x/JT/S = 1-1519 x 2'8284 = 3'258, /-S'258 . „ Here and if which evaluated by Table II, p. 6, gives P = -99944, or the odds are 2845 to 1 in favour of not kiln-drying seed barley. XXVI] Introduction xlv If we had actually worked with the non-approximate formula, we should have found P = -9976, or odds of 416 to 1, considerably less than the approximate formula provide, but not enough difference to vitiate any conclusion likely to be drawn in practice*. TABLE XXVI (p. 37) Table for use in plotting Type III Curves, i.e. X -p^ .(xxxvi) (W. P. Elderton, Biometrika, Vol. II. p. 270.) Rule : Taking p for the curve, multiply the values in the Table by p in succession on the machine with p on as multiplier. Then subtract the results from the logarithm of y,, and we have the logarithms of the ordinates of the curve at the abscissae found by multiplying X in the first column of the Table by a of the curve. The curve can then be plotted. Its origin will be the mode. It is usually quite unnecessary to use the whole series of ordinates, either alternate ordinates will suffice, or we cut off one or both tails at a considerable distance from their tabulated values. Illustration. The frequency curve of barometric heights at Dunrobin Castle is given by the curve -22-9323- The range X = - -65 to + '90 is easily seen to be sufficient. Column (i) of the accompanying table gives aX for these values, the second gives 22-9323 x (log,0(l + X) - X loglo e) ; * The three illustrations above are drawn from "Student's " original paper. He gives (1. c. p. 19) the values for P as drawn from the Gaussian for n = 10 to compare with those obtained from the full formula. They are, — corrected for slips : z Full Formula Gaussian z Full Formula Gaussian •1 •61462 •60411 1-1 •99539 •99819 •2 •71846 •70159 1-2 •99713 -99925 •3 •80423 •78641 1-3 •99819 •99971 •4 •86970 •86520 1-4 •99885 •99989 •5 •91609 •90691 1-5 •99926 •99996 •6 •94732 •94375 1-6 •99951 •99999 •7 •96747 •96799 1-7 •99968 — •8 •98007 •98285 1-8 •99978 — •9 •98780 •99137 1-9 •99985 1-0 •99252 •99592 2-0 •99990 — Clearly even for n = 10, the Gaussian ascends too rapidly in P, and this must be borne in mind in deducing conclusions for z = l and upwards when n = Jl to 20, say. xlvi Table* for St«ti*tic!nn* tuut Rwmetrictaii* [ X X VI— X \\1II actually these values are negative and must be subtracted from logy,, i.e. 1 '592,621; the resulting values are given in the third column. In column (iv) are given the an ti logarithms of the numbers in column (iii), and these must be plotted to the values in column (i) to obtain the graph of the curve which is a good fit. (i) (») (i'i) HV) z = aX j[fc>gli(l + J[)-jriog.r logy y - 9-77 •2 174,991 - -882,370 •13 - 8-88 1 -923,630 - -331,009 •47 - 7'99 1 -472,368 •120,253 i-aa - 7'11 1-103,755 •488,866 s-oe - 6'22 •804,557 •788,064 6-14 - 5-33 •564,456 1-028,165 10-67 - 4'44 •375,287 •217,334 16-49 - 3-65 •230,493 •362. 1:^ L'3-02 - 2'67 •124,683 •467,938 :.'!»-37 - 1-78 •053,386 •1)39,235 34-61 0-88 •012,888 •579,733 38-00 o-oo •000,000 •592,621 39-14 0-89 •012,039 •580,582 38-07 1-78 •046,713 •545,908 35-ir. 2-67 •101,957 •490,664 3(1-95 3'55 •176,074 1-416,547 26-09 4-44 •267,482 1-325,139 21-14 5-33 •374,828 1 -217,793 16-51 6'22 •496,920 1-095,701 12-47 7'11 •632,702 •959,919 9-12 7'99 •781,189 •811,432 6-48 8'88 •941,609 •651,112 4-48 9'77 1-112,905 •479,716 3-02 10-66 1-294,689 •297,932 1-99 11-55 1-486,196 •106,425 1-28 12-44 1-686,831 - -094,210 •80 13-32 1-896,111 - -303,490 •50 14-21 2-113,510 - -520,889 •30 15-10 2-338,613 - -745,992 •18 15-99 2-570,963 - -978,342 •11 Once the reader is used to the process it will be found to work readily, and the same multipliers are kept on the mechanical calculator throughout. TABLES XXVII AND XXVIII (pp. 38—41) Tables of the Powers and Sums of the Powers of the natural numbers from 1 to 100. (W. Palin Elderton, Biometrika, Vol. II. p. 474.) These tables can be used in a great variety of ways, for example in finding the roots of equations, Or in fitting parabolae of various orders to curves. Illustration (i). Find the positive root of the equation : (r) = -002,7267-7 + -057,1497- + '017,1927- + -083,578^ + '088,331»J + '134,7 17»J + r - -560,386 = 0. • Actually these values are negative, and are therefore iiibtracted from log y0 to give (iii). XXVII— XXVIII] Introduction xlvii The positive root is less than '56, but the term in r2 shows that it must be less than -52. Take "52 and '50 as trials. From Table XXVII we have 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th and •500,000, •250,000.. •125,000, •062,500, •031,250, •015,625, •007,813. •520,000 •270,400 •140,608 •071,162 •038,020 •019,771 •010,281 Multiply out by the coefficients of (r), retaining the products always on the arithmometer. We find (-52) = + -01 6,384. $ (-50) = - -008,990. Interpolating r = '52 - £f§ff x 2 = '5071, which is correct to last figure. Illustration (ii). Fit a cubic parabola to the data below, giving the average age of husband to each age of wife in Italy (see Biometrika, Vol. n. p. 20). We will suppose each observation to be of equal weight, — this is of course not the fact, but it will illustrate the general method of fitting parabolic curves. In the paper just cited illustrations are given up to parabolae of the sixth order. The object here is to show the use of Table XXVII. Age of Bride Probable Age of Groom Age of Bride Probable Age of Groom Age of Bride Probable Age of Groom 15-6 25-0 25-5 27-0 35-5 36-0 16-5 25-2 26-5 27-5 36-5 37-0 17-5 25-4 27-5 28-0 37 '5 38-5 18-5 25-5 H* 29-0 38-5 39-5 19-5 J6-8 29-5 30-0 39-5 41-5 20-5 86* 30-5 32-0 40-5 41-5 21-5 25-75 31-5 33-0 41-5 42-5 22-5 26-0 32-5 33-5 42-5 43-5 23-5 26-0 33-5 34-0 43-5 43-5 24-5 26-8 34-5 34-5 44-5 43-5 ^~~ — 45-5 43-5 The ages of groom have been taken as approximate means. Now we can take our axis of x, the age of bride through 30'5, and the age of groom to be measured from 32'0. x will accordingly range from —15 to +15, and the age 32 + y of groom will range from y = - 7 to y= 11 '5. We can now re-arrange the above table in a form suitable for working on the following table. Then the squares, cubes, and if necessary, higher powers of x are taken from Table XXVII, p. 38, and are given as Columns (iii) and (iv) below. The entries in Column (i) are then multiplied by those in (ii), (iii) and (iv) by continuous process on the machine, and xlviii Tables for Statisticians and Biometricians [X XVIII it is not needful to enter separate products, the sums being reached which are placed at the foot. Next from Table XXVIII we read off ), 5 (*•)-(>, ,) = 2480, .V (**) = 356,624, 5 (a?) = UO.96,5840. We have now all the numerical data for a solution. Let the required cubic be y = cc + c,x + Cja? + c,s*. Then we must make u • = S(y — c,,— CiX — c^af — c,**)1 a minimum. The resulting equations are 5 (y) = CoS (1 ) + c, 5 (*) + c,5 (af) + c,S («•), (*) + c, 5 (a?) + c»S (a?) + c,S («•), c,5 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) » i .r- f> xy ••» **y - 7-0 -15 225 - 337.-. - 6-8 -14 196 --2744 — — — - 6-6 -13 169 -:il'.i7 — — — - 6-5 -12 144 -1728 — — — i;-:> -11 121 - 1331 — - 6-5 -10 100 -1000 — — - 6-25 , - 9 j 81 - 729 — — - 6-0 - 8 64 - 512 — — - 6-0 - 7 49 - 343 — — - 5-2 - 6 36 - 216 — — - 50 - 5 25 - 125 — — — - 4-5 - 4 16 - 64 — — - 4-0 - 3 9 - 27 — — - 3-0 - 2 4 - 8 — — - 2-0 - 1 1 _ i — — 0 0 0 0 — — 1-0 1 1 1 — — 1-6 1 4 8 — — — 2-0 3 9 27 — — — 2-5 4 16 64 — — — 4O 0 25 125 — — 4-5 6 36 216 — — 6-5 7 49 343 — — 7 -ft 8 64 512 — — 9-5 9 81 729 — — 9-5 10 100 1000 — — — 10-5 11 121 1831 — — — 11-5 12 144 L7S8 1 1 •:. 13 169 2197 1 1 •-. 14 196 L'7 1 I 11-6 15 225 3:175 — — — 5(*) = 23-(i.-. _ — — 5(j,y)-183:i-|:, S(*»,y)- 4580-35 S y)- 248,807-85 XXVIII] Introduction xlix ORY/' Write &„ = c«, 6, = 10c0, 62 = lOOc,, 63 = 1000c3. Then our equations are •23650 = b, x -31000 + 62 x -24800, 1-83345 = 6, x -24800 + b, x -35662, •45603 = 60 x -24800 + 62 x -35662, 2 48808 = 6, x -35662 + b3 x -60966 ; giving 60 = - -58626, .-. c» = - -58626, b. = 1-686453, c, = '016,8645, 6, = 9-59613, c, = -959,613, 63 = - 1-532,144, c, = - -001,532,144, and the required cubic is y = - -58626 + -959,6133; + '016,8645^ - -001,532,144^. 45, — , — , — , — i — i — , — , — • — i K) 25 •• * 15 20 25 3O 35 40 45 Age of Bride. The graph of the cubic and the observations are given in the accompanying diagram. If X and Y be the actual ages of bride and groom, then Y = 61-30457 - 4-344.941Z + -157.0553Z' - -001,53214Z3. For higher parabolic curves fitted to the same data, see Biometnka, Vol. n. pp. 21—22. B. g Tablet fa- Stutixtii-iaiix •33333 •82406 ts •23570 •91466 in •31623 •843L>7 19 i'L'!)42 •91925 11 •30151 •85812 so j:t(51 -9233S 13 •28868 •87039 .•! •21822 -92711 IS •smo •88070 .'.' •818W •93048 u •26726 •68951) .'.; •20851 •93356 /.-, -25820 •89709 -"/ •20412 ••13638 XXIX] Introduction li Illustration (i). Find the correlation between dullness and developmental defects as indicated in the following table for 26,287 children. Without Defects With Defects Totals Not Dull Dull 22,793 1,186 1,420 888 24,213 2,074 Totals 23.979 2,308 26,287 = -078,898, Here Whence by interpolation from Table, p. 43 : T,= '14712, T,= -14694, T:! = -05977, T4=- -04262, TS=- -06702, T6=- -00752, h = 1-41253, T/= -15945, T/ = -15268, TS'= -05431, T/ = - '05137, T5' = - -06755, T,' = -00017, k = 1-35442. Proceeding to apply the difference formula (xxxviii) for four further functions we have T/ = -05221, T,' = -02480, T,' = - -03185, T,; = - -03460. T. = -04770, TS = -02985, T, = - -02530, T]0 = _ -03647, Hence the equation for r is •026,854 = -023,458?- + -022,435r2 + "003,246^ + •002,189r4 + -004,527?-' - -OOO.OOb-6 + •002,490?-' + 000.742?-8 + -OOO.SOe?-9 + -0()l,262r10. Whence we find ?•= '652 + '009. Illustration (ii). Fjnd the tetrachoric correlation for the four-fold table given for Houses in course of Erection on p. xxxv. Here i (1 - a,) = TO = Jff j = -260,080 ; $ (1 - «,) = TO' = ^T = -009,157. By simple linear interpolation, T, = -32442, T2= -14753, T3=--0776G, T,' = -02468, T2' = -04116, T,; = -04599, T/ = -03048. lii Tal>l,s fur Statistician* and lii"iii'tri<-i + 000107-" + -00255?-12 - -00009r's + -00212r" - 'OOOlor15 + 00174r16 - -00014r" + -00143r's - 'OOOllr19 + -00118j« - -00057?-21 + -00096/---' - -00003/-2' + -00079r«. It will be seen that even with this very large amount of labour we cannot be sure of having reached a final result*. To obviate this the following table was constructed by Everitt, and there is no doubt that the extension of this table to the whole range of correlation would much simplify the discovery of tetrachoric »•<• At present the calculation of high values of r,, for negative correlations is in hand. TABLE XXX (pp. 52—27) Supplementary Tables for determining High Correlations from Tetrachoric Groupings. (P. F. Everitt, Biometrika, Vol. VHI. pp. 385 — 395.) Using the notation of p. 1, N 2irVl- iii the case of a tetrachoric table, or d 1 where F=-^=| e~*Aa\ iff- A -'/ vl -; .(xli). * Mr H. E. Soper working out this example draws my attention to the fact that convergence ia closely given by a form : rn=rco (1 + a .c"), where n is the number of terms used and a and c are constants. Hence (r. - r^ ) (rn+2ra - ra) = (rn+m - r. )\ or r - •• In oar case take >i = 6, m = 6, and we find ,,g- = The valne r24 is -9105. In this case a= '1567 and c = '7574, but we cannot assert that these would be constants for all tables. If we use r12, r^ and r^,, we find r^ = -9102. liv Table* f»r Sl Totals 1153 M3 1(596 Here (6 + d)/N= -32017, (c+d)/N = '37441, and therefore h = -4G722, A- = -32020 from Table II. Also d/N = 476/1696 = -28066. Inspection of Table XXX shows that r will be likely to lie between -90 and '95. \Ve extract from the Table for d/N: r=-90 »-« I-* ft.* •2943 •2728 /- -. •2784 •2602 r = -95 * = , >-., *=-3 •3130 •L'silM t. -4 •2980 •2787 Hence : r=-90 h = -4 ;f=-5 t-= -32020 •2911 4709 r=-95 ;i=-4 A = -5 k- -32020 •3104 •2876 Thus : r=-90 ^=•32020 •2771 ; '.'-. h = -40722 -32020 XXXI] Introduction Iv We have now the desired h and k and have to interpolate d/N = '28006 between •2771 and "2951. There results r = "9099. This is in excellent agreement with the value "9105 deduced from 24 terms, or from the final value '9102, which can be deduced from the 12, 18 and 24 term values on the logarithmic rate of decrease hypothesis : see footnote p. liii. TABLE XXXI (pp. 58—61) The r-Function. (J. H. Duffell : Biometrika, Vol. vn. pp. 43—47.) It is well known that T(x + l) = xT'(x), and this property enables us to raise or lower the argument of the T-function at will. As a rule in most statistical investigations we require T(x + l)/xxe~x. The following formula due to Pearson will then be found to give r(x + l)/xxe~x with great exactness: log ( F r^l = '0399,0899 + J log a + -080,929 sin — — . . .(xlii). \ 3j & / 3C For values of x+1 less than 6 and often for values less than 10, we find log T(a;+ 1) or \agT(p) from Table XXXI by reduction to p between 1 and 2. The reader's attention must be especially drawn as to the rules, given on the Table itself, as to (i) characteristic, (ii) change of third figure of mantissa at a bar, and (iii) the sign of the differences on the facing pages of the tables. The difference tabled under 1*144, say, is the drop from 1*144 to T145. Illustration (i). Find T ('2346). By the reduction formula T(-2346) = r(l-2346)/'2346. Hence log T (-2346) = log T (1-2346) -1-370,3280. log T (1-234) = 1-958,9685 A = - 1069, log T (1-235) = 1-958,8616 -6A = - [641-4]. . • . log F (1-2346) = 1-958,9685 - [641 ] = T'958,9044. log T (-2346)= 1-958,9044 -1-370,3280 •588,5764 Or T (-2346) = 3-87772. Ivi Table* /«/• Xtnti.«ti<>i«nx and Blometric'uin* [ X X X 1 1 XXXIII Illustration (ii). Find F (87614). F (87614) » 77(il4 x 67614 x 57614 x 4 7614 x 37614 x 27U14 x 17614 r(17614). log T (87614) = -889.9401 + log T(17614) •830,0366 760,5280 •677,7347 •575,3495 •441, 1 2! i:; •245.8580 = 4-420,5762 + log T (17614). log F (1761 4) = 1-964.5473 + '4 [1113] = 1-964,5918. . •. log T (87614) = 4-385,1680. Hence F (87614) = 24275-49. TABLE XXXII (pp. 62—63) TABLE XXXIII, A and B (p. 64). Subtense from Arc and Chord in the case of the Common Catenary. (Julia Bell and H. E. Soper: see Bwmetrika, Vol. vm. pp. 316, 338, and Vol. ix. pp. 401—2.) If c be the parameter of the common catenary, then we know that y = c cosh u ................................. (xliii), where u = x/c is its equation. If the chord be 2#, then subtense/chord = (y — c)/(2x)\ _ (sinh $uY \ ..................... (xliv), "' } sinh M arc/chord = — .............................. (*lv), arc — chord _ sinh « — u $ / i *\ "^hord ~iT 'loo' Mllitrlisi- (sinh JH)-' _ a , , ..v chord" ~iT =K)0 Corresponding values of a and ft are given in the Tables XXXII and XXX 1 1 1 XXXIII A AND B] Introduction Ivii Illustration (i). A cable of 132-5 is suspended over the gap between two towers of the same height, 115 feet apart. What will be the droop of the cable? ft = 100 032-5 -115)= n.52 1 J.O Table XXXIII A, gives us a = 21-62 = 100 subtense/chord. .-. subtense = '2162 x 115 = 24-86. Thus the droop is 24'86 ft. Illustration (ii). A catenary arch is to have a rise of 50 ft., centre line measurement, and a span of 200. What is the length of the centre line ? 3=100x50/200=25-0, but a = 25 by Table XXXII gives £ = 15-1. 100 (arc — chord)/chord = 15*1. .-. arc = 230-2 ft. « Illustration (iii). For some races the shape of the nasal bridge is very ap- proximately a catenary. Thus if the nasal chord from dacryon to dacryon be measured and also the tape measure from dacryon to dacryon, we obtain the mesodacryal index y9. The tables enable us to pass to the mesodacryal index a, and thus ascertain the nasal subtense, which is slightly harder of direct measure- ment than the arcual or tape measure. In the skull of a male gorilla the mesodacryal chord was 22'6 mm., and the mesoilacryal arc 30 mm. Determine the mesodacryal subtense - 100 - - _ 30-74 ~~ ~ Hence, from Table XXXII : a = 38-84 = 100 subtense/22'6. .-. subtense = 22'6 x -3884 = 8'8 mm. The actual value of the mesodacryal subtense measured on the skull was 87 mm. ABAC XXXIV (p. 65) Diagram to find the Correlation Coefficient r from Mean Contingency on the Hypothesis of a Normal Frequency Distribution. (Pearson : Drapers' Company Research Memoirs, No. 1, "On the Theory of Contingency.") If npg be the frequency in the cell of the ^)th column and qth row of a correlation or contingency table, and mp be the total frequency in the pth column, nq the * Should there be any use for this table for constructional purposes, which there ought to be when the value of the catenary arch is more fully recognised, I will in a later edition of this work give the value of u corresponding to each /3, so that the parameter c can be at once read off and the form of the arch readily plotted. It might also be desirable to give the values of o and /9 to two decimal places. We have these data in our MS. copies. B. ft hiii Ta&fa Jbr Statutieiaiu tmd />inin>triri *[• (xlviii). r«o.*v^J It is clear that this is the same thing as taking the mean of the crude mean contingency correlation and its value as corrected for the class-index correlations. The following illustrations may indicate the method of procedure. Illustration (i). Find the correlation from the table on p. lix by mean contingency. The first number in each cell is the frequency reduced to 1000, the second number is that to be expected on the basis of independent probability, and the third is the mean contingency of the cell. The sum of the positive contingencies is 94136, hence the mean contingency is "094. Entering the diagram with "094 on the base scale, we pass up the vertical to the curve, and then along the horizontal to the left hand scale and find r^, = '285. The class-index correlation for the vertical marginal frequency is ryC ='9645, and that for the horizontal marginal frequency is '9624*. Hence and r = i ('307 + -285) = "296. The table is actually a true Gaussian distribution with correlation equal to -300. * Biometrika, Vol. «. p. 218. XXXIV] > s Introduction First Variate A. lix 1 2 .; 4 5 + 6 7 8 Totals 1 4-04 [1-884 2-810 17-16 (10-948) 6-212 7-55 (8-976) - 1 -426 3-30 (6-120) -2-820 091 (2-346) -1-436 0-92 (3-434) -2-514 0-12 (0-952) -0-832 34 s 17-41 (10-836) <;•:,; >, 123-59 (96-922) .',;-i;r,x 7976 (79-464) 0-296 44-64 (54-180) - 9-o40 14-61 (20-769) -6-159 17-67 (30-401) - 12-731 3-32 (8-428) -5-108 301 3 8-86 (10-224) -1-364 9300 (91-448) 1-552 78-31 (74-976) S-334 52-04 (51-120) 0-920 19-20 (19-596) -0-396 26-40 (28-684) .':.'* 4 6-19 (7-952) -1-762 284 4 2-83 (4-932) -2-102 o; -73 (44-114) -6-384 37-24 (36-168) 1-072 27-51 (24-660) 2-850 1095 C9-4.r>3) '1-497 16-31 (13-837) 2-473 4-43 (3-836) 0-594 137 5+6 162 (3-780) -2-160 25-21 (33-810) -8-600 27-75 (27-720; 0-030 22-09 (18-900) 3-190 9-26 (7-245) 2-015 14-64 (10-605) 4-035 4-43 (2-940) 1-490 105 7 1-02 (3-528) -2-508 1950 (31-ftM -1*066 24-47 (25-872) -1-402 21-39 (17-640) 3-750 9-58 (6-762) 1-X1X 16-36 (9-898) 6-462 5-68 (2-744) ..'•;». -v; 98 8 0-22 (1-476) -1-256 5-81 (13-202) -7-392 8-92 (10-824) -1-904 903 (7-380) 1-650 4-49 (2-829) 1-661 8-70 (4-141) 4-559 3-83 (1-148) 2-682 41 Totals 36 322 264 180 69 101 28 1000 Illustration (ii). Find r^ by mean contingency for the table on p. Ix: The sum of the positive contingencies is 169'846, or we have mean contingency ^r = -170, whence the diagram leads us to r^ = '480. The marginal frequencies are the same as in Illustration (i). Thus we have The table gives actually a true Gaussian distribution with correlation -500. It will be seen from Illustrations (i) and (ii), that if the distribution be Gaussian, even if the marginal frequencies are in fairly irregular groupings, r# will be reasonably close to the true contingency, and corrected as suggested above will give excellent results. /» 2 Ix Tables for Statisticians a // i»inttn'citin.« \\\\ — XLVI First Variate A. 1 / S ; .-, + .; 7 » Totals 1 738 L-8M 6-156 1985 (10-948) 8-901 494 8-976 ;•"•'• 138 (6-120) -4-740 026 (2-346) r-oM 018 (3-434) -••<•:••', 0-01 (0-952) - 0-95/ 34 • 2058 (10-836) •-.-;; 145-47 (96-922) 48-548 7894 -0-5*4 3538 (54-180) -/.s-."'c 9-72 (20-769) - ll •<>',:> 9-27 (30-401) - ///.,/ 1-04 (8-428) -7-388 301 s 601 (10-224) -4-914 9363 (91-182) .'•i*: 85 41 (74-976) W-434 5434 (51-120) 3-990 1859 19-fi06 -1-006 22-33 (88-684 -6:154 369 (7-952) ;•.'•;.- 284 4 1-26 (4-932) -3-672 3181 41-114 - /."..•«; 39-49 (36-168) ..".;.'.' 31-03 (24-660) 6-S70 12-29 (9-453) fsn 1736 (13-837) 3-699 3-76 (3-836) _-,;;.; 137 5+6 053 (3-780) -S-250 1811 (33-810) - 75-700 27-79 (27-720) 0-070 25-14 (18-90) 6-240 11-09 (7-245) 3-845 17-62 (10-605) 7-015 4-72 (2-940) 1-780 105 7 0-22 (3-528) -$•808 1102 (21-556) - to-sse 21-59 (25-872) -4-98* 23-66 (17-640) <;-n.'n 11-86 6-768) 5-098 21-89 (9-898) 11-992 7-76 (2-744) 5-016 98 S 0-02 (1-476) -1-456 2-11 (12-202) -11-092 5-84 ao-824) '-4-984 847 (7-380) 1-090 5-19 (8-829 .'-.till 12-35 (4-141) 8-209 7-02 (1-148) .•--,*;.< 41 Totals 36 322 264 180 69 101 L'S 1000 TABLES XXXV— XLVI (pp. 66—87) Criteria for Frequency Types and Probable Errors of Frequency Constants. (A. J. Rhind: Biometrika, Vol. vn. pp. 127—147 and pp. 386—397.) It in desirable to consider all these tables under one heading, namely the general investigation of frequency type and of the probable errors of frequency constants. The main lines of Pearson's theory of frequency are involved in the following statements: XXXV— XLVI] Introduction Ixi If the differential equation to the uni-modal frequency distribution be 1 du x — a -^"-TTT y dx f(x) we may suppose f(x) expanded in a series of powers of x, and so _ _ ydx c0+c1x + c*a;i+ ... + cnxn+ ..." then a, c0, clt ct, ... cn... can be uniquely determined from the 'moment co- efficients ' of the frequency distribution. These constants are functions of certain other constants /9,, /32— 3, $,, /94 — 15, ... which vanish for the Gaussian curve, and are small for any distribution not widely divergent from the Gaussian. Further c0, c,, c2...cn... converge, if, as usual, these constants are less than unity, the factors of convergence being of the order V/3-constant. As a matter of fact cn involves the (n + 2)th moment coefficient, and thus we obtain values of the c-constants subject to very large errors, if we retain terms beyond ca. If we stop at cs then our differential equation is of the form 1 dy _ x — a .(li), y dx c0 + and we need only /9, = fi^jn? an^ & = /*4//i,2, where ft,2, p,, /j.t are the second, third and fourth moment coefficients about the mean. If we take the form - ^ = '.we reach the Gaussian, in which each con- y dx c0 tributory cause-group is independent, and if the number of groups be not very large, each cause-group is of equal valency and contributes with equal frequency results in excess and defect of its mean contribution. If we take - -?• = y dx c0 + c^x then each contributory cause-group is still of equal valency and independent, but does not give contributions in excess and defect of equal frequency. Finally if we take -fim— , then contributory cause-groups are - ydx not of equal valency, they are not independent, but their results correlated, and further contributions in excess and defect are not equally probable. The use of this form —fm -- - was adopted to allow of this wide generalisation of the y dx c0 + c,x + ctx* Gaussian hypothesis. If we adopt it, every ^-constant is expressible by means of the formulae : /8n(even) = (n + l)[i/3n_1 + (l+ia);9n_J)/(l-Hn-l)a) ............ (Hi), /S. (odd) =(n+l){iA/8»-, + (l+i«)/8^}/(l-i (»-!)«) ...... 0"i), where a = (2& - 3/3, - 6)/(& + 3) ........................... (liv), in terms of lower /3-constants. Ixii Table* for Sttitidician* ami liimm-trinn,,* [XXXV— XLVI Table XLII, (a)— (d) gives the values of £„ /8«, y9, and & in terms of tf, :inil /3,. Hence as soon as /3, and & are calculated we can find the numerical values of ......... (iv), theoretically. Although these values will not be those which would be absolutely deduced from the data themselves, they will, considering the large probable errors of ft,, fit, ft, and fr be reasonable approximations to them. The values of the probable errors of £, and & are determinate by formulae involving £,, /9, ... /9,. From these formulae, Tables XXXVII and XXXVIII, giving the values of VJ^S^ and ViVSp, have been constructed. Hence multiplying by ^, from Table V, we obtain •67449 v -67449 _ - S and the probable errors of /9, and y8,. If we add to the standard deviations of $, and $,, the correlation between deviations in /3, and /98, namely Rp^, which correlation is given in Table XXXIX, we can find the probable errors of any functions of /Si and /92. Two such important functions are the distance d from mean to mode and the skewness sk of the distribution. The probable errors of d and sk can be found from Tables XL and XLI respectively, the former by multiplying the tabulated value V./VSj/o- by a x ^, (from Table V), and the latter by multiplying the tabulated value V^S^ by ^, (from Table V). Thus far we have only been concerned with the constants which describe certain physical characters of the frequency distribution without regard to the type of curve suited to the distribution. We now turn to the latter subject. It is known that the type of frequency depends upon a certain criterion *,. Hence near the critical values of «, more than one type of curve may describe the frequency within the limit of the probable error of *,. Table XLIII gives the probable error of *,, if the entries in that table be multiplied by the ^, of Table V. The following are the series of Type curves which arise according to the value of the criteria *,=2& -3/9, -6 ....................................... (Ivi), A (A (, .. /9, is by necessity >f&. Hence for our curves all possible values of /3,, & lie in the positive quadrant between the lines /9, = j/8, and & = J^/9, + f , the latter being if we go to & the limit of failure of Type IV, for its ft, becomes infinite. Beyond the latter line distributions are heterotypic. Introduction Ixiii Type VII Equation to Curve I XXXV— XLVI] Criterion «2 = 0 ft = 0, ft>3 .__ „ , (l +— J (Iviii). ^ = 0 ft = 0, ft = 3 Normal y = y<,e ^2 (Hx). «» = 0 ft = 0, ft<3 II. y = y0(l-^T (ix). \ w- / ^ = 0 ft = 0, ft < 1-8 II,, y = y, L__ (lxj). -rtea-ijj *.,>()/**-* (Ixiii). /c2 > 1 < <» VI y^y0(x — a)mi/x»^ (Ixiv). *.,= », i.e. 2ft-3ft-6 = 0 III y = yae~P«(l + - \ t*1 Kt < 0, i.e. negative. Below /= 0 Ix ij = ya K.,<0. Inside /=0 K., <0. Above /=0 Ur y = y,, ^ For K, < 0,/=0 represents the biquadratic ft (8ft - 9ft - 12) (4ft - 3ft) = (10ft- 12ft - 18)"(ft + 3)2 ...(Ixix). Type I is thus divided into three subclasses, limited range curves, J-shaped curves and U-shaped curves. Diagram XXXV enables the reader at once to find the type appropriate to his distribution, and Diagram XXXVI gives the same figure on a much larger scale to indicate the changes that occur with large values of ft and ft. Knowing the values of ft and ft the computer can fix his point on the Diagram XXXV, but he may come so near a critical point or line, that one curve may appear as reasonable as another. It is clear, for example, that in the neighbourhood of the Gaussian point G, he might possibly use II, Ij, III, VI, V, Ji y=y°(1 + ir) \~^> •••(ixvii)- 1 - ...(Ixviii). * The branch of the cubic «r2=l with which we are concerned passes through the Gaussian point, at which jp= oo , and along this branch p is always >5. Ixiv Table* for Statistical H* //////< •Y/Vw/u- (XXXV — XLVI IV or VIII, and as all these types at that point transform into each other, the forms actually deduced will be almost identical, however different their equations. But there will be other occasions when doubt as to the use of the simpler of two curves may arise; for example if /9, = *8, $,= 4*15, are we justified in using Type III as simpler than Type I ? Now we have to remember that the variates /8,, /9, form a frequency surface, of which the equation is M i__i /A* . ftf «*».». A AA " " and that the contours of this surface projected onto the 8,, y9, plane of Diagram XXXV form a series of similar and similarly placed ellipses. Within any one of these ellipses a certain amount of the volume of the y9,, /3,-frequency lies, and therefore if this system of contours were properly placed round the y9,, /8S point on Diagram XXXV we could tell at once the probability that the given point, owing to random sampling, should fall outside a given elliptic contour. The ellipse which has for principal semi-axes 1*1772, and 1*1772..,, where 2, and 2, are the principal axes of the ellipse : 1=i- -fsTl+v1! v'% ' '"') (lxxi). covers an area on which stands just one half the frequency, i.e. it is the ellipse determined by the generalised probable error of two variates (see Table X, p. 24). The semi-minor axis 1*1772, and the semi-major axis 1*1772, of this "Probability Ellipse " multiplied by ^N are given in Tables XLIV and XLV respectively, and Table XLVI gives the angle in degrees between the major axis of this ellipse and the axis of /9... It is thus possible to construct from Tables XLIV — XLVI the " probability ellipse" round a given point /8,, y8,, and to test the area within which half the frequency lies. If the probability required be not J, but much less, then we note that the probability, that a point will lie outside the ellipse with semi- axes X2, and X2S is P = e ~ *x*. Let X2a =1-177 v/FS.,x'(iT44!l ...(Ixxii), or X5 = q x -630,672, an/1 /-' — p ~ *7 X 'SlB.SSo • III1 1 I ^~ O . Hence logP = -(j x *136,949. Accordingly 9 = 10 : /' = *0427, 9=12: P= -02*27, 9=15: P=*0088, a = 20 : P = *0018. XXXV— XLVI] Introduction Ixv Hence we select the grade of working probability we require, roughly 1 in 23, 1 in 44, 1 in 114 or 1 in 555, and this determines q. Divide i^the total frequency by q and look up in Table V, %t for N/q, multiply this by the 1177 VJV2,j of Table XLV, p. 84, and we obtain the semi-major axis of the required ellipse- Multiply the same ^, by 1'177 ViVS, of Table XLIV and we have the semi-minor axis. We can then construct round the point Qi, /82 this ellipse and ascertain if it cuts critical boundaries on Diagram XXXV, p. 66, the orientation being given by Table XLVI, p. 86. Less accurately, but for practical purposes effectively, we may work on Diagram XL VII, p. 88. We proceed just as before, to select our q and so determine our \2, and X2i. Then we take the ratio of 2,/2j. We now pick out of the ellipses on p. 88 the set having the nearest 2,/S2 value and out of this set the ellipse with the nearest XS2 value of its semi-major axis. This ellipse or if necessary an interpolated one is transferred to tracing paper and placed with its centre at the given point (&, /?,), and its major axis touching the dotted curve. If this ellipse does not cut a critical line, we can be certain that to the given degree of probability the curve is of the type into the area of which its /9j, /3a point falls. It would be impossible in an Introduction to these tables to give the whole theory of frequency curves*. But one or two formulae may be usefully placed here for reference. a v'/Si (0, + 3) Distance a from mode to mean = 7^^ -^-3 -- ^ .................. (Ixxiii), 2 (o#2 - o#, - y) Skewness sk - &l ^* + ^ ClxxnA ~2(5&-6/3,-9) ' f* Stf = & - 4/3,& + 4/3,' - ft + 160,0, - 80, + 16/8.) ............... (Ixxv bis), 2,, 2,,Eft „, = 2/3a - 3&0, - 40,0, + 60,«0, + 3& ft, - 6/9, + 1 2ft' + 24/3, (Ixxvi). It is from the above formulae that the Tables now under discussion have been calculated. Illustration. The following percentages of black measured with a colour top are stated to occur with the recorded frequencies in the skin colour of white and negro crosses f. Discuss the type of frequency curve suited to the data and determine the chief physical constants of the distribution and their probable errors. * The general theory is given in " Skew Variation in Homogeneous Material," Phil. Trans. Vol. 186 (1895), A, pp. 343—414: Supplement, Vol. 197 (1901), A, pp. 443—459; "On the Mathematical Theory of Errors of Judgment," Phil. Tram. Vol. 198 (1902), pp. 274—279 ; "Das Fehlergesetz und seine Verallgemeinerungen durch Fechner und Pearson," A Rejoinder, Siometrika, Vol. iv. pp. 169 — 212. "Skew Frequency Curves," A Rejoinder to Professor Kapteyn, Ibid. Vol. v. pp. 168—171, and " On the curves which are most suitable for describing the frequency of Random Samples of a Population," Ibid. Vol. v. pp. 172—175. t Extracted from C. B. Davenport, Heredity of S/c.'n Color in Negro-White Croiiei, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1913. B. < Ixvi Tablet ft »• «n = Ifrll/i/N = '493. Hence we must conclude that it is more probable that the curve is of Type I than of Type III. This is readily determined and is usually sufficient guide. Actually the value of XSj must be about "6 before we get an ellipse to approximately touch the Type III line. But 2, = '493/1-177 = '419, and accordingly \ = '6/-419 = 1-432, which gives P = e~*XJ = '36 nearly, or the odds are 16 to 9 that the point would not lie outside this contour. But if it did lie outside this contour, the chance of ite being on or over the Type III line corresponds to only a very small section of the total frequency outside this contour. If we invert the problem and put the system of ellipses on the nearest point of the Type III line we find that the odds are very much in favour of the point /9, = '678, /8« = 3734 lying outeide such a system. On the whole it is reasonable to conclude that Type I is properly used although we should probably not get bad results from a Type III curve. In some respects a suitable fit would be obtained by using Type I, and fixing its XXXV— XLVI] Introduction Ixix start at zero *, but the vagueness of what is meant by ' percentage of black ' as a factor, when the entire pigmentation of the skin probably arises from a single melanin pigment, only varying in concentration in the pigment granules and in the density of granules themselves. We have therefore contented ourselves by fitting a Type I curve, as further illustration of the use of the tables in the present work. The theory of fitting is given in the paper cited below f. Following the usual notation we find : r = 6 08, - ft - l)/(3& - 2& + 6) = 21-7755, « = r»/{4 + JA (r + 2)V(r + 1)) = 57-764,468, b- = /*,?•- (>• + l)/e = (36-9391)'. Hence: m, = 2-0917, m.2=17'6838, a, = 3-9071, «, = 33-0320, and : x l- V \ 33-03207 To find j/0 since m, is large, we use the approximation to the formula : N (»i, + m. + 1) rrrs|><>iianying diagram, and considering the nature of the data is a reasonable graduation. auu 190 180 170 160 / i /* 150 14O / N 130 12O i / \ \ 110 100 7 \ Of) BO 70 60 / \ \ 4O 30 1 1 \ 20 i ""• \ 7 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5O 55 60 65 70 75 80 Per cent, of Black in Skin Colour. TABLE XLVIII (pp. 89—97). Percentage frequency of Occurrences in a Second Sample of m after p Occur- rences in a First Sample n. (M. Greenwood, Biometrika, Vol. IX. pp. 69 — 90.) If we assume the tnith of Bayes' Theorem then an event having occurred p times and failed q times in n trials, the chance that it will occur s times and fail m — s times in a second series of m trials is : /•I I x»(\-xyidx Jo These results can be evaluated as all the indices are integers and the series C,+ C, + Ct + ... + Ct+ ... expressed iu the usual hypergeometrical form : m (m - 1) (m - 2) \q \n + m + n+l [i + ™ P + 1 + ^_(^il) (P n+l\ ll^y + TO (2 (q + 5T+ U«X). XL VIII] Introduction Ixxi If « be large and p not widely different from q, then results may be obtained from the Gaussian curve, using as S. D. A/m- -, but if either p/n or q/n be very small and m or n are commensurable, this no longer holds*. The case, however, of p and q widely different and n and m commensurable and themselves small numbers frequently arises, especially in laboratory work or in the treatment of rare diseases f. The present table gives the evaluation of the hypergeometrical series, formula (Ixxx) above, for a series of values of m, n, p and q. It is not sufficiently comprehensive to allow of very accurate interpolation in certain of its ranges, but it has involved a large amount of work, and will undoubtedly be of help till a more complete table can be calculated. Meanwhile if the reader feels in doubt as to any interpolation, it is not a very arduous task to calculate the result required from formula (Ixxx) by aid of Table XLIX. Illustration (i). In a batch of 79 recruits for a certain regiment four were found to be syphilitic. What number of syphilitics may be anticipated in a further batch of 40 recruits ? Here n = 79, p = 4, q = 75 and m = 40. We must first interpolate in the p = 4> column on p. 97 between n = 100, m = 25, and n= 100, TO =50 for m = 40, ie. we must go £$ towards the m=5Q series, or we must add 0'4 times the first series to 0'6 times the second series. We then repeat the same process for the series for p = 4 and n = 50, m = 25 and n = 50, m = 50 on p. 95. There results : Occurrences n=50, m = 40, p=4 n=100, w = 40, p = 4 0 6-8654 20-7406 1 13-5880 26-7023 .' 16-3802 21-5249 -; 15-7086 14-1138 ; 13-2702 8-2460 5 10-3867 4-4566 6 7-7259 2-2637 7 B-M78 1-0886 S 3-8221 •4977 9 2-5583 •2171 10 1 -6581 •0906 11 1-0409 •0362 12 •6332 •0139 IS •3734 •0052 lit •2137 •0019 15 •1188 •0007 16 and over •1311 •0003 * For a full discussion of the subject : see Pearson, " On the Influence of Past Experience on Future Expectation," Philosophical Magazine, 1907, p. 365. t Tables recently published by Boss and Stott ("Tables of Statistical Error," Annals of Tropical Medicine and Paraiitology, Vol. v. No. 3, 1911), appear to be designed to meet such cases, but being based on the Gaussian curve are, I think, very likely to lead the user to fallacious conclusions. Ixxii Tnbloi _t'ur Statistician* and .Bioim-trici'im* [XhVIII \V. must interpolate between these two series for n = 79, that is we must take 042 times the first series and 0'58 times the second series. The results are given below, and set against the direct calculation from formula (Ixxx), using Table XLIX. Rj Interpolation. Direct Calculation. « = 70, y> = 4, »i = 40 n = 79,j> = 4, m = 40 II 1 l-.H»i 12-6143 / -M-I943 21-937!) .' !'.»•:«; IL' 22-5152 3 1 1-7828 17-6667 k 10-3562 11-6727 5 6-9472 6-8143 6 1-M78 3-6137 7 2-9529 1-7713 8 1 -8940 •8118 9 1-2004 •3507 10 •7489 •1436 11 •4582 •0560 1.' •2740 •0208 IS •1598 •0074 14 •0908 •0025 15 -0503 •0008 16 •0271 ) 17 •0142 V0003 18 and over •0140 ) The interpolation does not give a result very close to the actual series. For example, not more than three syphilitics might be anticipated in 70 °/0 of samples of 40 by the interpolated series ; actually not more than 3 are to be expected in 75 % of samples. At the same time the result is much better than the normal curve theory provides. In the latter case we have Mean = 40x^ = 2025, Standard-Deviation = \/40 x ^ x \ {} = 1'387. Hence (3'5 - 2'025)/1'387 = 1-064 and by Table II this value of x corresponds to ^(1 + a) = '86, i.e. in 86 °/0 per cent, of samples of 40, we should have not more than 3 cases. It will be seen therefore that (i) the values at the latter end of the Table are not close enough to obtain very accurate results by interpolation, but (ii) that the Gaussian gives a still poorer approximation. I /! /nitration (ii). Of 10 patients subjected by a first surgeon to a given operation only one dies. A second surgeon in performing the same operation on 7 patients, presumably equally affected, loses 4 cases. Would it be reason- able to assume the second surgeon had inferior operative skill ? XLVIII— XLIX] Introduction Ixxiii On p. 91, we have the series for p = 2 when n = 10 for the values m = 5 and m = 10. Taking "6 of the first series and -4 of the second we have : Interpolation from Table. Actual Value from formula. 71 = 10, HI = 7, p=l 1 n = 10, m = 7,p = l 0 3V9762 35-9477 1 30-6704 31 -4542 2 17-3366 18-8725 S 8-2114 8-9869 4 3-5248 3-4565 5 1-4446 1-0370 6 •5676 •2200 7 •1996 •0251 8 [-05611 9 [•0114] 10 [-0012] The chance that if the two surgeons are of equal skill 4 or more patients will die out of the second surgeon's 7 operations is -058 by interpolation and -047 actually. Hence the odds against the occurrence are 16 to 1 by the table and 20 to 1 actually. It will be observed that interpolation gives small values at impossible numbers of deaths, but these have to be reckoned in to obtain the total number 100. That all seven patients should die under the second surgeon, if of equal skill, involves odds of 500 to 1 about in the interpolation result, but 4000 to 1 about actually. On the Gaussian hypothesis in the original problem the mean = 7 x ^ = -7 and the S. D. = V7 x •& x & = -7937, and (3'5 - -7)/-7937 = 3'52 roughly, or this corresponds to odds of about 4545 to 1 — which are wholly un- reasonable. Thus the Table gives by interpolation odds of approximately the right value, which may serve many useful purposes, for those who are unable to work out the values required from formula (Ixxx). At the same time it is clear that a much larger Table with closer values of the quantities involved is desirable. TABLE XLIX (pp. 98—101) The Logarithms of Factorials. (Calculated by Julia Bell, published here for the first time.) This table was obtained by adding up in succession consecutive logarithms in a table of logarithms to 12 figures. Not until the work was completed did we realise the existence of the splendid table of C. F. Degen*, which was then used to confirm our own results. De Morgan in his Treatise on the Theory of Probabilities of 1837 published an abridgement to six decimals of Degen's Table of Factorials. His values cannot, however, be trusted to the sixth figure of the mantissa. The * Tabularum ad faciliorem et breviorem probabilitatis computationem utilum. Havniae, MDCCCIXIV. This gives the logarithms of the factorials up to 1200 with 18 figures in the mantissa. B. * l\\iv Talk* for Statisticians (> + 324 x 1-690,1961 - 709-645,9652 • 674-359,6453 Or Cm = '030993, or the most probable numbers will only be born once in 32'3 months, or say once in two years and eight months. We have Ce/Cm='876, or the chance of equal boys and girls is 88% of the chance of the most probable numbers of boys and girls. TABLE L (pp. 102—112) Tables of Fourtli- Moments of Subgroup Frequencies. (Calculated by Alice Lee and P. F. Everitt ; published here for the first time.) In the usual method of determining the raw moments of a frequency, we take moments about an arbitrary origin, which is towards the apparent mode and • Actually of course the problem is more complex, because the number of children born per month is not constant. Introduction Ixxv multiply by plus and minus abscissae increasing by units — the ' working unit.' Thus an error made in an early moment may be carried on to the later moments. To control the results Table L was calculated a number of years ago, and from it the fourth moments for such frequencies as most usually occur can be read off at sight, and the raw fourth moment column thus tested before proceeding further. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Head Length Frequency Abscissa AV AV2' AV AV Table L 171 1 -20 - 20 + 400 - 8,000 + 160,000 160,000 2 1 19 19 361 6,859 130,321 130,321 fi 2 18 38 648 11,664 209,952 209,952 4 0 17 — — — — — 5 3 16 48 768 12,288 196,608 196,608 6 3 15 45 675 10,125 151,875 151,875 7 5 14 70 980 13,720 192,080 192,080 8 7 13 91 1,183 15,379 199,927 199,927 9 12 12 144 1,728 20,736 248,832 248,832 180 13 11 143 1,573 17,303 190,333 190,333 1 17 10 170 1,700 17,000 170,000 170,000 2 28 9 252 2,268 20,412 183,708 183,708 S 24 8 192 1,536 12,288 98,304 98,304 4 43 7 301 2,107 14,749 103,243 103,243 5 53 6 318 1,908 11,448 68,688 68,688 8 :>7 5 285 1,425 7,125 35,625 35,625 7 55 4 220 880 3,520 14,080 14,080 8 88 3 204 612 1,836 5,508 5,508 9 83 2 166 332 664 1,328 1,328 190 85 - 1 - 85 + 85 85 + 85 85 1 96 0 - — — — 2 102 + 1 + 102 + 102 + 102 + 102 102 3 79 2 158 316 632 1,264 I 1,264 4 &3 3 249 747 2,241 6,723 6,723 5 66 4 264 1,056 4,224 16,896 16,896 e 66 5 330 1,650 8,250 42,250 41,250 7 50 0 336 2,016 12,096 72,576 72,576 8 43 7 301 2,107 14,749 103,243 103,243 9 to 8 280 2,240 17,920 143,360 143,360 200 30 9 270 2,430 21,870 196,830 196,830 1 20 10 200 2,000 20,000 200,000 200,000 2 24 11 264 2,904 31,944 351,384 351,384 8 14 12 168 2,016 24,192 290,304 290,304 4 13 13 169 2,197 28,561 371,293 371,293 5 8 14 112 1,568 21,952 307,328 307,328 6 3 15 45 675 10,125 151,875 151,875 7 6 16 96 1,536 24,576 393,216 393,216 8 0 17 — — — — — 9 1 18 18 324 5,832 104,976 104,976 210 1 + 19 + 19 + 361 + 6,859 + 130,321 130,321 Totals 1306 — + + + + — Ixxvi Table* for Stufixtictans am/ /iinmt'fn'fitmx [L- LI The multiplication can therefore be done very rapidly and it suffices to re-examim- not the whole of the arithmetic l.ut only those rows which do uot agree with the table. lUu»tmtwn. Calculate the first four raw moments of the distribution of head lengths in 1306 non-habitual criminals on the previous page and test whether they are correct. This was an actually worked out case, and it will be seen that in this instance only one slip was made — that of a wrong multiplication by 5 in the contribution to the fourth moment of the frequency of head lengths 196. Often far more serious blunders are found. Correction would be made and the columns then added up on the adding machine. Two points should be noticed. First it is not in practice necessary to copy out the results from Table L, — they are merely compared on the table itself with the items in column (vii) and any divergence noted. Secondly in actual practice, it would be quite sufficient to take 20 instead of 40 sub-groups in this case. Sheppard's corrections would fully adjust for the difference. TABLE LI (pp. 113—121) Tables of the General Term of Poisson's Exponential Expansion ("Law <>{' Small Numbers"). (H. E. Soper, Biometrika, Vol. X. p. 25.) The limit to the binomial series (Ixxxi), when q is very small, but nq = m is finite, was first shewn by Poisson to be (Ixxxii). The present table provides the value of the terms of this series, i.e. e~mmx/a;l to six decimals for m = O'l to m = 15 by tenths. A previous table for m ~ O'l to m = 10 to four decimals has been published by Bortkewitsch*, but his values are not always correct to the fourth decimal. Poisson's exponential limit to the binomial has been termed the " Law of Small Numbers " by Bortkewitsch, but there are objections to the term. The approxi- mation depends on the smallness of q (or, of course, p) and the largeness of n, so that the mean m is finite. Thus 100 murders per annum might be quite a "small number," if they occurred in a population of 40,000,000, for H would be large and q would be small. It is therefore space and time which has limited the present table to m = 15, not the idea of m being small of necessity. Illustration (i). The number of monthly births in the Canton Vaud being taken as 662, and one birth in 114 being that of an imbecile, find the chance of 12 or more imbeciles being born in a month. " Dot Qttetz der klrinen /.ahlrn, Leipzig, 1898. LI— LII] Introduction Ixxvii /113 1 X882 The binomial is I =— ^ + -— j . n is accordingly large and q small, while 749 = 5 "8 nearly. We look out 5'8 in Table L and sum the terms for 12 and beyond. We find the chance of 12 or more = '01595. Actually worked from the binomial, it is "01564. Or about once in five years, we might expect in Canton Vaud a month with 12 imbecile births*. Illustration (ii). Bortkewitsch (loc. cit. p. 25) gives the following deaths from kicks of a horse in ten Prussian Army Corps during 20 years, reached after excluding four corps for special reasons: Annual Deaths Frequency Observed Frequency Poisson's Series ii 109 108-72 1 65 66-22 : •2-2 20-22 s 3 4-12 4 1 •63 5 — •08 6 and over — •01 Totals ... 200 200 The mean m of the observed frequency is -61, whence using Table LI (p. 113) and taking '9 the series for 0'6 and -1 times the series for 0'7, we reach figures, which multiplied by 200 give us the column headed " Frequency, Poisson's Series " above. Such good agreement, however, is very rare. A good fit to actual data with the Exponential Binomial Limit is not often found. Its chief use lies in theoretical investigations of chance and probable error : see Whitaker, Biometriku, Vol. x. p. 36. TABLE LII (pp. 122—124) Table of Poisson's Exponential for Cell Frequencies 1 to 30. (Luoy Whitaker, Biometrika, Vol. x. pp. 36—71.) Given a cell in which the frequency is n, corresponding to the population N. Then if n, and N are very large (or we suppose, without this, the individual to be returned before a second draw), the number in this sth cell will be distributed in M samples of m according to the binomial law * See Eugenia Laboratory Memoirs, XIII. p. 22. A Second Study of the Influence of Parental Alcoholism, " Ixxviii Tablf* for Statixticiniix an*l /ii>nti5/4'079 = T348. If we turn to Table II we find for this argument £(1 + a) = '9102 or £ (1 -a) = '0898. Hence we should conclude that in not more than 17'96°/0 of cases would deviations exceed ± 5. Actually such occur in 17'99 "/„ of cases. Thus the actual per- centages are very close, but the Poissou series tells us that 8P47 °/0 of cases will be in defect and 9'53 °/0 in excess, while the Gaussian gives 8'98 % in both excess and defect. We may further ask the percentage of times that 17 itself would occur; according to the Gaussian it will occur in 9'76 % °f trials, actually it will occur in 9'63 °/0- With values of cell-frequency less than 17, say in the single digits, far greater divergences will be encountered. LII— LIII] Introduction Ixxix Illustration (ii). Consider the fourfold Table below and discuss the relative probabilities that it has arisen from a population which shews 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. indi- A Xot-.l Totals a N"t-fl ... 127 -5 863-5 0 87 127-5 950-5 991 87 1078 viduals for this size of sample in the cell B, not-.4. On the assumption that 0 is really the population of this cell, the probability is unity. Hence we have the following result. Population) of cell ( 0 1 j 3 4 t? 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 & over Probability) ofO [ 1 •36788 •13534 •04979 •01832 •00674 •00248 •00091 •00034 •00012 •00005 •00002 •00001 •00000 occurring ) Sum = 1-58200. Whence taking the a priori probabilities proportional to the probability of 0 occurring on the separate possibilities we have: Probabilities that the Table arose from a population with x in the B, not-A cell. X Probability X Probability II •632,110 7 •000,575 1 •232,541 8 •000,215 ! •085,550 9 •000,076 s •031,473 10 •000,032 4 •011,580 11 •000,013 5 •004,260 12 -000,006 6 •001,568 18 and over •000,000 The " association " of such a Table cannot therefore be considered " perfect," for in 37 °/0 of cases it would arise from a Table with a unit or more in the B, not-J. cell. The above is actually a Table of the correlation of stature in father and son. Grave caution is therefore needful in discussing such "perfect association" tables. TABLE LIII (p. 125) Angles, Arcs and Decimals of Degrees. (Based on Button's Mathematical Tables.) This Table gives degrees in radians for the first two quadrants; it then gives minutes and seconds from 1 to 60 in fractions of a degree and in radians. The Ixxx Table* for Statuticiaiu am/ /*»o/w«ric/a//* need of such a table is very obvious, au.l ari«,s in too great a variety of circum- stances to be specified. Illiutnttwii. It is rv.,uire.l to plot th.- .-urve»: * = 14-99 17 tau 0, Here log y = log 235'323 + 32-8023 log cos 6 - 4'5696 log « x To cover the whole range of observations we must proceed fimn, ' - • - «Mo rouehlv It will be found sufficient to take 0 by ^te* * and multiplying by the logarithmic cos.nes of 36 9 rt^ obtained by multiplying (taking the third factor from Tabl 4-5696 x log e x -017,4533 = '216,7955 on the machine and multiplying the result in succession by 3, 6, 9, etc. jj j i i OQKQ91 — 9-171 fifi44 and the second column The first column is added to Iog23532-i- «m,uc Another problem sometimes arises given x to find y For « = - 2-0885. Required to find the maximum ordmate yma. tan 6 = - 2-0885/14-9917 = - '139,3104, whence by a table of natural tangents 0 = - 7° 55' '851265, = - r 55' 51". The log cosine of this value of Q is 1-995,8962. Table LIII gives us : r= -122,1730 m are .,., = -015,9989 „ „ •851,265' = -851,265 x "000,2909= -000.2*76 „ „ Hence 0= -'138,4195 „ „ • See PWI. Tran,. Vol. 186, A, p. 387. Pearson's Type IV frequency curve fitted to the .Utur. of 2192 St Louis School OirU aged 8. LIII — LIV] Introduction Ixxxi Hence logymo= 2-371,6644 + 32-8023 (- -004,1038) + 1-984,5521 x -138,4195 2-511,7510. Hence ymo = 324-901. TABLE LIV (pp. 126—142) Tables of the 0 (r, v) Integrals. (Calculated by Alice Lee, D.Sc. Transactions British Association Report, Dover, 1899, pp. 65 — 120.) The purpose of this table is to obtain the value of the integral 0 (r, v) = f sinr 0e'°d6 . . . .(Ixxxiii). Jo In order to obtain small differences in tabulated values two additional functions F (r, v) and H (r, v) are introduced. The relations between the three functions are then expressed by the following series of equations : F(r, v) = e~*n Q(r, v) .............................. (Ixxxiv), ..................... vr — 1 G(r>v) = e*"F(r,v) ................................. (Ixxxvi), ^^,.,) ............... (l-xvii), where tan tf> = v/r. Pearson's Type IV Skew Frequency Curve is of the form -Flan-'- Hence if N be its total area, i.e. the entire population under discussion, ^r f ' *i Jo a o N 1 B. I Ixxxii Tables for Stati«ti<-in<* [Ll\ The function H (r, v) is introduced because, as a rule, its logarithms have far smaller differences and it is thus capable of more exact determination from a table of double entry. Its physical relation to the curve may be expressed as follows; let the origin be transferred to the mean, then if y, be the ordinate at the mean, r,") where a is the standard-deviation of the curve a .(xcii). Vr — 1 cos The distance of the mean from the origin is given by /*,' = — « tan (xciii). When r is fairly large : - (xciv). / Hence --A/ -*/ «~'? (xcv)' // (/, v) V ,- - 1 V 2ir /l-4co.sa<4 where q = . / - J- , and thus the evaluation if $ be > 60° may be made by aid of Table II*. Illustration. In the curve fitted to the statures of St Louis School Girls, aged 8 (p. Ixxx), we have N~ 2192, a =14-9917, r = 30-8023, v = 4'56967. Find y,. We have tan = vfr = '148,3548. Hence = 83 26''31315 = 8°'43855. Turning to the Tables, p. 136, we see the large differences of \ogF(r, v) at this value of , and accordingly settle to work with log H(r, v). We have for log H (r, v), r = 30 r = 31 = 8° -388,2032 -388,5583, = 9° -388,2278 •:{,S8,5822, log H(r, v) = '388,2032 + ('4386) [24«] - i ("4386) x ('5614) [28] = •388,2137. • For a fuller dincnssion of these integrals see Phil. Train. Vol. 186, A, pp. 876—881, B. A. 7'nni». Report, Liverpool, 1896, Preliminary Bcport of Committee..., and the /*./(. Trant. Report, Dover, 1899, already cited. — LV] Introduction Ixxxiii = 8°-4386, r = 31: log H(r, v) = -388,5583 + (-4386) [238] - £ (-4386) (-5614) [27] = "388,5684. = 8°-4386, r=32: log H (r, v) = -388,8910 + ('4386) [231] - } (-4386) (-5614) [26] = -388,9008. Hence = 8H386, r = 30 8023 : log H (r, v) = -388,2137 + -8023 [3547] - ± (-8023) (1977) [- 223] = -388-5001. Hence by formula (Ixxxv) : log F (r, v) = v log e + r+ I log cos - \ log (»•-!) + log H (r, v). Or, using Tables LIII and LV, we have logF(r, v)= -292,2901 - -737,1249 + 1-849,6578 + -388,5001 •.-..•{0,4480 - -737,1249 \ogF(r, i/)- 1-798.8231 Finally from formula (xci) : log y0 = log N - log a - 1-793,3231 = 3-340,8405 -1-175,8509 -1793,3231 •969,1740 = 2-371,76665. Or y0 = 235-324*. TABLE LV. This table contains some miscellaneous constants in frequent statistical or biometric use and requires no illustration. It has already been used in the illustrations to previous tables. I have had the generous assistance of my colleagues Miss E. M. Elderton and Mr H. E. Soper in the preparation of the Illustrations to these Tables. I can hardly hope that arithmetical slips have wholly escaped us in a first edition, and I shall be grateful for the communication of any corrections that my readers may discover are necessary. * The value 235-323 obtained in Phil. Trant. Vol. 186, A, p. 387, was found by the approximate formula (xciv) before tables were calculated. Every reader may now see in what way the higher branches of mathematics are concerned in our present subject. They are the abbreviators of long and tedious operations, and it would be perfectly possible, with sufficient time and industry, to do without their use When both the ordinary and the mathe- matical result are derived from the same hypothesis, the latter must be the more correct : and in those numerous cases in which the difficulty lies in reducing the original circumstances to a mathematical form, there is nothing to show that we are less liable to error in deducing a common sense result from principles too indefinite for calculation, than we should be in attempting to define more closely, and to apply numerical reasoning. — DE MORGAN. Tables of the Probability Integral TABLE I. Table of Deviates of the Normal Curve for each Permille of Frequency. Permille •000 •001 •002 •003 •004 •005 •006 •007 •008 •009 •010 •0!) 00 3-0902 2-8782 2-7478 2-6521 2-5758 2-5121 2-4573 2-4089 2-365 0-7192 0-7160 0-7128 0-7095 0-7063 •76 14 0-7063 0-7031 0-6999 0-6967 0-6935 0-6903 0-6871 0-6840 0-6808 0-6776 0-6745 •75 •25 0-6745 0-6713 0-6682 0-6651 0-6620 0-6588 0-6557 0-6526 0-6495 0-6464 0-6433 •74 •26 0-6433 0-6403 0-6372 0-6341 0-6311 0-6280 0-6250 0-6219 0-6189 0-6158 0-6128 •73 •ft 0-6128 0-6098 0-6068 0-6038 0-6008 0-5978 0-5948 0-5918 0-5888 0-5858 0-5828 •72 •28 0-5828 0-5799 0-5769 0-5740 0-5710 0-5681 0-5651 0-5622 0-5592 0-5563 0-5534 •71 •29 0-5534 0-5505 0-5476 0-5446 0-5417 0-5388 0-5359 0-5330 0-5302 0-5273 0-5244 •70 •so 0-5244 0-5215 0-5187 0-5158 0-5129 0-5101 0-5072 0-6044 0-5015 0-4987 0-4959 •69 •SI 0-4959 0-4930 0-4902 0-4874 0-4845 0-4817 0-4789 0-4761 0-4733 0-4705 0-4677 •68 •S2 0-4677 0-4649 0-4621 0-4593 0-4565 0-4538 0-4510 0-4482 0-4454 0-4427 0-4399 •67 •S3 0-4399 0-4372 0-4344 0-4316 0-4289 0-4261 0-4234 0-4207 0-4179 0-4152 0-4125 •66 •34 0-4125 0-4097 0-4070 0-4043 0-4016 0-3989 0-3961 0-3934 0-3907 0-3880 0-3853 •65 •S5 0-3853 0-3826 0-3799 0-3772 0-3745 0-3719 0-3692 0-3665 0-3638 0-3611 0-3585 •64 •86 0-3585 0-3558 0 •:}-).•? 1 0-3505 0-3478 0-3451 0-3425 0-3398 0-3372 0-3345 0-3319 •63 •S7 0-3319 0-3292 o-3:J66 0-3239 0-3213 0-3186 0-3160 0-3134 0-3107 0-3081 0-3055 •62 •S8 0-3055 0-3029 0-3002 0-2976 0-2950 0-2924 0-2898 0-2871 0-2845 0-2819 0-2793 •61 •so 0-2793 0-2767 0-2741 0-2715 0-2689 0-2663 0-2637 0-2611 0-2585 0-2559 0-2533 •60 •4" 0-2533 0-2508 0-2482 0-2456 0-2430 0-2404 0-2378 0-2353 0-2327 0-2301 0-2275 •59 •41 0-2-275 0-2-2M 0-2224 0-2198 0-2173 0-2147 0-2121 0-2096 0-2070 0-2045 0-2019 •58 •-'/-' 0-2019 0-1993 0-1968 0-1942 0-1917 0-1891 0-1866 0-1840 0-1815 0-1789 0-1764 •57 •4-1 0-1764 0-1738 0-1713 0-1687 0-1662 0-1637 0-1611 0-1586 0-1560 0-1535 0-1510 •56 •44 0-1510 0-1484 0-1459 0-1434 0-1408 0-1383 0-1358 0-1332 0-1307 0-1282 0-1257 •55 •45 0-1257 0-1231 0-1206 0-1181 0-1156 0-1130 0-1105 0-1080 0-1055 0-1030 0-1004 •54 •¥> 0-1004 0-0979 0-0954 0-0929 0-0904 0-0878 0-0853 0-0828 0-0803 0-0778 0-0753 •53 •47 0-0753 0-0728 0-0702 0-0677 0-0652 0-0627 0-0602 0-0577 0-0552 0-0527 0-0502 •52 •48 0-0502 0-0476 0-0451 0-0426 0-0401 0-0376 0-0351 0-0326 0-0301 0-0276 0-0251 •51 •40 0-0251 0-0226 0-0201 0-0175 0-0150 0-0125 o-oioo 0-0075 0-0050 0-0025 o-oooo •50 •010 •009 •008 •007 •006 •005 •004 •003 •002 •007 •000 Permille 2 Tablfti for Statisticians and TABLE II. Area and Ui-dinate in terms of Abscissa. • !(!+«) A ? i A * ,„, 01 •". •03 •04 •5000000 B0898M •50797-3 •5119665 •5159.'.:tl 30804 30800 30882 30870 0 4 12 16 •3989423 •3989223 •3088625 •3987(12- •39802:13 109 .vis 097 1886 Ml 300 300 398 398 •05 •5190388 39831 20 •3984 139 179:1 2191 397 •06 •07 •08 •09 •10 •5270032 •5318814 •5358564 •5398278 30810 397 39750 30714 30675 24 28 32 36 40 •3982248 •3979061 •3976677 •3973298 •3969525 1688 29-1 3379 3773 4166 397 3!H1 395 394 393 •11 '12 •13 •14 •IS •5437953 •5477584 •55171 < is •5556700 •5596177 39(131 395- 1 30532 30477 39418 44 48 51 55 50 •3966360 •3060802 •3955854 •3950517 •3944793 4558 4948 5337 5724 6110 392 390 3s!) 387 380 •16 •17 •18 •19 •20 •5635595 •5674919 •5714237 •57634.V1 •5792507 303:.:. 30288 39217 39143 39065 63 67 71 74 78 •39381 is} •3932 190 •3925315 •3918060 •3910427 6493 6875 7255 7(133 8008 384 382 380 378 375 •XI •j.' •~"> •25 •5831662 •5870644 •5909:.41 •594- •5987063 38983 38897 38808 38715 38618 82 86 89 88 97 •3902419 •3894038 •3885286 •3870 Kit! •3866681 8381 8752 9120 9485 9847 373 371 308 365 362 •:•: •30 •6025681 •6064199 •6102612 •6140919 •6179114 3s;,i8 38414 38306 38195 38081 100 104 107 111 114 •3856834 •3846027 •3836003 •3825146 •3813878 10207 10564 10017 11208 11615 360 357 354 350 347 •31 •32 •S3 •SJL •35 •62551.-.- •6293000 •6330717 •6368307 37063 37842 37717 37 37458 118 121 12:. 128 131 •38022(11 •3790305 •3778007 •3765372 •3752403 11058 1229S 12635 12008 13297 344 340 337 333 329 •36 •37 •38 •at •40 •6405764 •6443088 •6480273 •6517317 •6554217 37323 37185 37044 3(1900 307 53 135 138 141 144 147 •3739106 •3725483 •3711539 •3697277 •3682701 13623 13044 14262 14575 14885 325 322 318 313 309 41 42 •43 •44 •45 •6590970 •6627573 •6664022 •6700314 •673(1 lis 36602 3(1149 3(1293 36133 35971 150 153 156 159 162 •3667817 •3652(127 •3637136 •3621349 •3605270 15190 16491 15787 16079 16367 305 301 896 292 288 •46 •47 ;- (1772419 •0808SSB •6879331 •6914625 35806 35638 35467 35294 165 168 171 173 176 •3588003 •3572253 •355532:. •3538124 •3520653 16650 16028 17202 17470 283 278 274 269 264 • *s 34">7 1 184 •54 •55 •7084016 •7088 |i (3 343^ 34200 186 180 •:,<; •67 •58 •59 •60 •71221 i< i3 •7156612 •7100127 •7224047 •7257 1 C9 34009 33815 33620 33422 33222 191 188 106 L86 200 •61 •62 •63 •64 •65 •7290691 •7323711 •7356527 •7380137 •7421539 33020 32816 32610 32402 32102 202 204 200 ion 2111 •66 •67 •68 •7453731 7486711 •751747s 31080 31767 11 \ - 1 212 214 215 •69 •70 •7549029 •7580363 31OOJ 31334 31116 217 219 •71 •72 •73 •74 •75 •7611470 •764237:. •7673049 •7703.500 •7733726 30806 30674 30451 3022(i 30001 220 m 223 225 220 •76 •77 •78 •79 •80 •7763727 •7793501 •7823046 •7852361 •7881446 29773 20545 29316 29085 28853 227 228 230 231 232 •81 •8S •83 •84 •85 •79102!i:t •7938919 •70673011 •709.ri i:>s •802337.'. 28620 28387 28152 27917 27680 233 234 235 23.'. 236 •86 •87 •88 •89 •90 •8051055 •80784!»8 •8105703 •8132(171 •8 1593! 19 27443 27205 26007 26728 26480 237 238 238 239 239 •91 •!>..' •:>.! •94 •95 •8185887 •8212131! •8238145 •8263912 •8289439 26240 26008 25768 25527 25285 240 240 241 241 241 •96 •91 •98 •99 1-00 •8314724 •8339768 •8364569 •838!) 1 2! i •8413447 25044 84809 24560 2 13 IS 242 242 848 212 212 Tables of the Probability Integral TABLE II.— (continued). z A A> •3520653 •3502919 •3484925 •3466677 •3448180 •34294:J9 17734 17994 18248 18497 18741 18981 264 259 254 249 244 239 •3410458 •3391243 •3371799 •3352132 •3332246 19215 19444 19667 19886 20099 234 229 224 219 213 •3312147 •3291840 •3271330 •3250623 •3229724 20307 20510 20707 20899 21086 208 203 197 192 187 •3208638 •3187371 •3165929 •3144317 •3122539 21267 21442 21613 21777 21936 181 176 170 MB 159 •3100603 •3078513 •:t< 150274 •3033893 •3011374 22090 22239 22381 2251!) 22650 154 148 143 137 132 •2988724 •2965948 •2943050 •2920038 •2896916 22777 22897 23013 23122 23227 126 121 115 110 104 •2873689 •28503(11 •2M:>6945 •2803438 •2779849 23325 23419 23507 23589 23666 99 93 88 83 77 •27.-.0182 •2732444 •2708640 •2684774 •2660852 23738 23805 23866 23922 23972 72 66 61 56 51 •2636880 4613863 •2588805 •2564713 •2540591 24017 24058 2401 <:; 24122 24147 45 40 35 30 25 •2516443 •2492277 •2468095 •2443901 •2419707 24167 24182 24191 24196 20 15 10 5 0 X *(! + «) A + A2 z A A2 + 1-00 1-01 1-02 1-0.1 1-04 1-05 •8413447 •8437524 •8461358 •8484950 •8508300 •8531409 24076 23834 23592 23351 23109 22868 242 242 242 242 242 241 •2419707 •2395511 •2371320 •2347138 •2322970 •2298821 24196 24191 24182 24168 24149 24125 0 5 10 14 19 24 106 1-07 1-08 1-09 1-10 •8554277 •8576903 •8599289 •8621-134 •8643339 22626 22386 22145 21905 21665 241 241 240 240 240 •2274696 •2250599 •2226535 •2202508 •2178522 24097 24064 24027 23986 23940 28 33 37 41 46 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 •8665005 •8686431 •8707619 •8728568 •8749281 21426 21188 20950 20712 20475 239 239 238 237 237 •2154582 •2130691 •2106856 •2083078 •2059363 23890 23836 23778 23715 23649 50 54 58 62 66 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-20 •8769756 •8789995 •8809999 •8829768 •8849303 20239 20004 19769 19535 19302 236 235 235 234 233 •2035714 •2012135 •1988631 •1965205 •1941861 23578 23504 23426 23344 23259 70 74 78 82 85 1-81 1 ' ! .' 1-2X 1-24 1-25 •8868606 •8887670 •8906514 •8925123 •8943502 19070 18839 18609 18379 18151 232 231 230 22!) 228 •1918602 •1895432 •1872354 •1849373 •1826491 23170 23077 22981 22882 22779 89 93 96 99 103 I-;-; 1-27 14* 149 1-30 •8961653 •8979.-.T7 •8997274 •9014747 •9031995 17924 17697 17472 17248 17026 227 226 225 224 223 •1803712 •1781038 •1758474 •1730022 •1713686 22673 22564 22452 22337 22218 106 109 112 115 118 1-S1 1 '• 1 ! ;•.;.; 1-84 1-35 •9049021 •9065825 •9082409 •9098773 •9114920 16804 16584 16366 16147 15930 222 220 219 818 217 •1691468 •1669370 •1647397 •1625551 •1603833 22097 21973 21847 21717 21585 121 124 127 129 132 J-M 1-S7 1-SfS 1-S9 1-40 •9130850 •9146565 •9162067 •9177356 •9192433 15715 15501 15289 15078 14868 215 214 212 211 210 •1582248 •1560797 •1539483 •1518308 •1497275 21451 21314 21175 21033 20890 134 137 139 142 144 1-41 ]•>,' I-',: 1-44 I'!,- •9207302 •11221902 •9236415 •9250663 •9264707 14600 14453 14248 14044 13842 208 207 205 204 202 •1470385 •1455041 •1435046 •1414600 •1394306 20744 20596 20446 20294 20140 146 148 150 152 154 l-J,c, 1-47 1-lfi 1-49 1-50 •9278550 •92921S1 •9305034 •9318879 •9331928 13642 13443 13245 13049 201 199 197 196 194 •1374165 •1354181 •1334353 •1314684 •1295176 19985 19828 19669 19508 155 157 159 160 162 1—2 Table* for Sfatittirfuiix '3 •0734068 •0720649 13946 13770 13594 13419 1324.r) 176 176 176 175 175 1-86 1-87 1-88 1-89 1-90 •9686572 •9692681 •9699460 •9706210 •9712834 7009 6879 6751 6624 6500 132 130 128 196 125 •0707101 •0694333 •0681436 •066871 1 •0656158 13071 1 2*117 1 2725 12553 12382 174 173 173 171 1-91 i •' ; 1-94 •9719334 •9725711 •9731 9(!0 •9738102 H7U119 6377 (i-255 6136 6018 6902 123 121 120 118 116 •0643777 •0631 5i ;c •0619524 •0607<;52 12211 19041 11873 11705 11638 170 170 168 168 167 i •". (•M 1-99 KM •9750021 4768 •9761 1*2 •976701.-. 4778499 6787 6674 5568 6453 116 113 111 110 108 •0584409 •0573038 0661881 •05507*n 11372 11201; 11042 10879 166 165 164 163 ' *(!+«> A A« .'•IX 1 .'•Hi ,.,,: ."".; 2-05 4779499 •9777 •9788217 •979324S •9798178 6345 5989 5134 6031 4929 108 106 105 103 102 100 KM MS 2-10 •9803007 •9807738 4819879 •9816911 •9821356 4731 4634 4589 4445 4352 95 94 92 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 •9825708 •9829970 4884149 4688996 •9842224 4262 4172 4084 8996 3913 91 89 88 86 85 2-16 S-17 2-18 2-19 >• 'n •9846137 •984:- •9853713 •9857379 •98609C6 3829 3747 8666 3587 3509 84 82 81 79 78 .".'! ;.'•;.'.-, •9864474 •9867906 •98712C3 •9874545 •98777:..-. 3432 3357 3283 3210 3138 77 74 73 71 2-26 2-27 •9880894 3068 9989 70 69 68 >. >i, 2-30 •9881I-!':', •9892759 2932 2865 1800 66 65 2-31 3-32 2-33 3-34 S-35 469 4900969 4903 2736 9674 2612 2552 2492 64 63 62 60 59 2-SG 2-37 MS •9908626 •9911060 •9913437 •991575- •9918025 2434 2377 2321 9967 2213 68 67 56 54 '-']'' •HH20237 •11112231)7 •9924506 •9926564 2160 2108 2058 2008 53 59 51 50 (( , •99285/2 1960 4» •"'<'• •9930531 48 .';-;.; 4989449 I88& 47 .. ,',, 4984809 •9937903 1820 1775 46 46 44 Tables of the Probability Integral TABLE II. — (continued). z A + •0539910 •0529192 •0518636 •0508239 •0498001 •0487920 10717 10557 10397 10238 10081 9924 162 161 160 159 157 156 •0477996 •0468226 •0458611 •0449148 •0439836 9769 9616 9463 9312 9162 155 154 153 151 150 •0430674 •0421661 •0412795 •0404076 •0395500 9013 8866 8720 8575 8432 149 147 146 145 143 •0387069 •0378779 •0370629 •0362619 •0354746 8290 8149 8010 7873 7737 142 140 139 138 136 •0347009 •0339408 7608 135 133 •0331939 •032400:! 73:',7 132 130 •03173!»7 7077 129 •0310319 •0303370 i >i;'.)0546 6950 6824 6699 127 126 125 •0283270 6678 6455 122 O876818 •0870481 •i 1204265 •0258166 •0252182 0335 0210 6099 .-,'.. s 1 6870 120 119 117 116 114 •0246313 •0240556 •0234910 •0229374 •0223945 5757 5646 6536 5428 6322 113 111 110 108 107 •OS18884 0213407 •0208294 5217 5113 105 104 102 •(•203281 •0198374 5011 4910 4811 101 99 •0193563 •0188850 •0184233 •0179711 •0175283 4713 4617 4522 4428 98 96 95 93 92 X Ki-HO A A2 z A A2 2-50 2-51 2-52 2-53 2-54 2-55 •9937903 •9939634 •9941323 •9942969 •9944574 •9946139 1731 1688 1646 1605 1565 1525 44 43 42 41 40 39 •0175283 •0170947 •0166701 •0162545 •0158476 •0154493 4336 4246 4157 4069 3982 3897 92 91 89 88 86 85 2-56 2-57 f-fiS 2-59 2-60 •9947664 •9949151 •9950600 •9952012 •9953388 1487 1449 1412 1370 1341 39 38 37 36 35 •0150596 •0146782 •0143051 •0139401 •0135830 3814 3731 3650 3571 3493 84 82 81 80 78 2-61 2-62 2-6S 2-64 •9954729 •9956035 •9957308 •9958547 •9959754 1306 1272 1239 1207 1176 35 34 33 32 32 •0132337 •0128921 •0125581 •0122315 •0119122 3416 3340 3266 3193 3121 77 76 74 73 72 .'•<;,; 2-68 2-69 2-70 •9960930 •9962074 •9963189 •9964274 •9965330 1145 1115 1085 1050 1028 31 30 29 29 28 •0116001 •0112951 •0109969 •0107056 •0104209 3051 2981 2913 2847 2781 70 69 68 67 66 2-71 2-73 •9966358 •996735!) •9968333 1001 974 27 27 26 •0101428 •0098712 •0096058 2717 2654 64 63 62 2-74 2-76 •9909280 •9970202 948 922 897 26 25 •0093466 •0090936 2592 2531 2471 61 60 2-76 2-77 2-78 2-79 2-80 •9971099 •9971972 •9972821 •9973646 •9974449 873 849 825 803 781 24 24 23 23 22 •0088465 •0086052 •0083697 •0081398 •0079155 2413 2355 2299 2244 2189 59 57 56 55 54 2-81 S-82 2-83 2-84 •9975229 •9975988 •9976720 •9977443 759 738 717 22 21 21 20 •0076965 •0074829 •0072744 •0070711 2136 2084 2033 53 52 51 50 2-85 •9978140 697 20 •00687 28 1983 49 678 1934 2-86 Mr 2-88 •9978818 •9979476 •9980116 658 640 19 19 18 •0066793 •0064907 •0063067 1886 1839 48 47 46 S-89 2-90 •9980738 •9981342 622 604 587 18 17 •0061274 •0059525 1793 1748 1704 46 44 2-91 2-92 '•'!.', t-i^l •9981929 •9982 11)8 •9983052 •9983589 570 553 537 17 10 16 16 •0057821 •(K 156 160 •0054541 •0052963 1661 1019 1578 43 42 41 40 ®'(]K •9984111 522 15 •0051426 1537 40 507 1497 2-9G 2-97 •9984618 •9985110 492 15 11 •004992!) •0048470 145!) 39 38 2-98 •9985588 478 14 •0047050 1421 37 2-99 3-00 •998f;i i:, 1 •9986501 400 14 13 •0015000 •0044318 1384 1347 36 35 0 Tables for Srittixtii-iiiii* i 424 111 13 •IMI 13007 •00417 > 1877 36 34 31)4 •9987772 •9988171 4088668 ** I I 387 37.". 12 12 12 •0041 •0038098 1210 1178 1146 33 32 32 3D6 $-07 MS 3D9 3-10 •9988933 •9989297 •0080660 •9989992 •9990321 884 353 342 332 11 11 11 10 10 •0036951 •0035836 •00347".! •696 •0032068 1115 1085 1056 1087 999 31 30 89 29 28 s-n 3-12 •9990646 •9990957 31 2 1O-' 10 10 •0031609 •0030<;!.s B71 27 27 s-is •9991200 OVi 108 9 •00297.Y4 Ql ft 26 3-14 3-10 •9991553 •9991836 2*1 275 9 B •0028835 •0027D13 y j o 893 868 26 2.', 3-16 3-17 3-18 •9992112 •9992378 •9992030 887 258 -'".II 9 8 8 •0027075 8831 •002." 1 1 2 843 820 24 24 23 3-19 !.!. 12 ••-;•• 4 •0011122 3 "(I 12 3-44 •9997091 IIH: 4 •0010717 i '> 12 3-45 •9997197 IVQ 102 4 •00103*3 868 11 3-40 •9997299 99 3 •0010030 142 11 3-47 •9997398 95 3 •0009689 O^£ 331 11 3-48 •999741)3 3 •0001)3:.^ 10 3-49 •9997.~.*."i „ 3 •0009037 10 •9W97674 3 •0008727 10 X »a+4 A I* 3-50 •9997674 VI' 3 3-51 gQ . .1 3 s-r>» •9997*12 oo 3 3-63 17928 •?•? 3 3-54 •9997ii!)l) / t 3 3-55 •9998074 "" -, 3 72 3-56 •9998146 3 3-57 16816 69 2 3-58 •9998282 ftf. 2 3-59 •OBOB847 DO c-> 2 3-60 0008408 oz 2 60 3-61 999*11;') 2 .••'•'.' Kft 2 S-63 uU •2 S-V4 •999.S037 54 2 ,;•<;.-, •9998689 60 2 3-66 •999873!) 2 3-67 •999*7*7 A*7 •2 3-68 *998K>,I 47 AK 2 •9998879 4O i«> 2 s-w 9998989 4.5 4-2 2 S-71 •9998964 Af\ 2 MSI •11! 11)1)004 4U .;-;.; •9999048 3!) •11! i! 11)080 37 3-75 •in 11)9116 30 35 .;•:<; •ll!i!)9150 •9998 33 •>.» 3-78 •: in: »92 16 ai 1 •9999217 31 1 8-80 •9999277 30 on 1 29 3-81 •9999305 S-82 •9999333 0- ,:-x.; •H9f)!l3.".!l c 8-94 •mi! in:',*:, 5 3-85 •9999409 24 3-86 •!)!)!)!) 133 23 , i'",^/ •0800466 ,•;-.« •9999478 22 21 S-89 •9999408 • c( i S-90 •9999519 •u 19 3-91 •9991):,:',!) iii 3-92 •8999667 Uf 18 ,;•'.!.: 1678 .:•'.<', •9809698 3-95 •9999609 16 S-9G •999902.-. 1 K 3-07 •9809641 to 15 .:-!iS •99! 56 .:.''.'( •9009670 14 1 4-00 4009688 1 Tables of the Probability Integral TABLE II.— (continued). z A A2 •0008727 10 •0008426 •0008135 0007853 •0007581 •0007317 301 291 282 273 264 10 9 9 9 8 256 •0007061 •0006814 •0006575 O006343 •0006119 247 239 232 224 217 8 8 8 8 7 •0005902 •0005693 •0005490 •00052!)! •0005105 210 203 196 189 7 7 7 8 6 183 •0004921 O004744 177 6 6 •0004.-)73 •0004 ins 171 165 6 6 •0004248 160 155 5 •0004093 •0003944 149 5 5 •0003800 144 5 •0003661 139 5 •0003.-.^'; 135 130 5 •0003396 4 •0003271 125 4 •IK)* 13149 121 4 OOo:; •0002919 117 113 4 4 108 •0002810 4 •0002705 1 05 4 •0002*;' > 1 102 4 •OU0250I! 98 3 •0002411 M 3 91 •0002:):;i I 3 •00022:52 88 3 •0002147 85 3 00020*;:, 82 3 •0001987 79 3 76 O001910 3 •00018:57 73 3 •00017*;'; 71 3 OOOlons 08 2 O001633 66 2 63 •0001 5C9 , . i 2 •0001 50N ol 2 •00014!!) 59 2 •0001 393 57 2 •oo. 1 1 :j:;x BC 2 X ,8 67972 4-73 •--774 ne 7-74 80314 527:'.: i 4-75 89*j:» 502!i:. 476 90320 47960 4-77 90789 4572H 4"78 91:>3.-> 435! 1C 4-79 inc.tii 41559 4-80 92067 39613 4-81 92453 37755 .'/•*.' 92822 35980 4-8S 93173 34285 w 93508 32667 4-85 93827 3112:! 4-86 94131 29647 4-87 94420 28239 4-88 94696 26895 ; 89 94958 25613 4-90 !i">:i08 24390 4-91 95446 23222 ,..,, 95673 22108 4-M 95HMI 21046 4-94 90 20033 ',-•'• 962MI 19066 4-01; 96475 18144 4-97 96652 17265 96821 16428 .i,-:>'.i 96981 15«:fi» X i(l+«) 1 ."<•<»/ 97133 14867 5-U1 97278 14141 :.-»: 97416 13450 97.VJ8 12791 :,••:.; 99152 4585 99197 4351 s*e 99210 4128 6-26 99280 3917 5-27 99318 3710 e-u 99354 8685 5-29 99388 3344 5-30 99421 3171 6-31 99452 3007 .'.-.:; 09481 2852 .-,-.:.: 99509 2704 6-94 99535 2563 5-35 99560 2430 5-36 99584 2303 „•,;; 99606 2183 5-38 99628 2069 5-39 99648 1960 6-40 99667 1857 5-41 996.H.-, 1760 997(1:; 1667 ,•;,; 997 IN 1579 e-44 !I!I734 1 l!i:, 5-45 99748 1416 5-41; 99762 1341 6-47 9977.r. 1270 .,-J.v 99787 1202 ::-',:i 99799 1138 X i(l-H') 1 5-.TO 99810 M77 C-51 1019 99831 ! M l.'i 10 913 s-86 99857 H17 5-56 99865 773 5-57 99873 731 5-58 99880 691 6-59 99886 654 5-60 99893 618 5-61 99899 .',•>:.' 99905 553 .",•»;.; 99910 e/a 5-64 99915 494 5-65 99920 467 8-66 99924 t 11 6-91 99929 417 B-68 99933 3! II 6-69 !i!»:i:;i; 37 -2 6-70 99940 Wl 6-71 99944 332 99947 313 .',•',.: 90960 ne 99953 880 .-,-;.-, 99955 264 6!W79 liM 8-89 99981 117 5-90 99982 110 8-91 99983 104 fi-'.i.1 99984 98 99985 92 •"''•'"/ 99986 87 5-95 99987 82 5-96 99987 77 6-97 99988 73 5-.W 999NI 68 99990 65 l-.-IHI 99990 61 Prefix W999 to each entry. Tables of the Probability Integral 9 TABLE III. Abscissa and Ordinate in terms of difference of Areas. a X A + A2 + A3 + z A A2 A3 •00 •01 •OS •03 •04 •05 •ooooooo •0125335 •0250689 •0376083 •0501536 •0627068 125335 125354 125394 125453 125532 125631 0 20 39 59 79 99 20 20 20 20 20 20 •3989423 •3989109 •3988169 •3986603 •3984408 •3981587 313 940 1567 2194 2821 3449 627 627 627 627 627 628 0 0 0 0 0 1 •06 •07 •08 •00 •10 •0752699 •0878448 •1004337 •1130385 •1256613 125750 125889 126048 126228 126429 119 139 159 180 201 20 20 20 21 21 •3978138 •3974060 •3969353 •3964016 •3958049 4078 4707 5337 5967 6599 628 629 630 631 632 1 1 1 1 1 •11 •12 •IS •14 •IS •1383042 •1509692 •1636585 •1763742 •1891184 126650 126893 127157 127443 127751 221 243 264 286 308 21 21 22 22 22 •3951450 •3944218 •3936352 •3927852 •3918715 7232 7866 8501 9137 9775 633 634 635 636 638 1 1 1 1 2 •16 •17 •18 •19 •20 •2018935 •2147016 •2275450 •2404260 •2533471 128081 128434 128811 129211 129635 330 353 376 400 424 23 23 24 24 25 •3908939 •3898525 •3887469 •3875769 •3863425 10415 11056 11699 12344 12991 640 641 643 645 647 2 2 2 2 2 •21 • it •23 •24 •25 •2663106 •2793190 •2923749 •3054808 •3186394 130084 130559 131059 131586 132140 449 474 500 527 554 25 26 27 27 28 •3850434 •3836794 •3822501 •3807555 •3791952 13641 14292 14946 15603 16262 649 652 654 657 659 2 2 3 3 3 •26 •27 •28 •29 •so •3318533 •3451255 •3584588 •3718561 •3853205 132722 133333 133973 134644 135346 582 611 640 671 702 29 30 30 31 32 •3775690 •3758766 •3741177 •3722919 •3703990 16924 17589 18258 18929 19604 662 665 668 672 675 3 3 3 3 4 •SI •32 •33 •34 •35 •3988551 •4124631 •4261480 •4399132 •4537622 136081 136849 137652 138490 139366 735 768 803 839 876 34 35 36 37 39 •3684386 •3664103 •3643138 •3621487 •3599146 20283 20965 21651 22342 23036 679 682 686 690 695 4 4 4 4 4 •36 •37 •38 •so •40 •4676988 •4817268 •4958503 •5100735 •5244005 140281 141235 142231 143271 144355 914 954 996 1039 1085 40 42 43 45 47 •3576109 •3552374 •3527935 •3502788 •3476926 23735 24439 25148 25861 26580 699 704 709 714 719 5 5 6 5 6 •41 •42 •43 •44 •45 •5388360 •5533847 •5680515 •5828415 •5977601 145487 146668 147900 149186 150529 1132 1181 1232 1286 1342 49 51 54 56 59 •3450346 •3423041 •3395005 •3366233 •3336719 27305 28035 28772 29514 30264 725 730 736 743 749 6 6 6 7 7 •46 •47' •48 •49 •50 •6128130 •6280060 •6433454 •6588377 •6744898 151930 153394 154923 156521 1402 1464 1529 1598 1670 62 65 69 72 •3306455 •3275435 •3243652 •3211098 •3177766 31020 31783 32554 33333 756 763 771 779 787 7 7 8 8 B. 10 Tables for Statisticians and TABLE III. Abscissa and Ordinate in terms of difference of Areas. a * A + A1 + As + f A A1 A» •50 •51 •5t •53 •54 •56 •6744898 •6903088 •7063026 •7224791 •7388468 •7654150 168191 159937 161765 163678 165682 167782 1670 1747 1828 1913 2004 2100 76 81 86 91 96 102 •3177766 •31 43646 •3108732 •3073013 •3036481 •2999125 31119 34915 3.V719 36532 37356 38189 787 71)5 MM 814 823 834 9 9 9 10 10 11 •66 •57 •58 •59 •60 •7721932 •7'-!tl917 •8064212 •8238936 •8416212 169984 172296 174724 177276 179961 2203 2312 2428 2552 2685 109 116 124 133 143 •2960936 •2921902 •MttOU •2841256 •2799619 39034 39889 40757 41637 42530 844 856 867 880 893 11 12 12 13 14 •61 •6* •&J •64 •65 •8596174 •8778963 •8964734 •9153651 •9345893 182789 185771 188917 192242 195760 2828 2981 3147 3325 3518 153 165 178 193 209 •2757089 •2713653 •2/2ir* 30 197-30921 From each of the values in this table -30103 must be subtracted, if we wish to obtain the probability ZF, then given by ( - log 2/1), that the value is greater than x. without regard to sign. a— 2 12 Table* for Statitfictdit* "//'/ /ti TABLE V. Probable Errors of Means and Standard Deviations. N Xi X. 1 •67449 •47694 * •47694 •33724 3 •38942 •J7536 4 •337-'4 •23847 6 •30164 •21329 6 •27636 •19471 7 •26493 •18026 8 •23847 •16M;:! 9 •22483 •15898 10 •21329 •16082 11 •20337 •14380 It •19471 •13768 IS •18707 •13228 14 •18026 •11747 15 •17415 •12314 16 •16862 •11923 17 •163.59 •11567 18 •15898 •11241 19 •15474 •lOiM:! SO •15082 •10665 »1 •14719 •10408 tx •14380 •10168 gs •14064 •09945 -•; •13768 •09736 KB •13490 •09539 96 •13228 •09353 «r •12981 •09179 S8 •12747 •09013 S9 •12525 •08856 30 •12314 •08708 31 •12114 •08566 3g •11923 •08431 33 •11741 •08302 34 •11567 •08179 36 •11401 •08062 36 •11241 •07949 37 •11088 •07841 38 •10942 •07737 39 •10800 •07637 40 •10665 •07541 41 •10534 •07448 4* •10408 •07359 43 •10286 •07273 44 •10168 •07190 4S •10055 •07110 4e •09946 •07032 47 •09838 •06957 48 •09736 •06884 49 •09636 •06813 60 •09539 •06746 n Xt X* SI •0941'! •06678 •09363 •06614 S3 •09266 •06551 64 •0917!) •06490 •09095 •06431 u •09013 •06373 67 •08934 •06317 68 •08856 •06262 a •08781 •06209 60 •08708 •06157 Cl •08636 •06107 c,! •o-i.->06 •06057 6S •08 198 •06009 84 •08431 •05902 U •083CC •05916 C6 •08302 •05871 67 •08240 •058->7 68 •08179 •05784 M •08120 •05742 70 •08062 •05700 71 •08005 •05660 •07949 •05621 73 •07894 •05582 74 •07841 •05544 75 •07788 •05507 76 •07737 •05471 77 •07687 •05435 78 •07637 •05400 79 •07589 •05366 80 •07541 •05332 81 •07494 •05299 88 •07448 •05267 83 •07403 •05235 84 •0735!) •05204 85 •07316 •05173 KG •07273 •05113 87 •07231 •O.M13 88 •07190 •O.V)84 89 •07150 •05056 90 •07110 •06027 91 •07071 •05000 9S •07032 O407I >i.; •06994 •04946 94 •00957 •04819 95 •06920 •04893 86 •06884 •04868 97 •06848 •04843 98 •06813 •04818 99 •06779 •04793 100 •06748 •04769 n X, *1 101 •06711 •04746 /".' •06678 •047:!:! lot •06646 •04699 104 •06614 •01077 105 •06582 •04654 106 •06551 •04632 107 •06521 •04611 108 •06490 •04 109 •06460 •01508 110 •06431 •04547 111 •06402 •04527 11! •06373 •01507 113 •06345 •04487 114 •06317 •04IH7 115 •06290 •04447 116 •06i(y •04 li'H 117 •06236 •04409 118 •06209 •04391 119 •06183 •0437:! l.Jn •06157 •04354 1S1 •00 132 •04330 1 .'2 •OOloT •04318 i .'.; •06082 •04300 124 •06057 •04283 US •06033 •04266 i .•<; •06009 •04249 127 •05985 •04232 1 .'.f •05962 •ot216 ; .".> OMtt •04199 I. »i •05916 •04183 131 •05S'(3 •04167 133 •05871 •04161 133 •0584!) •04136 134 •05S:J7 •04120 us •05805 •04105 136 •05784 •04090 i.;: •05763 •04076 1;:S •05742 •04060 1S9 •05721 •04046 140 •05700 •04031 141 •05680 •04017 142 •05060 •04002 143 05610 OM68 144 •O.MIiJl •03!)7 1 145 •06601 •03961 m; •05582 •03917 147 •05563 •o:i!»:u 14$ •i '.-,544 •o:i()20 149 •055-20 •03907 150 •05507 •OMM Tables for Facilitating the Computation of Probable Errors 13 TABLE V. Probable Errors of Means and Standard Deviations. n *i X; 151 •05489 •03881 152 •05471 •03868 153 •05453 •03856 154 •05435 •03843 155 •05418 •03831 156 •05400 •03819 157 •05383 •03806 158 •05366 •03794 159 •05349 •03782 160 •05332 •03771 161 •05316 •03759 162 •05299 •03747 163 •05283 •03736 164 •05267 •03724 165 •05251 •03713 166 •05235 •03702 167 •05219 •03691 168 •05204 •03680 1G9 •05188 •03669 170 •05173 •03658 171 •05158 •03647 1 7 .' •05143 •03637 173 •05128 •03626 nit •05113 •03616 175 •05099 •03605 176 •05084 •03595 177 •05070 •03585 178 •05056 •03575 179 •05041 •03565 180 •05027 •03555 181 •05013 •03545 182 •05000 •03535 183 •04986 •03520 184 •(14972 •03516 185 •04959 •03507 186 •04946 •03497 187 •04932 •03488 188 •04919 •03478 189 •04906 •03469 190 •04893 •03460 191 •04880 •03451 19S •04868 •03442 19S •04855 •03433 194 •04843 •03424 196 •04830 •03415 196 •04818 •03407 197 •04806 •03398 198 •04793 •03389 199 •04781 •03381 200 •04769 •03372 n *i *2 201 •04757 •03364 202 •04746 •03356 203 •04734 •03347 304 •04722 •03339 SOS •04711 •03331 206 •04699 •03323 207 •04688 •03315 308 •04677 •03307 209 •04666 •03299 210 •04654 •03291 211 •04643 •03283 212 •04632 •03276 21S •046:!:; •03268 214 •04611 •03260 S15 •04600 •03253 216 •04589 •03245 217 •04579 •03238 218 •04568 •03230 219 •04558 •03223 220 •04547 •03216 221 •04537 •03208 .'.'.' •04527 •03201 .'.'.: •04517 •03194 224 •04507 •03187 225 •04497 •03180 «M •04487 •03173 227 •04477 •03166 228 •04467 •03159 MB •04457 •03152 ,.'.:<> •04447 •03145 231 •04438 •03138 232 •04428 •03131 233 •04419 •03125 MU •04409 •(•3118 235 •04400 •03111 S36 •04391 •03105 237 •04381 •03098 238 •04372 •03092 ',:.;'.) •04363 •03085 2JtO •04354 •03079 241 •04345 •03172 2.1,2 •04336 •03066 243 •04327 •03060 244 •04318 •03053 245 •04309 •03047 246 •04300 •03041 247 •04292 •03035 S48 •04283 •03029 249 •04274 •03022 250 •04266 •03016 n Xi *2 251 •04257 •03010 252 •04249 •03004 253 •04240 •02998 254 •04232 •02993 255 •04224 •02987 256 •04216 •02981 257 •04207 •02975 258 •04199 •02969 259 •04191 •02964 260 •04183 •02958 261 •04175 •02952 262 •04167 •02947 263 •04159 •02941 264 •04151 •02935 2G5 •04143 •02930 266 •04136 •02924 267 •04128 •02919 268 •04120 •02913 269 •04112 •02908 270 •04105 •02903 271 •04097 •02897 272 •04090 •02892 273 •04082 •02887 274 •04075 •02881 275 •04067 •02876 S76 •04060 •02871 277 •04053 •02866 278 •04045 •02860 279 •04038 •02855 280 •04031 •02850 281 •04024 •02845 282 •04017 •02840 283 •04009 •02835 284 •04002 •02830 285 •03995 •02825 286 •03988 •02820 287 •03981 •02815 288 •03974 •02810 289 •03968 •02806 290 •03961 •02801 291 •03954 •02796 292 •03947 •02791 293 •03940 •02780 294 •03934 •02782 295 •03927 •02777 296 •03920 •02772 297 •03913 •02767 298 •03907 •02763 299 •03901 •02758 300 •03894 •02754 14 Tablr* for Statisticians ami liiimn-trii-!nnx TAULK V. Probable Errors of Means and Standard Deviations. n Xt xt 301 •03888 •02749 ••: •03881 •02744 •O:^::. •02740 .; •03M;^ •02735 u •03862 •02731 .;<«; •OH •027 2( i 0) •03850 •02722 SOS •03843 •02718 ,., •03837 •02713 310 •03831 •02709 ..11 •038:!.-. •02704 :: •03819 •0271* i .;/.: •03812 •02696 314 1H8M •02692 315 •03800 •02687 316 •03794 •02683 317 •03788 •02679 318 •03782 •02675 sin •0377t; •02670 •03771 •02666 .11 •0371.-:. •02662 • :: •037:.: i •02658 <087M •02654 ••:', •03717 •02650 .,:.-. •037 1 1 •02646 . •03736 •02642 •03730 •096*7 as •03721 •02633 •03719 •02629 330 •(13713 •02625 331 •03707 •02621 •03702 •02618 333 •03696 •02614 ••', •03691 •02610 ., •03685 •02606 336 •03680 •02602 337 •03674 •02598 338 •03669 •02594 339 •03663 •02590 340 •03668 •02687 341 •03653 •02583 ',• •03647 •02579 •;•• •03642 •02575 •'44 •03637 •OJ571 ;• •03631 •i '2568 34C •03626 •02664 347 •03621 •02660 348 •03616 •02657 349 •03610 •02563 ..... •03606 •02549 n Xi *» .;.-,! •03600 •02546 •03595 •02542 A'tS •03590 •02538 •O358.r> •02535 •03580 •02531 .;.-,<; •03575 •02528 .-..- •03570 •02524 sn •03:.(;:, •02521 ::.-,!> •03560 •02517 .:,:,! •03555 •02614 SGI •03560 •02510 .'..' •03545 •02507 3ti3 •03540 •02503 3ti4 •03535 •02500 3V5 •03530 •02196 SGG •03526 •02493 307 •03521 •02490 368 •03516 •02486 309 •03511 •02483 970 •03507 •02479 S71 •03502 •02476 378 •03497 •02473 373 •034!i2 •02469 374 •03488 •02466 375 •03483 •02463 376 •03478 •02460 377 •03474 •02456 378 •03469 •02453 S79 •03465 •02450 S80 •03460 •02447 S81 •03456 •02443 0M •03451 •02440 MB •03446 •02437 S84 •03442 •02434 385 •03438 •02431 386 •03433 •02428 387 •03429 •02424 388 •03424 •02421 389 •03420 •02418 390 •03415 •02415 391 •03411 •02412 39S •i 13-107 •02409 MS •i (3402 •02406 394 •03398 •02103 395 •03394 •02400 396 •03389 •02397 89) •03385 •02394 m •03381 •02391 399 •03377 •02388 400 •03372 •02385 n Xi xt 401 •03368 •02382 4i>2 •03364 •02379 403 •03360 •02376 .',"4 •03356 •0071 405 •033:.-' •( 12370 406 •03347 •02367 407 •03343 •02364 408 •03339 •02361 4 •03253 •02300 4S1 •03249 •02297 |M •03245 •02295 4SS •03241 •089M 4*4 •03-238 •02289 .',-••-' •03234 •02287 436 •03230 •02284 4-97 •03227 •02281 438 •032-23 •1.2279 439 •03219 •02276 440 •03216 •02274 w •03212 •02271 44* •03208 •02269 443 •03205 •02266 444 •03201 •022(13 445 •03197 •02261 446 •03194 •02258 447 •03190 •0225<; 44* •03187 •02253 449 •03183 •02251 450 •03180 •02248 Tables for Facilitating the Computation of Probable Errors 15 TABLE V. Probable Errors of Means and Standard Deviations. n *1 X, j,r>i •03176 •02246 453 •03173 •02243 453 •0316!) •02241 4*4 •03166 •02238 455 •03162 •02236 456 •03159 •02233 H67 •03155 •02231 458 •03152 •0222!) •','••• •03148 •02226 !,<;<> •0314.-, •02224 .{•;/ •03141 •02221 .'/'•'-' •03138 •0221!) 463 •0313') •02217 .{'<•; •03131 •02214 465 •03128 •02212 466 •03125 •02209 41:7 •03121 •02207 }U •03118 •0220.-> /'•'•' •03115 •022i >i' 470 •03111 •02200 471 •03108 •02198 (.' •' •0310.-, •02195 473 •03101 •02193 474 •03098 •02191 475 •03095 •02188 476 •03092 •02186 477 •03088 •02184 478 •03085 •02181 470 •03082 •02179 4X0 •oso; <) •02177 481 •03075 •02175 482 •0307:2 •02172 ;,,; •03069 •02170 484 •03066 •02168 485 •03063 •02166 486 •03060 •02163 487 •03056 •02161 488 •03053 •02159 48!) •03050 •02157 490 •03047 •02155 491 •03044 •02152 492 •03041 •02150 '/•'••• •03038 •02148 494 •03035 •02146 495 •03032 •02144 496 •03029 •02142 -','•>• •03026 •02139 498 •03022 •02137 yi'.i •03019 •o:>13.-| 800 •03016 •02133 n *i *2 501 •03013 •02131 502 •03010 •02129 503 •03007 •02127 504 •03004 •02124 505 •03001 •02122 506 •02998 •02120 507 •02996 •02118 508 •02993 •02116 5'/.9 •02990 •02114 510 •02987 •02112 511 •02984 •02110 513 •02981 •02108 513 •02978 •02106 514 •02975 •02104 515 •02972 •02102 5i<: •02969 •02100 517 •02966 •02098 518 •02964 •02096 519 •02961 •02094 ,', .'" •02958 •02092 621 •02955 •02089 -, • i •02952 •02087 523 •0294!) •02085 SM •02947 •02084 525 •02944 •02082 536 •02941 •02080 527 •02938 •02078 528 •0293.-, •02076 539 •02!m •02074 :,;n •02930 •02072 Ml •02927 •02070 •02924 •02068 .-,.;.; •02922 •02066 .-,.;; •02919 •02064 •02916 •02062 •02913 •02060 •02911 •02058 r,.;8 •02908 •02056 SB •02905 •02054 540 •02903 •02052 541 •02900 •02051 543 •02897 •02049 543 •02895 •02047 544 •02892 •02045 545 •02889 •02043 546 •02887 •02041 547 •02884 •02039 548 •02881 •02037 549 •02879 •02036 650 •02876 •02034 n Xi *2 551 •02873 •02032 553 •02871 •02030 55S •02868 •02028 554 •02866 •02026 555 •028U3 •02024 656 •02860 •02023 557 •02858 •02021 558 •02855 •02019 559 •02853 •02017 560 •02850 •02015 561 •02848 •02014 563 •02845 •02012 .-,<;.: •02843 •02010 264 •02840 •02008 5tio •02838 •02006 £M •02835 •02005 567 •02833 •02003 568 •02830 •02001 569 •02828 •01999 570 •02825 •01998 571 •02823 •01996 572 •02820 •01994 573 •02818 •01992 574 •02815 •01991 575 •02813 •01990 576 •02810 •01987 577 •02808 •01986 578 •02806 •01984 579 •02803 •01982 580 •02801 •01980 581 •02798 •01978 582 •02796 •01977 583 •02793 •01975 584 •02791 •01974 585 •02789 •01972 586 •02786 •01970 587 •02784 •01969 588 •02782 •01967 680 •02779 •01965 590 •02777 •01964 591 •02774 •01962 592 •02772 •01960 593 •02770 •01959 594 •02767 •01957 595 •02765 •01955 596 •02763 •01954 597 •02761 •01952 598 •02758 •01950 599 •02756 •01949 600 •02754 •01947 16 Tahlt-tt for Sttiti.tfli'iiinx and fiiometrieians TABLE V. Probable Errors of Means and Standard Deviations. n Xi x, 601 •02761 •01945 60S •O2749 •01944 60S •02747 •01942 604 •02711 •I'l'.ill 605 •02742 •01939 999 •02740 •01!):!7 901 •02738 •01936 608 •O273.r> •01934 609 •02733 •01933 610 •02731 •01931 611 •027-2!) •01929 61,' •02726 •01928 613 •02721 •01926 614 •02722 •0102.'. 615 •02720 •01923 616 •02718 •01922 617 •0271.') •01920 618 •02713 •01919 619 •02711 •01917 >.."' •02709 •01915 621 •02707 •01914 Off •027' > 1 •01912 •02702 •01911 0*4 •0271 » ' •01909 6S5 •02698 •01908 6t6 •02696 •01906 •026!)4 •01905 •02H1I1-' •01903 999 •02*Mi •01902 630 •02687 •01900 631 •02685 •01899 999 •02683 •01897 <..:.: •02681 •01896 634 •02679 •01894 635 •02677 •01893 ,..,,, •02676 •01891 637 •02672 •01890 •02670 •01888 639 •02668 •01887 640 •02666 •01885 641 •02664 •01884 '•',-• •02662 •01822 -•; • •02660 •01881 *JU •02668 •01879 645 •02656 •01878 646 •02654 •01876 647 •02652 •01875 648 •02650 •01874 '•','' •02648 •01872 650 •02646 •01871 n X, X, 651 •02644 •01869 65S •02642 •01868 653 •02639 •01866 •02637 •01865 655 •02636 •01864 656 •i 12633 •01862 657 own •01861 9U •02629 •01859 650 •02627 •01858 660 •02625 •01856 661 •02623 •01865 <;•;.' •02621 •01854 998 •02620 •0181 <••'•'', •02618 •01851 665 •02616 •01849 666 •0261 1 •01848 997 •02612 •01847 668 •02610 •01845 999 •02608 •01844 670 •02606 •01843 671 •02604 •01841 an •02602 •01810 673 •02600 •01 83* 674 •02598 •01837 675 •02596 •01836 676 •02594 •01834 677 •02592 •01833 678 •02590 •01832 679 •02588 •01830 680 •02587 •01829 681 •02585 •01828 HXJ •02583 •01826 989 •02581 •01825 684 •02579 •01824 685 O2677 •01822 686 •02575 •01821 687 •02573 •01820 989 •02571 •01818 680 •i i2f>70 •01817 690 •02568 •01816 691 •02566 •01814 >;.•*.' •02564 •01813 695 •02562 •01812 694 •02560 •01810 896 •02558 •01809 696 •02557 •01808 697 •02555 •01807 698 •02553 •01805 699 •02551 •01804 700 •02549 •01803 n X, X, 701 •02548 •01801 70S •02546 •01800 70,1 02544 •01799 704 •02642 •01798 705 •02540 •01796 706 •02538 •017!i.-i 707 •02537 •01794 708 •02535 •01792 709 •02533 •01791 710 •02531 •01790 711 •02630 01789 712 •02528 •01787 71S •02526 •01786 714 •02524 •01785 715 •02522 •01784 716 •02521 •01782 717 •02519 •01781 718 •02517 41780 710 •025 ].-• •0177i> '; .'a •02514 •01777 7X1 •02512 •01776 :.'.' •02510 •01775 : .'•: •02508 •(M771 7S4 •02507 •01771 725 •02505 •01771 726 •02503 •01770 727 •02502 •01769 728 •02500 •01768 7S9 •02498 •01766 730 •02496 •01765 7S1 •02495 •01764 ?.;? •02493 •017 •02448 •01731 760 •02447 •01730 7>:i •03445 •01729 76i •02443 •01728 769 48449 •01727 784 •02440 •01725 765 •02439 •01724 766 •02437 •01723 767 iiL'!:)5 •01722 768 •IIL' 134 •01721 769 132 •01720 770 •i.'2131 •01719 771 129 •01718 772 •02428 •01717 778 •' 12420 •01715 774 •02 124 •ol714 775 •02423 •01713 77<; •02421 •01712 777 •02420 •01711 77tf •02418 •01710 77.'' •02417 •01709 780 •02415 •01708 781 •02414 •01707 78* •02412 •01706 783 •02410 •01704 7.S1; •02409 •01703 •02407 •01702 788 •02406 •01701 787 •02404 •01700 •02403 •01099 •08401 •01698 790 •02400 •01697 7'.n •023!l« •0169G •02397 •01600 793 •08398 O16W 794 •I 123!) i •01093 795 •02392 •016M 706 •02301 •010!) ' 797 •023S!) •01088 798 Dtt •01688 799 •02:. •01687 800 •023M5 •01686 n *i *3 801 •02383 •01685 802 •02382 •01684 809 •02380 •01683 804 •0237!) •01082 806 •02377 •01681 806 •02376 •01680 807 •02374 •01679 808 •02373 •01678 809 •02371 •01677 810 •02370 •01676 811 •02368 •01675 81S •02367 •01674 813 •02366 •01673 814 •02364 •01672 815 •02363 •01671 816 •02361 •01670 817 •02300 •01669 813 •02358 •01668 819 •02357 •01667 830 •02355 •01666 821 •02354 •U1665 822 •02353 •01664 823 •02351 •01602 824 •02350 •01601 us •02348 •01600 CM •02347 •01G59 837 •02345 •01658 82S •02314 •01657 839 •02343 •01056 980 •02341 •01655 8S1 •02340 •01654 832 •0233S •01653 833 •02337 •01652 834 •02336 •01051 835 •02334 •01651 886 •02333 •01650 837 •02331 •010 !!» 83S •02330 •01648 839 •02329 •01017 840 •02327 •01646 841 •0232(5 •01645 N.~> ! •02324 •01644 849 •02323 •01643 844 •02322 •01012 845 •02320 •01641 846 •02319 •01040 847 •02318 •0163'.) 848 •02316 •01638 8!fl •02315 •01637 850 •02313 •01036 n xt *2 S51 •02312 •01635 8u2 •02311 •01634 853 •02309 •01633 854 •02308 •01632 855 •02307 •01631 856 •02305 •01630 857 •02304 •01629 858 •02.303 •01628 859 •02301 •01627 860 •02300 •01626 861 •02299 •01625 862 •02297 •01624 863 •02296 •01624 864 •02295 •01623 865 •02293 •01622 866 •02292 •01C21 867 •02291 •01020 868 •02289 •01619 869 •02288 •01618 870 •02287 •01617 871 •02285 •01616 872 •02284 •01615 873 •02283 •01014 874 •02281 •01613 875 •02280 •01612 876 •02279 •01611 877 •02278 •01610 878 •02276 •01610 879 •02275 •01609 8SO •02274 •01008 881 •02272 •01607 88* •02271 •01606 883 •02270 •01605 884 •02209 •01604 885 •02267 •01603 880 •02266 •01602 887 •02265 •01601 88S •02263 •01600 8S9 •02262 •01600 890 •02261 •01599 891 •02260 •01598 892 •02258 •01597 899 •02257 •01596 894 •02256 •01595 895 •02255 •01594 896 •02253 •01593 897 •02252 •01592 S98 •02251 •01592 899 •02250 •01591 900 •02248 •01590 B. 18 Tablm for Stutlsliriuii* and J3ioiiuli-icn(ias TABLE V. TABLE VL Probable Errors of Afeans and Standard- Deviations. Probable Errors of Coejjicit nt «f Variation. M x, Xi ;>/)/ 147 •01589 146 ••'1588 1 15 •01587 904 •02213 416 9or> M9 •01585 906 08841 411 B : •02210 41684 •MS J38 •01 : ..'37 •oi 910 OS •015*1 911 188 •01 91* •022:1:1 •ol. ',79 91 •02232 •01578 914 131 •01578 915 49880 •01577 916 •08 41676 917 •i 12227 •01575 918 •02226 •01574 919 •0222.-. •01573 •02224 •01572 921 •02223 •01572 •02221 •01571 9SS •02220 •01570 •02219 •01569 •02218 •01568 916 •02217 •01567 OS7 •02215 •01566 918 •02214 •01566 919 •02213 •01565 0*0 •02212 •01564 931 •02211 •01563 . • •01562 933 •02208 •01561 934 •02207 •01 935 •02206 •01560 936 •02205 •01559 9 : •02203 •01558 938 •02202 •01557 939 •02201 •01556 '••'," •02200 •01556 941 •02199 •01555 94* •021HH •01551 943 OB1M 41668 944 48196 41669 945 481M •01551 046 •021! 13 •01551 ••'.. 1199 •01660 948 •0211)1 •01549 949 •0218!! •015 is 49 •01517 « Xi x, •02187 •01647 •• : •02186 •015 Hi 053 •".'185 •01545 964 •' HI 84 •oi. -.11 OSS •02183 •01543 an •02181 •01648 •02180 •01648 •02 17!) •01541 069 •08178 •01540 000 •02177 •01539 061 •02176 •01539 •02175 •016! 063 •02174 •015:17 •02172 •01536 9G5 •02171 •01 5:i:. 900 •02170 •01535 967 •02169 •01534 988 •02168 •01533 •"2167 •01532 970 •02166 •01531 971 •02 1C,.-) •01681 972 •02163 •01531) 97S 48169 •01688 974 •02 Mil •01688 975 •02160 •01527 976 •02159 •01 r.27 977 •021. IS •01526 978 08167 •01525 979 •08166 •01524 980 •02155 •01524 981 •01163 •01523 98* •02152 •01522 us.: •02151 •01521 984 •02150 •01520 985 •02149 •01520 986 •02148 •0151'.) 981 •02147 •01518 988 •02146 •01517 989 •"2145 •01517 D'JO •02144 •oi. MI; 991 •02143 •01615 •••-'.' •(12142 •01. '.I 1 •02140 •0151 1 994 •02139 •01513 995 •02138 •01512 996 •021:17 •01611 997 •08186 •01510 998 •i 12 1 :!:• •01510 999 •O2i::i •01509 1000 •oam •01508 V * J A» 0 1 3 f o-ooooo 1-00010 '080 840870 1-OUIIO I -00070 l-ooi'.xi 1 40374 0 60 120 180 -'*'' 1 60 60 60 60 4 6 61)1 140 J.>.l 898 69 r, 7 10 (i -02 156 748489 846104 841 1048 1-00908 L 41866 141688 148167 1-02690 358 417 475 533 590 69 66 57 11 1 _• IS 14 i.-, 11-18880 12-17157 13-21787 14-27176 15-33379 14) 148987 1 -o i • L 46889 1-06202 617 703 75: i 814 B68 57 66 56 55 54 17 I'.i 20 16-40449 17-48440 18-57405 19-67395 20-78461 1-07070 1-07991 1 •( IS905 1-09!)! HI 1-11066 981 974 1025 1076 1180 53 53 51 50 SI • > 33 24 25 21-90653 23-04021 24-18612 25-34473 26-51650 1-121D2 1-13368 1-14591 1-15861 1-17177 1175 1 223 1270 1816 1369 49 48 •17 46 15 S6 27 88 29 SO 27-70190 28-90135 30-11530 31-34416 32-58834 1-1853!) 1-19946 L -81896 1-22886 1-24418 1406 1449 1491 1533 1573 44 43 12 41 40 SI 32 33 34 35 33-84825 35-12428 36-41681 37-72621 39-05285 1-25901 1-27603 1-29253 1-30940 1-32664 1612 1660 1687 1723 1758 39 38 37 86 35 36 37 38 39 40 40-39707 41-75922 43-13962 41-53861 45-95050 1-34122 1-36215 1 -38041 1-39899 1-41789 1793 1826 I 858 1890 1920 34 88 32 31 30 41 'i' 44 45 47-3935!! 48-85017 50 '326.-, 1 61 -82296 53-33971 1-4370!) 1-46668 1-47686 1-49649 1-51675 1950 1978 8069 30 29 28 27 26 46 47 48 64-87706 ;:i524 68-01151 1 -53734 1-55818 1-57! 127 9084 2109 2i:i2 25 21 21 49 so 11610 81-83784 1-6221 1 2155 2177 23 22 Probable Error of a Coefficient of Correlation TABLE VII. Abac for Probable Errors of r. 19 Or***? ^ ? "9 Scale of Correlation * <0 l> <*> «> «0 ® Abac for determining the Probable Errors of Correlation Coefficients. 3-2 •JO or Stutixticianx ami liiuni, t,-'«-i:>:>. r •000 •001 •00* •005 •004 •005 •OUti •008 •oust •000 1-000000 •999999 '.*'. '.' !' " • •900091 499084 •999 975 4JJ8 :•:.! •999936 •999919 •010 •999900 400 B70 •000 M6 B00 -:>.| •999804 •9'J!) 744 •999711 •999 676 •999039 •0*0 •999800 WO 580 •999 516 •999 471 •999 424 •090 878 •999 324 •999271 •'.ilr.i -JUi •999 159 •030 •999 100 ttO 088 we vn •998911 •998 M i •998 776 •998704 •998631 •998 -I7!t •040 •998400 •998319 •998 236 •998 151 •998064 •:i:»7 :C5 •997 884 •997 791 •997 599 •050 •997600 •997399 •997 296 •997 191 •997 084 B96 *<;4 •'.I'M :.-,i •996 519 •060 •996400 •996 279 •996 156 •996 031 •99r> 904 •991 77.r> •995 644 •995511 •!i!i:, 37(i •J39 •070 •995100 .<:•; U9 •994 816 •994 671 •994 524 •sun 375 •994 224 •994 071 •!i:i:: !tu; •993 759 •oso •993600 •993439 •993 276 •993 111 •992 944 •992 770 •:i:i:> cu-i •992 431 •992 079 •090 •991900 •991 719 •991 536 •991351 •991 164 •00978 •990 784 4JOO 891 •990 396 •990 199 •100 •990000 •989799 •989596 •989 391 •989184 •988 975 •988 764 •988551 •988 336 •988119 •110 •987900 •987 679 •987 456 •987 231 •987 004 •986 775 •986 544 •986311 •980 076 •986 839 •ito •985600 •985 359 •985 116 •984 871 •984 624 •984 376 •984 124 •983 871 •983 616 •983 359 •ISO •983100 •982 839 •982 576 •982311 •982044 •981 775 •981 504 •981 231 •980 n.v, •980679 •no •980400 •980 119 •979836 •979 651 •979 264 •978 975 •978 684 •978 391 •978096 •977 799 •150 •977500 •977 199 •976 896 •976 591 •976 284 •975 975 •975 664 •975 351 •975 036 •974 719 •160 •974400 •974 079 •973 766 •973 431 •973 104 •972 775 •972 444 •'.i--2 in •071 77ti •971 439 •170 •971 100 •970 769 •970 416 •970 071 •969 724 •969 375 •969024 •968 671 •968 316 •967 959 •180 •967600 •967 239 •088876 •90G511 •966 144 •965 775 •965 404 •965031 •904 656 •964 279 •190 •963900 •963519 •963136 •962 751 •962 304 •961 975 •961 684 •961 191 •960796 •960399 •too •960000 •959599 •9.19 196 •968 Tin •958 384 •957 975 •957 664 •957 151 •956 736 •956 319 •HO •955900 •955 479 •955 056 •954 631 •954 204 •953 776 •953 344 •952 911 •952 476 •952 039 .,,,, •951 600 •951 159 •950 710 •950 271 •949 824 •949 375 •948 924 •948 471 •948 016 •9 47 559 •230 •947 100 •946 639 •946 176 •945 711 •945244 •944 776 •944 304 •943 831 •943 356 •942 879 •HO •942400 •941 919 •941 436 •940 951 •940 464 •939 975 •939 484 •938 991 •938 496 •937 999 •937 500 •936 999 •936 496 •935 991 •935 484 •934 975 •934 464 •933 951 •933 436 •932 919 •:•:,! •932400 •931 879 •081 :',.,(] •930 831 •930 304 •929 775 •9-29 244 •928 711 •927 639 •gro •927100 •926 659 •926 016 •925 471 •924 924 •924 375 •923 824 •923 271 •'.}-2-2 7n; •922 159 •980 •921600 •921 039 •920 476 •919 911 •919 344 •918 775 •918 204 •917 631 •917 056 •916 479 •S90 •915900 •915319 •914 736 •914 151 •913 664 •912 975 •912 384 •911 791 •911 196 •910 699 •300 •910000 •909399 •908796 •908 191 •907 684 •906975 •906364 •905 751 •905 136 •904519 •1910 •903900 •903279 •!luj 1 ;.-,(! •902 031 •901404 •900775 •900144 •899511 •898 ^7t; •898 239 •sso •897600 •806 BOO •896316 •895 671 •895 024 •894 376 •893 724 •893 071 •892 416 •891 759 •3.10 1 100 •890 439 •889 776 •889 111 •888 444 •887 775 •887 104 •886 431 •885 766 •885 079 •340 •884400 •883 719 •883 036 •882 351 •881664 •880 976 •880 284 •879 591 •878 896 •878 199 •877500 •876 799 •876096 •875 391 •874 684 •873 !I7.-) •873 204 •872 551 •871 836 •871 119 •870400 •869 679 •868 956 •868 231 •867 504 •866 775 •866 044 •865 311 •864 576 •863 839 •370 •863100 •862359 •861 616 •860 871 •860 124 •859 375 •858 624 •857 871 •857 116 •856 359 •sso •865600 •854 839 •854 076 •853 311 •852 544 •861 775 •851004 •850 231 •849 456 •848 679 •390 •847900 •847 119 •846336 •846 551 •844 764 •843 975 •843 184 •842 391 •841 696 •840 799 •400 •840000 •839199 •838 396 •837 591 •836 784 •835 975 •835 164 •834 351 •833 536 •832 719 •410 •831 900 •831 079 •830 2f»6 •829 431 •828 604 •827 775 •vji; si 1 1 •826 111 •825 276 •824 439 •420 •823600 •822 759 •821 916 •821 071 •819 375 •818 524 •817 671 •816 816 •815 959 •4SO •815 100 •814 239 •813 376 •812511 •811 644 •810 775 •809 904 \S09 031 •808 156 •807 279 •440 •806400 •805 619 •804 636 •803 751 •80S M;I •801 975 •801 084 •800191 •7:1:1 i::n; •798 399 •450 •797500 •706 690 •708 c,:iii •794 791 798 884 •792 975 70s ">;i •791 151 •790 236 •789319 •460 •788400 •787 479 786606 •785 631 •784 704 •783 775 788844 •781 911 •780976 •780 039 •470 •779100 •778 169 777 216 •776 271 •775 324 •774 375 •773 424 •772 471 •771 516 •770 559 •480 •769600 •788 630 •767 676 •766 711 •765 744 •764 775 •763804 •762 831 •761 856 •760 879 •490 •759900 •768 919 •757 936 766 :•:.! 760 9M •754 975 •753 984 788 :i'M •751 996 •750 999 Probable Error of a Coefficient of Correlation 21 TABLE VIII. Values of I- 1* for r = -001 to '999. Values of 1 — r*. r •000 •001 •00.2 •003 •004 •005 •006 •007 •008 •009 •500 •750000 •748 999 •747 996 •746 991 •745 984 •744 975 •743 964 •742 951 •741 936 •740 919 •510 •739 900 •738 879 •737 856 •736 831 •735 804 •734 775 •733 744 •732711 •731 676 •730 639 •729 609 •728 559 •727 516 •726 471 •725 424 •724 375 •723 324 •722 271 •721 216 •720 159 •530 •719 100 •718 039 •716 976 •715911 •714 844 •713 775 •712 704 •711 631 •710 556 •709 479 •540 •708 400 •707 319 •706 236 •705 151 •704 064 •702 975 •701 884 •700 791 •699 696 •698 599 •550 •697 500 •696 399 •C95 296 •694 191 •693 084 •691 975 •690 864 •689 751 •688 636 •087 519 •560 •686 400 •685 279 •684 156 •683 031 •681 904 •680 775 •679 644 •678 511 •677 370 •076 239 •570 •675 100 •673 959 •672 816 •671 671 •670 524 •669 375 •668 224 •667 071 •665 916 •664 759 •663 600 •662 439 •061 276 •660 111 •658 944 •657 775 •656 604 •655 431 •654 256 •653 079 •59U •051 900 •650 719 •649 536 •648 351 •647 164 •645 975 •644 784 •643 591 •642 396 •641 199 •600 •640000 •638 799 -637 596 •636 391 •635 184 •633 975 •632 764 •631 551 •630 336 •629 119 •610 •627 900 •626 679 '625 456 •624 231 •623 004 •621-775 •620 544 •619 311 •618 076 •616 839 •620 •615600 •614 350 •613 116 •611 871 •610 624 •609 375 •608 124 •606 871 •605 616 •604 359 •6SO •603 100 •601 839 •600576 •599311 •598 044 '596 775 •595 504 •594 231 •592 956 •591 679 •G40 •590400 •589119 -587836 •586 551 •585 264 •583 975 •582 684 •581 391 •580 096 •578 799 •650 •577 500 •576 199 -574 896 •573 591 •572 284 •570 975 •569 664 •568 351 •567 036 •565 719 •660 •564400 •563 079 •561 756 •560 431 •559 104 •557 775 •556 444 •555 111 •553 776 •552 439 •670 •551 100 •549 759 •548 416 •547 071 •545 724 -544 375 •543 024 •541 671 •540 316 •538 959 •680 •537 600 -536 239 '534 876 •533 511 •532 144 '530 775 •529 404 •528 031 •526 656 •525 279 •690 •523900 •522 519 •521 136 •519 751 •518 364 -516 975 •515 584 •514 191 •512 79U •511 399 •TOO •510000 •508 699 •507 196 •505 791 •504 384 -502 975 •501 564 •500 151 •498 736 •497 319 •710 •495900 •494 479 •493 056 •491 631 •490 204 -488 775 •487 344 •485 911 •484 476 •483 039 •720 •IM IMO •480159 •478 716 •477 271 •475 824 -474 375 •472 924 •471 471 •470 016 •468 559 •;.;<> •467 100 •465 639 •464 176 •462711 •461 244 •459 775 •458 304 •450 831 •455 356 •453 879 •740 •452400 •450 919 •449 436 •447 951 •446 464 •444 975 •443 484 •441 991 •440 496 •438 999 •750 •437500 •435 999 •434 496 •432 991 •431 484 •429 975 •428 464 •426 951 •425 436 •423 919 •760 •422400 •410879 •419 356 •417 831 •416 304 •414 775 •413 244 •411 711 •410 176 •408 639 •770 •407 100 •405 559 •404 016 •402 471 •400924 •399 375 •397 824 •396 271 •394 716 •393 159 •780 •391600 •390 039 •388 476 •386911 •385 344 •383 775 •382 204 •380 631 •379 056 •377 479 •790 •375900 •374 319 •372 736 •371 151 •369 564 •367 975 •366 384 •364 791 •363 196 •361 599 •800 -360000 •358 399 •356 796 •355 191 •353 584 •351 975 •350 364 •348 751 •347 136 •345 519 •810 •343900 •342 279 •340 656 •339 031 •337 404 •335 775 •334 144 •332 511 •330 876 •329 239 •820 •327600 •325 959 •324 316 •322671 •321 024 •319 375 •317 724 •316 071 •314 416 •312 759 •8SO •311 100 •309439 •307 776 •306 111 •304 444 •302 775 •301 104 •299 431 •297 756 •296 079 •840 -294 400 •2!>2 719 •291 036 •289 351 •287 664 •285 975 •284 284 •282 591 •280 896 •279 199 •850 •277 500 •275 799 •274 096 •272 391 •270 684 •268 975 •267 264 •265 551 •263 836 •262 119 •860 •260400 •258 679 •256 956 •255 231 •253 504 •251 775 •250 044 •248 311 •240 576 •244 839 •870 •243 100 •241 359 •239 616 •237 871 •236 124 •234 375 •232 024 •230 871 •229 116 •227 359 •880 •225600 •223 839 •222 076 •220311 •218 544 •216 775 •215 004 •213 231 •211 456 •209 679 •890 •207 900 •206 119 •204 336 •202 551 •200 764 •198 975 •197 184 •195 391 •193 596 •191 799 •900 •190000 •188 199 •186 396 •184 591 •182 784 •180 975 •179 164 •177 351 •175 536 •173 719 •910 •171900 •170 079 •168 256 •166 431 •164 604 •162 775 •160 944 •159 111 •157 276 •155 439 •920 •153 600 •151 759 •149 916 •148 071 •146 224 •144 375 •142 524 •140 671 •138 816 •136 959 •9SO •135 100 •133 239 •131 376 •129511 •127 644 •125 775 •123 904 •122 031 •120 156 •118 279 •940 •116400 •114 519 •112636 •110751 •108 864 •106 975 •105 084 •103 191 •101 296 •099 399 •950 •097 500 •095 599 •093 696 •091 791 •089 884 •087 975 •086 064 •084 151 •082 236 •080 319 •960 •078400 •076 479 •074 556 •072 631 •070 704 •068 775 •066844 •064 911 •062 976 •061 039 •970 •059 100 •057 159 •055 216 •053 271 •051 324 •049 375 •047 424 •045 471 •043 516 •041 559 •980 •039600 •037 639 •035 676 •033 711 •031 744 •029 775 •027 804 •025 831 •023 856 •021 879 •990 019900 •017 919 •015 936 •013 951 •Oil 96-: 009 975 •007 984 •005991 •003 996 •001 999 ,!'<»' Statisticians inuf Ilinnn tficinns TABLE IX. Values of the Incomplete Normal Moment Function fin(x). A. Odd Moments mn (x) - /*,, (*) ( ,i - 1) (;« - tt) (« - •>) ... 2J. X « •i(*) •ife) '»iW •»« *(•) o-o •ooooooo •ooooooo •ooooooo •ooooooo •ooooooo 0-1 •(K)19897 •0000050 •ooooooo •ooooooo •ooooooo •0078996 •0000787 •0000005 •OtKXXXX) •ooooooo 0-3 •0175545 •0003920 •0000059 •0000001 •ooooooo 0-4 •0306721 •0012105 •0000321 •0000006 •ooooooo 0-5 •0468770 •0028688 •0001183 •0000037 •0000001 0-6 •0657 177 •0057:i7^ •0003300 •0000151 •0000005 0-7 •!!( 1-3 •2275737 •0827672 •0215865 •004353U •0007135 1-4 •2492148 •1024819 •0305828 •0070957 •0013414 1-5 •2004247 •1237174 •0417570 •Oil' •0023771; 1-6 •2880214 •1460428 •0551764 •01640IJH •0040005 1-7 •30481)32 •16891)23 •0708039 •OL-U5098 •0064248 1-8 •8188681 •1920!i±i 1945 •03MU8 •00981111 1-9 •3333265 •21 IS899 •1080009 •0436894 •0146688 g-0 •3441(513 •236yii!U •1:N'.)874 •0569995 •0210056 M •3549587 •^r>79749 •1510502 •0724606 •0291380 s-i •3C34677 •2776192 •17374S8 •0899486 •0392533 g-3 •37061. -.2 •29.r>' •1!)06019 •1092390 •05 14703 *-4 •3765478 •31-20:) 15 •21H1769 •1300173 •0658224 g-B •3814140 •3266380 •2410506 •1518971 2459 g-G •3863593 •3394489 •2618602 •1744437 •1006767 g-7 •3885213 •3505370 •2813106 •1972006 •1206653 g-s •3910268 •3599983 •2991823 •2197161) •141&391 g-9 •3929897 •3679593 •3153329 •^115682 •1640231 3-0 •3945104 •3745671 •3296946 •2623860 •1866< i37 3-1 •3956755 •3799784 •34221 ; •2997718 •2315079 s-s •3972197 •3878403 •362301!) •3159582 •2528687 3-4 •3977101 •3905878 •3700046 •3303476 •2730432 3-5 •3980696 •3887944 •3763548 •3129335 •2917671 3-(i •3983304 •3943653 •3815183 •3537687 •3088145 3-7 •3985175 •395C099 •3856585 •3629529 •3240979 3-8 •3986503 4886430 •38«'.i:Ml •3706199 •3375646 3-9 •3987436 •3972329 •31)14881 •3769253 •34U2:!7(i 4-0 •3988085 •3977378 •3934552 •3820351 •3591947 4-1 •3988.-.:',i i 1028 •3941)111!) •38611 (If) •3675554 •3988833 •3883635 : • •3883304 •3744677 4-3 •3989037 •3888 4861 •381 •3800964 4-4 •3!»S9173 •3986759 •3975073 •31)37367 •3846117 4'-' 4880168 •:i!is7645 •:i:i79452 •31)51801 •:{^1809 4-0 •3!»S9321 SMS •3982573 •3!)(i2557 •3909614 4-7 •3980369 •:i! ISM ;.-,<; 1770 •3970466 •3930967 4-8 •3989383 •3988!)i'7 •30862! IS •3976 2' i:. •31)17135 4"J •3989398 •:t!»s9100 •3867348 •3980316 4800807 o-o •3989408 M88 •3988061 0381 •3968097 oo •3989423 •3!)8!)423 •3868483 •3081(123 •3981) i 2:5 Incomplete Normal Moment Functions TABLE IX. Values of the Incomplete Normal Moment Function. B. Even Moments mn (x) = /*„ (x)/{(n - 1) (n - 3) (n - 5) . . .1 }. 23 — X mt(x) mt(x) •iW mt(x) n>io (x) o-o •ooooooo •ooooooo •ooooooo •ooooooo •ooooooo o-i •0001325 •0000002 •ooooooo •ooooooo •ooooooo o-s •0010512 •0000084 •ooooooo •ooooooo •ooooooo 0-3 •0034951 •0000626 •OOOOoi is •ooooooo •ooooooo 0-4 •0081136 •0002572 •00000.-)8 •0000001 •ooooooo 0-5 •0154298 •0007604 •0000270 •0000008 •ooooooi 0-6 •0258121 •0018200 •0000925 •0000037 •0000001 0-7 •0394585 •0037:>75 •0002588 •0000139 •0000006 0-8 •0563914 •0069507 •0006223 •0000437 •0000025 0-9 •0764632 •0118045 •0013297 •0001177 •0000086 1-0 •0993740 •0187171 •0025857 •0002812 •0000251 1-1 •1246965 OS804S8 •0046525 •0006094 •0000658 1-2 •1519070 •0400559 •0078427 •0012100 •0001558 1-3 •1804203 •0549-' 14 •0125028 •0022617 •0003386 1-4 •2096248 •0720741 •0189894 •0039577 •0006842 1-5 •2389164 •0932091 •0276408 •0065653 •0012964 1-6 •2677274 •1168830 •0387442 •0103*69 •0023209 1-7 •2955511 •1415300 •o.-, 25059 •0157516 •0039494 1-8 •3219594 •1684803 •0690258 •0229926 •0064207 1-9 •3466134 •1965937 •0882796 •0324204 •0100147 t-o •3692680 •2252921 •1101113 •0442938 •0150415 g-1 •3897700 •2539927 •1342371 •0587910 •0218224 S-2 •4080525 •2821413 •1602593 •0759866 •0306667 »'3 •4241237 •3092387 • 18761(03 •0958345 •0418437 S-4 •4380556 •3348616 •2159821 •1181613 •0555560 2-5 •4499005 •3586763 •2445598 •1426700 •0719132 2-fi •4600231 •3804450 •2728554 •1689546 •0909136 2-7 •4683965 •4000247 •3003387 •1965228 •1124320 2-8 •4752816 •4173616 •3265431 •2248263 •1362197 9-0 •4808719 •4324798 •3510MJ •2532933 •1619132 3-0 •1S.-.3546 •4154679 •3736720 •2813629 •1890538 3-1 •4889053 •4564647 •3941138 •3085150 •2171145 3-2 •4916833 •4656432 •4123121 •3342962 •2455315 3-3 •4038321 •4731975 •4282552 •3583379 •2737379 S-4 •4954736 •4793298 •4420056 •3803672 •3011962 3-5 •4967130 •4842409 •4536843 •4002102 •3274261 3-6 •4976381 •4881218 •4634555 •4177877 •3520261 3-7 •4983205 •4911484 •4715111 •4331061 •3746880 3-8 •4988183 •4934784 •4780568 •4462441 •3952025 3-9 •4991771 •4952491 •4833001 •4573366 •4134583 4-0 •4994330 •4965779 •4874418 •4665592 •4294345 4-1 •4996133 •4975627 •4906683 •4741120 •4431886 !>•: •4997391 •4982835 •4931479 •4802063 •4548407 4-3 •4998258 •4988045 •4950279 •4850521 •4645574 4-4 •4998849 •4991766 •4964343 •4888500 •4725352 4-5 •499! CM 7 •4994392 •49747--".) •4917846 •4789861 4-6 •4999512 •4996222 •4982298 •4940207 •4841246 4-7 •4999688 •4997483 •4987744 •4957010 •4881574 4-8 •4999802 •4998342 •4991613 •4969464 •4912765 4-9 •4999876 •4998919 •4994326 •4978572 •4936544 5-0 •4999923 •4999303 •4996200 •4985144 •4954417 00 •5000000 •5000000 •5000000 •5000000 •5000000 Tnhlis t'm- Mutisliritinx ami BioautriotO 'J'AI'.l.i; X. l>ii<Jr, = S*/d'. Hence from table determine h'. (ii) From this value of h' find i/ra, then o-=dx^2 gives the standard deviation of the uncurtailed normal curve. (iii) A = A'x66 O49943 O69824 O94710 •124915 •160542 S6 •006490 •010734 •017001 O25887 038023 O54028 O74461 O99758 •130189 S7 •004595 •007727 •012441 •019254 028736 O41483 O58068 •078995 •104653 S8 •003238 •005532 •009050 O14228 O2 1569 O31620 O44938 O62055 O83428 S9 •002270 •003940 O06546 O10450 O16085 O23936 O34526 •048379 O65985 SO •001585 •002792 •004710 O07632 O11921 O18002 O26345 •037446 •051798 40 •000036 •000072 •000138 •000255 O00453 O00778 O01294 •002087 O03272 BO •000001 •000001 •000003 O00006 O00012 O00023 O00042 •000075 •000131 60 •000000 •000000 •oooooo OOOOOO OOOOOO O00001 O00001 O00002 •000004 70 •000000 •oooooo OOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOO 4—2 Table* for Stati*tlrltuni ontJ TABLE XII. Test for Goodness of Fit. Values of P. x« «' = 21 n -J- n' = 23 n' = 24 n'=25 n'^20 n' = 27 «' = 28 n' = 29 n' = 30 1 l« 1- 1- I- 1- 1- I- 1- I- 1- t 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 3 •099996 .(,•!' .... ,*, ,'.'. '-'. 499889 1- I- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 4 •999954 988880 •999992 •999997 •999999 1- V 1- 1- 1- s •999722 888888 •999939 •999972 •999987 •999994 •999998 489989 1- I- 6 •818898 986487 •91)9708 •999855 •999929 •999966 498964 489998 489899 •999999 1 •996086 •998142 •998980 •999458 •999711 Mean •999924 •999962 •999981 •999991 8 •991868 •9!t:.l-J3 •997160 •996871 •999085 •999494 •99!)7i'0 489818 •999924 •999060 9 •888802 •869814 •9!I3:»1 •9!»:.!i;.7 •997595 498598 •999194 •999546 •999748 •999863 10 •968171 •978918 •986304 •9!)1:!77 •994547 •996653 •997981 •998803 •999302 •999699 11 440888 •962787 •974749 •983189 •989012 •992946 •995549 •997239 •998315 •998988 If •in CUT*; •939617 •957379 •970470 •979908 •986567 •991173 •994294 •996372 •997728 13 •877384 906684 •933161 •951990 •966121 478601 •983974 •989247 488900 •995384 14 •830496 •869599 •901479 •926871 •94oo:.o •961732 •973000 •981254 •987189 •991377 IS •776408 •822952 862238 •894634 •920759 •941383 •957334 •969432 •978436 •985015 16 •716624 •769650 •815886 •855268 •888076 •914828 •936203 •952947 •965819 •975536 17 «08874 •711106 •763362 •809251 •848662 •881793 •909083 •931122 •948589 •902181 18 •587408 •649004 •705988 •757489 •803008 •842390 •875773 •903519 •926149 •944272 19 •621826 •585140 •645328 •701224 •751990 •797120 •836430 •870001 •898136 •921288 to •457930 •521261 •583040 •641912 •696776 •746825 •7:11550 •830756 •864464 •892927 tl •397132 •458944 520738 •581087 •638725 •692009 741904 •786288 •825349 •859149 Sg •340511 •399510 •459889 •620252 •579267 •635744 •688697 •737377 •781291 •820189 S3 •288795 •343979 •401730 •460771 •519798 •677564 •632947 •685013 •733041 •776543 *4 •242392 •293058 •347229 •403808 •461597 •519373 •575965 •630316 •681535 •728932 S5 •201431 •247164 •297075 •350285 405760 •462373 •518975 •574462 •627836 •678248 96 •165812 406448 •251682 •300866 •353165 •407598 •463105 •518600 •573045 •625491 zr •135264 •170853 •211226 •255967 •304453 •86588 1 •409333 •463794 •518247 •571705 S8 •109399 •140151 •175681 •215781 •260040 •307853 •358458 •410973 •464447 517913 S9 •087759 •114002 •144861 •180310 •220131 •263916 •311082 •360899 •412528 •466066 SO 089854 •091988 •118464 •149402 •184752 •224289 •267611 •314154 •363218 •414004 40 •004995 •007437 •010812 •015369 •021387 •i I:!!) 104 •039012 •051237 •OW12H •083937 50 •000221 000365 •000586 •000921 •001416 •002131 •003144 •004551 •006467 •009032 60 •000007 •000013 •000022 •000038 •000064 •000104 •000168 •000264 •000407 •000618 70 •000000 •000000 •000001 •000001 •000002 •000004 •000007 •000011 •000019 •000030 Tables for Testing Goodness of Fit 29 TABLE XITI. Auxiliary Table A. xa M'x/^'*'} log*-**1 Xs log (x N/L-*j loge-i*a 1 T-68479282 T-78285276 51 TT-68121586 12-92549071 s 1-61816058 1-56570552 62 11-46828520 12-70834347 .-; 1-48905897 1-34855828 63 11-25527422 12-49119623 4 1-33438109 1-13141104 64 11-04218593 12-27404899 5 1-16568886 2-91426380 56 12-82902315 12-05690175 6 2-988132:2 i 2-69711655 56 12-61578858 13-83975450 7 2-80445839 2-47996931 57 12-40248475 13-62260726 8 2-61630713 2-26282207 58 12-18911408 13-40546002 9 2-42473615 2-04567483 59 13-97667885 13-18831278 10 2-23046765 3-82852759 60 13-76218123 14-97116554 11 2-03401675 3-61138035 61 13-54862328 14-75401830 12 3-83576379 3-39423311 62 13-33500696 14-53687106 13 3-63599760 3-17708587 63 13-12133415 14-31972382 14 3-43494271 4-95993863 64 14-90760662 14-10257658 15 3-23277708 4-74279139 65 14-69382607 T5-88542934 16 3-02964420 4-52564414 66 14-48099412 15-66828209 17 4-82566143 4-30849690 67 14-26611232 15-45113485 18 4-62092598 4-09134966 68 14-05218213 15-23398761 1'J 4-41551928 5-87420242 69 15-83820498 15-01684037 20 4-20951024 5-65705518 70 15-62418221 16-79969313 21 4-0029571 ::> 6-43990794 71 15-41011512 16-58254589 22 6-79591210 6-22276070 72 15-19600496 16-36539865 S3 5-58841744 5-00561346 73 lg-98185290 16-14825141 *4 5-38051190 6-78846622 74 16-76766009 17-93110417 5-17222904 6-57131898 75 16-55342762 17-71395693 2G 6-96359847 6-35417173 76 16-33916654 17-49680968 27 6-75464644 6-13702449 77 16-12484787 17-27966244 28 6-54539033 7-91987725 78 17-91050256 17-06251520 29 6-33586907 7-70273001 79 17-69612157 18-84536796 SO 6-12608346 7-48558277 80 17-48170578 18-62822072 31 7-91605644 7-26843553 81 17-26725605 18-41107348 38 7-70580334 7-05128829 82 17-05277323 18-19392624 3S 7-49533808 8-83414105 83 18-83825810 19-97677900 34 7-28467333 S-61699381 84 18-62371146 T9-75963176 35 7-0738^1 M;:, 8-39984657 85 18-40913404 19-54248452 36 8-86279064 S-l 8269932 86 18-19452656 19-32533727 37 H65159301 9-96555208 87 19-97988972 19-10819003 38 8 44023670 5-74840484 88 1976522419 20-89104279 39 8'228729!>7 5-53125760 89 19-56053062 20-67389555 40 8-01708044 9-31411036 90 19-33580963 20-45674831 41 9-80529511 9-09696312 91 15-12106183 20-23960107 42 §•59338058 10-87981588 92 20-90628780 20-02245383 43 9-38134293 10-66266864 93 20-69148812 21-80530659 M 9-16918780 10-44552140 94 20-47666333 21-58815935 45 TO-95692047 10-22837416 95 20-26181397 21-37101211 46 "1074454-.S!) 10O1122691 96 20-04694054 21-15386486 47 10-53206*W 11-79407967 97 21-83204355 22-93671762 48 l'i:j 1949311 J 1 07693243 98 21-61712348 22-71957038 49 TO-10G823i".» 11-35978519 99 21-40218080 22-60242314 60 "1 1-89406301 li-1 4263795 100 21-18721596 22-28527590 Tablfn for Shitixticlnmt tunl lti of colorj [N] : — [n] = n (n - 2) (n - 4) • odd DOS. colog [it] n even nos. colog [n] 1 •00000000 5 T-69897000 S T-52287875 4 1 -09691001 C 2-82390874 (i 2-31875876 1 1-97881070 8 3-41566878 9 :i( (-2456819 10 4-41666878 11 I8S17U1 IS 5-33648753 1.1 i, -Mi:i2:i215 14 6-1903594!) ir, 7-69314089 it; 8-98623951 17 g-46269197 18 !»-7309670l 19 9-18393s:i7 00 M 12993701 ei TI-86171908 ..-.' 11-08761433 23 12-49999124 S4 13 70730309 15-10205 123 Sti 11 29232974 27 18-67068747 88 ](i,S4517171 :•' Hi-LllSiH'117 SO 17-36805045 SI 18-71692778 S3 15-86290048 33 19-19841984 34 SS14S166 S5 IT464S4&79 36 L'2-77511906 37 ».,.u S8 L'.'i 19533546 39 24-49507946 40 25-59327547 41 56"-88229f.':« 91 71-49318448 98 72-412050.-) 1 93 75-52470154 94 74-43892265 95 75-64697793 96 76-45665142 97 77-66020620 98 78-46642534 99 75-66457100 100 SO-46A42534 TABLE XV (C). X1 »*'<* 1 •3173106 ' •157M99 .; •0832646 4 04M009 5 OS6M74 6 •0143060 7 •0081506 8 •0046776 9 •0026998 10 O016654 11 •0009112 1 > •0005321 IS •0003115 14 oooiaaa 16 •0001076 16 •0000634 17 •0000374 18 •0000981 19 •0000132 n •0000078 81 •0000046 22 0000027 as •0000016 24 O000011 S5 •0000007 S6 •0000004 27 •0000003 S8 •0000002 29 O000001 SO •ooooooo TABLE XVI (D). Function Log. Function V ir 1-7828527590 1-9019400616 Probability of Association on Correlation- Scale 31 TABLE XVII. Values of (—logP) corresponding to given values of ^ in a fourfold table. (Extension of Table XII for ri = 4.) X1 -logP X1 -logP x' -logP X1 -logP Xa -logP X3 -logP 1 0096 36 5-021 50 10-097 1100 237-439 2600 562-973 13500 2929-521 2 0-242 27 5-230 60 12-231 1150 248-287 2700 584-680 HOOO 3038-086 S 0-407 28 5-440 70 14-370 1200 259-135 2800 606-387 14500 3146-652 4 0-583 29 5-o:>i> 80 16-513 1250 209-983 2900 628-094 15000 3255-219 r, 0-765 SO 6-860 90 18-659 1300 280-832 3000 649-801 15500 3363-785 6 0-952 SI 6-071 100 20-809 1350 291-681 5500 758-311 16000 3472-352 7 1-143 ,; } 6-281 150 31-579 1400 302-531 4000 866-886 16500 3580-919 8 1-337 8t 6-492 too 42-37'> 1450 313-381 4500 975-434 17000 3689-486 9 1-533 34 6-703 M0 53-184 1500 324-231 5000 1083-995 17500 3798-053 10 1-731 S5 6-914 500 64-002 1550 335-081 5500 1192-538 18000 3906-621 11 1-931 $6 7-120 550 74-826 1600 345931 6000 1301-092 1S500 4015-188 12 2-132 S7 7-337 400 85-655 1650 350-782 6500 1409-649 19000 4123-756 IS 2-334 38 7-549 450 96-487 1700 367-633 7000 1518-206 19500 4232-324 14 2-537 88 7-761 500 107-321 1750 378-484 7500 1626-765 20000 4340-892 15 2-741 40 7-972 650 118-158 1800 389-335 8000 1735-324 20500 4449-461 16 2-945 41 8-184 600 128-997 1850 400-187 8500 1843-885 21000 4558-029 17 3-151 42 8-397 650 139-837 1900 411-038 9000 1952-446 21500 4666-597 1ft 3-357 43 8-609 700 150-678 1950 421-890 9500 2061-008 32000 4775-166 7.9 3-564 44 8-821 750 161-520 2000 432-742 10000 2169-570 22500 4883-735 M 3-770 45 9-034 800 172-364 2050 443-594 10500 2278-133 23000 4992-304 SI 3-978 46 9-246 850 183-208 2100 454-446 11000 2386-697 23500 5100-873 22 4-186 47 9-459 900 194O53 2200 476-151 11500 2495-261 24000 o209-442 ttt 4-394 48 9-672 950 204-899 2300 497-856 12000 2603-825 24500 5318-011 94 4-602 40 9-880 1000 215-745 2400 519-561 12500 2712-390 25000 5426-580 J5 4-811 50 10-OU7 1050 226-592 2500 541267 13000 2820-955 26 5021 1100 237-439 1GOO 562-973 13500 2929-521 TABLE XVIII. Values of (- log P), entering with r and Values of Oo-r. •01 •OS •03 •04 •05 •06 •07 •08 0-05 6-248 1-907 1-020 0-675 0-498 0-392 0-322 0-273 0-075 13-228 3-760 1-908 1-217 0-874 0-674 0-545 0-456 0-1 22-924 6-267 3-076 1-910 1-343 1-019 0-814 0-675 0-15 50-687 13-329 6-298 3-784 2-586 1-916 1-498 1-218 o-e 90-035 23254 10-771 6-343 4-259 3-100 2-384 1-924 0-5 206-348 62-453 23-836 13-758 9-057 6-478 4-906 3903 9-4 380-266 96-013 43-254 24-726 16-112 11-407 8-552 6-686 0-6 626-428 157-607 70-669 40-177 26-025 18-312 13-642 10-597 0-6 970-879 243753 108-980 61-747 39-845 27-922 20-713 16-020 0-7 1463-946 367033 163-781 92-579 59-584 41-634 30-792 23-740 0-8 2220-267 656-100 247-801 139-832 89-819 62-625 46-209 35-539 it"., 3607 -r>i' 4 902-0 4!J 401-907 226-479 145-241 101-085 74-442 57-134 0-95 6056-547 1265-013 562-757 316-904 203-069 141-207 103-886 79-671 32 Tables for Stall xtirimis and Bi TABLE XIX. Values of •£ corresponding to the values of (- log P) »n Table X VI II. Values of o<7r. •01 •09 •...; •04 •05 •06 •or •08 0-05 31-84 10-88 636 4-51 3-52 2-91 1-48 2-l!l 0-075 84-60 19-95 10-89 7-38 5-58 4-51 3-78 3-28 o-i 109-82 31-93 16-64 10-90 803 6-35 5-M 4-51 0-15 238-45 65-13 88-08 20-07 14-24 10-93 8-82 7-39 o-s 422-29 1 1 1 -35 53-16 88-89 22-35 16-75 13-25 IO!I7 0-3 956-68 246-62 114-05 G7-11 45-11 32-93 25-46 20-64 0-4 1758-21 447-81 204-07 118-18 78-13 56-14 42-73 33-92 o-s 2892-33 731-95 330-80 189-82 124-22 88-38 66-60 52-34 0-6 4479-02 1129-10 507-65 289-58 188-28 133-02 99-55 77-70 0-7 6750-09 1697-24 760-43 431-96 279-58 196-57 1 Hi-35 113-fil 0-8 10233-49 2568-34 11 17-76 649-98 419-81 293-64 '21 7-7-1 168-84 0-9 16624-37 4166-12 1857-93 1049-48 674-92 471-22 348-23 868-86 0-95 L'.-!-J!)5-86 5833-82 2599-00 1466-24 941-56 656-32 484-15 372-37 TABLE XX. Values of log ^* corresjiunding to values of r and a 0-8686 0-2 2-6256 2-0467 1-7256 1-6091 1-3493 1-2210 1-1222 1-040 i o-s 2-9808 2-3920 2-0571 1-8270 1-6543 1-617C I '4067 1-31 is 0-4 3-2451 2-6511 2-3098 2-0725 1-8928 1-741)3 1-63H7 1-630B 0-6 3-4(112 2-864f> 2-M96 2-2783 2-0912 1-9464 1-823.-. 1-7188 0-6 3-6512 3-0527 2-7056 2-4618 2-2748 8-1 23i» 1-11980 i s;x)4 n-7 3-8293 3-2-'! "7 2-881 1 2-6354 2-4465 2-2935 2-1654 MM 0-8 4-0100 3-4097 3-0598 2-8129 2-62:! t 2-4678 2-3379 2-2-2B2 0-9 4-2207 3-6197 3-2690 3O210 2-8293 2-6732 2-54 lit 8-4886 4-3673 3-7660 3-4148 3-1662 2-9738 8-8171 2-6850 2-5710 Abaca for Determining the EqmprobcMe Tetrachoric r. 33 XXI. Abac to determine Oov. XX \ \ ' x \, \ \v s\\ \\v s\V \\\x\ \J \\ \X XXX^ xXV Nxx^ \SX\Sx\\X\XN ~\\: •10 •09 -•08 - 07 XVNV X - 1 -- \ \ \ - \ i XXX' vXV V\V\\ x^ A \\x \\> \\v \\\x \\x\x v\\\\^\\\\xx xx" •xXXXXX X , ^ \ N \ ^ \\\ NNN \\\v N V \ \ XXs \\x^ \\xX \\x\x \X\XX\\xxS; \\ VxxVxvX ^ x • \ N N XXX \\\ \\\\N \ x\ \~., \\\ xxSX ^\Sx\\ \\X\N \\\\\\Sx\N \v •v-:- ; , i s v X \ X X x\\ \\\\ - \ S \ • xX^ XvX xx\\\ V\\\N \\x\\\\\x \x SSS SS 5 . : ..: X • s x N ' ^ \\N .XX \x\x \ V \x \\' v\N\ v^\\S X\\\N xxxxxxxxx Ovx\\\\XV ;•• \ X \ \ \ X x X X \^ \ \N V \\ v\V ssss x\x\\ \ \\x\\\\\\ \ X 200- \,\\. ^ \\x\\xxx x S - x '• -• - 1 . - i .. s s X. \ \ v X X X > \ X X ^ X X x x N \ \ \ \ \ x \ \ x. \ X \ \ \ x X X X \ x x XXX •- s X 1 '. • \ XX x x xxxx \\Vx\\\ XXXXXXX XXX \\ \ • 300- .) ! k i S V 3 _^. Vv \x\ 600- 700- 1 § S X ^_^ •Ovs\s\ XX^vXXXX^. p; -•01 s . 1p=. u?*h • \\N : ^ N N • \ s \ \\ i\'\!\;' \\\\\\\x N\ - 03 \x\\\\\ /,• • s\N \\V •xSSS^ x^^xxSv J \ \ \ N N \\\ XXXXXXX SSSS2 ' '* 5 i N\N ^\\\- XxXX • x\\x\ \ \ v ^ \ v XXXXXX \s L\\\\\\' • ^ | v 5 S , s\ ^\v xxxx \Y\^ \ \ N N X \N \\x\\\ N XXXXXX kxxxx • \xsxxs: - x \ v X XXX X \\X\\ . \\X\\\' X \^ ' , ' • • -. I \\\\ xXXXXX • \ \ \ N, X \ v X X X X X N i \\x\\\ s^\ ' , ' • : x\ v\ x \\\\\ \\\N s s 1 ' v N X XXX X X X X X x , \ x X \\\\ \ V ' s , • . \ ^ \\ \_\\\x. \\\x ,"x. 2 • 1 - X x x V \X\\\ s sooo- \XXVxN _- .. . X X X X X - —- - . - ^ - . .. ^ x x x xx NX ' , i ' *j ^ \ ^ s ! , ^ ^ ^, i ; ' S S 3 T " ^ i S 5 r < • j " *~ ~-~ ~ — • | ' ' *• -1 • - - - •• •- ^ Cx N Sv vvv vXN vvvv NVVv \x^ \, x X> "\ X/vV "• v-\ t \ \ > r - - x; j . ^ 3SS X xxVV x^xx^ 2 ' 1 • [ § ^2 ^^ VvxX \ X X v v V X X \ v V \ X x x \ \ \ \ X \\xxx X X V X N X X X X/> X ^ ^ ^__ s V s s -01 7000- 10000- I \ \ v •50- is -75' 82 •aa' ' -a 1 x^vjVv BK Q 9 v\ )i • n 9 •>n 33 q 34 -Q as a 3f, 9 )7 9 38- ' -9 V 99 L.Q1 I 7«0-70 -8O -84 -88 -9O -92 -94 95 «6 <7 «80 985 Scale of KI + OI) and B. 34 Tables for Statistician* ami Biotuctricians XXII. Abac to determine rr. 4-4 43 01 -OS 06 •07 OS Value of Approximate Values of Probable Error of r 35 Approximate values of Probable Error of r from a four-fold Correlation Table (to be used with x, of Table V). TABLE XXIII. Values of XT far Values of r. r Xr r Xr r Xr r Xr r Xr •00 1-0000 •20 •9717 •40 •8845 •GO •7298 •80 •4843 •01 •9999 •21 •9688 •41 •8785 •ea •7200 •81 •4687 •03 •9997 •22 •9657 •42 •8723 •62 •7099 •82 •4526 •OS •9994 •23 •9625 •43 •8659 •63 •6997 •83 •4362 •04 •9989 •24 •9591 •44 •8594 •64 •6892 •84 •4192 •05 •9982 •25 •9556 •45 •8527 •65 •6785 •85 •4018 •06 •9975 •26 •9520 •46 •8458 •66 •6C75 •86 •3838 •07 •99G6 •87 •9482 •47 •8388 •67 •65<>3 •87 •36i>2 •08 •9955 •28 •9442 •43 •8315 •68 •6448 •88 •3461 •09 •9943 •29 •9401 •49 •8241 •69 •6331 •89 •3262 •10 •9930 •so •9358 •50 •8165 •70 •6211 •90 •3057 •11 •9915 •si •9:514 •51 •8087 •71 •6088 •91 •2843 •13 •9899 •32 •9268 •5S •8007 •72 •5962 •92 •2620 •IS •9881 •S3 •9881 •53 •7926 •73 •5834 •93 •2387 •u •9802 •34 •9172 •54 •7842 •74 •5702 •04 •2142 •15 •9841 •35 •9122 •55 •7756 •75 •55C8 •95 •1882 •16 •9819 •36 •9070 •56 •7669 •76 •5430 •96 •1605 •17 •VIM •37 •9016 •57 •7579 •77 •5288 •97 •1305 •18 •9771 •38 •8961 •58 •7488 •78 •5144 •98 •0972 •19 •9748 •39 •8904 •59 •7394 •79 •4995 •99 •0585 1-00 •0000 TABLE XXIV. Values of X' for Values of % (1 + a). i(l + a) Xa *(! + «) Xi i(l + a) Xa 4(i + ») Xa •BO 1-2533 •65 1 -2877 •80 1-4288 •95 2-1132 •ul 1 -:>f)35 •66 1-2928 •81 1-4457 •96 2-2740 •52 1-2539 •67 1-2984 •83 1-4641 •97 2-5071 •S3 1-2546 •68 1-3044 •83 1-4844 •98 2-8915 •54 i -^r,56 •00 1-3109 •84 1-5067 •985 3-2097 •55 1 '2569 •70 1-3180 •85 1-5315 •990 3-7333 •56 1 ^r.85 •71 1-3256 •86 1-5590 •Ml 3-8854 •57 1 -:>i;0 I •72 1-3338 •87 1-5897 • •016 345 + 2-05 •406 004 + •3.-, •021 669 + 2-10 •420 657 + •40 •027590 + 2-15 •435 422 + •45 •034 065 + 2-20 •450 298 + •50 •041 056 + 2-25 •465 279 + •55 •048 530 + 2-30 •480 363 + 60 •056 457 + 2-35 •495 547 + •(>:> •064808 + 2-40 •510 828 + •70 •073 557 + 2-45 •526 202 + •75 •082683 + 2-50 •541 608 38 Tables for Statisticians awl TABLE XX Ml. Prnvers of Natural Numbert. « n« ft» *« M* n« n' • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S 4 8 1C 32 64 128 g s 9 27 81 243 no 2187 S 4 16 64 256 1024 4006 16384 4 5 25 125 625 3125 16625 78UO 5 6 3G 216 1296 777fi 46656 279936 6 7 l:i 343 2401 16807 117649 8235 13 7 8 64 512 4096 32768 202144 2097 1. 52 8 9 M 789 6561 59049 531441 47*2: Mill 9 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 1000UOOO 10 11 121 1331 14641 161051 1771561 19487171 11 IS 144 1728 20736 248832 2985984 358:} 1808 IS IS in 2197 28561 371293 4826809 62748517 13 14 190 2744 38416 537824 7529536 105413504 H 15 225 3375 50625 759375 11390G25 170859375 15 16 250 4006 65530 1018576 16777216 268435456 16 17 2S9 4913 83521 1419857 24137569 410338673 17 18 884 5832 104976 1889568 34012221 612220032 18 19 361 08M 130321 247C099 47045^1 893871739 19 to 400 8000 160000 3200000 64000000 1280000000 go tl 441 9261 194481 4084101 88U1 1801088541 ei Si 484 10648 234256 5153632 113379904 2494357888 S2 .'•: 529 12167 279841 6436343 148035889 3404825447 S3 *4 576 13S24 331770 7962624 191102976 4586471424 •» 95 625 15C25 390625 9765625 244140625 6103515025 S6 96 676 17576 456976 11881376 308915776 8031810176 S6 g7 729 19683 531441 14318907 387420489 104603632H3 g7 g8 784 21952 614656 17210368 481890304 13492928512 S3 S9 841 24389 707281 20511149 694823321 1724987G309 S9 SO 900 27000 810000 24300000 729000000 21870000000 SO SI 961 29791 923521 28629151 887503681 27512614111 31 • :: 1024 32768 1048576 3355 1 132 1073741824 34359738368 3g SS 1089 35937 1185921 39135393 1291467969 42018442977 ...; 84 1150 39304 1330336 45435424 1544804416 52523350144 34 35 an 42875 1500025 52521875 1838265G25 64339296875 35 SC 1296 46Gf)G 1679616 604GG176 2176782336 78364164096 36 S7 1309 60053 18741(11 69343! 157 2565726409 94931877133 37 38 1444 64872 2085136 79235168 3010936384 1144155S2592 38 S9 1881 59319 2313441 90224199 3518743761 1372:51000079 39 40 1600 64000 2560000 102400000 4096000000 103840000000 40 41 1681 68991 2M25761 115850201 4760104241 HH7.VI 27:1^1 41 42 1784 74088 3111096 13009123:3 6489031711 2305393332 IS »-' 4* 184!) 79507 3418SU1 147008 1 i:! 6321363049 271HKS01 11(17 43 44 1996 85184 3748096 164910224 72503 13S50 31 927 7S( 19001 44 ¥• 1OU 91125 4100625 184528125 8303765625 373009 1531 25 ¥' t* 2IH; 9733C, 4477I-.0 205902970 9474296896 495817667816 .',<: 4~ no0 1U3S23 4879081 229315007 10779215329 f,oi;ii:!3i2o|i;:{ M 48 2»)4 110.VJ2 5308416 25480 12230590464 5870(^312272 48 -*9 2401 117649 6764801 2824752 1!) 13841287201 878883078849 60 HOO 125000 6260000 312500000 15625000000 781250000000 Tables of Powers and Sums of Powers 39 TABLE XXVII.— (continued). Powers of Natural Numbers. n n* »3 »< n' tf nr n SI 2601 132651 6765201 345025251 17596287801 897410677851 51 52 2704 140608 7311616 380204032 19770609664 1028071702528 52 S3 2809 148877 7890481 418195493 22164361129 1174711139837 53 54 2916 157464 8503056 459165024 24794911296 1338925209984 54 55 3025 16G375 9150625 503284375 27680640625 1522435234375 55 56 3136 17')616 9834496 550731776 30840979456 1727094849536 56 57 3249 185193 10556001 601692057 34296447249 1954897493193 57 58 33G4 195112 11316496 656356768 38068692544 2207984167552 58 59 3481 205379 12117361 714924299 42180533641 2488651484819 50 60 3600 216000 12960000 777600000 46656000000 2799360000000 CO 61 3721 226981 13815811 844596301 51520374361 3142742836021 61 62 3844 ij:!-328 14776336 916132832 56800235584 3521614606208 62 6S 3969 250047 15752H61 992436543 62523502209 3938980639167 63 64 4096 262144 16777216 1073741824 68719476736 4398046511104 64 65 48M 274625 17850625 1160290625 75418890625 4902227890625 65 M 4356 287496 18974736 1252332576 82653950016 5455160701056 66 6,v 4489 300763 20151121 1350125107 90458382169 6060711605323 67 6S 4624 314432 21381376 1453933568 98867482624 6722988818432 68 69 4761 328509 22667121 1 v: 1031349 107918163081 7446353252589 69 70 4900 343000 24010000 1680700000 117649000000 8235430000000 70 71 5041 357911 25411681 1804229351 128100283921 9095120158391 71 78 5184 373248 26873856 1934917632 i:J93 14069504 10030613004288 73 73 5329 389017 28398241 2073071593 151334226289 11047398519097 73 74 5476 405224 29986576 2219006624 164206490176 12151280273024 74 75 SC25 421875 31640625 2373046875 177978515625 13348388671875 75 76 577»; 438976 33362176 2535525376 192699928576 14645194571776 76 77 69S8 456533 35153041 2706784157 208422380089 16048523266853 77 78 6084 474552 37015056 2887174368 225199600704 17565568854912 78 79 8M1 493039 38950081 3077056399 243087455521 19203908986159 79 80 6400 612000 40960000 3276800000 262144000000 20971520000000 80 81 6561 531441 43046721 3486784401 282429536481 22876792454961 81 M 6724 551368 45212176 3707398432 304006671424 24928547056768 82 83 6881) 571787 47458321 393! Kill Hi 13 326940373369 27136050989627 83 84 7056 592704 49787136 4182119424 351298031616 29509034655744 84 85 7225 614125 52200625 4437053125 377149515625 32057708828125 85 86 7396 636056 54700816 4704270176 404567235136 34792782221696 86 87 7569 658503 572*9761 4984209207 433626201009 37725479487783 87 88 7744 681472 fi!t!Mi9536 5277319168 464404086784 40867559636992 88 89 7921 704969 62742241 5584059449 496981290961 44231334895529 89 90 8100 729000 65610000 5904900000 531441000000 47829690000000 90 91 8281 753571 ns-,7i96i 6240321451 567869252041 51676101935731 91 M 8464 778688 7l63!l2!)'i 6590815232 606355001344 55784660123648 92 93 8649 8043r>7 74805201 -83693 646990183449 60170087060757 93 94 MM 830584 78074896 7339040224 689869781056 64847759419264 94 95 9025 857375 81450625 7737809375 735091890625 69833729609375 95 96 9216 884736 84934656 8153726976 782757789696 75144747810816 96 97 9409 912073 88529281 8587340257 832972004929 80798284478113 97 98 MM 941192 92236816 9039207968 885842380864 86812553324672 9S 99 060] 9702:t!» 96059601 9509900499 941480149401 93206534790699 99 100 10000 1000000 100000000 10000000000 1000000000000 100000000000000 100 40 T,il,tc for 708 6735950 73399404 12 a 91 819 M'SJ 80971 100! 11562759 136147921 13 14 105 1015 11025 127687 1531 19092295 241561425 14 15 120 1240 14400 178312 -J-:i!liOO 30482920 412420800 15 16 136 1496 18 190 243848 3:1, 17776 47260136 680856256 16 17 153 1785 23109 32731 lit 4767633 71397705 10911!)l'.i-J!i 17 18 171 2109 29841 432345 8657201 ld.r) : 1703414981 18 19 1'JO 2470 361 00 668 9133300 1.VJ 155810 ^v. '7286700 19 HO 810 2870 44100 l-2333:;i HI 21G455810 3877286700 SO XI 231 3311 533(51 917147 16417401 302221931 6678376241 21 .'.' 858 64009 1151403 21571033 415001835 8172733129 .'.' :• 270 43M 7817fl 1431 :>41 2800737(1 603637724 11677558576 S3 *4 300 4900 90000 17<;:;o;!o 3.MITOOOO 754740700 16104030000 •"> £5 MB 66SB I0o(iir> 2153U45 4573.M Il'.-i 998881325 22267545626 £5 »; 351 6201 123201 2610C21 57617001 1307797101 30299355801 M 27 378 6930 142884 814S 719G5fX)8 1695217590 40759709004 i; S8 406 771 1 164Niti 3756718 8917ii^7«; 2177107894 64252637516 98 20 435 8550 189225 44G3999 109687425 2771931215 71602513825 SO 30 465 9455 216225 5273999 133987425 3500931215 93372513825 30 SI 49G 10416 246016 6197520 16261(5576 4388434896 120885127936 31 3S MB 11440 278784 7246096 196171008 5462176720 155244866304 32 S3 561 125:.'!) 314721 8432017 135306401 6753644689 197863309281 33 34 595 18686 354025 970*353 180741825 8298449105 250386659425 34 35 630 14910 396900 11208978 333263700 10136714730 314725956300 35 36 see 16206 443556 12948594 393729876 12313I!'7 393090120396 36 37 703 17575 4!U.'03 1482L'755 •463073VS3 14879223475 488021997529 37 38 741 19019 5 1'J 61 16907891 542309001 17890159859 602437580121 u 39 780 80MO 608400 !!):>:> 1332 C3-J533200 21408903620 739668586800 39 40 820 22140 7:>0 1272384 48343448 1913241408 77878994360 3236008846604 47 48 1176 1382976 63651M64 2168045376 90109584824 3823077187776 48 49 1 I'!':, 40lL'-| 1500625 59416665 2450521 K'c'5 1039.'>087-2025 4501300260626 49 BO 1276 taou 1625625 00666668 2763020625 119575872025 5282560260625 50 Tables of Powers and Snins of Powers TABLE XXVIII.— (continued). Bums of Powers of Natural Numbers. 41 n S(n) «(*») 8(*>) ,S>«) aw £(»•) «P) n 51 1326 45526 1758276 72431866 3108045876 137172159826 6179960938476 51 52 1378 48230 1898884 79743482 3488249908 156942769490 7208032641004 52 53 1431 51039 2047761 87633963 3906445401 179107130619 8382743780841 53 54 1485 53955 2205225 96137019 4365610425 203902041915 9721668990825 54 55 1540 56980 2371600 105287644 4868894800 231582682540 11244104225200 55 56 1596 60116 25472-16 115122140 5419626576 262423661996 12971199074736 56 •',7 1053 63365 2732409 125678141 6021318633 296720109245 14926096567929 57 58 1711 66729 2927521 136994637 6677675401 334788801789 17134080735481 58 .59 1770 70210 3132900 149111998 7392599700 376969335430 19622732220300 59 60 1830 73810 3348900 162071998 8170199700 423625335430 22422092220300 60 61 1891 77531 3575881 175917839 9014796001 475145709791 25564835056321 61 62 1953 81375 3814209 190694175 9930928833 531945945375 2908644966252!) 62 63 2016 85344 4064256 206447136 10923365376 594469447584 33025430301690 63 64 2080 89440 4326400 223224352 11997107200 663188924320 37423476812800 64 65 2145 93065 4601025 241074977 13157397825 738607814945 42325704703425 65 66 2211 98021 4888521 260049713 14409730401 821261764961 47780865404481 66 67 2278 102510 5189284 280200834 15759855508 911720147130 53841577009804 67 68 2346 107134 5503716 301582210 17213789076 1010587629754 60564565828236 68 69 2415 111895 5832225 324249331 18777820425 1118505792835 68010919080825 69 70 2485 116795 6175225 348259331 20458520425 1236154792835 76246349080825 70 71 2556 121836 6533136 373671012 22262749776 1364255076756 85341469239216 71 72 2628 127020 6906384 400544868 24197667408 1503569146260 95372082243504 72 7o 2701 132349 7295401 428943109 26270739001 1654903372549 106419480762601 73 74 2775 137825 7700625 458929685 28489745625 1819109862725 118570761035625 74 75 2850 143450 8122500 490570310 30862792500 1997088378350 131919149707500 75 7<; 2in>tri<-i:,:( 2-87816 i i •00916 •01778 + •02446 + -02.-5:!:. + •01. - -oo:»2* 2-74778 •004 •01185 •02222 + •02918 + •02587 + •011 11 --006S7 2-65207 •005 •01446 •02634 + '03326 + •02764 + •O09.r>2 - -01017 2-57583 •006 •01700 •03020 + -03686 + -Ois-^7 + -00770 - 01318 2-51211 •007 •01949 •03386 + -04008 + -02970 + -(H - -01592 2-45726 •008 •02192 •037:5 1 + -04298 + -03021 + -00371 - -01841 2-40892 •009 •02431 •04066 + •04561 + -03047 + •00164 -•02067 2-36562 •010 •02665 •04384 + •04800 + •030:.:; -•001144 -•02271 2-32635 •Vll •02896 •04690 + •06020 + •03041 - •002.-.3 - '021. -.7 2-29037 •012 •03123 •04986 + -05221 + •03014 -•00460 - -iini-.-, 2-26713 •01S •03348 •05270 + -05 106 + -02975 -O0664 - -02777 |**MS] •014 •03569 •06545 + -05577 + -02926 -•00866 - -02914 2-lU7j:» •015 •037h7 •05811 + -or,7:5.j + •02867 - -01064 - -03037 2-17009 •016 •04003 •06069 + -05880 + -02801 - -01259 - -03147 2-14441 •017 •04216 •06320 + •06015 + -02727 - -01449 - '03246 2-12007 •018 •04427 •06564 + -06139 + -02IU7 - -01636 - -0:5:5:54 2-09693 •019 •04636 •06801 + -06254 + -02562 -•01818 -•034 11 2-07485 -,,.-.} •04842 •07031 + •06361 + •0247:! -•01996 -03479 2-05375 •Oil •05046 •07256 + •06459 + •02378 -•02170 - -03638 2-03352 .,,,_, •0:>249 •07475 + -06549 + •02280 -•02:510 - -03589 2-01409 •OH •05449 •07688 + -06633 + •02 179 -•02 - -03632 1-99539 -„.'.; •05648 •07897 + -06709 + -02074 - -02666 - -03667 1-97737 •025 •05845 •08100 + -06780 + -01968 - -02823 - -03696 1-95996 •OM •06040 •0829!) + -06844 + •01858 - -02976 - -03718 1-94313 •Of? •062:53 •08493 + •06903 + -01747 - -03125 -•03734 1-92684 •028 •06425 •08682 + -06956 + -01634 - -03270 -•03744 1-91104 •tt>9 •06615 •08868 + -07005 + •01 520 - -03411 - -03749 1-89570 •030 •06804 •09049 + O7048 + -01404 - -03547 -•03749 1-88079 •031 •06992 •09227 + -07087 + •01 287 - -03680 -•03744 1-86630 •03i •07177 •09400 + -07122 + •01168 - -03810 - -03734 1-85218 •OSS •07362 •09570 + -07153 + •01049 - -03i«:. - -03720 1-83842 •034 •07* i:. •09737 + •07 1 79 + -00929 -•04o:, 7 - -03702 1-82501 •035 •07727 •09900 + •07202 + -00809 -•041 76 - -03680 1-81191 •036 •07908 •10060 + -07221 + -00688 - -04291 - -03654 1-79912 •037 •08087 •10216 + •07 2:57 + -00566 - -04402 -•03624 1-78661 •038 •08265 •10370 + -07249 + -00444 - -04510 -•03592 1-77438 •039 •08442 •10520 + -07258 + -00322 - -04615 - -O3.v><; 1-76241 •040 •08617 •10668 + -07264 + -00200 - -04717 - -03617 1-75069 •041 •08792 •10812 + -07268 + -00077 - -04815 - -03476 1-73D20 •04S •08966 •100 + -07268 - -00045 - -04910 - -03431 1-72793 •043 •09137 •11093 + -07266 - -00167 - -05003 - -03384 1-71689 •044 •09309 •111 + -07261 -•00290 -•05092 - -03335 1-70604 •045 •09479 •li:5<;:5 + -O72.r>3 -•00412 - -05178 - -032s:i 1-69540 •046 •09648 •11490 + -07243 -•00534 - -05261 - -0322!) 1-68I1I I •047 •09816 •1UU + -07231 -•00656 - -05342 -•0317:5 1-67466 •048 oeoa •11760 + •0721 7 -•00778 - -05420 -•03116 1-66456 •040 •1014!) •11874 + -07200 -•00899 - -05495 -•03or,5 1-65463 •Ofiii •1031 1 •1199*; + -07181 --0102H -•05567 - -02! KM 1 -i! 1485 TI, TJ »nj A are essentially positive. Tables of the Tetraclwric Functions TABLE XXIX.— (continued). 43 *(!-«> TI TJ T3 *1 1-5 1-6 h •051 •10478 •12115 + •07160 - -01140 - -05637 - -02931 1-63523 •052 •10641 •12232 + •07138 - -01260 - -05704 - -02866 1-62576 •OSS •10803 •12347 + •07113 - -01380 - -05769 - -02799 1-61644 •054 •10964 •12460 + -07087 - -01499 - -05831 - -02732 1 -60725 •055 •11124 •12571 + -07058 -•01618 - -05891 - -02662 1-59819 •056 •11284 •12680 + -07028 - -01736 - -05949 - -02592 1-58927 •057 •11442 •12787 + -06997 - -01854 -•06004 - -02r)20 1-58047 •058 •11600 •12892 + -06964 - -01971 - -06057 - -02447 1-57179 •059 •11766 •12995 + -06929 - -02087 - -06107 - -02373 1-56322 •060 •11912 •13096 + -06893 -•02203 - -06155 - -02298 1-55477 •061 •12067 •13196 + •06855 - -02318 - -06202 - -02222 1 -54643 •Mi •12222 •13293 + -00816 - -02433 - -06246 - -02145 1 -53820 •on •12375 •13389 + -06775 - -02547 - -06288 - -02068 1-53007 •06^ •12528 •13483 + -06734 - -02660 - -06328 - -01989 1-52204 •065 •12679 •13675 + •06690 - -02773 - -06365 - -01910 1-51410 •066 •12830 •13666 + •06646 - -02884 - -06401 - -01830 1-50626 •067 •12981 •13754 + •06601 - -02996 - -06435 - -01749 1-49851 •068 •13130 •13842 + -06554 - -03106 - -06467 - -01668 1-49085 •069 •13279 •13927 + -06506 - -03216 - -06498 - -01586 1 -48328 •070 •13427 •14011 + -06457 - -03325 - -065-JU - -01504 1-47579 •071 •13674 •14094 + -06407 - -03433 - -06552 - -01421 1-46838 •072 •13720 •14175 + -06356 - -03541 - -06.")77 - -01337 1-46106 an •13866 •14254 + •06304 - -03648 - -IHJ600 - -01253 1-45381 •074 •14011 •14332 + '06251 - -03754 - -06621 -•01 169 1 -44663 •075 •14156 •14409 + -06197 -•03859 - -06641 - -01085 1-43953 •076 •14299 •14484 + -06142 - -03963 - -06659 - -01000 1-43250 •077 •14442 •14668 + •06086 - -040(>7 - -06675 -•0091 5 1-42554 •078 •14584 •14630 + •06029 -•04170 - -06690 - -00829 1-41865 •079 •14726 •14701 + -05971 -O4272 - -06703 - -00743 1-41183 •080 •14867 •14771 + •05913 - -04374 - -06715 - -00668 1-40507 •081 •16007 •14839 + •06854 - -04474 - -06725 - -00572 1-39838 •082 •16146 •14906 + •05794 - -04574 - -06733 - -00485 1 -39174 •083 •15285 •14971 + -05733 - -04673 - -06741 - -00399 1-38517 •084 •15423 •16036 + -05671 -•04771 - -06746 - -00312 1-37866 •085 •16661 •16099 + -05600 - -04869 - -06751 - -00226 1-37220 •086 •15698 •16160 + •05546 -•04965 - -06753 - -00139 1-36581 •087 •15834 •15221 + -05483 - -05061 - -06755 -•00053 1-35946 •088 •15970 •16280 + -05418 - -05156 - -06755 + -00034 1-35317 089 •16105 •15339 + -05353 - -05250 - -06754 + -00120 1-34694 •090 •16239 •15396 + -05288 - -05344 -•06751 + -00207 1 -34076 •091 •16373 •15451 + -08222 - -05436 - -06748 + -00294 1-33462 •n:i.' •16506 •15506 + •05156 - -05528 - -06743 + -00380 1-32854 •09S •16639 •155t;n + •05088 - -05619 - -06736 + -00467 1-32251 •094 •16770 •16612 + •05020 - -05709 - -06729 + -00553 1-31652 •OH •16902 •15663 + •04952 - -05798 - -06720 + -00639 1-31058 •096 •17033 •16713 + •04883 - -06887 - -06710 + -00725 •30469 •097 •17163 •16763 + -04813 - -05975 - -06699 + -00811 •29884 •098 •17292 •15811 + -04744 - -06061 - -06687 + -00897 •29303 •099 •17121 •16858 + -04673 - -06148 - -06674 + -00982 •28727 •inn •17550 •16904 + •04602 - -06233 - -06660 + -01068 •28155 6-2 44 Tables for Statisiin'tmx and TABLE XXIX. Tetrachoric Functions for Fourfold Correlation Tables. 1(1--) tl ft TJ ••4 *6 rt h •101 •17678 •15948 + -04631 -•06317 -•00644 + •01153 I -27587 •lOt •17808 •159U2 + •04459 -•06401 - -06628 + •01-238 1 L'7024 •103 •17932 •16036 + •04387 -•06484 - -08610 + •01 322 I -88464 •104 •18058 •16077 + -04315 - -06566 - -06592 + •01407 1-25908 •106 •18184 •16118 + -04242 -•08647 -•06572 + •01491 1-25357 •106 •18309 •16158 + -041B9 -•06727 - -06651 + •01676 1-24808 •107 •18433 •16197 + •04095 -•00807 - -06530 + •01669 1-24264 •108 •18567 •16235 + •04021 - -0688C - -06507 + •01742 •23723 •109 •18681 •16272 + •03947 -•069GI - -06484 + -01826 •23186 •110 •18804 •16308 + -03872 - -07041 -•06459 + •01908 •22653 •111 •18926 •16343 + -03797 -•071 17 -•06434 + •01990 22123 •in •19048 •16378 + -03721 - -07193 -•06408 + -02072 •21596 •us •19169 •16411 + -03646 - -07268 -•08381 + -02154 •21073 •114 •19290 •16413 + -03570 - -07342 -•06353 + -02235 •20553 •115 •19410 •16476 + •03493 - -07415 - -06324 + -02316 •20036 •116 •19530 •16506 + •0341 7 -•07488 - -06294 + -02397 •19522 •117 •19649 •16536 + -03340 - -07559 - -06264 + •02477 •19012 •118 •19768 •16565 + -03263 -•07630 - -06233 4 -02567 •18604 •119 •19886 •16593 + -03186 - -07700 - -06201 + -02636 1-18000 •ieo •20004 •16620 + -03108 - '07770 -•06168 + -02716 1-17499 •Itl •20121 •16647 + •03030 -•07838 - -06134 + -02794 1-17000 •1 :.' •20238 •16672 + -02952 -•07906 -•06100 + -02873 1-16505 •US •20354 •16697 + -02874 - -07973 -•06065 + -02950 1-16012 •Itk •20470 •1G721 + '02796 - -08039 - -06029 + -03028 i •loan •iss •20586 •16745 + •02717 - -08105 - -05992 + -03105 1-15035 •ISO •20700 •16767 + •02638 -•08169 - -05955 + -03181 1-14551 •Ii7 •20814 •16789 + -02669 - -08233 - -05917 + -03257 1-14069 •1 M •20928 •16810 + •02480 - -08297 - -05878 + -03333 1-13590 •129 •21042 •16830 + -02401 -•08359 - -06839 + -03408 1-13113 •ISO •21165 •16849 + •02321 - -08421 - -05799 + •03483 1-12639 •131 •21267 •16868 + •02241 - -08482 - -05758 + -03557 1-12168 •13* •21379 •16886 + -02H12 - -08642 - -nr.TiT + -03631 1-11699 'ISS •21490 •16903 + -02082 -•08601 - -05676 + -03704 1-11232 •UA •21601 •16919 + -02001 -•08660 - -05632 + -03777 1-10768 •ISS •21712 •16935 + •01921 -•08718 - -05589 + •03860 1-10306 •136 •21822 •16950 + O1841 - -08776 - -06546 + -03921 1-09847 •1S7 •21932 •16964 + •01760 -•08831 - -05501 + -03993 1-09390 •138 •22041 •16978 + •01680 -•08887 - -05456 + -04064 1 -08935 •139 •22149 •16990 + -01699 - -08942 -•054 11 + -04134 1 -08482 •140 •22258 •17003 + •01518 - -08996 - -05365 + -04204 1-08032 •141 •22365 •17014 + •01437 -•09050 - -05318 + •04273 1-07684 •14* •22473 •17026 + -oi3:><; - -09103 - -06271 + -04342 1-07138 •143 •22580 •17036 + -01276 - -09155 - -05224 + •04410 1 -06694 •144 •22686 •17044 + •01194 -•09206 - -06176 + •0117* 1-06252 •Itf •22792 •17053 + •01113 - -09257 - -05127 + -04545 1-05812 •146 •22898 •17061 + •01032 -•09307 -•06078 + •04612 1-05374 •147 •23003 •17069 + •00950 - -09356 - -05028 + -04678 1 -04!t:i'.» •148 •23108 •17076 + •00869 -•09405 - -04978 + •04744 L-OtfOb •149 •23212 •17082 + •00788 -O9452 - -04928 + -04809 1-04(17:'. •ICO 23316 •17087 + •00706 - -09499 - 04877 + •04874 1 03043 Tables of the Tetrachoric Functions TABLE XXIX.— (continued). 45 4(i-«) TI TS *3 Tt Tfi ^8 h •161 •23419 •17092 + -00625 - -09546 - -04825 + '04938 1-03215 •152 •23522 •17097 + -00543 - -O9.p)92 - -04774 + -05002 1-02789 •153 •23625 •17100 + •00462 - -09637 - -04721 + •05065 l-0236f> •154 •23727 •17103 + -00380 - -09681 - -04669 + -05127 1-01943 •155 •23829 •17106 + -00298 - '09725 - -04615 + -05189 1-01522 •156 •23930 •17108 + •00217 -•09768 - -04562 + -05250 1-01103 •157 •24031 •17109 + -00135 - -09810 - -04508 + -05311 1-00686 •158 •24131 •17110 + •00053 - -09852 - -04454 + -05371 1-00271 •159 •24232 •17110 -•00028 - -09892 - -04399 + -05431 •99858 •1GO •24331 •17109 -•00110 - -09933 - -04344 + -05490 •99446 •161 •24430 •17108 - -00191 - -09972 - -04288 + -05549 •99036 •162 •24529 •17107 - -00273 - -10011 - -04232 + -05607 •98627 •16S •24628 •17104 - -0035.1) - -10049 - -04176 + -05664 •98220 •164 •24726 •17102 - -00436 -•10087 - -04120 + -05721 •97815 •165 •24823 •17098 - -00518 - -10124 - -04063 + -05778 •97411 •166 •24921 •17094 -•00599 -•10160 - -04006 + •05834 •97009 •167 •25017 •17090 -•00681 - -10196 - -03948 + -05889 •96609 •168 •25114 •17085 -•00762 - -10231 - -03890 + '05943 •%210 •169 •25210 •17080 -•00844 - -10265 - -03832 + -05998 •95812 •170 •26305 •17073 -•00925 - -10299 - '03774 + -06051 •95417 •171 •25401 •17067 - -01007 - -10332 - -03715 + -06104 •95022 •na •^.-.495 •17060 -•01088 - -10364 - O3656 + -06156 •94629 •17S •25590 •17052 -•01169 - -10396 - -03597 + -06208 •94238 •174 •25684 •17044 - -01251 - -10427 - -03537 + -06260 •93848 •175 •25778 •17035 -•01332 -•10458 - -03478 + -06310 •93459 •176 •25871 •17026 -•01413 - -10487 - -03417 + •06360 •93072 •177 •25964 •17016 - -01494 - -10517 - -03357 + -06410 •92686 •178 •2GO.W •17006 - -O157.r> - -10545 - -03296 + -06459 •92301 •179 •26148 •16995 - -01656 - -10573 - -03236 + -06507 •91918 •180 •26240 •16984 -•01737 -•10601 - -03176 + -06555 •91537 •181 •26331 •16972 - -01817 - '10627 -•03113 + •06603 •91156 •182 •26422 •16960 -•01898 - -10653 - -03052 + -06649 •90777 -us •26513 •16948 - -01979 - -10679 - -02990 + •06695 •90399 •184 •26603 •16934 - -02069 - -10704 - -02928 + -06741 •90023 •185 •26693 •16921 - -02140 - -10728 - -02806 + •06786 •89647 •186 •26782 •16907 - -02220 - -10752 - -02803 + •06830 •89273 •187 •26871 •16892 -•02300 - -10776 - -02741 + -06874 •88901 •188 •26960 •16877 -•02380 - -10798 - -02678 + •06917 •88529 •189 •27049 •16861 -•02460 - -10819 - -02615 + •06960 •88159 •190 •27137 •16845 - -02540 - -10841 - -02552 + -07002 •87790 •191 •27224 •16829 - -02620 - -10861 - -02489 + •07044 •87422 •19S •27311 •16812 - -02700 - -10882 - -02425 + -07085 •87055 •193 •27398 •16795 - -02779 -•10901 - -02362 + -07125 •86689 •194 •27485 •16777 - -02859 -•10920 - -02298 + •07165 •86325 •195 •27671 •16759 - -02938 - -10939 - -02234 + -07204 •85962 •196 •27657 •16740 - -03018 - -10956 - -02170 + -07243 •85600 •197 •27742 •16721 -•03097 - -10974 - -02106 + •07281 •85239 •198 •27827 •16701 - -03176 - -10990 - -02041 + -07319 •84879 •199 •27912 •16681 - -03255 - -11007 - -01977 + -07356 •84520 •200 •27996 •16661 - -03334 - -11022 - -01912 + -07392 •84162 46 Table* for Statistician* .r,30 -•03804 -•11104 - D1522 + •07599 •82038 m 9577 •16506 OHM -•iin:« -•01 457 + •07(132 •81687 IN •28058 •16483 _ •<>:. -•imo - -01391 + -07664 •81338 •509 •28739 •164.V.I - -041 I'M -•11137 - D1326 + -07695 •80990 •no •28820 •16434 1114 -•11147 - -01260 + -07726 •80642 :ii •28901 •16409 -O41 '.1-2 -•11157 - -01194 + -07756 •80296 •:l : •28981 •l<;:isi •04841 -•11166 -•01 in + D7786 •79960 •//.; •29060 •M8M ' ' 1346 -•11174 - -OH",:', + D7816 •79606 •///, •29 1 40 •1633-2 - 1)44:23 -•11182 - -00997 + D7844 •79262 •SIS 21)219 •163"-. - 1)4 I!)!) -•11189 - -00931 + -07872 •78919 •S1G 21)298 •16279 - '04576 -•11196 -•00865 + -07899 •78677 •m •29376 •10251 -•04652 - -11203 -D0799 + D7926 •78237 •utt •29454 •1622 I - -04728 -•11208 - -00733 + -07952 •77897 •sin •29532 •16196 - -04804 -•11214 - -00667 + -07978 •77657 ..,,, •29609 •16167 - -04880 -•11218 -D0600 + D8004 •77219 •.•:/ •29686 •1C139 - -04956 -•11223 - -00534 + -08028 •76882 •::.' •297C3 •16110 - -0503 1 - -11226 - -00468 + D8052 •76546 •::.; •29840 •16080 - -05107 -•11230 -•Oll|(i2 + -08076 •76210 •:.", •299 Ui •16050 - -05182 -•11233 - -00335 + -08099 •75876 •::.-, •29991 •16020 - -05257 -•11235 - -00269 + -08122 •75541 at; •30067 •15090 - -05332 -•11237 - -00203 + -08144 •75208 .-.-,- •3(>l42 •15959 - -05406 -•11238 -•00136 + D8 165 •74876 •/.'.•>• •30216 •16927 - -05481 -•11239 -•00070 + •08186 •74545 -Mi •30291 •15896 - D5555 -•11239 -D0004 + •08207 •74214 •sso •30365 •16864 - -05629 -•11239 + •00063 + -0822C •73886 •/.;/ •3043!) •16832 - -05703 -•11238 + D01 29 + -08246 •73556 -.•.;.• •30512 •16799 - -05777 -•11237 +•00190 + D8266 •73228 •&SS •30585 •15766 - -05851 -•11236 + •002112 + -08283 •72900 •S»4 •30058 •157:i:: - -O.r>i'i! I -•11233 + -00328 + •08301 •72574 •?.ti •30730 •16699 - -05997 -•11230 + -00394 + 1)8318 •72248 •«c •30802 •15665 - -06070 - -11227 + •00461 + •08334 •71923 •237 •30874 •15631 - -06143 -•11224 + •oo:.-27 + 1)8351 •71699 •sss •30945 •16596 - -06215 -•11220 + 1'Hi.-i!»3 + 1)8366 •71275 •iS9 •31017 •15561 - -06288 -•11215 + -00659 + -08381 •70952 •gjtO •31087 •15526 - -06360 -•11210 + -00726 + -08396 •70630 •S41 •3H68 •15490 - -06432 -•11205 + -0071)2 + D8410 •70309 •-",-' •3 1 228 •15454 - -06504 -•11199 + -OOH5H + -08423 •69988 ••',•: •31298 •15418 - -06576 -•111!»2 + •001)21 + •0813(1 •(>:.> •-".', •31 367 •15382 -1)6047 -•11185 + UOUDO + D8449 (11)349 •-",-• •31436 •15345 -1)6718 -•11178 +-010M + -08IC1 •CD031 •*46 •31505 •16308 - -06789 -•11170 + D1 122 + 1)8172 •68713 •tlfi •31574 •16270 - -06860 -•11162 + •01188 + •081*3 •683! Mi *4t •31042 •15232 - -0«i!>:!l -•M154 + •01253 + -OM:II •68080 146 31710 •16194 -•07001 -•11145 + •0131!) + D8.-i(H •67764 •SM •31778 •15156 -D7071 -•11135 + •013X5 + •08513 •67449 Tables of the Tetrachoric Functions TABLE XXIX.— (continued). 47 4"4 T6 i-o h •251 •31845 •15117 - -07141 -•11125 + -01450 + -08522 •67135 •252 •31912 •15078 -•07211 -•11115 + -01516 + -08530 •66821 •253 •31979 •15039 - -07280 -•11104 + -01581 + "08538 •66508 •254 •32045 •14999 - -07350 - -11093 + -01647 + -08:)46 •66196 •255 •32111 •14959 - '07419 - -11081 + •01712 + -08553 •65884 •256 •32177 •14919 - -07488 - -11069 + "01777 + -08559 •65573 •257 •32242 •14879 - -07557 - '11056 + -01842 + -08565 •65262 •258 •32307 •14838 - -07625 - -11043 + •01907 + -08571 •64952 •32372 •14797 - -07693 - -11030 + -01972 + '08575 •64643 •360 •32437 •14756 - -07761 -•11016 + -02037 + -08580 •64335 •261 •32501 •14714 - -07829 -•11002 + -02102 + -08584 •64027 •262 •32565 •14672 - -07897 - '10987 + -0216<> + -08587 •63719 •263 •32628 •14630 -•07964 - -10972 + •02231 + •08590 •63412 •264 •32691 •14588 -•08031 - -10956 + -02295 + -08593 •63106 •265 •32754 •14545 -•08098 - -10940 + -02360 + '08595 •62801 •JM •32817 •14502 - -08165 - -10924 + -02424 + -08596 •62496 •tw •32879 •14459 - -08231 - -10907 + -02488 + -08597 •62191 •32941 •1 1 115 - -08208 - -10890 + -02552 + -08598 •61887 •33003 •14372 - -08364 - -10873 + -02616 + -08598 •61584 •270 •33065 •1432K - -08429 - -10855 + -02680 + -08598 •61281 •371 •33126 •14283 - -08495 - '10837 + -02743 + -08597 •60979 • n : •33187 •14239 -•08560 - -10818 + -02807 + O8596 •60678 •37S •33247 •14194 --OV - -10799 + -02870 + -08594 •60376 •374 •33307 •14I4!I -•08690 -•10779 + -02933 + -08591 •60076 •275 •33367 •14104 - -08755 - -10759 + •02997 + -08589 •59776 •276 •33427 •14058 -•08819 - -10739 + -03060 + -08586 •69477 •277 •334H6 •14012 -•08883 -•10718 + •03122 + -08582 •59178 •278 •33545 •1396li - -08947 - -10697 + •03185 + -08578 •58879 •/;.'< •33604 •UMO -•09011 -•10676 + •03248 + -08573 •58581 •280 •33662 •13H7:i -•09074 - -10654 + -03310 + -08568 •68284 •281 •33720 •13826 -•09137 - -10632 + •03372 + -08563 •57987 •>•/ •33778 •13779 -•09200 - -10609 + -03434 + -08557 •57691 4M •33836 •13732 -•09263 - -10587 + -03496 + -08551 •57395 •-'•-•{ •33*: i.'. •13i - -09325 - -10563 + -03558 + -08544 •5710(1 •asr, •33950 •13637 - -09388 - -10540 + -03620 + -08536 •56805 •34007 •13589 - -09450 - -10516 + -03681 + -08529 •56611 •287 •34063 •I3.r. n - -09511 - -10491 + -03743 + •08521 •56217 •34119 •13492 - -09573 - -10466 + -03804 + •08512 •55924 •34175 • 13443 - -09634 - -10441 + -03865 + -08503 •55631 •34230 •13394 - -09695 - -10416 + -03926 + -08494 •55338 -.".a •34286 •13345 -•09756 - -10390 + •03987 + -08484 •65047 •JM •34341 •132!)6 - -09816 - -10364 + -04047 + -08473 •64755 •«M •34395 •132 l«; -•09876 - -10337 + •04107 + -08463 •54464 •344 »:» •13196 - -09936 - -10310 + -04168 + -08451 •54174 •3 »:>( >:5 •13146 - -09996 - -10283 + -04228 + -08440 •53884 •296 •34557 •13096 - -10056 - -10256 + •04287 + -08428 •53594 •..'.''7 •34611 •13046 -•10115 - -10228 + -04347 + -08415 •53305 •208 •31664 •12995 -•10174 - -10199 + -04407 + •08402 •53016 •299 •:vi717 •12944 - '10233 - -10171 + -04466 + -08389 •52728 •300 •34769 •12893 - -10291 - -10142 + -04525 + -08375 •52440 48 Table* fur M«ti.*t it-inn* and TABLE XXIX. Tetrachoric Functions for Fourfold Correlation Tables. 1(1-.) n Tt *•» »-4 id ik k •sot •34822 •18841 - -10349 -•10113 + •04684 + -ON3H1 •52153 •sot •34874 •12790 -•10407 -•10083 + •04643 + •08347 •51866 •SOS •34925 •12738 -•10466 -•10063 + -04701 + •OKtt-2 •51579 •304 •34977 •12686 -•10622 -•10023 + -04759 + •08316 •51293 •SOS •36028 •12634 -•10680 - -09992 + •04818 + •08301 •51007 •S06 •36079 •12581 - -10636 -•09961 + O4876 + O8:!*! •60722 •SOT •36129 •12529 - -10693 -•09930 + -04933 + -08268 •50437 •SOS •35180 •12476 - -10750 -•09889 + -04991 + •08251 •50153 •309 •35230 •12423 -•10806 -•09867 + •05048 + -08233 I! (869 •310 •35279 •12370 - -10862 - -09834 + -05105 + -08216 •49686 •311 •35329 •12316 -•10917 - -09802 + •05162 + •08197 •49302 •31S •35378 •12263 - -10973 - -09769 + •05219 + •08179 •49019 •SIS •35427 •12209 - -11028 - -09736 + -05276 + •08160 •48736 •314 •35476 •12155 -•11082 - -09703 + '05332 + •08140 •48464 •315 •35524 •12101 -•11137 -•09669 + •05388 + •08121 •48173 •316 •35572 •12040 -•11191 - -0963!) + •06444 + •08101 •47891 •317 •35620 •11992 - -11245 -•09600 + -05500 + •08080 •47610 •318 •35667 •11937 -•11299 - -09566 + -05655 + •08059 •47330 •319 •35714 •11882 - -113.r>3 - -09531 + -05610 + •08038 •47050 •sto •36761 •11827 -•11406 -•09495 + •05665 + •08016 •46770 •SSI •35808 •11771 - '11459 -•09460 + •06720 + •07994 •46490 •.;.-.- •35854 •11716 -•11512 - -09424 + -06776 + -07972 •46211 •sts •35900 •11660 -•11664 -•09388 + -0582!) + -07949 •45933 •sn •36946 •11604 -•11616 - -09351 + -05883 + -07920 •45654 •3S5 •35991 •11548 -•11668 -•09315 + -05937 + -07902 •45376 •326 •36037 •11492 --1172U -•09278 + -05991 + -07878 •46099 •ssrr •36082 •11436 -•11771 - -09240 + 06044 + -07854 •44821 •sss •36126 •11379 -•11822 - -09203 + •06097 + -07829 •44544 •Si9 •36171 •11322 -•11873 -•09165 + -06160 + O7804 •44268 •8K •36215 •11265 -•11923 - -09127 + •06203 + -07779 •43991 •331 •36259 •11208 -•11974 - -09088 + •06255 + -07763 •43715 •36302 •11151 -•12024 -•09049 + •06308 + -07727 •43440 • ... •36346 •11093 - -12073 -•09010 + •06360 + -07701 •13164 •334 •36389 •11036 -•12123 - -08971 + •00412 + -07674 •42889 36431 •10978 -•12172 -•08932 + •06463 + -07647 •42616 •336 •36474 •10920 -•12221 -•08892 + •06514 + •07620 •42340 •337 •36516 •10862 - -12270 -•08852 + •06565 + •07692 •42066 •SS8 •36558 •10804 - -12318 -•08811 + •06616 + •07564 •41793 •339 •36GOO •10745 - -12366 -•08771 + •06667 + -0753.-. •41519 •340 •36641 •10687 - -12414 -•08730 + -06717 + '07507 •41246 •341 •36682 •10628 - -12461 - -08689 + -06767 + -07477 •40974 •30 •36723 •10569 - -12509 -•08647 + •06817 + -07448 •40701 •848 •36764 •10510 -•12555 -•08606 + •06867 + •07418 •40429 •344 •36804 •loi.-.i -•moot -•08564 + •06916 + •07388 •40157 •345 •36844 •10391 -•12649 -•08522 + •06965 + •07368 •39886 •346 •36884 •10332 - '12695 -•08479 + -07014 + -07327 •39614 •347 •36923 •10272 -•12741 - '08437 + •07062 + -07296 •39343 ;;.s •36962 •10212 - '12786 - -08394 + •07110 + •07264 •39073 •349 •37001 •10152 -•ias:n - -08351 + •07158 + -07232 •38802 •350 -97040 •10002 - -12876 -•08307 + -07206 + •07200 •38532 Tables of the Tetrachoric Functions TABLE XXIX.— (continued). i(l-a) n rj 1-3 >•« n "6 h •SSI •37078 •10032 - -12921 - -08264 + -07254 + -07168 •38262 •S52 •37116 •09971 - -12966 - -08220 + -07301 + -07135 •37993 •S5S •37154 •09911 -•13010 - -08176 + -07348 + -07102 •37723 •364 •37192 •09850 - -13054 - -08131 + -07395 + -07069 •37454 •355 •37229 •09789 -•13097 -•08087 + -07441 + -07035 •37186 •356 •37266 •09728 - -13140 -•08042 ' + -07487 + -07002 •36917 •357 •37303 •09667 - -13183 - -07997 + -07533 + -06967 •36649 •358 •37340 •09606 - -13226 - -07952 + •07579 + -06933 •36381 •359 •37376 •09544 - -13269 - -07906 + -07624 + -06898 •36113 •360 •37412 •09483 - -13311 - -07861 + -07669 + -06863 •35846 •861 •37447 •09421 - -13353 - -07815 + -07714 + -06827 •35579 •362 •37483 •09359 - -13304 - -07768 + -07758 + -06792 •35312 •,;.;.; •37518 •09297 - '13436 - -07722 + -07803 + -06756 •35045 •364 •37553 •09235 - -13477 - -07675 + -07847 + •06719 •34779 •.:<;:, •37588 •09173 -•13517 - -07629 + -07890 + -06683 •34613 •.,<.', •37622 •09111 - -13558 - -07682 + -07934 + '06646 •34247 •367 •37656 •09048 -• 13598 - -07534 + -07977 + -06609 •33981 •368 •37690 •08985 -• 13638 - -07487 + -08020 + •06571 •33715 •Ml •37724 •089--:'. - -13677 - -07439 + -08062 + -06534 •33450 •370 •37757 •08860 - '13717 - -07391 + -08105 + -06496 •33185 •371 •37790 •08797 - -13766 -•07343 + -08147 + -06458 •32921 •37823 •08734 - -13794 - -07295 + •081 88 + -06419 •32656 •373 •37855 •08671 -•13833 - -07246 + -08230 + -06380 •32392 •374 •37888 •08607 -•13871 - -07198 + -08271 + •06341 •32128 •375 •37920 •08544 -•13909 - -07149 + •08312 + -06302 •31864 •376 •37951 •08480 - -13946 -•07100 + -08352 + -06262 •31600 •377 •37983 •08416 - -13984 - -07050 + -08392 + -06222 •31337 •378 •38014 •08353 - -14021 - -07001 + -08432 + -06182 •31074 an •38045 •08289 - -14057 - -06951 + -08472 + •06142 •30811 •380 •38076 •08225 - -14094 -•06901 + -08512 + -06101 •30548 •381 •38106 •08160 - -14130 - -06851 + -08551 + •06061 •30286 •S8S •38136 •08096 - -14166 - -06801 + -08589 + -06019 •30023 •383 •38166 •08032 - -14201 - -06750 + -08628 + -05978 •29761 •384 •38196 •07967 - -14236 - -06700 + -08666 + -05936 •29499 •385 •38225 •07903 - -14271 - -06649 + -08704 + -05895 •29237 •386 •38254 •07838 - -14306 - -06598 + -08742 + -05853 •28976 •387 •38283 •07773 - -14340 -•06547 + -08779 + -05810 •28715 •388 •38312 •07708 - -14374 - -06495 + -08816 + -05766 •28454 •380 •38340 •07643 - -14408 -•06444 + -08853 + -05725 •28193 •390 •38338 •O7678 - -14442 - -06392 + -08889 + -06682 •27932 •391 •38396 •07513 -•14475 - -06340 + -08925 + -05638 •27671 •392 •38423 •07447 -•14508 -•06288 + •08961 + -05595 •27411 •393 •38151 •07382 - -14540 - -06236 + -08997 + -05551 •27151 •394 •38478 •07316 - -14573 -•06183 + •09032 + -05507 •26891 •395 •38504 •07251 -•14604 - -06131 + •09067 + -05463 •26631 •396 •38531 •07185 - '14636 - -06078 + -09101 + -05419 •26371 •397 •38557 •07119 - -14668 - -06025 + -09136 + -05374 •26112 •398 •38583 •07053 - -14699 - -05972 + -09170 + -05329 •25853 •399 •38600 •06987 - -14730 - -05919 + -09203 + -05284 •25594 •400 •38634 •06021 - -14760 - -OSSOfi + -09237 + •05239 •25335 B. 50 Tables for Statistician*! and Biometrlcians TABLE XXIX. Tetniciioric Function* for Fourfold Cotrclation Tables. 1(1 -a) n ri TI ••4 r» '• k •401 •38659 •06855 - -14790 -•06812 + -09270 + -06193 •25076 T^ •;•'-• •38684 •08789 - -14820 -•06758 + -09303 + -05148 •24817 •403 •38709 •06722 -•14850 - -05705 + -09335 + -05102 •24559 •404 •38734 •06666 - -14879 - -06651 + •09367 + -06056 •24301 •405 •38758 •08589 - -14908 - -05596 + -09399 + •05010 •24043 •406 •38782 •06622 - -14937 - -05542 + •09430 + •04963 •23785 •407 •3880S •06456 - -14965 -O5488 + -OIMI;:: + 04916 •23527 •408 •38829 •06389 - -14993 - -06433 + -o:> + •04869 •23269 •409 •38852 •06322 -•16021 - -05378 + -09523 + •04822 •23012 •410 •38876 •06265 -•16049 - -05323 + •09553 + -04775 •227.-. 1 •411 •38897 •06188 -•16076 -•06268 + -09583 + -04728 •224U7 •41* •38920 •06121 - -16103 - -05213 + •09613 + -04680 •22240 •1,18 •38942 •06053 - -15130 - -05168 + •09642 + -04632 •21983 •414 •38964 •05986 - -15156 - -05102 + -09671 + -O4.'is I •21727 •415 •3898ft •05919 -•15182 -•05047 + -09700 + -04536 •21470 •41li •39007 •05851 -•15208 - -04991 + -09728 + -04488 •21214 •417 •39028 •05784 - -16233 - -04935 + -09756 + O4439 •20i»:>7 •418 •39049 •05716 - -15258 - -04879 + -09784 + •04390 •20701 •419 •39069 •05648 - -16283 - -04823 + -09811 + -04341 •20445 •4*0 •39089 •05680 -•15308 - -04767 + -09838 + -04292 •20189 •4S1 •39109 •05513 - -15332 - -04711 + -09865 + •04243 •19934 '4t* •39129 •05445 - -16356 - -04654 + -09891 + -04194 •19678 •4*3 •39149 •06377 -•16380 - -04598 + •09918 + -04144 •19422 •4*4 •39168 •05309 - -16403 - -04541 + -09943 + -04094 •19167 •425 •39187 •05240 - -15426 - -04484 + •09969 + -04044 •18912 :',:••> •39206 •05172 - '15449 - -04427 + •09994 + -03994 •18657 •427 •39224 •05104 - -16471 - -04370 + •10019 + -03944 •18402 •4*8 •39243 •05036 -• 15493 - -04313 + -10043 + -03894 •18147 •420 •39261 •04967 -•1651 5 - -04256 + -10067 + -03843 •17892 •430 •39279 •04899 - -16537 - -04198 + -10091 + -03793 •17637 •4Si •39296 •04830 - -16558 - -04141 + •101 15 + -03742 •17383 •43S •39313 •04761 - '15579 -•04083 + •10138 + -03691 •17128 •4S3 •39330 •04693 - -16599 -•04026 + •10161 + -03640 •16874 -434 •39347 •04624 - -15620 -•03968 + •10183 + -03589 •16:.<; •IMS •1643 •1446 •1258 •1083 0-4 •3039 •sen •2804 ••661 •2503 •2332 •2162 •1965 •1775 •1587 •1402 •1226 •1060 0-5 •2778 •am •8868 •2466 •2332 •2186 •2028 •1862 •1692 •1520 •1351 •1187 •1031 0-6 •2515 •2445 •2361 •2263 •2152 •2028 •1893 •1748 •me •1444 •1291 •1140 0988 0-7 •2254 •2200 •2134 •2056 •1965 •1862 •1748 •1625 •1494 •1359 •1222 •1086 00M 0-8 •2001 •1960 •1000 •1848 •1776 •1692 •1598 •1494 •1383 •1266 •1146 •10M 0808 09 •1759 •1728 •1690 •1643 •1587 •15-20 •1444 •1359 •1266 •1167 •1064 •0958 0668 1-0 •1531 •1509 •1481 •1446 •1402 •1351 •1291 •1222 •1146 •1064 •0076 0686 •0794 1-1 •1320 •1304 •1284 •1258 •1226 •1187 •1140 •1086 •1025 •0958 0686 0608 •0731 1-t •1127 •1116 •1102 •1083 •1060 •1031 •0995 •0954 •0906 •0888 •0794 •0731 •0665 rs •0953 •0946 •0936 •0923 •0006 •0885 •0859 •0828 •0791 •0749 •0702 06M •0597 1-4 •0798 •0793 •0787 •0778 •0766 •0751 •0733 •0710 •0(182 •0650 •0614 •0574 •0530 1-5 •0662 0608 •0655 •0649 •0641 •0631 •0618 •0601 •0581 •0557 OM8 •0498 •0464 1-6 •0545 •0543 •0540 •0536 •0531 •0524 •0515 •0503 •0489 •0471 •0451 •0427 •0401 1-7 •0444 •0443 •0441 •0438 •0435 •0430 •0424 •0416 •0406 •0394 •0379 •0362 •0342 1-8 •0358 •0357 •0357 •0355 •0353 •0350 •0346 •0341 •0334 •0325 •0316 •0302 •0287 1-9 •0287 •0286 •0286 •0880 •0283 •0281 •0279 •0275 •0271 •OMB •0258 •0249 •0238 :<> •0227 •0227 •0227 •0226 •0225 •0224 •0223 •0220 •0217 •0213 0808 O80S •0195 g-1 •0178 •0178 •0178 •0178 •0177 •0177 •0176 •0174 •0172 •0170 •0167 •0163 •0158 g-t •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0138 •0138 •0137 •0137 •0136 •0134 •0132 •0129 •0126 2-S •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0106 •0106 •0105 •0104 •0103 •0101 •0099 '•4 •0082 •0082 0061 4061 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0081 •0081 •0080 •0079 O078 •0077 t-5 •0062 ooa •0062 •0062 •(XMi2 •0062 ooa •0062 •0061 •0061 •0061 0060 •0059 t-e •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0048 •0046 •0046 •0046 •0046 •0045 •0045 r = '85. A= 0 •1 * •3 •4 •5 •6 •7 •8 •9 1-0 1-1 1-2 1=0-0 •4117 •3905 •3670 •3417 •3149 •2873 •SMB •2319 •20.12 •1798 •1560 •1341 •1141 0-1 •3905 •3723 •3518 •3292 •3050 •2796 •2537 •2277 •ma •1777 •1546 •1332 •ii, -it; 0-2 •3670 •3518 •3342 •3145 •2930 •2702 •2464 •2222 •1983 •1749 •1887 •1319 •1127 0-3 •3417 •3292 •3145 •2978 •2791 •2588 •2374 •2154 •1931 •1712 •1501 •1301 •1110 0-4 •3149 •3050 •2930 •2791 •2632 •2457 •2268 •8070 •1867 •1665 •1467 •1277 •1099 0-K •2873 •2796 •2702 •2588 •2467 •2309 •2146 •1972 •1790 •1606 •1423 •1246 •1078 0-6 •2595 •2637 •2464 •2374 •2268 •2146 •2008 •1859 •1700 •1535 •1370 •120C •1049 0-7 •2319 •2277 •2222 •2154 •2070 •1972 •1859 •1733 •1597 •1453 •1306 •1158 •1014 0-8 •2052 •2022 •1983 •1931 •1867 •1790 •1700 •1597 •1483 •13(i() •12:52 •1101 •0971 0-9 •1798 •1777 •1749 •1712 •1665 •1606 •103,1 •14,13 •1360 •1258 •1M!I •1035 •0920 1-0 •1560 •1546 •1527 •1501 •1467 •1 123 •1370 •13(16 •1232 •1149 •1058 •0962 •OSI12 1-1 •1341 •1332 •1319 •1301 •1277 •1246 •1206 •1158 •1101 •1035 •0962 oea •0798 1-2 •1141 •1136 •1127 •1116 •1099 •1078 •1049 •1014 •0971 0080 066S •0798 •0729 1-3 •0963 •0959 •0954 •0947 •0936 •0921 •0901 •0876 •0845 •0807 •0763 •0712 •0656 1-4 •oxo.1 •0803 •0800 •0795 •0788 •0778 •0765 •0748 •0725 •0686 066fi 0686 •0583 1-0 •0666 •0665 •0664 O661 •0656 •0650 •0642 •0630 •0(il5 •0595 0671 •0543 •0510 l-(i •0547 •0547 •0546 •0544 •0541 •0538 •0532 •0525 •d.114 •0501 •0484 •0164 •0439 1-7 •0445 •0445 •0444 •0443 •0442 •0440 •0436 •or(2 •0426 •0416 •0405 •0390 •0373 1-8 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0368 •0357 •O:MO •0354 •0801 OS47 •0341 •0334 •0384 •0312 1-9 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0286 O866 •0284 •0283 •0280 •0276 •0272 •0265 •0267 -••a •0227 •0227 •(1227 •0227 •0227 0887 •0226 •0225 •0221 •0218 •0214 •0209 g-1 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0178 •0178 •0178 •0178 •0177 •0176 •0176 •0173 •0171 •0167 t-t •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0138 •0138 •0137 •0136 •0136 •0133 t-3 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0106 •0106 •0105 •0104 t-4 0061 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0081 •0081 •0081 0080 t-6 ooa ooa ooa •0062 •:,-2 •1801 •1664 •1345 •1144 0-3 •86M •3441 ;3302 •3135 •2943 •2728 •2498 •2258 •2016 •1778 •1560 •1336 •1140 0-4 4806 •3183 •3076 4MI •2784 MO) •2401 •2187 •1966 •1744 •IBM •1322 •1132 0-5 •8088 •2910 •8880 •me •2602 •2453 •88M •8007 •1800 •1608 •1497 •1302 •1119 ,,-,, •8870 •2630 •2573 •2498 •2401 •2284 •2145 •1988 •1817 •1637 •1454 •1274 •1101 0-7 •M77 •2350 •2311 •ssoe •2187 •2097 •1988 •1860 •1717 •1561 •1399 •1236 •1075 pt •2094 •2077 •sou •2016 •1966 •1900 •1817 •1717 •HiOO •1470 •1331 •1186 •1041 0-9 •1817 •1817 •1801 •1778 •1744 •1698 •1637 •1561 •1470 •13G5 •1249 •1124 •0997 1-0 •1679 •1574 •1564 •1650 •1528 •1497 •1464 •1399 •1331 •1249 •1155 •1052 •0942 1-1 •1353 •1350 •1346 •1336 •1322 •1302 •1274 •1236 •1186 •1124 •1052 0088 •0878 Vi •1149 •1147 •1144 •1140 •1132 •1119 •1101 •1075 •1041 •0997 •0942 •0878 0808 1-3 0067 O0M OMB •0962 0068 •0950 •0939 •0923 O900 •08G9 •0830 •0783 •0727 1-4 0607 •0807 O808 •0805 •llsill! •0798 •0792 •0782 •0767 •0747 •0720 •0686 •0645 1-5 0068 0668 0807 •0667 •0665 •0663 •0660 •0654 •0645 •0632 •0614 •0591 •0562 r>; •0548 •0548 •0548 •0547 •0547 •0546 •0544 •0540 •0535 •I..', I'M •0516 •0501 •0481 1-7 •0446 •0446 •0446 ! '0445 •0445 •0445 •0444 •0442 •0439 •0435 •0428 •0418 •oi or, 1-8 O868 •0359 •(1359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0358 •0357 O868 •0353 •0350 •0344 •0338 1-9 O887 0881 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0286 •0286 •0284 •0282 •0279 •0274 8-0 O887 •0227 •0227 •0227 O887 •0227 •0227 •0227 •0227 O888 O880 •0223 •0220 2-1 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0178 •0178 •0178 -0177 •0176 •0175 t-s •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 -0138 •0138 •0137 8-3 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0106 s-4 •0082 •IKIS-2 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0068 •0082 8-6 •0062 ooa •0062 •0069 ooa •0062 •0062 O069 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 0081 t-6 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 r=-95. h= 0 •1 4 •3 •4 •s •6 •7 •8 •9 1-0 I'l 1-2 t=o-o •4MB •4271 •4005 •3705 •3385 •3055 •2729 •2414 •2116 •1840 •1586 •1357 •1151 o-i •4271 •4009 •3880 •3622 •u:m •3026 •2713 •2407 •2113 •1839 •1586 •1356 •1151 o-g -4O06 •:t--" •3712 •:•,:,' HI •3252 •2976 •8888 •2392 •2106 •1835 •1686 •1356 •1150 0-3 •3705 •3622 •3500 •3338 •3135 •8888 •2637 •2366 •2092 •1829 •1688 •1355 •1150 0-4 •3385 •3333 •3252 •3135 •2980 •2787 •8664 •2320 •2067 •1816 •1576 •1352 •1149 0-5 •3055 •3026 •2976 •8888 •2787 •2640 •2459 •2250 •2024 •1792 •1563 •1346 •1147 0-6 1788 •2713 •2685 •2637 •2564 •2459 •2321 •2153 •1960 •1753 •1642 •1335 •1141 0-7 •2414 •2407 •2392 •2365 •2320 •2250 •2153 •2025 •1870 •1694 •1506 •1315 •1131 0-8 •2116 •2113 •2106 •8009 •2067 •2024 •1960 •1870 •1763 •1611 •1452 •1283 •1113 0-9 •1840 •1839 •1835 •1829 •1816 •1792 •1753 •1694 •1611 •1606 •1377 •1234 •1084 1-0 •1586 •1686 •1686 •1682 •1576 •1563 •1542 •1506 •1452 •1377 •1281 •11G7 •1041 1-1 •1357 •1356 •1356 •1355 •1352 •1346 •1335 •1315 •1283 •1884 •1167 •1082 •0981 i-e •1151 •1151 •1160 •1150 •1149 •1147 •1141 •1131 •1113 •1084 •1041 •0981 OB08 1-3 OD8B O868 0868 OB68 •0967 •0966 •0964 •0959 •0950 •0934 •0908 •0870 •0818 1-4 O806 0808 oeoe oeoe •0807 •0807 0808 •0804 •0800 •0788 •0778 •0766 •0721 IT, O888 0868 O868 •0668 •0668 O008 O868 •0667 • •0661 •0664 •0642 •0888 1-0 •0548 •1C, IS •ii.-, is •0548 •0548 •0648 •0.148 •0648 O647 •0546 O648 O688 •0526 1-7 •0446 •0446 •0446 •0446 •0446 •0446 •0446 •0445 •our, •oil". O448 •0440 O486 1-8 •• .:•,-,:. O359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0358 •0357 •i M.-.ri 1-9 •MI;-? •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •i I-'*? •0287 O887 •0286 •0285 s-o •0227 •0227 •0227 •0227 •0227 •0227 •0227 •0227 •0^27 •0887 •0227 •0227 •0227 g-1 O178 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0178 t-t •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0189 g-3 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 *-4 •0068 OOU 0088 •0082 •0082 ooa •IKIS2 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0088 •0082 S-B ooa •0062 ooa •0062 •0082 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 ooa •0062 g-e •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 Tables for Hiyh Fourfold Correlation 55 Correlations from Tetrachoric Groupings. r = -90. A = 1-3 1-4 1 -5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 2'0 2-1 S-2 2-S 2-4 S-S S-6 t=o-o •0967 •0807 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-1 •0966 •0807 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-2 •0965 •0806 •0667 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-3 •0962 •0805 •0667 •0547 •0445 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-4 •0958 •0802 •0665 •0547 •0445 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-5 •0950 •0798 •0663 •0546 •0445 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-6 •0930 •0792 •0660 •0544 •0444 •0358 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-7 •0923 •0782 •0654 •0540 •0442 •0357 •0286 •0227 •0178 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-8 •0900 •0767 •0645 •0535 •0439 •0356 •0286 •0227 •0178 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-9 •0869 •0747 •0632 •0528 •0435 •0353 •0284 •0226 •0178 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-0 •0830 •0720 •0614 •0516 •0428 •0350 •0282 •0225 •0177 •0138 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-1 •0783 •0686 •0591 •0501 •0418 •0344 •0279 •0223 •0176 •0138 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-2 •0727 •0645 •0562 •0481 •0405 •0338 •0274 •0220 •0175 •0137 •0106 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-3 •0664 •0596 •0526 •0456 •0388 •0325 •0267 •0216 •0173 •0136 •0106 •0081 •0062 •0046 1-4 •0596 •0543 •0485 •0426 •0367 •0310 •0258 •0211 •0169 •0134 •0105 •0081 •0062 •0046 1-5 •0526 •0485 •0439 •0391 •0341 •0292 •0246 •0203 •0164 •0131 •0103 •0080 •0061 •0046 1-6 •0456 •0426 •0391 •0353 •0312 •0271 •0231 •0193 •0158 •0127 •0101 •0079 •0060 •0046 1-7 •0388 •0367 •0341 •0312 •0281 •0247 •0214 •0181 •0150 •0122 •0098 •0077 •0059 •0045 1-8 •0325 •0310 •0292 •0271 •0247 •0221 •0194 •0167 •0140 •0116 •0094 •0074 •0058 •0044 1-9 •0267 •0258 •0246 •0231 •0214 •0194 •0173 •0151 •0129 •0108 •0088 •0071 •0056 •0043 2-0 •0216 •0211 •0203 •0193 •0181 •0167 •0151 •0134 •0116 •0099 •0082 •0067 •0053 •0042 2-1 •0173 •0169 •0164 •0158 •0150 •0140 •0129 •0116 •0102 •0088 •0075 •0062 •0050 •0040 w •0136 •0134 •0131 •0127 •0122 •0116 •0108 •0099 •0088 •0078 •0067 •0056 •0046 •0037 2-3 •0106 •0105 •0103 •0101 •0098 •0094 •0088 •0082 •0075 •0067 •0058 •0050 •0042 •0034 2-4 •0081 •0081 •0080 •0079 •0077 •0074 •0071 •0067 •0062 •0056 •0050 •0044 •0037 0031 2-5 •0062 •0062 •0061 •0060 •0059 •0058 •0056 •0053 •0050 •0046 •0042 •0037 •0032 •0027 2-6 •(•'Mi; -0046 •0046 •0046 •0045 •0044 •0043 •0042 •0040 •0037 •0034 •0031 •0027 •0024 r = -95. A= 1-3 1'4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 s-o 2 -1 2-2 2-S 2-4 2-5 2-6 1 = 0-0 •0968 •0808 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 o-i •0968 •0808 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-2 •oeea •0808 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 o-s •0968 •0808 •0888 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-4 •0967 •0807 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 o-s •0966 •0607 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-6 •0964 •0806 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-7 •0959 •0804 •0667 •0548 •0445 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-8 •0950 •0800 •0665 •0547 •0445 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-9 •it!»34 •0792 •0661 •0546 •0445 •0359 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-0 •0006 •0778 •0654 •0542 •0443 •0358 •0287 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-1 •0870 •0755 •0642 •0536 •0440 •0357 •0286 •0227 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-2 •0818 •0721 •0622 •0525 •0435 •0355 •0285 •0227 •0178 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-S •0752 •0676 •0593 •0508 •0426 •0350 •0283 •0226 •0178 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-4 •0676 •0619 •0554 •0483 •0411 •0342 •0279 •0224 •0177 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-6 •0593 •0554 •0505 •0450 •0390 •0330 •0273 •0221 •0176 •0138 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-6 •0508 •0483 •0450 •0409 •0362 •0312 •0263 •0215 •0173 •0137 •0106 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-7 •0426 •0411 •0390 •0362 •0328 •0289 •0248 •0207 •0169 •0135 •0105 •0081 •0062 •0047 1-8 •0350 •0342 •0330 •0312 •0289 •0261 •0229 •0195 •0162 •0131 •0104 •0080 •0062 •0046 1-9 •0283 •0279 •0273 •0263 •0248 •0229 •0205 •0179 •0152 •0125 •0101 •0079 •0061 •0046 2-0 •0226 •0224 •0221 •0215 •0207 •0195 •0179 •0160 •0139 •0117 •0096 •0077 •0060 •0046 SI •0178 •0177 •0176 •0173 •0169 •0162 •0152 •0139 •0124 •0107 •0090 •0073 •0058 •0045 !' ! •0139 •0139 •0138 •0137 •0135 •0131 •0125 •0117 •0107 •0095 •0082 •0068 •0055 •0043 2-3 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0106 •0105 •0104 •0101 •0096 •0090 •0082 •0072 •0062 •0051 •0041 2-4 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0081 •0080 •0079 •0077 •0073 •0068 •0062 •0054 •0046 •0038 S-B O06S •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0061 •0060 •0058 •0055 •0051 •0046 •0040 •0034 SI-G •0047 •(•047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0046 •0046 •0046 •0045 •0043 •0041 •0038 •0034 •0030 Tables for Statisticians and JJioinclriciaita TABLE XXX. Supplementary Tables for determining IHyh r=l-00. A- 0 •1 •£ •s •4 •5 •6 •7 •8 •9 1-0 1-1 1-2 t=OD* •BOOO •4609 •4207 •3821 •3446 •3085 •2743 •2420 •2119 •1841 •1587 •1357 •1151 o-i •4602 •4602 •4207 •:?S:M •34 16 •3086 •2743 •2420 •2119 •1841 •1587 •1357 •1151 o-t •4'2(l~ •4207 •4207 •8881 •3446 •BOBS •2743 •2420 •2119 •1841 •1587 •1357 •1151 0-3 •3821 •3821 •3821 •3821 3446 •3085 •2743 •2420 •L'll!) •1841 •1587 •1357 •1151 0-4 •3446 •3446 •3446 •3446 •3446 •3085 •2743 •2420 •2119 •1841 •1587 •1357 •1151 0-5 •3085 •3d85 •3085 •3085 •3085 •3085 •2743 •2420 •2119 •1841 •1587 •1357 •1151 0-6 •2743 •2743 •2743 -21 115 •2743 •2743 •2743 •2420 •2119 •1841 •1587 •1357 •1151 0-7 •2420 •24i() •8490 •8480 •2420 •2420 •2420 •2420 •2119 •1841 •1587 •1357 •1151 0-8 •2119 •2119 •2119 •2119 •2119 •2119 •2119 •2119 •Jl l!l •1841 •1587 •1357 •1151 0-9 •1841 •1841 •1841 •1841 •1841 •1841 •1841 •1841 •1841 •1841 •1587 •1357 •1151 1-0 •1587 •1587 •1587 •1587 •1587 •1587 •1587 •1587 •1887 •1587 •1587 •1357 •1151 1-1 •1357 •1357 •1357 •1357 •1357 •1357 •1357 •1357 •1357 •1357 •1357 •1357 •1151 r: •1151 •1151 •1151 •1161 •1151 •1151 •1151 •1151 •1161 •1151 •1151 •1151 •1151 1-8 •0968 •0968 •0968 •0968 •0068 •0968 0068 •0968 •0968 •0968 0868 •0968 •lines 1-4 •0808 •0808 •0808 •0808 •0808 •0808 •0808 •1 INI IS •osos 0808 •0808 OBoe 0806 1-5 •0688 •0668 •0668 •IliiliH •0668 •0888 0868 •0668 •0888 •0888 •o<;<;,x 0868 O8S6 1-6 •0548 •0648 •0548 •0548 •0548 •0548 •0548 •0548 0648 •05 IS •0548 •0548 •0548 1-7 •0446 O446 •0446 •mi*; •0446 •0446 •0448 •0446 •0446 •0446 •0446 •0446 •044<; 1-8 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0368 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0359 1-9 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 2-0 •0228 •0228 •0228 •0228 •0228 •0228 •0228 •0228 •0228 •0228 •OL'-JS •0228 O888 g-l •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •017!) •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 2-2 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 s-s •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 2-4 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0081 •0082 «OB9 •0082 •OOH2 •0082 •0082 •0082 O08I 2-5 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 2-6 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 1 Tables for High Fourfold Correlation 57 Correlations from Tetrachoric Groupings. r-roo, A = i-s 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 2-0 2'1 S-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 i- = ii-ii •0968 •0808 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 o-i •0968 •0808 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 w •0968 •0808 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 o-s •0968 •0808 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-4 •0968 •0808 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-5 •0968 •0808 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-6 •0968 •0808 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-7 •0968 •0808 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-8 •0968 •0808 O668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 0-9 •0968 •(1808 •06M •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-0 •0968 •0806 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-1 •0968 •0808 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-2 •<>!»;s •0606 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 rs •0968 •0808 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1'4 •0606 •0808 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-5 •0668 •0668 •0668 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-6 •().-) 18 •0548 •0548 •0548 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 l'~ •0446 •0446 •0446 •0446 •0446 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •(H39 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 1-8 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0359 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 l-'.i •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0287 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 ;n •0228 •0228 •0228 •0228 •0228 •0228 •0228 •0228 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 2-1 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0179 •0)79 •0179 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 .'•.' •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0139 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 .'•.: •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0107 •0082 •0062 •0047 -'"'/ •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0082 •0062 •0047 S-5 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0062 •0047 !-ii •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 •0047 B. 68 Tablets for Sti), Negatire Charaoteriotic, I r 0 1 .' 3 4 S 6 7 8 0 1-00 •999,9996 7497 5001 2612 c •• <:v ' •886,7550 5087 2ti:!7 Of78 -7727 1-01 •997,6287 •>:,:, 0430 -soil 580TJ •996,3196 0798 _S|,,S .ffiffl 3C.4H IDS •996,1279 suit; -.;:,. ;i - I2I2 - [87B •993,9536 7207 I—.; nn OMB 1-03 •992,7064 6671 3384 1104 -W.'il •991,6564 4305 8061 -9801 -TUB 1-04 •990,5334 3108 7 •986,1690 -!M;:tn - '-,-- -BJSO -34«!i 1-07 •984,1455 -•.M2s 7107 - r,:!:)- - :«;ts i •983,]::-:! -!t:iM7 -7OT -5115 -3439 1-08 •982,1469 -SB0B -75J9 .-.:,: i! i -37555 •981,1717 - !»7s:, Tan 5041 - I'UO 1-09 •980,2123 0223 %SR -i;it2 - I.-.H1 •979,2686 0818 -8!»:.t; -7J.KJ 1-10 •978,3107 1670 -9738 -7914 iVf.i:, •977,4283 2476 0676 -^^ TM:.:, I'll •976,5313 3538 1768 0005 -ma •975,6497 4753 3014 1281 I..-,.-,.-, ria •974,7834 8120 4411 1708 ioia •973,9323 7(538 G860 4ua 8688 1-13 •973,0962 -HOB -7858 mi7 ^ j.-.^i •972,2751 1126 -:..-,os -7*i«; BBS 1-14 •971,4689 3094 1600 - 9922 - s:{ i.-, •970,6774 5Ll)0 8660 8086 (1549 1-15 •969,9007 7471 5941 4417 2JMW •969,1386 -ON79 -8878 .;^s:{ 5S3 1-16 •968,3910 2432 0960 -0493 -hira •967,6578 6129 86M K48 0816 1-17 •966,9390 7869 6554 6145 3742 •966,2344 0952 -BBU -Ms:, -Win 1-18 •966,5440 4076 27 IK 1366 0019 •!Mi4,8677 7341 6011 4687 3368 1-10 •964,2054 0746 -Kill -8147 -(isnti •963,5570 4290 3016 1747 0483 i-to •962,9225 7973 6725 5484 4248 •962,3017 17!»2 <::,-:\ -S35H 1-S1 •961,6946 5748 4AM 3369 2188 •961,1011 -IIS 11 - BB7B 75IB -8381 J-f2 •960,5212 4068 1880 1796 0669 •959,9546 8430 7318 88U 5111 1 :: •969,4015 2925 1840 0760 -9RB •958,8(516 7553 84M 6441 4393 1-S4 •958,3350 2313 1280 0253 :pj:!i •967,8215 7204 6198 5197 4201 •957,3:! 11 ma 1846 0271 -93(1] •956,8337 7377 6423 5474 4530 •956,3592 8858 1730 0806 -1IKSS •955,8975 8(Hi7 7186 C,L'tl7 .-.37 1 1-S7 •955,4487 3604 2727 1855 0988 •955,0126 -!.L'.;S -sin; -757(1 (1728 1-18 •964,6891 5068 4232 3410 2593 •954,1782 0975 0173 o:i7:',: i 5467 4700 •953,3938 3181 2429 1682 0940 1-30 •953,0203 -9470 -8743 so21 -7:!o:i •952,6590 5883 6180 4482 3789 1-31 •952,3100 2417 1739 1065 0396 •951,97:<2 9073 8419 7770 7126 1-U •951,6485 B8BI i 6ttO 4098 3975 •951,33:-)9 2748 2142 1541 0944 1-33 •951,0353 -97t;(»•> •ifi «7*i /) J*O«7f •MM 2392 2396 2404 •947,2416 2432 2452 2477 2506 •947,2539 2576 2617 2662 2712 •947,2706 2824 2886 2952 3022 1-48 •947,3097 3175 3258 884B 3436 •! 117,3531 3630 3731 3841 3953 1.43 •947,4068 4188 4312 4440 4572 '.M7,4708 4848 4992 6141 6293 1.50 447,6448 6610 6774 5943 6116 •947,6292 6473 6658 6847 7040 A horizontal bar m lowered one unit. that the third figure of the mantUaa has changed, a negative sign that it must be Tables of the T- Function 59 DIFFERENCES : — NEGATIVE down to rule 0 1 9 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 P 2503 2496 2489 2482 2475 2468 2460 2454 2446 2440 i-oo 2432 2425 2419 2411 2404 2398 2390 2383 2377 2369 1-01 2363 2355 2349 2342 2335 2328 2321 2314 2307 2301 V02 2293 2287 2280 2273 2267 2259 2253 2246 2239 2233 1-03 2226 2219 2212 2206 2198 2193 2185 2179 2172 2165 1-04 2159 2152 2146 2139 2132 2126 2119 2112 2106 2099 1-05 2093 2086 2080 2073 2067 2060 2053 2047 2041 2034 1-06 20-27 2021 2015 2008 2002 1995 1989 1983 1976 1970 1-07 1963 1957 1950 1944 1938 1932 1925 1919 1912 1906 V08 1900 1894 1887 1881 1875 1868 1862 1856 1850 1843 1-09 1837 1832 1824 1819 1812 1807 1800 1794 1787 1782 1-10 1775 1770 1763 1757 1751 1744 1739 1733 1726 1721 1-11 1714 1709 1702 1696 1690 1685 1678 1672 1666 1660 1-12 1654 1649 1642 1636 1630 1625 1618 1612 1607 1600 1-13 1595 1589 1583 1577 1571 1565 1559 1554 1547 1542 1-14 1536 1530 1524 1519 1512 1507 1501 1495 1490 1483 1-15 1478 1472 1467 1460 1455 1449 1443 1438 1432 1426 1-16 1421 1415 1409 1403 1398 1392 1386 1381 1375 1370 1-17 1364 1358 1352 1347 1342 1336 1330 1324 1319 1314 1-18 1308 1302 1297 1291 1286 1280 1274 1269 1264 1258 1-19 1-25-2 1248 1241 1236 1231 1225 1219 1215 1208 1204 1-20 1198 1192 1187 1181 1177 1170 1166 1160 1154 1149 1-21 1144 1138 1134 1127 1123 1116 1112 1106 1101 1096 1-22 10!»0 1085 1080 1075 1069 1063 1059 1053 1048 1043 1-2S 1037 1033 1027 1021 1017 1011 1006 1001 996 990 V24 985 980 975 970 964 960 954 949 944 938 1-25 934 928 924 918 913 908 902 898 893 887 l-2(j 883 877 872 867 862 858 852 846 842 837 1-27 832 827 822 817 811 807 802 797 791 787 V28 782 777 772 767 762 757 752 747 742 737 1-29 733 727 722 718 713 707 703 698 693 689 i-so 683 678 674 669 664 659 654 £49 645 640 1-31 G35 630 625 620 616 611 606 601 697 591 1-32 587 582 678 572 568 563 659 553 649 544 1-33 640 534 530 526 620 516 511 507 602 497 1-34 492 488 483 479 473 470 404 460 455 451 1-35 445 442 436 433 427 423 418 414 409 404 1-30 400 395 391 386 382 377 372 368 363 359 1-37 354 350 345 341 336 332 327 3:22 318 314 1-38 309 305 300 295 292 286 282 278 273 269 V39 265 260 255 251 247 242 238 233 229 224 1-40 220 216 211 207 203 198 193 190 185 180 1-41 176 172 168 163 159 154 150 146 141 137 1-42 133 128 124 120 116 111 107 102 98 94 V43 >»> 85 82 76 73 68 64 60 56 51 1-44 47 43 -38 -35 -30 -25 -22 -18 -13 - 9 1-45 - 4 _ i + 4 -4- H 4-19 4-lfl 4-9O + 25 4-99 + 33 l'4ti + ••'>- + 41 ^ 45 T O 50 T \£t 54 T 1U 58 T "V 62 66 -f && 70 75 1-47 78 83 87 91 95 99 104 107 112 115 1-48 120 124 128 132 136 140 144 149 152 156 1-49 161 MM 169 173 176 181 185 189 193 197 1-50 * Differences change sign at horizontal rule. 8—2 GO or Statist idaiix miff /tiomt fr TABLE XXXI. The V-Function. r Loo r(j>), Negative Characteristic, I 0 1 f 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1-61 •947,7237 7437 7642 7*51 BOM •947,8281 B009 8727 B8QQ 9189 i-st •947,9426 9667 9912 HMOI + 0414 •948,0671 0932 1196 1465 1738 1-53 •948,2015 nee 2580 isaa 3161 •948,3457 3758 4062 4370 4689 1-54 •948,4998 5318 5642 5970 6302 •948,0688 6977 7321 7668 8019 1-65 •948,8374 8733 Booe 9463 9834 •949.020S 0687 0969 1355 1745 1-56 •949,2139 2537 BUM 3344 3753 •949,4166 4583 6004 5429 B867 1-57 •949,6289 6786 7165 7609 BOM •949,8508 8963 9422 B88B + 0351 1-58 •990,0822 1296 1774 2255 2741 •960,3230 3723 4220 4720 6888 1-59 •950,5733 6845 6760 7280 7803 •950,8330 8860 tan 9933 + 0175 1-60 •951,1020 1669 21-2-2 2679 3240 •951,3 "i 4372 4SI43 55111 6088 1-61 •951,0680 7887 7857 8451 9048 •951,9649 + + 1291 + 1-.-.55 1-81 •970,3823 5095 6369 7646 8i>27 •971,0211 1498 2788 4082 5378 1-82 •971,6678 7981 !)L'S7 + (*.-,! Mj + 1908 '972,3224 4542 5804 718!) 8517 1-83 •972,9848 + 1182 + 2520 + 3800 + 5204 •973,6551 7900 925 t + 0610 + 1909 1-84 •974,3331 4697 6065 7437 8812 •975,0190 1671 2955 4342 5733 1-85 •975,7126 Ben 9922 + 1325 +3719 •976,4139 6551 6066 S3S1 1-86 •977,1230 M67 4087 669 1 (!!)-, 7 •977,8397 9839 -i- 1 - v> + -J73 1 +2189 1-87 •978,6640 7098 8559 + 001'.-; + 1490 •979,2960 4433 rape 7389 ss7 1 1-88 •980,0356 1844 3335 4830 6327 •980,7827 9331 + OS37 . wn + 385!) 1-89 •981,5374 6893 8414 9939 + 1468 •982,2996 4!>30 6066 760*i 9148 1-90 wajoon 2242 3793 53 is 0905 •983,8465 4-OQ3B + 15: ir, + 31(11 + 1730 1-91 •984,6311 7890 9471 + T055 + 2012 •985,4232 5825 7421 9020 + (Mi21 1-9S •986,2226 :MI 51 15 705V 8675 •987,0294 1917 3542 5170 1-93 •987,8436 + 0073 + 17i:i + 3350 + 5002 •988,6651 8302 9967 + Kil 1 + 3275 1.94 •989,4938 MOO 8274 9946 +IBS1 •990,3299 4980 6663 8350 + 0039 1-95 •991,1732 3127 51-J5 0820 s53o •992,0237 1947 3(i5<) 5375 70H3 1-9G •992,8815 + 053!) + 2200 + 39i»5 + 5728 •993,7464 9202 + 0:113 + 208H + 1 1.".5 1-97 •994,6185 7937 9693 + ii-,] + 32 1:1 •995,4977 6744 8513 -1 O^Mi + L'IH)L' 1-98 •996,3840 5621 7405 9192 + 0982 •997,2774 4569 6368 81(19 9972 1-99 •998,1779 3588 6401 7216 9034 •999,0854 2678 4604 6333 8105 A horizontal bar mean* that the third figure of the mantissa baa changed, a positive sign that it must be raited one unit. Tables of the T- Function 61 DIFFERENCES : — on this page, POSITIVE f 0 1 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 200 205 209 213 217 221 225 229 233 237 1-51 241 245 249 253 257 261 264 269 273 277 1-52 280 285 288 293 296 301 304 308 312 316 1-53 320 324 328 332 336 339 344 347 351 355 1-54 359 363 367 371 374 379 382 386 390 394 1-BH 398 401 406 409 413 417 421 425 428 432 1-56 436 440 444 447 452 455 459 463 466 471 1-57 474 478 481 486 489 493 497 500 505 508 1-58 612 515 520 523 527 530 535 538 542 545 1-59 549 553 557 561 564 568 571 576 579 582 1-60 587 590 594 597 601 605 608 613 616 619 1-G1 623 627 631 634 638 641 645 649 653 656 1-62 659 664 667 670 675 678 681 685 689 692 1-6S 696 700 703 707 710 714 718 721 724 729 1-04 732 735 739 743 746 750 753 757 760 764 1-G5 768 771 775 778 782 785 789 792 796 799 1 -(Jij 803 807 810 813 817 821 824 827 831 835 1-67 838 841 845 849 852 855 859 863 866 869 1-68 873 876 880 883 887 890 894 897 900 904 1-69 908 911 914 918 921 925 928 931 935 938 1-70 942 945 949 952 955 959 962 966 969 972 1-71 976 979 983 986 989 993 996 999 1003 1006 1'72 1010 1013 1016 1020 1023 1026 1030 1033 1037 1039 1-73 1043 1017 1050 1053 1056 1060 1063 1067 1070 1073 1-74 1070 1080 1083 1086 1090 1093 1096 1100 1103 1106 1-7S 1109 1113 1116 1119 1123 1126 1129 1132 1136 1139 1-76 1143 1145 1149 1152 1155 1159 1102 1165 1168 1172 1-77 1175 1178 1181 1185 1187 1192 1194 1197 1201 1204 1-78 1207 lill 1213 1217 1220 1223 1227 1230 1233 1236 1-79 1239 1242 1246 1249 12r>2 1255 1259 1262 1264 1268 1-80 1272 1274 1:277 1281 1284 1287 1290 1294 1296 1300 1-81 1303 1306 1309 1312 1316 1318 1322 1325 1328 1331 1-82 1334 1338 1340 1344 1347 1349 1354 1356 1359 1362 1-83 1366 1368 1372 1375 1378 1381 1384 1387 1391 1393 1-84 1396 1400 1403 1405 1409 1412 1415 1418 1421 1425 1-85 14:27 1430 1434 1436 1440 1442 1446 1449 1452 1454 1-86 1458 1461 1464 1467 1470 1473 1476 1480 1482 1485 1-87 1488 1491 1495 1497 1500 1504 1606 1509 1513 1515 1-88 1519 1521 1525 1527 1530 1534 1536 1540 1542 1545 1-89 1549 1551 1555 1557 1560 1563 1567 1569 1572 1575 1-90 1579 1581 1584 1587 1590 1593 1596 1599 1601 1605 1-91 1608 1611 1613 1617 1619 1623 1625 1628 1632 1634 1-92 1637 1640 1643 1646 1649 1651 1655 1657 1661 1663 1-93 1667 1609 1672 1675 1678 1681 1683 1687 1689 1693 1-94 1695 1698 1701 1704 1707 1710 1712 1716 1718 1722 1-95 1724 1727 1729 1733 1730 1738 1741 1745 1747 1750 1-9G 1752 1756 1758 1762 1764 1767 1769 1773 1776 1778 1-97 1781 1784 1787 1790 1792 1795 1799 1801 1803 1807 1-98 1809 1813 1816 1818 1820 1824 1826 1829 1832 1835 1-99 62 T1e» for TABLE XXXII. Subtense f ruin .. d Chord Table to paxs from measured index /9 = 100 (arc — chord)/chord of a curve to the index and may be closely represented by a common catenary. Suggested toe: to past Values of a for given values of /8 as argument. ft •o •/ •a •3 •4 •5 •6 •7 •8 •9 1.1 23-1 23-2 23-2 23-3 23-4 23-5 23 -6 23-7 23-8 23-9 14 24-0 24-1 24-2 24-3 iM-4 24-5 24-6 24-7 M-7 24-8 15 24-9 25-0 25-1 L'J'J 25-3 25-4 25-5 25-6 25-8 25-7 Id 25-8 25 -9 26-0 M-] 26-2 M-a 26-4 26-4 26-5 L'I; i; i; -•; 7 2(i-8 26-9 27-0 27-0 L'7'l 27-2 27-3 27-4 27-6 18 W6 27-7 27-7 27-8 27-9 28-0 28-1 28-2 28-3 28-3 IS 28-4 B*f 28-6 28-7 28-7 K-fl 28-9 29-0 29-1 mt to ._,,,.._, 29-3 29-4 29-6 29-6 29-6 29-7 29-8 29-9 30-0 SI »CO 30-1 30-2 30-3 30-4 30-4 30-5 30-6 307 30-8 -• 30-8 30-9 31-0 31-1 31-2 31-2 31-3 31-4 31-5 31-6 ts 31-8 31-7 31-8 31-9 31-9 32-0 32-1 8M 32-3 32-3 • •> 32-4 32-5 :«-G 32 -G 32-7 32-8 32-9 32-9 33-0 33-1 to 33-2 33-3 33-3 33-4 335 33-6 33-6 33-7 33-8 33-9 go 33-9 34O 34-1 Ml 34-2 34-3 34-4 34-5 34-5 34-6 tr 34-7 34-8 34-8 34-9 35-0 35-1 35-1 35-2 353 35-3 S8 35-4 35-5 35-6 35-6 35-7 35-8 35-9 35-9 36-0 36-1 S9 36-2 36-2 36-3 36-4 36-4 :{(]•-> 36-6 36-7 36-7 36-8 SO 36-9 36-9 37-0 37-1 37-2 37-2 37 -3 37-4 37-5 37-5 SI 37-6 377 37-7 37-8 37-9 38-0 38-0 38-1 38-2 38-2 Si 38-3 38-4 38-4 38-5 38-6 38-7 38-7 38-8 38-9 38-9 S3 39-0 39-1 39-2 39-2 39-3 39-4 39-4 39-5 39-6 39-6 34 39-7 39-8 39-8 39-9 40-0 40-1 40-1 40-2 40-3 40-3 S5 40-4 40-5 40-5 40-6 40-7 40-7 40-8 40-9 41-0 41-0 Sli ll'l 41-2 41-2 41-3 41-4 41-4 41-5 41-6 41-6 41-7 S7 41-8 41-8 41-9 42-0 42-0 42-1 42-2 42-2 42-3 liM 38 4>-4 42-6 42-6 42-6 42-7 42-8 42-9 42-9 43-0 43-1 39 43-1 43-2 13-3 43-3 43-4 43-5 43-5 43-6 437 43-7 40 43-8 43-9 43-9 44-0 44-1 44-1 44-2 44-3 44-3 44-4 41 44-5 44-5 44-8 44-6 44-7 44-8 44-8 44-9 45-0 45-0 42 45-1 45-2 45-2 45-3 45-4 45-4 45-5 45-6 45-8 45-7 43 45-8 45-8 45-9 46-0 40-0 46-1 4G-2 46-2 46-3 46-4 44 46-4 46-5 46-5 46-6 46-7 46-7 4G-8 46-9 46-9 47-0 45 47-1 47-1 47-2 47-3 47-3 47-4 47-5 47-5 47-6 47 -G 40 47-7 47-8 47-8 47-9 48-0 48-0 48-1 48-2 48-2 48-3 47 48- J 48-4 48-5 48-5 48-6 48-7 48-7 48-8 48-9 48-9 48 49-0 49-1 49-1 494 49-2 49-3 49-4 49-4 49-5 49-0 49 49-6 49-7 49-8 49-8 49-9 49-9 50-0 50-1 50-1 " 60-2 to 50-3 50-3 60-4 50-6 60-6 50-6 50-0 BO-7 50 '8 50-8 61 50-9 51-0 51-0 51-1 61-1 51-2 51-3 51-3 51-4 51-5 5S 61-5 51 -0 51-6 51-7 51-8 51-8 51-9 52-0 52-0 62-1 S3 U'l Ml Ml 52-3 52-4 52-5 62-5 52-6 n-6 52-7 64 52-8 M-fl U-9 53-0 53-0 53-1 53-1 53-2 53-3 53-3 65 53-4 53-4 53-5 53-6 53 -G 53-7 53-8 53-8 HI 5:M) 66 54-0 54-1 54-1 64-2 54-3 54-3 54-4 54-4 54-5 54 -0 67 54-6 54-7 54-7 54 -H 64-9 54-9 65-0 55-0 55'1 56-i 68 615-2 r..v3 55-4 55-5 55-5 55-0 55-7 55-7 55-8 69 55-8 55-9 56-0 wo 56-1 66-1 6G-2 56-3 56-3 :.ii-i CO 50-5 50-5 5G-6 50-6 56-7 56-8 56-8 56-9 57-0 61 67-1 57-1 672 57-2 57-3 57-4 57-4 67-5 57-5 57-0 CX 57-7 57-7 57-8 67-8 67-9 58-0 68-0 68-1 58-1 681 C3 583 68-3 58-4 68 '4 58-5 68-8 58-8 68-7 58-7 58-8 C4 .13-9 f>8-0 59-0 59-0 59-1 69-2 59-2 59-3 59-3 59 '4 Tables of Catenary Indices 63 in the case of the Common Catenary, a=100 subtensejchord, on the assumption that the curve is symmetrical about the subtense from callipers and tape measurements of the nasal bridge to the ratio of" rise" to " span." Values of a for given values of /3 as argument. /3 •o •1 •2 •3 •4 •5 •6 •7 •8 •9 65 59-5 59-5 59-6 59-6 59-7 59-8 59-8 59-9 59-9 60-0 66 60-1 co-i 60-2 60-2 GO'S 60-4 60-4 60-5 60-5 60-6 67 60-7 60-7 60-8 60-8 60-9 ci-o 61-0 61-1 61-1 61-2 68 61-3 61-3 61-4 61-4 61-5 61-6 61-6 61-7 61-7 61 '8 69 61-9 61-9 62-0 62-0 62-1 62-1 02-2 62-3 62-3 62-4 70 62-4 62-5 62-6 62-6 62-7 62-7 62-8 62-9 62-9 63-0 71 63-0 63-1 63-1 63-2 63-3 63-3 63-4 63-4 63-5 63-6 72 63-6 63-7 63-7 63-8 63-9 63-9 64-0 64-0 64-1 64-1 73 64-2 64-3 64-3 64-4 04-4 64-5 64-6 64-6 W7 64-7 74 64-8 64-9 64-9 65-0 65-0 65-1 65-1 65-2 65-3 65-3 75 65-4 65-4 65-5 65-6 65-0 65-7 65-7 65 -8 65-8 65-9 76 66-0 66-0 66-1 66-2 66-2 66-3 66-3 66-4 66-4 66-5 77 66-5 66-6 66-7 66-7 66-8 66-8 66-9 86 -fl 67-0 67-1 78 67-1 67-2 67-2 67-3 67-4 67-4 67-5 67-5 67-6 67-6 79 67-7 67-8 67-8 67-9 67-9 68-0 68-0 68-1 68-2 68-2 80 68-3 68-3 68-4 68-5 68-5 68-6 68-6 68-7 68-7 68-8 81 68-9 68-9 69-0 69-0 69-1 69-1 69-2 60-3 C!)'3 69-4 82 69-4 69-5 69-5 69-6 69-7 69-7 69-8 G9'8 69-0 70-0 8S 70-0 70-1 70-1 70-2 70-2 70-3 70 '4 70-4 70-5 70-5 84 70-6 70-6 70-7 70-8 70-8 70-9 70-9 7TO 71-0 7M 85 71-2 71-2 71-3 71-3 71-4 71-4 71-5 71-6 71-6 71-7 86 71-7 71-8 71-8 71-9 72-0 72-0 72-1 72-1 72-2 72-2 87 72-3 72-4 72-4 72-5 72-5 72-6 72-6 72-7 72-8 72-8 88 72-9 72-9 730 73O 73-1 73-2 73-2 73-3 73-3 73-4 89 73-4 73-5 73-6 73 •« 73-7 737 73-8 73-8 73-9 73-9 90 74-0 74-1 74-1 74-2 74-2 74-3 74-3 74-4 74-5 74-5 91 74-6 74-6 74-7 74-7 74-8 74-9 74-9 75-0 75-0 75-1 92 75-1 75-2 75-3 75-3 75-4 75-4 75-5 75-5 75-6 75-6 93 75-7 75-8 75-8 75-9 75-9 76-0 76-0 76-1 76-2 76-2 94 76-3 7 159-0 126 !M-4 150 106-9 176 120-2 900 133-4 998 146-5 250 159-5 Diagram of Mean Contingency 65 .<= •8 o fe; tej g H X M • -* 06 Talk* for Statisticians and tiioinetricians XXXV. Diagram to determine the type of a Frequency Distrilnillnn firm a knowledge of the Constant* & and /3,. Customary Values of /9, and /3». 1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 7 -8 -9 1-0 11 1-2 13 1-4 1-5 16 17 18 Frequency Type from /8, and /J, 67 XXXVI. Diagram showing Distribution of Frequency Types for High Values for /9, and /3a. A tf— 2 08 /,////•>/,,/• Stnfiiiit\-i 7-31 4-4 — — 405 1*80 5-49 5-98 6-40 6-74 701 7-24 7-42 7-57 7-68 7-76 7-80 7-83 4-5 — — 433 6-18 0-88 6-42 6-87 7-23 7-62 7-7B 7-95 8-10 8-21 8-29 8-34 8-37 4-6 — — — — — — 7-37 7-76 8-07 8-30 8-51 8-66 8-76 8-85 8-91 8-95 4-7 — — — — — — 7-90 8-31 8-64 8-90 9-11 9-25 9-35 9-44 9-50 9-54 4-8 — — — — — — 8-46 8-88 9-24 9-54 9-75 9-89 9-99 10-08 ln-14 10-18 4-9 — — — — — 9O5 9-47 9-86 10-21 10-42 10-58 10-69 10-78 10-84 10-80 s-o — — — — — — 9-60 10O8 10-50 10-90 11-19 11-33 11-44 11-53 11-60 11-04 5-1 — — — — — — — — 12-26 i2-:w 12-42 12-43 5-2 — — — — — 13-10 13-20 13-29 13-29 6-3 — — — — — — 13-98 14-15 14-18 14-18 6-4 — — — _ — — — — 1 l-!i 1 15-05 15-10 15-11 — — — — — — __f 15-90 15-98 16-05 16-07 5-6' _ — — — 5-7 — 6-8 _ — __ — — 6-9 — — — — ^_ — 6-0 — — — — — — 6-1 — _ — — . __ (i-t — — — — — ^_ — — — G-3 — — — ' — — — — — — — — — C-4 — — — — — — — — — _. — — — — — 6-5 — — — _ — — — — — — — 6-6 — — _ — — _ _ _ _ _ — 6-7 — — — — __ __ ^_ __ 6-8 — __ — — __ 6-9 — — _ _ _ ^^ ^_ __ 7-n — •"• — ~* — — — — — — — — — — — Probable Errors of Frequency Constants TABLE XXXVII.— (continued). Values of A 0-80 0-85 0-90 0-95 1-00 1-05 1-10 1-15 1-20 1-25 1-SO 1-55 1-40 1-4S 1-50 3-96 4-21 4-47 4-73 5-00 5-27 5-55 5-83 6-12 6-41 6-71 7-01 7-31 7-62 7-94 2-0 3-80 4-03 4-27 4-53 4-80 5-07 5-34 5-62 5-90 6-18 6-48 6-77 7-07 7-37 7-69 2-1 3'6ti 3-88 4-11 4-36 4-63 4-88 5-15 5-42 5-69 5-96 6-25 6-54 6-84 7-14 7-45 8-2 3-52 3-74 3-96 4-20 4-46 4-71 4-96 5-22 5-48 5-75 6-02 6-31 6-61 6-91 7-21 3-3 3-41 3-62 3-83 4-05 4-29 4-54 4-78 5-03 5-28 5-55 5-82 6-10 6-38 G-68 6-97 a-it 3-32 3-51 3-71 3-92 4-15 4-38 4-61 4-85 5-10 5-36 5-62 5-89 6-16 6-45 6-74 2-5 3-25 3-42 3-60 3-80 4-01 4-23 4-45 4-68 4-92 5-17 5-43 5-68 5-94 6-22 6-51 2-6 3-20 3-35 3-51 3-69 3-89 4-10 4-32 4-54 4-76 5-00 5-24 5-48 5-73 6-00 6-28 2-7 3-18 3-32 3-47 3-63 3-80 4-00 4-21 4-41 4-a 4-84 5-07 5-30 5-53 5-79 6-06 2-8 3-19 :i-32 3-45 3-60 3-75 3-92 4-11 4-30 4-49 4-70 4-91 5-12 5-34 5-59 5-85 2-9 3-27 3-38 3-49 3-61 3-74 3-87 4-03 4-21 4-39 4-58 4-78 4-98 5-19 5-42 5-68 3-0 3-38 3-47 3-57 3-67 3-77 3-89 4-02 4-1(5 4-31 4-48 4-l 6-48 G-42 6-36 6-31 6-27 6-24 6-21 6-18 4-2 7-30 7-28 7-25 7-19 7-13 7-07 7-01 6-93 6-87 6-80 6-74 6-67 6-62 6-57 6-53 4-s 7-83 7-80 7-76 7-71 7-65 7-58 7-51 7-44 7-37 7-28 7-20 7-12 7-05 6-98 6-SJ2 4-4 8-38 8'3fi 8-32 8-28 8-21 8-14 8-07 7-99 7-90 7-81 7-71 7-61 7-51 7-42 7-34 4-5 8-96 8-95 8-91 8-86 8-79 8-72 8-64 8-55 8-45 8-35 8-24 8-13 8-00 7-90 7-80 4-o 9-57 9-57 9-53 9-47 9-40 9-33 9-24 9-14 9-04 8-93 8-82 8-69 8-55 8-42 8-31 4-7 10-20 10-23 10-16 10-10 10-05 '9-97 9-88 9-77 9-67 9-;")5 9-42 9-28 9-14 9-00 8-87 4-8 10-1)1 10-92 10-87 10-80 10-74 10-66 10-57 10-44 10-32 10-18 10-04 9'90 9-76 9-63 9-50 4-9 11-66 11-65 11-61 11-55 11-48 11-39 11-29 11-17 11-04 10-90 10-77 10-62 10-46 10-30 10-14 5-0 12-45 12-43 12-38 12-32 12-24 12-14 12-03 11-91 11-78 11-64 11-50 11-34 11-15 10-96 10-82 5-1 13-28 13-25 13-20 13-13 13-04 12-92 12-80 12-67 12-54 12-40 12-24 12-07 11-88 11-72 11-54 5-2 14-16 14-12 14-07 13-98 13-87 13-76 13-63 13-47 13-35 13-20 13-02 12-84 12-66 12-48 12-30 5-3 15-0!) 15-06 15-00 14-90 14-78 14-65 14-51 14-36 14-22 14-05 13-81 13-07 13-48 13-29 13-11 5-4 16*06 16-02 15-96 15-87 15-76 15-63 15-49 15-33 15-17 15-00 14-81 14-61 14-40 14-18 13-97 5-5 — — 17-02 16-91 16-79 16-67 16-51 16-34 16-18 15-95 15-70 15-50 15-30 15-07 14-84 5-6 — — 18-14 17-99 17-88 17-75 17-58 17-40 17-23 16-94 16-70 16-47 16-26 16-04 15-77 5-7 — — 19-34 19-13 19-02 18-87 18-69 18-48 18-26 17-98 17-74 17-50 17-26 17-01 16-76 5-8 — — 20-57 20-36 20-20 20-03 19-84 19-62 19-39 19-11 18-84 18-59 18-32 18-05 17-78 5-9 — — 21-86 21-65 21-45 21-25 21-03 20-79 20-54 20-29 20-02 19-76 19-47 19-18 18-90 6-0 — — — 22-36 22-18 21-92 21-61 21-31 20-97 20-61 20-30 20-13 6-1 — — - 23-77 23-61 23-32 23-00 22-63 22-22 21-82 21-50 21-29 6-2 — — — 25-33 25-09 24-74 24-38 24-00 23-55 23-13 22-78 22-50 6-3 — — 26-95 26-64 26-27 25-86 25-43 26-00 24-52 24-12 23-82 6-4 _ — __ 28-61 28-18 27-73 27-30 26-89 26-46 26-06 25-65 25-24 6-5 — — — 27-67 27-21 26-75 6-6 29-40 28-90 28-35 6-7 __ 31-15 30-61 29-94 6-8 — . 33-02 32-41 3; -72 6-9 ~~ — — — — — — — — — — — 34-89 34-16 33-59 TO 7U Tuble* for Stutixtiriums and Bnnu< triciants TABLE X X X V 1 1 1. T» ./i«, 2-60 2-72 2-82 2-90 2-99 3O2 3-10 3-22 3-35 3-50 3 (is 3-86 4O3 t-5 8-46 2-68 2-83 2-97 3-09 3-19 3-27 3-31 3-32 3-36 347 3-53 3-63 3-7.-. 8-88 4O3 g-6 2-78 3-03 3-24 3-38 3-52 3-GO 3-66 369 3-69 3-70 3-75 3-78 3-83 3-87 3-95 407 g-7 3-17 3-48 3-71 3-87 3-98 4-03 4O8 4-12 4-11 409 4O7 406 4O6 4-06 4O7 4-15 g-8 3-64 402 4-26 4-42 4-52 4-58 4-60 4-59 4-57 4-52 4-44 4-39 4-34 4-M 4-31 4-34 g-9 4-22 4-65 4-94 6-11 5-20 5-22 5-18 6-13 507 4-99 4-90 4-80 4-70 4-88 4-80 4-G1 3-0 4-90 .-. ; - 6-76 6-89 5-95 6-93 5-86 5-76 5-65 6-53 5-41 5-30 5-20 B-U 5O5 5OO s-i 5-75 6-41 C-72 8-88 6-90 6-82 6-70 6-54 6-33 <;-22 607 5-92 6-79 5-(i:i 5-53 6-77 7-55 7-90 8-00 7-97 7-83 7-63 7-42 7-21 7O3 6-86 6-70 6-53 6-39 (i-2i; 6-14 3-3 8-00 8-83 !»-22 9-30 9-22 9 O2 8-80 8-53 8-29 8O5 7-83 7-60 7-38 7-20 7-01 6-84 3-4 9-37 10-28 10-68 1076 10-67 10-46 10-20 9-91 9-62 9-31 9O1 8-73 8-44 8-18 7*8 7-66 S-B 10-85 11-75 12-31 12-52 12-46 12-25 11-95 11-60 11-24 10-86 10-45 1003 B-88 9-26 8-90 8-54 3-6 12-67 13-74 14-40 14-78 14-5;} 14-21 13-80 13-38 12-95 12-55 12-10 11-60 1106 1054 10O2 it:,:, 3-7 14-78 15-98 16-78 1709 16"!)3 16-53 1605 15-58 15O9 14-61 14O8 13-49 12-74 1202 11-36 10-80 3-8 17-50 18-83 19-83 20O3 19-78 19-36 18-76 18-22 17-64 16-98 16-25 15-30 14-42 i:' tio 12-88 12-27 3-9 20-80 22-50 88-88 23-81 23-34 22-67 21-98 21-14 20-29 19-45 18-58 17-.-.1 16-50 15-54 14-77 14 '06 4-0 24-74 88-89 28-47 28-05 27-24 M-M 25-25 24-18 23O3 22-02 2101 20-01 1904 18-12 17-23 1636 4-1 — 3500 34-17 32-88 31-36 29-77 28-13 26-60 25-12 23-82 88-64 21-54 20-53 19-5(5 18-62 4'* — — 43-3 41-4 39-2 37-2 35-2 33 '2 31-2 29-2 27-4 880 84-7 88-4 22-3 21-3 JL-g 55-3 51-6 48-0 44-6 41-2 38-6 36-2 338 31-8 30-1 28-5 20-9 25-6 84-a 4-4 — — 72-7 660 59- 54-1 49-5 45-7 42-1 39-2 36-8 34-8 32-9 31O 29-2 87-7 4-5 — — : »;-.". 82-7 72-7 65-3 59-8 54-7 50-8 47-2 440 41O 86-fl 36-2 31 1 32O 4-0 — — — — — — 75O 68O 62-2 56-9 52-2 48-2 45-1 a-i 396 37-2 4-7 — — — — — — 101-3 87-2 76-8 68-3 62O 58D r,2-7 49*1 45-9 428 4-8 — — — — — — 140O 115-2 96-2 826 72-7 66-1 eon 5(i"7 49-3 4-9 — — — — — — 204-5 150-8 122-3 102-5 89-1 802 72-1 6C-6 61-4 56-7 5-0 — 32-1-7 206O 154-2 126-8 110-1 96-9 86-6 78-1 71-2 65-6 5-1 103 '6 'i i- 1 85 '9 7S-O if A 'ID -4 - > i * 1 1 fi-.i 1O-1-O t O V ii | .(i ..". 1 0" ^ |- ,•-' 1 1 O t 1 I 1-S lv^ v/ i •' ;• i • ' 1 ' ' !• i'1-Ci 5-1 L i ** ** 224"4 1*4** O 1 ."i 1 •() 1 \to \) rt-'-i! ^ -T 6-6 i •>— 'i 5-8 __ _^ _ _ 5-7 _ _ _ — — — — 6-8 — — — — — — 6-9 _ — — — — — — — — — — 6-0 — _i — — — — 6-1 _ — __ — — — — — — G-g — — — G-3 _ — — • — — — — — — c-4 — — — — — — — — — — — 6-5 — — — — — — — — 6-6 ._ __. _._ — — 6-7 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 6-8 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 7-0 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Probable Errors of Frequency Constants 71 TABLE XXXVIII.— (continued). Values of 0-80 0-85 0-90 0-95 1 -00 1-05 1-10 1-15 1-20 1-25 1-30 1-35 1-40 1-43 1-50 4-24 4-43 4-62 4-81 5-00 5-19 5-38 5-56 5-75 5-94 6-12 6-30 6-49 6-67 6-84 2-0 4-23 4-41 4-.-.H 4-77 4-96 5-15 5-34 5-53 5-72 5-90 6-08 6-27 6-47 6-65 6-83 2-1 4-22 4-39 4-56 4-74 4-!W 5-12 5-31 5-50 5-69 5-87 6-05 6-24 6-44 6-63 6-82 2-2 4-20 4-36 4-r,:j 4-71 4-1X) 5-08 5-27 5-46 5-65 5-84 6-02 6-21 6'4l 6-61 6-80 2-3 4-19 4-35 4-51 4-69 4-87 5-05 5-23 5-42 5-61 5-80 5-99 6-18 6-38 6-58 6-78 2-4 4-18 4-34 4-50 4-67 4-85 5-03 5-21 5-39 5-58 5-77 5-96 6-15 6-35 6-54 6-74 2-5 420 4-35 4-50 1 4-67 4-84 5-01 5-20 5-36 5-54 5-72 5-91 6-11 6-30 6-49 6-68 2-6 4-26 4-38 4-52 4-68 4-84 5O1 5-18 5-34 5-51 5-67 5-85 6-05 6-25 6-44 6-62 2-7 4-40 4-50 4-60 4-72 4-86 5-03 5-19 5-34 5-49 5-65 5-83 6-02 6-21 6-39 6-58 2-8 4-63 4-67 4-73 4-82 4-93 5-05 540 5-35 5-50 5-66 5-82 6-00 6-18 6-36 6-54 2-9 4-98 4-97 4-99 5-03 5-10 5-18 5-28 5-39 5-52 5-66 5-82 5-98 6-15 6-33 6-51 8-0 5-47 5-42 5-38 5-34 5-36 5-37 5-41 5-48 5-58 5-70 5-83 5-97 6-14 6-32 6-52 s-i 6-03 5-92 5-83 5-75 5-67 5-62 5-60 5-62 5-68 5-78 5-90 6-03 6-18 6-34 6-52 S-2 6-67 6-51 6-35 6-22 BOB 6-00 .VIM 5-94 5-92 5-95 6-01 6-12 6-25 6-37 6-53 3-3 7-41 7-17 6-95 6-77 6-61 6-48 6-29 6'26 6-24 6-22 6-22 6-26 6-34 6-47 6-61 3-4 8-22 7-92 7-04 7-38 7-17 6-99 6-84 6-72 6-63 6-57 6-54 6-53 6-56 6-61 6-71 3-5 9-14 8-80 8-51 s-sa 7-98 7-70 7-53 7-40 7-22 709 6-99 6-98 6-95 6-92 6-93 8-6 10-34 9-94 9-58 9-25 8-96 8-66 8-36 8-14 7-90 7-75 7-61 7-51 7-42 7-34 7-23 3-7 11-77 11-89 10-88 10-37 9-98 9-62 9-31 9-03 8-73 8-51 8-29 8-11 7-94 7-78 7-60 3-8 13-42 12-85 12-31 ll-7:i 11-30 10-86 10-41 10-02 9-64 9-34 9-03 8-77 8-52 8.30 8-10 3-9 15-58 14-84 14-10 13-12 12-79 LMO 11-64 11-13 10-65 10-21 9-83 9-51 9-20 8-92 8-67 4-0 17-72 16-85 16-01 15-21 14-44 13-70 13-00 1234 11-73 11-17 10-67 10-24 9-87 9-58 9-32 4-1 20-2 19-2 18-3 17-3 16-4 15-5 14-7 14-0 13-3 12-6 12-0 11-5 11-0 10-5 10-3 4-2 23-1 22-0 20-9 19-8 18-7 17-6 16-7 15-8 15-0 14-2 13-5 12-8 12-3 11-8 11-3 4-3 26-3 25-0 23-8 22-5 21-3 20-1 19O 18-0 17-1 16-1 15-3 14-6 139 13-2 12-6 4-4 30-1 28-4 26-8 25-3 23-9 22-6 21-4 20-3 19-3 18-3 17-3 16-4 15-6 14-8 14-1 4-5 347 32-5 30-5 28-8 27-3 25-6 24-2 22-9 217 20-6 19-5 18-4 17-5 16-7 16-1 4-6 40-0 37-4 35-0 32-8 :•,•••:» 29-2 27-6 26-1 24-7 23-3 22O 20-9 19-8 18-8 18-1 4-7 46-1 43-1 40-3 37-7 35-3 33-2 31-4 29-7 28-0 26-4 25-0 236 22-3 21-2 20-3 4-8 52-4 48-8 46-8 43-1 40-2 37-8 35-6 33-6 31-6 29-8 28-1 26-6 25-1 23-8 22-7 4-9 00-6 50-1 BS-3 48-8 45-5 42-6 40-0 376 35-4 33-4 31-5 29-8 28-1 26-6 25-2 5-0 71-2 6.3-1 60-6 56-5 52-6 49-1 458 43-1 40-5 38-0 35-6 33-6 31-7 30-0 28-4 5-1 83O 76-4 70-8 65-4 60-6 56-3 52-5 19-3 46-3 43-4 40-4 38-0 35-6 33-6 31-7 5-2 98-8 89-6 81-9 75-6 70-2 65O 60-2 M-l 52-5 48-9 45-5 42-6 39-9 37-4 35-2 5-3 1 1--I 105-8 96-0 87-6 80-4 74O 68-3 63-4 58-8 54-7 51-0 47-7 44-5 41-5 38'9 5-4 111-4 1*4-0 111-2 99-6 91-2 84-0 77-4 71-2 65-7 61-2 56-9 52-9 49-4 46-2 43-5 5-5 — 1814 117-4 105-2 960 87-3 79-3 72-8 67-8 63-2 58-6 54-8 51-4 48-8 5-6 — IflOO 142-4 126-4 113-4 102-2 9:5O 84-4 77-3 71-1 65-6 60-8 57-2 54-7 5-7 — i:i!J-2 175-8 154-8 134-2 1196 107-0 97-2 88-4 80-6 74-4 69-4 64-9 61-5 5-8 — ^(io-o L'-I-I; 192-8 163-6 142-8 128-0 114-6 104-0 94-6 86-0 79-6 74-4 70-2 5-9 — :J78-1 284-0 231-5 198-2 171-6 151-5 136-2 123-8 112-8 103-4 94-8 87-5 81-4 6-0 — — 206-3 186-3 167-5 150O 134-2 121-5 111-0 101-8 92-8 6-1 — 264 232 205 280 160 141 128 116 107 6-2 — 350 297 251 216 188 164 148 132 122 6-3 510 376 308 263 225 196 172 152 138 6-4 889 524 387 313 264 229 200 177 161 6-5 — — 237 204 184 6-6 ___ 286 249 220 6-7 __ 363 305 268 6-8 _. 485 392 333 6-9 1 — — — — — — — — — — — 747 510 416 7-0 Tables for Statistician* and Biomctriciana TAULE XXXIX. To find tie con-elation in errors of fr and &. Values of -K0,*,. A o-oo 0-05 o-io 6-75 0-20 0-25 0-30 0-35 0-40 0-45 0'50 0-55 0-60 0-65 070 0-75 t-o t-1 ft e-s f-4 t-5 f6 t-7 f8 f9 3-0 3-1 • •: 3-3 S-4 3-6 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 4-0 4-1 4-2 4-s ;-; ;•• 4-ti 4-7 4-s 4-9 5-0 5*| o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo •570 •557 •5;>1 •650 •551 •554 •557 •557 •556 •550 •549 •534 •524 •51-2 •501 •490 •477 •40:: •450 •438 •422 •706 •685 •07:: •603 •6CO •659 •662 •.;>:- •071 •680 •684 •687 •688 •688 •6S6 •681 •676 •670 •662 •654 •645 •630 •608 •580 •540 •481 •770 •765 •728 •719 •712 •706 •706 •710 •710 •724 •738 •744 •746 •747 •748 •747 •745 •741 •736 •720 •713 •702 •682 •658 •628 •590 •823 •798 •771 •765 •752 •745 •742 •744 •750 •760 •774 •781 •786 •788 •790 •790 •788 •784 •779 •770 •760 •748 •733 •712 •688 •657 •863 •838 •814 •799 •787 •776 •773 •773 •7711 •7-7 •796 «oe •811 •814 •816 •815 •813 •810 •803 •796 •788 •780 •770 •753 •732 •709 •894 •870 •847 •814 •805 •799 •800 •803 •810 •816 •825 •830 •832 •833 •833 •832 •831 •828 •822 •816 •807 •793 •784 •770 •749 •716 •674 •615 •532 •362 •917 •895 •874 •859 •843 •834 •825 •825 •826 •830 •835 •840 •842 •845 •848 •849 •850 •848 •845 •841 •837 •830 •822 •811 •796 •780 •754 •723 •681 •620 •534 •935 •914 •896 •880 •867 •858 •851 •846 •842 •844 •847 •850 •852 •855 •858 •860 •860 •859 •858 •856 •663 •849 •842 •832 •819 •804 •784 •759 •787 •680 •en •949 •936 •919 •900 •880 •878 •871 •863 •858 •857 •857 •858 •860 •863 •865 •867 •867 •867 •866 •866 •865 •862 •857 •848 •837 •824 •808 •788 •761 •728 •687 •960 •948 •934 •919 •905 •893 •888 •876 •871 •868 •867 •867 •868 •870 •872 •873 •874 •874 •874 •875 •873 •871 •867 •860 •851 •841 •828 •812 •791 •766 •731 •968 •959 •948 •935 •880 •908 •886 •869 •883 •878 •875 •874 •875 •876 •878 •879 •880 •881 •882 •881 •881 •880 •877 •871 •863 •853 •842 •830 •815 •795 •707 •976 •969 •960 •948 •93(5 •924 •913 •902 •893 •887 •883 •882 •882 •882 •883 •884 •886 •887 •888 •889 •KNS •887 •884 •878 •872 •865 •856 •846 •834 •818 •798 '768 •983 •977 •888 •957 •945 •933 •921 •911 •901 •895 •890 •SMI •889 •888 •889 •890 •891 •881 •893 •894 •894 •892 •890 •885 •NSI i •874 •868 •860 •849 •835 •7U!J •060 •988 •975 •965 •954 •941 •930 •910 •903 •898 •897 •896 •886 •890 •835 •888 •887 •898 •899 •899 •887 •894 •890 •887 •882 •877 •870 •861 •860 •837 •8''0 •881 •888 •ll-u •i)71 <88I •949 •938 •:ii> •91!) •:)!•-• •906 •903 •:>< .- •901 •900 •900 •900 •901 •901 •903 •903 •901 «89 •897 •8M •880 •886 •879 872 •889 •851 .QQ7 5-t 1-* — — — — — — — — — — — — •730 •fi7!l •768 •729 •799 •7fi<» •810 .711.1 5.L '60S •686 •736 •774 •f •496 •601 '674 •724 1-K 5*f 1-K ,--, t;./. 6.1 , • . • fi'i ° •? , - 6*1? fi'7 /J.O fi-Q 7'f) Probable Errors of Frequency Constants TABLE XXXIX.— (continued). Values of RW,. A 73 0-80 0-85 0-90 0-95 1-00 1-05 1 -10 1-15 1-20 1-25 1-SO 1-S5 1-40 1-45 i-so •993 •995 •997 •999 i-ooo 1-000 i-ooo 1-000 i-ooo 1-000 1-000 i-ooo i-ooo 1-000 1-000 2-0 •989 •991 •994 •996 •998 •998 •999 •999 •999 1-000 1-000 1-000 i-ooo i-ooo 1-000 •983 •986 •989 •992 •99.') •996 •997 •998 •998 •999 i-ooo i-ooo 1-000 1-000 1-000 2-2 •976 •980 •984 •988 •992 •993 •994 •995 •997 •998 •999 •999 •999 1-000 i-ooo 2 '3 •968 •973 •978 •983 •987 •988 •991 •993 •995 •996 •998 •998 •999 •999 i-ooo 2 '4 •958 •965 •972 •977 •982 •985 •988 •990 •992 •994 •996 •997 •998 •999 1-000 2-5 •947 •956 •964 •970 •976 •980 •984 •986 •988 •991 •993 •995 •997 •998 •999 2-6 •937 •947 •957 •!W3 •968 •973 •977 •980 •983 •986 •989 •992 •995 •997 •998 2'7 •928 •949 •!t.V> •960 •965 •970 •974 •978 •981 •985 •989 •992 •994 •996 2-8 •921 •932 •949 •947 •952 •957 •963 •968 •972 •976 •980 •984 •988 •990 •992 2-0 •915 •923 •931 •937 •943 •948 •954 •960 •966 •971 •975 •979 •983 •986 •988 3-0 •909 •918 •989 •989 •936 •942 •947 •953 •959 •965 •970 •974 •978 •981 •984 3-1 •907 •912 •918 •!'!' I •930 •936 •941 •946 '952 •958 •963 •968 •973 •977 •980 3-2 •906 •909 •914 •919 •925 •930 •935 •940 •946 •961 •956 •961 •966 •971 •975 3-3 •905 •908 •912 •916 •920 •930 •935 •940 •945 •950 •954 •958 •964 •974 3-4 •904 •907 •910 •914 •918 •989 •926 •931 •936 •940 •944 •948 •952 •958 •965 3-5 •904 •907 •910 •914 •918 '921 •984 •928 •932 •935 '938 •942 •946 •952 •959 3-6 •900 •910 •914 •917 •920 •923 •927 •930 •933 •935 •937 •940 •946 •953 S-7 •900 •908 •911 •914 •917 •920 •922 •925 •928 •930 •932 •934 •938 •941 •948 3-8 •906 •909 •911 •914 •917 •919 •921 •924 •987 •929 •931 •933 •935 •939 •944 3-9 •906 •909 •912 •914 •917 •919 •921 •923 •926 •928 •930 •932 •934 •936 •940 4-0 •905 •908 •911 •914 •917 •919 •921 •923 '02j •927 •930 •931 •932 •933 •934 •905 •907 •910 •913 •916 •919 •921 •ijj3 '924 •986 •929 •929 •930 •930 •929 4-2 •903 •906 •910 •913 •916 •918 •920 •989 '924 •998 •929 •928 •928 •927 •924 4-S •900 •904 •9t>8 •912 •916 •918 •990 •999 •923 •926 •928 •987 •927 •925 •922 4'4 •897 •902 •906 •910 •915 •918 •990 '988 •923 •926 •928 •927 •926 •923 •920 4-5 •893 •898 •903 •908 •913 •916 •919 •920 •988 •925 •927 •926 •925 •923 •920 4-6 •887 •894 •900 •905 •910 •913 •917 •919 "921 •984 •926 •925 •925 •923 •922 4-7 •881 •890 •896 •901 •906 •910 •914 •917 •920 •923 •925 •926 •926 •925 •925 4-8 •874 •884 •890 •895 •901 •907 •911 •915 •919 •922 •925 •926 •927 927 •928 4-9 •863 •875 •883 •889 •896 •903 •908 •913 •918 •922 •925 •927 •928 •930 •932 5-0 •851 •864 •875 •882 •890 •898 •905 •911 •917 •922 •925 •928 •931 •933 •936 5-1 •837 •852 •866 •875 •884 •8i>2 •901 •909 •916 •921 •924 •928 •933 •937 •941 5-2 •820 •839 •853 •865 •876 •885 •895 •904 •913 •918 •923 929 •935 •940 •945 5-S •798 •818 •837 •853 •867 •877 •888 •898 •908 •915 •921 •928 •935 •941 •947 5-4 •764 •792 •817 •837 •854 •867 •880 «90 •900 •910 •918 •925 •933 •940 •947 5-5 — — •789 •815 •835 •852 •868 •880 •890 •904 •911 917 •926 •935 •944 5-6 — •750 •786 •811 •835 •854 •869 •880 •892 •901 •909 •917 •927 •938 5-7 — — •701 •748 •783 •811 •835 •852 •866 •879 •890 •897 •905 •915 •928 5-8 — •640 •700 •748 •781 •810 •828 •846 •861 •875 •883 •892 •901 •913 5-9 •544 •639 •703 •746 •778 •802 •825 •842 •857 •867 •879 •886 •893 6-0 — — •741 •769 •796 •820 •837 •852 •866 •872 •873 6-1 — — — — — •691 •727 •762 •792 •815 •836 •852 •858 •856 6-2 — — •628 •678 •724 •761 •790 •818 •838 •845 •842 6-3 — — — — — •526 •606 •675 •724 •763 •793 •818 •831 •834 6-4 — ... — •354 •526 •619 •680 •726 •761 •791 •814 •831 6-6 — — — — — 761 •790 •832 6-6 — •721 •760 •837 6-7 __ — •670 •727 •845 6-8 __ •600 •683 •857 6-9 — — — — — — — — — — — — — •468 •602 •876 r-o B. 10 74 Tables fur Statist ici — — — — — — — — 3-03 2-44 8-10 1-80 3 -in 1-68 2.RQ 1-4:! •'•it; 1-30 1 -KN : - 1-87 1 >AA 2-76 1 >AA 9'65 o-nft — — — — — — — — — — 3'91 3-17 2-60 3'7K s-4 fB :•'• f-7 N ::' 3-0 3-1 s-t 3.3 34 3-6 3-6 37 3'* 3-9 4-0 4-1 4* 4-S 4-4 4-6 4-6 V 4-8 4-9 5-0 K-1 1-46 1-35 1-28 1-25 1-23 1-22 1-23 1-26 1-27 1-29 1-30 1-31 1-32 1-31 1-30 1-29 l-L'7 •58 •46 •37 •30 •28 1-27 1-26 1-27 1-28 1-29 1-29 1-30 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-33 1-37 2-07 1-67 1-58 1-50 1-43 1-38 1-34 1-32 1-30 1-28 1-28 1-29 1-30 1-31 1-32 1-35 1-40 1-47 1-58 1-75 1-98 •1-Z1 2-08 1-98 1-83 1-71 1-60 •51 •44 •38 •32 •29 •27 •26 •26 •28 •33 •39 •48 1-C2 1-77 1-97 2-20 2-87 2-60 2-34 2-11 1-90 1-73 1-58 1-48 1-39 1-31 1-25 1-22 1-22 1-25 1-30 1-39 1-50 1-64 1-78 1-95 2-15 4-04 3-42 2-98 2-60 2-27 1-98 176 1-60 1-47 1-37 1-30 1-26 1-25 1-27 1-32 1-40 1-51 1-65 1-79 1-94 2-11 5-21 4-43 3-75 3-17 2-69 2-29 2-00 •75 •55 •45 •37 •32 •30 •32 •36 •42 •53 •65 •78 •93 2-10 2-44 2-93 3-74 5-44 10-66 6-72 5-06 4-12 3-20 2-63 •2-2:} 1-92 1-68 1-54 1-46 1-40 1-37 1-38 1-41 1-46 1-55 1-65 1-76 1-90 2-09 2-40 2-85 3-52 4-64 6'83 - 7'48 5-28 3-84 3-06 2-54 2-13 1-83 1-63 1-54 1-60 1-46 1-46 1-48 1-51 1-57 1-65 1-75 1-88 2-09 2-38 2-78 3-33 4-16 5-53 7-45 4-78 3-58 2-94 2-37 2-03 1-79 1-66 1-61 1-57 1-55 1-56 l -:,s 1-61 1-66 1-75 1-89 2-10 2'3b 2-71 3-16 3-87 4-84 6-65 4-28 3-42 2-72 2-27 2-00 1-83 1-74 1-69 1-65 1-64 1-65 1-66 1-70 1-78 1-92 2-12 2'34 2'67 3-07 3-63 4-37 5-18 3-93 3-12 2-57 2-24 2-03 1-89 •as •76 •73 •73 •75 •77 1-83 1-96 2-15 2-3U 8-68 3-00 3-45 4-04 6-43 4-52 S-M 8-90 2-51 2-26 2-08 1-97 1-88 1 M 1 -83 !•- . 1-85 1-90 2-01 2-18 2-38 2-64 2-95 3-32 3-79 4'J.fi 8-24 5-50 4-21 3-30 2-88 2-55 2-31 2-14 2-03 1-96 1-94 1-94 1-94 T97 2-07 2'22 2'40 2-63 2'90 3-24 3-62 4*91 10-89 6-76 6-07 4-04 3-36 2-89 8-86 2-34 g-ao 2-11 2 -cm 2-03 2-03 2-05 2-13 2-26 2-42 2-62 2-85 3-11 3-47 3'in< // i< i TABLE XLL Tu find the Probable Error of the tikewneu sk. Values of A o-oo 0-05 o-io 0-75 o-to 0-*5 0-50 0-55 0-40 0-45 0-60 0-M 0-60 0-66 0-70 0-75 3*41 2 "-ii S.^O 2.10 1 VI 1*79 , " 3-fi7 3-ii-' S'&X 9.r.(\ 6'ri7 4.1 A S x 1 •» • 1 1.70 2-AA 1 -1C 1 • " 1 2*02 * 4 t-5 t-6 t-7 t-8 t-9 3-0 s-i s-e 3-3 3-4 3-B 3-8 3-7 3-8 3-9 4-0 4-1 •>•- 4-3 4-4 4-r> 4-a 4-7 4-* 4-9 5-0 - . ; 1-35 1-28 1-25 1-23 1-22 1-23 1-25 1-27 1-29 1-30 1-31 1-32 1-31 1-30 l-ffl 1-27 1-41 1-30 1-25 1-22 1-20 1-21 1-22 1-23 1-25 1-27 1-29 1-30 1-31 1-32 1-34 1-30 1-62 1-43 1-31 1-24 1-flO 1-20 1-21 1-22 1 -L":i 1-24 1-25 1-26 148 1-30 1-33 1-38 1-46 1-58 1-75 1-95 2-26 2-02 1-75 1-52 1-36 1-28 1-2.J 1-23 1-22 1-21 1-21 1-21 1-22 1-24 1-27 1-30 1-30 1-45 1-67 1-74 1-94 2-19 2-80 2-18 1-84 1-69 1-43 1-34 1-27 1-23 1-21 1-20 I'L'O 1-20 1-20 1-23 1-88 1-35 1-45 1-67 1-73 1-92 2-13 4-06 2-82 2-29 1-89 1-63 1-48 1-36 1-2'J I'M 1-23 1-22 1-22 1-23 1-25 1-28 1-35 1-44 1-66 1-71 1-90 2-09 6-08 .'{ -.;;, 2-85 2-21 1-8C 1-62 1-50 1-40 1-33 •29 •28 •26 •27 •28 •30 •36 •44 •55 •70 •88 2-07 2-48 3-11 3-78 5-48 11-12 4-90 3-G8 8-70 2-19 1-84 1-G7 1-53 1 ••! 1 1-38 1-35 1-32 1-32 1-33 1-34 1-39 1-46 1-56 1-C9 1-85 2-OC 2-42 2-93 3-53 4-6G 6-96 4-84 3-36 2-CO 2-12 1-88 1-70 1-68 1-49 1-43 1-40 1-39 1-38 1-39 1-43 1-60 1-59 1-70 1-86 2-05 2-37 2-82 3-36 4-17 5-52 4-36 3'33 2'49 2-16 1-90 •74 •61 •54 •60 •47 •46 •46 •48 1-54 1-62 1-72 1-87 2-06 2-35 2-73 3-21 3-87 4-82 4-30 3-00 2-60 2-17 1-94 1-78 1-68 1-61 •56 •54 •53 •66 •60 •(J7 1-76 1-90 2-07 2-33 2-65 3-08 3-63 4'36 3-76 3-06 2-58 2-^7 2-04 1-87 1-75 1-67 1-63 1-61 l-t;:; 1-67 1-72 1-81 1-93 2-08 2-31 2-60 2-97 3-44 4-02 4-62 3-76 3-17 2-73 2-36 2-09 1-91 1-80 1-70 1-71 1-72 1-74 1-78 1-86 1-97 2-11 2-31 2-57 2-89 3-30 3-77 4.JA (j-(l-2 4-72 3'97 3-28 2-75 2-37 2-13 1-98 1-88 1-82 1-81 1-82 1-85 1-92 2-01 2-15 2-32 2'54 2-82 3-17 3-68 4-n; H-lsi c-io 4-87 3-88 3-18 2-68 ^•39 :M!» ^'04 1-96 1-92 1-91 1-93 1-98 2-06 2-19 2-33 •2-;>-2 •2--G 3-07 3-45 4-Oft 8-08 .VS{ 4-63 3-63 2-98 •^•o;. 2-40 2-22 2-12 2-04 2-03 2-02 2-06 2-12 2-23 2-35 2-50 2-71 3-01 3-37 3.Q7 - - / 6.QQ 1-O9 4-79 4 -4ft r.e 6-K 1 6.1 U 1-fift r.oft yr.i 9*91 ?-7fi 6 .on 6iM ' -/ T'/I Id 'Kit in-f:7 8*87 7*71 T-/I £•7 r.o fi-Q 6n i'-l fi*9 /;•.< /?. i *» 4 fi-% r.'ti fi"T 6 -ft /?*0 7*n Probable Errors of Frequency Constants 77 TABLE XLI— (continued). Values of 0-80 0-8ij 0-90 0-95 1-00 1-05 1-10 1-15 1-20 1-25 1-SO 1-S5 1-40 1-4B 1-60 1-59 1-48 1-39 1-30 1-24 1-19 1-14 1-10 1-06 1-02 •99 •95 •91 •87 •83 2-0 2-20 1-95 1-80 1-68 1-58 1-52 1-47 1-42 1-37 1-32 1-26 1-20 1-15 1-10 1-05 2-1 3-22 2-65 2-29 2-08 1-98 1-91 1-84 1-78 1-72 1-66 1-59 1-52 1-45 1-38 1-31 2-2 6-23 3-80 3-04 2-75 2-53 2-40 2-30 2-21 2-12 2-03 1-94 1-85 1-76 1-67 1-58 2-3 — — 4-29 3-64 3-31 3-12 2-94 2-78 2-63 2-49 2-36 2-23 2-10 1-98 1-86 1-4 — — — — 4-77 4-27 3-84 3-55 3-29 3-06 2-85 2-66 2-49 2-32 2-15 2-5 — — — — — — *n 5-00 4-39 3-94 3-54 3-20 2-93 2-67 2-44 2-6 — — — — — — — 6-25 5-20 4--Ui 3-88 3-42 3-08 2-74 8-7 — — — — — — — — 7-05 5-08 4-78 4-03 3-54 3-05 2-8 — — — — — — — — — 7-45 6-00 4-85 4-11 3-37 S-'J — — — — — — — — — 7-80 6-05 4-77 3-70 3-0 5*r»7 J.-1O 0.7 7-00 ..' / *± i\j 4.T.Q -5 14*2 12-9 12'4 6-ii 17 -2 15-6 14'7 G'7 21-8 19-6 18-3 3-17350 4-33846 5-80178 7-44706 9-51429 12-0414 18*1686 "•; 2-44:> o-o 5-47791 9-81734 16-2732 26-1077 10-6463 63-2707 99-6442 162-125 0-7 5-38824 9-03895 16-0200 26-6026 39-6623 61-1946 95-0525 161-863 0-8 5-27513 8-46991 15-71 13 84-9478 38-6061 59-1016 90-7 143 141-707 0-9 5-14137 15-3706 84-3468 37 •:>' KID 57-0279 86-6331 133-840 210-995 1-0 6-00000 9-02746 16-0000 L'3-7495 36-3971 65-0000 82-80^-2 186-664 196*000 1-1 4-84537 8-78075 14-6111 23-0744 :i5--s:{5 53-0316 79-2091 118-839 181-299 286-374 1-2 4-68319 8-53522 14-2106 22-4107 34-1811 51-1309 76-8392 112-653 169-394 2»il--136 1-S 4-51562 8-27700 21-7535 33-0971 49-3447 72-6772 107-016 158-930 240-845 1-4 4-34440 8-01454 13-3931 21-1002 32-0367 47-5471 69-7076 101-850 149-643 883-304 3i::-i 17 1T> 4-17097 7-76000 12-9832 20-4546 31-0037 45-9038 66-9117 97-1 1 -1 141-333 208-129 313*704 \ ft Probable Errors of Frequency Constants 79 of & and /3a on the assumption that the Frequency falls into one or other of Pearsons Types. TABLE XLII(c). Values of y8f. & 2-0 8-5 5-0 5-5 4-0 4-5 6-0 6-5 6-0 6-5 7-0 o-o 0 0 0 0 0 o-i 1-99086 4-39480 9-3207 19-9714 45-9387 128-529 0-2 3-59438 8-03374 16-5960 34-7825 76-6000 193-361 0-3 4-86677 10-68765 22-2196 46-7142 97-2263 228-104 668-284 0-4 5-85929 12-85477 26-5187 53-7090 111-0237 246-506 650-398 0-5 6-51704 14-51540 29-7545 59-4655 120-0543 255-295 614-633 0-6 7-17383 16-7892 32-1362 63-9266 125-6629 258-147 581-205 1618-635 0-7 7-56616 16-6546 33-8306 66-2045 128-8283 257-225 550-107 1368-373 0-8 7-81963 17-2668 34-9714 67-8804 130-2010 253-872 521-257 1196-612 0-9 7-95777 17-6667 35-6658 68-7533 130-2587 248-937 495-375 1068-877 2769-42 1-0 8-00000 17-8291 36-0000 69-0644 129-3434 243-000 469-637 968-318 2280-00 1-1 7-96881 17-8472 36-0437 68-7730 127-7158 236-441 446-547 886-541 1945-69 5313-80 1-2 7-86015 17-7503 35-8535 68-1357 125-5684 229-524 425-062 818-040 1700-98 4135-56 1-8 7-70375 17-5396 35-4754 67-2181 123-0362 222-562 405-663 759-486 1512-94 3388-18 1-4 1-60868 17-2423 34-9407 66-0678 120-5142 .,, (.ggg 386-347 708-620 1363-20 2870-08 7265-31 l-o 7-26808 16-8768 34-2983 64-7210 117-2460 207-227 368-843 663-926 1240-65 2488-62 5719-68 A TABLE XLII (d). Values of /S«. & 2-U 2-5 s-o S-5 4-0 4-5 6-0 6-5 6-0 6-5 7-0 o-o 14-0000 390649 105-000 290-678 868-015 o-i 16-4616 45-7741 124-835 355-608 1243-832 10228-33 m 17-72M 50-2472 132-998 369-894 1190-700 6204-69 O'J 18-1764 51-0927 134 ">. 15 361-909 1089-739 4485-38 107697-95 0-4 1H-W67 60-2458 131-337 344-886 977-606 3471-87 25413-18 0-6 17-5474 48-78M 126-107 323-447 877-884 2792-19 13737-63 0-6 16-8060 M-8668 119-601 303-252 784-431 2303-07 9048-43 119230-33 0-7 15-9787 44-3106 112-492 277-658 701-500 1934-79 6534-78 40994-77 0-8 15-0148 41-7081 105-200 255-716 628-450 1648-52 6045-80 22660-09 U".l 14-0113 3!)-H!Mii; 97-984 235-072 664-277 1420-51 4024-45 14836-90 137288-7 1-0 13-0000 36-4119 91 -000 216-137 507-894 1235-50 3286-65 10612-25 57584-9 1-1 12-0030 33-7916 84-339 198-263 456-575 1083-04 2741-39 8135-91 33078-5 797653-2 1-2 11-0354 31-3418 78-047 181-987 414-455 955-78 2322-13 6314-06 21891-8 155693-9 1-3 10-1070 28-9776 72-146 167-142 375-834 848-97 1994-05 6108-55 15690-2 75009-7 1-4 9-2240 26-7355 66-637 153-582 342-057 765-79 1726-18 4219-50 11846-9 44891-9 565740 rr, B-M09 24-6268 61-512 141-477 310-076 676-32 1608-92 3544-82 9281-2 30280-3 180793 A 80 Titbit* for tifolftfiioJiMU and Biomttrieiaiu TABLE XLIIL Probable Error of Criterion *,. Values of i/N'S,., for values of 0,, ft, A •00 •05 •10 •15 •to •K •30 •35 '40 •45 •50 •55 •>;n •65 •70 t-o •000 •242 •332 •399 •4M •645 •582 •631 •671 •716 •768 £06 •854 •899 t-1 •000 •271 •367 •430 •488 •521 •557 -,,,, •678 •717 •760 •NX) •H43 •890 ft •000 •310 •415 •480 •527 •597 •626 •656 •691 •728 •767 •sir, •900 ••3 •355 •477 •650 •606 •660 •678 •700 •725 •7.r,3 •790 «M •895 *4 ,., , •417 •MO •C42 •681 781 •7.-,!) •770 •7-7 •806 •830 •867 •884 •914 t-5 •000 •500 •ti!i7 •771 •818 •841 •855 •807 >7:f •881 «ei me 1117 • •000 ,;,.. •840 •946 roi 1-03 1 iM 1-02 101 n» 1-00 1-00 1-00 1-00 1-Oti 5-7 •000 1-04 1-30 i •:»:> 1-34 1-33 1-30 1-27 1-24 1-19 MB H2 M<) 1-09 108 t-s •000 1-83 1-97 1-98 1 -!»3 1-84 1-74 1 '(II 1-55 1-47 1-40 1 33 147 1-23 1-20 g-9 •000 3-:>l 3-71 3-42 3-00 2-66 2-42 2-H-2 H»6 1 -S!l 1-73 1-61 1 -:i I 1-46 1-39 3-0 — 18-8 9'89 6-94 5-ao 4-30 ••a 3-10 2-73 2-43 2-18 2-00 I'M 1-71 1-61 3-1 •ooo — 62-0 20-5 8-47 6-3(3 5-tt 4-42 378 3-34 2-96 2-fi<5 2-41 2-20 2-01 3-S •000 7-82 91-7 — 49-7 2<> -2 12-2 8-48 (Ml 5-09 4-28 3-71 8-81 1-86 I-M 3-3 •Ol>0 2-99 11-7 70-2 — 142 32-4 15-4 10-8 8-56 8-98 5-62 1-68 3-98 3-4i; 3-4 •ooo 1-82 !•-,, 13-8 65-5 — 344 182 28-9 1(5-8 11-8 8-69 6-88 5-60 4-76 3-5 •ooo 1-43 2-89 6-43 15-8 60 -G 380 — 127 16-5 25-1 16-1 11-5 8-55 6-91 3-6 •ooo 1-17 2-18 4 'OH 8-00 17-2 40-5 215 — 277 76-4 3.V4 22-4 15-8 11-5 3-7 QQ , 1-04 1-79 3-08 5-18 9-36 L'l-i; 44-3 155 — 767 133 54-6 28-6 19-2 3-8 too •979 1-54 2-54 4-09 6-33 14-3 26-2 44O 126 h:V, — 230 80-0 40-8 3-9 •ooo •920 1-41 2-20 3-32 4-91 8-84 13-1 20-5 38-2 105 448 — — 125 4-0 , 10 •869 1-35 2-00 2-83 4 -OS 5-98 9-08 137 22-3 41-4 98O 296 — — 4-1 — — 1-30 1-94 2-60 3-61 5-08 7-25 10-4 15-8 24-4 40-5 78-7 216 — 4'* — — 1-33 1-94 2-58 3-43 4-54 6-09 8-49 11-8 16-8 25-3 39-4 67-2 169 4-3 — — 1-41 2-01 2-63 3-37 4-20 5-41 7-19 952 12-8 17-8 262 45-2 72-2 4'4 — — 1-58 2-15 2-74 3-39 4-20 5-18 6-58 8-1 56 109 14-6 20-2 29O JO-4 — — 1-81 2-32 2-94 3-69 4-36 5-29 6-45 7-76 9-85 12-4 16 1 21-1 29-9 4* — — — — — — 4-90 5-63 6-60 7-84 9-20 in 136 17-2 141 4-7 — — — — — — 5-87 6-46 7-11 7-97 8-96 10-2 12-2 15-3 20-0 4-8 — — — — — — 7-43 7-61 7'94 8-41 9-16 10-1 12-0 14-3 1 7-6 4-0 — — — — — — 10-1 9-45 9-08 9-36 9-80 10-6 12-0 13-7 15« -•••> — 1.V1 11-3 10-4 10-4 108 11-6 12-4 13-6 1 5-4 5-1 — — — — — — — — — — — — 13-5 140 15-3 c.m 16'3 15'6 [g-o O * f .• 18'3 17'8 [77 O v t'i 22'8 20-6 20-0 O 4 5-5 __ ._ __ — — 30-6 260 23-3 5-6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — s-r — — — — — — — — — — — — ' — — — 5-8 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (i-0 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 6-1 — — — — — — — — • - — — — — — — — — — — — — 6-3 — — — — — — — 6-4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 6-6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ti-7 — — — — — — — 6-8 — — — — — — — — — — 6-9 — — — — — — — 7-0 — — ~~ — — — •— — — — — — ~~~ ^~ "~~" * ~ Probable Errors of Frequency Constants 81 TABLE XLIII— (continued). Probable Error of Criterion *„. Values of ViVS«,/or values of ft, /93. A •75 •so •8-> •90 •95 1-00 1-05 1-10 1-15 1-20 1-25 7-30 1-S5 1-40 1-45 1-50 •949 1-00 1-06 1-12 1-18 1-25 1-31 1-39 1-46 1-56 1-64 1-75 1-86 1-97 2-11 2-25 2-0 •937 •992 1-05 1-10 1-16 1-22 1-28 1 -3") 1-42 1-49 1-58 1-67 1-77 1-88 2-00 2-12 2-1 •936 •OS" 1-04 1-09 1-14 1-19 1-25 1-31 1-37 1-43 1-51 1-59 1-69 1-79 1-89 1-99 %-2 •939 fles 1-04 1-08 1-12 1-17 1-22 1-21 1-32 1-38 1-45 1-53 1-62 1-70 1-79 1-87 2-3 •9.~>o •990 1-03 1-07 1-11 1-15 1-19 1-24 1-29 1-34 1-40 1-47 1-55 1-62 1-69 1-77 2-4 •978 •998 1-03 1-07 1-10 1-14 1-18 1-22 1-27 1-32 1-37 1-43 1-49 1-55 1-61 1-68 2-5 1-01 1-03 1-06 1-09 1-12 1-15 1-18 1-21 1-26 1-31 1-36 1-41 1-46 1-51 1-57 1-63 8-fi 1-07 1O8 1-09 1-11 1-1 I 1-17 1-19 1-21 1-25 1-30 1-35 1-39 1-43 1-48 1-53 •59 2-7 1-17 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-21 1-23 •27 1-31 1-35 1-39 1-43 1-47 1-52 •58 %-s 1 33 1-28 1-26 1-26 1 -2.r. 1-25 1-25 1-27 •29 1-32 1-35 1-39 1-43 1-47 1-52 •57 %•:> 1-63 1-47 1-42 1-38 1-36 1-34 1-34 1-34 •35 1-36 1-38 1-40 1-43 1-46 1-51 •55 S-<> 1 -.--..-, 1-72 i-ei 1-56 1-52 1-49 l'4(i 1-44 •43 1-43 1-43 1-44 1-45 1-47 1-61 •57 3-1 2-34 2-13 i-oc 1-83 1-75 1-68 1-62 1-57 •54 1-52 1-51 1-50 1-50 1-51 1 -54 •58 3-2 3-03 UN 2 -44 2-23 2-06 1-94 1-85 1-77 •72 1-67 1-63 1-60 1-59 1-58 1-59 •61 s-s 4-08 3-50 B-oa 2-74 2-49 2-29 2-14 2-02 •92 1-84 1-78 1-73 1-70 1-68 1-68 1-69 S-J, 6-72 4-75 4-12 3-56 3-15 2-83 2-59 2-38 2-i.'2 2-09 1-99 1-91 1-85 1-81 1-79 1-79 s -a 8-85 6-90 5-71 4-79 4-15 3-68 3-22 2-90 2-67 2-49 2-31 2-20 2-09 2-00 1-06 1'92 3-6 14-2 10-4 8-22 6-69 5-70 4-81 4-17 3-67 3-31 3-05 2-81 2 -62 2-45 2-29 2-19 2-10 3-7 :>4-9 18-1 13-8 10-1 8-16 6-71 6-76 4-92 4-28 3-84 3-48 3-16 2-91 2-68 2-50 2-36 S-S 30-5 L'1'7 15-8 12-2 10-0 8-17 6-75 .-.-:.-, 5-00 4-43 3-93 3-52 3-18 2-91 2-72 8-9 242 86-6 48-5 30-0 20-9 15-4 12-0 9-61 7-86 6-60 5-67 4-90 4-34 3-88 3-47 3-19 4-0 — 374 127 62-9 38-3 26O 18-3 14-4 11-5 9-15 7-53 6-45 5-66 4-98 4-38 3-80 4-1 — — — 200 91-0 51-6 32-7 23-4 17-4 13-4 10-6 8-70 7-50 6-48 5-52 4-61 4-2 144 478 — — 314 112 70-0 42-9 29-1 21-3 16-1 12-7 10-3 8-55 7-24 6-25 4-ts 62-8 13.r) — — — 580 192 93-9 S5-8 37-1 26-5 19-8 1.V4 12-1 9-74 8-26 4-4 68-3 119 280 — — — 180 126 72-8 46-4 32-2 23 '9 18-3 14-6 11-8 4-5 323 44-7 62'7 99-6 240 742 — — — 181 91-0 58-9 41-0 30-0 22-3 16'9 4-6 26-2 33'H i<;-i 68-0 105 240 532 — — 260 128 76-7 50-4 36-0 26-6 4-7 21-6 27'1 35-0 47'3 66-8 104 182 413 — — — 408 172 99-3 63-0 44-8 4-8 189 22-6 26'9 33-7 44-0 61-5 84-2 115 337 — — — — 249 140 80-8 4-0 17-8 207 24-6 30-1 37-8 48-9 66-0 97-0 K.7 286 — — — — — 172 5-0 17-2 20O 23-0 27-1 32-5 40-6 51-5 69-2 9!) -8 147 253 669 — — 5-1 17-3 19-3 21-7 24-8 29 -r, 35-4 43-1 54-7 70-6 94-6 138 216 — — — — 5-2 18-0 19-7 21-4 23-9 27-1 31-5 37-0 44-2 54-5 69-3 93-2 132 205 380 — — 5-3 19-6 21-6 23-3 25-6 28-6 32-8 380 44-8 54-0 68-6 94 '0 130 185 — 5-4 2:!3 220 tt-fi 23-6 25-2 27-5 30-5 34-3 39-4 45-4 54-7 67-3 80 -5 116 169 275 5-5 — — — 24-5 25-8 27-6 29-8 32-2 35-6 39-6 44-8 51-4 63-2 83-0 118 168 5-6 — 26-8 27-8 28-8 30-0 31-5 33-8 36-5 39-8 44-4 53-1 67-0 86-3 116 5-7 — — — 30-7 30-8 31-0 31-3 32-0 33'4 35-3 38-2 42-2 48-4 56-6 69'!) 87-9 5-8 — — 38-4 n-o 34-4 33-5 33'1 84-1 36-0 38-7 42-2 47-0 53-1 61-9 74-8 5-9 — — — MH 42-5 38-3 36-8 3•'.) 0'4 0'5 0'6 0'7 0'8 S-5 o-o 0'6 0'9 I'O I'l I'l •1 •1 •1 i I'O I'O I'O I'O I'O t-6 S-7 g-8 0^0 o-o o-o 0'6 0-7 0-7 1O 1-0 1-1 I'l 1-2 1'3 I'l 1-2 •3 1-3 •2 •3 •3 '2 •3 •3 •1 •2 •3 i 1-2 I'l 1-2 •3 1 '1 •3 I'l I'l 1'2 0 1-1 1-2 I'O •1 •2 10 •1 •2 S'9 O'O 0'8 1'2 1'3 •3 1'4 •4 '4 '4 i ^ '4 '4 1 3 '3 S'O s-i O'O o-o 0'8 0-9 1*2 1-3 1'4 1'5 • 1 •5 1-6 •5 •6 '5 Hi 1'5 •6 '5 •6 re 4 '4 •5 •5 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 4-0 4-1 4-S 4-s 4-4 4-5 4-1; 4-7 4-8 4-0 5-0 5. 1 O'O •00 •00 •00 •00 •00 •00 •00 •00 I'O 1-1 1'2 1-4 1-6 1'6 1-8 2-0 2'2 1-6 17 1-8 2-0 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-8 3-0 3-3 3-6 4-0 4-4 1'6 1'8 1'9 2-0 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-7 3-0 3-3 3-6 4-0 4-4 4-9 '6 •8 1-9 2'2 2'4 2'6 2-9 3-2 3'5 3'8 4'2 4'7 5'2 1-9 2-0 2-1 2'3 2-5 2-7 3-0 3'3 3-6 3-9 4-3 4'8 5-3 '7 •9 2-0 2-1 2-3 2'5 2-7 3-0 3-3 3-6 4-0 4-4 4'8 5-3 6'7 7'6 8'5 11 2'0 2'3 2-5 2'7 3'0 3-3 3'6 4-0 4'8 5'3 5'9 6'7 7'6 8'5 10 •7 1'8 2-0 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-7 3-0 3-3 3-6 3'9 4-3 4-7 5-2 5-8 6'6 7'4 8-4 7 2-0 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-7 2-9 3-2 3-5 3-8 4-2 4-6 5-1 5-7 6-4 7'2 8-1 '7 •8 •9 2'3 2-6 2'9 3-1 3-4 3'8 4-1 4-5 5-0 5'6 6'2 6'9 7'8 8'9 '7 •8 •9 2'2 2'4 2-6 2'8 3'4 3-7 4'0 4.4 4-9 6-0 6'6 7'5 8'5 2-2 2'4 2'6 2'8 3'0 3'3 3'6 3'9 4'3 4'7 5-2 5-8 6'4 7-2 8-1 9-1 ID •2-n 2'3 2'5 2-7 2'9 3'2 3'5 3'8 4'2 4'6 5-7 6'3 7'0 7'7 8 '6 '6 •7 20 2-1 2'3 2'5 2-7 2-9 3-2 3'5 3-8 4-1 4-5 5-0 5-6 6'2 6'8 7'4 8.1 D •7 •8 •9 2-1 2-3 2-4 2-6 2-8 3-1 3-4 3-7 4-0 4-4 4-8 6-3 5-9 6-5 7-1 7-7 5- > 9'5 8-9 8-6 19 in S-l 13 12 .. _ 5 1 ft i "i .„ '• ri-K S-7 5-X 5'0 6-1 6'i K-1 fi-i 6-5 (S-7 6 -ft fi- o-.r. 0-4 0-4 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-2 o-i OO 00 OO 00 & ''% 0-7 0-7 0-6 0-6 0-3 0-5 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-3 0-2 0-1 0-1 00 OO 2-3 0-8 0-8 0-7 0-7 OH 0-6 0-5 0-5 0-4 0-4 0-3 0-2 0-2 0-1 00 2-4 0-9 0-8 O-S 0-7 0-7 0-7 0-6 0-6 0-5 0-5 0-4 0-3 0-3 0-2 o-i 9'B 1-0 0-9 0-9 0-8 0-8 0-8 0-7 0-7 0-7 0-6 0-6 0-5 0-4 0-3 0-2 2-G 1-1 1-0 1-0 0-fl (>•<) 0-9 0-8 0-8 0-8 0-7 0-7 0-6 0-5 0-4 0-3 2-7 ri 1-1 1-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-9 0-9 0-9 0-8 0-8 0-7 0-6 0-5 0'5 2-8 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-1 1-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-9 0-8 0-7 0-7 0-7 2-9 1-3 1-3 •3 1-2 •J 1-2 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-0 10 0-9 0-9 0-8 0-8 3-0 1-4 1-4 •4 1-3 •3 1-3 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-1 1-1 10 1O 0-9 0-9 3-1 1-5 1-5 •5 1-4 • 1 1-4 1-3 1-3 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-1 1-1 10 1O #•» 1-7 1-6 •6 m •4 1-4 13 13 1-3 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-1 1-1 10 S-fi 1-8 1-7 •7 1-6 •6 1-6 1-5 1-5 1-4 1-4 1-3 1-3 1-2 1-2 1-1 s-4 1-9 1-9 •8 1-8 •7 1-7 1-6 1-6 1-5 1-5 1-4 1-4 1-3 1-3 1-2 3-5 2-0 2-0 2-0 1-9 •8 1-8 1-7 1-7 1-6 1-6 1-5 1-5 1-4 1-4 1-4 3-6 2-2 2-2 2-1 2-1 2-0 20 1-9 1-8 1-7 1-7 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-5 1-5 3-7 2-4 2-3 2-2 2-2 2-1 2-1 2-0 2-0 1-9 1-9 1-8 1-7 1-7 1-6 1-6 S-8 2-6 •2-': 2-4 2-4 2-3 2-3 2-2 2-1 2-0 2-0 1-9 1-9 1-8 1-7 1-7 3-9 2-8 2-7 2-6 2-6 2-5 2-5 2-4 2-3 2-2 2-2 2-1 2-1 2O 2O 1-9 4-0 3-0 2-9 2-8 2-8 2-7 2-7 2-6 1-6 2-4 2-4 2-3 2-3 2-2 2-2 2-1 4'1 3-2 3-2 3-1 3-0 2-9 2-9 2-8 2-7 •!•(> 2-6 2-5 2-4 2-3 2-3 2-2 4- a 3-5 3-5 3-4 3-3 3-2 3-1 3-0 2-i) 2-8 2-8 2-7 2-6 2-5 2-4 2-4 4-3 3-9 3-8 3-7 3-6 3-5 3-4 3-3 3-1 30 3-0 2-9 2-8 2-7 2-7 2-6 4-4 4-2 4-1 4-0 3-9 37 3-6 3-5 3-4 3-3 3-2 3-1 3-1 3O 30 2'9 4-5 4-6 4-5 4-4 4-2 4-1 3-9 3-8 3-7 3-5 3-4 3'3 3-3 3-2 3-2 3-1 4-0 5-1 4-9 4-8 4-6 4.4 4-3 4-2 4-0 3-8 3-7 3-6 3-5 3-4 3-4 3-3 4-7 5-6 5-4 5-2 6-0 4-8 4-7 4-6 4-4 4-2 4-0 3-9 3-8 3-7 3-6 3-5 4-8 <;~2 6-0 5-7 6-6 6-3 5-1 6-0 4-8 4-6 4-4 4-2 4-1 4O 3-9 3'8 4-9 6-8 6-6 6-3 6-1 6-8 5-6 6-4 5-2 5-0 4-8 4-6 4-4 4-3 4-2 4-1 5-0 7-4 7-2 7-0 6-7 6-4 <;•:; 5-9 6-7 5-4 6-1 4-9 4-7 4-6 4-4 4-3 5-1 8-3 8-0 7-7 7-4 7-1 6-8 6-5 6-2 5-8 5-5 5-2 5O 4-9 4-7 4-5 6-2 :»•:! 8-9 8-6 8-2 7-8 7-6 7-1 6-7 6-3 5-9 5-6 5-4 6-2 5O 4-7 5-3 10 10 9-6 9-1 8-6 8-2 7-8 7'3 6-9 6-5 6-1 5-8 5-6 5-3 5O 5-4 12 11 11 10 9-5 9-0 8-5 8-0 7-5 7-1 6-7 6-4 6-1 5-8 5-5 6-5 — — 12 11 10 10 9-5 8-9 8-4 7-9 7'4 70 6-6 6-3 60 B-fi — — 14 13 12 11 10 10 9-4 8-8 8-3 7-8 7-4 7O 6-7 5-7 — — 16 14 13 12 12 11 10 10 9-4 8-8 8-3 7-8 7-4 5-8 _ — 18 16 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 10 9-5 8-9 8-4 5-9 — — •i-l 20 18 16 15 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9-5 6-0 — — — — — — 18 16 15 14 13 13 12 12 11 6-1 — — — — — — 21 19 17 16 15 14 13 13 12 6-2 — — — — - — 24 21 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 6-S — — — — — •>.l 24 22 20 19 18 17 16 15 6-4 — — — — — — 32 28 25 23 21 20 19 18 16 6-5 6 '6 6'7 t;-R u o i:-'i U if 7-0 11-2 84 Tables for Skttixtic'ums and Biomctrtcidna TABLE XLV. To find probable Frequency Type. Values of 177 ^Jf^for values of f)t, ftt (Semi-Mnjur Axis of Probability Ellipse). A 0 'OB •1 •IB •g •S5 •3 •35 •4 •45 •5 •55 •6 •65 •7 •75 g-o t-1 g-g g-3 g-4 g-5 g-6 g-7 g-8 g-9 3-0 s-i 3-g 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 4-0 4'1 '. • 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 5-0 ?•/ 1-0 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-4 2-8 3-3 3-8 ll 5-1 6-8 6-7 7-8 9-2 11 13 15 18 21 25 29 1-9 2-1 2-3 2-5 8-8 3-3 3-8 4 '4 5-0 :••: 6-5 7-5 8-7 10 11 13 16 19 23 n 32 2-2 2-4 2-0 2-8 31 3-5 4-0 1 -<: 5'3 8-0 6-9 8-0 9-2 11 12 14 17 20 24 28 34 43 55 69 87 113 2-5 2-7 2-9 3-1 3-3 3-7 4-2 17 6-4 6-2 7-1 8-3 9-6 11 LI 14 17 20 24 28 33 41 51 62 76 98 2-3 2-9 3-1 3-3 8-fl 3-8 4-3 4-9 5-6 0-3 7-2 8-4 9'8 11 13 15 17 20 24 28 32 39 48 57 69 86 3-1 3-2 3-4 3-5 3-7 4-0 4-5 5O 5-7 6-4 7-3 8-4 9-8 11 13 15 17 20 23 27 31 37 45 53 64 78 3-4 :;•:, 3-7 3-8 3-1) 4-1 4-6 5-1 5-8 6-5 7-:i 8-4 9-7 11 13 14 10 19 22 2G 30 36 42 50 60 71 90 110 140 200 384 3-7 3-8 3-9 4-0 4-1 4-3 4-7 6-2 5-9 6-6 7-3 8-3 9-5 11 12 14 16 19 22 25 29 34 40 48 56 <;<; 79 99 124 160 234 4-1 4-1 4-1 4'2 i-:i 4-5 4-8 5-3 6-9 G-5 7-2 8-2 9-4 11 12 14 16 18 21 24 28 32 38 45 63 62 73 90 110 135 182 4-4 4'4 4-4 4-4 4-5 4-7 4-9 5-4 6-9 6-5 7-1 8-0 9-2 11 12 14 16 18 21 24 27 31 36 43 50 57 67 80 97 119 153 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-i<-lana TABLE XLVL To find probable Frequency Type. Angle ottii-eeii Major- Axis and Axis of ftt (Probability KU> measured in degrees. A 0 •US •1 •15 •.' •/-. •5 •ss •; •4S •6 •55 •6 •05 •7 •75 g-o g-1 g-t g-3 S'4 g-5 g-6 g-7 g-s g-9 3-0 3-1 3-g S-S •'-', 3-5 S-G 3-7 3-8 3-9 4-0 4-1 4-i 4'S 4-4 4-5 4-c 4-7 4-8 4~n 5-u K-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IJ 11 10 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 H 21 in 18 17 10 14 13 12 11 10 9 9 8 Q 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 28 25 23 22 20 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 2 31 28 26 ii.-i •j:', 21 20 19 17 16 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 9 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 33 30 28 27 25 23 22 21 19 18 17 16 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 H ::•_• 30 28 26 25 24 •23 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 U 11 10 9 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 36 34 32 30 29 27 26 25 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 37 35 33 32 31 29 n M 25 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 9 8 7 6 6 4 3 2 38 37 35 34 33 31 30 28 27 25 24 23 21 20 19 18 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 89 88 36 35 34 33 31 29 28 2G 25 24 22 21 20 19 18 1C 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 40 3'J 38 37 35 34 33 31 30 28 27 26 24 22 21 20 19 17 16 15 14 13 U 11 10 9 8 7 6 6 5 41 1<> :;:• 38 36 35 34 32 31 n 28 27 25 24 22 21 20 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 6 41 40 39 38 37 3(i 35 33 32 30 n 28 26 25 23 22 21 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 42 41 40 39 38 37 35 34 33 31 30 29 27 26 24 23 22 20 19 18 17 16 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 42 41 40 3!) 38 37 36 35 33 ;<2 31 30 •2* 27 25 24 23 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 B'S K.t ° 4 6'5 5-6 6'7 5-8 6-9 i,n 6-1 >,- - 6 -ft G-1 >:•', G'6 f!-7 G-S G-9 7-0 Probable Errors of Frequency Types TABLE XLVI— (continued). Angle between Major-Axis and Axis of /3, (Probability Ellipse) measured in degrees. A •8 •85 •0 •95 1-0 1-05 1-1 1-15 1-S 1-S5 1-3 1-S5 1-4 1-45 1-5 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 2-0 42 4-2 43 44 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 2-1 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 46 47 47 2-2 40 10 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 2-o' 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 2-4 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 2-5 37 37 38 39 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 2-6 36 36 37 38 38 39 39 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 2-7 34 35 36 36 37 38 38 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 2-8 33 34 35 35 36 37 M 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 2 '9 32 33 34 34 35 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 3-0 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 3S 38 39 39 40 40 3-1 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 39 39 3-2 28 29 30 31 32 !!2 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 38 38 3-3 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 38 3-4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 •A-l 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 3-5 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 35 35 36 3-6 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 33 34 34 35 3-7 21 22 a 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 3-8 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 33 3-9 19 20 21 n 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 4-0 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 4-1 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 4'2 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 4-s 15 Hl 17 18 18 19 20 •1\ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4-4 14 If) 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 4-5 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 4-6 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 4-7 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23. 4-8 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 4-0 0 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 5-0 8 9 10 11 \-2 13 13 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 20 5-1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 19 5-2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 18 5-3 (i 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 17 5-4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 5-5 — — 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 5-6 — — 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 5'7 — — 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 5-8 — — 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 5-9 — — •1 3 4 4 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 6-0 — — — — — — 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 6-1 — — — — — — — — 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 6-2 — — — — — — — — 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 6-3 — — — — — — — — 3 4 1 6 6 7 8 6-4 — — — — — — — ^ 3 4 6 6 6 7 6-5 5 6 7 6'6 4 5 6 6 '7 ;j 4 5 6-g 2 3 4 6-9 J 3 4 7'0 88 Tables for Statisticians and JJivinctrn:i«ns Diagram XLVII detenu ininy tlie probability of a given Type </nenci/. 8, Probable Occurrences in Second Small Samples 89 TABLE XL VIII. Percentage Frequency of Successes in a Second Sample " m " after drawing " p " Successes in a First Sample " n ". Successes p = 0 p=l p = 2 p = 3 j> = 4 n = 6) 0 68-3333 31-8182 15-9091 7-0707 m = 5\ 1 26-5151 31-8182 26-5151 17-6768 10-6060 21-2121 26-5151 25-2525 3 3-53o4 10-6060 18-9394 25-2525 4 •8838 3-7879 9-4697 17-6768 6 •1263 •7576 2-6515 7-0707 »=6| 0 53-8462 26-9231 12-2378 4-8951 m = 6( / 26-9231 29-3706 22-0280 13-0536 2 12-2378 22-0280 24-4755 20-3963 S 4-8951 13-0536 20-3962 23-3100 4 1-6317 6-1189 13-1119 20-3963 6 •4079 2-0979 6-1189 13-0536 6 •0582 •4079 1-6317 4-8951 n = 7| 0 61 -5385 35-8974 19-5804 9-7902 m = 5( 1 25-6410 32-6340 29-3706 21-7560 2 9-3240 19-5804 26-1072 27-1950 3 2-7972 8-7024 16-3170 23-3100 4 •6216 2-7195 6-9930 13-5975 6 •0777 •4662 1-6317 4-3512 n = 7| 0 57-1429 30-7692 16-3846 6-9930 wi=6f 1 26-3736 30-7692 25-1748 16-7832 S 10-9890 20-9790 25-1748 23-3100 3 3-9960 11-1888 18-6480 23-3100 4 1-1988 4-6620 10-4895 17-4825 B •2664 1-3986 4-1958 9-3240 6 •0333 •2331 •9324 2-7972 »=7| 0 53-3333 26-6667 12-3077 5-1282 m=7| 1 26-6667 28-7179 21-5385 13-0536 t 12-3077 21-5385 23-4965 19-5804 S 6-1282 13-0536 19-5804 21-7560 4 1-8648 6-5268 13-0536 19-0365 s •6594 2-6107 6-8531 13-0536 6 •1243 •7615 2-6107 6-5268 7 •0156 •1243 •5594 1-8648 n=8| 0 64-2857 39-5604 23-0769 12-5874 6-2937 m=5( / 24-7253 32-9670 31-4685 25-1748 17-4825 .' 8-2418 17-9820 LT.-1748 27-9720 26-2238 S 2-2478 7-1928 13-9860 20-9790 26-2238 4 •4495 1 -9980 5-2448 10-4895 17-4825 B •0499 •2997 1-0489 2-7972 6-2937 n=8| 0 60-0000 34-2857 18-4615 9-2308 4-1958 m = 6 ) 1 25-7143 31 -6484 27-6923 20-1398 12-6874 .' 9-8901 19-7802 25-1748 25-1748 20-9790 • : 3-2!J<;7 9-5904 16-7832 22-377(i 24-4755 4 •8991 3-5964 8-3916 14-6853 20-9790 B •1798 •95!)0 2-9370 6-7133 12-5874 6 •0200 •1399 •5594 1-6783 4-1958 n = K| '> 56-2500 30-0000 15-0000 6-9231 2-8846 m=7| / 26-2500 30-0000 24-2308 16-1538 9-1783 .' 11-2500 20-7692 24-2308 22-0280 16-5210 3 4-3269 11-5386 18-3566 22-0280 21-4161 4 1-4423 6-2448 11-0140 i7-1329 21-4161 B •3934 1-8881 6-1399 10-2797 16-5210 tf •0787 •4896 1-7132 4-4056 9-1783 7 •0087 •0699 •3147 1-0489 2-8846 B. 12 90 Table* for Statist iciiiiix ami TABLE XLVIII— (contlnufd). Percentage Frequency of Succeues in a Second Sample "m" after drawing "p" Successes in a First tiample "n". , = 8 «=8I 0 62-9419 26-4706 12-3529 5-2941 2*0362 i« B| j 86-4706 28-2353 21-1766 13-0317 B-7873 * 12-3629 21-1765 22-8054 19-00 1:, 12-!>"i7(i 5 6-2941 13-0317 19-0045 IH-1 107 4 2-0362 6-7873 12-9576 1--1407 20-1563 6 •6787 2-9617 7-2563 12-9000 18-1407 e •1851 1-0366 3--2250 7-S668 18-9376 7 •0370 •2633 1-0366 2-9617 6-7873 8 •0041 •0370 •1851 •6787 2-0362 n = 9) 0 66-6667 42-8571 26-3736 15-3846 8-3916 ».ftj 1 23-8095 32-9670 32-9670 27-9720 20-9790 S 7-3260 16-4835 23-9760 27-9720 27*9720 3 1-8316 5-9940 1 1 -!)880 18-6480 24*4755 4 •3330 1-4985 3-9960 8-1585 13*9860 6 •0333 •1998 •6993 1-8648 4-1958 n=9( 0 62-6000 37-5000 21-4286 11-5385 6*7692 Ih ''•< 1 25-0000 32-1429 29-6703 23-0769 15*7343 • 8-9286 18-5439 24-7253 26 "2238 23-6014 3 2-7472 8-2418 14-9850 20-9790 14*4750 jf •6868 2-8097 6-7433 12-2378 18-3566 S •1249 •6743 2-0979 4-8951 9-4405 6 •0125 •0874 •3496 1-0489 2-6224 « = 9| 0 58-8235 33-0882 17-6471 8-8235 4*0724 ni = 7 | 1 25-7353 30-8824 26-4706 19-0045 11-8778 .' 10-2941 19-8529 24-4344 23-7557 19-4364 3 3-67(1:, 10-1810 16-9683 21-5961 22-6759 4 1-1312 4-2421 9-2:,:. i 15-1172 20-1563 5 •2828 1-3883 3-8873 8*06:25 13-6055 6 •0514 •3239 1-1518 3'0i!34 6-4788 7 •0051 •0411 •1851 •6170 1-6968 T! = 0| 0 65-5555 29-4118 14-7059 6-8627 2-9412 M • > | 1 26-1438 29-4118 23-5294 15-6863 9-0498 S 11-4379 20-5882 23-5294 21-1161 15*8371 3 4-5752 11-7647 18-0995 21-1161 20-1563 4 1-6340 6'65(il 11-3122 16-7969 20-1563 6 •6027 2-2624 6-7589 10-7500 16*1250 6 •1257 •7199 2-3036 5*9700 10-0782 7 •Q229 •1645 1-9197 4*5249 8 •0023 •0206 •1028 •3771 1*1312 *-9l 0 52-6316 26-3158 12-3839 6-4180 2*1672 ».»! 1 26-3158 27-8638 20-8978 13-0031 6*9659 S 12-3839 20-8978 22-2910 18-5759 12-8602 3 6-4180 13-0031 18-5759 20-0047 17*5042 4 2-1672 6-9659 12-8602 17-5042 19-0955 6 •7740 3-2151 7-5018 12-7303 17-1859 6 •2381 1-2503 3-6372 7-6382 12*7303 7 •0595 •3897 1 -4029 3-6372 7-501K 8 •0108 •0877 •3897 1-2503 3*2150 6 •0011 •0108 •0595 •2381 •7740 «-6| ii :. I -5454 27-2727 12-1212 4-6454 • 5j 1 27-2727 30-3030 22-7273 12-9870 g H-lttS 22-7273 26-9740 21-6450 S 4'-r> 1*1 1 112-9870 21-6450 26-9740 4 1 --2987 5-4112 12-9870 22-7:!73 e •2165 1-2987 4-54:. I 12-1212 Probable Occurrences in Second Small Samples TABLE XLVIII— (continued). 91 Successes j> = 0 p=l i>=2 P = 3 p=4 p=5 P = 6 P = 7 w=10l 0 68-7500 45-8333 29-4643 18- 1318 10-5769 5-7692 »- 5} 1 22-9167 32-7381 33-9972 30' 2198 24-0385 17-3077 6-5476 15-1099 22-6648 27- 4725 28-8461 26-9230 s 1-5110 6-036G 10-3022 16' 4835 22-4359 26-9230 4 •2518 1-1447 3-0907 6' 4103 11-2179 17-3077 5 •0229 •1373 •4807 1 2820 2-8846 5-7692 « = 10| 0 52-3809 26-1905 12-4060 6 5138 2-2704 •8514 m-lOf 1 26-1905 27-5689 20-6767 12 •9736 7-0949 3-4056 S 12-4060 20-6767 21-8930 18' 2441 12-7709 7-6625 § 5-5138 12-9736 18-2441 19 •4604 17-0278 12-5744 4 2-2704 7-0949 12-7709 17 0278 18-3377 16-5039 6 •8514 3-4056 7-6625 12-5744 16-5039 18-0043 e •2838 1-4190 3-9295 7 •8590 12-5030 16-5039 7 •0811 •4990 1-6841 4 •0826 7-8590 12-5744 8 •0187 •1403 •5741 1 •6841 3-9295 7-60^5 9 •0031 •0284 •1403 •4990 1-4190 3-4056 JO •0003 •0031 •0187 •0811 •2838 •8514 n = 15| 0 76-1905 57-1429 42-1053 30 •4094 21-4654 14-7575 9-8383 6 •3246 »i= 5f 1 18-0478 30-0752 35-0877 35 •7757 33-5397 29-5149 24 •5958 19 •4604 2 4-0100 10-0251 16-5119 22 •3598 26-8318 29-5149 80 •2717 n •1906 S •6683 2-3588 6-1599 8 •9439 13-4159 18-1631 22 •7038 98 •5369 _£ •0786 •3685 1-0320 2 •2360 4-1280 6-8111 10-3199 14 •5953 6 •0049 •0295 •1032 •2752 •6192 1-2384 2 •2704 3 •8921 n=15l 0 61-5384 36-9231 21-5385 12 •1739 6-6403 3-4783 1 •7391 •8238 m = 10| ^ 24-6154 30-7692 28-0936 22 •1344 15-8103 10-4348 a •4073 3-6613 S 9-2308 18-0602 22-9857 23 •7154 21-3439 17-2997 u •8146 8 •7226 g 3-2107 8-7565 14-5941 18 •9723 20-9694 20-6034 18 •0913 1 1 •5376 4 1-0216 3-6485 7-6619 12 •2322 16-3095 18-9958 19 •7873 18 •6566 5 •2919 1-3135 3-3874 6 •5238 10-3613 14-2469 17 •4128 1!) •1897 6 •0730 •4032 1-2546 2 •8781 5-3965 8-7064 u •4377 U •9914 7 •0153 •1024 •3795 1 •0279 2-2614 4-2644 7 •1073 10 •6609 8 •0025 •0203 •0889 •2827 •7269 1-5991 1 •1094 6 •4516 9 •0003 •0028 •0145 •0538 •1615 •4146 •9423 1 •9383 10 •oooo •0002 •0012 •0054 •0189 •0565 •1508 •3661 n = 15| 0 61-6129 25-8066 12-4583 5 •7842 2-5707 1-0876 •4351 •1631 i p f * 25-8065 26-6963 20-0222 12 •8538 7-4156 3-9155 1 •9033 •8512 S 12-4583 20-0222 20-7638 17 •3032 12-4583 7-9941 4 •6342 2 •4375 s 5-7842 12-8538 17-3032 17 •9953 15-7459 12-0490 8 •2152 g •0297 4 2-5707 7-4156 12-4583 15 •7459 16-4305 14-7874 11 •7361 8 •2991 6 1-0876 3-9155 7-9941 12 •0490 14-7874 15-4916 14 •2006 11 •5313 6 •4351 1-9033 4-6342 8 •2162 11-7361 14-2006 14 •9480 19 •8803 7 •1631 •8512 2-4375 5 •0297 8-2991 11-6313 13-8803 11 •6968 g •0567 •3482 1-1607 2 •7663 5-2415 8-3282 11 •4309 13 •7783 9 •0181 •1289 •4965 1 •3589 2-9443 5-3344 a •3350 11 •4309 10 •0052 •0426 •1882 •5889 1-4548 3-0006 6 •3344 8 •3282 11 •0013 •0122 •0618 •2204 •6200 1-4548 2 •9443 5 •2415 IS •0003 •0029 •0169 •0689 •2204 •5889 1 •3589 2 •7664 IS •0001 •0006 •0037 •0170 •0618 •1882 •4965 1 •1607 14 •OOOO •0001 •0006 •00-29 •0122 •0426 •1290 •3482 15 •oooo •oooo •OOOO •0003 •0013 •0052 •0181 •0567 12—2 M Table* for st = 1 P=a p = 3 j> = 4 p-6 n-201 0 80-7608 64-6164 51-1538 40-0334 30-9349 23-5695 m- 5|' 1 16-1038 26-92:!! 33-3612 36-3940 :{i;-273 35-3542 » 2-6923 7-0234 12-1313 17-3305 22-0964 •6-0006 a •3518 1-2770 2-8884 6-1992 8-1408 11-6780 A •0319 •1520 •4333 "J-.77 1-8090 3-0647 6 •0010 •0091 •0319 •0851 •1916 •3331 • -SOI 0 67-7419 45-1613 29-6884 19-0211 11-9763 7-3700 w-lOf 1 22-6806 31-1457 31-7019 28-1796 23-0313 17-6880 g 7-0078 15-0167 21-1346 24-3861 24-8738 23-2155 s 2-0022 6-9326 10-8882 15-6071 19-3463 21-5333 4 •5191 1-9965 4-.r)'.^l 7-9661 11-7760 15-4158 6 •1198 •5750 1 -o932 3-3250 6-7809 8-8091 6 •0940 •1398 •4618 1-1335 2-2940 4-0375 7 •0040 •0278 •1079 •3084 •7210 1-4671 8 •0005 •0043 •0193 •0636 •1707 •3946 9 •0000 •0004 •0024 •0089 •0274 •0722 10 •0000 •0000 •0002 •0006 •0023 •0068 n=»20l 0 58-3333 33-3333 18-6275 10-1604 5-3977 1-7868 »j = l.»| 1 25-0000 29-4118 25-4011 19-0508 13-0590 8-3.^78 g 10-2941 18-7166 22-2259 21-5090 18-2826 14-1218 S 4-0553 10-1381 15-5343 18-6411 19-1232 17-4841 4 1-5207 4-9056 9-3206 13-4987 16-3913 17-4841 6 •5396 2-1584 4-9495 8-4849 12-0203 14-7942 6 •1799 •8683 2-3569 4-7138 7-7053 10-8491 7 •0558 •3190 1-0101 2-3310 4-3590 6-9744 8 •0159 •1063 •3885 1-0256 2-1795 3-9421 9 •0041 •0318 •1330 •3989 •9581 1-9511 10 •0010 •0084 •0399 •1353 •3658 •8362 11 •0002 •0019 •0102 •0391 •1188 •3041 It •0000 •0004 0089 •0093 •0317 •0907 IS •0000 •0001 •0004 •0017 •0065 •0209 14 •0000 •0000 •0000 •0002 •0009 •0033 IS •0000 •0000 •0000 •0000 •0001 •0003 «-20l 0 M-SOj 1 51-2195 25-6098 25-6098 26-2664 12-4765 19-6998 6-9099 12-7783 2-7154 7-5427 1-2068 4-1377 g 12-4765 19-6998 20-2323 16-8602 12-2839 8-o:»29 3 6-9099 12-7783 16-8602 1V3419 1.V1742 11-7715 4 2-7154 7-5427 12-2839 15-1742 1.V6340 14-0706 6 1-2068 4-1377 8-0929 11-7715 14-0706 14-5245 6 •5172 2-1297 4-9048 8-2768 11 -3-173 13-3141 7 •0839 1-0326 2-7689 5-3399 8-3213 11-0186 § •0315 •4719 1-4462 3-1817 6-6954 8-3131 9 •0112 •2030 •7070 1-7554 3-4638 6-7473 10 •0037 •0819 •3218 •8965 1-9757 3-6474 11 •0012 •0308 •1358 •4226 1-0362 2-1221 l: •0003 •0107 •0528 •1829 •4974 1-1274 IS •0001 «OM •0188 •0720 •2168 •5429 14 •0000 •0010 •0080 •0255 •0848 •2345 15 — •0003 •0017 •0080 •0293 •0893 n — •0000 •0004 •0022 •0087 •0293 17 — _J •0001 •0005 •0022 0080 18 — — •0000 •IK Mi •0004 •0017 19 _ __ •0000 •0001 •0003 to — — — . — 4000 •0000 Probable Occurrences in Second Small Samples 93 TABLE XLVIII— (continued). Successes n = 25l 0 83-8710 69-8925 57-8421 47-5131 38-7144 31-2693 H. »[ 2 13-9785 24-1008 30-9868 35-1949 37-2254 37-5232 « 1-9281 5-1645 9-1813 13-5365 17-8682 21-8885 5 •2065 •7651 1-7656 3-2488 5-2115 7-6134 4 •0153 •0736 •2119 •4738 •9064 1-5573 5 •0006 •0035 •0123 •0329 •0741 •1483 N = 25| 0 72-2222 61-5873 36-4146 25-3798 17-4486 11-8200 n»=10[ 1 20-6349 30-3455 33-1041 31-7248 28-1430 23-6401 # 5-4622 12-4141 18-6211 23-0261 25-3287 25-6780 5 1-3242 4-1380 8-0091 12-2806 16-3035 19-5642 It •2897 1-1680 2-8032 5-1875 8-1618 11-4125 5 •0561 •2803 •8119 1-7786 3-2607 6-2673 6 •0093 •0564 •1933 •4940 1-0451 1-9313 7 •0013 •0092 •0368 •1086 •2628 •5518 8 •0001 •0011 •0053 •0179 •0493 •1170 9 •0000 •0001 •0005 •0020 •0062 •0165 10 •0000 •0000 •0000 •0001 •0004 •0012 n = 25l 0 63-4146 39-6341 24-3902 14-7625 8-7777 6-1203 M-lfif 1 23-7805 30-4878 28-8832 23-9392 18-2869 13-1666 2 8-536« 16-8485 21-8575 23-2742 21 -9443 18-9753 S 2-9204 7-8930 13-1550 17-2894 19-5777 19-9337 4 •9472 3-2888 6-7654 10-6788 14-2383 16-8191 6 •2894 1-2403 3-0643 6-6953 8-8100 11-9361 6 •0827 •4256 1-2381 2-6697 4-7366 7-2943 7 •0218 •1326 •4477 1-1072 2-2329 3-8807 8 •0053 •0373 •1444 •4060 •9240 1-8017 9 •0012 •0094 •0412 •1307 •3337 •7266 10 •0002 •0020 •0102 •0364 •1038 •2515 11 •0000 •0004 •0022 •0086 •0272 •0732 U •0000 •0001 •0004 •0016 •0058 •0173 IS •0000 •0000 •0001 •0002 •0009 •0031 14 — •0000 •0000 •0000 •0001 •0004 is — — •0000 •0000 •0000 •0000 n = 25l 0 56-5217 31-4010 17-1278 9-1014 4-7988 2-4579 tn=20( 1 25-1208 28-5463 23-8993 17-4502 11-7044 7-3738 :.' 10-8476 18-9202 21-6231 20-2168 16-6788 12-5733 S 4-5409 10-8116 16-8218 18-1951 17-9618 15-8820 4 1-8380 5-C036 10-0864 13-8796 16-0711 16-4186 6 •7172 2-6897 6-7932 9-3504 12-5094 14-5943 6 •2690 1-2069 3-0491 6-6MH1 8-6871 11-4669 7 •0965 •5082 1-4833 3-1589 6-4604 8-0943 8 •0330 •2009 •6695 1-6133 3-1317 5-1816 9 •0107 •0744 •2806 •7592 1-6449 3-0226 10 •0033 •0257 •1089 •3290 •7916 1-6088 11 •0009 •0082 •0390 •1308 •3482 •7800 12 •0002 •0024 •0128 •0476 •1393 •3429 IS •0001 •0006 •U' His •0156 •0502 •1357 14 •0000 •0002 •0010 •0046 •0162 •0477 15 — •0000 •0002 •0012 •0045 •0147 16 — — •0001 •0002 •0011 •0039 17 — — — •0000 •0002 •0008 18 _ — — _ •oooo •0001 19 — _ •0000 HO — — — — — — 1)4 Table* for Slatixtiriaitu nml n'nnnetriciai>* TABLE XLVIII— (continued). Percentage Frequency of Successes in a Second "m" Hjicr (Inuring " p" Successes in a First Sample "»". Sacfetfft p=0 , = 1 j»=i p = 3 p=4 f = 6 H--S5I 0 60-9804 25-4902 12-4860 6-9824 2-8003 1-2784 •-ttf ; 85-4902 26-0104 19-6078 12-7285 7-6094 4-2613 t 12-4850 19-6078 19-9229 16-C"^I 12-1751 8-1352 3 6-9824 12-7285 16-6024 16-9713 14-8499 11-6037 4 2-8003 7-6094 12-1751 14-8499 15-1953 13-6767 5 1-2784 4-2613 S-l.'i.-.L' 11-6037 13-6757 14-0093 6 •5682 2-2598 6-04.-) 1 8-2883 11-1185 12-8418 7 •MBS M411 1*9844 6-4870 8-2990 10-7251 8 •1027 •5502 1-0103 3-3951 6-7456 8-2555 9 •0416 •2535 •8365 1-9732 3-7128 6-9003 10 •0162 •1115 •4118 1-0801 2-2477 3-9335 11 •0061 •0468 •1921 •5573 1 -2771 1-4681 IS •0022 •0187 •0848 •2709 •6811 1-4*14 IS •0007 •0070 •0353 •1238 •340G •TMi^ U •0002 •0026 •0138 •0531 •1592 •3971 ir, — •0008 •0051 •0212 •0693 •1879 1C — •0003 •0017 •0079 •0280 •0822 17 — •0001 •0005 •0027 •0104 •0330 18 — — •0002 •0008 •0035 •0120 19 — — •oooo •0002 •0010 •0039 to — — — •0001 4001 •0011 XI — — — •0001 •0003 « — — — — — •0001 ts — — _ *4 — — — — — — K> — — — — — — n = 50l 0 91-0714 82-7922 75-1263 68-0389 61-4967 55-4670 m- 5| / 8-2792 15-3319 21-2621 26-1688 30-1454 33-2805 1 •6133 1-7357 3-2711 5-1311 7-231!) 9-5087 3 •0317 •1335 •3207 •6157 1-033/i 1-5848 4 •0013 •0065 •0192 •0440 •0861 •1517 6 •0000 •0001 •0005 •0014 •0033 •0066 n=50l 0 83-6065 69-6721 57-8633 47-8869 39-4857 32-4340 w=10( 7 13-9344 23-6177 29-9293 33-6048 35-2551 36-3833 2 2-1256 6-4972 9-4513 13-5019 17-3070 20-6402 3 •2932 1-02H7 2-2503 3-9278 6-9827 8-3080 4 4880 •1607 •4296 •8910 1-5803 2-5164 6 •0039 •0210 OMB •1614 •8888 •5921 6 •0003 •0023 •0084 •0233 •0536 •1085 7 •(MX) •0002 4008 •0026 •0067 •0152 8 •0000 •OOOO •0001 •0002 •0006 •0015 9 •oooo •oooo •oooo •oooo •OOOO •0001 10 •oooo •oooo •oooo •oooo •oooo •oooo »-50l 0 77-2727 59-4406 45-5092 34-6737 26-2849 19-8214 w-16f 1 17-8322 27-8628 32-5066 33-5552 32-3176 29-7321 t 3-9008 9-2876 14-6804 19-2530 22-6222 24-6927 3 •8049 2-5965 6-2143 8-31^1 11-6306 14-7589 4 •1558 •6385 1-5643 2-9695 4-8127 6-9910 B •0281 •1405 •4083 •9011 1-6718 2-74<;:> 6 •0047 •0278 •0939 •2371 •4976 •9155 7 •0007 •0049 •0191 •0544 •1279 •2616 8 •0001 •IK HIS •0034 •0109 •0284 •0642 9 — •0001 •0005 •0019 •0054 •0132 10 — — 4001 •0003 •0009 •0024 11 — — — •0001 •0003 IS _ — •oooo 13, 14, 15 — — — — — — Probable Occurrences in Second Small Samples TABLE XLVIII— (continued). 95 Successes p = 0 , = 1 j>=2 p = 3 p = 4 p=5 n = 50l 0 71-8310 51-3078 36-4360 25-7195 18-0421 12-5748 »n = 20| 1 20-5231 29-7437 32-1494 30-7099 27-3365 23-2150 2 5-6513 12-4661 18-2340 22-1018 23-9720 24-1218 S l-4!t:,9 4-4055 8-2882 12-2410 15-7316 18-3785 4 •3796 1-4377 3-2515 5-6902 8-4901 11-3384 6 •0920 •4247 1-1380 2-3122 3-9438 5-9480 € •0212 •1161 •3613 •8391 1-6163 2-7262 7 •0046 •0295 •1049 •27ol •5926 1-1089 8 •0010 •0070 •0279 •0820 •1959 •4039 9 •0002 •0015 •0068 •0222 •0585 •1323 10 •0000 •0003 •0015 •0055 •0158 •0390 11 — •0001 •0003 •0012 •0039 •0103 12 — — •0001 •0002 •0008 •0024 IS — — — •oooo •0002 •0005 14 — — — — •oooo •0001 15—20 — — — — — •oooo n = 50| 0 67-1053 44-7368 29-6230 19-4782 12-7149 8-2378 fn = 25| 1 22-3684 30-227(1 30-43 1C, 27-0530 22-3854 17-6525 2 7-2546 14-!»06H 20-2898 22-8617 23-0250 21-4900 S 2-2857 6-3492 10-954H 15-0234 17-90*3 19-3831 4 •6984 2-4592 5-1643 8-3826 11-5877 14-3204 6 4066 •8853 2-2004 4-1420 6-5376 9-1130 6 •0590 •2994 •8629 1-8648 3-3018 5-1406 7 •0163 •0956 •3146 •7627 1-5167 2-6162 8 •0043 •0289 •1073 •2904 •6398 1-2147 9 •0011 •0083 •0343 •1029 •2494 •5181 10 •0003 •0022 •0103 •0340 •0901 •2038 11 •0001 •0000 •0029 •0105 •0302 •0741 12 •0000 •0001 •0008 •0030 •0094 •0249 IS •oooo •oooo •0002 4008 •0027 •0077 U — •oooo •OOOO •ooos •0007 •0022 15 — — •oooo •oooo •0002 •0006 16 •oooo •oooo •0001 17 — — •OOOO •OOOO 18—25 — — — — — •oooo n = 50| 0 50-4950 25-2475 12-4963 6-1206 2-9657 1-4210 wi = 50( / 25-2475 25-5026 W-196B 12-6198 7-7231 4-4H75 2 12-4!i»;.', 19-1 269 1 9-3:2 41 16-1034 11-9504 8-1873 S 6-1206 12-619H Ki-1034 16-272H 14-2388 11-2686 4 2-96.',7 7-7231 1 1 -9504 14-238* 14-3919 12-9527 6 1-4210 4-4875 8-1873 11-26HII 12-9527 13-0951 6 •6731 2-5063 5-2821 8-2C.77 10-6753 12-0038 7 •3151 1 -3552 3-2480 5-7108 8-2014 10-1734 8 •1457 •7126 1-9185 3-7517 6-9437 8-0780 9 O66C •MM 1-0942 2-3606 4-0975 6-0662 10 •0300 •1831 •6049 1-429H 2-7034 4-3381 11 •0133 •0898 •3250 •8367 1-7147 2-9694 12 •0058 •0431 •1699 •4743 1-0490 1-9531 IS •0025 •0909 •0866 •2610 •6205 1-2381 14 •0011 •0083 •0431 •1396 •3557 •7582 I', •0004 •0042 •0209 •0726 •1978 •4493 16 •0002 •0019 •0099 •0888 •1068 •2580 17 •0001 •0008 •0046 •0182 •0561 •1437 18 — •0003 •0021 •0088 •0286 •0777 I'.i •0001 •0009 •0041 •0142 •0408 to •0004 •0019 •0069 •0208 SI — •0002 •0008 •0032 •0103 tf •0001 •0004 •0015 •0050 S3 •0002 •0007 •0023 *4 — — — •0001 •0003 •0010 So — — •00<») •0001 •0005 S6 •OOOO •0002 27 __ •OOOO •0001 S8-50 — — — — — •oooo 90 T(tbl<* for Statisticians and Biometricinns TABLK X F.\' 1 1 1 —(continued). Percentage Frequency of Successes in a Second " m " after drawing "p" Successes in a First Sample " n ". SoOOtMM M-1001 0 w- lOf 1 p-0 P04MO - ITU MO 82-7191 15-1778 1 -8978 76-1308 80-8696 3-6107 68-1737 6-4097 61-8023 56-9719 60-6412 29-1520 31-9839 34-0855 7-4962 9-6874 11 '9 134 45-7719 36-5510 14-1158 41-3280 su •!>;.-.!> 16-2472 37-2763 :«;•;»: '72 18-2690 * 060fl •1891 •4416 •8243 1-3455 2-0065 2-8031 3-7269 4-76M 5<90M 4 •0033 •0166 •0442 •0971 •1829 4008 4857 •7174 1-0109 1-3708 S •0008 •0011 •0036 oooo •0194 OM OM1 •1044 •1609 •2374 6 •OOOO •0001 •0002 •0007 •0016 •0034 •0065 •0115 •0194 •0309 7 — •oooo •oooo •OOOO •0001 •0002 •0005 •0010 •0017 oon 8 — — — — •( 1 ft 1. 1 •oooo •oooo oooi •0001 •0002 9 __ — — — — — — •oooo •oooo •oooo 10 — — — — — — — — — — p = W p = 15 p=20 p = 25 p = 30 p = 35 p = 40 p=« p = 50 0 n*BM 19-605G 11-0992 6-0712 3-1946 1 •6083 •7697 •3473 •1463 1 36-9441 33-0200 25-8982 18-5708 12-3788 7 •7198 4 •5082 2-4580 1 -2-J.-J4 e 20-1613 2i;-*727 28-8081 26-8613 22-5639 17 •3696 12 •3485 8-1229 4-9313 3 7-1284 13-8698 20-0784 24-1644 25-4567 24 •1112 20 •8229 16-5036 12-0167 4 1-8005 6-0127 9-6930 14-9554 19-6711 22 •8554 23 •9308 22-8255 19-9224 6 •3376 1-3220 3-3813 6-6468 10-8709 15 •4516 19 •5797 22-4513 23-4799 6 •0474 •2671 •8619 2-1464 4-3483 7 •5418 11 •5470 15 '9030 19-9224 7 •0049 •0363 •1683 •4968 1-2424 2-6232 4-8456 8-0093 12-0167 8 •0003 •0036 •0200 •0788 •2425 •6221 1-3845 2-7446 4-9313 9 •oooo •0008 •0015 •0077 •0292 •0908 •2432 •5778 1-2434 10 — •oooo •0001 •0004 •0017 •0062 •0199 •0567 •1463 Suocewes p=0 p = l p = 2 p = 3 j>=4 p = 5 p = 6 p = 7 p = 8 p=9 71 = 10 n-1001 0 95-2830 90-7467 86-3830 82 •1896 78 •1607 74-2914 70-5768 67-0123 63-5933 60-3153 57-1739 *- »r 1 4-5373 8-7256 12-5800 16-1156 19 •3467 22-2874 24-9514 27-3520 29-5020 31-4142 33-1007 S •1745 •6083 •9867 1 •5956 2 •3216 3-1517 4-0737 5-0756 6-1463 7-2749 8-4512 3 •0051 •0199 •0488 •0957 •1642 -2573 •3780 •5287 •7117 •9287 1-1813 4 •0001 •0005 •0015 •0034 •0067 -0119 •0197 •0306 •0454 •0649 •0899 6 •oooo •oooo •oooo •0001 •0001 -0003 •0004 •0008 •0013 •0020 •0030 1<"I 0 87-0690 75-7121 65-7500 57-0221 49 •3852 42-7116 36-8873 31-8110 27-3928 23-5527 20-2198 m- 15 f 1 11-3568 19-9243 26-1836 30-5476 33 •3684 34-9458 35-5336 35-3456 34-5611 33-3293 31-7739 .: 1-3947 3-7027 6-5459 9 •6321 12 •7407 16-7096 18-4248 20-8110 22-8233 24-4415 25-6636 3 •1604 •6730 1-2777 2 •2767 3 •5456 5-0126 6-7156 8-5076 10-3011 12-2207 14-0301 4 •0172 •0774 •2091 •4386 •7879 1 -2724 1-9006 2-6738 3-5865 4-6273 6-7796 5 •0017 •0093 •0295 •0715 •1458 -2641 •4381 •6787 •9959 1 -3!I73 1-8884 6 •0002 •0010 •0037 •0100 •0229 -0461 •0842 •1428 •2278 •3459 •5036 7 •oooo •0001 •0004 •0012 •0031 -0068 •0137 •0252 •0435 •0711 •1112 8 •oooo •oooo •0001 •0004 -0009 •0019 •0037 •0070 •0122 •0804 9 — — — •oooo •OOOO -0001 •0002 •0005 •0009 •0017 •0031 10 — — — — — -0000 •oooo •0001 •0001 •OIK 12 •0004 ;/_/5 _ _ _ _ _ _ •oooo •oooo •oooo •oooo n-1001 0 83-4711 69-5592 57-8686 48 •0604 39 •8449 32-9751 27-2403 22-4613 18-4859 15-1848 12-4488 m- SOf 1 13-9119 23-3813 29-4247 32 •8618 34 •3491 34-4088 33-4530 31-8036 29-7094 27-3600 24-8976 g 2-2212 6-6472 9-5567 13 •4663 17 •0252 20-0718 22-4994 24-2787 25-4270 25-9920 26-0397 3 •3388 1-1584 2-4716 4 •2124 6 •2724 8-5261 10-8479 13-1236 15-2562 17-1690 16-soor, 4 •0492 •2122 •5480 1 •0993 1 •8873 2-9118 4-1635 6-6775 7-1382 8-7832 10-4578 5 •0068 •0354 •1077 •2490 •4853 -8394 1-3291 1-9649 2-7495 3-6775 4-7351! e •0009 •• K « 1 •0191 •0500 •1093 -2099 •3658 •6913 •8994 1-3010 1-8040 7 •0001 •0008 •0031 •0090 •0219 -0462 •0881 •1547 •2545 •3965 •6888 8 •oooo •0001 •0004 •0015 •0039 -0090 •0187 •0356 •0630 •1053 •1675 9 — •oooo •0001 •0002 •0006 -0016 •0035 •0072 •0137 •0245 •0416 10 — — •oooo •i . « i . . •0001 -0002 •0006 •0013 •0026 •0050 O09I 11 — — — •oooo -oooo •0001 •0002 •0005 •0009 •0017 l: — — — — — — oooo •oooo •0001 •0001 •0003 73_fO — — — - — — — •oooo •oooo •oooo Probable Occurrences in Second Small Samples 97 Successes p=0 p = l TABLE XLVIII— (continued). p=3 p=4 p=5 p = 6 p=9 »=--100J 0 80-1587 64-1270 51-1981 40-7920 32-4330 25-7320 20-3711 16-0915 12-6823 9-0724 7-8232 m= 25 j / 16-0317 25-8576 31-2184 33-4361 33-5052 32-1649 29-9575 27-2737 24-3890 21-4922 18-7076 J 3-1029 7-5681 12-2826 16-5799 20-1031 22-7047 24-3723 25-1757 25-2300 24-6693 23-6306 3 •5802 1-9024 3-8912 6-3556 9-0661 11-8013 14-3734 16-6391 18-5020 19-9086 20-8423 4 •1046 •4323 1-0701 2-0562 3-3806 4-9929 6-8150 8-7536 10-7117 12-5970 14-3291 5 •0182 •0908 •2644 •5855 1-0922 1-8077 2-7378 3-8700 5-1757 6-6134 8-1327 6 •0030 •0178 •0597 •1501 •3138 •5764 •9606 1-4841 2-1565 2-9790 3-9431 7 •0005 •0033 •0125 •0351 •0815 •1647 •3000 •5035 •7910 1-1761 1-6693 « •0001 •0005 •0024 •0075 •0193 •0426 •0844 •1531 •2589 •4127 •6260 9 •0000 •0001 •0004 •0015 •0042 •0100 •0215 •0421 •0763 •1299 •2099 JO — •0000 •0001 •0003 •0008 •0022 •0050 •0105 •0203 •0369 •0634 11 — — •0000 •0001 •0001 •0004 •0011 •0024 •0049 •0095 •0173 12 — — — •0000 •0000 •0001 •0002 •0005 •0011 •0022 •0043 IS — — — — — •0000 •oooo •0001 •0002 •0005 •0009 14 — — — — — — — •0000 •0000 •0001 •0002 15—25 — ^~ ~ " ' — " ~ " - •0000 •0000 n=100l 0 (S6-8874 44-5916 29-6280 19-6185 12-9456 8-5121 5-5769 3-6405 2-3676 1-5339 •9900 m= 60) 1 22-2958 29-9273 30-0284 26-6919 22-1671 17-6113 13-5550 10-1832 7-5029 5-4395 3-8892 J 7-3322 14-8625 20-0189 22-3956 22-4728 20-9746 18-5789 15-8126 13-0370 10-4710 8-2261 S 2-3780 6-4708 10-9693 14-8274 17-4789 18-7745 18-8406 17-9434 16-3894 14-4635 12-3988 4 •7603 2-6038 5-3333 8-4691 11-4896 13-9817 15-7005 16-5656 16-6252 16-0095 14-8876 6 •2396 •9912 2-3852 4-3589 6-6996 9-12:28 11-3492 13-1572 14-4085 15-0512 15-1066 6 •0743 •3614 1-0008 2-0720 3-5636 5-3759 7-3484 9-2958 11-0430 12-4505 13-4281 7 •0227 •1271 •3987 •9237 1-7600 2-9173 4-3512 5-9710 7-6559 9-2753 10-7081 8 •0068 •0433 •1520 •3901 •8167 1-4771 2-3900 3-5398 4-8771 6-3248 7-7895 9 •0020 •0143 •0557 •1572 •3590 •7044 1-2301 1-9578 2-8874 3-9946 5-2324 10 •0006 •0046 •0197 •0607 •1504 •3185 •5978 1-0184 1-6022 2-3574 3-2752 11 •0002 •0014 •0068 •0226 •0603 •1373 •2758 •5012 •8386 1-3088 1-9239 IS — •0004 •0022 •0081 •0232 •0566 •1213 •2345 •4161 •6871 1-0664 IS •0001 •0007 oosa •0086 •0224 •0510 •1046 •1965 •3425 •5601 H — — •0002 •0009 •0031 •0085 •0206 •0447 •0886 •1627 •2797 15 — — •0001 •0003 •0011 •0031 •0080 •0183 •0382 •0738 •1332 i>; — — •0001 •0004 •0011 •0030 •0072 •0158 •0320 •0606 17 — — •0001 •0004 •0011 •0027 •0063 •0133 •0264 18 — •0001 •0004 •0010 •0024 •0053 •0110 19 — — — — •0001 •0003 •0009 •0020 •0044 go — — — — — •0001 •0003 •0008 •0017 91 — — — — — — — — •0001 •0003 •0006 gg — — — — — — — — — •0001 •0002 IS — — — — — — — — — — •0001 £4—60 — — — — — — — — — — — 13 98 I—WO Table* for Statisticians and Biometricians TABLE XLIX. Logarithms of Factorials. log \n from n= 1 to n = 1000. * tag IS 1 •0000000 S •3010300 s •778 1613 4 1-3802112 S 2-079 1812 6 2-857 3325 7 3-702 4305 8 4-605 5205 9 5-559 7630 10 6-559 7630 11 7-601 1657 It 8-680 3370 13 9-794 2803 14 10-940 4084 15 12-116 4996 16 13-320 6196 17 14-551 0685 18 15-806 3410 19 17-0850946 SO 18-386 1246 SI 19-708 3439 S3 21-050 7666 S3 22-412 4944 14 23-792 7057 S5 25-190 6457 S6 26-605 6190 S7 B8OM96S8 S8 29-484 1408 S9 30 946 5388 SO 32-423 6601 31 33-915 0218 3S 36-420 1717 S3 :'.«; :i:(- 88ft7 34 38-470 1646 So 40-014 2326 36 41-670 5361 37 43-138 7369 38 44-718 6205 39 46-3096861 40 47-911 6451 41 49-624 4289 4S 61-147 6782 43 62-781 1467 44 M 1^1 :.:o:; 45 56077 8119 46 67-740 6697 47 59-412 6676 48 61-0939088 49 62-784 1049 60 61 1^30749 n log|» 61 66-190 6460 69 67-906 6484 63 89-630 :':M:» 64 71-363 3180 55 73-103 6807 66 74-851 8687 67 76-607 7436 68 78-371 1716 59 80-142 0236 60 81-920 1748 61 83-705 6047 6S 85-497 8964 63 87-297 2369 64 89-103 4169 66 90-916 3303 66 92-735 8742 67 94-561 9490 68 96-394 4579 69 98-233 3070 70 100-078 4050 71 101-929 6634 7S 103-786 9959 73 105-650 3187 74 107-519 5505 76 109-394 6117 76 111-275 4253 77 113-161 9160 78 115-0540106 79 116-951 6377 80 118-8547277 81 120-763 2127 M 122-677 0266 83 124-596 1047 84 126-520 3840 85 128-449 8029 86 130-384 3013 87 132-323 8206 88 134-26H 3033 89 136-217 6933 90 138-171 9358 91 140-130 9772 9S 142-094 7650 93 144-063 2480 04 146-036 3758 95 148-014 0994 96 149-996 3707 97 151-983 1424 98 153-974 3685 99 155-970 0037 100 157-970(1037 n logli 101 159-974 3250 lot 161-982 92/i2 103 163-995 7624 104 166O12 7958 we, 168-033 9851 106 170-059 2909 107 172-088 6747 10S 174-122 0985 109 176-159 5250 110 178-2009176 111 180-246 2406 112 182-295 4586 113 184-348 5371 114 186-405 4419 115 188-466 1398 116 190-530 5978 117 192-598 7836 118 194-670 6656 119 196-746 2126 in 198-825 3938 181 200-908 1792 i-;: 202-994 5390 198 205-084 4442 1*4 207-177 8658 125 209-274 7759 1 M 211-375 1464 1X7 213-478 9501 128 215-586 1601 189 217-696 7498 ISO 219-810 6932 131 221-927 9645 132 224-048 5384 133 226-172 3900 134 228-299 4948 1SS 230'429 8286 136 232-563 3675 137 234-700 0881 138 236-839 9672 us 238-982 9820 140 241-129 1100 HI 243-i7H 3291 14 4259 178 324-794 8459 179 327-047 6989 180 329-302 9714 181 331-560 6500 /.s'.' 333-820 7214 183 336-083 1725 184 338-347 9903 185 340-615 1620 186 342-884 6750 187 345-156 5166 188 347-430 6744 189 349-707 1362 190 351-985 8898 191 354-266 9232 ran 356-550 1844 193 358-835 7817 194 :ili T1235835 195 363-413 6181 196 365-705 8742 197 368-000 3404 198 370-297 0056 199 372 595 8586 no 374-896 8886 N log|» 201 KM 203 204 205 377-200 0847 379-505 4361 381-812 9321 384-122 5623 386-434 3161 106 m .'US 210 388-748 1834 391O64 1537 393 382 2170 395-702 3633 398-024 5826 til 212 213 214 215 400-348 8651 402-675 2009 405-003 5805 407-333 9943 409-666 43i>8 216 217 U8 220 412-000 8865 414-337 3463 416-675 8027 419-0162469 421-358 6695 >:.< MS 996 426-049 4148 4^8-397 7197 i:;i )-747 9677 133-100 1502 SS6 227 999 999 230 435-454 2586 437-810 2845 440-16S -IW 442-528 0548 444-889 7827 231 233 988 234 235 447-253 3946 449-618 8826 451-9862385 454-35.r, l :,il 456-726 5223 236 237 988 239 240 469-099 4343 461-474 1826 463-850 7596 466-229 1575 168-6093687 S41 242 S43 244 245 470-991 3857 473-375 2011 47;V7i!08074 478-148 1972 480-537 3633 250 482-928 2984 485-320 9954 487-715 4470 490-111 Mm 492-509 5864 Logarithms of Factorials TABLE XLIX— (continued). 251—500 • login 251 494-909 2601 252 497-310 6607 253 499-713 7812 254 502-1186149 255 504-525 1551 256 506-933 3950 257 509-343 3282 258 511-7549479 259 514-168 2476 260 516-583 2210 261 518-999 8615 Ml 521-418 1628 26S 523-838 1185 264 526-259 7225 528-682 9683 266 531-107 8500 :•..' 533-534 3612 635-962 4960 ,:><•> 538-392 2483 270 540-823 6121 271 543-2S6 5814 272 545691 1503 919 548-127 3129 550-565 0635 Z75 6631)04 3902 276 655-445 3052 277 657-887 7850 278 560-331 8298 9M 562-777 4340 280 565-224 5920 281 567-673 2984 282 570-123 5475 MS r.72-:.75 3339 284 675-028 6523 ttt 577-483 4971 M r,->>-'.>:>,'.> sr,:;i ts7 582-397 7450 288 584-857 1375 289 587-318 0354 •W 689-780 4334 291 592-244 3264 ,:'.<: 594-709 7092 flM 597-1765768 984 599-644 '.>•! \-l 295 002-1147462 604-586 0379 607-058 7943 298 609-533 0106 tap 01 •!•( x>S 6818 500 614 485 8030 • log[» SOI 616-964 3695 SOS 619-444 3765 303 021-9258191 304 624-408 6927 305 026-892 9925 306 629-378 7140 307 631-865 8523 308 634-354 4031 309 036-844 3615 310 639-335 7232 311 641-828 4836 644-H22 6382 313 646-818 1825 314 049 3)5 1122 315 0518134227 316 054-313 1098 317 656-814 1691 318 059-31 6 5962 319 061-820380:> 320 064-325 5369 S2i 066-832 0419 322 609-339 8978 323 671-849 1003 8*4 674-359 6453 M8 676-871 5287 326 679-384 7463 Stf 681-899 2940 684-415 1679 329 686-932 3638 330 689-450 8777 SSI 691-970 7057 332 694-491 8438 S33 697-014 2880 334 699-538 0345 Mfl 702-063 0793 556 704-589 4186 557 707-117 0485 an 709-645 9052 712-176 1649 540 714-707 6438 341 717-2103982 341 719-774 4243 343 722-309 7184 944 724-846 2768 146 727-384 0959 346 729-923 1720 347 732-463 5015 348 735-005 0807 349 737-547 9062 350 740091 9742 n log[n 351 742-637 2813 352 745-183 8240 353 747-731 5987 354 750-280 6020 355 752-830 8303 S56 755-382 2803 357 757-934 9485 358 760-488 8310 359 763-043 9260 360 765-600 2285 361 768-157 7357 362 770-716 4443 363 773-276 3509 364 775-837 4523 365 778-399 7452 366 780-963 2262 367 783-627 8923 368 786-093 7401 369 788-660 7665 370 791-2289682 371 793-798 3421 372 796-368 8851 373 798-940 5939 374 801-513 4655 S75 804O87 4868 376 806-662 6846 377 809-239 0200 378 811-8165178 379 814-395 1670 380 816-974 9406 381 819-555 8655 382 822-137 9289 SU 824-721 1277 384 827-305 4589 385 829-890 9190 386 832-477 5069 387 835-065 2179 388 837-654 0496 389 840-243 9992 390 842-835 0638 391 845-427 2406 39J 848-020 5267 393 850-614 9192 394 853-210 4154 395 855-807 0125 396 858-404 7077 397 861-003 4982 398 863-603 3813 898 806-204 3542 400 868-806 4142 • log[n 401 871-409 5586 402 874-013 7846 403 870-019 0890 404 879-225 4710 405 881-832 9200 406 884-441 4521 407 887-051 0465 408 889-601 7066 409 892-273 4300 410 894-886 2138 411 897-500 0556 412 900-114 9528 413 902-730 9029 414 905-347 9032 415 907-965 9513 416 910-586 0447 417 913-205 1807 418 915-826 3570 419 918-448 5710 420 921-071 8203 421 923-696 1024 -}--• 926-321 4149 •','•• 928-947 7552 m 931-575 1211 425 934-203 5100 426 936-832 9196 427 939-403 3475 428 942-094 7913 429 944-727 2486 430 947-360 7170 431 949-995 1943 432 952-630 6780 433 955-267 1659 4*4 957-904 6557 435 960-543 1449 436 963-182 6314 437 905-823 1128 438 968-464 6869 439 971-107 0515 440 973-750 5041 441 976-394 9427 ',',.' 979-040 3650 443 981-686 7087 444 984-334 1517 445 986-9825117 446 989-631 8460 447 992-282 1541 448 994-933 4321 449 997-585 6784 450 1000-238 8910 n log [n 451 1002-893 0675 452 1005-548 2059 453 1008-204 3041 454 1010-861 3600 455 1013-519 3714 456 1016-178 3362 457 1018-838 2524 458 1021-499 1179 459 1024-160 9306 460 1026-823 6884 461 1029-487 3893 462 1032-162 0313 463 1034-817 6123 464 1037-484 1303 465 1040-151 5832 466 1042-819 9092 467 1045-489 2860 468 1048-159 5319 469 1050-830 7047 470 1053-502 8026 471 1056-175 8235 7/.V 1058-849 7655 473 1061-5240266 474 1064-200 4050 475 1066-877 0986 476 1069-554 7056 477 1072-233 2239 478 1074-912 6518 479 1077-592 9873 480 1080-274 2286 481 1082-956 3737 482 1085-639 4207 483 1088-323 3678 484 1091-008 2132 485 1093-693 9549 486 1096-380 5912 487 1099-068 1202 488 1101-7565400 489 1 104-445 8488 490 1107-1360449 491 1109-827 1264 493 1112-5190915 493 1115-211 9384 494 1117-905 0654 495 1120'000 2706 496 1123-2957523 497 1125-992 1086 498 1128-689 3380 499 1131-387 4385 500 1134-086 4085 13—2 100 601—750 Tables for Statisticians ami Biometricians Table of log \n from n = 1 to n = 1000. n Mfc. 50* 505 504 606 1136-7862463 1139-4869500 1142-1886180 1144-8909485 1147-594 2399 606 507 608 609 510 1150-298 3904 1153-0038984 1155-7092621 1168-4159798 1161-1235500 577 57* 575 574 575 1163-8319709 1166-641 2409 1169-261 3583 1171-9623214 1174-674 1286 576 577 518 519 5*0 1177-386 7783 1180-1002088 1182-8145986 1186-529 7660 1188-245 7693 5*7 5** 5*5 5*4 5*5 1190-962 6070 1193-6802775 1196-398 7792 1199-118 1105 1201-838 2698 5*6 5*7 5S8 5*9 550 1204-559 2556 1207-2810662 1210-0037001 1212-727 1558 1215-451 4316 557 55* 555 554 555 1218-176 5262 1220-902 4378 1223-629 1660 1226-356 7063 1229-085 0600 • 557 • •• 559 540 1231-8142248 1234-544 1991 1237-2749814 1240-006 5702 1242-738 9639 547 I ; ."•• 54* 545 1245-472 1612 1248-208 1005 1250-940 9603 1253-676 6592 1256-412 9557 546 • 1259-150 1483 1261 1264-626 9162 1267 -306 1270 • *t 557 1272-848 0029 . 1276-6899419 555 1278-332 6671 554 1281-076 1768 £55 1283-820 4698 556 1286-665 5446 557 1289-311 3998 55« 1292-058 0340 559 1294-805 4458 560 1297-553 6338 567 1300-302 5967 56* 1303-052 3330 565 1305-802 8414 564 1308-554 1205 565 1311-306 1690 566 1314-058 9864 567 1316-812 5684 56S 1319-566 9168 569 11522-322 0290 570 1325-077 9039 577 1327-8346400 57* 1330-591 9360 575 1333-350 0907 574 1336-1090026 575 1338-868 6704 576 1341-6290929 577 1344-390 2687 57S 1347-152 1965 579 1349-914 8751 5SO 1362-678 3031 581 1355-442 4792 58S 1358-207 4022 583 1360-973 0708 584 1363-739 4836 585 1366-506 U395 at 1369-274 5371 r,87 1372-043 1752 588 1374-812 5525 589 1377-582 6678 590 1380-353 5198 591 1383-125 1073 M 1385-897 4-290 595 1388-670 4837 594 1391-444 2702 595 1394-218 7871 596 1396-994 0334 597 1399-770 0077 59« 1402-5467089 599 1405-321 13.-.7 600 1408-102 2870 n !•«[• 601 60* 605 604 605 1410-881 1614 1413-660 7679 1416-441 0752 1419-222 1122 1422-0038676 606 607 60S 609 610 1424-786 3402 1427-569 6289 1430-353 4324 1433-138 0497 1435-923 3796 611 61 S 613 614 616 1438-709 4208 1441-496 1722 1444-283 6327 1447-071 8011 1449-860 6762 616 617 618 619 620 1452-650 2569 1455-440 6420 1458-231 5305 1461-0232212 1463-815 6129 6S1 6SS ess 6S4 ess 1466-608 7046 1469-402 4948 1472-196 9829 1474-992 1675 1477-788 0475 6S6 6S8 6*9 650 1480-584 6218 1483-381 8894 1486-179 8490 1488-978 4997 1491-7778402 631 633 633 634 636 1494-577 8696 1497-378 6866 1500-179 9904 1502-982 0796 1505-784 8633 636 637 638 639 640 1508-588 3105 1611-392 4499 1514-197 270(1 1617-002 7714 1519-808 9514 641 642 643 '• ; > 1622-615 8094 1526-4233445 1528-231 B lf.31-0404413 1533-8500010 646 (147 1:48 <;.& U50 1536-660 2335 1539-471 1378 1542-282 7128 1M.V0949575 1647-907 8709 ft log^ 65; 65* 653 654 655 1650-721 4519 1553-530 6995 155IJ-3506126 1659-166 1904 1661-982 4317 656 657 658 659 660 1564-799 3355 1567-6169009 I.-.TII-I.T, 1268 K>73-2r>l U122 1576-073 6561 661 M) 665 664 665 1578-893 7676 1681-7146156 K.M-536 12!ll 1587-3582972 1590-181 1188 666 667 668 669 670 1593-004 5931 1595-828 7189 1698-653 4954 1601-4789215 1604-3049963 671 67S 673 674 675 1607-131 7188 1609-959 0881 Hi 12 -787 1031 1015-615 7630 1618-446 0668 676 677 678 679 680 1621-2750135 1624-105 6022 1626-936 8319 1629-768 7016 1632-601 2106 681 682 888 984 685 1635-434 3577 1638-268 1420 1641-1025627 1643-937 6189 1646-773 3094 686 687 690 1649-609 6335 1652-446 5903 1655-284 1787 1658-122 3979 1660-961 2470 891 694 695 1663-800 7251 1666-6408312 1669-481 5644 Hi72-:i22 9239 1675-164 9087 696 697 898 699 700 1678-007 5179 1680-850 7507 1683-694 6061 1686 639 0833 1689-384 1813 n log|n 701 1692-i'J'.' TO* 1695-076 2365 r- 7*0 1746-415 1769 721 1749-273 1122 ?..'.' 1752-131 6494 1 7: VI "990 7877 17:.7 -850 5262 7»S 1760-710 8642 1703-.VT1 8009 l7ili;-4333353 ; tt 1769-295 4667 7 .'!> 1772-158 1942 730 1775-021 5170 7S1 1777-885 4344 75* 1780-749 9455 755 1783-6150495 754 1786-480 7465 755 1789-347 0329 756 1792-213 9107 757 I7H.VOM1 3782 75S 1797-9494345 759 1800-8180790 740 1SU3-6S7 3107 741 1806-657 1289 742 IN ill -427 5328 743 IM 2-298 5216 744 1 N15- 17(1 0946 745 1818-042 2508 746 I*.1' I -9 14 9897 747 lh2.T7*s 3103 748 1826-662 2119 749 l-2'.l -536 6937 '.v.:.V277 9863 l'JOS-179 4440 1971-081 4475 l:»7:: :IH:>, 9943 1970-887 0842 n log [n_ 801 802 803 804 805 1979-790 7168 1982-6948911 1985-5996067 1988-504 8627 1991-4106586 806 801 808 808 810 1994-316 9936 1997-2238672 2000-131 2785 2003-039 2271 2005-947 7121 811 812 813 814 815 2008-856 7329 2011-7662890 2014-676 3795 2017-5870039 2020-498 1615 816 817 818 819 8*0 2023-409 8517 2026-322 0737 2029-234 8270 2032-148 1109 2035-061 9248 821 822 823 824 825 2037-976 2679 2040-891 1398 2043-806 5396 2046-722 4«OS 2049-638 9208 826 827 *tt 829 830 2052-555 9008 2055-473 4063 2058-391 4367 2061-3099912 2064-229 0693 831 88* 833 834 835 2067-148 6703 2070-068 7936 2072-989 4386 2075-9106047 2078-832 2912 836 887 888 8S9 840 2081 -754 4974 2084-677 2229 2087-6004669 2090-524 2289 2093-448 5082 841 * y - 843 844 845 2096-373 3042 2099-298 6162 2102-224 4438 2105-160 7863 2108-077 6430 846 847 848 849 850 - 2111-0050133 2113-932 8967 2116-861 2926 21 19-790 2U03 2122-7196192 n log [n_ 851 2125-649 5488 852 2128-5799884 853 2131-5109374 854 2134-4423953 855 2137-3743614 856 2140-306 8352 857 2143-239 8160 858 2146-173 3033 859 2149-107 2964 860 2152-041 7949 861 2154-976 7980 86* 2157-9123053 86S 2160-848 3161 864 2163-784 8298 865 2166-721 8459 866 2169-659 3638 867 2172-597 3829 868 2175-535 9027 869 2178-474 9224 870 2181-4144417 871 2184-354 4598 872 2187-294 9763 879 2190-235 9906 874 2193-177 5020 875 2196-1195101 876 2199-0620142 877 2202-005 0138 878 2204-948 5083 879 2207-892 4971 880 2210-836 9798 881 2213-781 9557 882 2216-727 4243 883 2219-673 3850 884 2222-619 8373 885 2225-566 7805 886 2228-514 2143 887 2231-462 1379 888 2234-410 5509 889 2237-359 4526 890 2240-308 8426 891 2243-258 7203 892 2246-209 0852 893 2249-159 9366 894 2252-111 2742 895 2255-063 0972 896 2258-015 4052 897 2260-968 1976 898 2263-921 4740 899 2266-875 2337 900 2269-829 4762 n log jit 901 902 90S 904 905 2272-784 2010 2275-739 4075 2278-695 0953 2281-651 2637 2284-607 9123 906 907 908 909 910 2287-565 0405 2290-522 6478 2293-480 7336 2296-439 2975 2299-398 3389 911 912 913 914 915 2302-357 8573 2305-317 8521 2308-278 3229 2311-2392691 2314-200 6902 916 917 918 919 920 2317-162 5856 2320-124 9550 2323-087 7977 2326-051 1132 2329-014 9010 921 922 923 924 925 2331-979 1606 2334-943 8915 2337-909 0932 2340-874 7652 2343-840 9069 926 927 918 929 930 2346-807 5179 2349-774 6977 2352-742 145G 2355-710 1614 2358-678 6443 931 932 933 934 935 2361-647 5940 2364-617 0099 2367-5868915 2370-557 2384 2373-528 0500 936 937 938 939 940 2376-499 3259 2379-471 0655 2382-443 2683 2385-415 9339 2388-3890618 941 942 943 944 945 2391-3626514 2394-336 7023 2397-311 2140 2400-286 18CO 2403-261 6178 946 947 948 949 950 2406-237 5089 2409-213 8589 2412-190 6672 2415-167 9334 2418-145 6570 n log |n_ 951 2421 •123 8376 952 2424 •102 4745 953 2427 •081 5674 954 2430-061 1158 955 2433-041 1192 956 2436-021 5771 957 2439 •002 4890 958 2441 •983 8545 959 2444 •965 6731 960 2447 •947 9443 961 2450 •930 6677 962 2453-913 8428 963 2456 •897 4691 964 2459 •881 5461 965 2462 •866 0734 966 2465 •851 0506 967 2468-836 4770 968 2471 •822 3524 969 2474 •808 6762 970 2477 •795 4479 971 2480 •782 C671 972 2483 •770 3334 973 2486 •758 4462 974 2489 •747 0052 975 2492 •736 0098 976 2495 •725 4596 977 2498 •715 3542 978 2501 •705 6930 979 2504 •696 4757 980 2507 •687 7018 981 2510 679 3708 982 2513 •671 4823 983 2516 •664 0358 984 2519 •657 0309 985 2522 650 4672 986 2525 644 3441 987 2528 638 6612 988 2531 633 4182 989 2534 628 6145 990 2537 624 2497 991 2540 620 3233 992 2543 616 8350 993 2546 613 7842 994 2549 611 1706 995 2552 608 9937 996 2555 607 2530 997 2558 605 9482 998 2561 605 0787 999 2564 604 6442 1000 2507 004 6442 102 Table* for Statiatii-iaii* and TABLE L. Table of Fourth- Moments of Subgroup-Frequencies. Ordinate 2 — 11. Frequency 1 — 50. • x='.' * = 3 -r = 4 *=5 1 = 6 «=7 x=8 z=9 * = 11 n 1 16 81 •M 625 1296 2401 4096 6561 14641 1 t 32 162 512 1 2:.0 2592 4801 8192 13188 2lt:>2 t 3 48 243 708 1875 8888 7203 12288 19683 43923 3 4 64 324 1024 2500 6184 9604 16384 96844 66064 4 6 80 405 1280 3125 6480 12005 20480 32805 73205 5 6 96 488 1536 3750 7776 14406 24576 80666 87846 6 7 112 567 1 7H:! 4375 9072 16807 28672 45927 102487 7 8 128 648 2048 5000 10368 19208 32768 BM88 117128 t 9 144 2304 5625 11664 21609 36804 59049 131769 S 10 160 810 MOO 6250 12960 24010 40960 65610 146410 10 11 176 891 2816 6875 14256 26411 45056 72171 161051 11 It 192 972 3072 7500 15552 28812 49152 78732 175688 111 13 208 1053 3328 8125 16848 31213 53248 86983 190333 13 14 224 1134 3584 8750 18144 33614 57344 91854 2or.(71 14 15 240 1215 3840 9375 19440 36015 61440 98415 219615 15 16 256 1296 4086 10000 20736 38416 65536 104976 234256 16 \ 17 272 1377 4352 10625 29033 40817 60689 111537 148887 17 18 888 1458 4608 11250 23328 43218 73728 118088 263538 18 19. 304 1539 4864 11875 84624 45619 77884 124659 278179 19 n 320 1620 5120 12500 25920 48020 81920 131220 898680 to si 336 1701 5376 13126 27216 60421 88016 137781 307461 21 •-• 352 1782 5632 13750 88619 f.2H;>2 90112 144342 322102 £2 23 368 1863 5888 14375 89606 55223 94208 150903 336743 iS 24 384 1944 6144 15000 31104 57624 08904 157464 351384 *4 25 400 8086 6400 15025 32400 60086 102400 164025 366025 S5 se 416 2106 6656 16250 33696 62426 106496 170586 S80666 26 ft 432 2187 6912 16875 34992 64827 110592 177147 395307 ft 98 448 8966 7168 17500 36288 67228 114688 183708 409948 28 £9 464 2349 7424 18125 37584 69629 118784 190269 484688 u SO 480 2430 7680 18750 88880 72030 122880 196830 439230 SO 31 496 2511 7936 19375 40176 74431 120976 203391 453871 31 32 512 2592 8192 lit* KM) 41472 76832 131072 209952 468512 38 33 528 2673 Mis 20625 42768 79233 135168 216513 483153 33 34 544 2754 8704 21250 44064 81634 139264 223074 497794 34 35 560 2835 8960 21876 45360 84035 143360 229635 512435 35 36 576 2916 9216 22500 46606 86436 147456 236196 527076 36 37 592 2997 9472 23125 47952 88837 151552 242757 641717 37 38 608 3078 9728 23750 49248 91238 155648 249318 556358 38 39 624 3159 9984 24375 50544 93639 169744 255879 570999 39 40 640 3240 10240 26000 51840 96040 163840 262440 685640 40 41 656 3321 10496 25625 53136 98441 167936 868001 800181 41 49 072 3402 10752 86860 54432 100842 172032 275562 614922 4* 43 888 3483 11008 26875 55728 103243 176188 888183 688668 43 44 704 3564 11264 27500 67024 105644 180224 188684 011201 44 45 720 3645 11520 28125 58320 108045 184320 2!i:>2 15 Ui-.ss 1:. 45 46 736 3726 11776 28750 69616 110446 188416 301806 673486 4* 47 762 3807 12032 29375 60912 112847 192512 308367 688127 47 48 768 8888 12288 30000 62208 115248 196608 3ll!»2S 702768 48 49 784 8868 12544 aoett 63504 117649 200704 321489 717409 49 50 800 MM 12800 31250 64800 120050 204800 328050 732060 50 i Verification of the Fourth Moment 103 TABLE If— (continued). Ordinate 12 — 19. Frequency 1 — 50. n ar=12 * = 13 i=14 ar=15 x=ie z = 17 2 = 18 i = 19 n 1 20736 28561 38416 50625 65536 83521 104976 130321 1 2 41472 57122 76832 101250 131072 167042 209952 260642 2 S 62208 85683 115248 151875 196608 250563 314928 390963 S 4 82944 114244 153664 202500 262144 334084 419904 521284 4 5 103680 142805 192080 253125 327680 417605 624880 651605 5 6 124416 171366 230496 303750 393216 501126 629856 781926 6 7 145152 199927 26S912 354375 458752 584647 734832 912247 7 8 100888 228488 307328 405000 524288 668168 839808 1042568 8 9 186624 257049 345744 455625 589824 751639 944784 1172889 9 10 207360 285610 384160 506250 655360 835210 1049760 1303210 10 11 228096 314171 422576 556875 720896 918731 1154736 1433531 11 12 248832 342732 460992 607500 786432 1002252 1259712 1563852 12 IS 269568 371293 499408 658125 851968 1085773 1364688 1694173 IS U 290304 399854 537824 708750 917504 1169294 1469664 1824494 14 IS 311040 428415 576240 759375 983040 1252815 1574640 1954815 15 16 331776 456976 614656 810000 1048576 1336336 1679616 2085136 16 17 352512 485537 653072 860625 1114112 1419857 1784592 2215457 17 18 373248 514098 691488 911250 1179648 1503373 1889568 2345778 18 19 393984 542659 729904 961875 1245184 1586899 1994544 2476099 19 n 414720 571220 768320 1012500 1310720 1670420 2099520 2606420 20 21 43.->456 599781 806736 1063125 1376256 1753941 2204496 2736741 21 n 4561!t2 628342 845152 1113750 1441792 1837462 2309472 2867062 22 ,'.>• 476928 656903 883568 1164375 1507328 1920983 2414448 2997383 23 24 4970 U 685464 921984 1215000 1572864 2004504 2519424 3127704 24 25 518400 714025 960400 1265625 1638400 2088025 2624400 3258025 25 ft 539136 742586 998816 1316250 1703936 2171646 2729376 3388346 26 27 559872 771147 1037232 1366875 1769472 2255067 2834352 3518667 27 28 580608 799708 1075648 1417500 1835008 2338588 2939328 3648988 28 29 601344 828269 1114064 1468125 1900544 L'122109 3044304 3779309 20 SO 622080 856830 1152480 1518750 1966080 2505630 3149280 3909630 SO SI 642816 885391 1190896 1569375 2031616 2589151 3254256 4039951 SI S2 663052 913952 1229312 1620000 2097152 2672672 3359232 4170272 S2 S3 684288 942513 1267728 1670625 2162688 2756193 3464208 4300593 S3 34 705024 971074 1306144 1721250 2228224 2839714 3569184 4430914 34 35 725760 999635 1344560 1771875 2293760 2923235 3674160 4561235 35 36 746496 1028196 1382976 1822500 2359296 3006756 3779136 4691556 SO 37 767232 1056757 1421392 1873125 2424832 3090277 3884112 4821877 37 38 787968 1085318 1459808 1923750 2490368 317::798 3989088 4952198 38 39 808704 1113879 1498224 1974375 2555904 3257319 4094064 5082519 39 40 829440 1142440 1536640 20250'W 2621440 3340840 4199040 5212840 40 41 850176 1171001 1575056 207f>>;.'.-> 2686976 3424361 4304016 5343161 41 42 870912 1199562 1613472 2126250 2752:>12 3507882 4408992 5473482 4% 43 891648 1228123 1651888 2176875 2818048 3591403 4513968 5603803 43 U 912384 1256684 1680804 2227500 2883584 3674924 4618944 5734124 44 45 933120 1285245 1728720 2278125 2949120 3758445 4723920 5864445 45 46 953856 1313806 1767136 2328750 3014656 3841966 4828896 5994766 46 47 974592 1342367 1805552 2379376 3080192 3925487 4933872 6125087 47 48 995328 1370928 1843968 2430000 3145728 4009008 5038848 6255408 48 49 1016064 1399489 18823S1 2480625 3211264 4092529 5143824 6385729 49 60 1036800 1428050 1920800 2531250 3276800 4176050 5248800 6516050 50 104 Tables for Statisticians aiul Jiionietricians TABLE L— (continued). Ordinnte 2—11. Frequency 51—100. i=6 2 = 6 x = 7 « = 8 *=9 x = ll 61 816 4131 13056 31875 880M 122451 208896 334611 746691 51 ••: m 4212 13312 32500 67392 184801 212992 341172 761332 5S 53 848 4293 13568 33125 88888 127253 217088 347733 775973 53 •*4 864 4374 13824 33750 88084 180664 221184 354294 790614 54 55 880 4455 14060 34375 71280 132055 225280 360855 805255 65 56 BM IBM 14336 86000 72576 131151! 229376 367416 819896 66 912 4617 14092 35625 73872 136857 233472 373977 834537 57 58 928 UM 14848 86860 75168 139258 237568 380538 849178 58 59 944 4771) 15104 36875 76464 141659 841664 387099 863819 59 60 960 4860 15360 37500 77760 144060 840780 393660 878460 60 61 976 4941 15616 38125 79056 146461 249856 400221 893101 61 6g 992 sou 15872 88700 80352 148868 853952 406782 907742 6S 63 1008 5103 16123 39375 81648 151263 258048 413343 922383 63 64 1024 5184 16384 40000 82944 153664 262144 419904 937024 64 65 1040 5265 16640 40625 84240 166060 266240 426465 951665 65 66 1056 5346 16896 41250 85536 158466 270336 433026 966306 66 67 1072 6427 17152 41875 86832 160867 274432 439587 980947 67 68 [086 17408 42500 88128 lt!32(W :!7S5:>s 446148 995588 68 69 1104 5680 17664 43125 89424 Ifi5ti(i!) '2W>-2\ 452709 1010229 69 70 1120 5670 17920 43750 90720 168070 286720 459270 1024870 70 71 1136 5751 18176 44375 92016 170471 290816 4IJ5SJ1 1039511 71 7g 1152 5832 18432 45000 93312 172872 294912 472392 1054152 7S 73 1168 5913 18888 45625 94608 175273 880008 478953 1068793 73 74 1184 5994 18944 46250 95904 177674 303104 485514 1083434 74 75 1200 6075 18900 46875 97200 180075 307200 492075 1096075 75 76 1216 6156 19468 47500 98496 182476 311296 498636 1112716 76 77 1232 6237 19712 48125 99792 184877 315392 505197 1127357 77 78 IMS 6318 18088 48750 101088 187278 319488 511758 1141998 78 7.9 1264 8300 20224 49375 102384 189679 323584 518319 1156639 79 80 1280 6480 10480 50000 103680 192080 327680 684880 1171280 80 81 1296 6561 20736 5UW5 104976 194481 331776 531441 1185921 81 83 1312 6642 20992 51250 106272 19f!S82 335872 538002 1200562 u 8S 1328 6723 21248 51875 107568 199283 3.-WWS 544563 1215203 83 84 1344 6*il.| 21504 52500 108864 201684 344064 551124 1238844 84 86 1360 6886 21760 53125 110160 204085 348160 557686 1244485 85 86 1376 6088 22016 53750 111456 206486 352256 564246 1259126 86 87 1392 7047 22272 54375 112752 L'llSSH/ 356302 570807 1273767 87 88 i KM 7128 88088 55000 114048 211288 360448 677368 1288408 88 89 1424 7209 88784 55625 115344 213689 364544 583929 1303049 89 90 1440 7290 23D40 56250 116640 216090 368640 590490 1317690 90 91 1456 7371 18806 56870 117936 218491 372736 597051 1332331 91 M 1472 7462 23552 57500 119232 220892 376832 603612 1346972 .".' 93 1 !.-s 7533 23808 58125 120528 223293 SSOill'S C10173 1361613 93 94 1504 7614 24064 58750 121824 880894 3*50- 1 616734 1376254 94 95 1520 TOM 24320 59375 123120 888008 389120 623295 1390895 95 96 1536 7776 24576 80000 12441G 230496 393216 888608 1405536 96 97 1552 7857 24832 00080 125712 232897 397312 636417 1420177 :>, 98 1568 7988 16068 61250 127008 886886 401408 848078 1434818 98 1584 8019 25344 81870 128304 237699 (06004 649539 1449459 99 100 MOO 8100 25600 62500 129600 240100 409600 656100 1464100 100 Verification of the Fourth Moment 105 TABLE L— (continued). Ordinate 12—19. Frequency 51 — 100. n 1 = 12 1 = 13 x=U *=15 * = 16 *=17 x=18 *=19 n SI 1057536 1456611 1959216 2581875 3342336 4259571 5353776 6646371 51 52 1078272 1485172 1997632 2632500 3407872 4343092 5458752 6776692 52 53 1099008 1513733 2036048 2683125 3473408 4426613 5563728 6907013 S3 54 1119744 1542294 2074464 2733750 3538944 4510134 5668704 7037334 54 55 1140480 1570855 2112880 2784375 3604480 4593655 5773680 7167655 55 56 1161216 1599416 2151296 2835000 3670016 4677176 5878656 7297976 56 57 1181952 1627977 2189712 2885625 3735552 4760697 5983632 7428297 57 58 1202688 1656538 2228128 2936250 3801088 4844218 6088608 7558618 58 59 1223424 1685099 226t>:> 1 l 2986875 3866624 4927739 6193584 7688939 59 60 1244160 1713660 2304900 3037500 3932160 5011260 6298560 7819260 60 61 1264896 1742221 2343376 3088125 3997696 5094781 6403536 7949581 61 62 1285632 1770782 2381792 3138750 4063232 5178302 6508512 8079902 62 63 1306368 1799343 2420208 3189375 4128768 5261823 6613488 8210223 63 64 1327104 1827904 2458624 3240000 4194304 5345344 6718464 8340544 64 65 1347840 1856465 2497040 3290625 4259840 5428865 6823440 8470865 65 66 1368576 1885026 2535456 3341250 4325376 6512386 6928416 8601186 66 67 1389312 1913587 2573872 3391875 4390912 5595907 7033392 8731507 67 68 1410048 1942148 2612288 3442500 4456448 6679428 7138368 8861828 68 69 1430784 1970709 2650704 3493125 4521984 5762949 7243344 8992149 69 70 1451520 1999270 2689120 3543750 4587520 5846470 7348320 9122470 70 71 1472256 2027831 2727536 3594375 4653056 5929991 7453296 9252791 71 72 1492992 2056392 2765952 3645000 4718592 6013512 7558272 9383112 72 73 1513728 2084953 2804368 3695625 4784128 6 >: 17033 7663248 9513433 73 74 1534464 2113514 2842784 3746250 4849664 6180554 7768224 9643754 74 75 1555200 2142075 2881200 3796875 4915200 6264075 7873200 9774075 75 711 1575936 2170636 2919616 3847500 4980736 6347596 7978176 9904396 76 77 1596672 2199197 2958032 389S125 5046272 6431117 8083152 10034717 77 78 1617408 2227758 2996448 3948750 5111808 6514638 8188128 10165038 78 70 1638144 2256319 3034864 3999375 5177344 6598159 8293104 10295359 79 80 1658880 2284880 3073280 4050000 5242880 6681680 8398080 10425680 80 81 1679616 2313441 3111696 4100625 5308416 6765201 8503056 10556001 81 82 1700352 2342002 3150112 4151250 5373952 6848722 8608032 10686322 82 83 1721088 2370563 3188528 4201875 5439488 6932243 8713008 10816643 83 84 1741824 2390124 ttMM4 4252500 5505024 7016764 8817984 10946964 84 85 1762560 2427685 •MDMO i:: 138672 256907 107 108 1728 8748 27648 67500 139968 259308 108 109 1744 Ban 27904 681.'.-. 141264 2(11709 109 110 1760 8910 28160 68750 142160 264110 no 111 1776 8991 28416 69375 143856 266511 in 113 1792 9072 28672 70000 145152 268912 11 .' 113 1808 9153 28928 70625 146448 271313 113 114 1824 9234 29184 71250 147744 273714 114 115 1840 9315 294 1 > 71875 149040 276115 115 116 1856 9396 29696 72500 150336 278516 116 117 1872 9477 29952 73125 151632 280917 117 118 1888 9558 30206 73750 152928 283318 118 119 1904 9639 304U4 74375 154224 285719 ll!t ISO 1920 9720 30720 75000 l.V.;>20 288120 UK Igl 1936 9801 30976 75625 156816 290521 1S1 Iti 1952 9882 31232 76250 158112 2H292S its 123 1968 raea 31488 76875 lf>9408 2:i:.323 1~'J 1S4 1984 10044 31744 77500 160704 21I7724 1-", IK 2000 10125 32000 78125 162000 300125 125 1 ."', 2016 10206 32256 78750 Ki3296 302526 1S6 1ST 2032 10287 32512 79375 101592 304927 vn its 2048 10368 32768 80000 165888 307328 uu 1 :•> 2064 10449 33024 80625 167184 309729 1S9 ISO 2080 10530 33280 81250 1^480 312130 ISO 131 MM 10611 33536 81875 169776 314531 131 /.;.' 2112 10692 33792 82500 171072 316932 138 133 2128 10773 34048 83125 172368 319333 133 134 2144 10854 34304 83750 173364 321734 134 /..'; 2160 10935 34560 8437.') 174960 32413.-, 135 136 2176 11016 34816 85000 1762.->« 326536 136 137 2192 11097 35072 Basse 177552 328937 137 138 2208 11178 35328 86250 178848 331338 us 139 HM 11269 35584 86875 180144 333739 139 l'i" 2240 11340 35840 87500 181440 336140 140 141 2256 114-J1 36096 88125 182736 338541 141 14S 2272 11502 36352 88750 184032 340942 149 143 Ugg 11583 36608 89375 185328 343343 143 144 2304 11664 36864 90000 186G24 345714 144 145 UK 11748 37120 90625 187920 348145 145 146 OK 11826 37376 91250 189216 350546 146 147 uu 11907 37632 91875 1905 12 3521)17 147 148 068 11988 37888 92500 11)1808 355348 148 149 12069 38144 93125 I!i3104 357719 149 160 MOO 12150 38400 93750 194400 •150 150 Verification of the Fourth Moment 107 TABLE L— (continued). Ordinate 8—14. Frequency 101—150. • x=8 1 = 9 x=ll x = 12 * = 13 1 = 14 n 101 413696 662661 1478741 2094336 2884661 3880016 101 102 417792 669222 1493382 2115072 2913222 3918432 103 103 421888 675783 1508023 2135808 2941783 3956848 103 104 425984 682344 ir, 2 2664 2156544 2970344 3995264 104 105 430080 688905 1537305 2177280 2998905 4033680 105 106 434176 695466 1551946 2198016 3027466 4072096 106 107 438272 702027 156G587 2218752 3056027 4110512 107 108 442368 708588 1581228 2239488 3084588 4148928 108 109 446464 715149 1595869 2260224 3113149 4187344 109 110 450560 721710 1610510 2280960 3141710 4225760 110 111 454656 728271 1G25151 2301696 3170271 4264176 111 112 458752 734832 1639792 2322432 3198832 4302592 113 113 462848 741393 1G54433 2:; 13168 3227393 4341008 lid 114 466944 7479M 1669074 2363904 3255954 4379424 114 115 471040 7:.4515 1683715 2384640 3284515 4417840 115 116 475136 761076 1698356 2405376 3313076 4456256 11G 117 479232 767637 1712997 2426112 3341637 4494672 117 118 483328 774198 1727638 2446848 3370198 4533088 118 119 487424 780759 1742279 2467584 3398759 4571504 119 120 491520 787320 1756920 2488320 3427320 4609920 no in 495616 793881 1771561 2509056 3455881 4648336 121 122 499712 800442 1786202 2529792 3484442 4686752 122 zts 503808 807003 1800843 2550528 3513003 4725168 123 1X4 607904 813564 1815484 2571264 3541664 4763584 124 1S5 512000 820125 1830125 2592000 3570125 4802000 125 126 616096 826686 1844766 2612736 3598686 4840416 126 1X7 520192 833247 1859407 2633472 3627247 4878832 127 1X8 524288 839808 1874048 2G54208 3655808 4917248 128 129 528384 846369 1888688 2674944 3684369 4955664 129 ISO 532480 852930 1903330 2t;:i:,680 3712930 4994080 ISO 1S1 536576 85911)1 1JJ17971 2716416 3741491 6032496 131 1S2 540672 860052 1932G12 2737152 3770052 6070912 tat 1SS 544768 872613 1947253 2757888 3798613 5109328 133 134 548864 879174 1961894 2778624 3827174 5147744 134 135 552960 885735 1976535 2799360 3855735 6186160 135 136 557056 892296 1991176 2820096 3884296 6224576 136 137 561152 898857 2005817 2840832 3912857 5262992 137 138 565248 905418 2020458 2861568 3941418 6301408 138 139 569344 911979 2035099 2882304 3969979 5339824 139 140 573440 918540 2049740 2903040 3998540 5378240 140 141 577536 92.-.101 2064381 2923776 4027101 6416656 141 142 581632 931W2 2079022 2944512 4055662 6455072 142 143 585728 9382-23 :;ii63 2965248 4084223 6493488 143 w 589824 944784 2108304 2985984 4112784 5531904 144 145 593920 951345 21221145 3006720 4141345 5570320 145 146 598016 067906 2137586 3027456 4169906 5608736 146 147 602112 D6M07 2152227 3048192 4198467 6647152 147 148 606208 97102-s 2166868 3068928 4227028 5685568 148 149 610304 977589 2181509 3089664 4255589 5723984 149 ISO 614401) 984150 2196150 3110400 4284150 6762400 150 14—2 108 Tables J'oi- Statisticians and TAHLE L— (continued). Ordinate 2—12. Frequency 151—200. * x = a x-8 * = 4 «=6 x = 0 i=7 1 = 8 «»9 j- 11 1=12 N 161 2416 12231 M006 94376 195696 362551 618496 990711 2210791 3131136 161 15t I ; :_• 12312 ism 86000 1808M 864969 622592 997272 2225432 3151.S72 if, : 163 2448 12393 39168 95625 196886 367353 686688 1003833 2240073 3172608 /.•-,.; 164 £464 12474 39424 86880 188684 369754 630784 1010394 2254714 3193344 154 166 1480 L8BM 89680 80876 •00680 37:2155 684880 1016955 22693:.:. 3214080 165 166 L 180 LMtt 39936 87600 202176 374556 638976 1023516 2283996 3234816 15ti 167 2512 12717 40192 98125 203472 376957 643072 1030077 2298637 3255552 157 1 MM 12798 40448 98750 204768 379358 647168 1036638 2313278 3276288 158 159 2544 12879 40704 99376 206064 381769 651264 104311)11 2327919 3297024 15U 160 2560 1-2960 10860 LOOOOO 207360 384160 655360 1049760 2342560 3317760 160 161 1876 13041 41216 100625 908666 886661 659456 1056321 2357201 3338496 mi 2592 13122 41472 101250 U98M 888968 663552 1062882 2371842 3359232 16S Moe 13203 41728 101875 211248 391363 667648 1069443 2386483 3379968 1G3 164 2624 13284 41984 102500 212544 393764 671744 1076004 2401124 3400704 164 165 M80 13365 42240 103125 213840 396165 675840 1082565 2415765 3421440 tu 166 2656 13446 42496 103750 216136 888660 679936 1089126 2430406 3442176 190 167 2672 13527 42752 104375 216432 400967 684039 1095687 2445047 3462912 i6r 168 M86 LM06 43006 105000 217728 403368 088188 1102248 2459688 3483648 168 169 2704 13G89 43:264 105625 219024 405769 692224 1108809 2474329 3504384 teg 170 2720 13770 43520 106250 220320 408170 <;w32u 1115370 2488970 3525120 170 171 2736 13851 43776 106875 221616 410571 700416 1121931 2503611 3546866 171 17S 2752 13932 44032 107500 222912 412972 7046U 1128492 2518252 3566592 ns 17S 2768 14013 44288 108186 224208 415373 708608 1135053 2532893 3587328 173 174 2784 14094 44544 108750 225504 417774 712704 1141614 2547534 3608064 174 175 1800 14175 44800 109376 22IJHK) 420175 716800 1148175 2562175 3628800 175 176 2816 14256 45056 110000 228096 422.-.7G 720896 1154736 2576816 3649536 176 177 2832 14337 45312 110625 229392 4:! 11177 724992 1161297 2591457 3670272 177 178 2848 14418 45568 111250 830688 427378 729088 1167858 260* ; 3691008 178 179 2864 14499 45824 111875 231984 429779 733184 1174419 2620731* 3711744 179 180 1880 14580 46080 112500 838880 432180 737280 1180980 2635380 3732480 ISO 181 2896 14661 40386 113125 234576 434581 741376 1187541 2650021 3753216 181 18S 2912 14742 46592 113750 235872 436982 745472 1194102 2664662 3773952 189 183 2928 14823 40848 114375 237168 439383 749568 1200663 2679303 371*4688 18S 184 2944 14904 47104 115000 238464 441784 753664 1207224 2<;i (31)44 3815424 184 185 HMO 14985 47360 115625 239760 444186 757760 1213785 2708585 3836160 186 186 2976 16060 47616 116250 241056 446586 761856 1220346 272322C. 3856896 18ti 187 torn 15147 47872 116875 242352 448987 765952 1226907 2737867 3877632 187 188 3008 15228 48128 117500 243648 451388 770048 1233468 2762508 3898368 188 189 3024 15309 48384 118125 244944 453789 774144 1240029 2767149 3919104 189 190 :; •;T:».-> 10980 121875 252720 468195 798720 1279395 2851 4043520 195 190 3136 15876 50176 122500 254016 470596 802816 1286956 2869636 4064266 196 197 3152 15957 50432 123125 255312 472997 806912 1292517 2884277 4084992 197 198 3168 16 08 B0688 123750 866606 475398 811608 1299078 2898918 4105728 198 199 3184 16119 50944 188376 257904 477799 816104 1305639 2913559 41264114 199 too 3200 16200 51200 125000 U0800 480200 819200 1312200 2928200 4147200 200 Verification of the Fourth Moment 109 TABLE L— (continued). Ordinate 2—11. Frequency 201—250. N *=2 x = 3 2=4 z = 5 1=6 x = 7 *=8 z=9 i=U n SOI 3216 16281 51456 125625 260496 482601 823296 1318761 2942841 SOI 202 3232 16362 51712 126250 261792 485002 827392 1325322 2957482 SOS too 3248 16443 51968 126875 263088 487403 831488 1331883 2972123 203 204 3264 16524 5^224 127500 264384 489804 835584 1338444 2986764 204 205 3280 16605 52480 128125 265680 492205 839680 1345005 3001405 205 206 3296 10888 52736 128750 266976 494606 843776 1351566 3016046 206 ,:nr 3312 16767 52992 129375 268272 497007 847872 1358127 3030687 207 808 3328 16848 53248 130000 269568 499408 851968 1364688 3045328 208 209 3344 16929 53.-.04 130625 270864 501809 856064 1371249 3059969 209 210 3360 17010 53760 131250 272160 504210 860160 1377810 3074610 210 Ul 3376 17091 54016 131875 273456 506611 864256 1384371 3089251 211 212 3392 17172 54272 132500 274752 509012 868352 1390932 3103892 212 SIS 3408 17253 54528 133125 276048 511413 872448 1397493 3118533 213 • 14 3424 17334 54784 133750 877344 513814 876544 1404054 3133174 214 215 3440 17415 55040 134375 878840 516215 880640 1410615 3147815 215 316 3456 17496 66898 135000 279936 518616 884736 1417176 3162456 •JIG 217 3472 17577 65552 135625 281232 621017 888832 1423737 3177097 217 S18 M86 17658 55808 136250 282528 523418 892928 1430298 3191738 218 S19 3504 17739 66084 136875 283824 525819 897024 1436859 3206379 219 .'.'ii 3680 17820 56320 137500 285120 628890 901120 1443420 3221020 220 .-.'/ 3536 17901 56576 138125 286416 5:i(X!21 905216 1449981 3235661 221 .'.'.' 3552 17982 66889 138750 287712 533022 909312 1456542 3250302 222 2SS 3568 18063 57088 139375 289008 635423 913408 1463103 3264943 22S 824 3584 18144 57344 140000 290304 537824 917504 1469664 3279584 224 225 3600 18225 57600 140625 291600 540225 921600 1476225 3294225 225 S26 8616 18306 57856 141250 292896 542626 925696 1482786 3308866 226 227 3032 18387 58112 141875 294192 545027 929792 1489347 3323507 22"? m 3648 18468 68888 142500 295488 647428 933888 1495908 3338148 228 3664 18549 58624 143125 296784 549829 937984 1502469 3352789 229 2SO 8880 18630 68880 143750 898080 552230 942080 1509030 3367430 230 .'.11 3696 18711 59136 144375 299376 654631 946176 1515591 3382071 231 232 3712 18792 59392 I 16000 300672 557032 950272 1522152 3396712 232 2SS 3728 18873 59648 145625 301968 559433 954368 1528713 3411353 2SS 234 3744 18954 59904 1 |i^.-,M 303264 561834 958464 1535274 3425994 234 ^S5 3760 19035 80160 140875 304560 564235 962560 1541835 3440635 S.'SB i.'S6 3776 19116 60416 147500 305856 566636 966656 1648396 3455276 236 SS7 3792 19147 80678 148125 307152 569037 970752 1554957 3469917 237 238 3808 19278 60998 148750 308448 571438 974848 1561518 3484558 238 2S9 3824 19359 61184 149375 309744 573839 978944 1568079 3499199 239 S40 3840 19440 61440 150000 311040 576240 983040 1574640 3613840 240 241 3856 19521 61698 150625 312336 578641 987136 1681201 3528481 241 24% 3872 1980S 61952 151250 313632 581042 991232 1587762 3543122 242 n> 8888 19888 C2208 151875 314928 583443 995328 1594323 3557763 24ft •44 3904 19764 | 6L'l*;i 152500 316224 585844 999424 1600884 3572404 244 -",- 8990 19845 62720 163186 317520 588245 1003520 1607445 3587045 245 240 3936 19926 68978 153750 318816 590646 1007616 1614006 3601686 246 247 3952 20007 l— 300. • *-a * = 3 x-4 * = 5 1 = 6 * = 7 .r = 8 x = y • SSI 4016 20331 64256 166875 M6896 602651 1028096 1646811 SSI S5S 20412 64512 157500 326592 605052 10321!*2 L658378 1048 20493 64768 158125 887888 607453 1036288 1659933 ess • •; 4064 80674 86084 158750 329184 000664 1040384 1666494 K4 K6 4030 80666 60880 I.VI375 330480 012255 1044480 1673065 tss 4096 10786 66686 16UOOO 331776 014656 1048576 1679616 KM .••: 4112 20817 66789 160625 333073 617057 1052672 1686177 SS7 £58 4128 10896 86048 161250 331308 619458 1056768 1692738 858 £59 4144 20979 60304 161875 335664 621859 1060864 1699299 K'J M0 4160 21060 66600 162500 330960 OJ1200 1064960 1705860 SOU MI 4170 21141 66816 Hi3l2.-i 338256 626661 1069056 1712421 Ml «6* 4192 21222 67072 163750 339552 (i2!«l02 1073152 1718982 565 4208 21303 67328 10137:. 840648 631463 1077248 I7^.v.«3 g&i 4224 21384 67584 165000 342144 633864 1081344 1732104 £64 M0 4240 21465 67840 105625 343440 636265 1085440 1738665 £65 ASM 21546 i;-vi!)i; 166250 34 4730 638666 1089536 1745226 86l> M7 4272 21627 08352 166875 340032 641067 1093632 1751787 «67 ,,'6'S 4288 21708 (isijUH 167500 3473:.'* 643468 1097728 1758348 £68 Sb'9 4304 21789 OKH01 168125 848684 645869 1101824 1764909 £69 270 4320 21870 69120 168760 1105920 1771470 £70 577 4336 21951 69376 169375 351216 650671 1110016 1778031 £71 .•.-.' 4352 22032 69632 170000 352512 653072 1114112 1784.r.92 £72 TO 4368 22113 69888 170625 353808 666478 1118208 1791153 £73 4384 22191 70144 171250 355104 657874 11 2230 1 1797714 •74 275 4400 22275 70400 171875 356400 660275 1126400 1804275 275 •74 441C 22356 7i >0,-,o 172500 357696 662670 1130496 1810836 •78 277 4432 22437 70912 173125 358992 665077 1134592 1817397 «77 178 4448 22518 71168 173750 360888 667478 1138688 1823958 £78 379 4464 22599 71424 174375 361584 669879 1142784 1830519 £79 m 4480 88880 71680 175000 30i'SMO 672280 1146880 1837080 £80 X81 4496 22761 71936 175625 364176 674681 1150976 1843641 £81 MM 4512 22842 72192 176250 365472 677082 1155072 1850202 98* m 4528 22923 72448 176875 366768 679483 1159108 1856763 M0 .-'•<* •I:. I i 23004 72704 177500 368064 681884 1163204 1863324 £84 Mfl 45(iO nose 72960 178125 868860 684285 1167360 1869885 285 M 4576 23166 73216 178750 370656 6866H6 1171456 1876446 £86 07 4592 23247 73472 179375 371952 688087 1175552 1883007 •87 Ml 4608 23328 73728 180000 373248 691488 1179648 1889568 tu MB 4624 23409 73984 180625 374544 688888 1183744 1896129 £89 MO 4640 23490 74240 181250 375840 (iy02!KJ 1187840 1902690 no 29J 4656 23571 74496 181875 377136 686681 1191936 1909251 ,.">! ..•'.' 4672 23652 74752 182500 378432 701092 119d 1915812 :,) , £93 4688 2:i7:53 7:.' i ^ 183125 379728 703493 1200128 1922373 .".<.; »4 4704 23814 75264 183750 381024 705894 1204224 1928934 SHJ, 295 4720 23895 75520 184375 382320 708295 1 -2< IS320 1935496 S95 £96 4736 23976 75776 185000 383616 710696 1212416 1942056 £96 M7 4752 24057 70032 186686 384912 713097 1216512 1948617 £97 *&« 4768 24138 76288 [86860 386208 715498 1220608 1955178 £98 *99 4784 24219 76544 186876 387504 717899 12247'il 196173!* £99 5«y 4800 24300 76600 187600 888800 720300 1228800 1908300 SUO Verification of the Fourth Moment 111 TABLE L— (continued). Ordinate 2—8. Frequency 301—350. • x = 2 ••a x = 4 x = 5 x = 6 *=7 2 = 8 n SOI 4816 24381 77056 188125 390096 722701 1232896 SOI 302 4832 24462 77312 188750 391392 725102 1236992 302 .;<>.; 4848 24')43 77568 189375 392688 727503 1241088 303 304 4864 24624 77824 190000 393984 729904 1245184 304 305 4880 24705 78080 190625 395280 732305 1249280 305 SOS 4896 24786 78336 191250 396576 734706 1253376 306 307 4912 24867 78592 191875 397872 737107 1257472 307 ,,VAS' 4928 24948 78848 192500 399168 739508 1261568 308 800 4944 25029 79104 193125 400464 7419(19 1265664 309 S10 4960 25110 79360 193750 401760 744310 1269760 810 311 4976 85191 79616 194375 403056 746711 1273856 311 312 4992 .'.-.272 79872 195000 404352 749112 1277952 819 .11.; 5008 25353 80128 195625 40r»648 751513 1282048 SIS 314 5024 26434 80384 196250 406944 753914 1286144 314 315 5040 25515 80640 196875 408240 756315 1290240 S15 316 5056 25596 80896 197500 409536 758716 1294336 Slti 317 5072 25677 81152 198125 410832 761117 1298432 317 318 5088 25758 81408 198750 412128 763518 1302528 318 319 5104 25839 81664 199375 413424 765919 1306624 S19 320 5120 25920 81920 200000 414720 768320 1310720 320 • :.'! 5136 •2'iOOl 1176 200625 416016 770721 1314816 321 322 5152 26082 82432 201250 417312 773122 1318912 322 an 5168 2f>i63 82688 201875 418608 775523 1323008 323 SS4 5184 26244 82944 202500 419904 777924 1327104 S%4 SS5 5200 26325 83200 203125 421200 780325 1331200 325 890 5216 26406 83456 203750 422496 782726 1335296 896 897 5232 26487 83712 204375 423792 785127 1339392 327 898 5248 26568 83968 205000 425088 787528 1343488 328 890 5264 :!(;<;49 84224 205625 426384 789929 1347584 329 sso 5280 26730 84480 206250 427680 792330 1351680 330 SSI 5296 26811 84736 206875 428976 794731 1355776 SSI .::.' 5312 26892 84992 207500 430272 71)7132 1359872 332 333 5328 26973 85248 208125 431568 7!i!>533 1363968 333 334 5344 27054 85504 208750 432864 801934 1368064 334 335 5360 27135 85760 209375 434160 80433.~> 1372160 335 336 5376 27216 86016 210000 435456 806731 ! 1376256 336 .;.;; 5981 272:»7 86272 210625 436752 809137 1380352 .:.;;• 888 5408 27378 86528 211250 438048 811538 1384448 338 5424 27459 86784 211875 439344 813939 1388544 3.19 340 5440 27540 87040 212500 440640 816340 1392640 340 341 5456 27621 87296 213125 441936 818741 1396736 341 ••'/-' 5472 27702 87552 213750 443232 821142 1400832 342 .;;.; 5468 27783 87808 214375 444528 823543 1404928 343 344 5504 27«; i 88064 215000 445*2 i 825944 1409024 344 S45 5520 27945 88320 215625 447120 828345 1413120 345 346 5536 28026 88576 216250 448416 830746 1417216 346 347 5552 28107 88832 216875 449712 833147 1421312 S47 348 5668 28188 89088 217500 451008 835.-.48 1425408 348 349 6584 28269 89344 218125 452.304 837949 1429504 349 6600 88350 89600 218750 453000 840350 1433600 350 112 or Stat tali dun* and TABLE L— (continued). Ordinate 2—7. Frequency 351—400. • i = -i J = 8 z = 4 x = 5 1=6 *=7 n 361 ;...;,, 28431 89856 219375 454896 842751 sss :- :•;•_• 28512 90112 220000 456192 815152 ass 5648 28093 90368 220t;i'.-> 4f,7488 M75B3 Sag 354 :,.,;) 28674 SKXii- 1 221250 458784 849954 354 355 5680 28755 90880 321876 460080 862355 3i-,5 5606 . -::•; 91136 222500 461376 864756 356 357 6712 28917 913U2 223125 462672 857167 357 6786 28998 91648 223750 463968 859558 358 5744 29079 91904 224375 465264 861959 359 ..... 5700 29160 92160 225000 466560 864360 360 56'; 6776 29841 92416 225625 467856 866761 SHI S6g 6792 29322 92672 2262.M i 469152 869162 5808 29403 92928 226875 470448 871563 363 364 6884 29484 93184 227500 471744 873964 364 ..:.-. 6840 29565 93440 228125 473040 876365 365 .,,. 68M 29646 !!3(i96 228750 474336 878766 366 ....; 6878 29727 93952 229375 475632 881167 S67 sets 5888 29808 94208 230000 476928 883568 368 966 6904 29889 94464 230625 478224 885969 S69 6990 29970 94720 231250 479520 888370 370 ..;/ 5B8Q 30051 94976 231875 480816 890771 371 871 5952 30132 95232 232500 482112 893172 gn arts 5988 30213 95488 233125 483408 895573 978 374 5984 30294 95744 233750 484704 897974 S74 375 6000 30375 96000 234375 486000 900376 375 ;•; 6016 30456 96256 235000 487296 902776 m 377 6032 30537 96512 235625 488592 905177 377 378 6048 30618 96768 236250 489888 907578 978 ..;.•• 6064 30699 97024 236875 491184 909979 979 n 8080 30780 97280 237500 492480 912380 .Ml 981 6096 30861 97536 238125 493776 914781 381 -•_• 6112 30942 97792 238750 495072 917182 ..X, 6128 31023 98048 239375 496368 1(11)583 3SJ Kj 6144 31104 98304 240000 497664 921984 984 U 6160 31185 !)8560 24oti2.-> 498960 924385 385 .-. 6176 31266 98816 241250 500256 926786 386 ~; 6192 31347 99072 241876 501552 929187 981 6208 31428 99328 242500 602848 931688 388 M 6224 31509 99584 243125 604144 933989 389 '„, 6240 31590 99840 2437.MI 505440 936390 390 .w 6256 31671 100096 244375 506736 938791 391 ...''.- 6272 31752 100352 245000 608032 941192 ...•'.• 393 6288 31833 100608 245625 609328 943593 908 894 6304 31914 100864 246250 510624 945994 • '."; 395 6320 31996 101120 246876 51 1920 948395 ...... 6336 32076 101376 247500 618816 950796 96 397 6851 32157 101632 248125 614512 953197 987 ..'.X 6368 32238 101888 248760 616808 956598 998 399 6384 32319 102144 249375 6171"! 957999 399 '."' 6400 32400 102400 260000 618400 960400 400 Poisson's Exponential Binomial Limit 113 TABLE LI. Tables of e~mmx/x !: General Term of Poisson's Exponential Expansion ("Law of Small Numbers"). * . X o-i 0-2 o-s 0-4 o-s 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 1-0 0 •904837 •818731 •740818 •670320 •606531 •548812 •496585 •449329 •406570 •367879 0 1 •090484 •163746 •222245 •268128 •303265 •329287 •347610 •359463 •365913 •367879 1 2 •004524 •016375 •033337 •053626 •075816 •098786 •121663 •143785 •164661 •183940 2 •: •000151 •001092 •003334 •007150 •012636 •019757 •028388 •038343 •049398 •061313 3 4 •000004 •000055 •000250 •000715 •001580 •002964 •004968 •007669 •011115 •015328 4 6 — •000002 •000015 •000057 •000158 •000356 •000696 •001227 •002001 •003066 5 6 — — •000001 •000004 •000013 •000036 •000081 •000164 •000300 •000511 6 7 — — — — •000001 •000003 •000008 •000019 •000039 •000073 7 8 — — — — — — •000001 •000002 •000004 •000009 8 9 ~^~ — — ~— -~- — ~~ — — •000001 9 X 1-1 1-2 1-S 1-4 1-S 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 2-0 X 0 •332871 •301194 •272532 •246597 •223130 .201897 •182684 •165299 •149569 •135335 0 1 •366158 •361433 •354291 •345236 •334695 .323034 •310562 •297538 •284180 •270671 1 2 •201387 •216860 •230289 •241665 •251021 .U84SB •263978 •267784 •269971 •270671 2 S •078843 •086744 •099792 •112777 •125510 •137828 •149587 •160671 •170982 •180447 S 4 •020307 •026023 •032432 •039472 •047067 •055131 •063575 •072302 •081216 •090224 4 5 004467 •006S46 •008432 •011052 •014120 •017642 •021615 •026029 •030862 •036089 5 6 •000819 •001249 •001827 •002579 •003530 •004705 •006124 •007KO!) •009773 •012030 6 7 •000129 •000214 •000339 •000516 •000756 •001075 •001487 •002008 •002653 •003437 7 8 •000018 •000032 •000055 •000090 •000142 •000215 •000316 •000452 •000630 000859 8 9 •000002 •000004 •000008 •000014 •000024 •00003S •000060 •000090 •000133 •000191 9 10 — •000001 •000001 •000002 0000 l! • 00006 •000010 •000016 •000025 •000038 10 11 — — — — — •000001 •000002 •000003 •000004 •000007 11 12 ~^ ~~ "^~ ^~ ~"~ — ~~" — •000001 •000001 12 * 2-1 s-t 2-S / •: S-5 2-6 :-r 2-8 2-9 5-0 X 0 •122456 •110803 •100259 -090718 •082085 •074274 •067206 -060810 •055023 •049787 0 1 •257159 •243767 •230595 •217723 •205212 •193111 •181455 •170268 •159567 •149361 1 2 •270016 •268144 •265185 •261268 •256516 •251045 •244964 •238375 •231373 •224042 2 3 •189012 •196639 •203308 •209014 •213763 •217672 •SKM68 •222484 •223660 •224042 S 4 •099231 •108151 •116902 •125409 •133602 •141422 •148816 •155739 •162154 •168031 4 5 •041677 •047587 •053775 •060196 •066801 •073539 060360 •087214 •094049 •100819 5 6 •014587 •017448 •020614 •024078 •027834 •031867 •036162 •040700 •046457 •050409 6 7 •004376 •005484 •006773 •008255 •009941 •011836 •013948 •016280 •018832 •021604 7 8 •001149 •001508 •001947 •002477 •003106 •003847 •004708 •005698 •006827 •008102 8 9 OOOM8 •000369 000496 •i NKir.no •000863 •001111 •001412 •001773 •002200 •002701 9 10 •000056 •000081 •000114 •000158 •000216 •000289 •000381 •000496 •000638 •000810 10 11 •000011 •000016 OOOOM O0008E •000049 •000068 •000094 •000126 •000168 •000221 11 12 -,:., „„,;.> •000003 i -000005 O00007 •000010 •000015 •000021 •000029 •000041 •000055 12 IS — O00001 -000001 •000001 •000002 •000003 •000004 •000006 •000009 •000013 13 H — — — — — •000001 •000001 •000001 •000002 •000003 14 15 ~ • — ^~ •~* — ~~ ^~ •000001 15 B. 15 114 Tables for Statisticians and Biometriciaiu TABLE LT — (continued). m .1 S'l 3-8 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 6-7 3-8 3-9 .(" 0 •04504U •040762 •096861 •033373 •030197 •027324 •024724 •022371 •020242 •018316 0 1 ;:;•••.,:; •11 tf39 •121714 •113469 •100691 •098866 •n'.ll 477 066009 •078943 •073203 1 s 116461 •s ma •900698 •199806 •184969 •177058 •169933 •161517 •153940 t 3 men •222616 •990919 •218617 •215785 •212169 •906790 •904688 •900199 3 4 •173350 •178093 •1899U •180898 •188812 •191222 •193066 •194359 •195119 4 6 •107477 •113979 •1SOS86 •196361 •132169 •137680 •1 UM;:I •147713 •152193 •166993 S 6 •055530 080789 •066158 •071604 •077098 •089608 •088109 •093661 096996 •KliliMi 6 7 MI a O97789 •031189 •034779 1 >:is-, ui •'M^i-| O46666 O60786 •055115 •009540 7 1 009699 •011116 O1986B •014781 W6865 •019118 •021538 •024123 O96860 •029770 8 9 •003282 •003952 •004717 •006684 •006669 •007647 •008864 •010185 •011643 •(113231 9 10 •001018 •001265 •001557 •001899 •009996 •002753 •003276 •oti:',*;n •004541 •005292 10 11 000987 •000368 •000467 •000587 •000790 000901 •001102 •001337 •001610 •001925 11 12 •000074 •000098 •000128 •000166 •000213 •000270 •000340 •IMHIl^j •000523 •000642 IS IS oooou OOOOM •000033 •000043 400067 •000075 •000097 •000124 •000157 •000197 13 14 •000004 •000006 •000008 •000011 •000014 •000019 •000026 •000034 •000044 •000056 14 15 •( -'1 •000001 •000002 •000001 •000008 000006 •000006 •000009 oooou •000015 15 16 ^m __ __ •000001 •000001 •000001 •000001 •000002 •000003 •000004 16 17 — — — — — — ~- •000001 •000001 17 X 4-1 .;•-' 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-0 5-<> X 0 •016573 •014996 •013569 •012277 •011109 •010052 •009095 •008230 •007447 •00673K 0 1 •067948 •062981 •058345 •054020 •049990 •046238 •042748 •ii;i:tr,o:i •o:!r,4*s •033690 1 2 •139293 •132261 •125441 •118845 •112479 •106348 •100457 •094807 •OS-MI; •084224 g 5 •190368 •185165 •179799 •174305 •168718 •163068 •157383 •151691 •146014 •140374 3 4 •195127 •194424 •193284 •191736 •189808 •187528 •184925 •ISi'O:!!) •178867 •175467 4 5 •160004 •163316 •166224 •168728 •170827 •172525 •173830 •174748 •175290 •175467 S 6 •109336 •114321 •119127 •123734 •128120 •132270 •136167 •139798 •143153 •146223 6 7 •064040 •068593 •073178 •077775 •082363 •086920 •091426 •095862 •100207 •104445 7 8 •088890 •03601 1 •039333 •042776 •046329 •049979 •053713 •057517 •061377 •065278 8 9 •014951 •016805 •018793 •020913 •023165 •025545 •098060 •030676 •033416 •036266 9 10 •00(il30 •007058 •008081 •009202 •010424 •011751 •013184 •014724 •016374 •018133 10 11 •002285 OOMM •003159 •003681 •004264 •004914 •005633 •006425 •007294 •008242 11 It •000781 •000943 •001132 •001350 •001599 •001884 •IK ):>:!( if ; •002570 •M • 1909 •000002 •000003 •000004 •000005 •UHHKI7 •000009 •000011 •000014 17 18 — •000001 •000001 •000001 •000001 •000002 •iXM)0:> •000003 •000004 18 19 — — — — — — — •000001 •000001 •000001 19 X 6-1 B-S . 6-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 6-0 X 0 006097 •005517 404999 •004517 •004087 •003698 •003346 •003028 •002739 •002479 0 1 •031093 •098686 •096468 •024390 •022477 •020708 •019072 •017560 •016163 •014873 1 t •079188 •074584 •070107 •066869 •061812 •067989 •054365 O60993 •i>47f.Hll •044618 S 3 •13479') •120279 •123SM! •118533 •113323 •108234 •103275 •098452 •093771 •089235 s Poisson's Exponential Binomial Limit 115 TABLE LI— (continued). m X 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 6-0 X 4 •171857 •168063 •164109 •160020 •155819 •151528 •147167 •142755 •138312 •133853 4 5 •175294 •174785 I -173955 •172821 •171401 •169711 •167770 •165596 •163208 •160623 5 6 •149000 •151480 •153660 •155539 •157117 •158397 •159382 •160076 •160488 •160623 G 7 •108557 •112528 •116343 •119987 •123449 •126717 •129782 •132635 •135268 •137677 7 8 •069205 •073143 •077077 •080991 •084871 •088702 •092470 •096160 •099760 •103258 8 9 •039216 •042261 •045390 •048595 •051866 •055192 •058564 •061970 •065398 •068838 9 10 •020000 •021976 •024057 •026241 •028526 •030908 •033382 •035943 •038585 •041303 10 11 •009273 •010388 •011591 •012882 •014263 •015735 •017298 •018952 •020696 •022529 11 12 •003941 •004502 •005119 •005797 •006537 •007343 •008216 •009160 •010175 •011264 12 IS •001546 •001801 •002087 •002408 •002766 •003163 •003603 •004087 •004618 •005199 IS 14 •000563 •000669 •000790 •000929 •001087 •001265 •001467 •001693 •001946 •002228 14 15 •000191 •000232 •000279 •000334 •000398 •000472 •000557 •000655 •000766 •000891 15 16 •000061 •000075 •000092 •000113 •000137 •000165 •000199 •000237 •000282 •000334 16 17 •000018 •000023 •000029 •000036 •000044 •000054 •000067 •000081 •000098 •000118 17 18 •000005 •000007 •000008 •000011 •000014 •000017 •000021 •(X.XX)2*> •000032 •000039 18 19 •000001 •000002 •000002 •000003 •000004 •000005 •000006 •000008 •000010 •000012 19 to — — •000001 •000001 •000001 •000001 •000002 •000002 •000003 •000004 20 SI — — — — — — •000001 •000001 •000001 SI X G-l G-2 6-5 G-4 G-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 TO X 0 •002243 •002029 •001836 •001662 •001503 •001360 •001231 •001114 •001008 •000912 0 1 •013682 •012582 •011569 •010634 •009772 •008978 •008247 •007574 •006954 •006383 1 2 •041729 •039006 •036441 •034029 •031760 •029629 •027628 •025751 •023990 •022341 2 3 •084848 •080612 •076527 •072595 •068814 •065183 •061702 •058368 •055178 •052129 S 4 •129393 •124948 •120530 •116151 •111822 •107553 •103351 •099225 •095182 •091226 4 5 •157860 •154936 •151868 •148674 •145369 •141969 •138490 •134946 •131351 •127717 5 G •160491 •160100 •159461 • 1 f>H."i.s.-> •157483 •156166 •154648 •152939 •151053 •149003 6 7 •139650 •141803 •143515 •144!I'J2 •146234 •147243 •148020 •148569 •148895 •149003 7 8 •106640 •109897 •113018 •115994 •118815 •121475 •123967 •126284 •128422 •130377 8 9 •072278 •075707 •079113 •082484 •085811 •089082 •092286 •095415 •098457 •101405 9 10 •044090 •046938 •049841 •052790 •055777 •058794 •061832 •064882 •067935 •070983 10 11 •024450 •026456 •028545 •030714 •032959 •035276 •037661 •040109 •042614 •045171 11 12 •012429 •013669 •014986 •016381 •017853 •019402 •021028 •022728 •024503 •026350 12 IS •005832 •006519 •007263 •008064 •008926 •009850 •010837 •011889 •013005 •014188 IS 14 •002541 •002887 •003268 •003687 •004144 •004644 •005186 •005774 •006410 •007094 14 15 •001033 •001193 •001373 •001573 •001796 •002043 •002317 •002618 •002949 •003311 15 16 •000394 •000462 •000540 •000629 •000730 •000843 •000970 •001113 •001272 •001448 16 17 •000141 •000169 •000200 •000237 •000279 •000327 •000382 •000445 •000516 •000596 17 18 •000048 •000058 •000070 •000084 •000101 •000120 •000142 •000168 •000198 •000232 18 19 •000015 •000019 •000023 •000028 •000034 •000042 •000050 •000060 •000072 •000085 19 to •000005 •000006 •000007 •000009 •000011 •000014 •000017 •000020 •000025 •000030 SO SI •000001 •000002 •000002 •000003 •000003 •000004 •000005 •000007 •000008 •000010 21 22 •000001 -000001 •000001 -000001 •000002 •000002 •000003 •000003 22 ts ^ — — — — — — •000001 •000001 •000001 S3 15—2 110 Tables for Stnt!iitifinntri<-i::•: •019352 •018000 •016736 •015555 •014463 •013424 •012464 •011669 •mi i::',:, g 3 M9919 •046444 •043799 •041 -2*-2 O88889 •036614 •034455 O3M07 S 4 067MM •088596 O78884 •076372 •072916 O68667 O66S86 •063193 •060169 4 6 •i_: '.'.: •1*0889 •116703 •113031 •109375 •105742 •102142 •098581 •096067 081604 s 6 •1468 '•> •i n;.v> •141989 •139405 •136718 •133940 •131082 •128156 •125171 •122138 6 7 ] 18807 •148586 •148074 •147371 •1401*.J •145421 •144191 •142802 •141264 •139587 7 8 •132146 •133727 •135118 •136318 •137329 •138150 •138783 •139:>:i:i •139499 •139587 8 9 •104849 •106982 •109596 •112084 •114440 •116680 •118737 •199448 •124077 9 10 •074017 •077027 •080005 O89849 •085880 O68661 •091427 •094121 •096735 O9896! 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Cell Frequencies * 11 IS IS 14 IS 16 17 18 19 SO § SI so >* 1Q bo j.y 1A ll A.O 17 •000 •000 16 •000 •000 •om •002 fe t> 15 •000 •000 •001 •002 \nj L '004 •007 Ss •000 •001 •002 •004 •008 •015 •026 _3 o 19 '000 •oni •018 •O7R 40 •001 •003 \AJI •009 •021 •040 •067 '104 •Til wl O •209 •Sj 11 •002 •008 •022 •047 •086 •138 •206 •289 i«Jl •387 •500 g| 10 •020 •052 •105 •181 •279 •401 •543 •706 •886 1-081 — — 9 •121 •229 •374 •553 •763 1-000 1-260 1-538 1-832 2-139 -"" ~ 8 •492 •760 1-073 1-423 1-800 2-199 2-612 3'037 3-467 3-901 11 7 1-510 2-034 2-589 3-162 3-745 4-330 4-912 5-489 6-056 6-613 la 6 3-752 4-582 6-403 6-206 6-985 7-740 8-467 9-167 9-840 10-486 5 7-861 8-950 9-976 10-940 11-846 12-699 13-502 14-260 14-975 15-651 d 4 14-319 15-503 16-581 17-568 18-475 19-312 20-087 20-808 21-479 22-107 ti ,-; 23-198 24-239 25-168 26-004 26-761 27-451 28-084 28-665 29-203 29-703 1 | 34-051 34-723 35-317 35-846 36-322 36-753 37-146 37-505 37-836 38-142 1 45-989 46-150 46-311 46-445 46-665 46-674 46-774 46-865 46-948 47-026 Actual 11-938 11-437 10-994 10-599 10-244 9-922 9-629 9-360 9-112 8-884 1 42-073 42-404 42-695 42-956 43-191 43-404 43-597 43-776 43-939 44-091 a 31-130 31-846 32-486 33-064 33-588 34-066 34-503 34-909 35-283 35-630 H s 21-871 22-798 23-639 24-408 26-114 25-7fi"> 26-367 26-928 27-451 27-939 a 4 14-596 16-559 16-450 17-280 18-053 18-776 19-451 20-088 20-686 21-251 B 9-261 10-129 10-953 11-736 12-478 13-184 13-852 14-491 15-099 15-677 i 6 6-593 6-297 6-983 7-650 8-297 8-923 9-526 10-111 10-675 11-219 2 7 3-219 3-742 4-266 4-791 5-311 5-825 6329 6-826 7-313 7-789 t, 8 1-769 2-128 2-501 2-884 3-275 3-669 4-064 4-461 4-856 5-248 ,, 9 •929 1-160 1-407 1-671 1-947 2 -232 2-523 2 '824 3-127 3-433 >^ 10 •467 •607 •762 •933 1-117 1-312 1-516 1-732 1-954 2-182 je 11 •225 •305 •396 •502 •619 •746 •882 1-030 1-185 1-348 0*3 H •104 •148 •201 •261 •331 •411 •497 •595 •699 •809 S 2 IS •047 •069 •097 •131 •172 •219 •272 •333 •400 •473 S<« 14 •020 •031 •046 •IK;:; •086 •114 •144 •182 •223 •269 "° s 15 •008 •014 •021 •030 •042 •057 •074 •096 •121 •149 1 I 16 •003 •006 •009 •013 •020 •028 •036 •050 •064 •081 »~ •— 17 •001 •002 •004 •006 •009 •014 •017 •025 •033 •042 J 18 •001 •000 •002 •002 •004 •006 •008 •012 •017 •022 0 19 •000 •000 •001 •001 •002 •(.03 •003 •006 •008 •on § .''I •001 •000 •001 •002 •002 •003 •004 •005 i SI •000 •000 •000 •001 •001 •002 •002 •003 t •000 •000 •001 •001 •001 1 iS . _ — •000 •000 •001 0 14 — — — — — — — — •000 •g — — — — — — — — — 8 86 __ — — — — 1 27 — — — — — — — — PH S8 — — — — — ~— ™~ ~ ~ 16—3 I-J4 or Stntixtieiatu aiul liionu tn'ritnus TABLE LII— (continued). Cell Frequencies j- »i «* ts *4 ts 16 X7 ts t9 50 •ooo 1 SI __ — — — •000 •ooo •ooo 001 H -•' — — — 000 •ooo •001 •001 •001 oos £ 19 — — •ooo •ooo •001 •001 •002 •003 •004 006 u ooo •ooo •001 •001 •002 •004 •006 •009 •012 •017 •C"3 17 •001 •002 •003 •006 •008 •on •016 •023 O8I •041 _T 1 18 •003 •006 •010 •016 •022 •031 •043 •056 •073 081 ^3 ^ IS •012 •020 •030 •043 •059 •078 •102 •129 •160 •195 la 14 •039 •088 •081 •109 •142 •180 •224 •273 •328 •387 ^ - IS •111 •150 •198 •252 •314 •384 •460 •543 •632 •727 •g-S It •277 •355 •443 •640 •647 •762 •884 1-014 1-161 1-293 "sl 11 > 10 2-416 2-654 2-895 3-138 3-385 3-632 8-880 4-129 4-377 4-625 A 11 1-517 1-692 1-873 2-057 2-246 2-438 2-633 2-831 3-030 3-880 %•* It •927 1-051 1-181 1-316 1-456 1-599 1-747 1-899 2-053 2-210 :EI 13 •652 •637 •727 •821 •921 1-025 1-134 1-247 1-362 1-481 11 14 •320 •376 •437 •500 •570 •643 •720 •801 •885 •973 •o-< m 15 •181 •217 •256 •298 •345 •394 •448 •504 •564 •626 Si 16 •100 •122 •147 •173 •204 •237 •272 •311 •352 •395 t« 17 •054 •067 •082 •098 •118 •139 •162 •188 •21: (i •246 > h.* 18 •028 •036 •045 •055 •067 •080 •095 •111 •129 •149 « 19 •016 •019 •024 •030 •037 •045 •054 •065 •076 •089 8 to •007 •010 •013 •016 •020 •025 •031 •037 •044 •O.V2 1 tl •004 •005 •007 •009 •on •014 •017 •021 •025 •030 g : •002 •002 •004 •005 •006 •007 •009 •on •014 •017 § S3 •001 •001 •002 •003 •003 •004 •005 •006 •007 •010 8 *4 •001 •001 •001 •002 •002 •002 •003 •003 •004 •006 i Deg. Arc 1 •017 4533 61 1-0646508 Ul 2-1118484 1 •01667 •000 2909 1 •00028 •0000048 S •0349066 62 1-0821041 122 2-1293017 2 •03333 •000 5818 S •00056 •0000097 s •052 3599 6S 1-0995574 123 2-146 7550 3 •05000 •000 8727 S •00083 •0000145 4 •069 8132 64 1-1170107 124 2-164 2083 4 •06667 •001 1636 4 •00111 •0000194 S •087 2665 65 1-1344640 125 2-181 6616 5 •08333 •001 4544 5 •00139 •0000242 6 •104 7198 66 1-151 9173 126 2-199 1149 6 •10000 •001 7453 6 •00167 •0000291 7 •122 1730 67 1-1693706 127 2-216 5682 7 •11667 •002 0362 7 •00194 •0000339 » •1396263 68 1-1868239 128 2-234 0214 8 •13333 •002 3271 8 •00222 •0000388 9 •157 0796 69 1-2042772 129 2-251 4747 9 •15000 •002 6180 9 •00250 •000 0436 10 •174 5329 70 1-221 7305 ISO 2-268 9280 10 •16667 •0029089 10 •00278 •0000485 11 •191 9862 71 1-2391838 131 2-2863813 11 •18333 •003 1998 11 •00306 •0000533 12 •209 4395 72 1-2566371 132 2-3038346 12 •20000 : -0034907 12 •00333 -0000582 IS •226 8928 73 1-2740901 133 2-321 2879 IS •21667 •003 7815 IS •00361 •0000630 14 •244 3461 74 1-291 5436 134 2-338 7412 14 •23333 •0040724 14 •00389 •0000679 15 •261 7994 75 1-308 9969 ISo 2-356 1945 15 •25000 •004 3633 15 •00417 •0000727 16 •279 2527 76 1-3264502 IStl 2-3736478 16 •26667 •004 6542 16 •00444 •0000776 17 •296 7060 77 1-3439035 137 2-391 1011 17 •28333 •004 9451 17 •00472 •0000824 18 •314 1593 78 1-361 3568 138 2-408 5544 18 •30000 •005 2360 18 •00500 •0000873 19 •331 6126 79 1-378 8101 139 2-4260077 19 -31667 •005 5269 19 •00528 •0000921 to •349 0659 80 1-3962634 140 2-4434610 90 -33333 •005 8178 20 •00556 •0000970 SI •3665191 81 1-4137167 141 2-460 9142 SI •35000 •0061087 21 •00583 •0001018 X? •383 9724 82 1-431 1700 14-' 2-478 3675 22 •36667 •0063995 22 •00611 •0001067 2s •401 4257 83 1-4486233 143 2-495 8208 23 •38333 •0066904 23 •00639 •0001115 114 •418 8790 84 1-4660766 144 2-5132741 24 •40000 •0069813 24 •00667 •0001164 S5 •436 3323 85 1-483 5299 Itf 2-530 7274 •41667 •007 2722 26 •00694 •0001212 26 •453 7856 86 1-5009832 140 2-548 1807 26 •43333 •007 5631 M •00722 •000 1261 27 •471 2389 87 1-5184364 147 2-565 6340 S7 •45000 •007 8540 27 •00760 •0001309 U •488 6922 88 1-535 8897 148 2-583 0873 28 •46667 •0081449 28 •00778 •000 1357 29 •506 1455 89 1-5533430 149 2-600 5406 29 •48333 •0084358 29 ooeoe •0001406 SO •523 5988 90 1-5707963 150 2-617 9939 30 •60000 •0087266 SO •00833 •0001454 SI •541 0521 91 1-5882496 151 2-635 4472 SI •51667 •0090175 31 •00861 •000 1503 an •558 5054 92 1-6057029 i:< .' 2-652 9005 32 •53333 •0093084 32 •00889 •000 1551 ss •576 9587 93 1-6231562 153 2-6703038 33 •55000 •0095993 S3 •00917 •0001600 34 •5934119 91 1-6406095 154 2-687 8070 34 •56667 •0098902 34 •00944 •000 1648 S5 •6108662 95 1-6580628 156 2-705 2603 35 •58333 •0101811 SS •00972 •0001697 SG •628 3185 9G 1-6755161 156 2-722 7136 36 •60000 •0104720 36 •01000 •0001745 S7 •645 7718 97 1-6929694 157 2-740 1669 37 •61667 •010 7629 37 •01028 •000 1794 S8 •663 2251 98 1-710 4i!-J7 168 2-757 6202 M •63333 •0110538 38 •01056 •0001842 S9 •6806784 99 1-727 8760 169 2-7750735 39 •65000 •Oil 3446 39 •01083 •0001891 40 •698 1317 100 1-745 3293 160 2-792 5268 40 •66667 -Oil 6355 40 •01111 •0001939 41 •7155850 101 1-7627825 161 2-809 9801 41 •68333 •Oil 9264 41 •01139 •000 1988 * •7330383 102 1-7802358 16S 2-827 4334 it: •70000 •0122173 42 •01167 •0002036 V •7604916 103 1-797 6891 163 2-844 8867 «a •71667 •0125082 4S •01194 •0002085 44 767 9449 104 1-815 1424 164 2-862 3400 44 •73333 •012 7991 44 •01222 •000 2133 45 •785 3982 105 1-832 5957 165 2-879 7933 45 •75000 •0130900 45 •01250 •0002182 •',>•> •8028515 106 1-8500490 166 2-897 2466 46 •76667 •0133809 46 •01278 •000 2230 4' •8203047 107 1-8675023 167 2-914 6999 If! •78333 •0136717 47 •01306 •000 2279 ta •8377580 108 1-8849556 168 2-932 1531 4* •80000 •0139626 48 0-1333 •000 2327 w •8552113 109 1-9024089 169 2-949 6064 49 •81667 •014 2535 49 •01361 •000 2376 so •872 6646 110 1-9198622 170 2-967 0597 60 •83333 •014 5444 60 •01389 •000 2424 SI •890 1179 111 1-9373155 in 2-9845130 61 •86000 •014 8353 51 •01417 •0002473 ftf •907 5712 lie 1-9547688 172 3-001 9663 62 •86667 •016 1262 62 •01444 •000 2521 53 •925 0245 us 1-972 2221 173 3-0194196 53 •88333 •0154171 53 •01472 •000 2570 54 •942 4778 114 1-9896753 174 3-0368729 54 •90000 •016 7080 54 •01500 •0002618 55 •9699311 115 2-007 1286 175 3-054 3262 55 •91667 •015 9989 66 •01528 •000 26(i6 56 •9773844 116 2-024 5819 176 3-071 7796 56 •93333 •016 2897 56 •01556 •0002715 57 •994 8377 117 2-042 0352 177 3-089 2328 57 •95IKX) •016 5806 57 •01583 •000 2763 58 1O122910 118 2-059 4885 178 3-1066861 58 •96667 •0168715 58 •01611 •0002812 59 1-0297443 119 2-0769418 179 3-1241394 59 •98333 •017 1624 59 •01639 •000 2800 60 1-0471976 1X0 2-094 3951 ISO 3-141 5927 60 1-00000 •017 4533 60 •01667 •0002909 I -JO Table* for Statisticians and TABLE L1V. The 0(r, v)-Integral*. ' r-1 r-2 ^<,,> A A« *FCr..> logH(r,i.) A A« 0 0-301 0300 o/wi 0-196 1199 0-196 1199 1 •3010609 ouy 619 •196 2052 •liiii 13IM 383 I •301 1538 928 621 •1964614 •196 l!H;ii 675 383 3 •3013087 1550 O 1 ~ ~ 62r> •1968890 •196 2924 958 382 4 6 •301 5268 •301 8067 1170 2- '.-, C3o 636 •197 4890 •198 2627 •196 4264 •106 6985 1340 1722 381 380 6 7 8 9 10 •3021508 •302 5594 •303 0335 •3035741 •304 1825 3441 4086 4740 5406 6085 645 654 666 679 693 •1992118 •2003385 •201 6452 •203 1349 •2048110 •1968087 •187 0567 •197 3424 •197 6655 •1980260 2102 21*0 2857 3231 3604 379 377 376 373 370 11 1 ; •304 8603 •3056091 6778 Tiss 710 728 •206 6774 •208 7382 •198 4234 •198 8574 3974 4341 367 364 I', •306 4307 •307 3-271 •308 3006 8964 9735 749 771 796 •210 9985 •213 4631 •216 1383 •199 3280 •199 8344 •200 3764 4705 BOM 6420 360 366 352 1 : 17 18 19 to •3093538 •310 4892 •311 7098 •313 0189 •314 4200 10532 11353 12206 13091 14011 822 853 885 919 958 •219 0303 •222 1462 •225 4936 •22!) 0807 •232 9167 •200 9537 •2ol 5657 •202 2120 •202 8921 •203 6054 6773 6120 6463 6801 7133 347 343 338 332 327 tl U •315 9169 317 5137 •319 2160 •321 0266 •322 9507 14969 15968 17013 18106 19252 999 1045 1093 1146 1204 •2370114 •241 3755 •246 0203 •250 9584 •256 2034 •204 3514 •205 1294 •205 9387 •206 7787 •207 6487 7460 7780 8093 8400 8700 320 313 307 •00 291 17 .'8 SO •324 9963 •327 1685 •329 4740 •331 9202 •3345150 20456 21722 23066 24462 25948 1266 1334 1407 1486 1573 •261 7697 •267 6733 •2739311 •280 5618 •287 5852 •208 5478 •209 4753 •210 4302 •211 4118 •212 4190 8991 9275 9549 9816 1 0072 284 275 266 2M! 247 31 .: 33 34 35 •337 2672 •340 1860 •343 2818 •346 5656 •3500496 27521 29188 30958 32838 34840 1667 1769 1881 2002 2134 •295 0232 •302 8992 •311 2388 •320 0695 •329 4214 •213 4609 •214 6064 •2156846 •2166842 •217 8041 10319 1 0556 1 0782 10996 1 1199 236 ne 213 203 191 36 37 38 39 40 •353 7469 •357 6722 •361 8410 •306 2708 •370 9805 36974 39252 41689 44298 47096 2279 2436 2609 2799 3007 •339 3271 •349 8221 •360 9461 •372 7382 •385 2475 •218 9431 •22(1 1000 •221 2734 •222 4621 •223 6644 1 1390 1 1569 1 1734 1 1886 12023 178 165 152 138 125 41 43 44 45 •375 9908 •381 3246 •387 0070 •393 0658 •399 6316 60103 53338 56824 60588 64658 3235 MM 3764 4069 •398 6232 •412 6205 •427 5995 •443 5266 •460 4746 •224 8791 •226 1048 •227 3397 •22* 5.H24 •229 8313 1 2148 1 2256 1 2350 1 2427 12489 109 94 77 62 Tables of the (7 (r, v)-Integrals TABLE LIV— (continued). 127 , r=3 r=4 r=5 lo3F(r,») logH(r.r) A A> .<**-(,-„> logH(r,i.) A A» log^,,. log H (r, F) A A2 0 0-124 9387 0-275 4537 0-071 1811 0-309 7418 105 0-028 0289 0-329 0589 QJ 1 •125 0847 •275 4674 41 A 273 •071 3902 •309 7523 316 211 •028 3019 •329 0673 o4 173 2 •125 5230 •275 5084 *xlU CQ*3 273 •072 0177 •309 7840 527 211 •029 1221 •329 0930 257 171 3 •126 2545 •275 5767 272 •073 0650 •309 8366 707 210 •030 4908 •329 1357 428 171 4 •127 2807 •275 6721 1 9->ft •* • •074 5342 •309 9103 191 Q4R 209 •0324110 •329 1956 598 fT£»O 170 5 •128 6039 •275 7948 I2-2" 270 •076 4285 •310 0049 J7tU ;208 •034 8865 •329 2723 Too 169 6 •130 2270 •2759444 !-^! 269 •078 7517 •310 1204 1154 lifil 207 •037 9224 •329 3661 937 1 1 AK 168 7 8 9 10 •132 1533 •134 3870 •136 9331 •139 7969 •276 1209 •276 3242 •276 5540 •276 8101 1 /OO 2032 U98 2561 267 266 263 261 •081 5088 •084 7055 •088 3486 •092 4458 •310 2565 •310 4132 •310 5904 •310 7877 1OD1 1567 1771 1973 206 204 202 201 •041 5250 •045 7016 •050 4609 •055 8130 •329 4765 •329 6037 •329 7474 •329 9075 1105 1272 1437 1601 167 165 164 162 11 •142 9850 •277 0923 2822 258 •0970060 •3110051 2174 2372 198 •0617690 •330 0838 1763 1 QOO. 160 12 IS •146 5043 •150 3626 •277 4003 •277 7338 ,,,,, 25fi 333f) .,.., •102 0399 •107 5555 •311 2423 •311 4990 2567 2760 196 193 •0683415 •075 5446 •330 2761 •330 4842 lyz.3 2081 158 156 15 •154 5688 •159 1322 •278 0926 •278 4762 3837 249 245 •1135680 •120 0895 •311 7751 •312 0701 2950 190 187 •083 3937 •0919061 •330 7079 •330 9469 2390 153 151 16 17 18 19 SO •164 0636 •169 3743 •175 0768 •181 1848 187 7130 •278 8844 •279 3167 •279 7726 •280 2519 •280 7539 4082 4323 4560 4793 5020 241 237 •J33 22H 223 •127 1349 •134 7199 •142 8621 •151 5802 •160 8948 •312 3838 •312 7159 •313 0660 •313 4337 •313 8186 3137 3321 3501 3677 3849 184 180 176 172 168 •101 1002 •110 9967 •121 6176 •132 9872 •145 1317 •331 2010 •331 4700 •331 7532 •332 0508 •332 3621 2541 2689 2833 2975 3114 148 144 142 138 135 tl S3 •194 6774 •202 0955 •281 2782 •281 8243 5243 5460 217 212 •170 8281 •181 4042 •314 2204 •314 6385 4018 4181 164 160 •158 0795 •171 8614 •332 6870 •333 0250 3249 3380 131 127 S.I S4 SS •209 9858 •218 3688 •227 2664 •282 3915 •282 9794 •283 5873 5879 6079 206 200 194 •192 6491 •204 5907 •217 2596 •315 0726 •315 5222 •315 9866 4495 4645 154 150 144 •186 5105 •202 0627 •218 5568 333 3757 •333 7387 334 1137 3507 3630 3750 123 119 115 26 27 ;.'X SO •236 7023 •246 7020 •257 2933 •268 5060 •280 3725 •284 2145 •284 8604 •285 5244 •280 2057 •286 9035 6272 6460 6640 6813 6978 188 180 173 165 158 •230 6885 •244 9127 •259 9707 •275 9034 •292 7555 •316 4655 •316 9583 •317 4644 •317 9833 •318 5143 4789 4927 5062 5189 5310 138 134 127 121 116 •236 0346 •254 5413 •274 1255 •294 8399 •316 7413 •334 5001 •334 8976 •335 3057 •335 7239 •336 1516 3864 3975 4081 4182 4277 110 106 101 96 91 SI 32 S3 34 SS •292 9278 •3062096 •320 2589 •33.-> 1201 •350 8413 •287 6170 •288 3456 •289 0883 •289 8443 •290 6127 7136 7286 7427 7560 7684 150 141 133 124 115 •310 5754 •329 4149 •3493304 •370 3832 •392 6390 •319 0569 •319 6104 •320 1741 •320 7474 •321 3297 5426 5535 5637 5733 5822 109 102 96 89 82 •339 8909 •364 3553 •390 2059 •417 5203 •446 3827 •336 5884 •337 0339 •337 4874 •337 9485 •338 4164 4368 4455 4535 4610 4680 87 80 75 70 64 36 37 38 39 40 •367 4747 •385 0770 •403 7099 •423 4403 •444 3416 •291 3927 •2d2 1832 •292 9834 •293 7923 •294 6089 7800 7905 8002 8068 8166 106 97 87 77 67 •416 1697 •441 0529 •467 3733 •495 2227 •624 7011 •321 9201 •322 5181 •323 1228 •323 7335 •324 3495 5904 5980 6047 6107 6160 75 68 60 53 45 •476 8841 •509 1232 •543 2072 •579 2529 •617 3872 •338 8908 •339 3709 •339 8563 •340 3463 •340 8404 4744 4802 4854 4900 4940 58 52 46 40 34 41g •466 4933 •2954321 \ 57 •555 9177 •324 9700 6205 fi941 38 •657 7483 •341 3378 4975 •ifift'-l 28 •480 MM •296 2610 "™ 46 •588 9916 •325 5943 v&to 00*70 30 •700 4872 •341 8381 OUU«5 22 A5 •514 9055 •2970946 oo-'i' 38 •624 0530 •326 2216 OZ7Z , • _M i " 22 •745 7688 •342 3405 5024 16 •541 3 4783 •2987710 c •700 7225 •327 4817 VOV/ 1 •844 6999 •343 3495 J\.'4:i/ 1 r.'s I': il, leg for Statisticians and ni(r.r) logH(r, r) A A> logF(r.r) logW(r,,) A A* 0 1-991 9999 0-341 4849 70 1-961 0819 0-350 1576 1-9340080 0-356 6570 J •9923379 •341 4921 f 9 91 A 144 •9614851 •350 1638 1 ftft 124 •934 4765 •356 6624 1 fi't 109 s •9933626 •341 5137 21O 144 •9626953 •350 1824 loo 124 •935 8831 •356 6788 HM 979 109 •995 0459 •341 5496 i. 143 •964 7161 •350 2134 i* 123 •938 2304 •356 6059 mtm 10S '. •9974213 •341 6999 fUfi 143 •967 5483 •360 2567 r,r c 123 •941 5232 •356 6440 AQQ 108 . 0-0004836 •3416644 142 •9712008 •3503123 OOD 122 •945 7679 •356 6928 *OO 107 I •0042390 •341 7432 787 QOQ 141 •975 6796 •350 3801 878 122 •950 9729 •356 7524 596 107 7 •0086960 •341 8360 yzo 140 •980 9940 •350 4601 QOl 121 •957 1486 •356 8226 OAU KM; 8 •013 8607 •311 iU'.'s 1 9A7 139 •987 1544 •350 5522 HU 120 •964 3073 •366 9034 DUO 105 9 10 •019 7468 •026 3653 •:i 1-2 0635 •342 1980 1 £\J4 1345 137 136 •994 1735 0-0020658 •350 6662 •350 7720 1158 118 117 •972 4634 •981 6333 •366 9947 •357 0961 1017 104 103 77 •0337300 •342 3461 1481 134 •010 8465 •350 8995 1275 i om 116 •991 8357 •357 2083 1120 1 991 101 75 75 •0418562 •0507609 •0604633 •070 9839 •342 5076 •3426823 •342 8701 •343 0707 1747 1878 2006 133 131 128 127 •020 5347 •031 1503 •042 7157 •056 2551 •351 0386 •351 1891 •351 3508 •351 6235 UVJ 1505 1617 1727 114 112 110 109 0003 0914 •015 4237 •028 8583 •043 4233 •357 3304 •357 462.-. •357 6044 •357 7560 1 — _ i 1321 1419 1516 100 98 97 95 76 77 18 •082 3457 •094 5734 •107 6941 •343 2839 •343 5095 •343 7472 2133 2256 2377 123 121 119 •0687956 •083 3665 •0989997 •351 7071 •351 9012 •352 1058 1836 1942 2046 •» 1 .IS 106 104 102 •059 1498 •076 0714 •094 2250 •357 9170 •358 0874 •358 2669 1611 1704 1795 1884 93 91 89 .'" •121 7375 •136 7352 •343 9968 •3442579 2611 115 112 •1157298 •133 5946 •3.12 3206 •352 5452 — 1**O 2247 99 97 •1136505 •1343912 •35S 4553 •358 6524 1971 87 84 tl :.' S3 S4 S5 •152 7219 •169 7350 •187 8149 •207 0053 •227 3532 •344 5302 •3448135 •345 1074 •3454116 •345 7256 2723 2833 2939 3041 3141 109 106 103 99 95 •152 6347 •172 8941 •194 4206 •217 2653 •241 4839 •352 7795 •353 0232 •353 2760 •353 5375 •353 8075 2343 2437 2528 2615 2700 94 91 ss 85 82 •156 4939 •180 0093 •204 9923 •231 5019 •259 6019 .358 8579 •359 0716 •359 2933 •359 5226 •359 7594 2055 2137 2217 2293 2368 82 80 77 74 71 26 in •2489095 •271 7291 •346 0492 •346 3819 3236 3328 92 88 •267 1362 •294 2868 •354 0857 •354 3717 2782 2860 OOQH 79 75 •2893613 •320 8543 •360 0033 •360 2540 2439 2507 68 65 28 29 90 •295 8713 •321 3998 •348 3836 •346 7235 •347 0734 •347 4311 3415 3499 3677 84 78 76 •323 0053 •353 3670 •385 4529 •354 6652 •354 9659 •355 2732 WBO 3007 3074 72 67 64 •354 1610 •389 3678 •426 5682 •3605112 •360 7747 •361 0441 2635 2694 62 59 56 •376 8974 •347 7965 3653 71 •419 3506 •355 5871 3138 Ql Of. 60 •465 8626 •361 3191 -750 52 . •407 0214 •348 1689 3724 3""Q1 66 •465 1549 •355 9070 J19!' M •507 3601 •361 5993 OQR1 49 33 - ; 35 •4388428 •472 4666 •5079618 •3485480 •348 9332 •349 3242 Ivl 3852 3910 62 67 52 •492 9680 •5329005 •575 0721 •356 2324 •356 5632 •356 8988 3308 3356 53 49 44 •651 1780 •597 4436 •646 2944 •361 8844 •362 1741 •362 4681 -. • ' 1 2897 2939 '46 42 39 36 37 38 sa 40 •545 4718 •585 1052 •626 9922 •671 2739 •718 1040 •3497204 •3501213 •350 5265 •350 9354 •351 3477 3962 4009 4052 4090 4122 47 43 38 33 28 •6196127 •666 6R29 •716 3753 •768 9159 •824 4653 •357 2388 •357 5829 •357 9306 •358 2814 •358 6350 3400 3441 3477 3509 3536 40 30 32 28 23 •697 8795 •752 3605 •809 9127 •870 7267 •935 0097 •362 7659 •363 0671 •363 3715 •363 6787 •363 9883 2978 3013 3044 3072 3096 35 31 28 M 20 *i 43 44 46 •767 6502 •820 0951 •8766383 •934 4983 •9969145 •351 7627 •352 1799 •352 6989 •353 0191 353 4399 4150 4172 4190 4202 4209 22 17 12 7 •883 2199 •!M.r) 3944 1-011 2229 •0809618 •154 8920 •358 9910 •359 3488 •359 7080 •3600682 •360 4290 3559 3578 3592 3602 3608 19 14 10 6 1002 9876 •074 9063 •151 0352 •231 6680 •317 1271 •3642998 •364 6130 •:(»i4 9274 •31 !5 2427 •365 5584 3116 3132 3144 3153 3157 16 12 9 6 Tables of the G (r, v}-Tntegrals TABLE LIV— (continued). 129 , r=9 r=10 r=ll logF(r, r) log H (r, ») A A* loSF(r, v) loglTtr,,, A A* log*C>,,) logH(r, ») A A2 0 1-909 9294 0-361 4744 1-888 2505 0-365 3717 id. T-868 5367 0-368 5367 1 •910 4635 •361 4793 J 97 •888 8502 •365 3761 ***± 87 •869 2023 •368 5407 4U 80 •912 0669 •361 4938 146 97 •890 6508 •365 3892 131 87 •871 2002 •368 5527 120 1 QQ 79 s •914 7427 •361 5180 ™T 97 •893 6556 •3654111 8JLH 87 •874 5345 •368 5725 um 79 4 •918 4961 •361 5520 339 96 •897 8705 •365 4416 306 ?Q9 87 •879 2114 •368 6004 278 79 5 •923 3346 •361 5955 96 •903 3037 •365 4808 OM 86 •885 2402 •368 6361 78 ill t lilSS 90 •962 2575 •365 8949 O*7»7 82 •950 6505 •369 0129 O1O 892 74 IS •9886667 •362 1635 1 VOO 89 •976 6581 •365 9929 HOI 80 •966 6268 •369 1022 73 IS 0-002 7197 •362 2312 1177 •992 4345 •366 0990 1061 1 10Q 79 •984 1288 •369 1987 1037 72 14 15 •018 0278 •034 6230 •362 4075 •362 5426 1350 W 84 0-009 6193 •028 2479 •3662129 •366 3346 1 1 • >• ' 1217 78 76 0-003 1923 •023 8567 •369 3024 •369 4132 1108 71 69 16 •i i.->2 5403 •3626860 1435 1 PL] Q 83 •048 3595 •366 4639 1293 1 Q«Q 75 •046 1651 •369 5308 1177 1245 68 17 •071 8179 •362 8378 1 • ' 1O 81 •069 9966 •3666007 \"™ 73 •070 1646 •369 6553 l *ii i 66 18 19 •092 4974 •114 6239 •362 9976 •363 1654 1678 79 77 •093 2058 •1180374 •366 7447 •366 8960 i****l 1512 72 69 •095 9063 •123 4460 •369 7864 •369 9240 1O11 1376 1 J.1Q 65 63 20 •138 2465 •3633409 75 •144 5461 •367 0541 68 •152 8439 •370 0679 IrtO*/ 62 21 23 24 u •1634180 •190 1960 •SU64U •248 sj.'iT •280 8124 •363 5239 •:i*;s 7142 •303 9115 •364 1157 •364 3264 1830 1903 1973 2042 2107 73 71 68 66 63 •172 7910 •202 8360 •2:! 47504 •268 6087 •304 4913 •367 2190 •367 3904 •367 5682 •367 7522 •367 9420 1649 1714 1778 1839 1899 66 64 61 59 57 •184 1654 •217 4809 •252 8669 •290 4057 •330 1857 •370 2179 •370 3739 •370 5357 •370 7030 •370 8757 1500 1560 1618 1673 1727 60 58 56 54 52 26 •314 6864 •3645435 *J'J 61 •342 48.11 •368 1376 IftM 55 •372 3033 •371 0536 1779 50 27 sa •350 5295 •388 i:iL.':i •364 7666 •364 9955 2290 58 55 •3826838 •-12.} 1882 •368 3386 •368 5448 2062 52 50 •4168615 •463 9718 •371 2365 •371 4241 1876 47 45 2'J SO •I2S 4925 •470 8156 •365 2300 •365 4697 2397 50 •470 1076 •517 5593 •3687559 •368 9718 2112 2159 47 44 •513 7544 •566 3390 •371 6162 •371 8125 1921 1964 43 40 31 S2 33 •615 5153 -.'.'; 2 7146 •6125463 •365 7144 •365 9636 •366 2173 2447 2493 2537 OR*"- 47 44 40 •567 6703 •620 5776 •676 4293 •369 1922 •369 4167 •369 6451 2203 U4fi 2284 910 1 12 39 30 •621 8657 •680 488 1 •7423617 •372 0129 •372 2171 •372 4249 2004 2042 2078 91 in 38 36 33 34 35 I Ml •7S069M •3664750 •366 7365 mOi t 2615 37 M •735 3855 •797 6194 •369 8772 •3701126 Mm 2354 31 •807 6710 •876 6045 •372 6359 •372 8500 £iL 1J, 18 •165 1080 •371 3297 z47o 16 •283 5209 •373 9567 '' 14 41 4* 43 44 •125 (txii! •207 W2 J •2!I4 1013 •38.-) 6379 •482 • •368 3654 •368 6438 •368 9:i.T( •3AO 67 •832 1212 •375 2990 QQl 62 6 •868 8171 •371 2494 72 •853 7829 •373 4494 OvO 67 •839 9395 •3753271 •01 62 ACH\ OOQ 0^0 6 •876 9402 •371 2893 t±\AJ 471 71 •862 6374 •373 4864 OO<7 66 •849 6258 •375 3614 O4O Al)A 61 7 •886 5774 •371 3364 ** 1 i 71 •873 1421 •373 6299 rm 66 •860 8985 •375 4019 ^V"« 61 X •897 7474 •371 3907 i ; 1 0 70 •885 3174 •373 5800 r.i'i' 65 •874 0798 •376 4484 BM 60 9 •910 4722 •371 4519 ulo 69 •899 1873 •373 6365 ilDO 65 •889 0954 •375 5010 KQK 60 10 •924 7770 •371 5201 69 •914 7789 •373 6995 630 64 •905 9746 •375 5595 HOP 59 11 •9406901 •371 5952 751 Q1 O 68 •932 1233 •373 7689 694 63 •924 7510 •375 6239 644 58 It •958 2436 •371 6771 olU ss1.; 67 •951 2549 •373 8445 01 Q 62 •945 4618 •375 6942 "60 57 •977 4727 •371 7656 OOD T, 1 66 •972 2124 •373 9263 Olo O»TQ 61 •968 1485 •376 7702 QIC 56 14 •998 4167 •371 8608 yui 65 •995 0382 •374 0142 O/J7 60 •992 8571 •375 8518 O1O s7-> 55 15 OO21 1187 •371 9624 64 0019 7792 •374 1081 938 59 0-019 6382 •375 9390 Oli 54 16 •045 6258 •372 0703 1080 1 149 62 •046 4865 •374 2078 997 58 •048 5469 •376 0317 QS<1 53 17 •0719896 •372 1846 1 i i — 61 •075 2161 •374 3132 10OJ 56 •079 6435 '376 I^-'T OO\J 1 {Vift 62 18 10 SO •100 2660 •130 5159 •162 8054 •3723048 •372 4310 •372 5630 1262 1320 59 58 56 •106 0288 •138 9908 •174 1737 •374 4243 •374 5409 •374 6628 1111 1166 1219 55 53 52 •1129939 •148 6693 •186 7470 •376 2329 •3763412 •376 4544 lOoZ 1083 1133 61 50 48 .7 •197 2059 •372 7006 1376 1 JQ1 65 •211 6551 •374 7899 1271 51 •227 3107 •376 5725 1181 1 99ft 47 _• • > •233 7945 •372 8437 l*sOl 53 •251 5187 •374 9221 1322 49 •270 4509 •376 6952 i 440 1 O"'*! 45 ',; •272 6547 •313 8765 •372 9921 •373 1456 1535 51 49 •293 8552 •338 7623 •375 0591 •375 2008 1370 1417 47 46 •316 2653 •364 8594 •376 8225 •376 9542 1X79 1317 44 42 .'•'> •357 5571 •373 3040 4 47 •386 3455 •375 3472 1464 43 •416 3469 •377 0901 40 „; •403 8013 •373 4672 1632 45 •436 7186 •375 4978 1506 42 •470 8506 •377 2301 1399 1 A "' i 39 .'X •452 7221 •504 4412 •373 6349 •373 8069 1720 43 41 •490 0042 •546 3346 •375 6527 •375 8115 154!) 1589 40 38 •528 5029 •589 4465 •377 3739 •377 5215 14.sU 1476 I'll l 37 35 .'.'I •559 0903 •373 9831 1 DAI 39 •605 8526 •375 9742 1D1/ 36 •653 8352 •377 6726 iiji i 33 .;n •616 8111 •374 1631 1801 37 •668 7120 •376 1405 1663 34 •721 8353 •377 8270 1544 32 31 •677 7567 •374 3469 1838 35 •735 0790 •376 3102 1697 1 7OQ 32 •793 6258 •377 9846 1576 ifinfi 30 S2 •742 0923 •374 5341 on 33 •805 1331 •376 4831 1 i „.' 30 •869 4003 •378 1452 iov/\> 28 S3 34 35 •8099966 •881 6625 •957 2989 •374 7246 •374 9182 •375 1145 1935 1963 30 28 25 •879 0680 •957 0932 1-039 4354 •376 6589 •376 8376 •377 0188 1759 1787 1812 28 26 23 9483978 1-033 7545 •122 8047 •378 3085 •378 4745 •378 6428 1034 1659 1683 26 24 22 36 1-037 1322 •375 3133 1988 23 •126 3402 •377 2024 1836 21 •216 7831 •378 8133 1705 1 *7O/i 19 37 38 •121 4073 •210 3905 •304 3704 •403 6615 •375 5144 •375 7176 •375 9226 •376 1291 2011 2032 MM M66 21 18 16 13 •218 0735 •314 9240 •417 2053 •525 2853 •377 3881 •377 5757 •377 7649 •377 9556 1857 1876 1893 1907 19 17 14 12 •315 9768 •420 6970 •531 2818 •648 0989 •378 9857 •379 I.V.MI •379 3356 •379 5127 17X4 1742 1757 1771 18 15 13 11 M •5086058 •376 3370 2078 11 •639 4542 •378 1475 1919 10 •771 5487 •379 6909 1782 8 •619 5764 •376 5458 ::' i^ii 8 •760 1977 •378 3403 1928 7 •902 0674 •379 8699 1791 7 :' ;; ••• •7369806 •861 2638 •9929140 •376 7555 •376 9657 •377 1762 2102 2105 5 3 •887 9308 2-023 1367 •166 3448 •378 5338 •378 7279 •378 9222 1936 1941 1943 5 2 2-040 1318 •186 2627 •341 0309 •380 0497 •380 2299 •380 4103 1802 1804 6 2 Tables of the G (r, v)-Tntegrah TABLE LIV— (continued). 131 * ,.15 ,= 16 r=17 log /•' (r, ») log*(r,,> A AS log F (r, v) logH(r,») A A* logJF(r,F) logH(r.r) A A2 0 1-803 8114 0-376 8754 1-790 2485 0-378 2941 9ft 1-777 4825 0-379 5425 1 •804 7405 •376 8783 ftft 59 •791 2436 •378 2969 20 89 65 •778 5436 •379 5450 7ft 52 2 •807 5297 •376 8871 oo 58 •794 2308 •378 3051 QV 56 •781 7289 •379 6528 i O 1 OO 52 3 •812 1842 •376 9018 2 t 1387 20 18 36 S7 38 S9 40 •308 2938 •414 9495 •610 4313 •772 0144 •380 2031 •380 3641 •380 5267 •380 6907 •380 8660 1691 1610 1626 1640 1653 18 17 14 12 11 •400 7368 •514 8561 •635 3206 •762 5175 •896 8681 •381 4146 •381 5655 •381 7180 •381 8718 •382 0267 1492 1509 1525 1538 1549 17 15 13 12 10 •494 0009 •615 5849 •743 9235 •879 4285 2-022 5477 •382 4800 •382 6220 •382 7655 •382 9102 •383 0561 1404 1420 1435 1448 1458 16 14 13 11 9 41 42 43 44 45 •9047199 2-045 0157 •193 4131 •350 4709 •5168011 •381 0223 •381 1894 •381 3572 •381 5254 •381 6938 1663 1671 1678 1682 1684 8 6 4 2 2-038 8307 •188 9051 •347 6370 •515 6232 •693 6170 •382 1826 •382 3393 •382 4966 •382 6543 •382 8122 1559 1567 1573 1577 1579 8 6 4 2 •173 7686 •333 6229 •502 6906 •681 6063 •871 0649 •383 2028 •383 3503 •383 4984 •383 6468 •383 7953 1468 1475 1480 1484 1480 7 6 4 2 17-2 132 fnr Stitfixfii-nin* and fft TABLE L1V— (continued). ' r-18 r-19 r-20 W(r.* logH(r.r) A A .o^O 46 •744 4077 •382 5275 44 * •769 9355 •3806691 10 199 49 •758 7762 •381 6469 4i ; •748 1876 •382 5341 i in 44 3 •775 6818 •380 6713 LB 49 •764 7532 •381 6584 1 < M •754 4955 •382 5451 i r ' 1 fi A 41 4 •783 6015 •3806884 48 •773 1369 •381 6746 ftvfl 41; •763 3431 •3826605 1 • ' t 1Q7 II 6 •793 7099 •3807103 48 •783 9431 •381 6954 46 •774 7474 •382 5802 ftvl -i:i 967 9r»? 941 e •8062268 •380 7370 •OJ 48 •797 1925 •381 7207 •wfl 46 •788 7299 •3826042 £*t 1 "S 1 4:: 7 •821 0746 •380 7685 •M 47 •8129104 •381 7605 040 46 •805 3174 •382 6326 2O*x ^97 4:1 8 •8382835 •3808048 A K~ 47 •831 1269 •381 7849 O4O 45 •824 5417 •3826652 O£ f 42 9 •8678863 •3808467 *rX 47 •851 8772 •381 8237 T?" ' 44 •846 4398 •382 7021 41 1 42 10 •879 9809 •380 8913 46 •875 2015 •381 8669 44 •871 0541 •382 7432 111 41 11 •9044307 •3809415 502 45 •901 1455 •381 9144 476 - 1 ., 43 •898 4326 •382 7883 452 4Q1 41 I : •931 4638 •3809962 roo 45 •929 •381 9663 919 42 •928 6293 •382 8376 tyo 111 40 IS •961 0741 •381 0554 filfi 44 •961 1020 •382 0224 fiO't 42 •961 7039 •3828909 «JOO 673 40 14 •993 3209 •381 1190 OOV 43 •995 2351 •382 0826 wo 41 •997 722 1 •382 9482 All M 15 0-028 2696 •381 1869 42 0032 2269 •382 1470 40 0-036 7674 •383 0093 vl 1 39 *799 ftQj fiin 16 •0659915 •381 2591 i - _ 42 •072 1535 •382 2154 \>O*1 7OQ 39 •078 8894 •383 0743 QUU f:s~ 37 17 •1065648 •381 3354 ftfu 41 •1150974 •382 2877 1 20 7fil 38 •124 2043 •383 M:M uo / 724 37 ;x •150 0744 •381 4157 ou<* 40 •161 1483 •382 3638 1 v l 38 •172 7969 •383 2153 7">O 36 19 •196 6125 •381 5001 SS9 39 •210 4036 •382 4437 25! 37 •224 7699 •3832912 1 •'.' 35 SO •246 2790 •381 5882 38 •262 9690 •382 5273 36 •280 2346 •383 3706 34 SI •299 1823 •381 6802 919 36 •318 9588 •382 6144 871 QOfi 35 •3393115 •383 4534 828 M;D 33 S3 •355 4391 •381 7757 QQl 35 •378 4966 •382 7049 S7VU qoq 33 •402 1306 •383 5394 \j\j\j ftQ9 32 S3 •415 1758 •381 8749 in?* 34 •441 7157 •382 7988 «7O>J Q71 32 •468 8327 •383 6286 OM 31 •', •478 5288 •381 9774 inis 33 •508 7603 •382 8960 is 1 1 lllll-1 31 •539 5695 •383 7209 QfjO 30 «5 •545 6451 •382 0832 31 •579 7858 •382 9962 1 \f\Jiu 30 •614 5047 •383 8162 28 ?G •616 6833 •691 8145 •382 1921 •382 3041 1120 1 I A Q 30 29 •654 9597 •734 4627 •383 0994 •383 2055 1061 1AQQ 29 27 •693 8148 •777 6902 •383 9142 •384 0150 981 1008 27 26 S8 •771 2230 •382 4189 114O 1 1 7ft 27 •818 4896 •383 3143 1V/OO 26 •866 3362 •3841184 1 (),->!) 25 ,':' 50 •855 1078 •943 6834 •382 5365 •382 6567 11 1 ' ' 1202 26 25 •907 2506 1-000 9723 •383 4257 •383 5396 1139 25 23 •95U U74U 1-058 8424 •384 2243 •384 3325 1082 23 22 51 St 1-037 1813 •135 8513 •382 7794 •382 9043 1227 1249 23 22 •0998993 •204 2956 •383 6558 •383 7742 1162 1184 22 20 •163 1992 •273 3224 •384 4429 •384 5554 1104 1126 1111 21 19 S3 34 35 L-:f:> >,::»; •3498099 •465 7060 •383 0314 •383 1605 •383 2915 1271 1291 1310 20 19 17 •314 4464 •430 6601 •553 2702 •383 8946 •384 0170 •384 1411 1204 1223 1241 19 17 16 ' 5124 •6UOMJ •641 4188 •3846698 •384 7860 •384 9039 1 144 1162 1179 18 17 15 3G •587 9937 •383 4241 1326 15 •682 6377 •384 2667 1 971 14 •777 8668 •385 0233 1194 1208 14 37 38 •717 0435 •863 2571 •383 5583 •383 6938 1355 14 12 •819 1539 •963 2435 •384 3938 •384 .IJL'L' 1 at L 1284 1 '"I". 13 11 •921 8503 2-073 8165 •385 1440 •385 2660 1220 191?! 12 11 39 •9970711 •3838305 1 ^77 10 2-115 3673 •384 6518 1 _ • '« » 10 •234 2509 •385 3891 &XOJ 1240 9 40 2-148 9600 •3839683 10 1 t 9 •276 0267 •384 7823 J 8 •403 6815 •385 5130 8 ',' •309 4403 •479 0754 •658 4799 •384 1069 •384 2462 •3843860 1386 1393 1398 7 5 4 •445 7673 •625 1841 •814 9263 •384 9136 •385 0455 •385 1780 1313 1320 1321 1 '{•' S 7 5 3 •582 6831. •771 8822 •971 9629 •385 6378 • •Ju~ "flQO •JoO 1 ' l-Jw •385 8HIK) 1247 1254 1258 i-'i;i 6 5 3 '•'• 4S •848 3263 3-049 3507 •384 6262 •3846666 1403 2 3 015 7041 •228 2952 •385 3108 •385 4437 luZO 1330 2 3-1836730 •407 ' •386 0151 •386 1414 i —'ii 1263 2 Tables of the G (r, ^-Integrals TABLE LIV— (continued). 133 , r=21 r = 22 , = 23 logP(r,») logH(r,») A * log F(r,,) logH(r,r) A A* logF(r, f) logH(r,») A A2 0 1-732 8121 0-383 3271 91 1-722 9451 0-384 0548 1-713 5069 0-384 7182 1 734 1352 •383 3292 21 42 •724 3364 •384 0568 fiO 40 •714 9643 •384 7202 R7 38 2 •738 1155 •383 3354 1(\r, 42 •728 5130 •384 0628 w 40 •719 3391 •384 7259 Ul 38 S •744 7542 •383 3459 IIW 42 •735 4826 •384 0728 14T) 40 •726 6397 •384 7355 38 4 •754 0660 •383 3606 1 QQ 41 •745 2584 •384 0867 f±\j 40 •736 8798 •384 7488 38 5 •766 0683 •383 3793 IOO 41 •757 8590 •384 1047 39 •750 0786 •384 7660 38 99Q 219 209 6 •780 7641 •383 4022 tLfifj 9.7O 41 •773 3082 •384 1266 258 39 •766 2613 •384 7869 247 37 7 •798 2414 •383 4293 £ti\j 41 •791 6354 •384 1523 2Q7 39 •785 4585 •384 8116 284 37 8 •818 4736 •383 4604 Vi\ 40 •812 8757 •384 1820 fttj t 335 38 •807 7070 •384 8400 321 37 9 •841 5196 •383 4955 40 •837 0698 •384 2155 ^71 38 •833 0493 •384 8721 36 10 •867 4241 •383 5346 39 •864 2646 •384 2529 o t o 38 •861 5346 •384 9078 36 AW) 411 w* 11 •896 2374 •383 5776 "*«>U 39 •894 5129 •384 2940 *±L L 448 37 •893 2180 •384 9471 oi/o 49Q 36 IS •928 0162 •383 6245 "508 38 •927 8740 •384 3388 485 37 •928 1617 •384 9899 lit/ 464 35 IS •962 8233 •383 6753 38 •964 4139 •384 3872 521 36 •966 4346 •385 0363 34 14 0-000 7283 •383 7299 * 37 0-004 2054 •384 4393 556 35 0-008 1129 •385 0861 632 34 15 •041 8074 •383 7881 36 •047 3287 •384 4949 35 •053 2804 •385 1393 33 16 •086 1444 •3838500 654 36 •093 8713 •384 5540 591 625 34 •102 0289 •385 1958 565 598 33 17 •133 8306 •383 9154 CVI 35 •143 9291 •334 6164 658 33 •154 4586 •385 2556 32 18 •184 9653 •383 9843 UOJJ 700 34 •197 6061 •384 6822 r- ti i 32 •210 6783 •385 3185 ftfiA 31 29 •239 Go63 •384 0566 m 33 •255 0156 •384 7513 OJAJ 799 31 •270 8064 •385 3845 DDU (I'll 30 20 •2980208 •384 1322 32 •316 2801 •384 8235 t ~ — 31 •334 9713 •385 4536 \JiJl 29 XI •360 1851 •384 2111 788 wOi i 31 •381 5322 •384 8987 789 30 •403 3116 •385 5256 720 74ft 28 gs •426 2861 •384 2930 ozu 30 •450 9155 •384 9770 iOA Oil 29 •475 9774 •385 6004 I*±O 28 S3 •496 4716 •384 3780 Q7Q 29 •524 5848 •385 0581 oil QOQ 28 •553 1308 •385 6780 776 ono 27 24 •570 9011 •384 4659 Ola QO7 28 •602 7073 •385 1420 OOo >•»'' , 27 •634 9466 •385 7583 ouo QOQ 26 25 •649 7464 •384 5566 •A// 27 •685 4632 •385 2286 OOO 26 •721 6136 •385 8411 OBO 25 S6 •733 1933 •384 6500 960 26 •773 0472 •385 3178 'lit; 25 •813 3351 •385 9264 077 24 27 •821 4416 •384 7460 985 26 •8656689 •385 4094 01 U Q4O 24 •910 3304 •386 0141 Oil 23 S8 •914 7070 •384 8445 23 •963 5543 •385 5034 tt*t\j 22 1-012 8362 •386 1040 22 29 1-0132222 •384 9453 1031 22 1-0669472 •385 5996 flS4 21 •121 1074 •386 1961 921 Q41 20 SO •117 2380 •385 0484 21 •176 1108 •385 6980 20 •235 4191 •386 2902 {741 19 31 •227 0250 •385 1535 1052 1 1 1 ~ i 20 •291 3286 •385 7984 1004 19 •356 0681 •386 3862 960 18 SS S3 S4 55 •342 8756 •465 1055 •594 0558 •730 0957 •385 2607 •385 3696 •385 4803 •385 5926 1071 1090 1107 1123 18 17 16 14 •412 9072 •541 1773 •670 4967 •819 2523 •385 9007 •386 0047 •386 1104 •386 2176 1023 1040 1057 1072 18 16 15 14 •483 3760 •617 6859 •759 3748 •908 8466 •386 4840 •386 5836 •386 6846 •386 7871 978 995 1011 1025 17 16 14 13 36 n u 39 40 •873 6248 2-025 0761 •184 9195 •353 6651 •531 8676 •385 7063 •385 8213 •385 9375 •386 0547 •386 1728 1137 1150 1162 1172 1181 13 12 10 9 7 •9698630 2-128 7827 •296 5039 •473 6612 •6605361 •386 3261 •386 4359 •386 5468 •386 6586 •386 7713 1085 1098 1109 1119 1127 12 11 10 8 7 2-066 5394 •232 9279 •408 5272 •593 8968 •789 6446 •386 8910 •386 9960 •387 1021 •387 2091 •387 3169 1038 1050 1061 1070 1078 12 11 10 8 7 41 4- •720 1308 •919 1130 •386 2916 •3864110 1188 1194 11 'IS 6 4 •858 0615 3-066 8272 •386 8848 •386 9987 1134 1140 1 144 6 4 •996 4325 3-214 9823 •387 4264 •387 5344 1085 1090 1OQ4 5 4 43 44 45 3-129 5327 •352 1756 •687 9021 •386 5308 •386 6510 •386 7712 i lyo 1201 1203 3 2 •287 6865 •521 1629 •768 4580 •387 1131 •387 2278 •387 3426 1 lit 1147 1148 3 1 •446 0817 •690 5919 •949 4561 •387 6438 •387 7535 •387 8633 l' '• ' i 1097 1098 3 1 134 Tables for Station- hi us ((ml />'/<>///< trichina TABLE LJV— (continual). , r-24 r-26 r-26 •**>,» log//(r,r) A -i- W.,> log//(r,r) A A» log*'(r,r) *H(r.,, A A» 0 1 7ol 4618 0-385 3266 1 Q 1-695 7781 0-385 8838 1 O T'687 4284 0-386 3984 1 •7059862 •386 3276 1s 37 •697 3569 •385 8855 lo 35 •6890840 •386 4001 61 34 t •7105684 •385 3330 M 37 •702 1393 •3868908 KV 35 •C:il 0540 •386 4052 86 '•', 1 3 •718 1899 •385 3421 Wm 1 • ' s 36 •710 1019 •386 S:I:H; DO I 00 36 •7:il5 •Bfl lift 32 •859 1983 •385 5073 34 •857 2243 •386 0582 329 33 •855 5847 vAU 32 11 •892 3170 •385 5460 377 3831 •3858406 078 f\t k«> 80 •1766711 •386 3782 550 29 •188 2!u:i •386 8738 557 28 lit •221 1458 •3859009 DUo !'•>'> 30 •237 9768 •386 4361 29 •252 1435 •386 9295 27 19 •^-i; xn!s •385 9642 two 29 •303 5430 •386 4969 608 i") " 28 •320 4290 •386 9880 fill 27 90 •3540583 •3860304 662 28 •373 5093 •386 5604 635 27 •393 2963 •387 0491 26 f Nil . <*('•> 637 SI •425 4870 •386 0994 OlA/ *71 1 27 •448 0267 •386 6267 DDa 26 •470 9025 •387 1128 662 25 •501 4356 •386 1711 717 — i < 26 •527 2584 •386 6955 "it 25 •553 4176 •387 1790 (iM7 24 23 •582 0734 •386 2455 /44 26 •611 3809 •386 7669 714 *7*>O 25 •641 0250 •387 2477 \J\J i 710 24 ~4 •667 5830 •386 3225 25 •700 5843 •386 8408 7*>y — . •_) 24 •733 1I22(; •387 3187 23 2.7 •768 1612 •386 4018 24 •795 0741 •386 9170 762 23 •832 3242 •387 3920 22 01 0 •TQK 765 /<; •8540205 •3864836 OiO H 11 t 23 •895 0716 •386 9955 /oo 22 •9364600 •387 4674 776 21 .•; •9553899 •386 5676 OVJ W( '-) 22 1-000 8153 •387 0762 QO** 21 1-046 6783 •387 5450 796 20 28 1-062 6163 •386 6538 on OQO 21 •112 5627 •387 1589 Dal QjC7 20 •162 9470 •387 6246 815 19 :'• •175 6661 •386 7420 Boa 19 •230 5913 •387 2436 H47 19 •285 8547 •3877060 18 90 •295 1263 •386 8322 902 18 •355 2004 •387 3302 866 18 •415 6129 •387 7893 17 31 •4212069 •386 9242 920 17 •486 7129 •387 4185 883 17 •552 5576 •387 8742 860 865 16 n •654 2426 •387 0180 ii" i 16 •625 4776 •387 6085 900 16 •697 0516 •3879608 ouu 880 15 33 •094 5945 •387 1134 BM 15 •771 8709 •387 6001 910 14 •849 4867 •388 0488 894 14 •i •842 6534 •387 2102 tK>a 14 •9263001 •387 6931 930 13 2-010 2864 •388 1382 907 13 • -. •9988417 •387 3085 982 13 2-089 2053 •387 7874 943 12 •179 9088 •388 2289 12 36 2-163 6169 •3874080 995 1 1 M it; 11 •261 0633 •387 8829 955 11 •358 8499 •388 3208 919 929 11 37 •337 4747 •387 5086 IUUO 1 A1 T 10 •442 3906 •387 9795 ~~ 10 517 6471 •388 4137 938 9 38 •520 9526 •387 6103 1017 9 •633 7476 •388 0771 MA 9 •746 8833 •388 6075 947 8 39 40 •7146347 •919 1558 •387 7128 •387 8162 1033 8 6 •836 7426 3049 0373 •388 1756 •388 2748 992 7 6 -IC.7 1916 3-179 2602 •388 6022 •388 6976 954 7 6 41 3-135 8068 •3635411 •6049809 •387 9201 •388 0246 •388 1295 1045 1048 6 3 3 •274 3517 •612 4708 •764 2515 •388 3746 •388 4749 •388 5766 998 1003 1007 6 4 2 •413 8384 •661 7426 •923 8647 •388 7935 •388 8900 •388 9868 964 B68 ((-i i 6 4 2 M 45 •8604254 4-1308591 •388 2346 •3883398 1051 1052 1 4-030 6307 •312 6342 •388 6765 •388 7776 1010 1 4-201 1786 •494 7624 •389 0838 •389 1810 *7I \J 972 1 Tables of the G (r, v)-Integrals TABLE LIV— (continued). 135 , r=27 r=28 , = 29 logF(r, ») logtffr.r) A A" logf(r, r) logH(r,r) A A" logF(r, ») logH(r, r) A A3 0 1-679 3877 0-386 8744 1ft 1-671 6341 0-387 3160 16 T'664 1478 0-387 7268 in 1 •681 1094 •386 8760 i\> 33 •673 4219 •387 3176 47 31 •666 0017 •387 7283 xu 30 .? •686 2778 •386 8809 Ql 33 •678 7887 •387 3223 ^ t 79 31 •671 5669 •387 7328 76 30 3 •694 9025 •386 8891 Ol 32 •687 7445 •387 3301 110 31 •680 8538 •387 7404 lOft 30 4 •706 9998 •386 9005 1 4fi 32 •700 3062 •387 3411 141 31 •693 8799 •387 7510 i\j\j i.ifi 30 5 •722 5923 •386 9151 LtlJ 32 •716 4973 •387 3552 31 •710 6695 •387 7647 K0Q 30 6 •741 7096 •386 9329 178 91 A 32 •736 3483 •387 3724 172 31 •731 2544 •387 7813 166 I'M; 30 7 •764 3877 •386 9539 £.l\J o.-j 9.19 •759 8968 •387 3927 233 30 •755 6734 •387 8008 X{7O 225 30 t •790 6698 •386 9781 ni •787 1876 •387 4160 264 30 •783 9728 •387 8234 254 29 9 •820 6063 •387 0055 •*n!i ^ •818 272H •387 4424 293 30 •816 2068 •387 8488 29 10 •854 2546 •387 0359 31 •853 2121 •387 4717 30 •852 4372 •387 8772 29 11 •891 6799 •387 0694 335 30 •892 0731 •387 5041 352 29 •892 7340 •387 9084 340 28 12 •932 9552 •387 1059 one 30 •934 9315 •387 5393 ift l 29 •937 1757 •387 9424 28 IS •978 1615 •387 1454 *2 29 •981 8715 •387 5774 001 409 28 •985 8495 •387 9792 395 27 14 0-027 3887 •387 1879 ~~* 29 0-032 9863 •387 6183 437 28 0-038 8519 •388 0187 422 27 15 •080 7353 •387 2332 28 •0883780 •387 6620 27 •0962888 •388 0609 26 16 •1383092 •387 2814 "tii' » 28 •148 1586 •387 7084 464 4Q1 27 •158 2763 •388 1057 448 26 17 •200 2283 •387 3323 ouy 27 •212 4505 •387 7576 ftt7i 517 26 •224 9410 •388 1531 499 25 18 •266 6208 •387 3859 o«>o 26 •281 3865 •387 8093 25 •296 4208 •388 2031 25 19 •337 6258 •387 4422 563 K.QQ 26 •355 1112 •387 8635 567 25 •372 8653 •388 2555 548 24 20 •413 3944 •387 5010 JOO 25 •4337811 •387 9203 "VI 24 •454 4367 •388 3103 23 21 •494 0896 •387 5624 coo 24 •517 5657 •387 9794 fit fi 23 •541 3106 •388 3674 671 fiQJ. 23 n •579 8882 •387 6261 24 •606 6479 •3880409 VlU COO 23 •633 6767 •388 4268 U«^r (; 1 1; 22 .'•? •670 9806 •387 6923 ™A 23 •701 2256 •388 1047 ooo fifirt 22 •731 7398 •388 4883 O1Q COY 21 *4 •767 5727 •387 7607 wv 22 •801 5122 •388 1706 \J\1\J fiHl 21 •835 7212 •388 5520 QO / fiV7 20 25 •869 8863 •387 8312 21 •9077380 •388 2387 UO1 20 •945 8594 •388 6177 •JO 4 20 797 7f»1 fl77 26 •978 1616 •387 9039 t fit 20 1-020 1612 •3883088 * ' ' 1 19 1-0624115 •388 6854 D i I 19 27 1-0926538 •387 9786 "fifi 19 •139 0194 •3883808 719 18 •185 6549 •388 7550 71 ^ 17 28 •213 6439 •388 0552 18 •264 6312 •388 4547 7^K 18 •315 8886 •388 8263 t i '* 17 29 •341 4310 •388 1337 Q/\Q 17 •397 2979 •388 5303 771 17 •453 4351 •388 8993 7^7 16 SO •476 3386 •388 2138 BOB 16 •537 3550 •388 6077 773 16 •598 6420 •388 9740 15 31 •618 7157 •388 2956 818 QOO 15 •685 1648 •3886865 789 15 •751 8846 •389 0501 762 77ft 14 32 •768 9393 •3*H 3790 j 14 •841 1182 •388 7669 Ql Q 14 •913 5680 •389 1277 / i O 13 S3 •927 4164 •388 4638 13 2-005 6375 •3888487 O1O QOfi 13 2-084 1297 •389 2067 ano 12 34 2-094 5869 •388 5499 ^i 12 •179 1790 •388 9317 OuU . 1 Q 12 •264 0426 •389 2868 Ql t 11 SB •270 9268 •388 6372 o/o 11 •362 2366 •389 0159 MS 11 •453 8181 •389 3682 81«> 10 36 •456 9512 •388 7257 885 10 •555 3447 •389 1012 853 10 •654 0100 •389 4505 824 9 37 •653 2186 •388 8161 895 9 •759 0825 •389 1875 863 QTO 9 •865 2184 •389 5338 833 ,ii 8 38 39 •8603344 3-078 9562 •388 9055 •3889967 912 8 7 •974 0781 3-201 0137 •389 2746 •389 3625 o7z 879 QQO 7 7 3-0880940 •323 3436 •389 6179 •389 7028 841 849 oe e 7 6 40 •309 7991 •389 0885 918 6 •440 6310 •389 4511 Bob 5 •571 7357 •389 7883 855 5 41 42 43 •553 6412 •811 3309 4-083 7948 •389 1809 •389 2738 •389 3670 924 929 932 5 3 2 •693 7374 •961 2127 4-2440178 •389 5402 •389 6298 •389 7197 891 896 899 lull 4 3 2 •834 1065 4-111 3678 •404 5148 •389 8744 •389 9608 •390 0476 860 865 868 4 3 2 44 •372 0436 •389 4604 a 1 •543 2028 •3898098 901 1 •714 6355 •390 1346 870 1 45 •677 1878 •389 5540 936 •859 9176 •3899000 902 5-042 9213 •390 2217 871 I Tables for Stal!*li<'i a? - •705 0914 •388 1466 132 29 •699 7466 •388 5034 12< 2* •694 6208 •3888378 123 27 6 •726 4101 •388 1625 161 29 •721 7993 •388 5189 155 28 •717 4073 •3*8 8528 151 1— •• (V 7 •751 • •388 1*15 189 29 •717 9592 •388 5372 183 28 •744 4379 •388 8706 , i 27 - •781 0077 •388 218 28 •778 2762 •388 5583 211 27 •775 7637 •388 8910 204 26 9 •8143906 •388 2278 246 28 •812 8080 •388 6822 238 27 •811 1111 •388 9140 231 • - — 2(5 10 •851 9121 •388 2562 274 28 •851 6207 •388 6086 265 27 •851 5483 •388 9397 257 26 11 :<>447 •388 2854 302 27 •894 7893 •388 6378 292 26 •896 1530 •38,* 283 «}/\0 26 12 •939 6098 •388 3183 329 27 •942 3977 •388 6696 318 26 •945 3119 •388 9888 .ills ooo 25 •990 0775 •388 3538 356 26 •994 5391 •388 7041 344 •»— . , •999 2205 •389 0322 888 'i " k. 25 14 0-044 9676 •388 3920 382 26 0-051 3173 •388 7410 •J7U QO!", 25 0-057 !-vi;i •3890680 806 oyO- 24 IS •104 4498 •388 4328 408 25 •1128450 •388 7805 3!l.> 25 •121 4595 •389 Ki(i2 tKSJ 24 16 •168 6443 •388 4762 433 25 •179 2464 •388 8225 419 24 •1900681 •389 I ItiH 23 17 •237 6820 •388 5220 458 24 •250 6573 •388 8668 444 23 •2(i3 8522 •389 1*9! i 1 - •} 23 18 •311 7056 •388 5703 483 24 •327 2249 •388 9136 467 23 312 9638 •389 2361 tot A1H 22 19 •390 8701 •3886209 23 •409 1093 468 9626 490 22 •427 5684 "389 2s''*' 1 I •) 22 JO •475 3432 •3886739 530 22 •4964842 •389 0138 513 22 •517 8452 •3*9 3323 r.i7 21 SI •5653065 •388 7291 552 22 •589 5372 •389 0673 53 1 21 •til 3 •389 3840 518 20 •660 9566 •3** 7*'i5 574 21 •688 4714 •389 1228 5.)6 20 •7 Hi 2dti3 •3*9 4379 20 Us •762 5053 •388 8460 595 20 •793 6068 •389 1804 576 20 •824 729 Ol/D 18 :> 1-104 !I235 •389 0366 654 18 •1176710 •389 3C, is 633 18 •1906I01 •389 6723 (i!3 17 .>; •232 5423 •389 1038 672 17 •279 6653 •389 4299 650 17 •327 0091 •3-9 7353 i- \(\ 16 /,- •367 39*1 •389 1727 (i: in — , ,, • 16 •419 1433 •3*9 4966 £UO Hi •171 1094 •3-9 8000 l> 4T> <•<;.> 15 •609 *2 15 •389 2433 70(5 16 •566 419-' •;;-,]! ;,i| |i) DOtJ 15 •(123 2962 •389 8661 ' »')_ 15 SO •660 1814 •389 3155 722 15 •721 9568 •3-9 6348 (,9V 14 •783 953 1 •3*9 9338 14 31 •818-8570 •389 3891 736 14 •8860657 •389 7060 713 13 •953 11151; •3! (0002* — , ,'j 13 1707 •389 4642 750 7C1 13 2-059 2096 •389 7786 786 -OQ 13 2-132 3701 •391 1 0732 i (M 71 "> 12 8749 •3*:» 5405 i It.} 12 •241 8567 •3*9 *525 (OO 12 •321 (Mini •390 1 117 i i •* *~ >*" 11 34 •3111 1593 775 11 •434 5127 •3*9 9275 750 "O 1 11 •5900679 •31HI 2171 i -i 10 35 •545 6529 •M i;:..;.; 786 10 •037 7246 •390 (H135 (61 10 •7300183 •31HI 2911 "" 9 S6 752 9288 •389 7762 796 9 •852 0847 •39(10806 770 ••"•A 9 •951 4628 •390 3657 746 9 37 •9716080 •389 85(i7 805 8 3-078 2349 •31X1 15*5 (79 — .; — 8 3-1850841 •3904412 IP 8 08 1 3639 •389 9380 813 7 •316 8712 •390 2372 78 ( 7 •431 (5009 •3!H) 5171 - ! 7 •115 9277 •390 0201 820 6 •568 7494 •390 3166 791 6 •691 7ii3* •390 51 HI i-'.' 6 40 •703 0947 •390 1028 827 5 •834 6915 •390 3966 900 6 •9665111 •390 6719 6 41 974 7302 •390 1859 832 4 1-1155919 •390 4771 805 4 1-3066766 •390 7498 780 4 42 4 261 7776 •39" 3 •31HI 55*d «?9 3 •5ii3 2967 •3!tO 8282 --,- 3 4$ •390 3534 2 •72fi 257 1 •31KIC392 H12 2 •**7 4707 •3909069 (H| 2 44 •886 3234 •390 1375 841 O4O 1 •390 7206 01 - 1 5-2303999 •3! Mi TAB 1 -V- 6 l*d| •3!Mi 5JI7 * M • B7M •390 8021 BAH •593 3997 •391 0646 , .^.t Tables of the G (r, v}- Integrals TABLE LIV— (continued). 137 00 r=33 r=34 ,=35 log -/•'('"> ») logff(r,i.) A A* logF(r, i.) log if (r, ,) A A2 logF (r, x) *«M A A2 0 1-636 5434 0-389 1183 13 1-630 1576 0-389 4146 i "^ 1-623 9542 0-389 6937 1 °. 1 •638 6617 •389 1197 40 27 •632 3421 •389 4159 10 1Q 26 •626 2048 •389 6949 lo 00 25 % •645 0208 •389 1237 67 27 •638 8996 •389 4198 Ot7 26 •632 9608 •389 6987 oo 00 25 s •li.V. 6323 •389 1304 uq 26 •649 8424 •389 4262 Ol 26 •644 2348 •389 7050 Do 00 25 4 •670 5163 •389 1397 «/«> 120 26 •665 1908 •389 4353 26 •660 0478 •389 7138 00 25 5 •689 7005 •389 1516 26 •684 9738 •389 4469 26 •680 4295 •389 7251 25 MI; 1 49 1 °.M 6 •713 2210 •389 1662 1 1U 172 26 •709 2283 •389 4611 &U 25 •705 4180 •389 7389 loo 25 7 •741 1222 •389 1835 26 •738 0001 •389 4778 25 •735 0604 •389 7551 IB? 24 8 •773 4568 •389 2033 994 26 •771 3436 •389 4970 91 7 25 •769 4129 •389 7738 24 9 •810 2865 •389 2256 ZZ4 94Q 25 •809 3225 •389 5187 •At 949 25 •808 5407 •389 7948 . 00 K 24 10 •851 6818 •389 2505 tito 25 •8520090 •389 5429 Z4Z 24 •852 5188 •389 8183 20O 24 11 •897 7225 •389 2780 274 25 •899 4858 •389 5695 266 24 •901 4317 •389 8442 259 900 23 12 •948 4980 •389 3078 323 24 •951 8449 •389 5985 MA 24 •955 3744 •389 8724 •ox 23 IS 0-004 1077 •389 3402 24 0-009 1887 •389 6299 007 23 0-014 4525 •389 9029 •}•>« 23 14 •064 6615 •389 3749 371 24 •071 6306 •389 6636 Oo t 23 •078 7824 •389 9356 aso 22 15 •130 2802 •389 4120 23 •139 2949 •389 6996 23 •148 4925 •389 9706 a 22 16 •201 0960 •389 4514 417 23 •2123180 •389 7379 382 Af)f\ 22 •223 7229 •390 0078 372 21 17 •277 2533 •389 4931 11 1 22 •290 8487 •389 7783 t*\J*J A9fi 21 •304 6270 •3900471 41 -1 21 18 •358 9091 •389 5370 ~™ 22 •3750487 •389 8209 •BQ 21 •391 3713 •390 0884 *±l ~± 20 19 •446 2340 •389 5830 461 21 •465 0938 •389 8656 447 20 •484 1369 •390 1319 d<-i 20 to •539 4127 •389 6312 482 20 •561 1746 •389 9123 467 20 •583 1198 •390 1773 d 19 ..; •638 6453 •389 6814 602 -,.'-• 20 •663 4971 •3899611 487 19 •688 5323 •390 2246 JQO 19 22 •744 1480 •389 7336 *)£i£i 19 •772 2842 •3900117 V '. 19 •800 6039 •390 2738 K.in 18 '.': •856 1542 •3*9 7M77 O41 19 •887 7765 •390 0643 mo 18 •919 5823 •390 3248 OIU 17 , •974 9160 •389 8437 560 f 7Q 18 1-010 2336 •390 1186 543 17 1-045 7350 •390 3776 528 r 4 f 17 25 1-100 7050 •389 9014 078 17 •139 9367 •390 1746 561 17 •179 3502 •390 4321 040 16 ,,; •233 8145 •389 9609 695 rtl i 17 •277 1848 •390 2324 577 16 •320 7390 •SIX) 4881 561 16 !8 •374 5602 •523 2830 •390 0220 •390 0847 Oil 627 16 15 •422 3065 •575 6518 •390 2917 •390 3525 593 609 15 14 •470 2366 •628 2047 •390 5458 •390 6049 591 f*f\[L 15 14 so •6*0 3501 •846 1578 •390 1489 •390 2145 656 14 13 •737 5995 •908 5576 •390 4148 •390 4785 623 637 14 13 •795 0329 •971 1417 •390 6654 •390 7273 bUO 619 13 13 81 2021 1335 •2U5 7387 •390 2815 •390 3497 669 682 13 12 2-088 9669 •279 3029 •390 5435 •3906097 650 662 12 11 2-156 9847 •353 0516 •390 7904 •390 8547 631 643 i>K • 12 11 S3 •400 4717 •390 4190 oJ3 11 •4HO 0791 •390 6770 673 11 •5598711 •390 9201 bo4 10 34 86 •608 H714 •822 5204 •390 4895 •390 5610 715 10 9 •691 8509 •915 2186 •390 7454 •390 8148 684 694 10 9 •778 0150 3-008 1016 •390 9865 •391 0539 664 674 9 9 SH 3-051 0494 •390 6333 724 7Oil 8 3-150 8322 •390 8850 703 8 •250 8000 •391 1222 682 i "1 H 1 8 31 •292 1420 •3: HI 7065 7.i2 7 •3! lit 3963 •390 9561 711 7 •506 8356 •391 1912 byo 7 38 •'< 16 5396 •31)0 7805 798 6 •661 6747 •391 0278 718 6 •776 9950 •391 2609 o97 6 S'J •815 0471 •390 8551 /46 6 •1I3M 4971 •391 UK 12 724 5 4-062 1324 •391 3312 ^03 5 40 4-098 5399 •390 9302 751 5 4-230 7i M! •391 1732 729 4 •363 1764 •391 4021 709 4 4' •397 !>7"l •391 0058 756 4 •539 4613 •391 2466 734 4 •681 1377 •391 4734 713 71 fi 4 4* •714 3773 •391 0818 fOU 3 •865 6549 •391 3203 738 3 5-017 1183 •391 5450 71O 71 O 3 4-1 5O48 3939 •391 1581 763 *"ftt* 2 5-2105144 •391 3943 7 in 2 •372 3207 •391 6169 719 791 2 44 •402 759'; •391 2345 /DO 1 •575 3166 •391 4686 742 1 •748 0596 •391 6890 1ml 700 1 46 •777 3311 •391 3111 •961 4600 •391 5429 743 6-145 7749 •391 7612 Y22 B. 18 Tables for StittixticiaHs amf li'unm frici TABLE LIV— (continued). ' r-36 r-37 r-38 h.Ffr.1 log H(r. r) A A* logF(r, ,) logHfc,) A A> logF(r.r) logH(r, r) A A> 0 T-617 9231 0-389 9572 1 O 1-612 0660 •03902063 1 O 1 -606 341 3 0.390 4421 ' 1 •6208399 •389 9584 11 24 •614 4378 •3! ID 2074 12 24 •608 7902 •390 4433 12 ne 23 9 •627 1943 •3899620 i ' \ 24 •621 6908 •3902110 .i . 24 •616 1417 •3904468 OO 23 3 BM TWO •389 9682 ol ftfl 24 •633 5272 •390 2170 00 UQ 24 •628 l<>:':t •3904526 68 A1 23 4 •6550771 •389 9767 BB 21 •650 2694 •390 22.r>3 O»J in? M •646 6161 •3904607 Ol 23 5 •676 0576 •389 9877 24 •671 8485 •390 2300 IVf 23 •667 7940 •390 4711 23 114 1 *Vl 6 •701 7800 •3900011 IBBj 24 •C98 3051 •390 2490 LBV 23 •694 9847 •390 4837 23 7 •732 2932 •390 0168 1 A9 24 •729 6890 •390 2643 23 7:.' 7 2393 •390 4987 1 TO 23 8 •767 6546 •3900350 1OZ 24 •766 0594 •390 2*211 .-, X i 23 •764 6187 •3905159 !,'~ 22 9 •807 9316 •390 0555 99X 23 •807 4855 •3903020 •uu 999 23 •807 1940 •390 5353 i,o -- 10 •853 2010 •390 0783 £2O 23 •854 0464 •390 3242 BBB 22 •855 0464 •390 55G9 22 11 •903 5502 •390 1035 251 97.1 23 •9058318 •390 3486 245 9fi7 22 •9082680 •390 5808 22 IS •959 0766 •390 1309 •fv 22 •962 9420 •390 3753 ZO i OQft 22 •966 9620 •uv OU1 21 IS , .tllll *v 16 S5 •218 9381 •390 6760 16 •258 6900 •390 9048 O10 15 •298 5974 •391 1223 DUB 15 S4S Ron M7 26 •364 4667 •390 7296 BBB 560 15 •408 3585 •390 9578 UOU 15 •452 4059 •391 1739 01 * 14 37 •518 3405 •390 7856 14 •566 6085 •391 0123 KK.fl 14 •615 0321 •391 227t) f i -" 14 ,'8 •6809313 •390 8431 675 KQQ 14 •733 8222 •391 0682 559 13 •786 8688 •3! II :;*!:. 13 .'£> •852 6402 •390 9019 Ooo fiol 13 •9104119 •391 1256 573 fift* 13 •968 3394 •391 3372 557 12 30 2-033 8997 •3909681 vlv/i 12 2 096 8223 •391 1840 BOB 12 2-159 9006 •391 3'.M- 12 31 •225 1766 •391 0234 614 12 •293 5330 •391 2437 £AU 11 •362 0454 •391 4523 581 MM 11 SS •426 9744 •391 0859 6^fi 11 •501 0620 •391 3046 vUO t; 1 O 10 •676 3055 •391 5115 Wm 10 S3 •639 8374 •391 1495 646 10 •719 9685 •391 3664 vl>/ 9 •800 2556 •3! il 5718 fi!2 9 34 •864 3536 •391 2141 9 •950 8571 •391 4293 " 9 3-037 5167 •391 6330 fi9l 9 S5 3 101 1591 •391 2796 8 3-194 3816 •391 4930 8 •287 7604 •391 6950 8 S6 •350 9424 •391 3460 671 8 •451 2499 •31)1 5576 646 7 •651 7138 •391 7">7!i o» I»M*{ 7 37 •614 4497 •391 4131 \fl L C~K 7 •72-2 •391 6229 .--.I 6 •830 1647 •3!»1 8215 VO»J C 1 •' 6 38 •892 4902 •391 4809 o/o 6 4O08 1507 •391 6888 ODv 6 II -J3 9677 •3111 8857 M * - i : i ^ 6 S'J 4-185 9427 •391 5492 • >•! 6 •309 9183 •391 7553 «7rt 6 •434 0507 •31)1 9606 6 40 •495 7624 •391 6181 BBB 4 •628 5140 •391 8224 4 •761 4223 •392 0157 ww 4 41 •822 9894 •391 6874 693 3 •965006H •391 8898 674 3 5-107 1807 •392 0814 657 fttiO 3 :-• 5-168 7569 •3! 11 7571 B90 3 5-320 5613 •391 9676 flOn 3 •472 5225 •392 1474 \f\fj m 2 J . •534 3023 •3!il 8270 *~i 1 1 2 •696 4499 •392 0256 " ' • ' 2 •858 7544 •3!I2 213ti * " '•, 2 :: •920 <»7»2 6-330 2'i.v. •391 NI71 •391 9673 (01 702 1 6-094 0627 •511 •392 •:V.K Ki21 682 683 1 6-267 3013 •699 7361 •3!)2 2MH) •392 86B 1 Tables of the G (r, v)-fntegrals TABLE LIV— (continued). 139 , r=39 r = 40 r=41 logF(r, K) logH(r, r) A A* logf(r, •>) logH(r,») A A2 log*(,,) log H (r, v) A A2 0 1-600 7740 0 -OJO 6658 1-595 3459 0-390 8782 T-590 0501 0-391 0801 1 603 2891 •390 6669 23 •597 9271 •390 8793 19 22 •592 6975 •391 0812 21 s •610 8391 •390 6703 M 23 •605 6756 •390 8826 oo 55 22 •600 6445 •391 0844 21 5 •623 4380 •390 6760 ou 7Q 23 •618 6058 •390 8881 77 22 •613 9059 •391 0898 21 4 •641 1093 •390 6838 I o 22 •636 7416 •390 8958 t II 1 22 •632 5064 •391 0973 ' 21 S •663 8860 •390 6940 101 22 •660 1171 •390 9057 99 22 •656 4807 •391 1069 96 21 124 120 118 6 •691 8107 •390 7063 1 dfi 22 •688 7760 •390 9177 142 22 •685 8737 •391 1187 21 7 •724 9361 •390 7209 14U 1 f'Q 22 •722 7721 •390 9319 IftO 21 •720 7406 •391 1325 1 r 1 1 21 8 •7«3 324C 1 7377 lOo 22 •762 1697 •390 9483 lOo 185 21 •761 1472 •391 1485 1W9 180 21 9 •807 0490 •:>,'.» 7566 911 22 •807 0434 •390 9667 206 21 •807 1702 •391 1665 200 20 10 •856 1930 •390 7777 -. 1 1 21 •857 4789 •390 9873 21 •858 8973 •391 1865 20 9T-> 226 221 11 •910 8510 •3908009 BOfl ,»KO 21 •913 5732 •391 0099 0/17 20 •916 4280 •391 2086 OyM 20 1 .' •971 1287 •390 8262 zoo 21 •975 4348 •391 0346 - < / 20 •979 8734 •391 2327 MM 20 13 0-037 1440 •390 8535 2o 474 16 1-081 0339 •391 4305 ****/ 15 1-113 7524 •391 6190 too 451 15 ~4 •189 3837 •391 279fi *4f1 16 -i-i:> 6650 •391 4767 477 15 •2C2 0794 •391 6640 465 14 M •338 6522 •391 3285 14 •378 8470 •391 5243 **< I 14 •419 1750 •391 7105 14 26 •4966007 •391 3788 M *7 14 •640 9357 •391 5734 -'!!! 14 •585 4038 •391 7684 479 4QO 13 :7 •663 6033 •391 4306 ol ( KQA 13 •712 3146 •391 6238 mn M7 13 •761 1693 •391 8076 wv 505 13 28 •8400880 •391 4836 DVU 13 •893 3974 •391 6766 «1 i 12 •946 8652 •391 8581 si 7 12 29 2-026 4145 •391 5379 r.f.r. 12 2-084 6300 •391 7285 rV? 12 2-142 9789 •391 9097 vft 1 528 11 SO •223 1268 •391 5935 BwD 11 •286 4933 •391 7827 J 11 •349 9933 •391 9626 11 SI •430 7056 •391 6601 566 11 •499 5062 •391 8379 Mfl UM 10 •568 4405 •392 0164 549 10 M •649 6970 •391 KQ7 10 •724 2290 •391 8942 «M>.5 '-.) 10 •7! is 8947 •392 0713 558 9 S3 •880 6908 •391 7665 ~z 9 •961 2w; •391 9514 Oif 'i- 1 9 3-041 9761 •392 1272 567 9 34 3-1243*11 •391 8261 CAR 8 3-211 2729 •392 0095 • ' I r,iu» 8 •I'iiX 3551 •392 1839 8 88 •381 2874 •391 8866 vllv 8 •474 9551 •392 0686 UW 8 •568 7567 •392 2414 8 36 •652 3259 •391 9479 612 C 1 '1 7 •763 0789 •392 1282 597 7 •853 9658 •392 2997 583 7 31 •938 2488 •392 0098 01V r.-T 6 4O46 4738 •392 1886 fi?O 6 4-154 8329 •392 3686 695 6 38 4-239 9332 •392 0724 VZO ftOl 6 •356 0397 •392 2496 *• 1 ". 6 •472 2803 •392 4181 (tf\f) 6 • ','.< •558 3315 •392 1355 ')•> I 6 •682 753:> •392 3112 D1O * 5 •807 3096 •392 4782 DvJV fiOfi 6 40 •894 47!« •392 1991 * 4 5-027 6774 •392 3732 4 5-161 0098 •392 5380 \J\JU 4 i CtAf\ f •-> 1 ROQ 41 5-249 5035 •392 2031 3 •391 9676 •392 4355 DM fi97 3 •534 5660 •392 5995 UwI7 612 3 4% •624 6328 •392 3274 «jr 2 •776 8842 •392 4982 OA I ' i ' " t 2 •929 2701 •392 6607 614 2 43 6-021 2079 •3923919 R4.7 2 6-183 8028 •392 5612 1 6-346 6322 •392 7221 616 1 44 •440 6950 •392 4 :.»;<; D* ' 1 •614 2272 •392 6242 fjOl 0 •787 8938 •392 7836 i;i i; 1 45 •884 6991 •3925213 7-069 8037 •392 6874 Ool 7-2.")5 0429 •392 8452 01V 18—2 140 /',, A ^ u ; 8804 0-391 2724 1-579 8310 0-391 4656 in 1-674 8962 o-3:i: in I •5876939 •391 2734 01 21 •582 6106 31)1 4566 Hf 01 21 •577 7420 31)1 6316 •V 20 s •6857394 •391 2766 OI KO 21 •590 9546 •391 15H7 • , I 20 •6862845 •391 6345 20 s •6093321 •3!)1 2818 '- 21 •6048786 31)1 4648 51 — , BO •600 5397 31)1 63»5 .',11 BO 4 •6283972 •391 2891 '11 21 •6244083 •391 4720 72 20 •6205341 •391 7<> BO s •6529704 •391 2986 J-i 21 •649 6803 •391 4812 20 •6463049 •391 6664 BO 6 • notn •391 3100 115 1 or. 21 •680 4416 •391 4924 112 20 •6779004 •391 i -ii. 2" 7 •718 31)1 3235 I .i.i 1 *\fl 20 7170601 •391 5056 1 *\Q 20 •715 3798 •31)1 (i7!l3 i -•' i 1*4 2'. - •760 2510 •3'Jl 33!) 1 1 iIU 20 •759 4750 •391 6208 1 ... BO •768 8138 '3!)1 (i!) 12 i *. • 19 :• •807 4232 •31U 35U7 /o 1 Mt' 20 •807 7965 •391 6380 172 19 •8082846 •:',: H 1 s~ 19 JO •860 4419 •391 3763 lif\t 20 •862 1068 •391 5571 19 •863 8860 •391 72!«; 1O J 19 n •9194089 •391 3978 216 19 1P22 5103 •391 5781 210 19 •925 7265 •391 7502 206 •»•> i 1!) •9844383 •391 4213 ->-. 1 19 •989 1236 •391 6011 230 a A Q 19 •993 9238 •31H 772(1 __ i •M"4 18 IS MM 8MB •391 4467 _. > 1 2-0 19 0-062 0767 •391 6259 •vo OP*" 19 0-0686113 •3!)1 77119 _ *o 18 n •1332048 •391 4740 i •' 19 •141 5130 •391 6526 mK 18 •149 9361 •3!)1 822!) ",- 18 IS •217 2361 •391 6032 292 18 •227 5903 •391 6810 IBB 18 •238 0595 •31U 8508 17 ••• •307 9195 •391 6341 •i OH 18 •320 4814 •391 7113 303 17 •333 1584 •3!)1 8803 MM ;,• •405 4390 •391 6669 020 17 •420 3748 •391 7 133 !> - 17 •435 4256 •31)1 in H; •!•»! 17 18 •5099950 •391 6014 MO 17 •527 4755 •391 7770 OOl 17 •545 0710 •3!)l 1)115 •I"'- 16 19 SO •621 8060 •741 1047 •391 6376 •391 6754 378 16 16 •642 0063 •764 2086 •391 8123 •391 8493 370 16 16 •662 3227 •787 4277 31)1 9791 •392 0152 38] 16 16 tl •868 1492 •391 7149 395 j.in 16 •894 3438 •391 8878 385 15 •920 6532 •392 0628 377 QQl IS : 1-003 21 13 •391 7569 41U 49R 16 1-032 6937 •391 9279 —• 16 1-062 2883 •31)2 01120 O.7 1 406 14 •14'- •391 7984 4 — •* 15 •179 5637 •391 9694 0 14 •212 6450 •392 132-; 14 . ; BH BBOfl •391 8424 A " 1 14 •336 2826 •392 0124 4.10 14 •372 0600 •392 1746 j«»*i 13 •4696888 •391 8878 454 13 •600 2054 •392 0567 443 13 •5108966 •392 2179 4.J.5 13 --- •6299989 •391 9345 467 13 •674 7149 •392 1024 457 13 •7196463 •3!)2 2625 44<; 12 t7 •810 1308 •391 9826 -4QO 12 •859 2234 •392 1493 469 12 •908 4315 •3923084 168 12 .:> 2-0004600 •392 0318 CM Kf\A 12 2-054 1759 •392 1974 481 12 2-108 0073 •31)2 355 I 4(U 11 SO •2014548 •413 6204 •392 0823 •392 1338 5O4 516 11 10 •260 0519 •477 3687 •392 2467 •392 2970 493 504 11 10 •318 7(i 15 •511 2327 •3112 103.. •392 )H2 11 10 SI •637 5019 •392 1864 526 p; no 10 •7066845 •392 3 is | 514 10 •77.'. •3H2 5030 - 1 -• 9 •873 6876 •392 2400 O.TO E je 9 •948 6018 •31)2 4007 523 !) 3-023 (S3 17 •31)2 6641 O 1 . 9 S,1 1 LSJ BUB •392 2945 M0 9 3-203 7711 •392 4510 .).J.) 8 •284 8450 •3!)2 6062 - .1C 8 34 •3856647 •392 3499 554 - , . . 8 •472 8957 •3H2 5081 541 8 •5603l2r, •392 6590 OZo nor- 8 S.5 •6626867 •3924060 on 7 7 ,9 •391 8320 1U1 19 •673 1423 •391 9915 124 19 •670 9162 •392 1437 121 18 7 •7 13 H| 92 •391 8452 1 IT 19 •712 3034 •392 0039 142 19 •711 0082 •392 1557 139 18 8 •75* 2i -.23 •391 8598 1 -4 J 19 •757 8157 •39201*1 11:1 18 •757 4696 •392 1697 157 18 y •808 8*24 •391 8762 1 U'J 19 •8095852 •392 0342 1 VI 171 18 •810 3885 •392 1854 175 18 10 •N',5 7761 •391 8944 1OO 18 •867 7706 •392 0520 L t *7 18 •869 8656 •392 2029 18 11 •0524 •391 9145 •M 18 •932 4834 •392 0717 197 215 18 •936 0149 •392 2221 193 210 17 I! •998 M337 •391 9365 OQ- 18 OO038487 •392 0932 232 18 0-0089642 •392 2431 227 17 IS 0-075 2558 •391 !)002 ~V- 18 •082 0054 •392 1104 249 17 •088 8555 •392 2658 244 17 14 •1584691 •391 9857 2-p 17 •167 1071 •392 1413 17 •175 8458 •392 2902 261 17 IB •248 6386 •3920129 . 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Miscellaneous Coitsbints. ir 3-141 592fi 54 l«.gir -4971499 log 2* -798 1799 log 1-2018201 log -. _ 1-600 9100 « 2-718 2818 28 •367 8794 41 log •• -434 2944 82 log«A -036 1912 07 log log 9 -63777U9 16 1 centimetre = -393 70432 ins. 1 inch = 2-539 9772 cm. 1 square cm. = -155 00309 sq. ins. 1 square inch= 6'451 4842 sq. < m>- 1 cubic cm. = O61 025386 cub. ins. 1 cubic inch = 16-386 623 cub. cm. 1 kilogram = 2-204 6212 Ibs. avoir. 1 Ib. avoir. = -453 59266 kg. 1 radian =57'295 7795 degrees. 1 degree = -017 4532 925 radians. CAMBRIDGE : PB1NTKD BT JOHN CLAY. M.A. AT THE UHIVEBSITT PIIE8S. Pearson, Karl Tables for statisticians and biometricians PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY Eugenics %aborator£ publications PUBLISHED BY DULAU & Co., LTD., 37 SOHO SQUARE, LONDON, W. MEMOIR SERIES. . II. m. IV. V. VII. vm. IX. The Inheritance of Ability. 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