Pt re aT 1 wie i Pee % Ee ep ae BA Abe ees ya Py Cie Pig SA PS Ae: age : 4 Sr ' 3 , 2 a at 和 * pe ad * ees RS ERE DRS SUR AER FS FIN tide > CRS TF 言 , 就 耗 时 将 近 二 年 , 而 标本 探 集 及 和 彩色 的 灯 片 的 拍摄 划 早 在 七 、 八 年 前 即 已 开始 , 人 花费 时 间 不 可 不 讲 多 疾 。 BBM EO Biel Be — EH) oh RIB oR LLL Ca > é> RS RH ABHOR KAY Bie —-Ba > REABZES AAR BOV BEB 2—) WFR: Ue 2—h Ae OY Be \ BR RUA SER (CREDY BEEZH=K2 | 的 出 版 7 FHS BRB RA Hole > Mid + REA + RABE RAMA HMMER Al CARNEROS > MA BORT EBRRS HH RESERRHLAZR Hal MA= BRE? RED ASHE - Ce 边 、 亚 热带 林 、 温 带 林 及 高 山地 区 都 可 见 到 , 励 其 是 在 亚热带 林 中 , 生 长 得 ER EF fia © BEAR BB PH eR AA A RB Rolfe 及 Hance MK > Bl fy Schlechendalia FORA ARIS cok ~ LU YARRA » IU AR ERR 等 对 台湾 兰 科 植 物 都 有 相当 的 芮 于 ; 他 们 研究 的 时 间 大 都 在 西元 1890 至 1944 年 问 , 和 党 时 , 限 於 交 通 的 不 方便 , 和 资料 交流 入 慢 , 与 郑 近 地区 兰 科 植 . 物 常 无 法 做 对 比 , 因 此 , 大 部 份 处 理 台 湾 兰 科 植 物 的 方式 多 以 发 表 新 种 行 之 ; 其 中 尤 以 旱田 文 藏 及 和 福山 泊 明 两 氏 所 发 表 的 新 种 需 多 。 自 西元 1 94 4 年 党 今 , 狗 有 三 十 余年 已 过 去 , 在 过 些 底 月 里, 半 人 台湾 兰 科 植 物 的 研究 可 说 是 在 停 瑞 状 惠 , 甚 少 有 人 加 以 钱 究 的 , 即 使 有 少数 人 行 之 » WAS BMATA MAD > DATFR° JE AK > FAIA ze5H A A E> Hole GA Hb lds fel POR AY AAU wWRA D Bel , AGTH MP BOM RON ERM o HKRARWAHOHHR » BA etait 7B a — BB > TE BER Fa Sa BK AAR RARRA BEM s PARSE the BM EYE a) A RI Ca» BARAK BW PDR © Fa 0_LiE KG BUM > KER RUBSRKMREBARTERAWS , 一 些 以 前 很 少 有 人 攀登 探 集 的 地 区 , 现 在 也 能 很 方 使 地 到 过 。 因 此 在 多 年 ” 探 集 苦 科 植物 神 本 的 程 艇 中 , 也 个 妈 发 现 一 些 新 杆 兰 花 , 在 本 书 中 便 有 13 I 种 新 种 兰花 列 入 。 。 本 雷 中 , 上 跟 过 去 一 些 忌 籍 最 大 不 同 点 , 是 学 名 更 改 得 很 多 , 此 固 贷 参 考 | 阵 近 地 区 的 标本 及 文献 所 得 的 和 结果, 但 可 能 也 是 会 受到 一 些 保守 人 士 攻 学 的 地 方 , 不 过 任 何 风雨 名 山 之 业 , 最 要 肾 的 是 能 接受 时 代 的 考验 , 笔 者 顾 能 静观 其 成 。 本 书 自 头 至 尾 , 可 谣 傈 笔者 一 人 埋 标 苦 干 的 结果 ; CREA ~ HD 灯 片 、 写 稿 、 抄 稿 、 校 对 等 均一 人 包办 , 从 未 假手 他 人 , 幻 灯 片 中 除了 三 、 DU se ABET SEAT SN > Ki SRE ER RAAB HAT: ABR [—GHR > —OKE) SH ALSOUM DMRS RE RECs BERNE Eh SEORESRBOse > PSR RB 17 UAE FRY A > ASE WA > RSET ABORT > ANWAR ALL > ARB 费时 间 , 上 日 子 久 了 , 自 然 有 所 成 。 笔者 早年 失 居 , 完 全 靠 母 亲 含 辛 茹 苦 从 困苦 中 据 养 长 大 , 时 至 今日 , 母 厅 仍 在 各 方面 帮助 笔者 , 对 母 杀 的 息 惠 芙 不 知 要 如 何 报 答 ; 特 将 笔者 所 写 的 第 一 本 (〈 SRR WEDGE) 第 剖 洛 及 第 二 本 盏 ( 即 此 书 ) MBBS 以 报答 母 杀生 育 、 养 育 及 数 育 之 恩 於 离 一 。 RS RAA+AFOARSBABRUR PREFACE The island of Taiwan, generally known also Formosa,is situa- ted along the fringe of the continenial sWelf of Asia, on the we- stern border of the pacific; almostly exactly bisected by the tropic of cancer, and lying between two branches of the warm Japanese current; therefore, Taiwan, has a distinctly tropical - subtropical climate. It is also oceanic in Nature as it is tempered by winds from the sea and by frequent rains and typhoons; humidity is very high throughout the year. Because of the favorable climate and plentiful moisture, the vegetation of Taiwan, especially wild orc- hids are exceedingly luxuriant. As I indicate in this book, more than three hundreds orchids are found from coast extend up to over 3,500m high mountains; among that, they are abundant and plentiful in subtropical and warmtemperate wixed forests. The study of the flora of Taiwan began in 1854, when Robert Fortune briefly visited Tanshui and made a few collections along the coast. In the period of 1854 to 1895, many European bota- nists and sailors explored this splendid island, and collected rich specimens. In 1890 to 1910, Drs. Rolfe and Hance described many indigeous orchids from the collected specimens of this island. Form 1895 to 1945, during the Japanses occupation, many Japa- nese botanists actively explored the island and published extensi- vely in the study of orchids; B. Hayata, N. Fukuyama, G. Ma- samune and Y. Yamamoto are notable; they described numerous new orchid, nearly all orchids they found are new, they did not compare materials with neighbor areas. Since 1946. Chinese botanists have continued botanical survey and studies. almostly all botanists pay much attentation to woody plants, and the course orchid study nearly stay and neglect for 30 Or more years. For eight-year study and numerous field collected, 1 publish ll this volume of orchid illustrations, I wish it is a beginning of a series study and publish of colored illustrations of plants of | Taiwan, all the photographs, except three or four sheets, of this book.are taken by myself during field collections. Firstly two books I write ( Alpine Plants of Taiwan in Color vol. one and this one ). I dedicate to my mother. My father died when I was nine, my mother brought me upeducated me and help me in many ways; I think, this is the best way to express my hearty thanks to her. Shao - shun Ying Department of Forestry National Taiwan Univessity Taipei Taiwan Republic of Chima 读 w LABZSBUK > KOBKERLSERAAMALRORAM, ROBE 铝 感 , 旬 博士 傈 著者 受 业 恩 师 , 从 大 学 。 RAMREKSASERBMT > BE BS o LAER (ES > RS BAKSAKK ECR RLORORBDES > & Gat HA 3 AMS (ERE > KERTH Rijksherbariam BAG Steenis SLRBBA te ee A A D> se eG — 4475 7c 1890-1910*E( 1910*F RB AAT BH 台湾 自生 兰 原 文 记载 的 影印 本 , 对 台湾 兰 科 植物 的 研究 有 黄 大 的 帮助 , 特 此 致谢 。 41 GAS tay AH. R. Sweet 博士 , 章 在 写作 时 , 提 供 一 些 有 关 该 季 中 所 出 版 的 琉球 及 台湾 野生 兰 的 资料 , 尤 其 是 堪 兰 属 ; EAE o 5 琉球 中 岛 邦 雄 先生 , 在 笔者 写作 期 间 也 时 寄 来 有 天 琉球 兰 科 植 物 的 葵 广 及 BH > UBER: PRB 6 PUBS BUN RAB RAE CEL RSA RR 助 , 闵 邮寄 许多 有 价值 国外 苦 科 植物 资料 , 此 等 效 料 对 本 研究 有 和 无 比 的 神 丛 7 笔者 最 应 致谢 的 是 森林 系 学 生 , 笔 者 外 出 探 集 标 本 , 除 了 利用 寒暑 假 的 林 场 实 耕 外 , 大 部 份 都 自行 粗 除 前 往 , 不 葵 是 林场 实 否 或 自行 组 队 , 都 由 森林 系 学 生 陪 同 前 往 , 同 心 协 力 , 碳 苦 地 完成 探 集 标本 的 行程 ; HRERBEE 七 、 八 年 , 学 生 内 多 , 已 无 法 一 一 及 列 , 其 中 比较 常 在 一 起 探 集 标 本 者 有 高 UR ~ BAG ~ KEI ~ SERRE BAS ; 不 论 人 怎样 , 笔 者 都 原 对 曹 与 笔者 一 同 实 克 及 探 集 标本 的 同学 致 最 深 的 谢意 。 SHEBRMME> SRI KM PARR REA > HORA 生 阴 幻灯 片 供 本 研究 之 用 , 使 本 书生 色 不 少 。 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 In this course of study, I wish to express my hearty thanks to Dr. Tang-shui Liu, Dean ot the college of Agriculure, National Tai- beak University, for his constant encouragement and valuable su- ggests. It is a long time for me work under Dr. Liu’s direction, and I learn many things about plant taxonomy from him. 2 An expression of graditude is due to Dr. Shun-Chao Wu, Head of Department of Forestry, National Taiwan University, for his always encouragements and helpness. 3 The writer is also grateful to Dr. C.G.G. J. Van Steenis, Pro- fessor of Rijksherbarium, and Librarian of same institute, Ho- lland, for their so kindly sent some copies of orginial descri- ptions of indigeous orchids of this island, which described by European orchidologists in the periods of 1890 to 19103 the in- formation are very useful in this study. 4 The writer is deeply ob liged to Dr. H. R. Sweet, Botanical Mur seum, Harvard University, U.S.A. for his generously sent some publications about orchids of Lyukyu and Taiwan, which were published by Harvard press. + 5 Thanks also to C. Nackejima, Department of Biology, University of the Ryukyu for his valuable help in this course of study. 6 Special thanks to Dr. Shao-yao Ying,,my elder brother and associate professor of Adelaide University, Australia, for his generous and continuous helpness. 7 Most of all, I should thanks to students of Department of Fo- restry, Nationa Taiwan University. From a eight-year long of field collected and photograph, they usually’ comapied with me and helped me in many ways. I cannot list them all here for stude- nts so much, but among them, Messrs Y.P. Kao, T.T. Lin, T.V. Chea, ©. K. Lu and Y.C. Chen are frequent ly. i 8 Thanks also given to Mr. T.H. Hung for his generously granted 4 sheets of color photographs for this study. VV 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6 ) 7) BH $$ (CONTENTS) Hg ( ILLUSTRATIONS ) ……… ee 1 关 省 的 总 是 醒 花 和 347 ( ALPINE ORCHIDS OF TAILWAN ) ed CA Ce 416 ( AN ENUMERATIONS OF INDIGEOUS ORCHIDS OF TAIWAN ) OETA Py BER ( GR ARE BS +) pp 513 ( GLOSSARY FOR CHINESE READERS ONLY ) SIE SOI en

REALS aay ( No Symnonym listed, Ihe Symnonym Please see part 3. ) (yesh ; Sa | A ‘fi =) e)4.'< 站 % ’ : hae er 7 i a. nl, 2 到 a ea q 4 te ~~ ® De : ; ‘ “ * hed te 4 oe Ss 了 人 天 Pet | .二 iy) 请 = ‘ 7 . irks... Prete ie. 1 as iy? if Ay ee ee deep - ~*~ i +, ‘ me ons , x. r a ’ ‘nt - . . bs . * 1. GBB 2, tet ( Acampe taiwaniana ) ( Acanthephippium striatum ) 3, Se or 4. Fr ee 〈《 Anoectochilus roxburgij_ ) ( Appendicvla cornuta 、 6. | A ET ( Arutidtan graminifolia var chinensis ) ( Armodorum labrosum ) ( Ascolabium pumillum ) RAR ( Bletilla formosana ) 8, HAA Bil ( Bulbophyllum japonicum ) 9 HAADH ( Bulbbphyllum affine ) 12, BRAD ( Bulbophyllum macraei ) ll, M®RASH ( Bulbophyllum linchianum ) 13, RRS ( Bulbophyllum melanoglossum ) (15. MEBRATH = 16. RBG ( Bulbophyllum retusiusculum ) A. - 4 “ ve? . RBA ( Bulbophyllum omerandrum ) 1 a4 ™ ( Bulbophyllum remotifolia ) 18. IA Si ( Bulbophyllum somai ) 17. REED ( Bulbophyllum rubropunctatum ) 19, 阿里 山石 豆 苦 ( Bulbophyllum transarisanense ) 0, AER RAM ( Calanthe albo- longicalcarata GT Be 22, FETE ALG I ( Calanthe arisanense ) Calanthe aristulifera ) - 23, MERE 24, Bite tai ( Calanthe ( Calanthe graciliflora ) g lyroglossum var, forsvthiiflora ) 25, RRA 26. ARR A ( Calanthe masuca ) ( Calanthe matsudai ) 27. ret ai Mi 28, ALR a ( Calanthe reflexa ) ( Calanthe tricarinata ) 29. AERA ( Calanthe triplicata ) 30. i276 32. 梅 兰 ( Cephalanthera alpicola ) 10 ¢ Chiloschista segawai ) 33. RE HSH ( Chiloschista segawai var, taiw.niana ) 34 “台湾 金 唇 苦 《 Chrysoglossum formosanum ) 36, BRT 35. 台湾 裂 唇 兰 ( Collabiopsis formosanum ) 1] ( Coeloglossum nankotaizanensis ) » . ee 37. GEER C Cremastra 38, AL eh hi appendiculhta var triloba ) ( Cryptostylis arachnites ) 39. i®iREt IEE ( Cryptostylis 40. JA arachnites var, philippinensis ) 12 (© Cymbidium dayanum ) 41, 人 台 淤 春兰 42, M#Bh pe = ( Cymbidium formosanum ) ( Cymbidi um gracillimum ) = CTSY 43. ACS OM ( Cymbidium gyokuchin var, arrogans ) 44, 2H 13 ( Cymbidium kanran ) 45, WHER ( Cymbidium lancifolium) 46, Wh ( Cymbidium oreophilum ) 47, ‘3 ( Cymbidium pumillum ) 48. SRW ( Cymbidium sinense ) 14 oi ec 49. EVES ( Cymbidium | 50, eH Bi sinense var, albo- juncundissimum ) ( Cymbidium tortisepalum ) 52, G#S EM ( Cypripedium japonicum var, formosanum ) 51, DSR ( Cypripedium debile ) 54. 黄花 石狮 ( Dendrobium clavatum var, aurantiacum ) 53. MAAR ( Dendrobium chameleon ) 55, (UE fe ( Dendrobium equitans ) 16 ( Dendrobium falconeri ) 58. #764 ( Dendrobium miyakei ) 57. eae ( Dendrobium linawianum ) 59. 五 角 ; 60, BE — 30 ( Dendrobium moniliforme ) 17 ¢ Dendrochilum microchilum ) 32% 32M ( Diploprora uraiensis ) 63, iii ( Epigeneium nakaharaei ) 64. 小 简 脚 苦 (Eria amica ) 18 66. {6K ( Eria formosana ) 65. #&ii ( Eria corneri ) = a : ae 2 ae oO 67. MM ( Eria 68, fry] FALL RI (了 ria reptans ) Ovata var_ retroflexa ) 69. SN eee 70, Fg we ( Erythrodes formosana ) ( Eulophia graminea ) . Wana 72, 密 花 地 塞音 ( Galeola altissima ) 20 ¢ Geodorum aensiflorum ) Ne 73, AREER 74, ALTESE SED ( Goodyera daibuzanensis ) ( Goodyera grandis ) . ZEREM 76. RUSE ( Goodyera maximowiziana ) 91 ( Goodyera morrisonicola ) 738, PREHREM ( Goodyera pachyglossa ) bt EM ( Goodyera procera ) 22 SiNELLI HESEW ( Goodyera viridiflora var, seikoomontana ) cd 80. AEH EH ( Goodyera schlechtendaliana ) be - am Aft ! bm 1 81. ARE 83, EA ( Goodyera velutina ) 23 ( Habenaria ciliolaris ) 四 4. OSE A 8. ABRELAM ( Habenaria goodyeroides ) ( Habenaria lacerifera ) ga : 86. 2S ( Haraella odorata ) 87. fai 24 ( Herminium lanceum ) 89, Heh € Holcoglossum quasipinifolium ) 88. BBAH ( Hetaeria taiwaniana ) G8 = As 95 ( Liparis bicallosa ) 93. MBFRR ( Liparis cordifolia ) 92, RIE FAR ( Liparis chlorxantha ) 4. ALiCeRH 95, KL HR ( Liparis ( Liparis macrantha ) 26 macrantha var, sootenzanensis ) asd, 7 4 22.22) 96, ask Hine “ibe! ae platybo 《 ‘hl Td ,二 KR 2 100, 小 允 华 苗 101. Ab Se i © Listera deltoidea ) ( Listera Shaoii ) 102. Gee ( Listera taiwaniana ) 98 ( Listera uraiensis ) 104。 小 柱 兰 105. PAA R/V ( Malaxis latifolia ) wie Tae ely , P| a” ay, . We wey " 如 二 a 和 qt 107. 台湾 小 柱 苦 ) 99 ( Malaxis faiwaniana ) 106. Pa ( Malaxis monophylla 108. SRSER PR ( Microtatorchis taiwaniana ) 109. 32 ( Mischobulbum cordifolium ) ( Nervillia discolor var. purpurea ) lll. —ABHE ( Oberonia caulescens ) 112。 日 本 长 苦 前 | 113。 Gee wt ( Oberonia japonica ) ( Oberonia kusukusensis ) = 114。 #708 Be lls. 2 Be ( Odontochilus basaccatus ) 3] ( Odontochilus inabae ) 115. 合欢 山 苦 〈 Orchis formosensis ) Sue 121. AO3E LU ( Oreorchis gracillima ) 120. BERR ( Orchis tailoii ) 122. RBH ( Phaius flavus ) 33 123. A Be ( Phaius gracilis ) 一 一 -他 - 一 = = an on afl “ — Se = =a 126. ana fii ( Phalaenopsis aphrodite ) 125. ‘#4 TE ( Phaius tancarvilliae ) 34 127. ALU ( Pholidota cantoensis ) 128. He E ( Platanthera brevicalcarat a) 一 - 129. RAK 130. FEHR ( Platanthera longibracteata ) 35 ( Platanthera pachyglossa ) 131. BSH ew 132. Gee ( Platanthera stenosepala ) ( Platanthera taiwaniana ) 133. (lxeas 134, BReRSH ( Pleione bulbocoidoides ) an Podochilus taiwanianus ) 136, LH Ze ( Saccolabiym fuscopunctatum ) 135. ARES H ( Saccolabium formosanum ) 137, HAR BH ( Saccolabi um japonicum ) 138, BON eS 37. ( Saccolabium kotoense ) 140, BRR BM 141. RRS ( Saccolabi um shaoyaoii ) | ( Saccolabium taiwanianum ) 38 144. ROE ( Taeniophyllum complanatum ) 1438. 稻草 ( Spiranthes Sinensis ) 145. whe 146. 黄花 小 杜 岗 贾 ( Taeniophyllum glandulosum ) 39 《Tainia hualienia ) 148. 438 Sapna ( Thrixspermum formosanum ) 147. B FA EG) #¢ BB ( Tainia shimadai ) 149. (2A Aik ( Thrixspermum saruwatarii ) 150. ERARM 40 ( Thrixspermum subulatum ) ae 三 152. BEB ( Trichoglottis ionosma ) 151. Sahm ( Tipularia odorater ) 153. REESE 104. WER ( Trichoglottis rosea ) 4, Tropidia angulata ) 155. 台湾 香草 兰 〈 Vanilla 156. 台湾 二 尾 兰 griffithii var formosana) ( Vrydayzynea formosana ) 158. KEM ( Zeuxine strateumatica ) 157. aREM ( Zeuxine hengchuanense ) j 1. SE BM 〈 Acampe taiwaniana Ying ) | Epiphytes; roots produced from the stem, elongate, grayish white or grayish green, 15-30 cm long, 4-6 mm in diameter ; | pseudobulb absent ; stem simple, erect, 50-80 cm long, robust, 2-2.5 cm across, glabrous. be Leaves distichous, linear- lanceolate, 25-35 cm long, 3-4 cm wide, coriaceous, emarginate or shallowly 2-fids at: apex, shea- thing at base, entire, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath, midrib raised on back, the lateral veins inconspicuous ; sheaths yellow, coriaceous, 2-3 cm long, glabrous. Flowers 10-20, rather large or medium size, ].2-1-.6 cm in diameter, lightly yellow with brown spots, racemose; the scape axillary, produced from the axil of the leaves, 25-40 cm long, erect, glabrous, pale green ; bracts minute, triangular, about 3 mm long, acute at apex ; the pedicels with ovaries ].5-2 cm. long, lightly yellow, glabrous; sepals subequal, “somewhat fleshy, the dorsal one ovate, 1-1-5 cm long, 5-7 mm wide, acuminate or obtuse at apex, the lateral ones obovate, 1-1.5 cm long, 5-6 mm wide; petals linear -lanceolate, somewhat falcate- like, ]-1.5 cm long, 4-5 mm wide; lip oblong, 8-11 mm long, shortly: spurred at base, obscurely 3- lobed; column short. Endemic, known from the central mountains at the elevations of 600-1000m in evergreen forests, not common. BAM MERE KEP RAP ER RA GRAME > K 15-30 cm » (@&4~6 mm ; M(iRREs SH. BW’ R50~80cm » Mit? fi 1~1.5 cm » EAR » EHF © HE FAK HEY! >» MRK RST > HR 25~35cm >» B3~4 cm » HR? F MI 2A BRA SRK RHE FAARE? PHRF ME > URNS > RBM BA > R2~3 cm , 光滑。 16 10~20 枚 , 大 或 中 型 , 径 1.2~…1.6 cm » YK Gi SHR 43 “FAC Fig ) 1. #438 BBW ( Acampe taiwaniana ) a 46F% ( Inflorescence ) » b 46 ( Flower ) c 76 ¥5%% ( Pollinia ) MOURTE AE ; TEE ~ HHS SEER > R25 ~40cm> 直立、 光滑、 淡 称 色 ; GHEE SAG? RO 3mm > HMRK ; EAB AFER1.5~2 cm , 淡 黄 色 , 光 滑 ; SABRE SPSAR> BHI > R1~1.5cm> 宽 5 一 7 mm, 先 端 渐 尖 或 够 ; MAH AIG > H1~1-5cm> H5~6mm> TERR IRR > SPORT > R1~1.5cm > #4~5mm; BRERA 长 8~11mm, 基 部 具有 短 距 , 不 明显 3 裂 , 芒 柱 短 。 固有 , 生 长 於 台 湾 中 , 南 部 狗 600 一 1000 公 尺 间 山 地 , 见 於 常 称 油 侍 PK TEI» BP o | | 2. kB7EMR ( Acanthe phippium striatum Lindley ) Terrestrials; pseudobulba closely approximate , oblong or so- mewhat cylindric, long, 1.2-2.1 cm in diameter, whitish green; sheathes many, subhyaline, ovate, membranous, acute at | ‘apex; stemless. 44 7 Leaf solitary, very rarely 2, terminal on the pseudobulb elli- ptic, 22-27cm long, 8-10 cm wide, membranous, acute, narro- wed to the petioles at base, 5-nerved raised on back; the petioles 5-9cm long, glabrous. Flowers solitary, sometimes 2 or 3, somewhat patent, obco- nical-sac, 4-4.5 cm long , 2-2-5 cm across, white with 4-6 purplish longitudinal streaks; scape produced from the base of pseudobulb, erect, 10-12 cm long, glabrous; bracts ovate, 2-3 cm long, acuminate at apex, concave, membranous; the pedicels with ovaries slender, 3-3-5 cm long; sepals subfleshy, cohering into a oblique obconical urceole, free at top, the dorsal one ob- long; rounded obtuse at apex, 2-5-3 cm long, 1-1-5 cm wide, the lateral ones oblique triangular, 2-2.5 cm long, acute at apex, decurrent along the column- foot amd forming a 6-8 mm long mentum; petals hiden inside the sepals, elliptic, acute at apex, decurrent at base, 2-2-2 cm long, 8-10 mm wide, lip hi- den inside the sepals, with long claw or stipite; the stipite li- near, 1-1.2 cm long, 4-5 mm wide; the lamina 3- lobed, 1.2 - 1-5 cm long, the median lobe triangular-ovate, purple, 5-7 mm long, about 5mm wide, acute, contracted at base; the lateral lobes ear-like; column short, 1-1-2 cm long, 3-3.5 mm wide. Endemic, at low to medium altitudes of 400-1700 m throu- ghout the island, under the forests, very common. (Fig ) 2. #@76f ( Acanthephippium striatum ) a 7 ( Flower ) 45 地 生 苦 、 假 球鞋 紧密 排列 , 长 权 圆 形 或 略 呈 圆柱 形 , 长 5 一 8cm , 径 1.2~2.lem> AmSs BSR > TU ~ ON - RA. CRA ~-EK ELK PRIZK: SEWRRS I > WIA > R22-27cm > HB- 10cm > RA > CmMRBA> ZRHKMERPEEM ~ ik FERRE ss ¥ RR 5-9 cm > Go «EH , 有 时 亦 有 2 或 IK BR BY 4 - 4.5cm, 径 2-2.5cm »ABA6CRMAM EXMARKRREAR> AiZ? R10 -12cm> KB : MRI? R2-3cm> HMHRV>? AK RA> CRASS ME > £3-3.5cm> SRFAWUAR: RAMK-BeW> Smet KBAR AY > SemBlSt> R2.5-3cem>HBl-1.5cm> MBHB=HBY> 2-2.5cm> HmMRAK> ZH RMCRMRBeSEeVK-R6-8mm HR? TEMIB RMR EBA> MAW SwmRA> K2-2.2cm> F8-10mm> BRBEKIESEN > ARNRM WR > R1-1-2cm> H4-5mm> $H3A> H1.2-1.5cm> PAKH=E ARB MRS? H5-7mm>* 5mm» MARA > BK o Bla > ERASE 400 - 1700m 山地 -ERKRRAP > ERE RO 3. 24M ( Anoectochilus roxburgii (Wall) Lindley ) Terrestrials; rhizomes short; stem 15-25 cm lang, glabrous. Leaves 2-4, herbaceous, ovate or round-ovate, 4-5 cm long, 2-3-5 cm wide, acuminate, rounded at base, 5-7-merved, silve- red white on veins surface and slightly wine red beneath. Flowers 3-5 in terminal spike; scape 15-20 cm long, pube- scent; bracts ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, 1 cm long , dorsal se- pal broadly ovate, 5-7mm long, 5-6 mm wide, lateral sepals ovate or round, 7-9mm long, 4-5 mm wide; petals semi-ovate, oblique, 6-8 mm long, 2-3mm wide, cuspidate at apex, with dorsal sepal forming a hood; lip Y-shaped, 1.3-1-.8 cm long, long clawed; claw along the incurved margins with filiform une- qual segments, terminal 2-lobed, the lobes 6-7 mm long, 2.5- 3-5 mm, wide; spur bag- like, 3-4 mm _ long,about 3 mm wide ; column short, 1mm long; anther oblong, 4 mm long. 46 : Himalayas, s. China and Lyukyu. Taiwan, under the thickets at medium altitudes of 600-1800 m, often occured at mountain ridges . Firstly, Hayata treated this species as A roxburgii, several years later, he propose a new species, A. formo sanus in stead of A. roxburgitin Taiwan only based on cream-yellow flowers with more fimbriate mesochilus. compare the specimens of A.roxburgii which from the southern China deposited in herbarium of Depart- ) ment of Botany, National Taiwan University with A. formosanus , doubtless thy are conspecific .: fl( Fig )3. <%832.( Anoectochilus roxburgii ) a. b. 76 (Flower) c. (Lip) d.e. 花柱 ( Column ) f. 花粉 二 5( Pollinia ) WHA ~ EG o BRS - 25 公分 , 基 部 角 甸 , 先 端 直立 。 #2~4K> BA. OURARY > R4-5cem>H2-3.5cem » Sew > ARGU ,5 - 7 ik RMR WARS SE 色 。 花 3 ~ 5 枚 呈 顶 生 的 穗 状 花序 ; TERE 15 - 20 cm , HEH; BAR ROH > El cm ; SBA WIRY > R5- 7mm> H5-6mm> MSH URE > 长 7 - 9 mm , 袖 4 - 5mm ; CMON > CBB He - (8mm >#2-3mm> SHEER: REBUY RIES: BMY ® 47 1-3-1-8cm> R&R: NHB4RBZSREBAMRRRD > BAB > 有 裂片 长 6 - 7mm? 82.5-3.5mm;HBSs8H°>R3-4mm°H3mm ; Bese > R1lmm ; (#RBAYW > R4mm o BRVEKWE > PHRERRHR: CB ERK PRRHBAA> # 600 ~ 1800 公 尺 的 山地 。 初 , 早 田 文 藏 氏 将 台湾 此 逢 命名 需 4. roxbaurgszz, RR > fh HH A- formosanus 来 替代 原先 的 4. roxazzgii 仅 根据 花 呈 乳 黄 色 及 层 鸭 的 爪 湿 称 的 租 烙 长 而 租 。 惟 比较 存放 於 台大 植物 系 标本 迄 探 自 於 中 国 南部 4 roxburgii 的 标本 , 竟 和 与 台 潘 所 产 者 一 样 , 故 台湾 所 产 者 其 学 名 亦 应 人 需 4. roxburgiic 4。 人 竹 节 苦 (Appendicula cornuta Blume ) Epiphytes; rhizomes short, creeping, 1-2 cmlong; roots many, filiform, slender, 3-4 cm long; stem simple, clustered, 15-20 cm long, about 3 mm in diameter, erect or ascending, green or ye- llowish green, usually enclosed by the leaf-sheathed. Leaves alternate, distichous, oblong, 1.7-2.2cm long, 7-9 mm wide, coriaceous, obtuse and slightly 2-lobed at apex, rounded at base, connected sheathes with articulate, entire, lustrous green surface, pale green and midrib elevated beneath, lateral veins inconspicuous; sheathes 8-11 mm long, enclosed the stem. Flowers 5-10, small, 2-4 mm in diameter, racemose, lightly yellow or yellowish green: scape axillary, produced from the te- rminal leaf-axil, 1-2 cm long, pendulous, green, glabrous; bracts minute, 2-2.5 mm long, the pedicels with ovaries 1-2 mm long, glabrous, green; sepals unequal, the dorsal one free, sometimes slightly adnate to the lateral sepals at the base oblong triangular , 1-1-5 mm long, about 1 mm wide, obtuse at apex, -the lateral one linear 1-1.4 mm long, aboat 0.6 mm wide obtose at apex connected with column and form a 0.6 mm long mentum: petal linear or linear-lanceolate, 2-2-2 mm léng, 0-6mmwide, obtuse at apex, narrowed at the base; lip adnate the column with arti- culate, rounded at apex, contracted at the base, recurved from the middle, irregular serrulate on margin; column short, 0.2-0.3 48 mm long. - | Capsules cylindric, 2-3 mm long, 4-5- ridged. Endemic, known from the islet of Lanyu only at the eleva- tions of 200-500 m, under the tropical rain forests, commonly. fal (Fig) 4. 人 竹 节 兰 ( Appendicula cornuta ) a. 花 枝 ( Stem) b.7E ( Flower ) c. ewe ( Lip ) d. S# ( Column) e . 46%) 8% ( Pollinia ) SEM. HEE> BH R1-2cem sMSR> SY> ME> 3-10 cm ; &*HWy#4°H15-20cm> &§}3mm> Av? MERERE? EB AR HERB ©. | HE HA > PAFIRHED > RAR > H1.7-2.20m> H7-9mm > # A> WHERE L2A> RAY > REBUM SH RHA MG SHARE HA PHEE > HRNS ; 88-11 mm> ARF ER o 花 5~10 枚 , 甚 小 , BW2-4om>’ MRE KEGRERE> TE 49 SME > SERRE BM:> R1-2cm> PF H~RMA~HKBo HH , 长 2 -2.5 mm ; 花梗 于 同 子 房 长 1-2 om;SRAKBE> SCBSRRBA-B Re Ze eS SA SSH AS > RABAR=AYW > R1-1.5mm>BKH1mm , Fev Sls GS HRI > R1-1-4mm> BH0.6mm Ewa ARK RS ATI KR—K 0.6 mm AK > EMMI MRM RR > R2-2.2mm> 2 0.6mm , 先 端 名 ; BMRA LSE > Cm SRM: ahs VERA RRK> BARRA BR BEB > 0.2 - 0.3mm。 Ela > 242 WH 200 - 500m HABERMAS: RR o 5. EH ( Armodorum labrosum (Lindley Schitr.) Epiphytes; stem clambering elongate, robust, 40-70 cm long, Leaves produced at rather distinct intervals or distichous and close togather, linear to linear-ligulate, 18-25 cm long, 1.5- 2.5 cm wide, obtuse and unequally 2-lobed at apex, amplexicual and sheeathed at base, coriaceous, lustrous green surface, pale green and keeled beneath. Flowers 4-7, long-lasting, widely spreading, waxy ‘fragrant, 3.5-4.5 cm diameter; sepals and petals yellow blotched and ma- : rgined with brown and red brown; sepals oblong, 1.4 -1.8 cm long, 3-3-5 mm wide, obtuse at apex; petals narrowly oblong, | 1-2-1.5 cm long, about 3mm wide, obtuse at apex; lip 3- lobed, the lateral lobe minute, erect, the median lobe oblong, white or yellow with 3 brownish raised keeled near the base 5 spur cylindric, curved toward the front, somewhat shorter the lip . 3 Assam, Burma and Java. Taiwan, known from southern part of the island at the elevations of 300-750 m, in forests, rather rare. BEM > BRR Mit» R40- 70cm; 全 多 抽 自 於 略 有 距离 的 节 处 或 呈 两 列 状 排列 , 粽 形 或 综 状 舌 形 , 长 18 - 25cm, 寅 1.5 - 2.5cm, 先 端 锅 ARASH_A BRABMRK: AA RHSHRCRRE> CHR Rik BAR BR © 50 fai( Fig)5 ‘{& #38 ( Armodorum labrosum ) a. 76 ( Flower ) b. 4E ( Sepal ) c. 469% (Petal ) d. f§9*% RFR (Lip and spur) 花 4~7 枚 , (ERA > BEAR ~ MR ~ BBR? B3.5-4.5cm >» FE 3 (iia BER ai Se Battle 6s SBRRMAWV > R1.4-1-8 cm? 3-3.5mm> nol » 7EMRRR RAV > R1.2-1.5em > BM 3 mm , cms ; BMHA> HBA) Bws PRA RBA: ASME > SF 2 7B ee HES Re > RAR > Sm RB MBG 。 阿 茵 姆 、 笨 多 及 爪哇 。 人 台湾 , 生 长 从 南部 低 海 拔 移 300-850m 山 地 , 常 BRAN ERR 3 6. KM (Arundina graminifolia var chinensis (Blume) Ying, Comb nov. Arundina chinensis Blume, Bijdr- 402 (1825); Henry, List Pl. Form. 92 (1896 ) Terrestrials; rhizomes short; stem simple , pseudobulb- like 51 at the base, 30-50 cm tall, leafy from miudle to top. Leaves alternate, many, articulate, lanceolate, chartaceous ol subcoriaceous 10-18 cm long, 1-1-5 cm wide, acute, sheath at base. | Flowers rather large, 3-4 cm in diau.eter, pink, sometimes white, in terminal raceme; the pedicels with ovaries 3 - 5 cm long; bracts triangular, purplish red, 3-6 mm long, dorsal sepal lanceolate, pink or white, 3-3.5cm long, -7-8 mm wide, lateral sepals somewhat broader; petals obovate, as long as the sepals ; lip obovate, 3-3-5 ¢m long, 2-2.5 cm wide, | 3 - lobed, the median lobe 2-fid, usually 3- keeled inside; column subcylindric, about 2 cm long; pollinia 8. Capsules oblong, 6- ribed, 4-6 cm long. S. China and Lyukyu. Taiwan, at low altituds up to 900 m, usyally on grassland. 图 (Fig ) 6 2M ( Arundina graminifolia var chinensis ) 52 a- 46 ( Flower ) b. 未 开放 的 花 ( Unopened flower ) c- #8 Fr (Dorsal sepal ) d. 7E## ( Petal ) e. fijJ22H (Lateral sepal ) f. Yk ( Lip ) g-h. BE ( Colum ) i. 764948 ( Pollinarium) oA s Kee. BRE SRS RRM > R30-50 cm > HH Dl _ ka € © A> SK LAM GG ~ ROY MC ARMEA> R10-18cm >» 1-1.5cm » S6%miRR » BAAR © JERK» B3-4cem> MAEMAS SRAVMRIEF > ERAT | BE3-5cem> HREAY> RAIA R3-6 mm ; SSHRAY > HAE 或 白色 , 长 3-3.5 cm, 寅 7-8mm > MSARAs CRANY > REAA > BMA > R3-3.5cem > H2-2.5cem> 3 有 裂 , 中 裂片 双 二 裂 , 唇 WAH AAA AREER > SYSUAE > R2cm > EMM Ko Wi FR REG > RARER 6 条 , 长 4-6cm © 中 国 南 部 及 SER ~ GH ERR ION m 以 下 山地 , 常 见 於 草 生 地 。 ASCOLABIUM Ying, gen. nov. Epiphyta; rhizoma repens brevis; caulis simplicis brevis. Folia disticha, alterna, acerosa, extrorse leviter recurvata subteretis intus (supra) profunde sulcata, extus ( subtus ) rotundata, apice obtusa vel acuta, basi cum vaginis articulata, extus basi plus 一 minus costata. Flora 4-8, minuta, in breviter racemo densinsculo dispositi , bracteati; sepala subaequalia, oblonga, libera; petala subsimilia; calcare brevis; lamina 3-lobata, lobis lateralibus as latera calca- - ris erectis parvissimis; lobis medio patent, concavo; columna brevis apoda; pollinia 2, subglobosa, integra, inappendiculata. A monotypical genus, endemic to Taiwan. The new genus more or less related to Holcoglossum in general appearance, but different from it by flower characters; also near to 长 5 -10 cm ; KH RMOR> E> R1.5-2 cm » 2-3 mm o H4~6K HA» —WPF > SK BA» R3-5 cm » H1.5-2.5 mm » WR BARS SRR > AKANE > SoS SH» ACSC AT CABR SA SERA AB i» ##HHR 1-1-5 cm» H3-4 mm o JE4~9 > 小 , BALA MRALE > K6-104E : ERMAREB 类 长 , 直 立 , 光 滑 ; AH RS MIRO > BR > 4-5 mm > # 54 fal ( Fig) 7. (R302 ( Ascolabium pumilum ) a. 植 物体 ( Flowering plant ) b. 7€ ( Flower) c. FB &4ER ( Spur and pedicel ) 1-5-2 mm » Symi s (ERGAS ER 6-IREs SRR > RRA » 长 4.6 mia » H2-3 mm> R—K ; EMRBH AY > (ARE > RH 25 mm ; Je MeO at WEB SBS: 4-5 mm> 83-4 mm: ARRSRI? A FR. HB. MAHER) Gu > PRR: HH: BR6-9 mm? BE ffs > 2-3 mm, 花 粉 块 2 枚 , 球 形 。 荡 果 圆柱 状 卵 形 , 长 1.5-1.8 cm > &4-5mm , 和 先端 截断 状 , 基 部 WE » ARB 2~ 3K © Ba etree tl > & RK he 1000-2000 m 山地 的 森林 内 2B BA? Lie imo 8. £842 ( Bletilla formosana (Hay) Schltr. ) Terrestrials, sometimes epiphytic on the mossy rocks}, pseu- dobulbs ovoid, 1-1-5 cm long, 6-8 mm across ; stem simple , 15-20 cm long, erect, usually enclosed by the long leaf-sheath. Leaves 2-4, elongate linear, 18-25 cm long, 7-10 mm wide, membranous, plicate, acuminate, glabrous, gradually narrowed to 95 the sheathing base, many-nerved’raised on back: sheathes 6-15 cm long, green, glabrous. Flowers 4-7, white or pink, rather large, 1-1.5 cm india- meter, scentless, racemose; scape terminal, slender, yellowish white, 8-10 cm long; sheathes 1-2, lightly brown, enclosed the scape, 1-1-5 cm long, acute at apex; bracts lanceolate , .6-8 mm long, membranous; pedicels with ovaries 8-12 mm long, gla- brous;sepals subequal, free, lanceolate, 1.5-1.8 cm long, 4-5 mm wide, multinerved, acute at apex; petals same as the sepals in - shape and length, but somewhat narrower, about 3 mm wide; lip oblong, 16-18 mm long, 6-8 mm wide, emarginate and mucro - nate at apex, obscurely 3- lobed, the lateral lobes column embra - cing entire, the median lobe patent, undulate on margin, with 5- yellowish elevated lines within, column elongate, 10-12 mm loog, suberect . Capsules oblong- linear, 1-1-2 cm long, 6-7 mmin diameter, truncate, attenuate at base. Endemic, at medium altitudes of 600-2300 m throughout the island. + WM > BREEKRSE RRMA L > RARE > R1-1-5 cm? 6-8 mm 5; By» R15-20 cm’ Bi’ KLRABRER © #2~4K> RR > H18-25cm> #7-10 mm > KARA B HK > Ses M AI » J67a > AAI SERA , 肪 多 数 於 背面 隆起 , 半 #85 6-15 cm > ME » K}Fo JEA~7 枚 , 白 色 或 粉 征 色 , 较 大 , 径 1-1.5 cm> MBR> MIKE ; 花药 顶 生 , 炎 长 , 黄 白色 , 长 8-10 cm ; 鞘 1-2 枚 , 淡 褐色 , 基 部 与 蕉 相连 , 长 1- 1.5cm, 先 端 镶 失 ; BARS» R6-8 mm, 膜 质 ; 花梗 如 同 子 房 长 8-12 mm ; 光滑 ; BH MS ~ EA ~ RG > R1.5-1-8 cm? @4-5mm » SoM + EMMI RRA SAA (BRE EW 3mm ; BeRBAY > R16-18 mm > H6-8 mm > MRM MA » 不 明显 3A> MAR RERHR: Sk: PRBS: ERR AAR eee 5 > SHR10-12 mm , 拱 形 。 i RSS RIG > 1-1-2 cm, 宽 6-7 mm > KBR » AH 56 Aro BY ARIAS Beh YRIVG 00-2300 mil» RRB > ABR BREF ° 图 (Fig ) 8 #42 ( Bletilla formosana) a. 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant) b. B#( Lip) c.d.&# (Column ) e. 花粉 二 ( Polliniarum ) , 9。 人 恒 春 石 豆 苦 ( Bulbophyllum affine Lindley ) Epiphytes; rhizomes creeping, stiff, about 2-2.5 mm across; roots short, gray, less than 5 cm long, pseudobulbs’- cylindric, 2-4 cm long, 3-5 mm in diameter, glabrous, fibrous at base; stemless. Leaf solitary, terminal on the pseudobulb, oblong or linear ‘oblong, 10-15 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide, coriaceous or nearly aT ‘80, obtuse and shortly 2- lobed at apex, at. te to the petiole at base, midrib raised an back, shining and green ‘ae green beneath; the petioles 1 -1.5 cm long. Flower solitary, yellowish white with purple streaks, 1.7 - 2.2 diameter, scentless; scape from the base of pseudo- bulb, 4-6 cm long, glabrous, erect.or nearly so; bracts lanceo- late, 4-8 mm long, acute at apex, membranous; the pedicels with ovaries 1.5-2 cm long, glabrous; sepals unequal, yellowish ‘white, with 5 purple streaks, usuallly connate with the column at base, the dorsal one ovate-oblong, 1.5-1.8 cm Img, 5-6 mm wide, acute. at apex, the lateral ones oblique oblong, same _ as the dorsal one in length; petals lanceolate, 16-18 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, acute at apex, 5-purplish nerved; lip thickened, tria- ngular linear, 9-10 mm long, 1-2 mm wide, subplicate, yellow with red spotts on margin; column about 3 mm long. Himalaya. Taiwan, known from the low te medium altitudes of 400-1400 m throughout the island, epiphytic on tree. trunks, rather common. f , 7 7 f e c a . A ‘ | 4 fps (ss fal ( Fig) 9 {8#4 FM ( Bulbophyllum affine ) a. 4E ( Flower ) b. BE (Column) GRE > ( Columnal foot ) ®/5## (Lip) c.d. EM (Lip) e.f. B#(Colunm) h.i. 763 ( Anther ) 58 y d 可 SAN ~ BREA. H+ KA? 2-2-5 mm ; RE? KE? VE 长 5 cem 者 ; RRABRY > H2-4 cm, 径 网 3-5 mm, 光 滑 , 基 部 有 入 HEMI © : 2HA> GERRREN Ch: RAV RR KRRAW » R10-15 cm »H1.5-2.5cem HARAVEA > HM RR2A> SMES eR HYRPHRR > RHACBRE HHASKREs MR 1 -1.5 cm ° 花 单 生 、 黄 白色 而 有 了 瞳 红 色 人 条 元, 径 1.7 -2.2 cm, 和 无 香味 ; RAG 於 假球 董 的 基部 , 长 4-6 cm, 光 滑 或 近似 如 此 ; HRS » R 4- 8mm » Seg god: , ME ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 1.5 -2 cm, 光 滑 ; BARB BA AMARALGHEM SK: RE REE > GEHRIG > R15- 1-8cm>#5-6 mm » HHL: MBRERMAY > REBHAR ; TEM RG » 16-18 mm > H4-5 mm, HIMBR > AAA APB S HRs BRE > = AiR > 9-10 mm> #1-2 mm , 黄 色 而 在 沽 特有 和 红色 Bim» SHER 3 mm ° | BREHEIUB > GB , 生 长 於 低 至 中 海拔 狗 400-1400 m Wh BAK Lene b> RBA o | 10. BRAG EM ( Bulbophyllum japonicum ( Makino ) Makino) Epiphytes; rhizomes creeping, terete, about ] mm in diame- ter; pseudobulbs ovoid, 1-1-2 cm long, 5-6 mm across, green or pale green, shallowly grooves; roots elongate, filiform 5-7 cm long . Leaves solitary, terminal, oblanceolate or elongate oblong, 5-7 cm long, 7-8 mm wide, acuminate and mucronate at apex, atte- nuate at base , thickened chartaceous or subcoriaceous, midrib impressed pirFace and strongly elevated beneath, lateral veins inconspicuous, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath pk petioled; the petioles 2-3 mm long, glabrous, green. Flowers 5-10, small, 2.5- 3.5mm in diameter, umbellate - racemose, scentless; scape produced from the base of bulb, 3-4 cm long, erect, slender; sheathes 1 or 2, basal, lanceolate, membranous 5-6 mm long, acute at apex, bracts lanceolate , 59 1-2 mm long, acute at apex, membranous; the pedicels with ovaries 5-7 mm long, glabrous; sepals unequal, pink with 3-5 dark red veined, the dorsal one elliptic-ovate, 3-4 mm long, 2-2-5mm wide, acuminate at apex, the lateral ones oyate-lanceolate, 6-7 mm long, 2-2.5mm wide, attenuate on both ends, contiguous on margin; petals obovate, 3-3.5 mm long, 1-1.4 mm wide, rounded or slightly retuse at apex, slightly cuneate at base; lip linear or narrowly spathulate, purple red with a pale yellow rounded tip, 2.5-3 mm long, about 1].5:-2 mm wide, reflexed, thickened; column 1 -1.5 mm long, white, with 2 horn-like arms at tip. / Japan and s. China. Taiwan, known from lower’ altitudes of 400-900 m in northern part of the island, epiphytic on the trunks. 3 i ( Fig) 10HAA SBM ( Bulbophyllum japonicum ) a. 表 花 的 植物 体 ( Flowering plant body ) b.76( Flower) c. (iJ3@4r (Lateral sepals ) d. #384 (Dorsal sepal) e.7E#¥ ( Petal ) f. B9 (Lip) g. h. BH ( Coiumn ) BEM ~ REAM? ARV: BO lmm> KA; RRB? R1- 60 1.2 cm , 径 5-6 mm > RERARE: LABREM RSK> ER: 缚 形 , 长 5 - 7 cm。 eM» HA: > BSS SEMI > 5-7cm , 袖 7- 8 mm, 先端 WAM RA > BRMOEMICHSEA : SRARCUSAR > HORA ; PHEE > WRRES HSRC PHU RABEM > HEAR 2-3 mm , 光 滑 。 花 5- 10 > BY > KH 2.5-3.5 mm? KARE RMIGIER > BBR: EMH BR RRA? H3-4cem> Bi~ MR BIR2AK RE? K SG > 25-6 mm: A> HRA > BHREwW: R1-2 mm » HHS Soo IRR: 花梗 连同 子 房 长 5 - 7 mm , 光 滑 ; BRARRE> OALEMA 3 - 5 RR AL MAL Bk BSR RA KV > 23-4mm > B2-2.5m m? FmnMiAY > HEA WKRAB > R6— 7 mm > #2-2.5 mm > WI » BR Bee 5 (cAI > 3-3-5 mm > H1-1.4 mm? RE A > ikl ERS s BRUM EE > RAMA REAE "长 2.5-3mm, 寅 1.5-2 mm > RR: E> SEFHR1-1.5 mm? AG » 先端 有 2 AK ZA IK © 中 国 南 部 及 日 本 、 人 台湾 , FESS AE EB EMR 400-900 m Lhh > BAK MRE o . 11. BRASH (Bulbophyllum linchianum Ying ) Bulbophyllum linchianum Ying. sp. nov. Cirrhopetalum linchianum Ying, MMS Epiphytes; rhizoma repena, teres, ca 1 mm in diametero, lignoso; pseudobulbi ovoidi, 1-1.5 cm longi, 5-7 mm lati , apice attenuati, reliquis, fibrosis vaginarum obtecti. Folia solitaria, linearo-oblong vel oblongo- lanceolata, 4-8 cm longa, 1-1.5 cm lata, apice obtusa vel rarius brevissime 2 - lobata, basi subito attenuata, ad petiolos 3-5 mm longos, abu- ntia margine integra, coriacea, utrinque glabra et virida. Flores 4-6, rubri, in apice scapi umbellatim dispositi; scapi 8-10 cm longi, basi vaginis scariosis instructi vaginis 3-5 mm longis; pedicellis cum ovariis subrectis rubri 9-12 mm _ longi ; bracteis minutis, flavis glabris, 2-3-5 mm longis, apice acutis; sepalum intermedium concavum, ovatum, 4-5 mm longum, ca 61 2.5mm latum, apice acuminatissimum, basi paullo contractum , margine cilio, sepala lateralia lanceolato-linear, 1-5 - 1.8 cm longa, 2-3 mm lata, apice acuminata, ad basin oblique contracta sursum gradatin attenuata, margine integra, glabra, membranacea ; petala oblonga vel ovato-oblonga, 2.5-3.5 mm longa, 2-2.5 mm lata, apice obtusa, basi truncati, margine cilia, glabra; labellum cum pede columnae 4-5 mm longo pullo incurvo articulatum , crassum, valde curvatum, ligulliforme, 3-5 mm longum, 1 - 1.5mm latum, ad summum obtusum ad basi ampliatum, supra unisulcatum, «utrinque glabrum; columna recta 2-3 mm longa. Habit. :Hualien county, Tapalung,Leg. :S.S. Ying 3510 (NTUF ) . re Epiphytes; rhizome creeping, terete, about ] mm in daime- ter, lignous; pseudobulb ovoid, 1-1-5 cm long, 5-7 mm wide, attenuate at apex, filiform- like fibers persistent at base. Leaf solitary, terminal on the pseudobulb, linear-oblong or oblong - lanceolate, 4-8 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, obtuse at apex, usually shollowly 2 - lobed at tip, attenuate at base, co- riaceous, entire, glabrous on both sides; the petioles 3-5 mm long. Flowers 4-6, red, terminal on the scape, umbellate; scape produced from base of pseudobulb, 8-10 cm long, glabrous ; sheaths basal, membranous, 3-5 mm long; pedicels with ovaries 9-12 mm _ long, red, suberect; bracts minute, light yellow, gla- brous,2 -3.5 mm long, acute at apex; the dorsal sepal concave, ovate, 4-5 mm long, about 2.5 mm wide, acuminate at apex, contracted at base, ciliate on margin; lateral sepals linear - lanceolate, 1-5-1-8 cm long, 2-3 mm wide, acuminate at apex, oblique and contracted at base, entire, glabrous, membranous ; petals oblong or ovate-oblong, 2.5-3.5 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, truncate at base, ciliate on margin, gla- brous; lip tongue -like, 4-5 mm long, thickened, recurved’ at 62 apex, 3-5 mm long, 1-1-5 mm wide, glabrous, one longitudinal sulcate in the middle; column suberect, 2-3 mm long. Endemic, known from eastern part of the island at the ele- vations of 400-1200 m, rather rare. The specific name dedicate to my mother Mrs. Lin-chi shao Ying ( @AbS#X+ )who brought me up;educacted me and help me in many ways. 0, = C e SF) lal ( Fig)11 &8 RASH ( Bulbophyllum linchianum ) a. #6 ( Flower ) b. @ ( Dorsal sepal ) c. 469% ( Petal ) d. (J3H ( Lateral sepal ) e. 9 (Lip ) 24h > RAB ARV > EH 1mm’ KB; BREN > E 1 - 1.5 cm , 径 5-7 mm> imme; RABE MRR @ E— KX? SERRREDH SRAERAVREBRRKRAY > Ea - 8 cm, 寅 1-1.5 cm > SSH ARROA> Mew; BA. 2K OK ss 全 柄 长 3 -5 mmo —« G4 - 6K AMA BAR ER > BOUVIER ; 7EXPMAR RRER 部 , 长 8- 10 cm , RBBB WRI-5 mm> KA KEE ; RAT 房 长 9- ]2 mm, 杠 色 , 近 似 直 立 ; BAB) > RRS > H2-3.5 mm » 先端 够 失 RBA MH > WR: 4-5 mm, 袖 2.5-3 mm> CHHL MRM ERs MBARRBAY > 21.5-1.8cm> F2-3 mms & 63 waa > SRE ~ Aw ~ M7 ~ SRA ~~ BA: EMERG RIR RBA > 22.5-3.5 mm> 82-2.5mm Ho > ARR BR> 光滑 ; BRR E> cmRwR E~ HK: K3-5mm> 1-1-5 mm > S¢oiSl > SIR > PRARS > Os 营 柱 近似 直立 , 长 作坊 Ia 固有 , 生 长 於 东部 中 海拔 狗 600-1100 myth: GER RR E>» Bo 本 新 种 的 命名 , 献 答 母 亲 , 以 聊 报 母亲 生育 , 养 育 及 数 育 的 恩惠 。 12. 马 来 石 豆 苦 ( Bulbophyllum macraei (Lindley) Reichb.f) Epiphytes; rhizomes short, creeping; pseudobulbs closely approximate, narrowly ovoid conical, 2-3-5 cm long, 8-12 mm in diameter, green, fiberous at RK, Leaf solitary, terminal on the pseudobulb, oblong- obovate or oblong, 10-20 cm long, 4-8 cm wide, obtuse, attenuate to the petioles at base, coriaceous, green and shining surface, pale green beneath; the petioles 2-2.5 cm long, glabrous. Flowers 4-10, medium-sized, 6-8 mm in diameter, umbe- llate, scentless; scape produced from the base of the pseudobulb, 12-16 cm long, erect or nearly so, slender, glabrous; sheaths 2-3, brown, membranous, ]-1.5 cm long, somewhat enclosing’ the scape; bracts lanceolate, 5-7 mm long, acute at apex; se- pals unequal, yellowish white, the dorsal one ovate-lanceolate, 2-2-4 cm long, 4-6 mm wide, concave, acuminate at apex, 5-nerved, the lateral ones linear-lanceolate, 5-6 cm long, about 3 mm wide; petals purple red, oblique oblong, 5-7 mm long, 2.5-3.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex; lip tongue-like, 4-5 mm long, about 2 mm wide, recurved at apex; column _ short, about 1 mm long. Japan, Lyukyu, India and Cylan. Taiwan, known from low to medium altitudes of 500-1200 m throughout the _ island, epiphytic on the mossy tree trunks in evergreen forests. SAW ~ HKG ~ MA ~ KA: RRERBH > RINKAGW > & 2-3.5 cm» & 8-12 mm » ME’ BPRAABAK MAE ° 64 | 1 WAG | GY «HC Fig)12 24M ( Bulbophyllum macraei ) 。 植 物体 ( The plant ) b. 7EM Fit) ( Central portion of a flower) . 8H (Dorsal sepal ) . 4/38 (Lateral sepal ) . 169% ( Petal ) . BE > MA BM ( Column, mentum and lip) EK SFR RRE tin RMGAKAWCRRRAYW > R10 - 20 cm’? H4-8cem > mHA APRARKM CHEM A> ARHSHHS ree > PARE ; HAR 2-2.5 cm » 6 464-10 %&> PH. H6-8 mm » MUTE > RBERK ; ESMARR ERR > 12-16 cm» Bie > MR HI +s H2-3K> BE , 膜 质 , 长 1- 1.5 cm , 基 部 略 抱 菊 ; BARE R5-7 mm > SHARK ; BEDS E> RAG SBIR > R2-2.4 cm, 宽 4-6 mm, 槽 状 , 和 先端 渐 兴 , 腺 5 人 条 ; BISA RR RST > R5-6 cm» BH 3mm ; 7E Me RRL > RABAY > 5-7 mm, 寅 2.5-3.5 mm > SS ; BME 形 , 长 4-5 mm? BH2 mm, 先 端 反手 ; SYR RWH1mm o 琉球 、 日 本 、 印 度 及 鲍 兰 。 人 台湾 , 生 长 於 全 锅 500-1200 m 的 山地 , BES E> RRB Eo > © & O 13. REM ( Bulbophyllum melanoglossum Hayata) , Epiphytes; rhizomes creeping, terete, 1-1-5mm _ in dia- meter; roots linear, creeping, produced from the base of pseu- dobulb; pseudobulb ovoid, 1-1.4 cm long, 5-6mm in diameter, green, glabrous, very shallowly groove. Leaves oblong-elliptic, 3-4 cm long, 6-8 mm wide rounded and emarginate at apex, attenuate to the petioles at base, lu- strous green above, pale green beneath; midrib elevated beneath, lateral veins inconspicuous, entire, glabrous; the petioles 2-3 mm long, glabrous, shallowly grooved inside. Flowers 8-12, rather small, 5-7 mm in diameter, 1 - 1-5 cm long, umbellate, the scape produced from the base of pse - udobulb, 8-10 cm long, slender, erect, sheathed; the sheaths 2 or 3, basal, lanceolate, acute at apex, amplexicual at base, 66 membranous; bracts lanceolate, minute, about 2 mm long, acute at apex, sepals unequal, the dorsal one ovate,concave, pink with 5-7 dark red streaks, 4-4-5mmlong, 2-2.5 mm wide, acuminate at apex, long-ciliate on margin, the lateral ones linear-lanceolate 1-5-1.7 cm long, 2-3 mm wide, purple with 5-7 dark red stre- aks, entire; petals oblique oblong, pink with 5-dark red streaks, 3-3.5 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide, acuminate and a black ‘spot at apex, truncate at base, ciliate on margins lip horn - like, yellow or greenish yellow, 2-2-5 mm long, ear-like at base, deeply sulcate in the middle; column suberect, more or less recurved, 1-1-5 mm long. Endemic, at the elevations of 700-1800 m in the northern and eastern parts of the island, not common. 图 (Fig) 13 2RADH CBetbopby tut melanog] ossum ) a. 植物 体 ( Plant body ) b. @38F (Dorsal sepal ) c- (J (Lateral sepal) d. 7E#% ( Petal ) e. BR ( Lip ) 67 =A. REEMA: K1-1.5 mm ; RRY~ AA BK (ERA ; REIN > 1-1-4 cm, 径 5-6 mm , 称 色 , 光 滑 , 具 BREN BM cE RRR > 3-4 cm? H6-8 mm? 先端 圆 而 略 呈 凹 人 , 基 Mme PSEA HHSR VERE SHSRRE> PHERKAG > (EKA BASE > SR HIS: BRR2-3 mm? > AMAR o 7E 8-12 > BA > K5-7 mm? H1-1.5 cm» MVE ; TERME WER BERMR> H8-10cm’ MR~ B+ ARs R2-3K> ZE> KSt G~tGRA- BRAK. RAs BRR: Bh» RO2mm , 先 端 够 42; BH ARE > BRAINY > MK> MAB A5-7RRA BHR M: 4-4.5 mm»? 82-2.5 mm»? Emr’ > BRARER ; MSARRE 对 形 , 长 1.5-1.7 cm» #2-3 mm> Half BRA BEM5-7 HZ > 7RMERRAY > MBAR RM 5-70’ R3-3.5 mm > F 1.5 mm > PRARHBM 1K: SSE 似 直 立 , 多 少 反 欣 , 长 1-1.5 mm。 固有 生长 於 台 淤 北部 及 东部 山地 狗 700-1800 公 尺 的 森林 内 , 多 着 生 於 fae » BA o 14. 242M (Bulbophyllum omerandrum (Hayata )Hayata ) Epiphytes; rhizomes creeping, terete, 1-1.5 mm in diame- ter; sheaths basal, lanceolate, membranous, acute, amplexicual at base; pseudobulb elongate ovoid, 12-15 mm long, 6-7 mm across, green, more or less attenuate at apex, fibrous. Leaves linear-oblong, oblong- lanceolate 10-15 cm long, 3-4 cm wide, obtuse and emarginata at apex, attenuate to the petioles at base, coriaceous, midrib slightly elevated on both sides, lateral veins mconspicuous; the petioles 6 -7 mm long, deeply groove inside, glabrous. Flowers 3-5, yellow or yellowish white umbellate-racemose >» scape 8-10 cm long, erect, slender, giabrous, Sheathed; the sheaths basal, membranous, 10-12 mm long, acute at apex: bracts lanceolate, 7-12 mm long, acuminate at apex, glabrous; 68 the pedicels with ovaries 1-1-5 cm long, slender, yellowish green, glabrous; the dorsal sepal concave, ovate - lanceolate , 8-11 mm long, 6-7 mm wide, acuminate and somewhat tinged with red at apex, slightly contracted at base, entire, glabrous; the lateral sepals yellow, lanceolate-linear,2-2-.8 cm long, 4-6 mm wide, acuminate at apex, contracted at base, entire petals oblong or oblong - lanceolate, 7-10 mm long, 5-7 mm wide,yellow with a red tip, acute or acuminate at apex, contracted at base, ciliate on margin, thembranous ; lip ligulate-like, 8-12 mm long, 3.5-4.5 mm wide, yellow and tinged with red at base, glabrous; column semit erete, erect, 3-4 mm long. Endemic, at the elevations of 700-1800 m in central part of island, epiphytic on tree trunks or mossy rocks. aR > REMR > KA +A > €1-1.5mm ;假球 董 倒 圆锥 状 卵 形 "长 1.5-2 cm, 径 2-2.5 cm> HmMBR> RK > LASRMAe ERR ARKRSH RRR» 10-15 cm’ H3-4 cm> iS 8 B2A°- APH EMCHSER: AMSRXKERE’? PHORM? HK HABE > SK TUEA: PRR 6-9 mm 。 463-51 > MBH R2.5-3 cm ; 花 茜 抽 自 於 假球 蕉 基部 , 长 8-]0 cm 3 MR 638; @H2-3 > RE > R7-12 mm> KHBAR> SK> 光滑 ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 1 - 1.5 cm > MR RRA Hs RBHAER ID 状 披 人 对 形 , 长 8-11 mm , 寅 6-7 mm , 和 先端 半 失 , 略 呈 和 红色 , 基 部 桶 知 状 ; 全 符 , 光 滑 ; 侧 苯 片 饼 黄 色 披 对 状 和 线形 , 长 2-2.8 cm , 实 4-6 mm , Fasm@OR > BEAM » SK; MPRA RRA RRA > 7-10 mm 95-7 mm: BSA > LMRAMMA> SRA. EK .RA BRR SE RG He ~ o> R8-12 mm, 基 部 寅 3.5-4.5 mm > 色 , 基 部 呈 和 红色 、 光 滑 ; BER 3-4 mmo BA» ERARAGHPMBRW 700-1800 maw BAK Be E> Ris DA o 69 fi( Fig)14 #468 ( Bulbophyllum omerandrum) a. tai ( Plant body ) b. #3 (Dorsal sepal) c. Hl3$H (Lateral sepal) d.7EB ( petal) 15.41E@E2M@ (Bulbophyllum remotifolium ( Fukuyama) Ying ) | Epiphytes ; rhizomes elongate, slender, 0.4-0-6 mm in dia- meter, ligneous; roots filiform, glabrous; pseudobulbs ovoid- cylindrical, 7-10 mm jiong, 5-7 mm in diameter, glabrous , 70 ‘fleshy, green. Leaf solitary, terminal on the pseudobulb, linear - oblong, 3-5 cm long, 7-8 mm wide, erect, sessile, obtuse or acute and emarginate at apex, acuminate or narrowed acute at base, entire, coriaceous, glabrous, midrib elevated beneath, _ lateral veins inconspicuous. Flowers 5-7, subumbel, oranged or organged red in colour; scape erect, produced from the base of: pseudobulb, 4-5 cm long, slender, scattered with black spots; sheaths ] or 2, me- mebranous; bracts ovate- lanceolate, 3-4 mm long,acute, slightly contracted at base, entire, membranous; the pedicels with ova- ries 6-7 mm long, glabrous; sepals unequal, the dorsal one ligulate, 4-4.5 mm long, about 2-5 mm wide, concave, acute at apex, elongate ciliate on margin, membranous, glabrous; the lateral ones linear, adnate with column at base, 2-2.5 cm long, 2-3 mm wide, obtuse, attenuate at base, entire, glabrous, membranous, 5-nerved. the veins dark violet; petals falcate- oblong, 2-5-3 mm long,. about 1 mm wide, obtuse at apex , long ciliate on margin, membranous, glabrous, 3 - nerved; lip horn-shape, thickened, 2-3 mm long, glabrous, obtuse at apex; column semiterete, 1-2 mm long, slightly 2-lobed at apex. Endemic, epiphytic on the tree trunks at the elevations of 1000-1800 m in northern and central parts of the island. BEM MRRER> MR > 径 0.4-0.6 mm > KE HRY ~ 68 ; BRENNA > R7-10 mm, 径 5-7 mm> 678 ~ AB ~ KR © eH» RAEWRRE LERERAV> R3-5 cm’ #7-8 mm? Bo YL? EA > TMA MARSA MK > SBMARMRRR > SR> BA > iF » HAR Ai ik > Hl KTS o | 花 5 -7 枚 , SUS MOVIE ~ ERMA > TERA? MARR PREM 4-5 cm, 炎 长 , 散 生 有 黑色 班 点 ; 1M 2K Bs HK 卵 状 披 针 形 , 长 3-4 mm? AMMBA > BMBSRMK > SRK> HA ; 花梗 AS BR 6-7 mm, 光滑 ; BHRBBs 后 苯 片 舌 形 , 长 4-4.5 mm, 实 构 2.5 mm > WR. HRA > BRRBRE RA OG MBAR > 71 图 ( Fig)15a «Léexa ui (Bulbophyllum remotifol ium) a. b. #2 ( Dorsal sepal ) c. 4E 9 ( Petal ) d.{A|32 He ( Lateral Sepal ) 图 (Fig)15 b. Bulbophyllum hirundinis a. #38} ( Dorsal sepal ) b. il32 # ( Lateral Sepal ) c. 469% ( Petal ) d. 254: & BME ( Column and Lip ) e. 花药 (Anther ) 72 SER Bd SH > 2-2-5 cm’ B2-3 mm » Sys ~ RMR ~ SK EE + BU RSE) RREBIE SEE ; EMORY > 2 2.5-3 mm >2O 1mm: THM BRAKE RAKE RIK: RAR & , 长 2 - 3 mm, 光 滑 , 先 端 印 ; SAS USHRY > R1-2mm , 先 端 略 BQ Wo 固有 , 生 长 於 北 部 及 中 部 中 海拔 网 1000- 1800 m 山地 , 着 生 於 树干 上 . 林 氏 〈' 台 野生 兰 A-B44At) CABRR RE BBW Bulb- phyllum hirundinis (Gagnep ) Seidenf RRAEB: HRSKBA Bu - léophyllum hirundinis ( Gagnep ) Seidenf WJ RMSMRE REBBEX Wek , 故 列 需 独立 的 种 > SHS RB Flore Generale de L’indo- chine th Bulbophyllum hirundinis HEM 於 前 页 以 供 参考 。 16. 2AM (Bulbophyllum retusiusculum Reichb. f. ) Epiphytes; rhizomes~ creeping, terete, about 2 mm in dia- meter; pseudobulbs ovoid, 2-2.2 cm long, about lcm ‘in diameter » Pale green, more or less fleshy, obtuse and truncate at apex., Leaf solitary, terminal on pseudobulb,elongate narrowly oblong, 6-8 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, rounded and emarginate at apex ,. attenuate at the base, slightly recurved on margin, shining green surface, pale green beneath; midrib raised beneath. Flowers 5-10, rather small, 7-9 mm in diameter, © lax - umbellates scape produced from the base of pseudobulb, 4-6 cm long, erect, slender; sheathes 2-3, lanceolate, light brown, membranous, acuminate, embracing the scape at base; bracts la- nceolate, dark purple, 3-4 mm long, thin; the pedicels with ovaries 9-12 mm long glabrous; sepal unequal spread ing the dorsal one ovate, reddish purple, 3-4mm long, 2-3 mm wide, 3-merved, the lateral ones linear, yellow, 1.2-1-7cm long, 25-35 mm wide, 3-5-nerved, obtuse, oblique and adnate to the column forming a 2 mm long mentum at the base; petals oblor g, reddish purple, 3-3.3 mm long, 1.4-1.8 mm wide, rounded at apex, Slightly reflexed or concave; lip short, 3 二 让 而 本 tongue 73 - like, 2-3-5 mm long, recurved at apex, erect and purple at the base, 2 longitudinal © groove in the middle; column short, 1-2 mm _ long. , Capsules cylindrical- fusiform, 1.8-2 cm long, 4-5 mm ac- ross. Endemic, a common epiphytic orchid at medium altitudes of 800-1600 m in northern and central parts of the island. qm 图 ( Fig) 16 #%384 SM ( Bulbophyllum retusiusculum ) a. 76 ( Flower ) b. fil 55 5 ME (Lateral sepel and lip ) c. ee (Lip ) d. 2%} (Dorsal sepal ) e. 76 HE ( Petal ) mE RED > HRY > KH 2 mm ; BREN > £2-2.2 cm EM ] cm » Re AB > Tish AS eH RE > SERRREEM > KRY > R6-8 cm» 9 1.5-2 cm : Fe Son ELISE > ACER WTAE » ERNE ie , “ RAC RE ICM » WR E » PAR Wie © 74 花 5- 10 枚 , 较 小 , K7-9 mm MBIVIERF ~ EZMAKRRREER >£4-6cem Biz’ MR; BHAA > MAH > R3-4 mm> Bs 花梗 ail BE O-12 mm, 光滑 ; SRRBHR> Bk SHINY > MAM r#e fa» 3-4 mm , 寅 2-3 mm ° KSK? MSAHRY: RA’ R12 -1.7 cm > 2.5-3.5mm ° fk3-5#&> mH SRE ARSSAS 而 形成 一 长 2mm AYE ; TEM RAY > PALA > R3 -3.3'mm > 1.4 - 1.8 mm , 先 端 圆 , 略 反 担 或 凸 出 ; ME MBA > R2-3.5 mm 4 mR Bi > RRA PRAMBM 2A SSS’ R1-2mm e i 52 BIER HSB > 1.8-2 cm» K4-5 mmo Ba ERR ABR HH 800-1600 m2 44K GR EL RR 常见 。 17. {HASH (Bulbophyllum rubropunctatum Ying ,. | Bubbophyllum rubropunctatum Ying, sp: noy. Cirrho petalum ru ropunctatum Ying MMS. Epiphytes; rhizoma repens, teres, 1]1-1.5mm in diametro, lignoso ruguloso; pseudobulbi elongato-ovati, 1.2-1.7 cm longi, 7-9 mm lati, apice attenuati reliquis fibrosis vaginarum obtecti. Folia solitaria, linearo-oblong vel linearo - lanceolata, 5-8 cm longa, 1.2-1.-7 cm lata, apice obtusa vel rarius: brevissime 2-lobata, basi ad petiolum 2-4 mm longum, abeuntia. Flores 8-12, umbellatim; scdpi circ. 7-8 cm longi, basi © vaginis scariosis instructi; vaginis 4-6 mm longis; pedicellis cum ovariis 7-9 mm long, alboflavi, fuseo-rubro punctati; se- palum posticum ovatum, concavum, subflavescentum cum 5-fusco- rubro- nerveum, 4-5 mm longum,. 2-3 mm latum, apice acu- tum, basi contractum, margine cilio; sepala lateralia lanceolato- linearis, 1.5 -1.7 cm longa, ca 2 mm lata, apice obtusa, fusco- rubro punctata; petala oblonga, 2.5-3-5 mm longa, 2-2.5 mm lata, apice obtusa cum melano-glandibus, margine ciliata; la- bellum liguliforme, 3-4 mm longum, 1-1.5 mm latum; column ca. 2 mm longa. Hab. : Tai-pa-lung, Hua-lien Hsien, 1100 m alt. leg. S.S. 10 Ying, Feb. 4, 1975. 图 (Fig )17 #342 ( Bulbophyllum rubropunctatum ) a. 46 ( Flower ) b. #38} (Dorsal sepal ) c. #3 ( Lateral sepal ) d. 7E## ( petal ) e. EM (Lip ) f. AME ( plant ) 76 (8AM PROD HR- KAS) KH> K1-1-5 mm: RRERM W > $1.2-1-7cm » E7-9 mm » KF? Rie > ABM 4-6 Ks 2 > IRA > RRA TE > BR RAK HER R © 2A» SERRRE EG: RBKRRAVR BARRE > R5-8 cm °81.2-1.7 m> #R> HmMAe2 A> SPHEMCPRER: PH KARHKE > HRR2-4 mmo JE 8-12 > @IVIER > E5-9 mm > BABE s (EXMERRRESA 部 , 长 7-8 cm > Bic» MR ~~ RAS H1-2 KM REV > BE? BA > mR GRY: RA. RAS MABABARA: R2-3 mm; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 7-9 mm> AiR AME: SERBS RSV A 有 5 PERSAL AR HL 4-5 mm > B2-3 mm? HMBR> BRAM = i ; BUSS HRSA > 1-5-1-7 cm > BH2mm > Sas » BMA ABER: a ORL ; TEMG > H2.5-3.5 mm » H2-2.5 mm » Sei 钝 上 且 有 一 显著 黑色 斑点 , 略 呈 毛 黎 ; BRAY > HR 3-4 mm > H1-1-50m , > Simms PRA—MB: SH: RN 2 mm 。 = 固有 着 生 於 树干 或 多 苔 玉 类 岩石 生长 从 800-1400 mi ARB B /}o 18. ‘\4 53% (Bulbophyllum somai Hay. ) 4 Epiphytes; stem slender, creeping, about 1 mmacross, gla- brous; pseudobulb absent. a Leaves remote, coriaceous or fleshy, thick, ‘oblong, 13-15 mm long, 6-8 mm wide, obtuse at apex, obtuse or acute at base, petiolated; the petioles about 2 mm long. Flowers solitary, medium-sized or rather small, scentless, yellowish white; scape axillary, 3-4 cm long, glabrous; bra- cts 2-3, green or yellowish white, membranous, hyaline , acute at apex; sepals equal, linear- lanceolate, 2 - 2.5 ‘tin long, 3-4 mm wide, glabrous, acuminate, somewhat swelling at base; the lateral ones often connate to the base of the column and forming a 2-3 mm long mentum; petals ovate-oblong, 4-8 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, acute at apex; lip adnate to the co-. lumn- foot with a articulation, ovate-oblong, 4-6 mm long, 2- 3mm wide, entire, obtuse, somewhat undulate at base, 3 - 77 | ridged lines within; column 1-2 mm long, broad at base: column- foot 1.5-2-2 mm long. Capsules ovoid or oblong, 6-8 mm long, with 4-5 ridged lines. Endemic. in forests at low altitudes of 500-1200 m in no- rthern part, epiphytic on tree trunks, especially common on tree which growing in mountainous ridges. 图 (Fig )18 44 ( Bulbophyllum somai ) a. Hehe ( Plant body ) b. 7 ( Flower ) c. ESA /eME (Column and lip ) d. 7E 9% ( Petal ) SAW » SMR » AR) + KH 1 mm, 光 滑 ; MRRK ER+> SARAA> > RMA R13-15 mm> 6-8 mm , 先端 印 , 基 部 印 或 锐 失 , 有 极 短 的 华 柄 ; HMHRW2 mm o 花 单 生 , 中 型 或 较 小 , 和 无 香味 , 黄 白色 ; ERMA» R3-4 cm> 6B ; HH 2-3 枚 , 称 或 黄白 色 、 膜 质 、 透 明 , 先 端 铝 尖 ; BE HR me BUR GEST 形 , 长 2-2.5 cm’ H3-4 mm> 光滑 , 先 端 渐 尖 形 , 基 部 略 膨大 ; HEH 基部 常 与 芒 柱 相连 而 形成 一 长 2 -3 mm fy) Mis EMERY > 4-8 mm, 实 2-3 mm, 先 端倪 失 ; SMRBAL UMA > RR » 78 长 4-6 mm’ 22-3 mm > KREMARACRM: SK Hist BM Big KRK: AMRABBRR3SA;:sSER1-2mm’ RRR? GEE 长 1.5 -2.2 mmo WENVRRRAY > R6-8 mm? RARER 1-5 © 固有 , 生 长 於 北部 500-1200 2 RW Stns b> SERB ie lt BRE LE © 19. 阿里 山石 豆 苦 (Bulbophyllum transarisanense Hay ) Epiphytes; pseudobulb ovoid or broad ovoid, closely appro- ximate, 1.5-2 cm long, 1 cm across, ]1- foliate. Leaf 1, at the apex of pseudobulb, elongate-oblong, coria- ceous, 3-7 cm long, 1-1-5 cm wide, obtuse and emarginate , contracted or cuneate at base, midrib impressed above. and raised beneath, petioled; petioles 5-8 mm long. Flowers solitary, yellowish white, rather large, . terminal ; scape from the base of pseudobulb, 6-8-cm long, 2-3 white tubular sheathes at middle and base;sepals subequal, spreading, dorsal one oblong-ovate, 2.5-3 cm long, about 1.5 cm _ wide, obtuse, slightly contracted at base, 7-nerved, lateral ones Oblique ovate, 2-2-5 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, obtuse, adnate to column, mentum- forming at base; petals oblong - ovate, 1.5-2 cm long, 1-1. cm wide, subacute or obtuse, contra- cted at base, 5-nerved; lip patent, erect, membranous, irre- gular fine teeth at base, recurved, spongy, | wrinkle, groove from middle to upward, subacute or obtuse at apex; column short; pollinia 4, sessile; ovary short, about 6 mm long. Endemic. In forests at medium altitudes of 1000-2100 m throughout the island, epiphytic on tree trunks. 着 生 兰 、 假 球 菊 卵 形 或 泣 卵 形 , 紧 密 一 个 连 一 个 排列 , 长 1.5-2 cm» lem » #1 to | KM: SER RRNA RAV BR 3-7 cm , 袖 1- 21.5 cm> 56% $f BMG > RRR BRERA > HHRKRAHATH ASHE 9 BRR BARR 5O- 8 mmo 79 “a POS Se 图 (Fig )19 kb] #468 ( Bulbophyllum transarisanense ) a. 76 ( Flower ) b. RABE {EME 7E( Flower taken off sepal and petal ) c. ae (Lip ) d. &# ( Column ) e. 3S ( Operculum) . EBA RAB RK > ERE SH Ae ; (CRAB RRRERB> 长 6-8 ms E7RHtRRERRAEKWAS—-K ; SBHRR> RBA RABBIS > H2.5-3 cm’ 81.5 cm> FERS > SMR 7K ; SSH BIB > H2-2-5 cms H1-5-2 cm HGH > SRMARSE FAS THI As 7EMBAR AB BIKSN > 1-5-2 cm? H1-1.3 cm, 先 端 印 RITURR > ERRMK> 5 ik; RBA Bi-RA> SRAM Bw Rw wRmA hth CPRSHRRARSM > HMMMRAs SE 短 ; TED SE > EAR FH > HE mm © 固有 , 生 长 於 中 海拔 1000-2100 AR» 2BHAD fh 2tR BH 20. S7ERP Raw (Calanthe albo-longicalcarata Ying ) Terrestrials; roots elongate, 20-35 cm long, 0-5-1 mm across; pseudobulb inconspicuous, usually hiden by |leaf-sheathes; stemless. 80 Leaves 5-8, radical, oblong or elliptic, 15-20 cm long, 6-8 cm wide, chartaceous, acute or acuminate, gradually atte- nuate to petiolate at the base, wavy on margin, green and shi- ning surface, pale green beneath, 3-5-mnerved, elevated on ba- ck, glabrous, sometimes pubescent on veins beneath; petioles 3-9 cm long. Flowers 10-20, white, large, 1-1-5 cm in diameter, sce- ntless, racemose; scape arising from the fascicled leaves, 35- 45 cm long, 3-4 mm in diameter, pubescent upward, leafless; sheathes 2, membranous, acute, 1.5-2.5 cm long; ‘bracts la- nceolate, glabrous, acuminate at apex, ].2-1.8 cm long; pe- dicels with ovaries 2-2.5 cm long; sepals equal, elliptic, 1-1-5 cm long, 7-8 mm wide, acute and cuspidate at apex, glabrous; petals obovate or obovate- lanceolate, 1-1-3 cm long, 4-6 mm wide, acute at apex, entire on margin; lip adnate to the co- lumn base, 12-18 mm long, 10-15 mm wide, 3-lobed, the lateral lobes oblong, 4-7 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, median lobe broadly rounded, 8-10 mm long,7-9mm wide, 2-lobed at apex; spur 2-3 cm long, 人 mm in diameter; column short, 2 mm long. : 7 Endemic, known form the low altitudes of 600-1000 m in northern part of island, on moist places, somewhat rarely. Hh ~ REE > 20-35 cm, 径 0.5 -1mm 3; RREABFZ EF PERRIS SERBPY > 4% 0 | 35-8 枚 , HA +R > 15-20 cm, 袖 6-8 em? SKA» Fe vit HARM MAG » 2G Ea V7 I HE APE SER» ERS RK > KARAM AX 将, 背面 淡 稼 色 , 腺 3-5 人 条, 隆起 Ki ° aie AMERY HERREE EB; #MR3-9cm ° 花 10 -20 娄 , 白 色 , 大, 径 1-1.5 cm » MBM > MAREE ; ER HH ARRESR> R35-45cem> K3-4 mm > LRHGEH~ RE; BH WM A > Fema» R1.5-2.5 cm ; 意 片 披 针 形 、 光 滑 , 先 端 渐 撩 形 , 长 1.2-1.8 cm ; 花 模 连 同 子 房 长 2 -2.5 cm; SHR RAY R1 - S 5 cm? 57-8 mm> SAA Sis BM » SEF o TEM A SBT at AISBIAK 81 披 针 形 , 长 1-1.3 em > H4-6 mm > HHARL SK; MMB RS 相连 , 长 12-18 mm» H10-15 mm > 3H%> MAHRRW? R4--7 mm, 寅 4-5 mm> 43> HAR RBAW > R8-10 mm, 寅 7-9 mm» 先端 2 裂 ; BR 2-3 cm >» KF 1-1.5 mm; SEK? K2 mmo Aa» ERK BItBEBRH600-1000m SAR GRR> RRR Zo 图 (Fig)20 白花 长 距 根 节 苦 ( Calanthe albo-longicalcarata ) a. @88H (Dorsal sepal ) b. 7E9¥ ( Petal ) c. 32H (Lateral sepal) d. F¥¥ (Lip ) e. Bt ~ FR ~ BME ( Column;spur and lip ) 21, 阿里 山 根 和 节 枯 (Calanthe arisanense Hay.) Terrestrials; rhizome short; roots elongate; pseudobulb ovoid, 2.5 -3 cm long, 2-2.5 cm across; stemless. Leaves 2~5, radical, lanceolate, 30-45 cm long, 4.5-5.5 ~ cin wide, acuminate and shortly caudated at apex, narrowed at the base, herbaceous, 5-7-nerved, glabrous, petiolate; the pe- tioles 10-15 cm long, glabrous. Flower 5-10, white, sometimes pink tinged, large, 2-3 cm in diameter, racemose; scape erect, produced from the base of clustered leaves, 45-60 cm long, glabrous; bracts. lanceo- 82 late, 1-1-5 cm long, 3-4 mm wide, acute, amplexicual at the base; pedicels with ovaries 3-3.5 cm long, glabrous, slightly purple; sepals subequal, free, ovate-lanceolate, spreading, pa- tent, 2-2.5 cm long, 6-8 mm wide, acuminate and with a 2-3 mm long tail at apex, rounded and contracted at the base, 1] - 3-nerved; petals linear, spreading, 2 2-2 cm long, 4-5 mm wide, acuminate, narrowed at the base; lip clawed, spurred, 3- lobed, wavy on margin, the claw usually adnate to the co- lumn and forming a5 mm long tube; spur 1.5-2.2 cm long, obtuse at apex, the lateral lobes auricule, 8-10 mm long, 5-6 mm wide, median lobe rounded, 7-9 mm long, 10- 12mm wide, obtuse and with a shortly tip, 3 light yellow gills inside; column short, erect or nearly so, 7-9 mm long, hairy within; pollinia 8, yellowish white; caudicles 1-1.5 mm long. Endemic, under the forests at low to medium altitudes of 800-2200 m throughout the island, very common. 图 (Fig )21 阿里 山 根 节 兰 ( Calantle arisanense ) a. 46 (Flower ) b. #8 (Dorsal sepal ) c. 769% ( Petal ) d. #32 ( Lateral sepal) e. ER (Lip ) f. ERA TES & TEM ( Flower taken off sepals and petals ) 83 地 生 兰 RE: RRENV > R2.5-3 cm» K2-2.5cm , ME & 0 . £2-5%&> RA REY > R30-45 cm > H4.5-5.5 cm , 先 端 源 SAS BRR > SREMCHSER PA KS-7R HK ASB RAS 10-15 cm » Kio ) 7E5-10K > Af > MAMA HR A> K2-3 cm> MARIE 5 TEX Bi > MARR R45-60 cm » Ks BARE > R1-1-5 cm? F 3-4 mm > SmRAR BRAS > (RBA SSR3-3.5 cm > i? B PA AL ARRAS 5 SHR EA ODS > RR MAH > H2-2.5 cm’ #6-8 mm, 先 端 渐 失 而 有 长 2-3_ mm Hee SRAMRMMR > 1-3 Ak; 7E9RRIY > HB H2-2.2 cm> 84-5 mm > HHMBAVW:>H RR; BRAN HH 3- A> 波状 称 , 爪 常 与 芒 柱 相连 而 形成 长 5 mm AY ik Yy >» FBR1-5-2.2 cm, 和 先端 钝 ; 侧 裂 片 耳 状 , 长 8- 10 mm , 宽 5-6 mm» PARRY: 长 7-9 mm? H 10-12 mm, 先 端 部 而 有 一 每 AR AA 3 人 条 黄色 隆起 粮 ; Ste » Bi RUM R7-9 mm’? 内 HES ; 花粉 二 8、 黄 白色 ; 花粉 柄 长 1-1.5 mmo Bla > ERR ES PRBRWH 800-2200 mk SBR E> AH 森林 二。 22. 垂 花 根 节 苦 _ (Calanthe aristulifera Reichb.f ) Terrestrials; pseudobulbs globose, tufted, 5-6 mm long, inconspicuous; rhizome short, creeping; roots elongate, fili - form, 10-20 cm long. 3 L eaves 12. oblong, 15-20 cm long, 6-7 cm wide, sho- | rtly acute at apex, abruptly narrowed at the base, glabrous, | chartaceous; the petioles 8 - 10 cm long, slender , glabrous. Flowers 6-12, white or lightly purple, nodding, 2- 2.2 cm in diameter, racemose; scape produced from the base of pseudobulb, 30-40 cm long, erect, slender; bracts lanceolate, minute, 4-5 mm long; the pedicels with ovaries 1.5-1-7 cm long, glabrous; sepals oblong, free, 12-16 mm long, 5.5 - 6-5 mm wide, acuminate at apex, contracted at the base; pe- tals oblong- lanceolate, 1-1-4 cm long, about 4 mm wide, acute 84 at apex, narrowed truncate at the base, hirsute without; lip widely rounded, 9-15 mm long, about 10 mm wide, 3-lobed, spurred, the lateral lobes rounded, 8-9 mm long,45 mm wide, slightly recurved, the median lobe 6-7 mm long, about 7 mm wide, cuspidate-crispate-plicate upward; disc with many keels, hirsute without, pilose within; spur 1.5-2 cm long, hairy wi- thin; column 1 -1.5 cm long. Japan ,Taiwan known from the northern part of the island at the elevations of 900-1500 m, under the evergreen forests. 图 (Fig ) 22 HEE HE GH i ( Calanthe aristulifera ) a. b. 76 (Flower) c. #8 (Dorsal sepal) d. 7E9¢ ( Petal ) e. i/ (Lateral sepal) f. e#F ( lip ) 7 85 HAH > (RERERY > B+>H5-6 mm > HRS RKB ~ HA; RER > RY > 10-20 cm - #£1-2 > RABY > 15-20 cm B6-7 cm , 先 端 短 够 失 , 基 部 突 狭 > MA; BRR 8-10 cm? MR> ize 花 6-12 枚 , 白 色 或 淡 紫 色 , 币 2-2.2 cm » BA IRIE s 7S 自 於 假球 菊 基 部 , 长 30-40 cm? Bie > MR: BARA? WB) > R4-5 mm ; 花梗 达 同 子 房 长 1.5-1.7 cm» 438; BRRGAYV > M4> &12- 16 mm » #5.5-6.5 mm » eum Mi AI » ERS Ma > TEM BK RET W>R1-1.4cem>BH4mm> CARR ARR > AMBER S Be BAY> 29-15 mm>BWN10 mm: 33°FE; 便 裂 片 图形 , 长 8-9 mm» #4-5 mm> BRK; 中 至 片 长 6-7 mm > SH7 mm > & WAR > RRMA TK » ERASRORAE: AMER AHAZE ; FBR1.5-2 cm> AMAEH; SER1-1.5 cm © HA» Gwe RR ALAR ION-1500 m WIth HARM RBR AK F © 23. MA7EAB BHAA (Calanthe graciliflora Hay. ) Terrestrials; rhizomes short; pseudobulbs closely approximate, green, 0.8-1-2 cm across; roots many, elongate, 15-25 cm long; sheathes 2, firstly enclosed the unopened leaves, laterly left the vascular bundle fibers at base; stemless. Leaves 2-3, oblong-spathulate, 25-32 cm long, 6-8 cm wide, acuminate, attenuate to the petioles at the base, charta- ceous, plicate, entire, glabrous, 3-5-nerved elevated on the back, shining green surface, pale green beneath; petioles 6-10 cm long, glabrous, groove. Flowers 5-15, rather large, 2-3 cm in diameter racemose; scape from the unopened fascicled leaves, 25-55 cm long, sle- nder, erect, green; bracts lanceolate, 6-7 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, membranous, acute at apex; pedicels with ovaries 2-8-3.2 cm long, glabrous, yellowish green; sepals subequal, oblong- lanceolate, reddish brown without, lightly yellow or greenish yéllow within, spreading, 2-2.5 cm long, 5-7 mm 86 wide, aristate acuminate, contracted at the base, 5-nerved ; petals oblong - lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, same as the se- pals in color, acute, attenuate at the base, 17-19 mm _ long, about 4 mm wide, 3-nerved: lip yellowish white, clawed , spurred and 3- lobed, the claw connate to the column and forming a 4-6 mm long tube; spur 8-12 mm long, somewhat pubescent, obtuse at apex, the lateral lobes quadrangular rou- nded, 4-5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, truncate at apex, the me dian lobe oblong-rounded, 4-6 mm long 2-2.5 mm wide aristate and emarginate at apex, 3-ridges lines on disc; column short, 5-6 mm long. Endemic, under the humus forests at medium altitudes of 700 -1600 m in northern part of the island, somewhat rare. oa m@l( Fig)23 竹 花 根 节 兰 ( Calanthe graciliflora ) a. 76 ( Flower) b. # =F ( Dorsal sepal’) c. 763% ( petal ) d. #52 (Lateral sepal) © HAM > Hse ; RRR EPS > ME K0-8-1.2 cm ; 根 多 数 , BR» 长 15-25 cm; F2K> MARKAKEIS™A > KBRERRKVWHE 87 RRA REo #2-3K> RAKE > H25-32 cm» H6-8 cm » HBA > ERENCES ~ MA ~ RE SKI: K3-5SRERKE 背 ; RHSEXBRE > SHAKE ; 革 柄 长 6- 10 cm > 48°? BK 花 5 -15 > BK > B2-3 cm, 炉 状 花 序 ; 花 欧 抽 自 於 未 十 分 开放 六 生 的 华中 , 长 25-55 cm» MR? Biz RA; BARRA > R6-7 mm: 宽 2-3 mm? RB» HaRAK; 花 柄 连同 子 房 长 2.8-3.2 em, 光滑 , 黄 RA; BREE RRARKAY > AHRRE ADRRARARE 展 , 长 2-2.5 cm, 宽 5-7 mm, HMBRARRR> RMB KS 条 ; ACHE HE 状 披 圣 形 或 缚 状 披 针 形 , 和 与 蔓 片 同 颜色 , 和 先端 锅 失 , 基 部 渐 窜 , 长 17- 19mm > 84mm: 3; BRR A> AB =HR-MR BE ham vVR—R4-6 mm VhPRYM? BRBE-12 mm> BEEH~ 4 wast ; MAA ORAY > 4-5 mm: 82-3 mm > HHMRBRK> hB FERRARA: 4-6 mm? #2-2.5 mm , 和 先端 凹 头 且 兴 突 有 3 隆起 存 ; BEB H5-6 mmo HR#AR KALB + BRWH 700-1600 m 山地 , 常见 於 多 腐植 质 林 下 。 24. 黄花 根 季 苦 〈Calanthe lyroglossum var. forsythiiflora | ( Hayata) Ying ) - Calante lyroglossum var. forsythiiflora ( Hayata ) Ying, com. nov. Calanthe forsythtiflora Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 67,t.14 (1914). Calanthe liukiuensis Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4: 67 ( 1919) , ( Sino- Jap- Orch. Prodr. ) Terrestrials; rhizome short, creeping; pseudobulbs inco- Nspicuous,~ somewhat closely approximate; stemless. Leaves 3-4, fascicled from the lateral side of pseudobulb, oblanceolate, 25-65 cm long, 4-6 cm wide, thinly chartaceous or membranous, acuminate, acute or gradually attenuate at the base, entire, petioled, 5-nerved, elevated on the back; the petioles 15-20 cm long, glabrous. Flowers yellow, numerous, rather small, 8-12 mm in dia- 88 | eter, racemose, hortizontal; scape from: the base of fascicled opened leaves, 40-50 cm long, glabrous, erect, rather robust ; sheathes membranous, 3-4 cm long, about 6 mm wide, acute at apex; bracts oblong, 3-4 cm long, 1-1-5 cm wide, deci- duous, membranous; the pedicels with ovaries 6-9 mm _ long, glabrous; sepals subequal, the dorsal one ovate, 8-9 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, acute or aristate-acute at apex, the lateral ones oblique ovate or obovate, same as the dorsal sepal in length; petals broadly ovate, somewhat oblique, abruptly acute or mu- cronate acute at apex, contracted at base, 3-nerved; lip broa - dly rounded reniform, 3-4 cm long,5-6 mm wide, broadly rounded at apex, emarginate in the middle, adnate to the .co- lumn and forming a1-1.5 mm long tube, 1 broadly auricle at each side of the base; spur more or less recurved, I] -1.5 ‘cm long; column about 2 mm long. Lyukyu, Taiwan, at low to medium altitudes of 400-1200 .m throughout. the island, under the evergreen forests or artificial cryptomeria stands, very common. Some botanists reduced C. forsythiiflora to the symnonym of C.lyroglossum but I examined the speimens and read the original description of both speciss carefully I realize that the lip of both . specis are dfferent see fig- 24a and b; here I propose a new name of comboiation. C. lyroglossum vat forsythitflora in stead of C. lyroglossum or C. Sforsythiiflora HAE > BRA > AA; RANI PS SRE; RO 323-4> RBEMRREWAAD > PRAY: R25-65 cm » 84 - 6 cm MHRA > HAY > RARARBPME SH BM ROK > RBA ; HAR 15-20 cm , 光 消 。 FESR > BH» By» 径 8-11 mm >» MIRE KEAR ;s ERA RRESER > 40-50 cm > ti’ Bi RA ; FEBRA> R34cm °F 6 mm > TMRA;s BRRBAY > R3-4 em» H1-1.5 cm> 落 , 膜 质 ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 6-9 mm 48; SREUSE > €SARWNY > 长 8-9 mm > H4-5 mm> HMRARRERBA: MBRFERVURAMWY 89 f( Fig)24a. 黄花 根 节 兰 ( Calanthe lyroglossum var forsythiiflora ) a. 46 ( Flower ) b. (aj3 H (Lateral sepal ) c. 7E9 ( Petal ) d. J5#¢ (Lip ) e. 花药 ( Anther ) f. 花粉 粒 ( pollinarium ) 图 (Fig ) 24 b. Calanthe lyroglossa Reichb from Ames Orch. 2: 157 90 \ REBAR ; EMI ITY > E> HSH BR » ERA > KB 人 条 ; BRAS > 3-4 cm) 5-6 mm > HHRAVEERRS 凹 头 ,基部 与 芒 柱 相连 而 形成 一 长 1 - 1.5 mm 2ERM RAWBASS BaK ; 距 多 少 呈 反 曲 , 长 1 -1.5 cm; SERW2mm 。 HR ~ SB FRAKES PBRWH 400-1200 m > SERRA? B BRERA TRALOEEA > EBM RO 25. Rib (Calanthe masuca (D.Don ) Lindley ) Terrestrials; pseudobulb inconspicuous; roots elongate, 20-30 cm long, stemless. | Leaves 4-6, oblong, 25-30 cm long, 8-10 cm wide, cha- rtaceous, acute or acuminate, gradually attenuate at base, petio- lated, glabrous, wavy on margin, shining green.surface, some what pale green beneath, 5-nerved elevated on back; petioles ny 17 cm long, glabrous. Flowers 4-10, rather large, 1-5-2-5 cm in- diameter ,lightly purple, racemose; scape producing from the base ‘of clustered leaves, erect, 40-60 cm long, short pilose, sheathed; sheathes at the base of scape, membranous, 2-4 cm long, acute at apex; bracts lanceolate, 1.5-2.5 cm long, about ] cmwide, glabrous within, pubescent without; the pedicels with ovaries 2-4 cm long; sepals equal or nearly so, elliptic or oblong, 2-2-3 cm long, 8-10 mm wide, cuspidate-acute, obtuse at base, 2 or 5-nerved, slightly recurved on margin, glabrous; petals obovate or oblong 1-4-1.8 cm long, 6-8 mm wide, obtuse on both ends, entire or slightly wavy on margin, 3-nerved lip aa- nate to the column at base 13-18mm long. 12-16 mm wide 3 - lobed. spurred; spur 3-3.5 cm long, about 2 mm across, fleXuose, the lateral lobes oblong, 3-5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, obtuse at apex, the median lobe broadly rounded, 8-10 mm long, 12- 14 mm wide, emarginate at apex, slightly recurved on mar- £-"5 column short, 2-3 mm long column short, 2-3 mm long and wide; pollinia elliptic. 91 Endemic, known from the lower to medium altitudes of 700-1500 m throughout the island. under humus forests, commo- nly. 图 (Fig )25 Sei AI ( Calanthe masuca j a. 764i ( Flower back side ) . 花 正 面 ( Flower surface side ) 4% 88H ( Dorsal sepal ) . 76M ( Petal ) . . f)32 He ( Lateral sepal ) f. Me (Lip) g. SE a (Column spur and lip) HbAE I > (RERZ7ANBASE ; 根 甚 长 , 20-30 cm» MK o #6 4-6 K> RAB > 25-30 cm» H8-10 cm> MA > FMA WA > RW > AM > BARR > RHE. ME~ PHBA AM Ats > HEAKTUR > WAM > HAR 10-17 cm, 光 滑 。 1E 4-108 > RH» BH1.5-2.5cm WES MORE > ZEB KER , 直立 , 长 40-60 cm » AGXE? AH; PSAMERER> RAR 2-4 cm» SRA; BHRAB > H1-5-2.5 cm >» HW1 cm » A 92 oO oa 0 8 > AHA EE ; (ERSBASRER2-4 cm 3; 荔 片 整 充 或 近似 如 此 , 权 圆 形 或 长 椭圆 形 , 长 2 -2.3 cm , 寅 8-10 mm > GimBRKRA > APH > Ak 2 BR 5 WE > BRIG RR > S618 ; TERRA IIV RRMA > R1-4-1-8 cm >#6-8 mm > Mmm SRR KR> KIRK SRARRSE BS > 13-18 mm » 812-16 mm > 3%> AB? BR3-3.5 cm > BH2 mm > @dh> H@HRGAY> R3-5 mm? #2-3 mm> SiH HR WEB > 28-10 mm > 12-14 mm? SHUR BRBRK; SRB > 2-3 mm > 7EM SAW © Ha» AHAB 低 海 拔 至 中 海拔 700-1800 m 的 山地 , 常 见 於 有 腐植 FBR » RRB bi o 26 . AERA (Calanthe matsudai Hayata ) Terrestrials; rhizome short; roots elongate; pseudobulb ovoid, inconspicuous, usually enclosed by the leaf -sheathes ; stemless. S Leaves radical, linear, 50-65 cm long, 1-1-5 cm wide , acuminate, glabrous, chartaceous or thickened membranous, 5- 7-nerved elevated beneath, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath, entire? or nearly so; sheathes short, 1-1-5 cm Iag, enclosed the pseudobulb. -Flowers numerous, yellowish green or white, 7-12 mm in diameter, racemose; scape erect, 70-100 cm long, terete , slightly pubescent; sheathes 2-3, basal, lanceolate, 1.5 -3 cm long, acute, ampleXicual at base; bracts linear, 1-2.5 cm long, acuminate; pedicels with ovaries 1.2-1.5 cm long; se- pals oblong-obovate, 8-9 mm long, about 3.5 mm wide, re- flexed, acute, more or less contracted at base, 3 -nerved, gla- brous; petals spathulate- linear, 8-9 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide, obtuse, attenuate at base, 3-nerved, glabrous; lip widely triangular in outline, 3- lobed, spurred, 8-9 mm long, 12- 15 mm wide, the lateral lobes oblong, 5-6 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, obtuse at apex, the median lobe 4-6 mm long, 2-lobed at apex, the lobes linear, 3-4 mm long, about 1 mm wide, 93 图 ( Fig) 26 At AIM ( Calanthe matsudai ) a. 开花 植物 体 ( F lowering plant ) b. 76 ( Flower ) c. ee (Lip ) 94 obtuse at apeX, 3-keeled in the middle; spur 1-1-2 cm long , about 1 mm across; column short, 2-3 mm long. | Endemic, known from the northern and central parts of the island at the elevations of 900-1,800 m, under the evergreen forests, not common. WHR > Hke> PER RRENV > ARS PBRKEBHP: Eo 3 A GIG > $E50-65 cm? B1-1-5 cm » Kea > K BRERA > KS-7TRERK EE > RH SAHKERE? PARRA? S matsr Ci : Beef > R1-1-5 cms PRARRE © 7ESZR> SEMA > K7-12 mm > MITE 3 TERE * & 70- 100 cm > BEY > BALE SH2-3K> RE > RHW? R1.5-3 cm » Fen Se > ER 5 BARI > R1-2-5 cm Him MRY ; 花 柄 连同 子 房 长 1.2-1.5 cm ; SRRBAKARY > 28-9 mm > BH 3.5 mm KE > MBA > EMS DSR > KS 条 , 光 滑 ; TEMER GY > RB -9 mm ° BW 1.5 mm , 先 端 钝 , 基 部 车 狭 ASR > ICR: BRAVES =f > 32> 有 距 , 长 8-9 mm, 宽 12-15 mm , 侧 裂片 长 榴 圆 形 , 长 5-6 mm, 袖 3-4 mm, 先 端 钝 , 中 裂片 长 4-6 mm, 和 先端 又 2 裂 , 裂 片 穆 形 , 长 3-4 mm > BH 1 mm , 和 先端 钝 , 中 部 有 隆起 线 3 条 ; 距 长 1 -1.2 cm > mm ; S¥H? KR2-3 mmo Bla > FERRARA PK LAER 900-1800 m Bee Fe A RRM Bo ANE Fe 27. RiP R (Calanthe reflexa (O.K.) Maxim. ) Terrestrials; rhizome short; roots many, rather long; pseu- dobulbs ovoid, inconspicuous, hiden by the fascicled leaves. Leaves 3-5, obovate-elliptic or narrowly oblong, 15-35 cm long, 4-8 cm wide, chartaceous, acuminate, narrowed toward the base, green and shining surface, pale green and pubesculent beneath, 5-7-mnerved, raised on back. Flowers many, racemose, pale purple or violet, rather la- rge, 3-4 cm in diameter; scape produced from the fascicled open leaves, 30-40 cm long, erect, slender,puberulent above, 95 with a solitary green scale; bracts lanceolate, green, acuminate at apex, 1-1.5 cm long, pubescent; the pedicels with ovaries about 1 cm long, pale purple; sepals spreading, reflexed, the dorsal one ovate, ]1.5-1-6 cm long, about 7 mm wide, the ja- teral ones oblique ovate, 1-.7-1-8 cm long, 5-6 mm _ wide . petals broadly linear or linear lanceolate 10-12 mm about 2 mm wide acuminate at apex; lip ovate, flat, 15-17 mm long, 9-11 mm wide, 3-lobed, the median lobe obovate, relative ly large, rounded and mucronate at apeX, with undulate margin , lateral lobes. falcate ovate, small; column short, adnate to the base of lip and forming a hollow tube; spur absent or in con s ps icu ous. Capsules obovoid, lightly brown , pendulous; seeds minute, enclosed by thin membranes. Korea and Japan. Taiwan, known from the medium altitu- des of 1200-2100 min northern part of the island, under the temperate forests, common. HAs Rk > HSER ER; RRENY> RES? BRKHBRP #€3-5 枚 , BRIER UR KREG > 15-35 cm» £4-8 cm CH > HMMA > EK AHS SHARMA EH 15 - 7 ie Bie © JES BM >» MUIRTER > RRM BAK K3-4 cm » ERM Bs ee ZHER > H30-40 cm? By > MR ~ LMR ER BAKER 片 ; GH BSH » BRE > TMMAW > R1-1.5 m+» EH; ERAT BRMOlcm’ SHR > RH» RBAORV > R1-5-1-6 cm» EW7mm » IZA HEIN » 1.7-1-8 cm » B5-6 mm ; MBB MARR 形 , 10-12 mm’ H2mm , 先 端 渐 尖 形 ; BMI » MAA > HK 15-17 mm»? #£9-11 mm » 32> PAH ANY > AA HEA > SEIT AR > BEAR K; HAHRIIR ING 3; 芒 柱 短 , 与 唇 罗 基 部 相 寻 而 呈 一 空洞 ; BRS BRE © A RAA +. AM> ERR PWRH 1200-2100 m, 生 长 从 温带 森林 Fo HR 。 96 Am Hy - I. Pro S SS Ae nae 用 VA SS = he 4 Zh - <4 <> SS efi Of, fl( Fig )27 eee ( Calanthe reflexa ) a. 植物 体 ( Plant body ) b. 7EF ( Inflorescence) c- 7E ( Flower ) d. S# ( Column ) ee. JER ( Pollinia ) 28 . 418 si—) (Calanthe tricarinata Lindley ) Terrestrials; rhizomes short; pseudobulbs closely approxi- mate, compressed ovoid, 2-3 cm across; roots many, elongate; stemless. | Leaves 3-6, radical, oblong- lanceolate or obovate - oblong, 97 25-40 cm long, 5-15 cm wide, glabrous or slightly pubescent , chartaceous, many veins raised on back, acuminate, narrowed to the petioleat base; the petioles 10-15 cm long; sheathes 2-3, enclosed the unopened leaves and scape, caudous laterly. Flowers 12-18, large, about 3-3.5 cm in diameter, race- mose; scape produced from the coming unopene d clustered le- aves, erect, 25-45 cm iong, 7-9 mm across, glabrous or sli- ghtly hairy; bracts ovate or ovate- lanceolate, 7-12 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, acute at apex, embracing the scape at base , chartaceous; the pedicels with ovaries 1.5-2 cm long, sli- ghtly hairy; sepals yellowish OE 4 spreading , ovate or ovate- oblong, the dorsal one largest, 2-2°2-8 cm tong, "6:12 mm wide, the lateral ones somewhat oblique at base, 22.4 cm long, 7-10 mm wide, acute at apex; petals yellowish green too, 1g - nceolate, 15-20 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, acute at apex; lip 3- lobed, reddish brown, the lateral lobes somewhat small , 5-6 mm long, 2.5-3.5 mm wide, truncate at apeX, the median lobe larger, rounded, 12-15 mm long, 9-11 mm wide, wavy on margin, with 3 longitudinal elevated ridges in middle su- rface; column short, lightly yellow. Himalaya, W. China and Japan,Taiwan, known from the ra- ther high altitudes of 2200-2800 'm in northern part of the island, under the evergreen forests, somewhat rarely. HAW > HARE > LRERKYE > MEY» B2-3 cm; MSR » 甚 长 ; HK o % 3-61 RA > RMA MRS VR AK RMA » & 25-40 cm? 5-15 cm> tA RBRER + CA RSERRRHAH > CKA-RSKE CAA » MAY > LAM RM HEM ; BRR 10-15 cm » HH 2 -~ 3 枚 , 包 於 未 开放 的 华 上 , 和 后 早 落 。 花 12-18 枚 ,大 , 径 3-3.5 cm> MARE s EKMA 於 未 开张 的 华 > wz» 25-45 cm, 径 7-9 mm » SMA EH ; BHO RM TRRGHE » 7-12 mm> H2-3 mm >» SHR ARK > MA; 花 梗 连 同 子 房 长 1.5-2 cm, 了 略 有 毛 蔡 ; SRRRA RR RVMRIKRM 98 (Fig) 28 5 *8i i ( Calanthe tricarinata ) | a. 46 ( Flower ) b. BRA EE TERRA ZTE ( Flower taken off sepals and petals ) c. #2 (Dorsal sepal ) d. (lS2H ( Lateral sepal ) e. 469% ( Petal ) f. Bae (Lip ) g. Jaa ( Margin of lip ) BY ; @BARK > K2.2-2.8 com> H8-12 mm? MHBRARBA>E 2-2.4 cm» 7-10 mm > 43S 5 TEM RE HEHH > HE 15- 20 mm? ‘4-5 mm » 4imBRtR; BR3 A> Mes > MAHA > R5-6 mm» #£2.5-3.5 mm, 先 端 截 断 状 , 中 裂片 较 大 , 贺 头 , 长 12-15 mm, 寅 9- 11 mm , 波 状 称 , 内 面 中 部 具有 多 数 隆 起 看 ; 芒 柱 短 , 淡 黄色 。 BRHKIUE> PRARRAA? AB> ERKIEBRARREBRW 2200 - 2800 mil Ht & Slik BRAK FE © 29. 白花 根 节 苦 〈Calanthe triplicata [(Rumph) Willem | Ames Terrestrials; rhizomes short; pseudobulbs closely approxi 89 mate. , Leaves 3-7, narrowly oblong, obovate-oblong to elliptic- oblong, 30-60 cm long, 10-15 cm wide, chartaceous, acumi- nate at both ends, puberulent beneath, long petiolated; the _ petioles with sheathes 10-15 cm long. Flowers white with green tip, large or rather larger, many, widely eXpanded, racemose; scape arising from the fascicled of fully grown leaves, 40-80 cm long, pubescent; bracts sprea- ding, ovate- lanceolate, 1-2.5 cm long, ‘recurved, acute at apeX, persistent; pedicels with ovaries 3-4 cm _ long; sepals elliptic or obovate- elliptic, 1-2-2 cm long, 5-7 mm wide, spreading, obtuse, and mucronate at apex; petals obovate-elliptic, 1-2-2 cm long, 4-6 mm wide, obtuse at apex; lip witha basal thickening , 3-lobed, 3-3.5 cm lo- ng, about 2 cm wide, lateral lobes obliquely oblong - obovate, median lobe cuneate, deeply 2- lobed, spur recurved or decu - rved, thin, terete or clavate, 1.5-3 cm long, hairy; column 5-6 mm long. South China, India throughout Malaya and Indoesia to Au- stralia, New Guinea, the Philippines, Japan and Pacific island. Taiwan, at lower to medium altitudes of 500-1800 m throu- ghout the -island, under the evergreen forests, very commonly. HHA: ~ SS > RR ERB HPI © HE - 7K REMY > AIR RRR LY » & 30- 60 cm> # 10-15 cm , 狐 质 , 两 端 均 渐 尖 形 , 背 面 略 有 毛 蔡 , 具 有 长 柄 ; SE GIA SEA 10-15 cm © TERE > SHAPES > KR A > SR > HABA AY > MUIRIEME ; 花序 HAKRBAMR MER: H40-80 cm> HEH; GHB > IRR > R 1-2-5 cm > R#> HMR RH; CR BAS BRS - 4cm. ; SAMA RAR > R1.2-2-m> B5-7mm > BE » 先端 印 且 有 eR + TE ME) BIA RRA » 1-2-2 cm » 4-6 mm » 4s oh ; BME ABBY > 32> R3-3.5 cm» HH2 cm » MAR ERMAKARNV > PARRY > R2A> BRR: B> AAPVRRER >. 100 sie fry 图 (Fig )29 PvE AIR ( Calanthe triplicata ) a. 76 (Flower ) b. @224 (Dorsal sepal) c. 4E9@ ( Petal ) d. (/#2 # (Lateral sepal) e. 9 (Lip ) f. S€ ( Column ) g. 7638 ( Anther ) h. 7E#5 Hi ( Pollinia ) 3 £1.5-3cm > 4€H > SUER5-6 mmo Hp Ba Pah » AU BE » BS Ree oe» A ET BN ~ STARA EAR YAK RAP HCE BB: ERKEZSPBRW 500-1800 m> BBR? ER KRAAA > BRE ho 30. 立花 苦 (Cephalanthera alpicola Fukuyama ) Terrestrials; roots elongate; rhizomes short; pseudobulb none; stem simple, erect, 20-40 cm long, glabrous; shea- thes 2-3, at the base of stem, membranous, 1.5-3 cm long. Leaves 4-8, alternate, elliptic - lanceolate or lanceolate, 4-8 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, acute or acuminate, contracted at base, thickened membranous, glabrous, entire and minutely many- veined raised on back. 101 ciliate on margin, Flowers 3-10, white. erect, not widely opened, 8-12 mm in diameter, racemose; scape terminal, 10-20 cm long, erect, Slender, glabrous; bracts linear - lanceolate, 3-12 mm long , about 3 mm wide, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 5-10 mm long, erect, glabrous, sepals subequal, 1-1.5 cm long, about 4 mm wide, membranous, glabrous 5-nerved, the dorsal one narrowly ovate cymbiform, the lateral ones oblique ovate; petals elliptic or ovate, acute, contracted at base, 8-9 mm long, 3 mm wide, membranous glabrous 5- nerved lip broadly ovate, 6-9 mm long 3- lobed, somewhat sac-like at base, the lateral lobes widely or oblique triangular ovate, obtuse and re curved at apex, 3- S-keeled within; column erect, glabrous, with anther 6-7 mm long. Capsules erect, elongate cylindrical, 1-1-5 cm long. Endemic, at high altitudes of 2500-3000 m in central and northern parts of the island, under the coniferous forests or on grassland , rather common. HARM > HRE BEER > MURR 5 BH» 站立, 长 20-40 cm? #}2-3h&> ERASER RA R1-5-3 cm。 #2 4-8 > HA > BK RE VRRAW > R4-8 cm > B1-2 cm » FN HM A » RSM > SIR 6 + SRASMER > SR 隆起 於 背 面 花 3-10 枚 , 白色, 直立 , 不 十 分 张 开 , 径 8- 12 mm MIKE ; TEX 顶 生 , 长 10-20 cm, 直 立 、 细 长 ,光滑 ; 区 片 线 状 披 人 对 形 , 长 3- 12 mm » M3 mm, 先 端 锁 失 , 花 梗 束 同 子 房 长 5 - 10 mm » Biz» is BH. We > R1-1.5 cm» BH 4mm > RA GI? Sk» RBARIK AG» UH BING ; TE MELT RIRY » TMB > MAMA > 长 8 - 9 mm » €@ 3-4 .mm> fH Ga»? 5- Ak; BOR > R6-9 mm> 32 AIG LPEK > MAH RE = Aik IY » Femmst Ree AA 3 - 5 人 条 隆起 线 , 营 柱 直 立 、 光 滑 , 长 6-7 mm。 固有 , 生 长 从 中 部 及 北部 高 海拔 和 购 2500- 3000 ARILH > RRSER 内 或 草原 上 。 TE mma [ARKO | 第 8 逢 中 认 需 本 种 与 日 本 所 产 者 C. shi zuoi 102 Maekawa [Fl fi o Heit Ske BUR » WAT RNY Eze IUAE Lg7K 不 同 种 。- lal ( Fig) 30 NA 立花 兰 ( Cephalanthera alpicola ) a. 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b. 着 果 之 植物 体 (.Fruilting plant body ) c. REE ( Dorsal Scpal ) d. 769% ( petal ) - fil 3 ( Lateral sepal ) - HR ( Lip ) g- SE ( Column ) 103 eh 0 Fl > HERS 31。 指 柱 苦 (Cheirostylis chinensis Rolfe ) Terrestrials; tubers elongate, noded, fleshy, dark green, somewhat compressed, 1.5-2 cm long, 5-7 mm wide; roots few, inconspicuous. Leaves 2-4, ovate or broadly ovate, 2-3.5 cm long, 1.5- 2.5 cm wide, obtuse and mucronate at apex, cordate at base, dark green surface, pale green beneath, entire or slightly wavy on margin, fleshy, subcoriaceous, midrib and lateral veins incons picuous . Flowers 3-5, small, white, 6-7 mm in diameter,racemose; scape terminal, 8-14 cm long, erect, pubescent, dark red; sheathes 1-2, basal or medium, lanceolate, membranous, gra- yish white, 2.5-3 cm long, acute at apex, amplexicual and tubular- like at base; bracts minute, oblong, 4-5 mm long, obtuse at apex; the pedicels with ovaries cylindric, 7-9 mm long, dark red, densely pubescent; sepals slightly rounded , 4-6 mm long, rounded at apex, connated with each other and formed tubular-like; petals oblong, 3-5 mm long, obtuse at apex; lip with short claw, fan-shaped, 2-lobed, the lobes rectangular , denticulate on margin; column short, about 2 mm long. China and Lyukyu. Taiwan, known from northern part of the island at the elevations of 500-1200 m, under forests , not common. , 地 生 苦 、 块 根 其 长 , 有 和 节 , 肉质, 略 时 局 平 , 长 1.5-2 cm H 5-7 mm ; {RD AAAS $2 2-44 > SUR INY > R2-3.5 cm’ H1.5-2.5 cm , 先 端 印 WEAR: HBO > RMR SHAH - SK MBARRKR> AR , TUR > PAR Blix BT AS ° 花 3-5 枚 , 甚 小 ,白色 ,* 径 6-7 mm » MAKER s 76 STREA > KB - 14cm» Biz’ AEH? MALS ; H1-2 枚 , 基 生 或 生长 於 花 获 中 部 , 披 针 形 , 膜 质 , 灰 白色 , 长 2.5 -3 cm? HMMA: BRAK ASA ; BH 小 , 长 机 圆 形 , 长 4-5 mm , 先 端 钝 ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 7-9 mm? BEV 104 REAL BACH; BARS > H4-6 mm. HR SERA AE TO SR ; TEM > 3-5 mm > 4S; BMAAEN B G20 BHO: See BAe: BH2mm- 中 国 及 琉球 。 人 台湾 , 生 长 於 北部 海拔 狗 500-1200 m 山地 , 见 於 森 林 下 , 惟 不 甚 常见 。 图 (Fig )31 中 国 指 柱 兰 〈Cheirostylis chinensis ) a. 开花 之 植物 ( Flowering plant body ) b. 3H (Sepals) c. JF#¢ ( Lip ) d. SE ( Column ) e. 769% ( petal ) 32. #3 ©Chiloschista segawai ( Masamune) Ying ) Epiphytes ; roots elongate, 30-40 cm long, 0.8-1.1 mm across, glabrous; pseudobulbs absent; stemless. Leaf none. 105 Flowers 8-14, small, 4-6 mm in diameter, bright yellow racemose; scentless; scape produced from the roots, pendu-. lous, 5-10 cm long, pubescent, green; bracts minute, me- mbranous, triangular, cauduous, 1-2 mm long, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 2-2.5 mm long, glabrous or slightly hirsute: sepals oblong, 3-3.5 mm long, about 2.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, the iateral ones strongly oblique at base;pe- tals oblong, 3-4 mm long, 2.5-3 mm wide, obtuse at apex; lip 3- lobed, concave, spurred; spur conical, 4-5 mm jong , the lateral lobes oblong- rounded, obtuse at apex, median lobe short’, obtuse at apeX; column narrowed at base, about 1.5 mm long. Endemic, known from the central part of the island at the elevations of 700-1000 m in evergreen broad-leaved forests , net common. 图 ( Fig)32 梅 苦 ( Chiloschista segawai ) a. 植 物体 (Plant body) b.@38 (Dorsal sepal) c. 769% ( Petal ) d. #32 H (Lateral sepal ) e. ie ( Lip ) 106 着 生 兰 , 根 甚 长 , 长 30-40 cm, 径 0.8-1.1 mm » Ki? RRR » 4 XE 0 无 革 。 花 8 -14 枚 , 较 小 , 径 4-6 mm> HHSRSRRE> MIKE > RE 味 ; EXAM EH > PH? H5-10cm > E8> ME; BA) RB 三 角形 , 早 落 , 长 1-2 mm , 人 先端 够 失 , 人 花梗 束 同 子 房 长 2-2.5 mm , 光 涓 或 略 有 毛 苷 ; ZBRRMAW > H3-3.5 mm, 袖 狗 2.5 mm , 先 端 钝 , 便 裂 片 基部 甚 焉 ; (ERR > R3-4 mm? B2.5-3mm >» Fist» e932 > OH > SH FR 4-5 mm> BEV: MAARGPAKAP > 先端 钝 , 中 裂片 得 , 和 先端 钝 ; SEAM RHW1-5 mm se - 固有 , 生 长 於 本 省 中 海拔 绝 700-1000 公 尺 的 山地 , 人 和 仅见 於 中 部 , 多 生 Feith TERR 油 华 林内 , 不 常见 。 33. &7E Hs i ( Chiloschista segawai (Masamune ) Ying var, taiwaniana Ying ) Chiloschista segmvai’ Masamune ) Ying var. taiwaniana Ying, var. nov. A typo flores minoribus, viridi-ablus differt. The variety differs from the typical phase by having small and pale flowers and concave lateral lobe of lip. Habitat. : Nantou Hsien, Hosheh; Leg. SS Ying 2430 ( Type, NTUF.). | AN SS TEER ERY NIA BEET (ER) > MBER ARE > BRYN HSK HHH o Ala > ERKAAB PPB 700-900 m 山地 , 常 着 生 於 爱 玉 子 的 fix » BEARD o 4.8842 86 (Chrysoglossum formosanum Blume ) Chrysoglossum formosanumHayata in Journ. Col, Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1);318 (1911), (Mat. Fl. Form. ); Ying in Chinese Flow. (8); 58, pl.J (1974). Terrestrials; rhizomes creeping; pseudobulbs somewhat clo- sely approximate, cylindrical, 4=6" cm tong, 1.525 cm across; 107 whitish green, fleshy. Leaf solitary, on the top of the pseudobulb, oblong, 20- 30 cm long, 6-7 cm wide, acute, acute or attenuate at base, petiolate, chartaceous, plicate, glabrous; petioles slender, 15- 20 cm long, glabrous. Flowers many, medium-sized, 7-12 mm in diameter, sce- ~ ntless, racemose; scape produced from the base of pseudobulb, 40-50 cm long, glabrous, 2-3 sheathes at base; the pedi- cels with ovaries 1-1-5 cm long; bracts ovate-lanceolate 1-2 cm long, membranous, cauduous ; sepals subequal , narrowly la- nceolate, yellowish green, with pyrple spotts or short streaks, ‘ suberect and curved inward, 1-1.5 cm long, 3-4 mm wide 5 obtuse at apex, the dorsal one free; petals same as the se- pals in shape and length, but somewhat narrower; lip cross- shaped, claw, with claw 7-9 mm long, about 7 mm wide, ye- llowish white with purple spotts, the claw about 2 mm long, the lamina 3- lobed, the median lobe rounded, 2.5-3.6 mm - long, curved in ward, the lateral one oblong, 3-4° mm long, erect, obtuse at apex; column erect, slightly arched, 6-7 mm long. Endemic at the elevations of 800-2100 m throughout the island, under the humid forests, commonly. AEM PEA A RREAR BE > AE > R4-6 cm, 径 1.5 -2.5 cm RiRE 肉质, 光滑 。 全 1 Boo BAT ER RAE > RMELW > 长 20 -30 cm , 袖 6-7 cm MRR CRRARRL AM RA AMM 0: RMR R 15-20 cm, 光 滑 。 花 多 数 , 中 型 , 径 7-12 mm , 和 无 香味 , 粮 状 花 序 ; EXMBR ARE 基部 , 长 40 - 50 cm, 光 滑 , 基 部 有 鞘 2 - 3 枚 ; 花梗 建 同 子 房 长 1-1.5cm ; ELH SBIAESH HY > H1-2cm> A> HRs BHM > MRS » BRR TTA RBS » ST DIL BRR Py MH > 1 -1.5 cm, 袖 3 -4 mm » 5c¥mHl > RSH MEA ; TEMES AVIS > HERE Rs METS 形 , 有 爪 , 连 同 爪 长 7-9 mm> 6H7 mm KRAEMA RAR MEW 108 (Fig) 33 #8 ( Chrysoglossum formosanum ) a. 46 (Flower) b. #824 (Dorsal sepol ) c. 469% ( Petal) d. (J (Lateral sepal ) e. SE RBM ( Column and lip ) f. 9 ( Lip ) 2mm > BH 38> PARA>R2.5-3.5 mm » BRKAARK> A FRAY > R3-4 mm Aw > EHS; BEA ~ BSH >» R6-7 mm o : } BA» ERR ASH BRWH 800 -2100 mHILH> BRAM > ER TER o 35. 22 ER (Coeloglossum nankotaizanensis ( Masamu- ne ) Ying ) Terrestrials; roots thickened, elongate; stem simple, erect. 109 15-30 cm long, glabrous, terete; sheathes 1-2, membranous, glabrous, amplexicual, acuminate at apex. Leaves 2-3, linear or linear-lanceolate, 7-10 cm long, 0.8 -1.5 cm wide, shortly acute at apex, long decurrent and am- ‘plexicual at base, entire, chartaceous, glabrous on both sides, lus trous green surface, midrib elevated beneath. Flowers 10-15, small, 6-8 mm in diameter, racemose , purplish red, the scape 7-9 cm long, somewhat purplish red, ‘erect, glabrous; bracts leaf-like, lanceolate, 2-2.5 cm long, 2-3 mm wide, acuminate at apex, contracted at base, glabrous on both sides; the pedicels with’ ovaries 7-8 mm long, gla- brous ; sepals equal, ovate- lanceolate, 6-7 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, acute at apex, contracted at base, entire, glabrous, me- -Mbranous, 4-nerved; petals linear, 4-5 mm long, 0-6-1 mm wide, 1-nerved; lip purplish red but with a white streak in the middle, glabrous, membranous, 6-7 mm long,2-3 mm wide, cuneate in outine, 3-lobed at apex, the median lobe minute, the lateral lobes triangular 2 - 2.5 mm long; spur _ cylindric, 2-2.5 mm long. Endemic, known from northern and cantral parts eof _ the island at .the elevations of 3700-3800 m moist places, not | common. SoA ~ HS ~ BR o RMA . 17> R15-30 cm> Ka > BEY 。 鞘 1 -2 tC > BU» WR» FEHB o HE2-3 KX GIG RRR > 7-10 cm’ H0.8-1-5 cm, 先 端 CRA BMC Mk 2K KA AH Ce AMATERE » bid #9 TH ME HZ © 4610-15 枚 , 较 小 , 径 6-8 mm » MAURIE >» RAL ; TERR 7-9 cm , 粽 色 或 略 带 瞳 红色 , 直 立 、 光 滑 ; GH BER > SHY > R2-2.5 cm 982-3 mm , MK > ARAM RAM s 花梗 连同 子 房 长 7-8 mm , 光 滑 ; BARB > RRA: K6-7 mm , 宽 2-3 mm , SMG Se > BAR IME «AK I~ BERL AR 4 条 ; TEER > 4-5 mm »H0.6-1mm » klk; REALE ME HAAR ORM HI? RB 110 , ll (Fig)34 See ew ( Coeloglossum nankotaizanensis ) a. 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b. 4E ( Flower ) c. &824 (Dorsal sepal) dd AEM (Petal ) e. fil32 Fr (Lateral sepal ) f. 59% (Lip ) 76-7 mm» 2-3 mm , 外 形 略 呈 栋 形 , 先 端 3 裂 , PARR » fil R= RW > & 2-2.5 mm FRA >» &2-2.5 mm o | 111 lA > ARI RHE RH 3700-3800 m, 昂 於 土 壤 深 厚 潮 FRAIPK ER » BRED FA o COLL ABIOPSIS Ying, gen. nov. Terrestris; rhizomate longe repente, non pseudobulb. Folia secus rhizomata solitaria, ovata vel elliptica. Scapus e apice rhizomatis assurgens gracilis simplex, gilaber, basi vaginatus. Flores subpatentes in apice scapo laxe racemosi; Sepala su- baequala, liberum; petala sepala postico similia, liberia , labellum 3-lobatum, clacaratum, basi unguiculatum, 1lob is lateralibus auriculatis, lobis int erinedlo lateralibus multi ma- jore antice truncate rotundato apice obscure mucronato; colu- mna erecta, anthera rotundatom apice obscure mucronato co- lumna erecta, anthera rotunda, breviora; pollinia 2. Endemic, two or more species in Taiwan. Typus: Coallabiopsis formosanum (Hayata ) Ying. Collabiopsis formosanum is combinated from Collabium fo-' rmosanum Hayata, the genus Collabium is list as a symnonym of Chrysoglossum now, for these two genera so much similiar. On the study of orchids of Taiwan, I realize that C ollabium formosanum is so characterize, I cannot list under any genena of the orchids. Here I propose a new name of genus in stead of the old name. 36. GWM (Collabiopsis formosanum(Hayata) Ying, como. nov. Collabium formosanum Hayates in Mat, F1, Form, 319(1911). Terrestrials; rhizomes elongate, 9-20 cm long, internodes about 4 cm long, creeping; roots filiform, short, 2-3 cm long. Leaf solitary, produced from the rhizome, ovate, 8-1] cm long, 4-5 cm wide, acute at apex, abruptly contracted and slightly cordate at base petiolated, chartaceous, subentire or 112 Wavy on margin, many-mnerved; the petioles about 1.5-2 cm long, sheathing at base. Flowers several, yellowish green with purplish ae tinged, 1.8-2 cm long, racemose; the scape produced from the rhi- zome, erect, 20-28 cm long, slender, simple, sheathing at base; bracts linear, 5-6 mm long, membranous; the pedi- cels with ovaries 5-7 mm long, glabrous; sepals equal , linear-spathulate , 15-20 mm long, 2-3 mm _ wide, acute at apex, the lateral ones adnate to the column and forming a 5-6 mm long mentum, spurred; the spur about 5-7 mm long; pe- .tals same as the sepals in shape and size; lip obovate, 1.5- 1-8 cm long, short clawed at base, minutely serrulate at apex, 3- lobed, the lateral lobes oblong, 4 re mm long, about 3 mm wide; the median lobe rounded, 5-6 mm long, lacerate - serrulate on margin; column erect, about 1 cm long, 1mm wide Endemic , known from the northern and central parts’ of the island at the elevations of 1000-1800 m, under. evergreen forests. : HAR > REE » 529-20 cem> AR > ASASiAFE RE. cm » 4 rt HUANG EG > R2-3 25 a HE We RR >» RI > 8-11 cm, 实 4-5 cm , FEV BER » SRT > RAM - EL UT We oR BN AG PIR » FRB BL ; EMRE 1.5-2 cms RRA eR SELES + Sem ERAT fe 1, 8- 20m » ERIE» TERA ERS > 直立 , 长 20 - 28 cm? MR - Moy ~ RAH; BHM > KS -6 mm 9 (RE > (ERE FR O- 7 mm , 光滑 ; BH BH > MIRE » $ 15-20 mm? © 2-3 mm? HMRK> MEHR AV R—-HS -6 mmivdh > HE > HE S-7 mm 3 EMA MURA) ; BME 形 , 长 1.5-1.8 cm> HMA » Timms > 3A> MARRBAY > 长 4-4.5 mm» 883 mm, 中 裂片 圆 形 , 长 5-6 mm > BRKAMAKE ws SERN 1 cm, 裤 1 mm。 固有 , 生 长 於 台湾 北部 及 中 部 的 山地 , 常 於 1000 - 1800 mm 山地 的 党 稼 林 下 。 113 37. 533M (Cremastra appendiculata var. triloba (Hayata ) Ying ) Terrestrials; pseudobulbs ovoid, somewhat closely appro- ximate, 1.5-2-5 cm in diameter, purple or purplish green; sheathes 2, membranous; stemless. Leaf solitary, very rarely two, long petiolate, terminal on the pseudobulb, — lanceolate-oblong or ‘elliptic- lanceolate , 25-35 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, chartaceous, long - acuminate, narrowed to the petioled at base, entire or slightly wavy on margin, dark green with white or pale yellowish maculate su- rface, pale green beneath, 3-5-nerved raised on back; the petioles 10-15 cm long, glabrous. ” .Flowers 15-30, rose to pink or white with pink tinged, nodding, racemose, not much opened, tubular - like; scape from the base of pseudobulb, erect, 25-45 cm long, terete; sheathes 2-3, lax, membranous; bracts lanceolate, 7-8 mm long , acute at apex, the pedicels with ovaries].3-1.7 cm long, glabrous; sepals linear- lanceolate, 3-3.5 cm long, about. 4 mm wide, lax brightly red spots within, acute at apex; pe- tals oblanceolate, 3-3.2 cm long, about 3 mm wide, acute; lip linear, 3-3-5 cm long, somewhat broadened at base, 3- lobed, the median lobe elliptic or oblong, 8-9 mm long, 3- 4mm wide, brightly red spots within, acuminate and slightly recurved at tip, the lateral lobes linear, with short red st- reaks within, small, erect; column linear, 2.5-3 cm long. The species in India, Nepal, Sikkam, Bhutan, w&s. China. the variety endemic to Taiwan, at elevations of 1000-2100 m in the whole island, under the evergreen forests, common. The variety differs from: the species mainly the pink or white with pink tinged flowers and the petals and median lobe of lip with brightly red spots within. 地 生 兰 , 假 球 菊 卵 形 , 略 呈 紧 密 状 排列 或 哩 立 , 径 1.5-2.5 cm » FeAl CBR IRALARES » HB 2 HL > MEL; 无 萄 。 114 @i( Fig)35 Gee Sim (Cremastra appendiculata var triloba ) a. 植物 体 ( Plant body ) ib. #& ( Flower ) c. ewe ( Lip ) d. 花药 ( Pollinia ) EK PDR R MME > GRE SERRE She > HERR WEI BY HEIRS >» FR 25-35 cm > B5-6 cm? MB TCHMRMAR > AMMEN CHER > SRRBSRKK> 表面 暗 稼 色 而 有 白色 或 洗 Bi SPER > FPA > Ak 3-5 ERK BE ; HMR 10-15 cm, 光 滑 。 4615-30 KR -GREARAARADAEAR > PH? MIRTER > RIOR mo MS SK; ESHA RRA > Biz’ R25-45 cm > BV ; H2 -3°R4#-.8A ; 划 片 披 针 形 , 长 7-8 mm? CMRR> (CPBATSE 1.2- 1.7 cm , 光 滑 ; BARRY > R3-3.5 cm , 宽 4 mm , 先 端 RA » LA >; 侧 蔓 片 基部 略 丕 , 开张 ; TEM ARE > R3-3.5 cm? Fin 3 mm » Sa: A A PR AL BRA ; SRR RSH > A #45 长 3-8.5 cm > HABE: 30> hAHMAVURRMAY > 8-9 mm, 3-4 mm >» AMALGRE > HMA ARE HAAR MR>#A REAL RL» IZ Bs BERG > H2.5-3 cm » AMAR EE o @ ARE ~ BB GS -RARPRAH > MHERKAM FR BS 1000 - 2100 m AY LLHE > FRR RRR BE FE > BEER RAUK> SREB BHD > BRERPARMRM BRM C tr loba Hayatac SER > mine Mia—h > RAE. pRABRE RH 雅 山 所 产 者 任 同 一 种 。 惟 笔者 认 过 两 种 是 有 区 别 的 , WHR > EMRE 辩 的 中 裂片 具有 鲜红 色 斑 点 , 因 此 , 笔 者 讽 坑 应 列 任 印度 、 中 国 大 陆 及 喜 马 AEB BER BA © 38. 4. BRRH MM (Cryptostylis arachnites ( Blume) Hassk ) Terrestrials; roots thickened,“ 4-6 cm long, 5-7 mm in diameter, fleshy, lightly yellow or yellowish brown; pseu - debulb absent or inconspicuous; stemless: Leaf solitary or two, long-petiolated, elliptic- ovate or elliptic, 8-12 cm long, 4-6 cm wide, SOC or thi - ckened chartaceous , acuminate, rounded at base, midrib impre- ssed surface and raised on back, lustrous green surface , entire, glabrous; the petioles 4-6 cm long, ‘glabrous, green, scattered with brown spotts. Flowers 8-16, medium- sized, 1.5-2 cm in diameter, ra- cemose; scape produced from the base of: the leaves, erect, 7-9 cm. long, slender, green; bracts lanceolate, 8-10 mm long, acuminate at apex, membranous, glabrous, green; the pedicels with ovaries 7-9 mm long, glabrous; sepals equal , linear, yellowish green or pale green, 12-15 mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide, acuminate at apex, slightly plicate on margin; pe- tals linear, same as the sepals in color, 8-10 mm long , about 1 mm wide, acute at apex, somewhat plicate; lip ye- llowish green without, oranged red with brightly red ‘spotts within, oblong ovate or lanceolate ovate, 1.3-].8° Cm i@nn, 5-7 mm wide, acuminate at apex, rounded and shortly sac- 116 like at base, densely pubescent upward; column short, 1 - 1.5 mm long. India, Ceylan, Malaya peninsula, Java and Borneo.Taiwan, known from the northern part of Taiwan, under the evergreen forests at the elevations of 600-1300 m. rather‘common. (Fig) 36 f£E/RER( Cryptostylis arachnites ) a. # (Leaf ) b. 7E ( Flower ) c- BYE (Lip) d. @#K (Dorsal sepal ) e. (JS }F (Lateral sepol) f. 769% (Petal ) g. BE ( Column) h. 763 ( Anther ) 117 地 生 苦 ~ RAE > R4-6 cm, 径 5-7 mm > AR? RRERABE ; FEAR ER SX BR 7M E> FEE © 3 2a mK> RSA AKIRA > R 8-12 cm > #4 -6 cm »SUFARERA > mmr RAHM: HPRABM SH ERR RH > SHACERA > ARIS RBRES > PHARE > SR G8 ; BRR 4-5cm> 68> A> MER BERR 4E 8-16 枚 , 中 型 , 径 1.5-2 cm> MIKE s FEXMMBRKRER? BY »&7-9cm> MR~ MAMABREME ; 区 片 披 针 形 , 长 8-10 mm? & mie AI «RS GIs TERRA SER R7-9 mm > HH; BRB R G > SAR RYE > 12-15 mm> H1.5-2 mm > RMR» BRB RES TERBV> BRERA HB H8-10 mm > BH1 mm > CHR HB RHA> BRAK RE AMMALEAMARA BRE > RE RIM RR RST ROB » —H1.3-1.8 em» 85-7 mm> -EMBR> BRA BSE > bm #428 > SHER1-1-5 mm o AE. SRM> BREE ~-H ER BRIN; 6B> 4H *HR600-1500 —«mZILith » BRERA > RBH o 39. ARR ( Crytostylis arachnites var. philippimensis ( Schltr, ) Ying /Cryptostylis arachnites(Blume ) Hassk. var. philippinensis ( Schitr. ) Ying, comb. nov. , Cryptostylis philippinensis Schltr. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 58: 54 (1922). Cryptostylis tatwwaniane Masamune .in Trans. Nat.Hist. Soc. Form. 23:208 ( 1933 ). Terrestrials; rhizome fleshy, creeping under the surface, with several very hairy thickened roots; pseudobulb absent. Leaves solitary or two, from the rhizome, ovate~elliptic, 7-16 cm long, 4-6 cm wide, acuminate at apex, obtuse and somewhat oblique at base, chartaceous, slightly wavy on ma- rgin, lustrous green with irregular dark green spots surface, pale green beneath; the petioles 7-9 cm long, usually with many small purplish brown spots. 118 Flowers 6-9, medium-sized, 1-5-2 cm in diameter, ra - cemose; scape produced from base of leaves, erect, 15-20 cm long, scattered with purple brown spots; sheathes 2-3, la- heeolate, 2-2.5 cm long, acute at apex, amplexicual at base, lightly brown; bracts ovate, 1.2-1-6 cm long, about 5 mm wide, acute at apex; sepals equal, linear, lightly red, 1.5-2 cm long, about 1 mm wide, obtuse at apex lip organge red, with brightly red spotts within, 1.7-1.9 cm long, 5-7 mm wide, acuminate at apex, -rounded and shortly sac- like at ba- se, densely brownish red hirsute within ; column short, about 1 mm long. The Philippines. Taiwan, known from southern tip-and sar theastern parts of the island, under the forests. ml (Fig)37 和 粽 班 隐 柱 苦 ( Cryptostylis arachnites var phili- ppinensis ) a. 3 ( Leaf ) 119 eM REAR; MHF > AER > MRR ER —R OM > HREM > MANA > R7-16 cm » HB 4-6 cm SMA CRAKE KA BRKRSRBK:> FHSAA > HBA RAREMRE > PMARE ; BRR 7-9 cm, 常 散 生 有 许多 小 而 此 褐色 的 斑点 。 花 6 -9 枚 , 中型, 径 1.5-2 cm » MARTER; 7EXMBREBA> BY "长 15-20 cm» REARBE HE: 2-3 K> RAW > H2-2.5 cm » mA > BRAK Aes BAI» R1-2-1.6 cm » BWH5mm » BRA ; BAB > RIV > RAL > R1.5-2 cm > BH1 mm, 先 端 St ; EMAL » PO ACE REAL BER > 1.7-1.9 cm» H5-7 mm FmMR> RAMSAR AMBAAABAEH SHH? RKH1 mm 52 FAR BH: ERKRSMVHEBSS ERR BBW > RHF 40. Mi (Cymbidium dayanum Reichb. f. ) Epiphytes ; pseudobulb inconspicuous, enclosed by the leaf - sheath. Leaves narrowly linear, 40-60 cm long, 6-9 mm wide, a rticulate, acuminate, attenuate at base, coriaceous or nearly so. Flowers large, scentless, 6-13, racemose; scape produced from the lateral] of pseudobulb, pendulous , 10-25 cm long; the pedicels with ovaries 2-2.5 cm long; bracts lanceolate, 5-6 mm long; sepals and petals narrowly lanceolate, acute, white, with a dark violet, more or less effluent median stre- ak; sepals 2.5-3 ém long ; petals curved forward, slightly shorter than the sepals; lip obovate, about ] cm long, x, lobed, basally golden yellow, on the inner sides with 2 lo- ngitudinal, white, very short-hairy keels, lateral lobes shortly triangular, pale yellow with dark violet veins and margins; median lobe much longer, recurved, acuminate, witha yello - wish field; column blackish red-purple, glabrous, about] cm long, with a sulphur- yellow anther. 120 \ | \3-4 cm in diameter. \ Fruit ‘obovate-elliptic, large, 4-6-angled, 3-6 cm long , . India, Sikkim, Malay pensula, Sumatra, Celebes, thePhi - lippines and southern Japan. Taiwan, at lower and medium altitudes up to 1500 m throughout the island, commonly. ff (Fig) 38 JAB ( Cymbidium cayanum ) a. 46 ( Flower ) b. 76 ( Flower ) c. BA ( Sepal ) d. E39 ( Petal ) e. Jee ( Lip ) f. SE ( Column ) g. 花柱 (Column ) AED > (RER RAGS > (SRE © HKG > 40-60 cms H6-9 mm , 具 有 关节 , 先 端 渐 尖 形 , 基 部 源 罕 而 延伸 至 革 划 , 革 质 或 近似 革 质 。 花 较 大 , 和 无 香味 6-13 > MIRE ; ERMA MRRE ZH? FE , 长 10 - 25 cm ; 花梗 奸 同 子 房 长 2 - 2.5 cm; BHR > 5-6 mm > BE RMB RRRAY > HHRA> ABMEPRMARALADEE ; BHR2.5-3 cm> EMG RSA BE ; BRAIN > RW1cm SR BMSSRE: AMA2 炎 条 白色 有 每 毛 的 龙骨 突起 ; MARE AM RE AAR ERARER PARER: Rie BALM Pe 121 BEA; SURREAL M8’ RM1 cm , 花 药 猩 黄色 。 RSME > BAK > 4-6» R3-5 cm, 径 3-4 cm FUR. OG ~ BREE ~ MPISB. BBM ~ See RRAABMe G B->-ARKSE 1500 mW SeRABEKS > BEEK LL RBH Ro 41. 台湾 春兰 (Cymbidium formosanum Hayata ) Terrestrials; pseudobulb inconspicuous, usually hiden by the leaf-sheathes; stemless. Leaves 4-5, fascicled, linear, 35-45 cm long, 2-6 mm wide, glabrous, acuminate, gradually attenuate at the base, coriaceous or nearly so, nerves 3, raised on back. Flowers solitary, fragrant, large, showy, 5-6 cm in dia- meter ; scape produced from the dase, slender, 6-15 cm long, erect, glabrous; sheathes lax alternate on the scape; lanceo- late, 5-6 cm long, 5-7 mm _ wide, acuminate at apex, gla- brous; bracts same as the sheathes but somewhat smaller; the pedicels with ovaries 2-3 cm long, glabrous; sepals free , white, with 7- purple nerves within, subequal , lanceolate , 3.5-4.5 cm long, 8-10 mm wide, acute to acuminate, na- rrowly cuneate at base; petals free, oblong or oblong-elliptic, white, with 5-8 purple nerves, 2-3 cm long, about 1 cm wide, obtuse on both ends; lip oblong, obscurely 3-lobed , _ white, purple spotts scattered within, 2-2.5 cm long, 5-7 mm wide, recurved in front, faintly undulate on margin, 2- keeled; column elongate, erect or nearly so, yellowish white with linear purple streaks within, 1-2 cm long, 3-4 mm wide. Capsules clavate-cylindrical, 5-6 cm long, 2-2.5 cm across, 6-ribed. Endemic , under the forests from the elevations of 800- 2000 m throughout the island. Ht AE DW) = (BR ER SAN BSH > FRB URIS BERR cH » FER o HEA-5 > HA > MIR > 35-45 cm » 2-6 mm » KM? 122 =| (Fig )39 & SEH ( Cymbidium formosanum ) a. 7E#( Flower ) b. #32 (Dorsal sepal ) c. fI82 He ( Laeral Sepal) d. 769% (Petal ) e. BM (Lip) wa: » ROR WEAR ZESERN » MARI OIL > AKI > BRREE > HEBD EAE 0 | | 7 eA. ABR BA. MB K5-6 cm; EXHAKERES~ 长 ,长 6-15 cm » Bi + 68: MRS EK ER L> REV? KS - 6 cm? 85-7 mm> SiMe C8; BH RBA MAR) > AT BR2-3 cm ,光滑 ; BHM A> AMAA 7 PRRERLE HE (AK) , DiS HG > REV > H3.5-4.5 cm? 8-10 mm? HHRARSHMA:> A RRO ; CMA RAMEY RRA IY > Be» BAS - 8 人 条 障 £1 fix > 2-3 cm? BM1 cm , 两 端 均 钝 ; SRRBRAY > RK B » 白色, 内 面 散 生 有 了 瞳 杠 色 斑点 , 长 2 -2.5 ems H5-7 mm >» SRK ,得 篆 略 呈 反手 ,波状 和 多, 具 龙骨 突起 二 休 ; 营 柱 其 长, 直立 或 略 呈 拱 形 , 黄 白色 Tis RAL AR > FE 1-2 cm» B3-4 mmo WORRY > 25-6 cm» © 2-2.5 cm, 有 6 KEM RE 。 固有 , 生 长 於 全 锅 800 -2000 m AYIL Hh > BAM HR PRIEM RL 。 123 42. MMM ( Cymbidium gracillimum Fukuyama ) Terrestrials; rhizome short; roots elongate, terete, gla- brous, sor7what wrinkled, 20-30 cm long, 4-6 mmacross; stemless. Leaves 4-5, radical, narrowed linear, 40-60 cm long; 5-8 mm wide, acuminate at apex, rigid, chartaceous, fine serrulate, 3-mnerved, raised on back . Flower(s) one, very rarely two, large, fragrant, 5-6 cm in diameter; scape produced from the base, erect or asce- nding, 10-18 cm long, glabrous; sheathes 4-5, lanceolate , 5-6 cm long, 2-2-5 cm wide, acute, amplexicual at base; bracts hyaline or nearly so, elongate-oblanceolate, membra- nous, 4-5 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, acuminate at apex, the pedicels with ovaries 3.5-4.5 cm long, glabrous; sepals free, spreading, narrowly oblong-ligulate or lanceolate,gree- nish yellow, 5-7-purplish nerved without, 4.5-6 cm long, 1-1-1.5 cm wide, somewhat recurved on margin, acuminate, narrowed at base; petals free, erect, elliptic -ligulate , yellowish white, 3-5-purplish nerved within, 3.5-4 cm long, 1-1-3 cm wide, obtuse and maculated at apex; lip re- curved and rounded ligulate in front, triangular backward, glabrous, undulate, 2.5-3.5 cm long, 7-9 mm wide, yello- wish white with 3 pusplish streaks in front; column elo- ngate, suberect, glabrous, 1.4-1.6 cm long, 4-5 mm wide; anther terminal, rounded; pollinia. 4. Endemic, known from the medium altitudes of 1200-2400 m throughout the island, under the thickets along the mountain ridges. 地 生 兰 ; RKB; MER MEV > cia RARE» R20-30 cm » 4-6 mm » RK 34-5 A> BRI > 40-60 cm’ H5-8 mm , 先 端 渐 尖 1 CR ~ ME 3 人 条 隆 起 於 背面 。 花 单 生 , 少 数 亦 有 2M IRR: K BBR K5-6 cm; EB 124 = 人 fl (Fig )40. 2H ( Cymbidium grcillimum ) a. 46 (Flower ) b. (JS (Lateral sepa] ) c. #32 (Dorsal sepal ) d.- /€#¢ ( Petal ) e. #E (Lip ) f. SE ( Column ) g- 72%) 48 ( Pollinia ) HBR > Biz > H10-18 cm’ Kiko 4-5 枚 , 披 针 形 , 长 5 - 6 cm , 宽 2-2.5 cm? MmRA > BRAS; BH BARRO: RAK HY: BB>R4-5 cm’? B1-1.5 cm, 先 端 渐 尖 ; (EAA SRR3~5 -4.5 cm , 光 滑 ; SRR: BE> KRRAKREVRRAY - BRE , 外 面 有 紫 和 红色 休 和 莪 5-7 休 , 长 4.5 -6 cm , 袖 1-1.5 cm » SRBRK> 先端 渐 撩 , 基 部 渐 窗 ; TERRA > ic > AKA RRB> ABBA ff 3-5 > &H3.5-4 cm, 袖 1-1.3 cm 3; HHA BSREK> BR 先端 圆 舌 形 » RR » ZAR WBS = ATV » SEHR ~ BaiKim > H2.5-3.5 cm 27-9 mm > RE > SEM ARM 3s BER > BOY > > 长 1.4-1.6 cm» 4-5 mm ;花药 项 生 , 圆 形 , 花粉 二 4 枚 。 125 Ela > BAP hYRW 1200-2400 mA > ERA BRIBE , ZAC DA LL BRE BASE PKHE FS © 43. 大 市 素 心 苦 (Cymbidium gyokuchin Makino var. arro - gans (Hayata ) Ying. ) Cymbidium gyokuchin Makino var. arrogans ( Hayata ) Ying, comb. nov. | Cymbidium arrogans Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 76(1914) et 6:79, f. 12(1917). Pad Terrestrials; roots elongate, 20-40 cm long, 2-2.5 mm in diameter, grayish white, flexuous; pseudobulbs_ closely approximate, usually hiden by leaf-sheath, inconspicuous ; stemless. J Leaves 3-5, usually enclosed the pseudobulb, linear or linear- lanceolate, 30-45 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide. acuminate at apex, attenuate at base, 3-nerved, prominently elevated beneath and slightly impressed sur face. Flowers 5-7, rather larger, pale yellow or whitish ye- llow, 3-4.5 cm in diameter, fragrant; scape produced from leaf -fascicle, erect, 20-35 cm long, sheathed; the sheaths | basal, 2-3 cm long, light brown, membranous ; bracts ova- _te-lanceolate, 1-1.5 cm long, about 2 mm wide, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 1-5-2 cm long; sepals ob- long, 3-5-4 cm long, about 8 mm wide, obtuse-acute .at apex, more or less contracted at base, 5-mnerved, the lateral ones somewhat narrower; petals ovate-oblong, 2-2.5 cm lo- ng, about 8 mm wide, obtuse at apex, cuneate- contracted at base, 5-nerved; lip ovate- oblong, 1.8-2 cm long, 1]-1.2 cm wide, yellow, ovate- rounded, obscurely 3- lobed, villose, recurved in front, obtuse at apex; column semiterete, 1-1.5 cm long. The variety endemic, known from northern’ and southern parts of the island at the elevations of 500-1000 m under the 126 forests, rather rare. Ho AB ~ BER > 20-40 cm, 径 2-2.5 mm »> KAS? HHH ; 假 ERR BSE > BIBI MBEAN > ARS ; HE © HE 3-5 > HS RS RRS . RIV MRK RSW > R30-45 cm » 1-1-5 cm, 先 端 渐 尖 , KPH K> KIRK SHRINK > MHRAMIBH Ao 7E5-78&>BA> KWHERBAS K3-4.5 cm> AER 5 16 SHB KES ~ BW»? H20-35 cm? MR> BH ; HHA R2-3 cm » KH 色 、 膜 质 ; BiH OKRA >» 1-1-5 cm >» B 2mm > GIaRAs EHH 同 子 房 长 1.5-2 cmc SHRRAY> &3.5-4 cm> BH 8 mm > Seyi HH MBA > ERS DSHK > EK OME > HISE AMER ; TEMINKRGAW > R2 -2.5 cm? B#J8 mm , 先 端 钝 , 基 部 槐 形 紧 和 熔 状 , ik 5 人 条 ; SMIRK WABI > 1-8-2 cm, 袖 1 -1.2 cm, 黄 色 、 卯 状 圆 形 , 不 明显 3 裂 , 有 RE Him RHE > FeImSh o SH UAV > &R1-1.5 cme El Bee > ERMRIR ( BBW. SURALW-H) 及 南部 ( RKE ) #2 500-1000 m 处 山地 森林 下 , 多 已 被 人 探 搬 裁 培 , 现 已 极 少 能 发 现 。 44. (Cymbidium kanran Makino ) Terrestrials; rhizome short; stemless. Leaves 4-5, tufted, linear or linear-lanceolate, 40-50 cm long, 6-18 mm wide, coriaceous, acuminate at apex, sca- bridulous on margin, shining and dark green surface, pale green beneath; midrib raised on back. Flowers 5-20, rather large, 5-6 cm in diameter, race- mose, fragrant, yellowish green with various color of lip; scape produced from the base of pseudobulb, 25-60 cm long, erect, slender, lax-sheathed; bracts lanceolate, membranous, 1-5-2 cm long, 2-3 mm wide, glabrous, green,acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 2-3 cm long, glabrous; sepals spreading, the dorsal one linear-lanceolate, lightly yellow or green, 3-4 cm long, 3-5 mm wide, more or less fleshy, acuminate at apex, somewhat recurved on margin, the lateral 127 ones falcate- lanceolate, same as the dorsal one in length; petals oblique ovate-lanceolate, 2.2-2.7 cm long, 5-7 mm wide, dark purple spots or streaks scattered on the inner side at base; lip tongue-like, fleshy, recurved at apex, 1.2-1.7 cm long, about 1 cm wide, yellowish white with reddish purple or other color spotts, obscurely 3-lobed, gla- brous, smooth, the lateral lobes small; column somewhat recurved, 10-14 mm long. S. Korea, Japan and Lyukyu, Taiwan, at low to medium altitudes of 500-1700 m, under the evergreen forests. (Fig )41 3 ( Cymbidium kanran ) a. 花序 ( Inflorescence ) b. 7E ( Flower ) c. & 8H (Dorsal sepal ) d. 7E9# ( Petal ) e. lS ( Lateral sepal) f. Me ( Lip ) | . SEC Column ) 128 0g HbAE Al ~ HEE SE > FE ~ (RR E NES > iH AAW © FE4-5 > BA MIR RA > R 40-50 cm» 86-18 mm Be > Smt RHR RHE BRBREA> FHRARE > HHKAH 隆起 。 花 5-20 枚 , 较 大 , 径 5-6 cm, 狗 状 花 序 , 具 有 香味 , 黄 称 色 而 有 不 AA eet ; 花 茜 抽 自 於 假 球 鞭 基 部 , 长 25 -60 cm? Biz» MR» Hie ; iA RSH » H1.5-2 cm, 实 2-3 mm > FRB GIR» RE» CHR 4°; 花梗 速 同 子 房 长 2 -3 cm 4s SRE CEHRREIY > KE 色 或 称 色 , 长 3-4 cm, 袖 3-5 mm » SPA > HaRR > BRAK > HS AG TRRGAG > REBAR ; 花 罗 乍 卵 状 披 对 形 , 长 2.2-2.7 cm, 寅 5-7 mm > AMA MAR EM MAEM ; BMA AR? & we BHR > FE1.2-1-7 cm> Bl cm » KRKAMABM ERAS S » 不 明显 三 裂 , 6? HBRE) ; 营 柱 略 反 挫 , 长 10-14 mm o “” 朝 国 南部 、 日 本 及 琉球 。 人 台湾 , ES EP RO 500-1700 公 尺 山 地 , 常 见 於 常 称 润 革 林 的 林 床 。 45. 竹 华 苦 〈(Cymbidium lancifolium Hook. f. ) Terrestrials; rhizomes short, sparsely scaly; roots elo- ngate, rather thick, puberulent. Leaves 2-4, obovate-lanceolate, articulate, 15-25 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, coriaceous, acuminate, narrowed and decurrent to the petiole at the base, petiolated, dark green surface, glaucous beneath, scabridulous on the upper ma - rgins. Flowers 3-5, rather large, fragrant, 3-4.5 cm in dia- meter, loose racemose; scape produced from the base of stem, 10-15 cm long, glabrous; bracts linear- lanceolate, 8-12 mm _ long, acuminate, membranaceous; the pedicels with ovaries 3-4 mm _ long; sepals equal, lanceolate, 2-3 cm lo- ng, 3-4 mm wide, greenish white, lateral sepals slightly reflexed; petals oblanceolate-oblong, 2-5-3 cm long, 7-8 mm wide, subacute, white with a brownish purple baud; lip elliptic ovate, 1.2-2 cm long, about 1 cm wide, white, bro- 129 wnish purple spotted whithin, reflexed at top; colunmn 1]- 1.5 cm long; pollinia triangular ovate. Capsules erect, obovate-cylindric, 4-6 cm lag, inclusive of short pedicels. Java and Japan. Taiwan, known from low to medium al-. ttiudes of 700-1800 m under the forests, rather common. (Fig )42 ‘Ki ( Cymbidium lancifolium Hook. f.) a. 46 ( Flower ) | c. 769% ( Petal ) e. 4-32 (Anther ) b. 3H ( Sepal ) d. ME ( Lip ) f. #§ ( Capsule ) H+: Ke RE RH: PER~ AE RA BARE HE2-30 > MORRAY > RaW O~ SA ~ BHM KR 15-25 cm 2-3 cm, MMAR RRR GPECHSEA RAGE» Hh TRipk ES > BERK _L BR WAAR Pia Bit 8 bet © JE 3-5 > BK » BK3-4.5 cm _ BEABK > SRP RIKIEF @ 1E GAR EB 10-15 cm, 光 请 ; BARA MKRAY > K8- 12 mm » 6 WR» EASA FSR3-4 mm 5; SRBH> REV? R2-3 130 cm» #3-4 mm> ¥KE> HER BERE; EMAAR KRBAV > R 2.5-3 cm? 7-8 mm > CHITURK> ASMA HKALE € ; USHER KONG > 1.2-2 cm» BW 1l cms ASMA AAR » 4; BER 1-1.5 cm; 76 MwM= ARI o WRAW > AKA > 4-6 cm >» RRREWRMH MERAA + GH > +R ES PBBH 700-1800 m 山 地 , 常 见 於 常 Ri BERK E> RRR Ho : 46.228) (Cymbidium oreophilum Hayata ) Terrestrials; rhizome short; pseudobulbs inconspicuous, usually hiden by the leaf-sheathes, 1-1-5 cm in diameter ; roots elongate, thickened, 8-20 cm long, 5-6 mm in diame- ter. | Leaves 3-5, linear or linear- lanceolate, 30-40cm long, 7-8 mm wide, coriaceous or thickened chartaceous, acumi- nate at apex, gradually attenuate at the base, entire or mi- | nutely serrulate upward, 3 - nerved elevated on back. Flowers 5-9, medium-sized, 3-3.5 cm in diameter, light organge in. color, racemose; the scape produced from the base of pseudobulb, 20-30 cm long, erect, glabrous; sheathed at the base; the sheathes 3-4, 5-6 cm long, acuminate at apex; bracts lanceolate, 3-3.5 cm long, about 4 mm wide, purple; the pedicels with ovaries 2-2.2 cm long, glabrous, slender ; sepals linear or linear - lanceolate, 3-4 cm long, 4-5 mm wide, acuminate at apex, strongly contracted at the base, 5-nerved; petals lanceolate or ovate- lanceolate, 2.5 -3 cm long, 6-8 mm wide, acuminate at apex, 5 - nerved, entire; lip oblong-ovate, 2-2.5 cm long, 1-1.5cm_ wide, scattered with purple spots, reflexed at apex, 2- lamellate entire or wavy on margin ; column suberect, 1-1-5 cm long. Endemic, known from the elevations of 500-1600 m th- roughout the island, under the evergreen forests, rather co- mmon. 131 HA: Ml ~ | ARABS BBR HH 1-15 cm ; 根 其 fi» BB» 8-20 cm, 径 5-6 mmo 3-5 K > RPIUMRRBAY » 30-40 cm» H7-8 mm? #8 ERA AMR SRMEMCHSEM SRRELBRAMBE> K3 人 条 隆起 於 背面 。 花 5- 9 枚 、 中 型 、 径 3 -3.5 cm WGRH > MIRE ; ERR 20 - 30 cm > Hits MAR RRA 63> BRA; 3-4 5-6 cm , 和 先端 渐 尖 形 ; 区 片 披 针 形 , 长 3- 3.5 cm» BK 4mm> FAT 5 花 SEA SBR 2-2.2 cm Ki? ME ; SHRM RR RRS > R 3-4 cm » % 4-5 mm >» SexdiAR >» ERMSRMRK> Ax > PALE s EMR 形 或 卵 状 披 针 形 , 长 2.5-3 cm» H6-8 mm » HMM KSK> SK ; BMRA RI > R2-2.5 cm, 寅 1-1.5 cm» MH RAL HAVER » 先端 反 挫 , 内 面 有 2 人 条 隆起 存 , 全 黎 或 波状 徐 ; 芒 柱 近似 直立 , 长 1-1 .5 cm o E> ERHAEH RH 500-1600 m MIL ERA SRB Kk» BRE Re 47.) 22H (Cymbidium pumillum Rolfe ) Epiphytes; roots elongate, 20-30 cm long; pseudobulbs ovoid, closely approximate, 2-2-5 cm in diameter, usually hiden by leaf- sheaths. Leaves linear or linear- lanceolate, 30-45 cm lone: 1 - 1-2 cm wide, acuminate at apex, attenuate at base, articu- late, coriaceous, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath. Flowers 6-10, light brownish or reddish brown, widely opened, 3-4 cm in diameter, racemose; scape produced from leaf-fascicled, erect, suberect or arch- like; bracts lanceo- late, 4-5 mm long, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 1-5-1.8 cm long, glavrous; sepals, linear-lanceolate, 1.6-1.8 cm long, about 3.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, strongly co- n*-acted at base, 3-5-merved; petals linear-oblong, 1-5-2 ca long, 4-5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, narrowed at, base, 7-nerved, slightly recurved on margin; lip broadly obovate, 132 white, with bright red spots, 1.2-1.-5 cm long, about 1] mm wide, slightly villose on surface, obtuse and slightly: curved at tip, 3- lobed; the lateral lobes semi-oblong, about 1] cm long, 5 mm wide, rounded at apex; the median lobe slightly recurved, rounded, about 6 mm in diameter; column about 1.5 cm long, suberect, shortly villose on inner side. China. Taiwan, known from medium altitudes of 1000- 2100 m throughout the island, usually epiphytic on lumber or tree-trunks. BEM RAR» R20-30 cm; MARIN > RAHI > K 2-2.5 cm » FB i BEER FEA o HE IRR IRREHY » 30-45 cm H1-1.2 cm> EMR > KH We ARG ~ SR > SH SH CEREA’ PHMRRE° - FE 6-10 1 > RE BAL BES >» GAG > HK 3-4 cm » MIKE s TE HH ARS . By "近似 直立 或 拱 形 ; 苞 片 披 针 形 , 长 4 -5 mm > SHBA ; 花梗 壬 同 子 房 长 1.5 -1.8 cme Ks BARRY > H1.6-1.8 cm > FN 3.5 mm » Fey Si > ACHE SAM > AK3-5 人 条 ; TEMERK RARE > & 1-5-2 cms 4-5 mm , 先 端 钝 , RANE > AK 7 > BRIG RIE ; BM WHINY » 3 CST EAL AU BESE > 长 1.2- 1.5 cms BM 11 mm >» KH BRE ~ TMB: 32> MRACRMAW > RW 1 cm» H5mm » 先端 圆 PRAM RB ~ A: BH6 mm> BERV1.5 cm , 近 似 Bi» AHAB RE © | HA. a> FRK2 SPB 1000-2100 m 的 山地 , 着 生 於 腐 ARB IRE Lo BRE Fi o 48. #1 (Cymbidium sinense Willd. ) Terrestrials; pseudobulbs clustered, broadly ovoid, more or less compressed, obscure and usually hidden by the long pe- rsistent leaf- sheathes, 3-4 cm long, 2-2.5 cmacross; ste- mless. Leaves 2-4, basal, clustered, lanceolate or linear -la- nceolate, 35-60 cm long, 1.5-2.8 cm wide, acuminate, cu- Neate at base, shining and dark green surface, pale green 133 beneath, coriaceous, 1-3-nerved, elevated beneath, entire and slightly reflexed on margin. Flowers rather large. 4-8, 2-3 cm in diameter, fra- grant, racemose ; scape produced from the base of pseudo- bulb, 40-70 cm long, glabrous, green; sheathes 2-4, basal, brown, lanceolate, 4-5 cm long, acuminate at apex; bracts lanceolate, 1.2-1-.8 cm long, glabrous; pedicels with ovaries 2.5 - 3.5 cm long, sepals spreading, linear- lanceolate,2.5 - 3.5mm long, 4-6mm wide, acuminate, contracted at base, yellowish or brownish green with 7 brownish streaks; petals ovate- lanceolate, 2-2.5 cm long, 5-7mm wide, ye- llowish green with 5-brownish streaks; lip fleshy, ligulate, 1-5-2 cm long, obscured 3- lobed, yellowish white with bri- ghtly red spots, reflexed in front, some cross dark streaks at base, 2-keeled; column 1.5-1.8 cm long, 3-3.5 mm wide; pollinia 2, yellow. China. Taiwan, under the thickets, common on the humus soils from the elevations of 500-1000 m throughout the island. fa (Fig) 43 Hie ( Cymbidium sinense ) a. 76 ( Flower ) b. #38} ( Dorsal sepal ) c. lS ( Lateral sepal ) dd. 花 交 ( Petal ) e. eat (Lip) f. SS ( Column ) 134 HbA ~ RRB. BI > SDSRRV > DES ARE RREE # Hoch» 3-4 cm» B2-2.5 cm » Ko HE 2-400 > A ~ RA. REV MRSEW > R35-60 cm? B15 -2.8 cm »° Swi R> BRR > RHSA CEE > SHARE » BE >K1-3 > BRK BH > SRACERMBRE © 花 略 大 ,4-8 枚 , 径 2-3 cm? BER > MIKE 5s ERR4A0-79cm > FHA PRR BASES > MR 2-4 枚 , 基 生 、 褐 色 、 披 针 形 , 长 1.2-1.8cm » 438; 花梗 建 同 子 房 长 2.5 -3.5 cm; SARE? KS 形 , 长 2.5-3.5 cm» 84-6 mm , 和 先端 渐 失 , 基 部 紧 熔 状 , 黄 宰 稼 色 而 7 AB FS MOE RL 7 Es TERED RET T » R2-2-5 cnt, 宽 5-7 mm , 黄 ie 5 7S 48 3 ER OE ; BMA ~ > 1-5-2 cm» 不 明显 3 有 裂 , AH Hil A RAL SE > Som? RPABTTTVRRM: 有 2 龙骨 隆 起 ; SUH 1.5-1-.8 cm? 83-3.5 mm ; 7EMM2 KM> 黄色。 HR. Ge PARRA > BRERMBR500-1000 m SRA 的 土壤 内 。 49. 白 花 报 旋 苦 (Cymbidium sinense Willd var. albo- ju- ncundissimun ( Hayata) Masamune ) The variety differ from the typical phase by small ye- llowish green or green flowers and lip pale yellow not with red spots. Endemic, known from northern and central parts of the island, not common. } | Bape 7S (A) Bie TER) > SRA o BMRA > EL ERE o fi: EAB ERR AML LU Hh BRD > ERA o 50.2% (Cymbidium tortisepalum Fukuyama ) Terrestrials; roots elongate, 20-30 cm long, 2-4 mm in diameter; pseudobulbs inconspicuous, ovoid, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, hiden by the leaf - shea ths ; stemless. Leaves 4-7, narrowly linear, 60-80 cm long, 8-12 mm wide, acuminate, gradually attenuate at base, thinly coria- ‘ceous, erect or-suberect, minytely serrulate on margin, lu- 135 strous ‘green surface, 3-nerved, elevated on beneath. Flowers 3-5, brownish green, about 5 cm in diameter, fragrant, racemose; scape produced from the base of pseu- dobulb, 30-60 cm long, erect, glabrous, sheathed at base, the sheaths 4-5 cm long, membranous, acuminate, tubular from medium to the base; bracts linear-oblong, 3-4 cm long, 6-6-5 mm wide, membranous, glabrous, acuminate at apex; the pedicles with ovaries 3-3.5 cm long, glabrous; sepals oblong, 4-4-5 cm long, about 8-10 mm wide, membranous , acuminate and slightly twist at apex, narrowed at the base, 7-merved; petals elliptic, 3-3.2 cm long, 1-].1 cm wide, acute, contracted at base, red spots or streaks withinat the base, slightly wavy on margin, 7-9-nerved; lip obovate, 2- 2.5 cm long, about 1 cm wide, glabrous, fleshy, 3-lobed, the lateral lobes rounded, the median lobe rounded cuneate, acute at apex; column elongate, suberect, 1-1-5 cm long, about 3 mm wide. Endemic, known from the northern and central parts of the island at the elevations of 1600-3000 m under the forests of pinus and grasslands. Hh ~ RHR > 长 20-30 cm? K2-4 mm ;假球 蕉 不 显著 , 卵 形 , 径 1- 1.5 cm + RRA REP ; 无 区 。 #2 4-77 > RRR > 60-80 cm, 宽 8-12 mm, 先 端 渐 尖 形 , 基 部 WA MEA BRB > Beam e AMRACEREA > Rik3 (RI TS AA © 花 3 -5 > RRR Ke EMS cms BBR» MIE s TEXTS PBR HEEB >» 30-60 cm » Ai ~~ AMAR; HAR 3-5 cm, 膜 质 , 和 先端 渐 兴 , 基 部 及 中 部 者 呈 简 状 ; GARMKRMAW > 3-4 cm , FE 6-6.5 mm , 膜 质 、 光 滑 , 先 端 渐 尖 ; TEA FBR 3-3.5 cm , 光 滑 ; SHRM > R4-4.5 cm» BM 8-10 mm , 膜 质 , 先 端 渐 拓 且 略 eth » ZLOR7E > AaAk 7 人 条 ; TEMA > R3-3.2 cm » Hel-1-1 cm? 先 wit > LAB ARG > SOAPS TH AA RL FSB RM > PGS IR » Aik 7- 9 人 条 有 Bm ASG > 2-2.5 cm> Blcm » 448’ AB? 32%> BAL Hae > 136 WAAAY: PRAB WRG > imiBA: BER » 近似 直立 , 长 1-1.5 cm > BW 3 mmo : 固有 , 生 长 伶 本 省 北部 及 中 部 山地 狗 1600 - 3000 m> SAK BAR - 松林 下 。 (Fig ) 44 256 ( Cymbidium tortisepalum ) , a. 46( Flower ) b. 4H ( Bract ) c. (J32# ( Lateral sepal ) d. #2 ( Dorsal sepal ) f.g. EM ( Lip ) j- 花药 ( Anther ) e. Tt ( Petal ) h.i. SE ( Column ) k. JE) 4% ( Pollinia ) 4 51./)\48 8 (Cypripedium debile Reichb. f. ) ’ Terrestrials; rhizomes short, creeping; roots’ slender, elongate, densely with root hairs; stem simple,erect, gla- 137 brous, 10-20 cm long; sheathes 2-3, at the base of stem, membranous. Leaves 2, opposite, terminal on stem, cordate-rounded, 3-4 cm long, 2.5-3.5 cm wide, acute or acuminate at apex, rounded to slightly cordate at the base, sessile,entire, cha- rtaceous, glabrous except on the margin, 2-to 7-nerved. Flowers solitary, pendulous, 1.8-2-5 cm in diameter, yellowish green with purple hue; scape terminal strongly dcelined, glabrous, 3-5 cm long; bracts linear - lanceolate, 1-5-2 cm long; pedicels with ovaries 2-2.5 cm long, the dorsal sepal ovate- lanceolate, 10-15 mm long, 6-7 mm wide, lightly green, the lateral ones elliptic lanceolate, usually wholly united to the tip; petals narrowly lanceolate, slightly shorter than or same as the dorsal sepal; lip pouch- shaped, 0-8-1.1 cm in diameter, slightly purplish red; co- lumn short; stigma terminal. Japan. Taiwan, known from the high altitudes of 1800- 2700 m in northern part of the island, under the forests. eA ~ Rie ~ Ales MAR » BERR E BRA ROR~ BV ~ 64% » 10-20 cm ; 2-3K> GFERERM ~ BE ~ RE o 革 2 枚 , HA BERG? BOW? 长 3-4 cm» H2.5-3.5 cm , ARs BK. MAKI SERRPBARE> 237 ke HimRAM MR > AG BB MBL 7 ° 花 单 立 、 下 垂 , 径 1.8-2.5 cms RMEAMAREM ; CRRA» BS 下 垂 , 光 滑 , 长 3-5 cm; BARRE: R15-2 cm ;花梗 连同 子 房 长 2-2.5 cm; 和 后 蔓 片 卵 状 披 针 形 , 长 10-15 mm, 袖 6-7 mm > RK , 便 荔 片 构 圆 状 披 针 形 , 先 端 完全 连 生 ; TEMS >» RRS RA 长 或 略 短 ; BMRB: K0.8-1.1 cm, 略 带 有 紫红 色 ; 芒 柱 短 , 柱 头顶 生 。 日 本 。 人 台湾 , 生 长 於 北 部 高 海拔 山地 狗 1800-2700 m 山地 , 生 长 於 森 林 下 。 138 fl (Fig )45 /)48/8B ( Cypripedium debile ) , a. 植物 体 ( Plant blody ) b. 7& ( Flower ) c. #38 ( Dorsal sepal) dd. 7¢##( Petal ) e. fiJ/324 ( Lateral sepal ) 52.488 8M (Cypripedium: japonicum var. formosanum ' (Hay) Ying ) Terrestrials; rhizomes creeping, elongate,sometimes bra- inched; roots short;.stem simple, ascending or erect, gla- brous, 5-12 cm long; sheathes 2-3, at the base of stem, pale green, pubescent, 3-7 cm long, membranous. Leaves 2, nearly opposite, roundéd ovate, 12-20cm long, 7-12 cm wide, rounded or broadly triangular, : cuneate at base, chartaceous, many-nerved, plicate, glabrous surface and scattered shortly hirsute beneath, subentire or shortly ciliate on margin; sheathes cylindric tubular, 6-8 cm long, glabrous or nearly so. 139 Flowers solitary, flowering when the leaves not quite expanded, white or pale yellow, slightly purple after an- thesis, scentless; scape terminal 10-12 cm long, subg labro- us or scattered pubescent; bracts ovate-Janceolate, 2 -2.5 cm long, 8-12 mm wide, subglabrous; pedicels with ovaries 1.5-2 cm long, scattered pubescent; dorsal sepal ovate - la- _nceolate, white or nearly so,4-5 cm ' long,2-2.5 cm wide, acute or obtuse at apex, the lateral ones connate each other and forming a small boat in shape, 4-5 cm long, about 2.5 cm wide, shortly acummate at apex, petals obliquely ovate-lanceo- late 5-6mm long, 1,5 -2cm wide, shortly acuminate, obtuse and purple spots at the base, glabrous without, pubescent wi- thin; lip sessile, patent, large pouch, 5-6 cm long, 4-4-5 cm across, white or yellowish white with purple spots; column 1-1-5 cm long. The species in China and. Japan, the variety endemic to Taiwan, known from the high altitudes of 2200-2900m_ in northern and central parts of Taiwan, under the humus forests. The variety differ to the species by nearly glabrous pe- duncles, less hairy ovary and flowers with purple spots. Ht ~ REM ER ARRAS: RE; RB RIK» 直立 或 近似 如 此 , 光 滑 , 长 5-12 cm H2- 3 枚 , GAR SMB > RR » BER > R3-7 cm? RH 2 HK» GUBA » ISBT » 12-20 cm » 7-12 cm 先端 圆 或 HAV > RRR CH ROK ME REM WHABER we Re BR RRR: R6-8 cm » HARTA tH —> RATA RAK > ABBR > RARER > ML 香味 ; TERRA » 10-12 cm , 近 似 光滑 或 散 生 有 毛 昔 ; 区 片 1., SAM BG » &H2-2.5 cm? H8-12 mm , 光 彰 ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 1.5- 2 cm MELE; 后 葛 片 卵 状 披 针 形 , 白 色 或 近似 如 此 , 长 4-5 cm , 寓 2-2.5 cm , 先 端 够 或 鲍 ; 侧 苯 片 两 枚 互相 连 合 而 形成 一 小 舟 形 , 长 4- 5 cmH 92.5 cm, 先 站 短 渐 尖 形 ; TEMEBIN RRS > R5-6 cm’ H1.5-2 140 cm , 先 端 短 渐 尖 形 , 基 部 钝 而 有 此 红色 斑点 , 外 面 光 滑 , 内 面 有 毛 昔 ; B MRR BS KRU BW 4-4.5 cms KARAS > ARAL MR SH Biay fee ; BHR1-1.5 cm BER PRAERAA o #BRABMEAA > ERKREBRH 2200 - 2900 m WILL BRM GML RRS BER WRAA © B78 2 £8 HO Fl RAE WS 7E BR LOG IRE > TCR BB REM © 图 (Fig) 46 GSM Cypripedium japonicum var - formosanum ) _ a. 4G (Flower ) b.c. BMRA AABA (Lip seen from different sides ) d. &# ( Column ) | eof. E&( Stamen ) g. ( Staminode ) 14] 53. MK fl (Dendrobium chameleon Ames ) Epiphytes; roots elongate; stem much-branched, pendu- lous, 15-30 cm long, 5-8 mm in diameter; the internodes 1-1-5 cm long; sheaths obconical-cylindric, hyaline, me - mbranous, persistent the fibers on the old stem. Leaves alternate, distichous or nearly so, oblong or la- nceolate, 3-4 cm long, 5-6 mm wide, aaite, contracted at base , char taceous, shining green surface, entire, glabrous, 3-nerved raised on back. Flowers 2-4, very rarely solitary, rather large, 2.5-3 cm in diameter, racemose, scentless ; scape axillary, 3-4 cm long , purple, glabrous ; bracts triangular, 5-6 mm long , about 5 mm wide, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovary 1-1-5 cm long; sepals subequal, ‘Shiela: slightly purple wi- thout, greenish white within, 1.4-1.6 cm long, 6-8 mm wide, acute to obtuse at apex, 5-purple nerved, slightly re- curved of margin, the lateral ones strongly oblique, adnate to the base of column and forming a 8-1] mm long me - ntum; petals white, lanceolate obovate, 14 > 16 mm long, about 4-6 mm wide, 5-merved, obtuse, narrowed at base; lip elongate, spathulate, somewhat connated with the me- ntum at base, long clawed, the claw 1.8-2 cm long, about 3 mm wide, the lamine somewhat ovate, 9-10 mm long, 5- 6 mm wide, rounded-obtuse at apex, column short, 2 mm long; -column foot 1.2-2 cm long. The Philippines, Taiwan, epiphytic on the tree trunks and branches of the evergreen forests at the elevations of 800-1800 m throughout the island, rather common. BEM ~ REM MR KRSRAIR: FH? R15-30 cm » EK 5 -8 mm , 节 间 长 1 -1.5 cm ; PAAKKARY BA RA» LER | (RAPA FG © SAA + APUG OOK » RAV RRS R3-4 cm? 5-6 mm » CHR EMRMR> KA~ RHP SRA> BH H 142 fl (Fig )47° XK Aff ( Dendrobium .chameleon ) a. 植物 体 ( Flowering plant body ) b. 76 ( Flower ) c. &BF ( Dorsal sepal ) d. 便 尊 片 ( Lateral Sepal) _e. 7E## ( Petal ) of. BEC Lip) : g.--SE ( Eotumn ) 143 滑 , 乳 3 人 条 隆起 於 背面 。 7E-2-4 > DRS MAB > MK > H2.5-3 cm » MIRE > RBR TE SARA > HZB-4 cm» 紫色 、 光 滑 ; HH=E AW: R5-6 mm > BH5 mm , 先 端 铝 失 ; ERE ATKBR1-15cms SREUSF > RAY ADKBSRREA- AHR Mi > se 1.4-1.6 cm , 宽 6 -8 mm » KHMRREM> ARRRORK SBABRE: HAHEE > RERAARAMUR-F 8-11 mm HR; TEM BS > BSR SN > 14-16 mm > BW5 mm >» AK5 HK > SMES SARE: BRER> AY > FERBRMEt > BRM? 爪 长 1.8- 2 cm > 2WH3 mm » BRASH > R9-10 mm? B5-6 mm , 先 端 贺 $s» Bho» R2mm> SELR1.2-2 cm o FAA OR SERSRRBRL > ERRKRZERRAMAW 800-1800 mlHh > BBR » Pe’ 54. 黄花 石狮 (Dendrobium clavatum Var. aurantiacum (Reichb.f. want et Tang ) Dendrobium flaviflorum Hayata in Journ. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1); 312 (1911) (Mat. FI. Form. ); Ying in Chi- nese Flow. (10 ):50, p/.4 (1974 ) Epiphytes; stemes clustered from the same base, simple, slender, terete, 40-60 cm long, 2-2.5 mm _ across; the internodes 3-6 cm long; sheathes membranous , at the node base. Leaves many, alternate, distichous, lanceolate or linear - lanceolate, 9-11 cm long, 8-9 mm wide, obtuse and ema- rginate, narrowed and sheathed at the base; sheathes short, 4-5 mm long. Flowers 2-4, bright yellow, in diameter, axi- llary , racemose ; scape 3-4 cm long, glabrous; bracts oblo- ng, imbricate, yellowish green, 2-3 cm long, 7-9 mm wide, acute, narrowed at the base; pedicels with ovaries 1-1.5 cm long; sepals. subequal, oblong, 2-2.5 cm long, 7-8 mm wide, obtuse and apiculate at apex, rounded at the base; the 144 lateral ones usually obiique at the base, adnate to the co-. lumn- foot and forming a 4-6 mm. long mentum ; petals oblong- obovate, 2-2.5 cm long, 1-1-5 cm wide, obtuse, contracted at the base; lip widely rounded, 1.5-2 cm long, 2-2.5 cm wide, slightly wavy and ciliate on margin,rounded at apex, clawed at the base, villose surface, glabrous beneath; the claw 5-7 mm long, 2-3 mm wide; column 4-5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, 2-dentated at apex, about 4 mm long. Capsules splindle-like, 3-4 cm long, 2-2.5 cm across. China ,Taiwan,epiphytic on the branched and trunks of the trees, throughout the island from the elevations of 800- 1700 m, very common. @( Fig ) 48 764%} ( Dendrobium clavatum var aurantiacum ) . i E a.7i ( Flower) b. 38H ( Dorsal sepal ) c. 7E9#@ (petal) d. (JH (Lateral sepal ) e. 59% ( Lip ) ; SEM; SSRAARERA> BYROR: MR~-AWVW? & 40-60 cm» @2-2.5 mm > #HH3-6 cm; HAMRARANR ESR > HA > —FVKHE! » RSVR KREY > RI-llem » # | 145 8-9 mm> SoS AMIS > KTH; 鞘 短 , 长 仅 4-5 mmo TE 2-4 > MRA > B2-3.5 cm » MARK EAR > MIRE ; 7ER 长 3-4 cm 648: GARBAYV ~ RRA» RAK > R2-3 cm , 7-9 mm » AMSA > BAH ; RMR: R1-15 cm ; 昔 片 近似 整 Bo RAW R2-2.5 cm, 袖 7-8 mm >» KCMMABLAR> MRA > HSRFERE > REE RMAMVR—R4-6 mm HA; EMEGARA SN» 长 2-2.5 cm > H1-1.5 cm » EHH > SRR; SAL > 长 1.5-2 cm» H2-2.5 cm’ SREKAARMMER > HHA RAE No RMBHE> PMI: NH5-7 mm’ H2-3 mm; SER 4-5 mm» #@2-3 mm» 43m 2 GA» RM 4 mm o BARRE » —H3-4 cm» K2-2.5 cm。 PRAB > > LERSEPwRW 800-1700 m AIL Hy > BAR RRB Lk BRR o c 55. MMB (Dendrobium equitans Kraenzl ) Epiphytes; rhizomes short, creeping; roots many; stems many, clustéred, simple, glabrous, 30-60 cm long, 2-3 mm wide, compressively flat, fleshy; internodes 3-4 cm long, the basal 1 or 2 usually bulb- like, yellow or light brown in color, ribbed. Leaves many, distichous, falcate-linear, compressively flat, fleshy, 5-7 cm long, 4-5 mm wide, acute or acumi - Mate, broad at the base, glabrous, entire; sheathes absent or inconspicuous. | Flowers solitary, rather small, terminal, white, scentless, 1-1.5 cm in diameter; scape 3-4 cm long, gray, glabrous ; bract one, membranous, 4-5 mm long; _ the pedicels with ovaries 7-9 mm long, glabrous; sepals subequal, oblong , 1-1.5 cm long, 4-5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, the lateral ones adnate to the column- foot and forming a 7-8 mm long mentum; petals linear-oblong, 8-12 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, rounded, cuneate at the base; lip obovate, 1.5-2 cm long, 8-12 mm wide, rounded, cuneate at the base, 3-4 yellow 146 linear streaks within, 3-lobed, the lateral lobes erect, enti- re downward and denticulate upward, the median lobe fi- mbricate on margin, rounded at apex, 5-6 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide; column short, 2-2.5 mm long; column-foot 5-6 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide; pollinia 4, oblong, about 1 mm long. — | Capsules oblong- obovoid, truncate, attenuate at thebase, 15-2 cm long, 6-8 mm in diameter, 6-7 - ribs. Endemic, known from the islet of Lanyu only; epiphytic on tree trunks from the elevations of 300-600 m, rather common. Bt. HES ~ HAs 根 多 数 ; KOR BE. RIK KH? & 30-60 cm’ H2-3 mm, 局 平 、 肉 质 、 和 节 相 距 3-4 cm , 基 部 的 1 或 HBA RPRREK > RARRBEA > BRA o ESR > SRT > RIK: WEAR > R5-7 cm , 实 4-5 mm » TMiRARGAA > ABE Wie: SR ; RRS o FERRARA > BE? A> MBR> H1-1.5 cm; ER 3-4 cm TRE Gs GH1 枚 , 膜 质 , 长 4-5 mm ; 花梗 过 同 子 房 长 7-9 mm Sis SRITUBE> RBAYW> R1-1.5 cm’ B4-5 mm >» eye St ; HSS Ar ee: EAM 7-8 mm WB; EMRBKRBAYW > KR 8-12 mm °% 3-4 mm ° SmAl~ SRR > BRAY > AMA 3 - 4 休 黄 色 稼 状 人 条 和 莪 , 长 1.5 -2 cm, 宽 8-12 mm > HHA BRB, 3B; wi ARB: RS: LRA: PAB RIK > Seu El > 5-6 74m ° 7 2-2.5 mm ; Siw R2-2.5mm ; SELR5-6 mm °F 2 - 2.5 mm ; 74m 4K > RAW: RH1mm o BH REG BK BISBIG » Fein THK > REAR WMIIK> 长 1.5-2 cm KE-8 mm » @#6 -7 人 条 。 固有 ERK GREE WIL > SAR BRL» ERK 300- 600 m? & iets 5k o 147 fi 8 7G #1 ( Dendrobium equitans ) a. 植物 体 ( plant body ) b. 76 (Flower ) fm ( Fig )49 c. @BH ( Dorsal sepal) d. 花瓣 ( petal ) e. Gl HH ( Lateral sepal ) f.g. fem ( Lip) 148 56. 4. B Afi (Dendrobium falconeri Hook.f. ) Epiphytes; rhizomes short; stem terete, slender, pendulous, 30-45 cm long, about 1-1.5 mm across, much _ branched ; internodes 2 -3.5 cm long, linear fibers persistent on the node base, 6-8 mm long. Leaves alternate, distichous or nearly so, usually at the upper part of the stem, linear, 4.5-5.5 cm long, 3-4 mm wide, obtuse, contracted at base; sheathes 1-2 cm long. Flowers 1-3, large, showy, 3-4 cm in diameter, race- mose; scape axillary, 2-4 cm long, glabrous, 1-2 cylindrical 5-6 mm _ long sheathes at base; the pedicels with ovaries 1-5-2 cm long, glabrous; bracts ovate, hyaline, 4-6 mm long, sepals white, sprading, linear-lanceolate, 3-4 cm iong, 7-8 mm wide, acuminate, slightly contracted at base,’ so- mewhat recurved on margin, 7-nerved, the lateral ones some- what oblique .at the base, adnate to column- foot and forming a4-6 mm long mentum; petals white, ovate rhombic, 3-3.5 cm long, 1.2-1.8 cm wide, acuminate, cuneate at the base, 5-merved, entire; lip white with pink tip and yellowish black base, ovate-rhombic, 3-4 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, cuspidate acute at apex, cuneate at the base, slightly wavy or fine serrulate on margin, slightly hairy, 3- lobed, the lateral ones minute, semi - rounded, suberect, the median lobe large , Ovate-triangular, 1.5-2 cm long, 1.5-1.8 cm wide; column minute, 2-3 mm long; column- foot about 6 mm long; anthers oblong, 3-4 mm long, hairy. Endemic, epiphytic on the tree trunks or branches at me- dium altitudes of 800-2000 m in northern and central ‘parts of the island, rather rare. 2AM +H S6 ; XARW> MR PH’ R30-45 cm » K 1-1-5 mm, 有 多 数 分 校 , 节 间 长 2 -3.5 cm , We » Ze SRR AAA IK BUR “MER > 5 6- 8 mm 。 $F > —FGKBEVIS SME > SEW LD RR ° 4-55 ; 149 fal ( Fig )50 £1 eH ff} ( Dendrobium falconeri ) a. 植物 体 ( plant body ) b. 76 ( Flower ) c. BF ( Dorsal sepal ) g. ew Lip) d. (i/32H ( Lateral Sepal ) e. TEM ( petal ) f. &#( Column ) cm» 3-4 mm > SvaSt » BARAK > HR 1-2 cm ° ae y= 3 Bee 大 而 分 区 > 径 3 -4 cm, 炉 状 花 序 ; TE RRS » He 2-4 om » 光滑, 基部 有 1-2 枚 圆柱 状 长 5- 6 mm WRF ; 花梗 过 同 子 房 长 1.5-2cm , 光滑 ; MIRON» BA? R4-6 mm HAS > PUR > RRB »° 长 3-4 cm’ @7-8 mm , Fe Mit AIG » 基部 We SARA ° Bh A WGA BE a7 人 条 ; GUS HER ° 与 巷 柱 足 相 过 而 形成 一 长 4-6 mm» AeA IRB > %3-3.5 cm” @1.2-1.8 cm’ 4 St HAW MBB » Fix che» Sk; BM AE » Tem ALE , SER BM Hs » SRR » f 3-4 cm 150 , 1.5-2 cm HmBRKRA? SPRAY > B@RBSREKRRMEE > BA 毛 茜 ,3 有 裂 , 便 裂片 微小 , FAY: HUB ; 中 裂片 大 , 卵 状 三 角形 , 长 1.5-2 cm , 袖 1.5-1.8 cm ; 芒 柱 甚 小, 长 2-3 mm ; 蕊 柱 足 长 6 mm ; 花药 长 榴 圆 形 , 长 3-4 mm> EK BA > FERKA BARR PR PB RW HW 800-2000 m 山地 , 着 生 Wise hk BRE > RRRD o 57.4} (Dendrobium linawianum Reichb.f. ) Epiphytes ; rhizomes creeping, short; roots numerous; ste- ms tufted, 25-42 cm long, somewhat compressed; the interno- des 3-4 cm long, 1-1-5 cm in diameter; the upward ones 、 clavate- thickened, furrowed; the lower ones terete ’ much shorter. Leaves oblong, 6-7-5 cm long, 2.4-2.7 cm wide, obli - que ly emarginate at apex, obtuse and sheathing at the base, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath, 3-5-nerved, rat sed on back; the sheathes 2-3 cm long, persistent. Flowers 3-4, pink or white with pink tip, large, sho- wny , 4-5 cm in diameter, racemose; the scape produced from the upper nodes of the leafless stems, slender , 2-4 cm long; bracts minute, triangular, 3-6 mm long, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 4-5 cm long; sepals oblong, 2-5-3 cm long, &10 mm wide, shortly acute at apex, the dorsal one free, the lateral ones somewhat — narrowed , oblique at base, adnate to the column- foot and forming a 1-1.2 cm long mentum; petals elliptic, 3-3.2 cm long , 16-18 mm wide, obtuse at apex, contracted at the base; lip oblong, clawed, 2.5-3 cm long, 1.5-1-8 cm wide, rounded at apex, with 2 purple blotches on the central disc; -basal disc shortly hirsute ; column about 5 mm .long. China. Taiwan, known form the northern part of the is- land at the elevations of 900-1200 m, epiphyticon tree tru- nks. 121 图 (Fig)51 @6#+( Dendrobium linawianum ) a. @1Ez th WH ( Flowering plant body ) b. &38 (Dorsal Sepal) _c.- 7E Mf ( Petal ) d. #33 e( Lateral Sepal ) e. BM ( Lip ) GEM > RAH > fF ; 根 多 数 ; MRA R25-42 cm 多 少 呈 局 平 圆柱 状 , 节 长 3-4 cm, 径 1 -1.5 cm , 上 部 菊 粗 厚 , 略 呈 棍 棒状 , 有 浪 3; 下 部 者 呈 圆 柱 形 , 较 短 。 | RBA: K6-7-5 cm’ B2.3-2.7 cm » KHPA SRM Mé8 > RHPSRCBRE PHASHARE > Ik3 -5SR> GRRE; 152 鞘 长 2 -3 cms BF o 花 3-4 K> BARARABM CHS AGE AMBRE 4-5 cm , WRK TERE > TER PAB RRS & LAR? MR R2-4 cm; BA? 三 角形 , 长 3-6 mm » HMR TEMBAFRR1-5 cm 3 SHR 圆 形 , 长 2.5-3 cm» H8-10 mm > LMBRASBSHME> BAK KR ARE> RES CHa MvR—R1-1.2 cm ; ERRAYW > R3 - 3.2 cm? #16-18 mm > (mH - ARR; SBRRRAV Al: 长 2.5-3 cm , 宽 1.5-1.8 cm : Fea Rn ERROR 基部 略 有 £5 ; SERH5 mm 。 中 国 、 人 台湾, 生长 於 北部 篇 来 , 南 庄 一 带 海拔 高 多 900-1200 m 的 山 地 , 着 生 於 梢 干 > RR RD 58. AL7EG fel ( Dendrobium miyakei Schitr. ) . Epiphytes; pseud obulbs ovoid, inconspicuous, 6- 8 mm across, green; stems simple, — tufted, ascending, 30 -50 cm long, 4-15 mm across, usually the base nodes somewhat -sle- nder, the upward nodes thickened; internodes 8-16mmlong; sheathes Mmembranaceous, usually linear fibers persistent on old nodes base. Leaves many, alternate, distichous, lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, 5-10 cm long, 1.5 -2 cm wide, chartaceous, acu minate. rounded and sheathing at base, midrib raised beneath. Flowers many, brightly red, clustered or subracemose, axi- llary, nodding; ‘scapes 1-4, produced from the old leafless stem, 1-1.5 cm long; bracts minute, triangular, 4-4.5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, membranaceais, acute at apex; the pe- dicels with ovaries 1.5-2 cm long; sepals ovate or ovate- oblong, 5-nerved,.the dorsal ome 8-12 mm long, 5-6 mm wide, acuminate and maculate at apex, the lateral : nes adna- te to the column- foot and forming a 7-10 mm long ‘me- ntum; petals elliptic, 5-nerved, 7-9 mm leng, 4-6 mm wide, obtuse and maculated at apex; lip rounded spathu- 153 fa ( Fig) 52 £1 7E4 #1 ( Denbrobium miyakei ) a. 植物 体 (Plant body) b-c. HE ( Flower ) d.@%}+ ( Dorsal sepal ) e. 7¢9#( Petal ) f. 32 (Lateral sepal ) &.- fs ( Lip ) 154 late, clawed, entire, 5-7-merved, 1-5-1.8 cm long, 5-6 mm wide, obtuse at apex, claw 3-5 mm long; columm short, 2-3 mm long; column- foot slender, greenish yellow, 5-8 mm long; anthers yellow, cup- like. Endemic, known from the island of Lan-yu, at the ele- vations of 300-500 m only, epiphytic on tree trunks, co- mmon . AE > REREONY > fA A> AS? 6-8 mm >» HA; ¥ Hi BA> MO Bir RRM» 30-50 cm, 径 5-15 mm, 通 常 基部 较 粗 , 先 端 部 份 较 粗 , 节 问 长 8-16 mm ; F#RA> FARK FIRE SHWE BH ° ESM» HA > —FIKB > REVRMRSY »>R5-10 cm? F 1.5-2 cm > A> HmBk RAMA: HUKAHEE FESR > ERLE > HA BUT LK MK TE > RAE > PRE TE 1-4 枚 抽 BARRE SH > R1-1.5 cm ; BH): 三 角形 , 长 4-4.5 mm > F2 -3 mm , 膜 质 , 先 端 够 尖 ; 花梗 器 同 子 房 长 1.5-2 cm ; SR RMVRIK RAW > SR ,和 后 蔓 片 长 8-12 mm’ H5-6 mm, 先 端 渐 尖 上 且 具有 僚 突 , 便 蔓 片 与 花柱 足 相 过 而 形成 一 长 7-10 mm; (EMEA > AKO > 长 7-9 mm > H4-6 mm , 先 端 钝 而 失 突 ; SRAKAY> Ah: BK > 脉 5-7 人 条 , 长 1.5- 1.8 cm» 85-6 mm , 和 先端 钝 .; 爪 长 3-5 mm ; SRS > R2-3 mm ; SERMR BRE? R5-8 mm; 花药 黄色 , 杯 FZ o Bla > GERRI b> RRB BH 300-500 ARYA RES RKP > GER Be > ERR He 59. Gf} ( Dendrobium moniliforme ( Linn.) Sw. ) Epiphytes; rhizomes shorter; roots many from. the base of rhizome; stems tufted, erect, 10-30 cm long interno- des 2-4 cm long, 3-7 mm in diameter, usually with a tight membranaceous sheathes at node bases. Leaves alternate, lanceolate or elliptic-lancedate, 4-8 cm long, 7-12 mm wide, coriacoms or thickened chartaceaus , obtuse, rounded at base. 56 Flowers 1 to 3 in the upper nodes of 3 yearold stems, -fascicled, white or pale pink; pedicels with ovaries 2-4 cm long; bracts minute, brownish. basal; dorsal sepal li- near- lanceolate, 2-2.5 cm long, 5-8 mm wide, acute; la- teral ones obliquely broadened at the base; petals similiar to dorsal sepal, slightly shorter; lip ovate- lanceolate, ere- ct or ascenging, the limb slightly recurved at tip, 2-2-5 cm long, 4-6 mm wide; column very short, 2-3 mm long; pollinia 4, elliptic, yellowish. ' Capsules oblong, 2-3 cm long, about 1.5 cm across. China, s. Korea and Japan. Taiwan, at the elevations of 800-2200 m, rather common, usually on rockand tree tru- nks or branches. SN a Su Ni a q AS l@] ( Fig ) 52 #4 #+( Dendrobium moniliforme ) a. @7E2& ( Flowering stem ) b. 7E ( Flower ) c. RF (Dorsal sepal ) d. 7E##( petal ) e. fl ( Lateral sepal ) f. MC Lip ) LZ SEM > REG? HIK> MARREHRBR; @RA> Biz K10- 30 cm; fifi 2-4 cm » &3-7 mm » EMHMARBRARRKKReRY 156 WHE © GH > RVRBARK BEY > HR 4-8 cm > 7-12 mm , 革 质 或 BEA > Fst SAA 花 1 至 3 枚 , 着 生 於 第 三 年 生 老 蔡 上 部 的 节 处 , 闵 生 , 白 色 或 淡 粉 杠 色 ; 花梗 过 同 子 房 长 2-4 cms BHR): BE HE; RSRRKRHAY > 长 2-2.5 cm , 宽 5-8 mm> SMRR> MHSRARBEARE s ERR 后 蔓 片 相似 , 惟 略 短 ; BRIS: BRUM HmeBRER 2-2.5 cm, 宽 4-6 mm; SH HB’ R2-3 mm > HMI: HAV 8H > RRA W? R2-3 cm’ 1.5 cm。 中 国 、 埋 国 南 部 及 日 本 , 人 台湾, 生长 於 海拔 800-2200 m With: aK Be ~BRRAAL KRHA AR ° 60. 穗花 一 华 苦 ( Dendrochilum microchilum ( Schltr ) Ames ) Epiphytes; roots creeping; pseudobulbs closely approxi- mate, fusiform, 2-3 cm long, 8-11 mm in diameter, pale green, fleshy; stemless. Leaf solitary, terminal on the pseudobulb, linear-lanceo- late, 7-10 cm long, 8-12 mm wide, acuminate, cuneate and NMarrowed to the petiole at base, chartaceous or nearly so, entire, midrib raised on back, shining green surface, pale green beneath; the petioles 5-10 mm long, slender,’ gla- brous. | Flowers small, yellow or dull yellow, 5-5-5 mm in dia- neter, in two rows, racemose, scentless; scape from the terminal of pseudobulb, 10-14 cm long, ascending or droping, flexuose; sheaths several, imbricate; bracts ovate, glauma- ceous, 2.2-2.7 mm long, obtuse at apex; the pedicels with Ovaries 2 -2.5 mm long, glabrous; sepals spreading, 3-3.5 mm long, 1-1-5 mm wide, the dorsal one lanceolate, acute at apex, the lateral ones broadly ovate, 1-nerved; petals linear-lanceolate, somewhat falcate-like, 3 mm _ long, about 1 mm wicle, acute at apex; lip u.nute, sac-like, 3- lobsd, abat 157 1mm long. about 2 mm wide; the median lobe deeply emar ginate, mucronate, the lateral lobes broadly ovate, obtuse at apex, witha thickened partly free callus at the base; co lumn minute, about 1 mm long, with a protuberance in front. The Philippines. Taiwan, known from the islet Lanyu only at the elevations of 300-600 m in whole islet, a common epiphtic orchid. X | wy | / N \V / fal ( Fig)54 #&76—3#£(% ( Dendrochilum microchilum ) a. 开花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b. #8 ( Dorsal sepal ) _—c. 7EMP ( Petal ) d. fi] ( Lateral sepal ) e. MC Lip ) f. &*E ( Column ) 158 SEM: MAA; PREAH > HMV> H2-3 cm, 径 8 - 11 mm »° KG» A> Ro Me He, ARP REA > GIRS > 7-10 em B8- 12 mm , 先 端 渐 失 , 基 部 枢 形 而 且 源 狭 延 伸 至 革 柄 , 狐 质 或 近似 如 此 , 全 徐 , Hit 背面 隆起 , 表 面 呈 有 光泽 和 迷 色 , 背 面 淡 黎 色 ; 灶 柄 长 5 - 10 mm > M 长 , 光 滑 。 花 小 ,黄色 或 障 黄 色 , 径 5-5.5 mm » HERIOT > MIRE > RBH - ; ESLER R KE» 10-14 cm> HR PH. Hs RH 材 瓦 状 排 列 ; AR SN > $e 2.2-2.7 mm > Seen St ; EASA SBR 2 - 2.5 mm > %33; SHB: 长 3-3.5 mm> H1-1.5 mm >» SE HHS 形 , 先 端 够 失 , 便 荔 片 泗 卵 形 , 肝 1 条 ; TEMERRIRRSHY >» SORT: 3mm> 81mm ° 4RA; BR) BSBK> 38>H1 mm? BH 2mm » PARRMR> bak; MBH RI > , 先 端 钝 , 基 部 有 一 厚 而 SBD MEA AES BEE) > RH 1 mm 。 FEA BB LRRMIMM> HBB 300-600 mm 山地 , 着 生 於 梢 堤 bk» #BEE © 61. 倒 垂 苦 (Diplorprora championi (Lindley ) Hook.f. ) Epiphytes; stem slender, pendulous or rarely slightly ascending, 8-16 cm long, glabrous, green. Leaves alternate, falcately oblong or falcately lanceolate, 7-8 cm long, ].5- 2.5 cm wide, acute to acuminate, obtuse and sheathed at the base, rather thin- texiture, entire, midrib impressed surface; sheathes 2-4 mm long. - Flowers 5-9, small, fleshy, 8-12 mm. across, slightly fragrant, in axillary racemose; scape produced from uppe- rward leaf-axils, pendulous or ascending, 10-15 em long; the pedicels with ovaries 5-7 mm long, glabrous; Baieta yellowish white, widely triangular, 3-4 mm long, ample- xicual at the base; sepals yellowish white or pale yellow, spreading, obovate-oblong, 8-10 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, keeled without, rounded, more or less narrowed at the base; petals yellow, spreading, linear obovate, 7-9 mm long , 159 3-3.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex; lip yellow or yellowish white without, spotted or streaks with dull red or pink within, widely sampan- shaped, 4-8 mm long, about 3 mm wide, linear -caudate at apex, amd taping to a 1-2 mm long 2-tailed tip; column about 2 mm long. Himalayes, Burma and s. China. Taiwan, known at me- dium altitudes of 800-1700 m, confined to the central and southern parts of the island, epiphytic on tree branches, not common. Hayata enumerated this species in his work of Enumeratio Plantarum Formosanarum, but eight years later, he described a new species D. kusukusensis in stead of the former chiefly based on the characters of longer threads at apex of the lip. Compare with the morphological characters of two species and geographical consideration, D.kusukusensis should most pro- baly be treated as conspific with D. championii. NAN g 9 图 ( Fig )55 人 恒 春 倒 垂 兰 (Diplorprora championi ) a. 花序 的 一 部 份 ( Part of inflorescence ) b. 花 (Flower ) c.d. BM ( Lip ) e.f. 化 药 (An anther) g-h. 76%) 4% ( Pollinarium) 160 SAM > SMR > KE R8-16 cm> KM MH oH AA > SRI SLC He TRS » 长 7-8 cms H1.5-2.5 cms KH MRE MRK ERMA ERA SH > PMRAEM Es WR2-4 mmo 花 5-9 枚 , > AB > 径 8-12 mm» WABI > BAe ORRIN TERE. > 7E SHAK mh ewe > 下垂 , 长 10-15 cm ; 花梗 瘦 同 子 房 长 5 -7 mm , 光滑 ; 苞 片 黄白 色 , 泗 三 角形 , 长 3-4 mm BRAK; 兽 片 黄白 色 或 淡 黄色 , 撤 展 , 合 卵 状 长 构 圆 形 , 长 8-10 mm 83-4 mm; 外 面具 龙骨 突 起 , 先 端 圆 , 基 部 略 狭 ; EMREMARE > MR MRANY> 长 7 - 9 mm , 宽 3-3.5 mm , 先 端 印 ; SMA MR BMA RE > A ARAL BUD ALAD SERA BURR > SRA > 4-8 mm >» AW 3mm , 先 端 呈 和 凿 状 短 尾 状 , 其 最 先端 站 有 2 长 1-2 mm 的 尾 状 物 , 营 柱 长 2 mmo 喜马拉雅 山 、 和 苯 旬 及 中 国 南 部 , 人 台湾 , 生 长 从 中 部 及 南部 中 海拔 狗 800 -1700 m By Ld » A: ORE ME HOSE Sd > BEES FD o 62. 岛 来 倒 垂 兰 (Dipiorprora uraiensis Hayata ) Epiphytes; roots elongate; stem slender, pendulous, 15- 30 cm long, green, sometimes branched in upper part, lea- fy. Leaves alternate, nearly distichous, oblong- lanceolate or falcate-lanceolate, 8-12 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, coriaceous, fleshy, entire, emarginate or slightly 2- lobed at apex, cotra- cted at the base, midrib elevated beneath ; veins mconspicuaus; sheathes 2-3 mm _ long. Flowers 2-4, medium-sized, yellow, scentless, in axi- llary racemose; scape 5-6 cm long, glabrous; bracts _ lanceo- late, 2-3 mm long, cauduous; the pedicels with ovaries 4- 6 mm iong; sepals oblong- lanceolate, 7-9 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, obtuse-rounded, narrowed at the base, the lateral ones usually broader than the dorsal ; petals oblique linear - oblong, 7-9 mm long, 2.5-3.5 cm wide, obtuse at apex, 5-— nerved; lip white, yellowish spots within, very broadly sa- mpan (small boat )-shaped, 8-10 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, linear-caudate at apex and tapering to a 1-2 mm long 2-tailed 161 tip; thickening 1, at the base of the lip, obtriangular- oblong, 3-3.5 mm long, 1.5 mm across; column 2-3 mm long, white. Capsules cylindric, acute on both ends, 3-4 cm _ long, about 1 cm across. Endemic, epiphytic on mossy rocks under forests, confined to northern part at the elevations of 700-1400 m, rather co- mmon, especially on Urai area. 图 (Fig )56 &2X@ MH ( Diplorprora uraiensis ) a.b. Ee ( Lip ) c. BE ( Column) d. 76%) 44( Pollarium ) aM > HER > BAR» PH? R15-30 cm? A HMARAD RK 革 互 生 , 交 时 二 列 状 排列 , 长 权 圆 状 披 针 形 或 镰刀 状 披 针 形 , 长 8-12 cm , 实 2-3 cm, 革 质 , 了 略 呈 肉质, 全 符 , 先 端 上 四 或 浅 2 裂 , 基 部 紧 和 熔 状 » 中 肋 於 背面 隆起 , 便 脉 不 明显 ; HAAR 2-3 mmo 花 2-4 > PH RH > MAK > AMAERMIRIER > TERRS - 6 cm» %)8; BARA: R2-3 mm, 早 落 ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 4-6 mm ; 3S HABIBI REET $7 -9 mm; 3-4 mm> Soi SB) SEER rR: HSS HS BRE SHR ; CMERKR MAW: R7-9 mm , 宽 2.5- 3.5 cm, 先 端 钝 , KS: BRA > AMARA SR SAAR: 8-10 mm , 袖 4 -5 mm » SesH@RBik » BER Fee XE HP HR 1-2 mm 的 分 岐 , 附 属 物 162 1 枚 , 位 於 唇 六 的 基部 , 个 三 AKRBAYV > R 3-3.5 mm > E1.5 mm; 芒 柱 长 2-3 mm , 白 色 。 MRA > MmbRA>HR3-4 cm, 径 和 狗 1 cm。 固有 , 着 生 於 多 音信 类 的 岩石 上 或 梢 干 上 , 仅 昂 於 台湾 北部 , 狗 海拔 700-1400 maith >» ASR RL o 63. 738 ( Epigeneium nakaharaj_ ( Schitr) Summer ) Epiphytes; pseudobulbs thickened, closely approximated one by one, elongate ovate or oblong, green, 1-5-25cm Img, 7-8 mm across, 4-6-ridged; sheathes 2-3, widely triangu- lar, light brown, membranous, 1-2.5 cm long, 7-8 mm wide, closely covered the pseudobulb firstly and then cauduous. Leaf one, at the top of the pseudobulb, oblong or obovate- oblong, 2.5-4 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, coriaceous, short - petiolated, obtuse and emarginate, rounded at the base, mi- drib impressed surface and elevated beneath; petioles 2-3 mm long. . Flower solitary or rarely 2, rather large; scape or pedi- cels produced from the top of pseudobulb, 1-1.5 cm long ; bracts lanceolate or linear - laneeolate, membranaceous, brown, 4-6 mm long, 1-2 mm wide; sepals light yellowish white, subequal, triangular, 10-15 mm _ long, 5-8 mm wide, acute at apex; the lateral ones adnated to the column- foot and fo- rming a 1-2 mm long mentum; petals linear - lanceolate, pale white, 8-12 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, obtuse at apex; lip vio- lin- shaped, 7-15 mm long, 7-10 mm wide, dark red and ema- rginate at apex, yellowish white at the base; keels 2; co- lumn 2-3 mm long; column- foot 3-5 mm long: Vietnan,; Tai- Wan, epiphytic on tree trunks from low to medium altitudes of 700-2200 m throughout the island, very common. SEM> GREE > RHE» RIUM RMBY » RH > KR 1.5-2.5 cm» @7-8mm » 444-6 RRRRE > H2-3K > HH AV Rw , 腊 质 , 长 1-2.5 cm? B7-8 mm >» HRERSRKRRREL* RAMRK 163 fl( Fig)57 34% ( Epigeneium nakaharai a. 植物 体 ( Plant body ) b. 76 ( Flower ) c. fem ( Lip ) 1 BAAR RM > SV RAR UY > 长 2.5-4 cm > 41-2 cm’) #8, AABRM> HM AMR > SM. bX 面 四 下 而 於 背 面 隆起 ; 全 柄 长 2-3 mm 。 花 一 枚 , 少 数 亦 有 2 枚 者 , 较 大 , 抽 自 於 假球 鞋 先端 , 花草 或 花梗 长 1 -1.5 cm» GR RSHURBIRRCHY » RH. BS 4-6 mm , 袖 1 - 2 mm ; BHRRAG : OER = BY > 10-15 mms 5-8 mm » EMSA ; (GH RR EAT RK 1-2 mm HR ; MB 状 披 针 形 , 淡 黄白 色 , 长 8-12 mm , 宽 3 -4 mm> SHR; RB SR 琴 形 , 长 8-16 mm, 宽 7-10 mm , 棕 杠 色 , 和 先端 圆 或 截断 状 且 略 凹 头 > ERA > CRABB 2K BER 2-3 mm; BE LR3-5 mmo Riga Ber he b 生长 於 低 至 中 海拔 多 700-2200 m RB 2B 有 , 甚 需 普 穆 。 64 .小 简 脚 戎 ( Eria amica Reichb.f ) .Epiphytes; pseudobulbs closely approximate, cylindrical , 3-5 cm long, 4-5 mm in diameter, fleshy; roots filiform, slender, 3-5 cm long, somewhat creeping. Leaves 3-5, terminal on the pseudobulb, oblanceolate or 154 lanceolate, 6-8 cm long, 8-1] mm wide, acuminate, attenuate at base, coriaceous, green or lightly yellowish green surface, pale green beneath. Flowers 3-4, remotely racemose, medium-sized, 8-10 mm id diameter, yellowish green with brownish streaks; scape produced from leaf-axil, 4-6 .cm long, pubescent, ascending ; pedicels with ovaries 8-12 mm long, tomentose ;bracts ovate, 8-10 mm long, about 5 mm wide, acute at apex; the dorsal sepal oblong, 10-12 mm long, about 4 mm wide, obtuse at apex, slightly contracted at base; with 5 brownish streaks; the lateral ones oblique oblong-triangular, 8-10 mm long, 5- 6 mm wide, obtuse, broad and somewhat adnate to the column at base; petals oblong-lanceolate, 9-10 mm long, about 3 mm wide, obtuse, contracted at base, 3-brownish streaked; lip obovate in outline, 9-10 mm long, 6-7 mm wide, tru- ncate and emarginate at tip at apex, cuneate and contracted at base, 3- lobed; the lateral lobes semi-oblong, 5-5-5 mm long, about 2 mm wide, the. median lobe widely reniform or nearly square, 3-3.5 mm long, 4 mm wide, truncate and emarginate at tip at apex, 2-keeled in disc. column about 6 mm long. Himalaya and Taiwan, known from central and _ southern parts of the island at the elevations of 700-1500 m_ on tr trunks. 图 (Fig)58 小 简 脚 戎 5 Eria amica ) a-b. 花 (Flower ) c. Bw (Lip ) e. S@# ( Column ) 165 BHM > RREREH> AW > R3-5 cm, 径 4-5 mm , 肉 质 ; BRU ME > R3-5 cm’ BE AAK? #3-5% > RERRREGG: ARSVRMRAY > RE-8 cm , 实 8-llmm »° mmr > SRK A> AHMAMRARRA’ THR 稼 ff © 463-4 > SREB MITER > Pal > TERRE RS 8-10 mm, 黄 称 色 ThA 8 RRs TETRA > HARK R4-6 cm» AEH? BLA ; 4E#BHATSRER 8-12 mm’ CHE; BAIN? H8-10 mm? FZ 5mm » 4G RA ; RBARRAW> R10-12 mm> BH4mm > Kh > ARMA BARRERA: HSRERRAV=aAW » R8-10nm > 5-6 mm»? Syms > BMS SO AGE ; (RRA RRAB> & 9-10 mm > RMW3 mm> HH SPRRMK ABBRM SR; BMRA. YG SEISK > 长 9-10 mm > 6-7 mm ,先端 截断 状 , 最 先端 则 略 凹 入 , APRRVUM SARK: 32> MRACRBAW: R5-5.5 mm> BH 2 mm ; PRABRVRBSOAW: R3-3.5 mm> BH4mm , 和 先端 截 断 状 , 最 先端 略 止 和信,2 RRA TER; SERN 6 mm = 喜马拉雅 山 ` 台 淤 , 产 於 中 部 及 南部 的 山地 , 生 长 於 海 拔 狗 700-1500 m & » 着 生 於 树干 上 。 65. stim ( Eria corneri Reichb. ) a Epiphytes; pseudobulbs closely approximate, elliptic, 2- 4.5 cm long, 5-15 mm across, compressed and angular, 2-3- bract-like sheathes at the base, cauduous, spathulate. Leaves 2 at the top of the pseudobulb, oblong- lanceolate or obovate-lanceolate, 20-30 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, charta- ceous or thickened membranaceous, acuminate, attenuate at the base; lustrous above, veins 3-5, elevated on back. Flowers 15-30, medium-sized, in axillary raceme} scape produced from ‘the base of pseudobulb, 10-20 cm long, gla- brous, with few scales at the base}bracts minute or absent ; the pedicels with ovaries 5-6 mm long; sepals. equal, the dorsal one ovate- lanceolate, 6-8 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, white, the lateral oneg auriculate at the base, somewhat co- 166 nnate at base in front; petals linear- oblong, 5-6 mm long, 2-3 mm wide; lip spathulate, red or pink at apex, 3-lobed, recurved at apex. lateral lobes obtuse, the median lobe with 3 -5 keels, shortly spur-like at the base; column short, about 3 mm long; pollinia ovoid. Capsules cylindrical ovoid, 1-2 cm long. S. China and Liukiu. Taiwan, at lower altitudes up to 1000 m, on tree trunks or occuring on mossy rocks. GE 多 RE NE Wi @l( Fig)59 R&C Eria corneri ) ind a. 46#( Flowering bud ) b. #€ ( Flower ) c. ERATE SS REM (Flower taken off sepal and petal ) d. {6 82 ( Dorsal sepal ) e. JEM (Petal ) f. 32H (Lateral sepal ) g. ewe (Lip ) h. 4 ( Column )- 7ED > (RR SHA > R2-4.5 cm? 5-15 mm » RAHEF|> SmPARRRA> BRR 2-3 RGA RHR? PR HB 167 E—K> SGERRREV A > AOMKRGVRRRA RRA > R 20-30 cm» %3-5 cm » MAMERA > TimRA> LMR > k3 - 5 人 条 , 隆 起 於 背 面 ; ARASACBRE> FHRRE 花 15-30 枚 , 中 型 , 呈 腋生 的 炉 状 花序 ; EX MARRRERD FE 10-20 cm » 438° KRRBRRBA RE ; 意 片 微小 或 无 ; TER TF BR5-6 mm » SRRBR> SBIR: R6-8 mm» #3-4mm ;白色 ; HBRARSEaK; (RRR RBAW > R5-6 mm > SBMAY > Amami RERERMAR> 34> HR AA Kel PRA A3- 5 人 条 隆起 缚 ( 突起 ) BRARABERKe BRE RH3 mm ; 76 SBIR © tH RKB » 1-2 cme HR BBRHR GB +ERKEBRE 1000 ARHWH > SERS eLRESRBRN EAL > RRE Eo / 66. #7EsM ( Eria formasana Rolfe ) Epiphytes ; rhizome short; roots many, slender, reddish brown; stems. fleshy, terete, clustered, branched on upper part, 20-60 cm long, 5-10mm across, internodes 1.5-3 cm long; sheathes many, alternate, triangular, membranaceous, embracing the stem at the node bases, acute at apex. . Leaves 4-6, on the top of the stem, lanceolate or linear- lanceolate, 8-12 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide, acuminate or acute, attenuate at the base, glabrous, subsessile, shining green surface, pale green beneath, 3-5-nerved, elevated on beneath; sheathes 5-10 mm long, green. Flowers small, many, scentless, red, racemose, 3-5 mm in diameter; scape axillaris, produced from the terminal node base, 9-11 cm long, densely with red _ hairy; bracts ovate, yellowish white, 5-6 mm long, 2-2-5 mm wide, pu- bescent at first, and then glabrous; pedicels with ovaries 4-6 mm long, reddish hairy; sepals subequal, hairy wi- thout firstly, at last glabrous, glabrous within, the dorsal one oblong-lanceolate; 6-7 mm long,2-25mm wide, acuminate 168 at apex, the lateral one oblique oblong or ovate, 7-7.5 mm long, about 2 mm wide, adnate to the column and forming a 2 mm ‘Joag mentum; petals linear - lanceolate, 6-7 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, glabrous, 3-nerved; lip ovate-oblong, 2-3.5 mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide, cuspidate -acute and recurved at apex, glabrous, minute ciliate on margin, entire, 4-linear ridges; column 2-2.5 mm long, curved. The Philippines. Taiwan, epiphytic on tree trunks or tree branches at the elevations of 500-1200 m throughout the isI- and, very common. fl( Fig) 60 Z®7¢#M ( Eria formosana ) a. 花 ( Flower ) b. 9 ( Lip ) c. S&H (Column ) d.e.#@ (Operculum) | SAM Hee BOM ME MRA: RAR? RY BA> 端 具有 分 枝 , 20-60 cm , 径 5- 10 mm> HM H1.5-3 cm 3 BSR \HA =A > WR BMA MMIAK > EMS HE 4-6 枚 , BA HSE WOH MIRON > R 8-12 cm , 袖 1.5-2.5 cm, 先 端 渐 尖 或 铝 失 , 基 部 渐 狭 , 光滑 , 近 似 无 柄 , 表 面 有 光泽 , RS WH ARE > AK3-5 > MMR 5 期 长 5- 10 mm Ho TEBE > SB > MBR> AL MURR > K3-5 mm; ERMA» Hh Ait Sena RQ-llem , 密 生 有 毛 昔 ; HRW BAG 5 -6 mm , 宽 2 -2.5 mm? MRE SHIM > AAMT SE 4-6 mm BABEK ; BHTUBE> MAHER KOH AK eS ARRAS > 6-7 mm , 宽 2 - 2.5 mm » LAMY ; MBB 169 RAR ING » R7-7.5 mm> $2 mm> 58 SE STOIC RE > mm BUSA ; 7EMRIK SHI > RE-7 mm > H2-3 mm 48° ik3 > Bye IK AW > &2-3.5 mm> %1.5-2 mm , 先 端 得 尾 状 够 尖 而 略 Arie Gia BRB ER BK H4 KEKE ; 花柱 长 2 -2.5 mm> SHREK FER oO ABM: ERMHES+BRM500-1200 mh > SER 要 BH) Sel > SREBAD hh: ERE ia o 67. Ramm (Eria ovata var retroflexa ( Lindley ) Garay & Sweet ) Epiphytes; stems clustered, simple, erect, elongate, cylindrical, 20-25 cm long, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, fleshy; sheathes 2-3, basal, membran6us, brownish red,hyaline, broa- dly ovate, about ] cm long. Leaves 4-5, at the top of the stem, linear-oblong to oblong- lanceolate or elongate-oblong, 14-16 cm long, 3-4 cm wide, obtuse at apex, attenuate at the base, coriaceous, entire or slightly wavy on margin; veins 5-7 elevated beneath. Flowers rather small, numerous, creamy yellow, scentless, 5-7 mm in diameter; scape produced from the terminate leaf-nodes, axillary, 10-15 cm long, greenish yellow, gla- brous; bracts ovate, pale yellow, 4-5 mm long, about 2.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, the pedicel. with ovaries 4.5-5.5 mm long, pale yellow; sepals subequal, lanceolate, 6-5-7.5 mm long, about 2.5mm wide, glabrous, the lateral ones usually adnate to the column at the base and forming a 2-2.5 mm long mentum, obtuse at apex, slightly contracted at the ba- se; petals lanceolate, 3-nerved, 5.5-6 mm long, about 1.8- 2.2 mm wide; lip spathulate-ovate, purple red, 3.5-4.5 mm long, about 2.5 mm wide, acute at apex, abruptly contracted at the base, with 3 keels on upper surface; column short, obovate, about 1.5 mm long. The Philippines, Borneo, Celebes, New Guinea and Ryu: — 170 kyu. Taiwan, at low to medium altitudes of 300-900 m throughout the island, epiphytic on tree trunks or tree crown, very common. ra $A : Qe’ SS ( Wes J | >= — ll ( Fig)61 STR ( Eria ovata var Tretroflexa ) a. 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b. 46 ( Flower ) c. Mt ( Lip ) d. SB 32RM ANTE.” Eria ovate, Flower ) ©. SESE mK BI HOE ME ( Eria ovata, Lip ) aEM > St WY. Ry. BE : UE » 20-25 cm , 径 ] - 1.5 cm >A >#2-3%> 基 生 , RR ARE > A> we. RY 1 17 Lem; £4-5K> FERRE GREHVERHARRAVRES Aw: 214-16 cm, 宽 3-4 cm? AMM ARH: #A- ZSRKRBE BRK > ARS -7 条 , 隆 起 於 背 面 。 TER) > SR RREMARG> KER B5-7 mm; CKHARE Sc Suan See Gi > WeAE » FE 10-15 cm> MRK ~ Hs BHI WEE » 4-5 mm? BH2.5 mm? aS > (ERAS RR 4.5-5.5 mm KR 黄色 ; WHC > BSHY + K6.5-7.5 mm , Wi 2.5 mm » 光滑; fil . SHER BRAT UR 2-2.5 mm WR > SEES > ARS AR EIR’ ; TEMERCHY > KS HE > H5.5-6 mm> BH1.8-2.2 mm ; BMERI WG > MH > R3.5-4.5 mm» BH2.5 mm> HARA > SPRAGUE > 上 面 有 隆起 烷 3 条 ; SEG BMY: RH1.5 mm 。 FER BEN GRA: 新 林内 亚 及 班 球 。 人 台湾, 生长 於 全 高低 至 中 海拔 网 300-900 m HUI th> SER MRR L > RB Ao 68. By BU sei (Eria reptans (Fr. & Sav. ) Makino ) Epiphytes; pseudobulbs narrowly oblong - cylindrical to oblong, densely arranged, ‘slightly flattened, 15-25cm long, 6-9 mm across, reddish brown when winter; sheathed while young. | Leaves 2, rarely 3, at the top of pseudobulb, elliptic - lanceolate, 3-5 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, acuminate, narro- wed to the base and jointed with the short sheathes, deci- duous in autum. Flowers 1 or 2; white; scape produced from the top of pseudobulb, 2-6 cm long, pubescent; bracts narrowly ovate, 3-5 mm long; pedicels with ovaries about 5 mm long; do- rsal- sepal ellintic-lanceolate, free, 8-11 mm long, 3-5 mm wide; lateral sepals somewhat oblique ovate, united at the base and forming a 3-4 mm long mentum; petals free.broadly leneaplate; 8-10 mm long; lip rather short, obovate, fleshy, 3-ribed within, pale reddish browm in center, 3 - lobed, short spur at the base; column terete, 3-5 mm long, po- llinia 8. ; 172 Capsules elliptic, 2-3 mm long. China, s. Japan and Ryukiu. Taiwan, at medium alti- tudes of 1000-1800.m in central mountain regions, usually on rocks or tree trunks. 图 (Fig )62 MY SW ( Eria reptans)- skeet ' a. 76 ( Flower ) b. & 8H (Dorsai sepa!) c. 769% ( Petal ) d. #i/# 1 ( Lateral sepal) e. #¢ ( Lip ) f. BH ( Column ) Zi. PREAH > RBRKARGVERRAYV BEAT: 15-25 cm » &6-9 mm » SHEA BA” DHAAERR o F2KH3IK> 4BFRRREW Gn? PARRA? R3-5 cm > ¥ 1-2 cm» esa AY » SRK KM LBA A a fo Ea A > KA EBD YK © 花 1 或 2 枚 , 白色; TERR2-6 cm? HARBREMEH> EB; a RIB > 3-5 mm, 人 花梗 束 同 子 房 长 狗 5 mm , 和 后 蔓 片 椭圆 状 披 针 形 , 能生 , 长 8-11 mm , 宽 3-5 om > MBHABRBS - NV - BRAS 而 形成 一 长 3-4 mm ; TEMREA > REV > R8-10 mm ; BMRB S AI AR AMBRE ERSR: PRREARABE: 32> SRR AR: SERRY> R3-5 mm; EBMS Ke | . RAW > 2-3 mmo 173 中 国 南 部 、 日 本 及 琉球 。 人 台湾, 生长 於 中 海拔 狗 1000-1800 m 山地 , SEBS th RBEKEAR BH E> RRB o 69. $38-)\ 8M ( Erythrodes formosana Schltr ) Terrestrials; roots elongate; stem simple. erect or asce- nding, 50-60 cm long, 3-4 mm in diameter, green, subgla- brous; internodes 4-8 cm long, leafy at the base. Leaves 4-5, alternate, oblong or elliptic. 7-85 cm long, 4-4.5 cm wide, acute, attenuate to the petioles at the base, glabrous, chartaceous, dark green sur face, pale green be- neath, 3-5-nerved, elevated beneath, entire or more or less wavy on margin; the petioles 2,5-3 cm long, glabrous, sheathing and amplexicaual at the base. Flowers numerous, small, not widely opened, 4-6 mm in diameter; scape terminal, 30-40 cm long, erect or asce- nding, pubescent; bracts lanceolate, 1-2 cm long, 4-8 mm wide, 3-nerved, acute, amplexicual at the base; the pedi- _cels with ovaries 7-10 mm long, 2 mm in diameter, gla- ndular pubescent, brown; sepals oblong, subfleshy, hirsute without, pale brownish green, 3-nerved, 4-6 mm long, 1.5 -2 mm wide, obtuse at apex, the lateral ones usually obli- que at the base; petals oblanceolate, membranous, 5 -5.5 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, 3-mnerved, pi- Jose without, concave and glabrous within; lip adnate to the column at the base, spurred, 3-lobed, the lateral lobe ‘minute, erect, the median lobe white, ovate, rounded and 区 ate at apex, slightly reflexed; spur subc onical , brownish red, 3-4 mm long, about 2 mm across; columnsh- ort, erect, cylindrical, 1-1-5 mm long. , Endemic, under the evergreen forests at the lower alti- tudes below 1000 m in northern and central part of-the isla- nd. > 。 地 生 随 、 根 甚 长 ; MA MEL Mt » $50-60 om» 2-3 1/4 : mm » if» 近似 光滑 , 节 间 长 4-8 cm» RAK o #4-5K> 互生 ,长 椭圆 形 或 权 圆 形 , 长 7-8.5 cm» H4-4.5 cm: Fa RR > BE MRME HERR 07> KA. AMER» FH RR ik 3-5SREBRAH> SRRSPSRERE ; BHR2.5-3 cm 6m > ZMBAR AAS © | 4ES RR» R+OR > B4-6 mm >» ERB > 30-40 cm Bi ER; BHRBHH> R1-2 cm» H4-8 mm >» kK3 条, 先端 RL> CRAK ; CMRAFSR7-10 mm , 径 构 2 mm > RE BE SSRRRAYV: GUAR AMHER > RRR? K3KH> R4-6 mm » 1-5-2 mm > Has > MEH ARBS ; FMARS RM RA> R5- 5.5 mm, 寓 和 攀 1.5 mm >» Tie KZR AMBRE AROHMER ; PRARRERHS > 4B 38> ARR): Br PARAS: WB > SHA ABM A> ARR; BORER > MBE K3-4 mm » #9 | 2 mm ; Sti» 直立 , 圆 柱 形 , 长 1-1:5 mmo 固有 , 生长 於 北部 及 中 部 狗 1000 公 斥 以 下 的 山地 , 常见 於 六 林 下 , 蒋 仿 常 见 。 图 (Fig )63 @3/)\S8R ( Erythrodes formosana ) a. 花 (Flower) b. &3 ( Dorsal sepal ) c. BSH ( Lateral sepa! 、 d. 76## ( Petal ) e. 9 RFR Lip and spur ) 175 70. R¥+MH (Eulophia graminea Lindley ) Terrestrials; pseudobulbs ovoid, 3-5 cm in diameter ; stem simple, erect, glabrous, 40-60 cm long, narrowly stri- cted, sheathed at the base. Leaves 3-5, gramnifolia- like, linear, 15-25 cm long, 5-6 mm wide, acute at apex, amplexicual at base, charta- ceous, entire, plicate. Flowers numerous, grayish brown or light brown, 1.2- 1.7 cm long, about 1.5 cm in daimeter; scape terminal , 20-40 cm long, pubescent, erect, slender; bracts ovate, 6-7 mm long, 1-1-5 mm wide, acute at apex, the pedicels with ovaries 9-12 mm long; sepals narrowly lanceolate, 12- 15 mm long, about 2.5 mm wide, acute at apex, slightly na- rrow at base; petals lanceolate or obovate- lanceolate, 10- 11 mm long, 3-3.5 mm wide, acute at apex, erect, lip obo- vate, 11-12 mm long, about 8 mm wide, obtuse at apex, contracted at base, 3-lobed, spurred, the lateral lobes ere- ct, entire, eroso-denticulate, and obtuse at apex, the me- dian lebe patent, globose-obovate, 4-5 mm long, about 5 mm wide, rounded, truncate at apex, slightly contracted at base; disc 3-lamellated, scattered with fimbriate - crists in the middle; column short. Assam, Ceylon, Burma, Andaman island, Malay-peninsula, Singpore, Vietnan, And s. China. Taiwan, known from sea side up to 1200 m under the forests, not common. HoAE I ~ REIN > K3-5 cm; MMW > MAK. Aw KH? & - 40-60 cm» BREA > ERA Ro | He 3-5 > RMR BY > 15-25 cm > H5-6 mm» KHRK» BBWS KA» BR > AM TES BR > TR ABH > H12-1-7 cm» BHW1.5 cm ; RRL > 20-40 cm AEH? Bi ~ MR; BHRW> RE-7 mm? H 1 - 1:5 mm » SsHRte ; TEKS RO-12 mm ; BH RRStW > K12- 15 mm > HH 2.5 mm, 先 端 够 失 , 基 部 略 狭 ; TEMES RL BIRR ST 176 fl ( Fig)64 Fes ( Eulophia graminea ) a. 植物 体 ( Plant body) __ b. 花序 ( Intiorescence ) c. 76 ( Flower) d. 3 ( Dorsal sepal ) e. flr ( Lateral sepal ) f. 469 ( Petal ) g. ME (Lip ) W > 长 10-11 mm» #3 -3.5 mm» EMBL» Ay ; eM 倒卵形 , 长 1]- 12 mm , 寓 攀 8 mm , 先 端 印 , 基 部 紧 稿 状 ,3 裂 SB; 倒 有 裂片 直立 、 Bik » Feber St A ASE > ch LA RAS > BRR ING > 4-5 mm > ww 5 mm , 圆 , 先 端 截 断 状 , 基 部 略 呈 肾 糖 状 , 花 盘 有 3 WE RERE AG o cha At yf : AMRIT > gee FOIE Ba EEE OW «Bh. KE ~~ ORR oA Wh > AEAOWEWE 1200 公 尺 的 山地 , 常见 於 森 林 下 , 惟 不 其 常见 。 71. WRN (Galeola altissima (Blume ) Reichb.f ) Saprophytes; roots elongate, well-developed; stem erect or somewhat scandent, 1 to 5 m long, brownish yellow, much branched , lustrous, flexuous, glabrous; the nodes _ slightly thickened; sheathes few, scale - like. Leafless- Flowers numerous, medium-sized, 9-15 mm in diameter, 1-2 cm long, racemose; scape 40-60 cm long, terminal , ascending, yellow, glabrous, nfuch branched; bracts minute, 4-5 mm long, lanceolate, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 5-7 mm long, glabrous; sepals equal, linear-oblong, 1-2 cm long, 4-5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, 5-nerved}; pe- tals narrower than the sepals, 3-nerved, rounded at apex, somewhat connated at the base; lip navicular, . erose and undulate on upper margins, with a bilobed wolly mass above it, 3-lobed, lateral lobes short, rounded; the median lobe shortly bifid at apex, fleshy, keeled at the base; column rather long, about 7 mm long, curved. Capsules linear, 15-16 mm long, about 1 mm across. India, Malaysia, Java and Ryukyu. Taiwan, at medium altitudes of 1300-2400 m throughout the island, on exposed field and grassland, rather common. 寄生 苦 、 根 其 长, 发 育 良 好 ; KEVRNAHKAARK: R1-5 ZR 褐色 , 具 有 多数 分 枝 , AGS ~ Mh Go MABSMBA ; ROR: 片 状 。 TERE © ESR > PR > K9- Ms 2 cm » ROKER ; 花草 长 40-60 cm , 顶 生 , 近 似 直 立 , 黄 盏 、 光 滑 , 具 有 多 数 分 枝 ; GHA» 长 4-5 mm » ROH > Tem RA» TERA SRE 5-7 mm, 光滑 ; SRB ~ MRE 178 | RG: 21-2 cm’ 84-5 mm > SHMM> KOR; EMRESRR: 30 > Se > BSR > BMG LMA MBSR bia —-— Ae ERRA: 30> MARS EMR PARRA A> SRA GR ; SEB > KA 7 mm » Mio WR GIG > 15-16 mm » BH) 1mm © 印度 、 马 来 西亚 、 爪 哇 及 琉球 、 人 台湾 , ' 生长 从中 海 技 芍 1300 -2400.m , 全 饲 均 有 分 作 , 着 生 於 开 澜 地 或 草 生地 , 较 需 常 见 。 72. 密 花 地 宝 苦 〈Geodorum densiflorum (Lam) Schltr. ) Terrestrials; pseudobulbs closely approximate, ovoid, 2- 2.5 cm across, fleshy, white or green; roots many, produced from pseudobulb; white, rather robust; stem erect, enclosed by the leaf- sheathes, 10-25 cm long, glabrous. Leaves 2, ‘rarely 3, alternate, nearly opposite, oblong- lanceolate, 25-35 cm long, 4-8 cm wide, acute or acuminate at apex, attenuate to the petioles and sheathes at base,fle- shy chartaceous, lustrous green surface, pale beneath, many - veined elevated beneath. F lowers many, pink, rarely white : not widely opened, racemose; scape produced from the base of pseudobulb, ro- bust, arching, 30-50 cm long, glabrous, green; bracts la- nceolate, 8-10 mm long, 3-3.5 mm wide, acute at apex} the . pedicels with ovaries 7-9 mm long, glabrous, green; sepals oblong, 11-12 mm long, 4-4.5 mm wide. acute e at apex , contracted at bose; petals elliptic-ovate. 12-13 mm long, 5-6 mm wide. obtuse at apex, 1- nerved; lip elliptic, 12-15 mm lonxy, 7-9 mm wide, spurred, Obscurely 3- lobed, the lateral lobes minute, erect, with many purple veinlets inside, the median lobe flat, concave, with yellow notched and - purple -brown veinlets: column about 5 mm long. a Lyukyu and the Philippines. Taiwan, known from central and southern parts of the island at lower altitudes of 100- 500 m, on exposed field or grass-land,~ rarely under the fo-° 179 f@ (Fig) 65 ee 1G Hh Be BR ( Geodorum densiflorum) a. #ftz ti ws ( Flowering plant ) b. @ 3 (Dorsal sepal ) c. 76 #¥( Petal ) d. (iJ32 H (Lateral sepal) e. fe (Lip ) f. 花炮 切 (Transvetical cut of flower ) g. B&H ( Column ) h. RE ( Fruit ) rests. He AE ~ RERE RMSE >» MY» B2-2.5 cm» AR~ ARR 色 ; RSM HARRRE AB RH KEW BRKRRAA > K10- 25 cm , 光 滑 。 革 2 枚 , 少数 亦 有 3 枚 者 , 互 生 略 近似 於 对 生 , 长 构 圆 状 披 针 形 , 长 25-35 cm, 袖 4-8 mm > CMRAMMA > RHC HSERRER 180 \ADRRA> KHSEEERA BHKRG MSR BRKAH ESR > BRL > DRA AEE > A+ REA > MKTG ; TERE WBE SER > , 粗 壮 , 先 端 下 垂 而 呈 拱 形 , 长 30-50 cm> JER» ME ; Gi 片 披 针 形 , 长 8- 10 -mm > H3-3.5 mm > LMR 5 MAF 7 - 9 mm, 438° MH ; BH RWAY> R1l-12 mm? H4-4.5 mm , 先 Wa Bee > BARS MG ; TEMA EIR IBY » 12-13 mm> 5-6 mm » Fes $i > Akl 人 条 ; BMH EY >» 12-15 mm> 7-9 mm » BB? NAB. 裂 , 仙 裂片 微小 , Br AASMRERM: PARRE > OH SHE PE RRB ERM ; SEW 5 mmo — HERRERA o BM ERK PBR AM BRN 100-500 m iH » % Fa i BAYA Re AA: th > NE ARM PS © 73. KRM (Goodyera daibuzanensis Yamamoto ) Terrestrials; rhizomes elongate, creeping; roots fili- form, 5-7 cm long, pubescent; stem simple,creeping at base, erect or ascending upward, 10-20 cm long, glabrous. Leaves oblong- lanceolate, 4.5-6.5 cm long, 2-2.5 cm wide, “acuminate, acute at the base, entire, midrib impressed _ su- rface and ‘elevated beneath, glabrous, usually with white spo- tts surface, lateral veins 5-6; petioles 1.5-2.5 cm long, Sheathing at the ame: sheathes 1-1.2 cm long, about 1- 1.5 mm in diameter, glabrous, completely amplexicual the stem at the base. j Flowers 5-12, white, medium-sized, 1-1-2 cm in dia- meter, racemose; the scape terminal, erect or ascending, 10- 15 cm long, pubescent; bracts lanceolate, 1] -.1.5 cm _ long, about 4 mm wide, membraneous, amplexicual at the base, pubescent without, the pedicels with ovaries ]1-1.5 cm Img, about 3 mm in diameter, pubescent, 3-striated, the dorsal Sepal strongly concave, boat-shaped, 10-12 mm long,about 4 mm wide , te at apex, pilose without, glabrous within. | l-nerved, usually with petals and forming a hood; the late ral sepals ovate-larceolate, more or less oblique, 10-12 mm 18l long, about 5 mm wide, l-nerved, obtuse or acuminate at apex ‘pubescent without, glabrous wrthin, petal spathulate, oblique 10-12 mm long about 5 mm wide obtuse at apex, attenuate 2 图 (Fig)66 大 武 斑 华 苦 ( Goodyera daibuzanensis ) a. 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b. #38 ( Dorsal sepal ) c. 469% ( Petal ) d. #38 ( Lateral sepal ) e. &E ( Column ) 182 at the.base,]-nerved; lip lanceolate, 9-10 mm long , EG mm wide ‘ acuminate at apex, wavy on margin, rounded-convex at the base, concave within, 5-7-nerved, glabrous without, hirsute . within; column short, anthers cordate, attenuate at apex, . 4-4.6 mm long, about 2.5 mm wide. Endemic, known from the island at the elevations of 700- 1600 m, under forests, common. | EM > REE HM; RU R5-7 m> HEH; BMY. K ab SARK » Fc Sm Biz CA » 10-20 cm, 光滑。 «RARE > R4.5-6.5 cm» B2-2.5 cm? HMMA > MRA» SRK HRRAM PRR > 68> BRAAE Ms AKO -6 ; 业 柄 长 1.5- 2.5 cm » BHA > HR1-1.2 cm» K1-1.5 mm? GIA > EMEA BS o 7E5-12 枚 , 白色 、 中 型 , 径 1-1.2 cm MUR TER ; 4E@ TR» Bz 或 近似 如 此 , 长 10-15 cm» EH; 划 片 披 针 形 , 长 1- 1.5 cm BHA mm , 膜 质 , 基 部 抱 鞋 , 外 面 有 毛 昔 ; (ASHER 1-1.5 cm, 径 狗 3 mn » #E#> ARBRIKs REHEMMR: AY: R10-12mm > BK 4mm ° vis: HHMBEH > AMG? Akl - Re HREM RTE | ; 侧 荔 片 卵 状 披 针 形 , 基 部 略 焉 ,长 10-12 mm> HH5 mm > HK 条 , 先 端 汤 拓 或 名 , 外 面 有 毛 昔 , 内 面 光滑 ; EME > RRA > K10-12 mm> 袖 狗 5 mm , 和 先端 钝 , 基 部 源 狭 KL Rs BRR > R9I-10 mm , 实 5-6 mm , 先 端 渐 拓 形 , 波 状 钦 , 基 部 圆 略 呈 GH > AMR KS - 7 条, HED AMBER; Ss 花药 心 形 , 先 端 渐 狭 , 长 4-4.5 mm >#62.5 mmo Ela > £RRKRAE WRN 700-1600 mH: HARKER RAK - 74. RI7EREREM ( Goodyera grandis (Blume ) Blume » Terrestrials; stem simple, terete, 30-50 cm long, 4-6 mm in diameter, usually’ creeping at base. Leaves 7-9, alternate, oblong, elliptic or ovate-oblong, 9-10 cm long, 4-5 cm wide, acuminate or short ~- cuspidate at apex, obtuse, sometimes cuneate at base, lustrous green 183 surface, glaucous beneath; the petioles 4-5 cm long, groove, glabrous, sheathed and amplexicual at base. Flowers 15-20, pink or lightly redish brown, 6-7 mm in diameter, spicate; scape terminal, 10-15 cm long, whitish hairy; bracts lanceolate, hirsute, ciliate on margin, about 1.5 cm long, acuminate at apex, ascending; ovaries 6-7 mm long, shortly hirsute; sepals hirsute without, the dorsal one oblong- lanceolate, 7-9 mm long, about 3 mm wide, obtuse at apex, strongly contracted at base, lateral sepals spreading _ oblong, rather broader and slightly oblique at base; same as the dorsal sepal in length; petals oblanceolate- spathulate, 75-8mm long, about 2 mm wide, obtuse at apex, gradually attenuate at base, ]-nerved; lip white within, yellow out- side, caudate- rounded, reflexed, at apex, saccate at base, hairy inside ; column a> 4 in long, white; rostellum about 1.5 mm long; anthers ovoid, about 3 mm long, acuminate at apex. Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Java, New Guinea, Australia and Lyukyu. Taiwan, at lower altiudes of 300-900 m throu- ghout the island, under the forests or moist shade places. hdl 图 (Fig)67 #L7E332M ( Goodyera grandis ) a. 7E (Flower ) b. #38 ( Dorsal sepal ) c. #32 H ( Lateral sepal ) d. 4E#¢ ( Petal) e. BH ( Column) f 46 ( Pollinia ) we > SB yeROR:> BAY > 30-50 cm’ 4-6 mm , 基 部 184 \ 2 AK © | 7-9 HA> RAY > RAY MIR MAY > 9-10 cm > H4-5 cm, HMBLRB BK: SRA SOY> BRA HEF A> Sh AHSHKERE PAPA BRR4-5 cm> HME JE > AK AH A BE 。 | 4615-20 K> MALBR AM BE K6-7 mm » MIRIEF ; ERA :长 10-15 cm, 有 白色 和 柔 毛 ; GARG » HEH EH> RH1.5 cm » 先端 渐 撩 形 ; 子 房 长 6- 7 mm; 有 短 毛 苯 ; SHAMAEH CHRRE 圆 状 披 针 形 , 长 7 -9 mm > BH 3 mm > TS RRBs Mt ee REAM APRA ABD RESHAE; tit GRSREW > £7.5-8 mm? 34) 2mm > SMS MME RIE RMA ARE RAY > EMRE BRR AREH; BER4-4.5 mm , 白色 ; 路 长 网 1.5 mm ; ERI > RK 3 mm , 先 端 渐 撩 。 BRP: RPI SEB > GE PR. AFI RR 。 人 台湾 AE KR EERN 300-900 m> SB HAD HK FARABAK TRB BH BS 常见 。 花 期 4 - 5 A> HARARE BATE @ 75. ZEMBM ( Goodyera maximowiziana Makino ) Terrestrials; stem simple, 7-10 cm long, erect or from a creeping base. Leaves 4-5, alternate, oblong- ovate or elongate ovate, 3-4 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide, acute at apex, acute to rou- nded at base, lustrous dark green surface, entire or slightly Wavy on margin, thinly chartaceous; the petioles 8-10 mm long, boader and amplexicual at base. Flowers 4-7, pink or lightly reddish purple, spicate, 6-8 mm in diameter; scape terminal, 8-10 cm long, glabrescent or sparingly papillose- pilose; bracts lanceolate, lightly bro wn, 1-1.5 cm long, membranous, 1.2-1.6 cm long, 3-4 mm Wide, nearly erect; dorsal sepal elongate ovate, 10-].1 mm ‘long, about 9 mm wide, lateral sepals obliquely ovate, 9- 10 mm lIong, about 9 mm wide, obtuse at apex; petals broadly oblanceolate, about 10 mm long, 4 mm wide, closely appre- ssed to the dorsal sepals; lip nearly as long as the sepals, 185 _ saccate-inflated at base, pilose within, the limb ovate, 6.5-~ .7.5 mm long, about 4 mm wide, obtuse; colunmm erect, avout 5. mm long. S. Korea, Japan and Ryukyu. Taiwan, at the elevations of 900-1500 m in northern part of the island, under the fo- rests. ; HAR ~ KCHBARS HR: R7-10 cm’ BY REBKR AAEM ° #4-5KE+A> RRA RI RRB > 3-4 cm’ H1.5-2-5 cm » Fyne ® » BR RARER MAK SERA > SRR BS BRR , WER ° HME 8-10 mm’ HMMA 花 4-7 枚 , BALERS MIRE > 径 6-8 mm; RIE» 长 8-10 mm, 光 滑 或 散 生 有 毛 昔 ; BARI > RMB’ H1-1-5 cm? MA» 长 1.2-1.6 cimn,, 寅 3-4 mm, 近 似 直 立 ; RSPR *° R10 - ll mm > #9 mm; MS HRBIRG > & 9- 10 mm> BHI mm , 先 端 多 Tee WARS > RH10 mm’ BH 4mm RRERKEHA ; EH FUREKAR > RRK> AREER: BRAINY > R6-5-7.5 mm, 26 4 mm, 和 先端 钝 ; SABI > RH 5mm o 韩国 南部 、 日 本 及 FER o BM > ER RAGS WH 900-1500 m IL Hh BAK F o 76. EUR M ( Goodyera morrisonicola Hayata ) Terrestrials; stems rooting and creeping at the base, ascending upward, 8-14 cm long, leafy. Leaves alternate, ovate-oblong or ovate, 2.5-4 cm long 1.2-1.7 cm wide, acute, rounded at the base, minute cri- sped on margin, midrib white and elevated surface, 3-5- obscurely veins; petioles 1-2 cm long, swelling and em- bracing the stem at the base. Flowers 6-15, white, in terminal spike; scape pube -' scent, erect; bracts lanceolate, acute or -acuminate, sheathed at the base, 8-11 mm long, 3-4 mm wide; sepals subequal, free, dorsal one erect, concave, narrowly oblong, 8-12 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, obtuse, forming a hood with the petals, lateral ones free, erect; petals oblong, 10-12 mm long, 2.5-3 mm wide, obtuse, attenuate at the base; lip sessile, 186 on the base of the column , pleated, curved inward and asce- nding, 8-11 mm long, subsaccate at the base, villose within, entire; column short, 1-1.5 mm long, with 2 3-4 mm long horns at apex; anthers erect, ovate-lanceolate, 3-4mm long, Narrowly acuminate at apex. ‘a : Capsules oblong, beakless, 1-1-5 cm long, 3-4 mm acro- ss. | Endemic, at high altitudes of 2600-3000 m under the fo- rests of tsuga and Abies forests throughout the island, ra- ther common. .地 生 苦 、 茜 基部 饥 久 且 有 根 , 先 端 近似 直立 , 长 3-14 cm, 有 革 。 EAA > SMR RA URI > 长 2.5 -4 cm? H1.2-1.7 cm, 先 端 Rk APA BRKBSEKR PHA > KRAMB E> N55 RAB 3 -5 Ax ; 全 柄 长 1 -2 cm , SAMBA ATA o - 花 6-15 枚 , AB > SRAEWRMIKER > (ERRER> BY ; BH .人 W F¥mMRARA > BAB > R8-1l mm, 寓 3-4 mm; 蔓 片 近似 整 MEA > BMH ~ AR ~ RRA > 长 8-12 mm , 袖 3-4 mm, Seva Sh » $8 7EME KR TE9E > MISS MEA: > IZ ; TEE RA > 10-12 mm? 9 2.5-3 mm»? Smo» MOK > SRR > MRERER> GK IAA BR» R8-llmm , 直 立 或 水 平生 长 , 先 端 新 失 , 基 部 膨大 近 USEK AHAES> HER SK; SEH? R1-1.5 mm, 先 端 有 2 长 3-4 mms 7ESBI> KRY > R3-4 mm » KMRL ARRAY > &R1-1.5 cm» &3-4 mm o Ha» RRS Bilt 2600-3100 m With SERK EM BEAR ABBE > BRE Ae STA GAR EFIER Goodyera velutina Maxim. 的 办 名 者 。 He ae 对 照 早 田 文 藏 氏 的 Icones Plantarum Formosarum 4 4 4/1 /R 17 的 = WWE SE AT aR > BRGoodyera velutina Maxim. 水 不 相同 , 似 应 可 成 一 狐 立 的 种 。 倒是 福山 泊 明 所 发 表 的 Goodyera nankoensis Fukuvama 跟 本 箱 似 属於 同一 箱 。 187 fal ( Fig )68 = [ BEZEM ( Goodyera morrisonicola ) a. 植物 体 ( Plant body ) b. 46 ( Flower ) c. €8F ( Dorsal sepal ) d. 769% ( Petal ) e. (i/32H ( Lateral sepal ) f. ewe ( Lip ) g. 4k ( Column ) 188 77. 小 斑 华 苦 (Goodyera ogatai yamamote ) Terrestrials; roots rather short, 3-5 cm long; stem si- mple, terete, glabrous, 2-5 cm long, creeping from base and — erect or ascending upward. Leaves 2-4, alternate, ovate or oblong-ovate, ].5-2.5cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide acute at apex, rounded or slightly broadly cuneate at base, entire or more or less wavy on ma- rgin, 3-5-nerved elevated beneath, light green or dark green surface, pale green beneath, glabrous; the petioles 1.5-2 cm long, sheathed and amplexicual at base. Flowers 2-3, pinkish brown or brownish, widely opened, 1-1.2 cm in diameter, spicate; scape terminal, light brown, erect, 3-6 cm long, white hirsute; bracts linear- lanceolate, 1-1.5 cm long, about 5 mm wide, acuminate at apex, ciliate on margin; ovaries cylindrical, 7-8 mm long, about 2.5 mm in daimeter; dorsal sepal cymbiform, ].2-1.4 cm long, about 4 mm wide; the lateral sepals oblique cymbiform, spreading, pink, same as the dorsal one in length; petals rhombic - ovate, 12-13 mm long, usually connated with the dorsal se- pal and forming a hood; lip ovate, 7-8 mm long, 4-4.5 mm wide, acute and recurved at apex, saccate at base, slight brownish pink and with some greenish stricts, villose wi- thin the sac; column short. - Ryukyu. Taiwan, known from low altitudes of 300-700m throughout the island, under the forests, rather rare. HAM > HG > R3-5 cm; BRAK WAY > GIF» R2-5 cm » SERS A UK » FG in LIZ BL _LF © 2-47 > HA > NVR RAKING > 长 1.5-2.5 cm? H1.5 -2 cm » mMRR? KRARBLA MR > BmAR 或 略 呈 BIRR > Ak3 - 5 RRR RER > AM ARER REA > AMR > IRs HME 1.5 - 2 cm» SRA #8 A ty & © 162-31 > DRL R ABE > HH» K1-1.2 cm RIKER ; TEX BA» RMA Biz’ R3-6 ‘o ; BIA BRR RSH » 1 - L.5 cm» £5 mm > HWA: BRALCR;s 子 房 圆 柱 形 , 长 7-8 mm » 2.5 mm ; SBR H1-2-1.4 cm» HH4 mm > MSH Bit > > MAH > RE BHA: EMBARKING » R 12-13 mm’? FRR a AS TIGRE Rs MOBY > 7-8 mm’ H4-4.5mm » THHBR AABRKR SRARR> KHALRSMA-AMBHRK > BAA EE: SiR © = FER ~ SW > 4 EP SRW 300-700 m ths SBRAKPBAA » HERBY o ; fal ( Fig) 69 小 斑 华 兰 ( Goodyera ogatai ) a. 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b. #324 ( Dorsal sepal ) c- 7E9# ( Petal ) d. @J38H ( Lateral sepal) e.f. 9 ( Lip) g-h.i. BH ( Column ) j. 花粉 二 ( Pollinia ) 78. 5 BMBM ( Goodyera pachyglossa Hay ) Terrestrials; roots elongate, 7-10 cm long, 1]-].5 mm in diameter, villose: stem simple, 20-30 cm long, creeping at base, erect upward, glabrous. in lower part and short hi:ssute upward. 190 Leaves 4-7, alternate, oblique ovate or ovate - oblong , 4.5-5 cm long, 2-2.5 cm wide, acuminate at apex, rounded or obtuse and petioled at base, subentire or obscurely mi- nutely crisped on margin, chartaceous, somewhat fleshy, 3- nerved, lightly elevated beneath; the petioles]1.5-2 cm long, sheathed at base; the sheaths about 1-1.5 cm long. Flowers 4-7, white, not widely opened, spicate; the scape terminal, 4-5.5 cm long, erect, short hirsute; bracts lanceolate, 1-1.5 cm long, 3-3.5 mm wide, acuminate at apex, glabrous; the ovaries 8-10 mm long, hirsute; thedorsal & pal ovate-oblong, 8-9 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, acute or acu minate at apex, more or less contracted at base, concave, 3-Merved, more or less hirsute without and glabrous within; the lateral ones obliquely ovate, 7-8 mm long, about 4 mm wide, obtuse at apex, 3-nerved, hirsute without, glabrous wr thin; petals rhombic-.obovate. cuneate, 7-8 mm long, about 3.5 mm wide, acute at apex, cUneate-attenuate at base, sli- ghtly crisped on margin; lip ovate, 7-7.5 mm long,3-3.5 mm wide, somewhat saccate at base, densely hirsute within; co- lumn about 1 cm long; rostellum 2-lobed, the lobes about 3 mm long; anthers elongate- ovate, 3-4 mm long- Endemic, knwon from lower to medium altitudes of 600- 1300 m throughout the island, under the forests, rather co- mmon. 地 生 兰 、 根 甚 长 长 7-10 cm , 径 1-1.5 mm> FXE; CRF > 长 20-30 cm, 基 部 角 久 , 先 端 直 立 , 下 部 光滑 , 上 端 有 毛 蔡 。 全 4-7 枚 , 互 生 , 和 在 卵 形 或 卵 状 长 椭圆 形 , 长 4.5-5 cm» H2-2.5 cm? mM ARAM AR Seana BO Mit: CA we BAB > ik 3 ir 背面 隆起 ; HAR1.5-2 cm> MAB; BHE1-1.5 cm o 464-77 > Af» W+S GRA PIR TE Es TERTRA > R4-5.5 cm> Bi’ #868; BARB: R1-1.5 cm> #3-3.5 mm > Ee wMa> 191 光滑 ; 子 房 长 8- 10 mm ALK CBRE > H8-9 mm > 3-4 mm > LMRLRMBA > RASDS RMR > MIR IK > AE > RDG ; CEH AIRY > 7-8 mm, 袖 4 mm> SEHSH > ARSE SA ELE > PVE; TEM SER RRB > 7-8 mm > 3.5 mm, Ae St Ge + HE ARBOUR WTS > UR NG EAE ; MEIN > 长 7-7.5 mm > 3-3.5mm> EMBER AEREH SEEM 1 mm> R2a>B Ariz 3 mm ; 7E##R INV > R3-4 mm 。 Ela > ARSE ath RH 600-1300 m 山地, 森林 下 , 较 常见 79. HEM 〈 Goodyera procera ( Ker-Gawl ) Hook.f ) Terrestrials; rhizomes short; roots many, elongate, 20- 40 cm long; stems simple, erect from a short-creeping base, 30-70 cm long, fleshy. y Leaves many, clustered on the lower part of stem, ovate- lanceolate or oblong, 10-15 cm long, 3.5-4.5 cm wide, acu- minate, acute to nearly rounded at the base, 5-7- nerved, shining green surface, pale green beneath; petioles 3-7 cm long, broadened into a short sheath at the base. Flowers many, small, white or greenish white, a little opened, spicate; scape terminal, 8-30 cm long, pubescent ; bracts ovate - lanceolate, Q-5-0.8 cm long, acute at apex, pu- bescent; pedicels with ovaries 5-7 mm long, glabrous, te- rete; sepals 3-4 mm lIag, about 2 mm wide, the dorsal one ovate-cymbiform, obtuse at apex, the lateral ones oblique ovate; petals narrowly obovate, 3-3.5 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide; lip broadly ovate, recurved and obtuse at apex, slightly recurved on margin at the base, pilose, with 2 ca- llose protuberanes inner sides; column about 1 mm long; pollinia yellow. ' China, Malaysia, India, Japan and Ryukyu. Taiwan, at lower altitudes below to 800 m throughout the island, along small streams and moist shade places. 192 fal( Fig) 70 HERR ( Goodyera procera ) | a. BA 7EZ HR WEE ( Flowering plant ) b.7#6( Flower ) c. #4 ( Dorsal sepal ) d. 769% (Petal ) e. @JA ( Lateral sepal ) f. wR ( Lip ) th ~ Ef ; 根 多 数 , 甚 长 , 长 20-40 em; KH4> BRBSS 负 角 状 , 中 部 以 上 直立 , 长 30-75 em» AH 全 多 数 , 闪 生 於 菊 的 下 部 , 卵 状 披 针 形 或 长 权 圆 形 , 长 10-15 cm , 实 3.5 -4.5 cm > SMR > SRRASAUB> 5-7 Ko KHSHXKE RE SHARE ; 革 柄 长 3 -7 cm, 基 部 袖 而 成 一 每 鞘 状 。 花 多 数 , 小 , 白 色 或 粽 和 白色, 略微 开张 , 生 状 花序 排列 ; 7ERTR4 ,长 8-30 cm »> R83 萄 片 卵 状 披 针 形 , 长 0.5 - 0.8 cm> LHRR> AE 昔 ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 ,光滑 , 圆 柱 形 ; SAR3-4 mm? BW 2 mm » @ 38 SRK » Fost > ASS A BING ; TERE BIN KR 3-3.5 mm? 3491.5 mm ; BRAY» mM aAR wR BRE DRIBARREK> 193 BER AHBRAA 2 RH BZBERHW 1mm > HMR o PRs RR oe AR. AARRR: SR SEK SE CBRL > MS 800 公 尺 的 山地 , 多 生长 於 小 沟谷 之 旁 或 萌 泌 的 森林 内 。 80. 白花 斑 华 兰 ( Goodyera schlechtendaliana Reich.f.) Terrestrials; stem 10-20 cm long, from a creeping base. Leaves 2-5, in a basal rosette, ovate to ovate-lanceo- late, more or less fleshy, 2-4 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide, acute or obtuse, rounded or subcordate at the base, entire, green with white spotts or reticulate surface, pale - green beneath; petioles 1.5-2 cm long, usually embracing the stem. Flowers 6-12, smaller, half-opened, white, sometimes ti- nged pink, in terminal spike; scape elongate, 8-14cmlong, densely soft crisped pubescent ; scale- like bracts 2-3, ba- sal, erect, linear, often short-sheathing, pubescent; bracts lanceolate, 1-].3 cm long, pubescent; ovary about ] cm long, soft-hairy, dorsal sepal broadly lanceolate, 9-11 mm long, 2.5-3.5 mm wide, pubescent without, lateral ones oblique ovate, 11-12 mm long, 3.5-4.5 mm wide, hairy outside ; petals white, obovate- lanceolate, appressed to the dorsal se- pal, 10-11 mm long, 3-3.5 mm wide, small, yellowish brown spots at apex; lip white, long ovate, 9-11 mm long, about 4 mm wide, saccate at the base, and with spathulate termi- nation, pilose within; column slightly curved, 5-6 mm long; anthers ovate; pollinia obovate, yellow. * China, Korea and Japan. Taiwan, at medium to high wi- titudes of 1800-2800 m under the forests of Tsugs and Pi- nus, sometimes also occured warm-temperate broadened fo- rests. Heh: Ws 10-20 cms KMS HAM ° SmI 7° HE2-5HK > SERRE CURA > WVEIKRSV > SDAA 质 , 长 2 -4 cm’ H1.5-2.5 cm -5 ”基部 圆 或 近似 心 形 , fl ( Fig) 71 白花 斑 灶 了 苦 ( Goodyera_ schlechtendaliana ) a。 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b. $8} (Dorsal sepal) c. 花 斩 (Petal ) d. lS2 KR (Lateral sepal) ce. R¥e (Lip) f. 未 熟 之 戎 果 ( Young capsale ) g. BE ( Column ) h. 76%) 4 ( Pollinia) Zh: RHBAMMEBARRM > BHKA ; #ME1.5-2 cm, 基 部 IRR o | ) 花 6-12 枚 , 较 小 ,中 开放 , 白 色 , 有 时 带 有 粉 杠 色 党 , 呈 顶 生 的 重 状 花序 , 花 莹 甚 长 , 长 8- 14 cm> BHSHABEH > MARA 2-3 > Bir RY > RAH EH; 区 片 披 针 形 , 长 1 -1.2 m> EH; 子 Baal 76 @EMW1 cm > BRE ; KS BABREY > H 9-11 mm > H2.5- 3.5 mm > HMAEEH ; WBHBING> 11-12 mm , 袖 3.5-4.5 mm WMAEH ; EMA > AOR REY > Ae BHAT RTE > & 10-11 mm + %3-3.5 mm> B) ; MAAR ws ee; BAB & SY» 长 9-11 mm? HH4mm> HAAMR HHAEY > AMEE ; SRM 5-6 mm ; ERIN ; TES AN > Hf 0 中 国 、 埋 国 及 日 本 、 台 湾 , oh 吕 寺 中古 羡 江 鬼才 8800"2608 公 尺 山地 SER GMRERERMIAAK ; ARP ER TE EE F © 81. SihMEM ( Goodyera velutina Maxim. ) Terrestrials; stem simple, 10-20 cm long, from an elo- ngate creeping base and ascending above. Leaves 2-5 at lower part of stem, ovate or obovate , 2.5-4 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, more or less fleshy, dark green and white midrib surface, light wine red or pale green beneath, acute, attenuate to the petioles; the petioles shea- thing below. Flowers 8-16, lightly pink brown, medium sized, in te- rminal spike; scape 10-15 cm long, pubescent; bracts asce - nding, linear or linear-lanceolate, 5-10 mm long, long-acu- minate; dorsal sepal ovate, 5-6 mm long, 2.5-3.5 mm wide, the lateral ones narrowly ovate, 6-7 mm long, about 3 mm ‘wide, subobtuse; petals closely appressed to the dorsal se- pal, broadly oblanceolate, 6-7 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide; lip ovate, elliptic at base and with spathulate termination, white, 7-8 mm long, saccate at base, pubescent within; column short, 2 slender beak-like-lobed at apex; pollinia oblanceo- late, yellow. Capsules ovoid, 8-10 mm long. Korea and Japan. Taiwan, at medium to high altitudes of 1200-2800 m in northern part of the island under the fo- rests, somewhat common under the Pinus taiwanensis pure stands. oA ~ Ae 10-20 cms AMMAR > TMB aro 如 此 。 革 2-5 枚 , 着 生 於 共 的 基部 , 卵 形 或 倒卵形 , 长 2.5-4 cm, 寅 1-2 cm , 多 少 呈 肉质 , 表 面 暗 烷 色 , 中 肋 呈 白色 , 背 面粉 白 稼 色 或 略 带 酒 杠 色 , 先 端 够 失 , 基 部 渐 狭 而 延伸 至 业 柄 , 半 柄 淡 酒 械 色 , 基 部 有 鞘 。 花 8-16 Be > DAL BE > PR» SRAM MIRE ; ERR 10-15 cm » #8 ; BAA > MV SIRS » R5-10 mm , 先 端 长 渐 撩 196 fl ( Fig)72 BASEERER ( Goodyera velutina ) a。 着 花 植 物体 (Flowing plant)b. 7£ ( F lower ) c. @8H( Dorsal sepal) dd. 花瓣 (Petal ) e. (2 HC Lateral sepal ) f. BYEC( Lip ) 形 ;@BRING> 5-6 mm> #2.5-3.5mm; GUS Hr BINT ,长 6 - 7 mm, 寓 狗 3 mm, 和 先端 略 呈 钝 形 ; (PRARESHABAA > BARAY ,长 6-7 mm, 寅 2-2.5 mm ; BEV RRA > , 先 端 略 呈 舌 形 , 白色 , 长 7- 8 mm 基部 有 讲 , 内 面 有 毛 茜 ; SAS 先端 有 2 MERA 允 状 裂片 ; 花粉 块 个 披 针 形 , 黄色 。 HAR SB > 8-10 mm © BMRRAA-ABM> FER PERE BRW 1200-2800 mm 山地 , 多 KARAS 北部 的 山地 , 生 长 於 森 林 PE > LS RR GBR AMA F o — 82. HLURB M ( Goodvera viridiflora var. se ikoomo- ntanma ( Yamamots) Ying ) Goodyera viridiflora var. seikoomontana ( Yamamoto) Ying, comb. nov. Goodyera seitkoomontana Yamamoto in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agric. Taiwan 4:187 (1932). Terrestrials; stem simple, glabrous, pale green, 7-10 cm long. Leaves 3-5, alternate, elliptic or oblong-ovate,4.5-6 cm long, 2-2.5 cm wide, acuminate, rounded and sheathing at the base, 3-merved raised beneath, entire, glabrous, shining and dark green surface, pale green beneath; petiolate; petio- les with sheathes 2.5-3.5 cm long. Flowers 1-3, rather large, terminal, spicate, 2-2.5 cm across: scape usually with hairy, 3-4 cm long; bracts lanceolate, usually with pink tip, 2-2.5 cm long, acute at apex, membranous; the pedicels with ovaries about 1 cm long, pubescent; dorsal sepal elliptic, 1-1.5 cm long, 5-6 mm wide, green with pink tip, acuminate at apex, the la- teral ones lanceolate, widely spreading, white or whitish green with pink tip, ]1.2-1.7 cm long, 5-6 mm wide, 3° nerved, glabrous; petals obovate, thinly membranous, gra- yish white, 1-1.5 cm long, 4-5 mm wide; lip thickened sca-like, with a reflexed tip; 6-7 mm long, white and glandular hairy within, green without, 5-7-nerved; column erect, short, about 3 mm long; rostellum 2-lobed, 5-6 mm long; pollinia 7-8 mm long. Endemic, known under the thickets on Hungcheng peni- nsula and eastern coast mountain ranges at me dium altitudes of 800-1300 m, somewhat rarely. : HeAE A ~ SERRE > FESPA > EIA? RIK RH 7-10 cm。 $93-5%> FA? MAVRERARRY > R4.5-6 cm , 宽 2-2.5 198 cm ° Avm@MAY > AAA AR > ik 3 条 隆起 於 背 面 AM; MARE 2.5-3.5 cm o M61 -3 1K? BK > RE > MRTER > B2-2.5 cm ; ERA. HA 有 白色 毛 苷 , 长 3-4 cm; BHR > SES BAL > £2-2.5cm>° fl ( Fig) 73 #7 He BEM Goodyera viridiflora var seikoomontana ) a. 开花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b. #8-( Sheath ) c. @H ( Bract ) d. iJ ( Lateral sepals ) e. RBH (Dorsal sepal ) f. 7¢#K ( Petal ) g. BR ( Lip) h. 除去 花 兽 及 花 因 的 花 ( Flower taken off sepal and petal ) i. 营 柱 ( Column ) j. 7€%)#%( Pollinia ) 1-1.5 cm» &5-6 mm * ie ES TD 7 AL 6 BOSE Si > SEM AIG » GUE ae St > @R> ABRAM EHS > 长 1.2-1.7 cm » 5-6 mm : 199 SKS 人 条, 光滑 ; TERRAIN > MRA KAR R1-15cm>H4-5 mm ; BERR K> EWR R6-7 mm, 内 面 白色 而 具有 腺 毛 , 外 面 粽 f° fk 5-748; 芒 柱 直立 , 短 , 长 多 3 mm: k2AR> K5-6 mm ; 花粉 块 长 7-8 mm o HA > EMER BR A RS LL AK ASP RH 800-1300 m 的 山 Hh > SAik BAK Fo 83. =m (Habenaria ciliolaris Kranzl. ) Terrestrials; tubers oblong or elongate ovoid, 2.5-4 cm long, about 2.5 cm in diameter, with pilose, fleshy; stem simple, 40-60 cm long, grayish green, smooth, sheathed at base; sheaths cylindrical, 5-6 cm long; the scales ovate- lanceolate, 2-3 cm long, acuminate or caudate-acuminate at apex, glabrous. Leaves 7-9 in the middle’of stem, obovate-~- lanceolate or elliptic- oblong to ovate- lanceolate, 14-16 cm long, 3-4 cm wide, acuminate at apex, narrowly attenuate at base,slightly fleshy, subcoriaceous, entire, shining green surface,pale green beneath, midrib impressed surface and elevated beneath, the lateral veins inconspicuous. Flowers 10-15, patent, nodding, rather large, about 2 cm in diameter, grayish green, racemose; scape terminal, 18- 24 cm long, erect, stricted, green, glabrous; bracts’ ovate, 1.5-1.8 cm long, about 7 mm wide, 3-nerved, linear-acumi- nate .at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 2-2 5 cm long, green, glabrous; sepals ovate or broadly ovate,8-10 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, acute and slightly tail -like at apex, contra- cted at base; the dorsal one concave; petals linear, some- what narrowly falcate- like, 10-13 mm long, about 1-1.5 mm wide, pilose upward, obtuse at apex, reflexed; lip deeply 3- lobed, spurred, the lobes linear, 1.2-1.8 cm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex; the spurs 1.5-2 cm long, dilate at apex, about 3 mm in diameter; column short. China. Taiwan, known from medium altitudes of 700- 200 1800 m in central part of the island, under the forests or on roadside. } WAM MH AVUREMY > R2.5-4cem*>EM25cem , 有 毛 #> AA; RRR: 长 40- 60 cm > Kiki’ RRA; HAR > 25-6 cm; 馆 片 卵 状 披 人 针 形 , 长 2 -3 cme TT MRM BKM » 请 。 327-9 MBER > ARR RAK RRAVE BRR SHG > 214-16 cm» 83-4 cm 先端 渐 失 , 基 部 狭 源 窗 , 略 呈 肉 质 , 亚 BE, 2Kk> FHSHCERE: PHARA> HK RAM PHKRE > PKA AS © 7E 10-15 > A> FH? BK > BH2 cm> KieS> MIKE > EH TB4 > 218-24 cm » Bi’ ABA’ MH HH; BARRY? 长 1.5 - 1.8 cm> BW7 mm > fk 34% »° Ses AMR ; ERA FBR 2-2-5 cm » > 638; SHIR > 长 8-]0 mm? H4-5 mm > Ain PRAMS IR: BARR: BSH IK ; EHR > SRR > & 10-13 cm , 宽 狗 1 -1.5 mm> Sma GH > Tims > Rw; MRAZ A » BiB BAR > 长 1.2 -1.8 cm’ H2-2.5 mm , 先 端 钝 ; 距 长 1.5- 2 cm , 先 端 袖 大 , 径 攀 3 mm ; SEH 中 国 、 人 台湾, 生长 於 中 海拔 绝 700-1800 m 山地, 仅见 於 中 部 山地 , 常见 於 森 林 下 或 路 旁 。 84.4 @i226i® ( Habenaria goodyerioides D.Don ) Terrestrails, tubers ovoid-oblong or oblong, 1.5-2 cm long, about 1 cm across, fleshy, white; stem simple, erect, included scape 55-65 cm long, glabrous, smooth, green, leafy in the middle; sheathed in the lower part of stem; the shea- thes 3-4, remote, 3-4 cm long, deciduous. Leaves 5-6, oblong, ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate , 10-15 cm long, 5-7 cm wide, acuminate or acute at apex, obtuse and contracted decurrent to the sheathes at base, slightly fleshy, thickly chartaceous, entire and white on ma- rgin, shining green surface, pale beneath, many-veined ele- vated beneath; the sheathes 2-2.5 cm long, amplexicual the stem at base. 201 Flowers many, rather small, yellowish white or yellowish green, 5-6 mm in diameter, spicate; scape terminal, 15 - 20 cm long, glabrous, green; bracts ovate-lanceolate, ]1-1.5 mm long, acuminate-aristate at apex; the pedicels with ova- ries 15-3 mm long, green, glabrous; sepals subequal, su- bpatent, the dorsal one ovate, 4-5 mm long, about 3 mm wide, obtuse at apex, the lateral ones narrower,shortly api- culate at apex, oblique and slightly connate with petais at base; petals broadly oblong, 4-5 mm iong, 3.5-4 mm wide, obtuse at apex, strongly oblique at base; lip tongue-like, 5- 5.5 mm long, 4-4.5 mm wide, 3-lobed, spurred, the median lobe broadly triangular, about 3 mm wide, obtuse at apex, the lateral lobes narrower, obtuse at apex, spur 2-2.5 mm long, 2-lamellate at base of-disc; column short, about 2 mm long. Endemic, knwon from central part of the island at the elevations of 200-1500 m, under the forests, rather rare. hE > SROVUKRR AY > R1.5-2 cm> &W1 cm > ABR? Bf ; KE WB > RA ERR 55-65 cm: KARE RA PRAB> RR ABER > B3-4 > RIE > R3-4 cm> HFK o %5-6K > RAV > PKERAVRERARK RH > &10-15cem 95-7 cm? DURA MBA » LMS KM CH SER > BAAR & CH > @R&2K AS AR AHSAHBRE> SHARE KSRERH 背面 ; #48 2-2.5 cm > LMR © ESR > R/)> RABMBRE’ B5-6 mm » MIRE ; ERR > 15-20 cm > GIR» mR ; BAIR RAY » &H1-1.5 mm long, 先端 MARA ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 1.5-3 mm > Ho 678 ; BATE. & BRIN’ > 4-5 mm? BH3 mm > aS; MBA RR > iB APE AG EP ; 花 拇 润 长 椭圆 形 , 长 4-5 mm’ H3.5-4 mm , Fe vai » BSR ; BPR > 5-5.5 cm, 寅 4-4.5 mm: 32° 4B hah = AW > RM 3mm > KMS» MAH BR HR2-2.5mm , 花 般 基部 有 2 RB eR > BE > HK 2mm o Ela» ERK Gh MER PRR 200-1500 m LS FRR TSE 202 KE + BA o lel Fig) 74 As ABC Habenaria goodyerioides) a. 7EFF ( Inflorescence ) | b. 76 ( Flower ) f. 7E 98 ( petal ) c. &F ( Dorsal sepal ) d. fil5$ ( Lateral sepal ) e. BYE ( Lip ) 203 85. 4H =EEAM ( Habenaria lacerifera ( Lindley ) Benth ) Terrestrials; rhizome short, thickened, sometimes. tu- berous; stem simple, 20-40 cm long, erect, glabrous. Leaves 4-7, basal or nearly so, oblong, elliptic ovate or | broadly lanceolate, 5-8 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide,acuminate at apex, marrowed decurrent to sheathes at base;. sheathes 1-1.5 cm long, amplexicual at base, entire, thickened me- mbranous. Flowers numerous, small, white or yellowish green, spi- cate; scape terminal, 7-15 cm long, erect, green.glabrous; bracts ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, 8-12 mm _ long, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 8-10 mm long; sepals ovate or oblong, concave, 3-3.5 mm long, 1.8-2 mm wide, rounded: at apex, l-nerved; petals narrowly ovate, 3-3.5 mm long, about 1.6 mm wide, acute or obtuse at apex; lip 3- lobed, spurred; the spur elliptic, 2-2.5 mm long, obtuse at apex, the median lobe tongue- like, 2-4 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, the lateral lobes linear , filiform- like, slender, 5-7 mm long, about 0.7 一 0.9 mm wide, column ‘short. —Japan and Ryukyu. Taiwan, known from the lower al- titudes of .300-700m throughout the island, on exposed grassland or fields. f ( Fig)75 #@%— JAM ( Habenaria lacerifera ) a. 人 花 (Flower) b. #3 (Dorsal sepal ) c. 79% (Petal ) d. #38 (Lateral sepal ) e. EE ( Lip ) 204 ee 和 HA > Ree > HE > 有 时 呈 块 根 状 ; RR4RD ER > & 20-40 cm 9 Biz? Je | 革 4- 7 枚 , 基 生 或 近似 如 此 , 长 椭圆 形 , 椭 圆 形 或 澜 披 针 形 , 长 5 - 8 cm ° 1.5-2.5 cm , 和 先端 渐 尖 形 , 基 部 延伸 而 至 革 鞘 ; HEE 1-1.5cm , 基 部 抱 莹 , 全 和 柳 , 厚 膜 质 。 花 多 数 , 较 小 , A RRR > ROKER ; 花 蔡 项 生 , 长 7-15 cm > XZ > RA > EI; 区 片 卵 状 披 针 形 或 披 针 形 , 长 8 -12 mm > SMBK> (BRAS BHS-10 mm > SHRURERAY > MR> 长 3-3.5 mm, &1.8-2 mm , 和 先端 圆 , 腺 1 人 条 ; 1B > R3-3.5 mm? 1.6 mm , 先 端 够 或 就 BIE 32> A> BRAY > R2-2.5 mm, 先 端 钝 ; 中 裂片 舌 形 , 长 2-4 mm>BH1.5 mm , 先 端 钝 ; 侧 裂 Hey. MEE 5-7 mm > B#0.7-0.9 mmo SHH HARRR° GB > + ERE WR300-700 m SBHA> LERAE 草 生 地 或 原野 。 86. Gi ( Haraella odorata Kudo ) Epiphytes; roots elongate, 10-20 cm long, about ] mm in diameter, grayish white; pseudobulb absent; stem short, 1.5-2 cm long, slender, enclosed by leaf -sheaths. Leaves 3-5, distchous, elliptica-oblong, 3-5 cm long, 0.8-1.2 cm wide, obtuse at apex, contracted and decurrent to the petioles at base, articulate, coriaceous, slightly re- curved on margin, entire, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath, lateral veins inconspicuous ; the sheaths persi- stent, 3-5 mm long, persistent. Flowers 2-3, rarely 4, rather large, ]1-1.5 cm in dia- meter, racemose; scape axillary, produced from leaf -axile, 3-6 cm long, slender, glabrous, green; bracts tubular, 2-4 mm long, the upper ones widely triangular, about 1.5 mm long; the pedicels with ovaries 3-5 mm long, sehals whi- tish yellow, spreading, patent, ovate-oblong, 6-8 mm long, 3-3.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, slightly cuneate-contracted at base, the lateral ones narrower; petals narrowly oblong, 7-9 mm tong, about 2.5mm wide, obtuse at apex, narrow 205 at base; lip brightly yellow, adnate with column at base, oblong, spurless, 14-18 mm long, 8-9 mm wide, concave, 3- lobed, callused, the callus purple, triangular, retrorse, the lateral lobes 2-2.5 mm long, 5.5-6 mm wide, minutely ciliate, the median lobe rounded, 7-9 mm long, about 8 mm wide, emarginate “at apex, shortly fimbricate on margin, glabrous within and hirsute without; column short, about 1 mm long. Endemic, known from central part of the island at me- dium altitudes of 800-1700 m, in evergreen forests. SEM > RHE 210-20 cm? EH1 mm? KA > MMR ; K 甚 短 , 长 1.5 -2 cm > ARAM 。 $E3-5 枚 , 两 列 状 排列 , 构 圆 状 用 椭 圆 形 , 长 3-5 cm, 袖 0.8- 1.2 cm > Set St» RERSEAETTIE ESE > ARG > HET RRS RIE > SHR HSER A PHAR: PUKE OBE > RTS » EAB > 3-5 mm o 花 2-3 枚 , DRAB SEB? BK E1.5 cm » MIKE > TERRE , HEISE > 长 3-5 cm + EH MH; GH BR 2-3 mm > 4G A= 角形, 长 1.5 mm ; (RASS 3-5 mm SRK MRT > WREMAW > 6-8 mm> %3-3.5 mm , 和 先端 名 , 基 部 短 模 状 肾 fEK > CUBS HR ; EMRE > 7-9 mm > HK 2.5 mm ; 先端 印 a ; BRR > ACRE > RAY: 和 无 距 , 长 14 - 18 mm, 实 8-9 mm » fH > 3R°> ARR PRAM =A: ts» 倒 有 裂片 长 2 -2.5 mm > 85.5-6 mm > KK? PRHAW: 7-9 mm EN 8mm ° Ki» BRS ERK: ARDC AMAER > BES > #1 mm o A> Behe PRB HER YER A 800-1700 m 处 山地 , 常 称 森 林内 ' Bias hi o ”206 Y (Fig)76 @&# ( Haraella odorata ) a. #( Leaf ) b. 7£ ( Flower ) c. EAA ( Flower side view ) d.e. SH RHE (Column and stamen different view ) f. KER ( Stamen ) g. 3808 ( Anther-cap) 87. RMR =wE (Herminium lanceum (Thunb. ex Sw.) J. (Vuijk ) Terrestrials; roots tuberous, ovoid, 9-]2 mm long; stem simple, 20-40 cm long, rather slender, glabrous, loosely 3- 207 to 5-leaved. Leaves lanceolate, linear or linear - lanceolate, 8-15 cm long, 5-9 mm wide, acuminate, narrowed and amplexicual at base, chartaceous, glabrous, shining green surface, pale green beneath, entire, 3-nerved. Flowers small, numerous, yellowish green, not widely opened, spicate; the scape terminal, 10-15 cm long, slender, glabrous; bracts ovate-lanceolate or ovate -triangular, oa nerved, .long-acuminate, ‘shorter or slightly Imger than the _ flowers ; sepals oblong or ovate-oblong, 2.522 mm long , about 1.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, 1 -nerved ; petals li- ' near-lanceolate, 2-2.5 mm long, about 1 mm wide, acumi- nate at apex; lip linear, 7-11 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, pe- ndulous, slightly broadened at base, 3-lobed from middle, the lateral lobes linear, 3-4 mm long, obtuse, ascendihg; the median lobe very short, about 0.3-0.4 mm long; co- lumn 0.5 mm long. Korea, Japan and Ryukyu, and China including Manchu- ria. Taiwan, at high altitudes of 2000-3000 m_ throughout the island, on grassland or exposed field. SoA > SK > SY > 长 9- 12 mm ; KH > MIR KR 20-40 cm» Mi > HI > PAB 3 -5 枚 。 FEBS >» CAR BRK BSI IY > 8-15 cm > H5-9 mm , 和 先端 渐 尖 : RMX >» MA > A> RM SOG > AMAR > ZR > 3 条 隆起 於 背面 。 花 甚 小 , BR > BRA R+D GA > MITER ; TETRA? HR 10- 15 cm » MF > G8 > GHIBK BRGY RINR=BY > ik 1 Re Fea 撩 , PER GRE ; BH Li PRR BLY > $2.5-3 mm RH 1.5 mm » 56 Sms » Aik 1 ; TERRI STY > R2-2.5 mm> HM1 mm © » 先端 渐 尖 ; BRR > 7-11 mm? H3-4 mm, 下 垂 , 基 部 略 寅 , 从 , 中 部 开始 3 裂 , 仙 裂片 穆 形 , 长 3-4 mm, 和 先端 钝 , 中 裂片 长 0.3 - 0.4mam , GEH0.5 mm 。 韩国 、 日 本 、 中 国 (包括 东北 ) RRR ARM: ERK BBR 2000- 208 3000 mm 的 山地 , 多 昂 於 草 生 地 或 开 泗 地 。 fe 4 % ic <= : a op rae 版 人 \y J vz Wh | i 4, _ % GY 多 图 ( Fig)77 f§#i > 6282 ( Herminium lanceum ) a. 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plants ) b. 7E ( Flower ) C. ERA ES & Te ~ ( Flowers taken off sepal and petal ) d. A#E( Lip ) e. 2 ( Dorsal sepal ) f. 769% ( Petal ) g. 5A ( Lateral sepal ) 209 | 88. 台湾 件 苦 (Hetaeria taiwaniana Ying ) Hetaeria taiwaniana Ying,sp-nov. ? Terrestris, erecta, 35-45 cm alta; rhizomata decumbente cauliformi ad nodosi ; radicibus brevibus vermiformibus mo- liter; caulis erectus teres glabra. Folia oblonga, 5-8 cm longa, infra medium 20873. cM ‘lata, apice obtusa basi obtusa vel acuminata, margine inte- gra vel leviter undulata utrinque glabra, supra virida su- btus pallidiora; petiolis 2.5-4 cm longis, amp lectentibus vaginiformibusque partibus vaginiformibus 7-8 mm longis, 5 mm diametientibus. Scapus gracilis, terete cum racemo ca 30-40 cm longus, pubcentus remote 2- 3-squamatus racemo florifero 10 cm longo sublax 10-15 florato; bracteis membranaceis lanceolatis apice acutis, basi non contractis 5-6 mm longis. Flores subapertientes, viridis, pedicellis bracteis longio- ribus, 7-9 mm longioribus, glaberrimis sursum sensim angu- stioribus; sepala membranacea exteriore vix pilosa interiora glabra; sepala intermedio concavo, erecto cum petalis in galeam connivente ca. 3-3.5 mm longo, 1.5-2 mm fata, apice acuminata, basi non contracta, lateralibus patentibus, oblongibus, 5-6 mm longis, 2.5-3 mm latis, obliquis, apice obtusa basi contractis; petala ovata, 2.5-3 mm longa, 1.5- 2mm lata, apice obtusa, basi contracta, utrinque glabra. Labellum sessile, oblono-ovatum vel ovatum, | 3.5-4.5 mm longum, apice obtusa, basi sensim ventricosum, ecalcaratum, utrinque glabrum, intus medio bilamellatum, column brevis crassa, 1.5-2 mm longa. Habitat : Nantou Hsien: Shou-chen-ta-shan ( REG Ri > BEB; 区 直立 、 圆 柱 形 、 光 滑 。 AA > 5-8 cm, 寅 2.5-3 cm , 先 端 钝 , 基 部 钝 或 渐 尖 , 210 ae 8 RIS BRR EYE > SRR > WRG ; EEE 2.5-4 cm » eh wee > HH7-8 mm , 径 和 绝 5 mm o TERE > EVERY » 连同 炉 状 花序 长 30- 40 cm > WEE» A BRAEHNH 2- 3 枚 ; 炉 状 花序 长 网 10 cm > BRAETES 10-15% ; 苞 片 膜 质 , 披 对 形 , Ayes A: 基部 不 紧缩 , 长 5- 6 mm 。 TATA SE > BS CARER BRE: 长 7-9 mm > KF; WHE OMA ARDS: BRAG > AR > TET 1698 > 长 3-3.5mm ;时 1.5-2mm> SEHR » ARIA; GIS A WRTY > aE es HERE > 显 着 , 长 5 -6 mm , H2.5-3 mm > B> Ewen > RAR ; MEINE > 2.5-3 mm> H1.5-2 mm > EMS > MRR EB ee > EAGEUR IGG ROME > 长 3.5-4.5 mm ; 先端 印 , 基 部 略 凸 出 而 成 短 讲 状 , 和 无 距 , 光 滑 , 内 面 中 心 处 有 2 REAR ; BA > 长 1.5 - 2mm o AaAm: EER AB RAHBERW 700-1000RRR > RM PRES 89. HH (Holcoglossum quasipinifolium (了 Hayata ) Schltr. ) Epiphytes; roots elongate, 10-30 cm long, about 1 mm in diameter, gray or grayish white; stem simple, short, 3-7 cm long, usually enclosed by the leaf-sheathes. Leaves numerous, linear or needle-like, distichous, 9-1] cm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, coriaceous, obtuse or acute at apex, obtuse, truncate and articulate at base, sulcate ;the sheathes 7-8 mm long, yellowish brown. } Flowers solitary, 2 or 3 ,1arge, 2-2.5 cm in diameter, racemose; scape produced from the leaf-axile, 8-10 cm long, with dark dotts; the bracts triangular, 6-8 mm Img, about 7 mm wide, lightly brown, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 2-3 cm long, glabrous; sepals white, spreading, the dorsal one obovate, 12-14 mm long, 5-6 mm wide, obtuse at apex, 3-merved pink on midrib; the lateral ones some- What oblique at base, somewhat longer than the dorsal one; petals oblong or obovate, 1.2-1.6 cm long, 5-6 mm wide, 211 Ru | ee: fal ( Fig) 78 43M ( Holcoglossum quasipinifolium ) a. 植物 体 ( Plant body ) . 46 ( Flower ) . 8 ( Dorsal sepal ) . EMEC Petal ) . 43 He ( Lateral sepal ) . BR ( Lip and spur ) . MRC Capsule ) 212 eo «wu 8 Em. & 3-nervea, pink on veins; lip 1-1.2 cm long, 3-lobed, spu- rred, the lateral lobes erect, oblique, triangular, 4-5 mm long, about 6 mm wide, obtuse at apex, tawny at base, the median lobe rectangular, 8-10 mm long, 6-7 mm wide, tru- ncate at apex, undulate at apex, 7-thickened keels at bae; spur 1-1.5 cm long, -obtuse at apex; column 6-7 mm long. Endemic, at the e.:evations of 1500-2460m in central pa- rt of the island, not common. SEM > REHR> 10-30 cm? Ml mm, 灰 色 或 灰白 色 ; RRL : 短 , 长 3-7 cm> # ARAB © 革 多 数 , 和 线形 或 针 状 , 两 列 状 排列 , 长 9-11 cm , 寅 2-2.5 mm, 革 B> TE wisiMRA > LPH > RAKRAMG > RAM > HER 7-8 mm » Bi fa fh © FEMA + DRI 2-3 BOR + BH 2-2.5 cms 炉 状 花序 ; ERE AH 腋 , 长 8-10 cm> ARE ; 苞 片 三 角形 , 长 6-8 mm> FH7mm , 淡 褐 色 , 和 先端 够 撩 ;花梗 津 同 子 房 长 2- 3 cm , 光 滑 ; 兽 片 白色 , 撤 展 , 后 萝 片 倒卵形 , 长 12-14 mm> BAI5-6 mm > SeseeH > AK KK > “RADAR AMAL ° GSS Fr BEBE MoE RASH IBE ; RRR AVRAIY > & 1.2-1.6 ¢m » 5-6 fe, pee, ik MAL > BAER 1-1.2 cm» 34> Am MARA RW? Be =A: 4-5 mm? BH6mm> ia » ERR es PAA WGB: 长 8-10 mm? B6-7 mm 先端 截断 状 上 且 滤 徐 呈 波 浪 状 , 基 部 有 7 人 条 厚 的 隆起 线 ; 距 长 1- 1.5 cm, 和 先端 钝 ; SER. 6 - 7mm o | Ela? ERR PHBH 1500 - 2400mH lh: SERRE EBB ° BRAN 3 FA o 90.4226 (lone sasaki Hayata ) Epiphytes ; rhizome créeping, terete, 1-1.5. mm in dia- meter ; pseudobulbs ovoi 凡 ,remote,1-1.2 cm long, fleshy, light green, smooth, not grooved. Leaf 1, terminal at the apex of pseudobulb, oblong - linear, 5-6 cm long, 7-9 mm wide, roiled and emargi - Mate or slightly 2-lobed at apex. eis Flowers 2, patent, rather large, 1.5-2 cm in diameter, widely opened, light brown or green, racemose; scape short, produced trom the base of pseudobulb 2.5-3 cm long’sheaths basal, tubular; bracts ovate, 7-10 mm long, 5-7mm wide, acuminate or acute at apex, slightly contracted at base; the pedicels with ovaries about 1 cm long; sepals subequal, elo- ngate- triangular or elongate-ovate, lightly green, tinged with | light brown at apex, 9-11 mm long, 4-5 mm wide,acute or acuminate at apex, 5-nerved, adnate to the column-foot at the base; petals elongate - cuspidate - triangular ,7-8 mm Sais, about 3 mm wide, linear-cuspidate at apex, ciliate from mi- ddle to base on margin; lip cuspidate - rounded, 5-6 mm long, 3-3.5 mm wide, yellow, elongate cuspidate at apex, saccate at base, 3-merved, strongly concave, 2-keeled ap- pendages at the base of lip 了 column foot 4.5-5 mm long. Epiphytic on tree trunks at the medium altitudes of 800-1600 m in central and southern parts of the island , endemic. ( Fig) 79 &BAB ( Ione sasakii ) a.7& (Flower) »b. &# ( Column) c. 4E DM ( Pollinia ) GAM > HEA A> BY > 径 1-1.5 mm> RRMA? HBR 1 - 1.2 cm > A> RG > SAM RAM oO #—-Kh> SERRREV RMAKRY > R5-6 cms H7-9 mm > Seve (Fl mM) ate — 28 © 花 二 枚 , 显 著 , 略 大 , 径 1.5-2 cm? MBRERIARE > MURTEF ; 花 菊 得 , 抽 自 於 假球 菊 基 部 ,长 2.5- 3 cm; HRA RK; GARBER -7-10 mm + 5-7 mm >» Fa GRRL > AMS MK ; CREA FBEW) cm ; BREUER RS AUREIY > RE > SOR 淡 褐 色 , 长 9-11 mm, 实 4-5 mm> SHBGRMBA > MOM ARMS 柱 足 相连 ; (RE RREAW > 7-8 mm> 83 mm> EHR > ,, Oe pep FRR S Ee ; BURR > 长 5 - 6mm H3-3.5mm> HH» 先端 长 尾 端 , 基 部 有 襄 , 肪 3 条, 凸 出 , 基 部 有 2 隆起 的 附 奢 物 ; SER1-1.5 mm , 巷 柱 足 长 4.5-5 mm 。 固有 , 生 长 於 中 海拔 800-1600 m RAI 地 , 常 见 於 中 部 及 南部 地 区 , SHE WATER Eo | BAUM AL > ABH RR HAAR > RM; BEM LAER 91.445 ( Liparis bicallosa (D.Don) Schltr. ) Terrestrials; ?seudobulb closely approximate, elongate, cylindric, terete, usually forming in next year, leafless , the intemodes to 5 cm long, fiberous-sheathes persistent on nodes, filiform. Leaves 3, producing from the base of last-year pseudo- bulb, ovate to elliptic, glabrous, 5-20 cm long, 3-6 cm wide, thin-chartaceous, acuminate, short - sheathed at base, 3-5 -nerved elevated surface; sheaths 3-4, 3-5 cm long, enclosed the unformed pseudobulb, green, glabrous. Flowers 15-20, brownish purple, rather large, 1.5-2 cm in diameter, scentless, racemose; scape terminal, 20-30 cm long, glabrous, purple, erect, 4-ribs; bracts narrowly ovate, l-nerved, membranous, reflexed, 2-3 cm long, acuminate at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 1.2-]1.7 cm long; sepals linear-oblong, 8-12 mm. long, 1-2 mm _ wide, acuminate at apex, the lateral ones usually spreading; petals linear, re- curved, 8-10 mm long, about 1 mm wide; lip cuneate - obovate, 10-12 mm long, 5-7 mm wide, rounded and _ so- mewhat emarginate at apex, gradually recurved in upper part, shallowly groove at tip, entire, 2 appendages at base, VA ES obtuse, about 1 mm long; column light green, 5-6 mm long, about 2.5 mm across, narrowly winged at apex; anthers da- rk purple; polliria elliptic. f Capsules oblong, brown; seeds lanceolate, thin membra- nous enclosed. Himalaya, s. China, Japan and Ryukyu. Taiwan, at lo- wer altitudes of 600-1200 m throughout the islandymder the humus forests. 图 (Fig ) 80 AMAR ( Liparis bicallosa ) a. 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b. 76 ( Flower ) c. @H (Dorsal sepal ) d. 7¢9% ( Petal ) e. {il| 32 KH ( Lateral sepal ) f. BME ( Lip) g. BHC Column ) 216 ON HAs (IRE > HE HR RR) 常 於 来 年 形成 , 无 全 , 节 长 5 cm: HMAWRRRBRKER > RV 儒 3 枚 , 抽 自 於 去 年 生 假球 荃 基部 , 卵 形 至 椭圆 形 ,光滑 ,长 5 -20cm , 袖 3- 6 cms BKA> HBR RRAASH K3-5K 隆起 於 全 面 . : #9 3-4 Bo 长 3-S cm> MRKAV KH RRS ~ ME ~ HF 7E 15-20% > AL > BA> E1.5-2 cm , 和 无 香味 , 炉 状 花 序 ; 花茎 顶 生 , 长 20-30 cm, 光滑 , 紫 和 红色, 直立 ,4 BY: GH RINY > HK ] 人 条, 膜 质 , 反 挫 , 长 2- 3 cm, 先 端 渐 尖 形 ; 花 醒 车 同 子 房 长 1.2- 1.7 cm; RGR BRAY > 28-12 mm , 寅 1-2 mm, 和 先端 渐 尖 形 ; WS He ; 花 拇 糙 形 , 反 拾 , 长 8- 10 mm> BH1l mm; BRAK > 长 10-12 mm> 45-7 mom: 4H AABMA> CHMAeRE: BK > Dik > RA 附属 体 ; ESL RM 1 mm; SERRE’ 25-6 mm , 42.5 mm > Ses RR ; TESRSRAL ; TE SRG & REEMA > th ; GTR > BHA BEE BEAU > PRR. SARSRo ABM ERM BSR GOO - 1200 m- 2B 26S fi: ERS RM ROMK Le 92. BEES AE ( Liparis chloroxantha Hance ) Epiphytes; rhizomes short; pseudobulb closely approxi- mate, ovoid or nearly so, 1-1.2 cm across, pale green, fleshy, stemless. Leaves two, on the top of pseudobulb, oblanceolate , 15-20 cm long, 1.5-1.8 cm wide, acuminate, attenuate at base, thickened chartaceous, entire, glabrous, ‘sessile, 3-5- nerved elevated beneath. | Flowers 10-30, yellowish green, medium-sized, about: 8-10 mm in diameter, racemose’ Scape prodruced from the end of psudobulb, 18-26 cm long, glabrous, somewhat fle- shy; bracts lanceolate, 6-8 mm long, 1-2 mm wide, -acute at apex, membranous; the pedicels with ovaries 1-]1.2 cm long, glabrous; sepals equal, oblong- linear, 1]1-1.2 cm long, 1-2 mm wide, obtuse at apex, recurved and reflexed; petals Narrowly linear, 1-1.5 cm long, 0.5 mm wide, spreading, 217 fia] ( Fig) 81 #447026 Hee( Liparis chloroxantha ) a. 446 Zw ( Flowering plant ) b. 7 ( Flower ) c.d. B&F ( Sepal ) e. 469% ( Petal ) f. RE ( Lip ) g. &# ( Column ) 218 obtuse at apex, twist on upperward; lip obovate-cuneate, 8-9 mm long, about 7 mm wide, entire, truncate and wavy at apex, smooth, recurved at tip, with 2 tubercles at base inside; column subterete, erect, 6-7 mm long. China ,Taiwan,a common epiphytic orchid, at the levations of 500-1800 m throughout the island, on mossy rocks or tree trunks. GAM > HEX > RRR BEES > Bae VA > HM 1-1.2 cm, TRE > AB > Ko $e 20K > a ET RERE Soin» ARS > 15-20 cm* 71.5 - 1.8 cm » MMR > LRM > SMA > SR > WIE I> AK - 5 人 条 隆 i EE 0 4E10-30 8c > BRR > “PAU> GH 8-10 mm > MUKIER 5 TEER (PERE A Fahad > 长 18- 25 cm > 68> BEAR; GH RY: R6-8 mm>%1-2 mm> SmRR: REA; (RAS RR 1-1.2 cm, 光 滑 ; ESR > RABY: H1-1.2cm> 81-2 mm> Ess, SHAR 18; TERRY > 1-1-5 cm > 0.5 mm> BR > Sins > IGM Fever Reeth ; SMAI > 8-9 mm > HK 7 mm: SK > TBR | 呈 波 状 , 平滑 , 和 先端 反 摊 , 基 部 内 面 有 2 RE SURRY: Bw? 0-7mm o hh A BRERA ARM 500- 1800 公 尺 的 山地 , as 1 BERE BRB LK SS mi ig ke 93. AIH ( Liparis cordifolia Hook.f ) Terrestrials j pseudobulbs ovoid, somewhat compressed,' long, ‘1.2-2.5 cm across, green, usually formed at next year, leafless; stemless. Leaf solitary, produced from the base of last-year lea- fless pseudobulb, petiolate, cordiate, 8-11 cm long, 8-10 cm wide, acute or obtuse, cordate at base, glabrous on both Sides, entire, green and shining surface, sometimes scatte- red with white reticulations: petioles 5- 7 cm long, groove inside, green; sheathes 2-3, 1-3 cm long, enclosed 219 the base of petioles, glabrous. Flowers many, small, 5-6 mm in diameter, green or ye- llowish green, scentless, racemose; scape produced from the tenninal of unformed pseudobulb, glabrous, erect, 8-15 cm long; bracts minute, triangular, 1-2 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 8-H) mm long; sepals linear, 1-1.5 cm long, 1-1.5 mm _ wide, entire and recurved, obtuse, somewhat broadly cordate at base, the la- teral ones oblique at base; petals narrowly linear, 1-1.2 cm long, about 1 mm wide, truncate at apex; lip obovate- obtriangular, 8-9 mm long and wide, truncate and somewhat short-cuspidate at apex, wavy or denticulate on margin, 3- nerved, callus 2 at base; column 3-4 mm long, recurved upward, glabrous, broadly auriculate at base. Endemic, known from the low to medium altitudes of 500-1600 m in northern and central parts of Taiwan, under the humid forests, sometimes epiphytic on mossy rocks. HOARD > (ERR ONG > PBS RR: 2-4 cm, 径 1.2-2.5 cm> TRAE KK » HES RE > HEX 0 SEAL > HAR AEE REWER BHM D> 8-11 cm, 8-10 cm, 先 端 锅 尖 或 鳄 » SRB RAM AH’ SK RHA CHERE: ARAM 5 AE SOc TS 和 机 村 和 #R2-3 枚 > 长 1 -3 cm > BRR AB > IGF © EBB? B/N > 5-6 mm > PRE BRR? RRB > MUTE ; TERK FAA TRA BIG) (BRE Sein» HEYA? IZ? 8-15 cm; BRB)» =H 形 , 长 1-2 mm> 2-3 mm? KHHRAK ; PHASER B8-10 mm ; BHR > H1-1.5 cm > 1-1.5 mm >» ZAK > ScHHMBERKRAM > LH RD TZ > BUSS AAR BBNSZE ; TEBE BRI > $e 1-1.2 cm » BR 1 mm, 先 端 截断 状 ; SRA BKA=Aw > RRA 8-9 mm > Fon Re BS FEHR > DeHK Be WG S Ge aaeR > Ak 3 人 条, 基部 有 附属 体 2 枚 ; SER 3-4 mm: LPR RHE > W678 > BEER HAT © EA > ERR EZ PHRWH 500-1600 m 山 地 , 多 昂 於 北部 及 中 部 多 腐 质 植 的 森林 内 , 有 时 亦 着 生 於 SERRA 的 岩石 上 。 220 fa] ( Fig) 82 Sy SRS . oi 化 信人 DEP YP Os ISS j= aS 严 KS; < 人 7 Sj ] = ef) re poss Vip Za e\\ ~ ~ =~ BIZ Hiss ( Liparis cordifolia ) a. 着 伦 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b. 76 (Flower) c. 38 (Dorsal sepal ) d. 7E$% (Petal) e. #884 ( Lateral sepal ) f. ERE ( Lip) g. SE ( Column ) 221i 94. 417E# Hs ( Liparis macrantha Rolfe ) Terrestrials; rhizomes short; pseudobubs cylindrical , 10-20 cm long, fleshy, pale green, usually enclosed by sheaths when young; sheaths 3-4, ovate-oblong, acuminate at apex, membranous, persistent. ee Leaves 3-5, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 12-18 cm long, 5-8 cm wide, plicate, acuminate or acute at apex, rounded and sheathed at base, sessile, wavy on margin, glabrous, ma- ny-veined “elevated beneath; sheaths 3-5 cm long, usually enclosed the stem. Flowers 10-15, dark red, rather larger, 1-1.5 cm in dia- meter, racemose, glabrous, erect; scape terminal, 18-24 cm long, terete, 4-angled, purplish red, glabrous ;bracts minute, linear, 3-4 mm long, acute at apex; the pedicels with ova- ries 2.5-3 cm long, erect, purplish red, slender, glabrous; sepals lanceolate or linear- lanceolate, spreading, 1.5-2 cm long. 2.5-3.5 mm wide, recurved on margin, somewhat re- flexed. upward tip; petals narrowly linear, .2-2.5 cm long, about 0.5mm wide, spreading; lip obcordate-cuneate, 1.2 - 1.8 cm long, 9-12 mm wide, rounded, somewhat cordate at base, ] longitudinal groove in the middle, denticulate on margin, clawed, 2 indistinct callosities at base inside; the claw 3-4 mm long; column suberect or erect, 6-8 mm long, pale green. Endemic, knwon from lower to. medium altitudes of 500- 1600 m throughout the island, under the forest, rather co- mmon. Dr. Seidenf proposed a new name of Liparis nigra in stead of Liparis macrantha Rolfe for its same name of Li- paris macrantha Hook f. Indeed. L. macrantha Hook.t was published before L. macrantha Rofe. in 1989 , But L. ma- crantha Hook.f was a Symnonym of JLiparis distans CB Clarke It was out of available for a long time. and L. macrantha 222 Rolfe is availoble here I list L. ntgra Seidenf as a symno- nym of L. macratha Rolle, Please see. part HI an Enumaration of Indignous orchids of Taiwan. (Fig) 83 #L7—648H#( Liparis macrantha ) a. 伦 正面 (Flower front side ) 。 伦 背面 ( Flower back side ) . 8 ( Dorsal sepal ) . SEA ( Lateral sepal ) . EME ( Petal ) f. Ee ( Lip ) . SE ( Column ) mena eS HHA R > HE HG > (RERE 圆柱 形 , 10-20 cm , AR > RRA > MPF fe RR HA 3-4 HK WKRMAY > Fema > BA BF o 33-5 ASR ELA > 12-18 cm» 5-8 cm » K i> TmaM ARK A > SAAN AH > A > BEAR > IGE > Axes BAH 背面 ; ##R3-5 cm, 通 常 包 被 於 区 上 。 223 花 10 -15 > REAL ES > BEA > 径 1 - 1.5 cm> MUR TERE > EM > a 5. 花花 顶 生 , 长 18-24 cm> MEW > BEA? SRL > SER; BARA > HR VW 3-4 mm> GMHRBR ; (RRA F RR 25-3 cm » By » RA » MS > GR; BA REVERS > Rs R1.5-2 cm» F 2.5 - 3.5 mm » BK RHE > Fem SH HH; TEPER > R2-2.5 cm FN 0.5 mm> #E; BRAD KEY > Zin > SRBRA DY » R1.2-1.8 cm > %9-12 mm ##> MeemR> Al AMARA A2 BH MRI -4 mm; SH UBWREW: 长 6-8 mm > Ris o AA > EERAEB ES RW 500-1600 公 尺 的 山地 , 多 生长 於 森林 Bo BRE bo 本 种 由 Seidenf 博士 提出 一 新 名 称 工 . MUiSza 来 代替 工 . macrantha Rolfe. Seidenf 博士 以 篇 工 . macrantha Rolfe & L. macrantha Hook f 是 同名, 而 工 . macrantha Hook.f BRWEKIRS (18894) > & L. macrantha Rolfe BEKRA HAL. macrantha Hook.f EL. distans C.B. Clarke§ 4°» BAM oT L. macrantha Rolfe BY KE 7 UEFA o MAB=H ARH > GMA AS o 95. 插 天 山羊 耳 藻 (Liparis macrantha var. sootenzanensis ( Fukyama ) Ying ) Liparis macrantha Rolfe var. sootenzanensis ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. Liparis sootenzanensis Fukuyama in Ann. Rep. Taihoku Imper. Univ. 3: 84 (1933 ). Terrestrials; rhizomes short; pseudobulbs closely appro- ximate, cylindrical, 8-15 cm long, fleshy, pale green, 8-、 11 mm across; stemless; sheathes 2-3, membranous, lanceo- late, acuminate at apex. Leaves 2-4, elliptic or elliptic lanceolate,1525 cm long, 5-8 cm wide, thin chartaceous or membranous, acuminate, narrowed to the petioles at base, glabrous, many - nerved elevated beneath, entire or slightly wavy on margin; the petioles 2-4 cm long, glabrous, pale green; sheathes 2-3 cm long. 224 Flowers 8-12, yellowish green, medium-sized, 1.2 -1.6 em in diameter, racemose, glabrous, erect; scape terminal on the pseudobulb, producing from unopened leaves, 20-30 cm long, erect, ‘green, angled; bracts minute, triangular, hya- line, 2-3 mm long, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 2-2.5 cm long, pale green; sepals equal, spreading, linear , 1.5-1.8 cm long, about 3 mm wide, 3-nerved, recurved on margin, the lateral ones somewhat shorter: petals narrowly linear or filiform, 1.5-1.6 cm long, 0.5 mm wide; lip obo- vate cuneate, 1-1.3 cm long, 8-10 mm wide, recurved and rounded at tip, denticulated upward, entire to the lower part, emarginate at apex, cuneate-clawed and with 2 keeled tubercles at base; column 6-7 mm long, recurved. Endemic, under the evergreen forests of the northern part cf the island at the elevations of 800-1409 m, common on the areas of Urai and Chiatienshan. The variety different from the typical species mainly by the yellowish green flowers and-denticulated upward and en- tire in the lower part of the margin of the lip. HA +e; RRMA , 圆 柱 形 , 长 8-15 cm > AR? & 称 色 , 径 8-11 mm > RE 5H 2-3? RB? REY »° TywNNK #2 2-47 > HAVRE RRS > 15-25 cm> #5-8 cm > MARIE > MMA > AARNE EE» OR >? KSERRKREREL > DRAG SRR ; BME 2-4 cm? 638; 2-3%> 2-3 cme 花 8-13 枚 黄 称 色 , 中 型 , 径 1.2 -1.6 cm> MIRIERE > EB > WZ ; TER BAR BRE Se > HHA RAI EWR > 20-30 cm , 直立 , RS > BRA; 苞 片 小 , 三角形, 透明 , 长 2-3 mm, 先 端 够 兴 ; ERA FBR2-2.5cm> Rik ; SHB BR MY H1.5-1.8 cm? W3mm: ik3h > SRR: MBAR ; RRR RMRK > H1.5- 1.6 cm» 80.5 mm; BAIR > B1-1.3 cm» #8-10 mm , 先端 圆 BRR: LRA Se SRSK> CHM , 基 部 呈 标 状 爪 状 , 且 ABR RKY > SER6-7 mm: Rie 225 Bla EER ABItR PBR 800-1400 FRY BAK BR FER > ES AR Rs RE RK UP © 96. 局 球 羊 耳 蒜 ( Liparis platybolba Hayata ) Epiphytes; pseudobulbs closely approximate, compressed oblong, ovate-oblong or elliptic, 2.5-3 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, 2-6 mm thick, glabrous, yellowish green. Leaves 2, very rarely 3, terminal on the pseudobulb, ar- ticulate, oblanceolate, thickened chartaceous, 10-15 cm long, 2-2.5 cm wide, acute, gradually narrowed base, sessile or subsessile, entire, 3-4-merved elevated beneath, green su~ rface, pale green benath. Flowers many, small, grayish white, scentless,racemose; scape terminal on the pseudobu]b, 20-25 cm long, pendu-- lous, glabrous; sheathes few, at the base of scape, lanceo- late, 2-3 cm long, 4-5 mm wide; bracts lanceolate, 4-6 mm long, membranous,‘ acute; the pedicels with ovary A-6 mm long glabrous, green; sepals erect, linear oblong, 4-6 mm long, 1.5-2.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, ]-merved; pe- tals narrowly linear, 5-5.5 mm long, about 0.5 mm _ wide, erect, acute at apex; lip subspreading, rounded or nearly so, 4-5 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, cuspidate at apex, clawed at base, the claw 3-3.5 mm long, glabrous, fleshy, the la- mine wavv-plicate on margin: column 2-2, 5mm long, suberect, Capsules obovoid-fusiform, clavate-rounded at. apex, 3- ribs. Endemic, known from the low to medium altitudes of 600-1800 m throughout the island, epiphytic on tree trunks or branches, somewhat common. GAM > RE RE PS > REAM > DKA RRAW > & 2.5-3 cm» #1.5-2 cm» 2-6 mm> J6}#9° HRA HE 2 > DRAKA 3 RK > BAER PRED ER > RARE ~ BRS > SR A> 10-15 cm , ald Sey oe d> » Scar We » Se RABY ST fl ( Fig) 84 jmeR=2H# ( Liparis platybolba ) a. 46 ( Flower ) b. #82 ( Dorsal sepal ) c. JH ( Lateral sepal ) d. 7£9%( Petal ) e. EYE ( Lip ) f. SE ( Column ) DRM > Bh > Ak3-4RBE RRB > RASA KSRE> BHA Eo ESR > Be > ARMAGH? FSR > MUKIER ; TER RAK RRK 的 先端 , 长 20-25 cm» PSE > 495; HDR > BEKELE AR > KEY > 2-3 cm , 袖 4-5 mm ; HH REG > H4-6 mm > BA > AR ; 花梗 车 同 子 房 长 4-6 mm > O6/a > RA; BABI > MKRRAW > B4-6 mm > #1.5-2.5 mm 先端 钝 , 腺 1 人 条 ; TR PORT > 长 5-5.5 mm> 0.5 mm > By > Sa RR ; BSCR > Blatsrciat > 4-5 mm > 3-4 mm , 和 先端 尾 状 , 基 部 有 爪 , 爪 长 3 -3.5 mm > tH ARE WBA RRC > SER 2-2.5 mm, 近 似 直 立 。 PR NKR SETS > Fem BRET > A REHK Rika 3 条 。 Bla > £RKAB8 E+ BR 600-1800 m th > SAK Be RE: ERE fig o 227 97. =H (Liparis plicata Fr. et Sav. ) Epiphytes; pseudobu!b compressed elongate - conical, green , glabrous, 1-2 cm long, few scales when young. Leaf solitary, very rarely 2, at the top of pseudobulb, ovate-lanceolate or linear-oblong, 7-16 cm Img, 1.5-3.5 cm wide, coriaceous, acuminate, near to round at base, disti- nctly jointed with the sheaths. Flowers 5-15, yellowish green, scentless, 6-7 mm in diameter, one-side racemose; scape terminal on the pseu- dobulb, 10-18 cm long, glabrous, green, flat, narrowly wing-margined, arcuately recurved in upper part; bracts triangular lanceolate, 3-6 mm long, 1-2 mm wide; pedi- cels with ovaries 8-12 mm long, glabrous; sepals lanceolate- ovate, spreading, the dorsal ome 6-7 mm _ long, about 2 mm wide, obtuse at apex, the lateral ones slightly shorter , arcuate in upper part; petals linear, glabrous, 6 - 7 mm long, 1-]1.2 mm wide, obtuse at apex ;lip cuneate-obovate, more or less fleshy, 5-5.5 mm long, about 5 mm wide , rounded-truncate and emarginate, smooth, gradually recuved at tip, with 2 indistinct callosities at base ‘inside; column winged near the tip, about 4 mm long. Capsules clavate-fusiform, 8-12 mm long, 5-6 mm in diameter; seeds minute, numerous, enclosed by thin me- mbranes. S. China, Japan and Ryukyu. Taiwan, at lower altitudes below 1000 m throughout the island, epiphytic on tree tru- nks and mossy rocks, very common. ALT > (RERE 局 长 圆锥 形 , 粽 色 , 光 滑 , 长 1 -2 cm, 幼 时 基部 具有 BECHER © HER — » fi D Be ORAL 2 BK > EE ERE AY Seti > ODAR RST TY BBR AK BABII > 7-16 cm? #1.5-3.5 cm , 革 质 , 先 端 渐 拓 形 , 基 部 近似 於 圆 形 , 以 末节 与 鞘 相连 。 花 5-15 枚 , 黄 称 色 , 和 无 香味 , 径 6-7 mm 着 生 藉 一 仙 , 炉 状 花 序 ; 228 图 ( Fig)85 #H#( Liparis plicata ) a. A4E ChE He ( Flowering plant ) b. 7 ( Flower) c. @# (Dorsal sepal ) d. 469% ( Petal) e. #iJ#H (Lateral sepal ) f. Eye ( Lip ) g. @&# ( Column.) JEBSAR RREWSG 10-18 cm, 光 涓 、 稼 色 、 局 平 、 滤 徐 具 有 了 膜 TRAD > FEN MBS DEK PE; MRSA RRS > R3-6 mm> H1-2mm ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 8-12 mm > 4678 ; SRREKNY > BR RSE - 7 mm, 袖 狗 2 mm , 先 端 钝 ; HSS ARES > Sev HR ; TERR > 68 :长 6-7 mm, 袖 1-1.2 mm 先端 纯 ; SRRRKANY - S2>SnN8->£ 5-5.5 mm» M5 mm , 先 端 圆 而 截断 状 , 略 止 头 , 光 滑 , 先 端 略 向 后 反 挫 , 基 部 内 面 有 2 SRR > SHAR > RM 4 mmo 3 RABE RESSER > 8-12 mm> KH5-6 mm; 种 子 甚 小 , 多 数 , BAA HEIR © 中 国 南 部 , 日 本 及 琉球 。 人 台湾 , 生 长 於 RERW 1000 公 尺 以 下 的 山地 SEEAD hi Bath Se RSSRAMAAL » ER 8 J o 229 98. #& +H (Liparis shaoshunia Ying ) Liparis shaoshunia Ying, sp. nov. Terrestris, erecta, 25-30 cm alta, glaberrima; pseudo- bulbis cylindris, 8-12 cm longis, 0.5-0.6 cm in diame- tris, apice 2-foliatis, basi 2-3 vaginatis; vaginis 4-6 cm longis, pseudobulbum complete amplectentibus, scariosis ne- rvosis, apice acutiusculis. Folia 3, petiolata, lamina patentia, ovate vel oblong, 7-12 cm longa, 4-4.5 cm lata, apice acuta vel acuminata, basi rotundato-=cuneata, chartacea, utrinque glabra, vivo ma- rgine integra nervis 5-7; petiolis deorsum gradatim atte- nuatis, pseudobulbum amplectantibus 1-1.5 cm longis, 0.5- 0.6 cm in diameteris. Scapus gracilis erectus, esquamatus, glaber, angulatus ad angulos ungustissime alatus, elongatus, 12-18 cm longus, ra- cemo florifero 8-10 cm longo, sublaxe 9-]2-florato; bra- cteis triangulatis, minutis, puniceis, ca. 2 mm longis, apice acutis. Flores 9-12, mediocres,ca.2cm in diametero, glabri; pedi- cellis erectis, 1.8-2.2 cm longis, glabris, puniceum ; se - palum intermedium puniceum, lineare, post reflexum, 1.4- 1.6 cm longum, 1.5-1.8 mm latum, apice obtusum, basi co- ntractum, lateralia punicea, oblique, lanceolata vel obla- nceolata, 1.2-1.3 cm longa, 3-3.5 mm lata, apice obtusa, basi contracta; petala anguste linearia, filiformia, 1.5- 1.8 cm longa, ca. 0.5 mm lata, punicea. Labellum cuneato-ovatum, viridianum antice truncato- rotundatums, apice emarginatum, margine minuta _ serrulata, basi 1-2 tuberculati; columna recurva, glabra, virida serus purpurata, 5-6 mm longa. Habitat: Taiwan, Pingtung Hsien, Hang-chuan, Nanjenshan, Leg.: §.S. Ying.Jan. 24, 1976. 230 The species is characterized by the dark purple sepals and petals; the green lip. | lal¢ Fig) 86 ®& SHR ( Liparis shaoshunia ) a. 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b. 7E2 ( Sepal ) c. 7Ef ( Petal ) d. BYE ( Lip ) 地 生 苦 , 直 立 , 高 25-30 cm, 光 滑 ; RREARW > EH 8-12 cm , 径 0.5-0.6 cm, 和 先端 有 革 3 > HERA 2-3 > H4-6 cm , 包 住 假 ERE » Aik , 先 端 够 撩 。 SK: SBEMRRE in > WURERAW > 长 7-]2 cm , 袖 4- 4.5 cm » wmRAMMAR: SREY > RA > MMB > SR > Aik 5-7 休 ; HMA SEH: H1-1.5 cm> WK > K0.5-0.6 cme ESR > Bi RR > MARKO RY RH > OI? BEA > RAL 231 f4 > 212-18 cm> MIKE MID 8-10 cm> BE; 萄 片 三 角形 , 小 , RS SRAL ES ° RA 2mm » FEVGBX © 花 9-12 枚 , PRM > BMH2 cm >» Ha? MIKE > TERRA TRE ,长 1.8-2.2 cm? S68? HRAA; RBHBARA? MV SRA BR > £21.4-1.6 cm» #1.5-1.8 mm » SynSh > AR Ree ; HSA 紫红 色 , 基 部 焉 , 披 针 形 或 倒 披 对 形 , 长 1.2-1.3 cm» H3-3.5 mm , Fev St > BEERS MB ; TERRI > MMM > &H1.5-1.8 om» BMO.5 mm > 瞳 红 此 多。 EWeRIK INT » 38 稼 色 , 先 端 圆 截断 状 , 和 先端 凹 头 , 竹 锯 紫 徐 , 基 部 有 1-2 枚 附属 体 ; BE BW » KIA > TARE RIB BRIRAG > & 5-6 mmo 固有 , 生 长 於 恒 春 个 饲 南 仁 山 网 300-500 m Hl > BRR Fo 本 种 需 笔 者 在 恒 春 南 仁 山 所 探 集 的 新 种 , 其 特征 坑 ERS HS RAL f& > BHED RB ° 99. #4ABR+H ( Liparis somai. Hayata ) Epiphytes; pseudobulbs closely approximate, ovoid, 3.5-4 cm long, 2-2.5 cm in diameter, fleshy, green or yellowish green; roots numerous, filiform, slender. Leaves 2, terminal on the pseudobulb, oblanceolate or spathulate- lanceolate, 12-15 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, acu- minate, attenuate at base, thickened chartaceous, slightly fleshy, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath. Flowers numerous, yellow or pale yellow, 5-7 mm in diameter, widely opened; scape terminal on the pseudobulb, 10-15 cm long, erect, stricted; the pedicels with ovaries 7-9 mm long, glabrous, green or greenish yellow, ascending; the bracts linear-lanceolate, 5-7 mm long, about 1 mm wide, acuminate at apex; the dorsal sepal lanceolate,54 mm long, about 1mm wide, obtuse at apex, strongly contracted at base; the lateral one oblique ovate, 3-3.5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex; petals linear, 2-2.6 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, acuminate at apex; lip ovate, 3-3.5 mm long, 2-2.2 mm _ wide, acute - triangular at apex, slightly cordate 232 lal ( Fig ) 87 AS ER ( Liparis somai ) a。 植 物体 (Flowering plant) b. 46 ( Flower ) c. d. SH ( Sepal) e. 763% ( Petal ) f. BRE Lip ) g. BE ( Column ) 233 and centracted at base, plicate-recurved from middle to tip; column about 5-6 mm long. Endemic, known from medium altitudes of 500-900 m in eastern and southern parts of the island, epiphytic on tree trunks. | BAER > (RERE RBH > ON > H3.5-4 cms B2-2.5 cm> AR > hk FU RRA ; RR > RR > Mike 2K? GERRREY De HREBMERRAWB > 12-15 cm > 1-5-2 cme Fumi > SRG: PRA BSAR> RHSRHKE BRE > FP LIAR © 花 多 数 , 黄 色 或 淡 黄 色 , 径 5-7 mm> Faz; EXER RR , 长 10-15 cm» BY» ABKRE ; 花村 连同 子 房 长 7-9 mm , 光 滑 , RARRRA> BLA; GHRKREAB > R5-7 mm, 袖 和 狗 1] mm > & 端 源 尖 RBRREB> H5-6 mmr BH 1 mm > Sys > AAS 5 HSABEIRB >: 长 3-3.5 mm> 1.5 mm , 先 端 钝 ; EMERY > R2 - 2.6 mm» 30.5 mm, 先 端 渐 撩 ; BIEN > R3-3.5 mm> H2- 2.2 mm » FemiRARRE AW > RBS ABS Aha > CPRSEMAE - Rw: SHH 5-6 mm o Ae > FER RK SR BE PB 500-800 m 山地 , 着 生 於 档 干 上 100. .|\ #2 ( Listera deltoidea Fukuyama ) Terrestrials; roots elongate, slender;stem simple erect, Slender, green, included the scape 18-21 cm long, glabrous below the part of the leaves, pubescent upward, 2-3, at the base of stem, membranous, enclosed the stem completely. Leaves 2, opposite, on the middle of the stem, sessile, deltoid or ovate- triangular, 2.5-3 cm long, 2-3cm wide, shortly acute at apex, truncate at base, entire, chartaceous or thickened membranous, glabrous, green eurfaces, pale green beneath. Flowers 8-12, sublaxed, green, 7-9 mm in diameter, 234 racemose; scape terminal, 8-10 cm “long, erect, slender, glandular pubescent ; bracts minute, ovate, glabrous, acute at apex, l-nerved; the pedicels with ovaries suberect , 2.5-3 mm long, glabrous; sepals ovate, 1.5-2 mm _ long, about 1 mm _ widé, obtuse or acute at apex, somewhat co- ntracted at base, concave, glabrous, ]-nerved, membranous ; petals oblong or oblanceolate- oblong, 1.5-1.8 mm long, 0.5- 0.7 mm wide, acute at apex, more or less narrowed at base, glabrous, 1 -nerved, membranous; lip long cuneate in outline, 4-4.5 mm long, thickened, glabrous, patent, suspended, more or less sagitate at- base, 2-lobed from the middle to top, the lobes Fives; 2-2.5 mm long, acuminate at apex; column suberect, ]-1.2 mm long. Endemic, under the evergreen forests at the elevations of 900-1400 m in northern part of the’ island; -somewhat common at northern Chia- tien - shay. HAM > MER > ME ; RHA > $F > MUL + RR > TEIRITER 18 - 2 cm » aL BGI» LM HEB) BEF HI 2-3 » EET SER oR > 54 Ro HE 2 Be BE | ALAM > sei» SWRI = AW 5 - 3 cm *H2-3 cm SweRL RRM SK MARSA 8 RHE WHS o ane: | 468-12 > PSHE? RA? E7-9 mm » MARTE ; TERRA > 长 8- 10 cm » iL > MR > BARE ; 萄 片 微小 , SG > GE > Tet RR » ik 1 条 ; 花梗 连同 子 租 长 2. 5 -3 mm , 近似 直立 , 光滑 ; BAR 1.5-2 mm , 袖 狗 1 mm, 先 端 钝 或 锅 失 , 基 部 略 呈 肾 熔 状 , 凸 出 , 光 滑 , Ak 10k , 膜 买 ; 花 捧 长 机 圆 形 或 倒 披 针 状 长 构 圆 形 , 长 1.5-1.8 cm , 实 0.5-0.7 mm , 先 端 够 失 , 基 部 略 狭 , 光 滑 AKI 条 > ERR ; BREN BRR? R4-4.5 mm, 厚 光滑, 显著 , 下垂, 基部 略 呈 盾 形 , 从 中 部 至 先端 2 裂 , 裂 片 穆 形 , 长 2-2.5 mm >» EWA ; BASE VB: £ 1-1.2 mmo A> ERR ABI PBR 900-1400 mth > BAK ERAS PKR > FES Sa TAL TER LL o 235 101. ARRERM ( Listera shaoii Ying ) Listera shaoii Ying, sp. noy. Terrestris, radicalis filiformis, 10-15 cm _ longis, villo- sis. Caulis erecta, simplex, 10-15 cm altus, stricta, gra- cillima-, basi purpurea, glabra, supra puberula. Folia 2, opposita, sessilia, ovato-triangulata, 1.5-2.6 cm longa, 1-1.5cm lata, apice acuta vel acuminata, basi truncata, margine integra vel leviter undulata, charactea, _utrinque glabra, 1-3-nervata, costa subtus rubra vel purpu- rea, supra viridia subtus pallidiora. Scapus gracilis, terminalis, 7-4d0 cm longis, puberulis, erectis, rubra cum viridia. Flores 10-15, bracteis lanceolato-triangulatis, 1.5-3 mm longis, ca Imm latis apice acuta, pedicellis gracilis, fili- formis, 9-12 mm longis, puberulis; ovariis elongato- rotundatis, 3.5-4 mm longis, ca 1.5 mm in diametro, glabris ; sepala cum petala virida, minuta, reflexa; the se- palum posticum linearo-oblong, 3-4 mm longum, 0.8-0.9 mm latis, apice obtusa, haud contricta; sepalis lateralibus in termedio subsimilibus sed basi dilatatum; petala linearia, 2.8-3.5 mm longa, ca 0.1 mm _ latis, apice obtusa, labellum rubra vel purpuro-rubra, convexa; 2-6 mm longa, medio vel supra medium divaricato-bilobatum, lobi lineari, 2.5- 3 mm longi, apice obtusa; columna breva, 0.2-0.3. mm longa, virida. Habitat: Siyuenakou, alt. 1400-1600, leg. S.S. Ying 5910, 5925 April 2 1977. Terrestrials; roots elongate, filiform, 10-15 cm long, villose; stem simple, included scape 12-20 cm long,erect, stricted, dark purplish red, glabrous in lower part and — pubescent . upward. | Leaves 2, op posite, | on the middle of stem, sessile, ovate- triangular, 1.5-2.6 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, acuminate 236 pe or acute at apex, truncate at base,. entire or slightly wavy on margin, chartaceous, 1-3-nerved ; the midrib usuallypu- rplish red on the beneath, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath. iene Scape terminal, 7-10 cm long, pubescent, erect, purplish red tinged with green or green tinged with purplish red, the inflorescence a raceme, 4.5-7.5 cm long. Flowers 10-15, widely opened, racemose; the bracts lanceolate-triangular, 1.5-3 mm long, about wide, acute at apex; the pedicels ‘slender, filiform, 9-12 mm long, slightly pubescent; the ovary elongate rounded, 3.5- | -4 mm long, about 1.5 mm in daimeter, glabrous ; sepals and petals green, minute, sometimes tinged with purple, strongly relfexed to backward; the dorsal Sepal linear- oblong, 3-4 mm long, 0.8-0.9mm, wide, obtuse at. apex, no contracted at base, the lateral ones same as the dorsal in shape and size but somewhat broader at base; petals linear, 2.8-3.5 mm long, about 0.1 mm wide, obtuse at apex; lip dark red or purplish red, convex, 5-6 mm long, -2- lobed from middle to apex; the lobes linear, 2.5-3 mm long, obtuse at apex; the unlobed base usually with 1 purplish yellow longitudinal keel in the medium; column short, about 0.2-0.3 mm long, green in color. Habitat: Sivuenakou ( Himimo), alt. 1400-1600 m, leg. S.S. Ying 5900, 5925 ( Typus ), April 2 1977. 地 生 兰 , 根 甚 长 , 线形 , 长 10-15 em>s EH; KRO KR: BAEK 长 12-20 cm> Bir > ORE > REALS > HAIG > LLL MH EH 全 2 枚 , 对 生 , ERA E HM > RM > WR=EAW 1-5-2.6 cm , 宽 1-1.5 cms HaBARRA > ARAMK > SKM SERK> KA > ikl -3@> PREB POSE RAE ROSAHEREA> AHR o 4ESTB4 ° HR 7-10 cm> FEA? BV? Ril 色 带 有 稼 色 或 称 色 带 有 Pen ° TERRA RIRTE Rs 长 4.5-7.5 cm。 7610-15 > BaRBA > ROR TER; 苞 片 披 针 状 三 角形 , 长 1.5-3 mm: | 237 BH 1 mor’ Sa ; 花梗 组 长 , 和 线形 ,长 9-12 mm > BR ER; TE 长 圆 形 , 长 3.5 -4 mm long > 81.5 mm> 678; BH RABE > A , 有 时 带 有 本 紫色 , 强 列 地 向 后 反手 ; CHORE AY > 23-4 mm, #0,8-0,9mm » Sst St > RAPA MSA R RARE BH AL > (8 RR ; HER > H2.8-3.5 mm» WH0.1 mm , 先 端 钝 ; SME fl 50 SEAL fo LH 5-6 mm, 中 部 至 先端 2 裂 , 裂 片 精 形 , 长 2.5- 3 mm> 43S > 未 分 裂 的 基部 在 中 间 部 份 有 1 紫 黄色 的 隆起 精 ; 芒 柱 短 , 长 0.2-0.3 mm, 稼 色 。 固有 , 人 生长 从 思源 士 口 , 狗 1400 -1600 mR > FERRARA HBL > RES o B2RCRHRA > UMRNABLE -RERAEHEE 102. GMBH ( Listera taiwaniana Ying ) Tetrestrials; roots elongate, slender ; stem simple,erect, slender, 10-26 cm long, 1] mm in diameter, leafy in the middle of the stem, sheathing at base; sheaths ovate-tria- ngular, membranous, completely amplexicual, 5-7 mm long, 3-3.5 mm wide. Leaves 2, opposite, patent, sessile, ovate or ovate-tria- . ,ngular , 1-1.5 cm long, 1-1.2 cm wide, obtuse at apex, truneate at base, midrib raised on back, lateral veins inconspicuous, entire,.coriaceous or thickened chartaceous, glabrous, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath. Flowers 2-6, small, 4-7 mm in diameter, pale green or yellowish green, racemose; scape terminal, 7-10 cm long, erect, glabrous, green; bracts ovate or rounded, a 5 mm long, 1-1.5 mm _ wide, obtuse, contracted at base; the pe- -dicels with ovaries suberect, glabrous, 2-3 mm long, green; sepals linear-lanceolate, ]-nerved, acute at apex, contracted at base, 6-8 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide, concave; petals linear - lanceolate, same as the sepals in length, 1 -nerved ; lip rectangular, 1.2-1.7 cm long, 3-4 mm wide, ‘truncate and wavy or slightly emarginate at apex, contracted at base, 238 glabrous ; column suberect, about 1’ mm long. Endemic, known at the high altitudes of 3600-3800 m on the mountain of Ma-bou-la-se-shan only, under the fo- rests of Juniperus squamata var. morrisonicola. | ( Fig)88 Be SM 〈 Listera taiwaniana ) a. 着 花 植 物体 ( Flowering plant ) b. #324 ( Dorsal sepal ) e: TE ht ( Petal ) d. B#E ( Lip ) HM E> ME; MAOH > Bir> ME > 10-20 cm» GX) 1mm > PHA BA > PIKE AB: RA HARK? R 5-7 mm» &3-3.5 mmo 32 Res SAA > HES > FEM > SV RIK EAW > R1-1:5 cm > & 1-1.2 cm> So %mS » BRA BTR > PAD A IM ke > HKD > BR > 革 质 或 PRA > Gia: AMS ACER > ARR Ho 162-6 > BY) > K4-7 mm » MR SM BRE > MURTEF ;s TERA 生 '* 长 7-10 cm , 直 立 , 光 滑 , 称 色 ; BARBRA > R4-5 mm , 239 实 1-1.5 mm» SounSh > SASK AK ; (ESAS BR2-3 mm > HV 立 , > RE; BARRE: BE6-8 mm> H1-1.5 mm » A> Hk 1 WE > FevRRA > AERSRRAIK ; TERRI RST > RBA AKI ; BMRB > 长 1.2-1.7 cm» £3-4 mm > Eh RHR ASB > D MABSRBMR# > BMRA > U4; SEUBY > EW 1 mm 。 BA > EES BA WS BH 3600-38002 RH BWHE> & ASH EU AEE FF > RRB o 103. BRM (Listera uraiensis Ying) Listera uraiensis Ying, sp. nov. Terrestris, erecta, gracillima, basi virens supra flavi- virens cum purpuracens stricta, 18-25 cm alta, medio fo- lifera, infra folia glabra, supra puberula, basi univaginata, radicibus fasciculatis pubescentibus. Folia 2, opposita, patentia, ovato-deltoid, sessilis, 3- 3.5 cm longa, ca 2 cm lata, apice acuminata, basi truncata, chartacea, margine integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra, supra viridia, costa alba subtus pallidiora, 3-nervata inter nervos, laterales reticulato -venul osa 。 Flores 12-20, pallo purpurea, scapi sublax racemosi, 1-2 mm in diametro; scapeus terminalis cum racemo 11-14 cm longus, simplex, flavi-albus cum purpurcers stricta, puberula; bracteis minutis, triangulus, apice acutis , 1-1.5 mm longis, ca Imm latis; pedicellum cum ovario ca 2 mm longis, ere- ctis, glabris, flavi-albus cum stricta purprea; sepalum mi- nutum, ovato-triangulum, 1-2 mm longum, ca ] mm latum, spice acuta, concavula, membramacea, glabra; petala linearia, ca 1.5 mm longa, 0.7-0.8 mm lata, apice obtusa, membra- nacea, utringue glabra; labellum 5-6 mm longum, basi 9.6 mm latum, medio 0.8 mm_latum, linearum, erectum, hasiangustum, medio filatatum, divaricato-bilobatum, inter apices loborum 2-3 mm longum; column suberecta, ca 1 mm longa. 240 Capsules obovoidea, 5- purpurea stricta, 3-4 mm longa, 1-1.5 mm in diametero. Hab. : in. Mt. Patouershan. 1000 m alt. leg. §.S,. Ying 3582, April 13 1975. Terrestrials; roots many, 6-10 cm long; stem simple, slender, with scape 18-25 cm long, yellowish green and glabrous below, the part of the leaves green with purple ridge and pubescent upward. Leaves 2, opposite, on the middle of the stem, patent, ovate- triangular or triangular, sessile, 3-3.5 cm long , about 2 cm wide, acuminate, truncate at base, chartaceous, entire wavy on margin, glabrous on both sides, green and midrib white surface, pale green beneath, 3-nerved, the la- teral veins reticulate. Flowers small, 12-20, light purple, sublax- racemose, 2- 3 mm in diameter; scape terminal, 11-14 cm long, simple, yellowish white with purple ridges, pubescent; bracts minute, triangular, acute at apex, 1-1.5 mm _ long, about 1 mm wide; pedicels with ovaries about 2 mm long, erect, gla- brous, yellowish with white with purple ridges; - sepals minute, ovate-triangular, 1-2 mm long, about 1 mm wide, acute at apex, concave, membranous, glabrous; petals li- near, about 1.5 mm long, 0.7-0.8 mm wide, obtuse at apex, membranous, glabrous; lip 5-6 mm long, 0.6-0.8 mm wide, linear, erect, narrow at base, 2-lobed from the mi- ddle, the lobes 2-3 mm _ ong, linear; column suberect , about 1 mm long. Capsules obovoid, 5-purple ridges, 3-4 mm long, }-].5 mm across. Endemic, known from the medium altitudes of 900- 1500 m_in northern part of the island, somewhat rare. HAD ; 根 多 数 , 长 6- 10 cm ; MMR» MAR > MEK R18-25 cm 241 > RARE BG? BU LROREAMA RAW: LBA CHe 革 二 枚 , 对 生 , 在 董 的 中 下 部 , 显 著 , 三 角 状 卵 形 , 和 无 柄 , 长 3 -3.5 cm, 实 多 2 cm > 4aiMk ARRMK KA SaeReKR> BAY 68> RARE: PRS AR> PHAR >? Ax 3K > Ak SiiKo {t/J\ >» 12-20% > SR f° HRM TER > BK 2-3 mm ; 7ERIR4? KR 11-14 cm> RAGMARABR: BEBO GH)* 三 角形 , 长 1-1.5 mm > @A1 mm> GRR ; ERBASFRBEM 2mm » By > Ki w BAMA RAR RM; BA)? WREAW:H1-2 mm> SH1 mm, 先 端 RA> MK RAG ; ERY > RH 1.5 mm » HH0.7-0.8 mm , 先端 钝 , 膜 质 , 光 滑 ; BREE 5-6 mm > 80.6-0.8 mm , 直 立 , 基 部 狭 ,, 从 中 部 起 2 裂 , 有 裂片 长 2-3 mm> MY; 项 柱 近似 直立 , 长 狗 1 mmo MRA > 3-4 mm? B1-1.5mm>Fs 5k RABE Bla > + RRA AaB 900-1500 my iLith > ERT BRAK BR > BD ° 104. 小 柱 苦 (Malaxis latifolia J.E. Smith ) Terrestrials; rhizomes short; pesudobulb clustered, erect, 5-10 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm across, green sometimes tinged with purple, succulent. Leaves 4-6,. obliquely oblong, 14-25 cm long, 4-10 cm wide, acuminate, cuneate or cordate at base, chartaceous, 6-10 nerved elevated beneath, green, more or less. tinged with purple beneath; the petioles 3-4 cm long; sheaths 2-3 cm long. embracing the stem. — Flowers many,’ yellow in. bud and red opened, racemose; scape 20-45 cm long, pubescent, erect or ascending; sepals oblong, 3-4 mm long, obtuse; petals 4-5 mm long, na; rrower, sublinear ; lip 3-lobed, the lateral lobes shortly triangular, obtuse at apex, the median lobe narrow, wi- thout auricles , with a transversal basal, concave, papillose thickening within; stelids not exceeding the an ther. F ruits ellipsoid, 6-ribed, transersally wrinkled. S. China, Java, India, Nepal, Malaya and Queensland . 242 人 F Taiwan, at medium altitudes of 600- 1300 m under humid fores ‘is, somewhat ‘common P HAE > Hie > (RR SRA > iz? R5-10 cm ' 径 1.5-2.5 cm 9 AR? iti > ARPA f° | «4-6 > BRAY? 14-25 cm? B4-10 cm, 先 端 渐 撩 形 , 基 。 RRR OU > 锋 质 , 肪 6 -10 休 隆起 於 背面 , 稼 色 , 背 面 多 少 带 有 紫红 色 5 EMR 3-4 cm ;期 长 2-3 cm > faKo ESM > HRSG > PK ESA > MURIER ; TERR 20-45 cm , BEE: BSCR ; SRRBAYW: 长 3-4 mm , 先 端 钝 ; RIT DR > RR> 长 4-5 mm? BZ 裂 , MAR B=HAW » Fash > , 中 裂片 - 狭 , 无 耳 状 物 , 内 面 基部 有 一 凸 出 有 和 柔 毛 的 附属 物 。 WAR EIT > 有 6 RR BERR > RES Hho | Bd Rae » T\RE~ AEs JEYa RR ~ BRR ETH oH EEK 海拔 狗 600-1300 m 山地 , 常 见 於 SRB ARMA > Ris HE 105. 松田 氏 小 柱 兰 “Malaxis matsudai ( Yamamoto) Hatusima ). Terrestrials; roots elongate; stem simple, fleshy, 8-12 cm long, 6-7 mm across, green, with purple tinged, enclosed by the leaf-sheaths when young, smooth; sheaths 2-3, at the base of stem, membranous. Leaves 4-6, ovate-elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, 6-9 cm - long, 2-3.5 cm wide, acute or minute acuminate, oblique cu- neate to the petioles at base, thickened chartaceous, entire and wavy on margin, 5-7-nerved elevated beneath, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath; the petioles 1-1.5 cm lo- ng; sheathes 1-2 cm long, enclosed the stem, green tinged with light purple. Flowers 8-12, small, green or yellowish green, 5-6 mm in diameter, racemose; scape terminal, 8-12 cm long, sle- nder, erect, purple with green tip, glabrous; bracts linear- lanceolate, 3-3.5 mm long, about Ls mm wide, acute at apex, chartaceous; the pedicels with ovaries 2-3 mm long, . 243 green; sepals equal, spreading, oblong or ovate, 2-3 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex,somewhat fleshy, concave; petals linear, 3-4 mm long, 0.2 mm wide, obtuse at apex, glabrous; lip sessile, ovate-spathulate, 4-5 mm long, about 3 mm wide, 2-lobed at base, the lobes acute triangular, obtuse and emarginate at apex; column short,su- bterete, with anthers about ] mm long. Endemic, under the evergreen broad+leaved forests at the elevations of 600-1500 m in central and southern parts of the island. a 图 ( Fig) 89 松田 氏 小 柱 苦 ( Malaxis matsudai ) a. 伦 (Flower ) b. 未 开放 的 花 ( Unopened flower ) c. 4&*E ( Column ) d. BYE ( Lip) e. Bk ( Column ) f. 花药 ( Anther ) g. #( Fruit ) HEM; 根 甚 长 ; KRU 无 分 枝 , 肉 质 , 长 8-12 cm» K6-7 mm , 6s > WEAR BAR ALES > SRE EA ERR > GIR | FA 2-3 Ke MER KEM > i Bo HE 4-6 Pe > SRR ALT BUN LR RSH > 6-9 cm» H2-3.5 cm » ge 撩 或 微 渐 撩 , 基 部 焉 槐 形 延 HERR: SRA SRRBSERK KRS-7TRERREH > RMSACERE > PHAR PME 1-1.5 244 cm: SR 1-2 cm> Ah & > PS 1 ARAL AE © 花 8-12 Bo BEA + REM R RE 5-6 mm > MIRE 5 ER ,长 8-12 cm> MR: Bi > Rx TARA: 光滑 ; BARREAY :长 3-3.5 mm? BW1.5 mm GmRA: MA; RB AF RR. - 3 mm , 稼 色 ; SHB > RR > RRR > R2-3 mm , 宽 1.5 mm » Sevmsh > SAA > Mik ; (ERR > & 3-4 mm> BM O0.2 mm > 先端 $ > KE ; BW > WRG: 24-5 mm? SH3mm> BH2A°R RSE A > Jews BMG ; 芒 柱 短 , 近 似 圆柱 形 , 连 同 花 药 长 狗 1 mm 。 固有 , 生 长 於 台 洪 中 部 及 南部 PHBH 600-1500 m, 常 见 於 常 称 泣 革 林 下 。 106. 单位 小 柱 苦 (Malaxis monophylla ( Linn ) Sw. ) Terrestrials ; roots short; pseudobulb ovoid, 7-10 mm in diameter, rather fleshy, covered with greenish white shea- Leaf solitary or rarely 2, on the top of the pseudobulb, broadly ovate or elliptic, 4-8 cm long, 3-5cm wide, broa- dly rounded to narrowly acute at apex, rouned to abruptly narrowed at apex, narrower decurrent to the petioles at. base, membranous or chartaceous, lustrous green. surface, pale beneath, lateral veins inconspicuous. Flowers numerous, small, 2.5-3 mm in diameter, non- resupinate, racemose, pale greenish white to greenish or yellowish green; scape terminal, 10- 15 cm long, glabrous , greens bracts ovate-lanceolate, 1-2 mm _ long, acuminate at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 1-2 mm long, _ glabrous; sepals ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 2-2.5 mm long, the dorsal one erect, the lateral ones deflexed behind the lip;- pe- tals linear, 1.8-2.1mm long, ]-nerved, spreading, hortizontal ; lip broadly cordate, the lower half reniform, abruptly na- ‘rowed at tip, 2-3 mm long, 3-nerved; column short. Capsules obovoid, erect, 5-6 mm long, crowned with the 245 ‘remnant of the decayed perianth. Korea, Japan, China, Sibrera, Europe, Alaska, M. Ame- rica and Aleutian island. Taiwan, known from the high al- titudes of 2400-3200 m under the coniferous forests or shade places, rather rare. ‘ fm CEO Us 3 图 (Fig)90 , 单 业 小 柱 兰 ( Malaxis monophylla ) a. 伦 (Flower ) b. #38) (Dorsal sepal ) c. fiJ/32H (Lateral sepal ) ~ d. 7€9# ( Petal) e.f. B¥E( Lip ) g-h. &# ( Column ) Hoe > HESS ; PER ONY > HK 7-10 mm > A> RHAKR EMH #8 > BORA: > ONERWY » Sov MEA: > SE» REL MM Bo | ERR ROA 2K ERR RSE , 泗 卵 形 或 构 圆 形 , 长 , 4-8 cm? 93-5 cm > MMAUERRA > RM MICH ERM $589 > RHP PEWRE> PHARM > CURA ; HE 2-4cm> 光滑 , 常 包 被 花 区 基部 。 花 多数 , 甚 小 , 径 2.5-3 mm, 不 转 位 , MIRIE RE > VRE > RRB fs > TER THA > 10-15 cm> Biz > E> RES ; GH RRS & 1-2 mm >» 43 Wa > TERA BH1-2 mm » 63> MH; BH INR IRS > 2-2.5 mm> KK AY > MBH AER THR 4: ; TEM > 1.8-2.1 mm> ix l > SHA > KPRR; SRN 246 形 或 泗 心 形 , 2-3 mm> #2.5-3.5 mm > PRESB: Come 尾 状 , FK3 ER > BEER Ho WER ISN > Biz > &5-6 mm ee o . 韩国 、 日 本 、 中 国 、 西 伯 利 亚 、 欧 州 、 阿 拉 斯 加 、 北美 及 奥斯汀 岛 o 台 > + ER BBR 2400-3300 mR > RKP RAR e 107. 台湾 小 柱 苦 ( Malaxis taiwaniana Ying ) Terrestrials; roots tubular ; stem simple, very short, 3- 5 cm long, glabrous, pale green. Leaves 2, nearly opposite, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, 12-17 cm: long, 3.5-4.5 cm wide. acuminate at apex, cuneate at base, membranous or chartaceous, lustrous green’ surface, pale green beneath, entire, midrib impressed surface and elevated beneath, lateral veins inconspicuous ; ‘Sheaths 3- 4 cm long, basal, membranous. | Flowers small, numerous, green or light green, 2-3 mm in diameter; scape terminal, 25-35 cm long, terete, gla- brous; bracts linear or linear-lanceolate, 3-4 mm long, aie out ] mm wide, acute at apex, amplexicual the stem at base; the pedicels with ovaries 2-2.5 mm _ long, glabrous; sepals free, equal, linear-lanceolate or linear,2-3 mm long, about 0.5 mm wide, acuminate at apex, glabrous; ea linear , 2-2.5 mm long, about 0.5 mm wide, acuminate or acute at apex, Slightly reflexed on margin, giabrous; lip linear - lanceolate or lanceolate, 2-3 mm long, about 1 mm wide, Cuspidate-acuminate at apex, Slightly cordate at base. recurv ed on margin; column short, about 2.5 mm _ long. Endemic, known from at high altitudes of 2400-3000 m in central and southern parts of the island, under the pur stands of Yushania niitakayamensis ( Hayata) Keng f. rather rare. 247 HAM > KE MR H3-5 cm> EM’ Reso HE2 枚 , SDAA > SBIR RSHY > 12-17 cm» H3.5-4.5 cm , SMG ERA RARKA > AHSAKERE> FHKE 2 em: PRAMM PF > PRE > HKD BS ; BR3-4 cm , MREAR , 膜 质 。 TERA > SR > RRERMIAREA > G2-3 mm ;花车 项 生 , 长 25-35 cm HEY > 68; BARU RRIKRRAY > 长 3-4 mm? BH1 mm? Khe WA > ZRH 5 RAS RHR 2-2.5 mm> Fo SHMA> BH , PK RS RR 2-3 mm , 宽 0.5 mm , 和 先端 渐 尖 形 , 光 滑 ; TER 线形 , 长 2-2.5 mm > HH05 mm? LMMARRM BRA » BRM > 光滑 ; BRR TRE VRREH > 2-32 mm> EKH1 mm > KeBeRBA » ESD > BRI RE SHEE > RH 2.5 mmo BA > 452005 BELLA 2400-3000 m 的 山地 仅见 於 中 部 或 南部 的 高 山 > RREWGMIA E> RBY He 108 S82 ene ( Microtatorchis taiwaniana Ying ) Microtatorchis taiwanianum Ying, sp. nov. ‘“Epiphyticum, rabicibus, viridibus, teretibus, lineari - elongatis leviter flexuosis 1-2.5 cm longis, ca 1 mm la- tis, glabris. 7 Folia 2-3, decidua, oblonga vel oblongo-lanceolata, 7-9 mm longa, 2-2.5 mm lata, apice acuminata vel obtusa, kasi anguste decurrentis petiolis, margine integra, chartacea, utraque glabra, nervis inconspicuis. Racemi erecti, gracilis, virides 1-2 cm longi, racemo ipso subdense paucifloro, bracteis minutis, triangularis , 2-2.5 mm longis, cal mm latis, apice acutis, glabris, vi- ridis; pedicellis brevi, 3-4 mm longis. Flores 1 vel 2, minuti, glabri, viridescentes; sepala oblo- nga, 3-4 mm _ longa, ca 1.5 mm lata, apice obtusa vel acuta, vivo leviter reflexa usque ad medium connata, glabra; pe- tala sepalis paullo breviora dimidio inferiore cum sepalis co- nnata, dimidio superiore in lobum ovatum obtum abeuntia 248 \ glabra. \ Lahellum cum calcare 2-2.5 mm longum, ovtum, margine integrum, sursum sensim angustatum, basi paullo contracti ; calcare cylindrio, obtuso, glabro, 1-1.5 mm longo; column brevi ca. 1 mm longi. Capsula rotunda, 4-5 mm longa, 2-2.5 mm in diametro, — stricto. Habit. : Nantou county: Chitou, Alt. 1260 m, leg. S.S. Ying #970, July 30 1976. Epiphytes; roots green, terete, linear or filiform, sli- ghtly bent, 1-2.5cm long, about 1 mm wide, glabrous. Leaves 2-3, usually deciduous after flowering, oblong or oblong- lanceolate, 7-9 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, acumi - nate or obtuse at apex, narrowed decurrent to the petioles at base, entire, chartaceous, glabrous on both surfaces, mi.- drib and veins inconspicuous. Flowers 1 or 2, minute, green, glabrous; not widely ope- Med; scape erect, slender, green, 1-2 cm long, glabrous ; bracts minute, triangular, 2-2.5 mm long, about 1 mm wide, acute at apex, glabrous, green; pedicels short,3-4 mm long; sepals oblong, 3-4 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide, obtuse or acute at apex, slightly reflexed upward, connate with petals in the middle and base forming a tube-like; petals some- what shorter, the free lobe ovate, obtuse at apex, glabrous; lip 2-2.5 mm long, ovate, spurred, entire, gradually narrow upward, slightly contracted at base; spur cylindric, obtuse at apex, 1-1.5 mm long; column short, about 1 mm long. Capsules rounded, 4-5 mm long, 2-2.5 mm-~in diameter, stricted. . Endemic, know from central part of the island at the elevations of 1000-1600 m, epiphytic on cryptomeria japo- nica branches. In this island, the only species of Microtatorchis, as 249 I know, the leaves present firstly and deciduous after flo- wering. 3 BEM: Ra: BEY > BY> Mth: 长 1-2.5 cm> BH1 mm 光滑。 H9E2- 3 枚 , 花 开 和 后 胎 落 , 长 椭圆 形 或 长 椭圆 状 披 人 对 形 , 长 7-9 mm, 宽 2-2.5 mm 先端 针尖 或 印 , 基 部 半 狭 而 延伸 至 革 柄 , 全 黎 , 狐 质 , 表 庄 PA Gia ° BERKS © TE 1 枚 或 两 枚 , 甚 小 , BRE > FEAL BCH > SoS PE BR HE > 状 花 序 ; JER? ME? RHR 长 1-2 cm; BH > 三 角形 , 长 2-2.5 mm > $4) 1 mm , 先 端 够 撩 , 光滑 , 称 色 ; TERA > 长 3 -4 mm ; SR RRA’ > 3-4 mm? BH1.5 mm »° Kee MRA> WRK> 中 部 及 下 部 则 溃 生 而 覆 呈 简 状 , 光 滑 ; (ERB RIBS PRO TRSAA Wi Soma BH > BABI » Feist > tao BRA > R2-2.5 mm» SB > Bek > Femme > ASR MGR A ; GHA © Fe wash » sonia = 长 1-1.5mm » Sf% > 21 mm。 WAY > 4-5 mm » €&2-2.5mm> ARR HA> £ERAB PR PBR 1000-1800 m th -ASRKROEH HB © 就 笔者 所 知 , EAB: He ROM > DARE RS > Mo. 109. #f§ (Mishobulbum cordifolium ( Hook.f. ) Schitr. ) Terrestrials; rhizome short, creeping; roots elongate; pseudobulb none; stemless. Leaves 2-3, produced from the creeping rhizome, long- petiolate, ovate or broadly ovate, 10-15 cm long, 6-8 cm wide, fleshy, acute, cordate at base, 3-5-nerved raised on back, green sometimes dark green spots surface, pale green beneath, entire or minute serrulate at lower part, the pe- tioles 8-9 cm long, thickened, fleshy; sheaths 2, dark brown, envoloped- the unopened leaf at young. ‘Flowers 5-12, medium sized or rather large, 2.5-3 cm in diameter , scentless, racemose; scape produced from the 250 \rhizome, 15-35 cm long, erect, rather robust, glabrous, li- ght green; sheaths 2-3, membranous, acute at apex, embra- cing the scape at base; bracts linear, 5-7 mm long, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries ]1-1.3 cm _ long,glabrous; sepals equal, lanceolate, 1.8-2.2 cm long, 3-3.5 mm wide, light yellow with 5 purple streaks; the lateral ones adnate to the base of column-foot and forming a 7-9 mm long mentum; petals ovate-lanceolate, light yellow with 5 purple nerved, 1.8- 2.2 cm long, 5-6 mm wide, acute at apex ; lip white with light yellow tip, scattered with red spots within, triangular ovate, 2.2-2.8 cm long, 2-2.5 cm wide, acute at apex, 3-keeled ridges; column-foot elongate, 8- 12 mm long, with short red streaks; column 6-9 mm long, red streaks scattered. S. China ( Kwangtung). Taiwan, under the evergreen forests at the elevations of 500-1600 m throughout the is- land, very common. we Re e> AA; PER MRR > RK o 2-30 > HARAAHWRE > RAEN > ONY RI > & 10-15 cm? #6-8 cmAA -F3RL- BB ix3-5RERKEH? RARE? 有 RABEREABE > PHARE > SRRERARBE ; BMRES8-9 cm: 粗 厚 、 肉 质 ; 82 > 0S A > DH ARRAPMHE 4E 5-12 枚 , PARK > K2.5-3 cm , 和 无 香味 > MIKI ; EH BRE > 15-35 cm > Biz» WA > SG? We; 2-3 枚 , 膜 Be: eR A> BRE ; BARB: 长 5-7 mm » KARA; ER AS> 638 ; SRB RSV > H1.8-2.2 cm » F 3- 3.5 mm, 淡 黄色 而 有 5 PESAL HOM > HUH RRS AT 长 7-9 mm AY ; ERIKS > RAMA RAL BRM 5 人 条, 长 1.8- 2.2 cm? 85-6 mm> 先端 贷 兴 ; BRAK > SKA > 内面 散 生 有 AL SERGE > = AKON > 长 2.2-2.8 cm? W2-2.5 cm » MRA» 3HRPR ; SELHE: 28-12 mm-> AMAL EMM BER 6 -9 mm » 4 AL EER ° 中 国 南部 、 人 台湾 , + L2G SHG 500-1600 mm 的 山地 ,党 251 Ai ERB P > ERR io 图 (Fig ) 91 3f%) ( Mischobulbum cordifolium ) a. 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b. @38 4 ( Dorsal sepal ) c. @i88H( Lateral sepal ) d. 7¢9R( Petal ) e. BRRBE ( Lip and Column ) 252 \ 110. #4—24H (Nervillia discolor (Blume) Schltr. yar purpurea (Hayata) Ying ) i Nervillia discolor ( Blume) Schitr. var. Purpurea(Hayata ) Ying, comb. nov. < Pogonia purpurea Hayata in Journ. Coll. Sci. Univ. To- kyo 30(1): 345 (1911 ), ( Mat. Fl. Form. ). Nervillia purpurea ( Hayata ) Schltr. in Fedde Repert.10:6 (1911); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:118, Pil. 19 (1914). Terrestrials; pseudobulbs ovoid, 3-5 mm in diameter , white, fleshy; roots short, produced from leaf-sheaths and pseudobulbs, white, 2-4 cm long, filiform. ‘Leaf solitary, usually deciduous in winter, cordate, 5- 5.5 cm in daimeter, rounded and apiculate at apex, cordate at base, entire, slightly wavy on margin, chartaceous, setu- lose surface, glabrous beneath, dark green with slightly li- ghtly green specks, purple or slightly purple beneath, 5-7- nerved, raised on both sides; the petioles 4-6 cm long, © slender, groove, glabrous. Flowers 2-3, usually opened before leaved, widely ope- Med, racemose; the scape erect, terminal on pseudobilb, 4-6 cm long, leafless; sheathed, glabrous; sheaths lanceolate, 2-5-3 cm long, rounded and slightly apiculate at apex; bracts oblanceolate , 1-1.5 cm long, about 2 mm wide; the pedicels with ovaries 5-7 mm long, glabrous; sepals free, equal, erect, spathulate, 1.2-1.7 cm long, about 3mm wide, shortly acute at apex, attenuate at base; petals narrower, linear-oblanceolate, 1-1.3 cm long, about 2.5 mm wide, shortly acute at apex, attenuate at base; lip free,obovate, 1.1-1.3 cm long, about 1 cm wide, obscurely 3- lobed , Wavy on margin, rounded at apex; column elongate, 7-8 mm long, clavate at apex, erect. Endemic, knwon from southern part of the island at lo- wer. altitudes of 200-500 m under the forests, not common. 255 (Fig) 92 #e ip _. Brg ( Nervillia discolor var purpurea ) a. 着 华 植 物体 ( Plant with leaf) b. 着 花 植 物体 ( Flowering plant ) c. 花 (Flower ) 4. B9G( Lip ) e. 芒 柱 ( Column ) Hb AED > GLEREING > 径 3-5 mm’ AB? AH; Re MARR MRR » 2-4 cm> HRI? #2 1K > BESERE » 心 形 或 圆 形 , 径 5-5.5 cm? 先端 圆 而 有 人 尖 突 , 基 部 心 形 , DERM ABR > KA , +h AMIE > WRG: 3 HRS 254 ———— fl BAAR ERR > OMAR ARE? Ako -7> BHO ; BRE 4-6 cm» MEABM > IGF ° 762-3 HRTEM ABM PAM > > WIKTER ; (ERB? BA> £4-6 cm> # > ¥8 > 68 ; WBS: H2.5-3 cm> HHA MBA 4:98 ; AR BRS > 长 1 -1.5 cm > BH2 mm> MBAS BE 5-7 mm » $678 ; SARA > BH. Bo. AY? H1.2-1.7 cm> BW 3 mm > Teva te > SEAR BIE ; (CREE > MOR ARS > R1-1.3 cm .> BW 2.5 mm > S6vafe RA > BAR MIAE ; BORE > HIN > R1.1-1.3cm> BMlcm> MAB=A> SRRK? Twa; SER» 长 7-8 mm > 先端 棍棒 状 , 直 立 。 固有 , 生 长 於 台湾 南部 低 海 拔 狗 200 -500 ARE? PUKE > BBD A ° 111. —#2838H ( Oberonia caulescens Lindley ) Epiphytes ; rhizomes much short; roots numerous, filiform, elongate, 3-10 cm long; pseudobulb absent; stem erect, fle- “shy, 3-5cm long; sheaths 2-3, basal, lanceolate , about , 1 cm _iIong. Leaves 5-7, distichous, lanceolate ar oblong- linear, fle- shy, green, 2.5-4 cm long, 3-3.5mm_ wide., acuminate at ap- ex, obtuse and articulate at base, entire, midrib and lateral veins inconspicuous, lustrous green on both sides; sheaths usually enclosed the stem, 5-8 mm long, fleshy. Flowers small, numerous, about 2 mm in diameter, light yellow, racemose; the scape terminal, 5-8cm long, asce- nding, yellowish white; sheaths 2-4, lanceolate, 2-3 mm long , acu te at apex; bracts ovate-triangular, 1.5 mm long; the pedicels with ovaries 3-4 mm long, slender, gla- brous, light yellow; sepals unequal, the dorsal one rounded ovate, minute, about 1] mm long, 0.6 mm wide, obtuse at apex, contracted at base, the lateral ones ovate-triangular, strongly concave, about 1 mm long, 0.8 mm wide; petals linear-oblong, 1-1.2 mm long, 0.5-0.6 mm wide, obtuse 2350 at apex; lip rectangular in outline, 3-4 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide, 2-nerved, broadly auriculed at base, 2-lobed at apex, the lo bes oblong-triangular, about 1 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, acute at apex; column short, about (0.2 mm long. Endemic, at the elevations of 1500-2300 m throughout the island, somewhat common. fal (Fig)93 —288 RAM (Oberonia caulescens ) | a. 46 ( Flower) b. #324 (Dorsal sepal ) c. fiJ/32 (Lateral sepal) d. 7@K( Petal ) e. BM( Lip) f. GARE (Column and anther ) B+ MW REE MSM MY BR K3-10 cm , 然 假球 至 ; KA’ AR’ 3-5 cm; 82-3 > RE KRSB > RW1 cm。 HE 5-7 枚 , WH RE > K25- 4 com> %3-3.5 mm SHH > MM SLAMS SHIR » BRK > oh ANT GUM AE > KRM HS 6 REME ; BMRA 5-3 mm> 肉质。 花 甚 小 , SR > BH 2 mn> WRG > MUTE ; ERE R 5-8 cr, 直立 或 略 呈 拱 形 , 黄 白色 ; 2-4 > BEY? K2-3 mm »° Thi 钥 尖 ; 萄 片 孵 状 三 角形 , 长 1.5 mm; ERAS RE 3-4 mm > MR 光滑 , 淡 黄色 ; BAAR CBA AIRY > B> 1 mm» BH 0G mm , 先 端 印 , 基 部 紧缩 状 ; MHRA: Sh kiylmm + 256 | 0.8 mm ; 7RMREG RY: 1-1.2 mm, 袖 0.5-0.6 mm , 先 端 钝 ; BIAS OAV > 3-4 mm: 21-1.5 mm > K2h> RH 状 , 先 端 2 > APSR ERS A > 1 mm> 0.5 mm : GH RBA ; SHG > HO.2 mm o | BA AER SSW 1500-2300 m AVILHH » SAMMI LR Fa 3 fii © 112. BAHSH ( Oberonia japunica (Maxim) Makino ) Epiphytes; rhizomes short, creeping; stem short, 1-3 cm long, pendulous. Leaves 4-8, closely appromimate, fleshy, laterally fla- ttened, linear-oblong, green, shining, 2-3 cm long, 3-5 mm wide, short-acute to obtuse, mucronate, sheathed at base, the sheaths short, 4-6 mm long. Flowers small, red, numerous, 1-1.5 mm in diameter, racemose; scape pendulous or ascending, terminal, 3-8 cm long, 2-2.5 mm across; _ bracts ovate- lanceolate, acute , broad at base, membranous, spreading, ]1.2-1.7mm long,0.6- 0.8 mm wide; the pedicels with ovaries 1-1.5 mm long ; sepals spreading, the dorsal one ovate-elliptic, 2-3 mm long, 0-5-0-7 mm wide, the lateral ones broadly ovate, 2-2.5 mm long, 0.5-0.6 mm wide; petals ovate, somewhat smaller than the sepals; lip elliptic-ovate, 6-7 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, 3-lobed, the lateral ones ovate, obtuse at apex, the middle one elongate ovate, 2-lobed at apex: co- lumn short; pollinia ovate, yellow. Capsules obovate, 2-2.5 mm long, truncate at apex. Japan. Taiwan, epiphytic on trunks or on rocks at _ the elevations of 600-1200 m in northern and central parts of the island, rather common. BEM: HK > A> Ker R1-3 cm> MBER Mo H4-8Kh° REP AA? He: BE MRRBAY > AAS "长 2-3 cm>H3-5 mm » SwHBRASH>- BRA; AMAR > HH 257 &,."¢ (Fig)94 HARB ( Oberonia japonica ) a. %6(Flower) b. #4 (Dorsal sepal ) c. 4E#E ( petal ) d. JA (Lateral sepal ) e. &*( Column) _— f. 7688 ( Pollinia) 4 > 4-6 mm o 花 甚 小 , 红色 , 多 数 , 径 1-1.5 mm> MRE 5s TER PRRMKAFAE 9 BA> 3-8 cm , 径 2-2.5 mm ; GHIRRAG > RLK> SRKA , ARR > RR H1.2-1.7 mm’? H0.6-0.8 mm ;花梗 连同 子 房 长 1 - 1.5 mm; S@RRE > RSAIRKRAW > 2-3 mm, 袖 0.5-0.7 mm > GSE WEIBIG > 长 2-2.5 mm> H0.5-0.6 mm ; 7EMeING > BEERS 小 ; BRR RING > 6-7 mm? H2-3 mm > 3A> MAAR? & wast > HAL ARON > S28; BES > (EDSON > Bfho RAI > 22-2.5 mm, 和 先端 截断 状 。 日 本 。 人 台湾, 生长 於 北 部 及 中 部 狗 600-1200 m 的 山地 , 多 着 生 於 树 a BRE > RRB He 113. (8% (Oberonia kusukusensis Hayata ) Epiphytes; roots filiform, short, creeping; stem short, usually with scape 10-15 cm long, fleshy. Leaves several, distichous, alternate, somewhat remoted, linear-lanceolate or linear-falcate, 3-5 cm long, 3-5 mal wide, acute, amplexicual at base, somewhat flacate-like, fleshy, midrib and lateral veins inconspicuous, yellowish 5 258 ereen on both sides. Flowers numerous, minute, racemose, brownish yellow, 1.5-2 mm in diameter, usually subverticlliately aggregate on the node of scape; the scape terminal, 7-11 cm long, fili- form, ascending or nearly so; bracts minute, triangular - lanceolate, about 1.5 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, acuminate at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 0.6-0.7 mm long, the dorsal speal obovate-oblong, about 0.6-0.7 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, more or less contracted at base, obscurely denticulate or entire on margin; the lateral se- _pals strongly concave, triangular-oblong, about 06 mm long, obtuse at apex, broader and not contracted at base; petals ovate-oblong, 0.6 mm long, 0.5 mm wide obtuse or tru- ncate-obtuse at apex, cuneate-contracted at base, obscurely ' denticulate or margin; Tip.3-lobed, about 1-1.2 mm _ long, 0.6 mm wide, the lateral lobe oblique oblong, acuminate cuspidate at apex, 1.5 mm long, obscurely denticulate or subentire on margin; the median lobe oblong- SERS aw: , 0.5-0.6 mm long, 0.3-0.5 mm wide, truncately 2- lobed at apex, the lobes triangular, 0.5 mm long, acute at apex; column short, 0.5 mm long. Endemic, known from medium altitudes of 800-1400 m throughout the island, rather rare. ke fal ( Fig ) 95 tS 38 Mi ( Oberonia kusukusensis ) a. BRE Lip) bc. SH ( Column ) 259 SAM BEAU HAR; KH HME KE10-15 cm: AG HERB > PAFUR BED >» HA > BDA RAEI > CURBS GURY ,长 3-5 cms #3-5 mm > SHR» PPK > PTIR> AA > bay BL OURAN ASE > RRM SRE © TES 2 /\\ > MURIER > BBE > E1.5-2 mm> BE VRMEREEHM TEM OL ; 7ERTRA > 长 7-11 cm > @W> LAR OM BEA 9 SARS > RH1.5 mm? 0.5 mm, 先 端 渐 拓 ; ERBAF SR 0.6-0.7 mm » @SH ESR RAY > 0.6-0.7 mm> #0.5 mm: 4cy gh » FLERE SIR » Ae aS 7NBA RA AUGER ; FUSER HW > ARE - WEG > 长 0.6 mm> SoS > E> ARSREK ; BERRA ,长 0.6 mm? £0.5 mm> SSeS ALAR SG > AERMIR MAIR > BR BRE ; BE3B>- 1-12 mm> £0.6 mm > MASSES 形 , KMMRBR > 21.5 mm> RAR RS SRRUSK: HARE WRG H+ 长 0.5-0.6 mm, 袖 0.3-0.5 mm » SRR 2 > A 片 三 角形 , 长 0.5 mm> Ra; BG 20.5 mmo 固有 , 生 长 於 中 海拔 狗 800-1400 mm 处 > SBHA > HRER Do 114. B7ERB Bm (Odontochilus bisaccatus Hayata ) Terrestrials; roots elongate; stem simple, from a cree- ping base, 10-35 cm long, slender, pale green, subglabrous, internodes 4-5 cm long, leafy upward. , Leaves 4-5, alternate, oblong, 4-5 cm long, 2-2.5 cm wide, acuminate or subacute at apex, obliquely and obtuse at base, membranous, entire, midrib white, sometimes 2 la- teral veins white too, shining green surface, pale green be- neath; the petioles 5-7 mm long, sheathed at base; the sheathes 7-9 mm long, cylindric, hyaline. Flowers 4-7, rather small, yellow, not widely opened,’ spicate, 3-4 mm wide; the scape terminal, 4-8 cm long, pubescent; bracts lanceolate, 1-1.2 cm long, 3-4 mm wide, acute at apex, l]-nerved, ciliate at base; pedicels with ovaries 3-5 mm long, glabrous, pale green, the dorsal sepal widely ovate, 4-4.5 mm long, about 3 mm wide, caudate- 260 obtuse at apex, contracted at base, ]-nerved, glabrous; the lateral sepals obliquely oblong, 6-7 mm long, 3-3.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, contracted at base, somewhat recurved on margin, glabrous; petals obliquely widely ovate, 4-5.5 mm long, about 2.5 mm wide, caudate at apex,shortly attenuate at base, ]-nerved; lip Y-shaped, 6.5-7.5 mm long, the claw 4-4.5 mm long, shortly denticulate on either side, the lobes obovate - rectangular, 5-5.5 mm long, about 3 mm wide, spur rounded, shallowly bilobed, containing one hook gland on either lobe; column short, 0.5 mm long, 2-appendaged at apex; stigma 2, clavate, rostellum twisted. Endemic, known from medium altitudes of 800-1700 m throughout the island, under the forests or moist’ shade ro- cks. | HEM ; 根 甚 长 ' SRPVRAIK: AMAA BemRW > R10-35 cm Miz RoE? CGI? 和 节 长 4 -5 cms [MAK | #4-5&°> 互生 , 长 椭圆 形 , 长 4-5 cm > B2-2.5 cm, 和 先端 渐 尖 BOE US > KRDMS: RH SK > PAG > AR 2 ORAS AG , AMS AGERE > PHAR HMR5-7 mm » BPA? H7 - 9 mm » 圆柱 形 , 和 透明。 464-7 Bl? By > 黄色 ,不 十 分 张 天 > BRIA TER > 3-4 mm ; 76% 84+ > 4-8 cm? AEB; BAHREYW:? R1-1-2 cm» 3-4 mm » 先端 够 失 , FKL > BRS ER ; ERAS SER 3-5 mm » Ki AR 色 ; BSH BIG > H4-4.5 mm? 8H3 mm > CHS RRA > BRR KI: Wa; WSRERRAW > 长 6-7 mm > H3-3.5 mm , 和 先端 SH > SESRSA MA > RIS RR? 光滑 ; (REI > R4-5.5 mm > HN 2.5 mm » 56 Sm Fak > RMA > Ak 1 RR; BRRY FU? & 6.5-7.5 mm » 爪 长 4-4.5 mm > Milas > BA AKA > &5-5.5 mm:>2®%3mm ; HAV: #22 >RMMSe-BKHORE ; SH? R 0.5 mm, 和 先端 有 2 附属 体 , 柱 头 2 , 棒 棍 状 Betta K © 固有 , 生 长 於 全 饲 中 海拔 狗 800-1700 m 的 山地 , 多 见 於 森林 下 或 多 潮 ~ RBIS 4 BLE ° 261 fal ( Fig ) 96 #7 & BR ( Odontochilus bisaccatus ) a. #767 HAW ( Flowering plant ) b. @34H ( Dorsal sepal ) Cc. ZEME( Petal ) d. iJ ( Lateral sepal ) e. my ( Lip ) f. &# ( Column ) g. 7E ( Flower ) 262 115. GSBBH ( Odontochilus inabae Hayata ) Terrestrials; rhizomes creeping; stem simple, - rather stout 10-20 cm long, leafy below. Leaves alternate, oblong-ovate or ovate, chartaceous, 4- 5 cm long, 2-2.5 cm wide, acute, rounded to _ obtuse and oblique at base, 3-nerved elevated beneath; petioled ;the pe- tioles 1.5-2 cm long, sheathed at base. Flowers 4-8, pink or white in terminal spike; , scape densely pubescent, 5-9 cm long; bracts lanceolate, 8-12 mm long, dorsal sepal ovate to broadly so, 5-6 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, slightly caudate and obtuse at apex; lateral sepals oblong, spreading, 10-12 mm long, about 5 mm_ wide; pe- tals ovate-linear, 5-6 mm long, 3mm wide, connate with the inner side of dorsal sepals; lip 2-3 cm _ long, small, saccate at base, the Claw slender, fimbricate, the limb v- shaped, bifid, the lobes ascending, cuneate; column short, | about 0.8 mm long; pollinia narrowly obovoid. Japan and Ryukyu. Taiwan, at lower and medium alti- — tudes of 500-1700 m throughout the island, under the fo- rests. HEAR > REA Als SRD RK? RA? 长 10-20 cm » BRA BE o HA > RARE RIN RING MH? R4-5 cm +> H2-2.5 cm , 43a RA > LRAMMAL> KIK > BRR PM; #MH1.5-2 cm > AEE HR ° : 164 - 8 > MAL ARAB: SREWRKMER > ERR AA AEE 25-9 cm? Bi; BRREVY > R8-12 mm » KSSERVR ANY 7 5-6 mm? 4-5 mm > Timi BeKAM: WSR RRAY > RE > 10-12 mm > #45 mm; EMERG > 长 5-6 mm> #3 mm , Gah 3S 3S RAAB ; BER 2-3 cme) OPK? NMR? MMA? B WH AVG 二 裂 , BAER BY; SRB> BH0.8 mm ; 1 HMR FB) SBFG ° BARRR: 48> ERES PBB 500-1700 m 山地 , 全 总 此 263 fal ( Fig ) 97 4B BEM ( Odontochilus inabae ) a. 着 花 之 植物 体 ( F lowering plant ) b. 76 ( Flower ) d. 7E 9 ( Petal ) 264 c. &38H (Dorsal sepal ) e. (J) 3¢H ( Lateral sepal ) Ai) ELINA F 。 116. 小 黄斑 苦 ( Orchis alpestre ( Fukuyama ) Ying ) Terrestrials; tubers ovoid or globose, 5-7 mm long, 3- 4 mm in diameter; stem simple, erect, slender, 5-10 cm long, glabrous, somewhat flexuous; sheathes 2, basal, me- mbranous, glabrous, truncate or acute at apex, amplexicual at base. Leaves 1-2, oblanceolate or narrowly oblong, 4.5-5.5 cm long, 5-10 mm wide, shortly acute, narrower decurrent to the petioles at base, entire, thichly membranous, glabrous, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath; midrib raised _ beneath. Flowers 2-3, rarely 4, lightly purple or pink,3-4mm in diameter, racemose; the scape 4-6 cm long, erect or asce- nding, glabrous; the pedicels with ovaries 5-10 mm long, glabrous; sepals ovate-oblong, 4-5 mm long, 2-2.5mm wide, obtuse at apex, contracted at base, entire, glabrous; the lateral ones slightly oblique, acute ot obtuse at apex, co- ntracted at base, glabrous, membranous, 3-nerved; petals ovate-lamceolate, oblique, 4-5 mm long, 1.2-1.6 mm wide, acute, contracted at base, glabrous or slightly pubescent ,me- mbranous, 1]-3-nerved; lip erect, patent, shortly pubescent surface, glabrous beneath, 5-6 mm long, 3-lobed, the la- teral lobes linear, subpatent, 3-3.5 mm long, 0.4-0.5 mm wide, acute or obtuse at apex, entire; median lobe obovate- rectangular, obtuse and slightly sinuate or aristate at apex; spur cylindric, obtuse at apex, 4.5 mm long, about 1 mm in diameter; column short, 2-2.5 mm long. Endemic, at high altitudes of 3400-3800 m in northern and central parts of the island on moist and mossy ro- cks. Hh > SRR ORR > 5-7 mm? K3-4 mm 5s SEV? ME 265 , 长 5-10 cm > 47; 2K KA MAKE ARR RMRAY » Sten Hae © #21-2 > ARGVMKERAW > —4.5-5.5 cm» #5-10mm> SMG RA > AROMA M> SK E> RA Ke MSAK EE th > FT VERE ES > HANES 背面 隆起 CCR BA © 花 2 -3 枚 , 少 数 亦 有 4 枚 者 , 淡 紫色 或 粉 笨 色 , 径 3-4 mm > BI)» MUIRTERE > TERE 4-6 cm 直立 或 近似 如 此 , 光 滑 。 花 醒 迷 同 子 房 长 5 - 10mm > 364; ZARIK EBAY > 24-5 mm, 实 2-2.5 mm , 先 端 Oh » FLOR SE RR > SK > I> GUSH MEAS» eH SHAR Ste > AAS KBR X68? PA > 3—Ax; TEMES REY > PAB > 4-5 mm > #1.2 -1.6 mm » 5H > eee WISI EN A> Ak 1 - 3% ; BMA , H&> SHABER> WRK: £5-6 mm> 32> MAKBY > AE % >, £3-3.5 mm? #0.4-0.5 mm> HMMA >» RMR peas » DK , PEL H (5 HOA SBD > BA > IRI DOGG » BPR EHO EERE > Sette St MMA> AABAR ; RH: £4-5 mm» BH1 mm> SHEE2-2.5 mm eo Ela? EER be ALR 3400-3800 mile: 45 WE Me SRW LE o 117. 合 坎 山 苦 (Orchis formosensis Ying ) Orchis formosensis Ying, sp. nov: Terrestris, pusillum, gracilium erectum, glaberrimum, 6-8 cm altum; tuberibus globosis vel ovoideis, 1.2-].5 cm longis, ca 1 cm in diametro; caulis brevis, tenuis teres, substrictus vel minus flexuous, glaber; vaginis 1-0, me- mbranaceis, giabris, amplexicaulibus, apice truncatis vel acu- tis, ]-foliatis. Folia suberecta, patentia, oblaga vel ovata, 4.5-5.5 cm — longa, 8-11 mm lata, apice -acuminata, basi longe decurre- ntia et amplectentia, margine integra, chartacea, utrinque glabra. Racemeus terminalis, erectus, 5-7 cm longus, . laxiuscula. 5-7-floratus; bracteis linearis, apice acuta, 4-5 mm longa, 266 basi contracteis, utrinque glabris; pedicellis cum _ ovariis 5.5-6.5 mm longis, gracilis, rectis glabris. Flores rosei, minoris, 3-3.5 mm longis, 2-3 mm latis in apice caulis sublaxe dispositi; sepalum intermedium conca- vulum, ovatum, 2-2.5 mm longum, ca ] mm latum, apice acuminata, basi paullo contractum, margine integrum,glabrum, membranaceum; sepala lateralia oblonga, paullo obliqua 2 mm longa, ca 1 mm lata, apice acuminata vel obtusiuscula basi. contracta, glabra, membranacea; petala cum sepalo in galeam conniventia, lanaceolata, 1.5-1.8 mm longa, ca 0.7-0.9 mm lata, obliqua, apice acutiuscula basi contracta, margine in- tegra, utrinque glabra. Labellum erecto-patens, trilobatum, 7-9 mm longis, 5-6 mn latis, lobis lateralibus oblongis, 3.5-4.5 mm longis, 2- 2.5 mm latis, apice obtusis, margine integris, lobo. intermedio rectangulo 4-5 mm longo, 2-2.5 mm lato, apice truncato vel obtuso cum emarginate, calcare cylindrico, 1-1.2 mm longo medio ca 1 mm in diametro; columna brevis, ca 2-2.5 mm alta. 3 Habit.: Nantou county, Mt. Hohuanshan, 2300-2500 m leg. S.S. Ying #921, July 27 1976. Terrestrials; tubers globose or ovoid, 1.2-1.5 cm long, about ] cm in diameter, white, fleshy ; stem short, terete, substricted or slightly bented, glabrous, sheathes 1 or absent, membranous, glabrous, amplexicual, truncate or acute. at apex. Leaf solitary suberect, patent, oblong or ovate, 4.5-5.5 cm tong, 8-10 mm wide, acuminate at apex, narrowed de- current to the sheaths at base, entire, chartaceous, glabrous, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath; midrib elevated beneath, lateral veins incons,)icuous. Flowers 5-7, rather small, 3-3.5 mm long, 2-3 mm wice, pink, racemose; scape terminal, erect, 5-7 cm long, green, 267 | glabrous; bracts linear, 4-5 mm long, acute at apex, contra- cted at base, glabrous ; the pediclls with ovaries 5.5-6.5 mm long, glabrous, slender, ascending; the dorsal sepal co- ncave, ovate, 2-2.5 mm long, about 1 mm wide, acuminate at apex. slightly contracted at base, entire glabrous, me - mbranous; the lateral ones oblong, slightly oblique, 2 mm Img, about 1 mm wide, acuminate or obtuse at apex co- ntracted at base, glabrous,mebranaceous; petals connated with , sepals, lanceolate 1.5-1.8 mm long, about 0..7-0.9 mm wide, oblique, acute at apex, contracted at base, .entire, glabrous; lip erect, patent, 3-lobed, 7-9 mm long, 5-6 mm wide, the ‘lateral lobe oblong, 3.5-4.5 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, ob- tuse at apex, entire, the median lobe rectangular, convex, 4-5 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, truncate or obtuse and ema- rginate at apex; spur cylindric, 1-1.2 mm long, about] mm across; column short 2-2.5 mm long. Endemic, known from high altitudes of 2300-2500 m in > central part of the island, rather rare. 地 生 苦 , 块 根 球形 或 孵 形 , 长 1.2-1.5 m>SH1 cm? Af AB ;*§Be AY > Co Pl ARR RA > WK > Hea MBRAG ° 革 1 枚 , 近似 直立 , 显 著 , 长 构 圆 形 或 卵 形 , R4.5-5.5 cm» H8- 10 mm ° Se GAY > LPRHEM CHER > SK MAS: RAS BtBRE > PK BEE > KNEES © | 7E5-76&> B/\> H3-3.5 mm? 82-3 mm> Hel Bi? MAREF ; 16% IL AA: > 5-7 cm, 称 色 , 光 滑 ; HRB R4-5 mm , 先 Hage » ROSE > GE ; 花 AIS BE 5.5-6.5 mm >» tM AAR Mab i >» BSH MK HY > R2-2.5 mm > Hl mm»? eas 4, ERBSRER> SKK RA WSHERAY BE R2 旺 mm > HA) 1 mm » SSMS > AERA GM > BAL ; Te 片 略 相连 , 披 对 形 , 长, H0.7-0.9 mm » HMB » TMS 4c, SRM > IE; BMRB BSE PH > 7-9 mm» H5-6 mm: ~ 268 32> MBKEBAY > £3.5-4.5 mm? B2-2.5 mm >» Kas » BR » ARO: hw: 4-5 mm? H2-2.5 mm , 先 端 截断 状 或 钝 且 Mi ; BRR > R1-1.2mm> GH 1mm; SHH? R2-2.5 mm。 He: EEK GEER RR ILA 2300-2500 m be > BARRE > 2 Fh 本 种 傈 笔者 在 合 欧 山 腔 蜂 至 新 人 岗 间 公路 裸露 泪 坡 地 所 RE > TERAB MBC Orchis) PR)S ° BHR ESRIUABRAOrchis taiwaniana Fukuyanra> (2AM SEBEL SEATNA > MERE BR 花 命 AR Orchis formosensis Ying o 118. B#R (Orchis kiraishiensis Hayata ) Terrestrials ; tuberous roots ovoid, 5-6 mm in diameter ; roots 4-6, slender, 5-8 cm long; stem simple, erect or ascending, slender, 10-18 cm long, pale green, glabrous ; sheaths 1-2, membranous, tubulous, at the base of the stem, Leaves 2, alternate, produced from the middle of the stem, linear or linear-lanceolate, 4-5 cm long, 7-8 mm_ wide, acute or acuminate at apex, attenuate to the petiole at base, entire, glabrous, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath; midrib raised on back; the sheaths tubulous, ]1.2-1.6 cm long, glabrous. Flowers solitary, rarely 2 or 3, purple or pink, rather small, 1-1.2 cm in diameter, racemose; scape terminal, 5-10 cm long, erect, slender, glabrous, green; bracts lanceolate, 7-9 mm long, green, acute at apex, membranous, glabrous; the pedicels with ovaries ]-].2 cm long, glabrous, somewhat like a fusiform; sepals subequal, spreading, 8-9 mm long, 3-3.5 mm wide, the dorsal one oblong, acute at apex, more or less contracted at base, the lateral ones obliquely falcate. oblong, glabrous; petals ovate-oblong, 5.5-6.5 mm long, 3- 3.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, broadly auricule at base, gla- brous; lip obtriangular, long-spurred, 3-lobed, 1.2-1.5 cm 269 long, 1.5-1.6 cm wide, the median lobe about 5 mm long, truncate and emarginate with a arist at apex, the lateral lobes triangular; spur 8-9 mm long, 2-3 mm across; column about long, erect, more or less recurved. Endemic, a very common alpine orchid throughout the island at the elevations of 3000-3900 m, under the forests or on grassland. fi ( Fig) 98 436i ( Orchis & iraiohiensie ) a. 植物 体 ( Flowering Plant ) b. #38 (Dorsal sepal) c. (i) H( Lateral sepal) d. 7E#E ( Petal ) e. BPE ( Lip ) f. RETEM RINE (Flower, taken off sepals 270 ; and petals ) 地 生 苦 , SHR NY > 5-6 mm; h4-6,MR? R5-8cem; KRY ”无 分 枝 , 直 立 或 近似 如 此 , 和 组 长 长 10-18 cm > WAR» HI; B1-2 A> Mik: MR RHE o HK: HA HARMED MR> MUMBRRAY > 4-5 cm > # 7-8 mm LHRERMAY > 基部 源 狭 而 延伸 至 人 革 柄 , 全 篆 , 光滑, 表面 BA GEMEA> FHKE > PRR GH ; BRAY > 长 1.2-1.6 cm, 光滑 。 花 单 生 , 或 少数 亦 有 呈 2-3 BE > RAL RMA > BV) , 径 1-1.2 cm > MURIERE ; 花 葵 项 生 , 长 5- 10 cm, Bir ME KS: MES BK 披 针 形 ,长 7- 9 mm> MH? HHMRL > WH WE 7 BEAT RI- 1.2 cm> 63> BSG ; SHURA MR 8-9 mm F 3 - 3.5 mm> GSH RAY > HHRL > SRP RMR ; MBRDBRAIR He EY » 68 ; 7EE MRE > 长 5.5-6.5 mm> 8 3-3.5 mm , Sia oh AMAR GS ; BRA=HBU> BER 38> B1.2- 1.5 cm? 3£1.5-1.6 cm» PAR RNS mm » eR KM BARR > Bl 裂片 三 角形 ; FBR 8-9 mm , 径 2-3 mm; SF RW3mm , 直 立 , 多 少 RE 0 Ea> BARK WE RE RUBE > 42% 3000-3900 高 Ub > SEED ffi > LIBRA PB a AEH 。 119. A7Ef (Orchis kunihikoana Masamune & Fukuyama) Terrestrials; tubers ovoid, 5-10 mm long, 4-6 mm in diameter, glabrous; roots few, filiforin, pubescent ; stem Simple, erect or ascending, 8-12 cm long, terete, glabrous; Sheaths few, membranous, glabrous, truncate, obtuse or acute at apex, completely amplexicual at base. Leaves 2-3, rarely 1, oblanceolate, linear-oblong or la- nceolate, 3-4 cm long, 5-10 mm _ wide, acute or shortly acute at apex, long decurrent and amplexicual at base, entire, glabrous. Flowers 2-5, white, medium-size, 6-7 mm in diameter, racemose; the scape terminal, 3-5 cm iong, erect or asce- nding, glabrous; bracts leaf-like, lanceolate, 1-]1.5 cm long, ore 3-4 mm wide, acuminate at apex, slightly contracted at base, glabrous; the pedicels with ovaries 5-10 mm long, glabrous; sepals subequal, the dorsal one oblong, 6-7 mm long, about 2.5 mm _ wide, concave, acute at apex, slightly contracted at base, entire, glabrous, 3-nerved, the lateral ones ovate-oblong, 7-9 mm long, about 3.5 mm wide, so- mewhat oblique, acute at apex; petals: ovate- oblong, 5.5 -6 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, strongly oblique, obtuse at apex, glabrous, 3-nerved; lip 3-lobed, slightly pubescent surface, glabrous beneath, 8-10 mm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, the la- _ teral lobes oblique obtuse or truncate-rounded at apex, the median lobe rectangular, retuse-or emarginate at apex, about 6 mm. wide; spur cylindric, obtuse at apex; column about 3 mm ‘long. y Endemic, known from the central and southern parts of the island at the elevations of 2700-3700 m, on moist rocks or grassland. | 地 生 苦 > SEARING > 5-10 mm: &4-6 mm 光滑; ROR> MR BER RRARO KR: BIRTH > 8-12 cm > MH > ti SDR > RA > MBK > Hmm MRA > ABT SK o 革 2-3 枚 , DRAAlLMA? MKRRAVMRHB: R3-4 cm > % 5-10 mm , EMARAMERA > LRHEE PSEMM E> SR > 46 滑 。 花 2 - 5 枚 , 和 白色, 中 型 , 径 6-7 mm > MORE ; TERRA R 3-5 cm, 直 立 或 近似 如 此 , 光滑 ; BARK: RSW» H1-1.5 cm , 3-4 mm> MMAR > ASRS MEK > Gia ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 5 - 10 mm, 光 滑 ; Hi CES ; ASRRMAW > RO-7 mm? FH 2.5mm + HOUR > SoH AE + REARS SBIR + SHR TG RHE ; CU HIRE EG > 7-9 mm? 83.5 mm > KMRA > AAS Be MINKE BG > 5.5-6 mm? 82.5 mm , 先 端 钝 , 基 部 甚至 , 光 滑 , 腺 3 人 条 ; PM 3B>RRBALH> PMR: 长 8-10 mm> H1-1.5 cm > fil 有 裂片 先端 焉 邹 或 截断 状 圆 形 , 中 有 裂片 四 方形 , 先 端 钝 或 凹 头 , 袖 和 狗 6 mm ». 距 圆柱 形 , 先端 钝 ; 芒 柱 长 狗 3 a 固有 , 生 长 锥 台湾 中 部 及 南部 高 海拔 和 狗 2700-3700 m Wilh: BRK 多 昔 从 类 的 岩石 或 草 生 地 上 。 120. 和 红斑 基 (Orchis taoloii Ying ) Terrestrials; stem erect, glabrous, 3-8 cm long, slender, terete, 1-2 sheaths at base; tubers ovoid, 4-7 mm long, 3-5 mm diameter; sheaths membranous, glabrous, acuminate at apex, amplexicual at base. | Leaves 2 or 3, linear-lanceolate or narrowly oblong, 3-6 cm long, 5-7 mm wide, acuminate at apex, décurrent and amplexicual at base, entire, chartaceous, glabrous on both sides. Flowers 2-5, terminal, relatively small,racemose; bracts lanceolate, 1-1.7 cm long, 3-3.5 mm wide, acuminate at apex, the pedicels with ovaries 6-11 mm long, glabrous; sepals white, the dorsal one oblong, concave, 3.5-4.5 mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide, acuminate at apex, the lateral ones lanceolate-triangular, oblique, 5.5-6.5 mm long, 1.2-1.7 mm wide, acuminate at apex, sometimes obtuse at apex; pe- tals white, ovate-triangular, oblique, 3-4 mm long, 2-2.2 mm wide, acuminate at apex, glabrous; lip white with red spots, glabrous, 8-10 mm long, 8-9 mm wide, 3- lobed; gradually narrowed at base, the lateral lobes’ triangular, 3-4 mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide, acuminate at apex, median lobe 4-5 mm long, 4-4.5 mm wide, Ra or obtuse and 2-lobed at apex; the lobes 2-2.5 mm long, about ]mm wide; spur cylindric, 4-5 mm long, obtuse at apex, about 1 mm in diameter ; column short, 1.5-2 mm long. Endemic, known from northern part of the island at high altitudes of 3400-3600 m, on moist mossy rocks,rather rire. thE > Sy 6? 3-8 cm> MR ARV: SHAH 1 - 2 枚 ; RING ,长 4-7 mm? K 3-5 mm ; BRA? 光滑, Hem MRY > 273 EM AE © QM SK > PKR RRERAV: 长 3-6 cm , 袖 5-7 mm , Sm MAW > CREAR > Shk> KMA> WH POE 46 2-5 > TRA? Be) > MUR TER > GAREW> R1-1.7cm > B 3-3.5 mm , 先 端 渐 尖 形 ; ERAS BR 6-11 mm >» 4; SHAG PSHRRAY > MIR: 23.5-4.5 mm > #1.5-2 mm > HMA » PUSH BSR= BY: BRB? H5.5-6.5 mm? H1.2-1.7 mm> & MaRS ; AH: WR=AW > #B> H3-4 mm> H2-2.2 mm > Scud HR > 8° BIA lm BAA > 678 > H 8-10 mm> F 8-9 mm: 38> Smee: MBK=AWK: 3-4 mm> H1.5-2 mm » 先 端 新 尖 形 , 中 裂片 长 4.5 mm> 84-4.5 mm > SHARMA AN2H- A HE2-2.5 mm * #1 mm , 距 圆柱 形 , 长 4-5 mm > SHS BH 1 mm ; 营 柱 短 , 长 1.5-2 mm 。 EAA > RHA Be RW 3400-3500 公 尺 的 高 山地 区 > BR RRS SHBMBAL> RRR o 121. MWR ( Oreorchis gracillima ( Hayata ) Schitr. ) Terrestrials; pseudobulbs closely approximate, ‘ovoid or conical-ovoid, 1.2-1.6 cm long, about 8 mm across, acute at apex, rounded at base; roots many, produced from the base of pseudobulb. Leaf (leaves) -solitary, rarely 2, linear or linear-lanceo- late, terminal on the pseudobulb, 30-60 cm long, 5-7 mm wide, acuminate at apex, attenuate and decurrent to petioles at base, entire, chartaceous, articulate, plicate,many-veined elevated beneath. Flowers 20-30, oranged yellow or brownish yellow,widely opened, racemose; scape terminal on the pseudobulb erect, 50-70 cm long, glabrous, yellowish green; sheaths 2 in the middle. and base of scape, brownish, 5-6 mm long, acute at apex, amplexicual at base; bracts linear- lanceolate, 4-6 mm long, about 1 mm wide, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 1-1.5 cm long, slender, glabrous, erector ascending; 274 sepals equal, patent, free, oblanceolate, 8-10 mm long, — about 1.6 mm wide, obtuse and apiculate at apex,contracted at base the lateral ones hamlet falcate like; petals same as the sepals in shape, but somewhat shorter, acute at apex, 3-5-nerved; lip cuneate-obovate, 5.5-6.5 mm long, about 3 mm wide, shortly clawed at base; the claw 1.5-2 mm long, about 1 mm wide, the lamine 3- lobed. the lateral lobed crescent-shaped, curved inward, 2-2.5mm long, about 0.6 mm wide. truncate at apex, the median lobe cuneate- obovate, 5-5.5 mm long, about 3 mm _ wide, rounded at apex, 5-nerved, cresped on margin, one appendage at base, lame- llate about 1.5 mm long; column short, 2-3 mm long. Endemic, known from high altitudes of 2300-3000 m in central and southern parts of the island, under the forests, rather rare. He AE > RERES RHE > ONT AER IBY » 长 1.2-1.6 cm? BH 8mm» GimaRR? ZRAV ; RSER > HAW RR ABe ELK DRAB 2K: RMVURRMRRAB: REKRRREZE? & 30-50 cm? 5-7 mm » Saw A: SMM CHEER: SR K A> ABE: MA: KER > BR AH 花 20-30 枚 ' 橘 黄色 或 黄 fats > MOK TER ; TERRA RM RREER: 直 立 "长 50-70 cm» 光滑 ' 黄 称 色 ; 鞘 2 枚 着 生 於 花茎 的 中 部 及 基部 , 长 5-6 mm > 56% RR»: 基部 抱 茶 ; GARKRY: H 4-6 mm > SH 1 mm , 先 端 够 失 ; 7ERGRAS BER 1-1.5 cm> MR: 光滑 , 直 立 或 近似 如 此 ; BAER BS M+ ARS: 长 8- 10 mm? HHKH1.6 mm, 先 wast AAR > ARS RK ; ASS ARS 5 ERB HAY > HR fi > Som BtR ° 3-5 Ak ; BMRK AY > R5.5-6.5 mm BH 3 mm :基部 有 每 爪 , 爪 长 1.5-2 mm> FH 1mm: BEE 3A> MAKRAV :内 曲 , 2-2.5mm> BHN0.6 mm, 和 先端 截断 状 ; PAAR AS»: 长 5-5.5 mm> 8H 3mm> Sim Al> o> Bamiaik > BA 1 附属 > BREN 1.5 mm> StH°> H2-3 mm o Aa: EEK SE? RRAM BAW 2300-3000 m , 生 长 锥 森林 下 5 BED 。 275 122. HEM ( Phaius flavus ( Blume ) Lindley) Terrestrials ; -rhizome short; roots many, elongate; pseu- dobulbs closely approximate, narrowly ovoid conical, 3-5 cm long, 1.5-2 cm across, somewhat angled. green, truncate and ring at apex; stem elongate, 25-40 cm long, erectslender, usually enclosed by the green leaf-sheaths, glabrous. Leaves 4-6, attached at the apex of pseudobulb, with very long sheaths which enclosedly the stem; the blade la- nceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 30-50 cm long, 7-9 cm wide, plicate, chartaceous, acuminate at apex, narrowed to the sheath at base, 5-7-merved, raised on back, green surface, pale green beneath. Flowers 7-15, large, showy, 4-5 cm in diameter, yellow, racemose; scape produced from the base of pseudobulb, elo- ngate, 30-45 cm long, erect rather robust, 5-6 mm across, green, sheathing scales 3-4 at the nodes, lanceolate. 2«0-3 cm long, membranous, acuminate, embracing the scape at base; bracts oblong, membranous, light yellow, 2-3 cm long. 1- 1.5 cm wide, subacute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 3-4 cm long, green, glabrous; sepals obovate-oblong, 3-4 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, more or less fleshy, subacute at apex, nerved, not much spreading; petals oblong, somewhat oblique, 3-3.5 cm long, about 9 mm wide; lip yellow with brown streaks in the middle within, broadly ovate, +32 cm | long, 2.5-2.7 cm wide, fleshy, loosely embracing the column in natural position, 3- lobed, with strongly papillose bro- -wnish crispate -dentate margin near tip; spur whitish yellow, 7-8mm long, glabrous; column 2-2.2 cm long, long-pube- scent on the inner surface. Japan and Ryukyu. Taiwan, known from the medium alti- , tudes of 900-1800 m throughout the island, under ever- green forests, somewhat common. 276 CFig)99 SR)( Phaius flavus) a. 4EFF ( Inflorescence) c. 4E#E ( Petal ) e. SS ( Column ) | b. 768 ( Sepal ) d. BYE ( Lip ) HEM > Mee > MSR LR» RRR REE » KR EBE >» E 3-5 cm: €1.5-2 cm BARA MH> SHR RAA BM; KER : 25-40 cm» i> MR> HR AME YE > E78 0 R4-6K > SERRREAG > BLES ART eH ROHY 277 | RRR BAB: 230-45 cm: £7-9 cm: MM> CKA> EH Ms > MOR MECHSE: 5-7KERKAM> AMMRA> PMRARBo JE7-15 Rs K> SBB> K4-5 cm? BH> MIRIER ; TERM ARB REM, E> 30-45 cm» Ai? RMAtt> 5-6 mm > RH> HH MA3-4KRRKGH > BHU: H2.5-3 cm > RA> HMA AK 7ER ; GBR RAY > BA WAH: 2-3 cm» H1-1.5 cm, 先 端 近 URS ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 3-4 cm oH 638; SRAWKERAV:-E 3-4 cm, 宽 1 -1.5 mm > 43 AR° HHRURR> AM R+H +e ; (EMA > WKB> 长 3-3 .5 cm > BH9 mm; BRR: AH 中 部 具有 褐色 MME? BI: 长 3-3.2 cm , 宽 2.5-2.7 cm> AG , 3 裂 , 和 先端 呈 祸 色 娩 冠状 突起 , 距 淡 黄色 , 长 7-8 mm 光滑 ; BER 2-2.2 cm, 内 面 有 长 毛 。 日 本 及 琉球 。 AB> ERK BRW 900-1800 BROW: SERA ,生长 於 常 称 澜 侍 林 下 , 较 常见 。 - 123 . M#xESTAM 〈 Phaius gracilis (Lindley ) Ying) Phaius gracilis ( Lindley) Ying comb. nov. Calanthe gracilis Lindley, Gen & sp. orch. 25( 1833 ) Terrestrials; rhizomes short; roots elongate; pseudobulb absent; stem elongate, 30-60 cm long, glabrous, green, ra- rely branched at basé, nodes conspicuous. Leaves elliptic- lanceolate, 15-25 cm long, 4-7 cm wide, acuminate on both ends, chartaceous, shining and green su- rface, pale green beneath, 5 -7-nerved, raised on back, the lower leaves usually smaller and sheath - like. Flowers numerous, rather small, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, pale yellow or yellow, racemose, slightly scent; scape pro- duced from the lower node of stem, 25-40 cm long, green, slender, erect, glabrous, with several reduced sheathing leaves in the lower part; bracts lanceolate,2-2.5 cm long, cauduous, acuminate at apex, the pedicels with ovaries 1- 1.5 cm long, green, glabrous; sepals reflexed- spreading , the dorsal one lanceolate 12-17 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, 278 caudate-acuminate, 3-nerved; the lateral ones Narrower , about 3 mm wide; petals oblong-ovate, 7-8 mm long, 3-5 mm wide; lip quadrangular-oblong, 3-lobed, 12-18 mm bng, 3- 5 mm wide, the median lobe with a broadly claw, thé limb: - transversely oblong, truncate at apex, crispate-denticulate on margin, the lateral lobes ovate, ascending; column about 4mm long, with pale yellow pubescent. " | Japan and Ryukyu. Taiwan, at medium altitudes of 800- 1600 m throughout the island, under the evergreen forests, rather common. : Althrough Dr. Hayata published a name of Phaius grac ilis Hayata but the name is out of available,is a symnonym of P. mishensis. so I combined a new name of Phaius. hoe HAD» RE KG > REE MIRERE ; KER R 30-60 cm , 光 滑 , RA» ARMADA RM His o JEHSUR RG > 15-25 cm: 84-7 cm, 两 端 均 呈 源 兴 , 狼 质 、, AM SARE » WUE KS - 7 条 隆起 於 背 面 , 位於 葵 基部 的 全 B/\\ > BRK ° ESR? BH 1-1.5 cm * 汉 黄色 或 黄色 , 粮 状 花 序 , 略 有 香味 六 CSAS ARMS > 25-40 cm RA: MR’ Bi HR eK Bh a7 BGR (CHARS ; BARE H2-2.5 cm, 早 落 , 先 端 渐 撩 ; 花 梗 连同 子 房 长 1-1.5 cm? RA’ S68; SRREKRR? REARS » 长 12-17 mm, 袖 3-4 mm? RRMA? KIRK? MBRRR? BH 3- mm ; (RRA KI > 7-8 mm, 袖 3-5 mm. ; BROSKERA 形 ,3 裂 , 12-18 mm> &3-5 mm > HARARE: MAME EUG > 5 Sin EXE HK > ee PREC HK SIE MIA ASA > WY; BER M4 mm? AAR HH EE AARRR: GREEK PBR 800-1600R RMU? SBHAD fis ERY 3 RRA > ERE fino it A PARE BEY BAAS RAIA Phaius gracilis » (A CRAs 顶 苦 的 加 名 , 其 所 发 表 之 Ppaizxs graciliis BKM KSB 双 将 Lindley ##wW Calanthe gracilis Lindley 加 以 组 合 而 成 有 效应 用 ? RER? 长 15-30 cm> MR: RRERM ; KB’ & 40- 50 cm» R&AHitt > RRA» LRA o # 4-6 > RRAK RSVR AIKRRAW > H20-25 cm> & 5.5-7 cm HiymRR » SAH CHEER SeRBsSerR: RHS AHR > PHU BES-10 cm> KH > RAK o ) 4763-6 RAK: MAB KAMBKRBAE > RDA > MIRE 281 图 (Fig )101 MBAR ( Phaius mishensis ) a. 76( Flower) b. #32 (Dorsal sepal ) c. 7 ( Petal) d. MSA ¢ Lateral sepal) e. BMEC Lip ) f. BH (Column ) 序 ; EMH REPRAR ER? Biz’ £ 20-30 cm» 74; BH RAW» 长 3-3.5 cm» BH1.5 cm > #¥R? 7¢ (SR FBR 3-3.5 cm, 光 消 ; MAE > EY > BH? 长 3-4 cm? W1-15 cm, 先 端 汤 尖 ; TERE £% > 3-3.2 cm, 实 6 -7 mm, 先 端 印 AMOK; SHIR? KZ: 3.2-cm> ##2.5 cm’ A’ MAH BW , 包 旋 着 SH > FEM AUER » Zu HE) 9 mm > BAI1-1-2 cm, 先 端 凹 头 BE 2 A» WR RR » PRA AKRRERG HEH AMARRERM > BR1lcem; GEER’ EW? cm ° 4> > HELA ~ EW + RRR GR: OH: AR TA 2 BPH RH 900- 1600 ARM? ERKRSR 植 质 的 森林 内 “。 125. 人 蕉 顶 苦 〈 了 Phaius tancarvilliae (Banks) Blume ) Terrestrials; rhizome short; roots elongate; pseudobulbs tightly clustered rather irregular, enveloped by leaf -sheaths, 282 inconspicuous, 3-4 cm long, 3-3.5 cm in diameter, dull green, glabrous, stemless. © Leaves 4-6, oblong- lanceolate or lanceolate, chartaceous, 40-70 cm long, 7-15 cm wide, plicate, attenuate,acuminate, gradually narrowed at base to the long petioled, 9-nerved, raised on back; the petioles 20-35 cm long, glabrous. Flowers 20-35, large, 7-9 cm in diameter, fragrant , racemose, long-lived; scape produced from the fascicle lea- ves, 70-90 cm long, erect, terete, glabrous; bracts obla- nceolate, green, deciduous, 3-4 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide; the pedicels with ovaries 3-3.5 cm long, yellowish green; sepals powery- white outside, more or less red-brown inside, often with yellowish green margins, oblong, 5-6 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, acute, spreading; petals same as the sepals in coior and shape, but somewhat shorter, only 5 cm long; lip almost free from the column, faintly 3- lobed and much plaited at the top, on the inner side dark vinous purple, pale-veined, long-hairy, the median lobe broadly rounded with a recurved mucro; spur terete, pink, more or less fo- rked at tip, 8-11 mm long; column fainted curved, about 2 cm long. S. China, n, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Pa- cific Islands, Polynesia, Japan and Lyukyu. Taiwan, on humus land under the evergreen forests at the elevations of 500-1200 m throughout the island, not common, occasio- nally cultived as a oramental. 地 生 兰 Ree REE; RREASBA BSA: BHRAE # > 3-4 cm, 径 3-3.5 cm> BRA? Hi? RE 。 #2 4-64 > RRARRHY > BA» 40-70 cms 87-15 cm , > SrA > BRM KM HSER KOR? BAKA; PRE 20-25 cm, 光滑 。 1620-35%& > KMMH> K7-9 cm BRK: MIRE > MER; 283 ( Fig)102 #JBR( Phaius tancarvilliae ) a. 46 ( Flower ) b. BAH ( Sepal ) c. EME ( Petal) d. B#EC Lip ) e. BE ( Column ) 76 HS HAE EH > 70-90 cm? Biz~> MEW > 68; BH ARS Ww he PR: 3-4 cms H1-1-.5 cm; 花梗 车 同 子 房 长 3 -3.5 cm , 黄 称 色 ; SEARS AG ARS SABE? SBRASRRA AW: 长 5 -6 cms H1-1.5cm> imaiRAK > RE; CRMHOVKRASB SS HB > (HK i > BS cm; BMBRESM SRA > RBMZA> Scns SRK AG SARL RB > a&#SAah RCH; PARRA > Fein AMER EA ; FRE > DRL > Fe SRK» & 8-11 mm ; 营 柱 长 2 cm> SABA RAN Bho Ad PaaS ~ AU EAE » RPGR + AE» IN KERB ~ RB ~HARRR° AB: ERKZAEH 500-1200 mith > SAK BRB AE & a AKA > Rishi > BAF RISE RB ta Do 284 126. 蝴蝶 苦 〈( Phalaenopsis aphrodite Reichb.f ) Epiphytes; roots filiform, numerous, elongate, 20-40 cr. long, 2-3.5 mm in diameter, grayish or nearly so; stemless. Leaves several, fascicled or nearly so,oblong elliptic or oblong, 25-40 cm long, 7-8 cm wide, obtuse or acuminate at apex, obtuse and slightly contracted at base, entire, lu- strous green surface, pale green beneath, midrib impressed surface, slightly elevated beneath, subcoriaceous or slightly fleshy. Flowers several, white, remotely racemose, 6-8 cm in diameter, slightly fragrant; scape elongate, 30-50 cm long, produced from leaved fascicles, horizontal or ascending; the pedicels with ovaries 3-5 cm long, glabrous or slightly pubescent; bracts minute ; sepals obloag,;: 4- 5.5, cm. long., about 2.5 cm wide, blunt at apex, rounded at base; petals broadly rhombic-cuneate, 4-6 cm long and wide, obtuse at apex, shortly clawed at base; lip 3-lobed, the lateral lobes erect, half-rhombic oblong 2.5-3 cm long; the median lobe triangular, ending ina elongate antenna-like cirrhii ; the disc with2 deeper red markings; column short. The Philippines and Taiwan. Taiwan known from islet Lanyu ( fi ) only, rather rare. BEM > BRU: KH E> 长 20-40 cm’ K2-3.5 mm , 灰 色 RUT AME » FEK © GUN > RARBG UA > RRA KA RRA > 25-40 cm ~ 927-8 cm Ha MALRY RAMS RRR Sk ARM SAG BRA PHAR PHKRAAH 下, 背面 略 降 起 , 亚 革 质 或 格 呈 肉质 。 TER > A SBR MUR TE > KR 6-8 cm + BBB ; ERE f° 30-50 cm’ HARKER: KPRBS LAKES ; (CRATE 长 3-5 cm 光滑 或 略 有 毛 苷 ; BREW ; SARRAW> R4-5.5 mm > BW 2.5 cm, 先 端 钝 ; EMR ZERY > 4-6 cm’ B4-6 cm, 先 端 钝 , 基 部 有 短 爪 ; BEZA> MARA RW’ CHRKRRBAV: 长 2.5 -3 cm >» PAR =A » Fina MR BRD > ER LARA 色 的 附属 285 > GEE FEA AH BERMMASL> SERABRNKP > RBED o 127. 石山 桃 ( Pholidota cantoensis Rolfe ) Epiphytes; rhizomes creeping, somewhat woody, 8-15 cm long, about 2mm in diameter; roots produced from the base of pseudobulb, elmgate ; pseudobulb ovoid, remote, fleshy, 1 - 1.5 cm long, 5-7 mm in diameter, groove, green, truncate obtuse at apex, rounded at base; sheaths 2-5, deciduous , lanceolate, acute at apex. Leaves 2, terminal on the pseudobulb, linear-lanceolate, 6-8 cm long, 5-8 mm wide, acuminate, narrowedto the pe- tiolate at base, coriaceous or nearly so, glabrous, shining green surface, pale green beneath, midrib elevated beneath; the petioles 1-1.5 mm long, glabrous, green. Flowers 8-14, rather small, 4-5 mm in diameter, yello- wish white or white, racemose; seape producing from the base of pseudobulb, erect, 6-10 cm long, slender, glabrous ; sheaths 4-6, lightly brown, subcoriaceous, acute at apex; bracts ovate, 4-5 mm long, about 4 mm wide, concave, SU- bplicate, 5-merved; the pedicels with ovaries 3-3.5 mm long, glabrous; sepals subequal, ovate, 4-4.5 mm long, 2- 3 mm wide, narrowly obtuse at apex, contraced at base, slightly concave, 3-merved, the lateral ones Somewhat obli- que at base; petals broadly oblong or broadly ovate, 4-45 mm long, about 3 mm wide, obtuse at apex, cuneate and obtuse at base, 3-nerved; lip widely rounded, bright yellow, 3-3.5 mm long, 4-4.5 mm wide, strongly convex, broadly rounded at apex, contracted at base; column about 2 mm long, su- bterete, glabrous. Endemic, on mossy rocks or tree trunks at the elevations of 300-1400 m in the northern and central parts of the island, rather common. 286 > BEM RRkAA> BEAR? HR 8-15 cm> KH2mm ; MHAK MRREAR HE: RRA MRRENV> M4 >AB’H1-1.5 cm , 5-7 mm » BBM RA» Te K > SBE; 2-5 he RK REG RA» IMR o E2QKh > BGERRRENGe > MRR > 6-8 cm? & 5-8 mm » EMR ZRRTCHSER SRR SK KH KHS 有 光滑 称 色 , 背 面 淡 稼 名 , 中 肋 於 背面 隆起 ; HMR1-1.5 mm , 光 滑 , BRE © 花 8- 14 > B/)> B4-5 mm KRRBRAH> MIKREF ; ERB WRREBR> THE MRERRERE> RRR ALK BREE >» 人 直立, 长 6-10 cm? ME > 1678 ; 94-6 > RRS? HUA > Hees fm ( Fig)103 石山 桃 ( Pholidota cantoensis ) ee a. S@fE Zw ( Flowering plant ) b. 76 ( Flower) c. @# (Dorsal sepal ) d. @JSiH (Lateral sepal ) e. 769% ( Petal ) f. BMC Lip) g. BEM ( Lip in vertical sectian ) h.i. S6#( Column ) j. #8 (Opercalum ) 4°; RING > 24-5 mm> BW4 mm, 四 出 , 腺 5 人 条 ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 3-3.5 mm, 光 滑 ; BRAUSBE: WV > H4-4.5 mm , 宽 2-3 mm , 先 问 狂 后 , 基 部 紧缩 , 略 凸 出 , 胀 3 人 条 ; MR RAMRBE ; ERBRGAYV ORY: 24-4.5 mm> £H 3 mm Kas > SRACRA > KIEK ; Ewes > WAY: &3-3.5 mm’ 84-4.5 mm > Oh > tema , 基部 紧 籍 状 ; SEZ mm? TUB > tH 固有 , 生 长 从 台湾 北部 及 中 部 海拔 移 300-1400 m 的 山地 , 多 着 生 於 多 苔 伦 类 的 岩石 及 树干 上 , 较 篇 常见 。 128 67684 % ( Platanthera brevicalcarata Hayata ) Terrestrials ; root s thickened, sometimes fusiform-like, elongate; stem simple, erect, including the scape 7-15 cm long. | Leaves 2-3, aitermate, basal, oblanceolate or obovate- oblong, chartaceous, 2.5-4 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, obtuse, abruptly narrowed and embracing the stem at base. Flowers 7-14, white or greenish white, in terminal spike; scape glabrous, usually with 1-2 scale-like lanceolate leaves; bracts broadly lanceolate, 4-7 mm long, 1-3 mm wide, acute at apex; dorsal sepal elliptic, about 3 mm lonz,2mm wide, l-nerved, the lateral ones ovate, 4-4.5 mm long, about 2 mm wide, obtuse at apex; petals oblique ovate, rather thick, 2.5 -3 man long, about 2 mm _ wide, subobtuse, erect, forming a hood with dorsal sepal; lip oblong-ligulate, fleshy, 3.5-4 mm long, about 2.5 mm _ wide, sometimes curved at apex, spur 2-3 mm long, thickened at tip, obtuse; column short, 288 S. Japan. Taiwan, at high altitudes of 2100-3500 min central mountain ranges, very common in alpine meadow, also occurred under the forests. ~ we RHE HR AERASHBRE ; 茎 单 生 无 分 枝 , 直 立 , iE > WATE KE 7-15 cm 全 2 -3 枚 , HA SEREHEA> HRHVRAWKERAYV > K B>&2.5-4 cm’? B1.5-2 cm Fins > SHE ARE > RASRA pi Za > PHAR o 167-14 > BR eR SIRE RRR TER ; TEROGIR? HA - 2 图 ( Fig ) 104 #23 ( Platanthera brevicalcarata ) a. SEZ ( Flowering plant ) b. €## (Dorsal sepal) c. 7E#E ( Petal d. @J HR (Lateral sepal) e. B¥#EC( Lip) £. 除去 EMER ESE ( Flower taken off sepals and petals ) Poe Fuk est Ga) KA ; SA RSV: 4-7 mm’? 1-3 mm > Was A KS HOM AY , ogi »eW2mm> klk » MSHR We 长 4-4.5 mm > Wk 2 mm, 先端 钝 ; MEO > BE. 长 2.5 - 3 mm + A 2 mm , 先 端 近似 印 , 直 立 , 和 与 后 募 HBR E> BRERA AW’ AR? &3.5-4 mm> 82.5 mm "8 距 长 2-3 mm, 和 先端 厚 而 钝 ; BRB o 日 本 南 ° G8: FER SE RS RH 2100 - 3500 mm 的 山地 , 常 见 full] i > ARFAAER RAK P> ERBRo , ,/ SS es 129. REWER (Platanthera long i beanteatan ovaka’ Terrestrials; roots fleshy, 1-1.5 cm long, fusiform; stem simple, 30-40 cm long, 4-angled, sheathing at base; the sheathes membranous, 3-4.5 cm long, obtuse at apex. Leaves 3-4, alternate, spathulate or ovate-oblanceolate 14-16 cm long, 2.5-3 cm wide, obtuse at apex, deccurent to gradually narrowed at base, chartaceous, entire, shining green surface. Flowers 7-15, lax-racemose, white scape glabrous, 10- 20 cm long, glabrous, 4-angled; bracts lanceolate, 1.2 -1.7 cm long, acuminate at apex, entire; the pedicels with ova- ries 6-8 mm long, ellipsoid; the dorsal sepal oblong-tria- ngular, 2-3 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex. 3 -nerved, the lateral ones oblong, 4-5 mm long, about 2 mm wide, obtuse at apex, narrowed at base, 3-nerved; pe- tals triangular-oblong, 3-3.5 mm long, about 1 mm wide, 1-nerved, acute at apex, strongly contracted at base; lip linear, 5-6 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, 1-nerved, obtuse at apex, spurred, the spur linear, 1-1.2:cm long, 0.5 mm in diameter, obtuse at apex; column short. Endemic, at high altitudes of 2200-3000 m,on grasslands; in central and southern parts of the island, rather common. HAM > RA > R1-1.5 cm> HY ; BBW MIR & 30 - 40 cm’ 4B ERAR ; MIRA > 长 3-4.5 cm, 先 端 钝 。 革 3-4 枚 , 互 生 , 舌 形 或 卵 状 倒 披 人 针 形 , 长 14-16 cm, 袖 2.5-3cm » Fein ARM RTE PAK: KA» SR RHAAGCSRE° 花 7-15 > Bi RY MEIKE > f° 7ESOGIR > 10-20 cm » 678 290 » UB; BHR > H1.2-1.7 cm CMBR? SR ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 6-8 mm > AV: RERRRRK=AW > 2-3 mm> fH 125 mm » Seta St ARSE > CUS HRY > 4-5 mm> HH 2 mm » HHS > ERR: Ak 3K ; (FRE AKRBAV > 3-3.5 mm BH 1mm > il E> tia RA: BRAM; SRRV> H5-6 mm’ B0.5 mm > klk » Seve oh > Aa Rh~ PRR > B1-1.2 cm , 径 0.5 mm> HM: SHB A BR bh RSS SRW 2200-3000 m HRA > RRM He 130. ee he A ( Platanthera pachyglossa Hayata ) Fs hea Me roots 3- 5, thickened, elongate, creamy white, 3-4 cm lng, 5-6 mm in diameter; stem simple, ere- ct, included the scape 30-40 cm long, slender, glabrous, green, sheathed at base; sheaths 2-3, membranous. Leaves 4-5, alternate, ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 6-7 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, acute, obtuse at base, se- miamplexicuai, entire, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath, mirdib raised beneath. Flowers numerous, yellowish green,small, 6-7 mm mm in diameter, spicate; scape terminal, 10-20 cm long, green, glabrous or slightly whitish hirsute; bracts lanceolate, 4-6 mm long, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 1-1.2 cm long, cylindric, glabrous, green; sepals unequal, the dorsal one rounded or ovate- rounded, 4,6-5..5 mn long, 4-4.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, truncate or cordate and contracted at base, the lateral ones linear-lanceolate, 6.5-7.5 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, acute at apex, somewhat recurved on ma- rgin; petals broadly rounded, strongly oblique, 5-5.5 mm long, about 4 mm wide, long cuspidate at apex;lip linear- lanceolate, spurred, 9-10 mm long, 2-3 mm wide; spur 10-15 mm long, about 2 mm across, obtuse at apex; co- lumn short, broad, 5-6 mm long. | 7 Endemic, one of the commonest alpine orchids at the elevations of 2500-3400 m throughout the island, usually on grassland or exposed field. 291 地 生 苦 , 根 3-5 枚 , 粗 厚 , 甚 长 , 粉 白色 , 长 3-4 cm » K5-6 mm ; 苛 单 生 , 和 无 分 枝 , 直 立 , 连 同 花 蔡 长 30-40 cm> MR HR: MA’ & AHA ; 82-3 Bo #: 4-5 HA DRERMAVRERARRAY: 6-7 cm °F 1.5-2 cm? SRA ARH AUK Sk RASACEREA’ F @( Fig)105 BBR ¢ Planthera pachyglossa ) a. 花序 ( Inflorescence ) b. 花 ( Flower ) c. Ae ( Column ) ma Yee te > PANS i 隆起 。 花 多 数 BRE Bl» BO-7 mm? MIKE ; 16+» & 10-20 cm » MH SiR HAAS ES ; i He PRETTY >» 4-6 mm»? FEHB A 5 花梗 连同 子 房 有 长 1 -1.2 cm, 圆 柱 形 , 光 请 , £4. f ; HARB > REAA 或 卵 圆 形 , 长 4.5-5.5 mm °F 4-4.9 mm, 先 端 印 , 基 部 截断 状 或 心 形 , SARIN ; GUSE H URDLSTIG » $6 5-7-5 mm, 宽 2-2.5 mm ,先端 go 4: + SRN SG ; TORE » HB 5-5-5 mm: #M4mm , 先 ja ue ; BRIS » AEB» & 9-10 mm» #2-3 mm ; Bk 10-15 mm» M2 mm, 先 端 钝 ; 巷 柱 短 , 长 5-6 mm » Fite e 292 si i me a —_ Ts 2 ee ee 固有 , ABER BEARS 25 00- 34.00 m 的 高 山地 区 » 常见 於 高 山地 Bo Lp. atrnegls 131. senem 3 stenosepala Schltr. ) Terrestrials ; roots thickened, somewhat tuberous; stem erect or ascending, 7-12 cm long, slender, ]-leaved near base, glabrous or nearly so. Leaves radical or basal, oblong or ovate-oblong, 5-8 cm long, 2.5-3.5 cm wide, rounded, cordate or obtuse and embracing the stem at base, entire, green surface and pale green beneath. Flowers 5-10, rather small, yellowish green, terminal, racemose; scape glabrous, green, 6-11 cm long, erect or ascending; bracts ovate lanceolate, acute at apex, 4-8 mm long; the dorsal sepal narrowed ovate, 4-5 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, 3-nerved; the lateral ones linear-lanceolate, 1 - nerved, 5-7 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide; petals oblique ovate, 4.5-5.5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, acute at apex; lip elongate ligulate, more or less fleshy, 6-8 mm long, about 2mm wide, entire; spur slender, 12-18 mm long, pendu- lous, obtuse at apex column hoof-shaped; pollinia ovate. Ryukyu. Taiwan, at the elevations of 300-800 m in mo- rthern mountains, on moist and mossy rocks and grassland , somewhat rarely. . 地 生 兰 , 根 粗 厚 , SASSO ; RB RM: 7-12 cm > A 长 , 在 基部 有 革 1 枚 , 光 滑 或 近似 如 此 。 FRE NVR SOAR RRA RIKRRAYs 长 5 -8 cm °F 2.5-3.5 cm J6smEl » ASOD RH AK > Sk RARA> PA RRR ES > MAK Aik BRAS © 465-109 > BA > BRR > TRAE UK TE RS ; TESOGI? MAR 6-11 cm , 直 立 或 近似 如 此 ; GH SK BEY > Tem BAR > 4-8 mm; RBSARRY: R4-5 mm? H 3-4 mm > hk 3K; MERRMRRAY , ikl eR > e5-7 mm? 1.5 mm; HEIN > R4.5-5.5 mm , 实 2-3 mm, 和 先端 铝 尖 ; SRREY:> 2>SA8> 6-8 mm’ BW 2 293 mm» 22 ; BAAR » $ 12-18 mm» ARE ; Fegan ; OEE RAG » 7EOSEID iG (Fig )106 %324)##@ ( Platanthera stenosepala ) a. 植物 体 (Plant) b. 4EFF ( Inflorescence ) c. 46 (Flower) d. @32# (Dorsal sepal ) e. 7E#E (Petal) f. 38H (Lateral sepal ) g. BME Lip) h. BHC Column ) . HtEk °° @M> LK ABH 300-800 m 的 全 SERA BAAR Mth aA E> BRD o 132. #58 ( Platanthera taiwaniana Ying ) Terrestrials; tubers ovoid’ white, 3-5 mm long, about 4 mm in diameter; stem simple, erect, slender, included the scape 15-20 cm long, terete, glabrous, green; sheaths white, 2-4 cm long, membranous. } Leaves 2 alternate, basal, ovate or ovate-oblong, 5-7 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, acute at apex, narrowed decurrent — to the sheaths at base, chartaceous or membranous, entire or slightly wavy, glabrous, lustrous green surface, pale green | beneath, midrib impressed surface and elevated beneath, lateral veins inconspicuous. 294 Flowers numerous, vellowish green or light green, rela- tively’ small, racemose; the scape 8-10 cm long, terminal, erect; bracts lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, 6-9 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, acute at apex, glabrous; the pedicels with ovaries 4-6 mm long, erect, glabrous; the dorsal’ sepal ovate, 2-2.5 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, contracted at base, the lateral ones ovate, 1.5-2 mm long, about 1.5mm wide, obtuse or acute at apex; petals linear- ovate, 2-3 mm long, about 1 mm wide, acuminate at apex; lip patent, spathulate, 4-6 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, entire, rounded at apex; spur 2-2.5 mm long, about 1] mm across, pale yellow or yellowish white. Endemic, known from central and southern parts of the island at high altitudes of 3200-3600 m on grassland, rather rare. Ho > CRN: A> 3-5 mm> BM4 mm; KH Biv ME > HA 7ERR15-20 cm ; BV > FIR? RE: RAH? 2-4 cm , 膜 质 。 2M HE» BA UR OMKRRAY > 5-7 cm, 袖 2-3 cm Fan > BRM CHS > MARRA> Sk MRK M KI: KH PRHSRE PHARA’ PHURKARAM MK Swe ke > Hl AKAs o 花 多 数 , 黄 称 色 或 淡 称 色 , 较 小 , 炉 状 花序 ; ZEKE 8-10 cm » RA * 直立 ; BARE SORRY >» 6-9 mm, 袖 2-3 mm > HRA , 光滑 ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 4 -6 mm, 直立 , 光 滑 ; SBA? & 2-2.5 mm, 袖 狗 1.5 mm ° yas > LMA; 倒 荔 片 卵 形 , 长 1.5-2 mm , BM1.5 mm, 先 端 钝 或 铝 失 ; HRI >» R2-3 mm > FKH1 mm » 先端 针尖 ; SUBS HB 4-6 mm’ 82-3 mm > BK > SA > FA 2-2.5 mm>* LK 1 mm > YR al RAL © AA RR PRR Bis RN 3200-3600 m 山地, Sa HA » Ris Fi 133. Wt ( Pleione bulbocoioides (Franch) Rolfe ) Terrestrials ; pseudobulb oblong or oblong-ovoid, 2.5-3.5 295 cm long, 2-3 cm across, purplish red; stemless. Leaf 1, at the top of the pseudobulb, present after flo- wering, oblanceolate, 12-18 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, charta- ceous, acute, attenuate at base, plicate, 5-7-nerved, gla- _brous, entire. Flowers solitary, very rarely 2 or 3, large, showy, pink, 3-4 cm across: scape produced from the last year pseudo- bulb, 5-6 cm long, glabrous; bracts narrowly lanceolate, 4-5 cm long, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries l1- 2.5 cm long; sepals subequal, spathulate, 4.5-6 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, rounded acute, narrowed at base, 5 ~ nerved; petals same as the sepals in shape, but smaller and Marrower, 5-6 cm long, 6-8 mm _ wide; lip white with yellowish brown spots, widely ovate, 5-6 cm long, 4-4.5 cm wide, rounded and emarginate or slightly 2-lobedat apex, contracted at base, entire asaly, fimbricate from medium up to the tip; keels 4, 3-4 cm long, 1-1.5 mm wide; co- lumn elongate, 3-3.5 cm long, 3-4 mm wide; slightly cu- rved. China, Taiwan, under the thickets or epiphytic onmossy rocks at medium altitudes of 1000-2000 m throughout the island, somewhat common. HA > RRR RAY RE BRIG > R2.5-3.5 cm » K 2-3 cm»? 3Rhl f& > EK o ” 业 一 枚 , 着 生 於 假球 薪 先 端 , 花 后 始 长 出 , 合 披 人 针 形 , 长 12-18 cm? 袖 2-4 cme PA > Fa A » AAPM > Mit > HKS-7R GI BR TERA: > i> OKA 2M SKK KA BR Mil K3-4 cm ; E SHARAF RREN AGG 5-6 cm Gi; BARRA R 4 -5 cm, 和 先端 够 兴 ; TERIA BR 1 -2.5 cm Hi OE > HR: 4.5 届 6 cm? 1-1.5 cm » Sie BU RAR » AA > Ak 5- 7 人 条 ; ERS UG > (AR BFE > 5-6 cm * 6-8 mm ; BS il AK Bt mE, HSNG >» 5-6 cm, 袖 4-4.5 cm> HMA BM ARR2ZA» AHS 紧缩 状 , 基 部 DR > HRA FA SRK MR ; MRR 4 人 条, 长 3-4 cm 296 - a! her fl ( Fig) 107 + ([l3%4( Pleione bulbocoioides: ) a. fRER& ( Pseudobulb ) ib. 7E ( Flower) c. #82 BR (Dorsal sepal) d. 769 ( Petal ) e. Gil 33 Fr Lateral sepal) f. B#K( Lip) g. SE ( Column ) 袖 1-1.5 mm ; @t HR "长 3-3.5 cm» 83-4 mm > HSS HH o | > 台湾 ERI eK Pa ERS A RRNA GL: & HK BLN -2000 miljth > 2RAA > BH ho 134. SWS ( Podochilus taiwanianus Ying ) Podochilus taiwanianus Ying, sp. nov. Epiphyta; rhizomata brevato, radicibus multis longiuscu- lis filiformibus vulgo simplicibus rigidiusculis, flexuosis puberulis; caulis simplicibus, basi approximatim conexis, 60-80 cm longis, teretibus, glabris. Folia alterna, disticha, ovato-retunda vel elliptico - 297 oblonga, 2-2.5 cm longis, 1-1.3 cm lata, apice obtusa , emarginata, basi paullo contracta, supra viridia, subtus pa- llidiora utrinque glabra, chartaceae, cun vaginis articulata, vaginis tubiformis, 5-6 mm longis, arcte amplexicaule, im- bricatis, persistentis. Racemus lateralis, abbreviatus, 7-12 mm longus, glaber ; bracteis minutis, lanceolato- triangula,1.5-2 mm longa, flavo- alba, apice acute, pedicellis 1-].5mm, longis, glabris, Flores 4-7, albrescentes, minoribus, 2-3 mm in diametro; sepala inaequalia, posticum liberum, ovatum, ].8 -2.2 mm longum, 1-].2 mm latum, apice obtusum, basi contractum, utrinque glabrum; sepala lateralia oblonga vel ovato-oblamg, 2-2-2 mm longa, ca 1.5 mm lata, apice acutiuscula, basi versus dilatata, superne libera “basi pedi columnae adnata mentum breve latius 1 mm longum formantia; petala ovata, 1.8-2 mm longa, ca 1 mm lata, apice acute, basi pallo contracta; labellum ovatum or oMongum,].5-1.8 mm _ longum, 1-1.2 mn, latum, margine integra, utrinque obtusa,basi sa- ccati, concavum; column brevissima 0.5 mm longa; pollinia 4. | Habit.: Pingtung Hsein, Nanjenshan, S.S. Ying 4692 Jan. 23 1976. Epiphytes ; rhizome short; roots many, elongate, filifrom, simple, rigid, slightly pubescent; stem simple, uSually se- veral in a cluster, erect, 60-80 cm long, glabrous, green, usually enclosed by leaf-sheathes. Leaves alternate, distichous, ovate-rounded or elliptic- otlong, 2-2.5 cm long, ‘-76 cm wide, obtuse at apex, emarginate, slightly contracted at base, lustrous green su- rface, pale green beneath, glabrous on both sides, charta- ceous, connected with sheathes with articulate; the sheathes tubular, 5-6 mm long, strongly amplexicual, imbricate, pe- rsistent. 298 Flowers 4-7, white, small, 2-3 mm in diameter;. race- mose; scape very short, lateral, 7-12 mm long, produced from nearly.each leaf-axile, Slabrous; bracts minute, 1anceo- late-triangular, 1.5-2 mm long, acute at apex, yellowish white; pedicels with ovaries 1 -1.5 mm long, glabrous, ye- llowish green. sepals unequal, the dorsal one free, ovate, long, ]-1.2 mm wide, “dbtuse at apex, contra- cted at base, glabrous on both sides, the lateral ones oblong or ovate-oblong, 2-2.2 mm long, about 7 mm wide, acute at apex, slightly swellened at base, free upward, adnate with column at base, and forming a short about 1.5 mm long mentum; petals ovate, 1.8-2 mm long, about 1 mm wide, acute at apex, slightly contracted at base; lip ovate or oblong, 1.5-1.8 mm long, 1-1.2mm _ wide, entire, obtuse on both ends, sac-like at base, concave; column short, about . 0.5 mm long; pollinia 4. Endemic, known from southern tip of the island, at the elevations 100-400 m, epiphytic on tree trunks, rather rare. SLM REG HSM HR RY: RRR BEER RRL Fi > BRIAR R> Bir > 60-80 cm> 48> MA BRREEB SHA DMUREA IWRAVRRARRRAY > 2-2.5cm> 1-13 cms Et MR ERBSRER: RHSHLERE: FH BYR: KEMPE RE > KA > UMAR ; BRS 长 5-6 mm > SEK >» BAIR » BF o TE 4-7 枚 , AB BY) > K2-3 mm , 糖 状 花序 ; TER BG > WA > 长 7- 12 mm > SE-B AIEREM OE ; GHB) > BARE > 21.5-2 mm ,光滑 , 黄 白色 ; EASA FSR 1-1.5 mm, 光 滑 , 黄 白色 ; SAAS: BSAA: NY > HR1.8-2.2 mm? F1-1.2 mm Eis ARG: RRMA HSH RRAVURLONRERAY : 长 2-2.2 mm? BN1.5 mm» MARR? FERRIS A > SRREAE > HE ah FASE FA» ITV K- 和 TERY > —H1.8-2 mm, 实 图 (Fig)108 @imhWSWC Podochilus taiwanianus ) , | , 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) . 46 ( Flower ) , KR BME ( Column and Lip ) . (Column) . 花粉 顽 ( Pollinarium ) 300 ao Pf om a 1 mm > Sha + ACEC MORAG : BREIL > 1.5-1.8 mm + 1-12 mm » SK > MBS He BR Ms 营 柱 短 , 长 网 0.5 mm » 76 YE 4 HK ° | AA +R Si SPS ELL — ABER 100-400 m 的 常 称 森 Phep > GATE b> BERD A o 135. SBRESM © Saccolabium formosanum Hayata ) Epiphytes ; roots produced from stem, elongate, grayish white, 5-10 cm long, stem slender, prostrate or pendulous, 10-20 cm long, yellowish green; pseudobulbs absent. Leaves distichous, remote, oblong, 2-2.5 cm long, 6-7 mm wide, obtuse and shortly. apiculate at apex, obtuse and arti- culate at base, entire, somewhat fleshy, midrib impressed surface and elevated beneath; lateral veins inconspicuous _Sheathed; sheathes 4-5 mm long, persistent, enclosed the stem, green. Flowers 1-2, pci lever with red spotted, 1-1.5 cm in dai- meter; the scape axillary, produced from leaf-axile, 2-3 cm long, green, slender; bracts minute, scarious, 2-3 mm long, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 9-]1] mm bng, pale yellow; sepals equal, free, patent, oblong, 4.5 -5.5 mm long, about 3 mm wide, obtuse at apex, concave; petals somewhat like sepals in shape, ‘but slightly narrower, rounded at apex, recurved on margin; lip connate with column, se- ssile, saccate; the sac 6-7 mm long, about 5.5 mm across in the mouth, red spotted within; the lamina patent , rounded -rectangular, 4-5 mm long, about] cm: wide, truncate and emarginate at apex, slightly hirsute in the middle; column short, 1.5-1.8 mm long, about 3 mm wide; rostellum 3 -dentated. | ‘ Endemic, Known from medium altitudes of 800-1800 m throughout the island, epiphytic on treetrunks, rather co- mmon . 着 生 苦 , 根 抽 自 於 车 上 , 甚 长, 灰白色, 长 5- 10 cm ;eMR> AA 301 (Fig )109 @#2#2H( Saccolabium formosanum ) a. 76 ( Flower ) b. BIER SERA BMA ( Lip and column lamina taken off ) c. BRE SHER RSH > HH) ( Lip» columna and a dorsal sepal medially cut ) d.e.f.g. JE SEZEZE SEW ( pollinariun in an anther ) BPH »H10-20 cm> Birh> RRRE o SE QT» Pe > BW + R2-2.5cm+ H6-7 mm Hea ABR AVM AMG RM SH BAAN > hie RAM + PRE + MRA BR ; 办 4-5 mms RE RRR LE » ME 花 1-2 枚 , 黄 色 而 有 红色 斑点 , 径 1-1.5 cm » CRM MARL 慎 Be $E2-3cm + RH? ME’ GHD? 长 2-3 mm ”先端 够 尖 ; TEA 本 子 房 县 9-11 mm , 淡 黄色 ; SHBSMA We RMA H4.5-5.5 下 mm + #3 mm » SSS > CGH ; TEMEAHR SATE AOL > (> See 302 PRR ; BRISA BH ERC -7 mm > GW5.5 mm , PV AALS BERS BE SS OG > 4-5 mm , BHM 1 cm, 先 端 RTM A» PSR E> SE 柱 短 , 长 1.5-1.8 mm > HI 3 mm ; Re 3 eB o 固有 , 生 长 於 全 饲 中 海拔 狗 800-1800 milith >» SAM BL > Hie o 136. ALZER ER 〈Saccolabium fuscopunctatum Hayata ) Epiphytes ; roots elongate, gray, 4-6 cm long; pseudo- bulb none; stem short, 1-3 -mm long, scattered dark red spots. | Leaves distichous, narrowly oblong, 1-2 cm long, 34 mm wide, acute or obtuse, rounded to the sheaths at base, SU= bsessile, coriaceous, smooth, scattered with dark red ma- culations all over, midrib raised on back; the sheaths imbri- cate, cylindrical, 5-6 mm long, somewhat oblique. : Flowers 2-4, rarely solitary, lightly yellow, with dark purple. maculations within, 4-6 mm long, 5-7 mm across, racemose; the scape axillary, short, erect or pendulous, sle- nder, glabrous ; bracts narrowly oblong, minute,1-].5 mm long, membranous, obtuse at apex; the pedicels with ovaries ]-].2 mm iong, glabrous; sepals elliptic, 4-4.5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, spreading, rounded at apex, truncate at base,8labrauis; petals oblong or elliptic, 3.5-4 mm long, about 2.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex; lip somewhat adnate to the columa at base, sac 5-6 mm long, scattered with, dark red maculations, the: lamina rounded,-2-2.5 mm across, shortly 2-lobed at. | apex. convex ; column short, 1-1.5 mm long, 3 mm wide. *" Endemic, epiphytic on the tree trunks in central parts of the island at the elevations of 900-1800 m, not co- mmon, SAM REE KK» 4-6 cm BRE fs + 1-3 mm , AAS REA BEBE 62 2 列 状 排列 HRB EY » 1-2 cm +H 3-4 mm > HMB 或 钝 , LPM TRE , Ut CFR» HE > DEH fl HA 7s AL BE » 303 fi ( Fig) 110 #LHt#EMC Saccolabium fuscopunctatum ) a. 花芽 ( Flowering bud) b. 7 ( Flower ) c. BF RCH Sepal and petal ) d. B9EREH( Lip and Column ) e. BIER SHR ( the Same medially cut) 于.g. SHS wa RIES ( Apical portim of a Column rostellum and anther are seen ) h. 3 4 ( operculum ) PARRA hi ; UMAR > MRK: E5-6 mm > KAMBo 花 2 -4 > DRA 枚 者 , 淡 黄色 , 而 内 面 有 障 红 色 斑 点 , 长 4- 6 mm, 径 5 -7 mm» MARTEAE ; 16 RAE + > RR > MI» IE; Ai REBEL > @v) > EE 1-1.5 mm, 膜 质 , 先 端 钝 ; EMA TRE 1- 1.2 mm » 光滑 ; SHAW > 4-4.5 mms B2-3 mm, MB> H 端 圆 , 基 部 截断 状 , 光 滑 ; TEM RAY > 3.5-4 mm » BH 2.5 mm » SSS ; EMER SRSA RSA » ABE BEFE5S-6 mm » AE ARLE BEBE ; BRAG > K2-2.5 mm> KH2B> MH; SAB 长 1 -1.5 mm» BW3 mmo 固有 , 着 生 於 树干 上 , 多 生长 认 台 湾 中 部 海拔 多 900-1800 m » REE 常见 。 137.BAREM (Saccolbium japonicum Makino ) Epiphytes; roots many, elongate, produced from middle 304 to base of stem, grayish; stem simple, 2-6 cm long,robust, usually enclosed by leaf -sheaths. Leaves 5-15, alternate, distichous, falcate-oblanceolate, 3-8 cm long, 6-15 mm wide, obtuse or subacute at apex, narrower decurrent to sheaths at base, coriaceous, lustrous green surface, midrib impressed surface and elevated beneath, lateral veins inconspicuous. Flowers 4-10, pale yellow, 1-1.2 cm in diameter, race- mose, the scape axillary, produced from the axile of leaves, 2-4 cm long, erect or ascending; bracts deltoid, 1-2 mm long, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 1-1.5 mm long, green, smooth; sepals equal, oblong or _ spathulate- oblong, 4-4.5 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide, sometimes with rose-purple spotted on the inside, obtuse at apex; petals oblong-spathulate, 3-3.5 mm long, 1-1.2 mm wide, obtuse at apex ; lip with a relatively large sac, about 3 mm across at the mouth, 4 mm in depth, adnate with column at base; the lamina depressed deltoid, white scatered with yer liowish purple spots, obscurely denticulate on margin; co- Iumn short; pollinia 2, white, globose. Capsules sessile, sometimes short - peduncled, narrowly oblong-cylindric, 1.5-2 cm long, ridged. S. Japan and Lyukyu. Taiwan, known from lower alti- tudes of 500-1000 m throughout the island, not common. SiN ROR ER: HAR KOPRRAMHEM Ke BR 2-6 cm » Hit HARB BRE o $5 -15 枚 , HA > — PUREED > SRIRARHH > 3-8 cms F 6-15 mm» Tai KURAK > APRKM CHS A> RHMSAK ir f° PHKRAAM Fee > HAKARE So 464-10? RRA K1-1.2 cm» MIKE s EERE MARE 腋 , 直立 或 近似 如 此 , 长 2 -4 cm ; 萄 片 三 角形 , 长 1 -2 mm , 先 端 够 失 : 花梗 连同 子 房 长 1 -1.5 mm RH FI; 得 片 整 竟 , 长 椭圆 形 或 舌 状 长 椭圆 形 , 长 4-4.5 mm> 1.5 mm , 有 时 内 面 有 柴 杠 色 班 点, 先端 印 ; 305 ; 图 (Fig)111 BAER ( Sagcolabium japonicum ) a. 植物 体 ( Plant) = b. 7 ( Flower ') c. €#}# (Dorsal sepal) ” d. 花 ( Petal) e. @)#H ( Lateral sepal ) f. SB (Column ) (ARG EGR EW > $3-3.5 mm? H1-1.2 mm 先端 钝 ; BMRA RA-RAW E> BOEH3 mm> BH 4 mm , 基 部 与 营 柱 相连 ; BIR =A: AB> BERR BE BRAN ; Stee > TO Hs 2K > AS» RG o HER RA BRE > KAUR REY >» $2 1.5-2 cm » ABBR 。 HAM BRHAR + OM ARS BS 500-1000 m > Hem BA> o 138. MMAR ( Saccolabium kotoense ( Yamamoto ) Yamamoto ) Epiphytes; roots elongate, terete, 15-25 cm long , about 2mm in diameter; ‘stem short, 1-2 cm long, somewhat ro- bust . | Leaves 2-5, alternate, distichous, patent, oblong-linear or oblong-lanceolate, to oblong-elliptic, 7-14 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, obtuse or retuse at apex, slightly contracted at base, entire, fleshy coriaceous, midrib impressed surface and slightly elevated beneath, lustrous green surface, slightly pale beneath. Flowers numerous, rather small, 7-8 mm in diameter, racemose ; scape axillary produced from leaf-axil, 10-15 cm long, 5-7 mm in diameter, robust, ascending or hortizontal, glabrous, stricted; bracts widely triangular, 3-3.5 mmlong, about 4 mm wide, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 6-8 mm long, creamy white; sepals creamy white, the do- rsal one elongate-elliptic or oblanceolate, 4-4.5 mm long, about 2.5 mm wide, rounded at apex, the lateral ones broa- diy ovate, subobliquely, 5-5.5 mm long, about2.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex; petals spathulate, 3.5-4 mm long, 1.5-1.6 mm wide, obtuse at apex, subnarrowed at base;lip 3-lobed, creamy white with purplish red specks, saccate; the lateral lobes minute, erect, triangular or auriculate,]-].1 mm long, about 0.7 mm wide; the median lobe connate - with sac, spathulate, 3-4 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide obtuse at apex sac 6-7 mm long, about 1 mm in diameter $ column erect, 0.7- 1 mm long, more or less contracted at base. — Endemic, known from islet Lanyu only, epiphytic on tropical rain forests, rather common. 着 生 兰 , 根 其 长 , 圆 柱 形 , 长 15-25 cms BW2 mm ; KH > 1-2 cm» Hitt © S—— AM? BA > MAKES > FS > RRARRVR RR ARE VERRARRAYW > 7-14 cm > #2-3 cm> FH MRAM > LH Satik> Sk ARKSA bHRAMS > PHBH: FHRAXKE RA? AMBRE © ESR» By > E7-8 mm» MIRE s TERRE HAREM: 长 10-15 cm» 5-7 mm > Mit» KFERATUMH > Ki BERR 起 ; 将 片 尘 三 角形 , 长 3-3.5 mm, 实 狗 4 mm> CHR; ERRATE 长 6- 8 mm KA; SRRAB’ K€SARGAVM ARAL > & 4-4.5 307 mm» 2.5 mm » Fo Sale) ; 倒 蔓 片 澜 卵 形 , 基 部 略 牌 , 长 5-5.5 mm , BH 2.5 mm, 先 端 名 ; MEW: R3.5-4 mm’ H1.5-1.6 mm , 先端 钝 , 基 部 略 狭 ; BHEZ - A FABMARA BAM AR MRA 小 , 直 立 、 三 角形 或 耳 形 , 长 1-1.1 mm, 实 0.7-0.8 mm > PER RE 先端 相连 , 和 与 赛 雪 成 一 体 , 舌 形 , 长 3-4 mm > H2-2.5 mm, 和 先端 钝 , 讲 长 6 -7 mm, 径 移 1] mm, 和 花柱 直立 , 长 0.7-1 mm , 基 部 多 少 呈 紧 稿 状 。 固有 , 生 长 於 苦 赋 饲 上 的 热带 降 NK > BER eREL RBH Eo 139 . 小 花 囊 唇 苦 ( Saccolabium rupestris ( Fukuyama ) Ying ’) Epiphytes; rhizomes short; roots elongate, 4-7 cm leng, 1-1-5 mm in diameter grayish, flexuous; stem slender , somewhat pendulous, 5-10 cm long, 1]1-].5 mm in diameter, brownish red spots scattered, Filabroual Leaves alternate, distichous, elliptic or elliptic-lanceo- late, 9-12 mm long, 9:8-¢ mm wide, acute, contracted at base, coriaceous, brownish red spots scattered on both sides, entire, midrib impressed surface, inconspicuous be- neath. , Flowers 3-6, 6-8 mm in diameter, racemose; scape la- teral, produced from leaf-sheath, 1.5-3 cm long, somewhat pendulous, red spots scattered; bracts minute, linear, 2-3 mm long, 0.2 mm wide; the pedicels with ovaries 5-7 mm long, glabrous; sepals green firstly and .then pale yellow , red spots scattered, the dorsal one orbicular -elliptic, 5-5.5 mm long, about 3 mm _ wide, obtuse at apex, contracted at base, the lateral ones obovate-elliptic, 5-6 mm long, about 3 mm wide; petals green firstly and then pale yellow, red spots scattered, elliptic, 5 mm long, about 3 mm wide, rounded, contracted at hase; lip saced at base, the lamine white, red spots scattered, and one green speck in the mi- ddle of lamine, widely semiorbicular, 3-4 mm long, 6-7 mm wide, truncate-rounded at apex, irregularly denticu- 308 lated or slightly crenulate on margin, callus in the medium and upward; the sac somewhat spur-like, complanate-hemisphere, red spots scattered, 5-6 mm long, 3-3-5 mmacross, glabrous; column short, 2-2.5 mm long. ) Endemic, known from northern part of the island at medium altitudes of 1200-2200 m on evergreen forests. The floewers of this species is somewhat like that of S. kotoense Yamamoto but different from it ‘by plant body’ and the number and color of flowers. also resemble S. Sfu- scopunctatum Hayata in general appearance, but different from it by flower characters. GEM ~ Rk > MER R4-7 cms H1-1.5 mm> RH? BH; MM > WS 下垂, 长 5-10 cm, 径 1-1.5 mm , 艇 生 有 红色 斑点 , 光 滑 。 全 互生 , 两 列 状 排列 , 椭 圆 形 或 构 圆 状 披 针 形 , 长 9-12 mm 5 Ee 3.5-6 mm »° SiR BRAM BA> RBM MY e RA RR Sik: PYRAAM PF > PH RAKAMS | 463-6 > 6-8 mm > MRE 5 TERIA» HARKER > R15 - 3 cm » 略 呈 下 垂 , 艇 生 有 和 红色 斑点 ; GH) > MY > 2-3 mm» 0.2 mm ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 5 -7 mm >» CH; 募 片 初 呈 称 色 和 后 构成 淡 黄 多 , 散 生 有 杠 色 斑点 , 和 后 募 片 圆 状 椭圆 形 , 长 5-5.5 mm> BH3 mm, 和 先端 钝 , er he ; GUSH AKA: 5-6 mm > BH 3 mm ; (Ae BRE » Lis BRIAR fi ARSE EW > 5 mm, 袖 3 mm , 先 端 圆 , 2 Shi: BRAM SRAAR> KEAA ER ESR PA A— RAVE > HPAW> 3-4 mm? 86-7 mm, 先 端 截 断 状 圆 形 , 基部 有 不 规则 微 包 上 旗 , 中 部 及 先端 有 硬 粒 ; EMSS HBR > PRT > BE 红色 斑点 , 长 5-6 mm, 径 3 -3.5 mm, 光 滑 ; SHH > R2-2.5 mmo AA ERMA AMILR PBR 1200-2200 m 山 地 , 常 穆 树 林内。 本 种 花 跟 > . Rotoense Yamamoto 很 相似 , 但 两 者 的 坚 别 点 锅 植 物体 大 小 不 一 , 而 且 花 的 颜色 及 数目 也 不 一 样 ; ATEN S. fuscopunctatum Hayata 很 相似 , 但 花 则 完全 个 同 。 309 140. FERRE AR 二 Saccolabium shaoyaoii Ying ) Saccolabium shaoyaoii Ying, sp. nov. Epiphyta, caulibus prostratis ad nodos radicantibus fo- liosis, 10-15 cm longis; radicis gracilis, 4-7 cm logis. Folia altema, disticha oblonga vel oblongo- lanceolata, 2- 2.5 cm longa 6-8 mm lata, carnosa, apice obtusa, brevi in petiolum 2-3 mm longum, cum vaginis articulatum deciduum contracta; vaginis 4-5 mm longis, persistentibus caulem obtege ntibus. Flores 2-3, subapertientes, 8-10 mm in diametro; scapi lateralis, breves ; 2-2.5 cm longi, glabri, apice acutis pe- dicellis 4-5 mm longis, glabri; sepala aequalia, libera, pa- tentia, oblonga, virido-flava vel albo-flava, cum 1: longi - tudinala dunict a: 6-7 mm longa, 3-4 mm lata, apice obtusa basi non contracta; petala oblongo-lanceolata,albo-flava, cum 1 longitudinala stricta, 5-6 mm longa, 2.5-3 mm lata, apice obtusa; labellum albo- flavum, ad basin columnae sessile basi saccatum, saccis 5-7 mm longis, 4.5 mm in diametero, intus purpureo-rubrus punctatus; lamina patenti 5-6 mm longa, 9-12 mm lata, late triangulata apice truncate, supra medio callo rubro-purpureo-punctata; columna brevis, crassa, ca. 2.5 mm longa. Habit :Ilan county: Taipingshan (太平 山 ) ; leg. S.S. Ying 2165 (Typus, NTUF. ) Sept. 30 1973. . The specific name dedicate to my elder brother Dr. Shao- yao Ying for his waluabl helps in this course of study. — A 图 (Fig )112 ERS BMC Saccolabium shavyaoii ) ~ a. 76 ( Flower ) 310 SEM KHARTER> CMBR RREK: 长 10 -15 cm ; MM fe» 24-7 cmo | sla $A PATUREEF > RAPA UREA > R2-2.5 cm. . #6-8 mm > BSAR> ts > ARASH > WR2-3 mm >» WOR fase HEE > BARR A-5 mm> BF o 162-3 枚 , RAG > 径 8-10 mm » RGA» HH > : 光滑 3 GHA? BEHRE AY > R3-3.5 cm, 先 端 够 失 ; 花梗 长 4- 5 mm 光滑 ; SHR BS RGRAY: BRARKRE: HHA Make > 6-7 mm> 23-4 mm? HM > SRKSAE ; IEE HER BGG > WBE AL BGMAM: 5-6 mm? H2.5 - 3 mm > S%iot ; BURA > AMSA A> BES-7 mm > K 4.5°mm » AMAR SRS ; SRR RS > R5-6 mm? 9-12 mm BHA: AMA K: RA PHAM BARE: SHB: B> RH2.5 mm 52 VG > 秆 长 狼人 台湾 北部 森林 内 , 生 长 高 度 购 800-1400 m> > @ 141. RIERER (Saccolabium taiwanianum Ying) Saccolabium taiwanianum Ying, sp. nov. Gastrochilus taiwanianus Ying, M.M.S. Epiphyta, radices 10-30 cm longo, ca. 1 mm in ;ectionis diametro; caulibus prostratis vel pendulatis, teretis , 3-7 cm longis, 5-7 mm in diametero; vaginis foliorum mstructis - ad nodos radicantibus. . Folia 5-7 vel 10-14, alterna, disticha, oblonga vel oblo - ngo-ovata, 5-15 cm longa, 1.8-2.2 cm lata, apice obtusa cum leviter bilobata vel emarginata; basi obtusa cum vaginis articulatum, contracta, margine integra vel wndulata, supra virida subtus pallida crassa coracea supra 1-sulcata subtus > plus minus convexa; vaginis 6-7 mm inteie- persist eitibus caulem obtegentibus. | Flora 6-10; apertientesm mediocribus, corymbi vel co- rymbo-racemi, 1.2-1.8cm in diametro; scapi laterali, 3-5 cm longi, glabri, viridi; bracteis triangulatis, ]-1.5 mm 311 longis, membraneis, pallido virida, apice acuta; pedicellis cum ovariis 6-19 mm longi, glabri; sepala cum petala exte- riore virida interiora flavo-virida vel flavo-alba,libera: se- pala elliptico-oblanceolata vel oblongo-lanceolata, 8-10 mm longa, 3-4 mm latis. apice obtusa, plus minus crassa, 3- nervia; petala oblongo-lanceolata, 8-9 mm longa, 2.5.-3.5 mm latis, apice obtusa; labellum basi as columnam adnatum plus minus cum alis columnae continum saccatum;: sacco 8-10 mm longo, 3-4 mm in diametro, albo cum intus rubro-punctato lamina alba, 5-6 mm longa, 7-9 mm lata, margine fimbri- cata, semi-rotundata, medium pallo-flava cun rubro-punctata; columna brevi, 2-3 mm longa, pallado- flava, basi columna cum labellum adnata rubroascentia. Habit : Taipei county: Urai, S.S. Ving 2130 ( Typus ) NTUF.). K The species is very near to S. japonicum, but it can be different from the latter by leaf shape and size and fibri- cate margin of lip. GEM > BER» R10-30 cm’ KHM1 mm> KA MRR; & RAR TR RERS AAR: BBW: R4-7 cm» K5-7 mm , 上 有 Bate HSER > KARAM © $5-7 > DROS 10-14 TA MARES > RRR 椭圆 状 卵 形 , 长 5- 15 cm» H1.8-2.2 cm> Sevag BA R2 Ast MAK EMH > DIMMER > Ahk > SRKMRRKA RHR FH Vee > EEL PARMA + PRM ; WAR 6-7 mm > RRL 466 -10 枚 , BA PR > RTE Fe RRR TE Fe > @£1.2-1.8 cm ; TEMA HR 3-5 cm 6? ME; BH=EAW>R1-1.5 mm >» KR Fl YERKES > SUR > TERBAIT-BE6-10 mm, 光 滑 ; SARE 面 呈 称 色 AMAR BARRA ME: BARA RA RHR RMARK HG > 8-10 mm> 83-4 mm >» Shas SDA > Ak 3 条 : 17H ‘SHE UR SESHG >» Ee R-9 mm » B2.5-3.5 mm , 先 端 钝 ; SRAM ORE FAS BRE (HT ER ; PERE 8-10 mm, 径 3-4 mm +» AH AHA 312 @(Fig)113 4@Z#EM 〈( Saccolabium taiwanianum , a. 46 ( Flower ) {leet > BARRA: 5-6 mm> 7-9 mm > SBKMKKRA:> CB %> hii B—BR> LSALM BE; BH > R2-3 mm >» KKH H SEACRE i A — AKL EE © ; BA ERASER 低 海拔 山地 狗 400-I000 mit > RHA © 142. 隔 距 苦 (Sarcanthus paniculatus (Ker- Gawl ) ‘Lindley ) Epiphytes; roots produced from the monopodical stem, grayish white, green at tip, sometimes branched, terete , elongate, 4-5 mm in diameter; pseudobulb absent; stem simple, erect or ascending at apex, 20-35 cm long, 5-8 mm across. Leaves distichous, linear, 15-17 cm long,1.5-2 cm wide, emarginate or obliquely 2-lobed at apex, narrowed to the. sheaths at hase, coriaceous, entire, midrib impressed = Su- rface and elevated beneath, lateral veins inconspicuous , lustrous green surface; the sheaths 2-3 cm long, amplexi-_ cual. | Flowers numerous, small, 5-7 mm in diameter,scentless, panicled; scape axillary, produced from leaf-axils, erect or ascending, 20-30 cm long, glabrous; the peduncles: 3-5, slender, 8-10 cm long; the bracts ovate-triangular, 2-2.5 mm long, 1-2 mm wide, acute at apex, somewhat recurved; the pedicels with ovaries 4-5 mm long, glabrous, yellowish green; sepals equal, oblong, spreading, yellow or lightly 313 i ( Fig) 114 i ff ( Sarcant hus paniculatus ) a. 46 ( Flower) b. RES » 7E9ER BAH HIE ( Flower taken off sepal,petal and terminal lobe of lip) c. #3 ( Dorsal sepal ) d. fj HC Lateral sepal) e. 769% ( Petal ) f.g. BRE C Lip) h. BIER SEEH ( Lip and Column) i. BREHM KR ( Lip and Column in vertical sectirn ) j. EBAY (Transverse sectrn of spur ) k.1. m. 44 ( Operculum ) n.o.p.q. 763% ( Pollinarium ) 314 yellow, 2 purple streaks within, 4-5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, obtuse at apex; petals linear-oblong, 4-5 mm long, 14-2 mm wide, 2 pruple streaks within; lip adnate to the column at base, 4-5 mm long, spurred, the amine 3-lobed, the lateral lobes broadly triangular, 1-1.5 mm long, about 2mm wide, erect , recurved on margin, obtuse at apex; the median lobe acutely triangular, 2.2-2.5 mm long, about 4 mm wide; the spur 4-5 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, obtuse at apex; column white, dark red at base. China Taiwan known from the northern regions at the ele- vations of 400-1100 m in evergreen forests, especially common at Urai area. 2 BER RAR SRK b> RAB HimmA ARADK:? ER» 4-5 mm ; MRRE ; sss ton tana 直立 或 近似 如 此 , 长 20-35 cm ” 径 5-8 mmo He A UR BEF » AAG > $2 15-17 cm , 袖 1.5-2 cm , 和 先端 止 或 不 WAR 2 A> RAMEE: A> SK bURKRAM PS SAE > GUAR” SAE > Re AEE RR ; FAR 2-2 cm » Ro EBB > By > 5-7 mm > MBK> AMES ; EMME MAK 革 腋 , 直 立 或 呈 拱 形 , 长 20-30 cm> J68 ; TEM 3-5R> MR R8- 10 cm; HHIBR=EAW > H2-3.5 mm, 寅 1-2 mm > EHR» Rv ERERAF RR 4-5 mm °F? RMAs SAS RAY > iz > Raa > AA 2 人 条 赠 红色 人 条 和 莪 , 长 4-5 mm, 袖 2-3 mm , Som > (ERK > 4-5 mm, 袖 1.5-2 mm , 内 面 有 2 你 RSL FR RM ; BURRS SHA > 4-5 mm » Ah; BAZAR? Al AWW AW: 1-1-5 mm» HMI2 mm >» AY » BRR > Fase ; PARRREAW > K2.2-2.5 mm>HM4 mm; HR4-5 mm > & 3-4 mm» Ses Sh; SES > ASPRSAL fH i 中 国 , 人 台湾, 生长 於 台 固 有 , 生 长 於 台 湾 北 部 海拔 和 狗 400-1100m I He > 2 AEWA ieee 林 的 嵌 干 上 , 龙 多 常见 论 局 来 地 区 。 143. 极 草 ( Spiranthes sinensis (Person ) Ames ) Terrestrials; roots thickened, 4-6 cm long, about2 mm 31S in diameter; stemless. Leaves 3-5, linear, linear-lanceolate or linear- oblanceo- late, 5-12 cm long, 3-6 mm wide, thinly fleshy, glabrous, acute to acuminate, narrowed at the base, Sessile or nearly so, midrib raised on back. y Flowers many, small, 3-5 mm in diameter, spicate, pink or white with pink tip, rarely pure white, slightly open; scape produced from the base, 10-20 cm long, erect , pubescent or nearly so; bracts ovate or narrowly’ oblong, 4-8 mm _ long, long-acuminate at apex, appressed to the cvaries; ovaries 4-5 mm long, erect, patently hairy; se- pals lanceolate, 4-5 mm long, witha recurved top,obtuse at base; petals linear-lanceolate, erect, 3-4 mm long,0.4-0.5 mm wide; lip sessile, obovate, white, slightly 3-lobed, base broad, convex, an the inner side on either side with a fleshy -appressed thickening agaist the column, median lobe elliptic, dentate -undulate, hairy on the inner side. Capsules erect, ellipsoidai, 5-7 mm long; seeds enclosed by a membranous’ wing. China, Sibera, Java, India, Afghanistan, Cylan, Japan ; Sumatra, Borneo, Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand . Taiwan, on grassy localities, wayside or rice fields at lower altitudes of 0-300 m throughout the island, not common. Dr. Hara proper a New variety S. sinensis var. amoena in Journ. Jap. Bot. 44:59, 1969, mainly base on the name of Neottia amoena M. Bieberst, no detail description about the variety; the reduction of S. suishanensis and S. australis var. shuishanensis was made by Dr. Ames in Merrill’s Enum. Pl. Philip. Pl. ( 1924 ), nearly all the descriptions of the S. sinensis which I can get, white flowers were descr ided. HAM > MAE R4-6 cms KCKMH2mmMm » MX o HE3-5 Ke GY > GURDESHY RRR IESE » 5-12 cm, 袖 36 mm 316 ae ee —————————— fm] ( Fig) 115 稻草 ( Spiranthes sinensis ) a. @ 16248 Mis ( Flowering plant ) b. 76 ( Flower ) c. #82 ( Dorsal sepal ) d. 7-#%( Petal) e. #@J#H ( Lateral sepal ) f. Be ( Lip ) g. 2 ( Column ) 317 , 薄 肉 里, 光滑, 先端 够 撩 至 渐 兴 , 基 部 癌 窗 , 和 无 柄 或 近似 无 柄 , 中 助 於 背 (Ay ME id © FESR °° B/\> 3-5 mm » MK: OA BRE Aw aALe >? Dh ADR Se > WGK ; 7EXAAK Bw? R 10-20 cm’ BY > AEF 或 近似 如 此 ; BAH IY RRR: R4-8 mm Hai RARY * AFR AMG FRR 4-5 mm? bi’ BER; SARS? 4-5 mm>* — Feira RHE» SOAS; TERS TY Biz R3-4 mm? HF 0.4-0.5 mm ; BR: A AB B32 BRA OH: AGREE 对 的 两 侧 各 有 一 肉质 的 附属 物 , 中 裂片 椭圆 形 , 粗 锯 紫 状 波状 符 , AHA E EF o WRB: RAW: 5-7 mm; fT eRe RAMS o rh 5 HYPE + Rk > URE SIE OO a SR 州 、 澳 州 及 竹 西 苦 。 台 洲 , 生 长 锥 全 锅 平 地 至 300 mH th SAAB ~ RF > HERR bo | 144. Fetish =( Taeniophyllum complanatum Fukuyama) Epiphytes; leafless; stemless, small, green,roots strongly flattened, elongate-linear, slightly flexuous, glabrous, 5-6 cm long, about 2 mm wide. Flowers 3-10, small, glabrous, greenish, racemose; the scape produced from roots, suberect, slender, green, 1-4 cm long; bracts minute, persistent, triangular, 0.5 -0.6 mm long, acute at apex, glabrous; the pediclls erect, 273.5 mm long, mostly glabrous, rarely scattered minute glandular piloses; sepals and petals connated from medium to. base, free at apex, slightly reflexed; the dorsal speal oblong - ovate, 2-2.5 mm long, about 0.5 mm wide, partly free, acute at apex; the lateral sepals and petals same as the dorsal ones in shape and size; lip with spur, about 3 mm long, oblong, entire, somewhat narrower upward}; appendages nearly to upward, small, about 0.5 mm long, conical; spur subglobose, glabrous, about TI mm long, glabrous; column very short. Capsules elongate, terete, about 1] cm long, 1.5 mm 318 | in diameter. Endemic, known from southern part of the island at the elevations of 300-800 m, on tree trunks, rather rare. ml ( Fig)116 jas #ueki] ( Taeniophyllum complanatum ) a. 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) SEM: ME RK) RE RE ROU: BSE uae 5-6 cm > ##)2 mm 。 TE 3-10 GE > RS > MUTE > TERE ONE SEI MR Rh: 长 1-4 cm; HR) > BH 三 角形 , 长 0.5-0.6 mm » KARA > 638 花梗 直立 , 长 3- 3.5 mm , 大 多 数 需 光滑 , 少 数 散 生 有 微小 的 腺 毛 TSAR RR ARES PR > IKEROM > ISK: KSHEM BURSON > 2-2.5 mm> 840.5 mm> RHME> SHRL> HERR TERRE SHAN GRA; BIER > EB mm> RBA SK > Ree > 附属 体 在 近 先 端 卡 , 小 , 狗 长 0.5 mm> BRE > FSR > HIE > 1 mm > 638; Ee MREAHY > RM1 cm> 1.5 mm> El > FRESH 300-800 m 山地 , SAME > Bebo 145. ga ( Taeniophyllum glandulosum Blume ) Epiphytes; roots many, green, fascicled,. 2-3 cm long, 1-1.3:mm in diameter, terete, somewhat compressed; stem abse nt or very short. . Leafless. 319 Flowers 1-3, minute, 1-2.2 mm long, about 1 mm across, pale yellow, racemose; scape produced from the fascicled roots, slender, 8-12 mm long, glabrous, green; bracts de- Itoid, membranous, acute at apex, 1-1.2 mm long, pale green ; the pedicels with ovaries about 1 mm long, green,glabrous; sepals equal, lanceolate, not expanded, pale green, 1.5 - 2 mm long, acaminate at apex. adnate to the middle of the petal; petal, ovate-lanceolate, somewhat shorter than the sepals; lip cymbitorm, about 1.5 mm long, needle-like at apex which usually inflexed; spur saccate; column short, adnate to the base of the lip. Capsules oblong-ovoid, ascending, about 5 mm long, 3- 5-ridged. Korea, Japan and Ryukyu. Taiwan, at medium altitudes of 700-1200 m throughout the island, not common. fl ( Fig)117 ##tM ( Taeniophyllum glandulosum ) a. 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b. 76 ( Flower ) c. BA R{EME ( Sepals and petals ) d. By ( Lip ) BEM BHS> Mh BA R2-3 cm» K1-1.3 mm >» BH) 320 eS ee ; REM RE Ro FREE © 761-38 > 4G: H1-2.2 mm> EM1lmm »° KE ; CRMAKR mE > Mie? 长 8- 12 mm ie REA; 区 片 三 角形 , 膜 质 , 先 端 够 42> 长 1-1.2 mm > ARH; (AS RR 1mm » RA? Gia; BA Res BS: R+DE > MS RK: WMA’ R1.5-2 mm » Aya 42> eh SREP SA TEE AAR; TCP > RIES ; BAB RW 1.5 mm » 46m S Stik > Re; PREM ; Behe > Fe BAA Hs © wR RAK > RH5 mm: 3-5 Ko MB ~AHARSGRo ABM: ERK PRBRH 700-1200 mm 的 山地 , 着 ARBRE > Bo 146. Bie) 4+ ae ( Tainia hualienia Ying ) Tainia hualienia Ying, sp. nov. Terrestris, erecta, humilis, 15-20 cm alta; rhizomate repente, abbreviato , radicibus gracilibus, filiformibus fle- xuosis brevissime pilosis; pseudobulbus ovoideus, virideus, glaberrimus, 1-1.5 cm longus, 6-8 mm in diametro, interdum - basi squamatus, squamis pseudobulbum superantibus, scariosis ner vos is. . Folia solitaria, erecta ex apice pseudobulbi orunda, pe- tiolata; lamina linearia vel linearo-lanceolata, 6-8 cm longa, 1-1.5 cm lata, apice acuminata basi angusta et pe- tiolum, graciliem, 2 cm longum, abeuntia, margine integra, chartacea, utr inque glabra, trinervata, nervis subtus pro- minente elevatis, inter nervos multivenulosa. Scapus erectus, strictus, cum racemo 20-35 cm longus, glaberrimus, remote 2 -3-vaginatus, vaginis 1-1.5 cm longis alte vaginant ibus tubiformibus apice breve acuminatis. Ra- cemus florifer 3-4.5 cm longus, sublax floratus; bracteis mi- nutis, linearis, 4-6 mm longis. Flores flavi, subapertientes, glabri, pedicellis ]-].5 cm longis, glabris; sepala lanceolata or linearo-lanceolata, 9- 321 12 mm longa, 3-4 mm lata, apice acuminata basi non co- ntracta, membranacea, utrinque glabra, trimervata, lateralibt intermedio sed paullo brevioribus; petals linearia paullo obliqua 6-8 mm longa, ca 1 mm lata, apice acuta, basi co- ntracta, utrinque glabra, membranacea, 3-5-nervata. Labellum leviter recurvum explanato obovato-cuneatum. , 1-1.5 cm longum, superiore trilobatum, inferiore unguiculto- attenuatum et cum pede columnae articulatum, utrinque gla- berrimum lobo intermedio 3-3.5 mm longo, 6-7 mm jlato , apice acuto, lobis lateralibus minoribus erectus apice obtu- sis; lamellis 3, paraelis aequalibus e basi usque apiceum decurrentibus. columna erecta, semiteres, 4-6 mm longa , basi ad pedem brevem producta. Habitat.: Hualien county: Taipalung, alt. 600 m leg:S.S. Ying 3509. Feb. 2-4 1975. HEM RAB > Hi; RMR MV AEA; RARKINV > Re» 光滑 , 长 1-1.5 cm > CK 6-8 mm > KRAH E— hl BER RREY Bia > BI AR e HA RVAR RRS » 长 6-8 cms H1-1.5 cm » HiaBA > KPKMCHREM? SRK ~ K BRERA SCA: REK RRRKRAMS > PME MSM 165-97 > BURR > GIR > RGA ; TE IB» BRA? R20 - 35 cm» M648 > AMARENR 2-3h » AR1-1.5 cm , 和 先端 短 渐 失 , 基部 简 状 ; 苞 片 小 , 和 线形 , 长 4-6 mm; MBAS RR1-1.5 cm 6 KA BARA MRR > R9-12 mm , 宽 3-4 mm » Faw Qs RA.» Mia ik 3 KR HS HB ; TERRY > MEE RE-8 mm » M1 mm » HARK RRR OI: RA» 3-SRike BRM AR RE Ye > ISNIRBI > $1-1.5 cm > GSA > PFRAMAMK > RELA 节 相 连 , 光 滑 , 中 有 裂片 长 3-3.5 mm » H6-7 mm AMRL» MAAR 小 , 直 立 , 先 端 邹 ; SRB» R4-6 mm。 Bla» ERRAB RBEGRH 400-800 m Ith: RAE > RMD 322 147. BAR’) 4¢tsbi ( Tainia shimadai Hayata ) Terrestrials; rhizomes short, creeping; pseudobulbs dark | purple or black in color, elongate owid, broad at base, 2.5- 3.5 cm long, 6-8 mm across, glabrous; sheathes solitary , covered with pseudobulb, membranous. sometimes deciduous. Leaf solitary, terminal on pseudobulb, ascending or erect , lanceolate or elongate lanceolate, 15-30 cm long, 3-4.5 cm wide, acuminate, narrowed to the petioles at base, 3- nerved, raised on back, shining green surface, pale green be- neath, entire, plicate; petioles 3-5 cm long, glabrous , dark purple, 4-ribs. Flowers 10-20, rather large, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, sce- ntless, racemose ; scape produced from the base. of pseudo-- bulb, slender, erect, 35-45 cm long, glabrous, pale green with dark purple: dots; sheaths two, at middle and base of scape, tubular, pale purple, membranous, 4-6 cm long, acute at apex; bracts lanceolate, 8-10 mm long, acute at apex, 1-keeled, membranous; pedicels with ovaries ]-1.3 cm long : glabrous, green, somewhat purple; sepals pale purple with 1-3-purple veins ; the dorsal one lanceolate or linear - lanceolate, 1.5-1.8 cm long, 2.5-3 mm wide, acuminate, attenuate at base, the lateral ones obliquely falcate lanceo- late, 1-1.2 cm long, sometimes forming a obscure mentum, 2-2.5 mm wide; petals lanceolate, 1-1.2 cm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, acute at apex, glabrous, same as the sepals in color, 3-nerved; lip yellow with purple red specks within, 1-1.5 cm long, 8-10 mm wide, 3-lobed, 2-3-keeled, short-clawed, the lateral lobes erect, somewhat recurved inside, glabrous, entire; median lobe truncate and maculate at apex, entire; column pale green, erect, 7-8 mm long, 2 mm wide. Endemic, at lower to medium altitudes of 500-1800 m throughout the island, under evergreen forests, very co- mmon. 323 (Fig)118 SAK) HBS ( Tainia shamadai ) a. #16 ZMH ( Flowering plant ) b. 76 (Flower ) c. RB ( Dorsal sepal ) d. @ij3# ( Lateral sepal ) e. TEME ( Petal) — f. Fe ( Lip ) g. 2&kE ( Column ) 324 HEM: ke A; RREBRERZS ROU RAE 2.5-3.5 cm > 6-8 mm > 4; PH—> BARRE RA» Bee 落 。 全 一 枚 , 着 生 於 假球 芍 先 端 , 直 立 或 近似 如 此 , 披 针 形 或 长 披 针 形 , 长 15-30 cm, 实 3-4.5 cm » SHWA> CMM CHEM > AK 3 人 条 > Ean SH: EHSACER E> FHKE DR MB BME - 5 cm? 3678 FRG > 4 Fo 7610-20 > BK» H1-1.5 cm , 和 无 香味 ,, MIRE ; RHA BREEN» MR A> 635-45 cm KI KREMAERE MB 二 枚 , 位 於 花茎 的 中 部 及 基部 , 简 状 , 淡 紫色 , 膜 丑 , 长 4-6 cm > 4H Se ; HRS: 8-10 mm > SRL RIK BA; 花 醒 连同 子 房 BR1-1.3 cm , 光 滑 , 称 色 , 带 有 紫色 ; SHRRAMBS 1 -3 休 紫 色 的 肽 , 合 萝 片 披 针 形 或 粽 状 披 针 形 , 长 1.5-1.8 cm» H2.5-3 mm , 先 amps » ER WIZE ; 倒 贡 片 焉 镰刀 状 披 针 形 , 长 1-1.2 cm“, 有 时 形成 一 不 明显 的 舌 , 里 2-2.5 mm; WHER > R1-1.2 cm» H2-2.5 mm , Se ee: SG SEG OE; 唇 儿 黄 色 而 有 内 面 紫 杠 色 斑点 , 长 1-1.5 cm, 袖 8-10 mm? 34°44 2-3GEHRR> BN: HARA AMG I> SK > HAAR HERR > SH: BEM > 直立 , 长 7-8 mn? £2 mm 。 Ela > RK BES HSI 500-1800 malt: BRK 林 下 , 常 见 。 148. 台湾 白 蛾 苦 (Thrixspermum formosanum (Hayata ) Schltr. ) Epiphytes; roots shorter, creeping, 4-6 cm long, 0.5-1 mm in diameter, gray; stem simple, short, 1-1.2 cm long, enclosed by the leaf - sheath. Leaves distichous, alternate, lanceolate or linear-lanceo- late, 4-4.5 cm long, 3-5 mm wide, fleshy, subcoriaceous, acute, attenuate to the sheaths at base, entire and slightly recurved on margin, midrib impressed surface, ~ elevated beneath, lateral veins inconspicuous. Flowers 2-4, white, small, 5-9 mm in diameter, race- 325 } mose; scape axillary, produced from the axil of leaf, 4-5 cm long, horizontal or suberect, slender, glabrous, green; bracts minute, triangular, 2-2.2 mm long, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries 2-3 mm long, glabrous, green; sepals subequal, patent, free, the dorsal one oblong, 7-9 mm long, 3-3-5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, the lateral ones obovate, 6-8 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, sho- rtly obliquely and adnate to the column at base; petals narrowly oblong, 6-7 mm long, about 2 mm wide, obtuse at apex; lip 3-lobed, white, red spots within, with a basal 4-6 mm long bottch, the lateral lobes erect, peta- loid, rounded, 4-5 mm long, the median lobe minute or obsolete, hirsute within; column erect, 1.5-2 mm long. Endemic, at lower and inediuti altitudes of 300-1500 m in evergreen forests in central and southern parts of the island, not common. GEM: he> AA H4-6 cm: €0.5-1 mms Kh ; KRW 分 枝 , 长 1-1.2 cm » WHA BH o HE NAREET » AE + RST BR RSH » R4-4.5 cms H3- 5 mm» AR REUSE > wR » LAME PIE >» BR ee A SR: PMRRAMP > WKH ee > Hk 不 显著 。 462-43 A> By» 5-9 mm » MIRE 5 TERME HARK HM 4-5 cms APAR MIO + MR GR + REG; BHA = 角形 , 长 2-2.2 mm , 先 端 够 失 ; 16 HHA FR 2-3 mm» Me: ie - 色 ; SAO . HS» HE RBA RAM? R7-9 mm >» H 3- 3-5 mm» Font ; HSRAIY > R6-8 mm’ R4-5 mm» 5, Bi» FEAR IGE BOSE AGE ; (ERA ? R6-7 mms BH2mm » aot ; BME 32. 6. WAAL RA 14-6 mm OR AR» TERK > Me R4-5 mm, 中 裂片 小 而 不 显著 , Ae EH ; SEB WZ» R1.5-2 mme AA ERA ABR RDP RE eR UW 300-1500 m 处 , 见 於 常 称 林内 , 南 少 。 BSS ak 326 f — i] = ay — ce 4=—> 149. Shem ( Thrixspermum saruwatarii ( Hayata ) Schltr.) Epiphytes; roots elongate, terete, whitish gray, 20-35 cm long, 0.5-1 mm across; stem short, 1.5-2.5 cm _ long, usually enclosed by the leaf-sheaths, glabrous. Leaves alternate, distichous, linear-lanceolate, fleshy, 4-5 cm long, 5-8 mm wide, obtuse or acute and emarginate at apex, attenuate at base; midrib raised on both sides; sheaths short, 3-4 mm long. Flowers 2-6, white, racemose, scentless, medium-sized, 0.7-1:2 cm in diameter; scape axillary, green, . pendulous, 3-6 cm long, glabrous; pedicels with ovaries 3-5 mm long; bracts’ ovate-lanceolate, 2-3 mm long, green, acute at apex ; sepals unequal, the dorsal one oblong, 4-6 mm long, 2.5- 3 mm wide, obtuse and maculated at apex, more or less contracted at base, the lateral ones oblique ovate -oblong, 6-8 mm long, 2.5-3.5 mm wide, obtuse, contracted at base; petals linear-lanceolate, 5-6 mm long,1-2mm wide, ‘obtuse at apex; lip 3-lobed, reddish yellow within, with a basal 2-3 mm long bouch, the lateral lobes obliquely obovate, 3-4 mm long, about 2 mm wide, truncate - obtuse at apex, hairy without, glabrous within, minute gnawned on margin, the median lobe thick, triangular, 0.5-1 mm long; column short, 0.5-0.7 mm long. Endemic, epiphytic on tree branches at medium altitudes of 700-1400 m in central part of the island, somewhat common. 着 生 苦 , 根 甚 长 ,圆柱 形 , 灰 白色 , 长 20-35 cm» €0.5-1 mm. ; SE H1.5-2.5 cm » HARA GIR EA» PTIERBED » PURO > AB 4-5 cms 5-8. mm TmARRA BMA >» SRE HIB AKRAMH; HER 3-4 mm o 162-6 4K > AE > RIKER RRB PA? KO.7-1.2 cm 5 花 蓝 32D: Sau) fl ( Fig)119 Y3A 4% ( Thrixspermum saruwatarii ) a. 46 ( Flower ) b. RA BARN 7E ( Flower lip taken off x showing the foot of Column) c. BYE ( Lip ) ’ WE ME > FH? 23-6 cm > 68 ; AEA BR -5 mm ; HF SURE > 2-3 mm >» MH HHMRK; SHDER> SCSHRBA TG» 4-6 mm» #2.5-3 mm > Kms ALAR > LRSEVARR > MSHA WRERAY > E6-8 mm: #2.5-3.5 mm > Ss oh » HR Maik ; EMER REG > 5-6 mm> 1-2 mm > Seo ; BZA, 内 面 黄 和 红色 , 基 部 有 一 长 2-3 mm HH? MAREARY> R3-4 mm BW 2 mm > SoS EMR > AA GE > AGS BR > PAR 厚 , 三 角形 , 长 0.5-1 mm ; SHH’ RO0-5-0.7 mm o lA > ARAB HEH ERK 700-1400 m 的 山地 , 着 生 於 档 干 或 tat © 150. ##% 8m ( Thrixspermum subulatum ( Blume) ; Reich. f ) | Epiphytes; roots numerous, filiform, 4-10 cm long, gra- | yish, branched; stem simple, pendulous, 30-60 cm long , compressed, enclosed by the leaf-sheathes, leafy from middle to upward. 328 Leaves numerous, alternate, distichous, oblong, 4.5-6 cm long, 2.5-3 cm wide, keeled, fleshy coriaceous, obtuse at apex, narrowed and connated the sheaths with articulate at base, yellowish green surface, pale green beneath ; sheaths imbricate, 3-4 cm long, enclosed fhe stem, yellowish green. Flowers few, white or pale yellow, rarely orange, ra- ther small, 7-10 mm in diameter, racemose; the scape lateral, 3-4 cm long, glabrous; bracts minute, 5-6 mm long, acute at apex, deciduous ; sepals free, the dorsal one oblong, 6-8 mm long, about 4.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, the lateral ones: Ovate, 5-6 mm long, about 5 mm _ wide, obtu- se and maculate at apex; petals broadly oblong, 7 - 8 mm long, obtuse at apex, contracted at base; lip subsaccate or strong Connex. strongly sinus at apex, scattered with ye- Ilow spots, hirstte, 3-keeled inside. Capsules linear-cylindric, 8-1] cm long, 1 -1.5 mm across. Thiland, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kangean Isl. Amboina , Philippines. Taiwan, known from the southern scape of the island, usually hanging perpenicularly from the _ branches cf the tall trees, rather rare. BEM? #SR°> RU R4-10 cm , 灰 色 或 黄 褐色 , 有 分 枝 ; KB 立 无 分 枝 , 感 垂 , 长 30-60 cm: ME + ARAB BSHAKKH PR 至 先端 。 | AA > AAR > RRA > R4.5-6 cms £2.5-3 cm , 有 ARG ARRAA > Tio > ZMKAD IIE > ARR > PARR EDR RR BR AB DRARASMRE > Bh)» K7-10 mm , 炉 状 花序 ; TEAR 3-4 cm S678; GHB > 长 5 -6 mm » Aas 兴 , 早 落 ; BAMA; BSH RY > R6O-8 mm> BHN4.5 mm , 先 waist ; UH SG > 5-6 mm? HHS mm> HMMM ARR; CMBR 椭圆 形 , 长 7-8 mm » Eons > MRM; BRETT RK BR > Fo BM» tiBReR > BER > WHA IKE RR 329 (Fig)120 4% ( Thrixspermum subulatum ) a. 花序 (Infloresence ) b. 花芽 (Flower-bud ) c. 蔓 片 (Sepal ) d. 7E#¥( Petal ) e. RATES RIE EUAN Be RSE (Flower taken off sepals and petals to show lip and Column ) f.g.h. KSA MAEM ( Lip seen from different sides ) i. SHREK ( Column and foot ) WER BIKE > 8 -11 cm > @1-1.5 mm ° ae ~ PIS. HP BE ERR GBM: ERKHA BSR th » SERRE ABR REBEL RRD Ao 151. GM ( Tipularia odorata Fukuyama ) Terrestrials; pseudobulbs approximate, oblique ovoid or oblong-ovoid, 1-2-noded. 1-1.5 cm long, white,sometimes scattered with brownish spots; rhizomes short; roots few, slender. 330 ET ”Am ee 全 ‘Leaf solitary, ovate, 2-5 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, acute at. apex, rounded at hbase, chartaceous, entire or . slightly crisped on margin, glabrous, 3-nerved, green or yellowish green surface, slightly brownish beneath; the petioles 1-3 cm long, slender, slightly brownish, glabrous. ~ Flowers 8-12, small, fragrant, brown or dark brown , glabrous, 5-7 mm in diameter, racemose; scape produced from the base of pseudobulb, 10-15 cm Jong, slender, gla- brous, slightly brownish; sheaths 1-2, basal; bracts minute, inconspicuous; the pedicels ‘with ovaries 4-6 mm long, gla- brous, greenish purple; the dorsal sepal linear - oblong or narrowed spathulate, 4-5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, obtuse at apex, contracted at base, entire, glabrous, dark brown, green on margin, 3-mnerved, the lateral ones similar to the dorsal one; petals lanceolate or lanceolate -oblong, 3.5- 4.5 mm long, 1.5-2.6 mm wide, obtuse or acute at apex, ‘contracted at base, entire, glabrous, 1-3-nerved;.:p 3-lobed, long - spurred, 3-4 mm long, the lateral lobes short , rounded, somewhat irregularly denticulate on margin, the medina lobe larger, linear, attenuate or acute at apex, the spur 8- 11 mm long, glabrous, obtuse at apex; column erect, 3-4 . mm long. Endemic, known from high altitudes of 2700-3200 m in porthern and central parts of the island, under the forests, rather rare. ale HEE Bs RRER ER GED » BINT BRA BK ONY > A 1-2 > R1- 1.5 cm» Afi > AMEE BE BR REG MDM MR lth: WV R2-5 cms H1-2 cm » HMRL ARMA KA , 全 黎 或 略 呈 波浪 状 , 光滑 , 奈 3 条 RHRERRRE FABSREW 色 ; 灶 柄 长 1 -3 cms MR > BSRBE * HF 168-12) BW) > 有 香 妹 、 褐 色 或 障 褐 色 , 径 5-7 mm» Mie ; 花 蔡 抽 自 於 假球 苍 基 部 , 长 10-15 cm’ MR» Ki KH; B1 - 2 枚 , 基 生 ; 萄 片 小 ,不 显著 ; EET BE 4-6 mm KE MRE; 331 : CBA BREA RIE: 24-5 mm > H2-3 mm, 先 端 印 , 基 部 Bi SK OH MRS BRAG KI; BHR BH AL ; 花 温 披 什 形 或 披 人 针 状 长 椭圆 形 , 长 3 .5-4.5 mm, 袖 1.5-2.5 mm > & aA RRR > RRR SK AK 1-34; BRIA RH 3-4 mm » SAH > Bl BRA RAE > bARAK > IG > Fee RRRRK » HE 8-11 mm > KI» HMM; BEB > 3-4 mmo 固有 , 生 长 於 北部 及 中 部 的 高 海拔 山地 狗 2700-3200 mR? BRK 森林 下 , 较 少 。 152. £AM ( Trichoglottis ionosma (Linelley ) J.J. Smith ) Epiphytes; roots elongate, 30-40 cm long; stem’ robust, 30-50 cm long, erect, cylindric, erect or ascending, usually encloséd by the leaf-sheaths{ pseudobulb absent. Leaves alternate, distichous, linear or linear-lanceolate , 10-20 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, coriaceous, lustrous green . surface, yellowish green beneath, obtuse and shallowly 2- lobed at apex, obtuse at base, midrib elevated beneath, la- teral veins inconspicuous ; sheaths 1-1.5 cm long. Flowers 10-20, large, showy, light yellow, with bro- wnish red spots within, racemose, sometimes rarely panicu- | late; scape axillary, produced from the leaf-axils,elongate, 40-60 cm long; sepals free, the dorsal one oblong or obo- _vate-oblong, 1.5-2 cm long, 7-8 mm wide, obtuse and ema- | rginate at apex; the lateral ones obovate, 2-2.2 cm long, 8-10 mm wide; petals narrowly ovate, 1.5-2 cm long, 5-7 mm wide, obtuse at apex; lip white with red spots, 3- lobed, adnate to the column at base, shortly spurred, the _median lobe ligulate, cymbiform, the lateral lobes tria - ngular, short; column about 5 mm long . The Philippines and Lyvkyu. Taiwan, known from the northern and southern parts of the island, at the elevations 500-900 m, on tree crown, rather common. 332 加 (Fig ) 121 5 ( Trichoglottis ionosma ) 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) . 后 荔 片 ( Dorsal sepal ) c. 7ERE ( Petal ) . HF ( Lateral sepal ) e. E¥G ( Lip ) . att & BME ( Column and Lip ) . SF ( Column ) a. a oo oe 333 BEM RER* KR 30-40 cm; K Mitt: R 30-50 cm » By? HG > BARA > RRR EK o SER » — FAREED >» RV MRBKRAY » 10-20 cm» FH 2-3 cm BE RHSALERE PHRMA Hmmm R2A> SH PH RA Me > HARARE: BR1-1.5 cm。 17610-20°K> ME RAH AMAA ARERR > MIRIER > ARF ADRS SCR ; TERRE HE RRR: BR R40-60 cm , BRR RSF RRAGRAIRRMAYW: R1.5-2 cm’ 7-8 mm » Sé%iS RSS MGR > MS A AIIMG > R2-2.2 cm> H8-10 mn; TREN » R1.5-2 cm» #5-7 mm > Ss ; SRA AMAA ER 点 ,3 有 裂 , 基 部 与 营 柱 相连 , 有 每 距 、 中 有 裂片 舌 形 、 舟 形 、 侧 裂片 三 角形 , 短 ; SERM5 mm。 FARRAR: GBs ERRILBRHBBRWH 500-900 m 的 山地 , Ba ERSTE BRE Ho 2 153. 穗花 毛 舌 枯 ( Trichoglottis rosea ( Lindley ) Ames) Epiphytes; roots elongate, gray or slightly brown; stem simple, clustered, pendulous, 30-50 cm long, slender, leafy; pseudobulb absent; sheaths caduous, membranous. Leaves distichous, sessile, narrowly lanceolate or ligu- late, 7-9 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, acuminate or acute at apex, contracted at base, articulate, coriaceous, dark green surface, sometimes tinged with brown when young, slightly reflexed on margin; sheaths persistent, about 1.5 cm long. F lowers numerous, produced all along the stem, 1.4-1.6 cm in diameter, axillary, long-lived, racemose; the scape produced from jeaf-axile, elongate , bracts , triangular ‘ about 2 mm long; sepals white or pale yellow, free, su- bequal, the dorsal one narrowly oblong-spathulate, 8-10 mm long, 3-3.5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, the lateral ones so- mewhat oblique, 8-10 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, slightly contracted at base; petais narrowly spathulate, 8-9 mm long, about 3 mm wide, obtuse, attenuate at base; lip 334 white, tinged with red, 4-5 mm long, about 2.5 mm wide » saccated at base, 3-lobed, the lateral lobes minute, obtuse at apex, denticulate, about 2 mm long, the median lobe widely rounded, 2.5-3 mm long, about 3.5 mm wide, ema- rginate, shortly obtuse and mucronate at apex; column short, about 2.5 mm long. The philippines. Taiwan, known from the southern part of the island, at the elevations of 200-600 m, epiphtic on the tree trunks, somewhat common. BAW MER 灰色 或 淡 褐色 ; RMA > BA > PH K30-50 cm Mi AE RRRE > HSK > IRA SEPA THREE » FEN > BARSHVMAY > R7-9 cm , 袖 1-1.5 cm TMG RRRAR: BRR K> AMA BA» AAR BLM fi 7A fet > BRM HRA F156 cme | ESR? SBE LBRAR > H1.4-1.6 cm> 腋生, 花期 甚 长 , 炉 状 花 Fe ; TEM E REM ER &15-20cem 区 片 三 角形 , 长 网 2 mm «BRA RAR > MEE UB RSRRRMAKEW: R8-10 mm: 3-3.5 mm, 先 端 钝 ; GUSH HS » 8-10 mm» 4-5 mm, 先 端 纯 : TERMS SA MG; 花 狼 狭 舌 形 , 长 8 -9 mms BM 3mm , 先 端 印 , 基 部 源 Seo BUS > BRAM 4-5 mm, 袖 狗 2.5 mm , 基 部 呈 襄 状 ,3 Ws HAA > Fins Awe RM2mm> PRA BMAW: R 2.5-3 mm? BA3.5 mm » MR» Sense gh BRA ; SH RM 2.5 mmo FEAR oO AB. ERKAREBRW 200-600 m 处 , 着 生 於 树干 上 , ie ts bd ° | 154. (1% ( Tropidia angulata Blume ) Terrestrials; rhizomes elongate,; roots- slender, some- times branched, with a small globose - like, #ubers at tip; stem simple, erect, 5-15 cm long, stiff, green, glabrous; sheaths 2-3, ‘membranous. Leaves 2-3, alternate, sometimes nearly to subopposite, | oblong-lanceolate or ovate-lanceelate, thickened chartaceous, 7-9 cm Jong, 3-5 cm wide, glabrous plicate, acuminate 335 and shortly aristate at apex, rounded or subcordate at base, entire, 5-7-mnerved raised beneath, subsessile or short pe- tiolated; the petioles 5-12 mm long, usually enclosed by the sheaths. Flowers 10-18, small, 4-6 mm in diameter, not widely opened, creamy white, spicate; scape terminal, 5-8 cm long, green, glabrous, erect; bracts lanceolate, 5-8 mm long , acuminate at apex, glabrous; the pedicels with ovaries 4- 6 mm long, glabrous ; sepals subequal, the dorsal one la- nceolate, 5-7 mm long, about 2 mm wide, acuminate at apex » glabrous, the lateral ones adnate each other from the base to middle and forming a cymbiform chin; petals obli- que lanceolate, shorter than the sepals; lip ovate-lanceolate, 5-7 mm long, erect, glabrous, spurred, the spur 2-3 mm long, obtuse at apex; column 9 -2.5 mm _ long, pollinia linear- lanceolate, about 2 mm _ long. Sikkim, Assam, Burma, India, Thiland, Malaya, Java, Philippines, Ryukyu and south Japan. Taiwan, known from lower altitudes of 200-800 m throughout the island under the | forstes. HEM RRER ; RMR > 有 时 具有 分 枝 , 先 端 具有 球状 的 小 块根 ; MR > MES > IT > 5-15 cm » BM MH 48; H2-3K> E FE o | 92-30% > FA’ ARERGUANEA > RMA RRA MW RRS W> PRR A>R7-9 cm , 袖 3-5 cm , 光 滑 , 有 铀 福 , 先 端 渐 拓 且 呈 短 拓 突 , 基 部 圆 或 近似 呈 心 形 , 全 徐 , 肪 5-7 休 隆起 於 PH > CUR 或 仅 具 短 柄 , 革 柄 长 5 -12 mm, 常 ARKRBBH o 花 10-18 枚 , 小 , 径 4-6 mm, 不 十 分 张 开 , 乳 白 名 , 重 状 花序 ; 花 R44» 5-8 cm> iH KI’ BIL; 区 片 披 针 形 , 长 5-8 mm, 先 wai A > 68 ; 花梗 束 同 子 房 长 4-6 mm , 光 滑 ; SREB BSE 披 针 形 , 长 5-7 mm, 寅 狗 2 mm 先端 渐 失 , 光 滑 , 便 荔 片 ARES RA 回合 而 形成 一 舟 状 管状 物 ; TRACTS» BO HB ; BRIS » 长 5-7 mm, 直立, 光滑, 有 距 , 距 长 2-3 mm > THM SER 2 - 336 Mi( Fig) 122 4 ( Tropidia angulata ) a. 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b. 46 ( Flower ) c. & SF ( Dorsal sepal ) d. #2 枚 (Two lateral sepal ) e. 7E#E ( Petal ) f. EWE C Lip ) g. TE KE ( Column ) 337 2.5 mm ; 76 SRR RS > RM 2 mm © he » hl REM ~ ff ~ ARE. AUSE » SEAR ~ HERRA ABM 台湾 FRNA E ES Rit 200-800 m BR» SARBREE ° 155. 台湾 香草 苦 (Vanilla griffthii var. formosana Ito. ) Terrestrials; stem elongate, 1m or more long, usually climbing other plants like a climber, glabrous, terete, green, 5-6 mm in diameter. Leaves alternate, oblong or oblong-elliptic, 15-20 cm long, 5-7 cm wide, acuminate or acute at apex, obtuse or rounded and contracted at base, coriaceous, somewhat fleshy, entire, shining green surface, pale green beneath, glabrous, _ midrib raised on both surfaces, lateral viens inconspicu ous; the petioles 1-1.b5 cm long, groove, glabrous. Flowers 2, rarely one or 3, relatively larger, 3-3.5 cm in diameter, racemose; scape axillary, produced from up- ward leaf-axile, 2-3 cm long; the pedicels with ovaries 2.5-3 cm long, glabrous, green; bracts oblong-triangular, 1-1.58 cm long, membranous, acute or obtuse at apex; sepals and petals pale green, free, spreading, the sepals obla- nceolate, 3.5-4 cm long, about 1 cm wide, abruptly acute or obtuse at apex, attenuate at base, glabrous, the lateral ones somewhat narrower than the dorsal, oblique at base; petals linear - oblanceolate, 3.5-4 cm long, 5-8 mm _ wide, acute at apex, gradually attenuate at base; lip brownish ye- llow, tubular, jointed with column at base, 3-lobed, 3- 3-5,.cm long, 4-45 cm wide, the lateral lobes broad ,rou- nded, overlapping and enfolding the apex of the column; the median lobe triangular to rouned, the edge _ thin and fine frilled ; column white, 2.5-3 cm long, rostellum squa- re. Fruits cylindric, 7-9 cm long, about 1 cm thickeded, smooth, more or less curved. _ The species in Malaya, Borneo and Sumatra ; the variety 338 200 - endemic to Taiwan, known from lower altitudes of CO- 700 m under the forests or along river-side, rather 4&2 ( Vanilla griffthii var. formosana ) fa] ( Fig) 123 a. 植物 体 ( The plant ) b. (& (Dorsal sepal 339 c. fiJFr( Lateral sepal) d. 76$%( Petal ) e.f.g- BPE ( Lip ) _mmon. The variety differ from typical phase by less flowers (2-4- flowered ) and flower color. EB MER 1 mB BBR MM SRA E> BE > && > €&5-6 mmo E> RARELY BR BAR AY > & 15-20 cm? H5-7 cm , sa ALR ARARR ASR RK: SARBSAR Sk RAS ACRE FHRRE OF PHRMA B RE > HK MES ; BME 1-1.5 cm» 4 #5 » S678 © ; 16.2 Bl DRA 1 枚 或 3 KB BK » E3-3.5 cm » RKRIEF ; TESA > FB RE LRMBR: 长 2 -3 cm; ERAS SB RZ.5-3cm JG RA; SGARBAR=HAW> R1-1.5 cm , 膜 质 , 先 端 够 兴 或 3; BRR TRARR EG? ME? MR BHARHY: R3.5-4 cm># W1 cm > HMRRK ASM > MAMA GI ; HUSH RR» MepA ; TEM ok BRS > 长 3.5-4 cm, 宽 5-8 mm » KHaRA » AR MR ; BR 黄 褐色 , 和 与 营 柱 中 部 相连 合 而 呈 管 状 ,3 裂 , 长 3-3.5 cm» H4-4.5 cm, 例 裂片 宽 , 圆 , 将 营 柱 先端 包 住 , 中 裂片 三 角形 至 圆 形 , 滤 符 薄 且 波 ; 营 柱 白色 , 长 2.5-3 cm > RUA ; PRAY» R7-9 cm, 实 1 cm, 光 滑 , 略 个 曲 。 BAK RR. BRNRRN SE > BBRABAA’ ERK RR 200-700 mAY Lith » AERIS PEAK Pat PHREA Ro i AG FEA By IB RAPE TE M2 - 4 枚 及 花 的 颜色 不 同 。 156. #@M@—RM ( Vrydagzynea formosana Hayata ) Terrestrials; roots elongate; .stem simple, erect or asce- nding from a creeping base, terete, including the scape 8- 12 cm long, glabrous in the lower part. Leaves 2-4, alternate, basal, oblong. or -ovate-oblong, 2.5-3.5 cm long, 1.2-1.6 cm wide, acute or acuminate at apex, obtuse or rounded at base, chartaceous, entire or slightly wavy on margin, grayish green surface, pale green beneath, midrib impressed surface and elevated beneath ; petioles with sheaths about 1 cm long,’ glabrous. 340 Flowers 7-10, yellowish purple, rather small not widely opened, racemose; scape terminal, 7-10 cm long, whitish hairy; bracts ovate-lanceolate, 3-5 mm long, acute at apex, contracted at base, hairy without and glabrous within, ci- liate on margin; the pedicles with ovaries 5-7 mm long, about 1 mm across, hirsute; sepals linear - -lanceolate, 5-6 mm long, about 2.5 mm _ wide, obtuse and slightly swelled at apex, contracted at base, the dorsal one with petals forming a hood, the lateral ones strongly oblique at base; petals ovate-lanceolate, 4.5-5 mm long, about 2 mmwide, attenuate at apex, contracted at base, 1-nerved; lip oblong, spurred, erect, 4-5 mm long, about 2 mm wide, obtuse at apex, spur cylindric, 2-3 mm long, about 1 mm across , pale green, glabrous; column short, about 1.5 mm long ; rostellum triangular, about 1.5 mm _ long. | Endemic, known from lower to medium altitudes of 300- 800 m in northern part of the island only, under the fo-- rests, rather rare. we REE: KRVROK: BURAK A ADRS > AR > aA) (EF B-12 cm, 下 部 光滑 。 革 2 -4 枚 , 互 生 , 基 生 , 长 构 圆 形 或 卵 状 RAW R2.5-3.5 cm - , 袖 1.2-1.6 cm LHR MR ARMM RA SKS mR RAKE FARE > PHKRAMMPHEE ; 灶 柄 连同 得 长 狗 ] cm, 光 滑 。 伦 7-10 枚 , RE? BE > A+ Ga > MKTG 5 TERRA 7-10 cm, 具 有 白色 毛 苷 ; 萄 状 卵 状 披 针 形 , 长 3 -5 mm » THR» AMSAM IK AMAGH > AMG: Be AEE; 花梗 束 同 子 房 长 5 - 7 mm» @#J 1mm» 4G ; SARK > 5-6 mm , 寓 狗 2.5mm » Fev SH MM A» ZED SAME IK > $253 A BS ERY BO TESE > ASS HARARE ; TEMES SH > H4.5-5 mm? BK 2mm> Swi » AA RM AK l&> BURMAW > A Biz R4-5 mms RH 2mm , 先 端 纯 , PE » 2-3 mm> KM 1mm » eee OCIA: BH: RM 1-5 mm» %= FY > RKI1.5 mm o 341 Ela > +R IE ES RH 300-800 m 山地 HAM RAE RK 念 少见 。 157. 恒 春 牵 柱 兰 ( Zeuxine hengchuanense Ying ) Zeuxine hengchuanense Ying, sp. nov. Terrestris; caulis, 8-15 cm altus, rectus, carnosus usque glaber et pallide suffuscus . Folia 4-5, oblonga vel oblong-ovata, 4-6 cm longa, 2-3 cm lata, apice acuminata, basi obtusa cum leviter obliquua, integra, chartacea, 3-nervata; petiolis 1-1.2 cm _ longis, ce 3 mm latis;i vaginis 5-8 mm longis, basi amplexicau- lfs, glabris. Flores 5-8 in apice scapi subdense spicati, 6-7 mm in diametri; scapus gracillimus efongatus rectus 15-20 cm lo- agus, hirsutus, basi 2-3 squamatus; squamis leviter suffu- scus, 8-10 mm longis, apice acuta, basi amplexicauli;bra- cteis lanceolatis, leviter concavatis, 6-9 mm longis, 3-4 mm lIatis, apice acuta, membranaceis; pedicellis cum ovariis 6-7 mm longi, viridi, glabri, cum2 albi stricti; sepalum posti- cum ovatum, concavum, leviter leteum, 4.5-5.5 mm lo- ngum, 2.5-3.5 mm latum, apice acutum, cum petal latera- libus galaeformans, sed ad spicem 3-lobatum; sepala laterala lanceolata vel oblonga, 6-7 mm longa, 2-3 mm lata, apice obtusa; petala non nihil cuneatoidea, alba, 4-6 mm longa, 2.5-3.5 mm lata; labellum 7-8 mm longum, 2-2.5 mm la- tum, basi gibboso-saccatum, ungulatum; umgula 3-4 mm longa, apice 2-loba; lobis rotundid, 3.5-4.5 mm longls, 2-2.5 mm latis, integra, basi 2 flavi maculi, basi cum apice rotundum; columna 3-4 mm longa. Habit.: Pingtung Hsien, Hungchuan, Nan- jen shan( 南 仁 山 ), leg. S.S. Ying s.r. Jan.24, 1976. This species is characterized by the lip 2- lobed at apex, the lobes round, entire not teethed. 342 oh wy -_ Ar - —— M LET —S aa \ DQ. < - \ =. | S$ Sa Wieser hs ; ) Rules + ij Yy “ SSX 图 (Fig) 124 人 恒 春 指 柱 苦 ( Zeuxine hengchuarense ) a. 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering Plant ) b. #32 (Dorsal sepal ) c. 7{E( Petal) d. Bye Lip) he KEW» 8-15 cm > > BARB o #4-5K > SEREHLSR > RRAVRRRARNY> 4-6 cm: 343 宽 2 -3 cm » SmwMLvV BRM AKBE> SR MA KI; PME 1-1.2 cm» HRM 3 mm; 5-8 mm, 基 部 抱 茶 , 光 滑 。 165-8 > GERES Gin SRE RKC , 径 6-7 mm ; EK MR: Bi’ KR15-20 cm> EH; 基部 有 期 2 -3 Ks RRB KR , 8-10 mm » SwaRA > Re ; GBAREW > OW > R6-9 mm , 3-4 mm > HMGMRAK: RA; CRAASERE-7 mm > wf > GF? B2RABRR ; RBI > AMR > R4.5-5.5 mms FH 2.5-3.5 Sots Kk » FA 7e PEAT RTE 58s HI BA RSVR RRA > MEA 6-7 mm» 2-3 mm, 先 端 够 ; EHS RY: 白色 , 长 4-6 mm , 寅 2.5-3.5 mm ; BWE7-8 mm, 袖 2-2.5 mm, 基 部 有 爪 , 爪 长 3-4 mm, 先 端 2 裂 , BAAW > 长 3.5-4.5 mm> H2-3 mm » ZK ERA 2 黄色 斑点 , 先 端 及 基部 均 呈 圆 形 ; SHR3-4 mmo “ HA ERNEST EY SC: BRBBKE > RRR - AGH HAORSBEK RE MO BREM2A BAA BRE » 2 fF © € 158. GHM ( Zeuxine strateumatica (Linn. ) Schltr. ) Terrestrials; rhizome elongate; roots thickened, short ; stem simple, suberect or creeping at base and erect upward, 5-20 cm long, green, sometimes purplish red or brownish, leafy at base. < Leaves 5-8, basal, fleshy, linear or linear-lanceolate , 1.8-4 cm long, 2-5 mm wide, acuminate, sheathing at base, midrib raised on beneath, entire and somewhat recurved on margin, brownish or light brown in color; sheaths 2-3 mm long, membranous. | | . Flowers several, not widely opened, spicate, 2-4 mm in diameter, white, sometimes tinged with purplish pink, abru- | ptly recurved above the ovary; scape terminal, 3-5 cm long, erect, subglabrous; bracts broadly ovate, scarious, 8-12 mm long, l-nerved, acute at apex, longer than the flowers; ova- ry 4-6 mm long; sepals unequal, the dorsal one broadly -. ovate, 5-6 mm _ long, about 3 mm wide, l-nerved, the la- 344 ones oblong, ]-nerved, about 5 mm long,2-4mm wide; etals oblique ovate, 4-5 mm long, 2.5-3 mm wide, 1 - ner ved ; lip oblong-spathulate, yellow, with a slightiy Co- ntracted fleshy shortly saccate papillose base, emarginate or shallowly 2-tid at apex; anthers short, obtuse; column short. Capsules ellipsoidal, about 5-6 mm long;seeds numerous, enclosed by a thin membranous wing. Afghanistan, India, Ceylon, Malaya Peninsula, S. China, Assam, Japan, Java, Amboina and the Philippines. Taiwan, known from sea coastal .regions in southern part of ‘the island, not common. (Fig)125 — SHER ( Zeuxine strateumatica ) a. 着 花 之 植物 体 (C Flowering plant ) b. 4£( Flower) c. #2} ( Dorsal sepal ) d. {69% ( Petal ) e. @J/##( Lateral sepal ) f. ge ( Lip ) 345 HEM RE REE: Bs KROK: KUAURMERAA > BH 直立 , 长 5-20 cm MH HARARE BMH > RAK - #5-8h H+: A> RV RRRRAY > R1.8-4 cm> B2-5 mm > SMM MAB DK CNBR BARKS -长 2-3 mm, 膜 质 。 花 数 枚 , 不 十 分 开张 , 穗 状 花 序 , 径 2 -4 mm 白色, 有 时 带 有 紫 杠 色 Mm FB LRH; TERRA? 长 3-5 _ cm, 直立, 近似 光滑 ; BH RY , 乾 膜 质 , 长 8 -12 mm > Kl 条, 先端 够 拓 , 较 花 需 长 ; 子 房 长 4-6mm ; RARE) CEB > £5-6 mm, 寓 绝 3 mm> K1K> MEE WR > KLM WES mm + 2-4 mm ; 花 拇 在 卵 形 , 长 4-5 mm “, 袖 2.5-3 mm K1K; BRERAKEY He SOBSRR AB BER ARE » Set 2 裂 ; CH > Oh; Mo. WERE > E5-6 mm ; 种 子 多 数 , 包 有 薄膜 状 的 要 。 PYF AEE » OM ~ BREE ~ PRS ~ RW. AA ~AUE FE ’ wee » ; es Fa a Pr. tt ee eat A ra yf Rae SS unt 4 TS ao 本 更 + 网 中 eZ : Coeloglossum viride ( Linn.) Hartm from Europe ( Alpine plants of Europe page 133, 274 ) ., 346 2. ALPINE ORCHIDS ~ TAIWAN 台湾 的 高 山 苦 花 (Abstract ) This is a taxomonic study of the alpine or- chis of Taiwan, a total of 21 genera, 42 species and 4 va- rieties are recognized in this study, of which 5 new com- binations of names are propose, an attempt is made to su- ‘mmarize the present knowledge of alpine orchids of Taiwan. [ 摘要 ] Aaa CR A LUTE > ATA LER BER RR 2500 公 尺 以 上 高 山上 的 兰花 , 有 些 兰花 从 和 低 海 拔 一 直 能 生长 到 2500 AR 或 更 高 的 山区 者 , 亦 包括 在 内 , 狗 有 21 属 42 种 及 5 爸 种 的 高 山 昔 花 被 论述 ; 其 中 有 2 个 新 组合 植物 , 不 其 是 属 、 种 或 叙 种 均 有 阁 和 倒 述 其 性 状 及 产地 , 且 附 有 群 租 的 属 及 种 、 爸 种 的 检索 玫 , 以 供 读者 馅 定 用 。 INTRODUCTION ( 前 言 ) So far as the author know,there are no complete re- vision about the alpine orchids of Taiwan: Some alpine orchids were described by Japanese botanists in the ma ga- zines of Journal Japanese Botany and Botany Magazine To- kyo respectively in the period of 1908 to 1944. But a sy- stematic revision of Taiwan alpine orchids is still want. In the study of alpine flora of Taiwan, orchids as one part of my whole study in the past seven years. I collec- ted,or chid specimens nearly all parts of the island, as well as cultived in my home garden to study its flower characters and habit. After these years study, I desire to give a reasonable revision of alpine orchids as one part of my alpine flora of Taiwan, here I present it. The definition of alpine orchid here is the orchids which grows on mountains at the elevations between 2500- 347 3997 meters above sea level, some Species grow on low or medium altitudes but extend to 2500 meters or higher, are also included. ; This paper is an attempt to sumarized the knowledge of alpine orchids of Taiwan, for each genera, species and varieties of alpine orchids in Taiwan, an analytical key to each genus, species and variety has been prepared; des- cription for each genus, species and variety togather with note on habit and general distribution has been given. All specimens cite in this paper are deposited in her- baria of Departments of Botany and Forestry, National Tai- wan University; here I wish to express my hearty thanks to the curators of the herbaria mention above for their kindly let me examined their meterials. ( This paper first published in the Quart. Journ. Chi- nese Forestry volune 10 number 3 ( 1977), here I give some modifications, no symnonym list in this paper, all symnonym please see part 3. An Enumeration of the Indi- geous Orchids of Taiwan, some descriptions which present in part 1, The !llustrations, are also omitted.). RAMA > SHABALW LEAR AR LOR > Be RAH > 在 西元 1906 至 1944 ER > MA-HK AKO D BBRBR TH AWW JER A AD ARH R RD SHEL > HRARRYNAR mx > —A 没有 的 。 EBA RA WAY cs A Bop > K+ EH AED BEBE RR RIGOR — > SEARLES ES HER at SM RAR > Ie et EP iS EP > DRREMRO RA > Mike oTHR RSA ASEAN Aa LU ERA AR BIE OPFRSAMSH ABR os | 的 一 部 份 。 过 锂 所 请 的 高 出苗 花 是 指 生长 於 海拔 2500~ 3997 AR 的 兰花 ; 有 些 种 类 能 从 低 或 中 海拔 一 直 能 生长 到 25 00 公 尺 或 更 高 的 山地 也 包括 在 其 中 。 本 其 文 傈 将 台湾 的 兰花 , oa: SA ae eS BRS AG > PON SRARKKA ; SRE. REM MAR URBERD (fiz MAR 。 本 葵 文 所 引用 的 标本 , 均 收藏 难 台 湾 大 学 植物 系 及 森林 系 的 标本 节 , 在 th > ESB UL EA Bot AES AH 《 本 论文 将 载 从 中 华 林学 季 FB BH — WR = TSS OE 改 辅 载 於 此 , 所 有 的 机 名 均 加 以 取消 , 有 关 的 展 名 主见 第 三 部 分 , 人 台湾 野生 ook ; AE BAH 箱 类 , 在 此 人 钱 述 则 取消 , 以 免 重 复 ) 。 ORCHIDACEAE si 科 Perennial terrestrial, epiphytic or saprophytic herbs with rhizomes or tuberous roots or rootstocks; stem leafy or scapose frequently thickened at the base into pseudo- bulbs and bearing aerial assimilating roots. Leaves sim- ple, entire, flat, plicate or rarely equitant with parellel nerves, usually sheathed at base, the sheaths nearly alway closed and ending the stem. Flowers mostly bisexual, zygomorphic, often of very beautiful form and colour but sometimes small and color- less or green, bracteate, racemose, paniculate, spicate or solitary; perianth superior, composed of 6 petaloid seg- ments in 2 whorls or the outer whorl calyx- like and inner corolla-like or the outer rarely corolla-like' and the inner minute, free or variously connate in each whorl, the outer 3 Csepal ) nearly equal, the inner lateral ones ( petals ) usually similar to the sepals or smaller, the median one ( lio or labellum ) adaxial, usually larger, variously shaped, spurred or saccated at the base which often containing ne- ctar or nectar-secreting tissue; stamens 1 or 2, adante to the style and forming a column (Gynostemum ), anthers or anther 2-locular, introrse, opening by a slit lengthwise , pollens granular or generally agglutinated into mealy, wa xy or bony masses ( pollinia ). at one end the pollinium 349 may be extended into a sterile portion ( caudicle ); stigma viscid or rough, placed under the rostellum or in a cavi- ty between the anther-locular; ovary inferior, usually twisted, ]-locular with 3-partietal or ovary rarely 3-lo cular with axile placentas, ovules numerous and minute, anatropous. Fruit a capsule with 3 or 6 valves rarely berry- like; seeds minute, often drawn out at each end or rarely win- ged, without endosperm, embryo not differentiated. About 650 genera and more than 20000 species wor ld- wide distribution, especially abundant in the tropics, main centres of distribution are Indo-Malay and tropical Ame- rica. More than 90 genera in Taiwan, and 2] genera, the alpine ones. } Sew. GERBERA RARE» MRRKRo KCEBRS ESR > BREA SURBREK ER LERG BK ARR o RH » BK WME» BRAWN RS ETH RK > LBS AR > BAR Ris o CSR RM > RB AARARRNV BRA > HARTER AR) » RAMREBA > ABA» MK > BERR KIER > DR ae SRA: 花 BA E> 6 MoE 2QIMTERA ARK > HARE SBA RK ARB IEIK > RE DPRNRA SIRE > ARRAN SS > EAE oS a a BK ; 外 称 三 枚 ( BS ) TR > ARR AEE C TEE) RS AURA APH ARH > RA> ARE 同 的 形态 , 基 部 有 距 或 赛 , 其 内 和 常 合 有 密 腺 或 分 泌 密 组织 MS 1 或 2 > RICA REE > ERIS , PYM) > MEFLA > (ERR RE MOR > > BAAR Te ; FETED SHAY — vio AYRE (eh — FR HERD EBD > FRR (A ; 柱头 呈 黏 质 的 或 BOARD) > ARAL PH MELB SH MS; Se Rie BS 状 ,1 室 而 有 3 WERK > DPRARAS 32M > WR 3 BAS pee > 珠 多 数 , 甚 微小 , 合生。 REBAR? A3ZR6 AR - PRAASRARA ; MF h> BRAK — Pl BUA i A > WAAL >» EASE © 4650 B> 2hGU b> SHARSHHAD MH: LKHABERAAR > ee nn ee ee ee oe 属 中 , 含 有 高 山 性 的 兰花 。 key to the genera 属 的 检索 表 1. Fertile stamens 2 .pp 1.Cypripedium (PRES 2 HK) (SERS ) 1. Fertile stamen 1. ( PERE SS 1 HK ) 2. Anthers attached to the column by a broad inarticulate base, persistent and immobile; pollenia with caudicles attached to a viscid or gland at the base. (76 #0 it 和 无需 节 的 基部 附着 在 营 柱 上 > BE RREBERN > HRMAMAMAt 3 Bi AB BR BA ) 3. Stigma 1, entire, within the cavity under the anther-lo cules or 2 and projecting from the cavity. (#381M2ek fiz TATE SE 3 PF ROY AN BR 2 枚 在 洞 中 突出 ) 4. Lip with elongate or short spur at the base; stigma 1 undivided. ( e## Aah R SUGAUB > HSA 1 枚 , 不 分 岐 的 ) 5. Glands naked, not in a buricule; flowers mostly green, . rarely purple. (ARIE > D2RRK> SSR A> DRAZR 色 者 ) 。 6. Stigma elevated thickened, lip 3-lobed near to apex, the median lobe minute, simulating the lateral ones, flowers purple .pp 2 Coeloglossum (ABE) C$ SAE HY BS aS Fon 3 2 PAA) > BALA RS A ESR ALE ) 6. Stigma not elevated, not thickened; lip commomly en- tire, not lobed. flowers green Or White ……… (HARRAH > BURR RAHR> RDA 3.Platanthera 4E SLA £5 ) C BERS ) 5. Glands contained in a bursicule of the rostellum, flo- wers white, pink or purple …………- sin 0s Uiheg ee walhnpio’ 4.Orchis (REBAR RARARRD PIERS » Bil RAL D C BOS) 4. Lip without or with spur at the base; stigma 2, more or less prominent and projecting from the cavity. 351 ( ee MRA SLaE A RR > ERK > SYR SARK A ) . Leaf solitary, cordate, flowers pink … ………… 5 .Hemipila ( 革 一 枚 , 心 形 花粉 杠 色 ) 〔 舌 鸣 苦 属 ) . Leaves 2 to several, linear or lanceolate, not cordate , flowers green or white. (HOBRK> MURR VAE OG > EmRRAB ) . Lip without spur, rostellum short, not armed --++--++++-+--- ( Fe RB > Rha > NAIK ) 6.Hermanium ( AR ) . Lip with spur, rostellum with arms .………………. 7 -Habenaria (BEG > RADI) ) , (ERM ) . Stigma 2 divided into 2 horns, not in cavity under the anther-locules, flowers small; lip entire, without a GPU LF seeesececcecscecnscsenscessreesereees et 8.Androcorys CHA 2 KAA 2 KM NE OE BS RO C SEB BA ) WAS > 7E/\\ es HE RB ) . Anthers easily detached from the column or early wi- thering; pollinia with a caudicle and gland at the apex. ( 68S ABET EMS AK > TEE A Fim 有 一 柄 或 腺 体 ) . Pollinia granular, soft anthers commonly persistent, inflorescence terminal. C TE SIRGIK > (65% a RE > TE APIB AE ) . Anther reclined on the column, incumbent. ( 46 BBA RSE > S RRBAIAAY ) . Column very short with a tooth or wing on each side mt Che a eK oo dette dase cnn sesetgscnvederescoisives dentendees 9.Microtis ( te > FEM Hl5c ae AR) C EM ) . Column distinct, somewhat elongate, without wing. (BRE > BR > MR) . Plants with short slender rhizomes. (MOBAA MMM RE ) . Leaves 2, opposite; lip 2-fid or entire ………, 10.Listera ( 革 二 枚 , 对 生 ; BM 2 裂 或 全 称 ) ( 2S ) 352 . Leaves more than 2, alternate, lip convex, (#BZKR20°> HH? BOY) . Lip with a chin at base, distinctly jointly between the upper and lower portions .pp 11.Cephalanthera ( BAR AR > 2A RHE AH Lt PSB ) ( Z7ER SD . Lip without or distinct chin at base, not jointed between the upper and lower portions .pp 12.Epiactis — EEE Be >» RARE LE BSR ) ( SB ) . Plants with corms or fleshy to corolloid rhizomes. (HMERERERAR 3 AKA RX ) . Leaves jointed at base .pp 13.Bletilla (EEA HE ) (ARB) . Leaves not jointed, soft ...--+......... 14.Stigmatodacystylus, ( ENB ERARB > ARK ) | C ME ) . Anthers more or less erect; rostellum erect or nearly so. (74#4 926 UK > REBUM ) . Stigmas 2, distinct; lip with claw, vertricose at base (HR2K> A> SWAN > RRBBA ………: 15.Myrmechis Hk ) | (25RB) . Stigma one, broad; lip sessile, hairy at base ………………… (HR I1K> WA;> SRR > ARES ) 16.Goodyera (HMB ) . Pollinia waxy or cartilaginous, anthers easily detached, inflorescence terminal or lateral. (JEM RBAREA > CBS ROM> TERTRARAI) . Inflorescence terminal. (花序 顶 生 ) . Leaves solitarysstemless; lip spurred-::--- 17.Tipularis (8H E> BMA ) ( (EE ) . Leaves 2-3, basal, shortly stemmed; lip spurless ……-… (H2~3KRA> eR > BME ) 18.Malaxis (小 柱 兰 属 ) 353 4. Inflorescence lateral. (花序 侧 生 ) 5. Leaves convolute in bud. ( SES SS Ahem ) 6. Pollinia with caudicle but without stipe; leaves 2 to few , lip adnate to the column at base im 和 19.Calanthe (花粉 塌 有 花粉 柄 , 革 2 至 3KGEREREARAS ) ( RAMS) 6. Pollinia 4, without a caudicle, Leaves solitary or 2; lp inserted at the base of the column, not forming a tu- 和 20.Oreorchis (JER Sh 4 KREDI HER 1 或 2 > BMA ( 山 戎 属 ) BEAM > MBAR AM ) 5. Leaves conduplicate im Dud .ppp 21.Cymbidium ( FERS SAS ) 7 (RS ) 1. CYPRIPEDIUM Linn. SBS Terrestrials; rhizomes short, creeping; roots coarsely fiberous; stem erect, simple, leafy upward. Leaves 2 to several, alternate or opposite, exarticul- ate, convolutive, many nerved, sometimes plicate. Flowers 1 to few, rather large, showy, zygomorphic; sepals and petals somewhat differentiate, widely spreading , lateral sepals usually united; petals narrower; lip lar- | ge, saccate or pouch-shaped, the margin more or less in- rolled around the orffice; column incurved with a short- stalked, 2-locular anther on each side, and a dilated, ra- ther petal-like staminode adnate to the back at tip; stig- ma terminal, obsoleted 3-lobed. About 30 species in termperate regions of N. hemis- phere, one in America tropics. 4 species in Taiwan, and all the alpine ones. He AED > HERE fa > AYA) > AAA; EIBIZ > PTI > LRRAH o 革 2 EWM HARA > FRNA > EMER > KOM > ASA Miko 354 17E-BRDR> RA BS RER> SARC SA Ls BA BR BR USAHRAAMEE ; ERK; BRK BRAS > THORS 6H; SEA SHR ERA 2S ER > RA1BAMAM KY 退化 峻 营 连 生 於 先端 的 背 侧 ; 柱头 顶 生 , 有 不 明显 3 裂 。 绝 有 30 余 种 , 主 分 作 於 北 咎 球 针 带 , 一 种 产 於 热带 美 州 。 四 种 产 於 台 湾 , 均 生长 於 高 山地 区 。 KEY TO THE SPECIES (#32) 1.Leaves 2, opposite or nearly so. (#2—K> HA RTUABE ) 2.Lip small, 0.9-1.1 cm in diameter; leaves not shea- ao 1.C debile ( Bi) > AB0.9-1.1cm > #4 ) (43 BBB ) 2.Lip large, 5-6cm in diameter, leaves sheathed ……………: (BRK BR5-6cm > HGH) pp 2.C. japonica var. formosanum (GBR BM ) 1.Leaves 3-5, alternate, not opposite. ( 革 三 至 五 枚 , 互 生 , 不 呈 对 生 ) 2.Leaves oblong, larger, 10-20cm long, 5-8cm wide; flowers pink or reddish purple …………… 3.C. macranthum (#RRAW>XR> H10-20cm> #5-8cm> ( wIUS em) AED AL LAL & ) 2.Leaves oblong-lanceolate, smaller, 5-10cm long, 1.5- 3cm wide, flowers white or yellowish brown --------------- (BARRO > BH 5-10cm> vere 4.C. guttatum #1.5-3cm> A SBRABE ) var. segawai . ( RER SM) 1.Cypripedium debile Reichb.f, Xenia orch. 2:233 ( 1865). (DSB) | Description please see page 137 - ( Many Sk kss BS 137 页 ) Specimen examined: (#234 PIIEBA ) Taiwan: Ilan County: Nanhutashan, 7.C. Huang 7755. | 356 | : Hua lien county :Chungyangchienshan, S.S. Ying 3181; 3182, 3183, 3184. JAPAN : Nikko, H. Kitagawa not date, Sendai. S. Tamaki s.n. May 30 1912. Siogama, Jisibea not date. 2.Cypripedium japonicum Thunb. var. formosanum ( Hayata ) Ying in Chinese Flow. (15): 33, pl.1 ©1975) & in Quart. Chin For. 8(4): 141 & Alp. Pl. Taiwan in Col. 1:70, col. photo. 93 (1975). (G@BS BR) Description: please see page 139 . ( SM #iiltas AA 139 页 ) Specimen examined: ( #234 PII ) TAIWAN: Ilan county : Nanhutashan, S.S. Ying 3571, M.T. Kao 8615; Siyenaukou, S. Suzuki s.n. Oct. 24 1928. Taichung county :Mt. Seisuishan, 7. Nakamura s.n. June 21 1941. Nokogun, S. Hibino G& R. Rikkawa s.n. July 4 1938. Nantou county: Hohuanshan, E. Matuda s.n. Sept. 16 1919. Taitung county : Kuanshan, Yamamoto @ Mori s. n. Aug. 10 1941. 3. Cypripedium macranthum Sw. in Vet. Acad. Handl. Stock]. 251( 1800); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 2:136 192 ). LS ew | Terrestrials; rhizome short-creeping with rather thick firm roots from the nodes; stem simple, erect, 30-50cm long, hirsute. Leaves 3-5, alternate, ovate-rounded or oblong-elliptic ; 10-18cm long, 5-8cm wide, acute or abruptly acuminate at apex, amplexicual the stem at base, usually forming a short sheath, many-veined; the vieud slightly elevated on both sides, hirsute all over, especially on veins, ciliate on margin, chartaceous, pale green beneath. Flowers solitary, large, showy, terminal, rose to ro- se-purple, rarely white, 3.5-6cm in diameter; the scape 356 4-5cm long, erect or sometimes ascending upward, hirsu- te; the pedicels with ovaries 1-1.5cm long, slightly pilo- se, the dorsal sepal ovate, 4-5cm long, acuminate at a- pex, the lateral ones wholly connate somewhat longer than the dorsal one; petals narrowly ovate, acuminate at apex, crisped-pubescent inside at base; lip bouch-shaped, about 2.5cm in diameter, 1.8cm long, elongate hirsute within; ‘column convex. Korea, northern and northeastern China, Kamchatake, Siberia and e. Europe. Taiwan, known from high altitudes of 3400-3800m in northern and central parts of the island » on rocks, rather rare. Specimen examined: ( #2234 PIA ) TAIWAN: Ilan county : Nanhutashan, Masamune, Fuku- yama & Nakamura s.n. July 17 1940. JAPAN:Ruiran, Prov. Kushiro, Y.Kudo s.n. July 81917. HEM REP AA: EMRE ERAHSWR: KBE Aor 30-50 cm> #¥ © 革 3-5 枚 , A> WKAVRRE RRA > &R10-18cm> H5-8 cm , 先 端 够 失 或 突 渐 兴 状 ,基部 抱 蔡 而 形成 一 短 鞘 状 , 肪 多数, 表 喜 两 面 均 BEE AEE LHELRKR HRSERK> RA SHRM? FER K> MS RA PAERHAARE PRHASASBSA:? A 径 3.5-6cm; 花 蓝 长 4-5cm, AURARZLAK> SER: CAE T BR1-1.5cm AEH > REAM oR 4-5em > Himsa ; MSH IS PH > RASA : EMR > EMR > ARAMA ; BRS > EBW2.5cem> K1.8cm AMAREH? SEOH Bd > PAIL ER RRA > MAPS > BAAR Ro GBERK mate 3400-38008 RABEL? DHRALBRARB> BRD o 4.Cypripediunm. guttatum Sw. var. segawai (Masamune ) Ying, comb. nov. K#S EH | Cypripedium segawai Masamune in Trans. ‘Nat, Hist, Form, 23 : 209 ( 1933 ) 354 Terrestrials; rhizomes short, creeping; roots few, fi- liform, slender, flexible, produced from rhizome, 5-10cm long; stem simple, erect, 20-30cm long, hirsute. Leaves 3-4, alternate, patent, ovate, ovate-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 5-10cm long, 1.5-3cm wide, acuminate » amplexicual at base, chartaceous, entire and ciliate on margin, many-veined, the veins slightly impressed surface and elevated beneath, lustrous green surface and pale green beneath. Flowers solitary, terminal, medium-sized, 3-4cm in diameter, yellowish white; the scape terminal, 4-7cm long, hirsute, erect or nearly so; the bracts lanceolate, acuminate at apex, leaf-like, ciliate on margin; the pedi- cels with ovaries 1-]1.5cm long, erect; the dorsal sepal oblong- lanceolate, 1.7-2.7cm ‘long, about 1cm wide, a- cuminate at apex, the lateral sepals connate each other and bifid at apex, somewhat narrower than the dorsal one ; petals broadly ovate or somewhat rhombic-like, attenua- te; lip bouch-shaped, about 2cm in diameter, pilose on the central part within; column diverging, clavate-like. The species in northern China and Siberia; the variety endemic, known from high altitudes of 3400-3900m in cen- tral part of the island, on rocks, rather rare. Specimen examined : TAIWAN : Nantou county: Chiraichushan, Segawa Suzuki s.n. Aug. 1934. EM > REG > AAs ROR RMU MR MH RAKRRE K 5-10cm ; SHA: > MoH» Biz 20-30cm> FEHR? % 3-46 HAE BA WV > PKRRMRAVRRRARKRAB> RS -10cm, 寅 1.5-3cm > mMrL> ARK RA SR BREE kKSRK> RHBMS > AhKRE> RHSACERE > FHIRRB EH A > GA> p> 3-4cem> RAH; BRE R4-7em 有 E> BIZ RTO Os BARS > Fema » BE > tk ; 花梗 连同 子 房 358 f&1-1.5cem>BVv> 68H RRBARRAH > R1.7-2.7cm> BHM 1cm » SMA > HUSA DAE 2 > RR BH RR > TEI a PBI > WL SME BO 2cm* 内 部 中 间 有 毛 昔 ; 芒 柱 分 岐 ,棍棒 状 。 BA PRI RRND > SERA > ERR +> RS BRW 3400- 3900m > RRA HEL > BED o _.2.COELOGLOSSUM Hartm. 2E45 Terrestrials; roots thickened, elongate, fleshy; stem simple, erect. Leaves few, cauline, alternate,. Flowers rather many, small, terminal, purple or green, spicate; ‘the bracts leaf-like, green; sepals connivent in the upper part and forming a hood with petals; lip 3-lobed sectieis to apex, the medium lobe minute, simultating the dorsal lobe 3 Spur very short; anther-locules distinct; pollinia oblong ,» partly hidden by a small bursicule; caudicles rather e- longate; glands small, scarcely broader than the caudicle; rostellum bifid very low; stigma depressed. Several species chiefly in the temperate regions of N. Hemisphere. ome species in alpine regions of Taiwan. mE RHE BR ABR BB4+> By oBDRM> BE, FH AERS > /\\> TRE RH BMRSEB MK BAEK RE SREB SA 76 Mt AS BMG BATES > BMT ime SA PARE) > RRB 相似 , ese > (CSS SC HRRRAV > Rok) ARORR RE > Re) > RRB RMA BR > HRSRKK o Re > AGRIC RH> ABH RRA BERS O 1.Coeloglossum nankotaizanensis (Masamune ) Ying in Quart. Chin. For. 8(4):149 (1975). FBAER Description please see page.jog. ( HMMM Ass BA 19H) Specimen examined : ( ()IHAB AES ) TAIWAN : Hseuhshan, S.S. Ying 3843, 2845 (Type of C. taiwantanum ). EUROPE: Scandinavicae : Norgei Nystuchve Dovre, N. 359 Johauson s.n. July 17 1878. Italy :Bosc. de Corvara in Val. Badic, Kai Larsen s.n. July 17 1965 ( Specimens of C. viride (Linn. ) Hartm.). JAPAN: Komaga dake oshima, J. Yamamoto s.n. July 15 1922; In herbosis Vershnig Arundan, Y. Kudo & Tatewaki s.n. Aug. 24 1929. Honshu Nageno Nishikoma, M.T. Kao 8319 (Specimens of C. viride var bracteatum (Willd ) Richt .). | Lin (Native Orchids of Taiwan vol. 1, page 108, col. photos 56-57) treated this species as conspecific with C. viride (Linn. ) Hartm. I review the book of Alpine Plants of Europe which was written by Mr. Oba . In page 133 col. photos 274-275 of the book, it clearly show, the C, nankotaizanensis different from C. viride by leaf size and shape, in the latter, the leaves usually ovate to rounded, 3-4cm long, obtuse at apex, the specimens of C. viride which from Scandinavicae and Italy were deposited in the herbarium of Department of botany, national Taiwan University also reveal the leaf characters are not like C. nankotaizanensis. The Taiwan Coeloglossum somewhat re- semble to C. viride var. bracteatum (Willd.) Rich. which from Korea, China, e. Siberia and Japan, but it can be distinguish by lip characters. RARER + AEA 108A RF lel 56-57 中 , 将 本 种 跟 区 洲 所 产 的 欧洲 裂 导 兰 (C. viride (Linn) Hartm ) 列 坑 同 种 。 但 笔者 检 上 砚 大 专 达 之 摧 著 的 欧洲 的 高 山 植 物 一 书 第 133 页 , 和 彩色 图 片 274-275 中 > 明白 显示 台 洪 裂 唇 戎 与 欧洲 裂 唇 苦 在 儒 片 的 形状 及 大 小 上 有 显著 的 不 同 ; 区 洲 裂 层 兰 的 革 常 需 卵 形 或 圆 形 , 长 3-4 cm , 先 端 钝 , 笔 者 也 检 秽 存放 於 台 Ki DAR AGE 藏 放 探 自 办 欧洲 瑞典 及 义 大 利 的 欧洲 裂 唇 苦 的 标本 , 也 明白 HERHRA BARBRA ARBAB RE 自 韩 国 、 日 本 、 中 国 大 陆 WEA CC. viride var. bracteatum (Willd.) Rich. ) 有些 RADA > (AGERE TG BS ME HE BE th BE Tae Fl) HH Ko 360 3. PLATANTHERA L.C. Rich. HEME Terrestrials; rhizome short; roots thickened, elongate 3; stem simple or none. Leaves exarticulate, convolutive, usually cauline, 1 to several, linear to elliptic, toward the top of the stem, gradually passing into the bracts. | Flowers rather small, greenish rarely white, few to many in terminal raceme or spike, resupinate, bracteate; sepals subequal, ovate, the dorsal one erect, sometimes forming .a. hood with the petals; lateral sepals Spreading; petals similar to the sepals; lip spurred, entire; column short on the top on either side of the anther with a more or less distinct, pulvinate stelid; anther inserted by a broad firmly adnate base, erect, emarginate at the top, cell distinct, prolonged toward the base of the anther and — a viscidium; rostellum broad, short; fertile stigma conti- guous or at best seperate by a furrow, forming one shin- . ing plane. About 100-species, chiefly in temperate and cooler re- gions of the northern Hemisphere. 7 species in Taiwan, and 5 species, the alpine plants. dhe > Heke > HHS > R> KM IRM E o SE7N AGA > ERE? BSR 1 RAK MVUARAY> —B+A RRS Si >» BI MAS ZAHIR | (EB) > MARAB > PRESR> SRAM RRIF > B 位 , Am > SATU > NY > RBH Biz > ARES TEM IESE > Al SRE: (MRSA; SRAB> 2k; SER CEMA DPE BARUIRT IZA A ° TES RAR — MEME > Biz > SHA , SS PCB AM > AHR > RB > fe ; 1 隔 , 而 形成 一 光滑 面 。 MA 100 种 , 主 分 做 於 北 咎 球 的 温带 及 冷 带 地 区 , 台 淤 产 七 种 , 其 中 五 fais i LL HE © 361 i KEY TO THE SPECIES 种 的 检索 表 Spur short, about 2-2.5mm long. ( FERS > RA 2-2.5mm ) 2.Flowers green or yellowish green, lip tongoe- like, not reflexed at tip pp 1.P. taiwaniana C JER RL SRS > BEI > Ferm RR HE ) ( 台湾 舌 唇 兰 ) 2.Flowers white, lip oblong, reflexed or curved at tip …. (7ER& > BRAY > Fevmiy R--------+---2.P. brevicalcarata RE ) ( 短 距 粉 蝶 兰 ) .Spur elongate, more than 6mm long. 1. ( 距 甚 长 , 通常 在 6mm 以 上 者 ) 2.Flowers green or yellowish green. C FER SRR RR ) 3.Lip ovate-oblong, about 5mm long, spur reflexed …… ( WORK RB IAIY > 5mm > RB) ) …… 3.P. sigeyosii C Fall eRe ) 3.Lip linear, 6-7mm long, 0.6mm wide, spur not re- ee -4.P. pachyglossa (BRR: R6-7mm> 80.6mm°> BAR (BBR) ¥& ) 四 5.P- longibracteata (花白 色 ) CREB) Platanthera taiwaniana Ying in Quart. Journ. Chin. For. 8(4) : 144 & Alp. Pl. Taiwan in col. 1:73, col. pho- to. 100 (1975). FBS BR Description: please see page 294. rF MIM AVR Uta BH 294 页 Specimen examined: ( #238 FIBA ) TAIWAN : Chiayi county: Tashuik’ushan, S.S. Ying 2811. 2. Platanthera brevicalcarata Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30 (1) : 350 (1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.); 362 Ying in Chin. Flower (6): 33, ¢.2 (1974) & Alp. Pl. Tai- wan in col. 1:72, f.98 (1975). @BD RR Description: please see page 9gg. a MITER) Milas BH 288 页 Specimen examined: (#2334 P7IBA ) TAIWAN : Ilan county : Nanhutashan, S. Suzuki s.n. July 1922, G. Masamune, N. Fukuyama & Nakamura 3169; Siyuenaukou , S. Suzuki 5073; Chuangyangchienshan, S.S. Ying 3189, T. Suzuki @N. Fukuyama s.n. July 28 1936. Miaoli coun- ty: Tapachienshan, NV, Fukuyama s_ n, July 26 1932, H. Simade s. n, July 16 1935, S, Sasaki s, n, July 18 & 19 1932, Taichung co- unty: Hseuhshan, S.S, Ying 3884, 3885, Mori s.n. Oct. 20 1936, S. Sasaki s.n. July 23 1931, G. Masamune s.n. July | 18 1930. Nantou county: Chirai south peak, S. Sasaki s.n. Aug. 24 1929; ‘Chihchiayangtashan, G. Masamune s.n. July 7 1930. Chiayi county :Mt. Morrison, H. Simada SH 893; Minami, T. Suzuki s.n. July 31 1935. Kaohsiuang county :Kuanshan, N. Fukuyama s.n. July 12 1935. 3.Pliatanthera sigeyosii Masamune in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 46 :-773 (1932). 高 山 粉 蝶 苦 =e ower CN Terrestrials; roots few, fleshy, elongate, 2-3.5c¢m long, 3-4mm in diameter, yellowish or pale yellow, scat- tered pilose; stem erect, including scape’ 30-35 cm long, glabrous, green. Leaves lanceolate, lance olate-oblong or narrowly ob- long, 7-9cm long, 2-2.5cm wide, acuminate at apex, atter uate and amplexicual at base, glabrous, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath. | Flowers many, terminal, green or yellowish green, spi- cate; scape terminal, erect, 10-15cm long, glabrous, green, 4-angular; bracts erect -patent, lanceolate» acumi- nate at apex, glabrous; ovaries ‘].2-1.5cm long, about 3 mm wide; the dorsal sepal ovate- rounded, concave, 5-6mm 363 long, obtuse at apex, 5-nerved, the lateral ones falcate- ovate, as long as the dorsal sepal, concave; petals obii- quely ovate, 4.5-5mm long; lip ovate-oblong, 5-5.5mm long, obtuse at apex; spur cylindric, deflexed curved, a- bout lcm long, obtuse at apex; column short. Endemic, known from central part of the island at the elevations of 2600-3100m, on grasslands, rather rare. Specimed examined: ( #338 PIA ) TAIWAN : Taichung county : Chichiayangtashan, S.Su- zuki 5470 (Typus ). 地 生 兰 、 根 少数 、 肉 质 , 甚 长 , R2-3:5cm> K3-4mm > KARR BH MERE SAW? MCR 30-35 cm > > MB BRAG > RB KRRAVRKRRAV > R7-9 cm > H2-2.5cem » Fm OA > APH RMS > G4 > RHSACEREA> PHRRE o TES > THA > RRR RES > ROKTE ; TERA > Biz &10- lbcm> J678 > R&R 48; BABS > REY > TMM A > IGA ; ¥+BH1.2-1.5cm> WH 3mm> 6S IRAY> PRMA> 5-6 mm > 5¢%aSl > SR > MBARATKIG > BRRBAAR > MBI > 长 4.5-5mm ; BRIKRRAY> R5-5.5mm> ins; BARV> @@ih> RWlecm> Ms > GE o 固有 > ERA HBA 2600-3100MHRIURR E> BYo 4.Platanthera pachyglossa Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4 :123, pl.21 (1914). 厚 唇 粉 蝶 兰 AN: Description :please see page291. “pla tae Beka 201 Specimen examined: ( 话 组 过 下 列 标本 ) TAIWAN :Hsinchu county : Kitasoten, T. Suzuki 4605 . Miaoli county: Itzeshan, S. Sasaki s.n. July 18 1932; Tapachienshan, 7-C. Huang & C.F. Hsieh 7263. Nantou co- unty :Hohuanshan, S.S. Ying 4817, 4833, 3798, 173; 1273 B. Taichung county :Hseuhshan, S. Sasaki s.n. “July 23 1932, S.S. Ying 3837, 3711; Chichiayangtashan, G. Masamu- ne s.n. July 9 1930. Chiayi county :Mt. Morrison, S. Sasaki s.n. Aug. 1935; Tashuik’ushan, S.S. Ying 2768; 364 27 54, 2770. 5.Platanthera longibracteata Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:122 (1914). Rae Description:Please see page 290. ( #MIGAN Rita AA 290 页 ) Specimen examined: (说 察 过 下 列 标本 ) | TAIWAN: Ilan county: Taipingshan, S. Suzuki s.n. May 8 1932 & Aug. 10 1928. Taipei county : Saukun et Kyanrawa, T. Suzuki 17090. Miaoli county : Tapachienshan , T.C. Huang @ C. F. Hsieh 7200. Nantou county : Hohuan- shan, S. S. Ying 4799, 4805; Tungyen to Yinhai, M.T. Kao & C.F. Hsieh 5734. Taichung county : Hseuhshan, S:S. Ying. 3701. Chiayi county: Tungpu to Patungkuan , Naku- mura s.n. Aug. 17 1942; Patungkuan to Hsiukuluan-shan, S.S. Ying 1923; Chienshan, S.S. Ying 2840, 2830,. 2800, 2777; Mt. Morrison, S. Sasaki s.n. Aug. 1936. : 4. ORCHIS. Linn. M5 Terrestrials; rarely epiphytic which usually growing on rocks or tree trunks; rhizomes short ; roots ‘tuberous or not; stem simple, few-leaved. Leaves exarticulate, convo: lutive, linear to elliptic-oblong, alternate, sometimes ne- . arly radical. , | Flowers few, rather small, bracteate, in terminal spike, resupinate; bracts small or cons picuous; sepals free, spreading; the dorsal one often. forming a hood with petals; lip slightly adnate to’ the column 3-lobed, spurred at base; column short with parallel anther -loculesj pollinia with a caudicle attached to glands, thece-in a bursicle or Pouch. ae ) About 100 species of the northern temperate zone of world. eight species in Taiwan, all the alpine plants. . - 地 生 兰 , 少 数 亦 有 呈 着 生 者 ”常生 长 於 岩 石 或 树干 上 ; 根 莹 短 , 根 块 状 365 BAR SSK ; RMA > BDRM RPAAMA> Vet > RVSRARR A> HA> GRRE SRAM © JEDR> B)> BAA > STR RIKI > is. BAA RRS ; 蔓 AMEE BR > REAR REMC RIES (1658) ; SRRBRIB AE > 3 A BRA: 芒 柱 短 , 常 与 花药 室 平 行 ; 花粉 二 有 柄 且 附 着 有 腺 体 。 多 有 100 箱 , 主 分 佑 於 北 中 球 温带 , 台 济 产 8 种 , 和 此 人 坊 高 山 性 。 KEY TO THE SPECIES 种 的 检索 卖 1.Median lobe of lip deeply 2-lobed, not with a sinus at apex. (BRO PBAAR 2 裂 , 先 端 不 具 小 尖 突 ) a oe 2.Flowers white with pink spots in lip «- 9 1.0. taoloii (76S 6B LABELS BER ) 红斑 兰 2.Flowers pink not with any color spots in lip .…………………: (TEAL > MB _L7R AE BRS OBER) ……… 2.0. tominagai ALE 1.Median lobe of lip entire, emarginate or 3-lobed, if the latter, the median lobe like a sinus. (RRO PARSRRMAHR3IA> MARIA PAB RAR) 2.Median lobe of lip entire or emarginate. ( BROPA HS tat MA AY ) 3.Flowers small, lightly violet with small brownish ye- llow spots in the inner surface of tip 7a 3 io wibestre ( TEBE). > IRI FEM AA) TS SA BER ) 小 黄斑 兰 3.Flowers relatively large, rose, red, reddish purple, ' rarely white, not spotted. ) (TERK: GRA MA MRE SRSAR> AAMM) 4.Leaves oblong or ovate-lanceolate, 5- re tihng 1 - 15 0 > oO. ‘ytukiana (BR RAVRIRRAB> R5-6cm> H1-1.5cm) REM 4.Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, 3-9cm long, 3-6 mm wide. 7 C SE GRY RRR AS IG > Fe 3-9cm > H3-6mm. ) 366 5.F lowers usually white, rarely’ rose-purple; lip rounded-obovate in outline , about 6mm long, 0.5mm as 5. O. takasago-montana ( 76s AB DRAKA SLABS > SRAAIBL > rea LL] Bd RA 6mm > H0.5mm ) 5.Flowers rose; lip semi-orbicular or. ovate-rounded in outline, about 1-1.2cm long, 8-9mm wide …………… (JE D8L > BIPCAV RINABB ………… 6.0.. taiwanensis &1-1.2cm> &8-9mm ) BB 2.Median lobe of lip 3-lobed and the median lobe like a sinus. (BRPAR3A> RhPARMA—)RR) 3.Flowers White .pp 7.0 hunibboana v (花白 色 ) 白花 苦 3.Flowers purplish red pp 8.0. kiraishiensis , ( TEAL 65 ) | ARM = 0; aunihi Koana 1.Orchis taoloii Ying, Alp. Pl. ene in Goh. 1.275; pl. 102 (1975). ALE Description:Please see page 9273. fi HUA BH273 Specimen examined: #2238 PIIZA TAIWAN: Miaoli county : Tapachienshan, S.S. Ying 4179, 4164, 4120, 4121 (Typus ). 2.Orchis tominagai (Hayata) Ying in Quart. Journ. Chin. Forest. 8(4) : 140 (1975). AL7ER Terrestrials; tubers ovoid, 5-7mm in diameter, gla- brous; stem simple, erect or ascending, 8-12cm long, Slender, glabrous; sheaths 1-2, lanceolate, membranous, acuminate at apex, amplexicual at base. | Leaves solitary or two, alternate, oblanceolate or lin- ear-lanceolate, 4-5cm long, 3-4mm wide, acute, gradually attenuate at base, membranous, entire, midrib elevated be- 367 neath; lateral veins inconspicuous, shining green above, pale green beneath. Flowers 1] or 2, rather small, 6-7mm in diameter, ra- cemose; the scape terminal, 3-4cm long, erect, glabrous > the pedicels with ovaries 7-10mm long, glabrous; sepals oblong, 6-7mm long, 3-4mm wide, the dorsal one obtuse, contracted at base, glabrous, 3-nerved; the lateral ones oblique; petals ovate or oblong triangular, 5.5-6.5mm long, about 3mm wide, acute at apex, much obliquely at base, with short claws; lip adnate to the column at base, sessile, slightly plicate, obtriangular in outline, 1-].2cm long, about 3mm wide, 3-lobed, cuspidate at apex; spur 5-6mm long, about 1mm across, acute at apex; column short, about 1.5mm long. ? Endemic, known from the central part of the island at the elevations of 2700-3700m, on moist and mossy rocks, rather rare. Specimen examined: ( #2338 PIA ) TAIWAN : Nautou county:Tientashan, T. Towingana s.n. Aug. 1916. 地 生 兰 ; 块根 卵 形 , 径 5-7mm ,光滑 ; KR BURMALA’ RS -12cm , 组 长 ,光滑 ; 1-2 M> RH > RA > HMA > SME o ER ROK AA > HRS VMRRREY > R4-5cemo H 3-4 mm » S%miRL > ERE RA SR PUR RKAH> WKS > Fei SA HER > A ARE © | 46.1 2K > B/N» BK6-7mm> MIRAE ; HERI > R3-4cem> 直立 , 光 滑 ; ERR FRR7-10mm> 44; SHRMAWY > R6-7mm , 寅 3-4mm ; BH RABRM > > ARIK > MBAR ; TERE NTE RR BR= A > 5.5-6.5mm> BH 3mm, 先 端 够 失 , 基 RED AG; PRARRBAAM > HA RE HESA=RAP > £1-1.2cm> @W3mm> 32> GHBR> BR 5-6mm> KH) 1lmm> 先端 够 失 ; BRB: RH 1.5mm o EV > Ac SEAS 2 We ch BSL 2700-3700 m , 见 於 潮 瀑 多 苦 茧 类 的 368 BAL > RD o eo Antes De VAA #6 3.Orchis alpestre ( Fukuyama ) Ying in Quart. Journ. Chin. For. 8(4): 140 (1975). (aa SEW Description:Please see page 265 . FMIMAN AEA 265 H Specimen examined: (#238 PIIFBA ) TAIWAN : Ilan county:Nanhutashan:N. Fukuyama 4692. | Nantou county:Hohuanshan, S.S. Ying 4930. ae S De "Tz = oF 4.Orchis yuukiana Ciekuy sina) Siig in Quart. Journ. . Chin. For. 8(4):140 (1975). 紫花 苦 . Terrestrials; tubers ovoid or oblong-elliptic; stem sim- ple, 10-30cm long, erect, slender, glabrous; sheaths 1 or 2; basal, membranous, amplexicual at base. Leaves solitary, rarely two, narrowly oblong,, ovate- lanceolate or rarely elongate elliptic,.5-6cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, obtuse or acute at apex, decurrent and amplexi- cual at base, chartaceous, glabrous, entire. Flowers 10-20, pink, subpatent, racemose; the scape 3 -5cm long, erect or ascending, glabrous; bracts ovate- lan- ceolate, 5-6mm long, acuminate at apex, contracted and slightly amplexicual at base, glabrous; the pedicels with ovaries 1-1.7cm long, glabrous; the dorsal sepal ovate, 2.5-3mm long, 1.5-2mm wide, obtuse at apex, contracted at base, concave, membranous, 1-nerved; the lateral ones obovate, 3mm long, 2mm wide, slightly oblique, obtuse, attenuate at base, membranous, glabrous, l-nerved; lip glabrous, suberect, 3.5-4mm long, 3-lobed, the median lobe obovate-cuneate, 1.5-2mm long, about 1.5mm wide, truncate at apex, concave, the lateral lobes linear or e- longate triangular, 1-1.5mm long; spur cylindric, 2-2.5 mm long, obtuse at apex; column short. Endemic, at the elevations of 2400-2900m in central 369 , part of the island, on grassland, rather rare. Specimen examined: ( #2238 fF FIBA ) TAIWAN : Miaoli county :N. Fukuyawa 4116. oA > SERN RRR ERRAY ; RAR? R10-30cm > Bi MR > TF: BIM2K HE RA MW o ERA PVORALZKS KRRGAV > RKRRVRYARERAYV 的 ,长 5-6cm, 实 1-1.5cm > Fins RRA > LAC HM we > KA , GIA > BR e 花 10- 20% > MALE > SOURS > MOK TER ; TERR 3-5cm> BK BLA > HE; GH SUIRGRSHIG > 5-6mm > SES > ABS AA MIRS te &> G8; (EER AS RR 1-1.7cm> 68> RSW? R2.5-3mm > 1.5-2mm> Sas > ARM MARMRM> RA> kik WS AEG > 3mm> 2mm > HB > nol > AMR > RA > A > 1K; BOG > SUBW> &3.5-4mm> 30> hAFAWRKEAL , R1.5-2mm> HH 1.5mm > Sm BK > ARMA RK MAA RY 或 长 三 角形 , 长 1-1.5mm ; PARRY: &2-2.5mm> 先端 钝 ; BER ‘AA > ERK PB Res BW 2400-2900m 上 处 。 5.Orchis takasago-montana Masamune in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 24: 206 (1934). Bim = °°" oo 全 人 Terrestrials; tubers ovoid or fusiform, 3-4mm long, about 2.5mm in diameter; stem simple, erect or nearly so; sheath one, basal, membranous. Leaves 2-3, alternate, linear-lanceolate, 3-7cm long, 3-4mm wide, acute Or acuminate at apex, narrowly decur- rented to the sheaths at base, chartaceous, entire, gla- brous on both surfaces; sheaths glabrous, cylindrical, 1-10 mm long. pedicels with ovaries fusiform, 69mm long; sepals sube- qual, the dorsal one ovate or oblong, 4 Flowers 3-4, white or rarely rose-purple, patent, 1.2 -1.5cm in diameter, racemose; bracts lanceolate or near- ly So, 7-8mm long, acute at apex; the ovate or oblong, 4 -4.5mm long, about 2mm wide, the lateral ones obliquely falcate-oblong, 4-4.5mm long, about 2mm wide, obtuse 370 and mucronate at apex; petals smaller, ovate, 4-4.5mm long, about 2mm wide; lip 3-lobed, spurred, the lamine rounded-obovate in outline, 6-7mm long, about 6.5mm wi- de; ‘the median lobe about 5mm long, 4mm wide, truncate | at apex, lateral lobes minute, | | Endemic, known from high altitudes of central part of the island, rather rare. Specimen examined: ( #238 PRIA ) TAIWAN : Nantou county : Nankaoshan, Masamune et on- unse s.n. Feb. 1933. eA > SHON REY > R 3-4mm> KH2.5mmM ; CRA 直立 或 近似 如 此 ; RK > K4> RA o HE 2-3 > A> MRR > R3-7cm> HF 3-4mm > GARR MA > ARM HMK KA Sh RAMAN ; Hote A WW» &1-10mm o 16 3-4 > AGRDR RAL > > B1.2-1.5cm> MIRE ; 举 片 披 针 形 或 近似 如 此 , 长 7-8mm, 先 端 够 失 ; RAAF RR 6-9mm> BY; SHITUSB> €SHNVRRRAY> R4-4.5mm> ZH2mm (SH ERT RA TZ > 4-4.5mm>HB2mm , 先 端 印 而 有 短 尖 突 ; TERER | > SHG > R4-4.5mm> BH 2mm ; BR38> BB BRA PER KASH > R6-7mm> BW6.5mm > PArEK5mm> BH 4 mm, 先 端 截断 状 , 侧 裂片 微小 。 固有 , 生 长 於 台 淤 中 部 高 海拔 山地 , 通 衫 少 。 6.Orchis taiwanensis Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 290 (1935). ABH Terrestrials; tubers ovoid or globose, 5-6mm across, . glabrous; stem simple, 7-l18cm long, erect or ascending, glabrous, sheaths 1-2, membranous, acute at apex, ample-- xicual at base. Leaves 2 or 3, alternate, linear, linear-lanceolate or lanceolate, 3.5-9cm long, 4-15mm wide, chartaceous, a- cute or acuminate at apex, gradually attenuate or abruptly contracted at base, 3-nerved, glabrous, shining green sur 371 face, pale green beneath. Flowers 3-11, pink, subpatent, 6-8mm in diameter, racemose; the scape terminal, erect, 3-5cm long, gla- brous; bracts lanceolate, 1-1.5cm long, acuminate at a- pex, contracted at base, glabrous; the pedicels with ovaré es 1-2cm long, glabrous, erect; the dorsal sepal elliptic » 5-5.5mm long, about 2.5mm wide, obtuse, narrowed at base, concave, l-nerved, glabrous; the lateral sepals o- blique oblong or ovate-oblong, strongly reflexed, 5-6mm long, 3-3.5mm wide; petals obliquely oblong, 5-5.5mm long, about 2.5mm wide, wavy on margin, Il-nerved, obtu- se at apex; lip sessile, semi-orbicular or ovate-orbicular in outline, about 1cm long, 1.1cm wide, minutely pilose surface, truncate or obtuse at base, shallowly 3- lobed, the lateral lobes oblique oblong Or semi-orbicular, obtuse at apex; the median lobe semiorbicular; slightly wavy on margin; spur erect, about 1.2cm long, 1.5mm-in diameter ; column about 2mm long. } Endemic, known from the central part of the island at the elevations of 2600-3400m on grassland, not common. Specimen examined: ( #254 PIIBA ) TAIWAN : Nantou county : Hohuanshan. N. Fukuyama 4526. Taichung count y : Hseuhshan. M. Tagawa 4529, 4530. Hh AED > SEAR SNTGRRRIG > K5-6mm ; RRAR> K7-18cm> BV BBLA > 6H 1-2t > > HRA > MAK HELM 3H HA GY > MRR URRY > R3.5-9cm> H4 -15mm > GH > SeimGeR RMS > RA MAT ABM > KS 人 条, 光滑 , RHPA REA > PHARE © 463-11% > BALA > UMA > M6-8mm> MIRE ;s ERA > Bi> &3-5cm> 6: BARB? R1-1.5cm » MMR > LB SAK G8 > TERIA SBR 1-2cm> Ki > Ait; RBARAV> & 5-5.5mm > FN 2.5mm > Gest > BMF AMA MRA RK > ik 1 条, 光 33 UB ABR RAY ROK RA > RRR > K5-6mm> H 3-3.5 372 ‘mm ; (¢9@7E RB> E5-5.5mm> H2.5mm> wim MLK 4 wet ; SRR ABVSSCACRIIRKAY > Ricm> Hl.lem> RAF sBeE> BAAMAKMAY > B32 MRRFERRAVRPAW > inst RPG > PRB BURR ; BW > RA 1.2cm> K1.5mm3 ew 2mm o 固有 , ER RAE Be eR 2600-3400 m 上 处 ARBAH > RK Do 7.Orchis kunihkoana Masamune & Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Toago 49: 663 (1935) A7ER® Description: Please see page 27]. ( Meat AA 2715 ) Specimen examined: ( #2338 PIIFA ) Nantou county : Tashuikutashan. D. Orimoto 4704. S.S. Ying 2812. Shukuluan S.S. Ying 2708. 8.Orchis kiraishiensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 9: 116, f.41 (1920). ARH Description:Please see page269. ( MARU A 2698 ) Specimen examined: ( #2338 PyIBA ) | TAIWAN: Ilan county: Nanhutashan. S.S. Ying 2041. Taichung county :Hseuhshan. S.S. Ying 5131. Chiayi coun- ty :Mt Morrison. S.S. Ying 1962. 5.HEMIPILIA Lindley S&B Terrestrials; tubers ovoid, fleshy. Leaf solitary, ra- dical, cordate or nearly so. Flowers few to rather many, racemose; sepals equal, the lateral ones spreading; petals broadly ovate, entire; lip continuous with column, obscure- ly 3-lobed, spreading, spurred; the spur trumpet -shaped; column very short; rostellum broad, projecting from be- tween anther-cells, complicate, stigmatic process absent; anther-cell subdivergent; the tip produced int. grooves of the rostellum; pollinia 2, the caudicles long, the glands 373 distinct, exposed. Several species in Himalaya, Thailand and Vietnan. one species in Taiwan. 地 生 兰 , 块 根 球形 , 肉 质 。 革 单一 , 根 生 , 心 形 或 近似 如 此 。 花 少数 或 RS > MIRE > SRE > MSRRE ; CRA > Sk; Rae 柱 , 不 明显 3A2°> #R> SE BWAK: BRE RA> PARECHS i> HM: BERND > BSD RM > Soma Res 花粉 2 枚 , 柄 长 , 腺 体 显 著 , 裸 出 。 多 有 数 种 , 主 产 於 喜马拉雅 山 , 泰 国 及 越南 。 人 台湾 产 一 种 。 1. Hemipilia cordifolia Lindley, Gen, & Sp, Orch. 296 ( 1835); Masamune, List Vasc. Pl. Taiwan 159 (1954). BEF A Terrestrials; root a fleshy tuber, ovoid, 1-2.5cm long »»3-4mm in diameter, glabrous, sometimes scattered pur- ple spots; stemless or short stem. Leaf solitary, rounded cordate, 5-7cm long, 5-6cm wide, acuminate and shortly caudate at apex, cordate at base, thickened chartaceous, somewhat fleshy, entire or obscurely crispate, lustrous green surface, pale green be- neath, 3-7-nerved raised on beneath, glabrous. Flowers 10-20, small, 1-1.5em long, 7-9mm in diame- ter, pink or lightly purple, racemose; scape terminal, 16 -24cm long, erect, slender, glabrous; bracts lanceolate .Or ovate- lanceolate, 6-7mm long, acute at apex, amplexi- cual at base; the pedicels with ovaries 1.5-2cm long; se- pals subequal, oblong, patent; the dorsal one concave, 5- 6mm long, about 3mm wide, obtuse at apex, usually forming a hood with petals; the lateral ones somewhat o- blique, 5-5.5mm long, about 3.5mm wide, obtuse at apex, reflexed; petals obovate, 6-7.5mm long, 3-4mm wide, ob- tuse at apex, oblique at base; lip 7-8mm long, 4-5mm wide, 3-lobed, spurred; the spur 1.2-1.5cm long, about 374 | f@ (Fig) 126 B# BRM ( Hemipilia cordifolia ) a) 开花 植物 体 (C Flowermg plant ) Dorsal sepal ) b) 76 ( Flower) c) R¥# ( d) @lg8H (Lateral sepal ) e) /6#¢( Petal ) f ) BM, SAP CLip,Column spur) g) &# (Column ) 375 2mm across; the lobes rectangular, truncate at apex; the median one largest and longest, hirsute; column short, 4- ‘6mm long. Himalaya regions. Taiwan, known from the alpine re- gions of the elevations of 1800-2900m in northern and cen- tral parts of the island, under the tsuga forests and grasslands, rather common. Specimen:examined: TAIWAN : Taichung county : Hseuhshan, S.S. Ying 3698 HAM > BEA AME > > H1-2.5cm> K3-4mm > ts Pr CAE 7A SRL ES BER PEER RG © 3 —M > AW? R5-7cm> H5-6cm ,先端 渐 尖 而 略 呈 短 尾 状 , 基 SOU SRA BMSEAR> SRRATRAMRH - RHSHHBRE? F URES > AK 3-7 条 隆起 於 背 面 , 光 滑 。 4E10-20 {> 44> R1-1.5cm> K7-9mmMm > HAL ARRRA > MK 花序 ; JERR > R16-24cm> BV > MR Gi; 意 片 披 针 形 或 卵 状 披 针 形 , 长 6-7mm, 先 端 够 失 , 基 部 抱 区 ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 1.5-2cm 5B ARRAY > BA RSARMAMRAK> R5-6mm > WH 3mm > Fie 钝 , 常 与 花瓣 形成 花 兜 ; HIB AWB > R5-5.5mm > WH 3.5mm > Frit o> RE: EMA > R6-7.5mm> FH 3-4mm > yng , GRE: & WR 7-8mm>W4-5mm> 34> A> BR1.2-1.5cm> KN 2mm , 裂片 四 方形 , 先 端 截 断 状 , 中 裂片 最 大 及 最 长 , 有 毛 茜 , 蕊 柱 短 , 长 4-6 mm o BRHEHWUHE> GM> RKAMBRPRRBRW 1800-2900 m i Hh > Fe ATA BRAZIL HE > BAG FA o 6. HERMINIUM Linon. {#5 Terrestrials with an undivided radical tuber. Leaves few, not articulate, linear, sheathed at base. Flowers small, many in terminal green spikes, resupinate; sepals equal, free; petals usually smaller, conniving hood with the dorsal sepal; lip spreading or pendulous, adnate to the column at base, ecalcatate, 3-lobed; column very 376 short at the top on either side of the anther with a tuber | ous stelid; anther inserted by a broad firmly adnate base, obtuse; pollinia 2, pyriform, each with a very short caudi- cle and a viscidium, fertile stigma flat or convex, conflu- ent at base seperated by a furrow. About. 12 or more species in Europe and Asia. one species in: Taiwan. . | He AER , 有 不 分 化 的 块根 。 革 少数 , 不 具 关 节 , 粮 形 , 基 部 有 鞘 。 花 小 ,多数 , 呈 顶 生 的 穗 状 花序 ,和 炮 色 , 转 位 的 ; REI MEA > TEM) , 与 后 蔓 片 相连 而 形成 花 兜 ; SRE RRRE > SRSA > 3 A; 蕊 柱 甚 短 , 在 花药 的 两 全 有 一 简 状 的 瘤 状 突起 , 花 药 抽 自 於 泣 而 过 生 的 其 部, 钝 ;花粉 块 2 枚 , 梨 形 , 每 一 枚 具有 很 短 的 柄 及 粘 躲 , 孕 性 柱头 局 平 或 凸 出 , 基 部 芥 合 而 以 涂 沟 相隔。 RBH Description : Please see page 207. fahy ste! BS 207 页 Specimen examined: ( #2338 SFA ) | TAIWAN: Ilan county : Nanhutashan, S.S. Ying 3068; Taipingshan, S. Suzuki s.n. July 17 & 19 1929 & Aug. 8. 1928; Sihyuen, S. Suzuki s.nm. Oct. 23 1928. Taoyuen county: Tahu, H. Simada SH1189. Nantou county :Ho- huanshan, S.S. Ying 4924, 4811; Tung yen to Yinhai, 7.C. Huang, C.F. Hsieh @M.T. Kao 5720. Maioli county: Ta- | pachienshan, S.S. Ying 4356. Taichung county : Hseuh- Shan, S.S. Ying 3838, 3839; Chichiayangtashan, S. Suzuki s.n. July 9 1930, G. Masamune s.n. July 7 1930. Chiayi county :Alishan to Taishan, Yamamoto & Mori s.n. Nov. 6 1932; Kaohsiung county : Chienching, Yamamoto & Mori — s.n. Aug. 12 1936; Chushan, Yamamoto & Mori s.n. Aug. 10 1936. Pingtung county : Chinanshan, Yamamoto & Mori s.n, Aug. 13 1936. | 377 \ HABENARIA Willd. EARS | \ Terrestrials with tuberous roots or with rhizome; stem ‘simple arising from tuberous roots. _ Leaves exarticulate, convolutive, linear to oblong, a- cute, herbaceous. Flowers green, white, yellow, pink or purple, small to rather large, resupinate, in terminal erect raceme or spike; sepals equal, the dorsal one vaulted, usually conni- ving a hood with the petals; petals entire or 2-partire; lip spurred, 3-lobed or 3-partite, slightly adnate to base of the column; spur long thin with funnel-shaped base; column short on either side of the anther with tubercular stelid; anther erect, broadly inserted; pollinia 2, each with a ca- udicle; rostellum small, rarely larger; stigmas 2, distinct ,» vaulted or mostly each on a short to long stigmatophore. About 700 species, nearly a cosmopolitan genus. more than 10 species in Taiwan, and two species, the alpine ones. AB > AAS MRE > BRAK > HA KE o EE > EEE > MIVR RAY > HHRAR> MAREE o (ORS AB RA RA SMRAM A DRRAK’> Bi SRFRV RK TE RIK TER > BAB RB AM PMR > He SAE AE mI REG MAR 2A; BWA ZAI AGS > 长 而 疗 , 基 部 略 成 漏斗 状 ; 苇 柱 短 , 在 花 葵 的 两 侧 各 有 一 简 状 的 瘤 状 突起 ; ACSI IZ > TED HE 2 TK > 有 栖 , Be/\ > DRRARKA ; 柱头 2 枚 , 显著 , 模 状 或 多 数 与 一 柱头 具有 一 或 甚或 短 的 柱头 带 。 WNAtCERRE > SKASWH AF ffi ; AWOL » rh 2 fis 高 山 性 。 3 KEY TO THE SPECIES MR 1.Flowers green or greenish yellow, lip linear oblong ……~… ( JERR RS > FB RRRIA RABI wee 1.H. longicalcarata 形 ) | . BE 378 1.Flowers white; lip linear ……… 2.H. transnokoensis 7h 6 > AR RRTZ ) BE rea LL EA 1.Habenaria longicalcarata (Hayata ) Ying, comb. nov. REERM Platanthera longicalcarata Hayata in Journ. CA Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1):350 (1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.). Tulotis devolii Lin. et Hu in Quart. Chin. For. Journ. 9(1):53, pl.2 (1976). syn. nov. Tulotis longicalcarata (Hayata) Ying MMS Terrestrials; roots thickened, felshy, sometimes cylin- dric-like, 4-6cm long; stem simple, green, erect, inclu- ding scape 20-40cm long, leafy at the base, smooth. Leaves linear-lanceolate, lanceolate to lanceolate-ob- long, 10-15cm long, 1.5-2.5cm wide, obtuse at apex, na- rrowed and am plexicual am. the pase, lustrous green sur- face, pale green beneath. Flowers 5-9, green, small, spicate; the sc 15-25cm long, terminal, green, glabrous, with some small - like scales; bracts lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 1-1.2cm long, acuminate at apex; the ovaries green, ascending, 1- 1.5cm long; sepals subequal, the dorsal one ovate or elli- ptic-ovate, 3-3.2mm long, about 2.5mm wide, obtuse at apex, the lateral ones spreading, somewhat narrower, 3.5 -4mm long, about 1.5-2mm wide; petals narrowly oblong, 3-3.1mm long, about 1mm wide, obtuse, oblique at base; lip spurred, 3- lobed at base, the lateral lobes minute, Square, spreading, median lobe ovate or oblong, obtuse and slightly curved at apex; spur cylindric, 7-10mm long; co- lumn short. | Endemic, known from central part of the island at the elevations of 1700-2800m, on grassland or roadside, rather rare. 379 Specimen examined: TAIWAN: Chiayi county : Mt. Morrison, S. Nagasawa 697. Lin and Hu’s 7. devolii just match the characters of Hayata’s Platanthera longicalcarata, Here I propose a new name of combination of H. longicalcarata in stead of T. devolii. the genus Toultis now usually in stead of by Ha- benaria. AM > HAE > AR> ARS ARK: R4-6cm .; BROR> RA , (AiZ> MRIERR 20-40cm> HRA > HIF GRRE > RAVE RE RRMA: R10-15cm> B1.5-2.5 cm > S%mS > LAME > RAR ACRE > AH RiRie B © JE 5-9 FR > RRER > \ > RIKER > JERR 15-25cm> BA > RE > 56 18 > BBR s 区 片 披 对 形 或 线 状 披 针 形 , 长 1-1.2cm > Fyn 渐 尖 ; + RRA BLA> H1-1.5cm; 葛 片 近似 整 痛 , 和 后 蔓 片 卵 形 或 椭 圆 状 卵 形 , 长 3-3.2mm, 袖 2.5mm, 先 端 钝 , 便 荔 片 扩展 , 略 罕 , 长 3.5-4mm > #1.5-2mm ; 77K MAY > R 3-3.1mm> BH Imm » Sivas RE; SRA BR3A> MAR) WAV BR PR FOBRERCAY> Fmt > BAY: &R7-10mm > SHH ° SAE > AAS WP AB BRAY 1700-2800m 山地 , 章 生地 或 路 旁 , 较 稀少 。 2.Habenaria transnokoenis (Ohwi et Fukuyama ) Ying comb. nov. fERIUZAW Platanthera transnokoensis Ohwi et Fukuyama in Bot.. Mag. Tokyo 48: 297 (1934), Tulotis transnokoensis (Ohwi et Fukuyama) Ying MMS. Terrestrials; roots thickened, elongate, fleshy, 5-7cm long; stem simple, including scape 20-30cm long, terete, leafy from medium to base, sheathed at hase; the sheaths 2, leafy, lanceolate. Leaves 2-3, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 7-12cm long, 2 -4cm wide, obtuse or obtuse-acute at apex, decurrent and amplexicual at base, membranous, glabrous. 380 u Flowers many, white, glabrous, subdense, spicate, the scape terminal, erect, 9-14cm long; bracts lanceolate, a- cute at apex, glabrous; the ovaries erect, about 7mm long » glabrous; sepals subequal, the dorsal one broadly ovate, 4-4.5mm long, about 3mm wide, rounded-obtuse at apex, contracted at base, 3-nerved, the lateral ones subfalcate- ovate, deflexed, somewhat narrower and longer than the dorsal one, about 5.5mm long, 2.5mm wide, obtuse at a- pex, 3-nerved; petals obliquely ovate, 4-4.2mm long, 2- 2.25mm wide, obtuse at apex; lip 3-lobed at base, the medium lobe patent, linear, suberect, declinate, 6.5-6.8 mm long, 1.2-1.25mm wide, obtuse at apex, the lateral ones minute, triangular, about 1mm long, acute at apex; spur cylindric, slender, 7-8mm long, about 1.2mm in diameter; anthers parallel, erect, clavate, rounded at a- pex, acuminate at base; rostellum inconspicuous. Endemic, known from central part of the island at high altitudes of 3000-3500m, on rocks, rather rare. Specimen examined: : 2 TAIWAN : Nantou county : Chirai south peak, J. Ohwi 3971 . 地 生 兰 , 根 粗 厚 , 甚 长 , 肉 质 , 长 5-7cm ; SRAM SHAEKE 20-30cm, 圆 柱 形 , 基 部 及 中 部 有 革 , 基 部 有 鞘 , 鞘 2 枚 , 革 状 , 披 人 针 形 。 32-30 > MAUR RG ALKA > R7-12cm> B2-4cm , 先 端 PHASER > AAA MX > (RA > S68 © | 人 花 多 数 , 白 色 , 光 谓 , 近 似 密生 , 惩 状 花 序 ; TERRE Biz’ & 9- 14 cm ; 意 片 披 针 形 , 先 端 鲍 失 , 光 滑 ; 子 房 直 立 , 长 购 7mm > KSB FTW > RSA WIM > 4-4.5mm> BH 3mm , 先 端 圆 印 , 基 部 SeMa TK > AK OR > BUST TKN > RA PH RRB KMRE > 5.5mm > 2.5mm > Hm > AK 3s TEMBINY > R4-4.2mm > Bi 2-2.25mm > Ams ; MRR 3 裂 , 中 有 裂片 显著 , 精 形 , 近 似 直 立 , fas > &6.5-6.8mm> H1.2-1.25mm > Evang » MBAS» =AB> 长 网 1mm > 49898 > FRAT > ME > 7-8mm> K1.2mm >» Fs 381 7SF5 > LYE > AR PRIR > SESE > AEBBWER > TTR 0 BiG > A Gib AE RM 3000-3500A RR» RS SE 石上 , 较 少 。 8.ANDROCORYS Schltr . RS Terrestrials; roots tuberous, ovoid. Leaf solitary, erect, radical, narrow; flowers small, several, scape erect, slender, terminal, the sepals unequal, the dorsal one concave, ovate, adante to the base of petals, the la- teral sepals reflexed, oblong; petals spreading, obdliquely ovate, usually forming a hood with the dorsal speal; lip small, entire, ligulate, narrowed toward the obtuse apex, adnate to base of the lateral sepals, spurless, anthers large, the locules small, lateral, incurved, the connec- tive larger; rostellum deltoid, erect, with spreading la- teral lobes; stigmas 2, papillose, stalked, the caudicles attached to the rostellum; ovary sessile, slightly twisted. 3 or 4 species chiefly in China and Japan. one spec- ies in Taiwan. MAM > MESUR > ING B—K> 直立 , 根 生 , 狭 。 花 小 , 数 枚 , 花 BB MR > He SAREE REARK: WV> SRR > MBARATE > RRA ; ERRR > BN BERRSAURIES ; BR) > Sk AK ARAB RH 5m > APRA SAA > RB FE BA > MA AM: BRAS REA Bi > ARR MAA , 柱头 2ZK BREW AM BAAKAL> FRR AHH o 3 46> EAHKRPRRAAK>? GWE 1 Bo 1.Androcorys pusillensis (Ohwi et Fukuyama ) Ying, Comb, nov. 小 无 距 兰 Hermillium pusillum Ohwi & Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48:430 (1934). | ‘Terrestrials; roots tuberous, ovoid, 6-8mm long, 5-7 mm in diameter, pubescent; stem slender, glabrous, 10-13 382 cm long, stricted, 1-leafed, 1-2-sheathed at base; the sheaths submembranous, dark brown, obtuse at apex, am- plexicual, at base. Leaf one, patent, ovate or elongate elliptic, 2-4cm long, 1-1.5cm wide, obtuse, narrowly decurrent and am- plexicual at base, membranous or subchartaceous, glabrous. Flowers 8-13, small, opened; the scape terminal, 8-9 cm long, glabrous; ovary 5-5.5mm long, cylindric, twist, glabrous; sepals unequal, l-nerved, irregularly denticulate on margin, membranous, the dorsal sepal broadly ligulate, 1-1.2mm long, about 1mm wide, obtuse at apex, narrowed at base; the lateral sepals elongate-oblong, 2.2-2.5mm long, about 0.75mm wide, acute at apex, more or less na- rrowed at base; petals connate with dorsal sepal and for- ming a hood, orbicular, 1.2-1.5mm long, about 1mm wide j ‘rounded at apex, strongly obliquely at base, 1-nerved; lip ligulate, spurless, 2-2.2mm long, about 0.75mm wide, glabrous, obtuse at apex, narrowed at base, column short. Endemic, known from high altitudes of 2500-3500m in sonthern part. of the island, under the forests, rather rare. Specimen examined: TAIWAN: Chiayi county :Mt, Morrison, J. Ohwi 4119 (Typus ). | 地 生 兰 , 根 块 状 , 卵 形 , 长 6:8mm > K5-7mm > HEH? BME» MG#3 > R10-13cm > RRMA > E11 K> SMA 1-2 枚 ; 鞘 近 似 膜 A RG > Sims > Ae o RARER GF H1K: BS WUMRBAY: R2-4cem>Hl-1,5cm , 先 端 印 ERs + RAR A 678 。 JE 8-13 %K> A> BAM > TETRA > R 8-9cm > 68 ; 子 房 5-5.5mm > TAIRENY > fA > GYR > BAAN BS > KIL > BRARMABH > RA ; GBH MEW H1-1.2mm> HH 1mm > ES > AK > GEAR AW > R2-2.5mm> BW0.75mm , 先 端 铝 失 , 基 部 略 罕 ; (EMS AMP RIES A> R1.2-1.5mm>8W 1mm , 先 端 圆 , 基 部 其 383 E> KLE; BMRA - RMB R2-2.2mm> BH0.75mm > 67> 4 Vint > BEER AE > BERG © HA > ERK ABH BA BBRW 2500-3500m > RAR > BDo 9.MICROTIS R. Br. R#RB Terrestrials with tuberous roots; stem low, 1-foliate. Leaf solitary, exarticulate, elongate linear, terete, shea- thing the lower part of the stem. Flowers small, numerous, resupinate, in terminal spi- ke, minutely bracteate; dorsal sepal erect, broad, incur- ved, lateral ones smaller, patent, oblong or lanceolate, spreading or reflexed; petals lanceolate, smaller than the sepals: lip manifestly, differing from the petals, attached to the base of column, spreading or reflexed, with 2 basal thickenings; spurless; column very short, with 2 auricles at apex; rostellum short; stigma short, obtuse, attached at base of rostellum; anther erect, persistent, broad; po- llinia granular. About dozen species chiefly in Australia, afew in e. Asia and Malaya. one species in Taiwan. HE > Bs Kee oR IK MRAM RMY ARK: SERA BB o ft))> SBH> Bie > REMRKER > SRW: RBBB AHR? HUSSAY) > > RAV MR > MRM ; EMRE > REAR) > BRBAWTA REE > EDRERM> RRM LB A 2B > IB; SRRB > mA 2 耳 状 物 , 鸣 短 , 柱 头 短 , 先 端 钝 , 基部 与 哆 相连 , 人 花药 和 直立, 残存 , 润 , 花 粉 粒状 。 多 有 十 二 种 , 主 分 作 於 澳洲 , 少 数 生 长 於 亚 洲 东 部 及 马来西亚 , 人 台湾 仅 产 一 种 。 1.Microtis unifolia (Forst. f. ) Reichb.f., Beitr. Syst. Pfl. 62 (1871); Sasaki, List Pl. Form. 134 (1928) A#M Terrestrials; roots tuberous, globose, 4-7mm in diame- 384 ‘ter; stem 10-30cm long, l-leaved, with few membranous sheaths. Leaf one, at the middle of stem, sheathing, terete, 10 -25cm long, 2-2.5mm wide, gradually narrowed to the tip e obtuse. ) Flowers 10 to 18, in terminal 5-15cm long spike, greenish; bracts ovate-lanceolate, membranous, 2-4mm long, nearly nervedless, mostly acuminate mucrinaté; do- rsal sepal rounded ovate, 2-2.5mm long, 2mm wide, er- ect, concave, Slightly incurved at tip, obtuse; lateral speal elliptic, 2-2.5mm long. about 1mm wide, obtuse, reflexed; petals narrowly ovate, 1.5-2mm long, 0.5-0.6 mm wide, erect, lip spreading, rectangular-oblong, fleshy » 2-2.5mm long, about 1mm wide, truncate at apex, sligh- tly broadened at base, with 2 obscurely callosites at base, spurless; column about Imm long; pollinia 2, elliptic, with slender caudicle. “Capsules obovate-elliptic, 4-5mm long, 2-3mm wide; seeds enclosed by netted membranous wing. ; Chian, Japan, Lyukyu, Java, The Philippines, Srilanka, India and Australia. Taiwan, Known from lower to high al- titudes up to 2500m in northern part of the island, on grassland ar shade places, rather rare. Specimen examined: ( #238 P7I#EX ) TAIWAN : Ilan county: Nanhutashan, S.S. Ying 3580. Taipei county : Shuiyuenti , S. Sasaki s.n. March 27 1927, T.Y. Lin s.n. March 24 1929, Shimzu s.n. Oct. 3 1934,.S. Suzuki s.m. April 13 1929; Tanshui, S. Sasaki s.n. April 7 1929. HHA: > SHIR RIB> K4-7mm; B10-30cm » HH 1KM> GK 枚 膜 质 的 鞘 。 EM ERREPR> FB> ARB? R10-25cm> H2-2.5mm » Be > SEH 0 385 图 (Fig ) 127 AM ( Microtis unifolia ) a) 着 花 之 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) bc)7é( Flower ) d)¢&#S eC Dorsal sepal ) e)7E##( Petal ) f) @JSHC Lateral se- pal ) g) #' ( Lip ) 7E 10-18% > SIR4AHR5-15cm RABIRIEF > RE: BAO YG RA> H2-4mm> BPRK> HAMAR: 后 萝 片 圆 状 卵 形 , 长 2 -2.5mm > $24) 2mm > AIZ> MK > TMA HH > Sh > MBH RAY > 长 2-2.5mm> HH 1mm > Seva Sh > RE: TEMRINY > R1.5-2mm> F 0.5-0.6mm 直立 ; FRR > OHRKRRMAY > A> R2-2.5mm> HM 1mm > Fone Bk > AAA > ABA 2 NAR Mw BREW lmm> Hw 2K> RAV , 有 和 组 长 的 柄 。 i RA ORAL > R4-5mm> H2-3mm ; FARR o HR» AA. GR VE FEAR PRE DERMAAG OAR » AER MES RH 2500 m 处 a WAC RAE AE Hh BR He o 10. LISTERA R. Br. #83 Terrestrials; rhizomes slender, short; stem erect, simple:, Leaves 2, opposite, near to middle of the stem, sessile, exarticulate, herbaceous or subcoriaceous, sprea- ding, not sheathed, ovate-rounded. Flowers small, few to many, in terminal raceme, ye- llowish green or green, sometimes red or purple, pedice- lled; bracts small; sepals equal, free, spreading or re- flexed; petals similar to the sepals; lip longer than the sepal, attached to base of column, spreading, often pen- dulous at tip, entire or bifid, usually articulate near base ; column erect, short, without a foot, wingless; rostellum terminal, sometimes reclined; stigma broad; anther-locules contiguous; pollinia usually bifid in each locule, granular. Capsules pedicelled, obovoid or globose, erect or sprea- ding. } About 40 species in Siberia, Europe, e. Asia and N. A- merica. Seven species in Taiwan, and five species, the al- pine plants. HAM > EMR > SW HOR HK HA: RKEW ER > RRR RA A> RA RSTO A> im > RR > WAKA o TE > DRBAR > STRANMUATER > RRA > ARIS SAL ARRAS > BA; BA) SRB BE> PRM; MRS AU > RRRBHRE SKS HR BETH Sem2 a REAM BSB SB REE RO R2RA> SRR ; RGR > 1638 SH > TOES MER EH 2 A> 粒状 。 VAR AM > AIG REY > IB BUI © W740 余 种 , 分 侯 於 西伯 利 亚 、 区 洲 、 东 亚 及 北美 。 人 台湾 产 七 种 , 其 5 BRED 。 KEY TO THE SPECIES 种 的 检索 表 .1.Lip entire, not lobed at apex. — (BRA R> , 先 端 无 裂片 ) 387 2.Lip rectangular, truncate at apex, wavy on margin-:::--- | C BMWA > Fem BK > BRR) wee 1.L. taiwaniana 台湾 双人 革 兰 2.Lip spathulate, broadly cordate at apex, entire on mar- QIN -orercrcereeceseoonscccsencevcsccesesceseeseseccsesasencsens 2.L. taizansis (BRAY > Timi OI > SR ) AW Sew 1.Lip 2-lobed or emarginate at apex. ( Bw Fim 2 裂 或 凹 头 状 ) 2.Lip elongate triangular, slightly 2-lobed or emarginate At APEX --rerserecsassrereesscercensceseseces ee 3.L.morrisonicola ( BRREAV > Fim 2 ARMBR ) EL Sw 2.Lip elongate cuneate, deeply 2-lobed at apex. (BRR > Fm 22 ) 3.Lip short, 7-8mm long, the lobes of lip linear, a- bout 2mm _ long .………………. a ecm 4.L. nankomontana ( BRE R7-8mm> BRAM RMH2mm) BWSR 3.Lip longer, 2-2.2cm long, the lobes of lip oblong, 2. 5-3. 5mm Ong .es 5.L. macrantha CBMRR> R2-2.2cm> BRARREAL > Bee w &2.5-3.5mm ) 1.Listera taiwaniana Ying in Bull. Exp. For. Nat. Tai- wan Univ. (114):156 (1974) & Chin. Flow. (11):51, pl.4& Alp. Pl. Taiwan in col. 1:71, col, phot, 94(1975), FSM Description:Please see page 238. ( fi HOSEA BS 238 ) Specimen examined: ( 群 罕 下 列 标 本 ) TAIWAN : Hualien county :Maboulaseshan, S.S. Ying 2732: 2.Listera taizanensis Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 431 (1934). XKilj#@##M Terrestrials; stem erect, simple, 11-16cm long, gla- brous, slender; sheaths solitary or absent, basal. 388 Leaves 2, opposite, at the middle of stem, patent, o- vate-semiorbicular or triangular, 2-2.5cm long, about 2.5 cm wide, acute at apex, cuspidate-truncate or triangular- truncate at base, membranous, entire, glabrous on both si- des. Flowers 11-13,: racemose, greenish; the scape terminal ‘ 4.8cm long, simple, glabrous, ]-4-sheathed; the sheaths usually like the bracts; the bracts ovate-lanceolate, 3mm long, 1-1.5mm wide, acute at apex, not contracted at ba- se, l-nerved; the pedicels with ovaries erect, glabrous, 5 -7mm long; the dorsal sepal narrowly ovate; 2-2.2mm long, about 0.6mm wide, acute or acuminate at apex, not contracted at base, glabrous, l-nerved; the lateral ones somewhat larger, falcate-oblong, 2.5mm long, 1mm wide, acute at apex, glabrous, l-nerved; petal hirele or Spathu- late-linear, 2-2.5mm long, about 0.3mm wide acute at a- pex; lip spathulate, erect, 3.5-4.5mm_ long, 0.5mm wide, not lobed, somewhat swollened at _ base, ro- unded at apex; column thickened, recurved, about 1.5mm long. . Endemic, known from high altitudes of 3100-3750m in northern part of the island, rather rare. ' Specimen examined: ( #238 FWIEA ) TAIWAN: Ilan county : Nanhutashan, N. Fukuyama 4123 ( Typus ) , 6 Masamune, N. Fukuyama & Nakamura 3065, 3079. HAE Ws SETI > RD E> FE 11-16cm > GS > ME; 期 单一 或 无 ,, 基 生 。 全 2 枚 , 对 生 , 生 长 从 获 的 中 部 , 显 著 , 卵 状 舍 圆 形 或 三 角形 , 长 2- 2.5cm> MW2.5cem , 先 端 够 失 , 基 部 尾 状 截断 状 或 三 角 状 截断 状 , 腊 BA 2k > RAM ABDE o 4611-130 > MURTERE > PRGA > TERT > R4-8cm> MAE ta > BIB 1-47 > ee ae 长 3mm, 实 1- 1.5mm > S6mBtAR > LARS ARR > ik 1 RR; (ERAS RR 5-7mm » Ai? 4s BBHRIG > R2-2.2mm> HH0.6mm , 先 端 叙 尖 或 GA i> KLAR; MSHA PMIKRRAYV> R2.5mm> FH 1 mm » Savage > KA > HK 1s TEMRURERBY> 2-2.5mm>* 0.3mm> SomRR; BRAVA: &3.5-4.5mm> BFW0.5mm > 不 分 列 , 基 部 略 膨大 , 先 端 圆 ; S&S RH RWH1.5mmo HA> ERA BBRH 3100-3750mR » SA RAILMHR> BD o 3. Listera morrisonicola Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form, 2:140 (1912). 玉山 双人 革 击 Terrestrials; stem slender, erect, simple, terete, 10- 15 cm long, about 1mm in diameter, glabrous, green. Leaves 2, opposite, on the middle of stem, ovate or o vate-orbicular, 2-2.5cm long, 1.5-1.8cm wide, acute and more or less with callus at ap ex ,- rounded at base, entire, thickened membranous, glabrous on both surfaces, lustrous green surface, pale green beneath, midrib and veins sligh- tly faint. Flowers few, spicate, yellowish green, patent, 1.5-2cm in diameter; the scape terminal, simple, 2-3cm long, the pedicels with ovaries 4-6mm long; bracts ovate-lanceolate », 6-7mm long, about 3mm wide, obtuse at apex, obscurely 3-nerved; sepals equal, lanceolate, 6-7mm long, about 2 mm wide, acute at apex; petals linear-lanceolate, 6-7mm long, 1-1.5mm wide, l-nerved; lip elongate-obtriangular, 1-1.5cm long, about 5mm wide, slightly 2-lobed and emar- ginate at apex, concave at base, 3-5-nerved; column short » about 3mm long; anthers narrowed, about 1mm long. Ca- psules obovoid, prominently 3-stricted, 7-8mm long, about 4mm across. Endemic, known from high altitudes of 2300-3300m in central and southern parts of the island, rather rare. Specimen examined: (人群 察 肖 下 列 标 本 ) 390 a an TAIWAN: Chiayi county: Mt. Morrison, 7. Kawakami et S. Sasaki s.n. Oct. 1909 S.S. Ying 1947. HAM > MR > Biz RAR? AV’? R10-locm> KNlmm > GIR > BRE © H2K> A> ERROR WVRIAW > KR 2-2.5cem> F 1.5-1.8cm > 4%RLRASYPSRARAR> ARA> SK SRA R BmmtR AMSA RA> PARIS Rik > PAR Al NGS © 1EDR> SRRER > BRA Be KM 1.5-2cm; CRB RH i> & 2-3cm; 花梗 速 同 子 房 长 4-6mm ; 苞 片 卵 状 披 针 形 , 长 6-7mm > HM 3mm > FS > NASR > SRBB> RI R6-7mm> BO 2mm > GimBR ; EME RK RSH > R6-7mm> B1-1.5mm > 1 人 条 ; SBREA=]=AWK> H1-1.5cm> BH5mm > Bee 2ARMAK » RIBS RK > 3-58; SER? RW 3mm; ER’ RH 1mm o WRAY > BA mR 3 R7-8mm> KN 4mmo HA> FRA bARARSBRW 2300-3300 mm > RRL o 4.Listera nankomontana Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49 : 291 (1935). MHS w , Terrestrials; stem erect, slender, 20-25cm long, gla- brous. Leaves 2, opposite, in the middle of stem, broa- dly ovate, 2-2.2cm long, 1.5-2.5cm wide, acute at apex, truncate at base, entire, somewhat thickened membranous, glabrous, pale green beneath. Flowers few, laxly racemose, patent; the scape termi- nal, 9-12cm long, simple, stricted, sheathed; the sheaths lan- | ceolate, 3-5mm fonz, acute at apex; bracts lanceolate, 2- 3mm long, acute, contracted at base; the pedicels with o varies 6-9mm long, glabrous, suberect; sepals glabrous, l-nerved, membranous, the dorsal one ligulate, 2.5-2.6 mm long, about 1mm wide, obtuse at apex, the lateral. ones somewhat larger and more or less falcate- like, about 3mm long; petals linear, 2.5mm long, 0.5mm wide, obtuse at apex, more or less swellened at base, membranous, gla 3 391 brous,- 1-nerved; lip elongate-cuneate, patent, 7-8mm long » 3.5mm wide, glabrous, membranous, 2-lobed from medi- um to apex; the lobes attenuate acute at apex, about 2mm long; column suberect, about 2.5mm long. Endemic, known from high altitudes of 3000-3700m in northern and central parts of the island, under the forests ,» rather rare. Specimen examined : (#2338 PIA ) TAIWAN: Ilan county : Nanhutashan, N. Fukuyama 4139. Taichung county: Jenkaoshan, §. Suzuki 5600. 地 生 兰 > iy > MAR> HR 20-25cm > HH BAK H4E> RH Shwe FIN: R2-2.2cm> H1.5-2.5cm , 先 端 锐 失 , 基 部 截断 状 SR MSE RA > > PHAR ° TED > BE RTE PPE > BES TEETH > RO-12cm> MHK> PEA > ABR; SRSHY > H3-5mm> eRe: HARSH > 2-3 mm > Som A > AAR > (ERAS BR 6-9mm > IGA > VIEW ; SHG KIL R> RAs RBA? K2.5-2.6mm> By 1mm , Sete Shh > PUA ATT LS ZOE TIIR > A 3mm ; TEBE > 2.5mm > 实 0.5mm, 先 端 铝 , 基 部 略 膨大 , 膜 质 , 光 滑 , 肪 1 人 条 ; BRERL > H#>R7-8mm> 3.5mm >i > RA CPRR2A> RAK? Fm BA > RM 2mm ; SAVE RH 2.5mm o BA > ERAALBR PRABRWH 3000-3700m > RKP > BRD o 5.Listera macrantha Fukuyama in Ann. Rep. Bot. Gard. Taipei Univ. 3:86 (1933). b#e@#m | Terrestrials; stem slender, simple, 15-17cm long, pu- berulent upward, sheathed at base, sheaths membranous, . completely amplexicual at base. Leaves 2, opposite, patent, broadly ovate or ovate-se- miorbicular, 1.5-2cm long, 1.5-2cm ‘wide, acute at apex, truncate at base, entire, membranous, glabrous, pale green beneath, Flowers 3-6, rather large, racemose; the scape termi- 392 ‘nal, simple, 7-10cm long, erect, glabrous, ]-2-sheathed; the sheaths lanceolate, 2-4mm long; bracts ovate-lanceo- late, 3-5mm long, acute at apex, contracted at base, gla br ous l-nerved; the pedicees with ovaries 5-7mm long, glabrous, erect; sepals patent, glabrous, ]-nerved, mem- branous, the dorsal one lanceolate-ovate, 4-4.5mm long, about 3mm wide, obtuse at apex, Slightly contracted at base, the lateral ones larger, flacate-ovate, 4-5mm long, acute, contracted at base; petals linear, 4-4.5mm long, 1-1.5mm wide, obtuse, somewhat swollened at base, l]-ner- ved; lip cuneate, 2-2.2cm long, glabrous, membranous, 2 -lobed from middle to apex, the lobes oblong, more or less narrowed, truncate-rounded at apex, entire, 2.5-3.5 mm long; column about 4-5mm long. . Endemic, known from northern and central parts of the island at the elevations of 3000-3800m under the fo- rests, rather rare. ; Specimen examined : ( 话 察 过 下 列 标本 -5) TAIWAN : Ilan county : Nanhutashan, N. Fukuyama 4140, Y. Hashioka s.n. July 28 1934, G. Masamune, N. fu- kuyama & Nakamura 3029. Taichung county : Hseuh shan T. Hosokawa 4145. HAD > SAN MB > H15-17cem> LMBEHE> RAG > RA > BMS 2K > AE BS WIM IRP A> R1.5-2cm> H1.5-2 cm , 和 先端 够 失 , 基 部 截断 状 , 人 全称, 膜 质 , 光 谓 , 背 面 淡 烁 色 。 AE 3-60 > BK > MORE s 花草 项 生 , 和 无 分 梳 , 长 7- 10 cm, 直立, 光滑, 鞘 1-2 枚 , 鞘 披 针 形 , 长 2-4mm ; BHIMKRHG> R3-5mm > 先端 使 失 , 基 部 紧 熔 状 , 光 滑 , 肪 1 人 条; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 5-7mm, 光 滑 , 直立 ; 葛 片 显著 , 光 滑 , 肛 1 条 Bs 后 尊 片 披 针 状 邪 形 , 长 4-4.5mm > MW 3mm >» FemSh > AMBRE > GUSH A > PRIMING > 4-5 mm > 5o%maRR > BBR Ms TERRI > R4-4.5mm> B1-1.5mm> % 端 锡 , 基 部 略 膨大 , 豚 1 人 条; BMI > R2-2.2cm> 48 > RAB 2B 393 > RABAT > 0G > Fox ALK > Se > R2.5-3.5mm; BER 4 -5mmo lA > ARRACH RPA RN 3000-3800 m > RRR > BP o 11.CEPHALANTHERA L. C. Rich .立花 兰 属 Terrestrials; rhizomes short; roots creeping, elongate ; stem simple, leafy, erect. Leaves exarticulate, alter- nate, plicate, convolutive, chartaceous to membranous, lanceolate, oblong to elliptic, strongly nerved, sheathed at base. Flowers small to medium-sized, spicate, erect, white or yellow, sheaths leaf-like, at the base of the scape; sepals nearly equal, free, not full opened; petals slightly smaller than the sepals, often broader} lip with a chin at base, erect, distinctly jointed between the upper and lo- wer portions, inflated at base, 3-lobed, the lateral lobes erect, without winged; rostellum scarely surpassing the bread stigma; anther shortly stipate, broadly ovate, the locules contiguous; pollinia bifid in each locule, granular > Capsules erect. 15 species in temperate regions of the N. hemisphere. one species in Taiwan. we ke > RAM BR: KRAK> AR AV RRMMH > Be > @2H Bett MAZRA > BHU > RRAVERAY> RES > EAR ° | JE) RPA > MOKA > i> ABR RRR MREHAB; _ 3S rs SERS > REA > AN-+ SRE ; TERR AMR) > (BO ; BM AEE 有 站, 直立 , 有 明显 关节 连接 上 牛 部 及 下 站 部 , 基 部 膨大 ,3 裂 , 侧 裂片 直 VW? RM > KBD SAMO > BAH > WII SRM > SSHE Wy 2 A> BK ; HAR BIZ o 6 15> ESHER > GE 1.Cephalanthera alpicola Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 394 52 : 242 (1938). 台湾 立花 兰 Description:Please see page 101. ( #MIGH4k3t , 请 见 第 101 页 ) Specimen examined : (有 阁 察 过 下 列 标 本 ) TAIWAN: Iian county : Nanhutashan, Te Huang 7776: Chungyangchienshan, S.S. Ying 3158. Taichung county - Hseuhshan, S.S. Ying 3833, 3835, 3846. Chiayi county: Hsiukuluanshan, S.S. Ying 1927. 12.EPIPACTIS Adans. WB | Terrestrials; rhizomes creeping; stem simple, erect, leafy. Leaves alternat, exarticulate, Convolutive, sessile, plaited, chartaceous, ovate to lanceolate. Flowers small to medium-sized, short-pedicelled, nod- ding, racemose, greenish or yellow, sometimes purple; bracts long, leaf-like, herbaceous, narrow; sepals equal or nearly $0, spreading, strongly-nerved; petals similar to the sepals; lip sessile on the base of. the column, broad ,» Strongly contricted at the middle, the lower portion deeply concave, the upper portion dilated; column short, stigma transerse under the broad prominent rostellum; anther erect, obtuse; pollinia ‘bilobed in each locule, gran- ular, the gland globose; ovary reflexed at maturity. Cap- sules spreading or pendulous. More than 20 species in temperate regions of Europe, Asia and N. America. one species in Taiwan. HEM > HEAR; CROK> AH RT MM Viet > MIA , AMAY > A > SRE RE © 花 小 至 中 型 BRR> SHE MIRE > RMARRE> FRRARES SHAR BR BA Ki SABRI BR RES s CR BRA; BREN MARERAR> W> PRSMRMK> PRIUS Re ERUERs BEB SHRM BAe Pew ; 花药 直立 , 印 ; 花 BPRERSPOA> WR RBRV ; 子 房 成 熟 时 向 下 知 曲 ; BRAB RP 395 FE o 20 种 以 上 , 主 分 伤 於 欧洲 温带 , 亚 洲 及 北美 洲 ; 台湾 仅 产 1 种 。 1. Epipactis ohwii Fukuyama in Bot. Mag: Tokyo 48: 298 (1934). GSH Terrestrials; roots filiform, glabrous, 10-20cm long; stem simple, erect, 40-50cm long, stricted, slender, gla brous, leafless and 1-2-sheathed at base, 3-4-leaved up- ward. Leaves elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 4-6cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, obtuse or obtuse-acute at apex, contracted at base, scabrous, amplexicual, entire, lustrous. Flowers 8-12, green or light green, not widely-opened » Subpatent, nodding; the scape terminal, 7-8cm long, erect, pipilose or scbers; Hin cts leaf- like, linear-oblong or lanceolate, glabrous, 2.5-3.5cm long; the pedicels with ovaries 1-1.2cm long, green; sepals ovate, 7-9mm long, about 3.5mm wide, acute at apex, strongly contrac- ted at base, midrib keeled; petals ovate-oblong, 7-8mm long, about 3mm wide, glabrous, somewhat oblique, atten- uate or cuspidate-obtuse at apex, contracted at base, mi- drib prominent; lip glabrous 6-6.6mm long, the median lobe somewhat contricted, the hypochilum saccate-semiglo- bose, 4-4.5mm long, about 3.5mm wide, with 2 fleshy e- levations on surfaces; column glabrous, short, about 3mm long. Endemic, known from the northern part of the island at the elevations of 2400-2900m under the forests. Specimen examined : ( #234 PIIFA ) TAIWAN : Ilan county : Nanhutashan, S.S. Ying 3142. HA > TRRRIZ > SGI > R10-20cm ; KMAAK > AW -/& 40-50 cm > ABA > MR > KI > HAMA 1-2 KER LAH 3-4 Ho! SE ih Gat Ae LK a IG » pty cm > #{1.5-2cm , 和 先端 邹 或 名 396 pa: RR > BIRR > we SK KMPH o TE 8-12 > MRAM > A+ ABE > FEE: TERRA > B7-8cem , 直立 , 有 和 柔 毛 的 ; BHR > PREMARIN 8 > R2.5-35 cm ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 1- 1.2 cm, 炮 色 , 苯 片 卵 形 , R7-9mm> HH3.5 mm , 先 端 镶 兴 , 基 部 强 紧 熔 , 中 肋 隆 起 ; EMINEM > &7-8mm HM 3mm > GH E> KTM RR BRM > RAR > hie o B 瓣 光 滑 , 长 6-6.6mm, 中 裂片 略 紧缩 ; 后 中 部 襄 状 牛 圆 形 , 长 4-4.5mm >#3.5mm> HA 2RARBRR: 芒 柱 光滑 , 短 , 长 多 3mm 。 固有 , 生 长 於 北部 高 海拔 多 2400-2900 mm 处 山地 , 森 林 下 。 14.BLETILLA Reichb.f. 白 及 属 Terrestrials; pseudobulbs ovoid or near so; stem leafy » simple. Leaves few, from the node of the pseudobulb, jointed at base, thin, convolutive;plicate, elliptic-lanceo- late to oblong. ae Flowers few in terminal raceme, usually rose, purple | or white, rather large, bracteate, pedicellate; bracts cau- duous,;. the pedicels short; sepals and ‘Petals alike, free, . ascending; lip 3-lobed, with elevated eristate lines on the inner side, lateral lobes usually embracing the slender column, the median lobe slightly recurved; column erect, small, briefly winged; pollinia 8, minute in pairs, waxy, with distinct caudicle. Several species in China, Japan and Vietnan. Two spe- cies in Taiwan, and one species, the alpine plant. 地 生 兰 , 假 球 鞭 卵 形 或 近似 如 此 ; RAR > RR RDM HAKRE Sik > AMARA We ARE > MAA > MAL KRSVERBAY © 花 少 数 , 呈 项 生 的 炉 状 花序 , 通 呈 粉 本 > SAT RAH > RA> BH? 有 花梗 ; 划 片 早 落 , 人 花梗 短 ; SARI > ME ALA; BMZB- 内 面 有 多 冠状 隆起 和 缚 ; WA RRBEMR MSE > bPARBRE; SEB 立 , 小 , 有 短 超 ; 花粉 块 8 KH) RA A> SRT RE > Ahhh. AAR ABE 2 种 , 其 中 1 种 需 高 山 性 。 397 1.Bletilla formosana (Hayata) Schitr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 10: 256 (1911); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6:75 (19]7 ) . ABAR Descritpion : Please see page 55 . ( MAMI MAUR iA R55 A) : Specimen examined: TAIWAN: Ilan county, Taipingshan, S. Suzuki 1115 s.n, Aug, 15 1928, S.S. Ying 2170. Nanhutashan, CG. Masamune, N. Fukuyama & Nakamura s.n. July 12 1940; Nan- shan village, S.S. Y ing 3206; Lotung, Y. Yamamoto s.n. Nov. 3 1928. Taipei-county : Kinyu, T. Suzuki 7652; Pi- yahau et Ssukan, T. Suzuki 7125. Taichung county. Tao shan, S. Sasaki s.n. July 15 1932; Between Takimi et Sa- kabe, Y. Kudo et K. Mori s.n. July 9 1930; Sakahau to Ki- rai, T. Nakamura 5540; Rumoan et Sikikun, S. Suzuki 4917 Kaohsiung county : Chishan Y. Yamamoto et Mori YM 274. Pingtung county : Lanyu, S. Sasaki @ Y. Yamamoto . -g.m. June 1 1947. Taitung county : Taitung mountains, Y. Yamamoto s.n. April 1-7 1930. Hualien county : Tailukou ,» Hosokawa s.n. Aug. 12 1932, S. Suzuki s.n. Nov. 2 1931 Taiwan, U. Faurie s.n. July 1915. -14.STIGMATODACTYLUS Maxim. *#RS - Saprophytes; rhizomes short, fleshy; stem delicate, short, erect. Leaves few, minute, somewhat scale-like, alternate. Flowers few, small, racemose, shortly pedice- Tlate, resupinate; the bracts ovate, small, the ovaries short; sepals and petals not much differing, spreading, li- near, acute, the dorsal sepal largest; lip spreading, rounded, thin flat with a’ small bilobed appendage near the base; column slender, erect, slightly incurved in upper part; naryowly wing-margined, with a small fringer-like appendage On the center within, toothed at base, sometimes 398 ‘with a second process beneath the stigma; pollinia 2, gra- nulate, ellipsoidal, nearly waxy. Several species in India, Japan, Java and Malaya. one species in Taiwan. | BEM > REG > AR> BRB fe Bio BDRM) BSRBARK > HA o FED R> > MUKTER > BMA Wis BAB? > FBR: SHREMRSAKER > BE RU BR: RSHRK > BRARB > AV RITE > HERG 1 小 而 2 裂 的 附属 物 ; 项 柱 糊 长 , 直 立 , 先 端 略 向 内 @- BRAK ”要 , 内 面 中 部 有 一 小 流 世 状 的 附属 物 , 基 部 有 齿 , 有 时 在 柱 头 之 下 有 一 第 二 附属 物 ; PHRM2K > NK AV > TUB 数 种 分 伤 於 印度 , 日 本 , 爪 哇 及 马来西亚 。 人 台湾 仅 产 一 箱 。 1.Stigmatodactylus sikokianus Maxim. ex Makino, Ill. FI. Jap. 1. ¢.43 (1891) & in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 19: 69 ( 1905). MH Saprophtes; rhizomes tuberous, small, 2.5-3.5mm in dia meter ; stem simple, 3-10cm long, stricted, erect, slender, glabrous, delicate. Leaves 2-3, scale- like, the basal one small, the median one larger, ovate, 3-5mm long, 2-4mm wide, acute or acuminate at apex, obtuse at base, obscurely 3-nerved, thin chartaceous. Flowers 2 or 3, small, pale purplish green, loosely racemose; bracts ovate, somewhat similar to the median cauline scale-like leaf; the pedicels with ovaries 5-7mm long, the dorsal sepal linear-lanceolate, about 4mm long, the lateral ones somewhat slender, about 2.5mm long, spreading upward, ciliate on the margin at base; petals li- near, about 3.5mm long, greenish and scattered with pur- ple red spots; lip rounded about 4mm in diameter, with Obsoletely teeth on upper margin; the appendage about half as long as the lip. lanceolate and deeply bifid, spurless; column erect, about 3.5mm long, 2-toothed; pollinia 4, caudicles absent. 399 ‘Japan. Taiwan, known from at high altitudes of 2300- 3600 m in northern part of the island, under the forests, rather rare. Specimen examined: ( 话 察 过 下 列 标本 ) TAIWAN: Ilan county : Nanhutashan, S.S. Ying 3205. fi (Fig) 128 #kEM ( Stigmatodaetylus sikokianus ) a) 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b) 6%} ( Dorsal sepal ) c) 469% ( Petal ) d) JH ( Lateral sepal ) e ) ER@> GER 子 房 (Lip Column and ovary ) f) Ase ( Column ) 腐生 兰 , 根 营 块 状 , 小 , 径 2.5-3.5mm ; BRAK? 长 3- 10 cm, AR Rig > Hiz> MR > > MBK eK 2-3 枚 , » MEHR > He PL Aik I> PRBIRK >» NG > KR 3-5mm> H2-4mm » IMR RMT » BAB $i > 7R BARA Ak 3 PR > WERK © 花 2 或 3 枚 , 小 , 淡 此 特色 , 朴 生 的 炉 状 花序 ; GLH ODTG > 有 些 跟 中 部 +E we WRAY SEAR Os 花梗 圳 同 子 房 长 9-7mm ; 后 苯 片 精 状 披 人 针 形 , 綦 狗 4mm > SRM > RW2.5mm LRM > BRARE ; TEE RID » £0 3.5mm > BAREMER RAL BEM ; BMRA KH 4mm , Bil Sas $k 7K BA BG ea 人 , 披 针 形 且 深 2 裂 , 无 距 , 芒 柱 直 40 > RM3.5mm > 2 we s TEMS 4 HK > RK HAoBM> FRIMEBSBRW 2300-3600 mm > RAP > eR) 15.MYRMECHIS Blume $BRS5 Terrestrials; rhizomes creeping; stem short or rather long, ascending above and with creeping base. Leaves exarticulate, convolutive, on the lower part of the stem, small, green, petioled. Flowers relatively small, few, in terminal erect ra- ceme, resupinate, slightly open; sepals free, slightly di- ffering, the dorsal one forming a hood with petals, lateral ones with an oblique, concave base; petals broadly lanceo- late; lip attached to the base of the column, rather long- clawed, spathulate, entire at the base with a short pouch which hidden by the lateral sepals; claw of the lip with incurved, entire or finely serrate margin; lamine recurved » broad; column short, not either side with a short stig- matophore; pollinia 2, 2-fid; caudicles very short; stigma 2, distinct on each side of the short erect rostellum; ro- stellum short, 2-fid. Few species in e. Asia and Java. one species and one variety in Taiwan. Heh > REA > KBRER> £02 9M > Fe n= Fb FL © SERGE > FLGEHE > ALO AY PRB > 4)\> RE > BBE © AER > DR > STRIKER EF! > fic > FAGREA; BABE EK IANA > RSA REM RIES HSA EMBRYOS ; ER REY; SRRSRAMHE ARN? HV £RAK> A-BRER BRRASHA;: BRNNHARKARRAM EAs BMRA Ws SE ; 花粉 博 2 枚 ,2 裂 , 柄 甚 短 , 柱 头 2 > SBA RWWA 1 MB WHR & 短 ,2 裂 。 RE > AhhR BRA > GREG R—BE o 401 KEY TO THE VARIETIES #8#@RX 1. Lobes of lip emarginate, the elongate claw of lip entire » Without finely serrate On Margin ---r--ceceececeseceeceeceeeeeeeeeees ev 1.M. japonica var. japonica (RROARMER> BRORNAR > SRRMABH) (25M) TI.Lobes of lip reounded, not emarginate, the elongate claw of lip with finely Serrate OM margin .………… ev (BRB ema REM ……… 2.M. japinica var. sasakii Ak> BRHERNVSRAMEE ) SH2ew 1.Myrmechis japonica ( Reichb.f.) Rolfe in Journ. Linn Soc. 36: 44 ( ). 2Bm Terrestriais; rhizome short, creeping; roots few, ra- ther short; stem 3-12cm long, long-creéping at base, er- ect and usually with white crisped multicellular hairs up- ward. Leaves 3-5, alternate, rounded-ovate or broadly ovate, 6-10mm long, 5-7mm wide, obtuse on both ends, thickened chartaceous; the petioles 4-9mm long, briefly dilated be- low with a short membranous sheath at base. Flowers 2-3, rather small, white, racemose; the scape — terminal, 2-3.5cm long, with light red hairs; bracts ova- te or ovate- lanceolate, 3-4mm long, scarious, appressed to the ovaries, acute at apex; the pedicels with ovaries somewhat longer than bract, ascending; the dorsal sepal ovate , 7-8mm long, about 5mm wide, acute and somewhat caudate at apex, contracted at base; the lateral ones obli- quely ovate, smae as the dorsal sepal in length; petals - linear -ovate, narrower than the lateral sepals, somewhat spreading upward; lip about lcm long, saccate at base, elongate clawed and bifid upward, the claw entire, not with finely serrate on margin, the lobes of lamine emar ginate at apex, column short. 402 Japan: Taiwan; known from high altitudes of 2200-2900 m in central and southern parts of the island, under the forests, not common. Specimen examined.: (#334 P7IBA ) TAIWAN: Chiayi county: Alishan, U. Faurie 929. HAE > E> AAs 根 少数 , Big; KH 3-120om KRAD> Biv’ B®RAR ESA MES % 3-5 > 互生 , 圆 状 卵 形 或 澜 卵 形 ,, 长 6-10mm >» H5-7mm> FFB Am AS > ERA: SMR 4-9mm > 22 80 fa WA Gem Safe > FRAY FRA © 46 2-31 > B/)> A> MIKE ; 7ESTR4 > & 2-3.5cm > ARAL £E ; 苞 片 卵 形 或 卵 状 披 针 形 , 长 3-4 mm , 乾 膜 质 , 平 展 依附 於 子 房 上 , 先 nt A ° 76 RRIF BIRR EL Re > PEA s RBA > R7-8mm > 2W 5mm , 先 端 铝 失 而 略 呈 尾 状 , 基 (Fig) 729 日 本 ( Myrme- Ake; MBAENY > RASA R chis japonica ) ; TEMEGUR NT >> RHBSARK> Fi 4a) 着 伦 之 植物 体 ( Flowering WERE; BREW lcm> LMRK> plant) b) EC Flower ) 有 延伸 的 爪 , 先 端 2 裂 ; NER BR c)RBAC Dorsal sepal ) SAH SE teal > Je ME MIS > SS EG © d) 7E#@ ( Petal ) e) AISA C 日 本 , 人 台湾 , 产 於 中 部 及 南部 高 海 (Lateral sepal ) f) BRC $e) 2200-2900 mz > RAK E> BYo Lip) g) BHC Column) 2.Myrmechis japonica (Reichb.f. ) Rolfe var. sasakii (Yamamoto ) Ying comb. nov. Myrmechis sasakii Yamaioto Suppl. Icon. Pl. Form. 2:1 f.1 (1926) HW2E Different from the typical phase by elongate claw which ‘usually with finely serrate on margin, and the lobes of ) the lip obtuse, not emarginate at apex.. 403 Endemic, known from northern part of the island at high altitudes of 2400-3100m under forests. | Specimen examined : ( #2334 PIB ) TAIWAN: Ilan county : Nanhutashan, S.S. Ying 3194. Miaoli county : Tapachienshan S.S. Ying 4350. fm (Fig ) 730 SWZ BMC Myrmechis japonica var, sasakii ) a) 着 花 及 植物 体 ( Flowering plant ) b)7&( Flower) c) +B RAK C Ovary and Bract ) d) BMC Lip) e) BMRB ERC Lip,column and anther ) f ) Bae LAO 2 ( Fine serrate on claw of lip ) FA GAY 7 TD A > ZE WS a AY RT aR BS > MEL A SE 7K BMBAARK © lA > # RR GMAIL RAR 2400-3100m > RHF 404 16.GOODYERA R. Br. ##RS Terrestrials; rarely subepiphytes; roots. mostly fleshy; stem short or long, creeping at base, rarely entirely er- ect. Leaves exarticulate, convolutive, mostly basal, alter- nate, petioled. Flowers few to many, in terminal lax or dense spike, small or rather large, resupinate; sepals nearly equal, the dorsal one erect, forming a hood with petals, the la- teral ones spreading to suberect; petals unequal-sides; lip sessile, ascending, concave, entire, recurved, hairy at base; column short, nearly terete, not appendaged; po- llinia 2, divided into numerous contiguous lobules, 2-par- tite, with caudicles; rostellum erect, 2-dentate to 2-par- tite; stigma simple, often cupular. Capsules erect, eros- trate. About 100 species chiefly in tropical and temperate regions in both hemisphere. More than 10 species in Tai- wan. and about three species, the alpine plants. . meh DRRASPSEHW> REBAR; RERR AAA & 少数 呈 直 立 状 。 革 和 无 关节 , 包 通 性 , 多 数 基 部 着 生 , 互 生 , 有 革 柄 的 。 AED RAM > BIR Gi BER AY BATE BEF > “UR K > BBA ; SHEUBE> CBHAW > HEMU RIE MBH RRR AL ; 花 RERE ; BRR ALA MR SR RE BAER SPH 近似 呈 圆 柱 形 , 和 无 附属 物 ; 花粉 博 2 枚 , 分 裂 成 多 数 相 炉 的 小 二 ,2 裂 , 有 柄 ; RB 2mMARAR> PAB > MII > BBS MR co HRA o MA lOO RR > AHS » IE PRA RI o AMM E10 种 , 其 中 有 3 RBI Ho KEY TO THE SPECIES ( FEW RRRE ) 1.Leaves with white specks all over the susface .…………….…….... bee TMs bin ds unas vaceng cams Coekad ane 1.G. schlechtendaliana 白 TERE 405 ( $22 A fh A BAY SESE ) 1.Leaves with white midrib only, no white specks present on the surface. (AZMBHRAS > RASH) 2.Flowers white, sometimes tinged with pink 5 RE (JERS > BRAAA DALE ) 。 ………… 2.G. morrisonicola EL SESE 2.Flowers light pinkish brown .……… 0 3.G. velutina ( 花 淡 红 褐 多) Fah SEE 1.Goodyera schlechtendaliana Reichb.f. in Linnaea 22 : 861 (1849). AfESEER Description:Please see page 194. (ty) Ml skstag AS 194 BD Specimen examined : (# BGP WBA ) TAIWAN: Ilan county :Nanhutashan, S.S. Ying 3069, 3100; Chungyangchienshan, S.S. Ying 3157, 3166. Taiepi county :Kaboshan, T. Suzuki ST17925. Miaoli county : Tapachienshan, S.S. Ying 4356, 4358, 3985, 3987. 2.Goodyera morrisonicola Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30 (1):343 (1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.); Icon. Pl. Form. 4:116, pl.17 (1914). RUS : Description:Please see page 196. ( GMA Mt AB 186 页 ) Specimen examined: (#234 PII BA ) TAIWAN : Ilan county : Nanhutashan, S.S. Ying 1981, 2080, 3104; Chungyangchienshan, S.S. Ying 3167, 3171. Taichung county: Hseuhshan, S.S. Ying 3772, 5082, 5102 , 5085, 5089, 5086. Chiayi county :Mt. Morrison, T. Kawakami GU. Mori 2323 (Type of photo.). Almostly all the Japanese botanists reduced the G. morrisonicola to symnonym of G. velutina, until now some our botanists do that, but I examined the photograph of 406 type and original description with good drawing carefully and I realize that the G. morrisonicola is a distinct spe- cies, it different from the G. vetulina by leaf and flo- wers characters, it just match Fukuyama’s G. nankoensis. and I list G. nonkoensis Fukuyama as a symonym of G. morriosnicola Hayata. BEF AT AY A A ARAB EE LL BES Be 77 Fs BD BE SE BR Hp > BY 使 今日 , 在 台湾 的 一 些 植物 学 家 也 跟随 着 过 样 做 。 但 烃 笔 者 仔 粗 研究 模式 标 本 的 照片 及 有 精细 图 纵 的 原文 记载 。 我 识 坊 玉山 斑 革 兰 应 名 1 HIN? EC 跟 白 肋 斑 华 苦 的 区 分 在 於 人 村 及 花 的 特征 上 , 玉 山 斑 革 苦 的 特征 跟 福 山 泊 明 所 Behe Pg BEZIER ( G. nonkoensis Fukuyama) 相同 。 因 此 , 我 将 南湖 SEE AE LY SEE WHR AA © 3.Goodyera velutina Maxim. in Regel. Gartenfl. 36 ( 1867); Ying in Chin. Flow. (11):55, pl.3 (1975). Spee 3 Description:Please see page j9g. ( AVA UH AA IIE ) Specimen examined: ( #23358 PY BA) TAIWAN: Ilan county : Taipingshan, S.Suzuki s.n. Aug. 5 1928;-Nanhutashan, S.S. Ying 2927; chungyangchien- shan, S.S. Ying 3180, 3172. Taoyuen county: Nanchia- tienshan, S.S. Ying 4360. Maioli county : Luchangtashan, N. Fukuyama s.n. July 9 1932. Taichung county : Shao- sheuhshan, 7.S. Liu et al., s.m. Oct. 12 1957. Taitung county : Hsinchuangshan, Y. Yamamoto 442. ~ 17. TIPULARIA Nutt. ERS Terrestrials; pseudobulbs solid,. usually closely appro- ximate and connected hortizontally by short rhizome; st em- less. Leaves solitary, basal, elongate-petioled. Flowers several, rather small, loosely racemose, pe- dicellate; scape from the pseudobulb, erect, with few sheathing scales at base; the bracts minute, or absent; se-- pals and petals equal, spreading, free; narrow; lip 3-lobed 407 » spurred the lateral lobes basal, short or rounded up - turned, the median lobe slender, flat, oblong, entire or retuse; spure elongate, slender, hortizontai; column shor- ter than the sepal, erect, narrowly winged above; anthers terminal; pollinia 4 in 2 cell, waxy, unappendaged. Ca- psules clavate-fusiform or oblong-cylindric, pendulous. Several species in N. Americam e. Asia and Himalayas. one species in alpine regions of Taiwan. HEM > RRER ON > BRS OKE SRE MK - H— 枚 , 基 生 , 有 长 柄 。 FER > BE) > RERRK IER > ATER ; (ERA RRRE > 直立 _ 基部 有 少数 鞘 状 的 鳞片 ; BADRMR? SAREMBH > MR > MEA > Ki BRIA AB HARARE Time MA PRAMR> wr RM AY > SRRAMAN ; BER MR KPER;s BERS Hee > IZ > LR ARE ; 花药 顶 生 , 花 粉 塌 4 枚 分 列 於 2 室 中 , 肢 质 , 和 无 附属 物 。 藉 : 果 棍 棒状 息 锤 形 或 长 权 圆 状 圆柱 形 , 下 垂 。 数 种 , 分 作 於 北美 、 东 亚 及 喜马拉雅 山地 区 。 台湾 仅 产 1 种 , 见 於 高 山 地 区 。 1.Tipularia odorata Fukuyama in Bot,. Mag. are 52: 243 (1939). & AM ‘ Description:Please see page 339. ( MM #at# 2 330 BD Specimen examined: - Taiwan :-Miaoli county : Tapachienshan, S.S. Ying 1875. Taichung county’: Hseuhshan, S.S. Ying 3809. 18 .MALAXIS Sw. 小 柱 兰 属 Terrestrials or epiphytic; rhizomes short or long; stem creeping, ascending or erect, often swollened into a pseudobulb. Leaves 1] to few, exarticulate, plaited, membranous, broad, flat, sheathed at base. Flowers few to many, rather small, not resupinate, in 408 terminal dense or lax raceme; bracts small, narrower; sepals free, spreading, recurved or sometimes incurved; petals narrower, sometimes filiform; lip sessile, erect, or epreading, ecalcarate, usually embracing the column by shorter or longer basal auricles, rarely exarticulate, entire, 2-to 3-lobed or fimbriate; column very short, flat, stelids 2, distinct; column-foot absent; anther er- ect , deciduous, locules separate, persistent; pollinia 4, pairwise, cohering, waxy, without any appendage. Fruit a capsule, small, ovoid. More than 200 species widely distributed in the world, especially in tropics. Less than 10 species in Taiwan, a- mong that, two species, the alpine plants. HER SER > HMR SAA ALARA BRAMAR 球茎 状 。 LKR > RRM MAN RAW wR BRA FCEDREARH> B) > KB > SRR RAMEE ; BA) > R SSR RR RAMSAR: ARS RY ; BRAN EB 立 或 报 展 , 无 距 , 通 常 以 短 或 长 的 耳 状 物 抱 住 营 柱 , 极 少数 是 无 天 和 节 的 , 全 - > 20> 30ARMKA;: 芒 柱 甚 得, 局 平 , 瘤 状 突起 2 枚 , 和 无 营 柱 足 ; 花 BBW PA> STH BE: 花粉 二 4 枚 , 成 对 BA REAR BD eo 超过 200 种 以 上 , 广泛 地 分 伤 於 世界 各 地 , 尤 其 在 热带 地 区 最 多 。 人 台湾 NA BE > HPA 2 种 是 高 山 性 。 KEY TO THE SPECIES 种 的 检索 表 1.Leaf solitary, broadly ovate or elliptic, smaller, 4-8cm long, 3-5cm Wide pp ] .MI mono phylla (2H — OGRA > B/)\> 长 4-8 cm > H3-5cm) BR) 1.Leaves 2, nearly opposite, ovate-lanceolate, larger, 12 -17cm long, 3.5-4.5cm wide …………………, 2.M. taiwaniana (HK UAE > INKS RAR 12-17 cm > Bw vst 3.5-4.5cm ) 409 1.Malaxis monophylla (Linn.) Sw. in Act. Holm. 234 ( (1800). BE) Description:Please see page 945. ( MMU@kUt# A 2458 ) Specimen examined: ( #234 F7 BA ) TAIWAN: Nantou county: Hohuanshan, S.S. Ying 4925 Kaohsiung county : Kuanshan, ¥Y. Yamamoto & U. Mori YM648 . 2.Malaxis taiwaniana Ying in Quart. Journ. Chin. For. 8(4):143 @ Alp. Pl. Taiwan in col. 1:71, col. photo. 95 (1975). 台湾 小 柱 兰 Description:Please see page247. ( Mahe BA 2478) Specimen examined: ( #2334 P JIA ) TAIWAN : Nantou county :Kuankao, S.S. Ying 2920, July 26 1974 (Typus ). 19.CALANTHE R. Br. 根 节 兰 属 Terrestrials; very rarely epiphytes with more or less manifest pseudobulb. Leaves few, radical, exarticulate or sometimes arti- culate, convolutive, rather larger, plicate, chartaceous. Flowers few to many, small to large, resupinate, in racemes; scape erect or sometimes pendulous; bracts persistent or deciduous, small or prominent; sepals equal » free, spreading; petals similar to the sepals or narro- wer; lip spurred, basally connate with the margin of the entire column into a tube, often 3-lobed, rarely entire, the median lobe sometimes bifid; column short, erect; co- lumn-foot none; anther proclined; pollinia 8 in 2 locules, waxy, Slender, with caudicles; rostellum 2-lobed or 2-fid; stigma separated. Capsules oblong, usually pendulous. About 200 species in tropical and temperate regions of 410 Asia. More than 16 species in Taiwan, only one species, the alpine plant. WAM > BPRNRASRESR > BSSLHRRE o BOR RE>R 天 节 或 有 时 有 关节 > E> BA > AMIE > MH FEDRESR oo RA > Bic SRK HH ; ERB UMD RA BREE ; BARA REE > RS: SHB REE > Hm: EMS FAUEARK: BRAB ZRARRHBMKEK > B3IA> DRESS BREA? PRAARRN2A;: BSH Bis MBE ; ERA s EMH SHAI_-Sh > BA MR AW KR2AM2HAWMRERGAY > B FREE © $9 200 OE > MA RW RAE» BI 16 种 以 上 , 其 中 一 和 Fs fall fe © 1.Calanthe tricarimate Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 252 (1833). «BRA Description:Please see page 97. ( fMRiutHAB 97 A) Specimen examined: #2338 FFI BA o TAIWAN: Ilan county : Chungyangchienshan, S.S. Ying wed. 20. OREORCHIS Lindley JRE Terrestrials; rhizome short; roots elongate; pseudo- bulbs ovoid or oblong, closely approximate or not; stem- less. Leaves 2, rarely solitary, enclosed the middle of pseu- dobulb, exarticulate, convolutive, narrow, plicate. Flowers rather small, pedicellate, racemose; scape erect, simple, with a few sheathing scales at base; bracts minute; sepals equal, free, ascending or with incurved tips 3 petals similar to the sepals somewhat shorter; lip a- dante to the base of the column, spurless, claw erect; the lamine 3-lobed, the lateral lobes short, erect, narrow; the median lobe broad, spreading; column elongate, sub- 411 clavate, in upper part wingless; column-foot absent; anther © | terminal, l-celled; pollinia 4, subglobose, distinct; cau- dicles short. A dozen species in Himalaya, China, Korea, Japan and e. Siberia. Four species in Taiwan, and two species, the alpine plants. A > Kes RHR: RRENCRRRAWY > RHE RRM ; FEE © 革 2 Bl > ITA > RRR A a> FRR E> eHE > > AM #4 o {ERR /|\> ATER > MORE ; ERB? ROR> APRA RBARKE 部 ; GA /)\ > SAM > REA ALS Room Hs TERS AUR 短 ; BRAREEARE > MB Bw BRA 3A> WARS Bw KR PABA PRs SEHR AWUBEK>? LASRRBKR? RBZ ; FESR A> 1 Bs ERA > STURT > BAS > Tg 。 WAtIE> ARK ES BATE > PR BR. AAR BAAR o 台 洪 产 四 种 , 其 中 有 2 BRAT o | KEY TO THE SPECIES 8x 1.Leaves solitary, rarely 2, linear, 30-36cm long, 5-7mm wide; flowesr many remotely arranged in the scape :::--:- (BR >. RDRA 2M? RB> R30-36 ……1.0. gracillima cm» 5-7mm 3; 4ESRREKRIER LE ) mn 11) 1.Leaves two, linear-lanceolate, 26-33cm long, 6-8mm wide; flowers many and densely arranged in the SCcape…… ( 革 2 枚 , 烷 状 披 针 和 线 , 长 26-33cm, 寅 6-8 vevveree 2.0. ohwii mm > 764 8 eS MERRIE ) Fa LL 1.Oreorchis gracillima (Hayata ) Schltr. in Fedde Re- Pert. Beih. 4: 223 (1919), (Sino-Jap. Orch. Prodr. ); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 10: 33 (1921). MUM Description:Please see page974. ( MM Rt AB 274 页 ) Specimen examined: ( #23354 FIBA) 41? TAIWAN: Nantou county: Kuankao, S.S. Ying 2630. 2.Oreorchis ohwii Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 296 (1935). Raid LU Terrestrials; pseudobulbs globose-ovoid, ]1-1.5cm. a- cross; roots elongate, filiform, flexuous, villose. Leaves 2,terminal on the pseudobulb,linear-lanceolate, 25- 33cm long, 6-8mm wide, acuminate at apex, narrowed and atter uate to the petioles at base, chartaceous or thickened me- mbranous, glabrous on both sides, many-veined, lustrous green surface, pale beneath. Flowers patent, numerous, racemose; scape terminal, erect, simple, stricted, 15-25cm long, remotely 2-shea- thed; the sheathe 2-5cm long, shortly acute, completely amplexicual at base, glabrous; bracts minute, ovate-lan- ceolate, about 3mm long; acuminate, glabrous; the pedi- cels with ovaries 7-9mm long, slender; the dorsal sepal oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 5-6mm long, about 2mm wide » acute,attenuate at base, the lateral ones oblong, slightly oblique falcate, acute, contracted at base;. petals oblanceo- late, 5-6mm long, about 1.5mm wide, acute, attenuate at base, glabrous, 3-5-nerved; lip glabrous, 4-5mm Hong, clawed at base, 3-lobed, the lateral lobes oblanceolate, 1.5-2mm long, acute at apex, the median lobe obt riangular or cuneate-obovate, truncate-rounded at apex, crisped on margin, appendages or keels on the middle of lateral lobes ; column about 2.5mm long, glabrous; pollinia 4, globose, distinct. Endemic, known from northern part of the island, at medium to high altitudes of 1800-2600m, under the forests. Specimen examined: ( #238 PII ) TAIWAN: Ilan county : Nanhutashan, 7.C. Huang 7735. 地 生 苦 , 假 球 蕉 球状 卵 形 , 径 1-1.5cm ; RER> MY> Bh AX 413 >- | | SE 2 枚 , 顶 生 於 假球 区 上 , 精 状 披 人 对 形 , 长 25-33cm , 宽 6-8mm > FE Haw A> LPR PEPER RARSRA > RAM MG > RFR Tl A EER ES > AP AR fH © ESE > BB > MUKIER ; (ER TR4> Bil > RAR> BBA R15- 25cm» @ Pipes 2 枚 ; HAR 2-5cm >» Tim BRA> AME > Go Fry > SURAT > RA 3mm , 先 端 渐 兴 , 光 滑 ; 花梗 连同 子 房 长 7-9 mm > MR; RSA RRAVM RR AKRRSEG > R5-6mm> F2mm , Sm RR > HBR hi TEMAS > R5-6mm> BH 1.5mm , 先 端 名 尖 , 基 部 渐 狭 , S678 > ik 3-5 Rs BMG R4-5mm> RAM? 3B , 倒 裂片 倒 披 人 针 形 , 长 1.5-2mm, 先 端 够 失 , 中 裂片 倒 三 角形 或 枢 状 倒 罗 形 , 先 端 截断 圆 形 , 瀑 符 呈 波状 敏 押 , 倒 裂片 的 中 部 有 附 属 体 或 隆起 和 粮 ; & 柱 长 2.5mm > 6785 TES 4 > GR > RIV > AS o 固有 , 生 长 於 北 部 中 及 南海 拔 和 网 1800- 2600mm 的 山地 , 森 林 下 。 21.CYMBIDIUM Sw. X#S Terrestrials or epiphytes, with closely approximate, er- ect pseudobulbs; rhizome short, creeping. Leaves fasci- culate, articulate, duplicate, linear, rather narrow, coria ceous. | Flowers medium sized to large, 1] to many, in erect or pendulous racemes, ecalcarate, resupinate; bracts short > sepals free, equal, spreading; petals similar to the se- pals or slightly shorter; lip elastically inserted on the anterior side of the base of the column, concave, on the inner side in the lower half with 2 longitudinal keels; me- dian lobe recurved; column short, slender, without a foot ; suberect, anther proclined; po'linia 2, by the aid of a common short, broad, elobate transverse stipe attached to the visidium, furrow, waxy. Capsules oblong, often with aremnant of the perianth and column at apex. 70 or more species in India, Malaya, E. Asia, Madagas- 414 car and Australia. 10 or more species in Taiwan, only one species, the alpine plants. : . 地 生 兰 或 着 生 兰 > BARES MRR s RE Ao RR > A fi > RIG > RK > PA o 花 中 型 或 大 型 , 1 或 多 枚 , 呈 直立 或 下 垂 的 炉 状 花序 , 和 无 距 , 转 位 ; B 片 短 3 a5 Mle AE » > es RSE AAR: BRABERSES M> AUR» 在 下 守 部 内 面 有 2 条 隆起 糠 , 中 裂片 反手 ; BAH ME KS 柱 足 , 近 似 直 立 , 花 药 优 欧 ; 花粉 二 2 枚 , 有 柄 AAR > BA o PRAMAS > ARTWORK 。 WA 70RESH > ED MRKHA E> BRR» RR SALINAK 澳洲 。 人 台湾 产 10 种 以 上 , 其 中 仅 一 种 志高 山 性 。 1.Cymbidium tortisepalum Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. To- kyo 48 : 304, f.1 (1930). FEW , Description:Please see page 135. ( @MAitr 2135 页 ) Specimen examined: ( #238 SJIHX ) , TAIWAN: Taichung county :Wulin, S.S. Ying 5270. 2.Cymbidium tortisepalum Fukuyama var. vir idiflo- rum Ying, var. nov. @/E23M A typo florum virida differt. The.variety differs from the typical phase by green flowers. Type locality:Lishan, oe Ying 5282. (Typus). Distribution : Endemic, Specimen examined: TAI WAN. Taichumg county : Lishan, S.S. Ying 5282 CTypus ) . ASH HER EHO AL ZETA BERR 。 | 415 3. AN ENUMERATION OF INDIGEOUS ORCHIDS OF TAIWAN Sere mee 1.ACAMPE Lindey S25 1 Acampe longifolia Lindley, Fol. Orch. Acampe 1 (1853). BRR Vanda longifolia Lindley, Wall. cat. 7322 ( 1832 ). Saccolabium longifolium Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6:62 ( 1890 ). Acampe multiflora ( Lindley ) Lindley, Fol. OrchAcampe 1 (¢ 1853 ) Vanda multiflora var. longipedunculata Trimen., Syst. Cat. Ceyl. 90 (¢ ) Acampe wightiana var. 8 Thwaites, Enum. P1.Ceyl. 303 ( 1861 ). Sarcanthus taiwanianus Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 337 (1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form. ) Cleisostoma taiwanianum ( Hayata ) Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:98, £.5/ (1914 ). , Cletsostoma, taiwanianum ( Hayata ) Tang & Wang in Act. Phytotax. 1(1):97 ( 1951 ). Sarcophyton taiwanianum ( Hayata ) Garay in Bot. Mus. leafl. Harvard. Univ. 234): 202 ( 1972). Distribution (4 ffi) : Sikkim ( 84) » Himalaya (喜马拉雅 il} ) , Burma ( fff) , Assam ( By gew) , Srilanka (RAW), Thailand ( #63) , Malaya ( 马来西亚 ) , China( PY )and Tai - wan. (台湾 ) Dr. Garay proposed a new name of combination of `C- rcophyton taiwanianum in stead of Sarcanthus taiwanianus, but after read the original description very carefully, J agree with Mr. Nackejima’s oppinion, the Sarcanthus taiwa- 416 nianus is a symnonym of Acampe longifolia; the drawing of Cleisostoma taiwanitana from Hayata’s Icon. Pl. Form. vol. 4, page 98, I think it is a error one, from _ original description, the spur was 3 mm long and 1.5 mm wide, but the drawing was not match the original description at all. 2Acampe taiwaniana Ying in Chinese Flow. (8) :30,P1.8 & Bull. Exp. For, Nat. Taiwan Univ. (114): 156 (1974). eB EER Acam pe longifolia Lindley var. taiwaniana Ying in Chin. Flow. (8):30, pl.8 (1974). Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 2.ACANTHOPHIPPIUM Blume #/E®B 3 Acanthophippium striatum Lindley, Bot. Reg. Misc. 41 ( 1838 ). a7 ies Acanthophippium unguiculatum ( Hayata) Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48:301( 1934). Tainia ung uiculaia Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 61,/.'26 (1914 ); Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih..4:176 ( 1919), ( Orch. Sino- Jap. Prodr.). Distr ibution( 7 ffi) : Nepal ( JEYAB) , Himalaya( 喜马拉雅 tl} ) and Taiwan ( 台湾 ). 4 Acanthophippium sylhetense Lindley, Gen.& Sp. Orch. 177 ( 1833 ) . AL7ERE TER Acanthophi ppium yamamotoi Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6: 73 (1917 )& Gen. Ind. Form. 75 (1917 ). Acanlhophippium pictum Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49 : 666 ( 1935 ). Acanthophi ppium mintimianum Lindley & Journ. des Orch. 7:138 ( ). Distribution (分 人 而) : Himalaya (喜马拉雅 山 ) ,The Phili- ppines ( 3E#@H) and Taiwan.( ## ) 417 3. AGROSTOPHYLLUM Blume RARE 5. Agrostophyllum formosana Rolfe in Ann. Bot. 9: 157 (1895). RRR Agrosiophyllum cyathiforme J.J. Smith, Fl. Buit. 6:29] f.222 (1905), syn. nov. | Distribution (4ffi) : The Philippines ( JE@##), Java (爪哇 ) , Sumatra ( #fIS AB) , Malaya ( 马来西亚 ) and Taiwan (48). 4. ANDOCORYS Schltr. «M5 6-Andocorys pusillensis ( Ohwi & Fukuyama ) Ying Col. Illust. Indig Orch. Taiwan 1 : 382 ( 1977 ). |, $B Hermillium pusillum Ohwi & Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 430 (1934). Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 4 5. ANOECTOCHILUS Blume 4@#5 7.Anoectochilus koshunensis Hayata, Icon. P]. Form. 4: 104, £.54(1914 ); Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4:176 (1919), (Orch. Sino- Jap. Prodr.). RECGRE Distribution (4 ff) : Endemic ( HA ). 8. Anoectochilus roxburgii ( Wall. ) Lindley in Wall. cat. n. 7387 (1832); Matsum. & Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 415( 1906), (Enum. PI. Form. ); Hayata in 1.c. 30(1) :342 (1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.). Sil Chrysobaphus roxburgii Wall., Tent. Fl. Nep.37,pl. 27 ( 1826 ). Anoectochilus formosana Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form.4: 101, f.53 (1914). Distribution (分 人 而) :S. China ( PRIM) and Taiwan ( 台湾 ) . 418 6. APHYLLORCHIS Blume £43 #48 9.Aphyllorchis montana ( Thwaites ) Reichb.f. in Linnaea 41:57 (1877 ); Nackejima, Enum. Orch. Ryukyu 1:35 , pl.8, 2:103(1971); Hatusima, Fl. Ryukyu 857 (1971).# OE A EE Apaturia montana Thwaites, Enum. P1. Cey!.301( 1861 ). non Lindley. Aphyllorchis prainit Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6:117 ( 1890) @ Icon. Pl.é. 2/92. Aphyllorchis purpurea Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 431( 1934). Aphyllorchis tanegashimensis Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 344 (1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.). Aphyllorchis ungiculata Rolfe ex Downie in Kew. Bull. 415 (1925); Seidenf. & Smith, Orch. Thailand 1:62; /.@ (1959 ) & 4(2):728 ( 1965 ). Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Thailand ( #8) , Srilanka (RHE +), India (AE), Sikkim ( $4) , Ryukyu ( 琉球 ) and Tai- wan ( 台湾 ). 7. APPENDICULA Blume {BS 10. Appendicula cornuta Blume, Bijdr. 302 (1825); Li- ndley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 229 (1833); J.J. Smith, Bui- tenz. 6:522 (1905), ( Orch. Java ) fig. atlas fig. 396 (1912). rei | Appendicula congenera Blume, Bijdr. 303 (1825). Dendrobium manillense Schauer in Nov. Act.Nat. Cur. 19, Suppl. 1: 430 ( 1845 ) =e Appendicula mantllensis Reichb.f. ex Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 3: 703 (1859). Appendicula bifaria Lindley in Hook., kew . Journ. 7: 35-6 1855 ). - Appendicula redupicata Par. & Reichb.f., Otia Bot. 419 Hamb. 1: 45 (1878). podochilus cornutus Schltr. in Mem. Herb. Boiss . 21: 34(1900). podochilus brachiatus Schltr. in l.c. 21:400(1900). podochilus congener Schltr. in Fedde Beih. 1: 337 ( 1912), (€ Orch. Deuts-New-Guin.). ) Appendicula kotoensis Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 341 (1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.) & Gen. Pl. Form. 75 ( 1917). Distribution (4 ff) : India (印度 ) Malaya ( 马来西亚 ), Java (JHE), Borneo ( B#é)), China ( 中国)and Taiwan (a). 11. Appendicula formosana Hayata in Journ Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1):340(1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form. )& Gen. Ind. Pl. Form. 75 (1917). G81 Distribution (4> ff) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 12.Appendicula terestrigs Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50: 22( 1936 ). Ril Tai Distribution ( 4) Endemic (固有 种 ) 8. ARMODORUM Breda. RE RS 13.Armodorum labrosum ( Lindley ex Paxt. ) Schltr. in Fedde Repert. 10:197 (1911). RRM Arrhyschium labrosum Lindley ex Paxt. Fl. Gard. 1: 142 (1850-51 ). Arachnanthe bilinguis Benth in Journ. Linn. Soc. 18: 332 (1881). Arachnis labrosa Reichb. f. in Bot. Centralbl .28: 343 (1886 ). Renanthera bilinguis Reichb.f. Xenia Orchid. 1:7, t.4 (人 he Renanthera labrosa Reichb.f., Xenia Orchid. 1: 88 ( ). 420 ¢,j Renanthera leptantha Fukuyama in Schred. Distribution (分 人 而) : Assam ( fy] ), Burma ( Mf ), Java (/\HE) and Taiwan (@#). 9. ARUNDINA Blume 禾 侍 兰 属 14.Arundina graminifolia ( Don.) Hochr var. chinensis ( Blume ) Ying, Col. Illust. Indig. Orch. 1: 51, col. photo.6 ( 1977 ). K#W Arundina chinensis Blume, Bijdr. 402 ( 1825 ); Henry, List Pl. Form. 92 (1896 ). Amndina affinis Griff. Notal. 3:330( 1851). Cymbidium meyenit Schauer. in Nov. Act. Cun. 14, Suppl. 1: 433 (1843). Arundina philippi Reichb. in Linnaea 25 : 227( 1852) Arundina meyenti Reichb. f. l.c. 25: 227(1852). Arundina pulchella Teijsin et Biennend in Nedl. Kruidk. Arch. 3: 400 (1855 ). Arundina pulchera Miq. in Journ. Bot. Neerl. 1: 30 ( 1861). Distribution (分 人 而 ) : Species (种 ) in Malaya peninsula ( BRE) and Indonesia (印尼 ); the variety ( # ) in S. China ( 中 国 南 部 ) Ryukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan ( GHB). 10. ASCOLABIUM Ying R2HRES 15.Ascolabium pumillum ( Hayata) Ying, Col. I llust . Indig. Orch. Taiwan 1:54, col. photo.7( 1977 ). R#EH Saccolabium pumillum Hayata in Bot. Mag.Tokyo 20: 76 (€1906)&in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30 (1): 337 (1911), ( Mat. FI. Form. ). Ascocenitrum pumillum ( Hayata ) Schltr. in Fedde Re- pert Beih. 4: 285 (1919 ), ( Orch. Sino- Jap. Prodr.). Distribution. (4 fi) : Endemic ( BG ff ). 421. 11. BLETILLA Reichb.f. 白 及 属 16. Bletilla formosana ( Hayata ) Schitr. in Fedde Repert. 17. 18. Beih. 10: 256( 1911); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6:75 ( 1917); Ying in Chin. Flow. (7): 37, pl.3 (1974 ). 人 台湾 白 及 Bletia formosana Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. To- kyo 30 (1) : 323 (1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.). Bletilla morrisonensis ( Hayata ) Schltr. in Il.c. 10:256 ( 1911 ). Bletia morrisonensis Hayata in 1|.c. 30(1): 324( 1911). Distribution (4 ffi) : Endemic ( HA ). Bletilla kotoensis (Hayata ) Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 10: 256 ( 1911); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6:75 (1917). MBAR Bletia kotoensis Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyc 30: (1): 324(1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form. ). Bletilla striata ( Thunb.) Reichb.f. var. kotoensis Masamune in Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ. 9: 129 ( 1964), syn. nov. Distribution (分 人 而) : Endemic,( 固 有 种 ) , known from islet Lanyu ( Bg ) orly. 12. BRACHYCORYTHIS Lindley 8H #85 Brachycorythis truncatol abellata ( Hayata Ying, comb. nov. te Platanthera truncatolabellaia Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:124, f.65(1914). Phyllomphax truncatolabellata ( Hayata) Schitr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4:119(1919), (Orch. Sino- Jap. Prodr.). Platanthera obcor.iia sensu Matsum. et Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 419( 1906), ( Enum. Pl. Form. ). mon Lindl. Distribution (St i) : Endemie ( HA@f ) . 422. 19 13. BULBOPHYLLUM Thou. 石 豆 苦 属 .Bubophyllum affine Lindley in Wall. cat. n。 1982 (1839). 恒 春 石 豆 兰 Bulbophyllum kusukusense Hayata,Icon。P1. Form. 4: —648, f.79 (1914). 20. 21. 22. 23. Sarcopodium affine Lindley in Paxt. Fl. Gard. 1: 155 es is _ Distribution (fi) : Himalaya (BREIL ) , Vietnan (越南 ) and Taiwan (台湾 ). Bulbophyllum albociliatum ( Liu et Su ) Seidenf. in Mus. Paris 3, s. 71:109 (1973). BRADH Cirrhopetalum albociliatum Liu et Su in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. (24: 173, Pl, 1 ( 1971 ) Distribution (4 ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 ). Bulbophyllum aureolabellum Lin, Nat. Orch. Taiwan 1:38, col. Photo. 7-8 (1975). HBGUR | Bulbophyllum gracillimum sensu Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. (2: 132( 1912), non Rolfe Distribution (4°) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Bulbophyllum flaviflorum ( Liu et Su) Seidenf. in Bull. Mus. Paris 3, s.71:109(1973). 黄花 石 豆 苦 Cirrhopetalum flaviflorum Liu et Su in Quart. Journ Taiwan Mus. 24:174, p/.2 ( 1971). Bulbophyllum flaviflorum (Liu et Su ) sensu Ying in Chin Flow. (13): 28°(1974), non Seidenf . Distribution ( 4} ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 ). Bulbophyllum insulsoides Seidenf., Dansk. Bot. Arkiv. Bind. 29, N.R. 1:89 (1973). 和 炉 状 花石 豆 震 Bulbophyllum racemosum sensu Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30: (1):317 (1911), (Mat. FI.Form.). non Rolfe Distribution ( ffi) : Endemic.( 固有 种 ) . -Bulbophyllum japonicum ( Makino ) Makino in Bot. 423 25. 26. 2/ . Mag. Tokyo 24:31 (1910). 日 本 红 花 石 豆 苦 Cirrhopetalum japonicum Makino,I11. Fl. Jap. Pl. 42 ( 1891 ). Bulbophyllum inabai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4 : 47, .29 (1914 ) . Cirrhopetalum inabai ( Hayata ) Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:47 (1914). Bulbophyllum rubrotabellum Lin in Taiwania 20: 163 (1975), syn. nov. Distribution (分 人 而) : Japan (HA) and Taiwan ( @##). Bulbophyllum linchianum Ying, col. I1l.Indig. Orch. Taiwan 1:61, col. photo. 11 ( 1977 ). BRASH Cirrhopetalum linchianum Ying, |.c. : Distribution (4> ff) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Bulbophyllum macraei (Lindley )Reichb.f. in Walp. Ann. 6 :263 (1861). BRAD Cirrhopetalum macae Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 59 (-Te32° 2- Cirrhopetalum uraiense Hayata, Icon. Pl, Form. 4:51 (1914). Bulbophyllum uraiense Hayata, t.c. 4:51( 1914). Bulbophyllum tangasimense Masamune in Journ. Geobot. Hokuriku 16: 57( 1968). Distr ibution (4 fj) : India (印度 ) Srilanka ( 锡 斯 蓝 卡 ) Japan ( HA )Lyukyui (琉球 ) and Taiwan ( GH) Bulbophyllum macraei ( Lindley ) Reichb.f. var. autu- mnale ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. 70D。 紫 花石 豆 兰 Bulbophyllum autumnale ( Fukuyama ) Ying in Bull. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ (114 ) : 156 (1974 ). Cirrhopetalum autumnale Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. To- kyo 49: 760 (1935). , The variety differ fram the typical phase by purple flowers and the shape of sepals. 424 28. Nu 30. 31 32. Distribution (4 ffi) : Endemic ( A] & #& ) Bulbophyllum melanoglossum Hayata, Icon. P1.. Form. 4:49, pl. 10(1914). RRS Cirrhopetalum melanoglossum WHayata, Icon, Pl. Form. 4: 49(1914 ). Cirrhopetalum striatum Liu et Su in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 24:176 d/.3 (1971 ). Distribution (4 ffi) : Endemic ( HA). .Bulbophyllum omerandrum Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:50 (1914). REBASH Cirrhopetalum omerandrum ( Hayata) Hayata, l.c. 4: 50 (1914). Distribution (4 ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Bulbophyllum remotifolium ( Fukuyama ) Ying in Bull. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ. (114):156 (1974). # im 石 豆 苦 Cirrhopetalum remotifolium Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 669( 1935). Bulbophyllum hirundinis sensu Lin, Nat. Orchid. Tai- wan 1: 44, col. Phot. 11(1975), non ( Gagnep. ) Seidenf. Distribution (4 ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . .Bulbophyllum retusiusculum Reichb.f. in Gard. Chron. 1182 ( 1869 ), Seidenf. in Dansk. Bot. Ark. 29(1): 195 (1973). RSASR Bulbophyllum flavisepalum WHayata, Icon. Pl. Form.2: i ee") Cirrhopetalum flavisepalum Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 2:131( 1912). Distribution ( 4 fj) : Southeastern Asia ( Ra ) and Taiwan ( 4%) Bulbophyllum riyanum Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49:668(1935). REM Distribution (4 ffi) : Endemic (固有 稳 ). 3 425 33. 34. 35. 36 37 38 39 Bulbophyllum rubropunctatum Ying, Col. Ill. Indig. Orch. Taiwan 1:75, col. photo. 17 ( 1977). HAD Cirrhopetalum rubropunctatum Ying, |.c. Distribut ion (4 ffi) : Endemic ( HA ff). Bulbophyllum setaceum Lin, Nat. Orch. Taiwan 1:55, col. photo. 25-27 (1975 ) . #a= a Distribution (4 fi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Bulbophyllum somai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 9:109, J.37 (1920). DAR Bulbophyllum drymoglossum sensu, Lin, Nat. Orch. Taiwan 1:40, col. photo. 9( 1975), non Maxim. ex Okubo. Distribution (分 人 而) : Endemic ( HA). .Bul bophy! lum taiwanense ( Fukuyama ) Seidenf. in Bull. Mus. Paris 3.s. 29(1):89( 1973). @84EER Cirrhopetalum taiwanense Fukuyama in Bot.Mag.Tokyo 49: 761 (1935 ). | Bulbophyllum taiwanense ( Fukuyama) Ying in Bull. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ. (114) :157(1974). Distribution (4 i) : Endemic ( 固有 种 ). -Bulbophyllum tokioi Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 439 (1935). 紫花 小 石 豆 酝 Distribution (分 侧 ) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . .Bulbophyllum tokioi Fukuyama form alboviride Fu- kuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 245 (1938). MAEDA cA | Distribution (4) fi) : Endemic. (H#@ fi). .Bulbophyllum transarisanense Hayata, Icon. P1, Form. 6:73 (1916). 阿里 山石 豆 兰 Bulbophyllum viridiflorum Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 2: 133 01912), non Schltr. Bulbophyllum transarisanense Hayata form. alboviride Fukuyama in Masamune, List Vasc. Pl. Taiwan 167(1954). 426 a Distribution ( 4 fj) : Endemic ( 固有 种 ) . 40.Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindley in Wall. Cat. 41 . 42 1984 (1829 ). MIE SR { | Bulbophyllum saruwatarii Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form6: 72 ( 1916 ). Cirrhopetalum saruwaiarii ( Hayata ) Hayata, /.c. Cirrhopetalum formosanum Rolfe in Kew. Bull. 372 ( 1914 ). Bulbophyllum formosanum ( Rolfe ) Seidenf. in Dansk., Bot. Ark. 29 (1) : 171 (1973). Bulbophyllum formosanum (Rolfe ) Ying in Bull. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ. (114): 156(1974.). — Distribution ( 4 ffi) : China (中 国 ) W. Himalaya ( BBA Heil] ) Nepal ( JEYAB), Sikkim( BS), Bhutan (不 丹 ) , Assam ( fh) ge#}) and Vietnan ( 越南). 13.CALANTHE R.Br. #85 Calanthe actinomorpha Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49 :668 ( 1935). De ERA Phaius actinomorphus ( Fukuyama ) Lin, Nat. Orch. Tai- wan. 1:224, col. photos 138-139 ( 1975). | Distribution (77) : Endemic. (固有 种 ). -Calanthe albo-longicalcarata Ying in Bull. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ. ( 114 ):155(1974 )& Chin. Flow. ( ) : 34,pl-3 ( 1975). BERRA Distribution (44%) : Endemic (固有 种 )。 .Calanthe alismaefolia Lindley, Fol. Orch. Calanthe 8 ( 1854); Garay & Sweet, Orch. S. Ryukyu Isl. 122 ( 1974). RRB RE Calanthe nigropuncticulaia Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. To- kyo 48: 437( 1934 ). Calanihe japonica Blume ex Miq. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Ludg. Bat. 2: 205 ( 1866 ). ; . 427 44. 45. 46 47. 48. Distribution (fi): S. China (中 国 南部 ) Sikkim ( HS ), Japan (HA) and Taiwan (@). Calanthe arisanensis Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30 (1) : 3271911), (Mat. Fl. Form. ). 阿里 山 根 节 1 Calanthe raishaensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6:77 (1916). Distribution ( 7 /i) : Endemic ( HA). Calanthe aristulifera Reichb.f. in Bot. Zeit. 36: 74 (1878). EER AW Calanthe elliptica Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1) :329 (1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form.). Calanthe -kirishiensis Yatabe .in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 6: 253, #.7 (1893 ). Distribution ( i) : Japan (日 本 ) and Taiwan (台湾 ). jCalanthe caudatilabella Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form: 4:66, pl.13 (1914). BERw Distribution (4 fi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Calanthe densiflora Lindley in Wall. Cat. n. 7344 ( 1839 ) ; Masamune in Journ. Geobot. 19(4): pl. 10 (1971 ). ERA Calanthe kauoi Yamamoto in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 20: 38 ( 1930 )&Suppl. Icon. Pl. Form. 5: 11 (1932). : Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Himalaya ( #47 LU ) and Taiwan (a). Calanthe fimbriata Franch in Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris ser. II 10:86 (1887). R@BRH GM Calanthe fimbriatomarginata Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 301 (1934). .Calanthe schlechteri Hara in Journ. Jap. Bot. 9: 122 ( 933). : Distribution (4 fi) : China (Bi), Japan (AA) and 428 - 49. 50. 51. Taiwan ( @# ). : 3 Calanthe lyroglossum var forsythiflora ( Hayata) Ying, col. Ill, Ind, Orchid, 1:88 col, phot. (1977) 黄花 根 Sie Calanthe forsythiflora Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:67, pl.14# (1914). ' Calanthe lyroglossa sensu Lin, Nat. Orchid. Taiwan 1: 88, 1975) non Reichb.f. Calanthe liukiuensis Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. -4:67(1919). Distribution ( 4 fi) : Japan (AA), Lyukyu ( 琉球 ) and Taiwan (@#@). | Calanthe graciliflora Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 329 (1911 ),( Mat. Fl. Form.). M7E#Gim . Distribution (ji) : Endemic ( H#@ ). Calanthe herbacea Lindley, Fol. Orch. Calanthe 10 ( 1854); Yamamoto in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 20: 98 (1930). fH Rai Calanthe brevicolumna Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokoy 30(1) : 328 (1911), € Mat. Fl. Form. ). Distirbut ion ( ffi) : Himalaya ( 7B Sb HELE ) and Taiwan Be). ne Sieg Yamamoto in Journ. Soc.Trop. Agric. Taiwan 6: 550 (1934). ALE RAM Distribution (44>): Endemic ( 固有 种 ) . .Calanthe masuca (D. Don ) Lindley in Wall. Cat. n. 7337 (1839 ). RRA Calanthe longicalcarata 了 Hayata ex rs in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 20: 39 (1930 ). Calanthe seikooensis Yamamoto in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agric. Taiwan 3:237(1931). Distribution ( 4} ffi ): India ( ARE ), Malaya ¢ 局 来 西亚 ) and 429 54. 55 57. 58. Taiwan (@#). Calanthe matsudai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 9: 112, f.38& 39 (1920). KERAM Distribution (4%) : Endemic (MA). -Calanthe pulchra( Blume) Lindley var. formosana ( Rolfe ) Ying, comb. nov. & 4am Calanthe formosana Rolfe in Ann. Bot. 9 : 157 (1895) ; Henry, List Pl. Form. 92 (1896). Calanthe yushuni Mori et Yamamoto in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agric. 4: 188 (1932 ). Distribution (4 fff) : The variety ( #f&#) endemic 《固有 种 ). .Calanthe reflexa ( 0. K. ) Maxim. in Bull. Acad. Pe- tersb. 18: 68 (1873) ; Haya ta, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:71, f.34 (1914). RBA Alismorchis reflexa O.K., Rev. Gen. pl. 2: 650 ( 1819 ). Calanthe okushiriensis Miyabe & Tatew in Trans. Saporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 14:190( 1936 ). Paracalanthe reflexa (Maxim. ) Kudo in Journ. Trop. Agric. Taiwan 2:235 (1935). Calanthe reflexa var. ckhushiriensis ( Miyabe &Tatew. ) Ohwi Distribution (4 ff) : Korea ( BH), Japan( AA) and ‘Taiwan (台湾 ) . Calanthe sasaki Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:71, .35 (1914). FEAR EHH Distribution (4): Endemic (HM#@f ) . Calanthe striataR. Br. var. pumila( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. ii fi Calanthe pumila Fukuyama in Bot, Mag. Tokyo 49: 438 (1935). Distribution ( 4 fi) : Endemic ( HA ). 7 430 59. Calanthe striata R. Br. var. sieboldii (Decne ) Ma- xim. in Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 8:641(1872). Jil EK 4 i Calanthe sieboldii Decne in Rev. Hort. ser. Iv, 4:381 (7855 ). __ Calanthe kawakamii Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1) : 330.( 1911) ( Mat. Fl. Form. ). Calanthe takeoi Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 9: 111 ¢ 1920). Distribution (Afi) : Japan( HA), Lyukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan ( @#). 60. Calanthe tricarinata Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 252 61. (1833). MB REAR Calanthe megalophora Franch, Pl. David. 2:123 ( 1887 ). 3 Calanthe tori fera Schitr., in Fedde Repert. Beih 4: 68 et 243 (1919), (Jap. Orch. Sino Prodr.).~. Calanthe lamellata Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 70, f.33 (1914 ). : Distribution (4 ffi) : Himalaya ( BEWHEWS ) » W.China ( PROGR), Japan ( RA) and Taiwan (G@B). Calanthe triplicata ( ( Rumph ) Willem ) Ames in Phi- lipp. Journ. Sci. 2:326 (1907-); J.J.-Smith, Orch. Java Fig. Altas 2:/. 1/57 (1909 ). B7ERSR | Flos iriplicatus Rumph, Herb. Amb. 6:115, #¢. Sa. Tor Whee }- : an Orchis triplicata Willem. in Usteri. Ann. Bot. 18: 52(1796)-- (€ Since Willemet’s Species is a Mauritius plant it could not very well be Calanthe triplieata ( Rumph.) Ames which was described from a plant from Amboina, yet Willemet cited Rumph’s plate and .descri- ption Pa Liniodorum veratrifolium Willd., Sp. Pl. 4: 122 ( E 431 62. 1805 ). : Calanthe veratrifolia (Willd ) R. Br. Bot. Reg. 9, 1.702 (1823). Alismorchis veratrifolia ( Willd. ) Kuntze, Rev. wen. Pl. 2: 650(1891 ). Calanthe veratrifolia (Willd.) R. Br. Kennyi F. M. Bail. Qd. Agric. Journ. 28: 276 (1912). - Calanthe furcata Batem: ex Lindley, Bot. Reg. Misc. 28 (1838). Alismorchis furcata O. Ktze, Rev. Gen. 650 ( 1891). Calanthe matsumurana Schltr. in Fedde. Repert. 2: 168 ( 1906). Distribution ( 7/7) : South China (中 国 南部 ), India (人 AE) throughout Malaya ( FE2K Pah ) and Indonesia (印尼 ) to Australia (澳大利亚 ) , New Guinea ( HAH), the Philippines ( 3E@#2 ) » Japan (HA) and Taiwan ( 台湾 ). 14.CALYPSO Salisb. 匙 唇 兰 属 Calypso bulbosa ( Linn.) Reichb. f. Ic. Fl. Germ. 13: 15g, #./37(18 ). REM Cypripedium bulbosum Linn., Sp. Pl. 351 (1753 ). Cytherea borealis Salisb. im~Trans. Hort. Soc. 1: 301 (1812). Limodorum boreale Sw in Schrad. Neues. Journ. 1: 85 (1805). — Orchidium americanum Steud., Nom. ed. II,2: 222 人 do Orchidium arcticum. Sw., Summa Veg. Scand. 32 ( ds Orchidium boreale Sw. in Svensk. Bot. li. 5B ( Dw Norna borealis Wahib., Fl. Suec. ed. II, 561 ( 1826 432 € Cymbidium boreale Sw. in Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. Upsal. 6: 76 (1799). Calypso occidentalis Heller. in Bull. Torr. Bot. Culb. 193 (1898 ). , Calypso borealis Salisb., Parad. Lond. ¢. 89( 1806). _ Calypso japonica Maxim ex. Kom. in Act. Hort. Pe- . trop. 20:°533( +). : Distribution (4 fj): North temperate zone ( di ). 15. CEPHALANTHERA LL. Rich. 7783 63. Cephalanthera alpicola Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 242(1938). @8iWith Distribution ( FSi ) > Endemic (H@f ). 146.CHAMAEANTHUS ‘Schitr. §€#8@8 . 64.Chamaeanthus wenzellii Ames, Orch. 5: 200 (1915); Hsieh in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 8: 224(1955). &&# a : Distribution (ffi) : The Philippines ( 34! ) and Tai - wan (@#@). : : | 17. CHEIROSTYLIS Blume HME 65. Cheirostylis chinensis Rolfe in Ann. Bot. 9:158 ( 1895); Henry, List. Pl. Form. 92 (1896); Matsum. et Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 416 (1906), ( Enum. Pl. Form. ) . 指 柱 兰 Cheirostylis liukiuensis Masamune in Journ. Soc. Trop. ' Agric. Taiwan 2:36 (1930). Distribution (分 人 而) : China ( 中 国 ), Lyukyu ( 琉球 ) and Taiwan ( 台湾 ). . 66. Cheirostylis flabellata Wight, Icon. t. 1727 ( 3 Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. 1:187( ry Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6:106( ). BER 433 67. 68 69. 70. Cheirostylis cochinchinensis Blume, Fl. Jav. Orch. 46, ¢: 99, F252 ¢ ). Goodyera flabellata A. Rich. in Ann. Sci. Nat.ser. 2, 15:79, ¢. 12( }s Cheirostylis inabai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 108, f.56 (1914). . Distribution (4 fi) : Vietnan (越南 ) India (印度 and Taiwan ( @#). Cheirostylis taiwanensis Yamamoto in Joum.Soc. a Agric. Taiwan 5: 54 (1933). 台湾 指 柱 兰 | Distribution (47>) : Endemic (固有 种 ). .Cheirostylis takeoi (Hayata ) Schltr. in Fedde. Repert. Beih. 4:171 (1919), ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr.)。 和 无 侍 指 柱 兰 7 Arisanorchis takeoi Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:110, f.57 (1914 ). Distribution ( Afi) : Thailand ( #53) and Taiwan (( @ @). Cheirostylis tatewakii Masamune in Journ. Trop Agric. Taiwan 4:195( 1933 ): ASABE Distribution ( 4 ff ) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 18. CHILOSCHISTA Lindley 梅 戎 属 ( Chilochista Mein ), Chiloschista segawai ( Masamune) Ying in Bull. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ. (114): 155( 1974). 梅 苦 Sarcochilus segawai Masamune in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form.. 24: 212 (1934 ). Thrixspermwm segawai Masamune, l.c. Chilochista segawat Masamune & Fukuyama in Bot. | Mag. Tokyo 52: 247 (1936 ). Distribution ( 4%) : Endemic ( AiG). 71. Chiloschista segawai (Masamune ) Ying var. taiwani- 434 72 73. 74. 75. ana Ying, Col. Ill. Ind. Orch Taiwan 1:107, Col .photo.33 (1977). BERR Distribution (4 fi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 19. CHRYSOGLOSSUM Blume 2E8B .Chrysoglossum formosanum Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1):318 (1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form.) 4% | BH Chrysoglossum ornatum sensu Lin, Nat. Orch. Taiwan 1:106, col. photo. 55 Dissected f. 33 (1975 ),. non Blume. Distribution (4 fi) : Endemic ( H@ ). 20. COELOGLOSSUM Hartm.2BR Coeloglossum nankotaizanensis (Masamune) Ying in | Quart. Chin. For. 8(4):149 (1975). G#2ER Herminium nankotaizanensis Masamune in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agric. Taiwan 4:194(1932 ). Platanthera nankotaizanensis ( Masamune ) Masamune in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 46: 773 (1932). Coeloglossum iaiwanianum Ying, Alp. Pl. Taiwan in Col, 1:71, col. phot. 101 (1975). Coeloglossum viride sensu Lin, Nat. Orch. Taiwan 1: 108, col. photo. 56-57, (1975 ), mon (Linn. )Hartm. Distribution (4 f).: Endemic (固有 种 ) . 21. COLLABIOPSIS Ying 假 吻 苦 属 Collabiopsis formosanum ( Hayata ) Ying, Col. III. Indig. Orch. 1: 112, col. photo.36 (1977). G@BRWH Collabium formosanum Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1):319(1911 ), (Mat. Fl. Form.). Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Collabiopsis uraiensis ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. & AK ERY | 435 Collabium uraiensis Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 300 (1934). Distribution ( 4 ff) : Endemic (固有 种 ). 22. CORYB AS Salish. 5 76. Corybas taiwanensis Lin in Taiwania 20:162, pl. 7 (1975).48em Distribution (A) : Endemic (国有 种 ) . 23. CORYMBORCHIS Thou. ex Blume GRHEB 77.-Corymborchis veratrifolia Thou. ex Blume, Orch Ind. Arch. 125, ¢. 42 (1855) @REH Corymborchis sakisimensis ( Fukuyama) Fukuyama . in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 31: 290 (1941). Corymborchis assamica Blume, /.c. 126, t. 43 (1855). Corymbis varvatrifolia Reichb. f. in Flora 67:684 ( 1865). Corymbis sakisimensis Fukuyama. Distribution ( Ai) : India (印度 ) Thiland (泰国 ) , Malaya ( 马来西亚 ) s. China (中国 南 部 ) and Taiwan ( @ 8). 24. CREMASTRA Lindley 58 #83 78.Cremastra appendiculata var. triloba ( Hayata ) Ying in Chinese Flow(26): 4, £3(1976). @8 Sm Cremastra triloba.. Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 84 f.40 (1914 ). Cremastra appendiculata sensu Lin, Nat. Taiwan Orch. 1:110(€1975), non (D. Don ) Makino. Distribution : the variety ( #f&) is endemic (HA } 25. CRYPTOSTYLIS R. Br. BERS 79 .Cryptostylis arachnites (Blume ) Hassk, Cat. Bog. 436 8 (1844 ). BEB Zosterostylis arachnites Blume, Bijdr. 419 (1825 ). Zosterostylis zeylanica Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 446 ( 1840). Zosterostylis walkerae Wight, Icon..5, I, 20 #./74é, IV ( 1852 ). Crypotostylis erythroglossum Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 117, t.J8( 1914). Distribution (ffi) : India (AJB), Srilanka ( FBE+ ) , Malaya ( Bam) , Java (爪哇 ) , Bornea ( BRM) and Taiwan ( @#). 80.Cryptostylis arachnites (Blume ) Hassk. var. phili- 81 ppinensis (Schitr. ) Ying, Col. Ill. Indig. Orch. 1:107 col. photo. 39(1977). @EBEM Cryptostylis philippinemsis Schltr. in Engl. Bot. Ja- hrb. 58:54 (1922). Cryptostylis tatwaniana Masamune in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 23:208 (1933). Di stribution ( 4 fi) : The Philippines (JE@B) and Tai- wan ( G@#). 26. CYMBIDIUM Sw. SHS -Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Sw. in Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. Upsal. 6:73(1799); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 74, f.37 (1914). RW Epidendrum aloifolium Linn., Sp. Pl. 959e(1753 ).°' Aerides borassi Buch-Ham. ex Smith in Rees. Cyclop. 39: 8 ( a ? Cymbidium crassifolium Lindley in Wall. n. 7357( ). Cymbidium mannii Reichb.f. in Flora 15: 274 (1872). Distribution (4%): Srilanka (BRE-+), India peni- nsula (AEUE4EB) and Taiwan (G@#@). §2.C ymbidium dayanum Reichb. f. in Gard. Chron. 710 437 (-1869); Ying in Chin. Flow. (2) :54, pl.1 (1974). B® Cymbidium simonsianum King et Planting in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 44:239 (1895); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:82, £.39 (1914). Cymbidium alborubena Makino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 16: 11 (1902). Cymbidium marginatum Makino in Iinuma Somoku- Dzusetsu ed. 3 4: 183 (1913). Cymbidium acutum Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. 32: 334 ( 3. Cymbidium eburneum Lindley var. dayanum Hook.f. Cymbidium dayanum Reichb. f.var. austro-japonicum Tuyama. Cymbidium pulcherrimum Hort. Sand in Gard. Chron. 2: 721 C¥SST9~ Distribution (4 fi) : India (印度 ) Sikkim ( 84) ,Ma- laya ( 马来西亚 ) Sumatra ( M@PIAAB) Celebes ( 西里 伯 斯 ) the Philippines ( JSE#@H), S. China (中 国 南 部 ) and Taiwan. 83. Cymbidium faberi Rolfe in Kew. Bull. 1896: 198 ( 1896). ASR Cymbidium oiwakensis Hayata, Icon, Pl, Form, 6: 80, f./# (1916) Distribution (分 人 而) : China ( 中国) and Taiwan ( @#). 84.Cymbidium gyokuchin Makino var. arrogans( Hayata) Ying, in Col. Ill. Indig. Orch. Taiwan 1: 126, Col. photo. 43( 1977) . Kt *®OM Cymbidium arrogaus Hayata, Icon, Pl. Form. 4 : 76 (1914) et 6:79, f.12 (1917). Distribution (分 人 而) : The variety endemic ( H&E ). 85.Cymbidium formosanum Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1):335(1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form.) & Icon. Pl. Form. 4:77 (1914); Ying in Chinese Flow. (23) :32, pl.1 (1974). FRAaR Distribution (4 i): Endemic (固有 种 ), 438 86 . 87. Cymbidium gracillium Fukuyama in Trans.Nat. Soc, Form. 22:413, f./ et 2 (1932); Ying in Chinese Flow. (4):59, p1.8(1974). M#HRR Cymbidium formosanum Hayata var. gracillium ( Fu- kuyama ) Liu et Su, Nat. Orch Taiwan rev. ed.48(1975). Dis tribution (4 ffi) : Endemic (固有 逢 ) . Cymbidium lancifolium Hook.f., Exot. Fl. 1, f.51 ( ); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:79 (1914) 3 Ying in Chin. Flow. (5):33,p/. 7 (1974). W3ER ) Cymbidium nagi-folium Masamune in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 44: 220 (1930). Cymbidium gibsoni Lindley & Paxt., Flow. Card. 3: 144 (1852-53). * Cymbidium javanicum Blume, Bijdr. 380 (1825 ). Distribution (Ai) : Java ( /\HE),-Japan ( HA) and Ta- wan (台湾 ) . .Cymbidium lancifolium var. aspidistrifolium ( Fu- kuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. {EH Cymbidium aspidisirifolium Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. | Tokyo 48: 438, /.2 (1934). Cymbidium javanicum Blume var. aspidisirifolium . ( Fukuyama ) Maekawa in Journ. Jap. Bot. 33 : 320 (1958), nom. nud, Distribution (4 ffi) : Lyukyu ( 琉球 ) and Taiwan ( 台湾) , 89 -Cymbidium lancifolium var. syunitianum (Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. (REWER Cymbidium syunitianum Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 757 (1935 ). . Distribution ( 4ffi) : Endemic (国有 逢 ) . 90.Cymbidium kanran Makino in Bot: Mag. Tokyo 16:10 (1902 ). 2 Cymbidium linearisepalum Yamamoto in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 20:40 (1930). 439 91. Cymbidium linearisepalum Yamamoto form. atoropu- rpureum Yamamoto in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 20: 41 (1930 ). Cymbidium linearisepalum Yamamoto form. atrovirens Yamamoto, |.c. 20: 41 (1930). | Distribution (4> i) : Japan( HA) , Lyukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan ( 人 台湾 ) . Cymbidium -kanran Makino var. misericors (Hayata) Ying, comb. nov. RE#H Cymbidium misericos Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form 4:79, f.38-6 (1914 ) . Cymbidium kanran Makino form. misericors (Hayata) Ying in Chin. Flow. (23):7 (1976). Distribution ( 4 fi) : Endemic ( Hl##f ). 92.Cymbidium kanran Makino -var. purpureo-hiemale 93. 94 95. ( Hayata) Ying, comb. nov. £82 % | Cymbidium purpureo -hiemale Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 81(1914). Cymbidium kanran Makino form purpureo-hiemale ( Hayata ) Ying in Chinese Flow. (23):7(1976). Distribution (4 ffi) : Endemic (MA). Cymbidium kanran Makino var. babae (Kudo ) Ying in Chinese Flow. (23) :7( 1976). Cyperorchis babae Kudo ex Masamune in Journ. Jap. Bot. 8° 258 (1932). Distribution ( 4 ffi) ; Endemic (固有 种 ). .Cymbidium pumilum Rolfe in Kew. Bull. 1907: 130 (1907 ).)RR >? 2B4M Cymbidium illiberale Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:78 ( 1914 ). Distribution (4 ffi) : China ( 中国) and Taiwan (@#). Cymbidium oreophilum Hayata, Icon. Pl. From4: 80, f.38-c (1914). DEM 440 Cymbidium rubrigemmum Hayata, Icon. 了 1.Form 6:81, OTSA 1936). ..* , : . Cymbidium misericors Hayata var. oreophilum Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 81 (1914). Cymbidium ensifolium var. rubrigemum ( Hayata )Liu © et Su, Nat. Orch. Taiwan rev. ed. 53, ( 1976). . Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Endemic ( Hj ## ). 96.Cymbidium sinense Willd., Sp. Pl. 4: 111 (1805); Fu- kuyama in Masamune, Short Fl. Form. 287(1936). # ”成 兰 Epidendron sinense Ander. Bot. Rep. 3:216 (1802). Cymbidium fragrans Salisb in Trans. Hort Soc. 1:298 (1812 ). Cymbidium hoosai Makino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 16:27(1902) Distribution (4 ffi) : China (中 国 ) and Taiwan (人 台湾 ), 96a. Cymbidium sinense Willd. formalbo- jucundissimum ( Hayata ) Fukuyama in Trans Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 22: 415 (1932). SER Cymbidium albo-jucundissimum Hayata, Icon.Pl. Form. . 4:74( 1914). | Cymbidium sinense Willd. var. albo-jucundissimum - Masamune in Trop. Hort. 3:31(1933). Distribution (4 fj) : China ( 中国 ) and Taiwan ( G@#). 96b. Cymbidium sinense Willd. form. margicoloratum ( Hayeta ) Fukuyama in Masamune, Short Fl. Form. 287 (1936 ). MLREBRRR Cymbidium sinense Willd. var. margicoloratum Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6: 82, f./6-6 et I7 (1916). Distribution ( 4>ff) : Endemic (M4 ). 97.Cymbidium tortisepalum Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 304, f.1 (1934). FRM Distribution (4 ffi) : Endemic ( HA). 98.Cymbidium tortisepalum Fukuyama var. viridiflorum | 44] Ying, Col. Illust. Indig. Orch. Taiwan 1:415( 1977 ).® (teem Distribution (44) : Endemic ( Hi4 # ). 27. CYPRIPEDIUM Linn. 袋 唇 苦 属 99.Cypripedium debile Reichb. f., Xenia Orch. 2: 233 (1865 ) .)SER Cypripedium cardiophyllum Fr,. & Sav., Enum. Pl. Jap. 2:39 1679). Distribution ( 4 fi): Japan ( HA) and Taiwan (人 台湾 ). 190.C ypripedium guttatum Sw. var. segawai (Masamune ) Ying Col. Illust. Indrg Orch. Taiwan 1:357(1977). KES EM Cypripedium segawai Masamune in Trop. Hort. 3:31 & Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 23:209 (1933). Distribution (4 ff) : the variety is endemic (固有 和 八 逢 ). 101.Cypripedium japonicum Thunb. var. formosanum ( Hayata ) Ying in Chinese. Flow. (15):33, pl./ (1975) €& in Quart. Chin. Form. 8(4): 141 (1975). G8 SEM Cypripedium formosanum Hayata, Icon. Pl. From 6:66, 79 X Wt s. Cypripedium japonicum sensu Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 2:13 (1912), non Thunb Distribution ( 4 ffi ) : The species (种 ) in China ( rh BY ) and Japan( HA); The variety ( #f&) endemic (固有 ) , 102.C ypripedium macranthum Sw. in Vet. Acad. Hamdl. Stockl. 251 (1800); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 2: 136 (1912). BUREw Cypripedium thunbergii Blume, Orch. Archip. Ind. 169 《 六 总 Cypripedium speciosum Rolfe in Kew. Bull 1911 : 207 © 198 fF. Cypripedium aismori Morren in Belg. Hort. 1171, $a (1851). Cypripedium calcedus var. atsmori ( Morren ) Pfilzer. 442 103. 104. 105, 106, Cypripedium macranthum Sw. var. speciosum ( Ro- Ife ) Koidz. Cypripedium taiwantanum Masamune in Trop. Hort. 3:31 (1933). Distribution (4 ff) : Korea ( BZ), Japan( AA) , ncrthern and northeastern China (中国 北部 及 东北 部 , Kmchatake ( #234) , Siberia (西伯 利 亚 ) e. Europe ( 欧州 东部 ) and Taiwan ( G@#). 28. DENDROBIUM “Sw. Gas Dendrobium baileyi F. Muell., Fragm. Phyt. Aust. 8: 173 ( 1874). MAR Dendrobium keffordii F. Muell., Bial. Proc. R. Soc. Qd. 1:2 ( 1884). Callisia batleyi (F. Muell. ) Kantze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2:654 (1891). Dendrobium somai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6: 7] (1916), Syn. nov. Distribution (4 fi) : Australia ( 澳 州 ) and Taiwan (§ 湾 ) . Dendrobium biflorum Sw. in Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. Upsal. 6:84 (1799 ). 伙 花 石 斜 Dendrobium furcatopedicellatum Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:39, f. /¢ (1914). Distribution (4 ffi) : Pacific island (太平 洋 诸 息 and Taiwan (@¥#). Dendrobium chameleon Ames, Orch, 2: 174( 1908). MAA ft Dendrobium randaiense Hayata in Journ, Col, Sci, Univ, Tokyo 30(1):315(1911), (Mat, Fl, Form, ), Dendrobium longicalcarata Hayata, Icon, Pl, Form, 4: 43 (1914 ), Distribution ( 4>%j ) : The Philippines ( FE@@ ) and Taiwan ( 台湾 o Dendrobium clavatum Lindley var. aurantiacum ( 443 107. 108. Reichb.f. ) Tang et Wang in Act. Phytotax. Sin. 1:40 (1951). Z#@AS Dendrobium aurantiacum Reichb.1. in Gard. Chron. III, 2:98 (1887). Dendrobium flaviflorum Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1):312 (1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form.). Distribution (4%) : Burma ( @), Vietnan ( 越南 ) and Taiwan (#8). Dendrobium crumenatum Sw. in Schrad. Journ. Bot. 2: 237 (1799). A# Dendrobium kwashoiense Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:41, f. l3d-g & f.15 (1914) Onychium crumenaium Blume, Bijdr. 326 (1825). Callista crumemata Ktze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2:653 (人 1891). P Dendrobium cumulaium Kranzl. in Engl. Pflanzen. EV, Wn Ble My ain 13m C EBRO }. Dendrobium caninum Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 19-344 ( 1921), non Epidendrum caninum Burm.f. Distribution (444): The Philippines ( FE4@%) , Ma- laya ( BRB), ,Java (爪哇 ) Thailand (#8), Sri- lanka (S222) and Taiwan (2). Dendrobium equitans Kraenzl. in Eng. Pfl-rich. 4:50, Il, B. 21, 228, f-229 (1910) ; Hayata in Jonrn. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1) :315 (1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form.) ; Ying in Chin. Flow. (13) :33(19%). fee Bae Distribution ( 444%) : Endemic ( BA). 109. Dendrobium falconeri Hook.f.Bot. Mag. 14.4944 ( ) -8Z2Ae Dendrobium erythrogiossum WUHayata, Icon. Pl. Form 4:36, f.132 (1914) & 7:40, pl.12 ( 1918). Distribution ( 74%) : Himalays ( BEWEiUSB) to Bu- 444 ss rma 110. 1]l. 112. “13. (町名 ) and Thailand ( 泰国 ), also in Taiwan( & @). Dendrobium leptocladum Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:43 (1914 ).K#zA8 Dendrobium tenuicaule sensu Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1) :316 (1911), om Hook.f. Distribution (fj) : Endemic (国有 元 ) . Dendrobium linawianum Reichb. f. in Walp. Ann. 6:284 (1861); Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci.Univ. Tokyo 30(1) :313 (1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.). 208 Dendrobium moniliforme sensu Lindiey in Bot. Reg. i. 1314 (1830), mon (Linn. ) Sw. Dendrobium atboviride Hayata, Icm. Pl. From. 9: 108, f. 36 (1920). Callisita linawiana Ktze, Rev. Gen. 655 (1891). Ormosiemma purpurea Rafin, Flor. Tellur. 38 ( 1836). Distribution (44) : China ( #3) and Taiwan (#8). Dendrobium miyakei Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4:64(1919), ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr. ).; Hayata , Icon. Pl. Form. 10:32 (1921); Yimg in Chinese Flow. (3): 32, pl.1 (1974) .& 768 Dendrobium hainanense Matsum. et Hayata in Joaum. _ Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 408 (1906), ( Enum. Pl. Form. ). Dendrobium pseudo-hainanense Masamune _ in Trop. Hort. 3:33 (1833). Distribution (77%) : Endemic (M#@#). Dendrobium moniliforme ( Linn.) Sw. in Nov. Act.- Upsal. 6: 85 (1790); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 44 (1914); Ying in Chin. Flow (13): 32 ,ft 3 (197). Ast Epidendrum moniliforme Linn., Sp. Pl. 1:954 ( 1753). 445 114. 115. Epidendrum monile Thunb., Fl. Jap. 30( a Dendrobium monile ( Thunb. ) Kraenzl. in Engl. Pfl- . rich? TY Ti, B 21, 50:4 2880). Oncidium Japonicum Blume Distribution (分 而) : China (Bi), Korea (韩国 > Japan (日 本 ) and Taiwan ( @¥#). | Dendrobium pallens Ridl. in Journ. Linn. 32: 241 (1894). BAe Distribution (4) : Malaya (马来西亚 ) and =e.“ Taiwan (ae). Dendrobium tosaense Makino, Ill. Fl. Jap. pl. 46 (1891). 称 黄花 石 斜 Dendrobium pere-fauriei Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6:70 (1916). Dendrobium tosaense Makino var. pere-fauriei Ma- samune in Journ. Trop. Agri. Taiwan 4:196 ( 1932). Distribution (Afi): Japan( HA), Lyukyu ( HR) and Taiwan (@¥#). 29. DENDROCHILUM Blume &7E—-#® 116. Dendrochilum microchilum ( Schltr. ) Ames, Orch. 2:87 (1908) & in Philip. Journ Sci. 5, Bot. 34] (1910). M7E—-2BER Platyclinis microchila Schitr. in Bull.Herb. Boiss. 2:6 (1906). Dendrobium venustulum ( Ames ) Pfitz. in Engl. Pflanzen. IV, 50, II, B. 7, 116). / 33a @ageee Ames, Orch. 2:88, p/.22 (1908). Acoridium venustulum Ames in Proc. Biol.Soc. Wa- sh. 19: 147 (1906). Dendrochilum formosanum Schlitr. in Fedde Repert Boiss ser. I, I1,6 185 € 1919 ) ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr. ) ; Yamamoto, Suppl. Pl. Form. 2:5 ( 1926). Platyclinis formosana Schitr. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 446 ser. II, VI, 302 (1906); Matsum. & Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 420 (1906), (Enum. Pl. Form. ). Distribution (44): The Philippines ( E22 ) and Taiwan (@¥#). 30. DIDYMOPLEXIS Griff. Bhs 117. Didymoplexis pallens Griff. in Calc. Journ. Nat. 118. 119. Hist. 4, pl.17 (1844 ); Matsum. & Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 418 (1906),(Enum. PI. Form. ) Hayata in 1.c. 30(1):346 (1911) ,(Mat. FI. Form.). #28 Didymoplexis nipponica Honda in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 46:168 (1932). Didymoplexis formosana Hayata ex Sasaki, List Pl. Form. 128 (1928). Distribution (4 ffi) : Tropical Asia (热带 亚 州 ) and Taiwan (@#). Didymoplexis subcampanulata Hayata Icon. Pl. Fo- rm. 2:176 (1912) & 4:119 f.63 (1914). #8828 Distribution (4) : Endemic (MAH). 31. DIPLOPRORA Hook.f. #=85 , Diploprora championi (Lindley ) Hook.f., Fl.Brit. Ind. 6:26 (1890); Henry, List Pl. Form. 93 (1896 ); Matsum. & Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 413(1906), ( Enum. Pl. Form.). 倒 垂 苦 Cottonia championi Lindley ex Hook. Kew. Journ. 7:35 (1855). | Luisia bicaudata Thw., Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 302(1861 Vanda bicuadata Thw., l.c. Diploprora kusukusensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:86, f.42 (1914). Distribution (分 而) : Himalaya (喜马拉雅 山 ) Burma ( 向 ) ,Srilanka ( 席 里 蓝 卡 ) S. China (中 国 南 部 ) and 447 Taiwan ( @#). 120. Diploprora uraiensis Hayata, Icon. P1.Form. 4: 87, 121. f.43 (1914); Ying in Chine. Flow. (5) :33, pl.J ( 1974). BKAEw ) Distribution ( 4 ff) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 32.DISPERIS Sw. #885 Disperis orientalis Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50: 17( 1936 ). | Distribution (4 ff): Endemic (H#Af). _ 33. EPHEMERANTHA P.F. Hunt. & Summerh. 8705 122. Ephemerantha comata (Blume ) Hunt. & Summerh. in Taxon 10:103 (1961); Dockrill Austr. Indig. Orch. 314 (1969) . BER ra Desmotrichum comata Blume, Bijdr. 230 (1825). Dendrobium comatum ( Blume ) Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 76 (1830); J.J. Smith, Fl. Buitenz.. 6: 313 (1905); Holtt., Fl. Malaya 1:266, f. 56 (1957). Dendrobium criniferum Lindley, Bot. Reg. 30, misc. | 41 (1844). Callista comaita ( Blume ) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2:654 (1891). Dendrobium thysanochilum Schltr. in K. Schum. & Laut., Nachtr. Fl. Deut. Schutz. Sudseo. 152 (1905). Desmotrichum criniferum (Lindley) Krzl., Pflanz. Heft 45: 348 ( 1910). - Desmotrichum scope Krzl., |.c. 349 (1910). Ephemeranthera thysanochila (Schitr. ) P.F. Hunt. & Summerh., l.c. 106. Flickingeria comaia (Blume ) A. D. Hawkes, Orquidea 27: 302 (1965). Dendrobium fimbriatolabellum Hayata, Iocn. P|. Form. 448 123. 124. 125. 126. 4:38, f.13b. (1914). | Distribution (4%) : Australia (Yay), Malaya (Bx 西亚 ) , Sumatra ( #PISHR), New Guinea ( #SA HE ) ,The Philippines (菲律宾 ) and Taiwan ( @##). 34. EPIGENEIUM Gagnep. 4RRE Epigeneium nakaharai ( Schitr. ) Summer. in Kew. Bull. 1957: 263 ( 1957 ). 4AM Dendrobium nakaharai Schitr. in Fedde Repert. 2: 169 (1906) & l.c. 4: 213 (1919), (Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr.) ; Matsum. & Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 408 (:1906), ( Enum. Pl. Form.); Ying in Chinese Flow. (10): 54, pl. 4(1974). : Epigeneium chapaense Gagnep in Bull. Mus. Paris 596 (1932). - Distribution (4 fi): Vietnan (越南 ) and Taiwan (@ ). ~ Epigeneium sanseiense (Hayata ) Summer in Kew. Bull. 1957 :263 ( 1957). HitEa Am Dendrobium sanseiense Hayata, Icon. P1.Form. 6: 70 (1916). | Distribution (4} ff) : Endemic. ( BG). 35. EPIPACTIS ( Linn. in part.) Sw. HB Epipactis ohwii Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48:298 (1934). 88h | Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 . 36. EPIPOGUM (Gmel.) L.C. Rich. FERRE Epipogum roseum (D. Don. ) Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. 1:177 (1857) ; -Ames, Orch. 2: 48(1908); Holtt., Orch. Malaya ed.3, 107 (1964); Seidenf. et Smit, Orch. Thail. (pt.1):65, f.4 (1959); Tuyama_ 449 in Journ. Jap. Bot. 42:302 (1967) FEM Limodorum roseum D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nep.30 (Feb. 1825 ). Ceratopsos rosea ( D. Don. ) Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 384 (1840). Galera rosea ( D. Don. ) Blume, Mus. Bot.Lugd. Bat. 2: 188 (1856). Galera nutans Blume, Bijdr. 416 ( June-Dec.1825). Epipogum nutans ( Blume ) Reichb.f., Bonplandia 1857 : 36 ( 1857 ). Podanthera pallida Wight, Icon. ¢. /759 (1852). Galera rolfet Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30 (1) : 348 (1911), ( Mat. Fil. Form.) & Icon. Pl. Form. 4:121, f.64 (1914). Epipogum rolfei ( Hayata ) Schitr. in Fedde Repert 10:5 ( 1911 ). Epipogum makinoanum Schltr. in Fedde Repert Beih 4: 153 (1919), (Orch. Sino. Jap. Prodr.). Epipogum africanum Schltr. in Englers. Bot. Jahrb. 45:399 (1911). Galera kusukusensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:121, pl. 20 (1914). Epipogum kusukusense (Hayata ) Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4: 153 ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr. ). Epipogum poneranthum Fukuyama in Trans. Nat. Hist.. Soc. Form. 32: 243 (1942 ). Epipogum sinicum Tso in Sunyatsenia 1:132 ( 193.3). Epipogum dentilabellum Ohtani et Suzuki in Sci. Rep. Yokosuka city Mus. 6: 28, pl. #4 (1961). Distribution (4%) : Tropical Asia (热带 亚 州 , Japan (HA), Australia (澳大利亚 ) and Taiwan ( 台湾 ) . 450 127. 128. 129. 37. ERIA Lindley K#EB Eria amica Reichb.f., Xenia Orch. 2: 162 (1865); Masamune, List. Vasc. Pl. Taiwan 166 ( 1954). 人 小 简 Bal Eria hypomelana Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:54, Fe22.¢€ 19149. Distribution (4) :Himalay (BRA) and Taiwan(g@#) 。 Eria corneri Reichb.f. in Gard, Chron.2:106 (1878) ; Matsum. & Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22:409 (1906), ( Enum. Pl. Form.); Hayata in /.c. 30(1) : 320 (1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form.); Ying in Chi- mese. Flow. (9):28, 1.8 (1974) . RB Eria septemlamella Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:56, f.24 (1914). Eria yakushiménsis Nakai in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 36: 20 (1922 ). Eria goldschmidtiana Schitr. in FeddeRepert. Beih. 4:107 (1919), (€ Orch. Sino- Jap. Prodr. ). Eria petelotii Gagnep in Bull. Mus. Nat. Paris ser. 2, 2:309 ( 1930). Dendrobium bonianum Gagnep. in Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Paris ser. 2, 2: 333 (1930). Eria boniana ( Gagnep. ) Tang & Wang in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1:84 (1951). Distribution (4 fi): S. China ( RRB) , Lyukyu( BR) and Taiwan ( GH). Eria formosana Rolfe in Kew. Bull. 194 (1896); Henry, List Pl. Form. 91(1896). #7ERH Eria tomentosiflora Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 2: 137 (1912). Eria plicatilabella Hayata, Icon. Pl. From. .4 :55 , f.23 (1914 ). Eria copelandii sensu Makino et’ Nemoto Fl. Jap. 451 | 130. 131. rev. ed. 164] G 1931). . Eria philippinensis Ames, Orch. 1: 94 ( 1905 ). Distribution (4 fi) : The Philippines ( FE@# ) and Taiwan ( @#). Eria ovata Lindley in Bot. Reg. 30: sub. t. 29 (1844) 3 Ames Orch. 2:195 ( 1908 ) & 5: 149 ( 1915 );Hsieh in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 8:243 (1955). HABER J , Eria luchuensis Yatabe in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 7: 131, pl.6( 1893). Eria elmeri Ames, Orch. 1:93 (1905). Eria bidentata Nakai in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 34-7144 (1920). Distribution (4): Lytikyu ( 5@&R ), the Philippines (JE@R) and Taiwan (台湾 ) . Eria ovata var. retroflexa( Lindley )Garay & Sweet, Orch. S. Ryukyu Isl. 113 (1974). RERMM> XBW Eria retroflexa Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3:60 (1859). 外 Eria merrillii Ames in Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. 2: 331 ( 1907), Eria racemosa Leavitt. in Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. 4: 206 (1907). | Eria mnudicaulis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 2: 138 ( 1912). Eria glabra Schitr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 10 : 90 (1912). Eria maboroensis Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 1: 658 ( 1912 ). | | Eria bontocensis Ames in Phil. Journ. Sci. 8: 427 (1913 ). 452 32. 133. 134. 135. Distribution (47) : The Philippines ( J3E@# ) ,Borneo (2M) , Celebes (西里 伯 斯 ) New Guinea (新 妈 内 亚 ) , Ryukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan ( 台湾 ) . Eria reptans ( Fr. & Sav. ) Makino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 15: 128 (1901). RELL iia Dendrobium reptans Fr. & Sav., Enum. Pils Jan. 2:511 (1879). Eria japonica Maxim. in Bull. Acad.Sci. St-petersb. 31: 103 ( 1887). Eria arisanense Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 54, #.22 (1914). Eria hosokawae Hawkes & Heller in Lloydia 20: 130 ( 1957). Callisitra reptans (Fr. et Sav.) O. Ktze., Rev. Gen. Pl. 2:655 (1891). Distribution (47%) : China (Bi), s. Japan ( HAR | 部 ) , Ryukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan ( G@#). Eria reptans (Fr. & Sav. ) Makino var. matsudai (Hayata ) Ying, comb. nov. RAHKRMH Eria matsudai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 9:109 ¢ 1920). | Distribution (4%) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Eria sawadae Yamamoto in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agric. Taiwan 3: 238 (1931). 2 iH Distribution (47) : Endemic (HA@f#). 38. ERYTHODES Blume /\4iBS Erythrodes formosana Schitr. in Fedde Rep. Beih. 4 : 169 (1919 ), ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr. ); Hayata , Icon. Pl. Form. 10: 33 ( 1921); Yamamoto in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agric. Taiwan. 3: 239 (1931 ) . Bw Physurus chinensis sensu. Matsum. et Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22:409 (1906),(Enum. = 136. 137. 138. Pi. Form. ); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:99, f.52 (1914) & 6: 87 (1916 ). non Rolfe Distribution (4 i) : Endemic (HA). 39. EULOPHIA R. Br. ex Lindley =#BS Eulophia bicarinata ( Lindley ) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6:6 (1890). t= Cyrtopera bicarinaia Lindley in Wall, cat, 7363(1832), Cyrtopera formosana Rolfe, Kew. Bull. 1896: 198 (1896). Eulophia formosana Rolfe in Journ. Linn. Soc. 36: 28(1903 ); Matsum. & Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22:412 (1906), ¢ Enum. Pl. Form. ). Distribution (4>/)) : Himalaya (喜马拉雅 山 )and Taiwan ( GH). Eulophia dentata Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. 6; Bot. 51( 1911) & Orch. 5:102 ( 1915). BEB+=R Eulophia segawa Fukuyama in Bot. MagTokyo 48: 4375 fd.¢ Posty: Distribution ( 分 人 而 ) : The Philippines ( JE@##%) and Taiwan ( @#). Eulophia graminea Lindley in Wall. cat. no. 7372 ( 1832); Merrill. in Sunyatsenia 1:15 (1930). & 55 Eulophia sinensis Miq. in Journ. Bot. Neerl. 1: 9] ( 1861); Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4: 261 ( 1919), € Orch. Sino-Jap. Pordr. ). Eulophia ramosa Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 332 (1911); Schltr. /.c. 4: 262 (1919). Eulophia inconspicua Griff. Notul. 349(¢ a Eulophia gusukumai Masamune in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 24:208 (1934). Eulophia taiwanensis Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. 454 139. 140. 141. Univ. Tokyo 30(1) : 333 ( 1911 ), ( Mat. Fl. Form.). Distribution (7 fi): Assam ( bg) ; Srilanka (FB E+) , Burma ( fi) , Singapore (新 加 坡 ) , Vietnan ( & fj) , Malaya peninsula (BRE) S. China ( 中 国 南部 ) and Taiwan ( @###). Eulophia graminea Lindley var. kitamurai ( Ma- samune ) Ying, comb. nov. 4#+8 Eulophia kitamurai Masamune in Journ. Soc. Trop. Taiwan 4:192 (1932), Eulophia taiwanensis Hayata var. kitamurai Masa- mune in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 46:773 (1932). Distribution (44) : Endemic ( HA). Eulophia herbacea Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 182 (1833). B= Eulophia brachycentra Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 72, f.36a(1914). Distribution (4) : Srilanka (- 席 里 蓝 卡 ) , Macrae (BH). India ( 印度 ) Malaya ene Taiwan (aH). | Eulophia macrostachya Lindley, Gen. et Sp. Orch. 183 ( 1833 ); Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48:304 (1934).K=R Eulophia emarginata Blume, Fl. Jav. Orch. 153 ( 1858 ) . Graphorchis macrostachya Ktze, Rev. Gen.Pl1.2:662 (1891). Gu phorchis blumeana Ktze, Rev.-Gen. Pl. 2: 663 (1891). Distribution (447) : India (印度 ) Srilanka ( FHE 卡 ), Sumatra ( #P] SHR) . Java (RE) , Ternate ( ) , Borneo ( &#IN) , New Guinea ( PRA HE ) ‘ Leyete % ) , Mindaneo ( ) . Australia (澳大利亚 ) and Taiwan (台湾 ) . 455 142. Eulophia zollingeri (Reichb.f. ) J.J. Smith, Orch. Java 228(1905). = Cyrtopera zollingeri Reichb.f. in Bonplandia 5:38 (1857). Eulophia macrhiza Blume, Orch. Archip. Ind. 183 (1858). t Eulophia ochobiensis Hayata, Leis Pl. Form. 6: 78 . 2086 2: Distribution (Afi) : Java (爪哇 , Malaya (马来西亚 ) , Lyukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan (人 台湾 ) . 40. GALEOLA Lour. 山 现 瑚 属 143. Galeola altissima ( Blume ) Reichb.f., Xenia Orch. 2:77 (1865); Matsum., ‘Ind. Jap. 2(1) : 246 ( 1912 ) ; Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 3:194 (1913). LW tif Cyrtasia altissima Blume, Bijdr. 396, ¢.6 €1825). Cyriasia altissima (Reichb.f. ) Masamune inTrop. Hort. 3::36 (1933), mon Blume, nom. nud. Galeola ochobiensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6: 87, FPE19. C19 16.:>:: Distribution (Afi) : India ( ARE) , Malaya ( 马来西亚 ) , Java (爪哇 ) , Ryukyu ( 琉球 ) and Taiwan ( GH). 144. Galeola lindleyana Reichb.f., Xenia Orch. 2 : 78 ( 1865) . 林 德 氏 山 现 瑚 Galeola matsudai Hayata,Icon: Pl.. Form. 9:114 G1920 ).. Distribution (Afi) : Himalaya (喜马拉雅 ) and Taiwan (a8). ? 41. GASTRODIA A. Br. Kin 145. Gastrodia elata Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 2: 174 ( 有 RM . | | | 456. | 146. 147. 147. Gastrodia dioscoreirhiza Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6:93 (1916). Distribution (44) : Himalaya Asia ( 喜马拉雅 山 ) and Taiwan (@#). Gastrodia javanica (Blume ) Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 212 (1836) . \HEXIi Epiphantes javanicana Blume, Bijdr. 421, (¢.#4 ( 1825 ) 。 Gastrodia malayana Ridl., Mat. Fl. Mal. Penin. ac 20r 1907 ). 'Gastrodia stapfit Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1) :347 (1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.). Gastrodia lutea Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 666 (1935). . Distribution (4 i) : Java (爪哇 ) the Philippines ( JE#Z ) and Taiwan ( #¥#). | Gastrodia taiwaniana Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 358 ( 1934). Sw Kt | : _ Distribution (44) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 42. GEQDORUM Jacks ##ERE Geodorum densiflorum (Lam. ) Schitr., Orch. Sino- Jap. Prodr. 259 (1919). | Limodorum densiflorum Lam., 和 人 3:516 ( 1788). #tthh Bw Limodorum recurvum Roxb., Pl. Coron.1:%.33, 39 ¢ 1795). | Malaxis cernua Willd., Sp. Pl. 4:93 ( 1805 ). Otandra cernua Salisb. in Trans. Hort. Soc.1:298 (1812). : Geodorum dilatum R.Br. in Ait: Hort. Kew. ed. 2, 5:298.( 1813 ). | Limodorum candidum Roxb., Hort. Beng. 63 (1814). | 457 . 149. 150. Cistella cernua Blume, Bijdr. 293, 4.55 (1825). Ortmannia cernua Opiz. in Flora 17: 592 (1834). Geodorum nutans ( Persl.) Ames, Orch. 2: 164 ( 1908 ) . Dendrobium nutans Persl., Rel. Haenok. 1: 102 (人 1827 ). Arethusa glutinosa Blanco, Flor. Filip. 641 (1834). Dendrobium haenckeanum Steud., Nomencl. ed. 2; 1: 490 (1840). Geodorum semicristaium Lindley, Fol. Orch. Geod. 2 (1854 ). Geodorum pallidum Llanos, Mem. R. Acad. Madr. 4:507 (1859 ). Tropidia grandis Hance in Journ. Linn. Soc. 13:128 C FBZ *) / ~Geodorum formosanum Rolfe in Ann. Bot. 9: 157 (1895). Distribution (4 ff) : Malaya Peninsula (BK¢8 ), Indonesia (印尼 ) . The Philippines ( SE@#H) , Ryukyu ( 琉球 ) and Taiwan ( B@¥#). 43. GOODYERA PR. Br. F#®# Goodyera biflora (Lindley ) Hook.f., Fl. Brit.Ind. 6:114(1894). Seem Georchis biflora Lindley in Wall. Cat. 7379 (1831). Goodyera macrantha Maxim. in Regel. Gartenfl. 16:36, pl. 553 (1867 ). | Distribution (4 fi) : Korea ( BR) , Japan (AA) , Nepal ( JEYAR) . India (印度 ) , S. China (中国 南 部 and Taiwan ( 台湾 ) . Goodyera bilamellata Hayata,Icon.P1. Form.4:111, f.58 (1914). SPREE - Distribution (4 ff) : Endemic ( HA@f). 458 151. Goodyera daibuzanensis Yamamoto in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agric. 4:305 (1932). 大 武 班 全 着 Distrrbution (7 ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 152. Goodyera foliosa (Lindley ) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 113 (1890) .meaRER Georchis foliosa Lindley, Gen. & Sp. 496 (1840). _ Goodyera sononarae Fukuyama in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 32 : 297 (1942). ) Goodyera commeliniodes Fukuyana in Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 32 : 297 ( 1942). Distribution (4): S. China (中 国 南 部 ) , Japan ( =| A), Lyukyu (琉球 ) , Malaya ( 2 HEE), Korea (韩国 ) , Himalaya (喜马拉雅 山 ) and Taiwan ( 台湾 ) . 153. Goodyera fumata Thw., Enum. Pl. Zey. 314 (1861). ran See: 31 | Goodyera formosana Rolfe in Ann. Bot.9: 159(1895) ; Henry, List Pl. Form. 93 ( 1896 ); Matsum. & Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 417 (1906) , ¢ Enum. Pl. Form. ). Epipactits formosana Eaton in Prodc.. Biol. Soc. Wash. 21:64 (1908). Peramium formosanum’‘( Rolfe ) Makino in Journ. Jap. Bot. 6: 34(1929). Goodyera caudatilabella Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form 4: 112 (1914 ). _ Distribution (4 fi) : Thailand (泰国 ) and Taiwan( 4m). 154. Goodyera grandis ( Blume ) Blume, Fl. Jav. Orch. 36 (1858); Garay & Sweet, Orch S. Ryukyu Isl. 69 (1974). M77 Neottis grandis Blume, Bijdr. 8:407 ( 1825 ‘. Goodyera longibracteata Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6: 92 (1916). Good yera longicolumna Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:114, 459 155. 156. 157. f.6la-h (1914). Goodyera cyrtoglossa Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form, 4: 113, f.60 (1914 ). | Good yera rubicunda (Blume) Lindley in Bot. Reg. 25; misc. 61 (1839). Distribution (分 人 而) : Australia ( 澳 大 利 更 ) ,New Guinea (新 交 内 亚 ) , Sumatra ( 车 门 答 肢 ) , Malaya ( BRE) , Java (爪哇 ) ,Ryukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan ( GH). Goodyera matsumurana ( Eaton ) Schitr. in Bull. Herb. Bioss. ser. II, 6:298 (1909 ) ; Lin, Nat. Orch. Taiwan 1:174, col. phot. 107-108 (1975). AtMmme wi Goodyera albo-reticulata Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1) : 342 (1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form.). _. Eptpactis matsumurana Eaton in Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 21:65 (1908). Goodyera hachijoensis Yatabe var. mulsumurana ( Schltr. ) Ohwi ex Hats et Amano (1958). Goodyera yamiana Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50:18 ( 1936 ). Distribution (447) : Ryukyu ( Se), Japan ( HA ) and Taiwan (@#). Goodyera maximowizana Makino in Bot.Mag. Tokyo 23:137 (1909). MEHERM Goodyera bifida Maxim. in Hel. Biol. 12 : 992 ( 1888 ). BERR Goodyera foliosa var. laevis Finet. Peramium maximowiziana ( Makino ) Makino in Journ. Jap. Bot. 6: 34 (1926 ). Distribution (分 人 而) : S. Korea ( BiB), Japan , ¢ AA ) Ryukyu ( 琉球) and Taiwan( 台湾 ) . Goodyera morrisonicola Hayata in Journ. Cul. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1) : 343 (1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form.) 460 158. 159. 160. 161. & Icon. Pl. Form. 4:116, ¢./7.(1914). KFWHER Peramium morrisonicola Makino in Journ. Jap. Bot. 6:34 (1926). Goodyera nankoensis Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 432 (1934). Distribution (4): Endemic, ( 固有 种 ) . Goodyera ogatai Yamamoto, Suppl. Icon. Pl. Form. (3:9,/.3 (1927). AER Distribution (Ai): Lyukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan (人 台 # ). Goodyera pachyglossa Hayata, Icon. Pl.Form. 4:117 (1914 ). FEE Peramium pachyglossa ( Hayata ) Makino in Journ, Jap. Bot. 6: 34 (1929). Distribution ( Affi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Goodyera pendula Maxim. in Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 32: 623 (1888) & in Mel. Biol. 12 : 924 (1888 ). HREM Epipactis pendula Eaton in Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 21:65 (1908). : Peramium pendulum Makino in Journ. Jap. Bot. 6: 34 (1926). Distribution (Afi) : Japan ( HA) and Taiwan (人 台湾 Di Goodyera procera ( Ker-Gawl.) Hook., Exot. Fl. t. 39 ( 1823 ); Henry, List Pl. Form. 39 ( 1896 ) ; Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1) : 344 ( 1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.). K#R Neoltia procera Ker-Gawl in Bot. Reg. 1!1. 639 ( 1822)... Goodyera lancefolia Fr. & Sav., Enum. Pl. Jap. 2:520( 1879 ). | ‘“Peramium procera (Ker - Gawl ) Makino in Journ. 461 162. 163. Jap. Bot. 6:34 ( 1926). Cionosaccus lanceolatus Breda, Orch. Kuhld. & Hass. bt. EC ERE P Cordlostyis filiosa Falc. in HK. Journ. Bot. 4: 75 (1842). Goodyera carnea A. Rich in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. II, 15:40 (1841). Leucostachys procera ( Ker-Gawl.) Hoffag, Preisv. Orch. 26 (1842 ). Orchiodes procerum ( Ker-Gawl. )O.Ktze, Rev. Gen. 675 ( 1891 ). Epipacitits procera ( Ker- Gawl. ) Eaton in Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 21:65 ( 1908 ) Distribution (4 fi): China (BY), Malaya (BR Hi) , India (AUBE), Japan (AA), Lyukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan ( B¥#). Goodyera repens ( Linn.) R. Br. in Aiton, Hort. Kew. ed. 2 5:.198 (1813 ) . ARE Satyrium repenum Linn., Sp. Pl. 945 (1753). Goodyera nantoensis Hayata in Journ. Col.Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30 (1) :343 ( 1911 ), ( Mat. Fl. Form.). Distribution (4¢ff) : China (中 国 ) N. Mongolia ( Aba fH), Korea (韩国 ) Japan ( AA), Himalaya (BALL) , Pakistan (EAHA , Siberia ( FAFIGE) ,N. America (北美 ) , Columbia ( 哥伦比亚 ), Alaska (阿拉 斯 加 ) , New England (新 英格兰 ) , Europe (BIN) , India (AH), Si- kkim (锡金 ) and Taiwan ( @¥#). Goodyera schlechtendaliana Reichb.f. in Linnaea 22: 861 (1849). AEM Goodyera arisanensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6:91 ( 1917). syn. nov. Georchis schlechtendaliana Reichb.f. in Bonplandis §: 35 ( 1857 ). 462 164. 165. 166. Goodyera japonica Blume, Orch. Archip. Ind. 38 (1858). : Goodyera similis Blume,/.c. 39 (1858). Distribution (分 人 而) : China ( FRY), Japan (HA) Korea ( 韩国) and Taiwan ( 8). Goodyera velutina Maxim. in Regel. Gartenfl 36 ( 1867); Ying in Chin. Flow. (11) : 55, 1.3 (1975). All Se Orchiodes velutina O. Ktze., Rev. Gen. 675 ( 1891 ). Epipactis velutina Eaton in Proc. Biol.Soc. Wash. ai; Go’ € 1908 ). Peramium velutinum ( Maxim.) Makino in Journ. Jap. -bot. G6: 37 (1929). Distribution (4 ff) : Korea ( BY) , Japan (HA) and Taiwan (4). Goodyera viridiflora ( Blume ) Blume, Orch. Archip, Ind. 41, pl. 9c, f.2, 12-16 (1858). RERSH Neottia viridiflora Blume, Bijdr. 408 ( 1825). Goodyera longrostrata Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: Pao, 7. Of e-7 ( 1914). Distribution (47): Australia ( #@XAlH) , Thailand (泰国 ) ,India (印度 ) Java (爪哇 ) Malaya (马来西亚 ) ,Japan (HA), Ryukyu ( HR), S. China (PREM ) and Taiwan( &#™). Goodyera viridiflora var. seikoomontana ( Ya - mame 9 Yims, Col. Ill. Indig. Orch. 17 198 ', col. phot. 82(1977). #r# WSR Goodyera seikoomoniana Yamamoto in Journ. Soc. itom. Agric. Taiwan 4: 187 ( T1932 ) . Distribution (4%): Endemic (固有 种 ). 463 44.HABENARIA Willd. KAS 167. Habenaria ciliolaris Kranzl. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 16: 169 ( 1892); Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 352 ( 1911); Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4: 124 ( 1919), ( Orch.Sino-Jap. Prodr。) . 玉 Nt Distribution ( 4) : China (中 国 ) and Taiwan ( 台湾 i . Habenaria delessertiama Kranzl. in Ann. Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Geneve 108 ( 1897). #IRMEAR Habenaria linearitpetala Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:126, pl.23 (1914). Habe naria amanoano Ohwi ! Distribution (分 人 而 ) : The Philippines ( JE@R) , Lyu- | kyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan ( A) , 169. Habenaria dentata (Sw. ) Schltr. in Fedde, Repert. Beih. 4: 125 € 1919), ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr.). 此 玉 TAR Orchis dentata Sw. in Vet. Acad. Handl. Stockh. 21: 207 ( 1800 ). ‘Pid eitherd dentata Lindley, Sp. & Gen. Orch. 296 ( 1833). Habenaria geniculata D. Don., Prod. Fl. Nep. 25 (1825 ). Habenaria miersiana Champ. ex Benth, in Hook.Kew Journ. 7:37 (1855). Distribution ( Afi): S. China (中 国 南 部 ) , Himalaya < 喜马拉雅 山 ) and Taiwan ( @¥#). .Habenaria dentata ( Sw.) Schltr. var. tohoensis (Hayata ) Ying, comb. nov. Kim Habenaria tohoensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 128, f.67 (1914 ). Distribution (44) : Endemic ( [a Affi ) ; 464 171. Habenaria galeandra Benth., Fl. Hongk. 363 (1861). | Distribution (4#) :S. China(〔〈 中 国 南部 ) and Taiwan (台湾 ) . 172.Habenaria goodyeroides D. Don, Prod. Fl. Nep. 25 (1825). Ses w | . Habenaria hayataeana Schitr. in Fedde.Repert Beih. 4:129 (1919). ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr.); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 10: 33 (1921). Habenaria goodyeroides D. Don. var. formosana Ha- yata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:126, p/.22 (1914). Distribution (4): India ( M/E), Malaya (马来西亚 ), Himalaya 《喜马拉雅 山 )3 and Taiwan (G@#). 173. Habenaria hosokawae Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48 :297( 1934). MINKEAR Distribution ( 47ffj ) : Endemic (固有 种 ). 174. Habenaria 和 (Lindley ) Benth. , Fl. Hongk. 362 (1861). BME i Coeloglossum laceriferum Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 302 { 1833 ). “Maberaria formosana Matsum. et Hayata ex Schitr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4: 127 (1919), ‘Orch.Sino- Jap. Prodr.:). Peristylus flageliifer var. acutifoiius ( Hayata ) Hatusima, Fl. Ryukyu 840 (1971). “Habenaria teniaculata var. acutifolia Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 354 (1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.). | Pertstylus formosanus ( Matsum. et Hayata ) Ha- tusima “Habenaria Srevicalcarata Fukuyama in Trans. Nat. Fast: Soc. 22:42 « 1.932.). Distribution (4 ff) : India (AUB). China ( 中 国 ) , Ryukyu ( 琉球) and Taiwan (台湾 ) . 465 175. 176. 177 180. Habenaria lo ae lulotk . oF reef , Lin. a Hu ngicalcarata (Hayata ) Ying, Col. Illust Indig.Orch. Taiwan .1: 379 (1977) RREAM Platanthera longicalcaraia Hayata in Journ. Col . Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 350 (1911), (Enum. PI. Form.). Tulotis longicalcarata ( Hayata ) Ying MMS. Tulotis devolit Lin et Hu in Quart. jeune Chin. Forest. 9(1): 53, pl.2 ( 1976 ). Distribution (44) : Endemic (国有 种 ) . Habenaria longiracema Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49:758 (1935 ). MR7EXAR Distribution (4fi ) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . .Habenaria longitenticulata Hayata Icon. Pl. Form. 4:127, pl.24 ( 1914) MERA .Distribution (fi) : Endemic (HAH). .Habenaria polytricha Rolfe in Hook., Icon. Pl. 1.2496 (1896). SRRERM Habenaria cirrhifera Ohwi in Acta. Phytotax. Geo- Dots F241) 029313: Distribution ( i): Ryukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan (4 8). . Habenaria rupestris Lin et T.W. Hu in Quart. Jou- rn. Chin. Forest. 9(1): 54 (1976). BRERA Distribution (i): Endemic (固有 种 ) . Habenaria transnokoensis ( Ohwi ) et Fukuyama ) Ying,,Col Illust. Indig Orch, Taiwan 1 :380(1977 ) 能 高 山 玉 原 贾 ee Platanthera transnokoensis Ohwi et Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48:297 (1934 ). Tulotis transnokoensis ( Ohwi et Fukuyama) Ying MMS, bb Distribution ( Affi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 45 . HARAELLA Kudo &#S 181. Haraella retrocalla ( Hayata ) Kudo in Journ. Trop. Agric. Taiwan 2: 27 ( 1930). 3M Saccolabium retrocallosum Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. meron, J.47 (1914). Gastrochilus retrocallus Hayata, Gen.. Ind. F1.Form.. 79 (1917 ). Gastrochilus retrocallosus ( Hayata ) Schltr. in Fe- dde Repert. Beih. 4:289 (1919 ), ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr. On yf | Distribution (ff) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 182. Haraella odorata Kudo in Journ. Trop. Agric. Tai- wan 2:26, pi.1 (1930). 88 Saccolabium odoratum Makino et Nemoto, Fl. Jap. 1675 (1931 ). | Saccolabium odoraium Makino et Nemoto ex Ying in Bull. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ. (114): 154 ( 1974 ). Gastrochilus odoratus ( Kudo ) Masamune in Trop. Hort. 3: 37 (1933). Distribution (a> fi) : Endemic (HMA). 46. HEMIPILIA Lindley GRRE 183. Hemipilia cordifolia Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 296 ( 1833 ); Masamune, List Vasc. Pl. Taiwan 151954 ) . BEE RR Hemipilia formosana Hayata in Journ. Col Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 354 (1911), ( Mat.-Fl. Form. ) & Icon, Pl. Form. 4:129, pf.25 (1914 ). Distribution (4 fi) : Himalaya ( B& AGEL and Taiwan (am). 467 47.HERMINIUM Linn. #8288 184. Herminium lanceum ( Thunb. ex Sw. ) J. Vuijk. in | Blume 11: 228 (1961). #W,ABTR “ Ophrys lancea Thunb. ex Sw. in Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. Stockh. 21 : 223( 1800 ) .= | Aceras angustifolia Lindley in Bot. Reg. sub. 7. 1525 (1832 ) Herminium angustifolia ( Lindiey ) Benth. ex Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 129 ¢ 1890). Monorchis angustifolia ( Lindley). O. Schwarz. in Mitt. Thwing. Bot. Ges. 1:95 (1949). 再 Herminium lanceum var. longicrure (C. Wright ) Hara in Journ. Jap. Bot. 44:60(1969 ). Aceras longicruris C. Wright ex A. Gray in Mem. Amer. Acad. ser. 2, 6: 411 (1859). Aceras angustifolia var. longicruris (C. Wright ) Mig., Fro. T359*C [866 ) : Herminium angustifolium var. longicrus (C.Wright ) Makino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 10:109, 12: 15 (1898.) Herminium longicrure (C. Wright ) Wang & Tang in Act. Phytotax. Sin. 1(1) :61 (1951 ). Distribution (4) : China ( 中国) Japan (HA) , Korea ( #63), Lyukyu (琉球 ) the Philippines ( SE#H ) and Taiwan (台湾 ) . 48. HETAERIA Blume 伴 兰 属 185 JHetaeria agyokuana ( Fukuyama) Nacke jima,) Enum. Orch. Ryukyu 2: 105( 1971) .阿玉 山 伴 苦 一 全 Zeuxine agyokuana Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48:433(1934). Distribution (4 i) : Endemic (固有 逢 ) , 186. Hetaeria cristata Blume var. tokioi ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. . 红 花 件 戎 468 187 . 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. Hetaeria tokioi Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 434 (1934 ). j Distribution ( 44) : The variety endemic ( HAs ). Hetaeria oblongifolia Blume, Bijdr. 410, pl. 14 ( 1825) & Orch Archip. Ind. 102 (1858). RAR AH Distribution (4 {fi)-: Java ( MM ). The Philippines ( 7] (# Bl) and Taiwan ( @¥#). Hetaeria taiwaniana Ying, Col. Illust. Inoig. Orch. Taiwan 1: 210 .col. photo 88 ( 1977). GBM Distribution (47 {fi ) : Endemic (固有 种 ) , 49. HIPPEOPHYLLUM Schitr S25 Hippeophyllum pumilum Fukuyania /\ BH Distribution ( 4 fi) : Endemic (固有 逢 ) . 50.HOLCOGLOS SUM Schitr. m=RS Holcoglossum quasipinifolium ( Hayata) Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4: 285 (1919 ), ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr. ) ; Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 10:34(1921). #& a Saccolabium quasipinifolium Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 2: 144 (1912) & 4:90, f.@ (1914 ).: Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 ). 51. HYLOPHILA Lindley 2% Hylophila nipponica ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. BBE i Dicerostylis ntpponica Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. To- kyo 50:19 (1936). | Distribution (分 人 而 ) : Endemic (Bi Gf). 52. IONE Lindley ##3 Ione bifurcatflorens Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 469 | 193. 194. 195. 196. 49: 440 (1935). SEH Distribution (4 ffi) : Endemic ( HA). Ione sasakii Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 2:139 (1912) & 4:52, f.2/ (1914). SBR Distribution (Ai) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 53. LECANORCHIS Blume 183 Lecanorchis cerina Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 291 (1935 ). 黄花 严 苦 Lecanorchis brachycarpa Ohwi in Act. Phytotax. Geobot. 7:35 ( 1938). Lecanorchis flavicans Fukuyama in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 32: 241 (1942). Distribution (Affi): faukya (琉球 ) and. Taiwan (8 ). Lecanorchis nigricans Honda in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 45: 470(1931). 紫花 下 苦 Lecanorchis purpurea Masamune in Prel. Rep. Veg. Yaku. 60 ( 1929 ). Lecanorchis ohwii Masamune in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 23 :208 (1933). Lecanorchis oligotricha Fukuyama in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 32: 242 (1942). Distribution (4%i):S. Japan (日 本 南部 ) Ryukyu (人 琉球 ) and Taiwan ( @#¥#). 54.LIPARIS L.C. Rich 羊 耳 燕 属 Liparis amabilis Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 245 (1938). BRR | Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Endemic (HA). . Livaris auriculata Blume ex Miq. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 2:203 (1865); Liu et Suin Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 28: 270, f.2 (1975). WSR 470 198. 199. 200 Liparis yakushimensis Masamune in.Bot. Mag. Tokyo 43: 250 (1929). Bene tn | Distribution (4 ffi) : Jabah (日 本 ) and Taiwan ( Sit - , Liparis bicallosa ( D. Don) Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4:196 (1919 ), ( Orch, Sino- Jap, Prodr.). GB: FF ims Limodorum bicallosum Buch-Ham. ex. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nep. 49 (1823). ‘ai oer Bletia bicallosa D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nep. 30 (1823). Cymbidium bituberculatum Hook., Exot. FPUA2, 2.116 ( 1825 ) . Liparis bituberculata Lindley, Bot. Reg. sub. 1.882 (ii 和 Dituilis nepalensis Rafin., Fl. Tellw. 4: 49(1836). Sturmia bituberculata Bonpl. 2: 22 ( Lod 。 Leptorchis bituberculata QO. Ktze, Rev. Gen. 671; 1896 ). Liparis formosana Reichb.f. in Gard. Chron. 1: 394 (1880). Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Ryukyu (琉球 ) , China (中 国 ) - Japan ( HA) and Taiwan ( @#). Liparis chloroxantha Hance in Journ.Bot. Brit. For. 21: 231 (1833 ). 黄 称 花 羊 耳 菩 Liparis taiwaniana Hayata in Journ, Col. .Sci? Univ. Tokyo 30(1):311 (1911) & Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 34, f.10, pl.7- (1914), syn. nov. Cestichis taitwaniana Nakai in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 30: 148 ( 1916), syn. mov. Distribution: (分 而) : S..China (中 国 南 部 ) , Hainan ( # fe) and Taiwan (@#). . Liparis cordifolia Hook.f. in Hook., Icon. Pl. 19, 47] 201. 202. 203. 204. 206. 1.1811 (1889 ) & Fl. Brit. Ind. 5:692 (1890). A# + Exe Liparis- kettaoensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 7: 40, pl. 13 (1918). Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Himalaya (喜马拉雅 山 )and Taiwan (a8). | Liparis henryi Rolfe in Kew. Bull, 1896:193 ( 1896); Henry, List Pl. Form. 91 (1896); Matsum. & Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 407 (1906),¢( Enum. Pl. Form:). =KR+FB# - Distribution (4%) : Endemic (MAH). Liparis hensoensigs Kudo in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agric. Taiwan 2: 237 (1930). LRR#RR Distribution (ffi) : Endémic ( HA). Liparis laurisilvatica Fukuyama in Ann.Rep. Bot. Gard. Taipei 3: 83 (1933 ). BRR Distribution (Afi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Liparis macrantha Rolfe in Ann. Bot. 9:156 ( 1895 ); Henry, List Pl. Form. 91 (1896); Matsum. & Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 406 ( 1906 >), ( Enum... Pl. Form.) ; Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 18, f.6(1914). MEER Liparis nigra Seidenf. in Bot. Tidsskerift. 65:129 ( 1969 ), Syn. nov. Distribution ( 4 ff) : Thailand (泰国 ) and Taiwan(G B). . Liparis macrantha Rolfe var. sootenzanensis ( Fu- kuyama ) Ying, in Col, Illust.Indig,. Orchid Taiwan ]: 224 Col, phcto, 95 ( 1977 ) . 播 天 山 FAR Liparis sootenzanensis Fukuyama in Ann. Rep. Bot. Gard. Taipei 3:84 (1933). Distribution (分 人 而) ; Endemic (固有 种 ) . Liparis nakaherai Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. 472 Tokyo 30(1):310 (1911) & Icon, Pl. Form. 4:29, f.27 (1914 ). 恒 春 羊 耳 菩 Cestichis nakaharai Kudo in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agric. Taiwan 1: 147 ( 1930). | Distribution (分 而) : Endemic (固有 箱 ) . 207. Liparis nervosa( Thunb.) Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 26 ( 1840); Matsum. & Hayata in journ. Cel. Sti. Univ. Tokyo 22: 406 ( 1906), ( Enum. PI. Form.). NEI eee | Ophrys nervosa Thunb., Fl. Jap. 27 (1784 ). Epidendrum nervosum Thunb. in Journ. Linn, Soc. 2\:327 xi Siurmia nervosa ( Thunb. ) Reichb. f. in Bonplandia 3:250 ( 1855). tee Lipavis. formosana sensu Matsum. & Hayata in Journ, Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 406( 1906), ( Enum. Pl. Form.), non Reichb.f. | Malaxis nervosa Sw. in Vet. Akad. Nya. © Handl 总 Stockh. 21:235 ( 1800 ). Liparis cornicaulis Makino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 5: 213 (1891). Liparis bambusaefolia Makino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 8246: 0 1892. , Distribution (4 ffi) : S. China (中 国 南 部 ) Japan (日 、 A), Lyukyu ( 琉球) and Taiwan ( G#). 208. Liparis noko ensis Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 435 (1934). 能 高 山羊 耳 藻 Cestichis nokoensis ( Fukuyama ) Maekawa in Ic. Pl. As. Or. 2:104( 1937). | - Distribution (分 人 而) : Endemic (HM#@f). 209. Liparis odorata ( Willd.) Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 26 (1833); Henry, List Pl. Form. 91(1896); Ma- tsum. & Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22:407 473 210. 211. 212. ( 1906), ( Enum. Pl. Form.). 香 羊 耳 蒜 Malaxis odorata Willd, Sp. Pl. 4:91 (1805 ). Leptorchis odorata ( Willd.) O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 67( 1891). Empusa paradoxa Lindley, Gen. et Sp. Orch. 17 ( 1833). Liparis paradoxa Reichb.f. in Walp. Ann. 6: 218 (1861 ). | Malaxis lancefolia Sm. in Rees. Cycl. 22, n.7 ( TS. Distribution ( Afi): India peninsula (HBB) , Japan (HA), Ryukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan (GH). Liparis platybolba Hayata Icon. Pl. Form. 4:30, f£.8(1914). BRE | Cestichis platybolba( Hayata ) Kudo in Journ. Soc. Trop. Argic. Taiwan 2: 147 ( 1930). Distribution (4¢>fi) : Endemic (HA). Liparis plicata Fr. et Sav., Enum. Pl. Japan 2:509 ( 1876 ); Henry, List Pl. Form. 91 (1896). #ER Cestichis plicata ( Fr. et Sav..) Maekawa _ in Ic. Ae Dr. &*.102 ( 1937 )-.. Liparis caespitosa sensu Matsum. et Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 406 (1906),(Enum. Pl. Form. ). Liparis uchiyamae Schitr. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser.nd;'6 , 308 ( 1906); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:35, F.1/ ©1914 ). Distribution (Afi): S. China (中 国 南部 ) , ated 日 本 ) ,Ryukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan (台湾 ) . Liparis plicata Fr. et Sav. . kawakamii ( Hayata ) Ying, comb. nov. ideale Liparis kawakamii Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:28, f.5 (1914). 474 Distribution (分 人 而) : Endemic (固有 种 ). 213. Liparis rizalensis Ames, Orch. 6:295 (1920) ; Shieh in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 8: 254 ( 1955). wile He Liparis tateishii Kudo ‘in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agric. Taiwan 3:16 (1931); Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50:21 ( 1936 ). Distribution ( 44%) : The Philippines ( SE@@ ) and Taiwan (@#). 214. Liparis sasakii Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 32,/.9 (1914). EEARFRR Distribution (分 人 而) : Endemic (固有 年 ) . 215. Liparis shaoshunia Ying, Col. Il11. Indig. Orch. 1:230 » col. photo. 98 ( 1977 )@&B*H# Distribution (4 ff) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 216. Liparis somai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:33, 7.6 (1914). 相 马 氏 羊 耳 车 Distribution (分 价 )… Endemic (HA@f ) . 217. Liparis viridiflora (Blume ) Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 31 (1833 ). RUEF RR Malaxis viridiflora Blume, Bijdr. 392 ( 1825). Liparis longipes Lindley in Qall. Pl.Asiat. Rar. I, S818. 35 €7830).°° | Liparis pendula Lindley in Bot, Reg. 24, misc. 94 ¢(7838.). Liparis spathulata Lindley in Bot. Reg. 26, misc. 61 ( 1840 ). | Sturmia longipes Reichb. f. in Bonpl. 3 : 250(1855). Liparis longipes Lindley var. spathulata Ridl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. 22 : 294 (1886 ). Liparis triloba Ridl. in l.c. 22: 295 ( 1886 ). Liparis dolichopoda Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:27, 1.5(1914). 475 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. Cestichis pendula Pfritz. in Engl. & Prantl., Nat. Pflanzen. 2, Abt. 6, 131, f. 128 .c-e,.g. (18897, Leptorchis longipes Ktze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 670 C 1291.3). Leptorchis triloba Ktze, l.c. 671 (1891). Stichorchis pendula Pfitz. in Engl. & Prantl., Nat. Pflanzenfam. Nachtr. 1: 103 (1897). Cestichis longipes Ames, Orch. 1: 75 (1905 2. | Cestichis dolichopoda Hayata, Icon. Pl.Form.4: 27, 1.5(1914). Distribution ( Affi) : India (印度 ) Srilanka (BE +), Burma ( #fifm ) Thailand (泰国 ) Vietnan( MH ), Malaya Peninsula ( B¥X®45) the Philippines ( FE#B), Samoa ( =#85 ) and Taiwan ¢ Ae). 55. LISTERA R.Br. ##4 3 Listera deltoidea Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 759 ( 1935). mAs oH Distribution (4 fj): Endemic (HA). Listera macrantha Fukuyama in Ann. Rep. Taipei Bot. Gard. 3: 86 (1933). HSS eM Distribution (分 人 而) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Listera morrisonicola Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form2:140 (1912). Keen Ophras morrisonicola Makino in Journ. Jap. Bot. 6: 34 (1929). Distribution ( 44ff) : Endemic (MAH). Listera nankomontana Fukuyama in Bot. Mag Tokyo 49 : 291 ( 1935). Hwee Distribution (Ai) : Endemic 〈 固 有 种 ). Listera pseudonipponica Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 665(1935). RAASEM Distribution ( 44) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 476 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. Listera shaoii Ying, Col. Illust. Indig Orch. Taiwan | 1: 236, col. photo 101( 1977) MRS H Distribution (4 fj) : Endemic (固有 条 ). Listera suzukii Masamune in Trop. Hort.3:42(1933) & in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 23: 209( 1933 ). SAK KS ER Distribution ( ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Listera taiwaniana Ying in Bull. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ. (114) : 156 (1974) & Chin. Flow.(]1): 51, pl. 4( 1975 ) & Quart. Journ. Chin. For.8 (4): 142 (1975). Distribution (4) : Endemic (固有 种 ) Listera taizanensis Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 431 (1934). Kl@®2W Distribution (4}ffi) : Endemic (固有 逢 ). Listera uraiansis Ying, Col. Illust. Indig. Orch. Taiwan 1: 240, col. photo. 102( 1977 ). BK ##H Distribution ( ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 56. LUISIA Gaud. R+KRE Luisia cordata Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 306 (1934). Mery Distribution (分 人 而) : Endemic( 固有 种 ) . Luisia teres ( Thunb. ) Blume, Rumphia 4: 50 ( }. ON FAK - Epiderdrum teres Thunb., Fl. Jap. 30( 1784 ). Luisia fauriei Sw. Luisia liukiuensis Schltr. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. II, 6:465 (1906). Luisia megasepala Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form 4: 85, f,41(1914 ). Distribution (4¢#i) : Japan (HA), Ryukyu (琉球 ) and ‘laiwan (@#). 477 230. Luisia teres ( Thunb.) Blume var. botanensis (Fu- kuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. #FIRTRK Luisia botanensis Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 442 ( 1935). Distribution ( Ai) : Endemic (固有 释 种 ) . 57.MACODES Blume #REHS Macodes petola ( Blume ) Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 497 (1833). BEB Neottia petola Blume, Bijdr. 407, ¢.2 (1825 和 Anoectichilus petola Hort. ex Gentil., Serres. Jard. Bot. 18 (1907). 231. PL: Cait, Anoectichilus vetichianus Hort. des. Orch. 1: 119 ( 4-i Distribution ( 4%): Sumatra ( PYAAR) , the Phili- ppines ( JE#A) , Ryukyu ( 琉球 ) and Taiwan (台湾 ) . ex Blume, Coll. 232. Macodes tabiyahanensis ( Hayata) Ying, comb.novy. ASRGHM Zeuxine tabiyahanensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form . 6:89(1917). Adenostylis tabiyahanensis Hayata, l.c. Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Endemic (MA). 58. MALAXIS Soland ANE BR Malaxis bancanoides Ames, Orch. 2: 129( 1908) .新 AVE Bi . Microstylis iriotomtensis Masamune Hist. Soc. Form. 24:208 (1934 ). Distribution (44) : Ryukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan (G@ Hf). 233 . in Trans. Nat. 234. *“slaxis latifolia J.E. Smith in Rees Cyclo. 22, 0.3 ( 1814 ); Baker, Fl. Jav. 3: 293 (1968). 小 柱 苦 Microstylis latifolia ( J. E. Smith ),J.J.Smith, Orch. 478 Fl. Jav. 248 (1905); Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4:191 ( 1919 ); ©.Sino-Jap. Orch. Prodr. ); Ying in Chin. Flow. (3):33, pl.1( 1974). Dienia fusca Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 22 (1830). Microstylis congesta Reichb.f. in Walp. Ann. 6: 206 ( 1861); Henry, List Pl. Form. 91(1896); Matsum. Z Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 406 ( 1906 ), ( Enum. Pl. Form.). Microstylis bernaysiit F. Mull., Frag. 11: 21 (1878). Dienia congesta Lindley, Bot. Reg. 10, sub. ¢.825 ( 1824 )% Malaxis plicata Roxb., Hort. Beng. 63 (1814). Malaxis kizanensis ( Masamune ) Hatusima, Fl. Ryukyu 863 (1971) Malaxis kizanensis ( Masamune ) Ying in Bull. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ. (114): 154 (1974 ). Malaxis kizanensis ( Masamune ) S.Y. Hu in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 27: 433 (1974). Microstylis latifolia Sm. var. fusca AmesinPhilip. Journ. Sci: 6, Bot. 45 (1911). Microstylis congesta Reichb.f. var. fusca Ridl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. 24: 335(1888). Liparis bernaysii F. Muell., Fragm. 11:21 (1878). Gastroglottis montana Blume, Bijdr. 387 (1825). Microstylis trilobulaia Kurz., Rept. Veg. Andan . Isles App. B 19 (1870). Microstylis latifolia J.J. Smith var. fusca. ye Smith, Fl. Buitena 249 (1905). Distribution (4%) :S. China (RBM), Java CM RE), India (印度 ) Nepal ( JEYAR), ,Malaya( 马 来 西亚 ) , The Philippines ( 3E@@), Queensland ( 昆士兰 ) and Tai - wan ( @). 235. Malaxis matsudai ( Yamamoto ) Hatushima, Fl. Ryukyu 479 863 (1971). 松田 氏 小 柱 苦 Microstylis matsudai Yamamoto, Suppl. Icon. ris Form. 2:4, f.2 (1926 ). ? Malaxis matsudai ( Yamamoto ) Ying in Bull. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ. (114): 154 (1974). - Malaxis maisudai ( Yamamoto )S.Y. Hu in Journ. Quart. Taiwan Mus. 27: 434 (1974). Distribution ( 4 ff): Lyukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan (G@ #2). wie 236. Malaxis miyakei ( Schitr. ) Tang. & Wang in Act. Phytotax. Sin. 1:73 (1951). BRAE\FER Microstylis miyakei Schltr. in Repert. Sp.Nov.Fedde 10: 437 ( 1911). Malaxis miyakei (Schitr.) Ying in Bull. Exp. For, Nat. Taiwan Univ. (114) :154(1974). Malaxis miyakei ( Schltr.) S.Y. Hu in Quart Journ. Taiwan Mus. 27: 434(1974). Distribution (4 ffi) : Lyukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwan (@ @). 37. Mal axis monophylla ( Linn. ) Sw. in Act. Holm. 234 (1800). BENE Ophrys monophyllos Linn., Sp. Pl. ed. 1,947 ( 1753 >. Microstylis monophyllos Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. m"*€ 1833°)* Achroanthus monophyllos Greene, Pittonia 2: 183 《 Je Achroanthus acuminata Rafin, New Fl. Amer. 1:59 ( ue Microstylis diphyllos Lindley, l.c. Achroanthus cilifolia Rafin, /.c. Achroanthus monophyllos Greene form. diphyllos Koidz. in Matsum., Icon. Koishikav. 3:27, ¢./59 ( ) 。 480 Microstylis arisanensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6: S670 UO ppl 11 °G19T2D Microstylis mucifera Ridl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. 24 : 333 ( 1888 ). Malaxis diphyllos Champ. & Schltr. in Linnaea 3: 34 ( 1828). Malaxis brachypoda Fern in Rhodora 28: 1/76 (1926). Malaxis monophyllos Sw. var. brachypoda ( Gray ) Morris et Eames Liparis inconspicua Makino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo @: 48 (1892). Malaxis arisanensis ( Hayata )S.Y. Hu in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 27:432 (1974 ). Distribution (4 fi) : Korea ( HR), Japan (AA) , China (BX), Siberia ( 西伯利亚 ), Europe (欧州 ) ,Ala- ska (阿拉 斯 加 ) ,N。America (北美 ) Aleutian Island ( 澳 偷 河和 名 ) and Taiwan (台湾 ) . 238.Malaxis ramosii Ames in Journ. Philip. Sci. 6:45 © 1971); kimtin Quarts. Journe Chin, ‘For... 9¢]> : 53, p1.3 (1976). BEDE Distribution (4°) : The Philippines ( SE#@ ) and. Taiwan ( @w#).. 239 .Malaxis roohutensis ( Fukuyama ) Ying in Bull. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ. ( 114): 154( Nov. 1974). 2% ILA EE BB Microstylis roohutensis Fukuyama in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 22: 415, £.3 (1932). Malaxis roohutensis ( Fukuyama ) S.Y. Hu in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 27: 435 (Dec. 1974 ). _ Distribution (4 ffi) : Endemic ( Af). 240. Malaxis taiwanensis Ying in Quart. Journ. Chin. Fo- rest. 8(4):143 & Alp. Pl. Taiwan in col. 1:71, f. 95 (1975). GE)EE 481 Distribution (4 fj) : Endemic (固有 种 ). 59. MICROTATORCHIS Schitr. Rms 241. Microtatorchis taiwaniana Ying, Col. Ill. Indig. Orch. Taiwan 1:248col, photo. 108( 1977). W# RMR Distribution ( 4 ff) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 60. MICROTIS R.Br. B#KHB 242.Microtis unifolia ( Forest.f. ) Reichb.f.,Beitr. Syst. Pfl. 62°( 1871); Sasaki List’ Pl. Form; “934 ( 1928). roe At Ophrys unifolia Forest.f., Fl. Ins. Aust. Prodr. 59 ( 1786 ). Eptpactis porrifolia Sw. An Kongl. Sevnsk. Vet - Akad. Vya. Handl. 21: 233 (1800 ). Microtis formosana Schltr. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 45: 382 (1911 ). Microtis rara R. Br., Prodr. Nov. Holl.32] (1810); Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 396 (1833 ). Microtis porrifolia R. Br., Prod. Nov. Holl. 320 (1810). Microtis banksii A. Cunn. ex Hook. in Bot. Mag. 62, sub. 7.3377 (1835). Microtis pulchelia Lindley, l.c. 394. Microtis frutetorum Schltr. in Linnaea 20 : 568 ( 1847). Microtis javanica Reichb.f. in Bonpl. 5:36 (1857). Distribution (4¢fi) : China ( 中国 ) ,Japan (日 本 ) , Ryukyu (琉球 ) Java (爪哇 ),The Philippines ( FF@R ) , Srilanka (斯 里 蓝 卡 ),India (印度 ) Australia ( 澳 州 ) and Taiwan ( @¥#). 482 61.MISCHOBULBUM Schltr. #&% 243.Mischobulbum cordifolium ( Hook.f. ) Schltr.,Orch. Deutsch. New. Guin. 98 (1912). 4H Tainia cordifolia Hook.f., Icon. Pl. 19, ¢.186(1889); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form 4: 6] ( 1914 ). Tainia fauriei Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 9: 262 ¢ 1921). ~Distribution ( 4): S. China (中 国 南部 ) and Taiwan (eae). 62.MYRMECHIS Blume 2845 244. Myrmechis japonica ( Reichb.f.) Rolfe in Linn. Journ. Soc. 36:44 ( ) . 2B Rhamphidia japonica Reichb.f. in Bot. Zeit. 26 : 39 ( 1878 ). Myrmechis drymoglossifolia Hayata Icon. P!. Form. 6:90,/.20 (1917). Distribution (Affi): Japan (HX) and Taiwan (8 Di 245. Myrmechis japonica ( Reichb.f.) Rolfe wr. sasakii ( Yamamoto). Ying, Col, Illust, Indig, Orchid, Taiwan 1: 403 (1977) 南湖 全 唇 苦 Myrmechis sasakii Yamamoto, Suppl. Icon. Pl.Form. me aelo01926 2 . Myrmechis nankotaisanensis Yamamoto in Schred. Distribution (4 fi) : Endemic ( HAS). 64. NERVILIA Comm. ex Gaud. —"™t#s 24¢. Nervilia aragoana Gaud. in Freyc. Voy. Bot. 422, 35 (1826). — BH Pogonia nervilia Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 1:32 ( 1849); Hayata in Journ. Col. Univ. Tokyo 30 (1): 345 (1911), (Mat. Fl. Form. )- 483 Aplostellis flabelliformis Ridl., Fl. Mal. Penins. 4:203 (1924). Pogonia flabelliformis Lindley in Wall. Cat.n. 7400 ( 1833). Pogonia gracilis Blume Distribution (分 而) : India (印度 ) throughout southe- astern Asia ( @ Mab ), Indonesia (AJE) to Samoa (= 7h) and Taiwan (台湾 ) . 247. Nervilia discolor ( Blume) var. purpurea ( Hayata ) Ying, Col. II]. Indig. Orch. 1: 253 , col. photo. 110( 1977). R#—BbRK Pogonia purpurea Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 345 (1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.). Nervilia purpurea ( Hayata) Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 10: 6 (1911); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:118, PLD CIOLE Ds Distribution ( Af) ; The variety ( ) is endemic (固有 的 ) . 248. Nervilia taitoensis ( Hayata ) Schltr., in Fedde Re-. pert. Beih. 10:6(1921). @R—PiR Pogomia taitoensis Hayata in Joum.Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 346 (1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.). Distribation (分 伤 ) : Endemic (固有 种 ) 64.OBERONIA Lindley #4835 249. Oberonia arisanensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 23, f.3( 1914). b BILE Distribution (分 人 而 ) : Endemic (固有 种 ). 250. Oberonia caulescens Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 15 ( 1833); Seidenf. in Dansk. Bot. Ark. 25(3):36.( . 1968). —2ABE KAW Oberonia bilobatolabeila Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 24, f.4(1914). Distribution ( 4) : The Himalaya (喜马拉雅 山 》 and 484 251. 254. 255. Taiwan (人 台湾 ) . Oberonia formosana Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 309 (1911). (Mat. Fl. Form.) & Icon. Pl. Form. 4:25, f.3, f-g (1914). BBREW Distribution ( Affi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . .Oberonia gigantea Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 295 (1935). Kk GHW Distribution ( 4%) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . .Oberonia japonica ( Maxim. ) Makino HA AM Malaxis japonica Maxim. in Bull. Acad. Petersb. 22: 257°( 1877 ). Malaxis makinoz Masamune in Mem. Fac. Sc. & Agric. Taihoku Univ. Bot. 4:583 (1934). Oberonia insularis Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1) :310 (1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form. ). Distribution ( 4ff)-°: Japan( HA) and Taiwan(@™®. Oberonia kusukusensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:26, f.3, i-k (1914). BBR AH Distribution (分 人 而) : Endemic (固有 种 ). 65. ODONTOCHILUS Blume &# BRS Odontochilus bisaccatus Hayata, Icon. P1. Form. 4: 99, pl. 15 (1914). RRB Anoec tichilus bisaccatus Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 99,5 0/75 (1914). Pristiglottis bisaccata ( Hayata ) Nackejima in Biol. Mag. Okinawa(13): 33 (1975). Odontochilus bisaccatus Hayata ex Lin, Nat. Orch. Taiwan 1: 214, col. photo 135 (1975), Anoectochilus lanceolatus sensu auct Taiwan Seidenf. in Seartryk. Bot. Tidsskrift. 66:309 (1971), non Lindley. Distribution ( fi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 485 256 . “pl. I6 (1914). Se EW 257. 258. 259. 260. poe Odontochilus inabai Hayata, Icon. PL. Forbi’4: aw’ Anoectochilus inabai Hayata, Icon. Pl.Form. 4:102, pl. "°C Taia ). Odontochilus inabai Hayata ex Lin, Nat. Orch. Taiwan 1:216, col. photos 136 - 137 (1975). Odontochilus candidus Lin et Hsu in Taiwania 21: 204 ¢ 1976): Distribution (4%) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 66. ORCHIS ( Tourn.) Linn. BB» «pan Orchis alpestre ( Fukuyama ) Ying in Quart. Journ. Chin. Forest. 8(4) : 140 (1975 ) HRB Amistostigma alpesire Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. To- kyo 49: 664 (1935). Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Orchis formosensis Ying, Col. Illust. Indig. Orch. Taiwan 1:266 , col. photo.117(1977). CGRuwe Distribution ( 4) : Endemic (固有 种 ). Orchis kiraishiensis Hayata, Icon. Pl, Form9:116, f.41( 1920); Ying; Alp. PI.' Taiwan’ 1¢72, col. photo. 96 (1975 ).& RH Ponerorchis kiraishiensis ( Hayata) Ohwi in Act. Phytotax. Geob. 5: 146 (1936 ); Masamune,List Va- sc. Pl. Taiwan 158 (1954 ). Distribution ( 44 ); Endemic ( 固有 种 ) . Orchis kunihikoana Masamune et Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 663 (1935); Ying, Alp. Pl. Taiwan in col. 1:72, col. photo. 97 (1975). BIER Orchis kiraishiensis Hayata var. leucantha Masamune in Trop. Hort. 3: 45(1933). Orchis kiraishiensis Hayata form. leucantha Masa- 4 mune in Trop. Agric, Journ, Soc, Taiwan 3: 246 486 261. 262. 263 . 264. (7831-9 ; Distribution (Affi) : Endemic (固有 年 ) . Orchis takasago-montana Masamune in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 24: 206 (1934). BUH Ponerorchis takasago- montana Ohwi in Acta Phyto- tax. Geobot. 5:146 ( 1936 ). Distribution (4 ff) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Orchis taiwanensis Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49:290 (1935). G8 Ponerorchis taiwanensis Ohwi in ACt. Phytotax. Geobot. 5:146 (1936 ). Distribution (分 人 而) : Endemic (固有 种 ). Orchis taoloii Ying, Alp. Pl. Taiwan in col. 1:75, pl. 102 (1975). ALR Amitostigma taoloii Ying, l.c. 1:75, pl. 102 (1975). Distribution ( 4) : Endemic (BIA). Orchis tomingai ( Hayata ) Ying in Quart. Chin. Forest. 8(4) : 140 (1975) ~ &L7608 | Gymnadenia tomingai Hayata, Icon. P1l.Form.6: 93 @1696:). Amitostigma tomingai ( Hayata ) Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4:95 (1919), ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr.) sevata,: Icon: Pl. Form. 10): 32 (1921). Distribution ( Aff) : Endemic ( Hl@ ff ). 265. Orchis yuukiana ( Fukuyama ) Ying in Journ. Quart. Chin. Forest. 8(4): 140 (1975 ) K#E8 Boom Amistostigma yuukiana Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. To- kyo 48: 429 (1934 ). Distribution ( 4%) : Endemic ( Hl] @ite ). 67.OREORCHIS Lindley |S 266.Oreorchis fargesii Finet in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. Xlilii 697 ). BFW 487 26 7. 268 269. 270. Oreorchis subcapitata (Hayata) Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4: 225 ( 1919) ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr. ) ; Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 10:34 (1921). Oreorchis fargesii Finet var. subcapitaia Hayata , Icon. Pl. Form. 2:142 (1912) et 4:35, f. 12 (1914). Distribution ( 4%) : Himalaya (喜马拉雅 山 ) and Taiwan (am). Oreorchis gracillima ( Hayata ) Schitr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4: 223 (1919 ), ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Pro- dr.) ; Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 10:33 (1921). #1 二 Oreorchis gracilis Fr. et Sav. var. gracillima Ha- yata, Icon. Pl. Form. 2: 14] (1912). Distribution (4 ff) : Endemic (固有 逢 ) . .Oreorchis ohwii Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo49: 296 (1935 ). Ai Distribution ( Affi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . ° ; 68. PACHYSTOMA Blume #O MB . Pachystoma chinense Reichb.f. var. formosanum ( Schltr.) Ying, comb. nov. HOR Pachystoma formosanum Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4: 245 (1919), ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr.); Ha- yata, Icon. Pl. Form. 10: 34( 1921). Pachystoma chinense sensu Matsum. et Hayata in Journ, Col, Sci, Univ, Tokyo 22: 409 (1906 ), ( Enum. Pl. Form.) non Reichb.f. Distribution (4¢ff) : The variety endemic ( il 7 ED. 69. PHAIUS Lour. ®IAMS Phaius flavus ( Blume ) Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 128 (1833). RRM Limodorum flavum Blume, Bijdr. 375 (1825 ). 488 2/1. 277. Phaius minor Blume in Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 2: 181 ( 1856). Phaius undulatomarginata Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 58, f. 27° (1914-). Phaius somai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6: 74 (1917). Phaius maculatus var. minor ( Blume) Fr. & Sw. Distribution (分 人 而) : S. China (RAM), Srilanka (BBE), Java ( NH), Malaya ( 马来西亚 ) , Japan ( HA) , Ryukyu ( $e) , India (AE), Sumatra ( HPF ‘et ) the Philippines ( JEG@@) , Thailand ( ) -and Taiwan (@#). Phaius gracilis ( Lindley ) Ying, Col. Ill. Indig. Orch. Taiwan 1: 278 , col pho 123( 1977), M&# JAM Calanthe gracilis Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 25 (1833 ). | Calanthe longipes Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 195 ( 1890 ). Phaius longipes (Hook.f. ) Holtt. in Gard. Bull. Singapore 11 : 286 (1947). 2 Calanihe vensuta Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4:68 (1919), ( Orch. Sino- Jap. Prodr. ). Paracalanithe venusia Kudo in Journ. Trop. Agric. Taiwan 2:236 (1930). Cephalantheropsis prachide CBRindkey ) °SS¥.) Hu in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 25: 213(1972). Distribution (4 ft) 2 Japan ( HA), Lyukyu ( HER), Malaya ( 马来西亚 ) Java (爪哇 ) The Philippines ( JE# @)., Thailand (泰国 ) and Taiwan (人 台湾 ) . Phaius gracilis (Lindley) Ying var. calanthoides ( Ames ) Ying, comb. nov. AMX BAM Phaius calanthoides Ames, Orch. 2:153(1908). _ Phaius longipes ( Hook.f. ) Holtt. var. calanthot- des ( Ames ) Lin, Nat. Orch. Taiwan 1: 232 (1975). 489 278. 279. Calanthe dolichopoda Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 296 (1935 ) . Calanthe kooshunensis Fukuyama in Ann, Rep. Taiepi Bot. Gard. 3:85 (1933). Distribution ( 4fi) : Taiwan ( &% )andThe Philippines ( PAH). Phaius mishensis ( Lindley ) Reichb.f. in Bonpl . 5:43(1857); Garay & Sweet, Orch. S. Ryukyu Isl. 127 ( 1974). MARRS BR Limatodes mishensis Lindley in Lindley ex Paxt., Fl. Gard. 3:36 (1852). Phaius gracilis Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 322 (1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form.). Distribution ( ffi) : Skkim (锡金 ) The Philippines (JE@B), Assam ( fy REW), Thailand ( #B), Ryukyu ( 琉球) and Taiwan (8H). Phaius tancarvilliae ( Bankers ) Blume ( P. tanke- rvillet, P. tankervilleae or P. tankervillae in error ), Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 2:177 (1858 ) ; Masamune, List Vasc. Pl. Taiwan 164 (1954). JAW ara Limodorum tancarvillae Bank. in L’Herit. sert. Angl. 28 (1789) ; Aiton, Hort. Kew. ed. 1, 3: 302, #. 12 (1789 ). Limodorum incarvillei Pers., Syn. Pl.Enchir, Bot. 2:520 (1807 ). Bletia incarvillei ( Banks ) R. Br. in Ait. Hortus Kew. ed. 25: 205 (1813). Phaius grand ifolius sensu Lindley in Wall. cat. n. 3747 (1825 );.Matsum. et Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 410 (1906). ( Enum. Pl. Form. ). non Lour. | | Phaius incarvillei O. Kuntze Phaius bicolor Lindley, Gen. & Sp. 128 (1833). 490 280. Calanthe speciosa Vieill. in Am. Soc. Nat. ser. IV, 16:44 (1861). Phaius wallichit Lindley in Wall. Pl. As. Rar. 2:46, t. 158 (1831); Hook.f, Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 816 ( 1890 ). : Phaius leucophaeus 了. Muell., Fragm. Phyt. Aust. 4:163( 1864 ). Pachyone spectabilis Salisb., Trans. Hort. Soc. $2961 :1820 ). Phaius blumei Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. Pl. 127 ( 1831 ); Blume, Fl. Jav. Orch. 4, ¢./( 1858). -Phaius gtandifolius Lindley var. superbus Van Houtle, Fl. d.S. 7:259, ¢.38(1951-52). | _ Phaius carromi F, Mull., Essay. P1.Exped. Burdekin. 19( 1860). _ Distribution (Bf) > S. China (. FRB). n. India (印度 北部 ) Malaya ( BRP) , Indonesia (AE) , Au- stralia ( Ya) Pacific islands (AFH) , Polynesia ( 波 尼 西 王 ) ,Japan (日 本 ) Lyukyu ( 琉球 ) and Taiwan (aH). 70. PHALAENOPSIS Blume Siti Phalaenopsis aphrodite Reichb.f. in Hamb. Gartenz. 18: 35 ( 1862): Henry, List Pl. Form. 92 ( 1896) ; Matsum et Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 414 (1906), (Enum. Pl. Form. ). sia&D® Phalaenopsis amabilis var. aphrodite (Reichb.f. )- Ames, Orch. 2:226 (1908). dt gloriosa Reichb.f. in Gard. Chron. , 3:554 ( 1888 ). ee sanderiana Reichb. f. in Flora 65 : 466 ( 1882 ). Phalaenopsis ambigua Reichb.f. in Hamb. Gartenz. 491 21. 282. 283. 284. 2.85 18: 35 (1862) & Xen. Orch. 2:6 ( 1862). Phalaenopsis amambilis var. ambigua Burb. in The Garden 22 :119 ( 1882). Distribution ( 4ffi) : The Philippines ( 非 律 宾 ) and Taiwan ( 台湾 ) . Phalaenopsis riteiwanensis Masamune in Trans Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 24: 213 (1934) . 小 兰 赋 晴 蝶 兰 Stauroglottis riteiwanensis Masamune, l.c. Distribution (Afi) : Endemic (MAE). 71. PHOLIDOTA Lindley 山 桃 兰 属 Pholidota cantonensis Rolfe in Kew. Bull. 1896 : 196 (1896 ). Allis _ Pholidota uraiensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:64, f.29 (1914 ). ; Distribution (分 从) : S. China (中 国 南 部 ) and Taiwan (em. 72. PHREATIA Lindley @®E 了 了 hreatia formosana Rolfe in Ann. Bot. 9: 156 (人 1895 );Henry, List. Pl. Form. 99( 1896). GMM _ Distribution (i) : Endemic (MAM). Phreatia goliathensis J.J. Smith in Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenz. ser. 2, 13: 73 (1914). WIM Phreatia kotoinsularis Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50 : 23( 1936). | Distribution (分 人 而) : New Guinea ( #745 )and Taiwan (AR). | . Phreatia morii Hayata, Icon. Pl.Form. 4.: 58 f.25 (1914). RRB Distribution (47) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 286. 287. 289. 290. 291. 73. PLATAN THERA L.C. Rich. B# RS Platanthera brevicalcarata Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1):350 (1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form. ); Ying in Chin. Flow. (6):33, ¢.2 (1974) & Alp. Pl. Taiwan in col. 1:72, col. phot. 98 (1975). RRR Distribution (4°) : Endemic (HA). Platanthera longibracteata Hayata, Icon. Pl. Fo- rm. 4: 122 (1914). RGB Distribution (774i) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . . Platanthera pachyglossa Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:123, pl. 21 (1914); Ying in Chin. Flow. (6): 33, mee ( 1974.) -&Alp. Pk. Tdiwan in. cal... 2 :.73, col. photo. 99 (1975). BE® iw Platanthera hac hijoensis Honda in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49:2 (1935). | Platanthera amamiana Ohwi in Journ. Jap. Bot. 13: 440 (1937). | Platanthera angustaia sensu, Garay & Sweet, Orch. S. Ryukyu Isl, 32 (1974), non Lindley. | Distribution (4 i): Lyukyu (琉球 ) and Taiwm (G #). Platanthera sigeyosii Masamune in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 46:773 (1932). 高 山 粉 蝶 兰 Distribution (4ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Platanthera stenoglossa Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:123 (1914) €6:93( 1916 ). #3ORw Distribution (4): S. Japan (日 本 南部 ) Lyukyu ( 琉球 ) and Taiwan (4). Platanthera stenosepala Schitr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4:44 et 117 (1919), ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr.) ; Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 10:32 ( 1921). Mem 493 292 . 293. 294. 295. Distribution (Affi) ;S. Japan (日 本 南部 , Ryukyu (人 琉球 ) and Taiwan (台湾 ) . Platanthera taiwaniana Ying in QuartJourn. Chin. For. 8(4):144 & Alp. Pl. Taiwan in Col. 1: 73, col. photo. 100 (1975). @8SEM Tulotis taiwanensis Ying, l.c. Distribution (4+) : Endemic (HA@f) . 74. PLEIONE D. Don. —#@ 3 Pleione bulbocodioides ( Franch ) Rolfe in Orch. Rev. 11° 291 (1901-05). WKe+ o8—#M Coelogyne bulbocodioides Franch. in Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris ser. 2, 10:84 1888). Pleione formosana Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1):326 (1911) (Mat. Fl. Form.). Coelogyne formosana Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form 4:64 ( 1914 ). Pleione pricei Rolfe in Bot. Mag. ?¢. 8729 (1917). Distr ibut ion:( 4 §): S. China (中 国 南 部 ) and Taiwan (a8). Pleione bulbocodioides (Franch.) Rolfe var. nivea ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. AER Pleione formosana Hayata form. mnivea Fukuyama in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 22: 415( 1932). Pleione formosana Hayata var. nivea ( Fukuyana ) Masamune in Trop. Hort. 3:48 (1933). Distribution (分 侧 ) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 74. PODOCHILUS Blume (BMS Podochilus taiwanianus Ying, Col. I11. Indig. Orch. Taiwan 1:297, col. photo. 134 ( 1977 ). ame w Distribution ( Afi) : Endemic (@#) . 49A 296. 297. 298 . 299. 75.POGONIA Juss. RB RES Pogonia minor Makino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 23: 137 ( 1910); Fukuyama in I.c. 52: 244 (1938). #EBR Pogonia japonica Reichb.f. var. minor Makino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 12: 103 (1898). Pogonia ophioglossoides A. Gray var. minor Makino ‘in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 12: 103 (1898 ). Distribution (Afi) : Japan (HA) and T aiwan ( 台 8). | 77. POMATOCALPA Breda HAMS Pomatocalpa acuminata (Rolfe ) Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4: 290 (1919 ), ( Orch. Sino-— Jap. Prodr. ). BAM , Cleisostoma acuminatum Rolfe in Kew. Bull. 1913:: 144 (01913). Pomatocal pa acuminata Fukuyama sensu in Masa- mune, Short Fl. Form. 299 (1936 ). Distribution ( Affi) : Endemic (固有 种 . Pomatocalpa brachybotrya Hayata, Gen. Ind. Fl. Form. 81 (1917) et Icon. Pl. Form. 10: 35( 1921). 4 BEAR Pomatocalpa brachybotrya ( Hayata ) Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4:29 (1919 ),( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr.). Cleisostoma brachybotrya Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:95, f. 49 (1914). Distribution (4): Endemic (固有 种) . 77.SACCOLABIUM Blume BERS Saccolabium formosanum Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1):336 ( 1911) & Icon. Pl. Form. 4: 88, f. 44 (1914) &€6:.85 (1917). F#2EW Gastrochilus formosanum (‘Hayata ) Hayata , Gen. 495 300. 301. 302. 303. Ind. Fl. Form. 78 ( 1917), & Icon. Pl. Form. 10: 35 ( 1921 ). Gastrochilus formosanus Schltr. in Fedde Repert, Beih. 4: 288 (1919), ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr.). Distribution (i): Endemic (固有 种 ) . Saccolabium fuscopunctatum Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 2: 143 (1912) &€ 4:89, f.% (1914). MEREM Gastrochilus fuscopunctatus ( Hayata ) Hayata, Gen. Ind. Fl. Form. 78 ( 1917) & Icon. Pl. Form. 10:35 C1921 2. Gastrochilus fuscopunctatus ( Hayata ) Schitr. in Fe- dde Repert. Beih. 4: 288 (1919), (Orch. Sino -Jap. Prord. ). ‘Distribution ( Affi) : Endémic (固有 种 ) . Saccolabium japonicum Makino, ,I11. Fl. Japon 1, n.7 3, ¢./3 (1891). BARE Gastrochilus japonicus (Makino ) Schlitr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 7: 315 (1913). Saccolabium somai Hayata, Icom. Pl. Form. 4:93 (1914 ). Gastrochilus somai ( Hayata ) Hayata, Gen. Ind. Fl. Form. 79 ( 1917) & Icon. Pl. Form. 10: 35 (1921). -Gastrochilus somai Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4:289 (1919), ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr. ). Distribution (Ai) : Japan (日 本 ) Lyukyu ( FER ) and Taiwan ( 台湾 ) . Saccolabium kotoense ( Yamamoto ) Yamamoto in Journ. Jap. Bot. 3: 236 (1926 ) et Suppl. Icon. Pl. Form, 2:6, f.3 (1926). MRREW Tuberolabium kotoense Yamamoto in Bot. Mag. To- kyo 38: 209 (1923). Distribution ( 4} i) : Endemic (HA) P Saccolabium matsudai ( Hayata ) Makino et Nemoto, 496 304. - 305. 306. 307. Fl. Jap. ed. 2,1674 (1931) . KH KREW Gastrochilus matsudai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 9: 116, f. 40 (1920). Distribution (分 人 而) : Endemic (H#@). Saccolabium nebulosum ( Fukuyama ) Ying in Bull. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ. (114 ): 154 (1974). (Ee Hi | Gastrochilus nebulosus Fukuyama in Bot.Mag. Tokyo 49: 762 (1935). Saccolabium nebulosum S.Y. Hu in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus, 28:151 (1975). Distribution (Afi) : Endemic (H@f). Saccolabium quercetorum ( Fukuyama ) Ying inBull. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ. (114):154 (1974).# EM ) _ Gastrochilus quercetorum Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. To- kyo 49: 826 (1935) & 50: 16 (1936). Saccolabium quercetorum ( Fukuyama ) S.Y. Hu in Quart. Mus. Journ. Taiwan 28: 152 (1975). Distribution (4 fj) : Endemic (MAH). Saccolabium raraensis ( Fukuyama ) Ying in Bull. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ. (114) :154 ( 1974). PANE 224) | Gastrochilus raraensis Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48 : 441 (1934 ). Saccolabium raraensis ( Fukuyama )S.Y. Hu in Quart. | Journ. Taiwan Mus. 28: 152 (1975). Distribution ( Fj) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Saccolabium rupestris ( Fukuyama) Ying in Bull. Exp. For. Nat. Taiwan Univ. (114):152(1974). 人 小 (EER Gastrochilus rupestris Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 768 (1935). 497 308. 309. 310 312. Saccolabium rupestris ( Fukuyama ) S.Y Hu in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 28: 152 (1975 ). Distribution (分 人 而) : Endemic( MAH). Saccolabium shaoyaoii Ying, Col. Illust. Indig . Orch. Taiwan 1: 310, col. photo. 140( 1977), BRM Gastrochilus shaoyaoii Ying M.M.S. Distribution ( Affi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Saccolabium taiwanianum Ying, Col. Illust. Indig. Orch. Taiwan 1: 311, col. photo 141( 1977). R#EREM Gastrochilus taitwanianus M.M.S. Distribution ( 44%) : Endemic ( H@& ) . 78. SARCANTHUS Lindley HERS . Sarcanthus paniculatus ( Ker- Gawl. ) Lindley in Bauer, Illustr. Orch. Pl. Gen. #.9 ( ) . BBR Aerides paniculatum Ker-Gawl., Bot. Reg. 3 : 20 ( v 1a Vanda paniculata R. Br. in Bot. Reg. sub. 1.506 《 ) 。, Sarcanthus fuscomaculatus Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:94, f. (1914). | Sarcanthus formosanus ( Hance) Rolfe in Journ. Linn. Soc. 36: 37 ( 1903-05); Matusm. et Hayata in Journ. Soc. Col. Univ. Tokyo 22: 414 (1906). Cleisostoma formosanum Hance in Journ. Bot. 22: 364 ( 1884 ). ) | Cleisostoma payiculatum ( Ker-Gawl. ) Garay in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harvard. Univ. 23(4): 173(1972). Distribution ( 4) : S. China (中 国 南 部 ) and Taiwan ( Bm). Sarcanthus uraiensis Hayata Icon. , Pl. Form. 8:130, f.58( 1919). RARE Cleisostoma uraiense ( Hayata ) Garay & Sweet, Orch. 498 313.- 314. S. Ryukyu 156 (1974). Sarcanthus micranthe Ames, Orch. 5: 248 (1915). Sarcanthus viridescens Fukuyama in Bot. Mag Tokyo 50: 24 (1936). Cleisostoma viridescens (Fukuyama ) Garay in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harvard. Univ. 23(4) :175(1972). _ Distribution (4 fi) : The Philippines ( JE@#t#%) and Taiwan ( 台湾 ) . 79. SCHGENORCHIS Blume BRS Schoenorchis paniculata Blume var.vanoverberghii ( Ames ) Ying, comb. nov. F7tmm | Schoenorchis vanoverberghii Ames, Orch. 5: 242 (1915). | Schoenorchis paniculata sensu Liu et Su in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 2: , pl. (197 ). non Blume Distribution (44): The Philippines ( 3E@H) and Taiwan (人 台湾 ) . 80.SPATHOGLOTTIS Blume GtRS Spathoglottis plicata Blume: Bijdr. 401, .76 (人 1825 ) ; .Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo30(1): 322 (1911) ; HEB Bletia angustaita Gaudich. in Freyc. Voy. Uram. et Physic. Bot. 421 ( 1826 ) Paxtonia rosea Lindley in Bot. Reg. 24, Misc. 61, 1.60 (1838 ). Bletia angustifolia Gaudich. l.c. t. 3727 (1826). Spathoglottis liliacina Griff., Notul. 3:323 (1851). Phaius shumphti Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd-Bat. 2:179 ( 1856 ). Spaihoglottis spicata Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. 3:9 (1859). 499 315. Distribution (Afi): Malaya Peninsula( BR 3), The Philippines ( JE@#@) , Sumatra ( PSSA), Java (爪哇 ), Ambo ina (阿波 尼 ) ,Celebes (西里 伯 斯 , Borneo ( Be) ) ,New Guinea ( 新 并 内 亚 ) Coroline island ( 加 露 林 饲 ) and Taiwan (台湾 ) . -81.SPIRANTHES L.C. Rich. REE Spiranthes sinensis ( Person) Ames, Orch. 2:53 ( 1908). RMR > RES Neottia sinensis Person, Syn. Pl. 2: 511 (1807); Poir in Lam. Encyl. Suppl. 4:85 (1816). Ophrys spiralis sensu Georgi Bemerk, Reise Russ. Reich. 1:232 (1775), mon Linn. Aristotelea spiralis sensu Lour, Fl. Cochinch. 2 : 522 ( 1792), non Spiranthes spiralis Koch. Epidendrum aristotelia Raeusch., Nomenc!.Bot. ed. 3, 265.01797.., Neottia spiralis Willd., Sp. Pl. 4:74 (1805). Neottia australis R. Br., Prodr. Nov. Holl. 319 (人 1810). Neottia flexuosa Sm. in Rees Cycl. 24, no. 9 (1819). | Neottia parviflora Sm. l.c. no. lO. Neottia amoena Mlibieb., Fl. Taur. Cauc. 3: 606 (1819). Spiranthes’ pudica Lindley, Collect. Bot. 7.30 (1821). Neottia australia R.Br. B chinensis Lindley in Bot. Reg. 7:602 (1822). | Spiranthes australia Lindley in Bot. Reg. 10, sub. 4. 823 (1824). Spiranthes parviflora Lindley /.c. Spiranthes flexuosa Lindley, /.c. Neoltia crispata Blume, Bijdr. 406 (1825). 500 Spiranthes amoena Spreng, Syst. Vee. 3:708 ( 1826 ) . Neottia pudica Sweet, Hort. Brit. ed. 2, 485 ( 1830). , , Spiranthes wightiana Lindley in no. 7378 (1832). | Calanthe australis Ait. ex Loud., Hort. Brit. Suppl. 2: 615 ( 1839). | | Spiranthes longispicata A. Rich. in Ann. Sci. Nat. Il, 15:78 (1841). | Spiranthes densa A. Rich. in 7.c。 Spiranthes indica Steud., Nomend. Bot. ed. 22: 225 (1841). : : Spiranthes crispata Zoll. & Mor., Syst.Verz. Java 89 (1845 ). Spiranthes novaezelandiae Hook. f., Fi. N. Zeal:. 2280 (1853 ) « Spiranthes australis Lindley var. pudica Lindley in Hook., Kew. Journ. Bot. 7:38 (1855). Spiranthes siylites Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. 1:178 (1857). Gyrostachys australis Blume, Fl. Jav. Orch. 108 (人 1858 ). | Gyrostachys austraiis Blume var. agmoena Blume , re. _ Gyrostachys australis Blume var, wightiana Blume, 区 Gyrostachys australis Blume var. flexuosa Blume , 人 4 | Gyr ostachys australis Blume var: parviflora Blume, lee. ; Gyrostachys australis Blume var. crispaita Blume, Sot. 501 316. 317. 318. 319. Spiranthes australis Lindley var. wightiama Lindley ex Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 102 (1890 ). Gyrostachys stylites Ktze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 664 (1891). Spiranthes australia Lindley var. suishanensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6: 86 (1916). Spiranthes suishanensis Schltr. in Orch. Sino -Jap. Prodr. 161 (1919). Spiranthes sinensis ( Person. ) Ames var. amoena (M.-Bieb. ) Hara in Journ. Jap. Bot. 44:59(1969). Distribution ( Afi): China (中 国 ) Java (爪哇 ) , India (AH), Afghanistan (阿富汗 ) Srilanka ( 席 里 蓝 卡 ) ,Japan (HA) Sumatra ( MPIAAB) , Borneo (BHM ) , Australia ( 澳 州 ) , Tasmania ( ##FHi), New Zealand (75M), and Taiwan (&##). ~82.STIGMATODACTYLUS Maxim. KER Stigmatodactylus sikokianus Maxim. ex Makino , Ill. Fl. Jap. 1, ¢. 43 (1891) & in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 19:69 (1905). HM Distribution (4 i): Japan ( HA) and Taiwan (@# > 83. TAENIOPHYLLUM Blume RRS Taeniophyllum complanatum Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 449 (1935). mai kM Distribution (477i) : Endemic (固有 种 ) Taeniophyllum crassipes Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 247( 1938). BPeRm Distribution ( 4 fi) : Endemic ( B|4 ff) . Taeniopyllum glandulosum Blume, Bijdr.356 (1825); Garay & Sweet, Orch. S. Ryukyu 159 (1974). MRM Taeniophyllum aphyllum Makino, Phangerog. Pterid. 502 Jap. Ic. Ill, 1-3, ¢. /1 (1899). Sarcochilus aphyllis Makino, Pter id. et Phan. Jap. ~6:48( 1892). Cryptorchis aphyllus Makino, /.c. 7: 118 (1893). Distribution (fi): Japan ( HA), Ryukyu ( 琉球 ) and Taiwan( @#). 320. Taeniophyllum formosanum Hayata, Gen. Ind. 下] . Form. 81 (-1917). @#s Taeniophyllum sp. Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 2: 145 (1912). | } Distribution ( Afi) : Endemic (H#@# ). 84. TAINIA Blume )#ERS 321. Tainia bilamellata ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. — f/)\ EL Bs Oreorchis-bilamellaia Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 436 ( 1934). Distribution (fj): Endemic (HG). 322. Tainia gokanzanensis Masamune, Mat. Syst. Vi, fasc. 1, 38 (1937). &Blih+ seme 1 eat Fe Distribution ( Offi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 323.Tainia hualienia Ying, Col. Illust. Indig.Orch. Tai- wan 1:321, col. photo. 146( 1977), 黄花 小 器 将 Distribution ( Offi) : Endemic (HAE). 324. Tainia laxiflora Makino in Bot. Mag. .Tokyo 23:138 ( 1909 ). het Tainia piyanensis Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49 : 293 ( 1935 ). Distribution (fi) : Japan (HA), Lyukyu (RR) and Taiwan ( §@#). 325. Tainia shimadai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6: 75, ¢.7, f.11(01917). BRE)RER Distribution (4): Endemic ( H#@ ) . 503 326. 327. 328. BRE 329. 330. 331 Tainia shimadai Hayata var. elliptica ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. B#//\*ttHew Tainia elliptica Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 293 ©1935 ). Distribution (4 ffi) : Endemic (iAH). 85. THELASIS Blume 6H RB Thelasis clausa Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49:440 ( 1935). MRBEM Distribution (i) : Endemic (HA). Thelasis taiwantana ( Fukuyama) Ying, comb. nov. Phreatia taiwaniana Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49:44 (1935). Distribution (4): Endethic (固有 种 ) . 86.THRIXSPERMUM Lour. SRS Thrixspermum eximium L.O. Wms. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harvard. Univ. 6: 87 (1938); Lin in Quart. Chin. For. 9(1) :54, p/.4( 1976). RERABM Distribution (44) : The Philippines ( FE@@ ) and Taiwan ( @#). Thrixspermum fantasticum L.O. Williams in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harvard. Univ. 6:82, (1938); Garay & Sweet, Orch. S. Ryukyu 148 (1974). BOM Thrixspermum neglectum Fukuyama in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 32: 269 (1942); Honda in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56: 46] (1942). Distribution (4°) : The Philippines ( JE@#H ) and Taiwan (@#). . Thrixspermum formosanum ( Hayata )Schitr. in Fe- dde Repert. Beih. 4:227 (1919), ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr. ). FR ASR 504 332. 333. 334. 335 336. 337. Sarcochilus formosanus Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. - Univ. Tokyo 30(1):336(1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.). Distribution (7 fi) : Endemic (固有 种 ). Thrixspermura kusukusense ( Hayata ) Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4: 274 ( 1919 ), (Orch. Sino-Jap. P rodr.). (A we | Sarcochilus kusukusensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. (6:84 (1917). Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Endemic (HA). Thrixspermum laurisilvaticum ( Fukuyama ) Garay in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harvard Univ. 23(4) : 207 (1972). 樟 林 IDR Sarcochilus laurisilvaticus Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 246 ( 1938 ). Thrixspermum laurisilvaticum( Fukuyama) Ying in Bull. Exp. For..Nat.. Taiwan Univ..(.114 ).:157,(1974). - Distribution ( Affi) : Endemic ( HA). Thrixspermum pricei Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4:274(1919), ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr.). KEA@R Dendroca‘la pricei Rolfe in Kew. Bull. 1914 :144 ( 1914 ) Distribution (4 fff) : Endemic ( 固有 种 ) , -Thrixspermum saruwatarii Schltr. in Fedde Re-. pert. Beih. 4:275 (1919). ( Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr . ) ; Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 10:34 (1921). BR ACOH Sarcochilus saruwatarii Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form . 6: 84, f./8 ( 1916). Distribution (4%) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Thrixspermum sasakii Masamune in Trans. - Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 24: 212 (1934). EEKE ASH Distribution ( 4 ff) : Endemic (固有 逢 ) . Thrixspermum subulatum ( Blume ) Reichb.f., Xen. Orch. 2:122 (1867); Ames, Orch 7: 134 ( 1922 ); Seidhenf., Bot. Tidssk. 65: 145, f.30 (1969). RK ' 606 7 Am Dendrocola subulata Blume, Bijdr. 29] (1825). Thrixspermum pendulicaule ( Hay ata ) Schltr. in Fedde. Repert.- Bieh. 4: 274 (1919), (Orch. Sino-Jap. Prodr. ); Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 10: 34 (1921). Aporum~ pendulicaule Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 4:44, f.16 (1914). Dendrobium pendulicaulum Hayata, /.c. Aerides subulatum Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch. 24] ( 1833). ) Sarcochilus subulatum ( Blume ) Walp. Ann. 6:500 (1863). Thrixspermum falcilobium Schltr. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. II, 6: 469 (1906 de Distribution (4 ffi) : Thailand (泰国 ) , Sumatra ( fF" SL) Java (MRE), Bali (BH), Kangean Is1.( 卡 格 饲 ) , Ambina ( By HBR) the Philippines (3E#@) and . Taiwan CB. 87. TIPULARIA Nutt. 简 距 苦 属 338. Tipularia odorata Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo ”52 :243 (1939). SAM Distribution (4 i) : Endemic ( 固有 逢 ) . 88.TRICHOGLOTTIS Blume £5453 339. Trichoglottis ionosma (Lindley) J.J. Smith in Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. 72 (1912); Ames, Orch. 5: 255 ( 1915 ) . 毛 舌 苦 Cleisostoma ionosma Lindley, Bot. Reg. 33, t.4/ ( 1847 ). Staurochilus ionosma ( Lindley ) Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 4: 287 ( 1919), ( OrchSino-Jap. Prodr.). Trichoglottis ionosma (Lindley ) Hayata, Gen. Ind. 506 Fl. Form.. 82 ( 1917 ). Distribution (4 fff) : The Philippines ( SE@#B) and Taiwan ( @#). 340. Trichoglottis ionosma ( Lndley ) J.J. Smith var. lu- chuensis ( Rolfe) Ying, comb. nov. REG ._Stauropsis luchuensis Rolfe in Kew, Bull. 131 ( 1907 ). | Trichoglottis luchuensis ( Rolfe ) Garay & Sweet in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harvard Univ. 23(4) : 209 (1972). Distribution ( 4 ffi) : Lyukyu ( 琉球 ) and Taiwan (4G wm). , ***Trichoglottis ionosma (Lindley ) J.J. Smith var. luzonensis ( Ames ) Ying, comb. nov. 3X ##M Trichoglottis luzonensis Ames, Orch. 5 2255 (1915). Vandopsis kapperiana Krunzl. in Fedde Repert. Beih. 17: 390 (1921). Distribution ( ffi) : The Philippines ( JF#H ) . 341. Trichoglottis rosea (Lindley ) Ames in Merr, Enum. Philip. Pl. 3:440 (1925). M#ERBR Cleisostoma rosea Lindley in Bot.. Reg. 24, Misc. 80 (1838 ). Trichoglottis flexuosa Rolfe ex Ames, Orch. 1:107 (1905) &€2:257(1908) &5:255 (1915). Pomatocalpa rosea J.J. Smith in Nat.Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. 72: 106 (1912). Trichoglottis breviracema Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30(1) : 338 (1911), ( Mat. Fl. Form.). Distribution ( 4fi) : The Philippines ( 3E@@) and Taiwan (@#). 3 89. TROPIDIA Blume tii B , 342. Tropidia angulata Blume, Orch. Arch. Ind. 122 (1858 ); Henry, List Pl. Form. 92 (1896); Matsum. & Ha- 507 yata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22:414 (1906), ( Enum. Pl. Form. ). Wem _ Tropidia govindovii Blume, /.c. Tropidia semilibera Blume, /.c. Govindovia nervosa Wight, ] ¢. 2090. Decaisnea Angulosa Lindley in Wall. Cat. 7388 ( 1833). Cnemidia semilibera Lindley, l.c. Tropidia calcarata Ames, Philip. Journ.Sci. 7, Bot. 7 (© 1912)@ Orch. 5:47( 1915). Tropidia somai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6: 85, pl. 13 (1916 ). Distribution (4 ff) : Sikkim (84) , Assam ( fy ge) , Burma ( if ), India (EJ), Philippines ( FE@A ) Ryukyu ( Sf), S. Japan (日 本 南部 ) and Taiwan( Bw 天 343. Tropidia formosana Rolfe in Ann. Bot.9:158 ( 1895); Henry, List Pl. Form. 92 (1896). GBS Tropidia curculigoides sensu Liu et Su in Quart.” Jour. Tiawan Mus. 28: 27] f.4 (1975 ) non Lindley. Distribution (4 ffi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 90. VANDA Jones BKHS 344. Vanda lamellata Lindley in Bot. Reg, 1. 74,Misc. 66. ( 1838); Sheih in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 8: 274 (1955). BRS Vanda cumingii Lindley ex Paxt. in Lond. Hort. Brit. Suppl. 3: 654 (1850). Vanda amiensis Masamune et Sagawa in Trans. Nat. Soc. Form. 24: 212( 1934). Distribution (4 ffi) : The Philippines ( JE@#) and Taiwan (人 台湾 ) . 508 91. VANILLA Sw. S283 345. Vanilla griffithii Reichb.f. var. formosana Ito, 346. 347. 348. 349. Icon. Pl. Jap. 1:1, ¢./ (1911). 台 湿 香草 前 Vanilla griffithti snesu Hayata in Journ. Col. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30 (1) : 342 (©1911), (Mat. Fl. Form.), non Lindley Vanilla somai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 6:88, 1?. /4 ( 1917). Distribution (4 ff) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . Vanilla griffithii Reichb.f. var. ronoensis(Hayata) Ying, comb. nov. £458 Vanilla ronoensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 9: 114 (1920). Distribution (4 i) : Endemic ( AJA se ). 92. VEXILLABIUM Maekawa REM S Vexillabium humill um( Fukuyama) Ying, comb. nov. VEE Cystopus hkumillis Fukuyama in Bot.Mag. Tokyo 48: 307 (1934). Pristiglottis humillis ( Fukuyama ) Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 666 ( 1935 ). Distribution (4) : Endemic (固有 种 ) Vexillabium integrurm ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. now. 2RIES mY, Kh moneo.( Yamane FF Pristiglottis integra Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo ) 50: 20 ( 1936). Distribution ( Offi) : Endemic (固有 种 ) . 93. VRYDAGZYNEA Blume — BRS Vrydagzynea formosana Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 86: 89 (1917). 48_ BR Distribution ( 47 fi) : Endemic (固有 种 . 509 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 94. YOANIA Maxim. ERS Yoania japonica Maxim., Mem. Biol. 8:647(1873). Vk Yoania japonica Maxim. var. squamipes Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 244 (1938). Distribution (分 人 而) : Japan( HA) and Taiwan( @#). 95. ZEUXINE Lindley REHAB Zeuxine fluvida Fukuyama in Ann. Rep. Taipei Bot. Gard. 3:81 (1933). R7EREHR = 2, nervosa (Lindl) [ry Distribution (ffi) : Endemic (M/A). Zeuxine formosana Rolfe ex Hemsl. In Ann. Bot. 9:158( 1895); Henry, List Pl. Form. 92 ( 1896). 2 REM ne A dls) Trimmer , Adenostylis formosana Hayata, Gen. Ind. Fl. Form. 75. 可 98, a. Zeuxine nervosa sensu Seidenf. in Seartryk-Bot. Tidsskrift. 65: 114 (1969), mon Benth. Distribution (4 ff): Endemic (固有 种 .) , Zeuxine hengchuanense Ying, ColJllust. Indig. Orch. Taiwan 1:342, col. photo.-157( 1977). HAREM Distribution ( 4 fi) : Endemic (固有 箱 ) = 72.0" Zeuxine kantokeiense Tatewaki et Masamune in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 46: 772( 1932) #OMHW Distribution (4 fi) : Endemic (MA). Zeuxine niijimai Tatewaki et Masamune in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 46:772( 1932). KREHB Distribution (Ai) : Endemic (HA). Zeuxine reflexa King et Pantl. in-Ann.Bot. Gard. Calc. 8: 291 ( DB LR ER Zeuxine arisanensis Hayata, Icon. Pl.Form 4: 106, f. 55 (1914). | Adenostylis arisanensis Hayata, Gen. Fl. Ind. Form. 510 qe 有 Ly 和 357. 358 . 359. 75( 1917); Sasaki, List Pl. Form. 120 (1928). Distribution (4 i): The Himalaya (喜马拉雅 山 ) and Taiwan ( @#). Zeuxine odorata Fukuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50: 20 (1936). BRHE ‘Distribution (Affi) : Endemic ( HAM). Zeuxine somai Tuyama in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50:27 (1936 ). 相 马 氏 稼 疆 苦 = 之 ; nervosa Distribution (7) : Endemic (固有 征 ) . Zeuxine strateumatica ( Linn.) Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Bieh. 1:77 (1911), ( Deuts. Neu-Guin. ). & 柱 苦 Orchis strateumatica Linn. Sp. Pl. 94 3(1753), ed.2 1336 (1763). | Adenostylis sulcaia Blume | Zeuxine sulcaita Lindley in Wall. cat. 7392 (1832). Adenostylis strateumat ica ( Linn. ) Ames, Orch. 2: 58 (1908 ). Spiranthes strateumatica Lindley in Bot. Reg. 10, sub. ¢. 874 (1824). Adenostylis emarginata Blume, Bijdr. 414 (1825). Adenostylis integerrima Blume, l.c. 414, f./7. Zeuxine procumbens Blume, Fl. Jav. Orch. 56 1.2”, Fe4, te 79663858 ). Pierygodium on Roxb., Fl. Ind. ed.2, 3:452 ( 1832 ). -Tripleura pallida Lindley in Wall. Cat. 7391 (1832) & Gen. & Sp. Orch. 452 (1840). Zeuxine emarginaia Lindley, Gen. & Sp.Orch. 485 (1840). Zeuxine integerrima Lindley, /.c. 486. Zeuxine membranacea Lindley, /.c. Neottia straiteumatica R.Br. ex Steud., Nom. Bot. oll ed. 2, 2:194( 1841 ). Neottia strateumatica R. Br. ex Steud., Nom Bot, ed. 2, 2: 194 (1841). Zeuxine hracteata Wight, Icon. 5, 16, 4.1774 ( 1852). Zeuxine brevifolia Wight, l.c. ¢. 1775. Zeuxine robusia Wight, l.c. ¢. 17%, Zeuxine tripleura Lindley (1857). in Jourh. Linn. Soc. 1:186 Distribution (4 ff) : Afghanistan (阿富汗 ) , India ( AJ 度 ) Srilanka ( 席 里 蓝 卡 ) Malay peninsula (BKB) , S. China (中国 南部 ),Assam ( MB), Japan ( AA) and Taiwan (人 台湾), 360. Zeuxine strateumatica (Linn. ) Schltr. var. rupi- cola ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. S#HR _Leuxine rupicola Fukuyama in Bot. Mag.Tokyo 49: 292 (1935 ). Distribution ( 4 fi) : Endemic (固有 种 ). 912 4. GLOSSARY (MERE BRP MMABS ) ( For Chinese readers only ) acaulescent #€®& iW acicular 圣 形 的 ”acotyledonous ”无 子 革 的 aculeate 4 Hay acuminate 源 尖 的 acute MEY adnate #38 > BARRA REV RRE—e aerial $4 alate Bik alternate 互生 的 amplexicual fH) anastomosing #aikK ancipitous Pm pR annual ”一 年 生 的 anomalous 不 正常 的 anterior i MBC SEM anther 753% anthesis #§7EBA > 花粉 成 熟 柱 头 准 人 备 接 受 花 粉 的 那 Bele antrorse apetalous 和 无 花 斩 的 aphy lous 无华 的 apiculate RW appendage 附属 物 appendicular 有 附属 物 的 approximate ”紧密 地 靠 在 一 起 但 不 连 生 arachnoid ##VAY arcuate “弓形 的 533 aristate {oHKEQRITRAUIN BD » 7 FRE) IH articulate 有 关节 的 ascending ®BELAAN asepalous #3 AY asexual ”和 无 性 的 asymmetrical 不 对 称 的 attenuate f#RM> HAN auricle 耳 状 附属 物 auriculate 有 耳 状 附属 物 的 : axillary 腋生 的 basifixed 附着 於 基 部 的 beak BRK > MRARKHARR bifid 22 bigeneric ERIKS > FAN UB AOR TT 交配 bilobate 22% a bilocular 2% bisexual “两 性 . blade E50 (EWE RRB ( HHA EMER ) bract ‘%j} bracteate #@#iRAY bulbose 4 Meh bulbous fMeeuray Caespitose “半生 的 calcarate [fH calli HAMAR ( BR ) callosity 厚 而 硬 的 肉 突 callus 硬 的 肉 突 ( 单数 ) canaliculate 管道 或 炮 兆 禾 capitate SRR > ARK capitulum FAKMEA KAR | capsule iA carinate 隆起 的 , 龙 骨 状 突起 carnose W Ai) ~ Rei 514 cauda 42 Ene caudicle /)V% +)» Ze TE A SE LA) caulescent # i cauline 菊生 的 chartaceous HAY ciliate @& 有 毛 的 clavate ”棍棒 状 的 claw ” 爪 , 指 花 拇 基部 延伸 组 长 线形 部 份 clawed 有 爪 的 cleistogamous , 在 花 未 开放 时 便 已 完成 授粉 作用 clinandrium 2H clone fi 47 414 FRE HY coalesce “生长 於 一 起 的 , 指 花 的 相似 部 份 coherent 两 相似 或 靠近 在 一 起 部 份 或 器 官 相连 在 一 起 column Bi HRERMRA 而 成 compressed fa concave MAM: MHRHAM conduplicate PMAm() MBtE— ie congeneric 同一 属 的 connivent a4: 7¢—# A) convex (4tHay convolute fea» Aner cordate GH coriaceous Ay corm RX | costate PA» =x - cotyledon +# crenate ir SE ebay crenulate #8 2a) crest Mw@kKR> LKRERH crested “有 多 冠状 突起 的 cruciate “十 字形 的 cucullate Bray 55S cuneate UN cupular 杯 形 的 cymbiform fH cytology Mfa# deciduous 早 落 的 decumbent 沿 着 地 面 生长 仅 先 端 向 上 或 斜 上 界 〈 a& ) decurrent (FAY decurved [HAY deflexed 2AM HHavT dehiscent FAA deltoid 三 角形 的 dentate tiki) denticulate #imiRN diandrous “有 二 枚 雄 营 的 , BRREMWK ( Cypripedilinae ) 的 兰花 俱 坑 此 特征 dicotyledon 人 双子 华 的 didymous ” 伙 生 的 dimorphic Mm dioecious HERE disc 般 状 的 discoid 似 同 盘 形 的 disk 朋 状 的 distichous 排 成 2 列 的 diurnal 白 日 的 , 白 日 天 人 花 的 divaricate 扩展 的 divergent “ 提 展 dorsal 和 后 的 , 狼 指 划 片 ebracteate HAY ecalcarate ”无 距 的 echinate 有 和 刺 毛 的 , 有 刚毛 的 ecology 4: he ellipsoid ®@AW elliptic #@BMIVN 516 emarginate [PIGRAY > SémmnM AR endemic ”固有 的 , 原 生 的 ensiform 剑 形 的 ephemeral 短命 的 , 指 花 开 时 间 epichil BRE AY Pep epiphyte 着 生 植物 epiphytic 着 生 的 , 着 生 植 物 的 erose (Six S RAID evanescent {7 if) evergreen HRA exotic ARKH exserted HH E—MPM AE falcate $#e7JHKHY fascicle #4 filifrom RY fimbriate ‘SRS RRM fimbrillate 46a S2amny flabellate BH flaccid aT AY flexuose *®h6)> HoT foetid BEAN foliaceous # 状 的 fornicate ” 拱 形 的 , 个 曲 的 fringed BRA GRO BY fruit Re fugacious FWN fusiform #SeBN galeate HAVA geminate RAN © genera & ( #R ) geniculate #RM@ AA genus §B( HR ) glabrate #SOGIRMRUE OD ae 517 glabrous GYAN glaucous “有 白粉 状 的 gynostemium 营 柱 与 Column 同 义 habitat WHER herbaceous #RAAY herbarium AEE hirsute 有 粗毛 的 hyaline ”透明 的 hypochil 唇 拇 的 基部 或 后 后 部 imbricate BAK incised RAN incumbent ”依附 於 其 他 物体 上 indehiscent 不 开裂 的 indigenous ”自生 的 , 原 生 的 , 不 是 外 来 的 inflexed 个 曲 或 突然 向 内 或 向 后 个 曲 的 inflorescence “花序 infundibuliform 漏斗 状 的 internode 节 问 introduced 外 来 的 , 引 进 的 introrse HAA fl involute ”向 内 和 浴 曲 的 keel ”龙骨 状 突起 keeled 有 龙骨 突起 的 labellum EH lacerate ABB SHAK laciniate MHAMSRAMARKN lamella 薄片 物 ( 复数 ) lamellae 薄片 物 (单数 ) lamellate 有 薄片 物 的 lamina ( #79 » BRA lanceolate REY lateral 480 » RR4ERY lenticular ”局 豆 形 的 ligulate WAY -limb — ESR ENE TRAY BB 1 LLB TL linear (AY lineate GMAVRKDMEM linguiform FW lingulate FHA lithophyte ‘44 iim _ lithophytic 24 8% lobe 2K lobed 有 裂片 的 lobulate “有 小 裂片 的 lobule 小 有 裂片 的 maculate 有 斑 块 的 , 斑 点 的 ”marginate 4 fama Rem membranaceous 膜 质 的 mentum 磊 状 的 由 便 蔓 片 基部 与 延伸 的 营 柱 足 相 如 而 成 mesochil BRAS midrib ‘Pf > Ax monandrous AA—KHEEH monocotyledon. H+ #}iy monoecious 雌雄 同 株 monopodial 。” 单 轴 人 性 , 指 荃 的 生长 不 生 分 枝 nephroid FPN nerve’ fk nerved Aix noctural “夜间 开花 的 node ff nodose 有 和 节 的 nomenclature 命名 法 obcordate 倒 心 形 的 oblanceolate 倒 披 针 形 的 oblique #& oblong RAY 519 obtuse SA orbicular [ay orbiculate Biv orchidist 兰花 家 指 爱 好 栽培 兰花 者 orchidologist 苦 科 植物 专家 指 研 究 兰花 者 orchidology 兰 学 的 oval fAmAYV ovate JN ( BRK ) ovoid JS ( ARH ) palmate 掌 状 的 panicle 圆锥 花序 paniculate 圆锥 花序 的 papillae 乳 状 突起 papillose 有 乳 状 突起 的 parasite 寄生 parasitic 寄生 的 partite RAY pectinate “形状 似 杭 子 的 pedicel 花 柄 pedicellate ovary 花 柄 子 房 peduncle “花序 柄 的 pedunculate 有 花序 柄 的 peltate 盾 状 的 pendulous fF #% perfect “完全 的 花 中 有 雄 营 及 雌 营 者 perfoliate # ARKH perianth 7E# persistent. 残存 的 petal 7E%% petaloid AO ERE KAY petiolate 有 药 柄 的 petiole 1% pilose RXEN 520 pistil #éS -pistillate AHS plaited MBM BAM AY plicate MBM aw pollen 76% pollination 授粉 作用 pollinia 76S ( BR) pollinium 花粉 块 ( 单数 ) process 附属 物 procumbent @MaAKW prostrate AAA pseudobulb (RRR & puberulent #@ MXN puberulous 多 少 有 毛 的 pubescent 有 毛 的 pulvinate 如 BUR By punctate | BRAY raceme @iK7EFr reacmose A@iK7EFF RY rachis + mhe 876A RU Bh radiate 放射 状 的 radical 根 生 的 reclinate 垂直 反 折 或 反 挫 recurved RGB AERK reflexed RRA RRARRE remote 4A) reniform BBA resupinate #§fz reticulate MMR retrorse 向 后 或 向 下 retuse 459) at SUT RSERD A revolute [ARH rhizome x rhombic #}% rib fk ringent AK rootstock jh > hi & rosette 指 华 基部 久生 在 一 起 rotate im iki) rugose fHEHHIKAY> 粗浅 rugulose #fHHKAY saccate ZeirAy sagittate afk A saprohyte ”腐生 植物 saprophytic 腐生 植物 的 scape 76 & scap ose #@#7E scarious Ww» RA ARSRE secund 生 於 一 全 的 , 单 方面 的 seed fa-f- segment 裂片 self -fertilization 自 花 授粉 self-pollination 自 花 授粉 。 semi -eiphyte 个 着 生 植物 , 指 植物 着 生 於 多 腐植 质 的 树干 上 , 本 身 非 着 rd > “tte sepal #8} septum [Aik serrate 有 锯齿 的 sheath # simple “和 无 分 枝 的 sinuate peimK sinus ”有 裂 称 处 , 指 二 裂片 间 的 止 人 处 species 种 specific &f) spicate #RIRIER A spike MMHK7ER 522 spreading ## spur [BH stamen 雄 营 staminate ”雄性 的 staminode 退化 雄 芒 staminodium 退化 雄 蕉 standard f@RB MWK ( Cypripedilinae ) pigs stigma fH stipe 柄 状 的 (花粉 ) 柄 stip itate 有 柄 的 striate MIMMUNT ~RMm~ RR Strict BRMDRRRAN Striolate 7\AARANK subtended 包 被 的 Succulent 肉质 的 , 多 汁 的 sulcate “有 火光 区 的 symmetrical WB Sympodial BhAY synsepal REMI PMS HA ASAE .terete BAG ? terminal JR4 terrestrial 地 生 tomentose “有 篇 毛 的 tooth By ‘tortuous 扭曲 的 tribe 族 trilobate 三 裂 的 truncate ”截断 状 tuber Sg umbel 向 形 花序 umbellate Sy 7ERRH) undulate ”波状 的 unguiculate 有 爪 的 523 unguicule 爪 unilateral ”一方 的 单方 的 unisexual Fw) variety mf ventral Ay AA ventricose 一 个 膨大 的 verticel i% villous 4% virgate ikAy viscid #BA vittate Atma whorl 4% wing BR HSE 4K BUR AWWA winged @UH > ARN zygomorophic 左右 对 称 的 524 10. 11. 12. 13. 5. 参考 文献 (SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY) . 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LIST OF NEW TAXA AND NEW NAMES AS PASM a SERBS MED . Arundina graminifolia var. chinensis ( Blume )Ying, camb. mov. P. 57 . Ascolabellium Ying, gen. nov. p 53 Ascolabellum pumillum ( Hayata ) Ying, comb. nov. p 54 . Bulbophyllum linchianum Ying, sp. nov. P.61 Bulbophyllum rubropunctatum Ying, sp. nov. p.75 . Calanthe lyroglossa var. forsythiiflora (Hayata) Ying , comb. nov. P.88 Chiloschista segawai var. taiwaniana Ying, var.nov.P. /07 . Collabiopsis Ying,- gen. nov. P. 1772 . Collabiopsis formosanum (Havata)Yine,comb. nov. P.//2 . Cryptostylis arachnites var. philippinensis ( Schltr._) Ying, comb. nov. p /78 Cymbidium gyokuchin var. arrogans ( Hayata)Ying, comb. NOV . P. 126 . Hetaeria taiwaniana Ying, sp. nov. P.2/0 . Liparis macrantha var. sootanzanensis ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. p 224 Liparis shaoshunia Ying, sp. nov. p 939 . Listera shaoii Ying, sp. nov. p 236 . Listera uraiensis Ying, sp. nov. p 949 . Microtatorchis taiwaniana Ying, sp. nov. p 949 . Nervillia discolor var. purpurea ( Hayata ) Ying, comb. MOV. P, 253 . Orchis formosensis Ying, sp. nov. p 966 . Podochilus taiwanianus Ying, sp. MOv.p 297 . Saccolabium shaoyaoii Ying, sp. MOV. Pp 3/9 . Saccolabium’ taiwanianum Ying, sp. nov. P.3// 531 28. 29. 30. 3l. 32. 33. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. . Tainia hualienia Ying, sp. noy.P.32/ . Zeuxine hengchuanense. Ying, sp. mov. P 342 . Cypripedium guttatum Sw. var. segawai ( Masamune ) Ying, comb. nov. Pp, 355 Habenaria longicalcarata ( Hayata) Ying, comb. nov. P.379 . Habenaria transnokoensis ( Ohwi et Fukuyama ) Ying , comb. nov. P 380 Androcorys pusillensis ( Ohwi et Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. P, 382 Myrmechis japonica var. sasakii ( Yamamoto ) Ying, comb. nov. P. 403 Cymbidium tortisepalum var. viridiflorum Ying, var. nov. P,415 Brachycorythis truncatolabellata ( Hayata) Ying, comb. nov. P 422 ‘ Bulbophyllum macraei var. autumnale ( Fukuyama ) Ying, corab. nov. P 424 Calanthe pulchra var. formosana (Rolfe) Ying, comb. nov. P 430 Caianthe stricta var. pumila ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. P 430 Collabiopsis uraiensis (Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. P 433 Cymbidium lancifolium var. aspidistrifolium (Fukuyama) Ying, comb. nov. P 439 Cymbidium lancifollum var. syunitanum ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. P 439 Cymbidium kanran oar. miseriars ( Hayata ) Ying, comb. nov, P 440 Cymbidium kanran var. purpureo-hiemale (Hayata) Ying, comb. nov. p 440 C ymbid ium kanran var. babae ( Kudo ) Ying,comb. nov. 已 440 532 4l. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 49. 50 . 55. 96 Eria reptans var. matsudai ( Hayata ) Ying, comb. nov. P?#355 Eulophia graminea var. kitamurai (Masamune) Ying, comb. nov: P 455 Liparis plicata var. kawakamii (Hayata) Ying , comb. nov. P 474 Luisia teres var. botanensis ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. P 478 Macodes tabiyahanensis (Hayata) Ying, comb. nov. P 478 Phaius gracilis var. calanthoides (Ames ) Ying, comb. nov. P 489 Pleione bulbcoioides var. nivea ( Fukuyama ) Ying,comb. MOV. P 494 - Schenorchis paniculata var. vanoverberghii (Ames) Ying, comb. nov. p 499 Tainia shimadai var. elliptica (Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. Nov. p 504 ) Tainia bilamellata (Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. P.503 | . Thelasis taiwaniana (Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. P 504 . Trichoglottis ionosma var. luchuensis ( Rolfe ) Ying, comb. nov. P 507 . Trichoglottis ionosma var. luzonensis ( Aines ) Ying, comb. nov. P 507 Vexillabium humillum ( Fukuyama ) Ying, comb. nov. P. 509 Vexillabium integrum (Fukuyama) Ying, comb. nov. P.509 - Zeuxine strateumatica var. rupicola ( Fukuyama) Ying, comb. nov. 忆 572 533 7. INDEX 索引 Synonyms are in italics. genus names are in capitals; page references for illustrations are in bold type. RZARETAM: BAHAR TRAM: AEST HARARE SM 在 。 ACAMPE,416 longifolia, 416 ,417 var. taiwaniana ,417 multiflora , 416 taiwaniana, 43 ,417 wightlana var. 8 ,416 ACANTHOP HIP PIUM, 417 mintimianum »417 pictum ,417 striatum, 44,417 sylhetense ,417 un guiculatum ,417 yamamoioi,417 AC ERAS angustifolia , 468 longicruris, 468 longicruris,468 ACHROANTAUS acuminata cilifolia,480 monophyllos, 480 ACORIDIUM venustulum,446 ADENOSTYLIS avisanensis,510 emarginaia,511 534 formosana,510 integerrima,51] strateumatica,5l1 sulcata,51] tabi yahanensis,478 AERIDES borassi,437 “paniculatu m,498 AGROSTPHYLLUM, 418 formosana , 418 cyathiforme,418 ALISMORCHIS Ffurcata , 432 reflexa ,430 veratri folia, 432 AMISTOSTIGMA alpestre , 486 1aoloii,48P tomingai , 487 yuukiana, 487 ANDOCORYS , 352,382,418 pusillensis 382,418 ANOECTI CHILUS, 418 bisaccatus, 485 formosana,418 inabai , 486 koshunensis ,418 lanceolaius,485 peiola ,478 roxburghii , 46,418 veitchianus ,478 APATURIA montana,419 APHYLLORCHIS,419 montana ,419 prainit ,419 purpurea ,419. taneg ashimensis, 419 ungiculata,419 APLOSTELLIS flabelliformis, 484 APORU M pendulicaule,506 APPENDICULA, 419 bifaria ,419 congenera, 419 comuta 48,419 formosana , 420 kotoensis ,420 manillensis 419 redupicata, 419 ‘terrestris,420 ARACHNANTHE ‘ bilinguts ,420 ARACHNIS., labrosa,420 ARET HUSA glutinosa ,458 ARIS ANORCHIS 535 —takeoi, 434 ARISTOT ELEA spiralis ,500 ARMODO RUM, 420 labrosum, 50 , 420 AR RHY S CHIUM labrosum ,420 © ARUNDIN A,421 af finis,421— chinensis, 421 graminifolia chinensis ,51 , 421 meyenii,421 philippi,a21 pulchella ,421 pulchera,421 ASCOCENTRUM pumillum , 421 ASCOLABIUM,53 ,421 pumillum, 54 ,421 BLETIA . angustata,499 angustifolia ,499 bi callosa, 471 formosana ,422 incarvillei,490 kotoensis ,422 morrisonensis,422 BLETILLA, 353,397 , 422. formosana, 55 , 398,422 kotoensis ,422 morrisonensts ,422 striata var .kotoensis ,422 :ACHY CORYTHIS, 422 tangasimense, 424 truncatolabellata, 422 tokioi, 426 | BULBOPHYLLUM, 423 form, alboviride, 426 affine, 57 ,423 transarisanense ,7 9,426 albociliatum ,423 , form. alboviride ,426 aureolabellum , 423 umbellatum , 427 | autumnale,424 uratense,A24 drymoglossum, 426 viridtflorum, 426 flaviflorum , 423 CALANTHE, 354,410 ,427 flavi se palum, 425 act inomorpha , 427 | formosanum ,427 albo -longicalcarata _ 80, 427 gracillimum ,423 alismaefolia ,427 . hirundinis,425 arisanensis, 82,428 inabai ,424 aristulifera, 84 428 . insulsoides, 423 ‘australia, 501 _, 4ponicum 59 , 422 brevicolumna ,429 husukusense, 423 c aidatilabella ,428 linchianum , 61 , 424 densiflora ,42g macraei, 64,424 dolichopoda , 440 _ var. autumnale , 424 . elliptica,428 melanoglossum ,66 ,425 fimbriata ,42g .omerandrum 68, 425 Simbriatomarginata ,428 “racemosum , 423 formosana , 430 remotifolium, 70,425 forsythiiflora,429, retusiusculum,73, 425 furcata ,432 sriyanum,425 - 3 graciflora , 86 , 429 rubrolab ellum ,424 gracilis rubropunctatum | 75,426 ne rbacaea , 429 saruwa tarit,427 japonica 427 se taceum ,426 _ kauoi ,428 “somai, 77,426 kawakamii , 43) taiwanense , 426 kinat roi ,429 ; taiwanense ,426 Ririshiensis ,428 kooshunensis ,490 lamellaia,431 liukiuensts ,429 longicalcaraia,429 longi pes 489 lyroglossa,429 var. forsythiiflora 88, 429 matsudai, 93, 430 mat sumurana »432 mausca , 91, 429 megalophora,431 ni gropuncticulata,427 okushiriensis,430 pulchra var. formosana, 430 pumila ,430 raishaensis ,428 reflexa, 95,430 okushiriensis ,430 sasakii ,430U schlechteri, 428 setkooensis,429 siebold11,431 specitosa,49] striata var. pumila ,430 var. sieboldii,431 takeot, 431 torifera, 431 tricarinata ,97,411,431 triplicata 99 ,431 vensuta ,489 veratri folia ,432 yushuni , 430 537 CALLISTA baileyi ,443 comata ,448 crume nata ,444 linawtana ,445 reptans , 453 CALYPSO, 432 borealis,433. bulbosa ,432 japonica ,433 occidentalis ,433 CEPHALANT HERA ,353, 394, 433 alpicola,101,394,433 ‘CEPHAIANTHEROPSIS - gracilis ,489 CERATPSOS roséa ,450 CESTICHIS dolichopoda, 476 longi pes ,476 nakaharai ,473 ‘nokoensis,473 pendula 476 platybolba ,474 plicata,474__ tatwaniana ,471 CHAMAEANTHUS , 433 wenzellii , 433 CHEIROSTYLIS chinensis ,104 , 433 cochinchinensis,434 flabe llata , 433 inabat 434 liukiuensis ,433 . taiwanensis ,434 takeoi,434 tatewakii, 434 CHILOCHI STA ,434 segaw ai, 434 CHILOSCHISTA ,434 segawai,105, 434 var. taiwaniana, 107 ,434 CHRY SOB APHUS roxburgii,418 CHRYS OGLOSSUM ,435 formosanum,.109 , 435 ornatum ,435 - CIONOS ACCUS lanceolatus, 462 CI RRHO PET ALUM _ alboc iliatum , 423 autumnale , 424 — flaviflorum, 423 flav isepalum,425 formo sanum ,427 inabai, 424 japonicum ,424 linchiamm , 424 _macaei ,424 melanoglossum ,425 om erandrum ,425 remotifolium ,425 — rubropunc tatum , 426 saruwatarit,427 Striatum,425 laiwanense ,426 uraiense ,424 CISTELLA cernua, 458 CLEISOSTOMA acuminatum, 495° brachybotrya ,495 formosanum ,498 ionosma ,506 paniculatum ,498 roséa ,507 taiwantanum 416,417 viridescens ,499 uraiense ,498 - CMNEMIDIA semtilibera ,508 COELOGLOS SUM , 351,359, 435 lanceriferum ,465 nankotaizanensis, 109,359,435 » taitwantanum , 435 viride,435 COELOGYNE : bulbocodiotides ,494 formosana, 494 COLLABIOPSIS, 312, 435 formosanum ,112, 435 uraiensis ,435 OCOLLABIUM formosanum ,112 ,435 uraiensts, 426 COR DLOSTYIS filiosa , 462 CORYBAS ,436 taiwanensis, 426° CORYMBIS Ssakisimensis ,436 verairi folia .436 COR YMBORCHIS assamica ,436 -- verat ifolia ,436 sakisimensis ,436 COTTONIA championi ,447/ CREMASTRA ,436 appendiculata , 436 var. triloba, 114,436 triloba, 436 - CRYPTORCHIS aphyllus ,503 CRYPTOST YLIS , 436 arachnites ,116,436 var. philippinensis 118 ,437 erythroglos sum , 437 philippinensis ,437-- t aiwaniana,437 CYMBI DIUM, 354,414 aculum ,438 albo-jucundissimum , 441 alborubena,438 aloifolium ,437 arrogans ,438 aspidistrofolium , 439 bituberculatum 471. borassi,437 boreale ,433 cras sifo lium ,437 dayanum ,120 , 437 var. austro- japonicum, 438 eburneum ,438 539 var: dayanum ,438 ensifelium var. rubrigemum,4Al\ faberi,438 formosanum, 122 ,438 var. gracillium ,439 fragrans , 441 gibsoni ,435 gracillium, 124 ,439 gyokuchin var. arrogans 126,438 hoosai,441 tlli berale ,44\ jaanicum ‘var, aspidistrifolium, 439 kanran ,127,439 var. babae, 440 var. misericors,440 | form. misertcors .440 var. purpureo-hiemale, 440 form. purpureo-hiemale, 440 lancifolium,129, 439- var. aspistrifolium 439 var. syunitianum,439 linearisepalum ,439 form . atoropur pureum ,440 form. atrovirens ,440 mannit ,437 marginatum, 438 meyentt,421 misericos , 440 var. oreophilum, 44] nagt-folium ,439 oreohilum, 131 oiwakensis ,438 oreophilum, 131 , 440 rubrigemum, 44) _ pulcherrimum , 438 . pumilum , 132 ,440 pur pureo -hiemale ,440 simonsianum , 437 -sinense, 133,441] form. albo- juncundi- ssium , 1355441 var. albo-juncundi - ssimum , 44] form. margicolora- tum ,441 var. margicoloraium, 44} syunitianum ,430 tort isepalum , 135, 4 15,441 var. viridiflorum, 415 CY P ERORCHIS babae,440 CYPRIPEDIUM,351 ,354 ats mori, 442 bulbosum, 432 calcedus var. atsmori, 442 cardiophyllum ,442 - debile 137 ,355 ,442 formosanum ,442 guttatum ,442 var segawai, 355,357, 442 japonicum ,1 39 »355,356,442 var. formosanum ,356, 442 macranthum ,355,356, 442 var. speciosum, 443 segawai ,442 speciosum ,442 tatwanianum ,443 thunbergti,442 CY RTASIA altissima ,456 CYRTOPERA bicarinata, 454 formosana ,454 zollingeri ,456 CYSTOPUS > 7 humillis,509 CYTHER EA borealis, 432 DECAISNEA angalosa,508 DENDROBIUM alboviride ,445 aurantiacum,444 baileyi , 443 biflorum 3443 bonianum, 451 caninum chameleon, 142 443 clavatum var. aurantiacum, 144 443 comatum, 448 criniferum ,448 cumulatum, 444 crumentatum ,444 erythroglossum, 146,444 equitans 146 ,444 falconeri,149 , 444 fimbriatolabellum ,448 Slaviflorum, 444 Sur catopedicellatum, 443 haenckeanum, 458 hai mane nse ,445 keffordii,443 kwashotense,444 leptocladum , 445 linawianum 151 ,445 longicalcaraia, 443 manillense, 419 miyakei ,153 ,445 _monile , 446 moniliforme 155 ,445 nakaharai,449 nutans ,458 pallens,446 penduucuium,506 © pere-fauriei 446 ae pseudo -hainanense ,445 randaiense ,443 reptans ,453- sansei ense, 449 tenuicaule,445 thysanoc hilum ,448 toasaense, 446 var. pere-fauriei, 446 venustulum 446 DENDROCALLA Bricei , 305 su bulaia,506 541 DENDROCHI LUM _ formosanum , 446° microchilum, 157 , 446 DESMOT RICHUM comaia,448 criniferum ,448 scope .448 DICEROSTYLIS nipponica,469°: -- - DIDYMOPLEXIS, 447 formosana ,447 ni pponica,447 , pallens »447 subcampanu lata ,447 DIENIA congesta,479 fusca DIPLOPRORA chamioni, 159 , 447 kusukusensis,447 - uraiensis ,161 , 448 DISPERIS,448 orientalis , 448 DITUILIS nepalensis,471 EM PUSA paradoxa ,474 - EPHE MERANTHA, 44& comata, 448 thysanochila,448 EPIDENDRUM aloifolium,437 aristoteiua,500 caninum ,444 monile, 446 moniliforme, 445 nervosum ,473 sinense, 44] teres ,477 EPIGENEIUM chapae nse ,449 nakaharai, 163,449 sanseiense ,449 EPIPACTIS, 353,395,449 formo sana ,459 matsumurana ,460 ohwii, 396 ,449… pendula, 461 porrifolia,482 procera ,462 vel utina,463 EPIPHANTES javanicana ,457 EPI POGUM,449 . africanum ,450 dentilabellum, 450 kusukuense, 450 makinoanum ,450 nutans ,450 poneranthum ,450 - rol fet ,450 roseum ,449 sinicum, 450 ERIA amica, 164,451 arisanense ,453 bidentata ,452 boniana ,451 bontocensis ,452 copelandii,45} corneri ,166 ,451 elmeri ,452 formosana,168 ,451 glabra ,452 goldschmidtiana ,451 hosokawae ,453 hypomelana,451 japonica,453. luchuensis, 452 maboroensis,452 mat sudai ,453 merrillii,452 nudicaulis,452 ovata, 452 var. ret roflexa, 170,452 petelotit philippinensis,452 plicatilabella,451 racemosa, 452 reptans, 172,453 var, matsudai ,453 — retroflexa,452 Sawadae,453 septemlamella,451 tome nisiflora,451 yakushimensis ,451 ERY THODES,453 formosana 174, 453 EULOPHIA,454 bicarinata ,454 brachycentra ,455 dentata,454 emarginata,455 for mosana ,454 graminea 176 ,454 _ var. kitamurai,455 gusukumat ,454 herbacea ,455 inconspicua,454 kitamurat, 455 mac rihiza,456 macrostachya ,455 ochobiensis ,456 ramosa ,454 segawae ,454 sinensis, 454 tatwanensts 454 var. kitamurai ,455 zo lling eri, 456. FLICKINGERIA comata ,448 FLOS triplicatus ,431 GALEOLA ,456 altissima , 178, 456 kusukuensits,450 lindleyana, 456 mat sud ai ,456 nutans ,450 ° ochobiensis ,456 rol fei,450 rosea,450 543 GASTROCHILUS Sormosanum ,495 Suscopunciatus ,496 japonicus ,496 mat sudai,497 nebul osus ,467 odoratus ,467 quercetorum,497 raraensis ,497 retrocallus ,467 rupes tris ,497 shaoyaoti,498 somat ,496 | latwanianus, 498 GAS TRODIA ,456 dioscoreirhiza ,457 elata, 456 javanica , 457 lutea ,457 mal ayana ,457 stapfit,457 taiwaniana, 457 GASTROGLOTTIS montana,479 GEODORUM, 457 densiflorum ,179,457 dilatum,457 formosanum ,458 nutans ,458 pallidum ,458 semicristatum, 458 GEORCHIS bi flora,458 foliosa,459 schlechiendaliana ,462 GOODYERA ,353.425--- albo-reticulata , 460 ari sanensts 462 bifida, 460 biflora,458: bilame llata ,458 carnea ,462-- | caudatilametla ,459- commeliniodes ,459 cyrtoglossa ,460 daibuzanensis 181 , 459 flabellata, 434 - foliosa ,459 var. laevis, 460 Sormo sana,459 fumata ,459> grandis ,183, 459 hachijoensis var. mai sumurana, 460 japonica,463 lancefolia, 461. longibracteata,459 longicolumna,459 longrostrata, 463 macrant ha,458 matsumurana , 460 maximowizana , 185, 46u morrisonicola, 186,406,460, nankoensis , 461 nanioensts.,462' ogatai 189,461 pachyglossa, 190,461 pendula, 46] procera, 192,461 repens ,462 rubicunda, 460 schlechtendaliana, 194 ,405, 462 setkoomontana ,463 simtlis ,463 sononarae ,459 velutina , 196 , 406,407,463 viridiflora, 463 var. se ikoomontana 198 , 463 yamiana ,460 GOV INDOVIA nervosa ,5(i8 GRAPHORCHIS blumeana ,455 macrostachya ,455 GYMNADENIA tomingat , 487 GY ROSTACAYS australis ,501 var. amoena,50] var. crispata ,501 var. flexuosa ,501 var. parviflora ,501 var. wightiana,501 stylites ,502 HA BENARIA , 353,378 , 464 amanoanao, 464 brevical carata, 465 ciliolaris , 200, 464 cirrhifera,466 544 delessertiana , 464° dentata ,464 var. tohoensis, 464 formosana , 465 gal eandra ,465 geniculata ,464 goodyeroides ,201,465 var. formosana,465 hayataeana ,465 hosokawae, 465 lacerifera , 204,465 linear ipetala ,464 longicalcarata ,378 ,379 ,466 long iracema .466 longitenticulata, 466 misersiana,464 polyt richa ,466 rupestr is ,466 tentaculata var. aculifolia tohoensits , 464 transnokoens is, 379 , 380 , 466 HAR(EL LA, 467 odorata , 205, 467 ret rocalla,467 HEMIPILIA,352 ,373, 467 cor di folia, 374,467 formosana , 467 HERMINIUM,352,376 465 angustifolia,468 varlongicrure ,468 lanceum ,207 ,377,468 var. longicrure ,468 longtcrure ,468 nankotaizanensis ,A35 pusullum ,418 HETAERIA,468 agy okuana , 468 cristata, 468 var. tok ioi ,468 oblongifolia ,469 taiwaniana, 210,469 tokiot ,469 HIPPEOPHYLLUM , 469 pumilum, 469 HOLOCOGLOSSUM, 469 quasipinifolium, 211,469 HYLOPHILA ,469 nipponica, 469 IONE , 469 bifurcatiflorens , 469 sasakii,213 ,470 LECANORCHIS ,470 brachycarta-,470 cerina,470 flavicans ,470 nigricans, 470 ohwii ,470 oligotricha ,470 pur purea ,470 LEPTORCHIS bitubeculata,47\ longi pes ,476 odorata,474 triloba,476 LEUCOST ACH YS procera,462 LIMATODES mishensis ,490 LIMODORUM bicallosum, 471 boreale,432 candidum,457 densi florum ,457 flavum , 488 incarvit lei, 490 recurvum,457 voseum ,450 tancarvillae ,49Q © veratrifo lium, 431 LIPARIS ,470 amabilis , 470 auriculata ,470 bambusaefolia,A473 bernaysit,479 -bicallosa , 215,471 bicallosum »473 bituberculata, 471 c1espitosa ,474 culoroxantha,, 217.47 cordifolia, 219,471 cornmicaulis .473 dolichopoda, 475 formosana ,471,473 henryt ,472 longipes ,475 var. spathulata ,475 macrantha, 222° 472 var. sootenzanensis 224 472 nakaharai, 472 nervosa ,473 ni gra ,472 nokoensis, 473 odorata ,473 paradoxa,474 pendula,475 platybo lba, 226,474 plicata ,228 ,474 var. kawakamii,474 “rizalensis 475 sasakii,475 shaoshunina 230, 475 somai,232,475 sootenzanensis 472 spathulata,475 tateishii ,475 tatwaniana, 47] triloba,475 uchiyamae ,474 viridiflora,475 yakushimensts ,4711 LISTERA, 352 .387 .476 deltoidea , 234 ,476 hen soensts ,472 macrantha , 388,392,476 morr isonicola , 388 , 390,476 nankomontana, 388 ,391 ,476 pseudonipponica, 476 shaoii, 236,477 inconspicua ,481 hawakamii,474 kei taoensis ,472 laurisilvatica ,472 546 suzukii,477 | 共和 nervosa ,473 . taiwaniana , 238,388,477 - Odorata,474 - taizanensis , 388,477 | -_plicata,479 -uvaiensis . 240,477 | ramosii,48] LUIS IA, 477 roohutnsis , 481 bicaudata ,447 roohut ensis, 481 , botane nsis,478 taiwanensis, 247 ,409,410,481 cordata ,477 | viridiflora,475 fauriei ,477 MICROSTYLIS liu kiuensis.477 ari sane nsts, 481 megasepada ,477 bernaysit ,479 teres, 477 conge sta ,479 var.” botanensis, 478 var. fusca ,479 MACODES ,4738 _ - | diphyllos ,480 petola .478 | congesta tab iyahanens is-, 478 iriotomtensis ,478 MALAXIS,355,408 ,478 -- latifolia ,478 ari sanensisS,481 var. fusca ,479 bancanoides , 478 Aye matsudai ,480 brachypoda ,481 : mt yakei,480 cernua ,457 monophyllos ,480 diphyllos ,481 mucif era ,481 japonica , 485 roohutensis,481 kizanensis ,479 trilobulata ,479 ki zanensis ,479 MICROTATORCHIS ,482 lancefolia ,474 taiwaniana, 248 ,482 latifolia, 242 ,478 MICROTIS, ,352 ,384 ,482 m akino 1,485 bankstPedez a jomosona miyakei , 480 frutetorum 3482 aivakes 490 javanica ,482 wonophy tla, 245,409,410 ,480 porrifolia ,482 var .brachypoda, 481 pulchella ,482 947 rara ,482 unifolia, 384 ,482 MIS CHOBUL BUM, 483 cordifolium, 250.483 MONORCHIS angustifolia , 468 MYRMECHIS, 353,401 ,483 drymoglossifolia,483 japonica , 402,483 var. sasakii, 402,403,483 nankotaizanensis ,483 sasa kit ,483 NERVILIA , 483 aragoana,483 ‘discolor var. purpurea, 253,484 purpurea , 484 taitoensis,484 NORNA borealis ,432 NOTTIA amoena,500 australis,500 B éhinensis ,500 crispata ,500 flexuosa ,500 grandis ,459 parviflora ,500 petola ,478 procera,46l pudica ,501 sinensis ,500 spiralis 500 548 strateumatica.5)\) viridiflora, 463 OBERONIA,484 ar isanensis , 484 bilobatolabella ,484 caulescens, 255,484 formosana ,485 gigantea, 485 insularis,485 japonica 257 ,485 kusukusensis , 258 ,485 ODONTOCHILUS,485 bisaccatus, 260,485 bisaccatus,485 fandidus, 4 86 inabai, 263,486 ina bat ,486 ONCIDIUM japonicum ,446 ONY CHIUM crumenatum ,444 OPHRYS lancea ,468 mono phyllos,480 morrisonicola , 460 nervosa, 473 Spi ralis ,500 uni fo lia , 482 ORCHIDES procerum .462 ORCHIDIUM americanum ,432 arcticum,432 bor eale,432- ORCHIODES , 463 velutina ,463 ORCHIS ,351 ,365,486 — - alpestre, 265,366,369 ,48€ dentata,464 formosensis , 266 , 486 kiraishiensis , 269 ,367.373 ,486 forn. leucantha. 486 var. leucantha, 486 | kunihikoana 271, 366,373,496 strateumatica ,511 taiwanensis , 366,371,487 takaago-montana, 366,370 ,487 taoloii , 273,366 ,487 tomingai .366.367,487 - triplicata ,431 yuukiana , 366 ,487 OREORCHIS ,354,411,487 bilamellata,503 | fargesii ,487 var. subcapitata ,488 gracilis var. gracillima , 488 gracillima, 274,412,428 ohwii,412,413,488 subcapitata, 488 ORMOST EMMA purpurea, 445 _ ORTMANNIA cernua ,458 OTANDRA cernua.457 349 PACH YONE spectabtlis, 491 PACH YS TOMA, 488 chinense _ var -formosanum .488 chinense,4 88 formosanum .48& _ PARACALANTHE reflexa ,430 venusta,489 PAXTONIN | rosea ,507 ~PERAMIUM formosanum , 459 maximowiztana, 460 morr isonicola, 461 pachygl ossa,461 pendulum, 461 procera, 461 velutinum ,463 PERISTYLUS - flagelliferus var. acutifolius ,464 formosanus 465 PHAIUS,488 actinomorphus ae bicol or,490 blumei ,491 | calanthoides ,489 carronit,491 flavus 276,488 gracilis ,490 gracilis, 278,489 — var. calanthoides 3489 grandifolius ,490 su perbus,49] incar villet,490 leucophaeus ,49) lon gi pes ,48Y var. calant hides, 489 var. maculatus var. minor, 489 minor ,489 mishensis , 281,490 shum phii, 499 somai, A489 tancarvilliae, 282,490 undulatomarginata,489 wal lichit ,491 PHALAENOPSIS, 491 amambilis var. ambigua ,492 var. aphrodita ,491 ambigua,49] aphrodite 285,491 _gloriosa,A9l riteiwanensis,492 sandertana , 491 PHOLI DOTA, 492 cantonensis 286, 492,286 uraiensis ,492 PHREATIA ,492 for mosana-, 492 goliathensis , 492 kot oinsularis,492 morii ,492 laiw aniana,504 550 PHY L LOM PHAX truncatolabellata,422 PHY SURUS chinensis ,453 PLATAN THERA , 351 ,361 , 493 amam iana,493 angustata ,493 brevicalcarata, 288,362,493 dentata ,464 hachi joensis ,493 longibract eata , 290, 362,365,493 longicalcarata, 466 nankotaizanensis,435 obcorda ita ,422 pachyglossa | 291 , 362,364,493 Sigeyosii, 362,363,493 stenoglossa, 493 stenosepala, 293 ,493 taiwaniana ,294 ,362,494 transnokoensis A66 truncatolabellata,422 PLATYCLINIS formosana-, 446 microchila,446 PLEIONE,494 bulbocodioides , 295,494 nivea, 494 Sormosana ,494 . nivea, 494 nivea,494 pricei,494 PODANTHERA pallida,450 PODOCHILUS,494 var. form var, brachiatus ,420 congener, 420 cornutus ,420 taiwanianus 297 , 494 POGONIA ,495 flabelliformis , 484 | gracilis,484 japonica ,A 83 var. minor,495 minor ,495 nervilia ,483 ophioglossoides var. minor ,495 tai toensis ,484 POMATOCAL PA ,495 acuminata,495 — acu minata,495 brachybotrya , 495 brachybotrya ,495 rosea, 507 PONERO RCHIS kiratshiensis ,486 latwane nSi3 ,487 lakasago-monitana ,487 PRISTIGLOTTIS bisaccata-,485 humillis ,509 int-gra 509 PTE RYGODIUM sul catum,5)] RENANTHERA bilinguis ,420 labrosa ,420 5951 leptantha ,421 RHAMPHIDIA japonica , 483 SACCOLABIUM ,495 formosanum , 301 ,495 fuscopunctatum | 303 ,496 japonicum , 304 , 496 kotoense, 306, 496 longi folium,416 mat sudai , 496 nebulosum, 497 nebulosum , 497 odoratum ,467 pumillum , 421 quasipinifolium ,469 quercetorum, 497 quercetorum ,497 raraensis ,497 raraensts ,497 retrocallosum, 467 rupestris ,308 ,497 rupestris, 497 shaoyaoii, 310, 498 somati ,496 _taiwanianum , 311,498 SARCANTHUS ,498 formo sanus , 498 Suscomaculatus, 498 m tcranthe , 499 paniculatus, 313 ,498 latwanianus , 416 uraiensis ,498 viridescens , 499 SARCOCHILUS aph yllum ,502 formosanus ,505 kusukusensis 505 - lauristlvaticus,505 saruwatarii,505 segawai,434 subulatum ,506 SARC OPHYT ON laiwanianum , 416 SARCO PODIUM affine, 423 SATY RIUM repenum,462 SCH OENORCHIS, 499 paniculata, 499 ~ var. vanoverberghii, 499 vanoverberghtt ,499 SP ATHOGLOTTIS ,499 liliacina ,499 plicata ,499 spicata, 499 SPIRANTHES ,500 amoena ,501 australia,500 var. amo ena, 502 var. pudica ;501 var. suishanensis, 502 var. wightiana,502 crispata,50] densa,501 flexuosa ,500 indica ,501 longispicata ,501 novaezelaniae, 501 parviflora ,500 pudica,500 sinensis, 315,500 var, amoena ,500 : sui shanensis , 502 strateumatica ,511 Stylites,501 wightiana,501 STAUROCHILUS ionosma ,506 STAUROPSIS luchensts ,507 STAURGLOTTIS riteitwanensis.,492 STICHORCHIS pendula ,476 STIGMATODACTYLUS, 352 ,398 , 502 sikokianus , 399, 502-- STURMIA | dituberculata, 47] longi pes ,475 nervosa ,473 TAENIOPHYL LUM, 502 aphyllum ,502 complanatum, 318,502 crassipes ,502 formosanum ,503 glandulosum , 319,502: SP. ,503 > TAINIA ,503 bilamellata ,503 cordifolia,483 elliptica,504 faur i2i,483 gokanzanensis,503 hualienia ,321 ,503 laxiflora,503 piyanane nsis ,503 | shimadai, 323.503 var. elliptica,504_ var. luchuensis , 507 var. luzonensis ,507 ° luchuensis ,507 luzoneénsts ,507 rosea 3 34,507 TRIPLEURA pallida ,511- TROPIDIA ,507 ungul cul ata, 44.7 angulata , 335,507 THEL ASIS ,504 calcarata ,508 clausa, 504 curculigoides,508 taiwaniana 504 formosana ,508 - — erento fal cilobium ,506 govindovii ,508 fantasticum ,504 semilibera ,508 formosanum , 325 ,504 somat ,508 kusukusense , 505 TUBERO LABIUM lauris ilvaticum 5505 kotoense ,496 lauri silvaticum 505 TULOTIS neglectum ,504 devolit ,466 pend ulicaule ,506 longi calcarata ,466 pricei ,505 saruwa tarii, 327,505 tatwaneénsis ,494 transno koensis, 466 sasakii 505 VANDA ,508 segawat ,434 amien sis ,508 subulatum , 328, 505 bicandata ,447 TI PULARIA ,353 ,407 , 506 cumingti 508 odorata, 330,408 ,506 lamellata,508 TRICHOGLOTTIS ,506 longifolia, 416 hreviracema, 507 multiflora flexuosa,507 tonosma ,506 var. longipeduncu- lata,416 ionosma, 332, 506 paniculata , 498 553 VANILLA , 509 griffithii ,509 ‘Var, formosensis 338 3509 var - ronoensis .509 ronoensis ,509 somai ,509 VANDOPSIS kaooeriana ,507 VEXILLABIUM ,509 humillum , 509 integrum ,509 VR YDAGZY NEA, 509 formosana 340,509 YOANIA ,510 japonica,510 var. sqguamipes ,510 ZEUXINE,510 agyokuana , 468 arisa mensts,5}10 bracteata, 512 brevi folia-,5\2 emarginaia,511 fluvida ,510 formosana ,510 hengehuanense, 342 , 510 kan tokeie nse, 510 membra nac ea,511 nervosa ,510 niijimai,5]0 odorata,511 procum bens ,511 - reflexa,510 robusta, 512 rupicola,5\2 554 somai,51] strateumatica 344 .511 var. rupicola ,512 sulcaia ,511 labiyananensis ,478 irtpleura ,512 ZOSTEROSTYLIS arachnites, 437 wal kerae ,437 zeylanica ,437 中 文 索 引 sia SOR /)\ SEB 382,418 一 点 广 ,483 小 柱 苦 属 ,353 ,408 .478 一 点 启 属 ,483 ”小 笛 肢 苦 , 164 . 451 一 奉 苦 属 ,494 /)\ BB ,469 二 划 NEBR, ,469 二 尾 兰 属 ,509 /\ EM, 189, 461 —-ABHoM, 255,484 /\ ERB , 265,366 ,369 486 —FE/) LEB , 503 )\BBB, 137 355,442 =H /\\ 8H MH ,430 L#M ,438 WES ,509 KM, 455 小 此 全 苦 , 234 kl) 23M, 388,477 ‘8 BS » 453 KiKi, 126,438 INEREM, 308 , 497 KRRERM, 181,159 /\ LES .503 JIN . KU 452 sig NR «492 1 蓄 关 , 295,494 AB, 444 HE . 178.456 5 AA Sm .59,424 US, 354,411,487 HAREM, 257 , 485 [FS , 456 HAREM, 304,496 PER 472 Kis, 456 T\GEXi 457 Kin S. 456 \LER#ES,474. RRM, 95.430 IE 氏 根 节 苦 ,43 -SBBERM, 434 TRH, 472 am moat mm S.470 MERE, 242,478. ue > 131,440 立花 苦 ,101 ,394 ,433_ KM, 132 ,440 +: TE BERS, 353 ,394 433 小 石 豆 兰 .77 426 H# #2, 388,392,476 A #5 , 443 Alp, 286 , 492 石 豆 兰 属 ,423 AEM ,51,421 AS =H ,176,454 AE A 445 ASE HB, 421 AS 8 SH ,93 , 430 AM 200,464 JAB, 351,378,464 EAREE 510 il) S#M, 388,390,476 ELUM, 186,406,461 白 及 属 ,353 ,397 ,422 白花 兰 : 27 1,367 ,373 ,486 Fe, 504 Fe i, 504 FAivé# Be 470 白花 山 Rea, 494 FATES W194 405,406,462 FASE EM, 196,406,463 AE ai 99 ,431 FATE RM ,135 ,441 AA ZH 423 FA Mee ER ,460 Fi te SAB, 201,465 白花 长 距 根 节 苦 ,80 ,427 六 到 © % WB, 352,373,467 “ 耳 唇 石 豆 兰 ,423 RE AR, 505 A KIA , 466 $Hre, 228,474 556 +H, 470 KUM, 266 ,486 EK LA ELAR, 503 = BM , 402,483 2 BMS ,353,401,483 2 KIL EM, 509 £5M, 332,506 = EMS ,506 毛 香 草 兰 ,509 £ EB &, 440 RBM ,447 M71EA #443 REMS , 447 双 花 董 瑚 ,470 REM B, 353 ,387 ,476 RRM HB, 448 WERE 458 MES FEM, 458 七 划 HG, 468 AB, 495 BRE Ei , 507 EL FT SX FR ,478 老 佛 山 小 柱 苦 , 481 学 兰 ,456 WH, 454 SN HE KBB, 452 SR #¢ =F FR, 470 SR ERM, 248 ,482 th Fa BER, 439 te AKER SB, 505 te AK BoE ARR A475. fe OK EC A. 430 Wy #2, 129,439 Se He fe HE 419 HEM, 335 508 Ste ge HEB. 419 竹 节 兰 , 49.419 AA iAH , 453 Wy BH, 507 松田 氏 小 柱 兰 , 243, 480 竹 节 苦 属 ,419 CAKES , 497 Se sai RRM, 170,452 BRR. 472 £5 FAR ,378 ,379 , 466 phe EG LUI , 456 ) 长 距 RM, 91,429 HA SBM, 497 © £4i HEM, 290, 362,365,493 GM, 433 RRA AM ,469 (32H H.433 ERM, 168 , 451 fae W, 207,377,468 - E71 1G 437 4592 iB, 352,376,468 E76 RA, S4 ,428 2 FE Bi, 512 Hh GG MH, 328,505 兰 波 玉 原 枯 ,466 | LH EW, 461 @5 ft ,151 445 HAE UM, 57,423 GRE 46,418 SHER 473 oe aa Es A 505 StS8,132.440 BSR Sm , 298 . 485 — Tae (AREER, 342,510 ERM ,455 BBM , 416 Hbes OB 457 SBMS .416 HSE A 464 厚 蜘蛛 兰 ,502 OR ERR, 226,474 EER, 190,461 a RAM , 318 ,502 BEOeM, 291,362,364,493 BEB .428 bey = LU ABB, 4 68 KAP H 61,424 Bay FB LPR 172,453 ABE SEM , 236 ,477 by FA 2, 79 , 426 HEHE, 104, 433 阿里 山 根 节 兰 , 82, 428 指 柱 兰 属 ,433 ea Bay FB 1 3& SB, 484 FERS EG RE, 511 阿里 山系 柱 兰 ,510 ME RER H, 232,475 SM, 20b ,467 = WB, 469 & WB .467 557 AFH Fz, 474 香草 兰 属 , 509 i HAM 330,408,506 ASAE , 511 +H) Matt AR, 446 RBM, 494 i BS 354,410,427 琉球 毛 舌 苦 , 507 RE REM ,355 ,357 ,442 ARAM , 462 fHRIL SRM, 476 ER FA we, 224,472 ThE , 510 DE B/S ,510 区 舌 兰 , 499 区 舌 苦 属 ,499 虎 舌 苦 ,450 HEME, 449 &L 76H, 366 , 367 ,487 ALTE FE , 468 ALTE GH 2467 ALTEA #, 153,445 «LEAS, 149 ,444 RL ZEA, Z22 ,472 ALAC SE SEM), 183, 459 RLZE de7E BA, 417 ‘LS 8 A, 97 411,431 iL IGE DH, 116 ALE , 273, 366,367,487 AAEAZM , 75,426 AL BEFE SS , 303 , 496 ALEK AD BH, 70,425 ALR ie 441 十 一 划 @ SM , 135,415,441 & SRB, 484 AoE HR A, 427 ERE RBM, 311, 498 ES FAR) #t , 323,503 PE OR , 504 SXF R477 FT KS , 477 #) ER, 159 ,477- 倒 垂 苦 属 , 447 aR, 163 , 449 a IB ,449 BR, 432 eB RS, 432 Bite | FER, 480 Bite & AR, 449 #0 488 粉 蝶 HB ,351, 361,493 Sw hi ,412,413,488 Fa EM 388,391,476 Haw 2S BA ,402 ,403 ,483 46 WW, 487 密 10 Bi, 454 密 人 花草 兰 ,499 密 花 地 宝 苦 , 179 ,457 密 花 根 节 兰 ,428 Fatt BB 504 $5 SKM , 453 Fatt 根 节 兰 , 429 fc FB EM, 25& , 362,493 Full] WW, 367,370,487 a UBS 355,356,442 Bil Pit , 362,363,493 BHESRE ,418 Be 459 BREE, 64,424 ‘BBW ,435 BREE, 240 BRAM, 161,448 RE, 498 (RAR, 425 假 吻 兰 属 , 435 (REM, 54,421 RABWS, 421 RBH ,50 ,420 R38 ws, 420 (Eo eS. 482 fRAAS EM. 476 (a & AR, 489 Heh, 276,488 黄花 严 苦 ,470 黄花 石 斜 , 144 , 444 黄花 石 豆 兰 ,423 黄花 和 线 柱 苦 , 510 AEH AM, 88,429 RiL@BM, 260,485 黄花 赛 唇 兰 ,497 黄花 小 杜 岗 苦 , 321,503 23 石 豆 兰 ,73 ,425 READ, 68,425 BRC Am, 217,471 十 二 划 寒 兰 , 127 ,439 3 RM, 269 ,367 ,373 ,486 RRM, 133 ,441 559 FRAG, 492 $3 BB, 351,354,442 - WE /\ FER, 245 ,409, 410,480 BBM ,433 tH, 508 BKB, 508 HEM, 192,461 ot & HS, 353,405,458 EAA, 495 ARB, 495 无 距 苦 属 , 352,382,418 无 华 指 柱 兰 ,434 Bit RS, 436 # iB, 469 #E LUE JAR. 379,380,466 GLU BR, 472 Wz GH , 443 (UH, 274,412,488 1 BM, 124 439 组 花 (REI, 86, 429 5h BRM, 281,490 a BIRR, 278,489 MH) GIA, 465 十 三 划 UB 351,359,435 PHB ,353,407,506 . EO ATER, 510 滩头 AWM, 327,505 WM, 105,434 梅 苦 属 ,434 32, 250, 483. 32H, 483 2. EM 384,482 73 BOS , 352,384,482 $2, 353,395,449 SRK KE SS EM, 477 新 小 柱 苦 ,478 新 港 山 斑 革 兰 , 198 , 463 TCHS, 107 , 434 RTE ET BRIEF F475 RTE SEM, 439 RE SEE I, 463 RICE 415,442 REE R440 RS HA, 230,475 称 唇 徐 根 节 兰 ,428 RICA, 446 称 斑 隐 柱 兰 ,118 , 437 RA Tt) 6S, 426 +H KA, 166,451 PB, 451 AR, 313,498 Fa ES 5, 498 He, 319 502 Ba PERS, 502 AEE I , 399,502 PE HS, 353,398,502 樟 林 羊 耳 菩 ,472 樟 林 白 蜂 苦 , 505 BB, 454 eS MB, 485 tat = JAR, 464 BB) FEM, 481 2H F472 560 Sl 3G % HM, 374,467 Fl 3 SF HK, 477 Fl 34) FLA, 504 紫花 戎 .366 ,369, 487: 紫花 四 兰 ,470 紫花 石 豆 兰 ,424 AAD HM, 66 ,425 紫花 小 石 豆 戎 , 426 紫 背 一 点 广 , 253,494. RRL TE A, 429 + 7B FA, 120,438 MB. 354,414,437 AES , 500 RS 315,500 REE 500 TEM, 448 TEMS, 448 933 HEM, 293, 493 aS DEH, 493 = R— FAR, 484 = WM ,367 ,37] .487: a 8 Ki, 457 = BPH, 210,469 训 = Hi, 455 ZAR 55, 398,422 ZR2, 213,470 ZO, 122,438 MS HM 396,449 i SM , 436 =m — WW , 494 = — 2M, 340,509 S8/)\2BM,469 © = )\HM 247 ,409,410,481 BB) Mi, 174, 453 280 8 325,504 BeSEM, 294,362,494 28226 , 238,388,477 28 771th 2B ADR, 426 28 +HR215,471. 28 VS 508 28 7 Gi ,420 Ze@ SER, 107,435 BB REM , 510 SBM ,504 = Bae 503 ZBMEM, 297,494 28S BW, 338 509 282 88,43 ,417 SBigi, 434 训 汶 马鞭 兰 ; 114, 436 28 EM 139,355,356 ,442 = Bt ER 459 | = Wii Ai, 430 22 EM , 109,359 BBRWR. 112,435 BBA GM ,485 28 GEM, 263,486 BHH OW, 4&8 BE RH ,492 = eA, 495 ZH2ZEM, 301,495, HMR GH M, 478 ZBBEEARM, 204 465 十 六 天 561 AEREM, 185,460 HM, 344,511 - #2 FERS, 510° ae = IBLE , 464 - FER 436 EER BH, 436 hive, 285,491 ae 苦 属 ,491 EM, 211,469 fas MB ,469 ELEM , 334,507 RR 7E— 3H , 446 fe 7E—# MB, 157,446 十 七 则 $a BS 436 MAAK, 142,443 BRREM ,310,498 DEM ,422 RO MB ,422 GM ,478 RFE SH ,478 +A BAB im OS , 499 BBE , 468 RM ,418 RMB ,418 BER .436 BEMS ,436 十 九 划 5 WS ,492 ie WB, 509 WS , 351,365,486 NR A .422 iG FH. 146,444 RU ARE , 4.92 GU =F AE 475 Pee 71 BER 5 420 Gu SE FER ,504 Mik BSR, 306 ,496 — +8) RUE DR ,427 att, 44,417 ie tei 5 2417 炉 状 花石 豆 兰 ,423 MAKE EIA, 466 二 十 一 划 以 上 S22 WB, 495 7g Hj 495 5a iB, 495 BEER , 497 Glam ,282 ,490 #3 15 IH , 488 fart Mi ,426 562 笔者 所 著 学 术 性 论文 LASS HOP BREA SSE © aM TM? a KA 2AM REA MED : 原 载 於 中 华 林学 季刊 ,9 494 105-138 页 及 iv #141111-132 页 ,英文 写 著 , 售 价 45 元 。 3 大 霸 兴 山高 山 植 群 的 研究 , 原 载 於 台大 实验 林 研 究 报 告 ( 118 ) 号 217- 238 页 , 襄 明 大 需 尖 山高 山地 区 植物 群落 分 俐 , 售 价 33 元 (中文 ) 4 雪山 地 区 高 山 植 群 的 研究 , 原 载 於 中 华 林 学 季刊 9 和 浴 3 期 119-136 A> 豚 明 雪山 地 区 高 山 植物 群落 的 分 仙 , 售 价 33 元 (中文 ) 5 太平 山区 四 十 年 来 植被 的 构 脖 及 演进 , 原 载 於 省 立 博物 FAIA 1S 竹 17-24 页 及 16 人 肉 1 -20 页 ,中文 , 避 明 太平 山区 四 十 年 来 植物 群落 的 meh RECLAMATION EBA fh 143 元 。 LEW RL BW A > RRRARAS 8H20-32 A > RAE 山 及 秀 姑 帮 山 高山 植被 的 殿 同 及 植物 群落 , 已 售 完 。 7 南湖 大 山 植被 概观 , 原 载 於 省 博物 迄 科 学 年 刊 第 十 六 省 73-8 4 页 , 襄 明 南 湖 大 山 植物 群落 , 中 文 , 售 18 元 。 8 北大 武山 植 相 的 研究 , 原 载 於 台大 实验 林 研 究 报 告 114 号 137-164 页 , 襄 明 北大 武山 植物 的 垂直 分 伤 及 植物 群落 , 售 23 元 。 9 人 台 汶 高 山 植物 名 从 , 原 载 於 中华 林 学 季刊 8 6391 89-122 88 4H 123-151 He AS HF IR 2500 m 以 上 高 山 植物 计 537 种 , 中 英文 , 售 50 元 。 10 台 小 高 山 植物 形态 的 研究 , 原 载 於 中 华 林 学 季刊 9 矢 1 期 39-53 页 ,已 售 完 。 11 一 逢 产 自 台 淤 的 新 逢 吊 链 花 , 原 载 从 中 华 林学 季刊 9 逢 2 期 145-146 , 已 售 完 。 12 Cruciferae RR Flora of Taiwan 2%673-700 BmuteBt+ SE 科 的 植物 , 已 售 完 。 13, Caryophyllaceae RMR Flora of Taiwan 2 4 320-355 > mutase 十 字 花 科 的 植物 , 已 售 完 。 ‘14 Polygonacéae RR Flora of Taiwan 2 #259- 292 > iif art a eS 科 植 物 , 已 售 完 。 563 15 The Symplocaceae of Taiwan RMRGARRAKRRAS 116 号 45- 571 > mit G@RBRKRABED > HX» $40 Te 16 The Chenopodiaceae and Droseraesae of Taiwan RFRRGAE 验 林 研究 报告 114 8127-136 ARAB HRARSH RPM? Rx ' 售 10 元 。 17 娄 征 产 自 东 人 台湾 的 新 逢 植物 , 原 载 於 中 华 林 学 季刊 6 知 1 期 167-173 页 , 发 表 3 种 发 於 台 淤 东部 的 新 植物 , 英 文 , 售 10 元 。 BKRBGB HE FED RMN BED AS FF) 14 41-46 页 , 已 售 完 GB HTS BK > RRRAGAK RBH RFI 51 1-25 > BBE o 20 EBHH SHED > RRK EE DENSEFIB 13 61-96 页 , BS er o ABR AEWEE > ARM SKSEA 2 23 95-15 页 , 已 售 完 SUB _LAAS > S57 FR BBR 105422 号 应 Mae SK > ik 到 后, 随即 寄 奉 。 5 著者 另 一 著者 台湾 植物 闲 色 图 多 之 一 台湾 高 山 植 物 彩 色 图 狂 第 过 见 ( 内容 如 下 ) (DBD iB : BABY eA OLR (2) Hi : BREA 1487 BA BH RW 1028. SBEBWRAY fai H 1-208 » LAPRHAMABRABWRMI SB DhRE FRB 境 及 台湾 卷 近 地 区 是 否 有 过 一 箱 植 物 均 加 以 悦 明 。 一 移 在 手 、 eps ie a Ky BURKE © BAM BL > NYRR 7 Oe; SRMARBAAW ES LAs >. BERRA RB HMO MR “QeSH SUBS ; RABUROHMRA MWS WKAR? BW WA. ZBRAB. WIS - Barat 6) SRB My ERER : 浅 明 地 襄 明 高 山 植 物 的 生态 、 包 括 高 山上 特 轴 的 生长 环境 , 亚 寒带 林 、 高 山 岩 原 及 岩 习 地 、 高 山 草原 等 生态 上 的 特质 。 (6) 台 淤 高 山 植物 形态 的 研究 。 将 高 山 植 物 的 形态 依 根 蓝 , 革 、 花 、 果 实 及 种 子 等 器 官 、 分 别 襄 明生 长 於 高 山 者 与 山地 者 的 不 同 、 附 黑白 是 微 照相 图 片 及 其 他 图 片 16 幅 加 以 说 明之 。 (NEWER > AN RUD 移植 於 平地 的 方法 、 分 别 依 高 山 植 物 的 分 类 、 栽 植 方法 , 土 壤 、 水 份 、 日 照 、 施 肥 , 病 吕 害 及 套 闹 等 项 加 以 瑶 明 564 : GHA I LL HY A OZ HR SET 。 定价 起 佰 元 , 实 售 170 ss MB RBA > Gat 177 元 。 台湾 植物 闲 色 图 每 之 一 台湾 兰 科 植物 闲 色 图 多 第 壹 徐 Coloured Illustrations of ludigeous orchids of Taiwan volum one ie ara gs 了 OW? arom 通讯 处 : GBASRAA BABI: 105422 号 应 稻 盘 帐户 A: SHE STS R350 元 正 He BGK 600 WIE US$ 17.00 印刷 者 : ARI HA il AIR A Fl 民国 六 十 六 年 七 月 初版 565 eS, : nh : fa fey cath | re » bs oo. : ‘ ” — 3 if i. 2 ot a _ ; — ' OS « 4 rv . , al i . - - ~ = Pi + ate ret a & T oud » - ps = te ; . oor aes . vo ed obit Wieesibe! to | | gateatfl- be ied’ ; io. > eee ma FO act i eaemes, . ns . iy ; ; , = 有 he Je » 二 四 y 1 5 one gio aayitak Me 5 下 ot Bh vt 合式 下 ay ee ae e ie fp Lane en ae 物 所 图 书馆 7 了 A i il AM 北京 模 物 所 ”