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T. A. LUNDY & CO.,


AND GENERAL WOOD-WORKERS. Office-fittings and cabinet work made to order.




All descriptions of foot-ware manufactured on the pre- mises— H45 main Street West. Winnipeg.


William Welband,



Wholesale aiid Retail ; [mportei "1




Of the Choicest Quality.

For a Good Fit, a First-Class Article, at bottom prices, go to

WELBAND. Porpoise Lace, Porpoise Leather, always <m hand. Careful atten- tion given to repairing by first-class men. If you want your soles put into a good healthy condition, con- sult Welband. Advice Gratis. Office hours from 10 to 12 a.m., and 2 to 4 p.m.


9 The Buffalo Store. 3

® ... CD

H""f Parties intending to settle in the North- sjj> West will save money by buying their '^mm outfit iii Winnipeg, and save still more by WW ft buying their

3 DRY (r'

^Z Etc., Etc. at


, 1LJH', M1U UUT1J1U ,


5 VUlisrs & Pearson,



e The Buffalo Store. §

¥ij^ Yl}&f$ I>r WTKjvfl^ijGf.

A narration of the principal events in the




11 Y




Print«d at the " Tnus Printing and Publishing Huu»e,'' Winnipeg. Man.

Entered according to Acl of Parliament of Canada, in the year < >m- Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-nine, by Begg i Nursey, in the office of the Ministei <>t Agriculture.


Without committing ourselves to anything so very unnecessary as a preface the title of the book being largely explanatory in itself we feel irresistibly impelled to explain that "Ten Years in Winnipeg" is submitted, not as literary effort, but as a rough unvarnished statement of historical events, relative to a certain city in the plains, which city, by her marvellous spirit of progressiveness, in one short decade, has manifestly established the fact, that her present prosperity is abundant, and that her future greatness is. inevitable.

The scant time at our disposal in the collation of the items that form this book, must stand the excuse if excuse were needed— for the crude style of its composition. We rest its claim to recog- nition, solely upon the harmless ground, of it- simple and complete reliability.


WALTER R. NUESEY. Winnipeg, September 1st, 1871'.

Explanation of Foregoing Map.

1. Fort Garry.

2. H. B. Co. store in Winnipeg. o. Wm. Drever's.

•1. Red Saloon.

5. Holy Trinity.

6. Brian Devlin's.

7. Red River Hall and Block.

8. 0. Monchamp's.

9. Garrett House.

10. McDermott's house, occupied by Dawson Road overseers.

11. McDermott's house, afterwards used as a Custom House.

12. Wm. Drever's house, now used as a convent. lo. McDermott's Mill.

14. A. McDermott's, senr., residence.

15. Engine House.

16. Post Office Block.

17. A. G. B. Bannaty ne's residence, afterwards used as Parliament Buildings.

j- Bannatyne & Begg's store.

20. Henry McKenny & Larsen's.

21. Henry McKenny & Larsen's storehouse, afterwards used as a

saloon by Mclvor & Mclntyre.

22. Emmerling Hotel, afterwards Davis House.

23. John Higgins'.

24. W. H. Lyon's.

25. Henry Coture, the batcher.

26. W. G. Fohseca's store.

27. E. L. Barber's store.

18 10



Advent of <_'ol. Wolseley and exit of Kiel Flush Times The 60th Rifles The Ontario Rifles Xew Arrivals— Pressmen Retrospective Primitive Winnipeg Pioneers Commerce Canadian Trade Estab- lished— Early Drawbacks— Fur Trade Her Majesty's Mail News- paper Progress Utopia Chapels of Ease Red River Hall A very Normal School The Merchant World Business Scetches The Foundeesof Winnipeg Development of Trade.

On the morning of Tuesday, the 23rd of August, 1870, Col. Wolse- ley, at the head of the 60th Rifles, entered Fort Garry ; Kiel and O'Donoghue had only left a few minutes previous to the entrance of the troops, and thus barely escaped capture. This was the closing scene of the Red River Rebellion and the march of progress was from that time commenced, by the then small village of Win- nipeg. The arrival of the troops infused confidence amongst the people ; trade which was almost dead suddenly revived, and money became very plentiful. Bannatyne & Begg, John Higgins, and W. H. Lyon found their stores crowded with customers, and money flowed in. Geo. Emerling's Hotel (afterwards the Davis House,) was crammed from morning to evening. The saloons of 0. Monchamp and John Lennon were full of thirsty souls at almost every hour of the day and night, and in fact Winnipeg, from being almost a deserted spot, suddenly found itself full of excitement, business and general activity.

The 60th Rifles, numbering 350 men, or seven companies, were commanded by the following officers: Col. Fielding; Captain* Dundas, Northey, Young, Ward, Wallace, Calderon and Butler; Lieutenants Robinson, Coulson, Frazer, Bingham, Mitchell, Innes, Davies, Wood, St. Manx, the Hon. K. Tumour and Burstall ;


Enaign&Ili&dell, Archerand ffolbech; Adjutant Marsham ; Assist, ant Surgeon Dr. Oliver; Qua rte.r Master Toole.

Accompanying the expedition were the following officers also;

Lieut. Alleyne, R. A., Lieut. Heneage, \l. K., O'apt. McCalmont, 9th Lancers, Lieut. Butler, 69th Reg*t.

On the 31st of August a portion of the < mtarfo Rifles arrived, and in a short time thi wh ile battalion made its appearance, and as soon as the 60th Rifles had left on their return East, the volunteers took up their quarters in Fort Garry. The Ontario Rifles were officered by the following gentlemen: Colonel Jarvis: Major Griffith Wainwright; Captains Thomas Scott, Thomas Maclem, Wm. McAuley Herchimer, Wm. Smith, Dr. Alex. P. McDonald, Henry Cook, Daniel Hunter McMillan; Lieutenants Donald A. McDonald, David M. Walker, Andrew McBride, W. X. Kennedy, Wm. J. McMuTthy, Samuel B. Harman, .lames Benson; Ensigns Arthur Nesbitt, James M. Walsh, Stewart Mulvey, Samuel Ham- ilton, John Biggar, W. H. Nash, Hugh J. McDonald; Adjutant Wm. Jas. Baker Parsons; Quarter Muster Edward Armstrong; Paymaster (.'apt. J. F. 13. Morice; and Surgeon Dr. Codd.

It maybe said here in this connection that too much praise can- not be given to the Ontario Rifles as a body for their conciliatory conduct while stationed at Fort Garry. Although at first there were fears expressed that the volunteers, in a spirit of excitement, might indulge in excesses, we must say that the officers and men, generally, endeavored to infuse a good fueling amongst the people, by a courteous behaviour towards all classes of the community. This conduct on their part did much toward healing the breach between both parties and individuals, caused by the llvd River Rebellion.

On the same day as the arrival of the 00th Rifles, His Lordship Bishop Tache, accompanied by M. Marc Girard, and M. Royal of the " Nouveau Month", reached St. Boniface, direct from Canada, and at the same time we have to chronicle the arrival of Mr. M. St. John of the Toronto (Hole and Mr. Cunningham of the Telegraph, all of whom afterwards took an active and prominent part in the political history of the country.

It may be well now at this stage, before proceeding further


with our narrative, to give our readers some idea of the extent and condition of Winnipeg previous to the arrival"of the troops in '70, as well as a short synopsis of the causes which led tojitstbecoming a nucleus of trade.

The name of Winnipeg was then little known outside of Mani- toba, while Fort Garry was a household word throughout the Do- minion. Winnipeg as will be seen by the accompanying map, was a small and scattered place, while Fort Garry from being]the head- quarters of the Hudson's Bay Co., and residence of the Governor, was a very important post. A considerable portion of the Hud- son's Bay Co. shipments, and all those for the fur [traders, were addressed to Fort Garry, and thus it became the point of exchange between the traders and the hunters.

Several free traders merchants finding that Fort Gaary had be- come a place of rendezvous for the plain hunters to exchange their furs for goods, and being aware that, unless they settled down in its vicinity, the Hudson's Bay Co. would have'anjadvantage over them in securing the pelts, immediately determined'to build stores as close to Fort Garry as possible. Andrew McDermott led the way, and was quickly followed by Messrs. A. G. B. Bannatyne, John Higgins, W. H. Lyon, Gingras, Henry McKenney, Wm. Drever, Dr. Schultz, Geo. Emerling, H. S. Donaldson, K. Patter- son, Onis Monchamp, W. G. Fonseca, E. L. Barber, and Alex. Begg. These men therefore, and a few others not in trade, were the original founders of Winnipeg, and the name adopted by them has since been confirmed by our charter of incorporation.

The Steamer International, then owned by the Hudson's Bay Co., used to make two or three trips in the summer, between Fort Garry and Georgetown, but would never consent to carry any oth- er than Hudson's Bay Co. freight. The free traders were therefore obliged to carry their own freight over the prairie in ox-carts from St. Cloud, in Minnesota, to Winnipeg, a distance of several hun- dred miles, and as this was really a serious undertaking, it was customary for these trains of carts to leave twice a year only (spring and fall), for their journey to the States, consequently stocks of goods were liable to run short at times, with no means of replenishing them.


In July, and late on timing the summer and autumn, the plain traders were in the habit of visiting Fort Garry and Winnipeg to exchange their furs for goods, and during these visits, tames were very lively indeed. These wild children of the prairie wen- wont to make their presence known in our midst, for with drinking, gambling, fighting, dancing, laughing, talking, swearing, horse-rac- ing, trading and singing, they made a perfect babel of the place, but strange to say, with all this wildness, we never heard of a solitary case of murder happening among them. As soon, however, as the hunters and traders had left for the plains, Winnipeg again relaps- ed into its normal state of order, and its inhabitants having much friendliness for each othei, were accustomed to enjoy themselves, with much more unanimity of feeling than at present prevails in our more polished but less honest state of society.

In 1869 and '7<> we had a mail to and from the East, once a week via Pembina, and to and from the Portage and Stone Knit, every Tuesday. This was the extent of our postal accomodation. We had neither stage line, express, or steamboat running to or from Winnipeg for the purpose of carrying passengers, and a traveller, therefore, had to depend entirely on his own i 3 to enable

him to come to or leave Winnipeg. We had one weekly news- paper, the Nor'-wester, which, however, from a dearth of news and topics of interest, busied itself in writing against the Govern- ment of the day the Hudson's Day Company and as this finally grew somewhat monotonous, the people of the settlement took very little interest in the literary efforts of the village editor. In January, 1870, the Nor'-wester, having been gobbled up by L'iel, tor the reason that, like the Irishman, it was always ",<//'/< the Government, the New Nation appeared n- the organ of the Pro- visional Government of Red River, alias Riel et "L, and this paper, under the able management of Mr. Titos. Spence, the present Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, continued in existence until the 15th October, 187<>, when Messrs. Coldwell & Cunning- ham purchased the plant and commenced the publication of the Man itoban.

At that time the only currency in the country was Hudson's Bay Company notes of the following denominations : five


pounds, one pound, five shillings, and one shilling sterling, but there was scarcely even such a thing heard of as " hard times."

We had no bank, no insurance office, no lawyers, only one doctor, no City Council, only one policeman, no taxes nothing but freedom, and, though lacking several other so called advantages of civilization, we were, to say the least of it, tolerably virtuous and unmistakably happy. Mr. James Mulligan, one of our largest property holders at the present time in the city, was the last policeman under the Hudson's Bay Company sway, and that gentleman may remember how, on one occasion, a few fun-loving individuals, headed by Mr. J. H. McTavish, took him, bound to a cart, and deposited him in the jail, much to his astonishment. It was a case of turning the tables on the officer, and to Mr. Mulli- gan's credit be it said, he took the joke very good naturedly. The Jail and Court House at the time was a small log building just outside the wall of Fort Garry, and was far from being a very secure place of confinement for prisoners.

There was one church, a very small one, " Holy Trinity," which then consisted, of what is now the small wing of the old abandoned church. The history of how " Holy Trinity" came to be established in Winnipeg may be interesting. A number of young men having formed an amateur dramatic society, Mr. Alex. Begg leased a room in McDermott's row (since burned down, but then standing immediately south of where the Merchant's Bank is to-day). The room thus leased was called " Red River Hall," and in it a series of entertainments were given to admiring crowds of settlers from the neighborhood. About that time citizens wishing to attend church had to walk as far as St. John's Cathe- dral, and as this was found inconvenient, Archdeacon McLean con- ceived the idea of holding evening services in Winnipeg. On being applied to, Mr. Alex. Begg at once consented to give the use of Red River Hall for the purpose, and also offered to become the first sexton of the church, to attend to the lamps, etc. Out of the theatre therefore grew the church, and ere long the Arch- deacon found the attendance on Sunday evenings increasing to such an extent, that the flooring of Redx River Hall showed signs of giving way under the weight of a very fervent people. Mr.


W. H. Lyon, who had his store immediately under the Hall, began to fear for the safety of his goods and chattels, and it was no unusual thing to see him and Mr. Begg busy of a Sunday evening propping up the ceiling of his stoic with poplar firewood poles, while the worshippers overhead were engaged in theii devotional exercises. This sort of thing could not last long, how- ever, and as Mr. Lyon objected to remain below and the wor- shippers declined to go above, the church came to an end for the time being. Archdeacon McLean, therefore, with his usual success in obtaining subscriptions, managed to raise a considerable sum of money for the purpose of building a church inWinnipeg. M< Andrew McDermott, Si1., Win. Drever, Sr., ami Alex. Begg, were then appointed'fa building committee, and the result of their labors was the little church we have already mentioned, and which was called Holy Trinity.

The Rev. Mr. Young Methodist held services in a room in the house (now used as ;i seminary by the Sisters of Charir Notre Dame street). These were the first attempts 'dish

churches in Winnipeg.

The only school in existence vas a small class, conducted by Miss Bannatyne now the wife of Rev. John Black, of Kildonan and this she did more from a spirit of kindness than from any hope of gain. This was the commencement of our schools in Winnipeg.

There was a fire engine company at that time, composed of young and middle-aged men of the place, and tin- machim \\;i- the one now at Fort Garry, and which the Hudson's Bay company kindly lent for the protection of the town.

Having thus taken a. cursory glance at the institutions of our city as they were in 1869 and 1870, we will now briefly enumerate the business houses at that time engaged in trade.

The Hudson's Bay Co. prosecuted their business, as they do now, within the walls of Fort Garry. Next to them, in import- ance, was the firm of Bannatyne & Begg, who carried on a genera, outfitting establishment in the store at present occupied by Stobart Eden & Co., China Hall, and H. L. Reynold's Liquor Store. The firm of 1!. & B. was widely known in Canada and St. Paul, and


bought a large portion of their supplies in England. Some idea of the extent of their trade may be learned when we state that their spring brigade, in 1868, amounted to over 300 carts, each cart carrying from 1,000 to 1,200 lbs. weight. Mr. Bannatyne had been an officer in the Company's service, but afterwards undertook to engage in trade on his own account, in which he was very suc- cessful, notwithstanding the efforts of the H. B. C. to embarrass him. In 1869 he entered into partnership with Mr. Alex. Begg, and with him earned on a general business up to the time we com- mence our narrative. Mr. Begg was the first man to open up a regular commercial intercourse between Canada and the North- West. When he arrived here in 1867 he found the traders very conservative in their idea of commerce, and it was with great diffi- culty that he persuaded them to try the Canadian markets. They had been accustomed to deal entirely in England and the States. By perseverance and identifying himself fully with the country, he at last succeeded in making a break, and his first orders in 1878 amounting to about $20,000, was the commencement of a large and lucrative trade between Canada and the North- West. Soon after establishing this Canadian connection, Mr. Begg accepted offers made him by Mr. Bannatyne. and entered into partnership with that gentleman in a general fur trading and outfitting business. The houses in Hamilton, which Mr. Begg then represented, have since had no reason to regret having extended their business to this country, and one of them, Messrs. James Turner & Co.. have since established a wholesale warehouse in Winnipeg. Next in importance to Bannatyne & Begg was John Higgins, who, as a general store-keeper, displayed his sign over the spot now occupied by the handsome establishment of Higgins, Young & Jackson. Mr. Higgins came to this country many years before the opening of our narrative, and for some time successfully carried on the business of a pedlar in which he made and saved money. He finally entered into partnership with W. H. Lyon, and foT some years the firm was Higgins & Lyon. In 1869, however, then- was a dissolution and each partner opened up a store on his own account. Mr. Higgins remained in the premises belonging to the firm, and Mr. Lyon removed to the southern corner of McDermott's row, and


underneath Red Kiwi Hall. It is needless to say that Mr. Hi^- gins succeeded, as his position to-day a fiords the proof. Mr. Lyon, when he came to this country, was a poor man, and in this parti- cular, was, perhaps, no exception to the then general rule, but having secured the support of a Mr. Paul, a trader in St. Boniface, he succeeded in scraping together a little money by trading with the Indians. With the means thus acquired he entered into part- nership with Mr. Higgins, and after dissolving with that gentleman, he started out afresh, once more alone. He did not remain lorn; in McDermott's row, (church overhead having probably sicken- ed him,) but soon after erected a substantial store on tin- corner where Caldwell's ding establishment is now being erected, and in which he remained until 187»>. Mi. Lyon, by close attention to business, and cultivating a Kil- donan trade, made money. Henry McKenny, after doing a general fur and trading business, and established a saw mill on Lake Winnipeg, sold out his enterprise at the close of Rebellion and moved to Pembina. He was Sheriff under the Hudson's Bay Company sway.

Dr. Schultz for many years practiced his profession in the settle- ment, but becoming enamored of trade he gradually dropped medicine and devoted himself exclusively to commerce. At that early period he never seemed to make much headway, however, but the fact of his being an out-an-out opponent of the Hudson's Bay Company and an agitator of the people against the Company's authority, through his newspaper, the Nor'-Weater, may have had a good deal to do with his then ill-luck. He lost heavily by the Rebellion, but was handsomely recouped by the Government, and from the time of the entrance of the troops into Winnipeg until now, Dr. Schultz has been a very successful man. The store then occupied by 1 >r. Schultz was the building now known as the Pomono House.

H. S. Donaldson had a very nice and select stock of stationery, books and fancy articles, together with a variety of religious engraving, which to this day he blames " Begg" for cramming upon him. He took Lyon's place, underneath the Red River Hall, but made sure that no performances would be given in that


place before moving. Mr. Donaldson is one of the real pioneers of the North- West. Leaving Montreal while only a lad he settled in Minnesota when that Statfc was in its infancy, and after- wards during the Minnesota Massacre in 1872, our friend "Don" commanded a troop of the U. S. cavalry against the Indians. He afterwards came to Fort Garry in the interests of Mr. N. W. Kittson, of St. Paul, and, liking the country; finally concluded to settle. He chose the stationery and fancy goods line, and any one to look at his handsome store to-day, can judge whether he has succeeded or not.

Robert Patterson came to this country for the purpose of trading in furs. He did not carry on any regular business, but made periodical trips to the country. He was a cute buyer and a suc- cessful trader a general favorite with every one, but few cared to measure their wits with him in a bargain. A builder by trade, he has erected some of the best buildings in Winnipeg, but to this day he has, as everybody knows, a hankering after fur. E. L. Barber and W. G. Fonseca both came to Red River from the States about the same time the former was a great man in his own country, having been first Governor of Dakota. Messrs. Barber and Fonseca respectively, carried on a small general busi- ness, and, like all merchants, dabbled to a certain extent in furs. Their stores were at Point Douglas, opposite what is now known as " Fonseca's pump" on Main Street. F. Gingras conducted a branch of his father's business, the head establishment being in St. Joe, on the boundary. Mr. Gingras did a very large business in trading with the Indians, and had posts throughout the North- West. He was one of the most successful free traders in the olden time. The store of F. Gingras stood about where Dodd & Co.'s boot and shoe store now stands.

One of the most original characters of the day was George Emmer- ling, our hotel-keeper. He came to this country on spec, and, it is said, landed in Winnipeg with a barrel of whiskey and two barrels of apples. He at once opened a hotel in one of McDermott's buildings on Post Office street, and, being the only place of enter- tainment, he succeeded beyond his expectations. Acquiring a pro- perty on the Main road, he erected that portion, of what is now


the Davis House, in which Wright's auction mart is located. Good fortune seemed to follow Mr. Emmerling in his new premises, and he rapidly acquired wealth, lfe kept a clean and tidy house, a good table, and pure liquors, and, although lie was at times rather overhearing, he was credited with a kind heart, and his peculiari- ties were therefore overlooked. He soon built an addition to Ins place, and the " Davis House" of to-day, with some alterations and improvements, was the " Emmerling Hotel" of '69 and 70.

Oni.s Monchamp came here a poor man, and commenced by keeping bar for a Mr. Holmes, who had a brewery at St. Boniface. Monchamp, however, soon opened in a quiet way on his own account. A small room on Post Office street, witli a bench and rough counter, a barrel] of beer, and one or two black bottles and a few glasses, constituted his first outfit. Monchamp, however, took good care of the dollars and cents, ami ere long he began to improve his place, and when the troops arrived in Winnipeg he could boast of a smart hostelrie and liar on the spot where the Hotel du Canada stands to-day.

Mr. Win. Drever did a small trading business in the house now occupied by the St. Nicholas Hotel and we omitted to mention that the Hudson's Bay Company carried on a branch store under the charge of Mr. Moncrief in the building at present used by the Standard Printing Company, which building has never been removed from the spot on which it was built.

Jas. H. Ashdown arrived in Winnipeg shortly before the rebellion, and started a small tinsmiths' shop, in a room in the building now opposite the Hotel du Canada on Post Office street. Unfortunately for him, however, he became mixed up in the troubles of the country, and was held for some time in durance vile, a prisoner in Fort ('any, during his sojourn, in which, his small shop remained closed, no doubt at a great sacrifice to the proprietor. Mr. Ashdown having bought out one Moser a tin- smith, who left for the States by strict attention to hi? business and hard work, began to build up a good trade. He had no opposition, and as the other stores gave way to him in the hard- ware and tin trade, he hail a fine opportunity to make money, which he took yjood care to avail himself of.


Brien Devlin, an old pensioner, had a small eating house on the spot where Ossenbrugge's grocery store stands to-day. He was a good hearted Irishman, who never refused any man a meal whether he had the money to pay for it or not. He was a rough diamond, with as honest and true a heart as ever beat in man.

Charles Garret, hotel-keeper, lawyer, doctor, stump orator, and goodness knows what else, was one of the characters in the olden time, and made himself notorious in many ways. He was an out and out opponent of the H. B. tCo.

Mr. Arch. Wright, although not one of the first pioneers, at the same time commenced business here as harness-maker in com- pany with Mr. Stalker, before the rebellion, and, like Mr. Ashdown, suffered at the hands of Kiel by being placed in prison. Later on we refer more particularly to Wright's business.

There were a few other small dealers and tradesmen in the town, but we think we have named the principal men of business in Winnipeg in 1869, and with this hurried glance at the old time, we will hasten on with the narrative of events which have occurred since that period.

The map of " Winnipeg in 1869," which we publish with this book, will give a very good idea of the size and extent of the place as it existed at that early date, in which it will be seen there were only about a couple of dozen houses with a population not number- ing * .ne hundred souls.



CHAPTER II. Gov. Archibald Arrives 60th Rifles Leave— Davis House— The News Letter Thk Manitoban— Thomas Scott Motored Polk b— The First Recruits— Post Office— Donald A. Smith and Dr. Bird Dr. >. m i.iz Knox Church Consul .Taylor— Railway Agitation Theatre Royal Census— Electoral Divisions Mr. Mulvey on thk Rostrum— First Parliaeent— First Bank— Mr. G. B. Spencer- Trinity First Provincial Cabinet Parliament Buildings i ►Y8TER8—TON80RIAL— Citizen's Bali.— Bank of Manitoba— Attorney Gen. Clarke— Election toe Commons Legislative Council— Hon. •i. Royal -Customs to thk Rescue— Northern Pacific R. R.— Colon- ization—Steam Boating Hill & Griggs— Beer- Good Tempi Fire Km, ink Grace Church— Rev. <;. Young— Red River Bridge— Thk Selkirk— Trial by .Ti-ry— A New Era.

On the night of Friday the 2nd Sept., 1870, Lieut. Gov. Archi- bald arrived at Fort Garry accompanied by his private secretary, George W. Hill, and on the following Tuesday (the 6th), held a . at what was then called Hudson's Bay House, and which is now designated as the Governor's residence.

The last detachment of the 00th Errles left for home on the 3rd Sept., and the Ontario Volunteers immediately moved into p sion of their quarters within the Fort.

Our friend Geo. Emmerling, who was a great supporter of the institutions of Uncle Sam, rinding that this country from all ap- pearances was lost forever to the American eagle, saw fit to sellout his thriving business in Winnipeg and move to St. do, on the boun- dary line. R. A. Davis was the fortunate purchaser of the Emmer- ling Hotel property, and immediately on taking possion, changed its name to the " Davis House," which name it has retained ever since. It proved to be a Bonanza to its new proprietor, the house being crowed from morning to night with the many strangers visiting the town, as well as the volunteers stationed at Fort Garry.

A small sheet called the News Letter was published about this time, which abounded in scurrility, and was not regarded with favour by the more respectable residents of the town. Its object, in-


stead of trying to heal the wounds caused by the rebellion, seemed to be to irritate them still more. The Manitoban, however, which appeared for the first time on loth Oct., '70, was looked upon as a respectable and worthy newspaper, and was largely subscribed for throughout the Province. Mr. Cunningham of the Toronto Tele- graph, having decided to remain in the country, formed a co- partnership with Mr. W. Cold well, and together they opened a print-, ing office in the building lately occupied by the Neiv Nation. For some time after the arrival of the volunteers there appeared to be some feeling of excitement amongst the men, but through the efforts of the officers and good sense of the men in the ranks, matters gradually quieted down to a more even basis.

A search was made on the 13th of October, in Fort Garry for the remains of Thomas Scott, the victim of the rebellion, but no success attended the effort, although, when digging, an empty box in the form of a coffin was found. The remains of Thomas Scott have not since been discovered and in all probability never will be.

About this time Capt. Villiers, of the Quebec volunteers, com- menced organizing a 'mounted police force, for service in the Pro- vince, and almost every day he could be seen drilling his recruits in front of the Davis House.

The first policemen, however, regularly gazetted in the Province, were the following, on 10th October, 1870. Some of the names are familiar to our readers : Win. Alloway, James Cross, Wm. Montgomery, Timothy Carroll, Edwin Doidge, Elijah Ketts, Geo. Kerr, John Melancon, John Stevenson, Leon Hivet, Geo. Nichol, H. Montgomery, Robert Power, Maxime Villebrun, Wm, Miller, John Peterson, Andrew Persy, Neil McCarthy, Michael Fox.

A petition having been signed by a number of people, addressed to the Lieutenant-Governor, asking for certain changes in the Post Office arrangements, Mr. Alex. Begg, in the absence of the post- master, Mr. Bannatyne, had the office removed from the store of Bannatyne & Begg and placed in the building now occupied by the Commercial Hotel, on Post Office street, where it remained until again removed by the Dominion Government into the present handsome building on Main street.

On Monday, the 24th October, Donald A. Smith and Dr. C. J.


Bird were chosen by a very respectable meeting of electors in Winnipeg as the first candidates for the House of Commons, Ottawa.

In the meantime the first enumeration of the Province u;|^ being pushed rapidly forward, and the excitement ol the elections Mas daily increasing.

The little News Letter which we have already mentioned, played an unenviable part in that election, by endeavoring to excite popu- lar feeling in favor of violence, and urging theadoption of mob law. Unfortunately for himself, Dr. Schultz became allied with this and those who inspired it, and as he was acandidate forthe House of Commons at the time, his cause was not served by the connec- tion.

A school house having been erected in Point Douglas we rind the announcement of a concert given by a Mr. and Mrs. St. -el on Nov. 23, in which the band of the Ontario Rifles took part.

About this time the Presbyterians were building " Knox Church," (lately abandoned and now used as a stable or storeh for on Wednesday, June Id, '70, a meeting was held for the purpose of taking steps to finish the church, and a committee of management was formed, consisting of Messrs. Armstrong, Bell and McMillan (Ontario Rifles), and Messrs. A. G; B. Bannatyne, D. Sinclair and dames Ross.

In the early part of November, '70, Mr. .1. W. Taylor arrived in Winnipeg, having accepted the position of American Consul in this country. The American Government had been represented previous to Mr. Taylor's taking office by Major Robinson, who had earned the esteem and respect of every one residing here at the time. It will be our pleasure to show from time to time how well Mr. Taylor has earned the good will and respect of all classes of our resident community.

On Oct. 19th Mr. S. Robertson, General Superintendent of the North-Western Telegraph Company, issued a letter calling for information to enable him to procure the necessary poles for the erection of a telegraph line from Pembina to Winnipeg, to connect with the American wire.

Early in November, 1870, Mr. H. J. Clarke, Q. C, from Mon- treal, arrived, and this gentleman was destined afterwards to take


a very prominent part in the politics of the country. He com- menced his career by taking charge of the police business, in which he acted pretty much as judge, jury and prosecutor.

Messrs. McArthur & Martin (a new firm) having bought out McKenny's interest in his saw mill on Lake Winnipeg, commenced about this time the lumber business in town, but as building operations were commenced in earnest they were hardly able to supply the demand. Mr. A. E. Wilson (afterwards Wilson & Hyman) opened a general store and Mr. James Stewart established a Medical Hall, both in McDerniott's row.

Mr. J. W. Taylor, on taking charge of the United States Con- sulate, removed his quarters to the upper portion of the building used by Mr. F. Gingras as a store.

Here is the first application for a railway charter in Manitoba :

"NOTICE" "Is hereby given that an application will be made at the first meeting of the " Legislature of Manitoba for an Act to incorporate a joint stock company for the " construction of a railway from some points on Lake Manitoba, passing through "the Town of Winnipeg; and to connect with the nearest of the Minnesota "railways.

Duncan Sinclair.

Fort Garry, Nov. 18, 1870. E. L. Barber.

Election addresses from candidates for the first local Parliament of Canada were now becoming plentiful.

On the 16th December the first performance of the Ontario Rifle, Musical and Dramatic Association was given. Mr. Alex, Begg, to whom they had applied, rented them a building belong- ing to Mr. Bannatyne with that gentleman's consent in rear of the store (the same which is now used by Jack Benson as a feed stable), and also found the means which enabled the volunteers to decorate and place seats in the room. The decorations and stage appointments were excellent, the whole cost being about $1,000, all of which, to the credit of the volunteers, was afterwards repaid to Mi'. Begg. The Ontario boys were greeted with crowded houses at each performance, and as a sample of the style of thing they were wont to regale us with, we will publish the first of their




Musical ani> Dramatic Association.

President, Major Wainwright ; Manager, Quartermaster Sergeant J. R. Cameron ;


Stage Manager, Sergeant A. de < '. Harvey; Leader of Orchestra, Bugle M.ijor Walker ; Vocal Director, Paymaster Sergeanl Douglas.

The first entertainment under the distinguished patronage of J lis Honoi t he Lieut.-Governor ami Lady,



On Friday Evening, Dec 16, 1870.


Pot Pourri (Kuhner) < Orchestra

Song of Expedition P. B. I taudaa

Concertina Song " Bonnie Uoon" H. M. Walker

" Comic Song" W. 8. Wood

" Beautiful Bells" W. L. Balmer

"Ellen Bayne" 1. Hackett

Comic Song "Simple Simon" (in character) T. Tweed

" Fairy Belle" W. R. Balmer

Damly Pat (in character) H. M. Walker

Sleighing Glee Chorus



Or, The Long Lost Faith:!;.

A new sensational burlesque, in three act-, never before played on any stage.


Robinson Prospero Monarch of all surveys Campbell

( laliban Friday— A faithful follower of Prospero W. S. Wood

Tom Trusty An interesting young man in love with Grace Swetinan

Diddh-r Nipeheese A purser, ami a villian in love with Grace T. R. Cameron

Grace Whatsheruame A child of circumstances David Young

Polly Perl —A damsel attending Grace English

Tabby Feline— a real eat, 20 years old.

Soldiers, Sailors, etc. tr^A plan of the hox seats can tie seen at the bookstore of H. S. Donaldson, where .11 be secured. Tickets for sale at the following places :— Dr. Schultz's, Banna- tyne & Begg's, John Higgins', W. II. Lyon's, Davis Hotel and Garrett House. Box seats, 2 shillings; pit, one shilling. Doors open at 7 o'clock p.m., performance to commence at half-past 7.


The census of the Province was completed about this time, which showed the number <>f inhabitants in Winnipeg to he 215 persons. Winnipeg, however, was not an electoral district by itself , as will be

seen by the following description of electoral division No. IS in 1870.

""No. 18 Winnipeg and St. John shall comprise all the settlements "on the cast line of No. 10 and the mouth of the Assiniboine, on " the north side of the Assiniboine, and all the settlements on the " Red River, on the west side of it, from the mouth of the Assini- " boine down to the north line of Donald Matheson's lot, and on " the east side of the Red River, from the north line of No. 12 to


"the .southern line of John McPhail's Lot, including the Town of " Winnipeg."

An addition to Holy Trinity was nearly completed and opened to the public in an unfinished state, on Sunday Dec. 17th, 1870, when Archdeacon McLean (now bishop of Saskatchewan), officiat- ed at 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. The church as enlarged was estimated to be capable of holding four hundred persons.

Amongst our first lecturers we find Mr. Stewart Mulvey, then in the Ontario Rifles, delivering an address on "True Greatness" in the school room on the 14th Dec, 1870, which was listened to with great pleasure by some two or three hundred persons.

The tirst election for the Local Parliament took place on Friday, the 20th Dec. 1870, and the following members were elected ; No. 1 Lake Manitoba, Angus McKay.

" 2 Portage la Prairie, Fred. Bird.

" 3 High Bluff, John Norquav.

" 4 Poplar Point, D. Spence.

" 5 Baie St. Paul, J. Dubuc.

" 6 St. Francois Xavier, West, J. Royal.

" 7 St. Francois Xavier, East, Pascal Breland.

" 8 Headingly, Jas. Cunningham afterwards took the seat.

" 9 St. Charles, H. J. Clarke.

" 10 St. James, Edwin Bourke.

" 11 St. Boniface, West, Louis Schmidt.

" 12 St. Boniface, East, Hon. M. A. Girard.

" 13 St. Vital, A. Beaucheniin.

" 14 St. Norbert North, Jos. Lemay.

" 15 St. Norbert South, Pierre Delorme.

" 16 St. Agathe, Geo. Klyne.

" 17 St. Anne, Point de Chene, J. H. McTavish.

" 18 Winnipeg and St. John, Donald A. Smith.

" 19 Kildonan, John Sutherland.

" 20 St. Paul's Dr. C. J. Bird.

" 21 St. Andrews South, Edward Hay.

« 22 St. Andrews North, Hon. Alfred Boyd.

" 23 St. Clements, Thomas Bunn.

" 24 St. Peters, Capt, Ho waul.


At this time the establishment of the " Bank of Ruperts Land" was spoken of and application for a charter made, hut it never was proceeded with.

Mr. G. B. Spencer having been appointed collector of customs in Manitoba, arrived in Winnipeg about the end of Dec, '70, and immediately commenced organizing his department

The enlargement of "Holy Trinity" was finally completed by the 1st January, 1871, and tenders for the erection of Grace Church in the Spring were called for by Rev. George Young.

The first auctioneer in Winnipeg was Mr. W. G. Fonseca, who we find advertising an extensive sale in Henry MeKenny's store, on the 17th January, 1871.

The First Cabinet of Manitoba was formed about the 12th Janu- ary, 1871, and consisted of the following gentlemen : Hon. M. A. Girard, Provincial Treasurer. " Alfred Boyd, " Secretary.

" H. J. Clarke, Attorney General. " Thos. Howard, Minister of Public Works and Ag- riculture. The Local Government now completed arrangements with A. (i. r>. Bannatyne for the use of his residence, to lie used for Parliamen- tary purposes. The Building (since destroyed by tire), stood di- rectly behind where Parson & Richardson's Book Store stands at present. Here is what the Manitoban of January 21st, 1871, says on the subject, "The first Parliament of Manitoba will be " held in the House of A. G. B. Bannatyne, Esq., the best and most " commodious building in Winnipeg, ami occupying a central situa- " tion as regards the Province generally. The rooms arc large and " comfortable, and will afford excellent accommodation, for thi " sembled wisdom of the Province. Three of the large rooms at "the southern end of the house and one of the upstair rooms, are "to be used for parliamentary purposes. The Government are de- " cidedly the gainers in this matter, while Mr. Bannatyne yields so "much of his house room at very considerable personal inconveni- " ence."

On the 21st January, 1871, Dr. C. J. Bird retired from the can-


didature for the House of Commons, and Dr. Schultz had it all hi* own way in Lisgar, until Mr. Colin Inkster stepped into the field.

The first fresh oysters ever received into Manitoba, were import- ed on the first of February, by Bannatyne & Begg, and it is needless to say that they were all sold in a day or two. At that time cove oysters half boiled were thought very good.

The first barber in Winnipeg made his appearance in February, 1871. He was a member of the Ontario Rifles, and having hired a room over Monchamp's saloon, on Post Office Street, he did a little (when off duty) in the tonsorial line.

The officers of the Ontario and Quebec Rifles, having shown much hospitality to the residents of Manitoba in the shape of dances and dinners, it was decided that a citizens ball should be given in return to the military. It was the first great event of the kind ever indulged in by the people of the town, and as an interesting occurence, we give it an extended notice. The ball took place in the large building belonging to Mr. Andrew McDermott near the foot of Post-Office street, (and occupied by the Indian Department for a time). There were 300 invitations issued,and about 250 persons were present, and in consequence the rooms (which were tastefully de- corated) were literally jammed. The music was furnished by the band of the Ontario Rifles, and the dancing, which commenced soon after 8 p.m., was maintained unflaggingly till four o'clock in the morning.

The ladies present were a fair representation of the beauty and fashion of Manitoba. They looked to advantage in their own " Red River dances " jigs, stathpeys and reels to which one room was exclusively devoted and were equally graceful in the galops, valses, quadrilles and schottisches which formed the staple dances of the other two rooms.

The Lieutenant-Governor and Mrs. Archibald opened the ball PERSONS PRESENT.

Governor and Mrs. Archibald, Miss Archibald, Mr. Hill, Mr. Boutillier, Capt. Dennison, Major Peebles, Major McLeod, Col. Jarvis and officers Ontario Rifles, Col. and Mrs. Jarvis, Officers Quebec Rifles, Col. and Mrs. Casault, Mr. Cyril Grahame, Mr. Jas. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor, Mrs. DonaldJRoss, Mrs. R. Logan


Hon. Jas. McKay, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Boss, Mr. and Mrs. Bannatyne, Miss Bannatyne, Dr. and Mrs. O'Donnell, Mr. ami Mrs. A. Begg, Hon. H. J. Clarke, Q.C., Mr. Robt Cunningham, Mr, and Mrs. R. Tait, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rowand, Mr. and Mis. J.

& Stewart* Miss A. Fl.-tt, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McTavish, Mr. W. Coldwell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Balsillie, Mr. and Mrs. II. McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Logan, Mr. J. H. Ashdown, Mr. Cross, Id is McTavish, Mr. Donald McTavish, Mr. Giant, Mr. and Mr-. Myles McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McDermott, Mr. and Mi John, Rev. Mr. Patterson, Mr. McClenighen, Mr. McKenzie, Mr. Ramsay, Mr. d. Grahame, Mr. Thomas Spence, Mr. Armit, Capt. Villievs, Capt. and Mrs. Donaldson, Major and Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Strang, Mr. and Mrs. Gingras, Miss McDermott, Mr. Spencer, (Customs), Mr. Royal, M.P., Mr. Dubuc, M.P., Mr. and Miss Sutherland. Mr. and Mis. Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. Fonseca, Miss Alice Logan and Mrs. Logan, the American Consul, Mr. and Mr-. Alex. Ross, Miss Matheson, Mr. George and Miss Annie Tait, Colin and Miss Inkster, Miss [sabella Enkster, Robt. McBeth, Alex, and Miss A. McBeth, Miss Margaret McBeth, Mr. Win. and Miss Thomas, Mr. Win. Bunn and Misses Bunn, Mrs. (dare, Mrs. W. Kennedy, Misses Lewis, Miss Lowland, John Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Truthwaite, Mr. Philip and Miss Kennedy, Misses Murray, Mr. Moir, Mr. Bunn, Mrs. Thomson and Mrs. Mowatt, Miss A. Mow- att, Mr. Abell, Mrs. das. Stewart, and Misses McKay, &c,


The Masters of Ceremonies for the evening were: Hon. dames KcKay, Mr. Bernard R. Loss and Mr. Alex. Begg.

The Stewards were :— Hon. H. J. Clarke, Dr. Bird, Dr. O'Don- nell, Hon. Alfred Boyd, Hon. M. A. Girard, Donald A. Smith, R. Tait, W. Rowand, A. G. B. Bannatyne, J. G. Stewart, d. H. Mc- Tavish, J. Balsillie, H. McDermott, Alex. Logan, &c.


". .•• n°.x the programme of dance-, with explanation that there were in additior a considerable number of "extra dances."

Quadrille, Va Galop, Lancers, Polka, Eight Reel, Galop, C<>t- tillion, Valse, Qui lie, Red Liver Jig, Lancers, Galop, Quadrille, Valse, Eight Reel, ottische, Lancers, Galop.


With few exceptions, this was one of the finest balls ever given hi this city, although at the time, we did not possess the advantages of the present day, for getting up such entertainments.

Mrs. Sergeant Major Power superintended the supper arrange- ments, and everyone accorded her with the highest praise for the excellent refreshments furnished. Tins ball tended to unite the different classes of people in a very great degree, and cemented the kindly feeling hetween citizens and military.

Mr. Samuel Fowler had the honor of being the hrst Customs broker in Winnipeg, but business did not appear to thrive with him, as he soon gave way to Messrs. Evans & Steele.

The hrst nomination of Candidates for the House of Commons ever held in Selkirk, took place in the Court House, Winnipeg, on the 28th July, 1871, when Messrs. D. A. Smith and John Taylor present Minister of Agriculture, were duly nominated The court house at that time, was the wooden wing of the present building, in which the County Court and Prothonotary offices are situated. It was built by Hon. J. Sutherland, and bought from him by the Local Government.

We have already mentioned an application for a charter for the Bank of Ruperts Land, well now we have to chronicle in '71 the application for another charter, that of the "Bank of Manitoba" vet the residents of this Province have never enjoyed any bene- fits from either institution, they were still-horn.

About tins time a very strong feeling existed, in some quarters, against Attorney-General Clarke, for alleged harshness towards members of the Ontario Paries, in the discharge of his duty as first officer of the law. Whether the then Attorney-General exceeded his powers or not, is a question with which we do not purpose to deal but the feeling amongst Ontario people was, that Mr. Clarke who prided himself on being a great exponent of the rights of the French people during that period of his career, used his position to be unnecessarily severe on the volunteers when they chanced to come before him. In the case of one Hawman, a decided demon- stration of ill-will was made by the Ontarips against Mr Clarke, and in another instance it was feared that he would sutler violence at the hands of the men of the battalion and their


friends. Lt is a strange phase in the history of ex- Attorney- General Clarke, that while he was an out and out supporter of the French party, in fact their champion during the time we are now- writing of, we will yet have to chronicle l>efore we close our narra- tive, his coquetry with the English, and, the final abandonment of the French, which culminated in an avowed hostility.

To turn to pleasanter things we find our friend Mr. Victor Bean- pre, who was the first Deputy Minister of Public Works in the Province, entertaining his confreres to a supper in Monchamp's on the 20th February, '71. Victor always was a good hearted soul.

The first Dominion election in Manitoba took place on the 2nd March, 1871, and resulted, in the four districts, as follows:


D. A. Smith, 239

.John Taylor 103

Majority for Smith 1 36


Pierre I )elorme 172

Wm. Dease 29

Majority for Delorme 14.'?


Dr. Schultz 315

Colin Inkster 65

Majority for Shultz 2o0


Angus McKay 282

Dr. Lynch 282

The volunteers were commencing to obtain their discharges, and some of them were settling down to business in the town, amongst others, P. Deacon opened a watchmaker's shop over the Manitoba/n Office, the first of the kind in Winnipeg. Another, Sergeant Calderwood, proposed to establish a foundry, (scrap iron to be used) but he never carried out his scheme.

On the 10th March, 1871, His Honor Lieut-Governor Archibald

A new election followed later on.


appointed the following gentlemen members of the Legislative Council of Manitoba :

Hon. James McKay, Hon. Donald Gunn, Hon. Solomon Ham- elin, Hon. Colin Inkster, Hon. Francois Dauphinais, Hon. Francis Ogletree, Hon. John Harrison O'Donnell. President of Council, Hon. Jas. McKay ; Clerk of Assembly, M. St. John, Esq.; Clerk of Council, T. Spence, Esq. And on the 1 5th March the first meeting of the Local Parliament was opened by Governor Archibald. Amongst the ladies present at the opening were : Mrs. and Miss Archibald, Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. James Poss, Mrs. Alex. Begg, Mrs. Duncan Sinclair, Miss McTavish, Mrs. J. H. McTavish, Mrs. Dr. Bird, Mrs. B. P. Poss, Mrs. Ceo. Young, Miss A. Lewis, Miss J. Gunn, Mrs. Wm. Powand, Mrs. St. John, Mrs. Thomas Spence.

The Governor was attended by a guard of one hundred men of the Ontario Pities. The Parliament House was handsomely decorated, while Capt.Villiers, the Usher of the Black Pod, and Mr. de Plainval, as Sergeant-at-Arms, shone in all the resplendence of their court uniforms. The first opening of our Local Parliament has never since been equalled in this Province by any subsequent display* of the kind. The Manitoban, speaking of the event, says : " It could not be in any respect so grand or costly a display, or on " so large a scale as the capital of the Dominion can boast on such " an occasion, but it had a completeness and dignity which were " creditable to our young Province."

Hon. Jos. Royal was elected the first speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba. As we are not at present writing a history of Manitoba, and as the deliberations of our Legislative Assembly do not come within the limits of a history of the city, we will confine ourselves simply to a cursory glance here and there at the doings of the Legislature, when they have a bearing on the interests of Winnipeg.

The first customs seizure of goods, in Winnipeg, took place on the 23rd March, 1871. It appears that Mr. Alex. McArthur, a now worthy Alderman, had imported a quantity of merchandise, on which, for some reason, he declined to pay duty. Mr. Spencer who had not been idle since his arrival, in organizing the customs department, here, saw fit to differ with Mr. McArthur, and as the


latter gentleman had made preparations to resisl customs

officer, Mr. Spencer, called to his aid the services of the police

force. It is needless to say that Mi. Spencer gained his point. McArthur's store, on Main street, next to the Davis House, was carried by storm, and the seizure, under the Dominion custom's laws, was duly placed on record.

It is within our recollection, seeing a large party of explorers in the interest of the Northern Pacific, camp out in the neighborhood of St. ('loud, Minn., in 1868, and we further remember that same camp being overturned during the night by a violent thunderstorm. The explorers referred to, were visitingthe western prairies for the purpose of locating the tine of the Northern Pacific < >n duly 1st, 1870, the construction of the Northern Pacific was commenced at Thompson, a point 2:! miles west of Duluth, on the Duluth and Mississippi R. 11., and on the 4th March, 1871, the load was com- pleted, and the ears were running to Brainard. This was the near- est point, to which railways had reached in our direction, at the time we are now writing of, but, there was every hope that the railroad would reach the Red River before August of '71, and a line of boats was in process of construction, to run in the spring, in order to connect Winnipeg with the Northern Pacific R. R., as sqpn as that road reached the lied River.

As far hack as March, '71, steps were taken by individuals in Manitoba, to inaugurate a Colonization Aid Society, for the pur- pose of promoting French Canadian Immigration. The men, or some of them, who took the matter in hand then, have since done nobly in the work, as may be witnessed by the fact of our having so many French Canadian families living in our midst. Hon. Ins. lloyal and Mr. Dubuc were amongst the earliest promoters of the scheme. On the other hand we have to record many enter- prises, projected by individuals, which since then, have proved to be mere bubbles, for instance, we may mention one at this st " the North- West General Manufacturing and Investment Com- pany," which never came to a head.

Everything now indicated a great change about to take place in the commercial arrangements of the country. The fall brigade of carta sent to St. Cloud and Abercrombie, in the fall of '71, by our Win-


nipeg merchants, was destined to be the last of the kind ever sent from here to the United States. Messrs. Hill, Griggs & Co., of St. Paul, were busy making preparations for carrying on a transporta- tion business on the Red River, and the Hudson's Bay Company had decided to place their Steamer Int&rnodional, on the same route, as a general freight and passenger boat. Word was received by our merchants at the last moment, that the United States Gov- ernment would in future allow no more goods to pass through their territory, from Canada or Europe in bond, unless they were trans- ported by a regularly bonded hue. This suddenly deprived our merchants from being able to send their own carts, and as it was customary to make advances to freighters during the winter, to apply on their spring freights, some of our business men were rather embarrassed by the sudden change, they having already made advances when news of the change came. There is very lit- tle doubt that this was a bit of sharp practice on the part of J. J, Hill of St. Paul, for as it turned out in April, '71, when Hill, Griggs & Co.'s new Steamer, the Selkirk, was ready to start for Winnipeg, she was the only bonded boat on the river. The Hud- son's Bay Co.'s Steamer International was not bonded, and there- fore she was not in a position to accept freight ; the consequence was Hill and his partners secured all the first freight in the spring, much to the annoyance of our merchants, who were obliged to pay the extortionate rate^ of four dollars per 100 lbs., from St. Paul to Winnipeg. Up to this time the rate of freight from St. Cloud (near St. Paul) to Fort Garry by the carts, had been 1G s. sterling per 100 lbs., but, as most of this was paid in trade to the freighters, at almost 100 per cent, profit, it can easily be seen the venture of Hill, Griggs and Co. was a very disadvantage one to the merchants of Winnipeg. We will have occasion to r< - fer to this steamboat business again, but in the meantime, will pro- < ■■■-. «! with current topics.

Mr. G. l'». Spencer, on the 25th March, '71, sent Mr. J. F. Bradley, to open a Custom House at Pembina, in order to be pre- pared for the river trade in the spring.

About this time, a number of gentlemen formed a company fur the purpose of erecting a brewery, under the name of the Manito-


ba Brewery Co. Tenders were solicited for the erection of the necessary buildings at Silver Heights, the site chosen for the establishment. We also observe in the l>eginning of April, an advertisement, over the signature of Alex. Begg, Secretary of the Company, offering seed barley to the formers in order to encourage the production of malt in this country.

The first Good Templars' Soiree ever given in the Province was held in St. John's School, on the evening of the 28th March, L871, at which we observe addresses were delivered by Rev. Geo. Young, Rev. John Black, Mr. D. B. Whimster, Ensign Bell, (Ontario Rifles) and Mr. Stuart Mulvev. We also notice recitations were given by Mr. G. E. Fulthorpe, Mr. Deacon, and music on the bag- pipes by Mr. John Hackett.

We see about this time, an evident sign of prosperity in the busi- ness of J. H. Ashdown, for that gentleman, finding his trade in- creasing so rapidly, had to engage an assistant tinsmith.

In April, 1871, the Fire Engine Co. was revived, Mr. J. H. McTavish having ottered the use of the Company's Engine for the purpose. The following were elected on the 5th : Captain, Mr. Kilvington ; Lieutenant, Mr. Dawson; second Lieutenant, Mr. James Devlin ; Secretary, Mr. Simon Devlin; Treasurer, Mr. Geo. Young ; first Engineer, Mr. Marshall ; second Engineer, Mr. Cromarty ; tirst Branchman, Mr. Belleau. The Company was named " The X< n '-West Engine Company No. 1. The Company turned out for its first practice on the loth, and presented a tine appearance.

It was at this time that Mr. Thos. Lusted began to extend his business, and commenced to build buggies and light waggons; we hear of his importing a lot of spokes, felloes, hubs, and iron patent axles, the first importation of the kind ever brought into Red River.

< »n the 10th April, '71, Rev. Geo. Young commenced building operations on "Grace Church," the Rev. gentleman superintending the work himself. Rev. Mr. Young was a clergyman, peculiarly fitted for establishing a church in a new country, he was not afraid of work, and could have been seen, crow-bar in hand, as busy as any of the workmen, on the morning of the 10th April, assisting to move the heavy timbers used in the construction of the Church.

The first experiment of roofing with tin was made about this


time by Bannatyne & Begg, Mr. Jas. H. Ashdowu having taken the contract. The building covered was their store, now used as a china hall by Stobart, Eden & Co. Only the other day we saw one of Mr. Ashdown's numerous workmen renewing Mr. Ashdown's own work of nine years ago.

A grand farewell concert was given in the Theatre Royal, by the Ontario Rifles, on Wednesday evening, the 26th April, '71, un- der the patronage of Lieut. Col. Jarvis, C. M. G., and officers of the battalion, after which the following advertisements appeared in the papers.


" will be sold by public or private sale, the entire property of the "Theatre Royal, consisting of scenery, clothing, stores, shirts, " stove-pipes, candles, curtains, flannels, fringes, &c., &c. Also "about 1500 feet of lumber, mostly half dressed, on


"Parties wishing to buy privately, can do so by addressing or call- " im> on

" Serg. Major Coyne, ) , , , _ .

"Priv. D.Young, j Com. of Sale

Thus ended the Theatre Royal after a short but brilliant existence, during which it was the means of bringing the volunteers and citizens more closely together in the bands of friendship.

At this time when we are having so much excitement over the bridge question, it may be interesting to know that we had a Red River Bridge Company in 1871, but they never built a bridge, it was another [of the many bubbles.

On the 29th April, 1871, the steamer Selkirk, belonging to Hill, Griggs & Co., St. Paul, arrived here, commanded by Capt. Alex. Griggs. She was loaded to her burricaue decks with freight, and a few passengers. Through the exertions of Mr. Begg of the firm of Bannatyne & Begg, and by an arrangement made between him and Mr. 1). C. Kinsey, one of the owners of the Sel- kirk, that steamer landed her freight at the foot of Post-office Street. The firm of Bannatyne & Begg became the first warehousemen on the levee, and fitted up a building for the purpose, on the spot



where warehouse No. 6 stands at present. Mr. Begg employed Mr. C. N. Bell, who having left the Ontario Rifles, was looking about for something to do, to act as warehouse clerk. Mr. Begg then with the assistance of a horse and scraper, went to work and levelled the bank so as to facilitate the landing of freight, thus constructing the first levee in the city, and securing for the mer- chants of Winnipeg a landing at a more convenient point than Fort Garry. There was considerable grumbling however on the part of business men when they were obliged to pay the excessive rates of freight charged by Hill, Griggs & Co. It is said that the first load of freight brought to this country by the Selkirk almost paid for the entire cost of her construction. It was also discovered about this time that the steamer International, on account of not being properly bonded, would not lie allowed to run; and this feet, view- ed as a bit of sharp practice on the part of Hill, Griggs, threw the sympathy of the people entirely with the Hudson Bay Co. Mr. X. W. Kittson, of St. Paul, the Hudson's Kay Company's agent at St. Faul, however, assumed the ownership of the Internatii rial, and although she was delayed for sometime at Georgetown, wait- ing for bonded arrangements to be made, she finally succeeded, and at once went into competition with the Selkirk. She however did not arrive in "Winnipeg on her first trip from Georgetown, until 1st June, thus allowing the Selkir k to monopolize freights until that time.

Common lumber in the Spring of '71 sold S7<) per thousand, and dressed at $100, which made building rather expensive. Fresh meat was difficult to obtain ; the juices paid for very indifferent oxen being from $100 to $110.

Mr. A. 17. Gerald and Henry Cotu were the first butchers in Winnipeg, but very shortly they were followed by others, as soon as Winnipeg began to increase in sjze. Mr. George, Findlay, of the Quebec Rifles, on obtaining his discharge, opened a shop at Dev- lin's hotel, a little south of where Dufour & Co's auction mart is to-day. Mr. Henry McDermott and Mr. Alex. Logan (ourpn 9< nt mayor), were the first to bring in a drove of cattle to this country, a step which soon resulted in bringing down the price of fresh meat.


The first effort made to establish an Insurance Agency in this city, was by the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, in May, '71, but they never succeeded to any extent.

On the 10th May, '71, Mr. Ellwood surveyed Main Street, from near Grace Church to the Court House, for the purpose of oradino- it. He acted under instructions from the Local Government. The street was then graded to a width of 32 feet, leaving one rod on each side for sidewalks. The roadway was cambered, with a curve of 3 feet in the centre, and sloping sides. Post Office Street was also graded, and furnished with two culverts and tap drains. This was the commencement of street making in Winnipeg but we had no sidewalks to speak of at that time.

Messrs. Billy Smith (now of the Portage) and Mr. McLean, were it may be said the pioneer flat-boatmen of Winnipeg, although others had been in the business before them ; but they were the first to make it a regular and extensive undertaking. Manv mer- chants availed themselves of the opportunity, until finally Hat- boating on the lied Paver became a very favorite method for bring- ing in supplies from the United States.

The first General Quarterly Court held in Winnipeg since the Hudson's Bay Company's sway, sat on the 16th May, '71, Judge Johnson presiding. Mr. John Sutherland (now Hon. John Suther- land) was then sheriff, and Mr. Thomas Bunn clerk of the court. The first Grand Jury in the Province of Manitoba, were then sworn in as follows : Alexander Begg, foreman, Messrs. John Gunn, Nor- bert Laronce, Malcolm Gumming, Wm. Henderson, D. Capulet, Bte. Bruce, Wm. Johnston, A. Johnston, 1). Harcus, M. Mclver Bte. Boyer, W. Garrioch, Geo. McKay, Frs. Jamot.

The court had hardly been established when we found several lawyers advertising their cards: Royal&Dubuc, James Ross, M.A., and 1). M. Walker. The advent of these legal gentlemen, (for they were soon followed by more), was the commencement of the misery of the people of Winnipeg.



Fibst Parliament of Manitqba Emptt Chartebs Ruins Staoi Coach Road Agents Liveky Lk Metis— Kittson Link Mimic Wak Saw Mills Building Operations- -Point Douglas GBAC1 Chikch Court House Penitentiary Exfedi riON Men— Bricks— Lav tee Bain Dominion Day, 1871 Death of Mr. Hill Saddleri Coal oil and Crinoline— The "Liberal" Obangemen School Tbustbsi Post Office Live Millers A Smashing Trade— A Bread-Basest Life Insurance Provincial Agricultural Asbociai ion Attoe- nky-Genekal Clarke Distinguished America Yankee Editobs Dissipation Prosperity Soiree Rebellion Losses Beef Muttoe Lacrosse— Soda Wateb A Horse Leech Van's Debut— Medicos The Hammer In Memobiam— Farmer Brown Fire Insurance New Industries Fenian Raid— Absence of Carnage Bucolic Mani- toba — Paint Thanksgiving Immigration The Schoolmaster Abroad Dramatic Dissolution— Col. Osbobne Smith— Lieut.-Gov- ernor Denounced St. Andrew's Society.

On the 3rd May, 1871, the first session of the First Parliament of Manitoba was closed by His Honor Governor Archil 'aid. Among the acts passed, the following had reference to the indus- tries of the country, " An act to incorporate the North-West Gen- " eral Manufacturing and Investment Co. of Manitoba," (neverpro- ceeded with.) " An act to incorporate the Manitoba Brick and " Pottery Company." " An act to incorporate the Manitoba •■ Brewing Co," (both of which were practically carried on after- wards.) " An act to incorporate the Red River Bridge Com- " pany." " An act to incorporate the Western Railway of " Manitoba," (neither of which ever existed, except on paper) The members of the Brick and Pottery Company went to a great deal of expense in bringing machinery from Chicago, which, how- ever, proved useless for our clay. The company afterwards manufactured hand-made brick, having been obliged to abandon their expensive machinery.

On the 28th of May, 71, a large portion of the wall of Fort Garry, just in front of where the present store is, tumbled over, Leaving a huge gap. Instead of rebuilding it, the Hudson's I5ay Company re-arranged their retail establishment, so as to give it a


frontage direct on Main Street, as it is to-day. They also made very extensive improvements on the interior of the store, evincing a disposition to keep even with the times.

About this time, Captain 11. Blakely, of the firm of Blakely & Carpenter, proprietors of the Minnesota Stage Company, visited Winnipeg for the purpose of arranging for a stage line between Pembina and Winnipeg, to connect with the route south of the boundary. Through the efforts of A. G-.JB. Bannatyne, the post- master, he succeeded in making arrangements by which he secured the carrying of the mails to and from the East, and, therefore, con- cluded to stock the road this side of Pembina, to run a stage and express line, which he expected to have on the highway by August.

The Hrst livery stable in the city was established in May, '71, by our friend William Harvey, who is still in the business. Jack Benson, at that time, was a prominent member of the Mounted Police force, under the command of Captain Villiers.

The initial number of the French weekly newspaper Le Metis. appeared on the 27th of May, '71. It was published by Mr. Jos. Royal.

The Inteivnational now commenced her regular trips, dating from the 1st June, and so irritated were the merchants at the owners of the Selkirk, that ere long M. Kittson found that the greater portion of the freight to this country passed through his hands, while the Hill Griggs boat ran with light loads. This con- tinued until, finally, Hill, Griggs & Co., apparently, sold out to Kittson, although, as it afterwards appeared, they merely amalga- mated to get rid of the odium attached to them. Thus was com- menced the famous Kittson line, which every year afterwards added new Ik Kits to their fleet, until they became a wealthy and powerful corporation, and almost unassailable monopoly.

On the 3rd of June a disgraceful affair occurred opposite the I>avis House, which, we are happy to say, was about the last open expression of ill-feeling between the volunteers and French half- breeds. It appears that a brother of Ambrois Lepine with a few companions got into a dispute with some volunteers and others while drinking in the Davis House. The dispute ended in blows,

:34 TEK vi;ai:s l.\ WINNIPEG.

and in a moment Lepine and lii> friends found themselves ejected into the street. Then a miniature battle took place; the half- breeds were joined by some sympathisers, and the volunteers and their friends issued from tin; Davis House. Sticks, chairs, boots, bottles, and hard land in chunks tlew in every direction, and several of the party were seriously injured, iimmi^t whom was L-pii,.-. who had his head cut open by a blow from a fence board in th^ hands of his assailant. The melee lasted only a few minutes when it was put an end to by the police before any serious consequence resulted. On the 31st May, 1871, we have to chronicle the arrival of our friends \Y. Banning and W. R. Dick, who have since then become famous as mill-owners in this city. Building operations were now being prosecuted with vigor by several of the citizens of Winnipeg, Mr. A. G-. B. Bannatyne commenced the tine residence in which he now resides. Mr. J. H. Ashdown, rinding his premises too small on Post Office Street, erected a store for himself on Main Street. This building was moved not long since to give place to Ashdown's brick block. The size of Mr. Ashdown's premises erected in 1871 was 20 x 40, two storeys; it was Hat roofed ami covered with tin. Our present city clerk, erstwhile of A. M. Brown & Co., erected what was then considered a very Hue building for the business of the firm. These premises were afterwards enlarged and occupied by C. W. Radiger «.v I ho. Messrs. Higgin-, Lyon and Davis made improvements in their buildings on Main Street. Mr. F. Gingras completed his private residence, where it stands to-day by itself, opposite Stobart, Eden & Co's. Dr. C. J. Bird built the dwelling now occupied by Dr. Cowan, and Mr. Strang finished a neat house for himself in rear of F. Gingras' dwelling. At Point Douglas a number of houses were erected, amongst others we may notice those of Hon. J. Sutherland, Messrs. Alex. Sutherland, jr.; Quarter-Master Armstrong, Mr. \V. <>. Fonseca, Mr. Win. Logan, and Mr. -T. Hackett. In the meantime the erection of Grace Church was progressing rapidly. The building was 30x50, with a lecture room or vestry behind 18xlH>. It was ornamented with eight stained glass windows, and a neat vestibule adorned the main entrance. A spire crowned the roof of the church, and altogether it gave promise of being a credit to the city


and the Rev. Geo. Young, who worked so assiduously to provide a suitable place of worship for his people. Rev. Mr. Young had built a neat parsonage adjoining the church in which he held services until such time as Grace Church should be completed. The building used at the time as the Court House and Jail was found to be altogether inadequate for the purposes for which it was intended, especially in regard to the safe keeping of prisoners. Arrangements were therefore made by the Government with the Hudson's Bay Co., by which a building at the Stone Fort was rented for a Gaol, and Mr. S. L. Bedson, of the Quebec Rifles, the present efficient War- den of the Provincial Penitentiary at Stoney Mountain, was placed in charge as Governor of the institution.

Mr. John Hackett was the first baker in Winnipeg, and having it all his own way for a time, did a thriving business.

We have now to chronicle another step in the right direction made by postmaster Bannatyne. In June, '71, he had boxes ar- ranged in the Post Office, for the use of merchants and others, and the work was very creditably done dy Mr. G. H. Kelland, who is at present carrying on a carpenter and builder's business in the log building near the Temperance Hall.

The volunteers of the 1st and 2nd Battalions who did not wish to remain in the North West, returned at the expense of the Do- minion Government to Canada, about the middle of June, '71. They went by the way of Thunder Bay and Lake Superior.

A Mr. Spice, about this time, stalled a brick yard, close to the Main Road (now Main Street), behind Mr. E. Shore's store, a little north of the City Hall. He made an excellent sample of brick, but for some reason did not continue long in the business. Dr. Schultz erected some small compact buildings of brick, behind his then store ; the same being at present occupied by auctioneer's stands, and occupying rooms on the second story of one of these buildings, we find, about the latter end of June, '71, our friend Mr. John F. Bain established in the law business. Mr. Bain from the first, took a leading position as a lawyer, and has continued to hold the same ever since. C


Here is a notice regarding storage charges in '71 :


"All goods landed on our wharf will hereafter be subject to a charge "cf 8c. per lOOlbs.

" Lf not taken away at the end of three days, 5c. storage in ad- " dition will be charged.

" Immigrant's goods and chattels free, unless stored by request.

" Winnipeg, June 14, 1871.*'

The firsl celebration of Dominion Day was conducted in Winni- peg as follows :

"1871. DOMINION DAY. 1871.


"The Anniversary of the Dominion of Canada willbe celebrated in "THE TOWN OF WINNIPEG,


" By Horse Races, Trotting Matches, Running Matches, foot Itaces, " Standing Jumps, Running Jumps, High Leap, Sack and Blind- "fold Race, Climbing the Greasy Pole, Putting the Stone. Quoits, a •• Cricket Match, Foot Ball, Throwing the Sledge, etc

"$500 OF PRIZES "will be distributed. The Firemen will process by Torchlight in "in the evening. Music*during the day.


A very sad event took place on the 4th of. Inly, '71, which casl a gloom over the whole JProvince. We refer to the death of Mr. G. W. Hill, Private Secretary of Lieut. Governor Archibald, who by his kind and geirial^manners, had won thegood-will and res nf all those with whom he came in contact. His body was found about half a mile above Silver Heights, with a pistol woundin the forehead, and in his right hand was grasped a revolver, with two chambers discharged. By the side of the body lay Mr. Hill's hat and walking-cane, and also a cigar half-smoked. The cause which drove the iuifortunate][man to commit the terrible deed is unknown, although there were several surmises current at the time. His untimely end was much deplored in the Province, as during his short stay Mr. Hill had made a host of friends.


The fourth of July, '71, was duly celebrated by the American

residents of Winnipeg. A salute of thirteen guns was tired oppo- site the U. S. Consulate in the afternoon, and shortly afterwards, Consul J. W. Taylor delivered an eloquent address to a crowd of people on Main Street, in front of Gingras' store; and in the eve- ning a grand excursion took place on the International, which had been kindly placed at the disposal of of the excursionists by Mr. J. H. McTavish. Mr. Gr. W. Hill took part in this excursion, and appeared in the best of spirits. He must have committed the rash act which resulted in his death, shortly after his return to the Governor's residence, which then was at Silver Heights,

The first saddler and harness-maker in Winnipeg was Mr. Robt, Stalker, who carried on his business for a time in one of McDer- mott's buildings on Post Office Street. He removed however after a while to Headingly and was succeeded by Mr.Arch. Wright. The latter gentleman, like Mr. Ashdown, suffered in his business during Kiel's reign, by being made a prisoner and incarcerated in Fort Carry, but after his release from prison, he made up for lost time. He was a most industrious and careful man, and rapidly built up a business which has been increasing ever since, and to- day he can boast of employing a number of skilled hands, and of turning out work equal to any to be found in the Dominion.

While business was on the increase in the town of Winnipeg, there were several flourishing stores at Point Douglas, amongst which we may name those of W. G. Fonseca and E. L. Barber ; in fact times in that classic quarter were much more lively then than they are to-day. In connection with Mr.Fonseca, we may men- tion that he was the first merchant in Red Paver settlement to im- port coal oil and lamps, as well as hoop skirts. Tin's first con- signment of coal oil sold at $5 per gallon, and a common glass lamp sold at the same figure, while, even at these prices, Mr. F. could not supply the demand. He had some difficulty in introdu- cing his hoop skirts, as in those early days, the ladies looked on them with suspicion, and as a questionable novelty, and could hardly be persuaded to wear them.

On the 11th duly, '71, the Manitoba Liberal appeared. It was a paper a little larger than the Manitoban, and a decided improve-


ment cm the little News Letter in every respect Mr. Stewart Mulvey was the editor, anil the paper was published bya company of subscribers in the Province. It was ogvn the Local Qnvem-

meat, and at the commencement had a set-to with the Manitoban.

The Orangemen, on the 12 th, celebrated their anniversary, I. 1307, Mi'. Stewart Mulvey, master, mustering some 75 to 80 mem- beis nil that occasion.

On Tuesday, the 18th July, Messrs. Stewart Mulvey, W. G. Fonseca and Arch. Wright were elected the first School Trustees in Winnipeg. The Custom Eouse about this time was removed to one of Mr. McDermott's large buildings, lately occupied by Miss Bannatyne as a school, and there it remained till the present Custom House was built.

The Queen's Hotel, since known as Cronn's Home, was now opened by Messrs. Sinclair & Adams, and was a papular place of resort for some time. Towards the end of July Mr. Dewe, Posl Office Inspector, paid his first visit to Manitoba for the purpos organizing the Department in this Province. He performed his work thoroughly, and left our mail arrangements in a much better state than they were when he arrived.

Messrs. Cbisholm and Bubar were our first real live millers, for having rented McDermott's mill near the foot of Post Office Street, they ran it in a way to astonish people, especially old Mr. McDerrmott.

Messrs. A. M. Brown & Co. having completed their new >t opened out a very tine stock of dry goods, groceries and liquors and carried on what might be termed a smashing trade. Mr. Thomas Lusted had the honor of turning out the first bakers waggoo ever driven in Manitoba, and Mr. John Hackett was the owner thereof. It created a sensation, but Mr. Hackett, while basking in the sun of popular admiration at his bread box on wheels, nearly had his shop burned down over his ears. A scarcity of water on that occasion rendered the fire engine useless, but willing hands with buckets in them did good service, and the breadshop was saved. We observe in 1871 an advertisement of the iEtna Life Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn., with R. Simpson agent for Manitoba,


but it is strange how backward our Canadian offices were in operating in this country.

The Manitoba Provincial Agricultural Association held their first meeting on the 1st August, 1871, when the following officers were elected : G. B. Spencer, President ; Hon. Jas. McKay, 1st Vice- President; W. B. Hall, 2nd Vice-President; J. 8. Lynch, M. D., Secretary ; and John Taylor, Headingley, Treasurer. Patron, His Honor Lieut. -Gov. Archibald. We have neglected to mention a noted place of resort, namely, Garrett's Hotel, which was the log house situated this side of Houde's Hotel. It was kept by one Garrett, who in the early days of Winnipeg was something of a lawyer, doctor and stump orator, though with all his versatility of genius never possessing much influence amongst his fellow settlers.

A discreditable occurrence took place on the arrival of Attorney- General Clarke, from a visit to Canada, which although disgrace- ful in itself, at the same time showed clearly the estimation in which Mr. Clarke was held at that time by a number of ex-volun- teers from Ontario. As we have already mentioned it was thought by many that Mr. Clarke was over severe and unjust towards the volunteers, and so strong indeed was this feeling that Mr. Clarke on several occasions was forcibly reminded of it in public and par- ticularly so in this instance. A large crowd went to the boat and hooted and yelled upon his making his appearance, with his revolver in his hand. A number of his friends, however, crowded round him and accompanied him as a bodyguard from the steamer to the Custom House, where a posse of American editors were being entertained by the townspeople. Mr. Clarke, whilst theidol of the French at that time, was most unpopular amongst the greater portion of the Ontario people.

When Mr. Clarke departed for Montreal, on the 12th May, it was feared by some, that lie was in danger of bodily harm, and steps were taken to protect him, but in this connection we may re- mark, that Mr. Clarke throughout all these difficulties, faced the music like a man, and there is no record, of the slightest display of cowardice on bis part on any occasion. The Liberal of the day attacked him for showing bis revolver, which, if not altogether, be fitting in a misister of the crown, and Attorney General, finds sonic


palliation in the fact that he was in danger at the hands of the mob. Yet Mr. Clarke recently contested Rockwood essentially an Ontario Constituency. Such La life '. The editorial party which visited this city in '71, contained some very distinguished literarj men, amongst whom we may mention Bayard Taylor, of X. Y. Tribune, Chas. A. Dana, of X. Y. Sun, J. ('. Evans, X. Y. World, I-'. C. Bowman, N. Y. Herald, Governor Brosa and J. H. Harper, of Harper Bros., Consul Taylor, who did all in his power to entertain his friends, succeeded in obtaining for them a hearty reception. The stay of the American Editors though a short one, was at the same time pleasant. The old Custom House resounded with speeches, songs, and the explosion of champagne corks, until our friends from the union, were forced to acknowledge that " we were undeniahly a set of jolly good fellows", which they did in a manner, decidedly refreshing.

About the 12th August, '71. Mr. Ashdown, removed into his store, on Main street, which at that time, was regarded as hardly central enough for trade, but which to-day is graced by the finest business blocks in Winnipeg.

The "Theatre Royal" was now fitted up as an immigrant house, by the Government, and Victor Beaupre placed in charge.

A. M. Brown & Co' continued adding to their premises, and Dr. Schultz bo erect brick buildings in the neighborhood of where Brouse's Hotel now is.

A brother of M. Moberly, the present engineer of the South Western Railway, had for some time been organizing and outfit- ting a Canadian Pacific exploring party, to proceed to the Rocky Mountains, ami report on the best route tor the C. I'. R. A few friends assembled at the Queen's Motel, to give him a farewell dinner. There were present Mr. C. B. Spencer in the chair, and on tin- right of the chairman sat M. Moberly, and on the left Consul -I. W.Taylor. Dr. Schultz occupied the vice-chair, and among the guests were Col. Griggs, of St. Paul, Mr. Bradley, of the Custom House, Pembina, Mssrs. A. M. Brown, C, W. Radiger, Stewart Mulvey, Alex. Begg, and others.

On the L5th August, Judge Johnson commenced an investiga-


tion of claims for Rebellion losses, which resulted happily for some, and Dr. Schultz in particular.

The importation of beef cattle from the United States had now commenced in earnest, for we hear of the Hudson's Hay Company importing 210 head in August.

The Scott Centenary was not forgotten in Winnipeg, for, on the 22nd August, 1871, a large assemblage of Winnipeggers sat down down to a splendid supper in the Queen's- Hotel. The chair was occupied by A. G. B; Bannatyne, Esq., and addresses were de- livered by the chairman, Messrs. Dr. O'Donnell, E. Cunningham, J. W. Taylor, W. Drever, G. B. Spencer, and others. Mr. Alex. Murray, during 1871, imported several lots of sheep from the States, one of his flocks amounting to 180 head. It was estimated that there were, at that time, between 5,000 and 6,000 sheep in the settlement, and the erection of a woollen mill was spoken of. The Prince Rupert's Lacrosse Club was organized in the latter part of August, President, Sergeant ( 'hampion (now of Merchants Bank) ; vice, George McGinn ; field captain, J. Thurston ; secre- tary an 1 treasurer, Col. -Sergeant Roberts ; and on the 24th, the anniversary of the occupation of Fort Garry by the British troops, was celebrated by a dinner at the Queens. The first soda-water fountain imported into the country was brought in by Dr. C. J. Bird, and set in operation in his drug store, where Dr. Cowan now re- sides. In September, our friend, W. F. Alloway, set up Business for himself, as a veterinary surgeon, the first of that useful profes- sion in this city.

The first stage arrived in Winnipeg, on Monday, the 11th Sep- tember, L871, bringing six passengers, amongst whom was the Hon. M. A. Girard. The first arrangement was a tri-weekly stage, and this new departure was considered a great boon to the Winni- peg travelling public. Mr. Alexander Begg was the first stage and express agent in Winnipeg, ami continued in charge until re- lieved by our good-natured fellow-citizen "Van." Mr. Begg wa.3 not at all sorry to resign in Van's favor, as in those days it \va.^ a case of being up till midnight, waiting fur the arrival of s and at four in the morning to start it off with mails and ] i s sengers.


We have inadvertently neglected to mention that I>r. O'Donnell commenced his now extensive practice in this city, immediately after the Rebellion, in fact he was Liberated from prison by Riel for the purpose of attending some patients, and soon afterwards Dr. Campbell was added to the list of practitioners, but did not remain l< ng. We then find Drs. Turver and Pare established here, neither of whom are at present in Manitoba. Mr. Fonseca was succeeded in the auctioneer business by M. Lyster Hayward, and we find a Mr. Jones opening an opposition establishment t<> Mr. J. H. Ashdown. We have now to chronicle an event which i - gloom over a large number of our towns-people, We refer t<> the death of James Uoss, Esq., a man who had a large circle of friends in the Province, and who had identified himself in many way- with the progress of the country. His death was a great loss to the community.

On Sunday, the 17th September, 1871, the dedication of (• Church took place, the morning and evening services being eon- ducted by Rev. George Young, and those in the afternoon by Rev. M. Robinson, of High Bluff. Messrs. Dawson & (Gard- ner were the builders, M. Scheick doing the plastering work. Many of our readers will not have forgotten the snug reading-room of Mr. R. Simpson on Post Office Street which was in full blast about this time, and the little card parties, &C, which took place there in the evenings will long he remembered by a few of our citizens. Mr. James Henderson now appeared upon the scene as the first manufacture]- of fins in Winnipeg, in which business he continued to engage lor some time. A meeting was called towards the end of September by R. Cunningham to take into consideration the necessity for a tire insurance in the town, The meeting was held in the Custom House, when a great deal of talking was done and a variety of resolutions passed, in which it was decided that ompanybe based upon the proprietary principle. Th< a pita! was limited at $100,000 and a committee formed to regulate the issue of stock. Nothing ever came of this effort however, alt!

woe men of large capital interested in the matter, fi r, like many of the early schemes in this city, it ended in >m .ike a fitting tribute toa fire insurance company. A general store - ness


was started about this time at Point Douglas by Sutherland & Gunn,

and Mr. W. Palmer Clarke made a commencement in trade in the town proper.

We now come to the great event of 1871, which threw the whole Province into a state of excitement unequalled by anything since the rebellion. We refer to the Fenian invasion of that year. Several rumors had been afloat respecting suspicious movements of the Fenians on the other side of the boundary, in which O'Donohue, of rebellion fame, seemed to be implicated, but little attention, was paid to these reports. At last word came that the H. B. Co.'s post at Pembina had been taken, and immediately a Governor's proclamation was issued over the signa- ture of Hon. Thos. Howard, Provincial Secretary, calling upon the inhabitants to rally round the flag, and enroll themselves as volun- teers. The appeal was answered to nobly, and in a short spare of time a number of recruits answered to the roll call, and marched for the frontier under command of Mayor Irvine. We have not space to give full particulars of this raid, but we cannot help recording the alacrity with which young men and old turned out to defend the Province. Gilbert McMieken, Esq., the newly appointed Lands Agent, arrived in the midst of this excitement a\A having had considerable experience in counteracting Fenian invasions in other parts of Canada his services were at once secured, and his experience in such matters proved of value. The conduct of Col. Wheaton, the American officer at Pembina, in putting a stop to the whole affair by arresting O'Xeil and O'Donohue at the H. B. Co.'s ] >< tst, i-; w< >rthy of great praise. A str< »ng feeling existed at the time that this Fenian scare was only a prelude to another rebellion on the part of the French, but this to a certain degree was contradicted by the fact that the French in a body tendered their services to Governor Archibald. The only fault to be found was that they were rather late in coming to the front. Kiel was at the head of these French volunteers, and fault was found with Governor Archi- bald for having shaken hands and buried the hatchet with the ex-President of the rebellion. We must say, however, that then- was too much of a disposition at the time, to throw discredit on the feelings and intentions of our French neighbors, and whatever


may have been the portion of truth or falsehood in the rumors afloat at the time, it behoves us as historians to give them the full credit of their outward arts, which undoubtedly evidenced a dis- position of loyalty. The capture of O'Neil and O'Donohue pul an end to tlic raid, during which, although then- was much excitement, there was do blood .spilt. The first Provincial Agricultural Exhi- bition of the Province, which opened on the 4th ( October, was almosl a failure on account of the Fenian diversion, although there were about 500 entries, and many of the articles exhibited fully equal to those of any other part of the Dominion.

Messrs. Haines & Burling now opened up an opposition harness shop to Arch. Wright, and Thomas Lusted removed his waggon shop from the town to Point Douglas, where at present his resi- dence stands.

R. 1'. Meade, who was the first painter who regularly started business in Winnipeg, was now followed by Messrs. Kilmington & McCabe in that line. Mr. Farquharson, however, had done some very fine fancy painting, in the houses of several of the settlers previous to Mr. Meade's time, but he did not pursue the business regularly, although a very Hue workman.

Governor Archibald, on the L3th of October, issued a proclama- tion thanking the people of the Province for their loyal conduct in turning out so readily to resist the Fenians.

Mr. .1. A. X. Provencher arrived in Winnipeg during October, '71, as Immigration Agent for the Dominion.

< )n the olst October, '71, a new school was opened at Point Douglas, and our first real live schoolmaster was Mr. Luxton. It's not on record that the boys found him a severe taskmaster. Here is what the Manitoban, of the 28th, says on the subject : "The •■ Winnipeg Public School will he opened, on Monday, at Point ■■ Douglas. Mr. Luxton, we understand, will conduct the institu- •• tion, and. with such a principal, we augur well for its sue - During the autumn an amateur dramatic club was formed, with the following officers ; Mr. L <i. Plainvai, director; W.Jones, stage manager; J. McD. Sweetman, treasurer; Frank Clarke, - - retary. The Manitoban, finding its premises too small, moved into a larger building on the same street, and the Post-Office was


enlarged by moving into the end of the building just vacated by the ManUoban.

Out of seeming evil, still educing good, is an old saying, and it proved to be correct in the case of the Fenian raid, for, on the strength of that little excitement, the Dominion Government de- cided to despatch another military expedition to Manitoba, much to the satisfaction of our towns-people, who naturally anticipated increased impetus to trade.

In the beginning of November, 1871, the firm of Bannatyne & Begg dissolved, after a partnership in which, next to the Hudson's Bay Company, they had done the largest business in the North- West. In addition to a large fur-trading department, they carried on an extensive general business, and largely supplied the Gov- erment surveyors with their outfits. The first supplies furnished for the C. P. 11. came from their establishment, and several of our merchants now, when they were commencing business life in this city, were indebted for aid and countenance to the old firm of Ban- natyne i Begg.

Lieut. -Colonel W. Osborne Smith, C. M. G., now came amongst us for the first time as Deputy Adjutant-General, commanding No, 10 Military District (Manitoba.)

At this time, there were a number of people in Winnipeg who took every opportunity to denounce Governor Archibald, and mat- ters finally became so unpleasant, that it was generally believed that lie would not remain long in the Province, and names of several public men were mentioned as his probable successor, amongst others that of Hon. Alexander Morris, who did eventually succeed him.

On Tuesday, 7th November, '71, the St. Andrew's Society in this city was formed, the following gentlemen being the first officers :

President -Donald A. Smith; 1st Vice A. G. B. Bannatyne; 2nd Vice A. M. Brown; Secretary b P. Bain; Treasurer J. J. Hargrave; Chaplain Rev. John Black; Piper I. W. Hackett.

The Manitoba College was opened on the 16th October, with the Rev. John Bryce as Principal and Professor.



The Second Expedition Capt. Scoit-" Shake " Liverymen Mass Meetings— Government Denounced— Isolated Risks— St. Andrew's Day- Lord Gordon— First Telegram— Assistant Receiver-General Legal Hon. Jno. Norquay Thirsty Soul Generous Winnipeg- gers Point Douglas Lots— Charters ah Nauseam Law v


Jos. Royal " Trade Review" In Extremis— Incorporation "Box \m, Cox " Bubbles Parliamentary —Evangelistic Froth Water Works New Industries Bricks and Mortar— The "Spheres" Bitter Beer— " Gazette " and "Trade Review "—Cabinet Ci W. Murdoch, ('. E. Fonseca's Museum— High Art St. Patrick's Day Begg's Magnanimity— W. J. Macaulay Pilgrims ture Ladies' School— Registry Office I. H. Ashdown —Cabby— Governob Archibald St. George's Society— Express— " Van" German i a A Live Banker Hill, Griggs k <'o. Music- New Citizens " l> and s." Building Enterprise— Rifle Association Hoppers Imports Hon. Alexander Morris- -Convivialities W. F. Luxton Red River .'inks Dominion Elections— Riots.

Od the 18th November, 1871, the Second Expedition of Volun- teers from Canada arrived in Winnipeg. Captain Scott our pre- sent member for the city) was in command of the men from Col- lingwood to this place, and from every source the highest encomi- ums were paid this officer, for the ability he displayed in the dis- charge of his difficult duties. He brought the expedition through in excellent style, and the volunteers were loud in their pi of their leader. On the arrival of the troops, they were welc by the citizens and presented with an address, signed by John McGregor, Wm. F. Luxton, R. A. Davis, W. Palmer Clarke, J. Spencer Lynch and others.

About this time, our friend, J. II. Benson, opened his livery Stable, in a small way at first, it is true, but he was nut very long before he had t<i extend his premises. Tin- building which he first, used was the old log stable now occupied by Geo. Kellond carpenter shop on the east side of Temperance Hall. Mr. Benson came to this country in charge of the voyageurs with the first ex- I tion, and. afterwards, was sergeant of the Mounted Police, and


acting captain of the same when ont on active duty. To look at his fine stables to-day, one can judge that by close attention to business he has succeeded wonderfully.

Winnipeg has ever been notorious for mass meetings, but in its early days the slightest pretext was sufficient for some one to call the citizens together, to indulge very often in nothing but bun- combe. On the 4th of November, a meeting took place for the. purpose of denouncing the Governmenr of the day, which was pretty much of a farce.

Messrs. J. & D. McVicar about this time moved their store to Point Douglas, and, for a while, carried on a large business there.

The Isolated Risk Insurance Co. is the first fire office which ever did any business of importance in Manitoba. Its risks were, however, chiefly taken in the country. This company established an agency in this Province, under the management of Arch. Young, about the middle of November, '71.

The first celebration of St. Andrew's Day, in Winnipeg, took place on the 30th November, '71. Services were conducted by Rev, John Black in the afternoon, and in the evening a large number of gentlemen sat down to dinner in the hall over Mr. Boyd's store. Amongst those present, we may mention Messrs. A. G. B. Ban- natyne, A. M. Brown, J. F. Bain, Major Gerraghty, Capt. Scott, Rev. Mr. Bryce, Attorney-General Clarke, Hon. Dr. O'Donnell, Hon. Mr. Royal, Mr. Palmer Clarke, Mr. Spencer, Dr. Bird, R. Cunningham, and others, John Hackett, as usual on such occa- sions appearing in complete Highland costume, with his pipes going full blast.

Towards the end of the year mass meetings were being held everywhere, by parties wishing for a dissolution of Parliament, petitions on the subject were sent to the Lieutenant-Governor, and mass meetings were called to hear His Honor's reply. It was, in fact, a mass meeting age, but nothing of importance came of it.

Our readers will be presented, later on in this work, with a sketch of the career of Lord Gordon in Manitoba. In 1871 the American press reported that the Northern Pacific Railway Company had


sold Lord Gordon a large trad of land on their line, 180 rni U->< west of iMiluth, for the purpose of bringing out, and settling there- on, a number of Scotch families. This was the biggest sell of the century.

(»n the 20th November, the telegraph line via Pembina, from the east, was completed to this city, and on that day the following

!. Bpatch and answer were the first messages to pass over the wires:

" Fort Garry, Nov, 20, 1871.

Jii</ht Hon. Lord Liagar, Governor-General of Canada.

" The first telegraphic message from the heart of the continent "may appropriately convey, on the part of our people, an expres- sion of devout thankfulness to Almighty God for the close of our "isolation from the rest of tin.- world. This message announces "that close as its receipt by Your Excellency will attest it. The " voice of Manitoba, collected this morning on the banks of the " Assiniboine, will be heard, in a few hours, on the hank- of the " Ottawa, and we may hope before the day closes that the words "df Your Excellency's reply, spoken at the capital of the Dominion, "will he listened to at Fort Garry. We may now count in hours "the work that used to occupy weeks. 1 congratulate Your Ex- "cellency on the facility so afforded in the discharge of your high " duties, so tar as they concern the Province. I know I can better "discharge my own, when at any moment 1 may appeal to Your " Lordship for advice and assistance.

"(Signed; Adams G. Archibald."

To the above despatch, the following reply was sent: "To Lieutenant-Governor Archibald, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

"I received your message with great satisfaction. The comple- tion of the telegraph line to Fort Garry is an auspicious event. •• It forms a ire-hand most important link between tin- Ei - " Province- and the North-West, and is a happy augury for the " future, inasmuch as it gives proof of the energy with which the - Union wisely effected of Her Majesty's North American pos-

•■ ions, enables progress and civilization to be advanced in dif-

nt, and far distant portions of the Dominion. I congratulate " the inhabitants of Manitoba on the event, and join heartily in " your thanksgiving. " (Signed Lisgar."


Mr. H. MeDougall lias been in cliarge of the telegiupb office; in this city from its establishment until now.

The Dominion Land's office, Assistant Receiver-General's office and office of Inspector of Surveys were opened about this time in tli 3 building now occupied by the Standard Printing Company. Mr. Gilbert McMicken was the gentleman in charge.

Another charter for a railroad was now applied for, viz., to build a railway in either wood or iron, from the hake of the Woods to Fort Garry. That road is not in existence yet.

An increase in the legal fraternity of the city took place at this time in the shape of an amalgamation under the name and style of Walker, Thibadeau & Howard, consisting of I). M.Walker, W. B. Thibadeau, and Rice M. Howard.

On the 16th Dec, 1871, the announcement of the resignation of Hon. Alfred Boyd as Minister of 1'ublir Works was made, and at the same time the acceptance of the position by Hon. John Norquay, Mr. Boyd gave as one of his reasons for retiring from the Cabinet, his desire to make way for a representative of the English half- breeds in the Government. The presence of Mr. Norquay in the Cabinet added strength to it, and from that day to this no Govern- ment formed in Manitoba has been found strong without the presence of Hon. Mr. Norquay in it. From his first start in political life John Norquay has shown himself to be an aide politician, a sound reasoner, and straightforward man in business. When he tripped Attorney-General Clarke at the commencement of the first parliament of Manitoba, in the matter of election petitions, he unmistakably showed himself to be a man of discernment and ability. Mr. Clarke wished to reject the petitions of Hugh Pritchard, against Dr. Bird, and Dr. Schultz against D. A. Smith, on account of certain informalities, but Mr. Norquay contended that they should be received on the ground that it was not the form but the substance of the petitions the House had to deal with in order tod i justice. Mr. Clarke, seeing that Mr. Norquay had the sympathy of the House, at once gave way, and from that day till now our present Premier has steadily gained ground in popular opinion, until to-day no man stands higher than he in political Manitoba.


As our population increased so * 1 i « i the thirsty soul.-, and, there- fore, Messrs. Mclntyre & Melvor established the White Saloon in L871, and did a big and paying business. Our citizens in those days were as liberal as they are now, a collection in aid of the sufferers from the Chicago fire in Dec., 1 S7 1 being a proof of what we 3ay. In that list we find such sums subscribed as follows :

Lieut. -Gov. Archibald $25.00

I). A. Smith 50.00

A. G. B. Bannatyne 20.00

(I. MeMicken 20.00

Win. Mulvey 15.00, and so on.

We may now refer to the following advertisement as something

of a curiosity, when the present limits of the city are considered:

" A number of valuable lots for sale. The lots arc well situated

"within the District to where the Town of Winnipeg must extend,

"and are in every respect most eligible for building purposes.

Alex. Logan, Point Douglas." To look over what was then known as Logan's farm, and note the tine residences which cover the property, and the numerous streets intersecting it, we must admit that Mayor Logan was a very good prophet in 71. But when we add, that a large portion of the farm just westward of .Main Street, was innundated with water a portion of the year, we cannot help feeling astonished ;lt the won- derful improvement of the city in drainage, street-making, & .. within the last few years.

The charter fever, about this time, was again running high : for over the signature of John F. Bain, solicitor for the applicants, we rind the Central Eailway Company, of Manitoba, the North-West- ern Railway Company of Manitoba, and the North-West Company, signifying their intention to sue the Parliament of Canada for the customary grace. These schemes died in parturition. TheBench- er's Law Society of Manitoba, fared better, and with the following local talent, was ushered into existence, early in this year : Presi- dent, H. J. Clarke, Q.C., Attorney-General ; Treasurer, D.M.Wal- ker; Secretary, W. B. Thibadeau ; Chairman Board of Ex., John F. Bain ; Examiners, Hon. J. Royal, Jos. Dubuc, D. M. Walker, W. B. Thibadeau.


John G. Geddes, towards the end of Dec, opened an agency of the Edinburgh life Assurance Company. On the 14th Dec. Ed- ward Armstrong was appointed Sheriff of Manitoba, in place of

John Sutherland, the latter having been raised to the Senate, in company with Hon. Marc Girard. The appointment of the Messrs. Sutherland and Girard as Senators, was universally approved of by all parties. There have been frequent attempts by those oppos- ed to Hon. John Norquay, to find fault with his having accepted office under the Clarke Government, but we find, in Dec, '71, that he was presented by his constituents of High Bluff with a con- gratulatory address, largely signed, highly approving of his conduct. On the evening of the 27th Dec. St John's •day, the Masonic fraternity gave a grand ball in the building newly erected by Bernard It. Ross. It was a most brilliant affair, over 300 people being present. The decorations were tastefully arranged, the supper excellent. The music was fur- nished by the military brass band, and a number of reels were danced to the sound of Hackett's bag-pipes. Mr. G. B. Spencer was master of ceremonies, but we are unable, from want of space, to give the names of those present.

In January, 1872, Hon. Mr. Royal the Speaker of the House, and the Government became at variance with each other. It appears the French printing was then a bone of contention, as it is to-day, and Mr. Clarke, who happened, at that time, to be in the good books of Mr. Cunningham, saw fit to take the French print- ing from Le Metis, and give it to the Manitoban. Mr. Royal, naturally, felt that he was being deprived of his rights, and remonstrated accordingly. Mr. Cunningham took up the cudgels for Clarke, and pitched into Mr. Royal, but the latter was the same strategist that he is to-day, and, holding firm, finally manipu- lated matters his own way, Mr. Clarke, before the end of the dispute, having to give Mr. Royal a seat in the Cabinet, although, it must be said, much against his will. The fact was Messrs. Clarke and Royal were both contending for the leadership of the French party, and Mr. Royal had rather the best of the con- test. D


On the 1st January, 1872, the Manitoba Trad /.■ pub-

lished by Alexandei Begg, made its appearance, and to it is due the first agitation for the incorporation oi Winnipeg as a <■;• , exemplified by the following words:

"On the 16th of ii".\t month the Legislature will sit, and "it is well for us to take into consideration, the pro- " priety of incorporating our town. If we let this chance " slip, win) knows but others more enterprising ma} " ahead of us, ami thus change the whole aspect of the place "in a few year-. Our Province is bound to grow rapidly " and we must not sleep, lest others, alive to the import-

mce thereof, may , incorporate a town just outside, or Dot " very far from our present limits. There are many benefits to be "derived from an Act of Incorporation ; why not, therefore, holda '■ meeting of the older heads to discus the matter freely. K " again appear in print the chances may be lost. Let it not then " be said that the Trade Review neglected to caution our towns- " people on the subject."

That article caused the death of the Track Review, foi Mr. Cun- ningham, who was the tool of a certain number of large pro] holders in the town, who feared taxation, and, therefore, op] incorporation, declined to publish the Review any longer.. The Manitoban in an article on the 8th of January, after ridiculing the idea as set forth in the Trade Review, .-ays :

"rutting it in a general way the article, the one which we " have already quoted from the H> <■',, ,<■ says : ' that there are many "benefits to he derived from an act of incorporation,' will our

"spirited contemporary just indicate a few of them '. Say half a

"do/en or so. It's only information we want."

Mr. Begg after a good deal of trouble succeeded in getting out a ad number of the Trade Review although every obstacle was

nut in his way by Mr. Cunningham) and replied to the abo>

follows :

As we have been asked fur information, however, we will I " give a few of the benefits to he derived."


" First. Our corporate powers will allow us to compel everyone u within the limits of the town to take every necessary precaution " against danger by fire."

"Second. We will be enabled to have sidewalks mi our streets, " the expense of which will be borne generally instead of as now. "by one or two individuals."

" Third. The limits of the town will lie decided upon, whereas? " now there is a good deal of doubt where they are, or where they are likely to be."

"Fourth. We will be enabled to have our streets laid out " regularly, so that in the future there will be easy access from one " point to another, as well as neatness in the appearance of the "place. Xow there is no such thing, and this individual or that "one can plan a street on his property to answer his own individual "purposes, irrespective of the community at large."

" Fifth. We will be able to have our by-laws to regulate matters "generally, so as to answer the public good and not the ideas of " individual parties."

" Sixth. We will be able to secure our present town against the "liability of being placed on the outskirts instead of the heart of a " future city. Our present townspeople would feel far from satisfied " if they found themselves just on the limits, the other end of the "town being somewhere up the Assiniboine, or perhaps across it.

"We are aware that a certain few, whose cause the Manitoban " may be advocating, fear that on account of the large stake they " have at- issue they will be taxed heavily, but we may say that "there is no necessity for the town running into any important " expense at first. We can commence in a small way, and so far " as we can see there is no necessity for heavy taxation, even in " the case of the largest property holder in Winnipeg. We are not "obliged to have gas works, water works, an extensive police force, " etc., etc., at the outset."

•• We still say that we would be glad to see some of our enter- " prising citizens take the matter in hand."

Always equal-to the occasion, 'our dramatic talent, contemporary with the new year, came to the front, and "Box and Cox" was


presented to a well-filled house, by the Manitoba Variety Club, at ilnir opera house, which was located in the lower flat of the build- ing immediately below Andrew Strang's presenl residence, owned by Mr. Bernard Ross, when Messrs. Ross, flyman & Clarke, on the oighl of January the 3rd, convulsed the audience with their eccentricities. With a persistent zeal, worthy of a better cause, we find, on the 6th of January, some restless souls applying for an act of incorporation for the Manitoba .Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Like other enterprises already enumerated, it was simply a day-dream.

The second session of the First Legislature of the Province was opened, with the usual formalities, on January the L6th. A guard of one hundred men of the Provisional Battalion, under Captain Fletcher, was in attendance, and a large number of spectators; it was distinguished at the outset by the agitation of a strong "want of confidence policy" on the part of the opposition.

The Albino Minstrels appeared at the Opera Bouse during the month, and created a diversion, hut left the citizens with money enough to apply to more devout purposes, as an offertory of $25, collected in Holy Trinity Church, the same week, sufficiently proves, and church circles were further gladdened by the new- of the successes of the Bishop of Rupert's hand abroad, who, about this time, was ri ported having raised upwards of £1,000 for evangel- istic purposes.

Telegraphic news in the newspapers lmw appeared every week, and the Manitoba,™ for a time published daily fly-sheets with telegrams.

In February, 1872, we find a whole host of applications for charters. First of all, there appears <>ne for a rail and water com- munication between Lake Superior and Fort Garry. Second, a railway from Fake Winnipeg to Pembina. Third, another line from Fake Winnipeg to the southern boundary of the Province. Fourth, a railroad from St. Vincent to Fort Carry, thence to the Lakes Manitoba and Winnipeg. The principal party to three of these prospective charters was Donald A. Smith, hut none of them ever came into effect.


Although we are not supposed to chronicle doings at the Por- tage, still we may be allowed to mention the fact that Billy Smith, the pioneer flat-boatman of Winnipeg, started his steam grist-mill

at the Portage, and thus severed his connection with Winnipeg.

A grand dinner was given to Hon. Donald A. Smith, in what was then known as the Opera House, but which is now " Scott's warehouse." The affair was a brilliant one, and attended by a large number of the friends of that gentleman. We have not space to give the names of those present, but, if we had, it would show that the most of them are still the friends and supporters of Mr. Smith.

Notwithstanding the efforts of the Manitoban, the suggestion made by the little Trade Review was taken hold of by the people. Witness the following resolutions, carried on the 16th Feb., '72, at a meeting, of which G. I). McVicar was chairman, and W. F. Lux- ton, Secretary:

1st. That it is desirable that the town of Winnipeg, and a por- tion of its vicinity should be incorporated.

2nd. That the northern boundary of the town should he the southern boundary of lot 222.

3rd. That the western boundary of the town should be Colony (or Spence's) Creek, until said creek intersects the line of Spenee's farm ; thence, following said line to the intersection of the line of 1 )rever's farm, Red River lot, and following Drever's line westward to the rear of the two mile limit ; thence, along the two mile limit line, to the north-west angle of lot 223.

4th. That the southern boundary of the town should be one half mile south of the Assinniboine river, to the rear of the two- mile limit.

5th. -That the eastern boundary of the town should he three-fourths of a mile east of Red River.

A committee was then appointed to make the necessary arrange- ments for placing the matter before Parliament.

On the 21st, however, the second session of the Manitoba Par- liament was closed without anything being done about incorpora- tion, but amongst the hills assented to by His Honor Lieut.-Gov-


ernor Archibald, were the acts to incorporate the Winnipeg W i Works Co.!!! and the North-West Lumbering and Manufacturing Co., neither of which ever existed in reality. Our first waterman

was das. Irwin, who plied his vocation without opposition for sonic time; if he could see the number of water-carts at present at work- in the city, he would be astonished at the extent to which hi> old business had grown.

George 1>. NTorthgraves opened a jewellery and watchmaker's shop, in duly, '72, on Post Office Street, in the same building with Wm. Chambers, gunsmith. Still another application fur a charter now appeared, that of the Manitoba Insurance Co., which, like the other bubbles of the day, saw light only to burst.

Messrs. Jones & Simms' venture was the first opposition of any importance which Tims. Lusted met in the carriage business. The name of Blouse's Hotel was the "Royal Canadian" in 1872, just then built, and was looked upon as indeed it was a> ;t work of enterprise, in the brick way, on the part of Dr. Schultz. Though Charley Land, in St. dames, was the pioneer brick maker in the Province, Dr. Schultz was the first to manufacture and use brick in the erection of buildings. Land's bricks were principally used for chimneys. The house now occupied by T. A. Lundy, builder and undertaker, on Lost Office Street, was in '72 a Lillian! hall and saloon kept by James F. Moore&Co. The Manitoba Brewen ' after a heavy expenditure for buildings, &c., at last commenced brewing, but were not as successful as the shareholders desired, the long distance from town (Silver Heights) being found a _ obstacle to their business. Capt. Villiers having resigned his position in the police force, his Lieutenant, De Llainval, took his place. In the beginning of March, 1872, Alex. Begg, having found every obstacle put in his way by Mr. Cunningham in the publication of his Trade Review, made arrangements with Hon. Mr. Royal to have a weekly paper published under the name of the Gn'.i'tti' <> //</ Trmh' l{t'r'nn\ and on the 9th of that month the first number appeared. In its first issue it advocated the ne a Lank in Manitoba, an institution which was very much wanted by our increasing business.


About the 18th, March, 1872, Hon. M. A. Girard withdrew from the Ministry on account of his appointment as Senator, and Hon. -Jos. Royal, the Speaker of the Assembly, entered the Cabinet as Provincial Secretary, and Hon. T. Howard became Provincial Treasurer.

Mr. Murdoch, who at present is locating the line of the western extension ('. P. R. from Winnipeg, and who is spoken of in con- nection with our proposed bridge, was here in 1872, and left Winnipeg on the 13th March to prosecute the surveys of the railway in the eastern district, so that Mr. Murdoch is by no means a stranger to Manitoba, or her necessities and requirements. It was he who choose tlit- railway crossing at Rat Portage on the Lake of the Woods, and the line from thence easterly to the Eagle Lake, which portion to-day, under the designation of "Section 42," is in rapid course of ('(instruction. Mr. Murdoch's attention at that time was confined exclusively to the railway location at,and east of Pat Portage.

About this time we tind Mr. Fonseca in the roll of a lecturer, his subject being the "Tropics" in which "our friend from Ja- maica," succeeded in making a decided hit. He had a collection of curiosities from the West Indies, which he exhibited, omitting, however, to bring forward on that occasion his " real Jamaica," for which he was so famous in those days. Messrs. Mead & Kemp now established themselves, as painters, at Point Douglas. A. ('. S. ( r. Kemp offering to furnish plans and de- signs for .ill branches of engineering and architectural undertak- ings, from a sign-board upwards. Alexander Pegu' also ottered, with his usual magnanimity, to sell through tickets to British Columbia via C. P. P., as soon as the line was built, as" an induce- ment for speculators to purchase his groceries, boots and shoes, etc., in Brown's Block.

On the 18th March, '72, St. Patrick'- Day was celebrated in the small chapel on Notre Dame Street, His Grace Archbishop Tache celebrating a grand Pontifical High Mass on that occasion. Speeches were delivered by Attorney-General Clarke and Consul Taylor amidst great enthusiasm.

In 1872, W. J. Macaulay, intimated his intention of coining


amongst us with a large stock of lumber and the event was 1 with satisfaction by those who anticipated building. Mr. Macaulay came from Orillia, Out., at which place he occupied the position of Vice-President and Treasurer of the Georgian Bay Lumbering Co., which had been started i;: Canada principally by Mr. Dodge, of New York, and Mr. Macaulay. As will be in the course of our narrative, W. J. Macaulay was destined to play an important part in the progress <>i the city of Winnipeg. hi March, 'Tli, another application tor a charter was publish this time fur the Bank of Manitoba, but that institution has never to this day discounted a single note for the merchants of Winui- It never, in fact, opened an office. We have now to chron- icle the return of Mr. Moberly, and party from the Rocky Moun- tains, where they had been exploring the route of the ( '. 1'. R. In fact, there was considerable activity in railroad matters at this time. Messrs. Jarvis (now of Macaulay & Jarvis) and .lames were out surveying the line between here and Lake Superior, and W. Murdoch, C. E., hail been sent nut to discover, if possible, a more practical route than the one surveyed eastward. There were several rumors of activity on the other side of the line, to con this Province with the American system of railways; and on the other side of the Rocky Mountains, Mr. Walter Moberley now of the South-Western Railway of Manitoba was prosecuting very extensive surveys and explorations in connnection with the C. 1'. R. Altogether there was every prospect of a reign of energy and activity being entered upon by the Dominion Government to pnsh forward our great national line of railway.

During this time we had only three representatives at Ottj wa, the Marquette election having been a tie between Dr. Lynch ami Angus McKay, nothing had been done further in the matter, and consequently our Province was minus one representative out of the four we were entitled to. In the beginning of April, l72, the Selkirk Agricultural Society was established, with the following gentlemen as the first directors : Messrs. A. M. Brown, John Taylor, W. B. Hall, John Fraser, Hun. M. A. Girard, and Roger (.unlet. Jam s Stewart was appointed Secretary. The Manitoba College,


in '72, had 18 students, averaging over IS years of age$ and the building of their new college in Kildonan was being vapidly push- ed forward. We note these facts, as the institution has since be- come one in which the citizens of Winnipeg have reason to feel proud. It is now located in Winnipeg, and is at present in a very flourishing condition.

An attempt was made, in April, to establish an Episcopal Cathe- dral in Winnipeg, or, in other words, to remove the Cathedral from St. John's, to within the city limits ; but this idea was never car- ried out, the Bishop being in favor of continuing where lie is at present. About the same time, the first effort to establish a ladies' school, in connection with the Episcopal Church, was made, and at a meeting held on 8th April, Ven. Archdeacon McLean in the chair, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to. make the necessary arrangements : Messrs. A. M. Brown, Fonseca^ Lusted, W. Cold well, and 11. Howard, and at the same meeting a sum of fifty dollars was voted to purchase a testimonial for Miss Brown, now Mrs. I). Young, for the great interest she took in or- ganizing the musical services of Holy Trinity.

In the meantime the excitement started by Mr. Begg's little Trade Review, was kept up by the people, on the subject of incor- poration, while the Manitoban continued to throw cold water on the scheme. As a proof of this, here is a short extract from that paper:

" In the matter of incorporation, some people seem to be getting " almost crazy. They seem to imagine that it only requires incor- poration to make the hamlet of Winnipeg jump into a great, " flourishing, magnificent, commercial city. For our part, we can- " not see it."

If the late Mr. Cunningham was alive to day, he would sec it, and he would have to acknowledge that incorporation lias been a. very important factor in bringing this city to its present prosperous position. The whole cry of the Manitobaii seemed to he a dread of increased taxation, but, as most people must acknowledge, this was a narrow view of the matter. The Liberal showed itself true to its name, in the matter of incorporation, and advocated it


strongly in opposition to the Manitoban. The first establishment of the Registry Office, in Winnipeg, took

pL in William Drover's store, Major Kennedy in cha _

in which position he has remained ever sine-. We have bom to hoi a further enlargement of the premises of our citizen, J. H. Ashdown, in order to keep pace with hi> rapidly increasing trade, and at thesame time we hear of him taking an active inter tli" importation of apple trees from the States to this l'n>\ The Davis House was also enlarged very considerably, and refitted to meet the wants of the travelling public.

The little Gazette and Trade Review was very fond of calling public meetings, and it generally became so persistent that meetings were called to keep it quiet. These meetings, however, were ductive of much good in many instance-. In April, '72, the Gazette asked for a meeting to discuss the question of shade trei our streets. We cannot remember if this particular meeting was called, but the question of shade trees was raised and has received attention since, but it would have been well if our citizens had paid more attention to this matter than they have done. It is not too late yet. It may not he known to many that in the year '72 Winnipeg actually sported a cab yes, a live cab and a typical cabby, but, unfortunately, people in those days preferred to walk, although we had few sidewalks, and our ambitious hackman languished and withdrew soon after coming out. Nearly opposite Arch. Wright's present store there was in '72 a tumble down bridge with a bent hack and forlorn look ; everybody wondered how it hung together. It was replaced afterwards by one which went by the name of " Brown s Bridge," the Brown in this case being our present respected < ity ( !lerk.

A telegram dated l Ltfa April, '72, from Toronto, stated that the resignation of < tov. Archibald had been accepted, and on the stre . of this a number of citizens who were opposed to His Honor celebrated the news by bonfires, &c. This, however, was h creditable to the parties concerned, as Gov. Archibald proved him- self while in our midst to be a kind and hospitable man, and one who in the administration of public affairs endeavoured to unite the


different sections of the Province. Although lie sacrificed his own popularity amongst a large class of the people here in so doing, there is no doubt ha did much towards allaying feelings of discord in Manitoba. The loth April was kept as a holiday and thanksgiving day for the recovery of the Princa of Wales from his dangerous illness. Illuminations and bonfires took place in the evening and general rejoicings throughout the city. This took place on a Tuesday, and on the following Friday a few people celebrated, as we have already mentioned, the retirement of Gov. Archibald from Government House.

Englishmen in this city may be pleased to learn that, on the 12th April, 1872, a meeting of their countrymen took place in Simpson's Reading Room, on Post-Office Street, and a St. George's Society organized, with the following gentlemen as officers : President, Curtis J. Bird; First Vice, James H. Ashdown ; Second Vice, Robert Simpson ; Secretary and Treasurer, Lyster Hay waul ; Physician, Dr. Bird; Marshal, Alfred 1). C. Hervey; Auditors, Maurice J. G. Lourman, George D. Northgraves; Charitable Committee, Messrs. Hay ward, King Northgraves, Thomas and Osier; Chaplain, Hex. Mr. Pinkham. Some of these gentlemen are dead, and others have left the city. Three only, we think, now reside in Winnipeg.

Messrs. Blakely & Carpenter, about this time, sold out their ex- press business, the American Merchants' Union Express Co. being the purchasers, and soon after the popular "Van" was removed from Winnipeg to Moorhead. But we could not do without him. Van was an institution of the place, and successful measures were planned for his " extradition." Winnipeg couldn't get on with- out fat, fair and forty, sleek, good-natured Van, who is always up to biz. Mr. A. N. Carpenter succeeded Van.

The firm of Mercer & Yilliers, in McDermott's Bow, added an addition to their store. John Higgins painted and otherwise fitted up his store, and Mr. Gingras enlarged his place also, and remodelled it. All improvements were made preparatory to the spring business of 72. L. B. Bently also commenced fit- ting up McKenny's store for his hardware business, which he


carried on foT some years, in the premises al present occupied by J. H. Ashdown's branch store, nexl to the Merchants' Hotel, ner .Main Street and Portage Avenue. We notice, at this period, the dissolution of Walker, Thibaudeau & Howard, Thibaui retiring, and Walker & Howard carrying 6n the business. I>. C, Kinsey also retired from the firm of Hill, Griggs & Co., ami ever since lias carried mi business by himself in Winni] eg.

In the beginning of May, 1872, the <;<t-.rtt< and Trade Review was in its element. It had no less than three public meet in one week. The first one was for tin- purpose of petitioning the Dominion Government to re-consider the award for rebellion losses, as it was considered that injustice had been done several claimants tor compensation. The second meeting was to petition for a change in the site of the Emigration Sheds, so as to place them nearer the centre of the town than it was proposed placing them. A committee, consisting of Messrs. Bannatyne, Davis and Begg were appointed to draft a petition on the subject, which was done, and the documents forwarded to Ottawa. The whole fight, at that time was between the people of the town, and the Hudson's Bay Company, as it was deemed that, that corporation was endeavoring to get all the public buildings located in the vicinity of the Fort. The Dominion Government, however, did not comply with the wishes of the people, so far as the sheds were concerned. The third meeting, however, proved more successful in its results; it was held for the purpoe petitioning against the erection of the general Tost Office in the vicinity of the Fort. The following were the gentlemen appointed to draft the resolution in this case: Messrs. A. M. Brown, Stewart Mulvey, Alex. Begg, Drever, Barber, l>avis, Sinclair and McFadden. The following is the resolution : To the Hon. Alex. Campbell, Postmaster Geneiul, iiv.,,tv. .-

The petition of the freeholders, householders and inhabitants of the Town of Winnipeg and Parish v\' St. John,


That your petitioners have learned with surprise and regret that the Dominion Government contemplate removing the Post


'Office iii this town from its present site to some place on what is •called the Hudson's Bay Company's Reserve, some half or three •quarters of a mile south of the present location, and altogether ■outside of the town.

That the present office is in the centre of the town, and from the improvements going on to the north, will evidently lie also near the centre of the prospective town, and is in every way suited to the public requirements. That it would be a serious injury and inconvenience to inhabitants of not only the town 'out of Point Douglas and the Parish of St. John should the Post office be re- moved to the proposed site, as it would necessitate the employment of vehicles at many seasons of the year to enable them to receive .and deliver mail matter.. That, should a change of the locality be deemed necessary, then your petitioners ask that it should not be further south than the present office, and be upon the main street of the present town. * * * * * * *

This petition went to show the feelings of the people on the subject .and went far to strengthen the hands of those who afterwards succeeded in getting the Post Office where it is. It is well to explain at this stage of our narrative that, whether the Hudson's Bay Company were rightfully or wrongfully accused of wishing to secure the public buildings on their property, they had as perfect a right to do so as the people had a right to checkmate them if possible. Since that time the Company have taken great pains to build up what is now known as the South Ward, and lately Mr. Brydges, on behalf of the Company, has evidenced a strong deter- mination to push forward that end of the town. All this goes to show how everything is tending to enlarge and increase the importance of of Winnipeg as a city. Just consider that where the Canada Pacific Hotel is to-day, was believed in '72 as altogether to be outside of, and at a distance from, the possible limits of the town. What a change there is to-day ? We cannot, therefore, as a matter of business, -blame the Hudson's Bay Co., but why the Manitoban should have taken up the cudgels for this corporation, and against the wishes of ithe people, we leave our readers to conjecture.

.As the liebellion drew the attention of the world to this Prov-


ince, so those successive meetings, petition* I the town, on

matters connected with the welfare of the place attracted notice also, and, consequently, drew the attention of capitalists and others to our isolated, but progressive, capital.

A German Society was started here in '71, with J. G. Son- derman, president. George Rath, treasurer, and Edward Kuhlton secretary, and about the same time the Selkirk Cricket Club was established, with IJ. Woods, secretary, and in the way of business we find Mr. Irvin succeeded by Harry Nichols in the water busi- Mr. Alexander McMicken was the first banker in Winni- ) eg, and, until the Merchants' Bank started here, he did a profitable business. His hank was situated where J. W. Taylor's book-bindery now is, next to the Standard office, but he after- wards erected a building on Main Street, and did business there for seme time, until the Ontario Hank came to the city and occu- pied it in turn. Alexander McMicken, having leased his bank, then gradually retired from the business, but, during his time, he materially assisted many of our rising merchants.

On Friday, May 10th, '72, the first boat of the season (the Sel- kirk) arrived. The arrival of the first boat was then, as it is yet, looked upon as an event, because with it, generally, came a reviv- al of business, and a happy deliverance from the monotony of the winter months. This season the firm of Hill, Griggs & < '<■. hav- ing amalgamated with the Kittson line, all the boats landed freight and passengers at Fort Carry, much to the annoyau the merchants. We say all the boats, as the line qow consisted of the Selkirk, Tnternatiorial and Dakota, the latter built dur- ing the winter. The stages now commenced running a daily line, which was a great boon, and a line of stages was also nut upon the road between the Stone Fort and Fort Garry. Fare, one way, $1.75. Andrew Strang was the first piano agent in Winni-

He came to Red [River as assistant to Alexander !'.<__ the commission business, and was afterwai - ployed by Ban- natyne & B __ - their book-keeper and general manager, winch latter position, with A. Bannatyne, he holds to-day, so that he did


not de] end on selling pianos for a living. Alexander Begg was the first man, however, to introduce sewing machines into the country,

In 1872, we have to record a strange importation for a Province like Manitoba, viz., 4i» tons of pressed hay by L. II. Bentley.

Mr. Bannatyne was one of the most considerate men towards immigrants in the earlier days, for when a number of them ar- rived here in :72, and could not procure house-room, he threw open a large building in the rear of his store for their use free of charge. .In the latter en 1 of May, 1872, Mr. -John Fiveinan took up his permanent residence in Winnipeg as agent for 1". E, Kew, of London, England. Mr. Kew had for many years acted as agent in London for the traders of this country, commencing, how- ever, in a small way, but increasing his business year by year to a very considerable extent, until at the time we mention he found it desirable to establish Mr. Freeman in Winnipeg as his permanent agent. Mr. Freeman had been his principal man of business for a long time, and was fully acquainted with all the merchants and traders of the country, and the varied requirements of the trade Nearly all the furs shipped to England outside of the Hudson's Bay Company were consigned to Mr. Ivew, and intact that gentle- man's name was better known and respected than almost any othei throughout the whole North-West. As will be seen during the course of our narrative Mr. Kew's agency business was the starting point from which sprang the present extensive firm of Stobart, Eden & Co., it having been first Kew, Stobart & ( !o., and afterwards Stobart & Eden.

Mr. W. J. Macaulay arrived here in June, :72, withhis wifeand family for the purpose of making this city his home. He brought in with him about 2,000,000 feet of sawn timber, and had made ar- rangements for about 2, <<()(), 000 feet in log. We have already shown his connection with the lumbering interests in Ontario, and as soon as he arrived here he went to work to secure a suitable place for the erection of a large saw mill. He succeeded in getting the location on which his mill is now situated, and ere long the machinery for the same arrived by boat.

In June, '72, Messrs. Evans & Steele commenced business as


customs and general brokers, and for some time had almos monopoly of that branch. Mr. Frank Moberly having returned from his exploring trip to the Rocky Mountains, entered into partnership with John Nichol in Winnipeg, as engineers and con- tractors. On the 12th June, '72, Mr. F. E. Cornish, from London Ont., arrived in Winnipeg. He afterwards plajsed a very impor- tant part in the history of this city. The well at Point Douglas, opposite the Manitoba College, was sunk in June, '72; and was, considered at the time a great boon to the people of that locality.

In the election for President of the Provincial Agricultural As- sociation, the same year, ID. A. Smith received '.i7 votes; R. A. Davis received 62 votes; majority tor Smith, 35. James Stewart was elected Secretary, and Geo. Roy, Treasurer.

On Tuesday,- Joth June, '71, an address, signed by over 1,300 settlers was presented to Governor Archibald, expressing regret at his early departure from the Province, and appreciation of the faithful and wise manner in which he had fulfilled his trust as Governor of Manitoba, to which Governor Archibald replied in a feeling manner. On Thursday, 27th June, '72, an important event happened at Point Douglas, in the establishment of the ferry at that spot. A number of citizens assembled to celebrate the event, and several speeches were made on the occasion, in one of which (delivered by Mr. W. G. Fonseca,) it was prophecied tint the Railway Bridge would cross at or near the terry landing. Tin- speaker, moreover, stated it as his belief, that the future Pem- bina Railway would run on the east side of the lied River ami cross at Point Douglas, which, from present indications, there is . very likelihood of its doing. In July, '72, C. W. Radiger suc- ceeded to the business of A. M. Brown & Co.. .Mr. Brown carrying on the brick-making business which he had established at Point Douglas.

The following list of " Provisional Directors "of the Manitoba Bank was made public: Donald A. Smith, Hon. Jas. McKay, Robert Tait, Geo. Stephen, Montreal, sir A. T. Gait, Montreal, J. H. M - Tavish, Manitoba, A. McDermott, Manitoba; and of the Manitoba Insurance Co.: Sir Hugh Allan, Montreal, D. A. Smith, Montreal,


Geo. Stephen, Montreal, Hon. Jas. McKay, Manitoba, J. A. Mc- Tavish, Manitoba, Hon. M. A. Girard, Manitoba. A. G. B. Banna- tyne, Manitoba. Mr. J. J. Hargrave was Secretary to both Com- panies. A goodly lot of directors, and a first class secretary, and yet neither companies ever saw daylight. On the loth July, ten- ders were called for the construction of Custom Honse,.Land Office, and Post Office, in Winnipeg, which event caused much rejoicing amongst the towns-people, only they didn't want them on the H. B. Co.'s reserve. Messrs. Moore & Dickinson opened the " Pride of the West," in July, '72, as a Billiard Hall, with 6 tables and a fine bar ; and as a mark of energy on the part of the proprie- tors, it is recorded that they laid a side- walk, at their own expense, from Main Street to their doorway. Mr. Begg, about this time, started the first soda-water factory in Manitoba, which he carried on successfully for some time, until the failure of James Austin, in Montreal, seriously involved him, when his factory had to go by the board, and Mr. Samuel West became the pro- prietor. Mr. F. E. Cornish had, about this time, several legal fights with Attorney-General Clarke, and it was generally admit- ted that the latter had, at last, met his match. In the case of " Smith and Galbraith," there was considerable excitement, a large body of men having gathered together on the occasion to vjatch the case. Mr. Clarke prosecuted, and Mr. Cornish defended, and the latter won the case, and this was the commencement of a run of popularity enjoyed by Mr. Cornish for a long time.

The following is a list of some of the building improvements in '72 :—

Chief-Justice Wood's residence, in course of erection by Dr. Schultzj by Messrs. Dunlop, Mulvey, Butcher, Davis and Johnston in the neighborhood of Xotre Dame Street; by W. R. Dick, tne saw- mill of Dick & Banning near the river.

W. J. Macaulay & Co., saw-mill, boarding-house for men, and offices near foot of Notre Dame Street.

The large steamboat warehouse, near Fort Garry, by the Hud- son's Bay Co.


Messrs. Bentley & Hayward added to their premises, the I on the corner of Portage Avenue and Main Street, the latter on Notre Dame Street, where Mrs. Finney is at present. Mclvor & Mclntyre erected a building near where the Thistle Btore n<>w stands. Mr. John Higgins built the hou.se immediately in rear of Young & Jackson's store, in which he lived afterwards for some time.

Messrs. Green, Cunningham, and Alexander Logan, erected buildings on the main road between the town and Point Douglas. Mr. Duncan Sinclair finished his residence, in which Rev. A. Fortin is living at present, on the hank of the Red River.

Mr. Bannatyne added a wing to the fine residence he still occupies.

Mr. W. G. Fonseca built what is now the Manitoba College, at Point Douglas.

The following parties also erected buildings at Point Douglas, in fact the building fever Mas then principally in that direction : Messrs. J. Sutherland, U. Monroe, I >. X. Campbell, Watson, John Freeman, James Dawson, Campbell and Logan, C. Thomas, Joseph Devlin and McLean. Mr. Ed. Etomain built his residence, as did also Mr. Barton. Messrs. James Turner & Co., of Ham- ilton, erected the large brick building (the most of the material for which was imported) in which the linn are at present carry- in- on a wholesale grocery trade. Mr. Powis was sent from Hamilton to superintend this biiflding, which, even at the present day, is an ornament to the city.

About this time Winnipeg received a visit t'roin the celebrated Dr. Punshon, from England, who preached on several occasions :>> crowded congregations. H. S. Donaldson, with his usual enter- prise, started a first class circulating library, which was considered a great boon to the public. On the 27th duly, '72, the great H. B. C. auction sale of the city lots took place, Mr. L. Hayward acting as auctioneer, and some idea may lie had of the market value of lots at that time by the following list of prices obtained : Mr. Bannatyne hought the lot on which the Canada Pacific stands for SI, 000 ; the next lot sold for $1,750, and some others on Main


Street went as liigh as $2,000, the average being about $1,500 per lot. These lots had a frontage of 50 feet and a depth of 120 feet. On August 8th, '72, a review of the troops in Winnipeg took place when they were inspected by Adjutant- General Col. R. Boss. A sham battle was the feature of the proceedings, in which our volunteers appeared to advantage. About the same time the Manitoba Rifle Association was formed with the following gentle- men as officers: Patron, His Excellency the Lieut. Governor; Vice-Patron, D. A. Smith; President, Major Irvine (now in the Montreal police) ; 1st Vice, G. B. Spencer, Esq.; 2nd Vice, Major Peebles ; Secretary, Major W. N. Kennedy ; Treasurer, Capt. Gagnier ; Executive Committee, Captain Schultz, Hon. Thos. Howard, Capt. Plainval, Capt. Carruthers, Dr. Bird, Dr. Ray.

The grasshoppers appeared in August, '72, but too late to do any serious damage to the crops.

Bishop & Shelton in August, '72, opened the pioneer furniture factory on Main Street, where they remained for a few months. They then removed to the upper flat of Dick & Banning's mill, where they carried on their work shops till they established their business on Notre Dame Street. This was the commencement of a manufacture which since then has become a very important one in Winnipeg. Messrs. Bishop & Sheltun were steady, hard working young men, and as proof of their industry can boast to-day of an extensive establishment. It will be in order to make further reference to them later on.

Dr. Turver, whom we have already mentioned having been in partnership with Dr. Schultz, retired from the partnership in August, '72. We omitted to mention that on the completion of Brown's Bridge (now no more) opposite Archibald Wright's present stand, the townspeople celebrated the event by a display of fireworks in the evening.

Here is a statement of the imports into Winnipeg, during the year ending June, '72 :

( J-reat Britain $652,016

United States 32,305

West Indies 69

France 14.1S4


Holland 1,054

Spain 4,207

Portugal 211

Germany 1.742

China 4,934

Cana- la 412,104

Exports, chiefly furs, for the same length ofthx $1 I 541. Mr. I'. E. Cornish and W. 15. Thibadeau entered into partner- ship in August, '72. On Tuesday, the 13th Augusl '72, Hun. Alex. Morris arrived in Winnipeg, as Chief Justice of Manitoba, as accompanied by Miss Morris. Mr. Morris was sworn in on Wednesday, and immediately entered upon the discharge of his responsible duties.

About this time, the idea of bridging the Assiniboine, at Fort Garry, was mooted, and Messrs. Moberly & Nichol prepared plans, but the scheme was never carried out. The Opera House having come to an end, Messrs. Coldwell & Cunningham leased the pre- mises, and fitted them up for their printing establishment. A large number "{'the friends of the firm congregated together in the new Manitoban office, and a jolly house-warming was the result. During the festivities, we find our friend, W. F. Luxton, of the Qlobe, congratulating the proprietors of the paper, in a well timed speech, while he was probably chuckling over the fact that in a few months, he intended to have as good a printing office himself. That the creation of the Free Press was at that time being hatched^ in the fertile brain of Mr. Luxton, there can be little doubt, for he soon after resigned his position as school teacher, in Winnipeg, and took a trip to Canada, for the purpose of purchasing the plant and material for his proposed paper.

Messrs. Robt. Tait, R. A. Davis, and Hon. Jas. McKay adver- tised for tenders for the construction of the Canada Pacific Hotel during the latter end of August, '72. The immigrant shed was finished the latter end of August, same year, and since then has done good service.

At this time the banks of the river, opposite the city, usually presented a lively appearance during the summer months, on ac-


count of the numerous flat-boatmen who carried on a trade with the housekeepers and others of the town. Indeed the river had a very celestial sort of appearance from the fact of the number of floating stores, which, Chinese-like, did business at the levee, and to such an extent was this system carried on, that the merchants complained seriously, and not without cause, for it was unfair to the resident business men, that parties, flat-boating their goods from Moorhead to Winnipeg, could, without investing a dollar of their money in the city, carry on a brisk retail trade with our towns-people the flat-boats being simply floating stoic.-, and broken up and sold for lumber as soon as their cargoes were disposed of. The very fact of our being unable to put a stop to these wandering traders, who peddled to the detriment of the established merchants, was a proof of the necessity of incor- poration.

In September, the Dominion elections were in full blast in this Province. Donald A. Smith, being opposed by Mr. Wilson (of the firm of Wilson & Hynian) in Selkirk ; Dr. Schultz, by II. Gr. G. Hay, in Lisgar; Mr. Cunningham, by John Norquay, in Mar- quette, and Sir George Cartier, unopposed, in Provencher. The elections resulted in the election of Donald A. Smith, Dr. Schultz, Ii. Cunningham and Sir George E. Cartier. In Winni- peg a riot took place at the close of the polls, during which the offices of the Manitoban, Gazette and Le Metis (then published in this city) were sacked. There was, consequently, an almost universal suspension of the newspapers in the Province. We have no wish to dwell on this scene of disorder and destruction, it was alike discreditable and unfortunate foi the town, but it is a subject of congratulation that, since that time, our city has been remarkably free of any such misfortunes.



Temporary Extinguishment Exn Gov. Auchirald— Gov. Morris to mi, Rescue— Third Expedition St. Paul and Pacific 1!. R. Puisne Judges J. .M. Macdonnell Daily Free Press -Good Temflj Trottoirs- Census Prices < drrent— Mennonites Lindsay Russell

Presbyterian Church F pads Mer< b Cnt's Bank Fire Epizootic

Hospital- J). M. Walker A < Jlose ShayE— Fred. McKenzie— Incor- poration— Nor' West Council- -Sedley Blanchard Outlawed City Limits Board of Trade— Mechanics' Institute Can. Pac. Ry.Co. Photographic— Spasms— Streei Lamps -Unconstii dtional By-Law - Nomenclature Vox Populi Outrage on Dr. Bird- Patienci in Tri-

BUL \ II u\.

The riots left us with only the Liberal newspaper, the Manitoban, Gazette and Le Metis were obliged to import new plant and material to replace that which was destroyed. Messrs. E. Brokovski and G. F. Carruthers had succeeded Alex. Begg in the proprietorship of the Gazette, and it was, therefore, a somewhat hard beginning for them to have their office destroyed just at the commencement of their career as newspaper men in Manitoba.

In the early part of October, Lieut. Governor Archibald left the Province, ostensibly for the purpose of paying a visit east, but those who were in the secret knew he would not return. Such, indeed, turned out to be the case,and Chief Justice Morris, who wassworn in pro tern, finally received the appointment as Lieut. Governor of Manitoba in the early part of December, '72. On the 23rd Ocl the third expedition of volunteers arrived in Winnipeg, and, unlike their predecessors, were dressed in scarlet. About this time the spur line from Glyndon to the crossing of Red hake River was completed, which allowed the boats to load their cargo direct from the cars, instead of having it hauled a long distance from More- head to Grand Forks during a portion of the summer.

Mr. Louis Betourney and Mr. McKeaghney were appointed puisne judges by the Court of Queen's Bench, Manitoba, and we also have to note the arrival of J. M. Macdonnell, solicitor, who opened an office in the corner now occupied by the North \Y< at Telegraph Co. Mr. Macdonnell by perseverance and strict attention


to his profession has built for himself the reputation of being one of our first lawyers. We remember, however, the time when Mr. Macdonnell used to sit in his office with his feet elevated Yankee fashion on his table patiently waiting for clients to turn up. That his patience has been well rewarded Winnipeg well knows.

On the 9th November, the Manitoba Free Press, a new weekly literary creation, made its salutatory bow, and was ushered into existence with an advance specimen number. Mr. John Kenny was the proprietor, Mr. W. F. Luxton, the editor, the same com- bination of managing ability that, after a successful run of seven years, still controls its destinies. With tbe Reform banner nailed to the mast, it sailed into the somewhat turbid seas of political Manitoba an uncompromising "advocate of Reform in politics, and liberality in all things ;" and, with imported plant, talent, and long experience, promised early to take the front place in the ranks of the newspaper literature of the country.

On the loth November, the Gazette once more appeared in a new dress, and the Manitoban some time later in December. We were again, therefore, with our full complement of "organs," Le Metis having also made a fresh start, its establishment being re- moved to St. Boniface.

Winnipeg Temple, Xo 1, I. (). ( r. T., was also resuscitated in November, and its regular lodge meetings were held,"every Monday -evening, in the Winnipeg Public School House. The absence of .side-walks was, at this time, a source of sore complaint ; some of our more enterprising citizens it is true, with distinguishable lib-- ality, came partially to the rescue, but the horrible sloughs of des- pair that were wont to exist where plank-walk connection was broken, was enough to stagger the boldest of our pedestrians. The want of these trottoirs was the dernier resort of the hard-uprepor- ter, for hardly a day passed in November without some allusion being made to the vasty depths of mud on Main Street, and "in- corporation " was consequently the chronic wail of our resident foot-pads. Messrs. Sinclair (of the Queen's . Hayward, Wilson £ Hyman, B. Devlin, Dr. Schultz, Hill. Griggs, & Co., Dr Turver, •and others combined, however, to erect a walk from Dr. < »'DonneU\s cornci' to Schultz Street, whilst W. Palmer Clarke and H. S. Don-


aldson connected their places of business with a similar luxury. These bits of comfort, however, only served to magnify the awful- lii'-- of the unbridged stretches, through mere contrast.

Early in this month a careful enumeration of the place population of 1,467, or allowing for omissions, of about 1,500. Of these 1,467, ten hundred and nineteen were males, and four hundred and forty-eight females. The population in the fall of 70 was about three hundred, and in '71 seven hundred, which at the rate of increase named, augured well for the rapid and continuous growth of our population, as demonstrated by our last census.

It may be interesting to note about this time the prices that were obtained in Winnipeg for farm produce. Wheat sold at 11.25, oats, 81; barley, $1.10; potatoes. 62 cts.; onions, $2; carrots,

75 cents ; turnips, 50 cents ; beets, 75 rents ; hay, $7 to $8 per ton ; butter, 30cents; beef, 12.1 cents ; lamb, 12! cents; veal, 20 cents ; pork, 20 cents ; fresh fish, 5 rents per lb. ; whilst the average rate of wages paid may be quoted as follows : carpenters. 83.50 ; brick- layers and masons, S4 ; painters, $3.50 ; labourers, $2.50. It was during this month that Mr. Warkentin, a gentleman from Southern Russia, in company with a Mr. Schantz, of Berlin, Ontario, visited the Province by request of the Federal Government^ for the purpose of determining the suitability of Manitoba as a field for a Men- nonite emigration. These gentlemen, together with Messrs. Wagner, P. L. S., and Hart, Deputy Inspector of Surveys, made a tour of the Province. Our numerous Mennonite population of to-day is the direct result of those observations.

Tn November Gilbert McMicken resigned his position as Do- minion Land Agent, and was succeeded shortly afterwards by Lindsay Russell. Late in the autumn the Presbyterian Church, in order to keep pace with the rapid growth of the town, had to be enlarged. An addition of eighteen feet was found to be necessary, and from being a mission church the congregation resolved upon imposing upon themselves the burden of its support, and eng s to pay for a minister themselves, with a yearly stipend of two thousand dollars.

Progress was not just then confined solely to religious circles, for the pockets of H. Gravely about that time were depleted byavery


progressive gentleman in the " road-agent" business, to the tune of $200, whilst Philip Hussey, a well known character in police circles, and better remembered as " Shorty," intelligently continued to develope the detective talents of our police.

In the early part of December, Mr. W. F. Hyman met with a serious accident, which necessitated having his right arm ampu- tated above the wrist. All who were here at the time, willreniem- the kindness of the Sisters of St. Boniface Hospital in caring for the wounded man.

J. H. Ashdown, at this time, had an establishment at the Por- tage, which firm was changed, in December, to Ashdown & Mc- Laren.

On the 1st October, '72 the Merchant's Bank gave notice that it intended shortly to establish an agency in Winnipeg, under the management of Duncan McArthur ; which it did about the 14th December, and Mr. McArthur has ever since remained in charge of the institution here. He has succeeded in building up one of the most lucrative agencies of this corporation; as, not long since, the Winnipeg branch was rated as tin- third-best agency of the Merchant's Bank in the Dominion. Mr. McArthur fitted up an office in a building on Main Street, near where Dufferin Hall stand- to-day, where he remained until he removed into the present handsome premises, corner Post Office and Main Streets. The fire fiend, on the 7th Dec, '72 destroyed an old landmark of the time in the shape of McDermott's Mill, leased by Chisholm & Bubar, and which was situated just below what is now known as the Flats. During the winter of 72 and '73 the epizootic appeared amongst the horses in the Province, and one of the results was a complete stoppage of the stage line, which was a great inconvenience to the travelling public, as the stage company were obliged to carry the mails by dog train. The necessity for a General Hospital was much felt at this time, and consequently a meeting to consider the subject was called, on Wednesday, the 18th Dec. Governor Mol- lis was sworn in on the 21st Dec, '72.

One of the best investments in real estate ever made in this city, was concluded in Dec, by Gov. Morris purchasing about 25 acres of the Drever estate for fifteen thousand dollars. The pro-.


perty is now worth probably ten times the value paid for it. 1). M. Walker having dissolved partnership with Rice M. Howard, en- tered into partnership, in Dec, with I!. T. Huggard,now inspector of weights and measures in this city.

Here is the notice of the first real live barber, who located in Winnipeg: "Barber Shop W. Wood Fairbanks, the distinguished "Tonsorial Artist from New York, has opened a first-class shop in " the Davis Hotel, Winnipeg. N. 1). Special attention paid to " In mine razors."

Mr.Fred. McKenzie now comes to the front ;i- a partner of At- torney-General Clarke, under the style of Clarke & McKenzie. The Eureka, now the California House, was established early in '73, Phil. Heiminck being the proprietor.

Our friend das. Stewart having been in partnership with Dr. O'Donnell until Nov., '72, the linn was dissolved, and each went his own individual way. The subject of incorporation continued to interest the people, and on the 27th December there was another mass meeting to consider it. The principal motion carried on that occasion was as follows : "That in the opinion of this meeting an " Act of Incorporation for Winnipeg is accessary," and the next motion was, "That a committee he appointed to draft a 1 till to "submit to another meeting," to which an amendment was offered by Mr. 1'. E. Cornish, namely :■ "That this meeting, through the " ( 'hairman and Secretary, petition the Parliament to incorporate the " town of Winnipeg." The original motion tarried. Alex. Mr- Arthur was chairman, and Major Kennedy secretary of this meeting. The want of a public hall being much felt at this time. W. C. Fonseca fitted up the lower part of the building at present used by the Manitoba College, and called it Point Douglas Hall.

The following gentlemen were now appointed by the Dominion Government as members of the North West Council, having jurisdiction outside the limits of the Province: Messrs. M. A. Chard, Donald A.Smith, If. J.Clarke, Patrice P.reland. Alfred Boyd, Dr. Schultz, Joseph Dubuc, A. <;. P.. Bannatyne, W. 1 Robert Hamilton, and W.J.Christie. Mr. Lindsay Russell was appointed early in January, '?•">, Dominion Lands Agent in place of Gilbert McMicken. The first attempt at a general hospital was


made in January, '73, by leasing rooms in J)r. Schultz's Block, Notre Dame Street, Mr. Nesbitt being the first steward appointed. And about now we find Sedley Blanchard, practising as a barrister,

at the same time, rilling the honorable position of Clerk of the Ex- ecutive Council.

One Letendre, who was arrested, tried, found guilty, and sentenced to be hanged, for participation in the Fenian invasion, was pardoned in January, and exiled from the country for 2<> years.

The bill of incorporation having been drafted, another mass meeting took place on 5th February, '73. The draft provided for the incorporation en bloc without the customary division into wards, and this idea was strongly supported by F. E. Cornish. Thos. Lusted, however, spoke up in favor of the ward system, and at the same time suggested four wards, with three councillors each. Mr. Lusted's view carried, and the following limits were decided upon: SouthWard, from the southerly and easterly limits, to the line between the properties of the Hudson's Bay Company and Dr. Schultz's, as far as Main or Garry Street; thence jogging north to the Bed Saloon, thence west, on the Drever McDermott line. North Ward. From the northern limits to the Logan-Ross line. West Ward. All the territory between the Logan-Boss and Drever-McDermott lines, and west of Main or Garry Street. Fast Ward. All the territory between the Logan-Boss and Hudson's Bay I !o.-Schultz lines, east of Main or Garry street.

The third session of the first Parliament of Manitoba was opened Wednesday, Feb. 5th, '73, by Lieut. Governor Morris, who received every demonstration of joy and respect on that occasion. Dr. J. C. Bird was elected Speaker.

About this time, certain parties petitioned against the Hospital being placed in the centre of the town, and in consequence it was removed to a building in the neighborhood of Clarke & McClure's lumber yard, on the banks of the Bed River.

A meeting of some of the townspeople took place in Feb., for the formation of a Board of Trade, and the first institution of the kind was formed. Several of the prominent men in the town, how- ever, were not invited to attend the first meeting, and so a second one was called, the consequence being that a split occurred, and


TEN YEARS in winnipkg.

Winnipeg, even before it was incorporated, found itself with tw<> distinct Boards of Trade ; or, more correctly speaking, two opposi- tion parties on the Board of Trade question. It may be a matter of curiosity to note the names of the individuals composing these two parties :


I >r. Schultz,

(J. F. McMicken,

A. McMicken,

C. W. Radiger, L. R. Bentley,

D. Young, P. Clarke, S. Mulvey, T. Lusted, G. Mc Vicar,

G. F. Carruthers, R. A. Davis, A. E. Wilson. 1). Sinclair, M. Davis, Arch. Wright, L. Hayward,


Villiers, J. Freeman, Dr. O'Donnell, H. S. Donaldson, J. H. Ashdown, H. J. Marshall,

G. D. Northgraves, W. Chambers, Alex. Begg, F. C. Mercer, J. MeYicar,


A. Mel lennott, A. Boyd, J. II. McTavish, S. Monchamps, W. Cold well, J. ( r. Sonderman, Dr. Bird, Dunstan,

* Capt. Kennedy, W. J. Macaulay,

*K H. G. G. Hay,

* R. Tail,

A. G. B. Bannatyne, J. Mc( Sregor,

* T. Bunn, *Hon. J. Royal.

J. BaUsillie,

W. D lever,

II. ( lunningham,

* Paitchard, W. II . Lyon, A. M. Brown,

* Hon. T. Howard, *C. Inkster,

* R Morgan, *Jos. Lemay,

Gingras, * P. R. Young, *G. Fisher.

* These gentlemen were Dot, at the time engaged in business in Winnipeg. It will there- fore be seen that it was a ease i>f a house divided within itself, and the first promoters of the Board of Trade carried the day. at least numerically Breaking. These rival Boards of Trade ceased considerable ill-feeling for a time amongst our citizens, l>u| it sopn died out.


W. F. Luxton, T. Taylor, W. Hyman,





Shelton, R. Patterson, E. Brokuvski, B. E. Boss,

W. J. Fonseca. E. L. Barber.

An attempt was made, in March, '73 to form a Mechanics' As- sociation, hut it never came to a head.

The Canadian Pacific Bail way Company, capital 810,000,000, ad vertised^their shares, $100 each, through Mr. D. McArthur, in Feb,, '73, and a few were taken up, if we remember aright, by A. McDermott, sen., and others. One can buy them cheap at the present day.

The first photographer inWinnipeg was RyderLarsen who is at pre- sent an exile from this Province. Mr. Penrose succeeded Larsen, and has carried on business successfully ever since. T. H. Parr, our City Engineer, commenced his profession in this city in the latter end of '72. The Winnipeg Water Works Co. made a spasmodic effort early in '73, and spoke of establishing their engine house some three-quarters of a mile up the Assiniboine, westward from its junction with the Red River, but we still have to use the old fangled system of water carts. We can't stand it, however; much longer. The first street lamp ever erected in Winnipeg was placed by R. A. Davis, then proprietor of the Davis House, in front of his hotel on Main Street.

Now comes the exciting phase in the history of the incorporation of this city. It appears that in considering the bill, the Legislative Council had made some amendments in regard to the license money which the Speaker of the Assembly, Dr. Bird, ruled wTas unconsti- tutional, inasmuch as they affected the revenue of the Province


Be, therefore, ruled the bill out of order, and the resull incorporation was lost for that year, and Dr. Bird became very unpopular in consequence. Before this happened, however, and while the bill was going through the Assembly, it was bo all and amended that the trainers could hardly recognise their own offspring, and this caused a feeling of considerable irritation and discontent amongst the people. An attempt was made in the House to alter the name of the place first to " Garry," then to "Selkirk," but neither of these amendments carried, and Winnipeg was finally resolved upon. An indignation mass meeting was called of the townspeople in the meantime, of which Major Kennedy was chairman, and Alex. Begg secretary, and it was resolved at it to send a deputation to Parliament to remonstrate. R. A. Davis mad.- tin- motion as follows : " That Messrs. ( lornish, I '<. McMicken, " Villiers, Wilson, Luxton, and himself be a committee to represent "to the House the dissatisfaction of the inhabitants <>f Winnipeg "upon the course adopted by the Legislature regarding incorpora* " tion." This deputation interviewed Parliament and for a time it was thought that justice would he done in the premises, and another mass meeting was railed to hear the decision of the I. lature, which meeting, however, quietly dispersed on being informed that the prorogation of the House would he delayed, in order to allow the incorporation hill to pass its final stages. The next thing the people heard was the fact that the hill had been thrown out altogether.

That evening Hon. Dr. Bird, the Speaker of the Assembly, was decoyed from his residence on the pretence of being .ailed to see a patient, and when near Point Douglas lie was taken forcibly from his cutter, and a pail of hot tar thrown over his face, head and shoulders. This act caused much indignation amongst the towns- people, as it reflect.'. 1 on every respectable man in Winnipeg concerned in the incorporation movement, yet the perpetrators of the outrage were never discovered, although $1,000 reward was oft'.r.'.l for their apprehension. Thus ended for the time being the hope of incorporation which the people of Winnipeg for some time had been indulging in. An attempt was afterwards made to incor- porate under the Municipal Act, hut that finally fell through from


some informality caused by the delinquency of the Government in not publishing the notice in the Official Gazette as required by law. Eeally the people seemed to have good reason to believe, that the Clarke Government was working into the hands of the H. 15. Co., which, on account of its dread of taxation, was hostile to the move- ment of incorporation. Thus the people had to wait and possess still further their restless souls in patience.



Dick ami Banning "Lord Gordon " Gamk Mb. Morbus' Propebty H. S. Donaldson & Bbo, J. H. Ashdown & Co. John Higgins Db*. Jaokib Col. Pbovencheb Rival Boards of Tbade Conservative Demon- strations— Dentistry— J. McLenaghen " Poor Pillicoddy "— Sher- iff Inkster's Escape— The "Nor1 Wester" A Brass Hand McAr- thub <v Co. Macaulay's Mill Inland Revenue The Prince Rr- ii;i: r Tin: Chief Commissioner The Fourth Estai >:— In; Profitable Lots Government Souse Indian Orgies Abduction of Lobd Gob- don— Brick Veneer— A Big Push— David Young Gerrie a Co. —The Gazette The Levee— Screw Steamer— " Send it up to the Bouse" Groggy— Imports— Base-Ball— Bridge Soundings— A Red River Boot Black The Alpha Singular Administration of Justice Grace Church Organ Archibald Wright— Lkpine Donald Codd Cbonn .[. McGregor— Building Operations— Snyder & Anderson— Hon. Thos. Howard's House D. Scott & Co. G. D. Northgraves & W. Cham- bers— Roberts & Sinclair Sash & Door Factory Bishop .v Shel- ton STOHART& Eden Court House Point Douglas Wm. Wellband Incorporation of City of Winnipeg— Would-be Aldermen— I. 0. O.F. S. Duffin Davis House Sir John's temporary Eclipse Agitated Manitoba.

Messrs. Dick & Banning, when they commenced milling opera- tions here, worked their Waterous saw mill in the open air, but early in '73, they built a two-storey building, the lower Mat being used for sawing and planing, and the upper for the manufacture of fanning-mills. Messss, Bain & Blanchard formed a partnership in March, '73, and the firm now stands one of the highest in the legal profession. The Winnipeg Carriage Works (E. Sims, proprietor,) were burned down in March, '73.

" Lord Gordon," about this time paid Manitoba a visit, making Winnipeg his head quarters. He made a sensation and became quite a sportsman; for in March, '73, we hear of his being out at Brokenhead River, shooting pheasants, and bagging fifteen hundred of the birds. Lieut.-Governor Morris held an auction sale of his town property, and sold a large number of lots, prices varying from $500 to $40; the total sale amounting to $13,000. As he only paid $15,000 for the whole property, and received $13,000 for a small portion of it, it can be seen that he made rather a good bar-


gain. In the beginning of March, H. S. Donaldson admitted his brother, J. N. Donaldson to be a partner in his concern, and the firm has been H. S. Donaldson & Bros, from that day to this. James Donaldson, by his strict business habits and energy, has done much in assisting his brother to build up their now magnifi- cent business. In April, '73, Jus. H. Ashdown took his father into partnership, and the firm became Jas. H. Ashdown & Co. At this time the Red River ferry was situated at the mouth of the Assiniboine, and a movement was made by some of the towns- people to have it removed to its present location.

Early in the spring of '73 John Higgins erected the store which is now occupied by Robson & Co., and when completed it was con- sidered one of the finest buildings in Winnipeg at that time. Dr. Jackes removed from the Portage to this city in April, '73, and commenced a practice which very soon developed into one of the largest in Winnipeg. The second street lamp in the town was erected opposite the lied Saloon by Cosgrove & Lennon early in '73. Mr. James H. Emslie opened his office in April, '73, as a customs broker, which business he has carried on successfully ever since. Mr. J. X. Provencher was appointed about this time Indian Com- missioner of the North West vice Mr. Simpson, resigned.

To return to the Board of Trade question, we find that the one which was formed in opposition to the first, applied and obtained a. charter from the Local Legislature whilst the original Board sought incorporation from the Dominion Parliament. Neither of these Boards ever transacted any business of importance. Early in April, '73, on the news of the defeat of Sir John A. Macdonald's Government, a bonfire was lit opposite the " Davis House," and a great demonstration took place. There was howling and scuffling, groans and cheers in plenty, but to-day some of the very men who then hooted at the downfall of Sir John are loud in sounding his praises. Sic vita est ! The first fine orthodox sausages made in Winnipeg, were manufactured by Mourneau & Eocan, the latter named citizen now of Johnson, Rocan & Co. is, therefore, the pioneer sausage-maker of the city. A. G. B. Bannatyne com- menced to keep pace with the times by adorning the front of his

store with large show windows. His store then was the China



Hall of Stobart, Eden & Co. of the present day. Mr. W. J. Alloway about this time retired from the veterinary profession, and opened ii]» a tobacco shop near where the Red Saloon is at present Our first dentist in Winnipeg was Dr. Bown, but he never gave much attention to his profession in this country ; the second tooth-puller was a Mr. J. W. Hastow. Mr. James McLenaghen, who for several years had been a clerk with the Hudson's Bay Co., withdrew in '73 from that service and made arrangements for starting business on his own account, and his first step was to build the fine store in which he still carries on business.

Capt. Scott, our member, although probably nobody is aware of the fact, is one of the finest dramatic performers in the Xor' West. In 1873 he appeared in Winnipeg at the Garrison Theatre, as •'Poor Pillicoddy," and there is no cod about it, when we say that he brought down the house. It was his last-appearance in that sublime character. The only rats, not muskrats, but the Simple Simon pure, ever seen in this country, were two imported into Winnipeg in a package of goods. They only had time to wink on seeing daylight, when they closed their eyes for ever. This occurred in May, 1873. Our respected Sheriff Inkster met with a painful accident about this time, which nearly proved fatal. A near sighted individual mistook him for a goose while Mr. [nkster was imitating that bird in the long grass, and shot him in the head.

The Liberal ceased to exist in May, 1873, and was substituted by the Nor' Wester, of which Mr. E. L. Barber was manager and editor. Rev. J. O'Meara was ordained to the priesthood on Thurs- day, 22nd May, '73. A Winnipeg brass band, under the leadership of D. M. Madigan, was formed about tins time. Dr. Lachlan Taylor, then on a visit here, delivered his famous lecture on the " Holy band" in Grace Church.

Messrs. Alex. McArthur & Co., commenced running a saw mill in '72, near where Mr. McMillan's flour mill stands to-day, and Macaulay & Co., who had built their large saw mill and had run it for one season, were busily engaged in the erection of a sash, door and blind factory on a large scale, the building being 140x36. We omitted to mention that the date of the first steamboat arrival in '73 was May 3rd. Mr. Stewart Mulvey, having retired from the


newspaper field on the demise of the Liberal, was appointed to a position in the Inland Revenue Department, to assist Mr. Gouin who arrived here in the spring of '73, to organize that branch of the public service in Manitoba.

The first steamer built to run exclusively on Red River as a Canadian bottom was the " Prince Rupert," which is still running although now considered rather antiquated. The Hudson's Bay Co. now commenced to show considerable activity in certain direc- tions. They built the propellor " Chief Commissioner" to run on Lake Winnipeg. This boat paid her first visit to this city on the 9th June, '73, but she never succeeded well, and was finally stripped of her machinery and now lies at the Stone Fort as a floating dock and warehouse.

The Fourth Estate was represented in Winnipeg during the summer of '73 by a Winnipeg Typographical Union, the officers of which were: President, John R. Cameron; Vice-President, T. Collins; Treasurer, J '. Osborn; Recording and Financial Secre- tary, J. F. Galbraith ; Corresponding Secretary, T. Collins. In June, '73, ice first began to be peddled around Winnipeg, E. L. Barber being the pioneer ice-man. A sale of city lots on the James Ross estate brought from $125 to $150 each, and the same cannot be bought to-day for $500 to $1,000 each. In the summer of '73 the Government added the third story to the Government House, Fort Garry.

On the 25th, 26th and 27th June, '73, Winnipeg witnessed for the last time within its limits the celebration of an Indian Dog Feast, On that occasion about 200 Indians assembled at Point Douglas and indulged in the occidental delicacy of roast dog.

" Lord Gordon" now comes prominently upon the scene, for in July, '73, while on a visit to Hon. Jas. McKay, at Silver Heights, he was taken by two American detectives, Hoy and Ivegan, and forcibly abducted for the purpose of handing him over to the U. S. authorities. The little game of our American friends, however, did not work, as Attorney-General Clarke on hearing of the matter took steps to intercept the detectives and their prisoner before they reached Pembina. The consequence was Lord ( h irdi m was released and Hoy and Kegan placed in jail. Soon afterwards, en information


gained hum papers found on Hoy and Kegan, Mi. L \l. Bentley, of Winnipeg, and Messrs. Fletcher and Miriam, of Minneapolis, then in the city, were all arrested for complicity in the kidnapping case, and then commenced one of the most exciting trial-- ever held in Manitoba.

The first brick-veneer building was erected by Alex. McMicken in '7.">, as a bank, now the Ontario Bank; the second was by Bain & Blanchard, in the same year, and was first occupied by McMicken & Taylor, hardware merchants, hut is now the store of A. H. Bertrand. The store now occupied by Robson & Co. was considered in '7-'! as a mercantile palace, and a lengthy description of it appeared in the papers of the day. David Young, who was Mr. Higgins' manager, began to show his hand, and through his enter- prise, tact and business qualifications, began to build up his employers trade in a wonderful manner. The new store was designed by Mr. Young. Messrs. Gerrie & Co. now appeared upon the -ceiie of action with a Luge stock of furniture. They opened up next to where Ashdown's branch store is at present, corner Portage Avenue and Main, but ere long they purchased a lot between McLenaghen & Malloch's and Dr. C. J. Bird's (now Caldwell's), and erected a fine furniture store. They certainly led the way in the importation of the better class of house furnishings. On the 16th July, 73, the Gazette, published by Brokovski & Carruthers came out in an enlarged form, and as a seven column paper presented a very creditable appearance. This was Alex. Begg's baby and he was fond of it, starting as it did as the little Trade Review growing into the GazetU and Trade Review, during which time it fought the battles of the townspeople against monopoly and powerful land owners; it now came out as a seven column paper with a large and increasing circulation.

The levee in the summer of 73 presented a very lively appearance, the booms being full of logs, the fine mills of Macaulay A: Co., and Dick & Banning, were in full operation, working day and night, and employing a large number of hands.

The first screw tug-boat, the "Maggie," was built in Hamilton, and navigated to Duluth, then transported over the Northern Pa- cific Railway to Morehead, from which place she steamed down the


Red River to Winnipeg. She was brought in by 'Sir. Jas. Bell, of Perth, brother to (J.W. Bell , of the Custom House. The result of the Gordon kidnapping investigation, was the release of Mr. Mir- riam, and the commitment of the Messrs. Fletcher, Bentley, Hoy> and Kegan, bail being refused for these gentlemen. Consul Taylor naturally did all in his power for his fellow-countrymen, and in doing so fell under the wrath of Attorney General Clarke, who, it is stated, wrote to Washington to have him removed from his post. The removal of Mr. Taylor, however, would have pleased no one in the country but Mr. Clarke, and very wisely the Amer- ican Government still retain him in his position here. A new de- parture took place, about this time, in the mode of doing business in Winnipeg. We refer to the commencement of the " send-it-up- to-the-house " system. This was a bo >n to heads of families, who up to then, had to carry home their own parcels. Another depar- ture was in the case of the saloon-keepers, who, finding small change scarce, issued live and ten cent checks, " Good for one drink." It wouldn't do, however, to have much of that kind of currency lying about loose now it would infallibly lead to a run on the banks.

Total imports into Manitoba, at the Port of Winnipeg, for the fiscal year ending 30th June, '73, was §918,336, and exports for same time, 8246,983.

During the summer of '73, the b'koys had " Base Ball " on the brain, and in consequence we had "Pioneers," " White Stars," "Red Stockings," "Athletics," and, we are not quite certain, how many more clubs in the city.

Soundings were taken, in the summer of '73, for the " Red Riv- er Bridge," but they were the first and last soundings heard of in regard to the bridge, till this year of '79. The circulating library of Donaldson Bros., closed in '73, it having proved unsuccessful financially.

A boot black turned up in Winnipeg during the summer of '73, but our mud was too much for him, and he soon gave in ; Id cents a shine was his charge. The steamer " Alpha," built at Brecken- ridge, by .1. W. McLane, of this city, arrived for the first time in Sept. '73. It was found, when too late, that the boat was almost


useless t<> the owner, because, when exported from the U. S., she could not return again in the carrying trade. Mr. Me Lane endea- vored through the authorities at Ottawa, to make BOme arrange- ment at Washington to allow his boat to run in American waters, but it was a useless attempt. In consequence of this, Mr. McLane sold the boat to the Kittson line. An abortive effort was made at the time to star! an independent line in opposition to Kittson, the Alpha to be one of the boats, but the scheme was not carried out

" Lord Gordon," afterthe attempt to catch him, made a break for the Pacific coast under the pretence of going out on the plains shooting, but Attorney-General Clarke, wishing him back in Manitoba, sent after and arrested him on the charge of stealing an awl worth about one shilling sterling. Poor Gordon, on his return, was placed in prison and looked like a man hounded to death. The trial of his kidnappers resulted in a nominal punishment, and release of all concerned. Gordon also was released and retired to Headingly, where lie continued to reside until the day of his death, which event we will lie called on to chronicle before the close of our narrative. A great deal of feeling existed at the time of the Gordon trials, and it was rumored that injustice and unneoee cruelty was practiced by some, high in authority, towaids the unfortunate man. We have not space to go into particulars, but this we d i know, that when Mr. Clarke was Attorney-General there was a pretty general feeling of discontent at the arbitrary manner in which he conducted the law affairs on the part of the Crown. There is a great difference to-day in the administration of justice. The first organ in Winnipeg was placed in Grace Church in September, :7-">. Mr. Archibald Wright erected his block in '73, and it is with much pleasure we chronicle the enter- prise of this gentleman. He purchased a lot, which at that time on account of its being on the edge of a creek was thought of little value. Mr. Wright, however, turned it to good account in obtain- ing a fine cellar for his building; besides this it is mainly due to Arch. Wright that Main Street at that point is now filled up, and made, by his endeavours one of the most important centres of trade in the city. On Tuesday, 23rd September, 73, Ambroise Lepine was brought before Judge Betourney on the charge of participating


in the murder of Thomas Scott, and the result of the investigation was his commitment for trial. Mr. D. (Jodd was now appointed Dominion Land's Agent, a post which he has creditably filled ever since to the satisfaction of all parties. McLenaghen & Malloch opened their fine store in Sept., '73, where Mr. Jas. McLenaghen now is, with one of the finest and most varied stocks of dry goods ever seen in the city. The " Club House" was opened by R. H. Cronn in '73, and to-day we find him proprietor of the " Pomono House," the same building where he commenced business in Winnipeg. Gronn is anxious to demonstrate that history repeats itself. And now we find J. M. McGregor, at present of the Free Press, succeeding Lyster Hayward in the auction line. Mac made a first class auctioneer, but he excells as a business manager of a ■daily paper. The ferry boat having been moved to the foot of Notre Dame Street the next cry raised was in regard to the unfit- ness of the boat, it was too small. The following is a list of the building operations for '73 up to the end of the month :

Gapt. Scott erected a handsome frame residence near the bar- racks. The barracks themselves (or Fort Osborne; were in course of construction.

The Canada Pacific Hotel was being built.

The Garry Saloon and Dominion Hotel were erected on Main Street.

The Free Press office was built, and also the frame building south of it, was erected by Dr. Turver. Snyder & Anderson's fine stores were in course of construction. This firm, when they first came to Winnipeg, were engaged as flat-boatmen, and made money. They, however, took a fancy to remain in Winnipeg, and. immediately went to work to build the necessary stores for their business. Their block is to this day an ornament to the city, and Messrs. Snyder & Anderson are universally respected, and looked upon as one of the most straightforward and go-ahead firms in the city. In connection with Grace Church, a Wesleyan Educational Institute was erected near the parsonage, and opened formally on the 3rd November. Hon. Thos. Howard built the fine residence where Dr. Lynch is at present. YV. Palmer Clarke having great faith in the prospects of the southern part of the town, erected a


brick veneer store and dwelling, dearly opposite Snyder & Ander- son's. Capt. Scott, having left a military life, opened out in the furniture line, in company with his brother. Their first step was to erect a handsome frame store on Main Street, nearly oppo- site Grace Church, which they still occupy. W. Chambers and G. D. Northgraves, who had not parted company, now erected a store on the opposite corner from I). Scott & Co. The Mc Vicar Bros., having left Point Douglas, built a store next to Alex. Mc- Micken's Bank. Mr. Hargraves erected a store on the other side of the hank,, which he rented to Smith & Steele hardware merchants. We have already mentioned McLenaghen & Malloch, R. Gerrie & ( !o., I )r. J. C. l>ird,'and Bain & Blanchard'a buildings. We will now take a look at First Street, where we rind Alloway's Pacific Boarding stables built ; also Mr. Hackland's cottage, Mr. Walshe's hotel now the International and next to it, Roberts & Sinclair's livery stable, and Mr. Harry Pearson's dwelling. Taking a look down Notre Dame Street and vicinity, we are able to chronicle the first appearance of the Pioneer Furniture Show Rooms, Dr. Schultz's brick warehouse, several smaller houses, then Macaulay £ Jarvis' Sash, Door, and Blind Factory, at a cost of somewhere about $15- 000. The building was a large and substantial one, and fitted up with the very best machinery. The fact is, W. J. Macaulay, E. W. Jarvis, and Dick & Banning have done more, practically speaking, to build up this city than almost any other men in it. Dick & Banning's new mill was finished, and the upper flat occupied by Bishop & Shelton, who used the steam power for their lathe. Re- turning to Main Street, we find the store now occupied by Trott & Melville, but at that time by Fairbanks, tonsorial artist. Several small stores (still standing) occupied then by Hackett, the baker, Hughes, shoemaker, and Haynes & Burling, harness-makers. We have already mentioned J. Higgins' new store, then we pass Ash- down's store, and come to a store fitted up and recently used by Stobart Eden & Co., as a warehouse, until it was removed to make way for their present magnificent brick block. We now come to the Court House, erected at a cost of about £40,000, and built solidly of oak logs fitted into each other and afterwards sided over with pine. This building cost a lot of money, but is no ornament to


the city. We have spoken of Wright's block and further on in the direction of Point Douglas, residences, &c, were erected for the following individuals : J. F. Galbraith, Haynes, Stocks, Blackmore, Ship, Mahoney, Brooks, Curry, the Misses MeKenzie, Heiniinck, Johnston, C. Strang, Cooper, McGill, Deacon, Ashdown, Blackburn, Major Morrice, Emslie, Prof. Bryce, Mr. Stewart, Tucker. The north end of the city went ahead fast in those days, as it is still doing. We must not overlook the Thistle Store then being erected by Jock McGregor, elocutionist and general trader, and favorite with the French half-breeds. Although a Scotchman, lie makes out to be a pretty good Frenchman, and so clever is he that he will learn any language at sight if there's money in it Scotch like. Sam West built a neat^little residence for himself nearly opposite where Scott's warehouse is to-day. Mr. Wellband on retiring from the volunteers erected a store for himself next to the present telegraph building and commenced business. The tine work which he turned out of his shop quickly brought him customers, and his importations direct from England were much sought after. He has since then built up a magnificent business.

Towards the close of the year 1873 the subject of incorporation was once more taken up by the people, and a meeting was held in the School House, Winnipeg, on Wednesday, 22nd October. Mr. Ashdown was elected chairman, and W. F. Luxton, secretary. Nothing important was done at this meeting except to endorse the i ill of incorporation (with some trifling changes) which was thrown out of the last sitting of the Legislature. An attempt on October 25th at another meeting made by Messrs. F. Lynn and W. Clarke, to have a new bill framed, was voted down.

The Bill of Incorporation was then carefully revised and corrected and finally submitted to the house. The Fourth Session of the First Parliament of Manitoba opened on the 4th November, but adjourned on the 8th till Monday, loth February, 1874. Amongst the bills passed at that sitting, however, was that of the


Mr. W. F. Luxton was the first to announce himself as a can- didate for the Mayoralty, which he did in an address published


loth Nov. Candidates for civic honors, however, appeared very quickly, and the following names were spoken of:

For Mayor Messrs. Kennedy, Ashdown, Bannatyne, Cornish, McMicken, Wilson, Macaulay, Luxton.

Aldermen.— For the South Ward: McVicar, Clarke (W. P), Macaulay, Henderson, Roberts, Mulligan. Far the West Ward: Ashdown, Lusted, McArthur, \'illiers, Win. McDonald, Davis. Forth<' East Ward: Donaldson, Banning, Sinclair, Wright, Huy- ward, Brokovski. For the North Ward: Lusted, Logan, Hynian, Campbell, Fonseca, More.

An I. 0. ( ). F. was opened in this city in '73, and at once met \vith unqualified success. We will refer again to the older of Odd Fellows later on. The walls of the Canada Pacific Hotel having been erected, and the windows, outer doors and the roof on, the completion of the interior was not proceeded with, and in the meantime, the building was leased for concerts, halls, &c. Mr. Dufrin now appears as an opponent to Mr. Penrose, in the photo- graphing business, and R. A. Davis having found the hotel part of the Davis House too much trouble, leased that portion to Haverty, Grady i Kelly, which firm dissolved inXov'r. Haverty & Grady continuing, and under their management, the Davis House earned a first-rate reputation as a hotel. We will close this chapter by referring to the defeat of the Macdonald Administration in Ottawa, in November, '73, on the Pacific scandal. When news of the res- ignation of Sir John A. Macdonald and his colleagues reached here, some parties got up a, bonfire, and a rude attempt to burn Sir John, in effigy. This was the second bonfire lit in Winnipeg in honor of Sir John's failing power, ami there is this to be said about it that neither demonstration proved a success. Mr. Mackenzie was known to have stated that a cart-track was good enough for Mani- toba, for years to come, and therefore there was not a general state of rejoicing at Sir John's downfall, because his successor had not. the hearty sympathy of the people of Manitoba.



Conflagration Construction Loss of Archives Civic Elections Pro- vincial Insurance Co. Mayor Cornish— Aldermen Reform Con- vention— Nectar City Council— Dominion Elections— A Kaleide- scopic Candidate Fire axd Water The "Grangers" Rev Mr. Robertson Wesleyan 1!. A. Davis and Alex. Mcmicken Loins Kiel Owen Hughes City Chamberlain City Express Surveyors' Association Mass Meeting Band of Hope Sidewalks Hon. E. B. Wood Manitoba Eelix Imports Manitoba " Free Press " Death of Mr. Cunningham A Big Business City Property Clarke's Defeat Davis Victor Girard's Cabinet "Portage" Stage Horsey The Turf Bloodshed " Lord Gordon's" Suicide Missing Loot The Scaffold The Kifle Raising the Wind Pacific Ho- tel— Hooks and Ladders Pembina Branch Eire Engine Manito- ba College In Memori am— Cemetery Foolish Fairbanks Bishop of Saskatchewan Milk Obituary City Development Historical Si m i ety May* ir's Banquet Telegraphic Cabinet Resigns Prem ier Davis Dr. Benson Red River Bridge Government Buildings Push Business Statistics Heal Estate.

The first great tire in Winnipeg occurred, on Wednesday, the 3rd Dec, '73, when the Parliament Buildings were burned down. It appears that, through a defective stove-pipe, the walls in a par- tition in the second storey had caught fire, and before discovered, the flames had gained such headway that it was found impossible to save the building. Winnipeg turned out en masse to assist, every exertion was made to save the furniture, and valuable Gov- ernment library, but notwithstanding the efforts of the citizens, a great many books and numerous valuable papers were lost. At one time it was feared that the stores of A. ( r. B. Bannatyne would ignite but by hard work, the fire was confined to the Parliament Building, which after burning slowly for some hours, was finally reduced to a heap of ashes. Several rumois ware afloat as to the origin and cause of the fire, and an investigation was afterwards held by the Government, but nothing of importance was elicited or proof sufficient to place the blame on any individual. The first


voters' list for the civic elections was published on the 1st Dec,

'73, and the following is the numerical result:

North Ward 92 voters.

SouthWard 86 "

East Ward 123 "

West Ward 87 "

Total 388.

Of course, these figures show a large number of repeater.-, the actual number of voters in the city being only 308. Canvassing and election meetings were now the order of the day, and Messrs. Cornish and Luxton, being the only candidates in the field for the mayoralty, these two gentlemen abused each other to their hearts' content. During the latter part of December, the Provincial Insu- rance Co. extended their business to this country, Mr. David Mc- Arthur being their agent, and Messrs. Bannatyne, Lyon, and W. B. Clarke, the first local board. On Wednesday, 29th Dec,, 1873, the first nomination of candidates for the mayoralty took place with the following result : F. E. Cornish, nominated by Alex. Brown, seconded by A. E. Wilson ; W. F. Imoston, by W. V. Clark, seconded by T. Lusted; Duncan Sinclair, by W. F. Luxton, sec- onded by John McVicar; William McDonald,bjJ. H. Ashdown, seconded by X. W. Banning ; Messrs. Cornish and Luxton were the only candidates for whom a poll was demanded. On Monday, Jan. 5th, 1874, the first civic election took place as follows:

F. E. Cornish, for Mayor 383 vote-.

W. F. Luxton, 179

Majority for Cornish 204

It will be seen by this that there were a large number of repeat* ing votes cast. W. F. Luxton contended that Cornish's actual majority was 34.


South \Y<<rd. West Ward.

T. Scott 83 Arch. Wright 116

H. Swinford 82 J. H. Ashdown 113

-I. McLenaghen 80 J. Higgins 97


East Ward. North Ward.

A. Strang 143 A. Logan 122

W. B. Thibandean 140 W. G. Fonseca 113

Stewart Mulvey 126 J. B. More 91

Cornish was supported by the Hudson's Bay Co. and their friends, and there is no doubt he owed his election to their patronage.

The Dominion elections being close at hand, a meeting was cal- led in Brouse's hotel, on Tuesday, 13th Jan., to chose rive dele- gates from the city to attend the " Reform Convention," W. F. Luxton was appointed chairman, and J. R. Cameron, secretary. The following delegates were then elected : Messrs. Arch. Wright, W. B. Thibaudeau, W. F. Luxton, A. E. Wilson, and Jas. H. Ash- down.

In January, '74, California fruit and other delicacies were brought from Morehead overland, in a covered caravan with a stove in it and peddled from door to door in the streets of Winnipeg ! The first meeting of the city council took place on Wednesday, 19th Jan., '74, in the council chamber, which was fitted up for the purposOj overhead, in the building now occupied by Lyster, as a clothing store.

The Dominion elections being carried on in Manitoba, we find Donald A. Smith opposed in Selkirk by John Taylor, but almost at the last moment, Mr. Taylor resigned in favor of A. G. Banna- tyne, who up to the moment of his candidature, had been a strong supporter of Donald A., and in fact had only returned from can- vassing the country in favor of Mr. Smith. Mr. Bannatyne's sud- den change took everybody by surprise, and the fact of his having been such a strong supporter of Mr. Smith, made it up-hill work for him in his canvas. The French were pledged to Mr. Smith and as Mr. Bannatyne was unpopular with a large number of the English, the result was the election of Donald A. Smith, by 104 of a majority.

Mr. Bannatyne, in order to run against Mr. Smith, resigned his his position as postmaster, and John McDougall, head clerk in the office, was soon- afterwards appointed in his stead.

At the second meeting of the Council, A. M. Brown was elected


by 7 votes out of 1'2 to be city clerk, Lyster Hay ward, Chamber- lain, by 10 votes.

The Local Legislature met on Thursday, Feb. 5th, '74, pursuant to adjournment in Nov. previous. The Dominion elections in Manitoba, in February, resulted as follows :


Selkirk, Donald A. Smith 104

Lisgar, Dr. Schultz (i9

Provencher, Louis Kiel 126

Marquette, R. Cunningham 45

On Sunday, 15th Feb., '74, the Good Templar's Hall, on Notre Dame Street was burned down. It had been, at one time occu- pied by the , News Letter, and later by the Liberal printing com- panies. Clarke & McClure were heavy importers of American dressed and plain lumber, at this time. One of the results of the Smith-Bannatyne election was the establishment of a secret politi- cal society in Winnipeg, called the "Grangers," the members of which were composed of Bannatyne's supporters, and the object of the club was to inaugurate a determined opposition to the H. B. Co. This society, in a short time, became so strong that it was able to control any election in the city of Winnipeg. In religious matters, we have to report the arrival, inMarch, of Eev. J. Rob- ertson, to take charge of Knox Church. Knox Church, up to this time, had not been blessed with any regularly appointed clergy- man, several ministers doing service from time to time. The [lev. Mr. Robertson has continued ever since to minister to the Presby- terians in this city, and no preacher of the gospel is held in higher respect by our citizens, than is he earnest and painstaking, he is respected by all who know him. About this time the Wesleyans erected a small church in the North Ward, for the accommodation of their rapidly increasing numbers. Hon. D. A. Smith, having been elected to the Commons, was obliged to resign Ins seat in the Local Legislature,£and in consequence an election had to take place to fill the vacancy. R. A. Davis and Alex. McMickeii became the candidates, the former gentleman being the choice of the Win- nipeg (hangers. Mr. Davis came to this country during the re- bellion, and after the arrival of the troops, having some money, he


purchased the business of Geo. Emerling as hotel-keeper. He made a good bargain, and acquired wealth rapidly, and during the Smith-Bannatyne election he came to the front as a shrewd politi- cian. The Grangers chose him as their champion, and on the day of election, 7th April, '74, they marched to the polls in a body and secured his return as member for Winnipeg, before Alex. McMick- en and his friends had time to realize the situation. About this time the people of Winnipeg, through the Council, and by means of a mass meeting, protested loudly against Louis Reil being per- mitted to take his seat in tire Commons, as member for Proven- cher.

F. E. Kew, of London, England, whom we have already men- tioned, now entered into partnership with D. M. Stobart, under the name and style of Kew, Stobart & Co., and A. G. B. Banuatyne soon after sold out his entire stock of dry goods to the new firm, which, having rented his premises, commenced a retail and whole- sale dry goods business in Winnipeg. At first the busi- ness in this city was curried on under the name of 0. E. Hughes & Co., Mr. Hughes being an employee of the English house. From that day to this the business of this house has gone i in steadily increasing year by year, until now, under the name of Stobart Eden & Co., (Mr. Kew having retired) their trade in this city, as well as throughout the whole of the north-west, is second only to the Hudson's Bay Co.

Mr. Lyster Hay ward having resigned the office of chamberlain, on account of the smallness of the salary, Mr. James S. Ramsay was appointed in his place.

The " first boat " of the season, in '74, arrived on Thursday, April 30th. The pioneer City Express started in May, '74. During the same month the local Board of Trade passed resolutions condemna- tory of the action of the Dominion Government in respect to public works in Manitoba. A surveyor's association was formed in May. '74, with the following officers : President, A. L. Vaughan : Vice- President, J. L. Reid; Secretary, F. A. Martin; Treasurer, Geo. McPhillips; Committee, C. J. Bouchette, A. L. Russell, 0. B. Davidson, andD. Sinclair. A mass meeting called by Mr. Villi.-;-. Vice-President of the Board of Trade, was held on Thursday, 14th

t::n fears in Winnipeg.

May, and after a good deal of talk in regard to the Location of the new Post Office, finally passed the following resolution : "That this *' meeting, representing the inhabitants of Manitoba, earnestly and respectfully call upon the Dominion Goveniment to proceed with- out delay in the prosecution of the railway from Winni] Pembina, and the building of the accessary Local public works."

A •■ Band of Hope" temperance lodge was started the latter end of May, '74, with upwards of 20 members. On the 19th '74, another " Board of Trade " meeting was held and a resolution

3sed, regretting that the site chosen for the Post Office was not more central The City Council was appealed t<> in tin- matter but Mayor Cornish, who had been absenton a visit toCanadi ted that he had represented matters fully at Ottawa, and hoped that ;; more central location for the Posl Office would be chosen, In the meantime, the construction of side-walks was being pr< ed with, and substantial crossings placed at tin- intersection of the streets. Capt. Scott having been obliged to retire from the Coun- cil, on account of his connection with the military. .1. II. Cameron, reporter on the Free Press, was elected by acclamation in his place. Hon. E. B. Wood arrived on the 6th June, '74, as Chief Justice of Manitoba, and from that day till now, a more perfect and comprehensive administration of justice ha- prevailed.

The Imports at the Port of Winnipeg for 1x74, were $1,797,- 033, against 8918,336 in '7-">. The first burglary in the history of the city of Winnipeg, took place on Wednesday night, 3rd dune, '74, when a quantity of furs were stolen from 1(. Patterson. The third dentist in Winnipeg was J. H. Talbot; and amongst the houses engagedin business during 74 and '75, were Smith & Mun- roe, hardware merchants, a few doors south of McLenaghen's & Malloch's, andW. Palmer Clarke, opposite Snyder & Anderson's.

On Monday, duly 6th, the Manitoba Free Press made a nev. parture, and with an exhibit of enterprise on the part of the pro- prietors— justified, doubtless, by the rapid strides that busi was universally taking throughout the Province came to the front with its first daily edition, the first appearance indeed of a daily newspaper in the Nor'-West. This effort on the part of the man- agement appeared to 1.,- duly appreciated, for a liberal share of ad-


vertising patronage, and an increased circulation rewarded the venture The telegraphic despatches, of this date, brought the news of the death of Mr. Robt. Cunningham, the late editor of the Mani- toban, which was received alike by all classes of the community, independent of politics or creed, with sincere manifestations of regret. Mr. Cunningham was a brilliant journalist, and the news- paper world sustained in his early demise, an acknowledged loss.

The Spring Sale* of '74 made by Kew, Stdbart & Co., of Lon- don, England, to the merchants of Winnipeg, and traders of the Nor'- West, amounted, at that early stage of their history, to £30,- 000 sterling, whilst hosts of houses in Ontario and Quebec had ac- tually yet to learn of the existence of trade in Manitoba.

Harry Kirk was at this time taken in hand by the city council, and was appointed city hall messenger, a position which he has filled with credit up to the present time. Referring again to the value of city property, the following comparative table of the ru- ling prices, against those of '72, will give a more correct idea of the practical progressiveness of Winnipeg than pages of emphatic assertion :


1871. 1872. 1874.

H. B. Co. Estate $700 81000 $2000

McDermott Estate 75 100 400

Bannatyne 75 100 400

Morris 50 100 250

Schultz 50 100 500

Magnus Brown,, 10 25 50

Ross 50 75 350

After a pretty exciting scrimmage in the Local House between Attorney-General Clarke and R. A. Davis, in which the latter proved more than a match for the former, a direct vote of non- confidence was passed by 15 to 7 against the Clarke Government. Mr. Davis had pledged himself to overthrow the Government, and it did not take him long to fulfil his promise. Mr. Clarke for some time had been losing his strength with the French party, and although he tried every means in his power to make up with the English, they would not accept him. The people regarded him as G


too fond of extremes, for while championing the French party he

was extremely anti-Ontarian, and again when he quarrelled with the Metis he became in time exceedingly anti-French. These sudden changes were not acceptable to the people, and bo Mr. Clarke finding his power deserting him suddenly left the country. Hon. M. A. Giraid was then called on to form a Ministry, which he did with the following colleagues : Messrs. Hay, Davis, < )gletree, and Public.

During the summer of '74 a tri-weekly stage was started by John McKenny&Bro. between Winnipegand Portage. The attempt on the part of the Dominion Government to bring passengers overland from Lake Superior in '74 was not a successful operation. The contractors, Carpenter & Co., never gave satisfaction, and finally the Government had to abandon it. A racing park was established by one Fullerton on the outskirts of the city about this time, and the " fancy" had opportunities to speed their nags.

On Thursday, the 18th June, 74, a most horrible murder Mas committed on the prairie near the city. The victim was a young man named James E. Brown, and it appears he was attacked by some volunteers and dreadfully mutilated. One Michaud was arrested on suspicion and afterwards confessed to the crime. This affair threw the city into a great state of excitement. The last scene in the life of " Lord Gordon" took place at Headingly on 1st August, '74, when he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. It appears that another attempt was made tip carry him off, this time through a warrant issued in Toronto. Mr. Bain ami Mr. Gilbert McMicken unfortunately became mixed up in the matter, the former having been employed in his capacity as a lawyer, and the latter as a police magistrate to secure the arrest There is no doubt through dread of being carried to the States to undergo a long imprisonment, and driven to desperation by a series of per- secutions while in this country, the unfortunate man committed the rash act. It is well known to many that "Lord Gordon" came to Manitoba with a large sum of money and valuables, but nothing has ever transpired to show what became of this.

The Grand Central was built about this time, and R. H. Cronn became its first proprietor. The daily Free Press had now an op-


ponent in the shape of the Daily Norwe8terttSoLe hitter being the organ of Hon. R. A Davis, and edited by Alexander Begg. The local government money at tins time was deposited with Mr. Alex. McMicken, banker ; and the question arising whether the public- funds should be entrusted to a private banker, the result was that the government account was transferred to the Merchants' Bank of Canada, where it has remained ever since. On the death of R. Cunningham, Mr. Joseph Ryan, who was protesting the Marquette election at the time, claimed the seat, and by a decision of the Chief Justice, obtained it. On Friday, 38th August '74, Michaud was executed for the murder of Brown. This was the first execu- tion in Winnipeg, and threw a gloom over the whole community.

The mayor's chair was made by Mr. Charles Bennet, of London, Ontario, in '74, and cost somewhere about SI 00. A great Rifle Tournament took place in September, the opening day being Tues- day, the loth, when Mrs. Morris, wife of the Iieut.-Governor, open- ed the proceedings by firing off the first gun, at 11 a.m. The first by-law to empower the city council to raise money, was submitted to the people, and afterwards carried. It was for the following purposes :

First For the construction of sewers, one hundred thousand dollars.

Second For the purchase of fire engines and apparatus, and the construction of tanks for fire purposes, twenty-five thousand dollars.

Third For the construction and erection of water- works, and pro- curing and laying down of pipes, conduits, &c., forty thousand dollars.

Fourth For the construction of a market-house, city hail, and police station, twenty thousand dollars.

Fifth For widening, opening, and straightening of streets, ten thousand dollars.

Sixth For grading and improving streets, thirty thousand dollars.

Seventh For the construction of sidewalks and bridges, twenty- five thousand dollars.

On Thursday, Sept. 24th, '74, some little excitement was created in the city by the giving way of the walls of the Canada Pacific


Hott'l. The foundation of the southern wall of the building had caved in, and a tdtal collapse of the building seemed probable. Steps were immediately taken to Becure the walls from falling, and this was succesfully carried out. The northern wall Bhowed do signs of giving way, but the building was rendered useless, and fears for the safety of other brick buildings in course of erection in the «it\-, were entertained. We have Bince that time 'li- ed, how evci', that foundations for brick and stunt- buildings can be made perfectly secure.

A lli»,k and Ladder Company was organized latter end of Sept. '74, and Mr. J. H. Pearson elected the first captain of the b'hoys, Mr. Alex. Brown being the lieutenant. The first sod of the I bina Branch was turned by Mr. Whitehead's accountant, Mr 1' on Saturday, the 19th Sept., '74. The excavation for the first wa- ter tank was commenced on Monday, 28th Sept., and about the same time the city council sent an order for a steam fire engine. A lot and house on Post Office Street waspurchased from A. Mo- Dermott, sen., for an engine house, and a hose and engine com- pany was formed, in addition to the hook and ladder company. The Manitoba College was opened on the 5th Oct., '74, in Point D _ las, in a building almost opposite the present locution. Rev. da.-. EJobertson was inducted as pastoT ofKnox church, on Wed- nes lay, 14th Oct. 1874, before a large and attentive ngregation.

We have now to record the death of "Grouse," Van's dog, which occurred near Morehead ; everybody sympathised with Van in his bereavement. Possibly apropos of this, a cemetery company was spoken of at this time, hut evidently sufficient stock was not sub- scribed, as tbe matter fell through, [n October '74, the local Gov- ernment purchased the building on Post Office Street, which they have occupied ever since as public offices ; and we neglected to mention that after the burning of Mr. Bannatyne's building, Par- liament used the Court House for their sittings. Our tonsorial artist Fairbanks having realized a fortune in the barber business, saw tit to abandon a good thingandgo into hotel keeping, which is not always good for green hands at the business. Fairbanks bought an interest in the Exchange, (now the International) mar- ried afterwards, and failed, his tonsorial savings having been scat-


tered to the winds. Archdeacon McLean, having been created Bishop of Saskatchewan, Holy Trinity was crowded to excess (many being unable to gain admittance) on Sunday evening, Oct. 28th, to hear him preach. The first milkmen in Winnipeg were 1). L. Clink and Boyd & Gowler, the latter being still in the busi- ness. There was no watered milk in those days. Mr. A. E. Wil- son, of the firm of Wilson & Hyman died on Sunday, 8th Novem- ber, '74, regretted by a large circle of friends ; and on the same night Mr. Farquharson, the father of Mrs. Schultz,, also breathed his last. Mr. Farquharson came to this country with his two daughters before Winnipeg was even thought of. He was a warm hearted man.

And now we find our friend Luxton out with a two column and a half address to the electors of Rockwood. He was elected. As near as could be calculated the number of buildings in Winnipeg in 1874, was as follows :

Total number of dwellings 4(j8

" hotels 17

" " " saloons 7

" " " boarding-houses 23

" " " manufactures 27

" " " miscellaneous buildings 421

Total number of buildings in '74 903

Before we close this work we will enumerate the number of build- ings in 1879, showing a wonderful increase. An attempt was made in Nov. '74, to establish a historical society, but it was not es- tablished at that time. The great trial of Anibroise Lepine, for the murder of Scott, took place in October, and on Wednesday, Oct. 28th, he was sentenced by Chief Justice Wood, to be hanged on the 29th January, 1875.

Messrs. Wilson & Brydon opened the first skating rink in Win- nipeg at the foot of Post Office Street, in December, '74. The building was 45x120 feet clear, with ladies' and gentlemen's dress- ing rooms, 18x24. It was largely patronized during the winter of '74— '75. Mayor Cornish knew how to do things handsomely, for towards the close of his term in Nov. '74, he gave a grand dinner


to the aldermen and officers of the corporation in the Grand Cen- tral Hnt.l. Amongst the guests present were Chief Justice Wood, Hon. I). A. Smith, Hon P. A. Davis, Lieut. Col. Smith, <:. Mo Micken. I !onsul Taylor, W. F. Luxton. all the aldermen and a sprinkling of citizens. A mayor's dinner ought to be given every year, but it isn't. Several of the water tanks were completed, and the steam fire engine having arrived it underwent its first trial at the foot of Post Office Street on Saturday, Nov. 28, '74.

The telegraph line was completed between Winnipeg and Stone Fmt on the 27th of Nov. '74, and the following was the first mes- sage wired:

Chapel, H4 miles north of Winn: To David Glass, Grand Central:

"We have finished; 3:30 p. m. SlFTON & Ki.kmi

The skating rink of Wilson & Brydon cane- down with a on Sunday, Nov. 30th, and many of our readers will remember the wreck as it appeared. The proprietors, however, at once com- menced re-building. On Wednesday, 9th of Dec, '74, the Girard Government placed their resignation in the hands of the Lieuten- ant Governor. The resignations were accepted, and Son. R. A. Davis was called on to form a new ministry, which he did as fol- lows,: Hon. P. A. Davis, Provincial Treasurer and Premier; Hon. Joseph Royal, Minister of Public Works, and Provincial Secretary; Hon. Colin Enkster, Speaker Legislative Council, and President of Executive Council. A Crown council was afterwards appointed in the person of .1. 1). Walker, to take the place of the Attorney Gen- eral. Hon. P. A. Davis had already proved himself to be a clever and shrewd politician, and from the time that he became the means of ousting II. -I. Clarke from power, till the day of his retirement from public life, he continued to hold the confidence of a very large majority of the people of Manitoba. Successful in his own private business, in which he was known as an upright and just man, although some considered him a hard bargainer, he conducted the puhlic affairs mi the same principle, and took as much care of the government funds as if they were his own. By his care and good management he brought the affairs of the Province out of chao.s into order, and placed them on a most satisfactory footing.


The funeral of W. V. Elwood, who built the first streets in Win- nipeg, took place on Tuesday, 22d of Dec., '74.

Dr. E. Benson arrived in our midst on Friday, 18th Dec, 1874 and took up his resilience with his brother, J. R. Benson. Dr. Benson was not long until he built for himself a large city as well as a country practice. An orderly mass meeting of the citizens was held on Friday evening, 25th Dec, '74, in the " Pride of the West," (we had no city hall then,) for the purpose of memorializing the Government to run the C. P. R. through to Winnipeg, and build the railway bridge at this point. A number of resolutions were carried. Amongst others, one offered by Jas. H. Ashdown, drawing the attention of the Government to the necessity for a Red River bridge.

We will now take a look at the building operations during 1874 in the city. Mr Hespeler erected the fine block, the lower portion of which is now used as Dominion Government Emigration Offices. He also built what is known as the Lome House next door. The Dominion Government erected the Custom House and Lands office, both handsome buildings, and still ornaments to the city. The H. B. Co. built offices south of the Canada Pacific Hotel, one end of which is now used by the Bank of Montreal. Dr. Schultz erected the residence which was afterwards purchased by Chief Justice Wood, who still occupies it. Hon. Alex. Morris constructed a fine frame building on the corner of Portage Avenue and Main Street which was immediately occupied by McMicken & Taylor, hardware merchants, and H. S. Donaldson Bros., booksellers. Donaldson, Bros, are still there, McM. & T. are no more. Hon. R. A. Davis had built an addition to the Davis House, which up to the present time is known as the Blue Store. Next we note the splendid three-storey brick building erected by John Higgins, and on the op- posite side of the street its counterpart belonging to A. G. B. Ban- natyne. Fort Osborne we have already mentioned. Then there was the Grand Central Hotel, and several other buildings. We have already shown the number of bouses in Winnipeg, but it may not be amiss to enumerate the business houses, &c. There were

4 Dry Goods stores, 4 Hardware stores, 2 Watchmakers' shops,

5 book-stores, 2 gunsmiths' shops, 2 banks, 4 livery-stables, 19


general stores, 3 drugstores, f> paint shops, 9 blacksmith sht \ 2 barber shops, 4 harness makers, 1 marble works, 4 carriage mak- ers, 4 printing offices, 4 furniture Bhops, 4 auctioneers, •"> tobacco stores, 3 boot and shoe stores, 3 photographic rooms, 2 fur stores, 6 bakeries and confectioners, 1 telegi ap h office, '■'> milliner shops, 2 flour and feed stores, 3 butcher shops, 11 lawyers, 8 doctor.-, 1 soda manufactory, 3 saw mills, 2 planing mills, 3 brick yard-. 2 tailors, &c, &c.

Mr. A. W. Burrows, who had for some time been in the Domin- ion Land office, went into the real estate business, and there can be no doubt that through his enterprise in advertising city proper- ty, he did much to bring Winnipeg prominently before the world as a field for investment.



Local Elections— Davis vs. Scott— Victorious Candidates— Civic Elections Manitoba Club— Rise and Fall— An Active Brigade Dust and Ashes— Removal Petroleum— Higgins & Young— Bad Oil— City Im- provements— Busy Councillors A Bold Merchant A Big Thing on Ice— Agricultural Society Lepine— An Agressive Sentry— "Again.- i Kittson "—Opposition Line— "Ichabod '— The Dignity ok the Bench A Rapid Justice— The Cash System— Charters— Flowing "Wells- Railway Delegation— Bridge Matters in 1875— "Tempora Mutan-. tur" A Prophetic "Free Press" Mennonitbs Mi:. Hespeler Leg- islature— Political Merchants' Transportation Co.— John Breden No. 6— Wire Pilling— Spelling Bee— A Boss Spellist— The "Man- itoba"— Sewer-ly Flotsom and Jetso.m Dr. Bird's Store Book-, binder The Domestic Tub— Splitting Haiks— The Ontario Bank George Brown Funereal Holy Trinity— Baptist Chapel— D. M. Walker Grasshoppers— The Swallow— Town Hall— Steam Ferry- Mackenzie's Steel Rails.

The local elections in '74, resulted as follows : In Winnipeg.. Hon. R. A. Davis was opposed by Capt Scott,

Hon. 11. A. 1 )avis polled 198 votes,

Capt. Scott " 183 "

Majority for Davis 15

St, Pauls Hon. Dr. J.C. Bird

St. Andrews South Hon. John Norquay,

St. Andrews North, John Gunn.

St. Clements Hon. T. Howai < I.

St. James Andrew Bourke.

St. Charles Alex. Murray .

Headingley John Taylor.

St. Francois Xavier East Lepine.

St. Francois Xavier West Hon Jos. Royal,

Baie St. Paul F. Chenier.

Poplar Point F. E Cornish.

High Bluff Dr. Cowan.

Portage la Prairie K. McKenzie,

Westbourne C. P. Brown.

108 TEN YK.\i:s in WINNIPEG.

Lake Manitoba Angus McKay.

Rockwood VY. F. Luxton.

Springfield \V. II. Dick

Point ile Chene Charles Nolin.

St. Boniface Hon. M. A Girard.

St. Vital Fos. Lemay.

st.Xorbert Hon. Jos. Dubuc.

St. Agathe F. A, Martin.

Kildonan was a tie between Frazer and Sutherland. In the civic elections of 1875, F. E. Cornish was opposed by Major W. X. Kennedy. The following is theresult of the polls:


W. R. Kennedy 218

F. E. Cornish 1 <i4

Majority tor Kennedy 54


Jas. McLenaghen 82

Alex. McMicken 79

•T. R. Cameron 69


Alex. Logan 102

T. Lusted 93

W. C Fonseca 89

West ward.

Arch. Wright 81

Willoughby Clarke 64

.1. Villiers 56


John Hackett 107

D. Sinclair 76

M. Davis 75

Hardly had our city become incorporated than a few of our lead-


ing citizens took it into their heads that we ought to have a club, and accordingly certain gentlemen at once went to work to form one. C. W. Piadiger, Col. Osborne Smith, and a few others, were the leading spirits in the scheme. Rooms were obtained in Mc- Dermott's block' and arrangements made with F. Pagerie, of the St. James Restaurant, in McDermott's Block, to cater for the club. A Billiard room was one of the features, and although the "Manito- ba " was not, by any means, what it is to-day, it was still a very creditable concern. Soon after its establishment, however, the club fell literally into ruins. Air. Pagerie had a back-room in his res- taurant, and in this apartment one afternoon a fire broke out, which in a very short space of time spread to other parts of the building. McDermott's block was one of the oldest buildings in the city, and very dry and inflammable. The tire therefore had easy work, and soon reduced the whole block to ashes. In fact the efforts of the fire brigade were

directed almost entirely to saving the surrounding buildings. Mon- champ's, now Prudhomine's hotel, on Post Office Street, had a nar- row escape. It was the first real trial presented to the fire brigade with their new steam fire engine. The following is the time made on that occasion by the b'hoys from the sounding of the alarm :

The first hose was laid in oh minutes ; the first water thrown in 11 minutes; the second jet was thrown in 17 minutes; the fire was under control in 21 minutes ; and this, it must be remembered, was early in the month of January. Our present fire brigade will have to be up and doing to beat that. The benefit of the water tanks which the corporation had sunk in our streets, was experi- enced on the occasion which we write of; in fact few cities without water works are better provided than are we for battling with the fire fiend. The loss by this conflagration was about $11,450, dis- tributed as follows :

Taillefer & Lillie, (owners of block) $ 2,500

Mercer & Yilliers, stock 2,500

F. Pagerie 3,000

O. Monchamp 500

M. Foucher.; 500

M. Mondor 200


Dr. O'Donnell 608

F. McKenzie 200

Manitoba Club 1,000

J. B. Haines 300

Win. Sinclair, a guest in Pagerie's restaurant, lost $350 in cash.

In January, '75, James H. Ashdown moved his store a little to the north of liis lot to make room for the splendid brick block which he afterwards erected. A corner in oil took place during the winter of '75, and that article jumped to $1.75 a gallon.

On the lstof Feb. '75, David Young was admitted into partner- ship with his late employer, John Higgins. This was a deserved tribute, for Mr. Young, by tact, perseverance and energy had built up the business of Mr. Higgins to large proportions. From the time he entered as clerk to Mr. Higgins he had continued to infuse new life into the business of that gentleman. The firm has had several changes in its co-partnership since that time, but Mr. Higgins and Mr. Young still stick together. About this time the customs officials undertook to test the coal oil held by the dealers in the city, and a quantity, of inferior quality was discovered, much to the disgust of the holders thereof. Some idea of the work per- formed by the City Council during '74 may be gathered from the following :


North Ward $1,072.21

South Ward 2,313.41

East Ward 2,089.82

West Ward 2,770,54



North Ward 246.15

South Ward 990.85

East Ward 1,117.1 i

West Ward 849.98

$3,204.02 Total costof bridge work $ 621.59


Lineal Yards.

Total length of sidewalks 4, 3 1 b'

" " crossings 544

". " streets graded 1,938

" new ditches 793

" covered drains 513

Quantity of earth deposited on streets 912 loads.

In Feb., '75, Mr. W. H. Lyons sold out his dry goods stock to A. H. Bertrand, and from that time has confined himself to groceries, &c. He gradually began to cultivate a wholesale trade in addition to his retail department, and being a fearless operator, he very soon worked into a very large connection. His sales to Government contractors were on an extensive scale, and he was always ready to fill any order, no matter how large, so long as the pay was sure.

The first skating carnival in this city took place in Wilson & Brydon's Rink on Thursday, the 4th of Feb., '75. It was a grand affair, and a decided novelty at that time. The Selkirk Agricul- tural Society having for some reason come to grief, steps were taken in Feb., '7"», to form another one. This was accomplished, and the following officers chosen: President, Duncan Mc Vicar; Vice Presidents, W. Corbet and Duncan Sinclair; Directors, Dr. Ben- son, Ed. Banke, W. B. Hall, John Fraser, W. J. Corrigan, Hon. M. A. Girard and A. G. B. Bannatyne ; Secretary, James Stewart '. Treasurer, W. G. Fonseca. Owing to certain rumors regarding an attempt to rescue Lepine from jail a military guard was placed at the Court House, and solitary citizens going home late at night used to be stopped short in that vicinity by a man with a musket singing out, " Who goes there ?" The citizens at last considering the thing m< m< >t» mous, began to complain. The monopoly of the carry- ing trade on the lied River by the Kittson Line, and the excessive charges made by that company for freight, at last induced several of the merchants of the city to get up an opposition line. To do this they had to call in the assistance of American citizens in order to have the boats regularly bonded under the United States laws. Accordingly the following gentlemen were found who joined arti- cles of association, viz: R. J. Baldwin, Minneapolis; Hon. Thos. Simpson, H. E. Curtis, Judge Aimer Lewis and Hon. John Doug-


las, Winona; Arthur Thornton, Franconia, and James Douglas, Moorhead. The officers of the company were: Abner Lewis, President; John Douglas, Secretary ; James Douglas, Treasurer and General Manager. The hull- of two steamers were built at Cin- cinnati and transported to Moorhead, where they were put together, The machinery was from the North Star Works, Minneapolis. The capital was set at $50,000, with power to increase to $100,000, but unfortunately for the success of the line, the most of the money was subscribed in Winnipeg, and the directors in the States had little if anything to lose by any mismanagement of the business. At tee Feb. sitting of the Court of Queen's Bench, in '75, Dr. Schultz had a true hill found against him forperjury. The result of the trial showed, however, that the charge had been made from political animus against the doctor, and, therefore, should never have been brought against him. The whole matter was the out- come of the heat of the election contest, and the end of the trial was the full acquittal of Dr. Schultz. It was thought by some that Chief Justice Wood had favored the doctor, (in our opinion, he would have done perfectly right to have quashed the whole case at the beginning,) and the Free Press, in an article entitled "Icha- bod," endeavored to bring the Chief to task for his conduct in the matter. The result of this was that W. F. Luxton was arrested, and brought before the Chief, who sentenced him to a fine of $200 forthwith, or imprisonment until paid. Within ten minutes the sum of $200 was subscribed in the court, and Luxton was libera- ted. There is no doubt that the sympathy of the citizen- was with Luxton on that occasion, as may be seen from the following list of subscribers who paid the $200 tine:

C. I). McVicar, Horace McDougalL

W. W. Banning, McLenaghen & Malloch,

Win. Alloway, H. Johnston,

L Hay ward, Colin Smith,

D. L. Clink, S. Duffin, Alex Brown, J. S. McGinn,

J. H. Bell, G. D. Northgraves,

A. Blackburn, Jas. Stewart,

F. E. Cornish, F. J. Washington,



Dr. O'Doimell, C. W. Richardson, I). C. Kinsey, John Smith, McDonald, W. K. Dick, Capt. Scott, T. Dnnlop, J. Sutherland, Alex. McDonald, R. Collingwood,

A. McMicken,

B. Sinclair, Gilbert McMicken, Hon. T. Howard, W. Bathgate,

Dr. Turver, W. F. Hyman, W. Crawford, T. Hughes, I). Sinclair, W. B. Church, J. Milligan,

S. Bishop,

B. Devlin,

H. McMicken,

Snyder & Anderson,

Geo. Turnbull,

J. H. Kennedy,

Geo. Black,

W. J. Piton,

A. G. B. Bannatyne,

Dr. C. J. Bird,

J. F. Coldwell,

J. 0. Arniit,

J. Hackitt,

W. H. Thibadeau,

L. Morneau,

John Breden,

M. Rocan,


R. Strang,

James Henderson,

Wm. Laurens,

J. Dawson,

H. T. Shelton.

Applications for charters were becoming thick again, about this time. The North West Loan & Investment Co., and the Ontario and Manitoba Landed Credit Co., applying ; but where are they now ? The Independent Order of Odd Fellows leased Snyder & Anderson's fine hall, in Feb'y. '75.

A number of flowing wells having been discovered near the limits of the city, it was suggested that they should be made use of in lieu of water- works, but it was never done. The city, about this time, sent Mayor Kennedy and Mr. St. John to Ottawa as a delegation to represent the interests of Winnipeg in the Railway and Bridge question. A number of citizens from Winnipeg being in Ottawa at the time, they all co-operated in presenting the claims of this city before Hon. Alex. Mackenzie, premier. The following telegram, dated March 2nd, 75 was received:


To the City Council <in<l Newspapers.

"Will you take fifty thousand dollars subsidy from the Domin- " ion ( rovernment, and build and maintain a passenger bridge across "the Red River '. and how much subsidy will you take, and build "a main bridge, suitable for railway and team traffic across same? "also, will you grant free right of way through Winnipeg for Pem- " bina branch ?

" Eeport will explain particulars. Consider carefully. Make "your best oiler for railway bridge.

W. X. Kennedy, M. A. Girard,

John Sutherland, W. H. Lyon,

John Schultz, A. W. Burrows,

M. St. John, Andrew Strang,

David Young, .lames Trow,

Jos. Ryan, Geo. B. Elliott."

How times are changed since then. We are uow glad enough to be allowed to build the bridge at our own expense, without one cent of bonus. The Free Press, however, of the 6th March, made the following remarks on the subject, which may be read with in- terest now : " We think the Dominion Government have no right " to ask the city to build a bridgeacross the river here. The Gov- " eminent have always given it out as their intention to build "such bridge. Fifty thousand dollars was voted two years ago, "and it has been re-voted since. It is on the estimates of this "year. The lowest cost, we believe, of the bridge would be two "hundred thousand dollars"

On receipt of the telegram we have already quoted, a meeting of the City Council was held, when the following resolution was unanimously carried: ''Moved by Alderman Lusted, seconded by "Alderman Logan, that the City Council give city bonds to extent "of 50 per cent, (or one-half) the value of total cost of a main "bridge overthe bed River opposite Winnipeg, suitable for both rail "and team traffic; also right of way and land sufficient for station "accommodation for Pembina Branch C. P. R. entering and passing "through Winnipeg." At a subsequent meeting held by the citi- zens in the Court House, Gilbert McMicken in the chair, the fol- lowing resolution amongst others was proposed by Duncan Sinclair,


seconded by John Higgins, and carried: "If necessary in order

"to obtain the railway and station in Winnipeg, we will build the " bridge and give the right of way, the I >ominion Government guar- anteeing the interest on debentures." But in spite of all this we didn't get the bridge. The arrival of Mennonites in the Province turned out a good thing for the merchants of Winnipeg. These new settlers came to this country well supplied with gold, and as they had to buy provisions, Hour, cooking stoves, farming imple- ments, &c, their trade in Winnipeg amounted to a good deal. As soon, however, as they became settled in their reserve and began to cultivate their land, their trade fell away to nothing, and now we only see an occasional Mennonite on the streets. Mr. Hes- peler, the Dominion Immigration Agent in this city, has done much for this Province, and it is due to his exertions that the Mennon- ites came to settle in Manitoba.

On Wednesday, 31st of March, '75, the first session of the sec- ond Parliament of Manitoba was opened by His Hon. Lieut. -Gov. Morris. With the defeat of the Clarke government Hon. Dr. Bird was left out in the cold for the speakership, and Hon. Joseph Dubuc elected in his stead. At the same time word was received in Winnipeg that ex-Atttorney General Clarke was living in Cali- fornia. On the 1st of April, '75, the steamer Manitoba was launched at Moorheatl On the 31st of March Hon. A. G. B. Bannatyne was returned by acclamation as member for Provencher, Mr. E. Tasse, his opponent, having retired from the contest at the last moment.

The " Merchants' Transportation Co.," opposition to the " Kitt- son Line," was now in full operation ; a large warehouse (now called No. 6 warehouse) was built at the foot of Post Office Street, size 125x35 feet, and Mr. John Breden was the manager of the line at this end. The steamer Manitoba was succeeded by the Mi n n esota,, the two finest boats on the river without doubt. Certainly the •' Merchants' Line " gave promise of being a very successful under- taking, but wires were even then working in St. Paul which were destined eventually to leave our merchants out in the cold, and place the steamers Manitoba, and Minnesota as boats of the Kitt- son Line. The steamer Selkirk was the first boat in '75, and H


arrived here on the 30th of April. The first public spelling match in Winnipeg took place in Good Templars' Hall on Friday, 30th of April, Gilbert McMicken in the chair, and Trios. Nixon, sen., ref- eree. It was an amusing scene, and Consul Taylor and Sam. Jackson appeared to be the boss spellistfl cm that occasion, the for- mer actually sj>elling " Brokovski " correctly,, which it must be acknowledged, was a wonderful feat.

The steamer M anUoba made her first appearance in this city on Friday, 21st of May, '75. She had on the trip 102 cabin passen- gers, 181 deck passengers, and 365 tons of freight. In the evening a number of citizens and ladies visited the new steamer for the pur- pose of presenting her with a set of colors, which was done with the usual speechifying, &c, and then the flag was hoisted, a gnu fired, and the Manitoba steamed out from her wharf for a trip down the river, with a large crowd of people on board. Everyone was delighted with the boat, and to this day the Manitoba is a favorite. The Minnesota arrived for the first time on Sunday, the 23d of May, and also attracted a great deal of attention. Early in June, '75, our City Engineer, T. H. Parr, visited Chicago for the purpose of examining into the sewerage system of that city. The people of Winnipeg had resolved to have sewers.

The first stroke of ill luck which happened to the Merchants' Line was the sinking of the Man '>tnh<i by the International, <>f the Kittson Line, which happened on the 11th of June, '7~>. There were several conjectures afloat at tin- time in regard to the acci- dent, some even going so far as to say that it was intentional, but we think there is no doubt it happened through some error in judg- ment of the officers on the boats. It was, however, a serious blow to the Merchants' Line, one in fact from which it did not rightly recover. Hon. Dr. Bird removed his drug store about this time, from the house where Dr. Cowan lives at present, to the stole now occupied by J. F. Caldwell & Co. The first bookbinder in the city was P. G. Laurie, now of the Saskatchewan Herald, at BattJeford, N. W. T.

We now hear of our friend "George Firestine" introducing baths for the first time in connection with his tonsorial establishment. Fairbanks had a neat shop, but Firestine's outshone his altogether


in the arrangement of the establishment. The " Bon Ton " is a favorite resort, and many a hair splitting argument takes place there. In June, '75, the Ontario Bank opened a branch office in this city in the building owned by Alex. McMicken, and which he had built for his own private banking business. The " Ontario " was started here under charge of Mr. Holland, but soon afterwards Mr. George Brown, the present manager, arrived, and assumed con- trol. The first hearse brought into Winnipeg belonged to William Harvey. Holy Trinity had now become too small for its congrega- tion, and accordingly steps were taken to build a larger church. The contract for the building at present used was let in June, '75, to Bell & Johnston. Churches were on the increase in Winnipeg at this time, for on Sunday, June 20th, '75, the Baptist Chapel was dedicated. Mr. W. E. Dick presented this church with a fine organ. Mr. D. M. Walker was appointed City Solicitor in the summer of '75, which position he has retained ever since. The grasshoppers visited the Province in clouds during 1875, and infested the streets of the city to the great discomfort of our citi- zens. One calculating individual estimated that there were at one time 1,267,360,000,000 hoppers in the Province, but we cannot vouch for the accuracy of his statement, as we did not count them. The City Hall and offices were removed in June, '75, from the building now occupied by Lyster's clothing store, to the upper flat of Snyder & Anderson's building. The steamer Swallow arrived in the summer of '75, and was purchased by Major Morrice, who, however, did not run her for any lenth of time. The Government, in order to meet the requirements of the travelling public had arranged to place a steam ferry between St. Boniface and Winni- peg, and Mr. J. W. McLane, who secured the contract, ran a steam ferry boat for the first time across the Eed River in the summer of '75.' It was considered a great boon to the public. The first instalment of McKenzie's celebrated steel rails arrived here by the Cheyenne on Sunday, 27th of June, '75.



City Assessment Van I'i'.nsktaer— "Baby Jim "--Tin: "Colville" City Bonds Rival Banki Stage Company— Mi:. Cuddy— DoddA l<>.— G. F.


Hospital City Hall— Ceremonials— Me. Geo. Brown— The "Mag- gie"—Hon. Mi:. Letellieb Merchants' Transportation Link l>r- mors A Rapacious Lion Petitions— The "Swallow " Bridgi Office Bannatyne's Liberality Masonic Imports and Exports Canada Pacific Hotel— E. McCoskrie— Holy Trinity- -Rev. O.Fortih Ashdown's Block Merchants' Bank— Mk. Duncan McArthur "In Perils of Robbers" Charles Daly City Hai.i. Tiih Crvic Purse J. W. Winnett Maoaulay-'s Mild— In the Ioe Interrupted Naviga- tion— Mayor Kennedy— Skating Piink Prudhomme Dramatic The Hammer— The Knife— Davis' Hotel Finani ial Winnipeg.

The city assessment in 1875 was as follows :

Value of real property 81,808,567

'• personal property , 801,212


The total population (assessed) was estimated at 3,031, and peo- ple not assessed, 2,000, so that the actual population was over 5,000; pretty good considering that in 1869 we had hardly 100. Amongst the heaviest ratepayers then, Hudson Bay Co. summed up 8595,312, Bannatyne 884,225. McDermott 878,876, Macaulay 844,500, and Alex. Logan $53,000.

The steamer Swallow did not remain long in the possession of Major Morrice, for early in July it passed into the hands of J. W. McLane.

And now "Van" re-appears on the scene. Mr. Carpenter, the stage and express agent in Winnipeg, having been removed to a post east, Van was sent here in his place. It seems our genial express agent went by the name of "Baby Jim" in Moorhead. To judge from his size he must have been reared on good sound milk.

The steamer Chief Commissioner, built by the Hudson Bay Co. for Lake Winnipeg, was converted into a floating wharf at the


Stone Fort, and her machinery transferred into the Colville, a new- boat built in 75 at Grand Forks. The Colville proved a success, and is still running on Lake Winnipeg, sometimes paying tin's city a visit.

The $200,000 bonds of the city having been disposed of, some $180,000 was realized on their sale. Of this amount it was deemed advisable to invest $100,000, as that sum would not be required for a year. The Ontario and the Merchants' Banks came into competition for the use of this money, and considerable feel- ing was evinced by some parties on the subject. The Merchants' Bank had taken some trouble to have the city bonds placed on the market, and although there was discontent at the figures realized, it must not be forgotten that the city gained a great point by having its bonds taken hold of at so early a date in its history. In fact there is no doubt the city was under obligations to a certain extent to the Merchants' Bank. Probably, on this account, the offer of Mr. MeArthur for the loan of 1100,000 was accepted, although there was little, if any, difference between his proposition and that of Mr. Holland, of the Ontario Bank. At all events, this financial matter created a tempest in a tea-pot, and as each bank had its friends in the Council, our aldermen nearly came to blows in the discussion. The stage company, during the summer of '75, com- menced to run night and day, making the trip between Winnipeg and Moorhead in thirty-six hours. Mr. P. Guilmette, having been in business on Post Office Street for some time, Mr. Cuddy (now of Cuddy & Smith,) entered into partnership with him, and for some time the business felt the influence of Mr. Cuddy's energy and tact. About this time, we hear of Dodd opening a boot and shoe stoic next to McLenaghen & Malloch's on Main Street. Mr. McDonald, who soon after associated himself with Mr Dodd, is a pushing, energetic man of business, and Dodd is a, thorough work- man, and well posted in his line. From a small beginning, the firm of Dodd & Co. has risen to the front rank among the mer- chants (if Winnipeg. We will have occasion to refer to this house again. David MeArthur, for some reason, having resigned the agency of the Provincial Fire Insurance Co., in 1875, G. F. Car- ruthers took his place. By steady attention and close application,


and by looking out for the main chance, Mr. Carruthera has ceeded in obtaining several other agencies foi first-class Lnsnrance companies, and he is now engaged in the most extensive insurance business in the Province, and rinds it more profitable than running the Gazette, which sood after the departure of ex-attorney-general Clarke, its nation ceased to exist. The city, having decided to have -ewer-, the council took steps to let the work out by contract ; but at this stage of onr city's ] I)' .-iv--. it was almost impossible for any public affair to be conducted without a mass meeting and a row! It appears that the tender of Moberley & McLennan for the sewer contract, although the highest, had been accepted, and the people wanted to know the reason why. A mass meeting was therefore called in the open air, at the corner of Main Street and Portage Avenue, (the latter being called Assinniboine Street at that time,) and a large turn-out of our citizen- assembled. There was considerable bitterness shown by some of the speakers, but it was evident that the crowd was not in favor of Moberly a: McLennan, as will be seen by the fol- lowing resolutions: "' Moved by dames H. Ashdown, seconded by "J. B. More, that after having heard the explanations of the alder- "men who voted for awarding the sewer contract to Moberly & Mo- "Lennan, we do not consider they have had sufficient ground for "voting away $10,000 of the people'.-, money unnecessarily, and that "they have violated the trust reposed in them." •■ Moved by Hon. "R A. Davis, seconded by Andrew Strang, that the Mayor be "requested not to ratify the sewer contract awarded to Moberly & " McLennan, and this meeting pledges itself to support him in that " course."

The contract for the erection of the Winnipeg General Hospital was awarded in August to R. 1'. Patterson. The lot on which it was to be built was the joint gift of Messrs. A. McDermott, sen., and Hon. A. <l. B. Bannatyne. In the meantime work on the sidewalks of the city was progressing at a wonderful rate, and cer- tainly the Council of 75 did not allow the grass to mow under their feet. Our readers will remember the incident already record- ed, when the Moor of Red River Hall gave way under the weight of an audience: we now find the same thing occurring at SnyderA


Anderson's in '75, when the floor nearly gave way at a meeting of Council. The want of a City Hall was much felt at that time, and the City Council was hurrying on the erection of one as fast as possible. The location chosen for the future City Hall was in the centre of a large creek, or gully, just north of Wright's block, the bed of which was used in forming the cellar. At the present day there is no sign of a creek ever having been there, as it has been filled in since by the Board of Works. When the foundation of the City Hall was being built, grave fears were entertained that it would prove unsound. The contractors, however, were very care- ful in their work, and as we all know the building has stood the test ever since without giving way. The architect was Mr. Thos. Inglis, and the contractor Mr. W. H. Burckholder, who, we are sony to relate, lost so heavily in the undertaking that at the finish he found himself a ruined man. Tuesday, the 17th of August, being a civic holiday, the laying of the corner stone of the City Hall took place in presence of a large assemblage of people. The following societies took part in the ceremony : L. 0. L. 1,307 and 1,352 (hand Orange Lodge of Manitoba, Good Tempalrs, Inde- pendent Order and Band of Hope, British Order, one lodge, I. 0. O. F., Manitoba Lodge No. 1, North Star Lodge No. 2, Harmony Encampment, Military Band, A. F. and A. M., Prince Rupert's Lodge, Ancient Landmark Lodge, St. John's Lodge, Grand Lodge of Free Masons.

Speeches were made by Chief Justice Wood, American Consul Taylor, and Hon. R. A. Davis, and the ceremony of laying the cor- ner stone was performed by Grand-Master the Lev. Dr. Clarke, as- sisted by the grand officers. The casket contained the following articles: One pound note, H. B. Co., issued 1858; rive shilling note, H. B. Co., issued 1866 ; a Merchants' bank bill $5, dated 2nd January, 1873, and forms of drafts on New York, Montreal and St. Paul, $1,000 each (Merchants' Bank) ; Dominion note, one dollar, issm-d 1870 ; Dominion note twenty-five cents, issued 1870; Dominion silver coins, 50, 2."., In, and 5 cents respectively ; British silver coins, 3d. 5d. Is. 2s. and 3s. ; Russian cuius of L5 and 20 kopeks, brought into the province by Menonite immigrants; Prus- sian coin of 10 kreutzers, brought in by same; and a number of


copper coins of various nationalities and dates. Photographs of the Mayor, Council, and civic officers of the city of Winnipeg, for 1874, of the Mayor, Council, and civic officers of the city of Win- nipeg, for 187o ; of the fire brigade of the City of Winnipeg, for 1875; of Point Douglas from the Court-house, taken 1874; of the same looking north , with market building foundation, August, 187-4; of the east ward, north of Brown's bridge.taken 1875; of the west ward, north of Brown's bridge, taken 1875; of Main S looking south from Court-house, taken spring, 1^74; of the same. looking s«mth from Court-house, taken 1875 : of part of east ward, St. Boniface in the distance, 1875 ; first arrival of the Mennonite immigrants by Ivdernaticmalt 1874 ; Main Street from opposite Schultz Street, looking north, 1874; Grace Church after comple- tion, 1871 ; Winnipeg water- works, " James Irwin," 1871; pon- toon bridge; Fort Garry and Warehouse, from south side of the River Assiniboine, 1S74; J. L. Reid's arrival from the west by dog trains, 1873; St. Boniface, from west side of river, ls72; three photographs of Manitoba scourge, "grasshoppers," 1875; Louis Riel andjiis cabinet, 1869-70. The charter of incorporation of the city of Winnipeg, 1873; amended charter of incorporation of the city of Winnipeg, L875; by-law No. 9, of the city of Win- nipeg, " Rules and Order," 1875 ; Statutes of Manitoba, 1871 to 1875 ; prize list, first Annual Exhibition Provincial Agricultural and Industrial Society of Manitoba, 1872; prize list first Annual Exhibition of the County of Selkirk Agricultural Society, L875; Winnipeg as it is in 1S74, and as it was in 1860, by Elliot : Man- itoba and the North-West of the Dominion, in Englis] Manitoba and tin- Nbrth-West of the Dominion, in French, " Spenrr ;" report of the Superintendent of Schools, Manitoba, 1 875 ; laws of the Governor and Council of Assiniboia, 1862; a copy of the Quebec Gazette, printed by Brown & Gilmore, on the 21st June, 1764, 1st number ; a copy of the first document printed in Manitoba, hy the Rev. Mr. Corbett, at Headingley, in 1870, en- titled, " A few reasons for a Crown Colony;" a copy of the A'< w Nation, containing a correct verbatim report of the first convention of 40 representatives of the French and English people of Assini- boia, to form a "Bill of rights," &c., February 11th, 1870 ; copies


of the Manitoba Gazette, of 4th and 11th May, 1872, containing reports of public meetings relative to the post-office site, and other important items ; copy of the Liberal, of the 4th May, 1872, on same subjects; copies of the North-Wester, of 9th and 16th Aug- ust, 1875 ; copies of the Standard, 1st and last issues, 1875; copies weekly Free Press, 14th August, 1875, copies daily Free Press, 7th July, 1874, and 16th August, 1875 ; copies of Nt ws Letter, 1879 and 1871; map or plan of the City of Winnipeg, drawn and compiled by J. P. Parr, 1874; voters' list of first muni- cipal election, 1874 ; voters' list of second municipal election, 1875 ; list of members and officers of the Council of the City of Winnipeg, 1875, copy^of this document ; a bottle containing sam- ples of the scourge of Manitoba "grasshoppers " in spirits; also a box containing heads of wheat from a field partially destroyed by grasshoppers, 1875.

Mr. George Brown took charge of the Ontario Bank on the 21st of August, '75, Mr. Holland returning to Canada to resume his duties as Inspector. Young Men's Christian Association at this time had a Freef Beading Boom over the telegraph office, corner Main and Not re Dame Streets. The tug Maggie being too small for the river trade, Mr. Bobbin, the owner, had a barge seventy feet long constructed, into which he placed the Maggie's machin- ery. This was the first instalment of the steamer Keewatin. The survey for the Pembina Branch line was carried across Bed River in August, 1875, the crossing being at the Bouvette prop- erty on the south side of Point Douglas proper, or half way be- tween where RadigeT & Erb's distillery stands to-day, and John Higgins' residence. Hon. Mr. Letellier, the recently dismissed Lieutenant Governor of Quebec, visited this city during the sum- mer of '75. He gave it publicly as his opinion that the crossing of the Pembina Branch at Winnipeg would do more to advance the country than any other route, but it seems he was unable to induce Hon. Alex. McKenzie to think the same. Mr. S. R. Cham- bers opened his biscuit and confectionery manufactory in Septem- ber, '75, in the same building where it is to-day.

Rumors began now to float about the Merchant's Transportation Line, and a suspicion arose that the American directors were


coquetting with Mr. Kittson in St. Paul Mr. John Breden denied all knowledge of such a state of things, hut still considerable uneasiness existed in the minds of the shareholders here. Soon after this the Manitoba was seized at the suit of McMicken & Taylor for a sum of Sl,7<»<i. At about the same time the Minne- sota was taken in charge by Sheriff Blanchard, at Bloorhead. Things began to look had, and evidently there was a screw loose somewhere. The City Hall now appeared to he a bottomless pit into which the people's money was being poured, and not content with using up the whole of the appropriation for Its election, the City Council were obliged to take money set apart for water works and use it to finish the Hall; $15,000 was used in this way, and still the cry was for more. A spasmodic effort of the Board of Trade was heard from about this time. At a meeting of the Board on Wednesday, Sept. 8th, Dr. Schultz in the chair, it was moved by E. Gerrie, seconded by John Villiers, "that Messrs. Ashdown, Lux- "ton and Dr. O'Donnell, and the mover and seconder, be and are "hereby appointed a committee to draft and forward a communica- "tion to Hon. Alex. MeKenzie, Minister of Public Works and "Premier of the Dominion, urging the claims of the people of this " Province to have the Pembina Branch of the Canada Pacific Bail- " road located on the west side of Bed River, with a crossing, free." A widening of Main street took place in the fall of '75, and Badi- ger's building had to be moved back several feet into the position it at present occupies. The steamer Swallow having returned to its "first love" and builder, Capt. Flannigan, that gentleman, with his usual spirit of enterprise, removed a number of boulders and built a wing dam at the St. Andrew's Rapids, in order to enable his steamers to run during the summer between Stone Fort and Winnipeg. Macaulay's mills ran night and day during the sum- mer of '75, and early in September two million feet of lumber had been sawn by the firm since the commencement of the Beason. Another mass meeting was held in the Court House at Winnipeg on Tuesday, Sept. 14, '75, to urge upon the Dominion Government the necessity for a bridge. Several important resolutions were passed, and amongst the proposers and seconders we find the names Of Dr. O'Donnell, D. U. Campbell, Rev. Mr. Bryce, Alderman Vil-


liers, F. E. Cornish, Frank Lynn, Dr. Benson, Arch. Wright, W. F. Luxton, W. Clarke, G. B. Spencer, T. Lusted, Stewart Mulvey and Thomas Gravely. The steamers Manitoba and Mvrvnesota had stopped running', the former being detained at Moorhead and the latter at Winnipeg.

The Custom House and Lands Office having been built at the southern end of the city, the people had the satisfaction of securing the Post Office in a more central position. Mr. Bannatyne, with his well known liberality, having given a lot of land for the pur- pose, as a free gift to the Crown, the citizens of Winnipeg have to thank him for the Post Office being where it is to-day. Probably mass meetings, resolutions, &c, had also a little to do in the mat- ter. Messrs. Ashdown and R. Strang having been appointed a deputation to go to St. Paul and look into the affairs of the Mer- chants' Line, returned in the latter end of September, and reported the affairs of the company in a very complicated state, so much so that the boats would not run again that season. This was prac- tically the end of the Merchants' Line, as Mr. X. W. Kittson bought out the whole concern some time afterwards. A number of the smaller shareholders in this city lost all, or nearly all they paid in, while some of the larger stockholders afterwards became shareholders in the Kittson's Line, thus virtually taking a hand in the monopoly which they had previously beeD crying down for such a length of time.

A council of Royal and Select Master Masons was organized in Winnipeg on Thursday, 23d of Sept., 75, by R. M. Cum]., James B. Nixon, Grand Recorder of Grand Council of Ontario.

Mr. Thomas Watt, civil engineer, arrived here in Sept., 75, and was for some time engaged by the Dominion Government on the Canada Pacific Railroad. A hose tower was erected at the enoine house on Post Office Street, which gave the place more the appear- ance of a shot manufactory than anything else. A fire bell was placed in position, and everything appeared snug for a fire alarm.

On the 1st of October, 75, at a meeting of the Council it was resolved, "That the Council is of opinion that the local government "ought to convene the Legislature and take such steps by leuisla- "tion on the situation as will cause the Dominion Government to


" pause in the course they have taken in respect of the railway " bridge, and further, that a committee of this < louncil be appointed "to wait upon the Local government to ascertain what they intend "doing in relation to railway matters." These resolutions were caused by the apparent design of the Ottawa authorities to give Winnipeg the go-by in respect to the railway bridge.

Imports at the port of Winnipeg for the year, ending :i<»th of June, '75, was $1,243,309, not including the goods brought from Canada, The amount of duties collected was $171,430.76, and tin- exports for the same time was $588,958.

The contract for taking down and rebuilding the southern wall of the Canada Pacific Hotel was let to E. McCoskrie, who went to work and in a short time had the hotel as good as new, an under- taking requiring no little skill, and reflecting handsomely on Mr. McCoskrie as an expert and practical man. The building was fur- nished throughout by the proprietors, and soon after leased to J. Haverty for a term of years, and ever since, the Pacific Hotel has ranked amongst the best houses in the city. The building of the present Holy Trinity was being completed when it was resolved to have a regular pastor for the church. Several uames were men- tioned, amongst which were those of the Rev. Messrs. Dr. Clarke and 0. Fortin, of Montreal. The choice of the church was finally given in favor of Mr. Fortin, although Dr. Clarke had keen officiating for sometime. On Wednesday, L!7th of October, therefore, lli^ Lord- ship the Metropolitan of Rupert's hand, appointed Mr. Fortin, and that gentleman soon after arrived to take charge of his cure, since which time, by his zeal and earnestness, both in the pulpit and among his ongregation, he has deservedly earned the respeel and esteem of the people of Winnipeg. Mr. dames II. Ashdown fin- ished his fine brick corner block in Oct., '75. The dimensions of the buildings were 72x28, three stories high. The ceilings of the first, second and third floors were respectively 13, 11, 1- feet high, and there was a good cellar 6 feet deep. The building had a very handsome front, and the foundation was carefully protected by piles being driven in before the stone wall of the cellar was laid. This tine store cost upwards of $15,000, and is still one of the ornaments of the city. On the 25th of October the Merchants'


Bank moved into their new premises, which they still occupy.

This building is one of the finest and most substantial in the city, built of white brick and faced with red stone, it presents a very solid appearance, and in point of architectural beauty, is sec- ond to none in Winnipeg-. The fittings inside are handsomly made, and planned with all the modern improvements and accessories to the business of banking. A large vault is placed in the bank, made by the Hall Safe and Lock Co. The two upper flats are occupied by Mr. D. McArthur, the manager, and are finished in the finest style. When we look at this building, and remem- ber the coming of Mr. I). McArthur to establish the bank, we are truly astonished at the success which has attended his efforts. We remember meeting Mr. McArthur on his way to this country, at Grand Forks, in 1872, when staging to Fort Garry was quite an undertaking, especially when handicapped with valuables. Mr. McArthur, it appears, had valuables to a large amount, and in pas- sing along the prairie near the Grand Forks Stage Station, was overtaken by two men whose movements were very suspicious. Grand Forks, at that time, consisted of only one or two houses and there were some very loose characters hanging about the vici- nity. These two men kept McArthur in view for sometime but probably coming to the conclusion that an attack was useless they disappeared. Mr. McArthur went on his way rejoicing that night, and arrived safely in Winnipeg. Immediately on his arri- val he leased a frame building, near where Dufferin Hall is to-day, and having placed some rude counters, and fitted up the premises to resemble a bank as much as possible, he commenced the Mer- chants' Bank business in Winnipeg, on the 12th December, 1872. He had an able and popular assistant in Mr. Daly. Mr. Mc- Arthur was a careful manager, and although the bank has been from its commencement, identified financially, more or less, with all the public and private enterprises of this city and the province, it is safe to say that there are few agencies of the Merchants' Bank that have paid the institution better than the Winnipeg branch. The City of Winnipeg and the Province of Manitoba are certainly indebted to this Merchants' Bank. In connection with the City Hall, it may be interesting to give the following particulars taken


from a report of Messrs. Lecourt and McCoskrie, architects, in Oct. 1875:—

Excavation, 1,172 cubic yards (a; 60c S703 20

Concrete, 262 cubic yards, (a $23 6,049 00

Rubble masonry, 667£ perches @ $9 0,097 50

Cut stone work, 1,824 superficial feet, (o S3 5,472 00

Brick work, 480,4s; bricks, (2 S30 per 1,000 14,415 00


10,524 feet oak, $50 526 20

9,297 feet pine, (a $35 515 39

29,753 feet pine, (a $25 743 82

40 pairs sashes and frames, (cr $9 360 00

3 door frames @$10 30 00

14 coverings in groins, (a $5 70 00

Iron Work 335 00

$35,217 11

This was the cost of the building up to 13 < >db. '75, when it was in an unfinished state.

Macaulay's mills shut down in '75, on 27th October, after hav- ing sawn 3,340,000 feet of lumber during the season pretty good for a country where some people say there is no wood. Mr. J. W. Winnet about this time, Nov., '75 moved into a shop (which has since been torn down) near where the "Revere House " stands at present. Mr. Winnett commenced business in '73 in a small way, in a shanty, on the prairie, back of the city, and by hard work and strict attention to business he has built up the fine estab- lishment over which he presides to-day. He remained in the small premises on Main street, which we have just mentioned, until he moved into his present tine store south of the Merchants' Bank. Navigation closed rather suddenly in '75, and only one of the boats of the Kittson line (the International,) was able to reach winter quarters before the river was frozen over. The Dakota was caught at Scratching River with a cargo. The Cheyenne, also loaded, was frozen in at Emerson. The Alpha only got a few miles north of Grand Forks with her load, ami the Minnesota, with no cargo, had to winter at Pembina. A number of flat boats


were also caught in the ice, and in consequence a large amount of teaming was done during the winter of '75-76.

Mr. N. Kennedy, Mayor of the city in '75, on his return from Ottawa, where he had been in the interest of the city, made his report to the City Council in November, and the following is an extract from it: "We are safe in assuming, I think, that the Pa- "cine Railroad will not be continued west of Red Eiver for some "years, in fact the Premier in his Sarnia speech said so, conse-j " quently the bridge on the main line will not be built, as it would " not be required until the road is continued west. In the mean- " time the Pembina Branch is being proceeded with to a point op- " posite the city, and it is hoped that perhaps next fall we may " have railway communication with the south. Our city will be "rapidly growing in population and resources. The Dominion " Government is willing to assist us in building our railroads from " Winnipeg to the smith and west, including probably the railroad " bridge at the city. I think we will have a bridge at Winnipeg " before there is one north of us. In the meantime the wagon " bridge should be built. It is thought by engineers that a bridge " can be built for the sum set down in the estimate (850,000) ; if " not, I have no doubt, if our members that are in the House of "Commons and Senate use their hvfluecee for that purpose, the "government will double the amount, placing it at what it orig- " inally was. Let us be true to ourselves, work together unitedly, " and we need have no fear for the future prosperity of the city. "No influence that can be brought to bear will prevent Winnipeg "from being one of the principal cities of the Dominion. A lead- " ing and far-seeing member of the Montreal Board of Trade, the "other day in writing about Winnipeg, said that in 1900 the pop- ulation of Winnipeg would probably be 200,000, and I do not "think lie was far astray. Nature has done a great deal for Win- " nipeg ; let us do the rest."

The " Holy Trinity " of the present time was dedicated on the 12th of November, 1875, by His Lordship the Bishop of Rupert's Land. There was a very large attendance of people present, and the services morning and evening were conducted by the following clergymen: Rev. Archdeacon Cowley, Rev. Canons Grisdale and


O'Meara, Rev. Missis. Pritchard, Beck, Pinkham, Young, Wilson and Fortin. The latter gentleman was at the same time inducted as incumbent of the church, he having come from Montreal for that purpese. The church was 80x40 feet, with a 22 foot ceiling; the chancel on the north side was 36x18, and the vestry 18x9, with a store room of similar size. The seats were made to accom- modate 500 people, and were of neat design, with book racks and kneeling benches, and the whole inside appearance of the church was tasty but very plain; in fact there appeared to have been no attempt at architectural beauty in the designing of the church, either inwardly or outwardly.

It was now resolved to have a skating rink near the centre of the city, instead of upon the river, and accordingly a company of gentlemen put their heads together, and the result of their deliber- ations was the large and commodious Victoria Kink, now used as a drill shed. When the seats in Holy Trinity were sold by auction in November, the total sale amounted to £2,010, the highest bids running up to as much as 8110 for a pew.

Our readers will remember our description of Monchamp's start in business here, given in the first chapter of this book. Well, in 1875 he opened the present fine Hotel du Canada, one of the best houses at present in the city, and since Monchamp's retirement from business, kept by the hospitable ami cheery minded Prud- homrae.

About this time " Brown's bridge" was removed, and the gully filled in, which was a decided improvement to Main street.

The building now known as the "Lome House," but which was built by Mr. Hespeler as a " Mennonite Hotel," was in 75 con- verted into a " Theatre Royal," and a series of performances were given in that " temple of art " by a local troupe during the winter of 75 and 76. The Victoria Skating Rink was opened on Wed- nesday, Nov. 24th, 75, and an immense crowd of people filled the building to participate.

Mr. J. M. McGregor (now of the Free Press) was the first licensed auctioneer in the city of Winnipeg, and Arch. McNee was the successor of Mr. W. Alloway in the veterinary profession.


The Davis Hotel property was advertised for sale cheap in '75, and to-day you could hardly buy it for any money.

The report of the Finance Committee of the City Council in Dec, '75, showed that the following disbursements had been made up to that time :

Sewers $ 4,100 00

Fire Department 18,283 39

Market, City Hall, &c $15,578 68

From Water Works appropriation 12,790 95

Spent on market 828,369 73

Opening streets 3,158 03

Grading streets 18,610 99

Sidewalks 17,446 77

$89,968 89



Hoist WITH hib own Petard— Destruction OF Fii.k Km, ink a.m. Hall— An Unprofitable Investment— $15,000— A N'kw Engine— A Li.-i or DEA- cons—prospective rulnb a bucket brigade aldermen petty Larceny Arrest ok Legal Luminaries Narrow Escapei 6 iton of McJvob A Greek Hangman Police— A Rowdy (hike Cap- ture-Dismissal— Chief of Police Murray Pax Vobiscum A-u- DOWN'e Hospitality Local Legislature— Terfsichorean—Higgijib, Young and Peebles Abolition of Legislative Council Loaves and Fishes Temperance Music Freight— The Civic Squiri Stbeet Christening North-West Trade Crickei -< !old Water Elbctrio "Telegraph Flatters" Swan Riveb City— Alderman Villi Red Riveb Transportation Co.— Lepine and Nault— The Gibbet- Death of Louis Thomas— Early Navigation— Sewers City Cham- berlain Death of Mr. Ramsay Workman's Union R. Gerrie &

Co. Wholesale Dry Goods— Rev. Geo. Young Winnipeg at Wim-

, v Begg's Gait— Cuddy & Smith Growth of Winnipk Death of Dr. Bird Ross, Ross, & Kii.i.am Steamboat Collision.

Christmas morning, 1875, was a memorable one far Winni] We have already described how the council purchased a lot and engine-house on Post Office Street, from A. McDermott, sen., and how they erected a hose town on the same. We have also related how the city, at a great cost, purchased a steam fire engine, &c Well, on Christmas morning*1875, the whole of this fine outfit was destroyed by the very element it was supposed to conquer. The fire, it is said, originated from a defective stove-pipe, and the draught of air passing up the hose tower, caused the names I spread so rapidly that there was not sufficient time to give the alarm and save the fire engine. In fact, the men in charge of the engine house had hardly time to save their lives, their hair and clothing being singed as it was. So quickly did the fire do its work in this instance, that very few citizens were aware of what had happened till it was all over. The loss to Winnipeg was about $15,000, beside which it left the city without proper protection from fire. On Saturday, the 25th Dec, the council had a special meeting, at which it was decided to order by telegraph another Silsby engine. The following message was therefore sent : SiUiby Manufacturing Co., Seneca Falls,


" Can you ship at once a No. 1 steam fire engine complete, with " 2,000 feet carbolized rubber hose no reels. Our engine des- " troyed by fire ; under circumstances, will you deduct agent's " commission, and give six months' time from date of shipment. " If terms suit, ship immediately, and make freight contract to " Moorhead, care Minnesota Stage Co. Agent there. To this telegram, answer was received as follows : " Yes, will ship at once, as you direct. Silsby Manufacturing Co." The engine destroyed was called the " Assiniboine," and it is said was the second one ever destroyed by fire.

At Knox Church on Sunday, 25th of December, '75, Lieutenant Governor Morris, Rev. Messrs. Bryce and Hart, and Messrs. Gil- bert McMicken, Walter Laidlaw and D. U. Campbell were ordained elders of the church. We have already mentioned that fears were entertained lest the foundation of the City Hall should turn out bail. Well, on Sunday, 25th of December, '75, the building hav- ing settled a little, a crack was observed in the south wall. The fate of the Canada Pacific Hotel then loomed up, and crowds of our citizens visited the City Hall for the purpose of seeing and giving vent to their feelings on the insecurity of our market, &c. The civic elections were then pending, and occasion was taken by some to make the crack in the wall an election cry against the Mayor and some of the aldermen, who were seeking re-election. How- ever, the whole thing was a tempest in a teapot, as the City Hall is standing and perfectly sound at the present time. In the face of there being no fire engine in the city, A. J. Symonds came out with a suggestion to have a " Bucket Brigade. "

The civic elections for 1876 took place on Monday, -Tan. 3, and ended up by a scrimmage at the East Ward polling place, in which the poll books were stolen. The result of Monday's polling in the othei wards was as follows:


W. N. Kennedy. A. W. Burrows.

South Ward 39 52

West " 70 65

North " 68 63

186 180




South Ward.

West Ward.


, F. AlWav....

.. 95

T. P. Roblin




.. 95

Arch. Wright



. Hespeler

.. 93


J. Villiers



Alex, Logan 129

T. Lusted 116

W. G. Foli-tca 77

Iii the East Ward, about five minutes before the close of the polls, on Mr. Macaulay's voting for his partner, E. W. Jarvis, sev- eral of the persons present raised a disturbance, during which the

lamp was blown out, the stove pipe knocked down, and the poll book stolen. The poll was then closed. The next day the elec- tion in the East Ward was continued, with the following result:

For Mayor W. X. Kennedy 69 A. W. Burrows 1 4

d. Breden, tor alderman 104

W. W. Banning, " " 88

E. W. Jarvis " " 84

Mayor Kennedy was therefore declared duly elected for a second

term of office.

On the night of Monday, several individuals, amongst whom were

F. E. Cornish, W. B. Thibaudeau, J. R. Cameron, and, it is sup- posed, Geo. B. Elliot, visited the house of Mr. Huggard, the re- turning officer for the west ward, and after indulging in a scrim- mage, during which some hard blows were given, walked off with the poll-hook. Messrs. Cornish and Thibaudeau were arrested the next day, and warrants were issued for Cameron and Elliott, but neither of them could be found. They left the country to avoid arrest, and have never since returned to it. They were both newspaper men. Messrs. Cornish and Thibaudeau were commit- ted for trial.. They were tried in February, and fined 820 each and costs.

On Friday, the 7th January, '76, the second execution in Win- nipeg took place ; this time the unfortunate man being Mclvor, for the murder of Geo. Atkinson, at Beaver Creek, near Fort Ellice, North West Territories. The executioner, whoever he was, bung-


led his terrible work, and Mclvor, wlio.se neck was not broken by the fall, (the noose having slipped,) died by strangulation. We have neglected to mention the police force of the city, because up to the time that 1 ). B. Murray became chief, the management of the force was a disgrace to tbe town. The first chief of police was one Ingram, who was perhaps the greatest rowdy in Winnipeg at the time, and who under cloak of his authority, engaged in all kinds of dissipation. Finally the present chiefr then lieutenant in the force, on raiding a den in the western por- tion of the city, captured Ingram and took him prisoner, when, to the delight of every respectable citizen, the Council were obliged to dismiss him. Murray was then made Chief of Police, and from that day to this the force has gradually improved under his man- agement until now we can boast of as fine a body of police officers as can be found in any city of the Dominion. On the evening of the 14th of January, 1876, Mr. Jas. H. Ashdown entertained for the first time, his employees at a supper given at the Union. Mr. Ashdown ever since has entertained his employees at least once a year, a very praiseworthy habit of our enterprising hardware mer- chant, and one that does credit to his heart. We recommend the custom to others of our merchants; it would pay them, as kind- ness goes a long way to ensure fidelity.

On Tuesday, January, 18, 1876, the Local Legislature was opened by the Lieutenant Governor with the usual ceremonies. In February the "Ariel Club" was formed for the purpose of having a series of " hops " during the winter months. The officers were : President, A. G. B. Bannatyne; Vice, -I. H. McTavish; Secretary, W. Clarke; Treasurer, J. A. Peebles.

Mr. John A. Peebles, of Hamilton, now entered the bouse of Higgins & Young, in the dry goods department, and the firm be- came Higgins, Young & Peebles, Higgins & Young retaining the grocery business.

The prorogation of the Local Legislature took place on Friday, 4th of February, and one result of the legislation of the session was the abolition of the Legislative Council. The members of the Council who voted themselves out of office were Hon. Messrs. McKay, Inkster, Gunn and Ogletree, all of whom were supplied


immediately afterwards with government positions, and Hon. Messrs. O'Donnell, Hamelin and Dauphinais, who voted aga the abolition of the Legislative Council, were left altogether out in the cold.

A temperance lodge was organized on Thursday, Feb. 10th, at Point Douglas. About the same time a &6(>o piano was purcli for the City Hall. It may be interesting, as a proof of fche rapid increase of trade in this Province, to note the following twin regard to freight :

The shipment of goods from Moorhead for this Pro- vince in 1873 amounted to 23,613,036

1874 " 37,626,200

187." " 76,078,680

The new steam tire engine, named " Assiniboine," after its pre- decessor, arrived in the city drawn by four horses on Thursday morning, the 11th of Pel unary, and then Winnipeg breathed freer.

"Christ Church," the small chapel in connection with the Church of England, was opened in '7-", and the opening services were held on Sunday, 1 lth August, the Bishop of Rupert's Land and the Rev. Canon O'Meara officiating.

Dr. O'Donnell, who is a good judge of horse flesh, owned a very Qne stallion, which was bred by Archbishop Tache. The Dr. sold his horse to some speculators in the States, and in '76, we hear of Selkirk taking a purse of $1,200 in the 2.40 class at Dexter Park, Chicago, which was " well done " for Manitoba. Our friend Van had a hand in the "spec," and cleared enough to retire, if he had wished to do so. The Victoria skating rink, about this time, was turned into a gymnasium; hut it did not prosper it fizzled out in a short time.

The second instalment of Icelanders arrived in Winnipeg, on Wednesday, 16th August, numbering 4("> souls.

In l,S7i> there were, owing to the grasshopper plague, upwards of 45,945 barrels of Hour imported into Manitoba, up to 30th June of that year. If ow, we are beginning to export largely of grain, and will soon send Hour as well. An old landmark in Winnipeg disappeared about this time, in the shape of Devlin'.- restaurant


and bakery It was pulled down, and the buildings south of Du- four & Co.'s auction mart, were erected. The Manitoba Commer- cial College was opened toward the end of Sept., '76, in Snyder & Anderson's block, by Alex. Begg. For a time it prospered very well, while the novelty lasted, but cold nights, enticing entertain- ments, &c, soon reduced the attendance of scholars, until finally Mr. Begg was obliged to close the establishment, on account of its proving a loss financially.

The assessment for Protestant School purposes in the city of Winnipeg, amounted to $2,746,300, in 1876. A philharmonic so- ciety was proposed in '76, and a meeting for the purpose of organ- ization was held in the city hall, on Friday, Sept. 29, Mayor Ken- nedy in the chair, and E. Brokovski secretary. Mr. W. Dufour, the auctioneer, par excellence, of Winnipeg, arrived here in Sept. '76, and commenced business. He at first conducted sales on be- half of J. A. Wright and J. M. McGregor, but afterwards struck out on his own account. Mr. Dufour has succeeded in building up a wonderful trade in his line, and in his peculiar role has shown himself thoroughly acquainted with all the necessary details.

Oysters were sold, in September, '76, at $2 per can, in Winni- peg ; in 1875, in the same month, they commanded S3 ; in 187') they were 50 cents. In October, '76, the citizens were treated to the melodious strains of the first and only hand-organ ever heard in the city blessed Winnipeg !

In October, '76, the mammoth mill of the Hudson Bay Co., leased by J. N. McLane, was finished and commenced running. It is :i building 5~S-x37i feet, and 60 feet in height to the peak of the roof. The engine house is 38x44, and the engine of 250 horse power. The main driving wheel is 12 feet in diameter and 38-inch face. It has four run of stones, and is fitted up with all the mod- ern improvements. Without exception, when built this was the finest mill anywhere west of St. Paul. It's capacity for grinding is 1,350 bushels every 24 hours, which is pretty good for a young place like Winnipeg. A chimney sweep commenced business in Winnipeg in Oct. '7'i. About the same time a dramatic and liter- ary association was formed, the following gentlemen being chosen the officers thereof : President, E. Brokovski; Stage Manager,


Frank I. Clarke; Secretary, Jamea Emslie; Treasurer, .1. O. Le Cappelain, and Messrs. E. J. Thomas, C. X. Bell and J. S. Mc- Ginn, Managing Committee. The old "Trinity Church" was after- wards secured and converted into a theatre, and during the winter of '76 and '77 a series of entertainments took place, in which eral of the ladies in the city took part. "Holy Trinity," then commenced in a theatre, and so far as the <>ld building is concerned it ended its days in the la] > of mother drama. We have already mentioned McLane's mill, and now we have to record some partic- ulars regarding the rival, " McMillan & Bassett's," at the foot of Post Office Street. The building was 30x50, and 32 feet in height. It was built to accommodate four run of -tunes, although it commenced with only two. Every recent improvement was placed in the establishment, which was named "The Winnipeg I lity Mills," and on the 14th of < >ctober a uumber of gentlemen were invited to see the mill in full working order, after which they were entertained by the proprietors at Gilmor's Hotel t<> a supper, anda very pleasant evening was spent. Mr. McMillan, who now owns the mills, has since then made many additions as already noted, and can turn out an article of Hour which cannot lie beaten in the whole Dominion. About this time a painful occurrence took place. Three of our citizens, Matt Davis, Joe Devlin and William Annette, being out on a trip on Lake Winnipeg in a small yacht, their boat must have been swamped in a storm, for it was afterwards found bottom upwards, and the bodies of the three un- fortunate men drifted ashore. Matt Davis and Joe Devlin had a very large circle of friends in Winnipeg, who mourned their loss. Matt was one of our first blacksmiths ; at one time a councillor, he always took an active interest in the city's progress. [1 most lamentable occurrence. The Winnipeg field Battery, a corps which has always kept up a very tine appearance, received their two guns on Tuesday, 24th of October, '76. The length of the guns 6 feet core, 5 feet o inches ponderance, 7 pounds calibre, '■'< inches grooves, three twist of rifling 1 inch in 30 calibres. The r. city taxes was -truck at :i of a cent on the si, in < Ictober, '76. The first shipment of wheat from Manitoba was made on Saturday. 21st of October, by Hie-ins ^v Young, to Steele & Bros., Toronto, and


consisted of 857 bushels, and we understand it was all sold out in Ontario for seed purposes at about $2.50 per bushel.

On Thursday, the 26th of October, '76, Ambroise Lepine was liberated from jail, having undergone his two years of imprison- ment, and the same evening the ex-Adjutant General of the Riel government celebrated his liberation with a number of his friends at his house, a few miles up the river. A stage line between Win- nipeg and Selkirk was started the latter end of October, '76, and ran three times a week. A meeting of the members of the " fourth estate of the realm," was held in Winnipeg on Thursday, the 24th of October, when it was decided to apply to the Council of the Dominion Editors' and Reporters' Association for a rescript to au- thorize the formation of a local branch in Manitoba. An attempt to get a system of waterworks in the city was made in the fall of '76, a Mr. Woolsey having suggested a plan by which the scheme could be carried out. Macaulay & Jarvis and J. W. McLaneboth offered to furnish the steam power from their mills at a small cost. The scheme, however, fell through, as we are yet depending en- tirely on water earrieis. The day, however, is not far distant ere we will have a plentiful supply of good clear water. It is evident our city was not so well known abroad in '76 as it is to-day ; foi instance, letters were in the habit of being received at the Post Office addressed as follows : Winipeg, Winnepeg, Winne-Peg, Winnapeg, Winipegg, Windipeg, Winnopeg, Winpegg, Winnipig, Pennywick, &c, &c. We seldom hear, however, of such mistakes now. Messrs. Clarke & McClure, who had gone exclusively into the importation of lumber from the United States, received then fli et of flat-boats for the season of '76, in October. The fleet carried 300,000 shingles and half a million of lumber, which, in ad- dition to the millions previously brought in by the firm, and the lumber manufactured by the mills in the city, will give some idea of the active progress in building going on at that time. An&still the attempt to form a Philharmonic Society was not abandoned, ami in November another meeting was held, G. B. Spencer in the chair. E. Brokovski, secretary, when it was decided to "go snooks" with the Dramatic Association for the use of the Holy Trinity building. The last boat of the season in '76 (the Alpha) arrived on Saturday,


4th of November, and cleared tin- same evening. In 1X70 the Red Eiver and Assfniboine ferries were running on the 11th of November.

The handsome Methodist Episcopal Church, near Mr. Han livery stable, built in 70, was dedicated and opened for public worship on Sunday, the 12th of November, '70. Rev. Mr. Pom- eroy officiated in the morning, Rev. A. McDonald in the afternoon, and Rev. James Robertson in the evening.

A Curling Club was organized in Nov. '7'">, with the following officers: Pat ron, His Honor Lieut-Governor Morris; President, John Balsillie : Vice-President, Capt. Howard: Chaplain, Rev. Canon Grisdale; Secretary-Treasurer, Andrew P. Denholm; Committee of Management, Messrs. -his. H. Rowan, E. W. Jarvis, Hon Wm. X. Kennedy, Gilbert McMicken, and Alex. Brown; Representative Members, Messrs. Barclay and George Denholm. It was proposed to affiliate the club with the Royal Caledonian Club of Edinburgh. Curling ever since lias been one of ourfavor- ite games in Winnipeg, and we have never been without a curling rink.

"The Winnipeg Amateur Literary and Dramatic Association" (it had simmered its name down to this) held its regular annual meeting in November, and the following officers were chosen for the season : President, E. Brokovski ; Vice-President, W. U. Ross; Stage Manager, F. 1. Clarke; Secretary, C. N. Bell : Trea- surer, E. Hughes; Managing Committee, Messrs. McGinn, V D. Young, and E. C.Thomas.

Miss Hart Davies, (now Mrs. Cowley) arrived in Nov. '70, and t<>ok charge of the Ladies' School in connection with the Epis- copal Church, at St Andrew's. Mrs. Cowley, since her arrival in this country, has done much to establish the " Ladies' School" on ■a sure and lasting foundation. Parents and scholars have n - Co fee*! confidence in her management, and since the opening of the ■■ Ladies' School," (in connection with St. John's College) in Win- nip"-, Mrs. Cowley has reason to feel proud of the success which has attended her effort We shall hive occasion to refer to the institution again.

'Cue sport of wolf hunting was carried on by several of our citi-


zens, during the fall of '76, just outside the limits of the city, and about the latter end of November, our present mayor Alex. Logan and Mr. John Freeman succeeded in killing two very large speci- mens, a short distance back of the city, in the open prairie. The large weighing scales, purchased from McKinney Bros., were placed in position on the Market Square, in Nov. '70. Small pox having broken out amongst the Icelanders at Gimli, Dr. Lynch nobly of- fered his services, and on Sunday, 18th Nov., started for the scene of his arduous and dangerous labors, on the shores of Lake Winni- peg. On Sunday, Nov. 18th, '70, the Rev. Mr. Fortin delivered an eloquent sermon on "Honest Labor and Snub*." It would be a very good idea, and might be of benefit to some, if just such a sermon was preached at least once a year in Winnipeg. A large bear belonging to one of the butchers in the city, broke loose one evening in latter end of November, '76, and visiting some of the billiard saloons, scattered the billiardists in every direction. He was a temperance advocate, and could not be induced to take a drink, but insisted upon delivering a temperance lecture which sent the b'hoys home to their beds sober and thoughtful. Bruin had it all his own way in the saloons for one night, but the next dav he became a martyr to the cause of temperance by being knocked on the head and cut into steaks. There wasn't a saloon keeper in the city who didn't buy ;i slice of bear's meat on that occasion out of revenge for the loss of business the previous night. Poor Bruin, if he had only taken a cocktail and gone home quietly, he might have been alive to-day. The report of the spread of small- pox at Gimli being very alarming, an almost general vaccination of our citizens took place. The Local Government at the same time were using every effort to keep the disease out of the Province, and vet in the midst of misery we find glee, for, notwithstanding the dread of smallpox felt by our citizens, we find a " Glee Club" established in the city in December, '76, with W.S. Ptolemy, ^Pres- ident, D. Ramage, Musical Director, and 1). 15. Murray, Secretary and Treasurer. For the purpose of dealing with the smallpox dis- ease in Gimli, and to take proper measures to prevent its spread amongst the Indians, the Dominion Government appointed the fol- lowing gentlemen temporarily a3 members of the " Council of Kee-


watin :" Lieut. Col. W. Osborne Smith, Dr. Jacques, Dr. Codd, G. McMicken, J. A. N. Provencher and Win. Hespeler, and these gentlemen at once tools steps to organize a system of action for dealing with the smallpox epidemic.

The first game of curling ever played in Manitoba took place on Monday, 11th of December, 76, at the rijak of the Manitoba Curling Club, Winnipeg, when the following sides were chosen: Hon. A. G. B. Bannatyne, A. McMicken,

George I>. Northgraves, W. I >. Taylor,

A. P. Denholm, Hon. T. Howard,

James Barclay (skip) Alex. Brown (skip).

Mr. Barclay's rink won, and the prize, a barrel of oatmeal, was sent to the hospital.

One of the worst storms ever experienced in Manitoba, swept overthe city of Winnipeg on Tuesday, the 12th of December, 76, and several of our citizens had narrow escapes from being lost and frozen to death. Manitoba College had a narrow escape from de- struction by fire on Friday, the loth of 1'' cember, but through the exertions of the students and some others ii was saved.

The sewerage of the city was completed in December, 76. The north sewer was about 2,800 feet in length, connecting with the outlet sewer opposite the City Hall. The outlet sewer, running down the gully past Brown & Rutherford's mill, wi - L,60l long, and the main sewer about 9,000 feet in length, with tile pipes connecting, made the total Length of sewerage const] about 12,000 lineal feet. Catch basins were placed at the corners of the streets, and altogether the work was very complete. The total cost in round numbers was about $45,000. The contractors, Moberly & McLennan, conducted their workin a business-like and thorough manner, and to their credit be it said that not a Bingle accident occurred during the time the sewers were being constructed.

The following changes in street nomenclature took place early in 76:

Old name. Situation. New Name.

Rupert Pt Douglas Common Margaret

Jemima Brown-Burrows Estate Limit.

Sinclair Bannatyne Estate Bannatyne.


Margaret McDonald Property May.

Victoria McDonald Property Higgins.

Water Fonseca Property Eiver.

Schnltz Schnltz Property Water.

Charlotte Logan Estate Machray .

Annie Logan Estate Patrick.

Annie Logan-Bird Estate Curtis.

King Fonseca Estate McFarlane.

Logan Pt. Douglas Common Commons.

Market Brown-Burrows Estate Charles.

Alexander W. E. Eoss Estate Market.

Messrs. Richard Erasmus, James Flannigan, and W. H. Lyon, having left the protection of Uncle Sam, threw themselves into the arms of the British Liou, and became good naturalized citizens. To give some idea of the trade of the North-West, we will here mention one small order given Jas. H. Ashdown, in March, '76 : 3,500 Tin Pails, 1,500 half-pint Cups,

1,800 Pound Pans, 400 Tea Pots,

1,500 Oval Pans, &c, &c.

1,800 Pint Cups,

Xo wonder Ashdown grew rich.

The organization of the Manitoba Cricket Club took place on Saturday, March 11th, 76, when J. H. McTavish was elected Pres- ident, A. G. B. Bannatyne, vice-president, M. B. Wood, Secretary, and A. W. Powell, Treasurer.

The Fire Brigade, on account of some difference with the City Council, resigned in a body in March. A division of the Sons of Temperance was organized in this city, under the name of Winni- peg Division No. 1, on Saturday, 25th March, '76. On Thursday, April 6th, the Fire Brigade re-organized, and elected the following officers : Chief, Capt. Scott ; Assistant Chief, Joseph Gauvreau ; and Secretary, J. A. Wright ; there were 59 hose-men, and 29 hook and ladder men in the new force, at its commencement.

On the 6th April, '76, telegraphic communication was opened between Battle Eiver, in the North- West, and the city of Winni- peg, and the following message was sent over the wires :


Telegraph Fiat, Battle River, April (j.

"The Telegraph Flatters take tin's the first opportunity of shak- ing hands with the Winnipeggers, across the wire, and congratu- " late them on being in telegraphic communication with this theen- " terprising capital of the North- West."

The next despatch was from

Pelly, April 6,

" The city of Swan River rejoices to joiu hands with her sister "city Winnipeg. Accept out warmest greetings."

Alderman Villiers having tendered his resignation in the council, K. E. Cornish was elected by acclamation for the West Ward, in his place. The customs department took possession of the new custom house in April, the first entry being madebyKew, Stobart & Co., on Tuesday, 11th April. The excavation for the new building of Kew, Stobart, & Co., was commenced in April. A strong feeling existed about this time, that the Silsby fire-engine sent here to replace the one destroyed by fire, was not a first-class machine, and in order to test the matter, two competent engineers Messrs. F. Bryne, of the Manitoba, and W. F. Mitchell, of the Selkirk, undertook to give the machine a trial. This they did, op- posite Donaldson's, on Wednesday, 12th April, and as a result, gave it as their opinion that the engine was not a first-class one. The boats of the Red River Transportation Co., in 1876, consisted of the following :


International, Capt. Painter ; Minnesota, Capt. Timmens; Da- kota, Capt. Seigers; Manitoba, Capt. Alex. Grig


Selkirk, Capt. John Griggs ; Alpha,Gwpt. Russell; and the Ch. j- < n ne, as a reserve boat. The allocation of tin- reward of $5,000 for bringing t<> trial Le- pine and Nault for the murder of Scott, was as follows :

William A. Farmer 12,000

F. E. Cornish 400

C. B. Thibaudeau 400

Leon Dupont 330

John S.Ingram 330


E. Armstrong (sheriff ) 330

J. A.Kerr 330

George M. Young 300

Thomas Hughes 290

H. W.Smith 290

$5,000 Lepine was sentenced to be hanged, but afterwards his sentence was commuted to two years imprisonment. On Friday, the 2Sth of April, '76, the third execution in Winnipeg took place. Louis Thomas was hanged for the murder of Henry Corneil, at Rat River, in the spring of '75. The first boat of the season (the Mi/tbne&ota) arrived on the 25th of April, '76, and was the earliest arrival of a steamboat from the United States ever known. Tenders for the construction of the sewer on Main street having been asked, Messrs. Moberly & McLennan again tried their luck, and this time they were more successful, the work being knocked down to them at $22,800. Mr. Ramsay, the Chamberlain, having got into trou- ble witli his books, which brought down on him the condemnation of the auditors, the City Council by a vote of 7 to 5 dismissed him. There was, however, no charge affecting the honesty of Mr. Ramsay, it was simply a matter of incompetency. The dismissal affected Mr. Ramsay's mind to such a degree that the poor fellow became dangerously ill, and soon after died. He was succeeded by Mr. William Taylor, an experienced accountant. A Work- men's Union Society was formed in May, '76, but we never heard of its amounting to much.

Messrs. R. Gerrie & Co., who started in the furniture business. in Winnipeg, having rented the building belonging to Mr. Banna- tyne, at the corner of Main and Post Office Streets, opened up a wholesale and retail dry goods establishment. They managed very soon to establish a large jobbing business, and now occupy fine premises in Radiger & Biggs' block, where they carry on an exclu- sive wholesale trade.

On Friday evening, the 3d of June, '76, the Council chamber was filled with friends of Rev. George Young, Wesleyan minister, for the purpose of presenting the reverend gentleman witli a testU


monial and address. Mr. Young was leaving to take up hia resi- dence in Toronto, and a general feeling of regret was felt by the citizens at his departure.

Winnipeg in '76 sent a repr< aeritative, in the person of Mr. Chambers, gunsmith, to Wimbledon, but unfortunately he did not make any extraordinary score. Mr. Chambers, however, v very fine shot. The quickest time on record up to June, '76, was made by Alex. Begg, he having travelled the distance between St. Paul and Winnipeg in three days. Messrs. Cuddy & Smith .start- ed business in June, '70, in the new building erected in the place of Red River Hall, burned down. They quickly worked into a good country and city trade, and have remained in the same prem- ises ever since. From statistics of the city we gather that in the early part of '76 there were 5,522 inhabitants in the city. The value of real property, $2,214,206 ; personal property, $822,802. Total assessment, $3,037,008. These figures show nearly half a million increase in one year.

The painful news of the death of Hon. Dr. C. J. Bird, in Eng- land, was received early in June, '70, and cast a gloom over a large number of citizens. The deceased had been prominently connect- ed with the public affairs of the Province, and was, at the time of his death, paying a visit to friends in England in order to recuper- ate his strength, he having been in ill health fur some time. Mr. W. H. Eoss arrived on the 17th of June, '76, and immediately commenced the practice of law. His brother joined him after- wards, and the firm became Ross & Eoss, and now, with Mr. Kil- lam in company, the firm of Eoss, Eoss & Killam, is one of the leading law firms in the city, besides which they are heavy specu- lators in real estate.

A strange fatality seemed to exist between the steamers Mani- toba and International, for on Sunday, 25th of June, '75, these two boats collided a second time, only on this occasion very little damage was done.



McLane's Mill The Fur Trade— Mr. Demeks— Montana Cattle Gunpowdee Land Sales Music Valuable Property Manitoba Club Fire Insurance R. Strang Bobbies The Kee-wa-tin Winnipeg Direc- tory— Mr. Larivierre Teott & Melville Post Office H. Hodges Saskatchewan Mail "Shorties" Rice M. Howard The Race for Mayoralty John Freeman A Tender Vale. Civic Elections, 77 Bivalves A Gentlemanlike Collector The Ariels Imports A. F. Eden Public Works A Pacific Whoop up Literary The Nonpareils Public Schools Concert— Thos. Nixon Che.* Club Fire Chambers Factory Parliamentary " Manitoba Daily Herald" Mass Meetings— Railway Resolutions Captain Grovenob H. Drummond Guide to Manitoba— John Peebles Re- distribution— Duties Examining Warehouse St. Patrick'* Society —Sewer Stage Coach Solid Men First Boat Spring Flood A Burst up Fire Brigade Dominion Hotel Burned Meat Mar- ket— Milling Interests— Temperance Hall A Rushing Contractor Flat Boats The "Standard" Mr. W. Coldwell Infantry Com- pany— The First Sod Lady Evangelists The Gospel in the Bar- room— Brave Women.

J. W. McLane, of flat-boat notoriety, having leased the H. B. Go's. mill, commenced erecting more buildings for the purpose, and when finished, it was the largest flour mill wTest of St. Paul. The large warehouse built by H. McKenny, who had returned to Winnipeg from Pembina, was purchased by McLane, and moved a distance of one half a mile, to where he was erecting the mill. On Wed- nesday, the 28th June, '76, a train of sixty carts laden with furs for A. G. B. Bannatyne and R. Patterson, passed up Main Street, a sight which reminded some of the oldest inhabitants, of the ear- liest days of Winnipeg. Mr T. J. Demers arrived in Winnipeg from Frenchtown, Montana, having come the distance overland, bringing with him a herd of 670 head of cattle. Some excitement existed in the minds of Winnipeggers, in regard to the storage of gunpowder during the summer of '76, and in consequence, a build- ing was procured outside the limits of the city, and a few of our merchants stored their powder there. The Hudson's Bay Go's. Report, in '76, showed that 176 of their lots in Winnipeg had been J


disposed of, at various rates, for $123,197. The military band having passedout of existence, a number of young men, about this time, organizeda city band. To show the value city property estimated al in '76, we may mention that a '•ash offer of $3,000 was made for a small lot next to Dr. Bird's, on Main Street, and refused. An additional contract for sewerage in the north ward, on Main St;re it, was made in July, the work to be finished in No- veml er. Th Manitoba Club, after being burnt out in Mil termott's Block, op< . i . in the building now occupied by tin- Indian

Department on Thistle Street, but alter a time this was found un- suitable, anil through the enterprise of I;. Patterson, tin- present tine club house was built ami occupied. Since that time the "Man- itoba" lias gradually increased in importance, until now it is-: the chief institutions of the city.

lvw. Stobart, & Co.'s first shipment of furs, in '76, amount $45,000, besides 205 bales, or 2,050 buffalo robes. Fire insurance offices began now to lie established, since the city procured steam lire engines and water tanks, for about this time we observe that the Canada Fire and Marine started heir under the agency of Robert Strang.

Our city fathers, having neglected to clothe their policemen in uniform, these worthy protectors of the peace undertook to pro- cure forthemselves a uniform sufficient to designate their impor- tant positions as guardians of the city.

Th.- fire engine which was injured by the tire on Christmas, hav- ing been repaired, a trial took place, when it threw a stream 160 feet in height, through an inch and one-eighth nozzle, and with only between thirty and forty pounds of steam, which was not so bad considering it had bad fuel. The mill now owned by Mr. McMillan, at the ibot of Post Office Street, was built during this summer. It was furnished with a run of four stones, and has been kept almost constantly running night and day ever since. The Patent Process tiour turned out by this mill is considered equal to the very best produced in the Western States. Bed River wheat being especially adapted for the purpose, it being harder, and more easily granulated. An average of 400 bushels a day is


turned out. Large shipments of Hour are made by Capt. McMillan Into the interior, and the business is rapidly assuming very- large proportions. The number of men employed during the sum- mer of '76 on the sewers averaged seventy, and the outlay in wages $400 to $500 per week. In July the city purchased from 0. Mon- champ, for 81,000, the land south of Mr. Ashdown's store, to be converted into a street, and from that time Ashdown's corner be- came an established fact. The tug Maggie having been converted into the steamer Keewatin, the latter began to ply regularly be- tween Winnipeg and Selkirk. The first attempt to get up a City Directory for Winnipeg was suggested in '76 by Alex. Begg to E. L. Barber, who commenced the work, but transferred it to Cook & Fletcher. It was a very crude attempt, but was followed the same summer by a much better book compiled by Messrs. Lari- viere & Gauvin, and each year since then Mr. Lariviere has been interested in publishing an annual directory, which he has done with great credit to himself and benefit to the city. The tonsorial establishment at one time occupied by Fairbanks, the great artist, in that line, was in '76 completely renovated and turned into a handsome drug store for the firm of Trott & Melville, who have occupied it ever since. The present fine Post Office was occupied for the first time in August, '76, much to the delight of Winni- peggers, as it was complete with all the modern improvements for the convenience of the public. Mr. Hodges, who in '76 was in partnership with Snyder & Anderson, withdrew from that firm about August of that year, and opened the premises where he is at present doing business. The first departure of the regular Sas- katchewan mail from Winnipeg took place during the summer of '76, Hon. James McKay being the contractor. To show how very mixed our population had become as early as the summer of '76, it was not uncommon to note the following nationalities on our streets: Englishmen, Irishmen, Scotchmen, Icelanders, Canadi- ans, Frenchmen, Yankees, half-breed Indians, French Canadians, Negroes, Mennonites, Norwegians, Welshmen.

On the 8th of August the first important arrival of Icelanders took place, and. after a short stay in this city proceeded to Gimli, on Lake Winnipeg, in fiat-boats prepared for the purpose.


It was in order, about this time, to establish Bachelor Clubs, in the city, and one of these, the "Short: _ a grand enter- tainment to a select number of friends in their club-room, i. e. boarding-house. Mr. Rice M. Howard, having resigned his tion as clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Mr Thomas Spence was appointed to the position, which he has held ever sine,- with great dignity and distinction. On Monday, the 25th Dec, the nomina- tions for the mayoralty took place at the city hall :

Thos. Lusted was proposed by J. H. Ashdown, seconded by W. H. Lyon.

E. W. Jarvis was proposed by J. W. McLane, seconded by W.

F. Lux ton.

W. X. Kennedy was proposed by E. ( r. Conklin, seconded by Alex. McMicken.

Capt. Thos. Scott was proposed by Wm. McDonald, seconded byD. Sinclair.

Mr. E. W. Jarvis and W. X. Kennedy, however, both retired, and the contest remained between Scott and Lusted.

The voters' lists of the city of Winnipeg, completed at the end of the year 1876, contained 1,034 names, as follows:

West Ward 292 voters.

North Ward 282 "

Last Ward 232 "

South Ward 228 «

Total 1,034

Mr John Freeman, being about to dissolve connection with the firm of Kew, Stobart ^V Co., of which he was manager, was the re- cipient of a very handsome chain, on Wednesday, the 27th Dec, as a testimonial from the employees of the establishment

The civic elections for the year 1877, took place on Thursday, the 2nd January, with the following result :—

ten years in winnipeg. 151

Scott. Lusted.

NorthWard 41 67

Southward 93 20

Eastward 42 57

Westward 53 74

229 218

Majority for Scott 11

Messrs. S. J. Jackson, A. McNee, and Jas. Rice were elected by acclamation for the West Ward, and Messrs. Duncan Sinclair, H. G. McMicken, and Alex. Brown for the East Ward.


W. F. Alloway 112

A. W. Burrows 100

E. G. Conklin 100


Alex. Logan 133

J. B. More 118

W. G. Fonseca 88

About 3,000 cans of oysters were received in Winnipeg during the month of Dec, '76, showing that our citizens were fond of the bivalves.

Mr. G. F. Carruthers was at this time collector of civic taxes, and a most gentlemanly official he proved to be ; he worried no- body, and didn't worry himself either very much about the matter. The Ariel club, which was earned on with spirit during the winter of '70, was re-organized. in '77, with the following officers: Presi- dent, Hon. A. G. B. Bannatyne ; Vice-President, J. H. Mc- Tavish ; Secretary, Mr. J. Freeman ; Treasurer, Mr. J. A. Peebles ; and Committee of Managei i t<ii f, Messrs. A Logan, E. Brokovski, D. Young, A Strang, and C. U. Lindsay.

The value of imports from the United States into Manitoba, was $802,400, and the exports, chiefly furs, $794,868, the one nearly balancing the other. Mr. A. F. Eden assumed the management of Kew, Stobarf & Co.'s business in January, '77, and Mr. Freeman severed his connection with the firm.


The total amount of street grading, &c., done in '76, was as fol- lows :

Lineal Yards. Cost.

North Ward 110 $ 106

Southward 615 1.043 97

Hast Ward 1,152 1,413 57

West Ward 2,420 1,968 33

4,298 $4,532 40


North Ward $ 100 73

South Ward 159 15

East Ward 273 02

Westward 162 85

$696 75


NorthWard 793 3 ft. wide $ 488 45

Southward 166 10;ft. wide 424 60

East Ward 30 10 ft. wide

22S 5 ft. 4 in. wide 28 ft. crossings 426 31

West Ward 150 10 ft. wide

296 5 ft. 4 in. wide 18 6 ft. wide 72 yards crossing 894 41

$2,238 77

Sewerage £1515 05

On Monday, the 8th of January, '77, the Canada Pacific Hotel was regularly opened by the^proprietor or lessee, Mr. Haverty, and a number of invited guests sat down to a splendid dinner in honor of the occasion. The first entertainment of the Winnipeg Literary and Dramatic Association took place on Thursday, 4th of January.,


'77, in the old Trinity Church, which was re-christened Dufferin Hall for the occasion. The comic drama, in one act, of "The New Footman," by Charles Selby, was produced, with the following- cast :

Mr. Capsicum G. H. Kellond

Henry Gordon C. X. Bell

Bobby Break wind< >w F. Hoy

Mr. Sourcrout E. G. Thomas

Polly Picnic Mrs. Broko vski

Miss Sourcrout J. St. L. McGinn

The entertainment proved a great success, and was followed br- others during the winter. The Nonpariel Dancing Club was formed in January, '77, and was kept up for some time.

The contracts for the erection of two tine school houses was awarded in January, '77, to E. I). Patterson, for the sum of $10,- 200. The Central School to lie 94 feet long, by 54 feet from face of front wing through to rear, with three fronts, therefore, of 28 feet each in width. The building was designed with two full storeys of 14 and 16 feet in height, the capacity to be 450 pupils. The North Ward School was designed 28 feet by 40, the capacity to be 175 pupils. A grand Temperance Concert was held in the City Hall on Tuesday, the 16th of January, '77, for the purpose of raising funds for the erection of our present tine Temperance Hall. Thomas Nixon, sen., who, ever since his first arrival in Winnipeg, has taken an active interest in temperance matters, occupied the chair. Mr. Nixon deserves the gratitude of every right thinking man in the community, for his activity in the cause of temperance. To him is chiefly due the fact that we have our Temperance Hall, which, as a public building, is an ornament to the city. Mr. Nix- on has earned the respect of our citizens during his sojourn amongst us for his earnestness in a cause which can only bring happiness and comfort with it, the cause of Tempeiance. A Chess and Draught Club was formed early in '77, with the follow- ing officers : President, C. F. Forrest; Vice, J. B. More; Secre- tary and Treasurer, K. G. Conklin; Committee of Management, Messrs. -I. McLeod, S. J. Jackson and 1>. R. Bently, and we find the St. Patrick's Society in a flourishing con-

154 TEN Vi:.\l;s in WINNIPEG.

dition about the same time, with (i. B. Bemister, President; Frank McPhillips, 1st Vice; J. MeKenny, 2nd Vice; T. D. Caul- field, Secretary ; and J. U. Mulligan, Treaswrer. <»n January 1.9th, '77, Chambers' biscuit factory was gutted by fire, but hardly had the ftanies been extinguished, ere work was resumed, showing a good deal of enterprise and pluck on the part of the proprietor. At that time the Selkirk Kegistry Office was kept in the same building in which the biscuit manufacture was carried on, and the papers and records had a narrow escape. Upstairs over the factory was the temperance hall, which suffered considerably.

The third session of the second Parliament of Manitoba, was opened in the Court House on Tuesday, dun. 30th, '77, by Lieut. - Governor Morris. The Manitoba Daily Herald, a morning news- paper, started in the Conservative interests by W. '1. Fonseca, after a short existence of two weeks, expired, having under- gone the pangs of starvation for about 14 days. It was a little paper, and did not require much to feed it, but notwithstanding this.it sickened and died in infancy. Mr. Fonseca was glad when the burial took place, audit left this world so quietly that very few were aware of its demise. The daily Free Press, with cold-blooded cruelty, chuckled over the departure of the little Herald. Win- nipeg was not yet dead to mass meetings, in the beginning of Feb- ruary,'77 ; for, on the 6th of that month, a large assemblage of citizens tilled the city hall to discuss railway matters. Mayor Scott presided, and the first resolution, moved by A. W. Burrows, seconded by T. Lusted, and carried, was "That in consideration of "the fact that the building ©fa railway to the west will ultimately " facilitate the building of a railroad bridge at Winnipeg, it is "deemed desirable that all our energies be lent to accomplish the "building of the road."

The next resolution was moved by J. H. Ashdown, seconded by Hon. R. A. Davis, and carried, "That we, the inhabitants of the city " of Winnipeg, to assist in the construction of said railroad, hereby "pledge ourselves to pass a by-law for raising the sum of two hun- "dred thousand dollars to subsidize a responsible company, that "will construct a railway to the western limits of the province."

The third resolution was moved by W. F. Luxton, seconded by


J. B. More, and carried, " That the Provincial Legislature be re- " quested to enact laws facilitating the establishing of municipal " institutions, with powers to assist in the construction of such " railway."

The fourth resolution was moved by C. P. Brown, seconded by Dr. Cowan, of High Bluff, and carried, " That municipalities so es- " tablished, and the people on the proposed route, be requested to " aid in such construction by means of bonuses to an amount to be agreed on."

The fifth resolution was moved by S. C. Biggs, seconded by John Villiers, and carried, " That through our representatives in " Ottawa, we would respectfully but strongly urge the Dominion " Government to re- insider their determination with regard to the "building of a railway bridge at this point."

The sixth resolution was moved by K. McKenzie, seconded by Archibald Wright, and carried, " That with a view to further the " objects of the foregoing resolution, a standing committee " consisting of A. G, B. Bannatyne, R. A. Davis, M. A. " Girard, Joseph Royal, James Mackay, K. McKenzie, C. P. " Brown, Dr. Cowan, John Taylor, Robert Morgan, R. Tait, "Felix Chenier, Thos. Lumsden, D. H. Scott, A. W. McClure, " Wm. Wagner, Joseph Ryan, C. Cowland, John Smith, Walter " Lynch, A. Spence, J. A. K. Drummond, Wm. Gowler, John Wil- " ton, Pierre Laviellier, R. Hastie, T. Lusted, I). Sinclair, J. H. ;- Ashdown, Arch. Wright, W. G. Fonseca, J. Villiers, F. E. Cor- "nish, J. H. McTavish, Wm. N. Kennedy, T. Scott, W. E. Jarvis, "W.R. Dick, Alex. Logan, W. H. Lyon, 1). MeArthur, W. F. " Luxton, G. Brown, A. Strang, J. B. More, A. W. Burrows, S. ( ). "Biggs, G. McMicken, Dr. O'Donnell, G. B. Spencer, lie formed "with power to act as may seem best calculated to aid the same, "and seven members shall form a quorum."

The seventh resolution was moved by W. N. Kennedy, seconded by W. R. Dick, and carried:

"That the Dominion Government be requested to a^-ist in the "construction of a. railway west from Winnipeg by a grant of " land."

Capt. Grovenor in February, 77, received the appointment of


Vice American Consul in place of A. N". Carpenter, who had gone to live East. Mr. Drummond was appointed Chamberlain in plaee Mr. Taylor, resigned, and he has held the office ever since to the satisfaction of the Council and the general public A meeting of the merchants of Winnipeg took place in Hon. John Norquay's office, on Saturday, February 10, to examine a practical handbook and guide to Manitoba, for immigrants, and the work was end by the committee formed for the purpose of examining it- value as a channel for information regarding the province. The committee was composed of Messrs. Lyon, Donaldson, Eden, Peebles, Radiger, Banning and Burrows. An edition of this book, to the extent of 10,000, was afterwards published and circulated, and did much to attract attention to the country. A meeting of the committee ap- pointed to take into consideration the western railway, took place in the City Hall on the 10th of February, and after adding a large number of names to the committee, passed several resoli tions, after which Mr. G. B. Spencer was selected to ascertain the opin- ions of the incorporators of the Western road on the subject under discussion. Two tons of butter was imported by Snyder & Ander- son in February, '77, but we seldom hear of such importations now. The "League of Templars " was founded in Winnipeg Fri- day, February L':i, at the Orange II II. ab.mt twenty persons being present. Mr. Peebles, of the firm of Higgins, Young & Peebles, having left that firm, he engaged in the beginning of March, 77, as buyer and chief salesman with Kew, Stobart & Co. A re-dis- tribution bill being before the Local Legislature, Winnipeg '-alleda mass meeting on Wednesday, February 21st, : i consider herinter- sts in the matter. The meeting was held in the City Ball, May- or Scott in the chair, and A. M. Brown Secretary, and the result of the deliberations was that in the opinion of those present, Winni- peg was entitled to two representatives in the Local Legislature. However, the meeting did not appear to have had much influence, as we have only one representative in the Manitoba Parliament at the present day.

The amount of duties collected at the port of Winnipeg for the year ending 30th of June, '76, was $254,045.88, against $171.- 430.86 in 1875, and $67,471.97 in 1874. The examining


house had, up to March, '77, been located at warehouse No. 4, but on representations made to the Dominion Government by Mr. Bannatyne, an examining warehouse was established at No. 6. A grand dinner was given by the St. Patrick's Society at the Interna-, tional Hotel, on Saturday, March 17, '77. The tender for the out- let sewer was let in March, '77, to Wm. Besant, for £2,750. Mr. W. H. Lyon about this time sold out his retail business to Harry Pearson, having decided to give all his attention to a wholesale trade. He is at present the only exclusively wholesale grocer in the North- West, and conducts a trade Which extends even to the Eocky Mountains..

The Stage Company now began to make preparations to abandon the route to Winnipeg altogether, for in April, '77, they took off" all the best stock, coaches and drivers, and placed them on the Black Hills route. From that time they ran two-horse wagons to Winnipeg until they finally abandoned the route altogether when the Pembina Railway opened. As a proof that we have solid men in Winnipeg, four of our citizens had themselves weighed, with the following result :

Hon. James McKay 400 lbs.

Hugh Maloney 285 "

Van 265 "

Mr. Whitehead, C. P. E 250 "

1,200 lbs. Pretty good for Winnipeg. The first boat of the season arrived at Winnipeg on Monday afternoon, April 22, '77. Towards the end of April, '77, a thaw set in so rapidly that large quantities of water accumulated on the prairie back of the city, which, being unable to find its usual outlet, on account of the creek being filled in, oppo- site Wright's block, caused an inundation. A good deal of proper- ty was destroyed, and one child drowned, before the city authori- ties had time to effect a drainage to run off the superfluous water,, The fire brigade having burst up, a meeting to re-organize w as held in the City Hall on Thursday, 26th of April, '77, when the following officers were elected :



( laptain Alex. Blown.

First Lieutenant H. Pearson

Second Lieutenant I). X. Embree.


Captain Wm. Code.

First Lieutenant Geo. Treherne.

Second Lieutenant J. R. Cameron

Brigade Secretary and Treasurer W. H. Saunders.

Chief of the Brigade (apt. McMillan.

On the 1st May, 1877, the addition to the city hall erected for -a market was completed and opened to the public The size was 70x51 and the cost was $5,000. The steamer Prince Rupert now began to make regular trips up the Assiniboine. A fire occurred on Thursday, May 3rd, '77, when the Dominion Hotel then kept by E. Swaze, was destroyed. In fourteen minutes from the first •alarm the fire engine appeared on the scene, and three minute, later a stream of water was thrown on the flames. The building, however, was entirely gutted, and Mr. Swaze lost between S3, 000 and £6,000, uninsured. The first butchers in the new market were as follows: Xo. 5, Code; No. 6, Lamb ; No. 7, Hose; No. 8, Clarke ; Xo. 9, McXee & Co; No. 10, Rocan.

Some idea of the extent of milling operations in Winnipeg in;: gathered from the following : Macaulay & Jarvis in '77 brought down from Eed Lake, Minnesota, four million and a half of white pine logs, and besides this, thirty car loads of seasoned lumber, the weekly expenses of this firm ranged from $1,500 to $2,000. Work on Temperance Hall was commenced in May, '77, and the brick part of Kew, Stobart & Co's fine building was being proceeded with. Mr. Whitehead's warehouse, near the foot of Lost Office Street, was built in May, 1877, and was completed in six and a half working days, pretty (puck time ; J. J. Johnston was the builder. Up to the 24th May, 1877, there were seventy-seven arrival- of flatboats, bringing in 1,327 tons of freight since opening of navi- gation, which will give some idea of flat-boat business in Winnipeg at that time. About this month a decided improvement took place in the management of the weekly Standard newspaper, which was


accounted for by the fact, that Mr. Win. Cold well, an old newsn paper man, had taken hold of it. Mr. Coldwell is a man who has always been highly respected in this country. Possessed of a sound judgement, a good writer and trustworthy reporter, he could not fail to edit a paper well. The Standard, since his management of it commenced, has gradually improved, week by week, until now there are few newspapers so ably edited as it at present is. A Winnipeg Infantry Company having been formed, the uniforms for the men arrived in June '77.

The first sod of St. John's Ladies College was turned on Wed- nesday, May 30, 1877, by Miss Hart Da vies, the principal. On Saturday evening, the 3rd June, an incident occurred in Winnipeg the like of which has not happened since, in this city. The frequenters of the Eed Saloon were enjoying their cocktails, brandies straight, and whiskeys sour, ponies of beer, mint juleps, milk punches, and torn and jerries, when in walked two ladies and took possession of the premises. As soon as the drinks were finished, and when the astonishment of the wine-bibers had some- what subsided, the ladies calmly opened a bible, and quoted freely from the good work and expounded the Word of God to the assem- blage. These ladies were only interrupted once during the service, and were listened to attentively by the men present. The pro- prietors of the saloon had given the ladies, whose names were Mrs. Cedarholm and Miss Garrison, permission to preach, and to their honor be it said they saw that proper respect was paid them by the persons present.



" 'i i v Cemetery Bam, Ball Pottery Medicai -- Masonic 8t. John's Ladies School Manitoba College Fikb Alarm Bell AS. lfpold— m Excuri -Grace Church— Smith and Melville A New Enterprise— Regai i \ Native Athletes The Boys— A Bi<; Blow— \\ mi:: Ribbon M iss Meeting— Winnipeg Generosity Assessment of L877 Mr. Nttrset's Sufferings Small-pox Heroics An Ignorani

mission A Conservative Paper— Another of Begg's Babies— The Winnipeg Herald— Cool Burgess A Gubernatorial Committee— Dis- banded Militia Col. Smith's Ultimatum— Advent oi EarlDufferih Civic Hysterics Pyrotechnic Oratorical Rain Very Pluvial The Lady Ellen The Light Fantastic— A Boss Show Galore En- thusiasm— Mr. Ki.w Retires Mr. Eden Turns up i. Mi.. David Mills the Philosopher— Dick and Banning Ti British Assurance— Law Woollen Mills City Debenture The

: Locomotive— A Pair .»• Belles— Meat Winnipeg Abattoir Mr. Morri: Wheat Sunday Schools a Resigned Alderman— Bane of Montreal Mr. Sweeney An rNQUisiTiVE Rat— Heatd:en Chinee a. \V. Powell— A Quiet Orgie Stobart & Eden New Block Win- nipeg Spreads Herself Arrival of Gov. Cauchon Bis hat, qui cito dat Mourning— A Civic Suit— Resignation— A Midkighi Assassin M vnitoba University A Festive School Board— Facts and Figures A City of Promise— Col. Peebles— Hospital Hospitality.

The city aboutthis time invested in some land in the neiLrlil ►■ 'i- nood of St. James' parish, from Hon. Thos. Howard, for a c jmi Mr. Joseph Whitehead received 222 ear wheels, and a numb a»xles, which looked promising for our railway prospects. The '" Star " base ball club was organized in June, with the following officers : A. W. Burrows, President; A. MeOowan, Vice-Presi- dent and W. If. Dick; Captain. The first lot of pottery manufac- tured in Manitoba, was received from the works of Sutherland & Brydon, at Selkirk, in June, 1879. On the 12th of June, 1S77, the College of Physicians of Manitoba, met in the Council Cham- ber, the President^ Dr. O'Donnell, occupying the chair. The fol- lowing members were elected by haiku, tn constitute the Medical Board: Dr. O'Donnell, Dr. Cowan, (Winnipeg) Dr. Lynch, Dr. :. Dr. Young, (Lower Fort.) The following officers of the Board Were then elected: Dr. O'Donnell, President ; Dr. Cowan, V; President; Dr. Lynch, Registrar; Dr. Codd, Treasurer.


The following is a list of membership of Masonic Lodges in Manitoba, in 1877 :

Prince 11 uperts 128

Lisgar 36

Ancient Landmark 71

St. Johns 36

Hiram 31

Emerson 14

316 The contract for the erection of the St. Johns Ladies School was awarded in June, 1877, to Mr. R. D. Patterson, for $13,300. The building, although just outside the city limits, may be considered one of the ornaments of Winnipeg. It is built of biiek, with stone facings, and is a combination Swiss, English and American gothic, with mansard roof. We have not space to give a full description, but will merely say that it is very commodious, and is situated in the midst of grounds, four acres in extent. In the meantime the Manitoba College continued in a nourishing condition, and the large building, at Point Douglas, formerly owned by W. G-. Fonseca, having been purchased from that gentleman, the College became a regularly established institution of the city. A new tire alarm bell (the same at present in use) was received June, and steps taken to have it placed in position for service. A scaffold was erected opposite the engine house, which, since the fire on Post Office street, was situated just east of where the Indian office is to- day. The bell weighs 1,285 lbs., made by Meneely & Kimberley Troy, N. Y., and cost $525. Mr. Wm. Chambers, who was the first representative from Manitoba, at Wimbledon, died 5th July, much regretted by a large circle of friends. A pleasant excursion to Lake Winnipeg, on the steamer Manitoba, took place about this time, and was enjoyed by a number of our citizens, many of whom will remember the trip out into the lake, and the anxiety to return when it began to grow dark. Lake Winnipeg, most of them thought was hardly the place for a river boat. Grace Church, owing to the rapid increase of its congregation, had to be enlarged, and during the time a portion of the work was going on, the Court


House was used for the services on Sundays. The large mill now by H. Sutherland & Bro., but then owned by Smith & Melville, was opened in the early part of July, when a number of our citizens visited the mill for the purpose of taking part in the christening. Toasts were 'hank with enthusiasm, and the proprie- tors were wished every success. A grand regatta took pla July on the Red River, just above Fort Garry, which was \ by a large crowd of people. The first race, single sculls, was won by C. D. Radiger's "Dolly," rowed by Wm. McMillan. The double scull race was won by Col. Smith's " Kathleen," rowed by Private Prickett and Owens <>f the garrison. The canoe race was won by C.W.Graham's "Whip-poor-will," paddled by Messrs. Christie and McDonald of the H. B.C. The pair oared race was won by C. W. Radigers "Dolly," rowed by Messrs. Powell and Wm. McMillan, young Morice acting ckswain. A yachi

advertised did not come off. It is a pity we do not have more rowing and sailing on the river. Early in duly, 1877, the city was visited by a perfect hurricane, which demolished chimnies and sent signs skiting down the streets ; no lives were lost, but there were several narrow escapes. The Winnipeg White Ribbon Tem- perance Association was organized in duly, '77 President^ 8. Bassett ; Vice., Stone ; Secy., A. R. Hum- ; Treasurer, G. T. Wil- liams. Th.- Society numbered about twenty-five members.

On Friday, duly 20, a mass meeting was held in the City Hall to consider the manner of receiving the Governor-General, who was about paying Manitoba a visit. We will refrain from com- menting upon that meeting, as many of the remarks passed by some of the citizens, on that occasion, were hardly creditable to themselves or the character of the city. There was very little unity, and a good deal of ill feeling was expressed by some of the speakers towards each other. Winnipeg, in 1877, contributed $4(mi towards aiding the sufferers of the St. John's fire.

The assessment of 1877 was as follow- :


Value of real property $536,350

Value of personal property 106,000





Value of real property $1,009,660

Value of personal property 145,42 5



Value of real property $503,435

Value of Personal property : 149,150



Total assessable property $501,560


Towards the end of July, Walter R. Nursey returned with his quarantine party, in a half-starved condition, from Lake Winnipeg. Mr. Nursey, as Chief Health Officer of Keewatin, had 1 teen de- spatched by Governor Morris in February, at the time of the small-pox scourge, to establish a northern quarantine and sanitary cordon between ourselves and the infected district, and to regulate the traffic in fur. After putting in a very accented winter's work, having travelled, on foot, from the Berens River to the Saskatche- wan, from the Winnipeg to the Nelson, and nearly killing himself in his zeal, he found himself in the month of May at the Dog Head, an inhospitable outpost, in mid-lake, nobody's servant, the services of the Council of Keewatin having been dispensed with by Mr. Mackenzie's Government without instructions, without supplies, without money, without even means of escape from the situation. By an unaccountable fluke, late in July, an opportun- ity presented itself for flight, and Mr Nursey returned to Winnipeg i/n extremis, only to be sat upon by an ignorant commission, ,who tried hard the effort to kill him and his party by neglect, having proved ineffectual to wipe him out of existence, by refusing to pay either himself or his men, for the arduous duties admittedly well perform- ed. About this time another attemptto estabMsha Conservative daily paper was made. The newspaper in question was like Fon- seca'sbaby, called the Herald, and like it also, it soon died of star- vation. Conservative milk, at that time, was rather watery, and Alex. Begg, who was the insane individual, who started the paper, K


was just aboul us glad as Fonseca, when the thing came to an end. A few dejected printers out of a job, and Begg himself, with dejection, attended the funeral, while Fonseca, atan upper window, laughed as the procession went by, chuckling, because " he knew how it was himself." The Free Press felt very sorry for the fail- ure of this Daily Herald, although it had uo reason to do so.

Cool Burgess and trohpe visited Winnipeg and put in a short, but very successful S'ason, at the City Hall. The reception com- mitee who had the management of arrangements for receiving the Governor-General in a proper manner now wenl to work with a will, the following sub-committees were formed:

The executive committee consisted, of Hon. l!. A. Davis, Senator Girard, Aid. Burrows, the Mayor, Aid. McMicken, Hon. Jos. Royal, and Mr. Bannatyne. Street decoration committee Mi Alex. Begg, Et. I ». Bathgate, J. H. Rowan, Aid. Conklin, Thomas Lusted, Aid. Brown, J. II. Ashdown, A. II. Bertrand, and Aid. Rice. Programme and Reception Committee Messrs. William Hespeler, F. E. Cornish, I). McArthur, S. Blanchard, Senator Sutherland, J. A. N. Provencher, Thomas Nixon, Aid. McNee, Dr. Cowan, Dr. O'Donnell. Excursion Committee Messrs. D. M. Walker, W. Palmer Clarke,Ald. Jackson, Geo. Brown,J. Balsillie, W. H. Lyon, James McLenaghen, W. F. Gouin, G. McMicken. Ball and Dejeuner Committee Capt. Howard, CoL Osborne Smith, E. C. Jarvis, Aid. Logan, J. H. McTavish, 1*. Sutherland, G. B.Spencer, W. D.Taylor, Hon. Jos. Royal. Committee on Games Hon. W. Kennedy, C W. Radiger, Hon. .lames McKay, Aid. Alloway, More, Burrows, Dr. Schultz, A. F. Eden, and Dr. Young. On Friday, 3rd August, 1877, the garrison of Canadian regular miltia was disbanded at Fort Osborne, and Lieut. Col. W. Osborne Smith on the occasion issued the following " District Morning Order."

"In taking Leave of the force of Dominion troops on service in the North-West, on the occasion of their disbandment to-day, the Deputy Adjutant General commanding the district desire- to express to the officers, non-com. officers and men of the force the

deep regret which he feels, at the necessity which parts them from his command. He desires to thank the men of the force for the


general excellent conduct which they have shown, and for the credit which their b ihaviour and soldierly hearing has reflected on the command and the Canadian militia generally.

"Coming here for the most part as raw recruits, the men leave \s fan hied soldiers, lit to take their places side by side in the ranks with her Majesty's regular forces ; and the officer commanding the district feels satisfied that, if ever the cause of their country requires it, the same spirit which animated the men to volunteer for the service originally, will lie again found among them.

" To each and all, the officer commanding the district conveys his heartiest good wishes for their future prosperity. W. Osborne Smith, Lt.-Col.,

1). A. G., No. 10 M. D., Com. Dom. Forces in North- West.

The militia of the Province now- consisted of "Winnipeg Field •ry and the Winnipeg, Kildonan, and Emerson Infantry Com- panies. On Monday, August 6th, 1877, Lord Dufferin arrived at Fort Garry, in the steamer Minnesota, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon, and immediately great crowds began pouring towards that quarter to witness the reception. Mayor Kennedy went first on board the steamer, and soon after His Excellency, proceeded hy his aide-de-camp, and accompanied by His Honor Lieut. -Governor Morris, landed on the platform, and was received by the City Council. A carriage was in waiting, and when Lord DurTerin stepped into it to be conveyed to the City Hall, cheer upon cheer arose from the multitude of people. The Winnipeg Field Battery fired the appropriate salute of seventeen guns, and the Winnipeg Infantry Company having formed in line, His Excellency before stepping into his carriage inspected the company, and exj >ressed himself very much pleased with the appearance of the men. A procession was then formed, and slowly wended its way b> the City Hall, passing through fine arches erected in honor of the occasion. A platform and arch had been erected in front of the City Hall, and there a fitting address was read by the City Clerk, A. M. Brown, to which His Excellency replied in his usual happy strain. Although there was a lack of arches on the streets, at the same time the citizens had ornamented the fronts of the houses


and the telegraph posts along the route being decorated with evergreens, the display was a very creditable one for our young city. The Governor-General after the reception in the City Hall and tin; ceremonies attending it, drove to Silver Heights to the residence of Donald A. Smith, which had been fitted up expn for him during his stay in Manitoba. On tin- day following his arrival in Winnipeg, the Mayor of the city received the following letter.

Silver Heights,

August 6, 1*77.

" Sir, I am instructed by 1 lis Excellency the Governor-General "to express to you his very great satisfaction with all tin- arrange- "ments made under the auspices of the Reception Committee, and "yourself, to enable the citizens of Winnipeg to welcome his " arrival amongst them.

"The large concourse assembled, the beauty and appropriate "of the decorations, the good ordtr which prevailed, and the " universal loyally displayed by all classes toward M

"in the person of her representative, have been most jiatifyi "His Excellency, and will, doubtless, prove the happy augury of "the pleasure he anticipates from his residence in your neighbor- hood.

•' I have the honor to be, sir,

Your obedient servant, Signed), " E. < ;. I'. Littleton,

" Governor-< reneral's Secretary."

His Woship, the Mayor of Winni]

His Excellency was accompanied by Lady Dufferin, Lady Hi Blackwood, and the Hon. Mrs. Littleton, and on Wednesday, A _. 7, the Vice-regal party witnessed the games played in their honor, but in the midst of them the rain began to pour, andthe festivities were put an end to lor a time. The Lady Ellen arrived for the first time at Winnipeg in August, having been towed here by the steamer Minnesota. The Lady Ellen was brought from Toronto here by H.G. McMicken, ami her machinery was fitted in Win' She has done good service in these water- ever -ince.

On Thursday, August 9th, a grand hall was given at Govern-


ment House by Lieut.-Governor Morris in honor of Lord and Lady Dufferin ; it was a magnificent spectacle, a large ball-room hand- somely decorated having been erected for the purpose. On Friday their Excellencies held a drawing-room at the City Hall, which was largely attended. Rooms had also been fitted up at the Govern- ment offices, where His Excellency received a number of prominent citizens, and on Monday, 13th August, addresses from the Presby- tery of Manitoba, Manitoba College, Diocesan .Synod of Rupert's Laud, County of Lisgar, and the Corporation of Kildonan and St. John's, were presented, to all of which suitable replies were received from Lord Dufferin. The same day their Excellencies attended the opening of the annual matches of the Manitoba Kifie Association, and on Tuesday, 14th, His Excellency laid the corner stone of the St. John's Ladies College, and in the evening the firemen of the city turned out in a torchlight procession in honor of His Excel- lency, the engine being gaily decorated for the occasion, and the citizens along the route giving pyrotechnic displays on their own account. The citizens ball the same evening was the finest enter- tainment of the kind ever given in Winnipeg. The city Hall was profusely decorated, but with great taste, His Excellency remarking on entering the room that he had witnessed more expensive decor- ations but nothing more beautiful. There were over 300 guest-. and the ball altogether was a perfect success. We have not space to give a more extended notice of these festivities, but may say that they passed off most creditably for the city.

Flat-boatmen were now compelled to take out licenses and the merchants generally taking a stand against them, they gradually gave way, and instead of selling from their boats on the river, they began to rent and build stores in the city.

About this time Mr. F. E. Kew retired from the firm of Kew, Stobart & Co., and A. F. Eden became a partner, the new house being 3tyled Stobnrt, Eden & Co. Mr. Kew had l>een connected with the English trade of this country for a great number of years ; the new film, however, seemed to have new vigor infused into it, for it gradually extended its business, until now it is second only to the H. B. Co. in its peculiar line of trade. The Western Fire and Marine Assurance Co. started an agency here in Sept., 77,


Mr. G. F. Carruthera being placed in charge, with a local b consisting of A. <b B. Bannatyne and Geo. Brown, of Ontario Bank. About this time the city was visited by the Hon 1». Mills, Minister of Interior, and Hon. Mr. Pelletier, Minister of Agricul- ture, who were Looking into the working of their respective depart- ments in this country. Several important changes were made, and a reduction of the staff of officials took place soon after their departure. Dick & Banning received in one lot during the fall of 77, 350,000 feet of lumbet and 400,000 shingles, which will give some idea of the extent of their business. The Temperance Hall was dedicated on Thursday, the 27th Sept., '77, the Sons of Tem- perance, and the United Temperance Association taking part in the ceremonies. Rev. Mr. Bell gave the oration of the evening, and Mr. Nixon, to whose efforts the election of the hall is mainly due, gave a statement of the financial condition of the enterprise. The hall cost $5,600 and consists of a fine lodge-room upstairs, with , ante-rooms attached, and a tine hall on the ground floor for cob &C. It is a tine building 32x72 and lis feet high to the es veneered with white brick and is yet an ornament to the city. The British American Assurance Company now opened an agency in the city. A Law Student's Society was formed early in October, 1877, when the following officers were elected: President, Hon. Chief Justice Wood ; 1st Vice, Hon. Jos. Royal; 2nd Vice, John Cameron, B.A., ; Corresponding Secretary, 1 >. MacGillivray ; Re- cording Secretary, Wm. Laurie; Treasurer, E. M. Wood; Honorary Committee, the Puisine Judges and Benchers, and the Trot! tary; General Managing Committee: Messrs. Camoran, Mac- Gillivray, Laurie, Wood, and Black. The St. Boniface woollen mills were burned out in October, '77, which was a great 1' I the country.

The ceremony of driving the first spike in the Pembina Branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway, was performed on the 29th Sept., by His Excellency the Governor-General, and the Countess of Duf- ferin, at the station grounds, St. Boniface, in the presence of a fash- ionable getherin^, ami the same day the dejeuner given b\ the citizens of Winnipeg, in honor of Lord and Lady Dufferin, took place. It was a grand affair, and was the last effort of the citizens


to do honor to the representative of Her Majesty. We would like to give the eloquent speech of His Excellency, delivered by him on the occasion, as it was probably one of his greatest efforts during his visit to Manitoba. Lord Dufferiu took his departure on the evening of the same day, carrying with him the good wishes, the love, and respect, of all classes of the people of Manitoba. Lady Dufferin, by her kind and gentle manner, won the hearts of our people, as her husband had, their respect and admiration.

An attempt to raise $25,000 on our debentures for drainage pur- poses and other improvement was defeated at the polls as fol- lows :


North Ward 26 7

East Ward 10 37

West Ward 23 34

South Ward 3 40

62 117

On Tuesday, 9th October, the first locomotive ever brought into Manitoba arrived at Winnipeg, and great crowds of the citizens went down to witness the event. The steamer Selkirk, with a barge containing the locomotive and a number of fiat cars, was handsomely decorated with Union Jacks, Stars and Stripes, ban- ners, &c. Steam was up on the locomotive, and what with its shrill whistling, and that of the steamer, the ringing of bells, and the mill whistles joining in the chorus, there was a perfect babel of noise. A lady, Miss Racine, kept tolling the bell of the steamer, and was cheered lustily by the crowd. The Selkirk touched at No. 6 warehouse, and then steamed down to the landing below Point Douglas, where a track was laid, on which they ran the en- gine and cars, and thus was landed the first locomotive ever brought to this Province.

Large shipments of wheat were being made about this time by R. Genie & Co. to Ogilvie & Co., of the Groderich Mills. The supply of meat required for the city at this time may be judged by the fact that one butcher firm occupying a stall in the City Hall Market, supplied to their customers an average of 8,000 lbs of beef,


700 lbs. of veal, 800 lbs. of mutton, and 1,200 lbs. of pork weekly.

Mrs. Munis, wit'i- of the [ieut.-Governor, left Winnipeg for Canada, accompanied by Mr. Becher, the Private Secretary, on 9 urday, 13th Oct., preparatory to the departure of Governor Morris, soon afterwards. Mayor Kennedy used his power to veto a grant of $100 to the Manitoba Rifle Association, in Oct., 77. because the majority of the Council was against it, but it had been p while a number of the members of the Council were absent.

The first shipment of Manitoba wheat, direct from Winnip Europe, took place on Wednesday, 17th Oct., tin- consignors being I!. Gerrie ; consign Barclay & Brand, Glasgow, Scotland.

A Sunday School ('.invention took place about this tine-, in the Temperance Hall, and work of great importance was done in con- nection with the promotion of teaching the Gospel to the j Alderman McMicken having resigned, an election took place in the East Ward, when Mr. T. Dunlop was elected, by acclamation, to serve for the balance of the year.

In November a branch of the Bank of Montreal was opened in Winnipeg, and Mr. Campbell Sweeney appointed agent. The offices of the institution being situated in a wing of the B.B. I building, on Broadway. A muskrat was caught in the basement of Stobart & Eden's old store, a trap having been set for his rat- ship, and his capture effected. About this time three Chinese direct from the flowery kingdom, reached Winnipeg. The gentlemen of the party suffered respectively under the names of Charles Yam, and Fung Quong. The lady, however, who accompanied them de- clined to have the euphony of her appellation tortured by any news- paper process. A lar#e number of the friend- of Mr. A. W. Pow- ell, teller of the Ontario Bank, entertained that gentleman to a farewell supper, at the Revere House, previous to his departure for Toronto. Captain Howard presided on the occasion, and Mr. - ley Blanchard occupied the Vice chair. Among those present were A. Strang, J. A. Peebles, A. 1.'. Bannatyne, S. YV. Trott, J. A. Grant, J. S. Melville, W. S. Souch, A. R. Ramsay, W. I>. Taylor, J. M. Macdonald, H. V. Champion, J. J. Cavanagh, Dr. Fisher, K. Armstrong, C. D. Rickards, J. < >. Grahame, Thos. Watt, Frank Meyer, W. W. McMillan, D. E. Sprague, G. J. Wishart> John


Breeden, Chas. X. Bell, and Walter Nursey. A most enjoyable evening was spent. In November the brick block, erected on Main street, by Messrs. Stobart, Eden & Co., at a cost of 820,000, was completed, and as a monument of the growing thrift and enterprise of our city, spoke volumes for the march of progress which had so practically and earnestly set in. Space will not admit of an ex- tended account of the structure, the following facts will, however, serve to convey an idea to the stranger of the solidity and extent of the building. The entire length of the block was something over 100 feet, with a width of 33 feet ; the main portion 70 x 33, being three stories in height, and the rear portion 30 x 33 feet, one storey with a basement, the entire length of the building. The native white brick was used in its construction, and with galvan- ized iron cornices, and window caps, massive cast iron supporting columns and pilasters, and magnificent plate glass front, it pre- sented to the gaze of our citizens an appearance typical of Chicago or other large cities.

On the the 22nd of November, after a somewhat noteworthy journey especially sensational at Emerson, on the frontier, where the Emigration Agent allowed his zeal of welcome to overcome his good sense His Honor Lieutenant-Governor Cauchon arrived in Winnipeg. Owing to various canards that had gone the rounds of the American press, as to the welcome likely to be accorded M. Cauchon on his arrival in this country, his advent in our midst was wanting tn some extent in the dignity due to such an auspicious occasion.

The ladies having taken in hand the honorable work of collect- ing for the General Hospital, over $1,000 was the result of their charitable efforts. In December the " Ariel " Quadrille Club, gave way to the " Assemblies " and continued under the change of name to be a more popular gathering than ever.

A man named Weir, a carpenter, was robbed, whilst sleeping, of $700, and the thief escaped detection. Mr. McLenaghen, of this city, with Mr. Stephenson, of Montreal, while out driving, were thrown out of their buggy, and received if not serious injury damage that kept them prisoners to their bedrooms for some days. On Tuesday, the 2nd of December, the Hon. Alex. Morris, with


Miss Morris, left Winnipeg for Perth, Ont. On the Saturday pre- vious a Levee, was held at Government House, on which large number of citizens took advantage of the opportunity to pay thier fan-well respects to the ex-Lieut.-Governor.

Od Thursday, the 6th December, Madame Cauchon, who had been in a critical condition ever since her arrival in the Province, passed to her Lasl rest. Though ;i stranger to the majority of our citizens, the deepest sympathy was manifested by all classes of the community for the bereaved family, not the less so, on account of her reputation for many excellent virtues, which though her sojourn amongst us had been so brief, were generally accredited to the deceased lady.

The suits of H. L. Reynolds against the city for dam _ tainedby flood, were now paid, and amounted, inclusive of coal which alone aggregated $636.70 to $2,461.05.

Aid. Burrows in December resigned his seat as Alderman for the South Ward, and Mr. Dunlop was elected in his stead by aclama- tion for the remainder of the term. Mr. J. E. Tetu about thistime was the victim of a murderous attack. On his way hone- from Mr. Gouin's residence in rear of the Custom House, about seven o'clock in the evening, he was suddenly attacked by an unkn »wn person, and stabbed in the breast. He parried the blow with his arm, winch had he not done, there is little doubt but that the wound would have proved, if not fatal, at least serious: as it was he received an ugly flesh wound in the left breast, nun, bruises, and a seven- fright. His assailant escaped, and to this day no clue to his identity has been forthcoming.

The funeral of the' late Madame Cauchon was largely attended notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather ; previousto \ during the time that the body lay in state at Government House, numerous sympathizers paid their last respects to the d rarf Archbishop Tache preached an eloquent and affecting sermon upon this melancholy occasion to an immense concourse of people, who assembled at the cathedral of St. Boniface to participate in the mournful ceremonies.

The council of the University of Manitoba met on Thursday, the 13th December, '77, when there were present : The Chanc 11'. the


Vice-Chancellor, Archbishop Tache, Bev. Vicars Forget, O'Meara, Black, Mathe.son, Dugast, Bryce, Lavoie, Cowley, Robertson, Ger- man, and Hart, and Messrs. Young, Dubuc, Bain, McMicken, Cowan, Bannatyne, Cameron, Provencher, Tasse, and Jarvis. K C. Jarvis was appointed registrar, and D. McArthnr, bursar.

At a meeting of the School Board, after considerable discussion and some display of feeling on the part of a few of the speakers, Mr. Fletcher, of Toronto, was elected to fill the position of Principal of the Public School.

To give some idea of the amount of building done in the city of Winnipeg during the year 1877, and to show the rapid strides the place was taking towards becoming a city in deed as well as words, the following figures will carry convincing proof. About 80 buildings of various descriptions were erected and completed, which cost in the aggregate something over $250,000. These figures do not include a number of buildings in course of con- struction, and which will necessarily appear on the list of opera- tion for the year 1878. A quarter of a million is surely not a bad exhibit for a city not then even in its teens, and still with all the. rush and enterprise so characteristic of the country, and its heterogeneous population, the good work still went on.

Lt.-Col. Peebles, lately supply officer of the regular militia garrison at Fort Osborne, during December received a permanent appointment on the staff No. 10 Military District, as paymastei and storekeeper, and much to the gratification of his many friends.

An Apron festival in aid of the hospital fund came off on the 27th December, and in netting the handsome sum of $400 for that institution appropriately brought the Winnipeg season of '77 to a creditable close.



(loi Pulloi An Angel of Lighi Festival! High Jink: A. Vernal Wiktbb Receipts and Expkndii urj St. John the Evangelisi 1 1 istbonomic A Peripatetic Goldsmith Tin-types— Wholesale Trade Harry Pearson— Parli am ant —Temperance Wave Hostile Victuai i New Fire Hall Fire Brigade— St. John's Ladies S< hool— Miss B \ Davik. a l>n; Order Rifle Association Criminal Statist] Long Circuit Robert Stalker Pembina Branch Grain Elevator Trinity Church Organ— A Howling Swell Hon. Gilbert McMicken Imports and Exports Curliana— Races Hatches, Matches, and Despatches Postal Prorogation Notable Legislation W. H. Disbrowe 1). D.Campbell— Chief of Police Power- Celestial- Rail- ways—A Novel Sermon Rossin House— Bishop McLean The Gai way ok mi; West Canada Life Assurance Co.— Thk South Pharmaceutical Wheat Operations DoddA <'<>. 17th of [reland Early Navigation A Peculiar Robber Mrs. Finney Thk Rostruh A Valuable Cargo Pilgrims Battle, Murdeb and Sudden Death Winnipeg and Western Transportation Co.— A Reliable Horoscope.

On Wednesday, the 2nd of January, 1878, the New Year was appropriately entered upon, looking at it from a Winnipeg stand- point, by a mass meeting, which took place in the City Hall, the Mayor in the chair, and George Ham, secretary. The theme of discussion upon this occasion was municipal matters, and the various aspirants for municipal honors took advantage of the opportunity, and spread themselves considerably lor the delectation 'of the electors. Speeches were made by Alderman Fonseca, Sin- clair, More, Jackson, McNee, Dunlop and Burrows, and by F. I . Cornish and others. Some merriment was excited by our worthy fellow-citizen Fonseca, who humorously alluded to his being an " Angel of light." A discussion of a somewhat accrimonious nature book place upon the civic expenditure and our finances in general, but the meeting dispersed in due course, and, as a local paper graphically wound up its report of the proceedings, " with no one hurt."

Holy Trinity Sunday School festival was held in the Temperance Hall on New Years Eve and was largely attended. Santa Clans and others of our amateur talent distinguishing themselves. This


class of amusements in town served to keep our jeunesse d'oree in

a high state of good humor, which the humidity of the weather might otherwise have dampened. Rain fell during the month, and frogs piped their Christmas carols in many an open pool, a mallard was shut just outside the city, violets and heartseases were in full bloom, ploughing was considered a ]ia<time, and the old year went out mi wheels.

The receipts of the city of Winnipeg for the year 1 877 amounted to $63,813.53, the expenditure- was $65,660.67.

At the festival of St. John the Evangelist, a supper was sub- sequently served at the Pacific Hotel, on which occasion Bro. E. (i. Conklin, retiring W.M., was presented by the brotherhood with a valuable Past Master's jewel and a suitable address. At the Knox Church festival Prof. Bryce announced that through the exertions of Rev. Mr. Robertson $12,000 had been raised for the new edifice, and indulged in some prophecy which must gratify him to see fulfilled to-day. About this time oui deserved!) respected friend, Geo. D. Northgraves moved north with his illuminated clock and stork of jewellery, and entered into occupa- tion of the store immediately south of Ashdown's block, and now in possession of his late co-worker, Thos. Chapman, and Duffinand Casswell having united their talents entered into the photographic line on a more extensive scale than formerly. Mr. W. H. Lyon having decided to devote his energies to the wholesale trade exclusively, disposed of the retail portion of his business, which was purchased by Harry Pearson, who continued to conduct the business in the old stand.

On Thursday, the 10th of January, the opening of the Fourth Session of the Second Parliament took place, on which occasion the floor of the house fairly blazed with the presence of a crowd ofwell- dressed ladies. The chamber was effectively decorated, and the proceedings went off with greater eclat than usual. The speech from the throne was read by Lieut,-Governor Cauchon, who on this occasion made his first public appearance in Manitoba in his guber- natorial capacity. If lacking nerve, he acquitted himself with his customary dignity.

The Temperance wave having reached Manitoba about this time,


i meeting was held in the Temperance Baikal which some of our lead- ing divines and other disciples of prohibition took occasion to address the citizens. Amongst other resolutions, submitted to the audience, and passed, was one advocating steps Pdt the " total abolition of saloons," and as this Was a measure calculated to upset tin- plans oi some of tin- Winnipeg victuallers, it is aot extraordinary that a contra-influence was broughl to beartodefeat theend thusarrived at. However, the first agitation in this direction, was now a matter of history, and consequent congratulation to the promoters, and to lirect influence may doubtless be traced the changes subsquent- ly effected in the city by-laws, controlling the issue of tavern licenses.

The formal opening of the new Fire Hall was celebrated the same day, by the members of the Fire Brigade. The festivities consisted of a supper, which was laid outin an upper room of the building, which was tastefully decorated for the occasion, and doubt- less with some appreciation for the eternal fitness of things, togj with commendable acknowledgement of the temperance principles, then being so strongly advocated, the firemen elected to conduct their supper on a strictly cold water basis, and tho Bpirits were rigidly excluded, the hilarity of the proceedings appearedinno de- gree to be damped, as the evening Mas an enjoyable one, without any qualification. Speeches of a congratulatory and patriotic na- ture, with the usual quota of songs, werein order after supper, and the guests separated about midnight. The Fire Hall, which to- gether with being one of our most useful buildings, is also one of the most ornamental, is built of white brick. The engine-room, proper upon the ground flour, is 42x44 feet, with a 16 ft. ceiling, concrete floor, etc., with ashpits, and all the usual and modern ap- pliances. The tower in which the alarm bell is suspended, at an altitude of 59 feet, is 69 feet in height. The contractor was Mr. Jos. Woods ; the architect Mr. Thos. Parr, and the cost of the building, completed, was about $7,000. The following is a list of the officers and members of the tire brigade, ;it the time of the opening of tin- hall :

Chief Engineer, McMillan ; Ass.-Chief, .Tames McDonald ; Sec- Treas., W. H. Saunders ; Captains Alex. Brown and Wm. Code ;


Lieutenants, J. R. Cameron, George Treherne, Pearson McPhail ; Engineer, John McKechnie ; Asst. -Engineer, Fred Barry ; Firemen, W. A. Fisher, G. Houseley, C. M. Murray, W. G. Johnston, Alex. Kennedy, John Gates, W. G.Maxwell, J. Johnston, Win. Morri- son, Jno. Grieves, C. W. Campbell, J. K. Robinson, Mcintosh, T. B. Godfrey, A. T. McNab, J. Wilton, A. Pratt, A. Young, James Levi, T. I). Caulfield, J. Mighton, Wm. Seach, W. Lindsay, P. i Still, Shearer, Lindoff, Paul, Nelson and Marcom.

The St. John'.- College Ladies School, being now completed, and ready for occupation ; circulars were about this time issued, giving all necessary information, tor those who were anxious toavail them- selves of the educational advantage thus ottered to their daughters. Miss Hart Davies (now Mrs. Alfred Cowley) was the Lady Prin- cipal, and with an accomplished staff of assistants, bid fair to attain for the institution, the desired degree of confidence and popular- ity, hoped for by its most sanguine supporters. How fully this happy result has been accomplished can be determined by the educational status that the Ladies College rejoices in to'day.

The cost of the school, including site, architect, contract, piano, etc.. in January, '77, reached 819,000, which, more particularly owing to the disinterested efforts and liberality on the part of the Bishop of Ruperts Land, (the President) the Board of Governors were enabled to liquidate.

During this month we hear of our friend, Thos. Lusted, m the character of host and entertainer, when he invited his employees and a few outside guests to partake of supper at the Bevere House, and, when further in a commendable spirit of tit for tat, the em- ployees presented the " boss " with an inscribed pipe and a walk-

_--:ick, as tokens of esteem. The utmost cordiality prevailed in Winnipeg in these days, and " socials " were in full blast, but to illustrate practically that business Mas not overlooked in the sea- sonable pursuit of pleasures, we would state that about this time a resident wholesale grocer filled an order, amounting to £20,000 ! and embracing nineteen different lines of articles, and these articles were for shipment east, for the railway line.

A number of our merchants were engaged pretty extensively in buying wheat, and Mr. Ogilvie, of A. W. Ogilvie & Co., of Mon-


tveal, attracted by the field for speculation appeared upon the scene, and prosecuted a pretty lively business on a basis of cents cash for No. 1 'Iran wheat."

The annual meeting of the Manitoba Rifle Association to in January when the following directorate were elected : Presi- dent, Col. Smith ; Captain Mcintosh, 1st Viee-President ; Captain Carruthers, 2nd Vice-President ; Sec-Treas., EG.Conklin ; Council, Messrs. Lindsay, Smith, Mclntyre, McMillan, Strang, Doidge, Van Renssalaer, Young, McEwari, and Gillies.

The gaol record for the year '77, gives the following statistical facts which will be found interesting. Th< total number of appre- hensions was 84, convictions 73, of these 62 could read and write. There was an increase of six over the number of prisoners of the year '76, but a remarkable falling off from the numbers of previous years. The nationality of these culprits was as follows : Mani- toba, 28; English Canadians, 15; French Canadians, 6; England, 9; Ireland, 10; Scotland, 5 ; Germany, 2 ; Switzerland, 1; Den- mark, 5; Siberia, 1 ; Iceland, 2; Sweden. 1 ; United Sti

On the 24th of January the Canada Pacific Telegraph line was working in one continuous circuit fiom Winnipeg to Edmonton, a distance of «"S « > * > miles, for the first time. This was considered to lie the longest circuit without a repeater on the continent, and such is worthy of comment. Robert Stalker and S. 11. Caswell dissolved partnership a- harness-makers, the former still continuing in the business, the benefit of which he -till enjoys. A hopeful indication of railway progress now gladdened the heart.- of the } eople in the shape of an announcement over the signature oi Nixon, calling for 165,000 railway ties for distribution along the Pembina Branch of the C. P. II., and railroad agitation was again in order. The " Royal Opera House" was now transformed from the ridiculous into the practical, and the old Manitoban building at last

I ame a warehouse for -rain. At a vestry meeting held in Holy

Trinity Church on the evening of January the 25th, it was decided to purchase a $3,000 organ, the instrument which to-day occasion- ally floods that structure with its remarkable diapason. In the latter part of January the Hon Gilbert McMicken, Deputy Re- ceiver-General, severed his connection with the civil service of


Canada, after a term of thirty-one years service, seven of which had been spent in Manitoba, he merited the consideration he received at the hands of the Government and earned the super- annuation allowance upon which lie retired.

The following comparative statement of the imports at the port of Winnipeg for the quarter ending 31st December, 1876 and '77, are not wanting in interest :

For the quarter ending 31st December, 1876, imports, 8149,901 ; home consumption, 8161,560; duty, 823,768.40.

For the quarter ending 31st December, 1877 Imports, 8184,935; home consumption, $205,469 ; duty, 838,279.84.

Culling at this season was indulged in by those of our citizens who were addicted to " souping her up," and the rink adjacent to the Central School was the scene of many an exciting contest by the knights of the besom. A great trotting race under the direction of Messrs. Alio way & Nevins came off on the ice of Red River on the 30th of January, when Kittson's Manitoba Girl took three consecutive ieats, and left four other of the local pacers to fight for second money. Illustrative of the fact that Winnipeg has always sustained its reputation for being an accented place, we cannot omit mentioning that at a winter festivity at Point Douglas, a dance, a birth, a christening, a fight and a death, all occurred at the same seance, and a burial took place a few hours after. Mr. A.J. Belch about this time was appointed Assistant Agent of Dominion Lands for Manitoba. To give some idea of the growth of the cor- respondence of the city, necessitated by the development of trade, we can state that it was estimated by the Post office officials, that over 300,000 letters had been posted in the Winnipeg office during the year past, the letters alone in one week showing an increase over the corresponding week of the year previous of 2,000.

On Saturday, the 2nd of February, the House was prorogued by His Honor the Lieut.-Governor, with the customary ceremonials, when thirty-seven bills received the Royal assent, notably amongst which was an Act, extending the Wild Land Tax, the amendment to the election law, whicl^involved the repeal of the ballot, and the Liquor License Act. The passage of the first of these was a sub- ject of much congratulation to those of our population sufficiently


disinterested to look at it from a matt-rial standpoint, as beneficial

to the state. In addition to the old law which imposed a tax upon the lands of Don-residents, the new Aci provided that the lands of residents should be subjected to a similar {mpOsitibfa, and further provided for a tax of five cents an acre ftpori Hudson i lands a piece oflegislatibn wnicn. byine way, was afterwardia ap- pealed against by the company, upoh* the ground that the action of our Provincial Legislature in tin- matter was ti,U¥a iHtfe'. There- peal or tne ballot was probably noihihgbnt a convenient and tem- porary measure. Tlie LwjIiOr License Act was as similar to the Crooks' A t-t ni' Ontarig a- the circumstances of the country per- mitted.

Alive to the necessities Oi the spring trade, we tind Mr. W. H. Disbrowe making active preparations for the busy season. A large assortment pi seeds stored in his warehouse/ahd an extensive stoefe1 of agricultural implements. W. IT. Disbrowe first established his business in Dreevers. block, ftotre Dame street east, in '71". but -uon an increasing trade drove him into hunting more commodious quarters, and in Oct., of the same year, he built the ^fore" now oc- cupied by Knight & Crawford) opposite the City Hall, and to which place he transferred his stock in trade. In Feb., I >. W. Campbell was appointed jailer, in the Winnipeg jail, in place of 1!. Power, at the same time the latter named received his com- mission as chief of our Provincial Police. Two Chinese laun- dries 'now commenced operations in the city, and nine watermen dedicated their services, prompted, of course, by a philanthropic* re- gard for the cleanliness of the people. At a curling match, which took place between Old Countrymen and Canadians, and on which occasion the Old Countrymen were victorious, we lindthe follow- ing gentlemen comprising the two rinks :


W. ft. Xun'V. W. X. Kennedv,

A. Davies Mark Fortune,

Jas. McDonald, L. Erb,

A. P.rown, fskip)— 22 O. I>. NnrthgravPs. fskip)— 17

D. McArthur, H. Archibald.

It. P. Keith, C. Sweencv.


C. Murray, Thos. Howard,

P. Young, (skip)— 24 A. P. Denholm, (skip;— 9 About this time the articles of lu corporation of the Duluth & Winnipeg Railroad Company, were published in the Minnesota papers capital stuck was placed at four millions. The men whose names were appended to the article, all belonging to Duluth, with one exception, and he hailed from Superior City, Wisconsin. The construction of the road exists only in imagination. The Rev. J. A. Campbell preached a sermon on Sunday, Dec. 15, in the Bethel M. E. Church, in defence of the saloon keepers, when he chose for his text the following words:

" A friend of publicans and sinners," Matt. II, xix.

He advocated legal prohibition.

Advertisements now appeared calling for tenders for grading, bridging and track laying the C. P. Pi. from St. Boniface to Emerson, and for 93,000 lineal feet of square timber and 32,000 feet of flatted timber, and 100,000 feet of planking, and as this appeared to fill the bill for the completion of the Pembina Branch, railway connection was looked upon as an immediate certainty. Wright's block having been enlarged and a portion fitted up as a hotel, it was formally opened on the 1st March, under the name of the Piossin House. The planing mill erected in the summer of 77 by Smith & Melville, was purchased by John Sutherland, who took steps to prepare it for the spring campaign. The Bishop of Sas- katchewan, whilst on a visit to Montreal, thus expressed himself in regard to Winnipeg :

" In 1X66 it was nothing more than a backwqocls village con- " taming about 200 settlers. ***** ^ow " Winnipeg was a city of over 6,000 inhabitants. In the first seven " years of its existence, dating from 1870, it had increased more in "its population than had the city of Chicago in the first ten years " of its existence. Xow it had churches, banks', schools, manufac- "torie's, and its mercantile men were equal to any in energv, that " he had met either in Canada or the United States. He could " not DUX think that it had a great destiny before it, and it could be "called with truth the ' gateway ' of the Xorth West, it was destined " to become a most prosperous city."


The Canada Life Assurance Company established an agency in Winnipeg in March, 78, with the Rev. Edward Morrow as their resident agent for the Province.

No. 4 warehouse, the property of the H. B. Co., on the hank- of the Assiniboine having been considered —standing as it < 1 1* 1 on the brink of the river banl. to be in danger by the spring floods, was moved to the top of the embankment, no slight undertaking when it is stated thai it was a massive log structure 100 feet by 60; it was raised upwards 13| feet, and carried hack 120 feet, and the actual time occupied in its moving was little over one day. Mr. J. B. Clarke was the contractor. No little interest was maiiii- by the citi/ens of Winnipeg on reading the report of Mr. Marcus Smith, C. E., as embraced in the blue-hook of the Minister of Public Works of Canada, on the vexed question of the C. P. E. route south of Manitoba Lake. Mr. Smith condemned the southern route on professional grounds, and considerable disappointment was experienced.

The court of Queen's Bench was opened .~>th March, the docket on this occasion was not a heavy one. On the 7th the Phar- maceutical Association of the Province of Manitoba met in the Government buildings, on the call of the Provincial Secretary, in accordance with the law, when the first council of the Association was elected as follows : Messrs. James Stewart, J. F. Caldwell, and Wm. Whitehead. Miss Gibb, whose services were much appreciated by the congregation of Christ Church, of which she was the organist, was waited upon by the Kev. Canon O'Meara and Mrs. Mercer, who, on behalf of the frequenters of that church, presented her with a handsome testimonial in recognition of her efforts. A Ladies Temperance Union Society was organized this month, with Mrs. G. F. Newcomb as president, and the Provincial Lodge of the United Temperance Association held their annual meeting about the same time, on which occasion the rather startling announcement was made by one of the speakers, that the computed consumption of liquor in the Dominion was about 40,000,000, or ten gallons for every soul, and that the drinking public of Winnipeg indulged in the luxury to the extent of $165,000 per annum. Mr. Prud'h omnie, of the Hotel du Canada, gave a grand


house warming a 1 tout this time, ami the usual quota of "surprise parties" kept most of our housekeepers busy.

A large amount of wheat changed hands during this month, nearly every merchant in town dabbling mure or less in the com- modity. The Ross brothers now formed a law partnership, and continued to conduct their business in the chambers, over Dr. Schultz's office. The Royal Commission which had been engaged for some weeks in investigating the alleged Indian frauds, complet- ed their labor on Wednesday, the 13th of March. On the same day Napoleon Beaulieu, when attempting to cross the river to St. Boni- face, whilst walking on the ice, broke through and was drowned.

A railway fever having once more seized upon the people, and a citizen- committee appointed to agitate with the Ottawa authorities, the following telegrams were produced at the meeting held in the City Council Chamber, Mr. Sinclair, D. L. S., in the chair.

Winnipeg, 14th March, '78. Hon. D. A. Smith, Ottawa :

" Winnipeg does not want Southern route Pacific, unless crossing "here. We want Government aid for railway Winnipeg westward. " See telegram to Mr. Mills."

Duncan Sinclair,


March 14, 7 8, Hon. David Mills, Ottawa :

" Winnipeg and settlers along route from Winnipeg west wind " would vote bonus equal to Government lands, badlands not been "taken up. Will Government make provision to supplement that " bonus by lands not on route or money, and to what extent."

Duncan Sinclair,


"A mass meeting of the Liberal Conservatives took place in the

"City Hall, on Friday, 15th March, Mr. D. M. Walker in the chair,

"when a Liberal Conservative Association was organized, and " seventy-eight persons enrolled themselves as members. On the same day the citizens Ex-Eailway Committee met and despatched the following telegram to Hon. D. A. Smith, Ottawa.


'• Colonization Bill, now before House, is unfavorable to qm in- terests, particularly in regard to railway, west from here ; try to improve it ; secure co-operation of the members ; answer."

Dodd & Co. having purchased the entire stock of Messrs. Hig- gins & Young's boots and shoes, and having leased the building adjoining H. & Y.'s, and tlien occupied by them as a shoe store, re- moval from their old stand, opposite the Post Office, and entered into business in the new premises, upon a more exjtensiye scale than ever. On the, 17th of Ireland. St. Patrick's Day was celebra- ted by the National Sqcietv, with a concert in the pity Hall, which proved a most successful affair. On the 24th the steamer M toba arrived from Fisher's banding, the first boat of the season, and the earliest on record.

The following are the dates of the arrival of the first boat at the port of Winnipeg since 187Q :

In 71, the Selkirk April 28th.

" 72, " " May 6th.

" 73, " " May 3rd.

"74, " « \pril 2Sth.

'• 75, " " " 30th.

" 76, Minnesota " 25thu

" '77,Manitoba " 23rd.

" 78, " March 22nd.

On the night of the last Saturday in March, the office of Mr. Thos. Nixon, Dominion Government paymaster, was entered by burglars, and what made the affair one of the most remarkable of its kind in the annals of Winnipeg, was that there was positively nothing of any tntrinsic value for any ordinary burglar to covet. The office was, as it still is, situated on the ground floor of Hes- peler's brick block. A noise was heard below about midnight by Mr. Hespeler and his son, whp resided overhead, a search was in- stituted, and a man discovered just as he was making a hasty exit through the front, door. Xo relics save a screw driver and an inch or two of tallow candle, were forthcoming to cast any light upon the identity of the robber, and to this day, the whole proceeding is shrouded in mystery. Cupboards had. been ransacked, and books strewn upon the floor, but as no intimation has ever been afforded


the public of anything missing, the burglar must be honorably ac- quitted of theft. Mr. Nixon was absent at the time at Ottawa, undergoing examination at the hands of a parliamentary commit- tee, and there were not wanting those of his friends who endeavor- ed to excite sympathy on his behalf, by circulating the theory that the whole affair was part of a concerted plot, planned by certain persons inimical to his interests, who sought to jeopardize his po- sition, by possessing themselves of papers necessary to his justi- fication. From that day to this no clue to the robber has been found, or any way, made public.

In February, of '78, Mrs. Finney, well known to most Winni- ■peggers, arrived in this city, and located in our midst. A stranger to Mrs. Finney's antecedents would hardly credit that she landed in the city with but $40 in cash, all told. Yet such is the case. -She rented the stand which she still occupies, on Notre Dame Street, close to the telegraph office, and opened up a second-hand furniture store. Times, hoAvever, were dull, and a few dollars only were left of the nest egg, when a lucky turn in the wheel of fortune brought prosperity. A rushing business ensued, furnituie changed hands like smoke, reach-me-downs came to the rescue, and this day of grace, Mrs. Finney could not be bought out for $5,000. So much for perseverance and Nor- West opportunities.

On the 1st April, the Prince Rupert started up the Assiniboine, it being free of ice. On the 5th, Chief-Justice Wood lectured before the Militia Institute, on " Self Reliance," before a large and appre- ciative audience. About this time telephonic communication was established between the custom-house and No 6 warehouse, which facilitated the work between these establishments to a considerable extent, and was due to private enterprise. On the 7th, Billy Smith the pioneer flat-boatman, arrived with a fleet of barges from Por- tage la Prairie, the first of the season. His cargo consisted of 1,200 sacks of flour, and five tons of chopped feed and potatoes. On his return from a visit to the old country, Mr. Eden brought with him some very valuable dogs, with the view of improving the cauine blood in Manitoba. His pack consisted of two Gordon setters, a pointer, and a fox-terrier, the latter being, we believe, the first of its "breed ever brought into tin* province. The largest ship-


ment of any kind ever made from Manitoba, was taken by the International in April, when she loaded over 100 tons of wheat from Bannatyne's warehouse, consigned to David Douse & Co., in bond for exportation to Europe. The firsl large batch of im- migrants, season 78, arrived by the steamer, on Wednesday, 17th April. The party consisted of over400 souls,

On Friday, 19th April, our citizens were disturbed from the peace that was and still is wont to surround them, by the news of the murder of 1 >aniel Bell, a cabin boy of the steamer Man '■ which had happened during the preceeding night at a low bagnio, in the "sheds" on McDermott's flats, and by the narration of the cold-blooded incidents in connection therewith, excited the indie tion and sympathy of the whole community, which was exaggi still more when a few days after, through the active services of some settlers across the river, the supposed murderer, John Gril was ai n^tcd and lodged in gaol.

About this time application was made for letters patent of incor- poration of the "Winnipeg and Western Transportation Company'' (limited). The objects sought being to enable the company to carry on a freighting business by steamboats, etc., upon the Red, Assini- boine, and Saskatchewan Rivers, and upon Lakes Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Winnipegosis and their tributaries, in the Province of Manitoba, the District of Kee-wa-tin, and the X. W. Terril the city of Winnipeg to be the chief place of business. The amount of the capital stock was placed ai $50,000 in one thousand shares. The applicants were as follows: John Turnbull, of Mon- treal, meivhant ; Chas. W. Black, of Montreal, accountant; A. <;. B. Bannatyne, of Winnipeg, merchant ; Hon. das. McKay, St, James, contractor; J. II. Ashdown, Winnipeg, meivhant: W. H. Lyon, Winnipeg, merchant ; E. V. Holcombe, St. Paul, Minn., steamboatman ; Sedley Blanchard, Winnipeg, Barrister-at-Law ; oi whom W. H. Lyon, Sedley Blanchard, E. V. Holcombe, John Turnbull, and Charles W. Black were to be the Provisional Dire

It will be seen by this that push and enterprise was fast he- coming synonymous with the name of Winnipeg, and that our citizens were working with diligence to mature the coveted d< of development, that the horoscope then east, has shewn to-day to have been no idle flight of fancy.



Pilgrims— Fort Osborne -Dynamite Holy Trinity Vestry Framfari— Wheat Wreck of the Swallow General Hospital A Ruction- Orange Young Britons— Navigation of Assiniboine A Catholic Pastoral Real Estate Mulder City Drainage Society St. Jean Baptiste Political Caucuses— Dukferin Park— Bimiop Machkay Steam Ferry Circus Winnipeg Field Battery Jas. H.Rowan, C.E. —Accident to Dr. Schultz —Organic A Buss Blizzard —Manitoba Wave C. D. Richards and E. W. Jarvis— The Parisians Liberai Conservatives— Mr. Alex. Morris Billt-Goats More Progress- Artful "Dodgers "—Militia City Finances— Manitoba Telegraj h Electric Col. Dennis Elections Business Smith Morris In-.


Shoes A New Premier— Norqu ay's Cabinet Mi;. S. P. Bedson— Railways "Quiz " Manitoba " Gazette" The Last Spike Con- gratulatory—The Local Elections All Quiet ok the Potomac.

( hying to the unprecedented influx of strangers, the vacant barrack room, at Fort Osborne, was thrown open about this time for the accommodation of immigrants, and as every succeeding day it received a fresh consignment, " things " became plethoric ; work on sec. 15, C.P.R. necessitated a large amount of explosives, and on one occasion a. barge containing about 12,000 lbs. of nitro-glycer- ine, 1,000 lbs. dynamite, and 14,500 lbs. Volney powder, arrived in port for this purpose. The annual vestry meeting of the con- gregation of Holy Trinity Church was held in April, when the fol- lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year :■ Rectors War- den, G. F. Carruthers ; Peoples Warden, 11, H. Hunter : Delegates to Synod, Messrs. Geo. McTavish, < i. B.Spencer, and A. H. Whit- cher, Select Vestrymen, Messrs. Geo. McTavish, Spencer, Thos. Howard, Rolph, Doupe, Richards, Geo. Clements, Jones, A. Strang, LeCappellain, Shelton, and Bailey. Though not a Winnipeg item, it may be interesting to note that the Framfari , an Icelandic paper, published at Gimli, Keewatin, had a circulation of 600, and was on the list of our Winnipeg papers' exchanges. To shoM how alive we were at this time in handling grain, this fact will con- clusively prove, Higgins & Young bagged, tied, addressed, and ship- ped, on board the Selkirk, 2,100 bushels of wheat, consigned to the


old country, the whole work being done between four o'clock one afternoon, and ten o'clock the following morning. We also afl ed turtles, and weie not unfrequently successful in hunting them nearer home than Florida, Mr. Stuart Maodonald rapturing an aggerated terrapin in the Assinlboine. which measured over three feet in Length.

The steamer Swallow,, on her trip up the Bed River, from Sel- kirk, on rounding Point Douglas, during a lwavy MfUaH, was struck Dyablizzard pnher beam, and careened over to such a degree that she was unable tp light herself, and, filling with water, sank in mid-stream. The twenty-rive passengers, and crew- were rescued with considerable difficulty; the Rev. Father Lacombe narrowly escaping a watery grave. Fortunately beyond the loss sustained by Capt. Flannagan, and the emersion of the effects of those on board, no loss of life was sustained, the proximity of a York boat to the scene of the disaster alone, preventing what would certainly other- wise have terminated in a deplorable catastrophe

The annual meeting of the Winnipeg General Hospital, took place in May, when the election of the Board of Directors was pro- ceeded with, the result of which was owing to an alleged conflict of authority, between the medical men and the ministers that the clergymen were excluded from the directorate. This caused no little- ill-feeling in some circles, and the press of the day, abound- ed in correspondence anent the subject. Chas. N. Bell, who had been in the employ of the Customs department for some time, as a temporary clerk, was placed on the permanent list. A meeting was held this month for the organization of a lodge of Orange Young Britons, when the name of the " Star of the West " was adopted, and Mr. Win. Cleverly, barber, elected Master. On Wednesday, the 1st of May, an Ordination Service was held at St. John's Cathe- dral, when the Lev. Mr. Washer, of Headingly ; Rev. Mr. Rochford, of Poplar Point, ami Rev, Mr. Bruce, were admitted to the order of Priesthood. His Lordship, the Metropolitan,, of Ruperts Land, officiating. " The Alpha " having been purchased from the Red River Transportation Co., by Mr. W. H. Lyon, and become a British bottom, made her first trip to the Porta-'1 in May, Capt. Sheets in command, and having successfully performed the naviga-


tion of the Assiniboine with a heavy cargo, and a tow of two barges, established the fact of its feasibility, and the nucleus of what at the present time, has developed into a most profitable commer- cial speculation. His Grace the Archbishop of St. Boniface, pre- vious to the elections for the Commons, issued an exhaustive pas- toral letter, concerning matters political, and the general attitude to be assumed by all good Catholics. The rush of emigrants daily increasing, and the army of land hunters becoming more numerous, several of our citizens engaged actively in the real estate busi- ness. Messrs. E. C Conklin, and Mark Fortune, formed a part- nership, and opened out offices over Dodd & Co.'s boot and shoe store, where they continue to prosecute an extensive land agency. Scrip, military warrants, and minors' claims were greatly in demand, and considerable speculation in these bonds afforded for a time a profitable harvest. Capt. C. M. Allen, lately of the Free Press staff, and Mr. Nursey, also individually embarked in the business, but as every lawyer in the city, to say nothing of most of our merchants, who were all, more or less, large land owners, also dickered to an appreciable extent in land, the margin of profit where such competition existed was painfully reduced, and some of the legitimate agencies were closed. Messrs. Conklin and For- tune, however, applied themselves heroically, and are engaged in the business at the present time.

The Presbytery of Manitoba met in Knox Church, 22nd May, when a good deal of business of interest to the members of that church, was transacted. A man named Puley, whilst in a state of partial intoxication, was robbed on Main St., whilst walking with a companion, of a pocket book, containing over $100 in bank bills. The thief escaped, and about the same time, early in June, the al- leged murderer of an Indian, named " Blue-nose," stabbed two years before, was arrested in Winnipeg.

Our worthy city fathers were greatly agitated over the drainage question this summer, and alive to the fact that the city had already been successfully sued for damages, the result of imperfect water outlets, the construction of a Hume to carry off the water from the marsh in rear of the town was demanded. The report of the Public Works Committee, advocating the expenditure of S8.0QO tor the con-


bion of a flume on Alexander street, was submitted to the Council ou Monday, May 27th.

It was estimated that about 35,000 bushels of wheat had I exported from Winnipeg for the season of '78, ending May. The alterations in Holy Trinity Church, rendered necessary by the purchase of an organ, were now commenced. In the month of June, '78, Conklin & Fortune sold a Mock of 720 acres, wesl of the township of Grassmere, in L3, R. 1 West, at $2. 50 an acre. The new steam ferry, built by Mr. R. Tait, was launched. Th.eSt.Jean Baptiste Society, of Manitoba, at their annual meeting, elected the following officers for the current year, viz : President, Geo. Roy ; Vice-Presidents, L. J. A. Leveque A. I>. Lepine, Geo. Couture; Secretaries, C. P. Gaudet, J. B. Moraehe; Treasurers, Felix Charrier, 1'. Garnot ; Librarians, X. Kittson, < ». J. Monchamp; Physician, I >r. ( rauthiev.

Political caucuses were now in order, and the representatii the county of Selkirk commenced to attract the attention of the Liberal Conservative party in Winnipeg. The DufFerin Park Association having made arrangements with Mr. Logan, five and a half acres of land, were purchased from him for 81,000 and athletes of the city rejoiced at last in the possession of a suitable park for their demonstrations. The new rifle range at Point Douglas was also opened in June. < in Thursday, the 1 3th of June, His Lordship the Metropolitan of Rupert's Land waspi with

an address ; the presentation took place al the residence of Mr. (;. B. Spencer, and was noon the occasion of the departure of the Bishop to attend tlif Pan-Anglican Synod in England. He left the same day. The steamer J. I.. Grandin ptit in her first appear- ance in June, having just been completed at Fargo, Dakotah, where she had been built by the Grandin Bros., and commenced to ply regularly between MoOrehead and Winnipeg; hertonnage was 217 tons; she was 125 feet in length, 34 feet beam, and drew light, 15 inches. She brought with her to this port on this occasion 500 tons of freight. The new steam ferry for the St. Boniface and Winnipeg crossing also arrived, and was a wonderful improvement upon the ponderous old affair now discarded. Fully complete the "Adelaide" cost her owner, Mr. Robert Tait, about $6,000, and was a credit to all concerned.


The Paris circus, which paid our city a visit, having come to grief financially, was bought out by two enterprising individuals. One of the biggest oxen on record was exhibited at the market in the summer of '78 ; it stood 6 feet high, and measured ten feet in length. Dominion Day, '78, was celebrated with the usual festivities, Durierin Park being thrown open to the public, and in the evening Dick Oglesby's Troubadours, who were doing Manitoba, helped to create a diversion. The members of the Winnipeg Field Battery were at this time undergoing their annual drill, and were encamped under canvas just outside the city. Another highway robbery took place in July, when a Mr. Walker, a young man from the country, was relieved of a sum of money, after having been un- pleasantly garotted by two ungentlemanlike foot pads, who assaulted him on the sidewalk after dark. To refer to more humanizing topics, we find contemporary with this catastrophe, Mr. Thomas Nixon, being made the recipient of a testimonial at the hands of his Sunday School scholars. Mr. James H. Eowan, C. E., after a long stay in the eastern provinces returned to resume his official duties, and being an old resident was warmly welcomed. Mr. Eowan's first appearance in Manitoba was in 1871, when he came as deputy under Sandford Fleming, in charge of the eastern and western district C. P. Pi., his district of supervision embracing the line of route between Fort Pelly on the west and Eat Portage in the east. The summer of '78 was a warm one, the mercury getting up to 95 ° in the shade in July. Dr. Schultz had the misfortune to meet with a serious accident ; he fell on the side- walk and broke an arm, but owing to the fortunate presence of Dr. Macdonald, of the Penitentiary, at the time of the accident, the injured limb was promptly attended to, and further complications avoided. The Pigeon Club that was organized by some of our sporting citizens continued to " draw " well, and many a fine evening the prairie " out west" and beyond the city limits, was the rendezvous of some of our aspiring sportsmen, and when birds failed, glass balls were substituted. The formal opening of the new organ placed in Holy Trinity Church, at a cost of $3,000, took place on Friday evening the 19th July, and was a very suc- cessful affair, the church being crammed with all the elite of the


city. Mrs. Peach presided at the organ, assisted by a full choir, and some outside talent borrowed lor the occasion. The instrument was built and Resigned by Messrs. Warren .v Son, nf]\lriii(tve'al, and! constructed according to specification, the case being of clic-.st- uut with black walnut facings, and the front pipes beautifully decorated with//'"/' de lis and other ecclesiastical designs in blue, gold and brown, the top surmounted with carved pinacles. Every one was charmed to listen to its dulect diapasons, but a doubt and difficulty seemed to exist in the minds of some sordid people, perhaps as to the quarter from which the money would be forth- coming, to defray the cost. Openings appeared to be in order, for Radiger & Ki 1», infused with a spirit of enterprise, threw open for public inspection their distillery just completed, This Mas situated on the river bank at Point Douglas. The Manitoba Distillery 1ms a capacity for turning out 4,000 barrels of liquor per year, enough to supply the present Manitoba trade, and the Spirit distilled is daily gaining ground in public favor. One of the most severe tornadoes ever experienced in these latitudes visited the city on July 14. Hjail stones as large as bantams eggs fell in great quan- tities; the thunder and lightning was unprecedentedly severe) the rain poured down in a repetition of small waterspouts, and the wind assumed the character of a cyclone. This was the bthzarcl of the season, and houses, chimneys, windows, crops, 'cattle, and humans, alike suffered. It was our Sunday out, and the difficulty that we encountered in collecting together the pieces of our horse and blackboard after the nerfbrmance cease^, 's not likely to be for- gotten. This may have had something to do with precipitating the departure of Messrs. <_\ D. Riekards and E, W. Jarvis, who left the following day, to take in the Paris Exposition. The Manitoba " wave" which a Horded a universal topic for facetious comment amongst eastern exchanges, about this time when were well nigh dead with the awful fervourof a pronounced solstice, good natured- ly interfered, and St. Paid. ( 'hicago, and even Memphis, Tenn., to say nothing of the Canadas, had cause to bless Manitoba for the manufacture of an "ice cool" current, that for refreshing frigidity beat their native lemonades all hollow.

Tn August we revived a visit from Mr. John Lowe, Secretary


of the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, and Cool Burgess attempted, not however with the same success as upon his first visit, to tickle the risibilities bf a few of our ritizms. Bx-Cove'r- nor Morris accompanied by Miss Morris also arrived Jtugust 2, 6ri a visit to the Province, and on Wednesday, the 8th, at a meeting at the City Hall under the auspices of the Liberal ( Joriservative Association of Winnipeg, Mr. I). M. Walker*in the chair, the choice having fallen upon Mr. Morris to contest the County of Selkirk in the Conservative interest, as opposition candidate to Mr. D. A. Smith, Mr. Moms upon the occasion named (Hon. Jno. Norquay and Mr Alex. Logan, having withdrawn in his favor) ac- cepted the nomination, and the first shot was fired of a campaign which for partizan exhibition, and extreme political recriminations, had certainly in Manitoba never been equaled.

Mr. F. C. Mercer' being of an experimental disposition, now in- flicted the town with a flock of cashmere goats, which he valued at from $60 to $75 each. Whether his venture has proved fo be a remunerative one, we have been unable to discover. On the 9th of Aug. Mr. James Henderson, P.D.G.M., was made the recipient at the hands of his Masonic brethren, of a handsome silver break- fast and tea service, bearing the following inscription :

Presented to

A. W. Brother, James Henderson, P. D. G. M.,

by the brethern of Lodges Xos. 34,

o, 8 7, A.F. and A.M.,

G.P.M., 1878.

An address accompanied this. On the 8th the corner stone tit the present magnificent Presbyterian Church was laid, in the pre-. sence of a large number of citizens, and with all the ceremonials usually attendant upon such occasions. The total cost of the build- ing was estimated at about S21,200. The firm of McLenaghen $ Malloch having dissolved, the. business continued to be carried on in the old stand by Jas. McLenaghen. Some 220 Icelanders, direct from their fatherland, passed through Winnipeg;, en route to their new colony of Gimli, the latter part of August, and about the same time an addition to our fast growing fleet of lied River steamers put in an appearance, in the. shape of the Win* Bopinson


a tug of 85 feet long, by 25 feel beam, which together with two barges, and an 80 horse-power engine, represented an outlay of $13,000, and made the eleventh Canadian steamboat, navigating Red River ; rather a contrast to the flotilla of four, only three .■short years before.

Political •■ dodgers " of all sorts, and emanating from the sup- porters of both candidates, in the contest for Selkirk, now app< ad nauseam, the general tenor of which was that Mr. smith was a "political traitor," and Mr. Morris, " an old woman." Strong com- mittees were formed by either side, and in Winnipeg the campaign was conducted with such a cheerful indifference to temperate ex- pression of opinion, that on most occasions the meetings called by either of the principals culminated in pronounced "whoop-ups." This, however, was all in keeping with the character with which we are credited, and which we are always anxious to sustain, viz : that of being a very lice people.

The roll of the new infantry company was now complete, and •the officers were as follows: G. F. Carruthers, Captain; C. U. Lindsay, Lieutenant ; Geo. Berridge, Ensign. On August 27 the Manitoba Rifle Association opened its annual frifle match; a large concourse of people was on. the ground, and the proceedings passed off very pleasantly.

On the 2nd of September at a meeting of the City Council, the disagreeable announcement was made through Aldermen Conklin •and Strang, that an estimated deficit of $43,951.71 would have to be provided for at the close of the fiscal year, to makethe expendi- tures and receipts of the current year to balance. The estimated

Expenditure was §62,986.84

The estimated receipts 19,035.13

Amount to be raised 143.951.71

September the 5th the civic Holiday was held, and the usual formula observed at such times in the shape of slaughtering time, was faithfully carried out. Mr. J. W. Sifton, the present Speaker of the Local House, had the temerity about this time to come out in opposition to Dr. Schultz in Lisgar, who was seeking the suffrage of the electors in his old constituency. As will be sho wn later on Air. Sifton was not elected.


A campaign sheet yclept the Manitoba Telegraph, dedicated to the Conservative interests in general, and Mr. Morris' interests in particular, now made its appearance. It was published by Mr. Nursey, and printed at the Metis printing house, St. Boniface. As the only paper in Winnipeg at that time which supported the Macdonald Administration, and advocated the return of men who were disciples of that policy, it can be easily understood that its limited " staff " was kept busy. In order to satisfy its promoters it was necessarily of somewhat a vituperative character, and finan- cially it did not prove a bonanza to the publisher, as after a brief but accented career it lapsed, and Nursey was unequal to the effort of building a " marble front" out of the proceeds. " 'Twas ever thus."

On Wednesday, 4th September, '78, telegraphic communication was established between Winnipeg and Thunder Bay, and tele- grams of a congratulatory nature passed over the line between Thomas Marks, Reeve of Shuniah, and Thos. Scott, Mayor of Win- nipeg. The average daily attendance of scholars at the Protestant schools in this city September, '78, was as follows :

Girls 226

Boys 204

Total 430

Col. Dennis, Surveyor-General, paid Winnipeg a flying visit in September. On the news of the result of the general election, in Ottawa, Quebec, and elsewhere, reaching Winnipeg, the Conser- vative portion of our population became immensely excited and jubilant, whilst the feelings of our Reform citizens suffered in a corresponding ratio. On the 19th Sept., at the nomination for Lisgar, Mr. J. W. Sifton, feeling his inability to cope successfully with Dr. Schultz, wisely withdrew, and the Doctor was returned by acclamation. In Provencher Mr. Dubuc had no opponent, and in Marquette Mr. Joseph Ryan, having retired in favor of Sir John A. Macdonald, Mr. Luxton, who was contesting the seat against Ryan, withdrew, and John A. was elected for that constituency by acclamation, leaving the representation of Selkirk (one only of our four Dominion constituencies) to be fought out at the polls. In the midst, however, of all the heat of a political contest, sight M


of commercial interests was not lost. 'Several new comers opened ont in business. Thos. McCrosson established himself in ;i wii McMicken's ne w|block, and Parsons and Richardson engaged in the stationery business, in a Btore near the Post <>tii,v. On Thursday, the 26th of September, '78, the Smith-Morris election took place, and as it was a matter <»f impossibility for both candidates to be elected, the choice fell upon Mr. Donald A. Smith, who headed the list at the close of the polls, with a majority of ten votes.

The following gives the number of votes polled for both candida- dates in the several parishes :


No. 1— Headingly 19 41

No. 2— St. Charles 101 41

No. 3— St. James 4:: 20

No. 4— St. Boniface 63 GO

No. 5 Lorette 62

Xo. 6 Winnipeg, South~Ward 59

No. 7— West " 119

No. 8— Hast " 45 60

No. 9— North " 38 71

No. 1 0 Kildi man 57

555 545

Morris, having majority in Winnipeg, Headingly and Kildonan ; Smith in St. Boniface, St Charles, St. James and Lorette. Owing to alleged informalities in the return of the ballot boxes or envelopes, on the part of certain Deputy Returning Officers, a protest was entered by Mr. Morris, and a re-count insisted upon by the Court of Queen's Bench. Application was accordingly made to Judge McKeagney, and the :Jrd of October was fixed for there-count I taken before that gentleman. Subsequently, however, application on behalf of Mr. Smith, had been made to Judge Betournay, for a re- count also, upon the ground that in St. Boniface parish two more ballots should have been counted for that gentleman than were counted; through some maneuvering, by a process known only to the initiated, Mr. Smith's re-count was set down for hearing on on the 2nd, and*resulted in Mr. Smith's majority being reduced


one vote. The day following, (the day fixed fur Mr. Morris' re- count before Judge McKeagney) the Court met, when in answer to Mr. Moms, the Returning-Officer, Mr. Sheriff Lnkster, stated that a re-count having been taken the day previous, by Judge Be- tournay, he had in accordance with the law forwarded the ballots to the specified officer, at Ottawa. An indignant protest on Mr. Moms' part, then followed, and election issues became, much to the satisfaction of every one temporarily buried.

Oysters at this time sold for SI a can, an improvement on former years. Mr. Geo. Brown, whilst out shooting in the vicinity of the town, met with an accident, a cartridge he was placing in Ids <nm, exploded, injuring Ins thumb ; he was assisted home. Radi^er & Biggs' brick block was being rapidly pushed ahead, and (without any intentional irrelevancy) we may add that apples of the Totof- sky variety, as large as oranges, and Hyslop crabs, grown by Mr. Hall of Headingly, Man., were on exhibition in this city. Some very tine residences were about this time in the course of completion, in the suburbs of the town, notably the residence of Mr. F. E. Cornish, immediately in front of the Central School, and those of Mr. Whitchei and Mr. Hunter, near Fort Cany, and close to the Assiniboine. We omitted to mention that previous to the defeat of the Mackenzie administra- tion in fulfilment of a promise of long standing, the Hon. Thomas Howard was appointed to the position of Deputy Receiver-General of Manitoba in room of Mr. McMicken, superannuated, which appointment received the hearty approval of that gentleman's many friends. Mr. Molyneux St. John at the same time was appointed Indian Commissioner, in place of Col. Provencher, resigned. Satur- day, Get. 12th, Mr. Morris left for his home in the east. About 1,100 was the daily average of letters dropped into the city Post Office. Mr. Gelinas, Private Secretary to Governor Cauchon having resigned his position, returned to Quebec.

Mr. R. W. Prittie still continued to inundate us with a profitable flood of well to do immigrants. In October, 78, he brought tlncnigh his sixth party, making in all 840 families. Mr. Prittie deserves the practical recognition of our citizens for the untirino- energy and zeal displayed by him in his laudable enterprise. A


meeting for the purpose of organizing a Bnow-ehoe club was held Oct. 11th at the Pacific Hotel, when the following gentlemen were elected the first officers of the " Winnipeg Snow-Shoe Club:" Hon. Pres., A. <;. B. Bannatyne; Pres., J. H. Rowan; Vice-Prea,, C. W. Radiger, and C. Sweeney; Sec-Treas., A. M. Ramsay; Com- mittee, Messrs. W. D.Taylor, A. A. Ouellette, and J. McGinn. The Provincial Show was opened Oct. 9th in the City Hall, and proved a complete success, the entries numbering 1,147 1,108 of the year previous, the first days receipts being $305.40 as against $248.50 the receipts of 1877. An agitation was made about this time for the establishment of a market in the South Ward foT the convenience of the people in that locality, but when the matter assumed a definite shape, and placed before the City Council Oct. 14 by Aid. Hespeler, that gentleman's motion was negatived by the following vote :

Yeas The Mayor, and Aldermen Hespeler, I lonklin, Mont- gomery and McDougall.

Nays Aldermen Fonseca, More, Logan, Strang, Jackson, and Brown.

The Hon. R. A. Davis, Premier and Provincial Treasurer, having determined to retire from public life, the Hon. John Norquay, Minister of Public Works, was called upon by Lieut. -Governor Cauchon to form a Cabinet, and this he did, selecting the following gentlemen as his colleagues : Hon. Jos. Royal, Minister of Public Works; Mr. 1). M. Walker, Attorney-General ; and Mr. C. P. Blown. Provincial Secretary. The selection appeared to meet with general approval, and whilst waiting for the issue to be decided at the polls, the electors tried hard to possess their souls in patience. On October 28, Gribbon, who had been tried for taking the life of John Bell the " sheds " shooting case to which we have already made allusion received sentence, when he was consigned to im- prisonment in the Provincial Penitentiary for ten years.

On the 6th November, '78, a protest was entered against the return of the Hon. 1). A. Smith as member for Selkirk, and the necessary deposit of $1,000 made with the Prothonotary, the petit: iners being Messrs. Archibald Wright and David Young, on charge of personal bribery and corrupt practices.


Mr. S. L. Bedson, Warden of the Provincial Penitentiary, having recovered from a very serious illness, once again made his appear- ance in the streets of Winnipeg, greatly to the gratification of many warm friends.

A mass meeting of citizens, held at the City Hall, Friday, loth November, '78, after an exciting debate, which was conducted by some of our prominent citizens, carried, amongst others, the follow- ing resolution, which was moved by J. H. Ashdown, and seconded by S. C. Biggs, " that it is desirable that the City Council should immediately prepare a by-law, and submit the same to the people, for the purpose of aiding in the construction of the bridge across the Red River, and of the Western Railway, by a bonus of $300,000.

The Lady Ellen arrived in port Xov. 18, from Selkirk, and though the ice was thickening, she made the trip in safety. This was about the latest trip on record.

And now candidates for Parliamentary honors were crowding in fast, and what with reading the addresses of those asking a renewal of confidence, and of those new to the business the free and in- dependent had their hands full. About this time too, another newspaper put in an appearance, but in this instance the public mind was thrown into a somewhat unusual state of agitation, owing to the fact, that Quiz, conceded the name of its Editor, and as it was emphatically of a free lance order, and indulged to an unlimited extent in personalities, its brochures were looked forward to with no little degree of trepidation on the part of the townsfolks, who one and all, in turn, were subjected to good natured, but perhaps rather too close analysis. Some of our citizens occasionally, however, grew wrathy over its attacks, and hungered foi the life of the an- onymous man at the helm. The greater the outcry the more popu- lar it became, until the wretched little rag, boasted of a weekly edition of one thousand copies.

Another sheet, edited by Mr. Abjon, was also in circulation contemporary with Quiz, and languished under the name of the Ga- zette. It was not recognized by respectable people, on account uf the coarseness of its utterances, which were directed solely against in- dividuals, notably those who came under its foul lash, being the


Hon. .Ion. Royal, Minister of Public Works ; Hon. John Norquay, and other members of the Administration. A suit was entered against the Gazette for libel, by Mr. Royal, and damages laid at S5,0uo. Ex-Attorney General Clarke, though uot openly, its edi- tor, not unrighteously bore the odium attached to its management. It uitsa mephitic literary attempt, and staggered under its burden of slanders for a tew weeks only. Mr. Rice M. Howard was ap- pointed Clerk of the ex-Council of Manitoba in November, aud at the same time Mr. Alex. Begg was gazetted Deputy Provincial


The following excerpt from Mr. Thomas Longbottom's dial) resident of Winnipeg) will convey some idea of the fall weather of 1878.

" On the 30th Oct crossed Red River, on the ice ; Nov. 3rd " crossed ice with a team of horses, loaded. On Nov. 11th ice gave " way down 1 went got almost drowned. On the 19th, plough - " ed and harrowed two acres and sowed it with garden seed.

On the 23rd November snow fell.

Considerable agitation was now manifested by our citizens in regard to local railway matters, and correspondence on the matter appeared in the daily press. On the 28th November the Ladies College at St. Johns' had a narrow escape from destruction by tire. The same day Mr. F. E. Cornish, who had been confined to his bed with a painful and lingering complaint for many weeks, breathed his last, and Winnipeg in his demise lost one of her ablest lawyers and politicians. Mr. Cornish left behind him a number of sincere mourners. On Tuesday, 3rd December, '78, the last spike on the Pembina Branch C. P. R. was driven, the united efforts of Mrs. W. Lyon and Mrs. Geo. Brown, being utilized upon the occasion. A large party boarded the train at St. Boniface on invitation from the contractors, and proceeded to Penza, the station immediately south of the Rosseau River, the point of junction of the work of the two track laying parties, who had been working towards each other, from either end respectively. Here the spike, that estab- lished railway communication between Winnipeg and the outside world, was at last driven, and with this culminating act, so largely typical of our western progress, a new era was entered upon.


The following congratulatory telegraphic correspondence passed between St. Paul and Winnipeg on this occasion :

St. Paul, Dec 2, 1878. " Tlie Hon. the Mayor, and the City Council of Winnipeg :

" The Chamber of Commerce of this city instruct me to tender to " you and the citizens of Winnipeg their respectful congratulations " that the two cities are at length connected by iron bands, and to " express their fervent desire, that intimate social and business "'relations will be the result."


Henry H. Sibley,

President. Winnipeg, December 5th, 1876.

"Henry H. Sibley, President of Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul, 11 Minn. :

" Absence from town prevented sooner response to your con- "gratulatory telegram. The Council and citizens of Winnipeg ** heartily reciprocate the friendly sentiments therein expressed, and " hope to have the opportunity soon of exchanging personally good *' wishes and good offices with your people."

Yours, etc.,

Thomas Scott,


The nomination of candidates for the Local Legislature was held throughout the Province on December 11th, and we were again inflicted with the usual specimens of political rhodomontade from the hustings. Capt. Scott and Mr. W. A. Loucks were in the field for Winnipeg, the former in opposition to the administration of the Hon. John Xorquay, the latter as a Government supporter. Trains from the south over the Pembina Branch now ran regularly, arriving at about 12 o'clock midnight, and departing at 2.45 a. m. J. J. Johnson & Co. opened their new skating rink foot of Post Office Street, 17 Dec, and the Citizens Rink, under the proprietorship of Charley Baskerville, threw open its doors about the same time.

The result of the Local Elections, held on the 18th Dec, '78 was as follows, the Norquay Government being handsomely sustained :




Scott, Biggs,

Stevenson, Cowan,



Ross, Sutherland,


Hon. J. Norquay, " J. Royal,

" C. P. Brown, " D. M. Walker, Messrs. J. W. Sifton, " Gunn, " Lariviere,

Nolin, " Goulet, " Delorme, Taillefer, " Murray, " Taylor, " Schmidt, " Bourke, " McKenzie, Christmas Day, '78, was, as regards weather, typical of the Nor*- West, in place of the mud of '77, we rejoiced in a snow storm, and the mercury away below zero.

On the 30th Dec. the nomination for Aldermen took place, when Aid. Logan was elected Mayor by acclamation ; the follow- ing gentlemen being nominated for aldermen :


Arch. Wright, J. B. Moore, W. T. Fonseca, 1). W. Stobart, A. F. Eden,


S. Blanchard, W. F. Alloway, E. G. Conklin, (r. Montgomery, A. McMicken,


W. T. J. James, Robt. St rani:, E. W. Jarvis. A. Mc Arthur, Alex. Brown. WEST WARD.

W. H. Lyon, D. Young, G. F. Carruthers, M. Fortune, J. H. Ashdown,



New Yeah, 1879 Frost— Shell Oysters "Manitoba Times"— A Free Mar- ket— Johnson & Rocan Aldermen Mrs. Matheson A Cowardly Assault Ashdown's Hospitality— Winnipeg's Licenses Snow Shoers

—Shooting of Mr. Marston Masonic Ball Historical Society

Northern Lights Opening of Parliament Quiz Cartoons Exemp- tion from Depression Mr. Aikens Mr. Killam Guilt Record Post Office Mr. "Whitla— One Price House— Board of Trade A Freight Block Sanitary Mr. Bathgate on Protection Mr. J. F. Clad well Minister Abroad A Royal Commission E. Roberts Richard's Agility Mr. Chas. R. Tuttle City Expenditure— Ca-h System— A Huge Hegira Robson k Co. Legislation Land Policy The City Council's $300,000 Pledge.

New Year's Day, Anno Domini 1879, this present year of grace, dawned sharp, clear and cool, the thermometer marked 28 ° below zero, and there was a certain crispness, and coolness, and rigid stability too about our business men, which was very comforting to behold from a commercial standpoint. Shell oysters loomed up this month also, the first ever brought into Winnipeg, which was universally accepted as proof positive of progressiveness. Our Masonic citizens about this time engaged in a little controversy which assisted in keeping that respectable organization prominently before the public, and Holy Trinity Church little people Xmas- treed it to their hearts content. A final effort was made at the close of the old year by Walter R. Nursey to float the Manitoba Time* Printing and Pubti&hvrig Company which so long back as July, '78, had advertised in the official Gazette over the names of Messrs. Gilbert McMicken, David M. Walker, John M. Mac-* donnell, Chas. W. Radiger, and Walter R. Nursey, notice of appli- cation to be made to the Lieut.-Governor in Council, for a charter of Incorporation. The capital stock was placed at S20,U0(», shares one hundred dollars each. Owing to the fact, however, that most of the gentlemen named and other prominent citizens, who were shareholders in the concern, grew less enthusiastic in the matter, and gradually backed down, when time for payment of the plant came round, Mr. Nursey found himself (after some months of wasted


time and ammunition), in exactly, with the exceptions noted, the same position as he was when In- started. Doubtless, this was all for the best, as a Conservative paper, subject to the direct control of a board of management, could never exist in Winnipeg, where

individual jealousies in matters political have so far been per- mitted to over-ride broader considerations.

The City Council now passed a measure which was viewed by the people at large with unmixed satisfaction. A free market was opened to the producer and tolls henceforth were abolished.

The lessees of the market stalls were doing a roaring business, notably we may mention the firm of Johnson & Koran. Mr. Rocan came to Winnipeg from Montrel in 187-, when he opened out a small butchers shop in the shanty adjoining the old Red Saloon now the Gable Hotel. In the fall of the same year, his business extending, he removed to the corner off Main Street, in rear of where Mr. Whitehead's large chemist's store stands to-day and again in the spring following to Rocan's block, now occupied by Quillmette and others. On the opening of the city market in '77, he formed a partnership with Mr. Johnson, when, as Messrs. Johnson & Rocan they opened out in the two stalls in which they now carry on their large and let us not omit to add profitable business.

January 7th the civic elections for 1879 took place, and with the following result, the first three named gentlemen in each ward, being elected :


Blanchard 94

Conklin 89

Alloway 83

McMieken 63

Montgomery 49


McArthur 98

Brown 95

Strang 92

Jarvis 62

James ')2



Young .' 17.1

Fortune 153

A shdown 142

Lyon 86

Carruthers .36


More H3

Eden 100

Wright 91

Fonseea 89

Stobart 74

As has been previously stated Alex. Logan was elected Mayor. A mass meeting of course took place the previous evening, when the candidates for aldermanic honors were invited to " give explana- tions of the course to be pursued by them, on the railway question then before the people." Thomas Luxton, M.P.P., was chairman Mr. A. M. Brown, secretary. The usual amount of useless non- practical chat was indulged in. On the evening of the 7th January, the Royal Arms Hotel was formally opened, the event bein° cele- brated by a grand supper.

Previous to becoming the wife of the Piev. S. P. Matheson, Miss Fortin was presented by the members of the Holy Trinity Church choir with a handsome piece of plate, and some silver suitably inscribed. Qui z now appeared in an enlarged form, and sported a frontispiece. Benson & Taylor having bought out Washington's book and stationery store, opened out a large stock of goods in the old stand, and entered upon an extensive business. On the 15th January Mr. Pierre Delorme accepted the portfolio of Minister of Agriculture in the Local Government. The same dav Mr. \V. F. Luxton was the victim of a cowardly attack by a scoundrel named Sinclair, who out of levenge for a fancied insult directed at his mother, who at the time was living with ex- Attorney General Clarke as his wife, assaulted him with a cudgel on Main Street. Mr. Luxton being under medical treatment at the time was unable to make any resistance, and Sinclair and his companion made their escape. As H. J. Clarke was at the time in the held for the repre-


sentation of Rockwood in the Local Parliament, and as W. F.

Luxton had taken pains to place him in his true light before the people through the colums of the Free Press, and had presented to the readers of that paper an unpleasantly truthful sketch of that gentleman's record, Clarke was generally credited with being the instigator of the assault on Luxton. The case was tried before Mr. Justice McKeagney on the 16th, when Sinclair was committed to stand his trial at the forthcoming assizes. Bail was given, the prisoner's own recognizance of 8800, and two sureties of $400 each being taken. Subsequently, and previous to the trial Sinclair fled the country, and though a warrant is out for his apprehension, he has managed to evade arrest.

On the 17th January Mr. Ashdown entertained his employees to a dinner at his residence, when the annual distribution of SI, 000 amongst those in his service took place. Many car-loads of freight now continued to arrive, and large shipments of wheat were also being consigned east.

The following Licenses were issued by the City of Winnipeg during the year ending December, 1878 :

23 hotels^ $200 $4,600 00

2 hotels(S $100 , 200 00

9 groceries (5 $200 1,800 00

52 double trucks (2 $8 416 00

13 single trucks (5 $5 65 00

1 Mississippi table 50 00

5 boarding houses (2 $5 25 00

5 livery stables (5 $50 250 00

2 feed stables (S $25 50 00

1 wholesale grocer 200 00

2 double hacks <S $10 20 00

1 -1 ting gallery 10 <>()

1 auctioneer 100 00

4 auctioneers 166 60

21 billiard tables 330 00

2 scavengers (2 $10 20 00

6 1 horse hawkers @, $10 60 00


5 foot hawkers @ $5 25 00

2 transient traders @ $40 80 00

Total $8,505 10

This will in a measure indicate the extent of some branches of trade. The total number of prisoners arrested by the city police in 1878 was 517. The amount received into court in the shape of fines, costs, etc., was 81,705.70.

The snow-shoers were now enjoying themselves to the full, and weekly tramps outside of the city limits were in order. Mr. Empey, of Main street, the celebrated haberdasher, imported a number of good shoes from Montreal, and McLenaghen having supplied the necessary capots, outings were of frequent occurrence. On the 22nd of this month Mr. E. Marston, clerk of the County Court, had a narrow escape from losing his life at the hands of James Mcllroy, a bailiff in the employ of the court. Mcllroy, who had some imaginary grievance, presented himself at Marston's door, and with- out warning deliberately fired two shots at that gentleman, one of which took effect in his arm, causing a severe wound. Subsequently after arrest and trial, the prisoner was acquitted after a temporary imprisonment, on the ground of being of unsound mind. On the 23rd the Selkirk protested election case came up for trial before Judge Betournay. The Grand Lodge of Manitoba A. F. and A. M. was held in the Masonic Hall, Winnipeg, on the 22nd, a large attendance of officers present. On the 23rd the following gentle- man met at the Court House, Winnipeg, to organize an Historical and Scientific Society : Rev. Messrs. Robertson, Pinkham, Grisdale, Hart, Prof. Bryce, Dr. Cowan, Messrs. Whitcher, W. H. Ross, D. Codd, A. Macdonald, A. McArthur, Parsons, T. L. Hunt, Geo. H. Hane, Alex. Begg, Walter R. Nursey. Dr. Cowan was chosen chairman, Mr. Begg, secretary.

Mr. McArthur read a paper, in which the advisability of forming a society was propounded. Those present formed themselves into a society, and the name of " Historical and Scientific Society" was chosen. A committee was appointed to draft by-laws, etc., and the meeting separated to report again. Competition amongst the bakers reduced the price of bread, which reached "21 loaves for $1," bed


rock figures. A new lodge under the name of the NT< rthem Light Lodge X". 10, under the registry ofthe Grand Lodge "t Ancient, Five and Accepted Masons, was constituted January l'!», 1879. The officers appointed were as follows : W. Bro. G. Mc- Micken, W.M.; Bro. A. Christie, S.W. ; Bro. J. M. Macdpnnell, J.W. ; Bro. Dr. J. S. Lynch, Chaplain; Bro. John Balsillie, Trea- surer; Bro. C. X. Bell, Secretary; Bro. I». McArthur, Tyler; Bro. Hon. Thomas Howard, Senior Deacon; Bro. James McLenaghen, Junior Deacon ; Bro. H. McKenzie, Director of Ceremonies; Bro. T. A Newman, Junior Guard ; Bros. G. B. Spencer, and S. L. Bedson, Stewards. At this time there were two organizations! claiming to be the Grand Lodge of Manitoba A. F. and A. M.

About this time Mr. Thomas Nixon received notice that his services as purveyor of the Canada Pacific Railway were disp with. In February Qwi2 (Mine out with its first cartoon. A Aery creditable effort, "Norquay's Provincial Troupe," in which that gentleman and his colleagues were fairly caricatured in an amusing manner. The First Session of the Third Parliament of Manitoba was opened February 1st, 1879, by His Honor Lt.-Gov. Cauchon with the customary ceremonials, the floors and galleries of the House being crowded. At a meeting of the Board of Trade, Feb. 4th, a memorial to the Dominion Government was drafted praying for relief from the difficulties Manitoba labored under owing to defective railway arrangements.

On February 8th the Local House adjourned its session <>n a vote of 14 to 9, until the 8th of April, a step advocated by the Government in order to allow of certain members of the Cabinet to visit Ottawa during the session of the Dominion Parliament, and place before the authorities, Manitoba's argument in favor of an increase of her subsidy. On February 14th the thermometer dropped to 34 c below zero, but though the citizens of Winnipeg were experiencing at the time an emphatically cold snap, and though business, owing to a large extent to the depression in com- mercial circles in the older Provinces, lacked perhaps that charac- teristic amount of push, usually an ever present factor, in all Winnipeg's doings ; yet in the face of a universal depression in trade, we suffered less than the generality of communities. It was


generally conceded that owing to the high price of lumber in 1878, caused by the failure of lumbermen in getting their logs down in the winter, that the amount of money expended in 187S in building operations in Winnipeg would fall far short of the amount outlayed in the previous year; this appears, however, not to have been the case, for while the expenditure of 78 did not probably equal that of 77, still the total amount did not fall very far short, for we find that about 100 structures of various descriptions were erected, and at a cost of about £200,000 a pretty good exhibit, it must lie admitted, considering the circumstances.

Mr. J. M. Aikens a son of the Secretary of State about this time commenced the practice of the law as did also Mr. Killam, a recent arrival. About 600 valentines passed through the Winnipeg P. O., 1879, which demonstrates that we were guilty of legitimate, follies as well as older places.

The number of prisoners apprehended by Chief Power and the Provincial Police for 1878 was 172 ; of these 113 were convicted, and suffered the consequences of their crime; 72 of these convic- tions were for misdemeanours which were committed within the city of Winnipeg. Not a great number, when the hundreds of strangers of all nationalities constantly pouring into our midst is taken into considerate in. In the year 1878, 25,41 1 registered letters were handled by our Post Office.

During February, Mi1. R. J. Whitla, from Arnprior, Out., arrived in town, and being naturally impressed with the rushing develop-, ment of Winnipeg and the unmistakeable signs of its future prosperity, promptly concluded to cast his lines in a pleasant pi; ire, and purchased the premises occupied by Mr. W. H. Lyon, on Main Street for SI 1,000. Mr. Whitla at once made extensive alterations in the premises, and in a very short time opened out a wholesale and retail dry goods establishment second to none in the city, and and essentially, as he is wont emphatically to state it, a one j >,■}<■> I, usi ne88. This appears to have been a golden and profitable rule with Mr. Whitla, for previous to coining to Winnipeg, he had been engaged in the trade on the Upper Ottawa, and on this business basis, had multiplied a trade of $20,000 in a few short years, to

),000, and this with a town support of 2,000 inhabitants. He


is pardonably sanguine of success in his new career, and intends to religiously adhere to his one price text About this time Nicholas Flood Davin,of Toronto, paid Winnipeg a visit. A largely attended meeting of the Board of Trade was held on the 19th February,

when the following officers were elected : President, A. Bannatyne : Vice-President, W. H. Lyon; Council, Messrs. Eden, Howard, Young, Ashdown, Mulholland, McDonald, Alloway, Strang, Brown, McMillan, Sweeney, Malloeh. The annual meeting of the Bihle Society took place the same day. The transport facilities of the Pembina Branch were not equal to the occasion, as we have already noticed, and it was no unusual thing to have an accumulation of freight on the frontier. In February, '79 40 cars laden with merchandize for Winnipeggers lay at St. Vincent idly awaiting to be "moved on." At this season hig mails occasionally elevated or depressed us, thirty or more sacks was not an unusual infliction. In February Cameron & Campbell, tailors, dissolved partnership; this firm was established in '73 ; they now opened out on their individual accounts. The sanitary aspect of the town attracted the attention of Dr. Agnew, a new importation, and Mr. W. Bathgate opened up an able correspondence with the press in defence of Protection and the National Policy. Mr. J. F. Caldwell, with a degree of enterprise unusual, now came to the front, and bought the corner lot on Main Street, immediately in front of the Post Office, and next to Mr. Whitla's, from W. H. Lyon for $8,000, tnd immediately commenced active preparation for erecting a three storey brick block, wherein to conduct his apothecaries trade.

On the 24th February Hon. Messrs. Norquay and Royal accom- panied by Mr. Begg left for Ottawa. They went for the purpose of securing better terms for Manitoba. At a meeting of the His- torical Society, the following officers were chosen ; President, Chief Justice Wood ; 1st Vice-President, Dr. Cowan ; 2nd Vice-President, Aid. McArthur ; Corresponding Secretary, Prof. Bryce ; Record- ing Secretary, Alex. Begg; Treasurer, S. R. Parsons; Ex-Council, Rev. Canon Grisdale, Dr. Codd, A. H. Whitcher, J. H. Rowan, E. W. Jarvis, J. F. Bain, Jas. Stewart, Hon. John Nbrquay and Hon. Joseph Royal. Mr. W. H. Lyon, who sold his property on Main Street for SI 9,000, now commenced the construction of a large


wholesale warehouse on McDermott Street, immediately in rear of his former premises. A Eoyal Commission consisting of Alex. McArthur and W. E. Bown was now appointed by the Dominion Government to make an investigation of Mr. Nixon's official affair?. The morning of Feb. 26th the thermometer marked 43 ° below zero, the lowest point reached since January, '77, when 44 ° below was experienced ; no one, however, appeared to be aware of it.

In February Mr. Nursey was gazetted Provincial Auditor of Manitoba under the Local Government. The combined tonnage of Manitoba vessels visiting this port was 1,101 tons. Mr. E. Eoberts, well known for his geniality and kindness, by numerous Manitoba pilgrims, now resigned the proprietorship of the Grand Central Hotel, and the Sinclair brothers took possession.

The Winnipeg Snow-shoe Club races came off on 3rd March, when our well-known townsman, Mr. C. D. Eickards, accredited with being a refreshingly green man on snow-shoes, captured somewhat to the annoyance and disgust of other competitors the two mile race and the trophy in 15 minutes 33f seconds. Eev. O. Fortin, now commenced his regular series of admonishings to young men from Holy Trinity pulpit.

Cronn E. H. Cronn the much respected, now entered into possession of the " Eossin House Hotel."

On Saturday, March 8th, Mr. Chas. E. Tuttle arrived in Winnipeg, and as it was understood to be the intention of this gentleman to start a Conservative daily newspaper in Winnipeg, sympathizers with the political views of his party were correspondingly gratified.

A branch of the Dominion Temperance Alliance was formed in Winnipeg in March.

The South- Western Colonization Eailway Co. of Manitoba, and a bridge over the Eed River now began to occupy public notice. March 14th Captain Kennedy, of the Eapids, Eed Eiver, an old Arctic explorer, lectured before the Historical Society upon the <' North-West Passage." On the 17th St. Patrick's Society cele- brated the day with unusual honors, and spring vegetables were displayed in the market.

The total expenditure of the city of Winnipeg for the year 1878 was $55,569.07, the total receipts were $66,478.68. On the 1st of



April, the cash system was adopted by a number of our business men, notably butchers and bakers, and gave rise to considerable dis- cussion through the papers; much diversity of opinion as to its advisa- bility, and a strong feeling of opposition on the part of some of our struggling community existed. It was contended by its promoters, that the cutting down of prices would follow a most desirable and necessary result. No such reduction, however, as was promised followed, and the advantage gained by the consumer under existing circumstances is nU.

The first large batch of immigrants of the season '79, now arrived ; they numbered about 500 souls, and were ciceroned by Mr. R. W. Prittie ; and Conklin and Fortune, ready for the emergency, offered 65,000 acres farming land for sale on easy terms. The eastern hegira now set in in earnest.

Messrs. Robson & Co. early in April, having purchased the grocery department from Higgins & Young, proceeded to move into their new premises, and opened out a wholesale and retail trade on a much larger scale than formerly.

Numerous parties of emigrants arrived following close upon each others heels, and an advent of strangers heretofore unprecedented in the annals of the country astonished us, with its over whelm- ing rush. Consignments of hardy agriculturists from two to five hundred strong were landed at St. Boniface day after day. many of these parties bringing to this land of promise, a combined capital of from three to four hundred thousand dollars.

On the 8th April, according to its promise, the Local Legislature again met, the Ottawa delegation having returned. < >n motion of the Premier, after some discussion, the House was further adjourned, until May 27th in order to permit of further negotiations with Ot- tawa anent the late conference with the authorities there, upon the subject of better terms. After some discussion and consider- able adverse criticism on the part of Mr. Scott, in regard to the trip taken by the ministers, and the good likely to accrue from a further adjournment, the House rose, to meet again upon the date named.


In April the following telegram was received by Mr. Codd, Dom. Land Agent, Winnipeg:

Ottawa, April 9.

" Withdraw immediately from sale, or from entry by military or " police bounty warrant, all Dom. Lands for 20 miles on each side " of Fourth Base Line, to include 24th range.

" Lindsay Eussell,

" Surveyor General."

At a meeting of City Council held April 8th, Aid. Ashdown moved, in view of the change in the route of the C.P.R. second- ed by Aid. Wright.

" That whereas the council having been informed that the Dom. " Government intend to change the route of the Pacific Railway to " the south of Lake Manitoba, and whereas the people of Winnipeg " in mass meeting assembled, have pledged the city to a vote of " $300,000, if necessary, towards the construction of a bridge across " the Red River, and western railroad extension ;

" Therefore be it resolved that the council pledge the city to " pay the cost of the construction of a railroad bridge across the " Red River, provided that the Dom. Government will construct " the Canadian Pacific Railway from Winnipeg westward."

This resolution was unanimously carried, and the Mayor was instructed to telegraph the same to the Minister of Public Works, Ottawa.



Winnivko "Daily Times" PATENT I n .- i i h - Colin Strang Lbotubs Manitobaphobia - Masonic Ball St. George's Society Ottawa Railway Delegation City Council— City assessment, 1879 Rail- way Strike- -Soda Wateb Sam West- Bridge Pedestrianism— Lokd Elphinstoxe Roast Beef McDowell Troupe— Mr. I. C. Bkyd- ges— Newspaper Men— Iowa Editor* Politioai Crisis— Royal Re- signs— Queen's Hotel Andy McNab W. H. Disbrowe K. Keith- New Ministers -Redistribution- H. M.S. "Pinafore" Parliameni Prorogues -City Council and South Western K. H. Mr. Fletcher "Wishakt Bros. Rigney & Carey Manitoba First Horoscope- Winnipeg Railway Interests— A Distributing Centre— The Mktro-



On Saturday, 12th April, the Winnipeg Daily Tunis, the new conservative sheet, made its first appearance, and as bo many of its predecessors, embarked in a similar cause, had only appeared for an instant, comet-like, to disappear precipitately, into the infinite, its advent was viewed, by a large number of our citizens with evident distrust. However, as extensive premises were leased on Main St., and as ear loads of material for the concern were constantly coming to hand, the most sceptical not but that in some eases it went sorely against the grain had at last to admit that its very material presence was by no means an illusion. It was an eight column, four page sheet, and in every respect a first-class paper. The tone of superiority, however, which it adopted and the somewhat a_ sive nature of its editorials, at the outset awoke a spirit of com- bat iveness, even among some of its sympathizers, and not until this peculiar spirit moderated, did it receive that support which it now enjoys. Mr. Charles R. Tuttle, lately of Ottawa, was its managing director.

This new departure in the literary world had the effect of stimu- lating our other journals to greater efforts, for we now note the Free Press with a commendable spirit rushing to the front with its Saturday edition, increased to eight-pages, and garnished with a patent inside, aud then the cruel war commenced in earnest. On


Easter Sunday the ice began running in the Assiniboine, and the ferries prepared for the summer campaign. J. R. Brown and Colin F. Strang having dissolved partnership, the stationery business was continued by Mr. (John F. Strang, in the old stand.

Chief Justice Wood delivered a lecture before the Historical Society on the 10th of April, on the subject of "Cosmology and Chronology."

During all this time, the crowd of humanity, suffering from what we will call Manitoba-phobia, still came pouring in, and indications were conclusive that the amount of land taken up in '79 would be greatly in excess of that located the previous year. In the ten months ending 3 1st Oct., '78, 600,592 acres had been located in Manitoba ; and Winnipeg opened her capacious maw ready to ab- sorb, and assimilate all comers. The annual vestry meeting of " Holy Trinity" was held on the 15th April, and two real harpers about the same time disturbed the ozone of our streets with music. Mr. Hector McLean of Ottawa, now came to reside in our midst, and engaged in the real estate and auctioneering business. Clark- son & Clements, tailors, about this time, separated, and went on their respective ways rejoicing. On A] nil 18th the Northern Light Lodge of the Masonic order gave a grand ball in the City Hall, which was in every particular a very brilliant affair. On the 20th, the first boats of the season, the Alpha and the Cheyenne, arrived in port. On the 23rd St. George's day, a few English residents met at the Merchants Hotel, to discuss a roast of beef and a barrel of beer, provided for the occasion by host Morris, Mr. Furner occupied the chair, and Mr. Nursey the vice-chair. The following gen- tlemen were present: Messrs. Radiger, Pearson, Disbrowe, Well- band, Oruttwell, Thomas, Rickards, Burnell, Vick, Crack, McPhillips, and others. A pleasant evening was spent. The old St. George's Society having lapsed, an effort was made to organize a new one on a more substantial basis, and those present resolved themselves into a committee for that purpose. The same evening a special meeting of the City Council was held to discuss railway matters. A petition to the Minister of Public Works, Ottawa, setting forth the wishes of the city of Winnipeg in regard to her desire to have a branch of the C. P. R. tapping the main line some point west, and having its


junction with the Pembina branch at St. Boniface, and the willing- ness of the city to contribute 8300,000 towards the construction of the line, and the building of a railway bridge over Red River was submitted, and after some discussion adopted. The resolution introduced to send Mayor Logan and Mr. C. R. Tuttle, of the Times, to convey the petition, and represent our interests at Ottawa, met, as far as Mr. Tuttle was concerned, with some opposition, on the grounds that being a comparative stranger to Winnipeg, and without any great stake in the country, he would not be a representative man.

This objection was over-ruled and Messrs. Logan and Tuttle were appointed a deputation to proceed forthwith, and the sum of $500 was voted for expenses.

On the 25th April Mr. McArthur's new boat, the Murqaette, arrived in Winnipeg. Her length was 130 feet, beam 28 feet, hold 4.1 feet, draught 15 inches. She was destined for the Assiniboine and Red River traffic, and as a new enterprise, her owners deserved the thanks of the public. Mr. Yeomans, representing the Confedera- tion Life Assurance Company, arrived in town this month, and open- ed an office shortly after in Radiger & Bigg's block. The estimated expenditure of the city of Winnipeg for the year 1879 was $63,820. The estimated receipts (Market and Licenses) $13,960. A by-law to abolish the fish-market was now introduced. The expenditure account of Winnipeg Hospital for year ending April, 79, was $2,- 832.85. His Honor, Governor Cauchon, having departed on a pleasure excursion, Chief Justice Wood was sworn in aa adminis- trator, 2nd of May.

Our City Fathers were now greatly exercised over the doings of the deputation at Ottawa, and special meetings were held every few evenings, to allow the superabundance of opinion an opportunity to unbosom itself. From documents before us, the result of the labors of Mr. J. W. Harris, we glean the following interesting in- formation.

1877 1878 1879

Real Property $2,626,117 $2,664,7311 $2,932,060

Personal « * 471,707 513,075 533,400

$3,097,824 $3,177,805 $3,465*460


shewing an increase in assessment of 1879"over the previous year of $257,655. Who now will doubt the stability, and extraordinary progressiveness of the city of Winnipeg.

Information was now received in town of a strike of the " nav- vies" on " Section 15," C. P. R., and considerable excitement pre- vailed, owing to the fact of the rising being reported to have assumed a very serious character; it was stated over 1,500 men had seized the rolling stock, and stores, and further trouble was apprehended. On the 8th, the military was called out, consisting of about 80 men ; cavalry, infantry, and artillery, each supplying their quota, and under the command of Col. W. O. Smith, proceeded by train to Cross Lake, the scene of the disorder. Owing to the firm attitude of the troops, no collision occurred ; the ring-leaders were arrested and the breach between Mr. Contractor Whitehead and his men was satisfactorily healed, and the troops returned homewards.

In May F. W. Rimer, from Toronto, who was guilty of some rather extensive peccadilloes, visited Winnipeg ; he travelled incog. under the name of the "Rev. Mr. Westman, of England." The disguise, however, appears to have been " too thin," as he was recognised here by Mr. Murdoch, a commercial man, who knew of his antecedents, and was eventually arrested and forwarded via the Dawson route to Toronto. At Shebandowan he escaped from the constable, but was subsequently re-arrested, and taken in safety to his destination. His exploits created no little excitement.

The soda manufactory of Mr. Samuel West, on Bannatyne Street, was now in full blast, and as a developing enterprise deserves notice. Mr. West commenced business on a very small scale, but finding the demand for the manufacture increasing rapidly, imported new machinery and plant from Boston, and his equipment at present stands him about $3,000. He also erected large premises, and has now ample facilities for turning out lemon and plain soda, ginger ale, and spruce beer at the rate of about 125 dozen daily. West is largely patronized by the hotel fraternity, and is making money fast out of his new venture. Growing weary of a retail trade Mclntyre & McCulloch, having enlarged their store on Main Street, embarked in an exclusively wholesale business, and Fairfield, that prince of restaurateurs, having remained long enough in the two


stands, the Terrapin and the St. Nicholas, successively, to establish

their reputation, possessed with his chronic hunger for variety, cast about for another place, and was not satisfied until he had converted the old Chinese laundry on Portage Avenue into the " Golden Hotel," where to-day he eaters for the most fastidious of our citizens, and offers a modern melange in the matter of mixed drinks, not to be beaten this side of Chicago.

On a motion of Aid. Ashdown's before the City Council, 12th May, advocating an appropriation for preliminary expenses re Red River Bridge, the subject was ventilated in an earnest and warm manner, indeed it was now in order for our City Fathers on all occasions to display a vim and pointedness in the discussion of railway matters that was foreign to them on ordinary occasions. The first walking match that ever took place in Winnipeg, came off in May, 79, in the City Hall; there were 9 starters, and the race a " forty-eight hours, go as you please" one ; John E. Wilson was the promoter ; the first prize was won by a man named Spence, who covered 151 miles and a bittock in the stipulated time- Lord Elphinstone paid Winnipeg a visit in May, for the purpose of making a personal examination of property he owned in various parts of the province. At a meeting of representatives of the vari- ous churches in the city, a Y. M. C. A. was organized, the following officers were elected: Pres., J. A. M. Aikens ; V.-Pres., Robert Bourne and I>. U. Campbell ; Recording secretary, R. P. Richard- son; Corresponding secretary, Rev. A. T. Ferguson; Treas., -T. F. Mclntyre. The association started upon its road, under the best auspices. A gathering of Englishmen met at the Merchants Hoteh May 16, when a St. George's Society was formed, and officers elect- ed as under. Pres., A. F. Eden ; 1st V.-Pres., C. W. Radiger : 2nd V.-Pres., A. Pearson; Secretary, Walter B. Nursey ; Treas., W. H. Disbrowe ; Committee J. H. Thomas, Wm. Wellband, Thos. Hay, C. A. Burrows, H. Cruttwell ; Stewards S. L. Bedson, W. G. Gow, W. Golding, J. Morris, J. Hawkins, W. Cleverly.

The Reno troupe about this time put in an appearance but were not successful, the McDowell company of Montreal arriving at the same time, and being presumably a Canadian troupe, and heralded with a flourish of trumpets taking the wind out of their sails, to


a material extent. The McDowells made a long stay in Winnipeg, and as clever exponents of the drama, left at their departure many warm friends behind them. Mr. C. J. Brydges, the successor of Mr. Donald A. Smith, as Land Commissioner to the Hudson Bay Co., also visited Winnipeg for the first time. May 19th, His Grace Archbishop Tache and the Rev. Father Lacombe left by train, en route for France. We were now waylaid by legions of newspaper correspondents. Almost every live paper in Ontario and Quebec, sending a representative to interview us. We submitted to the in- fliction in a becoming spirit, extracting some consolation from the fact that free advertising was not calculated to extinguish us. The Winnipeg Fuel Co., a new speculation, now came to the front, and sported a steam cord- wood sawing machine, the first of its kind in- troduced into Manitoba. A meeting of members of the first expe- dition was held in May, and an association formed. The Board of Trade having discussed the advisability of the authorities to tax commercial travellers, some worthy representative bag-men, then sojourning in the city, rose in amis, and recorded a solemn protest. On the 24th of May, the steamer Marquette arrived in port, having performed in safety the round trip by the Assiniboine Eiver to. Fort Ellice and return, about 1,000 miles, accomplishing the jour- ney in thirteen days. By this means a feasible steamboat route into the interior, by a hitherto untried way, had been discovered, and the proprietors of the Marquette deserved the gratitude of the people. The venture proved to be most remunerative. The Free Pre** and Time* now indulged to the intense delight of some of their respective supporters in an interchange of questionable com- pliments. About this time Aid. McArthur was brought to task by some of his brother aldermen for writing letters to the papers, re-, fleeting upon the action of members of the city council, in regard to their connection with the proposed South-Western Colon- ization Railway. He survived the trouble. The Hudson's Bay Company, under the vigorous policy instituted by Mr. Brydges now placed a portion of their fanning lands upon the market, and offered inducements to purchasers upon such terms that could not fail to commend them by their liberality. The Manitoba. Legislature re-assembled May 27th. On the 20th the


Premier stated that the resignation of Hon. Mr. Royal, Minister of Public Works, had been placed in his hands and accepted. Explana- tions were deferred. The same day Mr. W. Murdoch, C. E., and party arrived in town. Mr. Murdoch was appointed by the Dominion Government to locate the C. P. R. line west of Selkirk. Quiz now went into insolvency. The causes which led to the Pro- vincial political crisis just developing were now made public. Documentary evidence laid before the house went to show that Mr. Ptoyal on behalf of his French colleagues had taxed the Premier with the fact " that the Government as it was at present constituted, " did not command the support of a majority of the members repre- " senting English constituencies," and insisted on a change being effected. To this Mr. Norquay responded by requesting Mr. Royal to place " the I tepartment over which he had control, in the hands of the " Government, believing that the lack of support to the Government "from the English speaking side, was owing to the presence of him <( (Mr. Royal) in the Cabinet,"

This at once led Mr. Royal being the recognized leader of the French party to a strictly national division of parties in the House, as the following vote (the first taken since the " crisis ")> which was upon an amendment for a three months hoist to a 'Government Bill, will show :

Teas Royal, La Riviere, Taillefer, Nolin, Goulet, Bourke 6. Nays Norquay, Walker, Brown, Sutherland, Biggs, Gunn, Ross, Taylor, Cowan, McKenzie, Lusted, Scott and Druminond. 13,

Mr. Clarke, M.P.P. forSte. Anne, was unseated and disqualified, on the ground of personal bribery, by a court presided over by Judge Betournay. " Eli Perkins" struck Winnipeg about this time. The Hartford Insurance Company established an agency here, with Mr. G. F. Carruthers as their representative. The issue of Liquor Licenses for the city of Winnipeg, under the new regime, amounting to 24, were now issued by the Commissioners ; the number of applicants was legion. Another limb of the law, our respected friend Mr. Howell, applied in June for admission to the Manitoba bar, and was approved by the Benchers.

Messrs. O'Connor & Brown, of London, Ont., having purchased the block of land on the corner of Portage Avenue and Notre Dame


Street, commenced to build their new hotel, and which is yet in course of construction. The " Queen's" when finished will pro- bably be the finest hotel in Manitoba. It has a frontage of 180 feet, built of white brick, three storeys high, with an iron roof, 50 bed-rooms, three parlors, commodious offices, barber shop, bath- rooms, billiard-room, and entrance hall, with sample-rooms for commercial men and all modern appliances, and as the proprietors are old hotel men, there will be nothing wanting in its composition to make it a first-class house. The contractors for the construction of the " Queen's " are Messrs. Hugh Sutherland & Bros., and the hotel complete is estimated to cost $20,000.

Mr. Andy McNab now moved into his new establishment on Main St., and opened out the finest horse-shoeing establishment, and carriage works, in the Province. Andy McNab came to Mani- toba in '73, and for some time was foreman horse-shoer for Thos. Lusted. Being of an enterprising disposition, he soon made head- way, and stands to-day, an example of what industry and Nor'- West opportunities properly applied, can lead to. McNab employs 8 to 10 hands, and is second to none in his own line of business. We note these examples of progress with unqualified pleasure, and with an object; for our aim is to establish by practical demonstra- tion the fact, that Winnipeg presents opportunities, unequalled, if properly embraced.

W. H. Disbrowe also found his business developing rapidly, and for the second time had to seek more commodious premises. With the influx of so many of the agricultural class, seeds soon were quoted at a premium, and it was as much as Disbrowe and Keith, with united effort could do, to supply the demand. Disbrowe moved further north, and what with seeds and implements together, his large warehouse presents to-day, an appearance that will repay an inspection. R. Keith, having wheeled his old store out into the suburbs, and moved Ashdown's old tin shop into the vacant posi- tion, soon stocked his store with an excellent assortment, and con- tinues to divide the trade.

The vacancies in the cabinet caused by the retirement of Messrs. Royal and Delorme, were now filled by Messrs. Biggs and Taylor the former taking the port-folio of Public Works, the latter, that of


Agriculture. The reconstructed Government, it will be thus seen, was composed altogether of English speaking members. On the 4th of June, Mr. Royal at some length, reviewed in an eloquent speech, the policy of the administration, condemning in no measured terms, the expulsion of the French-Canadians, and solemnly pro- testing against the new departure. In these matters our desire is to deal simply with facts, leaving all "conclusions" to the peculiar fancy of the reader.

The Metis now celebrated its ninth anniversary.

The University of Manitoba held its first Convocation on June 5th, the Hon. Mr. Royal, Vice-Chancellor, presiding, when sixteen students presented themselves for the University examinations.

The Redistribution lull laid before the House provided for 24 electoral divisions. Without going into details as to tin- extent or boundaries of these constituencies, it might be of interest here to note their order and names.

1, Gladstone; 2, Westbourne ; o, Mountain; 4, Burnside ; 5, Portage; 6, High Bluff and Poplar Point; 7, Dutlerin X.; 8, Dufferin S. ; 9, Morris W. ; 10, Emerson; 11, St. Agathe; 12, Provencher E.; 13, Provencher W.; 14, St. Francois Xavier; 1 5, Baie St. Paul ; 16, Headingly ; 17, Kildonan and St. Paul ; 1 S. Winnipeg ; 19, St. Boniface ; 20, Springfield ; 21, St. Andrew's W. : 23, Rock- wood ; 24. Woodlands.

This Bill was passed upon the following vote :

Yeas Norquay, Walker, Brown, Biggs, Sutherland, Gunn, Ross, Lusted, Drummond, McKenzie, Cowan 11.

Fays Bourke, Goulet, Schmidt, Taillefer, Delorme, La Riviere, Scott, Murray, Royal 9.

Eight French members and one English Speaking member (Scott) voting against it. The opposition to the measure by the French members was obvious, redistribution would have the effect of reducing their representation in the Legislature of the Province. The opposition of Capt. Scott was based upon the ground that the Bill made no provision as to what time the Legislation aimed at should take effect.

An Act to amend the Act Incorporating the City of Winnipeg having passed its third reading the Lieut-Governor came down to


the House on the 10th June and gave his assent thereto. The city by-law providing for the raising of $200,000 for the construction of a bridge over Red River now passed its first reading, and was advertised in the city papers for the purpose of familiarizing the citizens with its provisions. Subsequently the by-law was dis- covered to have been illegally framed, it was withdrawn after much discussion, another one drafted and presented to the people in its ^place. H. M. S. Pinafore was introduced in June to Winnipeg, and at once commanded the rapt and wild delight of our extraor- dinarily aesthetic citizens. Mr, Gordon Brown, of the Toronto Globe now paid us a visit, and the members of the Press Association of Iowa and a party of ladies, numbering in all about ninety, attracted by the stories perpetrated by Manitoban Munchausens, extended their wanderings to Winnipeg in order to enable them hereafter to die happy. The Bishop of Rupert's Land returned in June, having succeeded whilst on his trip to the old country, in raising the sum of £4,000 as a contribution to the funds of St. John's College, and was presented himself on his arrival here with a testimonial consisting of $800, as a slight token of the esteem in which he was held, and in recognition of his self-denying efforts in promoting the "welfare of his diocese.

On the 25th June His Honor Lieut.-Governor Cauchon pro- rogued Parliament, and assented to all the bills passed by the House, with one exception, viz., that regarding the change of the French Printing.

The bridge question was now an all absorbing topic, and half the citizens of Winnipeg rushed into pen and link with the object of airing their particular views, whilst the City Council and the directors of the South- Western Railway, corresponded away in fruitless endeavours to arrive at some mutual understanding in regard to the handling of the $200,000 and the division of respon- sibility as to the bridge itself. From a bystanders view of the situation, it seemed very much as if those members of the Council who were not directly interested in the colonization railway, were determined to believe that the directors of the South Western were attempting to hatch an awful plot, in the accomplishment of which, the safety o the city of Winnipeg was terribly jeopardized, blindly


overlooking the fact that the promoters of this very undertaking were as vitally interested in the prosperity of the town as they themselves.

In July Mr. W. E. Fletcher removed his grocery estoHbli-dunent from Main Street south to A. McNee's new store north of the City Hall, and embarked in a more extended and profitable busiiu-ss than formerly, and large additions to old premises, and numerous build- ings of every design were springing up in the suburbs of the town like mushrooms. Messrs. Wishart & Bros., of the celebrated "China- man" stand, now contemplated moving the tobacconists department of their large business, and confining their attention in the present store to the grocery trade exclusively. Messrs. Rigney & Carey opened out the only Itabian warehouse in the city in Radiger & Bigg's block. Mr. Geo. Fulthorpe made his debut in trade next door to Fletcher's, and numerous representatives of all branches of industry located in our midst, attracted by the increasing popularity of the city, its field for honest speculation, and driven, perhaps, by the hardness of the times, and the depression that was fastening with such grim pertinacity, upon the older and wealthier centres of com- merce in the eastern provinces ; indeed, it seemed in order, and by no means an insane conclusion, to accept Winnipeg and Manitoba as the salvation of the perplexed man ; no matter how harrassed, how distressed, our city presented a panacea for every evil, and to judge by the spa it of thrift, and the manifest evidences of pros- perity that to-d«y characterize its free and independent citizens, the " happy thought" that suggested Manitoba to them, as the only thoroughfare to '• resumption," should be warmly cherished.

Before closing these very raw annals, it was our intention to dilate upon a variety of men and matters that the scant limits of this book peremptorily forbids ; in fact, the necessity of being stingily terse has been one of the greatest difficulties that ha^had to be met, and at the last moment we realize how completely incomplete must the history of any place appear to the individual, whose particular individuality, in the hurry of a rapid review, has escaped prominent notice ; the excuse rests in the assertion that the object has been to treat as far as possible of facts, not of persons. The knowledge that much has been left unsaid, that might, with credit to the city and


her citizens have been ehronicled, by no means reassures us, and is only mitigated by the fact that nothing has been made matter of history that the most sensitive of our burghers might carp it. Not that concealment has been necessary our records are stainless. As has been stated, many events have been omitted that we have burned to introduce ; the St. George's Society pic-nic, for example ; the opening of Knox Church ; the vote on the $200,000 By-law, with the biography of the gentleman who voted "Nay;" the celebrated races of the Winnipeg Turf Club, and the departure of Mr. Loucks ! These, however, and a hundred other kindred notable events must remain unnoticed.

A decade has all but elapsed on paper since this history of Winnipeg was commenced. It has been endeavoured to show the various phases of existence through which she has passed from that early date up to the present time. We have followed her develop-: ment from her village epoch, with 100 settlers, through numerous metamorphoses, up to the date of her blossoming into a city with 10,000 souls. To-day she boasts of a street extension of 83 miles. To-day nearly 1,000 dwelling houses stud the plain, where ten years since they could be counted upon the fingers of two hands. To-day the total value of her property is assessed at $3,415,065, and taxes $50,875.76 ; in 1869 the same was represented by as many hundreds.

As we write, the bridge over the Red River, that will give us unbroken railway connection with all parts of the great American continent, only awaits the mutual decision of our City Council and the Government engineers as to its location, for its immediate con- struction to be proceeded with ; already has 100 miles of the western branch of the Canada Pacific road been surveyed westward from Winnipeg as far as the provincial boundary, and its tender for construction awarded, and awaits but the arrival of the contractor for earnest work to be prosecuted. Already has a charter been secured for the Manitoba and South- Western Railway ; already have its shareholders come to the front, and as we go to press, the necessary percentage on its capital stock has been paid up, its per- manent Board of Directors elected, and a reliable assurance been


given that ere the next six weeks are over, active operations for its location will be proceeded with.

That Winnipeg is destined to be the great distributing and railway centre of the vast North-West is now no empty figure of speech, for it admits of no denial, it being all but an accomplished fact. If we have been prosperous in the past, no great amount of prophecy is required to predict the era of multiplied prosperity that awaits us in the immediate future. Winnipeg must advance. Imjxatance is thrust upon her by the accident of her geographical position. Ten years from now she will be ten times the size she is to-day. Her levees will be lined with steamboats ; her river banks with elevators; industries and manufactures will spring up in her midst, and the shrill whistle of the locomotive, piloting the rich burden of cereal products from the supporting west, will ring in the dawn of the creation of a wealthy and populous city, that the boldest enthusiasts until now have hardly had the audacity to contemplate.

Can any one with this array of facts before them doubt the redundant prosperity that now appears mapped out for the future history of Winnipeg, or wonder why it is that her citizen- wear that confident manner so typical of western enterprise ? Surely not. Should there be, however, any individual sceptical enough to doubt the bona fides of these unvarnished statements, let him come west, and experience for himself the still greater advantages to be derived, from the next " ten years sojourn in Winnipeg."

(the end.)





Shewing the Leading Houses in the various (Branches

of Trade.




boots ^^t:d shoes,

Wholesale and Retail.




(Nearly opposite the Post Office,)


D &






This hotel now being erected and equipped at a cost of 120,000 will be open for the reception of guests on the 1st day of Novem- ber, 1879. It is a three story brick building, with iron roof and lias a frontage on Notre DameStreet, and on Portage Avenue one of the leading thoroughfares of the City of one hundred and fifty feet. On the ground floor are offices, spacious reception hall, bar- room, billiard-room, and barber shop. It contains 50 bed-rooms, and three parlors for ladies, boarders, and commercial men res- pectively. Commodious sample-rooms, bath-rooms, etc.


is a modern hotel with all necessary accompaniments, and, as the only first class house in Manitoba, guests can rely upon receiving the very best of accommodation and attention.




&$&£!$$& i.K >l&;KiTo£&




Selected with great care, in the vicinity of Winnipeg, and the various Settlements of the Pro- vince of Manitoba, for sale, at

Prices Thirty Per Cent. Lower Than Gov- ernment Lands.





Lands Purchased on Commission



(Agents in England, Messrs. FENWICK b CO., London)


With Branch Establishments throughout the Country.

Importers and Wholesale and Retail

Dealers in



c®f^j¥ft on< d>io¥S^


Robes, Furs, Skins and Pemmican Bought and Sold.

1 P^ M EL P

k a H § a ;> e o

£3 o SS« S 2

o O o ^ fa



00 E"

- a

n- CO g «^ g 7' X ^ Q




W I N N I P E G,

hole 15 nle & Hclnil (firorcr





A Specialty made in Outfits for Emigrants, Surveyors, 4sc.% oj

Goods in his line.

Farm* on River front, and in the Township**, for Sale in all part** of the Province.




1863. ESTABLISHED 1863.



Groceries? Provisions,

"W I ^T B S,


The only EXCLUSIVELY WHOLESALE GROCERY HOUSE in Manitoba and the North-West. Always on hand the Largest and Best Assorted Stock of Provisions and General Groceries to be found in the Province, which are offered to the City and Country Trade, Government and Railroad Contractors, at Prices to Defy Competition.


Consignments of Produce sold to best advantage, and no delav in making Returns.

Nos. 102, 104, & 106 McDermott St.,





Importers and \\ hol<-<.;i l<> I >«-;i l«r- in

Domestic and American Tobaccos, Havana and Canadian Cigars, Tobacconists' Sundries, &c.


Main St., Winnipeg, Manitoba.

P. S. Coal Oil in car load quantities or less, supplied to the trade at special rates.

Sign oi the Chinaman.


Importers of Choice

Family Groceries

And Dealers in Fruits, Meats, Produce, c£c.

Traders' and Settlers' Supplies a Specialty.

Bottom Prices Quoted.


Sain Street, If imnipeg, Man.



Snyder & Anderson




FLOUR, &c,


.A. 1ST ID


Itfos. 1G8 and 170, Main St.,





> I_J


The Largest and Best Assorted Stock in the Province.

Agents For Hall's Bafesu

Wholesale and Retail.


331 and 333 Main Street,



.a i>oor»Soiiili Merchants Bank)







Specialties: Office Desks to Order, Picture Frames do., Mat- tresses do.

JL11 Worfx CrriiaraixteecL

Immigrants and others are invited to call and examine my

stock before purchasing.



Jlntialilfuui ^ jlj^ro.,

Sign of the rllig (Book and Watch,




]?Ancy ^fooDg, €lock?, 'Watches,


A Large Stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, DEAWING MATERIALS, Etc., kept constantly on hand

Fanctj Goods of I'trcrt) Inscription in Grrm Variety.


Of the Best Quality, and Latest Designs^ direct from the Factory.

Ladles9 and Gouts' GOLD and SILVER WATCHES,

Shirt Studs, Lockets, Chains. King*. «lo. «Vc.

In Kriiihi and Colored Gold.

clocks insr zeustzdiliess variety.

Watches and Jewellery promptly repaired. Engraving neatly executed.



Bookseller and Stationer,



Dealer in


Fancy Goods, Sheet Music, etc.

]Sfew$pkpei$ &q d fWiodidkl^.

EITole Depository.


W. J. Macaulay.



K. \Y. Jaunts.






Sash and Door factory,

aeaulay | Jarvis,

Ma ii ii facta rei "* of and I>caler* in


I Both Pine and Hardwood.)

|f>//f, jf/rimjfcs, pickets, §(oors, Mash, MOULDINGS, BALUSTERS,



Wii^ipe^, - - - jVlkqitoba



Lumbermen, &c.




SHiinsra-LES, lath, SASH ATS 13 DOORS.

Saw and Grist Mill Machinery*

Agents for Waterous Engine Works, Brantford, Out.

W. R. Dick. W. W. Banning

i, i:\iuni. housks in the trade.


All descriptions of Fire Risks taken.

Canada Fire & Marine,

Dominion Fire & Marine, and

National Fire Insurance Companies Represented.

Robert Strang,

Gen. Agent for Manitoba.

gstmbmne Breruein Compatro

glLVEFi j^EIQHTS, - - - ^/Ia^ITOBA.

Head Office of the Company at Winnipeg.




Importers of


34=4= 2vLj£JZ3<T STEEET.





ReadjrMade Clothing



A Special Line of Heavy Overshirts Always on Hand. 273 MAIN STREET, WINNIPEG.





(Next to Merchant's Bank,) Importers and Dealers in



As our stock is constantly renewed, and of the best quality our motto being "the best at low prices" we can thus guarantee full satisfaction to our 1 nitrons.

To settlers and others buying in quantities, bottom prices quoted.


Dealers in







Italian Warehouse.

(BIGG-'S block:,)

House-keepers will always find on hand a full assort- ment of

Fine Groceries and Liquors.

Our Stock is the most complete in the City, having been selected with great care. In

Dealers will find the very best brands of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &c. We keep none but the best.

Sign of th.e Horseshoe.



(Successors to James Turner, & Co.),

Irqportei4^ & Wl\ole$ale G(rocei%



Winnipeg, Man.


Mulholland Brothers,


Table cutlery, silver plated knives, forks, spoons, razors, pocket cutlery, &e. STOVES of the celebrated "Gunny" make. BUILDERS' HARDWARE tarred, plain and oak paper. TOOLS, saws and carpenters tools of the highest quality ; Jowitt's celebrated files, axes, cross cut saws, belting lace, leather packing. HARVESTING TOOLS, manillarope, twine, oakum. CAMP OUTFITS AND TINWARE— Paint colours, glass, linseed oil (raw and boiled), laid, seal, lubricating oils, turpentine, Japan var- nishes, glass, putty. Pumps, sinks, lead pipe, iron pipe, shot powder, blacksmiths bellows, anvils, vices, horse-nails, cut nails, clinch nails, hone-shoes, carriage springs, axles, waggon skeins, east steel, spring steel, sleigh shoe steel, bar, band and hoop iron. Agents for the galvanized steel barbed feme wire, the only first class wire manufactured.


Staffordshire House,

2v£^_in^T STREET,

(Opposite Portage Avenue.)

Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in

(kodketfy, G^la^-Ware, £\\ivfr,

ajsto i_.^:m::p goods. Five Car Loads to Hand and on the Way.

Liberal Discount to the Trade.



Wholesale audi Metmil*

Parlor Suites,

Marble Top Bedroom Sets,

Walnut Sideboards,


Ornamental Plain and Substantial Furniture

-A.t Ijoveest prices.



Special Attention to Order Work.


(Successor to R. Gerrie & Co.), Sign of the Big Chair, 235 Main St.

Pioneer Furniture House



Manufacturers and dealers in every class of goods usually kept in a


Both Imported and Home Manufacture.

Bed-room, Dining-room, and Drawing-room Suites, Fane; Articles, Ladies' Com- panions, Ladies' Work Boxes, Ladies' Writing Tables. Writing Desks in great variety. Footstools and Ottomans, mounted, etc. Picture Frames.

Furniture, Wall Paper, Carpets and Window Curtains. No. 204 Main St., Winnipeg.



|]\1]'oi;tkI;s AND DEALERS IX

Furniture. House Furnishing Goods

Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Mouldings, Mirrors, &c.

We always keep on hand the Largest and best assortment of Furniture in the Pro- vince, which we sell at the very lowest prices. In Drawing Room Suite-. Chairs, Lounges, Bedroom and Diningroom Suites, we cannot be excelled either in quality or Price.

In common furniture, such as woo t seat chairs of all styles, cupboaras, beds! &c, &c, we always give tin- besl satisfaction to our customers, ami will continue to do so.

Examine our goo Is and prices, and compare them with tin- other establishments before purchasing.

ID. SCOTT d5 CO., Warer&otn ; Cor, Main and Scott Sts..


"w i ir>r nsr i :p e a- .



The undersigned begs to announce to his numerous customers ami the public that he is still enlarging his business, and is doing the largest business west of St. Paul, which should be a sufficient proof that his work is giving thorough satisfaction. He

keeps on hand a Large assortment of horse clothing in every style, also all kinds curry and mane combs, horse brushes, metallic ami dandruff brushes. Hiding bridles, saddles ami saddlecloths in great variety ; also, a large assortment of riding and driving whips, all grades of harness, fancy single harness in Dickie rubber, Jap imitation Btiched and gold lined trimmings. Track ami fancy coach harness, light, double ami heavy draught from .^J-J ami upwards; ox and poney cart harness, with improved haimes and saddles. Large stock of trunks and valises at small advance, on cost. Large ami short straw collars a specialty. Waggon and cart covers, cushions, always on hand. Carriage trimming in the latest styles. Repair- ing done neatly and promptly. All orders promptly attended to, and remember he won't he undersold by any man.

Remember the stand, 307 Main .Street, opposite the Post Office.



Heirless I Ha.rn.e33 1

Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Whips, &c, &c,


Special attention to outfitting immigrants for the Saskatchewan and the North-West.

CALL AND EXAMINE. W:-"- IMo Trouble to Show Goods,


Pioneer Harness Shop,

(Rossiii House Block,) between City Hall and Court Rouse, MAIN STREET - - - WINNIPEG.




'artless, Sauules, Jlrfttes,


Main Street, opposite Mortage Avenue,

The Establishment for the manufacture of Harness, conducted by L. STEINHOFF, turns out the Neatest and

most durable work in Winnipeg.

Harness made to Order in A 1 Style.


John F. Caldwell & Co.,


British & Foreign Drugs,



(Prompt attention given to Orders by Mail.

Goods securely packed, so as to ensure safe transit to any part of the Province 01 North-West Territories.




(Cor. of Bannatyne St.)

"w i nsr nsr i ^ e C3-.

Sunday Attendance:— 9.30 to 10.30 A. M. ; 5 to 6 P. Iff.




S. W. TROTT & Co.,

4(famfe!s mi piuggtsfs,




1 Tr TO-


Benson & Taylor,

Dealers in


Inks, Writing' Paper, Envelopes, Bibles f Hymn Books.

Novels in Great Variety, Magazines. &e.

NO. 317 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Wii^ipe^, - - - Jilk^itoba


Eaylor's Bookbindery and Blank




ACCOUNT BOOKS of every description made to order.

jVIa^a^irie^ \ ew$pkpef$, Mu^id,


nf every description


At Moderate Prices.







Wholesale ami n-tail, seed, grain and implement merchant. Grower and importer of garden, Mold and llower seeds, flowering bulbs, &c, &c. The most select assortment of flower seeds from celebrated growers. The best varieties of carrot, mangel and turnip seeds. The best varieties of seed potatoes carefully selected. The best varieties of seed grain carefully cleaned and selected. Always on hand an extensive stock of breaking plows, harrows, horse powers, mowers, reapers, rakes, threshing machines, single ami double waggons, &c, kc. Agent for the Province and North West Territories for the celebrated farm machinery manufactured by JOHN WATSON, AYP, Ontario.

Office ami Wsirclioiise:

403 Main St., Winnipeg.



Plants, Farm and Garden Tools.



318 Main St., Winnipeg, Manitoba.

N. B. My illustrated catalogue mailed to intending purchasers.


Sole Agent for the Province of Manitoba and the North-West, tor the following ar- ticles of Canadian manufacture: John Campbell, London, celebrated carriages, waggons, carts, sleighs, and cutters. Mr. Campbell's work has been introduced in the Province for seven years, and has given the best of satisfaction ; also for Mr. George Jackson, the celebrated plough manufacturer of London, Out., better known as the Gray Plough Works. I will keep in stock a great variety of plows, to suit all Sorts of soil. The celebrated and only perfect Prairie Plow that will give satisfaction in all sorts of soil, is the Norwegian, the breaker is made stronger and more durable than any other plow on the market. The Cross or Stirring Plow has no equal, as it is of superior metal and harder, so it will clean where all others will tail, these plows are a much easier draft than other plows. I am also Sole Agent for the London Oil and Enamelled Cloth Works, that has defied all competition . It was awarded the 1st Prize at the Provincial Exhibition in Toronto, in 1878. Orders taken for any goods I handle, and satisfaction warranted. For further information, address

^lex. Oalcler,





AND PLEASANT JOURNEY, To the North- West Territories,

Call on, or Write,


Manitoba Land Office,

Toronto. " (Special Rates lor Freigflit."


L I 311 T E D.>


President. Sbc.- Pre v-.

Run Regulai Daily Line Steamers between St. Vincent, Emer- son, and Winnipeg, Connecting With Trains in St. Paul, Minneapo- lis & Manitoba Rail Road; also have Steamers Navigating the Assiniboine and lied River North to Selkirk, when Navigation will permit.

OFFICE Xext door to the Custom ll<»u»c.

K. V. Pi O J^ CCMB E.

General Managfer.



The Commercial Union of London Eng- land, Fire and Life.

CAPITAL, - - - - - $12,500,000.


No charge for Policy or Survey. Risks taken at Satisfactory

Eates. Issue of Policy Immediate. Apply to

G. McMicken,

General Ag't. for Manitoba & X. W. Territories.


Confederation I<ife ^j^odiktioij.



HON. W. P. HOWLAND, C.B., Late Lieut-Governor of Ont.


Hon. W.m. McMASTER, Wm. ELLIOTT, Esq.. J. K. MACDONALD, Man. Dir


Policy No. 1, for §10,000, Ordinary Life ; Premium, $238.20. Profits for 1876— .

Gash, $74.40, or bonus §217 ; Profits for 1877— Cash, $90.60, or bonus §258 ; Policy

No. 7, for $5,000, 10-pavnient Life, Premium, §259.40. Profits for 1876— Cash

§112.10, or bonus §297 . Profits for 1877— Cash, §130, or bonus $333.00.

The above illustrates the immense advantage we give Policy-holders over the ordinary percentage plan, and it places the CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIA- TION in the van of life companies in Canada. This position has been attained as follows :— By giving NINETY PER CENT, of the profits to policy-holders ; By not paying more for business than it is worth : By adopting a high standard of valuation from the outset ; By the exercise of care ami economy in all branches of the business and by employing a mode of division just in its results.

PROV. BOARD FOR MANITOBA : Hon. A. G. B. Bannatyne, George Brown, Esq., Manager Ontario Bank, Wm. Hespeler, Esq.; Dominion Immigration Agent.

J. X. YEOJfA\S. Dist. Manager, No. 5 Bigg's Bloek, Winnipeg.


^Qcean JSteamship ^icket 'Qffice.

Tin- oldest and most extensive Agency of the kind in Manitoba and the North- West, having befn established since ls7:>. In the Insurance Department the following first-class Companies are represented :

F I K E—

THE PHCBNIX, (nnlimited liability of Stockholders) - - London, Eng.

THE WESTERN, Toronto, Ont.

THE BRITISH AMERICAN, .... Toronto, Ont'

THE HARTFORD, ..... Hartford, Conn.

A CC1 1>K XT.



THE SUN MUTUAL LIFE - Montreal, Que.



THE NATIONAL LINE, - - - New York to Liverpool

THE ANCHOR LINE, - - - New York to Glasgow.

THE DOMINION LINK - - - Quebec to LiverpooL


Agency for J. & T. Taylor's Burglar and Fire-proof SatVs and Vault Doors. Rents collected and Estates supervised, etc., etc,

GEO. F. CARRUTHERS, Manager. Office Main street, Winnipeg, i doors north of the Post Office.


Builders i Contractors



EXjIISTIDS, ZMZOTTILIDIlr^rG-S, &C- Oflloe. Planing >l ilU. and Factory - - - - Water Street,


Branch Lumber Yards :




Sale and Feed Stables,

Opposite Temperance Hall,


The very best Rigs in the City. Fast and Safe Horses.


Careful Drivers when required. Charges Moderate,

Strangers coming to the City can depend upon being fairly dealt with.


Offers the best accommodation for Travellers and others,


Of Any Hotel in Winnipeg.

The Table, which is second to none, presents ever) variety the market affords.

The Bar is stocked with the choisest Wines, Liquors,

and Cigars.

The Finest (Billiard Hall in the City% SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN.

West & Stanley, Proprietors,



Office 2-/.0 Main Street.

w I x x I PEG.

Wood delivered to any part of the city or at the Com- pany's yard foot of Bannatyne Street. A large quantity of Superior

Dry Oak Wood

Always on hand, which will be sold cheap, and in quan- tities to suit purchasers.

Orders left at the Company'* Office receive prompt attention.

* * *

vfx^^^^ ^m^^^^ I



No. 8 and 10 Stalls, City Market, Winnipeg.


We keep at all times large and carefully selected supplies of Fresh and Canned Meats, Ham, Bacon, Poultry, Lard and Fish.


Wholesale and Steamboat orders receive prompt and careful

attention. Special to IMMIGRANTS. Don't buy your Working Cattle be- fore seeing our herd, which is the largest in the North- West.


Affiliated to University of Manitoba.

STAFF. Rev. George Bryce, M.A., L.L.B., Professor of Science and Literature.

Eev. Thomas Hart, M.A. Professor of Classics and French. Not yet appointed Elementary Tutor.


Eev. -Tames Eobertson (University of Toronto). Within the lasr 15 months College has sent up ten candidates to Preliminary Examination, three to previous, and one to Honor Science Examination for B.A. of University of Manitoba.

Six students during past year, pursued studies in Eastern Universities and Kingston Military College.

During past year ten students of College took teachers' certificates for Province.


Silver and Bronze Medals presented by the Governor-General : Bursary and Prize in II Form ; Bursary and Prize in I Form ; 2 Bursaries in Junior I (competi- tion in Sept.) ; 2 Bursaries on Entrance to Regular Forms, open to Public Schools of Province (competition in September).

Accommodation for 15 boarders.

For full information apply at College.

-£>-- S. E3^CLpe37- <2z Co.,



Hats & Caps, Furs, &c, &c.

Largest and best assortment in the City, and at lowest prices.

227 Main Street South, Winnipeg'. Manitoba.

Jas. McLexiaghexi,


"Wholesale and Retail Dealer in


MILLINERY, &c. &c.

Gentlemen's Clothing made on the premises. A perfect fit







C^fodefie^ rfovi^ion^, Ktc, Btd., 387 MAIN STREET, WINNIPEG.



Choice Family Groceries,


Flour and Feed,

Crockery, Etc, Etc.

Fresh Butter and Eggs Specialty. Free delivery to all parts of

the City.



Groceries, Flour, Provisions, Wines,


Immigrants' Supplies and Farmers' Produce a Specialty.

McINtyre & Mcculloch.




Importer & Wholesale Dealer in


348 Main, St., Winnipeg, Man.

Manitoba Distillery


Manufacturers of

Rye Wlii^key, 3Xalt A^liin^ey, Proof TVliis key, Pure Spirit*, .AJ.00I10I, etc,


Wine Merchants,

No. 14 Thistle Street,





Wholesale & Retail.

zlto. 201, ZMz^insr st., AA^i^rnsriFEO.


J-^nVLIES STIE]"W.A.:R,T, 183 Maim Street, Win ni/peg,


Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines,


And all articL - usually kept in a First-Clasa Drug store.

London Bakery - - - Established 1876.


Bread, Biscuits, Pastry, and Confectionery ;

Also a Full Line of

Family Groceries GL Provisions.

To bring the producer and the consumeras ible, i> Mill

the object of the London Baker. The public are cordially invited to an inspection

of my Stock .


431 Main Street.

Thos. Chapman,


Watches, Clocks and J ezc cilery. 327 Main Street , Winnipeg.



Dealer in Jewellerj .Optical Goods, Fancy Wares, Ac.

Agent for the International Wat,], Company,

and other Eastern Houses.

Goldsmith's Hall. \ MAm STREET WINNIPEG, Man. Opposite Court House, j



Main Street, Opposite Portage Avenue.

ESTABLISHED _____ 187--:. Always in stock the best English, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds.

J. H. Cameron & Co.

F 1 X E


Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Gaps in endless variety.


Main Street, (opposite the Court House,) Winnipeg.

A full assortment of Cloths, Tweeds, Vestings, etc., etc., of the best quality always in stock. Orders carefully attended to and promptly executed. Suits made in the very latest fashions, and got up in afirst-class style by A 1 workmen.


Merchant Tailor,




John Schultz,

Office, Main Street, Winnipeg,

Dealer in I:nrs cincl Recti ' listafe

Improved Farms and City Lots in Winnipeg and Selkirk

for Sale. Warehouses, Stores. IMvellings. and Levee Accommo- dation for Kent.

General Agent for Manitoba and N.W.T. of the




Real Estate Broker, [ssuer of Marriage Licenses, &e.

OFFICE— 19S Main-Street,, Opposite Methodist Church, Winnipeg. Manitoba.


(of OTTAWA,)


Cash paid for choice parcels of land well situated and dry. Purchase and »ale of Half-breed, .Minor, and land claims negotiated. Means have been obtained by whichmost reliable information concerning almost every section of the country can be given. Intending settlers will do well to call and have the new Government regula- tions, relating to Railwaj Reserve Lanus thoroughly explained to them, a.- well as to see a table giving each annual instalment as it falls due with the interest ;,dded, on whatever quantity of land may have been purchased. Among many articles requir- ed by them the followingcan be supplied at very Lowest figures : Lumber, doors, window frames, sashes, mouldings, &c. Native ponies, oxen, Ked Kiver carta and farming implements ol all kinds ; also a verv superior and cheapest fence wire in the market. A special rate of freight given from ail points. Correspondence invited and good agencies solicited. Office- -Room No. 12, Radiger's Block, Main St., Win- nipeg, Man. N.B. Hunting, engineering, and surveying outfits supplied.


Commission Merchant & Forwarder.

Freight forwarded to all points in the North-West


Main-Street— 2 Doors Xorth of Merchants' Bank. Agent for the Standard Lite Assurance Co'y. of Edinburgh, Ac.






Dealer in Scrip and Minor Claims, etc. The interests of parties at a distance wishing to buy or sell lands promptly and faithfully attended to. Money to loan at reasonable rates, upon good security. Weekly Sales of City property and farm lands. Sales of merchandise and household effects conducted on favorable terms.


City Auction Mart - - Established 1876.



Auctioneers and Appraisers,

Corner of Thistle and Main Streets, and nearly opposite the Post Office, Winnipeg, Manitoba,

Offer their services in town or country, in the above capacity. Parties disposing of the whole, or only a portion of their Real Estate, Farm Stock, or Household Effects will only be consulting their own interests by favoring us with their commands. CASH advanced on consignments for bona fide sale. Scrip bought and sold.

Manitoba Land Agents,


Offer for 3ale, on reasonable terms, 50,000 acres of Farming Lands, selected in the best settlements in the Province, in quantities to suit purchasers. Properties in the city of Winnipeg suitable either for business or private residences, always on hand. Scrip bought and sold. For list of lands and further particulars, address


James Flanagan & Co., Produce and Commission Merchants,


Flour, Feed, Grain and Provisions,

Wholesale and Retail.

Dealers in Coal and Wood of all kinds, in quantities to suit pur- chasers.




Auctioneers & Commission Merchants.

Bankrupt stocks bought. Cash advances made "ii consingments for bona tide sale. A large and varied stock >>! Clothing and Dry Goods always on hand. We defy com- petition, as we lmy only job lots and bankrupt stocks.

Auction sales conducted and returns made promptly in city and country.




Second Hand Furniture Store.

General Emigrant's Outfits, Furniture, Stoves, Tents, Wagon covers, Crockery,

Tinware, and in fact everything from a needle to an anchor.

Cheap, cheaper, cheapest store in Winnipeg.


Notre Dame Street, near Main street.

A. T. McNABB, Blacksmith.

The A No. 1 Horse Shoeing Shop. Corner of Main and Market 3treets, ^Winnipeg, yViANiTOEA.

Horses entrusted to my care will receive my careful attention, and be attended to by the most scientific workmen.

Horses stopped from forging and interfering. Sand Cracks and Corns treated on the most approved principles, and advice given on the treatment ol Hoia »'

Trotting and Running Horses shod with the latest improvements.

Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs and Cutters, made loonier in first-class style, from latest designs. Repairing and Jobbing done with neatness and despatch. All work will receive personal supervision.

A. T. McNABB, Proprietor.




roduce fy Commission ~\Jerchant.


Flour, Feed, Grain, Hides, Sheep Skins,

Radiger's Block, 350 & 352 Main Street.



d. h. McMillan, proprietor.

Dealer in Hour, grain, and feed. Specialty Patent Process Flour, guaranteed to give satisfaction.

Foot of (Post= Office = St., = Winnipeg, Man.



J. «Se I>. Sinclair,


P.S. Livery ami Feed Stables in connection.


FIRST STREET, Winnipeg, - Manitoba.






357 A 359 Main Streeet,


This house is furnished with all the necessaries of a first-class hotel. The Ear is supplied with choice wines, liquors, and cigars.

A first-class Billiard-Hall in connection with the house.

The situation is one of the finest in the city, being close to the principal business houses, Bank, Court House, and City Hall .

Good stable accomodation.





Cor. Portage Av»*. & 1st Street. Only Flrat-clase Hotel in City, - - 82.50 per I>aj.

With Hydraulic Elevator.

S. W. Fairfield,



Next to Express Office, Main-St., Winnipeg.

The Dollar-a-Day House.

The most comfortable home for travellers in the North-West.

Everything connected with the house first-class.

Table Board, $5 a week. Give him a calL

J. BITTERS, Proprietor.

Late Bless Caterer.)

Hercliants' Hotel,

Imported Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, COR. MAIN & PORTAGE AVE., - - WINNIPEG.

N.B. A private Billiard Parlor in connection with the house. Everything first-class.




C. (Prud'hi mme, = (Proprietor.

Powt-Ottiee Street near 'lain Street. Winnipeg, 'Ian. This house is situated in the most business part of the city, and can afford first-class accommodation to travellers. Livery stable in connection with the house




Best Shaving Parlor west of Chicago. Experienced workmen employed.

Bath Rooms fitted up with all the latest improvements.

Firestine's Imperial Hair Vigor, a sure article to remove dandruff, and impart a soft gloss to the hair, and prevent the premature decay so peculiar to the climate of tlm Nor'-West. The result of extended experiments, largely used during the last four years, and its value testified toby many residents of the Province.

Main Street, Winnipeg, opposite Telegraph Office.

B B N S ON & HA R V I E,


Teeth extracted positively without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas.

Artificial Teeth inserted from one to an entire set, on the Vulcanite Rubber or any other base now in use for Dental Plates.

The preservation of the natural teeth, by filling with gold and other reliable mater- ials, will, in Operative Dentistry, be made a specially.

The regulation and preservation of children's teeth will receive careful attention,

All work warranted.

$§TKooms <»ver Rocan's Block, north of Post Office, Main Street, Winnipeg.

:e. 3VEc0ojs:hl:fi.i:e2 «*s Co.,

ARCHITECTS, CIVIL ENGINEERS, BUILDING SURVEYORS. Architectural Engineering and Topographical Draughting, Illuminating and Engrossing.

Agents for Enamelled, Colored, Ribbed, Corrugated, Tinted, and Ground Window and Floor Glass ; Plain and Ornamental Tiles for Floors and Wall Decoration ; Terra Cotta Caps, Ridge Cresting, Chimney Pots, Are. ; Ornamental and Moulded Brick; Enamelled Slate Mantelpieces, Counter Tops. &c. ; Ornamental Zinc and Iron Work: Church Furniture and Decoration-: ; Iron and Steel Revolving Shutters.

We draw special attention to the new Patknt Minkral Wool for packing sides of houses. It is cheap, warm, durable and absolutely incombustible. 340 MAIN STREET, opposite Court House, Drawer 66, P.O., Winnipeg. -E. McCoskkie

Win- a partii i communicate with us please give, the following particulars : Nature of ground and size of lot Best to make a rough draft of lot, with points of compass, and direction in which building is to face, and where it is to be placed. .Materials to be used in construction wood, brick, veneer or stone Whether yo wish to supply any materials, and if so, what quantities and kinds. Size, height, arrangements, numbers and uses of rooms and floors. Style and amount of outside finish porches, verandahs, balconies, bay windows, tower, Ac. Outbuildings and offices, and distance of same from main building: also, fences. What im provements are wished rain water system, drainage, heating, ventilation, baths, W.C's. Ac. Prices of labor and material in your locality. Give full name and address, with nearest P.O.

Architect Superintendent,


Being the only legitimately trained Architect in Manitoba, with over 16 years' practice, I claim to be in a position to give better work for fair pay than can be ob- tained elsewhere.

The following buildings are from my designs : Knox Presbyterian Church, Hon, Hudson's Pay Company's General Offices, Hon. Hudson'-, Pay Company's Lauds Office, the Pigy's Block, double tenement semi-detached Villa for V. V. Blunchard, Esq., "Residence for the late F. E. Cornish, Esq, Residence for Hon. A. G. B. Ban- natyne (cottage), "Residence for A. H. Whitcher, Esq., "Residence for It. H. Hun- ter, Esq. . * These were not superintended by me.


/. W. HARRIS. D.LS.&C./:.

Dominion I. ami Surveyor. Civil Engineer, Valuator for the i'ity oi \\ imii|M u. etc.

Offices in City Hall and at Residence north aide, Market Square, Winnipeg, Manitoba,

Farming Lauds in various parts <>f the Province : ;m<l Town Lots in Winnipeg, Emerson and Alexandria for sale.




OFFICE Nil 17 Post Office Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba.


Mr. Mc Phillips' long experience on Government, City and other surveys, enables

him to perform surveys and make plans promptly and correctly, at the smallest possible

cost. All orders sent by mail promptly attended I . therwise

arranged previous to performance of work.

THOS. WAITS, C. E., fA^dhitect knd Civil Kngineef,


Barristers, Attorneys, Solicitors, etc.

OFFICE Over Parsons & Richardson's on cornel adjoining P . Main

Street, Winnipeg. Money to loan on good mortgage security.





OFFICE Xext door north of I'owt office, Winnipeg



Sain Street - - - Winnipeg-, Manitoba.

A Commissioner in B. R. for Ontario.



Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. JOHN F. BAIN. SEDLEY BLANCHARD,



169 Main Street - - Winnipeg.

PHYSIOIA1TS &c STJH;GEOIsrS, Office, Thistle Street, near Main Street,


33 O C T O ZFt OODD,


Office Over the Apothecaries Hall, 237 Main Street. Residence 200 Second Street.


Pl|iltliif |urge0nt j|fat (Etc.,

CORONER FOR PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Office and Residence, No. 58, Bannatyne St., Winnipeg, Man.



241, Main Street, Winnipeg, Max.



3MSiS MT3 WllMSil

9 IS

The Leading Newspaper of Manitoba,

Having mure than double the circulation of all other papers in the Province combined.


Through which to reach the People of Manitoba,

A Nil

The best Newspaper to read to gain information about the Prairie


SUBSCRIPTION RATES Weekly. 82.50 per year: Daily, 25 cte. per week. Advance payment.

Advertising Rates furnished upon application


P uMi&h ers. HEAD OFFICE— Manitoba Free Press Building. BRANCH OFFICE— 2 doors north of the Post Office, Main Street, Winnipeg.



JBooh mnd Ifnh Primtim^ Mouse Is Prepared to do all kinds of

raAm.&ua* ravjUBBRU nnrenra

Of every description, on reasonable terms.

Specially for the printing of Blanks and Forms of all descriptions and in both lan» guages for the Court of Queen's Bench, County Courts, for Conveyancers, etc.


Is the only paper in the French language published in the North-West ; being ex- tensively received by the French speaking population of this Province and of the Ter- ritories, it cannot fail to materially increase any business which is advertised in the same.

The paper is issued every lawful Thursday, at St. Boniface, opposite Winnipeg, by the

Canadian Printing Company of Manitoba,

The patronage of the friends and of the public at large is respectfully solicited,

St. Boniface - - 3JEanitol>a,

JULY, 1879.



A Weekly Newspaper published in Winnipeg.

$2.50 per annum.

Oldest Established 'fouriia I in the North- West.

Every description of Job Work executed neatly, promptly, and at moderate prices.

Advertising- rates and all further information can be obtained from



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