mm Wim-'^\- m fi TRANSEAU. SAMPSON &TIFFANY MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. Received Oct. 24. 19 4Q.. Accession No. 525o5 Given by Harper & B r o s • . Place, New York City ***]^o book OP pamphlet is to be removed from the Iiab*- ofatopy taithout the permission of the Trustees. CO TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Plate I Above: Alpine tundra, Grand Teton Mountains, W'voming. Photo by L. R. Wilson, Coe College. Beloic: "Red snow" and alpine tundra, Mt. Rainier, Washington. Photo by W. H. Camp, New York Botanical Garden. TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY E. N. TRANSEAU H. C. SAMPSON Professor of Botany Professor of Botany Ohio State Uiiwersity Ohio State University L. H. TIFFANY Professor oj Botany Northwestern University <><><^C><><><>C>C>e-^^ HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS NEW YORK LONDON TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Copyright, 1940, by Harper 6- Brothers Printed in the United States of America All rights in this hook are reserved. No part of the hook may' be reproduced in any manner ichatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and revietvs. For information address Harper ir Brothers FIRST EDITION CONTENTS <><>c><^<><^><><^><£K^<^><^^ Preface vii I. Plant Science 1 II. The Parts of Plants 10 III. Learning to Name Plants 18 IV. Seasonal Aspects of Plants 26 V. Local Plant Communities 40 VI. Points of View in the Interpretation of Plant Behavior 50 VII. Cells as Biological Units 59 VIII. The Tissue System of Leaves 68 IX. Environment and Leaf Development 79 X. Hereditary Differences in Leaves 84 XI. A Bit of Useful Chemistry 95 XII. The Food of Plants 101 XIII. Food Manufacture: The Synthesis of Sugar — Photosynthesis 108 XIV. Food Manufacture: Factors Influencing the Rate OF Photosynthesis 115 XV. Food Manufacture: Synthesis of Starches 129 XVI. Food Manufacture: Synthesis of Fats and Proteins 138 XVII. Uses of Food in Plants: Respiration 149 XVIII. Uses of Food in Plants: Respiration and Plant Development 160 XIX. Uses of Foods: Substances Made From Foods 168 XX. Some Biological Relations of Green Plants 180 XXI. Interrelations of the Parts of a Plant 188 XXII. Physical Processes Involved in the Movement of Materials in Plants 195 XXIII. Plant Behavior Related to Osmosis 209 XXIV. The Loss of Water Vapor From Plants: Transpiration 221 0^tJOt3 vi CONTENTS XXV. Transpiration Affects Plant Development and Distribution 233 XXVI. Forms and External Features of Stems 245 XXVII. General Regions and Processes in Stems 262 XXVIII. Tissues and Processes in Stems 278 XXIX. Roots: Development and Structures 294 XXX. Roots: Processes and Soil Relations 315 XXXI. Initiation of Fowers 333 XXXII. Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds 351 XXXIII. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 371 XXXIV. Growth, Dormancy, and Germination of Seeds 387 XXXV. Vegetative Multiplication of Flowering Plants 400 XXXVI. Origin of Plants Used by Man 423 XXXVII. Heredity in Plants 438 XXXVIII. Cross-Fertilization and Hybrid Segregation 458 XXXIX. Mutations 474 XL. Types of Variations and Diversity of Organisms 490 XLI. Non-Green Plants 504 XLII. The Biology of Bacteria 515 XLIII, Bacteria of the Soil 531 XLIV. The Fungi 541 XLV. Plant Diseases 567 XLVI. Under-Water Environments 587 XLVII. The Algae 606 XLVIII. Mosses and Liverworts 638 XLIX. Ferns, Club Mosses, and Equisetums 656 L. The Seed Plants 678 LI. Some Families of Flowering Plants 693 LII. Plants of the Past 719 LIII. The \'egetation of North America 740 Index 797 PREFACE <><><><^<><><^<><><^<£><><>€><^<^^ CHAPTER I PLANT SCIENCE Every animal is in some way dependent upon plants every moment of its life. One may well begin the studv of botany by inquiring into the ways in which man and other animals of his own community are de- pendent upon plants and plant products, or are otherwise influenced by plants. This local survey may be extended into other communities and geographic regions. If the inquiry is also projected into historic and pre- historic records one may learn how plants and a knowledge of plants have played a significant and at times a decisive role in the advance and decline of civilizations in many parts of the world. Everywhere man and other animals use plants directly as food, or eat other animals that feed on plants. Directly or indirectly all animals are dependent upon plants as the source of food. During the growth of the animal a part of this food is transformed by physiological processes into the substances of which the body is composed. A larger part of it is oxidized within the tissues of the animal, and energy is liberated. As a result of this liberated energ\' the temperature of the bodv of the animal is often maintained above that of its surroundings, and the animal is also able to move about and to do other kinds of work. Through the burning of such plant derivatives as wood, coal, petro- leum and gas in furnaces or engines man secures light, heat, electricity, and mechanical energv by which he has been able to modify his immedi- ate environment, supplement his own ability to move about, and trans- port materials and supplies wherever they are needed or desired. These two products of green plants — food substances and chemically bound energy — are indispensable to all living organisms. There are also certain substances derived from plants which are essen- tial to the health and well-being of all animals — for example, the vitamins and mineral elements bound in organic compounds. With the progress of civilization many other plant products have be- come indispensable or at least highly desirable. From plants we obtain the materials of which most of our houses are built, finished, and fur- 1 2 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY nished. Much of our clothing is made from plant fibers. Paper and rubber made from plant products have increased our means of communication and transportation. Many of our beverages and some of our important medicines contain plant derivatives. A large part of the population earns a living by supplying itself and the rest of society with plant parts or plant products. Certain of the larger plants are used to beautify our homes, to decorate the landscape, and in other ways to add to the enjoyment of living. We use trees to protect us from intense heat and light. Forested areas have become the centers of many forms of sport and recreation. They are also continuous sources of cover and food to countless animals both large and small. Plants not only hold the soil against erosion by wind and water, but they improve its texture and composition; and myriad microscopic plants contribute to its fertility. But the relation of plants to animals is not wholly beneficent. Weeds, for example, may decrease the yield of crops and increase the labor of cultivating them. Many plants contain toxic and irritating substances that cause suflFering, illness, or the death of human beings and other animals. Certain microscopic plants may invade the tissues of the animal body and lead to disease and death. Others cause diseases and destruction of the larger plants, and still others grow on commercial food products in shipment and storage and lessen their value or destroy them. Such plants test the ingenuity of every generation of human beings to devise means of avoiding, controlling, or eradicating them. The value of plant science to society has been increasingly appreciated as knowledge of plants has advanced. The farmer who plants a field; the orchardist who attempts to secure a crop of fruits; the florist who seeks the production of ornamental plants and flowers; the forester who tries to obtain a profitable yield of timber on a tract of land; the gardener who supplies our markets with edible and succulent leaves, stems, and roots; industriahsts who seek to find new sources and new forms of plant prod- ucts to meet our social needs; and the conservationists who strive to preserve our soils from wind and water erosion and to rescue our disap- pearing fish and game animals — all these find themselves confronted by an often bewildering array of problems that lie within the field of plant science, or botany. Many of these problems have been solved by a study of the structures, the chemical composition, the physiological processes, the heredity, and [Chap. I PLANT SCIENCE 3 the life histories of plants; or by a study of plants in relation to soil and climatic conditions. Other problems have been solved through the dis- covery of facts about the growth of bacteria and fungi, their various effects on the growth of other organisms, and the means of controlling their development. Numerous unsoKed problems remain. That societv recognizes the need of continued and far-reaching research with plants is attested by its maintenance of forest and agricultural research stations in every country and in nearly every state and province throughout the world. Through the years these institutions have provided an increasinglv im- portant addition to research by teachers and graduate students in col- leges and universities. As a result of these investigations each generation has an increased wealth of botanical knowledge available for both per- sonal and social needs. Through instruction one may readilv learn how to select and apply a portion of this accumulated knowledge. Thus far we have stressed the importance of plants and of the science of plants mainly in relation to human economics, occupations, health, and the survival of all animals. The general desire of man to know and interpret his environment and to speculate about himself and his environ- ment must also be emphasized here. Plants are a conspicuous and impor- tant part of that environment. In addition to the interrelations of plants and animals there are many important relations among plants them- selves, between plants and their phvsical environments, and between the parts of each individual plant. These interrelations have been and still are interpreted on the basis of several diverse assumptions ranging from magic to science. Throughout the ages some of these interpreta- tions, whether obtained in the classroom or elsewhere, whether correct or incorrect, have become a part of the general outlook and culture of everyone. A study of plants as part of a general education would be quite inadequate unless it included interpretations of these interrelations based on present scientific knowledge and method. In the chapters that follow we shall find that an understanding of these interrelations on the basis of evidence is not only a matter of personal interest, but one that is both desirable and necessary for the welfare of society. What is a plant? When we pull weeds in a garden, mow the grass on a lawn, enjoy the shrubs and trees in parks and forests, we readily recog- nize these living organisms as plants. Stale bread and fruit may be cov- ered with mold ( Fig. 1 ) . We have all seen otlier fimgi ( Fig. 2 ) in the form of mushrooms in fields and woods. The surfaces of ponds and moist TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 1. A common mold on a bunch of grapes. Photo from U. S. Department of Agriculture. Fig. 2. One of the common edible mushrooms {Coprinus). Photo from W. G. Stover. [Chap. I PLANT SCIENCE Fig. 3. Brown seaweeds (Algae) at low tide. New York Harbor. Photo from New York Botanical Garden. soil at times become green with "pond scums" — microscopic plants that may be distinguished as al^ae ( Fig. 3 ) . Those who have visited the sea- shore are familiar with "seaweeds," which are other and larger kinds of algae. Tree trunks and rocks that have long been exposed to the weather are often partially covered by gray-green or highly colored patches of lichens ( Fig. 4 ) . Everyone who even occasionally strolls on forest trails distinguishes some of the mosses (Fig. 5) and ferns (Fig. 6). Much of the decay of plant and animal products, and many of the diseases of both plants and animals are due to the presence of bacteria ( Fig. 7). All these organisms are plants. On first thought it may seem rather easy to answer the question: What is a plant? But one may be thinking only of such plants as trees, shrubs, and herbs. When we include in our survey mosses, algae, fungi, and bacteria, the observable differences among plants are often far more strik- ing than those between certain plants and certain animals. This fact makes it surprisingly difficult to list any group of qualities that are char- acteristic of plants alone. Similarity of plants and animals. The larger plants differ from the TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 4. Lichens growing on a vertical rock face. Photo by C. H. Jones. larger animals in so many ways that they not only are readily distin- guished but are commonly thought to be quite unrelated. To suggest that horses and trees have certain characteristics in common may seem ab- surd. But students of plant and animal life have found that many of the processes in plants and animals are either identical or essentially similar if the basis of comparison is limited to certain fundamental features. Among the microscopic organisms are many that resemble animals quite as much as they resemble plants, and it would be futile to try to classify them strictly in either category. The biological sciences. Knowledge that pertains to plants or animals or to both is called biology. The range of biological information that has accumulated through the centuries — but more especially during the last hundred years — is now so extensive that no one person is entitled to be [Chap. I PLANT SCIENCE Fig. 5. A mat of moss plants {Hijpnmn) on a decaying log. Several "mushrooms" are also present. Photo by E. S. Thomas, Ohio State Museum. called a biologist in the sense that he is a master of the whole field. The facts and principles that have been or may be derived from the study of plants are called botany, and the knowledge similarly gained from the study of animals constitutes zoology. Because of the great number and diversity of forms and life relations among both plants and animals, botanists and zoologists have difficulty in viewing their subjects as wholes. Hence most botanists have become especially interested in some one or only a few of the many phases of the subject, such as the classification of plants, their physiology, their structures, life histories, diseases, heredity, geography, or geological his- tory. This specialization of botanists has certain advantages in research and in practice. However, the behavior of plants, in tlie broadest sense, involves the interaction of all these phases of plant life. Hence in the interpretation of plant phenomena botanists are forced to seek an ever- increasing background of biological, physical, and chemical knowledge. In a general study of plants we shall be concerned not with the special phases of the subject, but with that general background which experience TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 6. Polypody fern on a cliff edge. Photo by C. H. Jones. Fig. 7. A, photograph of masses or colonies of bacteria that have grown on agar in a petri dish; B, bacteria of fire blight from a similar culture when magnified about 2000 times. [Chap. 1 PLANT SCIENCE 9 seems to indicate is most worth while to anyone. We may begin our study as indicated at the beginning of this chapter, or we may prefer to go into the field and learn to distinguish plants from other objects in our environment. The plants growing all about us are just as important ob- jects of study where they grow as are the materials carried to the labora- tory, and they may be studied much more frequently and leisurely. In Chapters II to VI several other approaches to the study of plants are suggested; any of tliem may be preferred to the ones suggested in this chapter. CHAPTER II THE PARTS OF PLANTS <><><^c><><^e><><^<^^ The principal parts, or organs, of the more famihar seed-bearing plants may be distinguished in a bean plant as it develops from the seed that is planted to the seeds that are harvested. This life cycle from seed to seed — one entire generation of the bean plant — may be completed in a few weeks. From a study of the diagrams in Figs. 8 and 9 the complete life cycle of a bean plant may be visualized. Within the seed coat is an embryo consisting of a short stalk (the hypocotyl) and a pair of very large, thick, leaf -like structures (the cotyledons) which are at the first node. At the apex of the hypocotyl is a terminal bud (the plumule), and at the other end is a root tip from which the primary root develops. Two or three days after the seed is planted, the primary root begins to elongate. It breaks through the seed coat and penetrates into the soil. From the primary root lateral roots grow more or less horizontally. The young plant is now firmly anchored, and the rapid growth of the hy- pocotvl lifts the cotyledons well above the soil surface. As the cotyledons increase slightly in size the broken seed coats fall away. From the plumule a stem bearing leaves begins to develop. A lateral bud soon becomes visible in the axil of each leaf. Each bud con- sists of a stem tip bearing embryonic leaves. The first true leaves that develop at the second node of this stem are simple, opposite, and heart- shaped. From the terminal bud another stem segment ( intemode -\- 3rd node ) grows, and from this third node only one leaf forms — this time a leaf of three leaflets. Growth in height continues by the development of additional stem intemodes and new leaves at the nodes until 5 or 6 leaves are formed. In the meantime, leaf-bearing branches may also be developing from the lower lateral buds. These three distinct parts — the roots, the stems, and the leaves — constitute the vegetative organs of the plant. Internally they are all interconnected by veins, or vascular bundles (Fig. 10). Usually after the formation of leaf-bearing branches, another type of 10 [Chap. II THE PARTS OF PLANTS 11 Fig. 8. Embryo and early stages in the development of a bean plant. branch appears bearing flowers. Within a few days a pod, or fruit, begins to develop from the pistil of the flower. As the pod increases in size, seeds develop within it and soon enlarge to the size of the seed that was planted. When the seeds are mature the life cycle of the bean plant is complete. The flowers, fruits, and seeds are often spoken of as the repro- ductive organs of the plant in contrast to the vegetative body made up of roots, stems, and leaves. The major part of the various processes in- volved in food manufacture takes place in the vegetative organs. Other processes in reproductive structures result in the formation of seeds. Each 12 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY FLOWER PISTIL OF FLOWER YOUNO FRUIT OLDER FRUIT LEAFLET OF TRIFOLIATE LEAF FIRST PAIR OF LEAVES STEM COTYLEDON SCAR Fig. 9. Stem of older bean plant with leaves and flowers, and with fruits (pods) of various ages from the pistil. The seeds are borne within the fruit. complete cycle from seed to seed may also be called a generation. Every generation of a seed plant is in general a repetition of the same orderly sequence of vegetative structures followed by reproductive structures. From past experiences you probably have formed general ideas of these several parts of plants. But if these ideas are vague they will not be useful in either reading or discussion. To regard a leaf merely as the part that is green, a root as the part in the ground, and a seed as what one plants is quite inadequate. If enough plants are examined it will be discovered that any of these organs may be green, any of them may be found underground, and all of them are planted by man. A stroll on the [Chap. II THE PARTS OF PLANTS 13 TERMINAL BUD LEAF BLADE AXILLARY BUD PETIOLE ROOT HAIRS ROOT CAP GROWING POINT Fig. 10. Some external and internal structures of plants. campus or in nearby gardens and conservatories for the purpose of learn- ing to distinguish the parts of plants will be much more profitable than a search for technical book definitions. Roots, for example, are usually thought of as cylindrical, more or less 14 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY tapering, underground structures. From observations of tropical plants in conservatories, of mature vines grov^^ing on walls, and of mature corn plants in a field one will learn that roots are not always underground. Stems are still more variable in form. They usually are aerial cylindrical structures, but some also develop below the soil surface and may become greatlv thickened like the tuber of Irish potato. Among the lateral out- growths of stems are the leaves. Only in a few plants will leaves be found originating from other organs. There are myriad forms of leaves, but generally they are flat organs with a very large surface compared with their weight. Those above the surface of the soil are usually green during at least a part of the year. Beginning with such general ideas, one may readilv build more accurate and usable concepts of these organs through further personal observations. Flowers are of every size from a twentieth of an inch to thirty inches in diameter, and of every color, often of superb and startling mixtures of colors. Usually flowers are easily recognized, but careful observation is needed to decide what is the flower in the flowering dogwood, Indian paintbrush, calla lilly, jack-in-the-pulpit, snowball, poinsettia, and hy- drangea. Brightly colored parts are not found exclusively in flowers. Nor are flowers always brightly colored, as may be discovered by examining flowers of grasses, sedges, and several kinds of trees. Fruits usually develop from the pistils or from the pistils and adjoining parts of flowers. The name fruit is applied to a great variety of structures, such as the dry fruits of the grasses, and "sticktights," as well as the suc- culent berries of the grape and tomato, the fleshy apples and pears, the pumpkins and melons, the firm green fruits of the walnut, and of osage orange. To obtain some notion of the remarkable variety of fruits it is best to observe the transition from flowers to fruits on many kinds of plants at any time such observations can be made in the field or greenhouse. Seeds develop from certain structures in the pistil of the flower and are borne inside the fruit. They may be very minute; they rarely exceed a few inches in length. Their most general characteristic is the presence of a firm coat or shell surrounding an embryo plant from which an adult plant may develop more or less like the plant on which the seed was borne. Length of vegetative period. The bean plant matures in a few weeks; that is, the formation of reproductive organs takes place after a rela- tively short vegetative period. The vegetative period of plants may be [Chap. 11 THE PARTS OF PLANTS 15 either long or short; it depends both on the kind of plant and on the en- vironment. Some of the autumn flowering plants start from seeds in the spring. Some grasses, clovers, primroses, and carrots start from seeds in late summer and remain in the vegetative condition until the second summer. The so-called century plant grows vegetatively 20 to 30 years before it bears flowers, fruits, and seeds. Woody plants grow vegetatively from a few to many years, and then for many succeeding years reproduce during each growing season. In later chapters it will be shown how the vegetative period of a plant may be lengthened or shortened b\' such external factors as light, temperature, moisture, and soil salts. <3q 6^&j6 Fig. 11. The duckweeds are the smallest of the flowering plants: A, Wolffia Columbiana; B, Lemna minor; C, L. trisulca, and D, Spirodela pohjrhiza, natural size; E, Wolffia, enlarged; F, flowers of L. trisulca on floating plants, natural size; G, a flower of L. minor, much enlarged. F and G drawn from photographs by W. H. Camp and L. E. Hicks. We have referred thus far only to the more familiar seed-bearing plants, most of which have the six principal plant organs in one form or another. Some seed plants lack one or more of these organs. Some of the duckweeds have a small globose body with no distinction of root, stem, or leaf; others have a flattened body with a well-formed simple root; all of them have flowers, fruits and seeds (Fig. 11). The well- known Spanish "moss" of the South lacks roots. Many cacti are notable for the absence of leaves (Fig. 12). In some plants, such as the dandelion and the common plantain, the stem is merely a small flattened cone at the top of the root. The tropical parasitic plant, Rafflesia, has neither roots nor leaves — just a short stem, a flower, a fruit, and seeds ( Fig. 13 ) . Ferns have roots, stems, and leaves but no flowers, fruits, or seeds. Fig. 12. The stems ot the giant cactus do not bear leaves. Some of the shrubs in this desert scene have leaves only during rainy periods. Photo by U. S. Forest Service. Fig. 13. A flower and buds of Raffiesia, a root-parasite in the East Indies. The species pictured above occurs in the Philippines. A species in Sumatra closely resembles it in form and habit and has flowers three feet in diameter. Photo from Phihppine Bureau of Science. [Chap. II THE PARTS OF PLANTS 17 The pond scums and seaweeds (algae) have none of these organs, and certainly there are no organs closely resembling them among the fungi. It is evident that none of these organs is essential to plant life, but they are generally present in seed-bearing plants. As we shall see later, cer- tain fundamental processes are usually associated with each of them but are not necessarily limited to them. CHAPTER III LEARNING TO NAME PLANTS <><^<><><><3>C><>00<>^^ We shall not get very far in the study of plants without studying them in the field and greenhouse. In order to observe and discuss plants in- telligently, we must have appropriate names for them. Many common plants have local names which may suffice for ordinary conversation. But the names applied in one community may be different from those in another. Furthemiore, the same name is often used for quite different plants in other localities. Many other plants lack common names. To overcome these difficulties scientific names have been given to all the known species of plants, and by agreement these names are used and understood by botanists everywhere. Botanists have recognized and named more than a quarter of a million species of plants. As a beginning it will be sufficient to know some of the local seed-bearing plants. Many plants can be recognized readily by their leaf and stem characters; recognition of others may require a knowledge of the flowers and fruits in addition. Names of plants may be obtained from others who know them or from published "keys." To make the simplest keys or to use those made by others, it is necessary to ex- amine the external features of leaves and stems and become acquainted with the terms that are applied to their parts, forms, and arrangements. The parts of a leaf. If one examines a leaf, such as that of Japanese quince, it is evident that it consists of a broad, thin blade, a narrow cylindrical petiole, and at the base of the petiole a pair of small ap- pendages, the stipules. A leaf consisting of these three parts is frequently called a complete leaf. The primary parts of a complete leaf, then, are the blade, petiole, and stipules (Fig. 14). The stipules are usually small structures; but some of them, such as those of pansy, Japanese quince, and garden pea, are large and blade- like. Those of buckwheat and smartweed are sheaths surrounding the stem for some distance above the point of attachment. Stipules of the greenbrier are tendrils, and those of the black locust are spines. 18 [Chap. Ill LEARNING TO NAME PLANTS 19 Some leaves have no apparent petioles and are described as sessile. The leaves of many grasses, such as those of oats, wheat, and bluegrass, have neither petioles nor stipules; the blades are attached to the stem by a sheath which may be long or short. At the top of the sheath is a collar- like extension called the ligule. The ligule of the bamboo and certain other grasses may consist merely of several long bristles. Fig. 14. Diagrams of some parts of leaves. A, blade, petiole, and stipules of apple leaf; B, stem of pea bearing leaves composed of two large stipules, leaflets, and a terminal tendril; C, sessile leaves of zinnia; D, blade, ligule, and sheath of a grass leaf. The needle leaves of such trees as pines and spruces appear super- ficially to be quite unlike those of broad-leaved trees. The leaves of pines and larches are in clusters, or fascicles, at the end of short dwarf branches. Spruce, fir, and hemlock have solitary leaves. The leaves of arbor vitae are small scales oppositely arranged on the stem. The veins. The most conspicuous structures of an elm leaf are the veins. The large vein near the middle of the blade is the inidrib. In a maple leaf there are several prominent veins which are called the prin- cipal veins. In general, the smaller veins form a network and unite with larger veins, which in turn connect with the midrib or the principal 20 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY veins. These larger veins are smallest at the apex and margin of the leaf and gradually become larger toward the middle and base of the blade. Fig. 15. Arrangement of the larger veins. The leaves of magnolia (A) and tulip- tree (B) exemplify pinnate venation; red bud (C) and black maple (D), palmate venation. Veins may also be parallel as in the bamboo (F) or dichotomous as in the ginkgo (E). From drawings by C. H. Otis, Mrs. A. E. Hoyle, and C. J. Cham- berlain. Fig. E from Textbook of Botany (Coulter, Barnes, and Cowles), Amer. Bk. Co. Fig. 16. The leaves of bitternut hickory and clammy locust are pinnately com- pound (A-B). Those of Aralia and horse chestnut are palmately compound (C-D). From drawings by Mrs. A. E. Hoyle and E. B. Wittlake. The arrangement of the veins of a leaf is termed venation. There are four general arrangements of the principal veins in leaves that are easily [Chap. Ill LEARNING TO NAME PLANTS 21 recognized (Fig. 15). Leaves of oats and other grasses have parallel venation, the veins extending more or less parallel from base to apex. Many ferns and the curious ginkgo tree have leaves with forked or dichotomous venation; that is, each vein divides at intervals into two smaller veins of equal size. When the secondary veins extend from the midrib like the divisions of a feather, as in the leaves of elm, the venation is said to be pinnate. In the maple leaf, however, the principal veins extend from the petiole near the base of the blade, roughly simulating the bones in our hands. This type of venation is palmate. Simple and compound leaves. Every leaf consisting of one continuous blade only is known as a simple leaf. A compoimd leaf such as that of the rose consists of several leaflets. If the leaflets are joined to the end of the petiole, as are those of the horse chestnut, the leaf is described as palmately compound. When a compound leaf is composed of leaflets joined to the sides of the central axis of the leaf (the rachis), it is termed pinnately compound ( Fig. 16 ) . The leaflets in a compound leaf may be odd or even in number. Compound and simple leaves are usually readily distinguished, but some divided simple leaves closely resemble those commonly described as compound. Such leaves as those of tomato and potato which have deeply divided blades can scarcely be distinguished from compound leaves. In fact, there is apparently every gradation between simple undi- vided leaves and distinctly compound leaves. A bud may be found in the axil of each leaf of broad-leaved trees and shrubs, but there are no buds in the axils of leaflets. Leaf form. The shape of a leaf is usually rather characteristic of a species, and the form of the apex and the base of the blade may be dis- tinctive. Leaves may also have characteristic edges, or margins. Some of the common teiTns used to describe leaves are illustrated in Fig. 17. Arrangement of leaves on stems. Leaves usually have definite arrange- ments on the stem. On willow twigs the leaves are alternately and spirally arranged. There is a single leaf at each node, and a line drawn through the successive points of attachment forms a spiral about the stem (Fig. 18). The leaves of maple occur two at a node on opposite sides of the stem and exemplify the opposite arrangement. The plane of attachment of each successive pair of leaves is at right angles to that of the leaves immediately above and below. The catalpa twigs have three leaves at a node arranged radially. This arrangement is termed whorled or cyclic. 22 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 17. Forms of leaves. Upper row — forms of leaf blades: A, linear; B, lanceo- late; C, spatulate; D, ovate; E, obovate; F, oblong; G, cordate; H, orbiculate; I, peltate. Second row — forms of leaf margins: A, entire; B, serrate; C, doubly serrate; D, dentate; E, crenate; F, undulate; G, pinnately lobed; H, palmately lobed. Third row — forms of apexes of blades: A, acute; B, acuminate; G, obtuse; D, aristate; E, mucronate; F, refuse; G, truncate. Lower row — forms of bases of blades: H, rounded; I, equally lobed; J, obliquely lobed; K, acute; L, acuminate; M, sagittate; N, hastate. There are several types of spiral arrangement of alternate leaves. If the spiral runs halfway round the stem in passing from one node to the next, as in elm or corn, the arrangement is described as 1/2 alternate. This arrangement is called two-ranked because the points of attachment of the leaves appear in two ranks, one on either side of the stem when the stem is viewed endwise. If leaves are attached at angles of 120° — [Chop, in LEARNING TO NAME PLANTS 23 Fig. 18. Diagram of leaf arrangement on stems, as seen from above and from the side. A, oppositely arranged leaves; B-D, alternately arranged leaves. B, the one- half, or two-ranked, arrangement; C, the one-third, or three-ranked, arrangement; D, the two-fifths, or five-ranked, arrangement. that is, the spiral passes through 3 nodes before completing a cycle and the fourth leaf -base is directly ov er the first — thev are said to have the 1/3 alternate arrangement. These leaves occur in three ranks on the stem. This arrangement is best seen in the sedges. Many trees have a more complicated leaf alignment. A spiral drawn around the stem from one bud to another directly below it passes through 5 nodes and twice around the stem; the sixth bud is directly below the first bud. This arrangement is called the 2/5 alternate type. Still other leaf and scale arrangements may be found, such as 3/8, 5/13, 8/21. The 24 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY numerator of any fraction in the series is equal to the sum of the two preceding numerators. The same relationship holds for the denominators. These arrangements of leaves are not invariable. Owing to the influ- ence of light on the growth of stems and leaves that are not equally illu- minated on all sides, the stems become twisted and the arrangements are altered. Other stem characters. Certain other stem characters are often used to identify trees and shrubs. Since a htid is present in the axil of each leaf of most deciduous trees and shrubs, bud arrangement is a useful character in the dormant season when there are no leaves on the stems. Buds differ in size and form in different species. Their outer scales may be smooth or hairy. Leaf scars, which are left when the leaves have fallen, also have rather definite shapes and patterns. The outer covering or bark of a twig may be green or gray or brown, and various other descriptive terms are applied to its surface, such as smooth or rough, ridged or wartv. In a few instances the color and form of the pith may be distinctive. Keys to plants based on vegetative characters. If we examine a maple tree we notice that its leaves are simple, lobed, palmatelv veined, and oppositely arranged on the stem. No other trees in North America have all four of these characters. The eastern hemlocks have short-petioled, needle-like flattened leaves with white lines on the under surface. When characters such as these are definitelv assorted and grouped so that by careful reading and comparison with the specimen in hand we may deter- mine the name of the plant, we have v/hat is known as a key. Many keys have been published for the plants of local, state, and national regions. Local keys are usually more convenient because the number of plants included is smaller. For the beginner those based on such external characters of leaves and stems as are outlined above are most useful; moreover, thev are quite adequate for the identification of most trees and shrubs.^ Keys are often based on the forms and detailed structures of flowers, fruits, and seeds; such kevs are necessary to identify many of the common herbs. Keys based on both vegetative and repro- ductive characters are more difficult to use since they imply considerable knowledge of structures and terminology. Species and genus. No one expects anything but an oak tree to develop from an acorn, or anything but a hickory tree from a hickory nut. To go ^ Every student should find the most convenient keys to the trees, shrubs, and herbs of his region. There are many keys available that cover limited areas. These have been published by agricultural experiment stations, museums, state academies of science, and various other institutions. [Chap. Ill LEARNING TO NAME PLANTS 25 a step farther, when white-oak acorns are planted the individual trees that develop are normally all white oaks like the parent trees. These individual white oaks all belong to a single species. Similarly black oaks develop from the acorns of black-oak trees, and only yellow oaks grow from yellow-oak acorns. Species that have many fundamental characters in common are grouped together as a genus (plural genera). We do this in common speech when we speak of the "oaks," and we identify the species when we say this is a white oak or a black oak. Botanists long ago began the use of Latin names in order to avoid the confusion arising from the fact that common names applied to the same plant in different localities differ widely, and the impossibility of learning these common names in several hundred languages. The Roman name of the oak is Quercus and the Latin word for white is alba; hence the name chosen for white oak is Quercus alba. All oaks belong to the genus Quercus, and for each species a second name is chosen by the author who first describes the species; by agreement subsequent authors use this same name. This is a great convenience, for students of all countries can use the same lan- guage when referring to the names of plants. These names have come into such general acceptance in all scientific writings that they are often spoken of as "scientific names" in contrast to the "common names" which may vary in every locality and country. REFERENCE Hitchcock, A. S. Methods of Descriptive Systematic Botany. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1925. (Special references to plant floras adapted to particular regions are too numerous to list. See footnote, p. 24, of this chapter.) CHAPTER IV SEASONAL ASPECTS OF PLANTS The succession of the seasons and the changes in plants and landscapes associated with them are familiar to everyone who has lived in the tem- perate zone. Even in the tropics there are but few localities in which seasonal changes in weather and in plants do not occur. Changes in plants during the vear have always attracted attention, even of primitive men. They have inspired much prose and poetry, as well as scientific study and description. Explanations for their occurrence were proposed so far back in the history of the human race that they became an important part of mythology and folklore. Even today news- papers and magazines frequently contain stories that are merely new versions of these ancient myths which ascribed supernatural and mys- terious powers of foresight to plants and animals alike. The changes that occur in the form and appearance and in the relative abundance of different species from season to season may be seen in the lawns, pastures, cultivated fields, and forests of your own community. An accurate account — a diary — of such observations over a period of a few years would include many valuable botanical data. This is another way in which the studv of plants may be approached. Many seasonal phenomena may be studied best as individual prob- lems during appropriate seasons when the material is abundant and observations may be made over extended periods of time. As an aid to such preliminary observations, certain facts about seasonal aspects of plants have been brought together in this chapter. Data helpful in further observations and interpretations are included in many of the subsequent chapters. There are such great differences in the behavior of individual species that few generalizations apply equally to all kinds of plants. Some of the questions and problems that are sure to arise from your own pre- liminary observations may be solved by further study or by well-planned simple experiments. Let us begin with plants in autumn when most courses in botany begin, and, by following the cycle of the seasons, con- 26 [Chap. IV SEASONAL ASPECTS OF PLANTS 27 sider some of the most apparent changes that occur in plant processes and plant organs. The autumnal aspect. The summer with its long days, high tempera- tures, and intense light is waning. The eflFects of cooler weather and of the shorter period of daylight upon certain chemical processes in plants soon become evident in the leaves of our deciduous trees and shrubs. The green color of chlorophyll gradually disappears, and the yellow pig- ments with which the green pigment had been associated in the cells of the leaves now become conspicuous. In many leaves there is an addi- tional formation of other pigments which range in color from red to purple and which are called collectively the anthocyanins. As the season advances both the yellow pigments and the anthocyanins break down; and brown substances, especially tannins, increase and modify the leaf color. When the autumn is characterized by bright sunshine and moder- ately cool weather coloration is at its best. When frost occurs early or when the weather is wet and cloudy, the anthocyanins are formed to only a slight extent and the yellow and brown pigments are dominant in the landscape (Plate 2). These autumn color changes in the leaves of many deciduous trees contrast sharply with the persistent green color of both the needle-leaved and broad-leaved evergreens. Many herbs likewise remain green through the winter months, at least in parts near the soil. Furthermore, the leaves of some trees and shrubs remain green until after they have fallen to the ground. Colors and pigments. The color we ascribe to an object or substance depends upon the kinds of light rays that pass from it to the retinas of our eyes. When a beam of "white" light passes through a clear glass prism the rays of different wave length are separated by refraction and appear as bands of color. Similarly we see a rainbow when the different rays of ordinary daylight are reflected to our eyes in separate bands by drops of water in the atmosphere. On the one side of the bow we perceive the longer waves of light as red, on the other side the short waves as violet. Between these extremes are bands of orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo, each produced by rays of successively shorter wave lengths that reach our eye. The colors of objects are also partly dependent upon the relative sensi- tiveness of our eyes to the different rays of light. They are especially sensitive to the rays we perceive as green and yellow. 28 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY The various chemical compounds in plants absorb certain light rays and reflect others. We receive our color impressions from the reflected rays. As a matter of convenience we call these substances pigments and we ascribe to them the colors perceived through the eye when light is reflected from them. Thus we speak of green pigments, yellow pigments, and various others from red to violet. Among the most important pig- ments in plants are chlorophylls (leaf green); the carotinoids, varying from pale yellow to orange-red; and the anthoctjanins, varying from red through violet to blue.^ Pigments and the colors of leaves. The colors of certain leaves — for example, the purple-leaved coleus and canna — may result from a com- bination of all these pigments. The anthocyanins mav occur in the outer cell layers of the leaf, the chlorophylls and carotinoids in the inner cell layers. When a red leaf is placed in hot water the anthocyanins disap- pear from the cells into the water and the green color of the chlorophyll within becomes evident. The chlorophylls and carotinoids may be dis- solved from the leaves by alcohol, and then separated from each other by appropriate chemical means. Carotinoids are always present in green leaves, but their presence is obscured by the chlorophvlls until the latter disintegrate. Surprising as it may seem, the carotinoids may be present in as large amounts in the leaves of midsummer as in the yellow autumn leaves. In many common trees and shrubs the anthocyanins are formed mainly in the autumn; in others, such as certain varieties of maple, the young leaves may be red also. The anthocyanin in purple varieties of beech, plum, hazel, and barberry is evident throughout the growing season. ■ ^ Pigments Apparent Color Chemical Composition Chlorophyll a Blue-green C56H7205X4Mg Chlorophyll b Yellow-green C55H7o06X4Mg Carotenes Y'ellow to red C40H56 Xanthophylls Yellow C40H56O2 Anthocyanins Red to blue Various combinations of C, H, and O The anthocyanins are very complex substances composed of a few fundamental com- pounds ( anthocyanidins ) combined with various sugars and benzene compounds. They are soluble in water and occur in the solutions in the plant cells. Some of the anthocyanins, such as those in certain varieties of apples and peaches, are formed only in light especially of short wave length. Others, such as those in red beets and radishes, may be formed in darkness. Chlorophylls and carotinoids are not soluble in water and are formed in definite bodies in the protoplasm known as plastids. The carotinoids of plants when eaten by animals reappear in yellow cream, yellow body fat, egg yolks, and butter. Carotene has recently been shown to be the forerunner of \'itamin A. The molecule of the vitamin is just one-half of the carotene molecule. Plate II Above: Autumn coloration under cool moist conditions. Cook Forest, Pennsylvania. Photo by G. S. Growl. Middle: Autumn coloration under warm drought conditions, cen- tral Ohio. The broad;leaved trees in both pictures are the same species. Photo by G. S. Growl. Beloiv: The spectrum of sunlight. [Chap. IV SEASONAL ASPECTS OF PLANTS 29 Many other examples of leaf pigmentation may be found in every community. Pigments not limited to leaves. Of course these pigments are not limited to the leaves of plants. The presence of chlorophyll in most herbaceous stems and the young stems and twigs of woody species is familiar to all. Likewise, certain parts of flowers are usually green, and the term "green fruits" has come to be a synonym of young fruits in common speech. Many varieties of fruits remain green when ripe, while in others the chlorophyll disintegrates and the associated yellow pig- ments become more evident. In still others anthocyanins partially or wholly mask the yellow. Some seeds, such as those of certain varieties of peas and beans, are green. Chlorophyll is formed in the aerial roots of many orchids and in the roots of many other plants when they are exposed to light. The carotinoids seem always to be present wherever chlorophyll occurs. They may also occur in the absence of chlorophyll. Carotinoids are the underlying cause of the yellow and orange colors of the flowers of zinnias, sunflowers, and goldenrods; of the fruits of oranges, lemons, and tomatoes; and of the seeds of corn, peas, and clover. The anthocyanins are most conspicuous in red, purple, and blue flowers and fruits; but purple cabbage, potatoes, popcorn, and beets exemplify their common occurrence in other plant parts. Among the fungi (molds, lichens, mushrooms) other pigments may be as brilliant and varied as are those in our common green plants. Pigment formation dependent upon both heredity and environment. Among the common plants one may find some species that lack antho- cyanins, while otliers are without chlorophyll and carotinoids. The absence of a pigment from a plant, or a part of a plant, may be due to its heredity, its stage of development, or some condition in the environ- ment of the plant. Chlorophyll is not formed in the cells of toadstools or in "Indian pipe" ( Fig. 19 ) in any environment. Neither is it formed in some parts of variegated leaves under any circumstances. The other pigments may also be absent from certain plants regardless of the con- ditions under which they develop. The absence of pigments in these plants must be due to the hereditary constitution of the plant. Environment and chlorophyll. Any condition that is necessary for the maintenance of the plant is indirectly essential to the formation of plant pigments. There are, however, certain conditions that are more directly related to it. In most plants light seems to be necessary for the making 30 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 19. Indian pipe (left) and pinesap (right), two saprophytes common in moist woods. The underground parts of the plants are penetrated throughout by- fungous filaments, which enter from the humus in which the plants grow. of chlorophyll. We are all familiar with blanched celery in which the part deprived of hght lacks chlorophyll, or with the white and yellow potato sprouts that develop in a dark cellar. During the warm nights of early spring bluegrass grows rapidly, and in the early morning the base of the blade that grew during the night is disclosed by its lack of chlorophyll. But light is not necessary for the formation of the green pigments in all plants. Green seedlings of spruce, pine, and other coni- fers may develop in the dark. Grapefruit and lemon seedlings, certain algae, and the sporelings of mosses and ferns may produce chlorophyll in darkness if they are supplied with sugar. Sugar is one of the substances from which the chlorophylls are made, and from the formulas of chlorophyll (page 28) it is evident that com- pounds of nitrogen and magnesium are also utilized. Experiments have shown that manganese and iron are essential to the formation of chloro- phyll, but they do not constitute a part of the chlorophyll molecule. The seedlings of some green plants growing at temperatures below [Chap. IV SEASONAL ASPECTS OF PLANTS 31 50^ F. may fail to form chlorophyll, and unless the temperature is raised they ultimately die. Environmental effects on carotinoids. The formation of the yellow pig- ments is also dependent upon certain environmental conditions. The seedlings of some varieties of com and other plants are conspicuously yellow when growing in darkness; others, such as oats, are colorless under the same conditions and become yellow only when exposed to light. Perhaps there are certain factors that might be substituted for light in these cases, but they have not been discovered. Seedlings in which chlorophyll is made in the dark also contain carotinoids. Anthocyanins and the environment. The roots of some plants, such as beets and radish, become red or purple in darkness; but light is neces- sary for the formation of anthocyanins in most leaves and fruits. In some instances the blue and violet rays are necessary. In both leaves and fruits intensity of color is increased by abundance of light, relatively low temperature, and a low supply of nitrates in the soil. Apparently these environmental conditions influence the formation of anthocyanins partly through their influence on the sugar content of the cells. A high sugar content seems to be one of the conditions within the cells neces- sary to the formation of anthocyanins. Leaves and fruits on the same tree or on the same variety of tree in different local situations may differ widely in the amount of anthocyanin they contain. Peaches in the top of the tree, and apples fully exposed to the sunlight are redder than those inside the crown and shaded by the outer foliage. The more intense coloring of fruits from the Northwestern States as compared with those from the Eastern States exemplifies this same principle. Low night temperatures are also very important in the accumulation of sugar and the formation of bright colors in apples. Low temperatures increase anthocyanin formation in many exergreen plants; for example, the leaves of certain varieties of juniper and arbor vitae become copper-colored in autumn, and similar changes occur in many heaths, of which the cranberry is an example (Plate III). The intensity of anthocyanin colors of flowers may vary with light intensity. The red color in some flowers is associated with an acid condition, and blue with an alkaline condition. If a red geranium petal is crushed on a blotter and held alternately near ammonia and acetic acid, one may see these color changes. Similar color changes may also be seen in the uncrushed petals. This change in color does not occur in all anthocyanins because of the presence of certain ions, such as potas- 32 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY slum. The flowers of the cobaea vine change from green to red, and finally to violet, as they fade. Some rose flowers are pink when the buds unfold and bluish when they fall. Flowers of the French hydrangea are blue when the plants grow in acid soils containing salts of aluminum. They are rose colored when the plants grow in alkaline limestone soils where the aluminum salts are insoluble. It must be remembered that the anthocyanins form a very large group of chemical compounds, and the behavior of the pigments of any particular plant may be explained only by the properties of the particular pigments present in that plant. Deciduous and evergreen habits. Another striking autumn phenomenon is the falling of the leaves from many species of plants. This has been shown to be definitely related to the shortening daily period of light. During the summer a specialized layer of cells, called the absciss layer, forms at the base of petioles and leaflets. The subsequent disintegration of this layer may be started by conditions within the leaf brought about by a variety of external conditions such as drought, change in length of day, low temperatures, or leaf injuries. Hence any one, or all, of these conditions may bring about leaf fall. Trees and shrubs that lose all or nearly all of their leaves annually are said to be deciduous. In contrast to deciduous plants are those in which the life of any one leaf extends through several years. These plants may have either broad or needle leaves and their appearance varies but little from season to season; the most familiar examples are the evergreen trees and shrubs. Many herbaceous plants also have green leaves during the winter, as for example, the common dandelion, evening primrose, teasel, and chick- weed. These also might be classed as evergreens. Dormancy and periodicity. The gradual lowering of the temperature and decrease in the length of the daily light period lead not only to pigment changes and leaf fall, but to the death of many plants that started from seed the preceding spring. Some part of the plant, how- ever, remains alive and dormant throughout the late summer, autumn, or winter. The part or parts that remain alive and doniiant vary greatly with the kind of plant. If the plants have completed one generation or a complete life cycle — including vegetative development, flowering, fruit- ing, seed production, and death — within a single season, they are called annuals. The dormant organ of such plants is the seed. The seeds of some annuals, however, may also germinate in the autumn; the plants pass the winter in the vegetative condition and bear seed the fol- lowing spring. Plate III Above: Tundra plants, including a 40-yeai-old nearly prostrate willow. White Horse Pass, Alaska. Photo by W. H. Camp. Below (left): The snow plant (Sarcodes) parasitic on fvnigi in the pine forests of the Sierra Mountains, California. The plant develops soon after the snow melts. Photo by W. H. Camp. Below (right): A Florida lichen, in which the fungus is parasitic on purple bacteria. Photo by G. S. Crowl. [Chap. IV SEASONAL ASPECTS OF PLANTS 33 When the hfe cycle of a plant covers a part of two growing seasons it is called a biennial. Shepherd's-purse may grow both as an annual and as a biennial in regions with mild climates, and wheat is cultivated both as "winter wheat" and as "spring wheat." Special varieties of wheat have been selected for each of these growth regimes. During the life cycle of many biennials the first season of growth ends with the formation of a thickened root, a short stem, and a rosette of leaves near the soil surface. These young plants remain dormant dur- ing the winter and in the second growing season complete their life cycle by the development of upright stems, flowers, fruits, and seeds. Then the plant dies. Whether certain plants grow as annuals, biennials, or perennials depends upon the temperature, length of day, and length of the growing season to which they are exposed. A B Fig. 20. Diagram of winter rosette of leaves of teasel (A), and of evening primrose ( B ) . The perennial herbs are like annuals and biennials in having a vegeta- tive stage previous to the formation of flowers and fruits, but differ from them in having continuous vegetative growth and seed formation for many successive seasons. The annual active period of growth of perennial herbs is followed by a dormant one when most of the living plant is underground, with no parts extending much above the soil sur- face. Some of these plants have "winter rosettes" (Fig. 20) of leaves, others have very short lateral branches with small leaves, and still others have large buds above ground. Some of the perennials may con- tinue living indefinitely. Perhaps some have been living in their present 34 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY localities for centuries; but since a part of the underground roots, or stems, dies each year and new parts are added each year, the age of the oldest part of the plant body is rarely more than 3 to 10 years. Trees and shrubs are woody perennials; they may live 5 to 10 years or longer before they begin to bear flowers, fruits, and seeds. Any horti- culturist or forester will tell you that there is great variation in the abundance of reproductive structures in trees from year to year and that certain trees bear fruits and seeds only once in several years. This periodicity is dependent in part on weather and soil conditions, and in part on heredity. Winter aspect. The most distinctive feature of plant life in winter is the donnancy of most plant organs (Fig. 21). The internal causes of Fig. 21. A forest in winter when all the aerial parts of plants are dormant. Photo by C. H. Jones. dormancy so characteristic of late summer and autumn usually disap- pear during the winter months, but owing to low temperatures no growth occurs. Many plants will start developing at this time if they are moved into a greenhouse. Nevertheless, some processes continue within plants that have every [Chap. IV SEASONAL ASPECTS OF PLANTS 35 appearance of being doiTnant. Roots develop slowly in unfrozen soil, and there may be some transfer of materials within the plant body. In plants with green parts (winter wheat, bluegrass, and evergreen trees and shrubs) food manufacture may occur when daytime temperatures are above the freezing point. Witch hazel and alders may flower during winter thaws, as well as during late autumn and early spring. Winter and early spring are the best periods in which to study the characteristic buds, twigs, and bark of the woody perennials. By means of these characteristics one may readily learn to identify trees in winter. The leaves of temperate evergreens vary in their endurance of freez- ing temperatures. A sudden exposure to low winter temperatures during midsummer kills them. Most of them, however, withstand temperatures well below the freezing point after they have become "hardened" by exposure to the gradual changes in temperature during autumn. But they do have limits below which injury or death results from low tempera- tures. In some species injury results only when the low temperatures continue for several days. Others are killed by exposure to temperatures below freezing for a few hours. Twigs and parts of larger stems may also be killed by low temperature. In any part of the temperate zone trees and shrubs may be "killed back" by extremely low temperatures. The amount of "winter injury" varies from year to year, and many interesting problems occur to the careful observer. Winter injuiy may result from low temperature alone; but in many instances it results from a drying up of the plant during sudden thaws in late winter or in early spring while the soil is still frozen. The roots of winter wheat and other grasses are often broken by the formation of layers of ice beneath the surface of the soil. When subzero temperatures occur, the water in the buds, twigs, and smaller branches is frozen. Still lower temperatures may even freeze the water in the trunks of mature trees. A sudden drop to a very low temperature may result in the splitting of the wood and bark. There is another effect of winter that is quite beneficial, or even neces- sary, to many plants. Manv seeds and buds do not germinate readily unless they have been exposed to temperatures near the freezing point for several weeks. Many plants, such as blueberries, unless exposed to a low temperature in the dormant period, do not grow well during the following season. Neither of these cases of "winter conditioning" de- pends upon actual freezing; indeed, many plants grow best after an exposure to a temperature of 5° to 10" above the freezing point for a 36 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY few months. Tulip, hyacinth, and narcissus bulbs that are to be "forced" into early blooming are planted out-of-doors; after several weeks of winter temperatures they are brought indoors. Without this low-tempera- ture treatment of the bulbs, the new plants will develop poorly and bear malformed flowers or none. Inquiry among local nurserymen will prob- ably disclose other practical problems connected with the winter season. Fig. 22. Springtime: Winter dormancy is broken and the beech leaves are unfolding. Spring aspect. The lengthening of the daylight period and increase in temperature bring to an end the dormant period of plants. Lawns and fields begin to green through renewed growth of dormant leaves and buds. Buds on many trees and shrubs enlarge and a new set of twigs and leaves develops (Fig. 22). This is the best time of year to see that the buds of woody plants are stem tips bearing either leaves or rudi- mentary flowers, or both, usually with an outer covering of scales. Exami- nation of trees and shrubs at this time will disclose not only these three types of buds, but also several ways in which buds "open" and enlarge. This is the time of year when you can learn by your own observations: [Chap. IV SEASONAL ASPECTS OF PLANTS 37 which buds on different plants open first and from what buds the current year's branches develop, whether the extension of the main stem or branch always develops from the terminal bud, and if the branches from all lateral buds grow equally. You can also ascertain whether leaves and flowers develop on twigs from the same or from separate buds, which of our common trees blossom before the development of leaves, and whether these flowers are borne on twigs of the previous year or only on new twigs. These are but a few of the questions that may be answered by a study of woody plants in the field. With the coming of spring countless millions of seedlings appear in every unoccupied plot of ground. New branches develop on perennials and biennials, and leaves are followed soon after by masses of flowers of every imaginable hue. Spring is the period of most rapid development in most plants, partly because the overwintering parts have been "condi- tioned" by the low temperature and partly because of increased light, increased length of day, and an abundance of available water in the soil. After growth has started it may be retarded either by drought or by low temperatures. On the other hand, elongation of the stems and expansion of the leaves of most trees and shrubs stop within a few weeks, even if temperature and moisture conditions continue unchanged. The growth of new stem segments is definitely limited by internal conditions and their elongation usually ceases by late May or June in northern latitudes. Sprouts from stumps and pollarded trees continue to elongate for several weeks more. This is the period when many of the flowering plants of densely shaded woods have their annual development, flower, fruit and return to dormancy. In the open there are many plants in which the period of development continues into the summer and autumn before flower, fruit, and seed fomiation closes the annual cycle. Spring, then, is the period of most active growth of roots and shoots of woody plants. It is the period of most active utilization of food, and the period of rapid respiration and food manufacture. The high rates of these processes stand in sharp contrast to their much lower rates during the winter season. Summer aspect. With the coming of the longest days temperatures also are high, and available soil water on the average begins to decline. Growth of plants as a whole also declines, but many of the flowers of springtime are now being followed by fruits and seeds. 38 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY The development of branches and the enlargement of trunks of trees and shrubs are greatly reduced. Soil water declines to the point where many plants with shallow root systems wilt, and summer leaf fall may take place. Some plants or plant parts may become dormant as a result of high temperature and the long daylight period. There are fewer plants in bloom in midsummer than in spring or autumn. The smaller grasses have attained maturity and completed their life cycles. The larger grasses, such as corn, continue development and bloom in summer. Summer is the period of greatest food accumulation in the stems and roots of biennials and perennials. It is also the period when fungi and bacteria cause numerous plant diseases and rapid decay of organic matter. Insects also have reached maximal abundance, and their injuries to leaves and stems and fruits become most apparent. Some plants bloom onlv when the days are long and the nights are short. As a result the summer season is the time of flowering of corn, clover, mallows, cotton, and many other plants. As the days become shorter at the close of summer and the tempera- tures decline, increased water is available in many parts of the United States because less of the rainfall is lost by evaporation. The water rela- tions of plants are improved over those of the summer and the growth of many herbaceous plants increases. Not infrequently a second wave of flowering occurs in some plants, such as violets, that bloom abundantly during the spring months. But the further decline in temperature brings the conditions of au- tumn, and we have completed our very brief view of the more noticeable seasonal phenomena. We have observed that certain vegetational aspects are rather characteristic of each season; that some phases of growth belong to one season rather than to another; and that dormancy, growth, maturity, and death of plants form a regularly recurring cycle. The problems of plant science are all about us and each season brings its own challenges to investigation and understanding. We need confine our outdoor study of botany neither to a single environment, to but one season of the year, nor to any one locality. REFERENCES (Chiefly on plant pigments) Kuhn, R. Plant pigments. An/i. Rev. of Biochem. 4:479-496. 1935. Mobius, M. Pigmentation in plants, exclusive of the algae. Bot. Rev. 3:351- 363. 1937. [Chop. IV SEASONAL ASPECTS OF PLANTS 39 Onslow, M. W. TJie Anthocyanin Pigments of Plants. 2nd ed. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1925. Roberts, H. F. The causes of autumn coloration. Sci. Monthly. 45:427-435. 1937. Sayre, J. D. The development of chlorophyll in seedlings in different ranges of wave lengths of light. Plant Physiol. 3:71-77. 1928. Smith, J. H. C. Plant pigments. Ann. Rev. of Biochem. 6:489-512. 1937. CHAPTER V LOCAL PLANT COMMUNITIES Under natural conditions plants live in communities; no plant lives alone. A potted fern at a window appears to be alone in an environment con- sisting only of the physical factors of the soil, atmosphere, water, gravity, and radiant energy from the sun. Its roots, however, are surrounded by millions of microscopic plants and animals whose numerous activities may influence the development of the fern. As we shall see later, some of the activities of these minute organisms are beneficial to the larger plant, others are detrimental. Some of them are known to cause diseases of the roots or of the whole plant. Plant communities. A lawn is a familiar plant communitv in which the development of each individual plant may be influenced by the plants that surround it. The intermingling of grasses and clover with dandelion, plantain, and several other weeds is an illustration of the fact that plant communities in nature are mixed populations composed of several kinds of plants. Only in pure cultures, carefully prepared in laboratories, may one expect to see plant communities composed of but a single species of plant. In the practical consideration of certain com- munities one may choose to disregard the microorganisms and look upon a field of corn, of wheat, or of any cultivated crop as a community of only one species if all visible weeds have been removed. The forester may even disregard all the plants in a forest communitv but the trees, and speak of a pure stand of beech or of hemlock. Usually in any mixed population of plants a few species are much more abundant or modify the habitat more than others; they are referred to as the dominant species of the community. Plant communities are named according to their dominant species; for example, a bluegrass lawn, a pigweed com- munity, a tall-bluestem prairie, an oak forest, a beech-maple forest, an elm-ash-silver maple forest. Mutual effects of plants within a community. In lawns, pastures, or golf courses in which Kentucky bluegrass is the most abundant and dominant plant, the presence of the grass in some way interferes with 40 [Chap. V LOCAL PLANT COMMUNITIES 41 the growth of clover and weeds. If the bluegrass is carefully removed, the weeds and clover rapidly increase in abundance. Similarly the pres- ence of weeds interferes with the growth of bluegrass. When one re- moves the leaves of a single large dandelion plant from a lawn for the first time he is usually amazed by the area of soil from which bluegrass was excluded by their presence. Trees with low branches may interfere with the growth and dominance of bluegrass in a lawn unless the trees are very small. Many people plant grass seed beneath such trees every autumn. The grass grows well throughout autumn and during the follow- er WIDTH of CROWN ^ Fig. 23. Bluegrass may grow beneath a tree if all the branches of the tree are several feet above the ground. The diameter of the root system of a tree in a lawn may be as much as 5 times the diameter of the crown of the tree. ing spring, but by late June or early Jub' it becomes yellow and dies. If all the branches of a tree are high above the ground, bluegrass may continue to grow indefinitely beneath it (Fig. 23), Succession. Since each plant in a lawn is influenced in some way by the presence of other plants, the relative abundance of bluegrass or of any other species of plant in the lawn may not remain the same from year to year. During one growing season some species may increase while others decrease in abundance. That is, the composition of a mixed population of plants is not constant; it changes in time as a result of the mutual eftects of the plants upon each other and of increase and decrease in light, water, soil fertility, and other external factors. It is this in- stability of a mixed population of a community that concerns the owner of a beautiful lawn. Gradual changes in the relative abundance of the constituent species may in time result in a community that is very 42 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY unlike the original one. Some of the species of the first community may be entirely eliminated and other species may migrate into it from neigh- boring communities. Through such changes one plant community may be gradually replaced bv another, a process that is referred to as the succession of plant communities. The principles of dominance, changes in mixed populations, and suc- cession referred to above are abundantly illustrated by local plant com- munities in lawns, parks, vacant lots, eroding slopes, abandoned farms, and forest remnants. All of these contain excellent field material that may be studied first-hand. Lawns are especially valuable materials for study because the\' mav be obser\'ed convenientlv and they probably attract the interest and add to the pleasure of more people than most other types of plant communities. Furthermore, they are similar to the com- munities of cultivated grasses in pastures, golf links, parks, and college campuses; consequentlv, many of the facts and principles discovered about one of these communities may apply equally well to the others. In this chapter we shall refer principallv to the more evident facts about local plant communities that occur in the Central States. Explanations of man\' of the observations will appear in later chapters. Changes in mixed populations of plants. The results of a very exact study of changes in the composition of a mixed population of plants in a pasture in New York during a fi\'e-vear period are shown by the diagram in Fig. 24. The diagram shows the relative abundance of seven species of plants during the year in which the seeds were sown, and for each of the next five years. The change in composition of the plant population from year to year is merely the result of a relati\'e increase in abundance of certain species and a relative decrease of others. Red clover is entirely elimi- nated at the end of the third year. Here then is an example of a change in a mixed population of plants over a period of years that is due neither to changes in the heredity of the plants nor to changes in climate or soil. It is due to the characteristic differences in the growth of the several species of plants and to their effects upon each other. One of the most important changes is the gradual increase and dominance of bluegrass. One may ask why lawns, pastures, and parks everywhere do not in the course of time become dominated by Kentucky bluegrass. An analysis of the areas not dominated by bluegrass reveals that they are either very wet, very dry, very acid, sandy, shaded, or deficient in certain inorganic salts, especially of nitrogen, or that they are areas where the soil tem- [Chap. V LOCAL PLANT COMMUNITIES 43 ov„ 1 1 1 1_ , I00"7. 1 IstYr. " V NURSE CROP " ■■ -— - -^^^j";" a^iYr : RED CLQv/ER ;■:;:! ORCH. GR, ■:':''i TfMOTHY 111,,' FESCLC CRASS ! ^'":'^'^^^^'''^" ,-'-'''' / i. 1- 3'-'*Yr. RC w.c. 'W^M ORCHARD GRASS REDTOP TIMOTHY GRASS FESCLC GR. / ^"■~^, ""~~^ ~ ~ -— >,, ^^^-..^ 1 A't-Yr. S'^-Yr. WHITE C. mi^ ■<><><><><>£>^^ The development of every science is invigorated and its aims are redirected from time to time as the result of some important invention. A striking example in the field of biology is the invention of the micro- scope in the seventeenth century. Superficial observation and study of plants had been going on for untold centuries. The origin of many of our most important cultivated and medicinal plants antedates the oldest archeological discoveries. In Europe and Asia several thousand plants had been described by the time that the invention of the microscope made it possible to examine their more minute structure and to discover that many plants consist only of single cells. ^ Cells. The early microscopists were so fascinated with the world of minute plants and animals previouslv unseen and unsuspected that they studied and described them in preference to the finer structures of the larger plants. Cells were seen and recognized as structural parts of plants, but for a hundred years observations were limited mainly to cell walls. In the latter part of the 18th century various microscopists began to study "cell contents." By the middle of the 19th century it became evident to a number of eminent biologists- that the properties which we associate with life are the properties of that part of the cell contents which had come to be called protoplasm. Moreover, its organization into cytoplasm and nucleus, and the enclosed vacuole had been recognized. Many biologists had by this time accepted three general principles: ( 1 ) that the bodies of all living organisms are composed of cells, or products of cells; (2) that in certain features the cells of plants and animals are essentially alike; and (3) that protoplasm is the physical basis of life phenomena. To these principles we may add (4) that when plants are ^ Perhaps the oldest book of plant descriptions extant is Shen Nung's Tree and Herb Book, written during the 28th century b.c. In it 252 species of plants are classified accord- ing to their alleged medicinal values. - Attention may be called especially to Robert Brown, \on Mohl, Schleiden, Schwann, Dujardin, Nageli, Payen, Cohn, and Schultze, whose contributions are admirably discussed in L. W. Sharp's Introduction to Cytology, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1934, pp. 422-447. 59 60 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY similar it is because their protoplasms are similar, ( 5 ) that when plants develop or behave differently in the same environment it is because their protoplasms are unlike, and (6) that life is a recognized property of a very complex physical-chemical (colloidal) system. Parts of the cell. As shown in Fig. 30, the essential parts of the cell may be outlined as follows: 1. The protoplasm, differentiated into cytoplasm, plastids, and nucleus, 2. The vacuole — a cavity within the cytoplasm filled with water con- taining sugars, salts, acids, and other substances largely in solution. 3. The cell wall — a more or less complete covering around the proto- plasm. Fine strands of protoplasm sometimes extend through the wall from one cell to another. cell wall j^ 1^ r\ucleas ' cytoplasm protoplasm vacuole Fig. 30. Plant cells as seen through a microscope: A, a meristematic cell com- posed of a nucleus and cytoplasm surrounded by a cell wall; B, an older cell which has become enlarged by growth of the cell wall and the formation of a large central vacuole; C, cell B as seen in perspective; D, starch grains formed in plastids in a cell of a potato tuber; E, chloroplasts in a cell of a moss leaf. In order to appreciate protoplasm as the medium in which the numer- ous chemical and physical processes of the cell occur, it will be neces- sary to digress for a moment and consider some of the properties of different states of matter. You have seen solid crystals of sugar and salt disappear as they dissolved in water. You are also familiar with gelatin and fruit jellies in which organic matter is dispersed in water without being dissolved. Protoplasm seen through the microscope resembles a jelly more than a solution. The solid, liquid, and gaseous states of matter are familiar to every- [Chap. VII CELLS AS BIOLOGICAL UNITS 61 one. But when matter is dissolved in water or when, as in jelly, it is dispersed in water without dissolving, such strikingly new properties become evident that we must recognize two additional states of matter: solutions and colloids. Solutions. When a substance dissolves in water its particles become subdivided and separated as molecules. The molecules of salts, acids, and bases are to some extent further separated into ions. The resulting solutions are either colorless or colored homogeneous liquids, and the particles remain equally dispersed throughout the solution because of their constant motion. For example, if a gram of table salt (sodium chloride ) dissolves in a glass of water the solution remains colorless, but if a similar amount of copper sulfate dissolves in the water the solution is blue. When salts, acids, and bases have dispersed in water as ions, each ion has a characteristic positive or negative electric charge. Many of the reactions which occur in solution are the result of these electric charges : particles with unlike charges attract each other and unite, and those with similar charges repel each other. For instance, if one pours the above solution of copper sulfate into the solution of sodium chloride, the resultant solution will contain temporary molecules, or compounds, of NaCl, Nai.S04, CuCL, and CUSO4; and also the free ions: Na+, CI", Cu^^, S04~ ~ . . ., etc. The solution is a stable system in which one or more substances become so finely divided in the form of molecules and ions that it disperses among the molecules of the water throughout the system. Colloidal systems. When substances are almost completely insoluble in water it is possible by various means to subdivide them into very small particles which when dispersed in water continue to remain sepa- rated and distributed throughout the water for a long time. If grains of sand or pellets of clay are dropped into a beaker of water, they immediately fall through the water to the bottom of the beaker. If the pellets are crushed and the beaker is vigorously shaken for a moment, the smaller particles of clay are held in suspension in the water and it may remain turbid for an indefinite time. Streams and ponds that do not become clear on long standing are excellent examples of turbid suspen- sions. Some of the suspended particles in a drop of turbid water may be seen through a microscope. Turbid water due to fine clay therefore illustrates a suspension in which solid particles are dispersed in water. Each particle is a cluster of 62 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY molecules and has a definite surface which is electrically charged. In very fine suspensions the particles may not settle out for months or years, because of the constant bombardment of the water molecules and be- cause the particles have similar electric charges. Suspensions differ from solutions in that the water and the particles dispersed in it form a two- phase system. The one phase is the solid particle, the other is the water, and between each particle and the surrounding water is a definite surface of contact. When a mass is broken up into fine particles, the aggregate surface of the particles is enormous. For example, a one- centimeter cube has a surface of 6 sq. cm., but when disintegrated into particles of colloidal size the combined surfaces of all the resulting par- ticles are equal to about 1.5 acres. Another tvpe of colloid is exemplified by milk, in which proteins and fat-like compounds (lipoids) are dispersed in water which contains other proteins, salts, and sugar in solution. Dispersed throughout this liquid phase of milk are numerous visible globules composed largely of fat. These globules slowly rise to the surface and form a layer of cream. In butter the phases are reversed; fine droplets of water are dispersed in fatty material. White of egg is a typical protein-in-water colloidal sys- tem; the yolk is a colloidal system of many phases, with fats, proteins, pigments, and other substances dispersed in water. When white of egg is heated or treated with alcohol, vinegar, or strong salt solutions it coagulates. When meat, which is largely protein, is boiled it also coagu- lates. Gelatin desserts and fruit jellies are familiar examples of colloids. When a gram of gelatin is dispersed in 50 grams of hot water a highly fluid colloid, called a sol, is formed. When it cools and stands for a few hours it becomes a semi-solid jelly, or gel. The gelatin becomes finely divided and dispersed in the water but does not dissolve. Its particles are much larger than molecules. Owing to the elasticity and certain other properties of this type of colloid, the dispersed particles are thought to be fiber-like and arranged like twigs in a loose brush heap. When a gelatin-water gel is heated it becomes highly fluid, but after it cools and stands for a time it again becomes organized into a more or less rigid gel. Thus the gel and sol states of a colloid may be reversible, and the change from the one to the other may be brought about by changes in temperature, water content, acidity, or any one of several other conditions. Drastic changes in the internal organization of a colloid may result in coagulation. Protoplasm is a very complex colloidal system with protein, carbo- [Chap. VII CELLS AS BIOLOGICAL UNITS 63 hydrate, fat, and lipoid phases dispersed in water, in which are various salts, sugars, acids, and other soluble compounds. Many of these sub- stances are chemically unstable and react with extreme readiness. All masses of protoplasm have a surface film rich in lipoids which prevents unlimited dispersion and keeps the mass intact. The highly reactive character of the protoplasmic system at ordinary temperatures is one of its most important properties. Since it is a col- loidal system there are verv large surfaces between the water and the other phases, and here surface energy may bring about reactions not possible in a solution. These surfaces also accumulate electrical charges which may be significant in reactions. Because it is a manv-phase svs- tem, a change of one phase may result in the alteration of other inter- locking phases and the modification of the whole protoplasmic system. Like gelatin and jelly, protoplasm is more or less elastic, and some of its constituents may have a brush-heap structure. Furthermore, protoplasm is a self-perpetuating system, in that it can combine foods (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) into the system and enlarge its mass. It is evident, therefore, that the jellv-like part of the cell which was named protoplasm is not a single chemical substance. Life, like all the other distinctive properties of protoplasm, is a result of the chemical components and their complex organization in a colloidal system. When the system is disorganized the distinctive properties disap- pear, for the materials or compounds are not alive. Cytoplasm. The protoplasm in most plant cells is organized into cytoplasm, plastids, and nucleus. In young cells these parts completely occupy the space within the cell wall ( Fig. 31 ) . As the cell enlarges, microscopic droplets of liquid become visible in the cytoplasm, the col- loidal matrix is drawn together, and the droplets coalesce, forming larger water-filled cavities called vacuoles. In most plant cells the coalescence of small vacuoles results finallv in the formation of a single vacuole, and the cvtoplasm with its embedded plastids and nucleus becomes relegated to a thin layer lining the cell wall. In other cells the nucleus may retain its central position, supported by cvtoplasmic strands which are the remnants of the cytoplasm separating the several vacuoles before they coalesced into the single large one. Cytoplasm is usually granular in appearance because of the presence of particles of various foods and other substances. Cvtoplasmic move- ments (streaming) mav be seen in the cells of some plants. Plastids are protoplasmic bodies in the cytoplasm. Special reactions 64 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY li-r^v^ ^ YOUNG LEAVES Fig. 32. Vertical section of the terminal bud of a coleus plant. Compare it with Fig. 31. primordium are completely filled with protoplasm and become stratified in several (5-8) layers. As this protuberance expands farther — becoming more leaf-like, but still very small — cells in the middle layers divide irregularly and form groups of cells from which the vascular tissues of veins develop (Fig. 33). In the leaves of many of our trees, to which the above description particularly applies, this entire development proceeds slowly through the spring, summer, and autumn months within the buds. By the end of 70 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY J STOMATE UPPER EPIDERMIS PALISADE 1 MESOPHYLL SPONGY LOWER EPIDERMIS VEIN Fig. 33. Cross sections of leaves: A-I, sections of embryonic leaves from the terminal bud of a tobacco plant in the order of their ages. The oldest leaf ( I ) in the series was less than one centimeter in length. J, cross section of a small portion of a blade of a mature leaf of tobacco. After G. S. Avery, American Journal of Botany. winter some of the leaves in the bud have attained their characteristic pattern in miniature. The cells of the prospective future veins are slightly differentiated, whereas the remaining ones are still similar. Thus far cell division has been the dominating process of development. All cells re- main in complete contact and there are no intercellular spaces. Leaf development. With the warmer weather of the following spring, growth is renewed. The stem tip and young leaves expand and press the bud scales apart. During the rapid increase in size, cell enlargement and cell differentiation dominate the growth process, leading to the forma- tion of the distinctly different tissues as seen in microscopic sections. Cell division stops first in the epidermis, next in the spongy mesophyll, and last in the palisade mesophyll. Cell enlargement, however, con- tinues longest in the epidermis; as a result, the spongy cells are pulled into an open meshwork while the palisade cells are but slightly sepa- rated. Meanwhile the vascular bundles of the veins have increased in diameter. Expansion of the leaves follows rapidly after the opening of the buds; they often double their size within twelve hours. In some plants with small leaves the whole development from leaf primordium [Chap. VIII THE TISSUE SYSTEM OF LEAVES 71 to mature leaf may occur at a rather uniform rate during ten days to two weeks. In large-leaved plants, such as tobacco, the leaves grow for a month or more before becoming mature. Leaf tissues. When we look at the exterior of a leaf we find the upper and lower surfaces composed of angular or interlocking cells of the epi- dermis ( Fig. 34 ) . The outer cell wall contains a deposit of cutin, a fat- Upper epidermis ■ Palisade layers Intercellular ^ , y^ 5pace Lower epidermis Fig. 34. Tissues of a leaf of the common periwinkle {Vinca). Courtesy of World Book Co. like substance. This cutinized layer is often called the cuticle. It may be very thin, or it may be so thick that the outer wall is the most conspicu- ous part of the epidemial cell. In the lower epidennis, and sometimes among the upper epidermal cells, paired specialized guard cells partially separate and form a pore or stomate.- When open, the stomates are passages connecting the air within the intercellular spaces of the leaf with the external atmosphere. Between the upper and lower epidennis there are several layers of cells constituting the mesophyll. The upper layers usually have elongated - Some authors prefer stoma (Greek = mouth; pi. stomata); in either case the adjective is stomctal. 72 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY vertical cells, the palisade layers; and the lower have irregular cells more or less parallel to the leaf surface forming the spongy layers. Among these cells the vascular bundles — the veins — form a network extending to every part of the leaf. The midrib and larger veins increase in thick- ness and may become several times as thick as the blade. Each vascular bundle consists of xylem and phloem tissues surrounded by one or more cell layers of bundle sheath. In the larger veins and petioles of leaves the xylem and phloem may be surrounded by heavy-walled fibrous sclerenchyma,^ or the sclerenchyma may be massed above and below the vascular tissues, as in many grasses. In the smaller veins the bundle sheath consists of thin-walled cells. So completely do the veins penetrate all parts of the mesophyll that any one mesophyll cell is rarely more than a few cells away from a vein. The xylem consists of elongated cells, and of tube-like vessels that originate by a disintegration of the cross walls in strands of several or many successive cells. The xylem of a single vein usually contains sev- eral of these tube-like vessels — hence the name vascular bundle. The movement of water to the mesophvll occurs mostly in these vessels. The spiral thickening of vessels in the leaves of many plants, such as agapanthus or geranium, is readily seen when segments of the blade are pulled apart. Petioles of nelumbo are also excellent material for this demonstration. The phloem tissue is composed of elongated small cells which differ from those of the xylem in that they retain their protoplasmic content at maturity. Foods move from the mesophyll cells through the phloem tissue to other parts of the plant. The petiole. The petiole connecting the blade of the leaf with the stem consists essentially of one or more vascular bundles and associated libers embedded in parenchyma tissues. The bundles are continuations of the vein system of the blade, and at the basal end connect with the ^ The names of several common plant tissues are formed from the Greek word enchyma preceded by a descripti\'e prefix. Early plant anatomists held that all tissues are deri\'ed from a "fundamental" soft tissue, or parenchyma, a general term still used for thin-walled tissues such as occur in many edible fruits, pith, and the soft parts of lea\'es, stems, and roots. The term sclerenchyma is applied to hard tissues, such as the thick-walled fibers of wood, flax, and hemp; and to the rounded grit cells such as occur in pear fruits and in the bark of many trees. When mature, sclerenchyma cells die, and only the heavy walls persist. Chlorenchyma is any tissue containing chlorophyll, whether in leaf, stem, root, or other part of the plant. The term coUenchyma is applied to soft tissue in which the cell walls are thickened irregularly, especially at the angles. These cells retain their protoplasm and may be rounded or elongated. They occur in thick \'eins of leaves, in petioles, and in herbaceous stems. Mesophyll (middle leaf) consists of parenchyma; it may be properly called chlorenchyma only when it is green. [Chap. VIII THE TISSUE SYSTEM OF LEAVES 73 bundles of the stem. Near the junction of the petiole and stem there is a short region in which the sclerenchyma is either less or absent, and in which parenchyma cells rich in cytoplasm fomi a disk-shaped layer several cells thick across the petiole, except in the bundles. This is the absciss layer (Fig. 35). It is formed during leaf development and may be readily distinguished in longitudinal sections of the petiole from the cell layers above and below it. Under various conditions — such as Fig. 35. Vertical sections of the bases of two petioles of coleus leaves: A, in which the absciss layer is almost fully developed, and B, in which abscission is nearly completed. Photomicrographs by R. M. Myers. drought, injury to the blade, low and high temperatures — chemical changes are induced in these cells. The middle lamella and sometimes other layers of the cell walls become jelly-like or are dissolved, and the petiole is separated from the stem. The lea\ es of deciduous trees may be supported for a time by the vascular strands, but these are ultimately broken. The breakdown of the absciss layer in the petiole of some herbaceous plants may take place and the leaf abscise within 48 hours. Abscission is usually preceded or followed by changes in the cells at- tached to the stem below the absciss layer. These changes result in the closure of the vessels and the development of scar tissue evident in the leaf scar. 74 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY The stomates. In describing the epidemiis the paired guard cells which surround the stomate were mentioned. These are highly spe- cialized cells formed by subdivision of epidermal cells; unlike the or- dinary epidermal cells, they contain green plastids (Fig. 36). In tree leaves the guard cells do not separate until the leaf has attained a fourth or a third of its size. In many leaves they are found exclusively, or mostly, in tlie lower epidermis. Less frequently they are most abundant on the upper surface; they rarely occur in equal numbers on both sides Fig. 36. Stomates in relation to guard cells, subsidiary cells, and ordinary epidermal cells. Lower epidermis of (A) Boston fern, (B) Zehrina, and (C) corn. of the leaf. Stomatal openings are so minute that the area of an average pinhole may be equivalent to that of 2000 to 2500 stomates. On many common leaves, however, there are from 100 to 600 stomates per square millimeter of leaf surface, and when they are open their total area may be equal to nearly 1 per cent of the lower leaf surface. The most remarkable thing about stomates is that they are opened by the swelling and arching of the guard cells, and closed by the shrinking and straightening of these cells. When a plant is moved from darkness to light, the guard cells are affected by light and their internal pressure increases, causing them to separate and open the stomate. On a warm day this opening may take place in about 15 to 30 minutes. Thus in the summertime stomates open after sunrise and remain open for two or more hours, depending on conditions discussed in Chapter XXIII. The closing of the stomates depends on a number of factors, mostly internal. [Chap. VIII THE TISSUE SYSTEM OF LEAVES 75 Here it need be emphasized only that external factors — light, water, and a warm temperature — are the most important prerequisites for their opening. Summary, A leaf is a more or less flattened organ that develops from a leaf primordium, which originates in the meristematic tissue at the growing point of a stem. The blade may be sessile, or it may be sup- ported at some distance from the stem by a petiole. The latter is essen- tially a structure containing vascular bundles surrounded by other tissues. The blade is a flattened body covered by an epidermis which is perforated by stomates that are opened and closed by guard cells. Within the blade, the mesophyll consists of several layers of parenchyma cells which are variously arranged and partlv in contact with the inter- cellular air spaces that ramify throughout the leaf. The air spaces are continuous with the outside atmosphere when the stomates are open. Within and throughout the mesophyll there extends an ever-branching vascular system of water-conducting and food-conducting tissues that are in contact with most of the mesophvll cells, and never more than a few cells removed. Some or all of the mesophvll cells contain chloroplasts and chlorophyll. The larger veins of the leax^es are often ensheathed with hard sclerenchvma fibers. These fibers increase the rigidity of the blade; but as shown bv wilted leaves, they are not sufficient to hold the blade upright. Owing to the formation of layers of cutin, external cell walls of the epidermis may be more or less impervious to water. The mesophyll is a mechanism of living cells connected with the stem by water- and food-conducting tissues, distributed in a labyrinth of air passages through which water \'apor, oxygen, and carbon dioxide can move freely. The whole is enclosed bv a cutinized epidennis, in which are stomates that may be open in warm sunlight, thus connecting the internal with the external atmosphere. CHAPTER IX ENVIRONMENT AND LEAF DEVELOPMENT Development of a leaf begins with the terminal growth of a primordium. This terminal growth in a fern leaf may continue long after the base of the leaf is mature. The tender, young coiled tip of a growing Boston fern leaf is familiar to all. In the broad leaves of common trees and shrubs all parts of the blade continue to grow and mature about the same time, though growth continues longest in the base. In the leaves of grasses, iris, aloe, and pine the basal region remains meristematic much Fig. 37. Growing regions of leaf blades indicated by stippling. The fern leaf (A) continuous growth longest at the apex, and grass leaves (B) longest at the base. The growth of leaves similar to those of the sunflower (C) is much less localized. 76 [Chap. IX ENVIRONMENT AND LEAF DEVELOPMENT 77 longer than the apical portion. Hence these leaves continue to elongate from the base after the other portions are mature. When growing plants of grasses and aloe are placed in a dark box the leaves continue elongat- ing; their white or yellow basal portions indicate the growing regions. In early spring one may often see the same thing in bluegrass lawns before sunrise. When bluegrass is clipped the clipped leaves continue their elongation. Cutting the tip of a fern leaf removes the growing region, and growth of the leaf stops. Appreciation of these three types of leaf development (Fig. 37) may aid in the interpretation of many leaf phenomena. During development leaves may be subjected to drought, to intense light, shade, or darkness, to high and low temperatures, and to numer- LOQi B 1 — "^ y\^ V i J R a yrjo^~irzr~r M^WVP] ^^& S ^^S -^Tn ^^^^ ^^S a ^^^ C ■^'-^pS^^^^i. Fig. 38. Cross sections of leaves of sugar maple from different environments: A, section of a very young leaf with the usual three layers of mesophyll cells which do not increase in number in some environments; B, section of a leaf from the base of a tree in a forest; C, section of a leaf from the middle of the crown of an isolated tree; D, section of a leaf from the side of the crown exposed to the sun. Drawings redrawn from G. H. Smith (A) and from H. C. Hanson (B-D), American Journal of Botany. ous other external conditions. The effects of these environmental factors on the growth processes within the cells may bring about an increase or decrease in the division, enlargement, and differentiation of cells. Conse- quently any change in the intensity of these factors during the growth period of a leaf may result in distinct differences in form and structure. Light and leaf size. Leaves that have developed in full sunlight are usually smaller and thicker than the corresponding leaves that have developed in partial shade. The lobes of leaves, such as those of oak 78 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY and maple, are also thicker as well as narrower and longer when the leaf grows in bright light. The thickness of leaves in full sunlight may be as much as 2 or 3 times that of similar leaves that developed in shade. Studies of leaf development have shown that in moderate shade the number of cell la vers of mesophvll is the same as in the embryonic leaf, while in full sunlight the number of these layers may be increased ( Fig. 38). Moreover, there is increased elongation of cells at right angles to the leaf surface; that is, more of the mesophyll cells become palisade cells. In dense shade the leaf blades of many plants mature at an early stage of development and remain smaller and thinner. In total darkness such blades develop little or not at all. Corn and other parallel-veined leaves are exceptions in that the blades of seedlings may enlarge in darkness even more than in light. Petioles generally lengthen more in shade and darkness than in light. Internally, the vascular tissues of the petiole become differentiated more in full sunlight than in darkness. Light and epidermal cells. What evidence there is seems to indicate that in anv one species the larger size of shade leaves is due more to the greater enlargement of the cells than to the increase in number of cells (Fig. 39). Likewise, the total number of stomates in these leaves may not increase, since the proportion of epidermal cells from which guard cells develop is about the same in both sun and shade. The mean number of stomates per 100 original epideiTnal cells is as follows : ^ European beech Shade leaves 10.7 Sun leaves 10.4 Black elderberry Shade leaves 15.5 Sun leaves 16.1 Myrtle blueberry Shade leaves 12.2 Sun leaves 14,5 There are more epidermal cells and more stomates per square milli- meter of surface in sun leaves than in shade leaves when the plants grow out-of-doors. Under these conditions the leaves are heated more than in shade, and evaporation of water from them reduces the water content of their cells. Since, in growth,* enlargement of cells depends in part on water pressures inside them, sun leaves have smaller epidermal cells, iData from E. J. Salisbury, Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 216:1-65, 1927. The mean nmnber of epidermal cells and pairs of guard cells, respectively, per square mm. in sun and in shade are given as follows: European beech Shade leaves 1157 and 145 Sun leaves 1905 and HI Black elderberry Shade leaves 268 and 47 Sun leaves 581 and 112 Blueberry Shade leaves 545 and 90 Sun leaves 1049 and 132 [Chap. IX ENVIRONMENT AND LEAF DEVELOPMENT 79 and more per unit area; likewise their guard cells are smaller, and the pairs of guard cells per unit area are more numerous. When moisture B/ SHADE FORM SUN FORM Fig. 39. Relation of growth of leaf tissues of wandering jew (Tradescantia) to light. Leaves (A) on plants shaded by two layers of cheesecloth are broader and thinner, and have shorter pahsade cells, larger epidermal cells, and fewer stomates per square millimeter than leaves (B) on plants exposed to full sunlight. From F. H. Norris. conditions are controlled so that evaporation from the leaves is about the same in sun and in shade, the numbers are approximately the same for equal surface areas. The effects of intense light upon leaf develop- ment are similar to those of drought. 80 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Following is a comparison of leaf structures- in a cross section of Rhododendron catawbiense from a spruce-fir forest ( shade ) and from a heath-bald (sun) on Mt. LeConte in the southern Appalachians, eleva- tion 6600 ft. Evaporation rate in the heath-bald w^as about 5 times that in the forest, whereas transpiration was only about 3.5 times as great. Shade Sun Ratio Shade Average leaf dimensions 13.5 X 5.9 cm. 6.9 X 3 cm. 0.25 Mean thickness of leaves 0.358 mm. 0.525 mm. 1.5 Mean thickness, upper cuti- cle 6.0 microns 8.9 microns 1.5 Mean thickness, upper epi- dermis 11.0 " 13.5 " 1.2 Mean number layers of pal- isade 2.5 " 4.5 " 1.8 Mean thickness, palisade layers 70.0 " 144.0 " 2.1 Mean thickness, spongy parenchyma 253.0 " 321.0 " 1.6 Mean thickness, lower epi- dermis 10.5 " 16.2 " 1.5 Mean thickness, lower cuti- cle 2.9 " 6.7 " 2.3 The development of the finer veins of the leaf is similarly affected, and the meshes ( "vein-islets" ) enclosed by the veins are smaller in sun- light than in shade. The area of vein-islets probably is determined not directly by sunlight, but indirectly by the increased evaporation and the decreased expansion of the leaf cells, as are leaf size, thickness, number of stomates, and epidermal cells per square millimeter. In all these phenomena growth hormones may play an appreciable part. Light and leaf position. Plants placed at a window are exposed to only a fourth or a fifth as much light as plants out-of-doors; moreover, most of the light strikes onh' one side of the plant. This one-sided illumina- tion of the young leaves results in unequal growth of the petioles. The cells on the shaded side lengthen more than those on the lighted side. The greater elongation of the shaded side of the petiole is evident in its bending toward the window. Apparently minute quantities of growth - Calculated from sections near the midrib. From S. A. Cain and J. D. Oli\er Miller, Amer. Midland Naturalist, 14:69-82, 1933. [Chap. IX ENVIRONMENT AND LEAF DEVELOPMENT 81 hormones are formed in the blades in hght, and their unequal distribu- tion in the petiole results in a greater lengthening of the cells on the shaded side. When an environmental factor is changed, all the tissues of the leaf may not be afiFected equally in their development. The enlargement or the differentiation of one tissue may be increased or decreased more than that of others. If the growth of the epidermis is checked sooner than that of the mesophyll, the mesophyll cells will be closer together and the air spaces smaller. If the growth of mesophyll cells is checked sooner than that of the epi- dermis, the leaf will have larger air spaces. Air-space differences usually re- sult in either an increase or a decrease of the area of mesophyll wall surface ex- posed to the air spaces. If the edge of a blade matures before growth stops in the middle, stresses de- velop within the leaf and it may become convex or curled. The rigidity of manv large leaves and the curving and twisting of petioles may be due to such internal stresses and strains between tissues. The lengthening, bending, and twist- ing of petioles among adjacent leaves on inclined stems, and on vines growing on walls, often result in an arrangement and spacing of blades which when viewed from the direction of the most intense light appear as "leaf mosaics." Rosettes of plantain and dandelion have similar leaf arrangements. The leaves of prickly lettuce and other "compass plants"^ growing in dry, in- tensely lighted habitats are twisted to a more or less vertical position in a north- ^ Lactuca scariola, L. saligna, Silphium lacinia- tum, and S. terebinthinaceum. Fig. 40. When the growing stem tip of the mermaid weed is submerged, the leaves that develop are finely divided; when it is in air, the leaves that develop are not divided. 82 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY south plane. In shade, these leaves have the usual oblique or horizontal position. Some plants tliat grow partly submerged have finely divided leaves under water and nearly entire leaves above water. The mermaid weed ( Proserpinaca ) , for example, grows well both on moist soil and in water. It is what may be called a highly plastic species since its leaf types are readily changed. As long as the leaf primordia are under water the leaves that develop are divided. If the leaf primordia are raised above the WARM MOIST COOL MOIST Fig. 41. EflFects of temperatiue and drought on leaf size and structure of the sour dock. In the warm dry culture the plants wilted daily. The temperature of the substrate in the "cool moist" culture was on the average 10 degrees below that of the "warm moist" culture. water, undivided serrate leaves result (Fig. 40). Moreover, if the stem tip is held alternately above and below the water, successive tiers of divided and undivided leaves may develop on the same stem. The epidermis of submerged leaves may have paired guard cells which do not separate and form stomates. Internally the submerged leaves have considerably less differentiation of cells and tissues than do the aerial leaves. In a preceding chapter attention was called to the chemical effects of light and temperature on the greening of leaves, on autumn coloration, and on abscission of leaves. Some of the effects of drought and tempera- ture on the development of leaves are illustrated in Fig. 41. Drought often increases the spinescence of plants (Fig. 42). [Chap. IX ENVIRONMENT AND LEAF DEVELOPMENT 83 Fig. 42. The English gorse growing in moist places has leafy shoots; in dry situa- tions the shoots are largely spines and thorns. After Lothelier. Some of the variations observable in leaves that grow out-of-doors are the results of changes in such factors as light and water, similar to those discussed in this chapter. When individuals of the same species grow in very dissimilar habitats, environmental effects on leaf forai often make it difficult to identify the plants. Kevs to plant species are based on heritable characteristics as developed in a single natural habitat, prefer- ably a favorable one. CHAPTER X HEREDITARY DIFFERENCES IN LEAVES All leaves develop from a small mound of meristematic cells near the tip of a stem, and all these primordia look much alike. From the leaf primordia of elm trees simple pinnately veined leaves develop, but from the leaf primordia of the sugar maple five-lobed palmately veined leaves develop. The leaves of horse chestnut and buckeye become palmately compound, and those of the ash become pinnately compound. Since these characteristics regularly appear in anv, or all, of the environments in which the trees grow, it is evident that these variations in leaf devel- opment, foiTn, and structure are the result of hereditary differences. Heritable variations in leaves have been occurring throughout the millions of years that leaf -bearing plants have existed upon the earth. If one were to begin studying these variations by noting all of the minute heritable differences in the form and size of teeth and lobes on leaf margins, or in the form, number, and arrangement of epidermal hairs on leaves, he would undoubtedlv conclude that heritable variations in leaves are legion. He would probably conclude also that for every one of these variations tliat may be of some advantage to the plant there are hundreds of others that are of no particular value or hami to it. Regardless of their value or lack of value to the plant, all of them are the result of the same general changes in the composition and arrangement of molecules in the hereditary units of matter (genes) in plant cells. "Rain falls alike upon the just and the unjust" because the factors underlying the formation of clouds and rain bear no relation to justice. Similarly, the factors underly- ing the origin of heritable variations bear no relation to their value. Dis- similar variations occur in leaves of plants growing in similar habitats and, conversely, similar variations occur in leaves of plants growing in dissimilar habitats. A few kinds of variations have survived more abun- dantly in some habitats than in others. Many of the heritable variations in leaves are interesting as phenomena of nature. Man makes use of them also as a means of classifying plants, for various sorts of decora- tion, and as a source of certain economic products. We shall not at this 84 [Chap. X HEREDITARY DIFFERENCES IN LEAVES 85 time consider how heritable variations occur, but Hmit our attention to a few types of them in leaves. Size and form. The smallest flowering plant in North America is a little globular duckweed ( Wolffia ) about 2 millimeters in diameter, with- out distinct root, stem, or leaf (Fig. 11). The opposite extreme is repre- sented by palms with leaves 20 feet long. The native fern from which the Boston fern was derived grows in the Everglades region of southern Florida and has been found with leaves over 20 feet in length. Pines have needle leaves which in some species may be more than a foot long; structurally they are quite different from the leaves thus far described ( Fig. 324 ) . Iris is readily recognized by its sword-like vertical blades and the tightly folded sheath enclosing the stem and younger leaf bases. The cactus (Opuntia) has small temporary succulent leaves (Fig. 43). Victoria regia of the Amazon River, the largest of the water lilies, may have floating blades 5 feet in diameter with petioles 2 inches thick and Fig. 43. The cactus {Opuntia) in which the younger stem segments and fruits bear small, awl-shaped, succulent leaves. Photo by G. S. Crowl. 86 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 44. The largest of water lilies, Victoria regia, in bloom. Photo from New York Botanical Garden. 20 feet long (Figs. 44 and 45). The century plant (Agave) has a type of hard leaf with a heavy base and thickened blade, often variously curved because of unequal growth (Fig. 46). At the time of flowering the upper leaves of poinsettia are bright red. The leaf ( spathe ) that sub- tends the flower cluster in the calla lily becomes white before the flowers mature. Parts of leaves are sometimes so modified that it is difficult to identify them as such. The stipules of the black locust tree develop as a pair of spines at the base of the leaf. The stipules of pea vine are leaf-like, and the terminal three or five "leaflets" are tendrils. On smart weeds the stipules form a sheath about the stem, whereas on rose leaves they are attached to the side of the petiole. The various species of asparagus have only very small scale leaves; the leaf-like organs are branches of the stem. All gradations between leaves and spines may be found on the common barberry. Near the stem tip bud scales develop from primordia similar to those of foliage leaves. [Chap. X HEREDITARY DIFFERExNCES IN LEAVES 87 Fig. 45. Petiole and under side of leaf of Victoria regia. Photo from New York Botanical Garden. Structures. The illustrations in this chapter show some of the striking differences in the structures of leaves. Simple one-celled hairs, or multi- cellular branched, stellate, and shield-like hairs are characteristic of certain leaves. The pine needle has peculiar chlorenchyma cells, and resin ducts. In the aloe leaf the chlorenchvma is a peripheral layer en- closing a mass of large, thin-walled gelatinous cells that have a high water-retaining capacity. The leaves of many aquatics that extend or develop above the water level are noted for the large proportion of air cavities extending not only throughout the leaf but downward into the stem and roots. The relative numbers of stomates and their occurrence on the two sides of a leaf are characteristic of a given species ( Table 2 ) . The number of stomates per square millimeter varies from place to place on a particular leaf, and the average of several counts must be taken when comparisons are made. 88 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 46. Agave in bloom. From U. S. Biological Survey. The pulvinus. At the base of the leaves and leaflets of certain plants, such as beans, clovers, honey locust, and red-bud, there is a thickened portion of the petiole, termed the ptilvimis. It is composed primarily of parenchyma cells; the veins are more nearly central in it than they are in the rest of the petiole ( Fig. 47 ) . Water passes into or out of the cells more freely on one side of the pulvinus than on the other. This unequal movement of water causes unequal enlargement or shrinkage on oppo- site sides of the pulvinus, and a consequent movement of the attached petiole and blade. A more detailed account of the movement of water into and out of cells is included in Chapters XXII and XXIII. In a pulvinus of the sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) such changes in water content may be brought about on a warm day by simply touch- ing the leaf. The observed effects are a hfting of the leaflets, a gradual closure of the branch "petioles," and a downward movement of the main [Chap. X HEREDITARY DIFFEF lENCES IN LEAVES 89 Table 2. Average Number of Stomates and Lower Surfaces of per Square Millimeter on a Variety of Leaves^ the Upper Tree Leaves Herb Leaves American beech (Fagus grandifolia) Up. Lo. 0 100 Giant ragweed [Ambrosia trifida) Up. Lo. 100 200 Yellow oak (Qiiercus muhlenbergia) Up. Lo. 0 330 Hemp (Cannabis indica) Up. Lo. 18 230 Black walnut (Jiiglans nigra) Up. Lo. 0 460 Prickly lettuce (Lactuca scariola) Up. Lo. 85 125 Tulip tree (Liriodendron) Up. Lo. 0 240 Cattail (Typha latifolia) Up. Lo. 225 235 Cottonwood (Populus deltoid es) Up. Lo. .55 85 Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) Up. Lo. 0 32 Scarlet oak (Quercus coccinca) Up. Lo. 0 1038 Willow herb (Dianfliera americana) Up. Lo. 80 80 Shrub Leaves Water lily (Castalia odorata) Up. Lo. 460 0 Sassafras {Sassafras vari i folium) Up. Lo. 0 35 Cow vetch iVicia cracca) Up. Lo. 130 44 Grape {Vilis bicolor) Up. Lo. 0 72 Com (Zea mays) Up. Lo. 70 88 Cranberry ( Oxy coccus mac r oca rp us) Up. Lo. 0 632 Fescue grass (Festuca sylvatica) Up. Lo. 200 0 Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) Up. Lo. 0 25 Bl uegrass iPoa praiensis) Up. Lo. 160 104 Maple-leaved vi})urnum {Viburnum acerifolium) Up. Lo. 20 30 Water plantain {Alisma plantago) Up. Lo. 50 36 "petiole. " This eollapse of the whole leaf is in no way due to a mere re- laxing of the leaf. The petiole is actually forced downward by the change in size of the cells of the pulvinus. Many of these leaves have charac- teristic positions with reference to the sun on bright days, and some "follow the sun" from morning to e\'ening. These movements occur readily with changes in light intensity provided the temperature is high; if it is low, they are slow or do not occur at all. ' Data from papers by G. VV. Blaydes, E. J. Salisbury, and L. E. Yocum. 90 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 47. Pulvinus and section of pulvinus from leaf of sensitive plant, both en- larged. When the leaf is touched, the water in the cells on side A passes outward into the intercellular spaces, causing the cells partially to collapse. The pressure of the cells on side B then forces the leaf downward. Courtesy World Book Co. Rolling of leaves. Leaves of many grasses, especially those that live in dry regions, have chloroplasts in part of the mesophvll tissue only. There are other parenchyma cells, called reservoir cells, in v^hich water noticeably accumulates. When the plants are subjected to drought these cells lose water and the leaves become folded, or rolled. Fig. 48 illus- trates sections of leaves with reservoir cells. The inward rolling of leaves of corn and beach grass, and the folding of bluegrass leaves are common examples. These leaf movements have often been cited as ex- amples of purposeful behavior, on the assumption that the leaves always roll so that the stomates will be on the inside. In nature, however, one may find leaves rolled in such a way that the stomates are on the out- side and more exposed to light and dry winds than before the rolling. Bluegrass leaves which fold upward in drought have more of the stomates on the upper surface, whereas corn leaves which roll up have a greater number of stomates on the lower, exposed surface. Aquatics. The leaves of submerged plants are noted for their thinness. They are usually ribbon-like as in pondweeds, or branched and dissected as in the water milfoil, water crowfoot, and water marigold. The leaf blades of many aquatic plants float on the surface of the water. The most striking features of floating leaves are the large air cavities and the restriction of stomates to the upper surface. However, paired guard cells often occur on the lower surfaces, and when the leaves develop above [Chap. X HEREDITARY DIFFERENCES IN LEAVES 91 Fig. 48. Cross sections of leaves of bluegrass (A) and beach grass (B). The mechanism which unfolds and folds these leaves may be seen as enlarged upper epidermal cells at the base of each sinus. water stomates are formed. Air cavities make up a large proportion of the volume of the leaves of water hyacinth, arrowhead, and cattail. Insectivorous leaves. Most unusual leaf forms occur in the sundews, pitcher plants, and the Venus's-flytrap. These are usually grouped to- gether as insectivorous plants because small insects may be caught among the sticky glandular hairs of the sundew leaves, and on the snap-trap blades of the flytrap. Insects large and small fall into the "pitchers" ( Fig. 49 ) . In several of these plants it has been shown that soluble sub- 92 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY stances formed by the decay of the insects pass into the leaf tissues and may be used as food. These plants, however, grow just as well in the absence of insects. Fig. 49. The tall southern pitcher plant {Sarracenia flava), commonly called trumpet leaf. Photo by G. W. Blaydes. Chemical differences. Some plants are noted for their anthocyanin pigments. The patterns in which these pigments are arranged in the leaves of coleus exemplify the fact that although the cells of the leaf primordia are all alike, the cells derived from them differentiate not only structurally but chemically. Some of the pigments in these leaf color patterns may be in the epidermis, while others are in the mesophyll in one part of the leaf but absent in other parts. Experiments have shown that the inheritance of certain factors determines both pigment forma- tion and patterns. Cells of certain areas behave diflFerently from corre- sponding cells in other leaf areas. Evidently the tissue systems of the whole leaf react on the individual cells. The leaf, therefore, is not just a mass of independent units. Another example of hereditary differences in the chemical compounds formed in leaves is furnished by two closely related plants, spearmint and peppermint, each producing a characteristic aromatic oil used in [Chap. X HEREDITARY DIFFERENCES IN LEAVES 93 flavoring confections and in medicine. Other chemicals characteristic of certain leaves are the nicotine of tobacco, cocaine of coca, theine of tea, and atropine of the deadly nightshade. Economic uses of leaves. The use of leaves as food for grazing and browsing animals is of great economic importance. In connection w^ith grazing animals it should be remembered that insects probably remove as much or more plant materials from a pasture than the larger animals. The several products made from tobacco leaves are derived from dis- tinct and selected varieties of the plant. The aroma, color, size, and tex- ture of these leaves may be further modified both by the conditions under which the plants grow, and by the different methods of curing. Each variety attains its highest quality only under certain climatic conditions and on certain soils. For instance, the Mammoth variety cultivated in Connecticut, Maryland, and Florida has more leaves than others. The Cuban variety which is extensively used for cigar wrappers is sometimes shaded with cloth to increase leaf size and decrease leaf thickness. Burley, a coarse-textured variety, develops best on particular soils in Kentucky; it is much used in plug and smoking tobacco. Certain varie- ties cultivated on the sandy soils of Virginia and the Carolinas have been preferred for cigarettes. Grass leaves, and fibers from the agave and from a Philippine banana, are extensively used for the manufacture of twine, ropes, and rugs. A complete list of vegetables used as food would include a number of tender succulent leaves that fonn an important item of the human dietary in all parts of the world. Leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins; this is possibly their greatest value, aside from their contribution to flavors and odors. A large and valuable literature deals with the effects of environmental factors on heritable qualities of economic plants. In this and the preced- ing chapter only a few examples have been cited. State and federal de- partments of agriculture have published many bulletins dealing with varieties of crop plants; with the particular temperature, light, moisture, and soil conditions most favorable for their development; and with the regions of the United States where they grow most successfully. The references below contain additional information on hereditary variations in leaves, as well as in other plant organs, as indicated by differences in the substances made by plants from their foods. Further discussion of some of these plant products occurs in Chapter XIX. 94 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY REFERENCES Coulter, J. M., C. R. Barnes, and H. C. Cowles. Textbook of Botany. Vol. 3, Ecology. American Book Company. 1930. ( For additional illustrations. ) Good, Ronald. Plants and Human Economics. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1933. Pp. 69-161. Hill, A. F. Economic Botany. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1937. Medsger, O. P. Edible Wild Plants. The Macmillan Company. 1939. Muenscher, W. C. Poisonous Plants of the United States. The Macmillan Company. 1939. CHAPTER XI A BIT OF USEFUL CHEMISTRY Many gross features and properties of plants may be perceived by means of our unaided senses. With the help of a microscope, tissues and cells can be distinguished, and with the highest powers of this instrument many minute and important structures within the cells can be studied. These visible units of a plant are composed of invisible units, which may be investigated and mentally visualized by the methods devised by chemists and physicists for studying the composition and transforma- tions of all matter. To understand the visible structures of a plant and the processes by which these structures are built and broken down, cer- tain definite ideas about the invisible units of matter are essential. Con- sequently, it may be helpful to consider briefly here a few invisible units of matter and some of the usual chemical processes by which these units may be combined or changed. These general ideas and principles will be amplified and applied in subsequent discussions of phvsiological proc- esses of plants. Molecules and atoms. Like all other objects of our environment, plants are composed of molecules of definite chemical composition. The proper- ties of the microscopically visible parts of a plant — the protoplasmic structures and cell walls — are determined in part by the kinds of mole- cules of which they are composed, and in part by the arrangement and organization of these molecules into aggregates. Each molecule of a par- ticular compound such as water, sugar, or cellulose is made of still smaller units of matter that are definite in kind and in structural ar- rangement. The characteristic properties and reactions of molecules de- pend upon the presence and arrangement of these smaller units, the atoms and ions. Water is a familiar compound, and in its simplest fomi its molecule consists of 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen — briefly designated + as H2O. Other designations are H — O — H and H — OH; the first of these indicates that both atoms of hydrogen are directly combined with 95 96 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY the atom of oxygen, and the second indicates the electrically charged ions into which the water molecule may be separated. A vessel of water always contains some free H+ and OH~ ions. Likewise, every molecule is made up of atoms held together by electrical forces. In stable molecules the positive and negative charges balance each other and the molecule is neutral; hence it is less active chemically than the free charged ions. Moreover, the electrical charges are important factors in determining the structural arrangement of the atoms and ions within a molecule, and also the stability and constancy of the molecules. Ions may separate under certain conditions and recombine under others without losing their identity. Oxygen and hydrogen are gases with specific properties. As gases their molecules are widely dispersed. Each molecule of oxygen and of hydrogen is composed of two atoms, expressed as O2 and H2. In fact, every chemical element (hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, etc.) is characterized by a particular kind of atom. In turn, the properties of atoms are deteiTnined by still smaller units of which they are composed. An atom is visualized no longer as a minute solid ball, but as a system of electrons, neutrons, and protons in which the negatively charged electrons are arranged about a central body com- posed mostly of neutrons and the positively charged protons. The ar- rangement and movement of these particles within the atom have been likened to the solar system, in which several planetary bodies (the planets) revolve about a central body, the sun. In an atomic system, however, the planetary electrons may not all lie in a single plane and their orbits of motion may not encircle the central body. Since the posi- tive charges on the protons of an atom are balanced by the negative charges on its electrons, an atom is electrically neutral.^ Some chemical reactions are dependent upon the movement of an electron from one atomic system to another atomic svstem. Since the electron is negatively charged, the atom from which it departs becomes a positively charged ion and the atom to which it becomes attached be- comes a negatively charged ion, both of which are chemically active and readily unite with other oppositely charged ions. Many of the common salts, such as Na+Cl~, are formed by the union of oppositely charged ^ For further information about the constitution of atoms see a modern textbook of chemistry such as that by W. McPherson and W. E. Henderson, Course in General Chem- istry, 4th ed., Ginn and Company, 1936, pp. 200-226; H. T. Briscoe, Introduction to College Chemistry, Houghton Mifflin Company; W. H. Hatcher, Introduction to Chemi- cal Science, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [Chap. XI A BIT OF USEFUL CHEMISTRY 97 ions. Chemical unions may also occur without a complete transfer of electrons from one atomic system to another. When two atomic systems approach each other, some of the outermost planetary electrons may be mutually held (shared) by both systems. Electrostatic forces hold the two atoms together as one molecule. Thousands of atoms may thus be held together in the largest molecules of plants and animals. This incessant activity of electrically charged units within the atom makes its capacity for union with other atoms more easily understood. All of this internal activity within a molecule, say of water, may well cause us to wonder at its stability and uniformity of behavior. When we further attempt to picture the complex molecules and unceasing activities within every unit of a living cell, the regularity of development and the stability of living organisms composed of millions of cells are still more remarkable. Our imagination is further taxed by fossil records which show that certain species of both plants and animals are so stable that they have Fig. .50. Navicula lijra, a diatom present in marine deposits formed 25 to 30 million years ago. This species still lives today on sea coasts throughout the world. Photo by Spencer Lens Co. remained apparently unchanged generation after generation through millions of years (Fig. 50). The stability of the cell, of the whole or- ganism, and of the species is in the last analysis dependent upon the stability of physical-chemical units and upon the orderliness with which cycles of processes are repeated untold numbers of times. Cellular ac- tivity is far easier to comprehend than cellular stability; but this very stability is evidence of the inherent orderliness of natural processes. Chemical processes in plants. An astounding number of different sub- stances is formed in plants. Yet the formations and transformations of these substances involve only a few fundamental chemical processes. 98 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY An appreciation of four of these fundamental processes is an invaluable aid to an understanding of many of the material and energy transforma- tions in plants. Oxidation and reduction. Originally the term oxidation referred to the combining of oxvgen with other elements and the consequent release of energy. For instance, when coal burns, free oxygen combines with the carbon in the coal, carbon dioxide ( COi- ) is formed, and the chemically bound energy in the coal is liberated as heat and light. The same process occurs when wood or natural gas burns. The burning or oxidation of marsh gas (methane) may be indicated by a simple equation:' Methane , Free ^ Carbon ^Vater + ^^^^ (bound energy) "' oxygen dioxide energy H H-C-H + 2 O2 > 0=C=0 + 2 H-O-H + ^^l^^ H Similar oxidations occur in living plants when the carbon of food sub- stances combines with oxygen and the chemically bound energy in the foods is liberated. When sugar is made from CO2 and Hi-O in the green tissues of plants the reverse of the burning process occurs. This reverse process is called reduction. Some of the chemically bound oxygen in the CO 2 or H-O is liberated, and free energy is chemically bound in the sugar that is fonned. In this particular process it is the energy of sunlight that be- comes chemically bound in the sugar. This earlv concept of oxidation and reduction is adequate for many of the problems we shall meet in general botany. When we recognize that free oxygen is being chemically bound in the plant and chemically bound energy is being liberated, we may infer that oxidation is occurring in the plant. When the reverse occurs we may infer that reduction is occurring. For certain problems, however, we may want to think of these proc- esses in a more fundamental way. When an atom is oxidized it may lose one or more electrons to another atom; it thus gains in positive charges or valence. The atom to which the electron becomes attached O 111 (rains in negative charges or valence; i.e., it is reduced. By this concept, 2 In the equations in this book in which we wish to indicate energy transformations, the name of the compound containing chemically bound energy will be followed by the words "bound energy" in parentheses. [Chap. XI A BIT OF USEFUL CHEMISTRY 99 oxidation and reduction are seen to be supplementary and simultaneous; this fact is indicated by the term oxicJation-reduction. This concept of oxidation and reduction is held to be true for many cases, such as the oxidation of iron and other metals. In the oxidation of methane, sugar, and similar carbon compounds, however, the electrons do not actually pass from one atom to another but are mutually shared by both atoms. Oxidation and reduction are involved in all physiological processes in which energy is chemically bound or liberated. Hydrolysis and condensation. Some seeds contain starch but no sugar. When such seeds germinate, sugar appears in them and increases in abundance while the starch gradually disappears. When an animal eats a starchy food, the starch is converted to sugar in its alimentary tract. We are accustomed to say that the starch has been digested to sugar. The chemist refers to this process as hydrolysis because one mole- cule of water is added to the starch molecule for every molecule of sugar separated from it. The reverse process also takes place in plant cells, sugar being changed to starch. When several molecules of sugar are combined forming one large molecule of starch, a molecule of water is separated from each molecule of sugar added. Since several molecules are joined into one larger molecule with a loss of H2O this process may be called condensa- tion. Many similar changes in the fat and protein compounds in living cells occur by hydrolysis and condensation. These changes do not in- volve a transfer of electric charges and little or no energy is gained or lost. Attention is called to these two contrasting pairs of fundamental chem- ical processes — oxidation versus reduction, and hydrolysis versus con- densation— so that the discussion of food substances, their uses and transformations may be understood more readily. In addition to these four chemical processes, there is another in which ions that have the same charge mav replace each other in certain chemi- cal compounds. For example, in a solution Na+ and K+ may replace each other. Likewise OH~ and NH7 may replace each other in certain organic compounds in living cells. This is called chemical substitution. The number of atoms in a molecule may be small, as in water ( H-O ) , or it may be very large, as in proteins where each molecule is composed of more than a thousand atoms. Casein, one of the common proteins of milk, has the formula C708Hn3o0224Ni8oS4P4. In nature, outside of living cells, such complicated molecules are rarely formed. One of the reasons 100 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY why discovery of the chemistry of Hving organisms has progressed so slowly is the presence of such large complex molecules. Another reason is that within the colloidal system of protoplasm with its surface energy and electrical energy there are many chemical transformations that are dijBficult or impossible to duplicate in the laboratory. Furthermore, growth hormones and other substances may affect life processes in a most strik- ing way when present in amounts too small to be detected by the or- dinary methods of chemical analysis. Owing to the complexity of the problems of biochemistry, progress is slow; but students of this phase of biology may well be proud of the advances made during the last half- century. Elements found in plants. About half of the known chemical elements have been found in plants through chemical analyses of a great variety of specimens. But this fact is of little significance. The roots of a plant are in contact with the water in the soil, and any soluble substance in the soil water is likely to pass into the water within the plant and thus be reported in a chemical analysis of the plant. On the other hand cer- tain of these elements are known to be in the compounds of which the plant is made. First in abundance are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen which occur in most plant compounds. Nitrogen and sulfur occur in all known plant proteins. Phosphorus occurs in some proteins and in various lipoids (phosphatides). IMagnesium is one of the elements in the chlorophyll molecule. Calcium forms salts with the acid substances, such as pectic acid in the cell walls of plants. Any other metal may similarly form salts with acid substances in plants, but its presence may not be essential to the plant. Finally there are a few elements — namely, po- tassium, iron, manganese, boron, and sometimes copper and zinc — which are essential to the development of plants; but their definite relations to plant processes are still inadequately known. Some of them are toxic to the plant except when present in very minute amounts. A list of the elements essential to the development of plants tells us little about the chemical composition of plants. Thev do not occur in plant tissues as free elements, but owe their importance to the part they play in the formation of compounds and the processes they aflFect. With the exception of oxygen they are not absorbed and used by green plants as elements. Thev enter the plant either in the form of compounds or as dissociated ions of compounds. A part of the oxygen used by plants also enters the plant in the form of the compounds HiO and CO2. CHAPTER XII THE FOOD OF PLANTS Three frequently used words will help us arrive at an understanding of the nature of food. Thev are: starvation, desiccation, and suffocation. Suffocation implies a lack of oxygen; desiccation, a deficient water con- tent of the body; and starvation, a lack of food. More recently "mineral deficiency" has become a common expression among physicians to denote an inadequate supply of certain mineral salt ions. Botanists have found these four expressions of bodily needs — mineral deficiency, suffocation, desiccation, and starvation — equally pertinent in distinguishing the salt, oxygen, water, and food relations of plants. Sources of foods. The fact that cattle, dogs, birds, insects, and other animals secure food either by eating plants, by eating animals that feed on plants, or by eating commercial products obtained from plants, needs no further evidence. Equally commonplace is the admonition that to prevent the decay of food, the infection of wounds, and the spread of certain diseases, it is necessarv to avoid, or to destroy by antiseptics, certain non-green plants known as bacteria and fungi. Non-green plants, like animals, obtain food from other plants or from animals, or from plant and animal products. The green plants therefore appear to be unique among organisms in not securing their food from other organisms or from the products of other organisms. Evidently animals and non- green plants depend upon an external source of food; green plants do not. Aristotle's notions about plant foods. Twenty -three hundred years ago the philosopher Aristotle, speculating on the ways of nature, concluded that green plants obtain food from the soil. Reasoning by analogy from his observations of animals, he concluded that the source of food of any organism lies outside its own body. Since many green plants have parts of their bodies in the soil, he thought that they must receive food from that source. He had no basis for reaching a better conclusion regarding the food of green plants because ver)' little was known about their physiology. The chemistry of the inorganic world also was largely a mystery at that time. Only a few of the metallic elements had been iden- tified; and more than 20 centuries passed before oxygen, hydrogen, 101 102 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY nitrogen, carbon, and their simplest compounds were recognized and their nature was understood. Another century had nearly passed before the food of green plants was discovered. Aristotle was further impressed by the absence of excretory organs in plants, but concluded that the soil in some way acted as the stomach of the plant and supplied it with only perfect food, from which no unused products would accumulate and have to be eliminated. For centuries these two notions of Aristotle prevailed and even now they have not entirely disappeared. The food of green plants not in the soil. During the latter half of the last century students of plant physiology not only discarded the idea that green plants get their food from the soil, but they discovered how and where this food is made. In spite of all these well-publicized discov- eries, the mistaken ideas of Aristotle are still current in conversation, advertising propaganda, public addresses, and modern literature three- fourths of a century after they were adequately disproved. Even before the numerous discoveries of the 19th century, van Hel- mont (1577-1644), a Flemish physician and chemist, showed by a sim- ple experiment that Aristotle's ideas about the food of green plants were erroneous. Van Helmont placed a willow branch in a tub of soil to which thereafter only rain water was added for a period of five years. At the conclusion of the experiment the willow branch had become a small tree and had gained 2627 ounces in weight, not including the leaves that had fallen each year. The weight of the soil in the tub de- creased but two ounces. In both animals and plants it is the protoplasm for which food is necessary. We have already seen that the protoplasm of all organisms is similar in its gross chemical composition. From these two facts alone it appears that the food of green plants must be similar to that of ani- mals regardless of how it is obtained. A part of man's food is derived from seeds, bulbs, tubers, and roots. If these same plant organs are placed in a vessel containing only pure quartz sand and a little water, small plants presently grow from them. The same results are often attained by merely placing the seeds in moist air. Small plants will grow from detached bryophyllum leaves suspended near a window. During the growth of these young plants millions of new cells are made, each composed of protoplasm and cell wall substances. The proc- esses involved in forming new masses of cells require chemical energy in addition to foods. One cannot avoid the conclusion that seeds, bulbs. THE FOOD OF PLANTS 103 [Chap. XH leaves, tubers, and roots already contain substances from which new protoplasm and new cell walls can be made, and from which chemical energy can be derived. What are these substances? Foods in cells. Thin sections of seeds or tubers observed through a microscope are seen to be composed of numerous cell walls surrounding rather dense masses of granules and oil droplets ( Fig. 51 ) . Similar C D Fig. 51. Illustrations of various accumulated foods in plant cells: A, protein and starch in cells of a wheat grain; B, oil droplets in a cell from a coconut seed; C, small starch grains in chloroplasts; D, crystals of inulin in cells of salsify root; E, starch grains and cubical crystals of protein in cells of a potato tuber. granules and oil droplets may be found in most living plant cells, but usually in much smaller quantities. The oil droplets may be distinguished by their appearance or by their bright red color in the presence of dilute solutions of certain dyes, such as Sudan III. The presence of fat-like sub- stances in plant parts may also be detected by crushing a small piece of the tissue on paper and warming it. The fat-like substance melts and produces a translucent oil spot on the paper. The remaining granules in the cells may be starch grains, protein granules, or granules and crystals composed of certain organic com- pounds combined with inorganic elements such as calcium and phos- phorus. Organic substances when combined with phosphorus are fre- quently referred to as phosphatides. Starch grains may be detected b\ applying a drop of a dilute solution of iodine and potassium iodide to a section of the plant. When treated with this reagent, starch grains may be recognized by their various shades of blue and purple; the other substances in the cell remain colorless or are stained light brown. 104 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Protein granules may be distinguished from fat droplets and starch grains by a number of different stains; but perhaps a better concept of proteins may be obtained by kneading a small amount of wheat flour in water until all the starch grains have been washed from the dough. Sugars also are present in plant cells, but they are usually in solution in the cell and are invisible. Their presence may be detected by tasting the plant, or by placing a section of the plant organ in a drop of 20 per cent sodium hydroxide in which a few crystals of copper tartrate have dissolved. If a reddish-yellow precipitate of cuprous oxide is obtained, the presence of sugar is indicated. The reaction may be hastened by heat (40° C). To detect cane sugar by this method the plant section should first be treated for several minutes with the enzyme invertase or with a dilute acid, for instance 5 per cent citric acid. The cell walls are made principally of cellulose and pectic compounds, though some of them may also contain a substance (lignin) character- istic of wood, or a fat-like substance ( suberin ) characteristic of cork. All the substances mentioned above have been extracted from plant cells bv chemical methods, and most of them may be obtained on the market in a relatively pure state. Thus one may readily buy several kinds of sugar ( especially sucrose, glucose, and fructose ) , starch, several kinds of plant oils, pectic compounds (Certo), and cellulose (filter paper); and then apply to them the tests that were proposed above for detecting the same substances in plant cells. Some of these substances we readily recognize as constituents of our daily diet. Sugars. Each of the sugars mentioned above mav be sold under any one of three names. Glucose (CoHi^Oo), also known as grape sugar and dextrose, is not very sweet, but it is one of the principal sugars in plants and also in the blood stream of animals — in fact, it is sometimes called "blood sugar." Fructose (CuHi^Ot;), also called fruit sugar and levulose, is one of the sweetest of sugars and is common in plants.^ Sucrose ^ The apparent anomaly of two sugars ha\'ing identical formulas (CaH,.Oe), but differ- ing in chemical properties, may be explained by the differences in the arrangement of the atoms. Following are diagrams showing these differences in glucose and fructose molecules. H H H H H () H H H H H O H I I I I I I I I I I H— C— C — ( '— ( '— ( — C=<) H— C— C— ("— C— C— C— H O 0 OHO O () O H O O H II II II H II II H Glucose Fructose These diagrams of sugar molecules are introduced here merely to help visualize differences in the arrangement of atoms in the simple sugars, not to memorize. [Chap. XII THE FOOD OF PLANTS 105 (C1-H22O11), otherwise known as cane sugar and saccharose, is the com- mon household sugar. It is present in most plants and is especially abun- dant in sorghum, sugar cane, sugar beet, and sugar maple. Each molecule of sucrose is composed of a molecule of glucose chemically bound with a molecule of fructose minus one molecule of water. When treated with dilute acids, it is hydrolyzed to these two simple sugars. Classification of foods. For convenience we may think of all these substances as belonging to a few large groups of chemical compounds: the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. In a detailed consideration of foods this classification is incomplete unless numerous compounds that may be derived from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins by chemical alteration are assumed to be included. In any brief discussion of foods this assump- tion is usually made. The chemical alterations of the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are brought about by such processes as partial oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis. These processes result in the fomiation of alcohols, organic acids, organic bases, and other compounds which may still be usable by organisms as food. The total number of such derived compounds is undoubtedly very large, but aside from those formed in digestion and fermentation their relative bulk is exceedingly small. Since many of these derived compounds are acid or basic, they may form numerous chemical combinations with each other and with the mineral ions that pass from the soil into the plant. Carbohydrates, The carbohydrates are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The hydrogen and oxygen occur in the proportion of 2 to 1 as in water (H2O) and glucose (CoHi20fi). To this group belong all the sugars, starches, inulin, and cellulose. The pectic compounds are closely related to the carbohydrates. A molecule of pectic acid, for instance, is composed of molecules of certain sugars chemically combined with acids derived from sugars by partial oxidation. A molecule of starch, or of cellulose, is composed of many molecules of glucose in chemical com- bination, and a molecule of inulin is composed of many molecules of fructose similarly combined.^ When acted upon by certain enzymes or acids these complex carbohydrates are hydrolyzed to the simple sugars out of which they were made. These complex carbohydrates are usually inert, insoluble compounds of no food value to the organism unless they are digested to the simple sugars which are soluble and chemically active. - For a more detailed statement of the formation of complex carbohydrates, see p. 135, Chapter XV. 106 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fats, Fats and oils are likewise composed only of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, but thev have comparatively little oxygen in proportion to carbon and hydrogen. There is no general chemical distinction betw^een fats and oils. Thev are distinguished by their melting points. At ordinary room temperatures oils are liquids, while fats are solids. During digestion fats and oils are hydrolvzed to glycerin and fatty acids. Proteins. The proteins are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and sometimes phosphorus also. During digestion the large complex molecules of proteins are hydrolyzed to simpler sub- stances known as amino acids. When we consider all the substances that we have seen in the cells of seeds and tubers, we readily recognize some of them as foods of man and other animals. Four questions may now be considered. Which of these substances are used as food in the animal body? When we buy a pound of potatoes do we buy a pound of food? Is the food of green plants and of animals identical? How does the green plant obtain food? Human foods. For our own bodies we recognize as foods those com- pounds which can be transformed into the substances of which cells are composed and from which our body obtains energy by oxidation. These compounds, we have already seen, are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, together with their partially oxidized, reduced, or hydrolyzed deriva- tives which may or may not be combined with certain ions of the mineral salts. But as foods these compounds are subject to one more limitation: they must be either in a soluble state, or capable of being digested by appropriate enzymes in the alimentary tract. The sugars and some of the derived compounds are already dissolved in water and may pass from the alimentary canal into the blood stream. Our bodies produce enzymes that digest starches, fats, and proteins, but not enzymes that digest cellulose, pectic compounds, wood, cork, and inulin. If we were entirely dependent upon our own enzvmes even a pound of dried pota- toes would not be a pound of food. The non-green plants ( bacteria and fungi ) also produce enzymes that digest starch, fats, and proteins; and a few kinds of non-green plants pro- duce enzymes that digest cellulose, pectic compounds, inulin, and wood. Thus the non-green plants as a group may utilize a wider range of compounds as food than is used by animals. It is interesting to note that some of the digestion that occurs in the alimentary tract of man and other animals is due to the non-green plants that live there. The food of green plants. The food of the green plant may now be [Chap. XII THE FOOD OF PLANTS 107 considered. When a seed or a tuber is placed in a moist chamber and a young plant grows from it, what substances in the seed or tuber dis- appear as the cells of the new plant are made? They are exactly the same kinds of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and derived compounds that the animal uses as food. Parts of the tuber, especially the cell walls, remain but may be digested and used as food by certain bacteria and fungi. From such facts as these, together with other facts that will be discussed in later chapters, botanists regard the food of green plants to be identical with that of animals. The process by which the green plant obtains food, however, is unique. The food is not obtained from the soil, from the air, from water, or from other organisms. It is made within the plant from simple inorganic compounds obtained from the soil, air, and water. In the next few chap- ters we shall consider material and energy transformations involved in the food-making processes of green plants, the influence of the environ- ment upon these processes, the consequent behavior of the plant in cer- tain environments, and the vital importance of these transformations to the whole biological world and to industry. Summary. In the foregoing discussion we have considered two very different concepts of the food of living organisms, with special reference to green plants. The older view proposed by Aristotle is based upon the assumption that food is something that enters the organism from with- out. A more recent concept of food is based upon a knowledge of the physiology of organisms, that is, the ways in which substances are used within the organism regardless of whether they are obtained from the outer world or are made within the body. It limits food to such sub- stances as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and their derivatives which mav be used in cell construction and as a source of energy within the organism. Such a concept of food emphasizes the fundamental similarity in the nutritive processes of the protoplasm in all plants and animals. The older concept denies this fundamental similarity in organisms, and excludes all the modern concepts of the food of green plants. CHAPTER XIII FOOD MANUFACTURE I. THE SYNTHESIS OF SUGAR— PHOTOSYNTHESIS Some of the significant facts that finally enabled botanists to arrive at an understanding of the food of green plants, and a realization that this food is actually made within the plant were briefly mentioned in the preceding chapter. Much time and exact experimentation were required to discover the simpler material and energy transformations that occur in food manufacture, and the various conditions both inside and outside the plant that affect these transformations. It is now common knowledge among botanists that sugar is the first kind of food made by green plants, . and that all other kinds of food are made by chemical alterations of this sugar. Furthemiore, the facts discussed in the next few chapters will help us see that the material make-up of all living organisms is de- pendent upon chemical derivatives of the sugar made by plants; that the potential energy in sugar is the primarv source of the chemically bound energy supply of all organisms; and that most of the energy that man transfonns by various means into heat, light, electricity, and mechanical energy may be traced back through various transformations to the potential energv of sugar. In this chapter we are concerned primarily with the making of sugar in green plants. Carbon dioxide and oxygen in relation to green plants. Toward the close of the 18th century oxygen and carbon dioxide were clearly recog- nized and named bv the French chemist, Lavoisier. Following this ad- vance in chemistry, a number of carefully conducted experiments by different investigators finally led to the discovery of certain fundamental relations between these two gases and living organisms. When the green parts of plants were exposed to light, the amount of oxygen in the sur- rounding air increased and the amount of carbon dioxide decreased. During the hours of darkness the converse occurred. When the roots or other non -green parts of a plant were substituted for the green tissues in the experiments, the amount of oxygen in the surrounding air de- 108 [Chap. XIII SYNTHESIS OF SUGAR— PHOTOSYNTHESIS 109 creased and the amount of carbon dioxide increased, both in hght and in darkness. The increase in oxygen and decrease in carbon dioxide in the surrounding air occurred only when some green tissue of the plant was exposed to light. When animals and non-green plants were used in these experiments, the results were like those obtained for roots and other non-green parts of the plant. How was one to account for this unique effect of the green tissues of plants? The phenomenon was not satisfactorily explained until after the middle of the 19th century. So little was known about the substances and processes within plants and about the factors in the environment of plants, that numerous facts had to be discovered bv experimentation before any of the various hypotheses proposed could be eliminated or converted into a scientificallv established conclusion. The facts finallv established mav be represented brieflv bv the following equation:^ Light energy + Water + Carbon dioxide > Sugar (bound energy) + Oxygen Light energy + 6 H2O + 6 CO2 > CgHizOe + 6 O2 This equation indicates the more obvious material and energy trans- formations that occur in the making of sugar. It represents the initial substances used and the final products formed, but it does not indicate the intermediate reactions that occur. Free energy of light is transformed to potential energy in the sugar. For every 180 grams of sugar made, 674 Calories of light energy are transformed to chemicallv bound energy. One gram of sugar contains about 3.75 Calories of chemically bound energy. Photosynthesis. This process of making sugar in the green parts of plants is called photosynthesis (Greek, photos, light; and synthesis, put- ting together), because light is necessary for this building of large mole- cules (CiiHii'Oti) through the chemical union of smaller ones (COj and H2O).- ^ One reservation to this statement should be made. The equation indicates that a hexose sugar (the molecule being composed of 6 atoms of carbon, 12 atoms of hydrogen, and 6 atoms of oxygen) is formed. This is generally considered to be glucose, though the known facts are not sufficient to exclude fructose entirely, at least in some cases. These two sugars are the only simple sugars found widely distributed in detectable amounts as free sugars in plants. Either of them may be formed from the other one in plants. See the structural formulas in the footnote on p. 104. Some in\ estigators ha\ e suggested sucrose (C12H00O11) as the first sugar made, but the evidence is not con\incing. ^ The older term, carbon assimilation, is still used by some writers; but, as we shall see later, the term assimilation is also used to designate the conversion of food into the substances of which cells are composed, a process that occurs in all plants and animals, whereas the process we are describing here occurs only in the green tissues of plants. Furthermore, the term carbon assimilation is a heritage of the early misconceptions of plant 110 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Chemical reactions that are brought about bv hght are often referred to as photochemical reactions — reactions initiated by the collision of photons (units of radiant energy) with some part of a molecule. There are, of course, several kinds of photochemical reactions; but by tradition in botany the term photosynthesis usually refers to the making of sugar from COi- and Hi>0 in the chlorophyll-containing cells of plants. Through the chemical union of 6 molecules of water with 6 molecules of carbon dioxide 1 molecule of sugar is formed, and the excess 6 mole- cules of free oxygen are set free. For every molecule of CO2 used, one molecule of O- is released. From the principle first formulated bv Avogadro — that equal volumes of gases under the same conditions of temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules — we may infer that the volume of CO- consumed in photosynthesis is equal to the volume of O2 liberated. This inference has been verified bv experi- mentation. The comparative weights of the materials used and formed during photosynthesis may also be indicated: 264 gm. CO2 -\- 108 gm. H2O > 180 gm. CeHiaOe + 192 gm. O2 Obviously if one knows the amount of COj used in photosynthesis, he can compute the amount of sugar made and the amount of oxygen set free. Similarly, if he knows the amount of oxygen set free or the amount of sugar made, he can calculate the amount of any one of the other sub- stances involved in the process. How can one calculate the amount of energy that is chemically bound during photosynthesis? It should be noted that tlie material and energy transformations that occur in the making of sugar are the con\'erse of those that occur in the burning of sugar. If we regard the burning of sugar as an oxidation process, we may regard photosynthesis as a reduction process. It is the primary energy-storing process of the organic world. Oxidation processes are often regarded as exothermic ( heat-releasing ) , and reduction processes as endothermic ( heat-storing ) . These terms are quite appropriate when transformations of heat energy only are involved. They are quite confusing, however, when these processes of living cells result in transformations to other forms of energy, as, for instance, radiant energy to chemically bound energy, chemically bound energy to nutrition. In order to avoid confusion of terms we shall refer to the above process as photo- synthesis. The term carbon fixation is of course entirely ruled out, because carbon is already "fixed" in CO„ before the process begins. If we must substitute another term for photosynthesis in botany, it should be "sugar syntliesis." [Chap. Xlll SYNTHESIS OF SUGAR— PHOTOSYNTHESIS 111 light, or to electrical energy. The first is exemplified by photosynthesis, the second by the production of light by fireflies and luminous bacteria, and the third by the electric discharge from an electric eel. Before photosynthesis can occur in an illuminated green cell the raw materials, CO- and H-O, must be available. Carbon dioxide is very solu- ble in water. Hence, all the green cells of the simpler algae that live submerged in water, and e\'en those in the leaves of the common water weed (Elociea), are in direct contact with both water and CO2. Both of these substances pass readily into the cells and then to the chlorophyll in the chloroplasts. In land plants the water moves up from the soil through the roots, stems, and petioles into the \'einlets of the leaf ( Fig. 52 ) , and then passes .^^ ^^icii.'iiY"'-^^ Fig. 52. The vein system of a skeletonized sassafras leaf. The leaf was kept in water until bacteria had digested the epidermis and mesophyll. from cell to cell throughout the leaf. No appreciable amount of carbon dioxide gets to the leaves from the soil by way of the roots. It enters the leaf from the surrounding atmosphere above the soil. Some of it may pass directly through the epidermal cells to the chlorenchyma beneath. Most of it passes through the stomates into the intercellular spaces of the mesophyll, where it comes into contact with the wet walls of the mesophyll cells that are exposed to the internal atmosphere of the leaf. 112 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY It dissolves in the water of the cell and finally gets to the chlorophyll in the chloroplasts (Fig. 34). Most of the oxygen liberated during photosynthesis passes from the cells into the intercellular spaces of the chlorenchyma, then through the stomates into the outer atmosphere. This passage of CO2 into, and of O2 out of, the chlorenchyma also occurs when photosynthesis takes place in green stems and fruits or in any other green part of the plant. The sugar that is not locally consumed or transformed within the chloroplasts passes from them to all other parts of the plant. The manner of its transfer will be discussed in later chapters. Factors involved. Had the earlier investigators known that the increase of Oi- and the decrease of COt- in the air surrounding green plant organs exposed to light were the result of the synthesis of sugar, they could have used their data to show that chlorophyll is necessary for this process. The variations in the amount of CO2 and O2 in the air surrounding leaves or other green plant tissues have been used in numerous experi- ments in recent years not only to establish the fact of the necessity of chlorophyll for photosynthesis, but also to study the effects of several environmental factors upon the rate of photosynthesis. From the facts discussed thus far, one would expect sugar to be made in plants only when the following are present: chlorophyll-containing cells, water, carbon dioxide, light, and a suitable temperature. If any one of these factors is absent, no sugar will be made, and the manufac- ture of other foods from sugar cannot long continue. If the plant is con- tinuously deprived of either light or carbon dioxide it will starve to death when all the food that has accumulated in it has been used. If deprived of water, it will die of desiccation before the accumulated food is con- sumed. The drying of freshly cut hay and fodder, which are later used as a source of food for animals, is a good illustration of the death of plant organs by desiccation before the food within them is consumed by the plant. In experiments it is possible to expose a plant to a temperature in which it will consume sugar faster than it makes it. Plants in the field are frequently exposed to such temperatures for short periods of time. Various investigators have concluded that this condition accounts for the limit of distribution of particular plants in certain geographic areas. As we shall see later, it greatly affects the amount of growth of certain plant organs. The death of plants exposed to extreme temperatures is more [Chap. XIII SYNTHESIS OF SUGAR— PHOTOSYNTHESIS 113 often due to other causes, among which may be mentioned the coagula- tion of protoplasm. Sugar manufacture by bacteria. One outstanding exception to the mak- ing of sugar b}' photosynthesis may be mentioned here, but it will be discussed in more detail in a later chapter. A few kinds of bacteria are known to make sugar from carbon dioxide and water in the absence of light. The energy necessary for this process is obtained by the oxidation of iron, sulfur, or nitrogen that has preyiously been reduced. A few other kinds of bacteria ( purple bacteria ) are unique in containing a pigment which, like chlorophyll, is effectiye in photosynthesis. The accompan\'ing purple pigment (C4sH(!.i0.i) is similar to the carotenoids described in Chapter IV. The amount of sugar made. The amount of sugar made by plants ^'aries so greatly in different plants and under dissimilar conditions that it is difficult to make a general estimate of it. The results of many experiments show that under fa\'orable conditions a square yard of leaf surface makes on the ayerage about 0.5 gram of sugar per hour. At this rate about four months would be required for a square \'ard of leaf surface to make sugar equiyalent to the food a man consumes in one day. In Chapter XVm an acre of corn is compared with an acre of young apple trees with respect to seyeral plant processes. This acre of corn has about two acres of leaf surface. During the growing season it makes about 10 tons of sugar, an ayerage of about 2 pounds per plant. The acre of young apple trees (10,000 leaves per tree) makes about 8.7 tons of sugar, an average of about 44 pounds per tree. On the basis of data from many sources it is estimated that the plants of the United States make nearh- three-fifths of a cubic mile of sugar each year. For the plants of the world, 9 cubic miles of sugar annualh' seems to be a conseryative estimate. Now let us recall the fact that for every 180 grams (almost 0.4 lb.) of sugar made, 674 Calories of light energy are transformed to available potential energy in this sugar. The potential energy in the sugar made annually in the United States alone is estimated to be about 14 X 10'' Calories. Yet large as this figure is, it probably is below the one that would represent the energy liberated annually on the earth today by plants, man, and all other living organisms. Through the burning of coal, oil, and gas alone we liberate about 5 X lO^*''* Calories of energy each year. The energy was transformed from radiant energ\' to potential energy by the plants of the distant past. The facts upon which these 114 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY statements are based will become clearer as we proceed with the study of other processes that occur in living organisms. What becomes of the sugar made by plants? The answer to this ques- tion will become more evident as we proceed with the next six chapters. For the present we may be brief. Some of the sugar is transformed to other types of foods; some is transfomied directly into substances of which cells are composed, particularly the substances in cell walls; some of it is oxidized in the plant; and some of it accumulates within the plant. The accumulated sugar of course merely represents the part that has not been used within the plant or converted to other kinds of food within it. Animals and non-green plants get some of it. The amount of sugar that accumulates depends partly upon the rate of photosynthesis and partlv upon a number of other processes and conditions. Some plants, such as sugar cane and the sugar beet, are noted for the large amounts of sugar that accumulate in them in a suitable environment. Under good growing conditions, sugar is usually present in varying amounts, as glucose, fructose, and sucrose, in the cells of all green plants. In plant cells these three sugars are intraconvertible; i.e., one sugar may be formed from another by certain rearrangements and combina- tions of atoms: glucose =F=^ fructose glucose + fructose :^=^ sucrose + H2O The rearrangements of atoms involved in the transformation of glucose to fructose and vice versa may be inferred from the structural formulas represented in the footnote on page 104. The formation of glucose and fructose from sucrose is merely a process of hydrolysis; the converse is a process of condensation. Summary. The primary food of all living organisms is sugar. It is the basis of all other food syntheses and is made in green plants by a process of photosynthesis. In this process sugar is made from carbon dioxide and water in the chloroplasts of green plants exposed to the radiant energy, light. An insignificant amount of sugar is also made photosynthetically by purple bacteria that contain a chlorophyll-like pigment, and chemo- synthetically in the dark by certain colorless bacteria that obtain energy by oxidizing reduced iron, sulfur, and nitrogen. In every case the raw materials are carbon dioxide and water, and the end products are sugar j and free oxygen. The intermediate steps in the process are not fulh' known. j CHAPTER XIV FOOD MANUFACTURE <><>O<>O<><><>0<><><><><^^^ II. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE RATE OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS The basic facts about photosynthesis discussed in the preceding chapter do not exhaust the subject; neither do they satisfy anyone who wants to understand the fundamental processes of his natural environment. The answers to many questions about plants involve facts concerning the chain of chemical reactions that occur in photosynthesis, and the influ- ence of the various factors of the environment. The value of certain prac- tices in the handling of plants and the interpretation of plant phenomena in nature depend also upon a knowledge of these relations. Many ques- tions concerning these relations cannot be answered todav, but addi- tional facts that are helpful in answering some of them will now be discussed. Light the energy of photosynthesis. Under natural conditions the en- ergy of photosynthesis is sunlight. Heat cannot be substituted for light in this process. No sugar is made from CO- and H-O bv green plants deprived of light, regardless of the temperature to which they are exposed. Radiant energy that we perceive as light is referred to as the VISIBLE SPECTRUM ULTRA-VIOLET 3>0 430 470 600 560 eoo Fig. 53. The spectrum of radiant energy. One millimicron (m^) = one-millionth of a millimeter. visible spectrum (Fig. 53). This is the radiant energy that is effective in photosynthesis. It can initiate chemical change by displacing or activat- ing the outermost electrons of atoms. The effects of radiant energy of longer wave lengths, such as infra-red, are apparently limited to the movement of atoms and molecules. Photosynthesis is not known to occur when the plant is exposed only to infra-red radiation. 115 116 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Within the visible spectrum the radiant energy that we call red, orange, yellow, and blue light is the most effective in photosynthesis. The color of leaves is evidence that relatively more of the radiant energy we see as green is reflected by chlorophyll. In land plants most of the photosyn- thesis is brought about by the radiant energ\' of the red end of the spectrum, but the radiant energy that penetrates the water to the depth of deep-sea algae is mainly the blue end. The effectiveness of the blue and the red rays is about equal when their intensities are equal ( Fig. 54 ) . 4O0 ASO 500 5SO 600 650 700 TSO WAVE LENGTHS IN MILLIMICRONS Fig. 54. Relative rates of photosynthesis in different rays of Hght of equal intensity. After B. S. Meyer and D. B. Anderson. Apparently only the radiant energy that is absorbed (transformed) by chlorophyll is directly effective in photosynthesis. Any artificial light that emits these particular rays may induce photosynthesis. Some plants may start from seeds, grow to maturity, and produce flowers, fruits, and seeds when exposed only to electric light at an intensity about one-tenth that of full sunlight. Other plants will grow in this light intensity, but without producing flowers and fruits. The lowest intensity of light at which photosynthesis will occur has not been discovered. It has been reported to occur in deep-sea algae at light intensities lower than that of full moonlight. A much more important fact to know is the light intensity from da>' to day in which the plant can survive on the sugar made. For conven- ience of reference we may call this the critical light intensity. This critical light intensity varies when other external factors, such as temperature, available moisture, and the concentration of carbon dioxide, are altered. This fact will be demonstrated later. Among different plants there is a [Chap. XIV THE RATE OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS 117 wide range of critical light intensity. Many fail to grow in the shade of buildings or of other plants — for instance, in certain forests or beneath some trees and shrubs on lawns — because the light intensity in such situations is below their critical light intensity. Many of the small trees one sees in the undergrowth of forests are merely surviving with a min- imum of growth each \'ear; most of them finally die while still small. Plants that endure the most shade may be those in which maximum photosynthesis is attained at low light intensities. Many more measure- ments are needed to test this idea, but a few facts may be cited by way of illustration. The maximum rate of photosynthesis in certain deep-sea algae may occur at depths of 50 feet or more where the light intensity is very low. When these algae are brought nearer the surface where the light intensity is higher, the rate of photosynthesis is much lower. Similar data were obtained by a study of one of the shield ferns that crrows in the dense shade of forests. Photosynthesis increased in this fern with increase of light up to an intensity equal to one-fifth that of full sunlight, but when the intensitv exceeded two-fifths that of full sun- light the rate of photosvnthesis decreased. Photosynthesis in another extreme shade fern (Trichomones) increased with increase of light up to one-eighth of full sunlight and then decreased to none at one-half full sunlisht. In the wood sorrel (OxaUs acetoseUa) , a small herbaceous plant that grows well in the shade of northern forests, maximum photo- synthesis was attained when the light intensity was only one-tenth that of full sunlight, and this rate was maintained at higher intensities. Such plants as corn, wheat, apple, and spinach do not survive in dense shade. In them photos\'nthesis is reported to increase with increasing light intensity, in some cases up to full sunlight. When the measurements are made on simple leaves, however, maximum photosynthesis is usually found at intensities considerabl)' below that of full sunlight. When the whole plant is tested the results are different, because many of its leaves are shaded by others and do not get the full effects of increased light. The greatest increase in photosvnthesis with increase of light occurs when the original light intensitv is verv low. Measurements of photosyn- thesis in relation to light and other external factors are now being made bv a rapidlv increasing number of investigators. Many of the problems being attacked are too complicated to be mentioned here. The owners of commercial o;ieenhouses are most interested in the light intensitv that results in the best yields of flowers, fruits, and vege- tables in different species of plants. During the cloudy days of winter, 118 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY photosynthesis is often much too low for best results, for light intensity in greenhouses may range as low as 1/100 of full sunlight and be below the critical light intensity of many plants. Many investigations designed to determine the value of supplement- ing natural light with electric light are in progress. This problem is fur- ther complicated — and also rendered much more interesting — by the fact that the length of dav to which a plant is exposed greatlv alters its vegetative and reproductive processes. These length-of-day effects may be brought about by light intensities much below those necessarv for adequate photosynthesis. During the winter, exposure to lig;ht of an in- tensity somewhere between 1/100 and 1/100,000 that of full sunlight for a few additional hours each day greatly alters the behavior of certain plants. Lengthening the day by this means, however, is not a substitute for low light intensitv during dark days. These relations are discussed in more detail in Chapter XXXI. Water and photosynthesis. The degree of saturation of the tissues of a plant ma\' modif \' the rate of photosvnthesis in two wavs : through the opening and closing of the stomates, and through its influence on the rate of chemical processes in the chlorenchyma cells. The effects are apparent in the daily periodicity of photosynthesis. In the morning hours the plant tissues are nearlv saturated, the stomates are open, and photosynthesis soon attains a maximum rate. Later in the day the rate declines because of water loss from the mesophyll cells. Still later photosynthesis is further reduced by the gradual closing of the stomates. Of course, the temperature of the leaf is another factor which influences the daily increase and decrease in sugar manufacture. When plants begin to wilt, photosynthesis is sharplv decreased, first because the water content of the cells is lower, and second through the closure of the stomates. Structures and photosynthesis. Plant structures are the result of cer- tain plant processes. These processes in turn are conditioned by both heredity and environment. After a structure is formed it may in turn influence certain processes in the plant. We may therefore expect the rate of photosynthesis to be different in different kinds of plants, partly because their structure-building processes and resultant structures are different. Even a cursory observation of plants in one's surroundings is suffi- cient to show that chlorenchvma is not restricted to leaves. Green stems, green fruits, green parts of flowers, and even certain green seeds (peas [Chap. XIV THE RATE OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS 119 and lima beans) are objects of common obsei-vation. Many tropical orchids and bromeliads have aerial roots that become green when ex- posed to light ( Fig. 55 ) . Roots of trees and many other plants are often exposed to light through soil erosion. An examination of these exposed Fig. 55. The chlorenchyma of this Florida orchid is in the roots. It has no leaves and very small stems. Photo by W. M. Buswell. roots is an easy way of discovering that chlorophyll may be formed in the roots of many kinds of plants. There are many microscopic green plants in which all parts of the plant body are green. Most of the body of a moss or liverwort is ereen. The green stems of cacti are the most conspicuous part of the plant; leaves are either temporary or entirely absent. Wherever chlorophyll is present in plants, photosynthesis will go on if other necessary conditions are suitable. 120 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Leaves and photosynthesis. In most land plants the bulk of photosyn- thesis occurs in the leaves. We ha\'e already seen that leaves of various species of plants may differ greatly in several ways, such as the amount of cutin on the epidermis, the number of stomates per square centimeter of surface, the thickness of the leaf, the compactness of the chlorenchyma in relation to the number and size of intercellular spaces, and the conse- quent exposure of the mesophyll cell walls to the internal atmosphere of the leaf (Chapter X). All these structures may influence the entrance of carbon dioxide into the cells of the chlorenchyma and thus indirectly influence the rate of photosynthesis. Moreover, the environment in which a leaf grows may greatly affect the processes underlying the development of these structures (Chapter IX). Hence plants of the same species that have grown in different environments may have different rates of photosynthesis. Experiments have shown that certain plants growing in a relativeh' dry atmosphere may make more sugar during their lifetime than plants of the same species growing in a very humid atmosphere. A part, or all, of this dif- ference may depend upon differences in the development of the leaf structure in dry and moist air, particularly the structure of the chloren- chyma and stomates. The mesophyll. The amount of mesophyll wall surface exposed to the internal atmosphere of the leaf is considered to be one of the important factors in photosynthesis. Through it most of the CO- enters the cells of the chlorenchyma. Some CO2 may enter the leaf directly through the epidermal cells, but entrance in this manner may be gready impeded by the thickness of the outer walls of the epidermal cells and by the presence of cutin. Moreover, the area of the exposed mesophyll surface is usually many times greater than the total area of the epidermis. From measurements made on several different kinds of leaves it was found that the area of this inner exposed surface may be from 9 to 30 times greater than that of the epidermis. The data from numerous tests indi- cate that in leaves of land plants the COj enters the cells of the chloren- chyma largely from the internal atmosphere of the leaf. The epidermis. The chief structures in the epidermis that influence the rate of photosynthesis are the guard cells enclosing the stomates through which CO2 enters the intercellular spaces of the chlorenchyma ( Chapter VIII ) . When one begins to consider stomates in relation to the entrance of CO2, several complicated problems in physics soon arise. These prob- lems will not be discussed here, but a few facts will be stated briefly. [Chap. XIV THE RATE OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS 121 If the stomates are closed, the entrance of CO- is diminished. But stomates that appear closed to the human eye may sometimes be open wide enough to admit the passage of molecules of CO2, which are much too small to be seen through the best microscopes. The length of the shortest diameter of a fully opened stomate of average size is several million times the diameter of a molecule of CO2. When the stomates are open or partly open, the relative rates at which COl' passes through them are proportional not to the respective areas of the stomates, but to their respective boundaries (the distance around each pore). Because of this fact and certain related ones, the amount of COl' that passes through the stomates is about 50 times greater than would be expected on the basis of their total area. When the stomates are closely spaced, less CO- passes through each one than when they are farther apart. From such facts as these it is obvious that the stomatal mechanism of leaves may indirectly affect the rate of photos)aithesis. Stomatal behavior. The opening and closing of stomates are largely dependent upon alterations in the intensity of light, moisture, and tem- perature. As we shall see in more detail in Chapter XXIII, these external factors initiate a sequence of physical and chemical processes in the guard cells. These processes ultimatelv result in changes in the volume and shape of the guard cells, and consequentb' in the size of the stomate between them. Under excellent growing conditions the stomates of man\' plants are closed at night and open during the greater part of the dav. But during hot dry weather the stomates of many of these plants mav be open mainlv at night and closed during the day. In other plants they may be closed except for a few hours in the early morning. In certain cacti and other succulents they may remain open twenty-four hours each day. The entrance of CO- into the intercellular spaces of the chlorenchyma of young stems, green fruits, flowers, and seeds may also occur through stomates in the epidermis of these organs. Chlorenchvma in the stems and exposed roots of woody plants, however, soon becomes covered by a la)'er of cork, the presence of which is a partial obstruction to both light and the entrance of COj. The chlorenchyma in the roots of orchids and also in the leaves of certain plants is separated from the epidermis by one to several layers of non-green cells. Stomates are absent in algae and the so-called green leaves of mosses. The submerged leaves of aquatic plants mav have rudimentarv stomates or none. Stomates may be present 122 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY in plants or parts of plants without chlorophyll. Rudimentary stomates in all types of subterranean organs have also been reported. Although the presence and behavior of the stomatal mechanism ma\' greatlv influence the rate of photosynthesis, it is evident that one should be cautious about drawing inferences which imply that stomates behave as they do in order to facilitate photosvnthesis. Chloroplasts and photosynthesis. In almost all green plants chlorophvll is confined within the colloidal matrix of definite protoplasmic bodies, the chloroplasts, which also contain carotene and xanthophyll. Certain primitive algae do not have well-defined chloroplasts. In most of the green plants, therefore, photosynthesis occurs only within the chloro- plasts. As a result of changes in the viscositv and streaming of the proto- plasm in which these plastids are located, their arrangement within the cell mav vary from time to time. The number, distribution, and surface area of chloroplasts constitute another structural mechanism that influ- ences the relative rates of photosynthesis in different plants. Many facts about plants are so variable that an exact determination of them is phvsicallv impossible and of no great consequence. On the other hand, a close approximation to the truth based upon a limited number of facts is often very helpful in checking one's concepts. As an example, a few estimates of the number and area of chloroplasts in plants may be cited. In the castor bean leaf there are about 495,000 chloroplasts in the mesophvll beneath each square millimeter of leaf surface. About 82 per cent of them are in the palisade cells, and 18 per cent in the cells of the spongy mesophyll. In the sunflower, nasturtium, broad bean, and elm the corresponding numbers of chloroplasts per square millimeter of leaf surface are 465,000, 383,000, 283,000, and 400,000. These figures mav be used as a basis for further estimates. Beneath each square inch of elm leaf there are about 250,000,000 chloroplasts. The combined surface of these plastids is approximately 20 square inches, if we consider them as spheres 4 microns in diameter. An average elm leaf (5 square inches) has 100 square inches of chloroplast surface. A large elm tree with 1,000,000 leaves — estimates have been as high as 7,000,000— has a leaf surface of about 0.8 acre, and a chloroplast surface of about 16 acres, or 1/40 square mile. To appreciate the importance of this enonnous plastid surface in photosynthesis, one must remember that most of the chlorophyll is concentrated near the surface of the chloro- plast, and that CO-.- and H2O enter the chloroplast through this surface. [Chap. XIV THE RATE OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS 123 This plastid surface is really the photosynthetic area of the leaf. Some allowance should be made for the area occupied by the larger veins. Enzymes and photosynthesis. In addition to chlorophyll and other pigments, the chloroplasts also contain enzymes. Since enzymes are in- volved in photosynthesis and in other biological processes discussed in subsequent chapters, certain of their general features may be noted at this time. Enzymes are organic catalyzers which accelerate chemical reactions that occur in physiological processes ( photosynthesis, digestion, and the like) without becoming a permanent part of the final products of the process, and without being destroyed by the reaction. An enzyme may therefore continue to catalyze a particular chemical reaction until it is destroyed or made inactive by other conditions in the cell. Ultra-violet radiation and high temperatures may destroy enzymes. Synthesis of enzymes undoubtedly occurs in all growing parts of a plant. Without them the chemical changes in cells would be so slow that living organ- isms could not long survive. Enzymes may both initiate and accelerate reactions. In order to speed up chemical reactions in laboratory experiments and industrial processes, chemists often subject the materials to very high temperatures. Eventually thev discovered that many of these processes could be made to occur just as rapidly at lower temperatures by the addi- tion of a small amount of some inorganic substance, called a catalyst. A high temperature cannot be substituted for enzymes in living cells, but a temperature increase that is not detrimental to protoplasm does ac- celerate plant processes. Some processes may be catalyzed by either organic or inorganic catalysts. For example, if we boil cane sugar (sucrose) in pure water, it hydrolyzes to glucose and fructose slowly. Sucrose + Water > Glucose + Fructose Ci2H220n+ H2O >C6H,206+ CeHiaOe If a very small amount of acid is added, the reaction proceeds rapidly. During the process of boiling, some of the sugar is converted into mucic acid, which further accelerates the process. Even at much lower tem- peratures the reaction is fairly rapid, but for every increase of 10° C. the speed of the reaction increases from 2 to 3 times. Many other chemi- cal processes have this same relation to increase in temperature. 124 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY In plant cells the hydrolysis of sucrose is catalyzed by a specific enzyme known as invertase ( sucrase, or saccharase ) . The reverse proc- ess, the synthesis of sucrose from glucose and fructose in a plant, is also accelerated by invertase or other enzymes. Many enzymes have the property of catalyzing a reaction in either direction, the direction being dependent upon other conditions in the cells. Invertase that has been extracted from plants may be obtained from chemical supply companies. When sucrose is dissolved in water with a small amount of this extracted invertase, it is hydrolyzed as indicated above. If the solution is heated to 40-50'' C. the reaction is most rapid; it decreases rapidly above this temperature. Temperatures of 60° C. or above completely inactivate many enzymes when they are wet. Most of them are destroyed at temperatures below the boiling point of water. The activity of enzymes is influenced by many conditions within the cells. Among these may be mentioned various concentrations of acids, alkalies, salts, the substances acted upon, and the substances formed. The potency of enzymes in accelerating chemical change in living cells is apparently due to the ease with which they unite with certain substances involved in the reaction and form unstable intermediate com- pounds. Through reactions of these unstable compounds the enzyme is again liberated, and only the stable products of the whole series of reac- tions accumulate. For instance, sugar and free oxygen are the stable end products of photosyntliesis, but between them and the initial raw ma- terials (CO- and H^O) several temporary intermediate compounds are formed. Chemically trained students in increasing numbers have tried to discover what these intermediate compounds are and the order in which they are formed. Some of the problems will be mentioned briefly. Intermediate compounds in photosynthesis. Formaldehyde has often been proposed as the first intermediate substance in photosynthesis, but alwavs with inadequate proof. Recent in\'estigators are giving more at- tention to enzymes and the part that chlorophyll may play in the process. For many years it has been known that chlorophyll absorbs certain ra)'s of radiant energy. This is only another way of saying that chlorophyll transfomis certain radiant energy to some other kind of energy— or better, that certain photons of light upon striking some part of the chlorophyll molecule impart their energy to it. As a result, chlorophyll becomes chemically reactive, and in this state it probably unites with CO- and H-O, forming an intermediate unstable compound. Merely by way [Chap. XIV THE RATE OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS 125 of picturing what has just been said, one of the recent suggestions may be outlined as follows: Light energy + Chlorophyll + CO2 + H2O > Chlorophyll carbonate Chlorophyll carbonate + Enzyme + HoO > Sugar + Free oxygen In the process the chlorophyll and enzyme have been converted to their original states. The process is undoubtedly more complex than is indicated here. The difficulty of arriving at scientifically established answers to many ques- tions about biological processes lies partly in the complexity of the trans- formations that proceed as a chain of reactions, and parth' in the com- HC=CH, H H3C— C / \/^\/X - — ^ / "^ ^ \ / \ iCH,) (HC=0l / )^^ JZ C2H5 HC H3C— c^, \ >" \ // C CH3 I CH. I ' CH I ^ c=o COOCH COOC20H39 Fig. 56. Diagram representing the arrangement and complexity of the molecule of chlorophyll a. If the group, CHO, in the detached circle is substituted for the CH3 group nearby, the diagram would represent the molecule of chlorophyll b. From B. S. Meyer and D. B. Anderson, 1939. plexity of the large molecules involved in the reactions. The empirical formulas of the two chlorophylls, a and b, are given on page 28. Merely to illustrate the complexity of these compounds, one of the recently pro- posed structural formulas for chlorophyll is reproduced here ( Fig. 56 ) . Before we can know exactly how photosynthesis occurs, it will be 126 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY necessary to find out how the CO2 and H2O are united, whether they unite with the chlorophyll molecule, how the enzyme enters into the process, and what products are formed first as the chlorophyll and enzyme are again set free. It is impossible at present to say how many intermediate products are formed, and how many enzymes catalyze their formation. Rate of photosynthesis. From the foregoing discussion it should be evident that the rate of photosynthesis is influenced by many conditions within the plant and by several environmental factors. Attention has been called to some of the influences of the stomates, intercellular spaces, distribution of chlorophyll, activity of enzymes, light, temperature, car- bon dioxide, and water. Other conditions, such as the amount of chlorophvll and possibly the acidity of the cells, also influence the rate of photosynthesis. The effect of any one factor is probably always influenced to some extent by the relative amounts of the other factors involved. Some idea of this fact is best obtained by studying the results of experi- mental data such as those represented bv the accompanying curves. 20 'yo 40'7o 60«7o 60«7o UGHT INTENSITY IN PER.CENTS OF FULL SUNUGHT IOO«To Fig. of 57. Rates of photosynthesis in relation to light intensity and the concentration carbon dioxide. Data from W. H. Hoover, E. S. Johnson and F. S. Brackett. The curves in Fig. 57 indicate the relative rates of photosynthesis in wheat seedlings in relation to light intensity and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air, when the temperature is 22° C. and the rela- [Chap. XIV THE RATE OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS 127 tive humidity is 70 per cent. The lowest curve indicates that with only 0.01 of 1 per cent of CO2 in the air, an increase in the light intensity beyond 40 per cent does not increase the rate of photosynthesis. The percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere near the earth's surface is usually given as about 0.03 ( 3 parts in 10,000 parts of air ) , though it may vary considerably just above the surface of the soil, particularly if there is much decaying organic matter in the soil. Several measurements made in a field of sugar beets showed that the percentage of COl> in the air at the tops of the plants varied from 0.04 to 0.06, and at the ground level from 0.05 to 0.28. The curves in Fig. 57 show that the rate of photosynthesis at a given light intensity depends upon the available COi-, and vice versa. At low light intensities the maximum rate of photosvnthesis is attained when the available COl' is low, and at low concentrations of CO2 it is attained when the available light is low. ILI f 50 z to 2 40 o 5 35 ^30 I- (f) 25 liJ ^ 20 a. 15 UJ > 10 b Hi CL 0 ith 1.227oC02 10° 15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40' TEMPERATURE IN DE6R.EES CENTIGRADE Fig. 58. Rates of photosynthesis in potato leaves in relation to temperature and the concentration of carbon dioxide. Calculated from data by H. G. Lundegardh. The curves in Fig. 58 indicate the relative rates of photosynthesis in leaves of a potato plant in relation to both temperature and the concen- tration of CO2 in the air. The leaves were in full sunlight during each experiment, which lasted only ten minutes. Longer exposures would result in some changes in the curves, but without annulling the prin- 128 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY ciples represented. Here again certain interrelations between two dif- ferent environmental factors and the rate of photosynthesis are evident. Summary. The rate of photosynthesis is dependent upon the interrela- tions of several external factors and certain conditions and processes within the plant cells. Some of these factors affect photosynthesis di- rectly, others less directlv through a series of other processes. The impor- tant external factors that most directlv affect the rate of photosynthesis are the intensity and kind of light, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air or water environment, the temperature, and water — though most of the effects of water on photosvnthesis are indirect. Among the impor- tant internal conditions are the amount and distribution of chlorophyll and enzymes, and such structural features as stomates, intercellular spaces, and veins, which influence the movement of materials into and out of the chlorenchvma. The importance of photosynthesis to all living organisms will be appre- ciated better as it becomes more evident, from the facts in later chapters, that all the organic compounds in the bodies of plants and animals and all the commercial products obtained from them have their beginning in the synthesis of sugar. When it is clear that the chemically bound energy supply of the bodies of all living organisms, and most of the energy that we use in our homes and industries can be traced back to the radiant energy chemically bound in sugar, we can view photosynthesis in true perspective. REFERENCES Meyer, B. S., and D. B. Anderson. Plant Physiology. D. Yan Nostrand Com- pany, Inc. 1939. Miller, E. C. Plant Phi/siology. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1938. Spoehr, H. A. Photosynthesis. Chemical Catalog Company, Inc. 1926. CHAPTER XV FOOD MANUFACTURE C><^«£><><><>C><>0<^C>^^ III. SYNTHESIS OF STARCHES Some of the sugar in plants may be changed chemicallv to insokible starches and other carbohydrates, to fats and oils, and to proteins. In the body of animals sugar is changed to a starch-like compound called glycogen, and also to fats and oils. While studying such trans- formations we may also appropriately consider many facts about the accumulation and digestion of these foods. In this chapter we shall be interested mainly in the formation and digestion of starch and a few other carbohydrates. Starches, fats, and oils are made from sugar alone. Proteins are made from sugar and certain salts of nitrogen, sulfur, and, in some cases, phos- phorus also. These transformations of sugar to other kinds of food are either condensation processes or a combination of oxidation-reduction and condensation processes. The simplest transforaiations, such as the formation of starch from glucose or of inulin from fructose, involve only chemical condensation. We shall first consider the synthesis of starch from sugar. Synthesis of starch from sugar. Starch is formed in plant cells from glucose by chemical condensation: Glucose > Water + Starch n CUnO, > (n - 1)H20 + (C6Hio05)„H20 The group of enzymes known as diastase apparently catalyzes the process of starch synthesis. Some of the plants in which starch is not formed have been reported to lack one of these several enzymes. Diastase does catalyze the hydrolysis of starch back to sugar in plant cells. This hydrolysis of starch is easily obtained in test tubes with diastase that has been extracted from plants. But the synthesis of starch from sugar is influenced by some condition present in the "starch-forming" plastids 129 130 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY of the protoplasm that man has not yet been able to duplicate in test tubes. A reaction that may proceed in either of two directions is said to be reversible, and is often represented by two arrows. A longer arrow is usually used to indicate the direction in which the process is proceeding more rapidly. (A) Glucose ^^^ H2O + Starch (B) Glucose T— =^ H2O + Starch Statement (A) above indicates that the condensation of glucose to starch is proceeding more rapidly than the digestion of starch to glucose; statement (B) indicates that digestion is the more rapid process. Whether digestion will exceed condensation, or vice versa, at any par- ticular time depends upon certain conditions in the plant cell, such as acidity, water content, and the concentration of glucose. External factors, such as temperature and light, affect these internal conditions and thus indirectly affect the digestion and condensation processes. For instance, when Irish potatoes are stored in bins at 10^-30° C. the sugar in them is mostly condensed to starch; but when they are stored at temperatures either above 30° C. or near freezing much of the starch is digested to sugar. Potato chips prepared from potatoes in which sugar has accumu- lated are dark in color. When the chloroplasts are exposed to light more sugar is made in them and some of it condenses to starch. On the other hand, when the guard cells of leaves are exposed to light the conditions initiated in them by the light result in a change of starch to sugar. These changes of sugar to starch and of starch to sugar mav occur repeatedly in the same cell, and at any time during the day or night. Many efforts have been made to detect the amount of sugar that must accumulate in a cell before some of it begins to condense to starch. This amount of course is variable, depending both upon the kind of plant and upon the conditions to which it is exposed. The formation of starch is dependent upon the hereditary make-up of the plant. Closely related plants may differ greatly in this respect, and in some plants ( onion, hyacinth, and many others ) starch is formed only under excep- tional environmental conditions, or not at all. The number of species of plants in which starch never forms under any environmental condition is unknown. It is very simple to remove [Chap. XV SYNTHESIS OF STARCHES 131 leaves from a plant with a knife and place the cut ends of the petioles in beakers of water containing different concentrations of sugar and also different kinds of sugar. They can then be readily exposed to different environmental conditions. Even the leaves in which starch ordinarily does not form may produce it under these experimental conditions either in the light or in the dark. Best results are usually obtained with about a 10 per cent solution of sugar. Since starch is made from glucose, one might expect to find starch in the leaves only when glucose is placed in the beakers, unless he recalls that by the influence of the enzymes in plant cells certain kinds of sugars may be transformed to others. In such experiments starch is formed in the leaves whether the sugar in the beakers is glucose, fructose, mannose, galactose, sucrose, or maltose. Even certain alcohols may be converted to starch in the leaves of plants. Starch accumulation. Sugar is involved directly or indirectly in all the major physiological processes in plants. Starch, on the contrary, merely accumulates. In time it may be digested back to glucose, either by the plant that makes it, or by some other organism that eats it. Starch is formed in plastids (leucoplasts and chloroplasts ) and occurs in the cells as small grains that are insoluble in water; therefore it does not pass from cell to cell. When starch is found in a cell one may infer that it was made in that cell. It may be formed in all kinds of living plant tissues, in either hght or darkness if sugar is present. The fact that it accumu- lates sooner or often er in certain cells or tissues indicates that the condi- tions affecting its formation are not uniform throughout the plant. There may be a lack of general uniformity in the types of plastids, the amounts and kinds of enzymes, the concentration of sugar, and the acidity of the cells. This lack of uniformity among cells is easily demonstrated with green and white variegated leaves. Since sugar is made only in the chloroplasts, its concentration in the non-green parts of the leaves is comparatively low, and starch is usuallv formed only in the chlorenchyma of these leaves. This fact is demonstrated by the ordinary iodine test for starch in leaves after the chlorophyll has been removed with hot alcohol. If these variegated leaves are first detached from the plant and placed for about one day in a beaker containing a sugar solution as described above, starch may then be found in the non-green parts of the leaf. Variegated leaves of geranium are excellent materials for these tests (Fig. 59). It has been reported that even with this special treatment 132 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 59. Photographs of white and green variegated leaves of geranium after the leaves had been subjected to the iodine test for starch: A, leaves tested directly after removal from the plant; B, comparable severed leaves tested after the cut ends of their petioles had been immersed in a sugar solution for 15 hours. Photo by A. G. Chapman and W. H. Camp. starch does not form in the non-green parts of such plants if plastids are absent. Microscopic tests for starch are easily made, and the relations of starch accumulation to certain conditions and processes in the plant are fairly well known. As a consequence, starch synthesis, accumulation, and digestion are often studied as an index to other processes in which sugars are being made, consumed, or translocated. Starch may accumulate temporarily in chloroplasts when sugar is being made, but in some plants, as in onions, oil accumulates in chloroplasts. Commercial sources of starch. Conditions in certain tissues and organs are especially suitable to starch accumulation. Certain roots, stems, fruits, and seeds are of s;reat commercial value, mainlv because of the starch they contain. Besides being valuable as a food, millions of tons are ex- tracted from plants annually and used in the industries for making vari- ous types of dusting powders, adhesives, pastes required in sizing cloth and paper, and as a source of dextrin and glucose. In the manufacture of alcohol a number of starch-rich cereals are used as a source of food for yeast plants. SYNTHESIS OF STARCHES 133 [Chap. XV Starch grains. Starch grains in different kinds of plants may differ in form, size, and internal structure (Fig. 60). This fact may be used as one means of identifying certain commercially prepared drugs and foods, and also certain impurities in them. -"i ^Q^& B Oo^^ s^ ^ D E F Fig. 60. Diagrams of starch grains from several kinds of plants: A, bean; B, corn; C, oats; D, potato; E, rice; F, wheat. Adapted in part from Leffmann and Beam. Each grain is composed of at least two substances. The outer portion is composed of amylopectin, which becomes gelatinous in boiling water, but does not appear blue with iodine. The inner part of the grain is largely amylose. It is colloidally dispersed in boiling water and becomes blue with iodine. Dextrins. Dextrins are generally considered to be interaiediate prod- ucts between sugar and starch. The probable steps in the formation and digestion of starch may be represented in brief outline, in which diastase is represented by three enzymes: Glucose ^^ Maltose ^=^ Dextrins ^=^ Starch (Mallase) (Dextrinases) (Amylase) In the young seeds of some plants (sweet corn, certain varieties of 134 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY sorghum) plastids containing dextrin can be found in all stages of growth. Some of these dextrin-filled plastids may occur along with starch grains in the ripe seeds. When starch grains are heated for a short time thev are transformed to grains of dextrin, and become red instead of blue when treated with a solution of iodine. Commercial dextrin is prepared bv subjecting starch to heat. Glycogen and inulin. Glycogen, like starch, is a condensation product of glucose. It is common in the animal kingdom, but among plants it is known to occur onlv in certain fungi, bacteria and algae. Inulin is a condensation product of fructose, and occurs in several kinds of plants. If roots of salsify or dandelion are placed in 70 per cent alcohol for a time, most of the inulin in them crystallizes; but the clusters of crystals, though they are large, are often difficult to see because of their transparency. The accumulated food in Jerusalem artichoke and oyster plant is largely inulin. Sugars, starches, dextrins, glycogen, and inulin all belong to the gen- eral class of compounds known as carbohydrates, i.e., compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in which the proportion of hydrogen to oxygen is 2:1, as it is in water. The transformation of carbohydrates by condensation and digestion. The formation of starch from sugar by chemical condensation and the subsequent digestion of starch to sugar are common processes in plants. All complex carbohydrates, such as starches, glycogen, inulin, cellulose, and hemicelluloses, are formed from simple sugars by chemical condensa- tion. Moreover, during the formation of fats, oils, proteins, and many other compounds in cells, chemical condensation usually occurs at one or more stages in the process. Chemical condensation occurs in every living cell of both plants and animals. It is the converse of all ordinary processes of digestion. Evidently a clear concept of its fundamental features is necessary to the understanding of many biological processes. A few examples will be given. When 2 molecules of a simple sugar, like glucose, unite bv condensa- tion, the resultant sugar is called a disaccharide ( double sugar ) : Simple sugar > Water + Disaccharide 2 C6Hi20e > H2O + C12H22O11 [Chap. XV SYNTHESIS OF STARCHES 135 When 3 molecules of simple sugars unite by condensation, the result- ant sugar is called a trisaccharide: Simple sugar > Water + Trisaccharide 3 CeHioOe > 2 H2O + CisHssOie The formula Ci-Hi-Ou may also be written as (C<;HioO.-;)2H20. Like- wise, the formula of the trisaccharide, CisHsl-Oi.;, may be written as (C<>HioO.-,):^H20 to indicate the number of molecules of sugar utihzed in the formation of the larger molecule. When 2 molecules of sugar unite, 1 molecule of water is released. When 3 molecules of sugar unite, 2 mole- cules of water are released. A general name for the product formed by the union of several mole- cules of simple sugars by condensation is polysaccharide. All these prod- ucts are carbohydrates. We may now write a generalized equation that represents the formation of any polysaccharide from a simple hexose sugar, such as glucose or fructose. n CeHizOe > (n - 1)H20 + (C6Hio05)„H20 One important point to note is that for every molecule of sugar added, one molecule of water is liberated. This fact may be briefly represented in a diagram in which we let some symbol, such as , represent the main body of the glucose molecule.^ Glucose + Glucose • Water + A disacchoride H0^(^^])^;H £Hbi-<(^^>-<)H . H,0 + HO-<^^^)^ Water + A trisaccharide HO-<^^>0:H +;H0;<^^0H . H,0 i- H0<2^0x(^)mK;^0H, or (CH,oO.).H.O Disacchaiide + Disaccharide > Water + A polysaccharide of 4 {C,H,oO.) units ^ The diagram in Chapter XVII indicating the arrangement of the atoms in a molecule of sugar (glucose) shows the carbon atoms in a straight chain. The following arrange- ment of the carbon and oxygen atoms is indicated by X-ray studies of polysaccharides. HO OH HO OH HO OH \ / \ / \ X HC CH HC CH HC CH / \ / \ / \ HO— CH HC— OH HO— CH HC— O— CH HC— OH \ / \ / \ / HC O HC O HC O CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH Glucose A disaccharide 136 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY If this process were to continue, a polysaccharide consisting of a long chain of many (CeHioOo) units would be formed. X-ray studies indicate that the molecules of polysaccharides in plant cells do consist of long chains of these smaller sugar units. In some substances, such as starch and cellulose, the units are all (CcHioO.-,) from glucose. In other sub- stances these units may be formed from another kind of sugar, or the chain may be composed of units of different kinds of sugars, as in hemicelluloses. The chain ma)' also consist of units of sugar and certain acids derived from it, as in pectic compounds. One other important biological fact about condensation should be appreciated, namely, that the chemically bound energy in the sugar is still in the units of sugar in the new products formed. It is not liberated in the process of condensation. Digestion, or hydrolysis, is the converse of condensation. As molecules of water replace those lost during the condensation of simpler molecules to more complex ones, the complex molecules are subdivided into the simpler ones from which they were formed. Summary. Starch is formed in plastids ( leucoplasts and chloroplasts ) in plant cells from glucose by chemical condensation — a process that is just the converse of all ordinary processes of digestion. By condensation, many molecules of sugar become joined together by a loss of one mole- cule of water for every molecule of sugar added. Chemically bound energy is not liberated b\' this process and the starch therefore contains the potential energv that was in the sugar from which it was made. In the same way, many other complex carbohydrates ( polysaccharides ) are fomied in plants. Starch may be synthesized from sugar in both green and non-green tissues, and in both light and darkness. It is especially dependent upon the presence of plastids, certain enzymes, the concentration of sugar, and the acidity of the cells. It is a reversible process. External factors, particularly light and temperature, affect these internal conditions and thereby indirectly affect the accumulation of starch in plants. These internal conditions are not uniform throughout the plant, nor in differ- ent kinds of plants. As a consequence, starch accumulation is more abundant in some tissues, organs, and plants than in others. In some plants it may occur onlv under exceptional conditions, or not at all. Since starch is insoluble in water, it does not pass from cell to cell. It is formed in the cells in which it is found, and becomes valuable as a food only where it can be digested. Enzymes that digest starch are [Chap. XV SYNTHESIS OF STARCHES 137 widely distributed in the plant and animal kingdoms. Starch is extracted from plants and used commercially in several ways. Dextrins may be formed by partial digestion of starch. They are also made directly from sugar by chemical condensation. Glycogen is a starch-like polysaccharide formed from glucose in the animal body and in some of the bacteria, fungi, and algae. Inulin is a polysaccharide formed by condensation from fructose. CHAPTER XVI FOOD MANUFACTURE IV. SYNTHESIS OF FATS AND PROTEINS At ordinary temperatures fats occur in plants as both solids and liquids. The hquid fats are commonly called oils. The protoplasmic system of any living cell seems to contain all the conditions necessary for the trans- formation of sugar to fats or oils. This transformation may occur in light or darkness, and in both plant and animal cells. You have probably known for some time that fats may be formed from sugar in the human body. Fat Synthesis First of all, sugar is transformed to glycerin (glycerol) and fattv acids primarily by oxidation-reduction processes. Then 3 molecules of fatty acid unite with 1 molecule of glycerin by condensation, and the final result is a fat or oil. Many intermediate steps are involved, includ- ing interactions with enzymes. The more obvious transformations may be represented briefly: Sugar > Glycerin^ y > Water -|- Fat or oil Sugar > Fatty acids^ (condensation) (oxidation- reduction) Many kinds of fatty acids are formed in cells. Among the more abundant ones are palmitic (Ci.-.HsiCOOH), stearic (CitH^.-.COOH), and oleic (Ci-Ha.iCOOH). When the proportion of carbon to oxygen in sugar and in these fatty acids is compared, it is evident that the trans- formation of sugar to fatty acids involves the liberation of chemically bound oxygen. That is, it involves a reduction or energy-storing process; a pound of fat has about 2/4 times as much potential energy as a pound of sugar. Since this transformation may occur in plants in the dark and also in the cells of animals, it is perhaps evident that the additional energy in fats must come from the potential energy in sugar, that some 138 [Chap. XVI SYNTHESIS OF FATS AND PROTEINS 139 sugar — or its derivatives — must be oxidized during the formation of fatty acids. Sugar, therefore, is the primary source of both the material and the energy in fat synthesis. The final step in the process, the condensation of glycerin and fatty acid to fats or oils, may be briefly represented: Glycerin + Palmitic acid (a fatty acid) Tri-palmitin (a tat) + Water C3H5(OH)3 + 3 C15H31COOH > C.3H5(Ci,H3lC02)3 + 3 H2O Certain important facts are much more evident when this process is represented in a little more detail: H O HO HC^OjH + HOj— CH3,Ci.5 O HC— OiH + HOl— CH31C15 O HC— OjH + HOJ— CH31C15 H HC— O— CH31C15 O I! HC— O— CH31C15 + 3H2O O HC— O— CH31C15 H Glycerin + 3 Palmitic acid > Tri-palmitin + Water The place of union of the 3 molecules of fatty acid with 1 molecule of glycerin by loss of 3 molecules of water is indicated in the above equation. During the digestion of fats just the converse occurs: the 3 molecules of water are added and the glycerin and fatt)' acid are separated. When the digestion of fats occurs in the presence of mineral salts, some of the free ions of calcium, potassium, sodium, etc., unite with the fatty acids and form soaps. Both the condensation and the digestion represented abo\'e are catalyzed by an enzyme known as lipase. Here again is a reversible reaction catalyzed by an enzyme (glycerin + fatty acids ^ fat or oil + water). Whether condensation exceeds digestion or vice versa depends upon several conditions in the cell. One of these conditions is the water content of the cell. This fact may be demonstrated by placing all these substances in test tubes in which the water content is varied. If the amount of water in the test tube is increased, digestion is promi- 140 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY nent. When the water is decreased, condensation is prominent. A good supply of sugars and a relatively low water content are two of the con- ditions in plant cells that are conducive to fat synthesis. Fat accumulates in seeds at a time when their water content is decreasing. Fat digestion in germinating seeds occurs when the water content of the cells is increasing. It is easy to see how certain factors in the environ- ment may affect these two internal conditions and thereby affect the formation of fats. The highest percentage of linseed oil is obtained from flax plants that grow in relatively dry climates with an abundance of clear days. Fats not only are digested during the germination of seeds, but the whole process of fat synthesis may be reversed, and the fat be recon- verted to sugar. Both hydrolysis and oxidation-reduction occur in a com- plete reversal of the process of fat synthesis. The transformation of fats to simple sugars, of simple sugars to starch, of starch to simple sugars, and of simple sugars to sucrose which moves down the stems to the roots, may all be detected by microscopic studies of seedlings of soy- beans. Of the 3 molecules of fatty acids that may unite with 1 molecule of glycerin in fat svnthesis, all 3 may be alike, 2 may be alike, or all 3 may be unlike. Since there are many kinds of fatty acids, many different kinds of fats and oils are made bv plants and animals. This fact seems even more remarkable when we think of the trans- formations that are characteristic of different species of plants and ani- mals. A mouse eats corn. In its body some of the starch from the grain of corn is digested to sugar which in turn is transfonned to fat, and some of the corn oil is also digested and transformed to mouse fat. In the body of the cat that eats the mouse, mouse fat is digested and transformed to cat fat. These specific differences are of course due to different in- herent systems of protoplasm and enzymes in the corn, mouse, and cat. There are cases on record in which the cells of pigs failed to change all the plant fat in their food (cottonseed meal) into pig fat, and some of the cottonseed oil accumulated in the cells of the pigs. Similarly, turkeys that were fed large quantities of cod-liver oil failed to convert all of it into turkey fat. Although fats are present in every living cell as a part of the proto- plasm, they are especially abundant in the cells of many kinds of seeds. In addition to their use as food, fats are extracted from plants and used in making soaps, paints, lubricants, and many other products. Some of the commonest commercial fats and oils derived from plants are corn, [Chop. XVI SYNTHESIS OF FATS AND PROTEINS 141 coconut, cottonseed, linseed, castor, pea, peanut, tung, olive, soybean, and cocoa. Summary. Fats that melt at ordinary room temperatures are liquid fats or oils. Fats are made from sugar in the cells of both plants and animals. By chemical reduction some of the sugar is transformed to glycerin and fattv acids. The energy required for this process comes from the oxidation of sugar, or its derivatives, in the cells. Then 3 molecules of fatty acid unite with 1 molecule of glycerin by condensation, and a fat or oil is the result. A pound of fat, therefore, contains much more potential energy than a pound of sugar — about 2}4 times as much. When a fat is digested, glycerin and fattv acids are set free. These fatty acids mav then recombine with the glycerin in a different order or they may be altered and then recombine with glycerin, depending upon enzymes and certain other conditions within the cells. As a consequence, man}' different kinds of fats are present in both the plant and animal kingdoms. Fats may also be retransfomied to sugar in li\'ing cells. The protoplasm of all cells is composed in part of certain kinds of fats and fat-like derivatives. Fats are extracted from plants and used commer- cially in many ways. Protein Synthesis The proteins are a third class of foods. One sometimes hears that they are the most important foods. But when three things are essential, no one of them is more important than another. In a later chapter we shall see that one may truthfull>' say that the cell walls of plants are constructed mainlv from carbohvdrate foods, and that the larger part of the organic matter in protoplasm is made from protein foods. But enzymes, pig- ments, vitamins, hormones, and all three classes of foods are essential in the construction of protoplasm. All of the foods contain chemically bound energy that was bound first of all in sugar. This energy again becomes free and actixe in the cells through oxidation, mostly of carbo- hvdrate foods and least of all of proteins. Evidently no part of the plant will grow much unless it is well supplied with all three of these foods, or with all the conditions necessary for making them. By numerous ex- periments this statement has been shown to be true particularly of sugar and proteins, as we shall see in later chapters. Protein molecules. The proteins, unlike the complex carbohydrates and fats, are made onlv in part from sugar. A molecule of protein is composed of nitrogen and sulfur in addition to the three elements 142 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY ( carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ) derived from sugar. The molecules of some proteins also contain phosphorus. But 85 per cent or more of the protein molecule is made from sugar. These facts and several others are represented by the empirical formulas of a few common proteins: Gliadin of wheat C685H1068O211N196S5 Zein of corn C736H1161O208N184S3 Egg albumin C696Hii25022nNi75S8 Casein of milk C708H1130O224N 18084^4 Among the facts exemplified by these fomiulas are the large size of the molecules composed of more than 2000 atoms, the absence of phos- phorus in some proteins, the relatively large amount of nitrogen in com- parison to the amount of sulfur and phosphorus, and the fact that the proportion of carbon to oxygen is higher in proteins than in sugar. This last fact is evidence that oxidation-reduction processes occur in protein synthesis. Lastly, one may infer that plants must obtain nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus from external sources. Sources of nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus. With the exception of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria, plants are dependent upon nitrogen compounds, especially nitrate and ammonium salts, as a source of nitrogen. In the life of ail other plants the free nitrogen of the air is merely an inert gas. Most plants also are dependent upon sulfate salts as a source of sulfur, and upon phosphates as a source of phosphorus. These salts of nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus are in the soil, and they are all soluble in water. Those that are in solution in the water may pass into the roots of land plants, and directly into all the cells of algae and similar submerged plants. A summary of the major transformations of nitrogen and sulfur compounds in the plant kingdom is reserved for the chapters on non-green plants. For the present it is enough to recog- nize that the relative amounts of salts of nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus in the soil and in fertilizers may greatly affect the rate of growth of plants, indirectly through their effects on the synthesis of proteins. Some plants grow best when supplied with nitrate salts; others grow best when supplied with ammonium salts. Some bacteria must have a supply of organically bound nitrogen. Intermediate steps. The inorganic salts and sugar are not transformed into large protein molecules in one simple process. Intermediate prod- ucts consisting of relatively small molecules are formed first. The best known of these products are called amino acids because they contain the [Chop. XVI SYNTHESIS OF FATS AND PROTEINS 143 amino group (NHir). Then by chemical condensation a large number of these amino acids become joined together as one large molecule of protein. The materials used and the more obvious products formed may be represented briefly by the accompanying diagram. + XPO4 Sugar + XNO3 > ^JJJI"'' > Proteins + H2O / Sugar + XNO3 + XSO4 ^ (oxidation-reduction) (condensation) In this diagram, X, as in XNO:{, represents some basic ion such as potassium, calcium, or sodium. Sugar may be replaced in this process by some of its derivatives, such as organic acids, but nevertheless sugar is the primary substance used. Of the 20 known amino acids, only 2 con- tain sulfur, and none contains phosphorus. Synthesis of amino acids. The svnthesis of amino acids from sugar and the inorganic salts is the most unique part of the whole process. This synthesis may occur in practicalh all plants ( green and non-green ) , but apparentlv not in animals, at least not in adequate amounts. The data of numerous experiments show that animals mav die, fail to grow, fail to reproduce, or fail in other wavs merely because of the deficiency of certain amino acids in their diet. These failures in development begin to disappear immediately after the particular amino acids — or the proteins containing them — are added to the diet. Some bacteria also are unable to synthesize amino acids. The svnthesis of amino acids ma\^ occur in roots or any part of a green plant in which the cells are not too acid and all other conditions are suitable. These conditions seem to be most suitable in the phloem and in young tissues. Not onlv is there some reduction of carbon during amino acid synthesis, but the nitrogen and sulfur are also chemically reduced. The energy necessary for the process may be obtained entirely from the oxidation of sugar or of some of the derivatives of sugar in the cells. The process apparently depends upon a complex set of condi- tions and enzymes that occur all together only in plant cells. It may go on in the absence of light and chlorophyll if sugar is present, as for instance, in roots and fungi. However, it has not yet been proved that all the amino acids can be made in all fungi and in the roots of all plants. There probably are exceptions to the general rule, as tliere are in most biological processes. 144 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Condensation of amino acids. The last step in the process of protein synthesis, the condensation of amino acids to proteins, is similar to the condensation processes in the formation of complex carbohydrates and fats. More than 100 molecules of amino acids^ become joined together in one large molecule of protein. Since the organic matter in protoplasm is composed largely of proteins or of substances derived from them, the condensation of amino acids to proteins must occur in every young cell of both plants and animals. Animals, however, must obtain amino acids from plants thev eat, or from other animals that have eaten plants. Digestion of proteins. The digestion of proteins to amino acids is the reverse of condensation. The process is catalyzed by enzymes in both plants and animals.- The amino acids set free by digestion may be con- ^'erted back to sugar, or they may be broken down by oxidation-reduction to such simple compounds as CO2, Hi-O, NH.., and H^S. That is, the carbon is oxidized, but the reduced nitrogen and sulfur in amino acids and proteins are not oxidized by living organisms, except by special groups of bacteria. Recondensation of amino acids. Instead of being oxidized, however, the amino acids set free by the digestion of proteins are often recon- densed to proteins again in both plants and animals. This time they may be combined in a different order or in different proportions, or both, and a different kind of protein is the result. When one considers that there are at least 20 different kinds of amino acids, and that more than 100 molecules of amino acids are joined together in each protein mole- cule, it is evident that the number of different kinds of proteins that are mathematically possible is beyond comprehension. 1 Molecules of amino acids are small in comparison to those of proteins: Glycocol ('2H5O2N Lysine C6H14O2N4 Tryptophane C11H12O2N2 Cystine C6H12O4N2S2 Amino acids may be converted temporarih to amides: Amino acid (aspartic) + Ammonia ^ Amide (asparagine) + Water HOOC— CHNH2— CH2-COOH + NH3 ^ H2X()( -CHNH2-CH2-COOH + H2O - Perhaps it should be noted that in order to keep this story as simple as possible refer- ence is made only to proteins and amino acids. Some of the other products formed may be indicated briefly: Amino a<-ids + NH3;=i Amides + H2O Amino acids ;=i Intermediate products ;;=i Proteins + IW) In both plants and animals amides may be formed temporarily by the union of amino acids and ammonia. There are also partly digested products between proteins and amino acids in solution in the cells. [Chap. XVI SYNTHESIS OF FATS AND PROTEINS 145 This fact seems all the more remarkable when certain other aspects of proteins are considered. First, since protoplasm is characterized largely by proteins, there is a possibility of many different kinds of protoplasms, even though the plants and animals do fall far short of making all the different kinds of proteins that are mathematically pos- sible. Second, the hereditary units of protoplasm, such as chromosomes and genes, that determine different species and varieties of plants and animals are composed mainly of proteins. The number of different kinds of these units, therefore, may easily be great enough to account for many different kinds of plants and animals, aside from the fact that they may occur in countless different combinations. Finally, these hereditary units in one animal are constructed from proteins obtained either from plants or from another animal. But this picture is not complete until we fully realize that in all the individuals of a certain species of plant or animal the construction of the same kinds of proteins and hereditary units proceeds generation after generation. To this part of the story we shall return in the chapters on heredity. Accumulation of proteins. The accumulation of proteins in plants, like that of fats, is dependent upon the relative amount of sugar made. Among other internal conditions upon which it is dependent are the acidity and water content of the cells, and the presence of enzymes. The more important environmental factors are light, temperature, mois- ture, and certain salts. Protein accumulation is greatest in certain seeds, though it may occur to some extent in all plant organs. The amount of su2;ar made in one of the corn plants described in Chapter XVIII, and the amount of "fats" and proteins that accumulated in it are as follows: Amount of sugar made in the plant .32.0 ounces " '' accumulated "fat" 0.7 " " " protein 2.2 " The most expensive portion of the diet of human beings is the protein. It may be seen from the accompanying diagram ( Fig. 61 ) , that soybeans are the richest source of protein and why this bean is one of the most important of foods in the Asiatic nations, where meat in the diet is very limited. It is one of the least expensive sources of proteins. Even in the United States, where meat is consumed in comparatively large quantities, the principal source of protein in the diet is wheat. Summary. Proteins are the most complex foods. They are made from sugar and certain salts of nitrogen and sulfur, and in some cases of phosphorus also. Some of the intermediate steps in the synthesis of pro- 146 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY BEEF STEAK EGGS I WHEAT FLOUR J CORN MEAL I RICE H H POTATOES I ■ ■ 28.3 ia.4 175 12.7 9.7 7.8 6.8 3.2 1.5 Fig. 61. Percentage of protein in various foods. teins are not clearly understood. The best known of the intermediate products are the amino acids. These are made by oxidation-reduction processes from sugar and salts of nitrogen and in some cases of sulfur also. In this process the carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur are chemically reduced. The energy used in this process comes from the oxidation of sugar or of some of its derivatives. Amino acids may be made in both green and non-green cells of the plant and in either light or darkness. Apparently all the condi- tions necessary for the process are present only in the cells of plants. Animals and some of the fungi and bacteria are as dependent upon cer- tain plants for some amino acids as they are for sugar. Some of our common plants, such as corn and wheat, do not contain all the amino acids necessarv for the health and growth of the human body, at least in adequate amounts. This is one of the reasons why mixed diets are desirable and necessary. After the amino acids are foraied, more than 100 amino acid molecules become joined together by chemical condensation as a single large mole- cule of protein. During this process phosphorus is sometimes joined in the molecule. All protoplasmic proteins are insoluble in water and are undoubtedly formed in the cells in which they occur. Hence this last step in the chemical condensation of amino acids must occur in all cells of all plants and animals. When proteins are digested back to amino acids, these acids may become rejoined in quite a different order and in different proportions, depending upon the enzymes and other conditions within the cells. Pro- [Chap. XVI SYNTHESIS OF FATS AND PROTEINS 147 teins and their derivatives appear to be the primary chemical bases of different protoplasms, different hereditary miits, and different species of plants and animals. The specificity of organic synthesis in plants and animals and its constancy in repetition, cell after cell and generation after generation, are among the most important facts of nature. Without this specificity and constancy, organisms as we know them would not exist. What Becomes of the Food Made by Plants? The answer to this question is the central theme of the next two chapters. It may be briefly summarized here, however, as an introduc- tion to what is to follow. Some of the food is oxidized within the cells of the plant. The amount of food that is consumed in plants by oxidation differs with the kind of plant and also with the environment of the plant. Under excellent grow- ing conditions about one-fourth of the food made by a corn plant is oxidized in the plant during its lifetime. In a single growing season about one-third of the food made by a young apple tree is oxidized within the tree. However, plants may be placed in environments in which they oxidize food faster than they make it. Some of the food is converted into substances of which the cells of the plant are composed. Here again, the amount so used varies with the kind of plant and with the environment. In the com plant referred to above, about one-half of the food is used in this manner. The food that is made by the plant and not used by it in either of these two ways of course accumulates within the plant. It is frequently re- ferred to as "storage food." The amount of this accumulated food may be great or small, depending upon the kind of plant and its environment. It is the source of the food of most animals and numerous non-green plants. Many of the non-green plants and some of the simpler animals, because of their unique enzvmes, can also digest and use the cell walls as food. The relative proportion of the kinds of food that accumulate in a plant is conditioned by the hereditary constitution of the plant. In Table 3 are shown the amounts of glucose, sucrose, starch, protein, and fat in the leaves of several well-known plants. The analyses were made after a period of rapid photosynthesis in detached leaves. Accumulated foods are expressed in percentages of total dry weight of the leaves.^ ^ Data from B. N. Singh, K. N. Lai, and K. Prasad, Proc. Indian Acad. ScL, VIII B, 301, 1938. 148 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Table 3. Relative Composition of Leaves of Several Crop Plants the Stems, Fruits, or Seeds of Which Are Sources of Commercial Sucrose, Starch, Pro- tein, and Fat. The food that accumulates most abundantly in detached leaves is the same as the one derived commercially from other organs of the plant. Glucose • Starch Protein Fat Sugar cane leaves 2.8 18. £ 14.4 13.0 6.5 Rice leaves 2.4 6.9 £2.7 13.1 5.6 Bean leaves 2.0 4.7 9.1 2J^.8 8.5 Castor bean leaves 1.6 4.0 8.0 10.2 U.4 CHAPTER XVII USES OF FOOD IN PLANTS <&<><>o<><><><><><>^^ I. RESPIRATION In the chapter on photosynthesis attention was called to the early experi- ments from which it was concluded that carbon dioxide increases and oxygen decreases in the air surrounding all parts of plants in the dark, and non-green parts of the plant in both light and dark. The results of numerous later experiments showed this conclusion to be true both for green plants and for many non-green plants. They also disclosed the kinds of exceptions to this conclusion that may be found among the non- green plants. One may easily demonstrate some of these facts by enclosing a mass of germinating seeds, opening flower buds, green leaves, or any other actively growing parts of a plant in tightly stoppered bottles for several hours, and then testing the enclosed air for carbon dioxide and oxygen. When the air from one of these bottles is forced into limewater an abundance of carbon dioxide is indicated by the rapid formation of a precipitate of calcium carbonate. The decreased amount of oxygen in another bottle may be detected by chemical tests, or by the failure of an ignited match to continue burning in it. By pressing a finger into the mass of seeds in one of the bottles one becomes aware of the higher temperature of the germinating seeds. A smaller increase in temperature may also be detected in the bottles containing opening flower buds and leaves. This increase in temperature may be measured if the plant parts are kept for a few hours in a thermos bottle into which a thermometer extends. All these changes in amounts of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and the increase in temperature in the demonstrations are dependent upon the activity of living plant cells. They do not occur in similar demonstrations containing only sterilized dead plants or dead parts of plants. These demonstrations may also be repeated with germinating seeds that have been sterilized and placed in bottles containing air from which all the oxygen has been removed. In the absence of free oxygen, 149 150 . TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY growth soon ceases and there is little or no change in temperature in the bottle. But if oxygen is allowed to enter the bottle before the seeds suf- focate, the effects of respiration become evident and growth is renewed. All these facts are in some way related to the chemically bound energy of the food in the plant cells, and to its transformation into other kinds of energy through the process of respiration. Yet none of the phenomena mentioned above is respiration; they are merely the recog- nizable external effects of respiration. These statements will become much clearer as we consider the relations of certain facts, some of which we have already met in previous chapters. Thus far nothing has been said about the formation of water from food during respiration. Water formed in this way is also an accessory consequence of respiration, but of little importance except to clothes moths and a few other animals which are dependent on water from this source. These easily detectable consequences of respiration are often referred to as external evidences of respiration. Sugar the source of chemically bound energy in living organisms. All plants and animals are dependent directly or indirectly upon the syn- thesis of sugar as the sole source of their supply of chemically bound energy. This is a broad generalization, and thus far we have encountered only a few of the facts upon which it is based. But a clear understanding of the energy transformations noted in the last two chapters is a necessary first step toward a full appreciation of this generalization. The available bound energy in a green plant is obtained by photo- synthesis. Experiments have shown that sugar and other soluble organic matter may pass from the environment into the cells of a green plant, but the amount of available bound energy obtained in this way by green plants growing in natural conditions is negligible. A possible ex- ception is the absorption of soluble organic substances by algae that grow where these substances are abundant. Animals and non-green plants obtain this chemically bound energy when food passes from some external source into the cells of their bodies. No additional chemically bound energy is obtained in any other way by these organisms, except by the few groups of bacteria that oxidize reduced atoms of iron, nitrogen, and sulfur in certain compounds. But even the reduction of nitrogen and sulfur in living organisms is depend- ent upon the potential energy in sugar. Some of the evidence for this last statement was encountered in the chapter on protein synthesis; addi- tional evidence is presented under the discussion of nitrogen fixation. [Chap. XVII RESPIRATION 151 External evidence of respiration. We have frequently referred to the fact that this chemically bound energy is liberated in the cells of plants and animals by the oxidation of foods. The biological name for this process is respiration. Perhaps most of us have at some time assumed respiration to be synonymous w^ith the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide into and out of plants and animals. Such an inference is contrarv to fact, and it should not be allowed to distort our thinking. There is no more reason for confusing respiration with breathing, or with the en- trance and outgo of oxygen and carbon dioxide, than there is for con- fusing the process of eating with the subsequent chemical conversion of food into protoplasm and cell wall substances in each cell of the plant or animal body. The fundamental feature of respiration is the transformation of chemically bound energy through the oxidation of foods within each cell of the plant and animal body. The entrance of oxygen into a plant and the escape of carbon dioxide from it are merely consequences of the oxidation. In fact, we shall soon see that respiration ma\' occur without the inward and outward movement of these two gases. The belief that the movement of these two gases is the essence of respiration has further led to the wholly erroneous conclusion that respiration in plants is just the converse of that in animals, or that it occurs in plants only in the daytime or only at night. It should be obvi- ous that this conclusion arises from a failure to distinguish between the results of photosynthesis and those of respiration. It also arises from a failure to distinguish between respiration and its external signs, which are often used to detect the occurrence and rate of respiration. For in- stance, in man and certain other animals, breathing and bodily tempera- ture are well-recognized external evidences of respiration within the cells of the body. Since the entrance of oxvgen into the body and the escape of carbon dioxide from it are also external evidences of respiration, both the occurrence and the rate of respiration may be measured by placing the animal in a special calorimeter. In this apparatus the increase in temperature and also the increase in CO2 and decrease in O2 can be measured over a period of time. The dependence of man and other animals upon food as the sole source of their supply of chemically bound energy was discovered by means of such calorimeter tests. What external manifestations may be used to detect the occurrence and rate of respiration in plants? Breathing, of course, need not be con- 152 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY sidered because it does not occur in plants. Body temperature ordinarily cannot be used because the temperature of a plant is usually near that of the surrounding air. The parts of a plant exposed to the sun and very rapidly growing parts may be warmer than the surrounding air. Manure heaps and other masses of decaying organic matter may become hot as a result of the energy liberated by the respiration of the numerous bacteria in them. Stacks of green hay and freshly harvested grain may likewise become hot, partly as the result of the respiration in the living cells of the hay or grain, but mainly because of the respiration of the bacteria that are present. For a clear demonstration of the liberation of heat energy by respiration in plants it is necessary only to enclose them in a thermos bottle into which a thermometer extends. Since the oxidation of food results in a loss in drv weight, the changes in dry weight of comparable examples of plants during a given period of time mav also be used to determine the amount of respiration that occurs in them. From preceding facts and from the equation below it should be obvious that this method can be used for green tissues only in the dark, but isolated non-green tissues may be thus tested in either light or darkness. The rate of respiration in different samples of germi- nating seeds is easilv measured by this method. Since sugar is the most frequently oxidized food in respiration, we may illustrate the loss of dry weight by a simple equation : Sugar (bound energy) + Oxygen > j- -j + Water -f ^>yA r> ^ ■ dioxide energy 674 Calories ^"^ 180 gm. CeHizOc + 192 gm. O2 > 264 gm. C0« -f 108 gm. HoO + 674 Cal. Note that while 192 grams of oxygen pass into the plant, 372 grams of CO2 and H2O are liberated, a net loss of dry weight of 180 grams, which is just the weight of the sugar oxidized. This generalized equation is the converse of that of photosyntliesis, except that the free energy in respiration is heat energy instead of the radiant energy of light. It should always be remembered, however, that such equations indicate only the initial substances and the ultimate prod- ucts. In most biological processes there are complicated intermediate steps involving enzymes, intennediate products, and intermediate trans- formations of energy that may be the real essence of the process. The intermediate processes and products in respiration and photosynthesis are not exact opposites. [Chap. XVII RESPIRATION 153 We shall see later that the heat energy liberated by respiration in green plants is usually insignificant in the life of the plant. The intermediate transformations of energy and substances must be the essential ones in respiration. Sometimes the free energy at the end of the process of respiration is not entirely heat energy. For instance, at definite periods in the firefly it is largely light. Likewise the phosphorescent light of certain bacteria, fungi (Fig. 263), and deep-sea fishes is a result of energy transforma- tions during respiration. Both the liberation of energy and the decrease of dry weight have been used in numerous experiments as a means of determining the occurrence and rate of respiration in plants. It is well known among botanists that respiration occurs continuously in all active living cells of plants just as it does in the cells of animals, and that when deprived of a source of oxygen green plants will eventuallv suffocate just as animals do. This fact might have been deduced from the similarity of protoplasm in plants and animals, for after all it is the processes in protoplasm that are de- pendent upon respiration. Perhaps dry dormant seeds and spores may remain alive for a time without respiration — at least without detectable respiration. Experi- ments have shown that dry seeds may remain alive in a vacuum for months. It is often assumed that some respiration is occurring in these seeds, but satisfactory evidence is lacking. Respiration and the escape of carbon dioxide. The escape of carbon dioxide from plants is also used as external evidence of respiration in them. The amount that escapes within a given time may be measured and considered to be a measure of the rate of respiration, though this method has certain limitations. The first of these limitations should be obvious from our knowledge of the utilization of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. During certain periods of the day carbon dioxide may be utilized in photosynthesis in green cells 15 to 20 times as rapidly as it is liberated by respiration. Carbon dioxide that is released by respiration within or near chloroplasts exposed to light is probably immediately used in the making of sugar, and little, if any, escapes to the atmosphere. Even in the green cell as a whole, carbon dioxide enters far more rapidly than it escapes; hence its concentration in the surrounding air decreases and that of oxygen increases even though respiration is occurring in the green tissues. This 154 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY apparent anomaly of course does not occur in the green tissues in the dark. Twice during the day, once in the morning and again in the evening, the intensity of hght must be such that the rate of photosynthesis just equals that of respiration. The rates of photosynthesis and respiration may also be equal temporarily under certain other environmental condi- tions such as dark cloudy weather and high temperatures. These condi- tions are frequently present in greenhouses during the winter months; during the darkest days photosynthesis may be less than respiration. The relative amount of carbon dioxide formed during respiration is related to the kind of food that is being oxidized. For instance, when fats are being oxidized in plants the first steps in the process may result in the oxidation of fats only to sugar, with little or no release of carbon dioxide. The sugar may then be oxidized to CO2 and H2O. This fact may be experimentally demonstrated during the germination of seeds con- taining considerable fat. When fat is completely oxidized the volume of oxygen consumed is much greater than the volume of carbon dioxide released, whereas when only sugar is oxidized the volume of oxygen con- sumed is just equal to the volume of carbon dioxide released. Conse- quentlv the kind of food being oxidized in living organisms may often be detected by placing them in air-tight enclosures and measuring the amount of oxygen consumed in proportion to the amount of carbon dioxide released. If the ratio is about one, the oxidation of sugar is indi- cated; if it is much less than one, the oxidation of fats or even proteins is indicated; however, proteins are seldom oxidized appreciably so long as sugar or fat is available.^ The discovery that this ratio varies with the kind of food available in the cells was one of the first definite contradictions of the oft-quoted traditional belief that protoplasm is the substance that is oxidized in respiration and must therefore be constantly repaired. There is no evi- dence that protoplasm is destroyed by respiration or that it needs repair in a healthy cell well supplied with food. ^ While the ratio described above may be used as a general rule, it should not be used as an infallible one. Certain well-known exceptions to it occur in plants. These are mostly cases in which the sugars and fats are not at once completely oxidized to CO, and H„0. The lowest ratios are obtained when substances like the fatty acids, which have relati%ely little oxygen in them, are oxidized in respiration; for example, the oxidation of palmitic acid as shown in the following equation: C16H32O2 + 23 O2 > 16 CO2 -h 16 H2O [Chap. XVII RESPIRATION 155 A third limitation to the method of detecting the rate of respiration by measuring the amount of carbon dioxide released is rehited to the fact that sometimes the food is not completely oxidized to CO2 and H2O. It may be only partially oxidized, with the result that such sub- stances as alcohol and various organic acids are formed. The alcohol and organic acids may accumulate in the plants. Respiration by incomplete oxidation of food occurs to some extent in all plants. It is most easily detected when the supply of oxygen is low. Certain types of plants and plant organs, such as cacti and the large fruits of tomatoes, for instance, usually contain a small percentage of alcohol. This sort of respiration is frequently referred to as fermentation. It is particularly conspicuous in many of the non-green plants such as yeast and acetic acid bacteria, in which rather high percentages of the incom- pletely oxidized products (alcohol and acetic acid) accumulate and escape into the surrounding medium. In all such cases of respiration the volume of carbon dioxide released is not likely to be the same as the volume of oxygen consumed. It may be many times greater or many times less. These facts may be illustrated briefly by equations: Sugar — -^ Ethyl alcohol + Carbon dioxide + Free heat energy 674 Calories of bound energy enzyme of 180 gm. CeHizOe > 92 gm. C2H5OH + 88 gm. CO2 + 28 Calories yeast The facts indicated by the above equation may be demonstrated if a mass of living yeast plants is placed in a small thermos bottle filled with water containing some sugar in solution, and a tightly fitting stopper is inserted. Within a short time, the stopper will be forcibly ejected by the pressure of gas that develops within the bottle, the temperature of the water will have increased a little, and the odor of alcohol may be de- tected. If the gas that is formed is tested by the usual limewater test, it will be found to be carbon dioxide. If one end of a tube is put through the stopper of this bottle and the other end beneath the surface of water in another vessel, the carbon dioxide formed can escape, but at the same time air is excluded from the yeast culture in the bottle. Under these conditions, if sufiicient sugar is present, the yeast plants will live and produce alcohol until they are checked by the toxic effect of the alcohol. Varieties of yeast that continue to remain active when the amount of alcohol formed in the vat is equiva- 156 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY lent to 12 per cent or more are the most desirable for the production of alcohol in commercial quantities. If the air is not excluded, however, the alcohol will be oxidized rapidly by acetic acid bacteria which were placed in the bottle with the mass of yeast. Instead of having a solution of alcohol we will have a solution of acetic acid (vinegar). The formation of acid cider and the souring of wines are the result of respiration in acetic acid bacteria. These bacteria are also used for the production of commercial vinegar. We may repre- sent the process briefly as follows: Alcohol + Oxygen > Acetic acid + Water + Free heat energy Enzymes of acetic C2H5OH + O2 — '- > CH3COOH + H2O + Free heat energy acid bacteria Lactic acid bacteria exemplify an interesting type of respiration in which no free oxygen is used, no carbon dioxide escapes, and there is no loss in dry weight. Sugar > Lactic acid + Free heat energy Enzymes of lactic CgHiaOe — > 2 CH3 • CHOH • COOH + Free heat energy acid bacteria In many organisms respiration results in the formation of an incom- pletely oxidized food, and is usually referred to as fermentation. The different types of fermentation are recognized and named on the basis of the incompletely oxidized product formed. The three examples cited above are called, in order, alcoholic, acetic acid, and lactic acid fermen- tation. The fundamental fact, however, is that this is the way respiration occurs in these particular organisms. In each one food is oxidized in living cells and some of the chemically bound energy in it is liberated. In two of the examples no free oxygen enters into the process, and in two of them no carbon dioxide is liberated. Enzyme Sugar > 2 Molecules of alcohol + 2CO2 HHHOHH HH HH 00 I I I I Enzyme | II II II H— C— C— C— C— C— C = O > H— C— C— OH + H-C-C— OH + C + C 0 0 0 H H H It may be noted that the oxidation-reduction process in alcohoHc and HO HH HH 00 H H H H Carbon reduced Carbon oxidized more than in more than in sugar sugar [Chap. XVII RESPIRATION 157 lactic acid femientation involves only the transfer of oxygen and hy- drogen atoms between the carbon atoms within the molecule of sugar.^ Oxidation-reduction processes of this sort are said to be intramolecular (within the molecule). When respiration occurs in the absence of free oxygen it is said to be anaerobic (without air), in contrast to aerobic respiration. Evidently respiration is not always accompanied by a movement of oxygen into the plant, or of carbon dioxide from it. When such move- ments of these gases do occur they are merely the result of oxidation- reduction processes in living cells. Food is either partially or completely oxidized, and chemically bound energy in it is released mainly as free heat energy. These are the most easily detectable facts about respiration. Heat energy from respiration in plants is accessory. We may now ask whether the transformation of bound energy in the food to free heat energy during respiration is of any value to the plant. In the human body the release of free heat energy is certainly essential to the mainte- nance of a fairly constant body temperature of about 98° F. But the temperature of plants and of some small animals is primarily dependent upon the temperature of the environment, in comparison with which the amount of heat energy liberated by respiration is insignificant. Since respiration is as essential to these organisms as it is to man, something more generally essential than the liberation of heat energy is involved. Accessory features of respiration in plants. As exemplified by this chap- ter, discussions of respiration in plants usually deal mainly with the accessory processes: the liberation of heat energy, and the foraiation of carbon dioxide and water, or of other easily detectable end products such as alcohol and acetic acid. The reasons for this apparently super- ficial treatment of the subject are two. First, the accessory features are valuable means bv which the occurrence and rate of respiration in plants may be measured under various environmental conditions, at different stages of development, and during dormancy. Second, respiration is a very complicated series of chemical processes, and many of the inter- mediate processes and products are unknown or only partially under- stood. Essential features of respiration in plants. It is now known that the oxidation of sugar to CO- and H2O in living cells involves a long series 2 It may further be noted tliat some of the incompletely oxidized products of respiration are less oxidized than the sugar from which they are formed. Alcohol, for instance, is reduced as compared with sugar. The formation of other reduced compounds in plants is also dependent upon the energy transformations in respiration. 158 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY of intermediate steps in which successive transformations of materials and energy occur. The hberation of heat energy is just a consequence of this series of energy transformations in which some of the intermediate steps are the essential ones. For instance, the electrical potentials char- acteristic of all living active cells are dependent upon continuous oxidation-reduction processes in the cells. The formation of the proto- plasmic fats and proteins, tlie pigments, enzymes, and hundreds of other compounds in cells is likewise dependent upon the energy of respiration. The intermediate steps by which these compounds are formed are much too complicated to be discussed here. All the organic compounds of plants in which some of the carbon atoms are either more oxidized or less oxidized than the carbon atoms in the molecule of sugar, have been formed from sugar or from some of its derivatives by oxidation-reduction processes and are, to that extent, products of respiration. With these we may also include all the organic compounds of plants that contain reduced nitrogen or reduced sulfur. All the processes and compounds we recognize in living cells are the results of series of intermediate processes and unstable compounds. Some of these intermediate compounds are highly unstable; and unless they are continuously renewed by oxidation-reduction processes the other processes that we recognize in living cells will cease. The essential features of respiration appear to be in the intermediate transformations of energy and materials by which these unstable compounds are formed. Summary. Respiration is an oxidation-reduction process by which the chemically bound energy in food is transformed to other kinds of energy upon which certain processes (chemical transfomiations ) in all living cells are dependent. The best known of these processes are those in which some of the food is converted to the partially reduced and partially oxidized compounds of which the protoplasm, parts of cell walls, pigments, enzymes, and other fundamental cell substances are composed. Some of the energy involved in the formation of these sub- stances remains bound within them as long as they exist, but usually a much larger amount of the energy that is released by respiration eventu- ally escapes from the plant as free heat energy. This free heat energy, together with the escape of carbon dioxide, the formation of water, and the loss in dry weight, should be regarded as an accessory consequence of respiration in plants. The escape of heat energy is the only one of the three that is known to occur in all cases of respiration, and there is no evidence that it is of anv essential value to the plant. The kinds of [Chap. XVII RESPIRATION 159 energy that are temporarily released and actively associated with chemi- cal transformations during respiration are the ones stressed in the state- ment: the fundamental feature of respiration is the transfomiation of energy through the oxidation of foods in living cells. Some of the partly oxidized and partly reduced products formed during respiration are also fundamental features. Respiration occurs continuously in all living active cells of plants, and food and free oxygen are necessary. The few exceptions known are all found among certain groups of bacteria and fungi. The food most com- monly oxidized in respiration is sugar. The process is catalyzed by several enzymes and there are several intermediate steps. The sugar may be completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water, or it may be incom- pletely oxidized, resulting in the formation of a large variety of products, among which are alcohol and organic acids. All products that are di- rectly fomied by the oxidation-reduction of foods in living cells may be regarded as products of respiration; their number is very large. When the oxidation of food is incomplete the process of respiration is often referred to as fermentation. When it occurs without free oxygen it is called anaerobic; with free oxvsen, aerobic. Both anaerobic and aerobic respiration regularly occur in a plant. Some of the fungi (yeast) and bacteria (lactic acid bacteria) are able to survive by anaerobic respiration alone. REFERENCES Needham, Joseph, and David E. Green. Perspectives in Biochemistry. Cam- bridge Univ. Press. 1938. Pp. 114-126. Stiles, W. Respiration. Bot. Rev. 1:249-268. 1935. CHAPTER XVIII USES OF FOOD IN PLANTS ChX>C><><>C><><><^<>0^ II. RESPIRATION AND PLANT DEVELOPMENT There is often a close correlation between the rate of growth of plants and the rate of respiration. If any one of the conditions necessary for respiration is not present, growth soon stops. On the other hand, the rate of respiration may be high or low after growth has ceased in mature plant organs, such as leaves and fruits, because it is still affected by such factors as temperature and the amount of soluble food present. The amount of food that accumulates in a green plant is in part dependent upon the rate of respiration. Sugar made by photosynthesis is oxidized back to carbon dioxide and water during respiration, and unless photosynthesis exceeds respiration no food will accumulate in the plant. Several external factors affect the relative rates of these two op- posed processes. Consequently, a knowledge of these processes in rela- tion to environmental factors may help us understand many common plant phenomena and also the bases of certain practices in the cultiva- tion and handling of plants and plant products. The food that accumulates in green plants may be used by them, but it is also available to animals and to non-green plants. The amount of food available to the human race depends, therefore, on the amount made by green plants in excess of what they use in their development, and on the amount consumed by non-green plants and by all the other animals. Man may obtain much more food per acre by eating plants directly than by eating animals that feed on plants, because most of the food eaten by an animal is consumed in respiration. The above state- ments will now be considered in more detail. Factors that affect respiration. Respiration is dependent upon the pres- ence of available food (especially sugar) and ordinarily upon an external supply of free oxygen. Among other important internal conditions are the presence of certain enzymes in an active state, the acidity and water content of the cells, and the presence of the ions of certain salts that 160 [Chap. XVIII RESPIRATION AND PLANT DEVELOPMENT 161 probably act mainly as catalysts. Of the external factors, temperature, oxygen, and sometimes water occupy a place of first importance under natural conditions, and also in the cultivation and care of plants/ Under experimental conditions many factors are known either to increase or to decrease respiration in plants. The relation of respiration to plant development and to certain prac- tices in the care of plants and plant products. Plants often fail to survive, or tlieir growth is retarded, merelv because of a lack of sufficient oxvgen. The aerial parts above ground are exposed to an abundance of oxygen in the surrounding atmosphere, but some parts are exposed onlv to the oxygen that is in the air of the soil. The parts of land plants that are underground (roots, underground stems, and also seeds and seedlings) may be deprived of sufficient oxvgen when thev are flooded bv water, or when the ground water level rises too near the surface of the soil. The water per se is not harmful, but it excludes nearly all the free oxygen, and death by suflFocation is the result. Less oxygen is likelv to be avail- able to the plant when the water is stagnant than when it is flowing. Perhaps everyone is familiar with the fact that manv common plants grow only where their roots are in well-drained soils, while others may grow where the soil is saturated or even submerged. This difference may be due to the fact that some plants, like some animals, can sur\'i\e with less free oxygen than others. The roots of the black willow, for instance, will grow in soils almost wholly deprived of free oxvgen, whereas the roots of sugar maple, scarlet oak, and man\' other trees will die of suffocation. However, the roots of most land plants grow well in water that is continuouslv aerated. Some interesting ideas of the growth and distribution of plants in rela- tion to free oxygen may be gained bv observing the zones of plants on the wet shores of shallow lakes and in low places in fields and woods (Figs. 267, 268). Pondweeds, cattails, and bulrushes grow with their roots continuously submerged in water, and some have roots in muck where there is almost no free oxygen. In some of these plants large in- ternal air passages extend from the leaves and stems all the way to the root tips. The submerged roots of such plants may not survive unless the oxygen that diffuses downward from the air-exposed leaves is ade- quate. The underwater parts of these plants drown, or suffocate, if the tops are cut off below the water le\'el. ^ Light should also be recalled in this connection because of its indirect effects on respiration through the amount of food made, the opening of stomates, and the raising of the internal temperatures. 162 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY There are other species, however, that survive without access to the atmosphere through large internal air passages. Willows, bitter pecan, and overcup oak are examples. Algae and other continuously submerged plants may grow where the amount of oxygen is very low. Of course, during the day, when photosynthesis is occurring, they have an abun- dance of oxvgen. The agricultural practice of draining soils is a common means of supplying the roots with an adequate amount of oxygen. Coarse soils are much better aerated than those of extremely fine texture. This fact is often exemplified bv the differences in plants on such soils. The greater root growth in the small crevices of soils is undoubtedlv related to the better aeration there. Soaking the soil of potted house plants about once each week not only assures more adequate watering but also results in a fresh supply of air to the roots as the water disappears from the soil. The storage and shipping of fruits and bulbs introduce another situa- tion in which a deficiency of oxygen may be detrimental. The cells in these plant organs are still alive, and their well-being depends upon a certain amount of respiration. If fruits are packed too closely, many of the cells die of suffocation and become brown; the color and flavor of the fruits that survive mav become less desirable. Dark and hollow centers in potatoes are often the result of the death of cells bv suffocation, because of high temperature and a lack of oxvgen in storage bins. The need of further knowledge of the relation of respiration to the best preservation of fruits and other plant organs in storage and shipping accounts for some of the research that is being done on the best methods of refrigeration and ventilation in storage houses and shipping cars. Truckers commonly transport ripe fruits at night to avoid the su£Focation of cells in the fruit that would result from the higher daytime tem- peratures. When plant tissues are cut or otherwise injured, the cut or injured surfaces are exposed to an increased supply of oxygen. The exposed surface often becomes dark colored because of the oxidation of tannin or other substances in the cells. In the preparation of dried fruits this darkening is undesirable; either methods are used to prevent it, or the finished product is subjected to a bleaching process. Water content effects. A deficiencv of water mav influence the rate of respiration primarilv because cell processes are dependent upon the reactive substances being in solution in water. This condition is most common in dry seeds. For instance, the rate of respiration in wheat seeds [Chap. XVIII RESPIRATION AND PLANT DEVELOPMENT 163 containing 16 per cent of water may be 2.5 times as rapid as it is when the seeds contain 15 per cent of water; and when they contain 17 per cent of water it may be 10 times as rapid. This fact illustrates the effect water may have on the rate of respiration in seeds during germination and also when they are in storage, where an injurious amount of the released heat energy may accumulate. Temperature effects. When no other factors are deficient, the rate of respiration is doubled for every increase of 10° C. up to a temperature that becomes detrimental to the further survival of the plant. This fact is recognized in refrigeration, which preserves the food value of fruits in two ways : ( 1 ) by decreasing the rate of oxidation of the food within the cells of the fruit, and ( 2 ) by decreasing the respiration and rate of growth of bacteria and fungi that may destroy the fruit. The increase in rate of respiration with increase in temperature is often an important factor when the plant is growing, because the maxi- mum rate of photosynthesis occurs at much lower temperatures than the maximum rate of respiration. During the hot days and nights of summer the rate of respiration may exceed the rate at which food is being made. This fact may be illustrated by curves showing the relative rates of photosynthesis and respiration in leaves of potato during a 10-minute exposure (Fig. 62). 14 12 < § 10 O ^ < ® cL O _l 4 _J 2 - _ _ A - _ PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN FULL SUNLIGHT / \ / \ - / \ / v,^ / ^^ — / \ / / A, \ \ \ \ ^S FULL SUNLIGHT ^v -^ / PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN / / ^^/ \ / / 1 "'■~— — - V^'^'^ //^ RESPiR.ATION,,,-^^''''\^ \ \ \ - 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 N 1 1 50< 59 « 68< 77» 66* 95« I04<= 122 < TEMPERATURE IN DEGREES FAHRENHEIT Fig. 62. Relative rates of photosynthesis and respiration in potato leaves during 10-minute exposures to different temperatures in shade and in full sunlight. Recal- culated from data by H. G. Lundegardh. 164 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY The rate of respiration in this experiment increased with the increase of temperature until the heat became injurious. If the experiment had continued for a whole day instead of ten minutes, the first evi- dences of this injurious effect would have become visible somewhere between 100°-110° F. The maximum rate of photosynthesis, however, occurred at a much lower temperature, 68° F. In connection with these curves it is interesting to know that the maximum )^ield of potatoes is obtained in areas that have cool summers, where the mean temperature during the growing season is less than 65° F. Under experimental con- ditions where the temperature is kept constant both day and night throughout the period of growth, maximum yields of potatoes are ob- tained at about 62° F. If the plant is exposed continuously to a tempera- ture of 85° F., no tubers are formed. The interrelations of the different organs of a plant with respect to environments will be discussed in Chapter XXI. The compensation point. Another interesting point in curve No. 3 is at 104° F. where the rate of respiration is equal to the rate of photo- synthesis. For convenience of reference this point is often called the compensation point. In curve No. 2, which represents the rate of photo- synthesis in potato at 1/25 of full sunlight, the compensation point occurs at 90° F. This fact is of interest even when the plant is in full sunlight, for many of its leaves are in the shade of others. These facts illustrate the general principle that the compensation point occurs at lower temperatures when the light intensity is low. It also occurs at lower temperatures when the concentration of carbon dioxide is decreased. It is perhaps evident that a plant kept throughout the day at the compensation point would not gain in dry weight, except for the very small amount of mineral salts that may enter it from the soil; and that during each night there would be a loss in dry weight due to respiration in the absence of photosynthesis. A plant kept continuously under such conditions would soon starve to death. If the nights were cool, it would survive longer than it would if the nights were hot. It must also be evident that the yield of plants depends upon the rela- tive rates of photosynthesis and respiration. Under excellent growing conditions photosynthesis may exceed respiration in com fourfold dur- ing the growing season. This would not occur unless photosynthesis ex- ceeded respiration on the average about eightfold during the day. In plants that are merely surviving in the shade of others, growth is limited [Chap. XVIII RESPIRATION AND PLANT DEVELOPMENT 165 because respiration consumes a much larger percentage of the food made by them in such situations. Equally illuminating is the fact that the compensation point varies greatly with the kind of plant. In Scotch pine it is reported to occur at 18° -20° C. when the intensity of light is 1/25 that of the full sunlight of summer. Comparing this report with the data obtained by several other investigators, we find that the compensation point occurs in some of our pines, arbor vitae, and tamarack at about this same light intensity. For white pine and red oak it is nearer 1/50 to 1/70, and for beech and sugar maple, 1/100 to 1/200. For a few of the herbs, ferns, and mosses that grow in dense shade, it may be as low as 1/300; and for some algae, 1/10,000 or less. In general it is lower in "shade plants" than in "sun plants." This difference is less pronounced at low than at high tem- peratures. There can be little doubt that the differences in respiration and photosynthesis in plants indicated by the compensation point are an important factor in the survival and distribution of plants in different habitats in relation to temperature and hght. Beech and sugar maple endure more shade than oaks, and many oaks endure more shade than most pines. One kind of forest therefore may gradually replace another by producing more shade than its seedlings can endure. On lawns and campuses many examples of differences in shade endurance by plants may be observed. For instance, during a period of excessively hot clear days bluegrass is favored by a small amount of shade, but it endures more shade in the cool days of early spring and late autumn than it does in the hot days of midsummer. Comparative rates of respiration. The rate of respiration is greatest where there is rapid growth, as in germinating seeds and opening flowers. In some plant organs respiration may be. more rapid on the basis of weight than in animals. The amount of food oxidized during a day ( == 1500 Cal. ) by a man at rest is equal to about 4 per cent of his dry weight. The amount of food oxidized in a corn plant each day is equal to about 1 per cent of its dry weight. The corresponding figure for an opening cluster of flowers is about 8 per cent; and for some kinds of germinating seeds, about 20 per cent. The lowest rates of respiration occur in dry seeds and other dormant structures, and there is compara- tively little respiration in woody stems and other hard parts in which there are only a few living cells. The amount of carbon dioxide liberated by the respiration of the 166 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY plants in the world each year is probably in the neighborhood of 8-10 times the amount liberated by the animals in the world during the same time. A corn plant, for instance, oxidizes about one-fourth of the food it makes. One-half of the food it makes is converted into fibers (cellulose, wood, cutin, etc.) which are indigestible by the enzymes of animals. They may, however, be digested and used as food by certain special groups of bacteria and fungi. The fibers that are not digested by these non-green plants become the humus of the soil. Onlv about one-fourth of the food made by the com plant accumulates, part of which becomes available to animals." Food per acre in terms of available energy. With a knowledge of respi- ration as a background we may compare the amount of food harvested per acre on the basis of Calories of energy. In Table 4 a summary is given of the average yield per acre, its food value calculated in Calories, and tlie number of men that can be fed for one day by the different crops harvested from one acre, assuming that each man requires 3000 Calories per day. Table 4. Energy Content of Food Products from an Average Acre Yield per Acre Millions of Number of Men Food Products Calories That Might Be Bushels Pounds Equivalent Fed for One Day Corn 35 1,960 3.1 1000 Sweet potatoes 110 5,940 2.8 900 Irish potatoes 100 6,000 1.9 600 Wheat 20 1,200 1.8 600 Rice 40 1,154 1.7 560 Soybeans 16 960 1.5 500 Beans 14 840 1.1 375 If the grain from an average acre of corn is fed to beef cattle, the dressed beef produced amounts to only 125 pounds and yields energy equivalent to the food of 43 men for one day, a loss of 95.7 per cent of - There is a possible error in this comparison, namely, there are many bacteria in tlie alimentary tracts of animals that may digest the cell walls of plants. Some of the products of these digestions pass into the cells of the animal. Some of the wood-boring beetles have fungi in their intestines that digest cellulose, and the beetle's food is the resulting sugars and other end products. [Chap. XVm RESPIRATION AND PLANT DEVELOPMENT 167 the energy of the corn. If fed to pigs, the yield of pork is 273 pounds, or sufficient food for 220 men for one day. Dairy cattle are second only to pigs as transformers of food in proportion to the energy lost. A great loss of energy always results when the food in plants is converted into meat before it reaches the human consumer. It is evident that as the population of a country increases beyond a certain point, unless it can afford to buy meat from foreign markets it must depend more and more directly upon the food in plants. There are, however, certain animals that feed, either directly or indi- rectly, on plants in which the food is physically unavailable to man. All our sea-food animals, such as fish, clams, and oysters, convert large quantities of the food in aquatic plants into food that is available to man. The sheep and cattle grazing on the open range and forest reserves in the Western States and on similar areas in other countries may be looked upon as gatherers and converters of the food in plants that is not otherwise available to man. CHAPTER XIX USES OF FOOD IN PLANTS III. SUBSTANCES MADE FROM FOOD All plants contain a variety of substances made from foods. Some of them are important constituents of cell structures; others, such as chlorophyll and enzymes, are essential in certain plant processes. Several others seem to be of no essential survival value or detriment to the plant. Foods are the source of building materials as well as the source of chemically bound energy. All the organic compounds of which cells are composed are constructed directly or indirectly from foods. The manner in which cellulose may be formed from sugar by chemical condensation was described in Chapter XIV. It is briefly indicated as follows: Glucose > Cellulose + Water n CeHioOe > (CeHioOa)^ H2O + (n - 1)H20 This is merely a condensation process in which n represents an un- known number. The value of n may vary in the same cell and also in diflFerent plants. It probably represents a number greater than 50, and perhaps much greater. After condensation all the chemically bound energy that was in the sugar is in the cellulose. Cutin and suberin are fat-like substances that occur in the walls of cer- tain cells. They are formed from sugar in the same manner in which fats and oils are formed: oxidation-reduction processes precede condensation: Sugar > Glycerin ^^ \ > Water + Suberin or cutin Sugar > Fatty acids (oxidation-reduction) (condensation) The fatty acids in suberin and cutin are unlike those in ordinary fats and oils. Wax is foimed in a similar manner, but both the fatty acids and the alcohol ( glycerin ) are different. These two examples show the ways in which constituents of plant 168 [Chap. XIX SUBSTANCES MADE FROM FOOD 169 cells are formed from soluble foods, though there are a greater number of inteiTnediate steps of oxidation-reduction and perhaps also of con- densation in some cases. We may generalize them as follows: A. Soluble food B. Soluble food — condensation condensation — > oxidation-reduction cell constituent cell constituent ^ intermediate products The intermediate steps in the formation of all cell substances are not fully known, and very little is known about the formation of protoplasm. Several different enzymes catalyze the many processes that occur. By omitting the intermediate steps we may represent in tabular form many of the substances formed in cells and the basic foods from which they are made (Table 5). Some of these substances were described in previous chapters. A few additional facts will be briefly summarized. Table 5. Substances Made Within the Plant from Sugar Food Used Chemical Processes Substances Made Where Found in the Plant Glucose Condensation Cellulose Cell walls of all tissues Sugars Condensation Hemicelluloses Cell walls of many tissues Sugars Oxidation-reduction and condensation Pectic compounds Cell walls of all tissues Sugars " Lignin Cell walls of wood tissues Sugars » Suberin Cell walls of cork Sugars » Cut in Epidermal cell walls Sugars » Wax Epidermal cell walls Sugars » Carotenoids Green and yellow tissues Sugars » Anthocyanins \'acuoles of many tissues Sugars » Essential oils General or localized Sugars » Mucilages Many tissues Sugars » Resins General or localized Sugars » Gums General or localized Sugar and proteins » Alkaloids Generally distributed Sugar and proteins » Enzymes All living cells Sugar and proteins » Hormones Variously distributed Sugar and proteins » \ itamins All living cells All foods Protoplasm All living cells Cellulose. During the formation of new cells in all growing parts of plants, enormous quantities of food are annually converted into proto- plasm, enzymes, pectic compounds, and cellulose. About one-half of the food made by a green plant is converted into these substances. More 170 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY than one-third of it is converted into cellulose alone. The youngest cell walls of nearly all plants are composed primarily of pectic compounds and cellulose. If thin sections of a plant are treated with a strong solution of chlorozinc iodide, or with a solution of iodine followed by 70 per cent sulfuric acid, and then observed through a microscope the location of cellulose in the cell walls is often indicated by a blue color. If pectic compounds are abundant in the wall, a light brown color is produced. In some cell walls it is necessary first to remove lignin, cutin, or other substances that interfere with the test for cellulose. Cellulose is formed in every cell of all plants, except in certain groups of algae (diatoms) and perhaps in certain bacteria. It is also found in the cell walls of a few species of animals. When formed it becomes a part of the permanent framework of the cell, for there are very few organisms that possess the enzyme celhdase, that digests cellulose. The digestion of cellulose in the alimentary tracts of animals is due to the presence of certain non-green plants and sometimes certain protozoa. In contrast to cellulose, hemicelluloses may be formed as secondary thickenings on the cell walls of a plant and later digested to sugar. They are most conspicuous in certain kinds of hard seeds, such as the seeds of dates, palms, coflFee, and iris. The manufacture of cloth, paper, cellu- loid, collodion, acetic acid, artificial rubber, charcoal, rayon, cellophane, and explosives is but a few of the hundreds of industrial uses made of cellulose. Pectic compounds. Apparently pectic compounds are present in the walls of all plant cells. They consist of large molecules formed mainly by the condensation of certain sugars and an acid derived from sugar. Various amounts of pectic compounds are usually intemiingled with cellulose in the walls of plants. The middle lamella, which holds the cells of plants together, is composed of pectose or of calcium pectate. The softening of fruits and vegetables when boiled in water or as they ripen under natural conditions or in storage, is due to the breaking down of this layer and the partial separation of the individual cells. A similar process occurs in the absciss layer at the bases of the petioles of leaves, pedicels of fruits, and at the bases of petals and stamens of flowers. The pistils of flowers often abscise in the same way, and no fruits are formed. In simple structures, such as algae and root hairs, the pectic compounds are mainly in the outermost exposed layer of the cell walls. Many plant mucilages and gums are also composed largely of pectic [Chap. XIX SUBSTANCES MADE FROM FOOD 171 compounds. Changes that occur in pectic compounds in plants may be represented briefly. Pectose > Pectins > Pectic acid. Pectic acid + Calcium salt > Calcium pectate. Fungi that live parasitically within green plants are often found only in the layer of pectic compounds between the cells. There they digest and use these compounds as food. The isolated cells of the host die and disintegrate. A similar process may result in overripened fruits and vege- tables wherever the enzymes that digest pectic compounds are present. The retting of flax fiber is merely a process of breaking down the pectic compounds that hold the fibers together. Large quantities of pectin are extracted annually from plants and used in the preparation of jellies, salads, creams, and emulsions desired as foods and drugs. Most of the commercial pectin, such as Certo, is extracted from apple pomace or cull lemons. A smaller amount is ob- tained from the pulp of oranges, sugar beets, carrots, and algae. Other cell wall constituents. Suberin, the substance that is character- istic of cork, apparently occurs in a definite layer in the cell walls of cork tissue. It may also become deposited on or within cellulose walls, a process called suberization. Several other substances, such as lignin, cutin, wax, resins, and tannins, may become intermingled with cellulose and pectic compounds as the walls increase in age. The cutinized layer of the exposed surfaces of epidermal cells is called the cuticle. Suberin, cutin, wax, and resin when present in or on cell walls make them less permeable to water and restrict the entrance of parasites. These sub- stances often constitute a relatively large part of the vegetable material that ultimately becomes transformed to coal, for only a few kinds of organisms can digest them. Lignin is characteristic of woody cells and of hard plant tissues in general. Its presence is easily demonstrated by treating plant tissue with a dilute solution of phloroglucin followed b\' strong hydrochloric acid; lignified walls become brilliantly red with this treatment. One of the problems of obtaining cellulose from wood is the difficulty of removing lignin and other substances that are associated with it in the cell walls of wood. Pigments. In addition to the chlorophylls, carotenoids, and antho- cyanins discussed in Chapter IV, many other pigments are formed from food in plants. Some of them are important as co-enzymes in oxidation- 172 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY reduction processes. Others appear to be of no particular value or detri- ment to the species in which they are formed. Before chemists learned how to make dyes in the laboratory man was dependent solely upon these natural dyes. Among the more important are annatto, camwood, fustic, henna, indigo, litmus, logwood ( haematoxylin ) , madder, red sandal- wood, saffron, and tuiTneric. Resins, gums, and mucilages. Resins are insoluble in water and render cell walls impervious to it. They occur usually in definite glandular struc- tures, or in tubes extending throughout the plant. Amber is a fossil resin. Resins are soluble in alcohol and certain oils. Commercially they are used in the preparation of a variety of varnishes, soaps, dyes and medicines. Resin is one of the important products of the pine forests of the south- eastern United States (Fig. 63). Fig. 63. Method of tapping southern long leaf pine to collect resin. Gums and mucilages are much alike. They are insoluble in alcohol and become jelly-like in water. Upon drying, gums first become sticky and then hard. Mucilages swell greatly in water. They may be im- portant in holding water in the plant tissues in which they occur. Com- mercially they are important bases of various mucilages and chewing gum. Latex. Many plants, such as the milkweeds, euphorbias, figs, and rubber plants, have a milky colloidal "juice" called latex. This is a mix- [Chap. XIX SUBSTANCES MADE FROM FOOD 173 tuie of resins, gums and foods. It is the source of commercial rubber (Fig. 64). Fig. 64. Interior view of a forest on a rubber plantation in the East Indies. The trees have been tapped to collect the latex from which rubber is made. Photo from Field Museum of Natmal History. Essential oils. The odors of flowers, and the odors and flavors of fruits and vegetables are due in part to minute quantities of essential oils. They are often associated with resins and gums and are very unlike the liquid fats ( fatty oils ) . They are of no importance as food, but are highlv prized as flavors and perfumes, and for a few medicinal and industrial uses. You are probably familiar with menthol, camphor, turpentine, the characteristic oils of mint, pine, juniper, wintergreen, geranium, lemon, orange, ginger, anise, cloves, sage, hops, wormwood, lavender, berga- mot, bitter almonds, and vanilla. Some of the essential oils contain sulfur. These underlie the odor and flavor of onion, garlic, watercress, radishes, and many kinds of mustard. The edible parts of many plants, such as sweet corn, turnips, peas, and others, when first harvested have a delicious flavor that is lost very rapidly. Some of this loss in flavor is due to the disappearance of essen- tial oils, but a part of it is the result of the oxidation of sugar and of 174 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY the rapid change of sugar to starch in the harvested product. The higher the temperature the more quickly the change occurs. Alkaloids. Under this general name may be grouped a large variety of chemical substances apparently of little or no value to the plant in which they are made, but which have been of great importance in medicine. They are nitrogen-containing organic compounds, derived from proteins, generally odorless but bitter to the taste. They have marked physiological effects upon animals, and are extensively used as stimulants and narcotics. The best known are nicotine, from tobacco; atropin, from nightshade; strychnine, from strychnos; cocaine, from coca leaves; quinine, from chinchona bark; morphine and codeine, from the poppy; and caffeine, from coffee and cacao seeds. Tannins. The bark of many trees, the galls occurring on oaks, and certain unripe fruits, such as the persimmon, contain bitter astringent substances known as tannins. These substances coagulate proteins to insoluble compounds. The coagulation of proteins in raw hides is the basic process in the tanning of leather. With iron salts, tannins become black or green in color. Ink was formerly made in this way. The freshly exposed surfaces of many fruits and vegetables become dark because of the oxidation of tannic acid, especially in the presence of a trace of iron from a knife. Enzymes. The importance of enzymes in all metabolic processes in plants has already been indicated. Their chemical composition is un- known, but many of them seem to be protein-like. We know of their I presence only through the effects they produce. Likewise, they are named either on the basis of the kind of substance upon which they act or the kind of action which they initiate or accelerate, or both. For instance, sucrase acts upon sucrose, and oxidases accelerate the process of oxidation. Many enzymes are very specific, acting only in one kind of process. In all, there must be several hundred, perhaps thousands, of them. They are primary factors in numerous biological processes. A few of the common digestive enzymes in plants, the substrate ( substance acted upon), and the end product are presented in Table 6. Vitamins. These organic substances, which are formed in plants in minute quantities, were first discovered through their influence on the health of man and other animals. The chemical composition of some of them has been discovered. Vitamins are like enzymes rather than food; that is, they are necessary not as building material or as a source of energy, but rather as catalysts of certain basic biological processes underlying health, growth, and reproduction. Scurvy, beriberi, and [Chap. XIX SUBSTANCES MADE FROM FOOD 175 Table 6. Enzymes, Subtrates, and End Products of Enzyme Action Enzyme Substrate End Products Diastase Maltase Sucrase Inulase Hemicellulases Pectosinase Pectase Pectinase Tannase Lipase Peptase (pepsin) Ereptase (trypsin) Starch Maltose Sucrose Inulin Hemicelluloses Pectose Pectin Pectic acid Tannin Fats and oils Proteins Proteins and peptones Glucose Glucose Glucose and fructose Fructose Simple sugars Pectin Pectic acid Simple sugars and acids Glucose and gallic acids Glycerin and fatty acids Soluble peptones Amino acids rickets were the first symptoms of vitamin deficiency to be clearly demon- strated. Vitamins, or their precursors, are manufactured mostly by plants. They accumulate in certain animal tissues and in milk from the plants eaten by the animals. Carotene is a precursor of vitamin A, and ergosterol of vitamin D. The bacteria in the alimentary tracts of animals probably manufacture certain vitamins. Methods of detecting the manufacture of vitamins in plants and their effects upon the development of plants are not well established. There is evidence, however, that vitamins also affect plants in certain funda- mental ways. Hormones. These substances constitute another group of organic com- pounds that produce profound physiological effects when present in extremely minute amounts. Like the enzymes and vitamins, they influ- ence certain basic biological processes. Their presence or absence is recognized by certain symptoms of development. They were first defi- nitely discovered in animals as secretions of certain glands. In 1928 the presence of similar substances in plants was definitely established. Three of them have been isolated from plants and their chemical constitution is known. They were called auxins; others have been called calines; but in a general textbook we shall refer to all of them as hormones. Hormones influence the enlargement of cells, the formation of roots, and the dominance of certain parts of plants over others. There are prob- ably very few, if any, developmental processes in plants that are not influenced by them, but many experiments will have to be performed 176 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY before summary statements can be made. They are soluble in water and may pass from cell to cell; hence they may be made in one part of the plant, such as leaves, and influence the development of cells in another part of the plant. General effects resembling those due to natural hor- mones may be brought about by closely related compounds sold by chemical supply companies. Such substances as enzymes, vitamins, and hormones are the modern substitutes for the earlier assumptions of special vital forces and en- telechies. Not only are development and health dependent upon the presence of these substances, but certain differences in species are de- pendent upon their systems of enzymes, vitamins, and hormones. Assimilation. It is often convenient to have one word by which we may refer to the transformation of food into the substances of which cells are composed. The term assimilation has been used with that intent in biological sciences for a long time. But it has also been given different interpretations as the knowledge of plant and animal nutrition advanced. One therefore finds it used today as it might have been used a century ago, and also as it probably should be used on the basis of present knowledge. A number of other expressions likewise became associated with the concept of assimilation at different historical periods, and they have also survived to the present time. Other biological terms, such as food, respiration, osmosis, adaptation, natural selection, and many others have a similar history. All of them, as well as the associated expressions, need to be critically examined by each succeeding generation of students. When protoplasm was first recognized it seemed so all-important, especially in the animal body, that the term assimilation was, and still is, sometimes restricted to the transformation of food into protoplasm alone. This is a definite use of the term; but to adopt it we must seek another term to refer to the transformations of food into cell walls and other essential constituents of cells. It seems most convenient to use one term to include all of these processes in both plant and animal bodies. The greatest confusion arose before the discover\^ that the food of green plants and of man is essentially the same, regardless of the manner in which they obtain it. Assimilation is really one phase of growth that is common to all plants and animals. It is quite different from the forma- tion of sugar from CO2 and H-O or of amino acids and proteins from sugar and certain inorganic salts. That is, food manufacture and the subsequent use of food in assimilation are two different groups of bio- logical processes. [Chap. XIX SUBSTANCES MADE FROM FOOD 177 We have a sufficient background now to see that the food of green plants and man are the same; that food consists of organic substances that may be used as a source of chemically bound energy and as material that may be directly transformed into protoplasm, cell walls, or other essential constituents of cells. Accumulated insoluble food must of course first be digested in either case. Water and inorganic salts (fertilizers) which are essential to plants in many ways are not a source of energy to green plants. They may become incorporated in cell structures more or less directly or through their use as raw materials in food manufacture. Nitrates and sulfates, for example, are utilized in the manufacture of amino acids and proteins which in turn are assimilated in the making of protoplasm. Attempts to include carbon dioxide, oxygen, water, and inorganic salts under the term food result only in rendering the term meaningless and useless. Some of the ways in which inorganic salts may affect plants have already been noted; others will become evident later. Composition of a plant. All reports of the chemical composition of plants and of protoplasm have at least two defects: (1) no distinction is made between accumulated food and assimilated materials, and ( 2 ) inorganic salts that have accumulated in crystals or are merely in solu- tion in the water in the plant are not distinguished from those that have become an integral part of the cell structures. With these defects in mind, the elemental composition of a corn plant that has attained full growth is presented. Corn Plant Water 79.7% Organic matter 19.5% Mineral elements 0.8% Dry Matter 20.3% ' Carbon 44.58% Oxygen 43.79% Hydrogen 6.26% Nitrogen 1.43% Potassium 1.62% Phosphorus .25% Calcium .59% Magnesium .44% Iron 10% Sulfur .05% Chlorine .20% Sodium .15% Silicon .54% Organic matter as compounds: Carbohydrates and fiber 17.2% Fats 0.5% Proteins 1 . 8% 178 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY From these figures and the facts in the last few chapters it is evident that 94.63 per cent of the dry matter in the corn plant had its origin in the sugar made from carbon dioxide and water. As the plant stood in the field, only 0.8 of 1 per cent of its weight was due to inorganic salts that had passed into it from the soil, and some of these were present in excess amounts. But one should not infer from this fact that these salts are not of much importance to the plant. It is merely another case in which a relatively small amount of something is essential to the development of the plant. A deficiency is soon reflected in slow growth or even death. Such phenomena as the growth of seedlings rooted in pure sand, of a large plant with roots confined in a small pot of soil, or aerial epiphytes and free-floating algae, or, on the contrary, the failure of lawn grass to grow in dense shade even when fertilizers and water are added, may all be adequately explained on the basis of the facts in the last few chapters. Summary. In these last four chapters we were concerned primarily with the manufacture and uses of food in plants. The ways in which man and other animals are dependent upon food manufactured in plants were also noted. Both plants and animals are dependent upon food as a source of chemically bound energy which is liberated by respiration, and as a source of building material in assimilation. Owing to the gross similarity of protoplasm in plants and animals their food is essentially the same. It consists of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and any of their derivatives that may be used in respiration or assimilation. The range of these substances that can be used by an organism as a source of food depends upon its system of enzymes. Some organisms, for instance, can digest substances that are indigestible to others. Assimilation may be considered as the transformation of food into protoplasm, cell walls, and other essential constituents of cells, such as enzymes, chlorophyll, vitamins, and honnones. During this transforma- tion certain inorganic salts are variously combined with the organic com- pounds. Some authors use the term to denote only the transformation of food into protoplasm, thus leaving no general term to designate the transformation of food into other essential parts of the cell. Assimilation should be strictly distinguished from food manufacture and also from digestion. The substances in the cell walls of plants are constructed primarily from sugar. An enormous quantity of food is annually converted into cellulose. In the making of protoplasm all types of foods are assimilated, and in addition water and the ions of inorganic salts are incorporated [Chap. XIX SUBSTANCES MADE FROM FOOD 179 in the system. Chemically, assimilation of foods consists of condensation processes or of a combination of oxidation-reduction and condensation processes. Assimilation is one phase of growth. About one-half of the food made by a plant is converted into its own tissues. Perhaps the amount is often greater than one-half. The known cases in which food, enzymes, vitamins, and hormones are essential to certain basic processes exemplify an extremely intricate phase of the chemistry of biological phenomena. Many of the substances that affect the reactions in living cells are known, but relatively few of the details of the many chains of reaction that occur are known. Enough facts have been discovered, however, for one to learn ( 1 ) to relate cer- tain symptoms of development to the presence or deficiency of particular substances, and ( 2 ) to know many of the major links in numerous chains of reaction. As this kind of knowledge increases, the bases of certain types of superstitions and assumptions about living cells disappear. REFERENCES Booker, L. E., et al. Vitamin needs of man. Food and Life. Yearbook of Agri- culture, U.S.D.A. 1939. Pp. 221-271. Clute, W. N. Useful plants of the world. W. N. Cliite Co. 1932. Daniel, E. P. Vitamin content of foods. Food and Life. Yearbook of Agricul- ture,'U.S.D.A. 1939. Pp. 286-295. Good, R. Plants and human economics. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1933. Hitchcock, A. S. How plants are used by men. Pt. 1. Old and New Plant Lore. Smithson. Inst. Series. 11:97-111. 1934. Saunders, C. F. Useful wild plants of the United States and Canada. Robert M. McBride & Company. 1930. CHAPTER XX SOME BIOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF GREEN PLANTS <>C>0<><^C><><><><>^^ In the previous chapters many facts about the dependence of animals and non-green plants upon green plants became evident from time to time. A consideration of several of these facts in one chapter will help us obtain a better perspective of their interrelations. Perhaps this can best be done by reference to two concrete examples. For one example we may choose the so-called balanced aquarium or microcosm; for the other we may consider man on some populated island, or in some specific country such as the United States. To understand these examples we must be able to recall and relate the facts about the following processes: The manner in which food is obtained by plants and animals. The making of sugar by photosynthesis in green plants. The synthesis of proteins, especially the synthesis of amino acids. The synthesis of vitamins in plants. The assimilation of food to cell constituents in both plants and animals. The oxidation of foods in respiration in both plants and animals. The transformations of energy in foods and products of assimilation. The loss of material and energy when plants are not eaten directly bv man. The ways in which man obtains and transforms energy. The transformation of energy-containing materials to peat, coal, and gas. A microcosm. To set up a microcosm all that is necessary is to obtain a 3- to 5-gallon bottle; fill it about one-fourth full of pond water; add a few ounces of soil, a goldfish, and a quantity of algae that are edible by fish; seal the bottle air-tight and set it in a well-lighted part of the room, but not in bright sunlight and not where its temperature will often exceed 70° F. The fish and algae will then continue to live and grow in the bottle for months or even years (Fig. 65). With the pond water and soil we incidentally place numerous bac- 180 [Chap. XX BIOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF GREEN PLANTS 181 teria and small animals in the bottle. We might avoid many of these or- ganisms by using sterilized water and pure chemical salts, but some of them are also in the gelatinous walls of the algae, upon the surface of the fish, and especially in its alimentary canal. Fig. 65. Diagrams of microcosms in sealed containers in which the organisms indicated live for many months: A, algae; B, algae and a fish; C, Helxine (Paddy's wool). We may ignore these small organisms for the moment and begin with the fish and algae. The statement that "the fish and algae each give off what the other needs," is both false and misleading. Of the many things necessary for the existence and growth of the algae in the bottle, only one of them comes in part from the fish, but the algae are not dependent upon the fish or any other animal for even that one. To explain the microcosm it is necessary to account for (1) the oxygen used by both the fish and the algae in the process of respiration, ( 2 ) the food used by botli fish and algae in respiration and assimilation, (3) the carbon di- oxide used by the algae in photosynthesis, (4) the energy used by the plant in photosynthesis, ( 5 ) the chemically bound energy used by both fish and algae, and (6) the conditions under which respiration and assimilation in both fish and algae are compensated by photosynthesis in 182 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY the algae. Without this compensation the fish would soon starve to death. It is assumed that the reader can account for all six of the conditions listed above. Perhaps vitamins should also be considered. Since an adequate supply of inorganic salts was included in the soil, they may be ignored in this discussion. The presence of bacteria that cause decay undoubtedly prolongs the duration of the microcosm. They may digest and oxidize cell structures that are not acted upon by the enzymes of the fish and algae, and by this means delay the time at which the supply of carbon dioxide in the bottle becomes inadequate. Perhaps it is evident that the algae and certain decay-producing bac- teria could exist together in this bottle without any animal being present. The animals are dependent upon the plants, but the plants are not de- pendent upon the animals. They were placed in the bottle merely to imitate natural conditions. Even if all the animals in nature were de- stroyed, most of the plants would still survive indefinitely. Only those that are dependent upon the cross-pollination effected by animals, and those that are strictly parasitic upon animals would perish. A human cosmos. Our second case, man in the United States, is some- what more complicated because man uses plant products and the chemically bound energy of plants in many ways in which the fish does not. Food is used in the body of man in the same manner in which it is used in the body of a fish: as a source of chemically bound energy, and as a source of material that is transformed into the substances of which cells are composed. Moreover, food is used in this same manner in the bodies of the many domesticated animals which man employs in various ways. The dependence of man and his domesticated animals upon green plants for sugar, amino acids, vitamins, and a supply of chemically bound energy necessary to body processes probably does not need further emphasis. Many of the uses which man makes of the material products of plants are also familiar to all of us. That plants are the main source of all the energy employed by man is not so well appreciated. The remainder of this chapter, therefore, will be devoted primarily to his dependence upon plants as a source of energy. In addition to the energy that is transformed in the bodily processes of man and his domesticated animals, man employs energy as heat, light, electricity, and mechanical power in his home, in public buildings, on the street, on the farm, in the factory, and on the highways. Less than 10 per cent of all this energy is obtained from wind and water power. [Chap. XX BIOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF GREEN PLANTS 183 More than 90 per cent of it may be traced back through various energy transformations to the hght energy that was chemically bound in sugar during photosynthesis. Many questions relevant to these facts may be considered. How efficient are plants as transformers of light energy? How rapidly is man releasing the chemically bound energy of plants? Is the present civilization releasing it more rapidly than it is being bound by plants today? Is all the energy bound by plants available to man? Has the re- placement of the horse by the automobile and tractor — which use the energy bound by the plants of the past — altered the value of the energy bound by plants of the present? What of the future? The answer to any one of these questions must be an approximate one; but an estimate based upon available data is so much better than a mere guess or no answer at all, that space will be given to a tabular summary of a few data and certain general statements based upon data too numerous to be presented here ( Table 7 ) . The acre of corn referred to in the table was located in central Illinois. The yield of 100 bushels of grain on this acre is three times the average. The whole plant is considered in the calculations. The acre of apple trees was located at Ithaca, New York. Most all of the chemically bound energy that accumulates in the com plant and apple tree would ultimately be available to non-green plants, for as a group of organisms they may digest and oxidize most of the substances made in the green plants. Only about one-fourth of the energy that accumulates in a corn plant is available to man as a source of bound energy in food, and still less of the energy that accumulates in the young apple tree is similarly available. As a source of energy in fuel, however, the amount that is available to man depends upon how meticulously he harvests and uses the different parts of the plant. In one country the roots may be left in the soil and the smaller branches may be heaped in piles and burned, while in another where the supply of chemically bound energy is scarce and expensive the smaller twigs, roots, and even the leaves may be collected for fuel. In the early days pioneers on our own prairies and plains sometimes used the stems and leaves of native grasses as fuel. But regardless of how meticulously man harvests green plants, other animals and the non-green plants will take a certain toll. The insects in a pasture, for instance, may eat almost as much grass as do grazing animals. 184 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Table 7. A Comparative Summary of Energy Transformations in an Annual Herb and in a Woody Perennial Acre of Corn (Illinois) Acre of Apple Trees (New York) Length of growing season Number of plants per acre Average leaf area is attained in Total radiant energy available Total energy bound in sugar Percentage of light energy bound in photosynthesis Photosynthetic efficiency based on part of spectrum that is effective in photo- synthesis Average amount of sugar made per day Total sugar made per season Chemically bound energy released by respiration in the plant Percentage of energy bound by photo- synthesis released within the plants by respiration Of the sugar made each season there is oxidized by respiration in the plant The average rate of photosynthesis (l!2 hrs.) compared with respiration (24 hrs.) Bound energy in the structures and ac- cumulated food in the plants Percentage of total energy of photo- synthesis in accumulated foods Percentage of total energy of photo- synthesis accumulated in structures 100 days 10,000 50 days 2,043 million Cal. 33 million Cal. 1.6% 188 days 400 28 days 2,718 million Cal. 30 million Cal. 1% 8% 200 pounds about 10 tons 5.5% 93 pounds about 8.7 tons 8 million Cal. 10 million Cal. 23.4% 33.3% about 3^ about 3^ about 8 times about 6 times 25 million Cal. 20 million Cal. about 25% about 50% Sources and amounts of energy. Several investigators have analyzed plants and calculated the amount of carbon and bound energy in them per acre. From all these data it seems that an average acre of corn accumulated a little more than 8 million Calories of energy, or about one-third as much as the acre of corn described above; and that in all kinds of crops the average annual accumulation of energy per acre is about 6 million Calories. In an acre of forest it is about 10 million [Chap. XX BIOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF GREEN PLANTS 185 Calories.^ By using these figures for the country as a whole and adding a httle extra for range and desert vegetation, we find that the green plants of the United States accumulate about 10 X 10^' Calories of energy annually. This is approximately 70 per cent of the energy chemically bound by them in photosynthesis. Through the use of plants as food for himself and his domesticated animals, and in several other ways, man in the United States annually destroys plants containing about 6 X 10^'' Calories of bound energy. In addition to this the coal, oil, and gas removed from the earth each year in this country have an energy value of more than 5 X 10^^ Calories. From these calculations we seem to be responsible directly or indirectly for the dissipation of chemically bound energy about as rapidly as it accumulates in the green plants of today. To this we must add the amount released by undomesticated animals and a part of that released by non- green plants.- What of the future? Energy transformations and conservation. In the early years of the present century the chief energy transformers in industry and transpor- tation were the steam engine and the horse. Coal was often used for the supply of chemically bound energy in the steam engine, but the use of wood obtained from nearby living forests was not uncommon. All the chemically bound energy transformed into mechanical energy in the horse came each year from the living plants of the farm. Horses were used for practically all transportation except that upon railways and the sea. The farmer not only harvested the chemically bound energy which he used on his own farm, but in addition he sold enormous quan- tities of it for horses employed in various ways in the city. Since the horses also came from the farm, the farmer furnished both the energy and the transformer. With the coming of the automobile and tractor, conditions were reversed. The farmer now buys from industry not only the transformer ( motor ) but also the chemically bound energy ( gas and oil) that was stored in plants millions of years ago. Such drastic changes in the sources of energy have been reflected in economic relations for many years. Moreover, there is a limit to the natural deposits of chem- ically bound energy in coal and related products. ^ If the reader wishes to calculate the equivalent of Calories of energy in terms of grams of sugar, he can do so by multiplying by 180/674 or by dividing by 3.75. Grams of sugar may be stated in terms of COo used in photosynthesis by multiplying by 264/180. See the equation of relative weights in Chapter XIII. - One may also consider this problem on the basis of whether plant residue ( humus in the soil, peat, coal, etc.) is accumulating today as rapidly as it is being destroyed. It did accumulate more rapidly than it was destroyed before man came upon the scene. 186 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY The major transformations of chemically bound energy among living organisms may be summarized diagrammatically. Released by respiration in green plants, animals, non- Radiant energy j Chemically bound ^^ \ green plants; and by fire [ green plants ^--^^^ [ Retained in unoxidized plant and animal residues, such as humus in soil, peat and coal, petroleum, natural gas All animals eat large quantities of food in proportion to their gain in weight. Evidently much more food is used in the animal body as a source of energy than as a source of body material. Every time one animal eats another it secures usually less than 10 per cent of the energy the first animal obtained directly from plants. If a third animal eats the second one, it derives less than 1 per cent of the energy in the plants eaten by the first one. The animal population of a region cannot exceed the supply of the chemically bound energy in the plants of that region except in those instances v^here man is able to secure food from a foreign market. Through such procedures as plant breeding, conservation of the soil and water, the use of fertilizers, and improved methods of forestry, the annual accumulation of chemically bound energy in plants may be greatly increased, perhaps doubled or even more. But these procedures require intelligent effort and foresight, and the elimination of wasteful exploitation of natural resources. Summary. In the world of living organisms green plants have a unique position. Except for their dependence upon certain groups of bacteria,^ and the relatively few plants requiring cross-pollination by animals, they are independent of other organisms. From one point of view all animals are parasites upon the plant kingdom. Animals are not essential to plant life. But animals and non-green plants are dependent upon the green plants for chemically bound energy and certain synthesized prod- ucts. Man in particular is dependent upon green plants for sugar, amino acids, vitamins, precursors of vitamins, and, up to the present, for more than 90 per cent of the energy he utilizes. In addition, there are thou- sands of uses made of plants and plant products for convenience, recrea- tion, and art. We are passing through a stage of development in this ^ The importance of certain bacteria to green plants will become evident in the chapters on non-green plants. [Chap. XX BIOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF GREEN PLANTS 187 country in which ignorant, indifferent, uninformed, and ruthless exploi- tation of plants and plant environments should speedily be replaced by intelligent efforts at conservation based upon a knowledge of plants and of their biological relations. REFERENCES Heinicke, A. J., and N. F. Childers. The daily rate of photosynthesis of a young apple tree of bearing age. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Memoir 201. 1937. Schroeder, H. Die Naturwissenschaften. 70:8-12, 23-29. 1919. Transeau, E. N. The accumulation of energy by plants. Ohio Jour. Sci. 26:1-10. 1926. U. S. D. A., Various Yearbooks contain data on crop yields, animal popula- tions, and industry. Since 1935 these data have been published annually in a volume entitled Agricultural Statistics. CHAPTER XXI INTERRELATIONS OF THE PARTS OF A PLANT One part of a plant may be dependent upon processes that occur in another part. Roots and leaves are mutually dependent. Consequently the effects of an environmental factor upon the processes in one part of a plant may influence the development of other parts. We now have a suflBcient background of facts to understand some of these interrelations; others will be postponed to later chapters. Interrelations involving movement of materials. Several of these inter- relations are known to be dependent upon the movement of materials from one part of the plant to another. Many of them depend upon the movement of sugar from the green to the non-green parts of a plant. The growth of seeds, roots, and underground stems depends upon sugar made primarily in the leaves. Even green fruits and green stems, except in such plants as cacti, are dependent in part upon sugar from the leaves. The influence of any factor upon the making of sugar in the leaves may be reflected in the growth of all these organs. The processes in the leaves, in turn, are dependent upon the movement of water and inorganic salts from the roots. The relative growth of the aerial stems, leaves, and fruits also depends in part upon which ones get the major supply of these substances from the roots, especially when the supply is low or inadequate. We may begin the analysis of interrelations by citing a number of growth phenomena which are dependent in large part (1) upon the manufacture of sugar in the chlorenchyma and its movement to other parts of the plant, and ( 2 ) upon the manufacture of proteins from this sugar. The correct interpretation of some of these examples may be evi- dent as rapidly as they are read; others will be correctly interpreted only if the reader pauses long enough to analyze the problems in con- siderable detail. Specific examples of interrelations. Under good growing conditions the largest Jonathan apples are not obtained if there are fewer than 30 leaves per apple. The largest Delicious apples are not obtained if there 188 [Chap. XXI INTERRELATIONS OF THE PARTS OF A PLANT 189 are fewer than 50 leaves per apple. For the largest Elberta peaches about 30 leaves per peach are necessary. For the best cluster of grapes there should be not less than 12 to 15 leaves per cluster. The roots and underground stems of troublesome weeds, such as dandelion and thistle, will die of starvation if the green tops are removed frequently and immediately after they begin to develop, or if they are densely shaded by another plant such as alfalfa. In interpreting this fact it should be remembered that the synthesis of starch, fats, and proteins may occur in roots and underground stems, and that any of these three substances may be transformed to sugar in the cells of these organs. An adequate interpretation of this fact and of several of those that follow involves, therefore, an explanation of why the roots and underground stems cannot make starch, fats, or proteins and survive upon them as food when the tops of the plants have been removed or when the rate of photosynthesis is continuously low. A good growth of Irish potato tubers is not obtained if the potato plants are continuously exposed to high temperatures ( Fig. 66 ) or dense Fig. 66. Effects of different temperatures on the formation of potato tubers. Photo by John Bushnell. shade, or if the soil contains an abundance of nitrates. Under any of these conditions the tops (aerial stems and leaves) may grow fairly well; with a high nitrate supply there is usually a luxuriant growth of tops. Under experimental conditions a low yield of tubers also results 190 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY when the potato plant is exposed to a very low concentration of carbon dioxide. As a rule there is a much greater growth of tops in proportion to the growth of roots when plants in a moist climate are exposed to a high temperature, dense shade, high nitrate supply in the soil, or to a low con- centration of carbon dioxide in the air. On the contrary, there is a rela- tively greater growth of roots in proportion to tops when the supply of water or of salts of nitrogen in the soil is moderately low ( Fig. 67 ) . Fig. 67. Relative growth of tops and roots of squash and wheat seedlings that grew in culture solutions without and with added nitrogen (N). Photos from Mary E. Reid, Boyce Thompson Institute. The amount of food that accumulates in roots and underground stems is influenced by the environmental conditions to which the tops of the plants are exposed. Bluegrass in the shade of trees in a lawn that is frequently watered, treated with ammonium sulfate, and mowed during the warmest months of summer may not survive as well under this treatment as bluegrass that is neither watered nor fertilized during this part of the season. The practice of pruning and pollarding trees checks the growth of both tops and roots, but the growth of the roots is checked more than that of the tops. In dry climates alfalfa is mowed 3 to 5 times in a season, but if it is mowed as frequently as this in moist climates most of the plants die within a year or two. [Chap. XXI INTERRELATIONS OF THE PARTS OF A PLANT 191 Sassafras may grow as a weed in pastures in certain parts of the coun- try, but not when sheep are present in abundance. Almost pure forests of hemlock, of pine, or of hickory have been known to develop in pas- tures in which seeds of many other trees were present. In a forest the kinds of seedling trees that grow to maturity may depend in part on the presence of browsing animals, such as deer. On the roots of the plants of the clover family there are nodules result- ing from the presence and activities of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. When the clover plant is exposed to dense shade, or when its roots are in soils containing an abundance of salts of nitrogen, there are fewer nitrogen- fixing bacteria and nodules than there are when the clover tops are ex- posed to an abundance of light, or when the roots are in soils in which the supply of nitrogen salts is low. Many plants propagate vegetatively if one merely cuts off the leafy tip of a stem ( a cutting ) and inserts its basal end into moist soil. In a short time roots will grow from the base of the stem and the cutting will con- tinue to grow and become a complete individual plant. Many persons remove the leaves from cuttings, but the new roots will appear sooner, be more abundant, and grow more rapidly if some of the leaves are not removed. Exact observations may be made more readily if the cuttings are placed in water in a beaker instead of in soil ( Fig. 68 ) . Fig. 68. The initiation and the growth of roots from cuttings are dependent upon leaves. Photo by F. H. Norris. 192 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Interpretations exemplified. The reader may be satisfied with the in- ferences he drew and the interpretations he made as he read each of the above paragraphs; or he may wish some means of checking them. Only one example will be discussed here, namely, the relative amomit of growth of roots and shoots of plants supplied with different amounts of nitrates in the soil. If the supply of nitrates is very low the root system is large in proportion to the tops. If it is verv high the root system is small in proportion to the tops. One might speedily dismiss the whole matter by saying that in the first instance the roots grew long in search of more nitrates for the tops, and in the second instance the tops had plenty of nitrates and the roots did not have to grow long in search for more. But would one be content to ascribe to roots either the intelli- gence necessary to diagnose the needs of the tops, or the superhuman ability to grow, or not to grow, at will? Now, if we try to explain these growth phenomena on the basis of the manufacture and uses of food in plants, it is necessary only to recall and relate those groups of facts which showed that ( 1 ) foods are used in the building of cells and that growth does not occur without them; (2) the amount of sugar that enters the non-green parts of a plant depends upon the extent to which photosynthesis exceeds respiration and other uses of sugar in the chlorenchyma; (3) no part of the plant can grow well unless it is adequatelv supplied with both sugar and proteins, or with the conditions necessary for making them; (4) although rapid growth depends upon a plentiful supply of proteins from which the new protoplasm is largely made, considerably more sugar than protein is consumed in the building of new cells; (5) particular parts of the plant are dependent upon the movement of certain materials from other parts; and ( 6 ) a definite set of conditions is necessary for the manufacture of sugar and proteins in plants. Fats were omitted from this summary be- cause they seem to be made readily enough in the cells when sugar is present. Since all the sugar is made in the tops of the plant, the roots will get an ample supply of it only when it is made in the shoots much more rapidly than it is used there. On the other hand, the shoots will have a good supply of the nitrates needed in protein synthesis only when the amount that passes into the roots from the soil greatly exceeds the use of nitrates in protein synthesis in the roots. Chemical analyses of plants show that if the supply of nitrates in the soil is low the tops have larger amounts of carbohydrates in proportion [Chap. XXI INTERRELATIONS OF THE PARTS OF A PLANT 193 to proteins. The tops do not grow well because there is a deficiency of protein in them. Sugar and starch accumulate there and the sugar moves downward and the roots become well supplied with it. The nitrates that enter the roots are used there in protein synthesis, and as a consequence the roots grow relatively large in proportion to the tops. Chemical analyses also show that the tops have a larger proportion of protein when the supply of nitrates in the soil is high. Under these conditions the tops grow well. A relatively greater amount of the sugar made in the chlorenchyma is used directly in the growth of tops, and consequently the roots are less well supplied with sugar and their rela- tive growth is less.^ Hormones and interrelations. Having seen how this one example of growth can be interpreted upon the basis of foods without assuming any purposeful acts by a part of the plant, we may now ask whether the growth of roots is dependent upon the tops only for sugar. It is possible that their growth may be dependent upon the tops also for minute amounts of certain hormones (or auxins), vitamins, and amino acids, or for certain precursors of these substances. This question was asked many years ago, and it has been answered in the affirmative and the negative many times. Recently, however, there has been a concerted effort by many workers to decide it on the basis of critical experiments. A brief account of one type of these experiments will indicate some interesting features of the general problem. Several attempts have been made to place small pieces of roots in solutions of certain materials in which they would continue to grow entirely isolated from the rest of the plant. These efforts were finally successful. One investigator put a small piece (1 cm. long) of the tip of a tomato root in 50 cc. of water in a sealed flask which also contained: 1,000.000 mg. of sucrose 17.300 mg. of essential inorganic salts 0.005 mg. of brewer's yeast extract. The pieces of root grew in this culture. At the end of one week a small tip of this root was transferred to a fresh solution, and so on week after week. These pieces of roots continued to grow after each transfer with- out any decline in the rate of growth with time. But if the brewer's yeast was omitted the root ceased to grow after two or three weeks. What is there in this minute amount of brewer's yeast that is so im- ^ The other examples listed are left for class discussion. 194 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY portant to the growth of roots? It is not in the ash (inorganic salts) of the yeast. It is organic. Is it one substance or more than one? Can any- thing else be substituted for it? Are some substances necessary for the starting of roots, and others for root growth? Are the same substances necessary for the roots of all plants? Are the formation and growth of tubers also dependent upon such substances? These are some of the questions being investigated at the present time. It has been found that vitamin Bi ( thiamin ) is at least a partial substitute for yeast extract. Other types of experiments indicate that the formation and growth of roots and tubers are dependent upon the migration of hormones and vitamin Bi in addition to sugar from the tops of the plant. These dis- coveries are the basis of the attempts being made to discover what sub- stances may be used to hasten root formation in numerous plant cut- tings. Certain substances are now being advertised for this purpose. Summary. The organs of a plant are mutually dependent because of substances made in, or absorbed by, one part of the plant tliat are neces- sary in the growth of other parts. Many common interrelations in plant organs are dependent upon the manufacture and transfer of sugar and of the substances used in protein synthesis. As a result of these interrela- tions environmental factors may influence the development of one part of a plant through their influence upon the processes in another part of it. Recent discoveries indicate that minute amounts of hormones and vitamins are involved in the way one plant organ affects. another. Other interrelations between the parts of plants will be noted in later chapters. CHAPTER XXII PHYSICAL PROCESSES INVOLVED IN THE MOVEMENT OF MATERIALS IN PLANTS <><><><><>C><><><><><^^ The movement of materials into and out of plants, and from place to place within the plant, was often mentioned in previous chapters with- out reference to the manner of movement or to the energy necessary for it. The reason for this omission will soon be apparent. Energy is always involved in the movement of material from one position to another. The immediate source of this energy may be in the moving object, or it may be in the environment of the object. For a clear concept of the move- ment of materials into, out of, and within a plant it is necessary, there- fore, that one distinguish whether the source of the energy which causes the movement is within the moving material, within the plant, or in some other external agency. It will be much easier to attempt this dis- tinction now by viewing in retrospect some of the processes already discussed and considering some additional ones. It is sometimes diffi- cult, even impossible today, to make this distinction; but the major source of energy in many plant processes is not difficult to recognize. Intrinsic and extrinsic sources of energy. Perhaps a crude analogy may clarify this problem of recognizing different sources of energy. The movement of a floating log in a river is dependent upon a source of energy obviously outside the log. The movement of a man swimming in the river results from a combination of the energy that moves the log plus a source of energy within the man. By utilizing this second source of energy the man may move upstream. The movement of a boat in the river may be traced to the same source of energy that accounts for the movement of the log, plus another external source of energy that may be traced to the motor attached to it, or to the man rowing it. The movement of materials into, out of, and within plants, like that of the objects in the river, depends upon several diverse sources of energy. The plant may have no active part in the movement. We must not be misled into thinking that the plant, being alive, can take in sub- 195 196 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY stances, move them where they are needed, and throw off those that are not needed. The active agent may be the moving substance itself, and the energy that impels it may be external to the plant. Obviously such movements should be described not by terms implying that the plant "takes up," "takes in," and "gives off" the materials, but by terms implying that the materials are moving into, or out of, the plant. The latter terms focus one's attention upon the really active agent, while the former imply that the passive medium (the plant) is the active agent. By common agreement the term absorption is used merely to indicate that a substance enters the plant, without reference to the manner of its entrance or the energy involved. Movements of materials and the water medium within plants. In addi- tion to recognizing the energy relations of moving substances, it is also important to visualize the water within the plant, since this water is the medium in which substances move. We have already seen that leaves are composed of cells. In each living cell of the leaf a central vacuole filled with water and dissolved substances is surrounded by a thin film of protoplasm, which is in turn enclosed by a cell wall composed of cellulose and pectic compounds and sometimes of other substances also. Similarly, all other organs of a plant are composed of cells. Water not only fills the vacuoles of the cells, but it also surrounds and is between most of the minute particles of which the protoplasm and cell walls are composed. Cell walls become much thinner when the water in them disappears by evaporation, just as a wet cardboard becomes thinner as it dries. By weight, about 80 per cent of a growing corn plant in midsummer consists of water. We may therefore think of a com plant as a branched column of water held in place by exceedingly thin films of protoplasm and cell walls. Substances that move into and within the plant are mov- ing mainly in solution in this water. Substances that move out of the plant are moving out of this water. The water also moves. These movements may be inhibited or retarded by layers of cork and by cell walls that are highly cutinized because the fat-like particles in these walls may not be embedded in water. Movement of materials into and out of cells may be impeded also by the film of protoplasm in each cell. This fact may seem strange because of the large amount of water in protoplasm, but it is probably due in part to a greater accumulation of fat-like substances in the outer surface layer of the protoplasm. For the present, however, we may accept and use the fact without account- [Chap. XXII THE MOVEMENT OF MATERIALS IN PLANTS 197 ing for all the intricate physico-chemical conditions of which it is a consequence. For many years students of plants have been trying to explain the movement of materials into, out of, and within plants. Not all the ques- tions raised have been satisfactorily answered, but enough has been learned for botanists to conclude that these movements are dependent upon the same physical processes that occur in non-living systems. Most of them have already been imitated in experiments by means of labora- tory apparatus. These movements will now be considered in more detail in relation to some of the physical processes involved. Mass movements. The flow of water in a stream and the movement of a current of air (wind) along the street are familiar examples of what is meant by mass movement. Frequenth' it is a flowing movement or current. Mass movements of materials may occur in plants. If you put your finger in water and then withdraw it, a film of water adheres to it because of the cohesion of the molecules of water, and the adhesion of the molecules of the water and those of the skin. These cohesive and adhesive forces between molecules at the surfaces of objects may result in tensions, called surface tension. Surface tension may cause the move- ment of water for short distances, and any substances dissolved or dis- persed therein move with the water. For instance, if two microscope slides are held closely together and one end is placed in a shallow dish containing a dye dissolved in water, a small mass of the solution quickly moves up between the two slides. This is a familiar phenomenon to anyone who has frequently washed slides or dishes. Similarly, water may move into the small spaces between the fibers of a blotter, a piece of wood, or a plant, or into the pores of the soil. This movement of water into small spaces as a result of surface tension is often referred to as capillarity. We have already seen that protoplasm may move about within a cell by flowing movements (protoplasmic streaming). Substances, such as food and salts, that are in the protoplasm are of course carried along in the same manner that a log is carried in a stream. There may even be some movement of materials in this way between cells when strands of protoplasm extend from cell to cell through minute pores in the cell walls. Surface tension is one of the forces which cause protoplasmic streaming. There is also a streaming, or mass movement, of water up the con- 198 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY ductive tissues of a plant from the roots to the leaves. This movement is discussed in a later chapter. In Chapter VII we mentioned the fact that one of the results of oxi- dation-reduction processes in living cells is a small electrical difference between the parts of a cell and between the tip and base of a plant organ. These electrical differences are mentioned here merely because they may affect the mass movements mentioned above and also some of the diffusion phenomena described below. However, these electrical influences are not well enough known to be discussed in a general textbook. Diffusion. All soluble materials that move into, out of, or within plants move wholly or in part by diffusion. Plants may wither and become dry. Water placed in an open dish slowly disappears. We cannot see the water moving from the dish or from the plant, because it is moving in the form of free molecules that have separated from the liquid mass. It is diffusing from them into the air, and what we see is the result of this diffusion. Later we shall see some of the results of the diffusion of water into a plant, and from cell to cell within it. Instead of water we may place some aromatic liquid, such as pepper- mint oil, in the open dish. In a short time the presence of this oil in all parts of the room may be detected by its odor. Neither the oil nor the water has been destroyed, but the molecules of each have become widely dispersed in the air of the room. That is, they are now scattered among the molecules of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases in the air. Similarly, the odor of flowers and fruits is the result of the diffusion of some substance from them that we detect by our sense of smell. From these examples it is perhaps clear that we are using the term diffusion to refer to the dispersion of material by molecular movement. Although we can neither see nor smell oxygen and carbon dioxide, there are ways of proving that they also move into, within, and out of plants by diffusion. If a colored salt ( potassium peiTnanganate, copper sulfate, etc. ) , that is soluble in water is placed at the base of a column of water in a slender glass tube, the result of the slow diffusion of the salt throughout the entire column of water can be detected by its color. The molecules of the salt move between the molecules of water. Even the force of gravity does not prevent the upward movement of the molecules of a salt in the water. Similarly, any substance that is soluble in the water of the plant may move into the plant and from cell to cell within the plant by [Chap. XXII THE MOVEMENT OF MATERIALS IN PLANTS 199 diffusion. As we shall see later, some substances do not pass through the layer of protoplasm in the cells as readily as others. The accumulation of water in the vacuole by the process of osmosis and the swelling of cell walls or of a piece of wood by the process of imbibition, are merely processes of diffusion under special conditions with special results. Even the mass movement of a stream of water up the conductive tissues of a plant is indirectly dependent upon the energy of diffusion. An understanding of all these processes evidently depends upon a fairly clear concept of the process of diffusion. One may begin by thinking of all solids, colloids, solutions, liquids, and gases as composed of mole- cules always in motion. Anyone who has used a microscope has probably observed that the smallest visible particles mounted in a drop of water — for example, chalk dust — are constantly in motion as the result of being bombarded from all sides by the molecules of the water. This is called Brownian movement after Robert Brown, an English botanist who first described it. The smaller the particles of a given substance the more rapidly they move. While watching them one needs only to imagine more and more rapid movement of smaller and still smaller particles to form a mental image of molecular motion. Diffusion is the result of molecular motion. Consequently the energy involved in all diffusion processes can be traced to the energy of molec- ular motion of the diffusing substances themselves. Each substance diffuses independently of the diffusion of other substances, except for the interference caused bv one molecule colliding with another. A sub- stance will diffuse more rapidly into a vacuum than into air because of the fewer collisions with other molecules. Likewise, a gas, such as oxvgen or carbon dioxide, will diffuse more rapidly in air than in water. The energy of molecular motion is correlated with heat and is directly proportional to the absolute temperature. Apparently at minus 273° C. there would be no molecular motion and no diffusion. One may therefore think of the heat energy of the environment as being the source of energy of the movement of materials into, within, and out of plants by diffusion. The heat energy liberated in the plant by respiration would be an additional source of energy in this process, but a rather insignifi- cant one. The radiation of energy from the sun is the principal source of the heat energy of the earth's surface, and this in turn becomes the source of the energy of molecular motion in plants and all other objects on the surface of the earth. 200 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY When a soluble dye is placed in the bottom of a slender glass tube filled with water, the greater concentration of the dye in the bottom of the tube at the beginning of the demonstration is evident by its deeper color there. Gradually, however, the color of the dye becomes evident farther and farther up the tube, and after many months the color is uniform throughout the tube. The dye is now equally concentrated throughout the entire column of water. That is, the number of molecules of dye in comparison to the number of molecules of water would be the same in a cubic centimeter of the solution taken from any part of the tube. Evidently for several months before the concentration of the dye became uniform a greater number of molecules of dye moved upward than downward in the tube. Since more molecules of dye are moving in any direction in the region where its concentration is greatest, the dye will diffuse from regions where it is more concentrated toward regions where it is less concentrated. When the concentration of the dye becomes uniform, as many of its molecules will be moving in any direction in any part of the tube as in any other. When the above facts are fully appreciated it will be easy to see why carbon dioxide and oxygen diffuse into the green parts of a plant at one time and out of them at another time. Each gas diffuses independently of the other, and solely in relation to its own concentration inside and outside the plant. The same principle holds for the diffusion of water, of a salt, or of any other substance dissolved in the water. For instance, if carbon dioxide is used in photosynthesis in a particular cell, its con- centration within that cell becomes lower than it is outside the cell. Then, according to the laws of diffusion, a greater number of molecules of carbon dioxide will move into that cell than out of it, until its effective concentration is again equalized. If we gauge our language h\ our knowledge, we will no longer sa\' that the plant "takes in" and "gives off" carbon dioxide; We will use expressions that imply that the carbon dioxide passes into and out of the plant. To be specific, we may say that it diffuses into and out of the plant. The movement of other materials should be similarly analyzed. As our knowledge increases, it becomes more and more evident that a plant is a complex system of materials and processes surrounded by another system of materials and processes that we call the environment; and that the same natural laws are operating in both systems. Processes follow one another as a consequence of their dependent relations in these [Chop. XXII THE MOVEMENT OF MATERIALS IN PLANTS 201 systems. To explain why a particular process occurs we must be able to show that it is a consequence of preceding processes. Diffusion under special conditions. When the basic facts of diffusion are clearly understood thev may be used in interpreting complicated processes in which diffusion plays a part. Among these processes are imbibition, osmosis, and transpiration. Imbibition. We have already seen that a piece of wood is composed of cell walls. Even more familiar is the fact that when a piece of dry wood is placed in water or in a moist atmosphere it swells, or increases in volume and weight. Before the discovery of explosives stone was quar- ried by pouring water upon pieces of drv wood that had been wedged into holes drilled in the rock. Even at the present time this method is used in quarrying marble and granite for special purposes. The swelling of wood is the result of the entrance of water between the particles of which the cell walls are composed. The entering water pushes these particles farther apart and increases the size of each cell wall. This fact is easily demonstrated by placing a flat piece of dry gelatin, or agar, in water for a few minutes. Any of the solid or colloidal parts of a plant may increase in size in the same manner, but the swelling of cell walls, protoplasm, and mucilages are the most conspicuous examples. The en- trance of water into solids or colloids and the resultant swelling have long been referred to as imbibition. Evidently the energy of diffusion is involved in imbibition. The con- centration of water is greater outside than inside the piece of dry gelatin or the dry cell walls of the piece of wood. But the water also adheres to the smaller particles of the wall and fomis thin films around them. The cohesion of the wall particles is overcome by the pressure of diffusion and by the adhesion of the water to them. They are forced farther apart by the entering water and the walls swell. When a piece of dry wood is placed in water the water first enters the intercellular spaces, pores, and open vessels, forcing out the contained air. This movement is the result of surface tension ( capillarity ) . It rapidly distributes the water into some of the xylem tubes and intercellular spaces in the wood block, but it does not result in increasing (swelling) the volume of the block. Osmosis. The term osmosis is sometimes used synonymously with diffusion. It has been used also to refer to the diffusion of anything through any membrane. These uses are not acceptable, because there is no need for the word if it is a synonym of diffusion, and because the 202 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY term is needed to designate diffusion through a particular kind of mem- brane under special conditions with special results. There are certain conditions in plant cells under which the number of molecules of water moving from outside the cell through the film of protoplasm into the vacuole is greater than the number moving outward from the vacuole. As a result, the water in the vacuole increases in vol- ume and thereby presses against the protoplasm and cell wall. These structures become stretched and extended, and the whole cell becomes larger and firmer, or turgid. When the enlarging cells occur in masses as in plant organs and press against each other, the mutual pressure among all the cells causes the whole plant to become rigid or turgid. When these processes and conditions become reversed, the plant wilts. If there is any advantage in adding the word osmosis to our consideration of diflFusion in plants, it lies in limiting its use to the diffusion of water through certain kinds of membranes, such as protoplasm, when certain other conditions exist. What are these conditions, and what is peculiar about these membranes? The concentration of water in the vacuole is a factor in osmosis. When the diffusion of water is inward through protoplasm into the vacuole, one may infer from the general laws of diffusion that the water inside the vacuole is less concentrated than the water outside the cell. This condition actually occurs when the concentration of dissolved substances (sugars, salts, organic acids) in the water enclosed in the vacuole ex- ceeds the concentration of dissolved substances in the water surrounding the cell. At room temperature (20° C.) there is a definite number of molecules of water in each cubic centimeter of pure water. If some sugar is added, the water then appears to occupy more than a cubic centimeter of space. The reader will undoubtedly explain this increase in volume by visualiz- ing the molecules of sugar as diffusing or moving among the molecules of water and jostling them farther apart. Molecules of sugar now occupy spaces formerly occupied by some of the molecules of water, and there are fewer molecules of water in a cubic centimeter of this solution than there are in a cubic centimeter of pure water. The presence of the sugar molecules decreases the concentration of the water. Obviously the more sugar present the more dilute the water will be. In solutions of this sort the water is said to be the solvent, and the sugar the solute. Differentially permeable membranes are factors in osmosis. The nature of the membrane, however, is as important in osmosis in plant cells as [Chap. XXII THE MOVEMENT OF MATERIALS IiN PLANTS 203 is the concentration of water. This fact may be demonstrated with a simple physical apparatus and also with living plant cells. Membranes such as filter paper and cellulose cell walls are very permeable to both water and the solutes in water. This is only another way of saying that water and solutes can diffuse readily through these membranes. Such membranes are of no importance in osmosis in plant cells. There are, however, certain kinds of membranes through which water can diffuse readily, but through which certain solutes in the water do not diffuse so readily. These are the membranes that are important in osmosis in plant cells. Protoplasm is an excellent example of this type of membrane. It differs in its peiTneability to different substances. It is very pemieable to water, but under most conditions it is practically im- permeable to the anthocyanin and some of the other substances in solu- tion in the water in the vacuole. Membranes of this type are said to be differentially 'permeable} There is a second type of differentially permeable membrane which is more pemieable to certain solutes than to water. Sheets of rubber and cutinized cell walls are more permeable to carbon dioxide than they are to water. Such membranes are of no importance in osmosis in plant cells, but they are useful in demonstrating certain principles of osmosis and permeability. Molecules of oxygen and nitrogen are smaller than those of carbon dioxide, but sheets of rubber are much more permeable to carbon di- oxide than to the other two gases. Consequently, if one ties a knot in the neck of a rubber balloon filled with ordinary air and then places it in a bottle of carbon dioxide," the balloon will gradually increase in size. Outside the balloon there is pure carbon dioxide. In the air inside the balloon there are about 3 parts of carbon dioxide in 10,000. At the be- ginning of the demonstration, therefore, there must be about 3000 molecules of carbon dioxide entering the balloon for every one that leaves it. Obviously both the swelling of the balloon and the pressure inside that stretches it result from the entrance of carbon dioxide. The energy of molecular motion is responsible for both the entrance of the carbon dioxide and the pressure on the walls of the balloon. For a demonstration of the osmosis of water in a non-living system one ^ The less appropriate terms, semipermeable and selecti\'ely permeable, are sometimes used to indicate this type of membrane. - Place the balloon in a bottle of water. After inxerting the bottle replace the water with carbon dioxide. 204 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY may use the apparatus represented in Fig. 69. Various kinds of mem- branes and solutes may be tested by this means. The thistle tube with attached membrane is first placed in a vessel of water as in Fig. 69A to see if the membrane is permeable to water. The solute may then be added Fig. 69A. Diagram to illus- trate the passage of water through a membrane: A, rep- resents a molecule of inside water; B, a molecule of outside water; and C, the membrane. Equal numbers of water mole- cules are in contact with the inside and outside of the membrane, and the movement of water molecules through the membrane in both direc- tions is the same. Hence the level of the water in the tube remains unchanged. to the water in the thistle tube. If there is a definite continued rise of water in the thistle tube the membrane is more permeable to water than to the solute. A temporary rise that soon subsides, such as one obtained with a membrane of filter paper, is due merely to the fact that the molec- ular motion of water molecules is more rapid than that of the molecules of the solute. One may also tie the membrane across the mouth of a B Fig. 69B. Diagram to illus- trate osmosis: A, represents a sugar molecule; B, a water molecule; and C, a differen- tially permeable membrane. The sugar in solution dilutes the water so that fewer water molecules are in contact with the inside than with the out- side of the membrane. Hence water passes in more rapidly than it passes out, and the level of the water in the tube rises. [Chap. XXII THE MOVEMENT OF MATERIALS IN PLANTS 205 bottle filled with a solution and then immerse the bottle in water; or one may convert the membrane into a small bag. Demonstrations that are even more instructive may be made directly with living plant cells. In a series of small glass dishes or hollow ground- glass slides we may place distilled water containing different amounts of sugar varying all the way from none at all on one end of the series to as much as 20 per cent on the opposite end. We may now place living plant cells in these different solutions and with a microscope watch what happens. At one end of the series where there is little or no sugar in the external water, the plant cells may become larger; a little farther along in the series the cells appear to remain unchanged in size and shape; still farther along they will decrease slightly in size. Toward the end of the series the protoplasm is partly separated from the cell wall, and in the last of the series the protoplasm has become a small mass in the cell, since the vacuole has entirely disappeared. That is, the water that was formerly in the vacuole has diffused out of it. All these observations may be interpreted on the basis of the laws of diffusion and the differential penueability of membranes. Perhaps it is sufficient to add here that where the protoplasm just began to separate from the wall the concentration of the water in the vacuole was prac- tically the same as that of the water in the dish if the temperature was the same; where the cells became larger the concentration of the water in the vacuoles was originally lower than that in the dish; and where the protoplasm was separated from the wall the concentration of the water in the vacuole was originallv higher than that of the water in the dish. Since the protoplasm separated from the cell wall, it is the differentially permeable membrane of the cell. The bounding surfaces of plastids and nuclei within the protoplasm are also differentially permeable. Instead of single cells, pieces of plant tissue may be placed in the series of solu- tions and the relative changes in turgidity and size of the tissue may be observed. When fresh-water plants are placed in salt lakes, water diffuses out of them into the lake because the concentration of the water in the lake is less than it is inside the plant cells. Such conditions are sometimes re- ferred to as physiological drought. There is an abundance of water out- side the plant but its concentration is too low. A whole lake full of salt water may be as drv as a desert to a plant. Plasmolysis and turgor. When the protoplasm of a cell separates from the wall because water is diffusing out of the vacuole, the cell is said to 206 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY be plasmolyzed, and the process is referred to as plasmolysis. The shrunken cell is flaccid, and conversely the swollen cell is turgid. Cell turgor may result from the entrance of water by imbibition or osmosis, or both. Other conditions being equivalent, turgor becomes greatest in the cells with the least extensible walls and in which the volume changes least. Permeability. Permeability is a property of membranes that affects the movement of ma- terials into and through them. At the present time it appears to be due to a number of quali- ties; we shall mention only the simplest ones here. A differentially permeable membrane should not always be visualized as a crude sort of sieve through which particles can or cannot pass according to their size. This fact is illus- trated by the differential permeability of rub- ber membranes, through which the larger molecules of carbon dioxide pass more readily than the smaller molecules of water, oxygen, and nitrogen. One of the features of permeability appears to be illustrated by a simple demonstration in which the membrane consists only of water (Fig. 70). Ether diffuses through a water membrane more rapidly than chloroform. Since ether is much more soluble in water than chloroform, this demonstration indicates that solubility of the diffusing substance in the membrane is one of the factors of permeabil- ity. Solubility in turn seems to depend upon the relative attraction between the molecules of the substances involved. If the membrane were equally permeable to these two substances, ether would still diffuse through it the more rapidly because its diffusion rate is about 1.6 times that of chloroform. The most interesting features about the permeability of protoplasm are (1) its variability, and (2) the fact that the continuation of life depends upon its variation remaining within certain limits. A great num- ber of conditions and substances increase or decrease the permeability ■EtKer _Water 'Ynembraae""' Chloroform B Fig. 70. Diagram of ap- paratus used to demon- strate the differential per- meability of water to ether and chloroform: A, when first set up; B, several days later. [Chap. XXII THE MOVEMENT OF MATERIALS IN PLANTS 207 of protoplasm to water and solutes. Among them are variations of tem- perature and light, or the presence of chloroform, ether, alcohol, saponin, and the ions of various salts. The influence of external factors upon the permeability of protoplasm may be demonstrated easily by placing small pieces of the red garden beet in water and exposing them to any one of a number of factors. The anthocyanin is in solution in the vacuoles of the cells. If some factor increases the permeability of protoplasm beyond a certain point, this red pigment diffuses out of the cells. The influence of a factor that in- creases the pemieability of protoplasm mav be counteracted by another factor that decreases it. For instance, if sodium chloride is added, the red pigment begins to diffuse out of the cells; but if a little calcium chloride is also added the influence of sodium chloride is annulled. The permeability of protoplasm at any instant in a living cell is apparently an equilibrium dependent upon the interaction of many factors. Summary. The movement of materials into, out of, and within plants occurs by xarious combinations of phvsical processes. All investigations indicate that these processes occur, not because plants exert some pe- culiar vital force, but because these processes are universal properties of matter. Their interactions in simple physical systems may be accurately measured, but the plant is such a complex system of structures and processes that it is difficult to detect these interactions in all their details. We begin by recognizing the forces involved and then try to relate them to our present knowledge of plants. Among these forces we must recognize the mutual attractions among molecules of gases, liquids, and solids; surface tension; molecular motion and diffusion; and electrical forces. Certainly we shall no longer think that substances move into and out of plants because they are good or bad for the plant, or because the plant needs or does not need them. Also we shall be less inclined to think and say that the plant "takes in" and "gives off" these substances. The movement of materials into, out of, and within plants by diffusion is much easier to perceive and is better understood than movement by other means. Moreover, several of the common observable results of this diffusion are not difficult to analyze. We have therefore given most atten- tion to diffusion. A substance diffuses from a region where it is more concentrated toward a region where it is less concentrated, regardless of the concentration or the diffusion of any other substance with which it may be mixed. This is the result merely of the relative number of moving molecules. There are many more molecules of a substance mov- 208 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY ing in all directions where the substance is most concentrated. Water may be diffusing out of a cell, while the solutes in the water are diffusing into the cell or vice versa. The factors that influence diffusion most are temperature in relation to the rate of molecular motion, the concentration of the diffusing substance, and the nature of the medium into which it is diffusing. Diffusion under certain special conditions may be dis- tinguished as imbibition and osmosis. Imbibition results in the swelling of colloidal membranes and cell walls. Osmosis results in the enlarge- ment of vacuoles. In the following chapter we shall note how diffusion that is called osmosis underlies certain plant behavior familiar to all of us. In later chapters we shall see how the energy of diffusion is the force underlying some of the mass movement of materials within a plant. CHAPTER XXIII PLANT BEHAVIOR RELATED TO OSMOSIS Osmosis and the turgidity of cells are primary causal factors in certain kinds of plant behavior that have attracted the attention of almost every- one. We have already seen that when the concentration of water sur- rounding a plant cell is higher than its concentration within the vacuole, the water diffuses into the cell, thus causing an increase in cell turgor and also in cell size if the cell wall is extensible. The converse occurs when the higher concentration of water is within the vacuole: water diffuses out of the cell, cell turgor decreases, the cell may become smaller, and in extreme cases plasmolysis, wilting, and death may result. When all the cells of some part of a plant (leaf, flower, stem, etc.) in- crease in size they press against each other, with the result that the whole plant structure becomes firm and rigid. On the contrary, when all the cells of a plant shrink in size their pressure against each other di- minishes and the plant becomes flaccid, or wilts. If the cells on one side of an organ shrink or swell more than those on the opposite side, curva- tures or movements result. Movements and growth curvatures. In growing regions increase in cell size is dependent both upon the entrance of water and upon an accom- panying growth in area of cell walls. Increase in area of a cell wall, therefore, may be the result of stretching or of growth. The former may be reversible, the latter is non-reversible. Likewise, movements and curvatures that are dependent solelv upon turgor and the elasticity of cell walls may be reversible. Growth curvatures may be permanent or temporary. For example, the growth curvature of a stem toward the more intense light during the dav mav be annulled by the greater growth of the cells on the concave side of the stem tip during the night. Superficially these movements and curvatures of plant organs may appear to be intelligent acts of the plant. Speculations as to their advan- tages or disadvantages are not uncommon. Perhaps the reader will dis- cover that they are all consequences of similar fundamental conditions and processes, regardless of whether they have "survival value." 209 210 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY By means of the facts and inferences already encountered and the brief summary of several examples in this chapter, the reader is offered an opportunity ( 1 ) to check his own observations of the kinds of plant behavior that are consequences of the conditions underlying osmosis and cell turgor, and (2) to evaluate conflicting interpretations of the ob- served behavior. Movements in some plants differ from those in other plants because the plant structures are different. A consideration of how these differences in structure originated must of course be postponed to the chapters on heritable variations and evolution. They are, however, the consequences of processes to which no one would ascribe intelligence and purpose unless he is accustomed to ascribe these human attributes to all physical and chemical processes in the universe. Rigidity of plants. The rigidity of all herbaceous parts of a plant is de- pendent upon the turgidity and mutual pressure of cells described above. During dry weather leaves, young stems, flowers, and even fruits may wilt during the day and become firm at night or following rains, as the result of changes in the turgor of the individual cells. Spray systems are now commonly installed over market stands to prevent the loss of turgor in the cells of leafy vegetables on display. The rigidity of woody tissues is dependent not upon osmosis and turgor but upon the thickness of the walls of the wood cells. Physiological drought. Owing to the relatively high concentration of water in the vacuoles of their cells, many fresh-water plants cannot grow in the ocean or in salt lakes and salt marshes where the concentration of water is relatively low. The fact that water plants may wilt in such habitats can be demonstrated by placing a plant in a vessel of salt water. Similarly, most land plants do not grow on salt plains (Fig. 71). Man sometimes makes miniature salt plains by adding salt to tlie soil to kill weeds. One of the difficult problems encountered in applying irrigation water to soils of arid regions is the necessity of preventing the accumu- lation of inorganic salts in the soil surface as the added water evaporates. The preservation of food in water of low concentration ( brine ) is a very old custom. Sugar and salt are used as the means of diluting the water to the point of physiological drought for the bacteria and molds that are responsible for the spoiling of food. Vinegar is also used to prevent the growth of these organisms. It is primarily a solution of acetic acid in water. This acid lowers the con- centration of water in vinegar and also coagulates the protoplasm of [Chap. XXIII PLANT BEHAVIOR RELATED TO OSMOSIS 211 ^«,w-^. , . y iig-l lyx ..■■;»''*5sS&\' t. ' wtgsy-U* ■» 'J* ' '" '""g'f Fig. 71. Hummocks of pickleweed (AUenrolfea) on salt-Hats in Utah. Plioto by H. L. Shantz. living cells. This coagulative effect of acetic acid may be demonstrated by pouring a little vinegar on the "white" of an uncooked egg, or by examining living cells mounted in vinegar. The killing effect of many kinds of acids and salts should be attributed not to physiological drought, but to some other condition such as the coagulation of protoplasm, altera- tions in penneabilitv, or inactivation of enzymes. For example, the small amount of copper sulfate or mercuric chloride necessary to kill plant cells has little influence on the concentration of the water in which these salts are dissolved. Enlargement of cells during growth. In all growing regions of a plant cell division is usually followed by an increase in size of the young cells. The volume of these newly formed cells may increase many times ( Fig. 31, page 64). Some new protoplasm is made, but the total enlargement is primarily the result of the entrance of water into the cell under the conditions of imbibition and osmosis. The enlargement of the cell depends, therefore, 212 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY upon the concentration of water inside and outside the cell, the conse- quent osmosis and cell turgor, and the extension of the cell wall. In some unknown way a hormone ( auxin ) formed in the young leaves seems to be necessary to some process involved in the extension of cell walls. If the hormone is absent little or no cell wall extension occurs. If it varies in amount in different parts of the plant, the cells do not enlarge uniformly. It is perhaps evident that turgor pressure will not become so high in the cells with walls that are growing or are easily extended. We may therefore have the anomalous condition of the en- trance of water as a cause of increase in cell volume, and at the same time the lowest turgor pressure in the enlarging cells. If the cell walls are not growing or do not stretch readily, the entering water may result in a high pressure within the cells. Turgor and growth pressure. Similarly, if the enlargement of a plant organ is restricted by mechanical means, the diffusion of water into each ffavtgjac- Fig. 72. Fern leaves pushing upward through a cement sidewalk. Growth pressure may amount to hundreds of pounds to the square inch. After G. E. Stone. of its cells exerts tremendous force against the obstruction (Fig. 72). The combined pressure in all the cells of a root may lift stones weighing several tons, displace stone curbings, or rupture concrete pavements. Turgor pressure may be just as great in the cells of stems and other plant organs. It is the force underlying the pushing of young stems of seed- lings upward through the soil and of roots into the soil. Since turgor pressure in cells is the result of the diffusion of water into them, the energy of molecular motion is evidently the force back of all these "marvelous powers" of plant growth. While the pressure exerted by the plant organ as a whole may be equivalent to several hundred pounds per square inch, a little calculation will show that the pressure on a single cell wall is but a small fraction of an ounce. This pressure is usually great enough to cause the walls of cells to bulge out- ward and become convex except where they press against adjacent cells and the surfaces become flattened or plane. The same phenomena may [Chap. XXIII PLANT BEHAVIOR RELATED TO OSMOSIS 213 be seen in a mass of soap bubbles. The walls of many cells are not uniformly thick and equally extensible in all parts, and some of the curi- ous shapes of cells may be attributed to this fact. It is important to remember that increase in size of a plant organ is the result of the enlargement of its component cells. The mere division of cells results only in increasing the number of cells that may enlarge. A cell may become larger onlv bv the entrance of material from an ex- ternal source. The great bulk of this material is water. Plant movements and curvatures. Some of the smallest plants are motile and can swim about in water just as freely as small animals. But the movements of larger plants are limited to the bending, twisting, or elongating of certain organs or restricted parts of organs. Tropisms. Tropic movements, or tropisms, are exemplified by the fa- miliar curving of plant organs toward, or away from, different inten- sities of external factors, or the direction of the force of gravity or of an electric current. For example, one-sided illumination subjects the cells on opposite sides of a plant organ to different intensities of light. Simi- larly the force of gravity or an electric current may induce curvatures. If a plant organ curves toward the most intense light to which it is ex- posed, its curvature is said to be positively phototropic. If it bends away from intense light it is negatively phototropic. Similarly compounded names are applied to curvatures related to other external factors, namely, positively or negatively geotropic, hydrotropic, chemotropic, electro- tropic, etc.; but the names are the least important features of the processes. Tropic curvatures may occur in any plant organ. They occur pri- marily and are most prominent in growing regions, such as the tips of stems and roots and the petioles of young leaves. Moreover, they are primarily restricted to that part of the growing region in which the cells are enlarging. They are the result of unequal enlargement of the cells on opposite sides of the plant organ. Instead of personifying them, therefore, we may base our interpretations upon our knowledge of the dependent relations of the energy of molecular motion and diffusion, permeability of protoplasm, osmosis, cell turgor, and the extension of cell walls. If the initial influence of some external factor results in a decrease of turgor and cell wall extension, the plant organ will bend toward that side to which the factor is applied, and vice versa. Hormones and cell enlargement. During the last decade the influence of hormones upon cell enlargement and tropisms has become an inter- 214 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY esting subject of research. In spite of the fact that some of the conchi- sions of today may have to be modified as additional facts are discovered, some of them are too interesting to be omitted even from a general text- book of botany. Cell enlargement in stems appears to be dependent upon hormones formed in young leaves exposed to light, though an excessive amount of these hormones inhibits cell enlargement. In contrast to the cells of stems, the enlargement of cells in the growing tips of roots is inhibited Fig. 73. Geotropic growth in a seedling after it was clamped in a horizontal position. by these hormones except when only the merest trace of them is present. They seem to affect some process involved in the extension of cell walls. Their movement down the stem or up the root may be deflected by such external factors as light and gravity. In horizontal stems and roots they are deflected toward the force of gravity. Consequently, if a seedling is placed horizontally they accumulate in the cells in the lower side in amounts that are favorable to the enlargement of cells of the stems but inhibiting to the enlargement of cells of the roots. The stem tip therefore curves upward and the root tip curves downward ( Fig. 73 ) . These homiones are complex organic acids that move toward the posi- tive pole in an electric current. It is inferred, therefore, that the slight electrical difference on the two sides of a stem or root may be the cause [Chap. XXIII PLANT BEHAVIOR RELATED TO OSMOSIS 215 of their deflection toward the lower side. Similarly, in many plants they accumulate more abundantly on the shaded side of stems than on the side exposed to the more intense light. As a result, the cells on the shaded side enlarge more readily; this side of the stem becomes longer than the lighted side and actually pushes the tip of the stem toward the light. These hormones may be extracted from plants and* dissolved in wool tat, called lanolin. If a little of this lanolin containing the extracted hor- mones is placed on one side of a root or stem tip, the expected curva- tures are obtained. Similar curvatures may be obtained by placing any of several closely related chemical compounds in the lanolin instead of the naturally occurring hormones (Fig. 74). Fig. 74. Curvatures of stems and petioles resulting from the effects of chemical compounds similar to naturally occurring hormones: A, untreated plants; B, treated plants. The compounds in low concentration (O.OI mg. in 100 mg. of lanolin) were placed on the right side of the stems and on the upper surface of the two petioles that have curved downward. Photos from P. W. Zimmerman and A. E. Hitchcock. Leaf mosaics. The formation of leaf mosaics (Fig. 75) as a result of differences in elongation, bending, and twisting of petioles and stems is a consequence partly of unequal illumination of petioles and stems and partly of unequal illumination of the blades of the leaves. Bending and twisting of petioles are the results of differences in cell enlargement in opposite sides of the petiole. This cell enlargement is dependent in part upon hormones that are formed in young leaf blades exposed to light and pass down the veins to the petiole and stem. If the right and left halves of a blade are unequallv illuminated, the amounts of hormones that are formed and get to the right and left halves of the petiole will be unequal. Consequently, there will be a difference in the amount of cell enlargement on the two sides of the petiole and a curvature will result. 216 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY The petioles of leaves which develop in the shade of other leaves may continue to elongate for a longer period and the blade finally reaches the plane of the leaves above. Both cell division and elongation take place. Many of the details of these processes are still unknown. Fig. 75. Mosaics formed by the leaves of two species of maple {Acer maciophijl- lum and Acer circinatiim) , Olympic Mountains, Washington. Photo by W. S. Cooper. Turgor movements and growth movements. Distinctions between these two kinds of moxements are sometimes attempted. The difficulty in making a distinction lies in the fact that all growth movements involve turgor effects. The distinction becomes clear onlv when movements occur in those tissues in which all growth has ceased. Movements that are due entirely to changes in turgor are reversible. Those that are due to differences in growth may become permanent. There are also curvatures and movements in which the cell structure determines the direction in which the plant organ curves or moves. These curvatures occur in such plant organs as leaves and petals of flowers in which the cells in the upper side differ from those in the lower. Such plant organs are said to be bilateral, in contrast to organs that are radially symmetrical. The movements may be purely turgor movements, or a combination of turgor and growth. Among the more familiar exam- ples are the daily opening and closing of certain flowers in relation to [Chap. XXIII PLANT BEHAVIOR RELATED TO OSMOSIS 217 changes in temperature or light intensity; the opening of buds; the roll- ing and folding of leaves; and pulvinal movements, such as the mo\e- ment of leaves of clover and of "sensitive" plants ( Fig. 76 ) . Fig. 76. Sensitive plants (Mimosa pudica). The one on the left was mildly jarred just before the picture was taken. Photo by G. S. Growl. If young flowers of tulip are exposed alternately to low and high tem- peratures they may open and close several times in one hour. When the temperature is lowered the rate of growth of the outer side of the sepals and petals is greater than that of the inner side. As the tempera- ture is raised tlie greater rate of growth of the inner side results in opening the flower. White water lily flowers open in light and close in weak light and darkness. A commonly cultivated purple water lily has flowers that close in bright sunlight and are open only in dense shade or at night. The opening of buds is the result of growth of the bud scales and young leaves. In many buds there is increased growth on the inner side of the bud scales which results in spreading of the scales. The folding and rolling of leaf blades of some species of plants are dependent upon the relative turgidity in rows of special cells in the upper 218 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY epidermis ( Fig. 48, page 91 ) . Turgor pressure in these cells is opposed to turgor pressure in the cells in the lower side of the leaf. When turgor pressure is high in these special cells the leaf is expanded. Leaves of many kinds of plants without such special cells also exhibit various degrees of rolling during periods of drought. The folding of leaves of clover, honey locust, and sensitive plant in late afternoon or early evening is probably the result of unequal changes in permeability or in digestion of starch to sugar accompanied by changes in turgor and swelling of cells on opposite sides of the pulvinus (Fig. 47). These movements take place rapidly at higher temperatures, and very slowly or not at all at lower temperatures or when the plant is anaesthetized. Changes in permeability, turgor, and growth accompanied by conse- quent curvatures and movements may occur in some plants as the result of mechanical contact. The folding of leaves of the sensitive plant and the twining of tendrils are familiar examples. Somewhat less familiar are similar movements of the stigmas and stamens of certain plants, the closing of the leaves of the Venus's fly-trap Dionaea, and the bending of the tentacles on the leaves of sundew, Drosera (Fig. 77). Some of the proteins in the insects that are entrapped by such plants are digested by enzymes from the plant or from bacteria. The resulting compounds diffuse into the cells of the plant. The insectivorous plant, however, is not necessarily dependent upon this external source of nitrogen compounds. Stomates. The opening and closing of stomates are dependent upon the turgor and relative wall extensibility of the two guard cells. When they are expanded by increased turgor, unlike ordinary cells, tliey do not become spherical. The inner wall that bounds the pore is thicker and less stretchable than the outer wall away from the pore. Hence when turgid, the outer walls stretch and the guard cells become curved or bean- shaped. Since the concave sides of the two guard cells are adjacent, an opening appears between them. When these cells contract with de- creased turgor the concave walls straighten and come together; the stomate is closed. This straightening of the concave walls may be due to the contraction of the walls, but the pressure of the surrounding epi- dermal cells also pushes the non-turgid guard cells together. If these epidermal cells were to shrink excessively they might also pull the guard cells away from each other. As a guard cell expands with increased turgor evidently the wall on [Chap. XXIII PLANT BEHAVIOR RELATED TO OSMOSIS 219 Fig. 77. Five plants of Venus's fly-trap (Dionaea) two of which are in bloom, and four plants of sundew (Dwsera). Photo by G. S. Growl. the convex side is stretched more than the wall on the concave side. The convex wall is the more extensible probably because it is thinner. Increase in turgor of the guard cells is the result of the entrance of water by osmosis. The energy back of the expansion of guard cells, there- fore, may be traced through diffusion to the energy of molecular motion. The concentration of the water in the guard cells is largely dependent upon the transformation of starch to sugar and vice versa, which in turn depends upon the acidity of these cells. In the guard cells that have been studied, a slight decrease in acidity results in the digestion of starch to 220 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY sugar, while a slight increase in acidity results in a condensation of sugar to starch. These changes in acidity and their consequences may be brought about experimentally by immersing pieces of the epidermis in chemical solutions differing in acidity. Under these experimental condi- tions the opening and closing of the stomates may be brought about at any time of day or night. Under natural conditions the stomates of many plants are open during the day and closed at night. Certain oxidation-reduction processes in- itiated in the guard cells by light result in a decrease in their acidity; the starch in them is soon hydrolyzed to sugar, which dilutes the water in the guard cells below that of the surrounding cells. The consequent osmosis, increase in cell turgor, and swelling of the guard cells result in the opening of the stomate. The stomates may also open in darkness if the temperature is high. The effect of high temperature on the relative rates of processes in the guard cells reduces the acidity sufficiently to initiate the chain of proc- esses that results in the opening of stomates. The decreased turgor in the guard cells of leaves with reduced water content may result in the closing of stomates during the day. During droughts they may remain open but an hour or two in the morning. The behavior of guard cells is not the same in all species of plants. In a few plants the stomates are open both day and night. Summary. In many of the examples cited in this chapter the diffusion of water may be correctly referred to as osmosis in contrast to the move- ment of materials that should be referred to simply as diffusion. Several familiar plant phenomena that are dependent largely upon osmosis and cell turgor have been cited and briefly described so that the reader may check his own observations and interpretations on the basis of the facts involved. Some of the structures, movements, and curvatures described are un- doubtedly advantageous to the plant and may be important in its sur- vival in nature. Others belong to that great group of plant phenomena that evolve through the ages and survive through heredity without being either essential or destructive to the species in which they occur. The movements and curvatures, whether advantageous or not, are the con- sequences of cell wall extension and of the energy of molecular motion in diffusion, osmosis, and cell turgor. Since we do not personify these processes and their consequences when they occur in non-living sys- tems, there seems to be no good reason why we should personify them when they occur in living systems. CHAPTER XXIV THE LOSS OF WATER VAPOR FROM PLANTS: TRANSPIRATION Transpiration is essentially the evaporation of water from within plants. It includes both the vaporization of water at all cell surfaces exposed to the air and the subsequent diffusion of the vapor into the atmosphere surrounding the plant. In the chapters immediately preceding it was apparent that the diffusion of water molecules is a primary process in imbibition and osmosis. It is also a primarv process in transpiration. Transpiration is the most generally recognized of all processes in plants. Among the common practices based on this recognition are the daily watering of house plants; the elaborate systems of overhead and underground irrigation of gardens; the wrapping of cut flowers and freshly dug plants in waxed paper or other waterproof containers; the packing of nursery stock in moist sphagnum moss for long shipments; the enclosing of fruit and vegetables in oiled clotli or covered dishes in electric refrigerators; the periodic sprinkling of the floor and crates in the low-temperature storage of apples; and the placing of glass or paper covers over newly transplanted seedlings in the garden. These and many other practices are attempts to reduce the more harmful effects of evaporation of water from plants or isolated parts of plants. Transpiration not limited to leaves. Transpiration mav occur from the surface of any plant organ. E\en the bark of trees does not prevent it entirely. "Sun-scald" of trees that have been transplanted from nurseries where their stems were shaded is the result of heating and drving bv direct sunlight. Mature potato tubers, in spite of a cork covering, lose noticeable amounts of water and shrivel in the course of time. The evaporation of water from roots in dry soil, or from roots during the process of transplanting may result in serious injury or death. Transpira- tion from fruits in drought periods may result in shrinkage. The tips of tomato fruits mav die as a result of excessive transpiration. The subse- quent decay of these dead portions of the fruit is referred to as "blossom- end rot." After removal from the plant such fruits as prunes and grapes are often artificially exposed to warm dry air to hasten the loss of water 221 222 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY vapor from them, so that they may be safely stored for future use. The harvesting of many seeds, grains, and hay involves the drying, or the acceleration of transpiration, under natural or artificial conditions. High transpiration may result in the death of young flowers and in the cessa- tion of sexual reproduction. Of the various plant organs the thin blades of the leaves of most plants have the largest evaporation surface exposed to the atmosphere, and it is in them that the greatest amount of transpiration occurs in the grow- ing plant. The bulk of the growing parts of plants is water. As we learned earlier, all the living cells of a plant contain protoplasm and a vacuole filled with water in which various substances are dissolved. Young tissues of plants may contain as much as 95 per cent water by weight, and older parts 60 to 75 per cent. When the water content of the active cells of plants is gradually decreased they become less and less active until a point is reached where injury or death results. The leaves of most plants, therefore, with their high water content (60-85 per cent), their relatively large areas, and their exposure to an atmosphere that is usually only 10 to 75 per cent saturated, constitute the most important surface of water loss from plants. Discussion in this chapter, therefore, will be confined largely to the processes and factors that influence transpiration as it occurs in leaves. Circumstances of water loss from leaves. In Chapter VIII the organi- zation of water-conducting tissues and their distribution among the mesophyll cells are described. Attention was called to the air spaces among these myriad cells and also to the epidermis which encloses the mesophyll cells, air spaces, and veins. The upper epidermis of the leaves in many species of plants is an unbroken layer of cells. Its outer cellulose walls may be thick and have a cutinized outer layer which is commonly called the cuticle. The lower epidermis, and frequently the upper, have stomates distributed among the epidermal cells. Hence when the stomates are open the epideiTnis of the leaf contains many thousands of minute passages through which gases may diffuse into the labyrinth of air passages among the mesophyll cells, or diffuse out of them. Any gas may do this, and its diffusion is quite independent of the diffusion of other gases or vapors. Molecular motion and consequently evaporation are accelerated by a rise in temperature. When the surface molecules of the water acquire sufficient momentum to overcome the cohesion bv which thev are held in the liquid state, they diffuse into the surrounding air. The same is [Chap. XXIV TRANSPIRATION 223 true of the evaporation of water that is dispersed among the particles of a cell wall. In the diagram (Fig. 78) of the diffusion of water from the vessels of the stem to the veins and cells of the leaf, and finally into the atmos- CUTICLE UPPER EPIDERMIS PALISADE XYLEM- •PHLOEK SPONGY MESOPHYLL AIR SPACE LOWER EPIDERMIS Fig. 78. Diagrammatic section of a stem and leaf. Arrows indicate paths of move- ment of water molecules. phere, the paths of the diffusion of liquid water and of water vapor are indicated by arrows. From this diagram it should be clear that there are two surfaces where evaporation of water occurs: first, the outer sur- face of the epidermis, and, second, the cell wall surfaces of the mesoph\'ll. The diffusion of water vapor from the outer surface is comparatively simple and is discussed under "cuticular transpiration"; that from the internal surfaces of the leaf is complicated bv certain structural and physical factors and will be discussed under "stomatal transpiration." Cuticular transpiration. Let us now have another look at a leaf — first the outside. The epidermis of the leaf is composed of living cells all con- taining water and having more or less saturated cell walls. Some of the water molecules continuallv acquire sufficient energv to break the mutual bonds of cohesion and also of adhesion of the water to the wall molecules, and pass into the atmosphere. The cuticle, which is the outer layer of the epidermal walls, reduces this evaporation to an extent which depends upon its thickness and its fat or wax content. The cutin simply decreases the number of water molecules that reach the epidermal surface since water molecules do not pass readilv into fat-like and wax- like substances. Nevertheless the cuticle is not wholly impervious and 224 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY some water reaches the surface, vaporizes, and diffuses into the air. This water-vapor loss from the surface of the epidermis is termed cuticular transpiration. It occurs at all times, but less rapidly from leaves coated with cutin and wax than from leaves with little or no cutin. Cuticular transpiration amounts to only 5 to 15 per cent of the total water-vapor loss from the leaves of most plants. The epidermis of manv plants has small unicellular or multicellular outgrowths known as hairs and glands. Some of these remain alive as long as the leaf or stem on which they grow; others die early and become filled with air. All living hairs and glandular outgrowths increase the cuticular surface of the leaf and also increase the cuticular transpiration. Leaves of pumpkin and squash, nettles, tobacco, cultivated geraniums, and petunias have long-lived hair-like epidermal appendages. Dead hairs are common on leaves and stems of most plants. The mullein has a dense covering of much-branched dead hairs on all ex- posed surfaces, and on the leaves the felt-like layer on either side may be thicker than the blade itself. Other examples of plants with hairv leaves are velvet grass, silky willow, Labrador tea, Shepherdia, Spanish moss, some species of sage, goldenrod, and aster. Experiments have shown that when plants of equal leaf area are com- pared, the rate of water-vapor loss from mullein is about the same as that from tobacco, which has very similar leaves but lacks the dense hairy coverings. Mullein leaves are often mentioned as examples of leaves that conserve water allegedly because "the hairs cut down sunlight and wind." Further experiments with mullein show that these effects are quite unim- portant and that the hairs do not reduce stomatal transpiration at all. They may decrease cuticular transpiration slightly in the dark and in still air. Mullein plants with hairs removed from the upper leaf surfaces, mullein plants with hairs removed from botli surfaces, and mullein plants with hairs intact, under the same conditions lost water at rates so similar as to be indistinguishable. Whether the shield-shaped hairs of such plants as Shepherdia are effective in reducing transpiration is unknown. But it is a safe assumption that hairy coverings are of no importance in "protecting" the plant from excessive transpiration in dry situations and in enabling them to survive in dry habitats. Anyone who digs down to the very end of the taproot of mullein will be able to explain why this plant survives in dry habitats as well as in moist ones. Of the numerous differences among lea\'es, such as those mentioned [Chap. XXIV TRANSPIRATION 225 in Chapters IX and X, a few may influence the rate of transpiration one way or the other, but a casual inspection of leaf differences is not a reliable means of discovering their influence on transpiration rates. Very thick cuticles, waxy layers, and resinous layers on leaves and stems un- doubtedly decrease cuticular transpiration; but their effectiveness in curbing stomatal transpiration of any plant cannot be judged by appear- ances. It can be determined only by carefully planned experiments. Stomatal transpiration. Transpiration from mesophyll cells is similar to that from epidermal cells, but there are a few important differences. Let us first consider conditions on a spring morning when the soil is moist and the whole plant is turgid with water. The sun is up and the air is clear. Under these conditions the stomates are fully open. The water-conducting tissues of the veins are filled with water slightly diluted by inorganic salts or other substances. The vacuoles, the cyto- plasm, and the walls of the mesophyll cells are nearly saturated with water, and likewise the walls on the inner side of the epidermal cells. This internal moist surface is 6 to 30 times that of the cuticular surface and bounds the labyrinthine intercellular air passages. The energy from the sun increases the molecular energy of the water molecules and their rate of movement is speeded up. They leave the cell surfaces more rap- idly and diffuse in all directions in the intercellular spaces, from which they diffuse through the stomates into the atmosphere. Outside the leaf, the atmosphere has a lower humidity and a lower concentration of water molecules. Consequently the diffusion of water vapor will be outward through the stomates. This loss of water vapor from the mesophyll cells is far greater than the evaporation of water from the epidermal cells. Quantitatively it amounts to 85 to 95 per cent of the water that passes into the atmosphere from plants. Evapora- tion of water from cell walls inside the leaf and the subsequent diffu- sion of water vapor through the stomates is called stomatal transpiration. When the leaf only is considered, it might also be called mesophyll transpiration. The number of stomates is so great, they are so evenly spaced among the epidermal cells, and the individual pores are so small that diffusion of gases and vapor molecules from the interior of the leaf may be almost as great when the pores are open as if there were no epidermis on the leaf. Later in the day as the stomates gradually close, the stomatal tran- spiration is also reduced, but not much until the stomates are nearly closed, because the rate of diffusion through the stomates is dependent not upon their area, but upon the perimeter of the pore. 226 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY During the daylight period both stomatal and cuticular transpiration occur. At night there is usually only cuticular transpiration. This differ- ence plus the effects of the higher day temperatures are shown in the following table in which the relative amounts of the total transpiration from certain plants during daylight and darkness under field conditions are stated in percentages. Plant Daylight Darkness Wheat 96% 4% Oats 94% 6% Alfalfa 97% 3% Pigweed 97%, 3% Opening and closing of stomates. The opening and closing of stomates are obviously matters of first importance in modifying transpiration. The relation of stomates to the movement of guard cells was discussed in Chapter XXIII. The stomates on a plant are not opened or closed simul- taneously, because conditions are not identical in all parts of a leaf or in the different leaves on the same stem. Consequently, when we say that the stomates are gradually closed, we mean that some are closed quickly, some are closed slowly, and others scarcely at all. When we say that the stomates are closed, we mean that almost all are closed and the remainder nearly so. We learned earlier that oxygen and carbon dioxide, gases important in respiration and photosynthesis, diffuse into and out of the leaf largely through the stomates. Here we are emphasizing water-vapor loss through stomates. In this connection it is well to remember that stomates do not open to promote photosynthesis and do not close to conserve water. During droughts they may open most inopportunely and allow further water losses. In late summer they may close early in the daytime and restrict photosynthesis when all other conditions appear to be favorable. The turgor movements of guard cells are conditioned neither by photo- synthesis nor by transpiration, but by a series of changes in these cells. These are slight changes in acidity which influence the activity of enzymes and also the change from starch to sugar, or sugar to starch. Increase in sugar content leads to diffusion of water into the guard cells, and greater turgor. The stomates are opened. Change of sugar to starch in the guard cells results in closing the stomates. Movement of water from veins to mesophyll cells. Let us, however, again turn our attention to the mesophyll cells. During the morning the sugar content of these cells increases. They also contain salts, acids, and [Chap. XXIV TRANSPIRATION other soluble compounds that dilute the water. As water molecules leave the walls and diffuse into the intercellular spaces, other water mole- cules are pulled into their places by the forces of cohesion and surface tension. This cohesion of the molecules of water in closed tubes is so great that the pull extends all the way down the veins and vessels of the leaves and stems. For example, when the cut ends of stems in a bouquet are placed in a vase of water, tran- spiration from the leaves results in a movement of water from the vase and up the veins of the stems to the leaves and flowers exposed to the air. The removal of water from the cells of the leaf increases the concentration of the sugar and other solutes and decreases the concentra- tion of the water. The water becomes less con- centrated in the mesophyll cells than it is in the xylem of the veins. Water molecules, there- fore, diffuse osmoticallv from the vessels into the adjoining mesophvll cells, and finally into the epidei-mal cells, in both of which the con- centration of water has been lowered by tran- spiration. The lifting power of evaporation may be demonstrated by evaporation from a porous porcelain cup suitably mounted on a long glass tube, both of which have been completely filled with freshlv boiled water ( Fig. 79 ) . The lower end of the tube dips into a vessel of water and mercury,^ When the porous cup is exposed to the air, evaporation occurs at the surface of the cup. This develops a tension which is trans- ^ Full details for setting up these experiments may be obtained from papers by H. Thut, Ohio Jour. Science, 28:292, 298, 1928; Amei'. Jour. Bot., 19:358-364, 1932. with a stopcock when the apparatus is not in use to pr siphoned from the beaker. 227 X T \= ill *is=i> A Water Mercury Fig. 79. Diagram of ap- paratus used to demon- strate the lifting power of evaporation. Tul^e C is a meter or more in length. This tube and the porous cup, which is immersed in water in beaker A, are filled with air-free water. The beaker is removed onlv when the apparatus is being used. The short tube in bottle B is closed event the water from being 228 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY mitted through the water column in the tube to the mercury, and the mercury is pulled upward. If the apparatus is carefully constructed and all air removed from the water, the mercury column may be readily pulled to a height of 120 to 130 cm. When the cups were coated with gelatin and the size of the pores was thus reduced, a height of 226.6 cm. was attained. Mercury is 13.6 times as heavy as water, and when evaporation of water lifts mer- cury 226.6 centimeters it is equivalent to lifting water 100 feet. The height to which the mercury is lifted in such experiments is limited by the entrance of air into the cup or tube through minute pores. The tensile strength of water enclosed in tubes is equivalent to at least 150 at- mospheres, and the energy of molecular motion is sufficient to lift col- umns of water many times the height of the tallest trees. When twigs of arbor vitae, red cedar, or box elder are used in place of the porous cup, transpiration may raise mercury columns 90 to 101 cm. in height before enough air enters the tube to terminate the demon- stration. This is equivalent to a column of water 40 to 50 feet in height. During the experiments from which the above figures were obtained the height of the barometer varied from 73 to 75 cm. of mercury. Does barometric pressure account for the rise of water in these experiments? Water-vapor gradient. Next to the opening and closing of the stomates, the most important factor influencing transpiration is the condition of the water vapor inside and outside the leaf. If the concentration of water vapor inside the intercellular spaces of the mesophyll is greater than it is outside the leaf, there will be a gradient in the diffusion of vapor from the cells of the leaf to the outer atmosphere. This gradient is augmented by the relative rates of molecular motion whenever the temperature of the leaf is higher than that of the atmosphere. The gradient may be steep if the air outside is very dry and the air inside nearly saturated, and the temperatures of the leaf and the air are the same. Under these conditions the concentration of water molecules is much greater in the air spaces of the leaf than in the atmosphere. If the temperature of the leaf becomes higher than that of the atmosphere the gradient will be increased because within the air spaces the number of free molecules is increased as well as their rate of movement. If the temperature of the leaf becomes lower than that of the atmosphere the gradient will be reduced because the number of free molecules within the air spaces and their rate of movement are decreased. Let us assume that during the course of a clear warm morning in [CJuip. XXIV TRANSPIRATION 229 summer the temperatures of both the atmosphere and the leaf are gradu- ally raised from 68° F. to 86° F. The concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere changes very Httle, because the volume of air is so enormous and the air is continually moved by currents. Inside the leaf the same rise in temperature results in rapid increase in water-vapor content, because the volume of the intercellular spaces is very small compared with the evaporation surface. Calculations indicate that the vapor diffusion gradient between the inside of the leaf and the atmos- phere has increased 2.5 times. If now the internal temperature of the leaf rises an additional 9° above that of the air, the gradient is increased to 4 times what it was in the early morning. Assuming that there is an abundant supply of water within the plant and the stomates are open, the rate of transpiration would be about 4 times as great. Guard cells may open and close stomates and thus accelerate or stop stomatal tran- spiration. But when the stomates are even partially open the most impor- tant factor is the water-vapor gradient from inside the leaf to the air outside. Intensity of sunlight and transpiration. Under good growing conditions light intensities naturally occurring in daytime are sufficient to result in the opening of the stomates, except on extremely cloudy days and when the plants are densely shaded. Sunlight thus indirectly accelerates tran- spiration. Furthermore, the radiant energ)- of sunlight directly increases transpiration in humid climates, because it raises the internal tempera- tures of exposed leaves above that of the air, sometimes as much as 5° to 10° F. This in midsummer is enough to double or treble the vapor diffusion gradient between the inside of the leaf and the atmosphere. In the shade, leaf temperatures are about the same as those of the air, or lower. When the atmosphere is very dry, leaf temperatures in the shade may be several degrees cooler than air temperature. Soil water and transpiration. Another factor that greatly influences transpiration is the water content of the soil. Even though the stomates are open and other conditions favor high transpiration, if the water supply in the soil becomes low, transpiration may be markedly decreased. If the soil water in immediate contact with the roots is soon exhausted, water in the xylem vessels of the stem and roots fails to diffuse into the leaf cells as rapidly as it evaporates from them. There is an increase of tension in the water in the veins and vessels of the leaf, the stem, and finally of the root; the mesophyll cell walls become less and less saturated — hence fewer water molecules leave the cell surfaces. 230 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY The percentage of water in leaves during dry periods has been found to be 5 to 10 per cent less in early afternoon than in similar leaves at night. Under moist conditions the daily fluctuations may be only 1 to 5 per cent. Obviously even if the stomates are open the rate of transpira- tion is reduced, since the mesophyll walls are dryer by midday than they were in the earlv morning. A dandelion plant rooted in a shaded ravine bottom may lose 5 to 10 times as much water as a similar plant living near the top of the south- facing slope of the same ravine. The lower plant has a constant soil- water supply; the upper plant has a very limited supply. A corn plant in a moist region may lose more water in a season than a similar plant in a dry region, simply because there is more water available. If the corn plants in the dry region were growing in irrigated fields, they would lose more water than the plants in moist regions. If the soil is dry and little water passes into the plant, transpiration from the leaf and stem surfaces may lead to wilting and finally to the death of the cells of the leaves, the stem, and the roots. This is death by desiccation. The lower or older leaves usually dry out first and the younger leaves last. Water-holding substances. Another eflFective factor that may retard transpiration is the presence within the plant tissues of colloidal gels such as pectic compounds, mucilages, and gums. When saturated, these compounds, like saturated jelly, have little effect on the rate of evapora- tion of water from them; but as their water content decreases, the force by which the remaining water is held increases. Many succulents con- tain these compounds. Cacti, which contain mucilages and are highly cutinized, may retain sufficient water for life and renewal of growth for a year or more. Even such thin leaves as those of tobacco, when re- moved from the plant, may retain sufficient water to keep them pliable for weeks in a room where most other leaves become desiccated and brittle. Wind. Moderate air currents may accelerate transpiration by the re- moval of more or less saturated layers of air from the immediate sur- faces of the plant. When these layers have been removed further increase in wind velocity has little or no effect on the rate of transpiration. The pull of transpiration. One of the consequences of transpiration that extends throughout the plant is the movement of water to the leaves from other organs. The net result of all the diffusions of water mole- cules in leaves from vessels to mesophyll and epidermal cells is that TRANSPIRATION 231 [Chap. XXIV water, because of the cohesion of its molecules when confined in small tubes, is pulled forward in the veins of the leaf and the vessels of the stem. It is this pull upon the continuous water columns in the xylem vessels of stems that accelerates the movement of water to the leaves at the tops of trees. If during rapid transpiration the upward movement of water is stopped by compressing the stem or by severing the stem from the roots, the water in the veins of the leaf and in the vessels of the stem is soon depleted. No more water passes to the mesophyll cells and the epidermis. Transpiration continues and leads to the loss of turgor of the mesophyll and epidei-mal cells. The stomates are closed by the loss of turgor of the guard cells, and the rigidity of the leaf declines — the leaf is "wilting." On a clear warm day in midsummer the same sort of thing happens in an intact plant, but it does not always proceed so far. If the rate of transpiration is more rapid than the rate at which water enters from the soil and is drawn up the stem into the leaf, turgor decreases and stomates gradually close. Cuticular transpiration alone continues, and the transpiration rate is greatly reduced. Water continues to move up from the roots through the stem and into the leaf cells; and after a time the water content of all cells is restored, and the cells become turgid. Under the conditions assumed in this paragraph the lea\ es may not regain their customary rigidity before evening. The stomates, how- ever, may remain closed until after sunrise the following morning. During dry periods in summer, water may move to the leaves from nearby fleshy fruits on a tree, and as a result the fruits become shriveled. The water is kept from the fruits by the pull of transpiration from the leaves (Fig. 80). a hi t- liJ MONDAY NOON i 4- 8 12 4- 6 TUESDAY NOON I 4- 8 12 4 6 WEDNESDAY NOON i 4. 8 12 4 6 THURSDAY NOON i 4 8 12 4 6 FRIDAY NOON \ 4 8 12 4 6 SATURDAY NOON i 4 8 12 4 8 SUNDAY NOON i 4 8 12 4 6 4 O / ^ -> \ / y \ / y \ / ^ > \ / / ■> V Z' s \ / ^ N > / \ h / V ] \ s / i \ / ' \ J \ / ^ SI / V J ^ / \ j J bJ (Y Fig. 80. Diagram of daily increase and decrease in diameter of lemon fruits attached to the tree. Transpiration from these fruits is negligible. The daily shrink- age was due to movement of water from the fruit to adjoining stems and leaves. During the night the water content of the fruit was restored. After E. T. Bar- tholomew, 1926. 232 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Summary. The principal internal factors that influence the rates of evaporation and diffusion of water vapor from plants are: ( 1 ) the open- ing and closing of the stomates; (2) the concentration of water vapor in the internal air spaces of the leaf in comparison with that of the atmos- phere; (3) the temperature of the leaf; (4) the water content of the plant tissues, as affected by the rate of movement of water from the soil; (5) the occurrence in the cells of colloidal gels which have a high water-holding capacity, such as pectic compounds, mucilages, and gums; and (6) the cutinized epidermal walls in some plants. Wax and resinous coatings on the epidermis may reduce cuticular transpiration, but their effect on stomatal transpiration is slight. Dead hairs, even when forming felt-like coverings, decrease transpiration very slightly or not at all; living hairs increase it to some extent. The value of any superficial structures in conserving water cannot be estimated by examining the plants. Their effects can be determined only by careful experimentation . The most important external factors that affect the rate of transpira- tion are: (1) the energy of sunlight as it affects the internal tempera- tures of leaves in relation to external temperature, and the opening and closing of the stomates; (2) the temperature of the atmosphere and the soil; (3) the concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere; (4) the water conditions in the soil; and (5) the movement of air. Wind pre- vents the accumulation of moist air about the plant surfaces; but when the velocity is increased beyond that necessary to remove the layer of moist air, there is little further increase in transpiration. The evaporation and diffusion of water from the mesophyll cells are followed by the osmotic movement of water from the veins into the mesophyll cells. This movement in turn exerts a pull on the water col- umns in the veins of the leaf, stem, and roots, and probably on the water in all the other cells of the stems and roots. This is commonly called the pull of transpiration. REFERENCES Meyer, B. S., and D. B. Anderson. Plant Physiology. D. Van Nostrand Com- pany, Inc. 1939. Sayre, J. D. Relation of hairy leaf coverings to the resistance of leaves to transpiration. Ohio Jour. Sci. 20:55-86. 1920. Thut, H. F. Relative humidity gradient of stomatal transpiration. Amer. Jour. Bot. 26:315-319. 1939. Turrell, F. M. Area of the internal exposed surface of leaves. Amer. Jour. Bot. 23:255-264. 1936. CHAPTER XXV TRANSPIRATION AFFECTS PLANT DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION <><>(X><><><5><><>^^ Environmental factors that affect the rates of transpiration, photosyn- thesis, or respiration often hmit the development and distribution of plants. In green plants both photosynthesis and respiration are essential processes. Without them these plants neither grow nor survive very long. When respiration continuously exceeds photosynthesis green plants die of starvation. Although transpiration, unlike respiration and photosynthesis, is not known to be essential to plants, its harmful effects become apparent when water loss exceeds absorption and results in wilting, desiccation, and even death. Excessive transpiration may profoundh' affect food manufacture, growth, and the production of flowers, fruits, and seeds. It is often an effective factor in limiting the geographic distribution of individual plants and of plant communities. Because of its effects on the qualities and yields of crop plants, transpiration has been an ever-present influence in the regional allocation of crops in the United States. Throughout human history it has been one of the primary factors that limited the population of various geographic regions. Tissue development in the growing regions of plants depends upon an adequate water content in the cells. The enlargement of cells and tissues ceases when transpiration exceeds the water supply. During hot dry weather in summer a plant exposed to full sunlight may be actually smaller in the evening that it was in the early morning. Tree trunks may be measurably smaller in diameter in late afternoon than they were in early morning. Each spring we may observe the opening of buds and the grovvi:h of new leaves on trees and shrubs. There is little cell division after the leaves are one-fourth grown, and further expansion is the result of the growth of cell walls and the osmotic absorption of water in the cells of the leaf. During wann moist weather the volume of a young growing leaf may become doubled during one night. When transpiration exceeds 233 234 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY absorption there will be no further enlargement. Likewise, any increase in size of other parts of a plant occurs by cell division and enlargement or by the enlargement of cells previously formed. Consequently, the growth of all plant organs may be affected by transpiration. Further- more, the rates of chemical processes (oxidation-reduction, hydrolysis, and condensation ) may vary as the water content of the cells fluctuates, and result in changing the chemical compounds formed in these cells. Some of the effects of drought upon the growth of the epidermis and mesophyll of leaves are illustrated in Chapter IX. The effects of low water content in plants are most pronounced dur- ing those occasional short or prolonged periods of drought, of high tem- perature, or of low humidity, when transpiration greatly exceeds water absorption in many species of plants. If a number of different species are exposed to these extreme environmental conditions, the effects on their individual rates of transpiration, their photosynthesis, their growth, and their survival are usually different. The vegetative tissues of certain fungi, mosses, ferns, and a few seed plants may become dry and brittle without being killed. They may survive in this condition for days or weeks, and resume growth when water becomes available. The vegetative tissues of most plants, however, die from the effects of excessive water loss long before they become air dry. A deficiency of water within the cells of plants is sometimes referred to as "internal drought." Transpiration from seeds, bulbs, tubers, and other dormant organs is slow, and these are the only organs of many plants that survive prolonged periods of drought. The very slow-growing and succulent species of desert regions and other extremely dry habitats may survive, grow, and reproduce in sur- roundings in which other species wither and die in a short time. Experi- ments have shown that some of these succulents, when detached from the soil and placed on a window ledge or table, not only survive for months, but may even bloom and bear fruit several months later. The extremely slow rate of transpiration from these plants in a hot desert climate is almost incredible. Some of the differences in rates of transpiration among a variety of species of plants growing in diverse environments, are summarized in Table 8. On an average day in the growing season a mature corn plant may [Chap. XXV TRANSPIRATION AFFECTS PLANT DEVELOPMENT 235 Table 8. Rates of Water Loss per Day in Midsummer: A single plant of corn may lose 3 to 4 quarts A single plant of giant ragweed 6 to 7 quarts A single young 10-foot apple tree 10 to 20 quarts A 12-foot columnar cactus 0.02 quart A coconut palm in the moist tropics 70 to 80 quarts A date palm in a Sahara desert oasis 400-500 quarts lose the equivalent of 100 per cent of the water contained within it. On the same basis a date palm may lose 90 per cent and a columnar cactus .04 per cent. Table 9. The Water Losses from Single Plants during a Growing Season Estimated from Experimental Data Length of Plant Season Days in Water Loss Tomato 100 30 gallons Corn 100 50 gallons Sunflower 90 125 gallons Giant ragweed 90 140 gallons Mature apple tree 188 1,800 gallons Coconut palm, Phi ilippines, moist tropics 365 4,200 gallons Date palm, Sah ara desert oasis 365 35,000 gallons Effects of excessive water loss. When rains are frequent and well spaced throughout the growing season and the soil contains a favorable supply of water, the enormous losses of water vapor by individual plants, or by plant communities, are of little importance in the survival of the plants. However, if transpiration in excess of water absorption leads to a reduced water content in tissues, photosynthesis is decreased and growth and reproduction are retarded. If this retardation of processes takes place during the early life of many species of annual plants, the plants may not fully recover from these effects when subsequently supplied with an abundance of water. Transpiration also affects the rate of loss of water from the soil. Water may evaporate directly from the soil or it may pass from the soil into the roots and then through the plant to the atmosphere. Every farm boy knows that the soil under grass loses water more rapidly in the 236 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Table 10. Estimates of the Water Losses by Transpiration from Crops and Plant Communities Growing Under a Variety of Conditions - ^ j Amount of Water Loss [ per Acre Kind of Plant i ; in Gallons in x\cre- inches Corn in eastern Kansas, 6,000 plants per acre, 100 325,000 days Corn in central Illinois, 10,000 plants per acre, 100 400,000 days Young apple orchard in central New York, 400 trees 240,000 per acre, 188 days An acre of irrigated date palms in a southern Cali- 2,. 500, 000 fornia desert, 400 trees per acre, per year An acre of 12-ft. columnar cacti in a southern Arizona 275 desert, 400 plants per acre, per year 11 15 9 90 0.01 spring of the year than land which has remained barren since the previ- ous season. It may therefore be plowed earlier. In dry farming the pro- cedure is to cultivate the fields during the seasons in which no crops are planted to prevent the growth of weeds and the loss of water through them from the deeper layers of soil. Crop yields. Intimately associated with the effects of transpiration are the yields of grain and other cultivated crop plants. The effects of exces- sive transpiration probably result in greater reductions in the yield of crop plants than all other factors combined, including diseases and insects. In dry regions where irrigation is practiced the yield of grain is greatly influenced by the amount of water added to the soil. Following are figures for corn ( Utah Experiment Station ) : Acre-inches of Yield in Bushels Water Added per Acre 0.00 26.00 15.00 53 . 00 20 . 00 63.00 37.00 76 00 [Chap. XXV TRANSPIRATION AFFECTS PLANT DEVELOPMENT 237 Similar results were obtained in experiments with wheat: Acre-inches of Yield in Bushels Water Added per Acre 4 6 4.5 8.9 11.8 17.5 15.8 30.0 26.6 In the eastern United States where irrigation is usually considered unnecessary, market gardeners ha\'e found it quite profitable to add water in addition to what enters the soil from rains. During prolonged droughts this practice has often returned profitable crops when adjoin- ing unirrigated gardens were a total loss. Geographic allocation of crops. Crops are planted and cultivated for economic reasons. The amount and quality of the \ield are accordingly of the greatest importance. During pioneer days a far greater variety of crops was planted on individual farms and in local regions. But as transportation facilities increased, the commercial production of the more important crops has gradually become allocated to those regions in which the different varieties grow best. Among the conditions which influence the yield of a particular crop in various regions is the available water supply in comparison with the rate of water loss. The center of broomcorn production, for example, has been moved westward from the eastern seaboard to Illinois and finally to Oklahoma. There broomcorn grows in company with other species of sorghum. These plants ha^•e extensive root systems and smaller leaf areas than corn and >'ield a larger profit than other grain crops in dry regions. Corn is a more profitable crop in the corn belt states from Ohio to Nebraska, where the soil is fertile, and, in addition, the tempera- ture is high enough for maximum photosynthesis in the davtime and not too low at night for continued growth, and the transpiration rate is not so excessive. Macaroni or hard wheats attain their best quality in the northern plains states, where drought is frequent but rarely exces- sive for this kind of wheat. Tobacco that is culti\ ated for cigar wrappers should have large thin leaves. Such leaves develop best where transpira- tion is low, and the plants are set out either in moist or shaded valleys or in the reduced light under cloth shades. Irrigation is an ancient practice, but rapid means of transportation, methods of preserving and shipping perishable crops, and scientific methods of obtaining varieties of plants that mav be cultiA^ated in drier 238 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY climates are relatively modem. Previous to these discoveries every human community was largely dependent upon local conditions. The discovery of buried cities representing the former presence of large populations of people in regions that are now deserts is historical evidence that trans- piration is a primary factor in the restriction and migration of human populations. At the present time more than 25 per cent of the land sur- face of the earth is too deficient in moisture for crop plants without irrigation, and only a very small portion of this land can be profitably irrigated. Distribution of local plant communities. The differences among the native plant communities that develop in ponds, marshes, shrub swamps, swamp forests, and the adjoining upland are so marked that almost everyone can recall the distinctive appearance of both the plants and the communities. In the pond are wholly submerged "pond weeds," some rooted and others not. On the surface may be floating algae or duckweeds, and extending above the water surface are water plantain, arrowhead, water smartweed, and many others. The marshes are characterized by bul- rushes, cattails, sedges, and grasses; the shrub swamps bv certain dog- woods, buttonbush, alders, and shrubby willows. The swamp forest is dominated by species of sycamore, elm, ash, maple, hickory, and oak. There are also scattered small trees and shrubs beneath the forest canopy, and certain characteristic herbaceous plants form a ground cover. An undisturbed upland forest in the same region consists of another group of tree species such as the upland oaks, hickories, maples, beech, walnut, and linden. It also has several layers of undergrowth — small trees, shrubs, and herbs. In the chapters on photosynthesis attention was called to the manner by which certain kinds of plants may exclude others in a forest by overshading them. Likewise the discussion of respiration included the fact that only certain species of plants can grow submerged in water, or where the soil is saturated with water and deficient in free oxygen. Transpiration is a third factor in the elimination of species, and is most effective in upland forests. Here high transpiration rates may cause wilting and death during periods of drought. Again the plants most affected are the seedlings with their limited root systems. But in ver\' prolonged droughts certain species of trees in the swamp forest may be injured to a greater extent than the upland trees because thev have shallow root systems. In the complex forest communities the largest [Chap. XXV TRANSPIRATION AFFECTS PLANT DEVELOPMENT 239 plants, while shading and reducing the transpiration of the plants beneath them, also have far more extensive root systems. Consequently they may remove so much water from large areas of the soil that the herbaceous and woody plants beneath with small or shallow root systems die. Another example of the effectiveness of transpiration may be illus- trated by the vegetation in gorges ( Fig. 81 ) . On the sides of the gorge Most Intense Li^Kt" V Higher Summer Temperatures |v^\. HidKeat Evaporation Rate Stream ;5^ Most Intense Shade Lower Summer lemperaturcs Lowest Evaporation Rate 2 feet above t^c sod tli^hcst Ironspiratioa Rate from low plants Fig. 81. Diagram of contrast in vegetation on north- and south-facing slopes of a gorge in Pennsylvania. are rock cliffs above long talus slopes. A narrow flood plain borders the stream. To picture the extreme conditions we may consider a section of a valley extending in an east and west direction. On top of the cliffs the upland hard pines are the only trees that have survived. On the south-facing talus slope the mixed oak forest pre- dominates, with scattered pines and hickories. On the steep north-facing talus, hemlock, beech, birch, maple, and tulip are dominant. In the upland surrounding this gorge the vegetation is oak, hickory, and pine. Beech, hemlock, and birch have not survived above or on the south- facing slope. Evaporation is several times as great there as on the shaded, humid side of the gorge, and the water supply in the upper layers of the soil is exhausted much sooner. Similar gorges where the upland climate is too dry for trees such as beech, hemlock, tulip, and birch may be found in many parts of the eastern United States. The 240 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY trees in the gorges are living in a humid "microchmate" where drought rarely becomes sufficiently excessive to inhibit their development. The undergrowth in such situations is just as different from that on the south slope and the upland as are the dominant tree species. Transpiration in relation to available soil water will be discussed fur- ther in Chapter XXX. Major vegetation types and transpiration. Transpiration when studied in the laborator\' and greenhouse is often compared with evaporation from a wet surface. Under the experimental conditions the curves for evaporation and transpiration are frequently very similar. One may therefore be led to the conclusion that where the rate of evaporation of water is high in nature, the transpiration will also be high. This reasoning overlooks the matter of water supply upon which all transpira- tion is dependent. Forests, prairies, steppes, semi-deserts, and deserts occur in regions of successively increasing drought and increasing evaporation from water surfaces. The annual evaporation may be 50 times as great from an open pan of water in the desert as from a similar pan in some wet forest region. The annual transpiration from desert plants, however, is very slight when compared with that of plants in a wet forested region. Transpiration in nature decreases as one goes from forest to prairie, to steppe, to semi-desert, and to desert for the obvious reason that the plants in these formations have successively decreasing amounts of water available. Their periods of greatest loss of water are more and more limited to moist periods instead of throughout the year. The date palm cited earlier in this chapter illustrates how great transpiration may become in some plants when there is an unlimited water supply. The cactus exemplifies how low it may be when the water supply is reduced to a minimum. An acre of forest may lose 10 to 25 acre-inches of water in moist temperate regions, while an acre of prairie grass in Nebraska loses about 2 acre-inches. If transpiration of trees were as effectively checked as in certain cacti without interfering with photosynthesis and respiration, the whole landscape east of the Rockies would be domi- nated by forests. Is transpiration an essential process? Transpiration is an inescapable physical process in most species of plants. Is it merely neutral, or harm- ful, or is it an essential process comparable to photosynthesis and respira- tion? This question has often been discussed pro and con in botanical literature, and it is frequently answered without a clear analysis of the [Chap. XXV TRANSPIRATION AFFECTS PLANT DEVELOPMENT 241 problem. In the case of a green alga or a flowering plant growing sub- merged in water transpiration certainly is not an essential process. If the plant is removed from the water and placed in the air, transpiration occurs only as an unavoidable process and its effects soon cause death. Transpiration goes on whether its effects are harmful or beneficial, just as water evaporates from a wet towel or any other saturated object exposed to the air. Consequently if transpiration is an essential process in plants, it must be limited to those in which some part or the whole plant is exposed to the atmosphere. One should be clear whether the term "essential" is applied to the survival of the plant, or merely to some particular quantitative difference in its development. We have already seen that leaves are thicker, have a thicker cuticle, more layers of palisade cells, and a greater amount of woody cells when they develop in dry air where transpiration is high than when they develop in moist air where transpiration is low. Transpiration mav be essential to many such quantitative differences among plants, without being essential to the survival of the plant. These differences are merely the ultimate effects of transpiration on development. Among the claims that transpiration is an essential process are: (1) that it is necessary to cool the plant on hot summer days, (2) that it is necessary in the absorption and conduction of salts from the soil to the leaves, (3) that it increases the water supply of the plant, (4) that it regulates the water content of the plant, ( 5 ) that it maintains the water supply of leaf cells, and (6) that it would not occur in plants if it were not of some value to them. The fallacies implied in the last four statements should be so obvious from data discussed in previous chapters as to make further discussion unnecessary here. Some additional data may help to evaluate the first two statements. The cooling effect of transpiration is most frequently cited as its essential feature. It is claimed that if transpiration did not occur, the temperature of leaves in full sunshine on a hot summer day would rise to 150° F. or more; this rise is sufficient to kill protoplasm. The well-known fact that the evaporation of water lowers the temperature of the mass from which it is evaporating is sufficient evidence that transpiration has a cooling effect on the plant, but it is not sufficient evidence that it is essential, or that it prevents the temperature of a leaf from rising to 150° F. every day in summer. 242 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY When one compares the enormous differences in the rate of transpira- tion in the date palm, coconut palm, and cactus in the tropics he might expect them to differ greatly in their internal temperature. Yet measure- ments have shown that the temperature of all plants corresponds fairly closely to that of the atmosphere in which they are growing. The daily evaporation of water from the columnar cactus cited earlier in this chap- ter would lower its temperature less than 1/1000 of a degree, yet it daily absorbs sufficient radiant energy from the sun to raise the tempera- ture and kill the protoplasm if there were no other way by which heat passed from the plant to the surrounding air. A hot stove loses heat by radiation and convection. A plant warmer than the surrounding air also loses heat by radiation and convection. Measurements have shown that when the temperature of a plant is more than a few degrees above that of the surrounding air the loss of heat from the plant by radiation and convection usually exceeds the amount lost by transpiration. The greater the difference between the temperature of the plant and that of the surrounding air, the less impor- tant is the loss of heat b)^^anspiration in comparison to that lost by radiation and convection. The relation of transpiration to salt absorption and conduction is an indirect one. The date palm mentioned earlier absorbs and loses 40,000 times as much water as the cactus plant cited in the same table. The roots of the coconut palm grow in both brackish and fresh water. If the absorption of salts depended upon the absorption and transpiration of water, one would expect to find corresponding differences in the salt con- tent of these plants. No such differences occur. Salts enter the roots of plants as molecules and ions by diffusion. This diffusion of salts is undoubtedly influenced by electrical charges, but, as we have already seen, it is independent of the diffusion of water into the cells. After the salts have entered the plant, further diffusion accompanied by flow in the xylem vessels and protoplasmic streaming accounts for their move- ment within the plant. Transpiration may indirectly influence the total amount of salts ab- sorbed by plants through its effects upon several other processes. Two plots of bean plants were placed under experimental conditions so that the plants in one plot grew in a saturated atmosphere, the others in an atmosphere having only 25 per cent humidity. Transpiration was much greater in the plants exposed to the drier atmosphere. These plants were not as tall as those that grew in the saturated atmosphere. Their [Chap. XXV TRANSPIRATION AFFECTS PLANT DEVELOPMENT 243 root systems were larger in proportion to the leaves and stems above ground, and both their dry weight and salt content were greater. That is, there was a greater amount of photosynthesis in the plants in the drier air, a greater amount of assimilation of foods, and a greater amount of salts absorbed. Here again is evidence of quantitative variations in plant development due in part to differences in transpiration, but such facts are not evidence that transpiration is essential to the plant. One may say, however, that it is essential to certain differences in develop- ment, provided that these same differences cannot be obtained by chang- ing some other process. Most plant phvsiologists have come to the conclusion that wet cell walls, exposed either directly to the atmosphere or to the intercellular spaces necessarily lose water to the surrounding air by evaporation. Through a long process of evolution stomates have become an hereditarv structure in all the larger land plants. The opening and closing of these structures have a marked effect upon the inward and outward diffusion of COi', O2, and water vapor. When stomates are closed there is nothing to prevent the slow diffusion of water through all plant surface walls even though the walls contain cutin and suberin. When stomates are open there is nothing to prevent the rapid diffusion of water vapor from the mesophyll cell walls through the intercellular spaces and the stomates to the atmosphere. This rate is greatlv increased in full sun- light when leaf temperatures rise above that of the atmosphere. If in the course of plant historv a cell wall substance permeable to oxygen and carbon dioxide but impermeable to water vapor had developed, the present daily waste of water in transpiration from plants might have been eliminated. Summary. Transpiration effects are best visualized when excessive water-vapor loss decreases photosynthesis, growth, and the develop- ment of flowers, fruits, and seeds. It is a menace in the life of every land plant except those having roots in a permanent water supply. Excessive transpiration is responsible for more crop failures than all otlier factors combined. As new lands were opened in the Central States, centers of production of various crops became stabilized where the crops were most productive, had superior quality, and therefore where they were most profitable. One of the factors involved in this move- ment is transpiration. When agriculture moved during a few favorable years into the short-grass lands, succeeding dry years resulted in exces- sive transpiration, killing of the vegetation bv desiccation, wind erosion, 244 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY dust storms, and dunes. Transpiration is a factor both in the develop- ment of local plant communities and the segregation of the larger vege- tation types as forests, grasslands, and deserts. REFERENCES Freeland, R. O. Effect of transpiration upon the absorption of mineral salts. Amer. Jour. Bot. 21:373-374. 1937. Miller, E. C. Plant Pliysiologij, 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1938. Pp. 236-240. Muenscher, W. C. Effect of transpiration on the absorption of salts. Ainer. Jour. Bot. 9:311-330. 1922. Wright, K. E. Transpiration and the absorption of mineral salts. Flant Physiol. 14:171-174. 1939. CHAPTER XXVI FORMS AND EXTERNAL FEATURES OF STEMS <><><><><>e<><^<><><^^ Several facts about stems have already been considered. We have seen that leaves and axillary buds appear on the nodes of stems in a definite arrangement, and that stems of shrubs branch at or near the surface of the ground, in contrast to stems of trees. Foods may accumulate in any stem, but a greater amount accumulates in some stems than in others. The green stems of cacti and man)' herbs and the numerous young twigs of both shrubs and trees contain chlorophyll, and hence photo- synthesis may occur in them. In many processes previously discussed it was evident that sugar made in the leaves moves through the stems to the roots; that water and inorganic salts after diffusing into the roots move to the leaves through the stems, and that processes characteristic of all living cells occur in living cells of stems. Some stems are short- lived; others remain alive and increase in both height and diameter for centuries. We have already seen that the direction and rate of stem growth are affected by gravity, light, moisture, and other environmental factors. In many sections of the country where deciduous forests prevail, the principal features of the forested landscape from late autumn until the early springs are stems. What is a stem? The cylindrical, erect, aerial stems of most plants are readilv distinguishable from leaves and roots. Many stems, however, are flattened leaf -like organs; others are succulent, and still others are so short that they are nearly obscured by leafy scales or rosettes of leaves. Many stems are entirely underground. What, then, are the distinguishing characteristics of stems? A stem develops from the plumule (bud) of the embryo, usually bears leaves and flowers, and has certain other charac- teristic features, both external and internal. Examination of several kinds of stems will help us recognize these features. Woody stems. Stems 1 to 2 feet long of such plants as hickory, horse- chestnut, or maple (Fig. 82) consist of several yearly increments of growth. The most prominent features of woody stems in winter are the dormant buds, leaf scars, terminal bud scars, and lenticels. Leaves and 245 Fig 82 External features of stems and composition of buds of horse chestnut (Aescidus hippocastanum). A, twig bearing a terminal reproductive bud (1), and a lateral branch bearing a terminal vegetative bud (2); nodes, internodes, lea scars, vascular bundle scars, terminal bud scale scars, lenticels, and the lateral axillary buds are also represented. B-C, longitudinal sections of reproductive buds: B dormant in winter; C, unfolding in spring. D-E, longitudinal sections of vegeta- tive buds: D, dormant in winter; E, unfolding in spring. F termmal bud scale scars and other external features on a 7-year-old branch in which there was com- paratively httle elongation of internodes each season. 246 [Chap. XXVI FORMS AND EXTERNAL FEATURES OF STEMS 247 branches usually occur only at certain places on the stem called nodes. The part of the stem segment between two nodes is the inter node. The length of a twig or branch and the height of the plant depend upon the amount of elongation of the internodes. We noted in an earlier chapter that deciduous trees lose their leaves annually and that the scar on the stem left by the abscised leaf is called the leaf scar. Within the leaf scar are smaller scars. These small scars are the severed ends of vascular bundles that extended from the leaf into the stem, and are known as bundle scars or vein scars. The age of the twig may often be determined by counting the ring-like markings, the terminal bud scale scars, found at intervals along the stem. These rings may be used as a means of locating the position of a dormant terminal bud of some previous year. The distance between two succes- sive bud scale scars is a measure of the growth in length of the stem during one year. This length may be used to compare the annual growth of stems of different plants, as well as the variations in growth from year to year on the same plant. Scattered over the surface of the internodes are numerous small, roundish or elongated structures, the lenticels. When young, these are made up of loosely arranged cells through which gases pass into or out of the bark of the twig. Stomates are often present in very young stems, and the formation of a lenticel may be initiated by the division of cells immediately beneath a stomate. Later cork develops beneath the lenticel. Owing to the peculiar growth of the bark of such trees as birch and cherry, the lenticels become greatly elongated and partly encircle the stem. Conspicuous external features of stems during dormant periods are the buds. There may be only one bud at a node, as on most stems with alternate leaves. Where the leaves are opposite there are two buds at each node. On the stems of other species of plants there may be several buds at each node either arranged in a whorl about the node or grouped about the primary axillary bud. In species of soft maple and forsythia these accessory buds are usually flower buds. The bud at the apical end of the stem is the terminal bud; all others are lateral buds. The terminal buds of some plants, such as willow, elm, hackberry, linden, and tree of heaven, die and drop off in the spring of the year before the elongation of the internodes of the new stem segment is completed. The last lateral bud formed on twigs of these plants appears to be terminal in position, if only a casual observation is made. 248 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Bud scales. The buds of most trees and shrubs of the temperate zones have external leaf -like scales, which are usually hard and fibrous as are those in tlie buds of oak, elm, maple, and buckeye. Less frequently, the buds are enclosed by stipules as are those of the tulip tree, magnolia, and some viburnums. The scales are often hairy or sometimes covered with wax and resins. These scales decrease transpiration from the tissues in the bud but do not "protect" them from freezing. In some plants there is a gradual transition from the bud scales on the outside to true leaves on the inside of the bud. Nearly everyone has witnessed the opening of buds on shrubs and trees in spring. Sometimes the hard scales on the outside of the bud are pushed off by the enlargement of the inner scales and young leaves ( Fig. 82 ) . In other buds the scales may elongate somewhat, but in a short time abscise and fall off. Composition of scaly buds. The composition of a scaly bud may be recognized easily by removing the scales and other structures, or b\' examining longitudinal sections of the bud, or, better still, by studying unfolding buds in spring. Each bud contains the growing point of a stem, the stem tip; in most buds leaves have begun to develop on the stem tips. Such buds are vegetative buds (also called branch buds and leaf buds) and from them develop the leaf-bearing segments of the stems of the current season. A careful examination of perennial woody stems will indicate that the number of young leaves in the bud cor- responds with the number of leaf scars on each annual segment of stem growth. What does that fact indicate? What exceptions have you seen? Are all the leaves of a herbaceous plant, such as coleus, present in the terminal bud at a given time? A similar examination of some buds of elm, forsythia, cherry, peach, or soft maple will reveal a stem tip bearing young flowers, but no leaves. These are the reproductive buds, which are also called flower buds and fruit buds. Subsequent growth of these structures results in flowers and fruits. In other buds, such as those of horse-chestnut, lilac, apple, and catalpa, both flower clusters and leaves are present. Such buds may be termed mixed buds. Composition of non-scaly buds. If we examine actively growing her- baceous plants, we find that the buds are less conspicuous because of their small size and the usual absence of bud scales. The leaves near the growing stem tip are small; the youngest ones are folded about the stem tip just as they are in scaly buds. A longitudinal section of a coleus 249 [Chap. XXVI FORMS AND EXTERNAL FEATURES OF STEMS stem tip under the microscope is seen to have all the structures found in scaly buds except the scales ( Fig. 32 ) . In addition to the stem tip there are young leaves, with additional buds in their axils. These small axil- lary buds within the larger bud may consist either of stem tips bearing AXILLARY FLOWER PRIMOROIUM •AXILLARV BRANCH PR1^K3RDIUW BASE OF LEAF eJ -^^ r A 1 B Fig. 83. Diagrams of longitudinal sections of terminal buds of coleus plants. In A the axillary buds, except the lowest pair, consist of stem tips bearing flower primordia of various ages. In B the axillary buds consist of stem tips or of stem tips bearing leaf primordia. leaf primordia or of stem tips bearing flower primordia, depending on whether the plant is continuing vegetative growth or is changing to flower formation ( Fig. 83 ) . This change to a reproductive state in coleus is accompanied by a change in the shape of the temiinal bud and the upper pair of leaves. The youngest bud primordia consist only of stem tips. Buds of many embryos and those in the "eyes" of potato tubers often consist only of stem tips. Apical growth is particularly characteristic of stems and roots. A bud then may be defined as a stem tip having extremely short internodes and bearing young leaves or flowers, or both. It may or may not be enclosed by bud scales. Stem segments bear leaves but once, 250 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY and all the leaves of a tree or shrub may have been present in some stage of development within the doraiant buds of the preceding season. Adventitious buds. Branches usually develop from buds in the axils of leaves and may be referred to as axillary branches. Branch buds may, however, develop from internodes of young stems, from roots, and even from leaves. These are adventitious buds. Their occurrence on the inter- nodes of stems is often a result of some interference with the growth of the tissues, as injurv or disease. New branches from trunks of trees Fig. 84. Cross sections of stems of Virginia crab apple. A, two latent buds, the traces of which extend inward to the first cylinder of xylem. They began as axillary buds on the one-year-old stem and have survived for 13 years. B, a water-sprout has developed from a latent lateral bud. Photo by V. T. Stoutemyer. several years old, and sprouts from the base of stumps were formerly thought to develop solely from adventitious buds, but recent investiga- tions have shown that some of them develop from lateral buds that survive in the bark of the tree for many years (Fig. 84). Others start from adventitious buds. Pollarding (Fig. 85) results in the growth of many lateral buds and a dense growth of new branches. A more thorough study will have to be made before one can say whether these new branches on pollarded trees start from latent lateral buds or from adventitious buds. Apical dominance. When the terminal bud of a twig is cut off, branches develop from lateral buds that would otherwise have remained donnant or died. Moreover, such branches usually grow from the uppermost lateral buds. This inhibiting influence of the buds nearest the apex over [Chap. XXVI FORMS AND EXTERNAL FEATURES OF STEMS 251 Fig. 85. Pollarding ot trees is followed by the growth ot numerous branches from latent lateral buds in the decapitated stems. Pollarding is practiced where willow shoots are used in making baskets and furniture. From sketch by Van Bosse. the buds lower down the stem is known as apical dominance. From pres- ent experimental data it appears to be the eflFect of at least two hormones, one of which is made in the young leaves. If this hormone is artificially applied to the cut ends of decapitated stems it checks the growth of the lateral buds. Apical dominance, through its influence on the relative growth of different parts of the plant, is one of the primary factors in determining tlie form of a plant. Buds and stem types. Many trees and shrubs may be recognized at considerable distances by the form of the plant and the type of branch- ing. Such features are often obscured by the effects of environmental factors or by repeated pruning. Plants of the same species may be far from identical in appearance when growing in dense forests and in the open, or along water courses and on dry uplands. The appearance of ornamental shrubs may be changed markedly by the removal of certain dominant buds, thus allowing for the growth of other buds as noted in the paragraph above. By comparing a palm, a spruce, and an elm, three types of tree crowns may be distinguished with reference to the mode of branching. 252 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Branches usually do not grow from the lateral buds of the palm, and the growth of the terminal bud alone results in an unbranched stem or trunk with a crown of leaves at its summit. Such a stem is said to be columnar (Fig. 86). Fig. 86. Columnar stems of the cabbage palmetto. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. A dominant terminal bud is present in spruce. Each year the main stem increases in length, and from the lateral buds branches grow out- ward, forming a whorl at the apex of the previous year's growth. The type of branching which results in a prominent main stem that extends beyond the smaller lateral branches is referred to as excurrent branch- ing(Fig.87). In contrast to the spruce, the terminal buds of the elm are tempo- rary. Since all branches of an elm develop from lateral buds, the main stem appears to be repeatedly divided and subdivided until it is lost in the crown of the tree. The tree trunk is ultimately terminated by in- numerable branchlets, and this suggested the name, deliquescent branch- [Chap. XXVI FORMS AiND EXTERNAL FEATURES OF STEMS 253 Fig. 87. Excurrent branching of the alpine fir, black hemlock, and lodgepole pine; Bitter Root Mountains of Idaho. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. Fig. 88. Deliquescent branching of post oak in an open field. Diameter of crown, 60 feet. Photo by C. H. Jones. 254 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY ing ( Fig. 88 ) . Although these types of branching are readily distinguish- able, all gradations among them occur. The form of a plant is thus seen to depend on the relative development of terminal and lateral buds. As indicated above, advantage is taken of this knowledge by florists, gardeners, and orchardists. Various orna- mental effects in lawn trees and shrubs may be obtained by removing the terminal buds that inhibit the growth of the lateral buds. Fruit trees and grape vines are "pruned" to regulate the shape of crowns as well as the number and spacing of the branches. Fruit spurs. It was indicated earlier that the age of a twig could be determined by counting the number of scars left in successive years by the terminal buds. The distance between two such scars may be indica- tive of the favorable or unfavorable conditions under which the plant grew in a particular year, or it may be indicative of local internal conditions. On fruit trees such as apple and pear, the flower buds often occur at the ends of short stems known as "spurs." When the terminal bud is a Fig. 89. Fruit spur of apple. Fruits were borne every other year, as indicated by the large scars on the annual stem segments formed during odd-numbered years. Courtesy of J. H. Gourley. flower bud, subsequent elongation of the spur is dependent on a lateral bud. Frequently the spurs bear flowers only in alternate years, and the fruit scars are found only on alternate annual segments of the spur (Fig. 89). The spurs usually continue to bear flowers and fruits for many years and grow much more slowly than the vegetative branches. Successive development of lateral buds results in a crooked spur. The interval between successive terminal bud scale scars is exceedingly short during the years that fruits are borne. Saint John's shoots. Some trees, such as elms, hackberry, and certain oaks, have two periods of stem elongation each growing season: one in early spring and another in early summer. The twigs of citrus trees in [Chap. XXVI FORMS AND EXTERNAL FEATURES OF STEMS 255 California have three such intra-seasonal cycles of growth. The twigs on young trees of the rubber plant ( Hevea ) in Brazil may have as many as eight cycles of growth in one year. In the latitude of Ohio, a second elongation of shoots on elms is usually evident during the latter half of June, and frequently a third extension appears in August. In Europe these shoots have been called "St. John's shoots" and "Lammas shoots" because of their coincidence with the festivals of St. John's Day and Lammas Day. Recognition of trees by twig characters. To those of us who are in the habit of recognizing common trees by leaf characters, it is at first sur- prising to find that identification can be just as certain with twig charac- FiG. 90. Bud and twig characters of a few woody plants: A, tree of heaven (Ailanthus) ; B, tulip tree (Liriodendron) ; C, hazel (Conjlits) ; D, red oak {Qiier- cus); E, white heart hickory {Carya alba); F, bitternut hickory {Canja cordi- jormis) . ters (Fig. 90). Trees may be recognized by types of branching, which are usually more obvious in the absence of leaves. A critical comparison of the bark, buds, lenticels, and pith of our common trees soon enables one to select a few simple distinctive characters by which these trees may be readily identified during the winter. The prevailingly opposite 256 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY branching of the younger twigs of ash, maple, and buckeye; the in- numerable and slender ultimate branches of the elm; the papery bark and elongated lenticels of some birches and cherries; the resinous buds of horse-chestnut; the star-shaped pith visible in cross sections of oak twigs; and the chambered pith of walnut and hackberry are a few ex- amples of distinguishing characters that may be selected. Such characters may be used as a basis for making a key for the ready identification of woody plants. Herbaceous aerial stems. Stems of herbs are usually readily distin- guished from those of trees and shrubs by the comparatively smaller amounts of woody tissues. Some annual stems, such as those of sunflower, giant ragweed, and a few asters, become woody at maturity in certain habitats, but they are classed with herbaceous plants. It is really a mat- ter of opinion whether certain semi- woody plants should be called herbs. Manv herbs are annuals or biennials, in contrast to trees and shrubs which are generally perennials. Many herbaceous plants have perennial underground stems some of which are very hard and woody; but the annual aerial shoots that develop from these stems are herbaceous. Herbaceous stems are frequently green and have stomates. Although many external features common to woody stems are absent, herbaceous plants are nevertheless often identified by certain features of their stems, such as shape, color, amount of hairy covering, and the presence of certain types of prickles, thorns, and tendrils. Rhizomes and runners. A common type of underground stem is repre- sented by the rhizome of bluegrass, Johnson grass, cord grass, Canada thistle, and Solomon's seal. Rhizomes grow horizontally at some depth below the surface of the soil, have scale-like, non-green leaves, and axillary lateral buds from which aerial branches develop at certain seasons of the year. Roots generally appear on the ventral sides of a rhizome at the nodes. The rhizome may be thick and fleshy ( Solomon's seal. Fig. 91 ) , or slender and woody ( many grasses ) . Slender, prostrate stems, such as occur in strawberry and some ferns, are often termed runners or stolons. These prostrate stems and all under- ground stems are excellent means of vegetative propagation, both natu- rally and artificially. They are distinguished from roots by the presence of nodes and internodes. The "turf" of lawns and meadows is a shallow layer of soil held together by an interwoven mass of rhizomes and the accompanying roots. [Chap. XXVI FORMS AND EXTERNAL FEATURES OF STEMS 257 Fig. 91. Rhizome, roots, and base of an aerial stem of Solomon's seal collected early in July. An erect aerial shoot develops each year from the growing apex ot the rhizome. The round scar formed at the end of the season when the aerial stem abscises is the so-called seal. Following the growth of the aerial shoot a new rhizome segment develops annually. The older segments at the opposite end of the rhizome gradually die and decay. Tubers, corms, and bulbs. An underground stem familiar to everyone is that of the Irish potato. The slender rhizomes of the potato enlarge terminally into thickened structures known as tubers. Each eye of the tuber consists of small scales and a cluster of rudimentary buds. When the tuber is planted, an aerial branch develops from a bud in one or more of the eyes, depending upon the degree of apical dominance. Large quantities of starch accumulate in the potato tuber, and it has become an important source of food, even replacing bread made from cereals in some countries. Tuber-like thickening may occur also in aerial stems as in kohlrabi. Some of the so-called short thick roots such as globe radish and turnip, are mostly enlarged hypocotyls. Another distinctive type of stem resembling the tuber is the corm, characteristic of jack-in-tlie-pulpit, dasheen, and gladiolus (Fig. 92). It is a short, upright, thick stem commonly covered by thin membranous scale-like leaves. It bears both lateral and terminal buds. A bulb consists of a short, upright stem bearing thick leaf bases, axillary buds, and a prominent terminal bud. The underground bulbs of hyacinth, tulip, onion, and garlic are familiar to all. A few bulbs are aerial, such as the sets produced on the flower stalks of onion and 258 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 92. Pictures of corms of gladiolus shortly after germination; at the right is a vertical section cut from the center of a corm. Photos from P. W. Zimmerman and A. E. Hitchcock, Boyce Thompson Institute. the axillary structures of some lilies. Young bulbs which grow from tlie axillary buds of the main bulb are sometimes termed bulblets. Failure of the internodes of the stem to elongate may also result in a head, as in cabbage; or a rosette, as in dandelion, evening primrose, and mullein. Ultimately elongated stems bearing leaves and flowers develop from the terminal bud in the center of the rosette. Thorns, spines, and prickles. Thorns are small, sharp-pointed stems; they may bear buds and leaves. Common examples are the thorns of hawthorn and honey locust ( Fig. 93 ) . The term spine should probably be used for leaf structures alone, such as the spines of barberry and the stipular spines of black locust, in spite of the fact that spines and thorns in common language often refer to the same structures. Pointed struc- tures common on the stems of blackberry, rose, and smilax are prickles, which are merely outgrowths of the epidermis and cortex. Climbing and twining stems. Many plants, such as grape, Virginia creeper, Boston ivy, and wild cucumber, may extend vertically some- times for great distances by growing on or about other plants or objects. Some stems have tendrils^ which encircle the support and anchor the growing vine. The Virginia creeper and Boston ivy have branching tendrils the ends of which are flattened disks or holdfasts. Tiny out- growths from these holdfasts penetrate the crevices of the surface on ■^ These should not be confused with the leaf tendrils of the garden pea or the nasturtium. [Chap. XXVI FORMS AND EXTERNAL FEATURES OF STEMS 259 Fig. 93. Thorns on honey locust. which the plants are growing. In this way the vines can "cUmb" vertical walls. In the morning glory, the hop, and some beans the stem itself winds about the support and may be called a twiner. It is interesting to note that some plants twine clockwise and others counterclockwise, when viewed from above. No explanation of this difference in twining has been established. Cladodia. This type of stem is found among the cacti and some other desert plants. Leaves are usually absent or ephemeral, and spines often develop on the green stems. Such stems are referred to as cladodia ( singular cladodiiim ) . Dormancy in buds. It is a well-known fact that mature buds of most woody plants, those in the "eyes" of potatoes and in bulbs pass through a dormant period after maturity. During this time there is no external evidence of growth, regardless of the environment in which the buds are placed. Such dormancy is the result of physiological conditions within the buds, and does not disappear until these inner conditions have changed. In temperate climates it may persist for several months. It is often commercially important for this dormant period to be short- ened as much as possible. Most dormant buds will grow much sooner than usual if they are sub- jected to various artificial treatments that accelerate certain physiologi- cal changes in them. These treatments are referred to as methods of "breaking dormancy." In temperate climates the internal conditions that cause dormancy in buds disappear under the influence of the low 260 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY temperature of the winter months. These conditions disappear much more slowly in some species than in others. As soon as they have disappeared, both flower and leaf buds of many woody plants will grow if the plant or stem cuttings are placed in a warm room and supplied with water. Often root fonnation occurs at the base of the cuttings. If the conditions causing dormancy have not disappeared, the plant may slowly die. In recent years the vapor of certain chemical compounds" has been used to shorten the period of dormancy in the buds of many plants. The dormant period of buds of Irish potato has been experimentally shortened from one to four months, depending upon the variety tested. In the lati- tude of New York some of the common shrubs, such as lilac, flowering plums, crabs, and quinces, if exposed to vapor of ethylene chlorhydrin in December will bloom within a month. The plants or twigs should be placed within a tight box containing 1 ounce of ethylene chlorhydrin for each 8 cubic feet of space. After two days they should be trans- ferred to a warm room or greenhouse. If these artificial treatments are applied early in autumn the results are unsuccessful. Treatment with temperatures near freezing for three or four weeks in early autumn before ethylene chlorhydrin is applied shortens the dormant period still more. Methods for breaking dormancy in buds are at present in an experimental stage of development but anyone may try them on some particular plant. Storage at low and high temperatures, drying, wound- ing, and treatment with special chemicals have all been used to shorten the dormant period of buds. Diverse results have been obtained with different plants. This chapter contains a brief account of external similarities in stems and of some of the usual differences in form and habit of growth that may be found. Ordinarily stems may be recognized by the presence of one or more characteristic external features, such as nodes, leaves, and leaf scars. They may be herbaceous or woody, aerial or underground. They may vary in form from the cylindrical stems of trees, shrubs, herbs, and vines to tendrils, thorns, and the short thick stems characteristic of succulents, tubers, corms, and bulbs. Most stems bear leaves, flowers, and branches. Under certain conditions roots may also grow as lateral organs on many kinds of stems. The fonii of the plant and its type of branching are dependent on the relative development of branches from ^ Ethylene chlorhydrin, ethylene dichloride, edier, carbon bisulfide and many others. [Chap. XXVI FORMS AND EXTERNAL FEATURES OF STEMS 261 terminal and lateral buds. Dormancy during summer and autumn is com- mon in buds of most trees and shrubs in temperate climates. The period of this type of dormancy may often be shortened by artificial changes in temperature and by the application of certain chemical compounds. Numerous buds on each plant are kept dormant by apical dominance. CHAPTER XXVII GENERAL REGIONS AND PROCESSES IN STEMS The facts already learned about processes and structures in cells and tissues of leaves may be applied at once to an understanding of stems. Moreover, we should by this time more fully appreciate and apply four generalizations concerning the relations of structures and processes : ( 1 ) that all structures are the consequences of certain processes; (2) that these structure-forming processes are conditioned by heredity, and influ- enced by environmental factors; (3) that differences in structure, whether they are dependent upon differences in heredity or in environ- ment, were preceded by differences in processes; and (4) that after the structures are once formed they in turn influence all the processes that continue to occur in them. In the light of these generalizations, reference to any structure as having a "function" leads to a misinterpre- tation of all plant phenomena. The more minute differences in stem structure, like those of leaves, are so numerous that one might study them for a lifetime without learning all about them. Much useful and interesting information about processes and structures in stems may be obtained, however, in a short time, and much of it without even a microscope. All one needs at first is a sharp knife and the stems of several kinds of plants. The familiar trees, shrubs, and herbs of any locality are suitable material. In some of them certain stem structures are more prominent than in others, and there are particu- lar structures that are not present in the stems of all kinds of plants. A hand lens will be useful in these preliminary observations, and a micro- scope will be needed to obtain answers to some of the problems that arise. Woody stems. If small pieces of woody stems, such as those of apple, ash, and grape, are cut crosswise and split lengthwise, the bark, the wood ( xylem ) , and the pith are at once evident. The relatively greater hardness of the wood cylinder may be detected by pressing on each tissue with the edge of the thumb nail. These three regions are characteristic of all woody stems. 262 [Chap. XXVII GENERAL REGIONS AND PROCESSES IN STEMS 263 If blocks of older and larger woody stems are examined, it is evident that the wood cylinder has increased in diameter, that the bark is somewhat thicker than in younger stems, and that the diameter of the pith has remained unchanged. Evidently growth in diameter of stems consists of the formation of new xylem and, to a less extent, of new bark tissues. When the older wood in the central part of the stem becomes darker in color it is referred to as heartwood. The younger, lighter-colored wood is called sapwood. Almost all the older wood is dead; and when fungi that can digest and oxidize the substances in the cell walls gain entrance into the center of the stem through wounds, they may destroy all but a thin shell of sapwood adjacent to the bark. Such hollow trees, however, may continue to live and grow for many years (Figs. 94 and 101 ). 1 ■ Fig. 94. Photograph of a hollow log from a sycamore tree which lived and grew for many years after the heartwood had been destroyed by fungi. See also Fig. 101. It is evident from the differences in color and texture that the bark is composed of several kinds of tissues and that the cells of the wood cylinder are not all alike. The annual growth rings (ends of annual cylinders of xylem) may usuallv be counted in the wood cylinder, though sometimes a hand lens or even a microscope is necessary to distinguish them clearly. A careful examination of the ends of the 264 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY water-conducting tubes (vessels), which are visible through the hand lens, will reveal one of the two reasons why annual rings are evident to the eye. Wood cells must be seen through a microscope to discover the second reason. Annual rings are clearly evident in stems of pine and other conifers that have no vessels. Usually radially arranged rays, the vascular rays, can be seen in the split surfaces and ends of blocks of wood. The vascular rays in the xylem may be called xylem rays. On the split surfaces they appear as smooth, narrow, thin ribbons of different lengths extending crosswise to the "grain" of the wood. The xylem rays may also be seen on pieces of polished lumber one side of which was cut in a plane parallel to them. We shall see presently, however, that much of the conspicuous grain of polished wood is dependent upon differences in the wood cells in each annual cylinder of xylem. Bark tissues. From the bark of a living woody twig or small branch one may scrape or pick off an outer layer of brownish cork tissue, be- neath which there is a layer of parenchyma, which is usually green because many of the cells contain chlorophyll. These two layers of the bark are generally referred to as the coHex. The parenchyma is the cortical parenchyma, and any part of it that contains chlorophyll may also be called cortical chlorenchyma. The cortex is just within the epi- dermis, which, being only one cell thick, may be difficult to detect with- out a microscope. If one carefully scrapes the cortical chlorenchyma away with the edge of a knife, a number of hard fibers extending lengthwise in the bark become visible. These are pericycle fibers. If the point of the knife is slipped under these fibers, they may be lifted a slight distance from the stem before they break. Beneath the pericycle fibers is a layer of soft, usually colorless, tissue. When this layer is scraped off, the outer surface of the wood cylinder is visible. This inner- most soft tissue of the bark is the phloem, containing the food-conducting cells. In the stems of some species, such as basswood and pawpaw, the phloem also contains fibers, phloem fibers, comparable to the pericycle fibers already noted. The tenu bast fibers is sometimes used commer- cially to refer to any of the fibers in the bark, whether in the cortex, pericycle, or phloem. In some twigs the radially arranged vascular rays in the phloem, phloem rays, are visible, but they can usually be seen only through a microscope. 'The phloem and wood cylinder together constitute the vascular cylinder, or stele, of the stem. Its outer boundary is the pericycle. The [Chap. XXVII GENERAL REGIONS AND PROCESSES IN STEMS 265 adjacent innermost layer of cells in the cortex is sometimes referred to as an endodermis, but in numerous stems it does not differ in structure from cortical cells immediately external to it. One may therefore visualize a woody twig as consisting of the pith, the vascular cylinder ( stele ) , the cortex, and the epidermis if it is still present. The vascular cylinder in the youngest parts of stems is not completely closed but consists of several separate vascular bundles with parenchyma between. Between the bark and the wood cylinder is a cylinder of meristematic cells, the vascular cambium. Since this cambium is but one cell, or at most only a few cells, in thickness, it is too thin to be seen without a microscope. Although in cross section it appears as a ring of very small, thin-walled cells, it should be visualized as a cylinder of meristematic cells immediately surrounding the wood cylinder and lining the inner- most layer of the bark. As the cambium cells divide, new xylem cells de- velop at the outer surface of the wood cylinder, and new phloem cells develop at the inner surface of the bark. It is the formation of new cells in the cambium that results in the annual increase in diameter of perennial stems. In spring, when the cambium cells are dividing, the bark is easily separated from the wood cylinder. Those who have made whistles out of twigs or helped peel spruce logs for pulp mills are fullv aware of this fact. One should continue to whittle and observe until the relative arrange- ment of all these general regions is distinctly visualized. With the excep- tion of the pith, each general region of woody stems should be visualized as a cylinder surrounding other cylinders of the stem. The wood cvlinder surrounds the pith, and in turn is surrounded by a cylinder of cam- bium; the cylinder of bark surrounds both the cambium and the wood cylinder. Within the bark next to the cambium is a cylinder of phloem, followed in order by cylinders of pericycle, cortical chlorenchvma, cork, and epidermis, provided one is examining a twig or small branch. Within a few years the epidermis, cortex (cortical cork and chloren- chyma), pericycle, and other outer layers of the bark die and slough off. Consequently, the bark surrounding the trunk of a large tree con- sists only of the phloem and layers of cork that develop annually from cork cambiums, which in turn develop each year from living phloem cells. Most of these features of a woody stem are represented in Fig. 95. It is well known that the age of any part of a branch may be ascer- tained by noting its location in reference to the terminal bud scale scars. 266 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Since an annual cylinder of wood is formed each year and the ends of these cylinders seen in cross section appear as distinct rings of wood, Pericycle Phloem ^Cambium ^Xylem Vascular ray Pith ^// Epidermis and Fig 95. General regions and tissues of a stem of moonseed vine. Courtesy of World Book Co. the age of the stem may also be ascertained by counting the rings. An annual cylinder of phloem is also formed each year, but the rmgs ot [Chap. XXVII GENERAL REGIONS AND PROCESSES IN STEMS 267 phloem in cross section are not so evident. They may be seen in the ends of a twig of basswood with the aid of a hand lens. The terminal stem segment contains one cylinder of wood and one of phloem. In the next stem segment below the first terminal bud scale scars there are two cylinders of wood and two of phloem. The cylinder of wood adjacent to the cambium is the one that extends through both annual stem segments. Likewise, the cylinder of phloem adjacent to the cambium is the one that extends through both stem segments. In the stem segment below the second teiTninal bud scale scar there are three cylinders of wood and three of phloem. Only the cylinder of the wood and the cylinder of phloem adjacent to the cambium extend through all three stem segments. Can you visualize the positions of these cylinders all the way down the branch and trunk of a tree to its base near the soil? If the tree is a century old there should be 100 annual rings of wood at its base. The innermost cylinder of wood adjacent to the pith is as high as the tree was when it was one year old. The next cylinder is as high as the tree was when it was two years old, and so on to the 100th and youngest cylinder of wood adjacent to the cambium. This cylinder extends all the way from the base of the tree to the tip of the terminal twig. Each lateral branch also has a similar arrangement of annual cylinders of wood. Likewise, the innermost cylinder of phloem extends all the way from the tip of the terminal twig to the base of the tree. Each branch contains a cylinder of youngest phloem external to the cambium. The cylinders of xylem and phloem in any stem are continuous with those of the same age in each of its lateral branches. Furthermore, these youngest cylinders of wood and phloem also ex- tend all the way down the root to near its tip. The older cylinders of wood and phloem in the root, like those in the stem, are successively shorter and shorter until we come to the shortest ones, which were formed during the first season of growth. The pith in the stem, on the other hand, develops from the apical meristem and merely elongates each year and is therefore continuous from the tips of the branches to the base of the trunk ( Fig. 96 ) . Since annual stem segments bear leaves but once, the youngest cylin- der of wood is the only one that is continuous with the xylem in the veins of the leaves of deciduous trees and shrubs. Likewise, the youngest cylinder of phloem in the stem is the only one that is continuous with 268 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY STEM CORTEX PHLOEM 1936 1939 r940 CAMBIUM XYLEM 1940 1939 1938 ROOT Fig. 96. Diagram of relative positions of xylem and phloem in a 3-year-old stem and root. tlie phloem in the vems of these leaves. It is in this youngest cylinder of wood each year that most of the water is pulled up the stem by transpiration. Food translocation occurs mostly in the youngest phloem. Girdling. As the term is used by botanists, girdling consists in com- pletely removing a band of bark and cambium all the way around the stem. If the girdle is made on the trunk of the tree within a few feet of [Chap. XXVII GENERAL REGIONS AND PROCESSES IN STEMS 269 the ground and below all lateral branches, an adequate translocation of sugar from leaves to roots no longer occurs in most species of plants, but movement of water in the xylem from roots to leaves still continues. In trees the roots and base of the trunk below the girdle may contain enough food to survive for a year or two after the girdle is made. Death and decay of the roots are ultimately followed by the death of the plant above the girdle as a result of desiccation. In most species of plants apical dominance of the tops is sufficient to inhibit the growth of sprouts from the base of the trunk. When girdling annuls this apical dominance sprouts may grow from the roots or base of the trunk of girdled trees, as they usually do when a live tree is suddenlv cut down. Likewise, if there are lateral branches below the girdle, or if apical dominance fails to inhibit the growth of sprouts from the base of the tree, the tree may survive for many years. If the bark is not completely removed, or if the girdle is very narrow, new phloem may develop from the cambium before accumulated food in the roots is exhausted, and the tree may survive. When the girdled area does not become drv and is otherwise protected by grafting wax, a new cambium and phloem may develop across the girdle while the roots are still alive. Advantage is sometimes taken of this fact in horticultural practice. Branches, or even the main trunk, of fruit trees are girdled to bring about internal conditions favorable to the formation of flowers and fruits without killing the tree. Girdling prevents not only the down- ward translocation of sugar, but also the upward translocation of the amino acids and proteins made in the roots. Girdling is often incorrectly done in that so much of the younger xvlem is cut awav with the bark that the movement of water to the leaves is greatlv diminished. In such cases the leaves wilt within a few davs, and the top above the girdle dies of desiccation before the roots starve to death. With the death of the top its apical dominance disap- pears, and sprouts may grow from the roots or from the base of the trunk. Apparent exceptions to these statements of course need further analysis than given here. Herbaceous steins. If stems of herbaceous plants, such as those of common weeds, garden plants, and crop plants, are cut and dissected, as directed above for woody stems, soft tissues and vascular bundles are readily discernible, and in some species a hard outer rind is evident. Here again differences in color and texture are indicative of different kinds of tissues definitelv arranged. In stems of dicots the cortex and 270 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY circle of bundles surround a relatively large pith ( Fig. 97 ) . Ridges of the pith that extend between the bundles may be visible in cross sections as pith rays. In old herbaceous stems, as those of sunflower, there may be a conspicuous ring of xylem with narrow xylem rays. Chlorenchyma is usually present in the cortex of herbaceous stems and sometimes in the phloem and pith. In a monocot like corn, the bundles are scattered Fig. 97. Photomicrograph of a cross section of a young sunflower stem. throughout the stem (Fig. 98). In many species of both monocots and dicots the cells of the pith disintegrate at an early stage of development, with the result that the stem is hollow. If an herbaceous stem bearing leaves is cut off near the surface of the soil and the cut end of the stem is placed in a weak solution of eosin or other dye that stains the xylem, the dye is pulled up the stem with the water, and the stained bundles in both stems and leaves may be seen more readily. The stems of most monocots differ from those of dicots also in the absence of a vascular cambium. Hence, stems of most monocot plants, even though they are perennial, do not increase in diameter from year to year. For example, no slender bamboo stem ever becomes a big [Chap. XXVII GENERAL REGIONS AND PROCESSES IN STEMS 271 Node Leaf sheath Vascular bundle Vascular bundle Fig. 98. Arrangement of tissues in a solid monocot stem {Panicum) . Courtesy of World Book Co. bamboo stem, and no big bamboo stem was ever a slender bamboo stem (Fig. 99). The diameter of monocot stems usually does not increase from year to year. There are, however, some exceptions. In the stems of some monocots such as palms and yuccas a temporary cambium de- 272 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 99. Interior and exterior view of bamboo forest at Savannah, Georgia. Photo from United States Department of Agriculture. velops periodically from cells in the cortex of the stem. The stem thus increases in diameter from time to time (Fig. 100). Place of growth in length. The place of growth in length of the stem may be recognized by both its external and internal appearance. At the top of the stem the leaves are relatively small and young, and several of the internodes are not fully elongated. Internally, parenchyma is the [Chap. XXVII GENERAL REGIONS AND PROCESSES IN STEMS Fig. 100. The Joshvia tree, an arborescent yucca, in bloom. Mojave Desert near Kramer, Calif. Photo bv U. S. Forest Service. most prominent tissue. At the extreme tip only parenchyma is present ( Fig. 32, page 69 ) . We have aheady seen ( Chapter XXIII ) how such external factors as light and gravity may influence the direction of growth of an elongating stem tip. To see the growing tip of a grass stem one must first carefully remove the ensheathing leaves. Unless the plant is very young the stem tip will be bearing rudimentary flowers entirely hidden within the leaf sheaths. As the grass stem grows, the bases of the internodes are the last parts of the stem to stop elongating and become mature. Size of stems. The forerunner of the whole stem system of a plant is the apical meristem in the bud (plumule) of the embryo (Fig. 8, page 11). Through the formation and enlargement of cells in this apical meristem the stem elongates and axillary buds develop from cortical and epidermal cells along its sides. From some of these axillary buds lateral branches develop, each of which also has an apical meristem. Although there are seasonal periods of growth and dormancy, it might 274 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY appear that the stem of a perennial plant would have unlimited growth in length. The vascular cambium of woody stems also is perennial, with alternating periods of growth and dormancy. Trees and shrubs, therefore, might be expected to increase in diameter indefinitely. From observation, however, it is evident that there are limits to the age of trees and also to both height and diameter growth of stems. Fur- thei-more, among the different species there is a wide range in these limits. The smallest species of trees never exceed a few feet in height and a few inches in diameter. Among herbaceous plants there are many species that are even more restricted in age, height, and diameter. The tallest trees may exceed 300 feet, and the diameter of some trees may become more than 30 feet. Vines in the tropics may become a thou- sand feet or more in length. Fig. 101. A giant sycamore 45 feet in circumference at breast height. White River Valley, Indiana. Photo by G. W. Blaydes. [Chap. XXVII GENERAL REGIONS AND PROCESSES IN STEMS 275 Many of us are impressed with the superlative. Large trees, tall trees, and old trees elicit considerable interest as shown by their frequent men- tion in the press ( Fig. 101 ) . Some of the present-day trees are the largest and have attained the greatest age of any plants that ever existed ( Fig. Fig. 102. Big Tree or Sequoia in the Sierra National Forest, where trees as large as those pictured above are common. They are hmited to unglaciated areas in the canyons of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Photo from the U. S. Forest Service. 102). What determines the limits of age, size, and height? It would be interesting to consider some of the factors correlated with size limits, but space can be given here only to a few suggestions and to a summary of reports of the largest trees (Table 11), What world events were in progress when these trees were seedlings? That the stem may have potentialities of unlimited growth may be demonstrated with plants, such as English ivy, that propagate readily from cuttings. To do this it is necessary only to use repeatedly the upper part of the same stem as a cutting and to keep it in an environment that is favorable to contmuous vegetative growth. That is, it must not be 276 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Table 11. Maximum Sizes and Ages Attained by Certain Trees Name of Tree Location Diameter Height Age 8 ft. 230 ft. 500 yrs. 12 ft. 300 ft. 600 yrs. 25 ft. 417 ft. 700 yrs. 28 ft. 360 ft. 1000 yrs. 35 ft. 330 ft. 4000 vrs. 50 ft. 140 ft. 3000 vrs. 14 ft. 80 ft. 3000 vrs. 6 ft. 80 ft. 500 yrs. 4 ft. 120 ft. 8 ft. 170 ft. 10 ft. 200 ft. 16 ft. 1.50 ft. Gft. 1.50 ft. Western yellow pine Sugar pine Douglas fir Redwood Big tree (sequoia) Big cypress of Tule Western juniper Norway maple Sugar maple Bur oak Tulip Sycamore Black walnut Western N. A. California British Columbia California California Oaxaca, ^Mexico California Europe Wabash Valley Wabash ^'alley Wabash Valley Southern Indiana Wabash Vallev placed in an environment in which the terminal vegetative bud will become a flower bud. Similarly, artificial cultures of root tips, described in Chapter XXI, indicate that the apical meristem of a root tip has potentialities of unlimited growth if it is repeatedly removed from the remainder of the root svstem and kept in a suitable environment. What then are the factors that limit the growth in length of stems and roots when thev are attached to the whole plant? Processes in stems. All the processes characteristic of a vegetative cell occur in the cells of stems. In addition, there are certain processes that occur in some vegetative cells but not in others. Photosynthesis does not occur in all vegetative cells, but such processes as respiration, digestion, and assimilation do. On the other hand, photosynthesis occurs in any cell of a leaf, or a stem, or a root that contains chlorophyll and is exposed to a suitable environment. But many leaves and stems do not contain chlorophyll. All we can say is that in most ferns and seed plants photosynthesis occurs more abundantly in leaves than in stems and roots. When all kinds of leaves, stems, and roots are compared, there are very few processes that can be said to be distinctly characteristic of any one of these three types of vegetative organs. Perhaps there is no process that occurs in all stems that does not occur in some roots or some leaves. There are very few species of plants which have leaves that bear other leaves; roots may never bear leaves, but there are also certain kinds of stems that do not bear leaves. Flowers do not develop directly from leaves or from roots; neither do they develop on all types of stems. When water and salts move from the soil to the leaves of a dandelion plant, the [Chap. XXVII GENERAL REGIONS AND PROCESSES IN STEMS 277 distance they move through the roots is many times the distance they move through a stem. There are certain species of plants in which photo- synthesis occurs primarily in the stems. There are others in which the absorption of water and inorganic salts occurs primarily in the leaves and stems. The reader may find it both interesting and instructive to add to these examples of similarities among plant organs. On the basis of what has been learned so far, it should not be difficult for the reader to formulate intelligent answers to questions that may be asked about stem processes. Why may the girdling of a tree result in its death? Why do people girdle trees? Why may they sometimes fail to obtain the desired results? Why may the leaves soon wilt when the girdle is made deep enough to include a few cylinders of sapwood? If a tree is wounded, will it "bleed to death"? How does healing occur? What is the gravest danger to which a tree is exposed when it is wounded, and how may it be prevented? How do trunks of trees be- come hollow? Why may hollow trees live for many years? If a nail is driven in a tree will it continue to remain the same distance from the base of the tree as the tree increases in height from year to year? Why are there anastomosing longitudinal ridges and crevices in the bark of a tree? What tissue of a tree is used as a source of lumber? Why do plants bearing leaves absorb more water from the soil than they do when leaves are removed? Why may a young tree have a longer growing period during the summer than an older tree of the same species? Why may the new branches of a pollarded tree grow se\'eral feet in length and bear numerous leaves in a single season, while those of an unpol- larded tree may grow but a few inches in length and bear relatively few leaves? Can you add other questions, and answer them? REFERENCES Chamberlain, C. J. The age and size of plants. Sci. Monthly. 35:481-491. 1932. Fry, Walter, and J. R. White. Big Trees. Stanford Univ. Press. 1938. Clock, W. S. The" language of the tree rings. Sci. Monthly. 38:501-510. 1934. CHAPTER XXVIII TISSUES AND PROCESSES OF STEMS Some of the general regions of stems discussed in the preceding chapter are composed of several kinds of tissues. This is particularly true of the cortex, the bark, and the stele. On the other hand, the pith, vascular cambium, endodermis, cork cambium, cork, and the epidermis each consist of a single tissue. Moreover, some of the tissues of stems are complex tissues, being composed of a system of several kinds of cells. This is particularly true of xylem and phloem, if we regard each of these as but one tissue. Stem tissues that develop from cells in the apical meristem are called primary tissues. Those that develop from cells in the vascular cambium, or cork cambium, are called secondary tissues. In stems of most mono- cots, therefore, all the tissues are primary tissues. In stems of w^oody plants nearly all the xylem and phloem and the cork are secondary tissues; and the others, together with the first strands of xylem and phloem adjacent to the pith, are primary tissues. The only primary tissues that may still be present in the trunk of a large tree are the pith and a small amount of primary xylem. On the other hand, stems of herbaceous plants such as coleus consist mostly of primary tissues. Cer- tain microscopic structures in these tissues will be given further attention. Apical growth and the origin of primary tissues. At the extreme apex of the stem there is a group of small, closely packed, isodiametric, meristematic cells, the apical meristem. Immediately below it is a zone of cells in various stages of enlargement, some of which are also dividing. In the apical meristem food is being changed into new protoplasm, pectic compounds, and cellulose, as the cells divide and the daughter cells become as large as the mother cells. In the zone characterized by cell enlargement, growth of the cell wall, vacuolation, and the osmotic absorption of water are prominent processes. Apparently there is little, if any, increase in protoplasm, and the protoplasm that is present is being pushed out against the cell wall by the enlargement of the vacuole formed by the coalescence of many smaller vacuoles accompanying the 278 [Chap. XXVIII TISSUES AND PROCESSES OF STEMS 279 entrance of water. In the zone of cell enlargement, and especially toward its lower end, some of the cells are visibly different from others; that is, the results of cell differentiation are becoming evident. Various types of cell differentiation in stem tips may be noted; ( 1 ) some of the cells soon become the primordia of leaves and axillary buds; (2) these axillary buds, and sometimes the terminal bud, while still meristematic, may become either vegetative buds or flower buds (Fig. 83 in Chap. XXVI); (3) some of the cells may retain their meri- stematic condition and become the vascular cambium; (4) manv other cells merely enlarge with or without evident change in form and com- position, and, because of their position, origin, shape, and differences in cell walls, may be recognized as belonging to the epidennis, cortex, pericycle, phloem, xylem, or pith; and finally (5) the cross walls of some of the xylem cells partly disintegrate, leaving long tubes, or vessels, the lateral walls of which become thickened and lignified, with spiral thickenings that are particularly conspicuous. Numbers (1) and (2) above may be considered organ differentiations in meristematic tissue, while numbers (4) and (5) are tissue differentiations in enlarging and maturing cells. All the tissues formed by the differentiation of cells that originated in the apical meristem are primary tissues. The above description applies to both woody and herbaceous stems of dicots. It applies also to growing stem tips of pines and other conifers, except that xylem vessels do not develop in conifers. Secondary xylem and phloem soon begin to develop from cambial cells. In stems of monocots, such as grasses, in addition to the apical meristem there is a temporary zone of meristematic cells at the base of each internode. This is the softest and weakest part of a growing grass stem. In young woody stems a cork cambium develops from cells in the cortex, and a layer of cork may develop on the new stem segment before the close of the first growing season. In some species of plants latent root pri- mordia develop from parenchyma cells in the pericycle. Just below the apical meristem short internodes, as well as nodes bear- ing primordia of leaves and axillary buds, are recognizable. Ultimately, flower primordia develop either from the apical meristem or from the meristems of axillary buds. The cells in the center of the apical meristem are forerunners of pith, which is surrounded by longitudinal strands of primary xylem. The pith. Since the pith develops directly from the central cells of the apical meristem, it increases in length as the stem elongates; thus, it is 280 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY continuous from year to year in perennial stems. In time the cells of the pith usually die, and the protoplasm disintegrates. All soluble substances may diffuse out, and onlv the cell walls remain. In stems of some plants (walnut, hackberry, etc.), some of the cell walls also disintegrate or collapse, and the pith becomes chambered. In many species of herbs all the cells of the pith soon disintegrate and the stem becomes hollow. The stems of all these herbs are solid at the tip where the pith is young and intact. In perennial plants the pith, or certain cells in it, may live from one to many years: one year or less in the European larch, 10 years in Scotch pine, 17 years in horse chestnut, 27 years in gray birch, and more than a century in a columnar cactus of the American desert. The pith cells in this cactus not only remained alive from 100 to 150 years, but when the pith was wounded some of the cells near the wound divided and fomied new tissues. The epidermis. The epidermis of the stem is continuous with that of the leaves and is comparable to it in most respects. The outer wall is usually thick and heavily cutinized. Glaucous stems, like glaucous leaves, are covered with wax. Epidermal hairs are the rule rather than the excep- tion. Stomates are present, though usually not as abundant as in leaves. In many stems they ultimately become ruptured by lenticels that develop from cortical cells beneath them. The first cork cambium that develops in stems occasionally originates in epidermal cells. The epidermis of a leaf lives as long as the leaf. This is also true of some stems; but in perennial stems that increase in diameter by cambial growth, the epidermis is soon ruptured, except in those plants where it continues to grow for a few years. The cortex. When all types of stems are compared, the cortex is found to be a very diversified region. It consists primarily of parenchyma cells. The outer layer of cells just beneath the epidermis is often referred to as a hijpodermis; the inner layer of cells adjacent to the pericycle is the endodermis. Each of these layers of cells may be parenchyma and differ little if at all from neighboring cells, or they may be easily distinguished by the shape of the cells and thickness of cell walls. The hypodemiis may be composed of ordinary parenchyma cells, sclerenchyma cells, collenchyma cells, or palisade cells similar to those in leaves. The first cork cambium in a stem frequently develops from the hypo- dermis. The development of cork from cork cambium is similar, whether it occurs in herbaceous stems, woody stems, roots, or any other plant [Chap. XXVIH TISSUES AND PROCESSES OF STEMS 281 organ ( Fig. 103 ) . Cork cells are short-lived; but the cell walls, which are composed primarily of layers of suberin and lignified cellulose lamellae, last indefinitely because very few kinds of non-green plants can digest them. On stems that increase in diameter by cambial growth, however, the cortex is ruptured and sloughed off. CORK CORTEX Fig. 103. Photomicrograph of a portion of a cross section of geranium stem in which the cork and cork cambium (CC) are evident. P. F., pericycle fibers; V. C, vascular cambium. In herbaceous plants the cortex may live as long as the stem does, but in many woody stems it may die and be sloughed off while the stem is comparatively young. New cork cambiums periodically develop in deeper-lying tissues. When cork develops in the pericycle, it prevents the diffusion of water from the xylem to the cortex, which soon dies. In beech the cortex lives and grows as long as the tree is alive. It is also long-lived in birch and certain other trees. Chlorenchyma is present in the cortex of most young aerial stems. Sclerenchyma and collenchyma are frequently present in the cortex. In some species of plants there may be many other kinds of cells in the cortex, such as isolated sclerenchyma cells (stone cells or grit cells), groups of stone cells surrounded by a cambium, and isolated cells or groups of cells containing anthocyanins, essential oils, tannins, or cal- 282 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY cium oxalate crystals. Various canals or ducts, such as resin ducts, essen- tial oil ducts, and latex tubes, may also be found in the cortex of some stems. No one of these features, however, is limited to the cortex or even to the stem of a plant. Latex, the milky juice found in many species of plants, is collected in large quantities from a few kinds of plants and converted to rubber. Latex tubes, which originate from cells in the embryo in some species, grow through the parenchyma tissues of the plant as if they were para- sites. In other species they are formed by the disintegration of scattered parenchyma cells. Resin ducts are surrounded by special kinds of cells. The pericycle. As noted earlier, the pericycle is the peripheral cylinder of the stele ( vascular cylinder ) and in cross section appears as a ring of cells. It varies from one to several cells in thickness. When it is composed entirely of parenchyma it may be difficult to recognize. In fact, in some stems cortical parenchyma appears to extend all the way from the epi- dermis to the phloem; that is, there is no visible differentiation of either endodermis or pericycle. When sclerenchyma ( pericycle fibers ) is pres- ent, the pericycle is easily recognized. These fibers may occur as con- tinuous cylinders or as separate strands, and because of their location they often appear to be the outer part of a vascular bundle. Some of the important fibers of commerce are pericycle fibers — for example, flax and hemp. Those of flax are mainly cellulose, and are less lignified than hemp fibers. The pericycle is important in one other way. It is the region in which the primordia of lateral roots, and frequently those of adventitious stems, develop. It is from the pericycle that roots usually develop on stem cut- tings. In some species, such as willow and cottonwood, root primordia develop in twigs on the tree and remain dormant unless the twig is ex- posed to conditions favorable to their further development. The phloem. The phloem is a complex tissue in which several kinds of cells may usually be recognized with the aid of the microscope. The chief food-conducting cells are the sieve tubes, which are generally elongate, short-lived, and interconnected through perforated diaphragms called sieve plates (Fig. 104). Associated with the sieve tubes, perhaps in all the vascular plants except ferns and gymnosperms, are long-lived, slender parenchyma cells called companion cells. Various other paren- chyma cells, not associated directly with the sieve tubes, may also be present. All these cells together constitute the part of the phloem in [Chap. XXVIII TISSUES AND PROCESSES OF STEMS 283 which conduction of food may take place and in which starch frequently accumulates. sieve plate comparvion cell phloem pareacKymacell sieve tube Fig. 104. Types of cells in the phloem of a gourd stem. In the phloem of many vascular plants, except ferns, some gymno- sperms, and most herbs, there are sclerenchyma cells, known as phloem fibers, comparable to the fibers of the pericycle. These libers may occur in bands, as hollow cylinders surrounding softer tissue, singly, or irregu- larly. The commercially important fiber, jute, is obtained from the phloem of the jute plant. The individual phloem fiber is a long, tapering cell, usually with lignified walls. Short thick-walled cells, called stone cells, may occur in the phloem eitlier associated with the fibers or alone. In a 284 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY few plants, such as sycamore and beech, the stone cells are the only sclerenchyma cells in the phloem. Vascular rays are present m most plants having a vascular cambium. That part of the ray extending from the cambium into the phloem is the phloem ray, and it varies considerably in size, shape, and appearance in different species of plants. In stems of most trees and shrubs the epidermis, cortex, and pericycle are present for only a few years. The tissues outside the cork cambium crradually die, and ultimately a new cork cambium develops from paren- chyma cells in the phloem. The cylinder of cork formed from this cam- bium prevents diffusion of water to tissues external to it. The whole outer bark soon dies, cracks, and sloughs off. In the birch and cork oak there are conspicuous cylinders of cork that resemble annual rings of the xylem, but in most species such rings are not evident. These cylinders are due to alternating layers of thin-walled and thick- walled cells. The thin-walled cells separate easily, and this ac- counts for the papery sheets of birch bark and the scaly bark of the syca- more. External masses of cork in such trees as cork oak accumulate in layers several centimeters in thickness and are of great commercial importance. Stems of pumpkin, squash, tomato, potato, and several other kinds of plants differ from the usual by having phloem both external and internal to the xylem. The xylem. The xylem of a woody dicot is a complex tissue composed chiefly of vessels, or water-conducting tubes; tracheids; ivood fibers; xylem parenchyma cells, and xylem ray cells. A vessel may be several millimeters, several feet, or even yards in length. The length of a vessel depends upon the number of end walls that disintegrate in the row of cells from which it is formed. Old vessels may be closed by tyloses, out- growths from adjacent xylem parenchyma ( Fig. 105A ) . In the xylem of conifers the vessels and sometimes the libers are ab- sent; the chief cells are tracheids and xylem ray cells. The tracheids are both water-conducting and wood cells. They are thick-walled and spin- dle-shaped, and have thin areas or pits in the walls ( Fig. 105B ) . Certain features of the xylem are more easily understood in relation to the growth of the cambium. The vascular cambium. In order to see the cambium of stems clearly, one must have thin sections cut from growing stems of dicots or conifers. Between the easily recognized xylem and phloem in cross sections of [Chap. XXVIII TISSUES AND PROCESSES OF STEMS 285 Fig. 105. Radial longitudinal sections of wood of (A) white oak and (B) long leaf pine. In the former wood fibers, xylem rays, and vessels filled with tyloses may be seen. In the latter section tracheids with bordered pits, xylem rays, and a resin duct are visible. Photos from Forest Products Lab. these stems there is a region composed of several layers of thin-walled cells. The cells near the middle of this region are very small and thin- walled. These are the cambial cells from which additional xylem and phloem develop by cell division, enlargement, and differentiation and bring about an increase in the diameter of stems. Adjacent to and on both the phloem and the xylem sides of this cambium there are a few layers of cells which are thin-walled but inceasingly larger at greater distances from the cambium. One may therefore see from one to several layers of cells in the processes of enlargement and differentiation be- tween the cambium and the mature phloem on the one side and the cambium and the mature xylem on the other ( Fig. 106 ) . In the larger stems the cambium is a closed c)'lindrical sheath between the xylem and the phloem, that is, between the xylem and the bark; but in the younger part of the stem it is present only in the individual vas- cular bundles, which are separated from one another by broad rays of 286 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY pith-like parenchyma. As the young stem increases in age cambium usually develops from the parenchyma cells between the bundles and becomes a complete cylinder in the stem (Fig. 107). Fig. 106. A, photomicrograph of a cross section of a stem of moonseed vine; B, one of the vascular bundles, adjacent pericycle fibers, and cortex greatly enlarged to show the small cambium cells in contrast to the enlarged and diflFerentiated cells of the xylem and phloem. The outermost phloem cells have been crushed by the enlargement of the inner younger cells formed by the division of cambial cells. Since the xylem of woody perennials increases in diameter from year to year, it presses against the encircling bark. Some of the cells of the bark become crushed, and the outer dead parts of the bark are ruptured. As a result, the outer bark of woody perennials is usually furrowed and irregularly broken. In most parts of the world cambial growth is limited to a few months of each year. In woody perennials of temperate climates it begins in the young twigs about the time the buds begin to open in spring, and some- what later in the older branches and trunk of the tree. Two or three months later the cambium becomes dormant in the trunk of the tree and remains in that condition until the following spring. Each season cambial growth begins first in the twigs and continues longest in them. Growth of the cambium appears to be dependent upon hormones from the leaves, but the evidence upon which this inference is based is too limited for final conclusions at present. The xylem cells and vessels that develop in spring are usually larger than those that develop toward the close of the growth period in summer. [Chap. XXVIII TISSUES AND PROCESSES OF STEMS 287 Fig. 107. Photomicrograph of a small portion of a cross section of a sunflower stem in which a continuous cambium has developed between the original bundles of the younger stem as pictured in Fig. 97. Consequently the appearance of the inner portion of each annual ring of xylem as seen in cross section is quite different from that of the outer portion of the ring. Without these differences in spring wood and summer wood the annual rings of growth would not be evident to the eye. The width of the annual rings in particular species varies with the age of the individual plant and with the fluctuations in environmental factors from year to }ear. In certain localities the effects of fluctuations in water supply and humidity are more prominent than those of all other factors combined. Tree rings mav therefore be used, along with other data, as an index of periods of drought and of abundant moisture. Such studies have shown that there are rather definite and predictable cycles of periods of drought. Comparison of annual rings of living trees with those of wooden beams used in dwellings in the southeastern part of the United States has made it possible to date quite accurately certain events 288 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY in the lives of the diff dwellers and other ancient peoples as far back as a diousand years or more/ Ring-porous, diffuse-porous, and non-porous wood. When the vessels iff- \\'' mSf \i\ > t I Fig. 108. Bing porous wood of white oak (A, above), diffuse porous wood of river birch (B, below). Photos from Forest Products Laboratory. and xylem cells that develop in spring are large and numerous (Fig. 108A), the annual rings are particularly conspicuous. Such wood is ring- 1 Papers by A. E. Douglass and Waldo S. Glock. Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. C. Leonardo da Vinci, o\er 400 years ago, recorded tlie relation of tree-ring growth to weather conditions. The matter did not receixe serious attention, howexer, until 1901 when Douglass began to report his observations. [Chap. XXVIII TISSUES AND PROCESSES OF STEMS 289 Fig. 109. Non-porous woods of arbor vitae (above) and of long leaf yellow pine (below). The large openings in the latter are cross sections of resin ducts. Photos from Forest Products Laboratory. porous. If the vessels are of about the same size and are scattered uni- fomily in the annual ring (Fig. 108B), the wood is said to be diffttse- poroits. In conifer stems, where no vessels occur, tlie wood is non-porous (Fig. 109). These facts are useful in the identification of woods of dif- ferent species. Grain of wood. When boards are cut from stems and polished, vari- ous patterns of wood are often conspicuous. Such patterns are dependent on the relative size of the cells and vessels of spring and summer wood, on the width of the annual rings, and on the plane in which the saw passes through the log with reference to the xylem rays (Figs. 110 and 111). "Quarter-sawed" boards are cut parallel to these rays. Tangential or "slab" cuts at various angles to the rays result in a variety of patterns. The summer wood is harder than the spring wood and takes a finer polish; and this difference is the cause of the often attractive grain pat- terns of furniture, panels, and cabinet work. In perfect radial sections the grain appears as straight lines crossed by patches of xylem rays. 290 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Annual rings spring wood Summer wooc Xylem rays Fig. 110. Diagram of a block of oak wood, magnified to show the arrangement of tissues which underhes the patterns on pohshed wood surfaces. Courtesy of World Book Co. When the cut passes through several annual rings, as in slab-cut boards, the pattern is most striking. Xylem rays in oaks and some other trees are prominent, and in quarter-sawed boards from such trees the rays appear as the light-colored areas. If the annual rings are narrow, the wood is "fine-grained"; if they are wide, "coarse-grained." Some patterns of wood have special names. The "silver grain" of quarter-sawed oak refers to the large wood rays. If the patterns are wavy in appearance, as they sometimes are in birch, cherry, and chestnut, the wood is regarded as "curly grain." The best known is the "bird's-eye grain" of certain maples. This is caused by the presence of numerous partly dormant buds from which minute, embedded lateral stems develop. These small "stems within a stem" are the "eyes" of the wood seen in tangential section. The monocot stem. Since the stems of monocots were discussed with those of dicots and conifers, some of the major facts about them may be summarized. The vascular bundles are scattered throughout the stem (Fig. 98) . No cambium, except temporary vestiges, occurs in the bundles. lili(i'iWIU'li/n,l*■ CHAPTER XXIX ROOTS: DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURES To complete the story of the water and salt relations of plants we shall have to examine the underground parts of plants that have roots. The soil is a part of the immediate environment of these plants. The water in the upper layers of the soil, where most roots grow, is transitory. It enters from rain and melting snow and moves out by seepage, by evaporation, and through the plant. Only a portion of it is held in the interstices among the innumerable particles of the soil. From these interstices the water moves into the roots and upward into the stems and leaves and then into the air by transpiration. We have seen that in many plants the amount of water that passes through them during a growing season is large in comparison with either the volume of the plant or the water necessary for photosynthesis and other plant processes. How such large amounts of water can enter the plant from the soil will be better compre- hended when we see how roots develop and become distributed among the soil particles. Types of roots. When the seeds of most plants germinate, the first part of the embryo to enlarge and push through the seed coats is the hypo- cotyl, having at its lower end a root primordiiim. The hypocotyl is the part of the embryo between the cotyledons and the primary root, and is really the base, or the first-formed part of the stem of many plants (Fig. 8). This initial expansion of the embryo is due to cell enlarge- ment. The hypocotyl may ultimately elongate from a small fraction of an inch to several inches shortly after germination. Following the emer- gence of the hypocotyl from the seed coats, the cells at the lower end of the root primordium begin to divide, and from this primordium the primary root develops. The hypocotyl appears to be lacking in the embryos of some plants, such as the grasses (Fig. 113). The plumule appears to be separated from the primary root principally by a node. If a hypocotyl is present in this type of embryo it is quite small and does not elongate when the embryo germinates.^ ^ The term radicle is variously used by different writers to refer either to the rudimentary root of the embryo or to both the root and the hypocotyl. 294 [Chap. XXIX ROOTS: DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURES 295 Scuteilum Coleoptile Ist leaf 2nd leaf Stem tip 3rd leaf The primary root continues growth vertically downward for several days at least, and sometimes for weeks or even months after germination. Usually lateral roots grow from it and elongate either horizontally or obliquely down- ward. These are the secondary roots; and when still smaller branches de- velop from the secondary roots, they are called tertiary roots. During the germination of seeds like those of corn and wheat, two or more small roots may develop from the base of the first internode of the embr\'0, and still later others from the second and third nodes of the stem. Bv the time the corn plant is two months old there is usually a whorl of roots at each of the eight lower nodes. Each succes- sive whorl appears about one week later than the one below it. These and all other roots that originate from stems or from leaves are adventitious roots. All the roots of a plant — primary, sec- ondary, tertiary, and adventitious — may be called collectively its root sys- tem. The primary root with all its branches may be called the primary root system, and all the adventitious roots of a plant its adventitious root system. A mature com root system comprises both of these root systems, but the primary root svstem is limited in growth. Hickory trees, English plantain, and dandelion plants from seed have primary root systems consisting of a large taproot and minor secondaiy roots. All plants artificially propagated by cuttings have adventitious root systems. The root systems of plants that grow from bulbs, tubers, and other under- ground stems likewise are only adventitious root systems after the first season from seed. The above terms are useful in classifying roots according to their origin. Another way of classifying roots is based on their forni and appear- FiG. 113. Median section through a wheat embryo; c, coleorhiza; p, primary root; r, root cap. After M. A. McCall, Journal of Agricultural Research. 296 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY ance. When they are slender, elongate cylinders, such as those of grasses, they are called fibrous roots. If the primary root continues its downward course and becomes the principal large root of a plant, it is often called a taproot. Sugar beet, mullein, sunflower, pigweed, walnut, hickory, alfalfa, and red clover have taproots. Taproots are of two types, woodv and herbaceous, with many gradations between. Those of hickory and walnut are woodv. Those of beets, long conical radishes, dahlias, and sweet potatoes are usually herbaceous and greatly thickened. Thev are composed mainly of parenchyma cells with relatively few woody cells. Such thickened herbaceous roots are often referred to as fleshy roots. The beets and radishes of commerce are not entirely roots. The upper part of each one consists of a thickened hypocotyl and the short stem to which the rosette of leaves was attached (Fig. 114). The edible part of some varieties of globe radishes is almost entirely thickened hypocotyl. COTYLEDONS Fig. 114. Globe radishes develop primarily from the hypocotyl of the seedling. ROOTS: DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURES 297 [Chap. XXIX Mature corn plants in the field usually have "prop roots" that have developed from the lower nodes above the ground. Pandanus, mangro\e, and other tropical trees like the banyan and fig, have adventitious roots from the main trunk and also from the lateral branches of the crown (Figs. 115-118). When these so-called "prop roots" and "drop roots" Fig. 115. Prop roots of pandanus, a tropical shore plant, planted in Florida. Plroto by W. Fifield. have grown into the soil, they become additional supports and have the same relation to the soil as primary root systems. Many vines, such as the Virginia creeper, English ivy, poison ivy, and trumpet creeper, have aerial roots which become attached to the trunks of trees, walls of buildings, or rock cliffs, and anchor the slender shoots far above the height to which the stem can support itself. Orchids, bromelias, and many ferns in the tropics live as epiphytes, that is, perched on the branches of trees and shrubs (Fig. 119). These plants also have aerial roots which form masses below the leaves and not only attach the 298 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 116. Prop roots of red mangrove (Rhizophora) in Bermuda. Photo by B. E. Dahlgren, Field Museum of Natural History. plants but also in some species become the only region of entrance of water and mineral salts. Finally, there are the root-like organs of parasites, such as dodder and mistletoe, which grow into the tissues of the host plant and connect the tissues of the parasite with those of the host. Such roots are also called haustoria. Through them pass not only water and inorganic salts but also foods made by the host plant. When the seedling of the common dodder, which is a mere thread- like stem two or three inches in length, comes in contact with a living green plant, it coils about it and a row of haustoria develops wherever the stem is in contact with the host. The haustoria penetrate between the cells of the host plant to the water-conducting and food-conducting tissues ( Fig. 120 ) . The dodder then grows rapidly, branches, and makes new contacts; and its haustoria penetrate the tissues of other parts of Fig. 117. Banyan tree with prop roots that resemble trunks. Hawaii. Photo by U. S. Forest Service. Fig. 118. The stranghng fig. The tree on the left started as an epiphyte and its roots may be seen encircling the trunk on which it started; the specimen on the right began as a seedling in the soil. Photo by G. W. Blaydes. 299 300 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 119. Epiphytic bromelias on live oaks in southern Florida. Photo from New York Botanical Garden. the same green plant or those of other nearby plants. The haustoria em- bedded in woody stems may survive from one season to another, and from them the dodder plants propagate vegetatively each year. Internal structure of roots. A limited observation of root systems is sufficient for one to see that roots are usuallv largest at or near their junction with the base of the stem and gradually taper in size to slender and tender tips. From these facts one may infer that the root tip is the zone of growth in length. Since the older portion of a root toward its base is the largest, there must be some means by which roots increase in diameter. If a cross section of a young root of a tulip tree is compared with a [Chap. XXIX ROOTS: DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURES 301 Fig. 120. Section of stem of dodder above and a cross section of petiole of host plant below. A haustorium from the dodder has grown through the cortex to a vascular bundle in the petiole. cross section of a woody twig, the same kind of tissues in the same order of arrangement may be seen, except that no pith will be found in the root. From the center of this woody root outward therefore, there are, in order of occurrence: xylem, vascular cambium, phloem, pericycle, en- dodermis, cortical parenchyma, cork cambium, cork, and epidermis if it has not already become broken and sloughed off (Fig. 121). In most of the roots that have been studied the first cork cambium originated in the pericycle and the cortex was soon sloughed off. The larger roots of a tree, like the larger stems above ground, consist only of the vascular cylinder (stele) and the cork that develops peri- odically from temporary cork cambiums derived from pericvcle or from phloem parenchyma. Obviously, water and mineral salts do not enter roots where they are enclosed by a cylinder of cork. They enter only the youngest zone of tree roots that have not become enclosed in cork. The growing root tips of manv plants are sufficiently transparent so that when they are examined with a hand lens or low-power microscope, one may easily recognize the terminal root cap, the central vascular cylinder surrounded by a cortical cylinder, and the numerous root hairs which protrude from the epidermis a short distance back of the apex ( Fig. 122 ) . Root hairs are not present on the roots of all species of plants, and their abundance on others varies in different environments. 302 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 121. Photomicrographs of cross sections of roots of a tuhp tree {Lirioden- dron) in which the arrangement of tissues is evident: A, a young root; B, a 2- year-old root. The terminal portion of the root, then, is the zone of origin of cer- tain root tissues, the zone of growth in length and of growth curvature, and the principal zone through which water and salts enter many kinds of plants. Tissues of roots. When longitudinal sections of the growing tips of stems and roots are compared, certain similarities and differences are easily recognized. The three zones characterized in general by cell division, enlargement, and differentiation (maturation); and the three longitudinal cylinders represented by the epidermis, cortex, and vascular cylinder are common to both. In some roots these three cylinders are distinguishable all the way to the so-called growing point in the center of the zone of cell division, which lies just above the root cap ( Fig. 123 ) . In other roots the differentiation of cells in these three regions is not obvious so near the growing point. The four regions (root cap, epideraiis, cortex, and primary vascular axis) of the growing tip of the root all originate from cells formed in this growing point. The root cap is a cup-shaped mass of cells renewed by cell division and enlargement at the lower side of the growing point and sloughed off on the outer surface by disintegration of the middle lamellae of the cell walls, accompanied by abrasion when the roots are growing in the soil. In the zone characterized by cell enlargement there are also some cell [Chap. XXIX ROOTS: DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURES 303 Region of elongation Region of _J^ cell division |^^ I j^^^ ^^p Fig. 122. Enlarged view of the end of a root, show- ing root cap, growing re- gion, and root hairs. Cour- tesy of World Book Co. Growing point Root cap Fig. 123. Diagram of a root tip, showing the tissues and their ar- rangement. Courtesy of World Book Co. division and cell differentiation. Farther up the young root, differentiated cells become more and more conspicuous. The epidermal cells elongate parallel to the axis of the root. As elongation slows down, root hairs begin to appear as tubular extensions of some of the epidermal cells, and within a few hours they attain their complete elongation at right angles to the surface of the root. Near the center of the vascular cylinder rows of cells extending length- wise in the root become conspicuously large. These cells are the fore- runners of the primary xylem vessels. The cross walls disintegrate, and spiral thickenings are formed along the longitudinal walls before the protoplasm disintegrates. Other strands of cells in the vascular cylinder 304 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY become phloem. In cross sections the primary xylem is seen as the central tissue of most roots and is often more or less star-shaped, although the so-called radii ( ends of longitudinal ridges alternating with troughs ) may vary in number from 2 to 5 or more in different kinds of plants. However, the roots of some plants, especially monocots and herbaceous dicots, may have a central pith. When the central xylem is star-shaped in cross section, the primary phloem tissue usually alternates with the radii of ,PRIMARY PHLOEM \ PRIMARY XYLEM' -SECONDARY PHLOEM rt--CAMBIUM- SECONDARY XYLEM Fig. 124. Diagram of relations of primary and secondary, xylem and phloem in a young growing root. the xylem tissue. A little later a vascular cambium develops from paren- chyma cells between the xylem and phloem ( Fig. 124 ) . The outermost cells of the vascular cylinder may be recognizable as pericycle. This is a highly versatile tissue and of great importance, since from it secondary roots and adventitious stems often develop. It mav, through further growth, add to the thickening of the root. Cork cambiums usually develop from the pericycle in young roots. The inner layer of the cortex adjoining the pericycle usually becomes more or less recognizable as an endodermis. The thickness of the cortex varies greatly in roots of different kinds of plants. In very young roots it is usually the most conspicuous part. The first cork cambium in the young roots of some plants may develop from cortical parenchyma. Among the last tissues to appear in a young root are the primordia of lateral roots. Unlike the primordia of axillary branches of stems, these root primordia develop not from the young epidermal and cortical cells near the apex but from deeper lying tissues (usually the pericycle or, in older roots, the phloem ) at some distance from the apex. Renewal of cell division in scattered groups of cells in the pericycle results in root primordia that grow outward through the cortex and emerge through the epidermis as secondary roots. Lateral roots are said, therefore, to have an endogenous origin, in contrast to the exogenous origin of the stems that grow as axillary branches. Stem branches may also have an [Chap. XXIX ROOTS: DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURES 305 endogenous origin, especially the adventitious stems that develop from roots. Lateral roots often appear mainly in two or more rows up and down the root, because most of the root primordia originated opposite the radially arranged ridges of the primary xylem. Some of the differences in the apical regions of stems and roots may now be noted. In stem tips there is no structure comparable to the root cap, even in the rhizomes that grow in the soil. The cells from the center of the apical meristem are forerunners of pith which is surrounded by the primary xylem, whereas in most roots thev are the forerunners of a central xylem. At the root tip there are no lateral organs comparable to the lateral primordia of axillary buds, foliage leaves, or the primordia of flowers. Root hairs are present near the tips of roots of most plants. They are usually short-lived, but in some species they may live for months. The hormone known as auxin a appears to be necessary for cell en- largement in both stems and roots, but as it is increased in amount cell enlargement is decreased. The concentration of hormone necessary to de- crease cell enlargement occurs naturally in roots, but usually not in stems. These facts help us explain the difference in geotropism of stem and root tips, as shown in Chapter XXIII. The direction of growth of young lateral roots, like that of lateral stems, is influenced bv apical dominance. The results of recent experiments indicate that hormones necessary for growth in root tips may be made in stem tips, and vice versa. Secondary growth of roots. Most of the root tissues mentioned above are primary tissues that developed from the cells of the apical meristem. Secondary growth in thickness results primarily from the development of a vascular cambium as a cylindrical sheath between the xylem and phloem. From the cells formed by this cambium, increase in xylem and phloem occurs as in stems. The secondary growth may result in breaking and loss of epidermis. The cortical tissue may continue enlarging for a time, or it too may be broken and sloughed off. The pericycle survives in roots of some kinds of plants much longer than in others. The thickened herbaceous roots of some plants, such as those in long conical radishes and sweet potatoes, are the result of growth of the vascular cambium plus further division of the parenchyma cells of xylem, phloem, or pericycle. The concentric rings seen in cross sections of beets are the cut edges of a series of cone- 306 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY shaped layers of tissue ( Fig. 125 ) . The innermost cone is formed by the growth of the primary vascular cambium. The others are formed bv the growth of a series of anomalous secondary cambiums, which may origi- nate from parenchyma cells in the phloem or in the pericycle. The thick- ened portions of turnips and conical radishes are largely xylem; but in parsnips the tissues external to the xylem are most prominent. Increase in thickness of bark, especially of roots of trees and shrubs, is partly the result of the de\'elopment of cork from cork cambiums. Fig. 125. Concentric rings of tissues visible in cross sections of beet roots formed by the development of a succession of secondary cambiums in pericycle and phloem parenchyma. Photo by E. F. Artschwager, Journal of Agricultural Research. The size and extent of root systems. The primary root of a seedling continues its downward extension into the soil. Root hairs develop within a few hours, and lateral secondary roots within a few days. If the plant has a taproot system, the primary root continues growth for weeks or months, and under favorable conditions may penetrate the soil to a depth of 5, 10, 20, and even 30 feet. The roots of most plants, how- ever, develop in the upper 3 to 5 feet of soil. In regions of abundant rainfall and high water table, root systems in general are nearer the surface than in regions subjected to periodic drought (Fig. 126). In deserts there are many species of cacti with widespreading root sys- tems less than a foot below the surface, and species of yuccas and desert shrubs nearby with roots which penetrate deeply. [Chap. XXIX ROOTS: DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURES 307 Contrary to common be- lief, roots of our common plants which have been ex- perimentally tested do not grow through a layer of air- dry soil to moist soil beneath (Fig. 127). When a portion of the root system of a plant is exposed to moist soil and the remainder of its system :S^3? ■^jr-i^^/- '"^ , \ \^,mif^' .t:" Fig. 126. Roots of hemlock and spruce on a rocky slope in the Smoky Mountains. The layer of mosses and ferns under which they first grew have been washed away. The terminal roots are located deep in the crevices of the rock. Photo by E. N. Doan. to dry soil, the portion in moist soil grows extensively, while the portion in dry soil grows but little or not at all, depending upon the dryness of the soil. Similar unequal growth of portions of the root system of a plant occurs in relation to several other fac- tors. The horizontal distribution of the root svstem of a plant is not dependent upon either the diameter or the height of the part above ground. The frequent statement in popu- 308 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 127. Effects of dry soil (lighter color) on the growth of roots. Photo by F. H. Norris. lar literature that the horizontal spread of the root system of a tree is the same as the diameter of the crown is erroneous. Isolated trees on a lawn or campus may have a horizontal spread of roots as much as 4 to 5 times the diameter of the crown. A young pear tree was found to have a horizontal spread of roots 9 times the diameter of its crown. Plants closely crowded together do not have as extensive root systems as isolated ones. The more extensive root system may or may not occur with the larger crown. The root system of a corn plant at Lincoln, Ne- braska, commonly has a horizontal spread of about 7 feet and a vertical penetration of about 6 feet. At Wooster, Ohio, the horizontal spread of the root system of a corn plant is generally about 3 feet, and the depth about 2 feet. These figures represent differences in the growth of root systems due to the combined effects of heredity, climate, and soil. Many factors affect the development of root systems. The striking dif- ferences in form of the root systems of different species of plants are expressions of different heredities in similar environments. But expres- [Chap. XXIX ROOTS: DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURES 309 sion of heredity may vary greatly in different environments. The wild ancestors of our cultivated varieties of beets and radishes had compara- tively slender and woody roots. The thickened herbaceous characteris- tics of these cultivated varieties are hereditary, but under certain con- ditions of temperature and length of day the roots fail to thicken; that is, this particular hereditary potentiality is not expressed under certain environmental conditions. It will be helpful to visualize root systems as we do the crowns of trees. Certain specific characteristics are often evi- dent, but in different environments their development may be greatly altered. In considering the factors that affect the growth of root systems, one should not forget that sugar, vitamins, and hormones from the leaves are essential factors in root growth, and that any factor that influences the supply of these substances to the roots indirectly affects their growth (Chapter XXI). Gravity affects the direction of growth of roots but cannot be classified as either an atmospheric or a soil factor. Among the factors of the soil environment that affect physiological processes and growth in root systems are compactness or texture of the soil, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, soil temperature, inorganic salts ( essential, non- essential, and toxic), acidity and alkalinity, and soil fungi and bacteria. Only a few of these factors will be mentioned further in this chapter. The compactness of the soil indirectly affects the growth of roots through its effects upon aeration and the rapidity of the movement of water and mineral salts. Directly it affects the penetration of roots. Many clay soils may become so hard during dry seasons that germinating seeds at the surface die through failure of the roots to enter the soil. Root systems in general are less extensive in compact soils, and root growth occurs mainly in the crevices of such soils. Soils of coarse texture are not good soils because, in spite of good aeration, the supply of water and available salts is often deficient under natural conditions. Between tliese two extremes of fineness and coarseness are the soils known as loams, in which roots grow best. When roots grow through alternating layers of coarse and fine soils, far more branching and development of lateral roots occur in the layer of loam. Trampling, as it occurs in paths in gardens and greenhouses or on trails and roadways, makes the soil compact. Pioneer roads abandoned for a century or more are still evident in forests because few plants can grow in such compact soils. Excellent virgin soils that were thousands of years in fomiing become more compact through careless farm prac- 310 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY tices, partly because of the oxidation of organic matter in them and partly by the removal of the surface layers down to the more compact subsoil. The failure of plants to grow well on many abandoned farms is due not so much to lack of essential salts as to the compactness of the soil. The social significance of these facts has but recently been recog- nized by the general public. Fig. 128. Development of "knees" from the roots of bald cypress when growing in lowlands annually submerged by floods. Photo by U. S. Forest Service. Available oxygen has an immediate effect on respiration, and conse- quently on growth. The roots of some kinds of plants, such as willow, Cottonwood, and cypress, can survive and grow in much lower concen- trations of free oxygen than roots of many other kinds of plants (Fig. 128). Oxygen is not necessarily obtained from the soil air by some plants, such as those growing in swamps or in partly submerged areas. Many of these marsh plants have continuous air cavities extending throughout the plant. The green shoots above may well have an excess of oxygen in the daytime, and there is always some [Chap. XXIX ROOTS: DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURES 311 movement of oxygen from the atmosphere into the air cavities through open stomates. Windfalls frequently display the root systems of trees that have grown on bogs and swamps (Fig. 129). Often none of the larger roots has Fig. 129. Major root system of an arbor vitae tree overthrown by a wind storm. The tree had been growing in a bog and the uppermost layers of peat were lifted with the roots. Photo by G. W. Blaydes. penetrated the substratum more than one foot. The roots that lived and attained age were those just beneath the surface. Toward the close of the last century, thousands of miles of fences were made of these flat root bases of white pine set up side by side, enclosing pastures after lumbering had denuded the land. Yet when white pine stumps were pulled from sandy upland, they had several roots an inch or more in thickness down to ten feet below the surface. The effects of submergence in rapidly flowing water differ from those 312 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY of Stagnant water largely because of the different amounts of oxygen available. When plants are being considered, the expression "good drain- age" should be interpreted as good oxygen supply rather than water movement. The well-knov^m fact that the roots of willows, cottonwoods, and elms will develop excessively in drain pipes and stop the flow of water is due to the combined result of constantly available moisture and oxygen. The more direct effects of temperature on root development are largely expressions of the fact that higher soil temperatures accelerate and lower ones retard development. In polar regions the soil may be con- stantly frozen a few feet below the surface; only the upper layers thaw in midsummer. Root systems there are usually very shallow. The available inorganic salts in a soil may increase or decrease root development. Low concentrations of nitrogen in the form of ammonium compounds and nitrate may restrict it. If nitrogen is present in greater concentration and the manufacture of proteins is not curtailed, average root systems are formed. Excessive amounts of nitrogen may result in larger root systems in some plants and in smaller ones in others, accom- panied in both cases by excessive development of the tops. Conse- quently, one frequently finds greater development of roots in proportion to the shoots in poor soils than in soils rich in nitrogen. Large amounts of salts, such as occur in salt and alkali flats in dry regions, become limiting factors to most plants, and only a few species survive these conditions. When salts accumulate to 2 per cent of the dry weight of the soil, practically all flowering plants are killed. With the effects of all these factors in mind, one should be able to explain some of the examples of root distribution that he encounters in the field, in road cuts, and in excavations, and the many diagrams of root systems available in botanical literature. Root surfaces compared with leaf surfaces. Many studies of the rela- tion between the depth and extent of root penetration and the height and size of the shoots of plants have been made. The relative weights of roots and shoots of many economic plants have been studied at the agricultural experiment stations, particularly following different methods of cultivation, crop rotations, frequency of cutting, and the addition of fertilizers. Few studies have been made of the areas of entire root sys- tems, including the finest roots and root hairs, in relation to the areas of leaves and stems. The total areas of tops and roots of winter rye grass have been meas- [Chap. XXIX ROOTS: DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURES 313 ured in detail. Some of the results as reported are given here. The plant grew for 4 months in a fertile soil contained in a wooden box a foot square at the top and 22 inches deep; that is, somewhat less than 2 cubic feet of soil. The plant produced 80 shoots with an average of 6 leaves per shoot, and was about 20 inches tall at the end of the experiment. The total exposed surface of the top of the plant was 51.4 square feet. The number, length (if placed end to end), and area of the roots are best seen from the accompanying table. Roots Number Total Length Total Surface Main roots Secondary Tertiary Quaternary 143 35 , 600 2.3 million 11.5 million 214 ft. 17,800 ft. 574,000 ft. 1 .4 million ft. 1.5 sq. ft. 45 . 0 sq. ft. 758.6 sq. ft. 1,748.9 sq. ft. Total 14 million 2 million ft. 2,554 sq. ft. Root hairs 14 billion 6,000 miles 4,321 sq. ft. These figures show that the total surface of the roots is about 130 times that of the shoots. The presence of nearly 14 million roots and 14 billion root hairs with a total surface of 6800 sq. ft. in less than 2 cu. ft. of soil shows how completely every part of the soil may be penetrated. The roots are thus in contact with much of the water surrounding the soil particles and with the salts and other compounds dissolved in the soil water. If we assume an average daily rate of growth during the four-month experimental period, 3 miles of new roots and 50 miles of new root hairs ( 100,000,000 ) were added each day. In nature the daily invasion of new soil masses might be of great importance if the water content of a soil were decreasing, or if the soil solution of inorganic salts were very dilute. In the chapter on transpiration it was shown that the principal evapo- ration surface is the mesophyll when the stomates are open. The meso- phyll surface of winter rye grass is perhaps 6 times that of the epidermis of the shoots. Even when the stomates were open, the plant described in this experiment had an absorbing surface 22 times that of the evapora- tion surface. 314 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY When the root systems of winter rye grass were compared with those of oats, and of bluegrass under field conditions, the following relative results were obtained: Winter rye grass Oats Bluegrass Number of Roots 4,700 6,400 84,500 Total Length 150 ft. 210 ft. 1 , 250 ft. Total Surface 50 sq. in. 78 sq. in. 332 sq. in. From these figures it is evident why bluegrass is so effective in form- ing turf and in preventing soil erosion. Further evidence of its copious root system is obtained when a comparison is made of the roots of three grasses growing in the field under similar conditions. An examination of sample volumes of soil, 3 inches in diameter and 6 inches deep (42 cu. in.) showed that for each cubic inch of soil: Oats had 15 sq. in. of root surface and 150,000 root hairs. Winter rye grass had 30 sq. in. of root surface and 300,000 root hairs. Bluegrass had 65 sq. in. of root surface and 1,000,000 root hairs. The roots of oats occupied 0.55 of 1 per cent of the soil volume; those of winter rye grass 0.85 of 1 per cent; and those of bluegrass 2.8 per cent. REFERENCES Dittmer, H. J. A quantitative study of the roots of a winter rye plant. Amer. Jour. Bot. 24:417-420. 1937. Dittmer, H. J. The efficiency of monocot roots in soil conservation. Univ. of Iowa Nat. Hist. Studies. 17:343-346. 1938. Dittmer, H. J. Quantitative study of the subterranean members of three field grasses. Amer. Jour. Bot. 25:654-657. 1938. Weaver, J. E. Root Development of Field Crops. McGraw-Hill Book Com- pany, Inc. 1926. CHAPTER XXX ROOTS: PROCESSES AND SOIL RELATIONS If we include both subterranean and aerial roots in our purview there are few processes in leaves and stems that do not also occur in roots. Cell division, enlargement, and differentiation; respiration; transpiration; sugar, fat, and protein syntheses; digestion; assimilation; absorption and movement of water and mineral salts; and the translocation and accumu- lation of substances are just as characteristic of some kinds of roots as they are of some kinds of leaves and stems. Not all of these processes occur in every type of leaf, stem, or root. Photosynthesis in roots is limited to those roots which become green when exposed to light, and is characteristic especially of the epiphytes, such as tropical orchids, bromelias, and ferns. However, the roots of many land plants exposed by current and wave action along lake shores and stream banks may become green and add to the sugar supply of the root. Transpiration occurs from the roots of epiphytes, and from any other root surfaces exposed to air, either above or below the soil surface. The soil environment. Before discussing the other processes occurring in roots we should consider a few of the conditions in the soil as an environment in which roots grow. First of all the soil is a mass of larger and smaller particles of minerals derived from underlying rocks, or car- ried in from adjoining regions by water, ice, and wind. Through the cen- turies this "parent material" of the soil is modified by weathering which includes rainfall and drought, freezing and thawing, solution and pre- cipitation, leaching and chemical reorganization. Meanwhile plant stems and roots have thickly penetrated all the sur- face layers every year, and the lower layers at least every few years. All or parts of these organs have died each year, and their organic com- pounds have been incorporated in the soil. These compounds become the food supply of an enormous population of bacteria, fungi, and minute animals that alter the organic residues and, according to conditions, in- 315 316 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY crease or decrease the available organic compounds and the water- holding capacity of the soil, as well as its texture and penetrability. The interstices among the irregular soil particles make up from a third to a half of the soil volume. After a rain they are partly or entireh filled with water (Fig. 130). The air in these interstices constitutes a "soil Fig. 130. Arrangement of soil particles and interstices in a cultivated field. Photo by L. D. Baver. atmosphere." Water movement in these spaces is for the most part by capillarity, and to a slight extent by gravity. The lateral movement is almost as rapid as the downward movement. Following a rain the water gradually approaches an equilibrium in which similar parts of the soil mass have about the same water content. Water vapor is also diffusing through the soil mass, and some of it may diffuse out of the pores at the soil surface. Soluble salts are likewise diffusing in the soil solution from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration. Thev may be carried about also during mass movement of the water in tlie soil. Owing to electrical forces, mineral ions may also become adsorbed (electrically held) on the sur- faces of soil particles. [Chap. XXX ROOTS: PROCESSES AND SOIL RELATIONS 317 Oxygen diffuses into soil from the atmosphere and is also carried into it in solution in rain water. Within the soil, oxygen is combined with various reduced compounds by soil organisms and is consumed in the respiration of roots and countless numbers of small plants and animals that inhabit the soil. Carbon dioxide, because of its high solubility in water, enters the soils in rain water especially if that water percolates through a layer of leaf litter, duff, and humus at the soil surface. It also diffuses into the soil air and soil solution from the respiration of roots and soil organisms. Soil air may contain as much as 5 to 15 per cent of carbon dioxide. In temperate regions soils may undergo rather rapid temperature changes at the soil surface, where in the summer time fully exposed areas may be heated as high as 120° to 140^ F., or even higher. Temperature fluctuations gradually decrease from the surface downward until the temperature is more or less stabilized at about the average annual tem- perature of the locality. Fig. 131. Profile of a cultivated soil (a) with the roots of a carrot in place; the profile of a mature soil (b) that developed beneath a northern coniferous forest; and (c) the profile under a northern mixed prairie. One-foot intervals are indicated at the side of each picture. Photos, (a) from H. C. Thompson, Cornell Univ.; (b) and (c) from C. E. Kellogg, United States Department of Agriculture. 318 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY .. . pa O.. • .• •: o... . .0 _ •i.-oo-lo ■„ ^^-0-..o -.0 ey-. . •.^■" o 6 •■ • I o/^"- ••••<;»^:-o" "^ -C» 6f* ".^.o-^ ■S~'~~a^:~.~.^.~^. ■ VimI "sahO I ■ I I 1 L- FiG. 132. Two diagrams illustrating the distribution of the roots of white pine in soil profiles having layers of different texture, color, water content, and aeration. After H. J. Lutz, Yale Forestry Bulletin 44, 1937. Diagram of soil profile (A). Uppermost layers of white pine debris and fungous mycelia. Horizon A, fine sandy loam, dark brown above, light brown below. Horizon B, fine sandy loam, brown slightly mottled. Horizon C, loam above, coarse sand below. Diagram of soil profile (B). Loamy coarse sand in horizon A; color brownish gray, motded. Horizon B, dark brown coarse sand. Horizon C, gray in color, gravelly, coarse sand except layer of fine sand at 6 ft. below surface. [Chap. XXX ROOTS: PROCESSES AND SOIL RELATIONS 319 After all these soil processes and activities have continued for hun- dreds or thousands of years, a soil usually has attained maturity and cer- tain characteristic chemical and physical properties and water-holding capacities. Its constituents become arranged in layers or horizons of varying thickness beginning at the soil surface and ending below in the parent material. These layers mav differ greatly in composition, reac- tion, and structure, but some parts of most root systems extend into each of them (Figs. 131 and 132). Roots growing in a soil, then, are developing in a highly dvnamic medium, in which chemical, phvsical, and biological processes are con- tinuous, and in which the available soil water, soil solutes, and soil air may be as variable as those of the atmospheric environment in which the foliage and stems develop. Field capacity and wilting percentage of soils. With reference to the actively growing plant there are two critical points in the water relations of a soil. The first is the amount of water that is held in equilibrium against further movement by gravity and capillaritv in a given soil under field conditions. One may visualize this condition bv assuming that a large mass of a uniform soil after a prolonged drought has become air dry to a depth of 5 feet. This soil still contains some water — about 1 per cent if composed of sand, and as much as 5 per cent if clav. Seeds do not germinate and seedlings do not survive under these conditions. Suppose now that an inch of rain falls on this soil and it all penetrates the interstices between the soil particles. If the soil were sandy it might moisten the upper layer to a depth of a foot. If the soil were a fine clay only a few inches would become moist. After a day or two the water in the moist layer of soil has become uniformly dispersed. Neither capil- larity nor gravity causes it to move farther downward. The soil water is now at equilibrium, and films of water surround the soil particles but do not fill the larger spaces among them. The water held at equilibrium is commonly called the "field capacity" of a soil. Sandy soils have a field capacity of about 5 per cent, and clay loams about 35 per cent ( Fig. 133 ) . If a second rain of one inch followed, capillary forces would cause the water to move through the moist layer into the dry layer just be- neath, and at equilibrium the fine soil would be moist to a depth of several additional inches, and the sandv soil another foot. Under these conditions, seeds can germinate and seedlings grow rap- idly. The roots of seedlings have a continuous water supply as their 320 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY WILTING FIELD PERCENTAGE CAPACITY LITTLE OR NO MOVEMENT OF FREE MOVEMENT OF WATER IN SOIL ' WATER IN SOIL WATER CONTENT N^o^GRowTH POOR GROWTH BEST GROWTH poo" growth or death Fig. 133. Diagram illustrating water relations of a clay loam. innumerable branches and root hairs penetrate to all parts of the moist layer. Oxygen is abundant in the soil air and respiration is not restricted. Let us now assume that no more water is added. After a few weeks, depending on the temperature, the young plants begin to wilt in the middle of the day, but recover their turgidity at night. The rate of absorp- tion of water is not equal to the rate of transpiration during midday, but at night it is greater than the water loss. After several more days, how- ever, the plants wilt and do not recover at night. In spite of the large root surface, water no longer moves from the soil to the plants, and they become permanently wilted. The wilting percentage is the amount of water present in a soil under these conditions. It varies from 1 to 10 per cent in sandy loams, from 15 to 20 per cent in fine clay loams. Absorption of water by osmosis. Thus far we have visualized osmosis as occurring in each individual cell, in which the water inside the vacuole is separated from the more concentrated water outside the cell by the differentially permeable cytoplasmic membrane. It is possible also to visualize a whole root as one osmotic unit; that is, the water in the xylem vessels in the central cylinder of the root is separated from the water in the soil by the cambium and bark ( phloem, pericycle, cortex, epidermis ) , which may be considered as one complex differentially permeable membrane. These relations may be demonstrated by means of a thickened root, such as that of carrot. To simplify the problem, one may remove most of the xylem of the root with a cork borer and regard the cavity thus formed as one large xylem vessel, in lieu of the many original vessels removed by the cork borer. A glass tube may be securely attached to the top of the root to represent the continuation of a xylem vessel into the stem of the plant. If the cavity in the root made by the removal of [Chap. XXX ROOTS: PROCESSES AND SOIL RELATIONS 321 natural xylem is filled with a sugar solution and the root is then immersed in water, tlie sugar solution slowly rises in the attached glass tube. The observed phenomena may be duplicated by substituting for the carrot root a long porous clay cup in the walls of which there is a differentially permeable membrane of copper ferrocyanide.^ In the carrot root the differentially permeable membrane is considered to be all the layers of living cells between the xylem vessels and the water surround- ing the root. This demonstration is probably analogous to the movement of water from the soil through the cortex to the xylem vessels in a living root under certain conditions. When the stems of some plants, growing with an ample water supply, are cut off an inch or two abo\'e the soil, water may exude from the cut surfaces. Under these circumstances large quan- tities of sap exude from the stumps of a few kinds of plants, such as birch and grape. The water may exude from these stumps against a pres- sure of one or two atmospheres, which would be sufficient to push water to the tops of small trees. Such pressures, however, are lacking at the time of year when the water loss from leaves is greatest, and the results of numerous experiments indicate that the rate of exudation is too slow to account for the large volume of water that is lost in transpiration. Guttation. The extremely wet grass one often sees on lawns at night and early morning is not always a result of the formation of dew. When the humidity of the air is high and the soil is moist, each blade of grass has a glistening drop of water at its tip. This loss of water in liquid fomi at the ends of veins of leaves is called guttation. Early-morning golfers are often annoyed by the fact that this water contains sugar, because when the water evaporates from their hands and from the handles of golf clubs a sticky sirup remains. Guttation may be demonstrated in the leaves of many kinds of plants by placing bell jars over well-watered plants in pots or by attaching leaves or branches to a water faucet by a hose connection. Guttation may also occur in plants in greenhouses when excessive amounts of water have been added ( Fig. 134 ) . The veins of the leaves are continuous with those of the stems and roots, and where they end in the leaves there may be an open meshwork of parenchyma cells covered by an epidermis con- taining stomates or pores. Guttation is probably the result of conditions ^ The copper ferrocyanide membrane is formed in the walls of a porous clay cup pre- viously soaked in water, if the cup is filled with a solution of potassium ferrocyanide and immersed in a solution of copper sulfate. 322 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY exemplified by the carrot-root demonstration without any artificial man- ipulation of the structures involved. In other words, guttation may be the result of the processes by which pressure is built up in the xylem vessels of the root system by the osmotic absorption of water across the complex membrane of tissues external to the xylem. This pressure may become great enough to push water up the vessels and out of the ends of the veins of some of the leaves of a plant. Fig. 134. Guttation in leaves of tomato in a moist atmosphere. Photo from J. H. Gourley. During early autumn, when the soil is still warm and moist and the atmospheric humidity is near saturation, drops of water exude from the points on the leaf margin of oaks, maples, cottonwoods, and other trees. This is another example of guttation, often mistaken for dew. Absorption of water by pull of transpiration and osmosis. The phe- nomena of "bleeding" from cut stems and guttation have sometimes led to the conclusion that the pressure developed in roots is the cause of the upward movement of water in tall stems under all conditions. However, if a hole is bored through the bark of a tree and an inch or ROOTS: PROCESSES AND SOIL RELATIONS 323 [Chap. XXX two into the wood and a glass tube filled with water is quickly attached by a tight-fitting rubber stopper, one may readily determine whether the water in the trunk of the tree is under pressure or under tension. If the lower end of the tube dips into a vessel of water and there is internal pressure, water will flow into the vessel; if there is tension, water will flow into the tree. The best time to set up such an experiment is when it is raining, or in the early morning before sunrise. Gauges that register both positive and negative pressures have been used in similar experi- ments. Most of the experiments have shown that in late spring and early summer, when transpiration is highest, there is tension, not pressure, and that water may be drawn from the vessel into the tree. This would be difficult to explain on the basis of root pressure. Another type of experiment to show root pressure is mentioned in a preceding section. If a plant is cut off when transpiration is rapid, and a 30| - / / t 1 1 1 1 1 1 0=25 |20 gio a s 1 TRANSPIRATION */ /^ V ABSORPTION 1/ \\ZC^¥^S^ \ 1 1 1 1 Fig. 135. Curves of hourly rates of absorption of water, and the simultaneous rates of transpiration. Internal water tension, or pressure, results. Data from P. J. Kramer. water-filled tube is immediately attached to the stump, the water level in the tube falls. Under the most favorable conditions positive pressures ( shown by a rise in the water level ) do not occur until after a lapse of one-half to two hours' time. This experiment seems to indicate that in spite of the osmotic absorption by the roots, the root cells were not fully turgid. Some of the water evidently had been drawn out of the roots by transpiration from the mesophyll cells above ( Fig. 135 ) . Additional evidence that the water content of tree trunks decreases during periods of active transpiration is shown by the fact that tree trunks have daily variations in diameter as indicated by exact measure- ments. They are smallest in the afternoons of clear hot days, and largest in the early morning hours ( Fig. 136 ) . The flow of maple sap. The flow of maple sap from trees in early spring 324 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY is conditioned not only by the effects of root pressure but also by the presence of gases in the xylem tissues. The flow is greatest during the period when freezing temperatures occur at night and davtime tempera- i I L^L 14-L i ilii I Ll l±i f f ( J N M-+4 i-ULU^^ I ^ do may be inadequate or even erroneous. All seed plants have a period of youth during which the growth of roots, stems, and leaves precedes the fonnation of flowers and fruits. The length of this purely vegetative period may vary from a few weeks to many years, depending upon the species of plant and the habitat in which it is growing. The occurrence of flower primordia in buds is the first visible evidence 333 334 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY of flower formation. Their first appearance can be detected only by examining thin sections of buds with a microscope. During the winter many of the buds of trees and shrubs contain rudimentary flowers that may be recognized without a microscope (Chapter XXVI). Evidently the initiation of these dormant rudimentary flowers occurred sometime during the previous growing season. In the latitude of Ohio the initiation of flower buds on trees of apple, peach, plum, and cherry usually occurs sometime during the last two months of summer. The initiation of flower primordia in many shrubs, such as currants, gooseberries, and cranberries, also occurs during these months. In the early spring-flowering plants that grow from the terminal bud in bulbs, the differentiation of flower primordia occurred sometime during the preceding growing season. The opening of flower buds, the relatively rapid enlargement of the different parts of flowers, and the subsequent development of fruits the following spring are familiar to all. In annuals, biennials, and many herbaceous perennials, the initiation of flower primordia and the subse- quent development of flowers and fruits occur during the same season. Since the fruit and the parts of a flower are composed of cells, one may reasonably infer that the processes of growth in them are similar to those in leaves, stems, and roots. Here again the formation, enlargement, and differentiation of cells are influenced by food, water, hormones, and all the other factors that affect the growth of cells. As in leaves, an absciss layer may develop at the base of each of these floral structures, and they may abscise and fall off at maturity or in some earlier stage of develop- ment. During certain years this abscission may be so excessive that the ground beneath a tree is covered with a laver of abscised flowers and young fruits. Biloxi soybeans which grow where they are exposed to light 14 to 15 hours each day may bloom, but no fruits develop. The initiation of flower primordia, therefore, may occur when conditions are unfavorable to the further development of both flowers and fruits. It is because of this fact that attention has been called to each of these three processes: initiation of flower primordia, flowering, and fruiting. In the cultivation of plants one strives to maintain a combination of conditions that is favorable to all three of these processes. The formation of seeds in fruits is dependent upon the formation of pollen and gametes and is the result of a long series of processes that will be considered in Chapter XXXIII. These, too, are influenced by ex- ternal conditions. [Chap. XXXI INITIATION OF FLOWERS 335 In tliis chapter the initiation of flower primordia will be given most attention. The further development of these primordia to full-grown flower structures and fruits will be mentioned occasionally. We shall have to turn our attention once more to the growing stem tip, for it is from this meristem that all flower primordia develop. They may develop from the stem tip in the terminal buds of main stems or of lateral branches, as in roses, zinnias, dahlias, petunias, and asters. In these plants there is a change from a vegetative bud to a flower bud. Flower primordia may also develop from the unelongated stem tips of axillary buds, as in rose of Sharon, hibiscus, hollyhock, bindweed, mul- lein, and coleus. In these latter plants the fully developed flowers are later seen along the sides of the stem in the axils of leaves. The leaves subtending the axillary flowers may be large, as in hibiscus, or they may be small green bracts, as in coleus. The stem tips from which these flowers developed never bore leaves. Observable differentiation of flower primordia. In the longitudinal sec- tion of a vegetative bud (Fig. 32) the apical meristem and the primordia of the lateral foliage leaves and of axillary buds are evident. When such a bud changes to a flower bud, no more primordia of foliage leaves and axillary buds are formed; but a number of small mounds or ridges of cells develop from the apical meristem in regular arrangement. In the simplest cases the lowest and outermost mounds of these cells are the primordia of the sepals of the flower, and they are usually the first to appear (Fig. 140). Just above them are the primordia of the petals of the flower, then the primordia of stamens; and finally the center of the meristem becomes the primordium of the pistil. The order in which these different primordia become visible is not the same in all species of plants. This short stem tip, with the several mounds of meristematic cells, is the beginning of a flower. Physiological differentiation precedes the occurrence of flower pri- mordia. Back of all visible changes in development there are, of course, changes in phvsiological processes and conditions. What we see are merely the consequences of the accumulated physiological conditions. What are these conditions? Among the conditions postulated to be important in flower formation, two — namely, specific hormones called "florigens," and the relative amounts of carbohydrates and proteins in the plants — have been given the most attention in recent years. While an unqualified specific answer 336 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY microsporocytes stamea carpel ovule containing me^aspore mother cell K Fig. 140. Frimordia of the parts of a flower and the forerunners of fruit and seeds of pepper. A, the vegetative stem tip previous to the development of flower primordia; B-G, early stages in the development of flower primordia; H-K, stages in the development of fruit and seeds. A-J, after H. L. Cochran, Journal of Agri- cultural Research. K, drawn from a photograph by H. P. Stuckey and J. A. McClintock. [Chap. XXXI Initiation of flowers 337 to the above question is impossible today, some of the facts relating to it may be of more interest than the answer. The leaves of begonia may be used as a means of vegetative multipli- cation; that is, if the base of a leaf which has been broken from a plant is placed in moist soil, a complete individual plant will develop from it. If the plant from which the leaf was taken is about to bloom, the new individual that grows from the isolated leaf will grow but little and bloom within a short time. On the other hand, if the original plant is vigorously vegetative, the new individual from the isolated leaf will grow much larger and for a long period of time before flowers develop on it. From such experiments as these a German botanist (Julius von Sachs ) suggested in 1893 that flower formation may be dependent upon specific chemical substances made in the leaves. At that time, and for several years later, the idea that a small amount of some chemical sub- stance formed in the plant could have such a profound influence on its development attracted little serious consideration. A few years later, another German botanist (Georg Klebs) began a series of experiments in which he was able either to keep plants in a vegetative state for many years or to bring about flower formation and sexual reproduction in a relatively short time. He thought that all his experimental data could be explained on the basis of the influence of light, inorganic salts, and other external factors upon the nutrition of the plants, especially upon the synthesis and accumulation of carbohy- drates in relation to other products. He concluded that the initiation of flower primordia is dependent upon a previous accumulation of physio- logical conditions. In 1918, two American botanists (E. J. Kraus and H. R. Kraybill) de- scribed their experiments with tomato plants in which the number of flowers formed, flower development, and subsequent fruit development varied with external conditions that influence photosvnthesis and protein synthesis in plants. From the discussions in previous chapters (XIII- XVI ) we are aware of the ways in which certain external factors could be changed and thereby alter the relative rates of photosynthesis and protein synthesis in plants. Following this report many investigators, working with several kinds of plants, performed hundreds of experi- ments in attempts to discover the relation of the relative amount of carbohydrates and proteins to the development of all parts of plants. These investigators showed that no organ of a plant grows well unless it is well supplied with both carbohydrates and proteins, or with the con- 338 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY ditions by which it can make these two kinds of foods. Flowers and fruits will grow no better than leaves, stems, or roots without these foods. Nor will they grow well when conditions are favorable to the synthesis of onlv one of them. Many facts of both practical and scientific interest were discovered. Some of them have been included in previous chapters. Most of these investigators think that these foods are not a direct cause of the initiation of flower primordia. When cultivated plants in gardens, orchards, and fields are exposed to conditions favorable to both photosynthesis and protein synthesis, they usually grow well and bear an abundance of flowers and fruits. It is possible, however, that other processes essential to the initiation of flower primordia also occur best under these same conditions, and that the foods are important because they are a necessary source of material and energy in the growing cells of the primordia and of the expanding flowers and fruits. Following the definite proof of hormones in plants about 1928, several botanists became interested in testing Sachs' idea that the initiation of flowers is dependent upon specific hormones made in the leaves. From the results of experiments performed within the last five years it appears reasonably certain that hormone-like substances are made in the leaves which promote the initiation of flower primordia, and that probably others inhibit it. The evidence back of this conclusion and the differences discovered in the plants investigated cannot be presented in this short chapter, but a few facts selected from two of the reports are too inter- esting to be omitted. No initiation of flower primordia occurs in plants of cocklebur (Xan- thium pennsijlvanicum ) growing in an ordinary greenhouse if the plants are exposed to continuous hght for 16 hours each day. Under these con- ditions they remain vegetative indefinitely. If the daily light period is shortened to 9 hours, microscopic flower primordia are evident within 5 days, and the plants are in bloom in about 2 weeks. If only one branch bearing mature leaves is exposed to a daily light period of 9 hours, and another branch of the same plant is exposed to the 16-hour daily light period, flowers develop on both branches. Finally, if only one mature leaf on the plant in the 16-hour day is exposed to a short day of 9 hours, flowers develop on all branches of the plant. Whatever it is that passes from the leaves exposed to the short days and promotes the initiation of flower primordia on the part of the plant exposed to the 16-hour day, it passes both up and down the stems. It [Chap. XXXI INITIATION OF FLOWERS 339 also diffuses across a graft between two branches of the same or dif- ferent plants, even if direct contact in the graft is prevented by the inser- tion of lens paper. Approach grafting was employed in these experiments; that is, por- tions of the sides of two stems were shaved to the cambium, and the two shaved surfaces were bound together without removing either stem from the plant. The leaves above the graft on one stem were then exposed to a 9-hour daily light period. Those on the other stem were exposed to the 16-hour dav. Flowers developed on both branches. As in the cocklebur the initiation of flowers in soybean plants also occurs only during relativelv short davs, but there is one striking differ- ence. If the leaves on one part of a plant are exposed to short days and those on the remainder of the plant to long days, flowers develop only on the branches exposed to short days. This localized effect has also been reported as occurring in other plants, such as cosmos, chrysanthemum, tobacco, and poinsettia. But it has been shown that in soybeans if the leaves are removed from the branches exposed to long days when the experiment is started, flowers develop on these branches also. If the leaves are removed from the branches exposed to short days, no flowers develop. From these facts one might infer that there are at least two substances that influence the initiation of flowers in soybeans: one made in leaves exposed to short days which induces the initiation of flowers, and the other one made in leaves exposed to long days that inhibits it. Environmental factors. By this time it is probably evident that en- vironmental factors, through their effects upon processes and conditions within the plant, may affect the initiation of flower primordia. Of these factors light and temperature are often the most important and will be discussed further. Light. When light is mentioned as a factor, one should know whether intensity, quality, or daily duration is being considered. From investi- gations made to date it appears that in the initiation of flower primordia, the so-called red rays of light are more effective than the blue, and green is least effective of all. Many plants have been known to grow and die in light of low inten- sity without bearing flowers and fruits. Some of them may live in this purely vegetative state for many years. Whether the failure of flower formation in deep shade is the result of deficient photosynthesis, hor- mone synthesis, or of some other internal condition is unknown. The in- 340 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY tensity of light, through its influence upon photosynthesis, is a very important factor in the growth of flowers and fruits after they are initiated. The daily duration of light to which plants mav be exposed is often the most potent of all external conditions in the initiation of flower primordia. Fig. 141. The efiect of long and short days on the evening primrose. Both plants were brought into the greenhouse in November. The one at the left was exposed to natural winter daylight and also to illumination from an electric light from sunset to midnight for about two months. The one at the right was kept under the same conditions, except that it was exposed only to the natural winter daylight. This is a typical long-day plant, in nature flowering when the days are long. W. W. Garner and H. A. Allard, U.S.D.A. This fact was first clearly recognized in 1920 by two American botanists (W. W. Gamer and H. A. Allard), of the U. S. Department of Agricul- ture (Figs. 141 and 142). They suggested the term photoperiod for the daily light period, or for any other period of continuous light to which the plants were exposed; and the term photoperiodism to refer to the recognized effects of the light period on the development of the plant. The photoperiod. The daily light period to which plants may be ex- [Chap. XXXI INITIATION OF FLOWERS 341 ^'■^ y Fig. 142. Effects of length of day on tobacco plant. Both plants grew in a green- house during the winter. The plant at the right was exposed to daylight and also to electric light from sunset to midnight, while the plant at the left was exposed to natural daylight only. This is a typical short-day plant. When exposed to long days, this variety will grow 15 feet or more in height and produce upward of 100 leaves. W. W. Garner and H. A. Allard, U.S.D.A. posed influences not only the initiation of flowers, but also physiological processes in plants that affect the growth of all plant organs. Here only a few of its relations to the initiation of flower primordia will be discussed. Since the species and varieties of plants are inherently different, they are not all affected in the same way when exposed to the same photo- period. Garner and Allard recognized three different groups of plants with reference to length of day and flower formation. First, there are the long-day plants, which bloom only when the days are relatively long, usually more than 12-14 hours. The shortest daily photoperiod under which one of these species will bloom is called its critical photoperiod. When exposed to continuous light many of these species grow and reproduce; others fail to survive. These are the plants that regularly bloom in the long days of summer. During the short days of the growing season they remain vegetative, often as rosettes. They will also bloom in greenhouses in winter if the daily photoperiod is lengthened by means of electric lights. This supplemental electric light 342 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY need not be very intense. The main thing is that the daily photoperiod be lengthened. If the intensity of this supplemental light is between 1/500 and 1/2000 that of a bright summer day, it is sufficient for the initiation of flowers in most of the plants that have been tested. Some species bloom when the intensity of the supplemental light is only 2 to 5 times that of bright moonlight. The longer rays of light are more effective than the shorter ones. Second, there are the plants that bloom only when the days are rela- tively short, usually under 12-14 hours. The longest daily light period under which one of these species will bloom is called its critical photo- period. These are the plants that bloom in early spring and autumn. That is, the initiation of flowers in them occurs during short days. The young flowers may grow to maturity during the season they are initiated, or thev may remain dormant until the following spring, as they usually do in trees and shrubs. Fig. 143. Effects of length of day on vegetative growth and Hower formation in morning glory. C, control plant exposed to long days from time of germination. Figures indicate the number of short-day periods to which the other plants were exposed during the seedling stage. All plants completed their development in long days. Photo by Victor A. Greulach. [Chap. XXXI INITIATION OF FLOWERS 343 Herbaceous short-day plants that have been tested bloom during the long days of summer if for a few successive davs thev are placed in a dark room from about the middle of the afternoon until the next morning (Fig. 143). The number of these short-day exposures that are eflFective depends upon the species of plant and also upon the temperature. One or two exposures are sufficient to initiate flower primordia in some plants. Short days are necessary for the further growth of the flower primordia after they are initiated in some species, whereas in other species the flowers may continue to develop in either long or short photoperiods. These short-dav plants will bloom even when exposed to the long days of summer if the intervening dark period is made longer, for exam- ple, from the evening of one day to the morning of the second day there- after. The dark period must be continuous. If it is interrupted, even bv very short light periods, flower primordia do not form. Such facts as these have led some investigators to suggest that the short-day plants should be called long-night plants. An idea of the importance of the long dark period may be obtained by comparing the behavior of the plants under difl^erent photoperiods as summarized in Table 12. Table 12. Initiation of Flowers in Cocklebur in Relation to the Length of Alternating Periods of Light and Darkness Length of Light Period in Hours Length of Dark Period in Hours Condition of Plant After 15 Days 8 4 16 16 16 8 8 3'2 In bloom Vegetative only Vegetative only In bloom If short-day plants are exposed only to long daily light periods, they remain vegetative for an indefinite time and grow much larger than when thev are exposed to short days. Advantage is sometimes taken of this fact. After the plants have grown to some desired size in long days, they may be transferred to short days. In this way larger plants with a greater number of flowers and fruits may be obtained. If the seeds germinate in spring the plants are exposed to long days in earlv 344 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY summer and to short days in late summer and autumn without being transferred. What is the explanation of the differences in the bloom- ing of the cocklebur plants mentioned in the third paragraph of this chapter? Finally, there is a third group of plants, in which the initiation of flowers occurs during either long or short photoperiods, although it may occur more readily in one type of photoperiod than in the other. These plants are called day-neutral plants. They may bloom any time during Fig. 144. Photographs of a cabbage plant kept in a greenhouse at about 67° F. At the end of two years plant (A) was more than 6 feet tall and had borne 4 compact heads of leaves at the points indicated by the figures 1, 2, 3, 4. At the end^of 2.5 years it had borne 6 heads (B). When it was transferred to a cool (55° F.) greenhouse, flower primordia developed and the plant bloomed within a few months (B). Photo from H. C. Thompson. INITIATION OF FLOWERS 345 [Chap. XXXI the growing season. Hybrid roses, chickweed, dandelion in gardens and lawns, and tomatoes and buckwheat in greenhouses are familiar examples of day-neutral plants. Temperature. Both the degree and the duration of any particular de- gree of temperature are important factors in the development of plants. Under certain conditions the initiation of flowers may be influenced more bv temperature than by the length of day. Some species, such as beets, Fig. 145. Effects of temperature on vegetative growth and the formation of fiowers in celery. The four plants pictured on the left grew in a cool (60° F.) greenhouse; at the same time those on the right grew in a warm (70° F.) green- house. Photo from H. C. Thompson, Cornell University. stocks, and celery, do not bloom when kept continuously at a relatively high temperature in greenhouses. Cabbage, a biennial, may grow vege- tatively as a perennial if kept continuously at 70° F. ( Figs. 144 and 145 ) . Some plants of temperate climates when transported to the tropics similarly remain vegetative. Low temperature delays the time of flower formation in some species and shortens it in others. In many species the initiation of flowers occurs sooner at a moderate temperature than at either a low or a high temperature. 346 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Much more striking, however, is the fact that the initiation of flowers may occur much sooner in some plants if the germinating seeds or the young seedhngs are exposed to a low temperature for a short time. For example, wheat plants bloom sooner if the germinating seeds are ex- posed to a low temperature. Celery and beets, which are regularly biennials in the latitude of New York, grow as annuals if the seedlings Fig. 146. Preconditioning effects of temperature on the development of flower primordia in cabbage plants. The four plants pictured above grew in the field during Summer. The two on the right were transferred directly from the field to a warm greenhouse, while the two on the left were brought from the field and kept at 40° F. for 2 months before they were placed in the warm greenhouse. Photo from H. C. Thompson. are exposed to a temperature of 40° F. for about one month. Some of the effects of temperature at these early stages of development persist in the plant as it continues to grow and finally result in an earlier initiation of flowers (Figs. 146 and 147). This phenomenon may be referred to as preconditioning. That is, the plants bloomed sooner because they were preconditioned by a low temperature during some earlier stage of their development. Likewise, a similar preconditioning occurs when short-day plants are exposed to a long dark period. Our present knowledge of [Chap. XXXI INITIATION OF FLOWERS 34-; Fig. 147. Preconditioning effects of temperature on the development of flower primordia in celery plants. The plants pictured in the center row grew in a cold frame (40-50° F.) for 35 days during their seedling stage before they were transferred to the field. The plants in the next rows in the foreground were kept in a warm greenhouse during their seedling stage. They have continued to grow vegetatively, while those in the center row have borne flowers and seeds. Photo from H. C. Thompson. plant physiology is not sufficient to enable us to explain these precondi- tioning effects either of temperature or of light. Since the initiation of flowers may be either promoted or inhibited by temperature or by the photoperiod, one of these external conditions may either annul or accentuate the effects of the other. What happens when the effects of the one are opposed to the effects of the other in a particular plant? At the present time one may obtain an answer to this question by only one of two ways. Someone may have already discovered the answer and reported it. If the answer cannot be found in botanical literature, the only way to obtain it is by a series of experi- ments. When a plant is exposed to a length of day near its critical photo- period, it is more readily influenced one way or the other by changes in temperature or some of the factors that affect photosynthesis and protein synthesis. For example, barley is a long-day plant; when exposed to a photoperiod near its critical day-length it will bloom or remain vegeta- tive, depending upon the temperature and upon the factors that affect the relative rates of photosynthesis and protein synthesis. What has just been said may be made clearer by the following summary: 348 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Photoperiod i Intermediate Day Long Day i (Length Near Critical Photoperiod) Short Day Long-day plants that have been tested by experiments Usually bloom \'ariable, dependent upon several other factors Usually remain vegetative Sliort-day plants that have been tested by experiments LIsually remain vegetative Variable, dependent upon several other factors Usually bloom The greater variability in behavior of plants exposed to intermediate day-lengths near their critical photoperiod includes not only the vari- ability in the initiation of flowers, but also the variabilitv in the further development of flowers and fruits and the processes involved in seed formation. Changes in vegetative structures, such as growth in height ism Fig. 148. Fig. 149. Fig. 148, the plant on the right, an apple seedling that grew more rapidly with 10 hours' daily illumination than the control plant on the left with a full day's illumination. In contrast, the maple seedlings {Acer negundo) on the left in Fig. 149 were dwarfed and forced into dormancy by shortening the illumination period to 10 hours, while the plant exposed for the full length of day grew rapidly. The photograph of the apples was made July 13 and that of the maples September 22 by W. W. Garner and H. A. Allard. Photo from U. S. Dept. Agric. INITIATION OF FLOWERS 349 [Chap. XXXI and the formation of tubers, are also more variable under these photo- periods, because the influence of other environmental factors on them is relatively more pronounced. Plants may also be classified as long-day and short-day types with respect to tuber and bulb formation, root growth, stem growth (Figs. 148 and 149 ) , deciduous and evergreen habit, kinds of flowers, and yield of crop plants. Tubers ordinarily develop at the ends of rhizomes of Jerusalem arti- choke during the short days of autumn. They will also develop during Fig. 150. Photographs of the roots, underground stems, and bases of the aerial stems of Jerusalem artichokes (Helianthiis tuberosus) . The plants on the left were exposed to the long days of summer, those in the center and on the right were covered with a dark cloth from 4:30 to 9 a.m. each day, but only the tips of those on the right were covered. The elongated rootstocks of the plants on the left, and the thickened tubers of the others are evident. Photo by P. W. Zimmer- man and A. E. Hitchcock, Boyce Thompson Institute. midsummer if the photoperiod is artificially shortened each day by plac- ing the plants in a dark room or by covering the leaves and stems above- ground with a black cloth. Darkening of the stem tips alone is sufficient to initiate tuber formation in artichokes ( Fig. 150 ) . Girdling. In certain habitats young apple trees and other orchard trees may remain vegetative for several years before they bear flowers and 350 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY fruits. What can one do that will result in the initiation of flowers in such plants? It has been known for a long time that if a branch of one of these trees is girdled (ringed), it will bear flowers and fruits sooner than other branches on the tree. If the trunk of the tree is girdled, numer- ous branches on the tree will bear flowers and fruits sooner. If one wishes to avoid killing the tree in this way, the girdle should be very narrow, about one-eighth of an inch. It should be so protected that no parasites can enter the wound and that complete healing by the growth of a new cambium over the wound can occur within a few months. Merelv cut- ting through the bark by drawing a knife blade around the trunk of the tree may be as effective in initiating flowers as making a wider girdle. How may one explain the initiation of flowers that results from girdling? REFERENCES Berth wick, H. A., and M. W. Parker. Initiation of flowers in soybean. Bot. Gaz. 100:374-387. 1938. Ibid. 651-689. 1939. Garner, W. W. Recent work on photoperiodism. Bot. Rev. 3:259-275. 1937. Gourley, J. H., and F. S. Hewlett. Ringing applied te the commercial orchard. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 410. 1927. Hamner, K. C, and James Benner. Initiation of flowers in cocklebur. Bot. Gaz. 100:388-431. 1938. Loehwing, W. F. Initiation of flowers in soybean. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol, and Med. 37:631-634. 1938. Thompson, H. C. Temperature in relation to vegetative and reproductive development in plants. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 37:672-679. 1939. Numerous other publications are cited in the above publications. CHAPTER XXXIl FLOWERS, FRUITS, AND SEEDS c><><><><^<^<^^^c><^<^C<><><><><><>«>^^ From the child who is thrilled by the story of Jack's miraculous beans that grew to sublime heights in a single night, to the world tourists who are perennially duped by the peddlers of Egypt with their living grains of wheat allegedly taken from the tombs of the Pharaohs, most persons are curious about how long seeds remain alive, why some seeds germi- nate readily and why the seeds of other equally common plants fail to germinate within a few weeks although the embryo appears to be in perfect condition. These phenomena have been studied experimentally in recent years and some of the results will be discussed in this chapter. From zygote to mature embryo. The germination of the zygote is the beginning of the development of the embryo of a new plant similar in most respects to that in which the zygote was formed. Through cell division and some enlargement the embryo soon consists of a small body of meristem cells. In seeds of some plants, such as those of orchids, de- velopment of the embryo ceases at this early stage. In seeds of most plants, however, cell division, enlargement, and differentiation continue, and an embryo with well-defined cotyledons, hypocotyl, and plumule results. This development of the embryo of a seed plant occurs inside the ovule. Meanwhile the ovule coats grow and become seed coats. The nucellus also grows in the seeds of a few kinds of plants, but in most seeds it either becomes a negligible structure, or is entirely destroyed by the growth of the other seed structures. The growth of the embryo is thus definitely limited by the tissues that enclose it. As its supply of water and oxygen decreases, and the dead seed coats prevent further expansion, the embryo ceases to grow and becomes dormant. If the young embryos are removed from the ovules and placed in a sterile culture medium containing inorganic salts, water, and sugar, with oxygen available, they do not become dormant but continue to grow as seedlings. When the immature embryos of certain varieties of peach are planted under these conditions the plants are better than those that 387 388 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY develop from the embryos of seeds that matured within the fruit. Some- times during excessively wet weather the embryos of corn, wheat, and other grains germinate almost immediately after maturity. In these wet seasons one frequently finds embryos continuing growth inside the ears of standing corn in September, and wheat and oats sprouting in the shocks on the field during midsummer. Extreme cases of embryo development are found in seeds of such plants as Christmas holly, orchids, and mangrove. The embryo of the holly is merely a minute spherical body of cells when the fruit turns red in December. This clump of cells grows very slowly during a period of 8 to 12 months. The germination of the seed is further complicated be-, cause the developing embrvo cannot break out of the hard fruit coat until the coat is partially decayed. Orchid seeds also consist of comparatively few cells and do not germi- nate unless thev are artificiallv supplied with sugar or unless fungi digest the insoluble food in the surrounding substrate. The balloon-shaped green seedlings become readily visible onlv after a lapse of 6 months, and at the end of two years seedlings in many species are less than an inch in height. The seeds of mangrove, on the other hand, germinate while the fruit containing them is still attached to the tree. The hypocotyl emerges from the seed and fruit and becomes more than a foot in length and a half inch in diameter. Then this great hypocotyl, with a tiny plumule at its apex and a root primordium at its heavier basal end, drops from the tree into the mud below, and rapid development of plumule and roots fol- lows (Fig. 172). The embryos of most plants, however, are fully developed within the ovule, but the seed will not germinate immediately. Seeds of these plants germinate only after a longer or shorter period of time has elapsed, even though placed in environments with water, oxygen, and temperature conditions ordinarily suitable for growth. From embryo to seedling. Some of the processes in embryos during germination have been described in Chapter II and Chapter XXIX. If several seedlings are watched as they emerge from the soil, certain strik- ing differences in their growth are evident. When the castor bean germinates, the lengthening of the hypocotyl raises the cotyledons, endosperm, and broken seed coats above the soil surface. The cotyledons rapidly expand in area and slough off the remain- ing endospenn tissues and seed coats. The cotyledons are thin blade-like [Chap. XXXIV GROWTH, DORMANCY, GERMINATIOiN OF SEEDS 389 Fig. 172. Development of mangrove seedlings. The tree {Rhizophora mangle) grows on soft mud flats in the tropics and semi-tropics. The seed in the fruit pictured on the left germinates while the fruit is still attached to the tree. The embryo grows a foot or more in length before it finally drops endwise like an arrow into the mud below and becomes a seedling. Photo from Field Museum of Natural History. Structures, and most of the food used during germination comes from the enclosing endosperm. By the time the endosperm has dropped, the cotyledons have doubled or trebled in area. Meanwhile they have become green, and photosynthesis has begun. Further growth is de- pendent on sugar and other foods made within the green seedling. The cotyledons of the common bean and lima bean are likewise raised above the soil surface. There is no endospeiTn, and the initial growth is dependent solely upon the food contained within the embryo. As the growth of the plumule proceeds, the cotyledons shrivel and abscise within two or three weeks. Bv this time a shoot containing two or three leaves has developed from the plumule. The growth of roots during the germination of seeds of grasses was de- scribed in Chapter XXIX. The hypocotyl of grasses does not elongate, and the cotyledon remains in the soil. The plumule, which is enclosed in a sheath (the coleoptile), grows upward through the soil, and by its enlargement breaks through the sheath. The plumule of a grass seed is thus the forerunner of all the plant that appears above the surface of the soil. 390 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY During the germination of peas, scarlet runner beans, corn, sorghum, and acorns the cotyledons remain in the soil because the hypocotyl does not elongate. In peas, scarlet runner beans, and acorns the initial food of the seedling comes from the cotyledons of the embryo; in corn and sorghum, from both the embryo and the endosperm. From our previous study of physiological processes in the vegetative organs of plants, v^e have much of the information needed to under- stand the changes that take place during gennination and the early seedling stages. The v^ater content of "dry" seeds, such as com and wheat, is insufficient for growth, and the seeds remain dormant until water is added. The absorption of water results in a swelling of the tissues and a renewal of the many cell processes that had been active during the initial growth of the embryo. Water is a medium in which enzyme activities proceed, and it also combines with various insoluble foods during their digestion, or hydrolysis, to soluble compounds. It is like- wise the medium in which soluble foods and soluble inorganic salts move or are moved about in the developing seedling. The greater part of the enlargement of the seedling is the result of the osmotic absorption of water and the increase in size of the vacuoles of the enlarging cells. Oxygen is essential during germination because of the many oxidation- reduction processes that occur in the complex protoplasmic system, espe- cially in the transformation of foods into more permanent cell structures. "Favorable" temperatures obviously refer to those temperatures in which the complex colloidal system of the protoplasm and physiological activity are best maintained, since upon this condition permeability and the coordination of many essential physical and chemical processes de- pend. But temperatures ordinarily best for the rapid growth of plants are not best for the geiTnination of all kinds of seeds. The upward growth of the shoot and the downward growth of roots of seedlings are primarily the result of the distribution and influence of hormones described in Chapter XXIII. Changes in foods during germination. The chemical changes that occur in germinating seeds have been studied by means of gross chemical analyses at frequent intervals during the germination process. The changes have also been followed by observation of small seeds, or thin sections of seeds, through the microscope with appropriate chemical tests. It is not difficult to follow the transformation of starch, for example, as it is hydrolyzed to dextrin and sugar. The determination of the dif- ferent sugars is somewhat more difficult, as described in Chapter XII. [Chap. XXXIV GROWTH, DORMANCY, GERMINATION OF SEEDS 391 The disappearance of fats and proteins through digestion is not difficult to observe, but methods of detecting the intermediate and end products are somewhat compHcated (Fig. 173). 6 9 TIME IN DAYS Fig. 173. Changes in amounts of foods in the cotyledons of germinating sun- flower seeds. The sugar moves out of the cotyledons into the hypocotyl about as rapidly as it is formed from the disappearing fats and proteins; some of it is tem- porarily condensed to starch. Data from E. C. Miller. A part of the sugar is oxidized in respiration, and during germination the temperature of seeds is raised slightly by the heat energy liberated. Another part of the energy is used in the chemical transformations in- volved in the synthesis of pectic compounds, the constituents of proto- plasm and certain other parts of the cell. As a result of respiration, seeds and seedlings progressively decrease in weight if germination takes place in the dark. Delayed germination. The seeds of most wild plants do not germinate immediately after they fall from the plant, even when placed in condi- tions ordinarily most suitable for rapid growth. Even under experi- mental conditions the seeds of many plants germinate only after the lapse of several weeks or months, or even years. The length of the delay in germination of seeds of different plants is often a specific characteristic. The seeds of hundreds of species, both wild and cultivated, have been tested and the conditions most favorable for their germination have been discovered. Gennination of these seeds does not occur previous to cer- tain changes in the composition and structure of the embryos or of seed 392 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY coats, even after the seeds are apparently mature. These changes are referred to as after-ripening. Delayed gennination may result from a number of factors, which may be considered in three groups: 1. Delayed germination, the result of environmental conditions out- side the seed. 2. Delaved gennination, the result of conditions within the seed, but outside the embryo. 3. Delayed germination, the result of conditions within the embryo itself. The delayed germination in the last two groups is the result of true dormancv in seeds, since the cause of dormancy is within the seed. Germination delayed by the environment. Environmental conditions profoundly affect the growth of the embryo, both before and after the seed appears to be mature. In temperate regions winter temperatures are too low for the germination of most seeds, and in our southwestern deserts summer temperatures are too high for the germination of many seeds, even though moisture conditions are favorable. Temperatures that facilitate germination vary with the plant species, but comparatively few seeds germinate below 50° F. Temperatures either unfavorably high or low for a particular species result in no germination or in stunted seedlings. At temperatures above 70° F. the root systems of some plants develop very slowly, and vigorous plants rarely form. The embryos of two water plants, wild rice and eel grass, die soon after maturity unless stored at temperatures just above the freezing point in moist situations. The effects of environmental conditions on the growth of embryos and seedlings are not always limited to this period of growth. They may continue to influence the subsequent development of the plant, even if the environment is changed. Rapid germination of seeds and growth of seedlings are not necessarily beneficial to the subsequent growth of the plants. The relative growth of shoots and roots and the length of the vegetative period may be influenced by the temperature at germination and early growth of seedlings ( Chapter XXXI ) . Prolonged droughts obviously restrict germination, and are often a source of great agricultural losses when they follow the planting of seeds of crop plants. Gennination may be stopped at any stage from the swelling of the seed to the emergence of the seedling above the soil surface. The seeds of such plants as willow, cottonwood, and elm will germi- [Chap. XXXIV GROWTH, DORMANCY, GERMINATION OF SEEDS 393 nate immediately after being shed, but are soon killed by desiccation/ The chances of growth of such seedlings and their survival are there- fore greater on wet banks, stream and pond margins, and in unoccupied wet lands. The seeds of silver maple rarely germinate if their water content falls below 30 per cent. Oxygen deficiencv most frequently results from the burial of seeas too far below the soil surface, especially of tight clay loams. Flooding of soils by continuous rains mav so compact the soil and fill the spaces between particles that aeration becomes almost zero. Oxygen deficiency is a constant condition in the ooze at the bottom of lakes, ponds, and per- manent marshes and swamps. Here the diffusion of oxygen from above not only is very slow, but the mud and ooze have an enormous popu- lation of bacteria and other organisms that use it as fast as it diffuses from the water. These bottom organisms also release CO- in large quan- tities; and when the CO- accumulates about seeds it may of itself be- come a cause of delayed germination. Most seeds will germinate in either light or darkness, but a long list of species has been published in which better germination was obtained in light. Among these plants are bluegrass, certain varieties of tobacco, mullein, carrot, mistletoe, evening primrose, loostrife, and willow herb. On the other hand, light interferes with the germination of some seeds, among which are species of Phacelia, 'Ni^ella, waterleaf, and onion. After a period of suitable storage some of these seeds germinate in either light or darkness. There is evidence that light may alter seed coats in some seeds, and in certain others may affect the embryos or the endo- sperms. Some of these seeds will germinate when alternating periods of higher and lower temperatures are substituted for light. Of the light rays in the visible spectrum, in general the red to yellow rays seem to facilitate germination, while the blue to violet rays retard it. Germination delayed by seed and fruit coats. There are many seeds with embryos enclosed by very hard and tough coats: either seed coats or fruit coats. The common pigweed, the water plantain, Christmas holly, and the bloodroot have coats so resistant to mechanical pressure that expansion of the embryo cannot occur until the coats are partially destroyed by soil organisms or by some other means. These coats may ^ The seeds of some of these plants can be dried and kept ahve for a time under special experimental conditions. Willow seeds, for example, may sur\'ive for several months in a refrigerator if they are placed over 50 per cent H^SO, in a small vessel. The relative humidity in the vessel would be almost 13 per cent. Similarly sugar cane seeds live longer in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide kept dry with calcium chloride. 394 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY delay germination in nature for months or years. The embryos of Christ- mas holly do not become dormant, and most of them perish before the surrounding coats are sufficiently weakened by decay. Under natural conditions only about one holly embryo in ten million germinates. In horticultural practice the best germination of holly seeds has been ob- tained by keeping the seed bed above 70° F. Seed and fruit coats may often exclude water from the endosperm and embryo. These coats may be impervious to water because of the presence of wax, suberin, resin, and certain structural features. Embryos thus entombed germinate in nature only when the coats have been partly digested by bacteria and other organisms. Seeds of red clover and numerous other legumes have seed coats impervious to water. In lotus and certain stone fruits, it is the fruit coat that is impermeable. In horticultural practice such seeds may be treated for a few minutes, or for longer periods, with strong sulfuric acid until the impervious layer of the coat is altered or removed. These seeds may also be scarified by means of sandpaper, sharp sand, and special scarifying machines until the coats are partially removed. Often only the two outermost layers of cells need to be broken. Legumes are noted for the great variation in the "hardness" of the coats of the seeds from a single harvest. Oxvgen likewise may be excluded from embryos by impermeable seed and fruit coats. An example of delayed germination due to oxygen defi- ciency has been discovered in cocklebur. There are two seeds in each bur, the lower of which is near the surface and germinates freely after the fruit is shed. The upper embryo, however, is surrounded by tissue that is rather impervious to oxygen, and it does not germinate when the concentration of oxygen is low, even if the coats are destroyed. Both these conditions delay germination for additional months or years, as compared with the lower embryo. Certain grasses and some of the plants of the sunflower family also have seed and fruit coats that are not very permeable to oxygen. Intermittent germination of seeds of a species over a period of years is probably an advantage to a plant in nature. In horticulture, forestry, and agriculture it is uneconomical because it results in uneven-aged stands of crop plants, and delays the starting of nursery stock. Germination delayed by conditions within the embryo. When the seed of the ginkgo tree falls to the ground its embryo may consist of only a few cells, and sometimes fertilization has not yet occurred. During ensu- [Chap. XXXIV GROWTH, DORMANCY, GERMINATION OF SEEDS 395 ing months the embryo grows and its three parts become diflFerentiated. Germination of the seed occurs after the embryo has fully developed in the seed. To this class of seeds with only rudimentary embryos belong those of buttercup, anemone, adder's tongue, holly, columbine, and hepatica. Some of these seeds germinate more rapidly in dilute sugar solutions than in water. The dormant period of these seeds is a time of active chemical and morphological development of the embryo. The embryo itself is not dormant. A second group of plants with fully formed embryos have seeds that are also truly dormant when shed. These seeds undergo a process of after-ripening in which certain chemical changes in the embryo slowly occur. They do not germinate at once when planted under external con- ditions ordinarily suitable for growth; but if the seed coats are removed and the embryos are treated with a dilute acid, some of them germinate comparatively soon. The dormancy of these embryos is conditioned by chemical processes. Little is known about the processes that occur during dormancy, but it is wrong to assume that all dormant seeds contain a "resting embryo." Experiments have shown that during after-ripening of this last class of seeds the embryos become more acid, enzymes are more abundant, com- plex carbohydrates and proteins are hydrolyzed, and respiration is in- creased. These are merely the superficial, easily tested indicators of more important, but unknown, steps in the reorganization of the proto- plasmic system. To this group of seeds with embrvos in which an increase in acidity appears to be a primary part of the process of after-ripening belong those of apple, rose, cherry, sugar maple, giant ragweed, basswood, cotoneaster, peach, and plum. After-ripening may be hastened in many of these seeds by storing them at a temperature of 40° F. Other seeds after-ripen soonest at a tempera- ture nearer 50° F., and still others after-ripen best with daily fluctuations in temperature as low as 40° F. and as high as 70° F. Moist acid peat probably is the best medium in which they may be placed during the dormant period. Table 13 is a summary of some of the results of after- ripening tests made at the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. Most of these seeds were stored dry until February, and were then stratified, or mixed with moist granular peat, and placed at a variety of temperatures. 396 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Table 13. Temperature and Length of Stratification Periods for Seeds to Obtain the Best Yield of SeedHngs. ^, , Most Effective Effective Time Required for r'lant rpi . lemperature t> ^ t> ix lemperature _,^ Best Results Range Jack pine 32° F. 32-41° F. 60 days Sugar pine 50° F. 32-50° F. 90 ' Pitch pine 41° F. 32-50° F. 30 ' Eastern white pine 50° F. 32-50° F. 60 ' White spruce 32° F. 32-41° F. 60 ' Sitka spruce 32° F. 32-50° F. 30-60 ' Arizona fir 32° F. 32-41° F. 30 ' Bald cypress 41° F. 32-50° F. 30 ' Eastern red cedar 50° F. 32-50° F. 65 ' Lily of the valley 41° F. 32-50° F. 150 ' Blackberry lily " 41° F. 41-50° F. 120 ' Cotoneaster — best results in covered cold frames out of doors 280 ' Apple 41° F. 41-46° F. 60-70 ' French pear (stored dry 6 months) 41° F. 41-50° F. 90 ' Carolina rose 41° F. 32-50° F. 90 ' Apricot, carpel intact 50° F. 32-50° F. 45 ' Apricot, carpel removed 41° F. 32-50° F. 25 ' Red Japanese maple 41° F. 32-50° F. 100-120 ' Tropical pawpaw 50° F. 32-50° F. 100 ' Flowering dogwood 41° F. 32-50° F. 120 " These results were secured under carefully controlled conditions. One can hardly avoid wondering how long the dormant period of these seeds may be in nature, and, if prolonged, what fraction of the embryos escapes destruction by bacteria, fungi, and the innumerable animals near the soil surface. Is it one in a million or one in a billion? Longevity of seeds. Present knowledge of how to shorten the period of delayed germination of seeds gives some insight into the factors involved in the presei'vation of seeds through a long period of time, alive but ungerminated. Some seeds have greater longevity when rap- idly dried in a desiccator and stored in sealed vessels or in an atmos- phere of carbon dioxide. This is true even for seeds that survive but a short time in nature where oxygen is abundant and the seeds are alter- nately wet and dry. It has been clear for many years that lowering the temperature to near the freezing point lengthens the period of vitality of most seeds. Sealed storage of dry seeds at refrigerator temperatures apparently prolongs the life of embryos still further and is now used by commercial seedmen. A comparison of the results obtained with delphinium seeds emphasizes [Chap. XXXIV GROWTH, DORMANCY, GERMINATION OF SEEDS 397 the effectiveness of low oxygen and low temperature storage conditions on the retention of viability. Table 14. Percentage Germination of Air-dried Seeds of Delphinium Stored in Sealed and Open Containers at About 70° F. and 46° F. (Data from L. V. Barton. ) Storage 11 mos. 22 mos. 3 vrs. 10 mos. 5 vrs. 9 mos. 9 yrs. 3 mos. Condition Open, 70° F. 57% 44% 00% 00% 00% Sealed, 70° F. 75 80 50 15 00 Open, 46° F. 50 41 31 5 00 Sealed, 46° F. 70 4.5 66 80 76 The longest known period of survival of any seed is that of the lotus. Seeds germinated after being kept in dry storage at the British Museum for 150 years, but seeds from the same lot tested after 215 years failed to grow. Seeds of this same species, Neltimbo nucifera, were viable after burial in an ancient lake bed for at least 160 years, and probably for more than 250 years, before their discovery in a road cut in Manchuria. The hard seeds of the legumes are well known for their longevity; there is a record of 158 years for a species of Cassia. Most agricultural seeds live for 10 or 20 years, but the hard seeds of many crop legumes are viable after 40 to 60 years. It should be noted, however, that the per- centage of germination at the end of the longer periods is usually very low. A number of seeds of wild plants with hard coats have records of longevity up to 90 years. We still lack authentic records of the longevity of seeds stored in hermetically sealed containers. The longest records are those derived from "hard seeds" which represent seeds with embryos sealed indi- vidually. Putting seeds in sealed containers is merely duplicating the con- ditions within hard seed coats, for it likewise results in excluding oxygen and water from embryos. A diagrammatic record of the famous experiments by Beal at the Michigan Agricultural College is given in Fig. 174. Beal buried the seeds in the soil in inverted open bottles in 1879. Bottles containing the seed mixture have been dug up at five-year intervals and the number of living seeds tested, with the results shown in the diagram. Why do dormant seeds die? This question has been asked for many years and many answers have been proposed, but none of them has been 398 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY 10 20 30 40 50 YEARS I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BLACK MUSTARD EVENING PRIMROSE CURLr DOCK COMMON PLANTAIN PIGWEED ROMAN RAGWEED PUMSLANE SHEPHERD'S PURSE COMMON MULLEIN CHICKWEED FOXTAIL-GRASS DOC-FENNEL IWUND-LEAVED MAUOW WHITE CLOVER CORN COCKLE SPOTTED SPURGE 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ■ -■ > NO CERMINATIOn Fig. 174. Longevity of embryos of seeds in Beal's experiment. completely satisfactory. The earlier suggestions that the change from viable to non-viable seeds is the result of the oxidation of the food supply and the destruction of the enzymes seem to have been adequately dis- proved. Foods in seeds have been carefully analyzed and the chemical changes are slight. The enzymes, on the other hand, seem to be just as active as before death. Evidence against the idea that the food has been completely oxidized is the dry storage of minute one-celled algal spores in sealed soil samples for 30 to 40 years and their germination w^hen the soils were moistened. Later it was suggested that death is due to the coagulation of the proteins in the cells. This had in its favor the fact that there is a simi- larity in the curve of longevity of seeds at high, medium, and low tem- peratures and the curve of coagulation of proteins at corresponding temperatures. Coagulation of proteins in cells might disrupt the organi- zation of the protoplasm. Changes in the protoplasmic lipoids might like- wise destroy the organization. A more recent answer is suggested by the discovery that the seedlings derived from old seeds, from X-rayed seeds, and from heated seeds are similar in survival, in growth, and in variability. Moreover, similar ir- regularities in nuclear structures have been observed in microscopic [Chap. XXXIV GROWTH, DORMANCY, GERMINATION OF SEEDS 399 studies of the nuclei of the cells after these three different treatments. These facts seem to indicate that prolonged storage of seeds results in the breakdown of nuclear organization and the mechanism of heredity. This answer has more experimental results to commend it than the preceding ones, and it seems to be the best one at the moment. Caution. Anyone interested in the preparation, storage, or germina- tion of particular kinds of seeds should not depend wholly on the generalized statements concerning the best methods. There is now a con- siderable body of data available regarding these techniques, and it should be searched before attempting to prepare, store, or plant the seeds of valuable plants. Another precaution may also save time and disappointment. One should first of all be sure that the seeds have embrvos inside them, since there are seeds that look perfectlv normal on the outside but lack the most essential part of a seed. One should also make sure that the parts inside the seed coat are in a healthy condition, that they have not become infected bv bacteria and fungi, or infested by insect larvae. The references below will be helpful in seeking further details about seeds, their preservation, and their germination. REFERENCES Crocker, William. Mechanics of dormancy in seeds. Amer. Jour. Bot. 3:99-120. 1916. Crocker, William. Life-span of seeds. Bot. Rev. 4:235-274. 1938. Davis, W. E. The development of dormancy in seeds of cocklebur (Xan- thiitm). Amer. Jow: Bot. 17:77-87. 1930. Ives, S. A. Maturation and germination of seeds of Ilex opaca. Bot. Gaz. 76: 60-77. 1933. Knudson, Lewis. Nonsymbiotic germination of orchid seeds. Bot. Gaz. 73:1-25. 1922. Meyer, B. S., and D. B. Anderson. Plant Physiology. D. Van Nostrand Com- pany, Inc. 1939. Miller, E. C. Plant Physiology. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1938. Shaw, Margaret F. A microchemical study of the fruit coat of Nelumbo lutea. Amer. Jour. Bot. 16:259-276. Plates XIX and XX. 1929. Contributions from the Boyce Thompson Institute, 1926 to the present. CHAPTER XXXV VEGETATIVE MULTIPLICATION OF FLOWERING PLANTS Most flowering plants may increase in number by either of two methods : ( 1 ) the formation of special reproductive cells and seeds — sexual repro- duction, or (2) the development of a separate individual from one or more vegetative cells of a plant — vegetative multiplication or vegetative propagation. The vegetative organ, or any fragment of it, from which the separate individual develops may be referred to as a vegetative propa- gule, in contrast to a seed. If two or more separate individuals develop from single vegetative cells or from branches of the same plant, they are merely isolated parts of it. They are "chips off the same block," not a new generation of plants. These facts are most readily appreciated when vegetative multiplication by cuttings is considered. We mav, for example, cut a thousand twigs from a willow tree in early spring and place the basal end of each twig in moist aerated soil. These severed twigs are cuttings. Within a few weeks roots develop from the lower nodes of each cutting, and branches grow from the buds above the soil. Thus within a short period of time we can secure a thousand young willow trees, which may in turn become large trees. These thousand separate trees, however, are as much alike inherently as are the unsevered branches of a single tree; and in all matters per- taining to pollination, sex, and hereditv they should be considered as branches of the tree from which the cuttings were taken. Branches of each of these thousand trees mav in turn be used as cuttings, and so on ad infinitum. In this manner a single generation of a willow tree may be perpetuated and multiplied indefinitely. It is often convenient to have a name to refer to all the individuals which through repeated vegetative multiplication have a common origin. Such individuals are collectively called a clone. Their common origin is the embryo of the first individual of the clone (Fig. 175). All the individuals of the Concord grape constitute one clone, for this variety of grape has been perpetuated by vegetative multiplication since 400 [Chap. XXXV VEGETATIVE MULTIPLICATION 401 Fig. 175. A miniature clone of redwood trees which originated vegetatively as a group of sprouts from the roots of an older tree which has been cut down. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. it was first selected from the progeny of a hybrid in 1853. Many other varieties of cultivated plants are clonal varieties. Among them are the several varieties of Irish potato, horse-radish, pineapple, rhubarb, coleus, and raspberry, v^hich are perpetuated in cultivation by vegetative propa- gation. The Carolina poplar trees too frequently seen along the streets of cities are usually staminate trees which developed from cuttings taken from other staminate trees. Most ornamental plants are perpetu- ated by vegetative propagation. Vegetative multiplication may occur by either of two ways: by the natural separation and further development of vegetative parts of a plant, or by the further development of segments cut from a plant by man and placed under various suitable conditions. Man promotes vegetative 402 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY propagation among cultivated plants by collecting, storing, and trans- planting naturally occurring vegetative propagules; and by cuttings. Among the vegetative parts of a plant that may become separated naturally and develop as separate individuals are the branches that grow from runners, rhizomes, and roots; oflFsets or sprouts that grow from the bases of stems; plantlets that develop from leaves; and the familiar bulbs, corms, and tubers with terminal and lateral buds from which new shoots and roots develop (Chapter XXVI). Methods by which plants multiply vegetatively from these naturally occurring vegetative propa- gules will be described first. Abscised leaves and stem segments. Under natural conditions the abscised stem segments of some plants and abscised leaves of others are vegetative propagules. Embryos develop from vege- tative cells in the notches of the leaves of bryophyllum and kalanchoe (Fig. 176). From these embryos roots develop first in leaves of Bryophyllum calyciniim, and shoots develop first in leaves of Bryophyl- lum crenatum ( Fig. 194 ) . The plantlets on the leaves of some varieties of kalanchoe abscise before the leaves do. On falling to the ground they continue growth, forming a clone beneath the larger plant. Abscised lateral buds of some species of sedum and lily fall to the ground and new individual plants develop from them. Simi- larly abscised stem segments and fruits of certain cacti become vegetative propagules. In pastures where these cacti are weeds the stem segments may be scattered rather rapidly by grazing animals. The abscised stem segments of such plants as willow and cottonwood appear to be of no importance in propaga- tion. Vegetative multiplication of some water plants, such as elodea, occurs frequently from broken fragments of leafy stems. The elodea in the canals and rivers of central Europe is said to have been dispersed vegetatively from clones introduced from America about 1840. Runners and other "creeping" stems. Runners are common means of vegetative multiplication of strawberry, of some ferns and grasses, of water hyacinth, and of numerous other plants ( Fig. 177 ) . As many as a Fig. 176. Kalanchoe leaves. Young plants have originated from cells near the margin of the older leaf on the left. Photo from P. W. Zimmerman. [Chap. XXXV VEGETATIVE MULTIPLICATION 403 dozen runners from 3 to 10 feet in length may grow from a single strawberry plant during one season. Roots and shoots of new strawberry plants develop at every other node of each runner. Secondary runners develop from the alternate nodes and also from the new strawberry Fig. 177. Clones of strawberry plants develop from runners. Note the regular occurrence of new shoots and secondary runners at alternate nodes. plants. By this means a clone of a score or more strawberry plants may develop from a single plant during one summer. Under cultivation, the new plants may be lifted from the soil and reset in rows. In nature they become separated by the death of the connecting runners. Fig. 178. Tip-layering of black raspberry. In late summer when the ends of the branches bear very small leaves and have a rat-tail appearance, they are buried vertically in holes dug in the soil (A). After adventitious roots have de- veloped from the buried nodes the stem tip begins to grow upward (B). The rooted tips with a portion of the old canes attached are dug up and reset early the following spring before the tip has emerged from the soil. 404 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 179. A, aerial shoots of beach grass from the rhizomes of a single plant; B, aerial shoots from a rhizome of bamboo (Arundinaria) 10 inches below the soil surface. [Chap. XXXV VEGETATIVE MULTIPLICATION 405 Vegetative multiplication may also occur at the nodes of leafy prostrate stems, and at the nodes of elongated stems of such plants as raspberry, grape, and honeysuckle, which bend over and come in contact with moist soil. In horticultural practice the stems of such plants are bent over and some of the nodes or whole stem tips are covered with soil: a procedure called layering (Fig. 178). The terminal buds of the buried stem grow upward and adventitious roots grow from the oldest buried nodes. The rooted branches may then be severed from the parent plant and trans- planted. In bog forests propagation of trees by layering occurs naturallv when the lower branches of spruce and arbor vitae lie on the ground or are pressed down by snow. This method of propagation may be more fre- quent among bog plants than propagation bv seeds. Lavering by leaf tips occurs in a few species of plants, such as the walking fern. Rhizomes. Many perennial grasses, fems, mints, and a host of other plants have rhizomes from the nodes of which roots and aerial shoots develop ( Fig. 179 ) . The rhizomes may elongate each vear bv the growth of temiinal buds. When the older parts of these rhizomes die, groups of individuals of the clone become separated and are new centers of dis- persal by growth of rhizomes. As a result of this method of propagation, certain perennial grasses and other perennial herbs become the dominant plants of the vegetation of lawns and meadows, and of the natural prairies and plains in various Fig. ISO. Erosion stopped by the kudzu vine. The ditch is now being filled by the accumulation of silt. Photo horn the U. S. Soil Conservation Service. 406 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY parts of the world. Since their roots and rhizomes are perennial, shoots from buds on rhizomes begin to grow rapidly in spring and soon overtop the annual plants, which start from seeds each year. Similarly cattails, rushes, sedges, and water lilies frequently exclude many other plants from certain habitats. Their rhizomes may grow several feet in length each year, and the plants occupy new areas rapidly. Abandoned farans and denuded areas about cities are first occupied by a mixed population of annual, biennial, and perennial weeds; but the perennials increase their area year by year through vegetative multipli- cation and finally exclude nearly all the annuals and biennials. For the prevention of soil erosion in gullies and on freshly made em- FiG. 181. A, uncontrolled wind erosion accompanied by crop failures and the formation of deserts in Sherman County, Texas; B, same site after the soil had been stabilized by grasses planted according to methods devised to control this type of erosion. Photo from U. S. Conservation Service. [Chap. XXXV VEGETATIVE MULTIPLICATION 40"; bankments quick-growing perennials that multiply by means of rhizomes, creeping stems, and sprouts from roots should be planted first. For a pemianent vegetation on such areas one may prefer a bluegrass turf or trees; but these plants usually become established too slowly to be used as pioneers unless some means of temporarily preventing soil erosion is employed. A few trees and shrubs, such as black locust and the creeping honeysuckle, which multiply vegetatively by branches from roots, or from creeping stems, soon become established on such areas. Kudzu vine has been used to prevent gullying in the Southern States ( Fig. 180 ) , In Fig. 182. Depth of rhizomes below soil surface: A, a, bur-reed (Sparganium) ; b, broad-leaved arrowhead (Sagittaria) ; c, swamp persicaria (Polygonum) . B, a, yellow water crowfoot {Ranunculus); b, large yellow pond lily {Nijm- phaea); c, water parsnip (Sium) ; d, cat-tail (Typha); mild water smartweed {Polygonum). Sketches by E. E. Sherft". 408 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY the West Central States grasses ha\'e been employed in stabilizing wind- blown farm lands ( Fig. 181 ) . Pieces of rhizomes are often planted in preference to seeds. Rhizomes of each species grow at a fairly definite depth below the surface of a particular soil ( Fig. 182 ) . If they are planted below or above this depth they grow up or down to the specific soil le\'el. When weeds, such as couch grass, bindweed, flowering spurge, and nettle, grow among crop plants, their rhizomes may be broken and scat- tered when the crops are being cultivated, and the weeds become still more abundant. Fig. 183. The groundnut {Apios tuberosa) has many edible underground tuber.s from which aerial shoots develop. Tubers. The tubers or thick terminal portions of rhizomes of Irish potato are a means of vegetative multiplication common to many herba- ceous plants (Figs. 183 and 184). The wild species of potato are native [Chap. XXXV VEGETATIVE MULTIPLICATION 409 to the highlands of tropical America, where they grow naturally as peren- nials. In the latitude of central Ohio the tubers left in the field are killed by low temperature in winter. But farther north, where the temperature of the soil beneath deep snow may remain above freezing, the cultivated potato may in some local areas live indefinitely as a perennial. Fig. 184. Vegetative multiplication of potato from a bud on a piece of tuber. Photo by J. Bushnell. The tubers of many kinds of plants survive the temperature of winter even if snow is not deep or present throughout the cold season. Such plants are classified as perennials; but the vegetative propagules, the tubers, develop annually and live only through parts of two growing sea- sons. Each year leafv shoots with roots at their bases develop from buds in the so-called eyes of the tuber. As these shoots grow to mature plants, another crop of tuber-bearing rhizomes develops. The buds of tubers, like those of many other stems, have a definite dormant period; and when they grow, apical dominance is also evident (Chapter XXVI). If the temperature of the storage bin is unsuitable during this period, or if artificial treatments of the buds with thiourea to break their dormancy are excessive, apical dominance may be an- nulled, and inferior plants result. If the tubers are planted before the 410 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY dormant period is completed, the tops of the young sprouts may enlarge and become tubers instead of growing into upright green shoots. The same eflFect is produced if the sprouts are repeatedly remo\'ed from tubers stored for several months ( Fig. 185 ) . Fig. 185. Growth of potato sprouts. A, apical dominance; B, apical dominance is annulled when the tuber is cut into several pieces which are planted separately; C, apical dominance partially annulled and vigor of sprouts decreased by storage at high temperatures (33-34° C.) for a year; D, repeated removal of sprouts on tubers in storage results in the growth of sprout tubers. A-C from C. O. Apple- man; D from J. Bushnell. Corms and bulbs. The corms of gladiolus and crocus, and the bulbs of onion and tulip are examples of other types of vegetative propagules common to many herbaceous plants. These organs develop annually from lateral buds, and when mature they become separated from the parent plant (Fig. 186A). Like tubers, thev usuallv live through parts of two Fig. 186. Vegetative multiplication of wild garlic by bulbs: A, roots and base of flowering shoot from old bulb and three new bulbs which have developed from lateral buds; B, clusters of small bulbs, or "sets," in the flowering heads of aerial shoots. Vegetative multiplication by these small bulbs is so effective that garlic often becomes abundant in pastures. Courtesy of World Book Co. [Chap. XXXV VEGETATIVE MULTIPLICATION 411 growing seasons. Bulbs or bulblets may develop from buds on aerial stems also, as in certain varieties of lily and onion (Fig. 186B). Some water plants have bulblike compact winter buds which become sepa- rated by the death of the older parts of the stem. These buds float about in the water or settle to the bottom of the lake or pond. In the following spring roots and shoots develop from them. Gardeners do not usually transplant bulbs and corms until after the tops of the plants have died. These propagules may also be stored and shipped, but the temperatures to which they are exposed may greatly affect the subsequent growth of plants from them. Improper storage temperatures are sometimes the cause of worthless plants. Diseases caused by viruses which spread throughout the plants may also become a menace to the bulb industry. Intelligent inspection of the growing plants and of the bulbs placed on the market, accompanied by reason- able laws and their enforcement, is the only means of protecting the purchaser of bulbs. The buds of bulbs and of corms have definite periods of domiancy, and the best plants are not obtained unless the donuant period is passed Fig. 187. Rhizome of Eryngiiim with distinct annual segments and branches, seen from the side, and from below. From H. S. Jurica. under suitable conditions. Tubers, corms, and bulbs, like rhizomes, have fairly specific levels of growth in the soil. If they are planted below or above this level, the new ones are formed a little nearer to it each suc- ceeding year. This phenomenon appears to be related primarily to light. Offsets and basal sprouts. Many plants, both herbaceous and woody, multiply vegetatively by offsets, sprouts, and tillers, all of which have a similar origin from lateral buds near the base of the stem (Figs. 187 and 188). This process occurs annually in some species of plants, such as rose, sedum, aster, and goldenrod; but in shrubs and trees the lateral 412 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY buds may have been dormant for many years ( Fig. 84 ) . Under natural conditions the plants become separated by breaking away naturally or through the death of tlie parent plant. In practice these vegetative propagules may be severed from the parent plant and transplanted. Fig. 188. Owing to its rapid vegetative multiplication by runners, the water hyacinth, which is a floating plant, may completely cover the surface of slow- flowing streams in the southern states and the American tropics. Photo by G. W. Blaydes. Apical dominance at the tops of many plants prevents the growth of shoots from the base of the stem. When the stems of such plants are cut off, sprouts often grow profusely from the stumps. If regeneration b} sprouts from the stumps is allowed to occur naturally after the trees of a forest have been cut down, the next forest is largely a sprout forest, or coppice. Since the sprouts on the stumps have a root system ahead}' established in the soil, they may grow more rapidly than seedlings with a comparatively small root system. Unfortunately, as the sprouts from the larger stumps increase in age, their dead heartwood may be de- stroyed by the same fungi that cause decay of the stumps. If the forest is repeatedly cut, such trees as chestnut and linden, which [Chap. XXXV VEGETATIVE MULTIPLICATION 413 sprout profusely, become increasingly abundant in subsequent forests. Forests composed almost entirely of chestnut have resulted from this practice. When the sprouts originate from parts of the plant below (Ground, and especially from roots, they are frequently called "suckers." There are many plants, such as lilac, plum, cherry, sumac, black locust, silver poplar, and bindweed, that multiply vegetatively by the growth of shoots, or sprouts, from adventitious buds in the roots (Fig. 189). 4?t^ Fig. 189. The field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) multiplies rapidly by the growth of aerial shoots from buds on vertical rhizomes which develop at intervals from the many lateral roots. The plant pictured above had been grow- ing for 14 weeks. The scale is in feet and inches. The larger shoot near the center grew from the embryo in the seed. The lateral roots grow horizontally for a foot or more and then curve downward. Near the bend a second crop of laterals develop; when they curve downward a third crop develops from them, and so on throughout the' season. Photo by J. C. Frazier, Kansas Agricultural College. Thickets of such plants are often formed in this manner. Ordinarily shoots grow from the roots of many other plants only after the tops have been removed — for example, dandelion or cottonwood. New sweet potato plants are obtained from old roots each season by moving them From storage bins to warm moist propagating beds for a short time. Dozens of new plants may be obtained from each root. Leaves of the sweet potato plant may also be used as vegetative propagules. 414 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Vegetative multiplication not limited to leaves, stems, and roots. Vege- tative multiplication occurs more frequently in stems and roots than in other organs of seed plants. Experiments have shown, however, that it may occur also in bulb scales, fruits, cotyledons, hopocotyls of embryos, zygotes, endosperms, and in the coat and nucellus of an ovule. Later on it will become evident that the development of embryos from unfertilized ' i. '•^'>^ 'J Fig. 190. Stages in the development of an embryo-like bud from the epidermis of Crassula. From Ilda McVeigh. eggs in dandelion is genetically equivalent to vegetative multiplication. Whether the new individual develops from a single cell or a group of cells, both root and stem primordia resembling those of an embryo soon become differentiated ( Fig. 190 ) . Among the bacteria, fungi, and algae, vegetative multiplication by single cells is a regular phenomenon. Cuttings. Man, however, is not limited to naturally occurring vege- tative propagules, because he has learned how to utilize cuttings from various parts of the plant. Among ornamental plants propagation by cut- tings alone greatly exceeds that by all other methods. Trees and shrubs cultivated for their fruits are usually started from cuttings used as grafts. A few of them, such as black raspberry and hazel, are started by layering. Red raspberry, banana, and pineapple are started by offsets and sprouts from the base of the stem or from roots. Sugar cane is started from short stem segments bearing several lateral buds. Cuttings may be made from stems, leaves, or roots and are valuable means of insuring the propaga- tion of varieties that do not reproduce true from seeds. Stem cuttings. Shoot primordia are already present in the terminal and axillary buds of a stem cutting. Preformed root primordia may also be present, as in branches of willow, cottonwood, and flowering currant. Adventitious root primordia may develop from parenchvma cells in the VEGETATIVE MULTIPLICATION 415 [Chap. XXXV pericycle or from cells in the phloem or cambium of the stem (Fig. 191 ) . They do not develop readily in stem cuttings of some plants, and not at all in others. '7l-\ f-'i - 't*. Fig. 191. Cross section of a root of Cissm in which lateral root primordia have developed from cells in the pericycle at points directly external to the vascular bundles of the main root. Photomicrograph from N. E. Pfeiffer, Boyce Thompson Institute. Stem cuttings may be placed directly in soil, moist sand, peat, and other media. They may also be grafted on the stem or roots of another plant. When a stem cutting is placed in a suitable "rooting medium," roots grow from the morphologically basal end, and new shoots develop from the apical buds. The development of these apical shoots prevents the growth of shoots from buds further down the stem. Likewise the growth of basal roots prevents the growth of roots farther up the stem, even though preformed root primordia are present. This apical dominance is so pronounced in both roots and stems that it is seldom reversed, except by drastic changes in the physiological condition of the cuttings. The origin and growth of the roots depend upon sugar and hormones and perhaps vitamins from the leaves (Chapter XX). Consequently when cuttings are made of herbaceous plants ("slips"), or of the young stem segments of woody plants ( soft-wood cuttings ) , the origin of roots and their rate of growth are influenced by the leaves left on the cuttings 416 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY ( Fig. 68 ) . They are also influenced by such external factors as water, oxygen, temperature, and light. Perhaps with further research, stems of nearly any plant may be used successfully as cuttings. In addition to the factors mentioned above, the origin of roots in stem cuttings varies with the age of the plant, with con- ditions under which it grew, with the part of the stem taken as a cutting, with the season of the year, and with the presence of special chemical substances. Experiments have shown that some thirty different chemical com- pounds, when applied artificially, accelerate and increase the initiation of root primordia in parenchyma cells in almost any part of the plant ( Fig. 192 ) . Such compounds are of value in shortening the time of root Fig. 192. A-B, effect of treatment of African marigold plants with 1 per cent carbon monoxide for 10 days: A, untreated; B, treated. Numerous roots have developed from the stems and petioles. C, adventitious roots on stem and petioles of African marigold 6 days after a 3-day treatment with 0.5 per cent acetylene. Photo by P. W. Zimmerman and A. E. Hitchcock, Boyce Thompson Institute. [Chap. XXXV VEGETATIVE MULTIPLICATION 417 formation in cuttings of certain varieties in which the initiation of roots is very slow.^ The relative amount of shoot and root growth from a cutting is affected by the presence of carbohydrates and proteins within it. Both grow well if there is a good initial supply of each of these foods. But if carbo- hydrates are abundant and proteins are scarce, root growth is much bet- ter than shoot growth. The physiological condition of cuttings greatly influences their be- havior. If the plant is dormant, the cuttings do not live unless they are kept in cool moist conditions until adventitious roots have begun to develop. If the plant is just beginning to bear flowers, the cutting may grow but little and then bear flowers. Grafting. Grafting is an artificial method of promoting vegetative propagation when cuttings do not root readily, and when the plants do not reproduce true from seeds. Most varieties of trees cultivated for their fruits are perpetuated by some method of grafting. Grafting consists in attaching a cutting, the scion, to the root, stem base, or branches of another plant, the stock. The scion ma\^ be a twig bearing several buds, or it may be a single bud attached to a small piece of bark. If two plants are growing close together the bark may be re- moved from convenient points on branches or main stems, which mav then be bound together at these points. This is called approach grafting. When the union between the stems is complete, the parts of either that are not desired may be cut away. Valuable trees that have been girdled by animals or by extremes of temperature may be saved by bridge grafting, in which opposite ends of each of several twigs are inserted as grafts beneath the bark on the upper and lower edges of the girdle. The parts of plants used in grafting are illustrated by diag^ams in Fig. 193. The cambiums of the stock and scion must be brought into close contact. The grafted sections are then bound together with a string, and the junction is covered with waxed tape to prevent drying and the entrance of destructive organisms. The cambium and other meristematic cells at the cut surfaces grow ^ Three of these compounds most \'aluable in promoting plant propagation on a com- mercial scale are indole butyric acid, naphthalene acetic acid, and indole acetic acid. Others important scientifically are indole propionic acid, ethylene, propylene, acetylene, and carbon monoxide. Directions for applying these compounds to cuttings of different vari- eties of plants may be found in publications from the Boyce Thompson Institute of Plant Research, and also in circulars from chemical supply companies that market them under such trade names as "hormidin," "auxillin," and "rootone." 418 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 193. Parts ot plants used in grafting: A, stump or crown grafting; B, piece- root grafting; C, C budding; D, bridge grafting; E, approach grafting. and form wound tissue, or callus. In successful grafts, new cambium cells develop from some of the cells in the callus and unite the cambiums of stock and scion. The new xylem and phloem tissues formed become con- tinuous; and water, salts, sugar, hormones, and other soluble substances move across the junction. If this union of tissues fails to occur, the scion dies. If the union is not well formed, the movement of water and salts to the scion and of sugar to the stock is restricted and growth of the whole plant is slow. The fundamental features of bud grafting are similar to those of twig grafting. If the bud of a peach tree is grafted in place in late summer, healing occurs within a few weeks, but the bud remains donnant until the following spring when a branch develops from it in the usual way. To insure the growth of the grafted bud, the stem is cut off just above it to remove the source of apical dominance. Branches will develop from the buds the same year the graft is made, if the buds formed the previous year are collected in winter and kept on ice until the graft is made in June. Established grafts are commonly obtained onlv among related plants, as among \'arieties of peach, apricot, and plum, or among varieties of [Chap. XXXV VEGETATIVE MULTIPLICATION 419 apple, pear, and quince. Intergrafting among genera is possible in plants of the potato family, and in plants of the sunflower family, but inter- grafting between families of plants is rare. The idea that horticulturists can make a kind of "table d'hote" plant through multiple grafting of tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, apples, beans, and other plants is not based upon reliable data. Effects of scion and stock upon each other. Removing a cutting from a plant and placing it in soil, or grafting it on to the stem or root of another plant, does not change its heredity. Both the stock and the scion retain their inherent qualities, but do not acquire new ones from each other. Each of them, however, is a part of the environment of the other. They become physically united as parts of the same individual, and as such they are subject to the interrelation of the parts of an individual as described in Chapter XXI. The scion is dependent upon certain processes in the roots of the stock, and the stock is dependent upon certain processes in the leaves of the scion. Sugar, hormones, and other soluble substances pass from one to the other. Nicotine, for example, may pass from a tobacco scion into the roots and tubers of a potato stock. It is reported that when potato and tomato are intergrafted with jimson weed, an alkaloid, atropin, from the jimson weed accumulates in the tuber of the one and the fruit of the other. As a result of these interrelations, the growth of roots and tops, the size and flavor of fruits, and the time of flowering may be altered. Graft chimeras. A stem primordium mav develop bv the division and enlargement of cells at the area of contact of scion and stock. If some of the cells of this primordium develop from one or more cells in the base of the scion and some of them develop from adjoining cells in the stock, the young stem tip will be composed of the two kinds of cells, which may be referred to briefly as "scion cells" and "stock cells." Since this stem tip is the forerunner of a leafy branch, these cells are the remote fore- runners of all the tissues that develop in it (Fig. 32). Consequenth whole tissues in the leaves and stems of this branch may be composed entirely of the one or the other kind of cell. The epidermis, for example, may be composed entirely of scion cells, and the other tissues entirely of stock cells. Such compound structures are called chimeras; and since they develop from the junction of a graft, they may be called graft chimeras to distinguish them from mutant chimeras, which originate within cells by processes described in Chapter XXXIX. In time flower primordia may develop on stem tips of this branch. These flower primordia may develop entirely from scion cells, entirely 420 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY from stock cells, or from both kinds of cells. If the primordium of the pistil develops from both kinds of cells, some of the tissues in the resultant fruit will resemble those in the fruit of the scion, and others will resemble tissues in the fruit of the stock. When the tissues characteristic of one kind of plant surround those of the other, the chimera is said to be periclinal; when neither tissue sur- rounds that of the other, but each appears in distinct sectors, the chimera is sectorial. Incomplete periclinal chimeras appear superficially to be sectorial. Experimental attempts to increase the number of chimeras include wounding or cutting across the stem at the junction of stock and scion after they have become united. Advantages of grafting. Grafting is a valuable means of perpetuating desired varieties of plants that do not multiply readily by other methods of vegetative propagation or reproduce true from seeds. There are also certain other advantages, three of which will be mentioned briefly. The range of distribution of a variety may be extended if it can be grafted on root svstems that grow better than its own roots in certain habitats. For example, peach trees may grow better on the roots of plum in poorly drained soils, and plum trees may grow better on roots of peach in light or sandy soils. The root systems of some varieties of pear grow well in light, well-drained soils, others in heavy, poorly drained soils. The destructive effects of insects, fungi, and bacteria on roots may be avoided by grafting the desired variety on root systems that are immune to these parasites. A classical example is the avoidance of the destruc- tive effects of the root louse. Phylloxera, on roots of the wine grape, Vitis vinifera, of France by grafting the European grape on an immune species of American grape, Vitis lahnisca. Similarly, certain susceptible varieties of apple are grafted on the roots of other varieties immune to the woolly aphis. English walnut is protected from the fungus Armillaria by being grafted on black walnut, which is immune to it. Plants, such as apple, have a long vegetative period before they bear flowers and fruits. The shoots of apple seedlings will bear fruit in two or three years if they are grafted on the branches of a tree that has begun to bear flowers and fruits. Advantage is sometimes taken of this fact in testing the quality of apple seedlings that would otherwise not bear fruit for ten years. Root cuttings. Root cuttings are made from several kinds of plants, such as blackberry, red raspberry, plum, cherry, horse-radish, apple, Japanese quince, sumac, phlox, and anemone. The cuttings, which are [Chap. XXXV VEGETATIVE MULTIPLICATION 421 usually 2 to 3 inches long, are covered with about one-half inch of soil. They differ from stem cuttings in the absence of preformed shoot buds. Owing to the polarity of the roots, adventitious shoot buds usually de- velop from the upper, or basal, end of the cutting and roots develop from Fig. 194. Vegetative multiplication of plants from leaf cuttings: A, Bryophtjllum calycinum; B, Crassula; C, Sanseveria; D, English ivy; E, bud scale of lily; F, Bn/ophi/lhim crenatum; G, yam; H, Echeveria. 422 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY the tip. Some plants, such as apple, which fail to propagate from stem cuttings taken from the crown of the tree, propagate readily from root cuttings. Moreover, sprouts from the roots of apple may be used as stem cuttings, in contrast to branches from the crown. Leaf cuttings. For many years floriculturists have used the leaves of certain species of plants as vegetative propagules. Among those most frequently used are the leaves of the African violet, begonia, pepperomia, sedum, echeveria, lily (bulb scales), bryophyllum, bowstring hemp, and kalanchoe (Fig. 194). Vegetati\'e multiplication fails completely in some leaves, and is in- complete in others, because adventitious stem and root primordia do not develop in them. When the lower end of the petiole of a leaf of English ivy is inserted in soil, roots develop from the petiole and the blade enlarges and lives for many years, but no shoots develop. If a leaf of sweet potato is treated in the same manner, roots develop and then aerial shoots develop from the roots. One investigator, after testing the probable use of leaves of more than 600 species of plants as vegetative propagules, reported the following results : no vegetative multiplication in 32 per cent of the species, growth of roots but no shoots in 42 per cent, growth of shoots but no roots in 2 per cent, and growth of both roots and shoots in 24 per cent. The behavior of vegetative propagules is much more variable than that of seeds. Only the merest outline of information about them can be given in a single chapter. Detailed information desired about specific varieties and methods may be found in encyclopedias of horticulture and in special research papers. REFERENCES Bailey, L. H. Hortus. The Macmillan Company. 1935. Chandler, W. H. Fruit Growing. Houghton Mifflin Company. 1925. Denny, F. E., P. W. Zimmerman, and A. E. Hitchcock. Contributions from the Boijce Thompson Institute. 1929-40. Priestley, J. H., and C. F. Swingle. Vegetative propagation from the stand- point of plant anatomy. U. S. D. A. Tech. Bull. No. 151. 1929. Salisbury, E. J. The Living Garden. The Macmillan Company. 1936. Stoutemyer, V. T. Regeneration in various types of apple wood. Iowa Agr. Exp. Sta. Research Bull. 220. 1937. Yerkes, G. E. Propagation of trees and shrubs. U. S. D. A. Farmers Bull. 1567. 1929. Zimmerman, P. W. Responses of plants to hormonelike substances. Ohio Jour. Sci. 37:333-348. 1937. CHAPTER XXXVI ORIGIN OF PLANTS USED BY MAN <>e><><><^£><><><><><><^c^^ All about us in forests, fields, orchards, gardens, lawns, and even in test tubes in commercial and research laboratories are numerous plants which man values for the various uses he makes of them. Some of these Fig. 195. Iroquois Indians harvesting and preparing corn for storage. Photo from American Museum of Natural History, New York. plants are the uncultivated, or wild, species which are either harvested where they are found, or planted where we want them to grow. During the period when the early settlers were invading the American wilder- ness and converting it to famis, some of their domesticated animals sub- sisted mainly on the native wild plants. The pioneers brought seeds of domesticated plants from Europe and also secured seeds of corn and other domesticated plants from the American Indian ( Fig. 195 ) , but for many years wild animals and the fruits and seeds of wild plants were important sources of their food. The native vegetation on the farms was destroyed to make room for domesticated plants; but in certain practices, especially those in which 423 424 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY the plants of the forest are needed, we still use many of the native wild species. The origin of these wild species will be considered in a later chapter. Many of the plants we use, and especially our crop plants, have been obtained from wild species by repeated selection of more desirable variations, and in recent times by selection accompanied by controlled pollination. Even forest trees are now being selected and artificially pollinated to obtain varieties with certain desired qualities. When man transfers plants from the wild state and provides artificial environments favorable to their growth and propagation, he observes many of the variations that naturally occur in them and eventually selects and maintains certain of the new varieties. These cultivated varieties are often referred to as agronomic, horticultural, and garden varieties, or briefly as domesticated plants. Many domesticated plants are unable to survive in the natural condi- tions that prevail over most of the area in which they are cultivated. Domesticated annuals, for instance, may perish because their seeds do not survive from one growing season to the next unless they are preserved in artificial conditions. Some domesticated varieties, such as special hybrids of corn, are reobtained each season only by carefully controlled pollination. On the other hand some domesticated plants, through seed dispersal, may become distributed and continue to persist as weeds in fields and along roadsides, but they usually do not survive in areas occu- pied by native plant communities. A heritage from prehistoric man. Nearly all of our more important species of cultivated plants were domesticated by prehistoric man. Nu- merous new varieties have been obtained from these domesticated plants within historic times, but the domestication of additional wild species has been limited largely to plants chosen for decorative purposes or for their fruits and their forage value. On the basis of our present knowledge of plants, we may, with reason- able certainty, enumerate the major steps by which prehistoric man secured domesticated plants. First, there was a recognition of certain valuable parts or properties in the wild ancestors. For a time these parts were collected from the plants wherever they were found in a wild state. Later particular species were intentionally cultivated. Variations in the heredity of the cultivated individuals continued to occur by the same process that brings them about in plants in the wild state. Under the conditions of cultivation, seeds or vegetative propagules of some of the variants were either consciously or unconsciously selected and planted [Chap. XXXVI ORIGIN OF PLANTS USED BY MAN 425 more abundantly than others. Continued variation accompanied by selec- tion through many thousands of years resulted in cultivated varieties that differ in many ways from their wild ancestors. There is good evidence that long before historic times man began to notice and select desirable variants of the plants on which his ex- istence depended. The primitive tribes in the interior of New Guinea, whose civilization todav is considered by ethnologists to correspond to the late Stone Age, distinguish and name the numerous varieties of sugar cane they are cultivating. Man may also unconsciouslv select and promote the propagation of certain varieties of cultivated plants. Owing to the occurrence of natural variations, a field of crop plants usuallv consists of a mixture of se\ eral varieties just as the population of a citv is composed of manv different kinds of people all of whom are members of the same species. Experi- ments have shown that in a mixed population of crop plants some vari- eties may produce more seeds than others, have a greater number of ripe seeds at harvest time, or have seeds that germinate more readih- when planted. Consequently in a mixed population of plants that propa- gate by seeds, certain varieties mav gradually increase and others de- crease in abundance without anv conscious selection on the part of man (Table 15). Table 15. Changes in a Mixed Crop of Wheat During a Five-year Period Without Anv Conscious Selection bv the Farmer. Percentages of the vari- eties and species in the crop during the first season of the test are given in column A; at the end of five years in column B. Wheat Varieties A B Triticum vulgare lutescens " " ferrugineum " " erythrospermum " " milturuni " durum 1 " compactum J 72.0% 10.9 9.3 6.1 1.7 7.6% 82.4 5.7 4.3 0.0 100.0% 100.0% The evolution of cultivated plants has occurred over such a long period of time and resulted in such marked changes in the plants that botanists have had great difficulty in discovering the wild ancestors of some of 426 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY them. Compare, for instance, our present varieties of cabbage, kohlrabi, cauHflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts with the mustard-like wild an- cestor from which these cultivated varieties were derived (Fig. 196). Fig. 196. Domesticated varieties derived from the wild cabbage, Brassica oleracea (A), a native of Europe. B is kale, Brassica oleracea acephala; C, kohlrabi, B. oleracea caulo-rapa; D, Brussels sprouts, B. oleracea gemmifera; E, pointed-head cabbage, B. oleracea capitata; F, round-head cabbage, B. oleracea capitata; G, cauli- flower, B. oleracea botnjtis. The wild ancestors of the domesticated plants of Eurasia are better known than those of America. Com is the only important cereal that originated in America. Its wild ancestor was a grass; but in spite of a prolonged search for this grass, it is still unknown today. When Columbus arrived in America, the Indians of the New World were cultivating several distinct varieties of corn, potatoes, sweet po- tatoes, kidney and lima beans, peanuts, pumpkins, squash, tomatoes, pineapple, pepper, arrowroot, sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke, beach strawberry, tobacco, cotton, and many other plants (Fig. 197). These plants were domesticated by prehistoric man in the highlands of Mexico, Central America, and the northwestern part of South America: the regions in which the Incas, Mayas, and Aztecs later developed their remarkable civilizations. Previous to the voyage of Columbus none of these domesticated plants of America was known in Europe, and none of the domesticated plants of Europe was known in America. Within each hemisphere, however, several important crop species had become widely distributed. The Indians were cultivating corn in many local [Chap. XXXVI ORIGIN OF PLANTS USED BY MAN 427 Fig. 197. Woodland Indians cultivating corn, snnHower, squash, and tobacco. Photo from American Museum of Natural History, New York. areas between what is now Canada and Argentina, while in Eurasia wheat and rice were just as extensively cultivated. Some of the impor- tance which the early American Indians attached to their domesticated plants is reflected in their art (Fig. 198). Fig. 198. Ancient Peruvian pottery. Photo from American Museum of Natural History. 428 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY In the eastern hemisphere the principal centers in which the basic crop plants originated are certain parts of central Asia, Asia Minor, central and southern China, northern India and perhaps Ethiopia: the regions in which the earliest civilizations of Eurasia later became most highly developed. Among the cultivated plants on which these early civilizations of Eurasia depended were the cereals (wheat, barley, rye, rice, millet, oats, sorghum), soybeans, and several common vegetables and edible fruits. Most of the cultivated forage crops (clo\'ers and grasses) also originated in the eastern hemisphere (Fig. 199). Fig. 199. Forage crop — red clover and timothy. Civilization in the past depended upon an unfailing supply of plants as the primary source of food just as it does today. During his long existence upon the earth as a primitive nomad, early man depended upon plants in the wild state. Furthennore, his migrations were condi- tioned by the abundance, or the scarcity, of wild plants. The kinds of wild plants used by prehistoric tribes in all parts of the globe are num- bered in the thousands. The Indians who lived in what is now the United States and Canada used as a source of food more than 1000 species of plants, only a few of which were ever cultivated ( Fig. 200 ) . [Chap. XXXVI ORIGIN OF PLANTS USED BY MAN 429 Many others were used as sources of material for weaving, medicine, and personal equipment (Figs. 201 and 202). Fig. 200. Woodland Indians collecting and boiling maple "sap" as a source of sugar. Photo from American Museum of Natural History, New York. Fig. 201. Birch bark industries of North American Indians. Photo from American Museum of Natural History. 430 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 202. Basswood bark industries of eastern woodland Indians. Photo from American Museum of Natural History. No civilization of any note was possible prior to the development of a primitive agriculture. Among the more valuable accomplishments of pre- historic man we must include his discovery of the methods of plant propagation. With this knowledge the tribes were no longer forced to live as nomads and raid other tribes when the local supply of wild plants and animals became depleted. They could establish stable abodes in moist fertile areas, and through a division of labor obtain food sufficient not only for those engaged in agriculture but also for other members of the community otherwise employed. Following the discovery of methods of plant propagation, primitive man, by transporting and planting seeds and vegetative propagules, could permanently occupy new areas. Without this knowledge the early civilization that developed in the Nile Valley would have been impos- sible, for Egyptian agriculture was accomplished with plants introduced from Eurasia. In the United States today we are largely dependent upon plants that were first domesticated in other parts of the world. The most outstanding exceptions are our forest trees. The evolution of cultivated plants has gradually progressed since pre- historic times to the present. Today this progress is accelerated by a more [Chap. XXXVI ORIGIN OF PLANTS USED BY MAN 431 rapid introduction of foreign species from all parts of the world, accom- panied by intelligent control of plant breeding and a clear understanding of the different types of variations that occur in plants. The introduction of foreign species is merely an attempt to secure plants with other heredities. The ancient caravan trade routes were important means of distributing plants in the early days. Botanic gardens, and more recently experiment stations, became centers of receiving, testing, and distributing these foreign plants. Plant scientists at the U. S. Department of Agriculture annually obtain numerous varieties of prob- ably desirable plants and distribute them to appropriate testing stations throughout the country. They have secured and tested a total of more than 8000 varieties of wheat collected from more than 50 different countries. Plants are now critically selected with reference to a number of quali- tative and quantitative characteristics, such as yield and quality of cer- tain organs and tissues, chemical composition, relative development in different soils and climates, and immunity to causal agents of disease. New varieties obtained by control of plant breeding. Man no longer depends entirely upon the selection of chance or fortuitous variations as a means of securing new varieties of plants. He has learned how to control plant breeding and obtain more desirable \arieties ( 1 ) by com- bining the desirable heredities of two or more kinds of plants, (2) by eliminating or preventing the expression of undesirable heredity in otherwise desirable plants, and (3) by first eliminating undesirable hereditary qualities in two or more kinds of plants and then combining the desirable heredities. Plant breeding is controlled by means of pollination. Plants, such as wheat, peas, and beans, in which close pollination and self-fertilization naturally occur, have to be manipulated differently than plants, such as corn, in which open pollination and both cross-fertilization and self- fertilization naturally occur. In open pollinated plants the pollen of the stamens of a flower may come in contact with the stigma of the pistil of the same flower, of flowers of the same plant, or of flowers of other plants. The term close pollination is used here to refer to the fact that in some species of plants pollination usually occurs before the flower buds open. A very small amount of cross-pollination and cross-fertilization occurs in these close pollinated plants. In some varieties of wheat it may be as much as 4 per cent. Insects that break through the floral envelope may become agents of cross-pollination in closed flowers. 432 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY When the poHination of plants which are naturally open pollinated is controlled so that only selfing can occur, several different kinds of progeny are obtained from the same parent. That is, the plant does not "breed true." It is a hybrid, and its mixed parentage becomes evident in its progeny (Fig. 203). But if each individual in its progeny is selfed, and if this process of selfing is repeated in all individuals for several successive generations, several different kinds of plants are eventually ob- FiG. 203. Hybrid segregation in corn. Photo by G. W. Blaydes. tained, each of whose progeny appears uniform when growing in a similar environment. In this way several inbred lines of plants are obtained from the original hybrid parent.^ Further inbreeding results only in a continuation of uniformity in the progeny of each inbred line. Inbred plants are pure-line plants with respect to many of their char- acters. In contrast to hybrids, pure-line plants continue to breed true. Plants that naturally have only close pollination are natural inbred and pure-line plants. Pure-line plants of some species, such as those of corn, may be less desirable than the hvbrid varieties obtained by cross-pollination because they are smaller, less vigorous, or more susceptible to parasites, or have fewer seeds and fruits than the hybrids. More desirable and uniform hybrids may be obtained by restricting cross-pollination to certain se- ^ Probably more than 2000 inbred hnes of corn liave been obtained by this method, and sexeral hundred of them have been used as a basis of securing better N-arieties of hybrid corn. Some of the inbred hnes of corn are albinos and perish in the seedling stage. Certain others also fail to grow to maturity and reproduce. [Chap. XXXVI ORIGIN OF PLANTS USED BY MAN 433 lected pure-line plants ( Fig. 204 ) . Environment affects the development of a pure-line plant just as it does that of any plant; but changing the environment does not change its characteristic of breeding true to tvpe. Compared with plant selection, the controlling of plant breeding is a very modern occupation. Prehistoric man, by the introduction and culti- vation of closelv related species and \'arieties of plants in the same Fig. 204. Uniformity of height and maturity in hybrid corn of similar genetic com- position. Photo by G. H. Stringfield, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. locality, was unconsciously responsible for cross-pollination and the con- sequent hybrid varieties that developed as a result of cross-fertilization. On the other hand, the ancient practice of collecting pollen-bearing branches from staminate trees of dates and tying them among the flowers of pistillate trees to insure the development of fruit resulted in some wholly unintended limitation of cross-pollination. In the wild state, the staminate trees of dates are as abundant as the pistillate trees, and the pollen is distributed by wind. More than 5000 varieties of dates are now under cultivation. Intelligent efforts to control plant breeding through pollination de- pended upon the discovery of sex in plants and of the dependence of sexual reproduction in seed plants upon pollination. The experiments of Camerarius from 1691 to 1694, by which he showed that embryos do not develop in seeds in the absence of pollination, were the first definite 434 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY proof of sex in plants." The experiments of several other investigators during the 18th century were necessary to show that sex occurs in all seed plants and that pollen is essential to the sexual process in them. The actual process of fertilization as the union of a sperm cell with an egg cell was unknown prior to the middle of the 19th centurv, and was first discovered in the algae. The union of the egg in the embrvo sac with a sperm from the pollen tube was first noted in 1884. The fact that the endosperm of seeds develops from the triple-fusion nucleus formed by the union of one sperm from the pollen tube with the fusion nucleus of the embryo sac was discovered in 1898. The first careful experimental study of the hybridization of plants is accredited to Koelreuter, 1761-66. Nevertheless, a considerable amount of controlled plant breeding was accomplished by the method of trial and error previous to the 20th century. Many new varieties of cultivated plants were obtained by crossincr individuals of domesticated varieties with each other and o with wild species. Some new varieties were also obtained by crossing wild plants with each other. The Concord grape, for instance, was ob- tained by Ephraim Bull in Massachusetts by crossing two wild species. This variety, which is now cultivated in most temperate regions of the earth, was selected in 1853 from among 22,000 progeny of the two wild parents. Toward the close of the 19th century new varieties of domesticated plants were being obtained by foreign introductions, by cross-pollination and inbreeding, by mass selection, and by single-line selection. As already indicated, a crop of cultivated plants is likely to be a mixed population of several different varieties. In mass selection, seeds from the more desirable plants in the field are collected and then planted the following season. By this method the more undesirable varieties in a mixed population are supposed to be eliminated and the more desirable ones perpetuated. In a later chapter we shall see that the appearance of an individual in the field may be verv deceptive with respect to the kind of heredity it transmits to its progeny. In spite of this weakness of mass selection it has been very effective in increasing the average yield of many crops and is still considered a valuable practice. The method of single-line selection has recently become preferable to ^ Camerarius was fortunate in choosing for experimental study plants in which par- thenocarpy occurred, but in which parthenogenesis did not occur. Had he chosen dandelion to study, his conclusions would have been different. [Chap. XXXVI ORIGIN OF PLANTS USED BY MAN 435 mass selection in the attempted improvement of many cultivated plants. This method may be illustrated by one example. David Fife of Canada secured a small sample of hard spring wheat from a friend in Scotland. When he planted the wheat in a small plot in Canada in the spring of the year, he discovered that this new wheat was a winter wheat and should have been planted in autumn. A single plant in the plot, however, developed as spring wheat. Seeds from this single plant were saved and planted. This one plant is the ancestor of all the Red Fife wheat now cultivated in Canada and the United States. Red Fife, in turn, when crossed with Hard Red Calcutta wheat from Turkey, became one of the parents of the famous Marquis wheat, which for 20 years was regarded as the king of hard red spring wheats. In time it became surpassed by some of its more desirable progeny. In contrast to corn, crops of close-pollinated plants, such as wheat, oats, and barley, are composed of inbred lines. The story of the search for new varieties of plants, as summarized in the 1936 and 1937 Year Books of Agriculture, portravs modern methods of securing new varieties of domesticated plants, and also the magnitude of this enterprise. The work of botanists during the second half of the 19th century is remarkable for the number of important facts discovered about plants. In 1866 Gregor Johann Mendel, an abbot of Briuin, Austria, after eight years of experiments formulated certain general principles about hybrid variations in the garden pea that were later found to have general appli- cation to both plants and animals. In 1900 the principles fonnulated by Mendel and also his publication, which had been forgotten, were re- discovered independently by de Vries of Holland, Correns of Germany, and Tschennak of Austria.'* These principles have been thoroughly- tested bv means of numerous experiments and they are now widely used as a scientific basis for further investigation and interpretation of heredity. About the same time, de Vries began to emphasize the importance of another type of heritable variation in plants that is not dependent upon hybridization; it is known today as a mutation. Mutations had been noted earlier and referred to by various names, but their importance had not been recognized. The change of yellow to red sweet potatoes illus- trated in Plate 4 is one example of a mutation. Another example on the ^ After eiglit vears of experiments with the progeny oljtained by cross- and self- fertilization in the garden pea, Mendel published his data and conclusions in the Proceed- ings of the Briinn Natural History Society in 1866. 436 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY same plate is the red-flowered hibiscus plant, some branches of which regularly bear white flowers. It thus became evident that three general types of variations should be recognized in plants. There are, first, those variations that are the direct results of the effect of environmental factors upon the conditions and rates of processes within the plant, without anv changes in the hereditary make-up of the plant or its progeny. We have referred to many examples of this type of variation in previous chapters. Such variations are non-heritable and are referred to as fluctuations. In con- trast to fluctuations are the two types of heritable variations: the hybrid variations resulting from cross-fertilization, and the mutations which are changes in heredity not dependent upon cross-fertilization, though thev may be increased by it. Their rate of occurrence is also influenced b\ factors in the external environment, as we shall see later. The scientific recognition of the causes and consequences of these three different kinds of variations is largely a product of the research during the present century. During all of this time, certain other botanists were interested in studying the detailed structures of cells. The cytoplasm and nucleus were clearly recognized and referred to as protoplasm about the middle of the 19th century. During the latter half of the century the chromosomes of the nucleus were seen, and their gross behavior during cell division in both xegetative and reproductive cells was recognized. During the present century it was discovered that nearlv all of the known hereditar>^ factors are definitely associated with the chromosomes. While the 19th century is noted for the discovery of many important facts about plants, the final verification of many of those facts and of their several dependent relations was not accomplished until the present century. To those interested in plant and animal breeding, all these dis- coveries are of prime importance because thev are the basis of a new sci- ence known as genetics. To us in general botany they will help explain many of our everyday observations; and as we proceed to amplif\' and clarify them in the next few chapters it will become evident that they constitute a basis of fact essential to an>' critical analysis of ideas about evolution, inheritance of acquired characters, relative importance of heredity and environment, adaptation, natural selection, and related phenomena. Plate IV Above (left): Result of mutation in vegetative cells in stem of red-flowered hibiscus. Above (right): Pigments in different varieties of coleus. When the ordinary yellow green coleus is selfed, % of the progeny are like the parent; the remainder are like the plant pictured to the left of the yellow green plant. Beloic: Result of mutation in vegetative cells of a yellow rooted variety of sweet potato. [Chap. XXXVI ORIGIN OF PLANTS USED BY MAN 437 REFERENCES DeCandolle, A. The Origin of Cultivated Plants. D. Appleton Co. 1902. Fairchild, David. The World Was My Garden. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1938. Freeman, G. F. A mechanical explanation of progressive changes in the pro- portion of hard and soft kernels of wheat. Jour. Amer. Soc. Agronomy. 10:23-28. 1918. Hawks, Ellison. Pioneers of Plant Study. Sheldon Press. London. 1928. Kempton, J. H. Maize, the plant-breeding achievement of the North American Indian. Old and New Plant Lore, Pt. VII. Smithsonian Scientific Series. Vol. 11, pp. 319-349. 1934. Kempton, |. H. Maize — our heritage from the Indian. Smithsonian Report, pp. 385-408. 1937. Merrill, E. D. Domesticated plants in relation to the diffusion of culture. Bot. Rev. 4:1-20. 1938. Merrill, E. D. Scuttling Atlantis and Mu. Amer. Scholar. 5:142-148. 1938. U. S. D. A. Yearbook of Agriculture. 1936 and 1937. Yanovsky, Elias. Food plants of the North American Indians. U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. No. 237:1-83. 1936. CHAPTER XXXVII HEREDITY IN PLANTS Many hereditary resemblances and differences among plants were men- tioned in previous chapters, but the conditions and processes of which they are the results were not analyzed. In the study of plants and ani- mals the terms "heredity," "inheritable," or "heritable" are used to indi- cate that something inherent in the parent is transmitted to its progeny, and influences, or conditions, individual development and behavior of the progeny. The distinctive characters of species, of varieties, and of either general or specific races reappear by development in succeeding generations over long periods of time. The modern species of elms and maples, for instance, still resemble their ancient ancestors that lived dur- ing the Cretaceous period many millions of years ago. The human race as a whole, or anv one of the specific races of man, likewise exemplifies inheritance. General Aspects of Heredity The term hereditv is quite properly used in several ways : ( 1 ) to refer to the resemblances of plants and animals to their progenitors, or ( 2 ) to designate what is obtained in the fertilized egg from the gametes, or (3) to indicate the whole range of biological processes underlying in- heritance. The sequences of events in heredity that have been discovered and shown by experiment to recur in successive generations are often referred to as the laws of hereditv. Manv of the more fundamental laws of heredity in plants and animals are similar, but the related processes and structures involved in their operation may be quite different. Sev- eral examples of conditions in plants not met with in the study of heredity in animals are: the frequent occurrence of self-fertilization, the preva- lence of vegetative multiplication, the differentiation of reproductive tissue from vegetative (somatic) cells throughout the life of the plant, the two-phase life cvcle, and the development of endosperms in some seeds (Chapters XXXI, XXXIII, and XXXIV). Hereditv is not limited to parental resemblances. Among the progen\^ 438 [Chap. XXXVII HEREDITY IN PLANTS 439 of the same parents, or even of one plant, some of the individuals may differ greatly from others. All these variants among the progeny that develop in the same environment are the results of heredity, and they are referred to as heritable variations. Hereditary resemblances and dis- similarities reappear in succeeding generations. Maple leaves continue to reappear in opposite arrangement on maple trees growing in very different habitats; peach fruits develop from the flowers of peaches but not from apple blossoms; and white oaks grow only from the acorns of white oaks. Some of the progeny, however, may resemble a grandparent, or even a remote ancestor, more closely than the immediate parent. On the other hand, if the individuals of the progeny differ from each other solely as a consequence of having developed in different kinds of environments, these differences will not reappear in subsequent genera- tions unless equivalent environmental conditions are repeated. These differences are non-heritable, in contrast to those that are heritable. We have already learned to refer to non-heritable variations as fluctuations. They should also be recognized from now on as differences in degree of expression of certain hereditary properties, or potentialities, of the plant. The expression of hereditary potentialities during the development of a plant is, of course, dependent upon external conditions. The po- tentiality of producing chlorophyll, for instance, is not expressed in most "green plants" growing in the dark. Many other examples may be re- called. Every plant has a great many hereditary potentialities, some of which are expressed more than others in a particular environment (Chapter XXXI). What any plant does during its lifetime depends, therefore, upon its environment as well as upon its heredity. Now that we are familiar with the nature and causes of non-heritable variations and with the sequences of processes and structures in sexual reproduction and also in vegetative multiplication of plants, we may con- sider some of the fundamental processes of heredity and heritable varia- tions. What, for instance, is actually transmitted from parent to progeny? Is it transmitted through cell division to all the cells of the roots, stems, leaves, and other organs of the plant? May it be transmitted by any cell of the plant? How is it transmitted? Is it a mysterious vital force, or is it a material mechanism composed of discrete units of matter? How does it increase and reproduce? What determines its constancy' from genera- tion to generation over long periods of time? Is it alterable? These questions will appear even more significant if one begins to recall the numerous ways in which all the plants he knows differ from 440 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY one particular kind of plant. These thousands of differences are heritable and are determined by something that is transmitted from parent to offspring in each kind of plant. Then one may try to visualize some of the thousands of successive events that must occur in approximately the same manner and order every time an oak tree develops from an acorn. These repeated similarities also are dependent upon something that is transmitted from parent to offspring. If we can first secure acceptable scientific answers to such questions as those listed above, we shall then have a much surer background of fact by which to explain why the progeny resembles the parents in some respects and differs from them in others, and why these resemblances and differences appear in the definite proportions first described bv Mendel. The answers will also help us to understand why there are fewer variations when plants propagate only by vegetative means, why plants do not always "come true from seed," and why inbreeding does not always result in less desirable plants. In addition we may wish to apply our knowledge to a consideration of questions of more general significance. What, for instance, is the ex- planation of the occurrence of new kinds of plants in successive geologic periods? How do new kinds of plants come to be? What are the causes of evolution, and in what ways is it limited? In this and the next three chapters you will find a discussion of some of the more basic facts necessary to arrive at reasonable answers to the questions suggested above. For lack of space many interesting facts will have to be omitted. If the reader is interested in knowing more about some particular phenomenon, the books listed at the end of the chapter will be helpful as sources of data and further references. Heredity in vegetative multiplication and cross-fertilization contrasted. We may begin with the familiar fact that when a desirable plant is ob- tained by means of cross-pollination it does not always reproduce true from seeds, but it may multiply unaltered by vegetative propagation for an indefinite period of time. In practice a large number of plants having the same heredity may be obtained by means of continued vegetative propagation, starting, of course, with cuttings all of which were taken from the same plant. The cuttings, however, may be taken from the roots, stems, leaves, or from any two or three of these organs. The indi- viduals of a clone of plants obtained in this manner all have the same heredity ( Chapter XXXV ) . This fact is evidence that all the cells of the [Chap. XXXVII HEREDITY IN PLANTS 441 leaves, stems, and roots of a plant usually have the same hereditary properties, or potentialities. Properties, or potentialities, are merely the qualities or attributes of material objects and of their special arrangements in organized systems, or mechanisms. We may infer therefore that the individual cells of the several vegetative organs of a plant have within them exacth' the same structural mechanism of inheritance. Furthemiore, since cells multiph' bv cell division (two cells being formed from one), this hereditary mechanism must be exactly dupHcated by some means every time cells divide. This intrinsic mechanism by which the hereditary potentialities of the cells of the vegetative organs of a plant are preserved throughout its lifetime is surprisingly stable. In long-lived plants such as the redwood, and in plants that propagate vegetatively this mechanism may be per- petuated unaltered for centuries. Occasionally it becomes altered in some of the branches of a plant. Stable alterations in this mechanism are heritable, and are the means by which new kinds of plants are deri\'ed from preexisting ones. Seedless oranges and the red-rooted sweet potato, Plate 4, are examples of heritable variations that occurred in certain l:)ranches of the plant. Heritable variations that occur in this manner are known as mutations. By cross-fertilization certain parts of the hereditary mechanism of the two parent plants are brought together in the fertilized egg. That is, the fertilized egg contains the hereditary mechanism that was in the sperm and also the one that was in the egg. The plant that dexelops from this fertilized egg thus possesses a hereditary mechanism partly like and partlv unlike that of either parent. In certain characters it may resemble one or the other parent, while in other characters it may differ from both parents. Such individuals are called hybrids. When hybrids repro- duce by seeds, their progeny usually are variable in appearance. For example, when cross-fertilization occurs between red-flowered and white-flowered plants of snapdragon, the resultant progeny are hybrids and all of them are pink-flowered. This difference between parents and progeny is a hereditary difference. Cross-fertilization be- tween the pink-flowered plants, or self-fertilization within any one of them, results in progeny in which approximately one-fourth of the plants are red-flowered like the original red-flowered plant, two-fourths are pink-flowered like the immediate hybrid parent, and one-fourth are white-flowered (Fig. 205).* 442 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY FLOWERS OF TWO PARENTS FLOWERS ON ALL HYBRID PLANTS F, GENERATION r ^ FLOWERS OF HYBRID PROGENY: F^ GENERATION Fig. 205. A diagrammatic representation of the color of flowers on plants of snapdragon of the F^ and F2 generations following a cross between a red-Howered and a white-flowered variety. If cross-fertilization occurs between the red-flowered and pink-flow- ered plants, one-half of the progeny are red-flowered, the others are pink- flowered. If cross-fertilization occurs between the white-flowered and pink-flowered plants, one-half of the progeny are white-flowered, the others are pink-flowered. Self-fertilization in the red-flowered plants results only in red-flowered plants. Consequently all the red-flowered plants of this species of snap- dragon are said to be a pure line with respect to flower color. Note, however, that our attention is only on flower color. The plants may or may not be a pure line with respect to certain other characters such as height, shape of leaf, and immunity to rust. Self-fertilization in the white- flowered plants results in only white-flowered plants. They constitute a pure line of white-flowered plants. The pink-flowered plants are hybrids with respect to flower color, but they may be pure-line plants with re- spect to other characters that we are ignoring at the present. Red- and white-colored flowers are hereditary traits or characters in snapdragon, but the flowers and the pigments are not actually inherited. They develop as a result of something that is inherited. Anything that is directly inherited must be in the egg or in the sperm, since these two [Chap. XXXVII HEREDITY IN PLANTS 443 gametes by their union form the fertiHzed egg, which is the first cell of each plant of the new generation. The gametes may be said to constitute the bridge by which the hereditary factors pass from one generation to the next one. Since the microspore is the forerunner of the pollen, and the mega- spore is the forerunner of the embryo sac (Figs. 165 and 166), these spores also constitute another single-celled bridge through which the hereditary factors must pass during the life cycle of a seed plant. What is transmitted from parent to progeny? Hereditary potentialities are merely the properties of certain units of matter. Hence certain units of matter that pass from one generation to another in the sperm and egg must be responsible for the hereditary resemblances and differences that may be seen in plants. Any stable alterations of these units of matter that change their properties would result in the development of heritable variations, known as mutations. The differences in grouping of these units of matter that occur in sexual reproduction account for the kinds of hybrid variations exemplified by the flowers of snapdragon described above. We may now consider the question whether there are anv visible units of matter in cells that possess all the qualities necessary to account for organic inheritance and also for heritable variations. From what has already been said, it is evident that such units of matter must possess certain definite qualities : namely, ( 1 ) they must be small enough that several thousand of them may occur in a single cell, ( 2 ) their chemical composition and organization must be sufficiently stable to account for the fact that the distinctive characteristics of species and races of plants have reappeared bv development in numerous succeeding generations throughout centuries of time, ( 3 ) thev must reproduce during each cell division in every growing region of the plant without losing their indi- viduality, and ( 4 ) they must survive slight alterations in composition or internal arrangement that account for occasional changes in their prop- erties, or potentialities. Microscopic studies of cells for more than half a century have shown that chromosomes may fulfill the last three of these conditions, but they are too large and too few in number in the cells to fulfill the first condi- tion. The cells of the common horsetail {Eqtiisetum arvense) have 272 chromosomes, the largest number known in plant cells. In some of the fungi there are but 4 chromosomes per cell. The cells of some seed plants have as few as 6. The majority of plants probably have less than 30 444 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY chromosomes per cell. Each vegetative cell of the plant, however, con- tains all the hereditary potentialities of any other vegetative cell. It is necessary to find, or to infer, smaller hereditary units of matter such as the genes, which consist of one or, at most, of only a few molecules. Numerous small bodies of matter are visible in the chromosomes, but no one is certain that he has ever seen a gene; hence for the present they are inferred units of matter. The best-known hereditary potentiali- ties are dependent upon genes located in the chromosomes which in turn are located in the nucleus of the cell.^ The genes are an-anged in a definite series from one end of the chromosome to the other. The number of genes in a chromosome ma\' be very large, perhaps a few thousand in some. The egg and the sperm of corn each contains 10 chromosomes. The geneticists have alreadv recog- nized hereditary potentialities of more than 350 pairs of corn genes all of which are located in these 20 chromosomes. Moreover, thev can tell us which genes are in the different chromosomes and the approximate location of many of the genes within the chromosome. The total number of genes in these 20 chromosomes of com is unknown, but there are probably many thousand. Chromosomes are known to reproduce by dividing ( splitting ) length- wise into two identical halves (Fig. 206). Hence when a chromosome f ' 1 €> ^<^ V '•' J f#? ~\ ^:^ Fig. 206. A diagrammatic representation of certain stages of the duplication of chromosomes by longitudinal division, or "splitting," during the division of vegetative cells. divides, each gene within it must also become duplicated by some means. Plastids in the cytoplasm of plant cells ma\^ also pass bodih' from the dividing cell to the two new cells formed. Thev are thus bodilv in- herited and continue to multiply in the newly formed cells by simple division. Any properties they possess are thus transmitted with them. Plastids in the egg become the first plastids in the fertilized egg. Not much is known about cytoplasmic inheritance or about the influence of ^ Exceptions found in the cells of bacteria and blue-green algae will be noted in later chapters. [Chap. XXXVn HEREDITY IN PLANTS 445 cytoplasm upon heredity. It is generally inferred, however, that cyto- plasm contributes much less than the nucleus and is involved mainly in the physiological effects of the genes upon cell processes. It is important to remember that the whole hereditary mechanism of a plant is in its protoplasm, and that at one stage in the life cycle of a plant this mechanism is all contained in the fertilized egg. Differences in heredity must be the result of differences in this mechanism. We have become accustomed to thinking of protoplasm as a living sys- tem composed of molecules of many kinds of substances which by them- selves do not have the property of aliveness. It now becomes necessary to recognize chromosomes and genes as distinct components of this liv- ing system. In some way not clearly understood, they influence various cell processes and thus impart certain properties to the cells which be- come evident as the plant develops. If some of these components of protoplasm are removed, the living system may survive, but its proper- ties will be different. Even a change in the arrangement of the genes within a chromosome may be the cause of a change in the development of a plant. The relative location of the genes within a chromosome seems to be fairly constant. The exact manner in which a gene may influence the development of a plant is as far from being understood today as is the manner in which small amounts of vitamins and hormones influence the development of an organism. All these compounds influence certain complicated chemi- cal processes within the cells. Later on we shall see that certain reproductive cells (spores, sperms, eggs) and also the cells of one whole phase of the life cycle of plants survive and grow with only one-half the number of chromosomes that are present in the cells of the other phase of the life cycle. Heredity and Chromosome Behavior Since each chromosome contains many genes and accordingly many hereditary potentialities, a knowledge of the behavior of chromosomes during the life cycle of a plant is essential to the understanding of the processes and consequences of heredity. Every cell that contains a par- ticular chromosome also contains all its genes and their potentialities. If a chromosome becomes fragmented and a part of it is lost, then certain of its genes and potentialities are also lost. For the present we shall con- sider onlv the usual behavior of chromosomes. In a later chapter we shall 446 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY L.LAtiPE. Fig. 207. A diagrammatic representation of chromosome behavior during vegeta- tive cell division. Cytoplasm omitted. A, non-dividing cell in which the thread-like structures ( chromonemata ) of the chromosomes appear as a network (reticulum) in the colloidal medium of the nucleus. B, beginning of nuclear division is evident. Some of the small connecting strands of the reticulum have disappeared and the chromosomes are becoming individually distinct. C, the chromosomes appear double because the longitudinal division, or "splitting," of the chromosomes has already begun. D, a spindle of "fibers" begins to form from the nucleus, and the nuclear membrane begins to disappear. E, the chromosomes become arranged in a circle in the equatorial plane of the spindle. F-G, each chromosome becomes completely divided longitudinally into identical halves, or daughter chromosomes, which separate and migrate to opposite poles of the cell. H, chromosomes at the poles where they become reticulate and surrounded by a nuclear membrane. A cell wall develops between the daughter nuclei. I, the two new cells, identical with each other and with the parent cell in chromosome complement. Names that are often applied to different stages of cell division are: prophase, B-D; metaphase, E; anaphase, F-G; telophase, H-I. [Chap. XXXVII HEREDITY IN PLANTS 447 consider certain irregularities that are known to occur, and also the way in which they influence the development of plants. Cell division in vegetative cells: mitosis. In Fig. 207 certain stages in the behavior of chromosomes in each cell division that occurs in all growing regions of plants are depicted. It should be easy to visualize the continuous behavior of chromosomes between the stages depicted. The Fig. 208. Cell division and enlargement in a root tip of onion. A series of stages in the behavior of chromosomes during vegetative cell division is represented and labeled a to g. Courtesy of World Book Co. whole process may be completed within tliirty minutes or it may extend over a period of several hours. Cells in various stages of division may be seen in microscopic sections cut from some growing region of the plant ( Fig. 208 ) . Many facts about vegetative cell division ( "somatic mitosis" ) are known; but for the present purpose of seeing the relation of chromo- some behavior to the transmission of hereditary factors, it is necessary only to study the diagrams carefully. Then it will be seen that every time vegetative cells divide, each chromosome of a cell splits ( divides ) 448 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY longitudinally into two identical halves, or daughter chromosomes, which separate and migrate to opposite poles of the cell, resulting finally in two new cells identical with each other and with the parent cell in chromosome number and composition (chromosome complement). In other words, the important things to visualize as cells divide in the growing regions of a plant are ( 1 ) the exact duplication of each chromo- some and of its included genes, and (2) the definite manner of the chromosome migration which results in the same chromosome comple- ment in all the vegetative cells of the plant. Consequently all cells of the vegetative tissues of a plant have the same chromosome comple- ment and hereditary potentialities that were present in the fertilized egg from which the plant developed. These facts help us to understand why heredity remains unaltered when plants multiply vegetatively in nature or in cultivation. The cells of cuttings, for instance, all have the same chromosome complement, and it continues to be the same in the separate individuals that develop from the cuttings. If the chromosomes do not behave regularly as de- scribed above, mutations may occur in the vegetative tissues of the plant. For example, the occasional white branch that is found in plants must be the result of something that happened either in the plastids or in the part of a chromosome containing the genes that condition some of the processes involved in the synthesis of chlorophyll. Since all the cells of the vegetative parts of a plant ha\^e the same chromosome complement and the same hereditary potentialities, one may well wonder why all the cells of the plant are not exactly alike in appearance. Their differentiation into the various tissues, such as epi- dermis, cambium, xylem, and phloem, must be dependent partly upon the influence of neighboring cells and partly upon an inheritance of tissue patterns about which little is known at present. Furthermore, certain hereditary potentialities are not expressed unless the plants at- tain certain stages of development. Hereditary potentialities that influ- ence flower color and form, for instance, are expressed only when flowers develop; and potentialities that affect the color of endosperm of seeds are expressed only when the endosperm tissue de\ elops from the triple- fusion nucleus. Reduction division: meiosis. Cell division in the growing regions of plants is often referred to as ordinary cell division in contrast to a notable exception known as reduction division, or meiosis, which occurs in the life cycle of a seed plant only when the microspore mother cells [Chap. XXXVII HEREDITY IN PLANTS 449 and the megaspore mother cells divide. This particular cell division is called reduction division because the two daughter cells formed have only one-half as many chromosomes as the mother cell. The cell and nucleus divide, but the chromosomes do not "split." This very unique cell division plays an equally unique part in the transmission of heredi- tary factors. It accounts for the principle of heredity known as the "purity of gametes" or the "law of segregation of hereditary factors" with which we shall be concerned presently. Some of the features of reduction division are depicted in Fig. 209. Obviously the facts depicted here were difficult to discover. Fortunately certain plants and animals have only a few chromosomes in each cell, and their chromosomes differ sufficiently in form that they may be recog- nized readily and watched during cell division. Here again many de- tailed facts are known; but for our present purposes it will be sufficient if we clearly understand and apply certain basic facts. In contrast to ordinary cell division, the chromosomes during reduction division do not separate longitudinally but assemble at the center of the spore mother cell in pairs, each paternal chromosome pairing with its homologous maternal chromosome. Later the mates of each pair of chromosomes separate and migrate to opposite poles of the cell, resulting finally in two new cells, each having only one-half as many chromosomes as the spore mother cell. Usually these two new cells divide immediately by ordinary mitosis, forming a tetrad of spores: a tetrad of microspores if the mother cell was a microsporocyte in the anther; a tetrad of megaspores if the mother cell was a megasporocyte in the ovule. Chromosomes in the life cycle of a seed plant. Since the microspore is the forerunner of the pollen grain, and since the generative nucleus in the pollen grain is the forerunner of the two sperms in the pollen tube, the chromosome complement of these two speiTns is identical, and it is also identical with that of the microspore from which the pollen grain developed. Hence in solving problems in heredity that involve the trans- mission of chromosomes by spenus, we can predict the chromosome com- plement of the spenns from that of the microspores. Similarly a megaspore is the forerunner of an embryo sac; hence the chromosome complement of each of the eight nuclei in the embryo sac is the same, and it is identical with that of the megaspore. The fusion nucleus formed by the union of two of these nuclei has a double set of 450 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 209. A diagrammatic representation of chromosome behavior during reduc- tion division and the formation of microspores and megaspores. I, reduction division ending in cells represented by J or K in which the nuclei contain but one-half as many chromosomes as cell C. The early stages in reduction division are essentially like those of vegetative cell division illustrated in A and B in Fig. 207. Hence we may begin with C above, a spore mother cell in which the chromosomes have become distinct; D-H, the chromosomes assemble at the equator of the spindle in pairs, each paternal chromosome pairing with its homologous maternal chiomosome; I, the mates of each pair of homologous chromosomes separate and begin to migrate to opposite poles of the spindle; J, chromosomes at the poles of the cell. Each daughter nucleus contains but one-half as many chromosomes as the parent nucleus in cell C. II, K-N, the two cells formed by reduction division usually divide immediately by ordinary cell division resulting in a tetrad of spores ( microspores or megaspores ) . The longitudinal splitting of the chromosomes seen in the division of each of these two cells usually begins before reduction division is completed as shown by the doubleness of the chromosomes in E-K. Drawn by Lois Lampe. these chromosomes. When it unites with a sperm the resulting triple- fusion nucleus has three sets of chromosomes. If we represent the number of chromosomes in the megaspore and in each of the eight nuclei of the embryo sac bv n, then the number of chromosomes in the fusion nucleus is 2n; but in the triple-fusion nucleus and in every cell of the endospenn of the seed it is 3n. Since the fer- tilized egg has a set of chromosomes from the egg and another from the [Chap. XXXVII HEREDITY IN PLANTS 451 sperm, it has the 2n number of chromosomes. Starting then with the f ertihzed egg, vegetative cell division ( mitosis ) results in an exact dupli- cation of tlie 2n number of chromosomes in every cell of the embryo, root, stem, leaf, sepal, petal, stamen, anther (including microsporo- cytes ) , pistil, and ovule ( including the megasporocyte ) . Thus the cycle is completed. Reduction division in the microsporocyte and megasporo- cyte initiates another cycle. Unless some irregularity occurs, this chromosome cycle is repeated annually in all plants that reproduce once each season. The 2n, or dip- loid, number of chromosomes occurs in all cells of the plant with two exceptions: (1) the microspores, pollen grains, pollen tubes, mega- spores, and embryo sacs ( previous to nuclear fusions ) in all of which the nuclei have the n, or monoploid,^ number of chromosomes; and (2) the cells of the endosperms of seeds which have the Sn, or triploid, number of chromosomes.^ Irregularities in the occurrence of the n and 2n num- ber of chromosomes are described in Chapter XXXIX. The pairing and segregation of chromosomes during reduction division. The pairing and subsequent distribution (separation and segregation) of chromosomes during reduction division are so important in the trans- mission of hereditary factors in sexual reproduction that they are singled out for further emphasis. The two chromosomes of each pair on the spindle of the cell are often referred to as homologs and as synaptic mates, and the pairing is called synapsis. One of these two chromosomes came from the sperm of the pollen parent, the other from the egg of the ovule parent. They are usually similar in appearance and contain many genes that influence the development of the same kinds of traits such as flower color and height. These homologous chromosomes are all present in the fertilized egg, in each cell of the vegetative tissues of the plant, and in every micro- sporocyte and megasporocyte. They become segregated in separate cells following their migration to the opposite poles of the cell spindle during reduction division, and do not get together in the same cell again until fertilization occurs. Hence each microspore and sperm, and each mega- spore and egg contains only one of the homologs of each pair. The pairing of chromosomes is remarkably constant. That is, the same homologs pair during every reduction division in a plant, and in 2 Also called haploid by many authors. ^ In those plants in which the fusion nucleus is formed by the union of more than two nuclei, the number of chromosomes is correspondingly increased in it and in the subsequent triple-fusion nucleus and endosperm cells. 452 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY A B each subsequent generation. They seldom change mates. Irregularities in their mating usually result in recognizable mutations. In hybrids re- sulting from cross-fertilization of remotely related plants, the chromo- somes brought together in the same cells may never have occurred to- gether before. Sometimes they fail to mate or to mate regularly during reduction division, and very unu- sual sorts of progeny may be ob- tained, or the plant may fail to re- produce at all. While the same chromosomes usually pair in all microsporocytes and in all megasporocytes of each generation of a plant, their orienta- tion in the cell with respect to the poles of the spindle is a matter of chance. The two possible chances of orientation when only two pairs of unlike chromosomes are present are illustrated in Fig. 210. Evidently all the paternal chromosomes may go to one pole of the cell and all the maternal chromosomes to the other pole; or some maternal and some paternal chromosomes may go to the same pole. This chance or random orienta- tion of pairs of unlike chromosomes during reduction division becomes more interesting as the number of pairs of unlike chromosomes that are considered is increased. Thus if the megasporocyte or microsporo- cyte has three pairs of unlike chromosomes, there are four different ways in which the pairs may be- come oriented on the spindle, and consequently eight different kinds of megaspores or microspores with respect to chromosome complement may be formed (Fig. 211). On the other hand, if there are only one pair * The term "like chromosomes" is somewhat of a misnomer in that the chromosomes are usually not alike with respect to all genes, but are alike with respect to those genes which are being considered. < J \ ^ CD • J > 1 CD • CD -J --it}- V J ^ ' f ^ v • C3 J \ , • CD / CD J c Fig. 210. a diagrammatic representa- tion of the behavior of chromosomes during the formation of microspores from microsporocytes, or of megaspores from megasporocytes in a plant having two pairs of unlike chromosomes. The sperms formed in the pollen from this plant have the same chromo- some complement as the microspores from which the pollen grains develop. Likewise, the eggs have the same chromosome complement as the mega- spores from which the embryo sacs develop. HEREDITY IN PLANTS 453 [Chap. XXXVII of like chromosomes^ and two pairs of unlike chromosomes, there are only two different ways in which the chromosomes may be oriented, and four different kinds of spores, eggs, or sperms may be formed. If there are two pairs of like chromosomes and only one pair of unlike chromo- somes, there is but one possible orientation and two kinds of spores, sperms, or eggs. If there are 24 pairs of unlike chromosomes, there are B ^^ C o ^^. •. CD •. ■■■o»-' OR \ 1 O • • J \ t ' o • • / ( --'»■■■■■ 1 I •o- J OR \ 1 • O \ ' • o \ o / \ 1 • o ) 1 ' • o Fig. 211. a diagrammatic representation of the behavior of chromosomes during the formation of microspores from microsporocytes, or of megaspores from mega- sporocytes in a plant having three pairs of unhke chromosomes. What will be the chromosome complement of the sperms and eggs formed in this plant? 8,388,608 different ways in which the chromosomes may become ori- ented, and a possible 16,777,216 different kinds of spores, sperms, or eggs. The number of different kinds of microspores or megaspores and consequently of different kinds of sperms or eggs that can be produced by a plant may be represented by 2", where n is the number of pairs of unlike chromosomes in the cells of the spore-bearing plant. Chromosomes in cross-fertilization. Let us see if the facts we have learned about hereditary factors and chromosomes in relation to the life history of a plant are sufficient to explain the relative numbers of the different kinds of plants obtained by crossing and selling in snapdragon, as described earlier in this chapter (Fig. 205). One of the eight chromo- somes in the gametes of the red-flowered plant contained at least one gene with the potentiality of conditioning the formation of red pigment 454 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY in the flower; and its homolog, or synaptic mate, in the gametes of the white-flowered plant lacked this gene or contained a corresponding gene that lacked this particular potentiality. The zygotes formed by cross- fertilization contained both of these chromosomes and the plants that grew from them were pink-flowered. We may for the present ignore all the other genes in these two chromosomes and also all the other chromosomes in these two kinds of plants, and fix our attention on these two chromosomes through two complete life cycles of snapdragon. This we may do by means of a diagram. We shall use the letter R as a symbol for the gene, or the po- tentiality, in the chromosome that conditions the formation of red pig- ment in the flower; and the letter r to indicate the potentiality in the homologous chromosome that conditions colorless flowers (Fig. 212).'^ Owing to the behavior of chromosomes in reduction division, two kinds of sperms and two kinds of eggs with respect to flower color will be formed in the pink-flowered hybrid as shown in the diagram. The plants of the F2 generation that obtain the chromosome containing the gene represented by R from both sperm and egg have red flowers. If they obtain this chromosome only from the egg or from the sperm and obtain its synaptic mate from the other gamete, the flowers are pink as in the Fi generation. If the chromosomes from both sperm and egg lack the gene represented by R, the flowers are white. The different kinds of sperms and eggs unite at random. That is, their union is influenced not by the kinds of chromosomes and hereditary potentialities they contain, but by the chance of a sperm coming in contact with the egg.^ Hence, if a large number of them unite, the progeny ( F2 generation ) would con- sist of plants of which approximately 1/4 are red-flowered, 2/4 pink- flowered, and 1/4 white-flowered. Both the red- and the white-flowered plants, if selfed, would continue to breed true. In order to check some of the inferences one might draw from this example, it will be necessary to consider another example of cross-fertili- zation in which one of the chromosomes in the sperm from a tall, smooth plant has a gene (T) that conditions height of plant and another gene (S) that conditions smooth epidermis; while one of the chromosomes in ^ In preference to letters, small dots may be used to represent the genes in the chromo- somes. " In seed plants the kind of sperm that may come in contact with an egg depends upon the kinds of pollen grains that become attached to the pistil, and upon the subsequent growth of pollen tubes. [Chap. XXXVII HEREDITY IN PLANTS 45.' One of the chromosomes in a sperm from the red -flowered plant One of the chromosomes in an egg from the white -flowered plant generation Two of the chromosomes in the fertilized egg and hence in the vegetative cells, microsporocytes, and megasporocytes of the plant that develops from this fertilized egg r Possible kinds of sperms and eggs with respect to these two chromosomes that can be produced in this plant A Sperms and Eggs Possible chances of fertili:ation if only self-fertiliiation occurs Possible kinds of chromosome complements in the fertilized eggs and subsequent cells of the various plants of the F2 generation Fig. 212. A diagrammatic representation of the relation of chromosomes and factors of flower color in snapdragon. the egg from a dwarf hairy plant has a gene (d) that conditions height and another gene (h) that conditions growth of hairs on the epidermis. If we use the suggested letters as symbols for the genes that condition the development of these characters, we may represent the distribution of these two kinds of chromosomes in the plants of the Fi and F2 genera- tions by a diagram (Fig. 213). All the plants of the Fi generation were tall and smooth like one of the parents, showing that the genes that condition the development of tall, 456 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY One chromosome in a sperm from the tall smooth plant One chromosome in an egg from the dwarf hairy plant Chromosome complement in the Fj generation Chromosomes in the gametes of the Fi generation Sperms and Eggs T S h Chromosome complements in the various plants of the F2 generation Fig. 213. A diagrammatic representation of the transmission of two hereditary factors located in the same chromosome. smooth plants completely dominated the effects of the genes that condi- tion dwarfness and hairiness.' In the F2 generation 1/4 of the plants were pure-line tall, smooth plants; 2/4 were hybrid tall, smooth plants; and 1/4 were pure-hne dwarf, hairy plants. All the genes in one chromo- some go with the chromosome. They appear, therefore, to be linked together. In this example all the dominant genes considered are in the same chromosome, but this condition should not be construed to be the general rule. The reader may be interested in solving a similar problem when the genes represented by T and h are in one chromosome, and those represented by d and S are in its synaptic mate.^ " Because of this fact we followed the convention of capitalizing the symbols for the dominant genes, hut not those for the recessive genes. As symbols for the genes condition- ing height we might also have chosen T and t, or D and d. The latter is preferred by many geneticists. * It is important to remember that chromosomes and genes are in the cells of the plant, and that the letters used as symbols for the genes are only on the printed page. Progress in understanding is made only when there is an effort to \isualize the chromosomes and genes. Moreo\er, when each factor in which one is interested is in a different chromosome, as in Fig. 212, the factors may be represented in diagrams as letters without indicating their relation to chromosomes. But when Uvo or more of these factors are in the same chromosome, the fact must be indicated in some way, as suggested in Fig. 213. That is, the letter symbols for the genes in any one chromosome should be kept together in the diagrams. [Chap. XXXVII HEREDITY IN PLANTS 457 In the chapter on fat and protein synthesis one other amazing fact about chromosomes and genes was mentioned. Since the properties of chromosomes and genes remain constant through bilhons of cell di- visions in each plant and from generation to generation, their chemical composition and internal organization must also remain constant. They are composed largely of protein substances. Since the chromosomes and genes are duplicated in number every time cells divide, the maintenance of their size must depend upon growth by the synthesis of new chromo- somal substances from foods in the cell. The constancy of chromosomal synthesis peculiar to each species of plant and animal, and the constancy of chromosome behavior in cell division constitute an important part of the hereditary mechanism of cells. The persistence of species and races is dependent upon this constancy. A high degree of constancy accom- panied by some irregularity results in a gradual evolution of varieties and of species of plants. REFERENCES Schrader, F. The present status of mitosis. Biological Symposia. Vol. 1, pp. 87-95. The Jacques Cattail Press. 1940. Sharp, L. W. Introduction to Cytology. McCraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1934. Sinnott, E. W., and L. C. Dunn. Principles of Genetics. 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1939. Snyder, L. H. The Principles of Heredity. 2nd ed. D. C. Heath and Company. 1940. CHAPTER XXXVIII CROSS-FERTILIZATION AND HYBRID SEGREGATION <^0<><><>C><£><><^OC>^^ From the facts presented in the preceding chapter it must be evident that heredity is definitely related to several basic processes in cell divi- sion. The characters we see developing in a plant as it grows are condi- tioned by the hereditary factors that are transmitted from one generation to the next in the sperms and eggs. Many of these hereditary factors we now know to be the genes located in the different chromosomes. We have seen how the chromosomes with their particular hereditary factors assemble in pairs and then become separated during reduction division, and are still separated in the spenns and eggs; and how they are brought together again in different combinations in the fertilized egg. As a consequence of this definite pairing, segregation, and recombina- tion of chromosomes during sexual reproduction, the progeny of a hybrid plant are not all alike. When our attention is centered upon only one character, such as height of plant or flower color, the different kinds of hybrid progeny may appear in simple proportions such as 1:2:1, 3:1, and 1:1 as described in the preceding chapter. Since Mendel was the first to discover these definite ratios of the different progeny of hybrids they are often referred to as Mendelian ratios. Owing to the fact that during reduction division the orientation of the pairs of chromosomes on the spindle of the dividing cell occurs at random, and the subsequent union of the different kinds of sperms and eggs also occurs at random, these ideal mathematical ratios are seldom olDtained in experiments. One seldom obtains an exact 1:1 ratio of heads and tails when a penny is tossed several times, or an exact 1:2:1 ratio when two penines are tossed simultaneously a certain number of times. The ideal ratio, 5:5, is occasionally obtained when a penny is tossed 10 times, but sometimes deviations as great as 9:1 or 1:9 occur. As the number of tosses is increased, the magnitude of deviation from the ideal ratio decreases. In the study of heredity we must recognize the role of chance during reduction division and fertilization. Many other processes in chromo- 458 [Chap. XXXVIII HYBRID SEGREGATION 459 somes and heredity, such as the dupHcation of chromosomes and genes in ordinary cell division and pairing of synaptic mates in reduction division, are much too definite to be regarded as the results of chance. The basic facts of segregation and recombination of hereditary factors as distinct units in the sperms and eggs, and the consequent ratios of hybrid progeny were discovered by Mendel before chromosomes had been clearly recognized. The subsequent discovery of chromosomes and of their definite behavior, however, furnished a basis of fact that enabled biologists of this century to explain the principles of hybrid segregation formulated by Mendel, and to extend and clarify our knowledge of hvbridization. It was difficult, for instance, to understand why certain factors seemed to be "linked together" until it was discovered that they were in the same chromosome, and would be present wherever that particular chromosome was present. Two or more factors that always occur together are referred to today as linkage groups. All the factors in a single chromosome constitute one linkage group. Thus through a slow accumulation of facts and the discovery of their dependent relations, the subject of hvbridization has been removed from the realm of mystery and speculation and has become an understandable science. Mendel's experiments. Mendel investigated the results of cross-fertili- zation in several kinds of plants, and also in mice and bees. From several seedsmen he obtained seeds of more than thirty varieties of peas, mostly of one species ( Pisum sativum ) , and planted them in a small garden at his monastery. He noted that certain distinctive characters of each va- riety remained constant from year to year. Since some of these characters were easy to detect, he decided that peas would be admirable plants with which to test experimentally the various ideas about hybrids that were current at the time. His success in discovering fundamental laws of heredity when all others had failed depended in part on his choice of suitable experimental material, and in part on his persistence in keeping exact records of all the progeny of his plants through a series of several generations. To appreciate Mendel's experiments one should imagine him at work in his garden among peas some of which were slightly taller than he was; others were dwarfs less than knee-high. Some were white flowered; others were violet-red flowered. On some plants the flowers and pods developed only in terminal clusters at the top of the stem; on others they appeared in the axils of the leaves along the stem. The pods on some plants were yellow; on others they were green. Some pods were 460 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY inflated; others were constricted between the seeds. The seeds within the pods were either all green or all yellow, depending upon the pig- ments in the cotyledons of the embryo. In some pods the seeds were rough; in others they were smooth. Peas are naturally close-pollinated, and unless they have been arti- ficially cross-pollinated they may be considered pure-line plants with respect to all of their characters. After studying his plants carefully for two years, Mendel became assured that each of the fourteen varieties named above bred true to type, but he continued to test them for purity throughout the period of experimentation. By means of cross-pollination Mendel began to secure hybrids among these plants. We can imagine him with a pair of forceps removing the young anthers from some of the flowers, placing pollen upon the stigmas by hand, and carefully labeling each one with a description of the ovule and pollen parent. Later he collected the ripened pods and seeds, kept them separate, and planted the seeds the following season. During this second season he kept a record of the appearance of all the hybrid plants, i.e., the Fi generation. No matter which way the crosses were made between any two of the pure-line plants described above, the influence of certain hereditary factors was found to dominate the influence of others completelv. In these peas the factors that severall)' conditioned the development of tall plants, red flowers, axillary flowers, green pods, inflated pods, smooth seeds, and yellow seeds completely dominated the effect of the factors that conditioned the contrasting characters of dwarfness, white flowers, terminal flowers, yellow pods, constricted pods, rough seeds, and green seeds. Mendel, however, was not the first person to note the complete dominance of some factors in hybrids, and the lack of complete dominance of others. When the Fi plants bloomed during this second season, Mendel al- lowed them to self-pollinate naturally. Again he kept careful records, and planted the seeds the following season. From the embryos of these seeds the mature plants of the F2 generation developed. During this third season he obtained an accurate record of more than 5000 progeny of the Fi generation. He continued the experiments for eight years, test- ing and retesting his data and conclusions. Aided by the young men at the monastery he obtained data about many thousands of progeny. Mendel had several reasons for choosing the garden pea for his ex- periments. The plants are easily cultivated, they have a short period of [Cliap. XXXVIII HYBRID SEGREGATION 461 growth, all types of hybrids are fertile, the plants do not have to be pre- vented from cross-pollinating, the characters chosen are easily recog- nizable and may be combined and separated in different plants as if each depended upon a single hereditary factor. Because of this simplicity some phases of the experiment were relatively easy and the results were not difficult to analyze. For the same reason most students in elementar)' botany learn something about Mendel and his hybrid peas. They also learn something about Hugo de Vries and mutation, but very little about his evening primroses, for the heredity of primroses is pecuharly complex and not the sort of thing one enjoys during his first approach to the study of heredity. Some explanations. We now know that the garden pea has seven pairs of chromosomes. Consequently each sperm and egg has but seven chromosomes, while each cell of the vegetative body of the plant has fourteen chromosomes. The genes that specifically condition the four- teen characters listed earlier occur separately in these fourteen chromo- somes. Thus they appear to be unit factors, and the characters they con- dition appear to be independent unit characters. In one chromosome is the factor of tallness; in its homolog, or synaptic mate, is the factor of dwarfness. During reduction division these two chromosomes become separated. Consequently each speiTn or egg of a hybrid pea will have but one of these two height factors — a fact often referred to as the purity of gametes, or as Mendel's law of the segregation of hereditary factors. Half of the total number of microspores and resultant sperms will have one of these height factors, and half will have the other height factor. A similar distribution of height factors also occurs in the megaspores and in the resultant eggs and fusion nuclei in the embryo sac. Similarly in another pair of homologous chromosomes are the factors that condition flower color; in another pair are the factors that condition seed form, and so on for each of the seven pairs of homologous chromo- somes and seven pairs of contrasting factors. Furthermore, one factor of each pair of contrasting factors completely dominates the influence of the other. Evidentlv, if either height of plant, flower color, flower position, seed form, seed color, pod form, or pod color is considered separately without regard to the other characters, the results of hybridization in the garden pea are as simple and as easy to decipher as were the two examples described in the previous chapter. 462 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Anyone who is familiar with the facts discussed in the section on the pairing and segregation of chromosomes in the previous chapter can use the foregoing facts about peas and predict what Mendel must have ob- tained in each of his experiments. Before going further, the reader will find it profitable to predict what Mendel must have obtained in the Fi, F2, and F3 generations after crossing (1) a pure-line tall plant with a pure-line dwarf plant, ( 2 ) a pure-line red-flowered plant with a pure-line white-flowered plant, (3) a pure-line yellow-seeded plant with a pure- line green-seeded plant; and so on for each of the other pairs of con- trasting factors. Such predictions may be shovni diagrammatically by means of con- ventional symbols for the different hereditary factors as described in the previous chapter. Any kind of symbols may be chosen for the factors if one indicates what factors they represent.^ It is important to remember that these symbols indicate only the genes, or hereditary factors, in the chromosomes. Words should always be used to describe the visible char- acters which develop as a result of the presence of these genes. Hence the symbols TT and Td each represent a pair of genes either of which, when present in the cells of a plant, influences its growth in height. They represent the hereditary make-up, or genotype, of the plants with respect to height. If these plants are peas, both of them will be tall plants. ^ For the hereditary factors in the garden pea discussed in this chapter we ha\ e chosen the following letter symbols. The dominant factors are indicated by capital letters. Visible Characters in the Plant Symbols Used for Hereditary Factors in the Cells Visible Characters in the Plant Symbols Used for Hereditary Factors in the Cells Height of plant T and d Form of pods I and c Tall TT and Td Inflated n and Ic Dwarf (id Constricted cc Color of flowers R and w Surface of seeds S and r Red RR and Rw Smooth SS and Sr White WW Rough rr Position of flowers \ and t Color of seeds Y and g Axillary A A and At Yellow YY and Yg Terminal tt Green gg Color of pods G and y Green GG and Gy Yellow .v.V [Chap. XXXVIII HYBRID SEGREGATION 463 The visible character that develops is referred to as the phenotijpe. For example, if 400 progeny of a hybrid plant of genotype Td are found to differ from each other in the proportion of 100TT:200Td:100dd, the genotypic ratio is 1:2:1; but the phenotypic ratio — what one sees in the field or garden — is 3:1. These ratios are often called monohybrid ratios because they represent the progeny with respect to a single character. All the plants that have the factors TT are pure-line tall plants; the eggs and sperms produced in the pollen and embryo sacs in these plants each contain the factor T. If only self-fertilization occurs, each individ- ual in the progeny will have the factors TT, since one height factor is obtained from the egg and the other from the sperm. Similarly, the sperms and eggs produced in the pure-line dwarf plants of the genotype dd each contain the factor d, and all the progeny obtained by selfing have the factors dd. When plants having the factors TT and dd are crossed, each individual in the progeny has the factors Td, because the fertilized egg from which it develops has the factor T from one gamete and the factor d from the other one. For convenience in representing the proportions of the dififerent kinds of progeny of hybrids, the checkerboard diagram is often used. If the height factors in a plant are represented by Td, then half of the sperms will have the factor T, the other half will have the factor d. Half of the eggs also will have the factor T, the others will have the factor d. Simi- larly, in a plant having the factors of flower color, Rw, half of the sperms will have the factor R; the other half the factor w. Half of the eggs will have the factor R; the other half will have the factor w. Now if we indi- cate the factors in the eggs on one side of a checkerboard diagram and the factors in the sperms along a side at right angles, we can indicate quickly ( 1 ) the possible chances of union of the different kinds of sperms and eggs, and (2) the proportion of the different kinds of progeny. R w Genotypes of F2 gener- ation R RR Rw Rw WW Genotypes of F2 gener- ation Within the checkerboard diagrams are represented the genotypes of all the different kinds of progeny of each of the hybrid parents having the genotypes Td and Rw, and also the ideal proportion in which they may be expected to occur, especially if the total number of progeny in 464 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY the field is very large. In predicting the Fs generation no new problems arise. ^ Two characters considered simultaneously. If we wish to understand the inheritance of factors when two characters are considered simul- taneously, we have only to apply the same principles previously used for a single character and the facts we know about the behavior of chromosomes during reduction division. The ratios that result from a cross when two independent characters are considered are called dihy- brid ratios. Suppose we cross a plant whose genotype is TTRR with a plant whose genotype is ddww. All individuals of the Fi hybrids will have the geno- type TdRw, for they will have obtained one height factor and one flower- color factor from each of the two pure-line parents. Since the factors T and d are in separate homologous chromosomes (one from the pollen parent, the other from the ovule parent) and the factors R and w are likewise in another pair of homologous chromosomes, the hybrid with the genotype TdRw may produce four kinds of sperms and four kinds of eggs with respect to height and flower color (Fig. 210). We may repre- sent the factors in these sperms and eggs as follows: TR, Tw, dR, and dw.'^ If the homologous chromosomes that pair during reduction division always separate and migrate to opposite poles of the spindle, then the factors T and d would not occur in the same sperm or in the same egg; 2 Mendel, of course, seldom obtained ideal ratios of hybrid progeny in the F^ and F, generations! Some phenotypic ratios actually obtained by him from the F, hybrids are given below. Number of Parents. All were Fi Hybrids. The genotype is indicated in parentheses. 1064 tall plants (Td) 929 red-flowered plants (Rw) 258 plants from yellow seeds (Yg) 253 plants from smooth seeds (Ss) 1181 plants with inflated pods (Ic) 580 plants with green pods (Gy) 858 plants with axillary flowers (At) Number of Progeny of the Fi Hybrids. The F2 generation. 787 tall and 277 dwarf plants. 2.84:1. 705 red- and 222 white-flowered plants. 3.15:1. 6002 yellow and 2001 green seeds. 3.01:1. 5474 smooth and 1850 rough seeds. 2.96:1. 882 plants with inflated pods and 299 plants with constricted pods. 2.95:1. 428 plants with green pods and 152 plants with yellow pods. 2.82:1. 657 plants with axillary flowers and 201 plants with terminal flowers. 3.14:1. Hereditary factors that conditioned red flowers were "linked" with those that conditioned grayish-brown seed coats, and those that conditioned white flowers and white seed coats were "linked." ^ See footnote, p. 456. [Chap. XXXVIII HYBRID SEGREGATION 465 neither would the factors R and w. We may now represent all these facts briefly, including also the union of the different eggs and sperms, and the resultant genotypes of the progeny. Genotypes of Parents Factors in Gametes Genotype of All Fi Hybrids Factors in Gametes of Hybrids TTRR TR ddww dw TdR^ TR, Tw, dR, dw (Factors in Sperms) TR, Tw, dR, dw (Factors in Eggs) TR (Selfing) Tw i dR dw TR Tw dR dw TTRR TTRw TdRR TdRw TTRw TTww TdRw Tdww TdRR TdRw ddRR ddRw TdRw Tdww ddRw ddww Genotypes of F2 generation Within the diagram are represented the genotypes of all the diflFerent kinds of progeny with respect to height and flower color that may be obtained from the hybrid pea having the genotvpe TdRw, and also the ideal proportion in which they may be expected to occur in the field if the total number of plants is very large. Note that many of the plants that would appear to be similar in the field differ from each other in their hereditary constitution. By using the same principles, one may determine the probable progeny of crosses between other pure lines of peas, such as ( TTYY ) X ( ddgg ) and (TTgg) X (ddYY). Mendel experimentallv proved that each of the fourteen factors which he studied in peas segregated in the same manner. Three characters considered simultaneously. No new problems arise when three characters, such as Mendel studied in peas, are considered simultaneously. Thus Fi hybrids of the pure lines that have the geno- types TTRRgg and ddwwYY would all have the factors TdRwYg, and considering these three characters alone there would be eight different 466 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY kinds of sperms and eggs. One merely needs to visualize the chances of orientation of the three pairs of chromosomes (Fig. 211) and their contained factors during the process of reduction division to see that the factors in the sperms and eggs of this hybrid would be distributed as follow^s: TRY, TRg, TwY, dRy, Twg, dRg, dwY, and dwg. In this case the checkerboard diagram is very large. Other problems with hybrids. It is, of course, possible to consider two or more characters simultaneously even though the parents are pure lines for some of them. For example, if the genotype of the parent were TTRwgg the checkerboard would be very small, for there would be only two different kinds of sperms and eggs, with respect to these par- ticular hereditary factors. The paired chromosomes containing height factors contain the same height factor, and the paired chromosomes containing seed-color factors have the same seed-color factor. But the paired chromosomes containing flower-color factors have unlike flower- color factors, and these are the only ones that differ in the sperms and eggs. What kind of progeny would be obtained by crossing a plant of genotype TTRw with a plant of genotype Tdww? Since it does not mat- ter which way the cross is made, one merely decides for convenience that one of these plants is the pollen parent; the other one the ovule parent. If we decide that the plant of genotype TTRw is the pollen parent, the sperms will have the factors TR and Tw, and the eggs from the ovule parent will have the factors Tw and dw. Hence the progeny have the genotypes TTRw, TTww, TdRw, and Tdww, as shown in the diagram: TR Tw To predict the proportion of the resultant kinds of progeny after either selfing or crossing, one merely applies the foregoing principles to decide (1) what kinds of sperms and eggs can be produced in the parents, and (2) the possible chances of fertilization. It will be excellent practice for the student similarly to predict the nature of the progeny that would be obtained by selfing any one, or by crossing any two, of the types of plants represented in the preceding diagrams. [Chap. XXXVIII HYBRID SEGREGATION 467 Interpreting the progeny represented by the checkerboard diagrams. There is no value in being able to construct checkerboard diagrams that represent the progeny of a plant, or of two kinds of plants, unless one can read them and visualize what they represent, after they are con- structed. Since they are made to be read, one should always follow cer- tain accepted conventions in making them, so that he may see almost at a glance both the phenotypic and the genotypic ratios of the progeny. In the diagrams ( page 463 ) representing the progeny of the genotypes Td and Rw it is obvious in the one that 3/4 of the plants are tall and 1/4 are dwarf; in the other, 3/4 of the plants are red-flowered and 1/4 are white-flowered. The same fact may be obtained from the diagram ( page 465 ) showing dihybrid ratios where 12/16 of the plants are tall and 4/16 are dwarf, while 12/16 are red-flowered and 4/16 are white- flowered. From this same diagram one may also learn that 9/16 of the plants in the field are tall red-flowered, 3/16 are tall white-flowered, 3/16 are dwarf red-flowered, and 1/16 are dwarf white-flowered. All these ratios refer to phenotypes, not to genotypes. It should always be remembered that the checkerboard diagram represents the proportion of the different kinds of plants in a field and not the actual number of plants in the field, and these diagrams should be read accordingly. Much more can be learned by looking at the genotypic ratios, and also the genotypes of particular individuals in the progeny. For instance in the diagram illustrating the progeny of the genotype Td, it is obvious that 1/3 of the tall plants in the garden are pure tall plants, and 2/3 of them are hybrid tall plants; also that all the dwarf plants are pure dwarf plants. The term homozygous is often used to refer to any char- acter for which the plant is a pure line, that is, contains a pair of like factors, of which one factor was obtained from the sperm and the other from the egg. The plants of genotypes TT and dd are homozygous with respect to height, while the plants of genotype Td are all heterozygous with respect to height. An absolutely pure-line plant would be homo- zygous with respect to all its factors. In the diagram representing the progeny of the plant (TdRw) 1/4 of the plants are homozygous with respect to both height and flower color; another 1/4 are heterozygous with respect to both height and flower color. Still another 1/4 are homozygous with respect to height but heterozygous with respect to flower color, while the remaining 1/4 are just the opposite. In the field one can see only four kinds of plants: tall red-flowered, 468 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY tall white-flowered, dwarf red-flowered, and dwarf white-flowered. But from the diagram we may learn that of the tall red-flowered plants in the field only 1/9 are pure tall red-flowered, 4/9 are hybrid tall red-flowered, 2/9 are homozygous with respect to height and heterozygous with respect to flower color, and the remaining 2/9 are just the converse of the preceding. Of the tall white-flowered plants, 1/3 are pure tall white- flowered. One third of the dwarf red-flowered plants are homozygous with respect to height and flower color. All the dwarf white-flowered plants in the field are pure dwarf white-flowered. Ascertaining the genotype of parents. If one were told that a dwarf white-flowered pea plant was crossed with a tall red-flowered one, and that all the progeny were tall but some of them were white-flowered, he should be able to state at once the genotypes of the two parents. Disregarding the progeny for a moment, we know that the genotype of the dwarf white-flowered parent was ddww, and that the tall red- flowered parent contained the factors T and R. Since all the progeny are tall, we are sure that the other height factor in it was also T. Since some of the progeny are white-flowered, we can be sure that the other flower-color factor was not R, and must have been w. Hence the geno- types of the two parents were ddww and TTRw. Inbreeding. Attention has already been called to the fact that con- tinued inbreeding of hybrids and their progeny results in a number of inbred lines that are homozygous with respect to many of their heredi- tary factors. A hint of this fact is evident in the checkerboard diagram of the progeny of the plant of genotype TdRw, since 1/4 of the plants of the F2 generation are homozygous with respect to height and flower color. A much better idea of the effect of inbreeding may be obtained by working out a diagram for several successive generations, beginning with three characters in a hybrid. Of course, the making of these dia- grams becomes increasingly tedious as the number of characters repre- sented increases. If all the fourteen characters discussed in this chapter were considered, the number of different eggs and sperms would be equal to the seventh power of 2, or 128. Obviously, inbreeding may be undesirable when it increases the homozygosity of undesirable factors, or when it decreases the number of desirable factors one wishes to have in one plant. Following inbreed- ing, these desirable factors may be brought into one plant by crossing inbred lines from which the undesirable factors have been eliminated. On the other hand, inbred lines that are homozygous for several desired [Chap. XXXVIII HYBRID SEGREGATION 469 factors may be very important as economic plants. Many of our best varieties of close pollinated plants are inbred lines, namely, wheat, oats, barley, peas, and beans. Inbreeding without selection will not entirely eliminate hybrids. This fact may be discovered by starting with a plant of genotype Td and noting the percentage of pure-line plants and hybrids in each successive generation obtained by selfing all individuals. In the first generation the hybrids constitute 1/2 of the progeny, 1/4 of the next, 1/8 in the next, and so on. In the n*^'' generation the proportion of hybrids to pure lines may be represented by the equation (2" — 1 ) TT : 2Td : ( 2" — 1 ) dd. Thus in the 8th generation it would be 255TT : 2Td : 255dd. Other problems. The foregoing discussion has been limited to simple cases in which the several factors that specifically influence the develop- ment of the characters are in different chromosomes. If one always thinks of hereditary factors in association with chromosomes, problems in which two or more of the factors are in the same chromosome are no more diffi- cult than the cases discussed. A more difficult type of problem is met with when the development of a particular character specifically depends upon the presence and interaction of several hereditary factors. Such characters are referred to as multiple-factor characters. A discussion of these factors and of other complications of Mendelian inheritance lies beyond the scope of this book. Hybrid endosperms. Inheritance in the endosperm is a unique feature limited to certain seed plants because the endosperm is a unique tissue that develops from the triple-fusion nucleus only in the seeds of some plants (Chapter XXXIII). Hybrid characters in the endosperm are always evident the same season that cross-fertilization occurs, for the endosperm grows to maturity during that season. We have already seen that hybrid characters of the embryo, such as the green and yellow cotyledons of pea seeds, are also evident the same season that cross- fertilization occurs; but they are dependent upon factors inherited through the fertilized egg, whereas endosperm characters are dependent upon factors inherited through the triple-fusion nucleus (Fig. 214). To understand hybridization in endosperms it is necessary only to remember (1) that the two sperms in the pollen tube have the same complement of chromosomes and the same hereditary factors, and (2) that the egg and the fusion nucleus in the embryo sac have the same complement of chromosomes and hereditary factors, except that the 470 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY SPERMSi Fig. 214. Diagram illustrating the derivation of the chromosome complement of the triple fusion nucleus and the endosperm cells resulting in xenia. fusion nucleus has a double set of these chromosomes. With this one exception, the fertilized egg and triple-fusion nucleus in the same embryo sac have the same chromosome complement. Some of the factors in these chromosomes specifically affect the processes in the endosperms, such as the formation of starch, dextrin. Fig. 215. Ear of Stowell's Evergreen sweet com from an open pollinated plant. The development of the endosperm of some of the grains was influenced by sperms from waxy corn, and black Mexican sweet corn growing nearby. Photo by G. W. Blaydes. protein, and pigment. It is often observed that when brown-, blue-, or yellow-grained corn is growing near white-grained com, a few colored grains of corn appear on the ears of white com, but white grains do not appear upon the ears of colored corn this same season (Fig. 215). Similarly grains of starchy corn appear on the ears of sweet corn, and grains of field com appear on the ears of pop corn. [Chap. XXXVm HYBRID SEGREGATION 471 Long before the processes of fertilization and triple fusion were known in plants, this phenomenon was called xenia, a term that means hospi- tality. It was thought that the white corn, sweet corn, and pop corn were being hospitable to the other kinds of corn — unreciprocated hos- pitality. The Indians who wanted to keep their ceremonial com "pure" looked upon it as contamination. We now know that it is the result of cross-pollination, triple fusion, and the dominance of certain hereditary factors in the endosperm, as indicated in Fig. 214. The pollen grain came from a variety of blue-grained corn; the ovule grew in a variety of white-grained com. Fig. 216. Diagram illustrating the results of inheritance in the endosperm follow- ing selfing of a hybrid plant from a seed like seed C in Fig. 214. 472 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY I- ^ m A B D D Fig. 217. C represents the grains on an ear of corn the same season when plants from A and B are crossed. D represents ears of corn on plants from C when selfed the following season. Photos by G. W. Blaydes. [Chap. XXXVIII HYBRID SEGREGATION 473 Xenia is the evident result of the influence of the pollen parent on the endosperm of the ovule parent the same season that cross-pollination occurs. Hence, it will occur only in seeds in which an endosperm de- velops from the triple-fusion nucleus. Furthermore, the sperm must con- tain a dominant endosperm factor, and the fusion nucleus the contrasting recessive endosperm factor. If seed "C" in Fig. 214 is planted and only self-fertilization occurs, in the mature plant that develops from the embryo there will be two kinds of pollen grains, two kinds of embryo sacs, four kinds of triple-fusion nuclei, and an ear of corn on which 3/4 of the grains will be blue and 1/4 will be white, as shown in Figs. 216 and 217. The fact that the ovule in a grain of corn is enclosed in the closelv adhering ovularv is not shown in the diagram. Some of the colors in grains of corn are due to pigments in the grain coats. Xenia, however, is strictly an endosperm phenomenon. We have described here a simple example of hybrid endosperms. Other examples, some of which are complicated because of partial domi- nance, linkage, or multiple factors, have been analyzed and explained in the literature. GENERAL REFERENCES Altenburg, Edward. How We Inherit. Henry Holt & Company, Inc. 1928. Castle, W. E. Genetics and Eugenics. Harvard Univ. Press. 1922. Translation of Mendel's paper in appendix, litis, Hugo. Life of Mendel. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. New York. 1932. Weatherwax, Paul. The Story of the Maize Plant. Univ. of Chicago Press. 1923. Zirkle, Conway. The Beginnings of Plant Htjbridization. Univ. of Pennsylvania Press. 1935. SELECTED REFERENCES Rabcock, E. R. Recent progress in plant breeding. Sci. Monthly. 40:313-322. 1935. Harbou, D. J. Gregor Johann Mendel. Sci. Monthly. 49:393-400. 1939. Waller, A. E. Xenia and otlier influences following fertilization. Ohio. Jour. Sci. 17:273-284. 1917. CHAPTER XXXIX MUTATIONS We have been emphasizing the individuaHty, stabiUty, and regularity of chromosomes and the smaller hereditary units of matter in the proto- plasm, particularly the genes. It is the stability and orderly behavior of these hereditary units of matter that maintain the constancy of the dif- ferent kinds of plants during their lifetime, and during succeeding generations. This constancy in organization and processes is, however, only relative. Changes in both chromosomes and genes are known to occur, and departures from the orderly splitting, pairing, and migration of chromosomes have been observed many times. When these changes in the hereditary units of matter in the cell are relatively stable, they are initial steps in the evolution of new kinds of plants. Their eflFects may become evident in the appearance of new characters or in the modifica- tion of preexisting ones, and in the consequent formation of new varieties of plants. We have already learned that all that is inherited is within the proto- plasm of the sperm and the egg, and hence in the resultant fertihzed egg. The hereditary units of matter in these cells, and the physiological processes they condition are the precursors of all the characters we see in the growing plant. The inherent differences in plants we see about us, therefore, are dependent upon the composition and arrangement of the microscopic and submicroscopic units of matter of which protoplasm is composed. Likewise the heritable changes that occur in the visible char- acters, through time, must be dependent upon certain alterations in these small heritable units of matter. In them may be found the origin of all heritable differences and of all the initial steps of evolution. If we wish to understand the gross phenomena of living organisms we must first try to understand some of the microscopic and submicroscopic structures and processes of which these gross features are the consequences. A change in a single gene may result in a very striking change in the development of some visible character. In such cases the relation of the character to the gene is easily detected by the study of Mendelian ratios 474 [Chap. XXXIX MUTATIONS 475 as described in the preceding chapter. Among the characters that appear to be results of changes in single genes are red-flowered snapdragons and fuzzless peaches, or nectarines. The relationship is not so easily de- tected when the development of the character depends specifically upon the interaction of several genes. We should not be misled into attributing the development of a par- ticular character solely to the influence of a single gene, even though it appears, or fails to appear, when the particular gene is present or absent. The total development of a plant, or of any part of it, is dependent upon the collective influences of numerous genes. When a plant having all of its genes is compared with a plant in which one gene is lacking, we may be able to detect one or more effects of this one gene on the development of the plant. The number of different kinds of influences a particular gene may have has never been fully discovered. Thus far we have emphasized the orderliness of the numerous proc- esses that occur every time cells divide, and when plants reproduce sexually. It is time now to turn our attention to some of the irregularities, or aberrations, that sometimes occur, and to try to visualize their rela- tion to the changes that are occurring in plants today and have been occurring in plants for a billion years or more. Mutations in the vegetative cells of plants. We have seen that the exact duplication of the hereditary mechanism when a cell divides in the growing regions of the vegetative body of a plant depends upon an exact duplication of all its chromosomes and genes, and also upon a very definite distribution and assemblage of these daughter chromosomes in the nuclei of the two new cells. When we are able to visualize the usual orderly procedure of events in cell division, we can begin to appreciate some of the irregularities which occur occasionally, and with a little scientific imagination we can even predict what some of them will be. For example, the chromosomes may divide without further division of the nucleus or of the cell, resulting in a cell with a tetraploid (4n) number of chromosomes. Some or all of the chromosomes on their way to the poles of a cell might divide a second time before a new cell wall is formed, resulting in cells with an increase in number of chromosomes. Some of the chromosomes might fail to divide, and one of the new cells would lack one or more chromo- somes. The two halves of a divided chromosome might go to the same pole of the spindle, resulting in two new cells, one of which has 2n + 1, the other 2n — 1 chromosomes. A chromosome might become 476 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY "stranded" on the spindle and not be included in the new nucleus. A chromosome might break in two during the process of splitting, and the remaining fragment might adhere to the other daughter chromosome or be lost completely. Having predicted that such irregularities might occur in chromosome behavior during ordinary mitosis in vegetative cells, one has only to turn to the literature of cytology to learn that all of them actually do occur in the growing regions of plants. Specialists who devote their time to the study of cells either have seen them occurring, or the\' have made observations from which no other logical inferences could be drawn. If the altered cell survives, it may become the forerunner of a sector of tissue, a whole branch, a leaf, a root, or a part of a flower that differs from other corresponding organs of the same plant. Some of the colors and patterns of variegated leaves, the white branches of plants, and the red roots of sweet potatoes (Plate 4) are easily observed results of such changes in the vegetative cells of plants. In similar fashion the branches bearing seedless oranges originate. The nectarine and the Starke delicious apple are the results of mutations in vegetative cells. Many varieties of sugar cane, potatoes, and other plants that propagate mainly by vege- tative means are known to have originated by aberrations in ordinary cell division. If the aberration occurs in the fertilized egg, the whole plant will be different, since the fertilized egg is the forerunner of all the other cells of a plant. When such a change occurs in the body cells of the higher animals after they have developed bevond a very early embryonic stage, it perishes with the individual in which it occurs. The reproductive tissues in these animals soon become differentiated from the body (somatic) tissues. In plants the situation is quite different. If the aberration occurs in the growing tip of a stem, flowers may later develop from cells con- taining the aberrant chromosomes. Or if it occurs in some organ of a plant which propagates vegetatively, a whole plant containing the aber- rant chromosomes may be obtained by this means, and all its flowers would develop from altered cells. In either case, if the alteration in chromosomes is a stable one, it is perpetuated in plants by sexual repro- duction. The white flower of hibiscus shown in Plate 4 is borne on a branch that grew from the stem base of a red-flowered plant. White- flowered branches have developed from this side of the stem base an- nually for the past 9 years. This aberration in the hereditary units must [Chap. XXXIX MUTATIONS 477 have occurred in the meristem of the seedling, and has been perpetuated in all branches from that part of the meristem. We may consider a case in which the division of the chromosomes was not followed by further cell division and wall formation, resulting in a cell with the tetraploid (4n) number of chromosomes. This aberration is known to occur under natural conditions. The frequency of its occur- rence has been increased experimentallv by exposing certain plants to high or low temperature, by wounding them, or by treating them with various chemicals, especially anesthetics and alkaloids. Examples are the increased frequency of occurrence of 4n number of chromosomes in the first cells formed from the zygotes of corn, wheat, barley, and sweet clover when the flowers have been exposed to 40° -45° C. for a half hour while the zygotes are dividing. Similar results were obtained with low temperatures in Jimson weeds, and in some of the adventitious branches that developed from wound surfaces in tomato stems. A weak solution of chloral hydrate was one of the first chemical agents used to increase the rate of chromosome doubling. In cells treated with this reagent some or all of the chromosomes divided a second time while they were migrating toward the poles of the spindle in the dividing cells. All these external factors are known to alter the polarity of cells and the viscosity, permeabilitv, surface tension, and streaming of protoplasm. It is probably through such indirect means that they influence the regu- lar behavior of chromosomes. Spindle formation and the migration of chromosomes are certainlv influenced by all of these internal conditions in the protoplasm, except permeability. Recently it was discovered that an alkaloid, colchicine, from the autumn crocus is very effective in preventing spindle formation and subsequent cell wall formation in dividing cells, thus stopping the process with the splitting of the chromosomes. These treated cells con- tain the tetraploid (4n) number of chromosomes. The plant, or some part of it, may be soaked in a very dilute solution of colchicine, or the solution may be sprayed upon the plant. How far botanists may go in increasing the number of chromosomes in plant cells by this method will have to be decided by future experiments. Even before the discovery of colchicine and other means of increasing the number of chromosomes in a cell, it was known that tetraploid ( 4n ) cells would survive and grow, and that whole plants bearing flowers could be obtained from them as described above. They had been found in the wild state. In such plants the gametes contain the diploid (2n) 478 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY number of chromosomes when compared with gametes of the ancestor of the tetraploid plant. If they unite they form a zygote with the 4n number of chromosomes and thus the tetraploid condition is perpetuated. But if a diploid (2n) gamete unites with a monoploid (n) gamete, a triploid (3n) zygote is obtained. Certain irregularities, however, may occur during reduction division, and some of the progeny may not have exactly 4n or 3n number of chromosomes. Tetraploid plants that have been obtained by experimental methods usually have larger cells, stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds than their diploid ancestors, though this increase in size does not always occur. A slower growth and a longer vegetative period are more generally char- acteristic of them than increase in size. Many irregularities and various degrees of sterility occur. Monoploid tomato plants and Jimson weeds that develop from mono- ploid unfertilized eggs (parthenogenesis) are smaller and less vigorous than the parent diploid plant. Those that have been studied are sterile unless they produce gametes without reduction division. All such gametes have the same chromosome complement and it is identical with that of the vegetative cells of the plant. If self-fertilization were to occur, absolutely homozygous individuals would be obtained and perpetuated until some change occurred in a gene of one or more of the chromosomes. In later chapters we shall see that the formation of absolutely homo- zygous individuals is a common occurrence in some species of mosses and ferns. Other aberrations of chromosomes noted above, such as a gain or a loss of a chromosome or of a fragment of a chromosome, are, of course, accompanied by changes in development of the plant, depending upon whether the cells gained or lost certain genes and their potentialities. These changes may be more striking than those that are merely the result of the doubling of the number of similar chromosomes. We shall see presently that tetraploid (4n) plants, octoploid (8n) plants, and 16-ploid plants may originate in another way; but certain other points may be considered first. It is now known that species of many genera of plants differ from each other by multiples of some basic number of chromosomes. For instance, the different species of wheat have either 7, 14, or 21 pairs of chromosomes. Similar series of multiples of seven also occur in the different species of oats, cinquefoil, tall meadow rue, and certain other genera of plants. These facts are suffi- cient evidence that the number of chromosomes alone is not enough to [Chap. XXXIX MUTATIONS 479 account for tliese different species and genera. The chromosomes must also be different. Species of other genera differ by multiples of other basic numbers, such as 6, 8, 9, and several others. The different species of chrysanthemum have 9, 18, 27, 36, and 45 pairs of chromosomes. Apparently these species originated in part by a doubling of chromo- somes; but there have been certain changes within the chromosomes themselves, such as fragmentation or even changes in the genes. If a gene consists of a group of a few (perhaps a dozen or less) molecules, then changes in a gene might occur by ( 1 ) a gain or a loss in molecules, or (2) a rearrangement, a gain or a loss of atoms within the molecules. On the other hand, if a gene consists of only one molecule, then altera- tions within it would be limited to rearrangement, gain or loss of atoms or groups of atoms. What are mutations? Any of the irregularities in the composition and arrangement of chromosomes and genes and in the consequent changes of development that cannot be ascribed to the direct effects of cross- fertilization may be called mutations. The term mutation was first used to refer to the occurrence of observable differences in hereditary char- acters that were considered not to be the direct result of cross-fertiliza- tion. It was later discovered that these recognized mutations were the results of differences in the composition, behavior, and arrangement of both chromosomes and genes. Some authors use the expressions "chromo- somal aberrations" and "gene mutation," preferring to limit the term mutation to changes that occur only in the genes, whenever such a dis- tinction can be made. For convenience we shall use the term mutation in these chapters to include an aberrant condition in either chromosomes or genes, or any hereditary variation that is not the direct result of cross-fertilization. Mutations during reduction division. We have seen that the pairing and segregation of chromosomes during reduction division are very regu- lar processes, and that the constancy of pure lines, as well as the Mendelian ratios of hybrids, are the consequences of this regularity. But here again, with a little scientific imagination we may visualize the possible occurrence of certain irregularities. Reduction division might fail to occur, with the result that the spores and gametes formed would have the diploid ( 2n ) number of chromosomes, just like the cells of the vegetative body of tlie plant. The synaptic mates, instead of separating and moving to opposite poles of the cell, might continue to adhere to each other and move to the same pole of the cell. This might happen in 480 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY one or in several pairs of chromosomes. Or the chromosomes might con- tinue to adhere in certain parts, and separate and break in other parts, with the result that each chromosome would contain one or more pieces of its synaptic mate. Sometimes when chromosomes of two different species are brought together in the cells of a hybrid by means of cross- fertilization thev fail to mate regularly in reduction division, and many irregularities occur. As shown by the literature of cytology, these sus- pected irregularities actually do occur. Each of them will be considered briefly. When the chromosomes fail to undergo reduction division, the result- ing spores, sperms, and eggs not only have the diploid ( 2n ) number of chromosomes but they also have the same chromosome complement, which is identical with that of the cells of the vegetative body of the plant. This is the usual process in dandelion. Since fertihzation does not occur in dandelion, the parthenogenic embryo develops directly from diploid (2?i) eggs. Thus there is no change in chromosome number in the cells during the entire life cycle of the dandelion. If self-fertilization were to occur among these gametes of dandelion, absolutely homozygous plants would be obtained until some mutation occurred in one or more of the chromosomes. When fertilization does occur in such plants, a union of diploid ( 2n ) gametes results in tetraploid (4n ) plants. This is the second way in which tetraploid plants or plants with some higher multiple number of chromo- somes may originate. The type of irregularity by which the members of one or more pairs of homologous chromosomes fail to separate during reduction division results in a change in chromosome number and complement. If the chromosomes of one pair fail to separate, both of them migrate to the same pole of the spindle. As a result, some of the spores, sperms, and eggs then have n + 1 chromosomes; others have n — 1 chromosomes. If two of the pairs of chromosomes fail to separate, the gametes have n + 2 and m — 2 chromosomes. Hence some fertilized eggs lack one or more chromosomes, and others have one or more extra chromosomes with all their genes and potentialities. Such changes in chromosome behavior may be the initial steps in the formation of new varieties and species. Within certain genera of plants one may arrange several of the species in a series, such that each species in the series differs from the preceding one and the next one following it bv but one or two chromosomes. A similar situation may be found [Chap. XXXIX MUTATIONS 481 among the varieties of a species. The usual diploid (2n) number of chromosomes in corn is 20. The number of chromosomes that have been found in different varieties of corn are 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28. A third type of irregularity has been variously called "translocation," "segmental interchange," and "crossing over." That is, when the pair of homologous chromosomes are separating, they may be so interwoven that a piece of one homolog remains attached to the other one. Many such irresularities are known to occur, and thev have been studied with interest as a means of discovering the relative locations of the genes within the chromosome. The displaced piece of chromosome may have certain genes whose presence can be detected by the appearance or absence of certain characters in the plant. By comparing the effects of different pieces of the same chromosome in different individual plants, the relative position of the different genes in the chromosome may be closely estimated. For the solution of such problems the combined efforts of both cytologists and geneticists are needed. Irreeularities in reduction division in hvbrids mav be obtained (1) by crossing remotely related plants having the same number of chromo- somes, but chromosomes which previously have not been together in the same cell, or (2) by crossing plants differing in chromosome number. The irregularities that may occur in the pairing, or lack of pairing, of the chromosomes in such hvbrids are rather numerous, and only a few examples will be mentioned here. These irregularities of chromosomes, though indirectly the result of cross-fertilization, should be distinguished from the hybrid effects of cross-fertilization that are directly dependent upon the mixing of chromosomes of two kinds of plants as described in the preceding chapter. Of the eighteen recognized species of wheat, three have 7 pairs of chromosomes, nine have 14 pairs, and six have 21 pairs. Self-fertile hybrids are readily obtained from crosses between species having the same number of chromosomes. Hybrids are less readily obtained by crosses between species with different numbers of chromosomes, and they are often self-sterile. Hybrids obtained by crossing species with 14 and 21 pairs of chromosomes are sometimes self-fertile. Hybrids between species with 7 and 14 pairs of chromosomes or between those with 7 and 21 pairs are self-sterile; but they may be successfully back-crossed with parents, or crossed with certain other species. Obviously several new kinds of chromosome combinations may be obtained by such means. Hvbrids have also been obtained between species of different genera 482 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY of plants, such as wheat and rye, wheat and couch grass, radish and cabbage. Here again there is often a high degree of sterihty and many pecuhar irregularities are obtained. Radish and cabbage each have 9 pairs of chromosomes and their Fi hybrid has 9 cabbage chromosomes and 9 radish chromosomes. Among the F2 hybrid segregates was a hybrid containing 18 cabbage chromosomes and 18 radish chromosomes, which must have been obtained from gametes formed without reduction divi- sion. Subsequent generations of this particular hybrid also contained 9 pairs of radish chromosomes and 9 pairs of cabbage chromosomes. Apparently the cabbage and radish chromosomes did not pair with each other during reduction division. This new hybrid has all the character- istics of a distinct species. Perhaps species are sometimes formed in this way in the wild state. Influence of environment. The above summary of some of the better- known types of aberrations in chromosomes and genes is barely more than an introduction to this particular phase of natural phenomena. But perhaps it is sufficient to indicate some of the research that is being done and to supply a basis of understanding as to how hereditary dif- ferences originate. All such diflFerences begin as changes in the composi- tion and arrangement of units of matter in the protoplasm of cells. For example, the molecules of which genes are composed may undergo change in composition. We have already seen that changes in the com- position of molecules may be the result of a change in the arrangement of atoms, or of a loss or gain of certain atoms. In an earlier chapter it was shown that a rearrangement of a few atoms in a molecule of glucose resulted in the formation of fructose, and vice versa; and that the com- position of molecules is altered by oxidation-reduction processes. Next in order are changes in the arrangement of genes within the chromosomes; and among the larger units are changes in the arrange- ment of chromosomes themselves. Changes in the composition of the molecules of the genes are often regarded as the most fundamental ones. They are chemical changes, while all the others are physical changes. Each of these changes is the first step in a type of heritable variation known as a mutation. In brief, a mutation may occur among the chromosomes as a whole, among the genes within a chromosome, or among the molecules and atoms within a gene. Moreover, mutations may occur in an apparently uniform environ- ment, or the same kinds of changes may occur in different kinds of environments, and their frequency of occurrence may be increased or [Chap. XXXIX MUTATIONS 483 decreased by a change in environment. To illustrate these points we shall have to begin with a simple analogy. Glucose, fructose, and mannose are all distinct sugars of the formula CuHiiiOe. If one of them is placed in a bottle of water, the other two will be slowly fomied from it even if the bottle is kept in a uniform environment. But the rate of change from one kind of sugar to another varies with the intensity of certain factors in the environment, such as temperature and the presence or absence of barium hydroxide or other chemicals. Geochemists calculate the age of rocks on the basis of the rate at which uranium changes to lead and helium. Even the rate of change of this process is unaffected by ordinary changes in the environ- ment that occur on the surface of the earth. These simple examples are cited as a reminder that within a system (molecule, gene, chromosome, and cell) there may be intrinsic condi- tions that result in change, and that the eflFects of the environment on these intrinsic conditions may result only in altering the rate of change. That is, the effects of the environment may not result in any new com- pound or structure. By special laboratory methods chemists are able to make 16 kinds of sugars of the formula C(iHi20(5. Only about one-third of these have ever been found in plants. This fact should keep us from inferring that just anything may happen in a living organism. The number of kinds of changes that may occur in any system is dependent upon conditions within the system. The number that does occur may depend in part upon the environment. Of those that do occur, only certain ones are sufficiently stable to persist. Obviously if all heritable changes in living cells de- pended upon the conversion of one hexose sugar to another, only a few kinds of heritable differences could occur. The changes that occur in the composition of the molecules of the genes are not changes in sugar molecules, but changes in the much more complex molecules of proteins, or protein-like substances. The kinds of changes in protein molecules, however, are probably as inde- pendent of changes in the external environment as are those in the mole- cules of sugar. Likewise, the rate of change may be influenced by changes in certain factors of the environment. We should not, therefore, overemphasize environment and underemphasize the intrinsic nature of change in hereditary units of matter. If differences in environment are important in causing heritable change, one would expect that artificial 484 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY environments, such as X-rays, would cause new kinds of variations, whereas they merely increase the frequency of those that occur in nature. This point is further illustrated by the mutations that have occurred in the Boston fern and its varieties growing in greenhouses where the environment is comparatively uniform, though not as uniform as that in a tropical rain forest. The sword fem {Nephrolepis exaltata), a native of Florida and the American tropics, has been cultivated in greenhouses and as a house plant for more than a centurv. In 1895 a florist near Bos- ton discovered among his sword ferns a mutant which became known Fig. 218. The cultivated Boston fern (upper left) and five of its many mutant varieties, all of which originated from mutations in vegetative cells. as the Boston fern {Nephrolepis exaltata bostoniensis) , and also as the best fem among house plants. Since 1895 more than 200 mutant varieties of the Boston fern are known to have come into existence. Only one of these new varieties has spores that germinate. One variety reproduces by viviparous budding of the leaves. Some of the varieties survive when exposed continuously to the dry air of our homes, which in winter is usually drier than desert air; others can be kept alive only in a saturated atmosphere. The leaves differ greatlv in size and fomi (Fig. 218). Some varieties have leaves several feet long; the smallest varietv has leaves scarcely more than an inch in length. The simplest leaves are once- pinnate and plain. The more complex leaves are 5- to 6-pinnate with vari- [Chap. XXXIX MUTATIONS 485 ously crested leaflets. These plants also exemplify the fact that mutations occur in vegetative organs, for these mutations occur when the ferns propagate vegetatively from rhizomes and runners. Although the kinds of mutations are apparently independent of changes in the environment, the rate at which they occur is influenced by the environment. Very little is known about the comparative increase in frequency of the several kinds of mutations. If the rate of certain mutations is consistently increased more than that of others in a given environment, one might expect that certain variations would accumulate more abundantly than others in certain habitats, provided, of course, that they are not eliminated more rapidly. Experimental means of speeding up mutations by decreasing or in- creasing the temperature, by treating the plant with chemicals, or with ultra-violet lisht, X-ravs, and radium emanations have enabled investi- gators to obtain data about mutations much more readily. The idea that mutations under natural conditions may depend upon cosmic rays has already been discredited. It is interesting to note that plants from old seeds, like those from seeds treated with X-rays, have more mutations than plants that grow from freshlv harvested seeds. Apparently X-rays speed up deleterious changes in seeds similar to those that occur natu- rally with age. The effects of X-rays are the result of chromosomal aber- rations and of the destruction of hereditary units of matter. Some genes are much more stable than others. When the colors of variegated leaves, flowers, and grain coats are the visible effects of local mutation, the various sizes of the pigmented areas indicate the amount of tissue that developed from the cells in which the mutation occurred. The occurrence, shape, and location of the white and pigmented areas in the leaves of coleus, however, are seldom due to local mutations in the leaves. These patterns are as definitely heritable through genes in the gametes as are the pigments. There are pure lines of coleus with respect to these patterns; and when they are crossed with each other, the pat- terns recur in the usual Mendelian ratios in the progeny of the hybrids. The idea that only the best or "fittest" mutations survive has been abandoned bv most students of plant physiology and heredity. So, also, have the notions that a heritable variation must have some adaptive value to survive, that the variation occurred to meet some need, and that the variation was selected by nature. Numerous heritable variations that neither interfere with nor contribute to the life of the plant occur and survive, and their mode of origin is precisely the same as those 486 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY that are beneficial or those that are lethal. Only a few of the numerous heritable differences that we see in plants are life and death differences. To one who tries to classify the plants of the world, the most funda- mental heritable differences among them appear to be those that dif- ferentiate the major groups, such as bacteria, fungi, algae, mosses, ferns, and seed plants. Members of all these different groups of plants may be found growing near each other in any natural forest, grassland and desert, or even in water. Since they occur in most environments, the great groups of plants became differentiated by heritable mutations that have no survival value. Within each of these great groups, however, species differ from each other by gene complements that have survival value in some habitats. These points will be amplified in the next chapter. Many mutations are of such a nature that the mutants cannot survive in any environment. These are called lethal mutations. Because of them some of the several fundamental processes, such as chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthesis, fail to occur. If the lethal mutation is dominant, the plant perishes. But if it is recessive, it may survive in the race indefi- nitely, if there is sufficient cross-fertilization to keep it associated in hybrids with the alternative dominant factor. Individuals that become homozygous for the lethal mutation perish. Mutations that occur when plants are exposed to X-rays, extreme temperatures, or other special conditions are reported to be of the same kind as those that ordinarily occur in fairly uniform environments. It appears, therefore, that the influence of environment is limited to changes in rate of mutation and to the survival and distribution of the new types of plants formed. Importance of scientific evidence. In view of the facts discussed in the last four chapters it should be evident that the present generation is aware of numerous botanical facts and principles that were unknown in earlier times, and many of them were unknown or but vaguely glimpsed before the beginning of the present century. These chapters could not have been written today except for numerous recent discoveries in the fields of physics, chemistry, and geology; and in the specialized fields of botany: physiology, morphology, cytology, genetics, and ecology. The present points of view are the results of more knowledge about the fundamental nature of chemical stability and chemical change, a better understanding of plant processes and development in relation to environ- ment, and the integration of the facts of sexual reproduction, chromo- [Chap. XXXIX MUTATIONS 487 some behavior, and the transmission of hereditary factors during the hfe cycles of plants. For all these advances in knowledge civilization is indebted to the scientific method of procedure in experimentation and observation. It is by this procedure that man has learned what to believe about his en- vironment, and how to manipulate a portion of it to his own advantage. In the absence of data, he observes the obvious phenomena about him and speculates about their origin. Dependable decisions come only through intelhgent experimentation and observation, and by repeatedly subjecting the inferences drawn to the test of new situations and addi- tional data. The discovery of basic principles ("laws") of nature enable us to infer with greater precision what has occurred in the past and what is most likely to occur in the future. We can be reasonably sure, for instance, that every person in the world older than we are, was once an infant who developed from a fertilized egg. We can be equally certain that if there are new species of oak trees a million years from now, they will have been derived from oak species now living. The number of such inferences one may draw about living organisms depends upon the num- ber and kind of scientific principles which he fully appreciates. You may remember that Camerarius and other investigators during the 18th century fully confirmed the fact that sexual reproduction occurs in plants. But the discovery that fertilization is the actual union of sperm and egg, and that the embryo develops from a fertilized egg, is the product of the experiments of the second half of the 19th century. All sorts of fantastic ideas about sex had prevailed before that time. Each of the other major ideas discussed in these chapters passed through a simi- lar history. We need, therefore, to distinguish clearly these early guesses, which have been passed on to most of us by tradition, from the conclu- sions that may be drawn today from more extensive and more critical data. Darwin did not know how to evaluate the various ideas current in his time concerning evolution. He therefore began to collect facts that might help him reach some reasonable conclusions. At the end of 20 years of investigation he concluded that species are mutable, that by variation new species originate from preexisting ones, and that by innumerable slight variations the plants and animals of the present have descended from only a few primordial progenitors of early geologic time. The nu- merous discoveries since Darwin's time have reasonably confirmed his conclusions that species are mutable, and that the plants and animals of 488 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY today are the modified descendants of preexisting ones, and so on back through milhons of years. Darwin, of course, tried to explain how all these changes in living organisms may have occurred. We may not agree with all his explanations today, for at that time ( middle of 19th century ) nothing was known about chromosomes or their relations to hereditary factors, and there was no clear distinction between heritable and non- heritable variations. Mendel did not know what to believe about the various ideas con- cerning hybrids that were current in his time. Two years before Darwin published his book, the Origin of Species, Mendel began his famous experiments with peas. We are already familiar with the definite ratios he discovered through his experiments. Even more important, however, is his inference that hereditary factors must be discrete units that may be combined in cells and later separated without loss of their individuality. At the turn of the century, Bateson of England and de Vries of Holland came to the conclusion, on the basis of experiments, that all hereditary variations occur as if they were the result of abrupt (discontinuous) changes in the cells. The clear recognition of chromosomes in 1884, and the subsequent discoverv of their regular behavior, of their relation to the transmission of hereditary factors, and of their occasional aberra- tions furnished a background of fact adequate to confirm the conclu- sion of Bateson and de Vries. This conclusion is quite distinct from Darwin's earlier idea that changes in organisms come about bv the accumulation of slight continu- ous changes occurring in the same direction, and surviving because they are of some "advantage," or of "adaptive value." We have already shown that mutations may be beneficial, harmful, or inconsequential, and that their survival does not depend upon their being beneficial to the plant. In the quest for knowledge and understanding of living organisms, if we cannot make pertinent observations and perform critical experiments ourselves, we can at least base our thinking upon the well-attested data discovered by others. REFERENCES Aase, Hannah C. Cytology of cereals. Bot. Rev. 1:467-496. 1935. Blakeslee, A. F. The present and potential service of chemistry to plant breed- ing. Amer. Jour. Bot. 26:163-172. 1939. Blakeslee, A. F., and A. G. Avery. Methods of inducing doubling of chromo- somes in plants. Jour. Heredity. 28:393-411. 1937. [Chap. XXXIX MUTATIONS 489 Cooper, D. C. Artificial induction of polyploidy in alfalfa. Amer. Jour. Bot. 26:65-67. 1939. Crane, M. B., and W. J. C. Lawrence. The Genetics of Garden Plants. 2nd ed. The Macmillan Company. 1938. Demerec, M. Unstable genes. Bot. Rev. 1:233-248. 1935. Goodspeed, T. H., and Fred M. Uber. Radiation and plant cytogenetics. Bot. Rev. 5:1-48. 1939. Jones, W. N. Chimeras: a summary of some special aspects. Bot. Rev. 3:545- 562. 1937. Lindstrom, F. W. Genetics and polyploidy. Bot. Rev. 2:197-215. 1936. Muller, H. J. Why polyploid\' is rarer in animals than in plants. Amer. Natu- ralist. 59:346-353. 1925. CHAPTER XL TYPES OF VARIATIONS AND DIVERSITY OF ORGANISMS <><><><>o<><>ooc><^^ In all his attempts to arrive at a scientific basis of improving plants and animals by selection and controlled breeding, and in his efforts to inter- pret the diversity of living organisms in the world about him, man has been confronted v^ith the problem of understanding the nature of organic variation. His various ansv^ers to the problem are voluminously illus- trated throughout recorded history, as are also the various social impli- cations he attached to any particular answ^er. For a long time the prob- lem was attacked by casual observations accompanied by philosophical and metaphysical speculation. As a consequence we have socially in- herited all sorts of contradictory explanations and their associated phrases and slogans. It is most important for us today, therefore, to try to recognize estab- lished facts and see what inferences may reasonably be drawn from them. The numerous experimentally established facts included in previ- ous chapters may be used as a basis for ( 1 ) distinguishing types of varia- tions, ( 2 ) considering the causes and consequences of the different types, and ( 3 ) understanding the uses one may make of a knowledge of these variations. Other data will be included in the chapters on the great groups of plants; but we shall have a better appreciation of certain features of the different types of plants in the world today if we can approach a study of them with certain basic ideas about how they came to be. Solely on the basis of heredity, and without any reference to causes, the variations in living organisms may be classified as either heritable or non-heritable. Having made such a classification of variations, one may then attempt to distinguish their underlying causes and consequences, as we have tried to do in many of the foregoing chapters. The first part of this chapter is primarily a review and summary of several previously described facts about variations. Some of the uses that may be made of these facts in evaluating various ideas about evolu- tion and adaptation are briefly outlined in the remainder of the chapter. 490 [Chap. XL VARIATIONS AND DIVERSITY OF ORGANISMS 491 Non-heritable variations. Non-heritable variations, or fluctuations, are merely differences in the expression of hereditary potentialities in indi- viduals of similar heredity growing in different kinds of environments. They are the kinds of variations in the development of a plant that man is trying to obtain when he adds water and fertilizers to the soil, or other- wise tries to change the environment in a way that will be most favor- able to the growth of a particular kind of plant. Any one of several environmental factors may greatly alter the development and appearance of a plant by affecting the rate of such processes as photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration, or by affecting the permeability or other physical conditions of the protoplasm. In fluctuations, therefore, the hereditary mechanism of the plant remains unchanged, and the heredity of the progeny is not influenced by the environment of the parent plant. This fact is most easily tested experimentally with pure-line plants. One example will be cited. In Norway a pure line of oats was cultivated in experimental plots in several different types of soil and climate in different parts of the country. When the growth and development of the plants in the various plots were compared, several differences in yield and other characters were evident. A careful record of all these diflFer- ences was made in an experiment which was continued for 7 years. At the end of that time seeds from five of the plots in different parts of the country were planted in one plot in the same conditions of soil and climate. The resulting plants were all alike. That is, there were no last- ing effects of the variations in development that occurred in the plants of the preceding seven generations in the diverse environments to which they had been exposed. In all, seven different pure lines of oats and two pure lines of barley were similarly tested and no changes occurred in the heredity of the progeny. Experiments of this sort do not prove that a change in environment never causes a heritable change in a plant. But they do show that the variations we have called fluctuations are non -heritable, that they have no influence on subsequent progeny, and that they are not the means by which improved varieties were obtained through domestication, or by which evolution occurs. Incidentally, these experiments also show some of the fallacies in the popular belief in the inheritance of acquired characters. Fluctuations are, however, of great economic importance. It is to se- cure the best possible expressions of the hereditary potentialities in our present crop plants that so much labor is annually expended in cultivat- 492 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY ing them, and that concerted eflForts are now being made to check the rapid deterioration of one important part of their environment, the soil. New kinds of plants are obtained only by changes in hereditary factors, not through fluctuations. Heritable variations. Heritable variations may be further distinguished as hybrid variations and mutant variations. Further illustrations of mu- tants are given in Plates 5, 6, and 7. Plate 5. Double and crested flowers of cosmos (right) from mutations in the parent stock (left). The cause of hybrid variations is easily recognized. Cross-fertilization results in combining a part of the hereditary mechanism and potentiali- ties of two genetically diflFerent plants. The chromosomes and their con- tained genes are brought together in the fertilized egg during cross- fertilization and become segregated in subsequent generations of the hybrid. The causes of mutations are not as easy to recognize as are the causes of fluctuations and hybrid variations. In spite of the prevalent popular [Chap. XI. VARIATIONS AND DIVERSITY OF ORGANISMS 493 Plate 6. Tnllium grandifloriim above and a mutant variety {Trillium grandijlonim plenum album.) below. 494 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Plate 7. The red sunflower, a mutant from the common yellow-flowered ancestor (Helianthus anninis) . idea that environment is responsible for about everything a hving or- ganism does, it appears, on the basis of experimental evidence, that the causes of mutations are wholly or mainly intrinsic. The effects of the environmental factors appear to be limited largely to changes in the rates of mutation rather than changes in the kinds of mutation. Perhaps the popular belief in the omnipotence of the environment is [Chap. XL VARIATIONS AND DIVERSITY OF ORGANISMS 495 due to the acceptance and retention of a too literal version of the fiction with which we were entertained in childhood. The fantastic but enter- taining Just So Stories in which Kipling tells us how the elephant got its trunk and the leopard got its spots; or the equally fantastic stories in sup- posedly more serious literature that tell us how the giraflFe got its long neck and why certain reptiles have no legs, should be read and remem- bered as interesting flights of fancy, but not allowed to interfere with scientific thinking. They admirably illustrate the traditional belief in the inheritance of acquired characters. If environment does change the heredity of a plant it must cause an alteration in the composition or in the arrangement of the hereditary units of matter. Furthermore, any change that is inherited through sexual reproduction must occur either in the reproductive cells, or in cells that are the forerunners of reproductive cells. Changes in the forerunners of reproductive cells which later become inherited are much more likely to occur in plants than in animals be- cause the reproductive tissue becomes differentiated from bodv tissue much earlier in the development of an animal. Neither the reproductive cells nor any forerunners of them are in the neck of the giraffe, in the legs of a reptile, or in the trunk of an elephant. In a seed plant, however, cells in the growing stem tips are remote forerunners of the reproductive cells, which develop in the stamens and pistils of flowers after the plant has passed through a vegetative phase of growth. Beginning with a fertilized egg, or with a vegetative propagule, cells follow each other in regular sequence by billions of cell divisions up to the immediate fore- runners of the reproductive cells. Hereditary changes that occur in these vegetative (body) cells previous to or during their division may be transmitted by subsequent cell divisions to the reproductive cells. Even this condition does not exemplify the traditional belief in the inheritance of acquired characters, for that belief is based upon the assumption that changes — including fluctuations — in mature body cells that are not forerunners of reproductive cells may be transmitted to the offspring. The origin of new kinds of plants by evolution. There are two very different methods of approaching a study of evolution. One method is descriptive; the other is interpretative. The interpretative method will be noted first. The fundamental processes in living organisms may be studied until those that inevitably result in evolution are recognized. This is the method of approach we have been using throughout most of this book. 496 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Not much more need be said to emphasize this point of view or to review the initial processes of evolution enumerated in the preceding chapter. Heredity and heritable variations in living organisms must depend upon small heritable units of matter, such as chromosomes and genes, in the protoplasm. These units of matter are in the fertilized egg, and are transmitted from cell to cell during cell division throughout the life cycle of a plant. The smallest plants, such as the blue-green algae and bacteria, have no sex, no organized nuclei and chromosomes, and yet there are distinct species of them just as there are of other plants. In these smaller plants the hereditary units of matter appear to be distributed throughout the protoplasm of the cell. In other plants these units of matter, so far as known, are mostly concentrated in the chromosomes within the nuclei. Changes in one or more of these units of matter may result in the for- mation of new varieties. Further changes may result in what are called new species. New species, then, are primarily the old species with cer- tain changes in chromosome and gene complements and their consequent effects on visible characters. Whenever the accumulation of aberrant changes in chromosomes and genes in a particular variety of plant reaches the point where the individuals of that variety in nature no longer cross freely with individuals of the ancestral stock, or with indi- viduals of other varieties, it is well on the way to being a new species: the kind of species we recognize when we speak of red oaks, black oaks, and white oaks. So long as the individuals of a variety cross freely with those of other varieties of the ancestral stock, the variety fails to acquire that individuality we recognize in most species, and we refer to it merely as a hybrid variety. It is not always easy to decide when a variety has enough individuality to be called a species. The origin of a new species from an old one may come about by a series of changes over a long period of time, but perhaps it may occa- sionallv occur rather abruptly following a rare kind of cross-fertilization exemplified by the new radish-cabbage species mentioned in the pre- ceding chapter. The doubling of chromosomes may also be a rather abrupt beginning of a new species, particularly if the progeny with the increased number of chromosomes grow in a wider range of habitats. If there is no crossing with the parent stock, a few more changes in the chromosomes and genes may make the variety with the double number of chromosomes sufficiently different to be considered a new species. It is important to remember that a new species is primarily the old one with a few differences in chromosomes and genes. These hereditary changes in plants and animals on the earth have been occurring for a [Chap. XL VARIATIONS AND DIVERSITY OF ORGANISMS 497 billion years or more, and they are the fundamental underlying steps of the great diversity of plants and animals on the earth today. Geologically, the most recent kind of plants are the seed plants, and the most recent animals are the mammals. Since they were formed by changes in a comparatively few of the hereditary units of their ancestors, we may expect to find them fundamentally much more like than unlike their ancestors. In fact, we may expect to find in them certain basic features that were in their remote ancestors many hundreds of millions of years ago. These basic features are, of course, the fundamental physiological processes that are essential to all living organisms. Variations in heredi- tary factors that inhibit, or unbalance, any one of these fundamental processes are lethal, and they result in the extinction of organisms when not annulled by alternative dominant factors. The initial steps in the formation of a new species, then, may be visualized somewhat as follows: origin of heritable differences by such changes in chromosomes and genes as those described in the preceding chapter; segregation of these differences in certain individuals; a de- crease in cross-fertility, or a decrease in cross-fertihzation because of geographic isolation; and an increase in homozygosity and distinct in- dividuality. The descriptive method of approach to the study of evolution was the one followed by our forefathers before chromosomes and Mendel's law of hybrid segregation were knovm. This method includes the study of the visible characters of organisms; their methods of development and reproduction; and their fundamental similarities, differences, and rela- tionships, including those of fossils. Some of these facts will be evident in subsequent chapters. The study of evolution from this point of view led to the discovery of several fundamental principles about living organisms. A few of those upon which there is general agreement are briefly stated below. They will be of greater interest if each one is considered with reference ( 1 ) to the probability of its being explained on the basis of the facts you know about chromosomes and genes, and ( 2 ) to the extent to which any pre- conceived ideas you have held about the subject are incorrect. The kinships of organism, both living and fossil, are interpretable only on the basis of descent by modification (evolution) through a long period of time. Diversity of organisms is the result of evolution. That is, species are not specially created, unchangeable units. 498 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Within a group of related organisms, such as the species in a genus, the different ones may be arranged in series such that some particular character appears in ascending or descending order of magnitude. This fact does not imply that the different species necessarily evolved in this order, but it does imply that intrinsic conditions limit evolution. Evolution of organisms is limited in direction. That is, it does not pro- ceed in all conceivable directions. The same general trends of evolution occur in organisms living in very diverse habitats — for instance, in water and on land. Similar trends of evolution occur in different taxonomic groups of organisms. Divergent trends of evolution occur in organisms living in similar environments. Evolution may continue in a definite direction in a race of organisms until it results in processes and structures that are handicaps to the race and bring about its extinction. That is, "adaptation" is not the end of evolution. Evolution may result in the development of useful organs and in the subsequent deterioration of such organs to vestigial structures. Species formation is increased by geographic isolation, and by other means that eliminate cross-fertilization. Adaptation. In an earlier chapter attention was called to the desir- ability of periodically considering the appropriateness of terms used in biology. The term adaptation was in the list cited at that time. It is often stated that plants, and also animals, may become "acclimated" or "adapted" to new conditions. One even hears that they adapt, or accli- mate, themselves to new conditions. If this latter statement is true, there is no need to discuss the matter, for there is no evidence that plants can plan and direct changes within themselves to meet new conditions. To say that they become acclimated, or adapted, states a condition that can be experimentally investigated. We may arrive at an answer as to how they become adapted, if they do. It may be untrue, however, to say that a plant becomes adapted to a new condition. When we say that a plant is adapted to a certain condi- tion we are merely saying that it can live, grow, and reproduce in that condition. If it cannot live there — is not adapted — and we place it there, it dies. It neither adapts itself nor becomes adapted. To do so, it would suddenly have to become another kind of plant by an abrupt change in its heredity. [Chap. XL VARIATIONS AND DI\'ERSITY OF ORGANISMS 499 One often hears that plants are well adapted to the environments in which the)' grow. Any serious ecological study of a plant will most probably show that it may be found in some of the habitats in which it grows well — is well adapted — that it also occurs in other habitats in which it barely survi\'es, but that it does not occur in habitats in which it cannot survive. All this merely means that some plants grow better in some environments than others do because they are different kinds of plants. It will become clearer later on that a distinction should be made between the popular idea that an individual plant becomes adapted, and the botanist's idea that a species of plant becomes adapted. In one sense, however, it is true that an individual plant becomes adapted, or better adapted, to a certain environmental condition. This fact may be easily illustrated with seedlings, say of cabbage. If seeds of cabbage are planted in three different plots, one of which is kept warm and moist, another wami and comparatively dry, and the third cool and either moist or drv, the seedlings will grow in all three plots. A few weeks later, if the seedlings are exposed to a freezing temperature for a few hours, those in the warm plot will be killed, while those in the dry and cool plots may survive. They have become physiologically different. The gardener says they have become "hardened." This physiological conditioning of a plant, however, is not what is usuallv meant by the terms acclimated and adapted. It is merely a fluctuation that is not trans- mitted to the progeny. One usually refers to the acclimation and adaptation of a mixed popu- lation of plants rather than to a single kind of plant. A few examples will be discussed briefly because of the principles they exemplify. A popula- tion composed entirely of the same kind of homozygous close pollinated plants 'SA'ould behave like a single indixidual, provided, of course, that no mutations occurred in any of the indi\'iduals. If there were mutations in some of the individuals then we would no longer have a homogeneous population of plants, but a mixed one of different kinds of plants. In a population composed of different kinds of plants, some plants behave differently than others when the environment changes. Examples of mixed populations of plants are: a bluegrass lawn in which there are also other kinds of grasses, clover, and weeds; a forest; or a field of crop plants composed of closely related species and varieties of plants. Several kinds of changes may occur in a mixed population, but it is a question whether any of them is correctly referred to as becoming ac- 500 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY climated, or adapted. From your own experience with lawns, you know that new kinds of plants may come in through seed dispersal, some plants present may die during a hot dry summer, and following the proper application of water and certain fertilizers bluegrass may grow so luxuri- antly that many other plants become overshaded and die. Experimental studies of the so-called acclimation of crop plants that have been introduced from one country into another show that some of the species and varieties in the mixed crop simply grew better than others in the new countrv. These varieties produced more seed than those that did not grow so well. Hence as the farmer harvested the seeds each year he obtained a greater and greater percentage of seeds of those plants that were already well adapted to the conditions in the new country. The above example refers to experimental studies of a mixed popula- tion of close pollinated plants such as wheat, oats, and barley. If, how- ever, the mixed crop consists of hybrids, or of open pollinated plants that are cross-fertile, various combinations and segregations of factors would occur each year. Here again man, by selecting seeds, would be an additional factor in the final outcome. The influence of man is exemplified by our great array of domesti- cated plants, most of which would become extinct within a few years if he were suddenly to disappear from the face of the earth. Exclusive of modern methods of controlling plant breeding, he has been a factor in the evolution of domesticated plants for many thousands of years ( 1 ) by placing the plants close together in his fields and gardens, thus facilitat- ing cross-fertilization, ( 2 ) by introducing plants from other parts of the world that would interbreed, ( 3 ) by cultivating in a way that eliminated ecological influences of one plant upon another ("competition"), (4) by preserving the plant during seasons of the year in which it might other- wise perish, and (5) by selecting certain varieties and eliminating others. In the wild state all plants grow in mixed populations. In what ways do these mixed populations, when not interfered with by man, differ from those of crop plants under the conditions of cultivation? In the first place, all their interrelations are dependent solely upon the "laws" of nature. No conscious selecting, preserving, protecting, and distributing takes place. Instead, random (chance) survival, random natural elimi- nation (destruction) by physical factors and by other organisms, and random dispersal checked by geographic barriers are paramount. Ever since Darwin adopted the terms "natural selection" and "sur- [Chap. XL VARIATIONS AND DIVERSITY OF ORGANISMS 501 vival of the fittest," they have been accepted and used freely with a variety of imphcations by some biologists, adversely criticized or re- jected by others. Those who object to the terms regard them as slogans that are used without an adequate analysis of the conditions from which they are inferred or to which they are applied. Such scientists think the terms "random survival" and "random elimination" are more in accord with the established facts. For example, in a natural climax forest undisturbed by man, the area is fully occupied by all the plants that can grow there. Countless num- bers of seedlings may be found in such forests, but the survival and growth of any one of them to maturity depend upon the death of some established plant. Even these innumerable seedlings are but a small per- centage of the seeds that began to develop, because many of them are eaten by animals and others are destroved by fungi and bacteria, or by other means. Since the embryo in the seed develops from a fertilized egg, there are hazards that precede the formation of embrvos. Out of the cloud of pollen grains containing sperms, or the generative nucleus from which sperms are formed, perhaps not more than one potential sperm in a trillion, or several trillions, ever unites with an egg. If any one of the rare speiTns that unites with an egg, or an\' one of the relatively few seeds that germinate, or of the seedlings that grow to maturitv happens to be the "fittest" of the lot, would it be a case of "natural selection" or of random survival? Before the advent of man, biological conditions in the natural vegeta- tion throughout the world were comparable to those in the forest de- scribed above. Erosion, flooding, fires started by lightning, volcanic erup- tions, aridity, and glaciation occasionallv destroved some of the vegeta- tion locally and increased the areas in which seedlings might develop to maturitv. Furthermore, much that has survived is of no particular value to any plant. You have learned to distinguish several different kinds of trees by distinctive hereditary characters, such as leaf form, leaf arrangement, type of venation, and kind of leaf margin. Not one of these characters is of any survival value to the plant, yet each of them is an external expression of hereditary changes that occurred and have in some in- stances survived for millions of years. When we distinguish families of plants on the basis of such differences as the number of carpels in the pistil, the arrangement of the floral parts in spirals or cycles, and the number of stamens and petals, we are again 502 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY recognizing hereditary differences that have occurred and survived, yet they cannot possibly be of any consequence in the survival of the species. In view of the fact that innumerable hereditary characters that are of no survival value to the plant have originated by exactly the same kind of processes that initiate valuable characters, "survival of the fittest," if it does occur, must be limited to very special cases. The teiTn "valuable" in the above sentence refers to those characteristics that are essential to existence, or to those that enable plants to grow in different kinds of environments. Finally, a species, as generally conceived, is a mixed population of very similar individuals, differing slightly from each other in gene com- plement. If different individuals of a species become separated, or iso- lated, in places where they no longer interbreed, they will in time be- come sufRcientlv different to be regarded as different races or varieties. Such race differences as have been intensively studied seem to bear no relation whatever to survival, for they occurred in various local areas having similar environments. Yet this differentiation of races is undoubt- edly an initial step in the evolution of new species. The decisive fact is that the indivduals became isolated from each other, and the different kinds of mutations that occurred remained segregated in the local areas because of the absence of cross-fertilization. Some of these racial differences do influence fundamental processes such as photosynthesis and respiration; and if the environment changes, some of the races may survive better than others, and some may be com- pletely eliminated. One mav refer to the races that survive as examples of the "survival of the fittest." Which of the races will be the fittest, how- ever, depends upon the nature of the changes in the environment. The races that are destro\'ed bv one kind of change in the environment misiht be the fittest of the population if some other kind of change had oc- curred. There seems to be no serious objection to the use of the expres- sion "survival of the fittest" in this specific sense. One may rightly object, however, to the idea that the heritable changes by which the different races originated "occurred to meet the change in environment," or that they were actually "selected by nature." To accept this last idea, one would have to assume that the environment changed in order to favor certain races and exterminate others. Another interesting point about the development of these isolated races is the fact that some of the heritable changes that occur in them are similar, or parallel, while others are di\ ergent. Since the individuals that became isolated in different regional areas belonged to the same species. [Chap. XL VARIATIONS AND DIVERSITY OF ORGANISMS 503 their gene complements were largely alike but somewhat unlike. If herit- able variations are dependent primarily upon intrinsic conditions, there should be both parallel and divergent evolution, regardless of whether the environments in the isolated areas are similar or dissimilar. In the chapter on plants of the past, we shall see that various kinds of plants evolved, flourished for a time, and then became extinct. The redwoods, ginkgo, and stinking cedar as well as numerous other species of plants that were once widely distributed became extinct everywhere except in a few local areas. Yet they grow well today when planted in other parts of the world. They do not reproduce naturally in all these new environments. Within the first third of the present centurv the American chestnut was almost exterminated by a parasitic fungus. Other species of plants are being diminished by insects, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. By destroying natural habitats, man is also exterminating species. Similar phenomena also occur in the animal kingdom. Toward the close of the glacial period several kinds of animals became extinct on the American continent. Among them were species of elephant, horse, camel, rhinoceros, and tiger. The causes of their failure to survive are not known, but among probable eliminating factors are diseases, changes in physical environment, failure to reproduce, overadaptation, and perhaps the accumulation of lethal genes. REFERENCES Berry, E. W. Tree Ancestors. Williams & Wilkins Company. 1923. Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species. A. L. Burt Company, Inc. 1859. De\^ries, Hugo. Species and Varieties: Their Origin by Mutation. Open Court Publishing Company. 1912. Dunn, L. C. Hereditij and Variation. University Society. 1931. Gruenberg, B. C. The Story of Evohition. D. Van Nostrand Company. 1929. Hiesey, W. H. Environmental influences and transplant experiments. Bot. Rev. 6:181-203. 1940. Hurst, C. C. The Mechanism of Creative Evolution. The Macmillan Company. 1932. ( For additional illustrations ) McAtee, W. L. Survival of the ordinary. Quar. Rev. Biol. 12:47-64. 1937. Newman, H. H. Evolution Yesterday and Today. Williams & Wilkins Com- pany. 1932. Oparin, A. I. TJie Origin of Life. The Macmillan Company. 1938. Schaffner, J. H. Color in various plant structures and the so-called principle of selective adaptation. Ohio Jour. Sci. 23:182-191. 1933. Smith, H. W. Kamongo. The Viking Press. 1932. CHAPTER XLl NON-GREEN PLANTS <><><>0<£><><>C><><>^^ The term "non-green plants" is ordinarily used by botanists to refer to all species of plants that lack the inherent potentiality of synthesizing chlorophyll. It is a hereditary characteristic of species. For example, no chlorophyll is synthesized in any individual plant of the meadow mush- room, or of the common bread mold, under any environmental condi- tions. On the other hand, chlorophyll is synthesized in most corn plants in the light, but not in the dark. The meadow mushroom is a species of the non-green plants. Corn is a species of the green plants, even though some individual corn plants are albinos. These albinos cannot survive and reproduce in nature as non-green plants. Likewise coleus is a species of the green plants, though certain varieties of it contain so much anthocyanin that the plants appear pui-ple. Green-colored molds are not species of green plants because the pigment in them is not chlorophyll. The green color of frogs, snakes, insects, and birds is due to other kinds of pigments or to the refraction of light. Some of the flatworms and smaller animals are green because green algae live within their bodies. The terms chlorophyllous plants and non-chlorophyllous plants may be used in preference to green plants and non-green plants. Nearly 80 per cent of the known species of plants are green, but there are fewer individual green plants on the earth than non-green ones. Most non-green plants are small and inconspicuous. Many of them are one- celled plants which cannot be seen unless they are magnified by means of a microscope. Among the larger fungi are the familiar molds, puffballs, mushrooms, toadstools, and bracket fungi. Most non-green plants are either fungi or bacteria, but there are also a few species of non-green algae and several dozen species of non-green seed plants. Among them are Indian pipe, dodder (Fig. 219), beechdrop, snow plant (Plate 3), squaw-root (Fig. 220), "pine sap" and broom-rape (Fig. 221). Certain species of algae can live in the light as green plants, and also in the dark as non-green plants if an external supply of sugar or of some of its derivatives is available. 504 [Chap. XLI NON-GREEN PLANTS 505 Fig. 219. Species ot dodder {Cusciita) grow as parasites on numerous green plants. The slender yellow stems of the one pictured here form a loose net among the broad leaves of the host (Abronia). Photo by W. S. Cooper. Fig. 220. Squaw-root or cancer-root (CouoplioU.s) , parasitic on roots of oak. Flowers are present on the plants pictured on the right. Photo by G. S. Growl. 506 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 221. Two parasitic plants of Louisiana broom-rape (Orobanche) attached by haustoria to roots of a tobacco plant. Photo by A. L. Pierstorff. Non-green plants live in all sorts of habitats in water and soil, and also within and on the bodies of plants and animals. Those that grow within or on the living tissues of plants and animals and obtain food from them are parasites. Those that obtain food from the dead bodies of plants and animals, from their products, or from their non-living parts, such as the dead bark and heartwood of trees, are saprophytes. If thev can grow onlv within living tissues they are called obligate parasites. If they cannot grow within living tissues, they are said to be obligate saprophytes. But if they can grow either as parasites or as saprophytes, they are referred to as facultative species. There are all sorts of gradations between sapro- phytic and parasitic plants. With the exception of a few special groups of bacteria, non-green plants cannot svnthesize sugar. Some of them, such as veast, when sup- plied with an external source of sugar, inorganic salts, and water, can make the rest of the foods necessary for growth and reproduction. Others are dependent upon an external source of amino acids, or of pro- teins also. Plants that can svnthesize su2;ar are sometimes called auto- phytes in contrast to parasites and saprophvtes. In addition to food, non- green plants may also be dependent upon an external supply of certain vitamins and hormones. [Chop. XLI NON-GREEN PLANTS 507 We mav applv at once all that we know about the physiology and heredity of green plants toward an understanding of non-green plants, for the living part of a non-green plant is protoplasm and there are definite species of them just as there are of green plants. The principal differences between these two types of plants lie in the processes by which thev obtain food and in the consequences of these processes. Some of these consequences are beneficial to other plants and to animals, and some of them are harmful and destructive. Parasitic plants. When a plant grows within or on, and also subsists upon food from the living parts of another organism, it is a parasite. The parasitized organism is the host. It may or mav not be injured by the parasite. If it is injured, it is said to be diseased. Some parasitic plants are beneficial to the host. The nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the roots of clover, for example, are beneficial to their host, since upon their death their chemically bound nitrogen be- comes available to the clover plant. All sorts of gradations may be found from extreme parasitism to a total lack of it. Some parasites grow only within certain organs of one kind of host. Others grow within or on numerous kinds of hosts. Still others are but partial parasites. Some- times both host and parasite are benefited rather than harmed by their relationship. Some plants are merelv perched upon or attached to others, but se- cure no food from them (Fig. 222). These plants are known as epiphytes, in contrast to parasites. Examples of epiphytes are Spanish moss hanging on the branches of a tree (Fig. 223 ) , and the mosses and lichens attached to the bark of trees wherever trees grow. In deciding whether a plant is a parasite, it is necessary to consider both its position and its source of food. It may be even more difficult to decide when an animal is a parasite. A protozoan may live within the cells of a plant. Roundworms burrow into roots and survive on the food within the root. Aphids obtain food by sucking the "juice" Fig. 222. An epiphytic orchid the roots of which merely hold the plant on the branch of the tree. After Kerner. 508 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 223. Festoons of Spanish moss {Tillandsia usneoides) pendant on the branches of a hve oak in Florida. Spanish moss is a member of the pineapple family. Photo by G. W. Blaydes. from living plants. A grasshopper climbs upon a plant and eats its young leaves, while a cow roams over the pasture and eats the live leaves of grasses. A mistletoe which grows on a variety of trees in the southern half of the United States is a good example of a partial parasite ( Fig. 224 ) . Its sticky seeds adhere to the branches of trees; and when one of them germinates, a root-like haustorium grows through the bark to the con- ductive tissues of the host. The stems and leaves of this mistletoe con- tain chlorophyll, and some sugar is synthesized in them. Water and salts are of course obtained from the soil through the host. No one knows at present what percentage of the food of the mistletoe is obtained from the host, or whether it can develop under experimental conditions in the absence of a host. The relation of such plants as the mistletoe to their hosts is similar to that of a grafted scion to the stock. An analogous partial parasitism occurs when the root tips of green plants penetrate the roots of other green plants and become haustoria. [Chap. XLI NON-GREEN PLANTS 509 Fig. 224. The evergreen mistletoe is conspicuous on deciduous trees during the winter months. How frequently this process occurs is unknown. The roots of some plants, such as those of bastard toad flax of the eastern states, and of the desert shrub, Krameria, of the southwestern states, habitually form haustorial unions with the roots of man^' other plants. It is well known that unions occur among the roots of adjoining forest trees. Whether they are of any yalue to the trees is not known. Some non-green seed plants, such as the small purple beechdrops at- tached to the roots of beech trees and the slender climbing dodder which becomes attached by haustoria to the stems of a great yariety of hosts, obtain food directly from green plants. The Indian pipe, when casually obseryed, appears to be a saprophyte liying on the litter of decaying leayes on the forest floor, but it apparenth obtains all its food from fungi which digest the fallen leayes, and also liye in and on its roots. Seyeral layers of fungal filaments completely invest each of its many short roots, and numerous branching filaments of the fungus peiTneate the surrounding layer of decayino; leaves and humus. Owino^ to the sur- rounding sheath of fungal filaments, the cells of the roots of Indian pipe are not in direct contact with the soil. Fungi that live in such intimate relation with the roots of plants are 510 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY called mycorhizal fungi. They may live wholly external to the root, merely forming a sheath around it; the fungal filaments may grow into the cells of the root; or the entire fungus may grow within the cells of the root ( Fig. 225 ) . Such mycorhizal fungi are habitually present on the roots of Fig. 225. External and internal mycorhizal fungi. After Frank and Magnus. most green plants in forests. Some of them haye been reported as harmful to certain trees, others as beneficial, or even essential to them. Under natural conditions, pines (Fig. 226), heath plants, and beeches are ap- FiG. 226. Eastern white pine mycorhiza (A), and root (B) not infected by fungi. Drawn from photo in Black Rock Forest Papers, 1:66, 1937. parently dependent upon mycorhizal fungi, for their seedlings live but a few years if deprived of them under experimental conditions. Diversity among the non-green plants. There are all sorts of gradations [Chap. XLI NON-GREEN PLANTS 511 between saprophytes and parasites, and also between these two groups and the autophytes. Many terms have been proposed to designate these intergradations.^ Some of this diversity is related to ( 1 ) the kinds of substances the organism can digest and utilize as food, (2) the method of securing food, and (3) the kind of substance oxidized during respiration. In the cells of all animals, of all green plants, and of most non-green plants also, respiration involves the oxidation of reduced carbon atoms in sugar, or in organic compounds derived from sugar. When this oxi- dation is complete, one of the end products is carbon dioxide. A few groups of bacteria, however, are unique in that they oxidize reduced nitrogen, reduced sulfur, or reduced iron. Consequently nitrates, sulfates, and oxidized iron in the soil are among the end products of respiration of these bacteria. The oxidized compounds are essential to green plants, which are therefore partly dependent upon the activities of these bac- teria. The bacteria in turn are partly dependent upon the activities of green plants for reduced nitrogen, and upon both green plants and other kinds of bacteria for reduced sulfur and iron. These special groups of bacteria are unique in one other way. Al- though they are non-green and are underground, they synthesize sugar from carbon dioxide and water. The energy necessary for this synthesis is obtained from the oxidation of reduced nitrogen, sulfur, and iron. They are as truly autophvtes as the green plants. The synthesis of sugar in these bacteria in the absence of light is often referred to as chemosyn- thesis in contrast to photosynthesis. Similarly, certain bacteria may oxi- dize reduced manganese and synthesize sugar. The green and some purple bacteria ( Plate 3 ) contain pigments simi- lar to chlorophyll; and when they are exposed to light, photosynthesis occurs within them. Autophytes. All plants, whether green or non-green, in which sugar is synthesized from carbon dioxide and water are called autophytes in con- trast to parasites and saprophytes. Perhaps the term should be limited to those in which the synthesis of amino acids and proteins also occurs. Most autophytes, however, are not independent plants. They could not continue to live in a world devoid of all non-green plants. The non-green plants are dependent upon certain reduced compounds made in the ^ J. M. Coulter, C. R. Barnes, and H. C. Cowles, A Textbook of Botany, American Book Company, 1931, Vol. 3. 512 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY green plants.- The green plants in turn are dependent upon certain oxi- dized compounds from the non-green plants. Dependent relations be- tween green and non-green plants briefly outlined above are indicated in Fig. 227. Diagram of some dependent relations among green and non-green plants. Figs. 227, 228, and 233. Others will be indicated in later chapters. In the absence of adequate data we have assumed that the first food made from carbon dioxide by autophytic bacteria is some kind of sugar, as it is in green plants. Saprophytic plants. These are the organisms that cause most of the decay of organic matter. They live upon and obtain food from the dead bodies of plants and animals, and also from the products of all living organisms. Some of them have enzymes that digest cellulose, pectic com- pounds, and even kerosene and coal. Digestion of these substances occurs outside the body of the plant. Their enzymes, therefore, must diffuse from the living cells where they are synthesized into the surrounding media. - Probable exceptions are the sulfur bacteria. Although they utilize the sulfur reduced by other plants, it is possible that sulfofying bacteria could survive independently by utilizing the sulfur and sulfur compounds (SO2 and H„S) emitted by volcanoes. The iron bacteria also have possibilities of living independently of other plants. [Chap. XLl NON-GREEN PLANTS 513 External digestion and the digestion of substances that cannot be digested by most other organisms are outstanding features of this group of plants. Among the animals there are a few protozoans, such as those in the alimentary tract of termites, that can digest cellulose. External digestion, however, is a common characteristic of animals, for the food within the alimentary tract is still outside the cells of the body. The proc- esses that occur in the digestion of bread in the alimentary tract of an animal are no different fundamentally from those that occur when bread is decomposed by mold. The plant may digest certain substances the animal cannot, but saprophytic plants are present in the alimentary tracts of animals and they may digest certain substances there. Some wood- boring beetles can chew the wood, but their internal fungi digest it. Without the saprophytic plants the surface of the earth would soon become encumbered with the undigested remains of plants and animals. '^DISSOLVINGN GREEN PLANTS SUGAR \NIMAL$ AND PARASITIC PLANTS '/? PLANT AND ANIMAL .RESIDUES/ LIMESTONE /ORGANISMSN sDther Rocksy Y % :arbon dioxide /OCEAN WATER\ AND k^ VOTHER NATURALS WATERS CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE V ATMOSPHERE; CO2 t)EPOSITION^ OF ARBONATESl I as Shells. Marl, Vand Coral Rsefa ,v<^ r^Oli, ■-£2!^SUST10N DECAY iacteria, FunpV COAL, fPETROLEUM'l AND GAS Fig. 228. The caibon cycle in nature. Except in bogs where the growth of saprophytes is comparatively slow, only a thin surface layer of humus has accumulated in all of geological 514 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY time. Moreover, without a comparatively rapid digestion of cellulose and the subsequent oxidation of the products of digestion, the supply of carbon dioxide in the air would gradually become depleted ( Fig. 228 ) . During decay not only is carbon dioxide formed and liberated to the air, but inorganic ions are liberated from their organic union and are again available to green plants. Some saprophytic plants are valued in industry because they do not completely oxidize certain compounds, but leave a residue which man values for certain purposes. These residues are often referred to as prod- ucts of fermentation. The complete oxidation of a substance in sapro- phytic plants usually consists of a series of steps, each of which is the result of the activity of successively different organisms. Sugar is oxidized to alcohol by yeast. Acetic acid bacteria oxidize the alcohol to acetic acid. Other organisms then oxidize the acetic acid to simpler compounds and finally all are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. After insoluble substances are digested, many intemiediate and successively simpler compounds may be formed before oxidation is complete. Moreover, the kinds of intermediate products formed vary with the species of organism that oxidizes each of them. The industries producing beer, wine, vinegar, glycerin, alcohol, and cheese all depend upon the fermentation products of carefully cultivated species of saprophytes. The quantity and quality of the products vary with the kinds of fungi and bacteria present. The unpleasant odors of decaying matter likewise are due to the in- termediate products of oxidation-reduction which are formed during the growth of certain bacteria and fungi. Saprophvtes are ever-present agents of destruction, and are the or- ganisms that make cold storage and refrigeration necessary in our modern civilization. The freezing, canning, drying, and preserving industries are based on methods of eliminating saprophytes. Buildings and other wood structures are protected from them by means of metal, paint, tar, and creosote. On the other hand their very destructiveness is valued as a means of removing sewage and other undesired organic products. Sapro- phytes, then, are as intimately associated with our daily lives as are the green plants and parasites. CHAPTER XLII THE BIOLOGY OF BACTERIA <><>0<>0<><><><^^^ Of all the groups of non-green plants, the ever-present bacteria and their effects are most often discussed among educated people every- where. Although the great majoritv of the human race has never seen bacteria, every individual has had both direct and indirect contacts with them. The forms of some of the common species of bacteria are shown in Fig. 229. They are the causes of many diseases and of much of the decay of organic substances. Certain pleasant and unpleasant flavors of foods such as cheese, milk, butter, and eggs result from bacterial action, and bacteria influence our lives in many other ways. As a matter of fact, household sanitation, sewage disposal, refrigeration, quarantine, vaccination, aseptic surgery, personal hygiene, and all of our splendidly organized and vitally necessary methods of guarding and purifying water have developed as we have learned how and where bacteria live and how they affect plants and animals, including ourselves. Some of the factors affecting growth of bacteria are water, tempera- ture, certain gases, mineral salts, light, and food. Such factors also influence the growth of green plants, but not necessarfly in the same way or to the same degree. A particular species of bacteria does not grow in all environments, but the diversity of species is so great that there are few habitats in which some kinds of bacteria do not live. Certain species of bacteria are widely distributed over the earth. Others live only in very specific habitats. For example, some grow only in certain species of plants and animals, and sometimes only within certain tissues of the host. Some bacteria manufacture their own food; others secure it from liv- ing or non-living sources. A few species are unique in that they can synthesize sugar and other foods from water, carbon dioxide, and in- organic salts. Most species, however, depend upon an external source of sugar, and sometimes of protein also. At one end of the scale are the bacteria that derive energy from light, or from compounds containing reduced nitrogen, iron or sulfur, and synthesize sugars and other foods. 515 516 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY ,»• .O- %» ^J» •."» 8 -^ • . «• Staphylococcus aureus Diplococcus pneumoniae Staphylococcus pyogenes ^A\ Bacillus subtilis Corynebacterium diphtheriae Eberthella typhi Vibrio comma Spirillum volutans Treponema pallidum Fig. 229. Various types of bacteria. Copyright by General Biological Supply House. Except for the sources of the reduced nitrogen and sulfur, such organ- isms are independent of other Hving plants. At the other extreme is the obligate parasite that grows only in the living tissues of another organ- ism. Between these two extremes are the various saprophytes that live upon dead tissues and products of other organisms. The autophytes among bacteria include the nitrifying bacteria which oxidize ammonia to nitrites and nitrates; the iron bacteria which oxidize ferrous to ferric salts; and some sulfur bacteria which oxidize reduced sulfur. These are extremely important in soil development and will be [Chap. XLII THE BIOLOGY OF BACTERIA 517 dealt with in more detail in the following chapter. The energy released by these oxidations is utilized in the synthesis of sugar and other foods. The other autophytes are the green and purple sulfur bacteria, the first of which utilize the energy of light and the second the energy of reduced sulfur in making sugar. ^ Most species of bacteria are obligate saprophytes or parasites, but some of them may grow as parasites or as saprophytes. External factors and bacteria. The environments in which bacteria and their allied organisms live and reproduce are so different from those of larger plants that some of the effects of environmental factors need to be considered, especially those of light, water, oxygen, and temperature. Light. Most bacteria, because of their location in soil, in foods, in decaying matter, and within other living organisms are rarely exposed to the direct rays of light. Most species live only a few hours when exposed to full sunlight. Sunlight, therefore, is a destructive factor in the development of bacteria and it is of great importance in the purifica- tion of rivers polluted with sewage, and in the elimination of bacteria from all exposed surfaces. The rapidity with which certain bacteria are killed bv direct light depends upon the intensity and quality of the light. Although the evi- dence is extremely difficult to obtain and the results are often conflicting, it appears that the rays of the blue and violet end of the visible spectrum are most injurious to bacteria, particularly the pathogenic species. The intensity of the light used must always be kept in mind in comparing the destructive effects of various radiations. Near infra-red rays through their heating and drying effects may be germicidal. Ultra-violet rays, if not absorbed too quickly by the medium, are very destructive. Bacteria are destroyed by short rays of light apparently through the coagulation of the protoplasm, or the formation of some toxic substance in the medium. Water. Bacteria cannot grow and multiply in the absence of water, although some may remain alive for months or years in an arid environ- ment. About 85 per cent of the weight of active bacteria is water. Spores are ^ In the green sulfur bacteria hydrogen sulfide replaces water in the process of photo- synthesis and sugar, sulfur and water are the end products. The purple sulfur bacteria utilize the energy from oxidation of sulfur to sulfates in the synthesis of sugar. Generalized equations representing these chemical changes are: 6CO2 + I2H2S » CeHisOe + 6H2O + 12s .SH2S + 6CO2 + I2H2O > CeH.sOe + 6H2O + 3H2SO4 518 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY supposed to contain much less water than the vegetative cells. Diffusion of raw materials and foods into the bacterial cell is impossible unless the cell is surrounded by at least a film of water. Current statements that living bacteria have persisted inside rocks since the time of their formation a million years ago have not been generally accepted, because of the almost insurmountable difficulties in proving that these micro- organisms may not have been carried into the minute pores of the rocks with the movements of underground water and gases. The solution or substrate in which bacteria grow is commonly called the medium (pi., media). The properties of a medium are determined by the substances it contains. For example, sugar and salts may be in solution in the medium, thus determining its concentration. When the concentration of water in the medium is less than in the bacterial cells, water diffuses out of the cells and the bacteria may become inactive. Consequently jellies keep more readily than preserves, preserves more readily than canned fruits, and canned fruits more readily than fruit juices to which no sugar has been added. Jellies have a high concentra- tion of sugar and a comparatively low concentration of water. In the fruit juices the converse is true. In the laboratory bacteria are often placed in gelatin or agar media. When the water content of gelatin falls below 50 per cent, bacteria de- velop very slowly. When the gelatin dries out, the vegetative cells be- come inactive and eventually die. As noted above, however, many bacteria, especially those found in the soil, may live — but not grow — for months or years in a desiccated state. Since most of the bacteria that are causes of disease cannot survive desiccation, there is little danger of living ones being carried long distances by air currents. Oxygen. Molecular oxygen is essential to nearly all living organisms. A few kinds of bacteria, however, can live without it. Most organisms use free oxvgen in the respiratory processes and are known as aerobes. Some bacteria, such as those that are the causative agents of lockjaw and those that cause butter to become rancid, grow only when the free oxygen content of the medium is extremely low, and when organic substances containing combined oxygen are available. These bacteria are known as anaerobes. Anaerobic bacteria occur especially in poorly drained soils, in deep waters of lakes and seas, and in all sorts of media from which oxygen has been removed or excluded. Bacteria are exposed only to the oxygen that is dissolved in the medium surrounding them. At room temperature this is ordinarily a very dilute [Chap. XLII THE BIOLOGY OF BACTERIA 519 solution equivalent to dissolving 1 cc. of free oxygen in 100 liters of w^ater. If the oxygen content of the medium is increased to 30 times this amount, most bacteria die. In other words, oxygen at such concentrations has the same effect on bacteria as a solution of formaldehyde, or bi- chloride of mercury, two of our commonly used antiseptics. Even pro- nouncedly aerobic bacteria cannot withstand very high concentrations of oxygen. If the oxygen content of the air above the nutrient medium is increased to 4 times the usual amount, the growth of some strains of Streptococcus is stopped. Even the same strain of bacteria differs in its susceptibility to oxygen according to the medium in which it is growing. Anaerobic bacteria grow better within liquid media or below the surface of agar media because of the decreased oxygen content. Among the bac- teria there is a marked diversity in their endurance of molecular oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is toxic to bacteria because it changes readily to water and atomic oxygen, which is very active chemically. In the presence of free oxygen, hydrogen peroxide may be formed in the medium in which the bacteria are growing. The hydrogen peroxide may in turn be toxic to the bacteria. Temperature. When compared with other plants, bacteria as a group can live under a very wide range of temperature conditions. In this respect they are perhaps equaled only by the blue-green algae. The temperature of the bacteria is of course the same as that of the media in which they grow. Within a limited range, high temperatures accelerate life processes and low temperatures retard them. Food is used less rapidly at lower temperatures, and bacteria with a limited food supply live longer under such conditions. Some of the bacteria that thrive in hay infusions multiply at tempera- tures as low as 40° F. or as high as 110° F. The minimum temperature at which some species can grow may be higher than the maximum temperature at which others can sur\'ive. The optimum temperature for most bacteria lies between 70° and 100° F. Few species continue vegeta- tive development at temperatures higher than 115° F. Some bacteria, however, that bring about the rapid decay of organic matter, such as silage, may live at temperatures as high as 175° F. Living bacteria have also been found in hot springs at temperatures but little below this figure. This endurance of high temperature is remarkable in view of the fact that man\' proteins begin to coagulate and some fats begin to liquefy and separate at 145° F. Although bacteria are often distinguished as aerobes and anaerobes as 520 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY noted above, certain species may grow as aerobes at one temperature and as anaerobes at another. Many of the thermophihc bacteria, for ex- ample, will not grow at temperatures below 110° F. when exposed to air, but will grow under anaerobic conditions at 95° F. At temperatures near the freezing point bacteria grow very slowly, but may survive for weeks or even months. When freezing occurs and the medium becomes solid, diffusion is extremely slow and life processes are reduced to a minimum. It is interesting to note, however, that typhoid bacteria for die most part are destroyed immediately upon the freezing of water and few individuals live longer than three or four weeks. Certain pathogenic bacteria and some of the common micro- organisms of the soil are known to survive for a few days when exposed to the temperature of liquid air (about —310° F.). Cultures of certain bacteria have been exposed to the temperature of liquid hydrogen (about —425° F. or about 35° above absolute zero) for short intervals with no apparent harm to the organisms. What are bacteria? Bacteria are at once the simplest in structure, the smallest in size, the most abundant, and the most generally distributed of all plants, both green and non-green. Only the blue-green algae are comparable in these respects. Bacteria are one-celled organisms, but the individuals often cohere and fomi aggregates of visible size. The cells have gelatinous sheaths; and when many of the sheaths coalesce, the bacterial scums often seen on water and on damp objects are foraied. The cells of bacteria are so small that their exact structure is difficult to ascertain. Definite cell walls exist in most bacteria as is shown by their rigidity, by their various shapes, and by the effects of plasmolysis. The composition of the cell walls is not definitely known, but chitin and waxes have been reported in some species. The protoplasm is apparently undifferentiated as cytoplasm and nucleus, but both nucleic acids and nucleo-proteins have been obtained from some bacteria by chemical analysis. The cell evidently carries on all the processes usually associated with more differentiated cells, and it is unnecessary to assume any unique hereditary mechanism in this great group of plants. The most important constituents of the cell are proteins; carbohydrates, including starch, glycogen, gums, and simple sugars; fats, waxes, and phospholipoids; enzymes; and various organic salts. It has not been established experi- mentally which salts are essential in the growth of bacteria. Some bac- teria apparently can synthesize vitamin B, but neither A nor C. A few bacteria move about by a gliding movement not understood [Chap. XLII THE BIOLOGY OF BACTERIA 521 at present. Many forms are not motile at all; but in others protoplasmic threads known as flagella (sing., fagellum) extend through the cell wall and are organs of locomotion. A single Hagellum may be several times the length of the cell. Locomotion results from a rotary or whip-like movement of the flagella. The flagellate forms are active for a time but later become stationary and lose their flagella. Brownian movement of both living and dead bacteria is a common phenomenon. Bacterial cells are slightly heavier than water (sp. gr. 1.038 to 1.065). The largest bacillus studied is from 3 to 6 microns in diameter and 40-60 M in length. The coccus forms may vary from 0.15 ^ to more than 1 micron in diameter. It requires several billions of such cells to weigh a milligram. The ultramicroscopic: viruses and bacteriophages. We have just seen that some bacteria are so small as to be scarcely visible even with the highest magnification of the best microscopes. There is some evidence of the existence of even smaller bodies with the properties of micro- organisms. One group of these' bodies includes the filterable viruses, so called because they pass through filters through which bacteria do not pass.- They are causes of infectious diseases in both plants and animals, such as tobacco mosaic, infantile paralysis, and mumps. Other ultramicroscopic filterable bodies encountered in bacterial cul- tures are called bacteriophages. They appear in bacterial cultures and destroy the bacteria, but it is not definitely known just how this destruc- tion takes place. The bacteria may be digested. Some investigators think that the 'phages are enzymes that increase in the presence of bacteria. Other investigators have thought that they are living cells of submicro- scopic size in the life cycle of bacteria. Viruses and 'phages are extremely small but they are large enough to contain many protein molecules the size of those of egg albumen ( Fig. 230 ) . There is no evidence that they increase in number except in living cells of plants and animals. The virus causing the tobacco mosaic disease has been isolated by chemical means, crystalhzed, and found to be protein-like. Its injection into another susceptible tobacco plant results in the production of other molecules like itself in a comparatively short time. Cell division and reproduction. Bacteria multiply by simple cell di- vision, and the resulting halves fomi two new individuals. Under favor- able conditions these individuals in turn divide, and there are four - Such filters are usually made from diatomaceous earth, unglazed porcelain, or com- pressed asbestos. 522 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY CIRCUMFERENCE OF BACILLUS PRODIGIOSIS DIAMETER 750 -mfi- INFLUENZA VIRUS 1 20 wn VIRUS OF TOBACCO MOSAIC 430X12.3 TOBACCO RING SPOT VIRUS 180 x 10.4, STAPHYLOCOCCUS BACTERIOPHAGE 90 irif,. O TOBACCO BUSHY STUNT VIRUS 28mfi. o VIRUS OF YELLOW FEVER 22t„u. HAEMOGLOBIN MOLECULE FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE 2.8x0.6m|«. VIRUS 10 -mfi. EGG ALBUMEN MOLECULE 1.8X0.6 my. Fig. 230. Diagram illustrating the sizes of several viruses compared with those of certain bacteria, bacteriophage, and protein molecules. On the same scale the diameter of a human red blood corpuscle would be 3.5 feet. Data from W. M. Stanley. individuals. This process may continue indefinitely. At suitable tempera- tures divisions may occur as often as every 20 minutes, which is the same as saying that an individual may exist but 20 minutes. A little com- putation will show that within a day the number o£ such rapidly dividing bacteria becomes enormous. If division occurred every 30 minutes, starting with one bacterium, we would have: At the end of 24 hours, 281 million million bacteria = 1 pint in volume. At the end of 48 hours, 281 million million pints = about 32 cubic miles of bacteria. Such rapid increases of bacteria are limited to very short periods of [Chap. XLII THE BIOLOGY OF BACTERIA 523 time. They often develop toxic substances in the medium that inhibit further growth. Their food, water, oxygen, and salt supply is limited to the film immediately surrounding them. Colonies of bacteria cannot become very large because the movements of substances through the mass is limited by the rate of diffusion. In nature other environmental factors such as light, moisture, and temperature rarely remain favorable for long periods. Bacteria are also consumed by many microscopic animals. The protoplasm of a bacterial cell may contract into a rounded mass at one end, or in the middle, with the formation of a secondary wall; this mass is termed a spore. It contains less water, is less likely to be injured by drying, and will endure greater extremes of temperature and greater concentrations of poisons than the ordinary bacterial cell. It is because the spores of certain bacteria can withstand a temperature of boiling water that steam pressure is used in sterilizing cans of com, beans, peas, and other vegetables. Most of the bacteria that cause dis- eases do not form spores. Those that cause botulism and tetanus are exceptions. Bacteria and sanitation. We often go to considerable trouble to prexent decay; but we owe our continued existence on the earth to the fact that bacteria (and fungi) remove the dead bodies of plants and animals that would otherwise have accumulated on the earth. Together with the fungi they secrete enzymes which digest the highly complex organic sub- stances composing the bodies of plants and animals into simpler sub- stances. By repeated oxidations these substances are ultimately changed into carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic salts. These are again available to green plants. The sewage that is drained into rivers is digested and oxidized by bacteria to simple harmless compounds. Our great cities, where thou- sands and sometimes millions of people are crowded into a small area, must have enormous sewage-disposal works in which aeration and other conditions are made favorable for a more rapid growth of the bacteria of decay, and the quick destruction of the sewage. This prevents the pollu- tion of streams and lakes into which the sewage would otherwise be carried. The modern processes of filtering and sterilizing the water supplies of cities not only remove sediment, but also eliminate the bacteria of disease. The processes include adding minute quantities of alum and chloride of lime to the water, and then filtering it through sand. For 524 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY many years the water-borne organism causing typhoid fever took a large annual toll in human lives. Cities are now practically free of this disease; most typhoid cases originate from polluted well water in rural communities. To eliminate the contamination of surface wells requires merely careful location and construction of the wells with reference to surface drainage which often contains large numbers of bacteria. Sanitary practices, such as quarantine, disinfection, admitting direct sunlight into living rooms, cleanliness, cooking foods, pasteurizing milk, and keeping foods in refrigerators, are all related to the elimination or the reduction of the number and kinds of bacteria with which we come into contact. Bacteria and disease. While most bacteria are not causes of disease, some are, and these are known as pathogenic bacteria. The invasion of the bodv tissues bv bacteria is known as infection. The severitv of the disease depends upon the ability of the organisms to invade the tissues, multiply rapidly, and cause injurv. The injurv to the bodv is due to the destruction of tissues and the formation by the bacteria of certain poison- ous substances called toxins. When the bodv is invaded, antitoxins, or antibodies, are formed that neutralize the effects of the toxins either by combining with them chemically, or otherwise rendering the cells im- mune. In this way the body is protected until the bacteria are destroyed by the colorless blood cells ( leucocvtes ) , or until the bacteria are made harmless bv other means. The term immunity denotes the qualities of a plant or animal by which the invasion or growth of pathogenic organisms is prevented, or their products are rendered hamiless. A plant or animal is susceptible to an infectious disease when such qualities are absent, or inadequately developed. Not all persons are equallv susceptible to certain diseases, and susceptibility may vary in the same individual from time to time. A person is usuallv immune to a disease if his blood contains the corresponding antibodv, or is able to produce it. Some of the more common bacterial diseases of the human bodv are tuberculosis, pneu- monia, diphtheria, tvphoid fever, and tetanus. Diseases of plants. Although most of the diseases of plants are caused bv fungi, the destruction of plants by bacteria is often sufficient to present a serious economic problem. Bacteria may be present in the healthy tissues of some plants. They mav, however, penetrate the host through wounds or natural openings and then spread throughout the plant or remain localized within certain tissues. They are carried from [Chap. XLIl THE BIOLOGY OF BACTERIA 525 plant to plant by insects, by man, and by other animals. Bacteria are less frequently dispersed by rain and wind. Bacteria in milk. Among the natural media in which bacteria grow, milk is ideal for most bacteria of decay and some pathogenic organisms ( pathogens ) . Milk, then, must be handled carefully if it is to be used as food. The cows, the stable, the vessels in which the milk is placed, the persons who handle it are all possible sources of bacterial contamination. It is of paramount importance that attention be paid to cleanliness and to the retardation of bacterial growth by immediate refrigeration. In spite of all precautions, bacteria do occur in milk. To check their multiplication, particularly during shipment from the dairy fami to the cities, the milk is heated to 140° or 145° F. for 30 minutes.^ This process, which is known as pasteurization, destroys nearly all the active pathogens. Such heating, however, does not kill spores; but if the milk is kept cool, their subsequent germination and growth are to a large extent prevented. The bacteria of natural waters are discussed in Chapter XL VI. The science of bacteriology. The studv of bacteria has made great strides since Leeuwenhoek in 1676 first saw through his crude magnifier the "animalcules" from his teeth. Many years elapsed and many investi- gations were made before the biological significance of these micro- organisms was established. Even now a large portion of the world's population has never heard of bacteria, a larger number is indifferent to their importance, and too many people still like to believe that disease results from mvsterious influences rather than from bacterial infection. Spontaneous generation. Since earliest times man has probably been interested in the question of the origin of living organisms on the earth, and has tried to fonnulate answers on the basis of what he imagined or what he observed. Some of these observations, and also the inferences drawn from them, we now know were erroneous. It was believed, for example, that mice came from rags and meal, that mud produced frogs, that putrid meat changed to bees and flies, and that water in some man- ner gave rise suddenly to all sorts of fully formed aquatic organisms. Although many people ardently subscribed to a special creation of each kind of plant and animal, they at the same time accepted the idea of the spontaneous production of such organisms from inorganic matter. It required, of course, onlv simple experiments to show that screened ^ Another method is to heat the milk for two minutes over a steam coil to a temperature of 176° F. and cool it rapidly. 526 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY meats produce no maggots, that rags and meal inside stoppered bottles never give rise to mice, and that frogs develop from frog eggs and not from mud. Although a few individuals as earlv as the 17th centurv defi- nitely expressed the opinion that organisms arise only from preexisting organisms, it was not until after the middle of the 19th century that the theory of spontaneous generation was shown to be utterly false as an explanation of the origin of fullv fomied plants and animals. Speculation. Early Greek philosophers, including Aristotle (384-322 B.C. ) , all subscribed in their writings to the idea of spontaneous develop- ment of living organisms. Their statements were copied and enlarged upon by nearly all the medieval scholars of Europe. For example, there was then a widespread belief in the "goose tree" and the "vegetable lamb." Geese and ducks were thought to be formed either directly from the fruit of certain trees, or from sea shells borne by these trees. Current also were the so-called observations that certain trees bore melon-like fruits containing fully formed lambs. Such incredible accounts as these were widely accepted until early in the 18th century. Early experimentation. During the 16th century a few investigators with a desire to experiment for themselves showed that spontaneous generation of some organisms was clearly erroneous. Van Helmont ( 1577-1644), although he thought his experiment proved that mice came from wheat grains, was troubled because these mice were just like those borne bv a female mouse. The Italian phvsician Redi (1626-1697) proved experimentally that "woiTns" in meat are fly larvae. He further showed that if the flies are kept from depositing eggs on meat, no larvae develop in it. Redi did not, however, draw the inference that this experiment disproved spontaneous generation. Indeed, he suspected that "worms" in plant galls arose spon- taneously from plant juices. Vallisneri (1661-1730) soon afterward proved that these "worms" likewise developed from the eggs of insects. Leeuwenhoek and his microscopes. The Dutch inventor of the micro- scope, Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723), looking through his simple magni- fiers, saw organisms invisible to the unaided eye. He examined all sorts of infusions containing microorganisms, and left accurate descriptions, and many remarkable figures of bacteria, yeasts, algae, and many other organisms. Leeuwenhoek did not subscribe to the theory of spontaneous generation, but insisted that the tiny organisms he saw grew from sim- ilar organisms that got into his infusions from the air. [Chap. XLII THE BIOLOGY OF BACTERIA 527 Sterilization by heat and chemicals. In 1776 Spallanzani ( 1729-1799 ) , an Italian, proved that if meat broth is heated for an hour or two in hermetically sealed flasks, no microorganisms develop in the broth. The methods employed in this simple experiment were used by Appert in 1810 to exclude bacteria and molds from foodstuffs, and are the basis of our canning industry. The objection was immediately made, in the case of Spallanzani's experiment, that the heating had spoiled the air inside the flask so that no organism could live there, and therefore that spontaneous generation had not been disproved. Upon exposure to air the broth was soon teeming with organisms. For this objection Spal- lanzani's experiments provided no explanation. Schultze in 1836 obtained similar results, although he admitted air to his previously heated flasks of broth through tubes containing strong acids and other chemical compounds. Schwann (1810-1882) the same year allowed the air to enter the flasks through intensely heated tubes. It was argued by opponents that both the heat and the chemicals had altered the air. Von Schroeder and von Dusch in 1854 filtered air en- tering the flasks through cotton or wool plugs, and no organisms de^'el- oped in the flasks of broth. These experiments are the forerunners of the modern use of cotton plugs in culture flasks in all pathology and bacteriology laboratories. The chemical theory of fermentation. Owing to poor techniques, other investigators often failed to confirm the results of these experiments or to secure consistent results, and the belief in spontaneous generation continued. About this time the so-called chemical theory of fermenta- tion was current, and this indirectly gave comfort to the proponents of spontaneous generation. This theory, supported by Liebig ( 1803-1873 ) and others, assumed that in decay, or in fermentation, large molecules simph disintegrated into smaller ones, and that fresh meat spoiled be- cause it came into contact with other spoiled meat which initiated the breaking up of the molecules. In other words, this theory would imply that microorganisms, though thev may accompany decay and fermenta- tion, are not the causes of these putrefacti\ e processes. Louis Pasteur. A few people had suggested as early as the 18th cen- turv that bacteria, or certain microscopic agents, are the causes of fer- mentation and disease. But it was not until the latter half of the 19th centurv that Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) with a series of brilliantly planned and expertly conducted experiments finally' eliminated the idea of spontaneous generation as a serious explanation for these phenomena. 528 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Pasteur's first conviction that microorganisms are the cause and not the result of fermentation came when he was investigating the troubles in tlie beet-sugar distilleries at Lille, France. Besides the normal fer- mentation resulting in alcohol, the vats frequently contained lactic acid, a product for which there was no market. Pasteur found that when yeasts were present alone in the vats, alcohol was formed. When certain rod-shaped bacteria were present, however, lactic acid appeared also. B\ properly transferring the two organisms to sugar solutions he was able to secure either alcohol or lactic acid at will, depending upon whether the veast or the bacterium was present in the solutions. The proponents of spontaneous generation were still not convinced and demanded more proof. Pasteur felt certain that bacteria are present in the air and set about to verify his conviction. He prepared numerous flasks of various sterilized media, sealed the sterilized flasks, and later opened them at various places, such as in rural districts, on busv street corners, and on mountain tops. The results indicated clearlv that bac- teria are much more abundant in some areas, such as dustv streets, than in quiet countrysides or mountain tops. Even then the skeptics were unconvinced: they insisted that the sealing of the flasks had brought about an unnatural condition. Pasteur soon afterward utilized an experimental idea that did away with the necessitv of sealing the flask. Sterile media were placed in sterile flasks the necks of which had been drawn out into long, narrow S-shaped tubes having verv small openings at the outer ends. In this experiment the flasks were not sealed, and the culture media were given free access to the air. No matter where the flasks were placed or how long thev were kept, bacteria did not develop in the media. But when the flasks were opened so that the media became exposed to air in the usual wav, thev soon became contaminated. The results of these ex- periments were clear, but there was a lack of unanimitv in the infer- ences drawn from them. Pasteur was so sure of the completeness of his demonstration that in a public lecture at the Sorbonne in 1864 he closed his address with these prophetic words: "Never will the doctrine of spontaneous generation recover from the mortal blow of this simple ex- periment." Nearly all thinking people now accept the fact that organisms arise only from preexisting organisms and not by spontaneous genera- tion. Some of the flasks prepared bv Pasteur have been kept to the present time, and no living organisms have appeared in them. Two centuries earlier, Redi had proved experimentally that worms [Chap. XLII THE BIOLOGY OF BACTERIA 529 do not arise spontaneously from meat. From the time of Redi to that of Pasteur many critical experiments were performed. One result of these experiments was the gradual abandonment of the idea that plants and animals like those on the earth today arise by spontaneous gen- eration. Progress in understanding the origin of living organisms, and in following certain practices, such as those of sanitation, personal hy- giene, aseptic surgery, and the preservation of food, was seen to depend upon other ideas and upon further discoveries. Even more impressive than all these earlv experiments are the facts known todav about the composition, organization, and correlations of the parts of living cells, and of multicellular organisms. That such highly organized structures could arise suddenly from either inorganic or organic masses of matter appears quite untenable. Even if non-living colloidal masses of organic matter ever attain tlie state of being alive, escape destruction, and multiply, a very long geological period of time would elapse before highly organized cells capable of exact duplication by reproduction could evolve. After considering pertinent data from all fields of science for 25 vears, Oparin came to certain conclusions about the probable origin of living organisms on the earth, and clearly sum- marized the data and conclusions in a small book which is cited at the end of this chapter. Pasteur's experiments were not limited to the question of spontaneous generation. He studied vinegar-making, silkworm diseases, rabies, and diseases of sheep and cattle. He not only showed that bacteria and other microorganisms cause diseases, but he developed methods of vaccination that made man and other animals immune or at least less susceptible to certain diseases. Perhaps one of the most touching stories in all biologv is that of Pasteur's treatment of the little boy who was bitten by a mad dog. Modern bacteriology. Out of the experiments of Pasteur and equally significant ones by Koch (1843-1910), Lister (1827-1912), and many others, the modern techniques used in the control of pathogenic or- ganisms have developed. Bacteriology is now an important biological science with many specialized phases of research in medicine, den- tistry, veterinary medicine, agriculture, dairy technique, plant pathology, and manv industrial processes. Methods of killing and controlling bacteria. It was known long before bacteria were discovered that certain practices are valuable in the preservation of foods, caring for wounds, and the prevention of disease. 530 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Most of these methods were found out accidentally because the true nature of putrefaction and diseases was unknown for man\' centuries, and these methods are consequenth crude and often not dissociated from magic. There is now a great body of experimentally established facts about the control of bacteria. In the references below, further information mav be secured about the effectiveness and uses of the following means of controlling bacteria: cleanliness, ventilation, sun- light, drving, refrigeration, antiseptics, brine and sugar solutions, steri- lization, fumigation, pasteurization, canning, precipitation by chemicals, isolation, vaccination, antitoxins, and serum treatment. REFERENCES Gay, F. P., and associates. Agents of Disease and Host Resistance. Charles C. Thomas, Publisher. 1935. Henrici, A. T. The Biology of Bacteria. 2nd ed. D. C. Heath & Company. 1939. Oparin, A. I. The Origin of Life. The Macmillan Company. 1938. Chaps. ITII. Parker, G. H. Anthony van Leeuwenhoek and his microscopes. Sci. Monthly. 37:434-441. 1933. Salle, A. J. Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology. McGraw-Hill Book Com- pany, Inc. 1939. Stanley, W. M. Recent advances in the study of viruses. Science in Progress (G. A. Baitsell, ed.). Yale Univ. Press. 1939. Chap. III. Vallery-Radot, R. The Life of Pasteur. Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. 1928. Watkeys, C. W., and associates. An Orientation in Science. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1938. Chap. X. CHAPTER XLIII BACTERIA OF THE SOIL <^<5><><><><><><>CKX><^>c>^^ Bacteria of many kinds — both harmful and beneficial — live and grow in the soil. They are often incredibly numerous, sometimes numbering as high as a billion individuals in a gram of fertile garden soil. Some of the relations of bacteria to decay and disease were described in the preceding chapter. We shall now consider the importance of soil bac- teria to cultivated plants and soil formation. Many soil bacteria are important in the maintenance and improvement of fertility; some have quite the opposite effect. Distribution. Most soil bacteria occur in the upper two to ten inches of the soil where the supply of organic compounds. is usually greater. In the surface inch of soil, bacteria are not so numerous because of the destructive effects of light and of frequent desiccation. Relatively few bacteria are found below a depth of two or three feet in humid regions. In well-aerated soils, such as those of irrigated semi-deserts, bacteria grow at greater depths. They are probably always present as far down as the roots of plants extend. Nitrogen sources of green plants. Since nitrogen makes up such a large part of the atmosphere of the earth, it was early assumed that green plants obtain nitrogen from the air. The noted chemist, Liebig, was convinced that this must be so, for he beliex ed that the ammonia of the air was a sufficient source of nitrogen for plants. It required a long time and many experiments to show that nitrates and ammonium salts in the soil are the usual sources of nitrogen in plants. Although this fact was surmised in 1838 by Boussingault of France, and in 1847 by Lawes and Gilbert of the Rothamsted Experimental Farms in England, nearly a half century elapsed before final proof was secured. The various methods by which atmospheric nitrogen is combined in compounds which green plants can utilize began to be understood just before the beginning of the present century.^ ^ For a discussion of the experiments of some of the most important contributors to our knowledge of how green plants obtain nitrogen, consult any good text on soil microbiology. 531 532 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY The occurrence of nitrogen in a form usable by green plants is due almost entirely to the action of certain bacteria. Such bacteria may be referred to as nitrogen bacteria, and several groups are known to play an important part in the nitrogen cycle in nature. The importance of such microorganisms is recognized when we recall that every time a crop is harvested, the nitrogen within the plant is removed from the field. In the course of a few years this practice, along with the natural leaching by water, would seriously deplete the nitrogen content of the soil. To maintain soil fertility the nitrogen compounds lost in this way must be constantly renewed. The nitrogen bacteria are very important in this renewal. The three groups of bacteria that form nitrogen compounds usable by green plants are the ammonifi/ing bacteria, the nitrifying bacteria, and the nitrogen-fixing bacteria. A fourth group, the denitrifying bac- teria, by releasing nitrogen from these compounds, have the opposite effect and decrease the nitrogen content of soils. Ammonifying and nitrifying bacteria. Although millions of dollars are spent every year in adding commercial fertilizers containing nitrogen compounds to soils, our immediate interest is how the combined ni- trogen in natural organic compounds is again made usable to green plants. These compounds include the undecaved remains of plants and animals. The ammonifying and nitrifying bacteria bring about a chain of chemical and physical processes by which the nitrogenous substances are transformed into simpler and more soluble compounds. These are really processes of decay, and the nitrogen bacteria are among the saprophytes that bring this about. Ammonification. The disintegration and digestion of the large protein molecules of organic bodies in the soil are activated by 'proteolytic (protein-dissolving) enzymes. The resulting products, largely urea, peptones, and amino acids, undergo additional chemical changes by which ammonia (NH.s) is released. In so far as nitrogen is involved, this is a reduction process known as ammonification, and it takes place only through the agency of microorganisms. Some of the chemical re- actions may be represented as follows: Urea + Water > Ammonium carbonate CO(NH2)2+2H20 > (NH4)2C03 Ammonium carbonate > Carbon dioxide + Ammonia -f- Water (NH4)2C03 > COo -f^ 2NH3 + H2O In addition to the investigators named above, Berthelot, Hellriegel, Wilfarth, Beijerinck, and Winogradski should be mentioned. [Chap. XLIII BACTERIA OF THE SOIL 533 Nitrification. Ammonia in turn becomes the compound transformed in nitrate formation. Only a few species of soil bacteria activate this process; they may be classified into two groups. The first group oxi- dizes ammonia to nitrous acid. Ammonia + Oxygen > Nitrous acid + Water 2NH3 + 3O2 > 2HNO2 + 2H2O The nitrous acid may form salts with basic ions in the soil. Nitrous + Potassium > Potassium + Carbon + Water acid carbonate nitrite dioxide 2HNO2+ K2CO3 > 2KNO2 + CO2 + H2O The formation of nitrous acid and nitrites from ammonia occurs in soils in America and Australia primarily in the presence of species of Nitrosococciis; in the soils of Europe, Asia and Africa species of Nitro- somonas are the nitrite formers. The last stage in nitrification is the oxidation of nitrous acid and nitrites to nitric acid and nitrates. Nitrous acid + Oxygen > Nitric acid 2HNO2 + O2 > 2HNO3 The nitric acid may form salts with basic ions in the soil. Nitric + Potassium > Potassium + Carbon + Water acid carbonate nitrate dioxide 2HNO3+ K2CO3 > 2KN0, + CO2 + H2O Nitrous acid and nitrites seldom accumulate in soils, for as rapidly as they are formed other nitrifying bacteria of the genus Nitrobacter oxidize them to nitrates. Thus the process of nitrification includes the oxidation of ammonia to nitrites, and the further oxidation of nitrites to nitrates. Each step in the process from proteins to ammonia, from ammonia to nitrites, nitrites to nitrates, is dependent upon the presence of appropriate bacteria. Nitrification is an oxidation process and the energy released is used by the bacteria in the synthesis of sugar from carbon dioxide and water, and also in the further elaboration of sugar and certain inorganic salts into proteins and other cell compounds of the bacteria. These micro- organisms, then, are autophytes. The conditions necessary for natural nitrification include moderate moisture, wami temperatures of the soil, good aeration, and fairly 534 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY neutral reaction, in addition to the raw materials necessary for certain food syntheses in the bacteria. The bacteria involved in ammonification are common and widespread in most soils, but the nitrifying bacteria are largely restricted to well-aerated, moist, nearly neutral soils. Denitrification. The nitrates accumulated in soils through the agency of bacteria may disappear in several ways. They may be used by green plants, carried away by water, or changed into insoluble substances. They may also be reduced by other organisms to nitrous acid and am- monia, or to molecular nitrogen. This reduction of nitrates to gaseous nitrogen is referred to as denitrification. It occurs under certain condi- tions and decreases the nitrogen content of the soil. Some of the chemi- cal reactions involved in the reduction of nitrates may be indicated as follows : Nitric acid > Nitrous acid + Oxygen 2HNO3 > 2HNO2 + O2 Nitrous acid > Water + Nitrogen + Oxygen 4HNO2 >^2H20 + 2N2 + 8O2 The organisms that bring about the reduction of nitrates are prin- cipally anaerobic bacteria, known collectively as denitrifying bacteria. Since denitrification is a reduction process and may occur in the absence of light, the organisms must obtain energy by oxidizing carbohydrates and other organic compounds. Denitrification is likely to occur in any soil containing nitrates under anaerobic conditions. It is characteristic of poorly drained soils, and of soils periodically flooded, as in rice fields. In certain regions denitrifica- tion may so deplete the soil of available nitrogen compounds that plant growth is restricted. Nitrogen-fixation. Nitrogen constitutes nearly 80 per cent of the earth's atmosphere; the combined nitrogen in all plants is relatively so small that if plants could directly use the free nitrogen of the air the supply would be inexhaustible. Over every acre of land surface the air contains nearly 300 million pounds of nitrogen. It has been calculated that the earth's atmosphere contains the prodigious total of over 5000 million mil- lion tons of nitrogen. In spite of this, nitrogen is the most expensive component of fertilizers. Certain bacteria together with a few other organisms directly utilize the free nitrogen of the air. These bacteria transform this free nitrogen [Chap. XLIII BACTERIA OF THE SOIL 535 into compounds usable by all plants. The chain of processes in this transfonnation is teniied nitrogen-fixation. It has been known for more than 20 centuries that certain legumes, such as clover, beans, and peas, enrich the soil. For this reason legumes have long been used in crop rotations because farmers have known that other crop plants grow better and yield more following the plowing under of legumes. It was not definitely known that nitrogen compounds accumulate in legumes through the agency of nitrogen-fixing bacteria until 1886-1888.- Since that time the life cycles of these organisms have been thoroughly studied. These bacteria occur as microscopic motile rods free in the soil. When legumes are planted and roots form, the bacteria invade the cells of the roots by wav of the root hairs. The root becomes infected and enlarges locally in the form of nodules ( Fig. 231 ) . These nodules Fig. 231. Nodules containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria on the roots of soybean. Photo from Agricultural Extension Department, Ohio State University. - First shown by Hellriegel and Wilfarth. Pure cultures of these bacteria were first iso- lated by Beijerinck in 1888. 536 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY contain millions of bacteria, which become somewhat enlarged and branched (Fig. 232). ^.1>^'^' ^., ^ Fig. 232. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria: A, section of a nodule of bean root in which bacteria were present in many cells; B, one of the cells containing bacteria much enlarged; C-E, forms of nitrogen-fixing bacteria from nodules of different host plants: C, from soybean, D, from alfalfa, E, from common bean. From E. B. Fred, I. L. Baldwin, and E. McCoy, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1932. The bacteria are dependent on the carbohydrates in the legume roots. Unless there is an abundance of sugar in the roots of the host plant, few or no nodules develop, because the bacteria do not invade the root hairs. Although se\eral species of bacteria infect legumes, there mav be considerable specificity in their relations to the host. Some inxestigators have classified legumes on the basis of the bacteria to which the^' are most susceptible. The red, white, and alsike clovers, for example, consti- tute one group; alfalfa, sweet clover, and yellow trefoil another group; certain peas a third group; and cowpeas, peanuts, lima beans, and Japan clover still another group. Recent experiments indicate that the specificity of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria may not be as pronounced as earlier ex- periments seemed to show. Although the series of events in "fixing" nitrogen are not well known, the important process is the combining of free nitrogen with other [Chap. XLlll BACTERIA OF THE SOIL 537 elements, resulting in a nitrogenous compound, perhaps an amino com- pound. The formation of these complex compounds is a reduction proc- ess and requires the energy made available through the oxidation of suc^ars made by the leguminous plant. The bacteria multiply, mature, and die within the nodules, and the nitrogen compounds are used or accumulate within the legume. At the death of any part of the roots of the legume these compounds enter the soil. Still another group of bacteria fix nitrogen without being associated with higher green plants. These organisms are saprophytes and make possible a series of processes sometimes called non-symbiotic nitrogen- fixation, in contrast to the nitrogen-fixation in legumes, which is called si/mbiotic. They live especially in humous soils and derive their energy by the oxidation of such organic compounds as carbohydrates, organic acids, and other products of fermentation. In addition to energy, the fixation of nitrogen by the bacteria is affected by many other conditions in the soil. Dark prairie soils are ideal conditions for the development of such bacteria. Non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria may be classified into two groups: those using free oxygen (aerobic), largely species of the genus Azotobacter; and anaerobic species belonging to the genus Clostridium. The species of Azotobacter are coccus forms and non-motile; those of Clostridium are rod-shaped and spore-fonning. Summary: the nitrogen cvcle. We have now discussed the origin of nitrogenous compounds in soils through the agency of bacteria. Neither nitrification nor nitrogen-fixation in soils occurs in the absence of certain microorganisms, chiefly bacteria. We may now summarize the complete cycle of events in the origin and transformation of nitrogen compounds. In the green plants, amino acids are made from carbohydrates and nitro- gen salts and are used by both plants and animals in the synthesis of proteins. The death of plants and animals results in a residue of sub- stances, some of which are proteins. Through the agency of bacteria the proteins are digested to simpler compounds such as amino acids. Then through further chemical change ammonia is foraied from water and the NH7 ions. Ammonification is the name applied to this series of processes. Ammonia is then oxidized to nitrites and to nitrates through the agencv of nitrifving bacteria. These processes are nitrification. The nitrates mav be used by green plants and by most non-green plants in the production of proteins, and we are back where we started. Certain 538 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY other forms of bacteria may reduce the nitrates and nitrites to gaseous nitrogen. This is denitrification. Other groups of bacteria bring about the transformation of free nitro- gen of the air to amino compounds which accumulate in the organisms. This is known as nitrogen- fixation. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are of two PLANT AMINO ACIDS. SULPHATES "~~~~YplantV- (phosphates iTOTElNSr ^-^ I PROTEINS/ \ 7 ANIMAL^ . I PROTEINS- .^ w < ^ death FREE rNlTRATEs\2t^ilIM:l^£QWN ITR06EN\ RN03 / i °^ ^^^ TLANT^ ANIMAL^ vRESIDUESy f AMMONIA! NH 3 (^Bacteria) Fig. 233. Diagram of the nitrogen cycle in nature. Broken arrows indicate escape of ammonia and other volatile nitrogen compounds to the air. kinds: those living symbiotically in legume roots, and those living free in the soil. Upon their death the nitrogen compounds become available. All the processes having to do with nitrogen in its relation to green plants may be grouped together into what has generally been knoMoi as the nitrogen cycle (Fig. 233). Sulfur bacteria. We have seen earlier that sulfur is a part of the mole- cule of some amino acids and proteins. Green plants in general secure [Chap. XLIII BACTERIA OF THE SOIL 539 sulfur from sulfates of the soil. Upon the death of the plant the proteins containing sulfur are acted upon by bacteria, with the production of hydrogen sulfide. The hydrogen sulfide is oxidized through the agency of sulfur bacteria to elemental sulfur and sulfur dioxide. The latter is further oxidized to sulfuric acid which may react with a base, such as calcium carbonate, and form calcium sulfate. This formation of sulfates is known as sulfofication, and takes place through the agency of the bacteria. The sulfates are then available to green plants and the cycle is complete. Sulfates in the soil may be depleted through the action of another group of bacteria, forming hydrogen sulfide. Reduction of elemental sulfur may also result in the formation of sulfides. This reduction process is known as desulfofication. Sulfofication is an oxidation process through which the sulfur bacteria secure energy that is used by them in the synthesis of sugar and other foods. Such microorganisms are thus autophytes, and in this respect resemble the nitrifying bacteria. Bacteria and phosphates. Organic compounds of phosphorus are pres- ent in plant and animal residues. Before the phosphorus is usable by green plants, these complex compounds must be resolved by soil micro- organisms. Such decomposition involves a number of reactions; phos- phoric acid is finally formed, it accumulates in the soil as phosphates of calcium, magnesium, iron, and aluminum. Iron bacteria. Bacteria are associated with the transformation of iron compounds in the soil through oxidation-reduction reactions. Certain iron bacteria are able to bring about the oxidation of ferrous to ferric iron, therebv securing energv bv which thev synthesize their sugars and other foods; thus they are autophytes. Under anaerobic conditions ferric iron may be reduced to ferrous iron by other iron bacteria. Although it is rarely necessary to add iron to soils, iron deficiencies sometimes occur in alkaline regions owing to the formation of insoluble compounds of iron both by colloidal aggregation and by bacterial action. If we could review all the activities of the many kinds of bacteria we would appreciate still more their fundamental importance in our bio- logical world. Parasitic bacteria may cause the death of living organisms. Numerous saprophytic bacteria in turn digest the organic compounds in the dead bodies, and oxidize the carbon compounds in respiration. Through these disintegrative processes the inorganic ions, such as those of phosphorus, iron, and magnesium, that are chemically bound in the 540 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY compounds of living cells are liberated; and ammonia and carbon dioxide are formed. A few special groups of bacteria through these unique respiratory processes oxidize the reduced nitrogen and sulfur of body compounds to nitrates and sulfates, which may again be reduced by bac- teria or by green plants. Thus by numerous activities of groups of bac- teria following each other in definite succession the body compounds indigestible by animals and green plants become converted into simpler compounds that are usable by green plants. In the grand "passing show" of nature, green plants and the larger animals play the easily visible roles; but their action would soon cease were it not for the bacteria and their associates, the fungi, most of whose activities are off-stage, un- seen, and even unsuspected a century ago (Fig. 227). REFERENCES Waksman, S. A. Principles of Soil Biology. Williams & Wilkins Company. 1932. Waksman, S. A., and R. L. Starkey. The Soil and the Microbe. John Wiley & Sons. 1931. CHAPTER XLIV THE FUNGI <^<^<><><^o<><>c><^c>C'<><><^o<^^ Slightly moist bread in a warm room soon becomes covered with fila- mentous molds. Clothing, leather, and books left in moist rooms are soon "musty" because of the development of other kinds of molds. The flavors of some kinds of cheese are due to the growth of blue and green molds. Around old stumps in meadows, and within forests where organic mat- ter is abundant, puff balls, mushrooms, and toadstools may be found (Fig. 234). From decaying logs and even from standing trees bracket mushrooms often protrude ( Fig. 247 ) . Field and garden crops are often infected with rnildews, rusts, and smuts. In the process of bread-making yeast causes the dough to "rise." Many animals, including man, suffer discomfort through skin invasions of molds which cause, among other diseases, "ringworm" and "athlete's foot." Some of these plants are saprophvtes, some are parasites, and some live as both saprophytes and parasites. All these plants collectively are called fungi (sing, fungus). How are fungi recognized? We have already learned that non-green plants include fungi, bacteria, an occasional alga, and some seed plants. The name fungus is the old Latin word for mushroom. Just as it is diffi- cult to tell whether some organisms are plants or animals, the great diversity among fungi makes it equallv difficult to distinguish clearly certain fungi from certain bacteria and algae. The most common charac- teristic of fungi is a vegetative body of either a loose web or a compact mass of filaments none of which contains chlorophyll (Fig. 235). The fruiting and reproductive bodies of numerous fungi are readily recog- nized, but the reproductive bodies of many common fungi are seldom found; hence some fungi must be recognized without them. Vegetative parts of a fungus. A toadstool among the leaves on the forest floor, or a bracket fungus on a fallen tree trunk is but a small part of the fungous plant. The part not readilv seen consists of a widely dispersed mass of filaments (Fig. 235). In describing fungi these filaments are called htjphae (sing, hijpha). Hyphae are either continuous tubular structures, or divided by cross walls into cell-like segments containing 541 542 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 234. Reproductive bodies of some common fungi: A, bear's-head fungus (Htjdniun); B, sponge mushroom or morel (Morchella) ; C, a poisonous toadstool (Amanita); D, a puff ball (Calvatia) . one to many nuclei. Usually they are highly branched and form loose cottony masses, such as mav be readilv seen in the bread mold. The common meadow mushroom has colorless hyphae that spread in all directions through a large mass of soil and are usually unseen unless one digs carefully around the fruiting bodies that appear above the soil. The "mushroom" is formed by the growing together and coalescence of numerous hyphae into a compact characteristic structure. The whole [Chap. XLIV THE FUNGI 543 aggregate of hyphae growing on, or within, the substrate is called the mycelhim (Greek for fungus). The underground hyphae of some species grow in small compact masses, forming tuber-like bodies. Those of some other species form compact hard strands of many hyphae that grow as a collective unit and push their way through firm substrates. Fig. 235. Stages in the development of the common edible pink-gilled mushroom (P.salliota campestris) . Note the underground vegetative body of the plant. The cell walls of hyphae are composed of such substances as cellulose, pectose, callose, and chitin. The foods found in fungi are carbohydrates (including sugars and glycogen), fats, and proteins. Various kinds of enzymes are produced by fungi, and these are important in transfomiing substances not only within the fungous cells, but outside in the host or in the substrate. Fungous hyphae may grow into the tissues of the host or other substrate bv mechanical pressure similar to that of growing roots, or the substrate may be digested by excreted enzymes just ahead of the lengthening hypha. Fungi mav be found wherever the environment is not inimical to the establishment of a mvcelium, and where there are substances they can digest and use as food. They are found on land and in water, growing free as saprophvtes or as parasites within, or upon, many different hosts. Aquatic fungi are not as numerous as terrestrial ones, and are far less abundant than the algae and bacteria. The aquatic species live as para- sites on fresh- water and marine organisms, or as saprophytes on the dead bodies and residues of such organisms. They are most numerous in well- 544 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY lighted and well-aerated water where there is the largest number of host plants and animals. Any aquatic organism may be invaded, injured, or destroyed by parasitic fungi at some stage of its life cycle. The growth of aquatic fungi may be checked by epidemics of bacteria. Terrestrial fungi occur everywhere on, or in, most kinds of plants and many animals, as well as on their dead bodies. It would be difficult to find a twig Iving on the ground in a forest that is not being invaded and disintegrated by some fungus, and one may easily discover the cob- webby fungous hyphae among the fallen leaves on the forest floor. Soil fungi are most abundant in the upper foot of soil. Fungi digest the woody tissue bv enzyme action. They injure the living hosts largelv through the destruction of tissues, through the production of toxic substances, through the consumption of food, and through interference with phvsiological processes. There are about 75,000 species of fungi and thousands of chemically different substrates; hence some fungi grow where others cannot. Fungi are most numerous and grow best in moist warm situations, but they mav be found also on the desert, in refrigerators, and on the arctic tundra. Millions of bushels of fruits and vegetables in storage are destroyed each year by fungi. Most of the apples, for example, that spoil in storage are destroved by a single fungus, a blue mold which causes a soft rot. In northern states where snow covers the ground throughout the winter, much of the grass on golf greens is killed at the soil surface by another fungus, the so-called "snow mold." The spores and other domiant struc- tures of fungi often survive the natural extremes of temperature and drought for long periods. We shall now consider in more detail a few of the common species of fungi, in order to secure a better understanding of their structures, growth, and reproduction, and also of their biological significance. Bread mold. If a moist piece of bread is placed under a bell jar for a few davs, a tangle of colorless hyphae may cover the bread and even fill the jar. This is the mycelium of the bread mold, Rhizoptis nigricans. Its hyphae are much branched and have no cross walls; some of them (rhizoids — root-like hyphae) penetrate the bread for short distances, while others form the visible web. Bread mold, of course, grows on many other substrates. The fungus secures food and water from the bread, and as a result of enzyme action the bread is digested. Decay is nothing THE FUNGI 545 [Chap. XLIV more than the digestion and oxidation of organic substances. Growth of the fungus may continue until the food is exhausted. The mycehum starts from a spore as a single hypha and spreads over the bread by terminal growth of its multitudinous branches. At node-like points on the spreading hyphae upright branches and several rhizoids develop. These nodes also become new centers from which radiating horizontal hyphae extend and increase the complexity and density of the mycelium. The tips of the upright hyphae enlarge and foim globular spore cases, sporangia, which eventually contain many small round spores (Fig. 236). Fig. 236. Bread mold {Rhizopus): A, general habit of growth and reproduction by asexually formed spores; B, C, D, E, and F, stages in the fusion of hyphae of male and female mycelia and the formation of a zygote. Many sporangia are usually produced about the same time, and upon their rupture millions of black spores are liberated from them. The spores are so light that they float in the air for long periods; hence it is easy to see whv moist bread when exposed to the air for even a short time and then placed in a closed container soon becomes "moldy." When spores come to rest on a moist organic substrate, they germinate almost immediately, and from them new mycelia originate. When bread is 546 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY wrapped in waxed paper while still warm from the oven, mold spores are more likely to be kept out, and the bread keeps in good condition for a much longer period. Sexual reproduction can be observed between mycelia of bread mold started from different spores on the same culture plate. Where hyphae of the two mycelia come in contact, the adjoining walls dissolve and the contents of the two "cells" fuse. The union of the two protoplasts, or gametes, results in a heavy-walled black zygote. Upon gemiination of a zygote, a short hypha develops which terminates in a globular spor- angium containing spores. From these spores branching hyphae grow, and the development of a new mvcelium begins. Fig. 237. Yeast (Saccharomyces) : cells and branching filaments. Above are three cells, each containing four resting spores. Courtesy of World Book Co. Yeasts. In the discussion of respiration it was noted that the fomia- tion of alcohol and carbon dioxide from a sugar solution may be brought about in oxygen-free containers if certain yeasts are present. When yeasts are thoroughlv mixed with flour and water, their activities bring about the "rising" of bread dough. The carbon dioxide resulting from the oxidation of sugar accumulates in bubbles throughout the dough and makes it porous. While the bread is baking, the alcohol vaporizes and with the carbon dioxide passes from the bread into the air. The yeasts have little resemblance to the bread mold described above, for they are generallv microscopic one-celled plants more or less ellip- soidal in form. Some species of yeast are so small that thev resemble the largest bacteria. Although a single yeast cell is microscopic, the enomious numbers that develop in a sugar solution soon make it cloudy, and eventuallv sediment collects at the bottom of the vessel. The yeast cakes sold bv commercial firms consist of starch grains and yeast cells pressed together into a compact mass. THE FUNGI 547 [Chap. XLIV During growth and multiplication, a small outgrowth ( "bud" ) appears at the side or end of a cell. This increases in size and finally separates from the parent cell as a new yeast plant. This process is repeated in- definitely in favorable moisture, food, and temperature conditions. This Fig. 238. Diagrammatic representation of zygotes formed in tlie water mold, Achlija, when liyphae of a female mycelium (left) come in contact with those of a male mycelium (right). The numerous small branching hyphae around the periphery of the male mycelium are antheridial branches on which the male organs (antheridia) containing male nuclei develop. The scattered small darkened spheres on the female mycelium represent immature egg cases (oogonial initials). The darkened awl-shaped hyphae and spherical masses of spores at the apexes of certain hyphae in both mycelia are vegetative propagules. For further details of the sexual processes, see Fig. 239. From ]. R. Raper. mode of vegetative multiplication is known as "budding." Some yeasts have simple cell division only. Under some conditions the cells do not separate immediately, but form fragile bead-like chains that are more or less branched (Fig. 237). Under other conditions the contents of the yeast cell may divide internally into 2, 4, or 8 separate protoplasts, and these round up as spores, capable of a relatively long period of dormancy. Water molds. In temperate latitudes in early spring dead fish and other aquatic animals may be found in ponds and streams, completely covered with a colorless slimy mass of fungous hyphae. The same 548 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 239. Diagrammatic representation of the sex organs of the water mold, Achlija, and of their hormonal relations as indicated by arrows; an elaboration of Fig. 238. Hormone A from the female mycelium (right) is essential to the formation of antheridial branches on the male mycelium (left). Hormone B from the antheridial branches is essential to the formation of oogonial initials on the female mycelium. Hormone C from the oogonial initials is essential to the forma- tion of antheridia on the antheridial branches. The direction of growth of the antheridial branches is also influenced by this hormone. Hormone D from the antheridia is essential to the further development of the oogonia and the forma- tion of eggs within them. Finally sexual fusions result in the formation of zygotes. From J. R. Raper. fungus, or other species of water molds, may also grow on living animals, and on decaying plant and animal remains. They are at times very de- structive to fish eggs and young fish. Water molds were so named before it was generally known that many species of them grow in moist soils. The vegetative phase consists of tubular branching hyphae within the host or the substrate. The slimv mass of filaments on the outside of the animal is largely made up of hyphae that terminate in club-shaped sporangia, within which the protoplasts divide into many motile spores. After liberation from the sporangium, the motile spores may undergo various changes in appearance; from them new hvphae develop. Sexual reproduction begins by the formation of egg cases, or oogonia, each containing from one to THE FUNGI 549 [Chap. XLIV twenty egg cells, and by the development of antheridia containing sperm nuclei. The union of a sperm nucleus and an egg nucleus results in a zygote. Upon germination the zygote divides internally and forms motile spores. From these motile spores new hyphae may develop under favor- able conditions. Hyphae may develop, however, from unfertilized eggs — another example of parthenogenesis in plants. It has recently been dis- covered that four hormones are necessary to sexual reproduction in one of the water molds (Figs. 238 and 239). Fig. 240. A, blue mold {Penicillium) ; B, green mold {Aspergillus). The spores (conidia) are formed by successive abstrictions of the tips of upright hyphae. Blue and green molds. This group of molds was named on the basis of the color of the spores of some of the more common species. Certain of the blue molds are important because of the flavor and color they give to some of our highly esteemed varieties of cheese, such as Camembert and Roquefort. Besides cheese, they can digest and subsist upon a large number of other substances. These fungi and others are the causes of the decay of vegetables, fruits, and meats, both in storage and during transportation, and they occasion enormous monetary losses. They are aerobic and may grow on the surface of moist jelly, and on the surface of wine in a bottle when the stopper is imperfect. The hyphae of these fungi have cross walls. The mycelium is a felt- like meshwork on the substrate. Upright hyphae develop, and from their brush-like branching tips numerous one-celled spores are formed 550 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 241. Reproductive structures of a powdery mildew: A, conidia formed during the summer months; B, an ascocarp, which hves through the winter and within which the asci and ascospores develop. They can be forced out of the ascocarp by a slight pressure as indicated in the drawing. B from C. J. Chamber- lain, Elements of Plant Science, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. in chains by successive abstrictions (Fig. 240). Species of Pemcillium have blue or green spores. The related mold, Aspergillus, differs from the blue mold in producing globular masses of green, yellow, or black spores at the enlarged ends of upright hyphae. Spores formed by con- strictions at the ends of hyphae are called conidia ( sing, conidium ) , and the hyphae producing them are conidiophores. Conidia are readily car- ried by air currents or by rain water; and since they are produced in such enormous numbers they are present everywhere, especially during the summer months. Powdery mildews. During summer and early autumn cobwebby mycelia may be seen on the leaves of such plants as ragweed, knotweed, red clover, lilac, crimson rambler, sunflowers, and willows. The hyphae of these fungi also have cross walls. When in contact with a leaf, some of the branches of the hyphae become haustoria or rhizoids which pene- trate the epidermal cells of the host tissue. The mycelia of these fungi are on the surface of the host. Other hvphae, growing erect from the sur- face of the leaf, form at their tips chains of colorless conidia in a manner similar to that of the blue molds noted above. The conidia, or summer spores, are carried about by air currents from leaf to leaf, and many plants thus become infected during the growing season. These fungi are called powdery mildews because of the appearance of the conidia. [Chap. XLIV THE FUNGI 551 Conidmm Oogonium Arxthfindium Fig. 242. One of the tube fungi, Cystopiis, a parasite in leaves of many green plants: A, section of a leaf of a host plant in which a pustule has been made by the formation and growth of conidia on hyphae beneath the epidermis, zygotes have formed from intercellular hyphae within the mesophyll of the leaf; B, part of the fungus illustrated in A dissected out and enlarged; C, mesophyll cell sur- rounded and penetrated by hyphae. Motile spores are formed when the conidia and zygotes germinate. Courtesy of World Book Co. In late summer small black dots may appear among the hyphae on the infected leaves. The dots are reproductive bodies and under the microscope are seen to be spherical and thick-walled, with curiously branched transparent appendages. These fruiting bodies, or ascocarps, are the result of the growth of coalescent hyphae, following the fusion of the protoplasts of an oogonium and an antheridium. The ascocarps contain several sac-like structures termed asci (sing, asciis) (Fig. 241). Within each ascus are usually 8 ascospores, although the number may vary from 2 to many. The germination of an ascospore the following spring results in a hypha which may grow upon other plants and start a new life cycle of the fungus. Downy mildews. The downy mildews are internal obligate parasites that are verv destructive to many plants, such as potato, onion, tobacco, and grape. They are not classified with the powdery mildews because of differences in structure and reproduction (Fig. 242). The downy mil- dews have tubular, non-septate hyphae similar to those of bread mold and water molds. More than 1000 species of molds are characterized by 552 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY non-septate hyphae. As a group they were named Fhij corny cetes (Gr. phykos, alga; mykes, fungus) because they appeared to resemble algae more closely than other fungi. One group of phycomy cetes, the Ento- FiG. 243. Enlarged drawings of the reproductive structures of a downy mildew parasitic within tobacco, tomato, eggphxnt, and pepper. The myceHum is inter- cellular. A, a branched conidia-bearing hypha protruding from a leaf through one of the stomates; B, germination of conidia; C, stages in the development of a conidium at the tip of a hypha; D, the hypha from a germinating conidium has grown into a leaf through a stomate; E-I, stages in the development of a zygote by sexual reproduction. From North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service. mophthorales, is of interest because many of the species live as parasites in insects. The powdery mildews, on the other hand, have septate hyphae. Their reproductive structures (ascocarp, ascus, and ascospore) also differ from those of downy mildew. More than 25,000 species of fungi produce ascospores, and as a group thev are called Ascomy cetes. Other examples of them are yeast, blue and green molds, cup fungi, morels, and truffles. [Chop. XLIV THE FUNGI 558 Some of the ascomycetes produce numerous conidia during the growing season. The mycehum of the downy mildew parasitic on potatoes may over- winter in the tuber and the next spring grow into the tissues of the new potato plant developing from that tuber. Branched conidiophores grow outward through the stomates, and conidia are formed from the terminal branches. The conidia may be carried by wind or water to other parts of the plant or to other plants. Motile spores develop within each conidium. When the leaves are wet, the motile spores emerge from the conidia and germinate almost immediately. The resulting hvphae penetrate the host, and new internal mycelia develop. Sexual reproduction ma\' take place when the fungus is growing in culture, but apparently does not occur when the fungus is growing in the potato plant. ^ The reproductive struc- tures of the downy mildew of tobacco are illustrated in Fig. 243. Cup fungi, morels, and truffles. The cup fungi are usually found grow- ing on soil and on decaying wood. The vegetative bodv, or mvcelium. Fig. 244. Photomicrographs of reproductixe structures of a cup fungus (Peziza) : A, section through the cup which is lined with a layer (hymenium) of asci and intermingled sterile hyphae; B, a portion of the hymenium further magnified to show asci and ascospores in more detail. is largely underground or near the surface. The part usually visible, the fruiting body, is cup-shaped and lined with a layer of parallel asci and sterile hyphae. Each ascus generally contains 8 ascospores (Fig. 244). The morel, prized for its flavor, is related to the cup fungi, but has a hollow reproductive body covered above with a layer of asci. The fungus is not edible after the spores have matured and should be eaten only when immature. ^ It is of historical interest to recall that this so-called "potato blight" caused a serious famine in Ireland in 1843-46 and led to tlie repeal of the Corn Laws. These laws had imposed severe restrictions on the importation of wheat and other small grains. Pre\'ious to this date the annual consumption of potatoes in Ireland was 25 bushels per person. 554 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY A related group of fungi are the truffles, which are widespread in Europe; in the United States they have been found in CaHfornia. Truffles are considered a dehcacy and gathering them is an industry in France. The plants, which generally grow from 3 to 12 inches below the surface of the soil, have a peculiar odor which is not evident to most people. Pigs and dogs have been trained to locate the plants. The fruiting body of the truffle is a globose, warty structure enclosing the spore-bearing tissues. This fungus is spread by rodents that eat the truffles and scat- ter the undigested spores. Fig. 245. Spore prints may be used to identify spore color and the arrangement of spore-bearing surfaces of mushrooms. C is a spore print of a pore fungus repre- sented by A. D is a spore print of a gill fungus represented by B. The method of obtaining spore prints is represented by E. The inverted vessel is used to prevent air currents from scattering the spores as they fall on the paper from the cap of the mushroom. The cap should be carefully lifted as soon as enough spores have fallen to form a distinct print. Permanent mounts can be made if the spores fall on a paper covered with a thin coating of mucilage; this may then be moistened enough to hold the spores in place by carefully placing the paper on a wet towel until the moisture has penetrated through the paper to the mucilage. From W. Hamilton Gibson. [Chap. XLIV THE FUNGI 555 Mushrooms, toadstools, and puffballs. These are popular terms and do not correspond to any technical classification of fungi. To many people the term "mushroom" means an edible fungus while "toadstool" refers to a poisonous or inedible one. No such distinctions can be made on the basis of the form, color, structure, or place where they grow. A few species may be safely eaten by some persons, but not by others. Beside the edible species, others are woody or unpalatable, and a number of species are deadly poisonous to everyone. The temi "puffball" refers to a fungus that emits clouds of spores when stepped on. Puffballs are inedible when mature, but many of them are edible when young. Per- haps the best advice to would-be mushroom hunters is to learn to identifv positively a few of the common edible species and avoid all others. The vegetative parts of all these fungi are in the soil, wood, or other substrate on which the fruiting bodies appear. The fruiting bodies are compact masses of hyphae, varying from a fraction of an inch to two feet or more in height, or diameter. When mature, the reproductive structures may contain countless numbers of spores. The spores of toad- stools develop in groups of four from the ends of short club-shaped hyphae, called basidia, which in turn develop on the sides of gills, tubes, or spine-like projections on the lower side of the cap of the toadstools (Figs. 245 and 246). h^^' ■' "C.'^:"'.C^£&-- ■ f K Fig. 246. Arrangement of spores on the gills of the cultivated mushroom: at the left a vertical section of one gill as it appears when magnified enough for one to see the continuous external layer of basidia; on the right a highly magnified sec- tion of a small portion of a gill including several basidia, three of which have 2 basidiospores. In the wild species of this mushroom each basidium bears 4 basidiospores. Modified from J. Sachs. 556 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 247. Reproductive structures of three species of fungi: A, the sulfur mush- room (Polyponis sulphur ens) ; B, a coral fungus (Clavaria) ; C, stink -horn (Dictijophora) . Photos from W. G. Stover and R. B. Gordon. The common meadow mushroom may produce 2 biHion spores, a polypore 10 bilHon, and a good-sized puffball may have 7000 bilHon spores. It has been estimated that only about one spore out of each trilhon spores ever develops into a new plant. The appearance of fruiting bodies is illustrated in Figs. 234 and 247. Owing to the club-shaped hypha on which their spores are borne, such fungi as toadstools, puff- balls, smuts, and rusts are called Basidiomycetes. There are more than 20,000 species of basidiomycetes. Some mushrooms are basidiomycetes, but others are ascomycetes. The culture of the common meadow mushroom is an important indus- try in scattered localities, where it is carried on in specially constructed buildings with insulated walls, in caves, or in old mine tunnels where the temperature and humidity can be controlled. Light is not harmful, but it is not necessary; and it increases the difficulty of controlling other conditions. After the beds of soil rich in organic matter are prepared and sterilized, they are inoculated with pieces of mycelia of pure races. These [Chap. XLIV THE FUNGI 557 mycelia develop from spores sown on boiled grain in sterilized culture bottles. Fairy rings. When growth conditions are favorable in lawns and pas- tures, the fruiting bodies of the common meadow mushroom often occur in so-called "fairy rings" (Fig. 248). The rings were thought in ancient Fig. 248. A fairy ring of a common mushroom {Lepiota) on a ranch in Colorado. Photo from the New York Botanical Garden. times to represent the paths traversed b\' dancing fairies. The circular appearance is due to the outward growth of the underground mycelium from the original center. The hyphae are perennial, and their radial ex- tens'ion is accompanied each year by the death of the older portions of the hyphae in the central areas. The fruiting bodies thus appear in circles which increase in diameter from year to year. Nearly perfect rings of this mushroom 160 feet in diameter have been reported, but the diameter is usuallv less than 20 feet. Similar rings are developed by many^ other fungi, including morels and puff balls. Some haxe attained diameters of nearh^ a quarter of a mile and could have resulted only after hundreds of years of outward extension of the mycelium from the original center of growth. These largest rings are usually irregular, and occur in incom- plete circles. An eruptive skin disease of man and other mammals, known as "ring- worm," is caused by a fungus. Pustules appear in irregular circles about the point of infection because of the radial growth of the hyphae in the skin. The lesions are caused by the fruiting bodies of the fungus as they break the skin, and thus appear as miniature fairy rings. 558 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Smuts and rusts. Seed plants of many kinds, particularly the grasses, are infected by parasitic fungi that are unlike those just described. Owing to their appearance, some of them are referred to as rusts; others as smuts. The importance of these fungi in decreasing crop yields will be discussed in the next chapter. Here we shall describe the growth and reproduction of a few characteristic species. The vegetative and floral parts of oats, wheat, rye, corn, rice, and onions sometimes contain black Fig. 249. Effects of smuts of cereals: A and B, loose smut of oats; C, covered smut of oats; D, enlarged and distorted "corn grains" filled with smut. Photos from U. S. Department of Agriculture. or dark brown masses of fungous spores (Fig. 249). These masses are generally regarded as the smut plants, but thev are merely the reproduc- tive structures of an extensive mycelium within the host. Several types of smuts may be exemplified by the loose and covered smuts of oats, the loose and stinking smuts of wheat, the loose and covered smuts of barley, and bv the corn smut. Bunt or stinking smut of wheat. At threshing time mature spores of the fungus may stick to the surface of the wheat grains and remain there until the grains are planted.- At that time the spores gemiinate in the soil - The spores may also fall to the ground, germinate, and grow saprophytically in the soil for a short time only. Each spore produces a short hypha that forms se\eral "sporidia." [Chap. XLIV THE FUNGI 559 and produce short hyphae that bear "sporidia." These fuse m pairs and then germinate. The resulting hyphae penetrate the young wheat seed- hng. The growing internal mvcelium reaches the stem tip of the seedling, keeps pace with the growing wheat plant, and finally enters the ovularies of the inflorescence. The floral parts are greatly distended by harvest time. Masses of smut spores have replaced the embryo and endosperm of the seeds. During the threshing of the wheat these spores are released and scattered among the other grains of wheat. Loose smut of wheat and barley. The life cycle of the loose smut of wheat is in one important respect very diflFerent from the bunt of wheat just described. The spores produced in the dark brown or black masses in the inflorescences of wheat at flowering time may be blown to the stigmas of other wheat plants. There thev mav germinate, producing hvphae that penetrate the ovularies. The mycelium remains dormant within the embryo until the seed is planted and starts to grow. It is not possible bv superficial examination of the seed to ascertain the presence or absence of the internal mvcelium. Following the germination of these seeds the mycelium grows within the developing host plant, and masses of spores appear just before flowering time, replacing the destroved flower parts. Thus the life cycle is complete. The methods of control of this fundus must evidentlv be different from those used in the elimina- tion of the stinking smut of wheat. The loose smut of barley is similar to that of wheat. Smut of corn. Smut masses mav be seen on anv part of an infected mature corn plant. The infection, however, alwavs takes place when the tissue is young. The corn smut fungus does not spread throughout the host from the point of infection but remains more or less localized. The smut galls and their masses of spores appear one to three weeks after infection. The spores may remain alive in the soil or in plant litter for many months, and consequentlv the fungus is difficult to eliminate. Stem rust of wheat. One of the most complex life histories in the plant kingdom is that of the black stem rust of cereals and grasses.^ The stem rust of wheat is important commercialh' because during some years it decreases the yield of the American wheat crop bv an estimated 120 ^ There are at least 8 varieties of the black stem rust fungus, Puccinia graminis, but only 3 infect cereals: P. graminis tritici, infecting wheat, barley, and many wild grasses; P. graminis avenae, on oats and some wild grasses; and P. graminis secalis, on rye, barley, and wild grasses. 560 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY million bushels. The life history of this rust illustrates so well how diffi- cult may be the problems encountered in attempting to control the fungi that cause diseases of economic plants, that it will be described in more detail than would otherwise be justified in a book on general botany (Fig. 250). Fig. 250. Photomicrographs of the reproductive structures of stem rust (Pucciniu graminis) of wheat: A, cross section of a leaf of common barberry with aecia containing aeciospores (b) on the lower side and pycnia (a) on the upper; B, a pustule of red summer spores (uredospores) that has broken through the epidermis of a wheat stem; C, a pustule of teliospores in a wheat stem a little later in the season; D, the following spring, a basidium bearing 4 basidiospores has developed from each of the two cells of a teliospore. Hyphae from the basidio- spores infect leaves of the common barberry and the cycle is repeated. During the summer the fungus is first apparent on the surface of stems and leaf sheaths as patches of innumerable red spores (uredo- spores). These spores are blown about by the wind and the hvphae from them infect other wheat plants. New mycelia develop, and the spores from them may be blown to other wheat plants. This process may be repeated every week or ten days during the spring, thus spreading the fungus rapidly over large areas. These same internal mycelia a little later produce many two-celled, thick-walled black spores {teliospores) . These second spores in the life cycle begin to appear before the wheat plant is mature, and they live [Chap. XLIV THE FUNGI 561 over the winter on the stubble and straw. After winter dormancy they germinate, and a short chib-shaped hypha (basiditim) develops from each of the two cells. The basidium is four-celled, and from each of its cells a third kind of spore ( basidiospore ) is produced. During the remainder of the life cycle of this rust certain remarkable phenomena occur. The basidiospores are blown about by the wind. Hvphae from these spores do not infect wheat plants, but thev do infect the common l^arberry plant and a few of its relatives.^ The hyphae pene- trate the leaves of barberr>'. In a short time there appear on the upper surfaces of the leaves pustules of flask-shaped masses of hvphae, sperma- gonia, which produce a fourth type of reproductive body, spennatiiim. The spermatia may unite with receptive hyphae of the internal mycelium and result in binucleate hyphae. Since the different spermatia in a leaf mav have originated from various races of the rust, such a union makes possible hybrids between different races. Such hybrids still further com- plicate measures of control. Further growth of these binucleate hvphae within the barberry leaf results in a mycelium and pustules of cluster cups (aecia, sing, aecium) on the lower surface of the barberry leaf. Within these cups, a fifth re- productive body, the cluster cup spore, or aeciospore, is formed. Aecio- spores in turn continue the life cycle onl\' when the\^ lodge and germinate on young wheat plants and a limited number of other grasses. The mycelium from them grows within the tissues of the wheat plant, and first the red spores, and later the black spores, develop — thus completing the life cycle. Here, then, is a parasitic rust that lives successively on two totallv unrelated host plants during a complete life cycle. It has several kinds of spores, which are morphologicallv and physiologically different from each other. Curious as it may seem, the first definite proof that diseases may be caused by parasites was obtained when Anton de Barv discov- ered many of the facts of the life history of wheat rust in 1865. It is interesting to note the possible variations in the life cycle of the stem rust of wheat, as given above. Red spores cannot survive the winters of the North Central States. They may, however, be blown many miles southward and there cause infection of growing wheat or other grasses in the autumn. The red spores produced in the South cannot survive the * Berberis vulgaris is very susceptible to this rust. The green and red \'arieties of the cultixated Japanese barberry, Berberis thntibergii, are immune to it. Certain other species, such as the American barberry (B. canadensis) and the species of MaJionia. are susceptible. 562 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY hot dry summers and so do not cause infection of the young wheat plants there in the following fall. In early spring the red spores from southern wheat are blown northward and successively lead to infection of the growing wheat of higher and higher latitudes. This cycle of infection by means of red spores alone, makes possible widespread epidemics of wheat rust in the absence of barberry plants. Such a condition can be controlled only by procuring immune races of wheat. These general epidemics, however, occur more rarely than the local epidemics in regions in which the common barberry is growing. The problem of crossing and selecting varieties of wheat immune to the stem rust is further comphcated by the fact that there are about 180 races of the fungus which pass one stage of their life cycle in barberry. A variety of wheat may be immune to most of these races, but a few races may infect and injure it so severely that it is unprofitable to culti- vate except in the limited areas where these particular races do not occur. Other interesting examples of two-host rusts are the white pine blister rust ( white pine stem, and currant or gooseberry leaves ) , and apple rust (apple leaves and fruits and red cedar shoots). However, not all rusts involve two host plants, and many of them do not infect crop plants. Slime molds. A rather curious group of non-green organisms are the slime molds. They are frequently classified as plants, sometimes as ani- mals, and may be discussed in connection with the fungi. The vegetative part of the plant is a multinucleate mass of naked protoplasm with about the consistency of mayonnaise, called a plasmodiwn. The plasmodium lives in moist places and streams through and over the substrate and finally comes to rest on the surface of plants and other objects. The different species of slime molds have characteristically colored plasmodia and variously shaped sporangia bearing a large number of spores. Lichens. Certain fungi and certain algae live together, forming the compound plant structures called lichens (Figs. 251-254, and Plate 3). These plants grow in a great diversity of habitats, such as on exposed rocks, on tree trunks, and on the ground. They grow and survive in the most extreme habitats on the earth, from the mountains of the antarctic where the temperatures are rarely above freezing, to the deserts of southern California where midsummer temperatures of rocks on which they grow mav be as high as 175° F. Some kinds of lichens appear almost structureless, forming a thin coating on the rock surface and on soil (crustose); others are somewhat leaf -like in appearance (foliose); and [Chap. XLIV THE FUNGI 563 Fig. 251. Photograph of a fohose hchen (above) and a crustose hchen (below) on a rock substrate. Several cup-shaped ascocarps of the fungus in the foliose lichen are evident. Photo by G. S. Growl. Fig. 252. Two species of reindeer lichen on a moss substrate. Photo by C. H. Jones. 564 TEXTBOOK OF BOTAiNY Fig. 253. Rock tripe (Gijrophora) a foliose lichen on a sandstone cliflF. The smaller lichen (lower left) is the toad-skin lichen {Umbilicaria) . Photo by R. T. Wareham. Fig. 254. A plant community of lichens, mosses, and other small plants; pioneer vegetation with consequent soil formation and accumulation on rock substrates. Photo by C. H. Jones. [Chap. XLIV THE FUNGI 565 still others are much branched and cushion-like (fruticose). The latter are represented by the so-called "reindeer moss" (Cladonia) of north temperate and tundra regions. Lichens are usually grayish-green in color, but many species are bright yellow, red, brown, or black. A lichen is sometimes considered to be merely a fungus that is para- sitic on certain algae, just as fungi are parasites on wheat, corn, and potatoes (Fig. 255). Experiments have shown that the fungus of the Fig. 255. Early stages in the development of a lichen. The hyphae surround and penetrate the cells of the alga. After Bonnier. lichen, when growing on culture media, usually does not develop a body structure resembling that of the lichen; nor does the alga in pure culture. Nevertheless, the form of the lichen is heritable and reproduced from one generation to another. For this reason it seems desirable to regard the lichens as distinct compound plants and to classify them as a separate group. There can be no doubt that the fungus derives most of its food from the algae enclosed by it. The alga in turn may have a more constant water supplv because of its covering of fungous hyphae. The algae have a much longer photosynthetic season inside the lichen than if they grew directly on the same substrate. The species of fungi of the lichens usually belong to the group pro- ducing asci and ascospores. A few species of basidiomycetes are also known to form a part of the hchen body. The alga is either a green or a blue-green; one of the commonest is Pleurococctis ( see Chapter XLVII ) . Vegetative propagation is exceedingly common among lichens, and takes 566 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY place through the dissemination of minute propagules containing both the fungous hyphae and the alga. Fungi Imperfecti. These are fungi in which zygotes, ascospores, or basidiospores either are not formed or have not yet been discovered. Nearly 24,000 species are now referred to this group. Here belong, for example, the fungi that cause the leaf spot of beets, "athlete's foot," and early blight of potato. GENERAL REFERENCES Brown, W. H. The Plant Kingdom. Ginn and Company. 1935. Dodge, C. W. Medical Mycology. C. V. Mosby Company. 1935. Fink, B. The Lichen Flora of the United States. Univ. of Mich. Press. 1935. Gwynne-Vaughan, H. C. I., and B. Barnes. The Structure and Development of the Fungi. 2d ed. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1937. Krieger, L. C. C. The Mushroom Handbook. The Macmillan Company. 1935. Macbride, T. H., and G. W. Martin. The Myxomycetes. The Macmillan Com- pany. 1934. Raper, J. R. Sexual hormones in Achlya. Amer. Jour. Bot. 26:639-650, 1939; Amer. Jour. Bot. 27:162-173. 1940; Science. 89:321-322. 1939. Smith, A. L. Lichens. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1921. Smith, G. M. Cryptogamic Botany. Vol. I. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1938. SELECTED READINGS Colley, R. H. The telephone pole and the mushroom. Sci. Monthly. 38:378- 383. 1934. Lambert, E. B. Principles and problems of mushroom culture. Bot. Rev. 4:397-426. 1938. McCubbin, W. A. Fungi and Human Affairs. World Book Company. 1924. Pray, L. L. Common mushrooms. Botany Leaflet No. 18. Field Museum of Natural History. 1936. Stakman, E. C, W. L. Popham, and R. C. Cassell. Observations on stem rust epidemiology in Mexico. Arner. Jour. Bot. 27:90-99. 1940. CHAPTER XLV PLANT DISEASES <><><>C><>Chc><>0<><><>^^ Among the earliest records of cultivated plants occur references to plant diseases, but for centuries the causes were thought to be mysterious and supernatural. The ancient Hebrew, Greek, and Roman writers frequently mentioned smuts and rusts, and diseases of the olive, the vine, and the fig. From the fall of the Roman empire ( 476 a.d. ) until the 19th century, however, little was added to the knowledge of plant diseases. Even in modem times explanations of the causes of diseases and plants were impossible as long as people subscribed to the doctrine of spontaneous generation of living organisms. As late as the first quarter of the 19th century many fungi were regarded even by scientific men as merely transformations of the cellular structure of the plant upon which they grew. Plant diseases were thought to be due to internal disturbances resulting in the degeneration of the tissues themselves. About the middle of the 19th century the recognition of fungi as causes of plant diseases came about through the researches of certain mycolo- gists, the most famous of whom was Anton de Bary, who discovered the true nature of rusts in 1853 and published an account of tlie life history of stem rust of wheat in 1865.^ The idea that some diseases are caused by parasites had often been expressed, but de Bary proved it beyond any doubt. About this time the researches of Louis Pasteur and others were form- ing the foundations of the science of bacteriology. These investigations soon led to the rejection of the belief that fungi and bacteria, associated with diseased parts of plants, were produced in the lesions by the tissues of the diseased plants. That bacteria may cause diseases of plants was first proved definitely in 1880 when Burrill of Illinois discovered that bacteria cause fire blight of pears and apples (Fig. 256). Proof of in- 1 Farmers had long believed the barberry to be associated in some mysterious way with rust epidemics. As early as 1660 planting the barberry was prohibited in certain sections of France. Massachusetts in 1760 decreed that all barberry plants in the colony must be removed. 567 568 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY fectious diseases in both plants and animals was established at about the same time. Fig. 256. Fire blight of apple. Gelatinization of the cell walls results in a slime which oozes to the surface of the host, and in the above pictures appears as dark blotches on the leaf blades, petioles, and twig. At right a photomicrograph of bacteria in ooze as seen when magnified about 2000 times. Photos from U. S. Department of Agriculture. While the early contributions to our knowledge of plant diseases were mostly by European workers, the study of plant diseases and their con- trol is now progressing most rapidlv in America. Research in plant path- ology is being carried forward not only by the universities and colleges but also by the United States Department of Agriculture and by every state agricultural experiment station, as well as by several privatelv en- dowed institutions and industrial laboratories. Plant diseases are so diversified that no single statement satisfactorih defines them as a distinct group of phenomena. When parasites partially or wholly invade and infect a host, the resulting injuries or alterations in development, behavior, and well-being may be referred to as "in- fectious diseases." Agents, such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, and certain insects, which cause infectious diseases are called pathogens. Examples of easily observable symptoms of plant diseases are galls, / [Chap. XLV PLANT DISEASES 569 blights, leaf spots, and wilts. These symptoms are just as "normal" to an infected plant as their absence is to an uninfected plant. Indeed, a well- trained pathologist can often tell which pathogen is present in a host by the characteristic appearance of the symptom. One mav wish to use the term "plant disease" to in- clude physiological conditions that result from a de- ficiency of food, water, oxygen, light, or inorganic salts. Such diseases have been called "deficiency dis- eases." The observable symptoms when such deficien- cies exist are a characteristic, or "normal," development of the plant under such conditions. They are often suf- ficiently specific that by studying their appearance one may learn to decide correctly which particular condi- tion is deficient ( Chapter XXX ) . Likewise, wounding results in plant development peculiar to wounding but unusual in an unwounded plant. Yet the effects of many kinds of wounds are not considered to be diseases. Gnawing insects and graz- ing animals, as well as lawn mowers and pruning knives used bv man, injure plant tissues, but such wounds in themselves are not diseases. Economic aspects of plant diseases. One needs onh to examine the records of modern history to realize the extent of human misery and distress, as well as the starvation of millions of other animals, brought about bv plant diseases. When rye is infected by the ergot fungus, large purple to black bodies replace many of the rye grains (Fig. 257). These structures are poison- ous to man and other animals. From the 17th to the 19th centurv there were about 45 epidemics of ergot poisoning in Germanv and al:)out 20 in France and Spain. The Irish famine was brought about by the destruction of most of the potato crop by a blight fungus during the vears 1843 to 1846. This blight resulted in the death of a quarter of a million people and the migration of a million and a half persons from Ireland to America. The increasing occurrence of plant diseases is undoubtedly the result of increased concentration of crops, continuitv of areas devoted to single crops, more speedv svstems of transportation, and greater transfer of Fig. 257. Head of rye in which two large black ergot sclerotia have developed. From Luerssen. 570 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY plants and plant products from one part of the world to another. When a new plant is introduced nito a country great care must be exercised to prevent the simultaneous introduction of its associated parasitic organ- isms. When certain plants of a given area are badly infected with patho- genic organisms, the government sometimes prohibits the transpor- tation of such plants, or plant parts, into other sections of the country. This is known as "plant quarantine." In spite of our ever-increasing knowledge about plant diseases, they continue to cause enormous losses every year throughout the world (Table 16). Farmers, orchardists, and nurserymen frequently cultivate a crop at a loss instead of a profit because of diseases or unfavorable weather conditions. Table 16. Average Annual Reduction in Yield Due to Diseases, in the United States for the Years 1933 to 1937 Inclusive. Estimates by U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Crop Percentage Reduction in Yield Actual Reduction in Yield Field corn 14.66 266,947,000 bu. Wheat 12.64 89,227,000 bu. Irish potato 18.12 58,031,000 bu. Peach 10.82 7,639,000 bu. Apple 13.62 18,331,000 bu. Tomato (manufacture) 14.86 186.000 tons Tomato (market) 19.64 2,687,000 bu. Tobacco" 23.20 379,249,000 lb. Cotton 15.46 1,881,000 bales ^Estimates reported For UVM only. Environmental conditions and plant diseases. We are aware that the existence of an\' plant depends upon its environment. Some of us have seen whole crops destroyed bv unusual environmental conditions, such as flood, drought, tornadoes, and fires. As might be expected, plant dis- eases are influenced bv the environmental factors of the soil and the atmosphere. Whate^'er affects the host, such as temperature, light, oxygen supplv, and the water content of the soil, will also directly or indirectly influence the organism causing the disease. Considerable information PLANT DISEASES 571 [Chap. XLV has been accumulated in recent years regarding the direct relationship between the prevalence or scarcity of some diseases and certain environ- mental factors. A few illustrations will be cited. It should be noted also that environment alone may cause injuries, some of which, such as bitter pit of apples and blossom-end rot of tomatoes, have been re- ferred to as "diseases" (Fig. 258). Fig. 258. Injuries to fruit caused by environmental conditions such as tem- perature and drought. A, apple soft scald; B, apple brown core; C, tomato blossom end rot; D, freezing injury of orange. Photos from U. S. Department of Agriculture. Potato scab, an infectious disease, is likely to be more severe in an alkaline soil, whereas the growth of the organism causing clubroot of cabbage is favored by an acid soil. The organism causing tobacco root rot is practically eliminated from soils of very high acidity. The weather influences the abundance or scarcity of plant diseases largely through the effects of temperature and moisture either on the hosts or on the parasitic organisms. 572 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Peach leaf curl is generally more widespread in years having cold wet spring seasons. Potato scab has been found to be most severe at a tem- perature of about 70^ F. The fusarium-wilt organism which infects tomatoes growing in greenhouses makes little progress at soil tempera- tures of 63° F. and 95° F., but develops rapidly at temperatures midway between these extremes. When growing in soils of either low or high water content, the tomato plant is not affected much bv the wilt organ- ism. A medium water supply results in a vigorous and succulent plant which is quite susceptible to wilt. Potato scab appears to be more severe when the host plant grows in dry rather than in moist soil. Apple scab develops rapidly in cool, moist weather. Rainy periods be- tween the time of opening buds and petal fall increase the prevalence of the disease. Discharge of ascospores from the asci in fallen leaves occurs only when they are thoroughly wet. The new leaves on the tree will become infected only when they are continuously wet for several hours. Variations in hosts, parasites, and plant diseases. It has been known for many years that the extent of infection and the destructiveness of plant diseases vary from season to season, from host to host, and even among individuals of the same species of host. Many of these phenomena cannot be accounted for by the effects of the environmental factors enumerated above. A better understanding is possible today because of increased knowledge of the genetic complexitv both of host plants and of plant pathogens. Varying degrees of infection and injury may occur even under ap- parently similar field environments. A species of fungus causing disease may be composed of several races, each differing from the others in its virulence on specific hosts. Owing to population shifts, some of these races may be more abundant or less abundant than others at various times on different hosts. For example, it has been reported that the species of fungus ( Puccinia graminis ) which causes stem rust of wheat is a mixed population of at least 180 races, each of which can be dis- tinguished by its relative virulence in different varieties of wheat. Through a period of time the relative abundance of the different races fluctuates, with corresponding changes in infection and destructiveness of the disease. Both mutation and hybridization must be considered. They may occur in the host, or in the pathogen when it is growing either in pure culture or inside the host. From a highly mutating pathogen several new mutant races, differing in virulence in various hosts, may appear within a few [Chap. XLV PLANT DISEASES 573 generations. These new races may remain constant or continue the vari- ability of the species by further mutations. In those fungi where nuclear fusions occur, recombinations of heri- table factors due to hybridization of different races may result in hybrids varying in degree of virulence. For example, investigators at the Univer- sity of Minnesota crossed two monoploid races of the corn smut species and from the resulting hybrid obtained nearly 40 segregates, no two of which were alike. How is an organism proved to be the cause of a disease? When lesions are produced in a host plant by a parasite, other parasites may enter and also become established there. The presence of more than one or- ganism sometimes makes it difficult to decide which one caused the initial lesion. When a new disease is discovered, it is important to deter- mine the causal organism. These decisions are made by following a standard procedure known as "Koch's rules of proof." 1. The organism must be shown to be present wherever the disease occurs. 2. The organism must be isolated in pure culture from the lesions in the host. 3. Healthy tissues when inoculated with the pathogen from these cul- tures must have the usual svmptoms of the disease. 4. The organism should be reisolated from the second host and identi- fied with the organism originallv isolated. Symptoms of plant diseases. The external symptoms of plant diseases are of many kinds, and onlv a few of the commoner ones will be sum- marized here. 1. Pti.stiilcs are fruiting bodies or spore masses of parasitic fungi which have ruptured the outer tissues of the host. Rusts and smuts are common examples. 2. Scabs and blotches are surface lesions caused by local erowth of fungi. Apple scab is a common example. 3. Mycelia may be prominent, such as the external mvcelia of powdery mildew, the compact masses of mycelia of ergot of rve, and the black "tar-spots" on leaves of willow and maple. 4. Overgrowths of host tissues result in malformations of leaves, stems, and roots. Crown gall of apple, raspberry, and grape; black wart of potato; black knot of cherry and plum; clubroot of cabbage; root nodules of legumes; nematode galls on roots of tomato and cotton; insect galls on 574 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY leaves and stems of various plants; "witches' brooms" on hackberry; and peach leaf curl are among the commoner examples. 5. Leaf spots are dead spots caused by the local growth of parasites in the leaf tissues of the host. The)' occur frequently on leaves of cherry, tomato, rose, and many other plants. 6. Wilts include various diseases that are first noticeable by the sudden wilting of leaves or of the whole plant. Bacterial wilts of cucumber and cantaloupe are rather common. Damping-off of seedlings and cuttings is a type of wilt disease caused by local infection and weakening of stems near the surface of the soil. Fig. 259. Apple infected by the fungus which causes bitter rot of apples. Photo from Ohio Agricultural Extension Service. 7. Rots are the result of the decomposition of the cell walls of aflFected tissues, such as the soft rot of sweet potatoes, bitter rot of apples (Fig. 259), and brown rot of stone fruits. 8. Blight is the term applied to the sudden dying of leaves, shoots, and blossoms. The fire blight of apple and pear is common wherever these trees grow in America. 9. Cankers are sunken dead areas on stems in which the bark is [Chap. XLV PLANT DISEASES 575 killed. Fire-blight cankers are caused by bacteria. The nailhead canker on stems of apple trees is caused by a fungus. Similar dead areas may be caused by low temperatures and by sun scald. 10. Yellowing or chlorosis of leaves is caused by viruses, by some fungi and bacteria, by low temperatures, or by a deficiency of certain salts. Control of plant diseases. In recent years it has become increasingly evident that really efficient measures for controlling plant diseases must depend on an accurate and detailed knowledge of the life history of the pathogen. The acquisition of this knowledge is sometimes a laborious and technical procedure. Special training and well-equipped laboratories are essential to progress in this field. When the life cycle of the causal organism is known, experience has shown that there is usually some point in the cycle that is subject to attack by methods of control. Spores or young hyphae outside the plant are often easily destroyed by chemicals or heat; but it may be impossible to eliminate an internal mycelium that develops from them without in- juring the host. For example, a spore or hypha of the apple scab fungus may be destroyed by a suitable fungicide on an apple leaf before the first hypha has grown into the leaf. After the hvpha is once inside the leaf it is difficult to kill it without destroying the leaf. Similarly it is much more economical to try to eradicate the black stem rust of wheat by re- moving barberry plants than by attempting to sprav the wheat. Numerous plant diseases are known, and many control measures have been devised and applied with varying success. Even when a partially efiicient control measure has been worked out, it has been found by bitter experience that the application is not a rule-of -thumb matter. No single procedure will give the same results in all kinds of weather, with all varieties of plants, or at all times of the year. In other words, the suc- cessful application of such treatments as sprays, dusts, and hot water depends on the condition both of the host and of the parasite; and such measures must be used with keen discrimination if the results are to be eflFective. With these general considerations in mind, representative diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, slime molds, nematodes, and viruses will now be considered. Apple scab. In the United States as a whole, scab is the most destruc- tive of apple diseases. The olive-brov^ni areas of "scab" are quite notice- 576 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY able on the leaves, fruits, and flower pedicels (Fig. 260). These spots not only lessen the commercial value of the fruit, but also decrease photo- synthesis, cause early abscission of fruits and leaves, and check the growth of the remaining apples. The mature ascospores in the old dead leaves on the ground are projected into the air from the bursting asci during rainv weather in the spring and are blown about by the wind to j&itk * ,^ll Fig. 260. Apple seal): A, on the fruit; B, on a leaf in which the fungus lives throughout the winter; C, magnified section of an ascocarp with asci and asco- spores from an over-wintered leaf; D, ascocarps visible in an old leaf after it has been cleared in hot potassium hydroxide. Adapted in part from A. L. Pierstorff and Ohio Agricultural Extension Sendee. the apple trees. The spores germinate almost immediately on the living tissues of opening buds, young leaves, and flowers if a film of water is present. Sprays of lime sulfur, or wettable sulfur, must be applied before extended periods of rain to prevent infection by the hyphae from the germinated ascospores. After infection and growth of an internal my- celium, conidia develop and are distributed to other parts of the tree by rain water. It is extremely desirable that all pre-blossom infections of apple scab be prevented, since conidia may be produced all summer long from hyphae of mycelia if the early infection by ascospores is allowed to [Chap. XLV PLANT DISEASES 577 occur. Sprays are applied often enough to protect all voung growing parts from invasion. This protection is generally secured by some such program as the following: (1) a delayed dormant spray is applied as soon as the leaves which surround the young flowers have emerged about 1/4 inch; (2) a pre-pink spray before the slightly emerged petals have become colored; (3) the pink spray before the flowers are in full bloom; (4) the calyx spray just after petal fall and before the blossom end of the fruit has been covered by the calyx; (5) another spray ten days after the calyx spray; and ( 6 ) later sprays applied when necessarv. A well-informed plant pathologist, with the aid of weather forecasts and infoiTnation from orchardists concerning the condition of the buds, can intelligently modify the above spray program according to weather conditions. In some states pertinent information concerning sprav pro- grams is broadcast daily by radio for all sections of the state during the spring months. Damping-ofl. Seedlings of plants often are infected at the surface of the ground in such a way as to cause the killing of the stem and conse- quent death of the whole plant. Gardeners and nurser\'men are es- pecially troubled by this damping-off disease in seedbeds. Sexeral species of fungi cause damping-oft, and they have been reported from all parts of the world. Practically all species of plants are susceptible to these fungi. Sometimes the plant is destroyed before the seedling emerges from the ground; in other cases the disease may not be appar- ent until after the seedlings or cuttings are transplanted. The fungi may live for long periods of time in the soil as saprophytes. It is doubtful if highly organic soils are ever free from such organisms. Abundant moisture on the plant or in the soil, and a fairly high temperature are fa\'orable to the growth of these fungi and their inxasion of green plants. Control measures for damping-off lie largely in soil disinfection and the proper regulation of temperature and humidity. Hot water, steam, sulfuric acid, and formaldehyde have all been found effective means of disinfecting soils. Dusting seeds with copper or mercury compounds is also an efficient control. Downy mildew of grapes. This disease is probably native to North America, having been reported in the United States in 1834. It was not known in Europe until 1875. The presence of the downv mildew on grapes in France led more or less accidentally to the discovery about 578 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY 1881 of an important fungicide known as Bordeaux mixture. A disease caused by the root louse ( Phylloxera ) had become a serious menace to the vineyards of France, and in order to combat this disease the French imported some American grapes which are immune to the root louse. The American stock, however, was infected with the downy mildew fungus which then spread all over Europe. Apparently at least one vineyard-keeper customarily sprinkled a copper sulfate-lime mixture on the vines along the highways to discourage theft of the grapes. The French pathologist, Millardet, observed that where such a mixture was sprinkled on the vines, the ravages of mildew were reduced. He began experiments which led to the general use of Bordeaux mixture as a spray for the successful control of this and other diseases. The fungus attacks all green parts of the grape plant and appears as whitish patches of mildew. The fungous hyphae enter the plant largely through the stomates. The presence of the mycelium within the plant may result in loss of leaves, dwarfing of young twigs, and destruction of fruit. Since the fungus winters over as spores in fallen leaves, the disease may be combated by getting rid of the leaves (sanitation), and by spraying the plants with Bordeaux mixture before the young hyphae from the spores invade the young leaves and flowers. The powdery mildews. The powdery mildews occur everywhere in temperate and tropical regions and on a large variety of hosts. These fungi are visible on the surface of the affected plant, and sometimes the parasitized tissues of the host become malfoiTned. They are either whitish to grayish, powdery or mealy depending upon whether the visible stiTicture is the mycelium, the summer spores, or the blackish fruiting bodies. The powdery mildews are always superficial parasites and in this way differ sharply from the downy mildews considered above. The methods recommended for the control of powdery mildews include removing the infected parts, or using an appropriate spray or a sulfur dust. Brown rot of stone fruits. This disease is important in the United States and Europe because it destroys the fruit of such orchard crops as peaches, plums, cherries, and apricots (Fig 261). Among the pome fruits the apple may also be affected. The disease is usually recognized by the rotting of fruits, blasting of flowers, and the killing of young stems. A brown spot appears on the fruit and may enlarge until the whole fruit is decayed. In later stages the fruit dries and shrivels to a [Chap. XLV PLANT DISEASES 579 condition that has given rise to the term "mummified fruit." When the flowers are infected, "blossom bhght" occurs and results in the death of the flowers. The fungus may grow from the blossoms into the twigs, and there cause cankers and death of the twig. Fig. 261. Brown rot of peaches. Photo by J- A. McChutock, Georgia Experiment Station. New infections may occur from the time of early flowering until the fruit is mature. Insects and winds are the principal means of spore dispersal. The fungus may overwinter in mummified fruits and in twig cankers. Control of the disease may be accomplished by thorough prun- ing accompanied by removal of mummies and diseased twigs and the application of the appropriate sulfur sprays or dusts throughout the growing season. Peach leaf curl. Typical symptoms of peach leaf curl are pinkish, puck- ered, and thickened leaves or parts of leaves. Infection of peach leaves is most frequent when a cold wet period follows the parting of the bud scales in spring. The mycelium invades the tissues and in a few weeks a layer of asci fonns on the upper surface of the leaves. This disease causes the early abscission of the leaves. Young shoots and flowers are also infected and killed. The disease is easily controlled by one application of a lime-sulfur or Bordeaux spray during the dormant period before the buds begin to swell. Wood rots. Trees, fence posts, telephone poles, railroad ties, and bridge timbers sooner or later decay, as the result of the activities of certain wood-rotting fungi. These fungi nearly all belong to the groups 580 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY of "fleshy " fungi. They may destroy the heartwood, the sapwood, or both ( Fig. 262 ) . Changes in the color and texture of the wood usually accom- pany the growth of the fungi. The internal mycelium is of course the destructive agent through its fonnation of wood-digesting enzymes. Fig. 262. Cross section of a stem of white ash in which a saprophytic fungus has destroyed a part of the heartwood. The obvious mycehum pictured on the cut surface grew after the section was removed from the tree and placed in a moist chamber. From U. S. Department of Agriculture. The external fruiting bodies (Fig. 247), popularly known as "conks," produce numerous spores, which are carried to other trees primarily by wind. Living trees are infected through wounds, as well as by the direct growth of the fungus from infected stumps into the heartwood of trees in sprout forests. It is practically impossible to control wood rot in forests. The infec- tion of orchard trees mav be avoided by careful treatment of wounded trees, and by the eradication of all infected ones. Telephone poles, railroad ties, and other timbers in contact with soil may be protected for long periods of time by appropriate treatment with coal-tar creosote, tar, crude oil, or certain salts of zinc. [Chap. XLV PLANT DISEASES 581 When fox-fire is traced to its source it is usually found coming from saprophytic fungi (Fig. 263) living in partially decayed wood or bark. Some of the energy set free in respiration in these fungi is light energy. The smuts. The smuts described in the preceding chapter are de- structive to cereals, but effective measures of controlling some species have been discovered. The importance of knowing exact life histories of fungi that cause disease before one attempts to formulate methods of Fig. 263. Fox-fire. Fungous mycelium in a piece of wet bark as seen in light and in darkness. After W. Hamilton Gibson. control is shown by a study of three kinds of smuts: corn smut, loose smut of oats, and loose smut of wheat and barley ( see Chapter XLIV ) . The spores from the black masses or lesions on the corn plant fall on the ground, remain there over the winter, and may be the source of infection of young plants if carried to wounds during the following spring. The most effective methods of control are selection of seed from healthy plants, selection of hybrids immune to the disease, and crop rotation. The mycelium of the fungus which causes the disease known as loose smut of oats grows within the oat plant and produces millions of spores in the young flower panicle. These spores are blown about by the wind and some of them lodge in the flowers of healthy oat plants. There they germinate; and the mycelium may grow among the glumes, or beneath the epidermis of the grain coat. Some spores may not germinate but remain attached to the outer portion of the glumes. The fungus overwinters in either of these three places, and when the oats are sowed may cause infection of the seedling and eventually a smutted head at or before harvest time. The fungus is killed by treating the seed with formaldehyde or with ethyl mercury phosphate before planting. The fungi causing loose smut of wheat and barley live through the 582 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY winter as mycelia inside the grain. Spores may also survive the winter on the seed. The spores on the surface are easily killed, but it is difficult to kill the hyphae inside the seed without injuring the embryo. The fungous hyphae in the wheat seed are killed when the seeds are im- mersed in water at a temperature of 129° F. for ten minutes; the hyphae in barley seeds may be killed by similar treatment at 127° F. Neither the wheat nor the barley embryos are injured if these directions are accurately followed. Plant diseases caused by bacteria. It is sometimes difficult to discover whether a disease is caused by bacteria or by fungi since both are often present in the same lesion. It is of course necessary that this dis- covery be made before effective remedial measures can be worked out. Most bacterial diseases of plants are very difficult to control. Among the better measures of control are: rotation of crops, use of disinfected seed, prompt and complete destruction of diseased plants or parts of plants, proper care of wounds made by storms and pruning, seed sterilization, and the planting of less susceptible varieties. The fire blight of pear is probably the best known of these diseases, and the methods suggested for its control will be discussed. Fire blight. Fire blight is one of the most destructive of the diseases of pome fruits. Its most frequent symptoms appear as blighted twigs, flowers, and leaves. Infection takes place in the flowers, young shoots, and leaves. Any diseased part of the plant may exude a sticky fluid con- taining the bacteria. Rain may distribute the bacteria to other parts of the plant. Insects, however, are the most important carriers of the bacteria from one plant to others. Fire blight is difficult to control. To decrease the possibilities of in- fection of apple and pear trees, tender sprouts should be kept removed from the trunk and larger branches during the early part of the grow- ing season. In addition, all blighted twigs should be removed from the pear orchard at least twice weekly during the active blight season. Blighted branches found in the fall of the year should also be removed. Other suggested methods of control include the application of sprays at blossoming time and the planting of varieties of pears and apples less susceptible to the disease. Clubroot of cabbage. The organism which causes this disease in cer- tain members of the mustard family, such as cabbage, turnips, and radishes, is a simple mold. Enlarged, deformed, and club-shaped roots are evidence of the progress of the disease. The organism enters through root hairs or tlirough wounds, and digests the tissues of the host as the PLANT DISEASES 583 [Chap. XLV Plasmodium grows. If the cambium is invaded, further development of the tissues of the root is very irregular ( Fig. 264A ) . The disease is most prevalent in warm, wet, acid soils. Control methods recommended are: use of disease-free plants, application of hydrated lime (from one to two tons per acre), planting of less susceptible varieties, avoidance of planting cabbage in infected fields. / Fig. 264. A, clubroot of cabbage; B, nematode galls on roots of tomato. Photos from U. S. Department of Agriculture. Galls. The development of galls on leaves, stems, and other parts of plants is induced by insects," bacteria, and fungi. The greater variety of galls are caused by insects. Galls mav be formed on many kinds of plants and are readily seen on oaks, hackberries, willows, goldenrods, asters, and roses. In some way, perhaps primarily by means of hormones, the organisms living in these plants initiate peculiar overgrowths of certain local tissues, with the ultimate formation of a gall having a specific form and pattern. Leaves and young twigs are the parts usually affected. The different forms and patterns of galls are correlated with the causal insects, rather than with the plants on which they occur. In many instances the insects can be identified from the characteristics of the galls (Fig. 265). Nematode galls. The nematodes, sometimes called roundworms, may live either as parasites or free in moist soil containing organic matter. - These insects include gall-wasps, gnats, aphids, and mites. 584 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 265. Fifteen diflFerent galls on hickory leaves caused by as many different insects. Drawings by B. W. Wells. They eat their way into the roots of many plants, feeding upon the juices, and cause the overgrowth of the infested organs (Fig. 264B). They infest the roots of tomato, tobacco, cucumber, lettuce, peony, straw- berry, cotton, and many other cultivated and wild plants. The so-called nematode disease of wheat affects the flowering parts, transforming the grains into galls. Stems and leaves of rye, clover, alfalfa, begonia, and many bulbous plants become distorted, swollen, and variously colored because of infestation by leaf and stem nematodes. An ex- cessive development of fibrous roots of sugar beet is also caused by nematodes. The chief methods of control are soil disinfestation and crop rotation. Virus-diseases of plants. Among the diseases recognized in relativelv recent times as being caused by viruses are tobacco mosaic, curlv top of sugar beet, peach yellows, yellow dwarfing of onions, tomato streak, leaf roll of potatoes, virus gall of sugar cane, and witches' broom of sandalwood tree. Viruses also affect animals and cause such diseases as infantile paralysis, smallpox, influenza, common colds, measles, and rabies. There are many viruses; each has characteristic effects on the host plant (Fig. 266). Some viiTises are limited to a single host, whereas others occur in a wide variety of unrelated plants. Viruses have been detected in more than a thousand species of plants growing in all PLANT DISEASES 585 [Chap. XLV parts of the world. The tobacco mosaic has been shown to be caused by a protein of high molecular weight, which may be purified by re- peated recrystalhzation without losing its property of causing the dis- ease. This causal agent increases in number in contact with the proto- plasm of the host plant. It cannot be cultivated in non-living culture media. Fig. 266. Symptoms of mosaic disease on leaves of tomato and bean. Photos: A, by J. D. Wilson; B, by U. S. Department of Agriculture. Plants seldom recover from virus infections. The plants may survive infection for long periods of time, but the virus causes decreased photosynthesis, decreased yields of crop plants, small and distorted root systems, and increased susceptibility to other parasites. Viruses are usually not localized in certain tissues and organs, but permeate all living parts of the plant. Herbaceous plants are apparently more susceptible to viruses than woody species, although lethal virus diseases of elm, plum, and peach are well known. Vimses are transmitted from dis- eased to healthy plants by insects, such as leaf hoppers, aphids, and flea beetles, and sometimes on the tools used in cultivating, pruning, and grafting. Certain viruses are transmitted through the seed, while others are not. Some viruses may be carried over from one season to the next in other hosts such as weeds and wild plants which grow nearby. Con- trol has been accomplished by the removal of such additional hosts. Other control measures include the eradication of diseased plants, control of the insects that transmit viruses, use of disease-free seeds, the avoidance of potentially infected parts of plants in grafting and vegetative propagation, and the selection of less susceptible varieties. 586 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY REFERENCES Boyce, J. S. Forest Pathology. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1938. Chupp, C. Manual of Vegetable-Garden Diseases. The Macmillan Company. 1925. Heald, F. D. Introduction to Plant Pathology. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1937. Hesler, L. R., and H. H. Whetzel. Manual of Fruit Diseases. The Macmillan Company. 1920. Melhus, I. E., and G. C. Kent. Elements of Plant Pathology. The Macmillan Company. 1939. Owens, C. E. Principles of Plant Pathology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1928. Rivers, T. M. Filterable Viruses. Williams & Wilkins Company. 1928. Smith, K. M. Plant Virus Diseases. P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Inc. 1937. Reports and Bulletins from the State Agricultural Experiment Stations and from the United States Department of Agriculture. CHAPTER XLVI UNDER-WATER ENVIRONMENTS e>oo<^^ Numerous kinds of plants live continuously under water. Many epi- phytes, on the other hand, grow in a medium of air and are in contact with water only during rains or when covered with dew. Even a rooted plant in dry uplands grows almost entirely in the atmosphere which surrounds its tops and fills the spaces between the particles of the soil. Except for short intervals after rains, its root system in summer is in contact only with thin films of water held by the soil particles, and much of it is exposed to the soil air. Fig. 267. An abrupt transition in habitats and vegetation. Other species of plants live partially submerged in the shallow water of marshes and swamps between uplands and near the borders of oceans, lakes, and streams (Fig. 267). Some of them are limited to areas in which the water level fluctuates with the rains and tides. Many plants can endure partial submergence for limited periods of time, and many 587 588 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY others thrive with their roots and rhizomes in soil continuously below the water surface. The erect stems of such plants extend above the water surface, or because of long petioles their leaf blades are exposed to the air above the water. Among the plants of the world there appear to be all gradations between those limited to land and those limited to water habitats (Fig. 268). Those on land can endure varying degrees Fig. 268. Plants in various degrees ol submergence. Many plants not evident in the pictvire are wholly submerged. Water milfoils, hornwort, elodeas, pond- weeds, and many others may be wholly submerged or with their tips slightly above the surface (foreground). Leaf blades of water lily and pond lily may be floating or raised above the surface. The leaves of cat-tail and bulrush are mostly aerial, and all but the root systems or parts of root systems of dogwood, alder, and willow are above the water. Photo by E. S. Thomas, Ohio State Museum. of exposure to the air and to water loss bv exaporation. Those below the water surface can endure low concentrations of oxygen. Some submerged plants live wholly suspended in water. Others have roots in the underlying substrate. The general processes of nutri- tion and growth in submerged plants are the same as those in land plants, and they are dependent upon the same external factors. These factors, however, are not similarly distributed or equally available in air and in water media. A few of the conditions in land habitats and in water habitats are compared in the accompan}dng summary. [Chap. XLVI UNDER-WATER ENVIRONMENTS The Land Habitat 589 The Water Habitat Plants and animals with high water content living in a medinm of air. The medium: the atmosphere above soil always in motion, and its molecnles always in rapid motion; rarelv saturated with water \'apor; compressible, hence rarely destruc- tive when in motion; air and water movement in soil restricted by soil particles. Carbon dioxide: always available above and below soil surface. Oxygen: always available above soil surface, not alwavs available below soil surface. Temperature: large daily and sea- sonal fluctuations of air temperature; smaller variations of soil tempera- ture, except where relatively dry soil surface is exposed to the sun, where the daily and seasonal extremes com- monly exceed tliose of the air. So/7; stability, penetrability, poros- ity, gas content, and water content important in root development. In- organic salts in soil and dust avail- o able when in solution or in direct contact; concentration sometimes very low; in arid regions more con- centrated and sometimes toxic. Light: usually abundant at upper vegetation surface; decreased at lower levels by taller plants. Plants and animals with high water content living in a medium of water. The medium: the hydrosphere rel- ativelv quiescent, except surface lavers of large bodies of water and rapid streams; molecular motion comparativelv slow; incompressible, hence offers great resistance to move- ment within it, and when in rapid motion very destructive. Carbon dioxide: in solution, both free and bound in bicarbonates; con- centration variable, often high in water containing organic matter and in soil beneath water. 0x1/ gen: in solution; concentration highest in surface layer, often de- ficient in deep water and in soil be- neath water. Temperature: smaller daily and seasonal fluctuations even in upper layers; temperature very constant in deeper water; temperatures of water and underlying soil not very dif- ferent. Soil: stability, porosity important. Inorganic salts obtained from me- dium by suspended plants, from soil by rooted plants; salt concentration sometimes very low; usually higher in oceans than in moist soils; in closed basins salts may accumulate to toxic concentrations. Light: abundant at water surface except for clouds, fogs, and shade of plants above surface; rapidly de- creases below surface. Rough sur- faces and turbidity increase reflec- tion, decrease light penetration. 590 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY It is evident that an aquatic environment includes most of the factors of a land environment, but the intensity or quantity of any factor is very different. Some raw materials essential to green plants, such as light, carbon dioxide, and oxygen, are more often at a minimum in water than in air. Rates of diffusion also are so much slower in water that, in the absence of currents, the movement of dissolved gases to plants may be so slow that both photosynthesis and respiration are limited. On land transpiration often becomes destructive. Because of these effects of the medium, some kinds of plants survive only in certain places on land, others only in certain places in water. Plants that can live both in water and on land are either microscopic plants or those larger plants which have emergent leaves when growing in water. The vertical spread of plants on the earth is diagrammatically represented in Fig. 269. Under-water habitats are roughly of two kinds : fresh water, including lakes and ponds, rivers and streams; and marine, such as oceans, seas, gulfs, and bays. There are also inland bodies of water of high salt content in the plains, semi-deserts, and deserts. The Fresh-water Environment The fresh-water environment includes all non-saline lakes and ponds, rivers and smaller streams, swamps, marshes, and bogs. Each of these types of habitat is considered separately. LAKES AND PONDS Lakes and ponds differ from each other chiefly in area, depth of water, permanence, effects of winds and temperature changes, and depth of light penetration. They represent the so-called standing water, in con- trast to the flowing water of streams, although there may be surface movements due to winds, changes in temperature, and deep springs. Light. The intensity of light at the surface of a lake is dependent pri- marily on the latitude and the time of day. It may be modified locally by clouds, fog, smoke, dust, and marginal shade. It is not, however, the intensity of the light at the surface that is of importance in the growth of submerged plants, but the light that actually penetrates the water to the depth at which they live. The amount of direct sunlight that is reflected from a smooth water surface ranges from 2 per cent when the sun is directly overhead to nearly 100 per cent when the sun is near the horizon. Of the total [Chap. XLVl UNDER-WATER ENVIRONMENTS 591 BACTERIA AND FUNGUS SPORES COLLECTED AT 36,O0O FEET MT EVEREST, 29,141 FEET y. yJMT. MCKINLEY. 20,300 FEET :j7///iu\\%_ DW ALGAE %\ "^ Fig. 269. The vertical distribution of living plants on the earth. 592 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY radiation from the sun and sky during a day, 7 per cent is reflected from a smooth water surface; but when the water surface is rough, as much as 25 per cent may be reflected. The hght below the water surface is thus always less than that above. Natural bodies of water are usually colored or turbid with suspended colloidal particles and microorganisms. These minute objects reflect and refract the light in all directions. They also absorb it and are highly effective in reducing light intensity in the water below them. About 40 per cent of the light that enters the water is usually absorbed in the first meter. Not more than 5 to 10 per cent of the visible rays penetrate to a depth of 10 meters; and at depths of 50 meters the light is negligi- ble and consists onlv of certain green, blue, and violet rays. As a result of the reflection and absorption of light at the surface of the water, the length of the daylight period in deep water is relatively short and is limited to the middle of the day, when the sun's rays are near the vertical. Radiation from the sky is insufiicient to illuminate the depths. Photosynthesis. In clear- water lakes the layer of water in which effec- tive photosynthesis occurs rarely exceeds a depth of 10 meters. In tur- bid or colored water it is much less. It is tlierefore readily seen why the bulk of the suspended and rooted plant populations of lakes is confined to the upper layers of open water and shallow margins. Only in the extremely clear water of high mountain lakes is photosynthesis adequate at greater depths. There are a few very slow-growing green plants that exist at depths of 15 and even 30 meters, where photosyn- thesis in them is evidently just above the compensation point. The maximum depth of most rooted aquatics in the lakes of the United States is 6 to 7 meters. At this depth the plants receive about 2 per cent of total sunlight. Oxvgen. Oxygen enters lake and pond water primarily from the at- mosphere. It diffuses into the water more rapidly when the surface is agitated and increased by wind. Additional dissolved oxygen is brought into lakes from the atmosphere bv rain water and by rapid tributary streams, particularly if they flow over falls and riffles. Oxygen is also added during the daylight period by photosynthesis in submerged green plants. The oxvgen concentration is decreased through the respiration of both plants and animals. It is also dissipated by high temperature of the water. Indeed, in shallow ponds containing an abundance of both [Chap. XLVI UNDER- WATER ENVIRONMENTS 593 plants and animals, the oxvgen content mav become so reduced during hot weather that fish and other submerged animals suffocate. The death of submerged plants in shallow water may likewise occur from suffo- cation. Carbon dioxide. The sources of CO2 in the water of ponds and lakes are diffusion from the atmosphere, oxidation of organic matter by bac- teria and also the respiration of all other organisms, inflowing streams, and the release of CO- when the soluble bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium are changed to insoluble carbonates and accumulate as marl (Fig. 228). When carbon dioxide dissolves in natural bodies of water, more than half of it combines with the water, forming carbonic acid: COi- + H-O -^ HlCO:^. The remainder exists as free carbon dioxide. Submerged green plants utilize in photosynthesis not only the free CO- but also the CO- in carbonic acid and the so-called "bound" CO- in bicarbonates, such as those of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and iron.^ There is about one-third of a cubic centimeter of CO- in a liter of air, and it is constantly available at the surface of land plants because of continuous air currents. In lakes the COl> concentration is highly varia- ble. It may be unavailable at times, particularlv in bog lakes, and at other times it may accumulate to the equivalent of 20 cubic centi- meters per liter of water. Apparently the death of submerged vegetation in warm shallow water in midsummer mav result from starvation, from suffocation, or from some other indirect effect of high temperature. In spring and autumn carbon dioxide is quite unifomily distributed from the top to the bottom of deep lakes, but in summer and winter it may be either abundant or nearlv absent at different depths. Nitrogen. The nitrogen (N2) in solution in water is no more usable by aquatic plants than is the nitrogen of the atmosphere by land plants. However, as on land, nitrogen may be combined by microorganisms into such usable substances as ammonia, nitrates, and organic nitrogen .HCO3 /HCO3 yHCOj ^ The bicarbonates are metal hydrogen carbonates: Ca\ - Mg<( - Fe<( > ' ^HCOa \HCO3 ^HCOa and NaHCOa. When carbon dioxide is released from these bicarbonates, the carbonates CaCOa, MgCOri, and FeCOs are formed. These carbonates, with the exception of sodium, are relatixely insoluble and accumulate on plant surfaces; eventually they form layers of marl on lake bottoms in limestone regions. Some of the limestones of the Middle Western States originated in fresh-water lakes. 594 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY compounds. Since so small a portion of it is transformed in biological processes in lakes, its concentration is rather constant and uniform. Inorganic salts. The chemical elements essential to fresh-water plants are the same as those essential to land plants. Rooted aquatics obtain the salts containing these elements primarily from tlie underlying soil. A much smaller amount enters the plants from the water surrounding their green shoots. Suspended and floating plants are dependent on the salts in solution in the water. The concentration of these inorganic salts in lake water is lower on the average than in soil water. Extensive sand areas in lakes may be as barren of rooted vegetation as similar areas on land, even though the lake water contains sufficient salts for the growth of large numbers of suspended and floating plants. Seasonal stratification of water. For a period of time in spring and autumn the temperature of the water at difterent depths in lakes be- comes nearlv uniform (about 4° C). This is the temperature at which water reaches its greatest density. It becomes lighter whether cooled below or warmed above 4° C. As these uniform temperatures develop, convection currents are formed by the lighter water moving upward and the heavier water moving downward. Wind storms at these seasons result in mixing and stirring the water to great depths. These are the spring and autumn "overturns." During the summer the surface water becomes warmer and lighter, with the result that layers of warm water float on the colder and denser water beneath. Winds then usually disturb only these upper layers of warm water, and there is little vertical mixing of water. This condition prevails until autumn. As the water at the surface is cooled to 4° C. (39.2° F. ) convection currents carrv the water downward until the lake becomes uniformly dense and the autumnal overturn occurs. With the coming of winter the density of the surface water is de- creased again as it is cooled below 4° C. These upper layers of colder and lighter water float on the denser water below. If ice is foiTned it also floats, because its density is about nine-tenths that of water. Under these conditions the water is quite stagnant, and there is little or no mixing. During both summer and winter the water in deep lakes may become stratified. In summer, when there are the greatest differences in tempera- ture between the upper and lower layers of water, there is an inter- mediate layer in which the records of temperature on a thermometer change as much as 3° to 5° C. per foot as the thermometer is raised or UNDER-WATER ENVIRONMENTS 595 [Chap. XLVI lowered through the water. This layer in which differences in tempera- ture are comparatively abrupt is known as the thermocline. Since many organisms, both plant and animal, move about only within certain temperature limits, and since their growth is also limited by the available CO2 and O2, it must be evident that these organisms in deep lakes are distributed in strata in summer, and to a less extent in winter. During an exceptionally warm winter in a mild temperate climate the surface water may not be cooled below A" C; no spring overturn oc- curs, and there is no renewal of oxygen in the lower layers of water. During the following summer those fish that can live only in layers of cold water may suffocate. Similar consequences may also follow when- ever there is insufficient wind to cause the spring overturn. Z|0 -21° 21° THERMOCLINE 6° > .. SPRING OVERTURN SUMMER AUTUMN OVERTURN WINTER Fig. 270. Diagram of seasonal changes in temperature and stratification in cer- tain deep lakes. Also usual effects on distribution of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Data from Paul Welch. The data given in Fig. 270 should help one to understand ( 1 ) why in some lakes the thermocline in summer is a potent barrier between the many organisms that live above and below it; (2) why the greatest pro- duction of plankton, both plant and animal, occurs in the spring and autumn; (3) why certain fishes in the summer time live only in deep water and others only in shallow water. Violent winds may at any time cause the mixing of water to con- siderable depths. When the mixing results in carrying oxygen to greater depths, it may be followed by an enormous increase of certain species. Violent winds may also increase wave action and destroy the plants in shallow water or wash them up on land. Wave action may also stir 596 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY up mud; and with the increased turbidity of the water resulting in decreased hght penetration, the algal population may decrease. Plant population. Most flowering plants cannot survive complete sub- mergence, and only a limited number can thrive with their roots and lower stems permanently covered with water. Besides the rooted-seed plants along the shore, the aquatic plant population consists of the countless numbers of minute floating and submerged algae which are described in the next chapter. All bodies of fresh water contain bacteria and lesser numbers of parasitic and saprophytic fungi. Bacteria are known to occur in the open water of lakes and ponds at all depths, and are often exceedingly abundant on the bottom deposits. They are usually not harmful to man. There are bacteria of decay, of nitrification, and of nitrogen-fixation as well as those truly parasitic within other plants and animals. Their abundance is influenced by light, by sudden changes in temperature, by the amount of sedimentation, and by certain animals, such as the protozoa and rotifers, that feed on them. Direct counts have shown that there may be from a few thousand to several million bacteria in a cubic centimeter of lake water. By way of comparison, a cubic centimeter of a moist, fertile soil may contain several billion bacteria. RIVERS AND STREAMS The temperature of the water in rivers and streams is fairly uniform from top to bottom. The greatest extremes of turbidity occur, varying from the muddy Missouri and Yangtze rivers to the nearly transparent water of "spring-fed" mountain brooks. Light penetration is diminished greatly in muddy waters. Suspended silt may decrease the light in the first inch of water to 10 per cent of that at the surface. Oxygen deficiency does not usually limit the growth of aquatic plants in unobstructed streams. The oxygen content varies between day and night and may at times even exceed the saturation point in streams with abundant submerged plants. Stream water is usually moderately alkaline or neutral; only rarely is it as acid as the water in bog lakes, unless there is seepage from coal mines or other mineral deposits. Free carbon dioxide does not accumu- late in running water but may increase in deep quiet stream pools. In swift streams seed plants are not conspicuous, except for a few well-rooted species on the margins. Sluggish waters may, however, become completely choked by the luxuriant growth of submerged and [Chap. XLVI UNDER-WATER ENVIRONMENTS 597 floating plants, such as elodea, eel grass, pond weeds, water hyacinth, water cress, and willow herb. The margins of rivers rarely have perma- nent plant communities because of deposition or erosion and ever- changing water levels. The flora and fauna most characteristic of streams and rivers are the suspended microscopic or near-microscopic organ- isms known as plankton. The plant constituents of the plankton are largely diatoms and other minute algae. The plankton "harvest" of rivers and streams is surprisingly large. The total mass of plankton organisms of the Illinois River at Havana, Illinois — where it flows slowly — amounted in one year to 200,000 tons live weight, or about 10,000 tons of dry matter. In other parts of the same river the tonnage may be greater or much less. Plankton develops in the more sluggish and deeper pools of streams, and these areas become the feeding grounds of innumerable animals. Plankton is not to be looked upon as a mass of living organisms floating downstream as fast as the stream flows. It is decidedly localized. Neither is it true that plankton increases in variety and abundance downsteam. Flash floods in small tributaries may increase the plankton in the master stream. Great floods temporarily decrease the plankton in the whole stream system. Compared with lakes, running water is a dis- tinctly different environmental complex. Temperatures are more uni- form, and no periods of winter and summer stagnation occur. In general the concentration of inorganic salts is higher in streams than in most lakes. Effects of pollution with manufacturing and municipal wastes may be much more evident and destructive. Spores and seeds are less likely to lodge on stream bottoms; hence the establishment of new plants by this means is less frequent in streams than in still water. MARSHES, SWAMPS, AND BOGS As lakes and ponds are gradually filled by partially decayed organic matter and by silt washed from the uplands, rooted vegetation en- croaches upon the area. This filling gradually brings about changes in the nature of the environment. The effects of winds become less, and there is no overturn of water caused by winds in spring and fall. Shading by rooted aquatics becomes important, and organic matter accumulates rapidly. In fact, all stages of transition from a typically acquatic habitat to a land environment may occur as lakes and ponds become bogs, marshes, or swamps through increased drought, through drainage, or through the accumulation of organic matter and soil. 598 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY A marsh is dominated by cattails, grasses, sedges, and rushes, and may be found in either temperate or tropical regions. A swamp is usually regarded as an area where the water never covers the soil deeply but is never far below the surface, and where the vegetation is domi- nated by shrubs and trees, such as buttonbush, low willows, alders, and swamp trees. Bogs differ from marshes and swamps in that mosses form an im- portant part of the vegetation; they and the other aquatic plants become enmeshed in a floating substrate which rises and falls with the water level and upon which sedges, grasses, low and tall shrubs, and even trees may subsequently grow. Many northern lakes have an open area of water surrounded by floating marginal mats of herbs, bog mosses, and shrubs. As peat accumulates below the mat the bog may become more or less solid and support a forest of conifers, such as black spruce, tama- rack, and arbor vitae. Bogs may be either acid or alkaline. If alkaline, the water is gen- erally clear, and shrubby cinquefoil occurs among the shrubs; if acid, the water may be brown in color, and sphagnum moss is usually present in the substrate. Bog water is usually lower in dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide, and the salts of potassium and nitrogen than that of the more open type of lake. Likewise, the plant and animal popula- tion in bog lakes is comparativelv low, and there are fewer species. In the Great Lakes region and northward, a peat substrate may accumu- late on valley bottoms from bog plants that grew there. The term "bog" is frequentlv applied in the Southern States to wet, acid sand flats on which manv characteristic bog plants grow, as well as to areas having a peat and muck substrate. Some typical bog plants associated with the grasses, sedges, and mosses of acid bogs are cran- berry, blueberry, snowberry, leatherleaf, pitcher plant, sundew, and dwarf birch. The Salt-water Environment The oceans, bays, gulfs, and a few inland bodies of salt water are also habitats of aquatic plants and animals. These marine habitats differ from the fresh- water environment principally in being saline. The salin- ity is due largely to chlorides and sulfates with smaller percentages of carbonates. Few species of plants can grow both in the sea and in fresh water. The salinitx' is essential to the marine species and toxic to the fresh- water species. [Chap. XLVI UNDER-WATER ENVIRONMENTS 599 Our largest bodies of water are the oceans, with a combined surface area of nearly 140 million square miles, or about 70 per cent of the earth's surface. In contrast to this, the surface of all bodies of fresh water taken together is scarcely one million square miles. The vast ex- panse and diverse conditions of oceans constitute enormous possibilities of development of marine plant and animal populations. Ocean water is practicallv a continuous medium, in sharp contrast to the more isolated bodies of fresh water. The oceans vary in depth from a few feet of water along the coasts to nearly 6 miles in the so-called "deeps." On the ocean floor are plains, hills, valleys, and mountain ranges. Pressure varies from 15 pounds to the square inch at the surface to nearly 8 tons at the greatest depths. Such enormous pressures would seem to preclude the possibility of living organims, but the effects of this pressure are annulled by an equivalent pressure inside the body. Equalization of pressure within the body, however, does not take place rapidly; consequently, vertical migration of living plants and animals under these conditions is somewhat restricted. Except along the coast, the influence of the land on the ocean is much less than it is on bodies of fresh water. The specific gravity of sea water with a salinity of 3.5 per cent is about 1.028 at 0° C. The density of the aerial environment of land plants is much less than that of their protoplasm, while the density of the living parts of marine organisms is about the same as that of the medium in which they live. Most marine plants are slightly heavier than the water, but their small size and proportionally large surface areas, as well as occasional gas bladders and fat globules, contribute to their floating capacity. Dead bodies of marine plants and animals eventually sink to the bottom, unless devoured or dissolved, although the rate of sinking is extremely low. Below depths of 5000 meters none of the parts of most of the smaller plants and animals can be found, for the whole body has gone into solution. The solar energy actually available to plants is decreased in the ocean by the same factors that decrease it in fresh water: absorption, reflec- tion, suspended matter, wave action. Where suspended matter and minute organisms are abundant, the water is apparently green because of tlie scattering of the short blue and violet rays and the absorption of the red and yellow. Blue water contains little or no suspended matter. Photosynthesis in plants of the ocean generally occurs above a depth 600 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY of 150 meters, although a few Hving green plants have been found at 300 meters. Beebe reports the disappearance of all but the blue and violet rays at depths of 250 meters in the clear water near the Bermuda Islands. Below 500 meters almost complete darkness prevails, except for the feeble light emitted by certain deep-sea fishes and other animals. The gases of the air are absorbed directly from the atmosphere, al- though carbon dioxide and oxygen are subject to local variation because of photosynthesis and various oxidations. Gases are carried to depths far below the surface through the action of storm waves and ocean currents. All chemical elements are probably present in sea water, although only about 32 have been reported. Some occur in marine organisms but have not as yet been recognized in the water itself because of their extremely low concentrations. The relative amount of an element may be far greater in a plant or an animal than in the medium in which it lives. Large quantities of potassium and small amounts of sodium, for example, accumulate in some marine plants, even though sodium salts are very abundant in the ocean and potassium salts relatively scarce. The relative amount of any element that accumulates in the different species of plants may vary greatly even though the plants are growing in the same environment. The relative proportions of salts in the main body of the ocean are fairly constant at all latitudes. The relative percentages of the different elements in the salt after the water has evaporated do not vary much from the following: chlorine, 54 per cent; sodium, 31 per cent; mag- nesium, 4 per cent; calcium, 1 per cent; bromine, 0.2 of 1 per cent; sulfate radicals, 8 per cent; and carbonate radicals, 0.2 of 1 per cent. Surface temperatures of the ocean vary greatly with latitude and with the time of year. However, surface variations between winter and summer are much less than those encountered on land. Sea water be- comes heavier as it is cooled until the freezing point is reached. As a result, temperatures below freezing may occur, in contrast to the rather constant 4° C. of most deep-lake bottoms. The bottom temperatures of the oceans in temperate regions are around 2° C. Seasonal variations in temperature are unusual below 500 feet. At depths of a mile or more the temperature is near the freezing point at all times. The effects of temperature are so closely tied up with those of other factors that its influence has been frequently exaggerated. Temperature apparently often determines the range of plant distribution both verti- cally and latitudinally. Some species of plants grow and reproduce at or [Chap. XLVI UNDER-WATER ENVIRONMENTS 601 below the freezing point, such for example as the marine algae of arctic and antarctic regions. The destructive effects of temperature, however, are much less in the ocean than on land because of the absence of extremes and rapid changes. Indirectly temperature is important in another way since carbon dioxide is much more soluble in cold than in warm water; in the tropics the warm water may become almost depleted of this gas. Likewise the production of plant and animal plank- ton is less in the warmer water of tropical oceans than in the cooler water of temperate regions. Other factors that reduce plankton produc- tion in the tropics are the increased rate of respiration, and deficiency in compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus. PLANTS AND ANIMALS IN THE OCEAN Water environments, both fresh and marine, are populated with great numbers and many kinds of plants and animals. The largest as well as the smallest known organisms live in the ocean. In the sea are whales, large fishes, crustaceans, and squids, as well as myriads of microscopic species. The largest plants in the sea are the brown kelps (Fig. 271) Fig. 271. One of the brown algae (Nereoci/stis) along the western coast of North America. Only a part of the plant is visible at the surface of the water at low tide. See Fig. 287 F. Photo from Lois Lampe. 602 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY some of which are 70 meters long. Among the smaller plants are the one-celled diatoms ( Fig. 272 ) and bacteria. Animal life probably exists at all depths and over the entire ocean floor; but living green plants are rare below 300 meters because of inadequate light. The plant popu- lation consists of both suspended and bottom species. It reaches its Fig. 272. Diatoms. The names of these species and others may be found in papers by P. S. Conger and Albert Mann pubhshed by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Photos by P. S. Conger, except the middle upper from Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. greatest density and has the greatest number of species in shallower water near shore where inorganic salts are more abundant and there is more adequate light from top to bottom. Mud bottoms fairly teem with organisms, and many plants and animals are attached to rocky shores, whereas sand is a comparatively barren habitat. The bacteria of the sea vary greatly in abundance depending upon depth of water, distance from shore, availability of suspended or dis- solved organic matter, and the presence of other plants as well as ani- mals. The sea water itself is not an especially good medium for the growth of most bacteria unless considerable organic matter is present. As might be expected, bacteria are much more numerous near shore, and especially where the water is polluted by large centers of population. The number of surface bacteria, living and dead, may range from a few or none up to some 300 million individuals in one cubic centimeter of water. In bodies of water less than 200 meters deep the bacteria are much more numerous in the mud bottoms than in the water above. These [Chap. XLVI UNDER-WATER ENVIRONMENTS 603 bacteria are largely anaerobic and spore-forming, as compared with the aerobic and non-spore-forming bacteria floating in tlie water. The bot- tom bacteria include the nitrifying, the nitrogen-fixing, and the humus- decomposing types. Certain bacteria of the sea are of interest because they secure energy by the oxidation of such substances as hydrogen sulfide, sulfur, ammonia, nitrites, and methane, and use the energy in the synthesis of cell substances. An accurate quantitative comparison between life on land and life in the ocean is difiicult to make. Krogh has estimated that the entire life zone on land is rarely more than 30 meters thick, from tree tops to root tips inclusive, in contrast to the 4000 meters of ocean in which animals live, and the 300 meters populated by green plants. For every tree in a forest there may be nearly a half million animals large enough to be seen by the naked eye. When the microscopic animals, bacteria, and algae are added to this, the total number is prodigious. Under a square meter of ocean water near the equator, down to a depth of 200 meters, there may be a billion or more scarcely visible or microscopic plants and a million animals of various sizes, mostly microscopic. But the mass of these organisms is surprisingly small, perhaps aggregating only about 1/100 of a corresponding volume in a forest. Forest trees stand for years, but many of the ocean plants are renewed several times a year. The total biological productivity in the ocean, however, probably never equals that in the forest, though locally it may be of comparable magnitude. In sharp contrast to the land, no seed plants, no ferns, no mosses, no liverworts ever grow in the open sea. The plant life characteristic of the ocean is confined to algae, bacteria, and a few fungi. The species of plants characteristic of the ocean rarely occur in fresh water. On the land the larger plants are the chief sources of food of the animal popu- lations. In the water this is not the case, for the microscopic plants are the initial links in the food chains of nearly all the animals. Enormous numbers of these plants grow every year, but directly thev constitute only a small part of the food of the largest animals ( Fig. 273 ) . The food chain from green plants to the larger animals ("producer" to "consumer" ) may become greatly extended because the smallest ani- mals, having consumed the plankton, may become the food of crus- taceans and small fishes. The latter in turn may be eaten by still larger fishes ( Fig. 274 ) . It is evident that much of the energy value of the food originally made in green plants is never realized by the "ultimate con- 604 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY r'^ ;s ^/VX-, Algae Blue-greens Greens Desmids Diatoms / etc Water fleasA, Larger /^>X ^.l^ZZ' /°"Mother water :>^^; animals Fig. 273. Food relations of aquatic lite. No matter how long the chain is from Algae to fish, the fundamental food organisms are the algae that inorganic materials into foods. Courtesy of World Book Co. of animals transform Fig. 274. A diagrammatic representation of the dependence of Esquimaux on diatoms. Assume that each organism obtains only 10 per cent of the food consumed by the preceding one in the chain, and compute the amount of diatoms necessary for a gain in weight of 1 pound in an Esquimau boy. [Chap. XLVI UNDER-WATER ENVIRONMENTS 605 sumer" because of the necessary respiratory and assimilatory processes of the often numerous "middlemen." Each "middleman" may use up in these processes as much as 90 per cent of the initial energy value of the food. In spite of the small size of most marine plants and animals, a rapidly moving feeder can secure large amounts of food in the ocean. This is illustrated by the growth of the calf of the blue whale. At birth it is 7 meters long and weighs 2 tons, but may grow to be 23 meters long and weigh as much as 60 tons at the end of two years. The food of the blue whale consists entirely of plankton which includes small Crustacea. The plankton passes into the mammal through the so-called "whale- bone sieve." As much as two tons of plankton have been found in the stomach of a mature blue whale at one time. If there are only three links in the food chain of this animal, the gain in weight would implv the consumption of food equivalent to 58,000 tons of algae in a period of two years. It is interesting to note that whalers often locate the places where whales may be found bv the presence of large quantities of plankton at the surface of the water. Biologically algae and bacteria are the most important of aquatic plants. The algae are described in more detail in the following chapter. REFERENCES Beebe, William. The depth of the sea. Nat. Geog. Mag. 51:65-88. 1932. Beebe, William. Half Mile Down. Harcoiirt, Brace & Company, Inc. 1934. Birge, E. A., and C. Juday. The inland lakes of Wisconsin. Wise. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey. Bull. 64. 1922. Coker, R. E. Life in the Sea. Sci. Monthly for April and May. 1938. Hesse, R., W. C. Allee, and K. P. Schmidt. Eeological Animal Geographi/. John Wiley & Sons. 1937. Chaps. X and XI. Krogh, A. Conditions of life in the ocean. Ecological Monographs. 4:421-429. 1934. Symposium: Problems of Lake Biology. A. A. A. S. Pub. No. 10. The Science Press. 1939. Tiffany, L. H. Algae, the Grass of Many Waters. C. C. Thomas, Publisher. 1938. Welch, P. S. Limnology. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1935. CHAPTER XLVII THE ALGAE Of all the plants in the biological communities of both fresh and salt water the algae (sing, alga) are the most important synthesizers of food. They are commonly called pond scums and seaweeds. Algae, how- ever, are not confined to water habitats. In the rainy tropics and sub- tropics they grow on moist surfaces everywhere, and even within the leaves of many plants. Some of them may live in snow as shown by the pink color of polar and high alpine snowfields ( Plate I ) . The trunks of many woody plants of the moist temperate zone have green patches of algae, usually located on the shaded side. The algae of the soil are so numerous that one gram of earth from a heavily fertilized field may contain as many as a million individuals. A few algae grow in intimate association with certain fungi, forming compound plants known as lichens. Algae grow within the aerial roots of cycads and in the hair follicles of the three-toed sloth. They are attached to the appendages of crustaceans and to the backs of turtles. They live within the bodies of many minute animals, and even in the intestines of some mammals, including man. The algae, moreover, exhibit as much variation in color, in size, in form, and in method of reproduction as any of the other groups of plants. Thev may be red, orange, brown, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green, purple, and violet. Rarely are they colorless. Some algae are so minute that their fomi is just discernible with a microscope. The giant kelps of the Pacific, on the other hand, attain lengths of more than 200 feet. In form algae mav be globular, disk-shaped, thread-like, sheet-like, leaf-like, or large and paddle-shaped; branched or un- branched; attached or free-floating. The structures associated with sexual reproduction in some species are comparatively simple; in others, they are remarkably complex. Among the various species of algae, vegetative propagation may result from the division and separation of cells, from the breaking of fila- ments, from specialized thick-walled donnant cells, or from motile spores 606 [Chap. XLVII THE ALGAE 607 that develop directly from vegetative cells. In one large group of algae no sexual reproduction occurs. Algae are economically important both directly and indirectly. Com- mercial transactions involving the collection, processing, and sale of algae amount annually to several million dollars. The animals of the oceans, lakes, and streams are for the most part dependent upon the algae. What are algae? First of all, algae are plants. Some consist of onlv a single cell, a single filament, or branched filaments. Even the more complex ones have no organs exactly comparable to those of seed plants. They contain chlorophyll, although other pigments may parth' or entirely mask the green color. The presence of these pigments usualh enables one to distinguish algae from fungi, bacteria, and small animals. Many of them are easily distinguished from other green plants by the number, size, and form of their chloroplasts. Many species are capable of self-locomotion by twisting, bending, gliding, and swimming; and others produce motile spores and gametes. The occurrence of motile algal plants and cells may require us to change one of our notions about plants if we have been accustomed to associate independent movement only with animals. It should be re- membered that the names "plants" and "animals" are very old and were used long before microscopes were made. It is easy to separate plants from animals when we are thinking of oaks and horses or corn and mice. Now that the microscope has enabled us to see minute living organisms not even suspected before, it is not surprising to find that the criteria we are accustomed to use in separating plants and animals will not apply to many of these smaller organisms. Among the many organisms having flagella some are more plant-like than others. When exposed to light, some of them are green and syn- thesize both sugar and amino acids; others remain colorless and obtain food only from external sources. Even within a single genus, such as Euglena, some species are more plant-like than others. For example, many species of Euglena are green and synthesize sugar when exposed to light. Some of these green species can live in darkness as colorless saprophytes if supplied with sugar and protein foods, but others have failed to grow in continuous darkness. They differ also in their ability to utilize nitrogen compounds. Some may utilize ammonia or nitrate salts, which means that they can synthesize amino acids from sugar and either ammonia or nitrate salts. Still others cannot utilize either of 608 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY these salts; consequently they cannot synthesize amino acids. Some can live only where peptones or other protein compounds are present in the external medium. The kinds of algae. For many years algae were grouped on the basis of tlieir color as red algae, brown algae, green algae, and blue-green algae. This classification is still adequate for a general consideration of algae, though anyone unaware of other bases of classification would be confused on being told that some algae are colorless, that the red color of arctic snow is due to the presence of a red-colored green alga, and that the Red Sea was so named because of the abundance of a red- colored blue-green alga in it. Most students of the algae now recognize 9 or more classes (Table 17). This more critical classification is based in part on color, but also on other distinctive characters of (1) the structure of the vegetative cells and tissues, (2) the reproductive structures, (3) the successive stages in the life cycles, (4) the kinds of accumulated food, and (5) the forms of the chloroplasts or chromatophores. Table 17. Classes of Algae and Their Characteristic Pigments ,__ _ Classes of Algae Common Names Apparent Color "5, o 6 ii 1 a o be C ci C 0) 1 "S >- 1 .s Ph 2 !£ c cS 8 3 Accessory Pigments Brown, Red, etc., not Well Known Myxophyceae Blue-greens Blue-green, green, yellow, brown, purple X X X X Chlorophyceae Greens Pale yellow to dark green X X X Xanthophyceae Yellow-greens Yellow to yellowish green X X X Bacillariophyceae Diatoms Yellow to brown X X X X Chrysophyceae Golden-browns Golden-brown X X X X Dinophyceae Dinoflagellates Yellow-brown X X X Euglenophyceae Euglenas, etc. Green, red X X X Pliaeophyceae Browns Greenish yellow to dark brown X X X X Rhodophyceae Reds Red, purple, blue X X X X X The various colors of algae are due largely to the relative abundance of certain pigments in the cells. Chlorophyll is present in all algae except the colorless ones. Carotene and xanthophyll occur in most of them. The pigment fucoxanthin ( C4(.H.-,(iO<; ) is characteristic of the brown algae, [Chap. XLVII THE ALGAE 609 and phvcoeivthrin and phycocyanin occur in the reds and blue-greens. Economic aspects of the algae. To most people the algae of ponds and lakes, as well as those of the ocean deposited along shore after storms, are nuisances. Algae may accumulate in sufficient quantities to become an annoyance to iDathers. Occasionally stock die after using water heav- ily populated with certain blue-green algae. Bad odors and tastes of drinking water are often attributed to the presence of decaying algae in reservoirs. Tea and other subtropical plants are severely injured by algae which grow either on the surface of the leaves, interfering with photosynthesis, or within the leaves as parasites. Small fishes often be- come so entangled in algal mats that they die either there or subse- quently from injuries received in extricating themselves. Algae in fish hatchery ponds may so deplete the oxygen content of the water at night as to cause the death of the young fish through suffocation. Algae are rather easily destroyed in small bodies of water by means of certain chemical compounds, particularly arsenites and copper sul- fate. The latter is so effective that one part of it in a million parts of water is sufficient to kill most algae. Copper sulfate in such low con- centrations is not harmful to fishes, nor is the water unfit for human consumption. Although there are on the market numerous commercial products containing copper sulfate with adequate instructions for their use, a few crystals thrown into small pools will usuallv suffice. For larger ponds a quantity of the chemical may be placed in a sack, tied to the rear of a boat, and allowed gradual! \' to dissolve in the water as the boat is moved over the surface. Among other practical measures used for eradicating algae from fish ponds are ( 1 ) the removal of the accumulating organic matter bv draining the pond from the bottom instead of the surface, and ( 2 ) the maintenance of high turbidity. Young cra\'fish are often added to the ponds because they increase the turbiditv of the water, preventing light from penetrating; the algae are unable to survive. Reservoirs mav be kept free of algae by stirring up the muddy bottom with large propellers on boats. Suppose we now examine the credit side of the ledger. As has been noted before, the algae are the ultimate sources of food and enersv of all strictly aquatic animals. The food chains of animals are numerous and varied (Fig. 275). Some fishes feed directly on the algae, while others secure the energy bound up in the plants by eating animals that feed on algae. Some blue-greens, a few greens, and manv species of 610 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY red and browii algae are used directly as food by human beings in many parts of the world, particularly in the Orient. Among algae, as among other plants, some species are much more important than others as sources of food, whether the consumer be man, fish, insect, or whale. Fig. 275. Diagram of representative food chains from algae to man. The giant kelps and other seaweeds are sources of iodine and potash. They have been used for many years by farmers along the coast as fertilizers because of their potassium content. Dried and treated in various ways, they are used as stabilizers in making ice cream, candy, shaving cream, various other creams, jellies, salads, and emulsions; and also as the source of agar-agar, so important in the culture of bacteria and fungi. The algae of the soil are very numerous, but the extent to which they contribute to soil fertility and aeration is only partly known. Soils have definite algal floras. Those living on the surface grow and multiply rapidly whenever the soil is moist. The algae below the surface grow very slowly; and since they live in darkness tliey are obviously living as saprophytes, using carbohydrates from the soil solution. Algae cer- tainly contribute organic matter to soils, and it has been proved that cer- tain nitrogen-fixing bacteria are much more eftective when they grow in association with soil algae. The fungi and algae of lichens are the [Chap. XLVII THE ALGAE 611 pioneer plants on certain kinds of exposed rock surfaces and are primary factors in the formation of the first layers of soil on such surfaces. Algal periodicity. Many fresh-water and marine algae have seasonal periods of germination of spores, vegetative growth, reproduction, and dormancy similar to those of flowering plants. Many species in tem- perate climates attain their greatest development in winter, in spring, in summer, or in the autumn; produce reproductive structures, and sub- sequently disappear. These algae are comparable to annual flowering plants. Their dormant period is passed as spores (Fig. 276). Fig. 276. Estimated relative abundance of several seasonal assemblages of green algae in central Illinois. Seasonal assemblages would be very different fartfier north and farther south. Ephemerals include plankton species in which a life cycle is completed in a few days. There are also many perennial filamentous, or thick and leathery, species in which at least a part, usually the base of the vegetative plant, survives long periods of drought and cold. Each year new vegetative fronds develop. This group includes many seaweeds, certain red algae in fresh-water streams, and green algae such as Cladophora and Vaucheria. Plankton algae and some soil algae are very short-lived. A new popu- lation of these extremely abundant and important species may develop every few days. They are the plants that form the so-called "water bloom" so common on ponds and lakes from midsummer to early autumn. Obviously, enormous numbers result from the accumulative reproduction of several generations in a few weeks. Algae are more numerous in seasons when the water levels are high. They also reproduce most abundantly under these conditions. Their 612 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY individual periodicity determines what species will be found associated at any time of the year. Ponds that regularly dry up in late summer ap- pear to have a greater variety of species than permanent ponds. The situation in large lakes is somewhat unlike that in ponds because great bodies of water neither warm up quickly in the spring nor cool rapidly in the autumn. In Lake Erie, for example, the diatoms are likely to be abundant in May and June, the green algae in July and early August, the blue-greens in late August and September, and the diatoms again in October and November (Fig. 277). A few species of diatoms are more abundant in winter than at anv other season. MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Fig. 277. Seasonal abundance of some plankton algae in Lake Erie. Water blooms are just as characteristic of large lakes as of ponds. At certain seasons of the year diatoms, blue-greens, or greens may within a few days become so abundant as literally to cover acres of water to the depth of an inch or two. This colored soup-like layer may be objectionable to bathers, and it may be the source of offensive odors; but it contains an abundance of food available to the smallest aquatic animals. The life cycles of the algae composing the bloom are soon completed, and after several days the plants may disappear as sud- denly as they appeared. Most plankton algae are found within a few inches of the surface of the water, although one may usually find them in collections made at depths of 10 to 50 feet. [Chap. XLVII THE ALGAE 613 We have discussed so far some of the general characteristics, distri- bution, and economic aspects of algae as a whole. They constitute such a large and diversified assemblage of plants, however, that a better understanding of their growth and reproduction depends on a study of some of the commoner ones in more detail. We shall discuss in the next few pages some representatives of each of the important classes of algae. The Green Algae: Chlorophyceae About 5000 species of green algae have been described and named. As a group of plants they are quite varied in structure, in appearance, and in several other ways. They are usually predominantly green in color during the vegetative phase, containing chlorophvll, xanthophyll, and carotene in about the proportion found in the seed plants. They grow chiefly in water, both fresh and marine, but occur also on and in the soil and on many other kinds of moist substrates. Biologically they influence both the abundance and the distribution of certain other plants and of certain animals. Green algae are by far the most common ones in lichens. They may be parasitized by animals and occur inside animals, such as hydras and rotifers. In size thev varv from the micro- scopic forms to the filamentous, highly branched cladophoras, which may be several feet in length and are attached to rocks and stones of streams and lakes. A few common species are described below. Pleurococcus. On the bark of trees and shrubs throughout the world there occur green-colored areas of Pleurococcus, sometimes several square feet in extent. This alga grows most frequently on the shaded parts of the tree. In drier regions it may be restricted to the lee side. Although most abundant near the ground, it mav be found on the bark all the way to the tops of trees in moist open forests. No spores are formed and no sexual reproduction occurs in this alga. Under the microscope the green areas of Pleurococcus are seen to consist of masses of rounded solitary cells or of groups of two to several cells ( Fig. 278 ) . The chloroplast occupies most of the cell, and the cell walls are comparatively thick. The plant may survive prolonged droughts and remain dormant during long periods of low temperature, in spite of the fact that there are no apparent structural modifications that might prevent desiccation of the cells. When periods of rain and higher tem- peratures return, the cells again become active. Propagation takes place only through the division and subsequent separation of the cells. No 614 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY reduction division occurs; and, except for mutations, all the cells of Pleurococctis have the same chromosome complement. It is a non- motile one-celled plant, though several plants may remain attached temporarily as an unorganized colony. Fig. 278. Forms of cells of a Pleurococcus. Species of this genus of green algae are non-motile and mostly aerial. The individuals are usually one-celled, though they may remain united in colonies temporarily as indicated in the drawing. Species of this group are the algae most frequently found in lichens. Chlamydomonas. In contrast to the one-celled non-motile Pleuro- coccus is the one-celled motile Chla7mjdomonas (Fig. 279). It is often found as a part of the plankton, sometimes occurring in large numbers in small pools or even in indoor aquaria. The cell is spherical, ovoid, or elongate, and often flattened. Two flagella project from the anterior end. Both spore formation and sexual reproduction occur. Fig. 279. Forms of vegetative and reproductive cells of a Chlamydomonas. Species of this genus of green algae are one-celled and motile. They reproduce vegetatively by motile spores and sexually by the union of gametes as indicated in the drawing. Cells with flagella similar to Chlamijdomonas may remain attached and thus form definite colonies of several to many cells. Examples of such colonial algae are Pandorina, Eudorina, and Volvox (Fig. 280). All of these algae are termed flagellate organisms. Ulothrix. In the spring one may see bright green slimy filamentous growths of Ulothrix on the stones and rocks of the shores of streams, lakes, and ponds. Since the cylindrical cells of this alga are joined end [Chap. XLVll THE ALGAE 615 25 26 Fig. 280. Forms of 1 and 5 Gloeocystis, some miicellular 2 Kirchneriella, 8 Qiiadrigula, 9 Vo/uox, 10 Aiferococcu 30 ae. Genera represented: and colonial al^ 3-4 Oocijstis, 6 Carteria, 7 Sphaerella, ,11 Chlamydomonas, 12 Selenastmm, 13 Micractinium, 14 Pleodorina, 15 Euglena, 16-17 Phacus, 18 Coelastrum, 19 Goniiim. 20 Ankistrodesmus, 21 Gloeotaenium, 22 Actinastrum, 23 Pediastrum, 24 Pandorina, 25-26 Scenedesmus, 27 Tetraedron, 28 Ophiocytitnn, 29 Pediastrum, 30 Sorastrum. 616 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY to end and always divide in the same plane, the plant is a single un- branched filament. Each plant is attached to rocks or other objects by a special holdfast cell (Fig. 281). The chloroplast is a green iDand of t ^ V ^' Fig. 281. Fresh-water algae. The upright filaments are, from left to right: Oedogonium, producing motile spores, eggs, and sperms; Microspora, forming rest- ing spores and motile spores; and Ulothrix, forming motile spores and gametes. The horizontal filaments are Spirogyra (left) and Vaucheria (right). Highly magnified. Courtesy of World Book Co. [Chap. XLVII THE ALGAE 617 cytoplasm open on one side. It appears to be pressed against the cell wall and is frequently confined to the middle section of the cylindrical cell. Its form in cross section resembles that of a horseshoe. Starches and proteins accumulate in vegetative cells, but in the spores one finds mainly oils. The life history of a Ulothrix is far more complex than that of Pleurococciis. After vegetative development the protoplast in each of many cells may become subdivided by a succession of mitotic divisions into 2, 4, or 8 small protoplasts, each of which escapes through an opening in the wall of the parent cell and becomes a motile spore^ with four flagella. Both big and little motile spores may be formed in different cells of the same filament. The smaller ones are formed in groups of 16 or 32. After swim- ming about for a short period, a motile spore may become attached to some object and germinate by elongating and then dividing transversely. Subsequent cell divisions all in the same plane result in a new filament. In still other filaments, or occasionally in some cells of the same fila- ment, the protoplast may become subdivided by successive mitotic divisions into 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or rarely more cells. Each of these cells may pass through the wall of the parent cell in the same manner as the motile spore, which it resembles superficially except for its smaller size and its single pair of flagella. Such motile structures do not germinate, and new filaments do not develop from them. They are termed gametes. One gamete unites with another gamete forming a zvgote, which eventu- ally becomes thick-walled and sinks into the mud at the bottom of the pond where it remains dormant for several months. The union of the two gametes is termed conjugation. When the zvgote germinates, its protoplast becomes subdivided into 4 to 16 parts, each of which becomes a motile spore from which a new filament grows. The two gametes that unite appear to differ chemically and are referred to as + and — gametes. Since they are similar in appearance they are regarded as the simplest kind of sex cells. The special method of vegetative multiplication by means of either motile or non-motile spores which are formed without a previous union of gametes is often termed asexual reproduction. The related series of processes including the fomiation of gametes, their subsequent union, and the development of the resulting zygote into motile spores from which new filaments develop are referred to as the sexual reproduction ^ Motile spores have flagella and are frequently termed "zoospores" ( animal spores ) be- cause they swim about in the water. 618 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY of the alga. Reduction division occurs during the first nuclear division in the zygote. Hence each motile spore of Ulothrix and each cell of the fila- ment has the monoploid number of chromosomes. The zygote alone has the diploid number of chromosomes. Oedogonium. In fresh water throughout the world, attached to vari- ous objects during at least a part of their lifetime are several hundred species of Oedogonium. All of them are filamentous and unbranched, and each cell has a hollow cylindrical meshwork chloroplast. The method of reproduction is in some respects similar to, but in others quite unlike, that of Ulothrix. Motile spores develop singly in the vegetative cells ( Fig. 281 ) . Each spore has a ring of flagella at one end and escapes from the cell through a circular break in the wall. Upon coming to rest, it germinates directlv, and the new plant elongates by subsequent division of certain cells scattered at intervals in the filament. The first cell is the holdfast cell. The two kinds of gametes are quite distinct in appearance. The male gametes, or sperms, formed singly or in pairs from the protoplast in special short cells known as antheridia (sing, antheridium, a sperm case), are quite similar in appearance to small motile spores. The female gamete, or egg, develops singly within a swollen vegetative cell, the oogonium (pi. oogonia, egg cases). The egg is much larger than the sperm, never escapes from the egg case, is incapable of locomotion, and contains much food, chiefly oils. The sperms and eggs may develop in cells of the same filament or of separate filaments. That is, some species are bisexual, or monoecious; others consist of two kinds of unisexual filaments, one of which is a male filament, the other female. They may or may not differ in size. In some species the male filaments are very small and grow as epiphytes on the female filaments near the oogonium. These dwarf males develop from motile spores which germinate only when they become attached to cells adjacent to an oogonium. They usually consist of a holdfast cell and one or more antheridia. The sperm after liberation from the antheridium may swim to and enter an oogonium through a pore or slit, and fuse with the egg. This fusion appears to occur mostly late at night or early morning. The re- sulting oospore^ is thick-walled, remains dormant for some months or ^ The term oospore is often used to indicate the cell resulting from a union of two gametes that may be distinctly recognized as an egg and a sperm; zygote is used when the two gametes are similar in appearance. The term zygote is often used also as a general term for any cell formed by the union of gametes, regardless of their appearance. [Chap. XLVII THE ALGAE 619 Fig. 282. Common filamentous algae. Genera represented: A, Stigeocloniiim; B, Ulothrix; C, Spirogijra; D, Tribonema; E, Chaetophora; F and G, Zijgnema; H, Mougeotia; I, Vaucheria; J and K, Oedogonium. 620 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY even years, and upon germination usually produces four motile spores, each of which has the reduced number of chromosomes. A new filament develops directly from each motile spore, and each of its cells has the reduced number of chromosomes. Other common filamentous genera. Among the most widely distrib- uted genera (Fig. 282) of pond algae is Spirogyra, with its usually KL L M Fig. 283. Reproduction in Spirogyra and inheritance of the chloroplast. spirally arranged, ribbon-like chloroplasts. Zygnema with stellate chloro- plasts, and Motigeotia with a straight, ribbon-shaped chloroplast are al- most as common. In the large group of algae represented by these three genera, the cells are always cylindrical and there is a complete absence of flagellate spores. Sexual reproduction is effected by the union of gametes, one ( or both ) of which moves ameba-like to the other through a conjugation tube ( Fig. 283 ) . The zygotes resulting from the union of the gametes may remain dormant for several months or years. When they germinate, new filaments develop from them. Reduction division occurs at the first division of the zygote nucleus. The green felt-like Vaiicheria is very common in small streams and [Chap. XLVII THE ALGAE 621 ditches. Cell division in it is unaccompanied by the formation of cross walls and thus the filaments are tubular and multinucleate. The motile spores of Vaticheria are unusual in that a number of nuclei are present in a so-called "compound zoospore," from which a new filament develops almost immediately. Most species of Vaucheria have an oogonium with a single egg, and an antheridium containing several sperms. These sex organs are formed at the ends of short lateral branches (Figs. 281 and 282 ) . The oospore resulting from fertilization remains dormant for some time before a new filament develops from it. Reduction division probablv occurs during the formation of gametes as it does in animals. If it does, the nuclei of the zygote, filament, and all of the motile spores have the diploid number of chromosomes. The algae described above and manv others are usuallv available in their natural habitats, and the details of their life histories ma\' be studied from living or preserved specimens. The desmids are either unicellular or filamentous forms, a few of which are illustrated in Fig. 284. The stoneworts. These plants are mentioned here largelv because of their importance in the formation of marl deposits. The stoneworts (Charales) are rather widely distributed in both fresh and salt waters; a few species inhabit both. They are attached to the soil beneath the water and often fomi extensive meadows several feet below the water surface. The plants become incrusted with calcium carbonate in limestone re- gions, and as the plants die, marl accumulates. About one hundred species have been described. The plant body consists of a cylindrical axis bearing a whorl of branches at its several "nodes." The plants are nearly alwavs erect and may vary in height from an inch to 3 or 4 feet. The stoneworts constitute a group verv distinct from all other algae. The Blue-green Algae: Myxophyceae The blue-greens differ from all the great groups of algae in that the nuclear substances of the cell are not organized in a well-defined struc- ture in the cytoplasm as in other green plants. Hereditarv units of matter comparable to genes must be present, however, for the species are hereditarib' different. Chlorophvll and other pigments are dispersed throughout the cell and not confined to plastids. No motile spores are formed and no sexual reproduction occurs. Onh^ about half the blue- green algae are really blue-green in color. The others vary greatly in color owing to different amounts of blue, red, green, and vellow pig- 622 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY !jiiiaii--^-u-.i'-i-LiJ-jii'-^'j-'^'i'j^-L'i-Cjj. Fig. 284. Various forms of desmids, and conjugation in Desmidium (14). Genera represented: 1-2 Micrasterias, 3 and 8 Euastrum, 4 and 7 Staurastnim, 5, 6 and 13 Cosmarium, 9 Pleitrotaenium, 10 Triploceras, 11 Closteriiim, 12 Penium, 14-15 Desmidium. Figures from Fr. Irene-Marie, H. Skuja. [Chap. XLVII THE ALGAE 623 ments. Common to all blue-greens is the presence of a mucilaginous outer wall which may be so thick that the filaments appear to be em- bedded in a mass of mucilage (Fig. 285). Fig. 285. Forms of blue-green algae. Genera represented: 1 Microcystis, 2 Aphanocapsa, 3 Coelosphaerium, 4 Chroococciis, 5 Merismopedia, 6 and 13 Lijng- btja, 7 and 10 Anahaena, 8 Spindina, 9 Chroococcus, 11 and 14 Oscillatoria, 12 Phormidiiim, 15 Scijtonema, 16 Tolypothrix, 17 Glocotiichia, 18 Cylindrospermitm. Figures from G. M. Smith, J. E. Tilden. Approximately 2500 species of blue-greens have been described and named. Most of them grow in fresh water, but marine and other salt- water species are not uncommon. They are able to grow in almost every conceivable habitat. They are important constituents of fresh-water plankton, and some of the water blooms of summer are due to their abundance. The Red Sea was probably so named because of the presence in large numbers of one of these plants (Trichodesmium) , which is pre- dominantly red in color. Blue-greens that grow in hot springs live 624 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY at temperatures between 150° and 170° F. Other species may remain frozen in ice for many months without injury. Blue-greens may become serious pests on soil in greenhouses by forming a gelatinous layer that prevents aeration of the soil beneath. They are very common in ponds in the far north. The blue-greens constitute an important part of the algal population of soils, and their spores can withstand complete desiccation for many years. They may grow as parasites within the bodies of man and other animals; as epiphytes on other algae and on the vegetative parts, particu- larly leaves, of many seed plants; and as hosts of fungi in a few kinds of lichens. Species of blue-green algae regularly occur in the leaves of a water fern (Azolla), and on the scales of some liverworts. One blue- green species grows in the aerial roots of some cycads, and many others may be found within the gelatinous envelopes of other algae. In general, this group of algae may be considered as the characteristic plants in bodies of water high in organic matter, but not necessarily so. When fresh-water streams are polluted by sewage, by poisonous wastes from various manufacturing processes, and by drainage from coal mines and oil wells, the blue-greens are the last to disappear. In fact, in such habitats certain bacteria are about their only living associates. Blue-green algae are either unicellular, colonial, or multicellular. Cells of the colonial species may be loosely or definitely aggregated into glob- ular, saccate, plate-like, or irregular colonies with a few to many cells held together by mucilage. The cells of some other species are joined end to end in definite regular or irregular filaments; the filaments may be branched or not. Division of the cells in only one plane results in a chain of cells; division in two planes, a plate-like colony; and division in three planes, a solid and often nearly cubical aggregate. The granules of food that accumulate in the vegetative cells are not definitely known chemically. They undoubtedly are conversion products from sugar formed in photosynthesis; they are not starch. Glycogen, or possibly glycoproteins, and droplets of oil may accumulate, especially in the spores. The plants increase in number by vegetative multiplication. Any vege- tative cell in some plants, or only certain vegetative cells in other plants, may develop thick walls and become dormant. After a period of time, new plants grow from these thick-walled cells. New filaments also result from the fragmentation of old filaments into small groups of cells, fol- lowed by repeated cell division. [Chap. XLVII THE ALGAE 625 The Diatoms: Bacillariophyceae The vegetative cell of a diatom has highly silicified walls (i.e., glass walls ) composed of two overlapping parts ( valves ) that fit together like the halves of a petri dish. The wall is usually beautifully sculptured and ornamented (Fig, 286). The plant may be unicellular, filamentous, or joined in irregular colonies by gelatinous sheaths. Pectic compounds are present, but there is no cellulose. The chloroplasts are yellowish to brownish, and contain chlorophyll, xanthophyll, and carotene together with accessory pigments of unknown chemical composition. Some 12,000 species have been described. Diatoms are distributed widely in both fresh and salt water. They are the important constituents of the plankton of the cooler waters of the sea, and at times are the principal algae of lakes and ponds, especially in early spring and in the autumn. Owing to the mucilage from their cells, diatoms may become attached to other plants and to all sorts of under- water objects. Depending upon the amount and place of major forma- tion of mucilage, the colonial species may form ribbon, chain, zigzag, or branching aggregates. Although not as important as either greens or blue-greens in the soil, some species of diatoms are distinctly terrestrial and capable of withstanding desiccation for many years. In regions of frequent rainfall diatoms may grow subaerially on tree trunks, on fences, and on rocky cliffs. As noted above, diatoms may occur in prodigious numbers in both sea and inland waters at certain times of the year. They are probably the most important constituent of the ocean plankton. When the plants die, the cell walls remain unaltered after the death and decay of the rest of the cell. The empty "glass cases" may thus accumulate over a period of years in great quantities on the bottom of seas, bays, and lakes. Such deposits of fossil diatoms are known as diatomaceous earth and are found in many parts of the world. One of the largest deposits is near Lompoc, California; it covers about 12 square miles with a stratum of commer- cially pure diatoms some 1400 feet thick, and in addition 3000 feet of diatoms mixed with silt, sand, and gravel. Diatomaceous earth is quarried or mined, the annual output approach- ing 100,000 tons. Its largest use is in the filtration of liquids, especially those of sugar refineries. The powdered earth is added to the solution, collects on the cloth screens of the filter press, and prevents the sus- pended matter from passing through them. Diatomaceous earth in the 626 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 286. Eight species of diatoms differing in structure and symmetry. Genera represented: A, Amphipleura; B, Sitrirella; C, Pinniilaria; D, Trihrachia; E, Arachnoidiscus; F, Eimotia; G, Stictodiscus; H, Coscinodiscus. Photos from Paul Conger, Smithsonian Institution, except A from Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., and E from Spencer Lens Co. [Chap. XLVIl THE ALGAE 627 form of bricks is used in the insulation of boilers and smelting furnaces. At high temperatures it is more effective than asbestos or magnesia. Metal polishes, abrasive soaps, and toothpaste often contain diatom shells. Living diatoms are of major importance as the food of fishes, oysters, and clams. Certain marine fishes feed almost entirely on them, or on the small animals that have consumed diatoms. The commercially important hake, for example, feeds upon herring; the herring subsist on copepods; and the copepods are dependent upon the diatoms for their food (Fig. 275). The accumulation and decay of diatoms in water resenoirs and ponds, on the other hand, may result in compounds that are extremely obnoxious to our senses of smell and taste. Some species are able to grow in waters highly polluted with organic matter. Diatom abundance is often asso- ciated with a plentiful supply of nitrates and silicates. Paucitv of diatoms is sometimes directly due to the absence of soluble silicates in the pond. Cell division in the diatoms is an almost unique phenomenon anions; plants. The new cell wall in the center of the dixiding cell consists of two new valves. Each of the two resulting daughter cells then has one new valve, and one older valve that belonged to the parent cell. As a result, any given diatom cell may have a valve that has been a part of many ancestral cells. Spores are fonned in the diatoms both asexually and sexually; and from them, after a period of dormancy, new plants develop directly. The spores of diatoms have been indiscriminately called auxo- spores regardless of whether or not they are the result of sexual union. The prefix "auxo" refers to the increase in size of this cell. The cell formed from the auxospore is usually much larger than the cell, or cells, from which the auxospore originated. Subsequent divisions of the cells, in vegetative multiplication of some species, lead to decrease in size of cells until auxospores form. The diatom cell is diploid, the monoploid condition being represented only in the nuclei of the gametes, a condition not common among algae, but usual in animals. The Yellow-green Algae: Xanthophyceae This comparatively small group of algae is almost entirely confined to fresh water and consists of about 400 species. The yellow-greens are similar to the greens"^ in many respects, but are characterized by chloro- ^ Since many of the green algae may often appear yellowish green during certain stages of development, it is sometimes difficult to separate species of the two groups with 628 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY plasts in which yellow pigments predominate over the green; by motile spores having two flagella of unequal length; by the presence of oils, but never starch; and by the rare occurrence of sexual reproduction. Most of the yellow-greens occur free-floating in temporary ponds and pools, or as epiphytes upon other algae and upon the stems and leaves of submerged plants. A few species grow on small crustaceans. The aerial yellow-greens may be found on tree trunks or damp walls, or growing with liverworts and mosses. A common yellow-green alga on prairie and bottom-land soils is the balloon-shaped Botrydium. The cells of the yellow-greens may be solitary, or united into colonies and filaments. The cell walls are chiefly pectic compounds (pectose or pectic acid) often impregnated with silica, with carbonates, and some- times with small amounts of cellulose. The cells of several genera have walls made up of two overlapping halves that fit together like the two parts of a gelatine capsule used by druggists. Some of these characters of the yellow-greens resemble those of the diatoms. Reproduction occurs through the formation and subsequent growth of motile and non-motile spores. Sexual reproduction has been observed only a few times, but seems to involve the union of motile gametes. The Brown Algae: Phaeophyceae The predominant color of brown algae is due to the presence of fucoxanthin, although green and yellow pigments are also present. Brown algae are almost entirely marine, and the larger ones are often referred to as seaweeds (Fig. 287). The largest ones, which are said to exceed 200 feet in length, are in the colder waters of temperate continental shores. The motile spores and gametes have two laterally placed flagella, one of which extends forward and the other backward. The cells are uninucleate and have from one to many chloroplasts. Oil, sugar, and complex polysaccharides accumulate in them. Some 1100 species are recognized. Most species of brown algae are found on rocky shores and do not ordinarily grow at much greater depths than 50 to 75 feet, although some of the kelps are attached to rocks at depths of 200 feet. Many of the plants are completely submerged only at high tide, being exposed to vegetative material alone. In hot concentrated HCl the chloroplasts of the yellow-greens become blue-green, whereas those of the greens remain green or become yellow-green when similarly treated. This may be taken as evidence of a difference in chemical com- position of the two groups. [Chap. XLVII THE ALGAE 629 Fig 287 Forms of brown algae (figures not drawn to scale). Genera repre- sented: (A) Fuciis, (B) Postelsia, (C) Ectocarpm, (D and G) Laminaria, (E) Chorda, and (F) Nereocystis. 630 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY the air at low tide. Waves, especially during storms, rupture the blades of the larger plants, and it is often difficult to find a perfect specimen. The simplest brown algae structurally are filamentous and super- ficially resemble some of the greens. The majority, however, are large Fig. 288. PustelsUi, a brown alga, on the rocky coast ot Santa Cruz County, Cahfornia. The plants are covered by water at high tide. Below, near the water, are other brown algae. Photo by W. S. Cooper. and parenchymatous with a rather high degree of differentiation in the plant body ( Fig. 288 ) . The leathery kelps, abundant in the colder tem- perate waters, have internal tissues that resemble the sieve tubes of seed plants. These algae consist of branching root-like holdfasts attached to rocks or other substrates, a long submerged stalk, and one or more con- spicuously large, ribbon-like, or variously shaped floating blades. Some [Chap. XLVII THE ALGAE 631 of the kelps are perennial, and the stalk increases in diameter bv the formation of new rings of peripheral cells. In the upper littoral zone along our coasts there grows in great abundance a branched, filamentous brown alga, known as Ectocarpiis. It is practically world-wide in distribution. Along the Atlantic coast it is common as an epiphyte on the rockweeds (Fiiciis and Ascophyllum), and less common along the Pacific coast on certain kelps. Motile spores produced from special cells may germinate and from them new plants develop. Other filaments produce flagellate gametes which upon fusion form zygotes. The germination of the zygote results in a plant that is able to produce only motile spores. In general, one cannot distinguish the filaments that produce motile spores from those that produce gametes until the reproductive structures actually appear. There occurs then in Ectocarpiis an alternation of asexual and sexual phases similar to those of seed plants, ferns, and mosses. Reduction division takes place during the formation of the motile spores. Kelps. The body of a kelp consists of a holdfast, a stipe, and a very large blade. Kelps grow only in the colder waters of the oceans; they are absent from the warm waters of tropical and semitropical regions. Most species of kelp grow below low tide and are thus permanently in water. The life cycle of the kelps may be indicated by a study of Laminaria, sometimes called devil's apron, found along both coasts of this continent. On the surface of the blade occur patches of sporangia, from which motile spores escape (Fig. 289). From these spores minute gamete-bearing filaments develop. These tiny plants may be few-celled or many-celled, and each one is unisexual, producing either only male gametes or only female gametes. The union of two gametes results in a zygote, from which the large plant we know as the kelp de\'elops. We thus have a pair of microscopic gametophytes ( gamete-bearing plants ) alternating with a large sporophyte ( spore-bearing plant ) . The large blade-like kelp is the diploid plant. Reduction division occurs in it during the formation of the motile spores, which are the fore- runners of the small unisexual gametophytes. It is interesting to recall that in nearly all green algae the conspicuous plant is the one bearing gametes. In Laminaria, and a few other algae as well, the gamete-producing plant is microscopic; the spore-bearing plant is the conspicuous structure, as it is in the seed plants. Moreover, the conspicuous phase of Laminaria is diploid, and the microscopic game- tophytes are monoploid. The conspicuous phase of green algae usually 632 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY has the reduced number of chromosomes, and spore formation (except zygotes ) results only in vegetative multiplication of the gamete-bearing phase of the life cycle of the plant. Fig. 289. Diagram illustrating the life history of a Laminaria. On the mature thallus (A) an enlongated patch of sporogenous tissue develops, an enlarged portion of which is represented in (B) with three sporangia from which motile spores (C) later escape. Reduction division occurs during the formation of these spores, and from one half of them male gametophytes (D) develop, and from the other half female gametophytes. Sperms are liberated from the male gameto- phytes and after swimming in the water unite with the egg cells in the female ga- metophyte. From the zygote a young sporophyte grows at first attached to the oogonium wall ( F ) , but later it is set free and ultimately becomes attached to some other substrate (G). Covering the rocks in the intertidal zones are the widely distributed "rockweeds" or "bladder wracks," represented on our coasts by Fiiciis (Fig. 3). They occur in tropical, temperate, and arctic seas, but the species or genera are usually characteristic in each zone. Most of the genera grow permanently attached to the rocks, although certain species of Sargassum are free-floating. Fucits is a dichotomously branched plant, attached by holdfasts and kept afloat at high tide by bladder-like struc- tures filled with air. It has no asexual propagation except by fragmenta- tion, and has no alternation of spore-bearing and gamete-bearing phases. The reproductive cycle is similar to that of animals. Spemis and eggs are formed by the first cell division immediately following reduction [Chap. XLVII THE ALGAE 633 division, and all other cells of the plant have the diploid number of chromosomes. The reproductive organs are produced in special branches. Swollen conical structures (receptacles) at the tips of the branches contain rounded cavities (conceptacles) in which antheridia and oogonia de- velop. Usually 8 eggs are formed in a single oogonium, and 64 sperms in a single antheridium. Upon release from the oogonium and conceptacle, the non-flagellate egg may be fertilized by a motile sperm. A new plant grows directly from the zygote. Reduction division occurs in the mother cell ( oocyte ) of the 8 eggs and in the mother cell ( spermatocyte ) of the 64 sperms. The Red Algae: Rhodophyceae The red algae are by far the most beautiful of all macroscopic sub- merged plants (Fig. 290). They are most abundant in salt water, but are not infrequent in fresh water. Of the approximately 3500 known species, 200 grow in fresh water. They attain their greatest development in subtropical seas. Five different pigments (Table 17) are known to occur in the cells, with the red usually predominating, although various shades of blue and purple are common. The red algae have definite nuclei and chloroplasts, and the chief accumulated food is a starch-like carbohydrate. They attain greater size on the whole than either the greens, blue-greens, diatoms, or yellow-greens, but none attains the size of the brown kelps. The red algae grow attached to rocks near shore, but considerable numbers may be found at depths of 50 to 100 feet, and a few live 200 feet or more below the surface. Some species are epiphytes upon other algae. The smallest species are little more than one-celled structures, but the majority are colonial aggregates, or filamentous and much branched, or blade-like and leatherv. The larger species branch profusely, mav at- tain lengths of several feet, and often have considerable differentiation of tissues. A single filament, for example, mav have a row of axial cells ensheathed by a cortical layer several cells in thickness. The red algae superficially resemble other modern algae, but their genealogical rela- tions are very remote. Some of the red algae in tropical waters take part in the formation of coral reefs, and are known as coralline algae (Fig. 291). Corals are colonial animals; but always associated with them are red algae that also accumulate calcium carbonate and likewise form massive reefs. Fossil 634 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 290. Forms of red algae (figures not drawn to scale). Genera represented (A) Chondrits, (B) Dasya, (C) Nenmlion, (D) Grinnellia, and (E) Corallina. [Chap. XLVU THE ALGAE 635 algal and coral reefs are found in the limestone rocks formed during the Paleozoic Era. Fig. 291. Photographs of two coralline algae: A, Goniolithon; B, LithopJu/Uiiiu. Courtesy of the N. Y. Botanical Garden. Asexual reproduction among the red algae occurs through fragmenta- tion, or the formation of non-motile spores. Strange as it may seem, no flagellate, motile cells of any kind are produced b\' the plants of this group. Sexual reproduction is so unlike that known in any other algae that a special terminology is necessary to describe it. The unique features of these algae are of interest mainly as examples of peculiar outcomes of eyolution. A few examples are cited below. Nemalion. When the tide is out, one may see the gelatinous strands of the marine summer annual, Nemalion, attached to the rocks in the midlittoral zone along coasts in temperate regions. It is a gelatinous short-branched cylindrical plant with a reddish-brown color. Compared with some other red algae its life history is simple, but it is more com- plex than the life histories of other algae described in this chapter. It will be described briefly. The female sex organs are apical cells of special short branches. The apical cell (carpogonium), which contains the egg protoplast and re- sembles an oogonium, terminates in a slender outgrowth (trichogyne). There are also numerous small antheridia, each of which contains a non- flagellate male cell (sperrrmtium) which is borne by water currents to the trichogyne. After the male cell becomes attached to the trichogyne, 636 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Summary of Life Cycles of Algae Described Name of Alga or of Special Groups of Algae Sporophyte Phase, Diploid Monoploid Re- productive Cells Produced by Sporophyte Gametophyte Phase, Monoploid L'lothrix Zygote Flagellate spores 4-16 Unbranched filaments; flagellate spores and gametes Oedogonium Zygote 4 flagellate spores Unbranched filaments; flagellate spores and sperms, non-motile egg Spirogyra Zygote 4 nucleated zy- gote; 3 nuclei disintegrate Unbranched filaments; non- flagellate gametes Vaucheria Zygote and probably the branched coeno- cytic filaments anfl flagellate spores Sperms and non- motile eggs Gametes Diatoms Zygote » vegetative cells and colonies; non-flagellate spores Gametes Xon-motile gametes Yellow-green algae Zygote Spores Vegetative cells, colonies and fila- ments; non-fiagellate and flagel- late spores and gametes Ectocarpus Zygote > branched filaments Flagellate spores Flagellate spores > branched filaments and flagellate gametes Laminaria Zygote > large blade-like kelp Flagellate spores Flagellate spores > small fihi- ments; flagellate sperms, non- motile eggs Fucus Zygote > large branched plant Gametes Flagellate sperms, non-motile eggs Nemalion Zygote > filaments of fruiting body (cys- tocarp) , carposporo- phyte Carpospore Carpospores > branched fila- mentous plant; non-flagellate egg (carpogoniumj. non- flagellate sperm (spermatium) Pleurococcus Vegetative cells and temporary colonies; no spores and no gametes. Blue-green algae Vegetative cells, colonies, and filaments; non-flagellate spores, but no gametes its nucleus divides and one of the resulting nuclei fuses with the egg. After the egg is fertilized, numerous short branches develop from it. Each of these branches is terminated by a spore ( carpospore ) . Branches may also develop from cells adjacent to the fertilized egg. The whole mass [Chap. XLVII THE ALGAE 637 of branches and carpospores, which superficially resembles a fruiting body, is called a cystocarp. When a carpospore becomes free and germinates, a new Nemalion plant develops from it. Reduction division occurs during the formation of the carpospores. The ordinary Nemalion plant, therefore, is the gametophyte phase with the monoploid number of chromosomes. The short branches of the cystocarp that developed from the fertilized egg have the diploid num- ber of chromosomes and constitute the sporophvte { carposporophyte ) phase in the life cycle of Nemalion. Batrachospermum and Lemanea. The fresh-water Batrachospermum grows on the rocks in riffles and waterfalls in streams and in the wave- disturbed margins of lakes of the temperate zone. It has whorls of short branches at the nodes of a central axis, all enclosed in a heavv mucilasi- nous sheath. The color varies from bluish green to violet. Its life cvcle is similar to that of Nemalion. Another common relative in rapidlv flowing streams is Lemanea. The filaments of some species when magnified look like bamboo rods. The life cycles of these plants are more complicated than that of Nemalion, but they are not as complex as those of many other red algae. REFERENCES Brown, William H. Tltc Plant Kingdom. Ginn & Company. 1935. Conger, Paul S. Origin and utilization of diatomaceous peat deposits. Sci. Monthly 49:509-523. 1939. Fritsch, F. E. The Structure and Reproduction of the Algae. \'ol. I. Macmillan Company. 1935. Hall, R. P. The trophic nature of the plant-like flagellates. Quart. Rev. Riol. 14:1-12. 1939. Kudo, R. R. Protozoology. C. C. Thomas, Publisher. 1939. Smith, G. M. Cryptogamic Rotamj. Vol. I. Algae and Fungi. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1938. Smith, G. M. Freshwater Algae of the United States. McGraw-Hill Book Com- pany, Inc. 1933. Taylor, W. R. Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast of North America. Univ. of Michigan Press. 1937. Tiffany, L. H. Algae, the Grass of Mam/ Waters. C. C. Thomas, Publisher. 1938. Tilden, J. E. The Algae and Their Life Relationships. Univ. of Minnesota Press. 1935. Tressler, D. K. Marine Products of Commerce. Chemical Catalogue Companv. 1923. CHAPTER XLVin MOSSES AND LIVERWORTS (BRYOPHYTES) Mosses and liverworts grow throughout the world, from the high moun- tains of Antarctica to northernmost Greenland. Species of moss occur in nearly every habitat, from 180 feet under water in a Swiss lake to the driest deserts of Arizona. Liverworts grow in less extreme situations but in a surprising variety of them. Neither the mosses nor the liverworts live in sea water. Bryophytes are common in the vegetation on the arctic and alpine tundra (Fig. 292). They are most abundant in moist and wet situations. Bryophytes are also abundant in the north woods and in the moist forested regions of the Pacific coast (Fig. 293). There they and the lichens not only live on the soil and on the trunks and branches of living trees, but they soon cover the fallen trees with a living green spongy mantle, beneath which the relentless processes of disintegration proceed ( Fig. 294 ) . Mosses form the primary mats of the floating and semi-solid substrates of bogs and "muskegs." Held together by the tangled fibrous roots of sedges, ferns, and shrubs, they grow above and die below, thus contributing to the gradual filling of depressions and lake basins with peat. Clearing of the forests and cultivation of the land by man have de- stroyed numerous habitats of many kinds of bryophytes in agricultural regions. But these species may still be found in rock gorges, swamp woods, and other forest remnants where they have survived and are often locally abundant. On the other hand, some species are more abundant in partially cleared forests, and a few may be found in culti- vated fields. The grasses of old shaded lawns are often replaced by several species of mosses and liverworts. Examination of clover fields and pastures will reveal a surprising carpet of these little plants growing with the soil algae. When farms are abandoned, bryophytes are among the pioneer invaders of "worn-out" soils. Years later, when young woodland has occu- 638 [Chap. XLVIII MOSSES AND LIVERWORTS 639 Fig. 292. Earlier and later stages in the development of alpine tundra on Mt. Robson, British Columbia. Vegetation starts in the crevices of the glaciated rock surface (A); ultimately rock and plant debris covers the entire surface; and sedges, grasses, creeping willows, heath plants, and Drxjas (in flower) form a continuous association (B). Photos by W. S. Cooper. pied the farm site, it is often amazing to see the extent to which the species of bryophytes that foiTnerly hved in the forests of the region have reappeared. In tropical and subtropical forests, where rainfall is ample, mosses and liverworts grow profusely in glades and on stream banks. Many grow as epiphytes, forming spongy cushions on tree trunks and branches in the forest canopy. Some even grow on the surfaces of leaves. Certain aquatic species live attached to rocks in swift clear streams, and even in waterfalls. Most species of bryophytes are land plants, in contrast to the algae, most of which are aquatics. 640 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 293. Moss-covered terrain in a hemlock ioicst on a terminal moraine at the mouth of Glacier Bay, Alaska. The moraine was deposited 150-200 years ago and the maximum age of the trees is 110 years. Photo by W. S. Cooper. Fig. 294. A mat of the common fern moss (Thuidium) . Photo by E. S. Thomas, Ohio State Museum. [Chap. XLVIII MOSSES AND LIVERWORTS 641 Locally, the occurrence of some species is limited by the acidity or alkalinity of the habitat. The pigeon-wheat moss (Polytrichum), the wind-blown moss (Dicranum), and the white-cushion moss (Letico- hrijum ) grow almost wholly in acid situations. The cord moss (Funaria) and the silvery Bryiim are largely limited to alkaline or neutral areas. Other mosses, such as Climachim and Mniwn, grow equally well in both acid and alkaline habitats. Some species of bryophytes survive in very acid, and others in extremely alkaline, substrates. Many mosses withstand freezing temperatures at any stage of develop- ment, and in subarctic lands live under snow and ice for the longer part of every year. Whenever the snow disappears, food-making, growth, and reproduction proceed from the stage at which they stopped the previous season. In rock crevices on the mountains of the Antarctic the Bvrd Ex- pedition found living mosses and lichens, where temperatures are seldom above freezing, and in winter often 75"^ F. below zero. Mosses also occur in the water of hot springs. Their endurance of cold and drought is not dependent upon any spe- cial anatomical structures. Owing to their habit of growth as compact Fig. 295. A tutt ot llcdwigia on a rock substrate where it may become dry and brittle during droughts, but will grow again when it becomes moist. Photo by E. S. Thomas, Ohio State Museum. 642 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY cushions or as sponge-like mats, water accumulates during rains and fogs by capillarity and remains available for much longer periods. When the plants become dry, life processes are largely suspended; but in nature recovery is possible even after prolonged droughts (Fig. 295). Moss plants dried for several days in the laboratory fail to recover, but the same species endure droughts of several weeks out-of-doors. Apparently they secure enough water from the atmosphere at night to survive. The spores of certain mosses, however, have germinated after being kept for 14 years in the dry air of a herbarium. Adequate light, a moist atmosphere, a rather constant water supply, and suitable temperatures are all essential to the abundant growth of most bryophvtes. Some grow in the entrances to caves and below rock ledges, where the light is as low as 1/500 of full sunlight. Moss plants have been found living in complete darkness. Obviously these plants were living as saprophytes similar to the subterranean green algae. The species of moss that lives at a depth of 180 feet in the water of Lake Geneva, Switzerland, survives at an extremely low light intensity, and must have a very low compensation point. The so-called "luminous moss" (Schistostega) found under rock ledges and in dark recesses in woods is probably the material basis of the fairy tales of "goblin gold." The cobwebby threads of the green plant are easily overlooked among the rock particles. From certain angles, however, the refracted and re- flected light rays from the lens-like cells of the plant are seen as a golden- green glow. None of the bryophytes is more than a few inches tall. They are simple in structure, although many of them have organs that super- ficially resemble leaves, stems, and rootlets. No conducting system is present and the cell walls are not lignified. Mosses imbibe water rapidly, even from moist air. The cells of the green parts of the plants have well- developed round chloroplasts. No true parasites are known among bryo- phytes, but many species are probably partial saprophytes. Moss com- munities frequently become the substrates of lichens and die in their shade. Their remains accumulate as humus on bare rock surfaces, and become the substrate in which the roots of ferns and other plants may grow. The remains of these plants in turn contribute further to the humus, and the roots of the living plants bind the material together and anchor it still more securelv. These are the pioneer stages of soil develop- ment, and of vegetation on exposed rocks. Owing to their rapid and compact horizontal spreading, bryophytes [Chap. XLVIII MOSSES AND LIVERWORTS 643 soon form patch-like communities in many kinds of situations. On the basis of their habitat relations, they are conveniently classified ( 1 ) as suspended, attached, and floating species in quiet water, (2) as species anchored in running water, (3) as plants on wet or dry fallen logs, soils, and rocks, (4) as epiphytes on bark and leaves, (5) as bog species, and (6) as pioneers on calcareous and non-calcareous rock surfaces. Bryophytes are either annuals or perennials. It is difficult to estimate the age of the perennials, since they have no annual rings or bud scars. Fig. 296. The juniper hair-cap moss {Fohjtrichuin) . The male branches may be recognized by their terminal rosettes of broad scales. Photo by E. S. Thomas, Ohio State Museum. Annual stem segments are recognizable, however, in some moss plants, such as Polytrichiim ( Fig. 296 ) , in which a characteristic rosette of per- manent leaves surrounds the terminal male reproductive structures. Each year a new stem segment grows from near the center of the terminal rosette of the previous stem segment (Fig. 297). Polytrichum plants have been found in bogs, with 1 to 3 upper live segments and 4 to 8 dead 644 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY ones below. In most species the lower and older parts disintegrate about as fast as new growths appear terminally. Fig. 297. Polijtrichum. Annual stem segments and terms applied to parts of the capsule. A and B, gametophyte and sporophyte phases; C and D, male gametophytes. The bog mosses grow in poorly aerated habitats, and as they die below they accmiiulate as peat deposits, several to many feet in thickness. Mosses that grow in springs heavily charged with calcium bicarbonate become incrusted below with lime and build up layers of porous hard tufa many feet thick. The tufa deposits later recrystallize and form solid masses of limestone. The moss Gt/mnostomum, important in tufa forma- tion, is known to elongate a little over an inch in four years. In a thou- sand years these processes would form a layer of tufa and rock some 20 feet in thickness. Living cells occur onh' in the uppermost segments. [Chap. XLVIII MOSSES AND LIVERWORTS 645 In moist, shaded habitats various small salamanders, insects, snails, worms, fungi, bacteria, and algae live with the bryophytes as a miniature microcosm. From the plants, both living and dead, the animals secure food, cover, and a more continuous water supply. The saprophytic fungi simply grow through the mass of liverworts and mosses and become in- terlaced with them. Some of the fungi, however, are wholly or partially parasitic, and live on and within the bryophyte cells. Certain species of aerial and terrestrial algae as well as various soil bacteria are also sure to be found in the community. The commonest example of an alga living within liverworts is the blue-green Nostoc in cavities of the two liver- worts, Anthoceros and Blasia. The economic and biological importance of the bryophytes is much less than that of either the algae or the fungi. They have been con- tributory factors in the formation of peat, muck, and brown coal through the centuries, and thev contribute annually to the organic matter of the soil. Thev hold the soil against wind and water erosion, and decrease run-off of water by their spongy texture. They are the food of many small animals. Some species are important pioneers, sharing with the lichens the initial development of soil on bare rocks, volcanic deposits, and newly exposed land. During the World War certain bog mosses of the genus Sphci<><><><><^<><>^'-^"#,^yi Fig. 357. Petrified trunks of trees that were living in this locality during the Triassic period. Fossil Forest Park, Arizona. Photo by U. S. National Museum. 121 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY similar to those formed when leaves fall upon freshlv laid cement and a detailed outline of their form and venation is preserved as the cement solidifies. Fig. 358. Positive and negative imprints of a seed fern {Neuropteri.s) leaflet. Photo from Field Museum of Natural History. Fossils may be found in consolidated rocks, sand dunes, cave de- posits, peat beds, coal, river deltas and varves, ooze at the bottom of lakes and oceans, glacial drift, and in soil formed from the weathering of rocks. Studies of the rocks and fossils within them have enabled paleontologists to reconstruct many phenomena and organisms of the different geological periods (Fig. 359). Various means are used to estimate the relative and approximate ages of fossils. For long-range estimates, the determination of the ex- tent of disintegration of uranium to lead and helium appears to be far more reliable than any of the methods formerly de^'ised. The rate of this chemical process is not affected by the ordinary changes in tem- perature and pressure at the surface of the earth. Since the rate of disintegration of uranium is known, it is necessary only to determine the amount of "uranium-lead" in a rock to estimate its age. The plants of a billion years ago were less complex than those of today, and apparently were neither very large nor woody. They too fell, and some of them were deposited in situations where oxidation and dis- integration were delayed for at least sufficient time for casts and imprints [Chap. LII PLANTS OF THE PAST GEOLOGIC ERAS xO c ^ p (1> o^ <><><><><^e<><^<><><><^^ Recent improvements in facilities for land and air travel have afforded millions of people the opportunity of visiting most parts of the North American continent. The outposts of civilization in Canada, Mexico, and Central America have rather suddenly become fairly accessible to anyone interested in going there. This has awakened a new interest not only in unfamiliar human populations, their customs, industries, and foods, but also in the native vegetation, which has always been the chief source of biological supplies of isolated peoples and pioneer settlements. Such trips may now be even more enjovable and enlightening, for enough has been learned about the biological and economic relations of plants and their heredity and phvsiology that observations may be made with increased understanding. Never again will plants be just something green along the route, put there merely to be enjoyed, ignored, or de- stroyed at will, for we know that they are the basis both of our existence and of much of our individual and national wealth. The development of the plants, on the other hand, is dependent upon their physical environ- ment, a part of which we may alter, either to the advantage of both the plants and ourselves or to the detriment of both. This chapter on the vegetation of North America is a brief sketch of the vegetation of a continent ( Fig. 370 ) . Only a few of the many biologi- cal and economic relations of this vegetation are mentioned; but many others, together with interpretations of the phenomena described, can be inferred from the facts presented in preceding chapters. The differences in climate from place to place on the larger continents are so numerous that areas of similar climates and equivalent types of vegetation occur on each of them. Most of the species, many of the genera, and a few of the families, however, are different. Climatic contrasts of the continent. From north to south the greatest contrasts result from differences in light and temperature conditions. North America extends southward from a region of nearly continuous ice and snow, where three-fourths of the year is winter and one-fourth 740 [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 741 [X] mm 123 MB TUNDRA BOREAL FOREST HEMLOCK-HARDWOOD F. DECIDUOUS FOREST S.E. EVERGREEN FOREST GRASSLANDS DESERT GRASS AND SCRUB DESERT COASTAL FOREST ROCKY MT. FOREST WET AND DRY TROPICAL F Fig. 370. Principal vegetation types of North America. 742 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY spring, where light intensity is never high, and the daily light period is 24 hours long during the short growing season. The southern extremity of the continent lies within the tropics, where, on the basis of tempera- ture, there is but one season, summer, which may be wet or dry or pe- riodically wet and dry, where light intensity is high, and the daily light period is 12 hours long throughout the year. A west-to-east belt across the continent from Oregon to Massachusetts is the region of prevailing westerly winds and is marked by great differ- ences in total precipitation, in snowfall and rainfall, in the prevalence of drizzling rains or sudden downpours, and in seasonal distribution of pre- cipitation. These variations affect the atmospheric humidity and the available soil water. Starting at the west coast, with a hundred inches of rain principally during the colder months of the year, and persistent fogs, the high coastal mountains lead to a reduction in rainfall on their eastern slopes, so that grassland and semi-desert conditions prevail on the high plateau. Precipitation again increases in the Rockies, but the}' in turn cast a rain shadow eastward on the high plains, and 10 to 15 inches of precipitation is general. The annual precipitation in the eastern half of the United States varies from 30 to 60 inches and comes from the moisture in the air masses moving in from the Gulf of Mexico. Central America extends into the trade winds, or prevailing easterlies, and rains are abundant east of the mountain crests and meager on the western slopes. As a result of the many possible combinations of light intensity, length of day, temperature extremes, length of growing season, rainfall, snow- fall, frequency and length of drought periods, fogs, and hot dry winds, the continent as a whole has many climatic regions, large and small, ex- tending in various directions; and the nature of the vegetation reflects the diversity of conditions. Indeed, students of climates have long recog- nized that the larger patterns of vegetation are among the best indicators of climatic patterns and boundaries. High mountain slopes and crests may approximate conditions of high latitudes, while protected rivers with warm seacoasts in the north may simulate conditions of the south. Prehistoric factors. In addition to the amount and intensity of present- day factors, the distribution of many plants has been limited by prehis- toric or geologic factors. Among these factors, slightly lower temperature and glaciation, with their attendant effects on precipitation, drainage, and soils, have left their imprint on the vegetation of many parts of the continent. Climatic shifts involving prolonged periods of drought or of [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 743 increased rainfall in postglacial time account for many of the irregulari- ties of plant distribution. On the margins of the continent the position of the seashore has varied, in part because of the uplift or sinking of the land and in part because of changes in the height of sea level itself. Plant Formations Tundra (Figs. 371-373). This name has come into general use throughout the world for the low, sometimes scanty vegetation which Fig. 371. Mature tundra at edge of Harriman Glacier, Prince William Sound, Alaska. One of the heaths (Cassiope stelleriana) is the most abundant plant. A tree one-half mile from the edge of this glacier is more than 300 years old. Photo by W. S. Cooper. encircles the polar ice caps and in America covers the "barren grounds." At its southern border is what the Indians called "the land of little sticks" and the boreal forest. Here and there the barren grounds are broken by rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean through deep valleys where the snow melts somewhat earlier and the growing season is longer. Valley slopes are also less exposed to the dry winter winds, and on them the northernmost outliers of the forest occur. The land in general is poorly drained and wet from the melting snows, the fogs, and the drizzling rains of the warmer season. The drier parts are covered with grasses, sedges, and rushes interspersed with lichens, 744 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 372. Alder thicket on glacial drift two to three feet thick overlying stagnant ice of the Allen Glacier, Copper River, Alaska. The man in the center of the picture is facing the exposed ice front. Photo by W. S. Cooper. Fig. 373. Remnants of a western hemlock-Sitka spruce forest buried under 200 feet of gravel about 1000 years ago. They have been uncovered recently by flood water from a rapidly melting glacier farther up the valley. These tree trunks and the plants of the forest Hoor are in a perfect state of preservation. Photo and data from W. S. Cooper, Fourth Expedition to Glacier Bay, Alaska, 1935. [Chap. Llll THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 745 mosses, and a variety of small herbs with relatively large brilliant flowers (Plates 1 and 3). There are also areas of such evergreen heaths as bearberry, crowberry, and leatherleaf, together with creeping willows and low birches. Alder, birch, and willow thickets occupy the warmer slopes and stream banks. The myriad depressions and pools become moss-covered bogs with sphagnum, polytrichum, and other bog mosses, and are called "muskegs." The substrate is wet and poorly aerated, and peat accumulates in the surface layer. A few feet below the soil surface is the "ground ice" — fossil ice, it might be called, since some of it was formed at the close of the period of glaciation. In our latitude plants are affected by the depth to which soils freeze in winter, while in the tundra they are affected by the depth to which soils thaw in the warmer season. In general, the tundra is a region of light snowfall; but where snow accumulates and covers the vegetation it prevents destructive erosion by ice crystals car- ried by the violent and desiccating winds of winter. Plants of the tundra survive freezing night temperatures during the growing season and grow at low average temperatures. Moreover, the plants may freeze at any stage of development, including the flowering period, survive under the snow, and continue growth the following sea- son (Figs. 374 and 375). The vegetation of the tundra, then, is composed Fig. 374. Adder 's-tongue (Erythroniiim montantim) that grew through a 3-inch layer of snow and bloomed. Photo taken by W. H. Camp at Mt. Ranier, Wash- ington. 746 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 375. Marsh-marigold {Caltha leptosepala) , Mount Ranier National Park, in bloom at the edge of a snow-bank. The flower buds were fully developed under the snow and opened within a few hours after the snow melted. Photo by W. H. Camp. of plants that pass most of the year in low-temperature dormancy, and grow but two to three months. The survival of plants in different situations in the tundra is deter- mined far more by the direct effects of environment than by the inter- ference of other plants. Consequently, apparent successions are more in the nature of fluctuations in the proportion of different species than of the progressive development of more highly organized communities. The southernmost isolated communities of tundra vegetation occur in bogs, on sand plains, on cliff edges, and on the summits of high moun- tains above the timber line. The conditions in alpine tundra are some- what different from those in the polar tundra, especially the light inten- sity, the length of day, and the quality of light. The length of the growing season, however, and the soil conditions may be much the same. The absence of trees is not due to the intense cold. The Siberian fir forest grows in the coldest locality in the northern hemisphere. Boreal forest (Figs. 376-377). This is the most extensive forest on the continent and extends south of the tundra from western Alaska to New- foundland. The most characteristic tree is the white spruce, which [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 747 occurs throughout the forest. Black spruce and tamarack (a deciduous conifer) also occupy large areas, especially the poorly drained ones, as well as wet bogs, and "muskeg." Both species sometimes occur on the upland, and the black spruce is frequent on rock outcrops, cliffs, and mountain tops. Other trees of importance are balsam fir, which is a common associate of the white spruce east of the Rockies; jack pine, on Fig. 376. Black spruce forest on a bog near Big Falls, Minnesota. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. sand plains and on sand and gravel terraces; balsam poplar, on flood plains; and trembling aspen and canoe birch, now occupying extensive burned-over areas. The most characteristic shrubs are thickets of alder and birch, low junipers, with blueberries, huckleberries, and other heaths, and sweet gale on acid soils. This formation is also characterized by an abundance of mosses, liverworts, and lichens. The northern boundary is an intricate pattern of interlacing sites. Those with deeper soils and a longer growing season are occupied by forest peninsulas and isolated groves; the tundra occupies the shallow soils and short-season areas. The southern boundary in the west merges 748 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY with the northern boundary of the western evergreen forest. Across the plains it is bordered by grasslands and aspen-grass savannas. Eastward it intermingles with the hemlock-hardwood forest of the Great Lakes region and the northern Appalachian Mountains. The climate of the region is exceedingly rigorous, but the winter temperature rarely falls to —40° F., and the snowfall is deeper than in Fig. 377. A spruce-fir forest in the White Mountain National Forest of New Hamp- shire. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. the tundra. In the plains region the soil may freeze to a depth of 10 feet; where the snowfall is greater the depth of freezing is much less. The growing season is a month or two longer than in the tundra. There is a distinct spring and summer period, but the autumn is short and winter follows closely. Frosts may occur during any month of the year. The boreal forest has occupied much of its present area only a com- paratively short time, for this is the region which was covered ten to twenty thousand years ago by continental glaciers, similar to the great [Chap. LIIl THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 749 glacier that now covers Greenland. The trees of the forest survived about the edges of the several successive ice masses; and as the masses melted, the forest spread into its present transcontinental region. The tundra plants survived the glacial periods on the northern islands, on transitory areas not occupied by ice, and near the coast, just as they today live on the fringes of land encircling the Greenland ice. The poor drainage, shallow soils, and frequent ponds and lakes are also the results of glacial erosion and deposition. Irregularities result from the unequal deposition of rock material in the ice at the final melting, and from the meltine of buried, detached ice masses after the retreat of the main masses of the glaciers. Tundra and boreal forest are examples of climatic plant formations. Each is a large area of nearly homogeneous vegetation limited in its occurrence by a group of characteristic climatic conditions. The tundra is covered by a mixed population of perennial herbs and low shrubs, which vary in proportion from one locality to another; but organized communities are indistinct. The boreal forest, on the other hand, has well-defined communities of specific tree, shrub, and herbaceous layers, with mosses and lichens in all layers. There is also more diversity of communities on sand, on clay, and on rock exposures; on alkaline and acid soils; and on well-drained soils in contrast to wet, poorly aerated soils. On burned-over lands there is abundant evidence of recent succession from bare soil to annual and perennial weeds, to aspen thickets, or to alder thickets on wetter soils, followed by jack pine or balsam poplar, and finallv to white spruce and balsam fir. Bogs and muskeg, first cov- ered by sphagnum and other mosses, are invaded by black spruce and tamarack and in less acid situations by arbor vitae; and in the most mature communities white spruce eventually becomes dominant. The youngest flood plains have sedge, rush, and grass communities, soon fol- lowed bv willow and alder thickets. These in turn may be succeeded by balsam poplar communities, and followed by mixtures of balsam poplar and white spruce; eventually white spruce becomes dominant. White spruce may thus predominate in the final stage in the develop- ment of vegetation which started with a variety of different communities on such diverse habitats as flood plains, sand plains, bogs, and muskeg. For this reason white spruce is regarded as a climax tree; and since a comparable sequence occurs in similar habitats from Alaska to Labrador, 750 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fjg. 378. Exterior view of a forest of hemlock, white pine, beech, birch, and maple on the plateau of northwestern Pennsyhania. Fig. 379. Interior view of a hemlock-beech-birch-maple forest in northern Penn- sylvania. [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 751 the white spruce forest is regarded as the chmax community or associa- tion of the boreal forest formation. Hemlock-hardwood forest (Figs. 378-380). From Winnipeg through the Great Lakes region to Nova Scotia, and at gradually increasing eleva- tions southward in the Appalachians, is a far more complex formation Fig. 380. Interior view of a mixed spruce-hemlock -hardwood forest in the Mononga- hela National Forest of West Virginia. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. composed of many more species of plants and consequently of a greater number of distinct communities. This plant formation was originally characterized by the abundance of hemlock, eastern white pine, red pine, yellow birch, red spruce, sugar maple, red maple, beech, and black cherrv. The hemlock-hardwood for- mation extends between the boreal forest formation and the deciduous forest formation on the south. Since general climatic regions are never separated by sharp lines because topograph)^ modifies climatic factors locally, many small areas containing boreal communities ha^'e persisted 752 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY from early postglacial times, when the boreal forest dominated this whole region. Likewise, there are areas of valley slopes and lake shores where deciduous forest plants and communities have moved in and be- come established. The hemlock-hardwood forest on its southern borders has been most frequently replaced by deciduous forest communities on the better soils. The climatic conditions within this region are less rigorous than in the boreal forest. The growing season is usuallv four to five and a half months. Increased rainfall and deeper snows limit or prevent the freez- ing of the soil in forested areas. Frosts seldom occur between June and August, although night temperatures may frequently approach 40° F. Winter temperatures of 20-25° below zero are not uncommon, and at rare intervals temperatures 40° -50° below zero are recorded. The period of dormano' thus is somewhat longer than the period of growth, and the extreme winter temperatures limit the establishment of many species common southward. For example, in some valleys of the western Adirondacks during the winter of 1935-36 beech trees more than 200 years old were killed bv extreme low temperatures, and of course many of the younger trees died also. This is an example of the fact that elimination of species from climatic formations may be effective even if the extreme of a limiting factor occurs but once in many years. The beech and maple trees near their northern limits are scrub-like trees with numerous dead branches, Agriculturalh' the area occupied by the hemlock-hardwood forest is a region of hay crops, interspersed locally with potato and root crops and certain northern varieties of apples. Vegetables, grapes, and other fruits are cultivated near the larger lakes where in autumn killing frosts are delayed by the heat liberated from the water. Plant associations. As one studies the local diversity of plants and plant communities within a climatic plant formation, he finds certain communities with a similar appearance repeated again and again, much the same group of species, and a similar internal organization. They may occupy large or small areas, depending on physiography and soils. These communities within a fonnation are called plant associations. They are the smaller units of the vegetation of a great climatic region which includes many topographic situations with difl^erent exposures to light, wind, temperature, and precipitation. They are also limited by soils of different depth, chemical composition, water content, aeration, and texture. [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 753 Plant associations have a rather definite organization. This may be illustrated by a forest such as the white pine association or the hemlock- hardwood association. Both are named for their dominant species, but both have accessory and subdominant species of trees, and in the under- growth characteristic shrubs, herbs, and smaller plants. The dominant trees that form the canopy, or top layer, of the association are exposed to more sunlight, more wind, and a drier atmosphere than are the suc- cessive lower layers of small trees, shrubs, herbs, and ground cover beneath. Atmospheric moisture and carbon dioxide concentrations are highest near the soil. After long periods of occupancy the accumulated duff and underlying soils become strikingly different. These different layers of plants in a forest and the relations of the plants in each layer to those above and below constitute the ecological structure and organiza- tion of an association. Succession. Land forms are continually undergoing change. Uplands are eroded by water and wind, and lowlands and flood plains are built up by deposition of the products of erosion. Lakes and ponds are filled up gradually; hill and mountain slopes are modified by slumping. All these physiographic processes result in an orderly series of changes in the environments of the various plant associations of these different sites, and consequently most associations are undergoing changes in com- position. When new land areas are exposed as when lakes are drained, cut-over forest areas are subjected to intense fires, or sand dunes and other wind- blown deposits cover an older landscape, a comparatively rapid succes- sion of plant associations follows one another until a final stabilized asso- ciation forms a climax. These stages, beginning with weeds and passing through pioneer shrubs and tree stages to the climax forests, have been described for many parts of the country. Similar studies have been made in the grasslands. Succession may be readilv studied wherever there is abandoned faim land; the age of the community can often be definitely ascertained from historic records. On manv of these sites the primary cause of succession is the changing of the soil and atmospheric factors by the plants them- selves: shading, increasing or decreasing the water supply, adding humus, increasing the stability and porosity of the soil. Pioneer plants may make the habitat suitable to other species, which in turn may alter it in ways that result in the death of the pioneers. Still other species may follow these in time and have a similar effect on them. This influence of 754 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY plants upon each other indirectly through their effects upon the environ- ment results in progressive changes in the communities that occupy an area. It is sometimes referred to as "competition" among species and communities. The processes of vegetation change, however, are best studied in your own locality and in the field. Here it is possible only to call attention to their occurrence. Many of the recent projects in forest planting, soil erosion control, irrigation, and building of dams are excellent sites for such studies. Vegetation, then, consists of larger and smaller groups of plants each having a characteristic structure and appearance. The occurrence of the larger groups ( formations ) , such as the boreal forest, eastern deciduous forest, and prairie, is rather definitely related to climate. The distribu- tion of the smaller communities ( associations ) within a climatic forma- tion is correlated with local modifications of climate and diversity of soil conditions. Because of gradual changes in climate, physiographic modifi- cation of land forms, changes in available water, and the modification of the environment by the plants themselves, rather definite successions of plant associations occur within each of the formations. Succession includes changes in composition, in organization, and in the dominant and accessory species. If continued for long periods of time, it leads ultimately to plant associations in which the component species are in equilibrium with the local climate, with the soil, and with each other. These are called climax associations and may cover larger or smaller parts of a climatic formation. Man has frequently altered these natural changes in vegetation. Deciduous forest (Figs. 381-384). The most widely distributed forest communities of the eastern United States belong to the deciduous forest formation. The most characteristic trees of these various communities are a score of oaks, several species of hickory, elm, ash, maple, linden, poplar, and birch; also the beech, tulip, sycamore, and, until recently, the chestnut. In the primeval forest many of these trees attained heights of 125 to 175 feet and trunk diameters of 5 to 14 feet. Many of the largest trees of which we have records occurred in the lower Ohio River bottoms and in the moist coves and valleys of the Appalachian Mountains and plateaus. Probably the most important single species was the white oak, which excelled in both abundance and dominance in a great variety of habitats, partly because of its height, longevity, and freedom from disease. The region of the deciduous forest was glaciated in the northern [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 755 and northwestern part, and there the topography is comparatively smooth or rolHng. Most of the area, however, consists of stream-dissected high and low plateaus and mountains, with a great diversity of under- lying rocks and residual soils adjoined by low plains. F^ic;. 381. General view of the mixed deciduous forest of the Pisguh National Forest of North Garolina. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. The most extensive communities of the deciduous forest on the up- lands and slopes are the mixed hardwood, mixed oak, oak-hickory, white oak, oak-maple-linden, beech-maple, and southward the beech-magnolia. Interspersed among these upland types are the lowland forests of willow- cottonwood-sycamore, elm-ash-maple, and swamp oak-hickory. On ridge tops, cliff edges, gravel hills, and sand plains there are pioneer com- munities of scrub, pitch, and short-leaf pines, either singly or in combi- nation. Usually associated with them are scrub oaks as undergrowth, and various tree oaks that eventually replace them on the better sites. 756 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 382. A beech-sugar maple forest in West Virginia. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. [Chap. Llll THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 757 Because these areas are subject to frequent droughts they are more sub- ject to fires than other forest sites, and the resinous leaves that accumu- late beneath the pines add to the fire hazard. Recurring fires that destroy the ground cover and young trees restore the pioneer character of the habitat; hence succession to oak and other broad-leaved deciduous trees may be delayed or prevented. Pine communities if undisturbed by Fig. 383. An oak-hickory forest in Ohio. fire are relatively short-lived and are succeeded by oak and other com- munities. Tovv^ard the west the deciduous forest is limited by the decreased precipitation — 35 inches annuallv in Texas to 25 inches in Minnesota — and by the frequency and longer duration of droughts. The dry condi- tion of the atmosphere during the summer is often accentuated by periods of hot winds from the southwest. The upland forest border is characterized by open groves of small trees with a ground cover of grasses, or by scattered clumps of dwarfed oaks. Where the soils have more water in them than that derived from direct rainfall, as in river valleys, the deciduous forest extends farther into the grasslands. Northward the deciduous forest species are limited by extremely low 758 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY winter temperatures, by the shortness of the growing season which prevents the maturing of the vegetative branches and seeds, and by the presence of species of the hemlock-hardwood and white spruce forests. Southward the characteristic species of the deciduous forest are re- stricted by the absence of a period of low-temperature dormancy, neces- sarv both for the renewal of growth of the buds and cambiums of the perennial plants and for the after-ripening of seeds. Leached sandy soils and tlie absence of humus due to recurrent fires on the coastal plain Fig. 384. Eastern white pine. An original stand at Cook Forest. Pennsyhania. and mountain tops make conditions more favorable to the southern pines and to other coastal plain species. Far south on the coastal plain, sur- rounded by pine forests, are outlying communities of the deciduous forest called "hammocks." The soils where they occur are better than those of the general region, and the sites have been protected from fires. These communities consist of either mixed oak and hickory or beech- magnolia, with an undergrowth containing many typical deciduous forest shrubs and herbs. In many parts of the deciduous forest region are local communities which are relicts of communities that lived under various former cli- mates. Scattered bogs dating back to early postglacial time are still cov- ered with mosses and flowering plants characteristic of the boreal and [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 759 hemlock-hardwood formation. These plants became established when the climate was cooler and the uplands adjoining the bogs were clothed with spruce, fir, pine, hemlock, and northern deciduous trees. In protected coves and rock gorges there are localities with interesting mixtures of trees, shrubs, and herbs, some of which antedate the last glaciation, while others are relicts of postglacial time, when the hemlock- hardwood forest extended much farther westward into Kentucky and Indiana. A third type of relict community was represented in the prairie open- ings that the pioneers found in the deciduous forests from western Penn- sylvania and New York to Illinois and western Tennessee. These were remnants of a period drier and warmer than the present, during which prairies extended much farther eastward than at the time of settlement. On the Atlantic coastal plain are both relicts of southern plants that extended far northward in preglacial times and remnants of northern vegetation that extended farther south when moraines were being built on Long Island bv the continental glaciers. Southeastern evergreen forest (Figs. 385-387). The most conspicuous feature of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains is the prevalence of pine barrens. There is no abrupt change eastward from the Piedmont region, or southward from the Cumberland and Ozark plateaus toward the Gulf. One merely passes from regions predominantly oak, with pines on over- drained and infertile sites and on abandoned farms, to regions where pines were the dominant forest trees and oaks either formed the under- growth or occupied the scattered areas of good soil and sites protected from fires. Long-leaf, loblolly, slash, and short-leaf pines are the most important species. Long-leaf was the best source of lumber, as well as of resin and turpentine. Loblolly predominated northward and is the weed tree of old fields and cut-over lands of the inner coastal plain, just as slash pine is the weed tree near the coast and on the northern half of the Florida peninsula. The short-leaf pine occurs not onlv on the inner coastal plain but also far inland, from Pennsylvania to Missouri, either scattered among the oaks or in pine forests on shallow, poor soil. On the overdrained, sandy, and leached soils are the dry pine barrens, with open stands of pine either alone or with an understory of various oaks. Where trees are scattered and oaks infrequent because of repeated fires, there is often a ground cover of grasses. Near the south coast are the moist and wet pine barrens, in which slash and lon^-leaf occurred 760 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY either separately or associated in various proportions. These resemble the dry pine barrens except that oaks are less frequent or represented only bv shrubby species. Other shrubs, including several species of holly, various heaths, and a large number of herbs with bright-colored flowers Fig. 385. Short-leaved pine {Pinus echinata) in New Jersey. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. are also present. A characteristic plant here is the creeping saw palmetto. Coastal salt marshes of tall cord grass, adjoined inland by saw grass, salt grass, or tall reed grass, occupy large areas of the Mississippi delta. Still farther inland they merge with the canebrakes and the live-oak-cane savannas. Westward they grade into the coastal prairies. [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 761 Fig. 386. A young stand of longleaf yellow pine, Talladega National Forest, Alabama. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. Fig. 387. Bald cypress in a submerged area in Arkansas. Photo by G. W. Blaydes. 762 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Canebrakes were very extensive in pioneer days, not only near the coast but also far up the slow^-flowing rivers and streams. The cane, Arundinaria, is the only native American bamboo ( Fig. 388 ) . At or just below the soil surface it has extensive branching rootstocks, from which upright leafy poles grow to heights of 10 to 20 feet. These hard, rigid stems, which develop from the numerous nodes of the rootstocks, form almost impenetrable tangles in low ground. Canebrakes are often in- vaded by evergreen "live oaks" on slightly higher land. Live oaks, with their wide-spreading branches hung with the rootless flowering plant Fig. 388. A canebrake on the edge of a cypress pond near Baton Rouge, Louisiana. "Spanish moss," form an unforgettable feature of the coastal region. Canebrakes also occurred on the bluffs of the Mississippi embayment as far north as Illinois as undergrowth in the beech-magnolia and oak forests. These brakes now have been largely destroyed by burning and by grazing in early spring when the voung shoots appear above ground. A second unique feature of the muddy rivers that cross the coastal plain is the cypress swamps. This deciduous conifer grows in wet, low grounds subject to flooding, and under these conditions upright conical "knees" develop from bends in the shallow roots. When the tree is planted on the upland such outgrowths do not occur. Associated fre- quently with cypress is the tupelo, or black gum, in which the base of the trunk is enlarged when growing in similar situations subject to pro- longed flooding. [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 763 The southeastern pine forest has been the source of much kimber and many resin products. More recently processes have been discovered by which the wood of the hard pines may be used in the manufacture of paper and wall board. This region is the "cotton belt," the principal source not only of cotton fiber but also of many secondary cellulose products, as well as cottonseed oil and its by-products. Other important crops are sugar cane, certain varieties of tobacco, sovbeans, sweet potatoes, peanuts, rice, early vegetables and fruits, and pecans. Many of both the wild and the cultivated species are limited north- ward by the occurrence of extreme winter temperatures, by the length of the growing season, and by the prevailing temperatures during the period of growth. Many of these plants when planted farther north fail to grow well or to mature their fruits and seeds. Some trees continue to live northward as shrubs, the shoots of which freeze to the ground almost every winter. Other wild species have been cultivated successfullv more than a hundred miles north of their natural boundary. Grasslands (Figs. 389-394). Between the eastern forests and the Rocky Mountains from Alberta to the Gulf of Mexico is a \'ast area of rolling or flat land originally dominated by grasses, among which numerous species of legumes, composites, and other herbs were conspicuous at the time of their flowering. The rivers and streams are more or less en- trenched in the plains which rise from an elevation of less than 500 feet near the Mississippi to four or five thousand feet near the mountain front. In presettlement days this was the grazing land of several million buffaloes and antelopes; of rabbits, jack rabbits, prairie dogs, pocket gophers, ground squirrels, and smaller rodents; as well as of several hundred species of grasshoppers and other plant-consuming insects. The eastern prairie border extended as a wedge into the deciduous forest in the region now called the "corn belt." Here the average annual precipitation is about 35 to 40 inches; northwestward it drops to about 20 inches, and southwestward to 30 inches in Texas. In general, the precipitation in the grasslands is more irregular than in the forested regions eastward and northward. Westward the precipitation gradually declines to 10 to 12 inches near the mountains. Rains are most frequent in the spring months and are usually in the form of showers. Drizzling rains are rare. Droughts are characteristic of late summer, and the aver- age winter snowfall is light. Blizzards and deep snows, however, do occur northward during occasional winters. Late summer droughts are often intensified by the hot winds from 764 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY the southwest. During such periods temperatures near 100^ F. may pre- vail day and night for a week or for several weeks, and upland vegeta- tion is soon desiccated. The underground parts of many grasses are far larger than the tops, and they are less injured than are trees. But when Fig. 389. Tall bluestem (Andropogon fiiicatiis) , a dominant grass in areas in- termediate in moisture (the present corn belt) on the natural prairies of central North America. In the eastern part of the prairie it grew in dense stands as pic- tured above; the pioneer settlers had great diflRculty in plowing the sod formed by the mesh work of roots and rhizomes of this grass. It grows as a bunch grass in the dryer western part of the prairie region. Photo by C. H. Jones. severe droughts occur during several successive years there is a high mor- tality even among the native grasses. The central grasslands mav be convenientlv subdi^'ided into three types characterized by tall grass, mixed grass, and short grass. The boun- daries between these grasslands were neither permanent nor regular, but in general thev ranged north and south paralleling the mountain front. The tall grass prairie, with grasses 5 to 10 feet in height, occupied both [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 765 wet and drier areas of the corn belt and extended northward to Manitoba and southward to Texas. The deep, dark soils that developed under the grasses are among the most fertile in the world; and the vast population of big bluestem, Indian grass, little bluestem and slough grass have long since been destroved and replaced by crop plants. The Gulf coastal Fig. 390. Little bluestem {Andropogon scopariii.s) , a dominant grass of the dry prairie areas. Like the tall bluestem, it grows in dense stands and also as a bunch grass. Photo by H. L. Shantz. prairies have become rice fields. Farther inland cotton is cultivated and to the northward sorghums and winter wheat. Corn is the prevailing crop in the middle region, while spring wheat, barley, Hax, and hay grasses are the important crops northward. Alfalfa and other legumes are widely planted and thrive without irrigation. The mixed prairie is composed of grasses up to 4 feet in height in- cluding needle grass, dropseed, little bluestem, June grass, wheat grass, side oat grama and several shorter ones. Most of these grow as "bunch" grasses, but some are sod formers in moist situations. Among the grasses 766 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY a great variety of flowering herbs, notably legumes and composites, add color to the landscape when in bloom. Just as the tall grass prairie was invaded by deciduous associations along the stream courses, the mixed prairie was invaded along river bottoms and terraces by finger-like ex- tensions of the tall grasses. Trees are more restricted to stream margins, seepage areas, and ravines. i^;*-. tvM M^J'M ym Fig. 391. A dense sod prairie of needle grass {Stipa spartea) and slender wheat grass {Agropyron tenerum) in the central northern grasslands. Photo by H. L. Shantz. In the mixed prairie the several divisions of crop plants mentioned under the tall grass prairie reach their western limits. Beginning in the south and going northward one passes by fields of cotton, kaffir com and milo, hard winter wheats, corn and alfalfa, and finally hard spring wheat and hay in Canada. The western high plains are characterized by short grasses, especially grama and buffalo grass, with local areas of taller species common to the mixed prairies. This is a region of restricted rainfall and only the upper two or three feet of soil contains water. Here water evaporates both at the upper soil surface and at the under surface of the moist horizon. [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 767 Fig. 392. Plains grassland near Akron, Colorado, dominated by grama and liuffali grasses. See also Fig. 332. Photo by H. L. Shantz. Fig. 393. An excellent stand of blue grama grass in New Mexico. Photo from U. S. Soil Conservation Service. 768 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY At this lower surface calcium carbonate and other less soluble salts ac- cumulate and form a hard layer. The water in the moist layer is lost by evaporation from soil and plants each growing season, and there is rarely a surplus from one year to the next. The deeper soil is perma- nently dry. During a period of wet years taller grasses appear on the short grass sod, and during dry years the short grasses form an inter- rupted cover. The buffalo grass is most abundant from Colorado south- ward, but the grama grass continues far to the north. Toward the mountains sagebrush (Artemisia) intermingles with the grasses and in Wyoming and Montana it dominates in scattered areas. This is grazing land and farming is perilous. During a succession of wet years, however, profitable crops of hard wheat have been harvested; but in succeeding dry years there have been crop failures, accompanied by wind erosion, dust storms, and poverty. The desert o;rasslands extend still farther west and south from Texas to Arizona and far into Mexico. These grasslands are much like the short grass of the high plains, but the plants are farther apart and areas occu- pied by grasses alone become smaller and more scattered. More often the grasses form the ground cover under scattered desert shrubs such as mesquite, creosote bush, vuccas, cacti, and scrub oaks. The rainy period occurs in summer and evaporation is excessive. The growth period there- fore is short and does not extend much beyond the rainv season. Curly mesquite grass, black and crowfoot grama, tobosa, and "winter-fat" grasses are characteristic, together with other species common to the high plateaus. Desert shrubland (Figs. 395-396). The evergreen creosote bush char- acterizes the southern part, and sagebrush the northern part, of the vast arid plateaus from Idaho to central Mexico and from eastern California to western Colorado. Here precipitation is alwavs insufficient for long periods of growth, and the perennials that form the conspicuous vegeta- tion are either those that can dry out without injurv between rainy periods, or those that accumulate water in thickened stems or roots. In southern Arizona and California there are two rainy periods, one in win- ter which is followed by a profusion of flowering winter annuals, the other in summer which is also accompanied by an abundance of summer annuals. Of course in the desert there are seepage areas and rather con- stant underground water in many valle\'S, where water covers the river bottoms onlv after torrential rains. In such areas trees mav grow, and some of the characteristic shrubs may become tree-like in size. [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 769 Fig. 394. Winter fat {Eiirotia lanata) , one of the most valuable forage plants of the Great Basin region, where it covers hundreds of square miles, especially in Nevada and Utah. This shallow-rooted grass grows on mildly alkali soils, dryer than those occupied by sagebrush. Photo by H. L. Shantz. Fig. 395. Sagebrush vegetation on Trout Creek, Oregon. Photo by W. H. Camp. 770 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY In all semi-arid and arid regions there are undrained basins where continued evaporation of water that flows into them from adjacent up- lands leads to the accumulation of salts. These accumulations var\" all the wav from common salt, basic carbonates, sulfates, to borax. These salts are variously toxic, and when concentrated exclude all plants, but when dilute max not interfere with the growth of a limited number of plants such as grease wood, several species of salt bush, salt grass and the succulents: seepweed, pickleweed, and samphire. Desert (Figs. 397-400). The driest areas of North America are in Lower California, adjacent parts of California, and parts of the Sonora Fig. 396. A sagebrush desert near Nephi, Utah. The plants pictured here are about 4 feet high and range in age from 30 to 50 years. The associated species are mostly annuals which grow only during the rainy periods. Sagebrush is the characteristic natural vegetation on the better soils of the Great Basin region. Photo bv H. L. Shantz. and Chihuahua deserts. The region as a whole has about 10 inches of rainfall, but local areas ha\e as low as 3 inches and in some vears no [Chap. Lin THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA '71 Fig. 397. Giant cactus and desert shrubs near Tucson, Arizona. Photo bv A. E. Waller. k i W". }\L' :!; M asdiltv- k Fig. 398. Desert vegetation on sand along the shore of the Gulf of California, Libertad, Sonora. The cactus in the foreground is Opuntia bigelovii; in the back- ground, Pachycereus pringlei. Note the osprey soaring in the background. Photo by W. S. Cooper. 772 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY rain at all. At the same time it has the highest evaporation rate. Winter temperatures are mild, and freezing temperatures are of short duration. Here is the most bizarre assemblage of plants on the continent. The largest and greatest variet\' of the columnar cacti are found in this region. Some are much-branched and up to 40 feet in height. They all have shallow wide-spreading root systems. All have exceedingly low transpiration rates, because of impervious outer layers of cortical tissue. Fig. 399. The native "desert" palm of southern Cahfornia (Washingtonia) in Palm Canyon, where undergroimd water is always available. Photo by U. S. Forest Service. Some have closed stomates during the daytime. A year's supply of water has accumulated in many of these plants, and this may amount to as much as 25 to 30 tons in a single plant. In Arizona there are two rainy periods, winter and summer. The rains are typical downpours of short duration. During the winter rains the desert "blossoms" with various flowering plants, some of which are com- mon farther north. During the summer rains another assemblage of annuals and perennials with more tropical affinities becomes conspicu- ous. Between the rainy periods the perennial scattered woody plants and succulents give character to the landscape. Mesquite, creosote bush. [Chap. LIII THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 773 acacias, yuccas, and the various species of flat-jointed and cylindrical cacti are most conspicuous. These plants either have a low rate of tran- spiration, accumulate water during rainy periods, or are uninjured by prolonged droughts. The yuccas are deep-rooted, the cacti shallow. The annuals live as long as the soil water lasts. Fit;. 4UU. Colorado Desert, in soutiierii California. The "barrel cactus" is Fcnocactiis ci/Iindraccus. Photo by W. S. Cooper. Forests of the western mountains. From southern Alaska to southern Mexico is a series of high mountain ranges, and between the Sierras and Rockies a series of high plateaus. The plateaus also have small north and south ridses on them, manv of which are of sufficient height to intercept rainfall in excess of that of the arid plateau. The vegetation of all these mountains is dominated by coniferous forests as far south as central Mexico. To be sure, there are fringes of deciduous and evergreen oaks, poplars, willows, and, locally, other broad-leaved trees. Oaks are proportionately more numerous and widespread on the mountains of southern California and Mexico. In Central America they are gradually replaced by tropical scrub and jungle. Considering the great extent of the forests from the tundra to the tropics, and the frequency of local differences in altitude of 3000 to 15,000 feet, the diversity of climatic and soil conditions may be inferred. To describe the vegetation adequately would require consideration of TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY F'iG. 401. Sitka spruce and western hemlock forest near the Alaskan coast. Alaskan Aerial Survey Expedition, 1929. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. Fig. 402. The Sitka spruce and western hemlock cover vast areas in the \'alleys and slopes of southern Alaska. Alaskan Aerial Survey Expedition, 1929. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. [Chap. Llll THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 775 each of numerous subdivisions. Here we can sketch briefly only a few characteristic forests. Pacific coastal forest (Figs. 401-409). The most magnificent forest in temperate regions occupied the western slopes of the coastal moun- Fk:. 403. Interior \ lew ot mature lorest of western hemlock (Tsuga hetewphylla) on a mountain slope in Washington. Photo hom U. S. Forest Service. tains between Vancouver and San Francisco. Rainfall up to 125 inches occurs along the Oregon coast, with a gradual decrease northward to Alaska and southward to San Francisco. Moreover, this is a belt of fos^s and low clouds. Rainfall is least during summer. These conditions rarely extend more than 30 miles inland except in north- ern Oregon and Washington where there is a break in the coast ranges. Beginning in Alaska the Sitka spruce is most abundant in the shore 776 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 404. Western arbor vitae (Thuja plicata) in the Columbia National Forest, Washington. The larger trees pictured here are from 4 to 6 feet in diameter. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 777 Fig. 405. A mature stand of Douglas fir {Pseudotsuga taxifolia) in Washington. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. 778 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 406. Margin of a redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) forest in California. Three large trees near the horse in the picture are 7 feet in diameter and 260 feet high. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. [Chap. LUI THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 779 Fig 407 Interior view ot a redwood iorest on Bull Creek flat, Trinity National Forest, California. Photo by U. S. Forest Service. 780 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY forest southward for nearly 2000 miles. Because of this distribution it is often called tidewater spruce. At higher elevations and in the more mature forest western hemlock is dominant in the Puget Sound region; both these trees attain heights of over 200 feet. The spruce has trunks up to 15 feet in diameter, but the hemlock is more slender and the maximum diameter is about 8 feet. In Washington and Oregon, Douglas fir is by far the most abundant species. Its greatest recorded height is near 400 feet. It grows rapidlv and overtops other species, is long- FiG. 408. The Monterey cypress is the characteristic tree on the coast of Monterey Bay, California. Many of the trees are distorted by wind and salt spray. Photo by U. S. Forest Service. lived and but little injured by fire. Other important species in these forests are the western arbor vitae, a cedar, and several firs — all large trees. From southwestern Oregon the redwood becomes the dominant tree of the moist, fog-laden slopes. It grows to a height of 340 feet, and the trunk is usually 10 to 15 feet, rarely 20 feet in diameter. The coastal forest not only contains these giant trees, but is noted for the luxuriance [Chap. LIII THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 781 of the undergrowth which includes tall ferns, and shrubs among which are the devil's club, salmonberry, rhododendron, and dogwood. One of the most remarkable features of this forest is the short distance between trees. It is quite evident that the root systems are small compared with the tops. Such enormous top development is possible onlv where trans- piration is low and soil water alwavs available. Still farther south the coastal ranges are clothed with evergreen oaks and chaparral, a community of hard and leathery-leaved evergreen shrubs and trees. Fig. 409. Chaparral, Santa Lucia Mountains, Caliiornia. Manzanita (Arcto- staphylos glaiica) , grayish-colored trees in shallow valley on left; coast live oak {Quercus agrifolia), dark-colored trees in deep valley (lower right); chamiso {Adenostoma fasciculata) , the apparentlv smooth vegetation cover on the crests and the more exposed slopes. Photo by W. S. Cooper. Other western mountain forests (Figs. 410-416). In the region of Washington, Idaho, and Montana are extensive areas dominated by western white pine, which is accompanied by the western larch, western hemlock, white fir, and red cedar. These latter species form an eastward extension of the coastal forest and here reach their eastern limit as understorv trees among the western white pine. Of all the Cordilleran forest trees, the western yellow pine and 782 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Douglas fir cover by far the largest areas. The western yellow pine occurs in open stands alone, or associated with other conifers, from the eastern slopes of the Cascades, the Sierras, the Columbia basin, the lower elevations of British Columbia southward in the Rockies to the Arizona Plateau and the mountains of Texas. It occupies rather drv sites in regions with 20 to 30 inches of rainfall adjoin- ing grasslands, chaparral, oak scrub, or the dry pifion-juniper wood- lands. Fig. 410. Mature western yellow pine {Pimis ponderosa) , Eldorado National Forest, California. Photo bv U. S. Forest Service. At its northern limit the \ ellow pine occurs at elevations up to 3000 ft., and in Arizona and New Mexico, 6000 to 8000 ft. In the Sierras on cool and moist slopes it is associated with Douglas fir, sugar pine, and incense cedar. The mixed forest of pine and fir occurs in the Sierras up to 5500 feet and at from 6000 to 9000 feet in the central Rockies. Forests predominantly of Douglas fir occur at somewhat higher elevations. In the northeni Rockies the western larch, the western white pine, and the lodgepole pine may occur with Douglas fir in varying proportions. The lodgepole pine is a pioneer tree that invades burned-over lands at all levels from the dry yellow pine belt at low elevations through the belts [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 783 Fig. 411. Forest of western arbor vitae and Douglas fir on a mountain slope in Idaho. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. 784 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 412. A mature stand of western white pine, larch, arbor vitae, and hemlock in the Kaniksu National Forest, Idaho. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 785 of Douglas fir and Englemann spruce. This spruce forms the highest belt of widespread forests in the Cordillera. The lodgepole pine grows best in cool moist regions where the Douglas fir belt and Englemann spruce overlap. Englemann spruce dominates on cool, moist slopes where there is abundant snow and a long dormant period. In British Columbia these Fig. 413. A mature stand of western larch (Larix occidentalis) in the Lolo National Forest, Montana. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. slopes are only a few thousand feet above sea level while in Arizona they lie between ten and twelve thousand feet. Associated with the Englemann spruce in various parts of its range are several species of fir, the alpine larch, mountain hemlock, white-bark and bristle-cone pines. Above this belt lie the Alpine meadows, or high mountain tundra, dominated by sedges, grasses, heaths, and low-growing willows, birches, and alders. 786 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 414. Englemann spruce {Picea englemannii) in a valley of the Sawtooth Ranges, Arapaho National Forest, Colorado. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. Fit;. 415. Subalpine forest of alpine fir and Englemann spruce adjoining alpine meadow, Chelan National Forest, Washington. Photo by U. S. Forest Service. [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 787 Fig. 416. Lodgepole pine {Pinus contoita from U. S. Forest Service Cache National Forest, Utah. Photo 788 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Pinon-juniper woodlands (Fig. 417). Usually below the western yel- low pine belt where the rainfall is somewhat less or the evaporation greater, there are extensive open woodlands particularly in the Great Basin region between the Sierras and the Rockies and on the Arizona Fig. 417. Juniper and pinon pine form the characteristic woodland on the plateaus and lower slopes of mountains in the Southwestern States. Photo by U. S. Forest Service. plateau. Two small species of pine and several species of juniper occur in various combinations over vast areas. Collectively they may be called the pinon-juniper woodland. South of the Arizona plateau it is mixed with and finally replaced by scrub oak woodlands (encinal). Below it are the still drier grasslands and semi-desert scrub. The higher levels of the Mexican plateau are also covered by pine forests, which contain at least 6 species in addition to the western yellow pine. Douglas fir is again present on mountains above 9000 feet, with lodgepole pine, trembling aspen, and a Mexican fir. At levels below the pine forests are areas of the pinon-juniper, or the scrub oak encinal, together with shrubs and low trees of the dry tropics. [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 789 Tropical forests (Figs. 418-420). The tropical forests of southern Mex- ico and Central America are made up of a large number of broad-leaved evergreens, including palms, tree ferns, figs, rubber trees, various kinds of mahogany, silk-cotton trees, Spanish cedar, logv^ood, and hundreds of other species. The rainy tropical forest when undisturbed attains heights of 200 feet, and there may be several tree layers beneath the Fig. 418. Natural live oak forest near Miami, Florida. Photo from U. S. Forest Service. highest canopy, but the forest is open below. Stands of this kind still occur on certain of the Caribbean islands, and in Guiana and Venezuela. Mostly the present-day rainy tropical forests are jungles: tangled growths of trees, vines, shrubs, and tall herbs difficult to penetrate, and containing so many species that they can scarcely be described. The rainfall is as much as 200 inches a year and the dry season is very short. Temperatures are always high. Jungles result from repeated cutting, burning, and clearing of the land. The lateritic soils of the rain forest are not rich in mineral salts and are soon leached and eroded under native methods of cultivation. Furthermore, weeds from seeds and from underground roots and 790 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY rhizomes are difficult to suppress. Consequently the area is soon aban- doned and the native moves to a new area. This kind of "migratory agriculture" has been going on for several thousand years, and few are the areas in which secondary forests have actually reached a completely stable condition. One has only to travel through our southeastern states to see comparable effects of migratory agriculture in this country. Fig. 419. Tropical jungle on a mountain slope in western Cuba. The palm-like trees are cycads (Micwcijcas) . Photo by O. W. Caldwell. Tropical muddy coasts are characterized by mangrove swamps. These small trees have extensive root systems which interfere with wave action and increase the deposition of sand and mud by the shore currents. Certain species also have embryos that genninate and grow more than a foot in length before they drop from the tree into the mud below. Mangrove swamps consequently cause the extension of land seaward. It is said that this process has added 2500 square miles to the west side of the Florida peninsula. Succession of plant associations occurs; and the mangroves may be followed by grasslands as in Florida, or by scrub or rain forest as along the Central American coasts. The western slopes of Central America have decreased rainfall be- [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA f91 Fig 420 A tropical jungle in Hawaii: tree ferns, the climbing rattan palm, and a banana plant in the foreground. Photo by U. S. Forest Service. 792 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY cause of the mountains, and the vegetation varies from deciduous dry forest to tree savannas, scrub, and desert. The products of the tropical forest region inchide bananas, cotton, sugar cane, cacao, coffee, and many kinds of fruits. The banana planta- tions are at lower elevations, the coffee at elevations of two or three thousand feet. One must not forget that on the mountains of tropical regions there is a temperate belt and even cold temperate summits where frosts occur regularly, and, on a few of the highest peaks, permanent snow. Unlike the continental temperate regions the climate is more uniform, the day- light period constant; the most variable factor is the length of the rainy and dry seasons. The wettest forests in the rainy tropics are those on mountain slopes in the cloud belt. The trees are usually of low stature, and variously gnarled and twisted. They are shrouded with epiphytic orchids, bro- mehas, filmy ferns, mosses, lichens, fungi, and algae which accumulate and continuously destrov the plants beneath. Constant moisture, mod- erate light, abundant mineral salts in the plant debris, and nearly con- stant temperatures foiTn an environment so nearly "ideal" that hundreds of plant species compose an ever-changing living mass of vegetation. Two centuries of destruction. Except along the sea coasts, most of the United States was a wilderness less than two hundred years ago, and Fig. 421. Effects of sheet erosion in a forest in Oklahoma started by overgrazing of the grasslands higher up the slope by sheep. Photo from U. S. Soil Conserva- tion Service. [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 793 only a little more than a century has passed since the lands away from the larger rivers and lakes were occupied and brought under agricultural and industrial control. During this short period most of the original vege- tation has been destroyed. The accumulated fertility of the upper soil horizons has been exploited by wasteful methods of cultivation and destructive grazing, often accompanied by excessive drainage, erosion, and the floating of the top soil to the river bottoms and the ocean. Conservation (Figs. 421-424, 25-26, and 180-181). Only recently has there been official recognition of and real concern about our decadent Fig. 422. Ungrazed and overgrazed grama grassland in New Mexico. Photo from U. S. Soil Conservation Service. 794 TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fig. 423. Picture taken during a sand storm in Dallas County, Texas. The farm has been ruined by wind erosion of soil. Photo by U. S. Soil Conservation Service. Fig. 424. Dust storm in Prowers County, Colorado; wind velocity, 30 miles per hour; duration of storm, about 3 hours. Photo by U. S. Soil Conservation Service. [Chap. LIU THE VEGETATION OF NORTH AMERICA 795 woodlands and die depletion of our agricultural, game, and recreational resources. This belated awakening has resulted in the initiation of wide- spread research in land classification and utilization. Sincere attempts are now being made to apply the results of scientific research to the complex problems of reforestation, range improvement, soil conservation, game management, stream control, and recreational facilities. Detailed knowledge of the original vegetation of America as it was when the explorers and first settlers saw it is a valuable index to climatic conditions in relation to the growth of different kinds of forests, crop plants, and grass. Natural vegetation is a reliable index of the possibili- ties of plant growth, because it portrays the results of the operation of both climatic and soil factors on plants over a long period of time. The original soils no longer exist; and many years of natural processes and intelligent procedure on the part of man will be necessary to restore the qualities that made possible the best growth of trees and cultivated plants. We can decrease the rate of present wastage and follow pro- cedures that will speed up the redevelopment of top soil where we are now farming the lowest soil horizon, or its "parent material." REFERENCES Bennett, H. H. Soil Conservation. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1939. Lord, R. Forest Outings. Papers by 30 foresters on the use of national forests as recreation. Edited by Russel Lord. 4to. Washington, D. C. Superin- tendent of Documents. 1940. Shantz, H. L., and R. Zon. Natural Vegetation. Part I. Section E. Atlas of American Agriculture. 1924. The Agricultural Atlas also contains informa- tion on climate and soils. Westveld, R, H. Applied Silviculture in the United States. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1939. Many articles on the vegetation of the world may be found in the journals: Ecology, Ecological Monographs, and the British Journal of Ecology. INDEX Numbers in bold lace indicate pages with illustrations Aberrations, chromosomal, 475-485 Abscission, 73, 170, 402 Absciss-layer, 32, 73 Absorption, 320, 322, 323, 325 Acclimation (see Adaptation) Accumulation ot food, 51. 114, 131, 140, 145, 147; of water, 222, 230, 710 Aceraceae, 71 1 Acetic acid, 155 Achlya, 548 Acidity, 31, 43, 219 Acids, amino, 143, 175: fatty, 138, 168, oleic, 138 palmitic, 175; lactic, 156; 138, 139; stearic. Adaptation, 498 Adder's-tongue, 745 Aecia, 560, 561 y\eration, 310 Aerobes, 518 After-ripening. 395 Agave, 85, 88 Air spaces in leaves, 70, 71, 81, 87. 228 Akene, 363 Albumin. 142 Alcohol. 155 Algae, 5. 17. 565, 606-637: blue-green, 608, 621, 623, 636; brown, 601. 608, 628, 629, 630, 632; colonial 615; coral- line, 634, 635; economic aspects of, 609; filamentous, 616, 619, 620; fossil. 625. 727; green, 608, 613-621; life cycle, simimary of, 636; periodicity of, 611, 612: plankton, 611; red. 608, 633. 634; soil, 610: imiccUular, 615; yellow- brown, 608; yellow-green, 608, 627, 636 Alkalinity, 31 Alkaloids, 169, 174 Amanita, 542 Amides, 144 Amino acids. 142-144, 146. 175 Aminiaceae, 712 Ammonia, 144, 532 Ammonification. 532, 537 Amorphophallus, 358 Amylase, 133 Amylopectin, 133 Amyloplasts, 65 Amylose, 133 Anaerobes, 518 Anaphase, 446 Andreaeales, 650 Angiosperms, 368, 687-690, 693-717 Animals, vs. plants, 1, 2, 5, 45, 107, 607; fossil restorations of. 732, 733 Annuals, 32, 46 Anther, 354, 373 Antheridia, 547, 618. 647 Anthoceros, 652 Anthocyanins, 28. 31. 169 Antibody, 524 Antitoxin, 524 Apical dominance, 250. 410; growth. 278 i\ppert. 527 Apple, diseases of, 571, 574; energy trans- formations in, 184; flower and fruit, 356; scab, 572, 576; seedlings. 348; spur, 254 Aquariiun, balanced, 180 Aquatics, 90, 587, 601, 606. 667 Arbor vitae, 311; western, 776, 783, 784 Archegonium, 646, 666, 685 Archeozoic, 723, 727 Aristotle, 101, 526 Armillaria, 420 Arsenites and algae. 609 Arundinaria, 762 Ascocarp, 550, 551 Ascomycetes, 552 Ascospores, 550, 551 Ascus, 550. 551 797 798 1 iN D E X Asexual reproduction, 545, 549, 617, 647 Aspergillus, 548, 550 Aspletjium, 657 Assimilation, 109, 147, 176 Associations, climax, 754 Atoms, 95, 98 Autophytes, 506, 511, 516 Autumnal aspect, 27; coloration, 27 Auxin, 175, 212, 305 Auxospore, 627 Avocado, 382 Azolla, 624, 667 Azotobacter, 537 Bacillariophyceae, 608, 625-627 Bacteria, 5, 8, 515-530, 531-540, 596, 602; acetic acid, 156; aerobic, 537; am- monifying, 532; anaerobic, 537; and sanitation, 523; and sugar synthesis, 113; biology of, 515; characteristics of, 520; control of, 529; denitrifying, 534; factors affecting, 517-520; green sulfur, 517; iron, 512, 539, 724; lactic acid, 156; multiplication of, 521; nitrifying, 512, 532; nitrogen-fixing, 191, 535, 536; of fireblight, 8, 568; of soil (see Soil); pathogenic, 524; purple, 113; re- production in, 521; size of, 521, 522; sulfur, 512, 538; types of, 516 Bacteriology, 525, 529 Bacteriophage, 521, 522 Bamboo, 271, 272, 404, 762 Banana, 701; family, 699 Banyan tree, 299 Barberry, 560-561. 567 Bark, 262 Basidia, 555, 560 Basidiomycetes, 556 Basidiospore. 555, 561 Bateson, 488 Bairachosperimnn , 637 Bays, 598 Beach grass, 404; leaf, 91 Beal, 397 Bean, 10; development of, 11, 12. 54 Beech, 756; family, 704 Bennetittales. 730 Bent grass, 43 Bermuda grass. 44 Berry. 363. 365 Betulaceac, 704 Biennials, 33, 46 Bindweed, 413 Biologist, 7 Biology, 5 Birch family, 704 Bisexual, 671 Blade, leaf, 13, 14, 76 Blasia, 645 Blight, 574; chestnut, 704; fire, 568, 582; potato, 553 Blotches, 573 Bluegrass, 40, 43; leaf, 91 Bluestem, little, 765; tall, 764 Bogs, 597, 650 Bordeaux mixture, 578 Boron, 329 Botany, 2, 7 Botrychium, 665 Botrydium, 628 Boussingault, 531 Brassicaceae, 706 Bread mold, 543 Breathing, 151 Bromeliaceae, 300. 699 Broom-rape, 506 Brownian mcjvement. 199 Brown-rot, 578, 579 Bryales, 649 Bryophyllum, 402: leaf, 421 Bryophytes, 638-654 Budding, 292, 546 Buds, 24, 36, 247; accessory, 247: ad- ventitious, 250; axillary, 13; branch, 248; composition of, 248; develop- ment of, 246; flower, 248, 335; fruit, 248; latent, 250; lateral, 246, 247, 249; leaf, 246, 248; of potatoes, 409; repro- ductive, 246; scale scars of, 246; scales of, 24, 246, 248; terminal, 10, 13, 69, 246. 247, 249; vegetative, 246, 248, 335 Buffalo grass, 695. 767 Bulblets. 258 Bulbs. 257, 410 Bull, Ephraim, 434 Bundle scar, 246; sheath, 71. 72; vascu- lar. 13, 71, 72, 265, 266. 271 Bunt, 558 Burrill, 567, Button bush flowers. 715 INDEX 799 Cabbage, 344, 346, 426, 482, 582; do- mesticated varieties of, 426; palmetto, 252 Cactaceae, 710 Cactus, 16, 85, 711, 771, 773; family, 710; flowers, 710 Calamites, 727 Calcium, 177, 328; pectate, 171 Callose, 543 Callus, 418 Calyptra, 644, 648 Calyx, 353 Cambium, 266; cork, 280, 281; secon- dary, 306; vascular, 265, 281, 284, 304 Cambrian period, 727 Camerarius, 433, 487 Camptosorus, 663 Cane brake, 762 Cankers, 574 Canopy, 753 Capillarity, 197, 201 Capsule, 366 Carbohydrates, 105, 134 Carbon, 177; "assimilation." 109; diox- ide, 98, 108, 152, 589, 593; "fixation," 1 10; monoxide, 416 Carboniferous plants, 725, 730 Carotene, 28, 175, 608 Carotenoids, 28, 31, 169 Carpel, 336, 354 Carpogonium, 635 Carpospore, 636 Carposporophyte, 637 Carrot family, 712; flowers and fruits, 713 Caryopsis, 365 Casein, 99, 142 Cast, 702 Catkin, 360, 361 Cause and effect, 50-58 [see also Preface) Celery, 345, 347 Cell, 59, 67, 169; a biological unit, 59-67; differentiation, 70, 279, 302; divisioji, 55, 70, 302. 446, 447, 523; enlarge- ment, 55, 70, 211, 213, 302; wall, 60, 65 Cells and tissues, 68; companion, 282, 283; epidermal, 74. 78; guard, 74, 78; meristematic, 68, 84; neck, 685; parts of, 60; phloem, 283; subsidiary, 74; ventral-canal, 685 Cellulase, 170 Cellulose, 65, 169, 543; synthesis of, 168; test for, 170 Cenozoic floras, 732 Chaparral, 781 Chara, 621 Charales, 621 Checkerboards, 467 Chemical elements, 100, 600; processes, 97; substitution. 99 Chemistry, useful, 95-100 Chemosynthesis. 113, 114, 511 Chestnut, 704; blight, 704 Chimera, 419; graft, 419; mutant, 419; periclinal, 420; sectorial, 420 Chitin, 543 Chlainydomonas. 614 Chlorcnchyma, 72, 118; cortical, 264; in roots, 119 Chlorine, 177 Chlorophyceae, 608, 613-621 Chlorophyll, 28-30. 608; a and b, 28; carbonate, 125; molecule, 125 Chloroplasts. 60, 65, 122; ninnbers and areas of. 122 Chlorosis, 575 Chromoplasts, 65 Chromosome, 443; aberrations. 475-485; complements of cells, 446, 450, 649. 667, 684, 689; behavior, 444, 446, 452. 475; numbers, 443 Chromosomes in cross-fertilization, 453: in life cycles, 450; in reduction divi- sion, 451 Chrysophyceae, 608 Cladodia,'259 Cladonia, 563 Cladophora, 61 1 Climate, 725, 729, 740, 757, 763 Climax associations, 754 Clone, 400, 401, 403, Clostridium, 537 Clover. 43, 45; flowers, 708 Club fungi, 556; mosses, 668-673; root, 582, 58.3 Coagulation, 62, 211 Coal deposits, 656 Colchicine, 477 Coleorhiza, 295 Coleus buds, 69; leaves, 73, 435; stem tip, 64 800 INDEX Collenchyma, 72, 281 Colloids, 61 Color, 27; leaf, 28; spectrum, 27, 115 Communities, plant. 40-49 Companion cells, 282, 283 Compass plant, 81 Compensation point, 164 Compositae, 717 Conceptacle, 633 Concord grape, 400, 434 Condensation, 99. 129, 138, 143, 168 Conidia, 548, 550. 551 Conidiophore, 548 Conifers, 682-687 Conjugation. 667, 620, 622; tu!)e, 620 Conservation. 185. 405, 406, 793 Convolvuhiccae. 714 C:opper, 330; sulfate, 578, 609 Copy inns, 4 Cordaites. 730 Cordillcran center, 734 Cork, 280, 281 Corms, 257, 258. 358. 410 Corn, energy transformations in, 184; flowers, 359; harvesting liy Indians, 423, 427; hybrids. 470-472; plant, 177 Corolla, 354 Correns, 435 Cortex, 13, 223. 264. 266, 280, 281, 303 Corymb. 360, 361 Cosmos, human, 182 Cotyledons, 10, 11, 13, 294, 296, 367 Creosote bush, 768 Cretaceous flora, 731 Cross-fertilization, 382, 442, 458-473 Crossing-over, 481 Crowfoot family, 706 Crown of trees, 41 Cruciferae, 706 Cucurbitaceae, 717 Culture media, 518; solutions, 193, 328, 331; tank, 331, 332 Cup fungi, 553 Cuticle, 71 Cutin, 65, 71, 168, 169 Cuttings, 191, 400, 414; leaf, 421, 422; root, 420; stem, 414 Cycads, 681, 688, 790 Cylinder, vascular, 264 Cyperaceae, 697 Cypress, 678; bald, 761; "knees," 310, 762; Monterey, 780 Cystine, 144 Cystocarp, 637 Cytoplasm, 59, 60, 63 Damping-ott, 577 Darkness, growth in, 53, 54 (see also Light) Darwin, Charles, 487, 500 Day-neutral plants, 344 de Bary, 567 Deciduous habits, 32 Dehiscence, 372 Denitrification, 534, 538 Desert, 770; plants, 771, 772, 773; shrub- land, 741, 768, 771 Desiccation, 101 Desmids. 622 Desulfofication, 539 Devonian floras, 727 de Vries, 435, 488 Dew, 321 Dextrin, 133 Dextrinase, 133 Diastase, 129, 175 Diatomaceous earth. 625 Diatoms, 97, 602, 608, (i25. 626, 636 Dicots, 368 Differentiation (see Cells and Tissues) Diffusion, 198 Digestion, 99, 129. 139, 170 Dinoflagellates. 608 Dinophyceae. 608 Dioecious. 360 Diploid, 451, 636 Disaccharides, 134, 135 Diseases of plants, 2. 567. 572. 584; and environment, 570. 571; control of, 575-585; "deficiency," 575; economics, 569; nature of, 568; symptoms of, 573; virulence of, 572 Dissemination, pollen. 383: seed, 368 Distribution, plant. 165. 591 (see also Vegetation of North America; Plants of the past) Dodder, 298, 301, 505 Domestication, 423 et seq. Dominance, 456, 459 Dormancy, 32, 34, 259, 397 Douglas fir. 777, 783 INDEX 801 Drought and leaf development, 82; and spinescence, 83; physiological, 205, 210 Drugs, 174 Drupe, 363, 365 Duckweeds, 15 Dust storm, 794 Dwarf branch, 19; male, 618 Dyad, 372 Dyes, natural, 172 Economic aspects, of algae, 609; of bac- teria, 523-525, 582; of ferns, 659; of flowers, 369; of fruits, 369; of fungi, 559, 567-572; of leaves, 93; of liver- worts, 645; (jf mosses, 645; of seed plants, 693-717; of seeds, 369 Ectocarpus, 629, 631, 636 Ectogony, 381 Egg," 374, 465, 466. 618, 647, 666; fer- tilized, 376; parthenogenetic, 380 Elaioplasts, 65 Elaters, 654 Electrons, 96 Elements, chemical, 100, 330 Elm, 679; family, 705 Elodea, 1 1 1 Embryo, 10, 11, 295, 367, 376, 378, 665, 689; development of, 377, 686; sac, 374, 380; to seedling, 388 Endodermis, 265, 280, 304 Endogenous origin, 304 Endosperm. 367, 376, 378, 380; inheri- tance, 469, 471, 472; nucleus, 376 Energy, bound, 98, 109, 150, 152, 155; free, 98, 109, 152, 155; radiant, 115; sources of, 1, 115, 150, 186, 195, 199, 212; transformations of, 110, 183-186 Englemann spruce, 786 Environment and leaf develojMuent, 76- 83; and pigments, 29-31; and muta- tions, 482; and photosynthesis, 115- 118, 125; and respiration, 160-165; fresh water, 590; land, 589; salt water, 598; under-water, 587-605 Enzymes, 106, 123, 129, 139, 155, 156, 169, 174, 175. 532 Eocene period, 723 Ephedra, 680 Epidermis, 70, 71, 120, 265, 280, 303; and stomates, 74 Epiphytes, 297, 299, 300, 507, 508 Equiseluni, 675 Equisetums, 673-676, 727 Eras, geologic, 723 Ereptase, 175 Ergosterol, 175 Ergot, 569 Ericaceae, 713 Erosion, 46, 47, 48, 405, 406, 792, 793, 794 Essential oils, 173 Ei(glena, 607, 615 Eiiglenophyceae, 608 Evaporation, 80; lifting power of. 227 Evergreen habit. 32 Evolution and plant origins, 495, 738 Exogenous origin, 304 F, generation, 442, 460 F. generation. 442, 460 F;, generation. 442. 462 Factors, climatic {sec Climate): heredi- tary, 462-466; prehistoric, 742; soil (see Soil) Fagaceae, 704 Fairy rings, 557 Fascicles, 19 Fats, 103, 106, 138, 148. 175; accumula- tion of. HO; digestion of, 139-110; synthesis of, 138-141 Fatty acids, 138, 168 Fermentation, 155-157, 527 F"ern, adder's-tongue, 745; Boston, 136. 484; cinnamon, 660; grape, 665; leaf, 76, 212; polypody. 8; royal, 665; seed, 729; staghorn, 658; sword, 484; tree. 661; walking. 663 Ferns. 5, 8, 15, 657-668; and chromo- somes, 665; aquatic. 667; fossil, 659: reproduction of, 662-666 Fertilization, 376, 665, 684, 689; cross. 440; self, 442 Fertilizers, 44, 610 Fescue grasses, 43 Fibers, pericycle, 264, 281; phloem, 264, 283 Fife. David. 435 Fig fruit, 363; strangling, 299 Filament, 354. 616, 619 Fireblight, 568, 582 X\> Fishes, 601, 604, 610 /Cr><:ros7>s. < > LIBRARY .A^i 802 INDEX Flaccidity, 206 Flagella, 607, 614 Floral cup, 356, 357, 362; envelope, 354 Floras, Cambrian, 727; Carboniferous, 729; Cenozoic, 731; Devonian, 727; fossil, 719-738; Mesozoic, 730; Paleo- zoic, 727; pre-Cambrian, 727; present, 740-795 Flower, 12, 14, 351, 353; bud, 248, 335; clusters, 360; color, 352; complete, 357; perfect, 357; pistillate, 359; pri- mordial, 249, 333, 336; section of, 352; simple, 353; staminate, 359 Flowering plants, 687-690, 693-717; time of, 340-348 Flowers, development of, 354; economic value of, 369; initiation of, 333-350 Fluctuations, 436, 491 {see also Light effects; Temperature effects, etc.) Follicle, 366 Food, 1, 101, 106, 107, 147, 177; chains, 603, 604, 610; classes of, 105; digestion of, 99, 129, 139; energy content of, 166; in cells. 103; manufacture of, 107, 108-148, 176; of green plants, 102, 106; oxidation of, 98, 110, 155; sources of, 101 Forage crops, 428 Forcing, 36, 260, 416 Forests, bamboo, 272; beech-sugar maple, 756; black spruce, 747; boreal, 741, 745; coastal, 741; deciduous, 741, 754, 755; hemlock, 640, 775; hemlock- hardwood, 741, 750, 751; hemlock- Sitka spruce, 680, 744, 774; live oak, 789; oak-hickory, 757; Pacific coastal, 775; pinon-juniper, 788; redwood, 778, 779; Rocky Mountain, 741; southeastern evergreen, 741, 759; spruce-fir, 57, 747; spruce-hemlock- hardwood, 754; subalpine, 786; tropi- cal, 789; western mountain, 773 Formaldehyde, 581 Fossils, 97, 719-738; ages of, 722, 723; of fern leaves, 720; of leaf prints, 731; of seeds, 721; of sequoia cone, 721; of tree trunks, 721 Fox fire, 581 Fructose, 104, 109, 123, 175 Fruit bud, 248; spur, 254 Fruits, 11, 12, 14, 336, 353, 361, 369, 376; aggregate, 363, 366; complex, 363, 366; definition of, 363; dissemina- tion of, 369; economic value of, 369; formation of, 353, 355, 356, 362; mul- tiple, 363, 366, 367; simple, 364, 365; subterranean, 709; types of, 363, 364 Fucoxanthin, 608, 628 Fucus, 629, 632, 636 Fungi, 3, 17, 541-566; bear's-head, 542; club, 556; coral, 556; cup, 553; dis- eases due to, 575-582; economic as- pects of, 559, 567-572; gill, 543; Im- perfecti, 566; sac, 552; stinkhorn, 556; sulfur mushroom, 556; tube, 551 Fusion, 545; nucleus, 376; triple, 376 Galls, 583, 584 Gametes, 372, 374, 617, 636 Gametophytes, 379; algal, 636; club moss, 671, 672; equisetum, 675, 676: fern, 663, 664, 665; flowering plant, 689: liverwort, 652, 653; moss, 644, 646; pine, 684 Garden pea, 355, 459, 462 Garner and Allard, 340 Gel, 62 Gemmae, 652, 653 Gemmae-cups, 653 Genes, 84, 444, 474, 485 Genotype, 462, 468 Genus, 24 Geologic eras, 723; life, 723; periods, 723 Geotropism, 214 Geranium, flowers and fruits, 362; leaves, 132; stem, 281 Germination, delayed, 391-395; food changes in, 390, 391; pollen, 374, 376; seed, 10, 387-395 Ginkgo, 681 Girdling, 268, 349 Glaciation, 733, 734 Gliadin, 142 Globe radish, 296 Glucose, 104, 109, 123, 129, 148, 168, 169, 175 Glycerin, 129, 168, 175 Glycocol, 144 Glycogen, 129, 134, 624 Gnetiim, 680 INDEX 803 Gourd, 717 Grafting, 292, 3.^9, 417-420; types ol. 293, 418 Grain, 365; bird's-eye, 712: wood, 289 Gramineae, 693 Grass family, 693; flower, 357, 696; leal. 19, 76 Grasses, beach, 91; bent, 43; Bermuda, 44; blue grama, 695, 767; bluegrass, 40. 43, 91; buffalo, 695, 767; eulalia. 694; fescue, 43; giant reed, 694; lawn and ]5asture. 42-46; needle, 766; orna- mental, 694; poverty, 45; slender wheat, 766, wheat, 766; winter fat. 769 Grasslands, 741, 763 Grazing, 793 Green plants, 101, 1«(), (i90: \s. noii- green, 512 Greenland center, 734 Groundnut, 408 Growth, 36. 43, 161; and carbon mon- oxide, 416; and cell enlargement, 211: and hormones, 55, 81, 215; and in- organic salts, 325, 327; and light, 53- 56, 215; and mineral deficiencies, 328: and moisture {see Water): and nitro- gen, 190; and rigidity, 210; and tem- perature, 189; curvatures. 209, 215; in leaves, 76; of lemon Irints. 231: pres- sure, 212; root-shoot, 192; substances, 55, 81, 416 Guard cells, 74. 78 Gulfs, 598 Gums, 169, 172 Guttation, 321, 322 Gymnosperms, 368, 682-687 Gyrnnostomuin . 644 Hairs, epidermal, 87, 224 Hammocks, 758 Haploid, 451 Haustoria, 298. 506, 551 Hay fever, 385 Head. 258, 360. 361 Heartwood. 263 Heath family. 713; plant, 714 Hedivigia, 641 Hemicellulase, 175 Hemicelluloses. 169. 170, 175 Hemlock, 750; ^vestern. 784 Hepaticae, 645 Hereditary differences in leaves, 84-94: factors, 455; potentialities, 443 Heredity, 29, 56, 84, 97, 147, 438-457 Heterospory, 668, 676 Heterozygosity, 467 Hibiscus, 435 Holdfasts, 258 Hollow log, 263; plants, 263 Homospory, 668, 676 Homozygosity, 467 Hormones, 55. 81, 169, 175, 193, 212, 213, 305, 335 Horse chestnut, stems and buds of, 246 Host, 507, 572 Human cosmos, 182 Human foods. 106 Hiunmocks, 211 Hybrid, 432, 481, 482; segregation, 432. 458-473 Hybridization, 459, 572 Hydrogen, 96, 177 Hydrolysis, 99, 130, 139 Hydroponics, 331 Hypha, 541 Hypocotyl, 10, 11, 294, 296. 367 Hypodermis, 280, 292 Imbibition, 199, 201 Immunity, 524 Inbreeding, 432, 468 Indian pipe, 30, 504. 509 Indians and agriculture, 423. 427; and industries, 429, 430 Indusium, 664 Infection, 524, 572 Inflorescences, 360 Inheritance, 438; chromosomal, 445; plastid, 444 Inorganic salts, 325, 594 Insectivorous leaves, 91 Internode, 10, 246, 247 Interpretations of plant behavior, 50- 58, 192 Interrelations of plant parts, 188-194 Inulase, 175 Inulin, 103, 134, 175 Invertase, 124 Iodine test, 103, 132 Ions, 61, 95 Iris, 85 804 INDEX Iron, 177, 328; bacteria, 539, 724 Irrigation, 236 Isoetes, 673 Jerusalem artichoke and length of day, 349 Joshua tree, 273 Juglandaceae, 703 Juncaceae, 697 Jurassic period, 723 Kalanchoe leat, 402 Keewatin center, 734 Kelps, 631 Keys to plant species, 24, 83 Klebs, 337 Koch, 529; "rules of proof," 573 Koelreuter, 434 Kraus and Kraybill, 337 Kudzu vine, 405 Labiatae, 714 Labrador center, 734 Lactic acid, 156 Lakes, 590 Laminaria, 629, 632, 636 Lammas shoots, 255 Land habitat, 589 Lanolin, 215 Larch, western, 784, 785 Latex, 172, 282 Laurentian, 723 Lavoisier, 108 Lawes and Gilbert, 531 Lawn grasses, 40, 43 Lawns and pastures, 40-48 Layering, 403, 405 Leaf, 10, 12, 18-21; arrangement, 21, 23; blade, 18, 246, 248; bud, 68; complete, 18; compound, 20, 21; cuttings, 421, 422; development, 70, 76; insectivo- rous, 91; keys, 18, 24; margins, 21, 22; mosaics, 81, 216; needle, 19, 682; primordia, 68, 82, 84; prints, 731; scales, 19, 86; scars, 24, 73, 246; sec- tions, 70, 71, 77, 223, 682; sessile. 19; sheath, 18, 86, 271; simple, 21; skele- tonized, 111; spots, 574; surface, 122; tendrils, 18, 86; tissues, 68-75, 71 Leaves, form and shape of, 19, 20, 21, 22, 85, 90; growing regions of, 76; hereditary differences in, 84-94; of cacti, 15, 85; rolling of, 90, 91; uses of, 93; variegated, 132, 435 Leeuwenhoek, 525, 526 Legume, 363, 366 Leguminosae, 708 Lemanea, 357 Lemma, 357 Lemna, 15 Length of day, 118, 339-344, 349 Lenticel, 246, 247, 266 Lepidodeudron, 730 Leucoplasts, 64 Lichens, 5, 6, 31, 562, 563, 564, 565, 606 Liebig, 527, 531 Life cycles, 10, 667 {see also each of the plant groups); summary of, 636, 690 Light, and abscission, 32; and autumn coloration, 28-32; and bacteria, 517: and bluegrass, 41; and epidermal cells, 78; and flower initiation, 339, 342, 343; and leaf color, 54; and leaf posi- tion, 80; and leaf size, 53, 54, 77; and leaf tissues, 77, 79; and photo- synthesis, 109, 115, 163, 592; and plant distribution, 165; and plant habitats, 589; and stem height, 53, 54; and transpiration, 226, 229; and young trees, 57; effects, 24, 31, 55, 216; energy, 109, 110; in lakes and ponds, 590; in oceans, 599; spectrum, 27 Lignin, 65, 169, 171 Ligule, 19, 76 Liliaceae, 699 Lily, 700; family, 699 Lime, 44 Linkage, 459, 464 Lipase, 139, 175 Lipoids, 63 Lister, 529 Live oak, 508, 789 Liverworts. 651-654; leafy, 651, 652; thallose, 651, 652 Long-day plants, 340, 341, 348 Longevity, 396, 679 Loranthaceae, 705 Lycopodium, 668, 671 Lycopods, 668-673, 727 Lysine, 144 INDEX 805 Madder family, 714 Magnesium, 177, 328 Magnolia, 693 Maltase, 133, 175 Maltose, 133, 175 Manganese, 328 Mangrove, 298; seedlings, 389 Maple, 756; family, 711; flowers and fruits, 712; leaf, 77, 216; sap, 324 Marchantia, 652, 653 Marl, 593 Marshes, 597, 760 Marsh-marigold, 746 Marsilia, 667 Mass movement, 197 Media, 518, 589 Megasporangium, 374 Megaspore, 374; mother cell, 374 Megasporocyte, 374 Megasporophylls, 379, 684 Meiosis, 448 Membranes, artificial, 203; differentially permeable, 202, 204; plant, 205 Mendel, 435, 459 Mendelian principles, 461; ratios, 458 Meristems, 68, 69, 278 Mermaid weed, 81, 82 Mesophyll, 71, 72. 81, 120; palisade, 70, 71; spongy, 70, 71 Mesozoic era, 723; floras, 730 Mesquite, 772 Metaphase, 446 Microcosms, 180, 181 Micropyle, 374, 684 Microsporangium, 372 Microspore, 372; mother cell, 372 Microsporocyte, 336, 372 Microsporophylls, 379 Middle lamella, 170 Midrib, 19 Mildews, downy, 550, 552, 557; pow- dery, 549, 558 Millardet, 578 Milo, 696 Mineral deficiency. 101 Mint family, 714; flowers, 716; oils, 173 Miocene period, 723 Mistletoe, 508. 509, 706; family, 705 Mitosis, 447 Molds, 3, 4, 720; blue, 547; bread, 543; green, 547; slime, 562; snow, 543; water, 546, 548 Molecular motion, 199, 212 Molecules, 61, 95, 139, 142, 156; of chlorophyll a, 125; of sugars, 104, 135 Monocots, 368 Monoecious, 360 Monoploid, 451, 636 Monotropaceae, 713 Monterey cypress, 780 Moonseed vine, stem of, 266, 286 Morel, 542, 553 Morning-glory family, 714; plants, 342 Mosiac, 81, 215, 216; disease, 585 Mosses, 5, 7, 564, 640, 641-651; and chromosomes, 649; bog, 650; classes of, 649; club, 668-673; fern, 640; haircap. 643, 644; luminous, 642; peat, 649, 650; reindeer, 565; reproduction of, 646; rock, 650; true. 649 Movement, mass, 197; molecular, 199, 223; of plant parts, 209, 213, 216 Mucilages, 169, 172 Musaceae, 699 Musci, 645 Mushrooms, 4, 7. 542, 543, 555 Muskeg, 638, 745 Mustard family. 706 Mutations, 474-488; and environment. 481; in Boston fern, 436, 484; in cosmos, 492; in hibiscus, 435; in Piiccinia, 572; in radish-cabbage, 482; in reduction division, 479: in sun- flower, 494; in sweet potato, 435; in trilliuni. 493; in vegetative cells, 475; in wheat, 481 Mycelium, 543, 573 Mycorhizal fungi. 510 Myxophyceae, 608, 621-624 Names, common. 18, 25; plant, 18, 24; scientific, 18, 25 Natural selection, 500 A^avicula, 97 Needle grass, 766 Ne^nalion, 634, 635. 636 Nematodes, 583 Nereocystis, 601, 629 Neutrons, 96 Nitrates, 45, 143, 192, 533 806 INDEX Nitrification, 533, 537 Nitrites, 533 Nitrobacter, 533 Nitrogen, 142, 177, 190, 328, 531, 593; cycle, 537, 538 Nitrogen-fixation, 534. 538, 709; non- symbiotic, 537; symbiotic, 537 Nitrosococcus, 533 Nitrosomonas, 533 Node, 246, 247, 271 Nodules, 535, 709 Non-green cells, 132; plants, 101, 504- 514 Nucellus, 684 Nucleus, 59, 60, 64; composition of, 65: endosperm, 376; fusion, 374, 376, 450; generative, 372; triple-fusion, 376, 450; tube, 372 Oak, 508, 754, 757. 789; family, 704; flowers, 705 Oceans, 598; life in. 601 Octoploid, 478 Oedogonium, 616, 618, 636 Offsets, 411 Oils {see Fats) Oleaceae, 714 Olive family, 714 Onion root tip, 447; "sets," 410 Oogonium, 547, 618 Oospore, 618 Oparin, 529 Operculums, 644, 648 Ophioglossum, 665 Opuntia, 85 Orchid, 119, 507; family, 701; flowers, 702, 703 Orchidaceae, 701 Ordovician period, 723 Osmosis, 199, 201, 204, 320; and plant behavior, 209-220 Osmiinda, 665 Overgrowths, 573 Overturns, 594, 595 Ovulary, 354, 373 Ovulate cones, 683, 684 Ovule, 336, 353, 373, 375, 688 Oxidation, 98, 110, 155 Oxidation-reduction, 99, 138, 143, 152, 156, 168 Oxygen, 96, 108, 152, 177, 310, 518, 589, 592; deficiency, 161 Paleozoic floras, 727 Palisade layers, 72 Fallavicinia, 654 Palm, 85, 698, 772; family, 697 Palmaceae, 697 Pandaniis, 297 Panicle, 360, 361 Papilionaceae, 708 Parasites, 31, 505, 506, 507, 551, 572; facultative, 506; obligate, 506 Parenchyma, 72, 272; cortical, 264; phloem, 283; xylem, 284 Parthenocarpy, 380 Parthenogenesis, 380 Pasteur, 527 Pasteurization, 525 Pathogen, 568 Patrician center, 734 Pea family, 708; flower, 354, 355; gar- den, 355, 459, 462 Peach, brown-rot of, 578 Peach-leaf curl, 572, 579 Peanuts, 709 Pearl bush flowers and fruits, 362 Peat, 651; moss, 645, 649 Pectase, 175 Pectic acid, 171, 175; compounds, 65, 169, 170 Pectin, 171, 175 Pectinase, 175 Pectose, 170, 175 Pectosinase, 175 Peduncle, 353 Penicillium, 548, 550 Pepper flower development, 336 Peptase, 175 Peptones, 175 Perennials, 33, 46 Perianth, 354 Pericarp, 361 Pericycle, 264, 266, 282, 304; fibers, 264, 281 Periodicity, 32, 611, 612 Perisperm, 380 Peristome, 644, 648 Periwinkle, leaf section of, 71 Permeability, 205 Personification, 51 INDEX 807 Petal, 336, 353 Petiole, 13, 18, 72 Petrified logs, 721 Phaeophyceae, 608, 628-633 Phenotype, 463 Phloem, 71, 72, 223, 264, 266, 282, 303; fibers, 264, 283; parenchyma, 283; pri- mary, 304; rays, 264, 284; secondary, 304 Phosphates, 45, 143, 539 Phosphorus, 142, 177, 328 Photoperiod, 340 Photoperiodism, 340 Photosynthesis, 109-114, 315; and chloro- plasts, 122; and CO„ concentration. 126, 127; and C0„-0„ ratio, 110; and epidermis, 120; and evergreens, 123; and leaves, 120; and light intensity, 116, 117, 126; and light rays, 116; and mesophyll, 120; and plant structures, 118; and respiration, 152, 154, 163; and temperature, 127, 163; and water. 118, 120; chemical equation of, 109; factors involved in, 112, 115; inter- mediate compounds, 124; rates of, 115-128 Phycocyanin, 608 Phycoerythrin. 608 Phycomycetes, 552 Phylloxera, 420. 578 Physiological drought, 205, 210 Pickleweed, 211 Pigments, 27-32, 171, 511 Pihilarin, 667 Pine, Austrian, 683; cones. 683. 684 eastern white. 758; embryo, 686 "endosperm," 685; lodgepolc, 787 long-leaved, 761; needle, 87, 682 pinon, 788; seed. 686; short-leaved 760; western white, 784; western vel low, 782 Pineapple, 367, 699: familv. 699 Pinesap, 30, 504 Pistil, 12, 354, 373, 376 Pistillate cones, 683; flowers. 359 Pitcher plant. 92 Pith, 13, 24, 223. 265, 266. 279 Placenta, 336 Plankton, 596. 597, 602, 611 Plant associations. 752; breeding. 431; communities. 40-49, 236. 238. 643: composition. 177; curvatures. 209, 213, 215; diseases, 567-585; foods, 101-107; formations, 743-792; introductions, 431; names, 18, 25; organs, 10-17; parts, 10-17; populations, 42, 425, 499, 596; restorations, 725, 728, 729,/ 730; science, 1-9; selection, 432; sucg^ssion, 41, 46, 737, 753 Plants, and animals, 1, 2. 5, 45, 604, 610; day-neutral, 344; difficulty in definition of, 3; distribution of, 165, 719-738, 740-795; domesticated, 423. 500; long-day, 340, 341, 348; non- green. 504-514; of the past, 719-738; origin of. 423-436; pioneer, 46; sea- sonal aspects of. 26-38; short-day, 341. 342, 348; uses of, 1-3; varieties of. 131 Plasmodium, 562 Plasmolysis, 205 Plastid, 60, 63, 65. 129; inheritance, 444 Pleistocene period, 723 Pleiirococciis, 565, 613, 614, 636 Pliocene period, 723 Plumule, 10, 11, 367 Poaceae, 693 Pollarding, 251 Pollen, 372, .383, .385; fossil, 736, 737; sac, 372; tube, 374, 376 Pollination, 374, 431, 684; close, 431; cross, 381, 440; insect, 384; self, .381 Polyembryony. 380 Polyploidy, 476-478. 480 Polysaccharides, 135. 628 Polystichxini, 656 Polytridnim, 643, 644 Pome, 356, 363, 366 Ponds. 590 Populations, changes in plant. 43, 425 Porella, 652. 653 Postelsia, 629, 630 Potassium, 45, 177, 328 Potato family, 715; flowers. 716; sprouts. 53; tubers, 189, 409. 410 Pottery, 427 Poverty grass, 45 Prairie, 764 Pre-Cambrian floras, 727 Preconditioning. 346, 347 Prickle, 258 Primordium, 68 (see also plant organs) Pronuba moth. 385 808 INDEX Propagule, vegetative, 400 Prophase, 446 Protein, 103, 106, 141, 146, 169, 175; accumulation, 145, 148; digestion, 144; molecules, 141, 144, 522; synthesis, 141-145 Proterozoic, 723, 727 Prothallus, 664, 665, 675, 685 Protonmea, 645, 649 Protons, 96 Protoplasm, 59, 60, 62, 145. 169; stream- ing of, 197 Pseudopodium. 649, 650 Psilophytes, 727 Psilophyton, 728 Psilotum, 728 Pteridophytes, 656-676 Puccinia, 559, 560 Puffballs, 542, 555 Pulvinus, 88, 90 Pure-line plants, 432 "Purposeful behavior," 50-58 Pustules, 573 Pycnia, 560 Pyxis, 366 Quillworts, 673 Raceme. 360, 361 Rachis, 21, 659 Radicle, 294 Rafflesia, 15, 16 Ranunculaceae, 706 Ray, light, 115, 116; phloem, 264, 268; vascular, 264; xylem, 264 Receptacle, 353, 633 Recessiveness, 456, 459 Red snow. Frontispiece Redi, 526, 528 Reduction, 98. 110, 138, 156; division, 448, 450 Redwoods. 401, 778, 779 Reindeer lichen, 563 Reproduction, asexual, 545, 549, 617, 647; sexual, 371-386, 400, 617, 646 Reproductive organs of plants. 11 Research, plant, 3 Resin, 169, 172; ducts, 282. 289; method of tapping, 172 Respiration. 149-159; accessory features, 157; aerobic. 157; anaerobic, 157; and CO2, 153, 165; and photosynthesis, 152, 154, 163; and plant development. 160-166; comparative rates of, 165; demonstration of, 149, 155; essential features of, 157; external evidence for, 151; factors affecting, 160 Respiratory ratios, 154 Resurrection plant, 670 Reversible reactions, 130, 133, 144 Rhizoids, 545, 651 Rhizomes, 187, 256, 257, 404, 405, 407, 411 Rhizopus, 545 Rhodophyceae, 608 Rhynia, 728 Riccia, 652 Rind, 292 Ringworm, 557 Rivers and streams, 596 Rock tripe, 564 Root cap, 13, 295, 303; hairs, 13, 303, 313; pressure, 322; primordium, 294, 415; sections, 302, 304; structure, 300; surfaces, 312; systems, 295, 300, 306, 311, 313, 325; tip, 10, 303 Root-parasite, 16 Root-shoot growth, 192 Roots, 10, 294-314, 315-332; adventitious, 295; aerial, 119, 297, 299; dependence on leaves, 191; fibrous, 296; growth of, 304, 305, 307, 308; herbaceous, 296; in dry soil, 308; lateral, 13, 295; of arbor vitae, 311; of bald cypress, 310; of beet, 306; of carrot, 317, 320; of Cissus, 415; of hemlock and spruce, 307; of white pine, 318; primary, 10, 11, 294; processes in, 315; prop, 297, 298, 299; secondary, 11, 295, 313; tap, 13, 296; tertiary, 295, 313; tissues of, 302, 303; types of, 294 Rosaceae, 707 Rose family, 707; flower, 707 Rosettes, 33, 81, 258, 670; winter, 33 Rots, 574, 578, 580 Rubber, 173; plantation, 173 Rubiaceae, 714 Runners, 256, 402 Rushes, 697; scouring, -673 Rust, 558; apple, 562; cedar, 562; wheat stem, 559. 560; white pine blister, 562 INDEX 809 Sachs, 337 Sagebrush, 768, 769, 770 Sahauro, 711 {see also Cactus) Saint John's shoots, 254 Salicaceae, 702 Salvinia, 667 Sand storm, 794 Sanitation, 523, 575 Sap, maple, 324; tapping for, 324 Saprophytes, 30, 506, 512; economic as- pects of, 514; facultative, 506; obli- gate, 506 Sapwood, 263 Sargassum, 632 Sassafras leaf, 111 Scales, leaf, 19 Scar, bundle, 246, 247; leaf, 24, 73, 246; terminal bud scale, 247; vein, 247 Schistostega, 642 Schultze, 527 Schwann, 527 Scientific evidence, 486 Scion, 293, 419 Sclerenchyma, 72, 281 Sclerotia, 569 Scutellum, 295, 367 Seasonal aspects, 26-38; autumnal. 27; spring, 36, 36; summer, 37; winter, 34, 34 Seaweeds, 5, 601, 629, 631 Sedge, 697; family, 697 Seed coat, 10, 367; fern, 729; plants, 678-692 Seedlings, 296, 388; mangrove, 389 Seeds, 11, 14, 336, 367, 376, 673, 686; death of, 398; dissemination of, 368; economic value of, 369; formation of, 375, 377; germination of, 387-395; longevity of, 396-399 Selaginella, 669, 670, 672 Selling, 382 Sensitive plant, 88, 217 Sepal, 336, 353 Sequoia, 275, 276, 679 Sex, 434, 487 Sexual reproduction, 371-386, 400, 687; in angiosperms, 687: in bread mold, 545; in ferns, 666; in gymnosperms, 684; in Laminaria, 632; in liverworts, 653; in mosses, 646; in NemaUo7i, 635; in Oedogonium. 618; in Spirogyra, 620; in Ulothrix. 617: in water mold, 547, 548, 549 Shade {see Light); leaf, 77, 78-80; plants, 117 Sheath, 18, 86 Short-day plants, 341, 342, 348 Sieve plates, 282, 283; tubes, 282, 283 Silicon, 177 Silurian period, 723 Slime molds, 562 Smuts, 558, 581; of barley, 559; of corn, 558, 559; of oats, 558; of wheat, 558 Snow plant, 31, 504; mold, 544 Sodium, 177 Soil, 309, 315, 589; algae, 610; atmos- phere, 315; bacteria, 531-540; clay loam, 320; distribution of roots in, 307, 308, 318; field capacity of, 319; particles of, 316; profiles, 317, 318 Sol, 62 Solanaceae, 715 Solutes, 202 Solutions, 61, 202 Solvent, 202 Sorus, 664 Soybean, 709 Spadix, 358, 360, 361 Spallanzani, 528 Spanish "moss," 15, 508 Spathe, 358 Species, 18, 24; dominant, 40, 753: new, 431, 495; plastic, 82; subdominant, 753 Spectrum, 27, 115 Spermagonia, 561 Spermatium, 561, 635 Spermatophytes, 678-692 Sperms, 372, 465, 466, 647 Sphagnales, 649 Sphagnum, 649, 650 Spike, 357, 360, 696 Spines, 18, 83, 86, 258 Spirodela, 15 Spirogyra, 616, 619, 620, 636 Spontaneous generation, 525 Sporangia, 545, 631, 632, 644, 665 Spore, 545, 553, 616, 632, 636, 665; print, 554 Sporophylls, 379, 665 810 INDEX Sporophytes, 379; algal, 636; club moss, 668, 670, 671; equisetum, 674, 675 fern, 662, 663; flowering plant, 690 liverwort, 654; moss, 644, 647, 650 pine, 682 Sprays, 575, 577 Spring aspect, 36 Spring wheat, 435 Sprouts, 410, 411 Spruce [see Forests) Squaw-root, 505 Stamen, 336, 354, 372 Staminate cones, 683; flowers, 359 Starch, 129, 175; accumulation, 131, 148; grains, 60, 103, 133; sources, 132; syn- thesis, 129-137 Starvation, 101, 164 Stele, 264 Stem, 10, 12, 24, 245; of moonseed vine, 266; of panicum, 271; sections, 223, 266, 270, 285, 286, 287, 288, 291; seg- ments, 267; tip, 10, 64; types, 251 Stems, aerial, 256; age of, 265, 268; climbing, 258; columnar, 252; creep- ing, 402; deliquescent, 252, 253; dicot, 266, 270; excurrent, 252, 253; external features of, 245-261, 246, 254, 255. 257, 258, 259; growth of, 267, 270. 272, 278; herbaceous, 256, 269; mono- cot, 270, 271, 290; processes in, 276; regions of, 262; size of, 273-276; tissues of, 264-277, 278-293; twining, 258; woody, 245, 262 Sterility, 382 Sterilization, 527 Stigma, 354, 373 Stipules, 18, 86 Stock, 293, 419 Stolons, 256 Stomates. 71, 74, 78, 79, 87, 89, 121: opening and closing of, 74, 121, 218, 226 Stone cells, 281, 283; fruits, 365 Stoneworts, 621 Storage [see Accumulation) Stratification, 396; in lakes, 594 Strawberry fruit, 363; runners. 403 Streptococcus, 519 Strobilus, 683 Style, 354, 373 Suberin, 168. 169. 171 Submergence, 589-590; and differentia- tion, 82; and leaf form, 81, 90; and plant species, 588; and stomates, 82, 90 Succession of plant communities, 41, 46, 737, 753 Sucrase, 124, 175 Sucrose, 104, 109, 123, 148, 175 Suffocation, 101, 161 Sugars, 104, 108, 129, 138, 150, 152, 169, 175, 483; amounts made, 113; fate of, in plants, 114; synthesis of. 110 Sulfates, 143, 539 Sulfofication, 539 Sulfur, 142. 177, 328, 539; bacteria, 512. 538 Summer aspect, 37 Sun leaf, 77, 78, 79, 80 Sundew, 219 Sunflower, 494; family, 717; leaf, 76; stem, 270, 287 Surface tension, 197 Survival of the fittest, 500-502 Susceptibility. 524 Suspensions, 61 Swamps, 597 Sword fern, 484 Sycamore, 274 Symptoms of plant diseases. 573 Tank culture, 331, 332 Tannase, 175 Tannins, 162, 171, 174, 175 Tassel, 359 Taxodium, 678 Teliospores, 560 Telophase, 446 Temperature, and abscission, 32; and autumn coloration, 31; and bacteria. 619; and flower initiation, 345. 346, 347; and leaf development, 82; and photcisyn thesis, 112, 127; and plant distribution, 165, 600; and plant habitats, 589; and respiration. 163; and root development, 312; and seed germination, 396; and tuber forma- tion, 189; effects, 217; evaporation, 222 Tendrils, 18, 86, 258 Tertiary period. 723; roots, 295, 313 Tests for foods. 103. 104 INDEX 811 Tetrad, 372 Te trap his, 648 Tetraploids, 475 Thallus, 651, 652, 653 Thermocline, 595 Thiamin, 194 Thorns, 83, 258, 259 Timberline, 680 Timothy spikes, 696 Tissues, complex, 278; food-conducting, 75; meristematic, 68; primary, 278; secondary, 278; sporogcnous, 372, 373; water-conducting, 75 (see also appropriate organs of plant) Toadstools, 542, 555 Tobacco, 54; leaf, 70; plants, 341 Tomato, fruit. 363; leaf, 322; plants, 327 Top-root ratios, 190 Toxins, 524 Tracheids, 284 Tradescantia, 79 Transpiration, 221-232, absorption, 234, 242, crop yields, 236; and 240, 322, plant 324 323 dis and and Uribu- tion, 237, 239; and soil water, 229; cooling effect of, 241; cuticular. 223; effects on plants, 80. 233-244; lifting power of, 227; pull. 230; rates of, 226. 232, 235, 240; stomatal, 225 Triassic period, 723 Trichodesmiiim , 623 Trichogyne. 635 Trillium. 380, 493 Tri-palmitin, 139 Triple fusion, 376 Triploid, 451 Trisaccharides. 1 35 Tropical jungle. 791 Tropisms. 213. 214 Truffles, 553 Tryptophane, 144 Tschermak, 435 Tubers, 189, 257, 408, 409. 410 Tufa, 644 Tulip, flower, fruit and seed. 353; root. 302 Tundra, frontispiece, 31. 6.39, 741. 743. 744, 745, 746 Turgor, 205. 212. 216 Tyloses, 285 Ulmaceae, 705 Uloihrix, 614, 616, 636 Umbel, 360, 361, 713 Umbelliferae, 712 Unisexual, 671 Uredospores, 560 Vacciniaceae, 713 Vacuole, 60, 63, 65 Vallisneri, 526 Valves of diatoms, 625 van Helmont, 102, 526 Variations, 436, 490; heritable, 84-93, 4.36, 492; hybrid, 436. 492; mutant. 492; non-heritable, 436, 491 Vaucheria, 616, 619, 620, 636 Vegetable, 364; ivory, 698 ^ Vegetation, contrast on slopes, 239; of North America, 740-795; types, 240, 741 Vegetative bud, 335; multiplication, 191, 337, 400-422, 440, 646, 653, 661; or- gans, 10; period, 14; propagules, 400 Vein, 19, 71, 72; scar. 247; systems. 20, 111 Venation, 20; dichotomous. 20, 21. 660; palmate, 20, 21; parallel. 20. 21: pin- nate, 20, 21 Venus'.s-flytrap, 91, 219 Vernation, 660 Vessels, 264, 284 Victoria regia, 85, 86; leaf, 87 Vinca, leaf section of, 71 Vinegar, 156 Viruses. 521, 522, 584; diseases caused by, 584, 585 Vitamins, 28, 169. 174. 194. 520 Volvox, 615 von Dusch. 527 von Schroeder, 527 Walnut family, 703; flowers. 704 Water, 109, 123, 129, 139, 152, 168. 196, 222; and bacteria, 517; bloom, 611; conducting cells {see Xylem); habitat, 587, 589; hyacinth, 412; lily, 85, 86; loss from plants, 235, 236; lotus fruit. 363; mold, 546; molecule, 95, 223 Water-holding substances, 230 812 INDEX Water-sprout, 250 Water-vapor gradient, 228 Wax, 169 Weeds, 2, 41, 45, 46, 717 Whales and plankton, 604, 605 Wheat, 425; embryo, 295; flower, 357; grass, 766; rust, 559, 560; seedlings, 190; smut, 558; spring, 435; winter, 435 Willow, 102; family, 702 Wilting, 231; percentage, 320 Wilts, 574 Winter, aspect, 34; conditioning, 35; fat grass. 769; injury, 35; view in forest, 34; wheat, 435 Wolffia, 15, 85 Wood, 262; block. 290; cylinder, 262; diffuse-porous, 288; fibers. 284, 285; grain, 264, 289; non-porous, 289; ring- porous. 288; rots, 579, 580; sections, 285, 288, 289, 291; spring. 287; sum- mer, 287 Wound, 292; surfaces. 477; tissue, 292, 418 Xanthophyceae, 608, 627 Xanthophylls, 28, 608 Xenia, 381, 470 Xeniophyte, 379 X-rays, 398, 485 Xylem, 71, 72, 223, 262, 266, 284, 303; parenchyma, 284; primary, 304; ray, 284; secondary, 304 Yam, 714 Yeasts, 155. 546, 547 Yucca, 700 Zein. 142 Zinc, 330 Zoology, 7 Zoospore. 617 Zygote, 376, 545, 547, 548, 636; to embrvo. 387