. cs- REESE LIBRARY OF THE ''UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received • uons No. _ , _i88/_ S/ielf No. _ •33 fl 108 PRODUCTS OF THE DECOMPOSITION OF HAEMOGLOBIN. [BOOK I. which can afterwards be obtained from it by distillation after acidu- lating with sulphuric acid. It is to be noted that the spectrum of the supposed hydrocyanic compound is identical with that of oxy-haemoglobin, and that the behaviour of the solution to reducing agents is absolutely the same as that of a solution of oxy-haemoglobin. Those who advocate the existence of the compound however rely somewhat upon the fact that blood to which hydrocyanic acid has been added shews the bands of oxy-haemoglobin, or bands identical with them, for a much longer time than normal blood — a fact which they explain by supposing that the hydrocyanic compound is some- what more stable than oxy-haemoglobin. It appears to the Author that all proofs of the existence of such a compound are wanting. That some hydrocyanic acid should adhere to the haemoglobin as it crystallizes out is quite in accordance with a variety of experiences of a similar kind, and can by itself afford no evidence of an actual compound existing. The resistance of hydrocyanic blood to decomposition can on the other hand be easily explained by the unquestionable arrest or slowing *'of the process of putrefaction in the presence of hydrocyanic acid ; it is undoubtedly the products of putrefaction which are the causes of the spontaneous reduction of the oxy-haemoglobin of blood confined in a vessel which has no access to air, so that an agent which will inhibit putrefaction and at the same time not decompose oxy-haemoglobin would be expected to act as hydrocyanic acid acts and cause the persistence of the oxy-haemoglobin bands. Products of the decomposition of Haemoglobin. When subjected to the action of various reagents, especially to that of acids and of salts having an acid reaction, the molecule of haemo- globin undergoes a profound decomposition, the ultimate products of which are, amongst others, a proteid substance or substances, and a body called HAEMATIN, which contains all the iron originally con- tained in the blood- colouring matter. The formation of haematin is, according to Hoppe-Seyler, necessarily dependent upon the presence of oxygen, in the absence of which the process of decom- position yields a proteid and a body to which he has given the name of HAEMOCHROMOGEN ; the latter may by oxidation pass subsequently into haematin. Haematin is an interesting body which forms definite, well crystallized, compounds with hydrochloric, and apparently also with hydriodic acid. Before describing the various bodies which are the products of a profoundly decomposing action exerted upon haemoglobin, it is essential to refer to a modification of haemoglobin which is brought about by the action of various agents, and concerning which very much difference of opinion still lingers, viz. methaemoglobin. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 109 Methaemoglobin. spectrum When a solution of haemoglobin is exposed to air of Methaemo- for some time it loses its blood-red colour, assumes a brownish tinge, presents an acid reaction, is precipi- tated by solutions of basic lead acetate, and on examining its spectrum it is found that the two bands of oxy-haemoglobin have become faint, and that a new band has appeared in the red near C ; this line occupies nearly though by no means exactly the position of a similar band in the spectrum of acid haematin. On now rendering the solution alkaline by the addition of ammonia, the band in the red disappears, and is replaced by a faint absorption band immediately near D. The most remarkable phenomenon, however, relates to the action of reducing agents. If to a solution which exhibits the last - mentioned spectrum there be added some sulphide of ammonium, it is observed that it manifests the spectrum of reduced haemoglobin. On shaking the so- lution containing the latter with air, oxy-haemoglobin is again formed. Production The peculiar and remarkable properties above mentioned of methaemo- were described by the Author in 18671 and more fully in S«bii,™!! 1868> as developed by the action of nitrites on solutions of haemoglobin and upon blood. It was shewn that besides presenting the remarkable optical properties and reactions previously referred to, as a result of the action of nitrites, the respiratory- . oxygen of haemoglobin had become irremovable by carbonic oxide or in a Torricellian vacuum, but that after undergoing the change the haemoglobin could be crystallized repeatedly, the body thus produced only differing from oxy-haernoglobin by its colour and its spectrum. On analysis it was found that the crystalline compound always retained some of the nitrite used, and the view was therefore expressed that in all probability the action exerted by ni- trites consisted in the formation of a compound of those bodies with oxy-hae- moglobin, which compound was decomposed by the reducing agent employed. It was subsequently observed by Sorby2, Lank ester3, and Jaderholm4 that Gamgee's nitrite-haemoglobin spectra coincided with those of methae- moglobin prepared by the action of potassium permanganate, and the presumption has been established that his bodies really consisted of methaemoglobin generated by the action of nitrites. This change in the view as to the nature of the bodies produced under the influence of nitrites does not however affect the facts established by the researches above referred to. According to Sorby, however, methaemoglobin would be a per-oxy-haemoglobin, i.e. a more highly oxygenized haemoglobin, 1 Gamgee, "Note on the action of nitric oxide, nitrous acid and nitrites on Haemoglobin." Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1867, p. 168. " On the action of nitrites on blood." Philosophical Transactions, 1868, pp. 589 — 625. 2 Sorby, Quarterly Journ. of Micros. Sc. 1870, p. 400. 8 Lankester, " Abstract of a Keport on the Spectroscopic Examination of certain animal substances." Journal of Anat. and Phys. Vol. iv. p. 123. 4 Jaderholm, " Untersuchungen uber den Blutfarbstoff und dessen Zersetzungs producte," Abstracted from the original Swedish by Hammarsten in Maly's Jahres- berichtt Vol. vi. p. 85. A TEXT-BOOK OF THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTKY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. A TEXT-BOOK OF THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTEY OF THE ANIMAL BODY INCLUDING AN ACCOUNT OF THE CHEMICAL CHANGES OCCURRING IN DISEASE BY ARTHUR GAMGEE, M.D., F.R.S. \\ PROFESSOR IN THE VICTORIA UNIVERSITY, MANCHESTER; BRACKENBURY PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN THE OWENS COLLEGE. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. L I B L> A VOL. L I U]STI MACMILLAN AND CO. 1880 [The Right of Translation is reserved.] BIOLOGT LIBRARY G (flamforrtjge: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. TO SIB EGBERT CHRISTISON, BART., M.D., LL.D., D.C.L. EMEEITUS PEOFESSOE OF MATEEIA MEDICA IN THE UNIVEESITY OF EDINBUEGH. SIR, In the preparation of this work the intention which I had formed from the first of dedicating it to you has always been present with me, and whilst the thought has added pleasure to what has truly been a congenial task, it has incited me to -.4; <^ *\"C» make every effort in my power to render the book worthy of your acceptance. In offering you this tribute of admiration and regard, I would express my sense of the signal benefits which, by your labours as a teacher and investigator and by your personal example, you have conferred upon the great University of which you were so long an ornament, no less than upon the whole medical profession in this country. ARTHUR GAMGEE. MANCHESTER, July 19, 1830. G, PREFACE. IT has been my desire in the preparation of this work to consider the subject of Physiological Chemistry from the point of view of the biologist and the physician rather than from that of the chemist, and, accordingly, I have adopted a classification of the subject based entirely on morphological or physiological considerations. Whilst I have, however, given special prominence to all those facts which offer at present the greatest interest to the biologist, and have kept in the back ground such as only possess interest to the pure chemist, because involving some doubtful question of consti- tution, I have, nevertheless, taken care that no chemical fact and even that no chemical speculation should be omitted which appeared likely to throw light upon a bio- logical question. In the present volume the chemical composition of, and the chemical processes relating to, the elementary tissues of the body are treated of, the blood, lymph, and chyle being- included in that classification. This volume forms a com- plete and independent work, though it is intended that it shall, within twelve months, be followed by a second volume, in which the chemistry of the chief animal functions will be treated of. Some may be inclined to remark that I have introduced into this work too large a reference to the sciences of 62 viii PREFACE. anatomy and physiology and to practical medicine, and that I have not always been consistent in the extent of these references. The attentive reader will however dis- cover, I trust, that I have proceeded with great deliberation, and that if in certain cases I have made greater digressions into the provinces of the cognate sciences than in others, it has been because I considered that I was called upon to do so in the interest of the particular subject, and therefore in the interest of the reader. Thus, in the chapter on the ' Contractile Tissues' the histological descriptions are far more detailed and the general review of known physiological facts much more complete than in the case of the nervous tissues, and the reason is obvious. It would have been unsatis- factory to discuss the chemical processes of muscle without considering, in some cases in considerable detail, the results of the work of the histologist and of the experimental physiologist. On the other hand, in dealing with the scanty facts yet known to us concerning the chemical history of the nervous tissues, only the barest outline of the histology of the nervous system is essential. Although this volume, in the main, deals with the chemistry of the elementary tissues and not with the processes which are characteristic of the complex organs of the body, for the sake of convenience some exceptions have been made. Thus the chemistry of the organs of sense has been made to follow the chapter on the chemistry of the nervous tissues, because this seemed the most convenient place for introducing a systematic account of any facts relating to them. It has been a constant object with me to give the reader a very full and, so far as possible, independent account of the state of knowledge on the subjects discussed, and I trust PREFACE. IX I may with complete truthfulness say that this work is based upon a study of original memoirs rather than upon a study of text books. In the interest of the student nearly all papers are quoted by their full titles and few have been quoted which have not been read throughout and studied. Whenever quotations have been made at second hand the fact is stated. Another feature which I have desired to render promi- nent in this work is the description of the methods which have been followed in important and, to borrow a con- venient Germanism, 'epoch-making7 researches. It seemed the more important to do this as I desired to write in the interest of the truly scientific student, anxious not merely to learn what has been already acquired to science, but wishful himself to extend her boundaries. I have, so far as possible, tried all the experimental processes mentioned in this work, and throughout it I have incorporated the results of my own independent researches which in many cases have not yet been published else- where. Thus much as to the plan of this book : 1 know only too well its deficiencies. I trust, however, that notwithstanding ', ' o these it may assist the progress of science, and whilst I plead for it the indulgence of my scientific brethren, I would beg of them to aid me by communicating to me any errors which they may discover, or any suggestions for a better exposition of the subjects discussed. In the discharge of my very arduous work I have been greatly helped by many friends. In the first place I have to express my unbounded acknowledgments to my friend and former pupil Mr John Priestley, who has, with the exception of some comparatively unimportant sections, written the X PREFACE. very important chapter on the ' Contractile Tissues/ and in such a manner as will, I feel sure, attract the good opinion of physiologists. Mr Priestley had, without any intention of writing on the subject, made himself so thoroughly master of all that had been written on the subject of the physiology of muscle, that in the best interests of my readers I asked him to assist me in dealing with this subject. Although any credit which it may merit is due to Mr Priestley for the greater part of this chapter, I must in justice to myself say that every section and almost every sentence in it have been the subjects of discussion be- tween us. I have been helped by Mr William Dodgson in the reduction of the valuable tables of blood-spectra of Pro- fessor Preyer to a scale of wave-lengths, and in the actual drawing of the scale attached to the spectra of haemoglobin and its derivatives. I may here incidentally remark that in the description of spectra of any import- ance I have referred all measurements to wave-lengths, taking care to check the reduced observations of others by measurements made with the help of one of Herr Zeiss's beautiful spectroscopes furnished with a scale of wave- lengths. Lastly, I have to express my deep obligations to Dr Alfred Young, to Mr Marcus Hartog, M.A., and to my pupils Messrs Larmuth, Reynolds, and William Thorburn for much useful help. Upon the first of these gentlemen devolved the greater part of the labour of preparing a full and accurate index. ARTHUR GAMGEE. Manchester, July, 1880. CONTENTS. BOOK I. THE PROTEIDS. THE ELEMENTARY TISSUES OF THE ORGANISM. CHAPTER I. THE PROTEIDS. PAGE SECT. 1. GENERAL CHARACTERS or THE PROTEIDS ...... 4 SECT. 2. CHEMICAL REACTIONS CHARACTERISTIC OF THE PROTEIDS ... 13 Methods of completely separating proteids from solutions containing them 34 Determination of the temperature at which the proteids coagulate . 14 SECT. 3. SYNOPSIS OF THE CHIEF PROTEID BODIES 16 SECT. 4. PRODUCTS OF DECOMPOSITION OF THE PROTEIDS 18 SECT. 5. THEORETICAL VIEWS AS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PROTEIDS . • 20 CHAPTER II. THE BLOOD. SECT. 1. THE PHYSICAL CHARACTERS OF THE BLOOD .23 SECT. 2. THE LIQUOR SANGUINIS. FIBRIN AND ITS SUPPOSED PRECURSORS . . 31 Fibrin 34 The Assumed Precursors of Fibrin in the Liquor Sanguinis : 1. Serum-Globulin or Paraglobulin (Schmidt's fibrinoplastic substance) 37 2. Fibrinogen 40 Xll CONTENTS. PAGE Theories of Coagulation 42 The Fibrin-ferment 48 The origin of Fibrin-ferment 49 The researches of Hammarsten 51 The influence of salts on coagulation 53 Non-coagulation of salts within the living blood-vessels ... 54 SECT. 3. THE SERUM AND THE CONSTITUENTS OF THE LIQUOR SANGUINIS WHICH REMAIN IN IT 57 The Proteids of the Serum 60 1. Serum-globulin or Paraglobulin 60 2. Serum-Albumin 61 The Extractive Matters of the Plasma and Serum .... 64 The Salts of the Plasma and Serum 66 The Gases of the Plasma and Serum 70 SECT. 4. THE COLOURED CORPUSCLES OF THE BLOOD . . . . . 71 Enumeration of the corpuscles ........ 74 Summary of the composition of the coloured corpuscles ... 79 The Stroma and the proteids associated with it .... 80 The Nuclei of the Bed Corpuscles 82 Fatty matters containing Phosphorus (Lecithin, Protagon) . . 83 Cholesterin 84 Oxy-Haemoglobin 84 Action of certain gases which displace the oxygen of Oxy-haemoglobin 104 Products of the decomposition of Haemoglobin . . • . . . . 108 Methaemoglobin 109 The proteid matter derived from the decomposition of Haemoglobin . 112 Haematin 113 Hydrochlorate of Haematin — Haemin 115 Haematoporphyrin . 117 Haemochromogen 118 Haematoidin 120 The mineral constituents of the red corpuscles . . . . . 121 The gaseous constituents of the coloured corpuscles . . . .123 SECT. 5. THE COLOURLESS CORPUSCLES OF THE BLOOD 123 SECT. 6. THE GASES OF THE BLOOD AS A WHOLE 12G SUMMAKY OF THE QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION OF THE BLOOD . 126 SECT. 7. CHARACTERS PRESENTED BY THE BLOOD OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS . 129 Distribution of Haemoglobin through the vascular liquids of various groups of Invertebrata 130 On the green blood of certain Annelids. Chlorocruorin . . . 131 On the blue blood of certain of the Mollusca and Molluscoida . . 132 The blue blood of the Octopus. Haemocyanin .... 133 On certain coloured corpuscles found in the perivisceral fluid of certain Sea-urchins and Holothurians 134 CONTENTS. Xlii CHAPTER III. CHANGES WHICH THE BLOOD UNDERGOES IN DISEASE. PAGE INTRODUCTION 136 SECT. 1. VAEIATIONS IN THE PROPORTION OF THE PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS OP THE BC,OOD IN DISEASES IN GENERAL 139 SECT. 2. THE CHANGES WHICH THE BLOOD UNDERGOES IN PARTICULAR DISEASES 145 A. The Blood in Disorders of Nutrition : Anaemia 145 Leucocythaemia (Leukaemia) 152 Progressive Pernicious Anaemia 154 Scurvy 156 . Purpura Hemorrhagica and Haemophilia 157 Gout 157 Articular Rheumatism and Rheumatoid Arthritis .... 158 Rickets and Osteomalacia 158 B. The Blood in Fevers : Febricula or Ephemeral Fever 159 Typhus Fever 159 Typhoid Fever 159 Relapsing Fever * ... 159 Splenic Fever (of Cattle) 161 Intermittent Fevers 162 Scarlet Fever, Measles, Small-pox, Erysipelas ^_ . . 163 The Blood hi Cholera 163 C. The Blood in Diseases of the Heart 164 D. The Blood hi Diseases of the Lungs 167 E. The Blood in Diseases of the Liver 167 F. The Blood in Diabetes Mellitus .168 G. The Blood in Diseases of the Kidney 172 CHAPTER IV. THE BLOOD (continued). DESCRIPTION OF CERTAIN METHODS OF RESEARCH. Determination of the Specific Gravity of the blood .... 174 Determination of the Reaction of blood 176 Determination of the Water, Total Solids and Ash of the blood . 177 Determination of the amount of Fibrin yielded by the blood . . 180 Determination of Haemoglobin in the blood 182 Determination of Cholesterin, Lecithin, and Fats in blood . . 187 Determination of Water, Total Solids, and Salts of Serum . ' . 188 Determination of the total amount of Proteids contained in the Serum and of the Serum-albumin . 188 • XIV CONTENTS. PAGE Determination of the amount of Fibrinogen contained in the liquor Banguinis 189 Determination of the amount of Serum-globulin in the serum . . 189 Determination of the presence and quantity of Urea in the blood . 190 Determination of the amount of Uric Acid in the blood . . .193 Determination of the amount of Sugar hi the blood . . . .194 Determination of the weight of the Moist Corpuscles contained in the blood 195 Separation and determination of the Gases of the blood . . . 196 Collection of the blood for the determination of gases . . . 197 Mercurial Pumps 198 Analysis of the gases of the blood 206 Description of the methods of Frankland for the analysis of gases . 207 Description of more simple methods of gas analysis .... 213 Determination of the total quantity of blood contained in an animal's body ....... 215 Medico-legal detection of Blood-stains 217 Medico-legal detection of Carbonic Oxide in blood . . . .219 CHAPTER V. THE LYMPH AND CHYLE. THE SO-CALLED TRANS UDATIONS, NORMAL AND PATHOLOGICAL. SECT. 1. THE LYMPH (INCLUDING THE CHYLE) 220 Preliminary observations 220 Physical characters of the lymph . . . . . . 221 The Proteids of the lymph . .' 223 The Fats of the lymph and chyle 223 The Extractive matters of lymph . . . . . . 223 The Salts of the lymph 224 The Gases of the lymph .* 225 SECT. 2. THE LIQUIDS CONTAINED IN THE HEALTHY SEROUS SACS. — SYNOVIA. — THE CEREBRO- SPINAL LIQUID 229 SECT. 3. THE LIQUID IN DROPSIES 231 Preliminary remarks on the mode of production of Dropsies . . 231 General Characters of Dropsical Fluids 233 Characters of particular Transudations ...... 235 SECT. 4. METHODS OF ANALYSING LYMPH, CHYLE, AND OTHER TRANSUDATIONS, NORMAL AND PATHOLOGICAL 236 CHAPTER VI. PUS. SECT. 1, INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF Pus AND ON THE NATURE OF Pus . . 238 CONTENTS. XV PAGB SECT. 2. THE Pus SERUM 239 SECT. 3. THE Pus CORPUSCLES . 241 The Proteids present in the Cell-protoplasm ..... 241 The matter of the nuclei. Nuclein ....... 241 The extractive matters of pus cells soluble in water .... 243 SECT. 4. COLOURING MATTERS FOUND IN Pus. Pyocyanin 245 Pyoxanthose . . 246 SECT. 5. THE GASES OF Pus 246 SECT. 6. DIRECTIONS FOR THE QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF Pus 248 CHAPTER VII. THE CONNECTIVE TISSUES. INTRODUCTION 249 SECT. 1. CONNECTIVE TISSUE PROPER 250 Connective Tissue Cells 251 The White Fibres of Connective Tissue. Collagen and Gelatin . 252 The Elastic Fibres of Connective Tissue. Elastin .... 255 Connecting or Ground substance of Connective Tissue . . . 256 SECT. 2. ADIPOSE TISSUE 259 Stearin 262 Palmitin .... . ^ . . . 262 Olein 263 Glycerin 263 Fatty matters found in the adipose tissue of certain of the lower animals 264 Analysis of the Fats 265 SECT. 3. CARTILAGE ............ 268 General Composition of Cartilage ....... 268 Chondrigen . 269 Chondrin 269 SECT. 4. OSSEOUS TISSUE OR BONE 272 The Water found in bone 273 The Animal or Organic basis of bone ...... 273 The Mineral matters of bone ........ 274 The composition of the Marrow of bone 277 THE CHANGES WHICH BONE UNDEEGOES IN DISEASE. Osteomalacia 280 Eachitis . 281 Caries .......••••• 284 Necrosis . • •' • 284 XVI CONTENTS. METHODS FOLLOWED IN THE QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF BONE. PAGE Determination of the quantity of Fat in bone 285 Determination of the total quantity of Ash in bone .... 285 Determination of the quantity of Chlorine in the ash of bone . . 285 Determination of the amount of Calcium in bone .... 286 Determination of the Magnesium in bone 286 Determination of Phosphoric acid in bone 286 Determination of Carbonic acid in bone 287 Determination of Fluorine in bone 288 SECT. 5. TOOTH 289 Dentine 289 Enamel . . . 291 Crusia Petrosa 293 CHAPTER VIII. EPITHELIAL TISSUES OE EPITHELIUM. KEEATIN. CHITIN. PIG- MENTS DEPOSITED IN THE EPITHELIAL STBUCTUEES. CEETAIN OTHEE ANIMAL PIGMENTS 295 SECT. 1. EPIBLASTIC KERATIN-PRODUCING EPITHELIAL TISSUES. THE HORNY SUBSTANCE OF CUTICLE, NAILS, HORN, HAIR, AND FEATHERS . . 296 Horny Substance or Keratin 297 Inorganic Matters contained in the Horny Tissues .... 298 SECT. 2. TISSUES WHICH YIELD CHITIN, SPONQIN, TUNICIN, AND HYALIN . 299 Chitin 299 Glycosamine 301 Conchiolin 301 Spongin 302 Hyalin 302 Tunicin or Animal Cellulose 302 SECT. 3. ON CERTAIN COLOURING MATTERS OF THE EPITHELIAL TISSUES OF VERTEBRATES 303 Brown and black Pigments. Melanin 303 Pigments of the Feathers of Birds. Turacin 304 SECT. 4. CERTAIN OTHER COLOURING MATTERS OCCURRING IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 305 Blue Stentorin « . . 307 Actinioohrome 307 Bonellein 307 Carminic acid 303 Tyrian Purple 309 Chlorophylloid Colouring Matters 309 CONTENTS. xvii CHAPTER IX. THE CONTEACTILE TISSUES. PAGE SECT. 1. THE STRUCTURE OF MUSCLE AND THE CONSTITUENTS OF NORMAL LIVING MUSCLE 310 The Structure of the Contractile Tissues 310 Structure of Unstriped Involuntary muscle 311 Structure of Voluntary muscle 313 The Structure of the Muscular Substance of the Heart . . . 318 Terminations of Nerves in muscle , 318 CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION OF NORMAL LIVING MUSCLE, so FAR AS IT CAN BE KNOWN OR INFERRED 319 On the distribution of liquid and solid parts in a voluntary muscular fibre 319 Chemical characters of the Sarcolemma 321 Chemical nature of the doubly-refracting elements of voluntary muscle 321 The Muscle Plasma 322 Myosin 323 Muscle Serum 324 The Haemoglobin of muscles . . 325 NITROGENOUS (NON-PROTEID) ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF MUSCLE . 325 Creatine 326 Creatinine 329 Hypoxanthine or Sarcine 329 Xanthine 330 Carnine ~~T . , , 332 Uric acid « 333 Urea ... 333 Inosinic acid 333 Taurine 333 NON-NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF MUSCLE . . . 333 Fats 334 Glycogen 334 Dextrin 336 Fermentable Sugar . 336 Inosit 336 The Ferments present in muscle 338 THE INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF MUSCLE 338 SECT. 2. GENERAL PHENOMENA OF LIVING MUSCLE 339 Muscle in a state of rest ......... 839 Muscle in action 341 Eigor Mortis 347 SECT. 3. SPBCIAL STUDY OF THE CHEMICAL CHANGES OF LIVING MUSCLE . 348 THE CHEMICAL CHANGES OF CONTRACTION AND EIGOR . . . 349 A. Changes in the composition of muscle itself .... 349 Changes in the gaseous constituents . . . . . . 349 Changes in the non-gaseous constituents 359 xviii CONTENTS. PAGE 1. Change in reaction and its causes 359 2. Changes in the proportion of water 364 3. Changes in the water and alcohol extractives . . . 364 4. Changes in the proteids 364 5. Changes in the amount of Creatin ..... 364 6. Changes in the proportion of glycogen and sugar . . . 365 7. Changes in the amount of fat and volatile fatty acids . . 365 8. Oxidizing and reducing properties of Muscle during rest and tetanus 365 B. Changes in the chemical composition of the medium surrounding Muscle 365 a. When Muscle is exposed to the air ..... 365 /3. When Muscle is still in the body 373 Changes of the medium surrounding muscle as shewn on analysis of the blood of Muscle 375 Changes in the medium surrounding Muscle as shewn in the analyses of the general excreta of the body 381 THE CHEMICAL CHANGES OF LIVING MUSCLE WHEN AT BEST . . 401 SECT. 4. FATIGUE, EXHAUSTION AND KEVIVAL 404 SECT. 5. THE THEORY OF MUSCULAR ACTIVITY . . . . . . 406 CHAPTER X. THE NEBVOUS TISSUES. SECT. 1, INTRODUCTORY 420 Nerve-cells 420 Nerve-fibres 421 SECT. 2. THE PROTEIDS FOUND IN THE NERVOUS TISSUES .... 423 SECT. 3. NEUROKERATIN AND NUCLEIN . . 423 SECT. 4. THE PHOSPHORIZED CONSTITUENTS FOUND IN NERVOUS TISSUES . 425 Protagon 425 Lecithin 430 Description of some of the products of decomposition of lecithin and protagon . 433 Phosphorized principles other than protagon and lecithin . . 437 SECT. 5. NON -PHOSPHORIZED NITROGENOUS BODIES OF UNKNOWN CONSTI- TUTION . • . . . 439 Cerebrin? orCerebrins? .' 439 SECT. 6. CHOLESTERIN ..'.." 442 SECT. 7. EXTRACTIVE MATTER COMMON TO THE NERVOUS AND OTHER TISSUES 444 SECT. 8. THE INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF THE NERVOUS TISSUES . . 445 SECT. 9. GENERAL SUMMARY SHEWING THE RESULTS OF QUANTITATIVE ANALYSES OF BRAIN, SPINAL CORD, AND NERVES 445 SECT. 10. THE CHEMICAL PROCESSES CONNECTED WITH THE ACTIVITY AND DEATH OF THE NERVOUS TISSUES . . . 446 CONTENTS. xix CHAPTER XI. CHEMICAL HISTOEY OF CEETAIN OF THE PEEIPHEEAL TEEMI- NATIONB OF THE NEEVOUS SYSTEM AND OF THE AC- CESSOEY STEUCTUEES CONNECTED WITH THEM, THE TISSUES AND MEDIA OF THE EAE, THE TISSUES AND MEDIA OF THE EYE. PAGE SECT. 1. THE TISSUES AND MEDIA OF THE EAR 448 Perilymph and Endolyrnph . . . . . . . 449 Otoliths, Lapilli, or Otoconia 449 The membranous Labyrinth 450 SECT. 2. THE TISSUES AND MEDIA OF THE EYE 450 The Cornea 450 Sclerotic 451 Aqueous Humor 452 Crystalline Lens . . • 452 The Choroid 454 THE EETINA. Introductory 454 Chemical composition of the Eetina as a whole . . . 459 General chemical facts relating to Eods and Cones .... 459 Colouring matters associated with the Cones (Chromophanes) . . 460 Colouring matters associated with the Eods (Visual Purple or Eho- dopsin) . . 461 Chemical facts relating to the Eetinal Epithelium .... 468 Action of light upon the Visual Purple of the Living Eye . . 469 Eegeneration of Visual Purple 469 INDEX 471 BOOK I. THE PROTEIDS, THE ELEMENTARY TISSUES OF THE ORGANISM. V OF 'vLlFUMN! A. CHAPTER I. THE PROTEIDS. AMONGST the organic proximate principles which enter into the composition of the tissues and organs of living beings, those belonging to the class of proteid or albuminous bodies occupy quite a peculiar place and require an exceptional treatment, for they alone are never absent from the active living cells, which we recognize as the primor- dial structures of animal and vegetable organisms. In the plant, whilst we recognize the wide distiibution of such constituents as cellulose and chlorophyl, and acknowledge their remarkable physio- logical importance, we at the same time are forced to admit that they occupy altogether a different position from that of the proteids of the protoplasm out of which they were evolved. We may have a plant without chlorophyl and a vegetable cell without a cellulose wall, but our very conception of a living, functionally active, cell, whether vegetable or animal, is necessarily associated with the integrity of its protoplasm, of which the invariable organic constitu- ents are proteids. In the animal, the proteids claim even more strikingly our attention than in the vegetable, in that they form a very much larger proportion of the whole organism, and of each of its tissues and organs. We may indeed say that the material substratum of the animal organism is proteid, and that it is through the agency of structures essentially proteid in nature that the chemical and mechanical processes of the body are effected. It is true that the proteids are not the only organic constituents of the tissues and organs, and that there are others, present in minute quantities, which probably are almost as widely distributed, such as for instance phosphorus- containing fatty bodies, and glycogen, yet avowedly we can (at the most) only say probably, and cannot, in reference to these, affirm that which we may confidently affirm of the proteids — that they are indispensable constituents of every living, active, animal tissue, and indissolubly connected with every manifestation of animal activity. There are then, it will be admitted, good reasons why a general sketch of the proteid bodies should be the proper introduction to a treatise on physiological chemistry, in which the classification is 1—2 4 DISTRIBUTION OF THE PEOTEIDS. [BOOK i. intended to be as much as possible one based upon physiological considerations ; and the reader will not find it inconsistent that whilst a systematic account of these bodies is given in the first place, apart from any special tissue or organ, in the case of other proximate principles their description and consideration is incorpo- rated in the account of the organ or tissue with which they appear to have the closest connection. SEC. 1. GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE PROTEIDS. The bodies included under this category are highly complex, (for the most part) non-crystallizable, compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur, occurring in a solid viscous condition, or in solution, in nearly all the solids and liquids of the organism. The different members of the group present differences in physical and, to a certain extent, even in chemical properties ; they all possess, however, certain common chemical reactions, and are united by a close genetic relationship. The following table exhibits the proportions of proteids, or their immediate derivatives, contained in the various liquids and solids of the body (Gorup-Besanez1). A. LIQUIDS. Cerebro-spinal liquid contains Aqueous humour Liquor Amnii Intestinal juice Liquor Pericardii Lymph Pancreatic juice Synovia Milk . Chyle . Blood . 0-09 per cent, of Proteids. 0-H 0-70 0-95 2-36 2-46 3-33 3-91 3-94 4-09 19-56 B. SOLID TISSUES AND ORGANS. Spinal Cord contains Brain. .... Liver .... Thymus (of Calf) . Muscles .... Tunica media of Arteries Crystalline lens . The proteids of the animal body are all derived, directly or indi- rectly, from vegetable organisms, which possess the power of con- structing them out of the comparatively simple chemical compounds which serve as their food. Such a synthesis never takes place in the 1 Vide Gorup-Besanez, Lehrbuch der physiologischen Cliemie, 4te Auflage (1878), p. 128. 7-49 per cent, of Proteids. 8-63 „ „ H-74 12-29 16-18 27-33 38-30 CHAP. I.] THE PROTEIDS. 5 animal body, though the latter possesses the power of converting any vegetable or animal proteid into the various proteids which are characteristic of its solids and liquids. By the action of certain fer- ments present in the alimentary juices, all proteids are capable of being converted into closely allied bodies called peptones, which after absorption are capable of reconversion into proteids. In the organism the proteids thus introduced, after forming part of the circulating blood, are partly employed in the reconstruction of slowly wasting proteid tissues and organs ; for the most part, however, they are subjected to a rapid series of decompositions, of which presumably the most important take place in the liver, and which finally result in the formation of carbonic acid, water and various imperfectly oxidized organic bodies which contain all the nitrogen originally present in the proteid; of those bodies the most abundant by far is carbamide or urea, C^ JNH* To the assemblage of chemical processes, or rather to the assemblage of transformations, which a constituent of the organism, such as a proteid, undergoes in its passage through the body, the term metabolism has been applied, and we shall frequently employ it in this sense, the processes themselves being designated when convenient metabolic processes. In the processes of metabolism to which the proteids are subjected and which result in the formation of C02, H20 and urea, there are formed intermediate bodies, such as glycogen and fats, which play an important part in the economy of the body. It is further unquestionable that within the animal body certain remarkable synthetic processes occur, by which proteids are built up into bodies of a yet more complex structure, such for instance as the blood colouring matter, Haemoglobin. Percentage The various Proteids differ somewhat in elemen- S^£?wSi0f tary comP°sition> within the limits of the following numbers1 : C H N S O From 51-5 6'9 152 (V3 209 to 54-5 to 7'3 to 17'0 to 2'0 to 23'5. In addition to these essential constituents, the proteids, however carefully they may have been purified, usually leave when ignited a small quantity of ash, the composition of which varies in different cases, chlorides and phosphates of the alkaline metals being the pre- dominant constituents. Proteidsfor Certain of the proteids exist in a state of solution the most part in the liquids of the organism; others are present in soluble. the same state in the tissues; all may be dissolved by certain reagents, though in some cases riot without suffering radical changes. 1 Hoppe-Seyler, Handbuck d. pkys.- und path.-chem. Analyse, 4te Aufl. p. 223. 6 COLLOIDAL CHARACTER OF PROTEIDS. [BOOK I. When solutions of the proteids are dried at a gentle heat so as to drive off the water in which they are dissolved, or with which they are combined, they appear as translucent and perfectly amorphous solids, which break with a vitreous fracture, and furnish, when triturated, a yellowish-white or white powder. Unless it has been subjected to a high temperature, the powder thus obtained by evaporating watery solutions of proteids, is found to be again soluble in water. By exposure to too high a temperature the body may be rendered insoluble. Proteids Solutions of all proteids are found to be non-dif- are Colloids, fusible through parchment-paper, and this property i.e. non-dif- allows us in certain cases to separate proteids from other matters with which they are mixed, and in some cases even to separate one proteid from another. Thus the chief proteid constituent of the blood is a body termed serum-albumin. If this body, which is soluble in water, be pre- sent in a solution which contains saline ingredients and diffusible organic bodies, such for instance as sugar or urea, we can effect the separation of the albumin by taking advantage of its properties as a colloid. If we place the solution in a dialyser (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2), i.e. in a suitable vessel where it may be in contact with one side of a surface of parchment-paper, the other side of which is immersed in pure water, which is frequently renewed, the diffu- sible or so-called crystalloid constituents, such as the soluble salts, the sugar and the urea, will pass through the parchment-paper into the water, and there will be ultimately left within the dialyser a solution of pure serum-albumin; if there be present in the original solution not only albumin which is soluble per se in water, but such a proteid as paraglobulin, which is held in solution by the water in virtue of the salts which may be present, as these diffuse out it is precipitated, so that 'by the process of dialysis alone we may succeed in separating not only the proteids from diffusible admixtures, but, in certain cases, to separate partially one proteid from another. The process of dialysis is one which is frequently of great use in physiological chemistry. Various methods of carrying on the process are employed. In some cases the dialyser is made by stretching and tying a sheet of moist parchment-paper over a Loop of gutta percha ; the liquid to be dialysed is then placed in this dialyser, which is immersed in a larger vessel containing water (Fig. 1). A convenient form is made of glass of the shape shewn in Fig. 2, the parchment-paper being tied across the wide open mouth of a bell of glass, which is suspended iu water by its narrower neck. Of late, hollow tubes of parchment-paper have been sold for the manu- facture of sausages, and these serve admirably as dialysers ; the fluid to be dialysed being placed within the tube, which is suspended in water. In this case, as also in using the instruments shewn in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, it is often advisable to arrange for a constant influx and efflux of water from the vessel in which the dialyser is immersed. CHAP. I.] THE PROTEIDS. In all experiments on dialysis care has to be taken, before an experi- ment is commenced, to ascertain that the parchment-paper is quite free Fig. l. HOOP DIALYSER. Fig. 2. BULB DIALYSER. DlALYSERS DESCRIBED IN THE TEXT. Proteids all rotate the plane of po- larized light to the left. Determina- tion of their Specific Ro- from even the minutest holes. These are readily detected if the outer surface of the dialyser (i. e. the surface which during the actual experiment is to be immersed in water) be dried and placed upon a sheet of filtering paper, and then water poured into the interior ; a leak being evidenced by the appearance of moisture on the outside. Amongst the organic constituents of the animal body a large number when dissolved possess the power of rotating the plane of polarized light ; as for instance the proteids, the sugars, the bile acids, &c. The deter- mination of the fact that a solution of a body rotates the plane of polarized light in a definite direction and to a definite extent is sometimes of great service in tatory power, aiding its identification, and in enabling its amount to be determined. As the rotation exerted by an active body dissolved in an inactive liquid is dependent upon the molecules of the active body existing in solution, the degree of rotation will in the case of any particular substance be proportional to the number of active molecules traversed by the light, and therefore proportional to the length of the column of liquid traversed, and to the degree of concentration, of the solution. If, for instance, a column of solution of any active substance, say of cane-sugar, of any given length, rotate the plane of polarized light x degrees, then if the column be doubled the rotation will amount to 2x degrees; or the double rotation will be observed if instead of doubling the length of the tube the amount of active substance in a given volume of liquid be exactly doubled. It can be shewn that any active body rotates to different degrees the plane of polarization of light of different colours. In determining, therefore, the 8 SPECIFIC ROTATORY POWER . [BOOK I. rotatory power exerted by different bodies, care must be taken that the nature of the light is the same. The light obtained by volatilizing sodium compounds in a colourless gas flame affords an admirable source of light of one uniform wave-length. The expression * specific rotatory power ' or * specific rotation ' is used to designate the rotation (expressed in degrees) of the plane of polarized light, produced by 1 gramme of substance dissolved in 1 cubic centimetre of liquid when examined in a column 1 decimetre thick. Let a be the rotation observed, and p the weight in grammes of the active substance contained in 1 cubic centimetre, and let I be the length of the tube in decimetres, then if we designate by (a)D the specific rotation for light having a wave-length corresponding to D, In this formula the sign + indicates that the substance is dextrogyrous, the sign — that it is Icevogyrous. In some cases the rotation is determined for mean yellow light and not for Z>, and is expressed by (a)jf the value of which is always somewhat different from that of (a)D. Various instruments have been devised and much employed in the determination of rotation of the plane of polarization, especially in the estimation of sugar, and are known by the terms Saccharimeters, Polari- meters, and Polaristrobometers. One of the most convenient and most widely employed is the saccharimeter of Soleil, which as modified by Yentke and Hoppe-Seyler, enables the percentage of serum-albumin and of glucose present in a liquid to be directly read from a scale attached to the instrument. In this instrument the rotation is determined for the mean yellow. The instrument of Soleil1 has however been of late years sur- passed by others, especially by those invented by Wild, Jellett, and Laurent. A description of the latter instrument will alone be given. Laurent's This instrument is shewn in Figs. 3 and 4. A Vis a Poiarimetre a Bun sen lamp. A (Fig. 3) is a small spoon of platinum Penombres. gauze with the tip turned upwards, and in this is placed a small quantity of common salt. The tip of the spoon is placed in the outer flame, and when the salt is volatilized an extremely brilliant sodium flame is produced. At B is a cell containing potas- sium bichromate, which cuts off all but the yellow rays. To the lever /is attached a double refracting prism which polarizes the light, and at D (Fig. 4.) is a diaphragm of which one half is covered by a plate of quartz. This serves to modify the light in a manner explained in the account of the theory of the instrument. The 1 For the description of the Soleil- Ventke Saccharimeter, and of Wild's Polari- strobometer, the reader is referred to Hoppe-Seyler 'a Handbuch der physiologisch-u. pathologisch-chemischen Analyse, and for a fuller description of these instruments, as well as for a discussion of the whole subject of rotatory polarization, to Professor Llandolt's recent work entitled Das optische Drehungsvenuogen organischer Snb- stanzen und die practischen Anwendungen desselben. Braunschweig, Vieweg und Sohn, 1879, p. 237. CHAP. I.] THE PROTEIDS. eye-piece tube 0 contains a Nicol's prism as analyser at K (Fig. 3), and the whole tube, with the vernier and reading lens L attached^ can Fig. 3. LAURENT'S POLARIMETRE. be rotated by the screw 6r, or the eye-piece and vernier remaining fixed the analyser can be rotated independently by the tangent screw F. The vernier moves against the circle c, of which the rim is gradu- ated. When the rotatory power of any substance is to be deter- mined, a tube containing water is first placed in the position T (Fig. 4) and by means of the screw G (Fig. 3) the zero of the vernier is brought to coincide with that of the scale. When the eye- piece has been ad- justed so that the line dividing the two halves of the field is perfectly clear and sharply defined, these two halves are brought to the same in- tensity by means of the screw F, the scale still reading zero. Should the illumination of the field be too faint it may be increased by moving the lever J (Figs. 3 and 6) slightly, though it is preferable to work with the instrument when the lever is in such a position that almost all the light is cut off. The water tube is now replaced by that containing the substance to be tested. If it is active the two halves of the field will at once be seen to be of unequal intensities. The 10 LAURENT'S POLARIMETRE. [BOOK i. screw G is then turned till the equality is restored and the reading of the circle at once gives the rotation due to the substance, right- or left-handed, according as the vernier is to the right or left of the zero on the scale. The following is an example of the determination of the rotatory power of a solution of sodium glycocholate in alcohol. The solution in a tube 2 decimetres long gave a rotation of + 1° 40' or r-b'66. On evaporation, 10 c.c. of the solution gave 0'322 grm. of dry residue, or 1 c.c. contained '0322 grm. of the salt. Now the specific rotation aD being denned as that due to a column of liquid 1 decimetre long and containing 1 grm. of salt per 1 c.c., we have + 1°'666 = * x 2 x -0322 or Theory of Laurent's Polarimetre1. The light from the sodium flame A (Fig. 4) is deprived of all traces of blue or violet rays by the potassium bichromate solution in the cell B. It then passes to the doubly refracting prism P, whence half of it emerges polarized in one plane, the other half, polarized in a perpendicular plane, being refracted away from the axis and stopped by a diaphragm. Fig. 4. DIAGRAM OF LAURENT'S POLARIMETRE. At D is a diaphragm of which one half is covered by a plate of quartz cut with the axis in the surface and parallel to the edge2. To understand the effect of this crystal let Fig. 5(1) represent the diaphragm, the shaded part being the quartz plate. Let OB be the direction of vibration of the light after polarization by the prism. This will still continue to be the direction of vibration of the light which goes through the right half of the diaphragm, but a ray vibrating parallel to OB will on entering the quartz on the left be resolved into two rays, one vibrating parallel to the axis OA, which we represent by Oy, the other perpendicular to the axis, which we represent by Ox. These two rays will travel at different rates through 1 For this account of the theory of Laurent's Polarimetre, I am indebted to my fiicnd Mr J. H. Poynting, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. 2 When cut in this manner quartz has no rotatory power but behaves just as any other uniaxal crystal. CHAP. I.] THE PROTEIDS. 11 the crystal, which is cut of such a thickness that one ray is retarded in its passage just half a wave-length of sodium light behind the other, or what amounts to the same, executes half a vibration more than the other while in the crystal. On emergence then, while one vibration is from 0 toy the other instead of being from 0 to x is from 0 to x' in the opposite direction, and the two now unite to form a resultant vibration OB' equal to OB but at an angle AOB' equal to AOB on the other side of OA. Now if the tube T (Fig. 4) only contain water or some non-rotating liquid, the two rays will pass through it with their directions of vibration OB, OB' unaltered to the analysing NicoFs prism N. This will only allow rays to pass through it which vibrate parallel to a particular direction. If the prism be turned so that this direction SP (Fig. 5, (2)) is perpendicular to OB, the right-hand ray having no component parallel to SP is extinguished, while the left-hand ray will have a more or less considerable component in that direction and the left-hand side of the diaphragm D will alone be visible in the telescope OH (Fig. 4). So if the prism be turned round till SP is perpendicular to OB' (as in Fig. 5, (3)) only the right-hand side of the diaphragm is visible. But if SP be turned so as to be perpendicular to OA, vibrations parallel to OB, OB' have equal components parallel to SP, and the two \ *'k-S (1) (2) (3) (4) Fig. 5. halves of the diaphragm appear equally illuminated (as in Fig. 5, (4)). In this position of the analyser the instrument should read 0°. It is possible to adjust SP perpendicular to OA with very great accuracy, for when OB, OJ? make small angles with OA a very small rotation of the analyser makes a great difference in the relative illumination of the two halves of the field1. When $P is thus adjusted perpendicular to OA and the instrument reads 0°, let a liquid possessing the power of rotating the plane of polarization be 1 This will be seen at once from the mathematical expression for the intensity of the component parallel to SP. Let AOB Fig. 5 (2) =a, BOP — 90-0, where 0 = a in the position of equality of illumination. Let the intensity of the resolved part of the ray OB parallel to SP = I. Then 1= OB2 cos2 BOP = OB* sin2 0, and ~ = 20 & sin 0 cos 0. da Therefore i ~ = 2 cot 0. I dO This, which expresses the proportion between the change of intensity and the original intensity, is greatest when 0 is least, and therefore o should be as small as possible. 12 SPECIFIC ROTATION OF VARIOUS PROTEIDS. [BOOK I. placed in the tube T. Both the directions of vibration OS, Off will be turned through equal angles in the same direction, and their components along SP will be no longer equal, and one half of the field will appear brighter Fig. 6. than the other (Fig. 6, B or C). If the prism be now turned round by means of the screw G till we again have equal illuminations in the two halves of the field (Fig. 6, A), SP has evidently been turned through the same angle and in the same direction as that through which the liquid has rotated the planes of polarization OB, OK, and the reading of the instrument in its new position at once gives us the angle of rotation. TABLE EXHIBITING THE SPECIFIC ROTATION OF SOME OF THE CHIEF PROTEID BODIES FOR THE YELLOW LINE D. (COMPILED FROM THE OBSERVATIONS OF HOPPE-SEYLER1 AND HAAS2.) Proteid. Observer. Value of (a) U Serum-albumin. Hoppe-Seyler. -56° Egg-albumin. Hoppe-Seyler. Haas. - 33°-5 - 38°-08 Paraglobulin obtained from ascitic fluid Haas. -59°-75 by dilution of CO2. Sodium-albuminate prepared from pure Haas. -62°-20 egg-albumin. Acid-albuminate (Syntonin) prepared from Haas. -63°-12 pure egg-albumin by action of acetic acid. Syntonin prepared from myosin by solu- Hoppe-Seyler. -72° tion of that body in very dilute hydro- chloric acid. Casein, dissolved in solution of magnesium Hoppe-Seyler. -80° sulphate. 1 Hoppe-Seyler, Zeitschrift f. Chem. u. Pharm. 1864, p. 737. 2 Haas, "Ueber das optische und chemische Verhalten einiger Eiweisssubstanzen, inabesondere der dialysirten Albumine." Pfluger's Archiv, vol. xn. pp. 378--410. CHAP. I.] THE PROTEIDS. 13 SEC. 2. CHEMICAL REACTIONS CHARACTERISTIC OF THE PROTEIDS \ Only certain of the proteids are soluble in water; they are all soluble however, especially with the aid of heat, in concentrated acetic acid, and in solutions of the caustic alkalies; they are insoluble in cold absolute alcohol and in ether. Solutions of the proteids are precipitated by the following reagents: — 1. By strong mineral acids added in sufficient quantities. 2. By acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide. 3. By acetic acid and a large addition of concentrated solutions of neutral salts of the alkalies or alkaline earths. 4. By basic lead acetate. * £<,£,, JU.*^. »/ '-, 5. By mercuric chloride. ~t n.J .., ..^ q^^J&ft . 6. By tannic acid. 7. By powdered potassium carbonate added to the solution until it is nearly saturated. 8. The majority of the proteids are completely precipitated from their solutions by alcohol, though in the presence of free alkali they are slightly soluble in hot alcohol. Detection When proteids are present in a solution the following of Proteids reactions are employed in their detection : — in solution. j ^ Uquid ig boiled and nitric ^ ^^ g() ag to produce a strong acid reaction. The occurrence of a precipitate on boiling, which is undissolved by nitric acid, and the immediate pro- duction of a precipitate by nitric acid indicates the presence of a proteid, to be confirmed by other tests. 2. The liquid is rendered strongly acid with acetic acid, and solution of potassium ferrocyanide added; all proteids are thrown down in the form of a white flocculent precipitate. 3. The liquid is rendered strongly acid with acetic acid, and is boiled with its own volume of a saturated solution of sodium sulphate, which will precipitate any proteid present. The above tests are very satisfactory except in the case of only slight traces of proteids being present ; under any circumstances it is desirable to obtain confirmatory evidence ; the following methods are then useful : — 4. Millon's reaction. When a strongly acid solution of mercuric nitrate, made according to the directions to be afterwards given, is 1 In preparing a part of this section the author has availed himself greatly and followed very closely, in some sentences almost literally, §§ 135 and 136 of Professor Hoppe-Seyler's Handbuch der physiologisch- und pathologisch-chemischen Analyse. 3rd Edit. 1870. 14 SEPARATION OF PROTEIDS. [BOOK I. added to a solution containing even a trace of a proteid, and the mixture heated, the liquid assumes a purple-red colour. This reaction is common to all the proteids and to their immediate derivatives. Millon's reagent is made by dissolving 1 part by weight of mercury in 2 parts of nitric acid of specific gravity 1*42 and after complete solution diluting each volume of liquid with two volumes of water. 5. Xanthoproteic reaction. The liquid supposed to contain a proteid is boiled for some time with concentrated nitric acid. If a proteid be present the liquid assumes a yellow colour, which changes to an amber-red when an excess of alkali is added to it. Methods of completely separating proteids from solutions containing them,. It is often of great importance to remove all the proteids which a liquid contains, so as to proceed to the search for other substances. The following methods are available : — 1. The liquid is treated with several times its volume of absolute alcohol, and acetic acid added until the reaction is acid. After 24 hours the fluid is filtered ; the proteids are contained in the insoluble matters on the filter. 2. To the liquid rendered faintly acid and heated to boiling, and from which all the proteids separable by mere boiling have been re- moved, a solution of ferric acetate, made by saturating acetic acid with recently precipitated ferric hydrate, is added. After boiling for a few minutes a solution is obtained which contains neither proteids nor iron. 3. In some cases when soluble proteids precipitable by boiling are present, by merely boiling the liquid they are entirely separated ; such is usually the case with albuminous urine. If the liquid have an alkaline reaction, a little acetic acid should be added, in quantity just sufficient to neutralize the free alkali. If the quantity of acid be either too scanty or too great the separation is incomplete; under these circumstances the addition of a few drops of the solution of ferric acetate mentioned in the last paragraph brings about the com- plete precipitation and separation. Determination of the temperature at which the proteids coagulate. As will be shewn in the sequel, two groups of proteid bodies (the albumins and the globulins) are precipitated from their solutions when they are heated, and the temperature at which coagulation occurs is in some cases an important characteristic. CHAP. I.] THE PROTEIDS. 15 The method of determining the temperature of coagulation is illustrated by Fig. 7. A glass beaker containing water is placed within a second larger beaker also containing water, the two being separated by a ring of cork. Into the water contained in the inner beaker there is immersed a test-tube, in which is fixed an accurately graduated thermometer, provided with a long narrow bulb. The solution of proteid of which the temperature of coagulation is to be determined Fig. 7- APPARATUS EMPLOYED IN DETERMINING THE TEMPERATURE OF COAGULATION. is placed in the test-tube, the quantity being just sufficient to cover the thermometer bulb. The whole apparatus is then gradually heated. With the arrange- ment described the rise in temperature of the contents of the test- tube takes place very slowly and equably throughout. Care being taken to have as good an illumination as possible (the best plan being to place the apparatus between the operator and a well lighted window) the experimenter notes the temperature at which the liquid first shows signs of opalescence ; he afterwards notes again the tem- perature at which a distinct separation of flocculent matter occurs. 16 TEMPERATURE OF COAGULATION OF PROTEIDS. [BOOK 1. TABLE EXHIBITING THE TEMPERATURE AT WHICH SOLUTIONS OF VARIOUS PBOTEIDS, BELONGING TO THE GROUP OF ALBUMINS AND GLOBULINS, COAGULATE. Temperature Tempera- Name of Proteid. Character of the Solution. Observers. at which opalescence ture of Coagula- first occurs. tion. Serum-Albu- min. Dissolved in blood- serum, hydrocele fluid, &c. Hoppe- Seyler1. 60°— 65° 72°— 73° Egg-Albu- min. Dissolved in water. Hoppe- Seyler1. 72°— 73° II. Vitellin. Dissolved in a weak solution of NaCl. Weyi2. • 70° 75° Myosin. Dissolved in a weak solution of NaCl. Kiihne3. Weyl2. 55°— 60° Fibrinogeii. Dissolved in the liquor sanguinis. Frederique4. 56° (55°-57°) Paraglo- Dissolved in solution Hammar- fiQO 7^0 bulin. . ofNaOl. sten6. SEC. 3. SYNOPSIS OF THE CHIEF PROTEID BODIES. The various proteid bodies occurring in the animal body will be described in connection with the tissues of which each is most charac- teristic; it will be convenient, however, to give a synopsis exhibiting the principles upon which they have been classified. CLASS I. Albumins: proteid bodies which are soluble in water and which are not precipitated by alkaline carbonates, by sodium chloride, or by very dilute acids. If dried at a temperature below 2 40°, they present the appearance of yellow transparent bodies, break- ing with a vitreous fracture, which are soluble in water. Their solutions are coagulated when heated to temperatures varying between 65° and 73°. (1) Serum-albumin. Specific rotation (a)0 = -56°. Not pre- cipitated from its solutions when these are agitated with ether. 1 Hoppe-Seyler, Handbuch d. phys.- u. path.-chem. Analyse. 2 Weyl, "Beitrage zur Kenntniss thierischer und pflanzHcher Eiweisskorper." Zeit- schrift f. physiol. Chem. , vol. i, p. 72. 3 Kiihne, Untersuchungen iiber das Protoplasma und die Contractilitat, Leipzig, 1864, p. 317. 4 Frederique, "De 1'existence dans le plasma sanguin d'une substance albuminoide se coagulant a + 56°." Annales de la Socie'te de Medecine de Gand, 1877. Frederique, Recherches sur la constitution du Plasma sanguin, Grand, 1878, p. 25. 6 Hammarsten, "Ueber das Paraglobulin. Zweiter Abschnitt," Pfliiger's Archiv, 1878, vol. xviii. p. 67. According to the amount of salt present, and the greater or less £ CHAP. I.] THE PROTEIDS. 17 (2) Egg-albumin. Specific rotation (a),, = -35° -5. Precipitated from its solutions when these are agitated with ether. CLASS II. Peptones: proteid bodies exceedingly soluble in water. Solutions not coagulated by heat; not precipitated by sodium chloride, nor by acids or alkalies. Precipitated by a large excess of absolute alcohol and by tannic acid. In the presence of much caustic potash or soda, a trace of solution of copper sulphate produces a beautiful rose colour. CLASS III. Globulins : proteid substances which are insoluble in pure water, but soluble in dilute .solutions of sodium chloride; their solutions are coagulated by heat; they are soluble in very dilute hydrochloric acid, being converted into acid-albumins • they are also readily converted by alkalies into alkali-albumins. (1) Vitellin, not precipitated from its solutions when these are saturated with common salt. Solutions coagulate at 70° — 75° C. (2) Myosin, precipitated from its solutions in weak common salt when these are saturated with sodium chloride. Solutions coagulate at 55° — 60° C. Solutions in common salt not coagulated by solution of fibrin-ferment. (3) Fibrinogen, soluble in weak solutions of sodium chloride. Precipitated from them completely by the addition of sodium chloride, when this amounts to 12 or 16 per cent. Solutions coagulate on the addition of fibrin ferment. Temperature of coagulation 56° C. (4) Paraglobulin, soluble in weak solutions of sodium chloride. From very weakly alkaline solutions paraglobulin is precipitated by the addition of a very small quantity of common salt ; a further ad- dition of this body leads to re-solution of the precipitate, which is thrown down again when the amount of sodium chloride in solution exceeds 20 p.c. -The precipitation of paraglobulin by sodium chloride is never complete. Paraglobulin is completely precipitated when its solutions are saturated with magnesium sulphate. Solutions not coagulated by addition of fibrin-ferment. Temperature of coagulation varies (according to amount of salts present and mode of heating) between 68°— 80° C.; on-an average 75° C. CLASS IY. Derived Albumins1 : proteid bodies insoluble in pure water and iu solutions of common salt, but readily soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid and in dilute alkalies. Solutions not coagulated by heat. (1) Acid-albumins : obtained by the action of dilute acids (preferably dilute hydrochloric acid) upon solutions of proteids, by action of strong acids upon the solid proteids, and as first products in the action of gastric juice upon proteids. On neutralizing solutions of acid-albumins, they are precipitated even in the presence of alkaline phosphates. NaCl, added to saturation, also precipitates them. (2) a. Alkali-albumins or alkaline albuminates : obtained by the action of dilute alkalies upon the proteids. Possess the properties of sub- class 1, with the exception that in the presence of alkaline phosphates rapidity of heating, the coagulation temperature varies, according to Hammarsten, between 68° and 80°. , . , 1 This convenient designation I borrow from Dr Michael Foster. See Text-book of Physiology, Appendix. o. : 2 18 PRODUCTS OF DECOMPOSITION OF PROTEIDS. [BOOK I. the solutions are not precipitated by neutralization. When heated with strong solution of caustic potash potassium sulphide is not formed. /?. Casein, the chief proteid constituent of milk. Same properties as a, but when heated with strong solution of caustic potash, potassium sulphide is formed. In milk is coagulated by rennet. CLASS V. Fibrin : Insoluble in water and in weak solutions of sodium chloride. White elastic solid, usually exhibiting fibrillation when examined under a high magnifying power; swells up in cold hydrochloric acid of *1 per cent., but does not dissolve; when thus swollen dissolves with ease when a solution of pepsin is poured over it. When heated for a great many hours at 40° in dilute hydrochloric acid, it dissolves and the solution contains acid-albumin. CLASS VI. Coagulated Proteids : Insoluble in water, dilute acids and alkalies. Give Millon's reaction. Are dissolved when digested at 350 — 40°, in artificial gastric or pancreatic juice, giving rise to peptones. CLASS VII. Lardacein, so-called amyloid substance : Insoluble in water, in dilute acids, in alkaline carbonates ; not dissolved by gastric juice at the temperature of the body. Coloured brownish-red or violet by iodine. SEC. 4. PRODUCTS OF DECOMPOSITION OF PROTEIDS. The methods which the chemist follows in arriving at a know- ledge of the constitution of a body are various ; his chief information is derived from a careful study of the way in which the body is decomposed under various circumstances, and of the structure and amounts of the various products thus obtained ; subsidiary informa- tion is derived from a consideration of physical properties, which sometimes suggest analogies which otherwise would pass undetected. The correctness of any view as to the structure of a body will be tested by its being able, or not, to account for all known reactions, and it will receive singular confirmation if it enable the experimenter to effect the synthesis of the subject of speculation. Great though the progress of organic chemistry has been, and remarkable the development of our knowledge of the constitution of bodies, we are yet far from being able to unravel the constitution of such complex bodies as the proteids. We can therefore merely record the results of laborious experiments which shew the pro- ducts, or rather the classes of products, yielded by the proteids, and scarcely venture to surmise what the exact constitution of the proteids may be. In the animal body, the proteids are ultimately subjected to processes of oxidation of which the chief ultimate results are water, carbon dioxide and urea ; what all the intermediate substances may be we do not exactly know, though it is certain that glycine, leucine, tyrosine and some other bodies are formed ; moreover it is certain that substances destitute of nitrogen, such as carbohydrates, and also fats, may take their origin in the decomposition of the proteids. Can CHAP. I.] THE PROTEIDS. 19 these processes be imitated in the laboratory ? Only in part, indeed, for, in spite of certain statements to the contrary, no one has given valid proof of having, by an artificial oxidation, obtained urea. The following are the chief facts which have been discovered in reference to the decomposition of proteids ; after quoting these we shall refer to some of the theoretical views to which they have given rise. 1. Action of water. When heated with water in sealed tubes at a temperature of 100° C., the proteids are in part dissolved, the solution afterwards undergoes decomposition, it being found to contain sulphur- etted hydrogen, and a number of complex bodies of which some are soluble in alcohol and ether (Gautier). 2. Action of heat. When subjected to dry distillation, the proteids furnish the oily liquid long known as Dippel's oil, which contains (1) ammoniacal salts of the fatty acids, as ammonium butyrate, valerate and caproate; (2) amines, derived from the monatomic alcohols, viz. methylamine, propylamin^ butylamine ; (3) aromatic compounds, as ben- zine, aniline, phenol ; (4) picoline and lutidine, which are bases which combine with the iodides of alcohol radicals to form compound ammonium iodides. 3. Action of putrefaction. When exposed to the combined influences of air and moisture, especially at a high temperature, the proteids yield ammonia, ammonium sulphide, carbon dioxide, volatile fatty acids, lactic acid, amines, leucine and tyrosine. Uncjer certain circumstances indol may be formed. 4. Action of strong mineral acids and of caustic alkalies. Prolonged boiling with sulphuric and hydrochloric acid and fusion with caustic alkalies gives rise to products of which the chief are the same in the two cases, viz. leucine, tyrosine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid. When proteid bodies are treated with dilute acids they undergo hydro- lytic decomposition, and certain definite compounds may be extracted from the resulting mass. Their proportion is however small in comparison with the by-products which we have no means of investigating. The term "liydrolytic decompositions" has been applied by Hermann1 to designate decompositions in which a body splits up after combining with the elements of water; thus under various circumstances the neutral fats combine with the elements of water and decompose into a fatty acid and glycerin, as shewn in the case of stearin by the following equation: ^HiioO^ + 3H2 O = JJC18 H^ + CsH^V Stearin. Water. Stearic acid. Glycerin. Nasse first observed that the nitrogen in proteids appears to exist in two conditions, as evidenced by the fact that a certain fraction of it is much more unstable, apparently more feebly combined, than the rest. Schutzen- berger has fully confirmed these observations. He heated proteids with caustic baryta, in aqueous solution, up to 100° and collected the ammonia given off in sulphuric acid. There separated a good deal of granular matter, which increased as the reaction proceeded and which was found to consist of carbonate, a little sulphate, oxalate, and phosphate, of barium. 1 Hermann, Elements of Human Physiology, 2nd English ed., p. 2. Smith, Elder and Co., 1878. 2—2 20 PRODUCTS OF DECOMPOSITION OF PROTEIDS. [BOOK I. The ammonia evolved, as well as the CO2 in combination with barium, were estimated and found to be in the same ratio as would result if urea were treated in a similar manner. Although the boiling was continued for some time, the decomposition still progressed and only terminated when the liquid was heated in sealed tubes up to 150° C. The relative amounts of CO2 and NH3 still remained the same. The substance thus treated did not give out any more ammonia, even when heated to 200°. Nearly the whole of the resulting mass could be got into a crystalline form, and Schiitzenberger was able to identify the following substances1: — the elements of urea, (CO2 and NH3) : traces of CO2, H2S, oxalic and acetic acid, tyrosine: amido-acids of the series SH^ + NO2n corresponding to the fatty series Cn H2n O2, from amido- aenanthylic to amido-propionic acid : leucine, butalanine, and amido-butyric acid predominated. There were also obtained one or two acids nearly allied to aspartic and glutamic acid, and one or two related to Bitthausen's leguminic acid; furthermore a small quantity of a substance resembling dextrin. 5. Action of hydrochloric acid and stannous chloride. When heated with these reagents there are formed ammonia, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, leucine and tyrosine. 6. Action of various oxidizing agents, a. When oxidized by means of manganese dioxide and sulphuric acid, or potassium bichromate and sulphuric acid, the proteids furnish bodies belonging to the aromatic and fatty groups. Amongst others the following: benzoic aldehyde, propionic aldehyde, propyl cyanide, benzoic acid, valerianic aldehyde, butyl cyanide, hydrocyanic acid, acetic acid, propionic acid, valerianic acid. b. By the action of nitric acid, there is first produced a yellow in- soluble body (xanthoproteic acid) which dissolves on further action, paroxybenzoic and oxybenzoic acids being ultimately formed. c. When oxidized by means of chlorine, the proteids yield, amongst other products, fiimaric acid, oxalic acid and chlorazol. d. When heated with bromine and water, under pressure, there are formed carbon dioxide, oxalic acid, aspartic acid, leucine, leucimide, bromacetic acid, bromoform, bromanil and amidotribromobenzoic acid. SEC. 5. THEORETICAL VIEWS AS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PROTEIDS. " Under the most diverse influences : — action of water and strong acids, action of bases, oxidations, putrefactions... &c. — the proteid bodies when decomposed yield : firstly amides, such as glycocine and leucine, containing radicals derived from fatty acids, or from the homologues of lactic acid, as well as more complex amides, such as aspartic acid, C4H7N04, the amide of malic acid, and glutamic acid, 1 Sohutzenberger, Bulletin de la Soc. Chimique, 15 F6vrier, 5 Mars, et 15 Mars, 1875. CHAP. I.] THE PROTEIDS. 21 C5 H9 N04, which is a homologue of the preceding ; secondly, amides having aromatic nuclei, such as tyrosine ; thirdly, amides containing sulphur, such as cystine : fourthly, acids and aldehydes corresponding to the radicals of the amides before mentioned. The proteid sub- stances behave as amides containing both radicals of the higher homo- logues of lactic and tartaric acids and residues of aromatic acids. Hence" it follows that when the proteids are oxidized there is simul- taneous production of fatty acids, of aromatic compounds and doubt- less also of bodies analogous to urea. " Though all the proteids when they are decomposed or oxidized nearly always furnish the same products, they yet do not furnish them in the same proportions. It must therefore follow that the different radicals which they contain differ, not only in their arrange- ments, but in their relative proportion, and in some cases even in their nature1." The views ^ is beyond the scope of this work to discuss of Schtitzen- hypotheses as to the constitution of bodies unless these berger2. appear to possess a legitimate interest to the biologist or the physician. The speculations of Schiitzenberger can therefore only be summarized in a few words. From the products obtained by the action of caustic baryta upon the proteids (see pp. 19 and 20), this author looks upon the proteids as complex ureids, i.e. as resulting from combination in different proportions of urea with amido-acids, some of which belong to the leucine series, others to the aspartic series, whilst the more complex products of decomposition allied to leguminic acid must be considered as resulting from complete decomposition. Tyrosine represents the aromatic group, and is the source of benzoic acid found amongst the products of the putrefactive decomposition of proteids. When decomposed by means of caustic baryta, he assumes that the molecule of albumin, which he represents by the empirical formula C72 Hm N18 Ow S, yields, in addition to urea, acetic acid, and some sulphur-containing body, a substance to which he ascribes the formula C^ H132 N14 034 and which he admits may be split up in various ways. Useful, nay indispensable as are such hypotheses as suggesting lines of research to the actual chemical worker, they possess no interest as yet to the biologist. . ,3 It is in the cells of the organism that the processes views^reTative take Place whose results are the external activities to the consti- which it manifests; it is within the cells that the tution of tiie oxidation processes of the economy have their seat. Proteids. There is nothing more striking than the wide con- trast which exists between the non-living proteid matter, say that of 1 Gautier, Chimie appliquee a la Physiologic, a la PatJwlogie et a VHygiene, tome premier, p. 251. 2 Schiitzenberger, " Kecherches sur 1'Albumine et les maticres albummoides, Bulletin de La Soc. Chimique, v. 23 and 24. ,, 3 Pfliiger, " Ueber die physiologische Verbrennung in den lebendigen Orgamsmen, Pfliiger's Arcliiv, Vol. x1., p. 251. 22 PFLUGER'S VIEWS ON THE PROTEIDS. [BK. i., CH. i. white of egg, and that which forms part of the living cell. The former may be kept for years, the latter is continually decomposing without any influence from without being necessarily exerted upon it. The proteids which we consume as food are indifferent to neutral oxygen ; so soon as they are taken up by organized cells they change their character, by changing the structure of their molecules, and are now subject to the influence of oxygen. The molecule of albumin begins to live by breathing oxygen. How thoroughly independent of an immediate supply of oxygen very complex animal processes may be, which are essentially asso- ciated with the metabolism of cell protoplasm, is, however, shewn by certain remarkable experiments in which Pfluger introduced living frogs into chambers containing no oxygen, and the temperature of which was kept low, and observed that for many hours all the processes of the organism continued to be performed. How can we explain the immensely increased instability of the living protoplasmic proteid matter as contrasted with non-living proteid matter? The assimilation of proteid matter is looked upon by Pfluger as due to the formation of ether-like combinations between the proteid of the cell protoplasm, and the proteid which serves as its food, water being eliminated. In this process a living proteid molecule may bind to itself a non-living, but isomeric, proteid molecule, and this process of polymerism may be conceived to go on almost indefinitely, so that a large and heavy mass may be produced out of, and yet continue to exist as, a simple molecule1. Pfluger inclines to the belief that in this process of assimilation by the cell, proteid matter undergoes a change in its constitution, the nitrogen passing from the state in which it exists in amides to the more unstable condition in which it exists in cyanogen and its compounds. In this way Pfluger explains why it is that in uric acid, as in many other products of proteid metabolism — creatine, guanine, &c. — cyanogen radicals are contained, whilst none of these decompo- sition products are to be obtained from non-living proteids. Bodies (so -"-n concluding this sketch of the proteids, it must be called Albu- mentioned that there occur in the epithelial and con- minoid) re- nective tissues of the organism certain bodies which lated to the have somewhat close relationship to the proteids, but which are nevertheless distinct from them ; these are chondrin, collagen and gelatin, mucin, elastin, keratin. They will be considered in detail in future sections of this work. 1 The Author understaiids Pfluger to say that the same constituent atoms or groups of atoms (radicals) mhst be present in different proteids : that the difference is caused either by the final molecule being a different multiple of the same group or groups of atoms (polymerism) or by the oxygen or nitrogen occupying different relative positions with respect to groups of atoms which they serve to link together (metamerism), or by differences in the relative position of groups of atoms or their constituent parts with respect to one another (general isomerism). CHAPTER IT. THE BLOOD. SEC. 1. THE PHYSICAL CHARACTERS OF THE BLOOD. Physical THE blood as it circulates in the vessels of man and vertebrates generally is a viscous, and to the naked eye homogeneous liquid of red colour : the blood of the pul- monary veins, of the left side of the heart, and of the systemic arteries being normally of a bright scarlet hue, and the blood of the right side of the heart, of the systemic veins, and of the pulmonary artery being of a brownish-red colour. On exposure to air or to oxygen the brown-red colour of venous blood soon changes to scarlet, and this change takes place most rapidly when the blood and gas are shaken up together. In order to collect for purposes of analysis or demonstration pure arterial or venous blood, or both, so as to avoid contact with air, the following apparatus or some modification of it may be employed : — A and B are two glass tubes of about 100 c.c. capacity, which at their lower extremities are connected by means of elastic tubing with a forked tube 0, to which is attached the elastic tube D, which at its other end is connected with the glass bulb 7?, having a capacity of about 250 c.c. At their upper extremities, A and B have connected with them two glass stop- cocks, the tubes leading from which are of narrow diameter ; it is convenient that these tubes should be of such a size that india-rubber tubing of narrow diameter can easily be attached to them. The tubes are fixed in two separate iron clamps such as are shewn in the drawing, attached to a firm upright rod of iron with a firm stand. The reservoir R is also held by a similar clamp, which can easily be attached either to the top or to the bottom part of the upright rod, so as to place it above or below any given level in relation to the tubes A and B. The reservoir being, say, in the lower position indicated in the figure, mercury is poured into it so as to fill it. It is next undamped and raised 24 MODE OF COLLECTING BLOOD. [BOOK i. so that its lower part is above the level of the stop-cocks of A and B. These are now opened, mercury rises into the tubes, driving the air which they previously contained before it; when the tubes are filled and a stream of mercury is issuing from them, the stop-cocks are closed. In order to determine whether the stop-cocks do not leak, the reservoir R may now be held in the hands of the experimenter at thirty-five or forty inches below the stop-cocks of A and B. The mercury in these tubes will naturally fall at first and then remain steady: on raising the reservoir cautiously the metal should however rise and fill the tubes completely. Fm. 8. APPARATUS FOR COLLECTING BLOOD OVER MERCURY WITHOUT ALLOWING IT TO COME IN CONTACT WITH AIR. In order to collect apart arterial and venous blood, glass cannulae, to which are attached narrow elastic tubes of considerable length, are in- CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 25 serted into the artery and vein of the animals to be experimented upon ', which should be deeply anaesthetized2* The clips which control the entrance of blood from the cardiac side of the arterial and the distal side of the venous cannula having been removed or opened, blood is allowed completely to fill the elastic tubes attached to the cannulae, which are held at a fairly high level so as to allow the blood to rise and expel the air before it. The instant the tubes are filled their open ends are slipped over the ends of A and B. The reservoir R having been placed in its lower position, the stop-cocks of A and B are opened ; blood will then flow from the artery and vein into the respective tubes. As soon as enough has been obtained the stop-cocks are closed, and the tubes are simultaneously shaken by assistants so as to defibrinate their contents. On placing the two tubes side by side the contrast between the colour of arterial and venous blood will appear most striking. A detailed description of this procedure has been given as, mutatis mutandis, it illustrates the method in which blood can be obtained from blood-vessels without being brought in contact with air, not only for purposes of class demonstration, but also in researches on the gases of the blood.. Where it is required to keep the blood for some hours, as for example in order to make repeated analyses, one or both tubes may be taken out of their respective clamps and laid in troughs containing broken ice. In some cases it is desirable to obtain two separate samples of the same blood ; in such cases the free upper ends of A and B have attached to them a T tube, to which is connected the elastic tube leading to the artery or vein. The blood-stream will then divide itself equally between the two "tubes. Although to the naked eye the blood appears to be a homo- geneous red liquid, it is found on microscopic examination to consist of a colourless fluid — the so-called liquor sanguinis, or plasma of the blood — holding in suspension large numbers of solid bodies, the coloured and colourless corpuscles of the blood. It is the former of these which preponderate very greatly over the latter, and which by the colouring matter, haemoglobin, of which tbey mainly consist, confer upon the blood its red colour ; the shade of this at any time depends, as will be shewn in the sequel, chiefly 1 Handbook for Physiological Laboratory, p. 212. 2 The Author would very strongly recommend all experimenters who have occasion to perform experiments upon the lower animals, and especially dogs, to employ as the chief means of producing insensibility to pain, subcutaneous injections of morphia. Solutions of bimeconate of morphia may be obtained which contain as much as two grains in half a drachm. As large a dose as two grains of the bimecoiiate may with perfect safety be injected under the skin of a dog of medium size; the injection is followed in about half an hour by salivation and by a staggering gait, and then by deep somnolence. In this state the animal is quite passive, and may without a struggle and without any fear being evinced on its part, be properly fixed, and then rendered completely insensitive to pain by the administration of ether or chloroform ; as was pointed out by Claude Bernard, under these circumstances chloroform anaesthesia is induced with remarkable ease, and persists for a long time. This method not only abolishes the fear which often must constitute the most important part of the pain in- flicted by a physiological experiment, but in those rare cases where the animal must be allowed to recover after the experimental proceeding has been carried out, the long period of narcotism which succeeds it secures the absolute and beneficial rest of the animal. 26 SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND REACTION OF BLOOD. [BOOK I. upon the chemical relations of the colouring matter to oxygen, though in part also upon the shape of the coloured blood corpuscles, which is subject to various physical influences. The specific gravity of the living blood cannot for obvious reasons be ascertained ; that of defibrinated human blood drawn from healthy subjects has been found to vary between 1045 and 1062 *, the average being 1055 ; greater variations than are indicated by the above numbers are however consistent with health, the widest limits being probably indicated by the numbers 1045 — 1075. The mean specific gravity of the blood of the dog was found by Pfluger to be 10602, and by Nasse to be 10593 ; that of the blood of the rabbit was found by Gscheidlen to vary in three cases between 1042 and 1052. As blood is drawn from a vessel it is found to vary slightly in density, that drawn first having a somewhat higher specific gravity than that which follows, owing to the quantity of water of the blood increasing as a result of haemorrhage4. Reaction. Blood always possesses a feebly alkaline reaction, which rapidly diminishes from the time of its being shed to the time of its coagulation. The red colouring matter of the blood interferes with the ready determina- tion of the reaction as by simply immersing ordinary test-papers into the fluid, and therefore one or other of the three following methods may be employed, of which the second and third, b and c, are to be preferred. (a) Kuhne's Method5 consists in placing a drop of blood in a specially constructed tiny dialyzer of parchment-paper; this is then immersed in a drop of water contained in a watch-glass. After a short interval the reaction of the water is determined by means of litmus paper. (b) Liebreich's Method0. Plaster of Paris absolutely free from alkaline reaction is cast into thin slabs, which are then dried, and afterwards coloured by dropping upon them a perfectly neutral solution of litmus. When a droplet of blood is allowed to fall upon the coloured slab, the fluid of the drop is soon absorbed by the porous gypsum whilst the corpuscles are left. On placing the spot under a stream of water, the corpuscles are washed away and the colour of the slab at the site of the blood spot is found to be a more or less deep blue. (c) Zuntz's Method7. This method rests upon the fact that the 1 Becquerel et Rodier, Recherches sur les alterations du sang. Paris, 1844. 3 Pfluger, "Ueber die Ursache der Athembewegungen, sowie der Dyspnoe und Apnoe." Archiv d. gesammten Physiologic. Bd. i. (1868) p. 75. 3 Nasse, Haematologische Mittheilungen. Quoted by Gscheidlen, Physiologische HethodiTc, p. 328. 4 Becquerel et Rodier, Traite de Chimie Paihologique, appliquee d la Medecine pra- tique. Paris, 1854, p. 41 et seq. & Kuhne, "Ein einfaches Verfahren, die Reaction hamoglobinhaltiger Fliissig- keiten zu priifen." Virchow's Archiv, vol. xxxui. (1865), p. 95. 6 Liebreich, " Eine Methode zur Priifung der Reaction thierischer Gewebe. " Berichte d. deutschen c/iem. Gesellsch. zu Berlin, 1868, p. 48. 7 Zuntz, Centralblatt, 1867, ' No. 34. See also Adam Schulte, Ueber den Einflms des Chinin auf einen Oxydatioiuprocess im Blute. Inaugural Dissertation. Bonn, 1870. p. 9 et seq. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 27 blood colouring matter does not diffuse out of the blood corpuscles into solutions of common salt of considerable strength. Litmus paper is moistened with a strong solution of salt and a drop of the blood to be tested is placed upon it ; after a few seconds a drop of the same salt solution is placed over the drop of blood ; the liquid is then sucked up by means of filter paper. By following this method the blood can be so removed from the test-paper that the colour of the latter may be readily observed. The litmus paper to be used for this purpose must be highly glazed and the tincture of litmus used in its preparation must have been neutralized with acid until its colour is violet. By adding standard solutions of acids to blood, and employing the above method for ascertaining when the reaction became faintly acid, Zuntz determined the previously mentioned diminution of alkalinity of blood removed from the body. The Pheno- As it circulates in the blood-vessels of the living body, agnation C°~ tne blood consists, as we have said, of a liquid, the so- called liquor s. plasma sanguinis (often designated blood-plasma, or more shortly the plasma), holding in suspension the blood corpuscles. Within a short time of its being shed — usually between two and six minutes — the process known as coagulation commences — a process in which the blood passes first into the state of a soft red jelly, which gradually acquires greater consistence, and which, by a contraction of one of its constituents, expresses a fluid — the serum, which surrounds the clot, and in which the latter often ultimately floats. If we desired to ascertain the exact time when this coagulation commenced in a sample of blood, we should collect it in a watch-glass and at very short intervals pass a needle through the liquid ; as soon as coagulation had set in the needle would, in its passage through the fluid, entangle itself in the newly formed jelly, which would then be apparent on drawing the needle out. When blood coagulates, the process usually commences on the surface of the liquid and then near the sides of the vessel which contains it, the newly formed coagulum having in the former case the appearance of a pellicle. Very rapidly, however, the process invades the whole mass of the blood, which then presents the appearance of a soft, easily broken, jelly. Soon this acquires greater consistence, so that the blood has, as it were, taken a cast of the vessel which contained it, adhering closely to its sides and permitting of the vessel being inverted without any escape of the contents; at the same time drops of serum begin to transude from the clot. This transudation of serum is brought about by the contraction of the clot and continues for a time varying between ten and forty-eight hours, at the end of which the clot is found to be surrounded by serum. According to Nasse, the first stage of coagulation (characterized by the formation of a pellicle) commences in the blood of men in about 3 minutes 45 seconds, in that of women in 2 minutes 50 seconds; the second stage, in which not only the surface but the portions of blood next to 28 THE PHENOMENA OF COAGULATION. [BOOK I. the walls of the vessel have become gelatinized, occurs on an average in the blood of men in 5 minutes 52 seconds, and in that of women in 5 minutes 12 seconds; the third stage, in which the blood has been converted throughout into a soft jelly, is usually developed in the blood of men in 9 minutes 5 seconds, and in that of women in 7 minutes 40 seconds; the fourth stage, of complete solidification with obvious commencement of transudation of serum from the clot, occurs in the blood of men in about 11 minutes 45 seconds, and in that of women in 9 minutes 5 seconds1. This process of coagulation is due to the separation from the plasma of a body called Fibrin, which entangles in its meshes the corpuscles of the blood, the mechanical interlocking of the corpuscles by the threads of fibrin giving rise to the crassamentum or blood clot. The blood of certain animals coagulates more rapidly than that of others : we might with fair accuracy arrange the blood of various common domestic animals in the following order, according to the rapidity of coagulation, the first-named coagulating most rapidly — rabbit, sheep, dog, ox, horse ; in the latter animal coagulation com- mences usually between five and ten minutes after the blood is shed. If human blood were included in the above list it would immediately precede that of the ox. When the commencement of coagulation is delayed for several minutes — as it normally is in horse's blood, and as it usually is in the blood of men and other animals when suffering from inflammatory diseases — the blood corpuscles, being specifically heavier than the plasma, have time to subside partially before coagulation commences, so that the uppermost layers of such blood if undisturbed are nearly free from coloured corpuscles ; subsequently when the blood coagulates, the clot exhibits the phenomenon of the huffy-coat, 'inflammatory crust/ or crusta phlogistica, i.e. the upper part of the clot is of a yellowish colour ; in the lower strata of the buffy-coat are found large numbers of colourless corpuscles, which being specifically lighter than the red have not time to sink as far as the latter before coagulation occurs. The formation of the buffy-coat, though in part due to slow coagulation, is dependent greatly upon the blood cor- puscles aggregating so as to form little clumps, which more readily overcome the resistance offered by the fluid and therefore sink more readily than individual corpuscles. If instead of allowing blood to coagulate undisturbed, it be stirred or whipped with twigs immediately after it is shed, the process of coagulation is modified. The fibrin generators unite to form fibrin, but this does not entangle the blood corpuscles ; it separates as a stringy mass, which adheres to the instruments which have been used to stir the blood, whilst the blood corpuscles remain suspended in the serum, the mixture being designated defibrinated blood. Defibrinated blood differs from the living blood which has yielded it, -• Nasse, Article Blut, Wagner's Handtvorterluch d. Physiologic, Vol. i. pp. 102, 103. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 29 merely in having lost the fibrin-generators, which have united to form fibrin. circum- ^he following circumstances hasten or promote co- stances which agulation : hasten Co- a. Exposure to a temperature higher than that agulation. of tlie living body (Hewson1, Hunter2, Thackrah3, Scudarnore4, Davy5, Gulliver6), but probably not exceeding 52° C. or 54° C. b. Contact with foreign matter: thus the time of coagula- tion will be affected by the shape of the vessel in which blood is collected, the process occurring sooner where a large surface of blood is in contact with the vessel, as for example when it is allowed to flow into a wide shallow vessel. The influence of foreign matter ia promoting coagulation will be again referred to. c. Closely connected with b. is the effect of agitation, which, as Hewson7 and John Hunter8 shewed, and as has been fully con- firmed, hastens coagulation. d. The dilution of blood with not more than twice its volume of water (J. Hunter9, Prater10). e. The addition of minute quantities of sodium chloride, sodium sulphate or other neutral salt (Ancell11). Conditions The following circumstances hinder or suspend co- which retard agulation .__ or suspend ^ -, , Coagulation. a- Exposure to a low temperature. Blood which is rapidly reduced to the temperature of melting ice does not coagulate (Davy once kept blood fluid for one hour at 0° C.) : it may be frozen and remain in a frozen condition for hours without losing its power, of coagulating when thawed (Hunter12, Hewson13, Davy14). It may be frozen and thawed several times in succession without coagulating or losing its property of coagulating (Davy). 1 Hewson, Properties of the Blood, p. 3. The Works of William Hewson, F.E.S. edited with an introduction and notes by George Gulliver, F.K.S. London, printed for the Sydenham Society, 1846. 2 Works, edited by Palmer, iii. 26, 110. 8 Thackrah On the Blood, ed. 1834. Exp. 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 56. 4 Scudamore On the 'Blood, p. 20. 8vo. London, 1824. 3 Davy, Researches, Physiological and Anatomical. London, 1859, Vol. 2, p. 78. 0 Gulliver, Hewson 's Works, p. 4. Note in. 7 Hewson, op. cit., p. 15. 8 Hunter, Works, ed. by Palmer, Vol. in. 31. 9 John Hunter, General Principles of the Blood, at p. 135 of Vol. in. of Palmer's edition, of The Works of John Hunter. 10 Prater, Experimental Inquiries in Chemical Physiology, p. 81. Part I. 'On the Blood.' London, 1832. 11 Ancell, Course of Lectures on the Physiology and Pathology of the Blood, &c. Lecture VII. Lancet, 1839-40, p. 522. 12 Hunter, Works of, by Palmer, Vol. in., p. 67. 13 Hewson, op. cit., p. 17. 14 Dr John Davy, op. cit., Vol. n., p. 75. 30 CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH RETARD COAGULATION. [BOOK T. The following is the best method of exhibiting this fact for purposes of class demonstration : A small platinum crucible, or still better, as permitting more easily of an examination of its contents, a small platinum basin is immersed in a vessel containing a mixture of ice and salt ; a frog is then decapitated, and the blood is allowed to flow into the frozen vessel, where it instantly congeals. The platinum vessel can be taken out of the ice and held up so as to shew the hard frozen drops of blood. The experimenter then places the vessel on the palm of his hand, the heat of which almost instantly thaws the blood, which can then be dropped into a watch-glass. The platinum vessel is again placed on the ice and the thawed blood transferred to it, to be frozen a second time. This freezing, thawing, and transference from one vessel to another may be repeated several times ; at last the blood is allowed to remain in the watch-glass, when after a few minutes it sets into a firm jelly. b. Contact with the living tissues. If a vein be exposed and ligatures be applied to it so as to confine a quantity of blood within it, and it be then cut out of the body, it will be found that on opening the vein after an hour the blood will still be fluid, though after contact with foreign matter it will coagulate in a few minutes (Hunter1, Hewson2). For some hours after somatic death the blood remains fluid in all vessels except the heart and principal trunks, provided that the vessels have been pre- viously healthy. Blood will remain fluid for hours in a vein after being exposed with the utmost freedom to the air by being poured in a thin stream from one vein to another (Lister3). c. The addition of a sufficient quantity of sodium chloride, sodium sulphate, potassium nitrate or some other neutral salts (Hewson4, Davy5), will prevent coagulation, which will however occur subsequently if a sufficient quantity of water be added. Thus to quote Hewson's own words, " if six ounces of human blood are received from a vein upon half an ounce of true Glauber's salt reduced to a powder, and the mixture agitated so as to cause the salt to be dissolved, that blood will not coagulate on being exposed to the air, as it would have done without the salt ; but if to this mixture about twice its quantity of water be added, in a short time the whole will be jellied or coagulated, and on shaking the jelly, the coagulum will be broken, and the part so coagulated can now be separated as it falls to the bottom and proves to be lymph" (i.e. fibrin). 1 Hunter's Works, by Palmer, Vol. in., p. 29. 2 Hewson's Works, p. 22. 3 Lister, "On the Coagulation of the Blood ;" the Croonian Lecture for 1863. Pro- ceedings of the Royal Society, Vol. xn. p. 580. 4 Hewson, op. cit., p. 11 et seq. * Davy, Researches, Vol. n. 101-2. CHAP. II."| THE BLOOD. 31 SEC. 2. THE LIQUOR SANGUINIS. FIBRIN AND ITS SUPPOSED PRECURSORS. The Liquor Sanguinis. Methods of It has already been stated that in the living obtaining Li- blood the corpuscies float in a fluid termed the liquor ouor San- •• » 11 i 111 i • guinis. sangmms or plasma, and that when blood coagulates it does so in consequence of the separation from the plasma of a proteid substance termed fibrin. We have now to describe the mode of obtaining liquor sanguinis, to describe fibrin, to examine the bodies which the plasma contains, and to examine the facts which relate to the separation from it of fibrin. Almost as soon as the liquor sanguinis is withdrawn from the living vessels, it undergoes that change which results in the separa- tion of fibrin and serum. The change may however be hindered by various methods, which may be employed to furnish us with plasma for examination. 1. In order to obtain plasma in a state of great purity, blood must be rapidly cooled to a temperature approaching that of melting ice, at which temperature its coagulation is, as has been already stated, deferred. The blood of most animals coagulates so rapidly that it is difficult to cool any considerable quantity of blood to a temperature at which coagulation would be long deferred, before the process has actually occurred. The blood of the horse or donkey, however, usually coagulates so slowly that with the aid of suitable contrivances con- siderable quantities may be cooled to near 0° C. before coagulation has had time to occur ; and once at that temperature the process of co- agulation may be long postponed. Under these circumstances the corpuscles sink pretty rapidly, tending to form a sediment at the bottom of the vessel in which the blood was received, and leaving an upper stratum of liquor sanguinis perfectly free from red colour. The liquor sanguinis, decanted from the corpuscles and exposed to a temperature favourable to coagula- tion, exhibits the phenomena which have been described as character- izing the coagulation of the blood, save that the coagulum is colourless. If the fluid be stirred with twigs there will separate from it stringy fibrin exactly similar to that obtained by similar treatment from blood, save in the absence of colour derived from entangled blood corpuscles. A convenient contrivance for collecting considerable quantities of plasma from the blood of the horse is shewn in the annexed figure, and was sug gested by Dr Burdon Sanderson ' . The apparatus consists of a vessel .with i Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory, p. 168. 32 METHODS OF SEPARATING LIQUOR SANGUIN1S. [BOOK I. three concentric compartments. Into the central and external of these are placed small lumps of ice, whilst into the intermediate compartment blood is received as it issues from the vessels of the animal. The middle compartment being very narrow (its width, not exceeding half an inch) the whole of the liquid, which it contains, is rapidly reduced to the temperature of melting ice. In the course of about two hours the corpuscles have subsided to the lower part of the partition containing the blood, and considerable quantities of pure plasma may be drawn off, with the aid of a syphon or pipette. --3/4 FIG. 9. DK SANDERSON'S APPARATUS FOR COLLECTING LIQUOR SANGUINIS. (Hand- book for the Physiological Laboratory.} 2. Plasma may be much more easily obtained, though mixed with water and saline matters, by mixing blood, immediately on its being shed, with solutions of certain neutral salts of sodium, potas- sium or magnesium, or by dissolving suitable quantities of such salts in the blood before coagulation has occurred. From such mixtures of blood and neutral salts the corpuscles separate by sub- sidence, and the plasma may be obtained by decantation or filtration. The following are the proportions in which sodium sulphate arid magnesium sulphate, which are the salts chiefly employed, should be added to blood in order to prevent coagulation and lead to the separation of the liquor sanguinis. a. One part of finely powdered sodium sulphate is added to 12 parts of blood and the powder is gently stirred with the blood to hasten its solution. Instead of employing the solid salt in the CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 33 above proportions (Hewson's method1), it is more usual to mix the blood with a saturated solution of the salt; the blood is received directly into a vessel, which contains }th of its volume of a saturated solution of sodium sulphate2, and the two liquids are gently mixed. b. Magnesium sulphate, as has been shewn by Schmidt3, Semmer4 and by Hammarsten, is decidedly preferable to sodium sulphate for hindering the coagulation of the blood and for yielding a plasma suitable for experimental researches on the formation of fibrin. According to Semmer four parts of blood are mixed with one part of a solution of magnesium sulphate containing 25 p. c. of the salt. According to Hammarsten5 the blood is mixed in the same proportion with a saturated solution of magnesium sulphate6. In addition to the substances, which, when added in suitable proportions, prevent the coagulation of the blood, there are others which merely postpone its occurrence and facilitate the separation of blood corpuscles from the plasma. Thus when frog's blood is mixed with its own volume of a ^p.c. solution of cane-sugar, the corpuscles may be separated from it by filtration, and there passes through the filter-paper a clear fluid which consists of plasma diluted with solution of sugar, which coagulates after a short interval. This method of separating the blood corpuscles from the plasma was suggested by Johannes Muller7. In relation to the action of neutral salts in hindering the coagula- tion of the plasma it must be remembered that these substances only exert their action when present in certain proportions ; if added in too small quantities to blood, coagulation occurs, and if sufficient water be added to blood or plasma which has been kept from coagulating, the process sets in. Thus, as Hewson shewed, if to blood which has been maintained in a fluid state by the addition of solid sodium sulphate in the proportions previously mentioned, there be added twice its volume of water, in a short time the whole will coagulate. Properties Plasma, obtained by subjecting blood to a low temperature, is a viscous liquid possessing the same colour as the serum which separates from the blood of the same animal after coagulation ; if kept at a temperature below 5° C. it may be filtered from any colourless corpuscles floating in it8. Hewson's Works, p. 11. Denis, Memoire sur I'e sang, 1859, p. 31. A. Schmidt, Haematologische Studien. Dorpat, 1865, p. 44. Semmer, quoted by Gscheidlen, Physiologische Methodik, p. 342. Hammarsten, "Zur Lehre von der Faserstoffgerinnung," Pfliiger's Archiv, Vol. xiv. (1877) p. 220. 6 Many other neutral salts may be employed instead of those previously mentioned, as was shewn by Hewson, Gulliver and Davy. The reader will find much valuable information on this subject in Gulliver's edition of Hewson's Works, p. 12, and in Davy's Researches, Vol. n., p. 101. 7 Joh. Muller, "Beobachtungen,zur Analyse der Lymphe, des Blutes und des Chylus." Poggendorff 's Annalen, Vol. xxv. (1832) p. 540. ' Alex. Schmidt, Pfliiger's Archiv, Vol. xi. (1875) p. 318. G. 3 .34 PROPERTIES OF LIQUOR SANGUINIS. FIBRIN. [BOOK I. The specific gravity of plasma doubtless differs imperceptibly from that of the serum which separates from it, and which in the case of man varies between 1026 and 1029. It is stated by Gautier that the density of human plasma varies between 1027 and 1028, though no authority for the statement is given1. The reaction of the plasma is, like that of the blood, and of the serum which separates from it after coagulation, alkaline. The coagulation of the liquor sanguinis, which may be readily watched by allowing the temperature of the fluid separated from horse's blood at 0° C. to rise slightly, follows exactly the same course as the coagulation of the blood. The process commences on the surface and sides of the liquid and then extends throughout the whole mass, which assumes the appearance of a colourless trembling jelly ; the surface of this jelly is from the first seen to be somewhat depressed, and from it there exude droplets of clear serum. After some hours the coagulum is found to have contracted and floats in serum exactly as does a blood clot under similar circumstances; in the case of the coagulation of plasma, however, the coagulum, as it does not entangle blood corpuscles, is colourless and comparatively small. The serum is found to be more alkaline than the plasma from which it has separated. The plasma, it has already been remarked, differs from the serum in its containing the body or bodies which, separating from it, form fibrin. It will be convenient therefore to examine first of all the properties of fibrin and then to consider the facts which relate to the assumed precursors of fibrin in the plasma. Fibrin. Micro- When a drop of freshly drawn blood is examined under scopic ob- the microscope in the usual way, filaments are often ob- onThe OI served to stretch across the preparation ; these are usually character onty seen under tolerably high powers and by careful focus- and ar- ing ; the filaments consist of the newly formed fibrin. If range- a pretty thick stratum of frog's blood be mounted for JS?*? °f microscopic examination in the usual way, the edges of the Fibrin in .r , . , . . . d __ J> blood clot, preparation being touched with paraffin to prevent evapo- ration, after some hours the coloured corpuscles are seen to have arranged themselves into patches, the corpuscles in each patch appearing to radiate from a centre, at which are seen minute granulations. Under a sufficiently high power each individual blood corpuscle is seen to have assumed a pear shape. The appearances alluded to, which have been admirably described by Ranvier2, are due to the contraction of filaments of fibrin, which have the afore- mentioned granulations for their centre. The actual arrangement of 1 Gautier, Chimie applique'e a la Physiologic, 1874, Vol. i., p. 489. 2 Ranvier, Traite technique d'Histologie, p. 214 et seq. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 35 fibrin in the clot of human blood can be admirably and easily shewn by- following the method also described by Ranvier. A pretty large drop of human blood (obtained by pricking the finger) is treated as was mentioned in the case of frog's blood. After some hours, the paraffin is scraped off, the cover-glass is lifted, and the coagulum of blood which adheres to the slide or cover-glass, or to both, is subjected to the action of a gentle stream of water. Ranvier allows the water to flow out of a pipette, but the Author finds that a very small stream at very low pressure from a water tap is even preferable. After all the red colour has disappeared, a drop of a strong solution of magenta is placed upon the site of the former blood clot ; this is then covered with a covering glass and examined. The preparation is then, seen to be covered by reticula, each of which appears to radiate from a cen- tral granulation. The granulations as well as the fibres are stained by magenta and by solution of iodine, but not by carmine or picro- carmine. These granulations will be further referred to in con- nection with the part which the formed elements of the blood play in its coagulation. Fro. 10. EETICULUM OF FIBRIN FROM: THE BLOOD OF MAN. 500 diain. (Eanvier.) Mode of Fibrin may be obtained either from blood or from separating liquor sanguinis, either by allowing these fluids to coagu- Fibrin for late at rest, or by stirring them with twigs, or by agitating chemical them with small pieces of metal or glass. The fibrin, obtained examination. by stirring blood, adheres to the instrument employed; it is at first deeply stained with blood, but by washing in a stream of water it gradually loses its red colour and presents the appearance of a white, stringy, elastic body. When obtained by the first method from plasma, the coagulum at first presents a gelatinous appearance ; if, however, the coagulum be placed in a cloth and be kneaded with water, as the serum is squeezed out, there is left fibrin in the form of a white stringy solid. 3-2 36 PROPERTIES OF FIBRIN. [BOOK I. It is in the latter form that fibrin always separates from blood when it is stirred or shaken with foreign matters. When dried, fibrin presents the appearance of a greyish white solid. In order to purify fibrin it is carefully dried at a temperature not exceeding 110°C., and is then reduced to powder; the powder is successively and repeatedly treated with water holding hydrochloric acid in solution, with alcohol and with ether. However carefully the process of purification may be carried out, fibrin always retains a small quantity of inorganic salts amounting to about 0*9 in 100 parts. Properties Fresh fibrin is an elastic substance, as evidenced by the of Fibrin. way jn which serum is squeezed out of the clot which forms in plasma or blood. Fibrin belongs to the group of proteid or albuminous substances, from the majority of which it differs in that once formed it is in- soluble in pure water, though it has not been subjected to the action of heat OF acids or metallic salts. Fibrin has the following elementary composition ; C, 52'6 : H, 7'0 : N, 17'4 : S, 1-2 : 0, 21'8. Freshly prepared moist fibrin is soluble in a 6 per cent, solution of potassium nitrate, if digested with it for some time at a tempe- rature of 30° or 40°. It is similarly soluble in solutions of sodium chloride, and in a 10 per cent, solution of magnesium sulphate. The solutions of fibrin in the neutral salts are coagulated by heating to 60° or 65°, by the addition of acids and of alcohol, and by the addition of powdered magnesium sulphate. Denis asserted that fibrin obtained from arterial blood is not soluble in 10 per cent, solutions of the neutral salts, whilst that obtained by stirring venous blood is soluble in the same solutions. When placed in water containing about 5 parts of hydrochloric acid in 1000, moist fibrin swells into a transparent jelly, which does not dissolve. In water containing 1 part of hydrochloric acid per 1000, fibrin dissolves in a few hours, at a temperature of 40° C. The fibrin is in this process converted into so-called acid-albumin or syntonin. Solutions of syntonin are not precipitated when they are boiled ; when they are carefully neutralized, the proteid which had been dissolved is thrown down in the form of gelatinous flakes which are insoluble in water, but are readily soluble in dilute solutions of acids, of alkalies and alkaline carbonates. Acetic and phosphoric acids exert a similar action to hydrochloric acid. From the acetic solution of fibrin, potassium ferrocyanide throws down a white precipitate. When digested at the temperature of the animal body in dilute solutions of ammonia, or of potassium or sodium hydrate, fibrin dissolves, and the solutions are not coagulated by heat, but are pre- cipitated by mercuric chloride, lead acetate, and copper sulphate. Fibrin possesses the power of decomposing solutions of hydric peroxide, H20a, which enter into effervescence, owing to the libera- tion of oxygen ; if it be first immersed in a tincture of guaiacum and afterwards in a solution of hydric peroxide or in a mixture of CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 37 the two reagents, it assumes an intensely blue colour. This is due to the oxidation of the resin of guaiacum by the oxygen which the fibrin has liberated from the peroxide. Quantity of Human venous blood in health yields from 2 '2 to fibrin in the 2 '8 parts of fibrin per 1000, and it is said that arterial blood- yields somewhat more than venous blood. The Assumed Precursors of Fibrin in the Liquor Sanguinis. 1. Serum-Globulin or Paraglobulin. (Schmidt's fibrinoplastic substance.) i Schmidt'a When plasma is diluted with ten or fifteen times its methods of volume of ice-cold water and subjected to the action of Paraglobulin a stream of carbon dioxide1, or when it is carefully neutralized with acetic acid, the liquid soon becomes turbid, and deposits after some time a proteid substance to which the above terms have been applied, of which the first indicates its resem- blance to a proteid contained in the crystalline lens to which the name of globulin was long ago ascribed; and the second the property which has been ascribed to it of inducing, under certain circumstances, the separation of fibrin from solutions containing fibrinogen. The quantity of dilute acetic acid (25 per cent.) to be added is 4 drops for every 10 c.c. of serum diluted with 150 c.c. of H20. As the body which is precipitated under these circumstances is not only contained in the plasma but also exists in the serum, the latter much more readily available fluid may be employed for its preparation. The same substance it is2, which is precipitated when blood serum is subjected to dialysis (see p. 6), a process which may be employed for the quantitative estimation of paraglobulin. With this object a known weight or volume of serum is dialysed for 24 — 36 hours ; at the end of this time the contents of the dialyser have become turbid, and they are subjected to a current of C02 ; the precipitate produced is collected on a filter, washed with water and alcohol and dried. Following this method Schmidt found that 100 c.c. of the serum of ox's blood yielded on an average 0'887 grammes of dry paraglobulin. Hammar- ft has however been shewn by Hammarsten3 that sten's meth neither by acetic acid, nor by dialysis and carbonic serum^giob^ acid> is paraglobulin fully precipitated : indeed these lin. reagents only throw down a small fraction of the paraglobulin contained in the serum or plasma. Having discovered 1 A. Schmidt, " Weiteres iiber den Faserstoff und die Ursachen seiner Gerinnung. 1. Die fibrinoplastische Substanz." Archiv f. Anatomic u. Phijs., 1862, p. 429^et seq.? 2 A. Schmidt, " Untersuchung des Eiereiweisses und des Blutserum durch Dialyse. Beitrdge zur Anatomic und Physiologie, als Festgabe Carl Ludwig geividmet. Leipzig, 1875. Part I., p. 101. 3 Hammarsten, "Ueber das Paraglobulin," Erster Abschnitt. Pfliiger's Archiv, Vol. xvn. (1878) p. 447 et seq. SERUM-GLOBULIN. [BOOK i. that magnesium sulphate, added to complete saturation, precipitates every trace of paraglobulin present in a solution, whilst it has no action on serum-albumin, Hammarsten has by its aid determined how much paraglobulin the blood serum contains. His determina- tions would appear to leave no doubt that paraglobulin is in many cases the chief proteid of the serum, as can be seen by studying the accompanying table : — Variety of Serum. Total Solids in 100 pts. Total Proteids in 100 pts. Sermn- globulin in 100 pts. Sernm- albumin in 100 pts. Lecithin, fat, salts, «&c. in 100 pts. Serum- globulin. Serum - albumin. From blood of horse » » » ox „ „ „ man „ „ „ rabbit 8-597 8-965 9-207 7-525 7-257 7-499 7-619 6-225 4-565 4-169 3-103 1-788 2-677 3-329 4-516 4-436 1-340 1-466 1-587 1-299 1 0-591 1 0-842 1 1-511 1 T5" Properties Serum-globulin precipitated by any of tbe methods buST"11"510" Described is found to be soluble in water holding C02 in solution, in water holding oxygen in solution, in very weak aqueous solutions of the alkalies, in lime water, in weak solutions of neutral alkaline salts, in solution of sodium phosphate and of the carbonates of the alkalies. When considerable quantities of serum-globulin are dissolved in very weak solutions of the alkalies, perfectly neutral solutions are obtained which are not coagulated by heat, but which are so when very cautiously treated with acetic, hydrochloric, nitric, or sulphuric acids, the precipitate being readily dissolved by an excess of the reagent; such weak alkaline solutions are precipitated by the addition of a large quantity of alcohol. Serum-globulin is in great part, though by no means completely, precipitated when sodium chloride is dissolved to saturation in its solution ; the precipitated serum-globulin is found to be soluble in weak solutions of sodium chloride. It was stated by A. Schmidt that paraglobulin is completely precipitated by the addition of powdered NaCl to its solutions, but Eichwald and Hammarsten, and especially the latter, have shewn conclusively that Schmidt was in error. On the other hand, the body to be next described, viz. Fibrinogen, is completely precipitated when treated in the same manner by NaCl. According to Hammarsten1, if a very small quantity of common 1 Hammarsten, "Ueber das Paraglobulin," Zweiter Abschnitt. Pfliiger's Archiv, Vol. xvni. (1878) p. 39 et seq. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 39 salt (from 0*03 to 0'5 or 07 p. c.) be added to a very feebly alkaline solution of paraglobulin this body is precipitated, but on a further addition of salt the precipitate re-dissolves, only to be again precipitated when the amount of sodium chloride exceeds about 20 p. c. Solutions of paraglobulin (as for example in NaCl) coagulate at temperatures varying between 68° and 80° C., most commonly at 75° C., the variations being due to the amount of sodium chloride present, to the duration of the process of heating, and perhaps to other circumstances. (Weyl1, Harnmarsten2, Frederique3.) Moderately concentrated solutions of paraglobulin are not pre- cipitated by the addition to them of 16 — 20 p.c. of NaCl (Ham- marsten4). Serum-globulin is said to diffuse with considerable ease through animal membranes. On the other hand, it is absolutely unable to pass through parchment paper. The term paraglobulin sufficiently indicates that this body belongs to that group of proteids of which the first well-known member was the proteid constituent of the crystalline lens to which the name of Globulin was given. Because of its assumed co-operation in the formation of fibrin, the term fibrinoplastic substance was ascribed to it by A. Schmidt, but, as will be shewn in the section on coagulation, there are no longer grounds for ascribing this function to pure paraglobulin. Paraglobulin is not only found in the plasma and in the serum, but it is a constituent of the colourless and coloured (?) blood- corpuscles, of the lymph, chyle, &c. According to A. Schmidt's more recent views, the paraglobulin of the serum is derived from the colourless corpuscles of the liquor sanguinis, which in breaking down liberate this constituent, and the body known as the fibrin-ferment. Hammaisten, whilst not denying that a portion of the paraglobulin of serum may be derived from the colourless corpuscles, does not believe that it all takes its origin in this manner, for he has found the plasma to contain large quantities of paraglobulin; he is moreover inclined to think that some portion of the globulin found in serum may be derived from the decomposition of fibrinogen. The Swedish observer has found that when a solution of pure fibrinogen coagulates, besides fibrin, there is formed a soluble proteid which belongs to the group of globulins, and which therefore, if present in the serum, would be reckoned as paraglobulin. The view has been held by Brlicke and Heynsius, that para- 1 Weyl, "Beitrage zur Konntniss thierischer und pflanzlicher Eiweisskorper," Pfluger's Archiv, Vol. xn. p. 635 — 638. 1 Hammarsten, loc. cit., p. 64. 3 Frederique, Recherchcs sur la constitution du Plasma Sanynin. Gand, 1878. 4 Hammarsten, "Zur Lehre von der Faserstoffgerinnung," Pfluger's Archiv, Vol. xiv. (1877) p. 224. 40 FIBRINOGEN. [BOOK I. globulin is an alkaline albuminate1. According to Hammarsten paraglobulin would be a proteid having the characters of a weak acid2. 2. Fibrinogen. Schmidt's When plasma which has been diluted with ten or fifteen times its volume of ice-cold water, and has keen freed from paraglobulin by the action of a long- continued stream of CO2, is still further diluted, and again subjected to G02, there separates a second precipitate which is found to consist of a body very closely resembling paraglobulin, but yet possessing certain marked distinctions. This body is denomi- nated fibrinogerij a term which sufficiently indicates that it is pre- sumed to be one, at least, of the precursors of fibrin. Unlike paraglobulin, fibrinogen does not exist in the serum which separates from blood olot, but it is present in the liquid found in many serous cavities, as in the pericardium, the peritoneum, the pleurae ; also in the liquid of hydrocele. From all these liquids fibrinogen may be separated by the method previously referred to, viz. by dilution with water, and the subsequent action of CO, — or instead of passing C02, the liquids may be cautiously neutralized with acetic acid. Fibrinogen may also be precipitated from liquids which hold it in solution by adding common salt. Like paraglobulin, fibrinogen is insoluble in pure water, but soluble in water which holds oxygen in solution ; it is soluble in weak solutions of the alkalies, and in solutions of many neutral salts, as in weak solutions of sodium chloride. Hammar- The behaviour of fibrinogen to solutions of common salt has been studied with care by Eichwald and Ham- marsten8, and is so important as to deserve careful consideration, for upon it is based a method of sepa- rating this substance from paraglobulin, and obtaining it in a pure condition from the fluids which contain it. Both fibrinogen and paraglobulin are soluble in solutions of sodium chloride which contain 5 — 8 per cent, of the salt. When however the quantity of salt attains 12 — 16p.c., fibrinogen is precipitated whilst paraglobulin remains in solution ; the quantity of salt must amount to more than 20 p.c. before any appreciable quantity of paraglobulin is thrown down. In order to obtain pure fibrinogen Hammarsten proceeds as follows : — The blood of the horse is mixed on its issue from the blood- 1 Heynsius, "Ueber die Eiweissverbindungen des Blutserams und des Huhnerei- weisses," Pfluger's Arcldv, Vol. ix. 514—552. 2 Hammarsten, "Ueber das Paraglobulin," Erster Absclmitt. Pfluger's Archiv, Vol. xvn. (1878) p. 466. 3 Hammarsten, " Untersuchungen iiber die Faserstoffgerinnung. § 5, Ueber eine neue Methode zur Bemdarstelhmg des Fibrinogens aus dem Blutplasma". Nova Acta, Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsalensis. Ser. in., Vol. x. 1, p. 31, Separatabdruck. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 41 vessels with one-third of its volume of a saturated solution of mag- nesium sulphate. The mixture is then subjected to nitration in order to obtain salted plasma free from corpuscles. As filtration is, however, often very difficult from clogging of the filter, and at all times very slow, I have, in repeating Hammarsten's experiments, subjected the mixture of blood and magnesium sulphate to the action of the centrifugal machine (see p. 58); in this way, in about half an hour, perfectly clear salted plasma may be obtained in con- siderable quantities. To the salted plasma there is now added an equal volume of a saturated solution of common salt; the fluid instantly becomes turbid, and in two or three minutes an abundant flaky precipitate forms. From this point the process may be conveniently modified as follows : — The liquid with the suspended precipitate is carefully stirred, whereby the precipitate usually floats to the surface and forms a thick dense layer on the top of the liquid, which is then syphoned off. The precipitate is now well mixed with a solution made by diluting saturated solution of common salt with an equal volume of water, the quantity of the half saturated solution of salt being equal to that of MgSO4 plasma which was employed in the process. The precipitate floats up to the surface, the NaCl solution is syphoned oft', and a fresh quantity of the same added; the process of washing and syphoning being repeated not less often than six times. The fibrinogen is then collected on a separate funnel, pressed between folds of filtering paper, suspended in water and the solution filtered. The whole process can be completed in from 2J — 3 hours1. This is separated by filtration, and may be washed with saturated solutions of Nad. The precipitate is freed from much adhering moisture by pressing between folds of blotting paper, and is then mixed with a solution of common salt containing 6 — 8 p.c. of the salt, and in this it soon dissolves. The solution is filtered, and to it is added an equal volume of saturated solution of NaCl, which again throws down fibrinogen, but in a purer condition than at first, in the form of gelatinous flakes. The precipitate may be again dissolved in the weak solution of sodium chloride and precipitated a third time. It may then be assumed to be pure ; it is at least free from the minutest traces of paraglobulin and of serum-albumin. In consequence of the common salt which adheres to it, the precipitate is found to be soluble in pure water. A solution of fibrinogen thus obtained is found not to be spontaneously coagulable, but to yield fibrin when mixed with serum or other solutions possessing the peculiar ferment action to be subsequently referred to when speaking of Theories of coagulation. Solutions of fibrinogen containing 1 — 5 p.c. of NaCl coagulate at 52° C. — 55°C. (Hammarsten, Frederique). Solutions of fibrinogen coagulate at 56° C. according to Frederique, 1 Hammarsten, "Ueber das Fibrinogen." Pfliiger's Archiv, Vol. xix. (1879) p. 563, et seq. 42 THEORIES OF COAGULATION. [BOOK I. with whose observations agree those made on the same subject by Weyl and Hammarsten. Frederique has shewn that if an excised jugular vein of the horse, tied so as to confine blood within it, be heated to 56° C., a proteid matter separates, and the plasma is there- after found to be uncoagulable. No better proof than this could be given to shew that fibrinogen is really contained as such within the living blood. Frederique has made use of the low temperature at which fibrinogen coagulates to separate this body from paraglobulin and determine its amount. He thus determined 100 grammes of the plasma of the horse (in one experiment) to contain 0'4299 of fibrinogen and to yield 0'375 grms. of fibrin. Theories of Coagulation. The views The first step in the accurate study of the nature of of the An- fae coagulation of the blood was made when it was positively determined that coagulation is due to the separation of a solid constituent from the liquor sanguinis, and this fact was assuredly first determined with certainty by Hewson. It is true that, as previously mentioned, Borelli had expressed himself with correctness in the same sense ; still he did not adduce evidence which can be considered to furnish full proof of his position1 . Even before the discovery of this fact the cause of the coagulation had been sought for, and various views had been expressed, none of which, as even Hewson shewed, were at all capable of accounting for the phenomenon. Thus it had been assumed by some that the blood is maintained in a liquid condition in the living body by the continual movement to which it is subjected (Borelli2, Lower3); by others, that coagulation was due to the action of air upon the blood ; by a third set, that coagulation was due to the cooling of the blood on its withdrawal from the vessels ; by a fourth, that the coagulation of the blood was an act of life and connected with the vitality of the blood (Hunter). The first of these views is contradicted by the 1 See Borelli, De Motu Animalium. Opus posth., pars altera, 4to. Eoraae, 1681. Under tlie heading "Analysis sanguinis in suas partes integrales, et forma compositionis ejus inquiritur" (Prop, cxxxn.) Borelli says, "Deinde sicut in lacte adest succus con- crescibilis in caseum, sic in sanguine reperitur succus viscosus, et glutinosus, qui post- modum facta concretione, abit in fibras, vel membranas reticulares; quodque tales fibrae sic condensatae non praeextiterint intra vasa animalis viventis, facile suadetur ex eo, quod tales fibrae, et membranae albae sanguineae microscopio inspectae, crassiores sunt vasis sanguineis capillaribus, et ideo neque excipi, neque effiuere in iis possint, cum saltern longitudine filarnentorum, et latitudine membranarum, vias illas angus- tissimas obstruerent. Ideo fatendum est, gluten album sanguiiieum lubricani et nuidarn consistentiam retinere chim in animali viventi movetur." 2 Borelli, op. cit., Vol. n. p. 266. 3 Lower. The only passage in Lower's works which appears to the Author to indicate that he entertained this opinion (which has been attributed to him) is the following : "In cordis systole, qua liquor sanguinis conquassatur usque et ad ventriculi latera et vasorum parietes alliditur, paululum diutius elanguescat: succus ejus nutritius in partes secedere, grumescere, et gelatinae in modum incrassari, tandemque intra ribras cordis hinc inde pendentes implicari, et ipsis ventriculorum parietibus accrescere, et a cordis aestu indurari incipit, &c." Lower, De Motu Cordis. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 43 fact that the blood retains its fluidity within the healthy and yet living blood-vessels even though the circulation have ceased; the second is disproved by the fact that blood retained in vessels which contain no air and are shut off from air, coagulates with readiness ; the third is summarily and conclusively disproved by the facts that whilst a low temperature hinders coagulation instead of hastening it, a temperature such as that of the body of warm-blooded animals is specially favourable to its occurrence. The fourth view is set aside by the fact that the coagulation of the blood can be post- poned almost indefinitely by exposure to a sufficiently low tem- perature or by the addition to it of certain salts, and that after long periods have passed, the experimenter may, by altering the con- ditions, induce the previously inhibited coagulation, as for instance by suitably diluting blood of which the coagulation has been prevented by the addition of large quantities of neutral salts. If coagulation were a vital act, the results of the above experi- ments would, as Gulliver remarked1, be equivalent to a demonstra- tion that we can pickle the life of the blood, that it is preserved after repeated freezing and thawing, and that the blood may remain alive many hours after the death of the body, when the muscular fibre has lost its irritability, the limbs have stiffened, and even partial decomposition has begun. In considering the progress of research and the succession of doctrines relating to coagulation, it is well to remember that the following facts amongst many others were demonstrated by Hewson, and were published by him in the year 1772 : Firstly, that the coagu- lation of the blood is due to the coagulation of the liquor sanguinis, a fact which he proved (a) by skimming off the liquor sanguinis of the slowly coagulating blood of inflammatory diseases after the corpuscles had subsided, and determining that it coagulated, (6) by ligaturing a vein so as to include fluid blood within it, and opening it after the corpuscles had subsided, and drawing off the clear liquor sanguinis, which then coagulated. Secondly, that the coagula- tion of the blood drawn from the body cannot be explained as due to loss of heat, to arrest of motion, or exposure to air. Thirdly, that coagulation may be restrained by cold and by the addition of neutral salts to blood, the process setting in when the conditions are modified. Fourthly, that the walls of the living blood-vessels exert a remarkable influence in restraining coagulation. Discoveries The serous sacs of the body, even in health, contain of Buchanan. small quantities of liquid which at first sight appears closely to resemble the serum of blood, but which is similar to that found in the lymphatic vessels, viz. lymph. Of such serous sacs the pericardium is the one which invariably contains after death more or less liquid, which has received the name of liquor pericardii. In disease, the fluid contents of the serous sacs may however increase 1 Hewson's Works, note 12, p. 21. 44 BUCHANAN'S VIEWS ON COAGULATION. [BOOK i. very materially, and sacs which normally contain no appreciable quan- tity of liquid may contain large amounts ; this is, for instance, true of the tunica vaginalis testis, the serous sac which envelopes the testis, which is liable to become distended with liquid, the condition being denominated hydrocele. The liquor pericardii of man after it has remained for some hours after death in the pericardium, and the liquid of hydrocele, if removed without any admixture of blood, do not coagulate spon- taneously, and they differ in that respect from the liquor sanguinis1. It was however shewn by Dr Andrew Buchanan of Glasgow in 18312, that on adding to ascitic fluid, to serum from the chest, and to hydrocele fluid the liquid obtained by pressing a blood clot in linen cloth, there was produced a coagulum similar to that which separates spontaneously from blood. At first Dr Buchanan believed that the blood-colouring matter was the agent present in the squeezed clot, which conferred upon these transudations the property of coagulating. On mixing, how- ever, some peritoneal fluid with the serum of blood, a coagulum was obtained. On subsequently mixing perfectly clear blood-serum with peritoneal fluid and with the fluid of hydrocele, removed after death from the body of the same man, a beautiful pellucid and pretty firm coagulum was obtained. Dr Buchanan remarked, "I repeated the experiment very frequently with serum obtained from the serous cavities of the testis, from the peritoneum, from the cavities of the pleura, and from the pericardium. The result has generally been as I have just described, but not always so." These observations of Dr Buchanan on the coagulation of the fluids of serous cavities with other most interesting facts and generalizations were published in 1845 3. "The opinions commonly entertained by physiologists and chemists to which allusion has just been made, are that fibrin has a spontaneous tendency to coagulate; that this spontaneous coagulability is a characteristic property of fibrin, by which it is distinguished from albumin and casein ; and that the coagulation of the blood and of various animal fluids depends on the spontaneous coagulation of the fibrin which they contain. My experiments, on the other hand, shew that fibrin has not the least tendency to deposit itself spontaneously in the form of a coagulum : that, like albumin and casein, fibrin often coagulates under the influence of suitable 1 The liquor pericardii of the dog and of the horse does not coagulate spontaneously ; that of the rabbit coagulates, however, with readiness. 2 "Contributions to the Physiology and Pathology of the Animal Fluids, containing Experiments and Observations on the effects of certain substances upon the blood; on the coagulation of the blood ; on the difference between membranous and sanguineous serum; on the formation of the buffy or inflammatory crust; on the formation of pus; and on the process of sanguification, by Andrew Buchanan, M.D., Junior, Surgeon to the Glasgow Infirmary." London Medical Gazette, vol. xvm. (2nd vol. for session 1835 —36), p. 50. a "On the Coagulation of the Blood and other fibriniferous liquids, "London Medical Gazette, 1845, Vol. i. (New Series) p. 617. (Communicated to the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 'Feb. 19, 1845.) Reprinted in the Journal of Physiology, 1879. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 45 reagents : and that the blood and most other liquids of the body which appear to coagulate spontaneously, only do so in consequence of their containing at once fibrin and substances capable of reacting upon it and so occasioning coagulation." Dr Buchanan then announced that he had found that the ad- dition of that which he designated washed blood clot was most efficient in inducing the coagulation of such liquids as do not coagulate spon- taneously, but do so on the addition of blood. The 'washed blood clot' he obtained by mixing one part of liquid blood with from six to ten parts of water, and stirring carefully for five minutes. After the mixture had stood for twelve or twenty-four hours, it was filtered through a coarse linen cloth, and the substance left in the cloth washed with water. When a small portion of this washed clot was reduced to frag- ments and diffused through the liquid of hydrocele, coagulation ensued, in many cases as rapidly as in the blood itself. The washed coagulum retains, according to Buchanan, its coagulating power for a long period, and with the addition of a little spirit of wine may be kept for many months with its activity un- impaired. "The power," Buchanan remarked, "which the washed clot has of coagulating fibrin, is not less remarkable than that of rennet in coagulating milk, to which indeed ifc may be aptly compared." The 'washed clot' of Buchanan is a mechanical mixture of fibrin with colourless corpuscles. Upon which of these constituents did its coagulant power depend? Buchanan concluded, from many considerations, that this was seated in the colourless corpuscles. He found that the buffy-coat of the blood of the horse, which is exceedingly rich in colourless corpuscles, possessed a much greater power of inducing coagulation, and preserved that power after being kept for months and pulverized (from which statement we must con- clude that the substance was dried). Moreover that the upper layers of red clot which are comparatively rich in colourless corpuscles have a stronger coagulating power than the lower layers. Furthermore Buchanan found that many tissues of the body, muscle, connective tissue and central nerve-organs possess, though in a much less degree, the coagulant power, and he leant to the opinion that their influence is seated in their cellular elements ('primary cells or vesicles'). To recapitulate: — Buchanan held that the coagulation of the blood is due to the conversion of a soluble constituent of the liquor san- guinis into fibrin by an action exerted probably by the colourless corpuscles and comparable to the action which rennet exerts in effecting the coagulation of milk. Furthermore, that the liquid which accumulates in certain serous sacs may be made to yield a coagulum of fibrin when subjected to the action of liquids or solids rich in the cellular elements with which the coagulant action ap- peared to be associated. Although not altogether forgotten by a few individuals in England, 46 DENIS' PLASMINE. SCHMIDT'S VIEWS. [BOOK i. these most interesting results of Professor Buchanan have not formed part of the common stock of scientific knowledge, and are generally known only as re-discovered and greatly added to by Professor Alex- ander Schmidt of Dorpat. Denis' Although Buchanan believed in the existence of fibrin in solution in the liquor sanguinis he had no idea tion to Fibrin °^ separating the dissolved substance. Denis in 1859 announced1 the separation from the plasma of aproteid body to which he gave the name of Plasmine and which yields fibrin as a product of decomposition. Denis commences by mixing uncoagulated blood with one-seventh its volume of a saturated solution of sodium sulphate. After the corpuscles have subsided, the supernatant mixture of liquor sanguinis and solution of sodium sulphate is decanted and sodium chloride is added little by little as long as it is dissolved. The solution be- comes turbid and soon acquires a creamy consistence, from the separa- tion of a bulky flocculent precipitate. The fluid is thrown upon a. filter and washed with a saturated solution of sodium chloride. The matter which remains undissolved is the plasmine of Denis. Of this plasmine Denis obtained 14*59 grammes from 1000 grammes of human blood. If plasmine, thus precipitated through the agency of sodium chloride, be placed in water, the solution, in the course of a few minutes, undergoes spontaneous coagulation; the coagulum consists of fibrin similar to that obtained directly from blood, and the amount yielded by the plasmine also corresponds with that which would have been obtained directly from blood. In addition, however, to the insoluble fibrin which separates, there is found to be present in the solution a proteid substance to which Denis gives the name of 'fibrine soluble' to distinguish it from the first 'fibrine concrete' or 'fibrine ordinaire/ Denis therefore believed that the precursor of fibrin in the blood is a complex body, plasmine, which at the moment of coagulation splits up into two proteids, of which the one separates in the form of the insoluble fibrin and the other dissolves in the serum. These views of Denis will be again referred to when speaking of the more recent investigations of Hammarsten. The disco- The fundamental fact discovered by A. Schmidt was veries and the very same which it has been shewn was clearly hypotheses of described long before him by Dr Andrew Buchanan, viz. A. Schmidt. that there occur animal fluids from which fibrin does not separate spontaneously but only after the addition of blood or of blood-serum, or certain of their constituents2. 1 Denis, Nemoire sur le sang, 1859, p. 32. 2 A. Schmidt, "Ueber den Faserstoff und die Ursachen seiner Gerimmng." Archiv f, Anat. u. Physiolog., 1861, p. 545. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 47 Schmidt however soon proceeded a step further1. He studied the effect of dilution upon, and the passage of carbon dioxide through, liquor sanguinis and serum, and shewed how to obtain in this way, though certainly not in a state of purity, the bodies which have been described as paraglobulin and fibrinogen. He discovered that when these bodies in a separate condition exist in solution and the solutions are mixed, if. circumstances be favourable, coagulation occurs sooner or later. These facts he explained by supposing that the formation of fibrin is due to the inter-action of the two closely allied proteids, of which the one, fibrinogen, is often present without the other, paraglobulin; and to designate the property which the latter sesses of leading to the formation of fibrin from fibrinogen, hmidt applied to it the name of the fibrinoplastic substance. Schmidt at first supposed that the plasma contained both fibrin- generators in solution, there being, however, an excess of the fibrino- plastic substance. When blood or plasma coagulates, he supposed the whole of the fibrinogen to be used up, whilst the paraglobulin over and above the quantity which had taken part in the formation of fibrin, remained in solution in the serum, whence it could be separated by dilution and neutralizing either with CO2 or acetic acid. Fluids which, like hydrocele, do not coagulate spontaneously, but only after the addition of paraglobulin, he supposed to be wanting in this body, which he regarded as one of the two essential fibrin- generators. There are many ways of repeating Schmidt's observations on the coagulating influence of paraglobulin on nbrinogen. One of the most convenient is the following : the serum of blood is diluted, precipitated by dilute acetic acid (10 c.c. of serum being diluted with 150 c.c. of water and treated with four drops of 25 p. c. acetic acid). The precipitate is washed with water. Eibrinogen is then precipitated (in an impure condition) by saturating any fluid which contains it, e. g. hydrocele fluid, with sodium chloride. The precipitate is collected on a filter, and after the filtrate has passed through, the filter is filled up with water, which dissolves the precipitated fibrinogen, in virtue of the sodium chloride adhering to it. To this solution of impure fibrinogen the previously precipitated paraglobulin is added, when coagulation sometimes occurs. Amongst the facts which were adduced by Schmidt and which appeared to give great support to his views was this one : that if from diluted plasma, the paraglobulin is precipitated by dilution of water and passage of a stream of carbon dioxide, the power of spontaneous coagulability is unquestionably destroyed, whilst it may be occasionally restored by the restoration of the removed paraglobu- lin to the fibrinogenous liquid. It is to be remarked that Schmidt never committed himself to a 1 A. Schmidt, " Weiteres iiber den Faserstoff und die Ursachen seiner Gerimmng." Archivf. Anat. u. Phijs., 1862, pp. 428—469 and 533—564. 48 RESEARCHES OF A. SCHMIDT. THE FIBRIN-FERMENT. [BOOK I. statement of the way in which the two bodies which he believed to be fibrin-generators, associated themselves in the formation of fibrin. He however believed that he had proved the actual co-operation of paraglobulin in the formation of fibrin by shewing that the amount of fibrin which separates from a solution containing paraglobulin is to a certain extent influenced by the amount of paraglobulin added to that fluid. The Fibrin-fmnent. Such were the principal facts published by A. Schmidt anterior to 1872, and the views which he based upon them. It will be seen how widely these views differed from those of Buchanan and of Denis, each of whom was acquainted with many of the most important facts independently discovered by the Dorpat professor. But in their turn the views of Schmidt soon received from their author most important modifications. Schmidt's theory of coagulation postulated that when a fluid containing fibrinogen did not coagulate spontaneously, this was due to an absence of the fibrinoplastic substance. But he discovered that the two fibrin-generators may be present in the same fluid and yet coagulation not occur. Hydrocele fluid is for instance by no means free from paraglobulin and may sometimes contain considerable quantities of that body, without coagulating spontaneously, though the addition of blood or of blood serum will lead to its coagulation. Does blood or blood serum then contain some constituent other than paraglobulin which exerts a fibrinoplastic action ? It appears so, and this body Schmidt believes to be of the nature of a ferment which is liberated after the blood is removed from the blood- vessels, and which in an impure condition he prepares as follows1: Schmidt's Blood or, still better, serum separated from the clot of coagulated blood, is treated with twenty times its volume soTutto^of °^ alcon°l a]Qd the mixture set aside in a stoppered bottle Fibrin-fer- f°r at least a fortnight, but preferably for a period of three ment. months. The alcohol coagulates the proteid matters of the plasma and corpuscles as well as the haemoglobin contained in the latter, and by the prolonged action of alcohol these various matters are for the most part rendered insoluble in water. The insoluble matter is then collected on a filter and dried over sulphuric acid, and, when dry, finely pulverized. The powder is treated with water ; the aqueous solution is found to contain the so-called fibrin-ferment. Such a solution when added to a liquid which contains fibrinogen and paraglobulin but which does not coagulate spontaneously, often rapidly gives rise to a coagulum. The amount of fibrin which separates is, according to Schmidt, in no respect influenced by the 1 A. Schmidt, "Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Faserstoffgerinnung." Pfliiger's Archiv, Vol. vi. (1872) p. 445. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 49 amount of the ferment, but the rapidity of coagulation is so influenced. The influence of solutions of the fibrin-ferment may be well seen by adding it to dilute solutions of salted plasma. It has been said that blood or plasma which has been prevented from coagulating by the addition of a neutral salt, such as sodium or magnesium sulphate, will coagulate if a sufficient quantity of water be added. The coagulation is, however, under the circumstances not an immediate one. But if to a slowly coagulating mixture of plasma, water, and neutral salt, there be added some of Schmidt's solution of fibrin-ferment the process may be remarkably hastened. The Au- In narrating the discoveries of I)r Andrew Buchanan thor's Method attention was called to the action of the so-called ' washed solution^ g a blood clot' of that author, in bringing about the coagu- Fibrin-fer- lation of certain fluids ; washed blood clot being really ment1. fibriii obtained by washing the coagulum which separates from blood when, at the time of being shed, that fluid is mixed with about 10 times its volume of water. As Buchanan pointed out, such fibrin possesses remarkable coagulant power, and, if preserved in weak spirit, will retain that power for many months. By digesting Buchanan's washed blood clot in an 8 p.c. solution of common salt, a solution is obtained which possesses in a very intense degree the properties of Schmidt's solution of fibrin-ferment. This solution contains a proteid in solution which possesses all the reactions of a globulin; it is rendered inactive by exposure to temperature of 56° — 58° C., and when it is saturated with powdered magnesium sulphate. The origin of the Fibrin-ferment. After the discovery of the so-called fibrin-ferment, Schmidt's views might be stated as follows, though not in his words : — In cases where a fluid coagulates spontaneously with the formation of fibrin there must be present the two fibrin-generators and a yet unknown body, the fibrin-ferment, whose presence is, however, essential in order that the two bodies shall associate themselves. Where again a liquid does not coagulate spontaneously but does so on the addition of blood or of serum, the absence of coagulation may be due to the absence of ferment, the two fibrin-factor-s being present ; or it may be, and sometimes is, due to the absence of paraglobulin. In the first case coagulation will be induced by the addition of , fibrin- ferment alone, in the latter not until the previous addition of para- globulin. The interaction of the fibrin-factors necessitates, hoivever, the presence' of certain quantities of salts, and especially of sodium chloride. According to Schmidt, then, the formation of fibrin is due to the interaction of two bodies under the influence of a ferment. 1 A. Gamgee, "Some old and new experiments on the Fibrin-ferment." Journal of Physiology, 1879. No. n. 50 SCHMIDT'S RESEARCHES ON THE FIBRIN-FERMENT. [LOOK i. But whence comes the ferment? Schmidt received the blood as it flowed from the blood-vessels of a living animal directly into absolute alcohol and then subjected the product to the process followed in the separation of the fibrin-ferment, and found that the solution obtained under these circumstances was free from any ferment action, and he therefore concluded that the ferment is generated in the blood after it is withdrawn from the blood-vessels. But how generated? Many facts conspired to connect the formation of ferment with the colourless corpuscles of the blood. Schmidt found that liquids coagulate more or less rapidly, very much according as they contain many or few colourless corpuscles; he found that horse plasma, diluted with ice-cold water and filtered from all corpuscles, coagulates not only much more slowly but also much more feebly than the same plasma unfiltered; that in cooled horse plasma from which the corpuscles have subsided, the upper lay- ers, most free from corpuscles, coagulate more imperfectly, yielding actually less fibrin than the lower, richer in corpuscles, and that such plasma free from corpuscles, when subjected to the process for separating fibrin-ferment, yields a solution comparatively inactive, when compared with a solution prepared from plasma rich in corpuscles. Moreover Schmidt found that by adding paraglobulin to the above plasma the yield of fibrin was increased. Furthermore Schmidt thinks he has proved that in the short interval which, at ordinary temperatures, intervenes between the shedding and coagulation of the blood there is a rapid breaking down of colourless cells and of cells which appear in some way intermediate between the colourless and coloured cells, which are nucleated like colourless cells, but whose protoplasm is tinged with haemoglobin. He therefore has come to the conclusion that the coagulation of the blood is due to the union of fibrinogen, which exists preformed in the plasma, with paraglobulin derived from the colourless corpuscles — a union which takes place under the influence of a ferment-like body which also arises in the same cells, and which like paraglobulin is de- rived from them in the short interval which elapses before coagulation. In their latest developments the views of Schmidt approach much more closely to those of the man wrhose facts and theories have both been buried in oblivion, Dr Buchanan. Both observers look upon coagulation as due to a ferment-like action, exerted upon a constituent of the plasma, which is, in the living body, dissolved in that fluid ; both connect that ferment action with the colourless cells of the blood, and Schmidt adds definiteness to the older views of Buchanan by connecting the ferment action with the actual breaking down of those bodies. The chief point of divergence — the one element in Schmidt's theory which had no place in Buchanan's — relates to the accessory body paraglobulin, whose existence he did not even surmise, much less consider to be essential to the formation of fibrin. But is it essential? CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 51 The Researches of Hammarsten1. In describing paraglobulin and fibrinogen it has been stated that the researches of Eichwald and Hammarsten, and especially of the latter, have shewn that the behaviour of the two bodies which, according to Schmidt, are the fibrin-factors, in respect to sodium chloride is exceedingly diverse. Both bodies are precipitated from their solutions when these are saturated with sodium chloride, though fibrinogen alone is completely precipitated. Fibrinogen is precipitated from its solutions when these contain 13 p. c, of sodium chloride or more, whilst paraglobulin only becomes insoluble when the solution contains about 20 p. c. or more of sodium chloride. Making use of these reactions and following the method which has been described when speaking of fibrinogen, Hammarsten has separated fibrinogen which is free from all traces of serum-albumin and of paraglobulin, and has found that such fibrinogen dissolved in weak solutions of sodium chloride may be kept indefinitely without under- going coagulation. When, however, there is added to it serum of blood, or a solution of fibrin-firment prepared according to the directions of Schmidt or by improved methods, coagulation occurs with great rapidity. Fibrinogen According to Hammarsten, then, the coagulation of the one pre- the blood depends upon the production of fibrin from cursor of one body, fibrinogen, existing in solution in the liqu'or sanguinis, under the influence of that yet non-isolated body, the fibrin-ferment. Although provisionally em- ploying the term fibrin- ferment, Hammarsten, like Schmidt, does not commit himself to the view that this body is really of the nature of a ferment. The grounds upon which Hammarsten has corne to the conclu- sion that paraglobulin is not indispensable to the formation of fibrin are the following : — 1st. The fibrinoplastic action is not a specific property of paraglobulin, but is 'exerted by some other substances, such as calcium chloride and impure casein. 2nd. The fibrinoplastic activity does not belong to pure paraglobulin, but only to that substance when precipitated from serum and certain other fluids. In accordance with this statement Hammarsten has obtained from hydrocele fluids, which were quite free from ferment, a pure para- globulin, which possessed all the typical properties of that body, but exerted no fibrinoplastic activity. 3rd. The chief proof in support of Schmidt's hypothesis is based upon the surmise that those hydrocele fluids which do not coagulate when treated with ferment alone, but only after the addition of paraglobulin, either do not 1 Hammarsten : " Untersucliungen iiber die Faserstoffgerinmmg." Nov. Acta Reg. Soc. Scientiar. UpsaL, Ser. x. Vol. x. Separatabdruck, Upsala, 1878.—" Zur Lehre von der Faserstoffgerinnung." Pfliiger's Archiv, Vol. xiv. (1877) pp. 211— 274.— "Ueber das Paraglobulin." PflUger's Archie, Vol. xvn. pp. 413— 468.— "Ueber das Paraglobuliu, zweiter Abschnitt." Pfliiger's Archiv, Vol. xvm. pp. 38—116.— "Ueber das Fibrinogen. Pniiger?s Archiv, Vol. xix. pp. 563—622. 4—2 52 THE RESEARCHES OF HAMMARSTEN. [BOOK I. contain paraglobulin or at most mere traces of it. This surmise is however thoroughly incorrect, as Hammarsten's quantitative analyses have shewn that such fluids contain, on the contrary, very consider- able quantities of paraglobulin. This paraglobulin possesses, how- ever, no fibrinoplastic activity, affording another proof that the fibrino- plastic property is to be ascribed to some contaminating substance. 4th. The most weighty fact in opposition to Schmidt's hypothesis is however the possibility of obtaining solutions of nbrinogen which are free from paraglobulin, and which, when treated with ferment solutions which are free from paraglobulin, yield typical fibrin. The observations of Hammarsten corroborate those of Schmidt in reference to the living plasma containing less paraglobulin than serum, and he believes with Schmidt that some of the paraglobulin is derived from the colourless corpuscles ; he does not however, as has been said in speaking of paraglobulin, ascribe the origin of this body entirely to this source ; much is doubtless present in solu- tion in the living liquor sanguinis, and some may perhaps originate as a product in the decomposition which gives rise to fibrin, for even Hammarsten was at first inclined to view coagulation very much as Denis did, viz. as being a process in which a complex body decom- poses with the formation of simpler products, of which fibrin is one. Hammarsten corroborates Schmidt also in his statement that the addition of paraglobulin to scantily coagulating plasma or to a transudation which will not coagulate in the presence of ferment, may in the first case lead to an increase of the fibrin produced and in the second to the production of a coagulum. But Hammarsten shews that many substances besides paraglobulin will under the same circumstances exert the same fibrinoplastic influence. The addition for example of calcium chloride, CaCl8, to some specimens of hydrocele fluids, which will not coagulate on the addition of Schmidt's fibrin- ferment, produces the same effect as the addition of paraglobulin. If paraglobulin were specifically one of the fibrin-factors, it would not, presumedly, be replaceable by any other proteid substance. Ham- marsten having, however, by a process for which the original must be consulted, prepared casein which was readily soluble in solutions of sodium chloride, found that the addition of its solution to transu- dations led not merely to an acceleration of the process of coagula- tion, but to a remarkable increase in the amount of fibrin formed. In other experiments he found that the mere neutralization of a transudation, which does not coagulate spontaneously, will often lead to coagulation setting in. Furthermore, Hammarsten has found that from some hydrocele fluids, which will not coagulate on the addition of fibrin-ferment, it is possible to separate, by his process, fibrinogen, which when dissolved and treated with the same fibrin-ferment, will yield a coagulum of fibrin. It is obvious, then, that in a fluid there may exist substances which either hinder the formation of fibrin, or prevent its precipita- tion when formed. We know, for instance, that such substances CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 53 as free alkalies or their carbonates, and some salts, will actually exert such an influence. The addition of any body which will combine with, or neutralize, the substances which prevent the separation of fibrin will naturally lead to its formation. If, for example, a hydrocele fluid, which contains but a small quantity of fibrinogen and which will not coagulate on the addition of ferment, be treated with solu- tion of calcium chloride, coagulation will sometimes occur. Now it is conceivable that in this case the chloride acts by decomposing the alkaline carbonate which hinders the precipitation of the fibrin, for were sodium carbonate and calcium chloride to come in contact the reaction would be as follows: Na2CO3 + CaCl^ = 2NaCl + OaGO3. Paraglobulin may, perhaps, act in a similar manner, by combining with substances which hinder the precipitation of fibrin. Schmidt had discovered that the addition of serum which has been freed from paraglobulin (by dilution with water, passage of CO2 and concentration in vacua) to hydrocele fluid does not cause the latter to coagulate, and Hammarsten confirms the statement in reference to hydrocele fluid or to solutions which are as poor in fibrinogen as that fluid. If, however, such serum, free from para- globulin, be added to a strong solution of fibrinogen, the latter will coagulate well. Hammarsten's explanation is the following : — A solution of fibrinogen, prepared according to the method of Schmidt, contains more free alkali than the original fluid did whilst it con- tained paraglobulin. The former contains therefore a larger propor- tion of substances capable of dissolving fibrin, and when it is mixed with a liquid containing only a small quantity of fibrinogen, a larger portion of the resulting fibrin, or it may be the whole of it; may be held in solution. When, however, the same solution is added to a fluid containing an abundance of fibrinogen, the substances capable of dissolving fibrin are no longer capable of holding in solution all the fibrin which is formed ; and in this case coagulation occurs. Keviewing all the facts which have been recorded in the preceding pages, it would appear that, on the whole, the evidence is decidedly in favour of the view that the coagulation of the blood is dependent upon the presence in the plasma of a proteid body, fibrinogen, which under favourable circumstances undergoes conversion or perhaps decomposition into fibrin. The conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin outside of the body appears to be connected with the action of a ferment produced in the colourless cells of the blood and probably only set free when these cells break down. The influence of salts on coagulation. In the course of his researches Schmidt discovered that salts exert a remarkable action in furthering the spontaneous coagulation of liquids containing the various fibrin-factors. If from two liquids which yield when mixed a coagulum of fibrin, the salts be separated by dialysis, and the proteids which are precipitated 54 INFLUENCE OF SALTS AND LIVING WALLS OF VESSELS. [BOOK T. in the process (the supposed fibrin-generators) be dissolved in weak solu- tions of sodium hydrate and mixed, no coagulation will occur, unless there be added to the mixture the dialysate from the two operations, reduced by evaporation to a small volume, or unless sodium chloride be added until it amount to 1 per cent, of the mixture; then, however, coagulation does occur. The quantity of salt which is needed to bring about coagulation increases with the volume of the solution of the fibrin-factors, a circum- stance which fully explains why by largely diluting a spontaneously coagulating fluid, a slowing of the process of coagulation, and a diminution in the quantity of fibrin produced, are always brought about. Non-coagulation of the blood within living blood-vessels. Any theory of the coagulation of the blood which would lay claim to truth or completeness should be adequate to explain the remark- able circumstances that the blood does not coagulate as long as it is contained within the living uninjured vessels, but that it does coagulate when the vessel is injured or dies. Let us examine the facts which we at present possess in reference to this matter. (1). So long as the vessels are uninjured and alive, the blood which circulates within them does not coagulate. When a foreign- body is however introduced into the vessels, as when a silver needle is made to transfix an artery, a coagulum of fibrin forms around the metal, although it be in the stream of living blood. (2) If, however, the coats of an artery be diseased or injured in such a way that the endothelial coat which lines it ceases to be intact, coagulation will occur, giving rise to a solid plug or 'thrombus/ the latter term being applied specifically to the coagulation which occurs in a vessel during life. Perhaps the most common example of a thrombus is that which is occasioned by the application of a ligature to an artery; in this case both the middle and internal coats are usually severely injured, the continuity of the endothelial lining of the internal coat being certainly affected, and, almost immediately, there results coagulation. : Another common example of the production of thrombus during life is afforded by the occurrence of the process in aneurisms, in which, amongst other lesions of the arterial walls, a direct breach in the continuity of the endothelium certainly often exists. (3) But not only does thrombosis occur where a direct break in the continuity of endothelium can be distinctly proved to exist, but also where an injury of any kind is inflicted upon an artery. The process has been studied with great minuteness by Zahn in the case of the arteries of the frog and deserves particular attention in reference to the doctrines of coagulation. Zahn1 has observed that when a crystal of sodium chloride is | : Zahn, Virchow's Arclilv, Vol. LXII. p. 81. See Cohuheim, Vorlcsungen iiber allgemeine Pathologic, 1877, Vol. i. p. 150 et seq. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 55 thrust deeply into the tissue of the tongue or mesentery of the frog so as to be in close proximity to an artery or a vein, the inner wall of the vessel at the point which corresponds to the crystal becomes covered by colourless blood corpuscles, whose number continually increases ; soon there are three or four layers of colourless corpuscles closely pressed against the wall, whilst the heap grows ever larger and larger as the blood which flows past continually brings fresh white corpuscles to add to it. Soon the vessel becomes completely plugged by this agglomeration of colourless corpuscles. The subse- quent progress of such a thrombus may be various. In some cases however the following process may distinctly be observed: — The Y\rhole mass of cells undergo a fine granulation and the contours of individual cells become less distinct. Then the contours of the cells become lost altogether, and a feebly refracting finely granulated mass results, which is said to be not unlike a mass of fibrin. (4) When blood is occluded by ligatures within a living vein, it will be found to remain uncoagulated for many hours, providing the vitality of the vein persist. This remarkable experiment was first performed by Hewson, and was subjected to a careful study by Professor Lister, and more lately by Frederique. If, however, the vitality of the vein be destroyed by the application of caustic ammonia to its exterior, coagulation will soon result (Lister). The experiment is best performed with the jugular veins of horses. The animal having, as is usually done in slaughtering horses, been struck down insensible by a blow on the head, the jugular vein or veins are exposed, and two ligatures are applied to the vein at a distance of several inches apart, so as to include the blood contained within this portion of the vein in a tube with venous walls. The vein may then be dissected out without allowing its contents to escape. Such a vein may be kept for many hours, and on being opened the blood will be found still fluid within it, coagulating however when allowed to flow into any ordinary vessel. After an interval of many hours, however, the vitality of the vein being destroyed, the blood coagulates. This experiment we owe to Hewson. Reasoning from it, it might be surmised that the cause of the coagulation was the opening of the vein and the exposure of its contents to air; that such an explanation is entirely erroneous was shewn by Professor Lister, who determined that blood would remain fluid for hours in a vein after being exposed with the utmost freedom to the air by being poured in thin streams from one venous capsule to another. The observation of Lister might lead one to the conclusion which Professor Briicke arrived at from his experiments. That eminent observer, extending the observations of Hewson, shewed that blood injected into the separated, but yet living, contracting, heart of a turtle, would preserve its fluidity for days, and came to the conclusion that the walls of the vascular system possess a power of restraining coagulation — a view which was assuredly shared by Hewson, but which in this case appeared to find its most striking 5() NON-COAGULATION OF BLOOD IN LIVING VESSELS. [BOOK I. proof. On returning, however, to other ohservations of Lister we are warned to pause before we draw the above conclusion. The author quotes Professor Lister's description of one of his experiments conveyed to him in a private communication: " The manner in which I did succeed in my experiments long ago on the coagulation of the blood in maintaining its fluidity outside the living body seems to me, if I may venture to say so, deserving of more attention than I think it has received. Having ascertained that the blood remains fluid for many hours after somatic death in all vessels except the heart and principal trunks provided that the vessels have been previously healthy, I removed a portion of the jugular vein of an ox, after tying it in two places to retain the blood ; and then, holding the portion of vein vertical and opening the upper end with scrupulous care that the instru- ments employed should not touch the blood, I slipped down with the utmost steadiness a piece of glass tube nearly as large in calibre as the vein, the lower end of the tube being of full width and smooth while the upper end was drawn out and connected by an india-rubber tube with a stop-cock for closing it. The blood having filled the large part of the tube and passed on into the narrow part till it escaped at the stop-cock, the stop-cock was turned to close ifc, after which the whole apparatus was rapidly inverted so that the blood was now in the glass vessel with its mouth covered with the vein as a cap. The vein was next care- fully withdrawn and a cap of gutta-percha tissue was tied over the mouth of the tube to prevent evaporation. The blood was now in a vessel composed entirely of ordinary solid matter, as distinguished from living tissue, but with the peculiarity as compared with blood shed into a basin that only the circumferential parts of the mass of blood had been exposed to the influence of the ordinary solid. The result was that after 24 hours, or in one experiment 48 hours, the blood was found still fluid except a crust of clot in contact with the containing vessel, the fluid blood coagulating at once on being poured upon a plate. I had previously ascertained that blood would remain fluid for hours in a vein after being exposed with the utmost freedom to the air by being poured in thin streams from one venous capsule (if I may so speak) to another ; while, on the contrary, want of steadiness in pushing down the glass tube into the vein and consequent admixture of the circumferential parts which had touched the glass with the rest would, like a stir with a stirring rod, have made the whole coagulate. "Thus by this simple experiment was demonstrated incontrovertibly the fact that healthy blood has no spontaneous tendency to coagulate and therefore that Briicke's idea of the fluidity of the blood being due to an action of the walls of the vessels upon it was erroneous. At the same time was illustrated the truth, which, indeed, ought to have been apparent enough from the results of every vivisection wound, that a perfectly undisturbing coagulum resembles healthy living tissue in failing to induce coagulation in its vicinity." The difference between Lister's and Briicke's explanation of the above facts will be perhaps more apparent by the following categori- cal statement. Briicke explains the non- coagulation of the blood contained in the uninjured and yet living jugular vein by sup- CHAP. II. J THE BLOOD. 57 posing that blood does possess a strong tendency to coagulate and that the tendency which the blood has to coagulate is inhibited by a peculiar influence exerted by the living vascular walls. Lister on the contrary maintains that blood possesses no spontaneous tendency to coagulate and only does so when brought in contact with any foreign body ; it coagulates within a blood-vessel when the latter dies because then its walls become as all other extraneous matter, but not because there is any cessation of an action previously exerted. After all, there appears to be less difference between the views of Lister and Briicke than would at first appear to be the case. Let us examine however which of their views appears most probable in the light afforded by recent discoveries. Of all the facts which have, thanks to the labours of Buchanan, Schmidt, and Hammarsten, been collected, in reference to the exact mode of origin and nature of coagulation, none appear to be so consistent and satisfactory as those which connect the colourless cells of the blood with the developement of a ferment-like body which, once liberated, soon converts soluble into insoluble proteid matter; the developement of ferment being apparently connected with a disinte- gration of certain of the colourless cells. As this disintegration has a tendency to occur whenever the blood removed from the living blood-vessels is kept at temperature above 0° C., we can scarcely agree in the proposition of Professor Lister that the blood has of itself no tendency to coagulate, and we should rather be inclined to say that inasmuch as it contains colourless corpuscles within it, it does contain the elements for its future coagulation. The remarkable phenomena of the non-coagulation of blood with- in the yet living venous walls is probably connected with a persistence in an intact condition of the colourless cells, or rather of those cells in which the fibrin-ferment originates, and not as might have been supposed, upon the destruction of the fibrin-ferment by the vascular walls at the moment of its liberation. But it is yet impossible to conceive why the colourless corpuscles should not break down under the circumstances of Lister's experiments. SEC. 3. THE SERUM AND THE CONSTITUENTS OF THE LIQUOR SANGUINIS WHICH REMAIN IN IT. Modes of The serum is the liquor sanguinis from which fibrin obtaining se- has separated; it differs from that fluid in having nun- lost its fibrinogen and perhaps in having gained some paraglobulin. In order to obtain perfectly pure serum when horse's blood is available, liquor sanguinis may be first separated by subjecting the blood to a lower temperature in the apparatus described at page 32, and the plasma allowed to coagulate. 58 CENTRIFUGAL APPARATUS. [BOOK i. B FIG. 11. PLAN AND SECTION OP THE CENTRIFUGAL MACHINE IN THE PHYSIOLOGICAL LABORATORY or OWENS COLLEGE. A. An iron socket secured to top of table B. C. A steel spindle carrying the turn-table D, and turning freely in A. E. A flange round turn-table D. F. F. Shallow grooves on face of D, in which the test-tubes are fixed by clamps G. G. H. A pulley fixed to end of spindle C and turned by the cord K. 1. 1. Are two guide pulleys for cord K. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 59 It is more usual however to obtain serum by allowing blood (prefer- ably arterial blood) to coagulate, when after some hours serum will separate and can be decanted. The process of separation of serum is immensely facilitated and the resulting serum is obtained most completely free from suspended blood cells by subjecting recently coagulated blood to the action of a centrifugal machine, such as is represented in the accompanying figure. The blood as it flows from the blood-vessel is collected in stout test-tubes provided with india-rubber stoppers. When the blood has coagulated the tubes are fixed to the turn-table so that the stoppers are directed centrally. The turn-table is then made to revolve with great velocity for about half an hour, after which time the clot is found to have retracted itself to the peripheral end of the tube, leaving a large quantity of clear serum occupying the ends of the tube directed towards the centre of the rotating disk. The centrifugal machine enables us to obtain in a short. time considerable quantities of perfectly clear serum, which is thus obtained before any putrefactive change can have affected its composition. When serum has been merely decanted from the clot it is generally more or less reddish from the presence of suspended corpuscles. From such reddish serum, serum quite free from corpuscles can be obtained by subjecting it to rotation in the centrifugal machine for about half an hour. Description The serum which separates from the blood of a of physical healthy man, whilst fasting, is a liquid of a transparent characters of n J , ' V1 ,. -, , •, °' . ^ . . n r , , e serum. yellow colour like light sherry wine, varying in depth of colour but always perfectly clear. In the lower animals the colour of the serum differs somewhat, being colourless in the rabbit, amber coloured in the horse, of a very red amber tint in the ox, and in the dog somewhat yellowish, nearly identical with that of man. After a full meal the serum ceases to be transparent and becomes more or less milky in appearance ; this phenomenon is usually described as occurring only after an abundant fatty diet, but although seen to greatest advantage after such a diet it constantly occurs after a full meal of meat. The observations of Dr Andrew Buchanan1 on this matter are of great interest, and two of them are quoted as illustrating the above statement : — "A vigorous man of about 35 years of age, after fasting 19 hours, had for dinner, twenty ounces of beef-steak, sixteen liquid ounces of brown soup and eight ounces of bread. He was bled immediately before his ifieal and three times after it, two ounces of blood being taken away each time. The serum obtained from the first bleeding before the meal was perfectly limpid; the serum from the second bleeding, three hours and 1 Buchanan, "On. the white or opaque serum of blood," Proceedings of the Philo- sophical Society of Glasgow, Vol. i. (1841—4), p. 226. 60 PHYSICAL CHARACTERS OF SERUM. SERUM-GLOBULFN. [BOOK I. fifteen minutes after the meal, was turbid; the serum from the third bleeding, eight hours and fifteen minutes after the meal, was still thicker ; while that from the last bleeding eighteen hours after the meal,, was again limpid, although some supper had been eaten in the interval. " The young man first mentioned, after fasting eighteen hours,, dined upon sixteen ounces of brown soup, four ounces of bread, eight ounces of potatoes, twenty ounces of beef-steak, and sixteen ounces of London porter, and fasted eighteen hours after the meal. He had blood taken from his arm four times to the extent of two ounces each time. The serum of the blood first taken, immediately before the meal, was of an amber yellow and quite transparent ; the serum from the second bleeding, two hours and ten minutes after the meal, was turbid ; the serum from the third bleeding, eight hours after the meal, was exactly of the colour of water gruel and quite opaque ; the serum of the blood last taken, eighteen hours after the meal, was still turbid, its limpidity not having been, as after his usual fare, restored by an eighteen hours fast." The milkiness of such blood is due to finely divided fat which often may be observed to float to the surface and presents the appearance of oil globules or drops. The specific gravity of the serum obtained from human blood varies between 1027 and 1032, but is on an average 1028. Its re- action is alkaline, and its alkalinity is greater than that of the plasma. 1000 grammes of blood yield between 440 and 525 grammes of serum (Gautier). Serum contains roughly about 10 per cent, of solid matters in solution ; of these the most abundant are proteid in nature, the chief being serum-albumin ; in addition to the proteids, the serum holds in solution small quantities of nitrogenous matters soluble in alcohol, which are technically grouped under the term extractives or extractive matters, fats, sugar, inorganic salts and certain gases. These various constituents will now be discussed in detail. TH-E PROTEIDS OF THE SERUM. 1. Serum-globulin or Paraglobulin. This constituent has been already discussed at considerable length in relation to the subject of coagulation, and the reader is referred to page 37 for the method of obtaining it from serum, as well as for a discussion of the views which have been held as to its origin. It was formerly held that serum-globulin was present in much smaller quantities in the serum than serum-albumin. According to Hammarsten, however, the older methods employed in the separation of this substance were insufficient. He has discovered that magnesium sulphate effects the complete precipitation of serum- globulin, and therefore admits of the accurate determination of its amount. In the following table are shewn the results of analyses CHAP. It.] THE BLOOD. 61 in which he determined the total quantity of proteids in the serum and also the amount of serum-globulin; the quantity of serum-albumin being found by subtracting the second result from the first. It will be seen that according to Hammarsten the proportion of serum- globulin to serum-albumin varies remarkably, in some cases (horse and ox) the former being the more abundant constituent, in others (dog and rabbit) the latter. TABLE SHEWING THE AMOUNT OF SOLIDS, PROTEIDS, AND ALSO THE RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF SERUM-GLOBULIN AND SERUM-ALBU- MIN IN 100 PARTS OF THE SERUM OBTAINED FROM THE BLOOD OF VARIOUS ANIMALS1. Solids. Total Proteids. Serum- globulin. Serum- albumin. Serum-globulin Serum-alb umi a ' Serum from horse 8-597 7-257 4-565 2-677 1 0-591 Serum from ox 8-965 7-499 4-169 3-329 1 0-842 0-907 7-filQ ^•103 4.^16 1 1-511 Serum from rabbit 7-525 6-225 1-788 4-436 1 2-5 By the term serum-casein some authors have designated the proteid matter which is obtained from serum by adding a small quantity of acetic acid to it after paraglobulin lias been precipitated by diluting and subjecting to a stream of C02. We now know, however, that dilution with water and the action of CO2 are not sufficient to precipitate all the serum-globulin contained in the serum, and we cannot doubt that Panum's serum-casein is merely serum-globulin which has escaped precipitation by CO2.3 2. Serum-albumin. Having separated from the serum the serum-globulin which it contains, there still remains in solution the most important and usually the most abundant of its constituents, viz. serum-albumin. In consequence of the serum-albumin which it contains, when serum is heated to about 60° C. it becomes slightly opaque, full coagulation occurring at 75°, the separation of the albumin being accompanied by an increase in the alkaline reaction of the liquid. 1 Hammarsten, "Ueber das Paraglobulin." PMger's Archiv, 1878. 2 The reader who wishes to acquaint himself with the older statements as to serum - casein is referred to Kiihne, Lehrbuch, p. 175, .and to .Gorup-Besanez, Lehrbuch d. pkysiolog. Chemie, 1878, p. 119. C2 METHODS OF PREPARING SERUM-ALBUMIN. [BOOK I, When alcohol is added to serum in considerable excess, as in the proportion of two volumes of absolute alcohol to one of serum, the albumin is precipitated : at first the precipitate can be redissolved in distilled water; by prolonged contact with the alcohol it becomes almost absolutely insoluble. In order to secure the latter result as perfectly as possible, as for instance in the preparation of solutions of fibrin-ferment, the quantity of alcohol added must be much larger than that indicated above, even 15 or 20 times as much alcohol as serum being used, and the action of the former upon the latter being continued for about three months. The albumin recently precipitated by alcohol from serum, when it is redissolved in water, yields a faintly opalescent liquid. Prepara- Various methods have been suggested for the tion of Serum- preparation of pure serum-albumin; they all yield a albumin. substance, which can only be regarded as approximately pure, inasmuch as they fail in separating inorganic salts which, more or less, always continue to adhere to the substance and to modify its physical properties. Hoppe-Seyler's method. Blood serum is treated with dilute acetic acid, as for the prepara- tion of paraglobulin, and the clear liquid is filtered from the latter body. The liquid is then concentrated by evaporation in shallow basins at a temperature which must not exceed 40° C. The concentrated liquid is neutralized with sodium carbonate and is then placed in a dialyser suspended in distilled water, which must be very frequently renewed. The dialysate is tested from time to time with solution of silver nitrate; when this reagent no longer produces a marked opalescence it is concluded that all dif- fusible impurities, of which sodium chloride is the chief, have been removed; the contents of the dialyser are then emptied into a flat capsule and evaporated at a temperature not exceeding 40° C. Prepared by this process, serum-albumin still contains from 0*5 to TO per cent, of salt, and is obtained in the form of a trans- parent, yellowish, brittle solid, which breaks with a glassy fracture, and which furnishes, when pulverised, a yellowish white powder. It is soluble in distilled water, the solutions being slightly opalescent and, when concentrated, viscous. Solutions of serum-albumin deviate the plane of polarization to the left ; (A)j = — 56°. The specific rotatory power is remarkably little affected by the presence of salts or by the degree of dilution. When dry, solid, soluble albumin, prepared by the previously described method, is heated to 100° C. it is, after a considerable time has elapsed, rendered insoluble in water. Solutions of serum-albumin are not precipitated by carbon- dioxide, by acetic or by orthophosphoric acid. They are precipi- CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 63 tated by mineral acids, and especially by nitric acid; they are like- wise precipitated by tannic acid and by metaphosphoric acid. When heated to 60°C. solutions of serum-albumin usually become opalescent, and at temperatures between 72° — 75° the albumin separates in a flocculent form. Solutions of albumin which have been long dialysed, but are not free from salts, are exceptions to these statements. (See Schmidt's and Aronstein's pure albumin.) Most metallic salts, such as mercuric chloride, copper sulphate, lead acetate, at once precipitate ordinary serum-albumin. Ether does not precipitate serum-albumin, whilst it does precipi- tate Schmidt's and Aronstein's pure serum-albumin and its reactions. It was asserted by Graham1 tliat by mixing egg-albumin with acetic acid and placing the mixture in a dialyser, all the acid, together with the alkaline and earthy salts, diffused out, leaving the albumin pure, so that the dried substance, on being ignited, left no ash. This albumin was found by Graham to have a slightly acid reaction. Kiihne and Hoppe-Seyler were unable to confirm the statement of Graham. Arotistein2, working under the direction of A. Schmidt, asserted that if serum be subjected to long continued dialysis, the whole of the para- globulin is precipitated and the whole of the salts are removed from the albumin, which when burned leaves no ash. He asserted that such albumin when dissolved in water is not coagulated by boiling, and is not precipitated by alcohol. The addition of small quantities of common salt leads, according to Aronstein, to the albumin being again coagulable by heat and by alcohol. These observations of Aronstein received the full confirmation of A. Schmidt3, who, in addition, asserted that dilute solutions of pure albumin, obtained by dialysis, gave no precipitate with copper and zinc sulphate, with neutral lead acetate, with mercuric chloride and many other salts which precipitate ordinary albumin. Platinum tetrachloride, nitric acid, tannic acid, ferrocyanide of potassium and acetic acid, were stated to be the reagents which most easily precipitate pure albumin from its solutions. The observations of Aronstein and Schmidt have not however been confirmed. Heynsius4 found it impossible to obtain any serum-albumin (by Aronstein and Schmidt's process) free from ash, and attributed the non- coagulation. in Aronstein's experiments to the presence of a slight alkaline residue. Similarly Winogradoff5 repeating Aronstein and Schmidt's 1 Graham, " Liquid diffusion applied to analysis." Philosoph. Transact., 1861. 2 Aronstein, " Ueber die Darstellung salzfreier Album inlosungen vermittelst der Diffusion." Pfliiger's Archiv, 1873, Vol. vm. p. 75. 3 A. Schmidt : " Untersuchung des Eiereiweisses und Blutserums durch Dialyse." Ludwig's Festgabe, 1874, pp. 94—115. "Weitere Untersuchungen des Blutserums, Eiereiweisses und der Milch durch Dialyse mittelst geleimten Papiers," Pfliiger's Archiv, Vol. ii. pp. 1—52. 4 Heynsius, " Ueber die Eiweissverbindungen des Blutscrums und des HiOiner- eiweisses." Pfliiger's Archiv, Vol. ix. pp. 514 — 552. 5 Winogradoff, "Darstellung und Eigenschaften salzfreier Eiweisslcsungeu." Pfliiger's Archiv, Vol. n. p. 605. 64 THE EXTRACTIVE MATTERS OF THE LIQUOR SAXGUINIS. [BOOK I. experiments, under the direction of Salkowski, failed to obtain albumin free from ash. Huizinga1 by continued dialysis found that serum-albumin contained from 0'36 to 0'56 p. c. of ash. Haas2 was able from the fluid of ascites to obtain serum-albumin containing only 0'3 p. c. of ash; he found that its solutions were precipitated by alcohol and by ether; when boiled, the solutions always became opalescent, and often yielded precipitates. Are pep- It has been surmised that peptones, &c. which are tones present formed in such large quantities in the alimentary in the serum? canal, and which are doubtless absorbed into the blood, may be present as peptones in that fluid. The most recent research, of Drosdoff, shews that the presence of peptones cannot be demonstrated with certainty even in the blood of the portal vein taken whilst absorption is progressing3. THE EXTRACTIVE- MATTERS OF THE PLASMA AND SERUM. By the term extractive matters, physiological chemists formerly desig- nated organic substances present in very small quantities in the various solids and liquids of the body, and extracted from them by various liquids, especially by alcohol, but which could not be obtained in a sufficiently pure condition to admit of their identification as definite proximate principles. The progress of research has, to a very great extent, enabled us to resolve the group of 'extractive matters,' obtained from most liquids and solids, into its components ; still the term remains as a convenient one for the purpose of grouping the organic constituents present in small quantities, and capable of extraction by various liquids. The extractive matters present in the plasma all pass into the serum. These bodies, although present in small quantities in these fluids, are yet possessed of the highest physiological importance. It is more in accordance with the plan of the present work to consider at length the individual extractive matters of the blood in connection with the functions of the body with which they are most closely related, and the author therefore limits himself in this place to little more than an enumeration. As indicating the method of treatment which has been adopted, the reader is informed that the fats of the serum will be considered under digestion and in connection with the chemistry of the nervous organs, sugar when discussing the functions of the liver, urea and uric acid in connection with the secretion of urine, creatine and creatinine when treating of muscle. 1 Huizinga, "Zur Darstellung des dialysirten Eiweisses." Pfliiger's Archiv, n. pp. 392—402. 2 Haas : " Ueber das optische und chemische Verhalten einiger Eiweisssubstanzen, insbeeondere coloured corpuscle as being a viscous solid formed ot a stroma or framework in which are imbedded the other proximate principles. In order to demonstrate the existence of the stroma, defibrinated blood is allowed to flow drop by drop into a platinum or silver dish, which is cooled to — 13° C., by immersion in a freezing mixture, care being taken that the blood contained in the capsule is frozen before more is added. The frozen blood is then thawed and heated to 20° C. The process of freezing and thawing may with advantage be repeated several times. The blood will be then found to have lost its opaque red colour and to present the appearance of a transparent lake- coloured fluid. On microscopic examination the non-nucleated coloured blood corpuscles are found deprived of all colour, sometimes retaining their original shape, but more frequently either more globular or more shrivelled than normal. The stromata retain, according to Rollett, the extensibility and the elasticity of the original blood corpuscles. Under the influence of the changes of temperature the haemoglobin has entirely dissolved in the serum, leaving the colour- less stroma in which it had been deposited. The stroma is insoluble in serum, dilute solution of salt and of sugar, and in distilled water at a temperature below 60° C., but readily soluble in serum containing alcohol, ether, or chloroform : in solutions of caustic alkalies: and in solutions of alkaline salts of the bile acids (Kiihne). 1 Jiidell, " Zur Blutanalyse." Hoppe-Seyler's Med. Chem. Untersuchungen. Heft in. p. 386. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 81 Mode of When defibrinated mammalian blood is mixed with separating ten times its volume of a solution of sodium chloride the proteids (made by mixing 1 volume of a saturated solution of of the stroma. the blood corpuscles are, for the most part, deposited as a slimy precipitate. The fluid is decanted from the precipitate, which is again treated with the same weak solution of common salt and set aside for a day, when, after decanting the fluid, the corpuscles are obtained almost absolutely free from adhering serum. By employing the centrifugal machine in effecting this separation the whole process from first to last may occupy only a few hours. If the precipitate obtained in this way is now treated with water without being disturbed, the haemoglobin contained in the corpuscles is dissolved arid there remains behind a gelatinous mass, which may be shaken with water and ether, and then separated by filtration. The body thus obtained is insoluble in water, soluble for the most part in a very weak solution of sodium chloride, and in water which contains 0*1 p.c. of HC1, and in weak solutions of alkalies. This body possesses all the characters of the globulins, and is said by Kiihne to act fibrinoplastically1 ; he considers it to be paraglobulin. Instead of employing the above method, which we owe to Hoppe-Seyler2, we may adopt a simpler method recommended by Kiihne3, and having separated the corpuscles as completely as possible from the serum (in this case too the cen- trifugal machine should if possible be used) these are treated with a large quantity of water. The solution is then subjected, to a stream of 002 as long as white flakes continue to separate. The portion of this precipitate which is soluble in water holding oxygen in solution is composed of paraglobulin. According to Kiihne the red blood corpuscles were to be looked upon as the chief source of the paraglobulin of the blood, and this view was at one time shared by A. Schmidt. This author now, however, refers all the paraglobulin of the serum to the breaking down of the colourless corpuscles4. Peculiar! ^ ^ie ^lood of the newt or frog be placed in a ties of the microscopic gas chamber5 and subjected to the action stroma of the of a stream of CO2, the nucleus, which was at first nucleated scarcely, if at all, visible, becomes beautifully distinct coloured an(j somewnat granular ; if a stream of oxygen or atmo- spheric air be then substituted for the C02 the nucleus 1 We have seen that, according to Hammarsten, there is reason to doubt the existence of any specific fibrinoplastic substance, the separation of fibrin being brought about under certain circumstances by other bodies than paraglobulin. See p. 51 et seq. 2 Hoppe-Seyler, Handbuch d. physiologisch- und pathologisch-chemischen Analyse. 3te Auflage, Berlin, 1870, p. 318. 3 Kiihne, Lehrbuch dcr physioL Chemie, p. 193. 4 "Ueber die Beziehungen des Faserstoffes zu den farblosen und den rothen Blut- korperchen und iiber die Enstehung der letzteren." Pfluger's Archiv, Vol. rx., p. 353—358. Maly's Jahresbericht, Vol. iv., p. 122. 5 See "Blood Corpuscles," by Dr Klein, Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory, p. 17. 6 82 THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF THE NUCLEI. [BOOK I. disappears. Occasionally this appearance and disappearance may be observed to occur many times in succession. It is pretty obvious that this phenomenon is due to the coagulation by the C02 of a proteid existing around the nucleus, and which is probably identical with paraglobulin, the re-solution under the influence of oxygen agreeing with the known characters of that body. The Nuclei of the Red Corpuscles. If we except the blood of adult mammals that of all other vertebrates contains red corpuscles possessed of a nucleus. This may, whilst the corpuscle is living and unaltered, be scarcely if at all perceptible, but readily comes into view when weak acids or carbon dioxide exert their action. Composed ID Order to investigate the chemical composition according to of the nuclei of coloured blood corpuscles, the blood of Brunton of a birds (and also of snakes) has been employed. In mucin-iike j^g researches, carried on under the direction of Kuhne, Dr Lauder Brunton1 followed the following process. Defibrinated blood from the bird was treated with ten or twelve times its volume of 3 per cent. NaCl solution, and the corpuscles separated by nitration and decantation. On shaking the residual mass of corpuscles with water and ether, the nuclei of the corpuscles are set free from the stroma, and float at the junction between the water and ether. In order further to separate the nuclei from adhering stroma and colouring matter, the agitation with ether and water may be repeated several times and the residual matter washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, hot alcohol and ether2. From his obser- vations Brunton came to the conclusion which Kiihne had previously arrived at, viz. that the nuclei of the blood corpuscles are composed of a substance closely resembling, if not actually identical with mucin. He found that they were insoluble in HC1 of 01 to 1 per cent., but soluble in solutions of the alkalies, the solutions thus obtained being precipitated by the addition of mineral acids, the precipitate being redissolved by an excess of acid. The solutions were precipitated by acetic acid, the precipitate not being soluble in excess, but were not precipitated by solution of mercuric chloride. Nuclei of Plosz, repeating these experiments of Brunton, con- blood cor- firms the statement that the body composing the nuclei puscies said resembles mucin in its properties ; on subjecting it to analysis, however, he found that it contained phos- phorus, and he therefore considers it to be identical 1 Brunton, "On the chemical composition of the nuclei of Blood-corpuscles." Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. Second series. Vol. in., p. 91. * Plosz, "Ueber das chemische Verhalten der Kerne der Vogel- und Schlangen- blutkorperchen," Hoppe-Seyler, Med. Chem. Untersuchungen, Heft iv. (1871) p. 460. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 83 with the body separated by Miescher1 from the nuclei of pus-corpuscles and by him termed NUCLEIN. This body, which will be treated of fully under ' pus,' is unacted upon by gastric juice, so that bodies composed of it (e.g. the nuclei of the red blood corpuscles) may be purified by subjecting them to artificial digestion. The Nuclein of Miescher contains 9 '59 p. c. of P, and to it the formula C^H49N9P3O22 has been ascribed. This formula must be received with great caution. Fatty matters containing Phosphorus (Lecithin, Protagon?). Berzelius and Lehmann were aware that the corpuscles contained a fatty body or bodies containing phosphorus, and the second of these observers determined that the ash of the blood corpuscles contains phosphoric acid and has an acid reaction. A closer study of the phosphorized proximate principle of the coloured corpuscles was, however, made by Gobley2, and afterwards by Hermann3 and Hoppe-Seyler4. Having dissolved the blood corpuscles in water, Hermann agitated the solution repeatedly with ether. The ethereal solution was decanted and evaporated, when it was found to leave a crystalline deposit consisting of cholesterin and tufts of a body which Hermann considered identical with the substance shortly before separated by Liebreich from the brain and called by him PKOTAGON. In order to purify this substance Hermann added water to the mixed crystalline deposit left by the ether ; the effect of the water is to cause the protagon to swell and to become less soluble in ether ; by the latter reagent the substances soluble in ether are then separated. The residue is dissolved in alcohol heated to 50°; and from the alcoholic solution protagon is obtained in a crystalline form. Of late years Hoppe-Seyler and, after him, nearly all physiological chemists have come to consider protagon as not being a definite proximate principle but as a mixture of a phosphorized body called lecithin C^H^NPO^ with a body termed cerebrin C31H33NO3, and it is the former substance which, according to Hoppe-Seyler, is con- tained in the red blood corpuscles. These surmises in reference to the non-existence of protagon have however been disproved by the author, who has shewn that protagon is a perfectly definite proximate principle. The observations of Hoppe-Seyler and Jiidell, however, would appear to be irreconcilable with the view that the coloured corpuscles contain protagon5. 1 Miescher, "Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung der Eiterzellen." Hoppe- Seyler, Med. Chem. Untersuchungen, Heft iv. (1871) p. 441. 2 Gobley, Journ. de Pharm. et de Chemie, Ser. in., T. xxi., p. 250. 3 Hermann, Archiv f. Anat. u. PhysioL, 1866, p. 33. 4 Hoppe-Seyler, " Ueber das Vorkommen von Cholesterin und Protagon und ihre Betheiligung bei der Bildung des Stroma der rothen Blutkorperchen." Med. Chem. Untersuchungen, Heft i. (1866) p. 140. Also Gustav Jttdell : "Zur Blutanalyse," Hoppe-Seyler's Med. Chem. Untersuchungen, Heft in. (1868) p. 386. 5 Gamgee and Blankenhorn, "On Protagon." Journal of Physiology, 1879. 6—2 84 CHOLESTERIN. OXY-HAEMOGLOBIN. [BOOK I. According to Jiidell, who worked under Hoppe-Seyler's direction, 100 parts of the dried blood corpuscles of man contained (1) 0*35 and (2) 072 of lecithin ; 100 parts of the dried corpuscles of the dog contain 0*59, 100 parts of the dried corpuscles of the goose 0'46 of lecithin. Cholesterin. This body, which will be treated of fully under ' nervous tissue,' is an invariable constituent of the red blood corpuscles and can be separated from them by ether. For the method to be followed the reader is referred to the Appendix. According to Jiidell1, 100 parts of the dried blood corpuscles of man contain 0'25 of cholesterin. In the dried corpuscles of the goose the cholesterin attained the amount of 0*48 per cent. It was formerly supposed that the neutral fats were contained in the coloured corpuscles. Hoppe-Seyler2 has however found that such is not the case. OXY-HAEMOGLOBIN. For a long time the opinions of chemists and physiologists were divided as to the nature of the colouring matter of the red blood cor- puscles, and for the most part this was supposed to consist of a body termed HAEMATIN, which, as we now know, is but a product of decomposition of the true blood-colouring matter — HAEMOGLOBIN, or as we now term it when loosely combined, as it always is in the blood, with a certain quantity of oxygen, Oxy -Haemoglobin. Crystals of a beautiful red colour had under certain circumstances been observed to separate from the blood of different animals by Leidig3, Reichert4, and Kolliker5, and had been afterwards more care- fully described by Funke, Kunde, and Lehmann. The researches of several observers, but especially those of Hoppe- Seyler, soon proved that the blood crystals are in reality crystals of the true blood-colouring matter, which forms the chief part of the solid constituents of the red corpuscles, and methods were soon found for obtaining them in large quantities and in a very pure condition. Thanks to these and to the application of varied methods of physical and chemical research, we now have more definite knowledge as to the part played by the blood-colouring matter in the processes of the economy than we possess with regard to any other of the proximate principles of its tissues and organs. 1 Jiidell, loc. cit. 2 Hoppe-Seyler, Handbuch d. physiologisch- u. pathologisch-chemischen Analyse. Dritte Auflage (1870), p. 318, note. 3 Leidig, Zeitschrift fur wiss. Zoologie. Bd. i. (1849) p. 116. 4 Eeichert, Miiller's Archiv (1849), p. 197. 5 Kolliker, Zeitschrift fur u-iss. Zoologie. Bd. i. (1849) p. 216. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 85 Methods of It must be stated in limine that great difference preparation exists in the ease with which this body can be obtained mogiobm6" in an odiously Pure condition from the blood of different animals. By obviously pure condition we mean to indicate in the form of well-defined crystals. The principle upon which nearly all methods of separating oxy- haemoglobin is based is the following : to effect the solution of the haemoglobin of the red corpuscles either in the serum or in water added to the separated corpuscles, and then either by the addition of alcohol or by the agency of cold, or of both conjointly, to cause the oxy-haemoglobin (which is sparingly soluble in dilute alcohol and at low temperatures) to crystallize out. From the blood of some animals, and especially of the rat, oxy- haemoglobin can be obtained for microscopic examination in two or three minutes by receiving a drop of blood on a glass slide, adding to it a drop of distilled water, and after mixing the two together cover- ing with a microscopic covering-glass. Needle-shaped crystals form almost at once. In order to separate considerable quantities of oxy-haemoglobin or even to obtain large crystals for microscopic observation it is advisable to follow one or other of the following methods, of which the fifth and seventh are those which are most easily carried out and most uniformly successful1. I. Blood is allowed to coagulate and the clot is allowed to contract so as to separate the serum as completely as possible. (This end is naturally most readily attained by employing a centrifugal apparatus.) The clot is finely divided and then squeezed in a cloth; in this way the corpuscles are separated from the fibrin of the clot. Water is added to the expressed grumous liquid (cruor) in quantity equal to one or one and a half times its volume. A stream of oxygen gas is now passed through the liquid for half an hour, and then a stream of C02 for ten minutes. After about five minutes a turbidity appears, crystals commence to form, a large quantity separating out in the course of two hours. By this method crystals are obtained only from the blood of the guinea-pig, the rat, and the mouse. In order to obtain them from the blood of the dog and other animals, before and during the passage of the gases, dilute alcohol is added in small quantities to the fluid, which then often yields a magma of crystals. Crystals thus obtained are, however, not pure, and in order to separate them from adhering impurities they must be washed with distilled water, or water holding a little alcohol in solution, until the nitrate is no longer precipitated by solutions of silver nitrate or of mercuric chloride2. Preyer has found that by merely passing air free from carbonic acid through the defibrinated blood of the dog crystallization ensues, even though the temperature of the blood be as high as 35° — 38° C. 1 The description of the first six methods of preparing oxy-haemoglobin is based upon that given by Preyer (in his admirable work entitled Die Blutkrystalle, Jena, 1871) as abridged in Maly's Jahresbericht, Vol. i. (1873) p. 57; the seventh the Author learned from Professor Kiihne ; he can highly recommend it. 2 Lehmann, Ber. d. konigl. sachs. Ges. d. Wiss. zu Leipzig, 1853. Also Physio- logical Chemistry. Translation by Day. Cavendish Society, 1854. Vol. in., p. 489 et seq. 8G METHODS OF PREPARING OXY-HAEMOGLOBIN. [BOOK I. II. A platinum capsule is placed in a freezing mixture and then freshly defibrinated blood is poured into it, so as to convert it into a red lump of ice. After being in this freezing mixture for half an hour, the blood is allowed to thaw gradually, and the contents of the basin are then poured into a glass vessel of such dimensions that the bottom is covered by the lake-coloured blood to a depth of 1 5 millimetres ; the glass vessel is then set aside in a cool place. In a short time the blood of guinea-pigs and of squirrels furnishes by this method well-formed crystals. According to Rollett, cat's blood is next in the order of facility of crystallization. Then follow dog's blood, human blood, and the blood of rabbits. The blood of the pig and of the frog yield by this method no crystals, though their oxy-haemoglobin is crystallizable. In order to obtain crystals from the blood of these animals, the process of freezing and thawing must be fre- quently repeated \ This method is, accord ing to Preyer, very convenient in winter, especially when comparative crystallographic and optical investigations of the oxy- haemoglobin of the blood of many different animals have to be carried on. III. In this method, the stroma of the coloured corpuscles is dissolved by the addition to the blood corpuscles of a watery solution of crystallized bile (a mixture of sodium glycocholate and taurocholate). A. The blood of the horse is collected in a cylinder and at once cooled. As soon as the plasma and subjacent stratum of colourless cor- puscles have separated, these are separated from the red corpuscles, and the mass of residual red corpuscles is treated with a 0*5 per cent, watery solution of crystallized bile. Then the mixture is allowed to coagulate. The fibrin as it separates encloses the yet undissolved corpuscles, so that the surrounding deeply lake-coloured fluid is entirely free from them. To the fluid, which is kept continually stirred, there is then added 90 p.c. alcohol containing a trace of acetic acid, as long as the precipitate which is pro- duced continues to redissolve. After some hours the fluid is converted into a magma of crystals which are collected on a filter and washed, first with diluted alcohol and then with iced water. Instead of this method we may use : B. 100 c.c. of dog's blood is allowed to coagulate in a shallow basin ; the clot is then separated from the sides of the vessel and set aside for 24 hours. (The centrifugal apparatus might be used with advantage.) The serum is then decanted and the clot washed with water; it is then finely divided and diffused by the help of a syringe through 50 c.c. of water, and after standing for 24 hours is filtered through linen and the residual fibrin washed with 10 c.c. of water. The mixture thus obtained of diluted serum and blood corpuscles is treated with 2 c.c. of a syrupy solution made by dissolving 1 part of crystallized bile in 3 parts of water ; after 24 hours every blood corpuscle has disappeared. Nevertheless the fluid filters very slowly. On adding 20 c.c. of 90 p.c. alcohol for every 100 c.c. of the nitrate, the latter is converted into a magma of crystals which are washed first in dilute alcohol and then in iced water. 1 Rollett, "Versuche und Beobachtungen am Blute." Sitzungsber. d. math, naturw. Classe der kaiser. Akad. d. Wissenschaft. Vol. XLVI. (1863). Abth. n., p. 77. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 87 These methods are not to be recommended. IV. The defibrinated blood of the dog is mixed with its own volume of distilled water and the diluted fluid is treated with one fourth of its volume of alcohol. The mixture is kept for 24 hours at a temperature of 0°C. or below. The crystals which separate are dissolved in as small a quantity as possible of water at 25° to 30° C., and the solution being cooled to 0°0. a fourth of its volume of alcohol is added. It is better to place the fluid in a freezing mixture at a temperature of- 10° to - 20° for 24 hours. The whole fluid then becomes filled with a magma of crystals. The process of recrystallization may be several times repeated. V. Blood is collected in a capsule and, having coagulated, is allowed to stand undisturbed for some hours or, better still, for a whole day. The serum is then decanted, the clot washed with water and cut into small pieces, and these also are repeatedly washed with distilled water. When the washings are no longer strongly precipitated by solution of mercuric chloride, the pieces of clot are treated with water heated to 30° — 40° 0., and the fluid is filtered, the filtrate being collected in a cylinder surrounded by ice. A known fraction of the red solution is then treated little by little with alcohol (poured out of a burette), the fluid being continually stirred, until a slight precipitate is formed. In this way is ascertained how much alcohol may be added without a precipitate resulting. Having thus found out how much alcohol would have to be added to the whole quantity of filtrate, a some- what smaller quantity is actually added, and the fluid is placed in a freezing mixture. After some hours crystals separate abundantly. As much water has been employed in the process, the crystals can easily be filtered. These are washed, first with water holding alcohol in solution and after- wards with iced water. The crystals thus obtained may either be at once used or be purified by further crystallization. At a temperature below 0° C. they can be dried in the air without decomposition. VI. Defibrinated blood is mixed with ten times its volume of a solution of sodium chloride (made by diluting 1 volume of saturated solution of NaCl with from 9 — 19 volumes of water), and allowed to stand for one or two days in a cool place so as to allow of the greater part of the blood corpuscles to settle. The supernatant liquid is decanted and the corpuscles are placed with a little water in a flask and then ether is added. After repeated agitation, the ether is decanted, and the fluid is filtered through a plaited filter as rapidly as possible. The filtrate is cooled to 0° C. and treated with £ its volume of spirits of wine ; the mixture is then maintained for some days at — 5° or - 10° C. The crystals which separate may be purified by recrystallization1. VII. 500 c.c. defibrinated dog's blood are treated with 31 c.c. of ether and the mixture shaken for some minutes. It is then set aside in a cool place. After a period varying from 24 hours to 3 days the liquid has become converted into a thick magma of crystals. These may be separated by placing in tubes and using the centrifugal apparatus. 1 Hoppe-Seyler, Handbuch der physiologisch- und pathologiscTi-chemisclwn Analyse. 3* Aufl., 1870, p. 215. 88 ELEMENTARY COMPOSITION OF OXY-HAEMOGLOBIN. [BOOK I. The cakes of crystals thus obtained are mixed with water holding one-fourth of its volume of alcohol in solution and again centrifugalized. By repeating this process the crystals are obtained free from serum- albumin. If requisite the crystals are dissolved in water and recrystallized by the method mentioned under IV. VIII. In order to obtain very large crystals of oxy-haemoglobin for microscopic examination, Gscheidlen1 seals defibrinated dog's blood which has stood in the air for 24 hours in narrow glass tubes (vaccine tubes answer well), and keeps the tubes for some days at a temperature of 37°C. On opening these tubes and emptying their contents into a watch-glass, and allowing some time for evaporation to take place, there are formed crystals of extraordinary size. Elementary The analyses of Carl Schmidt and Hoppe-Seyler composition have shewn that crystallized oxy-haemoglobin is a body of oxy-hae- Of perfectly constant composition. Unlike any other of the proximate constituents of the animal body it con- tains the element iron. The following table exhibits the mean results of the analyses of Hoppe-Seyler of oxy-haemoglobin from various animals and from the horse. The former were published in 18682, the latter in 1878s; the latter are so different from the former as to be not above suspicion, especially as they were not actually obtained by Professor Hoppe-Seyler but by an assistant. PEK-CENTAGE COMPOSITION OF CRYSTALLIZED OXY-HAEMOGLOBIN DRIED AT 100° C. Water of Crystal- C H N 0 s F lization. Crystals from dog's blood 3—4 53-85 7-32 16-17 21-84 0-39 0 „ goose's blood 7 54-26 7-10 16-21 20-69 0-54 0 „ guinea-pig's blood 6 54-12 7-36 16-78 20-68 058 0 „ squirrel's blood 9 54-09 7-39 16-09 21-44 0-40 0 „ horse's blood 54-87 6-97 17-31 19-73 065 0 From the analyses of Hoppe-Seyler (excluding that of horse's blood, which is more recent) and of C. Schmidt, Preyer deduced the following as the mean per-centage composition of oxy-haemoglobin : 1 Gscheidlen, "Darstellung von Hamoglobin Krystallen zu mikroscopischer Beo- bachtung." Physiologische Methodik, p. 361. 2 Hoppe-Seyler, "Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Blutes des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere." Med. Chem. Untersuchungen, Heft in. (1868) p. 370. 3 Hoppe-Seyler, " Weitere Mittheilungen iiber die Eigenschaften des Blutfarbstoffs." Zeitschriftf. phys. Chemie, Vol. n., p. 150. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 89 In 100 parts. C 5400 H 7-25 N 16-25 Fe 0-42 S 0-63 O 2145 100-00 and assuming that the molecule contains one atom of iron the follow- ing would be the empirical formula : C«H960N154FeS30179. Crystalline form. Oxy-haemoglobin obtained from the blood of man and the majority of the lower animals, crystallizes in prisms or rhombic plates of a beautiful blood-red colour, which belong to the rhombic system ; the oxy-haemoglobin of the squirrel crystal- lizes in six-sided plates which belong to the hexagonal system. The FIG. 15. CRYSTALS OF OXY-HAEMOGLOBIN. a, b, c and e illustrate the forms in which haemoglobin separates from the blood of man and the majority of mammals, d are tetrahedral crystals from the blood of the guinea-pig. / are hexagonal crystals from squirrel's blood. 90 PROPERTIES OF OXY-HAEMOGLOB1N. [BOOK I. oxy-haemoglobin of the- guinea-pig crystallizes in the form of tetra- hedra or of tetrahedra with truncated edges and angles, which were at one time supposed to belong to the regular system ; they have been proved by Lang1 to belong to the rhombic system. Crystals of oxy-haemoglobin, of whatever form, are doubly re- fracting and pleochromatic ; when examined in polarized light the crystals, according to the position of their axes in reference to the observer, appear of a dark reddish-blue or of a bright scarlet colour. Certain Oxy-haemoglobin, as obtained by any of the pro- chemical cesses above described, presents when moist the appear- reactions of ance of a pasty mass of a cinnabar-red colour ; it may be oxy-haemo- dried in vacuo over sulphuric acid at temperatures giobin. below 0° C. without undergoing decomposition, and the dried crystals thus obtained are found to be perfectly soluble in water, yielding a solution which presents the optical properties after- wards to be described. The crystals of oxy-haemoglobin dried in vacuo still retain 3 or 4 per cent, of water of crystallization, which is driven off by heating to 110° or 120° C. If the crystals of oxy-haemo- globin have been thoroughly dried at a temperature below 0° C., the dried substance may be heated to 100° without undergoing decom- position; the slightest trace of moisture suffices, however, to effect decomposition at much lower temperatures — a decomposition evidenced by the assumption of a brown colour, by the substance becoming in- completely soluble in water, and by a modification of the optical pro- perties (formation of methaemoglobin). Solutions of oxy-haemoglobin in distilled water if sealed in vessels with no perceptible air-space may be kept for many months, or perhaps years, without undergoing any further change than the reduction or loss of oxygen to be afterwards referred to. The fact is one of importance practically, as enabling standard solutions of haemoglobin to be preserved almost indefinitely2. Oxy-haemoglobin obtained from different animals differs in its solubility. That obtained from the guinea-pig is comparatively little soluble, whilst that of bullock's and pig's blood is very soluble. Gautier gives the following order of solubility of the haemoglobin obtained from several animals — cat, dog, horse, man : the degree of solubility increasing according to the order named. Haemoglobin is readily soluble without decomposition in very weak solutions of the caustic alkalies or of the corresponding carbonates; an excess of alkali, however, very readily induces de- composition. All acids and salts having an acid reaction decompose haemoglobin with the formation of haematin. 1 Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. Vol. XLVI., p. 85. a Hoppe-Seyler, " Weitere Mittheilungen iiber die Eigenschaften des Blutfarbstoffs. 2. Ueber die Fahigkeit des Hamoglobins der Faulniss sowie der Einwirkung des Pankreasferments zu widerstehen. " Zei tschrift f. physiol. Chem., p. 125, et seq. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 91 Potassium carbonate added to solutions of haemoglobin precipitates the body without decomposing it, if the temperature be low. Solutions of haemoglobin are not precipitated by solutions of lead acetate even after the addition of ammonia, nor by silver nitrate, though these reagents soon lead to its decomposition. Alcohol precipitates haemoglobin, the precipitate having at first a red colour, but soon changing to brown, indicating that decomposition has taken place. When heated to 70° or 80°, dilute solutions of oxy-haemoglobin undergo, for some time, no decomposition ; soon however the liquid becomes turbid and brown, in consequence of the decomposition of the oxy-haemoglobin and the separation of insoluble products. These reactions will however be studied with greater advantage after a careful investigation of the optical properties of oxy-haemoglobin, as revealed by an examination of the spectrum of light which has traversed crystals of oxy-haemoglobin, solutions of the body, or which has merely been passed through dilute blood. We have used the term oxy-haemoglobin to denote the colouring matter as it exists in the living blood or as it is obtained by the processes we have described : viz. under circumstances in which it exists in combination with a very small proportion of oxygen — oxygen which is linked to it by ties so easily broken that it can be transferred to other easily oxidizable bodies existing by its side, that it can be given up when its solutions are gently heated in a Torricellian vacuum, or are agitated at moderate temperatures with large quantities of inactive gases such as nitrogen or hydrogen — oxygen which may with appropriateness be spoken of as the respiratory oxygen of haemoglobin. Tke ab_ It has long been known that if homogeneous white sorption light be passed through certain coloured gases, liquids or spectrum of solids, and then through a prism, the spectrum instead oxy-haemo- Of being continuous, is seen to be intersected by dark lines or bands which are termed absorption bands, the spectrum which manifests such bands being designated an absorption spectrum. The situation of such absorption bands, being perfectly constant, often affords a valuable means of identification and a ready means of determining the occurrence and course of changes in composition effected in the body which exhibits them. The blood was shewn by Hoppe-Seyler to exhibit when white light is passed through it a very characteristic absorption spectrum, which he was able to shew is identical with the spectrum of pure oxy-haemoglobin, supplying by this discovery the absolute proof that the blood crystals which had by many observers been suspected to be the pure colouring matter of the corpuscles, actually did consist of that substance. In examining the absorption spectra of blood or any other solution it is convenient to dilute the liquid sufficiently and then to pour it into a glass vessel with parallel faces, which are a definite width apart. Snch 92 METHODS OF OBSERVING ABSORPTION SPECTRA. [BOOK I. vessels are made, after the plan of Hoppe-Seyler, for the purpose of the physiological chemist, and sold under the name of Haematinometers1; the glass plates are exactly one centimetre apart, so that when the apparatus is filled with liquid, the observer knows that he is examining a stratum 1 cm. broad. Instead of such a vessel the Haematoscope or Haemoscope of Hermann2, shewn in the accompanying woodcut, may be employed. F is a plate of glass, and the piston G is a metallic tube closed at its inner end by a plate of glass. Ity sliding the piston C in and out of the tube D the capacity of the vessel DFB and the depth of a stratum of fluid contained between the two glass plates may be modified at will within wide limits. The depth of the stratum is read off by means of a millimetre scale engraved 011 the sliding tube (7. FIG. 16. THE HAEMATINOMETER. FIG. 17. HAEMATOSCOPE. Whichever the exact form of vessel containing the blood to be examined, it is interposed between a source of light and a suitable spectroscope. Various forms of spectroscope may be employed in these researches. Any ordinary spectroscope adapted to the requirements of the chemiht will answer ; it is advisable, however, that the instrument shall be provided with an arrangement for observing simultaneously two spectra, and with a scale. 1 These are sold by Schmidt and Haensch, Berlin. 2 Hermann, "Notizen fur Vorlesungs- und andere Versuche." Pfliiger's Archiv, Vol. iv. (1871) p. 209. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. lu the annexed drawing the arrangement of the whole apparatus is shewn. FIG. 18. 1. At A is a tube bearing at its distal end a slit which may be made narrow or wide at will and which is provided with a reflecting prism by means of which the spectrum of light from two sources may be simul- taneously observed ; at its proximal end it is furnished with an achromatic lens. 2. In the centre of the instrument is a flint glass prism which receives the parallel rays which have passed through the slit and collimating lens. 3. At B is a telescope into which penetrate the rays which have been dispersed, by the prism. 4. At 0 is shewn a tube bearing at its distal end a scale photographed upon glass and which is illuminated by a lamp as shewn in the engraving. In actually working with such an instrument the observer, having thrown a dark cloth over the prism, commences by adjusting the lights so as to illuminate the slit and the scale, and by adjusting the slit at the end of tube A, and focusing the scale in tube C and the telescope B, he endeavours to get a sharply defined spectrum, and immediately above or below it a well- illuminated image of the scale. In working with the spectroscope it is of great importance to be able to fix more or less precisely the locality of any line or band which has been observed, and in order to do so various plans may be followed. One most commonly followed is to examine very carefully the spectrum of sunlight and to determine the position of the principal Fraueuhofer lines in reference to the scale of the instrument. The observations are tabulated, or a map drawn shewing the position of these lines, which are to serve as land- 94 METHODS OF OBSERVING ABSORPTION SPECTRA. [BOOK I marks for future observations. A very useful method of recording the position of lines and bands in the spectrum, lately suggested by Dr MacMunn1, is thus described in his own words : "The slit of the spectroscope being illuminated by some light, it is sufficiently narrowed, and the eye-piece focussed, till the Frauenhofer lines are seen distinctly; a camera-lucida is then slipped over the eye-piece, and a point marked — on a piece of paper placed beneath the camera — just beyond the extreme red, and another beyond the extreme violet. A number of blank spectrum maps are then made of this length, and again brought beneath the camera ; the position of the Frauenhofer lines is marked on the top one, and afterwards on all the others. In this way a number of solar maps are made, from which any required number can afterwards be copied. " When an absorption spectrum has to be mapped, a test-tube containing the solution, illuminated by means of a strong light, is placed before the slit, the right-angled reflecting prism is made to cover half the slit, and a Bunsen burner, with a salt of sodium introduced into its flame, is placed so that its light shall fall upon the right-angled prism. On looking into the instrument two spectra are seen, one the absorption spectrum, the other the spectrum of sodium — a yellow line on a dark background. The camera lucida is then slipped over the eye-piece, two maps with the Frauenhofer lines marked on them brought beneath it, and the paper shifted till the bright-yellow sodium line covers the D line on the maps ; with a lead pencil the position of the bands and the amount of shading is marked on the maps, care being taken to keep the paper from slipping. It must be remembered that the maps have to be turned upside down while being made, otherwise the A line would be on the right-hand side and the H on the left in the solar maps, and the absorption bands in the wrong place in the others." Spectro- For some time past physicists have been in the habit scopes with of recording the position of bright or dark lines observed in the spectrum by stating the wave-length of the region in which they occur. Usually the observations have been made with instruments furnished with an arbitrary scale only. Having determined the position of certain lines on the solar spectrum (of which the wave-length is precisely known) in reference to the arbitrary scale, data are obtained for constructing, by an easy geo- metrical process, a curve which represents the relation of any point on the arbitrary scale to a scale of wave-lengths. The observations which have been made with the arbitrary scale are . then reduced to wave-lengths. Though the reduction is somewhat troublesome the observer knows that, when made, his observations have acquired a definiteness which they other- wise would never have possessed. Usually wave-lengths are now express- ed in 10-millionths of a millimetre, but other units of measurement may be employed. Recently Herr Carl Zeiss, the eminent optician of Jena, has, at the suggestion of Professor Abbe, constructed spectroscopes provided with an illuminated scale, which is divided and numbered so as to permit of the 1 MacMunn, Studies in Medical Spectroscopy. Keprinted from the Dublin Journal of Med. Sc., June, 1877. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. direct determination of the wave-length of any region in the visible spectrum. The scale is similar to that shewn below, except that the position of the ? * C 1 J> F b 1 i < f * I i i 5 70 65 € 0 5 5 5 0 4 5 4( i i i 1 1 1 Fm. 19. SCALE OP WAVE-LENGTHS, SIMILAB TO THAT IN ZEISS'S SPECTROSCOPES. lines of Frauenhofer is not marked on the scale. The numbers attached to the divisions on the scale indicate wave-lengths expressed in 100,000ths of a millimetre; and each division indicates a difference in wave-length equal to one hundred thousandth of a millimetre (0*00001 mm.). By the eye, the position of any line situated between two divisions of the scale can be estimated to one-tenth of a division, so that its wave-length can be ex- pressed in millionths of a millimetre. In using Zeiss's instruments, the observer commences by causing Frauenhofer's line D, or the sodium line, to coincide exactly with that part of the scale which expresses its wave-length, that is to say to correspond to division 58*9 of the scale (which expresses a wave-length of 589 millionths of a millimetre or 0*000589). Having done this the scale is accurately set for all other points. Let us suppose that the observer wishes to determine the wave- length of Frauenhofer's line E. He will at once see that the line is placed between divisions 52 and 53 and he would determine its position between two divisions to within one-tenth of a division, but probably much nearer. The reading would probably be 52*7, which would give for the wave- length of E 527 millionths of a millimetre, a result which is only three ten-millionths below the value deduced from the observations of Angstrom1. As a result of many experiments with one of Zeiss's spectroscopes the Author has found that the mean error in his case is not greater than ±0*000001 mm. Printed blank maps accompany Zeiss's instruments, which correspond exactly to the scale of the spectroscope. There is therefore not the slightest 1 The following are the wave-lengths corresponding to Franenhofer's lines A, B, C, D, E, F, G-, according to the most recent measurements, expressed in millionths of a letre : A 760-4 B 687*4 C 656-7 D 589-4 E 527*3 F 486-5 G 431-0 H 396-8 96 METHODS OF OBSERVING ABSORPTION SPECTRA. [BOOK I. difficulty in drawing up a map which shall represent the relative and absolute position of any lines or bands observed in a given spectrum. The absorption bands which form the characteristic features in the spectra of blood and certain other animal liquids do not admit of having their limits determined with the same sharpness and precision as is possible in the case of the bright lines in the spectra of incandescent metals or in that of the lines of Frauenhofer in the solar spectrum. It would therefore be mere pedantry to express their position or extent on a wave-length scale to one ten-millionth of a millimetre. In this work all drawings of spectra will be accompanied by a scale of wave-lengths, and the position and extent of bands usually expressed in millionths of a millimetre. Micro- spec- Where very small quantities of a solution are to be troscopes. examined these may be introduced into small cells made by cementing sections of barometer tubing of various lengths and diameters to glass slides. Such a cell may be made which only requires two or three drops of fluid in order to fill it. Instead of employing an ordinary spectroscope we may in this case with advantage employ some form of micro-spectroscope. FIG. 20. ZEISS'S MJCRO-SPECTROSCOPE. The instrument consists of a drum A (Fig. 20) interposed between the field-lens and eye-lens of an eye-piece. Within the drum there is a slit which by means of screws H and F (Fig. 21) can be lengthened or shortened and made wider or narrower ; it also contains a prism wherehy light coming from an aperture in a stage at the side of the drum is totally reflected in the direction of the optic-axis of the eye- piece. Over the eye-lens of the eye-piece is situated the combination of prisms with the measuring apparatus ; this, which is the spectroscope proper, revolves around the eccentric K (Fig. 20) : it can either be moved away from the eye-lens or brought over it, and retained there by the catch L. At N is placed the scale of wave-lengths (see Fig. 20), which is illuminated by the mirror 0. The screw P and the spring Q are employed to alter the relation of the scale to the spectrum. The former is always set by the observer so that Frauenhofer 's line D corresponds to division 58-9. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 97 The first to apply a spectroscope to the microscope was Mr Sorby1, and very numerous modifications of his original micro-spectroscopes have been made. In all cases the micro-spectroscope consists of a modified microscopic eye-piece which has superadded to it a direct- vision prism, an arrangement of slits for allowing definite quantities of light to reach the prism, usually arrangements for comparing two different spectra, and finally some micro- metric arrangement. In consequence of the admirable nature of the micro- metric arrangement we give the preference to the instrument made by Zeiss and of which a vertical and horizontal section are given in Figs. 20 and 21. Being provided, then, with one or other of the spectroscopes piously described, or with a similar instrument, let the observer previous interpose between it and some source of light a solution of blood, say made by diluting defibrinated blood with ten times its volume of distilled water contained in a haematinometer (Fig. 16, p. 92) 1 cen- timetre wide. It will then be found that the whole of the more refrangible portion of the spectrum has been cut off but that the red end of the spectrum remains visible, or rather, those rays having a wave- length greater than about 600 millionths of a millimetre. If now a stream of hydrogen or nitrogen be passed for a consider- able time through the diluted blood it will be observed that the absorp- tion is least between Frauenhofer's line a (W. L. 718) and Frauenhofer's line B (W.L. 6867), but that the rest of the spectrum is less bright than before the gas was passed. The effect of the N or H has been to drive more or less of the respiratory oxygen from the haemoglobin, and in consequence there is more light absorbed ; this difference in the spec- trum corresponds to the change which the blood undergoes from a bright vermilion colour to a brown-red when it passes from the arterial to the venous condition, in other words from a condition in which its haemoglobin is nearly saturated with its respiratory oxygen, to one in which a portion of that oxygen has been given up. If now the blood solution be rendered much more dilute so as to contain -8 p.c. of haemoglobin, on examining a stratum 1 centi- metre wide the spectrum becomes distinct up to Frauenhofer's line D (W.L. 589), i.e. the red, orange and yellow are seen, and in addition also a portion of the green between b and F. Immediately beyond D and between it and b, however (between W. L. 595 and 518), the ab- sorption is intense. (See Fig. 22, 4.) On diluting still further, what appeared one wide black band between D and E is seen to resolve itself into two beautifully distinct absorption bands separated by a green interspace (Fig. 22, 3). Of these absorption bands, the one next to D is narrower than its fellow; it has more sharply denned edges and is undoubtedly blacker; its centre corresponds with wave-length 579, and it may conveniently be distinguished as the absorption band a in the spectrum of oxy-haemoglobin. The second of these absorption bands, i.e. the one next to E, which we shall designate /3, is broader, has less sharply defined edges, and is not so dark as a. Its centre corresponds approximately to W. L. 553'8. 1 Sorby, Quarterly Journal of Science, 1865, xi. p. 198. 98 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF OXY-HAEMOGLOBIN, &C. [BOOK I. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 99 FIGURE 22. Spectrum 1. (Preyer, Plate 1, sp. 2 modified.} Solution of oxy-haemo- globin containing less than O'Ol p. c. In this as in every other case, a stratum 1 centimetre thick was examined. One distinct, though faint, absorption band (a) between W. L. 583 and 575'1. According to Preyer1 there is no trace of the band ft seen ; the Author finds, however, that whenever a is visible he perceives a faint shadow in the position of wave-lengths 538 — 550. There is no absorption at either violet or red end of the spectrum. Spectrum 2. (Preyer, PI. 1, sp. 4.) The solution contains 0'09 p. c. of oxy-haemoglobin, a extends from 583 — 571 and ft from 550 — 532. The violet end is absorbed to about 428. The red end is scarcely affected. Spectrum 3. (Preyer, PI. 1, sp. 6.) The solution contains 0-37 p. c. of oxy-haemoglobin, a extends from 589 — 567, and ft from 553 — 523. The red end of the spectrum is perceptibly shortened. The violet is entirely, and the blue partly, absorbed, to about 453. /Spectrum 4. (Preyer, PI. 1, sp. 8.) The solution contains 0-8 p. c. of oxy-haemoglobin. The two absorption bands have amalgamated and one broad band is seen extending from 595 to 518. The green is just visible between 518 and 498 ; the slightest increase in the strength of the solution causes the green to disappear. Spectrum 5. (Preyer, PI. 1, sp. 9.) Solution of haemoglobin (Syn. reduced haemoglobin) of about 0'2 p. c. A single broad band with diffuse edges, between 595 and 538; the band is darkest at about 550. Both ends of the spectrum are more absorbed than by a solution of oxy-haemo- globin having the same degree of concentration. Spectrum 6. (Preyer, PJ. 1, sp. 14.) Solution of carbonic oxide hae- moglobin. Two absorption bands very similar to those of oxy-haeino- globin, but moved somewhat nearer to E. a extends from 587 to 564 and ft from 547 to 529. The blue and violet are less strongly absorbed than by a solution of oxy-haemoglobin of the same strength. On diluting very largely with water nearly the whole of the spectrum appears beautifully clear except where the two absorption bands are situated. If dilution be pursued far enough even these disappear; before they disappear they look like faint shadows obscuring the limited part of the spectrum which they occupy. The last to disappear is the band a. The two absorption bands are seen most distinctly when a stratum 1 cm. thick of a solution containing 1 part of haemoglobin in 1000 is examined; they are still perceptible when the solution contains only 1 part of haemoglobin in 10000 of water. Haemogio- The spectrum of oxy-haemoglobin had been de- scribed bJ Hoppe-Seyler when Professor Stokes made the remarkable discovery that when diluted blood is treated with certain reducing agents the colour of the liquid and its spectrum undergo remarkable changes ; the former loses its bright red and acquires a brown colour, whilst the green interspace which 1 Die Blutkrystalle : Untersuchungen von W. Preyer; mit drei farbigen Tafeln, Jena, 1871. 7—2 100 HAEMOGLOBIN OR REDUCED HAEMOGLOBIN. [BOOK I. had existed between the absorption bands a and $ of oxy-haemo- globin disappears, and instead of the two bands there appears a single one, less deeply shaded and with less finely denned edges, extending between D and E. This band we may -distinguish as absorption band 7. (See Fig. 22, Spect. 5 for description.) Hoppe-Seyler1, who has described the spectrum of reduced haemo- globin with great care, remarks that when a strong solution of that body is diluted with water, avoiding at the same time the access of oxygen, before the distinct absorption band which we designate 7 comes into distinctness there is seen some green light between b and F. As the solution is diluted, the dark absorption band, which extends at first from D to b, diminishes in width, and the blue rays of the spectrum become more distinctly visible. On further diluting, the single absorption band is observed not to exhibit any trace of subdivision, but to dimmish rapidly in intensity, so that in a solution of such concentration that both absorption bands of oxy-haemoglobin would be quite distinct, the single band 7 of reduced haemoglobin has disappeared from view. Further, reduced haemoglobin existing in solution is distinguished from oxy-haemo- globin by its stronger absorption of the light between C and D, as well as by its weaker absorption of the blue light above F. If now the solution which presents this spectrum be shaken with air or oxygen, the single band at once gives place to the two original bands, whilst the liquid loses its brown and reacquires more or less of its florid red colour. The process of reduction and subsequent oxygenation may be repeated many times in succession. From his experiments Stokes concluded that "the colouring matter of bloody like indigo, is capable of existing in two states of oxidation, distinguishable by a difference of colour and a fundamental difference in the action on the spectrum. It may be made to pass from the more to the less oxidized state by the action of suitable reducing agents, and recovers its oxygen by absorption from the air*." This surmise has been proved to have been perfectly correct, and to blood- colouring matter after it has lost the oxygen which it can give up to reducing agents, the name of reduced haemoglobin is given. By many, as by Hoppe-Seyler, it is termed simply haemoglobin, to distinguish it from the body as it exists combined with its respiratory oxygen and which is then termed oxy-haemoglobin. Methods Before proceeding further, it is advisable to consider of reducing jlow faQ blood or a solution of ^xy-haemoglobin may be gio^ixrto'bae- reduced so as to exhibit the spectrum of haemoglobin, moglobin. The following are the methods which may be followed : 1 Hoppe-Seyler, "Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Blutes des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere. Das reducirte Hamoglobin oder der venose Blutfarbstoff." Med. Ghem. Untersuchungcn, Heft in. (1868) at p. 374 et seq. 2 Stokes, "On the reduction and oxidation of the colouring matter of the blood," by Professor Stokes, F.E.S. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Vol. xm. (1864) p. 357, paragraph 8. Also Philosophical Magazine, 1864, p. 391. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 101 1. To a solution of a ferrous salt, as for instance of Fe SO4 + 7H2O, a small quantity of tartaric or citric acid is added, and then ammonia until the reaction is alkaline. In consequence of the presence of the vegetable acid, ammonia does not throw down a precipitate of ferrous hydrate, but a clear light-green solution is obtained which readily darkens by absorption of oxygen from the air. Such a solution when freshly prepared exerts a powerfully reducing action upon oxy-haemoglobin. When added in small quantities to a solution of this body or to blood, the colour and spectrum change almost instantly, to be restored again on agitation with air. Often we may observe that on shaking up the reduced solution with air the spectrum of oxy-haemoglobin is restored, though on leaving the solution a moment or two at rest the two bands again disappear, and the single band of reduced haemoglobin appears, proving that when existing side by side with a ferrous salt, reduced haemoglobin can more readily take possession of oxygen than that substance, to which however it afterwards cedes it. 2. Instead of ferrous sulphate we may employ a solution of a stannous salt prepared after the same fashion, by mixing a solution of stannous chloride, Sn C12, with tartaric acid and then adding ammonia to neutralization. In this case, as in 1, by rendering the liquid alkaline we prevent it pro- foundly decomposing the blood-colouring matter, whilst its oxidizing power is increased. The tin presents the advantage over the iron solution of not becoming deeply coloured as it absorbs oxygen, and therefore not absorbing light passed through it. 3. The blood or solution of oxy-haemoglobin is boiled at a temperature of 40° C., in a vessel in which a Torricellian vacuum is established by means of a mercurial pump. Very shortly the colour of the liquid and the change in spectrum evidence the complete removal of oxygen. 4. The blood or solution of haemoglobin is subjected for a long-con- tinued period to the action of a stream, of washed hydrogen or nitrogen. The same apparatus may be employed for this experiment as is used in preparing Haemochromogen. Whilst oxy-haemoglobin or its solutions very rapidly undergo change at temperatures above 0°C. this is not the case with reduced haemoglobin. Hoppe-Seyler has discovered that when a solution of pure oxy-haemoglobin is sealed up in a glass tube (care being taken to include very little air) after undergoing reduction, as exhibited by its change of colour and spectrum, it suffers no further change and may be kept for years. When such a solution is brought in contact with oxygen oxy-haemoglobin is again formed and may even be crystal- lized. This discovery of Hoppe-Seyler's is of great practical importance to the physiological chemist, as it enables him to prepare standard solutions of oxy-haemoglobin, when temperature and other circum- stances are favourable, and to keep them indefinitely for subsequent use. Hoppe-Seyler has also shewn that reduced haemoglobin resists tbe action of pancreatic ferment1. ' l Hoppe-Seyler, "Ueber die Fahigkeit des Hamoglobins der Faulniss sowie der Einwirkung des Pankreasferments zu widerstreben." Zeitschrift f. phys. Chemie, Vol. i. p. 125. 102 COMBINATION OF O2 WITH HAEMOGLOBIN. [BOOK I. The facts which have been narrated above supply the chief materials for forming an opinion in reference to the nature of the compound of haemoglobin with oxygen. From them it would appear that this compound is of so remarkable a nature that it may be formed with exceptional facility by the mere contact with atmospheric oxygen, and that it is one which readily undergoes dissociation — the decomposition being one in which the molecule of haemoglobin is left intact and ready to combine again with fresh molecules of oxygen. What is the quantity of oxygen which reduced of the'reap*- haemoglobin can link to it as respiratory oxygen ? ratory or Preyer1 as a result of three determinations found loosely com- that 1 gramme of haemoglobin can link to itself 1'27 Dined oxygen cu^ cents, of oxygen measured at 0° C. and 1 metre mog^obin6' pressure (or 1*671 c. c. measured, as is more usual in England and France, at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure), and more recently Hufner2 has determined the amount again by a different method and has obtained a result almost identical with that of Preyer. According to Hufner and as the mean of ten separate deter- minations, 1 gramme of haemoglobin fully saturated with oxygen is associated with T28 c.c. of oxygen gas (measured at 0°C. and 1 metre pressure.) Dissocla- Oxy-haemoglobin is one of those compounds which at tion-tension particular temperatures and pressures undergo dissociation. of the respi- At 40° C. the dissociation-tension is equal to about 30 mm. ratory oxygen of mercury3. The Author attempted some time ago to ascer- of oxy-hae- tain the dissociation-tensions of oxy-haemoglobin for various moglobin. temperatures, but the results which he obtained were not sufficiently accordant to allow of conclusions being drawn from them. The subject will be discussed again under ' Respiration.' Before leaving this division of our subject we have oxy^aemo- *° re^er to a reaction which is possessed by oxy- giobin upon haemoglobin and by some of its derivatives, though not the resin of by reduced haemoglobin, and to which at one time con- Guaiacum. siderable theoretical importance was attached, and which still is of great practical value inasmuch as it affords us the most delicate, though by itself not a conclusive, test for detecting exceedingly minute quantities of these bodies. It was found by A. Schmidt that when diluted blood is dropped upon a filter paper which has been moistened with tincture of guaiacum and then dried spontaneously in the air, a blue ring forms at the edge of the drop ; it is best in this experiment to use blood diluted with 20 times its volume of water, and it may be well to remember that the reaction is one which is not produced by all 1 Preyer, Die Blutkrystalle : Untersuchungen von W. P., Jena, 1871, p. 134. 2 Hufner, " Ueber die Quantitat Sauerstoff welche 1 Gramm Hamoglobin zu binden vermag." Zeitschriftf. physiologischen Chem. Vol. i. p. 317. 3 Worm Miiller, "Ueber die Spannung des Sauerstoffs derBlutscheiben." Ludwig's Arbeiten, 1870, p. 119. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 103 specimens of tincture of guaiacum. This blueing of the resin of guaiacum is due to its oxidation and is also observed when ozone acts upon it, but not when common oxygen does so. When the respiratory oxygen of haemoglobin has been expelled from blood by the action of carbonic oxide, as will be afterwards described at length, it no longer possesses (in the absence of oxygen) the power of blueing guaiacum. If atmospheric oxygen, however, comes in contact with the drop of CO blood and guaiacum, the blue ring appears. Oxy-haemoglobin shares with many other organic bodies and also with many inorganic bodies, such as spongy platinum, the power of de- composing hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, as is proved by the effervescence produced in a solution of the latter by the addition of a few drops of blood or of a solution of haemoglobin ; if to a mixture of blood and tincture of guaiacum some solution of H2O2 be added, the fluid assumes a blueish tint. Does the These facts were formerly explained by A. Schmidt oxygen of on *he hypothesis that haemoglobin possesses in an oxy-haemo- intense degree the power of ozonizing oxygen and of giobin possess rendering it therefore infinitely more active than atmo- spheric oxygen. Against this view Pfliiger1 has raised the most serious, and it appears to us the most reason- able objections, which will have to be considered in detail in another section. According to Pfliiger when blood is poured upon filter paper, as in the guaiacum experiment previously referred to, the haemoglobin almost instantly undergoes decomposition, and it is the products of decomposition which occasion the reaction. According to Pfliiger haemoglobin in no way modifies the properties of the oxygen which it links to itself. Proportion In former times, when blood-letting was highly ofhaemogio- prevalent, a large number of analyses of blood were bin in the made by competent observers who had no means, such blood of man. ag we now pOSSesSj of determining directly the amount of haemoglobin, but who ascertained the amount of iron contained in the blood. Since we now know the exact proportion of iron which haemoglobin contains, we may calculate the amount of this substance found by the older observers. Preyer2 has taken the trouble to do this in the case of a large number of the most reliable analyses, and from his tables we take the following extract: — QUANTITY OF IEON AND HAEMOGLOBIN COEEESPONDING TO IT CONTAINED IN 100 GEMS. OF BLOOD. A. Blood of woman (in health). Iron. Hamoglobin. Minimum . . . OO48 gnu. ll'57grm. Maximum . . . 0-057 „ 13'69 „ 1 E. Pfliiger, " Kritik iiber die Angaben vom Ozon im Thierkorper/' Pfluger's Archiv, Vol. x. p. 252. 3 Preyer, Die Blutkrystalle, p. 117, et seq. 104 AMOUNT OF HAEMOGLOBIN IN BLOOD CORPUSCLES. [BOOK 1. B. Blood of man (in health). Iron. Hamoglobin. Minimum . . . 0'0508 grm. 12-09 grm. Average of 11 cases . 0056 „ 1345 „ Maximum . . 0-063 „ 15*07 „ The variations which the amount of haemoglobin undergoes in disease will be considered in a future chapter. By employing methods which will be subsequently Relation of described, it is possible to determine with comparative haemoglobin ,. ,, , , . , to the number readiness not only the number ot corpuscles contained of the blood in a certain volume of blood, but also the amount of corpuscles. haemoglobin, and the relation between the weight of haemoglobin and the number of the blood corpuscles. Thus Malassez found the number of red corpuscles in a cubic millimetre of the blood of healthy men to vary between 4,000,000 and 4,600,000, and the amount of haemoglobin between 0'125 and 0134 of a milligramme1. Malassez has actually expressed the mean amount of haemoglobin in each blood corpuscle of man in billionths of a gramme (the billionth of a gramme he represents by the letters yu-yLtgr.); his estimate is that each corpuscle contains on an average 30 By /x cub. Malassez2 designates the 1000th part of a cubic millimetre ; he takes this as the unit of cubic capacity of the matter of red blood corpuscles, and expresses the amount of haemoglobin in billionths of a gramme (/x/xgr.) contained in one /x cub. of corpuscles of various animals, as is shewn below — Volume of each corpuscle Haemoglobin contained according to Welcker. in one /* cub. of corpuscles. Man . . . 72 /x cub. 0'416/x/xgr. Dove . .125 „ 0-416 „ Lacerta agilis .201 „ 0-348 „ Rana fusca . . 629 „ 0-343 „ Proteus . . . 9200 „ 0-115 „ These numbers must, however, be received with the greatest caution, and as being very crude approximations to the truth, as will be obvious when we consider that the number of corpuscles found in the healthy blood of man by Malassez differs very notably from that found by other equally competent observers, whose methods were probably more accurate. Action of certain gases which displace the Oxygen of Oxy-haemoglobin. Carbonic It had been observed by Claude Bernard that oxide, CO. foQ blood of animals poisoned with carbonic oxide uniformly becomes of an intensely florid arterial hue, arid that this differs from the normal colour of arterial blood by its persistence. 1 L. Malassez, " Sur les di verses methodes de dosage de 1'hemoglobine et BUT un nouveau colorimetre." Archives de Physiologie, 2 ser. vol. iv. 8 Malassez, "Sur la richesse en hemoglobine des globules rouges du sang." Gaz. med. de Paris, p. 534. CHAP. IL] THE BLOOD. 105 He demonstrated, further, that when blood is shaken up with carbonic oxide, not only does it become florid, but an exchange of gases takes place, the loosely combined oxygen of the blood being expelled from it, and its place taken by an equal volume of carbonic oxide. After the discovery by Hoppe-Seyler and Stokes of the remarkable spectroscopic properties of the blood-colouring matter, attention was paid to blood which had been treated with CO, and it was found that whilst the spectrum of such blood is almost identical with that of oxy-haemoglobin, it possesses the property of resisting the action of reducing agents. Subsequently, Hoppe-Seyler found that after passing a stream of CO through a solution of oxy-haemoglobin, and then adding alcohol, on exposing the mixture to cold, crystals separated which were identical in form with those of oxy-haemoglobin, but the solution of which was unacted upon by the agents which reduce oxy-haemoglobin. From all these observations it resulted that carbon mon-oxide possesses the power of displacing the respiratory oxygen which exists in a state of loose chemical combination with haemoglobin, and of forming a compound possessed of nearly the same physical properties but differing from it in being much more stable ; further from the fact that, in the formation of this compound, one volume of oxygen is exactly replaced by one volume of carbon mon-oxide, it follows that a molecule of the latter takes the place of a molecule of the former. Although the spectrum of CO-haemoglobin very much resembles that of oxy-haemoglobin, there are minute differences which are shewn by comparing the spectra of the two bodies existing in a solution of the same strength, and examined under precisely similar circumstances. It will be seen (Fig. 22, spect. 6 compared with spect. 2), that in the CO-haemoglobin both the bands a. and /3 are moved very slightly nearer the violet end of the spectrum. Amongst other points of difference between the CO- and 0- com- pound, we have to mention that the crystals and solutions of the former have a tinge of blue which is wanting in the latter, and that the crystals of CO-haemoglobin are slightly less soluble than those of 02-Hb. So far as the Author is aware, Jaderholm1 and Sorby are the only observers who have stated the position of the bands of oxy-haemoglobin and of CO-hae- moglobin in wave-lengths. According to Jaderholm the centre of oxy-haemo- globin a corresponds to W. L. 5730, of ft to 5370. On the other hand the centre of CO-haemoglobin -a corresponds to W. L. 5690 and of ft to 5340. These determinations do not agree with those of Preyer, nor with indepen- dent observations of the Author. In the first place the centre of these bands is not constant for solutions of different strengths, for it will be found that the band j3 extends more towards the blue than the green as the concentration of the solution increases. According to Sorby the centre 1 Jaderholm; see abstract by Hammarsten in Maly's Jahresbericht, vol. iv. p. 106. 106 COMPOUNDS OF HAEMOGLOBIN WITH CO AND NO. [BOOK I. of oxy-haemoglobin a corresponds to W. L. 5830, of (3 to 5450 ; of CO-Hb a corresponds to W. L. 5755 and ft to 5420. From our own observations we conclude in the case of the band a of oxy- haemoglobin that its centre certainly corresponds almost exactly with W. L. 5780 (expressed in 10 millionths of a mm. for comparison with Jaderholm). The band a of CO-haemoglobin corresponds, on the other hand, approxi- mately to wave-length 5720. The centre of CO-haemoglobin (3 is from 5340 to 5380 according to concentration. It will be seen that these determi- nations differ very materially from those of Jaderholm and Sorby. It has been shewn by the researches of the Author1, of Bonders2, and of Zuntz3, that although the compound of CO and haemoglobin is much more stable than that of 0, it yet can be decomposed, and CO expelled. By passing a neutral gas, or air, through solutions of CO-haemoglobin for long periods the gas may be gradually driven out, and the haemoglobin again becomes reducible. The same happens if the blood be boiled in the mercurial pump. The great stability of CO-haemoglobin enables us to detect it in the blood of animals poisoned by this gas or by gaseous mixtures which contain it. The blood in these cases presents sometimes an unusually and per- sistently florid colour ; whether it does so or not, it however is in great part irreducible, i.e. after acting upon it with reducing agents two bands yet remain in its spectrum. It has recently been shewn by Hoppe-Seyler4 that the CO-haemoglobin resists putrefaction for very long periods of time, so that two bands remain visible for months and even years, whilst when normal blood putrefies, the reduction of its O2-Hb to Hb takes place at once. According to Hoppe-Seyler the fact that long-kept blood exhibits two bands is a proof by itself that its haemoglobin has been combined with CO. In a later section of this chapter it will be mentioned that a useful test for CO-blood is the production of a cinnabar-red precipitate on the addition of caustic soda; this is believed by Jaderholm5 to be due to the formation of a compound of CO with haematin. Nitric So great is the affinity of this gas for oxygen oxide, NO. ^nat ^ moment ft comes in contact with it, deep red fumes of nitrogen peroxide, N02, are formed, and when these meet water the decomposition indicated in the following equation results : 3N02 + H20 = 2HNO3 + NO. . As has been previously said, all free acids, and salts with acid reaction, ipso facto decompose the colouring matter of the blood, and 1 Gamgee, Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. i. (1867) p. 346. 2 Donders, "Der Chemismus der Athmung, ein Dissociations-Process." Pfliiger's Archiv, v. 20—26. 3 Zuntz, "1st Kohlenoxydhaemoglobin eine feste Verbindung? " Pfluger's Archiv, v. 584—588. 4 Hoppe-Seyler, " Unveranderlichkeit des Kohlenoxyd-Hamoglobin bei Einwirkung von Faulniss oder Pankreasferment ; Werth dieses Verhaltens fur den Nachweis der Kohlenoxydvergiftung." Zeitschriftf.phys. Chem., Vol. n. p. 131. 5 Jaderholm, loc. cit. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 107 therefore in investigating whether NO can form a compound with haemoglobin, analogous to the oxygen and carbonic oxide compounds, certain precautions had to be taken; for firstly, by combining with the respiratory O of haemoglobin, NO? would be formed, and next, by the reaction of water upon this body, nitric acid would result, which would immediately decompose the haemoglobin. Hermann added ammonia to blood and then passed a stream of NO through it; all the acid generated in the reaction, at the expense of the oxygen of haemoglobin, was neutralised by the ammonia, and thereafter a compound of NO with haemoglobin was formed. Again when CO-haemoglobin was placed in a vessel from which the air had been expelled and then a stream of NO was passed through the liquid, this gas displaced the CO, and combined with the haemoglobin in its stead. Hermann found that the body thus produced yielded crystals isomorphous with those of the oxygen and carbonic oxide compounds, and that its spectrum presented a spectrum closely resembling theirs, though like that of the CO-haemoglobin undergoing no change after the addition of reducing agents. We are therefore acquainted with three compounds of haemo- globin with gases which are isomorphous, and in which presumably 1 molecule of haemoglobin is linked with 1 molecule of the gas. The least stable of these compounds is that with oxygen, for it can be decomposed by CO, which then takes its place, forming a compound of intermediate stability, which in its turn can be decomposed by NO. That in each case a molecule of the gas takes part in the reaction is argued from the facts that CO displaces an equal volume of 0 (O2 occupying the same volume as CO) and that the three compounds are isomorphous, so that the constitution of the NO- compound will almost certainly be similar to that of the CO body1. Acetylene, In the case of both CO and NO we have unsaturated bodies C2H2- which presumably satisfy their free affinities by linking them- selves to the complex molecule of haemoglobin, and it is quite conceivable that other similarly constituted bodies might exert a similar action. It has indeed been surmised2 that Acetylene or Ethine, C2H2, actually does so form a very unstable compound with haemoglobin, easily reducible by ammonium sulphide or reducing tin solutions. An investigation made with a view of testing the results in Hermann's laboratory has not confirmed the existence of this acetylene compound. Assumed Upon very slender evidence it has been advanced 3 compound of tkat hydrocyanic acid forms an easily broken up corn- Hydrocyanic 1 •,! 1 11' acid with hae- pound with haemoglobin. mogiobin. If the acid be added to a solution of haemoglobin, on crystallizing out the latter it retains some of the hydrocyanic acid, 1 See Hermann, "Ueber die Wirkungen des Stickstoffoxydgas auf das Blut." Beichert und Du-Bois-Keymond's Archiv, 1865, p. 469. 2 Bistrow u. Liebreich, Ber. d. deutsch. chem. Gesellschaft Berlin, 1868,^p. 220. 3 Hoppe-Seyler, "Cyanwasserstoffhaemoglobinverbindungen." Med. Chem. Unter- mchungen. Heft n. (1867) p. 207. 108 PRODUCTS OF THE DECOMPOSITION OF HAEMOGLOBIN. [BOOK I. which can afterwards be obtained from it by distillation after acidu- lating with sulphuric acid. It is to be noted that the spectrum of the supposed hydrocyanic compound is identical with that of oxy-haemoglobin, and that the behaviour of the solution to reducing agents is absolutely the same as that of a solution of oxy-haemoglobin. Those who advocate the existence of the compound however rely somewhat upon the fact that blood to which hydrocyanic acid has been added shews the bands of oxy-haemoglobin, or bands identical with them, for a much longer time than normal blood — a fact which they explain by supposing that the hydrocyanic compound is some- what more stable than oxy-haemoglobin. It appears to the Author that all proofs of the existence of such a compound are wanting. That some hydrocyanic acid should adhere to the haemoglobin as it crystallizes out is quite in accordance with a variety of experiences of a similar kind, and can by itself afford no evidence of an actual compound existing. The resistance of hydrocyanic blood to decomposition can on the other hand be easily explained by the unquestionable arrest or slowing 'of the process of putrefaction in the presence of hydrocyanic acid ; it is undoubtedly the products of putrefaction which are the causes of the spontaneous reduction of the oxy-haemoglobin of blood confined in a vessel which has no access to air, so that an agent which will inhibit putrefaction and at the same time not decompose oxy-haemoglobin would be expected to act as hydrocyanic acid acts and cause the persistence of the oxy-haemoglobin bands. Products of the decomposition of Haemoglobin. When subjected to the action of various reagents, especially to that of acids and of salts having an acid reaction, the molecule of haemo- globin undergoes a profound decomposition, the ultimate products of which are, amongst others, a proteid substance or substances, and a body called HAEMATIN, which contains all the iron originally con- tained in the blood-colouring matter. The formation of haematin is, according to Hoppe-Seyler, necessarily dependent upon the presence of oxygen, in the absence of which the process of decom- position yields a proteid and a body to which he has given the name of HAEMOCHROMOGEN ; the latter may by oxidation pass subsequently into haematin. Haematin is an interesting body which forms definite, well crystallized, compounds with hydrochloric, and apparently also with hydriodic acid. Before describing the various bodies which are the products of a profoundly decomposing action exerted upon haemoglobin, it is essential to refer to a modification of haemoglobin which is brought about by the action of various agents, and concerning which very much difference of opinion still lingers, viz. methaemoglobin. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 109 Methaemoglobin. spectrum When a solution of haemoglobin is exposed to air of Methaemo- for some time jt joges jts blood-red colour, assumes a brownish tinge, presents an acid reaction, is precipi- tated by solutions of basic lead acetate, and on examining its spectrum it is found that the two bands of oxy-haemoglobin have become faint, and that a new band has appeared in the red near C ; this line occupies nearly though by no means exactly the position of a similar band in the spectrum of acid haematin. On now rendering the solution alkaline by the addition of ammonia, the band in the red disappears, and is replaced by a faint absorption band immediately near D. The most remarkable phenomenon, however, relates to the action of reducing agents. If to a solution which exhibits the last - mentioned spectrum there be added some sulphide of ammonium, it is observed that it manifests the spectrum of reduced haemoglobin. On shaking the so- lution containing the latter with air, oxy-haemoglobin is again formed. Production The peculiar and remarkable properties above mentioned of methaemo- were described by the Author in 18671 and more fully in 1868; as devel°Ped by the action °f nitrites on solutions of haemoglobin and upon blood. It was shewn that besides presenting the remarkable optical properties and reactions previously referred to, as a result of the action of nitrites, the respiratory , oxygen of haemoglobin had become irremovable by carbonic oxide or in a Torricellian vacuum, but that after undergoing the change the haemoglobin could be crystallized repeatedly, the body thus produced only differing from oxy-haemoglobin by its colour and its spectrum. On analysis it was found that the crystalline compound always retained some of the nitrite used, and the view was therefore expressed that in all probability the action exerted by ni- trites consisted in the formation of a compound of those bodies with oxy-hae- moglobin, which compound was decomposed by the reducing agent employed. It \vas subsequently observed by Sorby2, Lank ester3, and Jaderholm4 that Gamgee's nitrite-haemoglobin spectra coincided with those of methar- moglobin prepared by the action of potassium permanganate, and the presumption has been established that his bodies really consisted of methaemoglohin generated by the action of nitrites. This change in the view as to the nature of the bodies produced under the influence of nitrites does not however affect the facts established by the researches above referred to. According to Sorby, however, methaemoglobin would be a per-oxy-haemoglobin, i.e. a more highly oxygenized haemoglobin, 1 Gamgee, "Note on the action of nitric oxide, nitrous acid and nitrites on Haemoglobin." Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1867, p. 168. " On the action of nitrites on blood." Philosophical Transactions, 1868, pp. 589—625. 2 Sorby, Quarterly Journ. of Micros. Sc. 1870, p. 400. 3 Lankester, " Abstract of a Eeport on the Spectroscopic Examination of certain animal substances." Journal of Anat. and Phys. Vol. iv. p. 123. 4 Jaderholm, " Untersuchungen iiber den Blutfarbstoff und dessen Zersetzungs producte." Abstracted from the original Swedish by Hammarsten in Maly's Jahres- bericht, Vol. vr. p. 85. 110 PRODUCTS OF THE DECOMPOSITION OF HAEMOGLOBIN. [BOOK I. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. HI in which the oxygen has become irremovable by a vacuum, but which is decomposed at once by reducing agents, which first liberate oxy-haemo- globin and subsequently form reduced haemoglobin. This view has lately received the support of Jaderholm. Taking all the facts in consideration we must admit that under the innuence of various agents the loosely combined oxygen of haemoglobin becomes irremovable by CO, and by a vacuum, whilst the new compound still preserves the crystalline form of oxy-haemoglobin, and the capability of being recrystallized. In this condition the body, which appears per- fectly stable, can again be made to furnish haemoglobin. It is certainly convenient at present to retain for this body the term Methaemoglobin. Hoppe-Seyler, who was the first1 to describe briefly and to name methaemoglobm, long ago arrived at the conclusion that probably no definite body, such as is implied by the possession of a special name, exists, but that it represents an intermediate stage in the decomposition of haemoglobin into haematin and a proteid8. FIGURE 23. Spectrum 1. (Preyer, PI. 2, sp. 9.) Haematin in alkaline solution. A single absorption band between C and D, from wave-length 618 to wave- length 587. Strong absorption of the blue end Spectrum 2. (Preyer, PL 2, sp. 10.) The same as 1, but more concen- trated. As the concentration of the solution increases the band extends more towards the red than the green. The red end of the spectrum is much absorbed. Spectrum 3. (Preyer, PI. 1, sp. 11.) Haemochromogen in alkaline solution (Stokes' reduced haematin). The spectrum is distinguished from all others by the extraordinary intensity and sharpness of the absorption band nearest to D. This extends from wave-length 567 to 547. The second absorption band, which is very much less intense and has less sharply defined borders, extends from about wave-length 532 to 518. The solution, even when concentrated, absorbs very little of the red. Violet and blue are strongly absorbed. Spectrum 4. Methaemoglobin. In weak solutions of certain strengths four absorption bands may be made out. In a strong solution one is seen, the centre of which, according to the Author's measurements, corresponds to wave-length 632. According to Preyer this band would be a little nearer to C, the centre corresponding to wave-length 634. Spectrum 5. Diluted blood treated with acetic acid. An absorption band in the red, the centre of which corresponds to wave-length 640. According to Preyer the centre of this band corresponds to 65 6' 6. Spectrum 6. Spectrum of acid haematin dissolved in ether. The position of the three bands between B and E agrees with the observations and drawings of Preyer. The centre of the band between b and F corre- sponds to wave-length 502. According to Preyer its centre corresponds to wave-length 505, i.e. it is somewhat nearer to b. 1 Hoppe-Seyler, Centralblatt f. d. med. Wissenschaften, 1864. 2 Hoppe-Seyler, Med. Chem. Untersuchungen, Heft in. (1868) p. 378. 112 PRODUCTS OF THE DECOMPOSITION OF HAEMOGLOBIN. [BOOK I. Seyler's re- More recently Hoppe-Seyler has published fresh re- searches and searches on the subject1. He opposes vehemently the view views on that methaemoglobin is to be looked upon as a peroxidized methaemo- oxy -haemoglobin, resting his opposition very much on the globin. facts (a) that when a solution of oxy-haemoglobin is intro- duced into the vacuum of the mercurial pump, so as to remove a part of its respiratory oxygen, and then is left at the temperature of the room, the fluid is found to contain a mixture of methaemoglobin and reduced haemoglobin, (b) that when a piece of palladium saturated with hydrogen is introduced into a flask filled with a saturated solution of oxy-haemo- globin, the whole of the colouring matter is very quickly converted into methaemoglobin, unless the quantity of the oxy-haemoglobin present was very large. In these two experiments conditions existed for removing a great part at least of the oxygen of the oxy-haemoglobin, and how therefore could a per-oxy-haemoglobin be formed 1 Hoppe-Seyler has himself added lately the strongest proof of the possibi- lity of reconverting methaemoglobin into oxy-haemoglobin by shewing that when a solution of methaemoglobin is allowed to decompose in sealed glass tubes, the band in the red of that body disappears and the spectrum of reduced haemoglobin appears. When some months have elapsed and the change has been completed, the tube is cooled to 0° until ice begins to form, then opened, and alcohol is added to the extent of ^ of the volume of the solution; on afterwards lowering the temperature to - 7° 0. or — 10°C. crystals of oxy-haemoglobin separate, It is now admitted by Hoppe-Seyler that this possibility of reconver- sion into haemoglobin distinguishes methaemoglobin from haematin. Ac- cording to this author methaemoglobin contains more oxygen than haemo- globin but less than oxy-haemoglobin, and this oxygen is in a more stable combination than in the latter body. The Proteid matter derived from the decomposition of Haemoglobin. When a solution of haemoglobin is boiled, the liquid becomes in- tensely turbid and a coagulum soon separates which possesses a dirty reddish-brown colour. Under the influence of heat the haemoglobin, has been decomposed, and has yielded two substances insoluble in water, the first of which is a proteid, and the second is the body already re- ferred to as haematin. The same decomposition takes place when strong acids, or when large quantities of alcohol, act upon haemoglobin, though the rate at which it proceeds varies in these different cases. Very little information is possessed concerning the proteid matter which results from this decomposition. According to Hoppe-Seyler it behaves as a normal proteid in reference to bases and acids, .yielding alkali- and acid-albumins. Preyer has described the proteid substance under the term of Globin, as a body which is free from all inorganic matter, which is insoluble in water, which swells in solutions of sodium chloride 1 Hoppe-Seyler, "Die Zusammensetzung des Methamoglobin und seine Umwandlung zu Oxyhamoglobin." Zeitschriftf. physiolog. Chemie, Vol. u. (1878) p. 150. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 113 and of sodium hydrate without dissolving. We agree with Kiihne in holding that from the action of reagents one would conclude that a mixture of proteids, rather than a single proteid, results from the decomposition of haemoglobin. Haematin. When blood is treated with acetic acid it soon undergoes a change of colour, from red to brown, which indicates the decomposition of haemoglobin and the formation of haematin. If now the mixture of blood and acetic acid be shaken up with ether, the latter dissolves out a colouring matter, and on allowing the mixture to rest, the coloured ether may be decanted. On examining the ethereal solution it is seen to present the spectrum represented in Fig. 23. 6, in which four separate absorption bands are to be observed. Firstly an absorption band in the red between C and D and corresponding to a wave-length of about 636, and secondly a very faint and narrow band, close to D, with an approximate wave- length of about 585, thirdly two much broader bands, one between D and E, and another nearly midway between b and F, the centres of which correspond approximately with wave-lengths 540 and 502 re- spectively. Of all these bands the one in the red is by far the most distinct. If instead of experimenting in this way with ether holding acid haematin in solution we merely add acetic acid to a haemoglobin solution, we observe that as the liquid becomes brown in colour, the band in the red developes (Fig. 23. 5) ; the other absorption bauds not being obvious. If we render the liquid alkaline by the addition of ammonia a single absorption band is seen, but much nearer to D, its centre corresponding to about 636 or 640. A marked shading of the blue end of the spectrum is noticed in addition. If now a re- ducing solution as of ferrous tartrate (Stokes' reagent) be added to the liquid, a spectrum is obtained which is marked by two bands which at first sight appear to the tyro to be identical with the bands of oxy-haemoglobin, but which are distinct from these ; they will be found to be nearer the blue than are the bands of 02-Hb. (See Fig. 23. 3.) The first spectrum described is supposed to be that of haematin in acid solution, the second haematin in alkaline solution, and the third that of reduced haematin (Hoppe-Seyler's Haemochromogen). That the last is a less oxygenized product than the second is proved, not only by the fact that it is produced by the action of reducing agents, but likewise by the fact that on shaking the two-banded spectrum of reduced haematin with air or oxygen the two bands disappear and are replaced by the single bands of alkaline haematin. As will be more fully stated when discussing haemochromogen, haematin is, according to Hoppe-Seyler, an oxidation product of haemoglobin ; and it differs from haemochromogen, in that the latter G. 8 114 PEEPAKATION AND PKOPERTIES OF HAEMATIN. [BOOK I. is a simple product of decomposition, which can be formed from re- duced haemoglobin in the absence of oxygen. Methods of I. Blood (defibrinated) is mixed with ether and then a preparation large quantity of strong acetic acid is added ; the two ofHaematin. liquids are thoroughly shaken, and thereafter the dark- brown ethereal solution is decanted, filtered and set aside. The deposit which separates is washed with ether, alcohol, and water. II. Blood is coagulated by the addition of an excess of cold alcohol ; the precipitate is separated and boiled with alcohol holding sulphuric acid in solution. The hot filtered solution is set aside, and the matter which separates and adheres to the glass is washed with water and then with alcohol, and ether. Although the above methods may yield haematin with which some qualitative experiments may be tried, we must employ the next process if it be desired to obtain the pure substance, viz. : — III. Crystals of Hydrochlorate of Haematin or Haemin are dissolved in exceedingly dilute solution of pure potassium hydrate; the filtered solution is neutralized with hydrochloric acid, which throws down haematin in the form of a flocculent brown precipitate, which is washed with boiling water, until the washings are no longer rendered turbid by solution of silver nitrate. The haematin is then collected and dried, first at a gentle heat, and then at 120°— 150° C. (Hoppe-Seyler1.) Properties Haematin, obtained by the method last mentioned, of fcaematin. ^as a blue-black colour and a decided metallic lustre; it is free from crystalline structure, and when pulverized yields a dark- brown powder. It can be heated to 180°C. without undergoing decomposition, but when heated more strongly it burns, evolving hydrocyanic acid, and leaving an ash which consists of pure oxide of iron, amounting to 12 -6 per cent. The following is the mean percentage composition of pure hae- matin, as determined by Hoppe-Seyler: — Carbon ........................ 64'30 Hydrogen ..................... 5*50 Nitrogen ..................... 9'06 Iron ........................... 8-82 Oxygen ........................ 12-32 100-00 These numbers agree well with the formula Haematin is insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether, easily soluble in solutions of the caustic alkalies, if these are not too concentrated, insoluble in diluted acids, and soluble with difficulty in hot alcohol holding sulphuric acid in solution. Watery or alcoholic alkaline solutions of haematin when examined in thin layers by reflected light possess an olive-green colour; deeper 1 Hoppe-Seyler, "Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Blutes des Menscheu und der Wirbelthiere. Das Haematin." Med. Chem. Untersuchungen, Heft iv. 1871, p. 523. . CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 115 layers possess a fine red colour and absorb strongly, as is proved by spectrum analysis, not only the violet rays, but also the yellow between Frauenhofer's lines C and D, especially near the latter. If alkaline solutions of haematin of sufficient dilution be examined, a distinct absorption band, the centre of which corresponds approxi- mately to wave-length 603, is observed. Haematin dissolves sparingly in alcohol holding sulphuric acid in solution, the solution assuming a dark-brown colouration. Action of When heated with fuming hydrochloric acid to 160°C., hot HC1 on the iron which haematin contains is removed from it, and is found in the solution as a ferrous salt, whilst a body free from, iron, termed Haematoporphyrin, is formed. Alkaline solutions of haematin, if pure, are not attacked by reducing agents. If, however, organic matters, such as proteids, be present, haemochromogen (syn. reduced haematin) is formed l. Haematin is scarcely, if at all, affected by putrefactive processes. (Hoppe-Seyler.) When potassium cyanide is added to an ammoniacal solution of pure haematin, or to a solution of oxy-haemo- globin, a broad band somewhat resembling that of reduced haemoglobin, though by no means identical with it, is pro- duced. This band extends from D to E. On adding reducing agents a spectrum with two well-marked absorption bands is obtained. These optical characters are supposed to depend upon the production of a compound of haematiii and the cyanide employed, which has been denominated cyan- haematin. We are, however, merely acquainted with the spectroscopic characters of the supposed compound. Action of Potassium Cyanide on haematin. Mode of preparing crystals of Haemin for microscopic examination. Hydrochlorate of Haematin — Haemin. When a small drop of blood is boiled with a few drops of glacial acetic acid, the red colour almost instantly gives place to a brownish colouration. On evaporating down the fluid a residue is obtained, which on microscopic examination is found to be composed of reddish-brown Fm. 24. CRYSTALS OF HAEMIN. (Frey.) 1 Hoppe-Seyler, " Weitere Mittheilungen iiber die Eigenschaften des BlutfarbstofFs." Zeitschrift f. phys. Chemie. Vol. n. (1878) p. 154. 8—2 116 HAEMIN. [BOOK i. prismatic crystals1. Such crystals can be obtained from any blood stain, as on cloth or linen, by cutting out the stained tissue and heating it with glacial acetic acid, taking care to add a small crystal of sodium chloride. The evaporated residue contains the crystals. Properties These crystals are of a dark brown and sometimes of-naemin. Of nearly a black colour, and present the form of rhombic plates sometimes arranged in radiating bundles. Haemin is insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, chloroform, and in cold dilute acetic and hydrochloric acids. It is however soluble in caustic alkalies, in alcoholic solution of potassium carbonate, and in boiling acetic and hydrochloric acids. It dissolves in concentrated sulphuric acid, forming a violet-red liquid, which evolves hydrochloric acid when heated. Hoppe-Seyler has prepared this body by a method to be afterwards referred to, and he considers it to be hydrochlorate of haematin and ascribes to it the formula CggH^NgFe/^SHCl;, he found the com* pound to contain 5'18 per cent, of chlorine. It is held by Thudichum that haemin contains no chlorine, and he therefore looks upon it as crystallized haematin. Hoppe-Seyler however asserts that he has never obtained haemin crystals which were free from chlorine, and the statement agrees with the original observations of Teichmann who held the presence of chlorine to be indispensable to their formation. Prepara- Whilst it is very easy to prepare in a few minutes tion of hae- microscopic crystals of haemin, the difficulties attending min in large the preparation of considerable quantities in a pure con- dition are considerable ; the following method has been followed by Hoppe-Seyler: — Defibrinated blood is mixed with a large excess of a solution of sodium chloride, containing ^th its volume of saturated solution of NaCl, and set aside in a cool place so as to allow the corpuscles to subside; the clear supernatant fluid is decanted and the magma of corpuscles is mixed with some water, placed in a flask, and shaken up with ether ; the ethereal solution is decanted, the solution of colouring matter is filtered and evaporated to dryness in shallow basins. The residue can be readily pulverized. The powder is passed through a sieve and then weighed. It is then mixed with glacial acetic acid in a mortar, the mass is washed into a basin by the aid of more glacial acetic acid, which is then added in such quantities that two litres of glacial acetic acid are employed altogether for every 100 grammes of the powder. The mixture, which has been mixed as well as possible, is then heated on the water bath, the temperature of which is allowed gradually to rise; the process of stirring is carried on from time to time and the mixture is allowed to remain for some hours at 100°C. Crystals soon commence to form, though long heating is required 1 Teichmann, Zeitschrift f. rat. Medizin f. Henle und Pfeuffer, 1853, Vol. m. p. 375 and Vol. vm. p. 141. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 117 for the complete precipitation of the crystals and the solution of the proteids. The whole mixture is then poured into a large beaker and treated with many times its volume of water and set aside for many days. The magma of crystals which has then fallen to the bottom is washed many times in succession with water, and boiled with strong acetic acid, as long as the crystals appear to be mixed with masses of proteid matter ; they are then washed with water, and collected on a filter and treated, first with alcohol, and then with ether. Haemin crystals may also be obtained by adding water and NaCl to a solution of haematin in alcohol which has been acidified with sulphuric acid and then heating. A method has been suggested by Gosdew for recrystallizing haemin, but it is not recommended by Hoppe-Seyler, as he found it to yield a mixture of haemin with haematin. Haematoporphyrin. Mode of When haematin is thoroughly mixed with concentrated preparation. sulphuric acid, the substance dissolves, and, after filtering through asbestos, a clear and beautifully purple-red solution is obtained. When this solution is treated with a large quantity of water, the greater part of the dissolved coloured body is precipitated in the form of a brown flocculent precipitate, the quantity of which increases if alkalies be added so as fully to neutralize the acid. In this operation the acid separates the whole of the iron from the haematin, and it is found in the solution in the state of a ferrous salt. In the process of decomposition of haematin by sulphuric acid there is no evolution of hydrogen gas. Properties. The precipitate which is thrown down by water from the sulphuric acid solution is insoluble in concentrated solution of potassium sulphate, but soluble in water, and the watery solution possesses the same optical properties as the solution in sulphuric acid. It is also soluble in alkaline leys, yielding solutions possessed of a reddish-brown colour ; in undergoing solution the substance appears to undergo some decomposition. Both the original sulphuric acid solution and the dilute alkaline solu- tions of the body precipitated by water from it, possess characteristic and different spectra. The first (solution in strong sulphuric acid) exhibits a pretty dark band immediately below D, and a very sharply defined band nearly inter- mediate between D and E. The second (.solution of precipitated body in alkaline leys) presents a four-banded spectrum : to wit — a weak band midway between C and D, an equally weak band between D and E but nearer to the former, a more strongly marked band nearer to E, and lastly a fourth band, darkest of all, which is not however very sharply defined, and extends through. -fths of the space beween b and F. To this iron-free body, obtained from haematin by the action of strong sulphuric acid, Hoppe-Seyler attaches provisionally the term of Haemato- porphyrin, and ascribes the formula C^H^NgO^. \ 118 HAEMATOLIN. HAEMOCHROMOGEN. [BOOK 1. A second iron-free derivative from haematiii has been obtained by Hoppe-Seyler, which differs from haeinatoporphyrin in being nearly in- soluble in sulphuric acid and in caustic leys. To it he attaches the pro- visional name of Haematolin, and the formula CegH^NgOy1, Haemochromogen. According to Hoppe-Seyler when reduced haemoglobin is decom- posed in the absence of oxygen, instead of haematin, there is produced a body to which he gives the name of haemochromogen, whose solution presents a beautiful purple colour, but which is converted almost instantly into haematin when oxygen comes in contact with it. This body when in alkaline solution is, as proved by the most careful measurement of its absorption bands, identical with the so-called reduced haematin of Stokes. The following are the two methods which at different times Hoppe-Seyler has employed for the preparation of haemochromogen: — I. In the Woulffs bottle A (see annexed woodcut) hydrogen is evolved by the action of dilute hydrochloric acid upon zinc, and the gas is washed by passing through the wash-bottle (7, which contains dilute solution of caustic soda. In order that the acid which is to act upon the zinc shall be free from oxygen, a piece of zinc is placed in the beaker B which contains the acid. First of all having opened the clips b and &', by aspirating at the a end of the wash-bottle, a sufficient quantity of acid is made to flow out of the beaker B to fill the tube f and then enter A where it evolves hydrogen, which gradually expels all the air from the apparatus. The clip b is then closed. After gas has been passing for about half an hour the bulb-apparatus DEF is attached to the wash-bottle in the manner represented in the diagram. This bulb-apparatus contains in the division F concentrated solution of oxy-haemoglobin, and in the division D alcoholic solution of sulphuric acid or potassium hydrate, or instead of these an aqueous solution of potassium hydrate. A stream of gas is now again allowed to pass through the apparatus by opening the clip b and raising the vessel B so as to allow a fresh quantity of dilute acid to enter A and act upon the zinc which it contains. (If A happens to be already full, the solution of ZnCl2 which it contained might be removed by depressing the vessel B and allowing it to be on a lower level than A. The vessol A having been thus more or less completely emptied, and the clip b closed, a fresh stock of dilute acid may be placed in BA, and everything is ready for recommencing.) After a stream of H has passed through the whole apparatus, including the bulbs, for some considerable time (2 or 3 hours), the bulb-apparatus is sealed in a blowpipe flame at d and at e. By means of the spectroscope the observer determines 1 The whole description of haematin and its derivatives is abridged from the memoirs of Hoppe-Seyler, of which the most important relating to this subject is the one entitled "Das Hamatin," under the general heading of "Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Blutes des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere." Hoppe-Seyler's Med. Cliem. Untersuchungen, Heft iv. (1871) p. 523. See also " XJeber die Zersetzungen der Hamoglobine." Ibid, p. 377—385. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 119 before sealing whether the froth which fills the division F exhibits, as it ought to do, the spectrum of reduced haemoglobin; if it does so, 'after FIG. 25. APPARATUS FOB THE PREPARATION OF HAEMOCHROMOGEN. sealing, the fluids contained in the bulbs D and F are mixed by reversing and shaking their contents together. If in this way, in the complete absence of oxygen, acid alcohol has been mixed with a little haemoglobin, a precipitate forms, which soon loses its colour on being heated in the water bath, whilst the liquid becomes coloured purple. The liquid then exhibits four absorption bands, of which two are situated between C and D. A third absorption band of greater degree of sharpness and darkness extends between D and E, and a fourth is situated between b and F. The absorption band nearest C is, if the oxygen has been thoroughly expelled, exceedingly weak and may be due to a trace of haematin, as its position is identical with the band of acid haematin. If instead of sulphuric acid, alcohol holding caustic alkali in solution has been employed, on mixing the fluids we obtain a rose-red or purple- red precipitate and a solution having the same tints. This exhibits two absorption bands which are identical . with those of Stokes' alkaline haematin. II. Lately Hoppe-Seyler has recommended the following method1. A solution of oxy-haemoglobin is placed in a glass tube, and then a smaller glass tube containing solution of dilute phosphoric or tartaric acid, or solution of potassium hydrate, is introduced into the larger tube, the open end of which is then drawn out and sealed ; the large tube with its contained smaller tube is then heated gently for some time, care being taken that the contents of the two tubes do not mix. The oxy-haemoglobin 1 Hoppe-Seyler, "Weitere Mittheilungen tiber die Eigenschaften des Blutfarb- stoffs." Zeitschrift f. phys. Chem. Vol. i. p. 138. 120 HAEMATOIDIN. [BOOK I. first becomes reduced, and thereafter the oxygen contained in the air of the tube is removed by it. When many days have elapsed and the whole of the haemoglobin is reduced, the tubes are reversed and their contents mixed, when the optical properties of haemochromogen can be satisfactorily observed. According to Jaderholm1, Hoppe-Seyler's haemochromogen in alkaline solution is identical with the reduced haematin of Stokes, and haemochro- mogen in acid solution has a spectrum which is a combination of those of acid haematin and haematoporphyrin. The former statement is indeed admitted by Hoppe-Seyler, and is indisputable. Hoppe-Seyler urges, how- ever, and as it appears to the Author, most correctly, that the term reduced haematin is a misleading one, haemochromogen being a mere product of decomposition of haemoglobin, whilst haematin is an oxidized product of decomposition. Haematoidin. This name has been assigned by Virchow2 to a substance which occurs in the form of yellow microscopic crystals in old extravasations of blood, as for example in old apoplectic clots, and which was first observed by Everard Home 3. FIG. 26. CRYSTALS OF HAEMATOIDIN (AFTER FUNKE). (Frey.) These crystals appear to be identical in form with those of Biliru- bin, the chief colouring matter of human bile, and when treated with fuming nitric acid give the same colour reaction (Gmelin's reaction). Opinions have been divided on the question of the identity identity or non-identity of haematoidin and bilirubin. din and wii- On ^ne ground of different deportment towards solvents rubin. Holm4 asserted that haematoidin, prepared from the 1 Jaderholm, " Untersuclmngen iiber den Blutfarbstoff und dessen Zersetzungspro- ducte." Abstracted from the Swedish by Hammarsten in Maly's Jahresbericht, Vol. vi. p. 85. a Virchow, Archiv d. pathol. Anat. u. PhysioL Vol. 1 (1847), p. 383—443. 3 Sir Everard Home, A short tract on the Formation of Tumours, &c. London, 1830, page 22. In Figs. 1, 2 and 3 of Plate I., crystals of haematoidin are admirably figured as seen in an aneurismal coagulum. Home was, however, altogether ignorant of their nature and referred to them as ' crystallized salts. ' •* Holm, "Haematoidin," Journ. f.prak. Chemie. Vol. c. p. 142. .CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 121 corpora lutea of the cow, is not identical with bilirubin. Salkowski1, on the other hand, found haematoidin prepared from the con- tents of a strumous cyst to be identical in all respects with bilirubin. Preyer2, relying mainly though not entirely upon the spectra of the two bodies, denies the identity. According to this observer bilirubin possesses no definite absorption-band, whilst solu- tions of haematoidin when examined with the aid of magnesium light present a well-marked absorption-band between b and F, and a weaker one nearly midway between F and G. The majority of physiological chemists are, however, now of the opinion that haematoidin and bilirubin are identical. This matter will be again referred to under 'bilirubin.' THE MINERAL CONSTITUENTS OF THE RED CORPUSCLES. It was pointed out in discussing the salts of the serum and plasma that our information in reference to these was far from complete, in consequence of the inherent difficulties which attach to the methods of research. The same remark appears with still greater force to the mineral matters of the corpuscles. It is possible to obtain plasma and serum free from corpuscles (though certainly not free from all constitu- ents of corpuscles, e.g. serum-globulin), but far from possible to obtain corpuscles free from the liquids in which they float. Comparative analyses, however, of the mineral matters of the serum and of the clot, and of the blood as a whole, do lead to certain results which are to be relied upon. They at once reveal, for instance, that the iron of the blood is, with the exception of the minutest traces, contained in the corpuscles, where we know it to exist as an essential constituent of haemoglobin ; that the corpuscles are much richer in potassium salts than the serum, and that the amount of chlorine is very much greater in the latter than in the former. When, however, we enquire whether phosphates and sulphates exist in the blood-corpuscles, or whether these ingredients of the ash are not due to the oxidation of organic constituents, we can merely say that the experimental data for furnishing an answer to the question fail, though from the fact that the blood-corpuscles are rich in lecithin we cannot doubt that nearly the whole, if not the whole, of the phosphoric acid found in the ash, is derived from the oxidation of that body. The ana- In order to impress upon the reader the difference between lysesof tne minerai constituents of the blood-corpuscles and the plasma, the results of C. Schmidt's analyses of both are here appended : — 1 Salkowski, " Zur Frage iiber die Identitat des Hamatoidin und Bilirubin," Hoppe-Seyler's Med. Chem. Untersuchungen, in. p. 436. 2 Preyer, Die Blutkrystalle, p. 187. 122 MINERAL CONSTITUENTS OF BLOOD CORPUSCLES. [BOOK I. 1000 parts of plasma yield : Mineral matters CHLORINE . Sulphuric anhydride . Phosphorus pentoxide Potassium . SODIUM . Calcium Phosphate Magnesium Phosphate 8-550 3'640 0-115 0-191 0-323 3-341 0-311 0-222 1000 parts of moist corpuscles yield : Mineral matters (exclusive of Iron) . . . 8-120 Chlorine .... 1-686 Sulphuric anhydride . . 0'066 PHOSPHORUS PENTOXIDE 1134 POTASSIUM . . . 3'328 Sodium .... 1-052 Calcium Phosphate . . 0*114 Magnesium . . . . 0'073 One would be inclined to attribute too great an importance to the remarkable difference in the distribution of potassium and sodium in the blood corpuscles of man if one were in ignorance of the undoubted fact that this difference does not hold in the case of most animals. Thus if we glance at the subjoined tabular view which contains the results of the analyses of Schmidt of the inorganic matters yielded by the blood cells and plasma of several animals, we come to the conclusion that the proportions of sodium and potassium in the corpuscles may vary within wide limits, and that in most animals the salts of sodium preponderate greatly over those of potassium. TABLE SHEWING THE AMOUNT OF POTASSIUM, SODIUM AND CHLOKINE PEE SENT IN 100 PARTS OF THE INORGANIC MATTERS OF BLOOD CELLS AND PLASMA1. Blood Cells. • i Liquor Sanguinis. K Na Cl K Na Cl Man (mean of 8 experiments) -L'Og » 55 )) 5) Cat ,, ,7 ,, 5, Sheep „ „ „ ,, Goat „ ,, ,, „ 40-89 6-07 7-85 14-57 37-41 9-71 36-17 35-02 38-07 14-98 21-00 24-88 27-59 27-21 31-73 5-19 3-25 5-17 6-56 3-55 37-74 39-68 37-64 38-56 37-89 4068 37-31 41-70 40-89 40-41 i The much more recent researches of Bunge2, whilst they differ in some respects materially from those of C. Schmidt, indicate that in some animals potassium and in others sodium preponderates. Thus Bunge found no sodium (!) in the blood corpuscles of the dog and of the cat, whilst he found nearly three times as much sodium as potassium in the blood of the ox. These differences perhaps will be explained, as some have surmised, by further researches proving that when considerable quantities of potassium salts are ingested, they replace sodium in the corpuscles, though probably before being able to do so the richness of the blood in potassium must attain a certain figure. 1 Lehmann, Physiological Chemistry, Vol. n. p. 189. This table, which the Author has modified somewhat in form, is compiled from the observations of C. Schmidt. 2 Bunge, " Zur quantitativen Analyse des Blutes." Zeitschr. f. BioL, Vol. xn. p. 191—216. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 123 THE GASEOUS CONSTITUENTS OF THE COLOURED CORPUSCLES. In discussing the properties of oxy-haemoglobin we have studied with considerable minuteness the nature of that compound, and have shewn that it is produced by the union of oxygen from the air with the complex molecule of haemoglobin. We have shewn that under various circumstances oxygen can be expelled from its state of com- bination, as when blood is introduced into a Torricellian vacuum, when neutral gases such as H and N are passed through it, or when CO or NO act upon it. Now, although the oxygen removed by these various means is de- rived from the oxy-haemoglobin of the corpuscles, in that body it exists in a state of actual combination — in a state very different from that in which a gas exists which is merely dissolved in a liquid or absorbed by a solid body, so that strictly we have as little right to speak of the 0 of the corpuscles as one of their gaseous constituents as we have so to designate the H or N which are essential constituents of haemoglobin. We may however state that which we shall in succeeding sections comment upon at far greater length, viz. that of the mixed gases which are given up by blood when it is heated in a Torricellian vacuum and which consist of a mixture of O, CO2 and N, practically the whole of the first is derived from the dissociation of oxy-haemoglobin, of which each gramme can give up as much as T28 c.c. of O (at 0° C. and 1 metre pressure). Of the carbonic acid thus obtained the greater part is derived from the plasma in which it is partly dissolved and partly loosely combined, a small quantity only being derived from the blood corpuscles. Probably the whole of the nitrogen, obtained from the blood, is held in solution in the liquor sanguinis. In short, if we wish to be strict in our expressions, we should say that probably the only gaseous constituent properly so called,i.e.gsis not exist- ing in a state of chemical combination in the corpuscles, is carbonic acid. SECT. 5. THE COLOURLESS CORPUSCLES OF THE BLOOD. In addition to the red corpuscles, which have been already described, the blood of vertebrate animals contains a number of globules and particles of various sizes and characters, all included under the designations of white corpuscles and intermediate corpuscles. The members of the first class are readily defined. They are nucleated masses of protoplasm destitute of any cell-membrane, and containing fine or coarse granules. They were first discriminated from the red corpuscles by Hewson : and they were for a long time spoken of as lymphatic corpuscles. In man they have a diameter of about 10 /* (^-^j in.), while in batrachians they are much larger. Their most important property is, without question, that of amoeboid movement, which was first observed by Wharton Jones1 in the blood of the skate. The recognition of the power of amoeboid movement of white blood corpuscles was one of the most 1 Phil. Trans. 1846. 124 THE COLOURLESS CORPUSCLES OF THE BLOOD. [BOOK I. important steps in establishing the analogy between the sarcode of the lowest animals and the substance of the cells composing animals of higher grades. Another interesting property of white blood corpuscles is that of enveloping and absorbing small particles of colouring matter, such as carmine, with which they are in contact. The members of the second class, the intermediate corpuscles, are less clearly denned than the amoeboid corpuscles ; and for a full description of all their varieties, the reader is referred to the larger text-books and memoirs on the Histology of the Blood. But among them must be mentioned some which seem to have a great importance in the phenomenon of coagulation. These are described by Semmer under the name of red granular corpuscles (rothe Komerkugel1), and by Hayem2 under the name of haematoblasts. According to Semmer, who examined the blood of the horse and other mammals, the granular red intermediate corpuscles are nucleated granular bodies, the granules largely obscuring the nucleus. They have about the same specific gravity as the white corpuscles ; hence they subside in the uncoagulated plasma more slowly than the common red corpuscles. They possess the power of amoeboid movement.- They become colourless and readily disintegrate during the act of coagulation ; and the detritus appears to be soluble in the plasma. The disintegrating corpuscles iu many cases form centres for the radiation of threads of fibrin through the coagulating liquor sanguinis (refer to p. 35, and fig. 10). The number of the white corpuscles, though less than that of the red, varies with the many conditions of age, sex, period after food and region from which the specimen of blood was taken. On an average there is one white corpuscle to 330 or 350 red ones. The proportion is — 3 In boys 1 to 226 „ girls 1 to 389 „ men 1 to 346 „ old men 1 to 381 „ menstruating women . . . 1 to 247 „ pregnant women . . . . 1 to 281 „ the morning fasting state . . 1 to 716 Half an hour after breakfast . . 1 to 347 f Three hours after breakfast . . . 1 to 1514 In splenic vein . . . . . - 1 to 60 „ splenic artery . . . . . 1 to 2260 „ hepatic vein . . . . . 1 to 170 „ portal vein. . . . ... 1 to 740. Our knowledge of the physical and chemical characters of the colourless corpuscles is for obvious reasons very much more defective than that of the coloured corpuscles. 1 Alex. Schmidt, "Ueber die Beziehung der Faserstoffgerinnung zu den korperlichen Elementen des Blutes." Pt. 2. Pfliiger's Archiv /. d. ges. Physiol. Vol. xi. (1875) p. 560. 2 Georges Hayeni, Eecherches sur Vanatomie normals et patholoaique du sang. p. 108. Paris, 1878. 3 The above figures are taken from Strieker's Handbook. Art. "Blood," by Alex. Rollett. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 125 The colourless corpuscles are obviously much lighter than the coloured, as is evidenced (1) by their always being found in greater abundance near the upper surface of a blood clot; (2) by their forming a separate white layer on the surface of the red corpuscles, when horse's blood is cooled with the object of separating the corpuscles from the liquor sanguinis. The colourless corpuscles exhibit obvious adhesiveness even when contained in the blood-vessels of the living body, an adhesiveness which causes them to cling one to the other when they meet, and to foreign bodies or blood clots which may happen to project into the blood stream. The great mass of the protoplasm of the colourless corpuscle is undoubtedly proteid in its nature, the proteid matter having associated with it smaller quantities of other principles, and imprisoning the nucleus or nuclei which we may provisionally assume to be composed of that somewhat non-descript, phosphorus-containing, non-digestible, mucin-like body, Nuclein (see p. 82). The protoplasm of the colourless corpuscles appears to undergo, at least partial, coagulation at 40° 0. It swells and becomes transparent when treated with acetic acid, which renders the nuclei much more sharply defined and distinct. The protoplasm swells and ultimately dissolves in 10 p.c. solution of NaCl, leaving the nuclei undissolved. The salt solution thus obtained is precipitated by the addition of a large quantity of water, is coagulated by heat and by mineral acids. The colourless corpuscles sometimes contain within them minute fat-granules. Many of the white corpuscles of the blood present, when treated with a solution of iodine in iodide of potassium and water, a reddish mahogany colour, which is due to their containing Glycogen. The solution recommended to be used is one made by dissolving 1 gramme of iodine and 2 grms. of potassium iodide in 100 c.c. of water. "The main substance of the corpuscles is uniformly stained of a deep yellow, but many contain groups of mahogany- stained granules, and from others are seen to exude after a time pellucid drops of varying size, which become tinted of a mahogany or port wine colour, and no doubt contain glycogen1." The average proportion of colourless to coloured corpuscles is liable to considerable variations consistently with health. It under- goes physiological fluctuations which are related to the process of digestion, viz. the colourless corpuscles increase after the in- gestion of food, and diminish during fasting, a fact explained in great measure by the fact that in the former case a larger influx of colourless cells takes place through the thoracic duct. The origin and destination of the colourless corpuscles, though perhaps beyond the scope of this work, will be shortly treated of under l lymphatic glands.' 1 Schafer, A Course of Practical Histology. Smith, Elder and Co., 1877. 126 THE GASES OF THE BLOOD. [BOOK I. SECT. 6. THE GASES OF THE BLOOD AS A WHOLE. Under the head of 'The Gases of the Liquor Sanguinis' and 'The Gaseous Constituents of the Coloured Corpuscles,' it has been shewn that from each of these constituent parts of the blood, there can be separated, by certain methods of treatment, gases, which are a mixture of carbonic acid, oxygen and nitrogen. We shall give a description of the methods employed in separating the gases of the blood in Chapter IV., and postpone a lengthened theoretical treatment of the gases of the blood to the chapter on Respiration. In this place it will suffice if we make the following brief statements. (1) The blood, when admitted into an empty space- and exposed to the temperature of the body, readily gives up more than half its volume of mixed gases, consisting of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. (2) The first (oxygen) is present in much larger quantities than could be held in simple solution by the water of the blood, and, as will be afterwards proved, is mainly held in feeble combination by the haemoglobin of the coloured blood corpuscles; only a trace of it is, under ordinary circumstances, held in solution in the liquor sanguinis. (3) The second (carbon dioxide), whilst not existing in larger quantity in blood than it could do if simply dissolved by the water of that fluid, is partly in a state of chemical combination but chiefly in a state of simple solution. It is contained in great part in the liquor sanguinis and serum, but in part also in the corpuscles. (4) The nitrogen is held in a state of simple solution in the liquor sanguinis. (5) Arterial blood of the dog of mean composition yields for every 100 volumes, 58'3 volumes of mixed gases (measured at 0° C. and 760 mm.), composed of 22-2 volumes of O, 34'3 volumes of C02, and 1*8 volumes of N, the maximum amount of oxygen observed having been 25*4 volumes (Pfluger1). (6) As venous blood differs in composition according to the vascular area whence it is obtained, it is impossible to state the mean composition of its gases ; the following facts are however correct : — the nitrogen is present in the same proportion as in arterial blood, the 0 is less in amount (from 8 to 12 volumes per 100 of blood) and the C02 greater (from 40 — 50 volumes per 100 of blood). Summary of the .Quantitative Composition of the Blood. Having treated at length the properties of the individual constituents of the blood, we shall here append tables exhibiting the results of the elaborate researches of C. Schmidt and Lehmanu on the blood of man, although some of the data have already been referred to in the preceding pages. 1 Efliiger, "Die normalen Gasmengen des arteriellen Blutes nach verbesserten Methoden." Centralblatt f. d. med. Wissenschaft, 1868. CHAP. H.] THE BLOOD. 127 CO G^T CO O^ O5 O O5 GO CO C5 CO Ci CO CO CO i— ICOr— llO^Or-H g I 02 " o a § r- lOOOrHOOO a II fi 0> "3 ^ •3 '3 fl -3 - '5 la •§,§ *S *2 s- ^^ 'o . ^ -o rO O^ Snipuodsejjoo o> a, «•• s •4S tc •2'N !•* M s Lei 5 1 1 128 SCHMIDT'S AND LEHMANN'S ANALYSES OF BLOOD. [BOOK i. 00 00 q3 J 02 O> O - '§ -S a .3 o> - .2 ^ 'tl rH P. ^POSITION OF OBSEKVATIONS i 0 o o I— 1 Water Solid constitu 'i « *s o cc" Fibrin Proteids, chie Fat . Extractive nu Mineral subst Chlorine . Sulphur triox Phosphorus p Potassium . 02 p^ '*S S g || l^|| oSooS i 5 •2 § 8s 0 0 0 0 o t^ r-H Oi CO O d CO rH CO OO CO ^f CO CO OC ~\ (M t^ "<* CO 10 CO i— i t^ 1 s ob § P« -e -^ T .g S S o ^ • ® o • **-*2. • va ^ rt ^ £ r^ 11 •§- 1 r3 I 0 S "-^ * rS tig ^ i & 1 3 §r |,8^ ic §^ 2 1| 1 I EH ^ S VI W • -Q • .H DQ * ' * _S g g £ e a •& .'-si .gs|-las| II 5 fi 1* 1 •= K"! Magnesium CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 129 SECT. 7. CHARACTERS PRESENTED BY THE BLOOD OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS. It has already been stated that with very few exceptions *, the blood of all vertebrate animals is characterized by the possession of a red colour which is due to the presence within it of coloured corpuscles, which in all classes but one (that of the Mammalia) are nucleated. In addition to the coloured corpuscles, we have seen that the blood always contains a much smaller number of colourless cells, consisting of nucleated masses of protoplasm, endowed with con- tractility, and presenting many of the essential features of independent elementary organisms, and it has been incidentally remarked that there appears to be a much greater uniformity in the shape and size of the colourless than of the coloured corpuscles of the blood of different classes of Vertebrates. When we pass from the vertebrate to the invertebrate sub-king- doms we find that in all those organisms in which a differentiated blood-vascular system exists, the contained liquid presents floating in it nucleated masses of protoplasm closely resembling the colourless cells of vertebrate blood, but is generally, though not invariably, free from all representatives of the coloured corpuscles. In the immense majority of invertebrate animals this intra-vascular liquid is colourless, or presents a yellowish tint, though in a small minority it is coloured red, or green, or blue. Generally, however, the colour is diffused through the liquor sanguinis if it is not actually dissolved in it. In the colourless liquid contained in the vascular system of most Invertebrates, we have probably a liquid which discharges only one half of the functions of the vertebrate blood — which serves merely as a common medium, supplying liquid and solid matters to the various tissues and organs, and washing away from them products of waste and decay, which it discharges through the agency of, or at, the various excretory organs. The other half of the functions of the vertebrate blood, the respiratory,, are probably scarcely represented by the colourless blood of Invertebrata. Such blood possesses, probably, no arrangement whereby the oxygen of the medium external to the body can be stored up by it, at certain points, to be carried away to tissues and organs far removed from that medium and then given up. The respiratory exchanges in creatures provided with such blood probably take place by processes of diffusion directly between the tissues of the organism and the medium which it inhabits, and 1 It is a matter of dispute whether the blood corpuscles of Amphioxus contain haemoglobin. According to Bay Lankester they do not. In Leptocephalm we have at any rate a fish whose blood is certainly free from haemoglobin. (Lankester: "A Contribution to the Knowledge of Haemoglobin. " Proceedings of Royal Society, Vol. xxi. (1872) p. 71 et seq. G. 9 1.30 DISTRIBUTION OF HAEMOGLOBIN IN INVERTEBRATA. [BOOK I. without the intermediation of any special arrangement such as is represented by the haemoglobin of the vertebrate coloured corpuscles. In the Invertebrata whose blood is coloured, we have, however, undoubtedly, a clear indication of the blood discharging respiratory functions, for such blood, when red, contains oxy-haemoglobin,and when of other colours, sometimes undoubtedly does contain matters which are capable of acting as oxygen carriers. The following are the most important facts which have been discovered in reference to the chemical composition of the blood of invertebrate animals : Distribution of Haemoglobin through the vascular liquids of various groups of Invertebrata. Our knowledge of this subject is mainly derived from the researches of Professor Ray Lankester1. The following are the chief conclusions to which he has arrived. Haemoglobin is contained — • 1. in special corpuscles : a. In the perivisceral fluid of some species of the Vermian genera, Glycera, Capitella and Phor&nis. b. In the blood of the Lamellibranchiate Mollusk, Solen legumen. 2. Diffused in a vascular or ambient liquid : a. In the peculiar vascular system of the Chaetopodous Annelids very generally, but with apparently arbitrary exceptions. b. In the vascular system (which represents a reduced perivisceral cavity) of certain Leeehes, but not of all (Nephelis, Hirudo). c. In the vascular system of certain Turbellarians as an exception (Polia sanguirubra). d. In a special vascular system (distinct from the general blood-system) of a marine parasitic Crustacean (undescribed) observed by Pro- fessor Eclouard van Beneden.. e. In the general blood-system of the larva of the Dipterous Insect Cheironomus. f. In the general blood-system of the Pulmonated Mollusk Planorbis. g. In the general blood-systems of the Crustaceans Daphnia and Cheirocephalus. In reference to Planorbis, Mr H. C. Sorby has made observations which lead him to doubt very strongly whether the red colouring matter be really haemoglobin 2, Mr Sorby's doubts are based (1) upon the fact that the measurements of the bands in the spectrum of the blood of Planorbis differed slightly from those of oxy-haemoglobin ; (2) that the red colouring matter in the blood of Planorbis seemed to resist the action of decomposing reagents (such as acids) longer than haemoglobin. According to Sorby the following are the centres of the bands of normal haemoglobin and of 1 Lankester, Op. cit.t p. 76. . 2 H. C. Sorby, " On the Evolution of Haemoglobin." Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. Vol. xvi. N. S. (1876) p. 76 et seq. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 131 the colouring matter of the blood of Planorbis, expressed in wave-lengths in millionths of a millimetre. Centres of Bands. Normal oxy-haemoglobin 581 545 Planorbis 578 542-J. According to the measurements of Preyer and the Author, the position of the bands in Planorbis as stated above really coincides almost exactly with that of the bands of oxy-haemoglobin. It must not be concluded that all the red colouring matters found in invertebrate animals are identical with haemoglobin. Thus the peri- visceral cavity of Sipunculus nudus, which is abundant in the Gulf of Naples, has a pale madder-like colour due to a large number of coloured corpuscles, varying in size between -^--Vfrth and -^V^-th of an inch, in which a pink colouring matter is deposited. This colouring matter, which is found in other tissues of that creature, is quite distinct from haemoglobin1. Whether certain crystals which are obtainable from the blood of insects consist of haemoglobin or not has been disputed, and yet deserves further investigation 2. On the Green Blood of Certain Annelids. Chlorocruorin. In 1838 Milne Edwards3 had discovered that in certain Annelids of the genus Sabella, the blood possessed a green colour, and a similar observation was made by M. de Quatrefages in the case of the annelid Chloronema Edwardsi. Professor Ray Lankester4 some years ago shewed that the green colour is due to a body to which he gave the name of CHLOROCRUOEIN. Lankester's researches were carried out on Sabella ventilabrum and Siphonostoma. He found that the blood yielded an absorption spectrum with two distinct bands, viz. one between C and D, and a second much less distinct band in the green, almost midway between D and E. On reducing a solution of the blood by means of one of the reagents used with a similar object in the case of haemoglobin, Lankester found that the two bands were replaced by a single band having nearly the same position as the darker of the two, though fainter than it. On agitating with air the two bands returned. The Author has reduced Professor Lankester's observations to a scale of wave-lengths, and finds that the first band of oxy-chlorocruorin, as drawn by Lankester, extends from wave-length 588 '5 to 617, its centre being, therefore, 602*7. The second band extends from 560 to 570. The band of (reduced) chlorocruorin extends from wave-length 588'5 to 611'3, and its centre therefore corresponds to wave-length 600. 1 Lankester, Op. cit., p. 80. 2 Landois, Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zoologie, Vol. xiv. pp. 55— 70, Plates vn.— ix., (quoted by Preyer, Op. cit. p. 10). The Author has not seen th'e original paper. 3 Milne Edwards : " Eecherches pour servir a 1'histoire de la circulation chez les Annelides." Ann. des Sciences Natur., 1838. 2me aerie. Vol. x. p. 190. 4 Lankester : Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 1868, p. 114: ibid. 1870, p. 119. C) 2 132 THE BLUE BLOOD OF MOLLUSCA AND MOLLUSCOIDA. [BOOK I. To the green substance Lank ester applied the term Chlorocruorin, and concluded that this body, like haemoglobin, was capable of existing in two states of oxidation ; when oxygenized he proposed to designate it oxy-chlorocruorin. Furthermore Lankester found that the action of certain reagents upon chlorocruorin appeared to indicate that when decomposed it yields products which have identical spectra to those of certain haematin derivatives. ON THE BLUE BLOOD OF CERTAIN OF THE MOLLUSCA AND MOLLUSCOIDA. 1. The blood of the mollusca has received considerable attention. Usually the blood of animals belonging to this class presents a white colour, but sometimes it is distinctly of a blueish tint. C. Schmidt analysed the blood of the Pond-mussel (Anodonta cygnea) and found it to be colourless and slightly alkaline. It deposited a pale fibrinous coagulum ; it contained 0-854 p. c. of solid constituents, and of these there were 0-033 of a fibrin -like body, 0-565 of albumin, 0-189 of lime, 0-033 of sodium phos- phate, sodium chloride, calcium sulphate, and 0-034 of calcium phosphate !. 2. The blood of the large shell-snail (Helix pomatia) was found by Harless and von Bibra2 to contain S'393 p. c. of organic and 6'12 p. c. of mineral matters, there being 0'055 of oxide of copper in the latter. This blood acquired a blue colour on exposure to air which disappeared under the influence of C02. Alcohol precipitated a colourless coagulum and ammonia removed the blue colour, which reappeared on neutralizing the solution with hydrochloric acid. Harless and von Bibra stated that the blood of Helix pomatia contained copper, but no iron, but v. Gorup-Besanez states that on having these observations repeated under his direction, in addition to copper, iron was also found in the ash3. 3. Harless and von Bibra also investigated the blood of certain Cepha- lopods (Loligo and Eledone) and Ascidians, which they likewise found to contain copper but no iron. They assert that this blood possesses altogether opposite colour properties to that of Helix pomatia, i.e. that it is blue when free from oxygen but becomes colourless when shaken with air, again being bleached when oxygen is passed through it. v. Gorup-Besanez con- siders that this statement requires further proof before it can be accepted4. 4. The whitish-blue blood of Limulus Cyclops was examined by A. Genth5. A few seconds after this blood is shed a yellowish-white coagulum separates from the liquid, which retains its blue colour. The latter is destroyed by boiling and by putrefaction. Genth analysed the ash of the blood of this creature and found it to contain in one case 0-081 p. c. of oxide of iron, and 0'085 of cupric oxide; in another case only a trace of iron, but 0*297 p.c. of metallic copper. 1 C. Schmidt : see Lehmann's Physiological Chemistry, Vol. in., p. 256. 2 Harless und von Bibra, Miiller's Archiv, 1847, pp. 148—157. " Ueber das blaue Blut einiger wirbellosen Thiere und dessen Kupfergehalt." 3 Gorup-Besanez, Lehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie, p. 369. 4 Gorup-Besanez, Op. cit. p. 370. 6 " Ueber die Aschenbestandtheile des Blutes von Limulus Cyclops." Ann. d. Chem. '«-- Ptiarm., LXXXI. (1852), p. 68. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 133 The Blue Blood of the Octopus. Haemocyanin. However interesting the above facts may have been as rendering it most probable that the blue colouring matter of the blood of certain of the Mollusca is concerned in the function of respiration, and suggestive of the possibility that other metals may take the place of iron as constituents of the blood-colouring matter, they are infinitely less important than the observations of Frederique made upon the blood of the Octopus. Kabuteau and Papillon1 had described the blood of the Octopus, and had correctly pointed out that it becomes blue on exposure to air, doubtless in consequence of the action of oxygen. Their researches have been continued by Le*on Frederique 2 with the following most interesting results : — The blood of the Octopus has a specific gravity of 1047, and it contains between 13 and 14 per cent, of solid matters. The blood contained in the vessels going to the branchiae is colourless, whilst the blood leaving them is of a deep blue colour. If a large artery be exposed in a living octopus, whilst it is immersed in water, and breathing freely, it will be seen to have a deep blue colour, due to a substance dissolved in the plasma ; if the animal be now with- drawn from the water, as the respiration becomes impaired, the colour of the artery is seen to become lighter and lighter, its contents becoming ultimately colourless. The blue blood drawn from an artery, if placed in a closed vessel, undergoes, after some hours, a process of bleaching, the change of colour being analogous to the change of the tint of arterial blood when it is similarly treated. When the blue blood is boiled in the receiver of a mercurial pump the blue colour disappears. The same result follows when it is subjected to a stream of H2S or C02. The blue colour is due to a body to which Frederique has given the name of HAEMOCYANIN. This body, like haemoglobin, is allied to the proteids, but still more complex, seeing that it yields a proteid substance as one of its decomposition products, but in addition a colouring matter. In the case of haemocyanin this colouring matter is blue, and contains copper. Following the analogy of haemoglobin the blue compound might be termed oxy-haemocyanin, and the colourless derivative simply haemocyanin. Solutions of oxy -haemocyanin when examined with the spectro- scope do not present any 'definite absorption-bands. Solutions of the body, when heated, exhibit slight opalescence at 65° C., and this 1 Kabuteau et Papillon, "Observations sur quelques liquides, &c." Comptes Rendus, v. 77, (14 Juillet, 1873) p. 137. 2 L6on Frederique, " Sur 1'organisation et la physiologie du Poulpe." Extrait des Bulletins de V Academic Roy ale de BeJgique. 2me serie, T. XLVI. N° 11 ; 1878. HAEMOCYANIN. PERIVISCEEAL FLUID. [BOOK i. increases to 73° C. ; coagulation actually occurs at 74° C. They are likewise coagulated by alcohol, ether, mineral acids, and glacial acetic acid ; and give the general reactions of the proteids. Haemocyanin is a colloid, non-crystallizable body ; in addition to it there appears to be no proteid or proteid derivative in the blood. When decomposed with mineral acids it yields a prismatic crystalline body. It was said that the blue colouring matter of the blood of the Octopus was contained in the liquor sanguinis. The blood does contain a small number of corpuscles, but these are colourless. The following table, extracted from Frederique's memoir, exhibits the results of the quantitative analyses hitherto made of the blood of Cephalopoda. Paul Le"on Earless Bert Schlossberger Frederique Eledone Sepia Sepia Octopus Octopus Solid matters in 100 parts 7-23 10-9 18—20 12-6 13-689 Salts .... 2-63 3-205 2-225 3-014 „ soluble . 1-975 2-7918 1-940 2-33 „ insoluble 0-655 0-414 0-284 0-684 Organic matters 4-6 j? 10-375 10-675 Proteids » 3-4 5J 8-9 On certain coloured corpuscles found in the Perivisceral Fluid of certain Sea-urchins and Holothurians. The perivisceral fluid of Sea-urchins and Holothurians has a more or less distinct reddish tinge, which is due to the admixture of a considerable proportion of coloured corpuscles1. These are large nucleated amoeboid cells, of which the fluid endosarc is filled with small highly refracting spherules of a rich mahogany-brown colour. They abound in the water- vascular system and in the intestinal blood-vessels of the Urchin, and are also to be found scattered throughout all the tissues, more particularlv the integument. The following observations have been made by Mr Patrick Geddes and have been kindly communicated by him to the Author. If an Urchin be divested of its spines and left exposed to the air, its warm hue soon becomes dingy, and, in the course of a few hours 1 For descriptions and figures of these corpuscles see — Erdl Wiegmann's Archiv, 1842. Williams, On the Blood-proper and Chylaqueous Fluid of Invertebrate Animals. Philosophical Transactions, 1852. Part n. p. 595. Semper, Eeisen im Archipel der Philippinen, Bd. i. Taf. xxxui. Hoffman, Niederl. Archiv, 1871. Geddes, " Observations sur le fluide pe'riviscerale des Oursins." Archives de Zoologie experimental, 1878. CHAP. II.] THE BLOOD. 135 changes into a peculiar dark green. When a quantity of perivisceral fluid containing corpuscles in the dingy brown state is placed in the vacuum of the mercurial gas pump, it rapidly recovers its normal colour. Thus the colouring matter of these corpuscles is readily oxidised and deoxidised, and there is considerable probability that it may have a respiratory function. However, on account of the small number of brown corpuscles in the fluids of the Urchin, it is impossible to make satisfactory analyses of the evolved gases by means of the blood pump, nor has any attempt to isolate the pigment yet succeeded. That this brown substance is nearly related to the purple colouring matter of the shell of many urchins, as well as to the yellowish-brown (biliary 1) pigment of the intestinal epithelium, is made evident by adding a mineral acid to their alcoholic solutions. All three immediately assume a green tint, very similar to that of the integument of the dead Urchin. Moreover, when a morsel of any of the highly pigmented tissues of Spatangus purpureus, for instance, the ovary, is slightly torn with needles, purple spots appear at the injured points, and, under the microscope, the brown corpuscles may be watched, one by one changing into purple. Lemon-yellow amoeboid corpuscles are also found, though sparingly, in the fluids of certain of the regular Sea-urchins (Dorocidaris, Arbocia), and are exceedingly abundant in the perivisceral fluid of the Spatangoidea. The greatest variety of colour is to be seen in the contents of the intes- tinal vessels of /Spatangus, in a single preparation of which may be seen brown, purple, green, lemon-yellow, and indigo-blue amoeboid corpuscles, together with vast numbers of peculiar greyish vesicles of very variable size, from that of a micrococcus up to more than that of a coloured corpuscle. rjris CHAPTEB III. CHANGES WHICH THE BLOOD UNDERGOES IN DISEASE. INTRODUCTION. THE blood may be looked upon as the internal medium whither tends the stream of matter which flows from the external world into the organism, and whence simpler combinations of matter, which are the result of the chemical processes of the organism, leave it to form again a part of the external medium. The blood represents a common reservoir which is continually being drawn upon by each tissue and organ for the materials which it needs, and to which, in its turn, each tissue and organ contributes its quota of useful manufactured products or of useless waste. If we except the coloured corpuscles, whose function it is to act as the internal oxygen-carriers of the body, and the colourless corpuscles, which we have good reason to think are the precursors of the coloured, the blood represents a solution of organic and inorganic matters, which is continually being added to and taken from, in different ways and degrees, by the different tissues and organs, and at varying rates by each tissue or organ according to the degree of its functional activity. The ancients looked upon the blood as essentially representing vitality : as that part of the matter of the body in which specially resided the life, and hence arose the natural wish to connect all the morbid processes of the body, processes tending towards death, with a perversion of the life-giving or actually vital liquid — a wish which found expression in the various phases of the humoral pathology which under one form or another reigned more or less imperiously over medicine until the fifth decade of the present century had passed. If, however, we look upon the blood very much as a fluid con- tained in a reservoir which is contributed to by many sources, and whence at many points, by a variety of chemical and physical processes, matter is being continuously removed, we shall, naturally, be forced to admit that any changes which the blood undergoes are, in all CHAP. III.] THE BLOOD IN DISEASE. 137 probability, nearly always dependent upon some modification of the organs which intervene between the external world and itself, of the organs through which certain of its materials have to pass in order to reach it, or of the organs through which other of its materials have to pass before they can be eliminated. The progress of biological research has tended more and more to confirm this view of the relation of the blood to the organs of the body, and to transfer the vital processes to those elements of the various organs which we term cells, modified though these may be from the ideal conception of the cell in its primordial condition, as represented, for instance, by the mammalian ovum, or the cells of embryonal connective tissue. Apparently, it is in connection with those extra- vascular centres of nutrition, the cells, that take place those chemical processes (nearly all of which are associated with oxidation) which result either in the assimilation of fresh matter for the body's use, or of elimina- tion of waste matter which would accumulate to the body's detri- ment, or which primarily have for their object the evolution of the kinetic energy which the body needs, in order that it shall perform its internal and external work ; so that the life of an organ, as evidenced by its ability to perform those acts which characterize it as alive, may be philosophically considered as the sum of the life of its constituent living centres, the cells, and the life of the organism as, in one sense, the sum of the life of all the constituent living centres of its various organs. If this view be correct, disease will, in all probability, depend primarily upon modifications in the processes of cells, rather than of the fluid whence cells obtain their nourishment, and we shall be quite prepared to find (1) that a morbid process may seriously interfere with organs whose functions are essential to life, without influencing the composition of the blood in a manner perceptible by our methods of chemical and microscopic analysis, however delicate these may be, and (2) that when a marked change is revealed by these methods of enquiry it must be a difficult matter to trace the component causes of which the change is the resultant effect. The first proposition is proved by the paucity of results which have been obtained in spite of the assiduous labours of many scientific physicians, the second may be well illustrated by taking as an example that change in the blood which is better characterized than all others, viz. anaemia, or that condition in which the relative and absolute number of the coloured corpuscles of the blood is diminished. It is a condition which may result from accidental losses of blood, or from some process (for example, abundant suppuration) which tends unnaturally to drain the blood of some of its constituents, or from a deficiency of proper food, or from causes so complex that we willingly hide our ignorance under the expression of disorders of nutrition. Where the actual fault primarily lies can, in many cases, be not even guessed at, and the physician knows little more than that the disorder 138 A HUMORAL PATHOLOGY NO LONGER TENABLE. [BOOK I. of nutrition is one which is often successfully overcome by the administration of iron, by fresh air, and an abundant diet. Eesearches on the chemical changes which take place in the blood in disease were not possible until the chief proximate constituents of the blood had been studied, and methods devised for their repara- tion. Amongst the researches which proved of the greatest value in this respect were those of Berzelius1, of The'nard and then of MM. Prevost and Dumas 2, which, by determining the mean composi- tion of healthy human blood, first established a standard of comparison which might be referred to by those studying the changes induced in the blood by disease. Amongst the most complete of the systematic investigations which were made in the latter subject were those of Andral and Gavarret3, of Becquerel and Rodier4, of Simon5, whilst the changes in particular diseases engaged the attention of certain distinguished writers, as of Christison6, of Garrod7, of C. Schmidt8. During the last thirty years comparatively little attention has been paid to the condition of the blood in various diseases, a fact which may be explained partly as due to the discontinuance of the practice of venesection, which has deprived the physician of the material required for these investigations, partly as a result of the change of views which has beeaa explained at the commencement of this section. Of late, however, attention has again been enthusiastically directed to the modifications which certain constituents of the blood undergo in disease, notably to the variation in the relative number of coloured and colourless corpuscles, and of the haemoglobin contained in the former, and we may therefore expect rapid accessions to the exact knowledge which we possess. We shall in the first place consider categorically the changes which the various normal constituents of the blood undergo in disease, and then draw special attention to the results of investigations of the changes in particular diseases. 1 Berzelius : see " General views of the Composition of Animal Fluids." Transac- tions of Med.-Chir. Soc. of London, Vol. in. p. 198. 2 Pre" vost et Dumas, " Examen du sang et de son action dans les divers ph&iomenes de la vie." Ann. de Chimie, 1821, T. xvin., p. 280. A second memoir, with the same title, was published in the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 1823, Vol. xxni. p. 50 and p. 90. 3 Andral et Gavarret, " Eecherches sur les modifications de proportion de quelques principes du sang (fibrine, globules, mat6riaux solides du serum et eau) dans les mala- dies." Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Tome LXXV., p. 225 — " Eecherches sur la com- position du sang de quelques animaux domestiques dans 1'etat de saiit<£ et de maladie,' (in conjunction with M. Delafond). Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 3me s6rie, Vol. v. p. 304. Andral, Essai d'Hematologie Pathologique, Paris, 1843. 4 Becquerel et Kodier, Recherches sur les alterations du sang. Paris, 1844. — Traite de Chimie Pathologique appliquee a la Medecine Pratique. Paris, 1854. 6 Simon, Animal Chemistry, translated by G. E. Day, M.D. Sydenham Society, 1845. 6 Christison, " On granular degeneration of the kidneys, and its connexion with dropsy, inflammations and other diseases. 8vo. Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1839. 7 Garrod : see page 143. 8 C. Schmidt, Charalcteristik der epidemischen Cholera gegenuber Transudations- anomalien. Leipzig u. Mitau, 1850. CHAP. III.] THE BLOOD IN DISEASE. 139 SECT. 1. Variations in the proportion of the principal Constituents of the Blood in Diseases in general. Water I. Before considering the changes which the blood undergoes in different diseases, it is well to insist upon the fact that loss of blood very rapidly influences the composition of that which remains in the vascular system. It has been shewn by the con- cordant results of many trustworthy observers1 that when an animal is bled, the portion of blood first obtained contains the largest quantity of solid matter, and that this gradually diminishes, so that the blood obtained at the commencement of a venesection has a slightly, but still perceptibly, different composition from that obtained at its termination, unless, of course, the total quantity of blood withdrawn be excessively small. This diminution in the solid matter of the blood which is noticeable even in the course of venesection is naturally much more perceptible in cases of excessive and repeated accidental haemorrhages. The diminution of solid matter is partly due to actual loss of solids, but in great part to the blood becoming more rapidly diluted by lymph than in the normal condition. The normal quantity of water in the blood of man may be estimated as varying between 780 and 800 parts per 1000 of blood. An increase in the water of the blood is much more frequent than the converse ; this increase may be only slight or it may be considerable. A slight augmentation of the water of the blood, i. e. to between 800 and 820 parts per 1000, occurs as a result of a temporary abstinence from food, in the early stages of nearly all acute diseases, and in the majority of chronic diseases. A more marked augmentation, the water amounting to between 820 and 880 parts per 1000 of blood, occurs in starvation: after considerable haemorrhages ; in cases of abundant suppuration, or in which some other considerable drain is taking place, as in chronic diarrhoea ; in the course of malarial diseases ; in lead poisoning ; in chronic mercurial poisoning ; in cancerous and tubercular affections : and we might add in anaemia, if it were not more correct to characterize the latter as the condition which really exists in all the morbid states just enumerated. A decrease in the quantity of water of the blood has been observed in articular rheumatism, in erysipelas, in puerperal fever, and especially in cholera. Coloured II. The coloured corpuscles are increased in the first Corpuscles stages of cholera ; the increase is however riot an absolute and Haemo- One, but merely dependent on a diminution of the water globin. 0£ tjie blood. A diminution of the coloured corpuscles occurs in the various forms of anaemia, including chlorosis ; in Bright's disease ; as a result of prolonged diarrhoea and dysentery ; of continued and abundant suppurative discharges; in scurvy; in leucocy thaemia ; in the advanced stages of continued and of intermittent fevers; in chronic metallic poisoning ; in cases of advanced heart disease; in chronic diseases generally. 1 Pre'vost and Dumas, Becquerel and Eoclier, Simon, and others. 140 PROPORTION OF HAEMOGLOBIN IN VARIOUS DISEASES. [BOOK I. In health, the amount of haemoglobin in the blood appears to be pro- portional to the number of corpuscles. This relation does not hold, however, in disease, as will be particularly mentioned in discussing the. phenomena of anaemia. The largest number of determinations of the amount of haemoglobin in the blood of various diseases has been carried out by Quincke1, who made use of Preyer's method for the determination of haemoglobin. In the annexed table may be seen the results which he obtained. The letters V-S. in the second column indicate that the blood was obtained by vene- section, and the letter H that it was obtained by Heurteloup's artificial leech. Sex and Age. Method by which blood obtained. Specific gravity. Haemo- globin in 100 grammes. Disease. ) Observations. F. 35 VS. 1058 14-4 Angina pecto- Otherwise healthy, well ris. nourished woman. F. 60— vs. 1060-6 14-1 Cerebral Apo- Previously healthy and 70 plexy. well nourished, V-S. two hours after the attack. M. 44 H. 1060-8 14-6 Scorbutus. Purpura haemorrhagica on lower extremities which quickly disappeared by rest in bed ; state of nu- trition good. M. 20 H. 1049-6 10-1 Cirrhosis of the Pretty intense jaundice. liver; haemo- Frequent epistaxis, pro- philia. fuse bleeding from any accidental wound. F. 15 H. 1035-2 5-3 Chlorosis. Well developed body ; no complication. Date Nov. 14, 1869. H-, 1049-1 9-92 j> 10 weeks later. Has been i taking iron. Date Feb.! 3, 1870. M. 45 H. 1044-3 5-80 Splenic leuco- cythaemia. F. 28 VS. 1050-5 10-30 Parenchyma- Patient died of acute j tons Nephritis. oedema of the lungs. M. 40 vs. 1047-3 10-70 Nephritis Considerable general oe- Uraemia. dema. The patient died i a few hours after. M. 27 vs. 1048-7 11*40 Nephritis Considerable oedema. Con- Uraemia, stitutional syphilis. V-S. during a uraemic convul- sion. Sp. gr. of the se- rum, 1044. 1 Quincke : "Ueber den Hamoglobingehalt des Blutes in Krankheiten." Virchow's Archiv, Vol. LIV. (1872), p. 537, CHAP. III.] THE BLOOD IN DISEASE. 141 Sex and Age. Method bj which blood obtained. 1 Specific gravity. Haemo- globin in 100 grammes Disease. Observations. M. 43 H. 1047-0 10-60 Bright's diseas Considerable oedema. Very contracted abundant urine of light stage. colour and low specific i gravity. M. 24 H. 1041-1 8-5 Bright's diseas Very considerable oedema. contracted Chronic uraemia. Post- stage. mortem examination re- i vealed highly contracted kidneys. M. H. 1054-9 14-4 Diabetes Me Appetite still very good. litus. Total quantity of urine in 24 hours, 10 litres. Sp. gr. 1030. M. 30 H. 1059-5 15-9 Diabetes Me' Enormously fat person. litus1. Good appetite. Urine in 24 hours from 3 to 4 litres. Sp. gr. 1020. M. 22 H. 1056-6 12-9 Typhoid fever A somewhat cachectic 1st week. individual. M. 25 H. 1059-6 12-7 Typhoid fever Moderately strong man. 1st week. M. 25 H. 1062-1 14-6 Typhoid fever, Moderately strong man, 1st week. an attack of medium se- verity. H. 1054-4 12-6 typhoid fever. 4th week. M. H. 1056-4 144 Relapsing Strong man. ever, 5th day. F. 50 VS. 1057-9 15-0 Cerebro-spinal A strong person. Ap- meningitis of parently has been ill three great acute- days. Deepest coma. ness. Death on the 5th day. M. 56 H. 1050-5 11-3 Pyaemia, 2nd following a phlegmonous or 3rd week. abscess of the neck, there occurred phlebitis of the F. 20 VS. 1056-7 14-9 Phosphorus jugular vein and pyaemia. Patient had four days before poisoning. swallowed an infusion of lucifer matches. Intense icterus, enlargement and tenderness of the liver. )eath 12 hours after vene- section. 1 This was probably a case which should have been termed glycosuria, rather than diabetes mellitus. Sugar not unfrequently occurs in the urine of very obese persona who present none of the other symptoms of diabetes. This statement the author makes upon the authority of a verbal communication from Dr Lauder Brunton. 142 PROPORTION OF BLOOD CONSTITUENTS IN DISEASE. [BOOK I. III. The quantity of fibrin which separates from the blood during coagulation, and which normally amounts in the case of man to about 2-5 parts per 1000, may increase in disease to as much as 10 parts per 1000. This increase of fibrin is to a certain extent characteristic of acute inflammatory affections; it is clearly not to be ascribed to the pyrexia which is often a prominent feature of these diseases, seeing that in the fevers the proportion of fibrin is diminished instead of being increased. According to Becquerel and Rodier the cases in which the amount of fibrin is increased may be divided into two categories. In the first category the augmentation is only slight, the amount of fibrin fluctuating between 3 and 5 per 1000 of blood. In the second it is considerable and is comprised between 5 and 10 parts per 1000 of blood. A. Slight augmentation of fibrin occurs (1) in chlorosis; (2) in pregnancy, especially towards the close of utero-gestation ; (3) in slight inflammatory affections, if accompanied by pyrexia ; such as slight attack of erysipelas of the face &c. ; (4) in certain cases of scorbutus. B. Considerable augmentation of fibrin (amount varying between 5 and 10 per 1000 of blood) is characteristic of the more serious inflammatory affections. It is most marked for instance in pneumonia, pleurisy, and acute rheumatism. Whenever the parenchyma of organs is implicated in the inflammatory process the fibrin of the blood appears to increase. Whence comes the increase 1 Seeing that we are yet in ignorance as to the origin of the fibrinogen of the blood plasma, a solution of the above question is impossible. In the proliferation of cellular elements which accompanies the process of inflammation we have however a cause which will add to the number of colourless cells of the blood, and to the amount of serum-globulin which will be available in the process of coagulation. Whether we admit or deny Schmidt's theory there is no question as to the influence which serum-globulin exerts in increasing the amount of fibrin, and this is one way (though only one) in which we may conceive that inflammatory diseases cause the proportion of fibrin to increase. A diminution in the proportion of fibrin (so that it sinks to between 1 and 2 parts per 1000 of blood) has been observed in certain acute and certain chronic diseases. Amongst the former are to be reckoned typhoid fever, small pox, scarlet fever and measles ; amongst the latter, organic affections of the heart in their last stage, certain malarial cachexiae, chronic scurvy, and chronic mercurial poisoning. Serum-Al- ' normal amount of serum-albumin in the bumin serum of the blood of man amounts on an average to 80 parts per 1000, the limits varying between the numbers 70 and 90. An augmentation of serum-albumin has been observed to occur in cholera and after the use of hydragogue cathartics1. To a less extent in acute rheumatism and in the early stages of some intermittents (?). A diminution of serum-albumin occurs most markedly in Bright's disease, anaemia, scurvy, dysentery, and generally in chronic diseases which impair the general nutrition : for instance, in the advanced stages of some cardiac affections. 1 C. Schmidt, Characteristic dcr Cholera. CHAP. IIT.] THE BLOOD IN DISEASE. 143 Fatg V. The nor ma amount of fatty matters in healthy blood varies, according to Becquerel and Rodier, between 1 and 3-3 parts in 1000. It is said that the fats of the blood are increased in pneumonia, in alcoholism, in diabetes, in Bright's disease, in the hepatitis of hot climates, in cases of chylous urine, in some cases of acute rheumatism, and in many acute and chronic cases of poisoning1. The information on many of these points is in the highest degree unsatisfactory. VI. The amount of cholesterin in normal blood varies and L°ecUh£n probably between 0-5 and 2-0 parts per 1000. According to Becquerel and Rodier this constituent increases in quantity in all acute febrile affections, in all acute inflammations, and especially in cases of jaundice in which there is almost complete retention of bile. We possess no information whatever as to the amount of lecithin present in the blood in disease ; indeed our knowledge of the proportions present in health only rest on a very few analyses by Judell and Hoppe- Seyler. Sugar. VII. Sugar is increased in the blood of diabetes, as will be mentioned under that disease. Urea, Uric VIII. Amongst the so-called extractive matters present acidandotner jn the blood, urea, uric acid, and hypoxanthine require to be mentioned as being affected in disease. The amount of urea in the blood is largely increased in the various forms of Bright's disease2, as was first shewn by Christison, in cholera3, and in yellow fever. It has been said that this is the case also in diabetes and febrile affections4. Uric acid5, as will be more particularly referred to under Gout, is markedly increased in the blood in acute and chronic cases of that disease. Hypoxanthine has been found in considerable quantities in the blood of leucocythaemia3; according to Salomon this body is a constituent of healthy blood. Saltg IX. The salts of the Hood, especially the alkaline salts, undergo certain changes in disease, though our knowldge is yet very imperfect on this matter. In cholera, the serum of blood, though it contains less salts than normal, contains a larger quantity of salts of potassium; in dysentery, the salts of the serum are said to be increased, and the same holds in the case of Bright's disease. Tne Gases ^* ^s ye* ^ew ^ac*s have been collected which throw of the Blood. an7 light upon the proportion of the gases in the blood in disease. From a knowledge of the changes which other constituents undergo in certain diseases, or from a knowledge of the 1 Gautier, Chimie appliqute a la physiologic, a la pathologic et a Vhygiene. Vol. u. p. 314. 2 Christison, On granular degeneration of the kidneys, &c. Edinburgh, 1839. 3 Scherer, Verh. d. physik.-mcd. Ges. zu Wiirzburg, Vol. n. pp. 321—325, and Vol. VIT. pp. 123—126. Picard, These de Strasbourg, 1856. 5 Garrod, A Treatise on Gout and Rheumatic Gout. Third ed., 1876, p. 84 et seq. The first researches of this author on this subject were published in the Medico- Chirurgical Transactions, Vol. xxxvu. 144 THE GASES OF THE BLOOD IN DISEASE. [BOOK I. physical conditions of the patients, we can often surmise the way in which the gaseous exchanges of the blood must be affected. Thus from the amount of haemoglobin found in cases of anaemia and chlorosis, we can, with considerable accuracy, calculate the maximum amount of oxygen which such blood can contain, and we arrive at the conclusion that the amount is much below the normal. Thus a healthy man's blood contains on an average say 13*5 grammes of haemoglobin in one hundred parts. Such blood in virtue of its haemo- globin would, if saturated with oxygen, be capable of absorbing 22-55 c.c. of oxygen measured at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure. On the other hand the blood in cases of chlorosis may contain as little as 5 '3 grammes of haemoglobin per 100 of blood. Such blood could in virtue of its haemoglobin only take up 8 '85 c.c. of oxygen if fully saturated. We see therefore that the respiratory capacity of such blood is reduced to less than one half that of healthy blood. Again in cases where mechanical causes exist which interfere with the due amount of the gaseous exchanges in the lung, the cyanosis and the dyspnoea, sometimes culminating in asphyxia, point to a condition in which the oxygen of the blood is greatly diminished and the carbonic acid greatly increased. Actual determinations are, however, almost entirely wanting1. Attempts have been made by certain observers to determine the changes which the gases of the blood undergo in disease. Unfortunately the methods employed have been such as to deprive the results of all value. Thus Quinquaud determined the amount of oxygen in the blood of various diseases by means of a standard solution of sodium hydrosulphite2. The results obtained by this method are unfortunately in no way comparable with those obtained by the mercurial pump. Again, Brouardel3 has published analyses of the gases of the blood in variola and scarlatina which would appear to shew that in these diseases the proportion of oxygen which the blood can absorb is very much diminished. As, however, the amount of nitrogen found is much greater than could possibly have been held in solution by the quantity of blood analysed, the legitimate conclusion to be drawn is that the analyses possess no value. Regnard4 has attempted to determine the so-called ' respiratory capacity' of blood in disease, i. e. the maximum amount of oxygen which a given quantity of blood will absorb. Blood is shaken with air and then subjected to analysis in the mercurial pump. According to Regnard the respiratory capacity of blood is not affected even by putrefaction ; i. e. blood which is decomposed can absorb as much oxygen, as it did before the process of putrefaction set in. Regnard's observations were all performed with blood taken from the dead body, the clot being broken up artificially. They led to the conclusion that in many diseases the respiratory capacity is immensely diminished ; were the results reliable they would indicate that under the 1 In a case of cyanosis due to a cardiac lesion Lupine found that 100 c.c. of venous blood contained 64 c.c. of C02. Gazette Medic, de Paris, 1873, p. 128. 2 Quinquaud, "Sur un proc6d6 de dosage de 1'he'moglobine dans le sang" Comptes Rendus, Vol. LXXVI. p. 1489. " Sur les variations de 1'h^moglobine dans les maladies. " Comptes Eendus, Vol. LXXVII. p. 447. 3 Brouardel: "Des gaz du sang dans diffe'rentes maladies." Societe medicale des hopitaux, 1870, quoted by Bernard. 4 P. Bernard: Eecherches experimental sur les variations pathologiques des combus- tions respiratoires. These pour le Doctorat en Mddecine. Paris, 1878 109 et seq. CHAP. Ill ] 'THE BLOOD IN DISEASE. 145 influence of morbid processes the power which haemoglobin possesses of linking oxygen to itself is more or less affected. The conditions under which these observations were made appear, however, to the author, to deprive them of any value whatever. Legerot1 produced septicaemia in dogs by the injection of putrefied blood and compared the respiratory capacity before and after the induction of the morbid state. His results would appear to shew that an enormous diminution (sometimes to more than one half) of the respiratory capacity occurs. SECT. 2. THE CHANGES WHICH THE BLOOD UNDERGOES IN PARTICULAR DISEASES. In the preceding section we have grouped together under each principal constituent or group of constituents of the blood, the varia- tions which have been observed in diseases generally. We must now consider in detail the changes of the several chief constituents of the blood in certain special diseases, which have been particularly studied from this point of view. A. THE BLOOD IN DISORDERS OF NUTRITION. Anaemia. It has long been known that in various forms of anaemia the coloured corpuscles of the blood undergo a diminution, which to a certain extent appears to be proportionate to the intensity of the disease. The observations of the earlier French writers on this subject were definite enough, and although made by methods which did not furnish an absolutely correct estimate of the weight of the dry corpuscles, and gave no indication of the weight of the moist corpuscles, yielded results which might be compared one with the other. Thus Becquerel and Rodier2 classified cases in which the coloured corpuscles of the blood are deficient, into the three following classes, each distinguished by a separate letter. We give, in the first instance, their account, but slightly abridged. Bacquerei Qass A. Slight diminution (weight of dry corpuscles and Rodiers b t 10Q d 12Q 1QOO of blood)< Individuals classification , , , . ,,. , ,, '. r ri of cases of belonging to this class are pallid, there is some feeble- Anaemia, ness ; sometimes, but by no means always, a blowing murmur is heard with the first sound at the base, and a murmur in the carotids. 1 Legerot, Etudes dhematologie pathologique lasees sur V extraction des gaz du sang. Paris, 1874, quoted by Rdgnard, Op. cit. p. 121. 2 Bocquerel et Rodier, Traits de Chimie pathologique. Paris, 1854, p. 50 et seq. G. > 10 146 THE BLOOD COKPUSCLES IN ANAEMIA. [BOOK I. This degree of diminution of the coloured corpuscles occurs under the following circumstances; — in feeble individuals of the so-called lymphatic diathesis : under the influence of insufficient diet : in persons inhabiting marshy districts : as the result of a copious blood- letting : as a result of the persistent use of purgatives : in chronic Bright's disease : after some days of an acute disease, such as a fever : in the course of many chronic diseases, &c. Class B. Medium diminution (weight of dry blood-corpuscles between 80 and 100 per 1000 of blood). This state of the blood is accompanied by a much more marked debility of those subject to it. The skin is pale and slightly yellowish. Bodily exertion is irksome. There exists palpitation, and some dyspnoea may come on if the patient takes exercise. There is a soft bellows murmur in the aorta and carotids, which is rarely propagated along other arteries. The causes enumerated under Class A may, if continuing in operation, lead to the case being classed under B. As special causes are to be mentioned ; — considerable losses of blood : continued diarrhoea (or dysentery) : malarial cachexia : the cancerous cachexia : lead poisoning: chronic Bright's disease : the last stage of chronic diseases : lastly, and chiefly, chlorosis. Class C. Great diminution (weight of dry blood-corpuscles varying between 40 and 80 per 1000 of blood). Cases belonging to this class are much rarer than the preceding. The skin is pale, and may present a greenish hue, the strength is diminished; sometimes the least movement occasions sensations of painful weariness, muscular pains, dyspnoea and palpitation. Cephal- algia, vertigo, tinnitus aurium and other nervous troubles appear, in varying degrees of intensity. Syncope is readily induced; the pulse is quick and dicrotic ; there is a murmur with the first sound of the heart at the base. A very loud bellows murmur is heard in the carotids, and usually there exists, especially in chlorosis, a more or less loud venous murmur (bruit de diable). The following causes specially lead to the condition observed in this class; — great or frequently repeated hemorrhages: chlorosis: malarial anaemia: the cancerous cachexia, especially where cancer affects the stomach. If to the causes producing a diminution of the blood-corpuscles enumerated by Becquerel and Rodier, we add abundant and long- continued suppuration, scurvy, leucocythaemia and the affection designated by the term 'pernicious anaemia' we shall have before us a pretty complete catalogue of the various morbid states con- nected with a diminution of the blood-corpuscles. As will be appreciated by the reader of the section in which the determination of the weight of the coloured corpuscles is described, the weight of the dry corpuscles as found by such a method as that employed by Becquerel and Rodier does not admit of absolute accuracy. For the purposes of the physician it would be better if we could express the CHAP. III.] THE BLOOD IN DISEASE. 147 variation which the weight of the moist corpuscles undergoes in respect to the weight of the liquor sanguinis, in various diseases. The methods which we possess for effecting this determination with accuracy are, however, so complex and so difficult, that no large collection of data directly obtained by this method exists. We can, however, as was shewn by the researches of C. Schmidt, obtain a very close approximation to the true weight of the moist blood-corpuscles present in the blood, if we multiply the results obtained by Prevost and Dumas' method (which was employed by Becquerel and Rodier in their researches) by 4. Since, however, methods have been devised (1) for the enumeration of the blood-corpuscles contained in a known volume of blood and (2) for the determination of the amount of haemoglobin, the physician has been placed in possession of methods which have thrown great light upon some of the diseases in which the blood-corpuscles are diminished — in which typically the condition of anaemia exists. By means of any of the methods described at pages 74 — 78 a close approximation to the number of corpuscles contained in the blood may be made in a few minutes, by employing a single drop of blood. Similarly by methods as ready and as accurate, the amount of haemoglobin in the blood may be determined. As we have seen, haemoglobin constitutes by far the most abundant constituent of the red blood-corpuscles, and it might be supposed that the second of the above determinations might be sufficient for the purposes of the physician ; the richness or poverty of the blood in coloured corpuscles being judged of by its richness or poverty in haemoglobin. Such is however not the case, as will be now briefly shewn. Changes It resulted from the labours of Welcker, the dis- coverer of all the fundamental facts concerning the corpuscles , , . . , . , . ., P . & , undergo in relative number, weight, cubic capacity, superficies and Anaemia. colouration of the blood-corpuscles, that in the physio- logical condition the colour of the blood is proportionate to the number of its coloured corpuscles — in other words, that in the healthy state the amount of haemoglobin contained in the red blood-corpuscles is constant. That Welcker was correct in his statement, in so far as the healthy state is concerned, has been proved by the recent researches of Worm-Muller1, and is, on the whole, confirmed by Malas- sez2. In his remarkable researches on the changes which the blood undergoes in cholera and some other diseases, C. Schmidt3 had how- ever pointed out that the composition of the blood-corpuscles is liable to vary in disease, and attention was still more forcibly drawn to this interesting fact by Johann Duncan in 1867 4. This observer 1 Worm-Muller, "Ueber das Verhaltniss zwischen der Zahl der Blutkorperchen und der Farbekraft des Blutes." Om Forholdet imellem Blodlegemernes Antal og Blodets Faroekraft. Christiania, 1876. Abstracted in Maly's Jahresbericht, Vol. vii. (1878), p. 102. * 3 Malassez, " Sur les diverges methodes de dosage de 1'he'moglobine et sur un nouveau colori metre." Archives de Physiologic, Ser. n., Vol. iv. (1877), pp. 1 — 13. 3 C. Schmidt, Charakteristik der epidemischen Cholera, &c. 4 Duncan, " Beitrage zur Pathologic und Therapie der Chlorose." Sitzungsber. d. kais. Akad. d. Wissenschaften zu Wien. Naturwissenschaft. Cl. 1867. 2 Abth., pp. 516—522. 10—2 148 THE BLOOD COKPUSCLES IN ANAEMIA. [BOOK I. counted the corpuscles contained in a given volume of blood in three cases of chlorosis, and compared the colouring power of a given volume of the same blood with the colouring power of the same volume of healthy blood. From his observations he concluded that whilst the coloured corpuscles were nearly as numerous in his chlorotic patients as in healthy women, the amount of colouring matter was remarkably diminished, being about three times less in amount. The more recent researches of MM. Hayem1 and Ma- lassez2, but especially of the former, have brought out the interest- ing fact that in the various forms of anaemia the anatomical characters of the red blood-corpuscles are affected, and that the normal relations between the haemoglobin and the other constituents of the corpuscles are disturbed. The following is an epitome of the state- ments of Hayem. The changes which occur in the anatomical characters of the coloured corpuscles in anaemia are appreciated if we compare suc- cessively the diseased with the healthy corpuscles ; paying attention to size, number, form and colouration. 1. Size. In normal human blood we may, according to Hayem, conveniently classify the corpuscles into three orders, accord- ing to size, viz. large, medium, and small ; the large blood-cor- puscles having a mean diameter of 8*5 //., the medium 7'5//,, and the small 6'5/*. Usually the proportions in which these various corpuscles are present is the following: the medium-sized amount to 75, the large to about 12 and the small also to about 12 per 100, so that the mean size of the average blood-corpuscle is (according to Hayem) 7'5/Lt. If we except acute cases where the disease is suddenly produced by hemorrhage, in all forms of anaemia the size of the corpuscles is modified. Firstly, the blood contains a certain proportion of unusually small coloured corpuscles, which have a diameter varying between 2 '2//. and 6/i<. Almost as frequently, the blood contains a certain number of unusually large corpuscles, which we may term giant- corpuscles, measuring 10/i,or 12//, or even 14/x. Secondly, the rela- tion between the corpuscles of different sizes is disturbed, so that the blood contains a much larger number of small corpuscles in relation to other sizes than healthy blood. In all cases of chronic anaemia of considerable intensity, the mean diameter of the corpuscles is always below the normal. It may fall to 7fj>, to 6'8/ji, to 6'5/z,, and even to 6 ft. But this diminution in the mean diameter corresponds to a diminution in the mean volumes of the corpuscles. Thus the normal blood-corpuscle, having a mean diameter of 7'ojj,, has approximately the volume of 66/^c.c. (cubic micro-milli- 1 Hayem, Jtecherclies sur VAnatomie normale et pathologique du sang. Avec figures et tableaux. Paris, 1878. Here will be found reprinted the various papers on these subjects, elsewhere published by this author. 2 Malassez, "Sur les di verses niethodes de dosage de Themoglobine et sur un nouveau colorimetre. " Archives de Physiologic, Ser. n.t Vol. iv. (1877), pp. 1—43. CHAP. III.] THE BLOOD IN DISEASE. 149 metres). The corpuscle whose diameter is only 7yn has the volume of 57/z.c.c. ; that of 6'5yLt has a volume of 49/>tc.c. When in anaemia the mean diameter of the blood-corpuscles falls to 7/A, 100 corpuscles correspond in volume to only 80 healthy corpuscles ; when the mean diameter falls to 6/4, 100 corpuscles correspond only to 65 healthy corpuscles. Even assuming that the proportion of haemoglobin remained constant in anaemia, it is obvious from the above considerations, that important consequences must result from the diminution in the size of the corpuscles, but as will be shewn subsequently, the proportion of haemoglobin does not remain normal. 2. Number. Usually the number of the coloured corpuscles is diminished in anaemia, but by no means constantly so. In the most intense cases of anaemia the diminution is however always very marked. In a case of malarial anaemia Hay em found 1,182,750 corpuscles in 1 cubic millimetre, and in a case of purpura hemorrhagica only 1,000,000, i.e. a diminution of the blood-corpuscles to between Jth and