"^ <> -^ * *• yv T"/-". «t.' 6>*', - < JOHN A. SEAVERNS TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 9090 014 532 739 H* H^ CLEVELAND, VETERINARY SURGEON DflNYILLE, ... QUE. Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings Sctiooi of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road TEXT BOOK OF VETERINARY MEDICINE BY JAMES LAW, F.R.C.V.S. Director of the New York State Veterinary College Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. VOL. Ill DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYvSTEM— GENITO-URINARY ORGANS— EYE— SKIN CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASES ITHACA PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR I90I vtrvvs Copyright by JAMES LAW 1901 PRESS OF ANDRUS & CHURCH ITHACA, N. Y. VETERINARY MEDICINE. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Nervous control of bodily functions : affected through disease of nerve centres or nerve trunks, sensory, motor, vaso-motor, etc. Modes of im- paired nervous function : objective ; subjective. Nervous characteristics in different breeds, individuals, sexes, castrated animals. Nervous disorder from microbian toxins, narcotics, nervous stimulants, etc. All bodily functions are more or les.s directly controlled by the nervotis sy.steni, hence nervou.s troubles are interwoven with the diseases of all other organs. Disorder of the nerve centres or nerve trunks affects the most distant parts over which these pre- side, or to and from which they convey nervous impulse. In different cases we see this operating through the sensory or motor functions, through lack of coordination or of balance, through modification of the circulation, respiration, secretion, absorption, nutrition, metabolism, special sensation, in.tellection, emotion, etc. These manifestations are less evident or le.ss diag- nostic in the lower animal, because we cannot fulh^ avail of the stibjective symptoms. While the human patient can t^ll us his feelings and experience in their regular order and succession, we can only infer most of these in the animal, through dependent objective symptoms. In many cases we cannot even infer for lack of these dependent symptoms. The practitioner must carefully watch for and accurately ob- serve all objective symptoms, and seek to rightly interpret them. Among other things he must note the nervous conformation, or- ganization and susceptibility ; the hereditary nervous characteris- tics as seen in breeds, temperament, habit, aptitude to learn, docility, instinct, intelligence, emotions and affections, and judge the case in the light of these. Similarly he must take into ac- count the hereditary, racial and individual irritability, obstinacy, restiveness, vice, alertness, sluggishness, stupidity, nioroseness, and diagnose accordingly. Congestion, anaemia, coma, paresis, paralysis, ma}', result from the nervous disorder and offer valu- 2 Veterinaiy Medicine. able concurrent testimony to the same. Allowance must always be made for the use to which tlie animal has been put, thus sexu- ality tells strongly in tlie horse, bull, boar, or ram which has been used for breeding and has become relatively indocile and even dangerous ; food tells in the horse that " shows his corn ", and in the dog fed on flesh ; the comparatively untrained English race horse is far less docile than the one inured to saddle or har- ness and the horse fresh from the range, though previously trained, is far less tractable than the one in steady work. The sexual products are especially liable to modify the temper, hence the docility of the gelding, and castrated mare, and the undis- turbed life and steady growth and fattening of castrated animals from cattle to capons. The products of certain diseases "Awdi many drugs derange the in- nervation and intellection. Of this we have examples in the hebetude of the victims of milk sickness and dourine, in the wild delirium of rabies, in the varied nervous disorders that attend on the use of narcotics, essential oils, alcohol, chloral, sulphonal, trional, strychnia, lead, phosphorus, arsenic, etc. • GENERAL SYMPTOMATOLOGY AND DIAGNOSIS. Motor disorders : paralysis, paresis, hemiplegia, crossed hemiplegia, spinal hemiplegia, paraplegia, monoplegia, local palsy, pseudo-paralysis, spasm, — tonic, clonic, tremor, hemispasm, monospasm, spasm of eyeball, spasm of head, paraplegic spasm, general spasms — convulsions, local spasms. Inco- ordination. Staggering. Reflex action. Morbid reflex: increased reflex, reflex Ionic spasm. It seems desirable to note specially some of the more prominent morbid nervous phenomena and conditions, with lesions or other conditions which cause them, before considering what are usually recognized as special diseases. MOTOR DISORDERS. Paralysis {Akinesis) is loss of voluntary or involuntary muscular movement through defective innervation. Paresis is a paralysis which is partial in degree ; power of motion is impaired but not completel}' lost. General Symtomatology and Diagnosis. 3 Hemiplegia is the loss of voluntary motion in many muscles on one side of tlie face or body. In general hemiplegia, the fol- lowing muscles are usually excepted : — muscles of the tongue, of mastication, of the eye, of respiration, of the neck and trunk, generally and of the proximal part of the limbs. The hind limbs are usually most affected, and muscles that are most exclusively under the control of the will those dominated by the cortical centres of the brain. When due to a clot on the brain or de- generation it occurs on the side opposite to that occupied by the clot, on account of the motor fibres crossing at the anterior pyra- mids of the medulla. Hemiansesthesia is a rare attendant and when present is often on the side opposite to the hemiplegia. Sensory fibres cross in the spinal cord, and the lesion is probably spinal. Crossed Hemiplegia is motor paralysis of certain cephalic nerves (3d, 7th, 5th, 6th, and 8th,) on the same side with the clot or lesion, and of the muscles of the trunk on the other side. The cranial nerves proceed to muscles on the same side as their origin, while filaments going to the trunk through the spinal cord, cross in the pyramids (motor), or spinal cord (sensory). In crossed hemiplegia, hemianaesthesia is common with both forms of paralysis on one side. Spinal Hemiplegia has the face and head sound (except sometimes the iris), and half the bod}' paralyzed on the side op- posite to that on which the spinal lesion (clot) exists. If an- aesthesia exists it is on the side opposite to the lesion and posterior to it — the sen.sory filaments crossing just before leaving the cord. Paraplegia is loss of voluntary power of one transverse half of the body ; usually the posterior, and affects the tail, and ha.s coincident anaesthesia, being due to a spinal lesion. Anal and vesical sphinctors may or may not be paralyzed according as the lesions implicate their respective spinal centres or not. If there is neither anaesthesia nor vesical paralysis the lesion may be cere- bral, in the paracentral lobes of both hemispheres (meso-vertix at the fissure of Rolando). Monoplegia is a circumscribed paralysis, as of one limb, or on one side of the face, one group of muscles or a single muscle. It may be due to cerebral, spinal or nervous lesion. Cerebral monoplegias are distinguished by : ist, initial spasm ; 2nd, ab- 4 Veterinary Medicine. sence of anaesthesia ; 3d, persistence of nutrition ; 4th, paralj^sis greatest in the distal portion of the member. Localized Paralysis is usually due to lesion of a nerve, and is both motor and sensorx'. If due to a spinal lesion it usually affects one or more groups of muscles. In case the lesion is in the nerve, be guided, in investigating it, b}' Van der Kolk's law, that the sensory fibres are usually distributed in the skin corre- sponding to tlie muscles which receive the motor fibres. Pseudo-paralysis occurs from muscular disease, injury, in- flammation or degeneration and has no appreciable central nor nervous lesion nor anaesthesia. Spasm {Hyperkinesis) ; abnormal violent muscular contrac- tions with or without loss of consciousness. Tonic (tetanic) Spasm is violent and continuous. Clonic Spasm is rapidly intermittent : — Contractions and re- laxations. Tremor {trembling) consists in small, intermittent, involun- tary contractions. Hemispasm affects the face, or limbs, or both, on one side of the bod}' and may precede hemiplegia. Monospasm affects one limb, one group of nuiscles or a single mu.scle. It may be due to lesion of the brain, of the spinal cord or of the nerves. Thus it may imply connnencing disea.se of the motor centres or tracts. Spasms of the Eyeballs (rolling of globe to one side), and Spasms of the Eyeballs and Head, are important indications of apoplexy. They imply disorder (commencing irritation) of the cerebral motor areas. Advanced disease would probably de- termine hebetude, coma, drowsiness, or palsy. If epileptiform it turns awaj- from the lesion. If hemiplegic it turns toward the lesion and away from the paralysis. If lesion of the pons it turns away from the lesion. Paraplegic Spasm is a tonic spasm, partial in degree, caus- ing stiff, tetanoid (spastic) walk. In all four extremities there may be mixed paresis and contraction. This often attends on hemorrhage into the meninges. General Spasms, convulsions as in Eclampsia, Epilep.sy, Chorea, Tetanus. Local Spasms may be rhythmic or not, in slight cases to be General Synitomatology and Diagnosis. 5 seen only in the eyelids or superficial ninscles as twitching, and occur in neurasthenia, or in poisoning by strychnia, brucia and other motor nerve poisons. Incoordination {Dyskinesis^ is the lack of the harmonious balanced movement of the various groups of muscles. Coordina- tion of movement is due to a special mechanism in the spinal cord, and extending forward through the medulla oblongata, pons, and crura cerebri to the floor of the third ventricle. In the form of ataxia (lack of power of nuiscular control ) it is usually the result of degeneration (schlerosis) of the superior columns of the cord, of the medulla, pons or crura. It \\\^y occur from degeneration or destructive change in the cerebellum, or from disease or sec- tion of the posterior roots of spinal nerves, or finally from the ac- tion of certain narcotic poisons (ptomaines, toxins). Staggering {titnbation) occurs from lesions of the cerebellum, medulla or pons ; al.so from alcohol, opium, and other narcotics. Reflex Action. The normal stinuilation of different functions, motor, secretory, circulatory, etc., depends on the nerve centres in the spinal cord, which are roused into action b}' a centripetal impulse derived from a distant part. Thus the balanced contrac- tion of the different nuiscles which preserves the equilibrium of the body, depends on the apprehension by the nerve centres, con- sciousl}' or subcon.sciously, of such contractions (mu.scular sense), and it is largely under the control of the will. Here three im- pulses act coordinately : ist, the afferent impulse from the mus- cle to the nerve centre ; 2d, the efferent impulse from the nerve centre to the muscle ; and 3d, the inhibitory or controlling, vol- untary impulse from the sensorium to the nerve centre involved. In another case, savory odors, sapid flavors and masticatory move- ments cause a free secretion from the salivary glands. Again, the scratching of a dog's breast causes him to move his hind limb as if he were himself doing the .scratching. Again, the pricking of a limb causes the prompt, even if involuntar}^ contraction of its mu-scles to withdraw it from the .source of irritation. Morbid Reflex. Reflex action may be modified in various ways as the result of disease or injury. It may become exces.sive from irritability of the organ from which the centripetal impulse starts, or of the reflex centre in the spinal cord, or of the muscle or other organ to which the centrifugal impulse is directed, or, 6 Veterinary Medicine. finall_v, from impairment of, or separation from the inhibitor}^ centre in the cerebrnm. It may be impaired or abolished from degeneration or destrnction of any of the tissues just named, or of the conducting nerves which connect them to each other. The contraction and closure of the pupil under light is a reflex act from the retina on the optic lobes, etc., and from the.se through the motor oculi to tlie iris. This reflex is lost and the iris fails to contract in : anaesthesia of the retina ; atrophy of the optic nerve : disease of the optic lobe ; superior (posterior) spinal sclerosis ; disease of the motor oculi ; or di.sea.se of the iris. The lumbar reflex is lost in manj' febrile states in the horse, so that pinching of the loins fails to produce wincing, and this be- comes a test of the active persistence of the disorder. Encreased Reflex is often noticed when the parts, including the sj)inal reflex centre, are disconnected from the brain : as in lesions or di.sease of the cord in front (cephalad ) of its reflex cen- tre. Here the cerebral or voluntary inhibition is lost. Reflex Tonic Spasm of muscles around a diseased or dislo- cated joint, or of those controlling its action, often affords a val- uable means of diagnosis, the possibility of nervous, muscular and tendinous disease being excluded. TROPHIC SYMPTOMS AND DISORDERS. Degenerative atrophy, in haemoglobinuria, laryngeal hemiplegia, neurec- tomy, nerve lesion, brain or cord lesion, lead poisoning, disuse. Dermatitis, ulceration, morbid secretion, polyuria, mellituria, albinuinuria, poisonous milk. Degenerative Atrophy. From section, disease, atrophy or degeneration of nerves or nerve centres, the muscles, which they normally innervate, wa.ste, often to an extreme degree. As ex- amples of this we see the atrophy of the triceps extensor cruris and other groups in haemoglobinuria, of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles in roaring, of the muscles supplied in neurectomy, and of groups of mu.scles in myelitis, broken back, lead paralysis, and scapular muscular atrophy. True to the law of wasting of physi- ologically inert organs, the nerves are atrophied and degenerated, and often also the bones, joints and skin. Thropic Symptoms and Disorders. 7 The degeneration of an active organ applies to the nervous tis- sues themselves. According to the law of Waller, the nerve fibre (axis cylinder), when cut off from its nutritive centre (cell bodj^ with nucleus) degenerates and ultimatel)' perishes. The axis cylinder is a component part of the nenrou, which includes al.so its continuation in the cell and nucleus, and when the latter, which is the source and origin of both nerve impulse and trophic control, is lost, the inactive axis of the nerve fibre degenerates. This law is now availed of in tracing the distribution of nerve fila- ments, the degeneration being found in those that have been cut off from their nerve cells while those that come into the nerve trunk from other sources, distal of the injur}', maintain their integrity. In addition to this peripheral atrophy, a degeneration centrad of the injury to the nerve is seen under certain conditions, but especially in intrauterine life. In such cases the atrophy may ex- tend up to and include the central nerve cells, causing a secondary central nervous lesion from an initial peripheral one. By bearing these laws of nerve atrophy in mind, lesions that would otherwi.se be obscure, may be satisfactorily accounted for. Eruptions and Ulcerations of Nervous Origin. Herpes or shingles in man is now recognized as a nervous disease, cir- cumscribed to the distril:)Ution of given nerves and occurring unilaterally or bilaterally. Deep. seated dermatitis, vesicles, neu- ralgia, pain, itcliing and formication are common accompaniments. The whole is traced to disease of the ganglion on the posterior (superior) root of the spinal nerve distributed to the part. This establishes a principle, and in inscrutable and obstinate, circum- scribed skin disease the veterinarian should see if it coincides with the distribution of one or more sensory spinal nerves. Ulcerations are often caused by the lack of protection of a part after paralysis, thus perforation of the cornea will follow .section or disease of the trigeminus These may be prevented by care- fully covering the part, and even cured by a fine protective cover- ing like collodion. Alteration of the Secretions often follow on section of the sympathetic trunks, that of tlie cervical sympathetic in rabbits causing excessive congestion of the facial skin, with exudation and scabby product, also profuse secretion of sweat, tears, and ear cerumen and dry, scaly skin. 8 Veterinary Medicine. Polyuria is determined by section of one point of the medulla behind the root of the vagus, incllituria by puncture between the vagus and auditory nerves (the hepatic vaso-motor centre), and albuminuria by a puncture in front of the latter. Impairment of the hepatic vaso-motor tracts in the spinal cord, or of the anterior or posterior cervical sympathetic ganglia, or of the first thoracic ganglion equallj^ determines nervous mellituria. Poisonous milk produced in hard worked mares, or over-ex- cited dams of other species, causing dyspepsia, diarrhcea, arthritis or other trouble in the suckling, must be in part attributed to nervous disorder. Practically all secretions and nutrition are largely under nerv- ous control, so that modifications in quantity or quality can often be attributed to nervous influence. SENSORY SYMPTOMS AND DISORDERS. Hypergesthesia, cutaneous, thermic, muscular, visceral. PariESthesia, pressure on nerve. Anaesthesia, partial, drug. Analgesia. H3'peralgesia. These are necessarily much less obvious to the veterinarian than to the physician of man. Yet in certain cases they may be observed directl^^ and in others deduced from dependent symp- toms. Hypersesthesia is a state of exalted excitability of any part of the sensory nervous apparatus. Cutaneous hyperaesthesia is that condition in which the slightest touch gives rise to an instant and extreme response. Some nervously organized mares which are dangerously ticklish and irritable, afford physiological examples. The surface sore- ness and sensitiveness which exist in the febrile chill, in wounds, dermatitis and neuralgia give pathological examples. It is further seen in certain cases of meningitis (cerebral and spinal), spinal irritations, rabies, tetanus and neuritis. Hyperaesthesia to cold is seen in neuralgia, rheumatism, the earl}' stages of many fevers (chill), in myelitis, neuritis, nerve injuries, and in posterior (superior) spinal sclerosis. Hyperaesthesia of the muscles may be noted in tetanus, muscular rheumatism and neuralsfia. Sensory Symptoms and Disorders. 9 Visceral hypercesthesia is shown in many cases of spasms of in- volnntarj' muscles (colic, arrest of intestinal calculi, gall stones or urinary concretions), and in inflammation of serous membranes (pleurisy, peritonitis). Parsesthesia. This is a painful or morbid sensation caused by a lesion in the central nerv'ous structures or in the nerves, but referred by the sufferer to some peripheral organ over which such centre presides. It may even be referred to an organ or part that has been amputated or otherwise removed. This may cause lame- ness of a kind to indicate suffering in a given muscle, tendon or joint, when the cause is purely central. In dourine, sexual acts are excited which have their real source in the nerve centres. The rabid dog snaps at imaginary flies in mid-winter, when such insects are only phantoms of his brain. Pressure on a nerve trunk induces sensations of tingling, vibration, formication, heat, cold, and paresis, referred hy the mind to the part to which that nerve is distributed, and when the pressure is removed these sensations recede in the order in which they came. This may explain some occult cases of lameness. Itching may be a pure, persistent neurosis without any skin lesion. Treatment should then be addres.sed to the nervous sys- tem. Anaesthesia, or absence of .sensation, is in its degree partial or complete. The latter is familiar as occurring in parts the sensory nerves of which have been cut acro.ss, also in parts the sensory nerve or nerve centres of which have become completely degene- rated. There is no response to the prick of a needle, the touch of a hot wire, to pinching or cutting. If the nerve remains intact as far as the spinal centres, reflex action may still occur, but the patient himself has no consciousness of this nor of the injur}' causing it. Accordingh^, he makes no movement of head, ears, eyes, or other parts still dominated by the brain. In partial or imperfect anaesthesia the response to irritation is less marked and may be even delayed. In some forms of cen- tral lesions the response to a prick may be delayed two, five, or ten .seconds, or even more. AiicEsthesia causes awkwardness or uncertainty of movement, especially if the subject is blindfolded. Anccsthesia may be induced by medicine, as in the general lo Veterinary Medicine. anaesthesia of etherisation, or the local anaesthesia caused by the topical application of cocaine or carbolic acid. Analgesia, or insensibility to pain, may be present in cases in which ordinary sensations are still felt. It may be caused l)y co- caine, alcohol, and to some extent by carbolic acid. Hyperalgesia is the opposite of this condition, and may be seen in certain irritable conditions of the nerve centres. PSYCHIC SYMPTOMS AND DISORDERS. Limitation in lower animals. Effects of age training, race heredity, in- dividual and racial pecviliarities, exhaustion, prostration, dementia, cerebral congestion, compression, degeneration, narcotics, ptomaines, toxins. Con- trolling absorption in another trouble. Delusions, hallucinations, vice, violence, oestrum, fatigue. Cerebral source of motions. These liav-e a much more restricted field in the lower animals than in man in keeping with the limitation of the mental facul- ties, and they may often be traced to demon.strated structural dis- order. Yet some emotions of joy, fear or rage run very high and are comparatively unchecked by high mental development or mental training. The effect of training is, however, very marked in the more educated animals. Age modifies by the sobering that comes from experience and habit. The frolics of puppies, kittens, lambs, foals and calves are in marked contrast witli the sedateness and stolidity of old dogs, cats, sheep or cattle. Training i.s seen in Mie educated horse which would have been panic stricken at sight of a locomotive, flag or floating pa'per. at the smell of a lion or bear, at the sound of a gun or drum, and which will now boldh^ face any one of these with no manifest tremor. The eniotional puppy can be trained to soberly fetch and carry, to drive sheep or cattle without biting, to lie sentinel by his ma.ster's property, to point at birds without seeking to catch them, or to carry shot birds without devouring them. Race heredity comes from the training along the same lines in many successive generations. Thus the more domesticated breeds of dogs (shepherd, poodle, and greyhound are very af- Psychic Symptoms and Disorders. 1 1 fectionate ; other breeds (bull, mastiff, bloodhound) are lacking in tliis character. All trained races take naturally to the occu- pations of their ancestors. Some (hor.ses, cattle and sheep) are easily panic-stricken, (stampeded). Some (turkeys, roosters) are not easily stampeded. Some (skunks), having effective sources of defence, have little fear of man. Individual and racial mental dullness and torpor must al.so be recognized. Some ;ire stupid and slow, others aleit and quickly responsive. Some horses are not level-headed and be- come uncontrollable in difficult situations. Some dogs are so emotional as to endanger their lives from sudden heart trouble. Some horses, dogs and cats will pine and die when separated from their fellows or human friends. Extreme timidity, or sudden rage may be so marked as to con.stitute a virtual morbid phenomenon. Sluggish cerebral and mental action may result from exhatistion, prostration, or dementia ; also from cerebral con- gestion, pressJire and degeneratioti. ; or from poisoning by nar- cotics, ptomaines or toxins (opium, hyoscyamus, Indian hemp, dourine, milk sickness, etc.). It may come from profound ab- sorption in another object, as when the rabid dog bears whipping without a howl. Delusions or hallucinations are shown in the rabid dog snapping at flies, or attacking his friend or master as an eneni}', as well as in other forms of delirium. Narcotics, such as opium, Indian hemp, etc., ptomaines, toxins, and (in dogs) essential oils cause delirium l)y acting on the nerve centres. Vice in its various forms niaj' become a genuine neurosis, the animal losing control of its actions. Violence in the form of self-defence or aggression is seen in mares in heat, in bulls or stallions under sexual excitement, in animals roused by inconsiderate whipping, or in bulls looking on scarlet clothing. Some high-spirited animals, tuider extreme fatigue from over- work, sometimes become violent but resume their docility under rest and food. In all cases we must know the normal of an individual animal to enable us to properl}^ appreciate any apparent deviation from the psychic norm. No less essential is it to take into account the environment and treatment of the patient. 12 Veterinary Medicine. With regard to localization of cerebral lesions, Sequin thinks emotions are probably generated in the basal ganglia such as those of the pons and thalami, while inhibition depends on the anterior cerebral cortical convolutions. DIAGNOSLS, SYMPTOMS AND THEIR IMMEDIATE CAUSES. LOCALIZATION OF LESION IN SPECIAL SYMPTOMS. Spasm, pain, numbness — irritation. Paresis, paralysis, aneesthesia (con- stant)— destructive lesions. Both combined — variable symptoms, recurrent. Definite, fixed symptoms — structural lesions, visually progressive. Symp- toms, variable as to place, time, subsidence and recurrence — functional lesions. Brain lesions. Pressure on brain — pain, spasm, nausea, dullness, blindness, stupor, coma, pais}'. Congestion and anaemia synchronous. Lesions of cortex. Encephalic lesions — hemiplegia, with spasms, increased reflexes, spasms follow cranial nerves, vertigo, apoplexy, epilepsy, dementia, coma, little muscular atrophy, or dermal sloughing. Spinal lesions, para- plegia without spasm, reflex reduced or nil, follow spinal nerves, head symptoms less, much muscular atrophy, bed sores. Sensory and motor tracts, in cms cerebri, respiratory centres — inspiratory expiratory, inhibi- tion. Salivation, sneezing, coughing, sucking, chewing, swallowing, vomit- ing. Cardiac centres, accelerating and inhibitory. Vaso-motor centre. Spasm centre. Perspiratory centre. Pons. Corpora quadrigemini, crura cerebri. Thalamus, corpus striatum. Cerebellum. Cerebral cortex : in ass ; in dog. Spinal lesions : lateral half .section ; central anteroposterior, vertical section : superior columns : inferior columns : cervical lateral columns : respiratory tract : glycogenic centre : pupillary dilator : cardiac accelerator ; vaso-motor, sudoriparous : centre for anal spincter : for vesical sphincter : genital centre : vaso motor and trophic centres : muscular sense tract : superior column and Goll's. Table of phenomena from cord lesions. In Irritation of nervous organs tlie symptoms (spasm, pain, numbness) are usually intermittent. In Destructive Lesions of nervous organs the symptoms (paresis, paralysis, anaesthesia ) are usually constant. When irritation and destruction are as.sociated the symp- toms are variable and frequent. The characteristic symptoms of the two may coexist or succeed each other. Structural Nervous Lesions have symptoms that are definite Localization of Lesion in Special Symptoms. 13 in their area of distribution, nature (spasm, paralysis) and per- manency. Objective Symptoms predominate and the case is likely to be progressive and fatal. Functional Nervous Diseases have symptoms of indefinite di.stribution, variable in character, with intermis.sions and spon- taneous disappearances (as under marked excitement) and sub- jective symptoms predominate. They may, however, last for a length of time without change. Localisation of Brain Lesions. Lesions of the cranial nerves and .their superficial and deep centres of origin need not here occupy attention. These may be studied in vt'orks on anatomy and phy.siolog}'. Attention may be drawn rather to the remoter effects of ganglia which affect or control distant action, and to general pressure on the encephalon. General Pressure on the Encephalon, whether through fracture of the cranium and depression of bone, by acute conges- tion, by blood extravasation, by inflammatory exudation, or by acute abscess, will cause pain, spasms, nausea, dullness, blind- ness, .stupor and coma. After explusion of the cerebrospinal fluid from the cranial cavity, the increasing pressure compresses the blood vessels, reduces or interrupts the circulation and abolishes the functions in the parts deprived of blood. Thus congestion of one portion of the encephalon is usually as.sociated with diminished circulation in another portion. Disorder in the first may occur from hyperaemia and irritation and in another part from a con.sequent anaemia. Destructive Lesions of Cortex of One Cerebral Hemi- sphere may or may not cause permanent symptoms, as shown by the passage of a crowbar through the front of the left hemi- sphere, yet the man survived for 13 years and showed no loss of intelligence, his di.sposition and character alone having changed for the worse. The one hemisphere may by itself sufficiently control mental acts, while the other lies dormant or may even have undergone degeneration. Diagnosis of Encephalic and Spinal Lesions. The fol- lowing may be taken as guiding principles : Encephalic : Hemiplegic or bilaterally hemiplegic grouping of symptoms. 14 Veiermary Medici7ie. Spinal : Paraplegic grouping of symptoms. Encephalic : Frequent contracture or spasms of paretic muscles. Spinal : Paralj'sis more perfect and continuous. Encephalic: Reflexes in affected muscles increased : Cerebral inhibition absent. Spinal : Reflex abolished or reduced in parts the seat of the lesion. Encephalic : Spasms in areas of distribution of cranial nerves (not spinal.) Spinal : Spasms and paralj^sis follow distribution of spinal nerves. Encephalic: Head symptoms frequent (vertigo, apoplexy, epilepsy, dementia, coma). Spinal : Relative absence of head symptoms. Encephalic : Comparative absence of marked muscle atrophy. Spinal : Atrophy in special muscular groups. Encephalic : Little tendency to form bed sores. Spinal : Tendency to form sloughs and bed .sores. Sensory ( iEsthesodic) and Motor (Kinesodic) Tracts in Encephalon. In tliecrus and at:)Ove, the sensory tract lies dor.so-laterad of the motor tract, forming about one fifth of the crus, and extending upward through a white layer bending inward to form an angle and finally diverging to the different cortical convolutions. The motor tract is mainly contained in the inferior pyramids of the bulb, and constitutes the median two fifths and basal two fifths of the crus. Without entering farther into this subject it will be observed that lesions of the outer layer of the crus and its radi- ating fibres may cause hemiansesthesia of body or head, includ- ing the eye, while lesions of the median and basal layers and radiating fibres induce hemiplegia of the head, tongue, fore liml>, hind limb, trunk, etc. Respiratory Centres, Inspiratory and Expiratory are in the floor of the fourth ventricle between the centres for the vagus and accessory nerves, and are directly stimulated by the CO2 in the ])lood. Secondary .subsidiary centres are in the optic thala- mus, in the corpora quadrigemini both anterior and posterior Sensory and Motor Tracts in Ejicephalon . 15 pairs, and fiiialh' in the cervical spinal cord, so that disorder of respiration may occur from lesions in these points as well as in the main oblongata centre. Respiratory Inhibition and arrest depend on the vagus, the superior and inferior laryngeal nerves. The Salivation Centre also lies in the floor of the fourth ventricle and stimulation of the medulla causes free secretion. The Centres for Sneezing, Coughing, Sucking, Chewing, Swallowing and Vomiting are also seated in the oblongata, so that any one of these phenomena may come from a central irrita- tion. In bulbar paralysis the loss of power usually extends from the tongue through the lips, cheeks, jaws, pharynx, larynx, to the respiratory muscles and heart. Coughing may be roused by irritation of the external auditory meatus, liver, .stomacli, bowels, or generative organs as well as from the air pas.sages. Cardiac Accelerating and Inhibiting Centres are botli present in the bulb, the latter receiving its aflferent impulse main- ly through the vagus nerve. Stimulation of the vagi, anaemia of the bulb through decapitation or through tying both carotids, hypersemia through tying of the jugulars, a venous state of the blood, and blows on the abdomen all slow or arrest the heart action. Digitalis or muscarin has a similar effect. The heart action is accelerated by febrile and inflammatory affections, by a high or low temperature by section of the vagi, bj' sipping of cold water, by atropine or curari, and by salts of .soda. Potash salts on the other hand restore the inhibitory action of the vagi and lower the heart's action. The Vase Motor Center is also in the oblongata and the contraction of the vessels with increase of arterial pressure ma}^ ensue from afferent currents in the .sympathetic nerve and many sensory trunks. The varying activity is seen in blushing, in the congestion of mucous membranes under rage or excitement, in the capillary contraction in the earl 3' stage of -inflammation, in the second .stage of capillary dilation, in angioma or ngevus, and in extensive congestions and hsemorrhages in different organs. The arrest of bleeding under fainting is due largely to the anaemia of this centre. A Spasm Centre the pricking of which causes general con- vulsions lies in the medulla oblongata at its junction with the 1 6 Veterinary Medicine. pons. This is excited b}- excess of carbon dioxide in the blood, by suffocation, drowning, b}' anaemia of the bulb from bleeding or ligature of the carotids, by venous congestion after ligature of the jugulars, or by the direct application to the part of ammonia carbonate, or salts of potash or soda. It may also be roused by afferent nervous currents from different peripheral parts (spinal cord, sciatic nerve, etc.). A Perspiratory Centre is found in the medulla, on each side, which ma}^ be roused into action by diaphoretics (opium, ipeca- cuan, tartar emetic, Calabar bean, nicotin, picrotoxin, camphor, pilocarpin, ammonia acetate, etc.). The Pons like the medulla is at once a ganglionic and con- ducting organ, and its lesions may lead to arrest of nerve currents generated above or below it, or to the failure to develop currents in its own centres. Stimulation of its superficial laj'ers may be \vithout effect, but if this is carried into the centre epileptiform convulsions ensue. lycsions of one side of its posterior half cause facial paralysis on the same side and motor and sensory paralysis on the opposite side of the body (crossed hemiplegia ). Lesions of one side of its anterior half cause paralysis in both face and bod}? on the same side. This depends on the crossing of the fibres mid- way back in the pons, which cross again in the medulla (motor fibres) and in the spinal cord (sensory fibres). Lesions of the pons are liable to interfere with the functions of the trigemini, the oculo motor and the superior oblique, and to determine epileptic movements and loss of coordination of sensorio-motor movements. Lesions of the superficial transverse fibres (median cerebellar peduncles) tend to cause involuntary movements to one side. Lesions of the Corpora Quadrigemina cause disturbance of vision, failure of the pupil to contract to light, blindness, paralj^sis of the oculo-motor nerves, and lack of coordination of move- ments. Stimulation- of one anterior corpus causes rolling of both eyes to the opposite side, with, if continued, a similar move- ment of the head and even of the body (horse in mill, or index motion, or rolling on its axis). The Crura Cerebri are conducting bodies but contain also different nerve centres. Lesions of one crus cause violent pain and spasm on the opposite side of the body, followed by paralysis. Sensory and Motor Tracts in Encephalon. 17 The oculo motor may be paralyzed on the same side, but the face and tongue on the opposite side, owing to the fibres crossing in the pons. There may be turning movements. The Optic Thalamus transmits sensory currents to the cere- bral cortex. Lesions in this organ cause sensor}^ paralysis on the opposite side of the body. Afferent currents that do not traverse the thalamus cause reflexes only. It contains one of the roots of the optic nerve and its destruction will impair vision. Its in- juries ma}- also produce turning movements. The Corpus Striatum transmits motor currents originating in the cerebral cortex. Lesions of its interior (lenticular nucleus) cause motor paralysis and .sometimes anae-sthesia on the opposite side of the body. Electrical stimulation of this nucleus causes general mu.scular contractions of the opposite side of the body. Irritation of the surface layers is painless and symptomless. The Cerebellum has been long credited with coordination, and Flourens, after its removal from a pigeon, found an utter lack of harmonized movement in walking, springing or balancing. Luciani removed the organ from a bitch and, after full healing of the part, found a lack of nmscular tone (a cerebellar ataxy), .so that no great muscular effort could be satisfactorily accompli.shed. After months, marasmus set in and proved fatal. The lack of coordination is especially connected with lesions of the vermiform process, those of the posterior portion causing falling forward and those of the anterior portion, falling backward. Injury to the middle peduncle on one side causes turning or rolling to the opposite side. Under slighter injuries there may be only un- steadiness and staggering like a drunken man. Nausea and vomiting, with more or less stiffness of the neck or oposthotonos, may be present. Rolling of the eyes or squinting may occur. Focal Cortical Centers of the Cerebrum. Cortical Localization. Much has been done experimentall}^ and by observation of morbid lesions to locate functions in the different convolutions, and though the .subsidiary implication of adjacent and interdependent parts interferes with a perfectly confident diagnosis, yet certain fundamental facts may be borne in mind as contributing to a satisfactory diagnosis. Arloing, on the basis of his own experiments and those of his 1 8 Veterinary Medicine. predecessors, gives tlie following as applicable to the equine (ass) brain : 1. Stimulation of the origin of the front part of the first frontal convolution, or of the anterior part of the pre-Sylvian convolu- tion, causes approximation of the feet on the opposite side of the body. 2. Stimulation of the superior part of the first frontal convolu- tion or of the superior part of the post-Rolandic convolution causes closure of the jaws and diduction. 3. Stimulation of the anterior end of the upper orbital convo- lution, or of the anterior part of the pre-Rolandic convolution, leads to movements of the nose and upper lip. 4. Stimulation of the antero-superior part of the lower frontal convolution, or the union of the post-Rolandic with the Sylvian convolution causes movement of tongue and jaws. 5. Stimulation of the union of the vertical and horizontal parts of the orbital convolution or frontal lobe, causes opening of the jaws and bending of head and neck. 6. vStimulation in the front of the union of the frontal and longitudinal convolutions, or at the union of the Sylvian and sec- ond parietal convolution causes rolling of the opposite eye. 7. Stimulation of union of the frontal and parietal parts of sec- ond parietal convolution leads to closure of both eyelids or, with a strong current, of lids on both sides. 8. Stimulation of the second parietal convolution, above and a little behind the extremity of the S3'lvian fissure, causes opening of the eye and adduction of the ear on the opposite side, or, if a very strong current, on both sides. 9. Strong stimulation of the posterior part of the first and sec- ond parietal convolutions causes tonic convulsions. 10. Currents through the po.sterior parts of the third and fourth parietal convolutions gives similar convulsions with violent trem- bling of the trunk and members. In the Dog's Brain localization is easily made by reference to the crucial fissure which passes outward, right and left, at right angles with the longitudinal fissure about the junction of its anterior with its middle third. Also by four parietal convolutions which run backward from near the crucial fissure, parallel with the longitudinal fissure. The}^ are counted from without inward. Sensory and Motor Tracts in Encephalon. 19 Fritsch, Hitzig and Ferrier have mapped out the following motor areas : 1. The convolution in front of the outer end of the crucial sul- cus controls the muscles of the neck. 2. The bend of the same convolution backward, opposite the outer extremity of the crucial sulcus, controls the extensors and adductors of the fore limb. 3. The convolution just behind the outer end of the crucial sulcus controls the muscles which flex and rotate the fore limb. 4. The same convolution behind the middle of the crucial fis- sure controls the movements of the hind limb. 5. The second convolution back of the crucial fissure controls the muscles of the face. 6. The anterior part of the internal (4th) parietal convolution, just back of the crucial fissure, controls the lateral switching movements of the tail. 7. The posterior angle of the first post-crucial convolution causes retraction and abduction of the fore limb. 8. The outer end of the first post-crucial convolution, directly behind the outer end of the sulcus, causes raising of the shoulder and extension of the fore limb. 9. The anterior end of the third parietal convolution (the second from the longitudinal fissure) controls closure of the eye- lids, the rolling of the eyeball upward, and narrowing of the pupil. 10. Stimulation of the anterior end of the second parietal con- volution causes partial opening of the mouth with retraction and elevation of its angle. 11. Stimulation of the point of union of the first and second parietal convolutions anteriorly causes opening of the mouth with protrusion and retraction of the tongue. 12. Stimulation of the median part of the second parietal con- volution, causes retraction and elevation of the angle of the mouth. 13. Stimulation of the convolution directly in front of the outer end of the crucial sulcus causes dilatation of the eyelids and pupil while the eyes and head are turned toward the oppo- site side. 14. Stimulation of the convolution behind the crucial fissure causes contraction of the muscles of the perineum. 20 Veterinary Medicine. 15. Stimulation of the convolution in front of the crucial fis- sure, on its anterior and sloping portion, causes movements of the phar^'nx and larynx (swallowing). 16. Stimulation of motor areas of the cortex, by scraping, irri- tation, or disease tends to produce spasmodic contractions of cer- tain groups of muscles (Jacksonian Epilepsy). vStrong stimula- tion may cause general epileptiform spasms, which are at first tonic, then clonic. One such seizure strongly predi.sposes to a second. If, during an attack, the cortical centres presiding over a special group of mu.scles were sliced off, such mu.scles relaxed, though the general spasms in the other muscles continued. Localizations of Spinal Lesions. Being at once a conductor between the brain and nerves, and a reflex nerve centre, we must consider both roles in seeking to locate lesions from symptoms. In passing from the nerves to and from the sensorium both sensory and motor currents cross so that one side of the brain presides over the other side of trunk and limbs. This crossing of the motor fibres takes place in the medulla oblongata, while that of the sensory fibres occurs in the spinal cord clo.se in front of the nerve from which the}^ have entered. Cross-Section of one lateral half of the spinal cord therefore causes motor paralysis and rise of temperature of the whole of that side of the body posterior to the lesion, wliile it in- duces sensor}' paralysis and cooling on the opposite side of the body up to the same point. A very limited sen.sory paral3^sis on the same side occurs corresponding to the few sensory fibres pass- ing outward obliquely through the portion injured by the cross- section. A vertical section of the cord separating the one lateral half from the other does not necessarily affect the motor cur- rents, while it produces a limited anse.sthesia on each side in the area of distribution of the nerves, the .sensory fibres of which cro.ssed in the seat of the lesion. Transverse section of the superior columns causes hyper- sesthesia and lack of coordination. Transverse section of inferior columns, or of the in- ferior horn of gray matter, if close behind the medulla, cau.ses no Localization of Spinal Lesions. 21 motor paralysis, but if farther back induces motor para^'sis on the same side of the bod}-. Transverse section of the cervical lateral columns causes motor paralysis of the lateral walls of the chest (respiratory tract). If the section is made in the dorsal or lumbar region it is the same as lesion of the superior columns. Among reflex centres in the cord the following may be named : The Respiratory Tract in the cervical lateral columns just referred to. A Glycogenic Centre in the anterior cervical section be- tween the bulb and the fourth cervical nerve. Centres which Dilate the Pupil between the fifth cervical and the sixth dorsal nerve. Cardiac Accelerator Centres between the three last cervical and the five first dorsal nerves. Vaso-Motor Sudoriparous Centres in the central gray matter. Centre for Anal Sphincter between the sixth and seventh dorsal nerves. Centre for Vesical Sphincter between the third and fifth lumbar nerves. Genital Centre, opposite the first lumbar nerve. Vasomotor and Trophic Centres are found in the inferior horns of gray matter, and their degeneration causes progressive muscular atrophy. The Muscular Sense Tract is located near the surface of the superior columns, .so that a certain amount of incoordination and unsteadiness of progression follows its destruction. The Deeper Part of the Superior Columns and the Column of Goll which bounds the superior median fissure control mus- cular sense and coordination, and their disease (posterior lateral sclerosis) entails locomotor ataxy. 22 Veterinary Medicine. TABLE vSHOWING PROMINENT PHENOMENA FROM LESIONS OF THE CORD. I^ESIONS IN Cervical Region. Dorsal Region. Lumbar Region. Paralysis in Neck mu.scles ; d i a - Dorsal, abdominal and Paraplegia. phragm ; trunk; intercostal muscles. limbs. Paraplegia. Sensation Local hypertesthesia in Hyperassthesia in low- Hype r £6 s t h e sia in fore limbs. Anaesthe- er part of abdominal zone around loins; sia in rest of limbs wall. anaesthesia in hind and trunk. limbs. Atrophy Rare in neck ; common Slight in muscles be- In hind limbs. in fore legs. hind lesion. Electric reaction Lessened in atrophied Lessened in dorsal Lessened in atrophied muscles. and abdominal mus- cles : slightly in wasted leg. muscles ; in ratio. Bladder Retention or intermit- vSame as cervical. Incontinence from tent incontinence re- palsy of sphincter. flex, or (later) from overflow. Cystitis common. Bowels Involuntary evacuation Same as cervical. Paralysis of sphincter (reflex spasm) or con- with incontinence ; stipation. costiveness. Superficial reflex Temporary loss; then rapid increase. Same as cervical. Lost. Deep reflex Temporary loss; then slow increase. Same as cervical. Lost. Priapism Often present. Often present Absent. HAIvIvUCINATIONS. Subjective cerebral impressions projected as real. Rabies. Toxins. Poisons. Essential oils. Chloroform. Hallucinations are subjective impressions which the animal supposes to be real. The disorders in his brain are projected out- ward and become to him real objects and occurrences. They may arise from the presence and proliferation of microbes in the brain as in ral)ies in animals. They may proceed from pois- oning of the brain by toxins as in anthrax. They may be developed, in dogs especially, by the action of cer- tain es.sential oils on the cerebral cortex. The first two cla.sses will be considered with those special disea.ses. The mental dis- orders from drugs have been studied experimentally by Cadeac and Mennier, and may be noticed in this place. Timidity. Panic. Stampede. 23 Lavander, fennel and angelica produce in the dog a condition of extreme terror, and overcome all disposition to exercise self- defense. Mints and origanum induce hallucinations of odor. The dog seeks around with head and nose elevated, sniffs the air, moves cautiou-sl}-, fixes his eye on some phantom object, and starts to hunt imaginar}^ game. The love of catmint seems to amount to a mania in the feline animal. Kidney vetch evidently causes a sensation of itching or formi- cation ; the dog bites the hair of the tail, the hind limbs or the flank as if to destroy fleas or other vermin. Dogs under chloroform have sought to hunt, and stallions un- der ether have shown generative excitement with erection of the penis and movements of coition. TIMIDITY. PANIC. STAMPEDE. Timidity. Panic. Timid driver. Impaired vision. Nervous. Irritability. Gadding. Gregarious habit. Absence of natural weapons. Treatment. Habit. Substitution. Absolute constraint. Kindness. Boldness. Work. Moderate diet. xAn animal is naturally nervous, and by habit has become timid until it is virtually impossible to utilize it. In a body of animals, fear is quickly transferred from one to the other until all join in a wild panic or stampede. This is common in range cattle or horses, but is found in army horses as well, and a whole regiment will sometimes refuse to longer face the enemy and flee in spite of every effort of the rider. On a smaller scale, two timid horses in a team, scared by .some unusual .sight, add each to the sense of fear of the other, as they try to escape, until they gallop blindly into any danger. This sense of terror is often fostered by the timid rider or driver, every feeling of apprehen.sion conveyed through the trembling or uncertain hand, or the voice which has lost the element of confidence, tending to undermine the la.st ves- tige of trust on the part of the horse. Imperfect sight is one catise of panic, as the perception of common objects in distorted 24 Veterhiary Medicine. form or unwonted situations strikes terror to the timid animal, causing shying or bolting. Better absolute blindness than such imperfect vision. A constitutional timidity tends constantly to increase unless the animal is judiciousl}' accustomed to the object of terror. The hor.se once scared, seems to become more and more watchful for other objects of dread, and even inclined to bolt from such as are common and of every day occurrence. Cattle and sheep attacked by the gadfly (oestrus) flee in great terror, and this dread is communicated from animal to animal so that the whole herd or flock is suddenly panic-stricken. The bel- low of the ox attacked and the erection of its tail is the signal for every other within reach to join the stampede. These panics are associated with the in.stinct of these races to- ward a gregarious life ; the}' mass together for protection and they learn to heed the slightest indication of approaching danger. This instinct grows more powerful by constant exerci.se, and is most marked in those genera which have the least natural means of protection. Hence, of all animals sheep are most easily panic- stricken, and once affected, they move in mass, one following its fellow, without object, without definite direction or destination, and without consideration of the other dangers they are to meet. Hence, if one sheep jumps over the parapet of a bridge to certain destruction, the whole flock speedih' follows. If one leaps over a fallen tree into a snow bank, all at once follow suit and pile above each other in one suffocating, perishing mass. While this condition is hereditary in gregarious families, it is essentially a psychosis in those animals that have been often .scared until they are continually on the watch for objects of fear. Treatment. In the case of horses, the best course is to make the animal familiar with the object of dread ; let him look at it, approach it slowly, smell it, feel it with his lips. Never turn away his eyes from it and drive him off, as that confirms the im- pression of dread, and the object retains ever after its dreaded appearance. In this way timid colts become gradually fearless of umbrellas, city sights, street cars, large vans, flags, music, loco- motives and the like, — they become, in the expressive language of the horseman, road-zvise. A paddock or yard beside a railroad will soon accustom a timid horse to the cars, and so with other things, experience will remove apprehension. Timidity. Panic. Stampede. 25 A more speed}' removal of the habit of dread may often be secured by the principle of substitution. The mind of the animal does not readily attend to more than one matter at a time ; if, therefore, we can distract the attention in another direction, the object of fear may be virtually ignored until the eye has become habituated to it, and it will be recognized as harmless. Thus it is that a twitch on the upper or lower lip, a binding of the chin in upon the breast by a Yankee bridle may make the horse tempo- rarily heedless of the object of terror. So also in the bolting horse, the obstruction of the breath b}' a cord with a running noose around the neck, or the sending of an electric current through wire reins and bit will promptly check him in his wild career. The result is still better when the animal is made to feel his utter helplessness in the hands of man and the futility of any at- tempt to escape. On this are based the metlicd of Rarey and of his various successors. With fore limbs strapped up, the animal soon exhausts himself in his efforts to disengage them and escape, and lies down completel}' reconciled to his fate. He may now be accustomed to his objects of terror — the opening and closing of an umbrella, or the waving of a flag over his head, the discharge of a gun close to his ear, the passing of car or locomotive, or any other object of his dread. When allowed to get up he will usu- ally pay no further attention to these things, especially if patted and spoken to encouraginglj', and perhaps fed apple or sugar, or something of which he is fond. As far as is consistent with the thoroughness of the subjection, the animal should be treated throughout with the greatest kindness, so as to retain and even increase his trust in man and sense of dependence, while at the same time he is .strongly impressed with the futility of resistance to his will. After the animal has been thus taught to bear with equanimity his former objects of terror, he should not be at once allowed to forget them, but by daily experience he should be con- firmed in the conviction that they are harmless, and may be met with .safety. This should be carried out, if possible, in the hands of the bold and kind operator who has trained him, as, if returned to a timid driver or rider, he may be ea.sily led back into his for- mer habits of blind terror. A similar and even easier resort is the process of turning as given under balking. 26 Veterinary Medicine. Constant hard work, for a time, is an excellent form of acces- sory treatment, as the plethora developed by over-feeding and temporary idleness begets an irritability and impatience of control which is quite likely to beguile him into his old habits. In case of runaway, beside the electric and asphyxiating treat- ment already referred to, the animal may be blinded and quickly brought to a stand-still. Movable blinds may be used which habitually stand well out from the eyes, but which maj^ be instant- ly drawn closely over them by the simple pulling of a cord. The sudden darkness and the impossibillity of directing his course, brings an instant realization of the existence of other dangers be- side the original bugbear. BALKING. RESTIVENESS. Definition. Common in ass and mule. Causes: low condition ; overload- ing ; nervousness ; sluggish nature ; irritable driver ; shoulder sores ; poor collar ; hard bit ; sharp or sore maxilla ; sores in angle of mouth ; mares ; racial tendency ; going from stable ; a psychosis. Symptoms : stands stock still ; plunges, but won't draw; will stamp, bite, kick, rear, buck, crowd on wall ; lie down. Breach of warranty : sound price ; willfulness ; balking of raw horse ; diagnosis from nervous disorders ; sores, etc. Time in which re- turnable. Treatment : preventive ; curative ; distract attention ; cord on ear ; whiff of ammonia or capsicum ; closing nostrils ; blindfolding ; tying up the fore leg ; stroking nose, eyes or ears ; tapping flexors of metacarpus ; move in circle with head tied to tail ; coax to go. In general terms this has been defined as a refusal to obey. Usually in solipeds it is a refusal to move as directed with a load, under the saddle, or in hand. Though essentially a vice, it ma}^ become such a fixed habit that it appears to dominate the will of the animal and may thus be called a psychosis — a mental infirm- ity. It is much more common in asses and mules than in horses, in keeping with their more obstinate disposition and too often harsher treatment. There may be simple refusal to pull. This often comes from overloading, and especially when the animal has been sick or idle, and comes back to work with soft flabby muscles unequal to Balking. Restiveness. 27 any violent exertion. After one or two ineffective efforts he sets himself back in the harness refusing to trj^ again and the vice is started. Ordinary loads on bad roads full of holes from which it is impossible to drag the wheels have a similar effect. The dan- ger is greater if the animal is naturally of a nervous or impatient disposition, and if he makes a desperate plunge forward and fails at once to move the load. Such a horse hitched with a slow .steady mate is liable to have expended his effort before the latter has had time to join him in the pull, and it becomes impossible to move the load because the two cannot be started simultaneously. The conditions are aggravated if the driver is irritable and by voice and acts further excites the already too excitable animal. I,esions of various kinds, such as shoulder bruises, absces.ses, abrasions and callouses, saddle bruises, callouses, abscesses or fist- ulae cause acute pain whenever the effort is made, and render the animal more impatient and indisposed to try again. Too small a collar or one that fits badly (too narrow, uneven) has often a similar effect. Among other causes may be named a hard bit harshly used, a sharp edge of the lower jaw bone where the bit rests in the inter- dental space, sores of the buccal mucous membrane in this situ- ation, and caries or necrosis of the superficial layer of the bone. Also chaps, ulcers, or cancroid of the angle of the mouth. Young horses, that are as yet imperfectly trained, are more readil}^ driven to balk than old trained animals. Mares are more subject to the vice than geldings, by reason apparently of a more nervous disposition, but much more because of the excitement to which they are subjected, under the periodic returns of heat. Pencil speaks of rare hereditary cases in which the habit is uncontrollable and the animal incurable. Friedberger and Frohner accuse chestnut and sorrel horses as being especiall}^ liable to balk. However started the continued exercise of the act fixes it as an incurable habit a virtual psychosis. Yet the inclination of the animal, his likes and dislikes to a certain extent con- trol its manifestations, thus a horse rarely balks in going home, and shows it mostly in going in the opposite direction, and above all on a new or unknown road. 28 Veterhiary Medicine. The Symptoms \?ixy greatly iu different cases. One animal stands stock-still propping his legs outward and absolutely re- fusing to budge. This may occur even in the stall when it is attempted to take the animal out. When on the road he is usually willing to turn and go back, but no persuasion by voice or whip can force him forward. Other horses make ineffective plunges forward but never throw weight enough into the collar to overcome any resistance. Still others stamp, bite, throw themselves to one side rather than forward, rear up, strike with the fore feet, and if whipped kick with the hind. Some will throw themselves down and struggle in this condition. Under the saddle the animal may crowd against a wall, rear, kick, buck or even throw himself down in his efforts to dis- lodge the rider. These violent manifestations li(>wever rather belong to vice than mere balking. Trembling, perspiration, frequent rejection of urine, and general acceleration of pulse and breathing may manifest a severe nervous disorder. Diagnosis. It is often important to pronounce upon the exact nature of this trouble so as to determine whether the seller is re- sponsible for a breach of warranty given or implied. As regards implied warranty a sound price for an animal sold to do a given kind of work implies a mutual understanding that the animal is not physically or psychically incapacitated for such work. The balking horse is one that obstinately refuses to perform a piece of work for which his physical condition seems to be well adapted. The iviUfiilness of the refusal is the important feature. In case of such a serious drawback to the value of a horse, the presumption of fraud on the part of the seller is unavoidable, .in case he failed to mention the habit to the purchaser, but of course this is even more emphatically certified if he has warranted the animal as 3. good zvorker, or kind, or tnie in zvork. On the other hand he cannot be held responsible for the fail- ure to perform an act in case the horse has been overloaded when fat or out of condition, or if he has sores on back, withers or shoulders, a badly fitting collar, a severe or large clumsy bit, or sores on the lower jaw, or indeed any temporary physical in- firmity, to which the balking can be fairly attributed. Balking is not to be confounded with nervous affections Balkin^^. Restiveness. 29 (paretic, spasmodic, congestion) in which the faihire to obey is not due to lack of will, but to lack of power. Nor must it be confounded with the inability of the paralysis of lead pois- oning. It is perhaps most likely to be confounded with that lack of both sensory and motor power which attends on ven- tricular dropsy and other chronic affections of the brain. In such cases (immobility, coma) the habitual dullness, drowsiness, gen- eral hebetude, and lack of energy contrasts strongly, with the strength, vigor and general life of the animal which suddenly, willfull}' and incorrigibly balks. The balky horse which has no such nervous di.sorder as an ex- cuse, no badly fitting harness, no lesion on shoulder, back, limbs nor mouth, no unsuitable bit, no special softness nor poverty of condition, no slow, ill-adjusted mate, no impatient driver, and no excessive load, nor impassable road, but which jibs without ex- cuse, as a willful disobedience, \WA.y well be cau.se for annulling a sale. In most European countries such a horse can be returned to the seller j\nd the sale set aside within 3 days (Austria), 4 days (Pru.ssia), 5 days (Saxony), 9 days (Hesse). Treatmejit. This should be preventive by avoiding the various causes above enumerated, for if the habit is once con- tracted it is too often impossible to establish a permanent cure. The horse is largely a bundle of habits and the first act of dis- obedience has given a bias to the nerve cells of the cortex cerebri which like a planted seed tends to reproduce itself whenever an opportunity offers. With every successive act of the kind, the impression on the nerve cells becomes deeper and more indelible and the habit fixed the more firmly. In slight recent cases in the milder dispositions the vice may be overcome by some resort which engages and engrosses the animal's attention. Among these may be named tying a cord round the root of the ear and tying it down ; giving an inhala- tion of ammonia or a sniff of powdered capsicum ; closing the nostrils until the horse struggles to breathe ; blindfolding for a few minutes ; tying up one fore leg until thoroughly tired ; even stroking the nose or ears until the fret is overcome. Immedi- ately following on any one of these methods, move the horse gently to the right and left and call him confidently to get up. Some will start if gently tapped with the toe below the knee 30 Veteri7iary Medicine. until the foot is lifted and repeating this a few times in succes- sion, then, after a few steps, reward with an apple, sugar or piece of bread, and don't push too far at a time but repeat the lesson often. If among the first exhibitions of the vice it may be met by occupying the time in a make-believe fixing of the harness until the animal ceases to fret, then standing by his head, tap him on the croup with a whip and call him to go on. Or he may first be moved to the right and left and then ordered to move. A rather wearisome treatment is to place in the stall with a man behind him who taps him on the rump every few minutes, preventing composure, rest, or sleep, and keeping this up without interval for twenty-four hours or even double that time if necessary. If he goes well when hitched, he is driven but if he balks, he is returned to the stall and the treatment con- tinued. Magner, who mentions all these methods, reserves his highest commendation for the method of tying the horse's head round to his tail and letting him turn in a circle until he is giddy and falls over. Some stubborn cases get habituated to turning in one direction and continue obdurate until the head and tail are tied around on the other side and the rotatory motion reversed. When thoroughly dazed by this treatment, the animal is hitched tip and will usually move on. If there is still an indisposition, stand by his head and tap the croup with a whip, calling on him to start. Or subject him to further rotatory treatment. DEIvIRIUM. A phenomenon in different morbid states ; cerebral hyperoemia, anaemia congestion, inflammation, intoxication, toxin poisoning. Symptoms : horse, ox, sheep, swine, dog. Treatment : adapted to primary disease present, narcotic, poison, and to degree of violence. Anaesthetics, soporifics, cerebral sedations, cold to head, eliminants, depletion or tonics and nutritious food. Delirium or derangement of emotional or mental functions is usually the result of organic disease of the brain and especially of the cortical gray matter of the cerebrum. It is seen in hyperae- mia, anseinia, faults of nutrition, intoxications and variations of Delirium. 31 temperature. The derangements of circulation may be in the meninges or in the nervous substance. The intoxications may be with mineral (lead, mercury), vegetable (opium, Indian hemp, belladonna, hyoscyamus, stramonium, .strychnia), or other poisions, including the toxic products of microbes (as in pneu- monia, .scalnia, rabies, influenza. Rinderpest, milk sickness, Texas fever, etc.). Symptoms. The.se are usually an extraordinary and disorderly nervous excitement. Horses take expectant or ready positions of the limbs, plunge with feet in rack or manger, rear, turn, kick, bite, spring violently, neigh, and push or knock the head against the wall. Cattle bellow in a loud or frightened manner, attempt to kick and gore, grind the teeth and make movements of the jaws, froth at the mouth, dash themselves in any direction heed- less of obstacles, push the head against the wall breaking teeth or horns, and moving heedlessly against fences, or trees, or into water or pits even to their own destruction. Sheep stamp the feet, butt, bleat, work the jaws, grind the teeth, leap, and move in a given direction regardless of obstacles. Pigs grunt, tremble, champ the jaws, run against obstacles, scratch the ground with their feet or snout and creep under the litter. They may even attempt to bite. Dogs are restless, whine, move in a circle, snap at straw, bars, doors, and other objects, and may show a disposi- tion to bite. In all the domestic animals these delirious symp- toms may closely resemble those of rabies. This has been par- ticularly noticed in certain forms of poisoning. Pascault has found this in cattle that had eaten garlic and Cadeac in dogs that had eaten tan.sy. The animals in such cases become morbid, dull, taciturn, they become usually hyper.sensitive, sometimes hyposensitive, have a change of voice, and show a readiness to resent and bite if inter- fered^ with, and even to wander away by themselves as in rabies. On the other hand they may be seized with lethargy and torpor as in dumb rabies, and with or without access of convulsions may pass away in a condition of paralysis. Among other conditions these symptoms have been found to be associated with epilepsy, foreign bodies in the pharynx, gullet, stomach or bowels, with intestinal parasites, or with mycotic poisoning (ergotism, smut, the fungus of coniferous trees, etc.). 32 Veterinary Medicine. The lack of the extreme hyperaesthesia and excitability of rabies, and usually of the mischievous disposition to bite, the presence of foreign bodies in the mouth or gullet, and the evi- dence of disorder of digestion, with costiveness, tympany, and tenderness, and the history of the case may serve to differentiate. In cases of doubt the inoculation of a rabbit on the brain should demonstrate the absence of rabies by the absence of the charac- teristic symptoms after sixteen days. Treatmejit. As delirium in animals is a deranged innervation from congestion, narcotic drugs, ptomaines, etc., it must be looked on as in most cases a mere phenomenon, pointing to a definite disease, or to a particular intoxication, and treatment must be directed toward the removal of the primary cause. Thus the remedial measures must be directed in the different cases to the encephalitis, meningitis, digestive disorders, contagiousdisease, or drug to which the affection may be traced. The patient must be put in a strong inclosure or securely tied so that he can do no harm : it will often be desirable to secure shade or cool air, or to apply cold water or ice to the head, and to quiet the nervous excitement by inhalations of chloroform, or ether, rectal injec- tions of chloral, or bromides, or full doses of hyoscine, sulphonal, trional or tetronal. These may be pu.shed to the extent of induc- ing anaesthesia, sleep or quiet, as the case may be, and meanwhile other measures should be taken to eliminate the poisons, correct the congestion, or remove the source of irritation. Anaemic cases may demand iron and bitters, with an aliment rich and easily assimilated, while plethoric cases may require purgation, diuresis or even bloodletting. All noi.se and any cause of excite- ment must be carefully guarded against. VICIOUSNESS. AGGRESSIVE VICE. vSiibject maliciously using its natural weapons. Horse kicks, bites, crowds against wall, rears, bucks, plunges, treads upon. Cattle use horns or fore- head, or kick. Dog bites. Cats scratch and bite. Ticklishness different. Developed or inherited. Revenge. Desperation in pain. Sexual. A psychosis. Responsibility of owner, in selling, toward employe, in exposing in a public place. Treatment : remove source of suffering, treat kindly, secure confidence, castrate, place under ab.solute constraint, throw a la Rarey, Comanche bridle, tie head to tail and circle, etc. This word i.s employed to cover only tho.se forms of vice in which the animal shows a malignant disposition to attack or in- jure man or bea.st. Each animal uses its natural weajions accord- ing to the occasion. The horse strikes with his fore feet, kicks with his hind, bites, crowds his rider's leg against a wall, or his attendants' body against the side of the stall, rears, bucks, plunges, or treads his victim under his feet. The ruminants, large and small, use their horns, and cattle their feet as well. In the absence of horns they .still use the fore- head, but much less effectively and usually only with the purpose of defence. The dog attacks with his teeth and the cat with her claws by preference, and uses the teeth as a secondar\' weapon. Swine use their tusks to rip or disembowel their adversary or victim. A verx' ticklish horse cannot bear to be touched on the flank or hind parts, without throwing the ear backward, glancing back, showing the white of the eye, and lifting the foot. But if this is mere excess of sensitiveness and begets no disposition to kick it is not viciousness. The viciotis lior.se will in such cases bite or kick repeatedly and with well directed purpo.se. He will moreover show the move- ments of ears and eyes and attack his victim in the absence of any such excuse, the simple approach being a sufficient occasion. He will bite and strike with the fore feet at the same time, or he may strike out with one hind foot or with both at once. He may 3 33 34 Veterinary Medicine. attack indiscriminately all who approach him, or reserve his ill- will for particular individuals, and then he often acts under a feeling of revenge for ill-usage from this individual or some one he conceives him to represent. In some cases viciousness is inherited and certain families have a bad reputation in this respect. It may be either a survival of the ancestral disposition of the wild horse, or it may be a trait developed by ill-usage of a team of more immediate ancestors. In other cases the habit is acquired by the individual himself, and in such cases it may be due to brutal treatment at the hands of man ; to a continuous punishment of a high-spirited horse leading to resentment and retaliation ; to acute pain in boils, abrasions or other sores in the root of the mane, or the shoulder, or the back, where pressed on by the collar or saddle ; or to the generative excitement of mares in heat. In many such cases the vice lasts only during the persistence of the cause, in others it becomes permanent. The stallion is much more disposed to aggressive vice than the gelding. Whether we may consider the vice a disease or not, it becomes a habit engrained in the nature, the nerve centres tending to re- produce their habitual acts indefinitely, so that we may look on the condition as a psychosis which is too often incurable. Responsibility of the owner. Dangerous aggressive vice is too self-evident to the buyer to constitute a good cause for an- nulling a sale, but it has this legal bearing, that the owner who keeps an animal known to be vicious, renders himself responsible for whatever injury to man or beast he may perpetrate. Thus the vicious stallion, bull or dog in a public place which damages person or property, renders his owner liable to the extent of such damages. This, of course, must be largely qualified by the at- tendant circumstances. The man employed to take care of a horse, knows his habits as fully as the owner, takes his chances and should exercise due precautions to avoid danger. The per- son who enters a stall carele.s.sly without speaking to the horse, seeing that he stands over, or otherwise responds to his call, is himself to blame if he gets kicked. The attendant who does things to a dangerous or questionable horse for mere bravado cannot blame the owner if he gets himself injured. If a person teases a horse so as to tempt him to retaliate, not only is he re- Vicio2isness. Aggressive Vice. 35 sponsible for his own consequent injuries, but largel}^ also for the habits of the horse and for such injuries as others may sub- sequentlj' sustain from him. A dog or a bull shown in a public place, and which breaks loose and injures spectators or others, manifestly renders his master responsible for all such damage. Treatment of aggi'essive vice. In mild dispositions in which the vice is roused by temporary' suffering, it may often be cured by removal of the cause of such suffering. Indeed, without the healing of sores under the collar or saddle the vice cannot be ar- rested. Considerate and gentle treatment, too, will go far to re- store confidence and to gradually do away with the aggressive disposition. In wicked stallions castration will usually restore to a good measure of docility. The exceptional cases appear to be tho.se that are hereditarily and constitutionally vicious, or in which the habit has been thoroughly developed and firml}' fixed by long practice. Mares, too, which become vicious and dangerous at each re- currence of oestrum, can usually be completely cured by the re- moval of the ovaries especially if this is done early in the disease. The inveterate cases may usuall)' be subdued and rendered controllable for a time by one of the methods of subjugation em- ployed by the professional tamers, but unless they are tliereafter kept in good hands the^^ are lial)le to relapse into the old habit. Among the more effective methods are the Rare}' mode of throw- ing which may be repeated again and again until the animal is thoroughly impressed with a sen.se of the domination of man and the futility of resistance ; the resort of tj'ing the head and tail closely together and letting the animal weary and daze himself b}' turning in a circle, first to the one side and then to the other ; the application of the Comanche bridle made of a small rope, one loop of which is passed through the mouth and back of the ears and drawn tightly, then another loop is made to encircle the lower jaw, and the chin is drawn in against the trachea b}'' passing the free end of the rope round the upper part of the neck and again through the loop encircling the lower jaw and draw- ing it tight ; or a similar small rope is passed a number of times through the mouth and back of the ears and drawn tightly so as 36 Veterinary Medicine. to compress the medulla and stupify the animal. This is supposed to be rendered more effective by passing one turn each between the upper lip and gums and between the lower lip and the gums. CATALEPSY. Definition. Tetanic and paralytic forms. Balance of flexors and extensors Cataleptoid. No constant lesion. Hysterical. Hypnotic. Subjects : horse, ox, wolf, cat, chicken, Guineapig, snake, frog, crayfish. Causes : strong mental impression, indigestion, etc., in susceptible system. Lesion: inconstant, muscular degeneration, etc. Symptoms: wax-like retention of position given, voluntary movement in abeyance, mental functions impaired, secre- tions altered. Duration and frequency variable. Treatment : shock ; cold ; ammonia, pepper, snuff, electricity, amyle nitrite, nitro-glycerine, apomor- phine, bromides, purgatives, bitters, iron, zinc, silver, open air exercise. Definition. This is a functional nervous disorder, characterized by paroxysms of impaired or perverted consciousness, diminished sensibility, and above all a condition of muscular rigidity, b}' means of which the whole body, or it may be but one or more limbs retain any position in which they may be placed. lyaycock describes two forms in man — the catochus or tetanic form, and the paralytic form. Mills would restrict the name cat- alepsy to cases in which the muscular tone is such that the affect- ed part may be bent or moulded like wax or a leaden pipe, and will not vary from this when left alone. Other forms in which this waxen flexibility (fiexibilitas cerea) is absent or imperfect he would designate as cataleptoid. The disease is not associated with any constant cerebral lesion, though it may supervene in the course of other nervous disorders, and therefore may own an exciting cause in existing lesions of the brain. The inunediate cause must however be held to be functional, and this is in keeping with its most common form in man (hysterical), and with the hypnotic form whicli is observed both in man and animals. This latter may be looked on as a form of induced or hypnotic .sleep, in which the retention of the position given to a limb or part is the most prominent symptom. In all cases there is an impaired condition of the sensory func- tions of the cerebral convolutions, and an insusceptibility of the motor centres to the control of the will, or the reflex stinuilus. Catalepsy. 37 Hering has recorded the disease in the horse, L,andel in the ox, and lyeisering in the prairie wolf. The hypnotic form has been shown in cats, chickens, and Guinea pigs. The serpent charm- ing of the Indian dervishes and similar effects on frogs and cra}^- fish have been attributed to hypnotic catalepsy. Causes. Strong mental emotions and diseases which profound- ly affect tlie nervous system have been adduced as causes (fear, exciteinent, chills). Indigestible food has even been charged with causing it. There is undoubtedly, to begin with, a specially susceptible nervous system, and hence it is liable to prove heredi- tary, and in man to appear as a form of hj'.steria, or to alternate in the same family with epileps}', chorea, alcoholism, o]>ium ad- diction and other neurosis. H3^pnotism as a cause is claimed by various writers. Azam says that in the fairs in the South of France, jugglers hypnotize cocks by placing the bill on a board, on which the}^ trace a black line passing between the two feet of the bird. Cadeac adds that Father Kircher, in the 17th century, employed a similar method to put fowls to sleep. Alix put cats to sleep by securing them firmly, and then looking steadily into their eyes. The condition attained varies according to the degree of the sleep, the will being dominated first, and later, consciousness of external objects is lost. Hj'pnotism, however, appears to be difficult and micertain in the lower animals, in keeping with the limited development of intel- ligence and will, as compared with the human being. Cadeac .states that the very old and the very young are completely refrac- tory to hypnotizing influences. Lesions. No constant pathological changes are found, though different ner\'ous lesions may serve to rouse the disease in a pre- disposed subject. Frohner found in the affected muscles granu- lar swelling, fatty' degeneration, haemorrhages, and wax}- (amy- loid) degeneration of the cardiac muscles, corresponding to what has been found in tetanus ; also haemorrhages on the stomach and intestines. Symptoms. The leading objective symptom is the tonic con- dition of the muscles b}' which a perfect balance is established and maintained between the flexors and extensors so that the affected part maintains the same position which it had when the attack began, or any other position which may be given to it during the 38 Veterinary Medicine. progress of the paroxysm. The position is only changed when the muscles involved have become completely exhausted. Dur- ing the attack the affected muscles are swollen and firm, so that their outline may often be traced through the skin, later as the attack subsides they become soft and flaccid. Voluntary move- ment of the affected muscles is impossible until after the paroxysm. The attack usually comes on suddenly and in this respect resembles epilepsy ; at other times there are premonitory symptoms of nervous anxiety, excitement or irritability. There is usually considerable impairment of consciousness, intelligence, common sensation, and even of the special senses. In a cataleptic dog Frolmer noted mental and motor troubles, considerable anaesthesia, and loss of sight, smell, and hearing. The eyes are fixed, the pupils either contracted or dilated, and the urine passed may be albuminious or even icteric. Course, Duration. Like other functional nervous disorders this is extremely uncertain in its progress. There may be but one attack or a succession ; they may last from a few minutes, to 7 days (Frohner), or even several weeks (Hertwig); they may end in recovery or less frequently they may prove fatal usually by inanition. Treatment. During a seizure a sudden shock will sometimes cut short the attack, douching with cold water, an inhalation of ammonia, of capsicum or of snuff, or the application of electricity in an interruped current through the spine and affected muscles. Ether anaesthesia will not always relax (Sinkler). Inhalation of a few drops of nitrite of amyle has proved effective in man, as has also the injection subcutem of three drops of a 1 per cent solution of nitro-glycerine, apomorphine hypoderniically is usual- ly effective (Sinkler). Bromide of potassium has also been ad- vised, and in case of coldness of the surface, a warm bath. When there is overloaded stomacli and gastric indigestion an emetic is indicated, and in constipation a purgative (for speedy action chloride of barium or physostigma sUbcutem). In the intervals between attacks tonics and general hygiene should be invoked to build up the weakened nervous system. Quinine, and salts of iron, zinc or silver with a nourishing diet and out door exercise are especiall}' indicated. INSOLATION. HEAT EXHAUSTION. SUNSTROKE. THERMIC FEVER. Definition : two forms. Heat exhaustion. Causes : prolonged heat, and moisture, overexertion. Impaired vaso-motor centre. Failing heart. Carbon dioxide poisoning. Symptoms : weak, fluttering pulse, perspiration, muscles flaccid, prostration, no hyperthermia. Treatment : stimulant, digi- talis, digitalin, subcutem, nitroglycerine, warm baths. Thermic fever. Hyperthermia excessive. Causes : insolation, prolonged heat and impure air, furnace heat, moist and dry heat, electric tension, overwork, muscular ex- haustion, coagulation of myosin, constant heat on one part (head), excess of carbon dioxide, stiffening of bodies when killed in hot weather, debility, weakness, fatigue, chest constriction, tight girths or collars, short bearing reins, plethora, obesit}', open cars and yards, fever, privation of water, heavy fleece. Lesions : right heart and systemic veins full, blood black fluid or diffluent, left ventricle empty, congested meninges, effusions in or on brain, or hsemorrhages. Symptoms: horse: dull, stupid, stubs toes, sways quar- ters, droops head, hangs on bit, props on feet, breathes rapidly, pants, stertor, dilated nostrils, gasping, fixed eyes, dilated pupils, tumultuous heartbeats, gorged veins, epistaxis, perspiration, convulsions: ox: parallel symptoms : sheep: open mouth, stertor, fixed eyes, pupils dilated, panting, swaying, fall, convulsions : dog: dull, prostrate, pants, congested veins and mucosge, weakness, spasms, syncope, speedy rigor mortis. Overheating. Diagnosis : early excessive hyperthermia, venous congestion, shallow panting breathing, violent heart action, loss of sensory and motor functions, convulsions. Prevention : avoid violent, prolonged heat, and exertion, especially in case of fat animals or those new to hot climate, keep emunctories acting, shade head, water on head and to drink, protect fat cattle, shear sheep, water. Treatment : shade and laxatives ; if severe, cold water from hose, ice bags to poll, rub legs, acetanilid subcutem, stimulant enemata, later mineral tonics, iron or zinc. Definition. A morbid condition produced by the exposure to extreme heat, and marked by profound disorder of the vaso- motor and heat centres. The single term of sun-stroke or heat-stroke has been replaced by two, — heat exhaustion and sun-stroke, indicating two dis- tinct conditions, brought about by exposure to heat and mani- fested by different states of the body and distinctive symptoms. Heat Exhaustion. This appears as an exaggerated form of the general sense of relaxation, weakness and languor which follows on prolonged 39 40 Veterinary MediciJie. violent exertion in a hot atmosphere. There is more or less im- pairment of the vaso-motor nerve centre in the niednlla, relaxa- tion of the capillary system, and flagging of the heart's action, which loses its customary stimulus, by reason of the defective supply of blood returned by the veins. This may become so ex- treme that the patient dies by syncope. In other cases the paresis is mainly shown in the vaso-motor system, and its centres in the medulla, the blood is delayed in the distended capillaries and veins, it becomes overcharged with carbon dioxide, the heart's action is accelerated and feeble, the pulse rapid, weak and fluttering, perspiration breaks out on the skin, and the tem- perature is normal or subnormal. The muscular weakness, the flaccid condition of the facial muscles, and general depression suggest a state of collapse. This condition is not necessarily due to exposure to the intensity of the sun's rays, but may come on in animals subjected for a length of time to artificial heat, and especially if the air is impure, and if the subject has to undergo severe physical exertion. Treatment. In slight cases of this kind a stimulant is usually desirable and ammonium carbonate in bolus or solution will usually serve a good purpose. In its absence alcohol or spirits of nitrous ether may be given. Digitalis is of great value in sustaining the flagging action of the heart and has the advantage that as digitalin it can be given hypodermically when it is im- possible to give ammonia, alcohol or ether by the mouth. For the same reason nitro-glycerine may be resorted to, or even atropia as a vaso-motor stimulant. Active friction of the body and limbs will aid circulation and indirectly stimulate the heart, and in case of subnormal temperature it may be supplemented by a warm bath in the smaller animals, kept up until the normal temperature in the rectum has been restored. Thermic Fever. Sun-stroke. This is readily distinguished from heat exhatistio?i by the pre- dominance of the hyperthermia. While in heat exhaustion the temperature is usually subnormal, in sun-stroke it is exces- sive, (io8°-ii3° F.). Causes. The inmiediate cause of sun-stroke is exposure to undue heat, but this need not be the heat of the sun's rays direct. Insolatioyi. Stui-stroke. Thermic Fcve7\ 41 A large proportion of cases in the human subject are attacked during the night, and again at sea where an attack in a passenger is practically unknown, it is terriljly common among stokers working in a close atmosphere of 100° to 150° F. The attendant conditions have much influence in determining an attack, thus it is generally held that heat with excess of moist- ure is the most injurious, yet in Cincinnati, statistics showed a greater number of cases in man when the air was dry. The sup- pression of perspiration and the arrest of cooling by evaporation in the latter case would tend to a rapid increase of the body tem- perature, and the condition would be aggravated by the electric tension usually present with the dry air. With the hot, moist air perspiration might continue, but evaporation would be hindered, and there would be arrest of the cooling process and an extreme relaxation of the system. Again, it is usually found that seizures take place during or after hard muscular exertion in a hot period, and much importance is attached to tlie attendant exhaustion, the excess of muscular waste, and the alteration of the myosin, which latter coagulates at a lower temperature in the over- wc-rked animal. But on the other hand, experiment shows that the animal confined to abso- lute inactivity in the hot sunshine or in a high temperature (at go°), dies in a few hours, whereas another animal left at liberty in the same temperature does not suffer materially. The explana- tion appears to be that the dog, kept absolutely still , has the contiu- iious action of the heat on the same parts and on the same blood, for the capillaries dilate, and the blood is delayed, overheated, and surcharged with carbon dioxide, and the result is either syn- cope from heart failure, or asphyxia from excessive carbonization of the blood. Back of these and concurring with them is the par- alysis of the va.so-motor and heat generating nerve centres, from the high temperature or the condition of the blood. The excessive carbonization of the blood deserves another word. The prolonged contact of the blood and air in the lungs is essen- tial to the free interchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Vie- rordt showed that with sixty respirations per minute the expired air became charged with but 2.4 per cent, of this gas, whereas with fourteen respirations it contained 4.34 per cent. Therefore, with violent muscular work (which charges the blood with carbon 42 Veterinary Medicine. dioxide) and rapid breathing (which fails to secure its elimina- tion), the over-driven animal soon perishes from asphyxia. Un- der a high temperature of the external air, this condition is aggra- vated since the rarified air contains just so much the less ox3'gen, the absorption of which is the measure of the exhalation of car- bon dioxide. Dr. H. C. Wood, who has experimented largely on the subject in animals, finds the cause of heart failure in the coagulation of the myosin, which takes place under ordinary circumstances at 115° F., but at a much lower temperature when a muscle has been in great activity immediately before death. As the temperature of thermic fever frequently reaches 1 13°, or even higher, he easily accounts for the sudden syncope occurring during active work in a high temperature. As an example of such sudden rigor, he ad- duces the sudden stiffening of the bodies of some soldiers killed in battle during hot weather. Wood further shows that all the symptoms of thermic fever can be produced in the rabbit by concentrating the temperature on its head, which seems to imply a direct action on the brain and in par- ticular on the heat producing and vaso-motor centres. This becomes the more reasonable that the temperature attained does not im- pair the vitality of the blood but, leaves the leucocytes possessed of their amoeboid motion. He found, moreover, that if the heat were withdrawn before it has produced permanent injury to the nervous system, blood or other tissues, the convulsions and un- consciousness are immediately relieved and the animal recovers. Other conditions may be adduced as predisposing or concurrent causes of thermic fever. Whatever impairs the animal vigor has this eflFect. Fatigue, as already noticed, is a potent factor,' in man a drinking habit; in all animals a long persistence of the heat during the night as well as the day ; impure air in badly ventilated buildings ; and mechanical restriction on the freedom of breathing. In military barracks with the daily temperature at 118° F. and the night temperature 105, the mortality became ex- treme, and in close city car stables the proportion of sun-strokes is enhanced. In all such cases, the air becomes necessarily more and more impure continually. The atmosphere has the same heat as the animal body, .so that no upward current from the lat- ter can be established, to create a diffusion. The carbon dioxide Insolation. Sun- stroke. Thermic Fever. 43 and other emanations from the lungs, the exhalations from the skin, dung and urine, accumulate in the air immediately sur- rounding the animal and respiration becomes increasingly imper- fect and difficult. This condition is fnrther aggravated by the accumulation of the animal heat in the body. The blood circu- lating in the skin can no longer be cooled, to return with refrig- erating effect on the interior of the body, the cooling that would come from the evaporation of sweat is obviated by the suppres- sion of that secretion, as well as by the saturation of the zone of air immediately surrounding the body, and thus the tendency is to a steady increase of the body temperature until the limit of viability has been passed. The mechanical restriction of respiration should not be over- looked. In European soldiers landed in India and marched in the tight woolen clothing and close stocks a high mortality has been indnced and in horses with tight girths or collars and short bearing reins, and oxen working in collars a similar result is ob- served. Any condition of fever is a potent predisposing factor. Horses or cattle that are put to violent or continued exertion when too fat or out of condition are especially subject to sun- stroke. Fat cattle driven to market under a hot sun, or shipped by rail, crowded in a car and delayed on a siding under a hot sun, with no circulation of air, often have insolation in its most violent form. The same may be seen in the hot stockyard, with a still atmosphere and the fat animals subjected to the full blaze of a July sun. The chafed feet caused by travel, and the muscular weariness caused by standing in the moving car are material ad- ditions to the danger. Similarly horses suffer on the race track when subjected to protracted and severe work in hot weather, or again dragging loads in a heated street under a vertical sun, or on a side hill with the sun's rays striking perpendicularly to its surface. A change in latitude has a decided effect, the Northern horse suffering much more frequently than the one which is native to the Southern States and which has inherited the habit of heat en- durance. Finally faults in feeding and above all watering are appreciable factors. The privation of water in particular is to be dreaded. Tracy in bis experience with American soldiers in Arizona, found 44 Veterinary Me die hi e. that the command could usually be guarded against sun stroke when a supply of water was kept on hand. It should be used guardedly, but nothing would act better in obviating an attack. On the other hand, when the canteens were empty, under the hot sun the seizures increased disastrously. Sheep are especially liable to suffer from heat by reason of their den.se fleece, which hinders the evaporation of perspira- tion, and the cooling effect of air on the skin. When the temperature rises, respiration is accelerated and panting, the lungs seeking to supplement the work of the skin. When traveling in a heavy fleece, or in the hot sunshine in July or August sunstroke is not unconnnon among them. Lesions. Among the lesions may be named, vacuity of the left ventricle and fullness of the right ventricle and veins with fluid blood or a diffluent clot ; congestion of the pia or dura mater, effusion into the ventricles, haemorrhages into the sub- serous tissues, and degeneration of the nuiscles. Symptoms. Horse. When premonitory symptoms are ob- served the animal fails to respond to whip or voice, lessens his pace, stubs with his fore feet and sways with the hind, depresses his head and hangs heavily on the bit. Too often these are omitted or overlooked, and the hor.se sud- denly stops, props himself on his four limbs, drops and extends the head, breathes with great rapidity, panting and even .stertor, dilates the nostrils widely, retracts the angle of the mouth and even gapes, has the eyes fixed, the pupils dilated and the beats of the heart tumultuous. The superficial veins are distended, the visible nuicosae congested with dark blood, and blood may escape from the nose. Perspiration usually sets in. The animal ma}- fall and die in a few minutes in convulsions, or, if stopped sufficiently early and suitably treated, he may in a measure recover in 15 to 20 minutes. Symptoms. Ox. The premonitory symptoms are like those in the horse: dullness, rapid, panting breathing, the mouth is opened and the pendent tongue is covered with frothy saliva, a frothy mucus escapes from the nose, the eyes are congested and fixed, the pupils dilated, the nostrils and flanks work laboriously, the heart palpitates, the animal sways or staggers and falls. Death follows in convulsions, or it may be delayed, the animal Insolatiofi. Sim-stroke. Thennic Fever. 45 struggling ineffectually to rise, or having periods of comparative quiet. The rectal temperature is very high, 107° to 114° F. If able to stand, there is usually blindness and heedlessness of sur- rounding objects. Symptoms. Sheep. The open mouth, protruding tongue, frothy saliva, reddened fixed eyes, rapid breathing, beating flanks, stertor, and unstead}' gait are characteristic when taken along with the manifest causes. Swaying movements followed by a sudden fall and death in convulsions form the usual termina- tion of the disease. Symptoms. Dog. These have been mainly produced experi- mentally and consisted in hyperthermia, dullness, prostration, accelerated breathing and heart action, congested veins, and mucosae, muscular weaknesss, convulsions, and syncope or as- phyxia. After death the nuiscles became speedily rigid, and the blood accummulated in the venous system, was fluid or only loosely coagulated. In these animals, if the experiment were stopped in time the animal could be restored to health. Slighter cases may occur in the different animals, more partic- ularly from overdriving in hot weather, and in such cases the overheated animal recovers, but there is liable to remain a special sensitiveness to excessive heat and a tendency to be dull, sluggLsh and short winded, to hang the head in hot weather, and to seek shelter from the direct rays of the sun. Diagnosis is largely based on the suddeness of the attack, on the occurrence of high temperature before the seizure, not after as it is liable to be, if at all, in apoplexy, on the dark congestion of the mucosae, and of the venous system, on the rapidity and shal- lowness of the respirations, on the tumultuous action of the heart, and on the general loss of sensory and especialh^ of motor func- tion, in circumstances calculated to induce sunstroke. Localized paralysis or spasm would suggest the formation of a cerebral ef- fusion or clot. Prevention . This will depend on the class of animal and its conditions of life and work. In horses care should be taken to regulate the work by the heat of the season and condition of the animal. When the temperature ranges from 80° to 100° F. the work should be lessened and every attention should be given to maintain the healthy functions (bowels, kidneys, skin) in good 46 Veteri7iary Medicine. working condition. If the horse is young, fat, or out of condi- tion from idleness or accumulation of fat he must have the greater consideration. So it is with a horse recently come from a colder latitude, and with a heavy draught horse that may be called on to do rapid work. Some protection is secured by wear- ing a sunshade or a wet sponge over the poll, and much may be expected from an occasional rest in the shade, a swallow of cool water and sponging of the head. Very heavy fat cattle should not be driven far nor shipped on the hottest d^ys, and the packed car should not be left in the full sunshine in a still atmosphere. Yards with sheds under which they can retreat must be secured if possible. The heavily fleeced sheep must have equal care and the pastures for fat sheep and cattle should have available shade in form of trees, walls or sheds. Access to water is an important condition, Treatinent. In slight cases {overheated) a few days of rest, under an awning rather than in a close stable, with a restricted and laxative diet. In severe thermic fever the first consideration is to lower tem- perature. If available turn a hose on the head, neck and entire body for five or ten minutes, or until the rectal temperature ap- proaches the normal. In the absence of such a water supply, dash cold water from a well on the body but especially the head and neck, and if available tie a bagof ice around the poll. Active friction to the legs and bod}' is often of great advantage. A large dose of antipyrin or acetanilid may be given hypodermically. On the other hand stimulants, and e,specially carbonate of ammonia, or sweet spirits of nitre may be given as an enema. This may be repeated in an hour in case the pulse fails to acquire force and tone. Should the temperature rise again later it may often be kept in check by cold sponging and scraping followed by rubbing till dry. In case of continued elevation of temperature, with heat of the head, and perversion of sen.sory or motor functions, meningitis may be su.spected and appropriate treatment adopted. For the prostration and weakness that is liable to follow therm- ic fever, mineral tonics such as the salts of iron or zinc may be resorted to. EPILEPSY. FALLING SICKNESS. Definition. Frequency. Susceptibility : dogs, pigs, cattle, horses, par- rots, sparrows. Divisions: slight and severe : Jacksonian (partial): sympto- matic ; idiopathic. Lesions : inconstant : of brain, cranium, cerebral circu- lation, myelon, poisons in blood, dentition, cortical and ganglionic lesions, cerebral asymmetry, stenosis of vertebral canal. Medullar asymmetry, traumas of cranium, anaemia, bleeding, carotid ligation, spinal re- flexes, irritation of skin, creatinin, cinchonoidin, lead, ergot, nitro- pentan, nitro-benzol, ptomaines, toxins, parasites, nerve lesions, local hypersesthesia (withers of horse, recurrent ophthalmia), indigestion, constipation, .sciatic neuritis. Causes : nervous predisposition, heredity (man, cat, dog, ox), sexual excitement, fear, sudden strong visual impres- sion, uric acid in blood, meat diet. Symptoms : horse, sudden seizure, bracing feet and limbs, swaying, -fall, convulsive rigiditj', jaws working or clenched, eyes rolling, salivation, stertor, dyspnoea, sensation absent. Duration. Symptoms of localized epilepsy. Cattle, bellow, stertor, rolling ■eyes, jerking, rigidit}', fall. Sheep. Swine premonitory malaise, jerking, champing jaws, fall, trembling, rigidity, involuntary discharges. Dog trembles, cries, falls, rigidity, clonic contractions, stertor, sequelae. Diag- nosis : sudden attack, unconsciousness, spasms, quick recovery, no spasms in syncope, vertigo has no spasms, thrombosis has symptoms developed by exercise. Jurisprudence : animal returnable after twenty-eight days ( Wurten- berg, etc.,) thirty daj's (France). Treatment: of susceptible brain, and peripheral irritant. Correct all irritation or disease, or expel para.sites. Nerve sedations : bromides, opium, valerian, belladonna, hyoscine, duboi- sine. Tonics : zinc, arsenic, silver, baths, electricity. Borax. V^egetable diet. Castration. Avoidance of excitement. Surgical operations. Tre- phining. Excision of cortex. Outdoor life. During a fit : amyle nitrite, chloroform, ether, chloral, warm bath, cold or warmth to head, quiet secluded place. Epilepsy is the name given to a class of cases characterized by a sudden and transient loss of consciousness with a convulsive seizure, partial or general. It appears to be due to a sudden ex- plosive discharge of convulsive nervous energy, which \wa.y be generated by a great number of cau.ses of morbid irritation — ■ pathological, traumatic, or toxic. As a rule the epileptic seizure is but the symptomatic expression of a complex derangement which may be extremely varied as to its nature and origin. Freqicency i7i different animals. The affection is far less fre- quent in the domestic animals than in man, doubtless because of 47 48 Veterinary Medicine. the absence of the special susceptibility which attends on the more highly specialized brain, the disturbing conditions of civ- ilization, and the attendant vices. Among domestic animals, dogs are the most frequent victims in keeping with their relatively large cerebral development, their emotional and impressionable nature and the unnatural and arti- ficial conditions in which as house pets they are often kept. Their animal food and the consequent uric acid diathesis is a probable cause, as it is in man. In ten years of the dog clinic at Alfort they made an average of 3 per cent, of all cases. Next to the dog the pig kept in confinement is the most frequent victim, while cattle and horses come last. At the Alfort clinic epileptic horses were not more than i per 1000 patients. It is not at all unfrequent in birds, especially canaries and parrots. Reynal has seen it in sparrows. Divisions. The disease has long been divided mio petit mal and grand mal (haut mal). The petit mal (slight attack) is usually a transient seizure affecting a group of muscles only and associated with only a momentary or very transient loss of con- sciousness. The loss of consciousness is uncertain as to many cases. Under partial epilepsies must be included the hemi- epilepsy, or Jacksonian epilepsy, which is confined to one side of the body. The grand mal (severe attack) is one in which the loss of consciousness is complete, and the convulsions are general in the muscles of animal life. Another division is into symptomatic and idiopathic cases, and if this distinction could always be made it would be of im- mense value in the matters of prognosis and treatment as the re- moval of the morbid state of which epileps}' is the symptom will usually restore the patient to health. Thus the removal of worms from the alimentary canal, of indigestible matters from the stomach, of a depressed bone or tumor from the surface of the brain may in different cases be the essential condition of a successful treatment. Morbid Anatomy and Pathology. The literature of epilepsy is very rich and extensive and yet no constant lesions of the ner- vous system can be fixed on as the local cause of the disease. A review of the whole literature leads rather to the conclusion that Epilepsy. Fallitig Sickness. 49 irritations coming from lesions of the most varied kind, acting on a specially susceptible brain will rouse the cerebral centres to an epileptic explosion. Thus epileps)^ has been found to be asso- ciated with lesions of the following kinds : ist. Brain lesions of almost ever}' kind, including malformations. 2nd. lycsions of the walls of the cranium. 3d. Disorders of the cerebral circulation. 4th. lycsions of the .spinal cord. 5th. Morbid .states of the circulating blood (excess of urea, uric acid, creatinin, lead poisoning). 6th. Reflected irritation, as from dentition, worms, sexual ex- cesses, injuries to certain nerves, notably the .sciatic, or to par- ticular parts of the skin. i.st. Brain lesions. Those which affect the medulla and the cortical convolutions around the fissure of Rolando would be ex- pected to be implicated because the.se centres preside over the principal motor actions of the body and limbs. Yet though these parts are found to be affected with various morbid lesions in a certain number of ca.ses of epilep.sv, such lesions are ex- ceptional, rather than the rule. In 20 cases of epilepsy in man, 15 showed no lesion whatever of the brain. Blocq and Marinesco, pupils of Charcot, recenth'^ made a critical examination of the medulla and Rolandic cortex in nine cases that died during the fit. All showed granular bodies (degenerated myelin or blood pigment) in the perivascular sheaths but the}' found these in dis- seminated .sclerosis and even in healthy brains as well. The neuro- glia cells of the fir.st cortical layer contained black granules. Otherwi.se four ca.ses had no change, while five showed sclerosis of the cortex. The medulla was sound in all cases excepting one which .showed punctiform haemorrhages. Visible lesions may be present in other parts of the brain ; Wenzel long ago claimed constant lesion of the pituitary bod}'. Beside the cerebral cortex, lesions have been found in the bulb, the hypoglossal nucleus, the olivary body, the hippocampi, the thalamus, the corpus .striatum, the quadrigemini, the cerebellum, etc. Hughlings- Jackson who made an extended investigation of the subject con- cludes that any part of the gray matter of the encephalon may become over-excitable and give rise to a convulsive attack. Not 4 50 Veterinary Medicine. only may the lesion be in any part of the brain, but it may be of any kind : meningitis, cerebritis, softening, tubercle, tumor, hy- datid, embolism, or drops}'. Marie Bra found an extreme asym- metry of the cerebral lobes in epileptics. Kussmaul and others found stenosis of the vertebral canal and asymmetry of the two lateral halves of the medulla. 2nd. Cranial lesions. These consist largely in blows or falls upon the head, with ostitis, periostitis, fractures with de- pressions, fibrous neoplasia implicating or not the meninges and pressing on the brain, hsemorrhages from minute arteries, etc. The diagnosis of such lesions will often open a way to a success- ful treatment. Baker found most of the severe cases from head injuries. 3d. Disorders of the cerebral circulation. Burrows, Kussmaul and Turner showed that in animals, loss of conscious- ness and epileptiform convulsions followed on cerebral anaemia caused by profuse bleeding or by compression of the carotids. The same has been observed in surgical cases after ligation of one common carotid. Hermann caused convulsions in a rabbit by ligating both anterior and posterior venae cavae. 4th. Lesions of the Spinal Cord. Brown-Sequard determined epileptiform convulsions by transverse section of one half of the spinal cord, or of its superior, lateral or inferior columns. The later development of the doctrine of interrupted spinal inhibition, suggests that, many of the .seizures in question are but exaggera- ted spinal reflexes, which are no longer restranied by cerebral in- hibition. That all are not of t)ns spurious kind may be fairly inferred from his further demonstration that bruising of the great sciatic in animals tended to produce epilepsy. In such cases- the irritation of certain areas by pinching the skin, served to produce a seizure. Not only so, but the animals in which such artificial epilepsy had been induced tended to transmit the infirmity to their progeny. The prevailing view of epilepsy however, would consider such lesions as sources of peripheral irritation by which the brain is affected sympathetically, while the real explosion is the result of the sudden discharge of the pent up excitement caused in the encephalic centres by the irritation at such distant points. Epilepsy. Falling Sickness. 51 5th. Morbid States of the Circulating Blood. Certain poisons, when brought in contact with encephalic nerve centres produce epileptic seizures. Gallerani and Lussana applied creatinin directl}' to the cerebral cortex and quickly induced epileptiform convulsions and choreiform movements. Injected subcutaneously it failed to produce the same effect. Cinchonoidin acted on the basal ganglia of the brain producing convulsions but no choreiform movement. Poisoning with lead, ergot, nitro- pentan, nitro-benzol and a number of other poisons brings about intermittent convulsive seizures. The same may be inferred of ptomaines and toxins, in the convulsions that appear in the ad- vanced stages of infectious diseases (canine distemper, hog cholera, etc.). 6th. Reflex Irritation. Perhaps no peripheral irritation more frequently causes epilepsj-, than parasites. In young dogs worms in the intestines (taenia coenurus, taenia tenuicollis, taenia serrata, taenia echinococcus, and ascarides) have been especially incriminated. Also linguatula taenioides in the nasal sinuses. In young pigs the echinorrhy nchus gigas, ascarides and trichocepha- lus. In horses ascarides have been principall}^ blamed. Wounds implicating nerves, and tumors pressing on nerves, have served as sources of nervous excitement which accumulates in the cerebral ganglia and bursts forth as an epileptic explo.sion. Bourgelat mentions the case of a horse which fell in a fit the moment he was touched on his tender withers, also a case in which a siezure coincided with an attack of recurrent ophthalmia. Gerlach saw a horse which had an epileptic fit the instant he was touched on his sensitive withers. In kittens and puppies the irritation attendant on dentition is a common cau.se of attacks. In nervous dogs and pigs indigestion or con.stipation may serve as the occasion of an explosion. In the experimental ca.ses of Brown-Sequard, not only did the injury to the sciatic nerve de- velop in the brain a latent tendency to epilepsy, but the sub.se- quent pinching of the .skin in certain areas (epileptigenous zones) promptly brought about a siezure. Causes. Most of the causes of epilepsy have been given above under the head of pathology and morbid anatomy. The nervous predisposition may, like any other peculiarity or function, become hereditary. In the human race nothing is more certain 52 Veterina}}' Medicine. than the tendency' to some form of nervous disorder (insanity, dementia, alcohoHsm, morphinism, epilepsy, chorea, etc.) in a special family line. Reynal records the case of an epileptic cat (belonging- to an eniplo}'e of the Alfort veterinar}- .school) the progeny of which for three generations, became affected with epileps}' and mostly died before Xh^y were a year old. Also four epileptic dogs (3 males and i female) which produced a num- ber of epileptic puppies. lyaNotte records the cases of two bulls affected with epileps_v, in the progeny of which numerous cases of epileps\' appeared ; the cows being attacked after the first calving, and the oxen soon after they were first put to work. Breeding stallions are particularly liable to attacks, the high feeding, lack of muscular work in the open air, and above all the oft repeated nervous excitement attendant on copulation being directly excit- ing causes. The heredit}^ of the artificial epilepsy induced by Brown-Sequard in Guinea pigs, serves to strengthen the doctrine of heredity in ordinar}^ forms. Among emotional causes fear easily heads the list. Bernard states that ahorse became epileptic in connection with the terror caused by the giving way of a wooden bridge over which he was passing. Bourgelat and Reynal adduce instances, in cavalry horses when fir.st put under fire. Reynal records the case of an- other which had his first attack when facing a moving locomo- tive, and which never again could see an engine in motion without suffering another attack. La Notte mentions the case of a horse attacked when frightened by a sky rocket ; Romer, the case of a horse scared by the sudden display of a white sheet in front of him, and Friedberger and Frohner relate cases of attacks caused by intense rays of light, as in racing toward the declining sun, or the dazzling reflection from the surface of water. Liedes- dorf saw it in a dog .scared by a locomotive. A strong impression like that caused by tran.sition from bright light into darkness, by seeing shadows of trees cro.ssing the road, or violent suffering caused b}^ severe forms of constraint have been named as causes. Speaking in " Brain," of epilepsy in man, Alexander Haig at- tributes the fits to the fluctuations of uric acid in the blood. Headache (migraine) he finds to be very closely allied to epi- lepsy and convulsions and to be a result in a su.sceptible system Epilepsy. Falling Sickness. 53 of a liberal flesh diet. B37 a vegetable and fruit diet he reduces the ingestion and formation of uric acid, so that the largest quantity which a patient is likeh' to get into his blood, shall never or only very rarely, affect the blood pressure and increase the intra-cranial circulation to a dangerous extent. In predis- posed subjects, all flesh food, soup, and meat extracts must be avoided, while even tea, coffee, cocoa and other vegetable arti- cles containing zanthin compounds are to be regarded as pro- ducing uric acid, and to be denied, or emplo3'ed onl}' as the merest flavoring. This position is greatly strengthened by the fact that epilepsy is so much more frequent in the carnivora (dog, cat, bird) than in the herbivora. It also suggests ver}' strongl}' a light vege- table diet for both prophylactic and curative purposes in our domestic animals. In the same line the frequent and liberal drinking of warm water, the use of diuretics and the flushing of the large intestine are indicated. For other causes see under pathology. Symptoyns in the Horse. It has been claimed that premoni- tory symptoms, such as dullness, lack of energy and quick, ner- vous or startled movements herald an attack, but in animals as in man, the disease usually attacks suddenly without any ante- cedent indication. If at work the horse stops suddenh-, or if in the stable he ceases eating, seems frightened, .stands for an instant immovable, braces his feet, sways, trembles, and falls heavil}' to the ground. Or he may remain for an instant supported on his rigid limbs, the jaws moving or firmly closed, the eyes rolling, and the facial mu.scles drawn or twitching. When down there are convulsive movements of the limbs, so that the animal may kick out violent- ly, and tense contractions or twitchings may occur in the muscles of the croup, chest and abdomen. There is usually an increase of the salivary secretion with frothy accumulation about the angles of the mouth. The respiration is .stertorous, dyspnoeic, and interrupted, the nostrils widely dilated, the na.sal mucosa of a dark brownish red, and the superficial veins distended. The pulse is weak, .slow, irregular, intermittent and sometimes im- perceptible. Sensation seems to be in abeyance. No attention 54 Veterinary Medicine. is paid to loud sounds, nor to pinching, pricking, or even cauter- izing the skin. Perspirations may break out on the flank or over the whole surface of the body. The duration of the attack may be from one to four minutes, or exceptionally ten or fifteen, after which the muscles relax, the twitching ceases, the horse raises his head, extends his fore limbs and finally rises. After rising some are dull and stupid for an hour or so, and may continue to perspire, some move the limbs, jaws or head automatically, turn in a circle, or seek seclusion and darkness, while some take at once to eating and seem as if nothing had happened. In partial or localized epilepsy the spasms are confined to a limited group of muscles like those of the jaws, neck, or fore limbs. These may alternately contract and relax, or they may remain rigid for a minute or less, the mouth being held open or firmly closed with grinding of the teeth, the eyes rolled backward and upward, or affected with strabismus, the face drawn and distorted, the head turned to one side or downward, or the limbs fixed and immovable. At the conclusion of an attack it is not uncommon to see a dis- charge of urine or faeces, or in stallions, of semen. The horse often contracts a fear of the place where the attack occurred, and this contributes, with the re-appearance of the former object of dread (car, locomotive, rifles, cannon, etc.) to precipitate a new attack if he is compelled to go to such a place. Symptoms in Cattle. In cattle the animal is attacked without premonition, bellows, breathes hard and with effort, has dilata- tion of the nostrils, and squinting or rolling upward and back- ward of the eyes and falls to the ground rigid and trembling. There may be violent succussions of the limbs, head or neck, movements of the jaws, grinding of the teeth, and the appearance of frothy saliva and elements of food about'the lips. The beats of the heart are violent, the pulse slow and small, and sometimes intermittent. Involuntar}^ micturition, defecation, or discharge of semen may occur. In slight cases one or more of these symp- toms may be absent, and the victim maj' not even fall to the ground but support himself against a wall or other object. Epilepsy. Falling Sick?iess. 55 The duration of the attack ma}' be from one to five minutes, rarely more, and there is often a slow and progressive subsidence of the spasms. When recovered the animal may get up and go to eating or rumination as in health. Symptoms in Sheep. In sheep the attack is sudden. The animal ceases eating or stops in its walking, and after turning or other involuntary movement falls to the ground, head extended, mouth open, eyes rolling or squinting, and with rigidity or twitching of the muscles of the neck or limbs. There is the same loss of sensation, frothing from the mouth, and grinding of the teeth as in the larger animals. The attack may last 40 to 50 seconds. Symptoms in Swine. In pigs a state of discomfort and rest- lessness often marks the approach of an attack, referable probably to the digestive disturbance or to parasites which furnish the oc- casion of the disease. Uneasy, wandering movements, jerkings of head or limbs, rolling of the eyes, and champing of the jaws may fir.st appear. Then the animal falls, extending its limbs and head, with open mouth, retracted lips, and a free flow of saliva. Trembling and jerking of the head, neck and limbs, hurried, short, difficult breathing, and complete lo.ss of sensation may be noted. Discharges of urine, semen, and prostatic fluid are not uncommon. The attack usually la.sts 2 or 3 minutes, and exceptionally 10 to 15. In the shorter seizures, frequent repetition is not uncommon, Delafond having observed 5 or 6 attacks in the cour.se of an hour. Syt7tptoms in Y>ogs. The attack is sudden and unheralded by prodromata. The animal stops, trembles, cries plaintively and falls ; he may manage to rise or to do .so in part but instantly falls anew. The limbs stiffen, tremble or twitch, the head is extended or flexed, or jerked, violently .striking the ground, the mouth open, with abundant .saliva, or fimly clo.sed though the tongue may be between the teeth. The trunk may be firm and rigid or alternately twisted in one direction or the other. The eyes roll or squint, and the breathing is stertorous and difficult. Insensi- bility is complete. Toward the end of the attack there may be a discharge of urine, faeces or semen, the stools often containing worms. The body is often wet with prespiration during or after an attack. 56 Veterinary Medicine. The attack usually lasts for two or three minutes, then the convulsions gradually lessen in intensity and finally cease, the dog raises his head, opens his eyes, and gazes inquiringly around. Then he gets on his feet shakes himself and may at once resume his customary habits. In other cases the restoration is less sud- den. The dog remains for 30 to 60 minutes dull and stupid, or seems to have little power of control over its muscles and stag- gers as if intoxicated, or as if the muscles were benumbed. It may drop on its knees and then fall with the head on the ground and repeat this several times. In other cases the dog wanders around, or trots off and may snap at any one interfering with him, so that the case is often mistaken for one of rabies. Finally the animal may remain prostrate and fall into a deep sleep marked by stertorous breathing. Diagnosis. The diagnosis of epilepsy is usually easy. The suddeiniess of the attack, the loss of consciousness the nuiscular .spasms, the complete temporary recovery and the tendency to recur, form a ioute ensemble, which is pathognomonic. The danger of confounding this with other nervous di.sorders is on the whole greatest in the slight cases in which the symptoms are less typical. From Syncope it is easil}- distinguished by the .spasms which are not present in syncope. From eclampsia it is not so easy to diagnose, but the line be- between eclampsia and epilepsy has not been accurately drawn, and some ha\'e even shown a disposition to drop eclampsia from medical nomenclature. Eclampsia may be defined as general convulsions dependent on some eccentric irritation, and which do not recur after such irritation has been removed. This would re- move from the categor}' of epileptic attacks the cases of convul- sions in which the attacks were due to intestinal or nasal parasites, dentition irritation, tumors pressing on nerves, canine distemper and other infectious diseases. So far the distinction might be made by the diagnosis of the particular disease on which the convulsions depend. There remains however a class of cases in which the centric nervous disorder on which the epileptic seizure depends is present, and also the peripheral source of irritation (worms, etc.). In such a case the presence of the worms or other eccentric source of irritation, even if added to the fact that this was the immediate exciting cause of the epileptic explosion, Epilepsy. Falling Sickness. 57 could not do away with the fact that the essential conditions of epilepsy are permanently present in the nervous centres. The difficulty therefore of making an accurate differential diagnosis, resides largely in the impossibility of drawing a definite line of pathological separation between eclampsia and epilepsy. From Vertigo epilepsy is distinguished by the absence in the former of marked .spasmodic contractions. It is only in the mild- er forms of epilepsy tho.se in which the .spasmodic action is .so slight as to be overlooked, that this disease can be confounded with vertigo. From Thrombosis or embolism of the iliac or femoral arteries epilepsy is easily distinguished by the absence of exercise as the e.s.sential cause in the development of the latter. In thrombo.sis on the other hand, the lo.ss of control over the hind limbs is de- veloped at will by active motion (walking, trotting). In throm- bosis too the absence of pulsation at the fetlocks or at any point below the seat of obstruction is conclusive. Question of Soundness and Jurisprudence. Manifestly a horse or bull subject to attacks of epilep.sy is not sound. It is moreover a disease, the symptoms of which are only shown for a very short period at one time, after a long interval of apparently perfect liealth. It is, therefore, a disease against which a purchas- er cannot be expected to protect himself and he should have the right to annul the sale and return the animal in case the infirmity should appear within a reasonable period after purchase. This is provided for in the laws of different countries of Europe, thus in Wurtenberg, Baden and Hesse, a purchased annual may be returned within 28 days; in France within 30 days, and in Bavaria within 40 days. The greatest difficulty arises from the frequent impossibility of obtaining expert testimony on a seizure which is likely to occur at any moment, without premonition, and in which the testimony of a non-expert may ea.sily be mis- leading. It seems as if complaint having been made within the specified legal time, an extension of guarantee should be given by the court, the animal to be meanwhile kept under the super- vision of a veterinarian. Another question has arisen as to the position of an animal suffering from reflex epilepsy. If the attacks are caused by in- testinal worms or nasal acarina which are easily removed, it is 58 Veterinary Medicine. quite evident that this cannot be considered as a permanent un- soundness, and one for which a contract of sale can be justly annulled. But on the other hand, while the eccentric source of irritation which is easil}- curable ma}^ have been the active agent in developing the seizures, it may be none the less true that the central infirmity which determines the abnormal susceptibility, to excessive generation and epileptic explosion of nervous force, may also be present and the animal cannot be considered as sound until a sufficient length of time has elapsed after the re- moval of the peripheral irritation and no new seizure has taken place. TreatDient of Symptomatic Epilepsy. In cases due to an ec- centric irritant the first step must be the removal of such irritant. In case of intestinal worms the various vermicides and taeniacides must be resorted to. (See Intestinal Parasites). For the linguatula tgenioides the injection of benzine or tobacco water into the nose, or into the sinuses, with or without trephining may be resorted to. In diseased leeth extraction or filling may be demanded. In dentition-irritation, lancing of the gums. In all otlier cases in which a peripheral nervous irritation can be traced every available means should be taken to remove it. Treatment of Central Epilepsy. Bearing in mind that peri- pheral irritation is a frequent exciting cause of a seizure, too much care caiuiot be given to the conservation of the general health and especially to make the diet wholesome in quantity, quality and time of feeding and watering, and to guard against constipation and indigestion. In dogs a too stimulating meat diet is to be avoided. The medicinal agents employed have been mainly such as" are sedative, or tonic to the nervous system. Valerian was long ex- tolled as a valuable remedy (Gohier, Delafond, Delvvart), and this has been improved upon more lately by substituting valerian- ate of zinc. Belladonna and its alkaloid atropia have been strongly advocated (Tisserant, Bernard, Williams, Friedberger) and it has the recommendation that it causes vaso-motor contrac- tion and tends to lessen cerebral congestion. Hyoscine or du- boisine may be used as a substitute. Cynaide of iron has been lauded by Jourdier and Tabourin, as far superior to valerian. Of late years the nerve tonics, zinc compounds (oxide, sulphate, Epilepsy. Falling Sickness. 59 chloride) and silver salts (nitrate) and arsenic have been used, often with excellent results. Borax strongh' recommended for man (i to i^ drachm daily) by Pastena is worthy of a trial for dogs. It is given largely diluted in syrup to avoid gastric irri- tation. Of all agents employed up to the present the bromides still claim a foremost place. They should be given in a large dose, on an empty stomach and at such a time as to occupy the system at the hour when the seizure is expected to recur. Thus for morning attacks the dose may be given at night, while for night attacks it may be given in the afternoon. Miiller uses sodium bromide in the dog as least liable to disturb the stomach, while Peterson, for man, advises the potassium .salt for the same reason. For man, McLane Hamilton advocates a combination of the sodium and ammonium salts, Eulenberg adds the potJissium com- pound, while Berkley uses strontium bromide, and Bourneville camphor monobromide. Given at night in full do.se (30 grs. for dog) the bromides tend to secure a quiet sleep, with brain rest and recuperation. If beneficial they .should l)e repeated daily until a cure or other sign of bromism appears. This may be somewhat checked by arsenic or chloral hydrate. Wesle)^ Mills finds potassium iodide useful in .some dogs when bromides fail. Bromohydrate is advocated by Miiller. Flechsig and others have had excellent results in man from the opium bromide treatment. Full doses of opium are given three times a day for six weeks, when they are replaced by full doses of bromides four times a day. Improvement should be shown in the shortening of the con- vulsions and the lengthening of the intervals between them. Should the bromides fail in tliis, resort may be had to other treat- ment, Toulouse, Clark and others find that privation of salt, in man, allows the bromine salt to replace the chlorine one in the tissues, and the hydrobromic acid the hydrochloric in the gastric juice, and in this way the bromine can be introduced safely in larger amount into the tissues and is longer retained, though given in half the doses. 6o Veterinary Medicine. A most important element in the treatment is a vegetable diet with or without milk, to obviate excessive production of uric acid. Anything which will disagree and produce gastric or intestinal fermentations with toxins must be carefully guarded against and these will differ in different individuals. Stallions and other excitable males, and females ma}^ often be cured by castration. Patients should be very carefully guarded against all sources of excitement, reports of guns, sight of loco- motives or automobiles, waving flags, instrumental music, sudden exposure to siuishine or other bright light, reflection from v.'ater, snow, or ice, the contrast of dark shadows, as of trees, alternating with bright light, etc. Dogs, becoming ex- cited at a show, may have a convulsion if not removed, and much more so in presence of another dog in a fit. A surgical operation often places the disease in abeyance for many months, but, unless in the case of the removal of a dis- eased organ vvliich has acted as a factor, this is not permanent. Hence in man transient benefit has been secured from operations on the eyes, the brain, the testicles, the ovaries, etc. In local (Jacksonian) epilepsy, which can be traced to a definite cortical area in the brain, the trephining of the skull and the excision of the cortex at that point, has given temporary relief, with a local palsy, but too often the irritation from the resulting cicatrix has in time aroused the disorder anew. Even independently of the removal of the cortex, the trephining has been successfully re- sorted to, by savage as well as civilized peoples, securing a tem- porary relief. Though not in practice in veterinary medicine it seems as if tliis were even more applicable than in man. It would be full}' justified if it preserved for a year or more an animal in usefulness which must otherwise be destroyed, even if the disease should return at the end of this time. Plunge or douche baths (60° to 70° F.) and rubbing dry will often tone up the nervous system, and a course of bitters, or iron, or both, may prove valuable. An out-door life and moderate muscular exercise are important. During a convulsion the animal should be freed from all harness, halters, girths, etc., that would impair respiration, the jaws may be kept apart with a cloth to prevent biting the tongue, and the animal held with head and neck in natural position. Eclampsia. Convulsions. Spasms. 6i To arrest the spasms the best agent is ainyle nitrite inhaled from a handkerchief. It may be replaced by a mixture in equal parts of chloroform and ether. Or rectal injections may be given of chloral. Nitro-glycerine will sometimes cut short an attack or prevent it. Small animals may have the body immersed in a warm bath, and cold applied to the head. Congested buccal and conjunctival mucosae would indicate cold to the head, while pallor would suggest warm fomentations. When the fit is over the animal should be kept in a quiet, dark place until the excitement or stupor has completely pas.sed. ECLAMPSIA. CONVULSIONS. SPASMS. Definition: functional convulsions from peripheral irritation. From den- tition, helminths, uterine disease, nursing (anaemia). Treatment. Injuries to cranial bone. Eclamp.sia (convulsions) is difficult to define as distinct from epilepsy, the present tendency however appears to be to apply this term to cases in which the .spasms are of a purely functional nature as far as the brain is concerned and caused by peripheral nervous irritation. Whereas in epilepsy there is .some organic disease or disorder of the brain it.self. Therefore the convulsions of anaemia, of teething, and of parasitism, would come under this heading being curable by the removal of the distant source of irritation, while the spas- modic seizures, that are due to central nervous lesions and are not exclusively dependent on peripheral irritation would be classed as epilepsy. In other words reflex epilepsies with no central brain disorganization would be classed as convulsions. Eclampsia from Dentition is seen especially in young cats, dogs and pigs when cutting-teeth, and may be obviated by lancing the gums, extracting diseased or milk teeth entangled on the crowns of their successors, and by a slight laxative with bromides. Eclampsia from Helminthiasis has been already referred to under epilepsy. The main object is the expulsion of the worms, after which nerve .sedatives and tonics will be valuable. 62 Veterinary Medicine. Eclampsia from Uterine Disease has been noticed by Al- brecht, in cows shortl}^ after calving, the symptoms being spasms of the neck, persistent extension or turning of the head, grind- ing of the teeth, loss of consciousness, convulsive movements of the legs, rolling of the eyes, and slow recovery. The same symptoms have been observed in goats and have been sup- posed to depend on a reflex from the irritated womb. Another supposable cause is the absorption of toxic products from the womb and vagina. Manifestly the removal of the after birth and the disinfection of the womb, should be here employed along with the ordinary nerve sedatives. Eclampsia in Nursing Female Dogs has long been attributed to anaemia by English veterinarians. It occurs especially in high bre'd bitches, when nursing a large litter and some weeks after parturition when the puppies have grown large and vigorous, with proportionately increased demands on the maternal source of supply. The dam shows an emaciated aspect, with restless anx- ious eyes, a wearied expression, and a generally exhausted ap- pearance. There is weakness and swaying behind, or complete inability to use the limbs, the animal goes down, trembles vio- lently and shows clonic spasms of the extensors of the legs, the neck, the back, the face and the eye. Breathing is accelerated, .stertorous and labored, the heart beats violently the mucous mem- branes are congested, and the mouth is opened with convulsive movements of the jaws and throat. The attack is readily dis- tinguished from epilepsy, by the retention of sen.sation, and by the absence of involuntary passages from the bowels, or kidneys. Recovery is likely to be secured if the puppies or most of them are removed early enough and the bitch su.stained by nourishing food, and tonics. The spasms may be combatted by the anti- spasmodics and nerve sedatives employed in epilepsy. Chloroform , morphia, phenacetin, acetanilid, urethane have been specially commended. Beef teas, cod-liver oil, and iron may be resorted to and free outdoor exercise and sunshine should be secured. General convulsions are common in connection with direct in- jury to the brain and more particularly of its coverings, (cranial bones, meninges). In such cases the irritation which otherwise starts at a distance and reaches the brain through the afferent nerves, or the modifioaton of the circulation acts directly on the Chorea. St. Vitus Dance. 63 gray matter. It is interesting to note in this connection that the evacuation of the cerebral fluid, which removes the soft support of the water cushion and allows the brain to come in contact with the hard bony walls, determines an access of convulsions. In cases of convulsions attendant on mechanical injury to the cra- nium surgical interference will be in order. CHOREA. ST. VITUS DANCE. Definition. Susceptible animals. Causes: nervous lesions inconstant, youth, debility, ansemia, niicrobian toxins, cerebral embolism, rheumatism, trophic alterations in nerve cells, fright. L,esions : variable in seat and character, congestion of perforated space, corpus striatum. Sylvian convo- lutions, gray matter at root of posterior horn of spinal cord, etc., experi- ments of Chauveau and Wood. Symptoms : dog, local twitching, fore limb, one or both, neck, head, maxilla, eyelids, eyeballs, hind limbs, trunk, rhythmic, less when recumbent, usually absent in sheep, roused by excite- ment : horse, head neck, fore limb, trunk: cattle, head, neck, limbs: swine, hind limbs, neck, head : severe cases lead to exhaustion, emaciation, marasmus, paralysis. Duration : weeks, months, years. Treatment : laxa- tive, tonic, hygienic, arsenic zinc sulphate, strychnia, sedative, belladonna, conium, cannabis Indica, chloral, acetanilid, trional, etc., icebags or ether spray to spine, cold douches, outdoor life. Definition. A neurosis characterized by constant twitching of muscles or of groups of muscles, and which usually ceases during sleep. Animals Susceptible. This disease is especially common in the dog, but has been recognized also in the horse, ox, cat and pig. Causes. Much difference of opinion exists as to the true cause of chorea. In many cases no nervous lesion has been fotmd and therefore the disease has been pronounced purely functional. The victims are as a rule the young, weak and debilitated so that anaemia has been held to be the main causative factor. Then in dogs the affection is a common sequel of distemper and hence it has been attributed to toxic matters (microbian, etc.) in the blood. It sliould be added that European writers attribute the rhythmic spasms which follow di.stemper to eclampsia, epilepsy or tic, and claim that the contractions must be irregular or arhythmic in order 64 Veteriyiary Medicine. to constitute chorea. English and American writers, however, have attributed less importance to this point and consider that the constanc}'' and persistency of the contractions in the dog, differentiate an affection from both eclampsia and epilepsy and relate it rather to chorea. Tic as illustrated in crib-biting is cer- tainly not constant nor rhythmical nor is it a habit beyond the control of the will. Among other alleged causes of chorea is embolism of the ar- teries of the brain or spinal cord. Angel Money went so far as to inject a fluid containing arrowroot, starch granules and car- mine into the carotids of animals, and produced movements closel}' resembling those of chorea. Another theory connects chorea with the rheumatic poison. Some English writers find more than 80 per cent, of all cases in man associated in some wa}^ with rheumatism, but in Philadelphia, Sinkler found that not more than 15 per cent, showed such a relation. D. C. Wood as the result of necropsies of a number of choreic dogs reached this conclusion : ' ' Owing to emotional disturbance, sometimes stopping of various vessels of the brain, or sometimes the presence of organic disease, there is an altered condition of the ganglionic cells throughout the nerve centres. If the cause is removed and the altered condition of the nerve cells goes only so far, it re- mains what we call a functional disease. If it goes so far that the cells show alteration, we have an organic di.sea.se of the nervous system." In man the element of sudden fright is awarded a high position in the li.st of causes. Lesions. Constant morbid changes of structure have not been established in chorea. On the contrary in the man}' careful ne- cropsies of choreic subjects some lesion of brain or .spinal cord has been almost always found. Dickinson always found con- gestion of some part of the brain or spinal cord, but mo.st con- stantly of the substantia perforata, the corpora striata and the beginning of the Sylvian fissure. In the cord the cervical and dorsal regions were the most commonly affected, and preeminently the gray matter at the root of the posterior horn. The bilateral symmetry of the contractions in cases of unilateral lesions, has been held to discredit the theory of embolic origin, yet this may Chorea. St. Vitus Dance. 65 be explained by mutual relation of the ganglia of the two sides and their coordination of function. The question of the relative importance of the encephalic and spinal lesions has been also debated. Chauveau believed that b}' section of the cord in choreic dogs, he had proved that the spasms were of medullary origin. Wood on the other hand found that the choreic movements persisted after section of the cord, and seemed warranted in the conclusion that the movements origin- ated in the cord. The probability is, that with the cord intact, the primary source of the morbid movement may reside either in the encephalon or the cord. In chorea, following distemper, I have found marked congestion of the encephalon and its men- inges. Symptoms. In the dog the twitching may be confined to one fore leg, or it may extend to both and then usuallv implicates the neck and head. In other cases the lower jaw, the head, the eye- lids or even the eyeballs may be the seat of the twitching motions and in still others the hind limbs and trunk are also implicated. In nearly all cases the tendency is to a continuous rhythmic action, which may moderate without actually ceasing while the animal lies down, but which usualh' stops altogether during deep sleep. When it intermits at other times it can commonly be roused into activity' by exciting the animal in an}' wav . In the horse the muscles affected may be those of the head and neck, of the fore limb (Hering), of head, limbs and trunk (Ivcblanc). In cattle the movements have affected the neck and head and the fore or hind limbs (Anacker, Schleg). In young pigs the hind limbs, the neck and head have been chiefly involved in the spasms (He.ss, Vervey). If the affection is slight it may not seriouslj^ /mpair the genera health, but in proportion to its severity and the constancy and generalization of the spasms and the consequent muscular waste and exhaustion, the animal becomes gradually worn out and emaciated and dies of paralysis and marasmus. Ditration. In favorable cases recovery may ensue in a few weeks ; in others the disease becomes chronic and will last for months or years. 4 66 Veterinary Medicine. Treatment. Among the first indications are fresh air and wholesome easily digestible food. The removal of an}- sonrce of intestinal irritation should be sought by bland laxatives. As the health is usually low, a course of iron tonics is nearly always in order. Special nervous tonics are next demanded. No agent has a better reputation than ar.senious acid. Ten drops of a i per cent, solution of arsenite of .soda may be given daily to the dog or one ounce to the horse. If gastric irritation forbids the use of this agent, sulphate of zinc maj' be given in i to 3 grain doses twice a day to the dog. In other cases strychine -g-^ to -^-i^ of a grain ma}'' be given in the same manner. Nerve sedatives often have a good effect in calming the ner- vous irritability and in tliis way belladonna, conium, cannabis Indica, chloral, chloroform, acetanilid, trional, etc., have been employed. In the same line are ice bags or ether spray applied to the spine for ten minutes at a time, and douche baths of cold water, the animal being afterward rubbed dry. This last par- takes of the nature of a stimulant and may be classed with gentle exercise which at once distracts the patients' attention from the nervous infirmity, trains him to control the mu.scles, gives nor- mal exercise and tone to the enfeebled organs and improves the general health. CONVUIvSIVE TWITCHING OF THE FACE. Nature of phenomenon, arhythmic, hj'perexcitability of nerve centres or skin. Nerve section. Head jerking : horse, hard bit, severe check, inter- nal pain, exertion, hypersensitiveness. Treatment: nerve section. Tongue lolling, etc. Flapping of lower lip. Na.sal rhythmic movements. Weav- ing, from impatience, rhythmic. Rocking on hind limbs. Resting foot on coronet. Pawing. Treatment : eliminate irritation, nerve tonics, sedatives, hygienic measures. This has been observed especially in the dog and ma}' be easily confoinided with chorea. The mu.scles on one side of the face, are twitched at more or less regular intervals, or in other ca.ses there are sudden opening and closing of the lower jaw. Convulsive Tzvitchiiig of the Face. 67 The affection has not been satisfactorily connected with any special brain lesion, though as in chorea proper and epilepsy, we must invoke a special disorder or hyper-excitability of the nerve centres presiding over the affected muscles. The clonic spasm may in some cases be due only to a motor impulse from such ex- cited nerve centre, while in others it may be traced backward along the afferent nerves to an oversensitive part of the skin or other organ. In these last purely reflex forms of the trouble it may be possible to correct it by section of the sensory nerves involved. Convulsive Movements of the Head. Convulsive movements of the head as a whole constitute a fre- quent form of chorea in the dog. It is especially common in horsfS and shows itself in dift'erent forms. A horse with a tender mouth, or which has been used with a hard bit, or with a heavy hand on the reins, or which has been driven with a check rein so short as to be unsuiled to its conformation, is liable to in- dulge in annoying elevation and depression of the head when under the saddle or in harness. The same phenomenon may be shown in connection with violent internal pains, as in strangu- lated hernia, intu.ssusception, or twisting of the bowels. The habit once formed is not easily corrected, so that careful treat- ment with the view of prevention is especially to be given. Another more objectionable, dangerous, and less voluntary motion is the sudden jerking of the head upward, or to one side when excited under the saddle or in harness. The disorder!}'- movements are not, as a rule, seen while the animal is at rest, but seem to be produced under the stimulus of exertion. They appear to be quite involuntary, and suggest the dread caused by the settling or buzzing of an insect about the nose or ears, but occur in the depth of winter in the absence of insect life, as well as in mid.summer. The suddenness and involuntary nature of the movement is suggestive of epilepsy, but there is no indica- tion of attendant unconsciousness. From choreic movements it is apparently distinguished, by its presence only when ridden or driven. It is unquestionably associated with hypersensitiveness of the nerve centres, and yet in many cases it appears to be a reflex originating in a specially tender or sensitive part of the 68 Veterinary Medicine. skin or mucous membrane. In more than one instance in this college clinic the trouble was corrected bj^ the section of both facial branches of the 5th cranial nerves as they emerged from the infra-orbital foramina. Abnormal Movements of the Tongue. Some horses double the tongue downward, others upward of the bit ; others protrude the tongue and give it a sinuous, ser- pentine motion which causes alternate protrusion and retraction. Flapping of the Lower Lip. This habit of rapid opening and closing of the lower lip so as to produce a disagreeable flapping noise by striking it against the upper, is seen in many horses and proves a most objection- able trait in harness or saddle animals. Rhythmical Movements of the Nose. Certain horses apply the protractile end of the nose against the lower lip and spend hours in succession in moving it rhythmic- ally forward and backward, or from side to side. Weaving. Movement like a Bear in a Cage. This consists in a lateral rocking of the head and neck, and sometimes of the chest as well with alternate stepping on the right and left fore feet. It has been supposed to represent the movement of the weaver in working a hand loom, or still better the movement of a caged wild beast in constant turning toward the right and left of the front of his cage. The motions are as regular as a pendulum, and involve the contraction of corre- sponding groups of muscles on the two sides of the body. The}' seem, in some cases, to begin in impatience in waiting for the feed, while other horses in the same row are being at- tended to first, but when the habit has been formed it may be continued most of the time in the intervals between feeds as well. Nervous horses and those that are hearty feeders are the most subject to this infirmity. Ve}'tigo. Megrims. Blind Staggers. 69 Disorderly Movements of the Limbs. Some horses have a habit ot coutimiously raising one hind limb, others raise the right and left alternate!}', rocking the hind quarters from side to side, others stand with tlie heel of one hind foot resting on the front of the coronet of the other, while still others paw continuously with the fore feet while standing in the stall. Treatviciit. These various conditions even when begun as an expression of impatience, soon become fixed habits, that prove in the end virtually uncontrollable by an animal, which has no strong will and no consciousness of anything to be gained by re- sisting the impulse. Tliey become virtual psychoses. In ca.ses in which the habit can be traced to a peripheral irritation, the cutting otT of tills by complete section of the afferent nerves leading to the irritable nerve centre will sometimes succeed in ef- fecting a cure. In other cases in which the source of the dis- order is probabl}' largel}' central in the cerebral ganglia, nerve tonics, and sedatives, and generally corroborative treatment are the most obvious means of palliation. Such measures are, how- ever, rarely successful. Nourishing food and invigorating out- door exercise are useful auxiliaries. VERTIGO. MEGRIMS. BLIND STAGGERS. Disadvantage of lack of subjective .s3rmptoms. Causes, varied, narcotics, overloaded stomach, cerebral ansetniaorhypergemia, degenerations, parasites, tnmors, jugular obstruction, valvular heart disease, disease of internal ear, plethora. Susceptible animals, horse, ox, dog, pig, sheep. Direct causes : tight collar, or throat-latch, flexion of head, heart disease, pulmonary disease, embolisms, gastric distension, hepatic disorder, optic vertigo, aural vertigo, injections into ear, rhigolene, chloral, acariasis, seasickness, railroad sick- ness, cholesteatoma, coenurus, concussion, degeneration, softening, oestrus, linguatula, narcotics, essential oils : essential vertigo. Symptoms : in irrit- able animal, highly fed, and without exercise, crowds pole, his mate or a wall, shakes or jerks head, staggers, trembles, rears, plunges, falls, struggles, sweats, rolls eyes, recovers. In gastric or hepatic cases, dullness, pendent head, swaying gait, dull eye, dilated pupil, pendent lids and lips, leans on adjacent object, stagger.-,, falls. In optic cases are obvious cause in transi- tion to light, etc., and palliation by covering the eyes. In aural cases, roll- 70 Veterinary Medicine. ing eyes, constrained position of ear, deafness, pharyngeal or Eustachian trouble, wax or acari in ear, tender or itchy ear. Plethoric cases in spring, in overfed, etc. Brain lesions may have fever and disordered innervation, but retained consciousness, and no marked spasm. Duration. Sheep : para- sitic vertigo. Turning. Rotation. Treatment : according to cause : restrict ration, give exercise, purgative, adjust collar, breast .strap, check, avoid sudden transitions of light, overdraw check, blinds, treat nasal, pharangeal, ocular or aural trouble ; during attack, stop in shade, cold to head, deplete, bleed, purge, shady pasture or light work, bromides, blisters, etc. In dealing with vertigo or giddiness in animals we are con- fronted b}' the impo.ssibility of realizing the snbjective feelings of the animal, as we can .so easily ascertain by interrogation in the case of man, and thus our conclusions are largely inferences drawn from certain unsteady, reckless or uncontrollable move- ments, or from an apparent inability to maintain a stable equi- librium. The condition is rather a symptom of a variety of morbid conditions, functional and structural, than a disease sui generis. It may be due to alcoholic or other narcotic intoxi- cation, to overloaded or otherwise deranged stomach, to shock, to a stroke of lightning, to disturbances — anaemic or hyperaemic — in the circulation in the encephalon, to degenerations, parasites or tumors in the brain, to compression of the jugular veins, to valvular or other disease of the heart, to di.sease of the internal ear, to the plethora of spring or early summer, to the qualms of sea sickness, to insolation. The purely toxic cases are more clearly defined and temporary so that they may be eliminated from consideration at present, yet their possible occurrence must always be borne in mind by the practitioner especially when called to pronounce upon ca.ses of vertigo in connection with veterinary legal questions. The cases that are due to a persistent neurosis, or to circulatory troubles may well be placed in a list by themselves, yet in their legal re- lations it is highly important that the practitioner should as far as possible discriminate among these as well. Susceptible Animals. Vertigo undoubtedly exists among all domestic animals. The symptoms by which it is recognized have been noted especially in the horse and much less frequently in ox, dog, pig and sheep. Vertigo. Megrims. Blind Staggers. "j i Among horses it especially attacks the mature or aged, and family harness horses, pampered and irregularly exercised ; (sad- dle horses rarely suffer); it is more likely to appear for the first time in spring though when established it happens at all seasons ; it may come on when a horse is driven in blinders and fail to ap- pear in the absence of these. Caiises. I St. Compression of the jugular veins by a too tight collar is the cause of one of the simplest forms of vertigo and is observed, in growing or fattening animals in which the neck has become gradually too large for the collar. The supply of a larger and well fitting collar will soon confirm the diagnosis by a com- plete and permanent removal of the trouble. In other cases the veins may be compressed by undue flexion of the head, the chin being drawn toward tlie breast, or b_v a throat latch buckled too tightly. The substitution of an overdraw check rein, or a loose throat latch will show the true .source of the trouble. 2nd. Disease of the valves of the heart or their insufficienc}' from cardiac dilatation is a common cause of vertigo, and may be recognized by auscultation and by the general .symptoms of chronic heart disease. 3d. Disease of the lungs interfering with the flow of blood through the right heart and more distantly with the return of blood from the brain. It further effects the brain functions through the circulation of a highly carbonized blood, which fails to maintain the normal functions of the ganglia. 4th. Disease of the blood vessels, it may be by emboli washed on from clots in the pulmonary veins or the left- heart and arrested in the vessels of the brain ; it may be by aneurism of the anterior aorta as reported of a horse (lyUstig); it may be by phlebitis and thrombosis of the jugulars ; it wvAy be by adjacent tumors pressing on thi' vessels. 5th. Gastric Vertigo, Abdominal Vertigo, is a complica- tion of ga.stric or hepatic disorder with giddiness and unsteady movement. The abdominal disorder may be at once a cause and result of the vertigo and it is not always easy to decide which predominates. The unsteady movements in certain cases of over- loaded stomach, in the horse are illustrations of purely abdomi- nal vertigo, while on the other hand in vomiting animals nausea, retching, emesis, and other ga.stric disorders promptly attend on 72 Veterinaiy Medicine. the primary cerebral disorder. There is also a special tendency to vertigo in the fat, idle, gorged horse and in those with torpor or other disorder of the liver occurring in pampered horses in spring and early summer. 6th. Optic vertigo is a reflex disorder, determined in the ex- citable nerve centres by the visual influence. Thus it has been seen in horses and sheep from the intense glare of the sun's rays, reflected from a lake or river or from white snow or ice, or even from the glistening inner surface of the blinds. The effect is in- tensified if the animal has just emerged from a dark .stable or a darker mine. The overdraw check may be a factor by reason of its turning the e^^es upward and exposing them continuou,sly to the full glare of the sun. The sense of motion conveyed through the eyes contributes to bring on giddiness and a .sense of swimming. In man this is notorious, the sense of nausea and vertigo being precipitated by looking at the nearby, moving objects in cabin or on deck, while it may be retarded by directing the eyes to •Steady distant objects. As dogs, horses and other animals suffer from seasickness, and even railroad sickness, this attendant fac- tor ma}^ be logically accepted. The mere limitation of the field of vision, b}' the use of blinds, and the disappearance in rapid succession of near objects behind this narrow screen probably has an influence similar to the visible motions in the ship between decks, in cases in which these portions of the harness are mani- fest factors. 7th. Aural Vertigo is determined by irritations of different kinds affecting the external, middle or internal ear. Experi- mental sections show that this is especially due to injuries of the semicircular canals. If the Jiojdzontal canal is divided there are pendulum-like movements of the head alternately to the right and left, also lateral rolling of the eyes. If W\q. poste^'ior canal is cut there is a vertical movement, or nodding of the head and vertical rolling of the eyes. If the sicperior vertical canals are injured there are pendulum-like vertical movements of the head and the animal tends to fall forward. Injury to the anterior ca?ial causes diagonal rolling of the eyeball. In destruction of all the cafials various pendulum-like movements are performed, and standing often becomes impossible. Stimulation of one auditory nerve is followed by rotation of the eye and rotation Vertigo. Megrims. Blind Staggers. 73 of the body on its axis toward the injured side. The passage of a galvanic current through the head betiveen the mastoid pro- cesses, or from one external auditory meatus to the other, causes rolHng of the eyeballs. Injection of zvater violently into a rabbit' s ear, or of iced ivater or of a rhigolene jet, causes rolling of the eyes, and rotation of the body toward the side operated on. Dr. Weir Mitchell had a similar experience in his own person. If the injections are repeated a permanent vertiginous condition is induced, and tlie rabbit or Guinea pig, which has been kept in darkness for a few hours and is then suddenly exposed to sun- light, is unstable on its limbs for a few seconds. Lucae found that with perforation of the membrana tympani, an car air douche, at o.i atmospheres caused abduction of the eyeball, dyplopia, giddiness, sense of darkness, and disturbed respiration. Vulpain found that a 25 per cent, solution of chloral hydrate dropped into the ear of a rabbit caused vertiginous movements. McVey records the case of a music teacher who had intense ver- tigo induced by the loiv bass notes of a piano. Crum Brown noticed that if a per.son with bandaged eyes, is rotated for some time as on a potter's wheel, he can at first estimate the degree of rotation, but after a time he fails to do so, and the rotation ma}' be sto])ped, without checking his sense of whirling. The familiar method of subduing an intractable or vicious horse by r'tinning liim rapidly around in a very narrozv circular course, or by tying head and tail together and letting him circle around until he staggers or falls, is another manifest example of this aural vertigo. Rabbits and dogs suffering from acariasis of the external ear move around in a circle, or even turn somersaults tending toward the affected side. Trasbot has found larvae of insects (simulium cinereum?) in the ears of vertiginous horses, which he successfully treated with injection of chloroform. Even hard pellets of wax pressing on the tympanic membrane have been found to give rise to vertigo. The explanation of cases of aural vertigo, has been sought in the physiological action of the endoljanph and perilymph on the end filaments of the nerve in the membranous labyrinth, the turning of the head from one side to the other having the effect of changing the pressure in different parts and establishing cur- rents by which the change of position is recognized ; on the 74 Veterinary Medichie. other hand any injury to the canals, by disturbing the pressure of the perilymph and interfering with the relative position of the canals, and the direction and force of the currents of the endo- lymph and perilymph, destroys all proper sense of balance. The rotation of the subject as on a wheel or in turning in a narrow circle, is held to cause circular currents in and around the membranous labyrinth which temporarily destroy all sense of equilibrium. Seasickness and railroad sickness are doubtless in part due to the swaying motions causing disturbance in the canals. The intimate relation between the root of the auditory .nerve and that of the vagus in the medulla, may serve to explain the mutual interdependence of derangement of the stomach and liver on the one hand and the occurrence of vertigo on the other. Again the relation of vertigo to visual troubles, both as to cause and effect, has been attributed to the close relations of the ganglia presiding over the 3d, 4th. 5th and 6th nerves and those of the nerve of hearing. There is a degree of deafness in nearly all cases of aural verti- go, a circumstance which may be utilized in the diagnosis of such cases, the presence of disease of the guttural pouch, or Eusta- chian tube, and evidence of deafness on one side rather than the other, may be taken as corroborative evidence of the affection. On the other hand James shows that the stone deaf are much less subject to both seasickness and vertigo than tiiose that hear. The disorder that leads to vertigo implies a retention of a meas- ure of the normal function of the internal ear, and therefore of hearing, whereas the disease that has caused complete destruction of the internal ear and consequent loss of hearing has equally destroyed the function of the labyrinth in maintaining a sense of balance, and has obviated the aural sensations of equilibrium and loss of balance. 8th. Cerebral Vertigo may be associated with derangement of the circulation, or disease in the brain or its meninges. Anaemias and congestions resulting from disease or impaired function of heart, lungs, arteries or veins have been already noticed. It remains to note the presence of cholesteatomata and other tumors, and of parasites (cysticercus cellulosa in pig ; coenurus cerebralis in sheep) in the encephalon, and of injuries from concussion, degeneration and softening of the brain sub- .stance. Vertigo. Megrims. Blind Staggers. 75 9th. Nasal Vertigo has been noted hy Cadeac in connection with irritation in the nose and especiall}' b}' the larva of oestrus ovis (sheep), and the linguatula (dog, horse). In certain of the cases manifested b}' jerking of the head and diverging to one side, the recovery after section of the pes anserina indicates a nasal origin. loth. Vertigo from Narcotics (alcohol, loliuni temulentum, belladonna, solanum, various essential oils, carbon monoxide, etc)., have been already referred to. nth. There remains to be noted cases in which no narcotic poison, no mechanical disturbance of the circulation, no visual, aural nor nasal trouble, no gastric nor hepatic disorder, and not even a di.stant nervous lesion can be found ; the disease ma}- in such cases be ranked for the present as essential vertigo. Symptoms. As usually seen in the horse, vertigo often attacks the nervous, irritable animal in which the slightest occasion of irritation or disturbance causes intense suffering and quick re- sponse. This is often aggravated by the plethoric condition of the animal, kept on a liberal ration of grain and having little exercise. In some forms of the affection, however, and especial- ly the gastric and hepatic, the subject is dull, carries the head low, and lacks vivacity and energy. In the first form (the most common in the horse) the animal which has been full of life and vigor, slackens his pace and the tension on the reins, or stops suddenly, shakes the head, vertical- ly or horizontall)', or jerks it to one side, trembles, staggers, props his legs outward for more stable support, presses against the pole, or the other horse, or a wall, leans on the breeching or hangs on the breast strap, plunges forward, or to one side, or rears up and even falls backward, and comes to the ground. Profuse perspiration ensues, the eyes roll, the face is pinched and drawn, the prostrate animal may struggle in a helpless waj', and, if the harness is loosened, he may get up in a few seconds and slowly recover. Often, however, he remains for an hour or more, nervous, sensitive, bedewed with sweat, trembling and with anxious expression. Such are the more common manifes- tations of what is familiarly known as blind staggers. The symptoms will vary however, with the cause. In gastric or hepatic cases there may be more particularlj^ 76 Veterinary Medicme. dullness and lack of energy, low carriage of the head, unsteadi- ness of gait, lack of lustre in the e3'e, pupils dilated, semi-closed ej'elids, pendent lips, a tendency to lean on the stall or hang on the harnzss, and though the animal may stagger and fall, there is not the abrupt transition from life and energy to the active excite- ment and uncontrollable movements. The same remarks apph^ in a measure to narcotic vertigo. With optic vertigo, the attendant conditions will help to a diagnosis. The animal has come from darkness to full sunshine; there is the white, icy or snowy reflection everywhere which the animal was facing when attacked, or the glistening lake or river, the overdraw check rein, or the blind with perhaps a shining inner surface. The pupil is closed, and the eye is rolled back or o.scil- lates in one direction or another. The symptoms are checked by covering the eyes or removing the subject into a dark building or even into the shade of a tree or shed. With aural vertigo there may be similar rolling of the eyes, without the pupillary closure, the ear may be drawn down or back, and the shaking or jerking of the head is likely to be a marked feature. If there is more motion of one ear than the other, if the head is jerked to the one side, if there is a measure of deafness in the one ear (to be ascertained rather in the inter- vals between attacks), if there is disease of the pharynx, the Eu- stachian tube or pouch, or swelling about the root of the ear, if there is wax, .scurf, or acarus in the ear, if the animal rubs it fre- quently, aural vertigo may be suspected. Nasal vertigo. Those forms in which the head is jerked hor- izontally, vertically, or diagonally, the animal pressing against its mate or the pole, or outward in the harness, and getting out of its track, even if it should stop short of falling, and which appear only during work, or are aggravated by exertion, have l:)een attributed to lesions of the ear (Fleming), but in some cases they can be warded off by wearing a net over tlie nostril, and can be entirely stopped by complete transver.'-e section of the pes anse- rina, so that in a certain number at least they must be accounted nasal. These are not usually attended by sneezing. The simple expedient of driving with a rather close net over the nostril may enable one to diagnose man^' of the purely nasal forms. Plethoric vertigo may be suspected when the attack comes on Vertigo. Megrims. Blind Siagget's. 77 in spring, in a fleshy or fat horse, over- fed and Httle exercised, when there is dark red congestion of the nasal mucosa and con- junctiva, and a subsidence with rest. In the vertigo of brain lesions, the acute forms are attended by fever and marked signs of delirium or disordered nervous func- tions, while in the chronic forms there maj^ be permanent hyper- sesthesia or anaesthesia, general or with rather diffuse limits, and the vertiginous attacks repeat themselves frequently irrespective of weather, though they may be precipitated by faults of feeding, indigestion, severe exertion, or some of the other exciting causes above mentioned. These cases are to be distinguished from epilepsy by the ab- sence of any spasmodic contraction, aside from the jerking of the head and rolling of the eyes, and by the fact that consciousness is retained throughout. During the attack tlie animal may fail to respond to irritation of the nasal mucosa, but this appears to be due to the fact that his whole attention is engaged with a more serious trouble. The duration of an attack is from one to two, or exceptionally five minutes. The form which is represented by jerking of the head and deviation from the direct line of motion may continue so long as exercise is kept up. In the nasal vertigo of sheep aud dogs, due to parasites, sneezing, and congestion of the mucosa are to be looked for. In the cerebral parasitic vertigo of sheep and pigs, the symptoms vary according to the seat of the parasite. These maj^ be blindness, turning in a circle, moving straight ahead regard- less of obstacles, jerking upward of the head with nose protruded, hemiplegia, hemiansesthesia, cross hemiplegia, cro.ss hemianaes- thesia, and any one of tlie many forms of paralysis, or exagge- rated nervous action. The animal usually turns to the side on which the parasite lies and is paralyzed on the oppo,site side of the trunk. A peculiarit}' of these cases is that while the symp- toms are continuous, yet there are periodic aggravations which bear no relation to feeding, exertion or excitement, but depend on the protrusion at intervals of the heads of the parasites into the brain substance. If there are several parasites in the brain and they do this at different times the .symptoms are liable to vary according to their seat, and the special organ which is irri- 78 Veterinary Medicine. tated. This variability of symptoms is suggestU-e of parasitism. While turning around in a circle has been already noticed there remains, in certain cerebral forms, the peculiar phenome- non of the animal rotating rapidly on its longitudinal axis. The patient falls on its side and rolls over and over. Among the brain lesions with which it lias been experimentally identified are injuries to the middle peduncles of the cerebelhun, or of the siipero- external portion of the cerebral pedinicles, or of \.\\& posterior pai't of the encephalon , or of different parts of the hemispheres. Cases of vertigo that occur without any appreciable lesion have been named essential vertigo. Guibert has attributed some cases to irritation of the lower part of the limbs by contact with the litter but this could only occur in an animal in which the nervous system was in a morbidl}' excitable condition. Treatment. The prophylactics and therapeutics of vertigo will vary with the cause. The diagnosis of the cause is there- fore the most important step. In pampered, overfed, idle horses a reduced ration and daily exercise or work will often suffice. It is usually desirable, however, to remove intestinal irritants and deplete the vascular system by an active purgative. If the attacks appear only in Spring this care should be especial!}' given at such seasons. A tight or badly fitting collar should be cor- rected, also a position of the breast .strap which causes it to press on the jugular veins. A short bearing rein causing undue flexion of the head must be lengthened or abandoned. A too dark stable should be avoided, also the sudden exposure to white, dusty roads and, still more so, to the glare of snow, ice, or water. A short, overdraw check rein, turning the eyes up directly into the sun's rays, or blinds with a glistening iniief sur- face may require correction. It may be better to abandon blinds altogether, or to cover the eyes by a piece of leather, 2 to 4 inches wide, extending across the forehead from one eye to the other ; or a sunshade attached to the headstall ma}' be worn .so as to protect the eyes. Horses which become seasick or carsick may .sometimes be helped by covering the eyes. Other indica- tions would be to treat any existing trouble which interferes with a normal circulation in the brain (pulmonary congestion, aneu- risms, tumors pressing on carotids or jugulars, phlebitis, etc.), and such as affect the ear (disease of the pharynx, guttural Vertigo. Megrims. Blind Staggers. 79 pouches, adjacent glands, petrous temporal bone, niembrana t^'nipani, external ear). Indurated wax, insects or insect larvae may be removed by careful irrigation with warm water, and per- haps by chloroform. Nasal parasites must be washed out or de- stroyed by benzine, and any hyperaesthesia of the nasal mucosa may be met by covering the nostril with a net, or radically by cutting the facial branch of the 5th nerve as it emerges from the infra-orbital foramen. When attacked the horse should be at once stopped and put under the shadow of a roof or tree, or in their absence a blanket or lap robe may be used to cover his eyes. If there is danger of falling remove the harness, and secure a soft piece of ground, free from stones or other hard bodies. Cold water applied to the head will sometimes check. A common practice is to bleed from the palate, and in plethoric cases especially, and in such as are dependent on congestion, tumors or other lesion of the brain it is to be commended. The action will be rendered more pronipt and effective if the blood is taken from the jugular. A laxative diet, and carefully regulated work are desirable to obviate the tendency to the affection, and this may often be accomplished by a run at pasture. Otherwise daily small doses of Glauber salts in the feed may suffice. Bromides may be used to calm nervous excitement. In cases of gastric vertigo an active cathartic, followed by smaller laxative doses or a laxative diet and a course of bitters may prove useful. Such cases should never be worked on a full stomach but should be left at rest for at least an hour after a meal. In aural vertigo special attention must be given to the throat, and external ear. Bromides maj^ often be useful, and sometimes benefit may be derived from an occasional blister or light firing back of the ear. In ccenurus cerebralis in sheep the only resort is to trephine and remove the parasite. CONCUSSION OF THE BRAIN. Definition. Causes: leaps, trips, falls, blows. Symptoms: fall, insensi- bility, flaccidity, suspended respiration, tumors, vomiting, recovery, signs of cerebral congestion. Pathology : anaemia followed by congestion. Diag- nosis : from fracture, epilepsy. Treatment : quiet, rubbing of limbs, am- monia, cold to head, or heat ; for congestion, bromides, depletion, ice pack, derivatives. Definition. Concussion is the condition produced h\ mechani- cal jar or shock of the cerebral mass, and manifested b}^ modifi- cation of the brain functions of any grade from a simple dazed condition to that of complete unconsciousness, Causes. The most famiHar cause is the stroke of the butcher's pole axe, producing sudden and absolute insensibilit}'. A horse in leaping, trips and falls on his head or running again.st a wall sustains a concussion, which leaves him for some seconds without any signs of life. Tlie same will happen to other animals, but above all to rams which in their combats, back for a number of yards and running together meet with a shock from the effect of which even their thick skulls cannot save them. Other blows upon the head operate to the same end. Symptoms. Concussion is manifested by different grades of symptoms. At first there is usually a fall with complete insen- sibility. The animal lies flaccid, utterly insensible to external irritation and there is suspension of respiration. The heart con- tinues to beat and a frequent weak pulse may be often detected. In slight cases, breathing may be reestablished at the end of a minute or two, with muscular tremors and movements of the limbs ; then the animal rises, shakes his head, neighs, and walks at first unsteadily and afterward with greater and greater firmness. In vomiting animals, emesis occurs. In some cases this may be followed, after an hour or two, by signs of congestion, heat of the head, redness of the eyes, irri- tability, or dullness and stupor and perliaps muscular twitching. This may improve or it may terminate in death preceded by spasms, general convulsions, rolling of the eye balls, and stupor or cotua with general muscular relaxation. The primary condition is usually an anaemia of the cerebral 80 Coticussion of the Brain. 8i matter as seen in the brain of the animal suddenly killed b}' the blow of a hammer. The return of consciousness or semi-con- sciousness is connected with the resumed freedom of the cerebral circulation. The later convulsions, stupor or coma, usually imply active congestion or the effusion of blood on the brain surface, or in its substance. Diagnosis from fracture must be made mainly by manipula- tion of the bone in the seat of the blow, and by the absence of the increasing stupor and coma which attend on pressure from a gradually increasing blood clot. From epilepsy it is to be dis- tinguished by the evidence of mechanical injur}-, b}' the absence of spasms at the first, by the suspension of breathing and the absence of froth about the lips. Treatment. Keep the patient still and prostrate until there are signs of returning respiration and free cerebral circulation. This may be hastened, however, by active rubbing of the limbs and body, by giving guarded inhalations of ammonia, or even by friction of the skin with ammonia and oil. Sometimes reaction is favored b}' dashing cold water on the head, while in other cases hot water to the poll will prove more effective, or the two may be used alternately with good results. If, after partial recovery, there is marked restlessness, or ir- ritability it ma}^ be met with bromides. If secondary uncon- sciou.sness supervenes effusion of serum or blood is to be feared, or extreme congestion, and blood may be drawn from the jug- ular or by cups from the cranium, and ice bags or cold water may be applied to the head. Hot foot baths or mustard embro- cations applied to the limbs, and even derivation toward the bowels may be used. The indications for treatment come to be for meningo-encephalitis. LIGHTNING STROKE. ELECTRIC SHOCK. Fatal. Non-fatal. Herbivora at pasture under tree. Symptoms : dazed for a few minutes, unconscious for hours, permanent paresis or paralysis. Lesions : lines of burned hair, skin or muscles, rigor mortis slight, decompo- sition rapid, bluish black venous and capillary congestion, extravasations, blood fluid. Diagnosis. Treatment : ammonia, ether, alcohol, caffein, nerve stimulants. While a stroke of lightning is usually fatal, yet in certain cases, the victim is but temporarily stunned and recov^ers with more or less remaining paralysis. The subject has also great importance in connection with the the claim of the owner against a company which may have insured his stock against lightning. Any animal may be struck, but the herbivora which are turned out to pasture are especially liable to such injuries, because they seek shelter under trees, which operate as lightning rods. Symptoms. In slight cases of shock whether by lightning or the current of a hanging live electric wire, the subject may be simply dazed and ma}' or may not fall to the ground, and recover itself in a very few minutes. In other cases there is a more violent shock which prostrates the animal to the earth, where it may lie unconscious for some hours and yet quickly and com- pletely recover. In still other cases after such prostration re- covery is incomplete and the animal remains affected with pare- sis or paralysis of one or more, commonly of both hind, or all four limbs. In the more violent shocks death is in.stantaneous. Often the impact and course of the current are marked by visible lesions. Sc-metimes the skin is wounded exposing a bluLsh black tissue beneath. More commonly there is an area of burnt hair, or straight, radiating or angular lines of raised and frizzled hair marking the course of the current. In a horse killed by an electric light wire in Ithaca recently the current had burned to a depth of several inches in the muscles of the shoulder which rested on the wire. Lesions are often rather indefinite. There may be no appre- ciable change in the nervous system. Rigor mortis is slight; it passes off rapidly and decompo.sition sets in early.. The venous system and capillaries are usually filled with liquid blood of a Lightning Stroke. Electric Shock. 85 dark bluish black color, and at intervals are points, spots and patches of blood extravasation. The uniformly liquid state of the blood is one of the most marked phenomena of death from electricit3^ The dark blue congestion of the radical veins is also' very pathognomonic, the part struck or traversed by the main current, being the seat of the most elaborate arborescent network. This arborescent appearance of the dark colored veins, and the petechiae are of ten marked in the internal organs (brain, kidneys, liver, lungs). Diagnosis. The environment of the animal will often clear the diagnosis. The patient is found helpless, or dead under a tree, by a pole, or under a lianging wire, and if a tree there are evi- dences of the electric shock in .scattered leaves and branches, stripping off of the bark, or perhaps rending of the tree in pieces. In case of wires attached to or passing near such a tree, the sup- porting poles show similar splitting and rending. Add to these the fluidity of blood in the carcase, the thickly ramifying network of the minute dark bluish, red veins, the petechiae and the com- parative absence of cadaveric rigidity, and we have a picture very significant of lightning stroke. Treatment in such cases is according to the condition. The primary unconsciousness is met by inhalations of ammonia or ether, or the injection of brandy or alcohol subcutem. Caifein, atropine or hyoscyamin may be used as substitutes. If con.scious- ness returns recovery is usually rapid and complete. Should paresis or paralysis remain it must be treated like any ordinary case of these affections. INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE AND THROMBOSIS. APOPLEXY. SOFTENING OF THE BRAIN- Definition. Causes : Nature : intracrauial rupture, with pressure, serous effusion, excessive congestion, experimental cases, anemia from pressure, comparative immunity of horse, heart disease, Bright's disease, atheroma, degeneration, emboli, age, blood tension, severe exertion, excitement, con- cussion, insolation, venous obstruction, toxins, neoplasms. Lesions: blood clots, small and multiple, large and solitary, brain absorption, cavities, cysts. Symptoms : dullness, .swaying, trembling, elevation of head, turning in circle, sudden fall, spasms, unequal dilated or contracted pupils, eyes turned to affected side, congested or anaemic mucosae, stertor, puffing cheeks except in solipeds, pulse .slow, soft, full, vomiting, stupor, coma, iinconsciousness, paralysis, monoplegia, hemiplegia, sequelae. Diagnosis : sudden iincon- sciousness, with little spasm, but paral}-sis, history, sign of trauma, deep coma, eyes turned to one side, pupils unequal, stertor, slow breathing and pulse ; from uraemia, pulmonary apoplexy, oedema or anthrax. Treatment : bleeding, ice pack, snow, cold water, rest, derivatives to limbs, later purge, bromides, potassium iodide, tonics, open air life. Defiyiition. Cerebral apoplexy has been defined as a sudden loss of sensation and volnntai'}' motion, from pressure originating within the cranium and followed by paralysis, often unilateral. The definition is somewhat insufficient as regards tlie early symp- toms as the same conditions attend on convulsions and epilep.sy (haut mal), and it is only by excluding these by their character- istic features of sudden seizure with clonic spasms and their inter- mittent and paroxysmal habit that we reach an easy and satisfac- tory distinction. Later the paralysis tends to identify the a|)0- plectic attack. Causes and Nature. The immediate cause and essential lesion of apoplexy has been generally held to be the rupture of an intra- cranial artery and the formation of a considerable blood clot which presses upon (and abolishes the functions of) the brain. There are cases, however, in which the characteristic symptoms are present, and yet a complete recovery ensues at an early date, too early to allow for the absorption of a considerable clot. Moreover, in fatal cases perhaps no blood clot is to be found, but in place a serous effusion, or an internal conge.stion which exercised the fatal pressure on the brain. So far, therefore, as clinical phe- 84 Apoplexy and Softeni7ig of the Braiyi. 85 nomena are concerned, we must allow that apoplexy may arise from any sudden pressure on the brain substance. Pagenstecher produced the symptoms of the disease by injecting, at a regulated pressure, melted wax and tallow between the skull and dura mater in the dog. In the moderate cases there were drowsiness, psychic depression and general muscular weakness. In the more .severe ones there were added sleep and unilateral paralysis. In the more extreme cases death followed in a few hours after coma set in, though in some of these a partial recovery ensued if the wax}' mass was scooped out before the fatal symptoms appeared. Cases ended fatall}^ only when the injection pressure equalled that of the blood, and convulsions occurred only when the pres- sure was unstead}-. The temperature fell as it does in apoplexy in man, at the outset, but it continued falling to the fatal issue contrary to what takes place in man. Duret injected water into the cranium of animals so as to pro- duce great tension of the occipito-atloid membrane causing there- by arrest of the respiration and slowing of the heart's action. On tearing the membrane so as to allow escape of the water, respira- tion began anew and consciousness was gradually restored. Edes .sustains the view that apoplexy is directly due to anaemia of a lesser or greater portion of the brain substance, and that this need not be in any one particular seat nor of any definite extent. This anaemia is usually induced b)' pressure and may be caused by effused blood, or serum, or b}- the extreme congestion due to narcotic poisons, or other cause. Embolism of a cerebral vessel, however, by cutting off the blood from the part of the brain which it supplies may give rise to the apoplectic phenomena. Friedbergei and Froliner found apoplexy quite frequent in sheep, ox. and dog, and rare in the horse, although more subject to the violent exertion vvhich tliey put in the front of all causes. It is probable that the sluggish, pampered life of the first three animals, and the tendency to fatty degenerations and heart disea.se introduces a special predisposition as it does in man, while the hor.se, inured to an open air life and a vigorous muscular condi- tion, is comparatively innnune. Bright's disease is a common cause in the human subject, with its resulting cardiac hypertrophy. The degenerations attendant on these conditions and especially fatty change (atheroma) in the walls of the cerebral arteries, 86 Veterinary Medicine. pave the way for their rupture and for blood effusion. Emboli also carried from the diseased heart not onl}- cut off the blood from the parts supplied b}' the plugged arteries, but increase the blood tension on the cardiac side of the obstruction and endanger rupture at any weak part. Thus they may cause apoplexy from anaemia without rupture or apoplexy from the pressure of effused blood. Age which is such a notorious factor in man is not without its influence in the lower animals. It is in the old that we mostly see disease of kidneys and heart and the degenerations of the tis- sues, including the brain and its vessels ; in these, therefore, rupt- ure and extravasation are the most frequent. The other causes are mostly connected with increased blood tension with or without a debility of the vascular walls. Violent exertions as in racing, coursing, dragging heavy loads up hill or on heav}' ground, severe excitement, cerebral concussion, insola- tion, and intense congestion of the brain substance have all been recognized as causative factors. The compression of the jugulars by a small collar, the violent straining attendant on parturition, or constipation, and even the retrocession of blood from the sur- face when exposed to extreme cold, may contribute to the final rupture. In infectious diseases in which the toxic products tend to pro- duce profound modifications in the blood and tissues, extravasa- tions are met with in the brain as in other organs. Thus they are seen in anthrax, Texas fever, petechial fever, etc. \ Then the formation of neoplasms in the l)rain may be the oc- casion of the rupture of the vascular walls and apoplex3^ Haematoma of the dura in the dog (Friedberger and Frohiier), cholesteatomata in the horse, and carcinoma may be apparent causes. The effect of mechanical injury must be admitted, as blows on the head, injuries from an ox yoke, and concussions during the battles of rams and bulls. Lesions. Blood extravasations may be found at anj' part of the brain : a. into the the brain substance ; b. into the ventricles ; c. from the pia mater ; d. into the arachnoid sac ; e. between the skull and dura mater. It is especially common in connection with the ganglia adjoining the ventricles; the corpus .striatum. Apoplexy and Softening of the Brahi. 87 optic thalamus, the corpora quadrigemini, the fornix. In other cases the cms cerebri, pons, medulla oblongata, corpus caiosum. In other cases the convolutions of the cerebrum or cerebellum suffer. The amount of effusion may be limited to a few drops or it may cover an extensive area and cause con- siderable flattening of the brain substance. When capillary hsemprrhages are present — the size of a millet seed or a pea^Friedberger and Frohner have usually found them multiple, but when large enough to form distinct clots they are usually single and confined to one side. If a clot, involving the brain substance, is small, it merely separates the nervous fibres, but if larger, the cerebral tissue is broken down in the mass of clot, discolored, torn and .softened. If the patient has survived the first attack the clot passes through the different stages of discoloration, brown, browni.sh yellow, yellow, and may become fibrous forming a distinct cicatrix, with loss of brain substance. In connection with the partial absorption of the effused blood, cavaties may be filled with a serous fluid (apoplectic cysts), and these may show multiple loculi. The nerve fibres which lead to an old standing lesion are usually degenerated. When effused into a ventricle, blood is less readily absorbed and tends to remain as a flattened discolored layer. Extravasation between the dura mater and the cranium is probably always the result of direct mechanical violence. Symptoms. Premonitory indications of apoplexy are less com- monly recognized in the lower animals than in man, doubtless largely because of the impossibility of appreciating subjective symptoms. The first observed indications are usually dullness, some lack of coordination of movement, swaying, unsteady gait, trembling and a tendency to deviate to one side or to move in a circle. In the majority of cases, however, the first symp- toms noticed are a complete loss of consciousness or nearh' so, a sudden fall and often more or less convulsive movements of the limbs aggravated by any excitement. The eyes remain dilated, the pupils enlarged or sometimes contracted, and in case of unilateral effusion tlie axis of vision of both eyes is turned to the affected side, right or left. The pupil of one eye is likely to be more widely dilated than that of the other. Roll- 88 Veterinary Medicine. ing of the eye-balls is not uncommon. Convulsions may occur, the liead and hind limbs being drawn back forcibly as in oposthotonos, or the animal may lie flaccid and comatose from the first. The nasal, buccal and orbital mucous membranes are usually congested, deep red or livid, yet sometimes they are anaemic and pale (Shock). The breathing is usually character- istic, being deep, slow, labored, irregular and stertorous and ac- companied by puffing out of the cheeks at each expiration (except in solipeds). Yet there are cases in which stertor is absent. The pulse is usnally slow, full and soft, and, in the carotids, throbbing, but it may be weak and imperceptible. There may be complete unconsciousness, and again from the first, or nearly .so, there may be a slight response to a stimu- lus, which cannot be referred altogether to reflex action. In vomiting animals, emesis ma}^ ensue. Stupor and coma are more or less marked, though liable to intermissions under any cause of irritation. Along with the above symptoms the spasms and sequent paralysis, are significant. If confined to given muscles or groups of muscles (monoplegia) it usually implies pressure on some special cortical convolutions presiding over these muscles, and convulsions are to be expected. If there is hemiplegia it is sug- gestive of implication of the medulla or pons on the opposite side, or of a clot on the corpus striatum or extensi\^ely on one side of the cerebrum. A clot in the lateral ventricle tends to profound coma. So liable, however, is pressure to be extended from one side of the brain to the other, and irritation on the one side to rouse a corresponding condition on the opposite side, or in related ganglia, that deductions of this kind cannot always be implicitly relied on. Though an animal should recover from an attack there is liable to remain some modification of the nervous functions, partial anaesthesia, circumscribed paresis, dullness, lack of energ}^, irrit- ability, or muscular atrophy. Cerebral embolism and thrombosis and their sequelae, infarction and softening, give rise to corresponding .S3'mptoms, according to the seat of the lesion, and like lesions of the blood vessels pre- dispose to subsequent attacks. Diagnosis is based largely on the appearance, usually sudden Apoplexy and Softeni7ig of the Brain. 89 but sometimes slow, of a more or less profound unconsciousness, attended or followed by paralytic troubles. The history of the case may assist, any blow on the head, or sustained by falling, striking a wall or post, or wearing a yoke, is to be noted. Any extraordinary exertion or excitement must be considered. Any sign of injury about the head ; the congestion of the cephalic mucous membranes in contrast with the pallor of shock; the onset of the attack without convulsions (or with them as in epi- lepsy) ; the deep coma indicating cerebral haemorrhage or nar- cotic poisoning; the absence of the odor of alcohol, opium, or other narcotic from the breath ; the turning of the ej'es to one side and the inequality of the pupils on the two .sides ; the turn- ing of the head to the same side as the eyes ; the slow, labored, usually .stertorous breathing ; the slow, full, .soft pulse ; the oc- casionally rigid condition of the mu.scles and finally the paralysis, hemiplegic, and less frequently monoplegic or paraplegic, make up the diagnostic picture. UrcEinia and diabetic coma may be excluded by examination of the urine, pulmonary apoplexy or cedema by the predominance of respiratory troubles, and fulminant anthrax by the examination of the blood and by the fact that this disease does not prevail in the localit3'. Treatment is very unsatisfactory in the lower animals, as the disease is ver}' fatal, and unless recoveries are complete, they are not pecuniarily desirable. It is only in the slighter cases, there- fore, that treatment can be recommended. At the very outset no- thing is better than a full bleeding in a large stream from the jugular vein or temporal arter5^ Ice, snow, or cold water should meanwhile be applied to the cranial region. Absolute re.st should be given, any harness that would impede circulation or respiration removed, and hot water or stinuilating embrocations applied to the limbs. When consciousness returns and the patient can swallow, an active purgative may be administered, or barium chloride or eserine may be given subcutem. Ain' recurring heat of the htad ma}^ be met by renewal of cold applications, and the force of the circulation may be kept in check by small doses of bromides or aconite. In case of the formation of a clot, iodide of potassium and other alkaline agents may be resorted to. Quiet and the yo Veterinary Medicine. avoidance of all excitement together with a laxative non-stimu- lating diet must be secured throughout. A course of vegetable or mineral tonics and an occasional blister to the side of the neck may prove a useful sequel. CEREBRAI. HYPEREMIA. MENINGO — ENCEPHALIC CONGESTION. Passive and active hypertemia. Q.a.\\?<&s,: passive : obstacles to return of blood : anjemia : active : brain excitement, sunstroke, violent exertion, fear, abdominal tympany, ptomaines, narcotics, lead, darnel, millet, leguminous seeds partl}^ ripened, tumors, parasites. Symptoms : horse : variable, vertigo, stupor, convulsions, apoplexy, irritability, disorderly movements, strong, hard pulse, congested mucosa;, heat of head, dulness, drowsiness, lethargy, coma, alternating periods of violence, aggravated by what tends to increase vascularity of brain, congested optic disc : cattle : parallel, with special heat of horns : dogs : similar, with desire to move, or wander, or has nausea, howls, snaps. Treatment: cold to head, derivation to limbs and bowels, chloral, bromides, ergot, bleeding, darkness, coolness, nonstimulating food. Congestion of the encephalon is treated here as a pathological entit)', though it cannot always be distinguished clinically from some forms of vertigo on the one hand and from the milder types of apoplexy or encephalitis on the other. It has been divided '\\\\o passive or venous hyperccmia and active or arterial hypercrmia. Passive hypercsmia, as shown under vertigo and apoplex)^ is a common result of a tight collar, a tight strap used for cribbiting, a too short bearing rein, dilation or valvular disease of the right heart, or disease of the lungs, violent eiifortsin running, draught, etc. It tends to be associated with arterial anaemia on the princi- ple that the closed cranial cavity can only admit a certain amount of blood and if an excess accunudates in the veins and capillaries, this must be compensated first by the movement backward to the spinal canal of the cerebro-spinal fluid, and second by the dimi- nution of the blood in the cerebral arteries. Active hyperceniia may be brought about b}' any excitement wdiich especially affects the brain. This has been already noted in connection with insolation (sunstroke). It may result from Cerebral HypercBniia. 91 severe exertion during hot weather, in a violently contested race, in drawing a heavy load up hill, or in harsh training. Violent exertion just after a meal is especially injurious. Also the excitement of travelling by rail, or that caused by proximity to locomotives, to discharges of firearms and to other causes of great fear ; encreased blood tension in the cerebral vessels in connection with hypertrophy of the left ventricle, or obstruction in other vessels (of the limbs) so as to direct the force of the current into the carotids, the expulsion of blood from the splanchnic cavities by gastric or intestinal tympany, or over- loading of the paunch, and irritation of the brain by ptomaines and toxins in certain infectious diseases (rabies, canine distem- per, etc.) In the same way vegetable narcotics (opium, etc.) produce congestion. Among the most common causes of con- ge.stionare lead, poisoning by lolium temulentum, partially ripened lolium perenne, millet, Hungarian grass, and partially ripened seeds of the legumiuosse (chick vetch, vicia sativa.) Other causes are the presence of tumors (cholesteatoma) and parasites (coenurus, cysticercus) in the brain. Symptoms. Cerebral hypersemia, like other brain disorders may give rise to a great variety of symptoms, according to the condition of the animal and the susceptibility of its nerve centres. Some cases have the characteristic seizures of vertigo, others the manifestations of heat stroke, and others, epileptic explosions or apoplectic symptoms. For these .see under their respective head- ings. In other cases the symptoms are those of encephalo- meningitis but moderate in its type and often tending to a transient duration, or to prompt resolution and recovery. Horse. There is manifest change of the nervous and intellect- ual conditions, which may show itself by irritability or restless- ness, by pushing against the wall, by hanging back on the halter, by trembling, sliaking the head, neighing, pawing and, in ex- ceptional cases, by rearing, biting or kicking. The pulse is hard and full, the heart's impulse strong, the beats in the carotids and temporal arteries being especially forcible, and the buccal, nasal and orbital mucosae are strongly congested. Heat of the head is usually a marked feature. While usually very sensitive to touch, noise or light, the animal may l)e dull or drowsy, and in spite of its marked sensitiveness, it is then inert or lethargic and indis- 92 Veterinary Medicine. posed to any active exertion. Freidberger and Frohner say that the habitual comatose condition alternates at intervals with periods of violent excitement during which the animal pushes or dashes against the wall, grinds the teeth, rears, paws, kicks, bites, etc., and then relapses into the state of coma. When the disease reaches this stage it may be questioned whether we are not deal- ing rather with acute encephalitis. In active congestion the symptoms are always aggravated by whatever tends to increase the vascular tension in the brain. Active exertion, draught, the pendent position of the head, the recumbent position on the side with the head as low as the bod}^ or lower, aggravate all the phenomena and render the animal more helpless. The following table slightly modified from Spitzka serves to point out the distinctions between anaemia and hyperaemia : Symptoms. Pupils. Respiration. Activity. Temperament. Intelliirence. Elevation of head. Recumbent, d e pendent head. Straining. In Cerebral Anaemia, In Cerebral Hj'persemia. Usually dilated and mobile. Usually small or medium. Often interrupted by a de^ Normal or nearly so. breath or sijjh, even when at rest. 'Lassitude. i Lethargic with exceptions. Senses impaired. Aggravates symptoms. Amelioration. Restless, but indisposed to exertion. Irritable with exceptions. Impaired. No effect, or improvement. Aggravation. Not necessarily aggravated. Aggravated. Cattle show the same general congestion and heat of the head> ears and horns, congested mucosae, fixed eyes, and pupils, indis- position to follow the herd, irritability, and dulness v.-ith often a disposition to lie down. This may go on to violent bellowing, pushing against the wall, grinding of the teeth, working of the jaws, rolling of the eyeballs, and violent dashing in different directions regardless of obstacles. Dogs show the same restlessness and excitability, congested head, eyes and nose, frequent movement from place to place, a desire to wander off, and it may be spasms. If there has been any gastric disturbance vomiting usually supervenes. As in the Cerebral Hypercemia. 93 larger animals the disease may go on to more violent symptoms, and the animal howls, rushes in different directions, and may snap at imaginary objects, or at anj^ one who interferes with him. His movements are liable to be unstead\-, uncertain and swaying. In all cases the ophthalmoscope reveals a congestion of the optic disc. In the different animals too, acute cerebral hypersemia tends to merge early into encephalitis with exudation and pressure, at- tended by stupor, coma, somnolence or profound lethargy. Treatment. In slight cases of cerebral hyperaemia, it may be sufficient to apply cold to the head with a stimulating fomenta- tion to the limbs, and an active purgative, with chloral or bro- mides. Ergot in full doses has often an excellent effect. In the more acute types of the disease, bleeding is the first and most efficient measure. A full abstraction from the jugular will relieve the vascular tension and relieve the circulation on the brain. It lias been counselled to avoid this when comatose symptoms liave set in, and in some prostrate conditions a large and rapid abstraction of blood may fatally increase the prostra- tion. In other cases,, however, the less rapid abstraction will improve at once the intracranial circulation and nutrition, and solicit the reabsorption of the exudate which produces sopor and coma. A purgative is one of the most efficient derivatives, the deter- mination of an excess of blood to the bowels and of an abundant serous discharge into their interior acting as a valuable depletion, and abstraction of blood from the over-excited brain. At least a half more than the usual dose must be given, and maj' be supple- mented by an injection of glycerine or a hypodermic exhibition of eserine. It is best to avoid too drastic or irritant purgatives as the cerebral congestion may be aggravated by the irritation, as it often is induced in severe indigestions. For the horse, aloes and podophyllin, or for ruminants, omnivora and carnivora castor oil may be resorted to. The patient must be placed by himself in a dark, cool, well aired building, and when able to resume feeding must receive an easily digested, non-stimulating diet ; for horses or cattle gruels, wheat bran mashes, pulped roots, or green food ; for dogs and pigs, gruels, mush or milk. An}' sequent paralysis must be treated on general principles. MENINGO— ENCEPHAUTIS. STAGGERS. Divisions. Causes : traumas, faulty diet, highly nitrogenous, legunininous seeds, undergoing ripening, cotton seed, gluten meal, forced feeding, buck- wheat, ryegrass, lupins, cryptogams, trefoil, equisetum, narcotics, mi- crobian ferments, experiments with spoiled food and epizootics in wet years, high temperature, violent exercise, railroad travel, climatic change, complex causes, embolisms, infections, lead, phosphorus, tumors, parasites. Symptoms : with meningitis, fever, h3'per£esthesia, active delirium and convuLsions predominate : with encephalitis, dullness, stupor, somnolence, muscular weakness, anaesthesia, paralysis, coma ; usually complex, hyper- thermia, periods of benumbing, followed b)' excitement ; drowsy, stupid, semi-closed eyelids, drooping lips, ears, and head, latter resting on manger or wall, walks unsteadily, limbs out of plumb, hangs on halter, wont back, turns in circle, costive, indigestion, tympanies, rumbling, abnormal (often slow) pulse and breathing, congested optic disc ; alternate with trembling, excitement, pawing, rearing, plunging, pushing against the wall, trotting motions, etc. : uncontrollable violence ; severity and freqviency of paro:^ ysms indicate gravity ; recovery : sequelae. Duration : death in 24 to 36 hours : or weeks. Prognosis : one-quarter recover, with increased suscepti- bility ; nervous animals worst. Lesions : extravasation, congestion, exu- dates, pus, thickened meninges ; choroid plexus : brain matter gray or red, puncta, infiltrated, softened, excess of leucocytes, red ^softening, yellow softening, sclerosis, cicatrix, abscess. Diagnosis : from rabies, cerebral congestion, immobility, influenza. Cattle. Symptoms : evidence of trauma, indigestion, lead poisoning, narcotism, parasitism; dullness, stupor, somno- lence, stertor, grinding teeth, spasms, twitching, restless movements, blind- ness, violent actions, bellowing, hebetiide, palsy. Relation to causation. Sheep : Symptoms. Swine : Symptoms. Dog : Symptoms. Diagnosis from rabies. Treatment : quiet, darkness, coolness, restraint, ice or cold irrigation, elimination, derivation, depletion, diuretics, potassium iodide, antipyretics, laxative diet, cool water, evacuate abscess. Cattle, similar, saline laxatives, for lead sulphuric acid, for coenurus, operation, for oestrus, benzine. Dog, parallel treatment, milk diet or gruels, for linguatula, benzine. The inflammatory affections in the cranial cavity have been divided primarily into the following : 1. Meningitis. Inflammation of the coverings of the brain, and 2. Encephalitis {Cerebritis) . Inflammation of the nervous substance. These are further subdivided into : A. Pachymeyiingitis . Inflammation of the dura Mater. B. Leptomeningitis. Inflammation of the pia Mater, 94 Meningo — Encephalitis. Staggers. 95 C. Purulent Meningitis. D. Serous Meningitis. E. Tubercular Meyiingitis. F. Trazimatic Meningitis, etc. G. Ce7'ebr-o- Spinal or Infective Meningitis. H. Acute Meningitis. I. Chronic Meningitis. J. Polioencephalitis Corticalis. Inflammation of thejjrain cortex. K. Polioencephalitis Superior. Inflammation of convolutions around the Sylvian fissure, palsy of the eyeball. L. Polioencephalitis Inferior. Inflammation of the Medulla, bulbar palsy. M. Interstitial Inflammation of the Brai7i. Resulting often in sclerosis. In the lower animals, however, where we cannot avail of sub- jective symptoms, such fine distinctions can rarely be made in diagnosis and except in case of an luicomplicated meningitis, or a circumscribed encephalitis, which affects only a limited group of muscles like those of the eye, arm, or leg, we have to fall back upon a more general diagnosis. Again meningo-encepha- litis is more common than the uncomplicated affection of the brain, or the membranes, and therefore, we shall follow Trasbot in dealing with the combined affection, and noting incidentally the distinctions that can be made in the more purely limited affections. Causes. Mechanical Injuries. Pachymeningitis occasion- alb' results from blows or other injuries upon the head, especially in stallions and vicious horses struck with a heavy whip or club, cattle and sheep injured in fighting, and oxen hurt b\' the yoke. These injuries may also affect the brain as in concussion, or by the extension of the disease into the nervous tissue. In the cranium of a stallion in the New York State Veterinary College Museum the whole of the meninges are greath' thickened bj' a traumatic meningitis of old date and the subjacent cerebral con- volutions of the right hemisphere are deepb' encroached on, flat- tened and absorbed over an area of i ^ inches in the longest diameter. Diet. Among the most common causes of encephalitis in horses is an injudicious dietary. Overfeeding with grain, but 96 Veterinary Medicine. especialh' with grain and seeds that are rich in albuminoids deserve the first mention. The various leguminous seeds, peas, beans, tares, vetches, and the ripened leguminous fodders, clover, alfalfa, and sainfoin, are especially to be incriminated. These are usually most dangerous when in the stage of advanced ripening and yet not fully matured, evidently indicating the development of narcotic poison at this stage. Such poisons are found habitually in certain species, like the chick vetch fvicia cicera) which produces paralysis when fed to the extent of more than one-twelfth part of the ration. This danger is not, how- ever, confined to the leguminosae ; an over abundant ration of cottonseed meal has a similar effect, and indeed this rich ali- mentary product has been practically discarded from pig feeding, and largely as the main constituent from the ration of dairy cows. Gluten meal, another product rich in proteids, is attended by similar dangers. But it is not alone the seeds that are rich in nitrogen that are to be dreaded, forced feeding even on the car- bonaceous maize induces disorder of the digestion and brain, especially in dairy cows. Buckwheat, also, and indeed all the heating carbonaceous grains tend to similar disorders, and are especially injurious in internal ophthalmia (recurring ophthal- mia) which is so closely related to brain congestion. With sound judgment and in well balanced rations, all such agents can be fed to advantage ; it is only when fed exclusively or to excess as the heavy ration that they are to be feared. Narcotics. Next must be noted those alimentary matters which are hurtful by reason of narcotic constituents. At the head of this list may be placed the lolium temulentum or intoxi- cating ryegrass. lyike the vicia sativa or cicera, the seeds of -this are always poisonous, hence its significant name. Then the other ryegrasses, perennial and annual (Italian), though per- fectly safe in ordinary circumstances, develop at the period of ripening a narcotic principle, which produces cerebral congestion or inflammation in whole stables of horses at a time. The lolium temulentum is poisonous to man and animals alike. Baillet and Filhol obtained from the seeds an etherial extract containing a bland oil to the amount of two-fifths and a yellow extract to the extent of three-fifths. The amount of this extract derived from three ounces of the seeds often developed the most violent Meningo — Encephalitis. Staggers. 97 S3^mptoms in the dog, while that furnished by six pounds of the seeds proved fatal to the horse. Pigs and cattle seemed to be unaffected by the agent when given by the mouth. Sheep suffered more but required large doses. Ducks and chickens were practically immune, being affected only by very large doses. Rabbits were not poisoned by the yellow etherial extract, but succumbed to a watery extract. Brydon found that lambs suffered extensively from eating the heads of the ryegrass. Lupins on certain lands produces an icteric disorder ac- companied by cerebral symptoms but the result is not the same under all conditions and it has been suspected that the .symptoms were caused by cryptogams and their products. The same re- mark applies to the brain s3'mptoms sometimes produced by trefoil, equisetum and other plants. A great number of narcotic and narcotico-acrid plants pro- duce nervous symptoms indicating cerebral congestion or inflam- mation such as ranunculus, wild poppy, digitalis, fennel, oenanthe crocata, hellebore, veratrum, conium,yew, tobacco, box, aconite, cicuta virosa, even buckwheat at the time of flowering, vetch and flax. Fodders affected with cryptogams or bacterial ferments are undoubtedl}' at times the cause of encephalitis. Veterinary records furnish many instances of wide spread attacks of .stomach .staggers, abdominal vertigo, and cerebro-spinal meningitis in wet seasons, when the fodders have been harvested in poor con- dition, or when from inundation or accidental exposure they have become permeated b}' cryptogams and microbes. Among com- parativelv recent accounts of this are those of Martin and Var- nell (musty oats), Lombroso, Depre, Krbe, Pellizi, and Tireli (smuts), Boulev and Barthelemy (musty fodder), and Ray (fermented potatoes). One of the most extended local out- breaks of cerebro-spinal congestion I have seen, occurred in the pit mules of the Wilkesbarre coal mines, while fed on Canadian hay which had been soaked with rain in transit and had under- gone extensive fermentation. It should be noted that there were the attendant factors of overwork, in anticipation of a strike, and a Sunday's holiday above ground in a bright summer sunshine. The experimental administration of moulds, .smuts and mi- 7 98 Veterinary Medicine. crobes, have in the great majority of cases led to little or no evil result (Ganigee, Mayo, Dinwiddle, etc.) and there is a strong tendency to discredit the pathogenic action of these agents in reported outbreaks. The safer conclusion perhaps would be, to recognize the fact that they are not equally patho- genic under all conditions of their growth and administration. The oft-recuri'ing epizootics of brain disease in connection with wide spread spoiling of the fodders in remote and recent times, probably- imply that cryptogams or microbes and their products, plus some condition not yet fulh* understood are efficient con- current factors. If we can discover this as yet unknown factor and demonstrate that it operates with equal power in the ab- sence of the cryptogams and ferments, as in their "presence, it will be logical to pronounce these latter as nonpathogenic under all circumstances. Until then cryptogams and bacteria must be held as probable factors. A continuance of high temperature is an undoubted factor and becomes more potent, if conjoined with a close, damp, ill- aired stable. Violent exertion especially in hot weather produces active congestion of the brain and occasionally merges into meningo- encephalitis. If the animal has been for sometime confined to the stable on rich aliment the condition is aggravated. Railroad travel is another recognized cause. Any considerable change of the conditions of life may operate in the same way. A sale and transport to a distance with change of feed, water, work, stabling and even of climate is at times a potent factor. Prietsch has seen a horse attacked three times in a single year, and on each occasion after a change of ownership and locality. Trasbot quotes an Algerian veteri- narian to the effect that many of the percheron horses imported into the Mitidja are attacked by encephalo-meningitis during the extreme heats of summer. A careful observation of cases will however show that in the majority of cases an attack comes not from one individual factor alone but from a concurrence of several operating together. Other cases are caused by embolisms and infections from diseases localized in other parts of the bod}'. Thus we have cerebral abscess in pyaemia, strangles and omphalitis, and cerebral Meningo — Encephalitis. Staggers. 99 congestions and inflammation in canine distemper, equine con- tagious pneumonia, laminitis, and angina. Among mineral poisons, lead is notorious as a cause of acute cerebral disorder often leading to inflammation. Other mineral poisons like arsenic and phosphorus ma}' lead to encephalitis symptomatic of gastro intestinal irritation, or caused b}' the^toxic products of indigestion. Rapidly growing tumors, like cholesteatomata, are liable to induce recurrent attacks of enceplialitis in connection with periodic irritation. Finally parasites in the cranium are sufficient causes of at- tacks. In the New York State Veterinary College Museum is the brain of a cat with a nematoid wound round the hypophysis. In equine subjects suffering from the strongylus armatus the larval worm or clots cau.sed by its presence in other arteries sometimes invade the encephalic blood vessels causing disturbances of the circulation, embolism, inflammation or degeneration. (Albrecht, Von Heill). The larvae of the oestrus has also been found in the brain substance producing inflammatory or degenerative foci (Briickmiiller, Megnin, Siedamgrotzky). Their presence in the nasal sinuses at times cause encephalitis by contiguit}'. The ces- toid worms, coenurus in sheep and other ruminants, and cysti- cercus in swine, find their natural larval habitat in the brain and by their movements produce mcjre or less congestion and inflam- mation. Cases of ccenurus in the horse have been described by Rousset, Frenzel, Zundel, and Schwanefeldt. Symptoms. The symptoms of uncomplicated meningitis on the one hand and encephalitis on the other are rarel}' seen, the disease usually implicating more or less both brain and meninges, in a common inflammation or the symptoms of the one involving those of the other through proximity or interdependence of func- tion. And yet in traumatic lesions of the cranial walls, the symptoms may be those of pure meningitis, and in thrombosis, embolism or parasitism of the brain, and in certain tumors they may be those of 'simple encephalitis. The distinction consists largely in the predominance of fever, hyperaesthesia, active de- lirium and convulsions in meningitis, and especially in its earlier stages ; and the prominence of dullness, stupor, somnolence, mus- cular weakness, paralysis, anaesthesia, coma, and the clouding of special senses, with much less pronounced febrile reaction, or vascular excitement in encephalitis. lOO Veterinary Medicine. There is usually, however, a mixing of symptoms so that the benumbing or paralysis of the nervous functions alternates with periods of their exaltation, and with both conditions hyperther- mia exists, though usually higher with meningitis. The manifestations of benumbing or paresis may be continu- ous o;; interrupted, and are exhibited in stupor, coma, somnolence, letharg3'^, paresis or parah'sis. The manifestations of excitement are not continuous but occur in paroxysms or at least exacerba- tions, which may show in visual or mental illusions, active, vio- lent delirium, trembling, rigors, clonic or tonic spasms. The onset is usually abrupt, the animal pa.ssing in a few hours from apparent health, to pronounced nervous disorder. The horse seems drowsy and stupid, standing with semi-closed eyes, often drooping lower lip and ears, head pendent and resting in the manger or against the wall in front, the back arched and the limbs drawn together. When moved, it walks unsteadily and often the limbs are left out of plumb, one extending unduly forward, backward or to one side, and often crossing over its fellow. Some cannot be made to back, others back spontaneousl}' hanging on the halter. Turning short in a circle is difficult or impossible and tends to tlirow tlie patient down. Yet some exceptional cases will turn around spontaneously to tlie right or left, and an animal tied to a post goes around it at the end of its halter in its effort to pass straight forward. The circling movement may be due to the irritation on the one side of the brain or to irritation of particular ganglia and nervous tracts as noticed under cerebral hypersemia. Appetite is usually lost, or, more properly, the animal no longer takes notice of surrounding things, not even of its food. In some cases, however, in which stupor or coma is not extreme the animal will eat a little during his quiescent intervals. In ryegrass and other dietetic poisoning, the animal may still eat and fall asleep with the moutli full. The digestion is impaired or suspended, the bowels costive, and fermentations witli tympanies and rumbling are frequent complications. When originating from poisonous food this often contributes to the.se abdominal compli- cations. Respirations in the comatose condition are deep and slow, sometimes not more than four or five per minute. The heart Meningo — Encephalitis. Staggers. loi usually beats strongly, often tuuiultuously, anci the pulse varies greatl}' — infrequent or frequent, strong or weak, full or small. With cerebritis it is often abnorniall}- slow. Hyperthermia is always present to a greater or le.ss extent, being often more marked in the more violent forms or tho.se in which meningitis appears to predominate than in the purely cere- bral forms. The temperature may vary from ioi° to io6°. The optic disc is congested. Probably in all cases or nearly all there is a preliminary stage of excitement, in which the eye is clear, the eyelids open, the aspect alert and the whole skin affected by a marked hyper- sesthe.sia. In some cases the symptoms of excitement are much more violent at the outset of the disease, as marked by trembling, nervous movements, pawing, pushing the head against the wall while the motions of walking or trotting are performed by the limbs, or those of plunging forward, rearing up, drawing back on the halter, etc. But even when the disease seems to have started with stupor and coma, these paroxysms of excitement almost invariably ap- pear at intervals as it advances. Some, however, plunged in stupor or coma at the fir.st, remain in this condition until they end in paralysis or death, or start in convalescence. During one of the paroxysms the trembling animal may push his head against the wall as if pulling a heavy load ; at other times he will plunge with his feet in the manger and recoiling, fall to the ground, where he .struggles violently in an apparent ef- fort to rise ; others rear up, pulling on the halter or breaking it and falling back over ; some pull back on the halter and throw themselves down ; some grind the teeth, or seize the manger, or strike blindly with the fore limbs. When .seized out of doors the horse may be quite uncontrollable and refuse to return to the stable even when led by two men with double halters. In all such cases the eye has a fixed, glaring aspect which is the more pronounced when the pupils are dilated, tlie conjunctiva is deeply congested, of a deep, brownish red with a tinge of 3'ellow. This is usually greatly enhanced by the bruises and extravasa- tions caused by pushing or knocking the head again.st the wall. The same violence may lead to serious bruises and injuries else- where, even fractures of the orbital process or zigoma, of the I02 Veterinary Medicine. ilium or ischium, of the poll or the base of the brain ; also of the incisor teeth. These paroxysms may i)e so frequent that they seem to be sub- ject to remissions only, and not separated by complete intermis- sions. During the paroxysms lireathing and pulsations are both greatly accelerated. The gravity of the attack may be judged in part b}^ the vio- lence and frequency of the paroxysms. Yet some cases, marked by profound coma from the first, prove the most rapidl}^ fatal, and the paroxysms of excitement and violence are not incompat- ible with recovery. Improvement may usually be recognized by the increased length of the intervals between the paroxysms, and, by the shortening and moderation of the periods of excitement. After the paroxysms have ceased the drowsiness or stupor gradu- ally disappears, and the hyperthermia subsides. Even after recovery from the acute or violent symptoms there is liable to remain some aberration or perversion of function, due to the persistence of some encephalic or meningeal lesion. The general hebetude known as immobility may bespeak dropsy of the ventricles, pressure of a tumor or clot, or degeneration of ganglionic centres. Diseases of the eyes (amaurosis, glaucoma, cataract), or of the ear (deafness, disease of the internal or middle ear) are less frequent results. The supervention of general or facial paraly.sis or of hemi- plegia during the active progress of the malady, is an extremely unfavorable symptom. Duration. A fatal result may take place at any time by self inflicted injuries (dashing the head against a wall, or falling backward and striking the head on a solid body). Apart from this, death may come within twenty-four or thirty-six hours. If the animal survives two to seven days recovery is more probable. Hering records a case of recovery after five v/eeks illness. Hot weather hastens a fatal result, while cool, cloudy weather is favorable. Prognosis. Under rational treatment about one-fourth recover. One-half of the victims make a partial recovery but remain in a condition of dementia or hebetude, blindness, deafness, local or general paraly.sis which renders them more or less useless. Not more than one-fifth or at mo.st one-fourth of all cases recover. Menhigo — Encephalitis. Slaggers. 103 Even in these there is left an increased predisposition to re- currence. It is noted by Trasbot that the mortaht}' is higher in highbred, nervous, irritable animals, which show a tendency to greater frequency, force and duration of the paroxysms of ex- citement. When decubitus is constant, death may take place from septic poisoning starting from bed sores, and gangrenous sloughing. In other cases tliere is fatal starvation from inability to eat. Lesions. In pachymeningitis due to meclianical injury there is usually cutaneous and subcutaneous, blood extravasation, and there may be fracture of the cranial boties. The dura mater is dark red, hyperaemic, thickened, covered with exudation and small blood clots mixed with pus cells, and has contracted strong ad- hesions to the cranial bone. Bony spicula ma}' project into the fibrous neoplasm. Leptomeningitis usually coexists from extension of the in- ilannnation intc^ tlie adjacent arachnoid and pia mater. There is then a reddish serous effusion into the araclinoid and beneath it, and the substance of botli membranes is thickened by exudate, and discolored by congestion and minute haemorrhages. When- ever the pia mater is thus inflamed, the superficial layer of the brain is implicated, oedematous, soft and doughy. The exten- sion is also made into the ventricles and a serous effu.sion takes place often to two, three or more times the normal amount (82 grammes Schiitz). The choroid plexus forms a yellowish gelatinoid mass, and the ganglia (corpora striata, optic thalamus, etc.), are flattened. In encephalitis the affected superficial gray matter of the ganglia or convolutions, is deepened in color, usually in limited areas corresponding to the disease of the meninges. Sometimes the color becomes of a distinctly reddish tinge, and when cut into sliows unusually prominent red points where the capillaries have been cut. Somewhat larger areas of blood staining indicate haemor- rhagic extravasations. The nervous substance is more or less infiltrated with liquid and softened. The nerve cells are swollen, and in process of granular degeneration and the same is true of the myelin, wliiie the axis cylinder is uneven in its outline. Apart from the numerous minute petechial haemorrhages there is an abundant migration of leucocytes which are found .scattered in the degenerating and softened nervous tissues. I04 Veterhiary Medicine. The softening of the nervous tissue may result in a pulpy material, which in the comparative absence of blood is grayish (gray softening), if abundantly infiltrated with blood is red (red softening), if older and discolored is yellow, as in an old extravasation, (yellow softening), if thick and viscous is ge- latinoid softening. If the exudate becomes organized into fibrous material it is a connective tissue sclerosis or a cica- trix. If the softening exudate becomes purulent it constitutes a cerebral abscess. Cerebral abscess is especially common as secondar3' abscess in strangles or contagious rhino-adenitis in the horse, but may occur as the result of the presence of any pyo- genic germ. Diagnosis. While there is a certain similarity to rabies, the horse with eucephalo-meningitis is distinguished by the absence of the extreme hyperaesthesia and irritabilit3^ of the persistent neighing and .squealing, of the rapid alterations of the voice, hoarse and shrill, of the liallucinations, as following imaginary objects with the eyes, of the readiness to attack with teeth or heels when in any way disturbed or excited, of the disposition to get violently excited when a dog is brought near, or in the case of a stallion to show generative excitement. From cerebral congestion it is to be distinguished by the greater severit}' of the paroxysms, or the deeper character of the stupor, but above all by the presence of the hyperthermia and other indications of fever. Immobility which presents the symptoms of drowsiness, stupor and hebetude, is also unattended by fever, or anorexia, shows a healthy condition of the functions, of respiration,. diges- tion and assimilation and a restful condition when left quiet and still. The cerebral excitenieyit that sometimes appears in influenza is really an encephalitis complication, but its specific cause is recognized in the local prevalence of the infectious disorder, and the inflammatory or catarrhal condition of the mucous membranes. The diagnostic manifestations of meningitis and encephalitis respectively are given under symptoms. Symptoms in Cattle. In cattle encephalo-meningitis super- venes on congestion, and sometimes comes on abruptly in con- nection with, traumatic injuries, acute gastric disorder, lead- Meningo — Encephalitis. Staggers. 105 poisoning, or narcotism. The cases of cerebral parasitism are usually slow in their onset. Upon the pr,eliminary dullness and somnolence there super- venes excitement, manifested by loud bellowing, pushing the horns, forehead or teeth against the wall, labored often .stertorous breathing, a fixed eye often with dilated pupil giving it a peculiar glaring appearance, movements of the jaws, frothing at the lips, tremors, muscular spasms, twitching, or a restless disposition to move, in a circle, in a straight line or less frequently backward. The patient .seems to see nothing and is utterly regardless of ob- stacles. Sometimes the animal plunges violentl}^ into manger or rack, against or through the partition of his box, through fences, into ponds, pits, quarries and other dangerous places that may be accidentall}'^ in his way. The paroxysms maybe inter- mitted by intervals of comparative calm, and tend to merge into a condition of dulled sensation, staggering, stupor, hebetude and paralysis. The congested conjunctiva and, when it can be seen, the optic di.sc will correspond to the cerebral congestion. These cases usually proceed to a fatal issue in a few hours. Some cases, however, make a good recovery after a few days of dull- ness and prostration. In cases that are connected with lead poisoning, or the toxic action of narcotics in the fodder, the at- tendant circumstances will assist in the diagnosis. From malig- nant catarrh implicating the encephalon, it may be di.stinguished by the absence of the catarrhal inflannuation of the conjunctiva, pituita, sinuses, buccal mucous membrane, and genito-urinar}^ passages. Also of the tendency to implication of the hair follicles and the keratogenous tissue of the frontal horns. In the Edinburgh Veterinary Reviezv, Dundas describes a form of alcoholism in cows cau.sed b\' feeding these animals on " burnt ales " in the vicinity of distilleries. The ale is given by steeping straw in it, and the animals will also drink it freely. They often sleep soundh' after such a beverage or give evidence of intoxica- tion. The head is turned singularly to one side and slightly ele- vated. The pupils are wideh' dilated, and the eyes have a re- markably wild appearance. On being approached the animals wink rapidly and tremble. There is marked heat of head, horns, and ears. When pressed with the finger in the axilla they fall instantly and when pulled by the head they incline to turn over. io6 Veterinary Medicine. The pulse is 70 to 80 per minute. Delirium and loss of coordi- nation of the muscular movements set in, and in case of survival various forms of chronic brain disease are manifested. In one cow the violent symptoms came on with the near approach of parturition. The post mortem lesions consisted in ramified red- ness and punctiform blood extravasations in the pia mater and meninges. The brain substance was softened and clots of blood were found in the lateral ventricles. Congestion and extravasa- tions were also found around the cervical myelon. (See Alco- holic Intoxication). Symptoms in Sheep. The sheep is often drowsy, dull and stupid, lying bj^ itself with head low or laid backward. During the periods of excitement it works the jaws, froths at the mouth, carries the head turned in one direction, upward or lateral, bleats piteously, pushes against the wall, has uncertain, stiff or staggering gait, or convulsions, and finally paralysis. The head is hot, and the eye fixed, congested or sometimes rolled upward or squinted. Symptoms in the goat are nearly the same. The coenurus disease is more gradual in its onset, and produces periodic paroxysms corresponding to the activity of the heads of the parasite when protruded into the brain substance. It is mainly confined to sheep of one year and under and that are kept where dogs have acce.ss. Symptoms in Swine. Pigs may at first have a period of dull- ness or restlessness, the latter merging into active delirium. The patient champs his jaws, frotlis at the mouth and nose, some- times vomits, squeals, raises himself with fore feet on the wall, walks round and round, or falls and rolls over, has tremors or convulsions. Symptoms in the Dog. There may be preliminary indications of illness, anxiety, restlessness, irritability and a desire for seclu- sion. Vomiting may occur. This is liable to merge into pros- tration, a dullness of the special senses, utter inattention to calls, yet a disposition to resent any interference, a readiness to bite, at least to howl, when handled. Some will constantly howl or moan. The eye is fixed, the pupils dilated, the conjunctiva deep red, the head and roots of the ear are hot. The expression of the face is pinched and drawn, the muscles may twitch, the e\'es roll, twitching of the neck or limbs may appear, and even epilep- Meningo — Encephalitis. Staggers. 107 tifonn attacks. In exceptional cases the sj'niptonis approximate to those of rabies, in the tendency to seek sechision, to wander off, to bite on an}- interference, and even to gnaw the bars of the cage or any object within reach. After more or less of such ex- citement, the period of stupor, coma, paresis, or paralysis comes on, and the animal dies in a state of complete nervous prostra- tion. In cases associated with the linguatula tsenioides the sneezing, nasal discharge and nasal congestion, even in the early stages, betray the true character of the disorder. The rabiform cases usually lack the intense heat of the head, the deep conjunctival congestion, the depraved appetite, the alteration of the voice, and the mischievous desire to attack without reason which characterize rabies. Treatment. In all cases of phrenitis, quiet, darkness, and coolness are especiall>' demanded. For the horse a room)', loose box or a well fenced yard may be secured, and if he can be se- cured by a halter from a point above the level of the head and in the centre of the box it will obviate the increase of congestion by hanging of the head. The application of cold to the cranium in the form of wet cloths, ice bags or irrigation is always in order, and should be continued so long as heat of the head and other indications of cranial hypergemia la.st. In the horse suffering, as is so often the case, from narcotic poisoning an active purgative is one of the first considerations to clear away any remains of the poison from the prima vice. An ounce of aloes may be safely given, as there is in this case little danger of superpurgation, and, to secure an even nujre prompt response, eserine {1% grain) or barium chloride ()4 drachm) may be given subcutem. Or an ounce or two of glycerine by the rectum might be used as a substitute for these last. The action of the purgative proves not only eliminant and therefore antidotal, but it is a most effective derivative from the brain. When the re.stlessness or excitement is very great we may use acetanilid, trional, .sulphonal or some one of the many brain sedatives and antithermics. Sedatives, or anodynes like opium, which tend to increase cerebral congestion are dangerous. Bleeding from the jugular or temporal arter}', has been objected to on the ground that it tends to increase the exudate and there- fore the pressure and cerebral anaemia. On the other hand it io8 Veterinary Medicine. often proves of great value in vigorous, muscular and plethoric horses in teniporarih' lessening the blood-pressure in the brain, and affording the walls of the o\'ercharged capillaries an oppor- tunit}^ to resume a more normal tone and to control that very exudation which is so much dreaded. It is most effective in the early stages when little or no exudation has taken place and may then be pushed to the extent of producing a perceptible softening of the pulse (4, 6 or 8 quarts). Even in the advanced stages when exudation has led to stupor or coma a moderate and care- fulh' guarded bleeding may favor reabsorption of the liquid exu- date. In weak and anaemic cases in which general bleeding ap- pears to be contra-indicated the shaving of the cranial surface followed by leeching or wet cupping can be safely resorted to. Counterirritants like bleeding are denounced and advocated by different practitioners. In cases of extreme hypersesthesia where excitement and fever would be dangerousl}- increased by their use, they must be discarded, or used only in the modified form of soothing hot fomentations to the extremities. Where there is less sensitiveness mustard poultices or pulp applied on the sides of the neck, or upon the limbs, or even more energetic blisters will be of great service. After the action of the purgative the bowels may be kept free by calomel in J/2 drachm doses twice daily and as much sulphate of soda as may be necessar3^ Iodide of potassium (1-2 drs. twice a day) is beneficial as an antithermic a circulatory sedative, an eliminant, and probably at times as an antidote but it cannot be given while calomel is used. Certain it is that it often seems to act well in succession to the purgative, in cases of poisoning by ryegrass and legu- minosse. When fever runs very high it may sometimes be admissible to give aconite, but the coal tar products are much more prompt and powerful, and may therefore be more hopefully employed for a short time. In conditions of extreme prostration, stupor, or coma, stimu- lants are resorted to, but too often wdth no good effect, the exudation and compression which many times cause such .symp- toms being rather aggravated than benefited by such agents. During convalescence a restricted, non-stimulating laxative Meningo — Encephalitis. Staggers. 109 diet (bran mashes, gruels, apples, potatoes, carrots) is de- manded. Pure cool water should be always accessible. In other forms of meningo-encephalitis the same general prin- ciples should be applied, clue attention being paid to the re- moval of the active cause wlien that can be discovered. Wlien indications point unequivocally to ab.scess, and its seat can be accurately located by a circumscribed paralj^sis, an operation for its evacuation is fully warranted. Otherwise death or permanent uselessness is almost certain. In cattle and othei- ruminants the same general principles of treatment must be applied. As a cathartic Kpsom or Glauber salts are preferred to aloes and may be supplemented by barium chloride or eserine. Croton, sometimes useful, is liable to dangerously increase the gastric irritation in cases in which this is a marked determining factor. When the animal is down, raise the head by bundles of straw, or by a halter tied to a beam overhead. In lead poisoning, sulphuric acid largely diluted may be added to the sulphates so as to precipitate the insoluble sulphate of lead. Potassium iodide is of value to dissolve the lead in the tissues and lead to its elimination. Cases of coenurus require trephining and extraction ; the larvae of the oestrus should be washed out with tobacco water or destroyed by benzine. In dogs the .stomach is usually emptied spontaneously by emesis. A purgative of castor oil, followed by daily do.ses of calomel may be given, and attention given to the cooling of the head and general system. Antipyrin or acetanilid may be use- fully employed. The diet should be re.stricted to milk or thin, well-boiled gruels. The linguatula in the nose mu.st be met as are the oestridae of the sheep, and intestinal worms must be got rid of by active vermifuges. CHRONIC HYDROCEPHAIvUS. DROPSY OF THE VEN- TRICLES. IMMOBILITY. Horse especially suffers. Enzootic in given Alpine Valleys, along Rhone, in Mississippi Valley and bottom lands. Acclimatizing fever. Old, lymphatic, large heads, narrow foreheads predisposed. Geldings. Causes, heredity, cerebral and meningeal congestion, cranial traumas, venous ob- struction, tumors, false membranes, fodder or water poisoning, overwork, insolation, prolonged moist heat, hepatic, gastric, and pulmonary disorders. Symptoms : form of head, stupid expression, irresponsive ears, pendent lips, sluggish movements, crossed legs, slow mastication, dips face in water, intractable by halter or rein, unable to back with rider, or wagon, drags back fore limbs, worst in hot damp weather, in sunshine, or after work, or with full stomach. Paroxysms of excitement. Lesions : excess of arach- noid, subarachnoid or ventricular fluid, atrophy of ganglia and convolu- tions, ependyma thick, opaque, sclerosis, brain anaemic. Tumors, nature. Experimental cases. Prognosis, incurable, better in cool season. In cattle, sheep, swine and dogs. Treatment: derivatives, nerve stimulants (nux), puncture, pilocarpin, purgatives. Jurisprudence. Notify seller in 9 days (France), 15 (Bavaria), 21 (Wurtenberg, Baden), 28 (He.sse, Prus.sia), 30 (Austria). Examination by expert. Drop.sy of the ventricles is common in the horse in certain countries and districts, yet even there it is uncommon in cattle, sheep, swine and dogs, save as a congenital affection. It is re- ported as enzootic in some Alpine valleys and along the Rhone, attacking especially the mares and immature horses so that breed- ing becomes impossible. Mauener who reports this says that in the same localities encephalic diseases are more common in man. In America it appears to be most frequent in the rich bottom lands of the Mississippi valley and of the Southern States. Northern honses taken to the Gulf States though they may not suffer to this extent, are liable in the first year to show weakness, debility, and lack of vigor which is spoken of as the acclima- tizing fever. Elsewhere the affection is one of the old horse in which the vital powers begin to fail. Connnon breeds of horses with lymphatic temperament, large head and narrow forehead have been found to be especially predisposed. Geldings are said to be most liable on account of the arrested development of the brain, but with the great preponderance of geldings among work horses, it is dangerous to generalize too far. 1 10 Chronic Hydrocephalus. Dropsy of the Ventricles. in Caiises. Acute encephalitis may lapse into the chronic form and then assumes the symptoms of this disease. Cases that come on slowly and imperceptibly appear at times to be hereditar}-, as might be expected from the fact tliat it usually goes with a lymphatic temperament. The conditions which cau.se cerebral or meningeal hypergemia in chronic form conduce to the affection. Injuries to the cranial vault from traumatism or disease are infre- quent causes. Renault records a case associated with two bony tu- mors, each as large as an egg, projecting inward from the frontal bone and which had produced extensive absorption of the convolu- tions and increase of the cerebro spinal fluid. In a case of my own with an abscess in the diploe above the frontal sinus, and pressing inward on the brain a similar condition existed. In other cases Renault noticed that the cerebro spinal fluid was largel}' in excess. Much more commonh', however, the accummulation of liquid takes place in the ventricles, and is associated with different causes : as tumors or false membranes near the base of the brain pressing on the veins returning blood from the ependyma, tumors in the ventricles (cholesteatomata, etc., of the ependjana or choroid plexus) obstructing the circulation or giving rise to local hyperaemia, and chronic congestions from the other cau.ses such as faulty conditions of fodders, or water, exposure to undue heat, overwork, etc. The enzootic prevalence of the disease in certain localities, (Alps, Rhone Valley, bottom lands) would suggest that local conditions in food or water are factors, though we cannot as yet fully explain the mode of causation. In the .same way we must recognize the influence of hepatic and gastric disorders, which arise from such fault}' regimen and affect the brain by nervous sympathy and by the action of toxic elements thrown into the circulation. Then again we must take sufficient ac- count of the congestions resulting from obstructions in the lesser circulation, di-sease of the lungs, and of the right heart, and compression of the jugulars by a tight or badly fitting collar, or compulsory curving of the neck as set forth under vertigo and cerebral congestion. Symptoms. Among the symptoms must be recognized the conformation with which it is usually found associated. The predisposed animals are usually low bred, common horses, with 112 Veterinary Medicine. narrowness of the cranium and space between the ears and with a retreating of the head from the orbits to the poll. Other horses suffer but the majority are of this conformation, and thus the disease acquires a hereditary basis. The expre.ssion of the face is characteristic. The ej^e is dull, often sunken, lacking" in vivacity and life, the eyelids are semi-closed, the ears do not prick up to .sounds, the mu.scles of the face are relaxed, so that the lips hang flaccid, and the nostrils fail to dilate freely and rhythmicallj'. The animal is apparently unconscious of all that goes on around him, and is not aroused by the entry or exit of men or horses, by voice or slap, by food or water. His head is probably dropped and resting in the manger, and he raises it .sluggishly w-hen compelled ; when moved from side to side of the stall his legs may retain a position turned outward or crossed one over the other ; if ener- getically roused he wakes up .slowly, and almo.st immediately relapses into his former lethargy, without accomplishing what was called for. When left with legs crossed he often remains so until wearied by the con.strained position, or in danger of falling from loss of balance. Not only the legs but the head will re- tain for a time an abnormal position given to it, — bent, dropped, turned to one side or the other. Tins same lethargy extends even to mastication, which is usu- ally performed .slowly and indifferently, and is often interrupted in the middle of the trituration of a morsel which remains in the cheek, on the tongue, or between the teeth, and perhaps hanging out of the mouth. Hence the horseman's expression, he smokes his pipe. His mode of drinking is no less singular. Usually the .lower part of the face is dropped deeply into the w-ater, and he will only withdraw it wdien it becomes necessarj' to breathe. He may con- tinue to masticate while drinking. When walked or trotted he may move a .short distance all right ; he ma)' even hasten his progress for a short di.stance without refusing meanwhile to respond to the rein, then he may stop and for a short time longer resi.st all efforts with voice, whip, or spur to start him anew. In other cases he will turn to one side, getting into ditches or fences b)' an apparently involuntary action and in defiance of whip or reins. Chronic Hydrocephalus. Dropsy of the Ventricles. 113 One of the most striking features of the disorder is the difficulty of backing. In some cases he will back a few steps and then prove unable to back farther ; in others he will show it best when heat- ed with a journey ; in other cases still he will back well enough under his own weight, but prove utterly unequal to the act if a heavy man is placed on his back, or if hitched to a loaded wagon. In backing with or without a rider the horse, pulled back by the reins, inclines backward with his hind limbs extended forward beneath the abdomen, his forefeet extended in front, and his back arched ; he extends his head or turns it to one side, and when the change in the centre of gravity endangers his equilibrium, he draws back his forefeet without lifting them, each making a groove in the ground, and at the same time he makes a disorderl)- motion of the hind limbs to one side to restore the balance. In default of this he may drop his quarter on the ground and perform a back somer.sault on his rider. Even when he succeeds in bal- ancing himself after dragging the forefeet back, the difficulty of further backing is rather increased, as the nervous irritability is enhanced by a continuance of the excitement. When hitched in a carriage the phenomena are virtually the same ; when backed he extends or flexes the head, inclines the body backward, and after a time loses his equilibrium, sometimes executes a few disorderly steps backward, or throws himself vio- lently to one side, or turns over backward in the shafts. The symptoms are always wor.se during hot, damp weather, and when the animals are exposed to the full glare of the sun. The milder cases can be worked without great inconvenience in winter, while they become utterly useless in svmimer. Active exertion and increased rapidity of the circulation has a similarly injurious effect. After a period of rest nothing amiss may be noticed, while after a period of work in the sunshine the symptoms become well marked and the difficulty of backing pro- nounced. Plethora or full feeding aggravates, while spare, laxa- tive diet, laxatives, rest or bleeding relieves. The affection may become complicated by more active inflam- matory action leading to paroxysms resembling tho.se of meningo- encephalitis ; — pushing against the wall, rearing up with the fore feet in the manger, acting as if walking or trotting, etc. In other cases the paroxysms resemble those of vertigo ; the animal 114 Veterin a ry Medici?i e . plunging forward, starting to one side, or rearing up and falling back. Lesions. The pathological anatomy of this disease is that 'of chronic hydrocephalus. Renault records cases in which the sub- arachnoid and arachnoid fluids were under the normal while the fluid in the ventricles was increased to a marked extent. This accumulation is often so great that the whole of the surrounding nervous matter is greatly attenuated, the convolutions of the cerebral hemispheres are flattened so that the sulci are all but ef- faced, the water may shine through at points and even bulge after the manner of a hernia, the ganglia in the ventricle (corpus striatum, optic thalamus, hippocampus) are flattened and atro- phied, the base of the cerebrum is thinned and bulges downward, and the olfactory lobes may have their internal cavity greatly distended so that they look like little bladders of fluid. The ependyrna may have lost its normal thinness and translucency, having become thick and opaque, and sometimes its surface is granular and rough. The choroid plexus is congested and swollen with infiltration. The brain tissue adjacent is firmly ad- herent and there is a hyperplasia of its connective tissue consti- tuting a veritable sclerosis. At some points, however, the com- pressed nervous tissue has undergone degeneration and softening. As might be expected from the pressure of the liquid, anaemia of the brain tissue is a marked feature of the morbid condition. Other conditions have at times been found in chronic hydro- cephalus. Renault found two long tumors each as large as a hen's egg projecting from the dura mater into the cerebral hemisphere. In other cases there have been fibrous thickening of the dura-mater, exudations on the pia mater, and false membranes on the arach- noid (Roll). Chabert and more recent writers have observed cysts and tumors of the charoid plexus in such cases, but these have been met with not unfrequentl}' in the entire absence of the characteristic symptoms of this disease. Nature. The affection before us is evidently one in which the majority of the higher brain functions are profoundly depressed or debilitated, and this is accounted for by the accumulating intraventricular liquid pressing on the ganglionic centres in the cerebral hemispheres, and in the floor of the lateral and third ventricles. Chronic Hydrocephahis. Dropsy of the Ventricles. 115 Experimentally an approximate loss of sensation, intelligence, spontaniety, will, and muscular power is produced in birds or mammals deprived of their cerebral hemispheres. Colin's heifer, whicli had been thus mutilated, would lie in torpor, and though it could be made to get up and walk, it struck its head heedlessl}' against the wall, and retained in its mouth unchewed, the food that had been placed there. He .says of such cases : " they live a long time, move automaticallj-, respire, digest, but they lo.se, with the sensations, memory, judgment, will, and the most vital instincts of their kind." In the dropsy of the ventricles the attenuation and atrophy of the cerebral convolutions produce symptoms which approximate closely to those resulting from their experimental ablation, so that one may fairly attribute the general symptoms in the two cases to the loss of their function. Man}' of the attendant symp- toms, and especially the aberration of smell, sight, hearing and taste, may be referred to the concomitant injuries of the ba.sal ganglia of the brain. We need not seek in one general answer to resolve the question whether the drop.sy or inflammation is the initial lesion. For our present purpose il must suffice, that drop.sy with anaemia and atroph}' of the cerebral convolutions and basal ganglia produce the symptoms of immobility. At the same time it is only logical to conclude that aii}^ morbid condition of the cerel)ral circulation or of the brain or membranes which leads to a corresponding amount of ventricular effusion, or atrophy or destruction of the nerve centres alread}' designated, will produce the symptoms characteristic of this disease. Thus the different forms of meningitis, traumatic injuries to the cranium, chronic encephalitis, cerebral softening or degeneration, .sclerosis, neoplasms of all kinds affecting the brain (cysts, choles- teatoma, psammoma, melanoma, etc.), and parasites may occasion this disease. Prog7iosis. The disease is essentially incurable. It may last for years with little change except the winter improvement, but it rarely subsides permanently. It is only in those cases in which the symptoms have been determined by a transient or removable cau.se, as a moderate exudation or a parasite with a short term of life that a favorable result may be looked for. Usually the im- Ii6 Veterinary Medicine. provemeiits seen in cool seasons or stables, under good hygiene, are not recoveries but temporary amelioration only. Symptoms in other animals. Corresponding conditions produce similar symptoms in cattle, sheep, swine and dogs, but the disease receives less attention in these animals because they are not called on for steady work. The animals are lazy, dull, insensible to excitement, stupid, show a lack of nuiscular power and control, stagger or move disorderly and show tympanies or other indica- tions of indigestion. T7'eatment. Majendie and others had a few apparent recoveries after violent counter-irritation over the spinal cord (cervical and dorsal). Coculet and Lafosse claimed recoveries from the pro- longed use of nux vomica in large doses (up to 5 drachms j. Hayne attempted evacuation of the fluid by puncture through the perforated plate of the ethmoid bone, but had evil results from the ensuing haeinorrhage and encephalitis. Aseptic puncture through the plate of the frontal bone would be much more prom- ising. Klemm suggested hydrochlorate of pilocarpin (15 grains), and this would promise better than an)' other measure to induce absorption of the liquid. The fatal drawback to this as to other measures is that it is not applied until the slow, steady pressure has caused such extensive cerebral atrophy that, even if the liquid could be removed and its reproduction prevented, the lost func- tions can never be restored. If the disease could be diagnosed and treated before this change of structure had taken place, the hope of recovery would be much better founded. Even in ca.ses which make a temporary recovery during cold weather one would be warranted in using active derivatives toward the bowels and kidneys, also pilocarpin, counter-irritation to the spine and even tapping of the ventricles. Legal Aspect of Chronic Hydrocephalus. To claim relief in case a horse affected in this way is .sold as sound, the seller must be notified at an early date. In the differ- ent countries of Europe a limit is set after which such notification will have no legal value. The seller mu.st be notified, in France in 9 days, in Saxony in 15 days, in Bavaria, Wurtenberg and Baden in 21 days, in Hesse and Prus.sia in 28 days, and in Au.stria in 30 days. Chronic Hydrocephalus. Dropsy of the Ventricles. 117 Diagnosis. The veterinarian called to act as expert in such cases must examine the suspected animal along the different lines in which the cerebral aberration is manifested in the disease. He will see the animal standing quietly in the stall apart from all sources of excitement. See if there is a defect in the breadth of the cranium, or a deflection backward of this region from the straight line of the front of the face, together with a heavy clumsy head. Is the head pendent, resting on the manger, with dull eye, drooping lids, lack of expression, loose hanging lower lip? Does he hold morsels unchewed projecting from the mouth or over the tongue, or in the cheek? Does he plunge both mouth and nose in the water to drink, and masticate meanwhile ? Are his legs found crossed or in abnormal positions, and if put in such posi- tions, does he fail to rectif}' them at once ? Is the head left in an abnormal flexed, depressed or lateral position if placed in it? Does the subject find it difficult or impossible to back? Does he pay the customary attention to the going or coming of other horses, to feeding, etc. ? If no distinct symptoms are found he should then be examined under other conditions. In taking out of the stable how does he turn in the stall or back out of it, and in what way does he approach the door, clumsily or with difficulty? When moved in a circle, does he swa}' or stagger ? Can he back when mounted or attached to a heav}' carriage? Can he execute all these move- ments satisfactorily after the respiration and circulation have been excited by walking, trotting or galloping in hand or otherwise ? In case of difficulty in backing, in the absence of the other diag- nostic symptoms, he must see that this does not arise from other causes. Some untrained horses have not been taught to back and cannot be made t(j do so at once. Some refuse to back from in- docility or stubbornness, but can perform the act if induced in other ways, as in having a narrow stall. sSometimes a sore mouth, from a hard bit may make a horse nervous and obstinate so that he will .seek to escape in any other way rather than by backing under steady pressure of the bit. Sometimes he will back all right under a halter. In all such cases of simple obstinacy or fear of pain, the ab.sence of the other symptoms is strongly sug- gestive. If the horse has a well developed cranium, a full bright, alert eye, firmness of lips, intelligent expression, readiness to ii8 Veterinaiy Medicine. appreciate and respond to all noises, words, touches or other causes of excitement, plenty of fire and spirit, and an absence of any apathy, dulness, awkwardness of movement or position of the limbs, or of any other sign of failing nervous power he may be considered free from this affection, even if he refuses to back in a docile manner. In other cases there is a distinct physical inca- pacity quite apart from any brain disorder. Sprains or anchy- losis of the back or loins or anchylosis or painful arthritis of the hocks, may hinder backing. The diagnosis from encephalitis and other inflammatory affec- tions associated with stupor, rests on the absence of hyperthermia, of the congestion of the orbital and nasal mucosae, of the heat of the head and of the paroxysmal attacks of excitement which char- acterize these diseases. CEREBRO-SPINAL MENINGITIS. Definition. Epizootic manifestations. Faulty hygiene, insanitary stables, impure air, defective drainage, fermenting food, overwork, overfeeding, ex- citement, heat exhaustion, electric tension. Probably complex. Horse, ox, sheep, goat, dog. Microbian factors in man and rabbit. Lesions : meningeal, brain and spinal congestion, effusion, suppuration, circum- scribed necrosis, softening, petechige. Blood dark, fluid or a diffluent clot. Symptoms: horse: paresis, anorexia, dj'sphagia, mucous congestion, reddish brown : in severe cases, chill, stupor, apathy, debility, palsy, tonic spasms of neck, back or loins, hyperoesthesia, twitching, trismus, hyper- thermia, delirium, coma, convulsions, and early death. Duration averages 7 to 15 days. O.r, as in encephalo-meningitis. Sheep, microbes. Dog , dulled .senses, stupor, coma, palsy, hyperthermia, heat of head, .spasms, etc. Diagno.«is : by brain and spinal symptoms ; cases in groups. More sudden than tetanus, or rabies, and shows no mischievous purpose, nor depraved appetite : from tubercular meningitis. Treatment : Avoid suspected stable, food, water, or suspicious environment, disinfect, correct local diseases, unload bowels, belladonna, atropia, chloral, bromides, ergot, phenacetin, potassium iodide. Bleeding. Cold to head or back. Derivatives. Sling. In convalescence, regulated diet and tonics. Definition. Concurrent inflammation of the meninges of the brain and .spinal cord. This appears at times in many horses in the same locality, as in New York in 1850 C Large), in Denmark since 1852 (Stockfleth, Bagge), and in hvgypt in 1876 ( Apostolides). In Cairo alone Cerebro-Spinal Meniiigitis. 119 about 6,000 horses, mules and donkeys perished. Hence the disease is known as epizootic cerebro spinal ineningitis. But again it is often seen in scattering or sporadic cases. Add to this that no evidence has ever been adduced that the disease is connnuni- cated from one animal to another, and in these daj-s of the par- allelism of epizootics and pathogenic microbes, we may well hesitate about continuing to use such a qualifying term. Fried- berger and Frohner claim "that a large number of clinical facts have been erroneously reported under the name of spasm of the neck. Rabies, tubercular basilar meningitis, apoplexy, simple encephalitis, and certain poisonings have been confounded with that disease." The}' assure us that " cold, damp, chilly weather, hot stables, clipping and overfeeding are of but secondary im- portance," but the}' fail absolutel}- to tell us what is of primary importance in a causative sense. American writers who have attempted to account for the disease have groped somewhat blindly for causes in the idea of poi.son. I^arge charged it on in- sanitary conditions, poisonous gases, and defective sewerage in cities, and lack of drainage and deficient stable ventilation in the country. J. C. Michener attributes it to foods imdergoing fer- mentation and considers it as a paralysis due to toxic fungi. W. Iv. Williams, in Idaho, found the greatest number of cases in winter had been fed hay made from alfalfa (lucerne) and timothy, though .some had small grains and native grasses. The soil was dry, porous, gravell3^ devoid of humus, and lying on lava rock. The altitude and clearness of the atmosphere were supposed to exclude the idea of cryptogams, yet the crops generally were raised by irrigation. The water was from clear mountain streams. Stables were generally low and full of manure, with thatched roofs, but hardly tight enough to be called close. In these cases the defective stable room, the irriga- tion, the leafy hay (lucerne), and the probable presence of fer- ments (bacteria), are the only suggestive conditions. In a fatal outbreak which I saw among the Wilkesbarre, Pa., pit mules, rain- soaked and badly fermented timothy ha}', overwork in view of a strike, and a Sunday's holiday in an unshaded yard under a hot July sun, in contrast with the previous darkness and coolness of the pits, coincided to disturb the general health. In several of the vSouthern vStates it is attributed to worm-eaten corn. Trum- I20 Veterinary Medicine. bower thinks it should be traced to the parasitic fungi that grow on plants, grains, and vegetation. In many instances the disease has appeared simultaneously with the feeding on certain speci- mens of brewer's grains, oats and hay, so that to use Trum- bower's words these were the carriers if not the prime factors of the disease. In recognizing how much cryptogams and bacteria vary under different conditions of life, and what various products they elab- orate at different stages of their growth, we can theoretically ex- plain the absence of the disease at one time and its presence at another under what seem to be identical circumstances, as also the variet}' of symptoms shown in different outbreaks. While this causation cannot be said to be absolutely proved, it is not antagonistic to the facts in many of the best observed outbreaks, and may serve as a hypothetical working tiieory until actual demonstration can be furnished. The affection suggests a nar- cotic poison introduced from without, rather than a disease due to a germ propagated in the system. This need not, however, exclude tlie operation of attendant conditions such as over work, plethoric feeding, excitement, close stables, heat exhaustion, etc., which tend to bring about cerebro- spinal congestion. Even the electric tension of Idaho, of the United States generally, and of P^gypt, in connection with their comparatively dry atmosphere, should not be overlooked in con- sidering the possible causative factors. In all probability as we learn more of the true pathology of the disease, we shall come to recognize not one, but several toxic principles, and several different affections each with its character- istic phenomena in the somewhat indefinite affection still known as cerebro-spinal meningitis. The malad}^ has been described in horses, oxen, sheep, goats and dogs, attacking by preference the young, which are not yet inured to tlie unknown poison, and by preference in winter and spring, the periods of close stabhng, dry feeding and shedding of the coat. In the absence of bacteriological data from the horse, it may be noted that in man cerebro-spinal meningitis, has been commonly found to be associated with the presence in the meningeal exudates of the micrococcus pneunionice cro2ipos££ , (Micrococcus lanceolatus Cerebro- spinal Meningitis 121 encapsulatus). This is frequent in the months of healthy per- sons so that some additional accessory cause must be invoked to increase the susceptibility or lessen the protective power of the tissues. This has been thought to be found in the concurrent presence of other bacteria, the staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, pneumobaccillus of Friedlander and the streptococcus pyogenes. Mosny appears to have established this for the staphylococcus in the case of rabbits. With a given dose of the micrococcus pneu- moniae death was always delayed for a fortnight, while with the same dose thrown into one thigh, and the staphylococcus aureus in the other, the rabbit died in one day. This enhanced potency resulting from the presence of the golden staphylococcus has been invoked to account for the germ making its way from the mouth to the brain in cases of otitis, suppuration of the Eustachian tube, tonsilitis or nasal catarrh. These remarks are intended to be suggestive, rather than conclusive, as we have as yet no certainty that cerebro spinal meningitis in the horse is caused by the same germ as it is in man. Lesions. The lesions are usually those of leptomeningitis, or congestion of the brain and spinal cord and often effusion into the ventricles, with a serous exudation under the pia mater or into the arachnoid cavity. This may be transparent and yel- lowish, or grayish and turbid, or milky. In the sheep, Roloff has found purulent products under the pia mater, around the roots of the spinal nerves, and in the surface layers of cerebral gray matter. The marked hypersemia on the surface of the gray matter is a striking feature, and circumscribed areas of ne- crotic nervous tissue and softening are not uncomujon. Pete- chiae are frequent on the meninges, the brain, heart, lungs and kidneys. Granular and fatty degenerations are also met with in these parenchymatous organs. The blood may be dark and liquid or diffluent. Symptoms in tlic Horse. The mildest attacks are manifested by paresis, or loss of perfect control over the limbs, or loss of power over the tail, impairment of appetite and .some difficulty of swallowing, together with some congestion or reddish brown dis- coloration of the orbital and nasal mucosae. In other cases paralysis of one or more limbs may .supervene but without marked fever or coma. 122 Veterinary Medicine. The more severe forms are ushered in by violent trembling, or \iy stupor, apathy, and extreme muscular weakness, or actual paralysis. In such cases the animal may stagger or fall. Dys- phagia or inability to swallow is often a marked symptom, the saliva falling in strings from the lips. Another common phe- nomenon is the rigid contraction of the muscles of the neck, back and loins, the parts becoming tender to the touch and a more or less prominent oposthotonos setting in. Twitching of the mus- cles of the shoulders and flanks may be noticed. Trismus also is sometimes seen. The breathing is usuall}' rapid and catch- ing and the temperature 104° to 106°. The pulse may be ac- celerated and hard, or weak and soft, or alternating. The ej'es are violently congested, of a brownish or yellowish red color, and the eyeballs may be turned to one side. Paroxysms of de- lirium may set in, when the animal will push against the wall, or perform any of the disorderl}' movements described under meningo-encephalitis. Sooner or later coma and paralysis super- vene, and death occurs in from five to forty-eight hours. In the most acute (fulminant) cases the animal falls and dies in convul- sions. On an average the disease lasts from eight to fifteen days. In the more favorable cases, without any supervention of coma, recovery ma}' begin on the third or fourth day. Syuiptoins in the Ox, These are largely those of encephalo- meningitis. If tliey do not come on with the customary violence, there may be at first difQculty in prehension, mastication and swallowing of food ; a rigid condition of the muscles of the neck, back, and sometimes of the jaws, and twitching of the muscles of the limbs, neck, lips, or eyes. For a time there may be hyperses- thesia, restlessness and irritability, stamping of the feet or shaking of the head, then there is liable to follow, dullness, apathy, stupor, coma and paralysis. As in the horse, the distinction from ordi- nary encephalo-meningitis will at times rest on the prevalence of the epizootic disease in the locality. Symptoms in Sheep. The attack is described as coming on with weakness, dullness, lethargy, salivation, convulsions, opos- thotonos, grinding of the teeth, succussions of the body and limbs, heat of the head, and stupor or paralysis unless death ensues during a paroxysm. The congestion of the head and of the encephalic mucous membranes, and the deviation of the eyes Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis. 123 are constant features. Wischnikevvitsch describes an extended outbreak in sheep in which the brain lesions were complicated by hepatization of the lungs, and bacilli were found in the various exudates. This reminds one of the presently accepted cause in man, which is, however, a micrococcus rather than a bacillus. Symptoms in Dogs. These are described as some aberration of the senses, which graduall}- merges into stupor, coma and paralysis. While the animal is able to keep on his feet he sways and staggers, runs unconsciously against objects, or walks in a circle. There is heat of the head, injected eyes, sometimes drawn back or squinting, oposthotonos, and general spasms oc- curring in paroxysms. The duration of the disease is about the same as in the horse. Differential DiagJiosis. From other forms of meningitis this is easily distinguished. Fulminant cases almost all belong to this type, the fact of the coincident imi)lication of brain and spinal cord is strongly suggestive of this form, and the occurrence of many cases at once, without any demonstrable toxic or thermic cause, is tolerably conclusive. From tetanus there is this added distinction, that the disease does not set in so slowly, the spasms of the neck and back are not so persistent, and stupor sets in earl)', in a way that is unknown in lockjaw. Rabies is recognized b_v the slow onset, the characteristic prodromata, the mischevious disposition, the depraved appetite, and by the history of its local prevalence. Tubercular meningitis in cattle has a similar asso- ciation with tuberculous animals in the same family or herd, and often by the local indications of tubercle elsewhere, emaciation, unthriftiness, cough, flocculent and gritty nasal discharge, en- larged lymph glands, pharyngitis, mammarj' disease. Treatment. With a disease so fatal prevention should be the first consideration and especially when it appears in an enzootic form. Even in the absence of a definite knowledge of its germ or toxin, it is logical to avoid the locality, condition, food or water by which such germ or toxin has presumably entered the system, together with every unhygienic condition, which ma}' have reduced the re- sistance of the system and laid it open to the attack. The animals should be removed to a clean, airy, building and the old one should be thoroughly emptied, purified and whitewashed, the lime-wash containing 4 ozs. of chloride of lime, or i dr. of mer- 124 Veterinary Medicine. curie chloride to the gallon. Drains and gutters should have special attention and the animals should not be returned until the stable is thoroughly dry. A change of feed is imperative when there is any suggestion of damp, mustiness or fermentation, and even in the absence of such indications, since the ferments and their products may still be present in a dried condition. It should also be an object to correct any morbid or pyogenic condition of the pharynx. Eustachian pouch, nose or ear, by appropriate measures and the inhalation of sulphurous acid or chlorin may be resorted to with advantage. As medicinal treatment Large advises to give at the outset i oz. aloes with one or two drs. of solid extract of belladonna and as an eliniinant, derivative and nervous sedative there is much to be said for it. In case the difficulty of swallowing should prove a serious barrier a hypodermic injection of yi dr. barium chloride, ij/2 to 2 grs. eserine, or 2 grs. hydrochlorate of pilocarpin to- gether with y^ grain of atropin, may be employed. As a sub- stitute for atropin, ergot, potassium bromide, chloral hydrate, chloroform, or phenacetin have been tried in different cases with varying results. Iodide of potassium has been employed with advantage in the advanced stages and in convalescence, and may be usefully employed in the early stages as a sedative to the nerv- ous system, a deobstruant and an eliminant, if not as a direct antidote, to the toxins. Bleeding is generally condemned, yet in acute cases where there are indications of active brain congestion, threatening convulsions or coma it may tend t(j ward off a fatal result. Cold applications to tlie head are generally commended. Bags of ice or snow, irrigation with cold water, or cooling by running water at a low temperature, through a pipe coiled round the head or extended along the spine, will meet the purpose. Applied con- tinuously this constringes the bloodves.sels within the cranium as well as on its surface, lessens the exudation, and controls the pain and spasms. This may be advantageou.sly associated with warm fomentations to the feet and limbs, friction, or even the applica- tion of stimulating embrocations to draw the blood to these parts. In the .smaller animals even warm baths may be resorted to as a derivative, cold being meanwhile applied to the head and spine. This not onl}' lessens the vascular pressure within the cranium. Abscess of the Brain. 125 but secures elimination of toxic matters by both skin and kidneys. Cold pure water should be constantly within reach. A most important thing in the horse is to put him in slings, if he is at all able to stand with their assistance. In decubitus he rests on his side, with the head on the ground, and lower than the .splanchnic cavities. The result is a gravitation of blood to- ward the head. In the sling, with the head fairly raised the gravitation is the other way and the head is depleted. If the patient is too ill to be maintained in the sling, he may be packed up with bundles of .straw on each side, .so that his brea.st ma}'' lie on a thickly littered bed, and his head ma^^ be elevated. When convalescence sets in care must be taken to nourish with non-stimulating, easily digested food, gruels, soft mashes, pulped or finely .sliced roots. In vomiting animals rectal alimentation may become neces.sary. The rise of cranial temperature or the aggravation of brain symptoms should be met as needed by the local application of cold, and potassium iodide and iron or bitter tonics mav be given if they do not interfere with digestion. ABSCESS OF THE BRAIN. Infection, in trannias, meningitis, encephalitis, strangles, etc. Symp- toms : evidence of trauma, chill, hyperaisthesia, irritability, drowsiness, giddiness, stupor, spasms, paresis, coma, dilated pupils, congested mucosae, vomiting. Location indicated by muscular groups involved. Treatment : As in meningitis : trephining in hopeful cases. The formation of abscess in the cranial cavity has been re- ferred to in connection with injuries to the cranium and meningo- encephalitis. It may here be said in general terms that this ab- scess is a product of infection. In the horse the most common cause is strangles, and especiall}' such cases as run a tardy or ir- regular course with imperfect softening and limited suppuration in the submaxillary or pharyngeal region. It is to be looked on as an extension of the purulent infection so as to cause a second- ary abscess. The same maj' occur in case of ordinary ab.scess in any distant organ. In the brain as elsewhere suppuration may result from direct local injury as in the case of blows by clubs, or yokes, running against walls or posts, falls, the effects of but- 126 Veterinary Medicine. ting, injuries by bullets and otherwise. In these cases, as noticed under concussion, there may be two points of injury (and two abscesses) one, in the seat of the injury, and one in a deeper part of the brain, at the opposite wall of the cranium. Again abscess may result in the brain from extension from a similar process going on in the vicinity. Thus otitis extends through the middle and internal ear to the brain, and its starting point ma\' have been more distant, namely, in. the Eustachian tube, or pouch, or in the pharynx. The symptoms vary according to the size of the abscess, the rapidit}' of its formation and the amount of attendant congestion. In the common cases resulting from strangles, I have usually found the animal down, unable to rise, blind, amaurotic, with dilated pupils, congested mucous membranes, and occasional spasmodic movements of the limbs, neck and head. The symp- toms may, however, vary through hyperaesthesia, irritability, drow^siness, giddiness, stupor, local or general paral3'sis with oc- casional spasms or convulsions. There ma}' be an initial shiver- ing, and a rise of temperature, jet as pressure on the brain in- creases it may become normal or subnormal. In circumscribed abscess the symptoms may be much less severe, not perhaps ex- ceeding irritability, drowsiness, and .some paresis or local paralysis. In some such cases one can trace the connection to some pri- mary disease, (traumatic injuries to the cranium, abscess of the diploe or sinus, parasites in the sinus, otitis, or pharyngeal dis- ease) which .serve as an indication of the true state of things. In others there may be circumscribed local manifestations (anges- thesia, hyperaesthesia, hemiplegia, paralysis of special mu.scular groups, or spasms of the .same) which may indicate more or less accurately the exact seat of the lesion. When well defined, this localization of the resultant phenomena, serves to distinguish this and other local lesions, from meningitis which is apt to be much more general in its diffusion. In the carnivora and omnivora vomiting is a marked .symptom. Treatment of brain abscess is usually hopeless, yet the at- tendant inflammation may be met as in other ca.ses of meningitis. If the seat of abscess can be a.scertained surgical interference is fully warranted. TUBERCULAR MENINGITIS. Little seen in cattle. Acute and chronic cases. Miliary tubercles in pia. Hydrocephalus. Progresses slowly. Irritability, hypera^sthesia, photo- phobia, congested conjunctiva, grinding teeth, spasms, squinting, dilated pupils, congested disc, drowsiness, stupor, coma, palsy. Tubercle of the eucephalon has been little noticed in the lower animals, partly because it is especially a disease of early life, while animals usually contract tubercle later in life, and partly because subjective symptoms are inappreciable, and the cranium is seldom opened in post mortem examinations. As the af- fection usually appears as a secondarj' deposit, the tubercles else- where go a long way toward identifying the nature of the disease in the brain. It has usually been found consecutive to pulmon- ary tul)erculosis. In a case reported by Fi.schoeder as seen at the Bromberg abattoir, in a 350 lbs. calf, the animal had shown weakness, stupor and a tendency to fall toward the right. The brain lesions consisted of small foci of tubercle on the posterior pillars of the fornix (trigone) and adjacent parts. The left eye had on its inner aspect, near the junction of sclerotic and cornea, a firm mass with tubercular centres, extending inward as far as the retina. The bronchial mediastinal, prepectoral, brachial and precrural glands were tuberculous. In a case in a cow reported by Lesage there were unsteady gait, impaired vision, and great timidity. Necropsy showed a suboccipital tubercle extending into the frontal sintis and cranium, and invading the brain near the parietal lobe for more than an inch. There were retro-pharyngeal and pleural tubercles as well. In a case of Routledge's, with extensive recent exudate, the condition advanced from apparent health to extensive paralysis in three days, while in a case which the author obtained in slaughtering a tuberculous herd no special nervous symptoms had been noticed during life. Much therefore depends on therapiditj' as well as the seat of development. The primary lesions in the brain are of the nature of miliarj^ tubercles in the pia mater which becomes congested, rough, gran- 127 128 Veterijiaiy Medicine. ular, and throws out a free serous secretion. Thus hydrocepha- lus is a usual concomitant of the affection. The disease is characterized b}' its slow advance in keeping with gradual increase of the tubercle and is thus distinguishable from tlie more acute congestions and inflammations. The earlier stages are usually marked by nervous irritability, hypersesthesia, intolerance of light, closed eyelids, congested conjunctiva, grind- ing of the teeth and even spasms partial or general. The second stage shows somnolence, deepening into stupor or coma, or there ma}' be going in a circle or other irregular movement. Squint- ing usually convergent, dilated pupils and congestion of the optic disc frequently occur. The .sleep, stupor, paraly.sis or coma may set in early and is usually largely due to the amount of exudation and the rapidity of its effusion. TUMORvS OF THE BRAIN. NEOPLASMS. Existence inferential with similar external tnmors. Cholesterine tumors on plexus of lateral, third or fourth ventricle : pea to egg : in old ; con- centric layers with abundant exudate. Symptoms : slight, or excitability, dullness, vertiginous paroxysms with sudden congestions, as in encepha- litis, sopor, stupor, paresis, coma. Melanoma : mainl}' meningeal ; pea to walnut ; with skin melanomata in gray or white horses. Cases. Pigmented sarcomata. Diagnosis, inferential. Psammoma : advanced cholesteatoma, melanoma, fibroma, etc. : osteid tumors. Nervous irritation, delirium, spasms, nervous disorder, and paroxysms. Myxoma : contains mucin : cells (in homogeneous matrix) round, spindle-shaped or stellate. Changes to fat (cholesterine). Qjdematous connective tissue, neoplasm. -.Myxo- lipoma. Myxo-cystoid. Symptoms. Tumors in the brain are not marked by distinct pathognomonic symptoms, so that their presence is to be inferred as a probabilit}' rather than pronounced upon as a certainty. The most common forms in the horse are cholesterine (choles- teatoma), melanotic (melanoma), sandy, grittj^ (psammoma), and fibrous (fibroma). CHOLESTEATOMA. These are tumors formed largely of the peculiar fat which is found in bile and brain matter, and that crystallizes in fiat oblong scales with a notch at one corner. The tumors are usually con- nected with the choroid plexus and developed beneath the pia mater, and may be of any size from a pea to a hen's egg, or in exceptional cases a sheep's kidney. As a basis there is a stroma of connective tissue permeated by bloodvessels from the plexus. Groups of spherical or polygonal cells fill the interstices while fusiform cells are found in the stroma. There is a variable amount of phosphate or carbonate of lime which in oldstanding cases may give a cretaceous character to the mass. These consti- tute sandy tumors (psammomata). Cholesteatomata are especially common in old horses and are manifestly connected with congestion of the choroid plexus and exudation. In a recent case or in a case which has shown a recent cerebral hypersemia, we ma)' find a central mass of yellowish cholcsterine, and surrounding this an abundant yellow gelatinoid exudation. This latter is rich in cholesterine which fails to dis- solve along with the rest of the exudate on the occurrence of resolution, and is therefore laid up as the solid fatty material. For the same reason the fatty element is usually laid on in la5'ers, one corresponding to each access of local hyperaemia and exuda- tion. The great tendency to calcareous degeneration has been attributed to the abundance of pho.sphate of lime in the cerebral exudate. The symptoms of these tumors are exceedingly uncertain. Many such tumors of considerable size have been found after death in animals in which no disease of the brain had been sus- pected during life. In the.se it is to be inferred that the accretions were slow, gradual, and without any serious congestion. In other cases the tumor is attended by paroxysms of vertigo, or in- dications of hyperaemia or meningitis, which will last for several days and gradually subside. It is reasonable to suppose that the tumors are largely the result of such recurrent attacks of en- cephalitis, and are no less the cause of their recurrence. The 9 129 130 Veterinary Medicine. intervals of temporary recovery correspond to the subsidence of hyperaemia and the reabsorption of the liquid portion of the exudate. The manifestations during an access correspond directly to those met with in encephalitis. As in that affection there is usually an initial period of excitement and functional nervous dis- order tending to more or less somnolence, stupor, paralysis or coma, with long intermissions of apparently good health. In other cases the stupor or paretic symptoms may persist up to the fatal issue. MELANOMA OF THE ENCEPHALON. Black pigment tumors have been found in connection with the brain and especially the meninges, varying in size from a pea to a walnut, and as a rule, secondary to similar formations else- where. They are most common in gray horses which have turned white, and may give rise to gradually advancing nervous disorder. Bouley and Goubaux record a case of this kind at- tended with general paralysis. W. Williams reports the case of an aged gray stallion with melanomata on the meninges and in the brain substance which were associated with stringhalt of old standing. Mollereau in a vertiginous horse found a pigmented sarcoma in the right hemisphere between the gray and white matter, and like an olive in size and shape. There were melano- mata around the anus. (Annalesde Medecine Veterinaire, 18S9). So far as such have been examined they follow the usual rule in melanomata in having a sarcomatous structure. While it is impossible to make a certain diagnosis without opening the cranium, the condition may be suspected, in gray horses, when melanotic tumors are abundant in the usual ex- ternal situations (anus, vulva, tail, mammae, sheath, lips, eye- lids, etc.), and when brain .symptoms set in and progress slowly in such a way as to suggest the gradual growth of a tumor. Treatment is hopeless, since if they have invaded the brain, the tumors are likely to be multiple in the organ, and numerous and vvidelv scattered elsewhere. PSAMMOMATA (GRITTY TUMORS) OF THE BRAIN. As alread}' noted these sand}' tumors are often the advanced stage of cholesteatoniata, the abundance of the phosphate of lime leading to its precipitation in the neoplasm. The same cretaceous deposit often takes place in old standing tumors of other kinds, as in melanoma, and fibroma so that the sandy neoplasm may be looked upon as a calcareous degeneration of various forms of intracranial tumors. The same tendency to calcareous deposit is seen in the tuber cinereum (pineal body) of the healthy brain which has taken its name from the contained gritty matter. This tendency to the precipitation of earthy salts may be further recog- nized in the osteid tumors which occasionally grow from the dura mater. The gritty tumors are especially found in the older horses in which the tendency' is greatest to extension of ossification and calcic degenerations. lyike other tumors tliese may attain a considerable size before the}' give rise to any very appreciable symptoms, but having attained a given development — often the size of a walnut, they become the occasion of nervous irritation, delirium and disorder, as indicated under encephalic hyperaemia and inflammation, cholesteatoniata, etc. There maj', however, be drowsiness, stupor, coma, or paralysis as the exclusive symptom, or there may be .spasms and convulsions. MYXOMA OF THE BRAIN. Myxoma is a tumor in which mucoid elements or a gelatinoid degeneration and infiltration containing mucin is a prominent feature. The vnicoiis tissue which constitutes the tumor may differ little from ordinary connective tissue except that the intercellular .spaces contain mucin. Histologically the tissue con.sists of cells embedded in a homogeneous matrix. The cells may be of va- rious forms, round, (in recent formations) and spindle-shaped or star-shaped, but especially the latter, in the older. When incised a fluid containing mucus escapes in greater or less abundance. 131 132 Veterinaiy Medicine. While this has properties resenibling albumen it is distinguished by the fact that the precipitate thrown down in it b}' alcohol is softened and redissolved on the addition of water. The precipi- tate thrown down in an albuminous liquid is insoluble in water. The formation of this mucous exudate is liable to be followed by fat so that Virchow considered it as antecedent to fat forma- tion. This is especially noticeable in the early stages of the cholesteatomata of the choroid plexus of the horse, in which, as observed by Flirstenberg, Lassaigne, and Verheyen, the new for- mation is at first a myxoma, which later becomes filled up with cholesterine. Recent observations tend to discredit the alleged distinctive character of myxoma. The meshes of all connective tissue con- tain a perceptible amount of mucin. CBdematous subcutaneous connective tissue contains this mucin in greater proportion and approximates to the condition of mucous ti.ssue. The umbilical cord, which has been long advanced as the physiological type of mucous tissue, has been shown to consist of ordinary connective tissue with an abundance of fluid in its meshes. Koster denies that the myxoma is a special type of tumor, and holds that it is only a condition that may arise in any tumor which contains connective tissue. In other words, myxoma is only an oedematous condition of the connective tissue neoplasm — fibroma, sarcoma, carcinoma, etc. — due to passive congestion or other circulatory disturbance. As seen in the brain of the horse the formation is usually of the nature of a myxo-lipoma, as the final outcome is usually the cholesterine bearing niass.^ In other cases the connective tissue spaces become further distended with the vi.scous, gelatinoid liquid and form veritable cysts — myxoma-cystoides. In tumors of this kind affecting the choroid plexus the chain of symptoms is e.ssentially the same as given under cholesteatoma and the prognosis is nearly equally grave. It need only be .said that in recent cases in which there is as yet little permanent tissue, measures may sometimes be hopefully adopted, to secure the reabsorption of liquid constituents, and even perchance to re- move .some obvious cause of passive congestion upon which the effusion depends. ACROMEGALY. HYPERTROPHY OF THE PITUITARY BODY. Like other portion.s of the brain the pituitar}- bod}- is subject to degenerations and diseases of various kinds. This is particu- larly mentioned here because of the occasional a.ssociation of its h3^pertrophy with the trophic processes of different parts of the body. Along- with an over-development of the limbs, and less frequently of the body, an enormous increase of the hypophysis has been found, and the one condition has naturally been set down as the result of the other. In some such instances, of over- growth, however, some other blood glands, such as the thyroid or thymus, have been found to be hypertrophied, so that at present it is difficult to do more than notice the association ob- served between the two conditions. CEREBELLAR DISEASE. Cerebellum and coordination. Pressure on adjacent parts renders results uncertain. Generic symptoms, ataxia, titubation. Marked symptoms with rapid morbid progress. Treatment : tonic, hygienic. Whatever functions are exercised b\^ the cerebellum there is no doubt of its control over nuiscular coordination. It is quite true that disease of any other part of the brain causing effusion, exudation or intracranial pressure will more or less completely arrest the functions of the cerebellum ju.st as disease of the cere- bellum producing intracranial pressure will derange the functions of other parts of the encephalon. The general symptoms pro- dticed in this wa}' cannot therefore be accepted as indicating the precise localization of an intracranial disease. Dullness, stupor, coma, dilated pupils, choked discs, optic neuritis, and vomiting, are in this sense generic symptoms, which may in the absence of fever indicate dropsy, exudation, apoplex}', tumor, concussion or other lesion, and with hyperthermia ma}- indicate encephalitis or meningitis. But if in the absence of these symptoms and of aural 133 134 Veterinary Medicine. disease there should appear ataxia, swaying unsteadj^ g^it, and staggering, there is a strong presumption of cerebellar disease. This may also be manifested by the other and generic symptoms alread)^ mentioned onl}^ the diagnosis is not then so certain. Again cerebellar disease may exist without the ataxia and lack of balance, but probably only in cases in which the progress is slow and the organ has had ample time to acconuiiodate itself to the as yet comparativel}' restricted lesions. The result may be a mere defect of muscular tone, or it may extend to an almost absolute I0.SS of contractility, or it may be of any intermediate grade. Treatment, which is eminently unsatisfactory, consists in im- proving the general health and tone, b}' corroborant medicines and conditions of life, and training the muscles by carefully grad- uated exercise and even electricity. BULBAR PARALYSIS. DISEASE OF MEDULLA OBLONGATA. Impaired innervation of bulbar nerves. Paresis of lips, tongue, and larynx. Roaring. Rapid pulse. Glycosuria, albuminuria. Ptosis. Twitch- ing eyelids. Dysphagia. Paralysis. Treatment, rest, cold to head, laxa- tives, nerve stimulants, tonics, electricity. The bulb is intimately connected with the origin of the hypo- glossal, glosso-pharyngeal, spinal accessory, vagus, facial, and tri- facial nerves and active di.sea.se in the bulb is therefore likely to entail impairment of the function of several of these nerves. In man this is recognized in chronic progressive bulbar paralysis, which almost always affects the lips, tongue and larynx advanc- ing steadily though slowly to a fatal termination. In degenera- tive lesions there is modified voice, difficulty of swallowing, rapid pulse, and laryngeal paralysis (especially of the arytenoid mu.scles). The implication of the root of the vagus may be in- ferred from the arrest of inhibition of the heart, and from glyco- suria or albuminuria. Occasionally the ocular and palpebral muscles are involved catising ptosis, or twitching of the muscles. When the facial (7th) nerve is implicated, paralysis of one or both sides of the face may be marked, including often the ears. When Loco Poisoning. Oxytropis Lamberti. 135 the glosso-pharyiigeal, the difficult}^ of swallowing is a prominent feature, and when the spinal accessor}', spasm or paralysis of the neck. In the worst cases deatli supervenes early, by reason of interference with the respiratory and cardiac functions. The treaUncni of these affections is usually verj' unsatisfactory, though in meat producing animals it may sometimes be desirable to preserve them in preparation for the butcher. Rest, in hyper- semic cases, cold to the liead and purgatives, and in those in which fever is absent, small do.ses of nerve stimulants (strychnia) and tonics (phosphorus, phosphates, ammonia-sulphate of copper, zinc sulphate, silver nitrate) may be tried. A course of ar.senic and carefully regulated electrical stimuli may at times give good results. LOCO POISONING. OXYTROPIS LAMBP:rTI. ASTRA- GALUS MOLLISSIMUS. Astragalus Hornii : A. Leiitiginosns : A. Mollissimus : Oxytropis Lam- berti : O. Multifloris : O. Deflexa : Sophora Serecia : Malvastrum Coccinium : Corydalis Aurea. In dry regions. Cause, a psychosis. Emaciation. Lassi- tude. Impaired sight. Illusions. Vice. Refuses other food. Contradic- tory views. Experiments by Dr. Day. The term loco is of Spanish origin and has come to us through the Spanish speaking residents on the cattle raising plains and the Pacific Coast. The word is defined to mean mad, crazy, foolish. It has been applied indiscriminately to a disease in .stock manifested by these symptoms, and to a variety of leguminous plants, found growing on the western lands and supposed to cause the di.sease in question. The plants complained of are Astragalus Hornii, and A. Lentiginosus (Griesbach) in California, A. Mollissimus (Torrey) and Oxytropis Lamberti (Purshiana) in Colorado and New Mexico. Other allied species, and like these found also in the other Rocky Mountain States, Sophora Serecia, Oxytropis Multifloris, O. Deflexa, Malvastrum Coccinium, and Corydalis Aurea var. Occidentalis have been less confidently charged with producing the disease. The.se plants grow on poor, dr}', .sandy or gravelh' soils, and having great power of resisting drought, are often in fair growth, 136 Veterinary Medicine. and present an abundant mass of leaves when surrounding vegetation is withered up. Hence, it is alleged, the animals are driven to use it when nothing else is obtainable and once accus- tomed to it, the desire for more becomes a veritable craze or neu- rosis, and the victim searches for it and devours it to the exclu- sion of other food. The following quotations may serve to illustrate the effects alleged : Among the symptoms first noticed are loss of flesh, general lassitude and impaired vision ; later the animal's brain seems to be affected ; it becomes vicious and unmanageable and rapidly loses both flesh and strength. Frequently when approaching some small object it will leap into the air as if to clear a fence. The patient also totters on its limbs and appears as if crazy. After becoming affected it may linger many months, or a year, but usually dies at last from the effects of the complaint. (Dr. Vasey. Report of Dept. of Agriculture, 1884). "I think very few if any animals eat the loco at first from choice ; but as it resists the drought until other food is .scarce they are first starved to it, and after eating it a short time appear to prefer it to anything else. Cows are poi.soned by it as well as horses, but it takes more of it to affect them. It is also said to poison slieep. x\s I have seen its actions on the horse, the first symptom apparently is hallucination. When led or ridden up to some little obstruction, such as a bar or rail lying in the road, he stops short, and if urged, leaps as though it were four feet high. Next he is seized with fits of mania in which he is quite uncon- trollable and sometimes dangerous. He rears, sometimes even falling backwards, runs or gives several successive leaps forivard, and generally falls. His eyes are rolled upward until only the white can be seen, which is strongly injected and as he sees nothing, is as apt to leap against a wall or a man, as in an}' other direction. iVnything which excites him appears to induce the fits, which, I think, are more apt to occur in crossing water than eksewhere, and the animal sometimes falls so exhausted as to drown in water not over two feet deep. He loses flesh from the first and sometimes presents the appearance of a walking skel- eton. In the next and la.st stage he only goes from the loco to water and back, his gait is feeble and uncertain, his eyes are b Loco Poisoning. Oxytropis Laviberti. 137 sunken and have a flat, glass}' look, and his coat is rough and lustreless. In general the animal appears to perish from starva- tion and consequent excitement of the nervous system, but some- times appears to suffer acute pain, causing him to expend his strength in running wildh^ from place to place, pausing and rolling, until he falls and dies in a few minutes." (O. B. Ormsby, Report Dept. of Agriculture, 1874.) " Animals are not fond of it at first, or don't seem to be, but after they get accustomed to the taste they are crazy for it and will eat little or nothing else when loco can be had. There seems to be little or no nutrition in it as the animal invariably loses flesh and spirit. Even after eating of it they may live for years, if kept entirely out of its reach, but if not, they almost invariably eat of it until they die." (Mrs. T. S. Whipple, San Luis, Cal. Report Dept. of Agriculture, 1874). "Cattle, after having eaten it," Oxytropis L,amberti, "may linger many months, or for a year or two, but invariably die at last from the effects of it. The animal does not lose flesh appar- ently, but totters on its limbs and becomes crazy. The sight be- comes affected so that the animal has no knowledge of distance, but will make an effort to step over a .stream or an obstacle while at a distance off, yet will plunge into it or walk up against it on arriving at it." (Dr. Moffat, U. S. Army.) '■ The term /cTf, simply meaning foolish, is applied because of the peculiar form of dementia induced in the animals that are in the habit of eating the plant. Whether the animals (horses chiefly) begin to eat the plant from necessity (which is not likely) or from choice, I am unable to say. Certain it is, however, that when once commenced, they continue it, passing through a tempo- rary intoxication, to a complete nervous and muscular wreck in the latter stages, when it has developed into a fully marked disease, which terminates in death from stavation or inability to digest more nourishing food. The animal, toward the last, becomes stupid or wild, or even vicious, or again acting as though attacked with blind .staggers." (Dr. Rothrock. Report of Dept. of Agricul- ture, 1884J. Dr. Isaac Ott, of Easton, Pa., gives the following as the physiological action of the Astragalus Mollissimus : "It decreases the irritabilit}' of the motor nerve, greatly affects the .sensory 138 Veterinary Medicine. ganglia of the central nervous 'system, preventing them from readily receiving impressions. Has a spinal tetfinic action. It kills mainly by arrest of the heart. Increases the callory secre- tion. Has a stupifying action on the brain. Reduces the cardiac force and frequency. Temporarily increases arterial tension, but finally decreases it. Greatl}' dilates the pupil." {Amer. Jour, of Pharmacy, 1882). In opposition to these statements Professor Sayre, of Kansas, after an extended observation, arrived at the conclusion that " it is a grave question whether loco weed is a poison at all ; upon chemical examination no poisonous principle of an}' kind was dis- covered ; no toxic effect was observable when administered to frogs, cats, dogs, or the human species, .... the point cannot be accepted as a settled one whether loco is poisonous to cattle or not." Dr. G. C. Faville found in locoed sheep in Colorado bunches of tapeworms in the gall ducts. Dr. Cooper Curtice, who sub- sequently studied the subject, found the taenia fimbriata, and be- lieves that to these the symptoms are exclusively due. "The affected lambs are large headed with undersized bodies and hide- bound skins. Their gait is slightly like that of a rheumatic. They seem to have difficult)' in cropping the shorter grass ; the}' also appear to be more foolish than the other sheep, .standing oftener to stamp at the sheep dogs or the herder than the healthier ones. Others do not seem to see as well, or are so affected that the}' seem to appreciate danger less. In driving, they are to be found at the rear of the flock." (Animal Parasites of Sheep.) It is altogether probable that the taeniasis of sheep has been mistaken for loco, but this can hardly account for the rt-markable symptoms found in otlier genera of animals, as a concomitant of an acquired and insatiable fondness for these leguminous plants. The taenia fimbriata has been found in sheep and deer, but there is no record of it as a parasite of cattle and horses. Dr. Sayre' s failure to find any poisonous principle in the plants, or any toxic action on frogs, dogs or cats, cannot be received as conclusive in face of the results reached by others. Perhaps Dr. Sayre' s specimes were not grown under the proper condi- tions, or were not collected in the proper season to secure the toxic ingredient. Loco Poisoning. Oxytropis Lamberti. 139 Miss C. M. Watson, of Ann Arbor, Mich., succeeded in sepa- rating a small amount of alkaloid from the root of Oxytropis Lamberti, but did not apply the crucial test of physiological ex- periment. In the Report of the Department of Agriculture for 1879, are given analy.ses of Oxytropis Lamberti, Astragalus Mollissimus and Sophora Speciosa, in each of which a small amount of alkaloid was found. In 1888-9, Dr. Mary Gage Day, of Wichita, Kansas, made care- ful experiments on cats and rabbits, under the supervision of Dr. Vaughan in the Michigan Laboratory of Hygiene. She used a decoction of roots, stems and leaves of plants gathered in Sep- tember and gave 60 to 70 c.c. of this to a half-grown vigorous kit- ten daily, along with abundance of milk and other food. In two days the kitten became less active, showed rough coat, increased desire for the loco, with partial loss of appetite for other food, diarrhoea came on, and retching and vomiting occasionally oc- curred. The expression became peculiar and characteri.stic. These symptoms increased, and emaciation advanced, and on the 1 8th day periods of convulsive excitement supervened. These were sometimes tetanic, the head being thrown backward and the mouth frothing. At other times the kitten stood on its hind limbs and struck the air with its fore paws, then fell backward and threw itself from side to side. There were short intervals of quiet, life being indicated by breathing only. After 36 hours (>f these intermittent convulsions paraplegia set in, and the kitten died in two hours. There was no apparent lo.ss of con.sciousness before death. Post mortem examination revealed gastric and duodenal ulcers, some of which were nearly perforating. The heart was in diastole ; l)rain and myel appeared normal ; the entire body anaemic. To a vigorous adult cat 60 c.c. to 70 c.c. of a more concentrated solution were given with other food. The results were essentially the same. By the twelfth day the cat was wasted to a skeleton and very weak. Paralysis of the hind limbs came on and the cat died on the thirteenth day. As a test experiment, two strong young cats were confined in the same place, fed from the same dish, and treated in ever}^ way the same, except that the one was fed daily a decoction of the loco. 140 Veterinary Medichie. The one fed loco acquired the loco disease with the symptoms described above while the other, eating ordinary food only, re- mained healthy. Subcutaneous injections of the concentrated decoction thrown into frogs and chickens at the Michigan Laboratory of Hygiene, under direction of Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, caused nervous twitch- ing and in large dcses, death in i or 2 hours from heart paralysis. The same symptoms were produced in frogs by injection of an alcoholic extract of the residue left after evaporation to dryness of the decoction. The loss of appetite, acquired liking for the " loco-iveed'\ rough coat, emaciation, peculiar expression, rearing, plunging, and a staggering uncertain gait are among the symptoms given in the earliest published observations on the loco di.sease, and agree with the statements universally made by ranchmen. An ulcerated condition of the intestines was also pointed out by Professor Sayre in a locoed cow upon which he made a necropsy (Dodge City Times, July, 1887) : but the diarrhoea which was so marked a symptom in the cats experimented on, is not mentioned as a characteristic symptom in horses and cattle. "From the close agreement of the symptoms in the cats with those universally recognized in locoed horses and cattle, I con- clude that the cases described above were genuine cases of the "loco disease" and are, so far as can be ascertained, the first that were ever experimentally produced." "The craving for the "loco" is soon acquired. The kittens would beg for it as an ordinary kitten does for milk, and when supplied would lie down contented. To determine whether a herbivorous animal would easily acquire tlie "loco habit" a young "jack" rabbit was captured and fed a few days on milk and grass ; then fresh ' ' loco ' ' was substituted for the gra.ss. At first the "loco" was refused, but soon it was taken with as much relish as the grass had been. After ten days of the milk and "loco" diet the rabbit was found dead, with the head drawn back and the stomach ruptured." " With reference to the character of the plants at the different seasons of the year, I am convinced by numerous experiments, on material gathered in different months, that the greatest amount of poison is present in the autumn and winter." The Lead Poisoning . Plumbism. 141 scarcity of other food at that period of the year is only a partial explanation of the number of deaths occurring at that season. Conclusion? : " ist. There is some poison in " loco weed " which may cause the illness and, if sufficient quantity is taken, the death of an animal." " rd. This poison is contained in the decoction obtained from the plants, and by systematically feeding it to healthy cats cases of " loco " disease ma}- be produced." "3d. Taste for the green "loco weed" maybe experiment- ally produced in the jack rabbit." "4th. From the large quantity of the plant or the decoction required to produce the di.sease, the poison must be weak, or if strong, it must be in very small amount." I^EAD POISONING. PLUMBISM. Physiological action on nervous system. Sources : near smelting furnaces on vegetation ; paints ; paint scrapings in manure and on soils ; lead pack- ing of pumps, engines, etc. ; sheat lead ; bullet spray ; wall paper lead ; leaden water pipes or cisterns ; lead acetate ; painted buckets ; painted silo ; lead compounds in arts. Experiments on animals. Accidental poisoning : horse, fever, gray nasal discharge, salivation, convulsions, paral5'sis, dyspnoea. Cattle, emaciation, dyspnoea, palsy, tonic spasm of flexors of limbs, swollen carpus, death in a few months. Young worst. Sheep, lambs paretic. Swine in pens escaped, those at large suffered. Post- mortem ; lead or lead compounds in stomach, or shown by analysis, in gastric contents, liver, spleen, kidney, etc. Tests. Treatment : hydro- sulphuric or sulphuric acid, sulphate of magnesia or soda, antispasmodics ; in chronic cases, potassium iodide, bitters. The physiological action of lead is exerted on the nervous sys- tem, so that lead poisoning may be appropriately enough treated of as a disease of the nervous sj'stem. Sources. The sources of lead as a poison for animals are extremely varied. In England in the vicinity of lead mines and smelting furnaces it is deposited from the air in a fine powder, and consumed with the vegetation. Herapath found that the de- pcsit, in dangerotis amount, began half a mile from the chimney of the smelter and extended about half a mile further. I 142 Veterinary Medicine. A second source is in lead paints used about farms and the scrapings of paint pots thrown out with manure and spread upon the fields. These lead combinations will last for years in the soil or on the surface, being plowed under one year and turned up again the next when the occasion of their presence has been completely forgotten. In one case I found the red lead paint marked by the tongues of cattle at the back of an abandoned cottage the fence around which had been broken down. In another the scrapings were found in an orchard which had been near and convenient for throwing them out. In a third case a paint can hung on the branch of an apple tr^e, well out of the way of the stock as the owner fondly supposed, showed in its contents the marking of the barbed tongues of the cattle. In a fourth case a barrel of paint was set under the barn where there was not height enough to admit the matured cattle, but it bore the marks of licking by the young stock, and they alone died but in such numbers that the owner concluded it must be the " Rinderpest." The lead packing from the joints of pumps, engines and other machiner}^, thrown away around works and mines, is a common source of the trouble. I once found large quantities in the gas- tric contents of cows that had died around a coal mine in Ayrshire, Scotland. Sheet lead — tea-chest lead — is another common .source of the poison. This is thrown out, scattered with the manure on the field, and will resi.st the elements for years but dissolves when taken into the acid stomach of the animal. The spray from bullets in the vicinity of rifle butts is another common cause of the poisoning. In one instance I have seen a cow poisoned by eating some lead- impregnated wall paper which had been carelessl}' left in the stable. lycss frequently the poisoning comes from drinking water car- ried in leaden pipes, or left to stand in a leaden cistern. The softest waters — rain, snow, distilled water — are the most liable to this impregnation. The hard waters containing carbonates, sul- phates or phosphates, tend to be decomposed, the acid uniting with the lead to form comparatively insoluble carbonates, sul- phates or phosphates of lead, which protect the subjacent lead Lead Poisoning. Plumbism. 143 against solution. The hardness of the water is not, however, a sufficient safeguard, as iron, solder, and other agents present in the lead as an inipurit}' or merely resting upon it, are sufficient to set up a galvanic action resulting in solution. The salts of lead may find direct access to the animal, as in the case reported by Gamgee in which a farmer used a barrel which had contained acetate of lead for mixing the feed given to his stock. A somewhat similar source of poisoning is found in the use of buckets or silos which have been painted inside, and scale off in contact with hot water, etc. Blythe enumerates the following compounds of lead as emploj'ed in the arts : ist. Hair dyes which have a basis of litharge, acetate or car- bonate of lead in ccjuibination with lime and other agents. 2nd. White lead in its various forms is carbonate of lead. 3rd. Newcastle white is white lead made with molasses vinegar. 4th. Notingham white is white lead made with sour ale. 5th. Miniature Painter's white is lead sulphate. 5th. Pattison white is an oxychloride of lead. 7th. Chrome Yellow is impure chromate of lead. 8th. Turner's Yellow, Casella Yellow, Patent Yellow is oxy- chloride of lead. 9th. Chrome Red is a bichromate of lead. loth. Red Lead is the red oxide of lead. nth. Orange Red is an oxide obtained by calcining the car- bonate. 1 2th. Nitrate of Lead is much used in calico printing. 13th. Pyrolignite of Lead is an impure acetate used in dyeing. 14th. vSulphate of Lead is a by product in the preparation of acetate of aluminium for dyeing. Forms. Lead poisoning occurs in acute and chronic forms. The two forms, however, merge into each other and are largely convulsive and paralytic. Experimentally. Harnack found that 2 to 3 nigrms. in frogs and 40 mgrms. in rabbits caused increased intestinal peristalsis, diarrhoea, and paralysis of the heart. Dogs had choreic symp- toms. Gusserno gave 1.2 grm. to rabbits and dogs respectively, and produced emaciation, shivering and paralysis of the hind extremities. Rosenstein with 0.2 to 0.5 grm. obtained in dogs 144 Vetcrhiary Medicine. similar symptoms with epileptiform convulsions, and Heubel had S3Mnptoms of colic in a few cases. Casual or Accidental Poisoning. Metallic lead is slowly dissolved and therefore large doses of this may be taken in with- out visible ill effect. Shot has often been given to relieve the symptoms of broken wind in horses, and a dog at the L,3'ons Veterinary vSchool took four ounces without visible ill effect. When finely divided, however, as in sheet lead or the spray of bullets it presents a much more extended surface to oxygen and acids, and in the acid stomach of monogastric animals, or even in the organic acids of the rumen it is dissolved in quantity sufficient to prove poisonous. Symptoms in Horses. Shenton thus describes his cases. " There was a rough, staring coat, a tucked up appearance of the abdomen, and a slightly accelerated pulse ; in fact, symptoms of febrile excitement which usually, however, passed away in about a week. About this time large quantities of gray colored matter were discharged from the nostrils, and saliva from the mouth, but at no time was there any enlargement of the sub- maxillary, lymphatic, or salivary glands. Nor was there consti- pation of the bowels, which appears to be nearly always present in cases of lead poisoning in man. Fits and partial paralysis came on at intervals ; and when the animals got down they often struggled, for a long time ineffectuall}', to get up again. The breathing up to this time was pretty tranquil, but now became so difficult and labored that the patient appeared in danger of suffo- cation. The pulse was in no case above 60 or 70, and I ascribe the difficulty of respiration to a paralyzed state of the respiratory apparatus. The animals did not live more than two or- three days after these symptoms appeared. The post mortem appear- ance varied but little. The lungs and trachea were inflamed ; the lungs engorged with large quantities of black blood ; the trachea and bronchia filled with frothy spume. In all cases but two the villous part of the stomach presented isolated patches of increased vascular action, and in all cases the intestines, and especially the large ones, were inflamed. The blind pouch of the caecum was nearly gangrenous. There was nothing remark- able about the liver, spleen or kidneys, except that they were of a singularly blue appearance." Lead Poisoning . Plnnibism. 145 Symptoms in Ruminants. These are described by Herapatli as following the erection of lead smelting furnaces in the'Mendip Hills in Somersetshire. There were stunted growth, emaciation, shortness of breathing, paralysis of the extremities, particularly the hinder ones, the flexor muscles of the fore limbs affected so that the animals stood on their toes, swelling of the knees and death in a few months. Even if removed to a healthy locality the victims failed to thrive. The effects were most pronounced in the j^oung. Lambs were born parah^tic ; at three weeks old they could not stand, and palsy of the glottis rendered it dangerous to feed from a bottle. Twent^'-one out of twenty- three died early. The milk of cows and sheep was reduced in quantity and quality, and contained traces of lead. The cheese had less fat in it. The dead showed the mucous surfaces paler than natural and the lungs had large areas with abruptly circiim- .scribed margins of a dark red color, surcharged with fluid. A blue line appeared on the gum close to the teeth, and from this a globule of lead could be melted under the blowpipe. In the cases that have come under my observation paralysis of the hind limbs, emaciation and low condition, have been most prominent in the chronic forms, while these have been compli- cated by torpor of the bowels, blindness, stupor, coma, and more or less frequent paroxysms of delirious excitement or convulsions in the acute. In the chronic cases the blue line on the gums is an important symptom. Herepath noticed that near the smelting furnaces pigs escaped if kept in the pen but suffered if allowed to go at large. This is explained by the presence of lead in the forms of oxide, car- bonate and sulphate on the herbage, hay and hedge rows, and in short, on all vegetation. ■ In post mortem examination the stomach should be carefull}^ searched for lead in the metallic form as sheet lead, bullet .spra)', etc., for the different forms of paint of which lead forms an in- gredient, for the discarded white lead packing of pipes and ma- chiner}% and even for solid masses of metallic lead. This is e-speciall}' necessary in the case of cattle in which the morbid habit of eating non-alimentary matters is so common, and for which the sweet taste of some of the lead compounds seems to offer an attraction. The lead being long retained in the fir.st 10 146 Veterinary Medicine. three stomachs in contact with acetic and other organic acids is especialh' liable to be dissolved and absorbed in dangerous amount. In the chronic cases especially, the test b_v electric current may furnish a valuable pointer. In lead poisoning the muscles respond much less actively to the stimulus than in the normal condition. In resorting to analysis the following table from Heubel of the amount of lead in the different organs of a dog may offer a guide to the selection of an organ for examination : Liver .03 to .10 per cent. Kidney .03 to .07 " " Brain .02 to .05 " " Bones .01 to .04 " " Muscles .00410.008 " " Professor George Wilson found the lead very abundant in the spleen, and used it for analysis. He dissolved it in aqua regia over a slow fire, cooled, filtered, evaporated, cleared, and boiled with dilute nitric acid. Then filtered and dried again, dissolved in dilute muriatic acid, and finally applied the color tests. With hydrosulphuric acid it gives a black precipitate, with sulphuric acid, a white, and with potassium iodide or bichromate a bright yellow. Or from the solution of the chloride the lead may be obtained as a metallic deposit on zinc from which it can be fused into a minute globule on charcoal. In the treatment of lead poisoning the first object is to prevent the further solution of lead in the alimentary canal and to carry it off. To fill the first indication, hydrosulphuric acid or sul- phuric acid may be administered to form respectively the insoluble sulphide or sulphate. As a purgative, sulphate of magnesia or soda should be preferred, as favoring at once elimination and the formation of an insoluble precipitate. I^arge doses are usually desirable, especially in ruminants, because of the bulky contents of the stomach and the torpor of the alimentary canal. If grip- ing is a prominent symptom opium or other antispasmodic must be added. In chronic cases, after the evacuation of the contents of the alimentary canal small daily doses of potassium iodide will serve to dissolve the lead out of the tissues, while sulphates maj^ be given in small doses to assist in elimination from the bowels and to prevent reabsorption. The treatment by potassium iodide is equally applicable, to assist in the elimination of the lead that Alcoholic Intoxication. 147 has passed into the circulation and tissues. The doses, however, should in any case be small to avoid the sudden solution of a large amount of lead which had been deposited in the tissues in a comparatively insoluble form. The sudden entrance into the cir- culation of any large amount of such lead would induce a prompt return of the toxic symptoms. A continuous exhibition of small doses is the course of wisdom and safety. The bowels should meanwhile be kept somewhat relaxed by small doses of sodium or magnesium sulphate. As a general tonic a course of bitters may be called for, especially when torpor or emaciation is pro- nounced. ALCOHOLIC INTOXICATION. Beer in pigs, alcohol in dogs, absinthe in horse, alcohol and burnt ales in cows, alcoholized grain in fowls, also fermented raisins. Symptoms, lack of coordination, staggering, flushed mucosEe, full pulse, stertor, sopor, coma, alcoholic breath, chill, muscular twitching, delirium. Treatment : ammonia acetate, or carbonate, apomorphia, pilocarpin, warm water, coffee, stomach pump, electricity. Poisoning by alcohol is less common in the lower animals than in man, yet the veterinary journals record a considerable number of cases. We have seen pigs suffer from drinking soured beer ; the smaller breeds of dogs (English terriers) which are systemat- ically dwarfed by feeding alcohol are often kept for a length of time in a condition of semi-intoxication. Bissauge records the case of a horse inebriated by a glass of absinthe and a pint of white wine, and that of a cow which died intoxicated 24 hours after she had been given three quarts of pure alcohol (Rec. de Med. Vet. 1895). Dundas records intoxication in cows fed on hirnt ales. Intoxication of barnyard fowl and wild birds from eating grain soaked in strong alcoholic liquids has been frequent- ly noticed, and Bissauge reports fatal drunkenness among our domestic fowls from eating raisins and other fruits which had undergone fermentation. The symptoms are too suggestive to require notice in detail. There is a lack of coordination of movement, a staggering gait, a disposition to lie, dilated pupils, dark red flushing of the visible mucous membranes, a full pulse, stertorous respirations, drowsi- 148 Veten'iiary Medicine. ness, stupor, and finally coma. The breath exhales the odor of alcohol, and the temperature usually falls, especially if the subject has been exposed to cold. It may rise later in connection with inflammation of the stomach or brain. Mu.scular twitchings and delirium are sometimes found, and may occur paroxysmally. Treatment. A pint of liquor of the acetate of ammonia to horse or ox may quickly relieve the symptoms, or i oz. carbon- ate of ammonia may be given in solution in a pint of vinegar. If more convenient the hypodermic injection of i or 2 grains of apomorphia, or of 5 grains of pilocarpin may be employed. Warm water is of the greate.st value in securing elimination. A strong infusion of coffee is very effectual. If the patient is a vomiting animal an emetic may be employed, and in case of coma the stomach pump may be resorted to. Cold applied to the head or galvanism may be used to rouse the patient. In case of gastritis or encephalitis following the attack these mu.st be treated according to indication. ANILINE POISONING. Composition. Source. Uses. Toxic action on skin, by inhalation, and by stomach. vSymptoms : acute : chronic. Test. Treatment : emesis, pur- gatives, stimulants, tonics, enemata, bleeding, normal salt solution. Aniline ( Amidobenzene, Phenylamine, Cg H, N) is a product of coal tar produced in the manufacture of benzole and of aniline dyes. Being an object of large production and consumption in the arts, its toxic action is seen not infrequently in man, and less so in animals. As used in confectionery it is so diluted that it is rarely or never injurious. On textile fabrics, however, it often causes cutaneous irritation, and when eaten b)' animals may be toxic. Workmen in the factories usually suffer from its inhala- tion. Turnbull gave Yi dram sulphate of aniline to a dog, inducing vomiting in 2 y- hours and purging one hour later. There were accelerated pulse, labored breathing and paraplegia, followed by recovery in five hours. Other objective symptoms are coldness of the surface, and a bluish or purple color of the visible mucosae. Poisoning by Nitro- Benzol. 149 the blood failing to take up oxygen. In chronic aniline poisoning in man the following symptoms have appeared : papular, vesicular or pustular skin eruptions, or ulcers on hands feet and scrotum ; an odor of coal tar ; anorexia, nausea and vomiting ; headache, vertigo, stupor, ringing of the ears, amblyopia, muscular spasms, muscular weakness, anaesthesia and motor paralysis especially of the extremities. The fatal dose is i^i dr. and upward. Aniline may be extracted from the tissues by petroleum ether, and on tlie evaporation of the solution, it is left as an oily yellow- ish mass vvhicli gives the following reactions : — with a few drops of sodic hypochlorite a blue or violet blue ; with acids a rose red ; witli bromine a flesh red. The trcatnient must be by elimination by emesis, or purgation, by removal from aniline fumes or mixtures, and by stimulating and tonic agents. In place of emesis a stomach tube and lukewarm water in large amount may be employed to wash out the stomach. For vomiting animals ipecacuan may be employed. Copious enemata may be given, along with purgatives, to clear out the bowels. As stimulants strong coffee, caffein, camphor, or .strych- nia may be employed. In case of profound stupor, prostration, or paresis it may be desirable to reduce the amount of aniline in the system l)y free blood-letting, care being taken to inject subcutem, or into a serous cavity, a nearly equivalent amount of normal salt solution. POISONING BY NiTRO-BENZOIv. Coiiiposilion. Source. Uses. Characters. Toxic qualities. Convul- sions : paralysis : cyanosis ; weak pulse ; bitter almond odor ; dark red urine ; sopor, giddiness ; reduced size of red blood globules ; congested brain, stomach, intestines. Treatment: emesis, purgation, stimulants, electricity, derivatives, bleeding, normal salt solution. Nitro-benzol (Nitro-benzine, Q H- NO., ) is a coal tar product, formed in large quantities in the maiuifacture of aniline dyes and extensivel}' used as a flavoring agent for soaps, sweet meats, etc. It is formed by the addition of strong nitric acid to ben- zine, and appears as a yellow fluid with an odor resembling, yet somewhat different from, that of prussic acid or oil of 150 Veterinary Medicme. bitter almonds. It may prove deadly to man or dog in a dose of fifteen drops, though most commonly it enters the system by inhalation. In animals the prominent symptoms are convul- sions and paralysis, supervening on a period of weak circulation and pulse, and blueness of the visible mucous membranes. The characteristic odor resembling the oil of bitter almonds exhales from the lungs and skin. In man there are dilatation of the pupils, blueness of the lips and nails, pallor of the face, weak pulse, slow breathing (often in the end Cheyne-Stokes respira- tion), a dark maroon or port wine color of the urine, and ambly- opia. In the chronic cases the skin is yellowish, and there are weariness, a dragging walk, headache, morning anorexia, drowsiness, giddiness, numbness of th.e hands or other parts and emaciation. The blood is chocolate color with red globules re- duced in size, in number and in haemoglobin, but containing an excess of carbon dioxide. The brain is often congested and the gastro-intestinal mucosa like the skin may be yellow (from al- leged formation of picric acid J. In chronic cases disseminated sclerosis may be seen. In treatment emesis, purgation, stimulants (ammonia, cam- phor), galvanism, sinapisms to the chest, and phlebotomy, with injection of normal salt solution, may be resorted to, as in aniline poi.soning. POISONING BY CARBON BISULPHIDE. Used to kill insects ingrain, etc., in barns. Locally aiuesthetic, and irri- tant. Inhaled, toxic, causing excitement, antesthesia, collapse. Large doses, excitement, reckless movements, incoordination, giddiness, steep, stertor, paraplegia. vSmall doses, weakness, emaciation, tremors, paraplegia, polyuria, niellituria ; convulsions, death. Distortion and varicosit}' of axis cylinder, and unequal staining of cytoplasm. Treatment : pure air, good diet ; massage, electricity, tonics, phosphorous. This agent is largely used in vulcanizing and other factories where the employes are liable to suffer, and also in granaries, barns, etc., for the destruction of insects in grain and other objects and where animals are liable to suffer. Locally it acts like chloroform, when confined to the surface, as under a glass or covering, producing very active irritation with anse.sthesia. Teta7iy. 151 /«/za/i?^ it produces intoxication, excitement, general anaesthesia and finally collapse. In rabbits it causes intense excitement, giddiness, swaying from side to side, and reckless leaps forward, followed by profound sleep with deep stertor, and paraplegia for half an hour after the return of consciousness (Oliver). When taken for a long time in smaller quantity it caused weakness, emaciation, tremors, paraplegia, and death in convailsions. There was polyuria, with excess of sugar but neitlier urea nor albumin. The large cells in the motor areas of the brain, when stained by Golgi's method, showed the axis C3dinder distorted and varicose, and the cytoplasm stained unequally. The action on dogs was essentially the same, and in neither animal were changes in the blood globules observed (Oliver). In man slow poisoning caused headache and exhilerant intoxi- cation, followed by depression, mental apathy, dullness, loss of memory, impaired vision, hearing, sexual desire and muscular power. Cramps are common (Delpech, Curtis). Treat ine7it consists in giving pure air, good food, mas.sage, galvanism, tonics, and for the persistent nervous failure jihos- phorus. TETANY. Definition. Casual and experimental cases in animals. Causes : Excision of the thyroid, indigestions with fermentation, rheumatism, infection, ma- laria, rachitis, want of hygiene, hereditary or developmental irritability, microbian poisons. Symptoms : intermittent spasms with semi-flexed limbs, tremors. Diagnosis : bj- the complete intermissions of spasms, and by pressure on nerve or artery, rousing them. No fever. Like spasms of ergot. Treatment : thyroid extract, grafting thyroid ; remove sources of irritation, anti-spasmodics, warm or tepid baths, electricity. Definition. Tetany is the name given to a limited contraction of a group of muscles usually in the extremities occurring paroxysmally with intervals, during which it may usually be roused into activity by compression of the nerve or artery pro- ceeding to the muscles in question. The disease has not been accorded a place in systematic works on veterinary medicine, though cases have been recorded which are supposed to have been of this nature, and in cases occurring 152 Veterinary Medicine. in man and associated with dyspepsia and gastric dilation, Bouveret and Devic have extracted from the contents of the stomach a toxic substance which caused tetanic convulsions in animals. The total removal of the thyroid gland, or even of four-fifths of it (Eiselsberg), in the cat is found to be invariably followed by tetany. Catises. Beside the origin from the removal or general disease or degeneration of the thyroid, it has been attributed to digestive troubles, associated with fermentations and the production of toxic matters, to rheumatism, infection and malaria, to rachitis and unhygienic conditions. The systemic changes and trials of growth and development, of pregnancy and lactation, seem to be factors in certain cases. A peculiar irritable nervous organiza- tion transmitted by heredity is undoubtedly a potent cause, and upon this, bacteridian, leucocytic and other poi.sons operate so as to rouse the paroxysms. Symptoms. There are usually prodromata in the shape of dull- ness, pro.stration, weariness, and some dullness of the special senses. Fever is commonly ab.sent and the contractions tend to affect both flexors and extensors, but as the force of the first predominates, the affected member is usually held more or less rigidly semi-flexed. Tlie spasm appears suddenly, often taking occasion of some voluntary movement, and may last for several minutes or hours. It is followed by an interval of relaxation of equally uncertain duration. Though usually attacking the limbs and causing the victim to walk on the toes, it may extend to the face, neck or trunk, and constitute an intermittent trismus, oposthotonos, or empro.sthotonos. Diagnosis. Tetany is to be distinguished from tetanus by the complete intermissions of the .spasms, and by the voluntary de- velopment of these by compression of the presiding nerve or artery. Pressure on the nerve arouses its excitability, and com- pression of the artery shutting off the supply of blood from the disordered and susceptible mu.scles, tends to increase their irrita- bility. Ligature of an artery supplying healthy muscles causes simple trembling of such organs. From the .spasms of cerebral, spinal or meningeal inflammation tetany is distinguished by the absence of fever, and the complete intermissions of the paroxysms. The spasms of ergoti.sm bear the closest relation to those of tetany Contraction of the Spinal Cord in the Horse and Cow. 153 and in the absence of proof of the ingestion of ergot, might well be confounded with them. Treatment. This consists mainly in doing away with the causes, when these can be ascertained. Portions of thj^roid may be grafted if complete thyroidectomy has been performed, or thyroid extract may be given. In the human subject recoveries have followed the expulsion of intestinal worms, the cure of gastric dilation, dyspepsia, fermentations, diarrhoea, rachitis, menstrual irregularity, or auto-intoxication, Fire has seen recovery follow the extraction of a carious tooth. The spasms may be met by the internal administration of anti- spasmodics (chloral, belladonna, bromides, opiates), and the ex- ternal application over the affected muscles of anodynes and anti-spasmodics (belladonna, opium, chloroform, oil of cajeput, oil of peppermint, menthol, etc.). Warm or tepid baths are often of great value and a mild electric current has been found useful. CONGESTION OF THE SPINAL CORD IN THE HORSE AND COW. Under this heading Trasbot describes haemoglobinuria and par- turition paresis, but this tends to cover up the more important causes and phenomena of these disea.ses, which should be kept in the foreground. Spinal congestion is undoubtedly a feature of both these affections, and the sudden onset and rapid recoveries often seen, indicate the absence of inflammatory action, yet this is but an accompaniment of a constitutional morbid .state which we think fully warrants a special consideration of each elsewhere (see Hsemoglobinuria ; Parturition paresis). Apart from these affections congestion habitually merges into niyejitis or spinal meningitis, and may be considered as the initial stage of these disorders. It owns the same causes and is mani- fested by closely allied symptoms, but these are less persistent, and may subside abruptly into a condition of health. The treat- ment will be on the same general lines as for myelitis, but with much better hope of .success. ACUTE MYEIvlTIS. POLIOMYELITIS. INFLAMMA- TION OF THE SPINAL CORD. Causes : Stimulating food to excess, sexual over-stimulation, violent over- exertion, hot sun, chill, rheumatism, traumas, injury to spinal nerves, ver- tebral caries, microbian infection, narcotics, vegetable poisons, cryptogams. I^esions : discoloration of white or gray matter, swelling, friability, soften- ing, extravasations in points, leucocytes in excess, nerve cells cloudy, granu- lar, nucleus enlarged, stain highly, chromophile granules irregular, neuro- glia thickeued. Symptoms : Hyperthermia, rigor, hypersesthesia, tonic contractions in neck and limbs, intense lameness, paresis, palsy, muscular atrophy, areas of heat followed by coldness, such parts may not perspire, palsy less complete than in broken back, circulation and breathing acceler- ated or slow, paraplegia in large herbivora. Diagnosis : progressive onset, hypersesthesia or rigidity merging into palsy, retention and later inconti- nence of urine, extreme spinal tenderness, rapid atrophy of affected mus- cles, skin sloughing. Prognosis, always grave. Treatment : purgation, bleeding, hot fomentations, ice bags, compresses, derivatives, bromides, chloral, potassium iodide, atropia, ergot, electricity, strychnia, soft laxative food, bitters, phosphates. Causes. Like congestion this may be a result of plethora in overfed animals, in those subjected to specially .stimulating food like gluten meal, cotton seed meal, beans, peas, vetches in excess, animal food for herbivora (the waste of hotels and restau- rants for cows, compressed meat products for pigs), a period of absolute rest on full rations in horses habituated to hard work and full feeding ; of sexual over-stimulation in males (stal- lion, bull, ram) ; of violent over-exertion, especially if under a hot sun ; of sudden chill when over-fatigued and perspiring ; of cold rain storms (Freirier) ; of rheumatism (Kowalski) ; of traumatism (fractures, sprains, slipping with over-disten- sion) ; of falls upon the point of the ischium ; of blows upon the back (Cruzel, Trasbot) ; of tumors implicating the cord; of too violent efforts in serving by stalHons ; of injuries of the great nerve trunks passing off from the cord (Gull, Tras- bot, etc.) ; of extensions from caries or suppurations of the vertebrae (Decoste, Trasbot) ; of microbian infection, as in rabies, distemper, tubercle, dourine, louping ill, milk sickness, contagious pneumonia, influenza, and stippurations ; of narcotic 154 Acute Myelitis. Poliomyelitis. 155 poisoning, as from ergot, smut, the poisons of the cryptogams and bacteria of mouldy bread, musty fodder, spoiled meats, fish, etc. ; also the poisons of lolium, vetch, lupin, astragalus, oxytropis, arsenic, etc. Lesions. These consist in a yellow or pink discoloration of the white and especially of the gray matter, and a special prom- inence of the puncta vasculosa in the affected part. Swelling or distortion of the part is not usual. This maj' involve only a single gray horn, the two horns on the same side, the two in- ferior horns, or all four at once, or the white matter adjacent may also show the rosy tint, the large puncta, and a charac- teristic softness and friability. Minute blood extravasations are very significant. Micro.scopically examined leucocytes are found in abundance in the perivascular spaces and in the neuroglia. The neurons (nerve ganglion cells) are degenerated, being cloudy, swollen, with enlarged nucleus, stain highly, and show enlargement of the chromophile granules. In a more advanced stage the cell has an indefinite outline and the nucleus is in- distinct and may fail to take a stain ; the chromophile granules are irregular and do not radiate evenly from a centre and many vacuoles appear. This may lead to fatty softening, or to fibrous increase of the neuroglia, and sclerosis. Symptoms. These varj' greatly in different cases according to the part involved, the meninges or some special region of the cord, to the essential cause of the inflammation and its acuteness. Usually the attack sets in slowly in contradistinction to the abrupt attack of conge.stion. Hyperthermia and rigor are usually among the first symptoms, though in many cases hyper- aesthesia is the most marked early symptom. The skin covering the muscles which derive innervation from the affected section of the cord is the most sensitive. This is often so extreme along the vertebral column that percussion on the spinous processes or pinching between the fingers and thumb cau.ses the most pro- nounced wincing and dropping of the back. Copland and Laposso have noticed that a sponge of hot water drawn along the line of the vertebrae causes acute pain and contractions of the muscles of the back and limbs, which are almost tetanic in their force. This probably implies the existence of meningitis, since the absence of rigidity of the muscles of the neck, back and 156 Veterinary Medicine. limbs, usually implies the absence of meningeal inflammation. It may, however, occur in localized or commencing myelitis. The existence of unilateral lesions and rigidity determines intense lameness, which is further characterized by the most marked hypersesthesia. The morbid phenomena of the motor system are more characteristically paretic or paralytic than spasmodic. When rigidity or spasm ushers in the attack it is superseded in a few hours or in two or three days b}' flaccidity of the muscles of the affected part, with imperfect control or even complete paralysis. The muscles affected will depend on the seat of the spinal lesion. If in the neck it may affect fore and hind limbs, and even the chest and abdomen ; if in the back or loins it will induce para- plegia, the anterior limit of which will correspond to the seat of the lesion ; if near the caudal extremity of the cord, (lumbar portion), paralysis of the tail and of the sphincters ani and vesicas may be prominent features. Retention of urine and faeces (spasm) may precede incontinence (palsy). Common sensation may be dull or abolished on one or on both sides. If on one side only, the other may show hyper- aesthesia. Trophic modifications are very marked though they may not be noticeable at first. The paralytic muscles waste rapidly and the impaired nutrition is manifested in the rapid formation of sloughing and intractable sores where pressure comes in recum- bency (the hips, stifles, hocks, shoulders, etc.). This is especially noticeable on parts supplied by the cord at or behind the seat of the lesions. Vaso-motor changes are usually marked by a preliminar}^ hyperthermia of the affected parts, followed by a corresponding hypothermia. Sometimes the affected part of the skin will re- main quite dry while the rest of the body is covered by perspira- tion. Choked optic disc and retinitis are .sometimes present. Tlie febrile reaction which is at first moderate, gradually in- creases in force ; the animals become dull, drowsy, careless of food, and the hypersesthesia merges into paresis or paralysis. This is rarely so complete as in fracture of the vertebrae. If the inflammation is restricted to the lower columns only, there may be Acute Myelitis. Poliomyelitis. 157 akinesis without change of the sensitiveness or with hypersensi- tiveness. If restricted to the upper cohimns there may be sensory paralysis only on the opposite side. The heart sounds and pulse are usually altered, palpitations may appear early with acceleration and sharpness of the pulse, and this may alternate with a tardy slow pulse with intermissions. Breathing also becomes accelerated and in violent cases w'ith trembling, though in moderate inflammation with effusion, soften- ing and degeneration, it is liable like the heart beats to become slow and tardy. When vertigo appears it ma\' be attributed to extension to the bulb or cerebellum, or to the sympathetic implication of these organs. The frequenc}- with which paraplegia occurs in the large lier- bivora suggests a special susceptibility of the lumbar portion of the cord, probably in connection with severe muscular effort of the hind limbs. In protracted cases the fever may run very high, being compli- cated by septic poi.soning from the numerous cutaneous sloughs and .sores, as well as by cystitis and nephritis. Diagnosis. This nia\' be based on the progressive onset, inilike the sudden attack of congestion ; on the occurrence of primary fever with hyperaesthesia or even mu.scular rigidity, merging into a later paresis or paralysis ; on the retention of urine, followed b}' incontinence ; on the torpor of the rectum ; on the extreme ten- derness of the spine in the region of the inflammatory lesion ; and on the tendency to rapid atrophy of the affected muscles, and the death and sloughing of the .skin under pressure over the promi- nent parts of the body. The definite localization of the muscular symptoms, and the different temperature and secretion of the affected part of the skin, from the unaffected, are further con- firmator}' of myelitis. Prognosis. While always grave, myelitis induced by narcotic elements in the food which can quickly be eliminated from the system, and that which has not caused compulsory decubitus, or persistent retention of urine and faeces, may be considered as hopeful. When, on the other hand, the nature and extent of the lesions have entailed a prolonged paralysis, or in the large animals, (especially solipeds), a persistently recumbent position, there is 158 Veterinary Medicine. little to be hoped for. The degenerated myel, and the badly wasted muscles, combine to prevent rising and the use of the limbs, the sloughing bed sores quickh^ poison the blood and general system, and the animal sinks beyond hope of remed}-. Again, if the faeces accumulate in the rectum causing general re- tention of the bowel contents and fermentation, the shock to the nervous system and the toxins absorbed add materially to the prostration and danger. Finally the retained urine infected through the blood or by a catheter, quickly passes into ammoni- acal fermentation, with softening and detachment of the cystic epithelium, septic infection of the mucosa, and the extension of this infection through the ureters of the kidneys. The complica- tion of infective inflammation of bladder and kidneys introduces one of the most dangerous conditions possible. Treatment. In an acute case, at the outset, elimination of any extraneous poison should be sought as the first step toward a restoration of the normal spinal functions. Purgatives may be employed to tliis end, and if the case is urgent and without spasms immediate action may be sought b)^ a hypodermic injection of i^ gr. eserine and 2 grs. of pilocarpin. Meanwhile the horse may receive a dose of aloes or the cow one of Epsom salts. Abundance of watery or demulcent liquids given by the mouth, or as enemas, should not be omitted. When plethora has been a prominent factor and symptoms are urgent, a free bleeding (4 to 5 quarts for horse or cow) from the jugular vein may serve to relieve the vascular tension, dilute the vital fluid, and moderate the inflammation. Hot fomentations or sinapisms to the limbs, and even cupping on the neck and chest, may contribute to relieve the tension on the spine. When the temperature is already high, bags of ice may be applied to the tender parts of the spine or those indicated to be the inflamed parts by the groups of rigid or paretic muscles. Wet compresses or evaporating lotions may be substituted. In the absence of mustard, tartar emetic, biniodide of mercury, or euphorbium ma}^ be used, or even croton oil in a carefully guarded manner, but cantharides, oil of turpentine, and other agents calculated to irritate the kidneys are to be avoided. Bromides, hydrobromic acid, potassium iodide, chloral, or bel- ladonna may be availed of. Some prefer ergot, but this, like Acute Myelitis. Poliomyelitis. 159 strychnia, is of doubtful effect or positivel}^ injurious in most cases in the earh^ stages. Even in the early stages electricity may be used in the form of a constant current, which tends to vasomotor contraction and a better tone of the capillaries. The electrodes may be applied along the affected side of the spine so that the current may traverse the affected part. It may be kept up for ten to twenty minutes at a time and repeated daily. Any undue suffering under the current may be accepted as a demand for the reduction of its force or its suspension for the time being. When the hyperthermia has subsided and the occurrence of paresis or paralysis demands nervous .stimuli, these may besought in counterirritants, .strychnia, and interrupted currents of elec- tricity. The blisters already mentioned may be used. Strychnia may be used internally (horse or ox 2 grs., sheep %. gr., dog 5^ to tV g''-) ^^ hypodermically (horse i ^ gr., .sheep y% gr., dog y^-g- to 3^0 gr. ). Should this excite the animal or aggravate the .symp- toms it must be stopped and deferred until the inflammation shall have more completely subsided. The same remark applies to electricity which may be tried in the interrupted current, and graduated to the endurance of the patient or entirely' abandoned for the time. If the patient is able to support itself on its limbs, it is best kept in a sling to avoid the formation of sloughs and .sores. If it cannot so support itself a very thick soft bed of litter is essen- tial to avoid the sloughing and septic poisoning. Food must be laxative and easily digestible such as mashes, hay tea, and boiled or pulped roots. Fresh green grass ma}' be employed when ob- tainable. During convalescence a course of bitters with calcium phos- phate and carefull}' regulated exercise are important. In tardy cases Trasbot especially recommends cauterization. SPINAL MENINGITIS. Complex cases. Microbiaii invasion. Lowered vital tone. Traumas. Poisons, parasites, tubercle, rheumatism, neoplasms, poisonous food. Symp- toms : Stiffness, tonic contraction, spasms, hyperaesthesia with warmth, enuresis, paralysis later. Treatment : parallel to myelitis ; cold, anodynes, nerve sedatives, and anti-spasmodics, saline purgatives, diuretics. Iodine, electricity, cauterization. It is often difficult to distinguish between spinal myelitis and meningitis in the lower animals, and the danger of confttsion is greater because the two affections are often conjoined. Attacks appear to be often associated with microbian invasion of the membranes, btit in its ttirn this is often favored bj' the lowered tone of the membranes throtigh mechanical injury, circulatory disorder, trophic changes, or the action of poisons in the blood. Thus the condition may supervene on fractures, partial disloca- tions or sprains of the neck, back or loins, abscesses pressing on the spine, extension of septic inflammation from poll evil, fistu- lous withers, or arthritis of the vertebrse, penetration of the mem- branes by sharp pointed bodies (Reindl found a darning needle in a cow's spinal canal), invasion by microbes in influenza, brust- seuche, dourine, rabies, milk sickness, di.stemper, pyaemia, sep- ticaemia, strangles, louping ill, or Texas fever. The toxins of tetanus may start similar trouble. The larva of cysticercus celltilosa may cause meningitis in dogs or pigs, the sclerostoma in the soliped, the fllaria in dogs and strongle in a variety of animals. Tubercle of the meninges is not unknown, and rheu- matism is alleged as a cause. Neoplasms commencing in the cord act in a similar way, and the poisons of rye grass, millet, loco, lupins, tares and vetches may act on the membranes as well as on the my el. Syviptoms. In the main these resemble those of myelitis and are often present at the same time, and it is onh' neces.sary to note those which are especially pathognomonic. The early rigors are followed b}' stiffness of the back shown in rising or walking and aggravated by motion. There may be tonic contraction of the dorsal and lumbar mu.scles amounting at times to opostho- tonos. The muscles of the limbs, chest or abdomen or some part 1 60 Aaite Myelitis iji the Dog. Meningo- Myelitis . i6i of them may be the seat of tonic or clonic spasm. The skin is usually hypersensitive and this is aggravated by heat. The urine is liable to be retained because of the pain of stretching to micturate. Paralysis usually follows and implies extension to the myel, compression of the cord by reason of exudation, or implication of the spinal nerves at the points of exit. In myelitis on the other hand the spasms may be entirely absent, and paralysis sets in early and extends rapidly according to the seat and extent of the lesion. Treatment. This will be along the same lines as in myelitis, being aimed at elimination of toxic matters, and the counteract- ing of the existing inflammation. Anodynes such as bromides and chloral and cold water or ice are especiallj' called for to alle- viate pain and hypersesthesia, and anti-spasmodics like ether, chloroform, chloral, belladonna, etc., to allay the spasm. Saline purgatives too, and diuretics may be availed of to limit effusion and favor reabsorption. In the advanced stages iodine may be freely applied to the spine, and an occasional electric current, or cauterization may be availed of. ACUTE MYELITIS IN THE DOG. MENINGO-MYELITIS. Causes : distemper, in long-haired pets, py^enua, exposure to cold, vio- lent over-exertion, traumas, vertebral caries or al)scess. Lesions : in lum- bar enlargement, horns j-ellowish, red, friable, pultaceous, leucocytes in ex- cess, punctiform extravasations, neurons opaque ; granular, filaments difflu- ent, varicose, sclerosis. Meninges congested, thickened. Symptoms : as in horse, extreme hypertesthesia, later anjEsthesia, tremors or twitching, later paraplegia. Treatment : Laxatives, ice bags, sedatives, later derivitives cauterization. During convalescence, phosphates, iron, zinc, strychnia. Attend to bladder and rectum, light, laxative diet, pure air and water. Causes. This disease is a common result of distemper and ac- cording to Trasbot, is much more frequent in long-haired and pet dogs than in the short-haired and mongrels. The shelter of the hair, like the warm indoor atmosphere, seems to contribute to a special sensitiveness of the cutaneous and nervous tissues. The infective inflammation of the myel is also seen in pyaemia, rabies and milk sickness. It appears to be further induced b)^ ex- 1 1 1 62 Veterinary Medicine. posure to cold draughts when heated, or excited, by plunging into ice cold water, by lying on cold, damp, stone pavement or metallic plates. Violent over-exertion, excessive fatigue, and a variety of traumatisms are further factors. Kicks, blows on the back, concussion from falling from a window or other height, and sprains received in fighting or otherwise, are common causes. Disease of the vertebrae or abscesses in their vicinity will some- times extend to the meninges and cord. Lesions. These are like those in the larger animals, being to a large extent determined by the cause and nature of the lesion, concussion, sprain, fracture, pysemic, septicaemic, or other in- fection. Tile implication of the myel to the exclusion of the meninges is very frequent and the lumbar enlargement is the most common seat of disease. Localization in the brachial en- largement or in one lateral half of the cord is unconunon. The gray matter towards the extremity of the horn is the most com- monly involved, reflecting a yellowish, grayish red or deep red color, and breaking down into a pultaceous mass on the slightest pressure. At an advanced stage the altered coloring matter gives to the tissue a brownish yellow color without altering its consistency. The still vital and vascular area around the centre of softening may be slightly swollen and abnormally firm. The neuroglia is the seat of leucocytosis, and minute (usually puncti- form) extravasations of blood. The red globules are crenated or otherwise distorted and the white are granular and opaque. The neurons are swollen, granular and opaque and the nerve fibres are more or less diffluent, moniliform and in their sub- stance show no clear outline of white substance and axis cylin- der. Interruptions by granule masses and vacuoles are common. In old standing or chronic cases the liquid exudate and granular debris have been largely absorbed and the thickening of the neuroglia by fibrous neoplasm, has restored the firmness or even approximated the part to a condition of sclerosis. In case the meninges are involved there is thickening by exud- ation into their substance or on their surface, there may be ad- hesion between the outer and inner layers of the arachnoid and a serous fluid, red, milky or clear, distends the arachnoid or sub- arachnoid space. The false membranes, here as elsewhere, are usually red if recent, and increase in pallor with age. Acute Myelitis in the Dog. M en ingo- Myelitis. 163, Symptoms. These are in the main the same as in the larger animals. The early excitement usually takes the form of hyper- aesthesia. When lifted, pressed, touched or only approached the dog may growl, howl, snap, cringe, cower or tremble, glancing i:p meanwhile with anxious or pleading eyes. When later, this gives place to anaesthesia no such interference will draw a re- sponse. The motor disorders at the outset are mostly of the nature of tremors or twitching of the muscles of the limbs or of those parts of tlie trunk corresponding to the seat of the lesion. In exceptional cases spasms or convulsions may be shown. Tras- bot records a case of very acute myelitis of the brachial enlarge- ment in which there were clonic contractions of the muscles of the neck, jaws and eyeballs, and grinding of the teeth, which condition lasted for thirty-six hours. When this motor excite- ment merges into paralysis it usually attacks the hind limbs which are extended backward helpless while the animal pulls himself forward by his fore liml)s. Some such cases are restless and in continual movement while others are dull, apathetic and indis- posed to move. The precise seat of the paresis or paralysis will be determined by the seat of the lesion as in the larger animals. Thus paraplegia is most common, less frequently hemiplegia, palsy of the fore limb, palsy of a single limb, and monoplegias, about in the order named. Palsy of the tail and sphincters im- plies a lesion of the lumbar section of the cord and is very offensive in the incontinence of urine and faeces especially in long- haired subjects. Treatmeyit. The abstraction of blood is rarely called for in myelitis in the dog. If admissible at all it is in the case of strong, vigorous, plethoric animals which have been attacked in connec- tion with sudden exposure to cold or accidental concussion, and which are presented for treatment at once. Then leeches may be applied to the abdomen or inside of the thigh, or the jugular may be opened with a lancet. Usually on the other hand the patient is fat, lymphatic, and, if a few days have elapsed, even anaemic, while if he has been the victim of an accident the shock and prostration would forbid any depressive measures. Derivation toward the bowels may be sought by purgative doses of calomel or jalap. In case of high fever, cold may be applied (in the form of icebags, evaporating lotions or wet cloths) to the 164 Veterinary Medicine. tender portion of the spine. If the attack has followed exposure to cold, salicylate of soda ma)^ be given, otherwise the l^romide of potassium or camphor. Acetanilid and other antithermic agents may be used with caution. With the abatement of the high fever and the supervention of paresis, if not before, counterirritants are demanded. Owing to the propensity to lick and the danger of absorption, poisonous agents are virtually proscribed. Yet Moller advises cantharides, croton oil, mercuric iodide, and oil of mustard, and Trasbot restricts the choice to tartar emetic one part to sixteen parts of lard. This the latter rubs softly along the spine for sev- eral minutes. If the dog is closely watched or muzzled this or the mustard or croton oil may be admissible. If otherwise, a long- haired dog may be rubbed on the spine with a combination in equal parts of strong aqua ammonia and olive oil ; or it may have applied for some minutes wet cloths rather hoter than the hands can bear ; or a light cauterization may be made with a Paquelin cautery. At this stage, too, bitters and phosphate of lime may be given. Trasbot has long used with the best results i grain doses of neutral, gelatinoid phosphate of lime, repeated two or three times a day. Iron may also be resorted to, or sulphate of zinc. Strychnia and electricity are also of great value as soon as the irritability of the spinal centres will allow of their safe em- ployment. Massage and gentle exercise are important. From the first, attention must be given to obviate the retention of urine and faeces, and the strict anti.sepsis or asepsis of the catheter adopted to prevent infective cystitis and nephritis. Throughout the disease abundant nourishment of an easily digestible quality is demanded. Cleanliness, pure air and general comfort must not be forgotten. CHRONIC MYELITIS. SCLEROSIS. Sequel to acute. Result of sprains and spinal injuries. Symptoms : pa- resis on exertion, lameness in one or more limbs, knuckling, circumductive movement of feet, uncertain planting, dropping, worse if blinded, phe- nomena progressive. Lesions : sclerosis of cord ; absorption of nerve cells and fibres, in gray horns, and columns, superior, lateral and inferior, cord, altered in color, unduly firm, in points softening. Stains deeply in car- mine, lightly in osniic acid or hseinatoxylin. Meninges thickened, nerve roots atrophied. Diagnosis: previous acute myelitis ; later muscular weak- ness, and paresis, under exercise ; from embolism. Treatment : hopeless if advanced : progress delayed only. Good hygiene, tonics, open air, gentle exercise, pure water, grooming, succulent pasture, nourishing food, al- kalines, common salt, phosphates. Case.s of this kind have not been satisfactorily diagnosed, and as a rule domestic animals affected with partial paralysis are rarely allowed to live in a condition in which they are offensive to themselves and owners, a source of con.stant expense with little or no hope of recovery nor profit. Again, in the case of the large mammals, the prolonged recumbency and the low grade of nutrition in the semi-paralyzed parts, usually entail unhealthy sores and septic poisoning which sooner or later prove fatal. It is only, therefore, in the slighter cases, in which a fair measure of control over the limbs remains, that these cases are likely to survive. Trasbot suggests that many cases which pass for lum- bar sprains are really chronic myelitis and on careful examination will show spinal sclerosis. Cai/ses. These are largely speculative, yet doubtless the same causes which determine the acute form, will produce the chronic when acting with less force and greater persistency. The lesions that are left after an acute attack are calculated to keep up a measure of va.scular and trophic disorder which will be found associated with more or less sclero.sis. Symptoms. In Weber's ca.se in the horse (Recueil de Med. Vet,, 1884, p. 432) the advance was slow, so that for nearly a 5'ear the nianifestations were not diagno.stic. At first there was weakness of the hind limbs when worked to fatigue. Perfect rest led to improvement, and work, to aggravation which became steadilj' worse and worse. For a length of time the horse main- 165 1 66 Vetermary Medicine. tained good condition, glossy skin, elevated head, alert expres- sion, keen sight and hearing, and normal breathing and pulse. Standing in the stall there was no abnormal position of the limbs, nor evidence of lack of perfect control. But when moved all this was changed. He showed first lame- ness in the right fore limb and soon in all four members. The feet were swung and planted uncertainly, the animal swayed and staggered, the limb would knuckle over at the knee or fetlock, or bend at the hock, and be recovered with diflfiiculty. After going slowly for a few steps he moved with greater freedom though still with difficulty, and the trouble was greatly aggra- vated when the eyes were blindfolded. Then every step threat- ened to precipitate him to the ground. The symptoms were es- sentially those of locomotor ataxy. The tactile sensibility was unimpaired, the loins had the normal sensibilitj', urination and defecation were natural and the appetite remained good. After ten months he showed loss of condition, dullness of the special senses, stupor, and a special sensitiveness about the head, and resented its handling. Lesio7is. Thirteen months after the commencement of the at- tack this horse was destroyed and the cord was found to be profoundly altered by fibroid degeneration of the neuroglia and absorption of the nerve elements (cells and fibres), the lesions affecting different portions of the gray horns, and the columns — superior, lateral and inferior. The affected portion of the cord usuall}^ shows in man a grayish, opaque or translucent appear- ance, with in some cases a shrunken a.spect and undue firmness of texture, with at points, centres of softening. If hardened, the .sclerosed sections take the carmine .stain deeply, but the osmic acid or haeniatoxylin stain very slightly, contiary to what holds in health. In recent cases there is onl}^ slight thickening of the neuroglia, but when the disease is advanced the trabeculse are thick, den.se, and firm, and the nerve fibres have largely dis- appeared. The coats of the blood vessels adjacent to the .sclerosis are thickened and their lumen is narrowed. Thickening of the meninges is not uncommon, either confined to those covering the diseased portion of the cord or extending completely around it. Atrophy of the nerve roots is often appreciable by the naked eye. Diagnosis. Tliis depends largely on the fact that the condition Chro7iic Myelitis. Sclerosis. 167 follows an acute attack of myelitis, on the][supervention of mus- cular weakness and lack of muscular control, whenever the animal is exercised to fatigue, the morbid symptoms subsiding promptly when he is allowed to rest, the aggravation of these symptoms when the patient is blindfolded and a gradual though slow ad- vance of the symptoms with the lapse of time. From arteritis and embolism it is to be distinguished by tlie absence of the local symptoms of pain and tenderness, and by the absence of pulsation in the same artery distal of the obstruction and of improvement by the lapse of time or a run at grass. Treatuient. Unless in the very early stages even a partial re- covery is not to be looked for. By a run at grass or hy gentle well regulated exercise the impaired nerves and mu.scles may be educated to a better control for a limited period but the progress of the disease is not really arrested and the final issue is likely^ to be ruinous. Even in man, where 90 per cent, of the cases are connected with syphilis, the fibroid, hyperplasia (sclerosis) is not remedied asgummata are, by mercury and iodides. In thesoliped, where no such specific disease can be charged, the repair of the structural changes is no more hopeful. The many different methods of treatment in man, — electricity, blisters, firing, stretch- ing of the spine, stretching, of the sciatic and crural ner- ves,— though inducing transient improvement in many cases, produce no real permanent benefit, and are to be remand- ed to the region of psychic inferences which have little or no place in the therapeutics of the lower animals. Strych- nia, veratrin and other spinal stimulants are of little per- manent value. A general hygienic and corroborative treatment may be used with the view of retarding the progress of the dis- ease rather than of curing it. Open air exercise, sunshine, suc- culent pasturage, an ample supply of pure water, and active grooming are valuable. Nourishing food is all important. Lecithin or the hypodermic injection of spermin or other rich albuminous animal product is useful. A course of bicarbonate of soda and carbonate of iron with or without bitters may be tried. When the animal must be kept on dry winter food, he should have free access to common salt and water. This favors at once absorption, assimilation, and elimination, and by fostering nu- trition and the removal of waste matters, it contributes to keep 1 68 Veterinary Medicine. the disease in abeyance. Phosphoric acid and the various phos- phates have been largely used and largely rejected, their main value being in the tonic effect on the spinal centres. Trasbot especially recommends the neutral gelatinoid phosphate of lime as having proved especially valuable in his hands. He gave from I grain upward to dogs twice a day. ARTERITIS (THROMBOSIS, EMBOI.ISM ) OF THE SPINAL CORD AND MEMBRANES. Conditions of spinal circiilation favorable to embolism and microbian in- vasion. Slow currents. Blood stasis. Free anastomosis a compensation. Symptoms. Treatment. Facts are wanting with regard to these lesions in the domestic animals, but anatomical, physiological and pathological consider- ation are strongly suggestive of their occurrence. The vascular network of the spinal cord favors a tardy circulation, and this in turn is favorable to the arrest of solid bodies and the delay, pro- liferation atid colonization of microbes. The median spinal artery receives a supply of blood by two trunks, right and left, entering by the intervertebral foramina at each intervertebral articulation. It has not, therefore, one continuous, equable, onward flow, but rather numerous independent currents corre.sponding to the enter- ing vessels, and with intervening eddies or areas of comparative stagnation. The nervous material of the cord admits no large arteries but only capillary trunks which anastomose freely in its substance. This would seem to entail a sluggish flow, which would favor microbian arrest and colonization, even if the small size of the vessels serves to shut out clots of any material size. Finally the abundant venous plexus, and especially the two lateral venous sinuses, communicating freely with each other and, through each intervertebral foramen, with the extra spinal veins determine a similar tardy flow that should be favorable to morbid proces.ses. If we pa.ss back of these vessels, we find the posterior aorta to be at once the largest and the mo.st direct channel for the entrance of emboli coming from the left heart or lungs. This danger is counteracted in greater part by the fact that the greater Arteritis of the Spinal Cord and Membranes. 169 part of this blood passes into the large vessels which supply the liver, spleen, kidneys, stomach, bowels, and hind limbs, and while embolism is well known in these parts it has not been demonstrated as yet in the spinal cord. The toxins produced in infectious diseases and circulated in the blood can often lead to destruction of the endothelium, and inflammation of the deeper structures. In this way any circulating microbes find a ready in- fection atrium. Hektoen seems to have demonstrated this in the case of tubercular meningitis. By pressure of the neoplasm on the vessel or by fibroid thickening and contraction of the walls of the vessel, the subsidiary cord is denied its full supply, and degenera- tion of the nervous substance is invited. In the human subject degeneration of the cord has been shown to follow the line of such diseased arteries. Thrombosis follows in every ca.se in which the serous coat is Mivolved, and embolism can easily occur from clots small enough to enter the capillary vessels. Lamy's experiment of blocking the small arteries with inert powder, shows that this will give rise to foci of hemorrhagic .soften- ing, which connnence in the gray .substance. The blocking, how- ever, must be multiple to produce any material effect, as the free anastomosis of the .spinal capillaries otherwise secures an abund- ant blood supply to adjacent parts. In case of an infective em- bolism the disease will advance even if the obstruction is single. The general symptoms of these conditions would depend on the exact seat of the lesion, and treatment would have to proceed on general principles, the object being to check the inflammatory conditions, and trust to the vis medecatrix natnra- in connection with rest and good hygienic conditions. HEMORRHAGES INTO THE SPINAE MEMBRANES. Meningeai, vSpinal Apoplexy. H.-5;matorrachis. 2. Hemor- rhage INTO THE Spinal Cord. Spinal Apoplexy. H^M ATOM YELI A . Definition. Causes: violent exertion, blows, falls, morbid blood, fract- ures, caries, tumors, tubercle, aneurisms. Lesions : Clot between or outside membranes in meningeal haemorrhage, in gray matter and even in white in myelon bleeding. Cord bulges. If survives, nervous matter absorbed. Symptoms : Sudden stiffness or palsy of given areas ; spasms more common in meningeal extravasation. Rapid muscular wasting. No fever at first. Treatment : cold to part ; slings ; atropia, ergot, lead acetate. Later as for myelitis. Large clot may warrant surgical interference. In tlie first of these forms the bleeding takes place between the arachnoid and the two contiguous membranes — pia and dura, or outside the dura. In the second it takes place into the substance of the cord though it may encroach on the pia mater. Both con- ditions have been attributed to violent mu.scular efforts or con- tractions as in draught, racing, fighting, leaping, tetanic con- vulsions, al.so to blows on the back, or falls from a height. Mor- bid states of the blood in which there is a hemorrhagic tendency (scurvy, purpura, haemophilia, anthrax) may be contributory caitses. Spinal fractures, aneurisms, caries, tumors, and tubercle may be additional causes. Lesions. In meningeal bleeding the clot is found outside the dura, or between the dura and arachnoid which may or may not be ruptured. A clot on the pia mater may press seriously on the cord or may cause rupture of the arachnoid. In hemorrhage of the cord, the effusion usually begins in the gray matter, though it may extend far into the white. It may be circumscribed to half an inch in diameter or affect almost the entire length of the cord. The cord may be distinctly enlarged at the point of effusion, and in exceptional cases the blood may have broken through to the membranes. If the patient survives, absorption and degenerations of the cord are inevitable. Symptoms. In both forms there is a sudden attack, with 170 spina Bifida. 171 stiffness or paralysis of given muscles and without hyperthermia. Rigidity and spasms of the muscles are more characteristic of meningeal hemorrhage, and early paralysis of the spinal. An early hypersesthesia is also most significant of an effusion in the cord. Rapid muscular atrophy is also characteristic of this. The two conditions resemble meningitis and myelitis but come on much more suddenly and are unattended by fever. Treafment. Such cases are not hopeful. Cold to the affected part of the spine, keeping the patient in slings to solicit the good effect of gravitation, and giving ergot or lead acetate internally are among the first indications. Later, the treatment would be practicall}' the .same as for meningitis or myelitis. In case of complete paralysis from the sudden formation of a large clot, it has even been advised to cut down on the seat of the injury and evacuate the blood, using antiseptic precautions. SPINA BIFIDA. This is an elastic swelling consisting of the .spinal meninges enclosing a liquid, and in some cases the spinal cord as well, and protruding between the unclo.sed laminae of the verte- bral rings, usually in the region of the sacrum or loins. It is essentially an arrest of development on the part of the vertebrae and enveloping muscles and skin, and an extension of the cord and effusion of the meningeal and central spinal liquids, in the absence of their bony and muscular support. Hydrocephalus is no uncommon complication. The diagnosis may be ba.sed on the presence of an elastic, some- what transparent tumor, projecting from the vertebral spines, at birth. If it contains a .segment of the cord it is usually flatiened, •depre.ssed on the summit and often associated with paralysis. As occurring in the lower animals this need not be treated. In man, careful antisepsis and evacuation followed b}' injection of a solution of iodine 10 grs., iodide of potassium 30 grs., and glyce- rine I oz., have, in favorable cases, secured obliteration of the sac, but even then the recover}' has rarel}' been complete and permanent. Pa^al3^sis and death have usually supervened. SPINAL CARIES. TUBERCULAR OR OTHER INFEC- TIVE DISEASE OF THE VERTEBRA. Spinal caries in old horses, sprains, fractnres, infections ; caries often confined to articulating processes : anatomical form : Oxoido-atloid caries from poll evil, concussions, fights, rachitis. Tubercle of bone and interver- tebral cartilage in cattle. Symptoms : distortion, stiffness, rigidity ; stands day and night, sensory and motor paralysis : localization of lesion ; dyspnoea ; spastic palsy back of lesion ; effect on tail, sphincters. Diagnosis : progres- sive tenderness and stiffness of spine, distortion, localized exaltation or de- pression of nervous function, osteoporosis, rachitis, caries, tubercle, melano- ma, abscess, infectious disease. Treatment: Sling in narrow stall, good food, pure air, sunshine, tonics, phosphates. As .seen in the htiman subject spinal caries is usually tubercular and is known as ' ' PotV s disease. ' ' As seen in old horses it appears to be rather a result of other infections, especially purulent, and may have started in connection with traumatic or mechanical in- juries to the bones and ligaments. In such cases I have seen it repeatedly in hollow backed hor.ses in which the line of the .spine descended abruptly and extremel}' from the withers and rose again to the sacrum. The distortion was so great that the back appeared as if it could barely sustain the weight of the animal and yet the patients were kept at work and proved useful for light driving. Post mortem examination showed extensive caries and suppuration of the vertebral bodies, confined, however, to one or two segments as if due to a mechanical lesion. In the region of the loins it is much more likely to affect the articulations of the vertebral rings, because of the manner in which the.se are wedged into each other when the spine is pressed downward. In the neck where the normal movement is so nuich freer such injuries are much less common. Caries affecting the articular surfaces of the axoido — atloid joint is by no means uncommon. It may follow poll evil, or injuries stistained when a horse runs against a wall, or in the fights of bulls or rams. Disease of the vertebrce may be of the nature of rachitis occurring in this case ife. In cattle the di.sease is liable to be tubercular in which ca.se, not only is the bone invaded but the morl^id process extends to the 172 spinal Caries. Infective Diseases of the Vertebra'. 173 intervertebral cartilage and projecting, presses on the spinal meninges and cord. It may even encircle the entire spinal cavit}' and strangle the cord. If the pus should extend downward it may form abscess under the spine, and rupture into an internal cavity or externally. Symptoms. Injuries and disease of the vertebrae may last for a length of time without implicating the spinal cord or nerves. They may then cause only distortion, with stiffness or rigidity of the spinal column. When, however, the displacement of the in- jured, carious or tubercular bones, the distension of the abscess or the increa.se of the hyperplasia leads to pressure on the nerve roots, the meninges or cord, nervous symptoms are like- ly to be developed. Compression of the nerve root.s — sen.sorj- or motor — ma}' cau.se sensory or motor paralj'sis or both, limited to particular areas the outline of which will point to the precise seat of the lesion. If in the recti of the head and other mu.scles of the neck, it points to the anterior cervical vertebrae. If in the fore limbs, it points to the po.sterior bones of the neck. The implication of the diaphragm would in- criminate the fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae. If in the crural muscles or tho.se of the quarter and thigh, the lumbar vertebrae must be looked to. The implication of the nerves of the back, while impairing the functions of the intercostal and abdominal muscles, produce le.ss marked symptoms than when the limbs are involved. When the disease extends deeper so as to implicate the men- inges and especially the cord, there is evidence of impairment or interruption of conduction in the cord in addition to the simple involving of the nerves that emerge at that point. Thus serious disease or pressure on the cervical part of the cord in front of the fourth vertebra will make respiration difficult or impossible and .speedy asphyxia may ensue. The paralysis of all parts behind the lesion is overlooked, in view of the fatal nature of the paralysis of the intercostals and diaphragm. If the interruption of conduction is incomplete there may be spastic paralysis and hyperaesthesia in the limbs and trunk back of the lesion. If the dorsal cord is involved so as to render conduction im- perfect there will be at first imperfect control of parts posterior to 174 Veterinaiy Medicine. the lesion, and when still further implicated, flaccid or spastic paralysis, especially of the hind limbs and tail. When it impli- cates the lumbar region in addition to the paralysis named for the dorsal, there will be incontinence of urine and even relaxa- tion of the anal sphincter. In a case of acute tuberculosis in a cow, supervening on an ancient tuberculous lesion, as seen by the author, there were imperfect control of the hind limbs and un- certain gait, with tenderness of the dorsal region as if the animal had sprain of the back. Diagnosis of these cases of vertebral disease may not always be possible in the early stages, yet the symptoms of progressive tenderness and stiffness in the region of the spine, the distortion in some instances of the spinal column, the subsequent appear- ance of localized motor and sensory symptoms, and later still the spasms or spastic paralysis in all parts behind the seat of the lesion, will be strongl)^ suggestive of such a disease. When in- dications exist of osteoporosis, rachitis, or tuberculosis, of caries, abscess, or infectious lesions of the cervical or dorsal spinal region, the inference is still stronger. Then if reaction occurs under the tuberculin test, or if the urine contains an excess of phosphates in the herbivora, the case may be diagnosed with certainty. Treatment. This will rarely be admissible on account of the expense and uncertainty of result. Some meat animals may be killed for food. If otherwise, keep in narrow stall where the animal cannot turn even the head, feed from moderate level to avoid movement of the spine by the upward and downward movements of the head. Gentle brushing is useful as a means of cleanliness, and of toning up the muscular sy.stem. Nourish- ing food of an easily digestible kind is essential, and pure air and sunshine are important auxiliaries. A course of cod liver oil with bitters may be given to improve the general health, cal- cium sulphide may be tried in case of suppurative caries, and calcium phosphate will usually be desirable to improve the nutri- tion and consistency of the osseus system. In case of a valued patient which it is desirable to preserve for reasons of sentiment or affection, or for breeding purposes, one might be warranted in continuing a long and expensive course of treatment, but in the regular run of cases considerations of humanity and economy would counsel the prompt destruction of the animal. SLOW COMPRESSION OF SPINAL CORD. PARALYSIS. Causes : Caries, vertebral diseases and lesions, neoplasms, actinomycosis, tubercle, abscess, organizing exudates, parasites. Melanoma, cholesteatoma, sarcoma, papilloma, lipoma, glioma, chrondroma. Symptoms : advance insensibly, or by sudden leap with exudate, spasm, paresis, transverse, senses clear, muscular atrophy, advance from behind forward. Cervical, dorsal, lumbar lesions. Bladder, sphincters, tail. Symptoms increased by move- ment. Treatment : according to lesion. Tumors, hopeless. Blood clots, Actinomycosis. Analgesics. Electricity. Causes. Slowly progres.sive compression of the cord has been already noted as resulting from caries and other disea.ses of the vertebrae. It remains to notice stich as result from the growth of tumors and other neoplasms in the spinal canal. In the horse these are commonly melanoma (in white horses), sarcoma, en- cephaloid, papilloma, cholesteatoma, and osteoma ; in cattle, beside tubercle and actinomycosis, have been found sarcoma, lipoma, osteoma and glioma ; and in dogs sarcoma and chon- dro-sarcoma. Chronic ab.scesses may be met with in all ani- mals determining the same class of symptoms by slow pressure. In the same manner exudates in process of organization contract, and are liable to compress the myelon. Cadeac draws attention to a calcic degeneration of exudates in the dura mater of the dog (o.ssifying pachymeningitis), and of ossification of the inter- vertebrse cartilages with vegetations on their surfaces. Para.sites also exercise a growing pressure, especially echinococcus, in cattle cysticercus mediocanellata, in sheep and dogs coenurus, and in pigs and dogs cysticercus cellulo.sa. Melanoma. In gray and white horses, with dis.seminated melanosis, the spinal canal is often involved, the pigmentary sar- coma appearing in small formations and sometimes large enough to determine injurious pressure. In the early stages these may cause .stiffness and lameness referable to particular muscles or groups, varying in situation, even as to the limbs affected, at successive dates, and finall}^ merging into paraplegia. Cholesteatoma is less common than in the encephalon, yet one is reported by Dexler as attached to the pia mater and pos- sessed of great firmness, crisply crackling under the knife. It 175 176 Veterinary Medicine. doubtless secures accretions under meningeal exudates like those of the choroid plexus. Sarcoma and encephaloid are usually found in connection with the dura mater, and of small size, but numerous. They often surround the roots of the spinal nerves, and here as on the cord exert sufficient pressure to impair nervous function. Papilloma has been found connected with the pia mater and of marked vascularity. The author has found one in the ewe in a case of the neura.sthenia of advanced gestation. Lipoma is also rare. O.sseous growths are common, being favored by sprains and injuries. All show a marked predilection for the lumbar and last dorsal vertebrae. This may be partly ex- plained by the liabilit}' to injury and to disease invasion through the interlocking of the joint surfaces of the rings. Osteophytes growing from the intervertebral cartilage are common in the dor- sal region as well. Glioma has been found in cattle, occupying the substance of the cord itself and growing to the size of a hen's q%^ or even of the closed fist. The cord is gradually atrophied and paraplegia is inevitable. Chrondro-sarcoma has been found growing from the inter- vertebral fibro cartilage of dogs. The Symptoms may be deferred for a length of time on account of the accommodation of the myelon to the slowh' increasing pressure. When they do become manifest, it is usually at fir.st by insensible gradations so that for a time their existence is question- able. Yet a case will sometimes reach a sudden climax, by reason of a blood extravasation or inflammatory exudate, and the signs of sudden pressure or acute myelitis or meningitis superveiie. In the absence of sudden access of trouble, the symptoms are those of a slow increase of motor troubles (local paresis, paralysis, paraplegia), or sensory (hyperaesthe.sia, ansesthesia). Spasms may occur early or even later in the disease. From disorders due to cerebral lesions the morbid phenomena are distinguished by being paraplegic rather than hemiplegic ; .sensori-motor rather than sensory or motor ; local rather than general ; with intelligence and special senses clear, rather than dull or abolished ; associated with marked muscular atrophy in the affected parts ; advancing from behind forward rather than uniform throughout the body. Slozv Compressio7i of Spinal Cord. Paralysis. 177 The area of nervous disorder points more or less clearly to the seat of the lesion. Early implication of the fore limbs, and then later of the hind, suggests lesion of the cervical region. Dyspnoea tumultuous heart action, or vertigo may coincide. Tardy move- ments of the hind limbs, imperfect balancing, dragging, swaying, knuckling, involuntary flexions of stifle or hock, flexor con- tractions, standing on toe, cramps, paraplegia, indicate lesion in the dorsal or lumbar region. There may be palsy of the rectum, anus, bladder, sphincter vesicae, penis, and vulva. Paralysis or other nervous disorder of the tail and sphincters ani and vesicae, without implication of the hind limbs or quarters, may bespeak lesion in the terminal end of the spinal cord. With paralysis of the bladder the penis may be pendent out of the sheath, or being retained witiiin it, the urine may dribble constanth' into and from that cavity, and the vulva ma}' be .soft and flaccid. When the anus is involved, the adjacent part of the rectum usually participates becoming overloaded, the sphincter is soft and lax and allows a constant oozing, and the exposure of the mucosa. The paralytic tail hangs between the thighs, limp and flaccid, and becomes saturated with maiuire and in females with urine. Even in the earlier stages the symptoms are usuall}' greatly aggravated by compulsorj' movements like turning in a circle, walking up hill, or (in dogs) up a stair, the arched back, the pendent head, and hesitating planting of the foot suggests walk- ing on pins. For a more exact localization of the lesion the reader may consult the table indicating the functions of the different parts of the spinal cord. The early fatigue under exer- cise grows as in other progressive spinal lesions. Treatment. In most cases this is hopeless. Tumors, bony and calcic growths, tubercles, degenerations and absorption of nervous tissue are practically beyond remedy. A blood extra va.sation may be largely absorbed, leaving only the permanent changes in the nervous tissue. In this time is the main element. Actino- m3'co.sis may sometimes be .successfully met by a course of potas- sium iodide, when, if the nervous lesions are slight, a fair re- covery may be secured. In the majority of cases, however, the practitioner is limited to measures for palliation of suffering by atropia, chloral, phenacetin, etc., or by nerve .stimulants like 12 178 Veterinary Medicine. nux in small doses, or by weak currents of electricity. In meat producing animals, it is often the best course to fatten rapidly, or to turn over at once to the butcher. DILATATION OF THE CENTRAL CANAL OF THE SPINAL CORD. SYRINGOMYELIA. This means literally a cavity in the spinal cord but is applied to cavities formed by dilatation of the central spinal canal, or by an excavation in the nervous tissue immediately adjacent and usually communicating with a dilated segment of the canal. In man it is usually the result of an active proliferation of the epithelial cells of the canal, blocking the same, or extending into the adjacent nervous tissue in the form of a glioma. In different cases in dogs it occurred as the result of pressure. It has been .seen in dogs, cats and Guinea pigs, as a casual lesion and as the result of experiment. In a case reported by Lienaux it extended for practically the whole length of the cord, varying in form and size at different points. In the lumbar portion it was only slightly dilated, in the dorsal it was very irregular with prolongations into the gray mat- ter, toward the cervical enlargement, its transverse section re- .sembled an inverted V, and in the anterior cervical part it was unevenly rounded. Notable changes were cell proliferation and subsequent degeneration with the formation of cavities, thicken- ing of the neuroglia, and compression and even obliteration of the vessels with circum.scribed areas of necrosis, terminating also in cavity formation. Symptoms. These vary with the nervous structures invaded, atrophied or destroyed. Invasion of the anterior horns of gray matter, causes trembling and muscular wasting. The implication of the superior horns determines more or less marked anaesthesia. Hyperaestliesia, spasms, paresis and paraplegia are also seen but no symptom nor group of symptoms is diagnostic of the exact lesion. Treatment is manifestly hopeless. NEURASTHENIA IN PREGNANT EWES. Causes : inactivity, lowered muscular and nervous tone, twin pregnancy, approach of parturition, dry (clover hay) ration, concurrent diseases. Symp- toms : moping, anorexia, depression, stupor, blindness, paresis, lethargy. Prevention : open air life, exercise, high muscular condition, avoidance of debilitating and relaxing conditions. Treatment : hygienic, nerve tonics, attend to concurrent diseases. Neurasthenia has been defined as an incompetency of the nervous S3^stenl, leading to early fatigue, and inability to recuper- ate from the prostrate condition. Pending a better knowledge of the affection, I have given this name to an asthenic affection seen in pregnant ewes when nearing the completion of the period of gestation. Causes. In a large number of cases I have found several con- ditions so constant, not to say invariable, that the)' seem to de- serve special attention in the list of causes : ist. Enforced inactivity. In every instance that has come under my notice the ewes have been confined for .several months to a barn or at most a confined yard so that exercise became im- possible. The mu.scular system was flabb}' and .soft, although as a rule there was abundance of fat, and the number of red globules did not vary much from the normal. In an animal that is natur- ally ,so active, and so accustomed to outdoor life the reduction of tone and vigor is to be expected. The same evil shows in other directions, thus after a snowy winter and clo.se confinement the crop of lambs will .sometimes perish of goitre without exception, while in subsequent j'ears, with enforced exercise of the ewes, practicalh^ all escape. 2d. Twin lambs have been found in the womb of almo.st every case examined. The extra drain upon the .sj'stem, and the de- pressing action of the load on an atonic ewe together with the .symptomatic irritation are to be noted. 3d. The near approach of the completion of gestation, the cumulative effect of a long pregnancy, and perhaps the absorption of metabolic products from the foetal membranes in course of prepar- tion for detachment, and of leucomaines from the physiologically 179 i8o Veterinary Medicine. active or developing mammae, doubtless have a prostrating influ- ence on the susceptible nervous system. 4th. All had been fed on clover hay either as an exclusive diet or as part of their ration. This is sufficiently nutritive, as testi- fied by the fat condition of the patients, but it may be that it was too nitrogenous for such an inactive life. Again the clover hay usually abounds in cryptogams and bacteria and their products, which ma}' have contributed somewhat to the asthenia. 5th. Concurrent diseases, in individual cases or flocks, mani- festly contributed to the general loss of nervous power. In .some the bowels were studded with the nodules of the oesophagostoma, in others oestrus larvae had extensively invaded the nasal sinuses, one had congestion of the mucosa of the small intestines, some had congestion and fatty degeneration of the liver, others had fatty kidneys, and one had a papilloma pressing on the spinal cord. Manifestly diseases and degenerations of various kinds would still further undermine nervous energy and add to the atony. Cold and heat did not seem to dominate, as most were kept in warm barns, and wore heavy winter fleeces, while one clipped early in December, and kept in an atmosphere of 40° to 55°, was attacked in the second week of January. As this experience was had in a goitre district it may become a question whether the poi.son of this disease was a causative factor. Goitre was not a prominent feature in either ewes or lambs. Symptoms. Variable. The most prominent are, leaving the flock, moping alone, grinding the teeth, drooping and trembling of head and ears, temperature normal or subnormal (100.5°), respiration 24, pulse 80, feeds and ruminates sparingly, bowels normal, buccal mucosa pale, conjunctiva In'peraemic, in some cases stupor and partial blindness, the animal walking against racks or fences, walk is slow and unsteady, the muscles feel soft and flabby, the abdomen may be full, but its walls are quite flaccid so that the lambs can be easily felt. As the di.sease ad- vances all .symptoms are aggravated, food is no longer taken, rumination cea.ses, the ewe remains recumbent, cannot be made to ri.se, and when lifted and carried makes no struggle. After 24 hours of this helpless condition death supervenes. In .some A^enritis. Perincicritis. i8i instances labor pains have come on and the ewe has perished in a vain effort at delivery. Ilhiess lasted about a week. Prominent lesions have been noted under causes. It need only be added that no notable difference frr-m the normal was found in making a count of the red globules, and the size of the in- dividual globule was normal or only perceptibh^ smaller as is to be expected in a dense plasma. In different cases there was found congestion of the abomasum, small intestine, liver and brain. Prevention . The most important measure is to maintain a strong, well-developed muscular system, and a vigorous nervous tone by a sufftciency of out door exercise during the winter months. Half a mile or a mile at least should be given daily to the breeding ewes, no matter what the attendant difhculties. If clover hay is musty it should be replaced in whole or in part by another kind. Parasites and other diseases which tend to lower the general tone should be appropriately treated. Treatnic7it. When once established, the disease has not been successfully treated. Nerve tonics are indicated. NEURITIS. PERINEURITIS. Definition. Causes : traumas, poke, stanchions, collar, yoke, interfering, neurectomy, fractures, tumors, callus, rheumatism, gout, violent over-dis- tension. Lesions : nerve sheath red, swollen, exudate, leucoc3'tes in excess, fibroid thickening, nerve atrophy, degeneration, axis granular, myelin in oily globules, peripheral extension. Muscular degeneration and atrophy. Symptoms : tenderness, swelling, muscular atony, wasting, spasms, twitch- ing, decreased excitability, paralysis, in section swelling on proximal end. Prognosis : disability for weeks, months or year ; response to electric cur- rent, operability of tumors, ctirability of rheumatism or gout, hopeful con- ditions ; long standing degeneration, etc., unpromising. Treatment : rest, soothe, anodynes, splint with soft pad, essential oils, lead and opium lotion, ice, snow ; derivatives ; laxatives ; diuretics, anti-rheumatics, Faradisation. Definition. Inflammation of a nerve leading to paraly.sis of the parts to which it is distributed. Causes. Traumatism is the most common factor. Among the common examples are injury of the seventh nerve above the 1 82 Veterinary Medicine. angle of the lower jaw, by a poke worn in pasture by the horse, or by stanchions in the cow. Hogs may suffer from blows of the triangular neck gear worn to prevent them from breaking through fences. Blows by the yoke, incised and contused wounds implicat- ing the nerve, such as neurectomy, and the blows received in in- terfering, and compression by tumors or bou}' growths, are familiar examples. Fractures with displacement, notably those of the sacrum and proximal end of the coccyx with caudal paraly- sis, are not uncommon. In fractures of the limbs the pressure upon or wounding of a nerve. Again, the callus on the seat of fracture may induce neuritis by pressure, as maj- also the projec- tion of the end of a bone in luxation. Rheumatism affecting the nerve sheaths and, in birds and swine, gout, are additional factors. Violent overdistension, and even chronic muscular spasm, are quoted as causes. Lesions. The early changes are mainly in the connective tissue sheath, which becomes hypersemic, red and swollen, with a gela- tinoid exudate and a great multiplication of leucocytes. Later, the interfibrillar connective tissue is involved and the nervous substance proper undergoes hypersemia and degeneration. The axis cylinder undergoes granular degeneration and the myelin breaks up into oil-like globules. The lesions are at first limited in extent, though there may be more than one focus, and the re- sulting degeneration of the nervous filaments advances towaid the periphery in accordance with Waller's law by which disease changes proceed rapidly in parts cut off from their trophic cells. The mu.scles supplied by the inflamed nerves also rapidly degenerate. The fibres shrink in size, and lose their striated appearance, becoming distinctly granular, and pale. Round cells are formed in excess in the sarcolemma and muscular fibre, and if the morbid condition persists there is fibroid degeneration, cir- rhosis and contraction. Symptoms. \w the absence of the subjective element of pain, which is the nio.st constant symptom in man, we must rely mainly on the exquisite tenderness on pre.ssure along the line of the nerve, but localized at some particular point, on the swelling at such tender point and on tlie loss of muscular power or even of sensation in the tissues corresponding to its peripheral distribu- tion. The muscles may be hypersensitive and are usually flaccid Netiritis. Perinenntis. 183 if not from actual paralysis, still from the pain which attends on their contraction. In some cases they are the seat of clonic spasms or twitching. Under a current of electricity they show a decreased irritability which bears a direct relation to the grade of degeneration wliich has occurred in the nerve fibres. In cases of deep-seated neuritis paralysis may be the only appreciable symp- tom. In traumatic injuries like bruises of the seventh nerve or fracture of the sacrum the local swelling and tenderness are marked initial sj-mptoms, upon which supervene the paralysis and atrophy of the mu.scles cut off from full innervation. In neurec- tomy the tender swelling in the stump which is still in connection with the nerve centre ma}' amount to a distinct neuroma, while the peripheral and detached portion of the nerve steadily loses its irritability as shown b}^ electric stimulus. Prognosis. This will depend on the nature of the lesion. A single transverse .section of a nerve, without loss of substance may be repaired in a few months, while with lo.ss or degeneration of a considerable part of its substance it may maintain a paralysis for years or even permanently. L,esions due to .slight bruises may recover in a few weeks, while the more .severe ones will persist for months or years. The response to electric stimulus distal of the lesion, is a guarantee of the absence of degeneration and a feature hopeful of recovery. Pressure by bony displacement or neoplasia must be done awa)^ with as the first condition of improvement in such cases. Rheumatic and gouty cases will per.sist until these constitutional infirmities are corrected. If the neuritis and paralysis have lasted for any length of time, the degeneration of the muscles will keep up a degree of nm.scular weakness (and if in the limbs lameness) after the repair of the nerve has been completed. Treatment. Rest is the fir.st consideration accompanied by soothing and anodyne application to the inflamed nerve. When neuritis exists in a limb a softly padded splint may be useful at first. The skin over the inflamed nerve may be rubbed by one or a combination of the anodN^ie essential oils, (oil of cajeput, oil of peppermint, oil of lavender). If the pain and tenderness are extreme, a bag of ice or snow may give relief and should be kept applied for a length of time. Or hot fomentations with a lotion of lead and opium may be preferred especially in rheumatic cases. 184 VeteriJiary Medicine. If blisters seem to be called for, aqua ammonia and oil of turpen- tine may be added to the essential oils, or muriatic acid may be applied with a glass rod in points along the line of nerve. A laxative of Epsom or Glauber salts will often prove of great value at the outset and may be followed by diuretic doses of potassium iodide, potassium nitrate or acetate, and in rheumatic cases sodium salicylate. In these last forms, as also in gout, the car- bonates and acetates of the alkalies, colchicum, and salicylates are especially to be persisted with. In these, too, rubefacients and blisters are often of essential value and may be repeated again and again. Faradism is of little account during the active stage of neuritis excepting as a test of the progress and extent of the degeneration, but when inflammation has subsided nothing contributes more to the restoration of the tone and healthy nutrition of both nerve and muscle. The current is to be sent along the line of the pare- tic nerve and muscles for ten or fifteen minutes at a time and not less than once a day. NEURAIvGIA. Intermittent or remittent pains, in line of nerve without inflammation, or other structural lesion. Diagnosis: lameness, stiffness of particular mus- cles having a common nerve. Unnatiiral position habitual. Pain of inflam- mation and of neuralgia. No functional change. Rheumati.sm. Tumors. Causes : lead, rheumatism, gout, auto-poisons, cold, anaemia, reflex. Facial neuralgia, occipito-cervical, dorso-intercostal, lumbo-abdominal, sciatic. Treatment: elimination, of lead, etc.; intestinal antiseptics, tonics, hot water, anodynes, arsenic. This is characterized by pain paroxysmal, intermittent or re- mittent situated in the course of given nerves. It must be a pure neurosis and unaccompanied by any specific structural lesion like inflammation, degeneration, atrophy, hypertrophy, tumor or the like. It is therefore manifested subjectively and cannot be easily identified in the lower animals. Nevertheless, Eafosse, Zundel, Genee, and others have recorded cases, their conclusion being de- duced from symptoms which were held to indicate nervous suffer- Neuralgia. 185 iiig in the absence of any structural lesion whatever. A priori one can with difficulty escape the conviction that neuralgia must exist in the lower animals as in man, and the only drawback to its recognition is the difficulty of diagnosis. The first step in such diagno.sis nmst usually be the presence of lameness, stiffness or indisposition to free movement of some par- ticular muscle or group of muscles deriving their innervation from a particular nerve. Or there may be a particular position habitu- ally assumed such as semi-closed eyelids, drawn back ears, laterally inclined neck which strongly suggests nervous suffering. Next, there mu.st be the exclusion of any appreciable structural cause and especially of inflammation. The three prominent features of the pain of inflammation is that it is aggravated by pressure, it is heightened by movement, and it is accompanied by some decided alteration of the function of the part. If there are at the same time exudation and swelling, inflammation is all the more certainly indicated. In a neuralgic pain on the contrary pressure does not increase the pain : it may even alleviate it : movement of the part may be rather satisfactory to the patient than painful ; and the disturbance of function, contractile, secretory, trophic, is not per- ceptible. There is no local exudation nor swelling to account for the nervous disorder. The liability to confound the affection with a neuritis more centrally situated, but the pain of which is referred to the peri- phery of the nerve, is to be obviated by a tracing of the nerve along its course to the nerve centre .so as to identify any centre of tenderness, and also by the implication of all the peripheral branches coming off ectal of that point. Again, rheumatism may be easily confounded with neuralgia, but here the affected nerve and muscle and even the skin over it is liable to be very tender to the touch or pinch, and if at all acute some hyperthermia is present. Like rheumatism, neuralgia shows a tendency to shift from place to place. Pains due to pressure on the nerves by tumors, aneurisms, and other swellings, are constant, whereas neuralgic pains are marked by remissions and aggravations and even by intervals of complete relief. Cajises. The toxic neuralgias are illu.strated by chronic lead poisoning, in which, in man, there are wandering pains like those 1 86 Veteri7iary Medicine. of rheumatism, and in the lower animals muscular stiffness and contractions which suggest a similar condition. In man, too, gout is a common factor, and in pigs and birds in which this con- dition exists, stiffness and evidence of suffering may well be at times attributed to a similar cause. How many other forms of chronic metallic poisoning and poisoning by morbid autochtho- nous products of indigestion are attended by di.sorders of innerva- tion and nutrition, it is as j^et impossible to say. The direct action of cold, an anaemic condition of the nerves, and reflex action from distant sources of irritation are among the other in- voked causes. Inflammation in the nervi nej'voriim is also invoked as a factor, but in this case the S5aiiptoms would not accord with the rule given above, since the nerve trunks would be very tender to touch or pressure, and the suffering would be unshifting and shown permanently in the one seat. Facial Neuralgia. Lafosse and Zundel describe as cases of this kind those in which periodically the horse's eyes are fixed and slaining, the ears drawn back and depressed as in vice, the head at intervals bent on the neck, with plaintive neighing, rub- bing the head on the stall and pawing. Those cases of twitching of the head or rapid jerking of the ears in horses, when the}^ have been driven for some distance, and which are relieved b}'^ wearing a close net over the nostril or by section of the trifacial nerve at the infra-orbital foramen, manifestly partake of this character. Cervico-Occipital Neuralgia. L,atosse speaks of this as often mistaken for torticolis, tlie head being turned to the af- fected side during the paroxysms. In man this is often a result of cold draughts on the back of the head, and associated with tender points on the course of the nerve, between the mastoid and the median line. Dorso-intercostal neuralgia causes pain in deep in.spiration, and lumbo-abdominal neuralgia develops tenderness in the loins, in one testicle, or in one lip of the vulva according to Lafosse. Diagnosis between such cases and neuritis, spinal disease, and other obscure nervous affections must be very problematical. Sciatic Neuralgia. This is described by Zundel as causing jerking and lameness in the affected limb, sometimes aggravated Neuralgia. 187 and sometimes improved b}^ work and associated with muscular weakness or paresis. Sciatica in man is, however, rarely a simple neuralgia, but partakes rather of the nature of a neuritis, and there is no good reason for supposing that the disease of this nerve in the lower animals is other than an inflammatory condition. Iveclainche after consideration of the te.stimou}' adduced, is of the opinion that we still lack absolute evidence of uncomplicated neuralgia in the domestic animals. T^-eatment. For toxic cases elimination of the poison is the first consideration. For /«?«^ carefully graduated doses of iodide of potas.sium to carry off the offending agent without increasing its poisonous action must be continued as long as the metal is passed b}' the urine. It may be followed by a course of strychnia, by electricity, massage and blisters. Gouty subjects may be treated with salicylate of .soda, alkalies, or colchicum. The vic- tims of Bright' s disease must be treated for the kidney affection. Where there has been trouble of the digestive organs, in- testinal antiseptics (salol, sodium salicylate, bismuth-salicylate, beta napthol) and small doses of arsenious acid will .sometimes benefit. In anaemic conditions a course of tonics (cod liver oil, iron, quinine, nux vomica) are indicated, and, to improve the local blood suppl}', nitro-glycerine. A rich stimulating ration, curr5'ing, an open air life, and sunshine (in summer a run at grass) are called for. In man with a suspicion of traumatic origin, W. H. Thom.son strong!}' advocates a per.severing use of the hot water douche to the parts first affected, the hypodermic use of morphia and atropia, and in case of local anaemia nitrogl3'cerine every three hours. Where there is a suspicion of inflammation he succe.ss- fully employs absolute rest, with opium narcotism so as to abolish the pain, for twent}' days if necessary. Aconite, antipyrin, acetanilid, phenacetin, exaglin, and gelsemium have their advocates, and may benefit in individual cases. A course of arsenic is often successful, and phosphorus and ergot have each proved of value. ATROPHY OF NERVES. From arrest of function, from lesions, pressure, distal, but at times central of lesion. Symptoms : Loss of function advancing to paralysis. Muscle atrophy. Prognosis : in absence of incurable cause, is hopeful. Union of divided ends, restoration of function. Treatment : time, ligature of divided ends. This i.s ustially the result of arrest of ftinction. It may be due to transverse section of the nerve, as in .surgical neurectomy when the .separated peripheral end of the nerve gradually wastes. It may come from contused woimds implicating the nerve and caus- ing destruction of its substance. It may be from tumors or other neoplasms pressing on the trunk of the nerve and preventing the passage of nerve currents. Or, inflammatory effusion may press on the nerve, as happens often to the crural in hsemoglobinuria. Or the pressure may come from enlarged mediastinal glands, or even from the distended posterior aorta under habitual violent exertion ,so as to permanently incapacitate and atroph}' the left re- current laryngeal nerve as in chronic laryngeal paralysis(roaring). Similar wasting occurs in other nerves under corresponding con- ditions. Atroph}' may, however, extend centrally from the peri- pheral end of a nerve when it can no longer remain functionally active. We find an example of this in the atrophy of the optic nerve up to the commissure when the eyeball has been excised. A similar condition is often seen in horses in which the integrit}' of the eye has been completely destroj'ed in connection with re- curring ophthalmia. The syviptovis attendant on atroph}' of a nerve are those of im- paired function gradually advancing to complete paralysis of motion or sensation. In cases of a complete breach of continuity as in section or severe traumatism the entire loss of function nec- essarily precedes the atrophy. Again, when it comes from destructive changes in the coats and media of the eye, and of the ganglionic cells of the retina, the atrophy of the nerve trunk pro- ceeds simultaneously with the lesions of the organ of vision. The diagnosis will in many cases be easy as deduced from the traumatic or surgical lesion. In other cases it may be made with i88 Atrophy of Nerves. 189 certainty from the complete muscular paralysis, wasting and degeneration of the muscles supplied by the nerve, and by the his- tory of the case (haemoglobinuria in atrophy of the triceps exten- sor cruriSj roaring in atrophy of the laryngeal muscles and recur- rent nerve). In other cases, as in the eye, we have the atrophy of the eyeball, the distortion or complete paralj^sis of the iris, the ■opacity of the lens, or the exudation into the vitreous, choroid and retina when these can still be observed. Prognosis will depend on the cause. With a nerve severed with a knife or crushed in a part of its course and atrophied, without destructive changes in the organs in which it is distributed, repair is possible and to he expected in time. Treatment is expectant, yet inflammation must be subdued, tumors removed, divided ends ligatured, etc. DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS. Relative prevalence in man and animals. Causes of difference. Kidneys as eliminating organs for nitrogenous material, toxins, bacteria, mineral, veg- etable and animal poisons, diuretic drinking water, condition powders, cantharides, urea, etc. Suppression of urine, precipitation of urine. Fil- tration through kidney. Secretion. Urinary solids. Nervous control of secretion. Excess. Di.sease.s of the urinary organ.s are less prevalent in the lower animals than in man, owing largely no doubt to the greater sim- plicity of their habits of life and to the comparative shortness of the lives of those that are kept for meat producing. It is a mis- take, however, to suppo.se that they are so infrequent as would appear, since the absence of subjective .symptoms in the animal allows a number of the milder forms of renal disease to be pas.sed over without recognition. In man the excessive consumption of animal food, the lack of exercise, the abuse of alcohol, the prevalence of venereal diseases, conduce largely to renal troubles, while animals in general escape. Yet animals suffer much more extensively than is generally sup- posed. The kidneys are, as in man, the eliminating organs for superfluous and waste nitrogenous matter, and in overfed animals may be overcharged with this work. They are the general emunctories for the .soluble poLsonous products of bacteria and plants, which may stimulate the urinary secretion, and from these irritation may result. It is through the kidneys that the bacteria themselves largely leave the animal body, and trouble is liable to come during their passage. Further, exposure to cold tends to in- crease the urinary secretion, over-stimulating the kidneys, and the same may come from diuretic drinking waters and condition powders, also from cantharides and other diuretic agents applied to the skin. Urea and many toxins are diuretic, hence the oc- currence of polyuria at and after the crisis of fevers. 190 Diseases of the Urinary Organs. 191 On the other hand suppression of the urinary secretion may occur in connection witli profuse perspirations in hot weather, with prolonged diarrhcEa, or with privation of water, and in such cases the hquid becomes concentrated and irritating and there is a disposition to precipitate its sohds under sHght disturbing causes. As conducive to such precipitation may be named foreign sohd bodies, bacterial ferments and probabl}' the goitre poison since gravel and calculus are common in goitrous regions. There are two forms of elimination through the kidneys. Infiltration; 2, secretion. I Filtration is referred to the glomeruli, and is determined by the relative blood pressure. Increase of pressure causes increase of watery transudation. Digitalis increases heart action and arterial pressure, and accidently urination. Excessive consump- tion of water and watery liquids increases intravascular ten- sion, and the amount of urine. 2. Secretion is referred to the columnar epithelium of the convoluted tubes. It is by the elective affinity or selective power of this epithelium that the solids of the urine are ab- stracted from the blood and passed into the urine. Crystals of uric acid have been found in these cells and it is supposed that the abundance of water furnished by the glomeruli, irri- gating these convoluted tubes, dissolves and washes on the various solids and other products with which the epithelial cells are charged. The protoplasm of the cells becomes saturated with the urea, uric acid, hippuric acid coloring matter (indican, urochrome, etc.), and this is washed out, pa.ssing by exosmosis to the liquid of lesser density with which the tubes are filled. Nervous Control of Urinary Secretion. An electric current through the renal plexus of the sym- pathetic (vaso- motor) lessens, or suppresses urinary secretion (inhibition). Cutting the nerves of this plexus causes excessive va.so-di- lation, renal pulsations synchronous with heart beats and arterial pulse, and great increase of urine. A similar increase comes from the application of cold to the surface, from fatigue, from heat exhaustion, from irritation of the floor of the fourth ventricle 192 Veierina?y Medicine. just in front of the origin of the vagus and from section of the splanchnic nerve. This last is, however, nuich less marked and more transient than from section of the renal nerve noted above ; the latter causing dilation of the renal vessels only, and increased pressure, whereas the former causes dilation of the abdominal organs generally, diverting the blood largely to other parts than the kidney and preventing the same increase of pressure in the vessels of the latter. For the same reason transver.se section of the medulla oblongata, or of the .spinal cord as far back as the seventh cervical vertebra, lessens or interrupts the urinary secretion, the pre.ssure in the kidney being reduced by the diversion of much of the blood elsewhere. This influence of the nervous sy.stem on the urinary secretion seems to be mainly or entirely one of increase or decrease of blood pressure in the kidney. For this reason a weak heart tends to lessen urinary secretion. Excessive increase of urine is only important when con- tinuous and in the absence of visible cause, such as diuretics. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE URINE. Color, yellow, red, brown ; horse, ox, calf, sheep, goat, dog, cat, bird. In disease : pale yellow, with water in excess ; deep yellow, red, brown with solids in excess, urobiline, biliverdin, haemoglobin. Extraneous colors. Bilharzia. Translucency : Turbidity : horse, ruminants, carnivora, pig. In disease, horse, other animals. Consistency, viscous, stringy, tarry ; odor, horse, dog, cat, ammoniacal, foetid, drug odor. Specific gravity', estimate of solids ; reaction, acid, alkaline, neutral ; morbid chemical changes, sodium chloride, phosphate, alkaline, earthy, indican, urea, uric acid, hippuric acid, phenol, creatinin, acetone, oxalic acid, allantoin, xanthin, hypoxanthin, cyanuric acid, lencin, albumen, glucose, bile salts and pigments, blood, haemoglobin, epithelium, pus, casts. Color. In estimating the color we must note the various shades of yellow, red and brown and compare these with the normal in different genera of animals, on different food and water, and in different conditions of health. Grades of color may be stated as follows : Yellow : Pale, clear and deep yellows. Red : Reddish j^ellow, yellowish red, and red. Physical Properties of the Urine. 193 Brown : Brownish red, reddish brown and brownish black. Color of Normal Urine. This varies with the species of animal, food, quantity of water drunk, and time of retention in the bladder. Horse : Urine is normalh' clear yellow, brownish yellow, or deep citron 3'ellow, and the color is deepened by rich and abund- ant food (excess of solids) and by exposure to the air (changes in pigments). It may be sulphur white and sedimentary from precipitation of CaCOj when on green food. Ox, Calf, Sheep and Goat: Normal urine clear yellow to wine yellow. In the ox especially it is a pale straw tint, but varies to a deep brown on nitrogenous food (clover, peas, beans, cotton seed, lentils, pea or bean straw). Color may be due to in- dican and sometimes to indicanin or indigo blue, which explains the blue urine sometimes described. Dog : Normal urine is yellow, straw-colored, aniline yellow, honey yellow, to brownish yellow in hot season or on dry nitro- genous food. Is always relatively deeper than in ruminants. Cat : Straw yellow to honey yellow, with variation as in the dog. Pig: Very pale yellow, more highly colored on dry feeding, nuts, peas, etc. Birds: White or yellow, sedimentary. Mixed with faeces in cloaca. Color of Pathological Urine : Pale yellow with excessive secretion glycosuria, polyuria, cryptogamic polyuria, chronic in- terstitial nephritis, under diuretics, or after excessive drinking. The free secretion of a cri.sis in a fever is pale yellow. Deep yellow, deep red, deep brown color, indicates excess of urinary pigment (urobiline) and is deepened b}' nitric acid. This is seen in all hyperthermias with suppressed or diminished secretion, in privation of water, or food. This urine is acid even in herbivora. Yellow, saffron yellow, brownish yellow, greenish, olive, or brownish red indicate the presence of bile pigments (biliver- din, bilirubin) as in jaundice or cholyuria. Bile salts should be tested for. A similar coloration may come from free consump- tion of carrots, or other yellow pigmentary matters. Red, brownish red, blood red, or deep brow^n color im- plies the presence of blood or blood coloring matter in the urine 13 194 Veterhiary Medicine. (haematuria, hsemoglobinuria). Exposed to the air this becomes brown or chocolate in ratio with the amount of blood or blood pig- ment present. Some such cases are complicated by blood clots. Color due to Foreign Constituents. Bronze or black color may come from injection of phenic acid. Deep green or olive green may come from tar, carbolic acid, salol, creosote, or derivatives of benzine taken in. Brownish green comes from thallin and reddens with iron chloride. Brown or blood red from rhubarb or senna. Purple red from santonin, if alkaline (if acid, is reddish yellow ). Red from madder (it is alleged from indigo). Yellow from carrots. Blue (indigo bine) may occur in urine of horse or ox when exposed to the air. Bluish green will come from feeding indigo. White or yellow color will result from the presence of pus. "White, chylous urine occurs with a haematozoon (Bilharzia Crassa) in the blood of cattle. Translucency. Urine may be passed clear and become turbid by standing. The presence of colloids hinders precipitation and prevents clearing. Horse: Urine is generally turbid, especially what has been long in the bladder, and that which is last passed. The turbidity is largely due to precipitation of calcium carbonate and bicarbo- nate, and increases on green food, or if the liquid stands exposed to the air and is cooled. Not unfrequently the salts are thrown down as fine spherical granules, or there may be a white pulta- ceous mass. They are sometimes entangled in extremely mobile cylindroid masses coming from the uriniferous tubes during con- valescence from fevers or during fasting. A fine pellicle on the surface is normal in horse's urine left in the air. Ox, Sheep and Goat : Urine is passed clear. May become turbid through the change of lime carbonate into bicarbonate in cattle but always more slowly than in the horse. Carnivora : Urine is passed clear but becomes turbid on decom- position, or if concentrated. With excess of fat in the food it Physical Properties of the Urine. 195 may become opaque from floating oil globules, apart from the classic clij'luria. Pig : Fed on raw fresh vegetables the urine is clear, but if on cooked or dried vegetables, and especially if nitrogenous, it may show opacity. Pathological: The horse's urine is limpid and acid in polyuria ; limpid and alkaline or neutral with modified phos- phates. It may be morbidly turbid from excess of lime phosphate or sulphate, urea or other acid salts, exudates, leucocytes or pus. These usually indicate nephritis. Mucus and muco-purulent exudate suggest pyelitis or pelvic nephritis. Blood elements indicate nephritis, cystitis or urethritis. Debris of kidney tissue may indicate tuberculosis ; tumors, etc. Turbidity in other animals than solipeds is abnormal : examine the urine. Consistency of Urine. Morbid urine may be gluey, sizy, syrupy, mucous, oily. If a horse's urine is scanty a slight siziness may be normal and due to tenacious mucus from the pelvis of the kidney, and from the solution of mucin and epi- thelium in the alkaline fluid. Viscous, sizy, stringy, and tarry (pitchy) urine is found in pyelitis, pyelo-nephritis, or cystic catarrh, but not in polyuria owing to the presence of the solvent acid. Odor of Urine. This is somewhat aromatic in horse and ox, disagreeable in the dog, and repulsively heavy in the cat. With polyuria the odor is less. If the urine has been re- tained and fermented it is ammoniacal, if there are ulcers or tumors it is foetid, in diabetes it smells of acetone, after taking turpentine it has a violet odor, and after phenic acid, camphor, ether and other drugs it is variously modified. Specific Gravity of Urine in ratio to water 1000 : Horse, 1020 to 1050 (1040) Ox, 1025 1045 (1030) Sheep ; Goat, 1015 1065 (1040) Dog, 1020 1060 (1040) Pig, 1005 1015 (loio) Cat, 1020 1040 (1030) In the horse the urine may be looi to loio in polyuria, in chronic interstitial nephritis, and in a crisis of fever attended bj' 196 Veterinary Medicine. diuresis. It may be 1050 to 1060 in glycosuria. Undissolved solids that are merely suspended in the urine do not affect its density. A rough estimate of solids ma\' be made by multiplying the last two figures of a specific gravity expressed in four figures by 2.33. The result approximates to the number of grammes of solids in 1000 cc. Chemical Reaction of Urine. The liquid is tested by litmus paper, red and blue, weakly impregnated. The normal reaction is determined by the food : the urine of carnivora and sucking herbivora is acid turning blue litmus red : the urine of vege- table feeders is alkaline turning reds blue. In the horse the alkalinity is mainly due toexce.ss of lime bicarbonate, passing, with standing, into lime carbonate, the carbon dioxide being de- rived from organic acids (lactic, malic, citric, etc.), by oxidation. The hippurates are also alkaline in reaction. In dogs the acidity is due to lime and soda phosphates, sulphates, urates and oxalates. Pathologically we find the urine strongly alkaline from the evolution of ammonia from urea, in fermentations occurring with prolonged retention in the bladder or in cystitis. The urine is acid even in herbivora in all fevers in which appetite is lost or seriously impaired, and in wliicli the metabolism is excessive. Chemical Changes in the Urine in Disease. Sodium Chloride, is present in large amount in health (horse 25 to 35 grammes, dog 0.25 to 5 grammes daily) is diminished in fever, auceniia, vLsceral and exudative inflammations. It is increased during the absorption of false membranes and exudates. It is thrown down by adding solution of nitrate of silver, the curd}' white precipitate being insoluble in nitric acid. Phosphates of lime, soda, potash and, scantily, of mag- nesia are normally present (horse 0.08 to 0.60 gramme phos- phoric acid daily ) and are present in excess in digestive disorders and in malnutrition of bones (rachitis, osteoporosis and rheuma- toid arthritis. The alkaline phosphates are very .soluble and never precipitated. Earthy phosphates dissolve in acid urine, but are precipitated from alkaline. To a little of the urine add a few drops of acetic acid, followed by a few drops of uranium acetate. A yellow precipitate of uranium and ammonium double phosphate is thrown down. Physical Properties of the Urine. 197 Indican (C^H^ NSO/) is formed from indol which passes suc- cessively through the forms of iudoxyle aud indoxylid potassio- sulphate. This is uormally preseut in the urine, the horse excret- ing I to 2 grammes daily, the dog 0.15 gramme. It is present in excess in intestinal indigestions, constituting indicanuria. It is tested by adding a drop of muriatic acid and one of a solution of chloride of lime to the urine, when it will show a blue ring, the depth of which indicates the relative amount. Urea (CON^, HJ the principal waste product of nitrogenous matter, is always present in considerable amount. The sound horse may eliminate 100 to 200 grammes dail}^ the dog 5 to 180 grammes. It is present in excess in all fevers and inflammations unless urination is suspended or impaired, in cryptogamic diuresis, in mellituria, uraemia, nephritis and cystitis. Test : The addition to a filtered solution of urine, freed from phosphates, of solution of acid nitrate of mercury, precipitates it as nitrate of urea. A simpler test is to add to a drop or two of urine on a gla.ss slide a drop of nitric acid and heat gently. The nitrate of urea is pre- cipitated ill the characteristic rhombic or hexagonal crystals as seen under the micro.'^cope. Heat urea crystals in a test tube : biuret is formed and ammonia escapes. Add a trace of a copper sulphate .solution and a few drops of a 20 per cent, solution of caustic potash : a ro.se-red color is produced — the biuret reaction. Uric Acid (C^H^N^Og). Traces only of this are found in the normal herbivorous urine, yet it is more abundant when on a full dry grain diet, on milk (suckling) or on animal food. The dog kept on animal food has a large amount. Pathologically it is produced in the dog and even in the horse in fever, overwork and starvation, the animal living on his own tissues. Interference with oxidation in the lungs .seems to produce it as an arrest in the transformation of albuminoids to urea. The neutral urate of soda remains in solution : the acid urate of soda is precipitated. Test: To the urine add one-fourth its volume or muriatic acid and .set aside for 24 hours in a cool place. On the bottom and sides of the glass and on the surface of the liquid will be found the yellowish red acicular cry.stals of uric acid. Hippuric Acid (CgHgNOg) is normally present in all urine, but is especially abundant in that of herbivora. The horse elim- 198 Veterinary Medicine. inates 60 to 160 grammes daily. It has been found to be in- creased by feeding on dandelion, carrots, clover, asparagus, apples, plums, benzoic acid, oil of bitter almonds, toluol, cinna- mic or kinic acid. It is absent in sucking calves, and horses fed on grain devoid of husk. Pathologically it is increased in hyperthermia, icterus, some liver diseases and diseased kidneys. Test: Precipitate any albumen by nitric acid and boiling, then add hydrochloric acid which precipitates the hippuric acid in long needle-like crystals. Heated in a small glass tube it forms an oily liquid, and heated to redness gives off an odor of hydrocyanic acid ( nitro-benzol) and carbon is left. This distinguishes alike from uric acid and benzoic. Phenol is produced by intestinal fermentation. The horse normally excretes about 3 grammes daily. Pathologically it ap- pears in excess in indigestions, abscesses, softened discharging tubercle, pyaemia, and septicaemia. Test : Dilute solutions of ferric salts give a blue coloration. Creatinin, a product of metabolism of albuminoids, is found especially in the urine of carnivora and omnivora in health. It is pathologicall}' increased when oxidation is interfered with, as in diseases of the lungs. Test : Add to tlie urine a very dilute solution of sodium nitro-prusside and then drop by drop some solution of caustic soda, when a ruby red color is shown and dis- appears again on boiling. Acetic acid changes to blue. Acetone (C3 H,. O) is found in the urine of healthy omnivora and carnivora and increa.sed by excess of nitrogenous food. Pathologically it has been found in fevers with much blood change, in inanition, in cancer, in indigestions, and auto-intoxi- cations. Test : To several c c. of urine add a few drops of iodo-potassic iodide solution and caustic potash when iodoform will be abundantly precipitated with its characteristic color and odor. Oxalic Acid (CH^O^) appears to be secreted in small amount by health}^ kidneys and it may also come from the splitting up of uric acid after secretion. It is augmented by feeding agents rich in oxalic acid (beets, fresh beans, asparagus, tomatoes). Pathologically it abounds in certain indigestions, and is a.ssociated with lameness and emaciation. Te.st : Add Physical Properties of the Urine. 199 lime water to the urine, and the white oxalate of lime is precipi- tated. Allantoin (C^HgN^O,) is found in the urine of sucklings (calves) during the first few weeks of life, in pregnancy and when on a meat diet. It diminishes witli the increase of vege- table food. Xanthin (C^H^N^Oj) is found in urine as a result of imperfect oxidation of nitrogenous matters especially, which would other- wise pass into uric or hippuric acid. Its immediate antecedents in such transformation are guanin and hypoxanthin or sarkin. It is a rare constituent of urinary calculus. Hypoxanthin (C-H^N^O) is produced from fibrine in ga.stric and pancreatic digestion and in putrefaction, and is especially abundant in leucsemic subjects. Cyanuric Acid ( C.,oHj^N.^Oj. ) occurs in dog's urine. Leucin (CgHjgNO^) and Tyrosin (CgHuNOj) are products of pancreatic digestion of proteids, and the former occurs normally in the spleen, thymus, thyroid, iiver, salivary glands, and urine. Both are present in large amount, in the urine, in acute atrophy of the liver. Test for leucin : Evaporate carefully to dryness with nitric acid : the residue, if leucin, will be almost transparent and turn yellow or brown on the addition of cau.stic soda.- If now heated with the soda it forms an oily drop. Test for tyrosin : treated with .strong sulphuric acid, gently warmed and chloride of iron added, it gives a violet color. Albumen is an important morbid constituent of urine, which appears in a great variety of diseases (nephritis, pneumonia, epilep.sy, anaemia, leuccemia. diabetes, hsematuria, haemoglobi- tmria, hydraemia, infectious lung diseases, cardiac obstruction, venous stasis in the kidney, dermatitis, burns, lesions of the crura cerebri, floor of the fourth ventricle, spinal cord, or renal vaso motor nerves). It also occurs after violent exertion, in poisoning by strong acid, phosphorus, arsenic, lead, mercury, opium or alcoliol, and when an exce.ss of albumen is injected into the blood. All forms of albumen may enter the urine, but the most conunon are serum albumen, globulin of serum, propeptone and peptone. A simple test is to acidulate the urine with acetic acid and lioil : if the precipitate does not dissolve on addition of nitric acid, it is albumen. Sulphosalicylic acid added to tlie urine will cause a precipitate in urine containing only -50^-5^0^0^ of albumen. 200 Vetermary Medicine. Glucose ( Cg H,2 Og) is often normally present for a short period in small amount after a full meal of farinaceous material. It is permanently present in excess in glycosuria, which may re- sult, among other conditions, from diseased liver, punctured medulla, suppression of milk secretion on weaning the calf, oil of turpentine, nitrobenzole, nitrotoluol or amyle nitrate. Test : Add yeast to the urine and keep at 15° to 20° C. when if glucose is present, it becomes cloudy and gives off carbon dioxide, or add a little caustic potash solution, and a few drops of cupric sulphate solution until it is blue : then heat and a red precipitate of cupre- ous oxide is thrown down. The amount gives the ratio of glu- cose. Uric acid, hypoxanthin or mucus causes brown precipitate in the absence of glucose : peptone, creatin, creatinine, pepsine and urinary pigment prevent its formation though glucose be present. Bile Salts and Pigments are present in excess in cases of icterus, where these characters luay be studied. See Icterus. Blood and Haemoglobin in Urine. In a variety of diseases (anthrax, haematuria, nephritis, Texas fever, haemoglobinuria, etc.) blood or blood coloring matter escapes in the urine. When blood escapes one finds the reddish color, and under the micros- cope red globules, normal or crenated (especially in alkaline urine), free, aggregated in masses, in small clots, or embedded in casts of the uriniferous tubes. Under the spectroscope the spec- trum shows two dark absorption bands, one in the yellow and one in the green. When the color is due to haemoglobin the urine shows under the microscope numerous masses of amorphous brown pigment, and the spectrum shows one dark line in the yel- low, and three others less deep, (but one of them very broad) on the limit of the green and blue. Urine which contains the ele- ments of blood is usually turbid and thick or glairy, by rea.son of the presence of salts, albumen and fibrine. There ma}' also be crystals of urinary salts (calculi), fragments of broken down tissue (tumors) or the ova of worms. Epithelium in Urine. The slight cloud seen in healthy urine contains epithelial cells. The source of these may be often determined under the microscope. The bladder epithelium are the most numerous, the largest, and are squamous. Those from the iireters and renal pelvis are also squamous, but neither so large nor so numerous. The epithelium from the uriniferozis Physical Properties of the Uriyie. 201 tubules are polyhedral with large nucleus or columnar. The cells from the male tirethra are also largely columnar. In cases, how- ever, in which these cells are passed in large amount because of catarrh of the mucosa all alike tend to assume the globular form with large nucleus so that their true source cannot be certainly stated. It is only from such cells as have become detached with- out change of form that the .seat of desquamation can be deter- mined. If an excess of cells approximating to the kidney type are associated with albuminuria and cylindroid casts they become diagnostically significant. Polygonal cells darkly granular with large oval nucleus and nucleolus suggest kidney inflammation. If the granules are freely soluble in ether there is probably fatty degeneration. If hard, tough and glossy they suggest (but don't prove) amyloid degeneration. Pus Cells in Urine. Pus cells, with mutiple nuclei revealed by adding dilute acetic acid, may be found in small numbers in apparently healthy urine. When present in large numbers, they usually indicate a catarrhal affection of the mucosa, and especially pyelitis, cystitis, or urethritis. There is always cloudiness, excess of mucin, and, in the alkaline herbivorous urine, the liquid may be glairy or stringy. Casts of the Uriniferous Tubes. These usually indicate the existence of nephritis, yet they may be present in small num- bers in the urine of healthy individuals under a slight toxic action such as alcohol. Ufiorganized casts of urinary salts or hsematoidin found in sucklings appear to have no pathological significance. Orgayiized casts, on the other hand, usually imply renal troubles, and especially inflammation. As these will be fully described under Bright's disease, it need only be noted here that they may be composed in great part of red globules , leitcocytes, epithelium , bac- teria, granules, a homogeneoiis zvax-like matter, fat globules, hya- line matter, or urinary salts. The predominance of one or other of these determines the nature of the cast. The observations of Mayer, Knoll, Bovida, Von Jaksch and others seem to show that the basis substance of urin.ary casts differs from all our familiar proteids and must be considered as a distinct nitrogenous compound, a derivative of one of the com- mon proteids. GENERAIv SYMPTOMS OF URINARY DISEASE. External symptoms, arched back, stiff gait, straining, tender loins, back- ing, turning, dropping under weight, urine checked, dribbled ; in dogs and cats, palpation of kidney ; bladder, urethra, pains in different animals. In- ternal symptoms, rectal exploration, vaginal, urethral, straining, ureters, bladder, calculi, neoplasms, prostate, urethritis. External Symptoms. With inflammatory or painful affec- tions of the urinary organs the animal tends to roach the i^ack or loins, tuck up the abdomen, move the hind limbs stiffly and with a straddling gait, protract and withdraw the penis which may be semi-erect, retract and drop the testicles alternately, and stretch himself and strain to pass urine vvithotit success. Eying down and rising may be accomplished with marked effort and groaning. The loins along the spines or beneath the otiter ends of the transverse processes may prove tender to tapping or pinching, the animal drooping to excess. Backing or turning in a narrow circle may be accomplished awkwardly and stiffly though usuall}' more easily than with lumbar sprain. The animal drops when mounted but less than with sprained back. Urine ma}^ be passed in excess or in diminished amotmt, or it may be entirely suppressed. It maj^ be abruptly interrupted when in full stream, suggesting calculus or polypus, or it may be pa.ssed often in mere dribblets, or finally it may ooze away constantly parti}' lodging in the sheath and partly trickling down the thighs. In dogs or cats with flaccid walls of the abdomen external manipulation may detect in the kidneys, differences in size, posi- tion, and tenderness as well as the presence of tumors. The dis- tended bladder also may be distinctly felt, and the pyriform area of flatness on percus.sion will serve to map out its size and outline. In the horse the urethra is superficial and easily traced over the ischiatic arch and for some distance downward, when it be- comes deeper and is less easily felt. In the bull the urethra is deep over the ischiatic arch but becomes more superficial lower down and can be easily felt at the sigmoid flexure and below. In sheep and dog it is easily followed from the ischitnu to the end of the penis. As a rule the penis is easily drawn from its sheath in the horse 202 General Symptoms of Urinary Disease. 203 and dog ; this is more difficult in the sheep and goat and still more so in the bull and boar. In the small animal protrusion is favored by setting him on his rump, with his back between the operator's legs, and the pelvis doubled forward toward the sternum. The penis of the bull may be extended in presence of a cow in heat, and promptly seized, or it may be seized through the sheath back of its first bulging part and skillfully worked out. In the ruminant, calculi may be felt at the sigmoid curve, and in the ram, in the vermiform appendix at the fore end of the penis. Internal Exploration. This is accomplished in the larger animals with the oiled hand in the rectum, the nails having been pared short and even to avoid injury to the mucosa. In ponies and yearlings the kidney may be felt, and this may be true also of mature animals of larger species in cases of hypertrophy or floating kidney. The ureters, bladder and intrapelvic urethra are easily felt in the male. The empty bladder lies on the an- terior border of the pelvis ; when full, it projects forward into the abdomen but retains its pyriform or, in the very young animal, its fusiform shape. In the female the sensation is somewhat modified by the presence on its upper surface of the uterus divid- ing into its two horns anteriorly. The single enlarged horn of pregnancy is especiallj' misleading. The female urethra, cervix and bladder may be explored through the vagina. To explore the cervix vesicae and urethra the fingers are slowly drawn back from the bladder along the median line of the floor of the vagina. In the mare the cervix and adjacent portion of the bladder can be further explored with the index finger introduced through the opening of the urethra in the floor of the pelvis and at the junction of the vagina and vulva. In the cow the urethra is too small to be readily explored from within, and the orifice is still further guarded by the two lateral blind canals of Gsertner, into which the unskilled fingers more readily pass. Success only attends the careful search for the small central lower orifice. In the smaller animals the finger only can be introduced into vagina or rectum and the urethra, cervix and bladder only can be felt. llie result of such explora- tion IS straining even in healthy conditions but which becomes excessive in nephritis, pyelitis, renal, uretral, vesical or urethral calculus, cystitis, rectitis or enteritis. 204 Veterinary Medicine. The ureters are tender when inflamed, and they are swollen in calculous obstruction with an elastic feeling in front of the stone. The (^/a^^ifr is very sensitive when overdistended, inflamed or pendent on the abdominal floor, or when the seat of calculus. In the absence of any liquid contents a calculus is felt as a hard solid mass firmly clasped b}^ the contracted vesical walls. If liquid is present the solid hard calculus is felt movable in the fluid. An empty contracted bladder is firm and pyriform. An empty flaccid bladder, resulting from rupture or exhaustion, is flabby, with indefinite form and, if the seat of a lesion, tender. It varies in consistency with neoplasms (papilloma, sarcoma, car- cinoma, or epithelioma). These have not the free mobility of the calculus floating in urine, and their point of connection with the wall may often be made out. When a solid body is felt, or suspected to be in the contracted bladder, an injection of sterilized water will usually facilitate diagnosis, and a differentiation of calculus and neoplasm. Hypertrophy of the prostate is felt as a swelling of uneven outline over the cervix vesicae. It is to be looked for especially in old dogs. Urethritis is indicated b}- swelling and tenderness along the median line of the pelvic floor, back of the cervix. With a cal- ciilns in the urethra the swelling is more strictly localized and the canal in front of it mav be full and elastic. HEMATURIA. Symptoms of different lesions of kidneys and constitutional states, of poisoning by irritant plants, common on moors and in woods. In puerperal cow fed on turnips raised on mucky, unreclaimed, sour lands. Bacteria. Toxins. Anaemia. Poor wintering. I^imed new soils. .Syw/Zow.? .■ in plethoric, congested mucosae, vascular tension, hurried breathing, colics, straining, red urine ; in vegetable irritants, depression, weakness, coldness, trembling, stiffness behind, scanty red or black urine, diarrhoea, constipation ; in anaemia^ poverty, debility, red urine, pink tinge in milk, emaciation, hide-bound, anorexia, colics. Chronic or intermittent. Lesions: in plethoric, congested enlarged kidney, without softening ; in irritant poisons, congestion also of throat, stomachs, intestines, liver with lutmorrhagic extravasations ; in ansemia, kidneys pale, flaccid, hydrosemia, liver enlarged, softened, reddish Hwiiiatiiria. 205 liquids in serous cavities. Treatment : avoid the injurious soils, drain, cul. tivate, feed products of such soils with other food, oleaginous or saline laxa- tives, antifernients, tonics, astringents, flax seed, farinas. The passage of blood or blood elements in the urine. Ca7ises. A symptom of a varietj' of diseases, producing lesions of the secreting structures of the kidneys; acute congestion, tumors, calculi, parasiti.'-m. Also as a manifestation of diseases of distant organs — hsemoglobinuria, southern cattle fever, anthrax, poisoning by irritant diuretics, wounds of the bladder, pelvic fracture with injury to bladder or urethra, cystitis with varicose cystic veins, etc. Among the irritant plants charged with producing the affection are the young shoots of oak. ash, privet, hornbean, alder, hazel, dogberry, pine, fir, and coniferae, generally. Also ranuncuhis, hellebore, colchicum, mercuriales annuns, a.sclepias vincetoxi- cum, broom, etc. The disease is common in .spring in cattle turned out too early to get good pasturage and which, it is alleged, take to eating the swelling buds and young shoots of irritant plants. The disease has occurred mostl}' in woods and wild lands and has accordingly been vulgarly named the wood evil, ( maladie de bois, holzkrankheit), and moor ill. In England, as occurring in the puerperal cow, Cuming, of Ellon, attributes it to a too exclusive diet of turnips. His analy- sis showed that turnips contained 10 ^ sugar and i to iv^ '/c vegetable albumen. The sugar is held to stimulate unduly the milk secretion, but fails to supply the nitrogenous materials need- ful to form it, and the cow is .speedily rendered anaemic, with solution of the blood globules or of the haematin and its excre- tion by the urine. No attempt was made to produce hsematuria by an exclusive or excessive diet of sugar, and cows fed on turnips grown on well drained lands never suffered from the disease. Williams says that urine in such cases had a strong odor of rotten turnips. This argues not an anaemia determined by sugar, but rather an intestinal fermentation, perhaps superinduced by ferments introduced along with the turnips. Add to this the notorious fact that the offending ttirnips are usuall}^ such as are grown on wild, damp, undrained, swampy, or mucky lands, and 2o6 Veterinary Medicine. we have the suggestion of a bacteridian poison, or a toxic product of bacteria. WilHaiiis and Reynal practical!}' agree on the point that the common hgematuria is the result of anaemia. It has long been noticed that the herds which suffer from the affection are those which have come out of the winter in low condition, the victim is the poor man's cow, and the symptoms are most likely to appear when turned into the fields in spring before the pastures have come up. The anaemic condition of the carcasses is quoted in support of this view, but perhaps without making sufficient account of the extraordinar}' destruction of blood globules during the progress of the malady. Pichon and Sinoir see in the liming of soils and the production of larger crops, a cause of anaemia in the rank and aqueous growth of the meadows, and their overstocking in order to eat them down, or to consume their products. They found that an abundant artificial feeding was the most efficacious mode of treatment. Reynal, who endorses this view, tells us that in the anaemic and liquid blood the globules become smaller and can pass more readily through the walls of the vessels. But this is exactly the opposite effect from what we see when the blood is diluted with water. The globules in such a case are distended and enlarged, and may finally have their protoplasm and hsematin dissolved and diffused through the liquid. If the blood globules are shrunken, then we must look for a cau.se very different from anaemia. Reynal further a.ssures us that plethora is a common cau,se of haematuria in cattle. " Under the prolonged influence of a very assimilable diet, the blood becomes more plastic, circulates with difficulty in the capilaries, and may even rupture them, with a resulting capillary renal haemorrhage, and blood}^ urine." He further intimates that this occurs especially in spring after the animals have been turned out on very rich pastures, and that in Normandy certain pastures of unusual richness are notorious for producing haematuria. Apart from the fact that the rich grasses of spring produce at first intestinal congestion, and diarrhoea, with consequent disorder of the liver and kidneys, this spring affection on particular pas- tures suggests some .special poison in the pasture as the unknov^ai cause of the disease. Hcemahiria. 207 In all forms alike of this affection the nature of the soil ap- pears to have a preponderating influence. It is the disease of the woods, and waste lands, of damp and undrained lands, of dense clays, of lands underlaid bj' cla}' or hard pan, of lands rich in vegetable humus, or vegetable moulds the decomposition of which has been hastened by the application of quicklime. Pottier, Salome, Wiener, and Reynal especially testify to the prevalence of haematuria on soils that are either dense and im- permeable, or that have a subsoil of claj^ or hard pan. The disease has not been traced to any definite microbe nor toxin, but there is much to suggest the necessity for inquiry in that line. The special susceptibility of animals that may be plethoric on the one hand, or in low condition on the other, would be entirely in keeping with such a view, as the debility or de- rangement of health would lay the system open to attack. Symptoms. In the plethoric animal there are congested mu- cosae, full, strong pulse, forcible heartbeats, full veins, accelerated breathing, colicy pains, dullness, straining frequently and the dis- charge of thick, red or bloody urine. If from irritant buds and shoots, or plants, there is more de- pression, weakness, fever, dry skin, staring coat, coldness of the surface, tremblings, stiffness or weakness of the hind limbs, diarrhoea, followed by constipation, frequent .straining and the pa.ssage of colored urine with pain. In violent cases the expul- sion of bloody urine may be excessive, and the cow may die in 24 hours. From irritant plants however the quantity of urine is liable to be small, but frequently passed. As occurring irrespective of plethora or irritants there may be at first only poor condition and debility with the passage of blood. A pink tinge may show on the froth in the milk pail, and a red precipitate on its bottom. If not anaemic at the outset they soon become so, and the pulse which was at first bounding becomes small and weak, the heart palpitates, the red mucosae become pale. Tlie subjects become tucked up, emaciated, weak, rough coated, the skin adherent to the bones, and the appetite and rumination impaired or lost. Sometimes colics are present. In the milder anaemic forms it may continue for months before it causes death. In such cases it may prove intermittent. Morbid Anatomy. In the haematuria of plethora the kidneys 2o8 Veterinary Medicine. are large, congested and of a dark red, but, preserve their normal consistency and texture. In the form associated with ingestion of irritant plants, there is congestion of the pharynx, stomachs, and intestines with hsemorrhagic spots, congestion of the liver, violent congestion of the kidneys which are of a blackish red color, and enlarged to perhaps twice the normal size, with haemorrhagic exudations, the convoluted tubes filled with fibrinous exudate and blood globules, the pelvis red and like the bladder containing some reddish urine. The vesical mucosa may be black. In anaemic cases the kidneys are pale, flaccid and colorless, with a reddi.sh liquid in the pelvis and bladder. The vascular system is comparatively empty, and the blood, thin, and watery, and often coagulates loosely or not at all. As noted by Herland globules are greatly reduced in numbers and size, and often crenated or partially broken down. Slight serous effusions in the serous membranes are common. The liver is softened and enlarged, the lacteals have reddish contents, and the ingesta are dark colored. Treaimcnt. Preventive . Avoid hsematuria pastures and the fodder grown on .such lands. Drain and cultivate such soils. When animals must feed on the products of such soils supplement the food by grain, oil cake, cotton seed meal, etc. Avoid stag- nant w^aters draining from such soils. Therapeutic Treatmcjit. Give oleaginous or saline laxative to clear out poisons and ferments from the bowels and may add an antiferment (salol, salicylic acid, carbolic acid, turpentine oil, chlorate of potash, sulphites or hyposulphites), no matter if diarrhoea is present. Follow with tonics (copperas, chloride of iron) and stimulant antiseptics (ol. terebinth, potas. chlorate), and sound food. Flaxseed, linseed meal, farinas. Bitters maybe added (gentian, quinine, quassia). As a calmative, camphor (2 to 4 drs.) 2 or 3 times a day has proved useful. In case of nephritis treat as for that affection. Weiner lauds empyreumatic oil and oil of turpentine with cam- phor. In chronic cases, nourishing food with change of locality and water are very important. A course of iron tonics should wind up the treatment. ACUTE CONGESTION OF THE KIDNEYS IN SOLIPEDS. Definition. Causes : bacteria, toxins, irritant diuretics, musty oats or fodder, foul water, cantharides, turpentine, aqueous grasses, onions, moult- ing, cold, chills, injuries to loins, over driving. Lesions : kidney enlarged, red, black, softened, capsule loose, cut surface drops blood, brown, softened necrosed areas, gorged capillaries of glomeruli and convoluted tubes, granular or fatty changes in epithelium, may be ruptures. Symptoms : sudden ; weak tender loins, slow dragging straddling gait, accelerated pulse and breathing, anxious countenance, colics, sweating, urine from limpid to black, with red globules, and casts. Prompt recovery or nephritis. Diag- nosis : from nephritis, haemoglobinuria, laminitis, indigestion. Prevention : Treatment : bleeding, laxatives, diffusible stimulant diuretics, bromides, diluents, mucilaginous agents, fomentations, sinapisms, rectal injections, clothing, friction to the skin, restricted laxative diet. Definition. Active congestion of the renal capillaries, especially of those of the glomeruli and convoluted tubes, with colic}^ pains, and free di.scharge of urine, in some cases bloodstained. Causes. It maj^ be determined by local irritation caused by the passage of the bacteria and toxins of infectious diseases such as influenza or contagious pneumonia. In the same way irritant diuretics, medicinal, alimentary and toxic, operate. Diuretic balls and condition powders given recklessly by stablemen and grooms, saltpeter, resin, oleo resins, turpentine, rue, savin, col- chicum, squill, anemone nemorosa, adonis, cynanchum vincetox- icum and other species of ascelepias, hellebore, mercurialis annua and bryony are examples. The young shoots of the coniferous plants, fir, balsam fir, pine, white and yellow, and hemlock, are at times injurious. In the same way, damp moldy oats or fodder produce renal congestion and excessive polyuria, also corrupt, stagnant water and that of marshes which often contains complex toxic products of fermentation. Water of ponds in which cantharides or potato beetles have been drowned, is dangerous. The cantharides, eu- phorbium or oil of turpentine applied too extensively to the skin as a counterirritant, is another factor. Even the rich aqueous grasses of spring succeeding to the dry winter diet, stimulate the kidneys, determining an active conges- tion with polyuria and in bad cases haematuria. In many such 14 209 2IO Veterinary Medicine. cases there are superadded the acrid diuretic plants already re- ferred to. In Denmark where onions are grown on a large scale, the tops fed to animals have produced renal congestion. There appears to be an extra susceptibility in spring when the winter coat is being shed, and at this time especially, but also in- dependently of tljis and at other seasons, exposure to cold and the occurrence of chills tend to induce an attack. Exposure to cold storms of rain or sleet when perspiring or fatigued, standing tied out of doors in zero weather without a blanket, wading or swim- ming deep rivers in cold weather and while fatigued, standing wet and uublanketed in a cold stable when returned from work, exposure to draughts between open windows or doors, the con- tinuous falling of cold rain, from a leaking roof, on the loins, the cold of a damp stable newly finished in brick or stone, the cold and damp of an undrained floor in a wet retentive soil, all have a tendency to drive the blood from the surface, to increase the tension of the blood in the heart and internal organs, to stimulate the kidneys to extraordinary secretory activity, and at the same time to temporarily debilitate the whole system and lessen the power of resistance and recuperation. The factor is especially potent when it involves the nervous interdependent sympathy between the chilled loins or abdomen and the kidneys. Sprains and other injuries of the loins have long been charged with producing renal congestion and inflammation, and even Trasbot, who doubts the reality of this, acknowledges that the already diseased kidneys are seriously injured in this way. Cadeac and Schmid record cases of actual rupture of the horses' kidney from violent move- ment, and other cases of congestion and bloody urine have been traced to kicks on the loins, falls, sprains and the carrying of un- duly heavy loads. The overexertion which produces albumin- uria, casts and sanguineous transfusion in athletes has a similar effect on the overdriven race horse, trotter or draught horse. Lesions. The congested kidney is enlarged, .sometimes to two or three times its natural size, softened, and red, especially in the cortical portion which may be so dark as to appear cyanotic. The capsule is also the seat of ramified redness, and is very loosely adherent to the cortex. Beneath it may be considerable yellowish* exudate especially abundant in the vicinity of the hilus. On section the cut surface is very bloody, the cortex Acicte Congestion of the Kidneys i?i Solipeds 2 1 1 literally dropping blood, though brownish spots may appear at intervals representing areas of necrosis, which under pressure break down into a pulpy debris. Microscopically the glomeruli appear haemorrhagic, the capillary vessels being gorged to ex- cess, while blood globules and even minute blood clots are found in the intervascular spaces. The epithelium covering the glom- eruli and lining the convoluted tubes show granular or fatty changes, and granular matter is found outside the vessels. The congestion is less in the medullary portion and even in the convoluted tubes and the tubes of Henle, though these may be the seat both of hypersemia and exudation. In case of very violent congestion, extensive sanguineous ex- travasation may occur, leading even to rupture of the cap.sule and the escape of blood into the perirenal adipose tissue or into the abdominal cavity. Cases of this kind in the soliped are re- corded by Caroni, Cadeac, Moussu, Kitt, Zundel, Mollereau and Porcher. Averons describes in the Revne Veterinaire (1897) a case in which both kidneys were surrounded b}^ an immense black clot, and weighed no less than 36 lbs. Leblanc records a similar case affecting the one kidne3^ The mass measured about 10 inches by 8. Symptoms. These are liable to appear suddenly, often while the patient is at work, and are manifested by weakness in the loins, slow gait or sudden stopping, the hind limbs are held in abduction, and advanced with apparent stiffness and pain. There is much excitement and anxiety, the face is pinched and strained, the respiration accelerated, the pulse hard, tense and rapid, and the eyes or nose may be turned toward the flank or loins. There may be colicy pains, with uneasy movements of the tail and hind limbs, pawing, and even lying down and rolling. The visible mucosae are strongly injected and in bad cases the skin may be drenched with sweat. There is at first little or no hyperthermia. At first there may be no micturition but in an hour or more, urine may be discharged in excess, sometimes as much as 25 quarts, and of a low .specific gravity (looi to 1005). If there has been no blood extravasation it is usually clear and limpid but with ex- travasation it may be of all shades of pink or red to black. In the latter case the suffering is liable to be acute (Cadeac), and contrary to the condition in hsemoglobinuria, the urine contains 212 Veterinary Medicine. blood globules and even tubular coagula representing the uriniferous tubes and entangling the blood cells. This is com- plicated by albuminuria. CoJirse. Duration. The congestion is short lived. It speedily undergoes resolution with the passage of normal, clear urine, and the recovery of appetite and spirit, or it becomes rapidly aggra- vated, with continuous suffering and colic, complete loss of appe- tite, dullness, constant decubitus, weakness, debility, small or imperceptible pulse, palpitations, darker color and perhaps com- plete suppression of urine, and stupor or other nervous disorder. Death may occur on the fourth to the sixth day. It may be delayed by a partial recovery followed by a relapse. Diagnosis. Acute renal congestion is distinguished from nephritis hy the suddenness of the onset, the absence of fever and the comparative absence of tenderness of the loins, and of tubular casts. From hcBtnoglobincEviia it is distinguished by the absence of the conditions under which that affection appears : — the previous heavy work and full rich feeding, the day or more of complete rest on full ration, and the sudden exerci.se following. The hind parts in haemoglobinsemia are benumbed, paretic, or paralytic and not unfrequently rigid and swollen, and the brownish or reddish urine contains haemoglobin in amorphous particles, and not red blood globules and sanguineous tubular casts as in renal congestion. From latnijiitis it is distinguished by the absence of high fever, by the absence of the advance of the fore feet resting on the heels, of the heat and tenderness of the feet, by the ability to bear the lifting of one fore foot, or the tap of a hammer oh the toe, by the lack of improvement after the first few steps as is seen in laminitis, and by the absence of the strong pulsations in the digital arteries. From indigestion it is distinguished by the absence of the his- tory which leads up to that condition, of abdominal tympan}^ of rumbling, of impaction and of frequent attempts to defecate, and by the presence of the stiffne.ss, straddling, and the blood globules and albumen in the urine of low density. Prevention. This must be sought by the avoidance of all the factors of causation : — autointoxication in contagious diseases, Acute Congestion of the Kidneys in Solipeds. 213 excessive renal irritation from the injudicious use of diuretics, or the accidental ingestion of irritant or acrid diuretic plants or waters, or musty fodders, or the sudden change to the succulent, watery, first vegetation of spring, or of exposure to cold, wet, or damp, in all their forms, or of direct injury to the back or loins by blows, shocks, or violent exertions. Treatnie7it . Trasbot and Cadeac strongl}' recommend vene- section, and at the very outset in specially' acute cases the sud- den lessening of the arterial and capillar}' tension, by this potent means, may furnish the opportunit}' for the capillaries of the glomeruli and tubes to regain their normal tone, and thus contri- bute to a speedy abortion of the affection. If resorted to at all it should be made in a full stream from the jugular, so as to secure the fullest and most prompt result with the least possible effusion of blood. Much, however, must depend on the attendant conditions. In toxin poisoning following on an infectious fever, the already existing debilit}'' will sufficient!}' forbid a resort to the lancet, and we must seek elimination by the bowels, the skin or even the kid- ne5's. Antiseptics, too, are in order if there appears any ground for suspicion of the action of infecting agents. Some ca.ses will recover prompt!}' under diffusible, stimulant diuretics such as spirits of nitrous etlier, which by stimulating the circulation in other organs and especially the skin, appears to relieve the kidney and solicit normal secretion. But most veterinarians dread the .stimulus and irritation and prefer small doses of refrigerant diure- tics : bicarbonate of soda 4 drs. , saltpeter 2 drs. or the tartrates, citrates or acetates of the alkaline bases. In case of irritation by acrid diuretics, but especially by cantharides, camphor 2 drs., has been found to be particularly soothing, and next to this, bromide of camphor or bromide of potassium i to 2 drs. may be resorted to. Zundel prescribes acidulated camphorated drinks. The free use of mucilaginous drinks, such as boiled flax seed ; and the persistent application of fomentations or wet compresses to the loins are of equal value in soothing irritation. Sinapisms may advantageously follow the local emollients. Laxatives act with less promptitude than diuretics, but on the whole constitute a safer treatment, since they secure elimination and derivation without risk of irritation to the kidneys. The 214 Veterinary Medicine. oils : castor i to 2 pints, linseed 2 pints, or olive 2 pints, are especially to be recommended in this respect, but 1' Homme advises manna, and calomel may also be used as a substitute. Injections of warm water are valuable in unloading the rectum and colon, soothing the kidnej's and soliciting peristalsis. A restricted amylaceous diet is essential, and a warm stall or abundant clothing. Grooming or active rubbing of the skin tends to active derivation and often materially relieves. The case should not be abandoned until a day or two after the urine has re- turned to the normal, and for some time special care should be taken of the diet, stabling and work. ACUTE CONGESTION OF THE KIDNEYS IN CATTLE. Causes: infection, toxins, etc., irritant diuretics, chills, moulting, swill. Lesions : cortical kidney congestion, red to black, softening friability ; urine limpid to red, with blood globules, albumen, and crystals. Symptoms : chill, tender loins, colic, straining, recovery in four days. Diagnosis : from haemoglobinuria, cystitis, calculus. Prevention : diet, etc. Treatment : laxatives, flax seed, wet compresses, bromides, camphor, disinfectants, bitters. Causes. In cattle this malady is largely traceable to the .same causes as in the horse, and is very often but a complication of some other affection. The renal congestion of infectious diseases is seen in the advanced stages of lung plague, in anthrax, in malignant catarrh, in hsemoglobinaemia, and implies an ac- cumulation of irritant toxins in the system. The abuse of diuretics, the ingestion of acrid diuretic plants, including the early shoots of the coniferse, the introduction through any channel- of cantharides or potato beetles, the drinking of stagnant water charged with deleterious fermentation pro- ducts, the consumption of musty or spoiled fodder, and tlie sud- den change to the succulent grasses of spring, operate as in the horse. So it is with cutaneous chills, cold stone floors, cold wet storms, draughts and dropping from a leaky roof. The shed- ding of the coat in spring is an undoubted predisposing cause. Cattle in the swill stables of breweries and distilleries are the subjects of a constant renal congestion and polyuria, which, however, does not prevent rapid fattening. This diet, how- Acute Congestion of the Kidneys in Cattle. 215 ever, unfits the animal for a future vigorous life, and an}' concurrent injurious influence may easily bring on active kid- ney disease. Lesions. There is redness and swelling of the kidney, it may be to two or three times its normal size, the enlargment being especially referable to the cortical portion, which may be mottled in different shades of red up to black extravasations. The lack of firmness in its connection with its sheath, and the softening and friability of the parenchyma resemble the .same conditions in the horse. The urine may be clear or more or less tinged with blood, and contains blood globules, albumen, and crystals of car- bonate of lime and urate of ammonia, which seem to indicate the presence of a bacterial ferment. Symptoms. The patient usualh- shows some indication of chill, with staring coat and arched back, which is very sen.sitive to pinching. There is impairment of rumination and appetite, de- crease of milk in dairy cows, uneasy movements of the hind limbs and tail, frequent straining to urinate, and the passage of urine often in small amount and .sometimes of a pink or reddish tinge. In bad cases this may become deep red, or black, and the pulse becomes weak, with palpitations, marked muscular weakness and a tendency to lie down most of the time. With early improvement recovery ma}' be complete in from four to six days. In the more .severe and fatal ca.ses death may occur as earl}' as the sixth day. Unless under the in- fluence of violent irritants or a persistence of the original poison the prognosis is favorable. Diagnosis. It is especially important to distinguish this from haemoglobinaemia, which shows an uniform red or brown discoloration of the urine and an entire absence of blood globules as such. In congestion the reddish material tends to precipitate and is found to consist largely of blood globules. It is further associated with albuminuria. Haemorrhagic cystitis and cystic calculi are both chronic affections, and identified on rectal exploration by the tenderness of the liladder and the presence of the stone. Prevention consists in the avoidance of the various causative factors, and especially those that find access among alimentary 2i6 Vetermary Medicine. matters. Cattle turned out in early spring should be fed before going and should be returned from the pasture in an hour or two. This repeated day by day, allows the digestive and urinary organs to accommodate themselves to the fresh spring grass and to any vegetation to which the animals have not been accustomed. Chills, draughts, injuries and other dis- turbing conditions nuist be guarded against. Treatment. Bleeding is strongly recommended by Cruzel and Cadeac. In Germany, England and America derivation toward the digestive organs is more generally relied on. I. The same general symptoms appear with characteristic modifications. Restlessness, bellowing, pawing, inappetence, arched, tender loins, swollen vulva with discharge, shiny and perhaps foetid but without contractions, abdomen pendent and flanks hollow and tender, udder turgid, hot and painful, move- ments of the hind limbs stiff, halting, straddling. There is greater tendency to salacious movements of the croup. The diagnostic feature is palpation of the ovary through the rectum. In chronic cases more or less of the above symptoms are shown in a greatl3' mitigated form, but oftentimes there are long inter- vals of apparent health. Palpation through the rectum is the final test in this as in the more acute cases. Ovarian Cysts. 287 Prognosis. This is very uncertain. Unless complete recovery takes place in a few weeks, the inevitable consequence is sterilit}^, or death from liaemorrhage, peritonitis, pyaemia, or marasmus. Treatment. In acute cases Trasbot strongb^ urges bleeding in the larger races and leeching of the flanks in the smaller. Mus- tard plasters to the loins and abdomen, and cold or damp appli- cations to the croup are in order. Vaginal and rectal injections of mucilaginous liquids, containing anodynes and antiseptics are indicated. Opium, belladonna, In'o.scyamus, chloral, borax, ace- tate of aluminium may serve as examples. If needful to quiet the excitement, morphia, atropia or hyoscyamiu may be given subcutem. Or the anodynes may be administered by the mouth. As a last resort, and by far the most radical treatment, castration may be performed. With small ovaries this is best done through the vagina in the larger animals, while with large and adherent ones the flank operation is imperative. If the peritoneum is in- volved, careful antisepsis of the cavity is desirable. In case of adhesions the operation may be ri.sky, but if successful it will obviate secondary infections and establish a permanent cure. Complications mu.st be treated according to their nature. OVARIAN CYSTS. Mare, cow, ewe, sow, bitch, hen. Forms. Histogenesis. Dilated vesicles, egg tubes, blood obstruction. Lesions : Ovary large, smooth, lobulaled, vascular, size, connective tissue, epithelium, liquid contents. Abscess. Symptoms : impaired portal circulation, muco-enteritis, piles, intestinal torpor, impaction, constriction, obstruction, congestions, inflammation. Urinary disorder. Strangulation. Sterility. Abortion. Dystokia. Indigestion. Anorexia. Colic. Genital erethism. Straining. Altered Urine. Peritonitis. Septic infection. Collapse. Rectal palpation, enlarged, sensitive ovary. Treatment: Castration. Tapping cyst. Rupturing cyst by compression. Tliese have been met with in all races of domestic animals, mare, cow, ewe, sow, bitch and hen. The}' vary greatly in their characters, being unilocular, multilocular, rounded or lobulated, serous, albuminous, colloid or hcsmorrhagic, strictly ovarian or parovarian (in broad ligaments), in one ovary or in both. 288 Veterinary Medicine. Histogenesis. The source of these cysts has been much debated. Many liave held with Spencer Wells that they have their origin in dilated Graafian vesicles, and the discovery of an ovum in the contents, b}^ Rokitansky and Ritchie showed at least that this follicle had formed part of the cyst. On the other hand Foster, Rivolta, Klebs, Malassez and others, constantly failed to find ova or other distinct elements of the Graafian follicles, but did find epithelial elements, and note that the cysts are at an early stage connected with the surface of the ovary like the ^^% tubes. These embryonic tubules of Pflueger are therefore held to be the starting point for the cysts, which because of their mixed epithelial as well as liquid contents, seem allied to adenoma. From observations on the ovarian cysts of the lower animals Galtier, attaches great importance to vascular obstructions. Ob- struction by pressure or otherwise led to haemorrhages and transudation of blood, and the cavities formed in this way be- came the seats of epithelial growth, and liquid effusion. The blood remained for a time as distinct clots, and was later indi- cated by the pigmentation of the walls of the cyst. Lesions. The enlarged ovar}' may be uniformly rounded and smooth, or it may be marked b}^ irregular bosses, giving it a lobulated appearance. It is very va.scular, and is often covered by a thickening of peritoneum. When multiple they are usually closeh' adherent and may even be included one within another. The individual cysts may be of the most varied sizes. The cystic ovar\' has at times reached enormous dimensions : in the mare 46 lbs. (Bouley, Rivolta, Thiernesse): in the cow 250 lbs. (Rey- nolds, Meyer): in the ewe 7 lbs. (Willis): in the sow 7 lbs. (Reyer): in the bitch 15 lbs. (Bovett). The walls of the cj^st are formed of connective tissue more or le.ss perfectl}^ organized, ar- ranged it may be in several superposed layers (Galtier) and lined or not by epithelial cells (cylindroid, nucleated, or of various forms). They may be reddened by haemorrhages or pigmented from former blood extravasations. The liquid contents may be clear and water}^ white, straw yellow, or of a deeper 5'ellow, brown or red. Among other constituents there are alkaline chlorides and sulphates, albumen in solution or flakes, mucin, fibrine, fattj^ granules and cholesterinecr3'Stals. In some instances the}' contain pus cells (chronic abscess). Ovarian Cysts. 289 Symptoms. Small, tardily growing cysts may cause no ap- preciable symptoms. The larger ones or those that increase rapidly are liable to cause disorders of circulation, innervation and digestion. The mere pressure of a considerable cystic ovary may interfere with portal circulation so as to entail muco-enteri- tis, rectal congestion, piles, or intestinal torpor or impaction. Adhesions of the diseased ovary to adjacent inte.stinal viscera, tend to produce constrictions, obstructions and local congestions or inflammation. In adhesions to the womb or bladder, ureter or kidney, the symptoms will indicate disorder of these respective parts. The weight of the enlarged ovarj^ causing extension of its ligamentous connections will allow of its winding around a loop of intestine and producing strangulation. In those unusual cases in which pregnancy occurs it ma}^ interfere with its com- pletion, causing abortion or, failing in this, with parturition, by becoming imbedded in the pelvis. In the line of innervation, disorder is especially common in the digestive organs, anorexia, nausea, impaired rumination, and colic}' pains resulting. Again, in many subjects the genesic instinct is stimulated, the patient is more or less constantly in heat, cows become butlers, and mares sivitchers, they cannot be impregnated, and under the continuous excitement undergo rapid emaciation. There is often urinary disturbance, frequent straining with the passage of a small quan- tity only of turbid or glairy liquid, colored, it may be, by blood, or foetid. The colics are liable to be dull and slight, the patient moving uneasily, switching tlie tail, moving the weight from one hind foot to the other, pawing, looking at the flank, but sel- dom lying down or rolling. In other cases, with adhesions, impactions, obstructions, and congestions, all the violent motions of the mo.st intense spasmodic colic may be shown. Where there has been rupture of the obstructed bowel, these S5anptoms may merge into those of peritonitis, septic infection, or collapse. When with these symptoms of intestinal disorder, there are tender loins and flank, abdominal plenitude and tension, genital excitement, frequent straining to pass urine, the discharge of a glairy or foetid liquid, and when all these symptoms have increased slowly for weeks or months in a female, the ovaries may be suspected and a rectal examination should be made. U.sually the outline of the womb can be made out with the enlarged and irregularly shaped 19 290 Veterhiary Medichie. ovar}^ anteriorly and adherent to it through one of the broad lig- aments ; it may be sensitive to touch, tense, or even fluctuating. Difficulty may be encountered when the enlarged ovary is so great as to fill the whole region, or when adherent to or wound round the rectum, thus hindering the advance of the hand or the movement of the gut, or when it has become pediculated and dis- placed to a distant part of the abdomen. Even the obstructed and distended intestine, may prevent a satisfactory diagnosis. Yet in the great majority of cases rectal examination gives con- clusive results. Treatment . Medicinal measures are useless : surgical alone are of any avail. Castration is the natural resort, and in all re- cent "cases, uncomplicated by adhesions, is to be preferred. In the large females it may often be performed through the vagina, but if the ovary is very large the flank operation becomes imper- ative. Sometimes the evacuation through a cannula of the con- tents of one or more large cysts will so reduce the mass as to allow of the safer vaginal operation. A less radical measure is the evacuation of the cyst with can- nula and trochar and the injection of tincture of iodine. With a hand in the rectum tlie ovary may be held against tlie abdominal wall to facilitate the operation. The results, however, are not satisfactory, for, although re-accumulation of the liquid is delayed, it is not entirely prevented. Moreover, when the cysts are multiple, the punctures also must be numerous, or remain ineffective. Nor is the operation unattended by danger as deaths often occur from resulting inflammation, infection, or iodine poisoning. Zannger, in i860, introduced the method of rupturing the cyst without incision, and met with considerable success. With the hand in the rectum the cystic ovary is pressed against the wall of the pelvis or abdomen, until the attenuated wall of the cyst gives way, the fluid is left in the abdominal cavity, to be ab- sorbed and many animals will afterward become pregnant. In a large proportion of cases in which the symptoms are marked, the walls of the cy.st are sufficiently attenuated to allow of rup- ture by pressure, and, if the escaping contents are free from in- fecting microbes, no immediate harm comes to the peritoneum. It should be avoided in case of abscess, following perhaps on a shivering fit and constitutional febrile reaction, and when there Dermoid Cysts of the Ovary. Pilous Cysts. 291 is a foetid discharge from the vulva, suggesting microbian infec- tion likely to dangerously infect the serosa. In appropriate cases it is a resort of verj' great value, in restoring to use ani- mals that are especially valuable for their progeny and which be- come utterly useless when retidered barren. According to different observers an average of 70 per cent, can be restored to usefulness in this way. Friedberger and Frohner claim 90 per cent. Some febrile reaction may be noted for twenty-four hours, demanding rest, restricted, cooling, laxative food and sometimes laxatives and anodynes. DERMOID CYSTS OF THE OVARY. PILOUS CYSTS. Closed cutaneous sacs, with hair and sebum. Causes : enclosure of der- moid tissue in embryo : aborted ovum : virgin gestation. Symptoms. Treatment : Castration. These are much less common than are simple cysts. They are closed sacs, lined b\' a tissue essential!}' representing skin, and containing sebaceous matter and hairs, some growing from the dermoid surface, and others detached and formed into a loose mass. Causes. These cysts have been attributed to the enclosure, in the forming embryo, of the formative elements of dermoid tissue, which may or may not remain latent and inactive until maturity, or until the ovar}' becomes physiologically active. Another theory is that an impregnated ovum has remained im- perfect, developing only the elements of the skin, instead of the whole foetal bod}'. Many cases cannot by any possibility be in- cluded under this head, seeing that the cyst is found at much too early an age, and its bearer has never had sexual intercourse. Another doctrine is that the dermoid cyst is derived from the nor- mal plastic or formative powers of the ovary, and the product be- comes suggestive of parthenogenesis or virgin gestation. The fact that these cysts are not confined to the production of skin and hair, but at times form bone, teeth, nervous and other tissues as well, corroborates this view. On the other hand we must bear in mind that dermoid cysts are much more common in other tissues than 2g2 Veterinary Medicine. they are in the ovaries. Thus they are common in the sub- cutaneous connective tissue and between the muscles. The symptoms do not differ essentially from those of simple cysts and treatme7it is mainly by castration. As the escape of the contents into the peritoneal cavity is especialh- provocative of in- fection, the greatest care must be taken to extract the mass whole, or to use the most thorough antiseptic precautions. SOIvID OVARIAN TUMORS. These are much more rare than cystic tumors. They seldom maintain the character of perfect soliditj-, for whether fibrous, sarcomatous, melanotic, cretaceous, myomatous, cancerous, epithelial, tubercular, glanderous, or actinomycotic, the}' are usually associated with cysts to a greater or less extent. Not only are they liable to stimulate the formation of cysts, but the .special heteroplasia may become engrafted on the walls of pre- existing cysts, as well as on normal tissues. The symptoms of the solid tumors are in the main, those of the cystic form, and treatment resolves itself into extirpation by castration. Its success will var}' according to the nature of the tumor, sarcoma, melanoma and carcinoma being especially liable to recur in the same or in distant situations, and the same is true of the colonizing with infectious germs (glanders, tuber- culosis, actinomycosis) which are presumably already present in other parts of the body. Castration has, however, this recommendation, it secures the removal of the entire dis'eased organ, and if the morbid process or infection is confined to that only, it holds out the best prospect of recovery. INFLAMMATION OF THE FALLOPIAN TUBES. SALPINGITIS. This condition is met with in the female mammals of all species and mainly as the result of an infection extending from disea.sed womb or ovar}'. The results are degeneration of the Diseases of the Oviduct iu Birds. 293 epithelium, exudation into the mucosa with thickening, stenosis of the tubes, the formation of cysts along the line of the canal, with pink or straw colored contents, including fibrine, leucocytes, epithelium and granular debris. As in oophoritis there may be blood extravasations and clots and abscess. In the cow they are at times calcified and create a suspicion of tuberculosis. The symptoms are essentially those of metritis or ovaritis, and as these are usually more prominent the attendant sal- pingitis is generally overlooked during life. Careful rectal ex- amination may detect the enlarged, tender or sacculated tubes. 7V^