A THI CENTRAL ARTEC OPEN LEAD -.. i i i i.... LIBRARY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CALIF. 93940 United States Naval Postgraduate School SSS3> ■ ESI % '• - MONTEREY, CALIF. 9394U TWIT! SI I in.. xi« oic A Thermodynamic Model of a Central Arctic Open Lead by Richard Harris Schaus Thesis Advisor: J. A. Gait September 1971 Apptiov&d ^oh. pub tic nzlzabz; dtbtlibution im&lrrUXzd. A Thermodynamic Model of a Central Arctic Open Lead by Richard Harris Schaus it Commander, United S1 B.S., University of Michigan, 1962 Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September 1971 1. 1 ABSTRACT A time-dependent, two-dimensional thermodynamic model of an open lead in central arctic sea ice is presented. The model is generated by opening a lead of finite width and infinite extent in the equilibrium sea-ice cover. From this initial condition, the model is integrated numerically as a sea- ice cover is reestablished over the lead. The effects of various representa- tive advective parameterizations, and temperature and salinity profiles in the ocean's surface layer, on the heat flux through the lead and on the nature of ice formation are investigated as the lead closes by thermal processes alone. Continuity equations involving a horizontal advection term and a vertical diffusion term govern heat and salt transport in the water. Cooling-induced convective overturn as a mechanism for vertical heat and salt transport in the water column is treated through an artifice of the vertical diffusion term. TABLE OF CONTENTS I . INTRODUCTION 8 A. POLAR AIR-SEA INTERACTIONS 8 B. SURVEY OF PREVIOUS RESEARCH 9 C. PRESENT RESEARCH DIRECTION 12 D. CONCEPTUALLY-RELATED STUDIES - 13 E. THESIS OBJECTIVE 14 II. NATURE OF THE PROBLEM 15 A. DYNAMICS OF THE SEA-WATER FREEZING PROCESS - 15 B. DISTRIBUTION OF VARIABLES 18 C. HYDRODYNAMIC PROCESSES — 19 D. MASS AND ENERGY BALANCE 19 III. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 22 A. FORMULATION OF THE MODEL 22 1. Establishment of a Representative Cross Section 22 2. Adaptation of the Continuity Equation to the Model 22 3. Initial Conditions 24 4. Boundary Conditions 25 5. The Finite-Difference Scheme 27 6. Representation of Physical Processes 31 7. Physical Quantities and Relations 32 B. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA INPUTS 34 C. MODEL INTEGRATION PLAN 35 D. MODEL LIMITATIONS 37 IV. PRESENTATION OF DATA 40 A. TEST CASES 40 B. REAL CASES 41 V. CONCLUSIONS 62 VI. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH - 69 APPENDIX A COMPUTER PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 70 COMPUTER PROGRAM 77 BIBLIOGRAPHY - 82 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 84 FORM DD 1473 85 LIST OF TABLES I. Environmental Variable Profiles 35 II. Schedule of Runs and Variable Combinations 38 III. Ice Growth Rates, Test Cases 42 IV. Ice Thickness Profiles, Test Cases 45 V. Surface Heat-Loss Densities, Test Cases 48 VI. Mean Surface Heat-Loss Densities, Test Cases 51 VII. Maximum Depth of Penetration of Convective Overturn, Test Cases 51 VIII. Ice Growth Rates, Real Cases 52 IX. Ice Thickness Profiles, Real Cases 54 X. Surface Heat-Loss Densities, Real Cases 56 XI. Mean Surface Heat-Loss Densities, Real Cases 58 XII. Maximum Depth of Penetration of Convective Overturn, Real Cases 58 XIII. Ice Growth Rate, Run 13 59 XIV. Mean Surface Heat-Loss Densities, Run 13 59 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Temperatures of Sea-Water Maximum Density and Freezing Point vs Chlorinity 16 2. Pictorial Depiction of Open Lead 23 3. Description of Processes Considered in Model 28 4. Model Cross Section with Governing Continuity Equations and Boundary Conditions 29 5. Ice Growth Rates, Test-Case Runs 1-4 43 6. Ice Growth Rates, Test-Case Runs 5-8 44 7. Ice Thickness Profiles, Test-Case Runs 1-4 46 8. Ice Thickness Profiles, Test-Case Runs 5-8 47 9. Surface Heat-Loss Densities, Test-Case Runs 1-4 49 10. Surface Heat-Loss Densities, Test-Case Runs 5-8 - 50 11. Ice Growth Rates, Real Cases JJ 12. Ice Thickness Profiles, Real Cases 55 13. Surface Heat-Loss Densities, Real Cases 57 14. Ice Growth Rate, Run 13 - — 60 15. Mean Surface Heat-Loss Densities, Run 13 - 61 16. Descriptive Flow Diagram of Program 74 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The topic for this thesis was suggested by Assistant Professor Jerry A. Gait of the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. His invaluable experience in the fields of arctic dynamics and the physical oceanography of the arctic, and his guidance in developing the conceptual model contri- buted greatly to the successful completion of the research. Associate Professor Warren W. Denner and Assistant Professor Ken L. Davidson, also of the Naval Postgraduate School, provided helpful ideas during the research, Associate Professor J. J. Von Schwind of the Naval Postgraduate School contributed valuable time and thought to reading the manuscript. To these people the author expresses his sincere thanks. I. INTRODUCTION A. POLAR AIR-SEA INTERACTIONS Heat lost from polar regions together with the heat source of the tropics form the basis of the global general circulation. The flux of heat into polar regions from lower latitudes results from the general meridional temperature gradient from polar regions toward the equator due to unequal latitudinal heating of the earth's surface. Most of the heat advected into polar regions by the atmosphere is lost to space by long wave radiation, thus forming a basic mechanism for maintaining planetary radiative equilibrium. Heat is also advected into polar regions by ocean currents, but due to the relative inefficiency of air-sea heat transfer and the relative slowness of ocean currents, this transfer is roughly one-tenth that attributed to the atmosphere. Sea ice is a dominant feature of both arctic and antarctic seas; however, due to major differences in the physical configuration of sea and land masses of these regions, it plays decidedly different roles. The arctic, being essentially an ice-covered ocean, is extremely sensitive to climatic perturbations since the areal extent and depth of sea ice is critical to the regional energy balance. A surplus of about one-third of the annual energy influx would remove the arctic ice pack [Maykut and Untersteiner 1969, 1971 J. On the other hand, the antarctic continental mass, covered by 2000 to 4000 meters of ice, is relatively insensitive to small energy flux perturbations, although its sea-ice cover would be affected similarly to that of the arctic. Of major import to polar air-sea interactions is the degree to which the sea surface is covered by ice. Sea ice acts analogously to a 'lid' on the sea, modifying the dynamics and continuity of the sea and the air- sea system. Sea-ice cover dramatically reduces the heat transfer between ocean and atmosphere by effectively limiting that transfer to a process of molecular conduction. Further, by intercepting the vertical flux of momentum transferred from the mean wind field to the sea surface by the Reynold's stress, it suppresses wind mixing. Finally, it reflects a considerable portion of the incoming short-wave radiation, imposes an upper limit on the sea's surface-boundary temperature, reduces latent heat transfer by impeding evaporation, and, through its changes of phase, serves as a buffer, or damping mechanism. Alternatively, heat transfer processes are significantly enhanced over open-water areas in proximity to large ice masses, particularly during the winter, as surface air temperatures drop far below surface water temperatures. Wind and water stresses, in addition to directly affecting ocean-atmosphere heat transfer processes, keep the ice in nearly continuous motion, thus locally affecting heat transfer as well as producing mechanical stresses resulting in the formation of pressure ridges, polynya, and open leads. Polar air-sea interactions are therefore characterized by complex feed back wherein the ocean and atmosphere individually and collectively influence the thickness and areal extent of the ice, which in turn has a pronounced effect on the exchange in question. B. SURVEY OF PREVIOUS RESEARCH Range and depth of interest in arctic research has expanded considerably since Nansen's epic drift in the FRAM (1893-1896). From oioneering studies until only recently, research emphasis has been primarily of a descriptive nature, and it was not until the Soviet establishment of the drifting station "North Pole 1 (NP-1)" in 1937 that a systematic study of the arctic interior was initiated. Launching of a comparable long-range arctic research program by the United States would await the establishment of "Fletcher's Ice Island (T-3)" in 1952. Attempts to understand the response of sea ice to environmental changes has long stimulated the interest of arctic researchers. Quantita- tive prediction of these responses has classically involved two primary approaches, the empirical and the theoretical. Although providing minimal insight to the dynamics of physical processes occurring between air, ice, and sea, empirical formulae relating sea-ice growth processes to observed surface temperatures have accomplished basic predictive goals. The most sophisticated example of this approach is perhaps one advanced by Bilello [1961 j. Theoretical studies involved analytical solutions and were there- fore severely limited in scope and complexity. One of the foremost of these analytical treatments is attributed to Kolesnikov [U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory 1966]. In the early 1950' s the tenor of arctic research began to reflect increased emphasis on the theoretical approach to arctic dynamics as comprehensive data from systematic studies became available. It was at this point that studies relating the arctic energy balance to the mass budget and subsequent research directed toward heat transfer processes began to emerge. Development of physical relationships was confined to empirical and statistical approaches, or theoretical problems to which simple, analytical, approximate solutions could be developed. 10 Classic arctic heat budget studies were presented by several authors. Badgley [1961, 1966] summarized and collated available data to deduce a typical heat budget at the surface of the central Arctic Ocean. Fletcher [1966] discussed annual patterns of atmospheric heat loss for each component of the heat budget in relation to the general atmospheric circulation, for both ice-covered oceans and ice-free oceans. Vowinckel [Arctic Meteorology Research Group 1964] independently investigated the amount of heat conducted through the Arctic Ocean ice to check previously calculated values for the heat released from the Arctic Ocean. Doronin [1966] presented an analysis of heat-balance components of the surface layer in the Arctic Ocean. Coachman [1966] proposed a model to explain the observed features of the oceanic regime of the Arctic surface layer during the winter. Muench [Baffin Bay - North Water Project 1971] discussed the physical oceanography of the northern Baffin Bay region in considerable detail. It was not until the 1960's and the attendant widened use of the high- speed digital computer as a research tool that physical processes could be modeled free of constraints imposed by analytical solutions. Using finite difference schemes, a system of integral-differential equations could now be solved rapidly within acceptable error limitations. Typical of first- generation numerical models in the field is that developed by Untersteiner [1966], which predicted thickness and temperature of sea ice, thus allowing further insight into the relationship of climatic change to ice production, ice decay, and equilibrium ice thickness. The advanced one-dimensional thermodynamic model of central Arctic sea ice developed by Maykut and Untersteiner [1969, 1971] is a prime example of the present theoretical approach. 11 C. PRESENT RESEARCH DIRECTION A great deal of research effort is presently being directed toward developing numerical models of the atmosphere and of the ocean as well as atmosphere-ocean models, with the objective of ultimately producing an efficient, reliable global system model. Problems inherent in the realization of this objective are numerous and include not only a lack of refinement in respective models of the atmosphere and ocean, but also a lack of refinement in the technique of coupling the respective models. Further, observational input data is in general deficient for these models, particularly in the Arctic. Present state-of-the-art examples of models of this type are well represented by the sophisticated models of Manabe [1969] and Bryan [1969]. One of the more ambitious research projects in recent years is the Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment. AIDJEX is essentially a United States - Canadian cooperative effort to gain quantitative understanding of the interaction between atmospheric sea ice and fluid ocean fields of motion. In progress at the time of this writing, AIDJEX is unique in its observational approach since, in order to gain a full understanding of interacting fields, it involves the collaboration of many research groups in making coordinated measurements of interacting fields of motion, stress, and strain - observing appropriate time and space scales - over a minimum period of one year. The fruits of this ambitious and imaginative study, in terms of fresh insights, controlled data, and international cooperation appear to be vast already. 12 D. CONCEPTUALLY-RELATED STUDIES Studies of Arctic dynamics, energy balances and mass budgets range over a wide spectrum. Scientific literature reflects numerous experimental and theoretical models of microstructure and micro-scale energy transfer processes between ocean and atmosphere, ice and atmosphere, and ice and ocean, essentially occurring in boundary-layer regions. Pertinent to the work presented herein is research performed by Foster [1968, 1969] in which haline convection induced by the freezing of sea water was studied, and by Lake and Lewis [1970] who studied salt rejection by sea ice during growth. Work performed by Lewis and Walker [1970] illustrates seasonal changes in the temperature and salinity profiles beneath annual sea ice cover, and Stern and Turner [1969] reported on the formation of salt fingers and convecting layers. Directly related to the model proposed herein is the macroscale advanced model derived by Maykut and Untersteiner [1969, 1971] to forecast ice temperature and thickness, which defines the role of each component of the energy budget in relation to its effects upon the ice. Although comprehen- sive in its treatment of physical processes related to components of the energy budget, the model admittedly has several shortcomings. Physical limitations are due to uncertainties in environmental data and include the necessary assumption of a constant oceanic heat flux and generally course albedo and energy-flux data. Limitations, arising from an inability to model certain processes include: 1) the neglect of mechanical stresses produced by winds and surface currents, 2) treatment of turbulent fluxes at boundaries as being independent of growth rates or the physical states of ice and snow, 3) imprecise treatment of downward heat transport from 13 melting snow, 4) undefined shapes of salinity profiles for various ice conditions, and 5) neglect of heat storage by melt ponds. Leads were considered only so far as they indirectly affected the energy fluxes over the bare ice. In spite of its limitations, this will certainly be a cornerstone for future thermodynamic ice models and provides a number of conceptual bridges used in the present work. E. THESIS OBJECTIVE It is known that significant heat transfer occurs between the atmosphere and the ocean through open leads in the Arctic sea ice cover. As found experimentally by Badgley [1961], sensible heat loss is at least two orders of magnitude greater from open leads than from perennial sea ice. With the need for further refinement in models of the ocean and the atmosphere, as well as in model coupling schemes, the requirement for mesoscale examination of ocean-ice-atmosphere heat- transfer processes is immediate and apparent. With appropriate observational input data becoming increasingly more abundant, informative numerical models of mesoscale processes appear promising for furthering the understanding of physical processes and for realizing control of mass-energy fluxes in the arctic. The objective of this study was to develop a thermodynamic model of an open lead in central arctic sea-ice in which hydrodynamic processes of convection, advection, and diffusion of heat and salt were represented. By integrating the model numerically, the effects of various representative advective parametizations, and temperature and salinity profiles in the ocean's surface layer, on the heat flux through the lead and on the nature of ice formation, could be investigated as the lead reclosed by thermal processes alone. 14 II. NATURE OF THE PROBLEM Since sea ice essentially insulates the ocean from the atmosphere and suppresses important thermodynamic processes, it, along with heat-advecting ocean currents, becomes a primary factor in determining the vertical structure in Arctic seas. However, the dynamic transition from ice-free to ice-covered seas is not fully understood. In particular, the nature of the fluxes of salt and heat, as well as the structure and depth of unstable convective overturn during initial phases of the freezing process, require study. A. DYNAMICS OF THE SEA WATER FREEZING PROCESS The structure of the active surface layer of the Arctic Ocean is generally horizontally uniform with a very stable density gradient. How- ever, during the freezing process the density gradient may be significantly altered by three primary mechanism: 1) progressive cooling of surface waters from above, 2) brine expulsion by the ice during the freezing pro- cess, and 3) advection of heat and/or salt by surface currents. The fundamental physical relation which makes the sea water freezing process unique may be understood by examining the curves of maximum density and freezing point for sea water, plotted with respect to temperature versus chlorinity or salinity (Figure 1). Specifically, for waters of salinity greater than 24.70 parts per thousand, the temperature of maximum density of the liquid state will always be lower than the liquid's freezing-point temperature under pressures existing in nature. Any process that tends to produce a vertical density instability will induce convective overturn in 15 TEMP 1 " -1 -2 -3 -4 Figure 1. Temperatures of Sea Water Maximum Density and Freezing-Point vs Chlorinity after Sverdrup, Johnson and Fleming [1942] Maximum Density Freezing-Point 16 the water column, resulting in mixing of the unstable segment such as would be produced in the freezing process by surface cooling and freezing- associated brine expulsion. Convective overturn will therefore be continuous in the unstable segment of the liquid water column from the onset of surface cooling to the point of total change-of -phase of the water column. A some- what less obvious but straightforward point should be mentioned in qualifi- cation of the foregoing. From an arbitrary water temperature above the freezing point, down to, but not including the freezing point, convection is temperature controlled during cooling since there is no ice formed, hence, no brine expulsion. During cooling of surface waters at the freezing point for existing surface salinities, convection is primarily salinity controlled since brine is being continuously expelled from newly forming ice. Within this latter water temperature regime, temperature changes play a minor role in effecting changes in surface water densities. As convective overturn is a mechanism for inhibiting freezing by continuously transferring heat from depth to the active boundary at which freezing is taking place, so it is also a mechanism for effectively removing heat from depths significantly greater than could be effected by molecular diffusion. An equilibrium ice thickness is reached when the resultant heat flux upward through convection, advection and diffusion in the water column balances the upward resultant heat flux through the ice, at the ice-water boundary. Prior to this point, ice is accreted in depth since the upward heat flux through the ice exceeds the upward heat flux in the water column arriving at the ice-water boundary. 17 B. DISTRIBUTION OF VARIABLES The distribution of temperature, salinity and velocity are considered within a volume of water under a refreezing lead. The water is assumed to be inviscid, horizontally homogeneous, horizontally isotropic, irrotational , and incompressible. Accelerations resulting from the coriolis effect and horizontal pressure gradients are assumed to be negligible. Momentum, heat energy, and salt mass are conserved within the volume such that no velocity, temperature, or salinity sources or sinks exist except at the volume's boundaries. Furthermore, currents are assumed to be steady-state and uniform both horizontally and vertically. Using the classic box-model approach, these conservative fields are represented continuously within the volume by individual continuity equations. For the vector field of velocity, where K is the diffusivity and Sw is a source term. DV/_ = V-KW+ S (1) Dt v which reduces to v(t,x,y,z) = v = constant (2) i.e., the velocity is specified as uniform and steady. Similarly, the scalar fields of heat and salt, here collectively depicted by the scalar quantity 0, are represented by DJ3/Dt = v. K v 0 + S (3) whe re K is the diffusivity and S. is a source term. 18 This reduces to *%t = " V'V(3 + Khv20 +Vv ' K(z) vv0 (4) where K is the horizontal diffusivity and vv is the vertical del operator since, K(x) = K(y) = KH = constant The local, or time-rate-of-change, is therefore equal to the sum of the field- rate-of-change and the diffusive-rate-of-change. C. HYDRODYNAMIC PROCESSES Mechanisms for the hydrodynamic transport of heat and salt within the lead are advection and diffusion. However, from the dynamics of the sea- water freezing process, it is known that convection plays a major role in transporting both heat and salt in the water column. Although it is riot represented by a discrete term in the foregoing continuity equation, the convective transport term may be thought of as simply a temporary (when vertical density instabilities arise) modification of the vertical diffusion term taking the form 'im *A «■)""'*, (5) K(*)-« which in essence results in free vertical (convective) transport. D. MASS AND ENERGY BALANCE With the foregoing analyses of continuity relations and mechanisms of hydrodynamic transport existing within the box model of the open lead, the mass and energy balances existing at the volume's boundaries may be examined. 19 Over an arbitrary surface area of a reclosing lead, a given change of heat, AQ, at the water surface must equal the heat added by advection and diffusion at upstream boundaries, Q , plus the heat added from depth in the lead by convection, advection, and diffusion, Qz, plus the heat added by surface ice accretion, Qf, plus the open-water heat loss at the surface by conduction, evaporation and radiation, Q +Q +Q , plus the heat loss through the ice cover by conduction, Q. , minus the heat diffused across vertical boundaries normal to advective transport, Qn, minus the heat transported across the downstream boundaries by advection and diffusion, Q^, such that AQ = Qu + Qz + Qf + W(QS+Qe+Qr) + Qi (1-W) - Qn - Qd (6) Where W is the fraction of open water comprising the surface of the lead at any given time. The heat added from depth in the lead is heat ultimately derived from the Bering Sea Water (in the Canadian Basin) and from the Atlantic layer. By similar analysis, a given change of salinity, aS, at the water's surface must equal the salt added by advection and diffusion at upstream boundaries, Su, plus the salt added from depth in the lead by convection, advection, and diffusion, Sz, plus the salt added by surface ice accretion (salt rejection), Sf, plus the salt lost through surface ice melting (salt dilution), Sm, plus the salt added by surface evaporation, Se, minus the salt diffused across vertical boundaries normal to advective transport, Sn, minus the salt transported across downstream boundaries by advection and diffusion, S^, such that AS = su + sz + (i-w)(sf+sm) + w(se) - sn - sd (7) where again W is the fraction of open water comprising the surface of the lead at any given time. The salt added from depth in the lead is derived from the generally strong positive halocline. existing at depths below 25 to 50 meters. 20 Qualitatively then, before the equilibrium sea ice cover has been reestablished, there will exist differentials in the temperature and salinity profiles of water columns. A primary process of interest in the refreezing lead is that of surface ice formation, which lends a unique character to lead hydrodynamics. The heat added/lost by surface ice accretion/melting is a function of the incremental change in the mass of ice,AI, and the heat of formation of sea ice, L . , such that Qf = -Qm = L-AI (8) Coupled directly to this process is the process of brine expulsion (salt rejection) by the sea ice during growth. The salt added/lost by surface ice accretion/melting is a function of the incremental change in the mass of ice, AI, the salinity of the sea ice, S^ , (which in turn is dependent upon rate- of-freezing, ice temperature, and age of the ice), and the salinity of the parent sea water, Sw, such that Sf = -Sm = f(Al,Si,Sw) (9) Qualitative analysis of the salt rejection process by constituent salts is not appropos "to either the scale or the nature of the study at hand; there- fore salt rejection was treated simply as a process of water-salinity modification. 21 III. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE A. FORMULATION OF THE MODEL 1 . Establishment of a Representative Cross Section In deciding upon what physical dimensions would be appropriate for the model, it appeared most suitable to represent a small open lead in central arctic sea ice such as one would expect to observe between early to late winter. Therefore, the width of the lead was chosen to be 150 meters, with an additional 50 meters under equilibrium sea-ice cover on the downstream side of the model lead to facilitate studying resultant thermodynamics and hydrodynamics in that region. The model's depth extent was set at 50 meters based upon lower boundary condition considerations. Over much of the Arctic Basin the vertical temperature gradient at that depth is zero or yery slightly posi- tive. Since a no-flux lower boundary condition was desirable in order to better study the effects of advection of conservative constituents in the lead, that depth was chosen. It was felt that the model could be simplified without the loss of any essential physics if derivatives along the lead (Y-axis) were set to zero. This reduced the problem to one of looking at a cross-sectional distribution in the lead. Figure 2 is a pictorial depiction of the open lead. 2. Adaptation of the Continuity Equations to the Model Using the simplification of the previous paragraph which allows the use of a cross-sectional area rather than a true volume to represent the 22 Figure 2. Pictorial Depiction of Open Lead WATER LEAD CROSS-SECTION S ^x rrc /" > 150 m. 50 m, 23 lead, the horizontal advection and horizontal diffusion terms describing changes along the Y-axis were eliminated from equation (4). The problem was further simplified by assuming that all horizontal diffusion was negligible relative to horizontal advection, and that verti- cal advection could be disregarded. Applying the foregoing simplifications to the expanded form of equation (4), and choosing the state variables of temperature and salinity as the relevant dependent variables, the final form of the equations used to describe the conservative scalar fields of temperature and salinity within the lead was d0/dt = - udp/ax + a/az K(*)d0/Sz do) where, 0 = 0 (t,x,z) 3. Initial Conditions Sea-water temperatures and salinities within the lead at the instant that'the lead is generated are represented by local stable tem- perature and salinity profiles previously existing beneatii the equilibrium sea-ice cover. The temperature and salinity fields are both horizontally uniform and vary only with depth in the lead such that T(0,X,Z) = T(Z) (11) S(0,X,Z) = S(Z) (12) The surface of the newly-generated lead is initially taken to be ice-free over the left (upstream) 150 meters, and ice-covered with equili- grium thickness ice over the right (down-stream) 50 meters. Surface temperatures are initially at the freezing point, in temperature equilibrium with the preexisting sea-ice cover. 24 4. Boundary Conditions The model's left, or upstream boundary, may be regarded as a source boundary across which sea water having a given temperature and salinity profile flows into the lead. Sea-water temperature and salinity profiles are taken as steady-state functions of depth alone, identical to the lead's initial temperature and salinity profiles such that T(t,0,Z) = T(Z) (13) S(t,0,Z) = S(Z) (14) The model's surface boundary is the primary region of mass and energy fluxes and is therefore the most dynamically active boundary. The boundary condition on temperature across the entire surface is that of an upward (or downward) diffusive flux of heat across the water surface such that %x T(t,X,0) = f(AT,Zi,Si,Kw,Ki) (15) where aT is the air-water temperature difference (an externally specified parameter), Z-j is the surface ice thickness, S- is the surface ice salinity (an externally specified constant parameter), and Kw and K-j are the co- efficients of thermal eddy diffusivity of sea water and thermal conducti- vity of sea ice respectively. When no ice is present at the surface, the surface heat flux is taken as the cumulative open-water sensible, latent, and radiative heat fluxes, which are specified in the model as external parameters according to the air-water temperature difference. Since the model's surface at all times represents the water surface, the fluxes at that boundary are matched as ice is formed, such that the flux through the water surface is always equal to the flux through the ice to the atmosphere, but at no time does it exceed the maximum open-water flux to the atmosphere. 25 The boundary condition on sea water salinity at the surface specifies a no-diffusive flux condition between air and water as well as between ice and water and ice and air such that %t S(t.x.o) = 0 (16) However, salt rejection from ice to water during the freezing process (as well as salt dilution during melting) is represented as a discrete process of physically adding the change in salinity produced by sea-ice accretion or melting to the surface waters such that S(t,X,o)=» S(t,X,o) + f(Al,AS) (17) where AI is the incremental change in the mass of sea ice, and AS is the salinity differential existing between the sea ice and its parent sea water. The bottom boundary, as previously discussed, is characterized as a no-flux boundary, thus */^m T(t,X,h) = 0 (18) %t S(t,X,h) = 0 (19) where h is the model's depth extent. The right, or downstream boundary, is also characterized as a no-diffusive flux boundary where whatever temperature-salinity field is generated by the thermodynamic processes of the lead is simply advected out. However, as mentioned previously, the right 50 meters of the lead model's surface is overlain by an equilibrium sea-ice cover. This boundary condition is therefore representative of a return towards the equilibrium vertical profiles. At the model's right boundary then 26 a/dX T(t,W,Z) = 0 (20) ^d X S(t,W,Z) = 0 (21) where W is the model's width. Figure 3 describes processes considered in the model cross section. Figure 4 schematically represents the model cross section with its governing continuity equations and boundary conditions. In this figure, the surface boundary condition is simply a statement of the balance of fluxes at the ice-water boundary. With no ice cover (5=0), the upward heat flux through the water surface, Fz is equal to the sum of open-water sensible (F ), latent (F ), and radiative (F ) heat fluxes. When an ice cover is present (5>0), the upward heat flux through the water surface (* =0+) is equal to the upward heat flux through the ice ( * =0") minus the heat added by surface ice accretion. The above relations are presented in terms of temperature gradients in Figure 4 as they are applied to the governing continuity equation for temperature. Symbols not previously defined are p., volume density of sea ice; q . , heat of formation of sea ice; 5 ice thickness (volume of ice per unit surface area). 5. The Finite-Difference Scheme A purely explicit finite difference scheme was selected to numeri- cally represent the linear parabolic partial differential equation (10). The time rate-of -change term was represented by forward differencing, the field rate-of-change term by backward (upstream) differencing, and the diffusive rate-of change term by central differencing. Thus over the interior (non-boundary) region of the model Ck - "j.r . . »j.k -»j-i,k + K g",k+r2gj/gj,k-i m At AX (AZ)2 27 Figure 3. Description of Processes Considered in Model x = 0 z = 0 (1) z = h (2) (3) x = w V^XX. (5) -* X (A) (1) Advection of steady-state temperature-salinity field into the lead from under equilibrium ice pack. (2) Heat loss to the atmosphere as a function of ice thickness, ice accretion/melting, and salt rejection/dilution. (3) Heat and salt transport by convective overturn, advection and eddy diffusion. (4) No transport across boundary. (5) Advection of temperature-salinity field generated by lead thermodynamics out of the lead model. 28 o II o II to c o ■o c o o £ -o c o ca -o c «o CO c o ■P" 4-> 10 cr 4-> •r— 13 C •r— 4-> C o o CO c ■I— c s- o .c c o •I— ■4-> O I M A3 /O 00 X /Ol/O /D X AD A) N AD h- x ad|a> I II /ok AD M AD AD ^>\/^0 uol X ADJAD D I M u»|- AD |AD V) H X l/> o !! K JC »/> AD ISI M /O AD A) ■> M 29 where, 0n = 0nAt , (23) ■j,k JAX, kAZ ^6> At the left boundary, equation (22) was inapplicable since tempera- ture and salinity were both steady-state functions of depth alone. There- fore, at this boundary at all times C - 0S,k (24) At the surface boundary, the diffusive term for temperature was modified in equation (22) since Tn -Tn 'j,k+l 'j,k-l - = ? T 25 2AZ or, since •j,k-i - 'j,k+i 2AI^v n U&J The diffusive salt term at the surface was modified in equation (22) Sn - sn J>k+1 J'""1 = 0 (27) 2 A I or, Sj ,k-l = sj,k+l (28) At the bottom boundary, the diffusive rate-of-change terms of both temperature and salinity were modified in equation (22) since n an Pj,k+1 " "j,k-l _ (29) 2AZ = 0 30 or 0j,k+l - »j.k-l (30) Finally, at the right boundary, equation (22) remains unmodified since advection is the only transport mechanism operating across it. Stability analysis of the finite difference equation using the Fourier series method [Smith 1965] shows that n+1 s.k[»B-2*y (31) where e represents an arbitrary error introduced into the problem. There- fore, the finite-difference equation (22) is stable when the absolute value of the amplification factor remains less than or equal to unity Ati U K 1 < 1 (32) 6. Representation of Physical Processes Convective overturn is treated nominally through an artifice of the vertical diffusion term as in equation (5). Numerically however, convective overturn and its associated mixing is accomplished through arithmetic averaging of temperatures and salinities within regions of vertical density instability as determined by sigma-t values, followed by recomputation of the resultant sigma-t value for the newly mixed (and neutrally stable) region. Subroutine OVRTRN accomplishes convective overturn in the model. Advection of heat and salt (temperature and salinity) in the lead is driven by a current, u, in the positive-x direction. Values and depth pro- files of the current as used in the model are given in subparagraph B of this section. 31 Diffusion of heat and salt in the vertical are determined by the coefficients of vertical temperature and salinity diffusivities, both set 2 -1 at constant values of 10 cm sec in the model. Formation of sea ice is accomplished as in equation (8). More specifically however, when a given mass of water, Aw, is cooled AT degrees centigrade below its salinity dependent freezing-point temperature, the incremental mass of ice formed, A I, is A I = Cp(AW.AT)/, (33) where Cp is the specific heat of sea water and L- is the heat of formation of sea ice. Salt rejection (or dilution) resulting from surface sea ice accretion (or melting) is described in equation (17). Specifically, if A I is the incremental change in the mass of sea ice and AS is the salinity differential existing between a unit mass of parent sea water and a unit mass of its generated sea ice, then the incremental salinity change, ASr, in the surface waters resulting from that freezing or melting process is ASR = A I. AS (34) 7. Physical Quantities and Relations Sea water chlorinity is related to salinity [Knudsen 1902] by the relation Cl=(s - 0.030)/l .8050 (35) Freezing-point depression is empirically related to sea water chlorinity by Thompson [Sverdrup, Johnson and Fleming 1942] by the relation Tr = -0.0966'Cl - 0.0000052-C13 (36) fP 32 The density of sea water as a function of salinity and temperature (sigma-t) [Knudsen 1902] is empirically computed through *0 = ^(Cl) (37) AT = '2(T) (38) BT = '3(T) (39) 2T = f4(T) (40) 't = f5(2T» VAT'BT> <41> The specific heat at constant pressure of sea water is empirically related to its salinity at normal temperature and pressure by Kuwahara [Sverdrup, Johnson and Fleming 1942] by the relation C = 1.005 - 0.004136-S + 0.0001098-S2 - 0.000001324-S3 (42) The thermal conductivity of sea ice was determined using the relation- ship established by Untersteiner [Maykut and Untersteiner !969, 1971]. where, ki = kf h- ^f^ , T<0 (43) the subscript f refers to pure ice, kf = 0.00486 cal/cm-sec-°C, p b = 0.28 cal-cm /g-sec, T = temperature of ice in degrees Celsius, S(z) = ice salinity at depth z in g/cm . The heat of formation of sea ice was represented by the simplified relationship [Pounder 1965] where L^Lf.O-f-) (44) Lf = 79.77 cal/g, <* = salinity of sea ice, g/kg, S = salinity of parent sea water, g/kg. 33 B. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA INPUTS Environmental data used in the model fell into two basic categories: that which remained constant throughout all runs of the model, and that which was variable from run-to-run. Representative of the former were initial equilibrium-ice thickness, set at 200 cm, an ice salinity of 8.0 g/kg, and an ice density of 0.91 g/cm3. Further, representative open water sensible, latent, and radiative heat flux densities as presented by Muench [Baffin Bay-North Water Project 1971] were applied in the model. However, as ice formed at the surface, the latent heat flux density was modified so as to decrease exponentially with increasing ice thickness. The radiative heat flux density was modified so as to decrease from open water values as ice formed, approaching a constant value representative of the radiative flux density over pack ice as also presented by Muench. The sensible heat flux density was modified internally by the relation shown in Figure 4 as surface ice thicknesses increased. All surface heat flux densities were representative of an air-water temperature difference of 25°C with no wind. Finally, the coefficients of vertical temperature and salinity eddy diffusi- 9 vity were set at 10.0 cm / sec. Primary variable parameters in the model were horizontal current magni- tudes, vertical temperature profiles, and vertical salinity profiles. Currents applied in the model were within the range of zero to 10.0 cm/sec. Extreme test case values were 0.0 and 10.0 cm/sec. Additional test case values of 2.0 and 4.0 cm/sec were used to study one particular temperature- salinity field combination with its associated hydrodynamics in further detail. A value of 7.0 cm/sec was chosen to represent a typical horizontal current occurring in the lead, and was subsequently used as the real case value. 34 Test case values of vertical temperature and salinity profiles representative of extremes in vertical gradient were applied. Profiles A represented strong gradients, while profiles B represented weak gradients (Table I). Real case temperature and salinity profiles, qualitatively representative of early winter (profile C) and late winter (profile D) conditions in the central arctic [Coachman and Barnes 1961, 1962], were chosen to represent the typical lead. Table I summarizes the profile designations of the three variable parameters and their various values. C. MODEL INTEGRATION PLAN In order to gain maximum insight to physical processes occurring in the lead, as well as to study the effects of current magnitude, vertical temperature gradient, and vertical salinity gradient on lead thermodynamics, trie i>erieb 01 cesx Vdi lauki was run in nic mouci • rvcprcacHteu uj iuh;> one through eight, these test cases involved running all possible combina- tions of current magnitude (u) profiles A and B, temperature (T) profiles A and B, and salinity (S) profiles A and B. These test cases were integrated over a lead reclosure period of two days. As a result of the interesting dynamics occurring in run 6, additional runs 9, 10, and 14 were scheduled using temperature and salinity profiles identical to run 6 (and 2), but with current magnitude profiles C, D, and F respectively, in order to further investigate these phenomena. Integra- tion was again for a period of two days. Finally, the real-case variables, representative of naturally occurring parameters, were put into the model and integrated over two-day periods in runs 11 and 12, and over a 30 day period in run 13. 35 Table I. Environmental Variable Profiles Horizontal Current Magnitud es (cm/sec) Depth (m) Profile A B C D E F 0 - 50 10.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 7.0 0.0 Water Temperatures (QC) Depth (m) Profile A 0 -1.50 5 -1.40 10 -1.30 15 -1.20 20 -1.10 25 -1.00 30 -0.90 35 -0.80 40 -0.70 45 -0.60 50 -0.50 ■1.50 ■1.49 •1.43 ■1.47 ■1.46 ■1.45 •1.44 •1.43 ■ 1 42 ■1.41 ■1.40 -1.68 -1.68 -1.68 -1.67 -1.66 -1.65 -1.64 -1.63 -1 .62 -1.61 -1.60 D ■1.82 ■1.82 •1.82 •1.82 ■1.81 ■1.80 ■1.79 •1.78 ■1 .77 ■1.76 ■1.75 Water Salinities (g/kg) Depth (m) Profile A B C D 0 28.00 28.00 31.00 33.51 5 28.50 28.01 31.01 33.52 10 29.00 28.02 31.02 33.53 15 29.50 28.03 31.06 33.55 20 30.00 28.04 31.15 33.57 25 30.50 28.05 31.25 33.60 30 31.00 28.06 31.35 33.63 35 31.50 28.07 31.45 33.66 40 32.00 23.08 31.55 33.69 45 32.50 28.09 31.65 33.72 50 33.00 28.10 31.75 33.75 36 Table II presents a summary of runs conducted with their respective variable combinations. D. MODEL LIMITATIONS In addition to the assumptions made earlier in arriving at the simplified model of an open lead, basic limitations in the model's capabilities are: 1) the atmosphere is treated as an external parameter such that it affects lead dynamics but cannot be affected in turn by the lead; 2) sea ice is treated as a quasiexternal parameter since it is depicted as a simple, uniform mass floating on the water's surface. Density and salinity are constant throughout this mass in both space and time, and the vertical temperature gradient is taken to be linear throughout. Its thermal conductivity is determined only at the ice-water boundary, which is warmest and therefore limiting through the relation given in equation (43), and an upper limit is applied to the upward heat- flux density through the ice such that at no time is the flux through the ice allowed to exceed that over open water; 3) mechanical lead closure (such as by wind-drifted ice) is disallowed; 4) snow cover over the lead's surface is not modelled; 5) super-cooling of surface waters [Coachman 1966] is not portrayed; 6) as convection-induced mixing occurs instantaneously in the model, so also does surface ice melting whenever heat is brought to the surface by convection. This results in an artificiality in that, although heat and salt are conserved in the model, heat brought to the surface under an ice cover immediately melts ice until no further surface heat is available for melting. Therefore, under this limitation, it is not possible for surface heat to be advected downstream under an ice cover to promote downstream melting. Only in cases when no ice is present to be melted may this heat 37 Table II. Schedule of Runs and Variable Combinations Run Variable Profile Period of Integration (days) U T S 1 A A A 2 2 A A B 2 3 A B A 2 4 A B B 2 5 B A A 2 6 B A B 2 7 B B A 2 8 B B B 2 9 C A B 2 10 D A B 2 11 E C C 2 12 E D D 2 13 £ n n 30 14 F A B 2 38 be advected downstream; 7) in situations wherein vertical salinity gradients existing in the water column are weaker than a certain minimum gradient, the model will over-mix the water column in depth. Specifically, the model forms ice in response to surface cooling, thereby rejecting salt into the surface water layer of depth Z. The model then mixes the induced un- stable region as determined by relative sigma-t values of density. If however, there is heat available at some shallower depth than that to which the water column was mixed which could have decreased the initial amount of ice formed, then although salt, ice, and heat are ultimately conserved, potential energy is not conserved. Initial freezing and resul- tant salt rejection have induced convection to a greater depth than would have actually been the case in a continuous process. Therefore, for vertical salinity gradients weaker than a certain minimum gradient, the model's numerical convective process acts as a potential energy source. Quantitatively, the limiting minimum vertical salinity gradient which can be accurately treated by this model, in g/kg per vertical grid space, is Pi . (Sw - S^ • AI/A-Z (45) where p. is the ice density, Sw is the salinity of sea water, S.. is the salinity of sea ice, A I is the incremental change in the volume of ice, and AZ is the vertical grid spacing. In this model, the limiting gradient is in the neighborhood of 1 X 10"3 g/kg per vertical grid space, which is lower by an order of magnitude than the weakest salinity gradient used. 39 IV. PRESENTATION OF DATA Some results of integrating the model using the combinations of environmental variables summarized in sections III . B. and III .C. are presented in tabular and graphic form. Three primary output variables are treated: surface ice thickness, surface heat loss to the atmosphere, and depth of penetration of surface-freezing induced convective overturn. Throughout the section, these three output variables are related by run number (section III.C.) to the input variables of current magnitude, vertical temperature profile and vertical salinity profile (section III.B.). A. TEST CASES Ice thicknesses are treated in two ways: by time growth rate and by spatial profile across the lead. Values for growth rates were arrived at by tabulating the maximum ice thickness occurring anywhere in the lead as a function of. time. Values for spatial profiles were taken as the ice thicknesses across the model's surface (200 meters) after 48 hours of freezing. Values over the right 50 meters of the model's surface, initially covered by 200 cm of ice, are tabulated to show the downstream surface effects of lead thermodynamics on the equilibrium ice cover. Surface heat losses to the atmosphere are presented as cumulative heat- loss densities (heat loss per unit surface area) occurring at each grid point over the surface of the initially open lead after 48 hours of lead reclosure. Additionally, these surface heat-loss densities are averaged and tabulated separately as mean surface heat-loss densities. 40 Finally, maximum depths of penetration of surface-freezing induced convective overturn are tabulated. Due to the numerical nature of the model however, these depths should be treated as bounding depths rather than precise depths as would be indicated for continuous schemes. B. REAL CASES Ice thicknesses, surface heat losses to the atmosphere, and depths of penetration of surface-freezing induced convective overturn are treated in an analogous manner. Additionally however, ice thickness and mean surface heat-loss densities are presented as functions of time for run number 13, in which the model was integrated to represent 30 days of lead reclosure. Values for surface ice thicknesses were determined analogously to those of 48-hour ice-growth rates. 41 ISI fO c_> CD CO CD (T3 -SZ +-> 6 s_ CJ3 a> o cd -♦-> <_> I/O -o rO •r" S- S- o u o E u CO a> r— ^ > •r- I— c I — I a) u i_ o X CD i fc=| CO C -Q =3 E CC =5 CO CTv CO o CO CO CO r— -CM CO CM CM cr> CO CNJ cr> en co i— i— CM CO CO en CM r^ co o l— r— CO r- co r^ o CM r— i — CM .— CO ir> CM CM >— CO CO <*o UD CO CTi CO CD CO CO r- co CO ^i- <— o CTi CO <* s- ai CD -a (T3 CD <+- jD LLii 80i wnui J.XB;-! 43 oo r-» ID CO c c c c 13 =3 3 3 cc cc q: cc CO en CO cr> 00 O *3- c\i (/> c 3 cc qj CO r0 o +J CO 0J 1— #* CO QJ -»-> »— ( ro i — i CC r— 1 CD -C ^~- +-> -Q ^ (O o 1— $- C3 fc o QJ s- CJ 4- "5f CNJ CO CO i- ro S- ro c_> QJ to QJ O S- D_ QJ C O OJ o QJ -O rO c o OJ c OJ o -o rO QJ a> 4-> in s- o aj o rO S- co -a rO QJ «^- «*- o CM O CO en o co LO o en lo o co en lO If) CO s r— i — r— en o o CM CM O CD O CM CM CM 5- en en en en en in <=*■ • cocococococo coco CMCMCMCMCMCM CMCM to r-. «c!- ">J cocorvcococo-coco CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CO CM CM CO CM CNJ CO CM CM CO CM CM CO CM CO CO CM CM CO O i — en o o r— CM CM CNJ CM CM o o o CM CM CM a o o o o o CM CM CM o o o O CZ) CD CM CM CM OJ cocococococo coo O O O O O CD CM CM CM CM CM CM O O CM CM , — co lo en co r^ en co co r-^ r»« ud «3- co r_ ,— r— r- en en co co co co en en en en X E cocococococo COCO COCO CO CO CO CO c^cnc^c^cn'encncncncncnc^cncn LO LO LO LO LO LO cn en en en en en o o o o o o , — cm co *cr LO o o r^ co o cn o CD o CD CD o r— CM CO ^f o o 1 VO o o o o CO on O ,— .— CM 45 CO >vi- r— C\] c c E E 13 3 3 rs cc o; D£ cc o LO LD C\J I r> o£ cu to fO o t l/> cu h- #> to CU T— •1 — 4- o s- D_ > 1 — 1 to to CD CD 1 — C .Q _-^ 03 u 1— • r— fc= I— o s_ cu M- o (—1 * o o o CM to ■o ZJ o ca cu o s- o oo -a n3 cu <4- o G cu S- to o O) o c fO to Q O CO o CnJ cu CD (WD) SS3U>|3Ll!I 9^1 46 00 v, c 13 en CD V) ro O I O S- Q_ 1/1 l/> CD rtJ E o 4- •o c 13 o CD O s- o -a fO E fO -M to O CD a c o ro o (U10) SS9U>|3Ll|l 931 47 CD CM to *»>. O to r— — *• •% to to to •r— o to _] c cd +-> Q fO CD to u_ co O CD _l O 1 03 +J «+- «o S- CD 3 :e 00 CD s- o 3 «o o M- n: S- i 3 CO CO <3- CO to tO to to tO tO to NCOc\iNaiai<*tDMc\jcviNroi — en cri en cr> en o~> <^<^ir)^-roro^<^^-^-^f^-t<*' — ■ — < — ■ — " — " — r-~ rv Is* r-- r-. rv rvrvivrvrvrvrvrviv[vrvrvr--.rvcncncncncncn rororonfOfonnnnroMnni — ■ — i — i — i — ■ — connnnn i_r>i — , — tOLOCMtOi — c\ji — Oi — cm cm en en o-> en en en <*-<3-Lnr-»cMrvcn^-r->.0' — co^-lo. — • — « — < — > — ■ — CO CM i — i — C\JC\JC\JC\Ji — CM CM WWCM CjI CO CO CO CO CO CO cncncncncncncncncncncncncnencncncncncncn ro CM ca iv n r-v n ^o •vj- ^ ^f ^ ~ — «r o •* r^ 'jj n cti cti cr, tri 3-i c?i nronncororotvDNMavo'vOi — < — ■ — ■ — i — < — r-~ iv tv r-, r-~ r~- iN.NNNNNNrvNNNNrsNCTicricnaicritn coe^cooorocooocooooororooooOi — i — ■ — i — r — i — Lf)ix)Lnmir)Lr)LO<*N^MLncocMUDCficriCTcncri ^■^■^■^^^'^LnNcocnOi — cocMi — ■ — i — ■ — i — , — , — i — i — . — i — . — i — i — i — r — CM CM CM CO CO CO CO CO CO cncncnena^cncr>cna^cncr>cncncncncncncncncn OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO r-CMCO^LniONCOaiOr-NCO^lXHON JCTlO i — i — i — i — i — i — i — r— -i — CM 48 C\J «3- r— CO o IT) *3- 1 r— to c 13 cc GJ CO •i — to c CD Q to to O _1 > 1 ai fO f— a> .q re ra l— cd o £ (U o <4- S- S~ <4- \ s m — C\J to -a c: o co aj u o s_ O =3 r— O CO to ■a 03 CD o LO o re CD u. 4-> to o o O) (J c rj> (?LUD/[eD OL x) ssL^isuaa sscn-ieaH 49 CO 13 looo r^ c c c rj 3 rs 0:0: c£ o CO I ID CO cs: cu to co to CD to E CU Q to to o _J I +-> CD CU LO CM O O -a o en to c: 3 o a CD a c: o to LD CM CD O E fO o CO * o o CO o CM o ( uiD/LBD 20L *) S9!4LSUaQ SS01-^P3H a CD KCi Table VI. Mean Surface Heat-Loss Densities, Test Cases, 48-Hour Mean-Surface Heat Losses (x 102 cal/cm2) Run Number A0 1 14.9 2 17.0 3 13.7 4 14.9 5 14.9 6 23.2 7 13.7 8 14.5 Table VII. Maximum Depth of Penetration of Convective Overturn, Test Cases. Run Depth Number (m) 1 5 • 2 10 3 5 4 10 5 5 6 20 7 5 8 20 51 CO cd CO 03 O to CD 00 cd +-> 03 q: x: O s_ CO cd u CO r— fO > CD i- ZJ o en +-> «3 a; _i CD 4-> CO c •• — i- s- O u o CO co CD C u CD o X 03 CD 03 r-^ MD 00 • • •vT «3- «3- 00 co CO C\J O • • "=d" OJ CM 00 CM r^ CO c CNJ • • o CO CD CT> • ^ r— h~ 4-> 03 CD c CD CD ~o |-» CO 03 «3- • • CD C\l CO CO _J •"" ■— S- CD +-> <+- < CD *— evi r~ • i — • . t— 1 — CO CO st 00 co C\J 00 CO 0 0 0 S- CD c -a 1 — C\J Z3 E 1 — r— o; 3 2: 52 CO o *3- C\J CO <3- c o 03 s_ 4- < UD - CO C\J o CM in ID (LUD) SSSU>jDLlJl 301 WniUlXPl c;-5 Table IX. Ice Thickness Profiles, Real Cases Ice Thicknesses (cm) Across Lead Surface 48 Hours After Lead Generation. X (m) Run Number 11 12 10 24.7 24.6 20 24.7 24.6 30 24.7 24.6 40 24.7 24.6 50 24.6 24.3 60 24.3 24.0 70 24.4 24.2 80 24.4 24.2 90 24.4 24.1 100 24.4 23.9 110 24.3 23.9 120 24.2 23.6 130 24.0 23.5 140 24.0 23.4 150 203. 203. 160 203. 203. 170 203/ 203. 180 203. 203. 190 203. 203. 200 203. 203. 54 i— CM to <+- o 1— 1 * o LO C\J o o >> s_ fO c 3 o CQ CU u s~ 13 o CO to -o 03 |01L|1 931 55 Table X. Surface Heat-Loss Densities, Real Cases 48-Hour Surface Heat Losses (x 102 cal/cm2) X (m) Run Number 11 12 10 13.6 13.9 20 13.6 13.9 30 13.6 13.9 40 13.6 13.9 50 13.7 14.3 60 14.2 14.7 70 14.0 14.4 80 13.9 14.3 90 13.8 14.3 100 13.8 14.3 110 13.8 14.3 120 13.8 14.3 130 13.8 14.3 140 13.8 14.2 150 1.99 2.01 160 1.99 2.01 170 1.99 2.01 180 1.99 2.01 190 1.99 2.01 200 1.99 2.01 56 C\J i — 3 CJ o LO >> LD S- CM 03 r— "O c 3 O CQ CU O s_ 3 O O O co ^— (/) — -o fO CU ».o cu CO rtj o , fO cu a: 9\ 00 CO •r- +-> •r— to c cu Q to in O _J X 1 4-> cu <) S9L^LSU9Q SS01-^8H 57 Table XI. Mean Surface Heat-Loss Densities, Real Cases. 48-Hour Mean Surface Heat Losses (x 102 cal/cm2) Run Number aQ 11 12 13.3 14.2 Table XII. Maximum Depth of Penetration of Convective Overturn, Real Cases. Run Number Depth (m.) 11 12 15 15 58 Table XIII. Ice Growth Rate, Run 13. Maximum Ice Thickness (cm) Occurring in the Lead's Surface at Five-Day Intervals. Ice Day ' Thickness 5 40.6 10 59.6 15 74.9 20 88.3 25 101. 30 112. Table XIV. Mean Surface Heat-Loss Densities, Run 13. 9 9 Mean Surface Heat-Loss Densities (xlO^ cal/cnf) at Five-Day Intervals. Day aQ 5 23.5 10 34.7 15 43.7 20 51.6 25 58.8 30 65.5 59 CO c 13 q; 1 — 1 #» t— t a; 1— 1 +-> X (O ex. a; p— JZ jQ +J fO S 1— o s~ E o o S- C\J fO J- CD c Q) czs -a fO 4- o o o o LT> (HID) SS9U>pLl!l 8DI Uiniil LX12'tJ 60 CO 3 cc 9\ CO CD •r— -)-> •r™ CO E CD O CO (/) O _l 1 fO >■ CD t— 1 in X CD CD O r— ,AHF(22),CAHF(22),HUF(22) CCMMON TMEW(232) ,SNEW(232) , SIGT<232) AT1(bI=1.-DTAU*(U(B)/DX+2.*VTK/DZ**2) AS1(B)=1.-DTAU*(U(B)/DX+2.*VSK/DZ**2) AT2(B)=OTAU*U( B)/DX AS2(5)=OTAU*U( e )/DX AT3(D)=D*VTK/DZ**2 AS3(D)=D*VSK/DZ^"2 SOu7 = -0^5&9 + lo4708*A-O.OCa57G*A**2+OcG000398*A**3 AT (A =A*(4o78O7-G.G98135*A+Jc0C10843*A**2)*9o001 BT(A)=A*( 18.U3O0. 8164*A+0.01667*A**2)*J. OOOOOl ST(A)=-( A-3o^8 )**2/5C3.570*( A-»-283.)/(A + 67e26) SGTU)=A+(SIG0+O.1324)*(1.0-ATMP+(i}TMP* J = J + 1 103 CONTINUE Z=0.0 K=MVH1-MV TNEw'(K) = ATl ) Z=Z+DZ 1C6 CONTINUE 2C1 J=l DO 213 I=2,MH1 J=J+MV1 J3=J+MV MELT=G HIF(I)=OoC , i%1 THF=DZ/2o*(T(J )-TNEW(J) ) 2C2 CL=C(SNEW( J) ) TF( I)=F(CL) TTEKP=TNEW(J) IF(TTEMPoLEoTF(I ))TTEMP=TF(I ) I^TTD^l:Si:^i!Tl^:fM«I..Lt.ERR!DTAU.».T!F=C,0 CP=SH(SNEM( J) ) SIGOSC-(CL) ATMP=AT(TTEMP) BTMP=BT(TTEMP) SMT=ST(TTEMP) SIGT( J)=SGT(SMT) RHO=DE( SIGT( J) ) ZKW=RHO*CP/DTAU SRATIO=SALI/SNEW(J) HS=HC*( l.O-SRATIO) HICE=(TIF*ZKW)/(RHOI*HS) GO TO 204 203 HICE=-(ZI( I )/DTAU) TIF*=HICE*RhOI*HS/ZKW 204 Gl=-(DTAUvHlCEJ IF(Gl.GT.ZKI) >G0 TO 203 DSALT-RHOI*(SNEW(J 5-SALI ) ZICE=DTAU*HICE SSFLUX=R(ZICE) SSCHG=SSFLUX/DZ IF(MELT.E0«C)G0 TO 2 06 SDIST=SSCHG/JSA Kl=J+( JSA-1) DO 205 K=JtKl SNEW(K)=SNEW(K)+SDIST 205 CONTINUE GO TO 207 206 SNEW( J)=SNEW( J J+SSCHG 2C7 TNE W ( J ) = TNE W( J ) + ( T I F*2 . /DZ ) ZI( I)=ZI (I )+DTAU*HICE , ,.,,,,,. , r IF(ZI( I ) el_ToERR( DTAO.AND. ( HICE.LE.O.o ) ) Z H I )=>./* 0 HIF( IJ=HIF( I )+TIF*ZKW IF(ABS(HICE)oGTcEPS)GO TO 2-J2 CL=C(SNEW( J) ) TF( 1)=F(CL) DO 208 K=J,J3 CL=C(SNEW(K) ) SIGC=SO(CL) ATMP=AT(TNEW(K) ) BTMP=BT(TNEW(K) ) SMT=ST(TNEW(K) ) SIGT(K)=SGT(SMT) 208 CONTINUE IF(MELT,EQol)GO TO 212 J2=J3+1 209 DO 210 K=1,MV IF(SIGT( J2-K).GE.SIGT( J3-K) ) GO TO 210 L=J2-K CALL OVRTRN (J,L) GO TO 209 210 CONTINUE CL=C(SNEW( J) ) 79 TF( I)=F(CL) IF(TNEW(J),LE.TF( I) ) GO TO 212 IF(ZI ( I ).L6oERR(DTAU) ) GO TO 212 MELT=1 DO 211 K=1,MV IF(SNEW( J+K).EQoSNEW(J) ) GO TO 211 JSA=K GO TO 202 211 CONTINUE JSA=MV1 GO TO 202 212 OK I)=HIF( I )/( RHOI*HS) CHIFU ) = CH1F( I)+HIF( I)*DTAU HF( I)=THF*ZKW CHF( I)=CHF( I) + HF(I )*DTAU AH( I)=AHF( l)-HF{ I) CAH( I)=CAH( I )+DTAU*AH( I ) HC( I)=HF< I)-HIF( I ) CHC( I)=CHF( I)-CHIF( I) 213 CONTINUE I1=MV1+1 DO 301 I=I1,MVH1 T(I )=TNEW( I ) S( I) = SNEW( I ) 301 CONTINUE J=MV1+1 DO 403 I=2,MH1 RHO=OE(SIGT( J) ) CP = SH(S< J) ) VEC=VTK*RHO*CP IF(ZI( I ).LE0ERR(DTAU) ) GO TO 401 TI=TF(I ) CI=CO+BTC*SI/TI GRADI=DTEMP/ZI ( I ) QI=CI*GRADI TGRADS=QI/VEC TGRADR=0.35*QR/VEC TGOW=QS/VEC IF(TGRADSoGT.TGOW)GO TO 401 GO TO 402 401 TGRADS=QS/VEC TGRADL=QL*EXP(-0.5*ZI( I) )/VEC TGRA0R=(0. 35*QR+0a65*QR*EXP(-C 402 STGD( I )=TGRADS+TGRADL+TGRADR HUF( I )=STGD( I )*VEC PUF( I )=HUF( I )*DTAU J=J+MV1 403 CONTINUE IF(AM0D(TAU,36'JJo ) GO TO 101 501 Jl=l TIME=TAU/3600a J2=MVH1-MV WRITE(6,200)TIME,IRUN WRITE ( 6, 25C ) (TF(K) ,K= It MH1 ) DO 502 1=1, ^Vl WRITF.< 6,300)(T( J) , WRITE(6,35, ) (S( J), WRITE (6, 400) (SIGT( J1=J1+1 J2=J2+1 502 CONTINUE WRITE (6,450) DO 50 3 I=2,«H1 WRITE(6,5CMHIF(I) 1HF(I) ,CHF( I),AH( I) 503 CONTINUE IF(TIME.GEo GO TO 101 100 F0RMATU2) 150 FORMAT ( 11F7 5*ZI(I) ) )/VEC LT. l.E-4) GO TO 501 J=J1 ,J2,MV1) J=J1, J2,MV1) J ), J=J1, J2,MV1) ,CHIF(I) ,DI (I ),ZI(I) ,HC( I),CHC(I), ,CAH(I) ,AHF( I) ,CAHF( I) 48, )G0 TO 1 2) 80 200 FORMAT ( US 'PROFILE ( X-Z PLANE) OF LEAD AT TIME=f,F5.1 1 , 10X, 'RUN NUMBER' ,13) 2 50 FORMAT ( ■ 0« , ' TF ' , 3X , 21 ( 1 X ,F5. 2 ) ) 300 FORMAT ( «C» ,'T' ,4X,21( 1X.F5.2) ) 350 FORMAT (• • , • S ■ ,4X, 2 1 ( i X , F5. 2 ) Y 400 FORMAT (• ' , • ST ' , 3X , 21 ( 1 X, F 5. 2 ) ) 450 FORMAT (//, ' G ' , 3X , » H I F • , 7 X, » CHI F ■ , 6X, • DI « , SX , « Z I ■ , 8X , l'HC ,8X, 'CMC , 7X,«HF' , 8X,*CHF« ,7X,»AH' ,8X, 'CAH' ,7X, 2«AHF« ,7X, 'CAHF', /) 500 FORMAT (• « , 1 PE9. 2, 1 1 ( 1 X , E9.2 ) ) 10C0 STOP END SUBROUTINE CVRTRN (I,K) CCMMON TNEW (232 ) , SNElH 232) ,SIGT( 232) C(A) = ( A-0.030)/1.8( 5(x S0( A )=-C .069+1. 47Q8*A-0«0C'l 570* A**2+0o0GC 0398* A**3 AT ( A ) = A* ( 4 o 786 l-r ■ . 098 1 8 5*A + 0e 00 1 Q843*A** 2 ) *C . 001 BT