iy 'X

National Farm School,






APRIL ist, 1900.

Main building.

AT Work in the Field.

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Faculty of 1900.


Professor of Agriculture and Horticulture.


Assistant Professor of Agriculture, Superintendent of Farm.


Professor of History and Mathematics.


Assistant Professor of Horticulture, Superintendent of the Grounds.

W. G. BENNER, V. S.,

Professor of Veterinary Science and Farm Hygiene.

FRANK SWARTZLANDER, Jr., M. D., Professor of Physiology.




Occupation at Time of Admission.

Becker, Raymond Ci,yde

Pine Bluff, Ark.,

Attended School.

Benjamin, Benjamin . . .

Philadelphia, Pa.,

Employed in Printing Office.



Employed in Cloak Factory.

BoRoviK, George S

Chicago, 111.,

Clerk in Mercan- tile Agency.

Goldman, Joseph


Cigar Maker.

Hei,i.ER, Chari^es Solomon

Philadelphia, Pa.,

Employed in Stationery Store.

HiRSCHowiTz, Louis ....


Employed in a Cloak House.

Ibaugh, George Wallace

Wilmington, Del.,

Attended School.

Kaufman, Isaac , . .

Pine Bluff, Ark.,


Kerchersky, Frank

New York,

Employed in Comb Factory.

Kolinsky, Samuel

Philadelphia, Pa., do.


Lebowitz, Morris

Picture Frame Making.

MiTzMAN, Morris .

do. '

Stock Boy.

Newman, Abraham


Attended School.

NoRDEN, Jacob A. .

Chicago, 111.,

Employed in Store,

PizER, Solomon . .

New Orleans, La.,

Attended School.

Rich, Harry . . .



RiviTz, Hiram S. .

Chicago, 111.,

Employed in Clothing Store.

Schwartz, Lazarus

Baltimore, Md.,

Attended School.


Cleveland, Ohio,


Tennenbaum, Israel G.


Atlanta, Ga.,

Apprentice in Machine Shop.

Weinberg, Harry . . .

Philadelphia, Pa.,

Attended School.

Weintraub, Morris . .

Cincinnati, Ohio,




Zadok M. Eisner Chemical Laboratory.


Annual Meeting.

The third annual meeting of the National Farm School was held at the School at Doylestown, on Snnday, September 24th, T899, Adolph Eichholz, Esq., Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee, presiding. The reading of the minutes of the last annual meeting was dispensed with. Thereupon, the President, Rev. Dr. Krauskopf, read his annual report. At the conclusion of the reading of the President's report, the Executive Committee and Prof. E. E. Faville, Dean of the Institution, presented their reports.

The Committee on Nominations then reported, and the fol- lowing officers were elected: President, Rev. Dr. Joseph Kraus- kopf; Vice-President, Ralph Blum; and the following Trustees, to serve for three years in place of those whose terms had ex- pired, Samuel D. Lit, Herman Jonas, Howard A. Eoeb and Adolph Grant.

After the reading of letters from prominent persons regret- ting their inability to be present, the meeting adjourned.

Harry C. Hochstadter,


After the adjournment of the annual meeting, the most in- teresting exercises of the day were begun, namely, the dedica- tion of Theresa Loeb Memorial Green House, Zadok Eisner Memorial Laboratory, Ida M. Block Memorial Chapel, Louis I. Aaron Dairy House, and the New Dairy Barn. These proceed- ings were presided over by Mr. Ralph Blum, Vice-President of the School; and, after the invocation by Rev. Mayer, of Pitts- burg, addresses were made by Hon. Samuel H. Ashbridge, Mayor of Philadelphia, Hon. Thomas J. Stewart, Adjutant Gen- eral of Pennsylvania, Dr. John V. Shoemaker, Surgeon General of the National Guard of Pennsylvania, A. Leo Weil, Esq., of

Pittsburg, and Hon. Simon Wolf, of Washington, presenting the various buildings to the Farm School on behalf of the respective owners. The buildings were accepted, on behalf of the Institu- tion, by the Rev. Dr. Krauskopf

At four o'clock in the afternoon the first services were held in the new chapel, the consecration sermon being delivered by Rev. Dr. Henry Berkowitz.

President's Report.

Members and Friends of the National Farm School :

We are gathered for the third time in annual meeting to review a year's work, to ascertain whether the objects for which the National Farm School was organized have been faithfully kept in view, and whether the success achieved warrants continuance.

Five years ago the National Farm School had no existence, nor were there any funds for its commencement.

Four years ago these one hundred and twenty-two acres of choice agricul- tural land, with the farm buildings upon them purchased at the cost of $10,000 became the property of the National Farm School, without one cent of in- debtedness upon it.

Three years ago the erection'of the school building, to cost another Jj5io,ooo, was contracted for.

Two years ago the school building, completed and furnished, and the en- tire plant fairly well equipped with the necessary implements and stock en- tirely free from debt entered upon the objects for which thej' were acquired, with ten lads, from different parts of the country, as pupils, under a small staff of instructors. The total amount that had been contributed to the school up to that time (not including donations of furniture, stock, implements, books, etc.) amounting to $22,347.

One year ago we witnessed the addition of a greenhouse, a pumping station and a reservoir. The number of pupils had increased from ten to twenty. The staff of instructors had 'enlarged. An exhibition of products rep- resenting the first year's achievements of the pupils, gave evidence that con- siderable good work had been accomplished. All the financial obligations had been met. The assets were shown to be 131,436.72; the year's income had been $9,497.30; the year's disbursements $9,060, showing a balance in favor of the school of $437.30. The annual membership during the year had grown to twenty life members, thirty friends, seventy-eight patrons, 554 members and thirty-two contributors.

To-day we witness another year's remarkable growth. In addition to the row of poultry houses, erected during the year, and considerable repairs and alterations made on a number of other buildings, five new buildings, erected during the year, will be consecrated to-day:




I. A Memorial Chapel, erected in metaory of Ida M. Block, of Kansas City, Mo., by her husband and family. 2. A Laboratory, erected in memory of Zadok Eisner, by his wife. 3. A Rose House, erected in memory of Theresa Loeb, of Ogontz, Pa., b}^ her family. 4. A Dairy, erected by Mr. and Mrs. Louis I. Aaron, of Pittsburg, Pa. 5. A Dairy Stable.

The institution since our last meeting has passed at a considerable increase of expense into the care of a new dean, a recognized master of agricultural schools. Professor E. E. Faville, formerly at the head of the Horticultural De- partment of the State College of Kansas, and before that director of the School of Horticulture of Nova Scotia, and a pupil of the Hon. James Wilson, Secre- tary of Agriculture in President McKinley's Cabinet. The number of pupils has grown to tweuty-iive, and instruction is^ given by a competent faculty of four instructors and two assistants. Two more class rooms have been added to the school accommodations, and the comfort of the pupils has been greatly enhanced by the addition of another dormitory, and another washroom. The financial status for the year is as follows:

Income (including value of donations) 113,383 82

Expenditures 9, 153 14

Net gain $ 4,230 68

Which gain, however, has been expended upon improvements on the Farm.

The membership likewise has increased to the following numbers: twenty- three life members, thirty-two friends, eighty-four patrons, 605 members and twenty-nine contributors.

During the past year the reputation of the school has made remarkable gains. Experts, who have subjected it to careful examination have conferred upon it the highest testimonials. For genuineness of purpose and efficiency of work it has gained for itself the proud distinction of a Model Farm School. Not only its right of existence, but also its absolute necessity is being recog- nized. The public is learning to understand the difference between the National Farm School and State colleges. The latter, thej' perceive, have for their main object the providing, near home, a higher education, at considerably smaller expense, to such farmers' sons who cannot afford to attend the distant costly universities. The studies pursued in such State colleges are, for the most part, academic, scientific and commercial. The subject of agriculture, if included in the curriculum, has no greater prominence than is given to chemistry, botany and the like. Ambitious sons of farmers generally attend State colleges to get away from farming instead of being especially fitted for it.

It is clear that there is not a State college in the land that does the work that is pursued at our Farm School. The latter school accepts city boys after their completion of the grammar school course, that is to say, four years earlier than admitted into the State colleges, and starts their training with the very first principles of agriculture. In the second place, tuition at the National Farm School is free to all, and also board and lodging to all such who have not the means to provide these for themselves, while in the State colleges tuition fees and board and lodging must be paid, thus enabling, as a rule, only the wealthier farmers to afford their children the advantages of a higher education. In the third place, at our Farm School, agriculture is taken up at once as a trade. All the other studies are subservient to the main study, which is prac- tical and scientific agriculture, followed out every school day upon the fields, in the green-houses, dairy, barn, laboratory, etc. The National Farm School is not a college it is a Working School, an Agricultural Manual Training School in which the boys are practically made to earn their own living while pursuing their studies by means of their own handiwork.


The School is and has been a wonderful revelation of the deathlessness of the agricultural instinct within the Jewish people. The fear that had been en- tertained that the centuries of enforced commercial pursuits of our people had probably killed the Jew's one-time passionate love of agriculture, had not proven true. Pupils have come to us, of their own accord, for the most part from large cities, where their environments had been furthest possible removed from the seclusion and out-door occupation of agricultural life, and they have not only remained at the school, but have also acquired a liking for it that is most encouraging, and are pursuing their work with a love and zeal that can be truly appreciated only when witnessed during their week-day studies and labors.

There is yet another point that I must briefly touch upon to-day, one that I deem of the utmost importance to our people, at the present time. This insti- tution has not only revealed the deathlessness of Israel's ancient love of agri- culture, it has also demonstrated, in the two short years of its existence, that the physical regeneration of vast numbers of our ^people lies in agriculture. Compulsory crowded city life and in-door pursuits have, in the course of the centuries, produced a gradual physical decline in the one-time unconquerable vitality of our people. The raids that consumption is making, especially among Russian Jewish immigrants in their congested city settlements and sweat-shops, is appalling.

To-day, while upon these grounds, it is well for us to recognize that, praiseworthy as are the efforts for the care and comfort of the consumption- stricken, there is a higher duty a preventive duty which we owe to those still spared, yet seriously threatened. It is our most solemn duty to emanci- pate especially the Russian Jewish immigrants from the bondage of the sweat- shop. It is our most solemn duty to break up the congested settlements in the slums of the large cities, and scatter their population over the vast and fertile acres of our soil, where in return for healthier and more ennobling toil, they niay have an abundance of food, health and happiness.

Superior physical vitality alone can check the general decline that is pain- fully manifesting itself in modern Israel, and such vitality alone can restore its one-time world-conquering mental and spiritual supremacy. And that needed vitality is obtainable only by means of agriculture. The changes it works are really marvelous. Boys who entered our school two years ago, punny and feeble, have within that short space of time developed into sturdy and powerful youths.

It is most deplorable that so large a plant as this, so excellently equipped, so fortunately situated, so successful in its achievements, should be obliged to limit its advantages to but twenty-five boys. There ought to be ten times that number of boys here, and there could be, if our people were but more liberal in their support of this institution. That an institution that has so lofty an aim as this, that has accomplished, within the short time of its existence, as much as this, that extends its benefits especially to graduates of orphan asylums from all parts of the country, should have less than looo annual mem- bers, among the more than one million of Jews in the United States, is one of the saddest commentaries either on the indifference of our people to their own good, or on the inefficiency of your Board to arouse a wider and more liberal support.

The institution has reached that critical state in its development that makes a more generous support of it absolutely imperative. The running ex- penses of the school are too large for but twenty-five pupils. A comparatively small increase of expense could educate and keep twice and three times that number of boys. But for a larger number of boys we would require a new dormitory, and larger funds for maintenance, both of which, however, are denied by our present income.


IN THE Zadok m. Eisner Memorial Chemical Laboratory.


Our hope of materially increasing our income hereafter by the sale of the products of our new dairy is also not very promising. While there would not be the slightest difficulty in disposing of our dairy products, we are not yet in possession of the necessary herd of superior breed of cows, and of all the necessary equipments for making a superior grade of butter. To acquire them would necessitate the additional outlay of 12500, which sum, not having the money, we would be obliged to borrow, to which, however, there is a strong objection in the Board, the institution having been kept free from mortgages to this da)\

The future growth of the institution must therefore depend on:

1. Endowments, legacies and bequests.

2. Generous donations.

3. Large increase of memberships.

Without the one or the other of these we cannot long continue without a mortgage, or without seriously [crippling the institution by thwarting its natural growth. I appeal to you, therefore, ladies and gentlemen, most earn- estly for such deliberation to-day, and more especially for such aid as may enable your Board to carry on the larger work that is now required by the legiti- mate development and natural demands of the institution. We believe that, if our past achievement has merited your approval, our present need is worthy of aniore generous response by you in the future. These fertile acres capa- ble of choicest harvests, these dozen buildings capable of pulsating from early morn till late at night with .the heart-beats of noblest agricultural life, dozens of capable and well-deserving boys wasting away in life-sapping city pursuits, the future of thousands and tens of thousands of our race, await your answer. Faith in the excellence of the cause bids me to be of good cheer and good hope. You will give your answer, and your answer will be visible, possi- bly a year hence, in an' increased number of pupils, and in increased means for their keeping and training.

Respectfully submitted,

JOS. KRAUSKOPF, President.

Report of the Executive Committee.

Philadelphia, September 24, 1899. * To the Metnbers of the National Farm School :

The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors submits the following report of the operations of the school since the last annual meet- ing and until the close of the books on September i, 1899 :


Farm Products, % 633 68

Tuition, 988 00

Interests and Discounts, 19 32

Dues, 5.027 50

Donations,* 5,74i 75

Life Memberships, 700 00

M. M. Newman (refund), 10 00

Greenhouse and Garden Products, 44 07

Scholarship, 200 00

Board, 19 50

I13.383 82


Carried Forward, 13.383 82


Hay and Feed, | 136 66

Taxes, 73 68

Cleaning and Supplies, 23 52

Salaries and Wages, 3, 880 31

School Supplies, 162 00

Light, Heat and Power, 785 72

Sundry Expenses, 563 22

Students' Wearing 'Apparel, 472 03

Printing and Stationery, 339 93

Provisions, 1,249 ^9

Farm Supplies, 1131

Farm Repairs, . 58

Building Repairs, 25 00

Greenhouse and Garden, 241 49

Farm Expense, 421 68

Household Expense, 79 79

Machinery Repairs, 49 08

Commission Account, .... 346 80

Solicitor's Expenses, 56 65

Insurance, 184 60

9.153 H

Net Gain, $ 4,230 68


Cash, as per Cash Book, $ 12 19

Real Estate and Building, 26,216 37

Furnishings and Fixtures, 7.235 46

I^ive Stock, . 728 50

Library, 184 22

E. E. Faville advanced for Petty Cash Account, .... 100 00

Tools and Implements, 1,084 26

Due for Tuition, 100 00

Sundry Debtors, 6 40

$35,667 40

Assets at last Annual Report, ; . 31,436 72

Net Gain, $ 4,230 68

NOTK. (The donations in this report do not include the amounts contributed by Mrs. Eisner for the chemical laboratory ; by the children of Theresa I,ocb, deceased, for the green- house, nor by Mr. Sol Block and the family of Ida M. Block, deceased, for the chapel; the amounts contributed by them having been paid by them directly to the builders. The build- ings not having been completed at the time of the closing of the books, the amounts of their donations will be included in the next annual report, and the assets of the School are, there- fore, in reality, about $4500 greater than is shovirn by this report.)

At the beginning of the last 'school year there were in our institution twenty-one students, of whom fifteen were in the second-year, class and six in the first-year class. Towards the end of the year 1898 one of the students of the second-year class left us for the purpose of obtaining employment in mer- cantile pursuits. A few months after his leaving he made application for read- mission, and has recently been readmitted to the school in the new class. One of the other students of the second-year class left shortly before the recent summer examination to obtain agricultural employment.

During the present month a third class has been formed, into which four students have been admitted, including the one who had left us last winter.

A Squad of Milkers.

Making Butter.


In view of the fact that the instructors, students and the various other assistants in the work, constitute a very large family, it has been necessary to enlarge our plant in a way that would not be requisite upon a farm of the size of ours, if it were merely managed by a farmer with the ordinary amount of help.

The new system of instruction introduced by the new Dean, Professor E). E. Faville, under whose energetic and competent management the school has been since January, and the increased dormitory room required for the new class, made it necessary to fit up the third story of the main building, which had not been divided into rooms or plastered at the time of its erection.

Various other alterations to the main building involved an expenditure of nearly eight hundred dollars. Through the generosity of several members of the Board cash donations for a portion of this expense were received.

Last Spring our Dean presented to us a plan for a complete dairy plant. His plan was approved by the Board of Directors, and as a result, the construc- tion of various dairy buildings, which will be dedicated to-day, was begun. The number of the cows has been increased, and the necessary improved implements have been secured.

It will thus appear, that many of the expenditures made during the past year were incurred for the absolutely necessary improvement of the plant, and that consequently, our funds to be applied to the maintenance of the institution were decreased to that extent.

Respectfully submitted,


Report of the Dean.

In my report permit me to explain briefly the system employed in carry- ing on the operations of this institution. The work is divided into the follow- ing departments, viz.: Farm, Dairy, Veterinary, Horticultural, Chemical and General. In the farm department is included the growing of field crops, the handling of live-stock and the carrying on of the various operations of the farm. In the dairy department is included the "model dairy or creamery " for the study of butter and cheese making. In the dairy barn is taken up the work of the feeding and care of the dairy herd. The veterinary department deals with animal diseases. Our horticultural department takes up the finer part of agriculture in the care and cultivation of plants in the greenhouses and gardens together with the operations attending the orchard and nursery work. The chemical department has j.ust been established, and will be associated with some other agricultural science. The chemistry taught will deal largely with the "chemistry of the farm." In the general department the school work comprises the study of English, mathematics and such of the sciences as botany, bachriology and physics, etc.


We should note that the agriculture of the future must depend more upon mental than physical eifort. The scientific farmer is no longer looked upon with a jest, for by his " theory with practice " he has raised this industry to a position of recognition among the professions. Modern civilization in all in- dustries tends towards specialization. Equally true is this in agriculture where the field for specialization is a large one. With the complexities and perplexi- ties confronting the farmer, it is necessary to train our young in the fundamental principles, not to acquire a little of everything, but to know a few things thor- oughly and well. The question at once comes, how is this being done ? This institution differs from other agricultural schools in that our young men come to us as a rule not physically strong, unused to farm ways or farm life. This might be urged as a disadvantage, but they come to us untrammeled by old- fashioned methods and are thrown in touch with modern methods and ideas, which by continual application for four years, without the interim of vacation, will turn out students thoroughly trained as practical, scientific farmers, raised to the intellectual level of the educated. Our graduates will find positions in the many lines of agriculture. Applications for our young men have already been received. There is a crying demand all through this country for competent men, skilled in the practical and scientific principles of agriculture, to conduct dairies, stock farms, fruit plantations, etc., and there should be no question as to the future of these young men.

Respectfully submitted,




Names of Deceased for whom April 1898

Michael Bash.

Sadie Bash.

Isaac Bedichimer.

Bernard Berman.

Edgar Bernstein.

Ida M. Block.

Sophia Block.

Mrs. James L. Branson.

S. K. Davidson.

Rebecca De Costa.

A. M. Feldman.

Simon Fleisher.

Lena Frohsin.

Marietta Grant.

Ethel Greenbaum.

Estelle Fleisher Hagedorn.

Sidney A. Heller.

Margaret A. Kaufmann.

Memorial Trees were planted, and 1899.

Linda Springer Langfeld. Mrs. Isaac Lesem. Samuel N. Levy. Philip Lewin. Aaron Lichten. Emanuel Levy. Theresa Loeb. Mrs. M. Marquis. Meyer Meyers. Simon Nathan. Mrs. A. L. Raff. William S. Rayner. Samson Simon. William Singerly. Joseph J. Snellenburg. Francis S. Teller. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tuch.

Names of Deceased for wliom Friday, April

Rosa Bamberger. Isaac R. Behal. Joseph Berkowitz. Lazarus Bernheimer. Mrs. Louis Blumenthal. Isaac Cohen. Miriam Cortissoz. Emil Friedman. Adam Gimbel. Fridolin Gimbel. Selemen Gimbel. Lillie Glaser. Samuel Kexter. Benno H. Heyman. Lehman Hoffman. Mrs. B. Hope. Lewis Hutzler. Isaac S. Isaacs. Matilda Kaufman. Fanny Kind. Henry Kohn. Mrs. Henry Kohn. Jacob Lebach. Isaac Lesem. Emanuel Lieberman. Mrs. Fannie Loeb. Leonard Loeb. Moses Loeb. Lottie Schwarz Loeb.

Memorial Trees were planted, 27th, 1900.

Arthur B. Leopold.

Marks Leopold.

Emma Trainer Mac El'Rey.

Jean A. Marks.

Joseph Marschuetz.

A. E. Massman.

Henrietta Massman.

S. E. Massman.

Sophia Meyer.

Caroline P. Nirdlinger.

Miriam Noar.

Mina Oppenheimer.

Cassie Theobald Pfaelzer.

Bella Oppenheimer Rosenberg.

Albert Schwarz.

Nannie Schwarz.

Isaac Snellenburg.

Mrs. Jacob Stern.

Lena Sternberger.

Bertha Techner.

Heyman Techner.

Rachel Traugott.

Mrs. Carrie Weil.

Samuel Weil.

Herman Wieder.

Rev. Dr. Isaac M. Wise.

Flora E. Wolf.

William P. Wolf.

i6 List of Annual Memberships.

(For lyist of Contributions and Donations see pp. 26 to 41.)

Endowment Fund,

Leonard Lewisohn, New York, |;50oo.oo

(Interest to be applied to an annual Samuel Lewisohn Scholarship.)

Memorial Buildings.

I. Theresa L,oeb Memorial Green House, in memory of Theresa Loeb, Ogontz, Pa., by her family. II. Ida M. Block Memorial Chapel, in memory of Ida M. Block, Kansas City, Mo., by her husband and family.

III. Zadok Eisner Memorial Laboratory, in memory of Zadok Eisner, Phila-

delphia, Pa. , by his wife.

IV. Rose Krauskopf Memorial Green House, in memory of Rose Krauskopf,

Philadelphia, by her children.

. ^' , , I by Mr. and Mrs. Louis I. Aaron, Pittsburg, Pa. VI. Dairy Stable, J


Joseph Bonnheim Memorial Fund, Sacramento, Cal., I200.00

James L. Branson, Langhorne, Pa., 200.00

Bertha Rayner Frank, Baltimore, Md., 200.00

(In memory of her father, Wm. S. Rayner.)


Eisenstadt Bros., Chicago, 111., . I200.00

Jewish Orphan Home, New Orleans, La., 200.00

Hebrew Charity Ball Association of Philadelphia, tuition for two Jewish

orphans, or two other boys of Philadelphia, 500.00

Special Friends.

Philadelphia, Pa.

A friend, I250 per annum.

Krauskopf, Rev. Dr. Joseph, annual donation of marriage, funeral and lecture fees (see page 36).

New York City.

Schiff, Jacob H., $100 per annum.

Louisville. Kentucky.

Bernheim, B., 15° per annum.

Bernheim, J. W I50 per annum.



Who have paid their dues to Jan. ist, 1900.



Weinstock, Harris



Greenhut, J. B.

INDIANA. Fort Wayne.

Emek Beracha I/sdge Indianapolis.

Rauh, Sam. E.




Hecht, Jacob


Kansas City. Bloch. Sol.

St. Joseph.

Westheimer, Ferd.


New York. Bache, J. S. Cohn, A.

Kirschbaum, Bernie Lauterbach, Edward Rice, S. M. Waterbury, John I.

PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia.

Blum, Mrs. Ralph Dodge, James M. , Dunlap, James Fels, Samuel S. Fleisher, B. W., Jr. Gerstley, Louis Heyman, Henry Krauskopf, Rev. Dr. J. Ivichten, M. H.

Lit, J. D. Lit, Samuel D. Louchheim, Jos. A. Newman, M. M. Nixon, Sam M. Powdermaker, Mrs. M. Seidenbach, J. M. Selig, Eli K. Snellenburg, Sam'l S. Stewardson, Thos.


Sidenburg, Hugo Weil, A. Leo


San Antonio. HalflF, M.


Salt Lake City. Meyer, Mrs. Rosa

Wilinington . '

Lieberman, N.


Oskaloosa. Baldauf, Samuel



Eisenstadt, I. Schlesinger, L.


Leavenworth. Flesher, B. Rothenberg &Schloss



Drey, Elkan

Frank, Dr. S. L.

Gottschalk, Joseph

Hutzler Bros.

Levy, Wm. Frostburg.

Wineland, Max


St. Joseph. Joseph Lodge No. 73. I. O. B. B.

Speyer, James ZioTi Lodge No. 2, I. O. B. B. Rochester. Wile, Julius



Lowenstein, L. H. Pritz, Benjamin


Black, Morris Gries, Rev. Moses Joseph, Isaac Mayer, Adolph



Scarlet, James Philadelphia.

Abrahams, Samuel Bloch, Simon Blum, Gabriel Blum, Mrs. Gabriel Eichholz, Adolph Eisner, Mrs. S. Fleisher, B. W. Fleisher, S. B. Fleisher, Sam Frank, Mrs. R.

! Franklin, Dr. M.

i "Friend, A"

1 Furstenburg, David

Mej-t- , J. Meyers, Henry Rosenberg, Louis Sharp, S. S. Soulas, Chas. Stern, Chas. K. Stern, Moses H. Stern, Mrs. Moses H. Straus, Karl Strouse, Nathan Sundheim, Mrs. Jul. Weiller, H. Wolf, Mrs. Martin Pittsburg.

Cohen, Aaron Guckeuheimer.Mrs.A. Lippman, A. Wertheimer, Em. Wertheimer, Isaac Wertheimer, Samuel


Memphis. Morris, K.


Salt Lake City.

Bamberger, Simon


Milwaukee. Landauer, Max

List of Annual Memberships.

(For List of Contributions and Donations see pp. 26 to 41.)




Who have paid their dues to January ist, 1900.



Birmingham Lodge No. 168, I. O. B. B.


Eichold, Emanuel


Pine Bluff.

Altheimer, M. L. Bloom, Mrs. Hannah Kornfeld, Jos. Roth, Louis Weil, Max



Cohen, Isador

Skeels, Wm. Saji Francisco.

Anspacher, A.

Cahn, Mrs. L. I.

Hifhhfelder, Dr. J. H.

LefFmann, Mrs. L- D.

Reinstein, J. B.

Rosenbaum, Mrs. Ch.

Schwabacher, Abe

Schwabacher, Louis

Schwabacher, Mrs. M.

CANADA. Montreal.

Victoria Lodge No. 92, L O. B. B.



Holzman, S. L.


Nezv Haven. Adler, Max Ulman, Jacob

District of Columbia.

Washington. Saks, Isidor Tobriner, Leon Wolf, Hon. Simon



Van Leer, Chas.



Browne, S. B.



Abraham Lincoln Lodge No. 90, I. O. B. B.


Binswanger, A. Despres, Samuel Eckstein, Louis Eppstein, Max Foreman, Oscar G. Frank, Henrj' L. Gatzert,' August Greenebaum Sous Greenebaum, EHas Kohn, Isaac Kohn, Louis H. Mandel, E. Mandel, Simon Nusbaum, Aaron E. Solomon, Mrs. H. G. Steele, H. B. Strouss, Emil W.


Maertz, Louise

INDIANA. Goshen. Salinger, Nathan

Hartford City. Weiler, Amy


Efroymson & Wolf Kahn, Mrs. G. Wineman, Jos.

Petersburg. Frank, Sol.


Weiler, Morris

Terre Haute. Herz, A.


Davenport. Rothschild, D.


St. Mary's. Urban ski, A.



Lexington Lodge No. 289, I. O. B. B.


Bernheim, I. W.

Bernheim, B.

Moses, Rev. A. Shelbyville.

Jewish Literary Soc'y



Bamberger, Elkan Cahn, Bernard Gutman, Mrs. Joel Hamburger, Henry Louchheim, Mrs. A. Mandelbaum, Seym. Rayner, Albert Rayner, Isadore Rosenberg, Frank

& Co. Sinsheimer, L. Sonneborn, Henry Stein Bros. Straus, Jos. L. Strouse, Leopold Ulman, A. J. Ulman, Nathan



Kaffenburgh, J. Mayer, Adolph Morse, Godfrey Shu man, Samuel Steinert, Wm. Ziegel, L.



Weinman, Mrs. L.



Jewish Women's

League. Natchez.

Frank, Henry


Kansas City.

Benjamin, D.

Benjamin, Alfred

Crohen, R. S.

Feineman, B. A.

Griff, T. W.

Neugass, L. .S"^. Joseph.

Newburger, B.

St. Joseph City Lodge No. 197, O. B. A.

List of Annual Memberships.

(For I,ist of Contributions and Donations see pp. 26 to 41.)

Si. Louis. Block, Frank


J^ed Cloud. Stern, M. M.



Atlantic City.

McClellan, A. C. Haddonfield.

Meyers, Daniel Newark.

Drier, Reuben

Fisch, Jos.

Froehlich, Sam.

Glueck, Dr. J. B.

Goetz, Jos.

Heyman, Simon

King, Nathaniel

Lehman, L,.

Ivoeb, Mrs. Frieda

Lowy, Philip

Michael, Chas.

Michael, Oscar

Plant, Mrs. L. S.

Plant, Moses

Scheuer, Simon

Strauss, B.

Strauss, Moses

Walter, S. R.

Wolff, D. Paterson.

Fleischer, Nathan Soynerville.

Mack, Lewis C.


Santa Fk.

Seligman, B. Las Vegas.

Bonnheim, Rev. B. A.



Levi, S. Brooklyn.

Pentlarge, R. Buffalo.

Fleishman, Simon

Wile, Herman New York.

Adelson, Ph., & Bro.

Alberti, S. S.

Bach, Mrs. Aaron J.

Bach, Mrs. Isaac

Bach, Joseph

Bamberger, I. L.

Bendix, Herman

Boehm, Alex

Bowsky, Louis

Cunningham, R. H.

Harris, Dr. Marcus

Heilbroner, S.

Heine, Arnold

Herman, X.

Herrman, Uriah

Herzig, L.

Hinkel, F. C.

Jaros, A. L.

Kahn, Louis

Krauskopf, Nathan

Krauskopf, Mrs. H.

Laird, Jas.

Levy, Morris

Loeb, Emil

Loeb, Fred.

Loeb, Henry

Loeb, Miss H. K.

Loeb, Louis

Louis, Mrs. Minnie D.

Lowenfels &


Mayer, Morris

Meyer, Arthur

Ollisheimer, Henry

Pulaski, M. H.

Rappard, A.

Root, Chas. Y.

Rothschild, Jacob

Sadler, A. N.

Scholle, Melville J.

Schonfeld, Mrs. David

Schaeffer, Herman

Sideuberg, Henry

vSimson, L. M.

Sondheim, Max

Sutphin, D. D.

Sutro, Richard

Sutro, Lionel

Wolf, Mrs. L.

Wolff, Mervyn

Yergeson, Jno. S.

Zeckendorf, Louis Niagara Falls.

Silberberg, Moses Syracuse.

Jacobson, Dr. N.

Marshall, Benj.


Cincinnati. Block, Abe Block, Leon Freiberg, Joseph Freiberg, J. W. Freiberg, IMaurice Goodheart, Wm. Harris, Geo. W. Levy, Harrv M. Mack, Mrs.'M. C. Mack, Mrs. M. W. Magnus, Jos. A. Mayer, Mrs. L. Michalovitch, B. Moyse, Julius

Offner, Alex.

Pritz, Sol. W.

Pritz, Sidney E.

Scheuer, Jacob

Shohl, Chas.

Weiskopf, D. K.

Westheimer, Morris

Wyler, Isaac Cleveland.

Feiss, Julius

Feiss, Paul

Hexter, Sol. M.

Joseph, Sig.

Marks, M. A.

Schlesinger, Sig., &Co.

Schwab, Mrs. Flora

vSteinfeld, Jacob Columbus.

Lazarus, F. and R. Greentille.

Huhn, E. Piqua.

Anshi Emeth Congr. Stetcbenville.

Sulzbacher, Isador Youngstown.


Rev. Dr. J. B.



Feldman, Mrs. Anna Bloonisburg.

Alexander Bros. & Co. Br ad dock.

Sulzbacher, Louis

Sulzbacher, Mrs. Etta Bradford.

Gatz, John

Greenewald, David

Greenewald, J.C.

Greenewald, Mrs. J. C. Carlisle.

Livingstone, Jacob Danville.

Mayer, Rev. A. Doylestown.

Shoemaker, Harry J. E as ton.

Ladies' Hebrew Beneficial Society

Springer, E. Harrisburg.

Kuhu, Sarn'l and Sol.

Marks, Herman Ho7iesdale.

Weiss, W. Jenkintown.

Silberman, M., & Son Kittanniitg.

Einstein, Jacob

List of Annual Memberships.

(For List of Contributions and Donations see pp. 26 to 41.)

Lancaster. Cohii, E. M, Gansman, A. L. Gfiiisinan, A. Mitchell, E. C. Moss, S. R. Rosenstein, A.

McKeesport. Suustein, I. Bachtnan, Max


Greenewald, Gab.


Reese, Mrs. Max

Philadelphia. Abeles, Simon Allraan, Herbert D. Aloe, Sidney A. Anspach, Moses Appel, Alex. Arnold, Arthur S. Arnold, Philip Asher, Sol, Bacbarach, A. Bacharach, Gustav Bacbarach, S. Bachman, F. H. Bach man, Mrs. F. H. Bamberger, Mrs. F. Bamberger, Albert J. Bamberger, Harry Bamberger, L. J. Bamberger, Maurice Bamberger, Max Bamberger, Wm. Bamberger, Mrs. Wm. Bash, J. Bash, Mrs. M. Bauer, Benj. Baum, S. Baxter, J. and ly. Bayersdorfer, S. Bedichimer, Mrs. I.,

(Memorial) 'Bedichimer, Mrs. I,. Behal, Joseph Behal, Mrs. Sol.

(Memorial) Reran, Theo. Berkowitz, Albert Berkowitz, Rev.Dr.H. Brrkowitz, P. Bernheimer, Morris Bernheimer, M. S. Biernbaum, M. Bird, Joseph Bir^e, Isadore Blavlock & Blvnn Block, Arthur' Block, Bernard Bloomingdale.

Mrs. Belle S. Blum, Isaac

Blum, J. L. Blumberg, Samuel Blumenthal, Harold Blumenthal, Hart Blumenthal, Mrs. S. Bowers, A. J. 8. Brandes, M. Brunhild, I,. Brown, Emil Buck, David H. Butler, B. F. Casseres, Miss Ida Clay, Henry Cohen, M. K. Cohen, I Cohen, Jos. Cope, Walter Da Costa, H. R.,

(^Memorial) Daniels, Gustav Dannenbaum, H. M. Dannenbaum, Mrs. L. Dannenbaum, Morris Davidson, Mrs. A.,

(Memorial) Davidson, David K. Einstein, Meyer Emsheimer, H. E. Fellheimer, Abe Fernberger, Harry Feustman, Maurice Field, John Fleisher, L. Fleisher, Mrs Martha Fleisher, Mrs. S. S. Frank, Jacob S. Fridenberg, M. S. Friedberger, Simon L. Friedman, Charles Friedman, H. S. Frohsin, Samuel Gassner, Henry Gattman, M. Gerstle, Mrs. Julius Gitnbel, Ben. Gimbel, Isaac Gimbel, Jacob Gleason, Ed. P. Goldsmith, Milton Goodman Bros. Goodman, I,eon Goodman, Mrs. M. Goodman, J. H. Goodman, Sam'l W. Goodman, Mrs. S. W\ Grant, Gertrude Grant, Gordon Grant, Granville Greenbaum, Mrs. Max Greenbaum, Dr. Max Greenbaum, S. Greenspan, A. Greenewald, A. E. Greenewald, Oscar Haas, S.


Mrs. Wm. B.

Hagedorn, J. H.

Hagedorn. Mrs. J H.

Hagedorn, J. J.

Hahn, Theodore

Hecht, I.

Hecht, Mrs. S.

Heebner, Philip A.

Heebner, Samuel

Henly, Jacob

Hertz, E. J.

Herzberg, Isaac

Herzberg, Gus.

Hey man, D.

Hey man, Mrs. H.

Hill, Robert C.

Hinlein, J. H.

Hirsh, Wm.

Hirsh, Mrs. Wm.

Hirsch, E. Hampton

Hirsch, Walter A.

Hirschberg & Bro.

Hope, J.

Huey & Christ

Hutzler, M.


Isaacs, Mamie

Jacobs, S.

Jonas, Henry

Jonas, Leo

Kaas, Andrew

Kahn, I. H.

Katz, Marcus

Kaufman, A.

Kaufman, Isadore

Kaufman, Mrs. J.

Kaufman, Mrs. Jos. ■^Kaufman, Mrs. M.

Kaufman, Wm.

Kaufmann, Mrs. Morris

Kayser, Sam'l

Keneseth Israel Con- gregation Alumnffi.

Kind, Sam

Kirschbaum, Simon

Klein, Alfred M.

Klein, Leon G.

Kleinman, Leon

Klopfer, S. C.

Knoblauch, G. A.

Kohn, Abe

Kohn, Arnold

Kohn, Harry E.

Kohn, Sam

Kohn, Simon S.

Koons, S. W.

Koplin, L. W.

Krauskopf, Mrs. Jos.

Krauskopf, Eleanore

Krauskopf, Harold

Krauskopf, Manfred

* Deceased.


List of Annual Memberships.

(For List of Contributions and Donations see pp. 26 to 41.)

Krauskopf, Madeline Landauer, W. B. Lang, Morris Langfeld, Morris Langstaedter, I. B. Iveberman, Adolph Leberman, Joseph W. Lehman, Henry- Leopold, A. S. Leopold, M. Levi, Gerson L. Levinthal, David Levy, Rev. J. Leonard Levy, Joseph H. Lewin, Mrs. Philip Liberty Lodge No. 48,

L O. F. S. I. Liberty Lodge No. 6,

O. B. A. Lichten, Wm. Lieberman, Adolph Lipper, A. Lisberger, L. Lit, E. J. Lit, Mrs. J. D. Liveright, Max Liveright, Morris Loeb, Dr. Ludwig Loeb, Mrs. Herman Loeb, Horace Loeb, Mrs. Horace Loeb, Joseph Loeb, Leo Loeb, M. B. Loeb, Maurice Loeb, Michael Louchheim, J. H. Louchheim, S. K. Louchheim, Walter Lowenstein, B. Lowenstein, Mrs. H. Lowengrund, S. Lyon, Benj. Lyon, Miss Mabel Maccaulay, Jas. Mahn, Godfrey S. Manz, Jno. Marquis, M.,

(Memorial) Marks, Mrs. K. Marks, I. L. Mastbaum, L. May, Morris May, Simon Mayer, Isaac McCreary, Geo. D. McDonnell, Chas. A. Mendel, Mrs. S. L. Mendelsohn, Mrs. J. Mencke, Jno. B. Merz, Daniel Merz, Millard Miller, Sol. Mitchell, Henry Moss, Wm.

Muhr, Mrs. Rebecca Myers, Joseph Myers, S. H. Myers, S. S. Nachod, J. Nadel, Mrs. J. Nathanson, Mrs.H.M. Netter, David Netter, Jos. Newburger, Mrs. M. Newburger, Sam'l Newman, Adolph Oppenheimer, Oscar Oppenheimer, Mrs. C. Ostheimer, Wm. J. Pfaelzer, Simon Pfeflferling, E. Philadelphia Lodge No. 102, I. O. B. B. PoUitz, Miss Lydia Pope, Miss Josephine Potter, Jos. Pulaski, Helen

Raff, Mrs. A. L.,

(Memorial) Raphael, Rudolph Reinheimer, Louis Rice, J. J. Rice, N. H. Rosenau, Mrs. N. Rosenau, C. Rosenau, P. Rosenau, S. Rosenbaum, A. Rosenbaum, H. Rosenbaum, Hy. M. Rosenbaum, M. Rosenberg, Abram Rosenberg, Arthur Rosenberg, C. C. Rosenberg, Morris Rosenblatt, A. Rosenblatt, H. M. Rosenthal, H. Rosskam, I. Rothschild, E. L. Rothschild, H. Rubin, Joseph H. Rust, G. C. Sabin, Fred Sailer, I.

Schamberg, Ferd. Schamberg, Henry Schmitt, John Schoeneman, Jos. Schoenfeld, Max Schwartz, Isaac A. Schweriner, Theo. Schwoerer, Conrad Schwab, Mrs. Flora Seidenbach, Israel Seidenbach, Louis Selig, B. Selig, Emil

Siedeubach, Henry Showell, E. D. Sichel, Julius Silberstein, Miss L. Simon, David Simon, Mrs. M. Simon, Mrs. S. Simon son, Mrs. Selli Smith, E. B. & Co. Smith, Caroline Smith, M. J. Smythe, E. E. Snellenburg, Miss C. Snellenburg, Miss J. Snellenburg, Jos. N. Solomon, A. A, Solomon, Mrs. A. A. Sommers, L. J. Sondheim, Julius Springer, Emanuel Stecher, L. Steinbach, Dr. L. Steppacher, Walter Stern, Mrs. Chas. K. Stern, Edward Stern, F. Stern, Israel Stern. Morris Sternfeld, H. Strauss, Ben. Strauss, Benj. Strauss, S. Strouse, A. Strouse, H. L Sundheim, Jonas Sundheim, Julius Teller, Lewis A. Teller, Oscar Teller, Raphael Thalheimer, Bernard Tickner, H. J. Trauerman, S. B. Trenner, Simeon *Trimby, E. D. Ullman, Miss Heny Vendig, Chas. H. Warburton, B. H. Wasserman, B. Wedell, Mrs. R. P. Weil, Jacob Weil, Mrs. J. Weil, Mrs. Theo. Weiler, H.

Weinman, Mrs. Chas. Weinman, Jos. Weinman, E. Weinman, H. Weinman, J. Weinman, M. Weinman, Miss Rita Wertheimer, H. S. Wertheimer, Joseph Wertheimer, Sam.


List of Annual Memberships.

(For lyist of Contributions and Donations see pp. 26 to 41.)


Wertheimer, S. Weyl, Maurice AViener, Jacob Wiener, Lewis A. Wilson, Morris Wilson & Richards Wineland, E. Wise, Chas. Wittenberg, M. Wolf, Albert Wolf, David Wolf, E. Wolf, Frank Wolf, Gus. Wolf, Mrs. Sol. Zurn, O. F. Pittsburg.

Aaron, Mrs. Mina Aaron, Marcus Aaron, Louis I. Aaron, Chas. I. Adler, E. B. Adler, Harr}^ Adler, J. Louis Adler, Julius DeRoy, Jos. Dreifus, C.

Feuchtwanger, Marc. Floersheim, Berthold Frank, Isaac W. Friedman, J. M. Gallinger, Mrs. N. Gross, Isaac Hanauer, Mrs. H. Kann, W. L. Lazarus, David N. Rauh, Marcus Rauh, A. L, Rothschild, M. N. Schoenfeld, Jacob Stadfeld, Jos.

Steiufeld, Sam'l

Suustein, A. J.

Sunstein, C.

Wolf, Fritz

Zugsmith, Chas. Scr anion.

Ackerman, J. O.

Goldsmith, Aaron

Goldsmith, Morris

Goldsmith, Sol.

Haepst, Dr. Henrj'

Harris, Mrs. Rosalie

Kramer, Albert N.

Krotosky, Isidore

Levy, Jos.

Levy, N. B.

Oettinger, Louis

Rice, Max

Rice, Simon

Roos, Dr. Elias

Scrauton Citv Lodge No. 47, O. B. A.

Wei n gar t, Sol. Selins Grove.

Weis, S. Shamokin.

Rothschild, H. Su7ibury.

Mitchell, L. Wilkesbarre.

Levy, Leon

Rosenbluth, Max

Stern, Harry F.

Strauss, S. J. York.

Lehmayer, N.



Friend, Alexander

Friend, Mrs. Alex. Linz, J., & Bro. Sanger Bros. Titche, Ed. ,

Fort Worth. Davidson, Sam Goldberg, Herman Levy, Samuel


Zacharias Frankel Lg. No. 242, I. O. B. B.

Houston. Levy, Ben

San Antonio.

Edar Lodge No. 211, I. O. B. B.



Binswanger, Helen

Hutzler, Henry S.

Kaufman, I.

Millheiser, Mrs. C. Staunton.

Loeb, Adolph

Loeb, Julius


Strouse, B. L. Milwaukee.

Cohen, Mrs. Gertrude

Cohen, Jonas

Greenwald, J. Oscar

Hamburger, Nathan

Michelbacher, A. J.

Miller, Morris

Tabor, L. L.



Who have paid their dues to January ist, rgoo.


Uniontown. Concordia Lodge No. 152, L O. B. B.



DeLee, Dr. J. B. Lincoln.

Liberty Lodge No. 294, I. O. B. B.

INDIANA. Afigola.

Steifel, Mrs. L. C. Peru.

Levi, Wm.

KANSAS. Washington. Oberndorfer, Adolph



Manasseh Lodge Meridian.

Levy, Samuel Myles.

Tausig, Jos.


Louisiana. Michael Bros.


List of Annual Memberships.

(For lyist of Contributions and Donations see pp. 26 to 41.)



Friendly, H. New York.

Benj. Harrison Ivodge No. 9

Modey, I.

Reich man, Wm. Syracuse.

Guttman, Dr. Ad.

Tottenville. Levinson, Henry


Baer, Bernhard Ph iladelph ia .

Armhold, Wm.

Bernheimer, Charles

Bernstein, Mrs. Ther.

Cohn, I^eo Iv. Gans, Mrs. Jeanette Goldstein, Isaiah Hamilton & Diesinger Kaufmann, Ernest Klonower, Herman Kohn, David Schamberg, Lewis M. Steinhart, Frances

Lodges and Congregations,

Adullam Lodge No. 326, I. O. B. B Pittsfield, Mass. . .

..Alexajadej:_&©fe«t Lodge No. 247, O. B. A. . . Dallas, Tex

Azariah Lodge No. 164, I. O. B. B New York City ...

-Ba*on-^eH-i-F9h Lodge No. 454, I. O. B. B. . . Cleveland, Ohio . .

Barzillai Lodge No. in, I. O. B. B Lafayette, Ind. . . .

Bnai Zion Congregation, Titusville, Pa. . . .

Ber Chajim Lodge No. 177, I. O. B. B Cumberland, Md.

Beth El Congregation, Knoxville, Tenn. . .

Beth Emeth Congregation, . Albany, N. Y. ...

Beth Zar Lodge No. 84, I. O. B. B. . , . . . . Mobile, Ala

Beth Zion Congregation, Buffalo, N. Y. . .

Bnai Israel Lodge No. 188, I. O. B. B New Orleans, La. .

Bnai Jehudah Congregation, Kansas City, Mo. . .

Bnai Zion Congregation, Titusville, Pa. . . .

Children of Israel Congregation, Memphis, Tenn. . .

Concordia Lodge No. 152, I. O. B. B Uniontown, Ala. . .

Constellation Lodge No. 265, I. O. F. S. I. . New York City . . .

Crescent City Lodge No. 182, I. O. B. B. . , . New Orleans, La.

Denver Lodge No. 171, I. O. B. B. ... Denver, Col

Don Abarbanel Lodge No. 85, I. O. B. B. . , Bradford, Pa. ...

Duquesne Lodge No. 218, O. B. A Pittsburg, Pa. . . .

Ebn Ezra Lodge No. 47, I. O. B. B St. Louis, Mo. . . .

Edward Lasker Lodge No. 347, I. O. B. B. . . Tyler, Tex

Elijah Lodge No. 50, I. O. B. B Washington, D. C. .

Emanuel Lodge No. 103, I. O. B. B Montgomery, Ala. .

Emes Lodge No. 67, I. O. B. B Springfield, 111. . .

Empire State Lodge No. 199, I. O. B. B. ... Elmira, N. Y. ...

Etham Lodge No. 37, I. O. B. B. . Sacramento, Cal. . .

Free Sons of Israel, District Grand Lodge, . . Chicago, 111.

Gan Eden Lodge No. no, I. O. B. B Terre Haute, Ind. .

Germania Lodge No. 58, F. S. of I. ..... Chicago, 111

Gideon Lodge No. 140, I. O. B. B Albany, N. Y. ...

Golden Eagle Lodge No. 196, O. B. A Chicago, 111

Gulf Lodge No. 221, I. O. B. B New Orleans, La.

Harmony Lodge No. 149, I. O. B. B Paducah, Ky. . , .

Har Sinai Lodge No. 8, I. O. B. B. Philadelphia, Pa. . .

Hebron Lodge No. 5, I. O. B. B New York City . . .

Isachar Lodge No. 7, I. O. F. S I New York City . . .

Isaac Lodge No. 87, I. O. B. B Milwaukee, Wis. . .

Isaiah Lodge No. 49, I. O. B. B New York City . . .

Ithaca Lodge No. 221, I. O. B. B Ithaca, N. Y

Jericho Lodge No. 44, I. O. B. B Allegheny, Pa. . . .

Joachim Lodge No. 181, I. O. B. B Columbus, Miss. . .

Joel Lodge No. 118, I. O. B. B Plattsburgh, N. Y. .

Joseph Lodge No. 76, I. O. B. B Savannah, Ga. . . .

Julius Houseman Lodge Grard Rapids, Mich.

K. K. Bene Yeshurun Congregation, Cincinnati, Ohio . .

Kansas City Lodge No. 184, I. O. B. B Kansas City, Mo. . .

% 6.00






















5. CO

5.00 5.00








5.00 2.50 5.00

20.00 10.00 5 00 5.00 5.C0 2.00

10. CO

2.00 10.00

2.00 10.00 50.00 25.00

List of Annual Memberships.

(For List of Contributions and Doriations see pp. 26 to 41.)


King David Lodge No. 86, O. B. A Kansas City, Mo. . .

Loue Star Lodge, I. O. B. B Houston, Tex. . . .

Maimonides Lodge, Nashville, Tenn. . ,

Meadville Lodge, Meadville, Pa. . .

Minneapolis City Lodge No. 63, O. B. A. . . . Minneapoli.«, Minn.

Minneapolis Lodge No. 271, I. O. B. B Minneapolis, Minn.

Mishan Lodge No. 247, I. O. B. B Kaluiazoo, Midi. . .

Mishkan Israel Congregation, New Haven, Cenn. .

Montefiore Lodge, I. O. F. S. I. . Detroit, Mich. . . .

Mt. Sinai Lodge No. 270, I. O. B. B. . . . . . New York City . . .

Mt. Carmel Lodge No. 20, I. O. B. B Cincinnati, Ohio, .

Nebraska Lodge No. 354, I. O. B. B Omaha, Neb. . . .

New Haven Lodge No. 21, O. B. A New Haven, Conn. .

New York Lodge No. i, I. O. B. B New York City . . .

Norwich City Lodge No. 62, I. O. B. B Norwich, Conn. . .

Oheb Sholom Congregation, Reading, Pa

Philadelphia Lodge of Elks, Philadelphia, Pa. . .

Philadelphia Lodge No. 34, O. K. S. B Philadelphia, Pa. . .

Pinchas Lodge No. 79, O. B. A Buffalo, N. Y. . . .

Pisgah Lodge, I. O. B. B . Detroit, Mich. . . .

Portland Lodge No. 416, I. O. B. B Portland, Ore. .. . .

Progress Lodge No. 53, I. O. P\ S I St. Louis, Mo. . . .

Rappaport Lodge No. 35, 1. O. F. S. I Philadelphia, Pa. . .

Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, . . . Philadelphia, Pa. . .

Confirmants of 1895, Kerieseth Israel, . . Philadelphia, Pa. . .

Cxjnfirmants of 1S97, Keneseth Israel, . . Philadelphia, Pa. . .

Confirmants of 1899, Keneseth Israel, . . Philadelphia, Pa. . .

Reuben Lodge No. 42, I. O. S. B Syracuse, N. Y. . .

Rodef Sholem Congregation, . . ... Pittsburg, Pa. . . .

Saar Sholem Lodge No. 154, I. O. B. B. ... Allegheny, Pa. . . .

Salem Lodge No. 26, I. O. B. B Harrisburg, Pa. . .

Temple Emanuel, Birmingham, Ala. .

Thisbe Lodge No. 24, I. O. B. B Evansville, Ind. . .

Trinidad Lodge No. 292, I. O. B. B. Trinidad, Colo. . . .

United Relief Association, Pittsburg, Pa. . . .

Yorkville Lodge No. 61, 1. O. S. B New York City . . .

Lodg^es and Congreg'ations. AnnuaL

Abraham Lodge No. 90, I. O. B. B Bloomington, 111.

Anshe Emeth Congregation, Piqua, Ohio . .

Anshe Emeth Congregation Ladies' Society . , Pine Bluff, Ark.

Benjamin Harrison Lodge No. 9, New York City .

Birmingham Lodge No. 168, I. O. B. B Birmingham, Ala

Bnai Israel Congregation, Little Rock, Ark.

Edar Lodge No. 211, I. O. B. B -San Antonio, Tex

Emek Beracha Lodge, Fort Wayne, Ind.

Hebrew Ben. Congr-egation, Atlanta, Ga. . .

Joseph Lodge No. 73, I. O. B. B St. Joseph, Mo.

Keneseth Israel Congregation Alumns, . . . Philadelphia, Pa.

Lexington Lodge No. 289, I. O. B. B Lexinoton, Ky.

Liberty Lodge No. 6, O. B. A Philadelphia, Pa.

Liberty Lodge No. 48, I. O. F. S. I Philadelphia, Pa.

Liberty Lodge No. 294, I. O. B. B Lincoln, 111. . .

Manasseh Lodge, Jackson, Miss. .

Marengo Lodge No. 283, Demopolis, Ala.

Montefiore Lodge No. 70, I. O. B. B Buffalo, N. Y. .

Philadelphia Lodge No. 102, I. O. B. B Philadelphia, Pa.

Scrauton City Lodge No. 47, O. B. A Scranton, Pa. .

St. Joseph City Lodge No. 197, O. B. A. ... St. Joseph, Mo. .

The Kahl, Montgomery, Ala

Victoria Lodge No. 92, I. O. S. B Montreal, Can. .

Zacharias Lodge No. 242, I. O. B. B Galveston, Tex.

Zion Lodge No. 2, I. O. B. B New York City .

I 5.00








5- 00






















5- 00






$ 5-0O


























List of Contributions and Donations.

(For List of Annual Memberships see pp. i6 to 25.)

Donations to the National Farm School.



Temple Kmanuel $25.18


*Bernstein, M 25.00

Goldsmith, Oscar 25.00

Goldsmith, Mrs. 0 100.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 70.00


Richard & Son, S 5.00

Beth Zar Lodge No. 84 . . . 5.00


Emanuel Lodge No. 103,

L O. B. B . . 5.00

Kahl 10.00

J. C 1. 00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00


Concordia Lodge 2.50


Pine Bluf.

Bell, D. C 5.00

Becker, Rev. F.

Tuition Donation .... 100.00

Bluthenthal, S 10.00

Dreyfus, Isaac 5.00

Gans, Ivi 5.00

Kaufman, Miss Eva.

" Tuition Donation .... 350.00

McCoy, H. A 5.00

Meyei^ Gabe 5.00

Meyer Drug Co 5.00

Nichols, Wolf 5.00

Rheinberger, Irving . . 5.00

Pine Bluff Congregation . . 20.00

Sanders, J. T 5.00

Thomson & Son, R. S. . . . 5.00

Waterman, Gus 5.00

Weil, Chas 5.00

Weiler, Meyer 5.00


Los Angeles.

Hellman, Herman W. . . . 10.00


Bonnheim, Mrs. A. (in mem- ory of her son) 5.00

Bonnheim, Jos., Mem. Fund 400.00

EthamLodgeNo.37,I.O.B.B. 5.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00

Simon, Rev. A 5.00

Skeels, Wm 5.00

Weinstock, Harris 100.00

and Books.

San Diego.

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00


San Francisco.

Brenner, L. .S., $25.00

Davis, A. M 10.00

Eloesser, Leo 5.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 500.00

Newbauer, J 5.00

Newstadter. Jacob 10.00

Reinstein, J. B ■. 10.00

Strauss, Levi 25.00

Whi taker & Ray Co. Books.



Denver Lodge, No. 171, I. O.

B. B 5.00

Guggenheim*, Simon . . . 1000.00 Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00


Herman, M 10.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 60.00

Trinidad. Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 70.00 Trinidad Lodge No. 293, I.

O. B. B 5.00


New Haven.

New Haven Lodge No. 21,

0. B. A. 3.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 55.00


Norwich City Lodge No. 62,

1. O. B. B 5.00



Greeuebaum, A 5.00

Van Leer, Charles .... 5.00

IVilmington. Barsky, Nathan 3.00



Bieber. Samuel 5.00

Elijah Lodge No, 50, I. O.B.B. 5.00 I'. S. Government. Books.


Talldhasse. Diamond, J 10.00



Grandmothers' Club ... 10.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00

*Landauer, S. 50.00

and 3 Plows and Cultivator. Nat. Coun. of Jewish Women 20.00 Pappenheimer & Co. Bed Room

Furniture. Pappenheimer, Sigm'd. Bed Room


List of Contributions and Donations.

(For Ijist of Annual Memberships see pp. i6 to 25.)



Lovemau, Robert. Books.


Adler, Leopold |to.oo

Cohen, Jacob 1.00

Epstein, 1 10.00

Ferst, Joseph 3.00

Guckenheimer, S 10.00

Joseph Lodge No. 76,1.0. B.B. 2.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00

Krouskoff, S 10.00

Lippmau Bros 5.00

Mendez, Dr 5.00

Mohr Bros 5.00

Myers, Herman 25.00

Myers, Mrs. Lee Roy . . . 5.00

Nat. Conn. Jewish Women, 25.00

Newman, Fmile 10.00

Rosenheim, Joseph .... 10.00

Selig, Miss Lillie i.oo

Vetsburg, A 10.00

Wachstein, F i.oo



Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00 Chicago.

Austrian, A. S 5.00

Binswanger, A. . . , . 5.00 Deering Harvester Co. Deering


De Lee, Dr. J. B. ..... 7.00

De Lee, S. T 10.00

De Muth, B. F., 5.00

Flanagan, A. Books.

Foreman, Edw, G 5.00

^Foreman, Gerhard .... 10.00

Foreman, Oscar G 10.00

Frank, J 5.00

Free Sons of Israel, District

Grand Lodge 25.00

Germania Lodge No. 58, F.

S. of 1 5.00

Golden Eagle Lodge No. 1 96,

O. B. A 5.00

Isaiah Sabbath School ... 5.00

Jacobsou, Rabbi Moses . . 10.00

Lasker, Albert 5.00

Liebenstein, Jacob 5.00

Lowenbach, Wm. L 5.00

Lowenheim, Dr. A. A. . . . 5.00

Lytton, Henry C 5.00

Mandel, Leon 50.00

Mandel Bros 50.00

McClurg & Co. Books. McCormick Mfg. Co. Mower.

Morris, Nelson 50.00

Newman, Jacob 5.00

Roseubaum, Mrs. M. . . . 15.00

Rosenthal, Benj 5.00

SchaflFner, Joseph 5.00

Schlesinger, L 10.00

Schlesinger & Mayer . . . 10.00

* Deceased.

Simon, David $5-Oo

Snydacker, Jos. G 5.00

Stern, Herman 5.00

Straus, Simeon 5.00

Strauss, Mrs. Carry L. . '. . 25.00

Strauss, Henr}' K 5.00

Strauss, Milton 5.00

Temple, Ralph 5.00

Wolff, L. G 5.00

De Kalb.

De Kalb Co. Wire and Stretchers.


Moline Wagon Works. Wagon.


Hoffman, Mrs. Carrie . . . 10.00 Stover Mfg. Co. Corn Sheller.


Levy, Rev. Chas. ..... 5.00

Peoria Charcoal Company . 5.00 Peoria Cooperage Company 25.00


Ernes Lodge No. 67, 1.O.B.B. 10.00



Basch, J I. CO

Louis, I. H I.oo

Plaut, Ad I.oo

Reese, D i.oo

Strauss, Julius 5.00

Strauss, Sam. ....... i.oo


B'nai Israel Congregation , 10.00

Lowenthal, Mrs. Theresa . . 10.00

ThisbeLodgeNo. 24, 1.O.B.B. 5.00

Fort Wayne.

Cohn, Rev. Fred 2.00

Frank, Marx i.oo

Freiberger, Jos i.oo

Freiberger, L lo.co

Johnson, Alex 2.00


Barzillai Lodge No. iii, I.

O. B. B 10.00


Straus, Ike i.oo

Terre Haute. Gan Eden Lodge, I. O. B. B. 25.00

Vincennes. Gimbel, Mrs. Mary (memorial) 20.00



Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00 Des Moines.

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100. co Lake City.

Stock Fountain Co. i Dewy Stock Fountain. Oskaloosa.

Frankel, 1 10.00


Slemmer, A 500.00


List of Contributions and Donations.

(For List of Annual Memberships see pp. i6 to 25.)

KANSAS. Great Bend.

Weil, Mrs. C 25.00


Ettensofa & Wolf, 5.00


Rothschild Bros. . . . . lo.co Topeka.

Snattinger, M 5.00



Baldauf, Morris 10.00


Moses,- Rev. A. 5.00

Gilmore, Tom 10.00

Grabfelder, S 50.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00

Levy Bros 10.00

String, B 5.00

Strouss, H 5.00

Paducah. Harmony Lodge No. 149, I.

0. B. B 5.00


Jewish Literary Society . . 5.00



ArshaflFenburg, L. R. ... 5.00

Stein & Co., J 5.00

New Orleans.

B'nai Israel Lodge No. 188,

1. O. B. B 5.00

Cerf-Hirsch, Mrs 5.00

Crescent City Lodge No. 182,

I. O. B. B . 5.00

Gulf Lodge No. 221, 1.O.B.B. 2.50

Hernsheim, Isidor 50.00

Leucht, Rev. J. L 10.00

Lyons, F. L 10.00



Bechhofer, A 25.00

Cahn, Bernard 25.00

Dillenberg, Noah 5. go

Fllinger, William 5.00

Frank, Mrs. Bertha Rayner, 200.00

Frank, Dr. S. L 25.00

Gabdy Belt Co. 150 Feet Belting. Griffith & Turner Co. Farm Trucks.

Gutman, Mrs. Joel 25 00

Hamburger, Ph 25.00

Hamburger, S. 1 5.00

Hutzler Bros 25.00

Lauer, Leon 5.00

Lehmayer, M 5.00

Louchheim, Mrs. A 5.00

Lowenstein, S 5.00

Murphy & Co. Books.

Nagles, Sarah i.oo

Posner, S 25.00

Rayner, Hon. Isidor .... 25.00

Rayner, Wm. S $roo.oo

Schloss, Leon L 10.00

Sonneborn & Co., Henry . 25.00

Strauss, A . 3.00

Ulman, Alfred J 25.00

Cuinberland. Ber Chajim Lodge 177, I. O.

B. B 5.00



Abraham & Sons, F. ... 5.00 Allyn & Bacon. Books.

Banash, David 5.00

Barnard, A 5 00

Barnett, J. S 5.00

Berwin, 1 5.00

Burdette & Co. Books.

Collins, H 5.00

Crine, H 5.00

Crohn, M 5.00

Dinner, J. H 5.00

Fellner, J 5.00

"Fishel, Marks 20.00

Foss, L 5.00

Foss, M. M 5.00

Frank, Daniel . 5.00

Frank, William 5.00

Frankenstein, Lena .... 5.00

Franks, J. 5.00

Friedman, J 5.00

Friedman, Max 5.00

Goldschmidt, M 5.00

Goulston, Edw. S. . . '. . . 5.00

Gross & vStrauss 5.00

Hecht Bros 5.00

Hecht, Leberman & Co. . . 5.00

Horwitz, N 5.00

Hyneman, L 5-oo

Jacobs, Mrs. L 5.00

Kafifenburgh, Mrs. I. ... 100.00

Koopman, J 5.00

Kornfeld, Felix 5.00

Koshland, J 5.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00

Levinson, B 5.00

Lev^enberg, Jos 5.00

Mork, A. P 5-00

Morse, Jacob R ,. . 5.00

Peary, G. F '. . 5.00

Peary, Silas 5.00

Pickert, Lehman 5.00

Rosenbaum Bros 5.00

Ratshesky, A. C 5.00

Ratshesky, LA 5.00

Rosenfeld, W 5.00

Rosnosky, Isaac .... 10.00 Silver, Burdette & Co. Books.

Slater, A 5.00

Spitz, Abe P 5.00

Steinert, Wm 5.00

Strouse, Ferd 5.00

Waxman, Nathan 5.00


List of Contributions and Donations.

(For List of Aunual Memberships see pp. 16 to 25.)


Westheimer, Harry .... fc.oo

White, A. A 5.00

Wolff, Herman 5.00

Cambridge. Severs, Chas. W. Books.


Wan Co., F. W. Follower for Bone Griuder.


Adullam Lodge, No. 326, I.

0. B. B. . .' 3.00

Lenoc Sprayer Co. Two Knapsack

Sprayers, Y^. dozen Cans Bordeau

Mixture. Springfield.

Ezekiel, Em 5.00

Merriam & Co.. G. and C. Books. Bradley & Co., M. Books.



Gale Mfg. Co. Sulky Plow. Detroit.

Montefiore Lodge, I.O.F.S.I. 5.00

Pesagli Lodge, I. O. B. B. . . 10.00 Jackson.

Aspinwall Mfg. Co. Potato Planter.

Rosenfeld, F 10.00

Grand Rapids.

Julius Housman Lodge . . . lo.oo Kalniazoo.

Mishan Lodge No. 247, I. O.

B. B lo.oo

MINNESOTA. Minneapolis.

Minneapolis Lodge No. 271,

1. O. B. B 15.00

Minneapolis City Lodge No.

63, O. B. A 5.00


Colutnbus. Joachim Lodge No. 181, I.

O. B. B , . . 2.00


Lewenthal, A., Jr 10.00

Simmons, Mrs. N. R. ... 5.00


Tausig, Jos 5.00


Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 140.00

Vicksburg .

Isaac, G S-Oo

Isaac, Mrs. M 5.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00

Ruhman, J 5.00

Ruhman, Mrs. J 5.00


Kansas City.

Adler, B 3.00

Bachrach, Isaac 5.C0

Baruch, Wm |2.oo

Benjamin, Alfred 10.00

Benjamin, David 25.00

Berkowitz, M . . 5.00

Bernheimer, G 10.00

Binswanger, Mrs. E 10.00

Binswanger, Miss Mona . . 5.00

Block, Dr. J 10.00

Block, Sol 100.00

Block, Sol. and family of Ida M.

Block. Ida Block Memorial

Chapel 2000.00

*Block, Mrs. Sol 5.00

B'nai Jehudah Congregation 25.00

Cahn, Eli 5.00

Cahn, Joseph ... . 10.00

Cahn, Louis 3.00

Cash, 10.00

Cash, 5.00

Crohn, R. S. ... . . i.oo

Denebeem, A. ...... . 3.00

Dreyfus, A. H 3 00

Flai'sheim, Henry .... 5.00

Flersheim, A. S 5.00

^Goldberg, Bruno 3.00

Goldenberg, J. N 5.00

Griff, T. W 3.00

Guettel, H. A 3.00

Haar, Julien 5.00

Harzfelt, Sieg 5.00

Hirsh, S 3.00

Hj^man, A 5.00

Isaacs, Isaac i.oo

Judah, A. 5.00

Kansas City Lodge No. 184,

I. O. B. B 25.00

King David Lodge No. 86,

O. B. A 5.00

Klein, Max 3.00

Lorie, Nathan 5.00

Lyon, M 3.00

Mayer, Stanly I.oo

Michaels, J. 5.00

Newgass, L i5-oo

Robinson, A. I i.oo

Ryder, 1 5.00

Sachs, Chas 10.00

Shane, M 5.00

Shulman, Oscar 5.00

Siverman, Samuel 5^.00

Stein, Block & Co 3.00

Stern, M 3.00

Weil, T 500

Weil, Max 5.00

Wolfson, Rudolph 5.00

Wollman, Henry 10.00

Wollman, Morton 10.00

Woolf, Alfred S. ..... 5.00

Woolf, Mrs. Mary C. ... 25.00

Wurmser, A. C 10.00


Michael Bros 3.00

* Deceased.


List of Contributions and Donations.

(For I<ist of Annual Memberships see pp. i6 to 25.)

Si. Joseph.

Amburg, J |[.oo

August, Alb. J. 2.00

Bloch Bros 2.00

Ehrlich & Son, H 5 00

Ettinson, H 2.00

Hirsch, S i.oo

Ivowenstein, Walter .... 5.00

Meyer, Julius 5.00

Newburger, B 5.00

Schloss, Moses 1.71

Westheimer, J 2.50

Westheimer, Samuel . . . 25.00

St. Louis.

*Busli, Isidore 20.00

Ebn Ezra Lodge No. 47 . . 10.00

Epstein, 1 5.00

Marx, E. J 5.00

Progress Lodge No. 53, F.S.I. 5.00



Mayer & Sons, David . . . 20.00

Omaha. Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 80.00 Kirschbaum & Sons .... 10.00 Nebraska Lodge No. 354, I.

O. B. B 5.00


Atlantic City.

Rosenblatt, Manus .... 3.00


Wiard Plow Co. Weeder.


Loeb, F. A 5.00

Loeb, Fred. G. ....,, 5.00 Loeb, Rudolph 5.00


Buchs & Sous. Root Cutter.


Star Milk Cooler Co. Star Milk Cooler.


Kirwen, John 5.00

Kroeh, Chas. Books.


Rosen, 1 5.00


Doughten, H. W. Potato Digger.


Bamberger & Co., L. . . . 20.00

Fuld, Felix ' 5.00

Lehman, Isaac 10. go

Leucht, Rev. J 5.00

Michael, Chas 5-00

Schlesinger, L 5.00

Strauss, B 5.00

Orange. Godfrey, Walter 5.00

* Deceased.


Consolidated Brevring Co. . |io.oo

Helthal, Louis 5.00

Paterson Brewing Co. . . 10.00

Upper St. Clair. Hart, Jno -. 5.00

Willington. Nash, Duane H. "Acme" Harrow.



Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00 Santa Fe.

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00



Albany Congregation . . . 25.00 Gideon Lodge No. 140,1. 0.B.B. 10.00

Hessberg, Albert, Esq. . . . 25.00


Levy, S 5.00


Abraham, A 100.00

Billwiller, C. J 50.00

Joachim, B 5.00

Pentlarge, R 5.00

Rudy, A. , 5.00


Bryant, J. C. Books.

Buffalo Congregation . . . 100.00

Buffalo Forge Co. No. 4 Forge.

Geiershofer, Isaac 25.00

Keiser, L. . 10.00

Pinchas Lodge No. 79, O.B.A. 5.00

Weil Bros 5.00


Freinsberg, Louis 5.00


Empire State Lodge No. 199,

I. O. B. B 5.00


IthacaLodgeNo.22i,I.O.B.B. 2.00


Richheimer, Miss Sadie . . 5.00

New York City.

Abbott, G. L[ 25.00

Ahrens, S. W , . 25.00

Alsberg, I , 5.00

Apple, S. H 5.00

Appleton & Co. Books. Asariah Lodge No. 164, I. O.

B. B 5.00

Bache, Mrs. S 5.00

Beck, Jos. . 5.00

Benj. Harrison Lodge No. 9, 3.00 Berlitz & Co. Book.

Bierhoff, Allen 10.00

Bruck & Co., Geo 5.00

Bijur, N 25.00

Claflin & Co., H. B 50.00

Constellation Lodge No. 66,

L O. F. S. 1 5-00

List of Contributions and Donations.

(For lyist of Annual Memberships see pp. i6 to 25.)


Davis, A. M fe-oo

Degener, John F. . . . . 10.00 Educational Pub. Co. Books.

Eureka Silk Co 5.00

Eechheimer, Fishel & Co. . 10.00

Fishel, M 10.00

Fox, Emanuel ....... 5.00

Funk & Wagnalls Co. . , . 5.00

Goedecker, H 5.00

Goldecke, O. C 5.00

Goldman, M 25.00

Goldsmith, B 5.00

Graham & Co. Books.

Guggenheim, Wm 25.00

Hahlo, Hugo H 10.00

HebronLodgeNo. 5, 1.O.B.B. 10.00

Heine, A. B 5.00

Heyman, D . 5.00

Hirsh, Richard 5.00

Hochstadter, A. F 5.00

HoflFstedr, 0 3.00

Hopeth, Mrs. E i.oo

Horn, W. J 5.00

Hyman, D. W 5.00

Iglauer, Anton ...... 10.00

Isaacs & Co., A 3.00

Isachar Lodge No. 7, I. O.

F. S. 1 5 00

Isaiah IvodgeNo.49, 1. 0.B.B. 5.00

Kaufman, Joseph 20.00

Kleinman, H. D 5.00

Knight, N. E. ...... . 5.00

Kohn, Lazarus ..... 50.00

Ladenburger & Son .... 25.00

Ladenburger, Theodore . . 40.00

Laird, Jos. W 5.00

Lauterbach, Edward J. . . . 100.00

Levy, A. 5.00

Levy Bros 25.00

. Levy, Louis 5.00

Levy, Mas 5.00

Lewishon, Adolph 25.00

Lewishon, Leonard .... 200.00

Lilienthal, Albert 10.00

Loeb, Ed 50.00

Loeb, Emile 25.00

Loeb, Ferd. L 25.00

Loeb, Miss A. K 5.00

Loeb, Louis 50.00

Loeb, Mrs. Louis 110.00

Loeb & Schoenfeld .... 25.00

Lubin, David 10.00

I50.00 for Uniforms.

Maas, W 5.00

Marks, M 5.00

Mayer, Mrs. Morris .... 30.00 Maynard, Merrill & Co. Books.

Menkin, P 5.00

Morrison, E. ...... 5.00

Mt. Sinai Lodge No. 270, I.

O. B. B . . 10.00

Neuburger, Heine & Co. . . 5.00

N.Y. Lodge No. 1,1. O.B.B. 3;Oo

Openhym, Aug , . 10.00

Romaine, F. H 5.00

Rosenthal, Sam |5-oo

Sadler, A. N 5.00

Sadler, B. F 5.00

Sadler, Louis H 5.00

Samuel Bros 5.00

SchifF, Jacob H 250.00

SchifFer, Herman 5.00

Schoenfeld, Mrs. David . , 50.00

Schoenfeld, Max 105.00

Schoenfeld, Morris .... 25.00

Schwab, Abe 10.00

Seeligman, Henry J. ... 10.00

Shaw, Thomas F 5.00

Sheldon & Co. Books.

Silverman, Dr. Jos. .... 5.00

Simon, Jacques lo.oo

Simon, Samuel 10.00

Singer Manufacturing Co. . 25.00

Spielman, Chas 25.00

Spielman & Co., C. .... 5.00

Spingarn, S. H. . . . . . . 5.00

Spon & Chamberlain. Books.

Standard Varnish Works . . 25.00

Stern, Jacob .' 50.00

Sternberg, Sig 3.00

Sternfels, Edwin, i Ton Fertilizer.

Straus, Nathan 100 00

Sutro, Richard ...... 50.00

Tanenbaum, L 5.00

Tappan, Herman 3.00

Tuska, Morris 25.00

Ulman, B 5.00

Watchhorn, Robert .... 5.00

Wolf, Mrs. L 5.00

Wolff, Mervyn 5.00

Yeorgason, J. S 10.00

Yorkville Lodge No. 61, I.

O. S. B 3.00

Zeckendorf, Louis 5.00

Zucker, Samuel 5.00

Niagara Falls.

Silberberg, Moses 5.00

Pen Van.

Davis, Jacob 5.00


Joel Lodge No. 118, 1. O.B.B. 10.00


Wile, Julius M. ..... . 10.00


Danziger Bros 5.00

Eisner, Dr. Henry L. ... 10.00

Freeman, George 5.00

Guttman, Rev. Dr. A. . . . 3.00

Harvey, Wm. C 5.00

Jacobson, Dr. N 5.00

Marshall, Benj 5.00

ReubenLodgeNo. 42, 1.O.S.B. 2.93

Syracuse Chilled Plow Co. Culti- vator.

Thalheimer, G 5.00


Levinson, Henry 3.00


Searle, W. W 5.00


List of Contributions and Donations.

(For List of Annual Memberships see pp. i6 to 25.)

Union Center. Edsen, W. L.

Root Cutter.



Wallace, Isidor |io.oo


Oettinger, David 5.00

Oettinger, Mrs. David . . . 100.00



Aub, Sam'l 5.00

Bloch, Abe 5.00

Block, Leon 5.00

Fletcher, Victor 10.00

Freiberg, Jos 5.00

Freiberg, J. W. .."... . 5.00

Freiberg, Morris . . . . . 5.00

Goodheart, Wm 10.00

Harris, Geo. W 5.00

Harris, Marcus 5.00

Hirsch, Simon 5.00

K. K. Bene Yeshurun Cong. 50.00

Klein, Simon 5.00

Lauer, Henry 5.00

Levy, Harry M 5.00

Loewenstein, L. H 10.00

Mack, Mrs. M. C. . . , . . 5.00

Mack, Mrs. M. W 5.00

Mack, Mrs. Willard .... 5.00

Magnus, Jos. A 5.00

*Mayer, L. . . 5.00

Michalovitch, B 5.00

Mocb, Albert 200.00

Moch, Berman & Co. . . . 20.00

Moyse, Julius 5.00

Mt. Carmel Lodge No. 20,

I. O. B. B 10.00

Offner, Alex , 5.00

Pritz, Benj 15.00

Pritz, Sidney ....... 5.00

Pritz. Sol. W. .... 5.00

Rheinstrom, Sig 10.00

Scheuer, Jacob 5-oo

Shlesinger, Sig 5.00

Shohl, Charles 5.00

Stern, A. S 5.00

Straus, Chas. ....... 5- 00

Strauss, Henry 5.00

Thurnauer, M 15.00

"Weiskopf, D. W. ..... 5.00

Westheimer, Morris .... 5.00

Wyler, Isaac 5.00


Cash 5.00

Cleveland. Baron DeHirsch Lodge No.

454, I. O. B. B 5.00

Black, Morris 10.00

Daniels, M i.oo

Einstein, Herman 5.00

Biseman, Chas 5.00


Feiss, Julius . $5-oo

Feiss, Paul 5.00

Gries, Rev. M 10.00

Heilbron, H i.oo

Hexter, Kaufman 2.00

Hexter, Lewis i.oo

Hexter, N i.oo

Meyer, Mrs. Max 3.00

Scheuer, S. A i.oo

Schlesinger, S 5.00

Wertheim, Max 2.00

Wertheim, S. T i.oo

Wolff, Lewis M. .... 5.00


Irish, Frank V. Books. The Kilbourne & Jacobs Mfg. Co. Dump Cart.

Lazarus, F. & R 10.00

Lazarus, Fred 5.00


Cong. Brith Jacob 11.00

Cong. K. K. B., I.oo

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00

Wertheim, Max .... 2.00


Root Publishing Co., A. I.

Mt. Vernon.

Meyers, Mrs. M 3.00

Springfield .

Foos Mfg. Co. Corn Harvester.

Westerville. Bennett & Co., H. L. Handy Farm Wagon.



Blumauer, M. and P. . . . 5.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 410.00

Lehman Blum Lodge . . . 5.00 Levisohn, L. J. Books.

Liebman, M 5.00

Neustadter, B 5.00

Portland Lodge No. 416,

I. O. B. B 20.00

Selling, Ben ........ 5.00

Swett, Isaac 3.00

Thanhauser, L 5.00



Astrich, Louis 5.00

Feldman, Mrs. Anna (in

memory of husband . . . 5.00

Feldman, Mrs. A. M. ... 5.00 Ashburne.

Lea, John F 5.00


Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00 Bradjord.

Don Abarbonel Lodge No. 85,

L O. S. B 3.00

Greeuewald, Mrs. J. C. . . 5.00

Kennedy, S. P 5.00

List of Contributions and Donations.

(For lyist of Annual Memberships see pp. i6 to 25.)



Gatz, Jno $5-oo


Berg, Herman 5.00

Livingston, J 10.00

Ivivingstone, Jacob .... 100.00

Chester. Sharpless, P. M. Cream Separater.

Cochranville. Brosius & Co. Dehorning Clippers.


Grove, R, M 5.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 106.00 Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 60.00

Louis, I. H 1. 00

Mayer, Rev. A.,

Tuition Donation .... 79.00 Scarlet, James 10.00


Buckman, E. H. Lumber. Burpee, Atlee. Guernsey Bull and

Books. Dungan, Wallace. Lamb.

Gunegan, J. C i.oo

Kirhe, Dr. Wm. Medical Services. Levy, Jonas. Overalls. McLaughlin, Dan'l .... 55.00

Mercer, H. C 6.00

Worthington, F. L 10.00


Rosenbaum, Levi 5.00

Stern, Miss Mary 2.00


Child, Wm. 5 Thorough-bred Fowls.


Freedman, S i.oo

Jackson Mfg. Co. 3 Wheel-barrows.

Marks, Herman , 5.00

Pike, H 30.00

Salem Lodge No. 26, 1.O.B.B. 5.00 State. Books.

Johnsonburg .

Deiches, F 2.00

Ke7inet Square.

Good Roads Machinery Co. Drag Scraper.


Astrich, Bruno 25.00

Cohn, B. M 10.00

Moss, S. R 10.00

Moss, S. R 5.00

Rosenstein, A 5.00

Rosenthal, Rev. 1 5.00

Langhorne .

Branson, Jas. L 200.00

Branson, J. L. Bushes and Shrubs. Branson, J. L. Roses (2 dozen). Branson, J. L. Apple Trees. Branson, J. L. Guernsey Cow. Branson, J. L. Laundry . . 250.00


Heebner & Sons. Level Tread Horse Power.

Mechanicsburg .

Comstock, G. S. Farm Bell. McKeesport.

Corn, S. B. . $5.00

Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society 5.00

Sunstein, 1 5.00


Meadville Lodge 2.00


Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00 Newton.

Chambers, A. Land poller. Ogontz. *Loeb, Mrs. Theresa .... 20.00

Loeb, Mrs. J. Bbl. of Apples.

Loeb Memorial Greenhouse, by family of the late Theresa Loeb, .... 1300.00 Oil- City.

Koos, Bmile ....... 2.00

Mayer, Ludwig 10.00


Abeles, Simon 25.00

A Friend 5.00

A Friend 6.00

A Friend 3.00

A Friend. 3 Wheelbarrows.

Allen, Clarence 10.00

Allen & Co. No. 2 Seed Drill.

Anspach, Mrs. M 2.00

Appel, Alex 10.00

Armhold, Rev. Wm 3.00

Arnold, Mrs. Lottie .... 5.00

Arnold, Miss Julia 10.00

Arnold, Max 5.00

Asher, Sol 35-00

Bacharach, Mrs. Bmma . . 10.00 Bacharach, Gus. Flag Pole.

Bacharach, Mrs. S 5.00

Bachenheimer, Mrs i.oo

Bachman, F. H 185.00

Baird, Henry C. Books. Baker & Co. Brass Tablets. Balbrine & Johnson. Library Chairs.

Ball, Dr. M 5.00

Baltz Brewing Co., J. & P. . 100.00

Bamberger, A. J. & L. J. . . 10.00

Bamberger, Leopold . . . 200.00

Bamberger, Mrs. L 25.00

Bamberger, Maurice .... 25.00

Bamberger, Max 175.00

1 pr. thoroughbred prize Chickens. Bamberger, Mrs. Max . . . 25.00

Bed-room Furniture.

Bartol, Mrs. E. J 200.00

Bauer, Benj 5.00

Baugh, Miss Margaret L. . 200.00

Bash, Mrs. M 141.00

2 Pictures and Books.

Baum & Co. Case of Whiskey.

Bayersdorfer, Sidney . . . 5.00

* Deceased.


List of Contributions and Donations.

( For lyist of Annual Memberships see pp. i6 to 25.)

Bayersdorfer, Wm. Florists'Supplies

*Bedichimer, Isaac Is-oo

Bedichimer, Mrs. L 5.00

Behal, Mrs. S 5.00

Behal, Mrs. M 5.00

Bellak Sons, James .... 5.00

Benson, R. Dale 25.00

Benswanger, E 10.00

Benzinger Bros. Books.

Berg, Miss Gertrude . 10 00

Berg Fertilizer Co. i Ton Fertilizer.

3 Bags Fertilizer.

Berkowitz, B. I, 20.00

Betz, J. F 5.00

Biddle Hardware Co.

Binswanger, Sol. White Lead Paint.

Blankiston Sons & Co. Books.

Block, Simon L 85.00

Bloomingdale, Mrs. Belle S. 5.00

Blum Bros 200.00

Blum, Isaac 125.00

Blum, Mrs. Ralph 165.00


Blum, R 100.00

Folding Bed and Calf. Blum, Gabriel. Horse and Books.

Blum, Mrs. Gabriel .... 145.00

Blum, Theresa Evelyn . . . 10.00

Blumberg, Samuel .... 5.00

Blumentha], H. B 110.00

Blumenthal, Sol 100.00

Bookbinder, lyouis. Mirrors and


Bowers, A. J. S 5.00

Boys' Charitable Association 5.00

Bradford, Elizabeth & Anna 40.00

Branukin, P. J 5.0D

Braun, John. Lawn Mower.

Brooks, Jos. L 5.00

Broga, A. M 10.00

Buckman, E. H. 1000 ft. Hemlock

Board. Bunting, Mr. Bedding.

Cabala, Mrs. G. L 50.00

Campbell, Wm 5.00

Caldwell & Co., J. E. ... 25.00

Carpenter, M 5.00

Cash, 50.00

Cash, 25.00

Cash, 20.00

Cash, 10.00

Cash 7.00

Cash, 5.00

Cash, 5.00

Cash 25.00

Casseres, Miss Ida H. . . . 10.00

Cauffmann, Emil 25.00

Chicago Merchandi.se Co. Matting. Clarke, E. Bradford. Box Crackers.

Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. 50.00

Class & Nachod Brewing Co. 50.00

Cohen, Jos 20.00

Cohen, M. K 25.00

* Deceased.

Confirmants of 1895 of

Keneseth Israel . . $50.00

Confirmation Class of 1897

of Keneseth Israel, . . . 75.50 Confirmation Class of 1899

of Keneseth Israel .... 60.00

Converse, Jno. H 25.00

Corbin, P. and F. 20 lbs. Spikes.

Cornell, Jno 5.00

Cox Stove Co 25.00

Crescent Mfg. Co. Gallon Fly De- stroyer.

DaCosta, H. R 5.00

Dairyman's Supply Co. CalfWeaner

and Feeder. Dalsimer & Sons, Sylvan . 100.00

Dalsimer, Leon 10.00

Dannenbaum, Morris E. . . 60.00 Danneubaum, Mrs. Henr'ta 60.00 Darmstadter, M. Clothing.

Davenport, Harry 5.00

Davidson, Mrs. Amelia . . 5.00 Davis, Edward T. . . . . 10.00

Davis, Henry 5.00

Deacon, H. R. 500 ft. Hemlock Board

Dercum, Dr 5.00

Diligent Sewing Circle. Towels, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Shirts and $5

Dilks, G 5.00

Dilsheimer, A 15.00

Dilsheimer, Mrs. A. (in mem- ory of Theo. Weil) . . 5.00 Dilsheimer, Ferdinand . . lo.co Disston & Sons. 13 Saws. Dobson, John . . ... 100.00

Doherty, J. P 5.00

Dolan, Thos 100.00

Downsborough, H 10.00

Dreifus. Hoes and Rakes. Duhriug, Rev. Dr. D. H. 5 Century Plants.

Dukiu & Biddle 5.00

Dunlap. H. C 5.00

Eagle Mattress Co. Six Mattresses.

Eicbholz, Ad 5.00

Eiseman, B. & W 20.00

Eisner, Mrs. Sarah, theZadok Eisner Chemical Laboratory . . 2150.00 Eisner, Miss Laura. Sideboard. Eldredge & Bros. Books. Elliott. A. G. Five Rolls Sheathing..

Ellis, J. D 10.00

Emsheimer, H. E 5.00

Engel, J s.oo

Epstein, E. 21 Volumes Agricul- tural Books.

Espen, Frank 5.00

Estej' & Bruce. Organ.

Eureka Silk Co 5.C'

Fabi;m, ]Miss Ada lo.oc'

Fabian, Dr. L. J S-Oo

Faith, Sam ' 10.00

Faust, Mrs 2.00

Fernberger, Herman W. . . 5.00 Fernberger, Sam. W. ... 5.00

List of Contributions and Donations.

(For lyist of Annual Memberships see pp. i6 to 25.)


Fischler, H $10.00

Fleisber, Miss Alice .... 2.00 Fleislier, Mrs. Henry . . . 5.00 Fleisber, Mrs. Martha . . . 15.00

Fleisber, Penrose 50.00

■•^Fleisber, Simon 30.00

Fleisber, S. B 300.00

Folz, Leon H 10.00

Folz, Mrs. Iv 5.00

Fouse, L. G 5.00

Francis Bros. & Jellett . . 50.00 Frank, Mrs. H. Base-ball Outfit.

Frank, H. M 10.00

Frank, Jacob 5.00

Frank, Jacob »S 5.00

Frank, Martin 5.00

Frank, Mrs. Rosa 10.00

Freidenreicb, Mrs. M. . . . 5.00

Fridenberg, S. L 3.00

Fridenberg, S. M 5.00

Friedberger, Mr. and Mrs. Simon.

Buf^gy, Horse and 2 Sets Harness.

Friedman, Mrs. L, 10.00

Friend. Barrel Flour. Friend. 3 Wheelbarrows. Furstenburg, David. Roses and Rose


Furth & Singer, 10.00

Gans, Aaron 10.00

Gans, Walter 5.00

Garrett, Buchanan & Co. Five Rolls


Garrett, William C 60.00

Gerson, Isaac 10.00

Gerstle, Joseph 5.00

Gerstley, Louis 125.00

Gerstley, Mrs. Louis .... 25.00 Gerstley, Master Sam . . . 5.00

Gerstley, Wm 25.00

Gest, John B 5.00

Getz, Mrs. M. (collected) . . 16.00 Gibson, John W. Books.

Gimbel, Ben 55-00

*Gimbel, Daniel 5.00

Gimbel, Mrs. Ellis . . : . . 10.00 Gimbel Bros. Office Furniture. Girard Lumber Co. 500 ft. Hemlock


Goldsmith, B 5.00

Goldstein, Siegfried .... 10.00

"Goodin, M. H. ...... 25.00

Goodman, Sam'l W 10.00

Books. Gould Bros. & Co. yi doz. Looking


Graft, Max . 5.00

Graham, Hugh. Roses (3 dozen).

Graham, Hugh 25.00

Graham, Hugh 5.00

Grant, Adolph. Assembly Room

Furniture, 150 Sash Bars and 1000

Bricks. Greenabaum, M. S 5.00

* Deceased.

Greenebaum, Dr. & Mrs. Max fc.oo

Greenewald, B. F 25.00

Greenewald, Oscar .... 5.00 Greenpoint Metallic Bed Co. i doz.

Iron Beds. Gueterman, Mrs. Henry . 2.50

Gueterman, Mrs. H. Box Oranges.

Hagedorn, J. 100.00

*Hagedorn, Mrs. J. F. ... 20.00

Hahn, Theodore 5.00

Hanawer, Wm. Fertilizer. Harrison, Wm. B. Books.

Harrison, C. C 100.00

Harrity, Wm. F 25.00

Har Sinai Lodge No. 8, I. O.

B. B 20.C0

Hawkins, Henry C. . . . . 5.00 Hebrew Charity Ball Ass'n, 500.00

Hecht, Sam 5.00

Heebner, Sam'l 10.00

Heilbron, S 5.00

Heilbron, Sigmund . . . . 25.00 Heilbroner, Jacob ..... 5.00 Heller, Mrs. Herman . . . 10.00

Herzberg, Gus 20.00

Herzberg, Hyman 10.00

Herzberg, Mrs. P 5.00

Herzberg Bros. ^ doz. Pairs Overalls Hess, Adolph ... 8.00

Hess & Bro., S. M. Fertilizer.

Hess, Mrs. Jos 10.00

Hey man, Henry 50.00

Heyman, Theodore ... 10.00

Hey wood Bros. & Co. Library Chairs Hice, Wm., Jr. ..... 5.00

Hirsch & Co. Yz doz. Waiter Jackets.

Hirschberger & Bro 5.00

Hirschler, Moses 25.00

Hirsh, A. . . . , 5.00

Hirsh, Mrs. David 10.00

Hirsh & Brother 50.00

Hirsh, Wm 5.00

HofFheimer, Mrs. L i.oo

Hoffman, Julius 10,00

Hope, B. (Memorial) . . . 25.00

Hope, J 5.00

Horr, Mrs. Sarah A 10.00

Houseman, B. F. .... 20.00 Howe & Co. Boyd's Business Direc-


Huey & Christ 10.00

Huey, Samuel B., Esq. . . 25.00

Hughes & Miiller, 25.00

Hunsicker, J. Q.

Hunt, G. W 25,00

Hunt, Mrs. Isaac P 5.00

Hunt, Wilkinson & Co. Extension

Table. Hygiene Feather & Down Company.


Hyneman, Edw 5.00

Iowa Seed Co. Iowa Silver Mine Corn

Iliowizi, Rev. H 5.00

Irwin, E. C 10.00

Isaacs, Mrs. I. S. (Memorial) 5.00


List of Contributions and Donations.

(For lyist of Annual Memberships see pp. i6 to 25.)

Isaacs, Mamie Is 00

Jacobs, Jacob 5.00

Jaulus, Mrs. Albert.

Jeitles, James 10.00

Jewish Publication Society. Jewish


Jonas, Herman 125.00

Jones, J. C 3.00

Jordan, Dr. Robert .... 20.00

Josephson, Sadie Bash . . . 5.00

Kaas, Andrew 25.00

Kahn, I. H 10.00

Kahn, S. M 10.00

Kammerer, J. F 10.00

Katz, A 3.00

Katz, Marcus 10.00

Katzenberg, 1 10.00

Katzenberg, Lucien & Milton 25.00

Kaufman, A 35-oo

Kaufman & Bowers, .... 50.00

Kaufman, Jos 25.00

Kaufman, Mrs. Matilda . . 45.00

Kitchen Utensils. *Kaufman, Wm. Furniture.

Kaufman & Rubin .... 25.00

Kaufmann, Mr. & Mrs. M. A. 100.00

Kayser & Allman. Double and

Single Set Harness; Horse.

Kehr, Ferd . . 5.00

Kelley, Robert. White I.ead. Keneseth Israel Congrega- tion Alumnae 5.00

Keneseth Israel Confirmation Class

of '97. School Room Furniture.

Ketcham, John K 5.00

Kind, Sam'l 55-oo

Kind, Sam'l (Memorial) . . 50.00

Kirschbaum, Mrs. Abe . . . 25.00

Kirschbaum & Co., A. B. . 150.00

Kirshbaum, Bern 20.00

Klein, Henry 10.00

Kleinman, S 5.00

Klonower, Dr. Amelia. Professional

Services. Klonower, O. Books.

Kohlberg, I. L. . . . .^ . . 5.00 Kohler, I. Books. Kohn, Mrs. A. Glasses.

Kohn, Arnold 50.00

Kohn, Harry E 5.00

Kohn, 1 5.00

Kohn, Simon 100.00

Kohn, Simon I. and Samuel 100.00

Kraus, S. C 5.00

Krauskopf, Dr. (in memory

of B. Barman) 25.00

Krauskopf, Dr. (Foundation

Fund) 2500.C0

Krauskopf, Dr. (funerals and

weddings in 1897) .... 605.00 Krauskopf, Dr. (funerals and

weddings in 1898) .... 655.00 Krauskopf, Dr. (funerals and

weddings in 1899) .... 785.00 * Deceased.

Krauskopf, Dr. Jos. & Mrs. Clock. Krauskopf, Dr. Joseph. Memorial

Greenhouse 1500.00

Krauskopf, Dr. Jos. Magic Lantern

and Books.

Kreamer, Geo. W 10.00

Krietzman, Louis .... 3.00

Labe, Mrs. Benj. (Memorial) 10.00

Labe, Marion G 8.00

Ladies' Auxiliary Board.' Utensils,

Furniture and fi5.66. Lalance & Grosjean. i doz. Agate

Pitchers, i^ doz. Agate Cups.

Landauer, Mrs. W. B 10.00

Landreth & Son. Syringe for Green- house.

Lang, G. H 5.00

Langfeld, A. M 100.00

Langfeld Bros 50.00

Langfeld, Morris 25.00

Leach, Shewell & Sanborn. Books.

Leberman, L. M 50.00

Leffman, Dr. Henry .... 20.00

Leopold, M 5.00

Levi, Newton and Edgar . . 6.50

*Levi, Sam. N 10.00

Levi, Mrs. S. N 5.00

Levy, Mrs. A 5.00

Levy, Benj 5.00

Levy, Mrs. Emanuel .... 5.00

Levy, Mrs. Gerson .... 25.00

Levy, Jessie i.oo

Levy, Rabbi J. Leonard . . 10.00

Levy, Max 5.00

Levy, Mrs. Max 5.00

Levy, Ignatius and Clara . . 5.00

*Lewin, Ph 100.00

*Lichten, Aaron 25.00

Lichten, M. H 51.00

Steam Pipes for Greenhouse.

Lieberman, Adolph .... 5.00 Lieberman, Em., family of.

Set of Furniture.

Lieberman, Joseph Wistar , 5.00

Lipper, A.' 10.00

Lipper, M. W 45.00

Lipper, Mrs. M. W 25.00

Furniture. Lippincott & Co. Books.

Lipschutz, B 5.00

Lipshuetz, G 3.00

Lit, Jacob 160.00

Lit, Sam. 100.00

Lit, Mrs. S. D. Shades.

Loeb, Addie K 10.00

Loeb, Arthur ...... 5.00

Loeb, Edward A 100.00

Loeb, Ferd. G 5.00

Loeb, Ferd. Incubator.

Loeb, Mrs. Horace .... 10.00

Loeb, Howard 10.00

Loeb, Joseph 25.00

Loeb, Mrs. Jos 5.00

Loeb, Mrs. J. Barrel of Apples.

Loeb & Louchheim .... 25.00

List of Contributions and Donations.

(For List of Annual Memberships see pp. 16 to 25.)


IvOeb, Leopold Iio.oo

Loeb, Marks B 5.00

Loeb, Michael and Friends. Horse, Cow and Calf.

Loeb, Michael 25,00

Loeb, Mrs. M 2.50

Longstreth, W. W 200.00

Louchheira, H. F 5.00

Loucbheim, Jos. . . 50.00

Lowenstein, Mrs. H.& Miss E. 5.00 Lubin, S. Fye Glasses and Ther- mometers.

Lucas & Co., John 5.00


Lukens Bros 5.00

Maccaulay, Jas 5.00

Manderbach, Mary .... 10.00

Manning, Katharine S. . . 10.00

Marietta Mfg. Co. Portable Forge. Marks, D. Case Stuffed Birds.

Marks, I. S i.oo

Marquis, M 5.00

Marschuetz, Mrs. Jos.,

(Memorial) 5.00

Mason, F. W. Bone Grinder.

Massey, Thomas 5.00

Massman, Mrs. A. E.,

(Memorial) 5.00

Mauran, Frank 5.00

May, Morris 20.00

May, Samuel 10.00

May, Simon 5.00

Mayer, Levi ........ 25.00

Mayer, L. M 5.00

McClure, A. K 5.00

McCreary, Geo. D 25.00

Mears, Wm. & Co 10.00

Men kin, Julia

Meyerhofif, M. S. . . . Miller, Clarence E. . . Miller, Gustav ....

Miller, Sol.

Moldauer, M

Montgomery, Dr. E. E. Moro Philips Chem'l Co. Morse & Co., Wm. . .

. . I.oo . . 5.00

. . 5.00 . . 5.00 . . 25.00 . . 5.00 . . 5.00 Fertilizer. 25.00

Morwitz, Jos., in memory of

his father, 100.00

Muhr, Jacob 100.00

Muhr, Mrs. Fannie. Two Pictures. Myers, Angelo 605.00

Horse and Microscope.

Myers, M 10.00

Nathan, Mrs. S 5.00

Nathanson, H. M 400.00

through M. M. Newman, for Dairy

Fund. National Metal Edge Box Co. 100

Flower Boxes. Needle Work Guild. T^vo Bags of

Garments. Netter, David. Box Medicinal


Netter, Henry H 5.00

Neustadter, Rose 5.00

10.00 10.00

2 Kegs

5. CO

Newburger, Morris .... I50.00

Newman, M. M 166.66

Nirdlinger, Mr.&Mrs.Sam.F 525.00 North Bros. Ice Cream Freezer. Oppenheimer, Abraham . . 35.00 Pemberton, Clifford Jr. . . 5.00

Perot, Chas. P. 5.00

Perrine & Son, J. S 25.00

Pfaelzer, Morris

Pfaelzer, Simon

Pfaelzer, Simon, in memor}-

of Cassie Theob. Pfaelzer,

Arbor Day, April 27, 1900, 100.00 Phila. & Reading R. R., 13 Carloads

Cinders. Philadelphia Hardware Co.

Nails. Philadelphia Lodge of Elks Philadelphia Lodge No. 34,

0. K. S. B

Polak, Jos. Passover Cakes

Pole, Ex-Magistrate. Gas Fixtures.

Pollitz, Edw 25.00

Pollock, H. A 5.00

Pope, Miss Josephine . . . 3.00

Potter, J. S 5.00

Powdermaker Sons, in mem- ory of their father .... 200.00

Pulaski, Frank. Pictures.

Raif, Raymond S

Ralph, Wm. F

Rappaport Lodge No. 35,

1. O. F. S. 1 10.00

Rawson Mfg. Co. Bed Springs. Reading R.R. Co. Car Load Cinders. Rech & Son. Carriage.

Reeves, F. B

Reinheimer, Mrs. I. . . Reinheimer, Louis . . Richardson, Mrs. H. P.

Robinson, E. L

Roff, Mrs. A. L

Rosenau Bros. 2^ doz. Straw Hats.

Rosenbaum, A 5.00

Rosenbaum, Mrs. H. D. . . 5.00

"''Rosenbaum, Jos. . . , . . 100.00 Rosenberg, Arthur .... 25.00

Rosenberg, Hugo 10.00

Rosenberg, Mrs. Sallie . . . 10.00 Rosengarten, J. G. . , . . . 200.00

Rosenthal, Mrs. S 5.00

Rosine, Mr. and Mrs. M. . 25.00

Rosskam, Isaac 100.00

Rothschild & Baum. Medicinal Liquors.

Rothschild, M 10.00

Rothschild, Mrs. M. 2 doz. Glasses and Barrel Flour.

Rothschild, Sol 10.00

Rowe, Dr. Leo S 10.00

Rutter, Henry E., Jr. ... 10.00 Sailer, Mrs. Esther .... 25.00

*Schemm, Peter A. . , ... 100.00

5.00 5.00

5.00 3.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00

* Deceased.


List of Contributions and Donations.

(For List of Annual Memberships see pp. i6 to 25.)

Schilling, Geo. F 15.00

Schloss & Roedelheim, . . " 25.00

Scholder, Harry 41.66

5.00 5.00 5.00

Schwab, Mrs. Flora Schwartz, Isaac A. Schweriner, E.

Schweriner, Theo. Overalls and


Segal, H 25.00

Selig, Ely K. Yz doz. Uniforms.

Selig, Emil ' 5.00

Selig, Mr. and Mrs. Sol. . . 10.00

Sessler, Chas 10.00

Books. Shannon Mfg. Co. i Keg Nails.

Sharp, S. S. .!.... . 5.00

Sheip & Vandergrift . . . . 5.00

Sheppard & Co., I. A. . . . 25.00

Shoneman Bros 10.00

Showell & Fryer ..... 50.00

Shoyer, C. C 10.00

Shoyer, Louis 5.00

Shoyer, Richard 5.00

Sichel, Mrs. J. (Memorial) . 67.50 Sichel, Louis. Six Mattresses.

Sickels, A. 5.00

Sickles, Sol 5.00

Siedeubach, Henry .... 5.00

Silberstein, Mrs. A 5.00

Silberman, Mrs. Ida .... 50.00

Silverman, I. H. i Set Dinner Dishes Simon, Mrs. M. (in memory

of Flora Wolf) 15.00

Simon, L. S. 5.00

Simonson, Mrs. S 5.00

^Singerly, Wm. M 100.00

Smith, M. J 5.00

Smith & Co., E. B 5.00

Snellenburg, Claudia . . . 5.00

Snellenburg, Mrs. Clara . . 50.00


Snellenburg, Harry .... 25.00

Snellenburg, Hortense . . . 50.00

Snellenburg, Mrs. Nathan . 50.00 Snellenburg, Nath. Box Clothing. Snellenburg & Co., N. Clothing.

Snellenburg, Josephine . . 5.00

Snellenburg, Samuel . . . 100.00

Snellenburg, Mrs. S. ... 75.00

Snydacker, Jos. G 5.00

Sondheim, Mr. and Mrs. J. . 40.00

Soulas, Chas 10.00

Springer, Emanuel (in

memory of Linda Springer

Langfeld) 50.00

Stafford, Jno 5.00

Steele, Robert T 25.00

Steffan, A. W

Steigerwalt, S. A. . . . , Steinbach, Dr. L. W. -. ,

Steinert, H. S

Stern, Chas. K

Stern, David H ,


3. CO 10.00

5.00 25.00



Stern, F Is-oo

Stern, M. H 110.00

Stern, Mrs. M. H. . . , . 20.00

Stern, Jacob 10.00

^Stern, Mrs. Jacob 2.00

Stern berger, Sam 100.00

Sternberger & Co. Working Shirts.

Sternberger, S 5.00

Sternfeld, Henry. Cow and Calf.

Stewardson, Thos 15.00

Strauss, Ben 10.00

Strouse, Thanhauser & Co. 10.00 Summers & Co. , H. P. Apple Butter.

Sundheim, Julius 25.00

Swartley, H. C 5.00

Teller, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. . 75.00

Teller, F 10.00

Temple Sewing Circle. Pillow Slips,

Towels and Sheets. Thanhauser, Morris .... 5.00

Thomas, Geo. C 100.00.

Tickner, Mrs. H. J. Passover and Purim Cakes, Books and Maga- zines. Tileite Mfg. Co. Five gal. Mixed Paints.

Trautmann, Dr. B 16.66

Trenner, Simeon. Botanical Dis- secting Set.

Trimby, M 5.00

*Trimby, E. D. Dining Room Chairs. Tuck, J. and wife, in mem- ory of, by their children . 1000.00 Tully, Jas. ...... 10.00

Ullman, G. Wm 5.00

Uniform Caps. Ullman, Mrs. and Friends. Bed

Linen and Toweling. U. S. Agricultural Bureau. 10 lbs.

Sugar Beet Seed. Vaughan.J.C. Bulbs for Greenhouse Voorhees & Bro., G. S. 7 thorough- bred Fowls,Tools and Implements

Wanger, Harry 10.00

Wanger, Irving P. Government

Publications. Warburtou, Barclay, .... 5.00 Warner & Co., Wm. R. Drugs and

Medicines. Weber & Co. 3 Chairs, 2 Rockers, I Blacking Box.

Wedell, Mrs. R. P 50.00

Weil, Louis. Overalls.

Weil, Jacob 25.82

Weil, Mrs. J 5.00

*Weil, Samuel 5.00

Weil, Mrs. Sam'l (Memorial) 10.00 Wei], L. J. and H. F. ... 10.00

Weiler, Herman 150.00

Weinman, C 60.00

Weinman, Mrs. Chas. 4 Volumes

Nicholsen's Work and $65.00; also

for Memorial Library I125.00.

Weinman, Mrs. Jacob . . . 15.00

Weinman, M 5-oo

List of Contributions and Donations.

(For List of Annual Memberships see pp. i6 to 25.)


Weinman, Mrs. E $10.00

Weinman, Miss Rita .... 5.00 Wertheimer, Fred . . . . . 10.00

Wertlieimer, H. S 5.00

Wertheimer, Jos 5.00

Wertheimer, Samuel . . . 20.00 Wetherill & Co., Geo. White Paint. Whildeu Pottery Co. iooo Flower


Wieder, A 5.00

Wieder, Bugene i.oo

Wiener, Jacob 25.00

Wilson, Ed 5.00

Wilson, Morris R 10.00

Winelander, Max i.oo

Wolf, Albert 10.00

Wolf, Mrs. Albert 5.00

Wolf, B 75.00

Wolf, Clarence 50.00

Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. L. . . . 5.00

Wolf, Wm 25.00

Wolf, Mrs. M. (in memory

of daughter) .... Wolf, Mrs. Wm. P. (Memorial)

Wood, Charles

Worthington, L. G

Yarnell, H. and D. G. . . .

Young, Wm.

Zineman & Bro., M. ... Pittsbicrg. ' Aaron, Mr. and Mrs. Louis I.

and 2 Cows, 1225.00

Aaron, Mrs. M. Iv 5.00

Brilles, N 10.00

Cohen, Aaron 10.00

Duquesne Lodge No. 218,

O. B. A

Eisner, Robert

Gallinger, Mrs. N

Hirsh, LB

Jericho Lodge No. 44, I. O.

B. B

Jewish Criterion .....

Joseph, Isaac

Krauskopf, Dr. , Lecture Fee

Lazarus, David

Lipman, A. E 25.00

Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. 12 Boxes


Rafield, Rudolf 5.00

Rauh, Marcus 5.00

Rauh, Mrs. R 50.00

Rodef Sholem Congregation 50.00 Saar Sholem Lodge . . Schoenfeld, Jacob ... Steinfeld, Samuel ....

Sunstein, A. J

United Relief Association

Wolf & Co 50.00

Pitts ton.

Brown, A. B


Reese, Mrs. Max . . . Pottsville.

Greenwald, G 5.00

5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 I.oo 5.00


5.00 5.00 5.00 5-00



5 00








5.00 5.00


Harley, John, i single set Harness.


Epstein, Justus 3.00

Oheb Sholom Cong 25.00

Scran ton.

Feuerlicht, Rabbi J 5.00

Freeman, Jefif. i.oo

Edwards, Judge 5.00

Krotowsky, Is. ...... 5.00

Rice, Simon 10.00


Wallace, 1 10.00


The Tanite Co. Emery Wheel.


Clement, I. T. Extension Table. Oppenheimer, A 5.00

Titusville. B'nai Zion Congregation . . 10.00

Trainer. McElrey, Rev. J. (Memorial) 10.00

Uniontown. Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00

West Chester. Sharpless, P. M. Cream Separator.

Wilkesbarre. Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00

Levy, B 5.00

Livingston, Isaac 10.00

Salzman, Marcus 5.00

Willianisport. Goldenburg, Henry .... 3.00 Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00

York. Hench & Dromgold. Cross Cut Wood Saw.

Lehmayer, Mrs. M 10.00

Lehmayer, Stewart (Memorial) 5.00



Samuel, Jos 5.00


PVankenstein, Ignatz . . . 10.00



Sulzbacher & Sons .... 2.50



Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00


Cong. Children of Israel . . 25.00

Harpman, Sol 5.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 140.00

Lehman, Felix 2.00

Lehman, Julius . . . , , . 2.00

Morris, Bondy i.oo


List of Contributions and Donations.

(For List of Annual Membeiships see pp. 16 to 25.)


Abrams, Jos ^2.00

Cline, S. N 2.50

Cobn, Ch 5.00

Cohn, Nathan, Esq 5.00

Crone, A. . . . 2.00

Edelman, F 5.00

Feustewald, Jos. , 2.00

Fish, A. . I. GO

Frankland, Ch 2.00

Godhelp, J. C 2.00

Herman, Beiij 10.00

Hefrman, Wm 5.00

Hirschberg, I. C 2.00

Jonas & Co., L 10.00

Kolsky, A 10.00

Kornman, L 3.00

Landsburgher, H 5.00

Lebeck, M. L 5.C0

Lefkowitz, J 2.50

Levy, R. N 5.00

Levy, S. L 2.00

Lewinthal, Dr. 1 5.00

Lewinthal, Isadora .... 10.00

Lindauer, Jos 5.00

Loewenheim Bros 5.00

Lowenstein, L 2.50

Loveman, Adolph 5.00

Lusky, Herman . . . 5.00

Maimonides Lodge, I. O. B. B. 5.00

Martin, N 2.50

Mills, Henry M 5.00

Pritz, Ed 2.50

Steiman, D 2.00

Teitlebaum, Henry .... 2.00

Tugenrich, 1 2.00

Wasserman, Ben i.oo

Weil Bros 2.00

Weil, Harry 2.00

Wolf, A. E 1.00

Wolf, Mrs. E I.oo

Wolf, Lee i.oo

Dallas. TEXAS.

Alexander Kohut Lodge No.

247, O. B. A 5.00

Friend, Alex 5.00

Friend, Alex 25.00

Harris, A 5.00

Hebrew Benevolent Assoc'n 5.00

Kahn, EM 5.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00

Ladies' Heb. Benev. Assoc'n 2.50

Morey, CD 5.00

Ortlieb, Max 2.50

Reinhardt & Son .... 5.00

Sanger Bros 50.00

El Paso.

Aronstein, S i.oo

Calisher, J 5.00

Calisher, Mrs. J i.oo

Calisher, M i.oo

Heil, L. N 3.00

Hell, Mrs. L. N i.oo

Heil, Miss R. L |i.oo

Kline, Mrs. A. A i.oo

Solomon, Adolph 2.00

Solomon, Mrs. A I.oo

Fort Worth.

August, A. and L 5.00

Goldberg, Herman .... 5.00 Hirschfeld, E. A 5.00


Cohen, Rev. Henry .... 25.00 Zacbaria Frankel Lodge No.

242, L O. B. B 5.00


Lone Star Lodge, I. O. B. B. 10.00 Levy, Benj 5.00


Bromberg, I. G 5.00

San Antonio.

Halff, S 25.00

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 125.00


Epstein & Co., E 5.00

Meyer, D 5.00

Tyler. Edw. Lasker Lodge No. 347,

I. O. B. B 5.00

Lipstate, J 5.00

Victoria. Levy & Co., A 10.00

Waco. Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 169.00


Salt Lake City.

Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee 100.00


St. Albans.

St. Albans Foundry Co. Fodder Shredder.

Wallingford. Bacheller & Sons Co. Agricultural Fork.



Binswanger, Sol 5.00

Binswanger, Mrs. Sol. . . . 5.00

Binswanger, Helen .... 5.00

Binswanger, Miss B 5.00

Binswanger & Co. Paint.

Hutzler, Henry 25.00

Johnson, B. F. Books.

Millheiser, C. . 20.00

Millheiser, Mrs. C 5.00

Raab, C 5-00

Rabb, E 5-00

Whitlock, Ph 50.00


Loeb, Julius 10.00

List of Contributions and Donations.

(For I<ist of Auuual Memberships see pp. i6 to 25.)




Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee Rosenberg, E


Bieber, Samuel ......


Wheeling. Bonnheim, Rev. B. A. . . . Eisenberg, Israel

; 1 00. 00 2.50


5.00 5.00



Gerechter, Rev. E i.oo

Loeb, ¥ 10.00

La Crosse.

Hirschheimer, A. Sulky Plow, Smoothing Harrovr, Corn Culti- vator, Barrel Cart, Bull-dog Disc Harrow, Corn Planter and Books.


Benjamin, H. M 10.00

Brunder & Co. Books. Freschl, Carl .... Hamburger, N. . . Isaac Lodge No. 81, I.O Shuster, Charles . . Tabor, L. L

10.00 5.00 5.00 2.00



Ideal Specialty Co. Pail.

One Ideal Milk


Cheyenne. Krauskopf, Dr., Lecture Fee

CANADA. Montreal.

Boas, B. A., Esq

Boas, Misses Paula and Nellie

Davis, M. B

Davis & Sons, Messrs. S

Davis, Mrs. S. . .

Goldstein, M. A. .

Lichtenhein, E., Esq,

Lichtenhein, Mrs. E.

Loeb, Mrs. Augusta

Nathan, A

Prume, Dr. . .

Rubenstein, Israel, Esq

Rubenstein, Jake, Esq.

Rubenstein, M., Esq.

Rubenstein, R

Rubenstein, Miss S. .

Silverman, Miss Elsie

Silverman, S., Esq. .

Workman, Mark, Esq Toronto.

Benjamin, A. D. . . .



Burnett, J. W



Schoenfeld, M. D

50.00 3.00


50.00 5-00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 5-00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

10.00 5.00



List of Publications Donated.

American Agriculturist. American Poultry Journal. Bee Gleanings. Breeders' Gazette. Colman's Rural World. Connecticut Farmer. Dakota Farmer. Doylestown Democrat. Doylestown Intelligencer. Doylestown Republican. Experiment Station Reports and

Bulletins. Farmers' Review. Farming. Gardening. Hoard's Dairyman. Jewish Comment. Jewish Exponent. Jewish Sentiment. Journal of Agriculture. Justice.

Kansas City Journal. Kansas Farmer. Nebraska Farmer.

New England Homestead. North West Horticulturist. Ohio Farmer. Practical Farmer. Press and Horticulturist. Reform Advocate. Southern P'ield. Southern Planter.

(Donated by Mr Southern.) The American Kitchen Magazine. The American Stock Farm. The Elgin Dairy Report. The Evening Paper. The Holstein Friesian Regi.ster. The Industrialist. The Jewish Daily News. The Public Ledger. The Rural New Yorker. The Workman's Paper. U. S. Government Reports and

Bulletins. Wallace's Farmer. Wisconsin Agriculturist. Young Israel.


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