Vol. 10. No. I

Printed at the Farm School, Boston, Mass.

May, 1906.

Entered November 23, 1903, at Boston, Mass., as Second-class matter, undar Act of Congress of July 16, 1894.

Our easier goitccrt

At three o'clock Sunday afternoon we gathered to hear the exercises of the Easter Concert. The name of our program wa.s '"Hope Divine." The exercises began with a song given by the choir, followed by an address of welcome. The story of the pieces varied and all were appropriate for Easter. One of the principal numbers was entitled " Linked to the Cross." This exercise was given by eight boys who wore white scarfs with gold letters which signified what they linked to the cross. The words were Love, Strength, Purity, Light, Service, Hope, Faith, and Truth. Each boy as he recited his verse linked himself to the next one by means of a wreath of laurel. When all were through speaking they faced the cross and sang the first stanza of "Rock of Ages," then they faced the audience and sang the last one. Mr. Bradley made rerrarks in which he told us a little about the relation of the School to Easter. The Farm School was founded on Thompson's Island the day after Easter, or what is better known as Easter Monday, seventy-three years ago. We were very much interested in this as we had never heard it before. The exercises were complet- ed by an anthem sung by the choir.

William N. Dinsmore.

€astcr Concert Program


The Dawn of Hope Prayer Mr. Clark

Charles W. Watson School

Address of Welcome Motto Exercise


Harry Lake

Tne Dawn of Hope

Song Choir

O'er The Winter Shadows Recitation Helen Anthony

The Easter Bonnet Exercise Class

An Easter Carol Song Choir

Morning Joy Recitation Herbert Dierkes

Hov/ the Lilies Came to Grow Recitation Roy Upham

Willie's Easter Ecgs Song Choir

Easter Chimes are Calling Recitation Ernest C. Nichols

Easter Gladness Exercise Class

Linked to the Cross Song Choir

Jesus is Risen Recitation T. Chapel Wright

No Christmas without Easter Recitation Thomas Carnes

An Easter Promise Song Class

Easter Bells Recitation Herman /. Marshall

A Little Brown Seed Exercise Class

The Message of the Lilies Song Choir

The Easter Army Recitation Philip S. May

An Easter Bird

Remarks Mr. Bradley

Song Choir

Thou Art Risen


Easter Decoration

Easter Sunday was cold and very unpleas- ant outside but if you had stepped into our chapel you would have thought it was the brightest of spring days, for the flowers ard other decorations made it look very pleasant. In the front of the chapel against the wall were hung the dark red wings of our stage curtain with a white drop curtain between. Where the red was looped up were hung white bells. Suspend- ed in the center of the white was a green board bordered with rope laurel bearing the words ' ' Hope Divine" in gold letters. Against the curtain, four feet from the floor was a row of potted plants, the green of which stood out against the red and white, in the center of the platform was placed the piano with seats for the choir boys on each side. In front of the piano was a representation of a tomb, over the opening of which was the motto "He is Risen." Around it were branches of ever- green to make it look natural and to one side of the opening was a stone roiled away. At the left stood a cross seven feet high. This was covered with ferns with a cluster of Easter lilies placed where the arms crossed. To the right was a bank of potted plants. In frorit of all was a white altar rail draped with rope laurel. On top of the rail were potted plants and jardiniers of cut flowers such as tulips, daffodils, pinks, and roses. The rail had an opening in the center of about eight feet and on each corner was a potted hydrangea in full bloom. The boys stood in this open- ing while reciting. These decorations formed in our minds a pretty picture which will be one of the pleasant things for us to remember. Albert Probert.

mr. Rumpbreys' Calk

Thursday afternoon, April nineteenth, we had the pleasure of listening to Mr. Richard C. Humphreys, who told about his trip to Booker T. Washington's school at Tuskegee, Alabama. He told us that starting from Bos- ton he went through twelve different states. When in the South ten years ago he saw mostly one room cabins but now Mr. Washington has

improved this by encouraging the people to build them with three rooms. At this twenty- fifth Anniversary of the Tuskegee Institute which the school was celebrating there were more prominent men in the South at one time than ever before. Among tliem were Secre- tary Taft of the President's Cabinet, President , Eliot of Harvard University, the President of Hampton Institute, William Lloyd Garrison, Jr. and Andrew Carnegie. Interesting speeches were made in honor of Mr. Washington and his great work by these well known men and by many others. They spoke of the Tuskegee spirit and work, telling the great number present that the motto of the School was: "Sweep where the eyes of the world cannot see." The President of Hampton said, "If Hampton has done nothing more than to graduate a Bcoker T. Washington, it is worthy of its existence." President Eliot told those present that Tus- kegee has increased more in money, buildings, and land in twenty-five years than Harvard College has in two hundred. Andrew Carnegie in his address said tliat as the North helped in the emancipation of the slaves so also it ought to help in their education. Secretary Taft re- presented President Roosevelt who expressed the thanks of the United States Government to Mr. Washington for what he is doing for the negroes and the whites. This great school has one thousand seven hundred students and has graduated over three thousand. Any student that has been graduated from the school is able to teach. Many times Mr. Humphreys said that the Tuskegee Institute reminded him of this school because they were making use of their great opportunities as we are at the Farm School.

Leslie R. Jones.

Our l>ot Beds

We began the first of March to get our hot beds ready for an early start for the seeds. 1 helped Mr. Gilbert take out the strips of wood that support the frames. Then we took out the loam and the manure that had been put in last fall. A scow full of fresh manure had just come from Walworth's. We got four cart


loads of this and put it in the hot bed about a foot and a half deep. We tamped It down good and hard. We allowed it to remain to heat to the right temperature, then we covered the manure with rich loam about a foot and a half deep. This was allowed to remain until the manure had heated the soil to a temperature of about seventy degrees. The hot bed thermometer was placed in the soil to take the temperature. After this, early seed such as radishes, cab- bages, lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers were planted. The radishes came up best. After the tomato plants had a good start we trans- planted them to the cold frame where there was no artificial heat. From there they will be replanted in the gardens.

Henry G. Eckman.

Jlrbor Day

Saturday, April twenty-eighth, was cele- brated at this School, as in nearly all schools, by planting trees. At half-past one we gathered at the foot of the grove which is situated be- tween the front and rear avenues to have ex- ercises and plant the trees. Mr. Bradley told us that for the last seventeen years Arbor Day has been observed at the Faim School. He also told us to whom the groves of our Island were dedicated and how this came about. Mr. Theodore Lyman, a forrner President of our Board of Managers, and grandfather of our pre- sent manager, Mr. Francis Shaw, furnished the larch trees that were planted at the South End which today form Lyman grove. These were planted at the time when great interest was taken in larches and prizes were awarded for the best larch groves. Bowditch Grove, at the North End, was planted by Mr. J. Ingersoll Bowditch, also a former President of our Board of Managers and father of our president, Mr. Alfred Bowditch. The opening address was given by Gordon Stackpole and was followed by a short sketch of the origin of Arbor Day. During the exercises songs were sung, the words of which were appropriate for the occa- sion and set to familiar tunes. A maple tree was then planted and dedicated to Mr. Clark, a theological student who has been our Sunday

assistant for the last two years. While the tree was being planted Mr. Bradley explained the methods of planting young trees. The hole was dug about six feet across and two feet deep, with loam thrown up on one side and dirt on the other. The tree was placed in the hole with its strongest branches pointing in the direction from which our prevailing winds come. Then several shovels of loam were thrown around the roots and the tree shaken to allow the dirt to work in around the roots. At intervals during the covering of the roots the tree was shaken for the same purpose. Wliile the tree was be- ing planted songs were sung, the words of which asked God to bless the tree and make it flour- ish long and well. During the day other trees were planted on different parts of the Island. Ernest C. Nichols.

makiitd an Electric motor

Having an old magneto which was not of much use as the fine wire on the armature was broken in several places, I decided to make a motor out of it. I took the fine wire off the armature and rewound it with about number thirty silk Insulated copper wire. The next and hardest thing to be done was to make a two part commutator. This I made from a thin brass tube which I sawed in halves and then screwed it on to a piece of hard rubber with small brass screws. 1 then drilled a hole through the centre of the rubber for the shaft to go through and then drove the commutator on to the shaft and connected the two ends of the wire on the armature to each end of the commutator. After this was done I made two brushes from a thin piece of sheet brassand then I put the machine together and tried it with six dry batteries. At first it did not go, but after I had changed the position of the commutator on the shaft a few times, it started and went from three to four hundred revolu- tions per minute. I can not use this motor for steady work such as running a fan until I get a new commutator as the one I made is a little out of center, which causes uneven wear and quite a lot of sparking which burns the brushes. John F. Nelson.



Cbonip$cin'$ island Beacon

Published Monthly by the

FARM SCHOOL Thompson's Island. Boston Harbor.


Vol. 10. No. 1

May, 1906.

Subscription Price - 50 cents per year.



Alfred Bowditch.


Henry S. Grew.


Arthur Adams.


Tucker Daland.


Melvin 0. Adams, I. Tucker Burr,

Charles P. Curtis, Jr., Charles T. Gallagher, Walter Hunnewell, Henry Jackson, M. D., Richard M. Saltonstall, Francis Shaw,

William S. Spaulding, Thomas F. Temple,

Moses Williams, Jr.

Charles H. Bradley, " Superintendent.

Treasurer's Address 50 State St.

Boston, Mass.

For several years there has been a strong popular interest in the work of the United States Weather Bureau, and increasing attention has been given to the study of meteorology in nor- mal schools and colleges. This subject nat- urally makes a strong appeal, from a pract.ical standpoint, to agricultural schools and to farmers

in general, The relation of the weather to crop production is not only an interesting study but is of immediate value to the modern farmer, and the ability to forecast the weather from the Government weather maps often means a large profit or the prevention of loss.

With these facts in mind, and with a firm belief in the practical and theoretical study of this science, a Meteorological Department was established at the Farm School in October, 1905. Its worth is plainly apparent, and our belief in the success of such a course is being justified. The technical instruction is of a simple nature and is given by lectures, illustrations and experiments, but the valuable part of the training for all is- the practical work in observing tiie weather Instruments and phenomena, and in making accurate records of the observations.

To our boys the department has become a very interesting and real part of their work and life, and is proving not only its possibilities In the way of practical application to our loca- tion and Interests, but also its didactic value for schools of the grammar grade, and its excel- lent training in observation, accuracy, and re- sponsibility. We -are rated by the Department of Agriculture as a "Voluntary Observer," making our reports to the local forecast offi- cial at Boston. This fact helps to arouse and to maintain a permanent interest in the subject, and to Impress upon our students the broad value of the science, while at the same time it puts them in touch, and makes them a part of the important work accomplished by the na- tional government.

In England, schools of our grade may be found equipped for this work, while on the con- tinent, in Germany, Switzerland, and other coun- tries, many of the schools of the grammar


grade are teaching meteorology, and the farmers generally make use of their barometers and theriTiometers, and in the public squares are found thd recording Instruments where all may learn to anticipate the coming weather. We feel that we have made another very im- portant and practical addition to our course of instruction in the introduction of a subject which, in the near future, is quite sure to find a place in many of the high and elementary schools throughout the country.

The Beacon is nine years old this month. Long live The Beacon and the Farm School.


April. 2. Gathered driftwood.

Removed seaweed used during the win- ter to banl< up the basement at the stock and storage barns.

April. 3. Telephone linemen here.

A scow load of hay came.

C. James Pratt left the School to work for the Orin Desk Co., and to live with his mother in Charlestown.

Cjttaga Row citizens held their regular quarterly election of officers, which resulted as foUows:-

Mayor, Warren H. Bryant; Aldermen, John J. Emory, George A. Maguire, Joseph A. Kalberg, Herbert A. Dierkes, Thomas Games; Treasurer, Thomas G. McCarragher; Assessor, James Glifford; Judge, Horace P. Thrasher. The Mayor appointed as Chief of Police, William N. Dinsmore; Clerk, Leslie R. Jones; Street Commissioner, Donald W. Roby; Li- brarian, Ernest N. Jorgensen; Curator, Harry W. Lake; Janitor, Spencer S. Profit. The Chief of Police appointed as his patrolmen, Don C. Clark, Ralph P. Ingalls, John p. Nelson, Albart S. Bsetchy, Everett A. Rich, William T. Walbert.

April. 4. A new manure spreader came.

Georgs Percy Wiley left the School.

April. 5. Solar halo observed.

A one-horse farm cart painted, April 6. Entertainment in the evening by Quinby' s band.

Mr. James R. Jewell, of Clark Univer- sity, visited the School.

April. 8. Sunday. Rev. F. M. Gardner of the South Baptist Church, South Boston, spoke to the boys In the afternoon.

Mr. Harrison L. Evans visited the School. April 9. Finished cable booth at South End of Island.

Out side windows removed from Main Building.

April 1 1 . Set four iron telephone poles on wharf line.

April 13. Taking down old telephone poles.

Finished taking down fence from main building south-east to the shore.

Renewed wires on local telephone line to Farm House.

April 15. Easter Sunday. Concert by the boys in the afternoon.

April 16. First radishes from hotbeds. Began harrowing for oats. April 16. Good Citi2enship Prizes award- ed.

Trimmed shrubbery about main building. April 17. Made four small tea tables. Made harness rack for stock barn. April 18. Renewed wire for telephone and gong to wharf.

Completed new easel for portable black- board.

April 19. Completed table for front store- room.

Tomato plants set out in hotbeds. Load of dressing brought from Walworth's. Mr. Richard C. Humphreys spoke to the boys in the afternoon, on his trip to the Tuskegee 25th. Anniversary.

April 20. Killed pig, weight 240 lbs. April 21. Load of dressing brought from ^ Walworth's.

April 22. Capt. K. W. Perry, command- ing the U. S. S. Gresham, visited the School.


April 23. Wind attained a velocity of 36 miles per hour.

April 24. Repaired wharf gong.

Several Instructors and 34 boys attended church services in town.

April 25. Put 24 new springs on beds in dormitories.

April 26. Harrowed ground for early po- tatoes.

Pair of gray horses came, weight. 2930

lbs. '

Brought a load of lumber from Freeport


April 27. 3 i tons of chemical for ferti- lizer came.

Planted one-half acre of early potatoes.

April 28. New raccoon added to our pets.

Manager Francis Shaw visited the School.

Arbor Day exercises in the afternoon, with planting of trees.

April 30. Mixed two tons of fertilizer for corn and potatoes.

Vo'ted on names for new horses and decided to call them Colonel and General.

234 brown tail moths' nests collected and burned this month.

Average temperature for month, 44 de- grees.

Minimum temperature for the month, 30.

Total precipitation, 1.66 inches.

13 clear days, 12 partly cloudy, 5 cloudy.

Total number of hours sunshine, 266 hours 40 min.

Maximum amount of sunshine, April 13, 13 hours, 49 min.

Tarm Scbool Bank

Cash on hand April 1, 1906 Deposited during the month

Withdrawn during the month Cash on hand May 1, 1906

Goca €itizcn$1iip Prizes

' Quarter Ending April 1, 1906.

1. S. Gordon Stackpole $5.00

2. John J. Emory $3.00

$455.11 20.71

$475.82 9.90


3. Leslie R. Jones $2.50

4. Horace P. Thrasher $2.00

For the above prizes, fifty dollars a year is given by Mr. and Mrs. Albert H . Willis to the boys who show the most interest in Cottage Row Government, and most faithfully perform their duties, either as office-holders or as citi- zens.

6oind to CDurcb

One Sunday, Miss Walton invited six boys, including myself, to go to the Phillips Congregational Church in South Boston. We were among the first to arrive. We selected a front seat in the gallery hoping to hear Mr. Richards who talked to the fellows at our School a few Sundays ago. When the minister came out we found it was not Mr. Richards but an- other preacher. He chose his text from First Samuel, ninth chapter, eighteenth and nine- teenth verses. We had not heard a sermon preached from that kind of a text and wondered what it would be like. Before long we were hearing a talk that the fellows at our School would like to have heard. The preacher said that young people ought always to stick to a place and not turn back. If they needed help to consult the "Seer," who is God or His spirit in a minister or a kind friend. We left the church at twelve o'clock and on the way to the boat we walked down to the park near Farra- gut's statue. It was a warm Sunday and we had a good sermon and a pleasant walk.

Charles A. Graves.

Saturday afternoon, April 19th. we had the first fishing of the season. After we had dug some seaworms for our bait we went to the end of the wharf and began fishing. There were several ether fellows besides me at the sport. I caught the first flounder, which was a large one, and I caught six others before I caught a scul- pin. 1 only caught three sculpins altogether. In all 1 caught about thirty flounders that after- noon. The crabs are sly. While you are fish- ing they will begin eating the bait on the hook while you are pulling in the line, and when you get him to the top he will let go and wait for


another chance. Some of the fish we catch are flounders, silver hake, eels, starfish, torn- cod, perch, sculpins, and sometimes we catch smelt. There were about eighty fish caught and all the fellows had them fried for dinner. We have good sport fishing and lots of fellows enjoy it. Herbert J. Nelson.

mm Hftcr l)or$c$

About half-past seven one evening Mr. Bradley asked some fellows if they wanted to go over with him after two new horses. I was one of the fellows he asked. We went down to the wharf and carried two gang planks down to the scow, one for the horses to walk up to the scow on and the other for them to come down. When we landed in Pleasure Bay two of our farmers went off in a row boat after the horses. When they brought them down to the beach the fellows were surprised to see such large ones. The first horse went into the scow quite readily. We had a little difficulty getting the other one in and he wouldn't go until the one in the scow called about three times. When the scow was pulled along side of the steamer we could see that they were dapple gray in color. After we reached the Island the horses were pretty anxious to get off the scow. They were taken off and exercised. Then the fellows guessed on their weight. When they were put on the scales it was found that the pair weighed twenty-nine hundred and thirty pounds. The larger horse weighed fourteen hundred and eighty, the other fourteen hundred and fifty. Thomas Carnes.

Our new l)or$es

The morning after the new horses came, I was in a hurry to get down to the stock barn, for I knew that I would have a chance to see them, as my work is morning cow-fellow. When I got down to the barn after breakfast I hurried downstairs to the stables. 1 found that the new horses were pretty; their color is a dapple gray. They make a very good span. Their tails were braided and tied in red cloth. There was a tag on each of them which told that they were five and six years old. One has little brown spots on his face. They are

both heavy, and muscular, and have been pro- nounced "all right" by the morning farm fel- lows. Every one has fallen in love with them at first sight. William Lydston.

mixing fmilizcr

An interesting job was given me one after- noon and 1 appreciated it. 1 helped Mr. Mc- Leod mix fertilizer for the potatoes. We took seven hundred and fifty pounds of dis- solved bone from the bags and put four hun- dred pounds of sulphate of potash with it. Then was added two hundred pounds of nitrate of soda, two hundred pounds of dried blood and two hundred pounds of tankage. Then the whole was thoroughly mixed, after which we sifted it through a gravel screen. This made me sneeze but I kept at work. The last thing to do was to put twelve shovels full of fertilizer into each bag. We finished before five o'clock and start- ed to mix seventeen hundred and fifty pounds of fertilizer for corn, but the bell rang before we got the muriate of potash on, so we stopped work for that day. Stephen Eaton.

Cite HiV) IRaccoon

As 1 was passing the hen house one after- noon I saw a new raccoon. It is somewhat smaller than our other one. and is a lighter color. Over each eye is a black spot. It is pretty and does not quarrel with the other one. The new raccoon hasn't any name yet. If I had my choice I would call her "Pet."

Albert L. Dillon.

Cransplantjttd Contato Plants.

One morning another boy and I harnessed the horse and carried a load of loam to the hot beds. We carried over some boxes in which we took the loam from the cart and put it in the cold frame. We spread this on evenly and then put on some water to have the soil ready for transplanting. The seeds had been planted about a month before and the plants had grown to be about five inches tall. We took them from the hot bed and planted them in the cold frame about five inches apart each way. Then # the glass was put over the beds and they were given a chance to grow.

Charles W. Watson.



Walter Hermann, 1878, was married Feb. 21st., 1906 and is living at 55 Antrim St., Cambridge, Mass. He has a good position with the Cambridge Box Co.

William A. Horsfall, 1896. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reardon announce the inarriage of their daughter, Florence, to Mr. William A. Horsfall, on Monday, May the fourteenth, nine- teen hundred and six, at 5 1 4 Cleveland Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.

Joseph Pratt, 1902, died on April 21, 1906, of heart trouble, at his home in Charles- town, and was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery. He was a brother of James Pratt, also a grad- uat8 of our School. The funeral was attended by delegations from the Farm School, from the Prescott School, of which he was also a graduate, by members of Monumental Lodge of Good Templars,- of which the de- ceased was a member, and by numerous friends and schoolmates. Although a sufferer for a long time, Joseph worked steadily un- til a few days before his death, and had earned the confidence and good will of all with whom he had been associated. He was at the School at the Thanksgiving Re- union, and although not well at the time, was in good spirits, and glad to see all of the boys. He will be missed by his many friends, by the home of which he was a helpful member, and most of all by his faithful mother, forwhom we have the deepest sympathy.

Scmnino Gravel.

All the gravel that we have on our walks and roads has to be screened on the beach. It was my work one morning to screen it. I went down by the boat liouse on the beach and there I found the sieve all ready for me. We screened it through a coarse sieve and then through a fine one to get the sand out. What did not go througli the fine sieve we used. We screened four loads that morning before school. Donald W. Roby.

nir. Garancr's Calk

One Sunday afternoon Mr. Gardner, of the South Boston Baptist Church, spoke to the

fellovs. He said that a boy must cultivate his mind, body, and spirit to amount to anything. His text was: " He that overcometh shall inherit all things." He first gave us these words that we repeated after him, "Every obstacle is an opportunity." He said when Farragut was a boy on his father's ship, he would get into all sorts of mischief and his father would speak to him harshlyand say," Boy, you will neveramount to anything." But he was determined he would, and so as a result became a great admiral and is honored by all people. This was an example of perseverance. He said that when volun- teers were wanted to help Hobson sink the Merrimac in Santiago harbor, men had to be chosen to go because so many were anxious to help the country. He told us to learn to keep our temper and to persevere in all things. He said that we should not be dependent on others. The fellows all enjoyed this talk very much and hope to hear from Mr. Gardner again.

Philip S. May.

Che Storm

One morning when I awoke, instead of seeing the sun as usual, I heard the wind rat- tling the windows. Toward night it began to rain. It rained all night and blew a gale. The water came in a window so fast that a boy had to wipe it up. A good many of the boys were kept awake by the howling of the wind and especially by the rattling of the windows. The rack that we keep the scrub things on was blown over and also the one that the milk pails are kept on. There were a lot of new ruts made in the avenues. About eight o'clock the next day the wind began to- abate and by noon the sun was out. Herbert F. Watson.

Getting (Carrots

One day Mr. Gilbert told Percy Embree and me to hitch Brownie in the new cart and go over to the root cellar and get four bags of carrots. We drove him over and I went after the key in the farmhouse. We put a bush- el in each bag and then I locked the door and brought the key back. We carried the car- rots into the swill room to be boiled for the pigs. Alonzo B. James.

Vol 10. No. 2.

Printed at the Farm School, Boston, Mass.

June, 1906.

Entered November 23, 1903, at Boston. Mass., as Second-class matter, under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894.

mcmoriai Day

Near the south end of our Island, in the shelter of a hill, is a plot of land thirty-six feet square. Tall larch trees grow at the four cor- ners of what is known as the Farm School Cem- etery. Here are buried fourteen persons, all in some way connected with our School.

Mr Nordberg, our first sloyd teacher, is buried here. It is the custom every Memorial Day to place a Swedish flag on his grave be- side the stars and stripes. Another grave is that of a little grand child of a former superin- tendent. The other graves are those of boys who have died while at the School, or of grad- uates who have been buried here at their request. For the past few years the E. P. A. has had charge of the Memorial services at our ceme- tery. The E. P. A. is a club consistingof thirty- five boys, governed by a charter. The society has for officers, a captain, two lieutenants, and four sergeants, one of the last being a color bearer. On the pleasant mornirg of Memo- rial Sunday the whole School, accompanied by the band, marched over to the cemetery. The band played a number of marches with a num- ber of bugle calls. Upon reaching the ceme- tery the School seated themselves on the grass while the members of the E. P. A. assembled in a body facing the audience, ready to begin. The service consisted of an opening address by the captain in which he spoke of the signifi- cance of Memorial Day, and the time it is ob- served in other states both North and South. Following this came songs by the School, ap- propriate recitations by members of the E. P. A. and prayer by Mr. Clark. The programme was ended by the officers of the Company deco-

rating the graves with flowers, followed by the impressive sounding of "Taps" by two of the boys. The order of service and the names of members taking part were as follows:

Programme Tor memorial Day

Opening Address Warren H. Bryant

Song Congregation

Gathering Home Recitation George A. C. McKenzie

Faded Flowers Recitation Philip S. May

Peace Recitation Leon H. Quinby

Where The Flag Is Song Congregation

Only Remembered Recitation Charles H. Whitney

The Veteran Recitation Alfred W. Jacobs

The Herald of Spring Song Congregation

Are You Coming Home Tonight Recitation Thomas Carnes

Blair of the Regulars Recitation Robert E. Miley

Fallen Soldier Selection Band

La Media Noche Recitation Bruce L. Paul

Memorial Day Song Congregation

Carried by the Angels Recitation A. Leroy Sawyer

Why should They Kill My Baby

Recitation William Lydston

Be Proud for She is Saved


Recitaiioii , trnes t N. Jorgensen

In one Grave

Decoration of the Graves

Prayer Mr. Clark

( W. Bryant T'sps j W. O'Coimer

Song Congregation


Warren H. Bryant. .

mr. UwW$ CalR

The Sunday before Memorial day Mr. Lewis, a Grand Army Veteran, came down to the Island to talk to us. The chapel was deco- rated with American flags and one of our own state. As Mr. Lewis entered the room we applauded and he greeted us with a salute. He told us that he considered it a pleasure to talk with us for we were to be men of the com- ing generation, in his talk he told us of the hardships of the Civil War and described vivid- ly the horrors of Libby prison and of Anderson- ville. In these prisons the men were crowded together and given very little food, clothing, or even water. The water that they did get was unfit for drinking and caused many a poor sol- dier's death. The men were so hungry they took bread from the hands of dead soldiers. Mr. Lewis ended his talk by telling us a little about a foe of our country as dreadful as war. He said that liquor was the ruination of many a man. At the end of the service he gave all who wished an opportunity to sign the temperance pledge, which we were glad to accept. All spent a very profitable afternoon with him and he left us, as he entered, with a salute.

Thomas G. McCarragher.

Lecture toy IHr. Richan1$

On Wednesday, May twenty-third, Mr. Richards, pastor of Phillips Congregational Church, gave us a very inteVesling lecture on "The Commerce of the Great Lakes." This lecture was illustrated by stereopticon pic- tures. We were first shown a map of the Great Lakes and were told about their connec- tion with the ocean. He told us that together they extended one third the way across our con- tinent. He then s-howed us a map of the United States telling us hov/ much the Great

Lakes had to do with the commerce of our country, as they were situated so near fields of ores, grains and lumber. The iron mines a- round Lake Superior are the largest in the world, and the prairies of our country produce as mucii grain as any grain fields in the world. He told us that these lakes and the St. Law- rence River form one of the arteries of trade in our country. He showed us pictures of the miners going down to get iron ore and how it was taken up from the mines, loaded on the cars and* carried away. Also how it was unloaded and where it was put. Next he showed us the way the grain was cut and taken from the fields and also the way the lumber was taken from the forests. He told us that these lakes were named after Indian tribes that lived on the shores of the lakes. He also told us that Lake Superior was the deepest of the lakes and the water was so cold that most of the sailors of that lake did not know how to swim. After he had the produce all loaded upon the lake boats he took us by means of his pictures across the lakes, seeing many pretty scenes along the shore. He also took us through the locks. On our passage over LaVe Erie we stopped to see them change the cargo over to canal boats to be carried down the Erie canal to New York. We also stopped on our trip to see the Niagara Falls. We all spent & very pleasant evening on this picture trip and Mr. Richards bade us goodnight on the screen. Spencer S. Profit.

mr. Reed's Concert

On the twenty-sixth day of May, M r. Reed, with four Harvard students, came down to the Island and gave us all a very pleasant afternoon. The entertainment was opened by a march played on the piano by Mr. Reed. This was followed by a song given by a male quartette. Several of the musical selections were comical and we enjoyed them very much. Mr. Reed played another selection on the piano and also played an accompaniment for a 'cello solo. Another interesting part was selections read from a book which one of the students brought with him. The first selection was about a



country school-house and second about a farm- er. After this they sang " Everybody Works but Father" and for the last verse they sang ' ' Everybody should be satisfied, for that is all." With this the concert ended. Mr. Reed played a selection on the piano for us to march out of chapel. Joseph B. Keller.

Our first l}\$\i\m D^V

Visiting Day is one anxiously looked for- ward to by all the boys. Before it is known just when the first one is going to be the fellows make a guess as to the date. Usually Mr. Brad- ley tells us in chapel on Sunday night, then the fellows are happy. This year the first Visiting Day came on the ninth of May. The bell rang at about half-past nine for the fellows to change their clothes. When all was ready we marched down to the wharf to await the arrival of the Nantasket Steamer. While the steamer was making a landing tlie band played a selection to welcome them. After cur friends were all off of the Steamer the band faced and at the word of command we marched up to the house. We assembled on the gravel south of the g=ir- dens. The band played a selection and Mr. Bradley said a few words of welcome to our friends and announced the next Visiting Day. Mr. Grew, the Vice-President of our Board of Managers, was present and made a few remarks We were then allowed to break ranks and go with our friends. We showed them the dif- ferent places of interest and the work which we do. Thus we enjoyed ourselves until the bell rang at half-past twelve which told us that the boat was coming. When the steamer land- ed there was the hustle and bustle of good-by and getting aboard. We gave three cheers as the steamer pulled away from the wharf. We then went up to the house, changed our clothes and put the good things we received in our drawer. After this was done we were dis- missed for the rest of the day.

William N. Dinsmore.

Our Dance

On May third the citizens of Cottage Row gave a dance in honor of Mr. Bradley. The boys assembled in chapel at seven o'clock

We were given an order of the dances at the door. At about quarter past eight the dancing commenced. The first was a waltz. There were four waltzes in all. The instructors start- ed the dance and little by little the boys went on until there were quite a number on the floor. The next was a two-step and as it was the easiest dance of the evening there were more boys on the floor than instructors. A schottische was the next on the programme, followed by a two-step, a duchess, and another waltz. Then the boys went to the dining-room for their ice cream and cake in the intermission following. After the boys had disposed of the ice cream and nearly all of the cake we went back to the dance. We capped the climax with a Virginia Reel. Nearly all the instructors took part in this and a lot of the boys. 1 danced five of the dances and had a fine time and I am sure that those who contributed in any way were well repaid. Herbert F. Watson.

Setting Out trees

The first two weeks of May three other fellows and I helped set out shade and fruit trees. Mr. Burnham worked with us. We set out eighteen elms at intervals along the road that leads from the Beach Road to the Farm House and Root Cellar. We got the trees from the nursery where the shade trees are first set out as seedlings and left until they are about ten or twelve feet high. Fruit trees are grafted after two years and then allowed to grow the same as the others although not quite as tall. We have to be careful in taking up these young trees or saplings and not cut too many roots. After we had finished planting the elms we went up the road that runs along the lower part of the orchard and planted three maple trees. Later when the shade trees v/ere all planted we went into the orchard and set out twenty-one apple trees of different varieties. After our planting was completed we cleaned up the ground around all the young trees. Alfred H. Neumann.

'.' The more one speaks of himself, the less he likes to hear another talked of."


Cbonip$on'$ Island Beacon

Published Monthly by the

FARM SCHOOL Thompson's Island. Boston Harbor.


Vol. 10. No. 2.

June, 1906.

Subscription Price - 50 cents per year.



Alfred Bowditch.


Henry S. Grew.


Arthur Adams.


Tucker Daland.


Melvin O. Adams, I. Tucker Burr,

Charles P. Curtis, Jr., Charles T. Gallagher, Walter Hunnewell, Henry Jackson, M. D.,

Richard M. Saltonstall, Francis Shaw,

William S. Spaulding, Thomas F. Temple,

Moses Williams, Jr.

Charles H. Bradley, _ Superintendent.

Treasurer's Address 50 State St.

Boston, Mass.

There has been much controversy as to the influence of heredity, but tliere is no dis- pute as to the power of environment. The conditions of the home, the influence of parents, teachers, and friends, the modifying effect of the community life, and the molding force of natural surroundings, all have results which it

is impossible to measure for the future, or to weigh as we look back upon the past.

Perhaps the power of mere physical en- vironment is often overlooked, or given little thought, but we feel that our location and surroundings have had much to do with the successful growth of the School and have exert- ed a large influence upon the development of the individual. Situated as we are within the shadow of a great city, within sight and sound of its industries and activities, with its com- merce constantly passing our door on its way to every quarter of the globe, no wide awake boy can grow up in our School without feeling the touch of a broad life, without the stirring of ambitions which a broad outlook must awaken.

On the other hand, while in the city we are not of it. We can avail ourselves of its advantages, wlule we can shut out undesirable influences. We have ail the benefits of sea- shore and country life. We are in contact with Nature in her varying moods, and must avail ourselves of them or guard against them, as the case may be. Storm and calm, fog, frost, sunrise a:nd sunset, directly affect our activities, our habits and our characters. They have their influence upon our aesthetic as well as upon our physical development, and while a boy never can lose the advantages of the active, out of door life and the pure air, neither can he outlive the influence of our rare sunsets, the changeful sea and our broad horizon.


May 1. Transplanted five maple trees from nursery to front grove.

May 2. Five tons of plaster received.

Planted one and one third acres of ' ' Early Hebron" potatoes.

May 3. Dance in honor of Mr. Bradley given by the citizens of Cottage Row.


Planted early peas, "Alaska." Killed pig, dressing 222 pounds. May 4. Planted beans, " Early Mohawk." Sowed spinach, beets, lettuce, radishes and carrots, using new seeder.

Teams hauling manures to the fields. One hundred new mattresses came for the boys.

May 5. Planted sweet corn. Sowed carrots and onions. Plowed between rows of berry bushes. May 7. Cut first asparagus. Transplanted 200 early cabbages. Mixed two tons of corn fertilizer. Ran telephone wires from Farm House line to cable booth.

May 8. Harrowed oat ground. Sowed onions and beets. Lester M. Hartshorn entered the School. Transplanted celery in hot bed, "Boston Market."

Received lime and blue vitriol for insecti- cides.

Allan H. Brown left the School to live with his mother in North Rustico, P. E. 1. May 9. New spray pump received. First Visiting Day. 205 present includ- ing Vice-President Henry S. Grew.

May 10. Scow load of dressing brought from Walworth's.

May 1 1 . Telephone man here at work on local line.

Finished sowing oats, and sowed grass seed in oat ground.

Row of elm trees set on south side of road from Beach Road to Farm House path.

May 12. Flower seeds, a gift from Schlegel and Foltler, were given to the boys.

Sprayed orchard with Bordeaux mixture and Paris green.

Harnesses for new span received. Golf links set out.

Completed one stone drag and one gravel screen.

May 14. 21 apple trees set in orchard. One lot of magazines received from Blodgett Bros.

Nursery stock received, consisting of spruce, pine, white birch, blue spruce, mountain ash, American linden, horse chestnut, etc.

May 15. Lester M. Hartshorn left the School.

Spruces set out north-west of root cellar, as a wind break, pines and birches at North End; rest of stock set in nursery.

May 16. Planted " Early Crosby" corn. Beached Steamer Pilgrim, took off winter sheathing and cleaned the hull.

May 17. Took off smokestack of Steam- er, and cleaned boiler tubes and stack.

May 18. 'Made one screen for coal and one for sand.

May 19. Two swarms of bees came. Began planting potatoes at North End. May 21. Began setting out tomato plants.

May 22. Freight scov/, John Alden repainted.

Finished setting 1300 tomato plants. Began cutting rye.

May 23. Finished planting five acres of potatoes.

Illustrated lecture by Rev. F. B. Richards in the evening, on "The Commerce of the Great Lakes."

May 24. Manager Tucker Daland visit- ed the School.

Mowed rye piece v/ith machine. May 25. Set out 1 300 celery plants. Planted corn at North End. White Angora rabbit added to our pets. May 26. Planted corn, peas and beans. Sowed lettuce, radishes and turnip. Leslie W. Graves visited the School. Completed new fence around cemetery. Entertainment in the afternoon by Mr. W. H. Reed, Jr., and friends from Harvard University.

Thomas Maceda left the School to work for Mr. H. E. Benson, at Clearbrook Farm, Foxboro, Mass.

May 27. Sunday. Memorial exercises at the cemetery in the morning, conducted by the E. P. A.


Mr. J. B. Lewis, Kinsley Post 113 G.A. R. of Boston, addressed the boys in the afternoon.

May 28. Killed pig. 'dressing 260 pounds.

May 29. Frederick C. Webbentered the School.

Sprayed orchard second time.

Standing work and floors re-varnished in two instructors' rooms.

May 30. Memorial Day. . A number of boys attended the exercises at Tremont Temple.

Loaned scow John Alden for use of judges at Memorial Day Yacht Races.

Stopped using steam heat.

May 31. Put new grates in bakery oven.

Finished cement tide gate near storage barn.

Average temperature for the month, 55 degrees.

Minimum temperature for the month, 37; maximum, 80.

Total precipitation for the month, 4.69 inches.

Greatest precipitation in twenty-four hours, 2.56 inches, May 28.

Total number of hours sunshine, 28 1 .

Sun dog observed. May 30

Tarm School Bank

Cash on hand May 1, 1906 - $465.92

Deposited during the month 24 42

$490.34 Withdrawn during the month . 38.56

Cash on hand June 1, 1906 $451.78

Our motbs and Butterflies

Last fall several boys brought caterpillars up to the schoolroom and these were put into a case with some leaves to see if they would spin cocoons. One spun its cocoon, but the rest died. Then three or four boys brought in co- coons from outside and these were put with the other in the case. About the middle of March the one that had spun its cocoon in the school room, came out. We found out that it was the moth of the Salt marsh caterpillar. The top of the wings were white and the under part

yellow with black spots. The Friday before Easter we had a beautiful Luna moth come out of its cocoon. It measured five inches across the wings. These moths were chloriformed and v/ith their cocoons were put into our schoolroom collection. Any boy that sees a butterfly or moth of a kind that is not in our col- lection, catches it and brings it into the school- room where it is chloriformed and put with the rest. Clarence S. Nelson.

Preparind and Planting Potatoes

One morning another boy and 1 were told to go over to the root-cellar and get three and one-half bushels of seed potatoes. There was a large bin of potatoes of various sizes and we picked out the ones that had the largest num- ber of eyes on them and were free from scab. We put these on the drag and drove over to the potato piece. We cut them into the right size with one or two good eyes on each piece. The plow had been over the ground and liad made furrows deep enough to plant them in. The pieces were put about fifteen inches apart after a little phosphate had been put in and covered with earth. Then the furrow, which was about four inches deep, was filled in and the potatoes were ready to grow. Charles W. Watson.

B Cesson on Planting Peas

We have been planting peas on the Island. Several of the boys helped to plant them. One day in school John Enright told the fellows how this was done. The ground was first plov/ed, harrowed and then the fellows raked it until the soil was level and free from large stones. Mr. Gilbert put the peas into the seeder. As the seeder went along it made a furrow about two inches deep in which the seeds fell and were covered. Stakes were put at each row with the name of the pea on it. A good rule is to firm the ground over the seeds, but this should not be done if the soil is damp. Then our teacher told us that peas require good soil and a fair amount of fertilizer. Seeds to live and grow need three things; heat, moisture, and air. After we had finished talking we wrote, for an English lesson, how the pea is planted.

Harold Y. Jacobs.


Cbc mosquito

Summer is approaching and with it many pests. Among those that give the most annoyance to man are mosquitoes. On our Is- land are a number of places where the water settles and makes small marsiies, which are drained by ditches. In these ditches the mos- quitoes breed. Wherever there is a pool of stagnant water the mosquitoes find it out and in these pools they lay their eggs in numbers varying from two to four hundred in a cluster. These eggs hatch inside of twenty-four hours into the larval stage or what we call the wrigglers. These wrigglers breathe through a tube which Is attached to one end of the body. They have to come to the surface at least once a minute to get air. After living in the larval stage seven or eight da}s the larva changes to pupa form. This form remains at the top of the water two or three days, when the coat of the pupa splits open and out comes the mos- quito.. It was discovered that to cover the water where mosquitoes breed with oil would kill them, because they could not penetrate the oil to get air. In past years we have used the common kerosene oil but it has been found that the kerosene oil evaporates so quickly that it does not pay to use it. For several years we have sprayed the marshes with a thicker, heavier oil, which is called gas oil. It has been my work to spray the marshes with this gas oil and I have all the ditches and pools coated with it. This oil is so thick that the larva can not get its tube through it to the surface to breathe and is drowned. This gas oil also kills the old mosquitoes when they come to lay their eggs, as well as the eggs themselves. In this way we are able to keep down to some extent this troublesome insect, the mosquito.

Claud W. Salisbury.

Bn Observation Cessoti

There is a piece of ploughed ground at the north end of the island. It was to be measured, so the boys, instead of going to school, went over to see how the measuring was done. The first thing was to take the surveying instru- ment or transit and find magnetic north.

Then the telescope was turned until the line of vision coincided with the boundary of the piece of land. Then one end of the piece was measured with an engineer's chain. This chain contained one hundred links, each of which was a foot long. Every ten feet was marked off by brass tags that were numbered. Boys carried the chain, and a boy carrying iron markers, which were numbered, kept ahead of the chain and as he placed a marker at the end of the chain he called out the number of the chains measured off. The end boundary of the piece was found to be four hundred fifty-five feet. The boundary along the east side was measured in the same way and found to be eiglit hundred twelve feet long. The north boundary measured one hundred fifty feet. The remaining side along the west shore meas- ured nine iuindred sixty feet. We had been working with square measurement in school, so our teachers took this opportunity to show us an acre and a square rod. A point in the southern boundary was selected and the sur- veying instrument set up. From this point we measured off the side of an acre which we found to be two hundred eight and seventy-one hundredths feet. Upon this side we built an acre, using the transit to measure the angles at the corners. Then taking one corner of the acre we measured off a square rod to see the relative size of the two. This ended our out door work which we had enjoyed very much.

Clarence M. Daniels.

new mattresses

A load of new mattresses for the boys was going to be brought over from the city. I was told to get a number of boards and put in the bottom of the scow so the mattresses would not get soiled. Then we went over to City Point and found two teams full of mattresses at the wharf. There were a number of us fellows so we started to work carrying the mattresses from the wagon to the scow. After they were in the scow we carefully covered them with canvas to keep them dry. We landed at our wliarf and the boys carried the mattresses to the dormitories. The fellows enjoy sleeping on them. Robert W. Gregory.



Selwyn G. Tinkham, 1898, is at Brown University, worl<ing liis way through college. He sends us a stanza from some verses that he keeps on his wall.

"You are beaten to earth? Well, well, what's that?

Come up with a smiling face. It's nothing against you to fall down flat,

But to lie there - that's disgrace."

Richard N. Maxwell, 1900, isgardener and horticulturist on the estate of Mr. E. H. Chandler, Danvers, Mass. Richard has had excellent training and experience and is proving his ability in this line of work.

Lester H. Witt, 1902, is living with his grandparents in Marlboro. He is doing considerable work for other people after his own work is done, and is proud of a growing bank account. He sends two years' subscrip- tion for the Beacon, in advance.

Frank C. Simpson, 1903, has full man- agement of the poultry plant at the Connecti- cut Agricultural College, Storrs. Conn. They are running fourteen incubators, and have a large modern plant and stock. Frank has charge of the experiments conducted in con- nection with the course in poultry culture, and is accumulating very interesting and valuable records.

Dinitti) Room Ulork

After I come down stairs in the morning 1 get ready for work. 1 put the bread around on the tables and after breakfast I help wash and wipe dishes. I empty the waste pail and wash out the towels that I wiped disheswith. 1 then shine the brass and clean out both sinks and scrub the table the bread cutter is on. After that I set around the dishes. Every day there are always pitchers and mugs for the water to be placed at each table. Sometimes 1 wash salt shakers. 1 always fill them every morn- ing. At eleven o'clock I bring in the water and then I help serve out the food. Then the boys have their dinner and 1 have mine.

Herbert J. Nelson.

CIcatiind Ti$b

Fishing is good sport for some fellows but they do not always like to clean the fish after they are caught. Sometimes a fellow will get another boy to clean them for him. About a week ago a fellow went fishing and I happened to go with him. He caught twenty-seven floun- ders from . the end of the wharf. I cleaned most of them. As there were others who caught a number we had them for dinner. They were fried in bread crumbs and tasted good. Ralph H. Marshall.

Torking Drcssiitd

In the spring there is a lot of dressing to be forked and carted to the various fields on the Island. During the winter the dressing is put in a large pile near the west beach. In the spring it is carted to the fields and put into piles, then two boys fork it into our new man- ure spreader and the spreader does the rest. All our dressing comes from our own stables and the stables at Walworth's Manufacturing Com- pany.

Charles A. Graves.

Our Library

In our library there are about sixteen hun- dred volumes. There are books which most every fellow wants to read. There are also many books written by the most noted authors. The regular hours that books are taken out are Wednesday at seven P. M. and Sunday at eight A. M. The boys that have books out and want them returned leave them on the top shelf in the assembly room and the librarians take these books up to be changed. Then the number of the boy's book is read and the num- ber with his name is crossed off as having re- turned his book. The book is then put away and the next number that is on the card, if the book is in, is given to him. There are two large book cases with seven shelves in each case, which are divided into two sections. The sections are lettered R, L, C, and one of reference. The reference books may be taken to the reading-room and put back when through with them. Philip S. May.



Vol. 10. No. 3.

Printed at the Farm School, Boston, Mass.

July, 1906.

Entered November 23, 1903, at Boston. Mass.. as Second-class matter, under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894.

graduation Day

Our exercises for graduation were held on the afternoon of Friday, the fifteenth of June. A temporary platform was erected on the north- ern slope from the main building, and on this picture.sque spot, surrounded by the beauties of nature, we held our exercises. The day had been eagerly anticipated by all the graduating class. It was bright and pleasant. Invita- tions had been sent to friends of the grad- uates and they came over in the barge from City Point to the Island. The band was ready at the wharf to welcome them. As we marched up the avenue the band played and when we reached the lawn the other boys were drawn up in two lines and we marched past them. Then all were seated. The managers, v/ith Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, sat on the right, the in- structors on the left, while the friends and boys occupied two sections in the center. The band and the graduating class sat on the platform. Programmes were given to all. These had a picture of the old elm on the front and were tied with the School colors, with the pro- gramme following, and then the names of the boys who had graduated from the three courses, literary, sloyd, and forging. Our exercises opened with a selection from our band. "La Media Noclie." Following this was the prayer by Rev. F. B. Richards. The salutatorian spoke a few words of welcome to all and then delivered an essay on the American Indian. Then followed the various essays and recita- tions, all of which were spoken well and each one was greeted with applause. After these came the class prophecy by Leslie R. Jones. This was a little change from the other years and all the boys looked forward to it anxiously.

He started by telling how he had wandered over to the south end of our Island in search of Indian relics. While there he happened to see some bits of broken china and he began to fashion them together and found it to be an old clay pipe. While doing this he became tired and was soon asleep^ While asleep he dreamed that he saw a man smok- ing the very pipe he had constructed. This man he recognized as David Thompson, the founder of our Island. He was surround- ed by a circle of Indians smoking the pipe of peace.' One of these men was controlled by the Great Spirit and "has the power to tell you anything you wish to know about the future. Ask of him what you will and he will tell thee thy desire." He asked him for the future of the class of nineteen hundred six. Then the Indian took him in his canoe and they went to the various places where the boys were work- ing. This essay the boys liked very much and after he had spoken he was applauded heartily. The valedictorian spoke on the class motto "Strive to ExceL" He fiist thanked the Managers, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley and the instructors for the kind spirit which they had shown towards us and the encouragement they have given. Hon. Charles T. Gallagher, one of our Managers, spoke to the graduating class, telling us a few of the first principles of success. He emphasized these three; be hon- est, be busy, and do a little more than is re- quired of you. All of his words were good advice to us and we were very grateful for having such a busy man as Mr. Gallagher take time to address our class. Mr. Bradley now presented each graduate with his diploma, giving to each a few words of encouragement


for his future life. Each year the Alumni present to the fellow standing highest in scholarship for the last two years a gold medal. This prize is highly valued by the boys. It is presented on graduation day by the Presi- dent of the Association, who is Mr. George Bu- chan. This year it was given to Charles W. Watson. There are also the United States, History Prizes given out on graduation day. These consist of twenty-five dollars and are given to the three boysstanding highest in United States History, in recitation and examination. These are given by Dr. Frank E. Allard, who was present to give them to the boys. They were presented as follows: Philip S. May, $12.00: William F. O'Connor, $8.00; William A. Reynolds, $5.00. The exercises were com- pleted by another selection from the band, U. S. Cruiser "Maryland." The boys then had a short time with their friends and had an oppor- tunity to show them their work for the past year. As the friends boarded the steamer we all said farewell and in our hearts we felt that the day had been a pleasant and successful one. Charles W. Watson.

Graduation Programnte

Music Band

La Media Noche Prayer Rev. F. B. Richards

Salutatory C. Ernest Nichols

The American Indian Essay Herbert A. Dierkes

Fruit Culture Recitation Matthew H. Paul

The Captain's Well Essay William T. Walbert

Poultry Declamation S. Gordon Stackpole

The Dignity of Labor Recitation Don C. Clark

The Vision of Sir Launfal Music Band

La Sorella Essay William N. Dinsmore

Usefulness of the American Toad Declamation Everett A. Rich

The National Flag Class Prophecy Leslie R. Jones

Valedictory Charles W. Watson

Strive to Excel Address Hon. Charles T. Gallagher

Presentation of Diplomas

By the Superintendent Awarding of Alumni Gold Medal

Mr. George Buchan Awarding of United States History Prizes

Frank E. Allard, M. D. Music Band

U. S. Cruiser, "Maryland"


Literary Course

Don Carlos Clark, Herbert Adolph Dierkes, William Nason Dinsmore, John Joel Emory, Leslie Ronald Jones, Joseph Bastien Keller, Charles Ernest Nichols, Matthew Henry Paul, Albert Probert, Everett Alfred Rich. Stephen Gordon Stackpole, Horace Preston Thrasher, William Thomas Walbert, Charles William Watson.

Sloyd Course

Louis Clifton Darling, John Joel Emory, Paul Herbert Gardner, Robert William Greg- ory, Joseph Andrew Kalberg, Joseph Bastien Keller, Ervin Guy Lindsey, Thomas McCar- ragher, Charles McEacheren, John F. Nel- son, William Ash Reynolds, Charles Franklin Reynolds, Everett Alfred Rich, Albert LeRoy Sawyer, Stephen Gordon Stackpole, Charles William Watson, George Percy Wiley, Her- bert John Phillips, Charles H. Whitney. Forging

Louis Peter Marchi, George A. C. Mc- Kenzie, Horace Preston Thrasher.

Didding Bait

The fellows who go fishing need bait. It is found by digging it from the beach. We first get some clam diggers and a rake, and hunt for tin cans to put the bait in. We then begin to dig. As soon as we find a seaworm we put it in a tin can, putting in some dirt. When it is time to stop we return our tools, after filling up the holes we have made in the beach.

Leon H. Quinby.


flag Day

The Sunday before Flag Day, we had the pleasure of having with us Dr.-T. D. Smith, a veteran of the Civil War. He gave a very interesting talk on our flags. Our Chapel was prettily decorated with flags, having not only the national flag, but those of all the states of the country and of other nations. He told us how the flag was originated and of its growth. He started with the English flag which had the cross of St. George upon it and explained the changes through which it passed to the present English flag, which is a red one with the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew on a field of blue in the upper corner. Mr. Smith then explained the changes through which our flag had passed, telling us what each one stood for and the mean- ing of its colors, red for bravery, blue for truth and white for purity. He said that the Ameri- can colors had helped our country in that it had kapt the soldiers many times from losing cour- age when about to be defeated and cheered them on to victory. He told us of the feeling which he experienced as an American citizen, when he looked upon the American flag today. •We- enjoyed this interesting talk very much and most of us took lessons from it which we shall never forget. Claud W. Salisbury.

Indian Kclics

in our reading-room we have a collection of Indian relics which were found on our Is- land. There are arrow-heads, and chips of all kinds showing ' that Thompson's Island was for many years inhabited by the Indians. When the ground is ploughed the fellows continue to find and bring in arrow-heads and spear-heads made of colored jasper, and chips of various sizes. At the north end of our Island there is a grove. The earth in this grove was ploughed last fall and here some of the fellows have found very good relics. There is a spring in the lower right hand corner of this grove, and here a fellow told nie was a good place to find relics as the Indians might have had a camp there a long while ago. The fellows like very much to hunt for these relics.

William A. Reynolds.

my telescope

I was surprised one day to go up to the office and receive a box from home. In it I found a good sized telescope. When it is open it is about two feet long and when it is closed it is about fourteen and a half inches long. It is brass at each end with a linen cover to protect the barrel part. I brought it down and let some of the fellows look through it. I can take it apart when I want to clean it. 1 have had a very good time with it so far. I have seen many things of interest. One day I noticed a battle ship in the navy yard with three stacks. I could see it very plainly. At the same hour I was looking at a revenue cut- ter that was anchored right in front of our Is- land. I could see the men working on board and could see them strike the bells every half hour. I looked over home in Chelsea on the hill and could see the trees in front of my house. I could see just the top of the house.

Albert M. DeWolf.

Cbe Bulletin-Board

The bulletin-board is situated on the west side of the Assembly Room on the door lead- ing to the area. It is a black board on the up- per part of the door and is easily distinguished because of the fact that "Bulletin" is painted above it. On it are placed notices of things which interest the fellows. There are some in- animate notices that is what I call the ones that stay on week after week. These are, a notice ordering the removal of all gypsy or brown tail moths from property, a list containing the names of those in the boat crew, another is a card which explains the whistles the supervisor blows when it is time to line up, to wash, etc. Another is a notice telling the flag days in Massachusetts, that is holidays, etc., when the flag should be raised. The other (animated) notices are too numerous to mention. They are the notices which stay on for a day or two, and are always the center of attraction when they appear.

William Lydston.


CI)oinp$on'$ Island Beacon

Published Monthly by the

FARM SCHOOL Thompson's Island, Boston Harbor.


Vol. 10. No. 3.

July, 1906

Subscription Price -




Alfred Bowditch.


Henry S. Grew.


Arthur Adams.


Tucker Daland.


Melvin 0. Adams,

I. Tucker Burr, .

Charles P. Curtis, Jr., Charles T. Gallagher, Walter Hunnewell, Henry Jackson, M. D.,

Richard M. Saltonstall, Francis Shaw,

William S. Spaulding, Thomas F. Temple,

Moses Williams, Jr.

Charles H. Bradley, Superintendent.

Treasurer's Address 50 State St.

Boston. Mass.

The Farm School has long been known as a technical school of the grammar grade and considerable attention has been given in these columns to the technical training given in agriculture, sloyd. carpentry, printing and care of engines, but only indirectly have we made mention of the important instruction

given in forging and machine work.

Tiie work in mstal follows and supplements the courses in sloyd and practical carpentry. The equipment in this department consists of two Buffalo forges with fsn blower attschirent, four anvils and the usual tools. The course gives exercises in drawingand shouldering, bend- ing, twisting, upsetting, making square and hex- agonal heads, square corners, etc. The L, T, and butt welds are taught in making rings, chains, ring-b^lts and tongs. In steel working we make the center punch, cold chisel, hammer head, springs, and the steel and iron weld. Each boy works from tiie blue print of his model, gets out and cuts the stock, and each piece, when completed, represents his own work in every detail. In the machine shop there is a twelve inch standard screw cutting lathe, a mill- ing machine, an upriglit drill, and a double em- ery grinder, with essential tools.

The work in these two departments is made practical by application to the- large amount of new W3rk and repairs constantly called for on a large estate, on tools and farm implements, engines, presses and other ma- chinery, and by the making of tools, skates, cannon and other articles by the boys for their own use. This instruction is in itself most excellent training, gives opportunities for pres- ent usefulness, broadens the boy's outlook upon life, and puts another implement into his hand wherewith he may carve out his future destiny.


June 1. Repaired fence around cow pas- ture.

Cows sent to pasture for first time.

Re-plowed land back of Cottage Row.

Planted one and one-half acres of sweet corn, on knoll by Beach Road.

June 2. Fred Burchsted and Alfred Lanagan visited the School.


Put wire fence around yard at Audubon Cut alfalfa for green feed.

Hall, for pet animals. Sprayed potatoes at North End with Paris

Sowed radishes, salsify, parsnips, turnips Green.

and tv/o acres of millet.

Mr. H. A. Dennison visited the School and made a sketch of the old elm.

June 4. Plumber here.

Weeded garden.

Harrowed millet.

Sprayed potatoes.

June 6. Raised topmast and gaff on flag- staff.

Mr. Richard C. Humphreys spoke in the evening on "A Trip to Jamaica", and other friends gave a musical entertainment.

Planted sweet corn, ' ' Country Gentleman" and "Stowell's Evergreen."

Planted peas, "Telephone" and "Thomas Laxton."

June 7. Visiting Day. 271 present.

Cultivated gardens and sweet corn.

June 8. A horse, "Baby", given to the School by Mrs. I. T. Burr.

June 9. Game with St. Mary's Base Ball team. Score, St. Mary's, 2, Farm School, 24.

Pres. N. L. Sheldon, Dr. W. R. Shipman, Dr. G. W. Bryant, and Dr. E. A. Burnha-m, of the Vermont Association Executive Committee, and Mr. N. H. Willis, of Boston, visited the School.

June 10. Dr. T. D. Smith spoke to the overhauling

Made four oak log benches for play- ground.

June 15. Put up a platform in the grove for graduation exeVcises.

Graduation Day. Vice-President Henry S. Grew, Treasurer Arthur Adams, Man- agers 1. Tucker Burrand Charles T. Gallagher , with graduates T. J. Evans, Herbert W. French, George Buchan and Merton P. Ellis, were present. Dr. Frank E. Allard was also present, and presented the United States His- tory Prizes, given by him each year. The Alumni medal was presented by George Buchan, President of the Association.

June 16. Sowed one acre of mangels.

Base Ball Game with Alumni, score, Alumni, 4, Farm School, 28.

June 17. Planted peas, beans and sweet corn for late use.

June 18. Launched the sail boat Wins- low.

Planted field beans, melons and cucum- bers.

Sowed Hungarian grass and millet in Bow- ditch Grove.

June 19. Plowed rye piece.

William N. Dinsmore left the School.

Towed the Winslow to Lawley'syard for

boys on the origin and development of our flag and flag day.

June 11. Cut the first spinach, one


June 12. The Metayer Club visited the School.

Frank H. Machon and Theodore M. Fuller entered the School.

Planted five acres of field corn.

Planted three-fourths acre of sweet corn for fodder.

Essex County Commissioners, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Grant Fancher, visited the School.

June 14. Picked first strawberries.

June 20. Don C. Clark left the School.

The boys went to Barnum and Bailey's Circus.

June 21. Began haying.

Lawn party in the evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Brenton visited the School.

June 22. By the courtesy of Captain Perry, boys and instructors visited U. S. S. Greeham.

June 24. George B. Beetchy visited the School.

June 25. Set 700 cabbage plants.

June 26. Set up new horse rake.


Made a few repairs on sloop yacht Tre-


June 27. Finished repairs on rowboat Standish.

Sloop yacht Trevore painted and var- nished.

June 28. North side float beached and repaired.

Sprayed currant bushes with hellebore for worms.

Steamer Pilgrim beached for painting and varnishing, inside and out.

June 29. Fireworks received for the Fourth.

Planted squashes and pumpkins in corn- field.

Transplanted Red, Dutch and Savoy cab- bages.

Mean maximum temperature 73.6

Mean minimum temperature 55.5

Maximum temperature 86 on the 10th.

Total precipitation 2.15 inches.

5 clear days, 18 partly cloudy, 7 cloudy.

Lunar halo observed on the 1st.

Solar halo on the 4th.

Total Sunshine during June, 245 hours, 45 min.

Tartti School BanK

Cash on hand June 1, 1906 Deposited during the month

Withdrawn during the month Cash on hand July 1, 1906

$451.78 42.16

$493.94 34.69



From the Fifth Class to the Fourth Albert L. Dillon William W. Foster

Stephen Eaton Harold Y. Jacobs

Christian Field J. Hermann Marshall

Bruce L. Paul

From the Fourth ''Class to the Third George J. Balch Clarence S. Nelson

Frederick J. Barton Terrence L. Parker Alfred W. Jacobs Louis Reinhard

Robert H. May Frederick J. Wilson

From the Third Class to the Second Van R. Brown Charles F. Reynolds

James Clifford Claud W. Salisbury

Louis C. Darling Herbert F. Watson

Ernest N. Jorgensen Frederick C. Webb J. Herbert Nelson C. Clifton Wright Alfred H. Neumann T. Chapel Wright

From the Second Class to the First Harold E. Daniels Philip S. May

C. Archie Graves William F. O'Conner

William Lydston Leon H. Quinby

William A. Reynolds

B Pleasant Bcning

On the evening of June sixth, we were en- tertained by Mr. Richard C. Humphreys, who told us of his trip to Jamaica, and by some young ladies who furnished music. On his way to Jamaica, Mr. Humphreys passed the Ba- hamas. He stopped at Kingston, the capital of Jamaica, where the people were mostly negroes, Spanish or mulattoes. He described many tropical plants which he saw growing, such as vanilla and cocoa bean, nutmeg, egg fruit, cocoanuts, oranges, sugarcane and many varieties of woods. The people of Jamaica take the different kinds of seeds and string them into cnains which they sell for beads. Some are given odd names, as "Job's Tears" and "Job's Smiles". The Spaniards once had possession of the island and treated the natives cruelly, holding many of them as slaves. Many of the plantation owners there today hold slaves as a part of their property. Mr. Humphreys saw at Kingston an old treadmill run by the prisoners, all of whom were negroes. The la- dies who came with Mr. Humphreys furnished music on violins and piano at intervals, which made the evening a very pleasant one. Before going to bed we passed by a table upon which were many interesting souvenirs which Mr. Humphreys had brought home with him."

Ernest N. Jorgensen.

"He is much greater and more authentic, who produces onething entire and perfect, than he who does many things by halves."



The United States revenue cutter Gres- ham has her station in Boston Harbor near Central Wharf. Between a few of her cruises she lay off the west side of our Island in front of the wharf. As the boys on the Island watched her and the crew they often wished that they might go on board her sometime. One after- noon, through the kind invitation of Captain Perry, the band and all the boys that were off duty after noon went aboard the Gresham to spend a pleasant time. Before we started to look around, our band played a few selections which seemed to be enjoyed very much. The captain then told us that we might go all over the ship. The sailors showed some fellows around, telling them about what they did each day, from reveille to taps. We went into the engine room and v/ere very much interested in the pumps and engine, it was noticsd by every one how clean it was kept. The pilot house, bridge, galley, and the room where the arms are kept, were all visited. On the bridge is kept the electric light wig wag system which is used at night, the whistle being used in a fog and the flag by day. There are many other things which kept the boys busy until it was time to go. We then thanked the captain for his kindness toward us and left for the Island, enjoying our trip very much. After supper, the boys who had not been aboard during the afternoon, had their turn.

Louis P. Marchi.

Che Circus

On June 20, we all had the pleasure of attending the large Barnum and Bailey circus. Taking the steamer and barge at our wharf we soon landed at City Point whence a special car took us to the grounds. We first entered the tent where the animals and curiosities were located. Before the large show began we de- voted our time to watching the menagerie. We also saw the largest and smallest men and women in the world, the only giraffes in Ameri- ca and some other very rare animals. When the large tent opened we assembled in a front seat near where the "Dip of Death" was to

take place. The first thing was a parade con- sisting of different nationalities. Many inter- esting feats then followed in the center rings. French dancers performed. A Japanese showed his skill in walking the tight rope, which was put on a slant from the ground, up about thirty- five feet, then sliding down backwards. Anoth- er Japanese balanced a man on the end of a pole which was about ten feet long. Both ele- phants and horses performed while acrobats were doing some very daring feats on the trapeze. When the center rings were unoccupied some interesting races took place such as the chariot race, jockey, grey hounds, monkeys on ponies, and horses hurdling. All the time, the clowns were making us laugh by their comical perform- ances. The most important thing was the "Dip of Death." of which we had a good view. The girl who performed this feat was hoisted up to where the automobile was, in which she was placed by two men. A man gave the signal, the catch was unfastened, the automo- bile gave a dash, turned up side down and landing on a curved surface came down a runway and was stopped by attendants. This finished the programme for the afternoon. We took the special car back to City Point, where our steamer and barge took us to the Island. We enjoyed the circus as only boys can.

Leslie R. Jones.

Teitcing Toils

A few fellows here have fencing foils. The foils are made out of oak, ash, hickory and other hard wood. The blades of the foils are thirty-four inches long. They are round, with a piece of leather four or five inches in dia- meter near the handle to protect the hand. To prevent the leather from slipping, tape is wound around the foil. At the point of the foil is a little knob so when you hit a fellow it won't hurt him. Fencing gets your wrist tired but will strengthen it. It teaches one to be quick in their movements. A number of fellows enjoy the sport and practice it in their spare mo- ments.

George A. Matthews.



Alfred Lanagan, 1901 , Is a musician on tlie U. S. S. Colorado. He recently visited the School, and told us of his cruise to Guantanamo, Culebra and Granada, where they stopped for target practise, before starting for a cruise among the Barbadoes.

Frederic F. Burchsted, '02, is at the Fore River Works, Quincy, where he is em- ployed as a draughtsman in the machine draughting department.

J! Dwn Party

One evening, to the boys' surprise and pleasure, they assembled in the grove west of the tennis lawn for a lawn party. The band was seated on a platform in the foreground and when everything was ready played a selection. The grove was gaily decorated with Japanese lanterns and the band stand was lighted by gaso- line lamps, making a very pretty sight to us and to people on the other shore. The boys played games of different varieties such as leap frog, tag, hide-and-go-seek and others. The band played selections at intervals led by Mr. Brentonof the Boston Symphony Orchestra and a graduate of the School. After the boys had been playing for quite a while they were all heated up and thirsty. Then tonic was served out to all, accompanied by a banana. After those had been disposed of the boys continued their play until about half-past nine. The band closed the party by playing a march. We all adjourned to our dormitories having enjoyed our party very much.

1. Banks Quinby.

Care of tbc Sadiron l)catcr

One of my jobs in the laundry is to take care of a small sadiron heater. There is a rim all around the heater about one inch wide and half an inch thick, which holds the flat irons in place. Every morning except Saturday and Sunday I have to build a fire in this heater. I first dump the grate and get all of the ashes out of the place where the shavings and wood are to be put. Then I take the shovel and poker and get a few hot coals from the other

heater where the fire is kept burning all night and throw them into my healer. As soon as the wood is burning a hod of coal is put on. Each day I mark upon the coal tally the num- ber of hods of coal used. I use three during the morning. On Saturday I have to black the heater and oil the flatirons with kerosene oil. Robert W. Gregory.

Jlppearance of the Tstana

The appearance of our Island is very pretty this year. Out around the house jyst about sunset it looks beautiful because the red sun makes it all aglow with color. Every year the trees and shrubs look better. A little while ago the orchard was all in bloom but now the blossoms are gone. When the flowers in our gardens are in bloom they will remain longer. Out on the tennis lawn the trees are growing and will make a pleasant shade for Visiting Days.

J. Herbert M. Nelson.

Birds' nests

One day vi'hen I was going to my rat-trap another fellow and I saw a bird fly up from the ground. We looked around to see if we could find the nest and I looked under a clump of grass and I saw a nest with five eggs in it. When we got to our traps we found there were no rats in them. We were going to change the place of our traps when we saw another bird fly from the ground. Another fellow that was with me found the nest and that nest had five eggs in it, too. Both nests were those of ground sparrows. We are going to watch for the little birds. Harold N. Silver.

€teatting tbe Sbop Cellar

One morning it was my work, with the help of another fellow, to clean the shop cellar. The first thing was to straighten out the wood in the pigeon holes. Then we sprinkled water on the floor to keep the dust down and swept it. We took some waste moistened with gasoline and wiped all the machines off and then dusted and washed the windows. When the dusting and cleaning were finished we put everything in its right place.

Donald W. Roby.



Vol. 10. No. 4.


Printed at the Farm School. Boston, Mass.

August, 1906.

Entered November 23, 1903, at Boston. Mass.. as Second-class matter, under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894.

Onr Tourtb

It may be interesting for our friends to know how the Fourth of July was spent at our School. At eleven minutes past four in the morning we were awakened by the roar of a cannon and the notes of a bugle. This was the beginning of our Fourth. After the boys were once awake it was almost impossible to go to sleep again as a number of the boys wanted to get up. When Reveille blew, the boys jumped out of bed and dressed as fast as they could. Then they marched down stairs and got ready for breakfast which was an unu- sually good one. After breakfast the boys went outside and began to play around the house and hall until it, unluckily, began to rain and it looked as If we were not going to have any fun that day, but all of a sudden a little patch of blue sky appeared which rapidly grew larger until the sun was out and it looked as if it was going to be pleasant after all. We went to the chapel where the boys were given fire- crackers, punk, torpedoes, and also fireworks which their friends had sent to them. The boys were then assembled at the wharf to ob- serve the aquatic sports which were very interesting and exciting.

We then went to dinner where we had water-melon for dessert. At twelve a salute was fired with the new cannon. In the after- noon the boys assembled on the playground. Here we saw a number of sports. One of these,* a pie race, was very comical. The boys that took part had to take off their shirts and have their hands tied behind them. The object of the race was to see who could eat his juicy blueberry pie the quickest. When they had

finished they looked very funny.

We then went down on the beach road and saw several other races. Next we had supper which we were glad to get as we were all hungry. Then we had a pleasant time on the playground. The flag lowering and salute took place at twenty-four minutes after seven. A band concert began the evening's entertainment. At eight o'clock there were fancy fireworks set off by the School. This continued until nine o'clock when the "Czar's Nightmare" took place. This was a battle with fire balls which were made of cotton wicking sewed into balls and soaked in turpen- tine. When lighted they would burn some time. If you take hold quickly to throw them they will not burn you. This lasted un- til a few minutes before ten o'clock. When the balls had all burned out we washed and went to the chapel where we returned the crackers and other supplies which had not been used. Those who had won prizes in the various events also deposited their money. Then the boys went to the dormilory. Here, as usual, taps was blown and the boys went to bed pretty well tired out. There was not one who had not had a good time, if so I was not one of them as I en- joyed the day very much.

Clarence M. Daniels.

Tourtb of 3ulv

The programme with the names of the win- ners in order, was as follows:

4.11 A. M. Flag Raising and Salute. Reveille 6.30 BREAKFAST 8.00 Distribution of Supplies 9.00 Aquatic Sports by the Landing.


Swimming Race, under 15, Embree, Harold

Marshall, Morse. Swimming Race, over 15, Probert, Whitney,

O'Conner. Freak Swimming, Bryant, Thrasher, McEach-

eren, Dierkes. Obstacle Race, Probert, Whitney. Tight Rope over the Water, Bryant, Carnes, Emory, Marchi, Charles Reynolds, Roby, Salisbury, Charles Watson, Clifton Wright. 11.30 DINNER. 12.00 Salute.

2.00 P. M. Sports and Races on the Play- ground.

Running High Jump, Probert, Bryant, Ingalls. Running Broad Jump, McKenzie, B. Quinby,

Lake. Blind Race, J. Gregory, Foster, Chapel Wright. Backward Race, Ingalls, H. Nelson, Graves. Obstacle Race, Eckman, Salisbury, Profit. Pie Race, Clarence Nelson, Morse, Smyth. 3.30 Races on the Beach Road. 220 Yard Race, over 15, Clifford, Lake, Ma-

guire. 220 Yard Race, under 15, Balch. H. Nelson,

P. May. Barrel Race, Bryant, Wittig. Walbert. Three Legged Race, Maguire and Emory, Bowers and M. Paul, Porche and Lake. Wheelbarrow Race, Walbert, Lake. 440 Yard Race, R. Gregory. C. Reynolds, R.

May. Half Mile Race. Emory, Maguire, Dierkes. Mile Race, Probert, Ingalls, Graves. 5.30 SUPPER.

EVENING. On the Playground. 6.45 Band Concert 7.24 Salute and Flag-Lowering 8.00 Fireworks 9.00 The "Czar's Nightmare" 10.00 TAPS

Our T^urtb's Programmes

Our programmes of the Fourth were very pretty and the fellows liked them. The boys in the printing-office printed them. They were in book form eight inches by four and one quar- ter, the print being red and blue on cream colored paper. On the outside of the first page , a small American flag was pasted, and under it the words, " Fourth of July 1906, Farm School. Thompson's Island, Boston Mass." On the in- side was the day's events, in detail, from flag- raising until taps. The programmes were de- corated on the edges and on the back with fire- works in red. Each boy was given one and many boys saved them as a souvenir of the Fourth.

Everiste T. Porche.

Cl)c educated 1)or$c

Princess Trixy is a well educated horse that is on exhibition at Wonderland. The fel- lows were invited to go into her place of enter- tainment and witness the exhibition of her skill. This horse is well trained. She can tell time from any person's watch. She can tell the different colors of the dresses of women who are in the audience. She is able to open a cash register and make correct change from a two-dollar bill. She sits down in her master's lap. She also lies down and acts as a horse would if it had the colic and shows how the last kicks are given just before death. The fellows enjoyed seeing her perform.

Charles F. Reynolds.

B Cow Boy's mork

We keep about thirty cows on our Island. There are Jersey cows. Guernseys and Ash- shires. Every afternoon Roy Upham and I drive them out to pasture at the south end of our Island. While they are feeding I rake up twigs in Lyman grove, level off piles and put the dirt into hollow spots, pick up tin cans and bring them over to the place where odd stuff is put, and I watch the cows, meanwhile, so they will not stray away. When it is half past four we drive them to the barn. Sunday I do not have to work, 1 just mind the cows.

Ralph A. Whittemore.


Cbc Infant Tncubators

One of the places I "took in" at Won- derland was the Infant Incubators. We en- tered and saw a row of glass cases. These were the incubators. They are kept at an even temperature, and the sea air is sterilized and filtered before the babies receive it. Each one of these incubators contained a doll like infant. Some had pink ribbons around them, showing that they were girls, and others had blue ribbons denoting they were boys. The smallest baby was five weeks old and weighed twenty- two ounces, having weighed fourteen when it was born. We next passed into the nursery, where the infants are put after remaining in the incu- bators the required time. Here they are bathed every morning by the nurses. We then passed out after having had a very interesting and instructive time.

William Lydston.

UlasDlng n Carriage

The other day I took the single carriage down to the wharf to be washed. I first took a bucket filled with fresh water, and with a sponge 1 washed the wheels. Then with a fresh buck- et of water 1 washed the body and other parts. I did this to get the sand and mud off. I rinsed it with the hose to wash off any gritty substance that might be left. When I was sure it was well rinsed I wiped it with a clean soft cloth. After it was thoroughly dry I drew it back to the carriage room in the stock barn.

Harry W. Lake.

Uisiting Days

Visiting Days are one of the most pleasant events looked forward to by the boys. There are six Visiting Days during the summer. The boys on a Visiting Day put on their best suits and march down to the wharf. When the boat is landing the band plays. It also plays when we march up. Then we assemble in two lines and Mr. Bradley tells us when the next Visiting Day will come. After this we are dismissed and rush to meet our friends and to show them around and eat the good things which they have brought. When the boat is seen coming back

the bell rings and we go with our friends to the. wharf. After they go we change our clothes and have the rest of ttie day for play.

Clarence S. Nelson.

Zh^ mm Race

One of the funniest races we had on the Fourth of July was the blind race. About fif- teen fellows took part in it. We were blindfold- ed with a handkerchief and placed in a line. As the pistol went off we all started for what we thought was the goal. 1 went about four feet when another fellow and I bumped into each other. He fell down but 1 ran straight ahead until I was stopped by a rope. I heard the fellows talking so I knew I must have reached the goal. I took off the handkerchief and looked around. Everywhere were fellows stumbling over things and bumping into each other. Just then Mr. Anthony put the mega- phone to his mouth and read off the names of the winners. James Gregory, first; William Foster, second; and Chapel Wright, third. My prize was fifteen cents.

T. Chapel Wright.

Tarnt U(ork

July is one of the busy months on our farm, as it is for all farmers who take an interest in their work. We have had so much to do that Mr. Bradley took the boys on the farm and sep- arated them into three squads with an instructor over each. These squads took weeders and hoes and went to their work each in a different field. There is more weeding to be done than any other kind of farm work at the present time and it takes more boys to do it. This wet weather makes the weeds grow very fast and we have to work hard to keep ahead of them. After the weeds are pulled some of them are carted away to where the cows feed, and others are taken to the pigs. From some places we carry away many loads of pigweeds, witch grass, blue grass, smart weeds, and other kinds. I helped weed the cabbages, beans, shrubs, and lettuce.

Percy Smyth.


Cbonip$on'$ island Beacon

Published Monthly by the

FARM SCHOOL Thompson's Island, Boston Harbor.


Vol. 10. No. 4.

August, 1906.

Subscription Price - 50 cents per year.



Alfred Bowditch.


Henry S. Grew.


Arthur Adams.


Tucker Daland.


Melvin O. Adams,

I. Tucker Burr,

Charles P. Curtis, Jr., Charles T. Gallagher, Walter Hunnewell, Henry Jackson, M. D., Richard M. Saltonstall, Francis Shaw,

William S. Spaulding, Thomas F. Temple,

Moses Williams, Jr.

Charles H. Bradley,


Treasurer's Address 50 State St.

Boston, Mass.

Every boy has dreams of greatness into which he hopes his life may grow. He Is looking forward with eager anticipation to the time when he will come into the full realization of his powers, and so be able to bring to pass those things which are merely dreams.

It should be borne in mind, however, that

there is a greatness which is first-rate and a greatness which is second-rate. The second- rate greatness is largely of a selfish nature. Its deeds are done mainly for the purpose of drawing attention to self. In fact it lacks the true spirit of charity, for it is seeking self ad- vancement rather than the good of others.

The contrast between second-rate great- ness and first-rate greatness is very marked. The latter is distinguished by simplicity in all of its relations. There is no desire to cover up anything or to make things appear different than they are. There is no special motive in that which is done. The man is acting from the true and spontaneous impulses which are from within. There is a deep reality to the whole of his life. It can bear the sunlight which may be turned upon it and will grow constantly brighter as it is observed.

But further than this there springs from first-rate greatness a true spirit. It is from such a spirit that great movements take their rise. Such movements, as those which resulted in the independence of our own country, arise among men who certainly have this spirit of greatness. It is far removed from self- seeking. It is in a true sense seeking the good of all.

Men who are possessed of this spirit and who are backed by ambition and ability will be able to carry the work, which they undertake, to a successful issue. Such men are needed to mould the life of the world to-day. May second- rate greatness quickly disappear, and first-rate greatness possess the spirit of mankind.


July 2. Cultivated corn. Began plowing the orchard. Thomas Maceda returned to the School. July 3. Thomas Milne entered the School.


Sprayed potatoes in garden for bugs and blight.

July 5. Rigged sloop Trevore.

Treasurer Arthur Adanns visited the School.

July 6. Visiting Day. 271 present. Conduct prizes awarded. Graduates John Shaw, T. J. Evans, E. D. LeBlanc, and William Dinsmore here.

July 7. Picked first string beans.

Spliced new cables for boat moorings.

A. LeRoy Sawyer left the School to work for H. E.Smith, Harrington Park, New Jersey.

Necessary painting and varnishing done in school rooms.

July 9. Trustees of Sailors' Snug Har- bor called. Sprayed potatoes at North End.

July 10. Graduate Silas Snow visited the School. Reset mooring stone forscow John Alden.

July 11. Boys visited Wonderland.

July 12. Put mixture of Paris green and plaster on potatoes for the potato bugs.

July 13. Painted new iron telephone poles and cable booth.

July 14. Waxed lower hall floor.

A plumber set new bowls in bath room.

Boys went on an excursion down the harbor.

July 16. School began.

July 17. Reset mooring stone for sloop Winslow.

July 18. Hauled up sloop Winslow.

Graduate Charles A. Blatchford visited the School.

July 19. Row boat Standish painted. Load of lumber from Freeport Street.

July 20. Began mowing oats.

Graduate Charles W. Jorgensen visited the School.

July 21. Graduates William Horsfall and Howard H inckley visited the School.

Vice-Presedent Henry S. Grew visited the School.

July 23. Visiting Day. 172 present. Graduate Don C. Clark here.

July 24. Morning school boys with teach- ers visited Faneuil Hall, Old State House and

Post Office.

A new rowboat placed on the steamer's cabin.

A new mowing machine came.

Made four window screens for tower.

July 25. Mr. Humphrey called.

Weeding in corn and potato fields.

Overseers of the Poor of the City of Bos- ton visited the School.

July 27. Four boys visited Nantasket.

Two tons of wood ashes received for top dressing.

July 28. Dug the first potatoes.

Graduates Thomas Brown and Charles H. O'Conner visited the School.

July 30. New cemetery fence painted.

Finished a reenforced concrete tide gate at east side of the Island.

July 31. Sloop Winslow painted and varnished.

Hauled nine loads of oats.

Ralph Ingalls left the school to work for the National Tar Co., Everett.

Afternoon school boys with teachers visited Cambridge.

Leland B. Watson, Vernon R. Birchmore and Leon J. Roby entered the School.

3uly meteorology

Maximum temperature 87 on the 1 7th.

Minimum temperature 56 on the 1st.

Mean Temperature for month 71.3.

Total precipitation 4. 95 inches.

Greatest precipitation in twenty-four hours, 1. 31 inches on the 30th.

19 days with .01 or more inches precip- itation.

1 clear day.

22 partly cloudy days.

8 cloudy days.

Total number of hours sunshine 208.

Tarm ScDool Bank

Cash on hand July 1, 1906 Deposited during the month

Withdrawn during the month Cash on hand Aug. 1. 1906

$459.25 96.69

$555.94 59.88



Conduct Prizes

The semi-annual award of the Shaw Prizes, the Temple Consolation Prizes, and Honorable Mention for the first half of the year is given below. The award of these prizes is based on our grade system of marking. The visiting friends had the pleasure of witnessing the pres- entation which took place in the grove directly after their arrival on July 6th. Shaw Prizes

I. Foster B. Hoye 2. William T. Walbert 3. Everett A. Rich 4. Horace P. Thrasher 5. A. LeRoy Sawyer 6. Ernest N. Nichols 7. Harold E. Daniels 8. Herbert A. Dierkes 9. Albert S. Beetchy 10. I. Banks Quinby

Temple Consolation Prizes

II. John F. Nelson 12. Charles Whitney 13. J. Herbert Nelson 14. Earle C. Marshall

15. Harry W. Lake

Honorable Mention 16. Warren H. Bryant 17. Louis P. Marchi 18. Alfred Neumann 19. John J. Emory

20. Ralph H. Marshall

School Classes

The membership of the classes for the coming year of school is as follows:

FIRST class

Harold E. Daniels Thomas McCarragher

Charles A. Graves Robert E. Miley

Ralph P. Ingalls William F. O'Conner

William Lydston Leon H. Quinby

Philip S. May William Reynolds

SECOND class

Van R. Brown Herbert M. Nelson

Thomas Carnes John F. Nelson

James Clifford Charles A. Reynolds

Louis A. Darling Claud W. Salisbury

Asa A. Eaton Herbert F. Watson

Ernest N. Jorgensen Frederick C Webb

Alfred H. Neumann Clifton C. Wright

Frank H. Machon T. Chapel Wright

THIRD class

George J. Balch Harold L. Marshall

Frederick J. Barton Ralph L. Marshall

Clarence M. Daniels George A. Matthews

Paul H. Gardner Robert H. May

James R. Gregory Charles McEacheren

Robert W. Gregory Clarence S. Nelson Leonard S. Hayden Terrence L. Parker Alfred W. Jacobs Everiste T. Porche

Joseph A. Kalberg Louis Reinhard Harry W. Lake Donald W. Roby

Ervin G. Lindsey Percy Smyth

George A. Maguire Charles H. Whitney Earle C. Marshall Frederick J. Wilson

Fredrick W. Marshall Fourth Class Albert S. Beetchy Roy R. Matthews

Elmer Bowers Hermann J. Marshall

Albert L. Dillon Prescott B. Merrifield

Stephen Eaton Bruce L. Paul

William W. Foster Spencer S. Profit Christian Field Theodore M. Fuller

Harold Y. Jacobs Fifth Class Warren J. Barter Charles E. Morse

Albert M. DeWolf Harold N. Silver

Percy J. Embree Laurence C. Silver

Henry G. Eckman Roy D. Upham

John O. Enright Ralph A. Whittemore

John C. Holmes Thomas Milne

Alonzo B. James

Our Crip to Ulonaerlana

Wednesday, July eleventh, the School had the pleasure of a trip to Wonderland. After dinner we lined up and marched down to the wharf and got on board the scow, which took us over to City Point. Just as we went up the gang plank we saw the special car which General Bancroft, President of the Boston Ele- vated Railway Co., had kindly furnished to take us to the ferry at Rowe's Wharf, and all got into it. On our way to the ferry we took in Dr. Ban- croft, our School doctor. When we arrived at Rowe's Wharf we got on the ferry which car- ried us across to the narrow gauge station. We next boarded the train for Crescent Beach. Mr. Melvin 0. Adams, the President of the Re- vere Beach and Lynn Railroad Co., and also one of our managers, gave us the ride on the ferry and also provided a special car to take us to Crescent Beach. Here we got off and a man from Wonderland, at the top of the stairs, call- ed through the megaphone, "Mr. Bradley and


the boys up this way." We went up and walked down Beach Street until we came to the famous Wonderland. The managers of Won- derland gave us free admission to the grounds and also furnished tickets for several of the enter- tainments. We went in and after awhile went to see Hell Gate, then we went down the ' 'Shoot the Chutes", and next into Hale's Tour. After this we went in the circular swing. The School Treasurer, Arthur Adams, who had made this trip possible, came out during the afternoon and gave us tickets for several of the entertain- ments, one of which was a ride on the Scenic Railway. Mr. Adams seemed to have as much fun as the rest of us. After this we walked a- round and a man gave each fellow three shots at an African dodger. After the fellows had looked at all they could see, we had supper, which was furnished through the kindness of Manager Henry S. Grew; then came home. We had a fine time and feel very grateful to all of those who helped to make the day pass so pleasantly for us. Frederick J. Barton.

Cbc Scenic Railway

Mr. Adams gave us the pleasure of having a ride on the Scenic Railway when we went to Wonderland. I liked this the best of all the places that we went into. We went up to the platform and got into the cars. After they were filled they started and went along on a level platform; then we went up and down like a small boat riding the ocean waves. We went in this manner to the end of the track and then turned and came back again to where we started, continuing to ride now on another track, which was steeper. We liked this one the better of the two tracks. When we got off the cars the fellows wished the ride was longer, because it was such fun.

James R. Gregory.

Sbootitid tbc €butc$

One of the greatest attractions at Won- derland was "Shoot the Chutes." The Chutes can be seen as soon as one leaves the admission building. We crossed the bridge and went to the opposite side of the lagoon where we took our seats in a boat. Then we were put onto a

clutch cable and were drawn slowly up the steep incline. While we were going up we had a constantly increasing view of Wonder- land by looking behind us. We reached the top at last, hung in mid air for a moment, then plunging downward our ride had begun. The boat went swifter and swifter until the mo- tion almost took our breath away. We struck the water at the bottom with a splash and glid- ed along to the bank of the lagoon where we got out.

Herbert F. Watson.

€04i for tbc Kitcben Rattdc

When a barge of coal comes to this School, the coal is stored away in different places. Some of it is put in the cellar under the kit- chen. This is used in the kitchen for our three fires. When coal is needed, 1 fill two hods and carry them up stairs to the kitchen. For each hod of coal I get during the week 1 put down one mark on a coal tally which we keep in the kitchen for that purpose. At the end of the week the marks are added up and multiplied by twenty-eight, which is the average weight, in pounds, of a hod of coal. In this way we keep a record of all the coal that we burn. Frederick J. Wilson.

Our Tarcwell to mr. Bowditcb

At half past one o'clock one day we were called up to the house to prepare to go some where. When we were ready we lined up by twos and marched down to the scow, which we boarded. We set out to see the Republic on which Mr. Alfred Bowditch, President of our School, sailed to Europe, We got out to the channel a little early so we had a little ride a- round. We neared a dredger and saw it work. At last we saw the Republic sailing out of the harbor so we got where we could see it and not be in the way. When she came alongside of us, one of the instructors fired three shots and then the fellows gave three cheers for Mr. Bowditch. Mr. Bowditch came to the rail of the boat, smiled, and waved his hat to us. We hope he will have a pleasant voyage.

Ralph H. Marshall



Ernest W. Austin, '00, is working for Cudw'orth & Woodworth, Architects, Norwich, Conn. He is enjoying his work and writes a good letter.

Andrew W. Dean, '03, is on the U. S. S. Colorado. They are now making preparation for a crjise to the Philippines this fall. He is spending his spare hours studying engineering.

Robert McKay, '05, writes from Range- ley Lake that they are very busy making prepa- rations for theirguests. Bob finds time to study the birds and to enjoy the pleasures of out-door life.

Allan H. Brown, '06, is living with his mother on a farm in Prince Edwards Island. He is takitig a great deal of interest in his work and finds that the things which he learned on the farm here are of great value to him.

Charles H. O'Conner, '06, located with the A. T. Stearns Lumber Co., Neponset, working as a wood turner in the carpenter shop. He had the misfortune to cut his thumb quite seriously but it is now nearly well.

C. James Pratt, '06, is working for the American Sugar Refining Co. of South Boston. He is in good health and is working hard.

Spraying Potatoes

Potato bugs have been very numerous this year and have caused us considerable work, 'though we have been very successful in fighting them. A few fellows and 1 went over to the piece on the north end of our Island to spray po- tatoes with plaster and Paris green. A dump cart with four or five bags of plaster was await- ing us. Two of the bags, which weighed two hundred pounds each, were put in a box and mixed with Paris green to dilute it. Two pounds of Paris green was used with every hun- dred pounds of plaster. After these were thor- oughly mixed we took a small bag and put a few trowelfuls in it. We shook the mixture over the plants. The wind was blowing quite hard and it blew it all over us. After we finished that piece we went over to the piece near the Farm House and treated the plants there in the

same way. This Paris green mixture has killed a great many of the bugs and we expect a good potato crop for the plants are now in good condition.

Harold E. Daniels.

Our Cifc Boat

Last Visiting Day after the friends had gone, the boys had a swim. At every swim there is always a boat manned in case a fellow becomes tired or helpless, this being handier and surer than having a fellow swim after him. It is thought best to use a light flat bottom boat while the fellows are in swimming as it can be put to most any place in less time than the heav- ier boats. We seldom have occasion to use the boat but we are always ready in case there should be some one who needs help.

Ralph P. Ingalls.

I)en Gate

The day the fellows went to Wonderland at Revere Beach was a very pleasant day for all of us. One of the most interesting places to me that we went into was Hell Gate. We were all seated in about twelve different flat bottom boats which, from a shove of the boat tender, glided along with the current. We sailed around in circles about five times, then shot into a cavern where we saw a lot of skel- etons hanging, and other curiosities. When we left the boat we walked through a hall way and just before going out a devil popped out all lighted up with electricity.

Fred Wilson.

Cbc first Sweet Pea Blossom

This year there are sweet peas planted in twenty-three of the boys' gardens, Roy Up- ham and I planted some in ours. We planted them in the evening of the second Visiting Day. June seventh. It seemed as if they would never come up but they did and when they grew tall enough I made a trellis about three feet high for them to climb upon. When they got as high as the trellis they began to bloom. Roy and I had the first sweet pea blossom in all the gardens. It was pink and white with red veins.

Louis M. Reinhard.



Vol. 10. No. 5.

Printed at the Farm School, Boston, Mass.

September, 1906.

Entered November 23, 1903. at Boston. Mass.. as Second-class matter, under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894.

Our farm

The land of our Island may be divided into three parts: that occupied by the buildings including the surrounding lawns, the groves, and the farm.

The part which takes our greatest atten- tion just now is the farm, which is divided into hay land, cultivated land, and the land occupied by the farm buildings. The buildings are a stock barn in which the stock is kept and its food stored away, a storage barn where the machines are kept, a corn barn in which we store corn for the winter, and a hennery in which are kept chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys.

The land upon which hay is grown needs very little care. ' In the spring, squads of boys are sent to the fields to remove all stones and rubbish which would be liable to damage the mowing machine while cutting the grass. From that time until the grass is ready to be cut the fields need little attention. Beside the hay land we have a number of acres which we sow with millet, buckwheat, and a mixture of oats and peas, all of which are used for fodder. In the spring this land is plowed up, fertilized, and the seed sown broadcast.

The cultivated land requires considerable work to prepare it for the seed. If the ground was not plowed the autumn before it is plowed as soon as the frost leaves in the spring. After it has been thoroughly plowed it is spread with manure, a two-horse manure-spreader being used to do this work. The manure is harrowed into the soil with a disk-harrow. Then we gather up and cart away the large stones that have been turned up and go over it

once more with the spike-harrow to make it


The seedlings that need extra care in raising and the early vegetables such as lettuce, radishes, and tomatoes are planted in our hot beds, the soil and manure of the previous year being removed and the beds refilled with fresh materials. The seeds are planted thickly in rows about six inches apart. Then the sashes are put on and left until the plants are strong enough to stand the out door air. At that time they are transplanted to the gardens in rows from one to four feet apart, the distance depend- ing upon the kinds of plants we have.

Some of the seeds which are planted in the gardens are corn, peas, beans, potatoes, onions, mangels, carrots, turnips, and beets. The ground is prepared and the fine seed is dropped in by means of a small seeder run by hand. The large seeds, such as corn, peas, and beans, are dropped with a horse-power planter. The potatoes are planted by hand. When once the potatoes start to grow they need a great deal of attention, for here the potato bugs start their work very early. At first, squads of boys go to the potato piece and pick them off the vines. As the plants increase in size this becomes difficult and so we spray the plants with a solution of Paris green and Bordeaux mixture, or dust upon them a mixture of plaster and Paris green. As soon as our plants appear above ground, we start cultivating. We run the horse cultivator up and down between the rows about twice a week until the plants have grown to a good size. This is done to keep the weeds down and also to loosen the surface soil so that the air can penetrate.


B}' this time the hay is ready to cut. For this purpose we use a mowing machine. After the grass is all down and drying we go over it with the hay-tedder which turns the hay so that it can dry on both sides. When it is thoroughly dried it is gathered up with a horse rake. Then the fellows cock it and as soon as possible it is thrown onto the wagon and carted to the stock barn.

The harvesting time, which is looked for- ward to by the fellows, is another busy season for every one. There are potatoes and roots to be dug and stored away in the root-cellar; corn to be cut and taken to the barns to be husked during the late autumn; and pump- kins, cabbages, and other vegetables to be gath- ered in from the coming frost.

All the fellows that have an opportunity to work on the farm thoroughly enjoy the busy life there. John F. Nelson.

B Crip to Boston

A Irip to Boston to visit a few of its many places of interest was a pleasant surprise that was given to some of the boys. From City Point we went by electric cars to Adams Square. From there we went through Faneuil Hall Market where there were many stalls each owned by different men. We then went up- stairs into the hall and armory where we saw many things of interest. From the windows of Faneuil Hall we saw the place where the Hancock Tavern used to be and where the men, dressed as Indians, at the Boston Tea Party went to disguise themselves. From that place we went to the sight of the Boston Massacre and our teacher told, us about it. Then we went to the Old State House where we saw the old Franklin printing-press and other things of interest. Then we went by the Old South Church and down to the post office. Here, through the courtesy of the postmaster, Mr. George Hibbard, we were given permission to walk through the sorting department. We saw the collectors sort the letters and then stamp them. After they were stamped they were again sorted according to

states and cities. Then we saw them tie each pack into small bundles and some of the bun- dles were sent by means of pneumatic tubes to the North and South stations. The guide told us that it took one minute and a quarter for a carrier to go from the office to either station. As the time was drawing near for us to be at City Point we had to leave this inter- esting place and start for home. We felt as if we had learned something besides enjoying the morning.

Theodore Fuller.

faneuil 1)all

Thfc boys who g- to School in the morning took a trip to Boston to see the historic places of interest. We first went to Faneuil Hall, named for its donor, Peter Faneuil who was a rich Boston merchant. He erected and gave this hall to the town of Boston in 1740 for a market and town house. The building was burned in 1761 but was rebuilt in 1762 making it at present one hundred and forty-four years old. After looking at the market we entered the hall above, where in earlier days, the most prominent of public men have spoken from the platform, and from the fact that it has been the custom for the citizens to go to Faneuil Hall to consider matters of stirring interest as they have appeared, the hall has become gen- erally known as the Cradle of Liberty. The large painting over the rostrum represents Daniel Webster replying to Senator Hayne of South Carolina in the United States Senate in 1830. The picture is thirty by sixteen feet in size and cost forty thousand dollars. Around the walls are portraits of famous men. The clock was given by the school children of Boston in 1850 and paid for by penny subscrip- tion; their names were placed in a box which was deposited in the case to be opened in 1950. In the upper hall is the armory of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, the oldest military company in the country, and the sec- ond oldest in the world. This interesting old building is always open to the public.

Earle C. Marshall.


J\ Tarm School Pruitcr

When a boy gets into the printing-office he has, at first, odd jobs to do such as washing and cleaning the presses, taking care of llie ashes and blacking the stove. After he has been in the office a little while, one of the ad- vanced printers teaches him the type case. He starts out with the letter a and learns the position in the case of each letter in the alpha- bet. He is shown the different spaces and their use, also where the commas, periods, and apostrophies are kept and how used. After he learns the lower case he is next shown the places of the capital letters. He then is given a stick and receives his first lesson in com- posing. When the month's Beacon is started he is given an article to set up. One of the older printers is usually working beside him so that h3 can help him in his work. When there is not much work he is told to go over to the press and watch the pressman make the job ready and run it. After a while the pressman lets him try running the job. The fellow finds that he is not quick enough. He takes hold of a small sheet with a grip of iron and pushes it in only to discover, after it is printed, that it ought to be put in square. He is shown how to tie up a page or job and the first time he tries to do this he puts a very little string around it and then tries to pick it up, which results in his first "pieing" of type. His next lesson consists in learning how to lock up a form and plane it. He is taught how to use the proof press and paper cutter. After he has been in the printing- office about three years he becomes the fore- man if the boys before him go away.

Leonard S. Hayden.


At one o'clock one Saturday afternoon the boys were lined up in the assembly room. While we were standing there Mr. Bradley came in and asked for volunteers to work on the farm for a few hours. I was one of the boys who volunteered. I was sent with two boys to rake the scattered hay that was on the road from the scales to the root-cellar. We took

wooden rakes and made piles as we worked along. When we finished raking we took up the piles in the blue cart and hauled it up to the new barn to be put with the other hay. After the swim at night all the fellows marched up to the assembly room and were dismissed. In a few minutes the supervisor unexpectedly blew the whistle and said, "All the boys who volun- teered to work this afternoon may report at the wharf." We all went down, and as a re- ward for our afternoon's work we were given a sail down the harbor on the steamer Pilgrim.

Stephen Eaton.


One of the things a fellow can have some fun v/ith is a boomerang. It is made mostly of wood called beech. If it is thrown correctly, it will go around in a circle and fall in about the same place it was thrown from. The boom- erang has to be made accurately or it will not make a good circle. After they are made, they can be painted different colors to make them look "gaudy." After that a coat of shellac is put on to keep the paint from coming off. The boomerang can be used in a game called whisk- boomerang. In this game it is thrown around a twenty-foot house and when it comes back, you have to catch it in a net. If you do not catch it. a certain number of points is taken off. If you do, it adds on some. There are only two fellows that have them now and I am one of them.

Herbert J. Nelson.

Cbe Blue l)eron

One afternoon another boy and I were pulling weeds on the bank when we heard a flutter in one of the willow trees. We ran over to see what it was, and just as we got there a large heron flew up and gave three calls, fly- ing towards us. We moved backward for we did not have anything with which to defend ourselves. It did not come very near but flew over to the south end dike, lightingin front of two boys who were looking at their rat traps. The heron does not visit us often.

George J. Balch.


tl)onip$on'$ Island Beacon

Published Monthly by the

FARM SCHOOL Thompson's Island, Boston Harbor.


Vol. 10. No. 5.

September. 1906.

Subscription Price - 50 cents per year.



Alfred Bowditch.


Henry S. Grew.


Arthur Adams.


Tucker Daland.


Melvin O. Adams, I. Tucker Burr,

Charles P. Curtis, Jr., Charles T. Gallagher, Walter Hunnewell, Henry Jackson, M. D.,

Richard M. Saltonstall, Francis Shaw,

William S. Spaulding, Thomas F. Temple,

Moses Williams, Jr.

Charles H. Bradley, Superintendent.

Treasurer's Address 50 State St.

Boston, Mass.

in the spring the farmer goes to his work, plowing his fields and scattering his seed, al- ways looking forward to the harvest which he expects, later, to reap. The spring work is but a preparation for the harvest. The work must be well done; the seed must be put on in proper quantities or the farm will not yield as large a

harvest as it should. He would be considered a foolish man if he planted his seed sparingly because he could see no immediate return coming. If the harvest is to be reaped, the seed must be sown. If the reaping day is long delayed still the seed must be scattered and with patience must we wait for the day to come when the harvesting may begin.

The truth which is here so evident may be applied to the whole life of man. In the springtime the youth is making the preparation and sowing thg seed which will determine the harvest of later years. He may be anxious to get into the business upon which he has set his heart. But he must prepare himself for the work. . A long course of preparation even may be necessary. Need he become weary during the progress of that preparation? Should he not rather, like the farmer, ever keep his eyes set on the distant harvest and so scatter his seeds of preparation with a generous hand? The many short cuts which maybe offered him in the line of his preparation are merely sugges- tions of reaping a good harvest without making a good seeding. He cannot afford to use them. He must see that his preparation is thoroughly made.

Effort must be constantly put forth if we are to accomplish that which we have set be- fore us as our ideal. The goal may be far distant but that is no reason why we should re- linquish our efforts. Every day brings its trials which have to be met. Often it may seem as though the harvest is so remote that there is no longer any use to keep up our efforts. Many times, because we do not reap an immediate result, we say that we will therefore give up. But that is playing the coward. We are look- ing for the harvest too soon. We are anxious to save from the seed, not realizing that it will


surely diminish the harvest. If we expect to reap we must be sure that full preparation is made and that good seed is sown, for as Tliomas Carlyle says, " If there is a harvest ahead, even a distant one, it is poor thrift to be stingy of your seed-corn."


Aug. 1. Drew ttiirieen loads of oatsfrom South End field.

Steamer Pilgrim inspected by U. S. in- spectors.

Aug. 2. Banking the celery.

Aug. 3. Sowed late turnips.

Row boat Bradford condemned, too old for repairs.

Painted and varnished the pantry.

Herbert Dierkes left the School to work for Mr. A. M. Vaughan, Randolph, Vermont.

Aug. 6. Carl L. Wittig began work in Barbour & Stockwell machine shop, Cam- bridge, Mass.

Aug. 8. Renewed section of stock barn flooring.

Aug. 9. Mr. Larsson, and summer class from North Bennet Street Sloyd Training School, visited here.

Aug. 10. Finished cutting first crop of hay.

Set out two hundred strawberry plants re- ceived from Mr. N. T. Robinson.

Aug. 13. Steamer Pilgrim taken to Lawley's for annual overhauling.

Aug. 15. Back staircase, closet, and slop closet varnished.

Aug. 16. Mr. Bradley sent the School six wild geese from Vermont.

Varnished the seat under The Old Elm and six hard pine benches.

Aug. 17. Received toads for boys' gar- dens sent by Mr. Bradley.

Telephone inspector here.

Aug. 18. Steamer's tender painted and varnished.

Graduates George Leighton and William Clark visited the School.

Ball game between the instructors and the first nine. Score, six to thirteen in favor of

first nine.

Aug. 20. Harvested twenty-eight bush- els of early apples.

Aug. 21. Began cutting salt hay.

Mr. John R. Morse visited the School.

Aug. 22. Set out eight hundred straw- berry plants.

Aug. 23. South side float beached, scraped and repaired.

Aug. 24. Band music received from Mr. T. J. Evans.

A number of boys visited the U. S. Weather Bureau at the Boston Post Office.

Aug. 25. Finished repairs on row boat Brewster.

Aug. 27. Began feeding fodder corn to the cows.

Picked fourteen bushels of Bartlett pears.

Aug. 28. Mowed Hungarian grass in the orchard.

Aug. 29. Finished removing forms and filling dirt around new reenforced concrete tide gate at South End.

Aug. 30. Finished pruning trees in Ly- man grove.

Captain K. W. Perry, commander of the U. S. R. C, Gresham, visited the School.

JIudust mncoroiodv

Maximum temperature 91 . on the 6th.

Minimum " 58. on the 24th.

Mean temperature for month 72.4

Total precipitation 1.28 inches.

Greatest precipitation in 24 hours .42 in- ches on the 8th.

7 days with .01 or more inches precipita- tion.

10 clear days.

16 partly cloudy.

5 cloudy days.

Total number of hours sunshine 28 1 .

farm ScDool Bank

Cash on hand Aug. 1, 1906 Deposited during the month

Withdrawn during the month Cash on hand Sept. 1, 1906

$496.06 7.83

$503.89 39.49



l^epairind moorings

In our vacation Mr. Bradley wished to have the boat moorings taken up and put on the beach v/here the fellows swim. The first one we removed was the Sachem's. At low tide the scow was put over the mooring, which was a heavy stone, and the chain fastened on to the bitt so it would not slip. As the tide came, it lifted the scow and that raised the mooring.' Then the scow was taken along by the wharf and brought up as far as possible on the beach. After this we let the chain go and put the scow out to Its own mooring. In the same manner the moorings of both the Winslow and the Trevore were taken up. The Trevore's was rather a difficult one to get because it was out in deeper water, and after getting the bearings we had to grapple for it. While we were grap- pling we thought we got hold of the mooring but on pulling it up found it to be what the fel- lows call devils' tails. We found that they were growing on the chain. On one mooring we could not find the chain, so a rope was brought and Foster Hoye dived down and passed it through the ring in the stone. We moved the scow's mooring nearer the wharf than it had been before. On the Sachem and Trevore's moorings new lines were spliced and they were taken back and dropped in their old places. On the Winslow's mooring a new chain was need- ed. As soon as it came it was put through the ring-bolt that was in the stone and a new line put in and made ready for use. This ended the work on the moorings for the season.

Joseph A. Kalberg.

Cbe montl) of Bnmt

All fellows do not know why August has thirty-one days. July, which takes its name from Julius Caesar, has thirty-one days. Au- gustus, who finished the calendar, wanted to have the month named for him and receive the same number. The astronomers hit upon a plan and took twenty-four hours, or one day from February, and added it to the month of August so it could have just as many days as July.

Frederic J. Barton.

j>)n Tntemtiitd 6amc

Most all the fellows enter heartily into all the games played here, especially anything new. Lately the fellows have been playing quoits, and they enjoy the game so much that it is played constantly. A stake is driven into the ground at a little distance from the hedge (at one end_ of the playground) and about twenty-six feet from this stake another one is put down. Then two boys agree to form one side and try to beat another side. The score limit is ten. A boy steps up to the stake with two quoits and tries to pitch them as near as possible to the further stake, then one opponent tries his luck at pitching them. After all have pitched the point is determined by seeing who has come the nearest. Then the game is continued un- til the score has been won by one of the two sides. If a boy has as much luck as to ring the stake it counts five; if the quoit leans on the stake it counts three. After one side has been beaten, another side takes the place of the defeated one and tries to beat the winners.

Philip S. May.

J\ Crip Down tbc l^arbor

Through the kindness of Mr. Bradley all the fellows went down the harbor for a boat ride. We started from the Island at half past two and went on a straight course toward Deer Island. From where we were, off that island, we could see men working. Mr. Bradley pointed out to us the places of interest. From Deer Island we steamed passed Spectacle, Long and Rains- ford Islands, Fort Strong and Fort Warren. We passed a boat load of soldiers going to a fu- neral. We returned along Squantum shore, around the south end of our Island, and landed at the wharf. We all enjoyed the sail very much.

William A. Reynolds.

' ' All that we are, is made up of our thoughts; it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speak or act with a pure thought, happiness will follow him, -like a shadow that never leaves him."



In school we have been studying about crabs. We had three live crabs in a dish of saltwater. Crabs are very interesting, and it is a good thing to knowabout them. We have three different kinds of crabs around our Island. They are the edible or common crab, the horse- shoe or king crab, and the hermit crab. The horse-shoe or king crab is a scavanger because he eats dead fish. He is the nearest relative to the trilobite. There are no trilobites now for they existed long ago. Mr. Sinnott showed us the fossil of one last fall when he lectured to us about geology. The horse-shoe crab is more like the spider. It has twelve legs while the common crab has ten. The hermit crab is a small crab that lives in a snail's shell. The crabs first got their name from the Romans when they invaded Great Britain. They saw large numbers of creatures crawling along the beach and were not slow to find out that they were good to eat. They had to have some name for them so they called them carabus. From that word we have the common name of crab. Once a year the crab changes its shell. It hides in a hole or some out of the way place and keeps working its body until the shell comes off. Then he lays still for about two days and grows his year's growth, a new crust chiefly of carbonate of lime beginning to form, growing harder and harder. It is because of this crust, which some call a shell, that makes the crabs belong to the Crustacean family. The crabs lay eggs once a year. When the eggs hatch, the young look like anything excepting crabs. Some people catch them on their fish lines and think that they are some new kind of fish and find out that they are the common crabs. Crabs live on high mountains as well as near the sea-shore. These crabs carry water to wet their lungs when they become dry. Once a year they go in long armies a mile and a half long and about forty paces wide down to the seashore to lay their eggs. If an unlucky crab happens to fall on the way down, he is gobbled up by his companions. When crabs see a storm coming they hide under the sand until

it is over. Crabs are interesting to know about and there are many different kinds of them. Clarence S. Nelson.

Cbc Squirrel in the Bira's ne$t

One morning some of the boys in the east dormitory were awakened by the shrill cries of four or five sparrows who were fluttering about the south-east corner of the area. A few of the boys looked out of the window and saw a nest in the corner of the area. It was built of straw, hay, and string, and neatly lined with feathers. In this nest, made with such care, was one of our gray squirrels sitting on his hind legs, carefully pulling out the feathers, one by one, and dropping them over the edge. The four disturbed sparrows were soon joined by two more and a robin, all screaming together. After a while they all went away but two spar- rows, evidently the owners of this home. The squirrel seemed much amused at the efforts of the birds to rout him out, but went steadily on with his work of destruction. He succeeded so well that no doubt the bird§ wilj have a little extra work this year to "refurnish" their house. As the squirrels run about a good deal, probably this one jumped from a tree to the roof of the house and from there to the bird's nest.

Hebert F. Watson.

Che Congfeliow l)Ou$e

The Longfellow House is a large colo- nial house painted yellow with white trimmings and set back from the street. It has a well kept lawn in front surrounded by beautiful trees. We were kindly permitted to look into Mr. Longfellow's study. We marched up the front path to a piazza and from one of the win- dows W8 could look into a corner room which was Mr. Longfellow's library. We saw the chair which the school children of Cambridge presented to him. This chair is made of wood from the spreading chestnut tree which is des- cribed in his poem "The 'Village Blacksmith." We also saw the desk where the poet sat and the quill pens with which he wrote many of his poems. I think this visit was the^best part of our trip.

Paul H. Gardner.



Herbert J. Phillips, '05, has success- fully completed his first year's work at the Rockland High School. He is spending his vacation working in a shoe factory in that city.

George I. Leighton, '04, is still working for the Boston Counter Co. The position was secured for him when he left the Farm School. He is working hard and doing well.

William F. Clark, '02, is attending the Goodwill High school and working on the Goodwill Farm. He expects to be graduated next spring. He spent his vacation with his mother in Boston.

Uisiting Cambridge

The boys that go to school in the after- noon had the pleasure of going to Cambridge to see Harvard College and other places of in- terest. Our steamer Pilgrim carried us to City Point where we boarded a Harvard Square car. When we got to Harvard Square we took another car and rode to the Washington Elm. Under the Elm we saw a granite tablet which stated that, on that spot July 4, 1775, Wash- ington took command of the Continental Army. We next went to see the poet Longfellow's house. We saw his studio and the chair that was given to him by the school children. We then went to the Agassiz Museum where there are many large skeletons of different kinds of animals. In one part of this building may be seen the beautiful glass flowers that were made in Germany and given to Harvard Mu- seum. They are very true to nature. After that we went to the Peabody Museum where there are many Indian relics. From here we went through Harvard College grounds and took a car for home. We enjoyed the afternoon very much.

Charles A. McEacheren.

Uisit to tbe museums

One day the first three classes paid a visit to the Agassiz and Peabody Museums. We first visited the Agassiz. As we entered we

saw upon a side wall a life size portait of the great naturalist, Louis Agassiz for whom the museum was named. We passed into a room that was filled with skeletons. In one case there were several skeletons of upright mam- mals. They ranged from a skeleton of a civil- ized man down to the lowest form of ape, taking in the savage and gorilla. To the ceil- ing of the same room was attached an immense skeleton of a whale. From the great jaw bones hung something which looked like black brush. We were told that it was from this that we get the whale bone. We also saw there the skeletons of many animalssome of which are now extinct, as the mastodon. As we entered the next room we saw cases of stuffed animals. Here there were elephants, giraffes, gorillas, bears, a hippopotamus, and many others. We should have enjoyed looking more closely but we had to pass into the next room where we saw many beautiful birds. There were also fishes of many kinds preserved in a liquid. A few of them we recognized, but many we had never even heard of before. As we were walking through the different rooms we saw some low cases filled with flowers. As we examined them we found they were models of flowers made of glass. They were very life like even to the color. The flov/ers were made by two brothers who live in Germany. These were bought and given to Harvard by Mrs. and Miss Helen Ware. In this same room were fossils of flowers, ferns, and fishes. As the time was passing quickly we left this building and went over to Peabody museum where we saw many interesting Indian relics. There were wampum belts and implements of war. Figures were dressed in their war-dress, paint and feathers. From the ceiling were suspend- ed canoes both large and small. In some of the cases were arrows and spear heads, many of which seemed no better than some that we have. In the center of one of the rooms was a very good representation of an Indian village. We felt that we had spent a very profitable afternoon among these interesting things.

Van R. Brown.



Vol. 10. No. 6.

Printed at the Farm School, Boston, Mass.

October, 1906.

Entered November 23, 1903, at Boston. Mass.. as Second-class matter, under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894.

Pleasure Crips

With all our work we have managed to get in, at intervals, many interesting, pleasing, and instructive trips. Some have been on water and some on land. Sometimes the school goes in a body, other times small squads go to places of interest with an instructor. When we go in a body our barge, John Alden, is used for transportation to the mainland, and is towed by our steamer Pilgrim.

The first trip we took this season was the thirtieth of May, when about thirty boys had the privilege of attending the memorial and historical exercises at Tremont Temple. The next was one which is looked forward to for nearly a year: the circus. That time all the boys went. From City Point we were carried to the grounds in special cars. We first visited the menagerie where we saw animals from all climes. We also saw representations of the smallest and largest people on earth. Then we went into the main tent to watch the performance and were served with the regular circus refreshments of peanuts.

Several days later we were invited by Captain Perry to visit the United States revenue-cutter "Gresham." When we boarded it, the cap- tain gave us permission to look at all parts of the ship, and the crew explained to us the use of several of the nautical instruments and the guns.

Then came a trip which was wholly for pleasure and which we class along with the circus and that was our visit to Wonderland Park at Revere Beach. We travelled back and forth on special cars. Once inside the park, we entered a number of the interesting shows and before we left for home each boy

had had his fill of a good dinner.

We had the pleasure of taking two trips on the water. First, the President of our board of managers, Mr. Alfred Bowditch, made a voy- age across the Atlantic and the boys and in- structors sailed out into the channel to bid him good-bye. As we were early we sailed up into the harbor to meet the ocean liner. Then again Mr. Bradley surprised us one hot afternoon, with a boat ride out in the harbor and around our neigliboring islands.

At the beginning of the summer term of school the teachers took the classes to see many places of historical interest. The morn- ing classes went to visit Faneuil Hall and mar- ket, the Old State House, and the Post Office. They saw and passed the Hancock Tavern, the spot of the Boston Massacre and the Old South Church. The afternoon classes made a tour of some of Cambridge's irrteresting places, such as the Washington Elm, Longfel- low's house, Agassiz and Peabody Museums. The advanced classes went over the buildings of Faneuil Hall, the market, the Ames Plow Company and the Post Office.

The last trip that all the fellows went on was our trip to Gloucester. We left here early in the morning and by means of special cars we soon arrived at Central wharf where we boarded the steamer Cape Ann. The sail this year was much pleasanter than it was last, for it was very calm and no one was sea-sick, which could not be said of last year's trip.

Before we entered Gloucester harbor we all had our lunch and we were ready for it. Our lunch was refreshed, through the kindness of Mr. Arthur Adam's, with a bottle of iced


tonic. While in Gloucester we visited a fish wharf and saw the fishermen unloading their schooner. Across the street we entered a building and saw the process of curing the fish and preparing it for market. From there we visited City Hall and an engine-house. We left Gloucester about two o'clock and had a very pleasant sail home.

Beside these many trips enjoyed by the boys as a whole, the boys that have done their best in work and conduct have had special priv- ileges. One pleasure that all boys thoroughly enjoy is to go to the city and visit their friends. Some spend the day, while others spend several days with them. Again a few boys were taken to see a number of good plays at the theatre and also to Nantasket Beach. Two boys went to the Public Library and through the Youth's Companion building.

Some years we make trips to different places and generally we manage to get in a trolley ride out into the country. We all feel that the past spring and summer have surely been made very pleasant for us.

William Lydston.

Che Voutb's Companion Building

A number of fellows are subscribers of the Youth's Companion, and many read the paper and buy presents from this company for Christ- mas. One day it was my pleasure, with Miss Walton and a fellow, to visit this interesting building. T|je guide took us down to the engine room where we saw two immense engines which run the machinery. Up stairs we were told of the process of mailing and addressing the paper and that it takes fifty tons of type each year for the addresses. The paper is sent to every state in the United States and even finds its way to the Congo River in Africa. The Youth's Companion is mailed to certain states each day. Ten mailing machines are in use with an out put of 150,000 papers daily. We saw the different printing machines. There is a little roller at the bottom of the press for the ink. Another roller strikes this one and passes over the electro and half tone-plates. Large sheets of paper are passed into the press and four printed

pages come out. As the paper comes out it is put on a rack. We saw the Dexter folding machine which folds 25,050 papers a day. We also saw the pasting and trimming machines. We then went into the art department and saw some very fine sketches and drawings all of which are original. The first paper was printed April. 16, 1827, by Mr. Nathaniel Willis. Mrs. Hannah M. Parsons was the first sub- scriber, and she still subscribes for it. She lives in the Emerson House in Concord, Mass. We waited long enough to register and then went down stairs. We enjoyed our visit very much.

Philip S. May.

Scraping off Barnacles

When it is low tide a great many barnacles may be seen on the posts that support the wharf. Barnacles are very white and hard as their shells are made mostly of lime. A great many had gathered on the south side float. One day a number of fellows and myself had to scrape the barnacles off because they made the float so heavy that it did not set well in the water. The float was hauled up on the beach. We used hoes to help do the work with.

Henry G. Eckman.

Effects Of music

One morning, before Mr. Bean announced the usual work, he said that Mr. Morse wanted the band to practice in the chapel. I was very glad of this because I work in the dormitory, right above the room where the band plays, and so could hear the music very plainly. I could almost have my work go on in time with the music. Frederick J. Wilson.

mending Blankets

After the blankets on the boys' beds are washed they are brought into the sewing-room to be repaired. Sometimes the hem is torn, if that is the case, the part is cut off and the blanket is hemmed anew. When we get them all mended they are carried to the dormitory where they are packed away until they are needed. If they are not worth mending they are put into the rags to be sold to the junk man. Frederick W. Marshall.


September twenty-fourth, our egg coal came in a lighter. In the morning Mr. Bean who sends us to work, read the names of the boys to work on the coal. Some were to drive the teams and others to keep the coal back from the place where it was put in. We had four one horse carts and one double horse cart to draw our coal. The coal is stored under our stock barn, a necessary supply being kept for the shop furnace in a bin in the basement of the shop. We also stored some in the basements of the main building. One of the teams drew to the stock barn, where the coal was dumped down a trap into the largest coal bin we have. It took us two days to draw and store our hard coal. The next morning our stove and soft coal came. This coal is used by the steamer. We have some coal for our blacksmith class also. It took us one day to unload and store our soft coal. I worked on the coal two after- noons. I drove one of the single teams and enjoyed the work. Leonard S. Hayden.

from m lUood Pile

At the south side of our storage barn there is a lumber pile made up of drift wood that comes on our beach. Some times the wood is used by the fellows to help out in build- ing their cottages, and some of it is used for fire wood. In this pile of lumber there was a large cover to a hatchway that came off of a schooner that went down off the west side of our Island last June. It was covered with tar paper to keep the water from going down into the hold of the ship. It was about eight feet long and six feet wide, and made of pine with a tongue and mouth on the edges of the boards, so they would fit tightly together. There were four cross pieces to nail the boards to. When we examined this cover we found it could be used. It was the work of another fellow and I to take this apart one afternoon. First we took off the tar paper. Then by the help of iron bars we pried the planks apart. We piled them up off to one side of the pile for the fel- lows to use.

Albert S. Beetchy.

Cbc Raccoons' Batb

Once every week 1 bring the raccoons up from Audubon Hall to the house and give them a bath. I get a hose and fasten it on the hy- drant, then I wash the cage. I turn the cage on its back and fill it about a quarter full of water, I leave it that way for about fifteen min- utes so as to give the animals a bath and a swim. They seem to like water and have a great deal of fun in it. Then I open the door of the cage a little way and let the water run out and wait for the cage to dry. After this the raccoons are taken back to Audubon Hall.

Harry W. Lake.

Our TIagstaff

We have a flagstaff on the playgrounds which is eighty-five feet high. It has a topmast and gaff. During the summer time the gaff and topmast are up, but in winter the topmast is lowered and the gaff taken down to the stor- age barn. There are two lines running from the gaff to iron stakes driven in the ground to keep it from swinging around when the wind blows. School days the School's colors are put up and on Visiting Days the long pennant is at the topmasit head and the large American flag on the gaff. On other holidays the American flag is used at the topmast. No colors on Sun- day. It was erected December 15, 1897, by Thomas G. Stevenson, Post 26 G. A. R. and the Women's Relief Corps 63. The flag was given to the School by Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Camp 46 Sons of Vermont. Donald W. Roby.

Critnntind trees

Early one morning I went down to the stock barn after a pruning saw. Then I went with Mr. Bean over to the cottages. I was shown an oak tree, a number of limbs of which were in the way as one passed on the road, so they were to be cut off. I removed as many as I could that morning. I finished sawing the limbs off before school. The next morning I carried an axe over where I had pruned the trees the day before, and cut up the limbs for kindling wood. Then I separated and put in piles the snTall twigs from the large pieces of wood. Charles H. Whitney.


tbomp$on'$ Tslana Beacon

Published Monthly by the

FARM SCHOOL Thompson's Island, Boston Harbor.


Vol. 10. No. 6.

October. 1906.

Subscription Price - 50 cents per year.



Alfred Bowditch.


Henry S. Grew.


Arthur Adams.


Tucker Daland.


Melvin O. Adams, L Tucker Burr,

Charles P. Curtis, Jr., Charles T. Gallagher, Walter Hunnewell, Henry Jackson, M. D.,

Richard M. Saltonstall, Francis Shaw,

William S. Spaulding, Thomas F. Temple,

Moses Williams, Jr.

Charles H. Bradley, Superintendent.

Treasurer's Address 50 State St.

Boston, Mass.

To many of the young people of our coun- try, th-e fall of the year suggests new possibilities. It holds an atmosphere of change. For pupils, there is the adjustment to new classes and the entrance into higher institutions of learning. For a large number of youths it is the time when they take their first step into the world to

be dependent upon their own efforts. It is now that the years of careful training is put to the test.

Many helps have been suggested, many virtues emphasized to help them. Stored away in their minds are numerous maxims and precious class mottoes, which from the fre- quency of their being heard, appear like nothing but a babble of words. To all the good advice given we would not take away one quota, nay, we would add more in the presence of everyone who is about to join the great army of bread winners. It is only this common-place advice: have the courage to remain in your new position, not allowing small wages and long hours with, perhaps, an ill-tempered employer to make you turn back home.

At times you may think yourself much abused, perhaps treated unjustly and your mind naturally turns to your friends; they, at least, understand and appreciate you. So you firmly resolve that, as you, at any rate are free from all blame, you will not stay longer to endure such hardness.

My friend, did you ever stop to think how unkindly Abraham Lincoln was treated by a number of men with whom he was closely associated? Only the greatest tact on his part could keep unpleasantness below the sur- face and his helpers from leaving him. The world calls this man one of our greatest heroes and we honor his memory yet he bore much abuse for the sake of keeping peace. Are you so lofty that you cannot do the same if need be?

Hardships are not always handicaps. Often they are helps. You will understand this better as you grow older. Pluck nearly always wins. To succeed in anything one must overcome obstacles, for force and fibre


are built by hardships.

Then do not leave your first position until you have won the respect, and if possible the confidence and good-will of your employer. In after years may you be able to look back upon your first efforts, not with regret, but with that genuine satisifaction which comes from doing one's best.

And the virtues that lead you to these re- sults, are after all, ones that are familiar to all ears - patience and perseverance. Patience is the preserver of peace, the teacher of hu- mility: while perseverance is the great force that is behind all success.

' ' Who first consults wisely, resolves firmly, then executes his purpose with inflexible per- severance, undismayed by those petty difficul- ties whicii daunt a weaker spirit - that man can advance to eminence in any line."


Laid a floor in east basement Graduate Carl L. Wittig visited

Sept. 1 coal bin.

Sept. 3. the School.

Sept. 4. Finished digging one and two thirds acres of potatoes in garden. Yield 212 bu.

Sept. 5. Visiting Day. 235 present.

Graduate Charles A. Blatchford visited the School. Pruned raspberry bushes.

Mr. N. A. Jorgensen gave five books to library.

Sept. 6. Pulled onions.

Warren Bryant left the School for Wash- ington D. C. .where he continues his studies.

Sept. 8. Repaired horse stalls in stock barn.

Sept. 10 Pulled and stacked the field beans.

Sept. 11. Banked the celery.

Sept. 12. Picked the first Lima beans.

Finished repairs on rowboat Priscilla.

Sept. 13. Sent 20 bu. of tomatoes to market.

"Stark's History and Guide to Barbadoes and Carribee Islands" given by the author, Mr. John H . Stark.

Sept. 14. Began cutting Sanford field corn at North End.

Sept. 15. E. P. A. Banquet. Treasurer, Mr. Arthur Adams visited the School.

Sept. 16. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clark visited the School. They leave the 18th. for Burmah, India.

Sept. 17. Topped onions.

George A. C. McKenzie left the School to work for Holmes and Blanchard.

Sept. 18. Sent 20 bu. of tomatoes to market.

Thomas Maceda left the school to work on a farm in Braintree. Charles Watson left the School to live with his mother in California, where he will continue his studies.

Sept. 19. School went on excursion to Gloucester.

Sept. 20. Mr. J. M. Barrs, Supt. of the Stetson Home, Barre, Mass. visited School.

Plowed two acres for fall seeding and stocking.

Sept. 22. Finished concreting foundation for weather bureau observatory.

Sept. 23 .Rev. S.H . Hilliard of Jamaica Plain spoke to the boys.

Treasurer, Mr. Arthur Adams visited the School.

Sept 24. First barge of coal came.

Sept 25. Graduate Don Clark visited the School.

Sept 26. Second and last barge of coal came and unloaded.

Sept 27. Sowed piece of rye.

Sept. 28. Spreading manure for fall plowing.

Summer term of school closed.

Sept. 29. Albert Probert left the School to live with his mother in Cambridge.

Old wooden tide gate at South End torn out.

September nieteorologv

Maximum temperature 89. on the 18th.


Minimum temperture 5 1 . on the 24th.

Mean temperature for month 72.1.

Total precipitation 2.56 inches.

Greatest precipitation in 24 hours 1.12 inches on the 30th.

7 days with .01 or more inches precipita- tion.

17 clear days, 10 partly cloudy, 3 cloudy days.

Total number of hours sunshine 287.

Tarm School Bank

Cash on hand Sept. 1, 1906. $464.40

Deposited during the month 22.1 1

$486.51 24.47

Withdrawn during the month

Cash on hand Oct. 1. 1906. $462.04

€. P. B, Banquet

It is the custom of the Elk Pleasure As- sociation to hold its annual banquet the fifteenth of September. This year when the evening arrived Gardner Hall was bright in colors to receive our guests. It was prettily decorated with bunting in the School's colors, yellow and blue, and the Association's colors red, white and blue. These were festooned from the center to the four sides of the hall. Around the walls were hung the national colors, and over the stairs was suspended a large American flag, in the center of the hall a table was placed crosswise and each side of this center table were two, placed in the opposite direction. The tables were prettily set and on each were gay bouquets. After supper the captain told briefly the history of the club and then called on otiiers for toasts. The speeches were interesting and contained many amusing jokes. After the speeches were over, several honor badges were given to those who had shown a special interest in our club. A pleasant evening was ended, after a dance, by the sounding of taps.

Albert Probert.

Cbe Public Cibrary

The two boys who acted as librarians last year made a visit to the Boston Public Library, with Miss V/alton. The building is one

of the most beautiful buildings in the world. At the entrance we saw the large bronze doors. As we passed through the doorway we saw a- head of us the beautiful arch and stairway made of costly Italian marble. At the turn of the stairs there are two large crouching lions carved from the same^kind of marble. At the landing is a window, from the balcony of which, we looked down upon tlie inner court. In the court a fountain plays from the center of a square pond. Around the sides of the court is a pleasant arcade. On the walls of the main corridor and some of the main rooms we saw Chervennes, Abbe, and Sargent's celebrated paintings. We entered the catalogue room and saw how people looked up the numbers of the books they wished to take out. We also saw Bates Hall, the general delivery room, and many other rooms which held interesting things. The people of Boston ought to be proud of their library.

Charles A. Graves.

j\ dmz of Kudby

On Visiting Day afternoon there was a game of Rugby between the second and third eleven. We began the game about three o'clock. The third eleven did not carry the ball far because a fellow on the opposite side tackled him. We played until quarter of five. The second eleven beat the third by a score of twenty-nine to nothing. Rugby is one of the sports that all the fellows enjoy. This year there are six elevens. Each eleven chooses its captain.

Jaivies R. Gregory.

B Playfellow

One Sunday afternoon I asked the cura- tor of Cottage Row if I could take a guinea pig to play with. He gave me one and I went out on the lawn and played with it. It ran up my coat sleeve. The color of the guinea pig was white and brown. The pigs stay out of doors on hot days in a little yard made for them. Lawrence C. Silver.


Sbocting Dam

In the fall, to take place of the fun we have in the summer and winter, some of the boys have bow and arrows, and darts. The darts are made out of shingles. They are pointed at one end and the other end has a diamond shaped tail. They are thrown by a round stick which is about a foot long and a half an inch thick. A piece of string is tied near the end in a groove. This is called a shooter because it gives the force which sends the dart through the air. The dart is balanced and at the place where it balances a notch is made. The' string of the shooter is fastened into the notch in the dart. The tail of the dart is held in the left hand and the shooter in the right. With a swing of the right arm the dart is sent -through the air. This year the fun of shooting darts was started by two boys. One boyafter another made them until now lots of fellows have them. Some of them see how many shots it takes to go the length of the playground, a distance of three hundrd feet. Some of the good darts can go the whole length in one turn The others take two or three turns to do it. We do not shoot these darts at night because it is too dark and we should lose them.

William W. Foster.

Our Gastcr Cily

After Easter, when the blossoms of the Easter lilies had dried up, the plant was cut down and the bulbs were put down cellar. The boy who takes care of the plants saw the bulb, picked it up and planted it. It began to grow quite well and on the twenty-ninth day of Au- gust it had a bud on it. The boy brought it into the schoolroom, and on the thirty-first of Au- gust it was in full bloom. It looked very pretty and smelt very sweet. We all enjoyed it very much for it helped to brighten up our school- room with its whiteness and perfume.

Harold Y. Jacobs.

J\ Tox eDasc

One morning the door to the fox"s cage

was left open long enough for our silver gray fox to get out. After it was found out that he was gone, we kept a close watch to see that he did not go to the hen house and catch some of the chickens. He was seen a few times during the forenoon but he stayed at the north end of the Island. In the afternoon one of the instructors and a few boys went out to hunt for him and if we could not catch him alive we were going to shoot him. We went over to the north end but did not see him, so we looked, up around the hen house and orchard but he was not there. Then we went back to the north end, and saw him in the potato patch. He saw us coming and ran to the corn piece with us after him. He was chased about fif- teen minutes when he ran out of the corn and one of the fellows threw a stick at him and knocked him over the bank. The bank was too steep for him to run up, so we surrounded and closed in on him yelling "Don't shoot him, we can catch him alive." One fellow stunned him with a club, after which he picked him up by the back of the neck and brought him to Audubon Hall and put him in his cage. He is now as spry as ever.

Harry W. Lake.

Salt f)ay

Salt-hay is a coarse hay that grows in low places near the sea and is wet by the water at high tide. It is used for bedding the horses, cows and pigs. It is not given to the cows for feed because it would make the milk taste marshy. On our Island salt-hay grows on the beach and is gathered at low tide. One fellow cuts it with a scythe while another fellow comes along and throws it on to a cart. Then it is taken to a place where the land is high. Here it is spread out and allowed to dry. After it has been there long enough to get dry on the top it is turned with pitch forks and allowed to dry on the other side. When it is dry on both sides it is gathered and stored away in the storage barn in the upper loft for future use.

Elmer Bowers.



Frederick J. Colson, '81 , is a musician on the U. S. S. Indiana.

John A. Buttrick, '95. and wife are on a pleasure trip to California. John writes from Denver that they are having a fine time.

Frank C. Simpson. '03, has given up his position in the poultry department of the Con- neticut Agricultural College and entered the employ of the Cyphers incubator Co. Franks' strict attention to business is bringing him the success he deserves.

William Horsfall '96 has gone to Cali- fornia where he expects to find lucrative em- ployment at his trade, plumbing. His wife will join him as soon as he is settled.

Samuel A. Waycott, '02, has had to give up his work with T. D. Baker & Co., on account of poor health. Dr. Bancroft, who has been attending him, has advised Sam to go up into the country where it is hoped, with rest and proper treatment, he may regain his usual health.

William N. Dinsmore. '06. is living with his mother, attending high school and taking cornet lessons. A letter recently re- ceived has the right ring to it.

Don C. Clark, '06, lives with his grand- parents and works for J. E. Turner and Co., wheelwrights, Reading, Mass., where he is learning the business. All speak well of Don, he is happy and his recent raise in pay tends to show that he is giving satisfaction.

ZM Rodent Tamily

Any one visiting our Island would not fail to see our pretty gray squirrels frolicing about from one tree to another. Mr. Bradley bought our squirrels at different times. The last ones arrived last spring. They were put in a cage for about four or five weeks and then were let free to roam about the Island. The mouse, rat, beaver, rabbit, porcupine, squirrel, and many other animals belong to the "Rodent" family. This family contains about one third of the animals in the world. The word " Ro- dent" means gnawing. Members of this family

can easily nibble their way through a tough piece of board because they have their teeth formed for this purpose. You would think that teeth of this kind would wear away as they are constantly in use, but they do not, because they never stop growing. Sometimes this causes a strange accident. These teeth are like a pair of scissors that cannot be used unless they have one another to work against. If the lower one gets broken off the tooth opposite in the upper jaw has nothing to work against and is useless. It keeps on growing and in time it curls around under the chin and at length pre- vents the animal from opening its mouth, so it dies of starvation. If the upper tooth is broken off the opposite in the lower jaw keeps on growing and in time it pierces the flesh of the forehead, then the skull beneath it-and enters the brain and kills the animal. The tail of the squirrel is of great help to him. He uses it in different positions to balance his body. The squirrel lives on sprouts of trees, nuts, acorns and other eatables. This time of the year you will see them carrying the acorns in their mouths, first testing each nut. The fellows give the squirrels peanuts, walnuts, and butter- nuts to eat.

George A. Matthews.

€dtberind tomatoes

The tomatoes are ripening very fast on the vines, and so have to be picked. One afternoon Mr. McLeod went over to the tomato piece with about seven boys, and I was one of those to go. The first part of the afternoon we all picked tomatoes. About half past two, Mr. McLeod and three boys went up to the storage barn to sort, Wipe and pack them. Three of the boys and I remained to pick. After pick- ing a short time we went up to the barn. There were three boxes on the rack. In the first were tomatoes which had not been sorted; in the next box were tomatoes that had been sorted and wiped; and in the third were tomatoes packed ready for market. This morning twenty bushels were sent over.

Leland Watson.

Vol. 10. No. 7.

Printed at the Farm School, Boston, Mass.

November, 1906.

Entered November 23, 1903, at Boston. Mass., as Second-class matter, under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894.

C!)c Ctacgates

Naar the centre and .south end of our Is- land tlia ground is very low and flat allowing tiie w-(ter to settle in these parts, and making mirshes, -vhich serve as very good breeding places for mosquitoes. Wooden tide-gates have let the surface water out at lov/ tide and kept the salt water from coming in at high tide. There are three sets of gates One is at tlie south e id draining the large marsh, one on tlie east side draining the orchard marsh, and one on the west, araining what was a small pond, by the storage barn.

The wooden tide-gates rotted so fast that naw ones of reenforced concrete were iiiade to replace them.

Early in the spring, a number of fellows under tlie instruction of Captain Dix began to build them.

First, wooden forms were constructed be- tween which concrete was laid to form the walls. For these forms, frames were made to nail the bearding on. Some good, straight spruce stock, two by four inches, was selected and cut in right lenglhs to form frames, the joints of which were securely fastened together. Bjards were nailed on these forms making them the right dimensions to form the walls of the gates.

Enough of these frames were made, so that the boarding could be nailed on substan- tially to withstand the pressure of the concrete when it was tamped in place.

After we had finished both inside and out- side forms we set them in place, levelling and bracing them so that the wall could be made true.

The concrete wa-; then mixed in the fol- lowing proportions: one of cement, two and s half of sand, and five of stone. When we had put enough of this concrete in the forms to make a foundation six inches deep, it was nec- essary to lay sections of Akron dr£.in pipe, twelves inches in diameter, at both ends of the tide-gate through which the water could flow to drain the ditches at low tide.

At this time we set vertical bars of twisted steel, about fourteen inches apart, in'o this foundation. These were the reenforcing rods which served to strengthen the walls. More concrete was then mixed and thoroughly tamped in place with iron tampers. This makes a good face and a solia wall. As the wall was built, horizontal bars of twisted steel were put in about a foot apart.

We used in the construction of the South End tide-gate nine barrels of Portland cement. This was enough to make a retaining wall seven feet long on each side of the gates, and also served as walls for the gates. The retaining wall is to hold the bank in place, and keep the dirt from falling into the ditches.

After we had put in all the concrete, it was allowed to remain for several days to hard- en. Then we removed the forms. The out- side form was constructed so that the walls would taper from a thickness of twelve inches at the base to about six at the top. The re- moval of the inner form made a well-space two feet wide, four feet long, and about eight feet deep. A cement floor was then laid be- low the bottom of the drain pipes.

Thfe gates themselves were made of two- inch spruce about four inches wider than the


hole of the pipe. One side of the gate is cover- ed with a piece of leather so as to make a good joint against the end of the drain-pipe- A lever is hinged to the gate at one end of this four-foot space, of sufficient length to reach the gate at the opposite end. The position of this lever is such that it can be driven down from above, forcing the two gates tightly against the Akron pipe to prevent the water from flowing in from the ocean as the tide rises.

On the top of the concete wall another lever was adjusted, connecting the lower one by means of a chain, so that the gates could be released and raised when it is necessary to drain the ditches. The gate is made long enough so that it can be raised from the top of the wall and guided in place by means of jambs which are bolted securely to the concrete wall with the anchor bolts we had placed in posi- tion, while the wall was in process of construc- tion.

A finishing coat of cement wash was then put on the outside and inside of the walls- This gave the face of the walls a smooth finish.

These gates are very serviceable, look well, are durable, and probably will never have to be replaced.

Louis P. Marchi.

tbe JIrt museum

During the first term of school, the first class studied Greek history in which we learned about Greek sculptors and painters. On Sat- urday afternoon, October twentieth, we visited the Art Museum of Boston to see representa- tions of this art. Some of the first things we saw were Grecian vases, most of which were pieced together. On these vases were Greek patterns and borders. In another room there was the Greek sculpturing. Among this were statues of their gods and goddesses such as. Zeus, Athena and Apollo, and also their noted orators and statesmen such as Demosthenes and Socrates. Besides these there were stat- ues showing men taking part in some of their favorite sports, which they took such pride in such as, "Throwing the Discus", "The Wres-

tlers" and the "Dying Gladiator". We also saw a representation of the Parthenon. To show the comparative size, a miniature man was standing between two pillars. In an adjoining room was a miniature Acropolis of Athens as it stands to- day showing the ruins of seme buildings and others that have been restored. On the side of the Acropolis were the amphitheatres hewn out of the solid rock. Around the walls of the same room was the bas-relief taken from the walls of the Parthenon. This showed the Athenians go- ing to war and also their triumphal return with their trophies. The next room we went into held Japanese carvings of different idols, many of them were no larger than a thumb nail. One of the most interesting sights to me was differ- ent things of glass made by the Germans. There were chessmen and checker-boards, orna- ments and boxes, Egyptian mummies and Greek money which was very old; and helmets, armor, swords and daggers, some of the handles of which were made of ivory and gold. In the picture gallery we saw many paintings by noted American painters, among them were Stuart's noted paintings of George and Martha Washing- ton. There were many of Copley's paintings and a number by Turner. We also saw beautiful pictures by foreign artists, among them was one of Corot's. There were many other interest- ing things we enjoyed looking at.

Leon H. Quinby.

Gathering Ceaoes

The leaves of the trees on our Island begin to fall about the middle of August, and from then until the snow comes the fellows pick them up and carry them off. Sometimes they carry them over to the bank and sometimes they carry them down to the barn to be used as bedding for the horses and cows. Quite often some other fellows and I are sent out to pick up these leaves. Often the leaves are very thick on the front lawn and sometimes on the tennis and croquet lawns. We work at this job from after breakfast till school time.

Roy D. Upham.


$idn$ of mintcr

The coming of winter is shown by different signs. The leaves on the trees are turning their colors, many of which are falling, leaving the trees bare. The different colored leaves make a very pretty sight to look at. The fruit in the orchard is being picked. Our vegetable products on the farm are being har- vested. Another sign is that the days and nights are getting colder, the nights longer and the days shorter. The squirrels are busy gathering their winter stock of nuts and acorns. The birds are going south.

Donald W. Roby.

mr, BurnDam's Crip

One evening, we had the pleasure of hear- ing about a trip to the Great Lakes and interest- ing things about some of the Western States told by one of our instructors, Mr. Burnham. He started from Boston and went through the state of New York to Buffalo. The house where Presi- dent IVIcKinley died is in this city. From Buffa- lo he went to Niagara Falls. Here Mr. Burn* ham took a car which is on the Niagara belt line. Many things of interest are seen on this route. This line takes a person around the Falls and over the rapids. Mr. Burnham went back to Buffalo and boarded one of the large steamers that ply between the Great Lakes. There are two that are for passengers and their baggage. The names of these vessels are the " Northwesf'and "Northland". The length of each is three hundred and eighty-six feet and the breadth forty-four feet. They carry over five hundred passengers and a crew of one hundred and ninety-five men. The first place of interest where they stop is at Cleveland, the most beau- tiful city of the Lakes. Here the boat stopped and took on coal. It took about five minutes to coal up. It stopped at Detroit to take on pas- sengers that come from the Southern States. The next interesting place is Mackinac Island. Here the two vessels pass each other. She next stops at Harbor Springs, a noted summer resort. A short stop is made at Milwaukee,

the Cream City, and at Chicago, the Metropolis of the West which is a great railroad center. Mr. Burnham had a very interesting trip, and it gave us great pleasure to listen to the descrip- tion of it.

Leonard S. Hayden.

Uliia Bira$

In the fall of the year, we can see large flocks of geese and ducks migrating southward. Sometimes the geese fly low enough to be heard but generally they fly high in the air, and all one can see is the letter V formation in which they fly. The first flock of geese I have seen this season flew by on September sixteenth. The ducks stop on their way and can often be heard near the waters around our Island.


f icia mice

One afternoon another fellow and I were sent to pull chickory, below the back road. While I was at work I saw a field mouse run through a trail in the grass. I fol- lowed the trail and came to a nest made of hay. I pulled the nest apart and found five young mice. I carried them to Mr. Bean and he told me to kill them. These field mice destroy corn and vegetables, so we kill all we find.

Clarence S. Nelson.


One evening it was my work to pull weeds on the bank near the east dike. I had been working about fifteen minutes when I looked to- wards Moon Head, and there I could see a rock, about half way from our Island, with something on it that looked like a boat tossing to and fro. When I looked again there was a sail boat heading for the object and when it got within fifty yards the object plunged into the water. It was then the thought struck me that it was a seal. They are around our Island very often, and many of the boys speak of seeing them. Frederick J, Wilson.


Cboiiip$on'$ Tsland Beacon

Published Monthly by the

FARM SCHOOL Thompson's Island, Boston Harbor.


Vol. 10. No. 7

November, 1906.

Subscription Price - 50 cents per year.



Alfred Bowditch


Henry S. Grew


Arthur Adams


Tucker Daland


Melvin 0. Adams i. Tucker Burr

Charles P. Curtis George L. DeBlois

Charles T. Gallagher Walter Hunnewell Henry Jackson, M. D.

Richard M. Saltonstall Francis Shaw

William S. Spaulding Thomas F. Temple

Moses Williams, Jr.

Charles H. Bradley


Treasurer's Address 50 State St.

Boston, Mass.

A haze on the fair horizon, The infinite, tender sky,

The ripe, rich tint of the corn-fields, And the wild geese flying high

And all over upland and lowland

The sign of the golden-rod

Some of us call It Autumn, And others call it God.

William H. Carruth.

Whatever name may be given to this time of the year, no one who keeps in touch with the glorious out-of-doors can help but feel its mys- terious beauty. It is a season of giving in por- portion to labor and all nature assumes a gala- day appearance for the occasion. She smiles at us from every forest and meadow, compeliirg us to admire her changing expressions and leaving for all, by the warmth and extravagance of her coloring, cheer and contentment thai we feel and would long remember.

Would it not sweeten our own lives srd those about us if we stored away some of this gladness we have inbibed from the season to enrich the bleak winter months which are be- fore us? The busy holidays are not far distant. Cannot we infuse into them some of this en- thusiasm? Then we should be able to perform our tasks with a more lightsome heart not dreading, as has been our wont, the troubles of to-inorrow, and next week, and next year. Can we not enter more into the work of the coming days as though we were born to the task of preforming a blithesome part in them? If we do not take joy with us we will never find it, and he who has formed a habit of looking at the bright, happy side of things who sees the the glory in sky, sunshine in the flowers, beauty and good in everything has a much richer life aiid is far happier than the traveller who passes them unseen.

Our minds ought not to be so crowded with cares as to leave no room for these things. In every life there are always trials, but it is the true man or woman who can meet them with a smiling face, and, drawing inspiration from


some hidden store, realize tliat anxiety, grief, and worry are the great enemies of existence, especially of the American people, and should be resisted as we resist a plague.

•'I saw a delicate flower grown up two feet high," said Thoreau, "between the horse's path and the wheel track. An inch more to the right or left, or an inch higher would have seal- ed its fate; and yet it lived to flourish as much as if it had a thousand acres of untrodden space around it and never knew the danger it incurred." May we not here see a lesson for us? The flower did not borrow trouble, nor invite an evil fate by apprehending it.

Let it be our duty, then, to radiate as much gladness as possible for it is, after all, the cheery person who is desired. It is now conceded that cheerfulness ought to go hand in hand with ability. Long ago we learned that the world did not care for our troubles, but only cheerful looks and actions were wanted. The source of this good cheer rises from pure thoughts and good ac- tions.

May the exhiliration of these autumnal days help us to cultivate more and more this spirit of joyousness, inspiring all that is best in our nature and filling our souls with music to which others will respond.


Oct. 1. Load of grain came.

Load of dressing from Walworth's.

Oct. 2. Load of dressing from Wal- worth's.

Frederick Hynes entered the School

Oct. 3. Last Visiting Day, 199 present.

Treasurer Arthur Adams and Manager I. Tucker Burr were here; also graduates Carl Wittig, Leslie Graves and Frank Miley.

Willis Good Citizenship Prizes, Grew Garden Prizes, and Adams Agricultural Prizes awarded. Exhibition of farm products, 40 va-

rieties of vegetables, roots and grains.

Oct. 4. Load of dressing from Wal- worth's.

I. Banks Quinby left the School to work in the printing-office of the Maiden Boys' In- dustrial Club.

Oct. 5. Began repairing the wharf.

Load of dressing from Walworth's.

Oct. 6. Shipped a calf.

Oct. 7. Rev. A. A. Smith of Reading, Mass. spoke to the boys.

Oct. 8. Harvested onions.

Magazines received from Mr. Duncan Russell.

Oct. 9. Shipped a calf.

Harvested beets.

Began plowing piece below play-ground.

Finished cutting and binding field corn.

Oct. 10. Harvested turnips.

Oct. 11. Began digging potatoes.

Covered tomato vines for fear of frost.

Oct. 14. A number of the boys went in town to church.

Oct. 15. Leslie R. Jones left the School to work for Barber & Stockwell, Cam- bridge, Mass.

Oct. 16. John J. Emory left the School to work for S. M. Spencer, Manufacturing Co. Boston, Mass.

Oct' 17. James L. Joyce entered the School.

Oct. 18. Harvested carrots.

Albert Dillon left the School to live with his mother.

Oct. 19. A number of the boys went to theFood Fair.

Finished digging potatoes.

Mr. Morse came to instruct the band.

Finished concreting walls to manure-pit.

Oct. 20. Members of the First Class visited the Museum of Fine Arts.

A number of boys went to the Food Fair.

Oct. 21. Sunday evening Mr. Burnham told us of his trip through the Great Lakes.

Oct. 22. A load of bran came. A Jersey bull-calf given the School by Mrs. Theodore Lyman.


Louis P. Marchi left the School to live with his mother and work for Walter H. Phil- lips, 43 Purchase St.. Boston.

Oct. 23. A load of bran came.

Graduates Harry Chase and Ralph Ingalls visited the School.

Oct. 24. H'arvested corn.

Winter's supply of flour came.

Oct. 25. Finished harvesting apples and pears.

Mr. Richard Humphrey gave the boys a talk on Dorchester.

Oct. 26. School closed for the day. Teachers attended Convention.

Oct. 27. Graded around cable booth at South End.

S. Gordon Stackpole left the School to live with his mother and work in Mr. Alfred Bow- ditch's office.

Oct. 29. Harvested mangles.

Oct. 30. Pulled cabbages and hung them in basement of stock barn.

Oct. 31. Hallow e'en party.

Finished plowing the piece that is below the play-ground for corn.

October meteorology

Maximum temperature 72. on the 26th. Minimum temperature 35. on the 31st. Mean temperature for month 53. 8. Total precipitation 3. 21 inches. Greatest precipitation in 24 hours 1.78 in- ches on the 9th.

9 days with .01 or more in. precipitation.

10 clear days, 13 partly cloudy, 8 cloudy days.

Total number of hours sunshine 182.

Tarm School Bank

Cash on hand Oct. 1, 1906. $462.04

Deposited during the month 75.29

$537.33 60.69


Withdrawn during the month Cash on hand Nov.!. 1906.


This year Hallow e'en was celebrated in the stock barn. At half-past seven in the even- ing we assembled and marched down there

where we found rows of benches placed beside piles of corn, which was to be husked. Some of the fellows were chosen to supply the rest with corn and carry the husks away. When a box was filled, it was taken to one end of the barn and the corn put in bags. After we had finished husking, we cleared the floor and moved the benches up close to the hay, and while we waited for the refreshments Miss Balch spoke about the origin and customs of Hallow e'en. She told us that Hallow was an old English word which meant holy and e'en meant evening. At one time this night was ob- served by the church. Then came the pumpkin pies, each one was supplied with the whole of a small pie. As soon as these had disappeared the drop-cakes and fig-bars came around. While the instructors hid ten pounds of mo- lasses kisses we waited outside the barn. When the doors were opened a rush was made for the hay, cut-feed machine and all parts of the barn where they could be hidden, as if we were rushing for a goal in football. After the kisses were found we were given directions to line up by the bran-room door to have our fortunes told. A line was formed along the side of the bran- room and each fellow went into a tent which was in the bran-room and had his fortune given him. As one fellow came out of the room another went in. As we entered the tent we discovered a pumpkin with red strings coming out of an opening in the top and behind the flap of the tent we found a witch dressed in red. She said, "Pull the string" and took the cover off the pumpkin. We pulled a string and got a card with our fortune on it. While our fortunes were being given some of the fellows were bob- bing for apples in a tub. Then pictures of a don- key, elephant and a girl were pinned on the wall. The object was to pin a tail on the donkey, a peanut in the elephant's mouth, and a shoe on the girl's foot. All this had to be done with a cloth tied over the person's eyes. A prize was given to the winners of each. Then came the potatoe race. Half of the fellows lined up on one side of the barn and the other half on the other side. Fifty potatoes were passed along


each line and put in a basket at tlie end. As soon as fifty were deposited in the basket they were started back again. The captains of each line received a prize. The side that Albert Beetchy was captain of received first prize. Another curious race v/as the raisin race. A raisin was strung in the center of a piece of string. One of these ends was given to one boy and the other end to another. Ttie string was taken in the mouth of each boy and he tried to get the raisin by taking the string into his mouth. The prize was the raisin. The next was a cracker race. A crack- er was to be eaten and "Yankee-Doodle" was to be whistled. A prize of another cracker was given to the winner. After the games were over the witch from an elevated place held up a placard with the picture of a black cat in a night robe carrying a candle and the words "good night" on it. We gave three cheers and then went to bed having heartily en- joyed our Hallowe'en party. Hallowe'en is one of the pleasant evenings in the year at the School and is always full of good cheer and we owe our thanks to Mr. Bradley and the instructors. Harold E. Daniels.

mr. l)umpbrcy'$ CalR

One Thursday afternoon, IVlr. Humphreys gave the fellows a lecture on Dorchester. First he showed us some of the things his par- ents used to own. He exhibited a doll that be- longed to his mother and said that it was the only doll she ever had. Mr. Humphrey said that Dorchester was a very old town. It was named after Dorchester, England. John White was its founder. He raised three hundred pounds for the settlers and preached his first sermon in 1629. At that time a minister was chosen by the vote of the town and church; for one hundred and eighty years it was this way. Mr. Humphrey then showed us a piece of apple tree planted by Peregrin White. A Puritan, Roger Clapp was associated with John White in the early settlement of the town of Dorchester which in 1640, extended over one hundred and sixty- two rods to Rhode Island and included many

towns. An old house stands in Dorchester in Edward Everett Square, it was built in 1640 and called the Blake House. It has recently been restored by the Historical Association as a place to hold its meetings. The first school committee was chosen in 1644, and here was founded the first mill, church, and school in Massachusetts Bay. Among the interesting relics was a spoon that came from under the old Matthews House and the cane that Mr. Humphrey's father had used in walking from Ticonderoga, New York, to his home in Dor- chester after he was released from prison.

Louis M. Reinhard.

Cbc Onion Piece

We have a large onion piece near the Farm House. It contains three quarters of an acre. In May, I helped plant the small, black onion seed. We used a planter, so the plants came up in long, straight rows. Then all sum- mer the plants were watered and kept weeded. When they got well started they were thinned. After this the soil was hoed between the rows. Then the onions were allowed to grow until it was time to harvest them. The other day I helped Mr. McLeod pull them. We pulled them all one morning and the next, and about two weeks later after they were dried, I helped pick them up. We got boxes from the barn and went to the field. There was a wagon over there, so as fast as we picked them up they were carted away. We picked about half of the onions that morning, and in the afternoon the fellows finished them.

Terrance L. Parker.


While at work one afternoon, I saw an owl. It stared at me a little while, then slowly flew away. The next day I saw two owls. They flew out towards the water, then circled around and perched on a tree. I tried to find them, but I couldn't. They were brown and I thought very large.

Ralph A. Whittemore.



Arthur M. Stygles, '95, has not been heard from since February 16. 1906. At that tim? he started out in a snow storm from a log- ging camp in the vicinity of Berlin N. H. to go to another camp. Searching parties were sent out and his father has since tried to find him, or his body, but with no success. A part of his luggage was found, but it is thought he must have got off the tri'.l and probably perished at some spot seldom travelled by any one. Tlie only hope is that possibly some hunter may discover the body.

Merton P. Ellis, '99, the genial secre- tary of the Alumni Association is a busy man these days. During tlie seven years that he has been with Thomas J. Hind, 19 IVlilk Street, Boston, he has steadily worked his way up from office-boy through various positions until now he is superintendent of concrete work, a position which takes liim throughout tlie state, or where- ever they have a contract.

Herbert E. Balentine, '00, is a first class machinist in the navy. He is, at present, stationed on the receiving ship Wabash at Charlestown. Herbert expects to enter the merchant service when his enlistment expires.

(ioind tor Bran

One Monday, a number of fellows made the scow ready to go for bran. We put planks in the scow and pumped out the water. Then the steamer, with the scow alongside of it, went to City Point for the bran. There, in waiting were two teams, one a one-horse team and the other a three-horse team full of bags of bran. The fellows then helped put the bran on board, two smaller fellows carrying one bag and the larger fellows one bag apiece. We returned to the Island, unloaded the scow and took out the planks. We got one hundred and ninety bags of bran which serve as food for the cows. They were all taken to the stock barn and were placed above the bran-room, to be used when needed.

Louis M. Reinhard.

:Rttcn(Iin9 CtiurcD

A number of Sundays during the year, the fellows have a chance to attend church in town with an instructor. Last Sunday, the boys of the first and third classes went to church. On the way we passed Dr. Bancroft's house, he came and joined our party. Members of the first class visited the Unitarian cl uicl ii South Boston, the third class went to ihe Philipps Congregational «nd heard the Fev. Frederick B. Richards. There were twenty- five of us who went there. We all sat in the four front pews. Mr. Gardner preached a iive- minute sermon for children about keepii g of the Sabbath Day. He said that Sundav sliculd be the day of all the week most looked forward to. In some families parents keep certain becks for their children to use only on this day. I'lie pastor said tliat children should consider th.e rights of others on Sunday ynd not by playing on the streets, destroy the peace ai:d quiet- ness which people who have woiked hard during the week wish to enjoy. The sermon which followed was taken from Mark 12: 31 the sub- ject being "Christ's Law of Social Service." After the sermon Mr. Richards and his wife shook hands with each boy. It v/as a beauti- ful Sunday, and we enjoyed the walk to City Point where the boat was all ready to carry us to our Island.

Percy Smith.

Boats Seen

From our Island we can see a number of boats that go in and out of Boston Harbor. We see sail boats of all kinds and sizes; launches, and steam yachts, Nantasket steam- ers, Gloucester steamers and the ocean liners. Most allot the sail boats are painted white. One of the Gloucester steamboats is painted white with a buff smoke-stack. T'le other one is painted black with a white cabin and a black smoke-stack. It is interesting to watch the different boats, and the fellows are on the look- out for them.

George A. Maguire.

Vol. 10. No. 8.

Printed at the Farm School, Boston, Mass.

December, 1906.

Entered November 23, 1903, at Boston. Mass., as Second-class matter, under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894.

Cottage Row Government






It has been the custom of our Government to set apart a day each year in which to give thanks to the Al- mighty God for the many blessings we have received and of prayer that these blessings may be continued.

Let us give thanks to God for the bountiful harvest of this year, for the good heaUh that we have enjoyed, and the opportunities we have had to widen our know- ledge, making us better fitted for this life and that which is to come. Let us be thankful for the many excur- sions and pleasures of all kinds that have been given us during the year. We are thankful for Cottage Row and 'its government which is training and encouraging us to become good and honest citizens in the world. Let us, now and always, be ever grateful for all that the Farm School, its Managers, and every one who is associated with it, are doing for our welfare.

Wherefore I, WILLIAM T. WALBERT, Jr., Mayor of Cottage Row, with the advice and consent of the Board of Aldermen, set apart Thursday, the twenty- nineth day of November, as a day of praise and thanks- giving to God for the many blessings bestowed upon us.

Given at the Farm School, this twenty-fourth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and six, the ninety-second year of our School, and the eighteenth year of Cottage Row.


By his Honor, the Mayor of Cottage Row, with the advice and consent of the Aldermen.



God save the Government of Cottage Row.

I)0W Ule Spent CDanksgivind

Whea we think of Thanksgiving, we think of it as a day of happiness because it always Is at our School. This Thanksgiving was no excep- tion to former ones.

A custom of Mr. Bradley's which has been observed for eighteen years, is to read the President's and Governor's Proclamation on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. This makes us feel thatthetimeofitscomingisnearathand.

Thanksgiving morning we awoke to find snow on the ground and the air clear and cold. Tb.ese conditions the boys enjoyed as it gave them an opportunity to have their first coasting.

After we had eaten a good breakfast we were dismissed. A number went to the gym- nasium, there to enjoy themselves by playing tag, doing stunts on the ladder, dancing and at various other sports.

A little before ten o'clock, bundles and boxes from the boys' relatives and friends were given to their owners. These the boys eagerly looked forward to receiving and enjoyed eating the sweets they contain. It was not long before the whistle reminded us that dinner was yet to be eaten. We all enjoyed the turkey, celery, turnip, squash, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, apples, figs, nuts, and raisins, a part of which was each boys' share.

One of the treats of the day was the enter- tainment which occurred in the afternoon. This was provided for the boys through the kindness of Mr. John T. Coolidge. The "Copley Square Concert Company" gave the entertainment which consisted wholly of music. The first number was a violin solo, a selection from the


"William Tell". This was encored by " Annie Laurie". Two of the xylophone solos were Sousa's selections and were familiar to the boys. Following this came a mandolin and guitar duet, selections on the bells, and a xylophone duet. This entertainment was heartily enjoy-- ed by all.

Then we were dismissed and the boys

spant the remainder of the day at games. By

bedtime we all felt that our Thanksgiving had

been one of the most pleasant days of the year.

Ernest C. Nichols.

Our ZDmU

Each year the boys are given an oppor- tunity just before Thanksgiving, to state their special reasons for thankfulness. The follow- ing are some of their expressions.

Advanced £ia$$

I am thankful that my mother and sisters are alive and well. I am thankful that 1 had the chance of coming to this School. 1 am thankful that I have finished the course in class- room work, blacksmith and sloyd. 1 am thank- ful, at this time of the year, that ! am not, as some boys are, out in the cold and without any place to go this winter. I am thankful for all the privileges 1 have received while at the School. I am thankful to those who have helped me in any way.

Horace P. Thrasher.

I am thankful tor the home I liave here at this School. I am thankful for an education. I am thankful for my many good relatives and friends. I am thankful that I have been taught about the Lord and the Bible. 1 am thankful for all that the Managers and Superintendent have given and done for me, while I have been at this SchooL

Foster B. Hoye.

Tirst Class

I am thankful for a great many things a- mong which are these: that i have a mother who is in good health, two brothers, two sisters, and a good teacher. I am glad 1 have iiad the chance to have the advantages of this School, and I am in the first class and have the chance

to finisii school next summer. I am thankful 1 am on the farm where I like to work; that 1 am in the band; that I own on a cottage and am an officer of our Government; that I sleep in the north dormitory wliere we have more privi- leges than the others. Also I am grateful for what the Managers ann Mr. and Mrs. Br?aley do for us. 1 am thankful that my friends and myself have good health. 1 am thankful for all God lias, and is doing for us.

Charles A. Graves.

As 1 have been ihinliiiig, I fir.d that 1 have many things to be thankful lor. 1 am tlianklul tliat God has kept my friends and myself in good health. 1 am also liiankful that 1 am in this School, for wh:at 1 have learned here, ar.d the clothes and food that are given me. 1 am grateful that 1 am not in the way of temptation that 1 might be in if I were not here. For the pleasures and enjoyments which 1 havehsd during last winter and this summer; the oppor- tunity of learning something about building construction and wood-work while working on the observatory, and learning about the weath- er instruments and many other things.

Harold E. Daniels.

I am thankful to God for my life and health, and that of my friends and relatives. Lam also thankful for my clothes, food, and education, and the many advantages which this School gi\es to the boys who come here.

John F. Nelson.

First of all, I am thankful that ! have a mother to love me. 1 am thankful that I have a good teacher. I am thankful that 1 have a good home, and for all its different opportunities. I am thankful that 1 have a brother and sister. I ain thankful that I have a warm bed to sleep in, and that we have a gymnasium in which I can have fun. I am thankful for the opportuni- ties of learning to play an inslrun:ent in the band. I am thankful for tlie many pleasure s we have had this summer, and that I 1 ad tl.e pleasure of visiting my friends. lam thankful for the education I am getting and that I came here. I anr thankful to God for all these blessings. WiLLiAivt A. Reynolds.


Second €la$$

I am thankful that 1 am in good health, and that my mother and sister are living. 1 am thankful ttiat I can learn different things each week. I am very thankful for the pleas- ures that I had last summer, and that every thing has gone on all right. I am thankful that 1 am in the band so that I can learn to play. Frank H. Machon.

I am thankful for everything God has given me; tliat I have a mother, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles. I am thankful God has pre- served their health. I am really thankful that this nation, in which I live, has such a good government, also that Moran was not elect- ed governor because I can see what harm would come to the state and perhaps the na- tion from it. I am thankful for lots of things 1 iiave that everyone does not have.

Alfred H. Neumann.

I am thankful that 1 am in good health. I am thankful that 1 have a good kind rnother, aunt, and grandmother, and that they are in good health. I am thankful that I have a good teacher. 1 am thankful that Mr. Bradley is in good health. I am thankful that 1 had so many pleasures last summer. I am thankful that I had the chance to go to see my friends. I am thankful that I am in the band, that I have something to wear, and that I have a house of shelter.

Herbert M. Nelson.

Chira CUss

I am thankful I have my brothers and sisters. I am thankful I have a good mother, i am thankful for the food and clothes I have. I am thankful for the good times and many other things that 1 have.

Terrance L. Parker.

I am thankful that my relatives and friends are well. I am thankful that there are so many good people interested in this School; tliat Mr. and Mrs. Bradley are well; and I am getting a good education. I am thankful for the things that are being done for me. 1 am also thankful for the heahh I have; that we have a good chance to get a start in the work some of us wish to follow; that when I am out in the world 1 can practice what I have learned here; that we are ready for the winter and have a supply of coal in. 1 am thankful that we have good teachers and Managers. I am thankful that we have so many pleasures and that God has given us all of these blessings. Louis L. Darling.

I am thankful 1 have a mother and father and other relatives who care for me. I am thankful that Gov. Guild was reelected. I am thankful for all Mr. Bradley has done for me. I hope, when I am a man, I shall appreci- ate fully what has been done for me. I am thankful to God for His many blessings.

Ernest N. Jorgensen.

Thanksgiving is the time more than others that we express our thanks. I am very thank- ful for many things. I am thankful that iny mother is alive and well. I am thankful for ail the Farm School has done for me. I am very thankful for all that Mr. and Mrs. Bradley and the instructors have done and tried to do for me. I am thankful for all that the Managers have done for this School. I am thankful that 1 have a good school teacher. I am thankful that it is very seldom that I am in the wrong grade. I am very thankful that God has watched over me so carefully.

Charles A. McEacheren.

The first thing I am thankful for is that I have a good mother. I am thankful for the education I am getting. I am thankful that I have had such good health the past year. I am thankful I live in the United States. I am thankful for the pleasures I have had this sum- mer. I am thankful for the good President we have. I am thankful that the twenty-nineth is Thanksgiving.

George J. Balch.


Cbonip$on'$ Island Beacon

Published Monthly by the

FARM SCHOOL Thompson's Island, Boston Harbor.


Vol. 10. No. 8

December, 1906.

Subscription Price - 50 cents per year.


dences of its existence. Nowhere do we find the attribute of thankfulness better expressed than in the ancient Hebrew poetry written by King David.

For over forty-four years the entire United States has followed the custom of commem- orating a special day of Thanksgiving, as first observed in our country by the Pilgrims.

At no season is it more fitting to pause and consider our Forefalliers and their cus- toms than now. As time goes on we reverence their memory more and more, not alone for what they actually accomplished, but for the spirit in which they v^^orked. Simplicity, loyal- ty to the truth, generousiiy and gratitude are among the virtues that held a prominent place in the character of these stalwart men and wo- men.

No wonder that we feel proud, and justly so, to be descendants of these righteous people whoin we now regard as the backbone of our nation. But how much more lienor would it be for us to possess the qualities which distinguish- ed them? In instituting a Thanksgiving Day the Pilgrims have left to us the gifts of rever- ence and gratitude, heirlooms that will never tarnish or need to be carefully stored away. Their possession and constant use,- not alore en Thanksgiving Day but on every other day of the year,- will be of greater value to their owner than

e i J 1. any material treasures. Superintendent ■'

The first Thanksgiving happened long ago, but out of it all our latter ones have grown. Let us remember that in spite of our bountiful dinner parties and happy family reunions, the The thankful spirit, which so peculiarly true Thanksgiving consists not only in perceiv- belongs to Thanksgiving Day, has long been jng blessings, but in recognition and humble ac- known to the human heart. Every one of us knowledgment of them, realizing they ccme has, and should have our moments of thankful- from the hand of an all-loving Gcd who gives ness. Among all people there has been evi- us the faith to believe, " We are living in the


Alfred Bowditch


Henry S. Grew


Arthur Adams


Tucker Daland


Melvin O. Adams

I. Tucker Burr

Charles P. Curtis George L. DeBlois

Charles T. Gallagher Walter Hunnewell Henry Jackson, M. D.

Richard M. Saltonstall Francis Shaw

William S. Spaulding Thomas F. Temple

Moses Williams, Jr

Charles H. Bradley

Treasurer's Address 50 State St

Boston, Mass.


world at the best time and in the best place. Eiirti";, air, and sea, minister to our needs as never before. The measures of knowledge are, with every year, unfolding before us in larger measure, and that life is becoming a greater, a richer, and a grander thing."


Nov. 1. Plowed field at North End.

Nov. 2. Letter Day.

Husked and drew corn.

Nov. 4. A number of the boys attended church in town.

Nov. 6. Hauled up sloop "Trevore."

Graded around tide-gate at South End.

Nov. 9. Hauled up sloop " WiNSLow."

Nov. 10. John LeStrange entered the School.

Nov. 1 1. Sunday. Rev. Clifton D. Gray of Dorchester addressed the boys.

Nov. 12. Finished concrete floor in manure-pit.

Nov 13. A package of magazines receiv- ed from Blodgett Clock Co.

Maps given to the School by Miss Jennie Mason.

"Dan," new horse came. Gift from Dr. Henry Jackson.

Nov. 14. Load of plaster came.

Mulched rhubarb, asparagus and strawberry beds for the winter.

Nov. 16. Repaired large farm cart.

Nov. 17. Several boys went to the thea- tre.

Nov. 20. Mr. William M. Flanders of Mar- tin L. Hall & Co., gave nuts and raisins for Thanksgiving.

Horse "Captain" humanly disposed of.

Load of lumber for wharf and manure-pit came.

Rowboat "Priscilla" painted.

Began putting manure into the manure-pit.

Nov. 21. Graduate William L. Snow vis- ited the School.

Nov. 22. Lawn seats revarnished.

Replaced a few planks in wharf.

Nov. 23. Two deer given by graduate Robert McKay.

Nov. 24. Graduate Albert Probert vis- ited the School.

Rugby game between fellows of the North and West dormitories. Score 0 to 0.

Nov. 25. Sunday. Rev. James Huxtable of South Boston addressed the boys.

Graduate Carl L. Wittig visited the School.

Nov. 26. Graded around manure-pit.

Nov. 27. Gordon G. Maclntire and George M. Holmes entered the School.

Nov. 29. Thanksgiving Day. Entertain- ment by Copley Square Concert Co.

Treasurer Arthur Adams visited the School.

Mrs. C. M. Warren as usual sent a gift of Thanksgiving pies.

Nov. 30. . Banked root-cellar and Farm House with seaweed.

noocmbcr meteorology

Maximum temperature 66. on the 1 8th.

Minimum temperature 24. on the 29th.

Mean temperature for month 41.6.

Total precipitation 2. 43 inches.

Greatest precipitation in 24 hours .65 in- ches on the 15th.

14 days with .01 or more inches precipita- tion.

7 clear days. 10 partly cloudy, 13 cloudy days.

Total number of hours sunshine 122.

Jam School Bank

Cash on hand Nov. 1, 1906. Deposited during the month

Withdrawn during the month Cash on hand Dec. 1. 1906.

$476.64 17.79

$494.43 36.95



f ourtD Cwss

I am thankful that I have not been sick this year and am in good health. 1 am thankful that 1 get enough to eat and a good place to sleep. I am thankful that I am getting a good educa- tion. I am thankful that I have a good mother and that I can see her six times a year. 1 am thankful that I have the chance to write what I am thankful for.

Elmer Bowers.

I am very thankful that only one of my nearest relatives has past away lately. I am also grateful for what is being done for me in the line of health, manual training, industry, and conduct. I am also thankful that my brothers are with me to share my blessings and that my dear mother is in good health.

J. Hermann Marshall.

I am thankful 1 have a good home. I am thankful I am getting a good education and that I am working on the farm and in sloyd. I am thankful 1 am in the band, and for the pleasures 1 have had in the past year. I am thankful for the food and clothing which have been given me in tlie past year. 1 am thank- ful I have my health. I am thankful 1 have a good aunt who writes ms letters. 1 am thank- ful that all my friends have had their liealth in the past year.

Spencer S. Profit.

I am thankful there is such a place as the Farm School. I am thankful for the many privileges that we have. I am thankful that God takes care of us all. We should always be thankful that we have work. I am also thankful for the Sunday School and church. 1 am thankful for the things that are given me. Everybody should be thankful for the trees and and birds, and I think we should be thankful for many other things.

Frederick Hynes.

?ifth €la$$

i am thankful that the boys go on so many trips. I am thankful that Mr. and Mrs. Bradley can go on a vacation. I am grateful that there is a good place like the Farm School.

I am thankful the boys have so many privileges. I am thankful that we'have so many entertain- ments. I am grateful that 1 am on the farm. 1 am thankful for the education I am getting at the School. I am thankful that we have six Visiting Days in the year. I am thankful that 1 have a brother at the School. 1 am thankful that I have a garden. I am thankful that 1 have a mother. 1 am thankful that I have some good friends at the School. I am thsnkful that God is taking care of me. I am thankful tliat we get a cent for catching a rat. I am thankful that 1 can go to school. 1 sm thai k- ful that I get enough to eat and drink. I am thankful tliat I am a citizen of Cottage Row. I I am thankful tliat tne curator of Cottage Row lets me take the Guinea-pigs.

Laurence C. Silver.

I am thankful I have a sister. 1 am thank- ful I can go to school. 1 am thankful I have some good clothes. I am thankful I have a house to live in. I am thankful I get plenty to eat. 1 am thankful I have some good friends. 1 am thankful 1 am cow-fellow.

Roy D. Upham.

I am thankful that I have a mother, a brother and sister. 1 am thankful 1 am on the farm and in the sloyd class.

John C. Holmes.

One Use of Stones

In making concrete walls and floors we use a great many stones for filling in between the forms. We use these stones to be eco- nomical, and also to strengthen the work. When stones are wanted I sometimes get them. I take a horse and wagon and drive along the beach, filling the cart with stones about the size . that is needed for the job. In making walls we use stones about six inches by four incliesor as near these dimensions as 1 can find. In mak- ing concrete floors, we use stones all of which are not more than three inches thick and about a foot long. We use this kind because it covers more space, and therefore does not require so many of them.

William F. O'Conner.


n dial

Among the officers of Cottage Row are a Chief-of-pjlice and his squad of patrolmen. These are appointed to see that tlie laws, or or- ciinances, are CcV ied out. Tiiete iias been a n = w law passed by the aldermen that, "No boy sliali tliroA' rubbisli on, or about, the Island." Visiting Day afternoon the boys were careless andbrjke this law. There was a warrant made out and twelve boys were arrested. One Sat- urday night the citizens of Cottage Row gathered in the chapel to hold the trial. Tables and chairs were placed in order, as in a court room, at the front of the hall, and the clerk, lawyers, and officers took their seats. After the court was called to order, nine jury-men were impanelled by Judge Thrasher and took seats at the front of tlie room. The culprits and the government each had a lawyer. The culprits' names and cliarges were read off by the clerk. The wit- nesses were called up and the juage asked them if they would solemnly promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and so help Cottage Row. If so, they were to raise their right hand and say " 1 do'". Then the boys were sent to their seats. Each boy was call- ed up and tried separately. After they were all questioned the jury retired to decide whether or not they were guilty of the offense; and returned with the verdict of three guilty. These were sentenced to pick up refuse on the grounds for a week. Then two boys were brought 'to trial be- fore a new jury for teasing the raccoons, and were both found guilty. Their sentence was to help the cirator of Cottage Row for a week. Anoth- er boy was brought to trial for disputing with the patrolmen about breaking an ordinance, but he pleaded not guilty and was dismissed. As all the business of the court had been finisiied, the session was adjourned.

Theodore M. Fuller.

Cider flppks

Some of the apples of our orchard we use for making cider. One day another fellcw ar.d myself were told to pick up these cider apples. After we got the apples picked up under one

tree we would start to clear the ground under another one. The names of the apples that we picked up are: Baldwins, Greenings, North- ern Spy, Fallwater, and Tclman Sweets. The mixture of the juices from these varieties iTiake a cider wliicli has a pleasing taste. We picked a number of bushels of these apples and put them in the storage barn in barrels, to make cider.

Henry G. Eckman.

ZnHm Oown Crccs

West of the main building, lying between the two main avenues, is a grove. At one time the trees in this grove were mostly spruce and oak, but as these trees died they were cut down and others were put in their places. Along the edge that borders the front avenue, were a number of large spruce trees that have been standing a great many years. As these grew older the lower limbs died, and not only spoiled the looks of the trees, but^also the looks of the grove. It was decided to take them out, also a number of scrub oak which were dying and were too near other trees. We first dug the dirt away from the roots and then cut off as many of the roots as we could reach. When this was done we tied a rope around the upper part of the trunk and a number of fellows pulled on it until we pulled it over. When the tree was down the branches were cut off and carried away, and the trunk was taken to the wood-pile. After it had been carried away, the hole which had been made by removing it, was filled in with loam and grass seed planted. Maple trees are being planted in some of these places.

Thomas Carnes.

Rat Craps

The other day rat traps were given out again. We all got into a line and Mr. Beane gave a trap to each fellow who wanted one. When I had my choice, the trap I wanted was a cage trap, but it was not there, so I took an Erie trap. I set my trap on the road near the manure pile. I have had my trap two days and have caught two rats. I will get a ceint apiece for them.

Frederick J. Barton.



Henry O. Wilson, '89, on going West in January, 1904, worked a while in Arkansas then in Oregon, and is now on a wheat farm in Walla Walla, Washington. Henry says he was married in May, 1905, that they have a girl baby, white-headed like himself, and that they are all happy.

John F. Barr, '91, formerly with IVlr. E. W. Bowditch, landscape gardner, is now in the Civil Engineering Department of the town of Winchester.

William I. Peabody, '91, is with the Lone Star Oil Co., Houstan, Texas. He has recently been given entire charge of that com- pany's business in Houstan.

Daniel W. Murray, '03, is still with the Regal Shoe Co., at East Whitman. Dan writes in his usual happy mood and says he is in good health and is happy out in the country.

Robert McKay, '05, arrived November twenty-third from the Maine woods bringing with him as a present to the School, two fine deer which he shot the week before, one a buck with eight prongs to his horns, the other a doe. Bob doesn't forget any of us and the venison is al- right. He intends to secure employment about here for the winter and go back to the Maine camps after the Sportsman Show in April.


Every morning at five o'clock the watch- man awakens the milkers. We wash and then go down to the barn, take our stool and pail, and milk our regular cows. Each milker has six or seven cows to milk. When we get through milking one cow, we weigh the milk and write the amount on the milk report. A pound is one pint. We get through milking at quarter of six every morning. In the afternoon, assoon as school is dismissed at five o'clock, we milk again. We finish at about quarter of six. I like being a milker very much.

Harold L. Marshall.

J\ f)ms 6oni?cr$dtion

The other day I happened to start a con- versation with a friend of mine, about the place where I used to live. It was in a country town in New Hampshire. I found that he lived there at one time. It seemed nice 1o talk of our old home once more. We were talking of the places where we use to fish and pick ber- ries and all things that we enjoyed. We were wondering how our friencs were. We hope that they are well and that we may see them again sometime. Albert M. DeWolf.


For several weeks the sloyd class instead of going to sloyd, go over to the observatory to work. Shingling is one of the things to be done. The instructor in charge takes the chalk and chalk line and makes a line for us to go by. Two fellows work together, one lays the shirgles for the other fellow to nail on. The shingles are laid on in rows seven inches apart. Most of the fellows did not know how tosiiingle when we first went over there, so Capt. Dix showed us how.

Frederick W. Marshall.


Let me but do my work from day to day In field or forest, at the desk or loom, in roaring market-place or tranquil room;

Let me but find it in my heart to say,

When vagrant wishes beckon me astray, *'This is my work, my blessing,

not my doom: Of all who live, 1 am the one by whom

This work can best be done, in the right way."

Then shall I see it not too great or small To suit my spirit and to prove my

powers; Then shall 1 cheerful greet the laboring hours, And cheerful turn, when the long shadows fall At eventide, to play and love and rest, Because I know for me my work is best. Dr. Henry Van Dyke.

Vol. 10. No. 9.

Printed at the Farm School. Boston, Mass.

January, 1907.

Entered November 23, 1903, at Boston. Mass.. as Second-class matter, under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894-.

Jliumni Dinner

The first dinner of tlie Farm School Alumni Association, which was held at tlie Copley Square Hotel, Boston, on Thursday evening, December 13. will long be remember- ed as the most interesting and successful gathering of the Alumni. The graduates, old and young, turned out in force, and a spirit of loyalty to the School, and pride in its work and purpose, were manifested during the evening. The testimony of many of the older graduates shed a new light upon the achievements of the School, in its work of educating the boys. Throughout the whole evening's exercises there was a note of pride on the work of the School, and a spirit of general hopefulness for future efforts and results, which was most gratifying to all present.

The Dinner illustrated the power which a wall organized and enthusiastic Alumni can ex- ert in behalf of any School. It gives the Board of Managers more encouragement to find a hearty cooperation on the part of the graduates of the School, and, while there has been no question as to the loyalty of the Farm School Boy, the strength of the sentiment shown at this Dinner, gave the Managers, the Superintendent and all the friends of the School, renewed confidence for the work that is yet to come.

Tne tables were pleasingly decorated with flowers, the School colors being represented by a boutonniere of the corn flower and the coreop- sis at each plate. These, with boquetsof large crysanthemums, gave a very attractive appear- ance. Another feature that added to the suc- cess of the evening was the Astrella orchestra

which rendered music for the pleasure of the fifty-five persons present.

During the evening two graduates called, thus showing their interest in the Association, although they were prevented from remaining on account of their work.

Mr. Clarence W. Loud, the newly elected President of the Farm School Association, pre- sided at the Banquet, and in his opening re- marks congratulated the Alumni on having come together in such numbers at the first Dinner. He then introduced as toast-master, Mr. Thomas J. Evans, one of the senior grad- uates of the School. Mr. Evans is now a manufacturers' agent at Brockton where he is charged with responsible duties of adjusting difficulties which arise, from time to time, between the great shoe manufacturers and their employees. Mr. Evans presided with great tact and gracefully introduced the speakers.

Mr. Alfred Bowditch, President of the Board of Managers, was the first speaker of the evening. Mr. Bowditch urged the grad- uates to have more frequent meetings, and in practical remarks dwelt upon the value of such meetings as this. He also referred, in a rem- iniscent way, to the interest which his family, for many years, has taken in the graduates as well as the pupils of the School.

Mr. Arthur Adams, Treasurer of the School, told of the keen interest which has aroused in him since his association with the Farm School, as also did Mr. Tucker Daland, Secretary of the Board.

Manager Melvin O. Adams spoke of the good training that boys received on the farms in New England communities and brought home

2 *


the comparison of the Farm School, which, located at the very gates of a great city, is giv- ing its scholars the same sort of education and training that boys receive in the country.

Manager Charles P. Curtis gave a most interesting account of a recent trip through the West, and spoke of the opportunities that agri- culture afforded to young men. His reference to this situation of affairs, as it had come under his personal observation, were particularly interesting in view of the work of the Farm School in fitting boys to undertake the work of modern, scientific farming.

Manager Charles T. Gallager, in his re- marks impressed the Alumni, Managers, and guests alike with ihe impoitance of the School work, its achievements and the prospects for is future, through the cooperation of the Alum- ni, the Managers, and the administrative force.

The most humorous speech was that of Dr. Frank E. Allard who told of the old days at the Farm School when the equipments were small and the methods crude as compared to the present ones. His remarks brought out, in strong relief, the forward steps that have teen taken in bringing the School up to its present standard.

Mr. J. R. Morse also made a most interest- ing comparison of past and present days in the School. Mr. Morse's remarks showed a con- nection between the old and new, as he has been for many years familiar with the School and has observed from time to time, the progress and changes which have been made in the equipment and plan of the School, as modern ideas and methods have be been introduced.

One of the most impressive speeches of the evening was that made by one of the grad- uates, Mr. Richard Bell. He told of the value of the School to him, and rendered his personal tribute to the School and its Managers for the training and education he had received at the Farm School, fitting him to make his way in the world to that success which has been his.

Remarks were also made by the Alumni Treasurer Herbert W. French, Secretary

Merton P. Ellis, Ex. President George Buchan, James A. Cross and Superintendent Charles H. Bradley.

Before the Dinner, the annual meeting of the Farm School Alumni Association took place and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

President, Clarence W. Loud, 28 State St. Secretary, Merton P. Ellis, 19 Milk St. Treasurer, Herbert W, French, 1 17 Milk St.

Sevsn new members were admitted to the Association making a total of one-hundred and twenty-seven. The Association voted to pre- sent the usual Alumni gold medal to the School', to be given to the scholar showing the highest record of good scholarship during the year. This custom of the Alumni Association of giving his gold medal, is appreciated by the pupils and encourages them to greater efforts.

Bn Entcrtaintncttt

One evening an entertainment was given by Messrs. Giles and Wheeler. The curtain was lifted, showing the ir.side of a room. Mr. Giles came on the stage and told us the order of the programme. He then recited some comic selections, imitating the voices of men ar.d women.' This was followed by a farce called, " My Yankee Cousin". Mr. Giles represented the nephew and played the part of sn English dude. Mr. Wheeler acted the part of a country uncle. The nephew had been sent to the uncle's farm to break him of tiie desire to go on the stage. The uncle was disgusted with him at first, but finally found, by pretending to be a cousin, that the boy was only playing the part of a dude to plague him. After this came funny songs and sayings by Mr. Wheeler.

The evening's fun was ended by a farce called the "Widow's Proposals". Mr. Giles was dressed up as the widow, and men came into see her. Mr. Wheeler took the part of the different men. Instead of the men proposing to her, she did the proposing. When we were dismissed we felt better for the many laughs we had that evening.

Leon H. Quinby.


Che Tirst Jam School iSiumni Dinner at £opky Square l)Otel, OeccmDer n, 1906.

Reading from left to right, those standing are:

Herbcri A. Hart, John E. Bete, John A. Butlrick, Albert Probert, Albert H, Ladd, Ernest Curley, Don C. Clark, Robert McKay, William N. Dinsmoie, William Davis, Frank [. Lombatd, John H. B irnliam, Secretary ot the Ass'n. Merton P. Ellis, Ex. President Gsorge Bucl)an. 5. Gjrdon Stackpole, Thomas Brown, Clifford M. Pulson, Edward L. Davis, Ciiarles F. Spear, George Burke, Charles W. Russell, Charles E. Liltlefield, John T. Lundquist, H. Champney Hughes, Those sitting in rear are:

Norman Morse, Dr. Frank E. Allard, Manager Charles P. Curtis, Manager Melvin 0. Adams, Treasurer of the Ass'n. Herbert W. French, Manager George DeBlois, Secretary, of the Farm School Tucker Daland, President of the Farm School Alfred Bowditch, President of the Ass'n. Clarence W. Loud, Thomas J. Evans, Superintendent Charles H. Bradley, Treas- urer of the Farm School Arthur Adams, Rev. James Huxtable, Charles W. Matthews, Alfred C. Malm. Those sitting in front are:

William A- Morse, Almah L. Dix, Dr. W. B. Bancroft, Charles H, Bradley, Jr.' Frederick N. Frasier, Charles H. Brigham, Alden B. Hefler, Band master John R. Morse, Henry M. Stokes, Richard Bell, Ernest B. Favier, James H. Graham, William L. Snow.

The following were present but not in the picture: Manager Charles T, Gallagher, Joseph J. Colson, James A. Cross, William F. King.


Cbompson's Tsland Beacon

Published Monthly by the

FARM SCHOOL Thompson's Island, Boston Harbor.


Vol. 10 No. 9

January. 1907.

Subscription Price - 50 cents per year.



Alfred Bowditch


Henry S. Grew


Arthur Adams


Tucker Daland


Melvin 0. Adams

1. Tucker Burr

Charles P. Curtis George L. DeBlois

Charles T. Gallagher Walter Hunnewell Henry Jackson. M. D.

Richard M. Saltonstall Francis Shaw

William S. Spaulding Thomas F. Temple

Moses Williams, Jr.

Charles H. Bradley


Treasurer's Address 50 State St.

Boston, Mass.

Once each year we are forcibly reminded of the greatest of all gifts ever given to the world, the Christ Child.

In these days of universal Christmas ob- servation it i.s not out of place for us to pause

and ask ouiselves the question, "What does Christmas mean to me?" Does it meansimply the i^uying of presents to be exchanged with others of eqjal value? Is the Day sometimes remembered by a childish disappointment occa- sioned by not receiving the kind of a gift we had anticipated from some special person? Does tlie Christmas season serve cnly to biirg to us a fuller consci.^usness o( our limited time and. above all, of the extent of our purses that we de- sire to have well filled, especially at this season? Does Christmas time mean to some of us that tliere are so many hurried, discordant sounds witnout, that we fail to hear the joybells in our own hearts telling us that the birthday of the Christ is here?

Or. does Christmas mean to us an occa- sion, more than all others, when we forget our- selves and our cares and enter with joy and merriment into" the spirit of the day? When the kindly word and happy smile make glad the heart of childhood and we are one wiih them as they recite the simple story of the inanger and the shepherds? Does the season of "Peace on earth, good will to men" mean to us the forgetting of old grievances, and the hap- py remembrance of friendships formed long ago?

Does Christmas mean to us that we have learned the lesson, "That happiness does not come in with the gifts that are bestowed upon us? It comes in when we open the door and let ourselves out to others; as we pass out of the rooms in which we live, and are so occupied with the interests and happiness of others that we forget ourselves, happiness comes in, and when we return, it meets us smiling on the threshold."

The Christmas season means to each ac- cording to the importance we attach to the com-


ing of the Christ Child. Wonderful may be the Manager George L. DeBlois visited the

transforming power of Christmas! If we have School.

mad3 the rightuse of the occasion, we have been Dec. 23. Sunday. Chrislmas concert.

, , , ., , Dec. 24. Beginning of school vacation- annD:nted for the new year upon wliose thresh- old we now stand.

Mr. James VI Gleason gave ten dollars toward our Christmas pleasures.

"^•^5 Dec. 25. Ciuistmas tree in the morning

Dec. 1. George Maguire left the School Minstrel show provided by Treasurer

to work for R. G. Dunn & Co., 3 Winthrop Arthur Adams in the afternoon.

Square, City. Treasurer Arthur Adams, Manager Charles

Dec. 3. Winter shirts were given out. P.Curtis, Dr. W. B. Bancroft and Merton

(Winter suits were given out November p. Ellis spent the day with us.

second.) Manager Charles P. Curtis gave the School

Dec. 4. William J. White entered the a barrel of Malaga grapes and a box of oranges.

School. Dec. 26. Put new composition bolts in

Two and three-fourths tons of grain came. steamer's skeg.

Dec. 5. One and one-quarter tons of Dec. 27. Three cows returned from

oats came. Manager Francis Shaw's farm in Wayland.

Dec. 7. Letter Day. Dec. 28. Graduate Robert H. Bogue

Blacksmith shoed horses. visited the School.

Watch caps given out made of the School's Dec. 29. Graduate Leslie R. Jones vis- colors, ited the School.

December meteorology

lean temperature for month 28. 2.

■D3C. 10. Ciiarles A. IVlcEacheren left the School to live with his mother in North Rustico, Prince Edward Island. Maximum temperature 54 on the 1st.

Put winter sheathing on steamer. Minimum temperature 3 on the 8th.

Dec. II. Rev. A. T. Kempton gave a stereopticon lectuie on ".Hiawatha".

William B. Laing entered the School. Total precipitation 3. 49 inches.

Dec. 13. Lined up shafting in shop. Greatest precipitation in 24 hours 1.23

First Alumni Dinner of the Farm School 5^^,^^^ ^.^ ^1^^ 3,^t_ Graduates held at Copley Square Hotel.

Dec. 15. Christmas box of Downey's chocolates received from Mr. Richard Bell.

12 days with .01 or more inches precipita- tion.

Dec. 16. Graduate Carl L. Wittig visit- 6 clear days. II partly cloudy. 14 cloudy

ed the School. daysT

Dec. 17. Sent seven cows to Brighton.

Dec. 18. Seven cows came from East ^i-fQ,-i_ First snow on the 9th.

Dec. 19. Entertainment given by Messrs. Walter C. Gile and George A. Wheeler.

Dec. 20. Two tons of gluten came. q^^^^ o,, ,^and Dec. 1. 1906 $457.48

Outside windows put on main building. Deposited during the month 58.12

Received from Mr. C. S. Tenney one box

Total number of hours sunshine 90.

Jutm School Bank

$515.60 33.56

Dec. 22. President Alfred Bowditch and Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1907 $482.04

of oranges, a box of nuts, and two boxes of figs

, ^1 . , Withdrawn during the month 33.56

for Christmas. '^


Concert Programme

Song Choir

Sing Glory Prayer ^^- Thompson

Recitation William Foster

We Greet You

Roll Call Class

Song Choir

Song And Light

\ Leon Quinby Recitation -^ George Balch

The Wondrous Star Recitation Frederick Webb

Christmas Angels Song Choir

Arise Recitation Herbert Watson

If the Christ Child Came Exercise Class

The Message of the Bells

Song Choir

The Angels' Song

Recitation Ernest Jorgensen

Kindly Thought

Recitation Leland Watson

Christmas Morn Song Choir

0 JuDAH, Take Thy Harp Recitation Frederick Barton

Christmas Exercise Class

Trimming the Christmas Tree Recitation Philip May

Joe Song Choir

Shine On Exercise Class

The Making of Christmas

Remarks Mr. Thompson

Remarks Mr. Bradley

Song Choir

Ring Out the Tidings

eiping Out Dew Caps

Every spring and fall the fellows receive new caps. A short time ago Mr. Bradley came into the dining-room at noon and told the boys that their winter caps had arrived. They were

watch caps made in the School's colors, yellow with a blue border and tassel. As v,e marched out from the dining-room Mr. Beane handed each fellow one. There were not quite enough to go around that day, but some inore came later so that each fellow has one. They show up very well as we stand in line with them on. We like our caps very much because they keep us warm and stay on well.

Christian Field.


Two years ago Mr. Kempton gave a sler- eopticon lecture on "Evangeline" at ilis School. It was very interesting and we hoped to have the opportunity of listening to another one from him some time. Tuesday, December eleventh, we had the pleasure of a lecture on " Hiawatlia" given by Mr. Kempton, while Mt,s. Kempton took charge of the lantern.

Mr. Kempton first told us the history of the Ojibway Indians. He had the pleasure of visiting these Indians on the shores of Lake Erie, and was told of their corquests and cus- toins. An Indian becomes of age when lie shoots his first deer and gets it ready to eat without any help. He then told us tiie main points of Hiawatha!'s life, and said that in the summer the Indians play "Hiawatha" in the open air every day, and follow the story of Longfellow's poem. They look up to Hiawa- tha the same as we do to Christ. According to their myth he disappeared from the earth at about the same year of his life that Christ as- cended.

All of Mr. Kempton's views were taken from life. He showed us pictures of Hiawatha as a boy, and of him shooting his first deer. Then followed pictures of Minnehaha, the daugh- ter of the Arrow Maker and the wife of Hiawa- tha, the death of Minnehaha, Hiawatha's fight with Mudjekeewis and Hiawatha's departure from earth. We were shown a picture of Longfellow which seemed very natural. After we had seen many other beautiful pictures, we went to bed, having passed a very pleasant even- ing and learned many things of interest con- cerning the Indians. Philip S. May.


Cbe Pleasures of £bri$tma$ Day

Ciuistmas morning dawned cold and gray and before the Day was over we had a typical Cliristmas Day with its snowstorm; but inside was plenty of Christmas cheer.

The first pleasure of Christmas Day looked forward to by the boys is wishing each other a "Merry Christmas". Each fellow tries to be the first to make the wish.

After breakfast we settled down for a short time to do the necessary work. At ten o'clock we assembled in the chapel to receive our gifts. In the front of the room stood a large tree well laden with presents, and in back of it, piled on the floor, were the boxes and bundles sent to us by our relatives and friends. Two of our Managers, Mr. Adams and Mr. Curtis, and Dr. Bancroft were wifh us to share our Ciiristmas fun.

As Mr. Bradley was about to distribute the gifts, sleigh bells were heard outside and a small Santa Claus came out from the fire-place to help in the distribution. Each boy received a present from the School, and many of them re- ceived packages from their friends. Mr. Adams, Dr. Bancroft, and many of tlie instructors re- ceived comical presents, causing considerable laughter. The presents were followed by the usual gift from Mr. Richard Bell, of a box of Lo\vney's chocolates for each fellow. The boys were given time to exarnine their presents, and those who wished to put them away, were allowed to do so.

Then we assembled in the dining-room for a good Christmas dinner. We were given nuts, oranges, and figs by Mr. Tenney, an uncle of one of the boys, and Malaga grapes and oranges were given to us by Mr. Curtis. After dinner, the time was ours to amuse ourselves as we chose until two o'clock.

A short time ago Mr. Adams, who kindly furnishes us with our Christmas entertainment, gave us the privilege to select the kind we wish- ed. The majority of the fellows voted to have a minstrel show, so this was decided upon.

The boys eagerly looked forward to this entertainment, and at two o'clock Christmas

afternoon tiiis long anticipated minstrel show started. We were entertained by Mr. William F. Doiiagan and his troop of colored people, "Dose happy people of de South as dey were before de War."

They sang some very funny-songs such as: " Whriii Aunt Dinah's Pickaninnies Harmonize"^ "Possum Pie", "There's a Warm Spot in My Heart for You", ana" So You're Going to Leave tlie Old Home, Jim" amid great ap- plause. The jokes cracked by the end-men were appreciated very much by us, especially those that hit on Thompson's Island.

When we were dismissed at five o'clock we all felt that we had spent a pleasant after- noon. We retired at seven o'clock tired, but having spent a very happy day.

WiLLiAivi A. Reynolds.


One of the jolliest sports of winter, which the boys look forward to with great pleasure, is skating. When the pond needs flooding, Mr. Beane ge^ts a few boys to help him stretch the hose from the hydrant, near the barn, down through the orchard to the pond. The place that is flooded is a marsh, near the storage barn. From this marsh there is a tide-gate made of concrete to let the water out. When it is flooded, it makes a very large pond. One after- noon when 1 came back from the trip, which the steamer made, 1 went skating. When I had on my skates I started off to join the other boys. I had not been skating long when Mr. Thompson, who is our minister and a very nice man, came down with his skates. When he had them on, and was skating around, one of the boys suggested a game of tag. Mr. Thompson entered in the game and we all enjoy- ed it very much. The game lasted a long time. At the end of the afternoon, when the ice was getting pretty well cut up and becoming soft, Mr. Beane, with the help of a few boys, relaid the hose and started flooding the pond once more. We skated until stopped by the water coming on the ice.

Joseph A. Kalberg.



Walter E, Cleary, '93, is ill at the Pembrooke Sanitorium, Concord, N. H. Walter was taken sick a year ago last November on his return from Denver, and went to Concoro in May last. He is up and about most of the time, and although he feels that he has not im- proved very much, lie thinks he is holding his own and has a fighting chance. His letter was cheerful and in good spins and showed that Walter had not lost any of his old-iime happy nature. No doubt he would like to hear from more of his old friends. We most ear- nestly wish for his complete recovery.

Frederick P. Thayer, '04, is still with T. W. Ripley & Co., 181 Devonshire Street, where he went on finishing School, and where he has been steadily advancing in skill and in efficiency with increasing pay. The firm has recently put in a type-caster, and selected Fred to learn its use with a view of his having charge of the machine and teaching others. It is Fred's ambition to become one of the first in his line of business and certainly he is on the right track. He lives with his mother at 937 Massachusetts Avenue.

William C. J. Frueh, '05, is in the ma- chine shop of the N. Y. N. H. & H. Railroad. He writes of his work, his church and the enter- tainments he has attended. In the last debate of his Sunday School class, it was decided that the country makes better citizens than the city. William is working on a lathe and likes it very much. He lives with his mother in Jamaica Plain.

Albert L. Sawyer, '06, writes in his usual bright and hopeful spirit. He is interest- ed in his work and in those with whom he is asso- ciated. In his spare moments he is taking up surveying, and with his friend, Mr. Smith, he has at odd times, been building an incubator house with concrete walls and floor. He sends a pic- ture of the house and workmen. He is an office-boy in New York City, and lives at Harrington Park, New Jersey.

Christmas Concert

It is a custom of our School to have a con- cert every Christmas. This year, as in years past, the chapel was decorated for the occasion. A stage was erected with a curtain in front. On the sides of the stage, evergreen trees were placed. In the back-ground, against tl;e wall, white cheese cloth was draped, at the top of which evergreen was hung. In the center, .

against the back of the stage, stood a red fire- 1

place. The ceiling was festooned with ever- greens, making the whole room look very Christmas like. The Sunday night on which the concert was held, the choir consisting of thirty-seven boys, sat on the right hand side. The concert consisted of songs sung by the choir, recitations by the boys, and remarks by Mr. Bradley and our Sunday assistant, Mr. Thompson. The boys liked two selections very much. One of these was an exercise called "Christmas Bells". A number of boys dressed in short trousers and wearing red sashes marched in a number of ways. Then they sang in chorus, two boys behind the stage singing solos. After each boy had recited his piece the class march- ed off the stage in twos.

Another pretty exercise was where a boy recited a piece called the "Wondrous Star." When he come to a part where there was music referred to, "Nearer, My God to Thee" was played outside, and a boy behind the scenes was the voice in the piece that told what the star said. We all liked the two Santa Claus who came down the chimney and spoke their pieces, one carrying a large pack of supposed toys for all good boys and girls.

Percy Smith.

Christmas Uacaticn

This last vacation the boys had a lot of fun because most of us had the Christmas spirit. We enjoyed our Christmas and the many things that came with it. We liked the nice presents that came from home and the pleasure of spend- ing such a good Christmas which Mr. Bradley had given to us, I am sure that we are all grateful for the things that were given to make us happy. Albert M. DeWolf.



Vol. 10. No. 10.

Printed at the Farm School, Boston, Mass.

February, 1907

Entered November 23, 1903. at Boston. Mass.. as Second-ciass matter, unaer .Act of Congress of July 16. 1894.

Cbanging Cows

One morning seven fellows including my- self were sent to the wharf to beach the scow. When all was ready, we got seven cows fi'om ihe bat-'hyard and led them into the scdw. Sonle of tlienii"went on very easily, but others did hot like the water and made quite a time of getting on board. The tide soon floatedihe kcd'w a'n'd it Vas'talcen alongside of the stea-iner andtowed to City Point, where it was again'beached and the cows led off. Each fellow took a'C'dw by the hafter and after a long wa+k through ■the city, we reached the stockyards- of Brig'htottl This walk was made lively by their friskfriessv- but after tliey had walked some -distartcW they began to lag behind. -^-w h'c: r? He'daev/

i;! Tlw.iiext day the sameseyen fellows w^n,tr. bacK to Brigl).ton to get seven new cows JJ.ia.t, were coming to the yards for us frorn.^ ^East Acton... We arrived there about half pa^teighl and waited for the car toccire in. N.O|Ontime canie ^ndithe car had not arrived, so we went to lunch. After lunch we went back to the stocKyards and waited' until about four o'clock, when the car which held the cows, backed in on

. .. -nA ^f t vi7 .'!

the track. They were in with a number of others

.-.•.- ^- ni ',.1. I'.i I.

and v/ere. all turned loose in a small pen.^ Our

new C0W3, a good grade of Ayrshires and ler-

^ ^ -^ . , J -i^ii .t' '.11.

seys, were pointed out to us and we had I9 catch

the,m and. put the halters on. Then we started

for;. home. We arrived at City Point about

" ' ' . i-^!^ .- li.iLo- .^.

six o'clock, and as the tide was low, we nad to

J I-,,,. ;:v it yrxi-r -.'^ wait awhile for it to rise so that the scow could

be beached. While we were waiting, the cows

were milked. ^We jqaded them on the scow

and started for home After they were safely

barned, we §at down to a good hot supper^ "We

li (SV£'i'!f

were all glad tof get into our beds that night. About a year ago seveai h^Uers were sent up to the fefvn of Mr. Francis, Shaw, owe of our Managers-; Three of them in fresJi. milk, were sent -back to us December twenty-eighth-. ;iAt nodn-^time' three' fellows .star-ted, with n Mr. McLeod for the North Station wherei.'WeM'.eX'- pecte'd to -find the cows waiting foi:-u^..; rWie arrived at the station a little after one, ibut the cows did not dome in, until about six o'clock. The roads were covered witli.slueh which made our walk home- an unpieasai-it one. t: . gfiiawThe addition of these co.ws to'our.stock l"£as- five re aged our milk supply so that jio,w thensj is'^plenty of milk for all uses. ,,, ,\f,r

iJ^ji ' Thomas G. MGCARRACH,E,R.i;iiv

bei! 1 3i Brown-tail mojbs

A troublesome pest of our Island is the. brown^tail moth, so called because the end of its tail is broiwn. The brown-.tails firsj;,came from Europe about eighteen-ninety. ^ jThe.,mptljs lay eggs, in July and they hatch, out in , August. The, caterpillar soon-begins to spin its cocoop for the winterr and comes out of it in April. Sqtrie nests contain two-hundred and fiity cater- pillars. They are on the ends of branches.

~„, ! -T >! I; .f, - -'•-

A good. time to gather these nests is in wintei

wh^iX. the trees are bare. This is done by

cutting them off with a pruner. Usually three , .7 . - •- 1 .T irb .: I'"--

boys take pruners, and as they cut the nests off.

a boy with a basket picks them up. When it is

filled, the nests are put in a furnace and burnt up.

The,tr!3es the moths" feed upon mostly' are the

oak, elm, apple, and pear. We are at work

gathering them now and keep a record of all

the nests of the brown-tails we get.

..^f>( . Clarence S. Nelson.


mv Slew Scftooi BCK

The school boxes tliis term are very pret- ty. They are brown, with different designs on them. The design on my box is of a nastur- tium flower. The boxes are made of sycamore wood, and are polished. They have little hinges and a lock and key. The inside of the box is divided into places for pens, pencils, and other things. Harold N. Silver.

Ulorkind witb 0ravcl.

Just at this time of the year we are using considerable gravel on the dikes and avenues. It was the job of three fellows including myself, with two teamsters, to load the dump carts with gravel on the beach. I helped shovel the gravel into the cart. When they were filled we went over with them and helped spread the gravel on the dikes. Louis Reinhard.

Cbc new milk Scales

One day when the milkers went down to the barn, Mr. McLeod put up some new milk scales. He then told us how to weigh the milk. The scales look something like a dial of a clock. There are two hanas, one is red and the other is black. The red hand tells how much the milk weighs, and the distance be- tween the red hand and a black one tells how much the milk pails weigh. The scales are marked off in halves, quarters, and eighths. They are guaranteed to weigh thirty pounds, and give the exact weight. They are put up near the milk report, are of good service, and look well. Robert H. May.

Cm of muk £m%

A good deal of care is taken with our milk cans. Lately we have had sixteen new ones. Four have handles. These we use for carrying milk from the barn to the house. The remain- ing twelve are for setting the milk away in. My work is to help see that the cans are kept clean. I wash them in two waters and rinse them in scalding water. Then 1 put them on a rack out-of-doors. If the weather permits, they are left there until milking time. After the cans are filled with milk, I carry them to the store- room to be placed in running water.

Donald W. Roby.

MMm Butter

A great deal of the butler we use is made here. It is part of my work to help in the making of it. After tlie milk has stood long enough for the cream to rise, we skim it. Some of this cream is put into a stone crock and allowed to sour. Then this sour cream is strained into the churn. We use a barrel churn. The barrel part is set on a frame and is whirl- ed around by means of a crank. The motion of the churn packs the globules of butjer fal to- gether so that the butter is soon formed.

The butter is taken out and thoroughly washed in cold water to be sure that all the but- ter-milk is removed. It is then weighed, and one ounce of salt with a little sugar is added to each pound of butter.

After the salt and sugar arethorougly mix- ed into the butter, it is pressed into a mold. The mold is an oblong form of wood which holds a half pound. The bottom piece is divid- ed into halves by grooves and each half has a pattern in the center.

After the butter is printed, we carefully wrap each print in a piece of butter-paper and place it upon a platter. It is put away in the store- room refrigerator until needed. During the month of November, we printed twenty-nine and a fourth pounds, during December, fifty-seven and a fourth, and so far this month we have made sixty-five and three fourths pounds.

William A. Reynolds.

PoiisMiid m £bdpel floor

The last time our chapel floor was polish- ed it was soiled more than usual, so that it had to be scrubbed before the wax was put on. It was scrubbed with hot water and soap to re- move the dirt and old wax. After it was thoroughly dry, the wax was put on and rubbed in as well as possible with woolen cloths. The floor was left until the wax was well dried. Then we took polishing brushes and went over it, first against the grain and then with it. This rubbed the wax well into the wood. Last of all we covered our brushes with woolen cloths and polished it up. We went over it several times to make it look well. Albert S. Beetchy.


Jin €ntcrt4iiiittcnt

Our band has been divided into two, and they take turns in giving entertainments. These two bands have leaders. On January twenty-third, V/illiam OConner's band gave an entertainment which consisted cf rr.u£ic from the band, recitations, reading, singing and teUing jokes The entertainment began at half-past seven o'clock by a selection from the band named "Hail Columbia." Tlien follow- ed recitations. There was a recitation named, "My Mince Pie, " Philip May came out on the stage and sat down and began to recite his piece, and pretty soon a waiter came in carry- ing a mince pie and every time Philip came to say, "My Mince Pie" he would take a bite. Another number that the boys liked very much was when Harry Lake came on the stage dress- ed as a railroad man and sang, "I've Been Working on the Railroad," the rest of the band joining in the chorus. Next came out a while man and a colored one. They told jokes and sang songs. The entertainment was good and I think the fellows liked it, Percy Smjth.

ecttiitd up Oil

I helped get up oil to the west basement one Saturday afternoon. It takes two fellows to get the oil up to the house. We harnessed "Brownie" in the dump cart. The oil is kept in one end of the compost-shed, so we drove over there and got a barrel of oil into the cart- Then we drove up to the house with it. There (s a pair of stairs leading down to tlie basement, so we fastened ropes to hooks at the top of stairs so the barrel would go down easily because it might break if allowed to go down too fast. We werecareful and got it down safely.

Frederick W, Marshall.

Repairing (Ubeeibarrows

Wheelbarrows are used a great deal in the work on the farm so they liave considerable wear. It is the work of the shop fellows to re- pair things hat are in need of it. When the wheelbarrows get broken they are sent up to the shop. We look them over carefully to find out what is the matter with them. If we find

that there is one that is not worth mending we take it apart and use the good parts in repair- ing others. Sometimes we have to put in new handles where the old ones have been broken off. Most of them need nuts or bolts put on and sometimes both. After all the repairing is done v;e wheel them down to the storage barn where wheelbarrows are kept.

James Clifford.

milk Carrier

Every night and morning at five o'clock^ 1 go down to the barn to carry the milk up to the house. As the milkers milk the cows, they weigh the milk and strain it right into one of the four cans. Each can holds twenty-four pounds or twelve quarts. When two cans are full, I carry them up to the house and strain the milk into cans that are there ready for it. By the time I get back to the barn, the other two cans are full and I carry them up and so on un- til the milking is finished.

Ervin G. Lindsey.

Playing l)ide-and-$eck

The dining-room and kitchen fellows work while the other fellows are at play, so they have their play time by themselves. One of the games that we play is hide-and-seek. The goal is the old elm and the fellow that is " it", counts five hundred by fives. The fellows hide in the assembly-room and in the hall. Some times the fellows get "in" without getting caught. The first fellow caught is "it" the next time. It is good fun to play hide-and-seek and I like it. Harold Y. Jacobs


The first of January many people receive calendars. In our school-room we have five, one of which is a drawing on the black-board. Two of the calendars came from insurance companies, the Hanover and the Dorchester Mutual Fire Insurance. The other is from the State Street Trust Company with a scene of the Boston Massacre on it. Calendars are handy to have around and they are very near my seat so I can look up and see the date to put on my written work. Roy D. Upham.


Cbompson's Tsland Beacon

Published Monthly by the

FARM SCHOOL Thompson's Island, Bosto'n Harbor


Vol. 10. No. 10.

February. 1907.

Subscription Price - 50 cents per year.


committees, and was vice-president in 1897.

Mr. Temple took great pride and pleasure in the School, and was once cartooned at an artist's exhibit with the Farm School as his hobby. He appreciated the joke, purchased the picture, sent it to us, and it has ever since hung in our office.

Mr. Temple stood strongly for good con- duct and good citizenship. In 1888, he began giving the Temple Consolation Prizes, which so many boys have received. His interest in Cottage Row brought to its citizens many pleasures, also the gold watch that the in- corning mayors have received ftom their pred- ecessors. He presented the School with the beautiful silk Ainerican flag and markers in School's colors.

His pleasure was in doing for each indi- vidual. Hundreds will remember his Christ- mas gifts, his entertainments given here, and the luncheons, his theatre parties in town, and the outings.

He loved to have the Farm School boys hail him where-ever they saw him, he knew the most of them. Every one connected with the Farm School will greatly miss this gen- erous Manager and loyal friend.

The Superintendent feels a deep personal

loss. Aside from our always cordial official

relations, we were brought together socially

and fraternally in many ways, for a number

Superintendent of years it was our custom to lunch together

" on Tuesdays. Those days, with the trips to

his farm, and other occasions, always enlivened

_^___ with his ready wit and fresh stories, will re-

Thomas F. Temple died at his home "^^i" ^ '^o^' P'^^^^"^ memory. 2 Wood Street. Neponset, January 2. 1907. Mr. Temple was born in Canton, Mass..

Mr. Temple became a Manager of the Farm May 25, 1838, and received his early education

School in 1883, and remained on the Board in the schools of Dorchester. While in the

until his death. He served on various High School, he worked much of his spare


Alfred Bowditch


Henry S. Grew


Arthur Adams


Tucker Daland


Melvin O. Adams

I. Tucker Burr

Charles P. Curtis

George L. DeBlois

Chariest. Gallagher Walter Hunnewell Henry Jack?on. M. D.

RiCHAkD M. Saltonstall Francis Shaw

William S. Spaulding Moses Williams, Jr. Ralph B. Williams

Charles H. Bi^adley

Treasurer's Address 50 State St

Boston, Mass.


time in the office of the Dorchester Mutual Fire Insurance Co., and after being graduated in 1857, he was engaged permanently by that company. He rose from his modest begin- nings, through various positions, until he became the president of the company in 1890, serv- ing also as its treasurer.

From 1864, he served as town clerk and treasurer of Dorchester, until the annexation with Boston in 1870. Previous to this he was trial justice of Norfolk County, and became the first judge of the Dorchester District Municipal Court. In 1870, he represented the new Dor- chester district in the Boston Common Council. It was in the following year that he was first elected to the office of Register of Deeds, and he thereafter held this position through various re-elections until the last state election in November. Mr. Temple's usefulness to the community has been well emphasized. He held many positions of trust and honor, and was one of the best known fraternal men in this part of the country.

His friends were legions, and had the fam- ily custom been ignored, and a public funeral given him, the largest church in Boston would have been taxed to its limit.

Notwithstanding the request that organ- izations send delegates only, the simple ser- vice held at his late home, January 5, was at- tended by such a large number of relatives and admiring friends, that the house could not con- tain them, and many stood in the yard and on the street.

The Farm School was represented by its Managers, the Superintendent and Mrs. Bradley, and a delegation of boys. The Alumni Associ- ation, by its president, secretary, and a number of fellows. Dr. Cutter's noble eulogy was in true sympathy with all present.

Mr. Temple was buried in Cedar Grove Cemetery, Dorchester, in the shadow of the beautiful monument he gave to the Grand Army Post.


Jan. 1. Washed and disinfected stables.

Thirty bags cornmeal came.

Manager Thomas F. Temple died.

Jan. 2. Began hunting moths' nests.

Quarterly election of Cottage Row officers.

School opened after Christmas vacation.

Finished shingling roof of compost-shed.

Finished repairing chairs in reading-room.

Jan. 3. Repaired ten wheelbarrows.

Jan 5. Mr. James M. Stevenson and Mr. James M. Gleason visited the School.

Overhauled gasoline engine.

Funeral of Manager Thomas F. Temple.

Graduates. Gordon Stackpole visited the School.

Tub of butter given to the School by Mr. E. A. Harris.

Jan. 7. Painted and varnished outside steamer's cabin.

Jan. 8. Finished repairing chapel settees.

Hauled snow from barn and clothes yards.

Transplanted maple trees from nursery to grove west of main building.

Working on beach road at south-west end of Island.

Preston Maynard Blanchard entered the School,

Jan. 9. Graduate John Emory visited the School.

Jan. 10. Letter writing day.

Installed new milk scales and new rules for milking put in force.

Finished balcony rail in shop and put same on roof of observatory.

Jan. 12. Graduate Louis Peter March! and I. Banks Quinby visited the School.

Jan. 13. Graduates Robert McKay and Albert Probert visited the School. Jan. 14, Killed a pig.


Shaw Conduct Prizes and Temple Conso- lation prizes awarded.

Everiste Torrence Porche left the School to work for Mr. Rudolf C. B. Bartsch, West Roxbury.

Machinest working on steamer ' ' Pilgrim."

Jan. 17. Began grinding corn.

Jan. 18. New express sleigh came.

Chairs in boys' dining-room shellaced.

Jan. 20. Graduate William Nason Dins- more visited the School.

Jan. 21. Working on the beach roads.

Jan. 22. Picture of Alumni Association . and guests present at first Alumni Dinner, given by Treasurer Arthur Adams.

Jan. 23. William O'Conner's band gave its first entertainment.

Mr. Frederick A. King of the George Junior Republic visited the School.

Graduate S. Gordon Stackpole visited the School.

Jan. 24. Alumni meeting at Dr. Frank E. AUard's.

Dorchester Bay frozen.

Jan. 27. Sunday. Rev. William 1. Sweet of Everett, Mass.. addressed the boys.

The Misses Silsby visited the School.

Graduate Don C. Clark and wife visited the School.

Jan. 30. Veterinary here to examine cattle.

Jan. 31. Used snow plow on South End roads.

3atiuarv IttetcorolodV

Maximum temperature 57' on the 20th.

Minimum temperalure 5' on the 24th.

Mean temperature for the month 26.5

Total precipitation 2.28 inches.

Greatest precipitation in 24 hours, .60 in~

on the 22nd.

15 days with .01 or more inchesprecipita-

ches tion. days Tota

Tartn School BatiK

Cash on hand Jan. 1. 1907 Deposited during the month

$482.04 33.67

$515.71 25.46


8 clear days, 14 partly cloudy, 9 cloudy

Total number of hours sunshine 103. 1 snowfall tor the month 18.50 Indies,

Withdrawn during the month Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1907

Press mork

One of the interesting things that a press- man in our printing-office learns to do, is mak- ing ready different jobs in the press. He first sets the pieces of steel called fingers, so they will not jam the plate or type. These fingers hold the paper while it is being printed. He then removes the sheets of paper that were used while the other job was printed. The pressman then takes the number of new sheets he thinks will give the right impression and puts the clamps down that hold this paper on the platen, if he is making ready on the Uni- versal press, he regulates the eccentric, and pulls his first proof. If the impression is even and all the printing is plain, he raises the clamps and puts the tympan top sheet of Ma- nila paper on the other sheets, puts down the clamps and prints on the sheet. He then measures the right distance from the bottom of the print and draws a straight line, measures for the side gauge and makes a small mark, and takes a proof on the stock that is going to be used in feeding the job. He next shows the proof to the proof reader for approval. If there are any corrections, he makes them, and if the next proof is all right, he feeds the job.

Leonard S. Hayden.

KeliindOll Barrels

One day last week Mr. McLeod told us to gp down to the storage barn and roll the empty oil barrels, that were on the floor, down to the wharf. It was very slippery that day and was quite hard to roll them. Sometimes we would slip and the barrel would roll in any direction but the right one. We rolled forty- six kerosene barrels and thirty-three gasolene barrels down to be loaded upon the scow.

Spencer S. Profit.


Ulaccbind the Tec

At this time of the year, wheii we liave cold weatlier, the water up in ttie Neponset River freezes, and when the tide turns and starts to go, the ice comes down past our wharf. One day when 1 was looliing at a floe of ice coming down, I saw a number of ducks in front of the ice. As the ice was coming nearer the wharf it drove the ducks along with it. When it was quite near the wharf 1 came in sight of the ducks, which, when they saw me, flew away. As they flew, their wings made a whistling noise. The ice came and struck the small dolphin and broke it off. Then struck the wharf which made the piles tremble with the pressure. The big dolphin and the wharf stop- ped the floe of ice and then the mass turned a- round slowly and passed the wharf and out of the harbor.

Joseph A. Kalberg.

Cbc express Sleiob

In January Mr. and Mrs. Bradley went out to Reading to see Don Clark and Robert Mc- Kay. While there Mr. Bradley bought an express sleigh that was made in the shop where Don and Bob work. It came January 18, and was put together by the shop fellows. It is a double runner and is the kind commonly used by express men and grocers with a swinging tailboard. We use tt for getting freight up from the wharf and carrying light loads, it had thills for one horse, but since then a pole has been made by Mr. Ekegren and his boys and the sleigh can now be drawn by two horses. It can be used for riding as well, so two extra seats were made in the shop and nine people can ride in it. It was new and not painted when it came, so Mr. Burnham put a priming coat on for this winter and the painters will do a good job on it when we are through with it in the spring. The seats can be removed when not in use. All the fellows have had a ride in the sleigh. We used to have a pung made of planks but there has never been a sleigh here before.

C. Erne.st Nichols.

Oisr CiDrary

One day William Foster and myself thought we would like to start a library. We went to the office after some paper to cover our books with, then we put some stici-^ers on the back of each and numbered them. We made some library cards of paper and wrote on the back a rule saying that no book could be kept out over a week. Then we let the fellows take out the books to read. We have thirty books between us. Horatio Alger has written most of them. He is a good story teller and the boys like his books.

Ralph A. Whittemore.

One Sunaay nidbt

Sunday night, after Christmas, at seven o'clock the whistle blew for the boys to get ready for chapel. When we were seated we were surprised to see a phonograph in the front of the roam. Mr. Bradley soon started it go- ing and we listened to about ten hymns and good songs. After that two large baskets of apples were brought in for each boy to have one. We ate them while Mr. Bradley read to the fellows "How John Norton, The Trapper. Kept His Christmas." Generally we have chapel- service Sunday nights but this was a change which we all enjoyed. Charles E. Morse.

B Ulalk

One afternoon when the dormitory, dining- room, and kitchen fellows were all through their work, Mr. Beane asked us if we would like to take a walk with him. We all wanted to go. First we went over to the compost-shed and looked at it; then we walked up to the obser- vatory and looked at that. When we had reached the observatory we wished we had our skates, because the beach road was all covered with ice. We next went over to the South End skating-pond which is mostly rain- water. From here we went over to where David Thompson had his log cabin. We at last went down on the beach and back to the house. We all enjoyed the walk very much and thanked Mr. Beane for the pleasure of going. George J. Balch.



William J. Trimm, 71, died Friday, January 4th. William was working in the en- gine room of one of the ship's buildings at the Fore River Ship and Engine Works when a beam fell from above, striking him on the head. He lived but forty minutes. The funeral took place on Tuesday, Jan. 8th, at twelve o'clock from his late residence, 192 Green Street, Cambridge. James H. Graham, '81 , a long-time friend, attended the funeral and repre- sented the Alumni. He -leaves ,a wUe-, _a: brother, Ralph, '79, and a married sister.

William was for a long time engineer of the

>. r.. i'^ ". police boat, Patrol, later-entering the employ

of the Metropolitan Steamship- Co., as assis- tant engineer and working up to chief engineer of one of the boats. While with tlie Metropol- itan Co., he assisted several Farm School' boys to positions in his department. A little more tfiali a'year ago he entered the employ of the F^ore f^iver Co. When the School steamer, Jane McCrea, was sold, William went to New York and other places with the Superintendent to assist in selecting a new boat. Tlie first Pilgrim was bought in Plymouth at tliat time. William was a mechanic of good judgment and "ability, an engineer faithful and untiring, a graduate loyal and true -to his colors.

\-'-- Herbert A. Stilling, '91, is one of the graduates who stuck to the work he took up on finishing^^School. Pattern making was his choice an<i, onaccount'of his skill. and ability., he hasihad 'the 'distincitioh of receiving, probably., the higihest Wages of any pattern iii^k,er.: in Bostanv He was trusted, resp^.cted,_,and.spo,ken of inithe highest terms by his employer., Illness has Bftcently compelled Herbert to give u,p his work fora timd and he has gone to Aiken, Squlh Carolina' for -rest and recuperation. Friends of the School take great pleasure in rendering every needed assistani§e.,ti;) ^ fellow like him. He writes that. h^ i^rfe^lingjfiine and likes tlie place ajid.people v^iiy gnuAl?':. :His wife and two children are at present stopping with her mother.

Howard Boynton Ellis, '99, was marri- ed Dec. 15, 1906, to Miss Elida Theodora Thoresen at 299 Norfolk St., Dorchester. The wedding was a pretty affair. Howard's brother, Merton, the very efficient secretary of the Alumni Association, acted as best man. They are keeping house at 62 Mountain Ave., Dor- chester. Howard is with Thomas J. Hind, the roofer, where he went to work on leaving the School.

Royland Tyler, '04, is a pupil in the junior class of Colby Academy, New Haven, New Hampshire. By working in his vacations, first at farmj^^, theii, ,^§. _i?Qlj-boy in a hotel, and at other kinds of,_w^(^rk, Rowland has earned enougli money to ,he]p^. himself along. In the Academy he is assistant editor, of the school paper, vice-president of the literary society, a member of the debating team, treasurer of the Y. M. C. A., and vice-president of his class. He is also the school's mail-carrier and does some clothes pressing^ to .supply, himself with pocket money. Royland's a^nbition its to go.ta Brown University. His past prpsperity seems to point to the fulfilment of his plans. We wish him success and believe ..tlj^at his perseverance and industry will be- rewgrdied-. ; .,

William E. PRpcT;'Of?,i 'Oj^,i]Ptill at .Pitts- field, is learning (to becoir^e a praqlical farmer^ He writes of cutting ^nd dr^-wing |V.joo£i as.part of his winter's work. Williaraci.s \yieil and. seems contented.

Don C. Clark, '06, was married Dec. 17, 1906, to Alice Ethelyn Nichols. They are very comfortably \o^^\pid. witfai'-her- mother at 5 Lowell St., Read log^ I Mass. Don has a good position in that -to^r).,;With the J. E. Turner, Wagon Co. ..^ , ..■

Owr Uioodpiic

All good farjners have a wood-pile. We have one neaj, thesis fpr.age-bja rn,. A gr^eat deal of it is drift. wood -.frp.i|TL, tkqbeaclr. Lately we have had very.high,tid^s-a5>d a-good deal of wood washed ashore onour beach. The fellows gath- er the wood in teams and take it to the wood- pile. Here it is sawed up and neatly piled.

Thomas Milne.

Vol. 10. No. II.

Printed at the Farm School, Boston, Mass.

March, 1907

Entered November 23. 1903. at Boston. Mass.. ae Second-class matter, under Act of Congress of July 16. 1894.

Cbc SnowbdII Battle

The afternoon of February twenty-second was made both lively and interesting by our annual Snowball Battle. Right after dinner, the boys that were to take part in the fight, started to dress. At about two o'clock Gener- al Clifford and his men lined up on one side of Gardner Hall and General Weston and his men on the other, where they received their colors. These had been decided on before hand. General Clifford choosing to fight under the Turkish flag and Weston taking the Germsn. Mr. Bradley then tossed up to see who would attack or defend first. After each side had heartily cheered the colors they hoped would lead them on to victory, at a signal from tlie cannon we marched out to our forts.

Gen. Clifford stationed his men in their places ready to hold the fort against Weston's attack. A shot from the cannon was the sig- nal for the attack to start. At the sound of it, the Germans charged at the Turkish fort with a yell. The smaller fellows braced together, making a platform for the large fellows to stand upon. Both sides fought well as long as the at- tack lasted. A few of the Germans got into the Turkish fort, but were unable to get any bags out as they were thrown into a deep trench and held there. At the end of fifteen minutes the first attack was ended and we had ten minutes rest before the time of the second attack.

The Germans then took their places in their fort and waited the attack of the Turks. It was started in the same way as the first; but, al- though the men fought just as hard, not a man was able to enter the fort, not even to be held in the trench. The end of fifteen minutes

found them without any bags. This attack was followed by a fifteen minutes intermi.'^sicn. The bags were then put at an equal distance from each fort, and, at the firing of the cannon, both sides started for them. They tried to see which one could get the most bags into their forts at the end of five minutes. Some ran for the bags and others tried to stop these fellows before they got them safely lodged. When the bags were counted it was found that the Turks had fifteen bags and the Getmans six.

Gen. Clifford and his men lined up in front of Gardner Hall. To the sound of the cornet and bass drum, which was beat by our friend and bandmaster, Mr. John R. Morse, the victors marched around to the kitchen porch, where they received the banner and trophy. This consisted of a bunch of bananas, a box of oranges, three boxes of cookies, a bushel of peanuts, and a twenty-five pound bucket of can- dy. They~ marched up into the hall with their prize and the officers of each side were cheer- ed for their good wori^. Then the Turks took seats on the benches that were arranged in front of the hall, and the trophy was divided among them. Thomas Carnes.

The Victors in Snow-ball Battle TURKEY officers James Clifford, General Donald W. Roby, Captain Joseph A. Kalberg, 1st Lieutenant Thomas Carnes, 2nd Lieutenant Alfred H. Neumann, 1st Sergeant Harold L. Marshall, 2nd Sergeant William A. Reynolds, Color Bearer



Frederick J. Barton James P. Embree George M. Holmes Ervin G. Lindsey Robert R. Matthews Philip S. May Charles E. Morse Clarence S. Nelson Spencer S. Profit Charles F. Reynolds Roy D. Upham Herbert F. Watson William J. White


Louis C- Darling

John C. Holmes

Frederick J. Hynes

Frederick W. Marshall

Robert H. May

Prescott B, Merrifield

John H. Nelson

Terrance E. Parker

Louis Reinhard

Percy Smith

William T. Walbert

Frederick C. Webb

Frederick J. Wilson

Building Tom

The men that were going to fight went out and made a pile of the snow. When this was done we went to the storage barn and got a num- ber of old doors. We divided the number be- tween botli sides, stood them up on the chosen side and threw snow against them. The fellows who had rubber boots on tramped it down. After v/e made a round mass of snow about fifteen feet in diameter, we took buckets of water and poured it on to the snow. To make it hard on top we took crov/-bars and made holes down through the snow and poured in water so it would make it icy at the bottom and would not cave in. After the plans were made out by the generals and their officers, they dug out the interior of the mass of snow and ice There were rough places in the walls of tlie forts where a fellow in tlie opposite army m.ightgeta footing. To prevent this, water and snow were mixed and the walls smoothed off. On the day of the battle, salt was put on the path that led around the forts to melt the ice, and then saw- dust was put on so we would not slip. The plans of the forts were pretty nearly the same. Gen. Clifford's fort was about twenty-three feet in di- ameter with, a tower in the center and a trench around the tower so if a fellow got in he was put down there and held. Gen. Weston's fort was about seventeen feet in diameter with a tower in the center and a trench half way around it. Both forts were five feet high. James R. Gregory.

€boo$ind Up Sides

One noontime Mr. Beane read off the names of the fellows who were to run for generalship in the Snowball Battle. Each fel- low was allowed to vote for any two of the names read off. Samuel Weston was elected general of one side and James Clifford of the other. Each of the generals in turn called out aloud their captains, then their first and second lieutenants, and their first and second sar- geants, and last, the color bearers' names were called. Then the privates were called off. The fellows seemed impatient to be chosen so as to know what side they were to be on. I was on Clifford's side.

Harold L. Marshall.

One Sunday Rev. Frederick B. Richards, the pastor of the Phillips Congregational Church of South Boston, spoke to the beys, and Mrs. Richards sang. The scripture read- ing was the two parables cf the lost sheep and the lost coin.

Mr. Richards then asked us what his talk was about last year. One of the boys said it was about "dogs." Mr. Richards said it was a- bout dogs, but his subject was "The Call of the Wild." He told us that this time he was going to try to make us understand what " Lost'' meant as it is used in the Bible.

Mr. Richards then took a piece of money from his pocket and asked us what it was- We said it was money. He said, "Yes, and something else too; it is currency, which comes from the Latin, meaning to run, to move a- bout." He then illustrated his meaning by telling us some of the different persons who handled money as it goes around doing what it was made for.

" Refuse silver shall men call them, be- cause God has rejected them," was tiie Bible verse taken from Jeremiah, sixth cliapter, thirtieth verse, that Mr. Richards then quoted. He told us that he had visited the mint in Philadelphia where he saw them make the money. As he went into a room he saw a box of refuse coins. The guide told him to


pick up one; he did so, and on looking at it, found it had a hole in it which had been plug- ged up with lead. On picking up another piece he found that the edge had been clipped off so that it was of no use. He picked up another and found it had the face worn off. Another coin had the inside eaten out by acid.

Mr. Richards said that he would tell us how some people represented these pieces of money. The plugged coin was like the man who does something wrong and tries to cover it up so as to make other people think he has not done it. He said that clipped money was like a man that said, "I will not give ail my time to God, but 1 will keep part of it for my- self." The one that had the face worn off was like a man who had God's image worn off by getting away from Him. The coin that had the inside eaten out represented the man who let bad habits come into his life and they had eaten the good ones. He then lold us of a machine he saw in the Bank of England which separated the light weight mon#y from the good money.

Mr. Richards closed his talk by saying that he hoped none of us would be lost or of no value to the world, like refuse money, but would ring true all the time.

Ralph H. Marshall.

B Calk en Tnaia

One Sunday night we had the pleasuieof having Mr. Armstrong, who had lived in Bur- mah, India, tell us about the place where Mr. and Mrs. Clark now live. Mr. Clark was our minister. Mr. Armstrong told us how he went there. He said that first he took a boat from Boston to Liverpool , England, then went through the Mediterranean Sea, to the Suez Canal, which is eighteen or twenty miles long, through the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean, up the Bay of Bengal to Calcutta. From there he took a boat to Rangoon. In India the people do not dress as we do; they wear very little clothing and a long wide cloth wound around their heads for a hat. Wiien you get there, a "garry," which is like a team and has seating room for about four persons, drawn by a negro, takes you to a

house which is built on high posts making it about six or eight feet above the ground. It is built in this way to keep the house up from the damp- ness. You have to have a mosquito netting over the posts of the bed, to protect you from in- sects. The work that missionaries attend to mostly is teaching. We were told a story about a little boy named Adam four years old. He came to the school and was very fond of coming and learning the Christians' songs. His mother and father worshipped idols. Finally his mother came to the school to watch the children and she, too, became a Christian. The missiona- ries travel in ox-carts that slant toward the front and are drawn by oxen. It is very unpleasant to travel a long distance in them as they have no springs. A jungle means anywhere outside the city. When you want to go to a jungle village you travel in an ox-cart. The people have to be sure to carry all they need and es- pecially a mosquito netting. Mr. Armstrong closed his talk by singing a Tamil hymn to us all. The talk was very interesting.

Percy Smith.

Bn earCy Uisitor

In the back of our schoolroom we have a box partitioned off into twelve parts. In this are kept cocoons which went into their pupa state in the fall. One morning, as 1 was doing the cleaning, I looked into this box, and there to my surprise, was a little hickory tiger moth crawling up the wire that is on the front of the cage. The moth was a light brown color with dark brown and white spots on its wings. The cocoon that this little moth came out of, was covered with little gray hairs that weie thrown off from the body of the caterpillar. The hole at the end of the cocoon was about one quarter of an inch in diameter so you can see the moth must have been a small one. The moth was chloroformed and mounted with its cccoon on a piece of white paper. After each fellow had had a chance to see it, it was placed in the col- lection of moths and butterflies which is kept in our schoolroom.

Stephen Eaton.


Cbompson's IslaKd Eeacow

Published Monthly by the

FARM SCHOOL Thomoson's Island, Boston Harbor.


Vol. 10 No. 1

March, 1907.

Subscription Price - £0 cents per year.



Alfred Bowditch


Henry S. Grew


Arthur Adams




Melvin 0. Adams

1. Tucker Burr

Charles P. Curtis George L. DeBlois

Charles T. Gai lagher Walter Hunnewell Henry Jackson. M. D.

Richard M. Saltonstall Francis Shaw

William S. Spaulding Moses Williams, Jr. Ralph B. Williams

Charles H. Bradley


Treasurer's Address 50 State St.

Boston, Mass.

In preparing for winter, due care must be used to protect the property in our different departments.

Our island location makes us dependent on our boats for transportation and this depart-

ment is protected as well as possible from ice injury.

In December our meteorological records showed a steady lowering of the temperatures, and on the eighth, when the air temperature was quite low, a dense vapor was formed over the surface of the harbor. This vapcr, though it was only a few feet in height, seem.ed like a group of thick clouds, so dense that at times it was impossible to see the length of our steam- er, but the biting cold did not indicate a sum- mer fog. Winter had taken possession of his territory and a few days later a thin coating of ice was formed on the surface of the harbcr, and the familiar grind against the sheathirg wss heard as the steamer rapidly broke her course through it. The value of sheathing our steam- er has been proven for again the sheathing has demonstrated its efficiency, protecting the hull against the grinding wear of the ice.

In January we had some difficulty to keep our channel clear, but the month of February was nearly a record breaker for continued low temperature. Only by persistent effort were we able to make our trips, and no promises were inade for succeeding days.

The elements are not unkind and more often help than hinder us, though sometimes seem in conspiracy to freeze us in. Directed against nature, man's puny efforts avail but little; take advantage of her offers and how different the result. The wind, tide, and storm would often assist us in our task of keeping a clear channel.

With the bay a sheet of solid ice it often looked as if we could not cross, but we get up steam, break loose the riding cables, and after breaking the ice around the steamer start slow- ly ahead. When sufficient space has been cleaned, we back off and then at full speed tackle


the ice sheet. If the sheet is heavy we break ahead several steamer lengths then as our speed slackens the steamer rises forward, and the waight crushes the ice and lengthens our cut. [f much resistence is met these tactics are often repeated. When we have cut the field loose, the tide carries it out to sea for we do our ice cutting while the tide is ebbing. Sometimes the wind helps, and at other times it blows the ice against the island and holds it. When this happens, we force one end of the field out by pushing against it with the steamer, far enough for the tide to take it out. Some new phase is constantly being presented with the ice situation and the changing conditions pre- sent a most fascinating study.

It almost seems that our steamer teach- es us a lesson in loyalty, cheerfulness and ener- gy, and the willing spirit shown by the boys, seems to be in accord with the boat.

At no time was failure considered, the ice was to be conquered, and while the season has bsen long and unusually cold, the difficulties have been met and the way made easier to meet the larger problems that might occur.


Feb. 1. Killed pig, dressing three hun- dred and forty pounds.

Feb. 2. Finished waxing chapel floor.

Graduate C. James Pratt visited the School.

Feb. 4. New stitchingand punching ma- chines for the printing-office arrived, gift of a friend.

Feb. 5. Finished feeding corn fodder.

Feb. 6. Harold E. Daniels' band gave their first entertainment.

Feb. 8. Repaired cultivator, and spring- tooth harrow.

Finished eight sections of concrete gutter.

Feb. 9. Harry Lake and Vernon Birch- more left the School.

Feb. 10. Sunday. Rev. Frederick B. Richards of South Boston addressed the boys. Mrs. Richards sang a solo,

Mr. George F. Lawley visited the School, also graduate Robert McKay.

Governors Proclamation of Lincoln's Day read in chapel,

Feb. 11. Obliged to land in Pleasure Bay on account of ice around the Public Land- ing.

Small dolphin broken by ice going out.

Blacksmith shod horses.

Feb. 12. Half holiday; Lincoln's Day.

Appropriate exercises held in school.

Hauled coal to main building.

Feb. 13. Renewed part of bow sheath- ing of steamer Pilgrim worn by ice cutting.

Feb. 14. Chose up sides for the Snow- ball Battle.

Feb. 15. Killed pig, dressing three hun- dred thirty five pounds.

Feb. 16. Again able to land at Public Landing.

Feb. 17. Sunday. Mr. Cotton from Newton Theological School addressed the boys.

Feb. 18. Finished waxing hall floors and stairs of main building.

Feb. 19. New printing-press arrived, gift of a friend.

Feb. 21. Several of the boys, including the generals of the Snowball Battle, attended the drill of the Boston Latin School.

Run the first job on the new printing-press.

Made pole evener and axle stock for the two-horse lumber wagon.

Began cutting oat hay for cows.

Feb. 22. t^oliday. Snowball Battle.

New halyard put on flag pole. A number of the boys went on a sleigh ride. Stereopticon lecture on the Yellowstone Park, given by Mr. J. R. Morse.

Feb. 23. The remaining number of boys, had a ride in the new sleigh.

Feb. 24. Sunday. Mr. Armstrong from Newton Theological School addressed the boys giving a talk on India in the evening.

Feb. 25. Did repairing in printing-office.


Feb. 27. Renewed sections of flooring in Gardner Hall.

Meeting of the Alumni Association at ■^■hich Mr. Walter Adams gave a talk on the Government at Washington.

Put new asbestos packing around exhaust pipe in engme-room.

Seven hundred and fifty eight brown tail moths' nests collected this month,

Feb. 28. Infirmary bathroom revarnish- ed.

Killed beef, dressing four luindred and ninety six pounds.

Maximum temperature 48'' on the 1 4th.

Minimum temperature T"* on the 23rd.

Mean temperature for the month 21.8'^'.

Total precipitation 1.72 inches.

Greatest precipitation in 24 hours ,71 inches on the 5th.

12 days with .01 or more inches precipita- tion.

6 clear days, 13 partly cloudy, 9 cloudy days.

Total snowfall for the month 18,65 inches.

Monthly average 7. lower than corres- ponding temperature for Feb. 1906.

Total number of hours sunshine 130.

Tarm Scboo! Bank

Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1907 Deposited during the month






Withdrawn during the month Cash on hand Mar. 1 , 1907

new macbtncs

Two of the new machines for the printing- office are a Boston Wire Siltching Machine, and the other, a Sterling Cornering and Punch- ing Machine.

The stitcher is a very interesting machine. It is about four feet high and two feet wide. It has a saddle and a flat table which, when not in use, can be dropped. The saddle is used for binding small pamphlets. The flat table is used for binding calendars, reports, etc. This machine is self regulating in all parts, except

setting the thickness of the work. The simple operation of compressing the pad of paper, con- stituting the job, by means of a hand wheel, sets the feed of wire, clincher, table and every parJ of the stitcher to absolute adjustment. The principal working parts are the driver, bending- bar, which bends the wire, wire cutting driving bar, which forces the wire down into the stock that is to be stitched, and the driving-bar spring. Our machine makes from three-eights to one- half inch stitches. We have used the stitcher for stapling our Beacons and calendars.

The cornering machine has got a hand and a foot power attachment. There are two gauges, one a small one, the other is longer to jog the stock against, which is going to be cut. A clamp comes down first and holds the stock, then the knife comes down and cuts off the cor- ner. The knife goes against a wooden cutting block. When your foot is taken off, the knife and clamp go into place again. The attach- ments to the cornering machine can be taken off and in the place of the two gauges, a table can be used. In place of the knife a punch can be inserted. This we use for punching holes in the sunshine recorder records. We also have an eyelet set which may be attached and used for punching eyelets in calendars, etc. On this table there are gauges which can be used for setting the stock which is to be punch- ed. Earle C. Marshall.

Cbc flew Press

Our old Universal press had been in use for a number of years, and as the work turned out was not satisfactory to us. it was decided to get a new one. February nineteenth an Im- proved Colt's Armory Universal Press made by John Thompson's Press Company arrived. It is much larger than the other press and weighs twenty-six hundred pounds. Its chase is four- teen by twenty-two inches and we can take an impression of four pages of the Beacon at once. It has automatic oilers. There are three foi m rollers. When the rollers are in position the ink is distributed by a distributing roller and as they start to go down over the form, one of the rollers is pushed out of position so tliat it will


not touch the form on the downward stroke. As U comes back this fresh roller passes ■over th« form, so that the type gets an even supply of ink. The distributing roller is of steel. Wiien the press is working it moves on a change thread, back and forth, thus passing the ink evenly on the rollers. There are three steel fingers to hold the paper in position while taking the im- pression. We use this press in printing all our large jobs such as Beacon, weather charts and calendars. This press can run at the rate of seventeen hundred sheets an hour. We all ap- preciate this press as the improvements make the work easier and better, Philip S. May.

Rcpasrind J\ Screen

A short time ago \ had a job of repairing a folding screen which came from the laundry. It was covered v.'ith enamel cloth and as the cloth was old, it needed to be renewed. After I had taken it off I scraped the frames and then sandpapered then^. I then shellacked them twice and then tiiey were ready for the cloth. I cut the cloth into pieces and tacked them on- to the three sections of the screen. ! used round head copper tacks and drove them in a- bout two inches apart.

Charles H. Whitney.

Paring Potatoes

In the kitchen we pare potatoes quite often for the boys' meals. We pare them different- ly from the way most people do, but yet it is a quick way. We put the apple-parer on the edge of the table, and place a box or a barrel under the parer to catch the peel. They are first pared by the machine, and then put in a pan of cold water. Anotner boy trims off the small pieces of skin that are left, for the parer does not take it all off. These potatoes are used in various ways, such as for soups, chow- ders, to boil, or to fry.

Prescott B. Merrifield.

Setting the Hew Press

Tuesday afternoon, P'ebruary nineteenth, a new press was brought to our Island on the scow. The press weighed twenty-six hundred pounds so the easiest way to unload it, was to beach the

scow. The next morning the farm fellows cart- ed a lot of blocking down to the beach. The blocking was piled in three piles and long heavy planks were placed on these. Then, by means of tackle-blocks which were attached to the boat-house, the press was moved on these planks on pipes used as rollers, to the drag and hauled up to 'lie slup. We had to roil it upon plants to get it i«i «l:e shop. Harold E. Daniels.

Barn T«llow

In the afternoon when 1 go down to the farm. I do the barn work. I fork the manure from behind lire cows and horses and put water down il:e drains, I then sweep the lower barn floor and get down hay for the horses. When there is not enough cut-feed for the cows, I get hay for them. After that I sweep the upper barn floor. At four o'clock another fellow and I feed the pigs, and when we get through feeding them, we push the cart up behind the ash-house to be filled the next day with more waste. J. Percival M. Embree.


Before we started to build our observatory we had to dig a large hole for the foundation. The dirt from this hole was thrown into two .large piles south of the observatory. Now, that the observatory is finished on the outside we are putting the dirt up against the cement foundation to shed the water. This is called "grading." The dirt is put up higher next to the cement, gradually sloping down to the level of the ground around the building. The stony earth was put down first and then the loam was put on top of it.

Clarence M. Daniels.

tuesday Higbts

Some Tuesday nights Mr. Bradley brings his phonograph into the chapel and it plays while We are waiting for our turn to bathe. He has many pretty pieces which the fellows like, "Keep on the Sunny Side", " Arrah-Wanna", and "Old Heidleberg". Sometimes if we come to one we like, we join in and sing. We all enjoy these good times. Albert M. DeWolf.



A new feature o.f the Alumni Association, one which has long been needed, and in which the fellows are taking great interest, is the monthly gathering.

The first was held at the r ms of Dr. Allard on Commonwealth Avenue in January and there were twenty-five fellows present also Manager Arthur Adams, Mr. Bradley and others.

This meeti-ng was rather experimental and it was a question to those who started tlie good work, how many fellows would turn out, will they be interested enough to follow it up and come again?

The second gathering which was held Feb- ruary twenty-eighth demonstrated the fact that we were on the right road, that we had the fel- lows interested and coming, and the Secretary counted forty-eight fellows present, the largest gathering the Association ever held at any time with the exception of the Thanksgiving Day meetings at the School.

Mr. DeBlois represented the Managers and gave us a short story, as he was "Only then getting acquainted", but we will expect more from him the next meeting he attends.

Henry A. Fox, Dis't Chief of the B. F. D. one of the older boys and one whom we have not seen before at our meetings, on account of the nature of his business, gave us a talk on ' ' Sticking by the School". He told us he would fight over some of his fires and tell us of the workings of the "department" in detail at some future meeting.

He was followed by Charles H. Bridgham and A. H. Dutton, both older fellows and wide awake in the affairs of the Association.

Mr Walter Adams, formerly Washington Correspondent and late City Editor of the Bos- ton Herald who was present at our January meeting, gave us about an hour's talk on the "Government at Washington". The talk was most interesting and instructive and it might be said that over half of the fellows were not formerly acquainted with the facts brought out by Mr. Adams.

One amusing incident he told was of the '/ President's public reception where he is called upon to shake the hands of hundreds. He presents his hand to the person and as soon as his hand touches the person's hand in question he almost immediately withdraws it, without clasping; if he did not do so, his arm would ex- perience that tired feeling some of us have felt after playing foot-ball without any practice. It might here be suggested, that fellows with the ''presidential bee in their bonnets" might store this point up for future reference. We all felt grateful to Mr. Adams for his talk and a vote cf ] thanks was unanimously given him.

Mr. Bradley woundup the evening, tellirig us of some improvements made at the School and the condition of some of the graduates who are under the weather.

And right here the fellows are reminded, if at any time they are sick or know of others who are, they ought to notify the Association or the School of the fact, and proper measures will be taken when necessary. The absence of the treasurer was noted by mere than one. Eight application blanks were signed for admis- sion, accompanied by the usual initiation fee and better, some of our delinquent members paid their arrears and others something on ac- count.

To sum up the meetings held thus far. they have been interesting and instructive, they have been the means of bringing the fellows to- gether, members in arrears have paid, the membership has increased, and a bright future seems to be before us.

To keep up the spirit, the fellows must keep in mind that a good deal depends on each one. When a meeting is called they must make it a point to be on hand, and if they meet a fellow who has not joined, ask iiim to make appliacation and be with the fellows.

The next meeting will be held the latter part of March and we expect to have seventy- five fellows turn out, so be sure you are one of the crowd.

Thomas Brown. '00.

Vol. 10. No. 12.

Printed at the Farm School, Boston, Mass.

April, 1907.

Entered November 23, 1903. at Boston, Mass.. as Second-class matter, under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894.

Our €3$tcr Concert probably the number will be remembered by all

On Easter afternoon we held our regular who saw it. One of the other selections was

Easter concert which consisted of recitations ^^''^d the "Crown of Easter" in which a boy

and songs appropriate for the occasion. The representing Spring wearing a green .niit and

background of the platform was a white cheese- carrying an armful of yellow flowers, came out

cloth curtain backing three green arches, the «" 'he platform and was asked by another boy

center one higher than the others, bearing the ^hat he brought us. When he had finished

words "Songs of Immortality", which was the subject of our concert.

The arches were covered with palms and other greens and looked very pretty. From the center of the middle arch hung a cross covered with ferns and a cluster of calla lilies in the center. Just below on the floor was a repre-

speaking another boy came out representing Easter, dressed in white and bearing an armful of Easter lilies. When asked what he brought us, he replied by telling of the story of Easter and its beauties.

Mr. Thompson then spoke to us, telling about what we should see if we could take a trip

sentation of an altar which was also covered o" Easter over England and the continent. He with ferns. Across the front of the platform said that in England, France, Germany, Bel- was a white altar rail, on the top of which were g'U"T and the civilized countries we would find a potted plants such as Easter lilies, tulips and certain stir and bustle all betraying the presence

daffodils, and cut flowers

The concert began about three o'clock with the song by the choir. Then followed an an address of welcome given by a boy One of the interesting pieces was given by Ralph Marshall who carried a floral cross called the "Cross of Easter" and after he had finished he put the cross at the head of the altar. Another

of Easter. But in the northern part of India and the northwestern pait of Chins there would be no unusual excitement except where some little church had been built. He closed the talk by saying that the true spirit of Easter was that of helping others and of being more willing lo give than to receive.

At the close of the concert, Mr. Bradley

interesting number was a fancy march by six- spoke about what it meant to him, and what it

teen boys carrying lilies and wearing green should mean to all that took part in it or listen-

and white sashes. When they were about half ed to it. Mr. Bradley said that Easter Mon-

through the inarch they all spoke individually, day was the day when the School on this

except four who spoke a stanza together. Then Island was dedicated. Prayers were held for

when thiy were nearly through they sang a song. 'ts success in the Farm House and a mulberry

When they came to the place in the second ^^^^ ^nd potatoes were planted at that time,

verse where it says, "Ever moving onward, step The fellows were pleasantly surprised to see

by step we'll go" they started to march again 0"^ of our managers, Mr, Arthur AdaiT,s, pres-

and marched off to the music of their song. It ent at our concert. We are always glad to have

was a ten minutes very pleasantly spent, and him with us. Herbert F. Watson.


easter Concert Programme


Come. Join the Song Prayer Mr. Thompson

Address of Welcome Leon H. Quinby

The Easter Story Harold E. Daniels

Recitation Laurence Silver

Song Choir

O. Herald Bright

Recitation T. Chapel Wright

If 1 Could Be a Big Church Bell

Exercise Class

Glad Voices of Easter

Song Choir

In the Tomb

Recitation William F. O'Connor

Visions of Heaven Recitation Ralph H. Marshall

Emblems of Easter

Song Choir

Easter Carol

Declamation William Lydsion

Risen With Christ



Easter Lilies Recitation George J. Balch

The Easter Promise Remarks Rev. Mr. Thompson

Song Choir

The Risen Saviour

Recitation Philip S. May

Signs of Resurrection Exercise Class

The Crown of Easter

Recitation Roy G. Upham

The Blue Bird

Song Choir

Greet the Easter Morn

Exercise Class

Nature's Choral

Remarks Song

Mr. Bradley Choir

Night is O'er

Caster Gifts

Easter Sunday as we went into dinner, we saw on eacli table a vase holding pinks, one for each boy. There were red, pink, white, and red and white ones. These were given to the boys by Mr. Bradley as he has done every year. Some of the boys pinned them on their coats and others left them in the water to see how long they could keep them. While the fellows were eating, Mr. Bradley came into the dining- room carrying a basket. He told us that he had an Easter gift for every boy from Mr. W. D. C. Curtis, a friend of the School. They were pocket toilet-sets. The case was of ox- idized steel and had a small mirror on one side. In back of the mirror were pockets containing a comb, finger-nail file, tweezers and ear spoon. By slipping a catch, the case opens and one side was a hair brush folded up. By means of a small lever the bristles could be made to stand up. Tiie whole was in a leather case. We all were very much pleased. Most of us carry them in our pockets. Some put them away to keep. With our pinks on ourcoats and our cases in our pockets we felt that much had been done to make our Easter a pleasant one. Warren J. Barter.

Our easter Tlowers

After Easter the plants and cut flowers used in the chapel were sent to different parts of the house. Each of the schoolrooms had a pot of Easter lilies and a pot of pretty yellow daffodils. In the dining-room were pots of red tulips. The pot of Scotch heather in full bloom was placed in the office for there every- body could see it. The cut flowers were put in the office, reading-room and boys' dining-room. We all like the pretty flowers and they make our rooms look very cheerful.

Bruce L. Paul.

Vellowstone national Park

On the evening of Washington's birthday the boys and instructors had the pleasure of a stereopticon lecture on Yellowstone National Park. This lecture was given by Mr. J. R. Morse, our band instructor.

Yellowstone Park is situated in the north-


western corner of the state of Wyoming. It is almost as large as the state of Connecticut. The most interesting of these sights were the hot springs and geysers.

A geyser is a spring which throws hot water into the air from time to time. Some geysers are in action very often and others once in two or three months. The most regular geyser is Old Faithful which spouts about once an hour. The Grand Geyser is the largest of them all. When it spouts it throws its contents three hundred feet into the air. There is accompanying it, a loud roaring noise.

The hot springs are building up strange forms. One has formed a white terrace, over two hundred feet high. The water as it flows down from one terrace to another leaves a sedi- ment which colors the sides with brilliant shades. Other interesting springs are the Paint Pots and the Punch Bowl.

Another curiosity is a cliff of obsidion with a road cut through it. The road was begun with drills but the drills became dull so fast that they had to try another scheme. They took old and dead trees laid them on the glass and burnt them. This cracked the glass and it could then be taken off. This process was continued until the road iiad the desired foundation and width.

Yellowstone Lake is a large and beautiful lake in the park where trout abound in great numbers. Yellowstone river, the outlet to this lake, starts on its course from the lake slowly and majestically; when it reaches the mountains it tumbles and roars. There are two beautiful falls in this river and, as the canyon which the river has worn is very deep, they form a great height and make a loud and incessant roar.

There are laws that no person who is visit- ing the Parks shall harm any animal or take anything for a souvenir that is in the Park. The guides of the Park are two squads of cavalry. They are supposed to kill all mountain lions they meet as they destroy great numbers of deer. There are a few bears who will eat within a rod of a person. There are others not so tame. There has been a few shot because they were too tame and were apt to get into mischief.

At the most interesting points in Yellowstone Park beautiful and commodious hotels are situated.

We were much pleased with this lecture and Mr. Morse was applauded again and again. Clarence M. Daniels.

J\ Band Entcrtdinment

Wednesday evening, February sixth, Harold Daniels' band gave its first entertain- ment. It consisted of vocal and instrumental, music and humorous recitations. It opened with the song "Old Folks at Home" sung by the band. Then followed several recitations and band selections. Alfred Neumann came out dressed as a farmer carrying a carpet-bag and chewing at a piece of straw, and recited a piece about "Farmer Zeke". This Vi'as fol- lowed by a selection played by an instrumental quartette consisting of a cornet, alto, baritone, and bass trombone. Several more band se- lections and recitations and a harmonica duet were given. Then came a mock trial in which all the characters were darkies. The prisoner was found guilty, but bribed the judge, who de- clared the verdict of the jury "nil nihinongood- abus." This aroused the indignation of the jury and a general "mix-up" closed the scene. The final number was an old cabin scene with sev- eral darkies picking over cotton. They crack- ed jokes and sang some familiar negro songs, ending with," The Old Kentucky Home." The band played for the fellows to march out, and this ended a pleasant evening.

William Lydston.

CDC €. P. B. Dance

A pleasant evening was enjoyed when the E. P. A. gave a dance to the instructors and themselves. The chapel was decorated with the School's colors, which are old gold and navy blue, and our country's colors as well. In one corner an archway was formed and draped with colored bunting behind which the E. P. A. orchestra played and furnished music for the dancing. During intermission refreshments were served consisting of lemonade and differ- ent kinds of cakes. These were passed around by the officers of the Association. The fel- lows had a good time and enjoyed the dance as much as the instructors did.

Ervin G. Lindsey.


D(Mttp$on'$ Island Beacon

Published Monthly by the

FARM SCHOOL Thompson's Island. Boston Harbor.


Vol. 10. No. 12.

April, 1907.

Subscription Price - ZO cents per year.



Alfred Bowditch


Henry S. Grew


Arthur Adams


Tucker Daland


Melvin 0. Adams

). Tucker Burr

Charles P, Curtis George L. DeBlois

Charles T. Gallagher Walter Hunnewell Henry Jackson, M. D.

Richard M. Saltonstall Francis Shaw

William S. Spaulding Moses Williams, Jr. Ralph B. Williams

Charles H. Bradley


Treasurer's Address 50 State St.

Boston, Mass.

The n^en of today were the boys of yester- day, and the boys of today are the men of to- morrow. Many of the men of tomorrow are training themselves for a life work of usefulness and helpfulness here at the Farm School. One end is in view, for one goal is the aim of all.

the building up of the greatest thing in man, right character, the character that combines the best development of body, intellect, and spirit, to make the noblest manhood that is attainable.

One may be a clever woodworker, or a fine student, or a good farmer, or a deft printer, andyet be a failure in the world. With a strong, firm, steadying character, which gives play to the best in the boy or man, and shuts out the destroying and hindering temptations, a person is sure to succeed in the work that he takes up. Along the lines of daily duties. £clicol, woi k- shop, or farm, such character must be wrought out, each striving to forge out that which is permanent for himself, and helping others to make the best of themselves.

There has been success in striving for the goal. And success is still with us, as we work. We are not yet in the same condition as was Alexander the Great when he mourned because he had no more worlds to conquer. Here our worlds are never fully conquered and new worlds of human nature spring up every day.

The possibilities are enormous in this searching for the best that is in us. We have friends to help us, who are doing a great work because of their deep interest, and for whom we should be most thankful. We are optimists, but not boastful, because we are never at an end of half of what we would like to accomplish. We are optimists merely because we know that some measure of success must surely come when so many firm and faithful supporters are urging us on to victory, which is to be reached in characters built.


Mar. 1. Books and magazines given by Manager Henry S. Grew and Mr. Alfred Howard.

William O'Connor's band gave their


second entertainment.

Walls of reading-room painted, standing work varnished, and floor waxed.

Mar. 2. Began feeding mangels to cows.

Placed and fastened down the new Press and Wire Stitcher.

Mar, 4. Began hauling manure to North End.

New belts in printing-office.

Mar. 5. Sent onions to market.

Large field of ice floated out of the bay.

Mar. 6. Made a stone drag.

Made two tables for printing-office.

Mar. 7. Dug first parsnips in garden.

Old Universaj Press sent away.

Play given by the instructors.

Walls of northeast staircase painted, standing work and stairs varnished.

Mar. 8. Finished sheathing inside walls of observatory.

Mar. 9. Began using manure spreader.

Boys' private room varnished.

Through the kindness of Mr. S. E. Chand- ler several of the boys attended the Automobile Show.

Mar. 12. North Dormitory revarnished.

Ice lifted out of place the outer end of tide- gate at South End.

Mar. 14. Sent onions to market.

Took winter cover off hot beds.

Put toboggans and skates away.

Mar. 15. Veterinary here.

School closed for a week's vacation.

Dance given by the E. P. A.

Got a small load of lumberfroin Freeport St.

Mar. 16. Pork sent to market.

49 bu. of onions sent to market.

Made two wooden horses for paint shop.

Mar. 18. Getting farm roads in shape.

Finished making four brackets for street lamps.

Mar. 19. Pruning in orchard.

Norman V. Johnson entered the School.

Mar. 20. Float at City Point damaged by severe storm.

Laid top floor in the observatory.

Mar. 21. Song sparrow and robin seen.

Hall in northeast wing varnished. Outside windows removed from main building.

Mar. 22. Blackbird seen. Made hot beds ready and put sash on. A load of dressing from Walworth's. Nine officers of Cottage Row Govern- ment visited the State House, the Old State House, the Market and Faneuil Hall.

Mar. 23. Five boys went to the Eye and Ear Infirmary to have eyes tested.

George P. Wiley, a former pupil, visited the School.

Mar. 24. Treasurer Arthur Adams visit- ed the School.

Mar. 25. School began again. Began rolling lawns. Sent onions to market. Dr. Bancroft's literary prize awarded. Mar. 26. Harland Stevens entered the School.

Planted tomato seed in window pans. Completed stairs in the observatory. Mar. 27. Sowed radish, lettuce and cu- cumber seeds in hot bed.

Began picking up stones on grass land. Prepared piece for planting peas. Plowed asparagus bed and cultivated berry- bushes.

Mar. 28. Graduate William N. Dins= more visited the School.

Mar. 29. Seeds up in hot beds. Total number of browntail moths* nests Collected this winter, 2448.

Mar. 30. Decorated chapel for Easter. Graduate Harold Taylor visited the School. Mar. 31. Easter Concert. Treasurer Arthur Adams visited the School.

Mr. W. D. C. Curtis gave each boy a pocket toilet-case,

Tarm School BaitK

Cash on hand March 1, 1907 Deposited during the month

Withdrawn during the month Cash on hand April I, 1907

$485.16 12.31

$497.47 13.74



marcb meteorology

Maximum temperature 68" on the 30th.

Minimum ten.iperature 15°.on the 1st.

Mean temperature for tlie month 37.3'^.

Total precipitation .94 inches.

Greatest precipitation in 24 hours .13 in- ches on the 19th.

6 clear days, 17 partly cloudy, 8 cloudy days.

Total snowfall for the month 5.9 inches.

The wind velocity was 65 miles per hour on the 20th.

Total number of hours sunshine 192.

J\ Uisit to m State I)OU$e

During our spring vacation, nine of the officers of Cottage Row had the pleasure of spending the greater part of the day at the State Capitol in Boston. The first thing we noticed on approaching the Capitol, was the Col. Robert Shaw Memorial, which stands op- posite the State House. We entered the State House by a door which led into Doric Hall. The guide took us over the building showing us many very interesting things. Over one of the large staircases, were great paint- ings of James Otis making his famous argu- ment against the "Writs of Assistance" one of Paul Revere's Ride, and another of John Eliot preaching to the Indians, in one of the halls we saw the Gov. Wolcott Memorial.

Ascending to the floor above we were shown into the Hall of Representatives which is finished in white mahogany. We noticed upon the frieze, names of fifty-one noted men of the state. We sat in the seats of some of the Representatives and then we went down to the Speaker's desk, and the Mayor of Cottage Row had the pleasure of sitting in the Speaker's chair. Suspended opposite the desk we saw a wooden codfish given to the state more than a hundred years ago, representing the occupa- tion of the people at that tiine. We also went into the Senate Chamber. We were every- where impressed by the immense columns of Italian marble and were told that the State House cost nearly seven million and a half dol- lars. We entered a wide hall from which opened

the Council Chamber and the Governor's office- rooms. After a short wait, we entered the Governor's reception room according to the rank we held in Cottage Row. The Mayor was first introduced by the guide and then he introduced the other fellows as they came up. Governor Guild shook hands with us all and we had a pleasant talk with him, during which he told us that there were only four Common- wealths in the Union. These are Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Kentucky. We then visited other places of interest in the building, such as the engine and boiler rooms and the coal pocket.

As the Senate and House do not hold their sessions until afternoon, we made use of our time by visitingother places of interest in the city. We went to the Old State House where we spent a very pleasant half hour, and from there we went to dinner, to which we all did justice. After dinner we went through F'aneuil Hall and saw the many things of interest there. We were just in time to see the ball on the Ames building fall from a pole as it does every day to tell people the exact time, twelve o'clock. We then went back to the State House to see the Legislature in ses- sion. First we went into the Senate Chamber and listened to the proceedings. From there we went into the Hall of Representatives where things were more lively and interesting. Espe- cially one of the bills brought before the house, for it was a question as to whether a new law could be passed, giving the fishermen a right to dig clams for bait; so as to over-rule the law prohibiting all digging of clams in Boston Harbor. After listening to several other ques- tions discussed, we left for home havmg had a long and profitable day's outing.

Alfred H. Neumann.

Jin €ntertainmetit

March eighth we spent a pleasant evening watching a play given by the instructors. It was a comedy in two acts called "Mr. Bob". Before it started and between the acts refresh- ments were passed around to the fellows. The scene lay in a little town in England. It took


place at the home of Miss Rebecca Luke, a maiden lady, who was very fond of cats. Liv- ing with her, were her niece, Katherine Rogers, and her nephew, Philip Royson. Katherine was expecting a girl friend whom she called "Bob". Philip was very much interested in boats and was expecting a friend by the name of Mr. Saunders to enter a boat race with him. Miss Rebecca was expecting an architect, Mr, Brown, with plans for changing a part of her house into a home for cats. She told her ser- vants, a very'dignified butler and her maid who was very fond of dancing, not to mention his name or business to anyone, and then went out. A lawyer bearing the same name as the expect- ed architect arrived while Miss Rebecca was out, and in spite of the servant's efforts, Philip and Katherine discovered him. Philip thought he was Katherine's friend "Bob" whom he thouglit was a man, and Katherine ttiought it was Mr. Saunders, Philip's friend. For a while things were mixed up. When Miss Rebecca returned she mistook the lawyer for iier arciiitect. After a while of this amusing "mix-up" of names, it was found who this Mr. Brown really was. in one part of the play we ware all pleasantly surprised to see the maid bring two cats on the stage for no one knew that there were any cats on the Island. We all spent a very pleasant evening.

Spencer S. Profit.

Cleaning Cages

The animals which ate kept in Audubon Hall in summer, are kept in the poultry house during the winter season. The poultry house fellow has the cleaning of their cages to do. The monkey, raccoon, and fox cages are clean- ed every day except Sunday. The others are cleaned every other day. The trays which are on the bottom of the Guinea-pigs' cages, are taken out and the bedding is scraped into a box. The tray is then covered with chaff and re- placed. The bedding in the monkey cage is put in, and often, disinfectant is applied. The fox and raccoon cages are cleaned with an iron bar which has one end bent.

Harold E. Daniels.

Our 6cograpbv (UalK

One morning the teachers came to the assembly-room and we went for a geograpliy walk. As there was ice all around our IsUnd we carried a six-foot measuring-stick to get the thickness of some of the cakes. Along the beach we saw many cakes of ice, some of which we measured. One, which seemed larger than the rest, measured about forty-two inches in thickness. This was floating and nearly three-fourths of it was under water. As we walked along, we noticed that the large elm trees all bent in the same direction. We were told that the prevailing winds blowing from the west caused this. We looked back after pass- ing Observatory Hill, and saw how the hill had been rounded off by the glacier many thousand years ago. The snow that had piled up and hardened at the water's edge at the south end made a good example of an ice barrier The cakes of ice showed us how the soil is carried about by the glacier. Many cakes held soil, gravel, and some held good sized boulders. When they move they carry this soil with them, and when they melt it is deposited. One of the hills was covered with snow at the top. As it melted, little streams ran down and joined, mak- ing larger streams. They brought soil with them. Our teachers told us that many of our large rivers were started in this way, only the snow covered hill would be a mountain covered with perpetual snow. We had an interesting walk and had a better idea of our work in geography. J. Hermann Marshall.

mixing Bran

The other day Charles Morse and 1 mixed bran for the cattle. We had to get five one- hundred-pound bags of bran, two one-hundred- pound bags of gluten, and one one-hundred- pound bag of cotton seed meal. After putting the bran, gluten, and cotton-seed meal into the bin, we took shovels and kept stirring them back and forth until they were mixed. When we were done, we threw it in a pile over the spout, where Mr. McLeod, when he wants it. just pulls out the slide and fills a basket.

Preston M. Blanchard.



Samuel F. Butler, '00, has been with the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company since leaving the School. He works with the construction department, and is on the go through Maine and Massachusetts most of the time.

Thomas Brown, '00, is with Alfred H. Aldrich Company, 45 Chatham St., dealers in cheese. Mr, Aldrich is the man Tom went to work for in 1900. His name is on the firm Stationery as Clerk, and he is the right hand man of the firm. Tom is Chairman of the En- tertainment Committee oi the Alumni Asso- ciation, and is always on hand.

Ernest CuRLEY, '01, entered the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology in 1905, and is taking the course in Mechanical Engineering. Ernest is a persistent worker and will win out. He has made his home with Dr. A.N. Blodgett 51 Massachusetts Ave., ever since leaving the School. This speaks well for both him and the Doctor.

B Rescue

As 1 was walking through the barn one day 1 heard a rattle of chains on one of the scaffolds overhead. 1 did not pay much atten- tion to it at first, thinking it was made by some of the squirrels running around. But as it continued, 1 looked more closely and saw a squirrel's tail over the side of the scaffold. Then 1 said, "I guess there is a squirrel in a steel trap". 1 went up the ladder that leads to the scaffold and found that my thought was true. 1 went to pick him up and he jumped on a pile of bran bags about ten feet away from the scaffold, carrying the trap and chain with him. When 1 caught him I took him near the front legs so he could not bite me, and got another fellow to take the trap from his leg. 1 took him down to the poultry house and put him in a cage to see if his leg was not broken. It was not, for he jumped around very lively. We let him out and he ran out the door glad of his freedom. Charles A. Graves.

Clotbing Koom

Two rooms of our building are set apart for the purpose of keeping the boys' clothing and supplies. In one room we keep a supply of new clean, and mended clothes. When a boy tears or wears out his clothes he comes to this room to have them changed. There is a book in which is kept a record of all things given out. In one corner is a small closet which is called the Trading Company. In this is kept a supply of knives, scrap-books, hinges, pencils, har- monicas, memorandums, etc., which the boys may buy. In the other room is a case for shoes that have been mended. Around the walls are a number of rows of drawers which are all num- bered. Each fellow has the use of one of these, in which he keeps an extra suit, a regulation cap and anything else he wishes.

Thomas G. McCarragher.

Unlodaing the Bar«ic

After the barge goes for dressing, it has to be unloaded. It is first beached, then teams are backed up against it and the fellows load a cart with the dressing. We use manure forks to pitch tlie manure into the carls, taking the manure away from the front of the barge where it is kept piled up by a number of fellows from the back. After the barge has been emptied, it is swept, then scrubbed and left clean.

James R. Gregory.

Cbe Prize Contest

■"Some village Hampden, tliat with dauntless breast The little tyrant of his fields withstood.

Some mute, inglorious Milton here may rest;

Some Cromwell, guiltless of his country's blood."

Dr. Bancroft kindly offered to give two dollars to the boy who could tell who wrote the above lines, and give the best account of Hampden, Milton, and Cromwell in not more than five "hundred words. Quite a number of the boys tried for this prize and handed in their compositions One night while we were in chapel, Mr. Bradley spoke about the contest and said that it had been decided to award the prize to Leon H. Quinby, of the graduating class. Ernest N. Jorgensen.

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