~*rr^ HANDBOUND AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ^ ~Y;c±< .cL £~ -VUc £x\=Ao V .LL Ticks .odoidae Biblio •: 1-2 CJ - ~~c MAY 3 0 1967 ^/7Y OF TO^J cf TICKS A MONOGRAPH OF THE IXODOIDEA BIBLIOGRAPHY CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS iLonUon: FETTER LANE, E.C. C. F. CLAY, Manager AS i 4 1*1 !'i 1^2 Q£l£& GFftinburgrj : 100, PRINCES STREET UonSon: H. K. LEWIS, 136, GOWER STREET, W.C. Berlin: A. ASHER AND CO. IUtp>tg: P. A. BROCKHAUS jacto gork: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Bombaj; ant) Calcutta: MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. All rights reserved TICKS A MONOGRAPH OF THE IXODOIDEA By GEORGE H. F. NUTTALL M.A., M.D., Ph.D., Sc.D., F.R.S. Fellow of Magdalene College Quick Professor of Biology in the University of Cambridge CECIL WARBURTON M.A., F.Z.S. Christ's College, Zoologist to the Royal Agricultural Society W. F. COOPER and L. E. ROBINSON B.A.,.F.Z.S., F.L.S. A.R.C.Sc. (Lond.) of the Cooper Laboratory for Economic Research, Watford BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE IXODOIDEA BY GEORGE H. F. NUTTALL, F.R.S., L. E. ROBINSON and W. F. COOPER Cambridge at the University Press 191 1 45" S (JTambrtliecf: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS ■/ PREFACE TO THE BIBLIOGRAPHY IT was our original intention to issue the complete bibliography of the Ixodoidea after all the parts of this work had appeared, but, owing to the unavoidable delay attending the publication of the separate parts and the present need of the bibliography for purposes of reference, we find it inadvisable to retard its publication any longer. This bibliography deals with ticks and their relation to disease: we trust that it will prove useful to workers engaged in the study of the subjects to which it relates, for it has entailed much labour owing to the literature being very scattered. Our bibliography contains 2004 titles and includes full references to all the important papers hitherto published on ticks, as well as to papers of lesser merit. A few papers dealing more especially with the diseases which ticks convey have been included because of the general information they contain and the aspect they afford of the important part which ticks play in pathology ; some of these papers, moreover, contain useful bibliographies. Since it is certain that references to,' future literature will be required in connection with the forthcoming parts of this work, we propose to append any such references in the form of Addenda at the end of the succeeding parts so that they can be detached and added to the main bibliography. We would advise our readers to bind the bibliography separately ; some blank pages, provided at the end, are intended for the reception of any additional references supplied on Addenda slips. Throughout the book the Harvard System of References to the bibliography has been adopted. Wherever an author has been cited in the text the date of publication (and usually the page) has been added in brackets. In the following bibliography the names of the authors are given in alphabetical order, the names being followed by the date vi Preface to the Bibliography of publication, the title of the paper and the Journal, etc. where the paper was published. The Roman numerals after the name of the Journal or book indicate the number of the volume, and the figures printed in ordinary type refer to the page. In some cases a short comment upon the contents of the publication accompanies the re- ference ; comments not followed by initials are by G. H. F. N., others are initialed by L. E. R. or W. F. C. Unless otherwise stated in the text or reference the quotations are from the original papers. In a number of cases titles have been cited from short bibliographies given by other authors, the original papers being either inaccessible or not having been as yet consulted by us in the original. The bibliographies referred to are by Hunter and Hooker, 1907, Salmon and Stiles, 1901, and Stiles and HassaU's Index, 1902, which is still appearing (abbreviated to H. and H. bibl., S. and S. bibl. and S. and H. bibl. in our bibliography) Some references are taken from Neumann, Huber, and other sources, including the Zoological Record and the Bibliographia Zoologica (Zool. Anzeiger). L. E. Robinson and W. F. Cooper have checked a number of the references. We are indebted to C. Warburton for kindly aiding with the translation of some extracts from the writings of classical authors. We shall be very grateful to readers who may draw our attention to errors or omissions in the bibliography. G. H. F. N. L.E. R. and W.F.C. Cambridge, ./,//y, 1911. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE IXODOIDEA Abn Mansur Muwaffak (?), vide Robert, Histol. Studien, in. pp. 143, 153. Cit. Huber bibl., 1910, p. 21. Absolon, Ph. C. K. (1899), Ueberdie Fauna der Hohlendes mahrischen Devonkalkes. Zool. Anz., xxn. 321-325. (Refers briefly to the occurrence of Eschatocephal us gracilipes Frauenfeld, on Chiroptera hibernating in caves, (l.e.r.)) Aclogue, A. (1905), Les Argas. Le Cosmos, N.S., nil. 536 (inaccessible). (1907), Le mode de nocuite des Argas. Le Cosmos, N.S., lvi. 33-36. Agassiz, L. (1846), Nomenclatoris zoologici Index Universalis, continens nomina systematica classium, ordinum, famUiarum et generum animalium omnium, tarn viventium quam fossilium, secundum ordinem alphabeticum vnicum disposita adjectis homonymiis plantar um, necnon variis adnotationibus et emendationibus, pp. viii + 393, 4°, Soloduri. (Only lists genera : Argas, Ixodes, etc.) Ajutolo, G. d' (1898), Nuovi casi di Argas refiexus parassita dell' uomo. Rend. Accad. 1st. Bologna, n. 222-223. (1900), Argas reflexus parassita dell' uomo. Mem. Accad. Bologna, 8 pp., 4 Figs., 4°. (Cit. Huber, bibl. 1910, p. 21.) Aldrovandi, U. (died 1605, publ. posth. 1638), de Insectis. Citations, translated by us, from extracts of the Latin original in Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 4 : Lib. v. pp. 559 et seq., cap. v. the author gives the names of the tick in different countries: Hundlaus, Zecke, Holzbock (Germany); Hondtsluejis (Belgium); Rezna, Garapato (Spain). He would explain the Italian word cecca as derived from the gut ending blindly, thus reverting to the myth of Pliny. P. 554: "one often notices that dogs, on leaving home, are free from Ticks (ricinus), but on returning from the fields, where there is much thick, tall grass, they are infested by both kinds, great and small." P. 561, Pliny praises the blood, obtained from ticks, as a remedy for chronic ulcers. " If a fistula succeeds to an old disease... the blood of a tick which an ox has nurtured" will cure the condition. Allan, R. R. (1881), Septicemia from a Tick Wound. Lancet, n. 403. (Cit. Nuttall, 1899, p. 42.) Allen, W. E. (20. XII. 1905), Internal Morphology of the American Cattle Tick. Studies from the Zool. Lab., University of Nebraska, No. 67, 4 PL, pp. 245-280 ; also Trans. American Micr. Soc, xxvi. 245 et seq., 4 Pis. Almy (10. X. 1901), Nouveaux cas de piroplasmose canine. Bulletin de la Soc. centr. de me'd. ve'te'r., pp. 375-380. see Nocard. n. 1. 1 1 Bibliography of the Txodoidea altari Alt, K. (1892 a), Die Taubenzecke als Parasit des Menschen. Miinchen. med. Wochenschr., xxxix. 531-533, 2 Figs. (Cit. Xuttall, 1899, p. 45, A. reflexus.) (1892b), Die Taubenzecke als Parasit des Menschen. Thiermcd. Rundschau, Halle a. S., vi. 265-269. (1 Sept. ; A. reflexus.) (1893), Die Taubenzecke als Parasit des Menschen. Centralbl. f. Bacteriol., xiv. 468. (Rev. by Kniippel.) Amaral Leal, J., and Sant'Anna, J. F. (1909), Ornithodorus moubata in Lourenco Marques. Arch. Med. Lisbon, n. 87-88. Anderson, J. F. (1903), Spotted fever (Tick fever) of the Rocky Mountains. A new disease. Treasury Dept., Public Health and Marine Hosp. Service of the U.S'., Hygienic Laboratory Bulletin, No. 14, 50 pp. (3 col. plates, 2 photos, charts and maps). Anon. (?), Australian Ticks. Amer. Micr. Journ., xxi. 123. Anonymous author (1702), An extract of some letters sent to Sir C. H. relating to some microscopal (sic) observations. Communicated by Sir C. H. to the publisher. Philos. Trans., London, xxm. 1362 (1702-1703). (Found a small black tick attached to his arm after a walk in the woods. Describes the mouth- parts and refers to figs, which do not accompany the text. His description of the hypostome of the " wood-tick " might apply to that of ricinus £ . In the " dog-tick " there were 8 teeth in a row on the " snout " (hypostome), which is aptly compared to the proboscis of a swordfish.) Aragao, H. de B. (1908), Algumas novas especies de carrapatos brazilieros. Trabalho do Lnstituto de Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, reprint 19 pp. no figs. (Haemaphysalis kodii, Amblyomma lutzi { = A. cooperi Nutt. and Warb.), Amblyomma braziliense, Amblyomma parvum, n.spp.) (8. VI. 1908). Mais uma nova especie de carrapato brazileiro. Brazil-Medico (Rio de Janeiro), xxn. 251-252 {Amblyomma mantiquirense, n.sp.). (22. XI. 1908), Mais um novo carrapato brazileiro. Brazil-Medico (Rio de Janeiro), xxir. 431-432 {Amblyomma pseudoconcolor, n.sp.). Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), Hist. anim. ed. Frankf. 1587 (full quotations from the Greek original are given by Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 2). We glean the following: p. 142, 1 : " Ticks (Kporcovfj) come out of the grass." P. 151, 22 : "The ass has no lice nor ticks ; oxen have both... among dogs Cynorhaestes {Kwopmarai) are plentiful." Theodorus Gaza interprets the latter as meaning ricinus, "a disgusting parasitic animal"; Cratander's (ed. Basil., 1534) Latin version reads "the tick {ricinus) is natural to dogs and takes its name Cynorhaestes from the dog" ; Gaza, on the other hand, renders /crotch- = redivus [reduvius] : "except the ass, which not only has no lice, but is even immune to the tick." Aristotle {Rhetoric, lib. n. cap. ii. ed. Didot, 1848, vol. I., p. 370, b) recounts a story of ^Esop : "A fox, crossing a river, got into difficulty ; she had many ticks adhering to her body. A hedgehog wandering that way pitied her and asked her if she wanted the ticks pulled off, but she did not ; when the hedgehog asked her 'why,' 'because,' said she, 'they are already full of me and they are drawing very little of my blood, whereas if you tear these out, other famished ones will come along who will take the little blood that is left to me.'" The name of Croton is derived from the tree called Kporcov whose yellowish, greasy seed resembles the tick. The saying " more healthy than a tick " appears, according to Zenobius, a.d. 200, to refer to the belief that the tick possessed no vent. 2 1—2 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea ari ban Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), The Works of Aristotle translated into English under the Editorship of J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross. Vol. iv. : Historia Animalium by D'Arcy W. Thompson, Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1910. (P. 552 a, 15 occurs the passage: "The tick is generated from couch grass.") Ashburn, P. M. (1908), A comparative study of Tsutsugamushi Disease and Spotted or Tick fever of Montana. Boston Med. Surg. Journ., CLVin. 749-761. Ashburn, P. M. and Craig, C. F. (I. 1908), A comparative study of Tsutsugamushi disease and spotted or tick fever of Montana. Philippine Journ. of Set., B. Med. Sci., in. 1-29. (A useful summary of what is known about spotted fever.) Ashworth, J. H. (20. III. 1909), Some recent work on Ticks. Veterinary News, vi. 133-134. (Brief reference to hatching of /. ricinus eggs as cited in our text p. 300, otherwise nothing original.) Audouin, J. V. (1827), Description de VEgypte, ou recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont ete faites en Egypte pendant l'expedition de l'anne'e francaise, publie par les ordres de sa majeste l'empereur Napoleon le Grand, ed. 2, xxii. Zoologie. (1832), Lettres pour servir de materiaux a l'histoire des Insectes. Premiere Lettre, contenant des Recherches sur quelques Araignees parasites des genres Pteropte, Can's, Argas, et Ixode, adressee a M. Leon Dufour. Ann. d. sci. nat., Paris, xxv. 401-425, Pis. IX, Figs. 8-10 ; XIV, Figs. 1-4. (Argasidae and Ixodidae.) (1836), "Arachnida" in Todd's Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology, 1. 200. (Classification according to Duges; p. 203 mouth-parts of Argas described, also spiracle of/, erinacei. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 12.) Aurivillius, C. W. S. (1886a), En fasting sasom endoparasit (Ixodes). Eat. Tidskr., Stockholm (2), vn. 105-111, Figs. 3. (1886 b), Un Ixode endoparasite (Resume of foregoing). Ent. Tidskr., vn. 139-142. Austen, E. E. (1906), An insect enemy of the disseminator of human tick fever in Angola. Journ. Trop. Med., Lond., ix. 113. (Describes Phonergatesbicoloripes, sent by Wellman.) Baldasseroni, V. (1908), "Ixodes ricinus" L. infetto da embrioni di Filaria. Bull. Soc. Eutom. Ital., Anno xxxv. 171-174. Balfour, A. (1904), First Report of the Wellcome Research Laboratories at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum. Printed by the Department of Education, Sudan Government, Khartoum. 83 pp. Numerous figures. 6 coloured plates. 28 x 20 cm. Banks, C. S. (1904), The Australian Tick (Boophilus australis Fuller) in the Philippine Islands. [Publication] 14, Bureau of Gov't Lab's., Biological Lab. (Manila). Bull. No. 2, (Entomological Division), pp. 13-21, Figs. 1-23, reprint. Banks, N. (1895), The Acarina of Colorado. Ann. New York Acad. Sci., VIII. 417-434. (Dermacentor americanus L. and Rhipicephahis sp. are only listed.) (1899), Reports upon the insects, spiders, mites, and myriapods collected on the Commander Islands Expedition. The Fur Seals and fur-seal islands of the North Pacific Ocean, Pt. 4, pp. 328-351. (Lists Ixodes borealis, supposes 3 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea ban-bat /. fimbriatus Kramer and Neuiaan to be the male. Cit. Hunter and Hooker, 1907, p. 73.) Banks, N. (1901a), Acarina in "Some Spiders and other Arachnida from Southern Arizona." Proc. U. S. Nat. Museum, xxm. 59<). (A. persicus and Ixodes sp. not identified.) (1901b), Some Arachnida from New Mexico. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila- delphia, liii. 568-597. {A. persicus found at Ueniing.) (1902b), Papers from the Hopkins-Stanford Galapagos Expedition, 1898-1899, vol. vil, Entomological Results (6), The Arachnida. Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., iv. 70, PI. II, Fig. 9. (Argas transversa, n.sp., and mention of Amblyomma pilosum Nn. both at Albemarle Island.) (1904a), Some Arachnida of California. Proc. California Acad. Sci. (3), in. 331-376, PI. XLI, Fig. 57 (Zoology). (1904 b), A treatise on the Acarina or Mites. Proc. U. S. National Mus., xxvni. 1-114, 201 text-figs. (Ticks : pp. 42-49, Figs. 71-85.) (1904 c), The Arachnida of Florida. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., lvi. 120-147. (Boophilus annulatus Say, Ixodes scapularis Say, Dermacentor americanus Linn., Amblyomma tuberculatum Marx, only listed.) (1907), A catalogue of the Acarina, or Mites, of the United States. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xxxii. 595-625. (VIII. 1907), [Classification of ticks, summary of paper]. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington, vm. 62. (Cit. Banks, 1908, p. 14.) (1908), A revision of the Ixodoidea, or Ticks of the United States. U. S. Dep't of Agricidt., Bureau of Entomology, Technical Series No. 15. 60 pp., 10 Plates. Washington, D.C. (issued 6. vi. 1908). (1908 a), Tick-borne diseases and their origin. Journ. Econ. Entomol. I. 213-215. (I.-III. 1910), New American Mites (Arachnoidea, Acarina), Proc. Entomolog. Soc, Washington, XII. 2-12, PI. I— III (Ornithodorus marginatus, n.sp. and Ixodes aequalis, n.sp.). (VI. 1910), Three new ticks from the United States. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington, x. 170-173, Figs. 12-17. (Dermacentor modestus, Aponomma inomata, Ixodes texanus.) Barber, C. A. (1894-95), Notes on Ticks. Leeward Islands Agricult. Journ. 1894, No. 2, p. 36 ; No. 3, p. 57. Reprinted in Journ. Trinidad Field- Naturalists' Club, ii., pp. 161, 183, 197, 228, 252. See also Agric. Gazette, New South Wales, vi. 717. (1895), The effects produced by ticks upon their hosts. From the Leeward Islands Agricultural Journal, 1894. Reprinted in Journ. of the Trinidad Field- Naturalists' Club, pp. 197-204. (27. VI. 1895 and 8. VIII. 1895), The Tick pest in the Tropics. Nature, ui. 197-200, 1 Fig. ; also Agricult. Journ., Cape Town, XVIII. 419-421. Barnes, A. W. (1896 a), Tick fever in Queensland. (Read before Centr. Queensland Farmers' and Selectors' Ass., Aug. 1.) Vet. Journ. and Ann. Compar. Pathol., Lond., xliii. 300-303. Discussion, pp. 303-305. (S. and H., bibl.) Batelli, A. (1891a), Note auatomo-fisiologiche sugli Ixodini. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, Anno II, No. 4, pp. 78-84 ; No. 5, pp. 98-104, 1 Fig. Bibliography of the Txodoidea bat ber Batelli, A. (1891 b), Anatomical and physiological notes on Ixodklae. (Abstract of' Batelli, 1891a.) Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond. 2nd ser., XL 731-732. (1892 a), Note anatomo-fisiologiche sngli Ixodini (communicazione preventiva . Bull. Soc. entom. ital., Firenze, xxiii. 218 235, 1 Fig. (1892 b), Notes on Ixodidae. (Abstract of Batelli, 1891 a and 1892 a.) Journ. Roi/. Micr. Soc, Lond. 2nd ser. xn. 602-603. (Cit. S. and 11. bibl., 1902.) Bayle-Barelle, G. (1824 a), Degli insetti nocivi all' uomo, alle bestie, air agricoltura, idle ortaglie, ec. ec. Coi mezzi che impiegar si debbmio per ilistruggerli o tenerli lontani, e rimediare a' rnali che possano a ercagionato. Opera riprodotta da A. Ascona. x. pp. 1 PI., 143 pp., 4 Pis. 12°, Milano. (S. and H. bibl.) Beardslee, H. C. (1884), Cattle tick on human body. Bull. Xo. 4, Div. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, pp. 84, 85. (S. and S. bibl.) Beille, L. see Dubreuilh. BeinaroviC, S. K. (1909), Die Milben N.-W. Russlands als Vermittler der Infection des Hornviehs mit Haemoglobinurie. 1-te Mitt. Anatomie, Biologie und pathogene Natur von Ixodes reduvius. Arch, veterin. nauk. St Petersburg, xxxvu. 1-43. [Russian.] Belval, Th. (1861), Note sur V Ixodes poor tmani. Bull, de I' Acad. roy. de Belgique, (2 ser.) xi. 97-101, 1 coloured plate. Beneden, P. J. van (1873), Les parasites des Chauves-Souris de Belgique. Mem. de V Acad. Roy. de Belgique, XL. 8. {Ixodes lividus van Beneden : only a nominal sp. found but once on Yespertilio pipistrellus, referred to in two lines, detailed description promised.) (1883), Animal Parasites and Messmates. 3rd ed., 83 Figs., 274 pp. London : Kegan Paul, Trench and Co. (brief mention of Ticks). see Gervais. Bennewitz (1838 a), Der Holzbock, als Hchmarotzerthier auf der Haut des Menschen beobachtet. Journ. d. pract. Heilk., Berlin, lxxxvii. 126-128. (Cit. S. and H. bibl., 1902.) Berlese, A. (1885), Acarorum systematis specimen. Boll, della Soc. Ent. Italiana, xvii. 121-144. (1888), Acari Austro-Americani. Ibid. xx. 193. (1888-1892), Acari, Myriopoda et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta. Padua. [Re Ticks : see Fasciculi 47 and 49 (1888), 55 (1889), 58 (1891), 61 (1892).] (1889), Acari africani tres illustrati. Attid. Soc. veneto-trentina disc, naturali, x. 289-300, PI. VII, Figs. 2-4. (Cit. Neumann, re Hyal. utriculus Berlese and Orn. savignyi Audouin.) (1897), Ricerche sugli organi e sulla funzione della digestioue negli Acari. Rivista di Patologia vegetale, Padova, v. 129-195, PI. VIII-IX, Figs. 36. Berlese, A., and Trouessart, E. (1889), Diagnoses d'Acariens nouveaux ou peu connus. Bull, de la Bibliotheque scientif. de VOuest, II. 130. (Cit. Neumann re Ambly omnia strobeli Berlese and Trouessart.) Bernard, H. M. (read 21. IV. 1892, publ. 1894), Some observations on the relation of the Acaridae to the Arachnida. Linnean Soc. Journ. — Zoology, xxiv. 279-291, PI. XX. (19. IV. 1893), Notes on some of the digestive processes in Arachnids. Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. 1893, pp. 427-443, PI. VI. 5 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea ber bla Bertkau, Ph. (1880), Verzeichniss der von Prof. Ed. van Beneden auf seiner im Auftrage der belgischen Regierung unternommenen wissenschaftlichen Reise nach Brasilien nnd La Plata i. J. 1872-1875, gesammelten Arachniden. M4m. couron. et Mem. d. sav. etrangeres publ. par V Acad. Roy. d. sci., d. lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, Bruxelles, xliii. pp. 120, Pis. I, II. [Ixodidae mentioned pp. 109, 110, not figured.] (1881), Bruchstiicke aus der Lebens-, nainentlich Fortpflanzungsgeschichte unserer Zecke, Ixodes ricinus. Verhandl. d. naturhist. Ver. d. preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens. Jahrg. 38, Bonn 1881, Sitzungsberichte, pp. 145-148. Besanez, W. and Gr. (1848), Guania ein wesentlicher Bestandtheil gewisser Secrete wirbelloser Thiere. Gelehrte Anzeigen herausgeg. v. Mitgliedern d. K. Bayer.- Akad. d. Wissensch. xxvn. (Cit. Batelli, 1891, p. 99, re urinary seer, in Arachnida.) Bianconi. G. A. (1867), Sul Rhynchoprion columbae Herm. o Argas rejiexus Latr. con una Tavola. Mem. dell' Accad. d. sc. dell' Istituto di Bologna (2), vn. 107- 112, 1 PL Bielitzer, A. W. (1908), Untersuchungen fiber die Piroplasmose der Pferde im Jahre 1907 im Gouv. Rjazan. Arch, veterin. nauk. St Petersburg, xxxviii. 123-160, 235-263, mit 4 Taf. u. 1 Tab. [Russian.] see Marzinowski. Billings, F. (1893), Southern Cattle Fever {Texas Fever). 3rd ed. Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S.A., 1893 (rev. in Baumgarten's Jahresb., 1893, p. 139. Cit. Nuttall, 1899.) Birch- Hirschfeld, F. V., and Johne, A. (1889 a), Die thierischen und pflanzlichen Parasiten des Menschen (und der Hausthiere). In F. V. Birch- Hirschfeld's Lehrb. der pathol. Anat. 4th ed., vol. I. : Allgemeine pathologische Anatomie. Leipzig, pp. 276-397, 73 Figs. (S. and H. bibl.) Bird, Wm. N. D. (1899), Texas fever tick (Boophilus bovis), Tenn. Farmer, Nashville, xix. 1-5, Figs. 1-6. (Inaccessible. S. and S. bibl.) Birula, A. (1894), Ixodes calcaratus, n.sp. Arb. Zool. Lab. St Petersburg, 1894, p. 137 ; also in Trudni St Petersb. Obsch. (Russian), xxiv. 137. (1894 and 1895), Ixodidae novi vel parum cogniti Musei Zoologici Academiae Caesareae Scientiarum Petropolitanae. i. Bull, de I'Acad. Imp. des Sc. de St Pe'tersboiirg, ser. 5, II. (4), April, pp. 353-3G4, Pis. I, II. Bishopp, F. C. (30. III. 1911), The distribution of the Rocky Mountain Spotted- fever Tick. U. S. Dept. of Agric, Bureau of Entomol., Circular No. 136, 4 pp., 1 Map. (Dermacentor venustus Banks.) Blanchard, R. (?)> "Parasites Animaux" in Bouchard's Traite de Pathol. Ge'ne'rale, vol. ii. Paris. (1890), Traite de la Zoologie medicale, n. 883 pp., Figs. 388-883. (Refers to different Argasidae.) (23. X. 1891), Penetration de Y Ixodes ricinus sous la peau de l'homme. Compt. rend. Soc. Biol., Paris, s. 9, in. 689-691. (1908), L' Argas reflexus et les maladies infectieuses. Bull. Soc. Entomol., France, 238-241. (V. 1909), L'Insecte et I'Infection, histoire naturelle et medicale des arthropodes pathogenes. Premier fascicule : Acariens, 160 pp., 197 illustrations in the text. Paris : Librairie Scientifique et Litteraire. G Bibliography of the Ixodoidea blu bra Blumenbach (1830!, Handbuch der Naturgeschickte. (Includes ticks in the genus Acarus, being characterised by "Oculi duo ad latera capitis, tentacula duo articulata." Citation from Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 9.) Bocquillons (?), Storia med. fra gti Aracnidi, p. 113. Cit. Bianconi, 1867, p. 107. (Casual reference to Argas reflexus.) Bolivar I. 1909), El " Argas reflexus" en Espaiia. Bol. Soc. EspaTi. Ilif Agric. Circular (unnumbered) issued Jan. 1, 1906, pp. 4. Reprinted in part in "Farm and /{anch" vol. xxv. p. 7, April 14. (Deals with the most successful work that has been done in the practical eradication of the cattle tick. H. and H. bibl.) Buy, P. (VII. 1906), Histoire naturelle et medicate des Ixodes. These. Lyon, 73 pp., 8°, Fig. (Huber, bibl. 1910, p. 18.) Calandruccio (IV. 1899), Grli ixodidi ectoparassiti dell' uomo. Bollettino delV Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania. Fasc, lix. pp. 4, reprint. Calinescu, J. see Mezinescu. Caiman, W. T. (15. IV. 1905), Ornithodorus savignyi var. caecum [should be caecus). Joum. Tropical Medicine, VIII. 124. (0. moubata.) Canestrini, G. (1884), Acari nuovi o poco noti. Atti del R. htituto Veneto di Scienze etc. (6), n. 705, PI. VI, Fig. 4 (mouthparts). (Haemaphysalis papuana Thorell.) (1890), Prospetto delV Acarofauna italiana; Famiglie: Tetranychini, Ixodini, Argasini, iv. 427-540, pis. xxxvii.-xliii. Padova. (VII. 1890 b), Intorno alia metamorfosi degli Ixodini (nota). Bull. Soc. Veneto- Trent. di Sc. nat., Padova, IV. 243, 244. (Short note on metamorphosis of Ixodes nymph.) (1891), Abbozzo del' sistema acarologico. Atti R. Istit. Venet. di Sc. (7), II. 699-725. (Cit. J. Martin, 1894, p. 277.) (1892a), Prospetto dell' Acarofauna italiana; Intorno alia metamorfosi degli Ixodini (Nota). Abbozzo del sistema acarologico ; Famiglia dei Phytoptini (Phytoptidae), v. 543-722, Tav. xliv.-lix. Padova. (1897), Nuovi Acaroidei della N. Guinea. Termhzetrajzi Fuzetek, Budapest, xx. 468, 469. (Opisthodon.) Canestrini, G., and Canestrini, R. (1882 a), Acari italiani, 3 Pis., 8°. (S. and H. bibl.) Canestrini, G., and Fanzago, F. (1876a), Nuovi acari italiani. Atti Soc. Veneto- Trent. di Sc. nat., Padova, v. 99-111 ; 130-142. (S. and H. bibl.) (1877), Intorno agli acari Italiani. Atti del reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, ser. 5, iv. (1877-78) (1 [for Nov., 1877]), 69-208, Tav. ii.-vi. (Reprint paged 1-140, citations made from the latter.) Cantor, Th. (1847), Catalogue of Reptiles inhabiting the Malay Peninsula and Islands. Joum. Asiatic Soc. of Bengal, xvi. 608. (Amblyomma geoemydae (Cantor); cit. Neumann, 1906, p. 214.) de Carlini (1889), Artropodi di Valtellina, estr. p. 11. Bull. Soc. entomol. italiana. Anno xxi. (Cit. Canestrini, 1890, p. 523, re Dermacentor reticulatus.) Carpenter (1858), Zoology, n. 227. (Ticks receive casual mention. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 16.) Carpot, C (1886 a), Considerations sur les parasites penetrants de la peau dans les pays chauds et specialement au Senegal. These. Bordeaux, 64 pp., 4°. (S. and H. bibl.) Carr£, Ch. (1909), Note sur des larves d'Argas qui attaquent les poules eu Perse. Fee. Med. vete'r. Paris, lxxxvi. 172-173. N. I. 9 2 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea car chr Carter, R. M. (1907), The presence of Spirochaeta duttoni'm the ova of Ornithodorus moubat'i. Ann. Trop. Med. Liverpool, I. 155 L60, PI. X. Castellani, A., and Chalmers, A. J. (1910;, J/"/"/"/ <>/ Tmpii-ai .)/>■, /;,■>'„,; i -i \-i pp., 14 Plates, 373 Text-Figs. London : Bailli&re, Tindall and Cox. (Ixodoidea treated of on pp. 460-487 ; Figs. 184-201, of which 8 are original ; the latter are "very well drawn and give a good general impression but are not accurate on morphological points.) Cato, M. Porcius (234-149 B.C.), ed. Gesneri 1781, cap. 96 (Latin citation in Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 2). In speaking of the treatment of sheep the author writes : " If you do this there will be no sores and the wool will be more plentiful and in better condition and the ticks (ricini) will not be troublesome." Celli, A., and Santori, F. S. (1897 b), Die Rindermalaria in der Campagna von Rom. (Synonyme : Texasfieber, Hamoglobinurie in Roman ien und Finland, Hamati- nurie in Sardinien und im Agro Romano.) (Transl. of Celli and Santori, 1897 a.) Centralbl. f. Bakteriol., Parasitenk. etc., Jena, 1. Abt., xxi. 561-572, PL IV, Figs. 1-56. Chabrier, F. (1807), Bemerkung iiber die Fortpflanzungsweise der Gattung Ixodes Fabr. Magazin fin- Insektenkunde ("Illiger's Magazin"). Braunschweig, vi. 366-370. Chalmers, A. J. see Castellani. Charleton, Gr. (1668), Onomasticon zoicon plerorumque animalium differentials et nomina propria pluribus Unguis exponens. Cui accedunt mantissa anatomica ; et quaedam de variis fossilium generibus. 309 pp., with Figs. London. (S. and S. bibl.) (1677), Exercitationes de differentiis et nominibus animalium. (Cit. Gene, 184 4 ; ref. given in Fischer's transl. of Gene, 1849.) Chatelin (1882), [Effects of bite of A. refiexus on man]. Soc. Entomol. de France, Seance du 24. v. 1882. (Cited by Laboulbene and Megnin, 1882, p. 340, and Railliet, 1895, p. 717.) Chauvelot, E. (1904), Les babesioses. Doctor's Dissertation. Paris, F. R. de Rudeval, 94 pp. reprint. Chillada Melia, J. (1884), La ponzoha de la garrapata. Gac. d. I. hosp., Valencia, in. 172-175. Chilton, C (1904), A species of Ixodes parasitic on the Grey Duck. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst, xxxvi. 201-202. Chowning, "W. M. see Wilson. Christophers, S. R. (1906), The Anatomy and Histology of Ticks. Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Med. and Sanit. Dep'ts of the Gov't of India, Calcutta, N.S., No. 23, Pis. I-VI, 55 pp. (1907 a), The sexual cycle of Leucocytozoon canis in the Tick. Sci. Mem. by Offic. of Med. and Sanit. Dep'ts, Gov't of India (N.S.), No. 28, 12 pp., 1 PL (see pp. 3-5 re Rhip. sanguineus). (1907 b), Piroplasma canis and its life-cycle in the tick. Scientific Menu. Officers Med. and Sanit. Dep'ts, Gov't India, Calcutta (N.S.), No. 29, 83 pp., 4 Figs., 3 Pis. (Rhipicephalus sanguineus conveys the disease; other ticks mentioned.) Christy, C (1903), "Tick Fever" in Man. (Including a note by R. I. Pocock.) Brit. Med. Journ., n. 653 ; also appeared in Thompson and Johnston Laboratories Report, v. 187-189, PL XV. 10 2—2 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea CHU-COM Churchill, A. (1892 a), Ticks on dogs. (Abstract of letter.) Vet. Journ. and Ann. Compar. Pathol., London, xxxiv. 393. Churchill, S. (1880 a), Note on Argas persicus. Proc. Entom. Soc. Lond., pp. xx-xxiii. Claude, and Soulie- (1901 a), Contribution a l'etude de la piroplasmose bovine en Algerie. Bull. Soc. centr. de me'd. vet., Paris, lv. n.s. xix. 478-484. (Discussion, pp. 484, 485.) Claus, C. (1876 and 1880), GrundzUge der Zoologie, 3rd ed. (1876), p. 574 ; also 4th ed. (1880), I. 652. (Contains no information worth noting and a mis-statement regarding mode of copulation in Ixodes.) (1886 a), On the heart of the Gamasidae and its significance in the phylogenetic consideration of the Acarida and Arachnoidea, and the classification of the Arthropoda. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 5 s., xvn. 168-172, 1 Fig. (1887), Lehrbuch der Zoologie, 4te Aufl. Marburg and Leipzig : N. G. Elwert. [Pp. 470-474 give a brief description of chief features of Ixodes and reproduce three figures from Pagenstecher (1860, 1861) : Ixodes ricinus, general internal anatomy (Fig. 443); Argas, $ and £ sexual organs (Fig. 444); Ixodes, rostrum (Fig. 450).] Clayton, W. D. (1897 a), Ticks and Texas fever. (Reviewed.) American Vet. Rev., New York, xx. 727. (S. and H. bibl.) Cleland, J. B. (XI. 1909), A note on eosinophil cells in the exudate from tick bites on a horse. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., London, in. 42, 1 Fig. (Amblyomma aegyptium [the author means Hyalomma aegyptium ; they were identified by Nuttall] imported recently into W. Australia on camels from India, ticks spreading, attack horses and cattle ; in horses attack tender parts and produce " exudation of a slimy, bloody discharge." The author figures the leucocytes in the wound discharges.) Cobb, J. 0. (1902), The so-called " spotted fever " of the Rocky Mountains. A new disease in Bitter Root Valley, Mont. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., xvn. 1868-1870 [reviewed in Lancet, London, 1902, n. 840 ; also Med. Rec, N.Y., lxii. 540, 541 ; also American Med., Philadelphia, iv. 365, as "Strange Disease induced by Tick Bite " = 20 lines]. (It is only a report on the work of Wilson and Chowning, q.v.) Cobbold, T. S. (1879), Parasites; a treatise on the Entozoa of man and animals, including some account of the Ectozoa. Pp. xi + 508, figs. 85, London. (1882), Human parasites. A manual of reference to all the known species of Entozoa and Ectozoa which are found infesting man. 88 pp. London : Longmans, Green and Co. (Brief mention of ticks on pp. 77, 78.) Coinde, J. P. (1860 a), Note sur les epizoes parasites de l'homme et des animaux domestiques. Monit. d. sc. me'd. et pharm., Paris, 2 s., II. 995-997. (S. and H. bibl.) Collins, W. see Hunt, S. Columella, Jun. Moderat. (about 60 B.C.), ed. Gesneri, 1781, H. lib. vi., cap. 2 (Latin citations in Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 3), writes of cattle which have been purchased: "to pass the hand under the belly... that ticks, which principally attack cows, may be removed." In lib. vil, cap. 13, p. Ill, referring to liquid tar : "by this same medicament the ticks which are touched fall down, for they must not be torn away, lest, as I have said before, they cause ulcers." Comte, C. see Nicolle. 11 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea concra Conil, P. A. (1877 a), Description d'une nuuvelle espece d'ixode, Ixodes testudiuis. Adas Acad. National de Cientias Exactas, Buenos Aires, III. 25-37, PLs. I— III. (S. and S. bibl.) 1 (1878b), Description d'une nouvelle espece d'ixode, /./<»/>.< uuricularius, ui. Ibid. in. 99-110, PI. IX, Figs. 1-8. (1878 c), Description d'une nouvelle espece d'ixode et de Gamase. 3 Pis., 4°. Buenos Aires. (S. and H. bibl.) Connaway, J. W. (1897), Texas fever, or acclimation fever. Bull. No. 37, Mo. Agric Exp. Sta., pp. 81-139, Figs. 11. (S. and S. bibl.) see Francis. Connaway, J. W., and Francis, M. (1899), Texas fever. Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bull. 48, pp. 66, Figs. 11. (H. and H. bibl.) Cook, A. J. (1887-8), Ticks. 21st Ann. Rep. State Board of Agric. Michigan (Lansing), pp. 403-409. (1889), Ticks on Western ponies. The Rural New Yorker, xi.viii. 229, 230, Figs. 81-83. (S. and S. bibl. Inaccessible.) Cook, A. R. (1904), Relapsing fever in Uganda. Joum. Trop. Med., 15 Jan., p. 24. (Epidemics of the disease in Budu and Mengo (Uganda), in 1903 ; found spiro- chaetes in the blood of patients : he observed the disease in 1899, at Mengo.) Cooley R. A. (1909), Preliminary report on the wood tick. Dennacentor sp. [In sixth annual report of the State entomologist of Montana.] Agric. Expt. Sta. Montana, Bull, No. 75, 95-108, PI. I. Cooper, D. (1842 a), (Note to Busk, George, 1842 b). Microsc. Joum., London, n. 65-66. (S. and H. bibl.) Cooper, W. F. (IX. 1910), " Five-day-spraying." The Brown Tick and East Coast Fever. Joum. of Agricult. Sci., Cambridge, in. 285-296. see Nuttall. Cooper, W. F., and Robinson, L. E. (v. 1907), Note on a new South African Tick, Rhipicephalus phthirioides, sp.n. Linnean Soc. Joum. — Zoology, xxx. 35-38, 4 Figs., PI. V (also private plate of 6 Figs.). Reprint. ( = Margaropus winthemi Karsch.) (15. II. 1908), On six new species of Ixodidae, including a second species of the new genus Rhipicentor N. and W. Proc. Cambr. Philos. Soc, xiv. 457-470, 24 Figs. Cotton, E. C. (XII. 1908), Tick eradication. The life-history and habits of the North American Fever Tick, with special reference to eradication. Bull. Agric. Exper. Sta. Univ. of Tennessee, No. 81, pp. 53-71, 7 Text-Figs., reprint. Cotton, W. E. see Schroeder. Cox, C. J. (1864), [Ixodes ricinus on dogs and ferrets]. Proc. Entomol. Soc, London, n. 82-85. ■ (1865 a), [Note on Ixodes ricinus infesting the skin of dogs]. Trans. Entomol. Soc, London, 3 s., n. ; Joum. Proc, pp. 82-83 (same as Cox, 1864). (1865b), [Dog-kennel infested with "Ixodes plumbeus"]. The Zoologist, London, xxm. 9503-9504 (same as Cox, 1864). Craig, C. F. (1898 b), The transmission of disease by certain insects : ticks, bedbugs, ants, etc. New York Med. Joum., lxviii. 593-599, Figs. 1-4. see Ashburn. 12 Bibliography of the Ixorfo'ulea CRA DAL Craybill, H. W. (1909), Methods of exterminating the Texas-Fever Tick. U. S. Dep't Agric. Farmers? Bull, No. 378. 1-30, 15 Figs. Curtice, C (27. XII. 1890), The Classification of American Ticks. Washington Biol. Soc. (Cit. Neumann.) (1891 a and b), The biology of the cattle tick. Jowrn. Co7n/»>r. Med. and Veter. Arch., XII. 313-319; also The Veterinarian, London, i.xiv. 080-680. (1892a), About cattle ticks. Journ. Comp. Med. awl Vet. Arch., xin. 1-7. (S. and S. bibl.) (1892 b), Parasites, being a list of those infesting the domesticated animals and man in the United States. Journ. Comp. Med. and Vet. Arch., xni. 223- 236. (S. and S. bibl.) (1892 c), Cattle tick {Boophilus bovis Riley sp.). Biology. Bull. No. 24, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., pp. 237-252, Pis. I, II. [The two plates and the essential parts relating to the biology of this tick are reprinted by Osborn (1896, pp. 258- 259 ; PL IV- V).] (XII. 1892), The Cattle Tick {Boophilus bovis Riley sp.). Agricult. Journ. New South Wales, vn. 454 (reprinted from Bull. No. 24 Texas Agricult. Station: the same as Curtice 1892c). (1896). On the extermination of the cattle tick and the disease spread by it. Journ. Comp. Med. and Vet. Arch., xvn. 649-655. (P. 655, "I look most eagerly for the cleansing of even a portion of the infected territory under the direct intention of man, for it opens the way to pushing the ticks back to the Spanish isles and Mexico, and liberating cattle from disease and pests and the farmer untold money losses. Let your war cry be : Death to the ticks !") (1897 a), The cattle tick plague, and what maybe done to prevent it. Southern Planter, 58th year, pp. 24-27. (S. and S. bibl.) (1897 b), Texas fever. Southern Planter, pp. 116-117. (S. and S. bibl.) (1899), Cattle quarantine, ticks and distemper. North Carolina State Bd. Agric, Bull, (unnumbered). (H. and H. bibl.) (1899), Cattle quarantine line. North Carolina Agric. Exp. Sta., spec. Bull. 52, pp. 1-28. (H. and H. bibl.) (1905), The cattle-tick plague. The Southern Planter, lxvi. 376-378. (A report of progress in extermination and a continuation of the two articles published in the above Journal, October, 1896, and January, 1897.) (H. and H. bibl.) Cuvier, G. (1833), Arachnidae, with additions by Griffiths and Pigeon. (Cited by George, 1876, p. 224, as referring to Argas persicus and A. pipistrellae (last figured). See Duges and Edwards (no date).) Dahl, F. (1885), Das Gehor- und Geruchsorgan der Spinnen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. xxiv., PL 1, Fig. 8. (Re organ in spiders similar to Haller's organ in Ixodes ; includes matter treated of in an earlier paper : (1883) Zool. Anzeiger, p. 267.) Dalrymple, W. H. (1905), Texas fever, being a general summary of our knowledge of the subject to date. Bull. Agric. Exper. Sta., Louisiana State University and A. and M. College, Ser. 2, No. 84, 1 Map, 1 PL, 31 pp. (I. 1906), The Tick Theory [from American Veterinary Review, vTL, 1905], reviewed in Journ. of Trop. Veterinary Science, Calcutta, i. 115-117. 13 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea dal doa Dalrymple, W. H., Morgan, H. A., and Dodson, W. R. (1898). Cattle tick and Texas fever. Re.sult.sof Experiments at. State Experiment Station, Baton Kmige, La. Bull. No. 51, Louisiana Exp. Sta., Ser. 2, pp. 230-282, 2 Figs., Pis. I-VI. (1899), Immunization against Texas fever by blood inoculation. Results of Experiments at State Experiment Station, Laton Rouge, La. Bull. Agrir. Exper. Sta., Louisiana State University and A. and Af. College, Ser. 2, No. 57, 2 Figs., 2 Pis., pp. 146-185. Daniels, C. W., and Wilkinson, E. (1909), Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Part I. Diseases due to Protozoa, 264 pp. London: John Laic, Sods and Danielsson, Ltd. [Ticks : see p. 194, Fig. 43 Omithodorus saoignyi 9 , dorsum, venter, detail of side showing spiracle, pp. 229-230, Figs. 54-56, ventral aspects of capitulums of Ixodes (more like that of Amblyomma '.) Jlhipicephalus and Omithodorus. The text somewhat inaccurate.] Dekker (1858 a), Die Hunde-Zecke (Acarus reduvius). Yerhandl. v. versch. Veeartsnijk (1856-1857). (S. and H. bibl.) (1859 a), Die Hunde-Zecke (Acarus reduvius). Repert. d. Thterh., Stuttg., xx. 237. (Abstract of preceding.) (S. and H. bibl.) Delprato, see Rivolta. Denny, H. (1843), Description of six supposed new species of Parasites. Ann. <>. Magaz. of Nat. History, xn. 312-314, PL XVII, Fig. 4. (Aponomma hydrosauri Denny.) Desnos, E., and Laboulbene, A. (1892 a). Un cas de tique dans l'espece humaine ; observation d'un fait d'lxodes reduvius ayant penetre sous la peau sans causer d'accidents. Bull, et mem. Soc. me'd. d. hop. de Paris, 3 s., IX. 681-684. (Discussion, p. 684.) Despres (1867), Bulletin de la Soc. de Chir., vin. 461. (Cited by Joly, 1898. Ixodes ricinus : pathogenic effects in man. ) Dinwiddie, R. R. (1892), Parasitism of domesticated animals. Bull. No. 20, Ark. Agric. Exp. Sta., pp. 31. (S. and S. bibl.) (1896), Texas cattle fever in various localities. Ark. Agric. Exp. Sta., report, 1896, pp. 36-40. (A reprint from bulletin 40 of the station. Cit. H. and H. bibl.) (1898), Methods of combating communicable diseases of farm animals. Bull. No. 51, Ark. Agric. Exp. Sta., pp. 35-46. (S. and S. bibl.) Dixon, R. W. (23. VI. 1898), Heartwater experiments. Agric. Journ., Cape of Good Hope, xii. 754-760. (Experiments at infection through ticks sp. ? results doubtful.) Dixon, R. W., and Spreull, J. (1898 a), Tick experiments. Agric. Journ. , Cape Town, xiii. 691-695. (1898 b), Redwater experiments, Agric. Journ., Cape Town, xiii. 696-698. (1899 a), Tick experiments. (Same as Dixon and Spreull, 1898 a, and 1898 b.) Vet. Journ. and Ann. Compar. Pathol., London, xlviii. 11-16. Doane, R. W. (1910), Insects and Disease. Popular account of the way in which insects may spread or cause some of our common diseases. London : Constable & Co. Ltd., 21 x 14 cm., 227 pp., Frontispiece and 1 12 Figs. (Pp. 26-34, brief description of ticks and their relation to disease, Figs. 14-17 photographs of /. ricinus $? , B. annulatus larva and 9> Amblyomma variegatum 9; pp. 213-215 bibliography of ticks and disease.) 14 Bibliography of the Txodoidea dod dow Dodd, S. (viii. 1908), Tick Fever, or Redwater. Queensland Dept. of Agricrdt. and Stock. Vet. Div. Bull. No. 2, 15 pp., 1 Fig. (syringe for inoculation). (P. 4 outlines life-history of Boophilus austral!*. (1910), Queensland. Report of the Principal Veterinary Surgeon and Bacterio- logist for the Financial Year 1908 1909, Brisbane, Australia. (Pp. 16-20 Tick Fever, or Spirochaetosis of Poultry in Queensland, associated with presence of Argas persicus. Curative treatment with soamin.) Dodson, W. R. see Dalrymple. Doflein, F. (1909), Lehrb. der Protozoenkunde. 2nd ed. Jena ; Gustav Fischer, 914 pp., 825 Text-Figs. (P. 682, development of Karyolisus lacertarum occurs, according to Schaudinn, in /. ricinus; p. 331, Figs. 284 a and b, Argas persicus in dorsal and ventral aspects, p. 332, Figs. 286 a and b, Oru. moubata; p. 695, brief mention of ticks in relation to piroplasmosie.) Dolly, C (1894), Synonymatic table of the animal parasites of man and of the animals commonly associated with him. An illustrated Dictionary of Medicine, Biology, and allied Sciences, etc., by George M. Gould. Philadelphia, pp. 978- 1021, Figs. (S. and S. bibl.) Donitz, W. (1905), Die Zecken des Rindes als Krankheitsiibertrager. Sitzungsber. der Gesellsch. natmforschender Freundc, Berlin, Jahrg. 1905, No. 4, pp. 105-134, repr. 1 Plate. (1906), Ueber Afrikanische Zecken. Sitzungsber. d, Gesellsch. nalurforschender Freunde, Berlin, Jahrg. 1906, No. 5, pp. 143-148, 8 Figs., reprint. (1907), Die wirtschaftlich wichtigen Zecken mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung Afrikas. 127 pp., 38 Figs, and 6 Plates. Leipzig: J. A. Earth. (1907 a), Die Texasfieberzecke, Boophihis annulatus, und das Ixodinengenus Margaropus. Sitzungsber. d. Gesellsch. naturforschender Freunde, Berlin, Jahrg. 1907, No. 6, 8 pp., reprint. (IX. 1907), Insekten als Verbreiter von Krankheiten : Die Zecken. Ber. ii. d. XIV. Internat. Kongr.f. Hygieneu. Demogr., Berlin, 23-29 Sept., 1907, n. 179-188. (1909), Ueber das Zeckengenus Amblyomma. Sitzungsber. der Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde, Berlin, Jahrg. 1909, No. 8, 440-482, Figs. 1-15. (Important.) (1910), " Die Zecken Siidafrikas." In Schultze's Zool. u. anthropol. Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise im mestl. «. zentr. Siidafrika ausgefiihrt in den Jahren 1903-1905. Denkschriften der Med.-Naturw. Gesellsch. zu Jena, xvi. Jena : Gustav Fischer. Reprint, pp. 397-494, Pis. XV, (coloured) XVI a, XVI b, and XVII. 34x26 cm. {Important: classification considered, S. African species listed and described, biology, morphology, relation to disease discussed. On p. 475 describes Rhip. evertsi var. mimetica n. var., p. 481 Rhip. foil is n.sp., p. 122 Haem. obtusa, n.sp. Most excellent illustrations.) (1910 a), Zwei neue afrikanische Rhipicephalusarten. Sitzungsber. d. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde, Berlin, Jahrg. 1910, No. 6, pp. 275-280, Figs. 1-4. Reprint. (Rhipicephalus dux, R. glyphis, n. spp.) Dougherty, M. S. see Newell. Douglass, A. (1898a), Paraffine for ticks. (Abstract.) Agric. Journ., Cape Town, xii. 498-499. Dowson, J. (1. VI. 1895), Poisonous tick. Brit. Med. Journ., I. 1201. (Followed by a short note by R. I. Pocock.) 15 Bibliography of the Txodoidea dub dup Dubreuilh, W. (1900), " Dermatozoaires " in Pratique dermatologique. Vol. i., 8°, Paris: Masson. Dubreuilh, W., and Beille, L. (1896), Les parasites de la peau hvmaine. 185 pp., 22 Text-Figs. Paris: Masson et Cic. (Date taken from Huber, lk'.'!>, p. L5 ; original undated; ticks referred to pp. 68-84, Figs. 4-8.) Du Buysson (1896), Observations sur les accidents produits par la piqure des Acariens du genre Argas. Ann. Soc. Entomol., 10 pp. (Cit. Huber, bibL, 1800, p. 15.) Duges, Alf. (1876), Repertorio de Guanajuato, Mexico. (Cited by Megnin, 1885, pp. 463, 466, etc., who gives translated extracts and reports on subsequent personal communications received from Duges and Aleman. Also cited by Neumann, 1892, Malad. Parasit., p. 101.) (1883), Naturaleza de Mexico, v. 195. (Cited by Megnin, 1885, pp. 465, 472, who gives a figure of A. megnini Duges. Cited by Neumann, 1896, p. 16.) (1884), Turicata y garrapata de Guanajuato. La Naturaleza, Periddico cientlfico de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia natural, vi. (1882-1884;, Mexico, pp. 195-198, PI. IV. (MS. dated Nov., 1882.) (22. V. 1888), Description d'un nouvel Ixodide. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, xni. 129-133, Figs. 1-3. (1891), La Naturaleza (2), I. 20, 1 PI. (Cit. Neumann, 1896.) (1893), Un nuevo Ixodide. Naturaleza, n. 164. Duges, A. L. (1834a), Eecherches sur l'ordre des Acariens en general et la famille des Trombidies en particulier ; Premiere memoire. Ann. de sci. not., Paris, ser. 2, i. Zool., pp. 5-46, PI. I. (Reprint paged 1-42.) (1834 c), Recherches sur l'ordre des Acariens ; Troisieme memoire. Remarques sur la famille des Gamases. Ann. de sci. nat., Paris, ser. 2, n. Zool., pp. 18-63, Pis. VII, VIII. (Reprint paged 1-44.) (1836), Recherches sur l'ordre des Acariens en general (i) et la famille des Trombidies en particulier (n). Remarques sur la famille des Hydracne's (in). Ann. des Sc. nat., 2e ser., Zool. vol. i., reprint pp. 42, PI. I (i. Memoire) ; ibid. pp. 30, Pis. X, XI (ii. Mem.) ; ibid., vol. n. pp. 46, Pis. VII and VIII. Duges, A. L., and Milne Edwards (no date), " Arachnides " in Le Regne Animal, by G. Cuvier. Paris: Masson. (Figs, illustr. Ixodoidea on PI. XXVII.) Dujardin, F. (1844), Sur les acariens, en particulier sur les organes de la manduca- tion et de la respiration chez les animaux. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci., Paris, xix. 1158-1161. (Buccal and sucking apparatus.) Dumeril, C D. (1822), Article "Ixodes" in Dictionnaire des Sciences naturelles, xxiv. 55. (Extracts cited by Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 9. Ticks described under " insectes parasites apteres," contains no information worth noting.) (1829), Article "Tique" in Dictionnaire des Sciences naturelles, liv. 401. (Extracts cited by Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 9. Nothing worth noting.) (1860), Institut. Sect. 1, No. 1373. (Reference given thus by Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 10, who cites matter of no value from the article. Dumeril states that Croton ricinus of dogs also occurs on lizards.) Duplain (1885), Observation sur un cas de parasite du genre Ixode. Loire me'd., St-Etienne, iv. 57. Duplay, see Eeclus. 16 Bibliography of the Txodoidea dup-fab Dupre (1819), Voyage en Perse fait dans les anne'es 1807, 1808 et 1809, n. 324. Paris. (Lengthy quotations of essential parts in Fischer de Waldheim (1823),Laboulbene (1867), and Laboulbene and Megnin (1882) : A. /x-rxicus.) D'Urban, W. S. M. (1903), Birds killed by Ticks. Zoologist, lxi., 4. s. p. 108. (Two gorged ticks (sp. not stated) found attached about eye of a stock dove picked up dead with eye destroyed ; other ticks on bird's head, totalling 6-8 in number. Also found a dead warbler with 2 large ticks on throat and head. ) Dutton, J. E., and Todd, J. L. (XI. 1905), The nature of human tick-fever in the eastern part of the Congo Free State (dated 28. in. 1905). Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine — Memoir xvn., 18 pp., 9 Charts; see also Brit. Med. Joum., II. 1259, 1260. Edington, A. (1898), Red water, Texas fever, or tick disease. Agric. Journ., Cape Town, xn. 690-696. (S. and H. bibl.) Efisio, M. (1892), Saggio d' on catalogo metodico dei principal! e piu comuni animali invertebrati della Sardegna. Bollettino della Societd Romana per gli studi Zoologici, I. (6), 246-282. (S. and S. bibl.) Eichwald (1830), Zool. specialis, n., p. 63, PI. II, Fig. 18. (Ixodes arenicola. Cited by Gervais and by Neumann, 1899, p. 165, from Gervais.) Ellison, A. (1903a), Birds killed by ticks. Zoologist, Lond. (743), 4. s. (77), v. 7, May 15, p. 194. (Refers to midges, no word of ticks !) Elmassian, M. (10. X. 1910), Sur les glandes salivaires chez quelques especes de tiques. Arch. zool. experim. et generate, xlv. 379-419, Pis. VIII-IX, 7 Text- Figs. (Argas persicus, Boophilus annulatus, Hyalomma aegyptium), reprint. Entomological Research Committee (25. xi. 1909), Instructions to Collected. Issued by the Entomol. Res. Com. (Tropical Africa) and printed for the use of the Colonial Office. Misc. No. 241, 20 pp. London : printed for H. M. Stationery Office, by Darling and Son Ltd. Ercolani, Gr. B. (1859), Nuovi elementi teorico-pratici di medicina veterinaria; Dei parassiti dei morbi parassitarii degli animali domestici, pp. 550, Bologna. (S. and S. bibl.) Ernouf, Baron (1880), Le Caucase, la Perse, etc., dapres les relations de M. de Thielmann, p. 256. Paris, 1880. (A. persicus, cit. Huber, bibl. 1899, p. 16.) Evans, W. (IV. 1906), Some Invertebrata, including Ixodes borealis, from St Hilda. Ann. of Scottish Nat. Hist., pp. 83-88, 1 Fig. (of/, borealis), reprint. (I. 1907), Some Scottish Ixodidae (Ticks). Ann. of Scottish Nat. Mist., pp. 34- 37, reprint. Fabricius, J. C. (1775), Syst. Entomologiae, p. 810. (Only lists, under Acarus, some of the names included in Fabricius, 1794, p. 425.) (1787 a), Mantissa insectorum sistens species nuper detectas adiectis synonymis, observationibus, descriptionibus, emendationibus, vol. II., 382 pp., 8°, Hafniae. (1794), Entomologia systematica, emendata et ancta, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species adjectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus, IV. pp. 472 + index, pp. 5, Hafniae. (Ticks: see pp. 425-434.) (1805), Sy sterna antliatorum secundum ordines, genera, species adjectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus, pp. xiv + 15-372 + 30, 12°, Brunsvigae. N. I. 17 3 Bibliography of tin I.rodoidea faifra Fairmaire, E., and Simon, E. (1882), Recoltes entomologiques de M. A. Burdo sur le trajet de Zanzibar aux grands lacs. C. R. de la Soc. Entom. de Belgique, xxvi. 60 (Amblyomma hippopotamense Denny). (Cit. Neumann.) Fanzago, F. see Canestrini. Feldmann (1905a), Ueber Filaria perstans im Bezirk Bukoba. n. Theil mit 1 Tafel. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen- Hygiene, ix. (2),' 62-65. ^1905 b), On Filaria perstans in the Bukota District. (Transl. by T. S. Kerr of the preceding: Feldmann, 1905a.) Journ. Tropical Medicine, viii. (8), 125-126. (Should be "Bukoba" ; author's name also misspelt by translator.) Ferg (1814), Remarques sur les insectes de Surinam dont la piqure est nuisible. Biblioth. med., Paris, An 11, XXXIV. 100-101 ; also (same title) Ann. de Med. de Harles (S. and H. bibl.). Ficker, M. and Rosenblatt, S. (1907), Argas miniatus und Hiihnerspirillose. Hygienische Rundschau (Berlin), xvu. 1114-1118, 5 Figs, (reproductions of photographs of A. persicus, eggs, larva, o, £, $, poor). Firth, see Notter. Fischer de Waldheim, Gr. (1823), Notice sur 1' Argas de Perse (Malleh de Mianeh) decrit par les voyageurs sous le nom de punaise venimeuse de Miana. Mem. Soc. imp. de nat. de Moscou, vi. 269-283, PI. XXIII, Figs. 1-11. (Figs. 1, 2 /. camelinus, 3-7 /. ricimis, 8-11 Argas persicus Fischer n.sp. Gives an account of known species of ticks, quoting other authors.) (1824), Du Mallah de Miana, insecte de Perse, dit punaise venimeuse. (Abstract of Fischer von Waldheim, 1823, by J. J. Virey.) Journ. de Pharrn., Paris, x. (5), Mai, pp. 242-245. (Note by Latreille, p. 245.) Fischer, H. (1849). See Gene, 1849. Fitch, A. (1856 a), First and second report on the noxious, beneficial and other insects of the State of New York. Made to the State Agricultural Society, pursuant to an appropriation for this purpose from the Legislature of the State. 336 pp., 35 Figs., 4 Pis., 8°, Albany. (1872), Fourteenth report on the noxious, beneficial, and other insects of the State of New York. Annual Rept. (1870), 1872, Trans. N. 7. State Agric. Soc, xxx., pp. 355-381. (Pp. 363-373 describes : /. americanus, I. quinquestriatus, I. robertsoni, I. cruciarius, I. (?) odontalgiae.) Fitz, R. H. see Wood, H. 0. Foley, see Brumpt. Francis, F. see Connaway. Francis, M. (1889), Report of the veterinarian. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., second Annual Report, 1899, pp. 55-60. (Brief account of the southern cattle plague and its treatment, with notes on joint experiments by the Texas and Missouri Stations. H. and H. bibl.) (1892 a), The cattle tick ; preventive measures for farm and range use. Bull. 24, Texas Agric. Exper. Station, Bryan, pp. 253-256, 1 Fig. (S. and H. bibl.) (1894), Veterinary Science. Bull. No. 30, Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., March, pp. 436-458, Pis. I-III. (S. and S. bibl.) (1896 a), Dipping cattle for ticks, as practised at the Texas Experiment Station. Texas Farm and Ranch, Dallas, xv. 2-3, Figs. 1-7. (S. and H. bibl.) (1896 b), Ticks and Redwater. Journ. Bur. Agric, Adelaide, viii. 210-213, 7 Figs, (same as Francis, 1896 a. S. and H. bibl.) 18 3—2 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea fraful Francis, M., and Connaway, J. W. (1899), Texas fever. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 53, pp. 53-106, Figs. 13. (H. aud H. bibl.) Frauenfeld, G. (1853), [Eschatocephalus gracilipes]. Verhandlungen des K. K. zool.- bot. Vereins in Wien, in. 55-58, PI. Figs. 4-5 ( ). (1854), Ueber einen bisher verkannten Laufkafer...ferner einige von Schmidt in Schischka neu entdeckte Hohlenthiere. Abhundl. des zool.-bot. Vereins in Wien, iv. 23-34 (see pp. 27-30 re Ticks). (1867), Zoologische Miscellen, XI. (Das Tnsektenleben zur See). Verhandl. der K. K. zoolog.-botan. Gesellsch. zu Wien, xvn. 461-462. Freer (1898), The tick plague. Agric. Journ., Cape Town, xiii. 250-260. (S. and S. bibl.) Frey and Leuckart (1847), Vergleichende Anatomie der wirbellosen Thiere, pp. 139, 151, 154. (Describe intestine of tick. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 13.) Frisch, J. L. (1724), Beschreibung von allerlei Insecten in Teutscldand, nebst niitzlichen Anmerkungen und nothigen Abbildungen von diesem kriechenden und fliegenden inlandischen Gewiirme, zur Bestatigung und Fortsetzung der griindlichen Entdeckung, so einige von der Natur dieser Creaturen heraus- gegeben, und zur Ergantzung und Verbesserung der anderu. Theil v., pp. 55, 27 tab. (Passage re oviposition is cited verbatim by Fischer in his translation of Gene [see Gene\ 1849, p. 17, foot-note].) (1736), Beschreibung von allerlei Insekten in Teutschland, vol. v., cap. ix., pp. 41-42, PI. II, Fig. 19. (Apparently a later edition of the foregoing, passages quoted by Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 4. Ticks occurring on dogs are known as Zacken, Ta'cken and Tacken in German, Low German and Old German respectively. Occur on hunting dogs, especially when kept in wooden kennels, also picked up by them in the woods etc. Ticks occur on young swallows and other young birds in nests. Ticks 8-legged. Observed oviposition.) Fritsch, G-. (1875), Ueber die sogen. "Giftwanze von Mianah." Sitzungsber. d. Gesellsch. naturf. Freunde zu Berlin, pp. 61-64. (A. persicus, cit. Huber, bibl., 1899, p. 16.) Froggatt, W. W. (1901), The fowl tick (Argas americanus Packard). Agric. Gaz., N. S. Wales, xn. 1349-1352, PI. (inaccessible). ■ (1906), Notes on fowl-tick and poultry. Agric. Gaz., N. S. Wales, xvn. 14-18. (1906 a), Description of a new tick belonging to the Family Argasidae. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, xxxi. 401. {Argas lagenoplastis n.sp. (l.e.r.)) Fuchs (1842), Allgemeine Pathologie der Haussaugethiere, p. 177. (Brief mention of Ticks. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 12.) Fullager, J. (1874a), A Canterbury Arachnid, new to the British Fauna. Science Gossip, 1874, pp. 121, 122, Fig. 86. (1874b), The Canterbury Tick {Argas reflexus). Science Gossip, 1874, p. 234, Fig. 164. Fiilleborn and Mayer, M. (1908), Ueber die Moglichkeit der Uebertragung patho- gener Spirochaeten durch verschiedene Zeckenarten. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Trop.- Hyg., xn. 31. Fuller, C (XI. 1896), The bovine tick-fever. Agric. Gazette, N. S. Wales, vn. 760-787, Pis. I-V, 3 Text-Figs. 19 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea FUL-GEE Fuller, C. (1897), A Fowl-infesting Tick (Argus sp. [sic]). Agric. Gaz., N. S. Wales, vii. 590. (16. III. 1899), The common blue tick of Cape Colony and its relationship to the Red Water tick of N. America and Australia. Agric. Journ., Cape Town, No. 9, 8 pp. repr. (V. 1899), Notes on the Queensland cattle tick, and its relationship to the Texas fever tick and the blue tick of Cape Colony (South Africa). Queensland Agric. Journ., Brisbane, iv. 389-394, 3 diagrams. Reprint. (Relates to Boophilus australis Fuller and B. annulutus ; the paper is reprinted in Salmon and Stiles 1901, pp. 428-432, including the figures.) Fiisslin, J. 0. (1775), Verzeichniss schweizer Insekten, p. 59. (Only lists Acarus reduvius "Holzbock" and A. ricinus "Hundsbock" after Linnaeus ; notes occurrence of ricinus on cats. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 6.) Fumouze (1873), Sur un Acarien de lafamille des Ixodes, Argas pe/sicus. Ann. Soc. Entomol. (Cit. Huber, bibl., 1899, p. 16.) Furstenberg, M. H. (1861), Die Kratzmilben der Menschen und Thiere, pp. i-v-f 1-240, Taf. I-XV, 4°, Leipzig. (S. and S. bibl.) Galli-Valerio, B. (IX. 1907), Les inseetes comme propagateurs des maladies : Le role des arthropodes dans la dissemination des maladies. Ber. ii. d. XI V. Internat. Kongr. f. Hygiene u. Demogr., Berlin, 23-29 Sept., 1907, II. 189-194. (A short review of progress to date, refers briefly to ticks.) (1908 a), Spirochetiase des ponies determinee a Lausanne avec Argas persicus Fischer de Tunisie. Note preliminaire. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasit., Abt. 1 Orig. xlvii. 494-495. (1908 b), Notes de Parasitologie, Ibid, xlvii., pp. 608-612, 1 Text-Fig. (See pp. 611-612, observations on biology of Ixodes hexagonus and /. ricinus, ovipositing $ s shown in figure.) (1909), Recherches sur la spirochetiase des poules de Tunisie et sur son agent de transmission : Argas persicus Fischer. Ibid. l. 189-202, 8 Figs. Gamgee, J. (1869), The splenic or periodic fever of cattle. Reports on the diseases of cattle in the United States, made to the Commissioner of Agriculture, Washington, pp. 89-161, Fig. 18. (S. and S. bibl.) (1871), Our domestic animals in health and disease, II, division 3, pp. xvi + 613, Figs. 149-237 (238). (S. and S. bibl.) Garner, R. (1844), The Natural History of Staffordshire, etc. London : John van Voorst, 551 pp., with unnumbered plates. (On p. 331 he merely lists "Caris vespertilionis, on the common bat," the latter probably Vesperugo pipistrellus. Caris= Argas. (l. e. r.)) Gaubert, P. (16. V. 1892), Recherches sur les organs des sens et sur les systemes tegumentaire, glandulaire et musculaire des appendices des arachnides. Theses presentees a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris. Paris : G. Masson, pp. 184, 4 Plates. (Relates to sense-organs etc. in spiders.) de Gay (1849-51). See Gervais (same date). de Geer, C. (1778), Memoires pour servir a Vhistoire des inseetes, vn., pp. iii-xii + 950, Pis. I-XLIX. (See "Mitte ricinoide," pp. 98-106, and PI. V, Figs. 16-19, PI. VI, Figs. 1-8.) 20 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea gen GOR Gene\ G. (1844), Memoria per servire alia storia naturale degli issodi. Mem. d. R. Accad. Torino, 2d ser. ix. (1848), 751-786. (1849), Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte der Zecken von Professor J. Gene" in Turin. Aus dem Italienischen, mit Amnerkungen von Dr H. Fischer, Privatdocent zu Freiburg, pp. 34, 4°. Freiburg im Breisgau : F. X. Wangler. George, C. F. (1876), On "The Blyborough Tick" (Argas Fischerii). Journ, Quekeit .Microsc. Club, rv. 223-225, Pis. XXI and XXII ; also Sc. Gossip, 1877, O.S. xiii. 104. Gerstaecker, C. E. A. (1860), Argus reflexus Latr., eiu neuer Parasit des Menschen. Virehow's Arch., xix. 457-470, PI. XV, Figs. 1-6. (1863), "Arthropoden" in Hundbuch der Zoologie, by Peters, Cams and Gerstaecker. Leipzig, n. 1-421, 8°. (See A carina, pp. 343, 344.) (1873), Gliederthiere Ostafrika's von C. v. d. Decken's Reise, pp. 464-470. (Ambl. eburneum, Dermacentor pulchellus, 0. savignyi.) Gervais, P. (1842), Ann. Soc. Entomol., XL, pp. xlviii and 47. (Cit. Neumann, 1899, p. 157.) (1844), Aceres Phryneides, Scorpionides, Solpugides, Phalangides et Acarides, Diceres Epizoi'ques, Aphanipteres et Thysanoures, in vol. in. of YValckenaer's Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Apteres, pp. i-viii, 1^76, Paris. (1847), in vol. iv. of Walckenaer's Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Apteres, pp. i-xvi, 1-623, Paris. (1849-51), in de Gay's Historia fisica y politico, de Chile. Zoologie, iv. 44, PL V, Fig. 8. (Cit. Neumann.) see Walckenaer. Gervais, P., and van Beneden, P. J. (1859), Zoologie me'dicale; expose methodique du regne animal. 2 vols., 8°, Paris. Gibert, J. M. (1896), V 'Argas reflexus et son parasitisme chez l'homme. These : Bordeaux, 60 pp., 8°, illustr. (Cit. by Hosier and Peiper (1904, p. 373) who state author observed general symptoms after bite of A. reflexxis in man.) Giebel, C. G. (1874), Insecta Epizoa. Die Parasiten der Sciugethiere uad der Ybgel. Leipzig. (Title cited by Riley, 1888.) (1877), Amblyomma splendidum, eine neue Zecke von Dos brachycerus. Zeitschr. f. die ges. Naturwissenschaft, xlix. 293-295. (A mblyomma splendidum, Giebel.) Goeze (1780), Naturforscher, xiv., p. 111. (Acarus ricinus in large numbers on squirrels and jays. The author remarks "man kbnnte jetzt hinzufugen : habitat in avibus." Mouthparts illustrated on PI. V, Fig. 5. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 6.) Gomez, L. see Ricketts. Gonder, R. (1906), Achromaticus vesperuginis (Dionisi). Arb. a. d. Kaiserl. Gesundheitsamte, xxiv. 220-226, PL IV. (1908), Studien uber die Spirochaete aus dem Blute von Vesperugo kuhZii, Keys. u. Bias. (Natterer). Arb. a. d. Kaiserl. Gesundheitsamte, xxvu. 406-413, PL VI. Gordon, P. R. (1898), Report of the Chief Inspector of Stock and Registrar of Drands for the year 1898, 4 pp. Brisbane : E. Gregory, Government Printer. (1900), Report of the Chief Inspector of Stock and Registrar of Drands for the year 1900, pp. 16. Brisbane : G. A. Vaughan, Govt. Printer. 21 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea gor hal Gordon, P. E. (1. X. 1900), Results of dipping tests. Queensland Agric. Journ., 1900, pp. 387-390. Reprint. (Tick eradication.) (1901), Report of the Chief Inspector of Stock and Registrar of Brandt for the year 1901, 5 pp. (34x21 cm.). Brisbane (Queensland): G. A. Vaughan, Govt. Printer. Graham -Smith, G. S. see Nuttall. Gray, C E., and Eobertson, W. (1902;, Redwater in Rhodesia. Agric. Journ., Cape of Good Hope, xxi. 435-458. (1902), Report upon Texas fever or redwater in Rhodesia. Argus Printing and Publish. Co., Ltd., Cape Town, pp. 27, Pis. XXII. (H. and H. bibL) Gray, E. see Theiler. Greig-Smith, see Meek. Grimbert, L. see Guiart. Grube, A. E. (1859), Verzeichniss der Arachnoiden Liv-, Kur-, und Ehstlands. Arch, fur die Naturhunde Liv-, Ehst-, und Kurlands, Dorpat, ser. 2, L, pp. 417- 486, Figs. 1-8. (S. and S. bibl.) Griitzner, P. (1902), Ueber die Wirkung der Zecke auf fchierisches Blut. Deutsche med. Wochenschr., Jahrg. xxviii. pp. 555, 556. Gu6rin-M£neville (1829-1843), Iconographie du regne animal, de G. Cuvier. Arachnides, PI. VI, Figs. 1-6, pp. 16, 17. (1849), Description de I'Argas talaje. Rev. et Mag. de Zool., pp. 342, 343, PI. II. Guiart, J. (1911), Les Parasites inoculateurs de maladies. Paris : E. Flammarion, 18x12 cm., 362 pp., 107 Text-Figs. (Pp. 124-126 brief mention of ticks, Fig. 44 of $ ? Boophilus ; pp. 131-132 mention of Argas moubata [sir;] and A. persicus with Figs. 48, 49, poor ; a semipopular treatise.) Guiart, J., and Grimbert, L. (1906), Diagnostic Chimique, Microscopique etParasito- logique. Paris : F. R. de Rudeval, Editeur, 960 pp., 500 Figs. (Ixodidae : pp. 656, 666, Figs. 401-410, of which 402 and 410 of Hyal. aegyptium and O. moubata are original but very sketchy. The text is compiled from various authors.) Gulliver, G. (1872), On a Canterbury Arachnid new to the British Fauna. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sei., XII. N.S., 205, 206. Gulliver and Gulliver (ca. 1871), Reports of East Kent Nat. Hist. Soc. Abstracts of paper in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., April-Oct., 1872. (Cited by Fullager, 1874a, p. 121.) Gurlt (1843), In Gurlt and Hertwig's Magaz. f. d. gesammte Thierheilkunde, ix. 22, PI. I, Fig. 18. (Brief mention of /. ricimis and reticulatus and the structure of their mouthparts. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 12.) Hadwen, S. see Nuttall. Hahn, C. "W. (1834), Die Arachniden, n., p. 62, Fig. 152. (/. reduvius.) Hahn, C. W. and Koch, C. L. (1831-48), Die Arachniden. Niirnberg, 16 vols., 563 PI. {Title cited by Riley, 1888.) Haller, G. (1880), Die Milben als Parasiten der Wirbellosen, insbesondere d. Arthropoden, pp. 90, Figs. 17, 8°. Halle: Schwetschke. (S. and S. bibl.) (1881 a), Vorlaiufige Bemerkungen iiber das Gehororgan der Ixoden. Zool. Am., iv. 165-166, 1 Fig. (Brief review also in Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc, 1881, I. 449.) 22 Bibliography of the Txodoidea hal hir Haller, G. (1881b), Die Mundtheile and systematische Stcllung dcr Milben. Vor- laufige Mittheilung. Zool. Anz., iv., pp. 380-386. (Re mouthparts of A.cari. (1882), Beitrag zur Kemitniss der Milbenfauna Wurttembergs. Jahresheftt des Vereins fiir vaterliindische Natwrhwnde in Wiirttemberg, xxxvm., Stuttgart, pp. 293-325, PL V. (See especially pp. 309-312, re Ixodidae, and Figs. 4 and 5.) Hardy, C. (1869), Forest Life in Acadia. (Murray, 1877, p. 194, quotes a passage therefrom regarding ticks on moose.) Hart, G. H. see MacKellar. Hart, J. H. (1899), The tick of the domestic fowl and fowl fever. Bulletin oj Miscellaneous Information, Trinidad, in. Bull. 19, Pt. 11, April, p. 180. Hassall, A. (1900), Note on the chicken tick {Argas americanus). \6th Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry, 1899, U. S. Dep't of Agric, pp. 496- 500, Figs. 16-22, PI. XVI. (Reprint dated 1901.) see Stiles. Haug (28. VIII. 1894), Ixodes im Meatus auditorius externus bei 17-jahr. Burschen, der im Walde geschlafen hattc. Entfernung nach Todtung durch Sublimat- losung. Miinchen. med. Wochenschr., No. 35. (Huber, bibl., 1910, p. 24.) Heller, A. (1880), Die Schmarotzer mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der fur den Menschen ivichtigen, 74 woodcuts, 1 Map, 230 pp. Miinchen and Leipzig : R. Oldenbourg. (P. 154, less than a page devoted to " The tick," contains nothing original or worth noting.) Heller, C. (1858), Zur Anatomie von Argas persicus. Sitzungsberichte d. Kaiserl. A hid. Wien, xxx., Math.-naturwiss. Klasse, pp. 297-326, Pis. I-IV. Henking, H. (1882), Beitnige zur Anatomie, Entwickelungsgeschichte und Biologie von Trombidium fuliginosum Herm. Zeitschr. f wiss. Zool., xxxvn. 553-663, Plates 34-36. (Structure etc. comparable to that of ticks.) Herbst (1787), Vide Borowsky's Naturgeschichte der Insekten, p. 140. (Acarus ricinus and A. marginatus mentioned. Nothing of interest judging from citation in Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 7.) Hermann, J. F. (1804), Me'moire apte'rologique, An xn, pp. 63-71, Pis. IV, VI, VII, Strasbourg. Herrera, A. L. (1905), Los Parasitos del Ganado. Com. Parasit. Agricola., circ. 8, pp. 22-25, Figs. 31-34. (H. and H. bibl.) Heusinger (1847), Rech. d. pathol. compare'e, I., p. 603. (Huber, bibl., 1910, p. 21.) Heyden, C. von (1826), Versuch einer systematischen Eintheilung der Acariden. Isis von Oken, Jena, I. Heft 6, pp. 608-613. (His system is reprinted in Michael, 1883, pp. 32-34.) Hill, W. E. (1897), Texas fever in Kansas (and California). 12th Ann. Rep. Bur. Animal Industry, U. S. Dept. Agric., 1895, Washington, D. C. (Cit. Nuttall, 1899.) Hinde, S. L. (1897), La Chute de la domination des Arabes du Congo. Th. Falck and Cie, Bruxelles. Chap, xn., p. 3. (Refers to fever about Kasongo attributed by natives to tick-bite.) Hirst, S., and Hirst (IX. 1910), Description of five new species of ticks (Ixodidae). Ann. a. Magaz. of Nat. Hist., ser. 8, vi. 299-308, 9 Text-Figs. {Ambl.daridni, Ambl. boulengeri, Ambl. nitidum, Ambl. (1 Apon.) neglectum and Ambl. (Apon.) tenimberense.) 23 Bibliography of the Txodoidea hoe hub Hoehr, F. (VII. 1893), Further concerning the new chicken plague in Texas. Insect Life, v. 348. Hoeven, J. von der (1850), Natwgeschichte (/<•>• ir/rbellosen Thiere. (Brief Latin description of ticks. Mentions that only the females of riemus attach them- selves to host. Argas included under Gamasei. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 14.) Holland, W. J. (TV. 1898), Concerning Ticks. Canadian Entomologist. London, Ontario, xxx. 96, 97. Hooker, Sir J. (1854), Himalaya Journal. (Cited by Michael, 1892, p. 204, re colour-changes in Ixodidae.) Hooker, W. A. (1908a), Life-history, habits and methods of study of the Txodoidea. Journ. Econ. Entomol, I. 34-51. (Good original observations.) (1908b), A review of the present knowledge of the role of ticks in the transmission of disease. Journ. Econ. Entomol., i. 65-73. (A useful digest of some recent work.) (1909 a), Some Host Relations of Ticks. Journ. Econ. Entomol., n. 251-2.">7. (1909 b), Note on an extra nymphal moult of Argas miniatus. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington, xi. 109-110. (XII. 1909), The geographical. distribution of American Ticks. Journ. Econ. Entomol, II. 403-428. see Hunter. Howard, C. W. (17. VI. 1908), A note on the distribution and hosts of Ixodes pilosus howardi Nn. Trans. Roy. Soc. 8. Africa, I. 126 (published vii. 1909). (VII. 1908), A list of the Ticks of South Africa, with Descriptions and Keys to all the forms known. Annals of the Transvaal Museum, I. 73-172, 14 PI. (VIII. 1909), A new species of ffaemaphysalis from South Africa. Ann. Transvaal Museum, i. 219-223, PI. XXXIV (10 figs.). Reprint, (ffaema- physalis africana C. W. Howard, August 1909 = ffaemaphysalis hoodi War- burton and Nuttall, June, 1909. The author describes the $ , $ , o and L and illustrates them in the plate.) (VIII. 1909), Note on the copulation of ticks. Ann. Transvaal Mus. i. 225. Reprint, 1 p. (Records finding Rhipkephalus ecinvtus Nn. : an unfed female and male supposedly copulating. No particulars as to position of male mouth- parts etc. ) Howard, L. 0. (VII. 1895), Note on the chicken tick. Insect Life, vn. pp. 417, 418. (1907), A chalcidoid parasite (Ixodiphagus texanus gen. et sp. n.) of a tick (Haemaphysalis leporis-palustris). Entomol. News, Philadelphia, xvni. 375- 378, PI. (1908), Another chalcidoid parasite of a tick. Canad. Entomol., Toronto, XL. 110-115, PI. V. (1909), Economic loss to the people of the United States through insects that carry disease. U. S. DepH Agric, Bur. of Entomol, Bull., No. 78, 40 pp. (Incidental mention of ticks on p. 7.) see Eiley and Howard. Hubbard, H. G. (1894), The insect guests of the Florida land tortoise, Gopherus (Xerobates) polyphernus. U. S. DepH Agric, vi. 306. (Ornithodorus americanus Marx (Ms.) in the burrows and on tortoise— Amblyomma tuberculatum Marx n.sp. on the tortoise.) 24 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea hubjac Huber, J. Ch. (1899), Bibliographic der klinischen Entomologie, 1899 (Argas, Ixodes), Heft 2. Jena : Fromaun. (1910), Bibliographie der klinischen Entomologie. (Hexapoden, Acarinen), Heft 2, 2nd ed. (Ixodoidea, pp. 18-25. Contains several titles which have l>een incorporated in our bibliography.) Hunt, J. S. (VIII. 1897), Tick Fever. Progress Report to the Chief Inspector of Stock on experiments conducted at Hugheaden. Reprinted in Queensland Agric. Journ., I. 104-106. (16. XII. 1897), Diseases in Animals (Tick Fever). Progress report on the reproductive forms of the micro-organism of tick fever, with some observations on the relationships and nomenclature of that disease. Queensland Agric. Journ., 1898, II. 211-220; reprint 10 pp., 2 Pis. (9. IX. 1898), Xotes on the natural history and prevention of Texas fever. Reprint, 10 pp. Brisbane : E. Gregory, Govt. Printer. see Pound. Hunt, S. (1898), Tick fever. Queensland Agric. Journ., pp. 235-236. (H. and H. bibl.) Hunt, S., and Collins, W. (1896), Queensland Report on tick fever, also Report of investigations at Hughenden on Texas fever, vn.-x., 1896, by Dr Wynne, with appendix, map, temperature charts, lithographs. 43 pp. Brisbane : E. Gregory. Hunter, W. D. (1907), Note on the occurrence of the North American Fever Tick on Sheep. U. S. DepH Agric. Bur. Entom., Circ. No. 91, pp. 1-3. (1908), A tentative law relating to the incubation of the eggs of Margaropus annulatus. Journ. Econ. Entomol., I. 51-55. Reprint. (1909), A practical demonstration of a method for controlling the Cattle tick. U. S. Dep't Agric. Bur. Aniui. Industry, Circ. No. 148, pp. 1-4. Hunter, W. D., and Hooker, W. A. (1907), Information concerning the North American Fever Tick, with notes on other species. U. S. Dep't of Agricidture, Bur. of Entomology, Bull. No. 72. Washington : 12 Figs., 4 Plates, 87 pp. Husemann, T. (1862), Handbuch der Toxicologic, p. 248. (A. persicus: cit. Huber, bibl., 1899, p. 16.) Hutcheon, D. (1900), Redwater and its history. Agric. Journ., Cape Town, xvn. 331-339, 395-409. (1900), History of heartwater. Ibid., xvn. 410-417. (1903), Virulent redwater in the Transvaal. Ibid,, XXIII. 39-60. Illiger, K. (1807), Anmerkung zu Chabrier's Bemerkung liber die Fortpflauzungsweise der Gattung Ixodes Fabr. Magazin fur Insektenkunde, vi. 368-370. (S. and S. bibl.) Jackschath, E. (1901), Die " Malaria " der Rinder in Deutschland. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit., Abt. 1, xxix. 585-589, 1 Text-Fig. (Little original, figure bad (Piroplasma), states he found "Ixodes reticulatus s. reduvitts" on affected cattle; chiefly clinical.) N. I. 25 4 Bibliography of tin- Txodoidea jan kar Janson, J. L., and Tokishige, H. (1892 , Filaria immitis und andere bei Hunden in Japan vorkomniende Parasiten. Mitth. d. deutsch. Ges. f. Naiur- u. VSlker- kunde Ostasiens in Tokio, v. 349-360, Taf. xi. xn. (S. and S. bibL) Jelgersma, B. (1901-1902), Ixodes ricinus (houtteek ; houtluis ; elsluis). Med. WeekbL, Amsterdam, vin. 285. Jobling, J. W., and Woolley, P. G. 1904 , Texas fever in the Philippine Islands and the Far East. U. S. D. War, Bur. Govt. Laboratories, Bull. 1 J, pp. 5-11, Pis. XV. (H. and H. bibl.) Johannessen, A. 1885 a), Akut polyuri hos et barn efter stik af Ixodes ricinus, Norsk Mag. f. Lcegevidensk., Kristiania, 3. rsekke, xv. 101-414 (1885b), Acute Polyurie bei einem Kinde nach dem Stiche eines J xodes ricinus. Arckiv f. Kinderheilk., vi. 337-350. (Cit. Nuttall, 1899, p. 43. Johne, A. see Birch-Hirschfeld. Johnson, L. C. (1884), [Cattle tick, Ixodes bovis]. Bull. No. 4, Die. of Entomology, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, p. 78. (S. and S. bibl.) Johnston, G. (1849), The acarides of Berwickshire specifically described. Proc. Bervdck Nat. Club (1842-1849), II. 371. (An abstract from this paper was kindly supplied by Mr William Evans of Edinburgh, g.h.f.n.) Joly. G. ,1901), Maladie eruptive du cheval produite par des nymphes d'lxode reduve. Rev. vet., Toulouse, lviii. 514-516. (I. ricinus on horse.) Jordens, D. J. H. (1801), Entomologie und Relminthologie des menschlichen Korpers, oder Beschreibung und Abbildung der Bewohner und Eeinde desselben unter den Insekten und Wurmern, I., pp. xxviii + 319, Taf. i.-xv. (S. and S. bibl.) Joseph, G. (1882), Systematiscbes Yerzeichniss der in den Tropfstein-Grotten von Krain einheimischen Arthropoden, nebst Diagnosen der vom Yerfasser entdeckten imd bisher noch nicht beschriebenen Arten. Berlin, entomol. Zeitschr., xxvi. 1-50. (Ixodidae : pp. 16, 17.) Jourdain, S. (1901), Pieces buccales des Ixodides (Acar.). Bull. Soc. Entom. Fran Paris, (6) p. 142. Kalm, P. 1754), Nachricht von einer Art Insekten in Xordamerika Waldlaus genannt. Abhandl. d. Konigl. schwed. Akademie, xvi., translated by Kastner, 1758, p. 20. (Description "Acarus ovalis, planus, ruber, macula dorsali alba," called skoglus in Swedish, ticks or seed-ticks in English, remained attached for a month to a dog and attained an inch in length. Survived over a month after removal and laid over 1000 eggs apiece. The author may have been describing a species of Amblyomma. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 6.J Karsch, F. (29. IV. 1878), Uebersicht der in Mossambique gesammelten Arachniden. Monatsbericht der K. Akademie der Wissenschaft :>' Berlin, pp. 314-338, Pis. 1, II. (Ixodoidea, pp. 336-338, PI. I, Fig. 4, of Amblyomma petersii Karsch, nat. size, uncoloured.) (1878), Ueber einige von Herrn J. M. Hildebrandt ini Zanzibargebiete erljeutete Arachniden. Zeitschr. f. d, ges. Naturwiss., Berlin, ser. 3, m. (LI. d. ganzen Reihe), pp. 311-322, PI. VIII (Ornithodorus). (1879 a), Westafrikanische Arachniden gesammelt von Dr Falkeustein. Zeitschr. f. die ges. Naturwiss., Lll. 336. (Amblyomma arcanum Karsch (l.e.r.).) 26 4-2 Bibliography of the Ixodolilea KAR-KOC Karsch, F. (1879 b), Zvvei neue Arachniden de.s Berliner Museums. Mittheil. der Miinchener entomol. Vereine, Jahrg. in. 95, 9G. [" Margaropus nov. gen. ; Margaropus Winthemi, n.sp."] (1879 c), Arachnologische Beitriige. Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Naturwiss., lii. 534. (Abstract.) (1880), Vier neue Ixodiden des Berliner Museums. Mittheil. d. Miinchener entomol. Vereine, Jahrg. iv. 141, 142. Kelso, J. E. H. (1903), Birds killed by Ticks. Zoologist, lxi., s. 4, p. 155. [Note on a Wagtail sp. caught on ship in Red Sea with several ticks attached to its head. See D'Urban, 1903, same subject.] Kerr, T. S. (15. IV. 1905), Remarks on the paper by Feldman (1905) entitled "On Filaria perstans in the Bukota District." Journ. of Tropical Med., vin. (8), 126. (Should read "Feldmann" and " Bukoba.") Kilborne, F. L. see Smith, T. King, W. W. (27. VII. 1906), Experimental Transmission of Rocky Mountain spotted fever by means of the tick : preliminary note. U. S. Pub. Health and Mar.-Hosp. Service, Pub. Health Rep., Wash., xxi., 863, 864. Kirk, T. W. (1887), On Ixodes Maskellii, a Parasite of the Albatross (Diomedea exulans). Trans, and Proc. New Zealand Institute, 1886, xix., pp. 65-67 (issued V. 1887), no figure. Klein, L. A. (1907), Methods of Eradicating Cattle Ticks. U. S. DepH of Agricidture, Circular No. 110, 16 pp., 3 Figs., Washington. Kleine, F. K. (1906), Kultivierungsversuch der Hundepiroplasmen. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., liv. 10-15, 2 PI. Kner (1855), Lehrbuch der Zoologie, p. 235. (Ixodea a family in the order Acarina. Little information and inaccurate at that. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 15.) Knuth, P. (1905), Experimentelle Studien iiber das Texasfieber der Binder (la tristeza) in den La Plata Staaten. Berlin : Verkgsbuchhandlung von Richard Schoetz, 1 Map, 4 Figs., 6 Tables, 96 pp. Koch, C L. (1835-1844), Beutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Fauna. Herausg. v. Herrich-Schaffer, 40 parts. Regensburg. (1844), Systematische Uebersicht fiber die Ordming der Zecken. Arch. f. Naturg., Berlin, Jahrg. x. Bd. I., 217-239. (N.sp. and genera from different parts of world. Mode of copulation. Argasidae, Ixodidae, Bhipistomidae. 10 genera.) (1847), Uebersicht des Arachnidensy stems. Nfirnberg. Heft 4, pp. 136, Pis. I-XXX. see Hahn. Koch, L. (1867), Beschreibungen neuer Arachniden und Myriapoden. Verhand- lungen der K. K. zoolog.-botan. Oesellschaft zu Wien, xvn. 173-250. (Ixodidae : pp. 241-243.) (1872), Apterologisches aus dem frankischen Jura. Abhandl. d. naturhist. Gesellsch. in Niirnberg, v. 149. (1875), Aegyptische und Abyssinische Arachniden gesammelt von Herrn C. Jickeli beschrieben und abgebildet. 96 pp., 7 Pis., 4°. Nfirnberg : Bauer and Raspe. (0. sarignyi, p. 1.) 27 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea kockon Koch, L. (1877 a), Japanesisehe Araoliniden und Myriapoden. Verkandl. der K. K. zoolog.-botan. Oesellsch. Wien, xxvu. 735-798. (Ixodes: pp. 786, 787.) (1877 b), Verzeichniss der bei Niirnberg bis jetzt beobachtetcn Arachniden. Abhandl. d. naturhist. Oesellsch. zu Niirnberg, vi. 113-198. (P. 190: Rhipicephalus e.vpositicius, n.sp. = Haemapliysalis punctata Canestrini and Fanzago.) Koch, R. (1898), Reiseberichte vber Rinderpest, Bubonenpest in Indien und Afrita, Tsetse- oder Surrakranklieit , Texas- Fiebvr, tropische Malaria, Schu-arzwasserfieber. Berlin : J. Springer, 138 pp. (Cit. Nuttall, 1899.) (1898a), Berichte liber die Ergebnisse der Expedition des Geheimermedicinal- rathes Dr Koch im Schutzgebiete von Deutseh-Ostafrika. Centralbl.f. Bakteriol., 1 Abt., xxiv. 200-204. (Berichte datirt 10 u. 12 Feb., 1898. Cit. Nuttall, 1899.) (1903), Interim Report, Bulawayo. (Cited by Donitz, 1905, p. Ill, as stating that R. sanguineus transmits coast fever of cattle in S. Africa — should be R. appendiculatus which Neumann formerly mistook for R. sanguineus.) (VII. 1903), The cattle disease in Southern Rhodesia. Transvaal Agric. Journ., I. 112-117. (East Coast Fever investigations. Pp. 116-117 brief mention of ticks found in S. Rhodesia and elsewhere.) (1903 and 1904), Reports on Rhodesian Redwater or African Coast Fever. Salisbury: Argus Printing and Publishing Co. [Also (translated) in Arch. f. Tierheilk., 1904. Cited by Lichtenheld, 1908, p. 272.] (29. II. 1904), Fourth Report on African Coast Fever. (Official), 10 pp. repr. (23. XI. 1905), Vbrlaufige Mittheilungen liber die Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise nach Ostafrika. Deutsche med. Wochenschr., p. 1866. (1906), Ueber afrikanischen Recurrens. Berlin, klin. Wochenschr., xliii. 185, 10 Figs. Kolenati, F. A. (1856 and 1857), Die Parasiten der Chiroptern, pp. 51, iv. Taf., 8°, Dresden. (The usual date cited is 1857, but Dr Hassall informs me that the same paper appeared in 1856, without the plates, although the latter are cited in the text. Consequently, species attributed to this publication must bear the date 1856.) (1857), Meletemata entomologica. Einige Arachniden der Caucasischen Lander u.s.w. Bull. Soc. Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou, XXX. 399-444, PI. V-VI. (Ticks, see pp. 431-439, PI. VI, Fig. 52, Ixodes comuger Kolenati.) (1858), Synopsis prodroma der auf Chiroptern als Epizoen vorkommenden Lausmilben, Carida Kolenati. Wien. entomol. Monatsschr., Wien, II. pp. 4-7. (1860), Beithige zur Kenntniss der Arachniden. Sitzungsber. der mathem.- naturw. Classe der K. Akad. d. Wissensch. Wien, XL., p. 573-581, Pis. 1-3. Kollar (0, Bildlichen Naturgeschichte des Thierreiches, II. 274, Fig. 7. (Cited by Heller, 1858, p. 297.) see Pohl. Kolle, W. (1903), Ueber Texasfleber. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kolouial-Kongr. zu Berlin, 10.-11. Oct. 1902, pp. 294-304. Koningsberger, J. C. (1900), Onderzoekingen betreffende de Teken (Ixodidae) van Nederlandsch-Indie. Teijsmannia, xi., No. 1. (Cit. Neumann, 1901, p. 303.) (1903), De Runderteken en bloedzuigende Vliegen van Nederlandsch-Indie. Veeartsenijk. Blad. v. nederl.- Indie, Batav., v. 15 (2), 141-147, PI., Figs. 1-14. 28 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea kos lab Koschny, Th. F. (H. 1901), Das Texas-Fiober der Rinder. Tropenpflanzer, Berlin, v. 5 (2), 61-65. Kossel, H. (1902), "Die Haernoglobinurie der Rinder," in Kolle and "Wassermann's Handb. d. pathogenen Mikroorganismen. Berlin : Gustav Fischer, Lieferung 4-5, pp. 841-864, PI. Ill (of Piroplasma). [See pp. 853 et seq. re I. ricinus, etc., in relation to piroplasmosis.] Kossel, H., and Weber 1900), Ueber die Haemoglobinurie der Rinder in Fiidand. Arb. a. d. Kaiserl. Ges.-Amt., xvn. (/. ricinus in relation to piroplasmosis in cattle.) Kossel, H., Schiitz, Weber, Miessner (1903), Ueber die Hamoglobinurie der Rinder in Deutschland. Arbeiten a. d. Kaiserl. Gesundheitsamte, Bd. xx. Heft 1, 77 pp., 3 Plates. (Very good photomicrographs illustrating the structure of Ixodes ricinus.) Kotzebue, M. de (1819), Voyage en Perse a la suite de Vambassade Russe en 1817. Paris, viii. 180. (For lengthy quotations of essential parts see Fischer de Waldheim (1823), also Laboulbene (1867), and Laboulbene and Megnin (1882).) (1819), Narrative of a journey into Persia, in the suite of the Imperial Russian Embassy, in the year 1817. Translated from the German, viii +328 pp., Pis., London. Kramer, P. (1877), Grundziige zur Systematik der Milben. Arch, fur Natur- geschichte, Berlin, Jahrg. xliii., Bd. I., pp. 215-247. (1878), Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Milben. Zeitschr. f d. ges. Naturwiss., Berlin, ser. 3, in. (li. der ganzen Reihe), pp. 519-561. Kramer, P., and Neuman, C. J. (1883), Acariden wahrend der Vega-Expedition eingesammelt. Ur-Drega Expedit. Vetenskap. Jakttagelser, m. 518, PI. (Ixodes putus Pickard-Cambridge.) Krapf (1882), Suaheli Dictionary ; Triibner and Co., London. (Cited by Dutton and Todd, 1905, pp. 3, 18 as stating : "Pasi, plural Papasi, ticks, an insect said to cause fever in one who is bitten by it.") Kuchenmeister, F. (1855), Die in und an dem Kbrper des lebenden Menschen vorkom- menden Parasiten, i. Abt. : Die thierischen Parasiten, 486 pp., 9 Plates. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. (See pp. 421-424, re Ticks, one poor text-fig. of Ixodes ricinus after Gurlt, the same figure is also found in Ziirn (1872).) Kuchenmeister and Ziirn (1879), Parasiten, p. 538, et seq. (Argas, cit. Huber, 1899, p. 14.) Laboulbene, J. J. A. (1867), article " Argas" in Dechambre's Dictionnaire encyclop. des sci. med., vi. 53, 54. (Quoted verbatim by Laboulbene and Megnin, 1882, pp. 325-327.) (1867), "Ixodes " in Diet, encyclop. des sci. med. (Cit. Rey, 1892.) (1881), Note sur des Argas de Perse envoyes par le Dr Tholozan. Am>. Soc. entom. de France, Paris, 6 s., v. 1, Bull. (16), lxxxviii-lxxxix. (1882), Sur le parasitisme de V Argas reflexus. Ann. Soc. entom. de France, Paris, 6 s., v. 2, Pt 2, Bull. (7), xcviii-xcix. see Desnos, see Megnin. 29 Bibliography of the lxodoidea lab leb Laboulbene, J.J. A., and MtSgnin, J. P. (1882), Memoire sur lee Argot de Pers.-. Journ. de Vanat. et de la physiol. Paris, xvm. 317-341, Pis. XXI-XXIII. (1882), Sur les Argas de Perse. C. R. Soc. de bio/., /'<>ri.<, \. 34, 7 s., v. 4, p. 577. Lahille, F. (V. 1905), Contribution ;i 1'i'tude'des Ixodidea tie la Republique Argentine. Republica Argentina. Anodes del Minixtero de Agricultura, SeeciOn de Zooteenia, Barter iologia, Veterinaria y Zoologia, Vol. II., No. 2, l(Jo pp., 13 Plates, 23 Text-Figs. Buenos Aires : Imprimerie du Bureau Metebrologique. Latreille, P. A. (1795), Magazin encyclope'dique, iv. p. 15. (('it. Michael, 1883, p. 29.) (1796), Precis des caracteres ge'ne'riqites des insectes, disposes dans wn ordre naturel. An v. pp. xii + 201, 12°, Brive. (Carios (sic) : p. 177.) (1804), Histoire naturelle, generate et particuliere, des crastace's et des insectes. An xii., vin. pp. 411, 8°, Paris. {Can's: p. 55.) (1806), Genera crustaceorum et insectorum, I. pp. xviii + 302, Tab. i-xvi. {Caris : p. 161.) (1829), Crustacds, arachnides et partie des insectes. Cuvier's Le regne animal, Paris, iv. pp. 584, 8°. (See Ixodes, pp. 287-290.) (1835), Ueber Caris vespertilionis. Isis von Oken, Jena (6), pp. 511, 512. Lavarra, L. (1905), Sopra una nuova specie di Haemaphysalis (aculeata). Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., (2), v. 255-258. (1905), Note sugli organi digerenti e genitali degli Ixodini. Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital, (2), vi. 150. (1906), Sugli organi digerenti e genitali degli Lvodidi. Boll, Soc. Zool. Ital., vn. 148-154. Laveran, A. (17. I. 1903), Au sujet du r61e des Tiques dans la propagation des Piro- plasmoses. C. R. Soc. Biologie, Liv. 61-63. Laveran, A., and Negre (10. VI. 1905), Sur un protozoaire parasite de Hyalomma aegyptium. Compt. Rend, Soc. Biol., lviii. 964, 1 Fig., reprint. Laveran, A., and Valine (1905), Sur un cas de transmission par des /.codes de la spirillose et de la piroplasrnose bovines. C. R. Acad. Sci., cxl. 1515-1517. (Boophilus decoloratus transmitting Spirochaeta theileri.) Leach, W. E. (1815), A tabular view of the external characters of four classes of animals, which Linne arranged under Insecta ; with the distribution of the genera composing three of these classes into orders, etc., and descriptions of several new genera and species. (Bead April — June, 1814.) Trans, of the Linnaean Society, London, xi. 306-400. (lxodoidea : pp. 396-399.) (1824), Isis, p. 11. (Git, Neumann, 1899, p. 157 re I. plumbeus Leach.) Lebedinsky, J. (1900), Zur Hohlenfauna der Krym (Bussian, only this sub-title in German), Mem. New Russia Soc. Naturalists, Odessa, xxm. 47-64, PL- Figs. 1-22. Bussian, reprint. (Pp. 57, 63 and Fig. 14 relate to " Ixodes erinacei," said to differ from I. ricinus in that coxa I bears no spine. It is probably /. hexagonus, but the figure is unrecognizable and there is no description.) (? 1902), Zur Hohlenfauna der Krym (Bussian, only this sub-title in German). Mem. New Russia Soc. Naturalists, Odessa, xxv. 75-88, Pis. I-II, Figs. 1 47. Bussian, reprint undated. (P. 81 : lists Eschatocephalus seidlitzii L. Koch and figures its tarsus on PI. II, Fig. 31; Esch. frauenfeldi L. Koch and figures its 30 Bibliography of the Txodoidea leg lig tarsus on PI. II, Fig. 32 ; Ixodes obliquus C. L. Koch, dorsum and venter shown in PI. II, Figs. 33-33 a (poor ; may depict /. vespertilionis 9)- The foregoing ticks found near Kizilkoba, Crimea. P. 84 lists Hyalomma rufipes C. L. Koch ; figured in PI. II, Figs. 43, 43 a, a very bad figure of £ ffyalommn, possibly aegyplium ; found in cave at Iograph on top of Yaila above Yalta, Crimea. All of these ticks found in caves; there is no mention of hosts.) Legendre (1858), Pustula maligna durch Stich eines Holzbocks. Tod. Gaz. de Paris, in. (Refer. Schmidt's Jahrb., Vol. cv. (Cit. Huber, bibl., 1910, p. 24.)) Leidy, J. (IX. 1890), Remarks on Ticks. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1890, pp. 281-282. Reprinted (1904) in Smithsonian Misc. Collections, Vol. xlvi., and as a part (No. 1477), being the author's collected papers. (See pp. 227-229 re Ticks.) Leuckart, see Frey. Lewis, L. L. (1897), Texas fever. Bull. No. 27, Oklahama Agric. Exp. Sta., pp. 8-15, map. (S. and S. bibl.) (1899), Texas fever. Bull. No. 39, Oklahama Agric. Exp. Sta., pp. 1-28, Figs. 1-5. (S. and H. bibl.) (1900), Means of preventing Texas fever. Oklahama Agric. Exp. Sta. Beport, pp. 26-28. (H. and H. bibl.) Lewis, R. T. (1892 b), Note on a species of Ixodes found upon a South African lizard. Journ. Quekett Microsc. Club, London, s. 2, v. 10-14, PI. I. (Ixodes varani Lewis, 1892 = Aponomma exomatum (Koch).) (1892), Note on the process of oviposition as observed in a species of cattle tick. Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc, pp. 449-454, PI. VII, Figs. 1-8, also pp. 574, 575. (1898-1900), Notes on some Australian ticks received from Mr C. J. Pound. Journ. Quekett Microsc. Club, London, s. 2, vn. 222-228, also Am. Month. Micr. Journ., Washington (1900), xxi. 123-127, 1 PI. (1900), A contribution to the life-history of Ixodes reduvius (Linn.). Journ. Quekett Microsc. Club, London, s. 2, vn. 381-386, PI. XXI, Figs. 1-5. (read 21. VI. 1901), A further note on Ixodes reduvius (Linn.). Journ. Quekett Microsc. Club, London (Nov. 1901), repr. pp. 153, 154. Leydig, F. (1855), Zum feineren Bau der Arthropoden. (Midler's) Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. loiss. Med., Jahrg. 1855, pp. 376-480, Pis. XV-XVIII. (1857), Lehrbuch der Histologic des Menschen und der Thierc, pp. xii + 551, 271 Figs. Hamm : Grote'sche Buchhandlung (C. Miiller). Licb.tenb.eld, G. (1908), Ergebnisse der von R. Koch ausgefuhrten und vorgezeich- neten Forschungen fiber das Kustenfieber der Rinder in Deutsch-Ostafrika Zeitschr. f. Hyg., lxi. 261-272, PI. IX, 1 Map. Lignieres, J (1900), La "Tristeza" ou malaria bovine dans la republique Argentine, pp. 172, 16 Plates, 8", Buenos Aires. (1901), Experimental transmission of bovine Malaria, 39 pp., 11 Plates, 4 Charts, 1 Map. (Translated by A. J. Boyd.) Queensland Agric. Journ., Vol. ix., Part II. Brisbane : G. A. Vaughan, Acting Gov't Printer. (1901), Sur la "Tristeza." C. R. 13e Congr. intern. Med., ill. Sect. Bad. Parasit., 108-116, 2 Figs. [Transmission by Ticks.] 31 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea lin lou Linnaeus, C. (1746), Fauna Suecica sistens Animalia Sueciae Regni: quadrupedia, aves, amphibia, pisces, insecta, vermes, distribute per classes et ordines, genera et species, etc., pp. 411, Tab. i-n., 12", Lugduni Batavorum. (1758), Systema Naturae. Regnum Animate, ed. 10, pp. 824, Bolmiae. (Acarus, vide pp. 615-618.) (1760), Systema Nat., etc., I, Hal. Magdeb. Praef. J. J. Langius. (S. and S. bibl.) (1761), Fauna Suecica sistens Animalia Sueciae Regni: mammalia, aves, amphibia, pisces, insecta, vermes, distributa per classes et ordines, genera, et species, etc., ed. 2, pp. 578, Tab. i-n., 12", Stockholmiae. (S. and S. bibl.;) Linstow, 0. von (1894), Die Gifttkiere und Hire Wirhung auf den Menschen, 148 pp., 54 Figs. Berlin: Aug. Hir.schwald. (Brief reference to Ticks (A rgas), pp. 120- 121.) Lintner, J. A. ("J. A. L.") (1874\ The cattle tick. Cultivator and Country Gentleman, Albany, xxxix., p. 631. (S. and S. bibl.) Livingstone, D. (1857), Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa, etc., 711 pp. (Ticks : pp. 3S2, 383, 628, 629.) London : John Murray. (1874), The last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to his death, continued by a narrative of his last moments, etc., by H. "Waller. 2 vols., 360 + 346 pp. (Ticks: vol. II. pp. 33, 115.) London: J. Murray. Losado, F. (1890), Ixodismo (efectos que produce en el hombre la mordedura del ixodo comiin 6 garrapata de los perros). Correo Med. Castellauo, Salamanca, vii. 193 ; 225. (Inaccessible.) Lounsbury, C. P. (1895), Fowl ticks (letter from T. W. Parker answered by C. P. L.). Agric Journ., Cape Town, vill. (25), pp. 657, 658. (Argas persicus.) (IX. 1899), Tampans or fowl ticks (Argas reflex-its'?). Agric. Journ., Cape Town, xv. (6), 421-422, Figs. a-b. (23. XI. 1899), The bont tick. Amblyomma hebraeum Koch. Its life-history and habits. Agric. Journ., Cape Town, xv. 728-743, 1 Fig., reprint 16 pp. (1899a), Pig lice, alias Tampans. Ibid. xv. (4), Feb. 16, p. 240. (Tampan = Omithodonis.) (1899b), Ticks. Report of the Gov't Entomologist for the year 1898. Cape of Good Hope Dep't of Agric, Cape Town, 1899, pp. 43-46, PI. IX. (1900), Tick Investigations. Report of the Gov't Entomologist for the year 1899. Cape of Good Hope Dep't of Agriculture, Cape Town, 1900, pp. 19-34, Plates III-IV. (Heartwater and Redwater infection experiments with Amblyomma hebraeum, with notes on biology of this and other species : Hyal. aegyptium, Rhip. evertsi, Boo. decoloratus, Rhip. capensis, Ambl. derium, Orn. savignyi, Argas persicus.) (V. 1900), Tick-heartwater experiment. Agnc. Journ., Cape Town, xvi. (11), 682-687, 3 Charts. (1900a), Notes on some South African Ticks. Proc. 12th Ann. Meeting of the Assoc, of Econ. Entomologists. Issued by U. S. Dep't of Agric, Division of Entomology. Bulletin No. 26, n.s. Washington, pp. 41-48. (Amblyomma hebraeum, Hyal. aegyptium, Boo. decoloratus, Rhip. evertsi, Orn. savignyi, Arg. persicus.) (1900b), Insect bites and the effects thereof. Canadian Entomologist, xxxn. 17-24. (Bites of ticks, not insects. Argas, Orn. savignyi or tampan.) 32 Bibliography of the Txodoidea lou Lounsbury, 0. P. (1900 c), Tick-Heartwater experiment. Report of the Qvtft Entomologist for the year 1900. Cape of Good Hope Dep't of Agriculture, Cape Town, 1901, pp. 12-22. (1900 d), Life-History of a Tick. Entomol. News, Philadelphia, xi. 336 ;no. (A mbh/omma hebraeum.) (21. XI. 1901), Transmission of malignant jaundice of the dog bj a species >>f tick. Agric. Journ., Cape Town, xix. 714-724 ; 10 pp., reprint. {Haemaphytalu leachi.) (1902), (Tick investigations) Tampan not associated with heartwater |>. 65)- Tick-Heartwater investigations (pp. 2-4, 29-74) — Tick Malignant Jaundice investigations (pp. 4-9)— Tick, catching and destruction (pp. 3, 4, 49, 71), Pis. IV-VI. Report of the Gov't Entomologist for the year 1!)()I, Cope <>/' Good Hope Dep't of Agric. Cape Town, 1902. (Tampan = Ornithodorus.) (II. 1902), Transmission of malignant jaundice of the dog by a species of tick. Veterinarian, London (890), lxxv., 1 s. (566), xlviii. 86-95. (Same as Louns- bury, 1901.) (VIII. 1902), Heartwater in calves. Agric. Journ., Cape Town, xxi. 165-169 ; reprint, 7 pp. (X. 1902), The plague of Ticks ; their destruction by oil spraying ; Eastern Province experiments. Ibid. xxi. 337-345, 4 Figs. ; reprint, 11 pp. 4 Figs. (XI. 1902), The plague of Ticks. Oil- water pumps etc. (for tick extermina- tion). Ibid. xxi. 427-434, 6 Figs. ; reprint, 12 pp., 6 Figs. (1903), 1. Ticks and Ehodesian Cattle disease, pp. 16-18. 2. Ticks and Malignant Jaundice, pp. 18-20. 3. Ticks and Heartwater, pp. 20-41. Report of the Gov't Entomologist for the year 1902. Cape of Good Hope, Dep't of Agriculture, Cape Town, 1903. (VII. 1903), A note on tick investigation. Transvaal Agric. Journ., I. (4), 11-12. (Rhipicephalus shipleyi Nn., validity of species discussed, also R. simus.) (IX. 1903), The fowl tick. Studies on its life-cycle and habits. Agric. Journ., Cape Town, xxm. 261-273, 3 Pis., repr. (X. 1903), Ticks and African Coast fever. Transvaal Agricult. Journ., n. 4-8. (1904), 1. Ticks and African Coast Fever, pp. 11-15. 2. Ticks and Heart- water, pp. 15-21. 3. Ticks and Malignant Jaundice, pp. 22-43. Charts etc. Report of the Gov't Entomologist for the year 1903. Cape of Good Hope, Dep't of Agric, Cape Town, 1904. (1904), Ticks and malignant jaundice of the dog. Journ. of Compar. Pathol, and Therap., xvn., 113-129. (1904), Distribution of Coast Fever Ticks. Agric. Journ., Cape Town, xxv. 268-270. 1 Map. (IV. 1904), Transmission of African Coast fever. Ibid. xxiv. 428-432, 7 pp., 2 Pis., reprint. (VIII. 1904), Persian sheep and heartwater. Ibid. xxv. 175-186, 3 Figs.; 12 pp., repr. (Ambl. hebraeum.) (XI. 1904), External parasites of fowls. Agric. Journ., Cape Town. No. 27, Repr., 5 pp., 4 Figs. (Includes a short account of Argas persicm ; more fully treated in Lounsbury (ix. 1903).) N. I. 33 5 Bibliography of the Txodoidea lou luc Lounsbury, C P. (XI. 1904), Supposed ticks on a fly. Agric. Jovm., Cape Town, xxv. (5), 602. (Reply to letter from A. Kirkland Soga.) (1905 a), Report of the Government Entomologist for the half-yeUr ended ./"/<<■ 30th, 1904. Cape of Good Hope, Dep't of Agric. Cape Town : ( Jape Times Ltd. 35 pp., 1 col. pi. (Rhipicephalus appendiczdatus). (1905), Habits and peculiarities of some South African Tip. Med., vin. 225. (Describes a case of spirochaetosis in man.) Mauldin, 0. E. see Newell. Mayer, A. (1904), The Cattle Tick problem. [Letter to the editor.] Breeder's On:., Chicago, xlvi. p. 129. (1905), Total eradication of the fever -transmitting tick from the pastures of the South. [Letter dated Apr. 20th, in Morgan, H. A. (1905).] Bull. Agric. Exper. Sta., Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville, xviii. p. 10. (1906), The cattle tick in its relation to southern agriculture. U. S. Bep't Agric, Fanners' Bull, No. 261, pp. 1-22, reprint. (Essay of a general character.) Mayer, M. see Fulleborn. Mayo, N. S. (1897), Texas fever. Bull. No. 69, Kansas Agric. Exp. Sta., pp. 124-134. (Cited in bibl. by Salmon and Stiles 1901 ; stated by Hooker 1908 b to have published a paper "Some diseases of cattle" Ibid, in which he continued the observation by Morgan (1899, p. 134) that Amblyomma americanttm does not convey piroplasmosis.) 37 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea mcc meg McCulloch, C (1899), The prevention of Texas cattle fever and the amended laws controlling contagious and infectious diseases. Virginia Agr. Exp. Sta,, Bull. 104, pp. 167-180, 1 pi. (H. and H. bibl.) McFarland, J. (1910), Biology. General and Medical. Philadelphia and London : W. B. Saunders Co. 440 pp., 160 Figs. (Pp. 317-320 brief reference to ticks ; Fig. 113 of Orn. moubata, very bad. Nothing original.) Meaden, C. W. (1893), Ticks on an Iguana. Trinidad Field Club, i. ±2-2. Meek, A. (1897), On Louping-Ill and its connection with the Tick. Veterinarian, lxx. 698-709. Meek and Greig-Smith (V. 1897), (Regarding ticks and louping-ill in sheen;. Veterinarian (cit. Nuttall, 1899, p. 42). Megnin, P. (1867), Note sur un nouvel Ixode, parasite du Cheval. L' Insectologie agricole, I. 107, PI. IV. {Ixodes pustularum; translation of this in Murray, 1877, p. 191.) (I. 1868), La famille des Ixodes. Journ. de me'd. vete'r. milit., vi. 423. (1876), Presentation d'un parasite colossal de l'ordre des Acariens et du genre Ixodes. Bull, de la Soc. centr. de vied, veter. Bee. de me'd. ve'te'r., ill. 831. (Ixodes africanus Megnin = Hyalomma aegyptium (Linn.). Cit. Neumann.) (1876a), Memoire sur l'organisation et la distribution zoologique des acariens de la Famille des Gamasides. Journ. de VAnat. et de la Physiol., Paris, xn., May-June, pp. 288-336, Pis. VII, VIII. (1876 b), Presentation d'eeufs pondus par l'ixode recueilli sur un bceuf dAfrique. Bee. de med. vet., Paris, Aug. 30th, p. 985. (1876 c), Note sur la faculte qu'ont certains acariens avec ou sans bouche de vivre sans nourriture pendant des phases entieres de leur existence et meine pendant toute leur vie. Journ. cPAnat. et de Physiol., xn. 603-606. [Nymphal forms of Ixodidae, etc., "without mouths" live on stored nutriment.] (1878), Presentation d'lxodes recueillis sur des bceufs algeriens et maroccains. Bull. Soc. Entomol. France, 5 s., vin., pp. xci, xcii. (Copulation etc.) (1880a), Les Parasites et les Maladies Parasitaires chez Vhomme, les animaux domestiques et les animaux sauvages avec lesquels Us peitvent etre en contact; in- sectes, arachnides, crustaces, pp. 478, Figs. 65, Pis. XXVI, 8°, Paris. (Ticks: pp. 106-136, 322, 344, 363, 403, 422.) (1882), Experience sur Taction nocive des Argas de Perse. Compt. rend. Soc. de Biol., Paris, Ser. 7, IV. 305-307. (1885), Les Argas du Mexique. Journ. de VAnat. et de la Physiol., Paris, xxi., 460-474, Pis. XX, XXI, Figs. 1-10. (1888), Ixodiden. Encycl. d. ges. Thierh. u. Thierzucht (Koch), Wien u. Leipzig, v. 198-200, Figs. 902-903. (1892), Les Acariens Parasites. (Encyclopedic Scientifique des Aide-memoire.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars et Fils. 40 Figs., 182 pp., 12°. (See pp. 25-67: Chapter u., " Famille des Ixodides.") (1895 a), Les parasites articules chez Vhomme et les animaux utiles (maladies qu'ils occasionnent). 2. ed. des parasites et maladies parasitaires, augmentee dun appendice sur les parasites des cadavres. 2 vols., 1 p. 1., 510 pp. ; atlas, 1 p. L, 26 1., 26 pp., 8°. Paris : G. Masson. (Cit. Index Catal. Surgeon General's Libr., Washington, vol. x. 1905.) 38 Bibliography of the Txodoidea meg meu Megnin, P. (15. X. 1895), Sur les pretendus roles pathogeniques des Tiques '>u Ixodes. Bull, de UAcad. do Med., xxxiv. :r>4-369, Figs. A-J. (10. I. 1903), Du role des Tiques ou Ixodes dans la propagation dee Piroplas- moses. G. R. Soc. Biologie, lv. 4-6, also (rev.) Bull. Trust. Pasteur, i. '■'■>. (1903), Un dernier mot snr le role des Ixodes dans la propagation d( 3 piroplasmoses. C. R. Soc. de Biol., lv. 147-148. [Discussion, j>. l \u] (7. II. 1903), Encore un mot sur la biologie des Ixodes. C. R. Soc. de Biol., i.v., Feb. 13th, 175-176. [Discussion, p. 176.] (1904), Sur la biologie des tiques. Journ. de I'Anat. et Physiol., xi„ 569. see Laboulbene. Megnin, P., and Laboulbene (1882), Sur les Argas de Perse. Compt. Rendus Soc. Biol., Paris, Ser. 7, iv. p. 577. (See full paper under Laboulbene and Megnin.) Meikle, J. (I. 1905), [Dipping cattle for ticks.] [Address before Farmers' Conference, Salisbury, Nov. 7th, 1904.] Rhodesian Agric Journ., Salisbury, SuppL, 12-13. Melvin, A. D. (1905), Report of the Chief of the Bureau for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1905. U. S. Dept. Agric., 22nd Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D.C., pp. 9-48. (P. 16, regarding tick extermi- nation, mention of Boophilus annulatus and Rhipicephalus sanguineus.) (1906), Report of the Chief of the Bureau for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1906. U. S. Dept. Agric, 2?>rd Annual Report of the Btireau of Animal Industry, Washington, D.C., pp. 9-63. (See pp. 23, 28, 46 regarding tick eradication; also later parts of the report, viz. pp. 101-112: also pp. 339-346 regarding quarantine regulations against Texas Fever.) (1906a), How to get rid of cattle ticks. U.S. Dept. Agric, Bur. Animal Industry, circular 97, pp. 1-4, 1 PI. ("Deals with the hand-picking and greasing, the tie-rope or picketing, and the two-field methods." Cit. H. and H. bibl.) (1907), Report of the Chief of the Bureau for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1907. U. S. Dept. of Agric, 24th, Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D.C., pp. 9-84. (See pp. 10, 15, 23-25, 56 regardin.; cattle tick eradication and quarantine measures ; also pp. 421, 424, 433, 451, 452, 458, 462, 463 regarding regulations against Tevas Fever.) (1908), Report of the Chief of the Bureau for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1908. U. S. Dept. of Agric, 25th Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D.C., pp. 9-81. (States p. 12 that during less than 3 years 64,000 square miles of land in the Southern States have been cleared of cattle ticks. See further pp. 22, 48, 53 also in relation to Texas Fever. Pp. 434, 462 regulations against Texas Fever.) Merriman, G. see Nuttall. Messenger, E. H. (1904), Poultry ticks. Queensland Agric. Journ., Brisbane, xi. (2), Aug. 1st, p. 114. Meuleman, E. (VIII-IX. 1908), Le role des ixodes dans la propagation des maladies contagieuses. Ann. de Med. Ve'terin. (Bruxelles), reprint 22 pp. (Causerie faite a la Soc. de Med. Veterin. du Brabant le 10 mai 1908.) (Nothing original.) (1908), Le role des ixodes etc. Ann. Soc. zool. malacol. Belgique, xliii. 149-166. 39 Bibliography of the Txodoidea mez mon Mezincescu, D., and Calinescu, J. (1909), Spirillose dea poulea et Argot perstctu en Roumanie. Bull. Soc. Path. Exot., Paris, n. 292. Michael, A. D. (1883), British Oribatidae, Vol. L, p. 5. (Mentions [xodidae incidentally ; quoted regarding classification. Vol. II. published L887. London: Royal Society.) (1892), [Discussion on Lewis's paper before the Royal Micr. Soc.]. Journ. II. Microsc. Soc, 1892, p. 446. (V. 1892), Ticks. Natural Science [London and New Fork], i. 2iV . Agric. Exper. Sta., Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville, xvm. 10 pp., 3 Figs. [Letter from Mayer, A., p. 10.] (1. VI. 1906), Cattle tick extermination : Feed-lot and pasture rotation methods. Press Bull. 23, Agric. Exper. Sta,, Univ. Tennessee [n.p.], [4] pp., 8 Figs., 1 Map. see Dalrymple. Mosler, F., and Peiper, E. (1894), Thierische Parasiten, 1st ed., in Nothnagel's Specielle Pathol, u, Therapie, vi. 345 pp., 124 Figs., 8<>. Wien : Alfred Holder. (Pp. 320-322 brief mention of ticks, nothing original, including two figures. See note to 2nd ed.) (1904), Tierische Parasiten, 2nd ed., 376 pp., 162 Figs. Wien : Alfred Holder. (Brief reference to Ticks on pp. 344-346 ; one Fig. of Argas reflexu* after Pagenstecher ; contains nothing original except that a Fig. (No. 140) of Txodes ricinus after Kiichenmeister is described in the legend as Dermanymts gallinae ! This correct in the 1st ed., p. 320.) Mosquera, B. see Palacios. Mosso (14. I. 1899), Pouvoir anticoagulant de Y Ixodes ricinus. La Press>- Mtdwak , (4), (Soc. etrangeres), p. 20. Review in Rec. d. me'd. vet., ser. 8, vi. p. 181. Motas (read 27. XII. 1902), La piroplasmose ovine, "Carceag." Comptes Rendus Soc. de Biol., liv. 1522-1524 (1903). (25. IV. 1903), Sur le role des Tiques dans le developpement de la piroplasmose ovine (Carceag). 2nd note. C. R. Soc. Biologic, lv. 501-504. (1904), Contribution a l'etude de la Piroplasmose ovine (Carceag). Arhiva Veterinara, Bucharest, 7 Figs., 50 pp. repr. (Rhipicephalus bursa transmits Piroplasma ovis.) N. 1. 41 6 Bibliography of the Txodoidea mot neu Motas (II. 1905), Transmission experimental do la Piroplasmose Bovine par '- Tiques. Arhiva Veterinary Bucharest, ir. 2 pp. (cutting). see Nocard. Moufetius, T. (1634), Insectorum sive minimorum animalium tkeatrum, pp. 20+328. with many tigs., London, fol. (De ricino et reduvio, pp. 271 ■!',:', ; i i ..u. Miiller, Joh. (1831), Ixodes ophiophilus, cine neue Zeckenart, auf einer Schlat gefunden, und beschrieben. Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caesar. Leop.-Carol. Naturae Curios., Vratislaviae et Bonnae, xv. 233-242, PL LXVII, Figs. I 5. (Undeterminable species, possibly an Aponomma.) Miiller, P. W. J. (1817), Bemerkungen iiber einige Insekten ; (4) Ueber die Begattung und Fortpflanzung der Ixoden. Magazin der Entomologie, u. pp. 278-289. (Cited by Gene 1844; also in transl. of Gene" 1849, p. 6, also by Pagenstecher 1861, p. 8: refers to copulation in Ixodes.) Muriay, A. (1877), Economic Entomology ; Aptera, I. pp. iii.-xxiii., 3-433, with numerous text-figures. London: Chapman and Hall (South Kensington Museum Science Handbooks). (See Ixodoidea, pp. 180-204, 28 Figs., of which 9 appear original (?) ; all poor however and mostly copied from C. L. Koch, 1847.) Negre, see Laveran. Nelson, J. C. (1897), Crude petroleum for ticks. [Letter to editor, dated May 20th.] Agri-. Journ., Cape Town, x. (12), June 10th, 697-698. Neumann, C. J. see Kramer. Neumann, L. G. (1888), Traite des maladies parasitaires non-microbiennes des animau x domestiques, pp. 673, Figs. 306. Paris. (1892a), Traite' des maladies parasitaires non-microbiennes des animaux dorm tiques, 2. ed., pp. 767, Figs. 364. Paris. (1892b), A treatise on the parasites and parasitic diseases of the domesticated animals, pp. 800, Figs. 364. (1896), Revision de la famille des Ixodides. I. Argasines. Mem. Soc. Zool. de France, ix. pp. 1-44, Figs. 1-36. (1897), Revision de la famille des Ixodides. (2e memoire.) Mem. Soc. Zool. de France, X. 324-420, Figs. 1-45. (1899 a), Revision de la famille des Ixodides. (3e memoire.) Mem. Soc. Zool. de France, xn. 107-294, Figs. 1-63. (1899b), Anomalies d'lxodides. Arch, de Parasitol., Paris, n. 463-465, Figs. 1, 2. (1900), Notice sur la collection d'lxodidae de M. C. G. Schillings Weiherhof, Giirzenich bei Diiren), 4 pp., 8°, Toulouse. (Cited by Neumann, 1907, p. 16. Impossible to procure, Neumann himself does not possess a copy and a letter of mine to Schillings remains unanswered. Privately printed and all the copies sent to Schillings.) (1901), Revision de la famille des Ixodides. 4e Memoire. Mem. Soc Zool. de France, xiv. 249-372, 18 Figs. (1902a), Notes sur les Ixodides, I. Arch, de Parasitol., vi. 109-128, 6 Text- Figs. (1902 b), Note sur une collection d'Ectoparasites recueillis en Abyssime par M. le Baron C. von Erlanger. Arch, de Parasitol, VI. 293, 294. (Of ticks there are listed species of Amblyomma, Haemaphysalis and Rhipicephedus. 42 6—2 Bibliography of the Ixodoidm neu Neumann, L. G. (1902c), Sur la transmission des maladies microbiennea pir lea Ixodides. Arch. me'd. de Toulouse, vm. 457 ; 481. (1903), Acariens parasites. Result. Voyage Belgica Zool., 0 pp. (Ixodes putus.) (1904), Notes sur les Ixodides, II. Arch, de Parcuitol., vm. 444 164, 2 Text-Figs. (1905), Notes sur les Ixodides, III. Arch, de Parasitol, ix. 225-211. (1905 a), A Treatise on the Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of the /domesticated Animals. Translated by G. Fleming. 2nd ed. revised and edited by J. Maqueen. 900 pp., 365 illustrations. London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox. 22 x 15cm. Price 21/- net. Cloth. (1906), Notes sur les Ixodides, IV. Arch, de Parasitologic, x. 195-219, 17 Figs. (X. 1906 Date of MS.), Note XVI. Ixodide uouveau de lAustralie .1 mblyomma albolimbatum, n.sp. Notes from the Leyden Museum, xxviii. 218-220, 1 Text- Fig, reprint. (1907), Notes sur les Ixodides, V. Arch, de Parasitologic, xi., pp. 215-232, Figs. 1-14. (4 n. spp. : Rltipicephalus (2), Margaropus, Argas.) (1907 a), Ixodidae. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schivedischen Zoologischen Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Merit, und den urngebenden Mussai- steppen Deutsch-Ostafrikxis 1905-1906 unter Leituug von Prof. Dr. Yngve Sjostedt, pp. 18-30. Herausg. v. d. Konigl. Schwed. Akad. d. Wiss. Uppsala, 1907. {Ixodes ugandanus djaronensis nov. subsp., Rhipicephalus simus planus nov. subsp., Dermacentor rhinocerotis permaculatus nov. subspec. and known species.) (II. 1907), Description of two new species of African Ticks. Annals of Trop. Med. and Parasitol. (Univ. of Liverpool), I. 115-120, Figs. 22-25. (V. 1907), Note XI, Quatre nouvelles especes dTxodides. Notes from the Leyden Museum, xxix. 88-100, 7 Figs. (XII. 1907), Note sur les Ixodidae recueillis dans les lies de l'ocean Indien par M. J. Stanley Gardiner. Trans. Linn. Soc, London, 2 ser., Zoology, xu. 193- 194. {Amblyomma loculosum n. sp.) (III. 1908), Notes sur les Ixodides, VI. Arch. d. Parasitologic, xu. 1-27, 16 Figs. (VI. 1908), A new variety of Ixodes pilosus (Koch). Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Africa, i. 125 (published VII. 1909). (/. pilosus var. kowardi.) (VII. 1908), Notes sur les Ixodides, VII. Notes from the Leyden Museum, xxx. 73-91, Figs. 1-10. (1908 a), Description d'une nouvelle espece d'lxodine. Bull, du Mus. cThist. nat., Paris, No. 7, pp. 352-356, Figs. 1-2 {Rhipicephalus sulcatus n.sp., $ $ ). (1908b), A new species of tick from the Transvaal. Am*. Transvaal Mus., I. 170-172, PI. VII, Figs. f-i. {Rhipicentor vicinus n.sp. = ^. nuttalli Cooper and Robinson.) * (1909), Le pou d'Orycteropiis afer et une nouvelle sous-espece $ Amblyomma, Jahrb. d. Nassau. Ver. f. Naturk. in Wiesbaden, Jahrg. 62, reprint 6 pp., 1 PI. (P. 6 Amblyomma hebraeurn magnum, n. subsp., not figured.) (1910), Sur quelques especes dTxodidae nouvelles ou insuihsaiument connues. Ann. d. Sci. nat. Zool., 9 ser., pp. 161-176, Figs. 1-12. 43 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea neu nit Neumann, L. G. (viii. 1910), Sur troia types d'lxodinae de Kolenati appartenant an Museum d'Histoire Xaturelle de Paris. Bull. dv. Mia. cPhist. /"if., 1910, No. 4, p. 191. Neveu-Lemaire, M. (1904), Parasitologic animate, 2nd ed. (Precis ./- MeUecine, No. 1), 218 pp., 301 Text-Figs. Paris : F. R. de Rudeval. (Ixodoidea: 151 L57, 4 Figs.; none original.) Newell, W. (V. 1907), A simple plan of eradicating the Cattle Tick by the Pasture Rotation Method. State Crop Pest Commission of Louisiana, Circular No. 14, 4 pp. (1. VII. 1907), Regulations of the State Crop Pest Commission of Louisiana for facilitating eradication of the Texas Fever Cattle Tick in Lincoln and Claiborne Parishes. 12 pp. Baton Rouge, La. Newell, W., and Dougherty, M. S. (1906), The Cattle Tick. Studies of the Egg and Seed Tick stages. A simple method of eradicating the Tick. State Crop Pest Commission of Louisiana, Circular No. 10, 32 pp., 8 Figs. Baton Rouge, La. Newell, W., and Mauldin, C. E. (I. 1908;, Report upon the eradication of the cattle tick in Lincoln and Claiborne parishes. State Crop Pest Commission of Louisiana, Circ. No. 21, 4 pp. reprint. New South Wales (1896;, Intercolonial Stock Conference. Report of the Proc. of the Meeting of Experts held in August, 1896. Pp.17. (32 x 20 cm.) Sydney: Chas. Potter, Gov't Printer. Newstead, R. (XI. 1905), On the External Anatomy of Ornithodorus moubata. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Memoir xvu. pp. 21-26, 1 Map, Pis. I-IV. (30. XII. 1905), On the pathogenic Ticks concerned in the distribution of disease in man, with special reference to the differential characters in Ornitho- dorus moubata. Brit. Med. Journ., pp. 1695-1697 ; also Lancet, CLXix. pp. 365- 385. (1906), Insects and ticks in relation to animal diseases. Vet. Journ., London, lxii. (xin. n.s.) 428-430. (1909), Reports of the twenty-first expedition of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Jamaica., 1908-1909. Section I. Medical and Economic Entomology. Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasitol., in. 421-469, PI. XIII-XV, 2 Text-Figs. (IV. 1910), Tick and other blood-sucking Arthropoda of Jamaica. Bulletin of the Dep't of Agriculture, Jamaica, i. 145-175, Pis. 41-49. Nicolle, C, and Co-rate, C (1905), Sur le role possible de Hyalomma aegyptium, dans l'affection hemo-gregarinienne de Testudo mauritanica. C. R. Soc. Biol., lviii. 1045. Niles, E. P. (1897), The cattle tick in Virginia. Bull. No. 76, Virgin a Agric. Exp. Sta., n. s., vi., pp. 45-50 ; also Southern Planter, pp. 326, 327. (S. and S. bibl.) (1898b), A preliminary study of ticks. Bull. Xo. 86, Virginia Agric. Exp. Sta., n.s., vii., pp. 25-30, Pis. 4. (S. and S. bibl.) Nitsch (1818), Article "Acarina" in Ersch and Gruber's Encyclopaedic, s. 1, Vol. i. 246 et seq. (Follows Latreille, the Riciniae including two genera, Ixodes and Argas. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 9.) 44 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea noc nut Nocard, E. (10. X. 1901), Discussion following communication by Almy, q.v. (1902), Sur la frequence en France et but le diagnostic de la piroplasmoee canine. Bull, de la Soc. centr. de med. ve'te'r., p. 710 (rev. by Ch. Porcher in Centralbl. f. Bakteriol., 1903, xxxiii. 412). Nocard and Almy (28. III. 1901), Une observation de piroplasmoee canine. Recueil de med. ve'te'r., 8 ser., T. vin. 1901, including (Annexe) Bull, de la Soc. centr. de me'd. ve'te'r., n.s., T. XIX. pp. 192-195. Nocard and Motas (IV. 1902), Contribution a l'etude de la piroplasmose canine. Annates de VInstitut Pasteur, T. xvi. pp. 257-290 (Plates); also Bulletin de la Soc. centr. de med. ve'te'r., 8 ser., ix. pp. 253-283, 2 Figs. Seance du 1 Mai, 1902. Nordenskiold, E. (31. I. 1905), Zur Anatomie und Histologic von Ixodes reduvius. Zool. Anzeiger, xxviii. 478-485, 7 Text-Figs. (1906 a), Zur Anatomie und Histologic von Ixodes reduvius (concl.). Zool. Anzeiger, xxx. 118, 8 Figs. (This and the preceding paper are preliminary notes to Nordenskiold, 1908, q.v.) (1906b), Ein eigenartiges Driisensystem bei Ixodes. Zool. Anzeiger, xxx. 484. (1908), Zur Anatomie und Histologic von Ixodes reduvius. Zool. Jahrb., 1908, pp. 637-672, 2 Text-Figs., 3 Plates. (Important.) (13. VII. 1909), Zur Spermatogenese von Ixodes redtivius. Zool. Anzeiger, xxxiv. 511-516, 10 Text-Figs. (5. X. 1909), Zur Ovogenese und Entwickelungsgeschichte von Ixodes reduvius. Zool. Anzeiger, xxx v. 30-35, 4 Text-Figs. (1909c), Zur Anatomie und Histologic von Ixodes reduvius, II. Zool. Jahrb., 1909, pp. 449-464, PI. XXX. (Important.) Nordlinger (1855), Die kleinen Feinde der Landwirthschaft , p. 20. (Brief mention of ticks on grass, attack man and animals, notes branching intestine, ('it. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 15.) Norgaard, V. A. (1897), Dipping cattle for destruction of ticks. \2th Ann. Rep. Bur. Animal Industry, U. S. Dep't Agric, 1895. AVashington, 1897. (Cit. Nuttall, 1899.) (1898), Cattle dipping, experimental and practical. U. S. Dep't Agricult., Yearbook, 1898, pp. 453-472. (Experiments, principally with saturated solutions of sulphur in extra dynamo oil.) (H. and H. bibl.) Notter and Firth (1908), The Theory and Practice of Hygiene. 3rd ed., 993 pp. London : Churchill. (Pp. 606-609 deal briefly with ticks. Plate XIII, Text- Figs. 125, 126. Contains no original matter.) Nuttall, G. H. F. (1898), Neuere ' Untersuchungen liber Malaria, Texasfieber und Tsetsefliegenkrankheit. Hygienische Rundschau, vm. 1084-1103,1137. (Ticks in relation to piroplasmosis, p. 1096.) (1899), On the role of insects, arachnids and myriapods, as carriers in the spread of bacterial and parasitic diseases of man and animals. A critical and historical study. Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, vm. 154 pages, 3 Plates. (1899), Die Rolle der Insekten, Arachniden und Myriapoden als Triiger bei der Verbreitung von durch Bakterien und thierische Parasiten verursachten Krankheiten des Menschen und der Thiere. Eine kritisch-historische Studie. Hygienische Rundschau, ix. 209-220, 275-289, 393-408, 503-520, 606-620 (translation of the above). 45 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea nut Nuttall, G. H. F. ^1900), Role des Insectes, des Ararhnides et des Myriapodes dans la transmission et la dissemination des maladies bacte'riennes et />arasitaire> de Vhomme et des animau.v. fitude critique et historique. Traduit de L'anglais par le Dr Levrier, Medecin de Ire Classe des Colonics. 161 pp. Bordeaux: Imprimerie du Midi, P. Cassignol (translation of the above). (1904), Canine Piroplasmosis, I. Journ. of Hygiene, iv. 219-257, PI. XII-X III, 7 Charts. (Pp. 220 et seq. ticks in relation to piroplasmosis ; pp. 227 et seq. Haemaphysalis leuchi, Plates XII-XI1I, Figs. 1-7, photos of larva, nymph, female; experimental transmission of canine piroplasmosis by tick (1905), Ticks and tick-transmitted diseases. (Paper read 9. xn. 1904.) Trans. Epidemiol. Soc, London, N.S., vol. xxiv., Session 1904-1905, pp. 12-32, 1 Map. (XII. 1907), Directions for the collection of blood-sucking Insects /»< . Parasitology, ill. 408-416, 7 Figs. (28. II. 1911), The adaptation of ticks to the habits of their hosts. (Abstract of following paper ; read before the Cambridge Phil. Soc.) Cambr. Univ. Reporter, xli. 681 ; also Proc. Cambr. Philos. Soc, xvi. 189-190. (31. III. 1911), On the adaptation of Ixodoidea to the habits of their hosts. Paratitology, iv. 46-67, 26 Text-Figs. Nuttall, G. H. F., Cooper, W. F., and Robinson, L. E. (vi. 1908), The structure and biology of Haemaphysalis punctata, Can. and Fan. Parasitology. I. 152- 181, Plates XII-XVI, 9 Text-Figs. (X. 1908), On the structure of "Haller's Organ" in the Ixodoidea. Parasitology, I. 238-242, PI. XVIII, 1 Text-Fig. (XII. 1908), On the structure of the spiracles of a Tick— Haemaphysalis punctata Canestrini and Fanzago. (2 Plates.) Parasitology, I. 347-351. Nuttall, G. H. F., Cooper, W. F., and Smedley, R. D. (1905), The buccal apparatus of a Tick {Haemaphysalis punctata C. and F.). Repr. 2 pp. British Assoc, Adv. Sci., Meeting held in S. Africa. Nuttall, G. H. F., and Graham-Smith, G. S. (VII. 1905), Canine Piroplasmosis, II. Joum. of Hygiene, v. 237-249 (Plate IX) [followed by Graham-Smith, Canine Piroplasmosis, III., Morbid Anatomy (2 Charts and 2 Plates) ; "Wright, Canine Piroplasmosis, IV., On certain changes in the blood]. (1906), Canine Piroplasmosis, V. Journ. of Hygiene, vi. 586-651, Plates XI-XIII, 23 Text-Figs. (1907), Canine Piroplasmosis, VI. Joum. of Hygiene, vn. 232-272, Plates I— III, 14 diagrams. (VI. 1908), The mode of multiplication of Piroplasma bovis and /'. pithed in the circulating blood compared with that of P. canis with notes on other 46 Bibliography of the Txodoidea nut oud species of Piroplasma. (Plate XI, and Diagrams I-IV.) Parasitology, i. 134-142. Nuttall, G. H. F., and Graham -Smith, G. S. (X. 1908,, Notes on the Drug Treatment of Canine Piroplasmosis. Parasitology, i. 220 220. (X. 1908), The development of Piroplasma canis in culture. Plate XIX, 1 Text-Fig.) Parasitology, I. 243-260. (IX. 1909), Theileria parva: attempts at cultivation. Parasitology, n. 208-210. (IX. 1909), Note on attempts to infect the fox and jackal with Piroplasma canis. Parasitology, II. 211-214. (IX. 1909), Note on immunity in canine piroplasmosis. Parasitology, n. 215-228. Nuttall, G. H. F., and Hadwen, S. (VII. 1909), The successful drug treatment of canine piroplasmosis together with observations upon the effect of drugs <>n Piroplasma cam's. Parasitology, n. 156-191, 1 Text-Fig. (IX. 1909), Further experiments upon the drug treatment of canine piroplas- mosis. Parasitology, II. 229-23"). (IX. 1909), The drug treatment of piroplasmosis in cattle. Parasitology, n. 236-266, 7 Charts. Nuttall, G. H. F., and Merriman, G. (1911), The process of copulation in Ornithodorus moubata. Parasitology, iv. 39-45, 1 Text-Fig. Nuttall, G. H. F., and Strickland, C. (23. XL 1908), The presence of anticoagulin in the salivary glands and intestine of Argas persicus. Parasitology, i. 302-310. Nuttall, G. H. F., and Warburton, C. (read 28. xn. 1907, printed 1908), On a new genus of Ixodoidea together with a description of eleven new species <>f ticks. Proc. Cambr. Philos. Soc. xiv. 392-416, 45 Text-Figs, (genus Rhipicenwr founded etc.). Nuttall, G. H. F., Warburton, C, Cooper, W. F., and Robinson, L. E. (X. 1908), Ticks. A Monograph of the Ixodoidea. Parti. The Argasidae. 104 pp. +36 pp. (Bibliography). 3 Plates, 116 Text-Figures. Nuttall, G. H. F. see Warburton. Oken (1818), Sogenannte giftige Wanze in Persien. Isis, 1818, pp. 1567-1570, PL XIX, Figs. 1-4. (1835), Allgemeine Naturgeschichte, v. 662. (Brief reference to Ixodes and A rgas. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 11:) Osborn, H. (1893), Methods of attacking parasites of domestic animals. Insect Life, Washington, vi. 163-166. (Measures against ticks on cattle; discussion.) (1896), Insects affecting domestic animals: an account of the species of importance in North America, with mention of related forms occurring in other animals. U. S. Dep't of Agricv.lt., Division of Entomol., Bulletin No. 5, N.S. (Washington, D.C.), 302 pp., 5 Plates, 170 Figs. (1899), Fur Seals and Fur Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean, ill. 553. (Cited by Banks, 1908, p. 53, re I. arcticus Banks.) Oudemans, A. C. (1. III. 1905), Amblyomma scaevola now sp. Entomol. Berichten, No. 22, p. 216. 47 Bibliography of the Txodoidea oud pal Oudemans, A. C. (1906), Amhlyomma scaevohi Oudms. in Resultais de V Expedition Scientifique Neerlandaise a la Nouvelle-Guinee en 1903, sous let auspices •/■ A. Wichmann, Vol. v., Zoologie, Livr. I. pp. 130-131. Packard, A. S. (1869), List of hymenopterous and lepidopterous insects collected by the Smithsonian expedition to South America, under Prof. James Orton ; appendix to report on Articulates, Ann. Rcpt. Peabody Academy of Science, pp. 1-14. (Contains descriptions of following species of American forme Ixodes perpunctatus, unipunctata ( = Amhlyomma americanum), li>p<>ris-p< {Hacmaphysalis), chordeilis, bovis ( = Boophilus annulatus), bibronii, ,>'/;,<,,,,,,.<;.< (S. A.), albipictus (N. A.), nigrolineatus, cookei. (II. and H. bibl.) (1869 a), Report of the curator of Articulata. First Ann. Report Trustees Peabody Acad, of Sci., Jan., pp. 52-69. (S. and S. bibl.) (1869b), Guide to the study of insects, and a treatise of those injurious and beneficial to crops : for the use of colleges, farm schools, and agriculturists, pp. vii + 702, Pis. XI, woodcuts 650, 8°, Salem. (S. and S. bibl.) (1872), "Arachnida" in U. S. Geological Survey of the Territories, etc., p. 740, Fig. 68. {Argas americanus : description reprinted by Osborn, 1896, p. 256.) (1873), Descriptions of new insects. Arachnida. Sixth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geolog. Survey of the .Territories for 1872 (Hayden), pp. 740-741, Figs. 65-68. (1876), Guide to the study of insects and a treatise on those injurious and beneficial to crops etc., 5th ed. New York: H. Holt and Co. 715 pp., 15 PL, 672 Figs. (Ticks : pp. 661-663 ; Fig. 638 (poor) of /. albipictus Packard ; PL XIII, Fig. 11 of /. unipunctata Packard.) (1893), Note on A. americanus. Insect Life, v. 267, 348. (1895), Note on the chicken tick {Argas americanus Pack.). Insect Life, VII. 417, 418. Pagenstecher, H. A. (1857), Verhandl. Ver. Heidelberg, i., p. 46. (Cited by author in Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., XI. 119.) (1861), Beitrage zur Anatomic der Milben, Heft 2, Ixodes ricinus. Leipzig : W. Engelmann, 45 pp., 2 Pis., 35x27 cm. (Important. On pp. 2 et seq. the author gives extracts from classical literature relating to the earliest mention of ticks : we cite some of these in this bibliography ; pp. 16 et seq. relate to detailed account of the structure and biology of /. ricinus (illustrated by plates); pp. 39 et seq. contain description of /. vulpis, I. ornithorhynchi, I. sturni, I. lacertae, I. ameivae.) (1861 a), Zur Kenntniss des Ixodes ricinus. Briefliche Mittheilungen an Hern) Prof, von Siebold. Zeitschr. f. vjiss. Zoologie, XL 162-163. (1861b), [Argas rejlexus.] Virchoiv's Arch., xix. p. 457. (Cited by Pagenstecher, 1862.) (1861c), Zur Anatomie von Argas rejlexus. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zoologie, xi. 142- 155, PL XVI. Figs. 1-13. (1861 d), Ueber Argas rejlexus. Heidlb. Jahrb. d. Literatur, liv. 568-569. Palacios, G. D., and Mosquera, B. (1905), Tripanosomiasis y fiebre de Tejas. Laboratorio del Hospital Vargas (Caracas), Boletin No. 2, pp. 43-50. 48 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea PAL PLA Pallas, P. S. (71766), Spicilegia Zoologica, faao. i.\., p. 41, PL IIF, Pig. 10. (Paeen- .stecher, 1861, p. 6, states that this work was puhlished before 17G7 ; Neumann gives the date at 1775, citing the author in relation t., Amblyomma ' a ureolatum (Pallas).) (1777), Naturgeschichte merkwiirdiger Thiere. Part 2, pp. G7 et Beq. Transla- tion of foregoing by Baldinger ; cited by Pagenstecher, L861, p. 6, who i\ that the author's three species : Acarus ncinus, ,-<■< In, was and cardincUis are one and the same species. A. grossus is also described. The descriptions t,,., vague to be of any use.) Panzer, Gr. W. F. (1795), Faunae Insectorum Germanicae Initio,. 'Fasc. •">:>, n. 23 Amrus frontalis Panzer; fasc. 90, n. 22, Acarus phunheus Panzer. Cited by C. L. Koch, 1844, p. 234.) Patton, W. S. (9. IV. 1910), Preliminary Report on a new Piroplasrn (Piropktsma gibsoni sp. nov.) fonnd in the blood of Hounds of the Madias Hunt an I subsequently discovered in the blood of the jackal (Canis aureus). Butt. Soi Pathol. Exotique, Paris, in. 274-280. {Haemaphysalis bispinosa and Rhipiee- phalus sp. found on jackal.) Pavesi, P. (1884), Aracnidi del regno di Scioa. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, xx. 102. (Cit. Neumann.) — — (1884), Materiali per lo studio della fauna tuuisina. II. Aracnidi. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, xx. pp. 483-485. Peiper, E. see Mosler. Peju, G. see Raj at. Perroncito, E. (1882), / Parassiti dell' uomo e degli animali utili, p. 459. (See next title.) (1901), / Parassiti dell' uomo e degli animali utili e le pin comuni malattie : inaccessible.) Plateau, F. (1876), Note sur les phenomenes de la digestion et sur la structure de l'appareil digestive chez les Phalangides. Bull. Acad. Roy. d. Sci. Belgiqne, N. i. 49 7 Bibliography of the Txodoidea ple por 2 s., xlii. 719-754, PL, Figs. 1-29. (Bears indirectly upon the same subject in ticks.) Plehn, A. (1902), Tropenhygiene. (Cited by Werner, 1900, p. 779, as stating thai the natives of German E. Africa have long referred fever to bites of " papasi (Suaheli for tick).) Pliny (A.D. 77), Historia naturalis, ed. Sillig, L858, Vol. n., HI». xi. 116. (Latin citations from the original in Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 3, which we translate as follows : p. 282 "there is an animal (occurring) at the same season (summer 1 , living on blood, with its head always fixed, and swelling; (being)- 1' the animals which has no (anus) exit for its food, it hursts with over repletion and dies from its actual nourishment. This (animal) never occurs on mules, fit frequent on cattle, (it occurs) sometimes on dogs, on which ;ill kinds of lice are found ; on sheep and goats the one only (is found)." In Vol. iv. xxviii. 2.")';, p. 239 : "if a woman's loins are smeared with the blood of a tick taken from ■> black wild bull, Osthunes says she cares no more for sexual intercourse.") /bid., xxx. 82, p. 404, seers attach much importance to this "most disgusting animal, since it has no exit to its gut nor is there any limit to its capacity for living long without food." The gorged tick bursts after some days through satiety; "when tied to the left ear of a dog they calm all its pains. They use it in auguries from the vitals, for if the sick man gives an answer to the seer who has brought it, asking about his disease, there is a certain hope of life," etc. Ibid., xxx. 106, p. 410 : "the blood of a tick heals erysipelas." Ibid., xxx. 13-4, p. 419 : "The blood of a healthy pulled-out tick is said to act as a depilatory." Pocock, R. I. (23. I. 1900), On a collection of insects and arachnids made in 1895 and 1897, by Mr C. V. A. Peel, F.Z.S., in Somaliland, with descriptions of now species. 9. Chilopoda and Arachnida. Proceedings Zool. Soc. of London, 1900, Text, pp. 49-51 (relate to ticks), PI. Ill, Figs. \-\d, 2-2 f. (1900), Rare English ticks. Zoologist, 4 s., iv. 326-327. [Dermacentor reticulatus on sheep and hogs, Haemaphysalis punctata <>n hedgehnj . Hyalomma affine (accidental).] (1901), (Description of Boophilus annulatus, with coloured plate, being "Appendix C" included by Sambon, L. W. and Low, G. C. (1901) in their paper entitled "The Mosquito-Malaria Theory"). Med. Chir. Trans., i.xxxiv. 497-552. (The plate includes somewhat sketchy but well-coloured figures of $ and larva of B. annulatus; the eyes omitted.) (1903). See Christy, 1903, p. 188. — — (1907), Article "Ticks," in A System of Medicine by many Authors, edited by Allbutt and Rolleston (London : Macmillan), vol. II. Part n., pp. 187-203. (Partial Bibliography, contains numerous inaccuracies.) Pohl and Kollar (1823), Brasiliens vorziiglich Ifistige Insecten. Wien. (Argasidae: title cit. in Huber, bibl., 1899, p. 14 ; inaccessible.) Poppig (before 1855), Illustrirte Naturgeschichte, iv. -"'3. Fig. 2845. Cited by Kiichenmeister, 1855, p. 422, as giving a good figure of the mouthparts of the " Egyptian tick.") Porter (1821), Travels. (Die giftigen Wanzen in Persien. Froriep. .\'<>t. i. No. 12 : cited thus in Huber, bibl., 1899, p. 16, as referring to A. persicus. 50 7-2 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea pou ran Pound, C J. (12. II. 1895), Redwater disease in cattle in the Oulf District Progress Report), 20 pp. Brisbane, Queensland : E. Gregory, Gov't Printer. (1895), Red water disease in eattle. Veterinarian, London, xi.i. (n. 8. 389-395, 443-454. (1895-6), (Piroplasmosis in eattle in Australia). U. S. Dep't of Agric., Bureau of Animal Industry, 12th andYMh Annual Reports. (Pp. 86-95; full abstracts of Pound's report are here quoted by Salmon. Biology of BoophUus also dealt with.) (30. IX. 1897), Ticks and Redwater. Agric. Journ., Cape Town, xi. 364. (1. IX. 1897), Tick fever. Queensland Agric. Journ., i. 258, 2 Figs. (1898), Tick fever in cattle. Journ. Quekett Microscop. Club, vn. 118-119. [Inoculation ; local names in Queensland.] (1899), Notes on the cattle tick. Its developement, life-history, habits and geographical distribution. Proc. R. Soo. (Queensland, XIV. 28-38. [Roop/tilus : bionomics.] (VII. 1899), Tick Fever. Observations on ticks and tick fever at the Indooroopilly Experiment Station and at St Helena. Queensland Agricult. Journ., v. 81-86, Pis. CXX-CXXI. Reprint, 6 pp. (1900), Tick fever in cattle. Amer. microscop. Journ., xxi. 123-127. Pound, G. 0., and Hunt (1895), See article "Texas Fever in Australia," in \2th Annual Report, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Dep't of Agricult., pp. 85-95. Washington, 1897. (Cit. Nuttall, 1899.) Price T. M. (1905), The preparation of emulsions of crude petroleum. U. 8. Dep't Agric, Bur. Animal Industry, Circ. No. 89, 4 pp. (Cattle spraying.) Purvis, C (1901-2), Some South Africa^ animal diseases. Proc. Scottish Mia osc. Soc. in. 284-293, PI. XX, reprint. (Brief mention of some tick-transmitted diseases; semipopular address.) Railliet, A. (1886), Elements de zoologie medicale et agricole, pp. xv + 1053, Figs. 705, 8°. Paris. (1893), Traitede zoologie me'dicale et agricole, fasc. 1, pp. 736, Figs. 494. (1895), TraiU de zoologie medicale et agricole, 2nd ed. Paris : Asseliu et Houzeau. (Ticks: pp. 703-718, Figs. 478-488.) Rainbow, W. J. (1896), Redwater or Cattle Tick Plague in Queensland. Veter. Journ., 1896, p. 75. (1899), The Queensland cattle tick. Rec. Austral. Mus., Sydney, in. 131-133. (1904), A new bat tick. Rec. Austral. Mus., Sydney, v. 78-79, PI. IX, Figs. 1-14. Rajat, H., and Peju, G. (1906), Piroplasmes et piroplasmoses. Journ. de med. veil. et zootech., Lyon, lvii. 619-629, Figs. 1-4. Rangel, R. (1905), Note preliminar sobre la peste boba y la desrengadera de los equideos de los Llanos de Venezuela (Tripanosomiasis). Laboratorio del Hospital Vargas (Caracas). Boletin No. 2, pp. 11-39, 2 Col. PI. Ransom, B. H. (1905), How parasites are transmitted. Yearbook of the Dep't of Agric. Washington, D.C. (appeared 1906), pp. 139-166, Figs. 9-58. (P. 145 and Figs. 14-16 refer briefly to ticks. Nothing original.) 51 Bibliography oj the Ixodoidea ran ric Ransom, B. H. \?o. vm. 1906), Some unusual host relations of the Texas Fever lick. U. S. Dep't Agricult., Bur. Anim. Industry, Circular No. 98, 8 pp. reprint. Raspail, F. V. (1839), Rech. d'hist. nat. sur les insectes morbipares. Oaz. det hdpitaux (2), i. p. 9. (Cited by Terrenzi, 1893, pp. 73-76, and Braun, 1M!("., p. 258, in connection with Argas rejiexus.) Ray, J. (1710), Historia insectorum, pp. xv+375 ; appendix, pp. 377 400, Loudon. Raymondaud, E. (1885), Un chapitre a ajouter a L'histoire pathologique de* affections parasitaires. Esquisse monographique du genre Ixode, considered dans ses rapports avec la pathologic Joum. Soc. de med. et pharm. de l<> Haute- Vie/me, Limoges, 1884, vm. 129; 161. (Also): C'.-R. Congr. period, intemat. d. sc. mM. (1884), Copenh., (1886), I., sect. d. path, gen., etc., 1* 64. Also Programme detinitif du Congres de Copenhague, p. 9. "R. E." (1874), Argas reflexus. Science Gossip, 1874, p. 161. Reaney, M. F. (V. 1907), Spirillosis in domestic fowls. Brit. Med. Joum., i. 1118. (Only a note.) (XI. 1907), Fowl spirillosis. hid. Med. Oaz., xlii. 401, 402. (2 Figs., bad.) Reclus, A. (1880), Explorations aux isthmes de Panama et de Darien, en 1876, 1877, 1878. Le Tour du Monde, 1880, xxxix. 396-398. (Cit. Nuttall, 1899, p. 48.) Reclus and Duplay (1890), Traite de chir., i., p. 323. ("Rigabert a constate la transmission du charbon chez une fern me par un Ixode.^ Citation in Huber, bibl., 1910, p. 24.) Redding, R. J. (1889), Cattle ticks and Texas fever. Georgia Agr. Exp. Stf!-Jj re ticks attacking man. Also cit. in Entomol. News, Philadelphia, xi. p. 506.) Rosenhauer, W. G. (1856), Thiere Andalusiens, pp. 412-413. (Misquoted l>y Neumann as by C. L. Koch.) Ross, P. H , and Milne, A. D. (26. XI. 1904), Tick Fever. Brit. Med. Journ., n. 1453-1454. (Discovery of Spirochaetae in relapsing fever in Uganda by Drs Ross and Hodges ; all of the patients attributed the disease to tick bites. Ticks collected by Milne in camps where cases occurred, were determined as 0. moubata.) Rudow, F. (1870), Einige neue Ixoden. Zeitschr.f. d. ges. Naturwiss., xxxv. 14. Ruthe, see Troschel. Sahbatani, L. (1898), Fermento anticoagulante dell' Ixodes ricinus. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 4 s., iv. 380-395. (Also, transl. (same title). Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1899, xxxi. 37-53.) Saenz de la Calada, C. (1904), Piroplasmosis del caballo. Gac. de med. zool., Madrid, 4 epoca, xxvin. 19-25. (Inaccessible.) Salimbeni, A. see Marchoux. Salle, A. (1845), {Argus talaje]. Mag. de zool., Paris, 2 s., vu. 2 pp. (1849), Rev. Mag. Zool., p. 342. (Description of sufferings from Argas (Orni- thodorus) talaje, translated in Murray, A., 1877, pp. 183, 184.) Salles (1902), La tique et le porrigo on dartre ulcereuse du bceuf. Progres vet. (10), p. 193. (Ixodes reticulatus.) Salmon, D. E. (1884), Geographical distribution of Southern cattle fever. In Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. U. S. Comm. Aqr., Report, 1884, pp. 252-258, Pis. 3. (Discusses occurrence of fever in Va., N. C, S. C, Ga., Tenn. Maps show limits east but not west of Mississippi river. Cit. Hunter and Hooker, 1907, p. 68.) (1895-6), Texas Fever in Australia and the United States. U. S. Dep't of Agric., \±th and \Wi Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry. (Pp. 86-95 ; contains full extracts from Pound's report on the subject. See also pp. 109, 318 regarding Texas Fever, dipping cattle and Boophilus in the United States.) (1900), Experiments to determine the cause and dissemination of Texas fever. American microscop. Journ., xxr. 199-203. [Hatching of eggs of Boophilus annulatus of first importance.] (1904), Relations of Federal Government to control of contagious disease of animals. U. 8. Dep't Agric, Yearbook, 1903, pp. 491-506 ; pp. 505 et seq. (Boophilus anntdatus.) 55 Bibliography of the Txodoidea sal say Salmon, D. E., and Smith, T. ^1892), Southern cattle fever (Texas fever). U. S. Dep't Agric, Bur. Animal Industry, special report on diseases of cattle and cattle feeding, pp. 428-438, Pis. 42-44. (H. and H. bibl.) Texas fever, or Southern cattle fever. U.S. Dep't Agric.f Bar. Animal Industry, Circ. 69, pp. 1-13. (Reprint from special report on diseases of cattle, revised, 1904, by Salmon aud M older. Cit. Hunter and Hooker, 1907.) Salmon, D. E., and Stiles, C. W. (1901), The cattle ticks (Ixodoidea) of the United States. 17th Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Dep't of Agric., Washington, pp. 380-488, Figs. 42-257. (Bibliography.) Sambon. L. W. (1900), Ticks and Tick Fevers. Journ. of Tropical Med., n. 217- 223. (1907, also 1909), The spotted fever of the Rocky Mountains. Allbutfs Syst. Med., London, n. 307-313. Sammonicus, Quint. S. (3rd Century, A.D.), de re medica, ed. 1540, 35. (Citations from Latin original in Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 3, which we translate as follows : p. 185 "the tick (ricinus) is a disgusting insect, called croton by the Greeks, sticking on to cattle, dogs and other animals without moving, when once it has fixed itself, infecting and torturing them acutely." He then quotes Pliny (q.v.) regarding the absence of an anus in ticks, etc.) Samson, K. (1908), Die Eiablage und die Larve der Zecke Rkipicephalus sanguineus. Sitzungsbericht d. Gesellsch. naturf. Freunde, Berlin. (I. 1909 , Zur Anatomie von Ixodes ricinus L. Inaug. Dissert, z. Erlang. d. Doktorw. Philos. Fakult., Berlin : G. Schade, 35 pp., 6 Text-Figs. (The more complete paper is the following.) (1909 a), Zur Anatomie und Biologie von Ixodes ricinus L. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., xcin. 185-236, 4 Plates, 18 Text-Figures. (Important : anatomy, histology, biology.) (1909 b), Zur Spermohistiogene.se der Zecken. Sitzungsber. d. Gesellsch. naturf. Freunde, No. 8, pp. 486-499, PI. IX, 7 Text-Figs. (Spermatozoa in /. ricinus and 0. moubata.) Sanchez, J. (1893), Accidentes producidos por las garrapatas. In Sanchez's Zool. me'd. mexic., 8°, Mexico, 21. Pangalli, G. '1884\ Reminiscenze del Congresso medico internazionale tenutosi a Copenhagen nel p. p. Agosto. Rendiconti R. Istituto Lombardo d. Sci. e Lettere, 2 s., xvii. 823-837. (Ixodes, see pp. 830-831.) Sant'Anna. J. F. see Amaral. Santori, F. S. see Celli. Savigny, J. (1826), Description de I'Egypte. Planches de zoologie. Arachnides, PI. IX. Say, T. fl821), An account of the Arachnides of the United States. Journ. Add. Nat. Sci., Phila., n. 59-83. (Pp. 75-79, describes the following species of Ixodes : annulatus, orbicularis, crenatus, erraticus, variabilis, punctulatus, scapularis, fuscous (fuscus).) (1859 posth.), The complete writings of Thomas Sny tin- Entomology of North America. Edited by J. L. Le Conte, with a memoir of the author by G. Ord. In two Vols. New York: Bailliere Bros. (Vol. n., pp. 19-22, reprinted descriptions of Ixodes spp. given in Say, 1821, q.v.) 56 Bibliography of the Txodoidea sch Schaudinn, F. (1904), Generations- und Wirtswechsel bei Trypanosoma and Spirochaete. Arb. a. d. Kais. Gesundheitsamte, Berlin, xx. 387-439, 20 Text- Figs. (P. 428, development of Karyolysus in ;i mite (Milbe) briefly mentioned ; it has been since stated by several authors that the "mite" was /. ricn>"s but I cannot obtain positive information on the subject.) Schellack, C. (18. IV. 1908), Ueberiragungsversuche der Sj/irochaetc gallinarum durch Argas reflexus Fabr. Centralbl. f. Bakt., xi.vi. pp. 486-488. (A full account appeared in the following paper.) (1909), Versuche zur Ucbertragung der Hiihnerspirochaten und Rekurrens- spirochaten durch Wanzen und Zecken. Arb. a. d. Kaiserl. Gesundheitsamte (Berlin), xxx., pp. 351-362. Schlechtendal, D. H. R. (1891), Ueber das Eierlegen der Ixodes-(Zecken-)Weibchen. Jahresbericht d. Yer. f. Naturkunde zu Zwickau, 1891, pp. 11-14. (Very poor description of the process of oviposition in an undetermined species of Ixodid tick of unknown origin, supposedly from Persia.) Schlimmer, J. L. (1874), Terminologie medico-pharmaceutique et anthropologique francaise-persane sur les maladies ende'rniques et particulieres les plus interessant> s des habitants de la Perse. Teheran. (Extracts cited by Bordier, 1882, p. 132.) Schmidt, A. (1903), Die Zeckenkrankheit der Rinder — Haemoglobiuaemia ixodio- plasmatica bourn — in Deutsch-, Englisch-Ostafrika, und Uganda. Arch. f. wiss. u. prakt. Tierheilk., xxx., 42-101. (Compilation with partial bibl.) Schnee (1908), Ueber das Vorkommen von Argas in Deutschland. Arch. f. Schifs- u. Tropen-Eyg., xn. 32. Schneidemiihl, G. (1896), Lehrbuch der Yergleichenden Pathologic und Therapie des Menschen und der Hausthiere fur Thierarzte, Ante und Studirende, 2. Lief., pp. 209-448, 8°. Leipzig. Schrank, P. (1781), Enumeratio Insectorum Austriae, in. 1. (Brief description of ticks. Nothing worth noting, judging from citation in Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 7 ; vol. and p., but no date, given by Latreille, 1829.) Schroeder, E. 0. (1900), A note on the vitality of the Southern cattle tick. U. 8. Dep't Agric, Bur. Animal Industry, 16th Ann. Report, pp. 41-42. (1905), Xotes on the cattle tick and Texas Fever. U. S. Dep't Agric, 22nd Annual Report Bur. Animal Industry, pp. 49-70. (Boophilus annulatus, its biology, effects as a parasite, relation to Texas fever, eradication.) Schroeder, E. C, and Cotton, W. E. (1900), Growing noninfected ticks and afterwards infecting them. U. S. Dep't Agric, 16th Annual Report, Bureau Animal Industry, 1899, Washington, pp. 33-41. (1905), The persistence of the Texas Fever organism in the blood of Southern Cattle. U. S. Dep't Agric, 22nd Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C, pp. 71-78. (P. 78, the extermination of the tick recommended as the only remedy.) see Smith, T. Schuberg and Manteufel (21. I. 1910), Ueber erworbene Immunitat gegen Rekurrens bei Ornithodorus moubata. Zeitschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., iv. 512-515. Schiitz, see Kossel. N. 1. 57 8 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea sco smi Scopoli (1763), Entomologia carniologica, p. 387. (Only describes Acarus rii-in us from Frisch and Linnaeus as follows: " fusco-ferrugincus, ovatus, macula dorsali subrotunda nitida fusco exarata, lineis depressis obsoletis obliquis quatuor." Citation from Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 6.) Seba (before 1804), Thesaurus, Vol. n., PI. 84, Fig. 3. (Cited by Midler 1831, p. 233, as being the first to record ticks on reptiles : an American snake.) Seccombe (1907), Paspalum for tick country. Queensland Agric. Joura., Brisbane, xix., p. 142. Senger, J. C. (1897), Killing ticks on cattle. Rural New Yorker,.LVi. (2451), p. 37. (S. and S. bibl.) Shadbolt, Gr. (1845), On a British species of Ixodes found upon cattle. Ann. a. Magaz. of Nat. Hist., xvi. 64. (Occurrence of ticks, species not stated, in large numbers on cattle on borders of Epping Forest in Essex. Nothing worth noting.) Shaw, Gr. (1806), General Zoology, VI. ii., Insecta, p. 465. (Citations from this author in Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 8. Shaw refers to " Acarus ricinus or tick." Nothing worth noting.) Shibayama, G., and Miyajima, K. (1906), Piroplasma in Japan. (Japanese text.) SaikingaJcu Zasshi, Tokio, (114), p. 25. (Inaccessible.) Shipley, A. E. (VIII. 1909), The ectoparasites of the red grouse (Lagopus scoticus). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 309-334, Pis. XXXV-XLVII, reprint. (P. 326, brief mention of/, ricinus and other ticks ; nothing original except the statement that gamekeepers in Ross-shire attribute death of young black-game to attacks of ticks — this requires investigation.) Siebold (?), Zeitschr. f. Physiol, iv. 189, PI. XVI, Fig. 7 c. (Cited by Heller, 1858, p. 308, re Ixodes anatomy. Inaccessible.) Siebold, C Th. von, and Stannius, H. (1846-8), Lehrb. der vergleich. Anat., 2 vols. : xiv + 679 pp., xii + 482 pp., Berlin. (Vol. I. by von Siebold, 1848 ; p. 528, vide description of salivary glands, intestine and malpighian tubes etc. in Ixodes.) Siebold, K. T. E. von (1850), " Parasiten," in Handworterb. d. Physiol, mil Riicksicht auf physiol. Path., Braunschweig, n. pp. 641-692. (S. and S. bibl.) Simon, E. (1879), Les Arachnides de France, Vol. vn. see Fairmaire. Simonds, J. B. (1865), Observations on parasites and parasitic diseases affecting domesticated animals. Journ. Royal Agric. Soc, (2) I. 33-72. [Ticks, especially Ixodes ricinus etc., on animals, and methods of treatment.] Simpson, J. 0. (27. IV. 1901), Case of a parasite — Argas (or Ornithodorus) megnini Duges — in each ear. [With a note by E. G. Wheler, q.vJ] Lancet, I. 1197- 1198, 3 Figs., also: 7 pp., 3 Figs. repr. Skinner, B. (1905), Rats in relation to plague. Brit. Med. Journ., n. 427, 622, 3 Figs, and 1 Map. (Hyalomma aegyptium, occurrence on rats in India, ticks determined by Nuttall.) Smedley, R. D. see Nuttall. Smith, R. G. (1899), The tick fever parasite. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, xxiv. 585-595. [Brief account of piroplasmosis in cattle ; a compilation from other authors' writings.] 58 8—2 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea smi ste Smith, T. (1893), Die Aetiologie der Texasfieberseuche des Rindes. Centralbl. /'. Bakteriol., xm. 511-527. (Cit. Nuttall, 1899.) (8. VII. 1899), On the Aetiology of Texas Cattle Fever, with special reference to recent Hypotheses concerning the transmission of Malaria. New York Med. Jour a., 17 pp. reprint. see Salmon. Smith, T., and Kilborne, F. L. (1892), Texas fever and cattle ticks. (Letter to editors, dated Apr. 8th.) Veterinarian, London, lxv. 4 s., XXXVIII. 351-o")ii. (1893;, Investigations into the Nature, Causation and Prevention of Texas or Southern Cattle Fever. Bulletin No. 1, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Dep't of Agricult., Washington, 301 pp., 10 Coloured Plates. (Cit. Nuttall, 1899.) Smith, T., Kilborne, F. L., and Schroeder, E. C. (1893), Additional observations on Texas cattle fever. Ibid., Bull. No. 3, pp. 67-72. Sonnenberg, E. (1908), Die Piroplasinosis der Schafe und ihre Beziehung zur sogenannten Bradsot der Schafe. Berl. tierarztl. Wochenschr., (35), 609-610. Soulie\ see Claude. Spicer, W. W. (1874a), The Canterbury tick. Science Gossip, lxxiv. p. 185. (1874b), Ibid., p. 209. Spix and Martius (?), Reise in Brazilien, i. 173. (The ticks, called "carabatos," are a great plague ; they cluster in vast numbers on vegetation and attack passing persons. Recommends brandy, tobacco infusion or tobacco smoke as remedies. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 7.) Spreull, J. see Dixon. Squier (?), Staatea von Centralamerika. (Cited, without further reference, by Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 7, as stating that it is the custom in Honduras to remove ticks from the skin by passing a ball of soft wax over them.) Starcovici, C. (1893), Bemerkungen iiber den durch Babes entdeckten Blutparasiten und die durch denselben hervorgebrachten Krankheiten, die seuchenhafte Hamoglobinurie des Rindes (Babes), das Texasfieber (Th. Smith) mid der Carceag der Schafe (Babes). Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. etc., Jena, xiv. 1-8. (A review, brief mention only of ticks.) Steddom, R. P. (1906), The first season's work for the eradication of the cattle tick. 23rd Ann, Rep. Bur. Animal Indust., U. S. Dep't Agric, Washington, 101-112. (1907), Report of cooperative work on tick eradication. Bull. 97, Bur. Animal Indust., U. S. Dep't Agric, Washington, 12-20. (1908), How to get rid of cattle ticks. Circ. 97 (Revised) of the Bur. of Animal Industry. Breeder's Gaz., Chicago, liv., p. 180. Stephens, J. W. W. (1907), Ticks as transmitters of disease. Nature, London, lxxv. 523-524. Stewart, J. D. (2. XI. 1906), The cattle tick : tick infestation, tick fever, and preventive measures. Agric. Gazette of New South Wales, xvn. 947-952, 1155-1157. (1907), The cattle tick : tick infestation, tick fever, preventive measures, and treatment. (Continuation of 1906.) Ibidem, xvm. 561-570, 6 Figs., 651-655, 1 PL, Figs. 1-12. 59 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea sti sto Stiles, C. W. (1892), The histology of Boophilus. (Author's abstract.) Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington, n. 303-304. [Anatomy, abstract of few lines.] (1904), Preliminary report upon a zoological investigation into the cause, transmission, and source of the so-called "spotted fever" of the Rocky Mountains. (Letter to Surgeon- General Wyman, dated July 22nd.) Pub. Health Rep., U. S. Pub. Health and Mar. Hosp. Serv., Washington, xix. 1649-1650. (1905), A zoological investigation into the cause, transmission, and source of Rocky Mountain "spotted fever." U. S. Treasury Dep't, Public Health and Marine- Hospital Service, Hygienic Laboratory, Bull. 20, pp. 1-121. (1908), The common tick (Dermacentor andersoni) of the Bitter Root Valley. Publ. Health Rep., U. S. Publ. Health and Mar. Hosp. Service, Washington, xxin. 949. (VIII. 1910), The tuxonomic value of the microscopic structure of the stigmal plates in the tick genus Dermacentor. Treasury Dep't, Publ. Health and Marine Hosp. Service of the United States. Hygienic Laboratory Bulletin, No. 02, Washington, D. C. 72 pp., Plates I-XLIII. (Important.) see Salmon and Stiles. Stiles, C W., and Hassall, A. (26. III. 1901). Notes on parasites, 55-57. A pupa- like stage in the development of the spinose ear tick (Ornithodorus megnini) of cattle. U. S. Dep't of Agr., Bureau of Animal Industry, Circular No. 34, 2 pp., repr. (1901 b), Notes on Parasites 56 : Boophilus australis present in Cuba, Porto Rico, Venezuela, and India. Circ. No. 34, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Dep't Agric, Washington, pp. 2-3. (1902 et seq..), Index Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology. Issued by the U. S. Dep't of Agric, Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. (still appearing in parts). Stockman, S. (1903), Rinderpest and redwater in cattle. Vet. Rec, Loudon, xv. 634-637. (1904 a), Some points to be considered in connection with Rhodesian redwater. Transvaal Agric. Journ., in. 87-94. (1904 b), Rhodesian redwater, vel East African coast fever, vel tropical piroplasmosis. Report of the Transvaal Dep't of Agric, 1903 to 1904, pp. 40-66. (1905), Report of the work of the Veterinary Division. Transvaal Dep't of Agric. Annual Report for the Tear 1903-4. Pretoria : Gov. Printing and Stat. Off., pp. 37 et seq. (P. 41 East Coast Fever transmitted by Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and ? R. simus, p. 48 dipping cattle to destroy ticks, p. 55 ticks in relation to outbreaks, p. 63 grass burning.) (VIII. 1908), Redwater in England and its carriers. Proc. National Veterin. Assoc. (London.) Reprint 13 pp. (4 temperature charts). (Notes occurrence of Redwater in cattle and the presence of Ixodes ricinus in England ; transmitted Redwater experimentally by means of Haemaphysal is punctata adults, fed as nymphs on infected cattle.) see Theiler. Stoll, 0. (1886-1893), Arachnida Acaridia. Biologia Centrali- Americana, Zool., London: pp. v-xxi, 1-55, 21 Plates. (Re Ticks see pp. viii-ix, xix, 18-24, Plates XII-XIV.) 60 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea strtas Strebor (1906), [Aloes and Ticks]. Ayric. Journ., Cape Town, xxviu., p. L23. (Letter of 5 lines to editor ; harmless decoction of aloes said to keep ticks temporarily oft' horses.) Strickland, C. see Nuttall. Sulzer (1776), Ahgek'drzte Geschichte der Insekten, p. 415. (Without importance. Cited in Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 6, as not knowing if his Fig. 7 in Part 29 represents reduuius or marginatus. The figure si lows festoons, consequently it is not an Ixodes. In 1777, in the author's article "Millie'' in Neuer Schav/platz der Natur, v. 658, reduvius and ricinus are vaguely distinguished by differences in colour.) Sundevall, C. J. (1833), Conspectus Arachnidarum Lund. In Acad. Carolina. (Michael, 1883, p. 34, gives Sundevall's classification.) Supino, F. (1897), Nuovi Ixodes della Birmania. (Nota preventiva.) Atti Soc. Veneto- Trent, di Sci. Nat, 2 s., in. fasc. I. pp. 230-238. (Preliminary note to the following.) (dat. IV. 1897), Considerazioni sulla sistematica degli Ixodes. Atti Soc. Veneto-Trent. di Sci. Nat., 2 a., 1898, in. 241-252, Pis. XI1-XIII, Figs. 1-23. Suworow, E. K. (1906), Predvaritelnoe soobshcheuie ob anatomii Ixodes reduvius. (Russian text.) Trav. Soc. imp. d. nut. de St Pe'tersb., xxxvn. 310-315, 1 Fig. Resume in German, 366-367. Sweet, G. (VIII. 1910), A species of Argas, apparently new to Science. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, xxm. n.s., Pt. 1, pp. 15-18, PI. II (Argas victoriensis, n.ep. founded on a larva !). Szovits (1828), Ueber die Wanzen von Miana. Froriep. Not., xxn. No. 478. (A. persicus, cit. Huber, bibl., 1899, p. 16.) Szoyka, G-. (1903), A kutyak piroplasmosisa es haemoglobinaemiaja. Allot, lapok, Budapest, xxvi. 1-14. (1903), Piroplasmosis und Haemaglobinaemie der Hunde. Deutsche tierarztl. Wochenschr., Hannover, xi. 234-236. Taruffi (?), (Cited by Perroncito, 1901, p. 564, as describing a case, reported by Cosson in 1856, of a man who suffered from the effects of the bite of Ixodes ricinus. No reference given.) Tas'jhenberg, E. L. (1873), Mitteilung liber die einheimische Saumzecke. Zeitschr. f. d. gesammt. Naturwiss., xli. 381-383. (Cited by Brandes, 1897.) (1874), The Canterbury tick {Argas reflexus). Science Gossip, 1874, p. 171. (1880), Die Schnabelkerfe, fliigellosen Parasiten, und als Anhang einiges Ungeziefer, welches nicht zu den Insekten gehort. Praktische Insekteakunde. 5. Theil. 238 pp., 43 Figs. Bremen: M. Heinsius. (Ticks: pp. 150-153; uescribes Ixodes spec, Argas reflexus, and gives 2 small original figures ; the large "adult" Argas (!) has only 6 legs.) (1900), Die Insekten, Tausendf ussier und Spinnen, being vol. ix. of Brehm's Thierleben. Leipzig u. Wien. 764 pp. (Ixodoidea ; pp. 733-741.) Taschenberg, 0. (?), Einiges uber niitzliche und schadliche Thiere. Die Natur, xlvi. (Cited by Lucas, 1898, who says the paper is interesting re poison of Argas ; inaccessible.) 61 Bibliography of the Ixodoldea ter the Terrenzi, G. (1893-1894), Sopra un Acaro (Argas reflexus) trovato per la prima volta in Italia parassito sull' uomo. Riv. ital. Sci. Nat., xiv. 73-76, 97, 98. Theiler, A. (1903 a), Equine malaria and its sequelae. Jowrn. Gom/p. Path, and Therap., Edinburgh and London, xvi. 97-120. (Ticks suspected as carriers, no clear evidence as yet.) (1903 b), Les piroplasmoses dans l'Afrique australe. Rev. vet., Toulouse, lx. 625-639, 670-682. (1903 c), Die Piroplasmosen in Siid-Afrika. Fortschr. d. Yet. llyg., Berlin, i. 133-147. (1903-1904), The Rhodesian tick fever. Transvaal Agric. Jowrn. (1903), I. 93-110, PI. XV (Pp. 106-108, experiments with Rhipicephalus shipleyi Nn.) ; (1904), II. 421-438. (1904 a), Rhodesian tick fever. Rep. S. African Assoc. Adv. Sci, pp. 201-220. (1904 b), The transmission of East Coast fever by ticks. Transvaal Agric. Journ., in. 71-86. (1904c), East Coast fever. Journ. R. Army Med. Corps, London, in. 599-620. (Ticks vide pp. 602-620.) (1904 d), Spirillosis of cattle. Journ. Compar. Path, and Therap., Edinburgh and London, xvn. 47-55. (Ticks suspected carriers.) (1904 e), Die Piroplasmosis des Maulthieres und des Esels. Zeitschr. f. Thiermed., Jena, vin. 382-388. Reprint. (P. 387 spread attributed to ticks of undetermined species.) (1904-5), Experimentelle Uebertragung der tropischen Piroplasmosis der Rinder mittels Zecken. Fortschr. d. VeterinUr-Hygiene, Berlin, n. 257-268. (1905 a), Report of the Government Veterinary Bacteriologist. Transvaal Dep't of Agric, Annual Report for the Year 1903-4. Pretoria : Gov't Printing and Stat. Off. (P. 135-150 the transmission of East Coast Fever by ticks, experiments with different species, bionomics of Boophilus decoloratus, Hyalomma aegyptium, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, R. evertsi, R. simus, Amblyomma hebraeum ; pp. 190-202 heart- water in cattle and A. hebraeum.) (1905 b), Transmission and inoculability of Spirillum theileri Laveran. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, s. B., lxxvi. 504-6. See also Transvaal Dep't Agric, Ann. Rep. Dir. Agric, 1904-5 (1906), pp. 123-151. (1905 c), Maladies des troupeaux dans l'Afrique du Sud. Bull. Inst. Pasteur, in. 617, 657. (1905 d), Notes on Piroplasmosis of the horse, the mule, and the donkey. Ann. Rep. Govt. Vet. Bacteriol., Pretoria, 1903-1904, 95-98. (VII. 1905), Further notes on piroplasmosis of the horse, mule, and donkey. Transvaal Agric Journ., in. 706-716, (also) Journ. Compar. Path, and Therap., xviii. 229-239. (1906), Report of the Gov't Veter. Bacteriologist. Transvaal Dep't of Agric, Annual Report of the Director of Agriculture for the Year 1904-5. (P. 88 time an area remains infected with East Coast Fever ; prevalent species of ticks : H. aegyptium, A. hebraeum, R. simus, R. evertsi; p. 94 piroplasmosis in equities; p. 123 transmission of spirochaetosis in cattle by B. decolorants.) (XII. 1906), Transmission of equine piroplasmosis by ticks in South Africa. Journ. Compar. Pathol, and Therap., xix. 283-292. 62 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea the Theiler, A. (1907), Transmission of equine piroplasmosis by ticks in South Africa. Transvaal Dep't of Agric, Report of the Gov't Peter. Bacteriologist for the Year 1905-6. Pp. 10, 105 116. Pretoria: Gov't Printing and Stat. Off. (Experiments with Boophilus decoloratus and Rhipicephalus evertsi, the first negative, the second positive.) (1907), Further notes on I'iroplasma mutiuts — a new species of Piroplasma in South African cattle. Part 2. Jour a. Cum pur. Path, and Therap., Edinburgh and London, xx. 1-18. (1908), Transvaal Dep't of Agric, Report of the Gov't V<>ter. Bacteriologist for the Year 1906-7. Pretoria : Gov't Printing and Stat. Off. (Pp. 45 et seq. Further notes on Piroplasma mutatis — a new species of Piroplasma in South African cattle. Experiments with Boophilus decoloratus. Pp. 70 et seq. Further transmission experiments with East Coast Fever : negative with B. decoloratus and A. hebraeum, positive with R. appendiculatus, R. evertsi, R. capensis, R. simus.) (1908 a), Experiments with English and South African redwater. Transvaal Agric Joum., Pretoria, vi. 534-543. (1908 b), Weitere Versuche, das Ostkiistenfieber durch Zecken zu ubertragen. Zeitschr. f. Infektionskr. etc. d. Haustiere, Berlin, IV. 265-278. (1908 c), The influence of cold on ticks and Piroplasma parvum. Bull. Soc. de path, exot., Paris, I. 451-454. (Vide 1909 a.) (I. 1908), The prevention and eradication of stock diseases in South Africa. Transvaal Agric. Joum., vi. 217-233. (Semi-popular article, refers to redwater etc. and mentions ticks.) (IV. 1908), Further transmission experiments with East Coast Fever. Transvaal Agric. Joum., vi. 413-425 (same as in Theiler, 1908 and 1908 b). (1909 a), The influence of cold on ticks and Piroplasma parvum. Transvaal Dep't of Agric, Report of the Gov't Veter. Bacteriologist for the Year 1907-8. Pp. 10-12. Pretoria : Gov't Printing and Stat. Off. (Experiments with Rhipicephalus appendicidatus, R. evertsi and Boophilus decoloratus in relation to East Coast Fever of cattle. ) (1909 b). Transmission des spirilles et des piroplasmes par diflerentes especes de tiques. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Paris, n. 293. (1909 c), Diseases, ticks, and their eradication. Transvaal Agric. Joum., Pretoria, vil. 685-699. Theiler, A., and Gray, E. (1906-1907), Veterinary hygienic principles applicable to stock in South Africa. Transvaal Agric. Joum., iv.-v. (Article of a general character.) Theiler, A., and Stockman, S. (1904), Some observations and experiments in connection with tropical bovine piroplasmosis (East Coast fever or Rhodesun redwater). Joum. Compar. Path, and Therap., Edinburgh and London, XVII. 193-203. (Field experiments, dipping, influence of season.) (1905), Further experiments to determine how long an area remains infected with East Coast Fever. Joum. Compar. Path, and Therap., xviii. 163-171. Theobald, F. V. (1905), Flies and Ticks as agents in the distribution of disease. Proc. Ass. Econ. Biol., i. 1-10. 63 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea tho uri Tholozan, J. D. (1882), Des pbenomenes morbides produits par la piqure dcs parasites voisins des Ixodes, les Argas de Perse. Mem. Soc. Biol., p. 15. (A. persicus, cit. Huber, bibl., 1899, p. 17.) Thorell, T. (1882), Descrizione di alcuni Aracnida inferiori dell' Arcipelago Male Annali del Museo civico di St. Nat. di Oenova, xvm. 62, PI. VI, Figs. 40 15. {Haemaphysalis papuana Thorell.) Thurow, E. W. (1891), Ticks from Texas. (Letter to editors, dated Aug. 22nd, 1890.) Insect Life, Washington, in., p. 413. Tidswell, F. (1899), Some further Observations on protective-inocidation against Tide- fever. Sydney: Dep't of Agriculture, N. S. W., Misc. Pub. No. 321, 16 pp. Tiraboschi, C. (1904), Les rats, les souris et leurs parasites cutanes dans leurs rapports avec la propagation de la peste bubonique. Arch, de Parasitologic, viii. 161-349, 72 figs. (Ixodidae, pp. 334-337, 4 Figs, nothing original.) Todd, J. L. see Dutton. Tokishige, H. see Janson. Tonnel (14. XI. 1906), L 'Argas reflexus parasite de l'homme. Semaine Med., No. 46, p. 552. (Abstract of paper which appeared in a recent number of DEcho me'd. du Nord.) Townsend, C. H. T. (1893), Ticks in the ears of horses. Journ. N.Y. Entomol. Soc, i. pp. 49-52. (0. megnini.) (1894), Ticks in Jamaica. Museum Notes No. 44. U. S. Dep't Agr., vi. 58. [Hyalomma dissimilis Koch, a plague there ; suggests means of extermination by enemies.] (1894-5), Names of Jamaican Ticks and their hosts. Journ. Inst. Jamaica, i. 380. (1895), Note on the chicken tick (Argas americanus Pack.). Insect Life, Washington, v. 417-418. Traill (1838), Notice of Argas persicus, a species of bug, found in Mianneh, in Persia, and reported to be poisonous. (Title only.) Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, London (7th Meet., Liverpool, Sept., 1837), vi. Tr. of Sect., p. 98. Treviranus, Gr. R. (1831), Ueber den Bau der Nigua (Acarus americanus L., Acarus nigua De Geer). Zeitschr.f. Physiologic Heidelberg and Leipzig, iv. pp. 185-191, Taf. xv., xvi. (S. and S. bibl.) Troschel and Ruthe (1859), Lehrbuch der Zoologie, p. 257. (Family Ricini includes Argasidae and Ixodidae ; they follow C. L. Koch's classification. Brief reference. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 16.) Trouessart, E. L. (1891 and 1892), Considerations generates sur la classification des Acariens, suivies d'un essai de classification nouvelle. Revue des sci. nat. de Vouest, Paris, i. pp. 289-308; n. pp. 20-54. (S. and S. bibl.) (ca. 1895), Les parasites des habitations humaines, 168 pp., 53 Figs. Paris: Masson. (Ticks: pp. 122, 123, Fig. 50; little about ticks, and nothing original.) see Berlese, see Rollinat. Tucker, G. (1908), Ticks on dogs. Queensland Agric Journ., Brisbane, xx. p. 230. Urich, F. W. (1893), Determination of a Trinidad Tick. Trinidad Field Nat. Club, I. 268. 64 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea uti war Utility (1899\ The poultry tick. The Agric. Gaz., Tasmania, vi. p. 185. (S. and S. bibl. Inaccessible.) Vallee, see Laveran. Vallot, N. (1801 , Observation but les effets de la piqure d'un insecte connu vulgairement au departement de laCote-d'Or sous le nom de pou de bois. Rec. period, soc. de med. de Paris, xi. 264-271. (Inaccessible. Cit. bibl Nuttall, 1899.) Varro, M. Terentius (116-27 B.C.), De rustica lib. II. de re pecuaria cap. ix. 16, p. 248, ed. Hallens, 1730 (Latin passages cited by Pagenstecher, 1K61, p. 3 . Recommends the inunction of the ears and toes of dogs, "because flies, ticks (ricini) and fleas" produce sores in these situations. Hallens defines ricinus as a dog-louse, sheep-louse or cow-tick (Kuhtecke). Verrill, A. E. (1870), The external parasites of domestic animals : Their effect and remedies. Fourth Annual Report of the Secretary of the Connecticut Board of Agriculture (1869-70), 1870, pp. 72-122, Figs. 1-47. (S. and S. bibl.) Vincenheller, W. G. 1906), The cattle tick in Washington and Benton counties. Ark. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bull. 90, pp. 131-141. Vogt Q869), "Xedeiias Amt" (cited by Nuttall, 18!J0, p. 43, after Johannesseu, 1885). {Ixodes ricinus, effects of bite on man.) Voigt. F. S. (1838), Lehrbvxh der Zoologie, iv. 179. (Defines genus Ixodes (ricinus), other matters briefly mentioned. Cit. Pagenstecher, 1861, p. 11.) Wagner, E. (1876), Manual of General Pathology, translated from the sixth German edition by John van Duyn and E. C. Seguin, pp. x+728, 8°, New York, Wm. Wood and Co. (Brief mention of ticks.) Wagner, J. (1892), Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Milben. Furchung des Eies, Entstehung der Keimblatter und Entwicklung der Extremitaten bei Ixodes. Zool. Anzeiger, xv. 316. (1894), Die Embrionalentwicklung von Ixodes calcaratus Bir. Tradui St Petersb. Obsch., xxiv. 214. Travaux de la Soc. d. naturalistes de St Petersb., xxiv., Livr. 2. Wagner, R. T841), Icones Zootomicae. Handatlas zur vergleichenden Anatomie. 35 Tafeln mit 1039 Figuren. Leipzig: Leopold Voss. [Gives figures (XII, XIII, Plate 25) of Ixodes plumbeus and its gut after Duges (1834 c, Plate 7).] Walckenaer, C. A. de, and Gervais, P. (1837-47), Histoire naturelle des Insectes (Suites a Buffon). Apteres. 4 vols., 52 Pis. Paris : Roret. (First work on general classification of Aptera. Apteres: pp. 234-251.) Wallace, R. i'1908), Report on tick; redwater, or Texas fever in cattle (Piroplasin » fa s§ HI i * * in ILonoon: H. K. LEWIS, 136, GOWER STREET, W.C. ILonoon : WILLIAM WESLEY AND SON, 28, ESSEX STREET, STRAND £cto gorfc: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Bambag ano Calcutta : MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. (Toronto : J. M. DENT AND SONS, Ltd. iZLofeso: THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA All rights reserved Ml TICKS A MONOGRAPH OF THE IXODOIDEA By GEORGE H. F. NUTTALL, M.A., M.D., Ph.D., Sc.D., F.R.S., Fellow of Magdalene College, Quick Professor of Biology, University of Cambridge CECIL WARBURTON, M.A., F.Z.S., Christ's College, Zoologist to the Royal Agricultural Society W. F. COOPER, B.A., F.Z.S., F.L.S., of the Cooper Laboratory for Economic Research, Watford L. E. ROBINSON, A.R.C.Sc. (Lond.), of the Cooper Laboratory for Economic Research, Watford BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE IXODOIDEA II BY GEORGE H. F. NUTTALL, F.R.S., and L. E. ROBINSON Cambridge : at the University Press 1915 ©ambrtoge : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS PREFACE TO SECOND BIBLIOGRAPHY OINCE the publication of our first Bibliography (1911) a great many ^ papers have appeared which deal with ticks and their relation to disease. We have, moreover, collected a number of references which were omitted from the previous Bibliography. We are indebted to Med.-Rath Dr J. Chr. Huber (Memmingen) for sending a number of titles which we should probably have over- looked. WTe have also to thank Mr W. E. Collinge, M.Sc, for communi- cating a few titles. The present Bibliography contains 462 titles. Our comments on the contents of the papers cited are enclosed in [] brackets. As stated in the preface to the first Bibliography, we shall be very grateful to readers who may draw our attention to errors or omissions. G.H.F.N. and L.E.R. Cambridge. 2nd October, 1914. V I FIRST BIBLIOGRAPHY ERRATA p. 2. Aragao, H. de B. (1908) : Add — also in Brazil- Medico, Rio de Janeiro, xxn. 111-115. p. 2. Aragao, H. de B. (22. xi. 1908) : Add — also reprinted in Trabalhos do Institute de Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, 7 pp. p. 3. Banks, C. S. (1904) : Add— also included with Jobling and Wooley (1904) in Publication No. 14, Dept. Interior. Bur. Govt. Labs. Manila. p. 9. Canestrini, Gr. and Canestrini, R. (1882 a) : delete reference as it does not relate to ticks, p. 10. for " Chillada" read— Chillida. p. 13. for " Craybill, H. W." read— Graybill, H. W. p. 16. for "Du Buysson (1896)" read— Du Buysson, H. (1897), and add, after " E?itomol."—LXV. 217-226. p. 20. Furstenberg, M. H. (1861) : delete reference as it does not relate to ticks. p. 30. Lavarra, L. (1906) : delete reference, p. 42. Moufetius, T. (1634) : Hagen and Burmeister, II. 5, state that the real author is Conrad Gessner. p. 45. Nordenskiold, E. (1908) : for " pp. 637-672," read 637-674. p. 51. Rainbow, W. J. (1896) : this title was cited from the Zoological Record, but Rainbow informed us in 1911 that he is not the author and he suggests that the paper may be by C. J. Pound, p. 51. Rainbow, W. J. (1904) : delete reference, as a dipterous insect and not a true tick is meant. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE IXODOIDEA. II Aders, W. M. (1. III. 1912), The Mood-sucking Arthropods of Zanzibar harmful to Man or Stock. Zanzibar : Published by the Zanzibar Gov't. Leaflet No. 2. 13 pp. Aitken, C J. H. (1905), Illness following a Tick bite. Brit. Med. Journ., i. 412. Ajutolo, G. d' (1899-1900), Dell' Argas reflexas Latreille, parasita dell' uoino. Mem. d. r. Accad. d, So. Bologna, 5 s., viii. 9. Amberg, E. (1910), Ornithodorus megnini Duges im Gehorgang. Arch. Ohrenheil- kunde, lxxxii. 273-274, 1 Fig. Anderson, T. J. (1913), Ticks and biting Insects of Nairobi. Nairobi Laboratory Repts., Jan.-June, 1912, in. 19-20. Anonymous Authors (1897-1901), Taubenzecke {Argas rejlexus) in Zeitschr. f. Brief taubenkunde, Hannover, 1897, p. 787; 1899, p. 297; 1901, p. 264. [Cited by Metz, 1911, p. 4, as appealing for remedies against the tick.] Anonymous (1903), Un cas de parasitisme sur la peau humaine. Natural, canad., xxx. 157-162, 2 Figs. (1909), Extincion de la Garrapata. Boletin del Ministerio de Agricultura, XL, Num. 1, 2 y 3. Buenos Aires. Anonymous (III. 1914), Ticks in the West Indies. Agri<: Netcs, Barbadoes, xirr p. 90. Rev. in Rev. of Applied Entomol., s. B, Med. and Veter., n. 129. [Ticks listed : Argas persicus, Boophilus australis, Amblyomma variegatum, A. hirtwm, A. dissimile, Rhipicephalvs sanguineus, Boophilus sp., Hyalomma aegyptium, H. longirostre, Dermacentor nitens, Rhipicephalus sp. Specimens identified by Nuttall and W»ai'burton, for the Imperial Bureau of Entomology.] Anonymous (IV. 1914), The Fowl Tick and Spirochaetosis. Agric. Gaz., N. S. Wales, Sydney, xxv. 349-350, 2 Figs. Rev. in Rec. of Applied Entomol. s. B, Med. and Veter., u. 116. [Argas persicus, compiled account of fowl spiro- chaetosis.] Aragao, H. de B. (1911), Notas sobre ixodidas brazileiros. — Notes sur les ixodides du Bresil. (Portuguese and French text and title.) Memorias d. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, in. 145-195, Pis. 11 and 12. [Gives a survey of Brazilian ticks, describes n. spp. : Ornithodorus rostratus, Amblyomma pacae, Hoemuphysalis lej><>ris var. proxima, figures these ; also figures spp. described by author in 1908 : A. br>\' equine piroplasmosis considered ; trypaublue the best remedy.] Bielitzer, A. W., and Marzinovski, E. J. (1908). [Piroplasmosis of horses in Russia, and the role of the tick in its distribution.] Vet. Ubo.r., Moscow, \. 41-56. Bienarovic, S. K. (1907), [Ticks of North-western Russia as intermediaries of infection of cattle with enzootic haemoglobinuria.] Arch. vet. nauk., St Petersburg, xxxvn., Pt. 2, 1-43. (1911), [The intervention of a tick in the causation of enzootic haemo- globinuria in North-western Russia ; anatomy, biology, and pathogenicity of the insect, Ixodes reduvius.] Przegl. vet., Lvov, xxvi. 133, 173. Billings, F. S. (1893), Original investigations in cattle diseases in Nebraska. Southern cattle plague. 3rd edit., revised and augmented with many new investigations, and the true place of the tick as a vehicle of infection unquestionably demon- strated. Lincoln, 116 pp., 8°. Birdseye, 0. (9. HI. 1912), Some common mammals of Western Montana in relation to Agriculture and Spotted Fever. U.S. Dept. Agric, Farmers? Bull., No. 184. Washington, 46 pp., 34 Text-figs. see Henshaw, H. W. Bishop, 0. F. (XII. 1911), Notes on a trypanosome found in a sheep tick, and its probable connection with the disease known as louping-ill. Veterin. Jowrn. lxvii. 709-715, 1 Fig. [Found a "trypanosome" in blood squeezed from a tick taken from diseased sheep at Bellingham, Northumberland. In Sleeping Sick- ness Bull. No. 36, p. 157, it is stated that the tick is Ixodes ricinus ; it is not stated who determined it.] Bishopp, F. C. (23. VI. 1911)- Some new North American Ixodidae, with notes on other species. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, xxiv. 197-208, PI. II. [Ixodes cooki var. rugosus n. var., £ and $ descr. Figs. 1-2 ; I. banksi n. sp., 3 187, 3 pis. Blacklock, B. (30. XII. 1912,). The resistance of Omithodorus moubata to various sheep dips. Ann. Trap. Med. and Parasitol., vi. 129 I 33. (1913), Tick, resistance of to sheep dips. Brit. Med. Journ. i. 129. Blanc, G. (1910), Sur la terminaison du tube digestif des Ixodidae. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, xxxv. 219-225, 7 Fiys. (1911), Les spirochetes ; contribution & I'i'tudedeleur evolution chez la Ixodidau . Paris : Jouve & Cie, 129 pp. 8°. Blanchard, R. (3. I. 1906), Spirilles, Spirochetes et autres Microorganismes a corps spirale. Semaine Medicale, xxvi. 1-5. Also Arch. d. Parasitol., 1906, x. 129- 149. Summary in Revue Veterinaire, 1906, p. 86. (1906), Spirilla, Spirochaetes, and other spirally-formed Micro-organisms. (Translated from Summary in Reeue Veterinaire, 1906, 86.) Journ. Comp. Pathol. and Therap., xix. 68-73. Also J' mm. Trap. Veter. Sci. I. 320-329. (1907), Une spirochetose humaine en Colombie. Bull. Acad, de mdd., Paris, 3 s., lvii. 511-515. Boing, see Schuberg, A. Bordan, T. (1898), Az ovantay (Argas reflexus Latr.). Rovart. Lapok, v. 133- 135. Borthwick (VII. 1905), Tick Paralysis affecting sheep and lambs. Veterinary Journ., London, n.s. xn. 33-34. [Abstract of Report to Chief Vet. Surgeon Cape Gov't. Describes tick paralysis cases associated with presence of Ixodes pilosus. Rapid recovery after removal of tick ; dipping preventive.] Bos, J. R. (1900), Agricultural Zoology (Translated by J. R. A. Davis), xx + 312 pp., 155 Figs., 2nd ed. London: Methuen & Co. [Ticks briefly mentioned on pp. 202-204. Fig. 127 of Ixodes ricinus, sketchy. Several inaccuracies in the description.] Bosi (1829;, ffistoire des vers etdes crustace'es, 2 ed. [Cited, according to Metz, 1911, p. 1, by Latreille, p. 178, as stating that A. reflexus occurs in Tuscany. Latreille found it in his own house.] Bouiiov, V. (9. IV. 1914), A few words on Piroplasmosis. (Translated from the Russian.) BeTepimapiiafl JKll3Hl> {Veterinary Life), Moscow, No. 13, 197- 198. Rev. in Review Applied Entomol., scr. B : Med. and Veter. (vi. 1914), II. 97. [Ticks found on bushes ; 273 piroplasmosis cases in horses in Government of Tambov.] Brand, T. (VII. 1909), Report on the Veterinary Survey of Northern Nigeria. London : Darling & Son, 12 pp. [Ticks : p. 12, detd. by A. S. Hirst, British Museum.] Brown, A. A. (1910a), Tick fever in Fowls. Journ. Agric. Victoria, vm. 96-97, 5 Figs. (1910b) Tick fever or Spirillosis and Monadinitis of fowls. Australasian Med. Gas., Melbourne, xv. 689-697. Bruce, D., Hamerton, A. E., Bateman, H. R., and Mackie, F. P. 1910 . " Amakebe," a disease of Calves in Uganda, in Reports of the Sleeping Sich 4 Bibliography <\f the Ixodoidea. II bru can Commission of the Royal Soc. (London : Darling & Son, Ltd., Printers), No. x. 86-103, PI. X. [Pp. 94-96, experiments with RhipicephaliM wppendiculatus and "Amakebe" (=East Coast Fever.)] Bruce, D., Hamerton, A. E., Bateman, H. R., Mackie, F. P., and Lady Bruce (1911), Distribution of Ticks in Uganda, in Reports of the Sleeping Sickness Commission of the Royal Soc. (London : Darling & Son, Ltd., Printers), No. xi. 228-243, 1 Map. [Deals with Amblyomma caricgatum, A. fbaracum, A. tholloni, A. petersi, A.sparmm, A. splendidum ; Rhtpicxpkalwappendieiilattis, R. simus, R. capensis, R. evertsi ; Boophilus decoloratus ; Haemaphysalis leachi; Omithodorus moubata (map), and 0. savignyi ; Aponomma exornatum ; see also p. 186, examination of 0. moubata (5) for parasites and (6) for Tryp. gambiense after feeding on infected blood ; results negative.] Bruce, Lady, see Bruce, D. Brucker, E. A. (1898), Sur les pieces buccales des Acariens. Comp. rend. Acad. Sci., cxxvi. (1901), Pieces buccales des Ixodides. Bull. Soc. Entomol. France, LXX. Brumpt, E. (1909), Existence d'une spirochetose des poules a Spirochaela gallinarum dans le pays Somali. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, lxvi. 174-176. [Argas persicus of small size received from Dirredaoua, where many fowls died. Ticks placed on fowls ; these developed spirochaetosis.] (9. VI. 1909), Sur nne nouvelle spirochetose des ponies dn Senegal prodnite par Spirochaeta neveuxi n. sp. Bull. Soc. Path. Exot., II. 285-288. (1912), Le Trypanosoma cruzi evolue chez Conorhinus megistus, Cimex lectu- lariv.s, Cimex boueti et Omithodorus moubata. Cycle evolntif de ce parasite. Bull. Soc. de Pathol, Exot., v. 360-367. Burnet, J. (27. III. 1909), The Role of Blood-sucking Arthropods in the Causation of Tropical Diseases. (Sleeping Sickness.) Medical Times, 231-232. Buy, P. (1907), Histoh-e naturelle et medicale des Ixodes. Soc. Linn., mi. 93-155, 22 Figs. [Anatomy, classification, propagation of disease by ticks.] Buysson, R. du (15. IV. 1912), Un hymenoptere parasite des Ixodes. Arch, de Parasitol. xv. 246-247, 1 fig. [Occurrence in Ixodes ricinus of a small chalcidid belonging to the Encyrtinae, and genus Ixodiphagus Howard. The author describes both the sexes of Ixodiphagus caucurtei n. sp. found by E. Brumpt in /. ricinus nymphs captured on deer at Chantilly, Oise, and at Fontainebleau (Oct.-Nov.).] Cambridge, 0. Pickard-, see Pickard-Cambridge, 0. Campbell, W. S. (1901), Fowl Ticks. Agric. Gaz. N.S. Wales, xn. 1285. Canestrini, G. (1887), Intorno ad alcuni Acari ed Opilionidi dell' America. Atti Soc. Veneto Trentina di sci. nat., xi. fasc. 1, 104, PI. IX. [Figs. 3, 5 of Haema- physalis micropla Canestrini = B. annulatus var. microplus (Canestrini) Neumann, 1901, p. 280. Cited from Neumann, 1897, p. 408.] (29. X. 1897), Contribuzione alia conoscenza degli Acaroidei della Birmania. Ann. Museo Civico di Storia Xatarale di Genova, Serie 2a, XVII. (xxxvill. 417-422. [p. 417, Footnote : Opisthodon Canestrini found to be preoccupied by the author ; he therefore substitutes the generic name Prosopodon, which, however, is but a synonym for Eaemaphysalis Koch.] Bibliography of the Txodoidea. II car cow Carazzi, D. (1913\ Parassitoloi/ia animal,- ; animali parassite ed animali trasmetti- tore di malattie paraxsitorie alV uomo e agli animali domestici. Con indicazioni techniclte per la, raccolta, preparazione e studio microscopico dei parassiti. M ilano, Soc. ed. libraria, 436 pp., 5 Pis., 8". Cardamatis, J. (1911), Des Piroplaamoses et Leishmaniases. Centralbl. j. Bakt., 1 Abt., Orig., lx. 5] 1. Rev. in Centralbl. f. Bait., L912, ui. Eleferate), 124. Carpano, M. (1912), La febbre della costa aella Colonia Eritrea. Note biologische e morfologische sulla " Theileria parra." Vlinica Yr/m'naria. N. 19, 20, 21, and 22, reprint, 46 pp., Pis. I— III. [Ilhipirephalus appendiculatw stated to convey East Coast Fever (due to Theileria parra) in Erithrea.] Carpenter, G. H. (1908), Parasites of Domestic Animals. Proe. Roy. Dublin Soc. i. 559. (Ixodes ricinus. Piroplasma bovis. Short note.) Cary, C. A. (1901), Texas or acclimation Fever. Alabama Agric. Exp. Sta. Ball. I 16, pp. 231-289. Chilton, C. (1904). A new species of Ixodes parasitic on the grey duck. Trans. New Zealand Institute, xxxvi. 201-202, PI. X. [Ixodes anatis n. sp. £ found on Anas superciliosa.] Christophers, S. R. (II. 1912), The development of Leucocytozoon canis in the tick, with a reference to the development of Piroplasma. Parasitology, v., 37-48. 2 Diagrams. [Development of Haemogregarina canis and of Piroplasma funis in Rhipicephalus sanguineus.] Christy, C (1905), Tick Fever. Brit. Med. Joum., i. 1726. Clark, F. N. (1910), Stray notes on Ticks. Proe. S. London Entom. Nat. Hist. Soc, 1909-10, pp. 29-33, 2 Pis. Cooley, R. A. (V. 1911), Tick control in relation to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. A report of co-operative investigations conducted by the Bureau of Entomology and the Montana Experiment Station. Montana Agric. College Exper. Stat., Bull. No. 85. Bozeman, Montana, 29 pp., 1 Fig. on title-page [of Dermacentor £ ]. (II. 1913), Notes on little-known habits of the Rocky Mountain spotted fever tick (Dermacentor venustus Banks). Joum. Econ. Entomol., VI. 93-95 (Dis- cussed on 95-96). Cooper, W. F. (1905), Ticks, 16 pp., containing 19 Figures. Berkhamsted : Win. Cooper and Nephews. [Short texts describing photomicrographs of ffaema- physalis punctata : larva, nymph, £ 9 > details in the structure of the mouth parts, microscopic sections. Many of these served to illustrate the paper read by Nuttall, Cooper, and Smedley (1905), which was published without figures.] see Nuttall, G. H. F. Cooper, W. F., and Laws, H. E. (5. V. 1913), The Tick-killing properties of Sodium Arsenate. Agric. Joum. Union of S. Africa, v. 716-721. Rev. in Rev. Applied Entomol., i. ser. B, 133. Cotton, E. C, and Voorhees, J. F. (1911). The cattle tick as affected by climate. Tennessee Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 94, 119-164, 42 Figs. Couvy, L., see Marchoux, E. Coward, T. A. (1907), Species of British Ticks recorded by Chas. Oldham, Esq., Kelvin, Berkhamsted. Proe. Zool. Soc, London, 1907, p. 323. (Haemaphysalis punctata on a plover and Ixodes vespertilionis on bat. I 6 Bibliography of the Txodoidea. II csodod Csokor (1894), Die muschelformige Saumzecke {Argas reflexus). Wiener Land- wirtsch. Zeitwig, No. 3. Wien. (Cited by Metz, 101 L.) Cunliffe, N. (1913), The variability of Rhipicephalui putcheUus (Geratacker, 1873), together with its geographical distribution. Parasitology, vi. 2f the Txodoidea. II dod-dut Dodd, S, (1910), Spirochaetosis in fowls in Queensland. Journ. Comp. Pathol, and T/ierap., 1-17. (Cited by Ilauer, 1912, p. 495.) (VI. 1910), Piroplasmosis of Cattle in Queensland. Journ. Com/par. Pathol. and Therap., xxiii. 141-159. [Boopltil us australii transmits Piroplasma bige- minum and a Piroplasma of the mutans type in Queensland.] Donitz, W. 1906a), Zecken als Krankheitsiibertniger. Ber. Senchenberg. X">. Ges. Frankfurt a. M., 1905, 39-52. (1906b), Die Zecken unserer Haustiere als Krankheitsiibertrager. Verdhandl. d, devtsch. Kolonialkongr. (1905), Berlin, 275 2*4. Ddrdelmann (1906), Die Taubenzecke. Zeitschr. f. Brieftanbi-uk-unde, Hannover, p. 350. (Cited by Metz, 1911). Downing, J. E., see Thompson, W. Drake-Brockman, R. E. (6 and 16. IV. 1913), Ticks and Relapsing Fever in Somali- land. Reports to the Colonial Office (London). Rev. in Rev. Applied Entomol., i., ser. B, 116. (XI. 1913), On the Occurrence of an Epidemic of Relapsing Fever in Bulhar, British Somaliland. Journ. Loud. Sch. Trop. Med., n. 195-199, 2 Charts. Also rev. in Rev. of Applied Entomol., n., ser. B, 8-9. [Lists Hyalonuwi •". Health Reports, Washington, D.C., xxix. 449-461. Fricks, L. D. (1914 a), Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: some investigations made during 1912 by Passed Asst. Surgeon T. B. McClintic. Public Health Report*. Washington, xxix, 1008-1020. Friedberger, F., and Frohner,.E. (1908), Lehrbuch der speziellen Pathologie und Therapie der Haustiere. Stuttgart : F. Enke. 2 vols., 8vo. Froggatt, W. W. (1900), Notes on a collection of ticks, determined by Professor Neumann. Agric. Gaz., N.S. Wales, xi. 540-542. [2 n. spp. without description.] (III. 1912), The Fowl Tick. Agricultural Gazette, N. S. Wales, Misc. I'ubl. No. 1,509, pp. 254-261, 4 Figs. {Argas persicus.) Frohner, E., see Friedberger, F. Fumouze (1873-74-77), Sur le Argas persicus. Bull. Soc. Ent. France, ser. 5, in., iv. and v. [Cited by Bonnet, A. (1907), p. 164.] Gager, S. H. (1910), A preliminary check list of the parasites of Indian domes! icated animals. Joum. Trop. Veter. Sci., Calcutta, v. 65-71. [P. 69, Ticks listed determinations doubtful.] N. ii. 9 2 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea. II gal gil Galli-Valerio, B. (1908), Le role des artbropodes dans la dissemination dee maladies. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol., xi.i. 353 360. (1909), Notes do parasitologic et de technique parasitologique. Centralbl. /". Bakt., 1 Abt., Orig., li. 538-545, 3 Figs. [P. 539, known speciee of Amblyomma, Apono77ima, Haemaphysalis, Hyalomma, Ixodes, Boophilus (" Jfargcwopus"), Rhipicephalus listed from various countries; Neumann's determinations; pp. 543-544, notes on biology of /. ricimts.] (26. IX. 1910), Notes de parasitologic et dc technique parasite >1< tgique. Centralbl. f. Bakt., ] Abt., Orig., lvi. 43-47. [Pp. 45, 4G, biology of I.n>d»s rir/mis.] (7. X. 1911), Notes de parasitologic et de technique parasitologique. Centralbl. f. Bakt., 1 Abt., Orig., lvi. 358-363. [Merely records : Ixodes hexagonm from Mustela foina, collected 28. x. 1910 at Chailly, near Lausanne, by Dr. Ceruy ; Rhipicephalus sanguineus from Erinaceus algirus and Lepus timidus, i. 1911, at lie de Djerba, Tunisia, collected by Weiss ; Hyalomma aegyptium, ditto, from cattle ; Amblyomma sp. from Erinaceus algirus, ditto ; 0. savignyi from cow, ditto. Ticks determined by L. G. Neumann.] (1911), Recherches sur la spirochetiase des poules de Tunisie et sur son agent de transmission : Argas persicus Fischer. 2me memoire. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol., 1 Abt., Orig., lxi. 529-538. (1912), Notes de Parasitologic Centralbl./. Bakt., 1 Abt., Orig., lxv. 304-310. [Ticks : p. 310, biology of Ixodes ricinus, effect of humidity on hatching of eggs, 12 lines.] (1914), Recherches sur la spirochetiase des poules de Tunisie et sur son agent de transmission : Argas persicus Fischer. 3e memoire. Centralbl. f. Bakt., 1 Abt., Orig., lxxii. 526-528. Gamble, M. (15. V. 1914), A list of Blood-sucking Arthropods from the Lower Congo, with a Vocabulary. Journ. Trop. Med. and Hyg., xvn. 148-150. [P. 149 lists 0. moubata and known spp. of Ixodidae det. by Nuttall and Warburton ; gives native names.] Garden (1912), East Coast Fever in Nyasaland. Ann. Rept. Dept. Agric, Nyasaland, 1912, pp. 31-36. Rev. in Rev. Applied Entomol., I., ser. B, 52-53. Gedoelst (1911), Synopsis de Parasitologic [Ticks mentioned on pp. 145-155. Reference supplied by J. C. Huber.] Gen6\ G. (1844), Sulla generazione degli issodi. Atti Riunione Sci. Ital., Milan, 367-369. Also abstract in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., xviil, 1846, No. 118, pp. 160-162.) Gestro, It. (1904), Leonardo Fea ed i suoi viaggi. Ceuni biografici. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, serie 3, I. (xli.), 95-152, 4 Maps, reprint. [Lists Fea's collections ; species named by Supino : Dermacentor feae, D. longipes, D. auratus, D. indicus; Haemaphysalis birmaniae, H. hystricis; Opisthodon canestrinii, 0. asiaticus, 0. gestroi ; Ixodes testudinis, I. birmanensis, I. varanensis, I. bengalensis, I. gramdatus, I. globulosus ; Rhipicephalus java- nensis, R.flavtis, R. bhamensis, R. haemaphysaloides.] Gilruth, J. A. (VIII. 1910), Note on the existence of spirochaetosis affecting fowls in Victoria. Proc. Roy. Soc, Victoria, xxm. n.s., pt. I. 102-104. [Argas persicus associated with fowl spirochaetosis.] (X. 1912), The introduction and spread of the cattle tick (Boophi/"* annidaha var. microplus) and of the associated disease, tick fever (Babesiasis), in Australia. 10 2-2 Bibliography of the lx<>Ulea. 11 gol— gre Proc. Roy. Soc, Victoria, xxv, n.s., [it. i. 17 22 j reprinted in Queensland Agric. Journ., 351-357 ; to bo continued. Goldi, E. A. (1913), Die sanitarisch-pathologische Bedeutung der Tnsehten und verwandten Gliedertiere, an un'iillich ah Km idlieits-Erreger vmd Krankhei Uebertrdger. Berlin, 155 pp., 8°. Gonder, R. (1911), Die Entwicklung von Theileria /y J. (J. IIuIht. | Gulliver (1872), Argas reflexus s. Rhynchoprion colwmbae. Ann. and J/";/. Nat. Hist., ix., 4th ser., p. 242. [Cited in bibliogr. by Metz, 1911.] (1872), Eggs and newly-hatched young of Ixodes dugesii and Argas r< -jb-.i ».<. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., London, x., 4th ser., p. 230 et seq. [Cited in bibliogr. Metz, 1911.] Hadley, P. H. (29. X. 1909), Notes on the parasitism of Cytodictes nudus and Haemaphysalis chordeilis. (Contribution No. 6 from the Division of Biology of the Bhode Island Agricult. Experiment Station, Kingston, EL I.) Scien New York, xxx. 605-606. (P. 606, H. chordeilis, determined by N. Banks, found to kill young turkeys at Norwich, Vermont, U. S. A.) Hadlington, J. (IV. 1914), The Fowl Tick. Agric. Gaz., N. S. Wales, Sydney, xxv. 345-349, 2 Figs. Rev. in Rev. of Applied Entomol. s. B, Med. and Veter., ir. 115-116. [Argas persicus in relation to poultry-keeping ; preventive measures.] Hadwen, S. (1910), Note on the finding of Haemaphysalis punctata at Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canadian Entom., xlii. 221-222, 1 PI. (1912), The life-history of Ixodes angustus (Banks). Proc. Brit. Columbia Entomol. Soc, Vancouver, No. 1 n.s. (Report of Meeting held 9. xn. 1911), 37-38. Reprinted in Rep. Vet. Dir.-General, Canada, Dept. Agric, 1912, 92-99, Pis. II- VI. [/. angustus raising notes, /. texanus mentioned.] (1912-13), The life-history of Dermacentor variabilis. Parasitology, v. 234-237. (1913), Preliminary note on "Tick Paralysis." Letter from Veterinary Director- General. American Veter. Review. [Cited by Hadwen in Parasitology (x. 1913), vi. 297.] (1913a), Address on "Tick Paralysis." Proc. Brit. Columbia Veter. Assoc. [Cited by Hadwen in Parasitology (x. 1913), VI. 297.] (X. 1913), On "Tick Paralysis" in sheep and man following bites of Derma- centor venustus. Parasitology, vi. 283-297, Pis. XXI and XXII. Hadwen, S., and Nuttall, G. H. F. (X. 1913), Experimental "Tick Paralysis" in the dog. Parasitology, VI. 298-301. [Used Dermacentor venustus.] Hagen, H. A. (X. 1887), A living Ixodes said to have been four months in the ear of Man. Entomologica Americana, Brooklyn, N. Y., in. 124-125. [Tick removed alive from the ear of a man from a cattle ranch in Arizona. The tick measured 12x6 mm., and moulted about a month after removal. It must have been Omithodorus megnini.] Hall, M. C. (1912), Our present knowledge of the distribution and importance of some parasitic diseases of sheep and cattle in the United States. 27^ Ann. Rep. Bureau of Animal Industry (1910), 419-463, 2 Pis., 18 Text-figs. Reprinted as U.S. Dept. of Agricult., Bur. An. Industry, Circular 193. Washington, D.C., 1912 [Original pagination retained. Plate XXXV, Fig. 1 (Boophilus anmdatus ? , replete ; photograph), 424-428. Very brief account of piro- 12 Bibliography of tin- Ixodoidea. II ham -hir plasmosis in cattle; Fig. 4r>, /'. bovis (not original); Fig. 16, map 'jiving distribution of B. annulatus in U. S. A.] Hamerton, A. E., see Bruce, D. Hanington, J. W. B., see Dutton, J. E. Hart, G. H., see Mackellar, W. M. Hauer, A. (1912), Untersuohungen iiber die Wirkung des Mittels 606 auf die HUhnerspirillose. Centralbl. f. /J"/.i., I. Abt., Orig. i.xn. 477 196. [\ raluable summary of literature on fowl spirochaetosis with good bibliography.] Hays, W. J. (1869), The moose tick. American Naturalist, n. 559, Fig. [Title communicated by J. G. Huber.] Hazen, E. H (1871), Cattle tick in the human ear. American Naturalist, v. (Title communicated by J. C. Huber.] Henry, M. (X. 1913), The Tick problem in New South Wales. Agric. Oaz., X. -V. II '.. Sydney, xxix. 829-837. Rev. in Rev. Applied Entomol., I., ser. I'., 232 233. Henshaw, R W.,and Birdseye, C. (1911), The mammals of the Bitter Root Valley, Montana, in their relation to Spotted Fever. U. S. I >'■/>' t Agric., Bur. Biol. Surv., Circular 82, pp. 24, 12 Figs. Herring, L. T. (III. 1911), Texas Tick Fever and Brahma Cattle. American Veter. Rev., N. Y., 1910-11, xxxviii. 756-761. Abstract in Journ. Trop. Veter. Set., Calcutta, vii. 135-136. [States pure breed and Brahma crossed with native cattle are less liable to tick infestation than native cattle, although they are susceptible to piroplasniosis in Texas.] Hibbard, R. P., and Neal, D. C. (XI. 1911), Some observations on the blood of dairy cows in tick-infested regions. Journ. Infect. Diseases, ix. 324-342. [2\ > mention of the species of tick infesting the cattle.] Hindle, E. (VI. 1911), The transmission of Spirochaeta duttoni. Parasitology, v. 133-149. [Experiments carried out in Prof. NuttaJl's laboratory to determine the manner in which 0. moubata transmits spirochaetosis.] (X. 1911), The relapsing fever of Tropical Africa. Parasitology, IV. 183-2":;. 2 Maps and 1 Chart. [A short summary. Brief mention of 0. moubata and its relation to the disease. Map 1 shows geogr. distribution of the disease, Map 2 (after Merriman) that of the tick.] (XII. 1911), On the life-cycle of Spirochaeta gallinarum. (Preliminary note.) Parasitology, iv. 463-477, 4 Figs, and 1 diagram. [Development of fowl spirochaete in Argas persicus.] (read 29. I. 1912), The inheritance of spirochaetal infection in Argas persicus. Proc. Cambr. Philos. Soc, xvi. 457-459. (III. 1912), Attempts to transmit Fowl Pest by Argas persicus. Ilu'i 7. Soc. M4d. Exotique, Paris, v. 165-167. [Fowl-pest virus still potent after nine days, but not after fourteen days, in the gut of A. persicus at 22-28° C. The virus does not traverse the gut wall of the tick. The tick not a host for the parasite, and incapable of conveying the disease.] see Nuttall, G. R F. Hindle, E., and Cunliffe, N. (13. I. 1914), Regeneration in Argas persicus. /'or<>- sitology, vi. 353-371, 4 Figs. Hindle, E., and Merriman, G. (1912), The sensory perceptions of Argas persicus (Oken). Parasitology, v. 203-216. Hirst, S. (VI. 1914), Report on the Arachnida and Myriapoda collected by the 13 Bibliography of the Ixo(h>'t7; reference communicated by J. C. Euber.] Kersey (1872 j, Notes on Ixodes ilug>'sii. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., n.s., xn. [Cited by Bonnet, 1907.] Kieflfer, C. F. (1907), Intermittent Tick Fever ; preliminary report on a new type of fever due to tick bite (Ixodiasis). Journ. Amer. Mid. Assoc, xi.viii. 1154 1158. King, H. H. 1908\ Ticks. 3rd Report Wellcome Research Laboratories, Khartoum, 220-222, pL xxvi. [Brief description of Argas persicus, Orntt/mdnrns savignyi. Coloured pi. of A. marmoreum $ 9 > Hyalomma aegyptiumrf $, 0. savignyi, A. persicus. Lists other species occurring in Soudan : Boophilus, Rhipicephalus, Ap07lOMii<>/.] (1911), Ticks. 4th Rept. Wellcome Research Laboratories, Khartoum. Vol. u: General Science, 128-130. [Argas brumpti found at Gebelein ; other known species of Ixodes, Haemapkysalis, Derrnacentor, Aponomma, and Amblyomma listed.] King, W. V., see Bishopp, F. C. Kinghorn, A., Yorke, W., and Lloyd, L. io. VI. 1913 ), Final Report of the Luangwa Sleeping Sickness Commission of the British South Africa Company, 1911-12. Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasitol., VII. 183-302, 11 Pis. Rev. in R Applied Entomol., I., ser. B, 168-172. [0. moubata.] Kleine, F. K., and Eckard, B. (1913), Ueber die Lokalisation der Spirochaten in der Ruckfallheberzecke (Omithodorus movbata). Zeitschr. f. Hyg. a. Infektions- krankh., lxxiv. 389-394. Knab, F. (IV. 1912), Unconsidered factors in disease transmission by blood-sucking insects. Journ. Econ. Entomol., v. 196-200. [P. 200: casual reference to ticks; nothing original.] Knuth, P. (1911), Feststellung von Haemapkysalis punctata beini Rinde im Kreise Apenrade. Berliner tierdrztl. Wochensehr., No. Is; also in Beiheftenz. Arch. /'. Schiffs- und Tropen-Hyg., xvi. Repr., 12 pp. 8 Figs, [of /. ricinus, I. hexagonus, reproduced from Nuttall, Warburton, Cooper and Robinson, Ticks, pt. u., and H. punctata reproduced from Nuttall, Cooper and Robinson, 1908]. (1912a), Kommen auch.in Deutschland beim Rinde verschiedene Arten tod Piroplasmen oder ahnliche Blutparasiten vor? Berl. tierdrztl. Wochensehr., No. 17, 10 pp., 4 Figs., reprint. [Ixodes ricinus and Haemaphysalis punctata referred to as carriers.] (1912b), Enviderung auf den Artikel des Herrn Kreistierarztes Witt : Die Malaria des Rindes (Milzzerreissung). Berl. tierdrztl. Wochensehr., No. 4. see Cooper, W. F. Laws, H. E., and Manning, B. 1911), Eradication of Ticks by the Starvation Method. Agric. Journ. Cape of Good Hope, xxxvu. '.) 17. Legislation (16. vm. 1913), To prevent the introduction of Fowl Ticks into Australia. Commonwealth of Australia Gazette,No. 57. Rev. in Rev. Applied Entomol., i., ser. B, 189. Lehmann, R. (1899), Die Rinderpest in Queensland and Hire Ursache. Die Natur, xlviii. 412-413, 1 Fig. [/. bovis. Biology, chiefly development.] Leishman, W. B. (1910), Observations on the mechanism of infection in Tick Fever, and on the hereditary transmission of Spirochaeta duttoni in the Tick. Trans. Soc. Trap. Med. and Hyy., in. 77-95, 1 PI. Discussion, pp. 'J6-106; also Lancet, I. 11-14; also (abstract) Journ. Trop. Med., etc., xui. 12 l.">. [Infection voided by tick in secretion of Malpighian tubules.] Levendian, H. (l. rv. 1903). Contribution a Vetude de VIxodes hexagonua Leach xon parasitisme chez Vhomme). These presentee et publiquement soutenue a la Faculte de Medecine de Montpellier. xii + 4/.oaria> |>ir<>- plasmosis, tripanosomosis, etc. (con demostracion de los parasites especificos y de los animales transmisores (garrapatas, mosquitos, etc.). IX Congreso Int. d. Med. Veter. de la Haya. Sesiojnes generates, 7 cuestidn. Revista Zootecnica y Bol. de Agric. y Ganad., Buenos Aires, i. 225-228 ; 264-269 ; 299-307 Nov. 1909). [Cited in bibliogr. by Wolft'hiigel, 1911.] (1914), Maladies transmises par les Tiques ; leur Classification, Traite- ment et Prophylaxie [followed by summaries in English and German]. Xth lnternat. Veterinary Congress, Loudon. Reprint 21 pp. [issued in advance of Congress]. Lignieres, J., and Zabala, J. (15. ix. 1902), Estudio sobre la eficacia, ventajas e inconvenientes de los productos destinados ;i destruir la garrapata. Bolet. de Agr. y Gan., Buenos Aires, in. ; also Ann. Soc. Rural. Argentina, Buenos Aires, xxxvu. 435-438. [Cited in bibliogr. by Wolffhugel, 1911.] Lloyd, L, see Kinghorn, A, N. II. 17 ^ Bibliography of the Txodoidea. II lon mar Lonnberg, E. (1912>, Bee Neumann, L. G. 10. i. 1912k Lounsbury. C. P. (1902a), Longevity of a species of tick. Agric. Journ. Cape of Good Hope, xx. 639-641. (1902b), The plague of ticks : their destruction by oil-spraying. Veterinary Journ., London, n. s. vi. 361-367. Luhs, J., see Dschunkovsky, E. McAtee, W. L. (1911a), Bird enemies of the Texas Fever tick and other ticks. Auk, xxviii. 136-138. MacCabe, F. F. (1911\ Horse-mastership; a lecture with an appendix including some notes on the schooling of jumpers, the bacteriology of coughing, and the diseases carried by horse-flies, ticks, and tsetse flies. London : Balliere, Tindall >v Cox. 81 pp., 8°. McCampbell, E. F., see Phillips, J. M. McClintic, T. B. (1912), Investigations of, and tick eradication in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever ; a report of work done on Spotted Fever in co-operation with the State Board of Health of Montana. Pub. Health Kept., U. S. Marim Hosp. Serv., Washington, xxvn. 732-760. MacDougall, R. S. (1906), Insects and Arachnids in relation to the spread of disease. Pliar m. Journ., London, 4 s., xxn. 60. MacKellar, W. M., and Hart, G. H. (1911), Eradicating cattle ticks in California Ann. Report, U. S. Dep't Agric, Bur. Animal Industry, Washington, D. C, 283-300, 1 PI. Mackie, F. P., see Bruce, D. McWeeney, E. J. (II. 1899), Reports on recent bacteriological and hygienic researches. Koch's work on plague in Africa, Tsetse-fly disease and Texas fever. Journ. State Medicine, VII. 115-120. Malm, O. (1904>, Om blodparasiter. Norsk Veterinaer-Tidsskrift, xvi. L05 L28, 1 Fig. reprint, [p. 113, Ticks briefly mentioned in connection with bovine piroplasmosis.] Manson, P. (1903), Trypanosomiasis on the Congo. Journ. Trop. Med., VI. 85-87. [OrnithodorusJ] Manning, B., see Laws, H. E. Marchoux, E., and Couvy, L. (II. 1912), Argas et spirilles. Bull. Soc. MM. Exotigue, Paris, v. 63-68. [Argas persicus in relation to Spirochaeta gallinarum. \ (1912), Argas et spirochetes. • Bull. Soc. Pathol. Exot., v. 796-798. (25. VI. and 25. VIII. 1913), Argas et Spirochetes. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, xxvn., No. 6, 453-480, 15 Figs. ; No. 8, 620-643. Rev. in Rev. Applied EntomoL, i., ser. B, 215-216. Marek, J., see Hutyra. Mares, E. (15. 1. 1911), La lutte contre la Piroplasmose ; Extermination dea Tiques. Bull. Agricole d. VAlgerie et d. I. Tunisia, 17u Annee, No. 3, 36 15. (15. II. 1911), La lutte contre la Piroplasmose (suite et fin). Ibid., No. 4, 80-99. Marzinovski, E. J. (1910), Die Verbreitung der Krankheiten durch Insekten und Zeckenstiche. Res., pt. 2, 134. Biol. Journ., Moscow, I., pt. 2, 117-134 (vi. 1914), Pojii, HacBKOMtixT, b-l pacnpocrpaHeHiii 3apa3HHX% 6ojri3Hefi. [The role played by insects in spreading infectious diseases.]— " EpHpO^a." 18 3-2 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea. II mas -meg [Nature], St. Petersburg (?), pp. 711 7:5.">, 14 Figs. [Piroplasmosis of cattle transmitted in Russia by /. ricinus, piroplasmosis of borset bj Dermacentor reticulatus. Ornithodorus tholozani transmits a disease resembling recurrent fever, in Transcaspia. Spirocbaetosis of geese transmitted by Argaspersicus, in Caucasia. Rev. in Rev. of Applied Entomol. s. I'., Med. ami Veter., n. I L9.] see Bielitzer, A. W. Massey, A. Y. (1908), Some ticks of Central Africa. Journ. Tr<>/>. Med., XL To. Mathis (1909 , La piroplasmose canine au Tonkin. Dull. Soc. pat hoi. Exot., n. 380. Rev. in Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., XIV. 787. Maurizio, A. (1910), Von den Zecken als Krankheitsiibertrager. Schweiz. land- wirtsch. Zeitschr. Jahrg. XXXVIII. 1203-1206. Maver, M. B. (IV. 1911), Transmission of spotted fever by other than Montana and Idaho ticks. Jov/rn. Infect. Diseases, viu. 322-326. [Experiments with Ikrmo centor marginatus Banks, D. variabilis (Say), and Amblyomma americanum L. gave positive results.] (IV. 1911 a), Transmission of spotted fever by the tick in nature. Journ. Infect. Diseases, viu. 327-329 ; also in Ricketts, H. T., Contributions to Medical Science. [Experiments with Dermacentor modestus and I), venustus.] (1911), Transmission of Spotted Fever by other than Montana and Idaho Ticks. Jvum. Infect. Dis., viu. 322-326; also in Ricketts, H. T., Contributions to Medical Science, Chicago, pp. 440-444. Maxey, E. E. (XII. 1908). Rocky Mountain Spotted (Tick) Fever, with special reference to casual factors, mortality and geographical distribution in Idaho. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., U. S. A., XVI. 666-678. (Discussion, 704 711.; Mayer, A. (1911), tjber die Wirkung des tellursauren Kaliums als Fliegenmittel. Monatschr. f prakt. Tierheilk., xxm. 49. Rev. in Centralbl. f. Bait., 1912 (Referate), Lll. 92-93. [Potassium tellurate per os produces a garlicky odour emanating from the skin which is stated to repel ticks ; remedy too expensive for practice, costing 8.50 Marks for 10 grammes.] Mayer, M. (1911), Tropenhygiene und Tropenkrankheiten auf der Internationalen Hygiene-Ausstellung zu Dresden. Arch, f Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., xv. 785- 788. Mayo, N. S. (VI. 1906), Dips for cattle ticks. American Veter. Rev. Abstract in Journ. Trop. Veter. Sci., Calcutta, I. 453-454. 1907, 'Texas fever and the cattle tick. Estacion Cent. Agron. de Cuba, Bull. 6, 31 pp., 7 Pis., 9 Figs. Meek, A., and Greig-Smith, R. (1897j, On Louping-Hl and its connection with the tick. Veterinarian, London, LXX. 698-709. [Experimental evidence supposedly proving that Ixodes is the means of communicating the disease. Re-statement of the life-history of the parasite.] Meek, A., see Greig-Smith, R. M^gnin, P. (1881), Argas reflexus (Latr.). Bidl. Seances d. I. Soc. Entomol. France, 6 ser., Paris, I. 54. [Cited by Metz, 191 1, p. 3, as stating th.it A. rejlexus must be rare, but he soon had to retract the statement, as it was afterwards found commonly about Paris.] (1883), La Garrapata du Mexique. Naturaliste, p. 309. (1893), Me'decine des Oiseaux, 2nd ed. [Ticks : p. 281, Fig. Reference supplied by J. C. Huber.] 19 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea. II meg— mul Megnin, P., Bee Laboulbene. Melvin, A. D., and Price, T. M. '1906 . The preparation of emulsions of crude petroleum. U.S. Dep'tAgric., Bur. Anvm. Industry, Circular No. 89. AJb in Journ. Trop. Veter. Sci., Calcutta, 1906, I. 454 157. Mense, C. ^1913, Handbuch der Tropenkrankheiten, I Bd., 2 Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von J. A. Barth. 295 pp., 12 Pis., 200 Text-figs. ^7 L9 cm. [Ticks, pp. 8-39, Figs. 2-43.] Merriman, G. (18. Vii. 1911), The geographical distribution of Ornithodorut /„..,//, (Murray, 1877). Parasitology^ v. 168 17:}. with a Ma].. [Summary of our present knowledge regarding the distribution of 0. moubata.] see Hindle, E. Mesnil. F. (1913;, Mouehes et autres insectes porteurs de maladies infectious Rapports entre les microorganismes et les insectes qui leur servent d'h Trans. \bth Internat. Congr. Hygiene and Demography, Washington, D.C., 23-28, ix. 1912; iv. pp. 185-202. [Brief reference to Ticks, pp. 189 L90, 1 201.] Metz. K. (1911), Argas rejlexus, die Taubeuzecke (Eine monographische Studie). Inaug. Dissert, z. Erlang. d. veter.-med. Doktorw. Giessen. Reprinted from Monatsk. f. prakt. Tierheilk., xxn. 481-510, 39 pp., 1 pi. [Photographs of A. rejlexus ^ and 9, poor; bibliography partial); contains interesting matter.] Michael, A. D. 1899), Acari [of Lake Urmi]. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool. xxvii. 407, 1 PI. [Argus persicus = A. rejiexus.] Minett, E. P., and Field, F. E. (1913;, Notes on a case of dermal Leishmaniasis in British Guiana. Brit.Cfuiana Med. Annual for L912, Letchworth : Garden City Press, pp. 96-98. [The patient, a negro, attributed the infection to ticks which had bitten him severely whilst in the bush.] Mitchell, J. D., see Hunter, W. D. Mohler, J. R. (21. III. 1914), Texas or Tick Fever. U. S. Dep't Agric., Washington, D.C., Farmers' Bull. No. 569, 24 pp., 4 Figs., 1 Map. Rev. in Rem w Appl Entomol., 11., ser. B : Med. and Veter. (vi. 1914), pp. 101-104. [Boop/tilus annulatus referred to.] Mollers, R. 1908;, Insekten und Zecken als Krankheitsiibertrager fur Menschen und Tiere. Bed. hlin. Wochenschr., xlv. 657-660. Moore, J. J. (IV. 1911), Time relationship of the Wood Tick in the transmission of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Journ. Infect. Diseases, vm. 339-347 ; also in Ricketts, H. T., Contributions to Medical Science, Chicago. [Experiments with Dermacentor modestus and D. can estus.] Moore, W. (1912), The tick problem in South Africa. Journ. Econ. Entomol., \ . 377-384. Morstatt, H. (X. 1913), Liste der blutsaugenden Fliegen und Zecken. Der Pflan . Dar-es-Salaam, ix. No. 10, 507-510, 1 PI. Rev. in Review Applied Entomol., 11., ser. B : Med. and Veter. (in. 1914), 43. [List of ticks of German V. Africa : Argasidae— 1 sp., Ixodidae— 32 spp., chiefly based on S. A. Neave's list in Bull. Eat. Res. in. 316.] Moule, L. (1912-13), La parasitologic dans la litterature antique : parasites de la peau et des tissus sous-jacents. Arch. d. Parasitologic, xv. :>43-595. Miiller, C. 1896 , Die Zeckenplage in den Tropeu. Oeogr. Zeitschr., 11. <'>74 679. Miiller, M. 1910), Arthropoden als Krankheitsiibertrager. Munchen. :d. 20 Bibliography of the Txodoidea. II nea-neu Wockenschr., No. 46. [A throe-line notice in Arch. f. Sckiffs- ». Tropen-Hyg., xv. 404, states that this address contains a good survey of the subject.] Neal, D. C, see Hibbard, R. P. Neave, C. A. ('1911-12), Report of the Department of Agriculture, Nairobi, British E. Africa, 1911-12. Rev. in Rev. Applied Entomol., [., Ber. B, 21 22. Neave, S. A. (1911), Report on a .F«mrney to the Luangwa Valley, North-Eastern Rhodesia, from July to September, 1910. Bull. Entomol. Res.,\. 1910 11,303 317. With 7 Text-figs, and Map. [Brief mention of occurrence of Ornithodorus moubata on pp. 313 and 316.] — — • (1912), Notes on the Blood-sucking Insects of Eastern Tropical Africa. Bull. Entomol. Res., in. 27o-324, Pis. X and XI. [Ticks— in Local lists of Blood- sucking Arthropods ; also native names of certain species. | Neumann, L. G. (1908), A new Indian Tick, Ornithodorus lahoriensis. Journ. Trap. Veter. Sci., Calcutta, m. 462-467, 4 Figs. [Merely a partial translation <>f Neumann, in. 1908, Note vi (pp. 17-21), with a sketchy coloured plate showing 0. lahorensis in dorsal and ventral aspect. The name misspelt ulahorien (1909) Parasites et maladies parasita.ires des oiseaux domestiques, 230 pp., v: I Text-figs. Paris: Asselin et Houzeau. [Ticks: briefly describes Argas, pp. 55 61 ; Figs. 36-38 of A. reflexus capitulum, and $ '•' dorsal and ventral aspects ; p. 38 Ixodidae defined.] (1910a), Description de deux nouvelles especes dTxodinae. (Aponomma oitde- mansin. sp. £ , Rhipicepkalus deltoideus, n.sp. £ $ .) Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, Lin. 10-17, PI. I, reprint. (1910b), Ixodidae. Wiss.Ergebn.schwed.zool. Exped. Kilimandjaro, ni., Ahr. 20, 17-30. [Three un. subspp. of Ixodes, Rhipicepkalus, Dermacentor.'\ (1911a), Ixodidae in Das Tierreich, herausg. v. T. E. Schulze, im Auftrage der K. Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin. Berlin : R. Friedlander & Sohn. 26. Lieferung, xvi + 169 pp., 76 Text-figures. [Important.] (1911b), Note rectificative a propos de deux especes d'lxodinae. Archiv d. Parasitologic, xiv. p. 415. [Ixodes stilesin. worn, pro /. elegans Neum.nonGuerin.] (1911c), Note sur Dermacentor reticulatus Fabricius. Insecta Ann., i. 40, II. Observation d'une malade piquee par un Dermacentor reticulatus Fabricius, par Stephen Fras, 41-42. - — ■ (10. I. 1912), in Lonnberg, E. (1912), Scorpions, Solpugids and Ixodides collected by the Swedish Zoological Expedition to British East Africa, 1911 : Ixodides by L. G. Neumann, Arkiv for Zoologi, vn., No. 4, reprint, pp. 4-8. [Known species listed : Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, R. armatus, R. pulchellus, II. sanguineus, R. siimis; Hyalomma aegyptium; Amblyomma hebraeum, A. m moreum ; Dermacentor rhinocerotis ; Ornithodorus savignyi.] (1. VI. 1913), H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute. Pediculidae, Siphonaptera, Ixodidae. Supplementa Eimologica herausg. vora Deutschen EntomoL Museum, No. 2, pp. 134-137, 2 Text-figs. Berlin-Dahlem. [Argas vesper- tilionis, Amblyomma testudinarium Koch, Dermacentor atrosignatus Nil, Boophilus annulatus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, and Ilaemaphysalis birmanitu recorded ; H. formosensis n. sp., £ and ?, described and figured.] (1913), Un nouveau sous-genre et deux nouvelles especes <1 ixodides. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, xxxvni. 147-151, 4 Figs. {Rhipicephalus [Pterygodes] fulvus ' 21 Bibliography of the Txodoidea. II neu-nut described and figured from Tunisia, also Amblyomma brimonti ? from Guiana ; Ambl. goeldii Xn. and .1. geayi listed from Guiana.) Neumann, L. G. (xi. 1913), Arachnides. 1. Ixodidae. (In Voyage de Ch. AUuaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique orientale (1911-1912). Reaultate scientifique Pp. 25-35, 5 Text-figs., reprint. Paris: A. Schulz. [Ixodes alluaudi n. sp., Rhipieephalus jeanneli u. Bp. and known sp. of Ixodes, Haemaphysalis, Dertna- centor, Amblyomma, and Rhipieephalus.] Neumann, R. 0- (2. III. 1909), Ueber das Verhalten der Spirochaten dee Riickfall- fiebers imTierkorper und die experimentelle Uebertragung der Parasiten durch Zecken und Lause. Miinchen. med. Wochenschr., \.\\. 177. [Omitkodorus moubata transmits S. duttoni and S. gallinarum to rats and fowls respectively. Some unfed nymphs survived seven months at 25° C] Neveu-Lemaire, M. (1912), Parasitologic des animatix dumi'stiijiifs, li'.">7 pp., 77n Text-figs. Paris : J. Lamarre et Cie. [Ticks : pp. 962-994, Figs, cui; r,:i», of which two are doubtfully original.] Newstead, R. (1906), On the bionomics of Omithodorus moubata, the intermediary host of human tick fever. Proc. Assoc. Econ. Biol., i. 74 77. Newstead, R., Dutton, J. E., and Todd, J. L. (1907 \ Insects and other Arthropods collected in the Congo Free State. (Being the 7th Interim Report of the Expedition of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in the ( !ongo, 1903-05. Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasitol., I. 1-112, PI. I-VI, 21 Text-figs. [Ticks,: pp. 98-100, Amblyomma hebraeum Koch; A. splendidum Ciebel ; A. varu gatum (Fabr.); Hyalomma aegyptium L. ; Haemaphysalis leachi (Audouin); Margaropus annulatus \ M. anmdatus var. calcaratus (Birula) ; Rhipieephalus bursa Can. and Fan.; R. capensis Koch; R. nitens Xn. ; R. sines ICocli ; R. sanguineus (Latreille.)] Niles, E. P. (1901), Animal Parasites, vn. Agric. Exp. Stc, Virginia, Bull. 111. 83-95, 5 Figs. Noc, see Simond, A. Noel, P. (1904), UAcarus telarius. Naturaliste, Paris, xxvi. 131. (1906), L'Argas reflexus. Naturaliste, Paris, xxviii. 132-133. (1909), Les Argas de l'instituteur. Naturaliste, Paris, xxxi. 146-147. (1910), Coast Gall-sickness — Cattle. Agricult. Journ., Gape of Good Hope, xxxvu. 455-458. Nordenskiold, E. (1911), Zur Anatomie und Histologic von Ixodes ri>-i/>».<, in. Zool. Jahrb, xxxil. 77-106, Text-figs. A-C, Pis. VI-V1I. Nuttall, G. H. F. (1904), Ticks and Tick-transmitted Diseases (Epidemiolog. So.-. . The Lancet, clxvii. 1785-1786. (1910), On Haematozoa occurring in wild animals in Africa. Parasitology, 108-116, 2 Pis. New species of ticks {Ixodes, Amblyomma, Rhipieephalus). Parasitology, in. 408-416, 7 Figs. (V. 1911), On symptoms following tick-bites in man. Parasitology, iv. 89-93. [Effects due to the bite of Amblyomma hebraeum and BoophUus decoloratus larvae reported to author from various sources.] (X. 1911), Notes on Ticks, I. (1) Ixodes caledonicus, description of male, together with considerations regarding the structure of the foot in male I (2) Types of parasitism in ticks, illustrated by a diagram, together with some ■1-1 Bibliography of th< Ixodoidea. II nut ofa remarks upon longevity in ticks. :? Regarding the 1"-- of life in ticks occurring on wandering hosts. Parasitology \ iv. 175 L82, 2 l-V. Nuttall, G. H. F. (n. 1912', Russian Ixodoidea. Bull. Soc. Mid. Exotique, Paris, v. 120-122. (Critical remarks and corrections relating to a paper by Fakimoff, Winogradoffand Kohl-Yakimoff. Bull. Soc. Mid. Exotique, Paris, v. pp. ?,\ il. (II. 1912a i, NToteson Ticks, II. (1 i New Species Amblyomma, Haemaphysalis) ; (2) Ixodes putus : description of the hitherto unknown larval stage. Parasitology, v. 50-60, 9 Figs. (II. 1913), The Herter Lectures. I. Spirochaetosis. Parasitology, v. 262 274; also Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., xxiv. 33 39, 9 Figs. [Ticks and spiro chaetosis.] (IV. 1913 a), Note on colouration in Ticks. Parasitology, VI. 19 51, I PL (IV. 1913 b), Observations on the Biology of Ixodidae. Pari I. Dealing with : Ixodes putus (Pickard-Cam bridge, 1876), Neumann, 1899. (2) Ixodes cantsuga Johnston, 1849. (3) Ixodes hexagonus Leach, 1815. (4 /.<<»/• .< ridim* Linnaeus, 1758), Latreille, 1804. (5) Haemaphysalis leachi Audouin, 1827;, Neumann, 1897. (6) Haemaphysalis punctata Canestrini and Fanzago, I877. (7) Hyalomma aegyptium (Linnaeus, 1758), Koch, 1844. (8) Rhipicepkalus appendiculatus Neumann, 1908. Parasitology, VI. 68-118, 2 Text-figs. (VII. 1913a), Notes on Ticks. III. On four new Species of Ixodes. Parasitology, vi. 131-138, 4 Figs. [/. kempi, I. daveyi, I oldi, I. ricinoides n. spp.] (VII. 1913b), Parthenogenesis in Ticks. (Preliminary Note.) Parasitology, vi. 139-140. (VII. 1913c), Rhipicepkalus appendiculatus: Variation in Size and Structure due to Nutrition. Parasitology, vi. L95-203, 4 Figs. (X. 1913), The Herter Lectures. III. Piroplasmosis. Parasitology, vi. 302 320; also Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, xxiv. 307-316, 22 Figs. [Ticks referred to. J (14. V. 1914), "Tick Paralysis" in man and animals. Further published records, with comments. Parasitology, VII. 95-104. Nuttall, G. H. F., see Hadwen, S. Nuttall, G. H. F., and Hindle, E. 22; reprinted in Journ. Trop, Veter. Sci., Calcutta, iv. 395-416. [Pp. 411-415 relate to ticks found by tin- author in Nyasaland, tin' same having been examined by Nuttall and Warburton.] Olivier. E. (1908', Une invasion d'Argas reflexus. Bull. Soc. entomol. France, 1 908, 238. Oudemans, A. C. (1910a), Over Acarina. Tijdsckr. Entomol., i hi. 62 64. Hud: mentary stigmata in larvae of /.,;> and Ornitkodorus moubata V respectively.] Pagenstecher Q859 1862), Ueber Argas reflexus, Verhandl. <. but only mentions it incidentally.] Relation (1890) of Ticks to Texas Cattle Fever. Report Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., 107-1 10. Rengarten (IV. 1895), [Reisebericht iiber Argas persicus.] X' he Dbrpt'sche Zeitung, Dorpat. [Cited by Kobert, q.r.] N. ii. 25 -I Bibliography of the Ixodoidea. II rep— ruc Report l. VII. 1913, of the Tasmanian Agricultural and Stock Department. II"1' Tasmania, p. 14. Rev. in Rev. Applied Entomol., n., ser. I'., I. Ribaga, C. (1902), Acari sudamericani. Zool. Am., \.\\. 502 508. [Amblyomma neumanni n. sp.] Ricketts, H. T. (1911a), The transmission of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever by tin- bite of the Wood Tick, Dermacentor occidentals. In Contributions to Medical Science, Chicago, 288-2! to. (1911b), Further observations on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Derma- centor occidentalis. In Contributions to Medi<-,d Science, Chicago, 291 298. (1911 c), Observations on the virus and means of transmission of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. In Contributions to Medical Science, Chicago, 299 311. (1911d), The role of the Wood Tick (Dermacentor occidentalis in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and the susceptibility of local animals to this disease. In Contributions to Medical Science, Chicago, 312-323. (I911e), Further experiments with the Wood Tick in relation to Rocky Moun- tain Spotted Fever. In Contributions to Medical Science, Chicago, 32 1 332. (1911 f) A summary of investigations of the nature and means of trans- mission of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. In Contributions to Medical Science, Chicago, 333-342. Ricketts, H. T., and Wilder, R. M. (1910), The relation of Typhus Fever Tabar- dillo) to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Arch. Internal Med., v. 361-370, Robertson, W. (1902), Heartwater in Sheep and Goats, Agric. Journ. C"pe of Good Hope, XXI. 315-335. Robinson, L. E. (XII. 1911), New species of Ticks (Haemaphysalis, Amblyomma . Parasitology, iv. 478-484, 4 Text-figs. [Description of Haemaphysalis silacea n. sp. <$ $ ; Amblyomma variegatum var. nocens n. var. £ ; and A. fiebrigi n. sp. S ? •] see Nuttall, G. H. F. Robinson, L. E., and Davidson, J. (17. rv. 1913), The Anatomy of Argas persicus (Oken, 1818). Part I. Parasitology, vi. 20-48, Pis. I-VI, 31 tigs., 2 text- tigs. [Introduction, pp. 20-24; External Anatomy, pp. 24-45.] (13. X. 1913), The Anatomy of Argas persicus (Oken, 1818). Pari 1 1. Para- sitology, vi. 217-256, Pis. XIV-XVII (2 coloured), 17 figs., 8 text-figs. [Technique, pp. 217-220; Integument, pp. 220-222; Alimentary Canal, pp. 222-241; Blood Vascular System, pp. 241-245; Respiratory System, pp. 245-250 ; Excretory System, pp. 250-252.] (31. 1. 1914), The Anatomy of Argas persicus (Oken, 1818). Part III. Para- sitology, VI. 382-424, Pis. XXV-XXVIII (1 coloured), 19 figs., 8 text-fi [Muscular System, 382-394 ; Nervous System, 394-402 ; GenitalOr-^n-. H 12 120.] Rodhain, J., Pons, C, Van den Branden, F., and Bequeart, J. 1913 . Rapport tur les travaux de la mission scientifique die Katanga (Oct., 1910 Sept., 1:02. Bruxelles : Hayez. [Pp. 7-27 ; relates to relapsing fever ; refers to geographical distribution of Ornithodorus moubata; notes a few fresh localities along Lualaba R. and Katanga district of S. Congo.] Rucker, W. C. (6. IX. 1912), Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. U. S. Public Health Reports, xxvn., No. 36, reprint, 21 pp. [History, distribution, symptoms, pathology, etc.; Dermacentor andersoni Stiles 1905 description, biology, pro- phylaxis. A good bibliography !] 26 4—2 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea. II sac— sim Saceghem, R. van (in. 19141, Les Tiques. Les maladies qu'elles transmettenl ; le.s moyens de les detruire. Bull. Agric. du Congo Beige, \. 7.''. 87. Rev. in Rev. of Applied Entomol. s. B, Med. and Veter., n. 111-115. (A historical review; species listed of Amblyomma, Boophilus, Haemaphysalis, Rhipi- cephalus ; tick eradication.] Saikovitsch, J. W. 1 1911), Ueber Rinderpiroplasmose im Rjasanschen Gouven ment. Vestnik obsch. Veterinarii, No. -l (Russian), 4-line review in Zeitschr. f. Immunit'dtsforsch. II. Teil, vol. iv. p. 135, states piroplasmosis occurs in this part of Russia, being transmitted by /. ricinus. Salmon, D. E. (1910), Should we discard " Boophilus" for " Margaropus" \ Arm Vet. Review, New York, xxxvni. 230-232. Samson, K. (1910), Zecken als Krankheitsubertrager. Nat. Wockenschr., XXV. 721-725, 3 Figs. Sant' Anna, J. F. (VI. 1911), On a disease in man following tick-bites and occurring in Lourenco Marques. Parasitology, IV. 87-88. [Effects due to bites of larvae of Amblyomma hebraeum and Rhipicephalus simus.] Schellack, C. (1909a), Ubertragungsversuche der Spirochaete gallinarum durch Argas reflexus Fabr. Gentralbl. f. Bakt., xlvi. 1 Abt. Originate, 486-488. Rev. in Arch. f. Schifs- >i. Tropen-Hyg., xm. 161. (1909b), Versuche zur Ubertragung von Spirochaeta gallinarum uud Spiro- chaeta obermeieri. Arb. a. d. Kais. Gesundheitsamte, xxx. 351. Rev. in Arch. f. Schifs- u. Tropen-Hyg., xiv. 388. Schroeder, E. C. (1907), Notes on the cattle tick and Texas fever. 23md Ann. Rep. Bur. Anim. Indust., U. S. Dept. Agric, pp. 49-50. Schuberg, A., and Boing (1913), Ueber den Weg der Infektion bei Trypano- somen- und Spirochatenerkrankungen. Deutsche med. Wockenschr., XXXIX. 877-879. Rev. in Gentralbl. f. BakterioL, lvii. Referate, Beihefte, 226-230. Schuckmann, W. von (1913). "Die schmarotzenden Gliederfiissler," in Handb. d. Hygiene, herausg. v. M. Rubner, M. v. Gruber and M. Ficker. Leipzig : S. Hirzel. Vol. m. pp. 342-370. [Ticks : pp. 352-359, Figs. 181, 182, PI. XXXII. Nothing original, figures poor and antiquated.] Schiitz, W. (1905), Ueber die Pyrosomenkrankheiten der Rinder. Arch. uriu. prakt. Tierk., xxxi. 317-329. [Transmission by Ixodes.] Sergent, E. (1909), Determination des insectes piqueurs et suceurs de sang. 298 pp., 229 Figs. Paris: Octave Doin et Fils. [Ticks: pp. 3-21, Figs. 1-24, condensed account taken mostly from L. G. Neumann ; nothing original.] Simond, A., and Noc (1909), Sur l'existence de la spirillose des poules a la Martinique. Compt. rend. Soc. de Biol, 714-716. [Spirocbaetosis occurs especially in May to Dec. in fowls, associated with Argas persicus.] Simpson, J. J. (1911), Entomological Research. in British Wesl Africa, I. Gambia. Bull. Entomol. Res., n. (1911-12), 187-240, 14 Text-Figs., and map. [Ticks: List of species encountered, p. 218; native names, p. 219; instructions for collecting ticks, pp. 232-234.] (1912a), Entomological Research in British West Africa. II. Northern Nigeria. Bull. Entomol. Res., II. (1911-12), 301-356, Pis. VII-XV1 and map. [Ticks : List of species encountered, pp. 322, 328, 346 ; piroplasmosis (canine), p. 354.] ^7 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea. II sim— suw Simpson,J.J. (1912b , Entomological Research in British Weal Africa. [II.Soul Nigeria. Evil. Entomol. Res., in. L37 L94, Pis. II V. [Ticks Occasional mention of occurrence, and list of species in Records of Blood-tucking I and other Arthropoda from Southern Nigeria, p. 185.] (XI. 1913), Entomological Researches in British Wesl Africa. IV. Sierra Leone. (With a map showing the distribution of Glossina and Sleeping Sickness, and 10 photographs by the author.) Hull. Entomol. Res., iv. Pari 1 1 1. 151-190, Pis. XVIII-XXII, and map. [Pp. 184, L85: Lis! of Bpeciee of ticks found, with native names, j (IV. 1914), Entomological Research in liritish West Africa. V. Gold Coast. Bull. Entomol. Res., v. pp. 1-36, Pis. 1 IV. [P. 30 : list., ticks found on travels on behalf of Imperial Bureau of Entomol.] Sinclair, J. M. (22. vm. 1910>, Report of Committee of Enquiry on African Coast Fever, Southern Rhodesia. Rhodesia: Govt. Printing Office, Salisbury. Skinner, B. (24. VIII. 1907), Preliminary note upon ticks infesting pats suffering from plague. Brit. Med. Journ., II. 457. [Species of tick not stated ; found on Mus ratlus at Nowshera, N. W. Provinces of India.] Sluiter, C. P. and Swellengrebel, N. H. (1912), De dierlijke parasieten van den mensch en run onze huisdieren, 2 druk. Amsterdam : Scheltema & Bolkema. 526 pp., 1 PL roy. 8°. Smallwood, W. M. (1913), A Text-Book of Biology. 285 pp., 13 Pis. ami 243 illustrations. London : Bailliere, Tindall and Cox. [P>rief mention of ticks. Nothing original.] Smith, G. Elliot (1910), An address on the mechanism of infection in Tick fever and on the hereditary transmission of Spirochaeta duttoni in the tick. I.n, clxxviii. 11-14. Sobernheim ( ), Hiihnerspirochate (Spirochaete gallinarum). Handb.d.pathog. Mikroorgan., v. Kolle u. Wassermann. Erg.-Bd. i. 590-594. Stewart, J. L. (XII. 1908;, Clinical phases of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., U. S. A. Stiles, C W. (1911), Tick (Ixodoidea) Generic Names to be included in the "Official List of Zoological Names." Nature, London, lxxxviii. 42 ; also in Scit ■ • . N.S. xxxiv. 812 (1912). Stockman, S. (1908), Red-water in England and its Carriers. Journ. Comp. Pathol. and Therap., xxi. 225-232 ; also Veterinary Journ., i.xiv. 538-545. (31. III. 1909), Redwater. (In) Ann. Rep. Proceedings under " The /' uses of Animals Act" for 1908, pp. 12-17. (1911), "Ticks : The habits of British Ticks found on Sheep and Tattle" in Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, Annual Reports of Proceedings under the Diseases of Animals Acts, etc., for the year L910 London : Darling & Son . pp. 23-32. Also in Journ. Comp. Pathol, and Therapeutics, \.\iv. 229 -37. [Raising notes, etc., relating to Haemaphysalis cinnabarina var. punctata, brief mention of Ixodes ricinus.] Supino, F. (1897), Nuovi Ixodes della Birmania. Padova : Stab. P. Prospering Con 12 tavole. [Cited by Gestro, R., 1904, p. 32; also by Canestrini, 1897.] Suworow, E. K. (1908), Ixodes reduvius, Eine anatomische Skizze. Trav. x Natural. St. Pe'tersbourg, Sect. Zool. et Physiol., xxxviu. 139-219 in Russian : 28 Bibliography of the Txodoidea. II swe the 220-223, bibliography, partly in Russian ; 225 239 c lensed version in German; Pis. IV-V. Swellengrebel, N. H., see Sluiter, C. P. Taschenberg, 0. (1889), Bibliotheca zoologica (1860 1880), Ticks, n. 1273, L277 [nothing new; reference supplied by J. C. Buber]. Taylor, F. H. (V. 1913), Report of Entomologist. Report for the Fear I'M 1 of the Australian Inst. Tropical Med., Townsville, 22 pp. :'. pis. Rev. in Rev. Appl Entomol., n. ser. B, 11-12. Temple, I. U. (read 24. vi. 1912), Acute Ascending Paralysis, or Tick Paralysis. Medical Sentinel, Portland, Oregon, U. S. A., ix. L912, 8 pp., reprint. Theiler, A. (1906), Transmission and inoculability of Spirillosis in Cattle. Journ. Trop. Veter. Sci., Calcutta, I. 421-431. [Abstract from Ann. Rep. Transvaal Dept. Agric] (1908), Weitere Versuche, das Ostkustenfieber durch Zecken zu iibertr Zeitschr. f. Infelctionskrankh. d. Haustiere, iv. 265-278. (1909), Quelques observations concernant la transmission du Piroplasma bigeminum par les tiques. Bull. Soc. Pathol., Exot., n. 3*4. Rev. in Arch.f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., xiv. 787. (1910) Anaplasma marginale (gen. and spec. nova). Report Gov't V Bacteriologist, Pretoria, 1908-9, p. 7. Rev. in Centralbl. f. Bait., 1911, L. (Referate), pp. 10-11. [Boophihis decoloratus mentioned as "carrier."] (20. VII. 1911), Transmission of Amakebe by means of Rhipicephalu* appendi- culatus, the brown tick. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, lxxxiv. ser. B, 112-11"). ["Amakebe" a native name for East Coast Fever in Uganda. Gorged nymphs of R. appendiadatus were taken from infected animals and sent to Theiler ; the adults which issued, infected calves at Pretoria. The brown tick the commi »nest in Uganda.] (1911a), Uber Zecken und die von denselben verbreiteten rZrankheiten der Haustiere Siid-Afrikas. Schweizer Archiv f. Tierheilk., Lin. 1. (Rev. in Centralbl. f. Bait., 1912, LI. (Referate), 498.) (1911b), Transmission of Amakebe by means of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, the brown tick. Proc. Royal Soc. Bond., s. B, LXXXIV. 112-115; also Journ. Trop. Med., xiv. 275-276. (1911c), Some observations concerning the transmission of East < least Fever by Ticks. 1st Rept. Director Veter. Research, Pretoria, 208-223. (1911d), Diseases, Ticks, and their eradication. Agric. Journ. Union Smith Africa, I. 491-508, 4 Pis. (1911-12), The transmission of Gall Sickness by Ticks. Veterinary Record, London, xxiv. 630-633. (1912 a), Uebertragung der Anaplasmosis rnittels Zecken. Zeitschr. f. lnfek- tionskrankh. d. Haustiere, xn. 105-116. (1912b), Weitere Beobachtungen, betrcfiend die Uebertragung von Kiisten- fieber vermittelst Zecken. Zeitschr. f. Infeitionskrankh. d. Haush Berlin, xn. 26-42. (1912 c), Some observations concerning the Transmission of East Coast Fever by Ticks. Trans. R. Soc. South Africa, n. 319-338. (1913), Inquiry into Dips and Dipping in Natal. Agric. Journ. Union of 29 Bibliography of the Txodoidea. II the tut S. Africa, v. 51-67; v. 249 263: rev. in Rev. Applied Entomol., Ber. B, pp. 82-85. Theiler, A., Gray, C. E., and Power, W. M. 1914, Di ransmitted by Ticks: their Classification, Treatment and Eradication [followed by summari in French and German], Xth International Veterinary Congn London. Reprint 17 pp. [issued in advance of Congress]. Theobald, F. V. (1905), Flies and Ticks as agents in the distribution of d Nursing Times, London, I. 461, 483. (1906), Report on Economic Zoology for the Tear ending April I, 1906, pp. 12-13. [Sheep ticks.] Thompson, W. and Downing, J. E. (10. n. 1912, The livestock industry of Honduras. U. S. Dep't Agric, 21th Ann. Rep. Bur. Animal Industry for the Tear 1910, pp. 285-295, Pis. XXII-XXV, 1 map. [The authors sen! by U. S. Gov't to discover what stock disease's exist in Honduras. They report th Boophilus annulatus occurs throughout the country, causing ravages among cattle during dry season ; heavy mortality due to piroplasmosis occurs in im- ported non-immune cattle. Native cattle owners deny that the ticks infected, because native (immune) cattle are not noticeably affected this L-ing the same opinion as that expressed in Porto Rico some years ago. | Todd, J. L. (XII. 1912), Tick bite in British Columbia. Canadian Medical Assoc. Journ., II. 1118, repr. 2 pp. [Reports relating to effects of bites of ticks gpp. which reached author by correspondence; paralysis and sometimes (hath followed.] see Dutton, J. E. see Newstead, R. Tofohr, O. (1912), Blutlause und Zecken im Terrarium. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar.-ltde, xxin, 418-421. Tonnel (1906a), Note sur VArgas reflexus. Echo me'd. du nord, Lille, .\. 340 342. (1906b), Semaine me'd., p. 552. [('it. by Galli-Valerio, i.\. '07, p. 191 attributing the spread of furunculosis (due to Staphylococcus pyogenes aurt in a family to the bites of A. reflexus, the tick acting as a carrier. | Townsend, C H. T. (VI. 1913), The possible and probable etiology and transmission of Verruga fever. Journ. Boon. Entomol., vi., 211-225. (IX. 1913), Progress in the study of Verruga Transmission by Bloodsuckers. Bidl. Entomol. Res., iv. 125-128, Pis. X-XII. [Occurrence of " Ixodes lagotis Gervais " in the adult, nymphal and larval stages on the vizcacha Lagidium peruarum Meyer) in Peru. Ixodes spp. found on native rats in the higher Andean region and also on birds. Argasid larvae found on goat-sucker and ground owl, also Ornithodorus sp. in mud houses in Chachapoyas region, Peru. 0. talaje occurs on sea-birds on guano islands and along Peruvian coast. Specimens of these ticks have been received by Professor Nuttall. Kxperiments with Verruga transmission negative.] Tullgren, A. (1901), On Ixodes arenicola Eichwald. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. \.\ii, 102. [ = Hyalomma aegyptium.] Tuttle, T. D. (XII. 1908), Some indications for State control of Rocky Mountain Tick fever. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., U.S.A. (1910), Rocky Mountain Spotted (Tick) Fever. 5th Bien. Rept, I Health, Montana, 9-12. 30 Bibliography of the Ixodoidea. II uri wil Uribe Botero, A. (1906-7), El Argot reflexus, parasito del homl.ro. Rev. m Bogota, 200. Van den Branden. F., sec Rodhain. J. Verney, F. A. (1907), The influence of frost on tick life. Natal Agric. Journ. and Min. Rec, x. 1550-1552. Vinogradoff, A. A., see Yakimoff, W. L. Vladimiroff ( ), " Huhnerspirochate " in Kolle and Wassermann Eando.^ iv. 2. Voorhees, J. F., see Cotton, E. C. Warburton, C (12. III. 1912), Notes on the genus Rhipicephalus, with the descrip- tion of new species, and the consideration of some species hitherto described Parasitology, v. 1-20, 12 Figs., reprint. (XII. 1912), The Acarina of the Seychelles. Trans. Linnean Soc. London (2nd Ser. Zoology), xv. 349-360, Pis. XVII XIX. [Records Rhipkepkaliu sanguineus from dog, at Mahe, p. 360. With a supplementary note by J. Stanley Gardiner.] (1913), On four new species and two new varieties of the Ixodid Genus Haemaphysalis. Parasitology, VI. 121-130, 8 Figs. see Nuttall, G. H. F. Ward, H. B. (IV. 1913), Article "Arachnida" in Reference Handbook of Medical Sciences, New York: Win. Wood & Co., vol. 1. 502-516, 26 Figs. [Tick^ : pp. 510-515, Figs. 274-286 of which Fig. 286 of Amblyomma americanum is original but shows no details ( $ gorged).] Watkins-Pitchford, H. (1911a), An illustrated pamphlet on Tick-destruction and the eradication of East Coast Fever and other S. African diseases by dipping. Natal, Maritzburg, and Durban : P. Davis and Sons. 125 pp. (1911b), Dipping and Tick-destroying Agents. Agric. Journ. Union .s Africa, 11. 33-79, 2 Pis., 4 Figs. Weber, E. (1863), Argas reflexvs. 29. Jahresber. d. Mannheimer Vereine 1'. Natur- kunde, Mannheim. Pp. 28 et seq. [Cited by Metz, 1911, p. 2, as having observed A. reflexus in Mannheim. Allowed tick to bite his forearm : do effi produced.] Weiss, A. (1912), Addition an catalogue des arthropodes piqueurs de Djerba. Arch. de I'Institut Pasteur de Tunis, 1902, No. iv. 227. [Occurrence of Ornithodonu savignyi again recorded (see also Ibid. 1911, No. iv. 268 271 in Gelds ah Djerba, Tunisia, at base of olive trees near dwellings where cattle occasionally stay. Bites man readily. Also found about Ben-Gardane and "ii frontier of Tripoli in vn. 1912. It is called "Tobbiah" by indigenes of Tunisia who know it well.] Wenyon, C M. (X. 1911), Oriental Sore in Bagdad, together with observations "ii a gregarine in Stegomyia fasciata, the Haemogregarine of dogs and the flagellates of houseflies. Parasitology, iv. 273-344, Pis. XII-XVI, 36 Text-fi [Development of Haemogregarina canis in Rhipicephal u .< sanguim >' los animates domesticoa en la Republica Argentina. [Ticks referred to <>n pp. 8] 83, s">. Reference supplied bj J. C. Huber. Amblyomma varium, A. maculatum, Margaropus microplut, Rhipi cephalus annulatus var. argentinus.] Wood, H. P. (1911 , Notes on the life-historj of the the tick parasite Hunterella hookeri Howard. Journ. Eeon. Entomol., iv. 125 131, PI. XIX, Figs. I 5. [Hymenopterous parasite occurring on Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Derma- centor parumapertus marginatus. Tlie author figures the insect and parasi- tized ticks.] (22. xi. 1913;, Experiments in the use of sheep in the eradication of the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Tick. U.S. Dept. Agric., Bull. No. 15, I I \>\>. Rev. in Rev. Applied Entomol., n. ser. B, 2-3. Wood, H. P., see Bishopp, F. C. ; see Hooker, W. A. Yakimoff, L. and Kohl-YakimoflF, N. (1911), Etude des txodidesde Russie. Arch. de Parasitol., Paris, xiv. 416-425, Figs. 1-4. [Enumerate known species and describe Rhipicephcdus rossicus n. sp., <$ and $ being figured.] (III. 1912), Sur la question des Ixodidesde Russie. Bull. Soc. Mid. Exotique, Paris, v. 194-195. [Reply to Nuttall, n. 1912, p. 120.] Yakimoff, W. L., Vinogradoff, A. A., and Kohl- Yakimoff (I. 1912, Argot persicus persicus Fischer-Waldheim en Russie d'Europe. Bull. Soc. Med. Exotique, Paris, v. 39-41. [Lists species of ticks found in Russia. Errors in this paper are pointed out by Nuttall, II. 1912, p. 120.] Yorke, W., see Kinghorn, A. Zabala, J., see Lignieres, J. Ziemann, H. (1905), Beitrag zur Verbreitung der blutsaugenden Tiere in W( Afrika. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., IX. 114-119. (I. 1912), Zur Verbreitung der blutsaugenden Tiere in Kamerun. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., xvi. 53-58, reprint. [Lists species of ticks found, and determined by Neumann.] (III. 1912), Zeckenlarven an Menschen in den Tropen. Archiv f. Schiffs- u. Tropen- Hygiene, XVI. 196. [Man often attacked by tick larvae in the tropics. Two cases briefly described where 30 and 200 larvae respec- tively attacked persons who had been in the bush. The larvae produced intolerable itching, the condition leading in one case to the wrong diagnosis "f Phthirius pubis infestation ; the tick larvae were not, however, confined to hairy parts of skin. Baths useless, rubbing skin all over with petroleum, or repeatedly dabbing the ticks with petroleum, promptly cured the condition by removing the ticks, of which the species was not determined. ] CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIX ERSI1Y PRESS QL A2T^ BiW. Ticks, a monograph of the Ixodoidea Hygiene PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY HlCdf -