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This Is

Savannah State College


Savannah, Georgia

Volume XVII

It is axiomatic that change has influenced the development of our college. Significant architectural mile- stones form the foundations with the graceful gothic and majestic columns which illuminates the aged maturity of the campus.











Responding to the modern challenges and the new dimensions demanding new perspectives, the image of the cam- pus has been renewed to structural steel and glass. We build buildings which will live as ageless memories of those who traversed their halls and discover- ed within them, new experiences toward a greater maturity.


For a freshman, as for a senior, a new year means new faces and friends . . . for the commuter, the beginning of the daily trek to the college by the sea . . . or the arrival of the resident students by plane, train, and car to a new atmos- phere of study and excitement a cam- pus ever-changing because its students are ever-changing in origin, experience, and view point.





We learn, not through isolation, but through association with others . . . the professor at the classroom podium or the students in seminar, sharing with others the fruits of individual thought and research. Or in the laboratory, learning through experimentation. The lecturer in the sciences of the humanities, broadening the horizon of our vision and understanding. Shelf upon shelf of books, each one assuming a new vitality and worth as fresh minds gather new meanings from its words . . . things which are renewed each year as new minds begin their search for wisdom which comes with maturity. We live in an extraordinary community of teachers and students engaged in the threefold task of discovery, training, and of preserving through education the culture and the learning of mankind.





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While in pursuit of education, academic studies are of primary importance on the Savan- nah State College Campus. Special events and activities are numerous.

Pictures on this page show various shots of homecoming.

These activities and many more help make Savannah State College the center of outstand- ing attractions in the area.


Social life involving wholesome recreation is encouraged and emphasized at the college by the sea . . . The student union is one of the centers of student life. Many social activities are presented during the student's quest for knowledge . . . From the Freshman Class Mixer during Orientation Week to the Junior-Senior Prom four years later, a steady parade of new faces and acquaint- ances join in a round of relief from the rigors of books and more books. From the Cotton Ball in the fall or the Red and White Ball at Valentine's to a Western Hop in the Student Center, students find time to add these to their social schedule.

The Men's Festival with its athletic events, talent shows, and dances . . . The Mardi Gras on a winter week- end, or the Senior Week with the fond good-byes are cherised memories that enrich our social development.



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Savannah State's athletic events contribute a unifying spirit to the college. The Tiger's spirit and determination to excel are passwords for those engaged in competitive sports. The thrill of the crowd cheering the team on to victory or defeat . . . the cheerleaders exhibiting seemingly impossible acrobatic feats . . . the precision of the marching Tiger's. The sacred and' reverent strains of" We Hail the SSC" are some segments of the intangibles that enrich our memories of SSC.



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President Howard Jordon Jr. the name and the man are both symbols of dynamic leadership to all Savannah State College.

Those who know him personally can attest to the fact that here is a man dedicated to the task of developing and enriching the future of Savannah State College. Under his administration the Board of Regents has allocated approxi- mately $1,700,000 for modern buildings and facilities.

The faculty has grown considerably and great stress has been placed upon the strengthening of the academic program, as is evident, by the addition of top flight instructors to the faculty.

Dr. Jordon's accomplishments in leading Savannah State College to greatness are numerous. But none are greater than that of winning for himself a warm, respected place in the heart of Savannahians for his role in leading Savannah State to greater heights.






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Faculty Page 30

Classes Page 66

Activities Page 114

Organizations Page 150

Features Page 1 74

Sports Page 1 96

Senior Directory Page 208

Advertisement Page 212


There is always a person who has the character that appeals to all students. Dr. Joan Gordon is one of these persons . . . with forte divided among- many talents.

Her spirit and force embraces a heart so big" that it can harbor the problems of unknowing- freshmen, bewildered sophomores, confident juniors, and matured seniors.

She has, during her thirty-six years at SSC guided and helped to mold many raw and indifferent youths into useful and knowledgeable citizens.

She is one whose girlish grin, warm friendship, understanding, and respect has captivated us to love her. In profound gratitude for her service as an instructor, poet, and cultural leader, we are honored to dedicate the 1965 Tiger to Dr. Joan Gordon.



Chairman James A. Dunlap

Vice Chairman Morris M. Bryan, Jr.

Chancellor Harmon W. Caldwell

Vice Chancellor S. Walter Martin

' Assistant to the Chancellor John E. Sims

Dir. Plant & Bus. Operations J. H. Dewberry- Executive Secretary L. R. Siebert

Treasurer James A. Blissit

Dir., Testing- & Guid John R. Hills

Assoc. Dir., Testing- & Guid Harry S. Downs

On leave





State at Large James A. Dunlap Home Federal Bldg., Gainesville

February 19, 1960-January 1, 1967

State at Large T. Hiram Stanley

2501 Lookout Drive, Columbus

January 13, 1964-January 11, 1971 State at Large Roy V. Harris Southern Finance Bldg., Augusta

February 19, 1960-January 1, 1967 State at Large Dr. John Bell Dublin

January 1, 1963-January 1, 1970

State at Large Carey Williams Greensboro

First Anton F. Solms, Jr Realty Building, Savannah

January 1, 1962-January 1, 1969 Second John I. Spooner Seldom Rest Farms, Donalsonville

January 1, 1961 -January 1, 1968 Third Howard H. Callaway Pine Mountain

January 1, 1958-January 1, 1965 Fourth James C. Owen, Jr New Commercial Bank & Trust Co.

January 1, 1963-January 1, 1970 Griffin

Fifth Jesse Draper Draper-Owens Realty Co., Grant Bldg-.,

January 1, 1961 -January 1, 1968 Atlanta

Sixth G. L. Dixkens, Jr Milledgeville Bank Bldg-., Milledgeville, Ga.

Seventh Ernest L. Wright President, Darlington School

February 6, 1959-January 1, 1966 Box 352, Rome

Eighth John W. Langdale P.O. Box 980, Valdosta

Ninth Morris M. Bryan, Jr President, The Jefferson Mills,

February 3, 1959-January 1, 1966 Jefferson

Tenth W. Roscoe Coleman . . Fleming Realty Co., P.O. Box 5188, Aug-usta

January 1. 1958-January 1, 1965



President's Message

In the entire history of the College, no period has witnessed such favorable changes as those that have occurred during- the last few years. The new spirit and mental vigor of the institution have made it possible to imagine greater and more wonderful things in the days to come. Several million dollars have been spent and will be spent toward the development of the physical plant. New buildings, renbvation of old buildings, and removal of obsolescent buildings are giving the College the setting and environment for better work and finer cooperative learning.

You, as a member of the student body, are contributing to the growth and expansion of the institution through your endless quest for knowledge.

May the many pleasant memories contained in the "Tiger" serve as a record of your rich col- lege experiences and as a fountainhead for your future successes.

Jordan, Jr.


The Function of the President Varies . . .

A Family Man

Congratulates Alumnus

Addresses College Family

Socializes With Students


Mr. Robert D. Reid, Dean of Faculty A.B., M.A., Ph.D.

Dr. Robert D. Reid, newly appointed Dean of Faculty, is a familiar figure around SSC. Under Dean Reid, the college is growing and, subsequently, the academic stan- dards are higher. It is hoped that the growth will serve to provide for the stu- dent the basic determination and knowl- edge required in the present-day and tomorrow.

Mr. T. C. Meyers, Assistant to the

President A.B., M.A.

Mr. T. C. Meyers served as an instructor in the Humanities, as Dean of Faculty and as acting president before assuming his present role as assistant to the president.


Mr. Ben Ingersoll, Registrar A.B., M.A.

Mr. Ingersoll's quiet efficiency in analyzing- and predicting future needs has and continues to be of inestimable help to the administration, faculty, and students.

Mr. Wesley L. Johnson, Jr. A.B., M.A.

Mr. Johnson is responsible for keeping the college budgets, the general adminis- tration of fiscal affairs, the development of financial policies, and the internal service agencies.

Mr. N. R. Freeman, Chairman Student Personnel B.S., M.A.

The goal of N. R. Freeman, Dean of Men, is to encourage and help the student attain maximum all around development. Dean Freeman counsels

and supervises students and student organizations.

As Director of Student Personnel Service, Dean Freeman also assist students in obtaining scholarships and loans.


Mr. Elonnie J. Josey, Librarian A.B., M.A., M.S.L.S.

Mr. Josey as librarian has a unique and vital

role to play in enlarging the horizons of students while at the same time maintain their intellectual development.

Mr. Wilton C. Scott, Director of Public Relations B.A., M.A., C.A.S.

Mr. Scott is a well-known figure to students who are seeking1 journalistic careers. His leadership

Mr. Prince Jackson, Alumni Secretary B.S., M.S.

As Alumni secretary Mr. Jackson attempts to familiarize students and alumni with current affairs at the college, job opportunities, and achievements of students and alumni. He also serves as an assistant professor of mathematics and physics (on leave 1964-65).

and journalistic prowess have earned for him many awards and acclaims. With his continued assistance, we can look forward to continued growth and achievements in journalism and public relations.

Mr. Prince Mitchell, Acting Alumni Secretary B.S.

During the absence of Mr. Prince Jackson, Mr. Prince Mitchell, Budger Assistant, has the major goal of keeping former students of SSC up to date on current affairs.


Our faculty is not divinely inspired. They realize that incompleteness is essential. If they pretended that they knew all the answers they would become bores and pedants. But when they admit they only know some of the answers, and that students must also engage in the search for truth, they become scholars and friends. If teachers gave all the answers many needed and enjoyable hours in the library or science laboratory would not become a part of our college experience. For the search for truth sometimes centers in a laboratory where many hours of work may contribute only one minute piece of information. Sometimes it centers in a library where books must be scanned and persued and all the scholarly writing studied for new insights. But whatever the source and whatever the knowledge, it passes from teacher to student and from this gener- ation to the next.

An attempt to praise the faculty as a group is possible but also quite unrealistic. To praise them as individuals is impossible for us (the members of our limited staff do not know all the faculty members:) but it is the only valid way. If each reader would praise or commend the instructors and administra- tors they know, our task here is accomplished.

Division of

Business Administration



Dr. Howard S. Anderson, Professor and Head of the Department of Business Administration, reviews research before he compiles


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Miss Marcelle E. Rhodriquez, Instructor, demonstrates the paper techniques of typing-.


Mr. Ben Ingersoll, Associate Professor, discusses the solution to an accounting problem to his class.

Mrs. Mildred Glover, Instructor, sees the solution to an intricate problem in bookkeeping-.

Mr. Johnny Campbell, Jr., Instructor, makes some nota- tions for an economics class.


Dr Bhatia is analyzing- an economic equation to his eco- nomics class.

Miss Boston lectures to a shorthand class on the techniques concerning' g-ood English.


Mr. Perdue holds a conference with one of the business students.









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Department of English

Dr. Wiggins, Head of the Department of English, gives an explanation to a French Class.

Mrs. Milledge, Assistant Professor of English, lectures to a class of Vic- torian Prose and Poetry.

Mr Robert Holt, Assistant Professor of English, reads after dismissing his class.

Mrs. Owens, Associate Professor of English, is lecturing to one of her English Classes.


Mr. Fisher, Assistant Pro- fessor of English, is lec- turing- to students in a class in English 410.

Mr. Brenston, Assistant Professor of English, is shown lecturing to a Litera- ture Class.

Mr. Meyers, Associate Professor, is pre- paring an examination for one of his Eng- lish Classes.

Mr. Jordan, Instructor in English, pauses for questions, as he lectures to an English Class.

Miss Palmer, Assistant Professor of English, checks the room while giving an examination.


Department of Fine Arts

Mr. Gill is explaining a musical notation to a Band Class.

Dr. Braithwaite, Head of the De- partment of Fine Arts, finds it easy to write musical composi- tions.

Mrs. Thomas, an Instructor of Music, is lecturing- to a Music Class.

Mr. Thompson, Assistant Professor of Music, assists Shirley Bunch with Piano Lessons.


Mr. Hampton, head of Art depart- ment, draws a masterpiece during his leisure time.

Mrs. Lumpkin points at a very exclusive painting1.

Mrs. Waters is observing- her stu- dents in one of her advanced Ceramic classes.

Department of Foreign Language

Miss Morton, Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages listens as her students practice in the Language Laboratory.

Dr. Jason, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, looks up from his administrative chores.

Miss Bywaters, an Instructor in the Foreign Language Department lectures to a French class. "Parlez vous francais."

Mr. Stevens, an Instructor in German, makes a key observa- tion in his German class.


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Dr. Griffith, Head of Department of Biology, emphasizes a point to a class in Botany.

Mr. Wortham gives a demonstration to a class in Biology.

Mr. Woodhouse is disecting a cat in a Biology class.

Mr. Richardson employs visual aids to demonstrate an idea.

Department of Mathematics & Physics

Mr. Clemmons, Head of the Mathematics Department, is show- ing a student a slide rule.

Mrs. Wilson is lecturing- to a Trigonometry class.

Mrs. Bowens explains a question to Steve Kelly.

Mr. Leftwich is working with his class in Engineering Tech- nology.

Dr. Warsi lectures to an Analytical Geometry class.

Mr. Jackson pauses for a photograph during his leisure time.


Dr. Pratt, Head of the Department of Chemistry, is shown ad- justing spectroscope for students.

Mr. Mendenhall tunes in a transistor on one of the modern instruments in his chemistry classes.


of Chemistry

Dr. Tucker is testing- a new instrument that was recently purchased for the Chemistry Department.

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Mr. Clay is adjusting- an instrument in order to send out wave currents.

Dr. Raut tests an experiment in his Chemistry Class.

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Dr. Kiah, Head of the Edu- cation Department is pic- tured at his desk signing an invoice.

Dr. Sartar, an Instructor of Education, lectures to one of his education classes.

Dr. Eaton, Professor in Education and Head of Testing- and Guidance, returns results on an English test.

Mrs. Gadaden, Assistant Professor of Education, seems pleased with the performance of the stu- dents.

Mrs. Harmond, Associate Professor of Education, lectures to one of her afternoon classes.

Mrs. Hamilton, Assistant Professor of Education re- laxes for photographer before her class chores.

Mr. Stokes sets a standard for his students during- one of his class lectures.


Dr. Wilson compiles some data for the Faculty Research Bulletin.

Mr. Dwig-ht, Principal of Sol Johnson Hig-h School takes time out for the photographer.



Department of Physical Education

Dr. Hopson, Head of the Physical Education Department lectures and demonstrates a lesson in Anatomy.

Mrs. Fisher, Assistant Professor of Physical Education observes her students in Physical Education.

Mr. Frazier, Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Director of Athletics.


Mrs. Abernathy teaches a game to one of her Physical Educa- tion Classes.

Mr. Washington pauses for a picture after leaving- one of his Personal Health Classes.

Mr. Wright, Associate Professor of Physical Education is observing one of his new books.


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Dr. Dean, Head of the So- cial Science Department, is lecturing to a class in Western Culture.

Dr. Gordon, Professor of Social Science, interviews Miss Dorsey for a job in the Social Science Department.

Dr. Williams, Coordinator of Gen- eral Education, checks some im- portant matters during his office hours.

Mr. Johnson discusses a student's paper in Western Culture.

Mr. Griffin, Assistant Professor of Social Science, looks up from his daily routines.

Rev. Black takes time to give the photographer a nice snapshot.

Mr. Molver, Assistant Pro- fessor of Social Science, is lecturing to a Psychology Class.

Mr. Wilbur C. McAfee, Associate Professor of So- cial Science, gets out his daily lecturing plan.




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Dr. Clyde Hall, Chairman and Professor, records some es- sential data between classes and administrative meetings.

Mr. Mason is quizzing one of his classes in Engineering Technology.

Mr. Frank D. Tharpe, Assistant Professor of Industrial Education.

Mr. Leroy W. Brown, Assistant Professor, supervises as two students execute motor rewinding procedure.

Mr. Wilbur H. Sullivan, Associate Professor, demonstrates the utility of the slide rule in solving mathematical problems.

Mr. Robert Pender, Assistant Professor, instructs one of his students in the techniques of testing wall outlets In the background are students completing experiments in general electricity.


Department of Home Economics

Head of the Department of Home Economics, Mrs. Terrell is demonstrating- hand movements to her Food and Nutrition Class.

Mrs. Curtrig-ht, Assistant Professor and Director of Food Services, is reading over her class lecture notes.


Student Personnel Staff

Dean Nelson Director of Student Personnel Services and Dean of Men

Miss L. Davis Dean of Women

Dr. S. McDew College Physician


Nurse Holmes College Nurse

Mr. Hewitt Ludny Supervisor of Wright Hall

Miss Marcelle Rhodriquez Counselor to the women of Camilla Hubert Hall


Mrs. Louise Lester Director of Camilla Huber Hall

Mrs. Doll Miller Director of New Women's Dormitory

Clerical Staff

Miss Flora C. Braxon Secretary to the Comptroller

Mrs. Iona L. Brooks Faculty Secretary

Miss Darnell Dixon Secretary

Mrs. Beautine Hardwick Secretary to the President

Mrs. Althia G. Harris Secretary to the President

Mrs. Josephine F. Hubert Faculty Secretary and Assistant General Education and summer school

Mill Willie Mae Julian

Records Clerk, Registrat's Office

Mrs. Renalaw

Secretary, Building- and Grounds

Miss Mildred E. Marquis Assistant to the Registrar

Miss Vernese D. Mikel Faculty Secretary

Mrs. Lois H. Milton Clerk, Student Personnel

Mrs. Erma M. Mobley

Secretary, Division of Home Study

Mrs. Carolyn R. Screen Secretary, Public Relations

Miss Martha Stafford Faculty Secretary

Mrs. Majorie F. Wallace Library Secretary

Mrs. Mildred S. Washington Secretary, Student Personnel

Robertia G. Webb

Secretary to the Dean of Faculty

Lucile Williams Clerk, Library


Library Staff


Mr. E. J. Josey, Associate Professor and head Librarian, takes time from his busy schedule for a photographer.


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Miss Luella Hawkins, Associate Professor and Ref- erence Librarian, helps Harry Hampton with the microfilm machine.

Mrs. Madeline G. Dixon, Associate Professor and Catalog' Li- brarian, is shown cataloging cards.

Mrs. Dorothy Jamerson, In- structor and Serial Librar- ian, is shown getting out curriculum material.

Miss AltheaWilliams, Assist- ant Professor and Circula- tion Librarian, relaxes from a busy schedule to read a book.


Business Staff

Wesley Johnson, Comptrol- ler

Felix J. Alexis, Superinten- ' Herbert C. White, Assist- William R. Burton, dent of Building- and ant Superintendent of Manager, Snack Bar Grounds Building and Grounds. and College Center

Alvin Ogden, Manager of Warehouse

Mrs. Bernice Hall, Book- George Miller, Book- keeper, Business Office keeper, Business Office

Mrs. Doris J. Jack- son, Cashier, Bus- iness Office.

3ernita S. Matthew, Post- nistress

Prince K. Mitchell, Assistant Mrs. Varnetta Frazier,

Comptroller, muses over the Dietitian.


Mrs. Harriet Redd, Switchboard Op- erator










The personality of a college depends upon those who attend, teach, and staff that college. At Savannah State the student body and its staff is a kaleidoscope of personalities from many of the fifty united states, and other countries of the world.

Students who make up the Savannah State com- munity bring to their new home their desires, goals, unique personalities, joys and sorrows. They are mixed, tempered, and somewhat reshaped by the school's atmosphere. Students mature as they live more and varied experiences and so does the college. Thus, the college and its students change and grow together and give to each what is more important life and a definite person- ality that is unique.

For some, graduation is that long awaited moment that climaxes college life after four years of rewarding experiences and study. To some, graduation is a wel- come relief and the end of an enjoyable experience learning. To others, the more scholarly, it means an opportunity to go out into the world and commence learning. To all, commencement is a beginning and an ending . . . the ending of college days and the begin- ning of the initial steps toward the grand scheme of things.


Senior Class Officers

T^JJt? SIG,Ht A1Vln Wa^nt V1Ce PreSident' Marion Mun^in- Parliamentarian, Glenera Martin, Assistant Secretary James F. Neal, Treasurer, Charles Mc Cray, Reporter; and Richard Anderson, President. NOT SHOWN- Mary E Smith Secretary, Grace Specer and Gloria Johnson, Student Council Representatives.

George Boatwright

Major: Social Science Savannah, Georgia

Lucille Brock

Major: Chemistry Screven, Georgia

Gladys Brown

Major: General Science Savannah, Georgia

Juanita Bruce

Major: Biology Savannah, Georgia

Marvin Chatman

Major: Business Administration

Sparta. Georgia

Ann Clements

Major: Elementary Education

Savannah, Georgia


Joan Bynum

Major: Elementary Education

Savannah. Georgia

Betty Sue Coney

Major: Elementary Educatic Metter. Georgia


Delores Chisholm

Major: English Savannah. Georgia

Darnell Dawson

Major: Mathematics Savannah, Georgia

Shirley Cruse

Major: Mathematics Savannah, Georgia


Jerline Cutter

Major: Business Administration Savannah, Georgia

Otis L. Elijah

Major: Building Technology Towlstwon, Georgia

Artvetta Doanes

Major: Business

Administration Atlanta, Georgia

Rebecca Edwards

Major: Business

Administration Savannah, Georgia

Irene E. Elmore

Major: Business Administration Savannah. Georgia

Hattie Pearl Fason

Major: Business Educate Valdosta, Georgia

Ruthie Ellison

Major: Elementary Education Savannah, Georgia



Edna Ficklin

Major: Elementary Education Savannah, Georgia


Eleanor Fields

Major: Business Administration Savannah. Georgia

Harvetta Fuller

Major: Social Science Savannah. Georgia

Nellie 6. Fields

Major: Social Science Savannah, Georgia

Dorothy Frazier

Major: Home Economics Savannah. Georgia

Gwendolyn Fuller

Major: Mathematics Atlanta. Georgia


Mary Gardner

Major: Mathematics Savannah, Georgia


Henry Ginn

Major: English Savannah, Georgia

Emma Jean Gieger

Major: Business Administration Claxton. Georgia

Earthel C. Grant

Major: General Science Savannah, Georgia

Irvin Grant, Jr.

Major: Mathematics Savannah, Georgia

Adlene Grant

Major: Elementary Education Savannah, Georgia

Rrela Handberry or: Business Education Swainsboro, Georgia

Dawn Hollingshead

Major: Elementary Education Pelham, Georgia

Sandra Hay ward

Major: Social Science Savannah, Georgia

Joseph Hightower

Major: Chemistry Savannah, Georgia

Georgia Hobbs

Major: Business Education Thompson, Georgia

Freda Hunter

Major: Elementary Education Fitzgerald, Georgia

Ronella Hood

Major: Elementary Education Columbus, Georgia

Martha Jackson

Major: Physical Education . Meridian, Georgia

Drucilla Johnson

Major: Foods and Nutricians Savannah, Georgia

Louise Jackson

Major: Elementary Education Savannah, Georgia

Gloria Johnso:

Major: Biology Savannah, Georgia


Hazel Johnson

Major: English Ocilla, Georgia

Elease Kent

Major: Biology Savannah, Georgi.

Lula P. Johnson

Major: Physical Education Westpoint, Georgia

Etrenda Jones

Major: Foods and Nutricians Claxton, Georgia

Bernard Kent

Major: General Science Savannah, Georgia

Ernest Lavender

Major: Physical Educ Macon, Georgia

Barbara Kirkland

Major: Secretarial Science Savannah, Georgia

Mattie Mae Lattimore

Major: English Columbus, Georgia

Bernard Lewis

Major: Physical Education Steubenville, Ohio

Glennera Martin

Major: Elementary Education Statesboro, Georgia

Marian Mungin

Major: English Savannah, Georgia

Willie Micheal

Major: Industrial Education Savannah. Georgia

Gwendolyn Miller

Major: Foods and Nutricians Savannah, Georgia

Elizabeth Morris

Major: Elementary Education Savannah, Georgia

Patricia Quarter-man

Major: English Savannah, Georgia

Hazel Phillips

Major: English Hoganville, Georgia

Oree Rawls

Major: Physical Education Waycross. Georgia


/ V

Florence M. Rhaney Evelyn Richardson

Major: Business Administration Major: Business Administration Savannah, Georgia Savannah, Georgia

Angelyn Russell

Major: Elementary Education

Grady Rig gs

Major: Mathematics Savannah, Georgia

Vivian Rogers

Major: Business Education Milledgeville, Georgia

Nancy Ann Scott

Major: Business Administration Savannah, Georgia

Major: Business Education Fitzgerald, Georgia

Doreatha S< Major: Business

Administration Savannah, Georgia


Henry Strong

Major: Mathematics Columbus, Georgia

Montezuma Taylor

Major: Industrial Education Jackson, Georgia

Frankie Southerland

Major: Elementary Education Fitzgerald, Georgia


Theodosia Sharps

Major: Elementary Education Elberton, Georgia


Daisy Bell Thomas Aliee Timmons

Major: Business Administration Major: Elementary Education Savannah, Georgia Townsend, Georgia

Betty Upshaw

Major: Elementary Education Columbus, Georgia

Annie Vauss

Major: Business Education Thomaston, Georgia

Ann J. Waters

Major: Business Administration

Alvin Watkins

Major: Social Science Atlanta, Georgia

Jo Anne Wigf all

Major: Sociology Millen, Georgia

Charles Wright

Major: Building Technology Alamo, Georgia

Mary P. Armstrong Major: Music Education Dublin, Georgia

Sherbie J. Best

Major: Social Science Statesboro, Georgia

Elease David Mary Nell Mercer

Major: Business Administration Major: Elementary Education

Savannah, Georgia Columbus, Georgia

Miss Irene E. Elmore, (Miss Savannah State College) receives an autograph from Hank Ballard.


Miss Arnethea Bostic, Senior, Art Major, observes bulletin board that she prepared for her Human Growth Class.

David Street, Senior, Industrial Art Major, is shown thumbing through Art Scrap book, during the Annual Art exhibition, sponsored by the Depart- ment of Fine Arts.



Barbara Benjamin

Robert Bell

■Sal mk imEg^nPj^'

Technology Students observing- a project.

Bennie Brown

Rosemary Brown

Patricia Brown



I /

Jean Butler

Catherine Calhoun

Minnie Thomas, Rosemary Patton

Thomas Clark

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Corine Capers

Mattie Dennis

Murnace Coleman


Matilda Fagon

Nathaniel Fuller

Alma Favors

Students chatting- with Lionel Hamilton's wife.

Andrew Jackson

Jerome Johnson

Brenda Jennings



Leonard Jones

Maxine Jones

Mary Jones

Miss "SSC" chatting- with the Midnighters.

Brenda Jennings

Clark D. Lucky

Lillie Kyles


Geraldine McArthur

Evalena McCound

David McCall

Election of the "New Dormitory" officers which are mostly comprised of Juniors.

Gloria Mimms

Gertrude Richardson

Bartha Moore


Martha Russell

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Jefferena Sapp

Patricia Ryan

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James Smith and Edward Turner are viewed at the Christmas Dinner.

Catherine Shavers

Jannie Singleton

Bobby Simpson


Willie Smith

Ithamus Starks

Barbara Starks

Charles Smalls shaking- President Jordan's hand.

Louise Tarber

Minnie Thompson

Pinkie Thomas


Bradford Torain

Rose Warren

Marion Wallace

Juniors represented on blood donation program.

Gussie Washington

Iris Wright

Barbara Wilhite

Sophomore Class Officers

LEFT TO RIGHT: Joseph Young, Vice President; Evelyn Brown, and Samuel West, Student Council Representatives; Walter Holt, President; Virginia William, Secretary; Beverly Lewis, Assistant Secretary; and Dorothy White, Treasurer.

Claretha Andrews

Edith Allen


Norma Benette

Marva Benton

Birnell Mitchell

Sandra Bivens

Moses Blaine

Joe Blakeney


George Brinson

Catherine Bonks

Helen Brentson

Mattie Brewton


Claretha Brown

Evelyn Brown

Freddie Brown

McArthur Brown

Vivian Broxton


Nalene Buchanan

Arthur Burke

Jannie Burke

Pearl Cannady

Martha Carey

Allen Clark

Amy Clark

Maerean Cohen

Julia Collier

Mabel Corouthers


Ella Digg-s

Patricia Durden


Alyne Eady

Eleanor Elijah

Robert Ellison

Charles Elmore

Matilda Fag-an

Wanda Filmore

Gloria Fields Priscilla Flemester

Patricia Gardner

William German

Bettie Graham

Betty Graham

Leila Gray


Virginia Green

Nathaniel Groyner

Annie Gunnells

Richard Hamilton

Elsie Hayes

Freddie Hazzard

Rennis Jacobs

Verner Jennings

Bobby Johnson

Ethel Jackson

Catherine Johnson


Paulette Johnson

Waltina Johnson

Jo Ann Jones

William Jones

Dorothy Jordan

John Lambert


Yvonne LeCount

Betty Lewis

Gertrude Lewis

Dorothy Lindsey

Florence Mack

Jacquelyn Mack

Ruth Mag-wood

Ruby Marsh


George Marshall

Delores Mason

Bertha Mays

Marsha McCall

Earl McClellen

Jeanette Moore

Cornelia Mobley

Annefred Payne

Lauryce Preston

Carolyn Prince

Joann Pritchett

Laura Porter

Eddie Quaterman


Peter Richardson

Mary Rivers


Stanley Rivers

Willie Robbins


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Rose Tatum

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Brenda Trudell

Benny Townsend

Johnny Tremble

Ruth Trice

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Shelly Vinson

Ellarece Wallace

Jimmy Warren

Eugene Washington Joyce Washing-ton

Myrtrice Washing-ton

Samuel West

Leroy West


Alethia White

Ruth White

Deloris White

Dorothy White

Lucy White

Delorise Whitehead

Maggir Wicker

Virginia Williams




Herman Woods

Cordie Wright

Juanita Wright

Joseph Young-

Andrew Zeig-ler

Mr. Winters receives a plaque from a student for outstanding- scholarship.


Freshman Class Officers

Gloria Tyler, Treasurer; Henry Jackson, President and Joan Edwards, Assistant Secretary; Not shown are Patricia Neely, Secretary; and Archie Lawton, Vice President.


Alston, Lynette



Bell, Annie



Bailey, Eleanor

Bass, Patricia




Baker, Mellie

Battle, Olivette


Allen, Alfred


Baker, Viola

Beal, Mary

Bennett, Mary

Allen, Marie

Bacon, Elizabeth

Barton, Richard

Belcher, Patricia

Bens, Lynette


Nathaniel Boston, Joan

Boney, Charles Brady, Wayne

Booker, Ronald Brannan, Carol

Borden, Brannan,

Christola Constance

Braswell, Mary Brewton, Margaret Brown, Charlie Brown. Cora Brown, Dorothy

Brown, Gwendolyn Brown, Kenneth Brown, Mary Brown, Paul Brown, Rosie

Bryant, Barbara Bryant, Joyce Bryant, Margie Burke, James Bynes, Annie

Bush, Johnny Butler, Marionetta Butler, Paulette Butts, Freddie Bynes, Annie

Byrd, Carolyn Byrd, Clarence Burke, Gwendolyn Campbell, Larry Carrol, Naomi


President and Mrs. Jordan, along with administration and faculty members greet some 425 Fresh- men during- Orientation Week.

Carpenter, Stephanie Carter, Shirley Chance, Delois Chance, Marion Cheever, Justine

Cheever, Melvin Christie, Samuel Clark, Phyllis Cooper, Cherry Cooper, Halie

Cooper, Rickey Cooper, Ruby Coppins, Murkel Corbett, Laura Crew, Shirley

Crowder, Joe Cutter, Gwendolyn Daniels, Ernest Davis, Dennis Davis, Johnny

Davis, Kenneth Davis, Larry Davis, Willie Dawson, Edward Dean, James



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Dennis, Alfred Densler, Benjamin Deshazior, Yvonne Dingle, Henry Dions, Kenneth

Dixon, Maria Dokson, Earl Donsky, Bobby Dorsey, Freddie Dukes, Margaret

Duncan, Daisy Duncan, Joyce Edmonson, Arthur Edwards, Joan Edwards, Ronald

Edwards, Rosalyn Ellison, Lettie Elston, Barbara Fair, Annette Fairel, Willie

Famble, Jackie Famble, Jacquelyn Ferguson, Charles Ferguson, David

Finley, Helena Floyd, Geraldine Ford, Vaughin

Fortson, Thelma Foston, Cora

Miss Vivian R. Ranson, an En- gineering Technology Student, plunders over a delicate tangent.


Fox, Bettie Frazier, Jeanette Freeman, Claudine Fulton, Walter Gadson, Irene

Garrison, Brenda Gaskin, John Gaston, Leo Gay. Betty Gillis, Mac Henry

Glass, Tommy Glass, Virg-ia Gold, Barry Golphin, Willie Gordon, Helen

Grace, Melvenia Graham, Caroline Grant, Annie Grant, Harold Green, Evelyn

Greene, William Griffen, Glorie Griff en, Martha Griffen, Zealine Halloray, Benjamin

Handy, Jack Hardaway, Beverlyn Hardee, Carol Harden, Edward Hardy, William


Harris, John Harvey, Doris Haven, Sylvia Hay ward, Otis Hightown, Leola

Hill, Birk Hill, Josephine Hill, Juanita Hill, Melvenia Hills, Redell

Hires, James Hogan, Rosa Holland, Cherlyn Holmes. Charles Horton, Carolyn

Hoskins, Delores Huckaby, Blendenia Hudson, Minnie Hughes, Walter Hutchins, Clinton

Ingram, Geneva Ingram, Robert Inman, Mildred Itlerspoon, Lewis

Jackson, Beautine Jackson, Henry Jackson, LaMar


Jacobs, Karoy Jefferson, Quinton Jenkins, Carolyn Johnson, Carolyn Johnson, Doris

Johnson, Elteaser Johnson, Ivira Johnson, James Johnson, Prince Joiner, Robert L., Jr.

Jones, Argene Jones, Jerome Jones, Julia Jones, Kathryn Jones, Mark

Jones, Mary Jordan, Lois Julian, Eddie Kelley, Anita Kelly, Louise

Kelly, Ophelia Kelsey, Aaron Kemp, Kermit Key, Skelton

Kiett, William Kilpatrick, Johnny Kimble, Geraldine

Miss Beatrice Johnson, an En- gineering Technology student challenges a rolling lever.

King, Clifton King, Reatha




-:* R



Lambert, Frankye Lambert, Jannie Lang\ John Laster, Judith Lawton, Archie

LeCounte, Lula Lemon, Bernadine Lester, Charlie Levett, Patricia Lewis, Bernestine

Lewis, Edward Lewis, Norma Lucas, Gloria Luke, Johnny Luten. Yvonne

Lynch, Delores Lytes, James Mack, Angela Mack, Frank Marshall, John

Marshall, Samuel Martin, Harold Matlock, Robert Mattox, Mary


Maxwell, Carolyn Maxwell, Joyce May, Marion

Mayfield, Jessie Maynor, Herbert


McCarr, Melvin McClain, Oliver McClamore, Maxine McEady, Erasmus McNichols, Marilyn

McPherson, Josephine McRae, George Miles, Mamie Miller, Joann Milton, Patricia

Mincey, Floyd Moore, Eugene Moore, Gladys Morrison, Georgia Moses, Estelle

Mosley, Carolyn Moss, Ernestine Mungin, Harold Mungin, Lydia Murphy, Erwin

Nance, Terry Neely, Patricia Newsome, Josephine Newsome, Rose Oliver, Malone

O'neal, Lorene Orage, Rebecca Orr, Florence Overstreet, Willie Owens, Henry

Students socialize following the freshman reception.

Henry Jackson, a former high school honor student, repre- sents the Freshman Class during- orientation.


Parker, Milton Parrish, Luie Patterson,

Dorothy Pearson, Jarene Perry, Pamela Phillips, Carl Phillips,

Roosevelt Polite,

Franklin Porter, DeWitt

Powell, Norma Quarterman,

Jerome Quinn, Marcia Ranson, Vivian Rayford, Robert Reddick, Waltina Redding-, Edgar Reems, George Rich, Betty

Riddle, Patricia Rivers, Patricia Roberts, Frances Roberson, Loree Robinson,

Barbara Robinson,

Edward Robinson, Lena Robinson, Moses Robinson,

Rebecca Robinson,

Veronica Rodney, Patricia Romanski,

Frederick Rose, Patricia Rosser, James Russell,

Florence Rutland, Charles Ryles, Jacquelyn Scott, Audry Scott, Rosemary Scott,

Rosemary E. Sears, Al Sermons,

Doreatha Sheppard,

Dorothy Sheppard,

Mercedes Simmons, Heidi Simpkins,

Eliazbeth Singleton, Marva


Walter Singley, Allen Smalls, Mary Smart, Shirley Smith, Anne Smith, Betty Smith, Cheryl Smith, Daisy Smith, James

Smith, Lydia Smith, Vera Snead, Dorothy Snell, Sandra Snell, Walter Spencer, Robert Spiney, Henry Stephens,

Loretta Stephens,


Stokes, Joseph Strong, Cecil Swiney, Ella Taylor,

Gwendolyn Taylor, Virginia Thomas,

Dorothy Thomas, Eugene Thomas, Jeanell Thomas, Shelia

Wheeler, Milton White, Cora White, Rutha

Williams, Catherine Williams, Charles

Williams, Constance

Warren, Bobby Washing-ton, Alfreda Watkins, Ruby Watkins, Wilma

Thompson, Aristine Towns, Jessie Trice, Mary Troup, Ira Turner, Georgia

Tyler, Gloria Tyler, Larry Virgil, Earline Wade, Catherine Waldburg, Hattie

Walker, Alneatha Walker, Carolyn Walker, Mildred Walker, Shadrick Wallace, Carolyn

Waters, Alvin Weatherspoon, Johnny West, Phil Westmore, Carl


Williams, David Williams, Ella L. Williams, Essie Williams, Fage Washington, Gwendolyn

Williams, Jacquelyn Williams, LaVerne Williams, Linda Williams, Odessa Williams, Susie

Wilson, Carolyn Wilson, Judith Wilson, Rose Wilson, Ruthie

Winbush, Gregory Woodard, James Woods, James Wright, Delores

Wyatt, Johnetta Young, Andrew Young, Margie

Young, John Johnson, Diana

Milton, Ruby

Frightened, curious, and fasci- nated freshman women enter Camilla Hubert Hall.






College isn't all studying and hard work. Sometime, not too often though, students find time for after-class activities. Social events require most extra-curricular atten- tion! Sorority and fraternity term parties, the big- all-college dances, and fun at the beach are the main concern of social-minded SSC student. Besides the planned entertainments, there are parties and bull sessions, long hours spent over coffee in the student center, and informal get-togethers for card games, tennis and parties. State Students are gre- garious people, and the friendly campus spirit is reflected in the interchanges of "Hi" and "How are you?" that take place as students meet. All these activities comprise the friendliness for which SSC is famous.

Men's Festival Week

James Nevels (right) con- gratulates his brother. Father Harry Nevels, an Episcopal Priest of Al- bany, Georgia. Oree Rawls is in the center of the pic- ture.

Leroy Bolden, Community Civic Leader, gives the message for the Men's Festival Assembly Pro- gram.

Leander Merritt (left) re- ceives "Man of Year" plaque from Dr. Jordan.


Lionel Hampton and His Band Visits

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Lionel Hampton (right) autographs student's yearbook as Dr. Robert Reid, (3rd from left) Dean of Faculty & Dr. Coleridge Braithwaite (right) look on.

In spite of daily tedious problems, SSC Prexy. Dr. Howard Jordan, finds time to exchange ideas with famous musician, Lionel Hampton.

Lionel Hampton pauses with the ladies for a picture on the evening- of his concert. FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Carmen Caster, vocalist of Hampton's Band, Harvesteen Harris, Irene Elmore, Lionel Hamp- ton, Paulette Johnson, Rosemary Patton and Dorothy Brown.

During' intermission. Lionel Hampton and his band observe the audience


Hazel Johnson. Senior, is shown presiding- in an all college assembly.

Rev. Malcolm Boyd, Chaplain, Wayne State University, was one of the many speakers in the library lecture series.


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Virginia Green, Junior, Business Administration major, observes Campaign signs and wondering who she is voting for.

Miss Carolyn Quillian, 1964 Graduate presents check to President Jordan, for the school, from the Class of '64.


Alpha Kappa Mu

At the induction of a new AKM member, the members pause to take picture. SEATED. Left to Right: Norman B. Elmore, Jr.; Hazel Johnson; Bradford Torain, New Inductor; Marcelle Rhodriquez; John Jordan. STANDING: Dr. Elson Williams; Mil- dred Glover; John Clemmons.

Charles Elmore. Sophomore, proudly accepts honor certificate presented by Dr. Jordan.


Members of the Honor Convocation platform stand to sing- opening Hazel Johnson pins AKM pin on new inductee, Bradford Torain.

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Nathaniel Allen Sheppard, a student at Fort Valley State College, Fort Valley, Georgia, delivers address at Phi Beta Sigma's Founder's Day program. Emphasis was placed on education this year.

Mrs. Sadie Steels, SSC Alumnus, addresses colleg-e in an assembly program.

Mrs. Sessoms, President of Savannah State College National Alumni Association, District 1, presents alumn' President Jordan; Prince Mitchell, acting alumni secretary, looks on.



Miss Davis, Mrs. Terrel, Mrs. Curtwright, and W. W. Law participates on an educational program.

They are really thrilled by such a remarkable speech given by one of our guest speakers.


President Jordan introduces speaker for Summer Commence- ment.

Dr. Patricia R. Harris, Assistant Professor of Law at Howard University, delivers the Convocation address.

SSC's graduating- students. The end of the beginning-. Graduation . . . one of the climatic moments to be remembered for ever.

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Platform members of summer commencement stand to sing opening song.

Gwendolyn Roberts. 1964 Savannah State College Graduate, pos- es with family after commencement.



Nathaniel Eastman, Second Secretary to Liberia for the United Nations, addresses stu- dent body at SSC during the Thirteenth Annual Southern Regional Press Institute.

Elonnie J. Josey serving as Toastmaster for Thirteenth Annual Regional Press Insti- tute luncheon.

Dr. Paul Swensson, Director of Newspaper, delivers address in a college assembly program during Press Institute.


Press Institute


Frank Render, Director Public Relations, Virginia State Colleg-e, delivers luncheon address at the Manager Hotel.

Dr. Deborah Wolfe, Chief Education Office, U. S. House of Representatives, delivers principal address at Thirteenth Annual Southern Press Institute.


Mrs. Ella Fisher, Associate Professor of Physical Education at Savannah State delivers keynote address during 1964 yearbook dedication.

Mr. Theodore Wright, Associate Professor of Physical Education accepts dedication of the 1964 yearbook. Making- the dedication is Frank Tompkins. Editor of 1 964 Tiger.


Dr. Wells Addresses College Body About African People and Affairs. Dr. I. J. K. Wells, Executive Secretary for the Friends of Africa and America, addressed the Savan- nah State College faculty.

Arthur A. Chapin, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Labor, addressing the Library Lecture series.

William Martin, Recording- Secretary of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, speaks in an assembly program.

Jack Millines, President of Senior Class Summer graduates, delivered address for senior class day.

The Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. sing Fraternity hymn at the close of an assembly program sponsored by the fraternity.


President Jordan chats with faculty members after first speech for 1 964-65 school year.

Willis Smith and Artis McCray observes picture from art exhibit.

Who's Who

Nominations for Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities are made by the faculty from juniors and seniors who have a grade index of at least 3.00. Criteria for selection are scholarship, potential leadership ability, and participation in educational and extra-curricular activities general citizenship and futural useful- ness. Each year, 750 colleges and universities across the nation recognize their outstanding students by conferring this honor. This year, eleven Savannah State College students were nominated. They are Betty Gordon, Ethel Robinson, Shirley Cruse, Hazel Johnson, Brenda Jennings, Lillie Kyles, Bradford Torain, Jimmy Stepherson, Charles Hall, Louise Tarber, and Dennis Polite.

Hazel Johnson

Bradford Torain

Lillie Kyles

Charles D. Hall (NOT PICTURED)


Brenda Jennings

Betty Gordon

Jimmy Stepherson

Ethel Robinson

Shirley Cruse

Dennis Polite


Mr. Elonnie J. Josey, college librarian, presents plaque to Milton S. Byan for his significant contribution to librarian ship.

President and Mrs. Jordan (center) pose with graduate member of AKM.

Three former students of SSC meet at the Men's Festival. Perhaps old times will be shared


The School's Nursery

To a child, a visit to a museum is like a world of make believe.

Charles McCray (left-row 3) and two other adults pose with the children on their trip to the museum.

Now the children are fully aware of the many creatures on earth. Their visit to the museum was educational!


Dr. Paul Swensson counsels Mrs. Francis G. Waddell during summer journalism workshop.

Mrs. Luetta C. Millege discusses layout of a yearbook during summer journalism workshop. To her left is Miss Ann Beebe and her right, Mrs. Chlishie.

Richard P. Davis. Associate Director of Research Information. American Newspaper Guild, addresses SSC Summer School in an assembly program.



SSC observes National Education Week. Professor Winter (third from left) a retired instructor of SSC, delivered key note address.

Jimmy Stepherson, Student Council President, address fresh- man class during the Orientation Week Assembly.

Another victory. Students rejoicing- after SSC wins again.

SSC students observe art work.

The President, Mrs. Jordan, and friends closely observe painting's from the annual art show.



Creative Dancing

Marie Allen, Munice Coleman, and Adel Bachelor.

Louise Miller, Sandra Dais, and Norma Benton.


Foreign students on their visit to SSC. found the institution quite exciting.

Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, a noted educator, was one of the lecturers of the many lecture series held at SSC.

Miss Althea Williams (right) presents to Mrs. Luetta C. Milledge. a token of appreciation for her service to the library during National Library Week and for receiving the Freedom Foundation Award.


Scenes from the Omega's National Achievement Week Observance

Charles Savage presents Sweetheart's paddle to "Miss Omega", Miss Betty Gordon.

Mr. John W. Jordan, instructor in English at Savannah State College, delivers mes- sage on the Omega's National Achieve- ment Week Assembly Program.

Mr. Dorsey Miller, Second Vice Grand Basileus of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., gives National Achievement Week Vesper Address.

The Brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., sing Fraternity hymn at the closs of assembly.


I if I

Charles Hall, member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity delivers an address in the college library.

Minnie Thompson, incoming' president of the Women's Dormitory Council, receives candlelight from outgoing president, Rosemary Patton.

Mr. Clifford Hardick, Consultant for secondary schools, Chatham County, delivers an address in assembly for the S.N.E.A.

Prince Jackson delivers an address to an Alumni group.

Milton S. Byan, Chief of Public Services, Broklyn Public Library, is shown addressing- the National Library Week Convocation.



Chuck McKinney (extreme right) talks with Dr. Jason (second from right) and two visitors after delivering address to student body concerning the Peace Corp.

Dr. Stephen M. McDew, Jr. (left); Professor Walter W. Leftwich (center); and James Ponder (right); who is associated with the Red Cross discuss plans for the blood bank drive.



Carolyn Maxwell, (standing-), sings solo during- the assembly in observance of Negro History Week.



Dr. Thorpe, Chairman of Social Science Department North Caro- lina College, delivers address during Negro History Week.

Delta Sig-ma Theta Sorority presents assembly program.

The Sisters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., sing sorority hymn at the close of assembly.


A gift for the first lady from the Home Economics Department

Mrs. Thalma Harmond delivers address in all college assembly.

Mr. Roscoe Monroe, educational consultant, National Space Administration, demonstrates-lectures on space program to science and education workshops.






If the most important endeavor in which any student body participates is academic work and study, then a close second must be the social life and extra-curricular activities in which the student participates. Savannah State is fully aware that in order to have a well rounded academic program, there must be an adequate amount of outlets to utilize the information and experiences gained in the classroom and through individual study. The various organizations of Savannah State College permit students to utilize in- herent talents, develop new skills, and serve humanity. During the 1964-65 school term there were forty-five campus organizations in which students could serve and work, or be rewarded for the college and the community. In many campus organizations and activi- ties, the student must apply what he has learned in the classroom. But, not all activi- ties fit into this category. Many exist partly for relaxation. The following pages show, in part, how Savannah State College students spend their time relaxing working and uti- lizing their skills. By participating in the. various activities and organizations of the school, life long friendships are established.

The College Chapter of N.A.A.C.P.

The Savannah State College Chapter of N.A.A.C.P. is an active organization which works diligently for total freedom. The officers are: James Sapp. President; Ithamus Sturdgeon, Vice President; Patricia Neely, Secretary; and E. J. Josey, Advisor.

Sunday School Officers

Sunday School

RIGHT TO LEFT: Willie Smith, Assistant Superintendent; Artis McCray, Secretary; Jesse Hogan, Superintendent; and Dr. John Wilson, Advisor.


The Art Club

The Art Club is composed of art majors and other interested art students. Mr. P. J. Hampton serves as theClub's advisor.


The Young- Men Christian Association is regarded as a world-wide fellowship united by a common loyalty to Jesus for the developing- of Christian Personality and building a Christian society.


The Social Science Club

Wright Hall Dormitory Council, Officers -SEATED, Right to Left: Earnest Lavender, President; Bradford Torain, Vice President; Jessie Hagan, Chaplain; Byrant Jackson, Reporter.

The Social Science is composed of Social Science majors, and the Club's main objective is to supply its members with the latest in- formation in the field of social work.

Student Council

SEATED. Left to Right: Jimmey Stepherson, President; Grace Spicer, Secretary; Alvin Watkins, Senior Class Representative; James F. Neal, Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook; Josephine McPherson. Freshman Class Representative; Charles Smalls, Editor-in-Chief of the Newspaper; Bennie Brown. Treasurer; Archie Lawton. Freshman Class Representative; Evelyn Brown, Sopho- more Class President; Samual West. Sophomore Class Representative; Hazel Johnson, Vice President; and Harvesteen Harris. Junior Representative. NOT SHOWN: Miss Irene Elmore "Miss SSC".

Officers of the Marshall Board SEATED: Patricia Brown. Presi- dent; Betty Upshaw. Vice Presi- dent; Verlene Brown, Secretary; and Ester Clayton. Reporter.


The Boar's Head Club is a club composed of English majors. The Club seeks to promote higher creative and scholastic ability among- English majors. Offices SEATED, Left to Right: Minnie Thomson, Assistant Secre- tary; William Martin, President, Lillie Kyles. Secretary. NOT SHOWN: Bobby Johnson.

The Home Economics Club and advisors, Mrs. Avery and Mrs. Terrell.


Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society

Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Scoiety is an organization whose chief purposes are to promote higher scholastic achievements and uplift the morals among- men and women. Its members FROM LEFT TO RIGHT are: Mr. Robert Holt. Assistant Pro- fessor of English; Mrs. Mildred Glover, Instructor Economics; Mrs. Juliette Mitchell; Miss Hazel Johnson; Mr. Bradford Torain; Miss Marcelle Rhodriquez, Instructor of business administration; and Dr. E. K. Williams, Coordinator of General Education. NOT PICTURED: Mr. John Jordan, Instructor in English.

Beta Kappa Chi Honor Society

Beta Kappa Chi National Scientific Honor Society is an organization that stresses the art of accumulating supreme knowledge in the field of science. Its members FROM LEFT TO RIGHT are: Mr. J. B. Clemmons, head mathematics and physics department; Jimmy Stepherson, President; Betty Gordon, Assistance Secretary; Phillip Dryer; Gloria Johnson; Willie N. Fuller; Corine Capers, Vice President; Jeffery James; Dennis Polite, Treasurer; and Mr. Vernon C. Clay, advisor and professor of chemistry.



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All goes well on the "set" as the cast rehearses for the play DOCTORS AND NURSES.

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The College Playhouse under the direction of Mr. J. B. Clemmons, pauses to check the script for the new play.


THE TIGER'S ROAR is the voice of the Savannah State student. The Tiger's Roar staff, composed of many talented members, is able to produce for you a good newspaper.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. Charles Small

MANAGING EDITOR, Robert L. Joiner, Jr.

Charles Smalls Editor-in-Chief

Associate Editor Clemontine Freeman

Leonard Jones

Managing Editors Robert L. Joiner, Jr.

Jack Colbert

Business Manager Roscoe Edwards

Feature Editor Walter Durham

Fashion Editor Robert Brown, Jean Stewart

Sports Editor Frank Ellis

Columnist Jermone Johnson, Otis Heyward

Reporters Jacqueline Ryles, Glennera Martin

Fred Washington, Patricia Rivers Thomas Lawyer


Tiger's Roar

Members of the TIGER'S ROAR make plans for next issue of the paper. SEATED, Left to Right: Leonard Jones; Charles Smalls, Editor; Clemontine Freeman; Earline Freeman; Eugene Washington; Jermone Johnson; Fred Romanski. STAND- ING: Walker Durham; Robert Brown.


The Men's Glee Club

The Savannah State College Men's Glee Club under the direction of James Thompson, Jr. is a very dynamic musical group.

The Women's Glee Club


The Women's Glee club, a newly emerging- choral group under the direction of Mrs. Myra Thomas has developed into a fine array of feminine voices.


The Choral Society

The Savannah State Choral Society performs in assembly.

The Choral Society is a volunteer group composed of approximately 67 students. These students are from Georgia, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Illinois. The Choral society is under the direction of Dr. C. A. Braithwaite.



Omega Psi Phi


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LEFT TO RIGHT: Otha L. Douglas, Keeper of Peace, James Robert Smith. Assistant Keeper of Records and Seals, Charles Wright, Curtis Fleming-. Keeper of Records and Seals. Benjamin Kelson, Keeper of Finance, Eddie Wright, James F. Neal. Basileus and Charles Elmore, Chaplain. SEATED: Miss Betty Gordon, "Miss Omega" 1965. NOT SHOWN: Troy Hick- man, Vice Basileus, Charles Savage, Dean of Pledgees, and Dr. Charles Pratt. Advisor.

In 1911, three young1 men, Edgar A. Love, Oscar J. Cooper, and Frank Coleman, conceived the idea of founding a Negro:National Col- lege Fraternity. The young men discussed the matter many times, and as a result concluded that they should have some guidance. They contacted Professor Just and he consented at once, having a keen appreciation for the problems of youth.

On November 17. 1911, the Omega Psi Phi was born. The four Cardinal principles agreed upon were SCHOLARSHIP, MANHOOD. PERSEVERANCE, AND UPLIFT.

Alpha Gamma Chapter was established in 1949. Ever since that time the members have strived to uphold the standards set by the predecessors.

Among the many activities outstanding of the Chapter are the Annual Achievement Week Program, the Christmas Seals Campaign, and tutoring services for the Lampodas Club. The Chapter also sponsored social activities which include smokers, rush parties, dances and their annual Mardi Gras.

On October 28, 1914, the laying of the foundation was formally completed when the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity was incorporated by the United States Congress.

From that one undergraduate chapter (Alpha Chapter) the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity has a roster of 270 chapters. From a membership of three in 1911, Omega has a membership of more than 25,000.

Every state in the Union has some sons of Omega to carry her ideas. There are Omera Men abroad also.


Delta Sigma Theta

STANDING, Left to Right: Iris Wright, Lillie Kyles, Antoinette Battiste, Pearl Fason, Frances Southerland, Catherine Johnson, Florence Mack, Glendie Watson, Mary Armstrong, Sherbie Best, Sergeant At Arms, Earthel Grant, Journalist, Gloria Johnson, Shirley Conner, Lois Carson, Journalist, Irene Elmore, Parliamentarian, Corine Capers, Virginia Jack- son, Secretary, Queen Griffin, Chaplain, Lucille Brock, Florence Rhaney. SITTING: Mary E. Smith, Vice President, Jeffrina Sapp, Martha Russell, Brenda Jennings, Gertrude Winston, Pearl Johnson, Financial Secretary, Barbara Wilhite, Genell Hughes, Jean Stewart, Artis McCray, Keeper of Properties, Paulette Johnson, Corresponding Secretary, Har- vesteen Harris, Minnie Thomas, President, and Rose Warren. NOT SHOWN: Hazel Johnson, Treasurer.


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Delta Sigma Theta is a national Greek letter organization, having 275 chapters located in 37 states, including Alaska, and also in the Republics of Haiti and Liberia.

Delta Sigma Theta was founded at How- ard University in Washington, D.C. on January 13, 1913, by a group of 22 undergraduate women who, in February 18, 1913, succeeded and secured a certi- ficate of Incorporation for the infant sorority.

The stated purpose of the founders was to establish a society to promote high cultural, intellectual, and moral standards among its members, for its own benefit and for that of the larger society in which it existed.


Kappa Alpha Psi

STANDING, Left to Right: Robert Bell, Dean of Pledgees, John D. Smith, Vice Polemarch, Moses Lee, Leonard Jones, Keeper of Records, George Wyne, Marty Stevens, Polemarch. SITTING: Bernard Lewis, Stratagus, Charles White, William Davis, Jimmy Warren, Oree Rawls, Alfonzo Bailey, Jim Glenn, Linwood Jones, Ass. Dean of Pledgees, Alfred Rogers. NOT SHOWN: Ellis Meeks, Jerome Johnson, Historian, Charles Hall, Exchequer, Alvin Watkins, Lucious Baldwin, Al- fredo Morange, and Wesley Johnson, Advisor.


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Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity was found- ed January 5, 1911 at Indiana University, being- Incorporated by the state of Indiana on April 15, 1911. It was first known as Kappa Alpha Nu Fraternity. In 1914 the name was changed to Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. The efforts of three men, Elder W. Diggs, Byron K. Armstrong, and John M. Lee were outstanding in the early development of the fraternity.


Sigma Gamma Rho

Artvetta Doanes, President, Betty Cohens, Marie Butler, Treasurer, Dorothy Dorsey, Jessie Scott, Eleanor Allen, Secretary, and Arnetha Bostic, Reporter.


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Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated, was organized on November 12, 1922, in Indianapolis, Indiana by Mary Lou Gardner and six other school teachers. The sorority became an incorporated National Collegiate Sorority on December 30, 1929, when a charter was granted by Alpha Chapter at Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana.

At present there are 59 campus chapters-and 82 Alumni Chapters -one of which is located at the University of Liberia, Monrouia.

Fifteen years and three months ago Soror Fannie P. Jenkins, the Southeastern Regional Director, Julia Jones, Edna Ligon, Rose Lot- son, Mattie Roberts and Christine Wright brought forth on this campus a new sorority, conceived in education, and dedicated to the proposition that all sisters are united as equal.

During this school term the sorority has been working diligently on various activities on and off campus. The sorority is a member of the Friends of the Library and the NAACP.

The sorority particularly stresses "finer womanhood, greater service and greater progress."


Phi Beta Sigma.



Gamma Zeta Chapter

Gamma Zeta Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. of Savannah State College was founded in the year 1940, for the purpose of pro- moting- brotherhood, scholarship and service to humanity. Through- out the years Sigma has exemplified these three characteristics for the upgrade of all mankind regardless of color, race or creed.

Shep Stevens

Jesse Hagans

Thomas Clark

Arthur Terry Homer Day, President

Zeta Phi Beta

STANDING, Left to Right: Alice Timmons. Nokaleta Mattox, Epistaleus, Mattie Breton, Elizabeth Morris, Anti-Basileus. Sallie Screen. Basileus, Mary Lewis, Lillian Hill, Grammateus, Rose Dillard. KNEELING: Barbara Gray, Flozzie Strozier, Emma Jean Geiger, Doris Bacon, Etrenda Jones, Juanita Wyche, Ruth Zeigler, Tamias and Betty Cohens.



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Zeta Phi Beta Sorority was organized on the campus of Howard University, Washing-ton, D. C, January 1920. The five founders, all of whom are still living-, are Arizona Cleaver Stemons, Viola Tyler Goings, Pearl Neal, Fannie Pettie Walls (of Savannah) and Myrtle Tyler Faithful. Soror Stemons has the honor of being the first presi- dent of the organization.

Rho Beta Chapter participates as far as possible in all of the na- tional programs of the sorority. Its contributions to the control and prevention of juvenile delinquency is an annual party at Thanks- giving time for the children of the Greenbriar Children's Center. The sorority assists the local graduate chapter with its city-wide story hour program during Finer Womanhood Week. On campus the sorority has an annual assembly program on which an award is pre- sented to the freshman girl with the highest average for the fall quarter.


Alpha Phi Alpha

LEFT TO RIGHT: Ernest Lavender, Willie Smith, Corresponding Secretary, William Dawson, Edgar Jones, Robert Ste- phens, Jack Colbert, Pan Hellenic Council Representative, Bennie Brown Reporter, Henry Furr, Frank Ellis, Alfred Mullice, Carswell Swint, Grady Riggs, Marshall Nolan, Harold Singleton. Edward Turner, Chaplain, Leroy Butts, Walter Holt, Alan J. Clark, Robert Brown, Bartha Moore, Otis Elijah, William Martin, Recording Secretary and Vernon Hector, Dean of Pledgees. CENTER: Bradford Torain, Financial Secretary, John B. Clemmons, Advisor, Charles Day. Vice Presi- dent, Phillip Dryer, Pan Hellenic Council Representative.

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More than fifty-five years ago at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, one of the most important meeting's in Negro history was taking place. Seven valiant Negro students, drawn together by their mutual feeling for the need of an organization which would bind Negro students together, organized Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, the first Negro Greek-Letter organization.

The park shown in the picture was built by the chapter and dedicated to the two deceased chartered brothers, Toland J. Col- lier and Elijah J. Lamarr on April 28, 1959, the tenth anniver- sary of the chapter.


Alpha Kappa Alpha

S o r o r 1 t


LEFT TO RIGHT: Freddie Hazzard. Epistaleas, Mary G. Lanier, Brenda Truell, Anti-Grammateus, Patricia Ryan, Dean of Pledgees, Earline Walker, Debis Whitehead, Martha Carey, Parliamentarian, Sandra Biven, Anti-Basileus, Alice Murray, Basileus, Gussie Washing-ton, Mary Jones, Pan Hellenic Council Representative, Carol Reese, Grammateus. NOT SHOWN: Donnie Pickett, Dawn Holling-shed, Margie Simmons, Glennera Martin, Sandra Heyward, Shirley Bunch, Juliette Mit- chell, Ann Waters and Gwendolyn Sharpe.


On January 16, 1908, a young1 woman named Ethel Hedge- man envisioned an idea that has now become the pride of many college young- women. Ethel Hedgeman, a junior at Howard University, loved her people and wanted to do something to raise their standards. In her room in Minor Hall Ethel Hedge- man, Lucy Slowe, Beulah Burke, Margaret Hagg, Marjorie Hill, Marie Woolfold, Anna Brown, and Lavinia Norman met to draw up plans for the organization. Lucy Stowe was elected Basileus. Prom so small a nucleus Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority has grown to more than 1,011 graduate chapters and 110 under- graduate chapters throughout the United States and Liberia.


Greek Pledgees

Lampados Club of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. -LEFT TO RIGHT: Arthur Williams, Royce Anderson, and Harry Hampton.

Pyramid Club of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority -LEFT TO RIGHT: Evelyn Brown, Ernestine Dennis, Carolyn Mag- wood, Ruby Jones and Juanita Meyers.

Ivy Leaf Club of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority -LEFT TO RIGHT: Wanda Fillmore, Eloise Glover, and Doris Jordan.

Sphinx Club of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity -LEFT TO RIGHT: Willie Lightfoot and Willie Vasser.



Omega's Probates

Delta's Probates

Sigma' s Probates

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Zeta's Probates

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Alpha's Probates

AKA's Probates

Kappa's Probates


"In our hearts we build a shrine for thee . . . We hail the queens of S.S.C. . . ."

Grace, charm, talent, personality, and beauty are the qualifications of a suc- cessful queen as well as a successful human being'. Here at Savannah State College, we have been blessed with a multitude of lovely young1 ladies with the foregoing requirements for being our queens. At all times there is a queen for every organization on campus, but when we begin to look around at the lovely ladies who were by-passed because of campus traditions, we feel that there is a dire need for at least two queens to represent each organization. The feature section of the yearbook is devoted entirely to our charming queens. We will always remember their serenity during the homecoming festivities, Greek balls, coronation balls, and other social affairs at dear S.S.C.

Coronation of Miss SSC



Miss SSC and Her Attendants


Miss Savannah State addresses the crowd during- half time of the Homecoming game.

Miss SSC and Attendants wave at crowds during the homecoming parade of Clark College.



Miss SSC & Her Attendants

Miss Alpha Kappa Alpha-Shirley Bunch

Miss Business-Virginia Jackson

Miss Camilla Huburt Hall-Elizabeth Simpkins

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Miss Delta Sigma Theta-Minnie Thompson

Miss Freshman-Patricia Belcher

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Miss New Women Dorm- Murnace Coleman

Miss Kappa Alpha Psi- Vivian McMillan

Miss Phi Beta Sigma- Blondell Orgden

Miss Omega Psi Phi |gm Betty Gordon




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Miss Publication- Gloria Lucas



Miss Scoller- Jacqueline Ryles

Miss Social Science- France Smith

Miss Senior- Sherbie Best

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| Miss Tiger-Earlene Freeman ,%^\i

Miss Technical Science- Gwendolyn Miller


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Miss Wright Hall- Catherine Shavers f -

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Miss YMCA-Bevelyn Jackson


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Miss Zeta Phi Beta-Ruth Ziegler


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"Fight! Fight! Tigers." shouts the crowd. Then an expectant hush creeps over it. Strong bodies with alert minds appear. The game was the climax of homecoming activities. With colorful pre-game ceremonies and half-time shows lacking nothing short of perfection, the old grads were extremely pleased with their Alma Mater.

Well-molded physically, mentally and spiritly, SSC prepares its athletes for the con- test at hand, be it basketball, football or life.







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Leo Richardson, Head Football and Basketball Coach makes observation on the gridiron.


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Football Team-FRONT ROW, Left to Right: Carl Westmore, Joseph Blakeney, Dennis Davis, Frank Ellis, Al Sears, Joseph Stokes, Johnny Sears, William German, Robert Bell, Harold Singleton. SECOND ROW: Steven Kelly, Charles William, Vaughn Ford, Walter Fulton, Paul Cunningham, Samuel Marshal, Willian Handy, Allen Singley, William Hardy, Lewis Witherspoon, Bobby Carter. THIRD ROW: Johnnie Bush, James Wood, Reginald Adams, Wiston Jones, Charles Rutland, Herbert Ford, Barnard Lewis, Oree Rawls, John Mitchell, Charles Fergerson, Jimmy Burke, Kenneth Davis, William Hick- son. FOURTH ROW: Leo Richardson, Head Football Coach, John Mason, Offensive Coach, and Frank Simmons, Line Coach.




Tri-Captains of the Football Team - LEFT TO RIGHT: Oree Rawls, end, Waycross. Georgia; Bernard Lewis, tackle. Stuben- ville, Ohio; and Herbert Ford, end. Savannah, Georgia.


Robert Bell, guard, Vidalia, Georgia.

Johnny Sears, guard, Savannah, Georgia.





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Charles Rutland, tackle Winter Garden. Fla.

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Samuel Marshall, halfback Birmingham, Alabama

Steven Kelly, guard Miami, Fla.

Frank Ellis, quarterback Savannah, Georgia

Oree Rawls, end Waycross, Georgia

Al Sears, guard Savannah. Georgia

Bernand Lewis Steubenville, Ohio


Tommy Davis, g-uard Columbus, Georgia

Theodore Bowman, forward Augusta, Georgia

Charles Day, center Savannah, Georgia

Clyde Baker, guard Toledo, Ohio

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Robert Caine, forward Brunswick, Georgia


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George Lane, forward Chicago, Illinois

Clark Brooks, forward Chicago, Illinois

Theodore Bowman tries hard to get the rebound from numbers 31 and 24 of Fort Valley State as Jerome Johnson looks on.

I don't care how high you jump and stretch your arms, I'll make the basket. SSC forward, Charles Day, shoots a one-hand jumper as he is being guarded by number 13 of South Carolina State. Jerome Johnson, 5 1 , is coming to assist Day.

Verner Jennings, number 43, uses many evasive tactics on players from Fort Valley State.



Senior Directory

Anderson, Richard, 730 Depug'h Avenue, Winter Park, Flori- da. YMCA; NAACP; SNEA; Senior Class President; President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; College Playhouse; Panhellenic Council.

Allen, Marie, 2329V2 Ogeechee Road, Savannah, Georgia. 234-3191; Choral Society; Biology Club.

Armstrong, Mary E., 300 Roberts Street, Dublin. Georgia. Br. 2-0982; Choral Society; Band; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.; SNEA; Alpha Kappa Mu Tutorial Society.

Bellinger, Maxine L., 2111 West Broad Street, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 3-1937; Biology Club; Student Union; Creative Dance Group; NAACP.

Best, Sherbie J., North Zetterower Avenue, Statesboro, Georg'ia. Po 4-2581; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; Miss Senior; Social Science Club.

Brock, Lucille L., 305 Oak Street. Screven, Georgia. Ly 6- 4232; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.; President of the Marshall Board; Band; YWCA.

Bruce, Juanita, 1219 Augusta Avenue, Savannah, Georg-ia. 232-8075; Choral Society; Biology Club.

Chatman, Marvin, Rt. 2, Box 230, Sparta, Georgia. Wright Hall Dormitory Council; Business Club; Insurance Committee; YMCA; NAACP; AKM Tutorial Society.

Clements, Ann J.,

Ad 4-3309; SNEA.

1316 Love Street, Savannah, Georg'ia.

Coney, Betty S., Rt. 1, Box 147 A, Metter, Georgia. SNEA; Aurora Club.

Cooper, Morris, 515 Fellwood Homes, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 4-307 1 ; Choral Society; NAACP; YMCA.

Cruse, Shirley A., 920 Bowden Street, Savannah, Georg'ia. Beta Kappa Chi National Scientific Honor Society; Student Council; Mathematics Association; College Playhouse; Alpha Kappa Mu Tutorial Society.

David, Elease, 818 West 47th Street, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 6-5032; Business Club; Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.

Doanes, Artvetta Y., 5501 Cascade Road S.W., Atlanta, Georgia. Associate Editor of the Yearbook; President of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Business Club; Miss Tiger.

Elmore, Irene E., 219V2 West 56 Street, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 6-4370; Business Club; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; Senior Editor; Miss Savannah State College; Editor of "The Enter- priser".

Fields, Eleanor R., 815 West 51st Street, Savannah, Georgia. 232-4071 ; Business Club, Vice President.

Flynn, Barbara A., 7321 Skidaway Road, Savannah, Georgia. El 5-31 16; SNEA.

Frazier, Dorothy M., 621 Kline Street, Savannah, Georgia. 236-5879; Home Economics Club.

Ginn, Henry, 1212 Augusta Avenue, Savannah, Georgia. Boar's Head Club; Student Religious Society.

Grant, Adlene, 812 Lynah Street, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 3- 6781 ; YWCA; NAACP.

Griggin, Queen E., Rt. 3, Box 61, Waynesboro, Georgia. Boar's Head Club; SNEA; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.

Hambersham C. Alec, 81-F Tindall Heights, Macon, Georgia. St 2-3084; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity; YMCA; NAACP; Boar's Head Club.

Hill, Elma R., 311-7th Avenue, Manchester, Georgia. 834- 3372; NAACP; Aurora Club.

Hobbs, Georgia, Rte. 3, Box 306, Thomson, Georgia. 595- 4977; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; Business Club.

Hallinshead, Dawn W., 152 Love Street, Pelham, Georgia. 294-8297; SNEA; Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.

Hunter, Freda D., 516 North Parker Street, Fitzgerald, Georgia. 423-3912; Second Attendant to Miss SSC; SNEA; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.

Hunter, Louise, 542V2 E. Duffy Street, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 6-1 922; SNEA; Boar's Head Club.

Jackson, Martha L., P. O. Box 5. Meridian, Georgia. 437-4179; SNEA; Zeta Phi Beta Sorority.

Johnson, Drucilla, 510 W. 40th Street, Savannah, Georgia. 236-5879; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; Home Economics Club.

Johnson, Gloria, 621 Kline Street, Savannah, Georgia. 236- 5879; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; College Playhouse.

Jones, Etrenda C, Rte. 1 , Box 50, Claxton, Georgia. 739-3 161; Zeta Phi Beta Sorority; Home Economics Club.

Johnson, Hazel, Rte. 1, Box 14, Osierfield, Georg'ia. President, Alpha Kappa Mu; Vice President, Student Council; Who's Who; SNEA; NAACP; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; Boar's Head Club; Debating Team.

Kent, Bernard, Jr., 706 W. 48th Street, Savannah, Georgia. 734-3892; YMCA; Phisico-Mathematical Association; SNEA.

Kent, Elise G., 706 West 48th Street. Savannah, Georgia. Ad 4-3892; Choral Society; NAACP; College Playhouse; Bi- ology Club.


Senior Directory

Kirkland, Barbara, 1008-A Joe Street, Savannah, Georgia. 232-5286; Business Club.

Lawson, Barbara J., Apt. 40 Bailey Heights, Waycross, Georgia; SNEA; YWCA; Boar's Head Club.

Mainor, Joan V., Rte. 1, Box 15, Woodbine, Georgia. SNEA; Boar's Head Club.

Major, Leroy H., 312 West Duffy Street, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 6-7514; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity; Technical Science Club.

Martin, Glennera E., Johnson Street & Jones Ave., Statesboro, Georgia. Po 4-3291; SNEA; Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority; Marshall Board; YWCA; Miss SNEA.

Miller, Gwendolyn L., 644 W. 39th Street, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 2-1481; Home Economics Club.

Neal. James F., 189, Buena Vista, Georgia. 649-4116; YMCA; NAACP; Social Science Club; Student Council; Choral Society; Basileus, of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity; Editor of the Year- book; Student Activity Committee; Freshman Counselor and Co-General Chairman of Men Festival Committee.

Norris, Annie D., 1012 Allen Avenue, Savannah, Georgia. 233-7313; Biology Club; Creative Dance Group.

Sanford, Delacy W., Rte. 2, Box 182. Vidalia, Georgia. 537- 3857; President of the Social Science Club; YMCA; SNEA; Debating Team.

Sharpe, Gwendolyn, Rte. 2, Box 163, Hazelhurst, Georgia. SNEA; Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.

Sibert, Don D., 1004 W. 44th Street, Savannah. Georgia. Ad 4-0925; Newman Club; Biology Club; Relative Dance Group.

Sibert, Patricia A., 1004 W. 44th Street, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 4-0925; Majorette, Creative Dance Group; Biology Club; Newman Club.

Simmons, Margie R., 522 E. Marble Street, Monroe, Georgia. 267-3465; Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority; Choral Society; SNEA; Pan-Hellenic Council.

Simpson, Jerline C, 1010 W. 40th Street, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 6-9857; Business Club.

Small, Brenda V., 834 Joe Lane, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 4- 8418; SNEA.

Smith, Mary E., 155 Rossevelt Street, Cartersville. Georgia. Ev 2-2788; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; Secretary of Senior Class; First Attendant to Miss SSC.

Nunnally, Betty J., 10 Bryant Street, Statesboro, Georgia. Po 4-2692.

Phillip, Hazel Y., 43 Pine Street. Hoganville, Georgia. 637- 992 1 ; Boar's Head Club; SNEA.

Polite, Dennis, 329 West 32nd Street, Savannah, Georgia. 233-0616; Beta Kappi Chi; Physico-Mathematical Asso- ciation; Who's Who; Newman Club; Alpha Kappa Mu Tutorial Society; Curriculum Committee; College Playhouse.

Mcneal, Lorenzo P., 1831 W. 32nd Street, Savannah. Georgia. 236-9290; President of the Religious Society; YMCA; NAACP.

Southerland, Frances, 703 E. Lemon Street, Fitzgerald. Georgia. 432-4239; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; College Playhouse.

Stephens, Robert W., 1 0 1 6 W. 46th Street, Savannah, Georgia. 236-2738; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; President of Marching Band; SNEA.

Stephenson, Jimmy, 643 Roanoke Homes, Fitzgerald, Georgia. 423-3564; Student Council; Beta Kappa Chi Na- tional Scientific Honor Society; NAACP; Who's Who; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity; Technical Science Club; Wright Hall Disciplinary Committee.

Polite, Johnnie M., 750 East Gwinnett, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 2-6909; Business Club.

Timmons, Alice M., Rte. 2, Box 103, Townsend, Georgia. 832-5293; Choral Society; Zeta Phi Beta Sorority.

Quarterman, Patricia, 2508 Harden Street, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 4-0127; NAACP; Choral Society; Boar's Head Club; College Playhouse.

Rivers, Carolyn L., 2317 Harden Street, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 2-8034; The Boar's Head Club.

Rountree, Eddie M., 225 Church Street, Statesboro, Georgia. SNEA.

Vauss, Annie R., 103 Day Street, Thomaston, Georgia. Mi 7-5979; SNEA, YWCA; Business Club.

Wallace, Lillian E., Rte. 3, Box 104, Springfield, Georgia. SNEA; YMCA.

Winfrey, Laordice, 174 Barfield Avenue SW, Atlanta, Georgia. PI 0-5123; College Playhouse; SNEA; Social Science Club; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Pan Hellenic Council.

Russell, Angelyn, 1629 Stratford Street, Savannah, Georgia. Ad 2-4871.

Zeigler, Geneva M., North Zetterower Avenue, Statesboro, Georgia. 764-3202; Business Club.


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1965 Tiger Is Finished

James P. Neal, Editor-in-Chief

A yearbook, like history is not made of one event or by one per- son; rather it is a combination of efforts and a compilation of activi- ties. People are also necessary if the yearbook is to be recorded.

Perhaps it is not too pretentious to say that a yearbook seeks to capture the spirits of a particular group of people at a particular time in a particular place. It tries to discover the identities which belong' to that group because of the convergence in time and space of so many individuals. The 1 965 Tiger faced this with trepidation.

Without you the students and faculty of Savannah State, the Tiger would not have anything to tell. For your help, thank you!

To the members of the Tiger's Staff, I sincerely thank you for your time and your efforts. Special thanks to James Robert Smith and Homer Day, Associate Editors, Robert Joiner, layout and copy edi- tor, and Patricia Neely, Freshman Editor. For the staff this year- book holds special memories. In time of irritating complacency, flaming disagreement, they have contributed their efforts. Even in the threatening shadow of an impending deadline the editing of the yearbook remaineda joy because of the people with whom it was done. I would not repent this year as editor, for it will go down in my college career as a year filled with special learning into the essence of Savannah State College.

James F. Neal, Editor-in-Chief


Robert L. Joiner, Jr. Copy Editor, and special Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief.

Artvetta Doanes (Seated), Associated Editor, smiles as she finishes the Queen section of the Tiger. Standing is (Left) James R. Smith, Feature Editor, and (Right) Arthur Curtwright, Publicity Editor. Picture not shown Homer Day, Assistant Editor.

Four editors observe the 1964 Tiger-FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: James Smith, Feature Editor; Irene Elmore, Senior Editor; Otha Douglas, Sophomore Editor; and Patricia Neeley, Freshman Editor.

The Editor-in-Chief gives staff members points on good layout. SEATED: Artvetta Doanes, Associate Editor. STANDING, Left to Right: James F. Neal, Editor-in-Chief; James R. Smith, Feature Editor; Irene Elmore, Senior Editor; Otha Douglas, Sophomore Editor; Charles Elmore, Junior and Robert L. Joiner, Jr., Layout Editor. NOT SHOWN: Earl Waltower, Sports Editor; Mr. John Jordan, Mr. Isiah Mclver, Advisors; Mr. W. C. Scott, Coordinator of Student Publications; Robert Mobley , Photographer. 2 1

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Yearbooks Yearbook Covers

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