tA\ TIJDSCHRIFT DER NEDERLANDSCHE DIERKUNDIGE VEREENIGING T IJ D S C H R I F ï DER NËDERLANDSCHE DIERKUNDIGE VEREENIGING ONDER REDACTIE VAN Prof. C. Ph. sluiter, als Voorzitter der Vereeniging, ' Dr. J. C. C. LOMAN, Prof. J. F. VAN BEMMELEN en Prof. J. E. W. IHLE. Sde SEI^IE X)EEIj XIV^JI BOEKHANDEL EN DRUKKERIJ VOORHKEK E. J. B K I L L LEIDEN — 1919. liOKKDRUKKKRlJ VOOrheetl K. J. BRILL — LEIDEN. INHOUD. I. Wetenschappelijke Bijdragen. ("Verschenen ÜVIaart, 1919). Blad/. M. VAN Trtgt, A contribntion to the Physiology of tlio Fresh-water Sponges (Spongillidae) i II. Verslagen. Verslag van de gewone huishovidelijke vergadering van 29 Juni 1918 . i Verslag van de wetenschappelijke vergadering van 28 September "1918. viir Verslag van de wetenschappelijke vergadering van 30 November 1918. xii Naamlijst der leden op 1 .lanuari 1919 xx A CONTRIBUTION TO THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE FRESH-WATER SPONGES (SPONGILLIDAE) BY H. VAN TRIGT. With plate l— VI. PREFACE. A paper as foUovvs must necessarily be established by a de- tailed statement of observations as well as by illiistrations taken from life. As my investigations have led to so many subjects, this paper has become rather extensive ; and it would have lost its clear survey, had I not taken special precautions to prevent this. 1. For a survey of the questions and the results, I refer to the various points of the Introduction and to the adjoined points in the Summary at the end of this paper. This Summary gives the chief results, and the pages of the text, the tables and illustrations concerning them. 2. In the text itself the questions and results are al ways printed in italics. My principal results have already been published in the Pro- ceedings of the Kon. Akademie van Wetenschappen at Amsterdam, meeting 24 Nov. 1917. CONTENTS. page INTRODUCTION 3 METHODS • 8 RESEARCH 15 A. Tuk chlorophyll of the fresh-water sponges 15 I. How and wbere the green colouring-matter occurs ... 15 II. The 'behaviour of the green colouring-matter 17 III. The nature and structure of the green chlorophyll cor- puscles 21 IV. The genus of the «symbiotic" alga; its mode of reproduction. 29 V. Green and colourless fresh-water sponges; under what cir- cumstances they occur; the nature of their «symbiotie" algae 35 VI. The structure of the colourless »symbiotic" algae ; how they arise from the green ones 36 VII. The intrinsic amount of the various green and colourless stages of the »symbiotic" algae in sponges. The factors ruling this amount. How green and colourless sponges keep up their wcolour", and how they arise from each other . 46 VIII. The nature of the wsymbiotic" association of sponge and green alga; its use to the alga and to the sponge. ... 76 IX. Some other algae occuri-ing in tissues of Ephydatia . . . 116 B. Thk current of watkr in the canal-system of the fresh- water SPONGE.S 118 C. The ingestion of food in the fresh-water sponges 138 D. The digestion in the fresh-water sponges 157 E. The defecation and excretion in the fresh-water sponges . 158 F. Appendix. Some separate observations 171 SUMMARY 176 BIBLIOGRAPHY 186 TABLES 1—15 189 ILLUSTRATIONS 217 Explanation of plates 217 Pi.ates. I— VI; Figs. 1—77. INTRODUCTION. If I venture to treat liere at large, witli the help of my own research, the problem of the chlorophyll, of the current of water, of the ingestion and the defecation in fresh-water sponges, it is not, because there is but little known about these problems. On the contrary ; investigators have already studied them since decennaries. We even possess a great number of papers on these subjects; some of which are considered in literature as standard researches giving decisive results. Nevertheless, I think it neces- sary to treat those problems once more; in the first place, be- cause during my investigations, which I have continued as exact as possible for at least 4 years, several of these results obtained and generally acknowledged — some of them being of the greatest interest — proved to me absolutely inexact ; and in the second place, because I will be able to confirm by new and better proofs some of the results, which have not yet been generally acknow- ledged in consequence of a less complete argumentation. I will mention in short the chief points (see also van Trigt, 57b) : 1. In 1882 Brandt (8, 9) came to the conclusion, that the chlorophyll corpuscles of the fresh-water sponges were unicel- lular algae (Zoochlorellae), morphologically and physiologically independent of their hosts. Ray Lankester (35) and Geddes (22), however, got to quite the opposite view : the chlorophyll corpuscles of Spongilla are identical to those of the plants, the investigators who think them to be parasitic algae are misled. Brandt's proofs are good enough, but not yet quite sufficiënt ; he did not succeed in convincing Lankester and Geddes. Nevertheless, Brandt's opinion is almost generally acknowledged — eg. by Beijerinck (4) 1890, Delage (16) 1899, IIertwig (29) 1903, Oltmanns (47) 1905, Weltner (68) 1907 and Biedermann (6) 1911 — ; Sollas (53) 1906 only — and apparently Minchin (45) 1900 too — holds the view of Lankester, though in a note he indicates the pos- sibility of the chlorophyll corpuscles being algae. I will show by decisive proofs that Brandt was right (see Summary, point 1 — 5). 2. The investigators, who agree with Brandt, unanimously de- clare that the symbiotic alga of the Spongillidae belongs to the genus Chlorella — eg. Beijerinck (1. c.), Oltmanns (l.c), Schenck (56) 1908, Wille (69) 1911 — . But having examined the mode of reproduction of those algae, I have been able to state 'that, at least in my sponges, we do not meet with a member of the genus Chlorella at all, but with a forni probably closely related to the genus Pleurococcus (see Summary, point 6). 3. By lack of sufficiënt daylight green fresh-water sponges become colourless, viz. creamy-white, and colourless sponges remain colourless. In such sponges Lankester (1. c.) found the chlorophyll corpuscles, which used to be green, now colourless; and he concludes, that these colourless forms may either pass directly into (green) chlorophyll corpuscles by the action of sun- light, or that during their development, by sunlight, in stead of yielding the colourless forni they pass into the green type. In the same way Brandt (1. c.) says, wlien speaking about these colourless corpuscles: „eben so gut wie die Chlorophyllkörper von höheren Pflanzen, können doch aber auch die Chlorophyllkörper von Algen bei mangelhaftem Lichtzutritt blasser werden" ; and elsewhere: „dass die Chlorophyllkörper der Zoochlorellen ihre grüue Farbe im Dunkeln einbüssen, ist selbstversttindlich". So both authors suppose conformity of the behaviour in darkness of the chloroplasts of the higher plants and of the chlorophyll corpuscles of the Spongillidae ; and so they explain the fact mentioned above, viz. that in darkness green sponges grow colour- less and colourless ones remain colourless, by analogy to the fact known from the Angiospermae : that chlorophyll can not be pro- duced in darkness. This, now, proved to me quite inexact. The lack of light is really the cause of the green (colourless) sponges becoming (remaining) colourless in darkness, but for quite a different — much more complicate — roason than Brandt and Lankester think of (see Summary, point 7 — 15). 4. The general conception (except of Lankester c. s.) of the symbiotic relation of fresh-water sponge and alga is, as a relation probably based on mutual use. So Spongilla is almost considered 'to be a „classic" example of symbiosis next to the Lichens. We possess however but a few proofs, very little decisive, con- cerning this mutual relation of host and guest (Brandt 8). Now, with my experiments I have come to the conclusion that, instead of a classic example of symbiosis in the sense of the mutualism of the Lichens, the association of sponge and alga may be called at best a transition of a process of nutrition (of the sponge) into a still very imperfect symbiosis (see Summary, point 16 — 19). These were the original points I intended to examine. But, as is usually the case, when seeking we find by chance quite new ways leading to other territories. So I found out a method, which enabled me to observe wholly intact, normally living tissue of sponges with oil-immersion for many hours, on several consecu- tive days. In this way I got an insight into the following points : 5. As for the cause of the current of water in the canal-system of the sponges, the research and theory of Vosmaer and Pekel- haring (62) 1898 are almost generally acknowledged — eg. by MiNCHiN (45) 1900, Biedermann (6) 1911, Babak (3) 1912 and partly by Jordan (32) 1913 as well — : By the irregular strokes (to and fro) of the flagella of the choanocytes the pressure of the water on the inside of the wall of the flagellated chambers is continually changing; one time it is positivo, next time nega- tivo. In the first case the choanocytes acting as valves will pre- vent the water from flowing out through the prosopyles. If, on the contrary, the pressure is lessened, water can easily flow into the chamber by these openings. The sponge will thus suck in water through the incurrent canals, which flows out again by the osculum. The current in the flagellated chambers is uot regularly, continually streaming but irregularly whirling. This is, in short, the theory of Vosmaer and Pekelharing. Now, I have been able to establish in my living sponge-preparations that the movement of the flagelia, as described here, is not the normal one, but abnormal, and caused by exhaustion. The real move- ment takes place, just as in the Flagellata, in a spiral- or undu- lating line, while the current of water in the chambers is deci- dedly regular and quick (see Summary, point 20). 6. In close relation to the problem of the water-current in sponges is that of the ingestion of food — already a very old matter of dispute. Here too we owe the last and principal re- searches to Vosmaer and Pekelharing (1. c), by whom was shown once more, that the flagellated chambers, c. q. the choanocytes, would be the real „eating-organs" (Carter) of the sponge; al- though both these investigators think it possible, that now and then food-particles can be captured by cells lining the canals. In literature this view is almost generally accepted — eg. by Delage (16) 1899, Sollas (53) 1906, Biedermann (6) 1911 and JoRDAN (32) 1913. MiNCHiN (45) 1900, however, thinks ') that in the simplest forms of sponges indeed the collar-cells represent the chief „eating-organs", but that in the higher organized ones the function of ingestion may be usurped more and more by cells in the parenchyma (amoebocytes or porocytes). Now, I myself have observed in my living preparations, that in Spongilla ingestion certainly takes place by the choanocytes, but that there exists still another mode of ingestion — for larger bodies only — at the exterior of the flagellated chambers at the entrance of the prosopyles. It stands to reason, that the mode of capturing food by the choanocytes was conceived in perfect agreement with the theory of the water-current, as mentioned by Vosmaer and Pekel- haring. So these investigators declare that the motion of the flagelia, by the whirling movement of the water it produces in the chambers, causes, that food particles arrive easily w i t h i n the coUars of the choanocytes and thus come in contact with 1) Here Minchin folio ws Metschnikoff (44). their protoplasin. Now, as I have been able to observe in my living preparations quite another waj of movement of the flagella and the water-current as being the normal one in the flagellated chambers, the way in which the choanocytcs capture their food was also bound to prove wholly different. The food-particles are by no nieans captured within, but at the outside of the collars or at the outside of the colhir-cells themselves; so exactly in the same way as in the Choanotiagollata (cf. Doflein (17)). Already JoKDAN (32) said: „Den Vorgang der „Phagocytose" durch die Kragenzellcn mit demj enigen zu analogisieren, den wir bei den Choanoflagellaten kennen lernten, ist sehr verlockend, aber das vorliegende Beobachtungsmaterial reicht nicht hin, uns ein Recht zu solchem Analogisieren zu geben". Cotte (12) 1902, namely, seemed to have observed something as a capturing of food at the outside of the collars, although he said the capturing within the collars to be the chief manner of ingestion. Quite separate from the problem of ingestion of solid food re- mains Pütter's theory (48, 49) 1909, 1914, which says that sponges do not feed so much with micro-organisms as with or- ganic substances in solution, present in the water. (See Summary, point 21 — 23). 7. Finally the problem of defecation and excretion ; up to now it has been studied but little, and the few results we possess, and which we owe amongst others to Masterman (42) 1894 and Cotte (13) 1903, are only accepted in literature with reserve — BuRiAN (10) 1910, JoRDAN (32) 1913 — . There are mentioned, for instance, an expulsion of cells loaded with waste solids at arbitrary points of the inner or outer surface of the sponge-body, and a process of defecation by the choanocytes. Now, I have been able to observe in my living preparations, that defecation (and probably excretion at the same time) takes place on a large scale by means of vacuoles. And that probably this process should be considered partly in direct relation to the above (point 6) mentioned second way of capturing (larger) particles. So we get to know a — very necessary — quickly working system of cleansing of the sponge (see Summary, point 24 — 25). 8 These are the chief points of my investigation. I want to de- clare emphatically that for all my microscopic examinations I used no other than liviug preparations. Observing them has been an inexhaustible source of enjoyment to me, also beyond the problems I was about ! This makes me think : Those zoologists, who devote themselves exclusively to morphology, should con- sider that, when studying biological problems, they generally commence by depriving the organism to be examined of the most interesting phenomenon, it ever may show — even the most interesting phenomenon on earth ! — : Life. METHODS. The capturing of sponges. The sponges were coUected in the lakes near Leyden (Brasemermeer). Both forms, Spongilla la- custris and Ephydatia fluviatilis, are to be found there in great quantities; of course, such an unlimited quantity of proof-material is of the greatest importance for physiological investigations. When loosened from their supporting layer — stone or wood — the sponges were immediately cleaned from adhering parts of mud etc, , and transported to the laboratory as quickly as possible. The condifions of life in their habitat as to light, purity of the water etc, in connection with the peculiarities of the fresh- water sponges, were studied by me in all seasons for several years. So I got many data, concerning the sponges living under normal conditions, on which I could test the exactness of the results of my proofs. The culture of the sponges. After many experiments the fol- lowing arrangement of the aquaria has proved to be the best. The glass aquaria (capacity 50 and 100 litres), and the other vessels used for the experiments, were standing in an unwarmed apartment of the laboratory (windows on S, W.), while daylight was tempered by partly closing the shutters and the air refreshed 9 by an open wiïidow. The aquaria contained water froiii tin; con- duit, which was continually flowing in; as I may conclude from my experiments , the water was entirely renewed in this way in 5 — 10 hours. Plants, nor any nutriment for the sponges were ever added — pure, streaming water proved to be best. In the aquaria the sponges were in (tempered) daylight, not too many together, in their natural attitude lying on wire-gauze, 10 — 20 centimeters from the bottom and 15 — 20 centimeters from the surface of the water; in this way they were safe from the in- fluence of anything that might sink to the bottom. The aquaria were cleaned once in 1 — 2 months. For culture of sponges in darkness aquaria arranged in the same manner but surrounded by perfectly light-tight wooden cases were used. The Spongillae generally kept alive for 1 — 1'j., months, in the beginning they often grew strongly ; the Ephydatiae, however, sometimes lived even for 5 months, but they did not grow so quickly as Spon- gillae. Sometimes sponges were cultivated separately in glass vessels (capacity 3 or 5 litres), also containing conduit-water, though not streaming; tliis water was renewed once a day. The culture of the isolated cMorophytl corjMsdes. The cultures were obtained in the followi^g way : A green sponge was rubbed and pressed, the parts of the skeleton removed, and the remaining dark green liquid mixed with some water. Then this liquid was kept quiet for about an hour, during wliich time a thick green mass settled at the bottom — formed, as appeared, by amoebocytes and other sponge-cells and by detritus — while a still green liquid remained. The latter almost exclusively contained the isolated green chlorophyll corpuscles. Next this liquid was divided into equal quantities over many little glass vessels; these vessels were filled with the culture-media wanted to the same volume (50 cM'), covered with glass plates, and placed either in (tem- pered) daylight, or in complete darkness in the same room as the aquaria. In the beginning the culture media were renewed every 2 or 3 days (as long as there were processes of rotting of sponge-rests), afterwards once in 1 or 2 months ; to which it was of nuich use, that the chlorophyll corpuscles, once having 10 been isolated, used to settle down to the bottom in one day's time , then forming, together with sponge-rests, a continuous membrane rather firmly attached to the bottom. The cultures of colourless clilorophyll corpuscles (from colour- less sponges) were obtained in the same manner. The culture-media were the following: 1. water from the con- duit, 2. solution of inorganic food, 3. solution of organic food, either diluted or concentrated, 4. liquid from a pressed sponge, also diluted or concentrated. The following solutions of inorganic food were used: I. Solution of Oehlmann (from Doflein (17)). 999 Gr. water 0.2 „ MgSO^ 0.4 „ Na H^ PO4 0.4 „ K N O3 II. Solution of Beijerinck (from Gerneck (23) ). 100 Gr. water 0.05 „ NH4NO., 0.02 „ KH, PO4 0.02 „ MgSO^ 0.01 „ Ca C\, traces Fe SO4 And the following solutions of organic food : I. Solution of Artari (2). 0.5 7o peptone (Witte) 1 „ glucose 0.3 „ KH, PO4 0.1 „ Mg SO4 0.1 „ CaClj traces Fe.^, Cl^ II, The same, but containing 6°/^ glucose. III. ■ Diluted solution of organic food ; obtained by mixing 50 cM"* of the solution of inorganics I and 3 drops of the following solution of organics (of Zumstein, from Dof- lein 1. c.) ; 11 100 Gr. water 10 „ peptone (Witte) 10 „ glucose 4 „ citric acid 0.4 „ MgSO^ 1 „ Kil, PO, 1 , NH^m, The liqiiid from a pressed sponge (for culture-medium) was übtained in this way : The superfluous water was pressed out of some green sponges ; then the sponges were rubbed and the re- maining liquid was filtered through a cloth, in order to separate it from the intact sponge-cells (but not from the chlorophyll cor- puscles etc). It was my intention to obtain in tliis way a me- dium (without the living sponge) for the chlorophyll corpuscles, differing as little as possible as to composition and concentration from that in the living sponge. When this medium had to be renewed, I could not make use again of pressed juice of a green sponge — for the chlorophyll corpuscles cannot be held, not even by filtering paper — ; I then used the juice of a colourless sponge. In all these cultures appeared among a colourless, granular ground-substance formed by sponge-rests, besides a great many chlorophyll corpuscles, of course also some other organisms (algae, protozoa, bacteria); so they were not pure cultures. To this fact I owe many interesting data concerning the influence of such organisms on a culture of my chlorophyll corpuscles. Nevertheless, I have tried in several ways to get really pure cultures ; but always in vain. In the first place in the way in- dicated by Beijekinck (4) for algae in general, the so called ge- latine-method. As I did not succeed in applying this method to the chlorophyll corpuscles — as little as Beijekinck — I will only mention it in short: Before little colonies of the green chloro- phyll corpuscles could be detected, the gelatine was always en- tirely liquefied. I tried to suppress the development of bacteria and mould in the originally sterile, neutrally reacting gelatine by adding citric acid or sugar to it and by infecting with traces 12 of a culture of clilorophyll corpuscles ; but I did not succeed. Next I tried to piek up a single chlorophyll corpuscle from a drop of water by means of Sciioüten's apparatus, in order to transport it to the sterile gelatine. The apparatus, which proved good for bacteria, was of no use to me: in water the corpuscle sticks to the needie, but it immediately loosens when taken out; and my efforts to get a more appropriate form of needle-point were un- successful. So I did not get a pure culture of the chlorophyll corpuscles of the Spongillidae. But this was of no consequence to my research ; the ordinary cultures procured all results I wanted. Microscopic preparations. As I stated already in the Intro- duction, I did not use any other than living preparations ; namely in two forms : 1. Ravel preparations of a sponge tissue, or preparations of chlorophyll corpuscles from a culture, made on a glass-slide with a drop of the original liquid ; the coverglass surrounded by vaseline in order to entirely separate the preparation from the outer world. 2. Sponges grown on coverglass. These preparations, in which I observed many important phenomena in sponge life, were made in the following way : A branch of a Spongilla — Ephydatia is not appropriate for the experiment because of its slow growth — is cut at full length in two, and each half is divided again into short pieces of 1 c.M. Each piece is then put on its long flat side on a large coverglass into an aquarium. When kept quiet, these little sponges will then soon attach themselves with this side (the wound side) to their glass ; while a thin membrane of newly formed sponge-tissue will even extend from each old sponge piece as a centre over the coverglass (Fig. 3). ïhis membrane thickens ac- cording as it is growing older. In a week's time we then possess in this membrane a w h o 1 1 y intact, n o r m a 1 1 y living sponge preparation, fit for microscopic examination even with an o i 1 - i m m e r s i o n ! To that purpose we put the cover- glass, the sponge at the underside, on glass feet into a glass vessel fiUed with water, so, that the upperside of the coverglass remains 13 on the surface of the water and tlie wliole can be phiced on the table of the microscope. If we renew the water now and then, and if, after examination, we put the prcparation back into tlie aquarium, we can observe this living- tissue under wliolly normal conditions for many hours, on several consecutive days. Microscopising . All my microscopic examinations were made in an Engelmann case, with the help of Zeiss's eye-piece n°, 4 and a most excellent specimen of a Leitz '/,.^ oil-immersion. This last lens gave even better results than the precieus apochromatic system of Zei.ss (with compens. eye-pie?es). The estimating of the nuinher of (•hlorophijll rorpusdes^ etc. in a preparation. I often had to know — for the sake of mutual comparison — the absolute number of, for instance, the various green and colourless chlorophyll corpuscles in a same volume of several sponges, or in a certain volume of several cultures. If I had wished to count these corpuscles, it would have required a suspension — adequate to counting as for exactness — of equal volumes of sponge-tissue (or culture) in the same quantities of water; otherwise the exact method of counting would have been worth- less. But of course, we cannot obtain equal volumes of sponge- tissue or culture, nor a really equal suspension ; while, also, counting would have proved a very tiresome work. I therefore always took, by means of pincers from a sponge or with a pipette from a culture, quantities of the material as equal as possible, and spread it out on a glassslide, while parts of the skeleton were removed. Then the coverglass was pressed in an always equally stroug way, the superfluous liquid sucked up, and the coverglass surrounded by vaseline ; next I estimated under oil-immersion the number of the various chlorophyll cor- puscles present in the whole microscopic preparation, consequently, present in an almost equal volume of each sponge or of each culture. This method, always applied in the same manner, gave rather good results, as Table n°. 4, 6, 8 show; besides, the dif- ferences, I wanted to know, were generally considerable enough. So this method of estimating was in all respects preferable to counting, which would have led to an imaginary exactness only. 14 The degrees of numerousness, used for estimating, are the fol- lowing (arranged according to the increasing number) : I = chlorophyll corpuscles absent in the preparation. II = „ „ very rare „ „ „ ; viz. 1—4. III = „ „ rare „ „ „; in some fields 1, IV = „ „ rather rare „ „ ,, . V = „ „ here and there „ „ „ . VI = some chlorophyll corpuscles present in the preparation. VII = several „ „ w w v « 5 ^^ every field VIII = somewhat more „ „ „ „ „ „. [± 3- IX = rather numerous„ „ „ „ „ „ . X = numerous „ ^ v v « v • XI = very numerous „ „ „ „ „ „ . XII = a mass of „ „ „ „ „ „ ; the fields fill- ed up with them. It goes without saying, that the limits between these different degrees niay not be considered as having been strictly indicated. In the same way were examined for many sponges: the num- ber of oildrops — present in a preparation or in an amoebocyte — , the number of globules of carbohydrate (coloured by I) — present in an amoebocyte — , and the number of amoebocytes — present in a preparation — ; here too the same degrees were used. One should, however, not try to compare these numbers (I — XII) mutually in the different groups (that of the chlorophyll corpuscles, of the oildrops, of the globules of carbohydrate, and that of the amoebocytes) too exactly. — Besides, there will never be any reason to do so. — • So, for instance, one should not consider a number of chlorophyll corpuscles in a preparation, indicated by X, as being exactly the same as a number of amoebocytes also indicated by X. These degrees of numerousness may only be directly compared within each group; while for the groups mutually this only counts in a very limited way. This is inevi- table, when using the method of estimating the number: for our estimation is involuntarily influenced by the extent of the corpuscles tho number of which must be estimated, and by the 15 spaco in which they oocur, as woll as by their greatest number, we know as normally occurring within that space. ]iut, as men- tioned above, we will never have to compare nmtually direct the numerousness in the different groups (that of the chloro- phyll corpuscles, that of the oildrops, etc), but only the chan- ges of number — i. e. the increase or decrease — in the different groups mutually. That ean always be done, of course. RESEARCH. A. THE CHLOROPHYLL OF THE FRESH-WATER SPONGES. I. HOW AND WHERE THE GREEN COLOURING-MATTER OCCURS. Spongilla lacustris and Ephydatia fluviatilis — the only fresh- water sponges I am going to treat in this paper — oocur in our country in a green and in a colourless form ; between which, however, exist many intermediate tints from emerald-green to creamy-white. But a nowly caught specimen never shows any of these colours purely ; for, in consequence of its growth in the more or less dirtied water of our canals and lakes, the sponge tissue is so overloaded with particles taken from the water, that the colour may have taken a dirty-brownish tint. The green sponges do not show this very clearly, but creamy-white speci- mina are even never to be found : they are always gray-brown in different variegations. I therefore think that all the different colours of the fresh-water sponges mentioned in literature (eme- rald-green, green, brown, yellow-brown , flesh-coloured , gray, dirty-white, white) are simply to be reduced to the principal colours (grass-)green and creamy-white with their intermediates, while the others can be explained as having been caused by the dirtied water, in which the sponges were living. I conclude this from the following facts : 1. I collected my sponges in a moor-lake, with pale brown coloured water, contain- 16 ing numerous brown particles, 2. Generally not the whole (green or colourless) sponge had such a dirty tint — at least not Spon- gilla. As one knows, this sponge grows on stones or wood as a thin crust, from which long (10 — 20 c.M.) finger-shaped branches proceed ; contrary to Ephydatia, which generally forms flat cushions with but little elevations. Of course, the growth of Spon- gilla chiefly takes place at the end of the branches, and is rather quick. But then it is obvious that the tissue of such a region, where the cells are rapidly dividing, can not possibly have the same degree of dirtiness (by particles from the water) as an older not growing region. And besides, in young tissue there are no flagellated chambers ; so there the possibility of taking particles from the water is, of course, considerably reduced. This proved to be the case. In sunimer, whon Spongilla is growing quickly, it generally shows brightly (not dirty) coloured tops, '/a — 'A ^•^• long; which, however, in specimina from cleaner water contrasted much less distinctly with the older tissue. 3. When such a sponge (with bright coloured tops on dirty-brownish branches) was put into an aquarium filled with water from the conduit, all the diff'erence in colour between the tops and the older tissue had disappeared within a few days; also this last tissue had got a bright colour, whether it was green, creamy-white, or an inter- mediate. ïliis tissue, originally loaded with brown particles, then proved under immersion to contain almost none. 4. Something the like can be said of Ephydatia. So the tivo cJdef forms of Spongilla lacusfris and Ephydatia fluviatilis are a grass-green (Fig. 1) and a colourless (creamy-white) one (Fig. 2). I am going to treat the green form first. The sponge owes its green colour to numerous little green cor- puscles preserit in its tissues, especicdly in amoeboid cells (Eig. 69), which for shortness' sake I shall indicate with the common name of amoebocytes. (As for the different cell-forms in the fresh-water sponges, see Weltner (68) 1907). These amoebocytes crowded with fJic f/rmtt corpuscles form the greater mqjority of the sponge cells, 17 spread all over tlio body in the parenchyma, so among the meso- gloea (intercellular substancc, ground subst. ') ). (As for their great importance in sponge life, see Weltner (1. c.) and Minx'iiin (45) p. 57 — 60). The green colour grains are mostly lying free in the protoplasm (of the amoebocytes), only seldoni in a vacuole. In fig. 4 such an amoebocyte is represented in the form I so often observed, when wholly isolated from the sponge-tissue and attached to the coverglass in my living preparations of tissue. It then seemed entirely „vacuolized". Ho wever, I don't think these open spaces to be real vacuoles belonging to the cell. (See Appendix, III). Besides in these amoebocytes, the green corpuscles also occur — but much less numerous — in the pinacocytes of the inner and outer surface of the sponge body, in the choanocytes of the flagellated chambers, and finally in the intercellular groundsubstance. II. The BEHAVIOUR OF THE GREEN COLOURING-MATTER. We no'W have to examine of what the green cotyuscles of the sponge cells consist; in other words, we have to prove that the material of which the corpuscles consist is morphologically and physiologically identical to the chlorophyll, that we know from the plants. Sorby (54), Lankester (35) and Brandt (8) have already studied this problem. Sorby and Brandt compared the spectra of solutions of the green sponge colour, obtained in dif- ferent ways, with the corresponding solutions of vegetable chlo- rophyll ; in this way the identity of the spectra was stated. Lankester compared the structure ; and concluded, that the simi- litude in form and structure proves the absolute identity of the green corpuscles of the sponges to that of the plants. As regards the phgsiological identity^ we don't possess any deci- sive proofs at all ; though this only should give the decision ! In the first place we have to show that the green corpuscles pro- duce O^ when exposed to light, and in the second place, that in 1) For this, see Appendix, I. 18 light they also photosynthesise (produce carbohydrate or oil). This having been established, we are justified in declaring — in connection witli the points of similitude already known — that the green colouring matter of the sponges is clilorophyll. I have been able to procure both proofs. 1. In order to prove the production of 0.^ in light, I proceeded in the folio wing way : a. I cut tv^o equal pieces from a branch of a green "Spongilla, and an equally large pieee from a colourless one. These pieces were put separately — without having been taken out of the water — into glass vcssels, filled with water from the con- duit, uiider inverted funnels and tubes, etc. (see Table Ic). One green piece and the colourless one were placed into bright day- (evt. sun-)lig]it, the other green piece, however, on the same spot in darkness. At first no gasbubbles were to be found anywhere in the vessels ; but at the end of the experiment the green sponge piece, exposed to light, showed numerous rather large bubbles, as well at the outside as within its tissue, and the funnel con- tained a lot of them. The green sponge in darkness and the colourless one in light, on the contrary, didn't show any; except a few bubbles inside and outside their funnels, evidently formed by air from the water. I have repeated this experiment several times, al way s with the same result (Table la, b) : only the green sponge, when exposed to light, formed gas-bubbles, the green sponge in darkness did not, nor did the colourless one in light. The quantity of gas produced, however, was always too little for a determination. Yet it is almost beyond doubt, that it has been O2 '). b. WiLSON (70) and Muller (4()) stated the fact, that rubbed sponge material can regenerate to new sponge globules, able to develop themselves almost in the same way as the gemmulae of the frosh-water sponges. Now, I put equal quantities of such globules originating in one green Spongilla, into 12 little glass vessels of the same capacity, filled with water and covered with 1) According to Brandt, Hoog stated already in 1840 the rising; of gasbubbles from a Spongilla exposed to sunlight. 19 glass plates. One half of these vessels was exposcd to daylight, the other kopt in darkness (at the same temperaturc). After a week's time the sponge globules in all 6 vessels, which had been exposed to light, appeared to be still intact, while those kept in darkness proved to bc intact in 2 vessels bnly, but wholly de- stroyed in the other 4. These observations make us thiiik of a production of 0^ by the globules in light. This is the more evi- dent, when we consider that entering of 0.^ from tlie air into the vessels was almost completely prevented by their glass covering. c. To Engelmann (18) we owe the bacteria-method, that enables us to detect the production even of traces of 0.^. It is based, as one knows, on the fact, that many bacteria are brought to vio- lent motion by the mere presence of but traces of O.,, while in lack of 0^ they get at rest. To prove this production of 0.^ by the green corpuscles of the Spongillidao, I proceeded as follows: On the surface of an algal-culture I found a membrane of moving bacteria, from whicli I grafted a littlo on peptone-gelatine. So in a few days I got a sufficiënt quantity of the bacteria. I then ravelled a piece of green Spongilla on a glass slide, etc, etc. (see Table 2). After the preparation had been kept in darkness for '/^ of an hour, the bacteria were accumulating and violently moving round the air bubbles, but elsewhere they had almost got at rest. This proved that here we had to do with bacteria sensitive to O^, as we wanted. After another period of darkness of ^4 of an hour, the movements round the air bubbles also almost had stopped. When, next, the green sponge preparation was exposed to light, we could observc under the microscope that, little by littlo, the movements of the bacteria were resumed all over, till the original intensity was reached. We might repeat this ex- periment numerous times, always with the same result (see Table 2) : in darkness the movements stopped, in light they were resumed. Accordingly, the preparation proved to contain many amoebocytes crammed with green corpuscles, and numerous of. those corpuscles isolated. So these last ones produced in light the 0.^, necessary for the movements of the bacteria. I made this experiment with several preparations, also from 20 Ephydatia and always with the same result. But now the contra- experiment (Table 2) ! When I proceeded with a colourless sponge in the same way as described for a green one, I found that, after exposure to Hght, the movements were not resumed by the bacteria. Accordingly, the preparation of the colourless sponge proved to contain n o green corpiiscles at all , neither isolated nor in amoebocytes. I repeated this experiment also several times. I think to have given in these experiments the decisive proof, that the green corpiiscles of the SpongilUdae produce 0^ in light, hut not so in darkness. 2. Now we have to show the photosynthesis (production of carbo- hydrate or oil) of the green corpuscles in light '). In the first place I should mention that in fact most corpuscles show one — sometimes more — drops of oil, but never any carbohydrate (pag. 25). To prove their production, I proceeded as follows (Table 3): Preparations were made from a light-green Spongilla (grown in twilight and afterwards kept for some time in darkness) in a darkroom by candle-light. One half of them was immediately put into complete darkness, while in the other ones the percent of the isolated green corpuscles containing an oildrop was examined (Table 3 c). This proved to be 42° j^. These preparations were then exposed to tempered day-light. Now we see in the table that in two days the percent rosé from 42 to 79, but that in the preparations in darkness it remained 35. Then being ex- posed to day-light for two days, the latter too showed a rising, namely from 35°/o to 78°/^; while at the end a percent of + 90 was reached in all preparations. I could also observe that the oildrops of the corpuscles, which had been exposed to the light for a longer time (so in culture n". 396 a — d) were larger. So it is clear^ that the green corpuscles of the SpongilUdae photosynthesise oil in light^ hut not so in darkness. I have re- 1) It sccms Ihat Brandt (1- c.) has observed this for Spongilla; he at least men- lions that the isolated corpuscles remaiued alive for weeks, „according to their pro- ducing assimilates". But he doesn't give more about it; and where he should have treated the phenomenon more rxtensivcly, he does not mention it at all. 21 poatod this experiment several times (Table 3 a. b.j; always witli the same result. It appearod to me, that the oildrops are formed much more qiückly, when the green corpuscles are exposed to light after having been kept — as a preparation — ■ for some weeks in darkness: in that case the percent rosé in half an hour from 38 to 70. This short exposure to light seems to have extended lts influence also to later on ; at least in darkness the percent rosé up to 88, This is not inconceivablo. The oildrops, once having been produced , seem to be used but very slowly by the corpuscles — even in darkness — (Table 3 a, n". 163 ; 3 b n*^. 210). These two cases are by no means the only ones ; I have sometimes been able to state that most green corpuscles of a culture, after a period of 6 months in darkness, still contained a drop of oil. Finally I have been able to directly observe the forming of an oildrop in a green corpuscle, which at first contained none at all. The colour grain had not been kept in darkness; so the forming did not proceed so quickly: the first appearance was made after 3 hours of exposure to light, a real oildrop only to be seen after 21 hours. So we have proved the identity of the green colour mg -matter of the Sponglllidae to the chlorophyll of the plants hg physiological argnments. We may now speak of the chlorophyll, the chloro- phyll corpuscles of these sponges. III. TlIE NATURE AND STRUCTURE OF THE GREEN CHLOROPHYLL CORPUSCLES. As I stated in the Introduction, the results of Brandt (8, 9) concerning the nature of the chlorophyll corpuscles of the fresh- water sponges are quite different from those obtained by Kay Lankester (35) and Geddes (21, 22). Brandt concluded that these corpuscles were algae, Lankester and Gteddes however, that they consisted of chlorophyll formed by the sponge itself as an inherent part of its cells. 22 I am now going to treat in short tlie arguments of Brandt. In the following points he givos the chief differences between chlorophyll corpuscles and algae : c h 1 o r o p h y 1 1 corpuscles parts of cells consisting of groundsubst. -|~ chlorophyll never a nucleus present no cellulose membrane not able to live by themselves algae cells by themselves consisting of chlorophyll -j- un- coloured protoplasm. always a nucleus present generally a cellulose membrane able to live by themselves ïhen Brandt examines, which of these two series may be applied to the chlorophyll of the Spongillidae (and of the other chloropliyll containing animals). That is to say, he extensively discusses the investigation of Hydra viridis, and for Spongilla hc refers to the results obtained in Hydra; in his way however, it remains somewhat doubtful what Brandt exactly stated for Spongilla. For the corpuscles of Spongilla he especially de- scribes : 1. Generally a through-shaped chloroplast and hyaline pro- toplasm. 2. A nucleus, that could be recognized very distinctly by means of haematoxylin or magdala. 3. A diameter of 1.5 — 3 [a. 4. After having been isolated from the sponge-cells, they re- mained normal and alive for 3 — 4 weeks. 5. Sometimes they then seemed to have multiplied (but this required closer examination). G. Green corpuscles of Spongilla, added to a culture of unco- loured specimina of Stentor coeruleus were ingested by these , but not digested nor ejected ; so it proved to be possible to graft these corpuscles. i I have some remarks on these points : 1. The nucleus. As said beforo, Brandt discusses Spongilla very briefly only and for de- tails he refers to the description of Hydra. In that description is mentioned, that in all corpuscles (after having been stained witli haematoxyline) one or two, sometimes more, violet, round or somewhat irregular spots could be distinguished ; Brandt declares them to be nuclei. They were solid corpuscles, but their 23 more detailed structuro could not be examined becauso of tlie small dimensious. jSTow I can not deny tho pos.sibility of their being really nuclei; but to mo it seems rather premature to simply declare one, two or more, somewhat irregular spots to be nuclei, on the mere account of being stained violet by hae- matoxyline. One will agree with me, after having read my own observations (pag. 25 — 26). 2. ïhe grafting. Brandt's words are : „Die Stentoren nalimen die grünen Körper alsbald in grosser Menge auf und stiessen sie weder aus, noch verdauten sie die- selben. Sie blieben auch dann grün, als Hr. K. sie für mehrere Stunden in reines Wasser setzte". I must remark that, if the Stentores have not been observed for more than some hours, this experiment does not sufficiently prove the possibility of grafting the green chlorophyll corpuscles. Next we get to Lankester's quite opposite view. The latter says to be convinced (by his morphological investigations), that in Spongilla the chlorophyll is present in corpuscles which are entirely identical to those of the plants, and formed, just as these, by the protoplasm of the cells in which they occur : 1. A nu- cleus can never be shown. 2. AVhen the containing sponge cells are destroyed the isolated chlorophyll corpuscles remain intact (also in plants). 3. It then appears that some protoplasm adheres to every corpuscle; a fact which can be explained in this way, that, when the amoebocytes are destroyed, a lump of protoplasm sticks to each chlorophyll corpuscle 5 accordingly, there is no differentiation of a mass of protoplasm belonging to every chlo- rophyll corpuscle to be seen in the intact amoebocyte. 4. It was not possible to discover amylum (by means of I.) within the cor- puscles, but it could bc done in other parts of the amoebocytes. 5. By lack of sunlight Spongilla remains colourless; it proves that in the otherwise green cells there are then colourless grains, which appear to be chlorophyll corpuscles in a somewhat abnor- mal condition. Lankester thinks it impossible to consider these colourless grains parasitic algae, ready to change into green ones by the action of sunlight. (Finally Lankester critisizes Brandt's conclusions, which criticism Brandt (9) treats in his turn.) 24 Also on some of these points I have a few remarks: 1. A nu- eleus coiild never be found. But we should consider — Brandt mentions it too — that Lankester never used Brandt's staining metliod but always picro-carmine only. '2. No differentiation of protoplasm belonging to each chlorophyll corpuscle could be seen in the intact amoebocyte. That is absolutely inexact; to me the contrary proved to be the case. I am noiv going to show^ hy decisive jyroofs, that the chloro- 2)hgU corpuscles of the Spongillidae are real algae associated in y^sgmhiosis^^ 'to the spo?ige^ just as Brandt declared. For that pur- pose I will make use of two sets of proofs, one being morpho- logical, the other physiological. a. Morphological proofs; description of the structure of the green chlorophyll corpuscles. I am going to treat the living green corpuscles of Spongilla only, as those of Ephydatia are quite the same. 1. Protoplasm and chloroplast. The shape of the corpuscles is round or somewhat oval ; the diameter 1.7 — 3.8 ^ci, generally 2 — 3 |U. Under oil-immersion we observe that in most corpuscles the green cliloro- plast takes exactly one half of the body, the other half con- sisting of uncoloured protoplasm (Fig. 5). The separating line between chloroplast and protoplasm, wliich in oval bodies is always situated along the longest axis, may be bent a little. But there are also numerous corpuscles with differently shaped chloroplasts (Fig. 12 — 16, 23 — 24, 30), generally taking more than one half of the corpuscle; or even two chloroplasts in one corpuscle. The mutual relation between these different forms will be discussed afterwards. It is a matter of course that one same chlorophyll corpuscle, seen from different sides, will show different aspects; so Fig. 24 and 30 give an aspect of Fig. 13, and Fig. 23 an aspect of Fig. 5 and 12 — 15. The protoplasm of tlie corpuscles appears to be more or less hyaline, not completely homogeneous, but usually containing some diffuse, darker spots (Fig. 5). The chloroplasts, on the contrary, appear to be completely homogeneous ; their 25 colour is green. All this concerns the isolated chloropliyll cur- puscles as well as those lying in amoebocytes. 2. Enclosures. Very often the protoplasm contains oiu;, sonie- times more, rcfractive globules, 0.4 — 1 [y. in diameter, wliich appear blue-green whcn the microscope is well adjusted (Fig. 5). Some- times one can also find them within the chloroplast. These glo- bules are not stained by I (in KI sol.); but by sudan III (in alc. sol.) they become red, and gray-black by osniic acid. So tliey are fat-globules, better: oil-drops '). No other enclosures were ever to be found within the chloropliyll corpuscles (except, of course, what is mentioned sub 3 and 4-); so no carbohydrates: I (in KI sol.) caused only a diffuse brown-colouring of the whole corpuscle, but nowhere any special colouring. 3. TJw nucleus and pyrenoide. As I have mentioned already, the chloroplasts are entirely homogeneous ; a pyrenoid was never to be found. But now the nucleus! If one stains chlorophyll corpuscles, killed with formol-alcohol (1 p. form. 40 °l^ + 9 p. alc. 64 %) and which have lost their green colour, with methylene- blue, one will often find in them one or more sharply outlined, refractive, blue globules and sometimes a more diffuse blue spot. The sharply outlined blue globules (Fig. 38, 39) are doubtless the originally blue-green oildrops, still occurring in the unstained matter as well. By their refraction they simply concentrate the pale-blue light in the field of the microscope, in the same way as drops of ceder-wood oil do in a solution of methylene- blue in water. Perhaps the more diffuse blue spots might be nuclei ; they are smaller than the preceding ones and are always situated near the middle of the corpuscle (Fig. 40, 41). When the same material is stained with haemateine-eosine (de Graaf), the oil-drops remain uncoloured, viz. blue-green; but sometimes 1) In cousequence of the very small dimensions of those globules it may sometimes be dilticnlt to detect their red or gray-black colour; when comparing them however with normal (not stained) globules, the ditference is always distinclly marked out. For comparing oue should also stain other fat-globules, for instance railk, with the same substances; one will see then, that only the larger globules have a bright red or a dark gray-black colour, but that the colouring of the globules, having the same dia- meter as our oildrops, is just as weak. 26 a corpuscle may be found containing a dark violet-red spot in the same situation as the spots coloured by methylene-blue. I stained the material, killed with formol-alcohol, also with haema- toxyline, just as Brandt did; then the oil-drops appeared to be coloured somewhat violet — in this case not by concentration of the light in the field of the microscope — , while sometimes chlorophyll corpuscles were te be found containing a violet spot in the same place, where it was in the other stainings. But there were also specimina containing numerous spots, even irre- gular violet lines (Fig. 42), The same result was obtained by staining of the material (with haematoxyline) when killed with Zenker's liquid. These results prove, that it is not impossible that those more diffuse, centrally situated, little spots are real nuclei. Against this view, however, speaks the following : 1. these spots were but seldom to be found in a corpuscle; 2. in other cases the cor- puscle contained numerous of those spots and even irregular lines with exactly the same (violet) colouring. One might rather think them to be accidental colourings of arbitrary enclosures of the protoplasm (conf. the oildrops). Consequently, I do not venture to settle the question of the prosence of a nucleus in the chloro- phyll corpuscles. When now we compare my results with those of Brandt, there is very much conformity in the facts stated ; and only a difference on the chief point of the frequency with which the so called nuclei occur. Brandt found them in all corpuscles. Now I supposo that Brandt, who ncver mentions the oildrops in the corpuscles, evidently does not know them, simply has always considered these also somewhat violet coloured oildrops^ as nuclei, as well as the diffuse spots. In this way it is possible that he found all corpuscles containing a nucleus. 4. The cell-ivall. Only one decisive way exists for demonstrating a coll-wall: by means of plasmolysis. I therefore pvit the isolated green corpuscles for many hours into a solution, which I had acci- dentally at hand, viz. that of pag. 10, I (inorg., in concentration X 50). The plasmolysis could be observed very distinctly on many 27 spccimina; the cell-wall appearod as a very thin line without any perceptible thickness (Fig. 6 — ^11). Herewith the description of the structure is finished. We have stated that the green chlorophyll corpusdes of SpongiUa are round or oval hodies^ 1.7 — 3.8 (j. in diameter.^ surrounded hij a cell-wall, and consisting of prof.oplasm and a chloroplast ; while perhaps a nucleus is present^ hut a pyrenoide is absent. They inclose oildro/js, hut carhohydrates ivere never to he found within them. From these data we may conclude that, very likely, these chlorophyll corpuscles are vegetahle cells. The structure of the green chlorophyll corpuscles of Ephydatia completely agrees with that of tlie corpuscles of Spongilla. So they too are vegetahle cells. h. Phy siological proofs. 1. The green chlorophyll corpuscles of Spongilla as well as those of Ephydatia, isolated from the sponge tissues, can reniain normcd and alive foi\ 6 months, and even longer. They were isolated and cultivated in the way mentioned above on pag. 9 — 11. I am not going to treat these cultures here, but I refer to the extensive culture-tables (Table 4) at the end of this paper. We know that, on the contrary, chlorophyll corpuscles isolated from plant-cells are not able to live on ; as for instance they swell and are destroyed, when put into water (see Brandt (8), HuGo DE Vries (63), Jost (33) Kny (34), etc). 2. The isolated gre.en corpuscles of both sponge types multijdy rather strongly in cultures, especially during the first 2 months; but stages of division are also to be found in cultures of 6 months, even in those of 9 months (Table 4, 9, 10). I shall treat these stages af ter war ds. 3. Green chlorophyll corpuscles, as we know them from the sponge tissues, (dso occur free in )iature — viz. in the waters in which the sponges are living — so, not inclosed by other organisms, but quite independant. I found their number changing from at least 200 per litre in the beginning of March up to at 28 least 3700 at the end of July. Also stages of divisiou occui' /Vee, quite identical to those of the corpuscles of the sponges (Table 10). The diameter of the single corpuscles may sometiines be somewhat smaller than that of those in the sponges, viz. 1.4 — 3/y. ; the oval shaped body may be lengthened. One may find the same forms, however, in old cultures of the isolated corpuscles of sponges too. Finally I will mention the fact that, free in nature, the cor- puscles often stick together in masses of 10 — 120 specimina. I will return to this subject later on. 4. Wheri the sponge dies ifs green corpuscles survive. 5. It proved p)0ssihle to me to durahly transmute colourless Spongillidae into the green form, hy infecting them with green corpuscles isolated from a green sponge. Lateron I will treat the method, in which this infection is brought about, more extensively (Table 7). Now I will mention only, that for that purpose the colourless sponges were placed for 3 — 72 hours into a diluted suspension of isolated green corpuscles in water ; after that they were transported, either colourless or already light-green, into an aquarium filled with water from the conduit only and placed into day-light. The green colouring then proved, in the course of some weeks, not decreased at all ; on the contrary, it was strongly increased ; many sponges had obtained rather a normally green colour in a month's time (see Table 8 W 103, 207, 246, 248, 254, 257, 258, 326, 327), and their amoebocytes proved to be normally laden with normal green chlorophyll corpuscles (pag. 16 — 17). At the same time such colourless sponges, but without having been in a suspension of chlorophyll corpuscles, were — as a contra-experiment — also exposed to daylight in water from the conduit. These sponges got a faint green tint (colourless sponges always grow green in daylight; I will treat this after- wards), but in intensity their colour remained far behind that of the infected specimina (Table 8 n° 102, 206, 259, 328); proof, that the laftor really owed their normal green colour to the infection with chlorophyll corpuscles, foliowed by the rapid mul- tiplication of these corpuscles. From these experime^üs we mag deduce^ that the green chlorophyll 29 corpusdes are oryanisms^ on the one hand vapahle of liohuj bij fhemselves without the sponye hodi/ ; on the other hand of accommo- dating themselves to the life within the sponge tissues^ irhen taken from the siirrounding water hy the sponge. This result together with that of our rnorj)hological investigation justifies the conclusion: that the green chloropJiijll eorpusdes of the Spongillidae are algae, associated to the sponge in „sgmhiosis^\ IV. The genus of the „symbiotic" alga ; its mode OF REPRODUCTION. As I have mentioned already in the Introduction, the symbiotic alga of the fresh- water sponges is generally considered to belong to the genus Chlorella — e.g. by Beijerinck (4) 1890, Oltmanns (47) 1905, SciiENCK (56) 1908 and Wille (69) 1911 —. I am going to discuss the investigation of Beljerinck. This investi- gator says : „Es dürfte nicht überflüssig sein, bevor wir weiter gehen, an dieser Stelle einen Rückblick zu werfen auf die durch die Cul- turversuche festgestellten Eigenschaften unserer Gattung Chlorella, sowie auf die dazu gebrachten Arten: Chlorella: Einzellige, grüne, zu den Pleurococcaceeen gehörige Algen, mit kugeligen, ellipsoidischen oder abgeplatteten Zeilen von 1 — 6 f4, Mittellinie, gewöhnlich mit nur einem Chromatophor von der Gestalt einer Kugelsegmentschale; Pyrenoid undeutlicli oder fehlend, lm Lichte entsteht unter Sauerstoffentwicklung aus KohlensJiure Paramylum^ welches sich mit lod hraim fdrht. Zell- kern meist einfach, bisweilen in Zweizahl, von wechselnder Grosse, nur aus Chromatin bestehend. Die Vermehrung heriiht auf freier Zellbildung durch successive Zireitheilung. Die Theilproducte kom- men f rei durch Platzen der Wand der Mutterzelle ; sie können schr verschieden sein in Grosse ('/.^ — 4 //.). Schwarmsporen fehlen voUstiindig. In süssem und salzigem Wasser, wahrscheinlich auch auf dem Lande." Next Beijerinck describes the different species belonging to 30 this genus: 1. Chlorella vulgaris, 2. Chl. infusionum, 3. ^CJdorella {Zoochlorella) parasitica Brandt ; Chlorophyll von Spongilla fluvia- tilis, vielleicht identiscli mit Chl. infusionum und wahrscheinlich wahrend des individuellen Lebens durch Spongilla von aussen aufgenommen. Isolirungsversuche nicht gelungen". And at last: 4. „Chl. (Zoochlorella) conductrix Brandt ; Chlorophyll von Hydra, Stentor, Paramaecium und wahrscheinlich von vielen anderen grü- nen Thieren". In the first place I should mention the fact, that in botanical literature of modern times the Chlorellae are no longer reckoned among the Pleurococcaceae, but that Chlorellae and Pleurococcaceae are considered to be two entirely separated groups (see Oltmanns (47) 1905, Wille (69) 1911, and this paper "pag. 33—34). But when we compare the definition Beijerinck gives for Chlo- rella, and consequently for the symbiotic alga of the Spongillidae as well, with my observations concerning this alga, we are struck by the fact, that Beijerinck mentions paramylum, coloured brown by I, to be a product of the photosynthesis, while, on the con- trary, I found oildrops and never any carbohydrate that could be stained by I. A thing of much more importance, however, is the entirely different mode of reproduction I stated. 71k' mode of reprodndion of the green algae of the SpongiUidae. When studying the different forms of chloroplasts I immediately observed, that in cells with doublé chloroplast both halves of the latter were always symmetrically situated with respect to an imaginary axis of the cell (Fig. 16, 17a). I also often found two cells, each with a single chloroplast, which cells were connected one with the other along a short distance of their wall, while their chloroplasts were situated in the same way, now symme- trically with regard to the common cell-wall (Fig. 22a). Conse- quently, the last couple of cells seemed to be a stage of division of the first cell with doublé chloroplast. This proved to be really the case: once that my attention was drawn to this fact, I have observed numerous different stages of division (Fig. 17 — 22). Some- times I have also been able to follovv the division of au alga — 31 at least for a part (Fig. 17a-c, 22a-c). Tliis division always pro- ceeded very slowly; hours, even days passed before one could obscrve the slightest change in the division-stagc. And this does not only count for specimina in ravel-preparations, bnt also for those tliat remained in absolutely nornial conditions eithcr within or without tlie tissues of a living sponge grown on cover- glass. It also proved probable to me that the algae, with the different shapes of the single chloroplast (Fig. 12 — 15) mentioned above (pag. 24), are all transitory stages from the alga with the primitive and most occurring shape (in which the chloroplast takes exacjtly the one half of the body, Fig. 5) into forms with doublé chloroplast (Fig. 16,' 17), so into stages of division. Knowing this, we may compose the following cyclus of develop- ment of tlio symbiotic algae of Spongilla; we place the primitive and most occurring form at the beginning and at the end : Fig. 5, 12— IG, 17a— c, 18, 19, 20a— b, 21, 22a— c and Fig. 5 again. All illustrations of the symbiotic algae have been made with great care from living specimina, with oil-immersion and in Engel- mann's case. All these stages were found in cultures of the isola- ted algae as well as within the tissues of the sponges. I have still got to mention a few points somewhat more at large: 1. The stages of division were by no means always larger than the single ones ; this is clear, for the single forms may greatly diflfer one from the other as to their dimensions. 2. I call attention for the eccentric way, in which the sepa- rating wall in a mother cell is formed (Fig. 17b — c, 18, 29c). As one knows, the separating wall in algae, for instance in Spirogyra, is formed by a regular, concentric growth out from the existing cell-wall ; the ring, formed in this way, closes more and more towards the middle of the cell, till at last it divides the cell body in two parts. I saw this but once in the symbiotic algae (Fig. 25). In all the other cases the forming took place by eccen- tric growth out from one side of the mother-cell-wall, while the separating wall penetrated more and more into the cell till at last it reached the opposite side (of the mother-cell-wall). It is a phenomenon comparable to the one stated by Treub (57a.) 32 on cell clivisions in seed-buds of Epipactis palustris. Probably in direct relation to this eccentric manner of cell division are the facts, tliat the separating wall is generally thicker at the base than at the top, and that both halves, the chloroplast has already divided into before, diverge more on the side wliere the separa- ting wall will start (or started) than on the opposite side (Fig. 17a — c, 18, 29). In the one case of concentric division which I observed these phenomena, accordingly, did not occur (Fig. 25). 3. I want to mention a phenomenon that is only to be seen on very accurate observation. From the apical end of the sepa- rating wall, when growing, a very thin line is extended to each of both halves of the chloroplast (Fig. 26 — 29). These Unes are thinner than the separating wall itself, and evidently move on through the whole cell with the growth of this ' wall. In con- nection with the facts in Spirogyra, one might be inclined to consider these lines as threads of the nuclear spindle; which spindle will then move from one side of the cell-wall to the otlier, according as its forming of the separating wall proceeds; therefore, something like Treub stated in Epipactis. But I can not say this for certain, for I don't possess any observations as to the nuclear division. 4. When studying these stages of the algae in division, one should take care not to confound simple figures caused by the diffraction of the light with real cell structures ; one is apt of doing this on account of the very small dimensions of the chlo- rophyll corpuscles. These figures, however, are easily to be re- cognized, as they are always parallel to the cell-wall or outline of chloroplast. 5. I could never detect any tracé of amembrane surrounding — as if it we re a mother-cell-wall — a stage of division as for instance Fig. 20, 22 and 27 show; although I have always accurately examined. The chlorophyll corpuscles in the amoebocytes are nearly al- ways turning slowly; one time one can observe sucli an alga from this side, next from that side; a thing of mucli importance when studying stages of division. In this way the following 33 aspocts of one and tlie same dividing alga were observed : Fig. 29 a — (/. In a the alga is seen exactly at the least bent part of the wall (= h seen froni aside); in h the alga is seen on the top (= a on top); in c in a position between a and è; and in (/more or less from below ( = a in slanting upward direction). This alga with its surrounding amoebocyte has been observed for 1^ hour. It is a matter of course that I observed a great many of those stages of division, nuich more than have been drawn here; they were all like these; I will only add Fig. 31. Besides these double-stages, there also occur plural-stages of division, but mucli less numerous (Fig, 32 — 34). What I have mentioned here about the cell-division for the chlorophyll corpuscles of Spongilla concerns also the symbiotic algae of Ephydatia as well as the similar algae, which occur free in nature. As I stated above, free in nature these algae often occur sticking together in groups of 10 — 120 specimina, sometimes sub- dived in small groups of 4 specimina. Evidently we have to do then with the result of 2 successive divisions of a single cell. Moreover, one may sometimes find the algae of one group (of 10 — 120) in almost the same stage of development; so, probably, all of them originating in one cell. Neither the smaller groups of 4, nor the groups of 10 — 120 pieces are ever to be found surrounded by a common membrane or wall. Nevertheless, the (round) corpuscles often obstinately stick together, wlien we try to separate them; so, apparently, they are kept together with a kind of slimy substance. So we have stated^ that the green symbiotic alga of the Spon- gillidae multiplies hy simple^ vegetative division of the irhole mother-cell (into tivo)^ the new separating wall sticking to the mother-wall and^ consequentlg, also dividing the latter {into two). So there exists here no cell-division ivithin^ and indepeyident of the mother-cell-wall, therefore no ,,freie Zellbildiing'". Thus the symbiotic alga does not at (dl answer the definition given by Beijerinck for Chlorella; neither the definition given for Chlorella in modern literature — Grinzesco (24) 1903; Olt- 3 34 MANNS (47) 1905; Wille (69) 1911 — : Chlorella possesses a hell- or hall-shaped chloroplast and multiplies hy „freie Zellhildung''\ the daughter-cells surrounding themselves within the mother-cell each with its own membrane arisen quite independently from the mother-cell-wall. Consequently, they are lying free within this old wall and get at liberty by its bursting or early dissolviiig. So they are aplanospores ; zoospores and sexual reproduction are absent. A nucleus is present. A pyrenoide may be absent. The product of photosynthesis is starch, oil or glycogen. On the contrary, the symbiotic alga answers exactly the defi- nition given in literature — Gay (20) 1891; Artari (1) 1892; Chodat (U) 1894; Oltmanns (47) 1905; Wille (69) 1911 — for the Pleurococcaceae : The Pleurococcaceae possess a disc-shaped chloroplast and nmltiply hy simple vegetative division of the ivhole mother-cell {into two)] the new wall, forming a partition in the mother-cell and sticking to the existing wall, divides this one as well (into two). So they do not multiply by „freie Zellbil- dung". Zoospores, aplanospores, and sexual reproduction are absent. A nucleus is present; a pyrenoide may be absent (Pleu- rococcus vulgaris). The wall is not so very thick, or thin (Pleu- rococcus vuig.). A jellied envelope is present, but in the genus Pleurococcus rather indistinct. The product of photosynthesis is starch or oil (the latter in Pleurococcus vuig. and others). The algae live in the air or in fresh-water. The diameter of Pleuro- coccus vuig. is 3—7 [j.. Now, my descriptum of the symbiotic algae of the Spongillidae I examined (pag. 24 — 27, 30 — 33) entirely corresponds with this definition of a Pleurococcus (except that the nucleus has not yet been sufficiently demonstrated in the symbiotic algae). I therefore consider these algae to be a form closely related — if not identical — to Pleurococcus vulgaris Naegeli. It is only in dimension that both algae differ, the symbiotic one being 1.7 — 3.8 ^a, Pleurococcus vuig. (according to Artari) ') 3 — 7 [/.. One might call the first Pleurococcus parasiticus. 1) Artahi calls it Pleurococc. vuig. Menegh. 35 I sliould mcntion, however, that it mig-lit be possible, that our fresh-water sponge will associate with quito different unicellular algae in other countries, as I will point out afterwards (at the end of chapt. VIII and chapt. IX). V. Green and colourless fresh-water sponges; under wiiat CIRCUMSTANCES THEY OCCUR ; THE NATURE OF TIIEIR „STMBIOTIC" ALGAE. "When we examine under what circumstances the fresh-water sponges occur, we find that, generally speaking, the green sjjon- ges grow on places exposed to hrigJit day-ligJit — for instance on the wooden lining of the lake bank — ; the colourless sponges^ on the contrary, on places in darkness or in fwilight — for instance under bridges and landing places of steamers — . One might ask if the green and the colourless form could not be two separate varieties of the sponge. This is not the case ; for, as I will mention afterwards, gree^i sponges j^rove to grow colourless in darkness and colourless ones jirove to grow green in light (Table 8, p. 66), while moreover one may often find in nature specimina partly green and partly colourless. I analyzed on a large scale the number and nature of the symbiotic algae in fresh-water sponges by means of ravel prepa- rations (Table 6 A, C). In that table (column 1 and 3) we see: 1. In the green sponges in light as well as i?i the colourless ones in darkness green as well as colourless chlorophyll corpuscles (algae) occur. 2. In the green sponges the green corpuscles are much more numerous than in the colourless ones. 3. In the green sponges the colourless corpuscles are somewhat less numerous thau in the colourless ones. 4. In the green sponges the colourless corpuscles are much less numerous than the green ones; in the colourless sponges theij are jiist as numerous or still somewhat more numerous. I am speaking here about colourless chlorophyll corpuscles, in other words, about a colourless form of the symbiotic algae. This requires further explanation. 36 As mentioned in the Introduction, Lankester (35) already has found in colourless sponges the otherwise green amoebocytes now overladen with colourless grains, which appeared to be chlorophyll corpuscles in a somewhat abnormal condition, viz. irregular and angular. Lankester concluded that there had to be some relation between those two (green and colourless) forms. I have examined this more exactly and it proved to be the case. But I must not only declare that — contrary to Lankester's observations ■ — the colourless chlorophyll corpuscles may be per- fectly similar to the green ones as to their structure, but also that their mutual relation is quite different from what Lankester thought (Introduction pag. 4). On account of its great importance, I will treat this question in a new chapter. VI. The structure of the colourless „symbiotic" algae; how THEY ARISE from THE GREEN ONES. I will treat now only the pure structure of the colourless chloro- pliyll corpuscles^ as we can observe it from the well preserved speci- mina in which it is still clearly showing. This structure is per- fectly similar to that of the green ones, as shown in the illustra- tion (Fig. 35) ; the diameter is the same. The colourless corpuscles may also contain an oildrop and generally occur free in theproto- plasm of the amoebocytes, just as the green ones do. WJiat then is the relation hetween these colourless symbiotic algae and the green ofies? Did the former arise from the latter or the latter from the former? In relation to the facts, that green sponges occur in light and colourless ones in darkness (p. 35); that green sponges grow colourless in darkness and colourless ones grow green in light (p. 35) ; and to the fact, that we know the same to be the case for the higher plants, one might be inclined to conclude that all these facts are based on one same j^henomenon, known for the higher 2)lants, viz. that chlorophyll can not be produced in darkness. Lankester and Brandt (l.c), indeed, did explain these facts in this way, as I mentioned in the Introduction (pag. 4). And also 37 Oltmanns (47) supposes tliat iii the colourless gemmules of the fresh-water spoiiges the algae would be colourless for lack of light. Bilt is it correct to suggest this analogy of algae to Jiigher plants ; is it not possihle that the symhiotic algae do produce chlorophyll in darJmess? When comparing the amoimt of algae in green and colourless sponges (p. 35, Table 6) ooe is inclined to declare, on account of the presence of green algae in colourless sponges in darkness and of colourless ones in green sponges in light, that evidently lack of light can not be the cause of the algae being colourless. But this conclusion would not be right ; for it is possible that it is dark within the tissue of a green sponge in light — therefore the colourless algae — ; and on the other hand we know, that a sponge, c. q. a colourless one, is able to capture green chlorophyll corpuscles from the surrounding water (pag. 27 — 28). In order to decide whether the symbiotic algae can produce chlorophyll in darkness or not, we have to cultivate them isolated from the sponge tissues. So I did on a large scale (see Table 4 B, cultures in water, except column 6), with the following rosults : 1. During the first two months a rather vigorous multiplication of the green material took place, together with an inrease of the number of green chlorophyll corpuscles (and not caused by a pro- pagation of other algae). 2. Even in cultures of 4 months and older such multiplication occurred, or green stages of division were to be found. 3. In old cultures the normal green corpuscles were still present in a great number. 4. On the contrary, the colourless corpuscles (with structure) in general did not increase, but even decreased in number ; in this way : the original number disappeared rather quickly, lateron some new ones might arise, but also these disappeared after some time. So the fact known for higher plants, viz. that chlorophyll can not be produced in darkness, proved not at all appliable to our sym- biotic algae. On the contrary, these algae can produce chlorophyll in darkness very ivell indeed. It proved then to me to be a well-known fact in botanical literature since Schimfer (51) 1885, that algae can produce chloro- 38 phyll in darkness (Heinricher (27) 1883, Etard and Bouilhac (19) 1898; MatruchÓt and Molliard (43) 1900; Oltmanns (47) 1905). Moreover, the same is known about the seedlings of some Gyranospermae, about ferns and mosses (Staiil (55) 1909). So we have to find another explanation for the facts, men- tioned above (p. 35), than the simple one given by Lankester and Brandt (p. 36—37). Consulting the botanica! literature I found, that in algae the producing or not-producing of chlorophyll — in darkness and even in light! — depends for a great deal on the nature of the feeding-milieu (Beijerinck (4) 1890; Artari (2) 1902; Grint- ZESCO (24) 1903; Radais (50) 1900). But a rule in general appliable cannot be given for it, one kind of alga behaves in this way, another in that way. By combining the results of the investigators mentioned we may, for instance, distinguish the following 3 types of algae : A. Scenedesmus. a. when cultivated in light. 1. in water + salts + N H^ N O3 without organic sub- stances no growth takes place (Sc. acutus) or vigorous growth of green algae (Sc. caudatus). 2. in water + salts -\- little organi* substances growth of green algae takes place. 3. in rich organic feeding solution the algae become colourless. h. when cultivated in darkness. 1. when glucose is present in the solution growth of green algae takes place. 2. in rich organic feeding solution the algae will probably also become colourless. B. Chlorella vulgaris, Stichococcus bacillaris. a. when cultivated in light. 1. in poor or in rich feeding solution growth of green algae takes place. h. when cultivated in darkness. 1. in poorer feeding solution (water + salts + K N O3 + glucose) the algae become colourless. 39 2. in i'ich foediiig solutioii (water + salts + peptone + glu- cose) vigorous growth of green algae takes place. C. Chlorococcum infusionum froni the Lichen Xanthoria pa- rietina. a. b. wlien cultivated in liglit or in darkness and in all kinds of feeding solutions the algae rcniain green. Ho the algae proüe to hecome colourless under verij ((i/f'ereiU conditions as to UgJd and food. Therefore we ougJit to exmnine, if perhaps oiir symhiotic algae can lose their green colour and 2)((ss into the colourless form hg a combination of darkness (or light) and a certain feeding miliea. And at the same time we should examine, if the colourless form of the syinbiotic algae mag in its turn pass into the green one hg a certain combination of light (or darkness) and feeding milieu. For the present I will .treat the first question. We have to examine then, to which of the foUowing types of algae — the only ones possible and partly hypothetical — our symbiotic alga belongs : A. when cultivated in darkness. type I (Scenedesmus). in poorer feeding solution the algae remain green. in rich feeding solution the algae become colourless. type II (Chlorella, Stichococcus). in poorer feeding solution the algae become colourless. in rich feeding solution the algae remain green. type III (Chlorococcum from Xanthoria). in poorer feeding solution ] . _ „ _ , . / the algae remam green, m rich leedmg solution ) type IV (hypothetical). in poorer feeding solution 1 , , , . , „ ,. , ,. the algae become colourless. in ricn teeding solution \ B. when cultivated in light. type I (Scenedesmus). in poorer feeding solution the algae remain green, in rich feeding solution the algae become colourless. 40 type II (hypothetical). in poorer feeding solution the algae become colourless. in rich feeding solution the algae remain green, type III (Chlorella, Stichococcus, Chlorococcum frora Xanthoria). in poorer feeding solution in rich feeding solution type TV (hypothetical). in poorer feeding solution in rich feeding solution the algae remain green. the algae become colourless. A poor or a rich feeding solution here always means a solution poor or rich in organic feeding substances. To decide to which type the green symbiotic alga of our sponges belongs, it was isolated from the sponge tissues and cul- tivated in light and in darkness in various feeding solutions. I will not treat these cultures here at large ; one can find a de- tailed description in Table 4 A, B. The resul t we infer from these cultures is, among ethers, that the symbiotic algae remain green and multiply by means of green descendants under all circumstances. However, we had not yet examined every imaginable combination of feeding in the in- organic and organic feeding solutions used here; on the con- trary, some chief combinations only. So it might be possible still, that a fresh-water sponge offered exactly such a combina- tion of food to its algae, that they did lose their green colour in darkness or in light. So we had to study this possibility as well, for which a feeding solution was required, differing as little as possible as to composition and concentration from the one sur- rounding the algae in the living sponge. I got this solution (the so called diluted and concentrated liquid from a sponge) in the way described on pag. 11. The result inferred from these cul- tures is quite the same as that from the preceding cultures, as Table 4 A, B shows: 1. The isolated green symhiotic algae of the Spotigillidae, whether cultivated in light or in darkness in poor or in rich organic feeding solutions, even in liquid pressed from a sponge, remain 41 normal (green, for instance) and alioe for months, and multiphj hy normallij green descendatits. 2. In goneral the nuinber of isolated colourless symbiotic algae (with structure) does not increase in these cultures, but decreases ; they disappear from the culture. So the green symbiotic algae of the sponges belong to type A, B, III, to the same type as the symbiotic algae of Xanthoria. Next J wanted to examine (pag. 39) if the colurless form of the symbiotic algae may pass into the green one by a certain combination of light (or darkness) and feeding milieu. I cultiva- ted therefore the isolated colourless algae in light and in darkness in the same feeding solutions, as the green ones were cultivated in. I refer to Table 4 C, D. The result was : The isolated colourless symhiotic algae of the Spongülidae (n.b. those with structure), ivhether cultivated in ligJit or in darkness in poor or in rich organic feeding solutions, even in liquidpressed from a sponge, disappear from the culture after some time; they never pass iiito the greeyi form. We may now conclude : It is impossible, that the green sym- biotic algae pass into the colourless ones, nor can the colourless algae pass into the green ones, by the combined influence of darkness or light and a certain feeding milieu — at least not in those cases, which regard the condition of the sponge. This also proceeds from the following facts: As I stated above, green sponges generally occur in light and colourless ones in darkness or twilight. In nature however — as exception to the rule, but by no means very seldom — colourless sponges also occur in light and — rather seldom — green ones in twilight. Sometimes one may even find, close together, some green and colourless sponges in bright daylight, or in twilight. It goes without saying that — as in each of these two groups of sponges (that in light and that in darkness) the algae live under the same conditions as to light and food — one may not attribute the fact of the majority of the algae being green or colourless in one case or in the other to the combined influence of those two factors. 42 What indeed iiiai/ he the relation betiveen these green and colour- less algae? I refer agaiii to Tablu 4 A, B. There we see that, when the green algae decrease in number, the eolourless ones increase (in order to disappear after some time). ïherefore it is probable, that the green ones can become eolourless. Next we should consider that, as green sponges grow eolour- less in darkness (pag. 35), which goes together with a cousi- derable decrease in number of the green algae and a considerable increase of eolourless ones, so, we might say, together with a transition of green algae into eolourless ones, we are now able to state, that this transition is not caused by the combined influence of darkness and the feeding milieu in the sponge tissues but that it must be closely related to the life of the sponge ; in other words, we want a living sponge to perform this transition. I am. going to prove^ that the green symbiotic algae of the fresh- water sponges can only pass into the eolourless ones hy dying. I. Analyzing the nature and number of the symbiotic algae in green and eolourless Spongillidae (Table 6), one will find the already mentioned (pag. 35) green and eolourless algae. But exa- mining these eolourless algae more exactly, we see that there exist 3 different forms of them : 1. the eolourless ones with clearly marked out internal structure (Fig. 35) mentioned on pag. 36 ; this form is the least numerous ; 3. the eolourless algae, the internal structure of which is only visible as a shade (Fig. 36); this form is somewhat more numerous (1 and 2 together are the group of the „eolourless ones with structure") ; 3. the eolourless ones, the internal structure of which is no more visible at all, but which appear internally either homogeneous (Fig. 37) or somewhat granular, and wich are the most numerous of the 3 forms (the group of the „eolourless ones without structure"). But closely examining one can still detect a 4*1^ group , viz. of „vague shades" of eolourless algae, in which there is of course neither any internal structure to be seen. All these forms of symbiotic algae generally occur — as mentioned for the green ones and 43 the coloiirless ones with structure (p. 17, :5(!) - frec; in the protoplasni of the amoebocytes ; so tliey are not lying in vaeuoles. Nevertheless, sometinies one may also find theni in food vacuoles (Chapt. YIU). It is very likely now, that the 3 hxst groups, the colourless algae with shade of structure, th(! colourless ones without struc- ture, and the vague shades of colourless ones, are only successive stages of „solution" of tlie colourless ones with clearly marked out structure; for this reason it would be rather evident, that the latter are dying. II. I have been able to prove by numerous experiments, tiiat in fact the isolated green symbiotic algae can change in this way only : first into colourless ones with clear structure, then into colourless ones with shade of structure, next into colourless ones without structure, then into vague shades of colourless algae, in order to finally disappear. The green algae were killed purposely in many of these experiments, for instance by heating or more or less intense lighting. (Table 5, n". 68, 94, 95, 290 n, 290 p, 307 1, 308 1, 318, a. o.) In this table also many cultures taken from Table 4 are recorded. In them it is striking to notice, that through infection of mould, common algae or diatoms the green symbiotic algae are changed into colourless ones with structure, while the latter, passing via the other colourless stages nrentioned above, will disappear from the culture {W\ 84, 851, 113, 141, 188, 189, 190, 194, a. o.). Bacteria, on the contrary, don't seem to do any harm to these green algae at all (Table 4). As, when purposely killing the isolated green algae, we get a succession of quite the same stages of colourless algae which we also meet in sponges, it is indeed very likely, that in the latter too the colourless algae with structure arise in no other way than by dying of the green ones, in order to pass also after that into the various successive stages of „solution" — mentioned above — to finally disappear entirely from the sponge tissues. And the more so, because the same succession of stages can be found in cultures infected by mould, common algae and diatoms. 44 III. On pag. 41, treating the cultures of isolated colourless algae, we concluded that these algae (n.b. those with structure) always disappeared from the cultures, and never passed into the green ones. The same proves to bc the case (Table 4) for the isolated colourless algae without structure. Which was already self-evident. We have proved now, that the green sponge algae may change into the colourless ones by dying. We shall have proved incon- testably, that the green symbiotic algae within the sponge tissues become colourless exclusively by dying (in order to disap- pear afterwards), only when we have shown that all colourless algae present in these tissues are really dying. The following are the proofs: IV. The general rule given under III ; whilo, on the contrary, the green algae remain alive for months. Y. When a sponge dies, its colourless algae do not remain intact — as the green ones (p. 28) — but they disappear. VI. Colourless stages of division of symbiotic algae are but seldom to be found in sponges — on the contrary several green ones (Table 6) — ; therefore the former must probably be explained as having been originally green. VII. As known, living protoplasm is generally not stained, or less quickly stained than dead one. By means of this fact I could definitively decide whether the colourless algae were alive or not. I therefore made ravel preparations of living, green and colourless sponges, and added equal quantities of a solution of eosine or methylene-blue in water, with the following results: 1. Green SpongiUa material containing numerous green symbiotic algae, a few colourless ones with structure, and rather numerous colourless ones without structure. A. In eosine. After 25 hours the numerous green algae have as a rule not been coloured red, only very seldom one meets with a green specimen with red tint. Colourless algae are but very seldom to be found, almost all of them are red : the few with structure - they have n o green chloroplast ! — as well as tlie rather numerous ones without structure. 45 B. In methylene-blue. After 25 minutes the numerous green algae are not jet blue at all. Colourless algao, however, are no- where to be found, all of tbem are blue : the few with structure (they have no green chloroplast !) as well as the rather numerous -ones without structure. 2. Colourless Spoyigilla material containing several green symbiotic algae, a few colourless ones with structure and rather numerous colourless ones without structure. A. In eosine. After 25 hours the (several) green algae are not yct red at all. Colourless algae are but seldom to be found, al- most all of them are red: the few with structure (without green chloroplast), as well as the rather numerous ones without structure. B. In methylene-blue. After 35 minutes the (several) green algae are not yet blue at all. Colourless algae, however, are nowhere to be found, all of them are blue : the few with structure (without green chloroplast) as well as the rather numerous ones without structure. The same counts for the algae of Ephydatia. By these last experiments we have got the decisive proofs, that all colourless symbiotic algae in sponges are dead, at least are dying. So we have incontestahly sJioirn^ that the green „sgm- hiotic^ algae in the tissues of the Spongillidae hecome colourless exclusivelg hg dging (of the algae^ namelg), in order to graduallg pass from colourless algae tvith clecir structure into the successive stages of ^solution''\ colourless algae u-ith sluide of structure^ co- lourless ones without structure^ vague shades of colourless ones, and to fincdly disappear. For completeness' sake I want to mention that the colourless sponge algae, arisen from green ones in a culture infected by diatoms (pag. 43), were also quickly stained with methylene-blue. This proves that they too were dying. 46 VII. The intrinsic amoünt of the various green and COLOURLESS STAGES OF THE „ SYMBIOTIC " ALGAE IN SPONGES. TllE FACTORS RULING THIS AMOUNT. IIOW GREEN AND COLOURLESS SPONGES KEEP UP THEIR „COLOUR", AND HOW THEY ARISE FROM EACH OTHER. a. We now have stated the nature and origin of the colourless symbiotic algae, and resumé the discussion started in chapter V. We put the questions: What is a green sponge, what a colourless one; how do they keep up their „colour", and how do they arise from each other? For the present we might answer the first two questions as follows (pag. 35, Table 6) : Green sponges are sponges containing a great number of living green algae and a smaller number of dead colourless algae; colourless sponges are sponges containing a small number of living green algae and a greater number of dead colourless ones. But ive sJiould now compare the green sponges — usually occurring in Ught, as we know (p. 35) — and the colourless ones — usually occurriug in darkness — more accurately as to their intrinsic amount of the various (green and colourless) stages of the symbiotic algae; especially newly caught sponges. To that purpose I analyzed, as mentioned on p. 35, a great number of those Spongillidae, green and colourless ones, Spongillae as well as Ephydatiae (Table 6 A, C) ; the amount of algae in Spongilla was examined separately in tissues in different stages of development: in very young tissue, in full-grown, and in tissue at rest (gemmulae). The number of the algae mentioned always concerns the amount present within an equal volume of each sponge. The results of the analyses are as follows: 1. Green as well as colourless symbiotic algae occur in the green sponges in light as well as in tJie colourless ones in darkness. 2. in the course of the development of the tissues of tJie green Spongillae the numher of the green algae ,remains constantly con- 47 siderable, decreasing a liftle in the gemmuh-stage. The niimher of the green stages of divisioti is comparatively great^ hut in gem- muJes theg are absent; hardlg the gemmules have germinated, however, and the number increases again. The number of the coloiir- less algae irith structure is small and remains rather constant during development^ showing a considerable decrease diiring and after the gemmule stage. The number of the colourless ones ivithout structure is not great at the beginning, but increases rather con- siderahhj afterwards, also showing a strong decrease (as far as we mag judge) during or after the gemmule stage. 3. Li the course of the development of the tissues of colourless Sponglllae the number of the green algae remains constantly smdll, in order to disappear completely in the gemmule stage; ivhen, however, the gemmules have germinated the number immediatelg increases. The number of the green stages of division is constantly very small; as a t'ule they are even missing. The number of the colourless algae with structure is not great and remaijis rather constant during development, showing a considerable decrease during and after the gemmule stage. The numher of the colourless ones tmthout structure is ratJier great at the beginning and increases considerably afterwards, also showing a great decrease during and after the gemmide stage. 4. In this way one observes in the tissues of the green Spon- gillae as well as in those of the colourless ones a gradual change of number of the various stages of algae: from very young tissue to full-grown, from full-grown tissue to gemmules, and from gemmules to very young tissue again. 5. During or immediatelg after the gemmule-stage the tissue of a Spongilla contains a minimum of green and colourless algae. 6. ]n the green sponges the numher of the green algae is usually much greater than that of the colourless ones (with, and without structure) together ; only in some cases this number is equal. 7. In the colourless sponges the nutnber of the green algae is always much smaller than that of the colourless ones together. 8. In the green sponges the green algae are always much more tiumerous than in the colourless sponges. 48 9. In the green sponges the colourless algae are generally less numerous than in the colourless sponges — of course one must com- pare tissues in the saine stage of develop)ment — ; this concerns the colourless algae ui'th structure as well as fhose u-ithout. For the first ones this difference in numher is smaller than for the last ones ; and for the latter it still increases rather considerably during the development of the sponge tissue^ in order to prohahly disappear almost entirely during or Immediately after the gem- mule stage. 10. In the green and, in the colourless sponges the numher of colourless algae with structure is ahvays much smidler than that of those without structure. 11. The total numher of symhiotic algae present in the green sponges surpasses that in the colourless ones. Having stated this^ we want to know^ what is the reason of all this {point 1—11). In short, why in nature a {green) sponge in light contains an excess of green living algae and a smaller numher of colourless dead ones, a (colourless) sponge in darkness, on the contrary, an excess of colourless dead algae and a smaller numher of green living ones ; how hoth sponge types keep up their „colour'"; a?id how they arise from each other (pag. 35). For that purpose we have to examine tJie factors ruling the numher of the symhiotic algae in the sponge tissues. These factors are 6 in number, viz. : A. the import of the algae from the surrounding water into the sponge (the factor of import). B. the export of the algae from the sponge-tissues into the surrounding water (the factor of export). C. the increase of number of the algae in certain parts of the tissues by the reduction or deatli of other parts (the factor of reduction). D. the dccreaso of number of the algae in a certain sponge- volume by the growth of the sponge; (the factor of growth). 49 E. the niultiplication of the green algae within the tissues (the factor of multiplication). F. the mortality of the green algae within tlie tissues (the factor of mortality). I shall now treat each factor separately. A. The factor of import. As I mentioned above (pag. 28), it is possible to durably transmute colourless sponges into the green form by placing them into a diluted suspension of isolated green symbiotic algae in water, I give a more detailed description in Table 7. There we see, that a living colourless Spongilla (volume 3 — 10 c.M^) is able to make perfectly clear within a few days 3 litres of a grayish suspension of algae, by which the colourless Spongilla it- self grows light-green; and that the rapidity of this process is directly related to the number of oscular tubes, the sponge shows. As we know from the research of Vosmaer and Pekelharing (62), these tubes accelerate the rapidity of the water current through the sponge body — serving as lengthening pieces of the draught canals — . Therefore we may conclude that, the quicker the current in the canals of the colourless sponge, the more quickly the sponge will gei clear — so to say by filtering — the troubled suspension, and itself will grow light- green by capturing the green algae. The oscular tubes are not indispensable, of course — as was proved — ; the current of water can also go on, when they are lacking. One might think it possible, that the sponge does not only catch the algae within its tissues, they have got into by the current, but also at its outer surface. This possibility might be realized; but it can hardly come into consideration in comparison with the first method of capturing, as I will point out afterwards in chapter B and C (on the current of water and the ingestion of food). I will only mention now that the algae are soon joined quite normally within the sponge amoebocytes (not vacuoles!), and that the light- green colour of the sponges, after they have been transported into daylight into aquaria filled only with water from the con- 4 50 duit, does not at all decrease in tho course of' some weeks but even strongly increases, as stated already on pag. 28. All this concerns Spongilla as well as Ephydatia. (See Table 8.) In this way the import of the green algae proved possible. One might ask, however, if this factor really exists in nature under normal conditions. This is certainly the case. For we know that the symbiotic algae occur free in nature in exactly the same waters as the sponge is living in (pag. 27 — 28); namely to the amount of at least 200 por litre in March and at least 3700 in July ; but these nunibers give a minimum only, probably very much too low. Moreover, one should not consider the in- tensity, with wich a sponge filters the surrounding water clear, to be but weak. As to this, we saw in Table 7 that a little gponge (of but 3 c.M-' vol.) is able to raake clear 3 litres of a troubled suspension within 3 days, while the filtered water was again and again mixed with the suspension. So, how many times had not the same water to pass through the sponge body before all was clear at last; how many litres has the little sponge really filtered in those 3 days! Another proof of this really enormous „filtering power": sponges as large as a finger proved able to make clear 3 litres of water mixed with 2 c.M'^ of milk within a day's time; but exclusively when oscular tubes were present. (This result was not caused by sponge-enzymes, as one might think; for such liquids mixed with material from a pressed sponge remained troubled for days. Nor did the milk sink to the bottom). Having stated noiv the -p^'^sence of green symbiotic algae free in the water and the enormous yifiltering power'''' of a sponge^ we mag conclnde that in nature the import is a vigorouslg and con- tinualhj acting factor of increasi?ig the number of green algae in sponge-tissues. And this must be the case ! For we stated (p. 47) in colourless sponges from darkness that green algae are con- stantly present in a small number, that stages of division are generally absent, that the colourless algae (without structure) in- crease considerably in number, in other words, that green algae are continually dying; so it is absolutely necessary, that new 51 green algac are constantly imported froni the surrouiiding water in order to keep up their (sniall) quantity witliin the sponge tissue (the factor of reduction is normally not acting). Tli(;refore the import is the only factor of increase of the nuniber of green algae in colourless sponges in darkness. When treating the factor of import I should mentioii aiiothcr remarkable fact. In winter, wlien the sponge tissue is reduced to tlie gemmules fixed quite free in the skeleton, several normal green symbiotic algae provo to bc sticking to that skeleton ; pro- bably caught there in the course of the winter from the flowing water. The gemmules, now, when germinating on their place in the old skeleton — which liappens very often — will immediately find some green algae to their disposal. So the rapid increase in number of the green algae in newly germinated gemmules, I mentioned on p. 47 (3), has to be explained. Next one might ask if in nature the factor of import does only concern the green algae, or the colourless ones too. ïhe latter would be realized, when also colourless algae occur free in nature. This is certainly the case. Their number, however, always proved to be but very small, compared to that of the green ones; what stands to reason (conf. pag. 42- — 45). Therefore fhe factor of inqmrt may be ?ieglected as far as the colourless alyae are concerned. Finally ive may accept that the factor of import is eqnally active in (green) sponges in light as in (colourless) sponges in darkness ] for the number of the algae in the surrounding water will be equal for both of them in consequence of the continual water circulation, and both sponges will probably possess the same „filtering power" '). 1) From an experiment it seems to re&ult that the „filtering power" of green sponges in light is greater than that of colourless sponges in darkness. In this case also the import woukl be greater in the llrst sponges. We want, however, many ex- periments to answer this question, and for the moment it is of no iraportance to us (see the note at pag. 68). It will, however, be much more important when consiJered in relation to a lack of O2, which possibly exists in (colourless) sponges in darkness (chapt. VIII). 52 B. The. factor of export. I treat this factor as theoretically possible and the reverse of the import; for a sponge laden with algae might continually eject some of them ; though the above stated eagerness with which a sponge captures, algae does not make this supposition very likely. But I should mention that I have really observed sometimes (not often !) the ejecting of green symbiotic algae' together with feces by vaciioles in the process of defecation, I shall treat afterwards (chap. E). The export can not be expe- rimentally stated in another way ; for a sponge in captivity may always show some small parts of its tissues dying (at least this possibility can never be excluded), whereby algae are set at liberty. I thmk we may consider the export of algae from the sponge tissues as an uncertam^ but prohahly not importa^it factor. C. The factor of reduction. After some time in captivity the fresh-water sponges show a reduction of thcir tissues, which originally filled the whole ske- leton but then begin to reduce to the inner parts. This may be the consequence of a progressive dying of the outer layers, fol- iowed by tlieir destruction. At least this is often the case. A same phenomenon of reduction, however, might also be caused by the tissues growing more and more compact, by the internal ca- nals and lacunes being filled. It seemed to me that in a sponge in reduction always both processes were going on. Their influence on the remaining paj't of the tissues wonld he the same: the numher of the algae present ivithin the unit of volume o f these tissues ivoiild increase. When the reduction is caused by the tissue growing more compact, this result is quite evident. In the other case we may distinguish two possibilities: 1. The dying amoebocytes might be (partly) ingested by the remaining ones, with preservation of the green algae. 3. The destruction of the dead amoebocytes would set numerous green algae at liberty in the neighbourhood of the remaining sponge parts; thus the factor of import would be in- creased. One can often observe this last phenomenon: a dying sponge is surrounded by a green cover of algae, settled to the bottom. 53 lil nature, howcver, tlio process uf rcduction occurs in autumn only. We iimij therefore neglect t/iis factor for sponrjes living free in nature (except in antumn) ; but we should prev(;nt tliat in our experiments (in aqiiaria etc.) this reduction bccomes effi- ciënt, and we should take care to limit its troubling consequences (the increase of the import) as miich as possible by a continual vigorous circulation of fresh-water through the aquaria. D. The factor of (jrowtlu As a very young sponge forms but a rainute corpuscle, when full-grown, however, a large ernst witli long branches (10 c.M. and even longer) — Spongilla — or a thick cushion — Ephy- datia — , it stands to reason that tlte groirt/i of tJie sponge imist be (not in a short, Ixit in a long space of time) a verg aetive factor of decreasing the nnmher of algae ptresent in the unit of volume of its tissues. One should consider, however, that growth takes place almost exclusively at the top of the branches in Spongilla, as I men- tioned already on pag. 16. So especially here the factor of growth will act, although it might be possible that this in- fluence is spread all over the sponge tissue by means of an ac- cumulation of amoebocytes from all parts of the sponge body to the branch tops. But it is remarkable to notice that these tops are exactly the parts of a sponge, which become green first of all and remain so for the longest time, as I stated repeatedly ; so some other factors must act here as well. Nevertheless, I have once found in a very warm season a great number of quickly grown, green Spongillae with indeed very light-green coloured tops. Green Spongillae (from light) proved to be larger than colour- less ones (from darkness). This difference can not always be ob- served, of course; nor is it always so prominently marked out as in Fig. 1 and 2 ; but 1 have been able to state it in general and in different months of several years. Later on I will treat the cause of this phenomenon (chap. YIII). So tve mag conclude the factor of growth to be more aetive in green sponges in light than in colourless ones in clarhiess. 54 E. The factor of multipUcation. We stated above (p. 27, 31, 47, and Table 4, 6) that the green symbiotic algae multiply, when isolated in cultures, as well as within the tissues of the sponge. We have to examine now the rapidity of the multiplication under different outer conditions (Table 9, 10). We will do this by counting the number of the stages of division present in 100 green algae at a certain moment. Before we proceed to this in- vestigation we should ask, what factors rule this number. It will increase by 2 factors: 1. by the number of the algae (per 100) which divide within a certain space of time, 2. by the time in which the division of an alga is accomplished. We may say that the l^t factor depends on the state of feeding of the algae, tlie 2iii on the temperature. The latter was always the same in my experiments of one series ; therefore we may consider the time, in which the divisions of the algae took place, to be equal also for every experiment of a same series. Consequently, we possess in the number of stages of division per 100 algae (the percent of stages of division), which I examined in my in- vestigations, a direct measure, true for every series of experi- ments, of the number of algae (per 100) which divide within a certain, equally long space of time ; in other words, a measure of the intensity of multiplication of these algae. In this way we will have examined this intensity always cal- culated per 100 green algae, which are present in a culture or in a tussue of a sponge. The other factors (import, export, re- duction, growth and dying), however, have been studied or will be studied per unit of time and per unit of volume of sponge tissue. Consequently, we have to bring also our results con- cerning the intensity of multiplication in accordance with these units, in order to combine all results afterwards. Proceeding now to my investigations we see : 1. Periodicity does tiot occur in the intensitij of multiplication^ neither for the algae in the sponge tissue, nor in cultures ; nei- tlier within 24 hours, nor within some days (Table 9). I there- fore believe that the algae continually multiply each in its turn. 55 without any mutual regiüarity ; wliile the process of division proceeds but very slowly (pag. 31). 2. The weaker the concentration of the algao present in a culture or in a sponge tissue in light, the higher is their intensity of multiplication (Table 9, 10; in sponges one should consider the concentration at the beginning and at the end of tlie experiment; the abnormal n^^ 3361, 341, 3651, 375, 376 should be neglected) ; in darkness, on the contrary, the intensity is al- ways the sanie (viz. + 0) in sponges (Table 10, conf. Table 6). I will not examine, now, the cause of these phenomena; one may ascribe them to the quantity of food (eg. C 0.^), the algae can dispose of. All tliis concerns the intensity calculated per 100 green algae. Now we have to remould these results and to cal- culate them per unit of sponge volume. We therefore should know the mutual proportions of the various concentrations, which we can only calculate roughly (p. 13). In this way we find in light (Table 10 and 8, n°. 3371, 347, 3381; 3331, 3341, 343) on the one hand an intensity (per 100 algae) of 13 with an average quantity of algae (in the unit of volume) of VII, on the other hand an intensity (per 100 algae) of 1 with an average quan- tity of algae (in the unit of vol.) of XI. Now I stated that XI = + 70 X VIL Consequently, the same sponge volume in light, containing 100 algae in the weak concentration and therefore possessing an intensity of multiplication of 13, must contain in the strong concentration 7000 algae and an intensity of multiplication of 70. Thus : in light tJie intensity of multiplication of the algae in sponge tissue^ calculated per unit of sponge volume^ in a strong concentration, of the algae surjjasses the intensity in a weak concentration; in darkness they are the same^ viz. 0. 3. The intensity of multiplication of the algae in the sponge tissues as well as of those in cultures is much larger in light than in darkness; in a sponge in darkness it is +0 (Table 10, cf. Table 4 and 6). The concentration of the algae in every two experiments belonging together (one in light, the other in darkness) was generally almost the same in the cultures; in the sponge tissues, however, in light (necessarily) even stronger than 56 in darkness. Conseqiiently, if this concentration had been equal, the intensity of multiplication (calc. p. 100 alg.) in the sponge in light wonld have surpassed that in darkness even more. The cause of this phenomenon is, of course, again the state of feeding of the algae. This rule concerns the intensity calculated per 100 green algae; while the concentration of tlio algae was then supposed to be the same in light as in darkness. From this foUows : tlte concen- tration of tJie algae being tJie same, their intensitg o f multiplication in sponge tissue in light, calculated per unit of sponge volume, largely surpasses the intensity in darkness. F. The factor of mortcdity. In chapter VI we have stated that all colourless algae present in sponge tissues are dead or dying green ones; and in chapter VII ^, that generally rather a considerable quantity of the green algae is continually dying in those tissues, first changing into colourless algae with structure and then into colourless ones without structure (p. 45). As besides we see from Table 5 (n°. 68 p, for instance), that there the stage of colourless alga with structure is passed much more quickly than that of colourless one without structure, we might in general consider through analogy also in the sponge tissue tlie number of colourless algae with structure to be a direct tneasure for the intensity of dying of the green algae during a short period preceding our analysis; and the number of colourless algae without structure, on the contrary, to be the total amount of the algae, that died (in the same sponge volume) during a much longer period preceding our analysis. This conclusion agrees with the results from the analyses of Table 6 ; for there we have stated (pag. 48, 10) that the number of the colourless algae without structure is a 1 w a y s much larger than that of the colourless ones with structure. This is only possible, if the first mentioned stage of colourless ones (that without structure) is passed less quickly than the second. Knowing this, we may conclude from the analyses of Table 6 (pag. 46 — 47, 2, 3) that in green sponges in light as u^ell as in colour- 57 less ones in darkness : 1. the intensit;/ of dij'm(j of the rjreen alyae remains constant in all stacjes of development of the spomje tissue^ showing hoivever a ronsiderable decrease in the fjemmule-staye; 2. the total amount of dead ahjae increases (in the tinit of sponge volume) during the development of the tissues, whicli is of cuurso a matter of fact. Nevertlieless, it is important to see that tlie latter shows from the analyses ; for it proves that these colourless algae without structiire must hold in the tissues for rather a long time. Is is even probable, that in full-grown tissue (at least in the beginning) the same colourless algae without structure would still be present, which were already there at the time the tissue was young and growing; for their continually increasing number can not be explained in another way (as the intensity of dying is constant, and one should admit also that the number of dead algae, passed at the same time from colourless ones with into colour- less ones without structure, will also disappear at the same time from this last stage). That the total amount of dead algae should considerahly decrease during or after the gemmule stage is quite conceivable, for then the intensity of dying proved much smaller, while on the other hand colourless algae are continually dis- appearing. Next we want to compare the mortality of the green algae in sponge tissue in light and in darkness. For that purpose we can make use of both groups of colourless algae mentioned here. First we should ask however, if in the dying of the green algae within a sponge the stage of colourless one with, as well as that of colourless one without structure is passed in light just as quickly as in darkness. One might answer that this question does not conie into consideration, as we concluded above: 1. that in both cases the first stage is passed so quickly, that we may con- sider it to be a measure of the intensity of dying during a short period, and 2. that in botli cases the algae can not possibly dis- appear from the second stage before the sponge tissue is full-grown. This is exact. Yet I shall also answer the question experimentally, at least as far as the second stage is concerned. When asking this question, one thinks of a possible difference 58 of rapidity, with which the colourless stages are goue through, as caused by : a. a changing influence produced by the green algae on the sponge tissue (production of 0.^ and assimilates in light, but not in darkness), h. some other influence independent from those green algae. I will treat both possibilities in con- nection with my experiments. In order to get a pure result, the factors of import, (export), growth, reduction and of dying should be excluded as much as possible in these experiments; which may be obtained by cultivating colourless sponges (so sponges containing a small number of green and a large number of colour- less algae) in flowing water from the conduit, and to continue the experiments for not too long a time. These experiments belong to a large series of similar ones, made for different purposes (Table 8). My material consisted in Spongillae and Ephydatiae; generally of each sponge a piece was cultivated in light and another piece under the same conditions in darkness. In the beginning of the experiment both pieces of each pair possessed an almost equally small quantity of green and of colourless algae with structure, and an almost equally large quantity of colourless ones without structure. Table 8, n°. 336, 365 I, 365 II, 375, 376 give an answer to the possibility mentioned sub h. For at the end of these experiments: 1. the quantity of green algae proves to be just as small as at the beginning, and therefore to have been of no influence, 2. the large quantity of colourless algae without structure in each sponge piece in light proves just as much increased, decreased or remained equal during the same time as in the partner sponge piece in darkness; pi'oof^ that in sponge tissue^ when the number of green algae is small, the stage of co- lourless alga without structure is imssed in light just as quicMg as in darkness. Table 8, n«. 263, 264, 298, 299, 337, 338, 341— 342, 347 — 346 give an answer to the question mentioned sub a. For at the end of these experiments: 1. the quantity of green algae proves to have increased rather much in light, therefore perhaps of much influence, 2. the Jarge quantity of colourless algae without structure in each sponge piece in light proves to have changed just as much, or more increased in the same time than 59 in the partner sponge piece in darkness; pyotjf\ fJiut in spomje tissue^ when the nwnher of f/reen algae is important^ the stage of colourless alga ivitJiout structure is passed in light eifher just as quicldy or less quickly than in darkness^ hut hy no means more quickly. Besides, this is logical (cf. chapt. VIII). Something the like will evidently be the case, when one compares a sponge in light containing many green algae and one containing hut a few; for the latter will bohave almost like a sponge in darkness. Now we proceed to the comparison of the mortality of the green algae in sponge tissue in light and in darkness. Are there more, or less algae dying in a sponge in light than in a sponge in darkness? From the results obtained through analyzing the niimbcr of algae in sponge tissue (Table 6, pag. 46 — 48) we may immedia- tely answer this question, if we consider that 1. in colourless sponges in darkness the import is the only factor keeping up the number of green algae (pag. 51), and that 2. the import is equally active in green sponges in light as in colourless ones in darkness (pag. 51). We may thus conclude that^ aUhouglt the colourless sponge i?i darkness possesses miich less green algae than the green sp)onge in light (pag. 47^ 8), still more green algae die in the colourless spoyige in darkness — as the intensity of dying (the number of colourless algae with structure) as well as the total amount of dead algae (the number of colourless ones without structure) is at its largest in the colourless sponge (pag. 48, 9). Consequently, much more specimina of a same quantity of green algae die in a colourless sponge in darkness than in a green one in light. As to this fact, one might object tjiat it might be possible that a sponge (in light, for instance) regularly wants — it may contain many or but a few green algae — a same quantity of these algae to feed upon; that therefore it would not be of any use to calculate the mortality per same number of green algae, as then one would find, of course, a large relative amount of dead algae in a colourless sponge, even if it did not grow in darkness. ïhis reasoning might be exact, certainly (see below); but in any 60 case we have stated here, tliat even the absolute amount of dead algae in the colourless sponges in darkness surpasses that in the green ones in light. I will prove also by direct experiments, that of a same quan- tity of green algae in sponge tissue — in other words, the concen- tration of the green algae being the same — more algae die in darkness than in light. Also here the factors of import, (export), reduction and growth should be excluded as much as possible in the experiments; that of multiplication can not be excluded, but it will not be of influence on the results. For that purpose we cultivate green sponges in flowing water from the conduit for not too long a time. See Table 8, n». 100, 260, 261, 292, 293, 294, 333, 334, 343—344, (357, 359) — (348, 356, 358), 366 I, 366 II, 371, 372; all of them green Spongillae and Ephydatiac. Generally of each sponge a piece was cultivated in light and another piece under the same conditions in darkness. In the beginning of the experiment both pieces of each pair possessed an almost equal and large quantity of green algae, an almost equal and small quantity of colourless ones with structure and an almost equal and moderate quantity ot colourless ones without structure. Now, during the experiments the number of green algae generally proved to have more decreased and the number of colourless algae with structure and that of colourless ones without to have more increased in the sponge pieces in darkness, than in the partner sponge pieces in light during the same time. So it is clear, not onlij from the intensity of dying (number of colourless algae with structure) hut also from the total amount of dead algae (numher of colourless ones without structure), that m sponge tissue, when the concentration of the green algae is the same, much more algae die in darkness than in light (calcu- lated per unit of time and of spoyige volume). (In some experi- ments — n''. 344, 348, 358, 366 I, 366 II — the number of colourless algae with structure has decreased at the end in the sponge in darkness, or has remained the same. Evidently this is caused by the already very much progressed decrease of the green algae (by dying), for the number of the colourless ones 61 without structure proves in all these cases, that also here more algae dicd in darkness than in light). I want to point out emphatically that we got tliis result by means of experiments in which the spongés in light contained a large quantity of green algae. We therefore know (pag. 59) that in these experiments the stage of colourless alga without structure can not have been passed more quickly in the sponges in light than in those in darkness, but that it has been passed just as quickly^ or even less quickly in light. When we suppose — to get a pure comparison — this stage to have been passed just as quickly in both cases, the above obtained result must be binding, perhaps even a fortiori. One should also examine, if there is any difference in the in- tensity of dying of the green algae in the tissue of a sponge with a strong and in that of a sponge with a weak concentra- tion of green algae. To answer this question we may mutually compare the number of colourless algae with structure in green and in light-green sponges, after these sponges have been culti- vated for some time in water from the conduit, in light or in darkness (Table 8). At first after culture in light. We find this number in 27 green sponges : 1 II -|- 2 III + 7IV4-10V4- 4 VI + 3 VII and in 18 light-green (or colourless) ones : 1 I + 1 II + 2 III + 3 IV + 4 V + 4 VI + 3 VII. So it follows that in light the intensity of dying of the green algae in sponge tissue in a weak co7icentration is almost just as large as in a strong con- centration of the algae (calculated j;er unit of sponge volume). Then the same for sponges cultivated in darkness. In 8 green sponges the number of colourless algae with structure proves to be : 1 II + 1 III + 1 V + 3 VI + 2 VII, and in 37 light-green (or colourless) ones : 2 I + 5 III + 8 IV + 4 V + 10 VI + 8 VII. Con- sequently, in darkness the intensity of dying of the green algae in sponge tissue in a weak concentration is somewhat smaller than in a strong concentration of the algae (calculated per unit of sponge volume). When we consider both these facts in all experiments of Table 8 (with respect to the concentration of the green algae in the 02 beginiiing and at the end of tlie experiments), the above obtained result (p. 60) — that more algae die in darkness than in light — remains valid ; then there are even some more experiments leading to the same resnlt: n'\ (246, 248) — (255, 256), 339, 340, 367, 368, 369, 370, 374, 378—377. Moreover, the exact- ness of this result — not only for a same strong- concentration of the green algae, but also for a same weak one — also follows very clearly from the last two argumentations. Finally I should mention that we have realized the faet in these cultures of green sponges in aquaria in darkness, that of all 6 factors, normally ruling the number of algae in sponge tissue, only the factor of dying has (practically) remained. Afterwards I will treat the cause of the dying of the algae in sponge tissue, when speaking about the symbiotic relation of sponge and alga. V- Having studied the 6 factors ruling the number of symbiotic algae in sponge tissue separately, we are now going to examine, if some combinations of those factors can be realized. We will not take into consideration the uncertain factor of export, the ab- normal ono of reduction and the but slowly werking factor of growth, in order to combine the 3 principal factors of import, of multiplication and of dying : I. Import + multiplication can not bo realized, of course. II. Import + dying is realized, together with growth, in nature in colourless sponges in darkness. See Table 6. III. Import + multiplication + dying is realized, together with growth, in nature in green sponges in light. See also Table 6. IV. Multiplication + dying can be realized by cultivating green and colourless sponges in flowing water from the conduit in light and in darkness for not too long a time; in this way the factors of import, (export,) reduction and of growth will be excluded as much as possible. These experiments are very important ! For ive will succeed in this icay to transmute green sponges into colourless 63 ones hl/ culture in darkness and colourlcsy spongen info (/reen ones hy culture in light^ uifh the smallest nmnber of active factors possihle. Consee/uently ^ we must succeed in explaining these plieno- me.na, the interpretation of whirh has heen songht for ever so long in quife a wrong direetion (pug- -^0 — 41)^ as hei)tg caused hg tlic. comhined arfion of the nmltiplieation a?id tJie mortality of the green algae in the sponge tissues^ in light and in darJaws.s. Seo Table 8, all n^s (all green and colourless Spongillae and Ephy- datiae) ; generally of each sponge a piece was cultivated in liglit and anotlier piece under the same conditions in darkness. In each piece the colour and inostly also the amonnt of algae in its tissues was accurately examined at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. In general we distinguish 3 types of sponges in respect to their behaviour during the experiments. In type I the green colour, so the number of green algae (as the experiments show), increases ; in other words the increase of green algae surpasses the de- crease. In type III the green colour and the number of green algae decrease, in other words the increase of the green algae is smaller than the decrease. In type II the green colour remains constant as well as the number of green algae, or the green colour or the number of green algae changes a little by increase or decrease ; in the last case but one we niay speak of a type II'; in the latter of a type II"f. We see from the table: A. 1. From 92 Spongillae, cultivated in light, behaved like type I 60 ) „ II 22 = 22 = + 24% IIi'i 2 ) lm 5 h ^ = ± «°'° If we consider, ho wever, that under type II 21 already ori- ginally green coloured sponges occur — in which some decrease of the green colour could probably have been observed very well, some increase but very difïicultly — we are justified in neglecting those 21 specimina. Than we would find: 64 Froin 71 (=92 — 21) sponges in light behaved like type I+IIi 63 = + 89' „ II 1 = + 1°/ „ Ilm + m 7 = + 10% '°/o o Consequently, in the greater majority of Spongillae, when culti- vated in liglit, the increase of the green algae proves to surpass the decrease. Accordingly, we saw that in light : a. most colour- less to light-green Spongillae (61) became groener (or at least increased in number of green algae) ; but once this did not happen ; h. most green Spongillae (23) maintained their colour ; but in 7 sponges the green colour diminished (so here the decrease of the algae surpassed the increase). 2. From 32 Spongillae cultivated in darkness behaved like 1=4= + 13% type I O „ IIi 4 „II 3=3=+ 9% lm 23 1 = 25 = ± '«°/° • Consequently, in the greater majority of Spongillae, when cul- tivated in darkness, the increase of the green algae proves smaller than the decrease. Accordingly, we saw that in darkness : a. most green to light-green Spongillae (25) lost, or at least diminished, their green colour ; only once it remained constant ; h. the colour- less Spongillae (6) remained colourless, though in 4 pieces the number of green algae appeared to have somewhat increased. B. 1. From 34 Ephydatiae cultivated in light behaved like type I 14 . IIi 4 = 18 = + 537, 0/ , o o / II 4 = 4 = + 12 Iliir 4 III 4 ! = 12 = + 35° o o „i,ni, 4 Consequently, in the majority of the Ephydatiae also, when cul- tivated in light, the increase of the green algae proves to sur- 05 pass tho decrease. Accordingly, we saw that in light: a. most colourless to light-green Ephydatiae (15) became greener (or at least increased in number of green algae), that but few specimina remained colourless (3) or even decreased in number of green algae (3), while others became greener in the beginning in order to lose their colour entirely afterwards (4) ; h. the green Ephy- datiae sometimes kept up (3), sometimes even increased (2), several times however considerably decreased (4) their green colour. So it proves that in general Ephydatia in light behaves like Spongilla; but that even under these circumstances it pos- sesses a strong tendency to become colourless. 2. From 37 Ephydatiae cultivated in darkness behaved like II 13 =13 = + 35% . I, III 4=4=+ 11"/, If we consider, however, that under type II 12 already origin- ally colourless sponges occur — in which some increase of the green colour could probably have been observed very well, but no decrease can possibly have been observed — we are justified in neglecting those 12 specimina. Then we would find : From 25 (= 37 — 12) sponges in darkness behaved like type I + IIr 2= 8% n 1 = 4°/, „ II"i + ni 18 = 727 „ I, III 4 = 167 o 0/ o Consequently , in the greater raajority of Ephydatiae, when cultivated in darkness, the increase of the green algae proves smaller than the decrease. Accordingly, -we saw that in dark- ness: ff. most green to light-green Ephydatiae (11) lost their green colour, but 1 kept-it up; b. the colourless Ephydatiae ge- nerally remained colourless (12) or even lost green algae (7); 5 66 bilt in 2 specimina the number of these algae increased, while 4 other ones became greener in the beginning in order to lose all colour afterwards. So Ephydatia in darkness proves to behave like Spongilla. C. Finally 8 sponges of unknown genus, cultivated in light; 4 behaved like type I and 4 like ^type II. Siich a sponge cul- tivated in darkness behaved like type UI. The residfs of our experiments may be resumed as foUoivs: 1. Green Sjmïigillidae remain green in light. 2. Colourless Spongil- lidae remain colourless in darkness. 3. Colourless Spongillidae be- come green in light. 4. Green Spongillidae become colourless in darkness. 5. When Spoyigillidae are cultivated in light^ the increase of the green algae surpasses the decrease. 6. When Spongillidae are cultivated in darkness, the decrease of the green algae sur- passes the increase. I want to point out emphatically that these residts were obtained by cultivating the sponges under such cir- cunistances, that the factors of import, export, reduction and of growth were almost entirely excluded. Consequently , the facts stated here must . necessarily be explained by the two remaining factors : that of multiplication and that of mortality. Therefore the results, given in these factors, run in the following way : 1, 2 for green sponges in light and colourless ones in darkness : mu = mo (I) 3, 5 for light-green and colourless sponges in light : mu > 7no (II) 4, 6 for green and light-green sponges in darkness: mu mo I ^ A II light-green sponge in light: mu > mo I green sponge in light : mu = mo I am not going to treat this question at large now, for I will soon come back to it, when treating the behaviour of the sponges in nature. ^. Having examined the 6 factors, ruling the numher of sym- biotic algae in sponge tissue, as well as some of their chief com- hinations, we will trij to answer the ahove (p. 48) mentioned questions, concerning Spongillidae in free nature, hij means of the data we have obtaified in the mean time. 1) < is stroBgei- than <, ^ is stronger thaa <. 68 I. The question , why green as ivell as colourless algae oecur in sponges in ligJit as icell as in darkness. Because in sponges in light import, multiplication and dying of green algae takes place, import and dying in sponges in darkness. II. The very important question, directly corresponding with that of the foregoing pages, n-hy in nature a sponge in light contains an excess of green algae^ consequently it is green; why a sponge in darkness contains a small numher of green algae^ con- sequently it is colourless; how a green and a colourless sponge arise from each other. The data, we will make use of, concerning the factors of im- port ') (ï) (pag. 50, 51), export (e) (pag. 52), reduction (r) (pag. 52 — 53), growth (g) (pag. 53), multiplication (mu) (pag. 55 — 56), and of mortality (tiio) (pag. 60, 61) are printed in italics on the pages mentioned here. I want to point out emphatically that all these data have been calculated per unit of time and per unit of sponge-volume, while the facts resulting from Table 6 (pag. 46 — 48, point 1 — 11), which we have got to explain here, are also calculated per same units. We now imagine a sponge (containing an arbitrary quantity of green algae) keeping constant its colour, therefore its num- ber of green algae. For this number the following formula would be binding: « + r + mu = e -{- g -{- mo An equation of balance: the number of green algae added per unit of time in the unit of sponge-volume continually counter- balances the number which is substracted. Now we know that in nature a (green) sponge in light as well as a (colourless) sponge in darkness really keeps up its colour for a long time (pag. 35). Consequently, this formula is binding for their quantity of green algae. • 1) If the import in green sponges in light might prove greater thaa that in darkness (p. 51, note), the following argumentations would be binding a fortiori. 69 A. If in nature such a sponge containing an arbitrary number of green algae and growing in light — for its green algae then we have i -\- r -\- mii = e -]- f/ -\- mo (I) — is transported into darkness, what is going to happen then? The multiplication of the green algae must then become much smaller (= + 0), the mortality much more intensive ; while the import remains the same, also the export (at least in the beginning), but the growth of the sponge will probably decrease immediately and the reduc- tion remains the same (= 0). The original equation i -\- r + >}iu = e -\- g -\- mo passes into i -\- r -\- niii < ^ + 5' + ^^^^ (H)* The ba- lance is broken, the sponge must continually lose green algae, therefore become more and more colourless. In consequence of this decrease of the concentration of green algae the import, the reduction and the multiplication do not change, the mortality how- ever decreases as well as the export, while also the factor of growth will be diminished ; but the formula i + r -\- mu < e + ^ + >no remains binding (III). Consequently, the end of this process must be that all green algae disappear from the sponge tissues, the sponge itself becoming perfectly colourless. Then, of course, also the second part of the formula e + ^ + ^no must decrease automatically till it has become equal to i + r + ww, so till a balance i + >' ~\- nm = e + g -\- mo is re-established (IV) ; but now another than the original one. So the mortality must have dimi- nished ; nevertheless it is then still strenger than in the begin- ning (p. 59), and rather considerable. When this state of per- fectly colourless sponge in darkness is reached, the import is still rather considerable, the factor of growth has diminished still more and the multiplication, the reduction, and the export are + 0. In stead of i -\- r -{- mu = e ^ g -\- mo we may put i = g -\- mo ; in fact even / = mo. In other words, in such a colourless sponge in darkness the whole import is always counter- balanced by the mortality (and the growth). We may symbolize the transition mentioned, in the fol- lowing way: 70 (I) green sponge in light: (II) green sponge transported into darkness: I (III) light-green sponge in darkness: ■ (lY) colourless sponge in darkness : i -\- r -f mu = e -{- g -\- mo V V A i + r + mu < e + (jr + ino 11 II II V V VA i + r + nm < e + 'o II II II VVV ï + r + mu = e + e + g + mo (II). The balance is broken, the sponge keeps more and more green algae, therefore becomes green itself. In consequence of this increase of the concentration of green algae the multiplication increases, the mortality, the import and the reduction remain the same, but the export and certainly also the factor of growth must increase little by little. The formula ^ + >• + mu > e -\- g ^ mo however remains binding (III). The end of this process must be, that the sponge lodges an excess of green algae in its tissues, it therefore becomes dark-green itself; even there would not seem to come an end to the increase of the number of green algae in this way. That is impossible, of course; in such a dark-green sponge the factors must change in such a way, that at last this perpetual increase ceases. This changing is again the consequence of this great increase of concentration of the green algae : although the multiplication has still increased — it is considerable and much more intensive than in the beffinning; (Table 10) — and the mortality has remain ed the same — it is moderate and much lower than in the beginning (pag. 59) — , the factors of growth and export have certainly strongly increased, while the import has remained the same (rather considerable) as well as the reduction (= 0). In this way a new balance {-{-r-i- mu = e -]- g + mo must arise in the dark-green sponge in light (IV) — of course another than the originally existing one. We may again symbolize the transition mentioned, in the fol- lowing way : (I) colourless sponge in darkness (Tl) colourless sponge transported into light: i + r -j- \ II II (III) light-green sponge in light T t (IV) green sponge in light: i + r + ^ mu ^: e + g -\- mo ^ A II II V jitii > e ^ g -\- mo AA AA II V mu > e + g + mo A A A II )nu = e -\- g -\- mo i + r -\- II II O 72 hl tliis way ive find that, if in nature a sponge containing an arhitrary small numher of green algae, so a more or less colour- less sjjonge, which ivas growmg m darhiess and kejjt up its colour^ is transported into daglight, it must unavoidahly accumulate a large quantity of green algae in its tissues and therefore become dark-green itself, especially in consequence of a strongly increased multiplication and a much decreased mortality of those algae in light. When the wJiole tissue is crammed with green algae, the various factors ruling their numher change in such a manner, fhat a new balance is established; these changes are an increase of the groivth of the sponge and p)erhaps also of the export of green algae. (I have always put the export to account. It is, however, an un- certain factor, as I have stated. One may therefore leave it out entirely. That would be of no consequence to the argumentation). Up to now my argumentations have set forth from sponges, which kept up their colour and, therefore, showed the equation of balance for the number of their green algae (p. 68). But the same can be proved for sponges changing their colour: as we proved that a dark-green sponge from light becomes colourless in darkness, it is a matter of course that a sponge, which grew green or colourless in light (therefore, a still more or less light- green sponge) must also become colourless in darkness ; while the reverse will be the case for sponges, which were growing colour- less or green in darkness, and were then transported into day- light. The questions, why in general a green sponge in light remains constantly green, and a colourless one in darkness con- stantly colourless {i + r -f mu = e -\- g -\- mo), have in fact been answered already above under B and A (pag. 69 — 72). Also other questions may be proposed and answered in the same way. We have stated now, that (and why) generally in nature 1. sponges in darkness must become colourless and sponges in light green, 2. greeyi sponges in light and colourless ones in darkness must keep up) their colour. 73- (I want to point out einphatically that, up to now, I have exclusively spoken about the normally occurring cases; I will treat the exceptions below.) III. Now we come to the question, wltij in nature a sjjonc/e in light — so a green sponge — contaitis a moderate numher of co- lourless algae and a sponge in darJmess — so a colourless one — rather a large numher of these algae. Also here we can make use of an equation for the nuniber of dead (colourless) algae : > i + r + mo = e + g -\- d < (The letters stand for the same as in the formulae above ; d means the number of colourless algae disappearing (by solu- tion) in the unit of time from the unit of sponge-volume). We know, however, that i = O (pag. 51), r = O (pag. 53), e= ± O (pag. 52), and d= ± O (at least before the sponge is full- grown: pag. 57). So we get; > mo = g < of course it is (p. 57), eg. for a green sponge in light: mo )> g A V consequently for a colourless one in darkness : mo > g as will show from the data given on pag. 60 — 61 and 53. So we see that in the same time the number of colourless (dead) algae nmst increase much more in the sponge in darkness than in that in light. Lateron I will treat, why the number of colourless algae with structure remains constant during the development of the sponge tissue (chapt. VIII). Why that of the colourless ones without structure increases is mentioned on pag. 56 — 57. 74 colourless sponge in darkness: IV. Why does the number of the various (green and colourless) algae always shotv a decrease in the gemimde stage ? As for the green algae, we may symbolize the transition of a colourless sponge in darkness into the gemmule stage as follows : i i + r + mu = e + g ^ mo j II II II II II II 1/+0+0 = 0 + g + mo V A II II V young colourless gemmule in darkness : 0+/'+0 0+0+ mo I II V 11 II II V old colourless gemmule in darkness : 0+0 + 0 <(0 + 0 + mo \ A II II II A A germinated gemmule in darkness : i + 0+0 0 + (/ + mo Consequently the green algae must entirely disappear from old colourless gemmules in darkness, in order to re-appear immediately in small numbers, when the gemmules have germinated (conf. pag. 47, 3). The transition of a green sponge in light into the gemmule stage may be symbolized : ■ i + r + mii = e + g -i- mo green sponge in light: -» II II II II II II ^ + O + mu = e -\- g -\- mo VA V V young green gemmule in light : O + r + mu O + O + mo I II V V II II V old green gemmule in light : 0+0+0 <(0 + 0 + mo J A II A A A A germinated gemmule in light : / + O + mu e -\- g -\- mo Consequently, the number of green algae must decrease in old green gemmules in light, but probably increase immediately after the gemmule has germinated (conf. pag, 46, 2). The fact, that the multiplication of the algae stops in old green gemmules, is stated on pag. 46, "Z, There are several reasons possible for it; none of them can be proved, however. 75 The deercase of the number of cohmrless algae with structure in the gemmule stage will be explained lateron, when speaking about the cause of the dying of the algae in sponge tissue, But I want to remind that we concluded (pag. 42) that this dying is closely related to the life of the sponge ; and we know that the gemmules are stages of rest of the Spongillidae. So it is evident that probably herein is the cause of the decrease of the mortality during that period. That the. total amount of dead (colourless) algae (without structure) decreases in the gemmule stage, has been explained already on pag. 57. hl this way we have proved with the help of the data ice oh- tained^ when studying tlie 6 factors (of import^ export^ reduction^ groivth, multiplication and mortality) ruling together the number of the symhiotic algae in sponge tissue: 1. Why in nature the Spongillidae must contain such an amount of the various green and colourless stages of the symhiotic algae in light and in dark- ness, as we have exj)erimentally stated on pag. 46 — 48,pointl — 11. 2. Hoiv in nature these sponges keep up their ^colour^' (green or colourless)^ and how both ,^coulour'"-types arise from each other (pag. 35). As mentioned above, up to now I have exclusively treated the cases normally occurring in nature, viz. those of green sponges growing in light and colourless ones growing in darkness (pag. 46). We stated, however, that sometimes green sponges might be found in nature in darkness and colourless ones in light (p. 41); and in Table 8, pag. 63 — 66, that as an exception to the rule green sponges may become less green in light and colourless ones more green in darkness. How is that to be explained? We saw that the amount of green algae, so the colour of the sponge, is ruled in nature by the proportion (/ + r + mu) :{e + g + nio) and in my experiments by mu : mo. We must consider, however, that each of these factors is depending on numerous circumstances. These circumstances proved in general rather con- 76 stant — for we could deduce several generally appliable rules concerning these factors, by which could be explained the nor- mally occurring cases of changing or remaining constant of the number of green algae in sponge tissue (in light or in darkness). But this fact does not at all exclude the possibility, that these circumstances do change — as an exception. In such cases our rules, deduced for normal circumstances, would not be binding of course. In such a way one will have to explain the abnormalities mentioned. When analyzing now the amount of algae present in these cases (Table 6 B), we find : in grepn sponges in darkness the multiplication to be normal — very slow — but the mor- tality abnormally low ; in colourless sponges in light, on the contrary, an abnormally slow multiplication and a normal mor- tality. By these facts the abnormalities become already more conceivable. VIII. The nature of the „symbiotic" association of sponge AND GREEN ALGA ; ITS USE TO THE ALGA AND TO THE SPONGE. This part of my investigation has indisputably been the most difficult one. Only after much groping, I succeeded in finding a way out from the labyrinth of facts, which bear upon these pro- blems ; not by lack of points of issue, but even more by their great number, however partly leading — at first sight — in opposite directions. a. I irill begin ivith the use wJdch the ,,symbiotic^^ association offers to the alga. In the first place this question: How shall we state whether the algae are in better conditions in one milieu ■ — eg. a sponge — or in another? We want to state the use of the „symbiosis" to the alga, in other words : if the alga is in a better condition in the sponge tissue than in the water. Which phenomenon on the alga shall we take as criterion? 77 Only two criteria are to be considered, as being most self- evident: Ist the intensity of the multiplication of the algae, 2nd the total increase of an algal-culture within a certain time. It appears less desirable to me to accept a criterion in the ap- pearance of the algae, viz. in the more or less normal or dege- nerate condition in which they are, as it must be very difficult to apply. So there remains : tlte mtensiti/ of multiplication (the number of stages of division per 100 green algae, see p. 54) and the total increase of an algal-culture. Perhaps one will suggest that both these criteria come to the same in fact ; but this is not the case at all. The intensity of multiplication gives a waij of measiiring the favourableness of the conditions imder which every alga individually lives, for instance of the feeding milieu (apart from factors which, in short, destroy those algae). The total in- crease (or decrease) of an entire culture, however, is a measure for tJie favourableness of all factors, which possihhj can be of amj influence to the algae. So it may be that, though an alga finds somewhere a favourable feeding milieu, by which it multiplies rapidly, the whole culture is exposed to such a degree to the gluttony of protozoa, that after all the number of algae is de- creasing instead of increasing. So it is most important to apply both criteria in our investigations. Comparing a sponge (in light) and lake water (in light) with regard to the question we are treating presently, we notice first and premost the enormous difïerence in concentration of the green algae. The sponge is grass-green or dark-green, the water from the lake never has a green tint; the sponge contains numbers of green algae in its tissue (one could take 3 X 10" green algae per litre), the water from the lake only 4000 per litre (p. 28), at the end of July. I have stated in chapter VII, that sponges in nature constantly increase their number of green algae by import. So at any rate the accumulation of algae in a green sponge is already partly explained by this mechanical process. But import onl) is not 78 sufficiënt — just think of the colourless sponges in darkness with an import just as large (but with a much smaller multiplication and a much greater mortality) — also a rather considerable multiplication is required and low mortality. What about this multiplication and this mortality of the green algae in a sponge, compared with those phenomena in algae free in the water? Is in light the intensity of multipUcation in a sponge larger^ the same or smaller than in water? For this see Table 10, to which I have already referred several times. In this table there is given every time in column 1 the intensity of multiplication of the green algae for a sponge in the light (and in the dark) and for a culture in water from the conduit or from the lake in light (and in darkness). From that we see that in most experiments the intensity in the water is ever so much larger than in the sponge ; in the latter it is generally below 15, in water it amounts to 20 — 35 ! Let us, for the present, not ask how that phenomenon in caused ; at any rate it goes without any doubt for these experiments. No-w what ahout the total nmnber of green algae when cultivated in light in sponge and in water? See Table 10, column 3. That number proves, notwithstanding the much larger intensity of mul- tiplication in water, in general in water less increased than in the sponge. So it cannot be otherwise than that the algae, which have much more multiplied in water, must also have been more destroyed there, in some way or other, than in the sponge. (With all these experiments the factors of import, export, reduction and of growth were excluded as much as possible). So all things together, the algae in the light are in more favoiirahle conditions in the sponge than in the water; really the sponge must protect its algae against destruction '), This fact must also inevitably appear, when we notice that, according to Table 8, entirely colourless sponges with only few 1) To get this result puiely, we must compare the algae with equal begin-concen- tiation in sponge tissue and in water from conduit, of couise, after they have been cultivated for the same time and at the same temperature. Then consider what is stated in the following pages (p. 82 — 83). 79 green algae, ciiltivated in light in water from the conduit (so excluding import), soon show a larger amount of green algae than the water of the lake ever possesses. It is rather well conceivable, although not quite sure, against what the sponge protects its algae. A priori one supposes this protection to be against protozoa and other small fresh-water organisms which will swallow the algae. Also in my cultures I have got an indication for this, as shown in Table 9 B. There one sees, among others, an algal-culturo in light in small concentra- tion in water from the lake, which the 2'^d week consisted of a ihin green membrane surrounded by a (newly formed) darker green rim. During the Srd week, however, first the rim and next also the membrane suddenly begins to disappear. Now, numerous protozoa prove to have grown in the culture ; among which there are some filled with the green sponge algae. About a week later the whole algal-culture has almost been destroyed ; numbers of degenerate algae remained, while the protozoa disappeared for the greater part. Besides, there exists also a means of protection for the sym- biotic algae within the sponge body against other enemies, not enemies which will swallow them, but which cause their destruc- tion in some other way : diatoms and ordinary algae. Above (p. 43, 45 and Table 5) I treated already, how the sponge algae were killed by an infection of diatoms or algae arising in the culture. I do not venture to decide, to what this influence must be ascribed ; one might suppose to (lack of food or to) poisoning by products of metabolism, especially as the same thing happens when mould-infection occurs (p. 43). It is obvious, now, that this influence of the infecting algae and diatoms will be strenger in light than in darkness; which, moreover, appears from Table 4. So it might be possible, that a culture of symbiotic algae in water and in light, with of course a high intensity of multipli- cation, has in fact less increased after some time — by the hurt- ful influence of luxuriantly growing algae and diatoms — than such a culture in darkness, with but a small intensity of multiplication. In Table 10 there are indeed some of such cultures to be seen. 80 So here we have siich an (apparently) paradoxal phenomenon, as treated above in consequence of the comparison between multi- plication-intensity and total increase of the algal-culture in a sponge and in water; indeed, here too we found a smaller total increase with a larger multiplication-intensity of the symbiotic algae (in water). So one proof more, that this intensity of miiltiplication and this total increase are independent factors ; while, what we treated just now, gives even more support to the above mentioned opinion, that the protection of the symbiotic algae by the sponge is, among others, also meant against diatoms and ordinary algae. It stands to reason, that this protection must now not be taken, as if there are no algae destroyed in the sponge itself. Of course this does take place, as we saw, eg. on p. 46 — 48. On p. 78 we saw that in the cultures of Table 10 the intensity of multiplication of the green algae in light was generally much higher in water than in the sponge tissue. I have purposely omitted till now treating the cause of it, to evade unnecessarily complicating the question we were about. Yery likely that cause is not to be found in the milieu, in the sponge or the water, but in the concentration-diiïerence of the algae themselves (see p. 55). It might seem to be very difficult, almost impossible, to directly compare the concentration of the algae in water and in the sponge tissue somewhat accurately. Nevertheless, I believe to have succeeded rather well ; and I so came to the conclusion that in fact in the light, in an equal, strong concentration of the green symbiotic algae, their intensity of multiplication in water and that in the sponge are probably the same. In the first place we see that in Table 10 there are also cases to be found in which the intensity of multiplication in the sponge is just as high as that in water, or just the reverse, that the intensity in water diminishes down to that in the sponge. The first regards sponges with weak concentration of the green algae 81 — consider botli begin- and final concentration — '); the latter cultures with a strongcr concentration, compared with othcr cul- tures. So wc see that, when we consider the concentrations, the found intensities of multiplication in sponge and water seem to approach each other. This appears even more clearly, when we compare some intensities in the sponge tissue found in Table 10 with the intensities in water with different concentrations of the algae, stated in Table 9. (Here the concentrations have namely boen more accurately established.) We then see that in the sponges 8371, 3381, 347, 3701, 416, etc, all of which are sponges with weak concentration of the algae, a multiplication-intensity ruled, which was equal to, even larger than that of the algae in a strong concentration irr the water-cultures of Table 9. So this was an indication the more in the^above mentioned direction. The question was how to compare these concentrations of the algae; so in a culture in water, that is (p. 10) a membrane attached to bottom, and in a more or less green sponge. Of course it is impos- sible to fix the number of algae in equal volumes of sponge and cul- ture. There only remains the comparison of the colour. Thereto one should consider that one can state the colour of the green mem- brane on a white and on a dark background. For a colourless or a green sponge one can say, that the background is white (creamy). Therefore the sponge may be compared directly, as regards its colour, with a membrane on a white (creamy) background. Apply this on Table 9. ït then appears, that in A the mem- brane in the strong concentration on a white background is yellow- green to light-green, the rim (just as the sponge) dark-green; in the weak concentration the membrane greenish, the rim light- green to green. In B the sponge is dark-green, the membrane in the strong concentration on a white background green to light-green ; in weak concentration the membrane greenish, the rim light-green. Let us now stick to Table 9 A ; this one has been continued longest and is the most accurate, as there was no question about infection, as was in the other one. So we see that with a dark- 1) Nos 3361, 341, 3651, 375, 376 should be neglected as being abnormal. O 82 green colour, so in a concentration s. of the algae, the intensity of multiplication is the same in the sponge as in the water- culture, viz. about O — 6.5 (once 9), on the average 2 in the sponge, in water 2.3 ; with a yellow-green to light-green colour, so in a concentration m., in water about 7 — 20 (once 28), 13 on the average ; with a greenish colour, so in a concentration w., in water about 29 — 39 (once even 45) and 33 on the average. We should also apply this method to Table 10 and first to the sponges in light, considering again both, begin- and final con- centration of the algae. We then find in a concentration s. — S. of the algae in the sponge a multiplication-intensity (in 22 out of the 23 cases) of about O — 7 (once 9), 2.6 on the average; in a concentration m. — s. (in 14 out of* the 18 cases) of about 5 — 11 (once higher, 3 times lower), 7 on the average; in a concentration w. — m. (in 12 out of the 15 cases) of about 9 — 17 (once lower, twice very low), 10.7 on the average ; in a concen- tration w. — s. both very low values for the intensity of 3 and 7 ; and finally in a concentration w. — w. (in 3 out of the 4 cases) an intensity of about 15 — 20 (once lower), 15.5 on the average, while the experiments n°. 3361, 341, 36511, 3751, 3761, with the concentration w. — u\ and their multiplication-intensity of O, should be neglected as being abnormal (p. 75 — 76). For the cul- tures in water from the eonduit in light we find: in a concen- tration s. — s. an intensity of 1; in a concentration m. — m. of 11 — 23, 15.7 on the average; in a concentration w. — m. of about 19- — 28, 23 on the average; and in a concentration w. — w. an intensity of about 17 — 37 (once 10), 25.2 on the average. For the cultures in lake water these values are generally lower ; as also in Table 9 B. One will acknowledge that, considering the rather coarse way of comparing the concentrations of the algae in the sponge tissue and in the water cultures, their multiplication-intensities for the strong concentrations (.s. — s. and m. — s.) in sponge tissue and in water do mutually correspond very well in Table 9A and 10'); 1) In fact we ought to have stated them separately in Tablo 10 for each series of experiments (p. 54); the lesult, however, would have been the same. 83 while tliüsü for the weak conoontrations {ir. — m. and w. — w.) are lower in sponge tissue than in water. But, of course, the correspondence of the intensities for the concentrations s. — s. and fn. — s. is the most decisive. So we are justified in concluding that the sijmhiotic algae multiphj in light in equal^ stromj con- centration within the tissue of the spotige about just as quickly as in water ; hut in equal, weak concentration in the sponge less quickly than in water. From this we may also deduce (p. 77) that the feeding milieu for the alga is in fact not more favour- ahle in the sponge than in the water, but about just as favourable or even less favourable. That it is not more favourable, also very clearly show^s from the fact, that the algae multiply in darkness less quickly within the sponge tissue than in water (Table 10, cnf. Table 6, col. 2 and Table 4 B, col. 4). It is a matter of course that the above proved fact about the protection, which a sponge in light gives to its algae, does not lose anything of its validity, now that we have shown that the greater intensity of multiplication in water, which occurs in these experiments, is not explained by the milieu but simply by the concentration-differences of the algae (see note p. 78). But what about that protection (p. 78) in darkness? It appears from Table 10, col. 3, and also by comparing Table 4 B and 8 that — contrary to the result in light — the algae in darkness are in much less favourable conditions in the sponge than in the water; in the sponge all algae are destroyed within short (p. 70). As final conclusion ') we may give this one: In darkness the 1) In fact we should have stated this not only by comparing the behaviour of algae when cultivated in water from the conduit and in sponges in water from the coiiduit, but also by comparing their behaviour in lake water and in sponges in lake water. This, however, is impossible, as we can cultivate sponges only in pure streaming water (p. 9), and as, raoreover, ihe factor of import cannot be escluded in experiments in lake water (p. 11). Bul in any case we know that the feeding milieu is less favourable to the algae in lake water than in that from conduit (p. 82), and that in light the algae are also in less favourable total-conditions in lake water (than in that from conduit) (Table 10, col. 3). From which perhaps might follow that in light the de- struction of the algae in lake water is about just as large as ia that from conduit, at least is not weaker. 84 y^symhiotic^' association of Sjjongillides and ahja offers much less advantage to the alga than a life f ree in the water, as in the sp'onge all algae are destroyed. In light, on the contrary^ that „symbiotic" association offers more advantage to the alga than a life free in the water; hut that . advantage only consists in the f act, that the sponge protects the alga against destruction, hy enemies for in- stance. The milieu — the feeding milieu — , on the contrary, is in the sponge not at all more favourahle to the alga than in the water, neither i?i Ught nor in darkness, hut about just as favour- ahle or even less favourahle. When further tve knoiv, that also in Ught algae are constantly destroyed i^i the sponge — though less than in the tvater — we must conclude, that from the point of view of the use to the alga that association with the sponge cannot he called at all a symhiosis in the meaning of that of the Lichetis. In Ught the alga, so to say, has chosen the least of two evlls ; ene cannot say more. |3. We have noiv come to the still more complicate question of the use of the „symhiotic^^ association to the sponge. I will begin with mentioning all the facts regarding this question. After that we shall see, if all these different data can be united into one conception. 1. On p. 25 I have mentioned already that the green sym- biotic algae of the Spongillidae lodge oildrops, which they form, as p. 20 shows, by photosynthesis. 2. The colourless algae may also show oildrops (p. 36) ; but in general not so often as the green algae; while of these co- lourless ones those, which kept their internal structure, show them more often than the colourless ones, the structure of which has got lost. This may appcar from the following analyses of green Spongillae taken from the light, by. which the number of algae with oildroplets is given per 100 algae which have been tested. 85 bc bD bC bc bC u a a a a a ÖC o o o o o 05 o. o. o. a, o. 1/3 co M »3 co s ^ T3 T3 X ï» 75 Li rt -th could be explained in connection with this: in the course of the development of a sponge the total number of dead algae is constantly increasing, according to p. 57, with a considerable decrease in (or shortly after) the gemmule-stage (this also appears in Table 12); so the same should happen to the number of oildroplets per amoebocyte. Which, however, is the right connection between the number of oildroplets in the amoebocytes and the dying of the green algae, why this connection must necessarily exist, can only be treated lateron, when I have mentioned all facts concerning it. 8. In the sponge-tissue occurs a lipase, a fat-splitting enzyme. In Table 13 one finds, how .1 have pointed out its presence. 9Ü 9. The uildroplets appear to bc more numerous in the choano- cytes, the collar-cells lining the flagellated chambers, than in the amoebocytes. See Table 14. Perhaps this might make one suggest, that all oildroplets in the sponge have been taken from the sur- rounding water by means of the choanocytes, the food-capturers par excellence. This suggestion was the more justified, because my sponges were mostly gathered in a by-channel of the lake, along which were numbers of houses which emptied their refuse from the drain-pipes in that canal ; even so, that the sponges were often in the middle of the dirt. This supposition, however, proved untenable; for the sponges gathered in the lake itself, in very clean water — far from houses — , contained about as many oil- droplets in their choanocytes as those which had grown in the dirty canal water; while this also appeared to count for sponges which had been cultivated for some time in flowing water from the conduit (while no reduction occurred). See Table 14. 10. As we saw above under 7, that the number of oil-droplets in the amoebocytes was in some relation with the number of colourless algae, we might also expect here for the choanocytes some relation between the number of their oil-droplets and that of their colourless algae, That proves however not to be the case, as foUows from this table: choanocytic layer green sponge colourless sponge number of number of oildrops colourless algae oildrops rutlier numerous several some some » few mass rather numerous several colourless algae few several rather numerous 11. I have already mentioned on p. 25, that I have never been able to show any carbohydrate within the symbiotic algae — except the cell-wall, which of. course will consist of cellu- 91 lose. However, carbohydrato (glucose) will probably be furmed (but theii kept in solution); so also Oltmanns (47) gives for some algao that, although oil may bc found as final product, tlic prime products of photosynthesis are probably carbohydrates; also see Pfeffer (47 a) for plants in general. 13. The amoebocytes of green and colourless Spoiigillidae and their gcmmules show, when stained by I in KI sol., numbers of very sniall red-brown globules, much smaller than the oil- droplets (Table 14) and especially situated along (the inside of) the wall. On the other hand I have never found vacuoles stained by I in the amoebocytes, as Lankester (35) states. One will be inclined now to consider these small brown globules as a solid carbohydrate ; but such a colouring by I does not yet give suffi- ciënt proof by itself. So I have also tried to prove in a more direct way, that carbohydrates occur in the sponge tissue. And such with the help of tlie Fehling solution which, as known, gives a red precipitation, when boiled with a reducing sugar (for instance glucose or an other monosaccharide). I rubbed a green Spongilla, just boiled the remaining fluid and filtered it, while the symbiotic algae and all smaller particles passed through the filter. The fluid reacted neutrally and was light-green, rather troubled. This liquid, now, showed after having been boiled with some Fehling solution rather a considerable red precipitation, while a blind experiment (Fehling boiled without sponge liquid) did not show any reduction. So sugar (probably a monosaccharide) was present in the sponge. Next the same was repeated with sponge liquid, which had in advance been boiled for one hour with some drops of strong HCl (to break down polysaccharides which might be present), then neutralised by KOH and filtered; this liquid showed strenger Fehling reduction than the original one. From this we may con- clude, that the sponge liquid, consequently the sponge tissue, con- tained a polysaccharide besides the monosaccharide. But this poly- saccharide need not exactly have been the carbohydrate which can be stained by I; it may have been exclusively the cellulose of the algal cell-walls (perhaps the increased reduction after hydro- 92 lysis by HCl might also been explained as caused by the carbo- hydrates originating from the nucleins?). The same result, however, was obtained also for the gemmules after I had almost entirely freed their rubbed material of (coarser) solid particles (among others of algae and oil-droplets) by centri- fuging and extracting with ether. Moreover, the living cells of the gemmules considerably swell in water, so apparently possess a strongly hypertonic cell-fluid, which corresponds very well with the presence of dissolved sugars. So we may conclude, that a polysaccharide is present in the sponge-tissue also beyond the (coarser) solid parts of the cells; we now can freely explain the above mentioned small globules stainable brown by I as consisting of the polysaccharide in question. 13. As appears from Table 14, these small globules are present in about the same number in amoebocytes of a green sponge in light, so in amoebocytes filled up with green algae, as in those of a colourless sponge from darkness, so with but few green algae; it may even be, that these globules are somewhat more numerous in the second than in the first cells. From this we may conclude again, that export of carbohydrates from the green algae probably does not take place at all. For if it were the case, these carbohydrates in solution — in 11 namely it appeared, that these will be present in the algae — , which would then evi- dently be deposited in the sponge tissue partly in the form of reserve food (the little globules), had at any rate to be much more numerous in the green sponge from light than in the colour- less one from darkness, while exactly the reverse proved to be the case. Perhaps one might be inclined to explain this last fact, just as in 5 for the oildroplets, as being caused by a larger con- sumption of the carbohydrates in a green sponge in light. I then can give exactly the same answer, I have given already (in 5) for the oildroplets, and which I am not going to repeat. As we saw that the little globules, which can be stained by I, in the amoebocytes of a colourless sponge from darkness are probably even somewhat more numerous than in those of green 9:5 ones from light, it is probablc — in analogy with wliat was stated above under 7 for the oildroplets in amoebocytes — that there must be some direct relation between the number of these little globules and the number of dead algae, which, as known, is also larger in sponges in darkness than in sponges in light (p. 59). I shall mention only lateron, what relation this is. 14. The little globules stainable by I are to be found somewhat more numerous in the choanocytes of the flagellated chambers than in the amoebocytes (Table 14). Also here one could ask the question, which we put above in ï) for the oildroplets, if perhaps not all these globules could have been captured from the surrounding water by the sponge with the help of its choanocytes. But also this question we must answer negatively, as these glo- bules are about as numerous — or only a little less numerous — in the choanocytes of sponges out of the lake-water or the water from the conduit as in those of the sponges from the dirty canal water (Table 14). 15. As we saw under 13 that in the amoebocytes there is some relation between the number of globules, stainable by I and the number of dead algae, we might expect the same relation in the choanocytes. This proves, however, not to be the case, as the table below shows. choanocytic layer green sponge colourless sponge number of glob. st. by I colourless algae number of glob. st. by I colourless algae numerous mass » few some » mass » » few several rather numerous 16. On p. 18 — 20 I have proved already, that the green sym- biotic algae produce 0^ in light. 94 17. In the amoebocytes of the Spongillidae food vacuoles are to be foiind including symbiotic algae in different stages of di- gestion ; so one finds in these vacuoles all normal and „solution" stages of those algae, which I treated repeatedly (p. 42 — 45), viz. : green ones, colourless ones with clear structure, with a shade of structure, without structure, and vague shades of colourless algae. Besides these symbiotic algae one also finds in the vacuoles: diatoms, ordinary algae, bacteria, all sorts of unrecognisable de- tritus and the above mentioned oildroplets, mutually combined as well as with the symbiotic algae. 18. In sponges newly caught from nature these food vacuoles are rather rare in the tissues (Table 15). Consequently, the sponge in free nature seems to digest only few symbiotic algae and other food particles in this way by vacuoles. 19. In sponges, which have been for some time in aquaria (with water from the conduit) these food-vacuoles, however, are more numerous (but there does not seem to be much dilference then between cultures in the light and in the dark; Table 15); so under these circumstances the sponge proves to digest more food in this way. 20. In newly caught Spongillae food vacuoles are less numerous in young tissue (branch-tops) than in fuU-grown (branch-bases) (Table 15). 21. In newly caught Spongillae the food vacuoles are somewhat more numerous in the tissues of colourless specimina from dark- ness than in those of green ones from light ; they seem equally numerous in Ephydatiae (Table 15). 22. As I mentioned already on p. 42 — 43, most of, not only the normal green symbiotic algae but also of the often mentioned colourless dying- and „solution"-stages of those algae (p. 42 — 45), occur quite free in the protoplasm of the amoebocytes, not in food vacuoles. 23. The amoebocytes with (green or colourless) symbiotic algae form — as was partly mentioned on p. 16 — the greater majo- rity of the cells of the green and the colourless sponges. The 95 amocbocytes of green sponges lodge, besides tlieir nuineruus green algae, mostly also one or more colourless algae free in their pro- toplasm ; while, after what was said above, it stands to reason that also the amoebocytes of colourless sponges contain colourless algae free in their protoplasin. 24-. In green and colourless sponges the amoebocytes appear to lodge more colourless symbiotic algae than foreign enclosures (unicellular algae, etc). The same thing counts for the whole sponge-tissue. 25. Particles, which have been taken up by amoebocytes, never come immediately in a vacuole but remain free in the protoplasm ; if a vacuole is formed around, this only happens lateron. 26. From ïable 8 it appears, that in green sponges cultivated in water from the conduit the number of colourless algae with structure generally also increases in the light. Now that we have described in the above given 26 points the chief facts, irhich bear upon the question aboiit the use of the symbiotic association to the sponge^ we tvill now see, if all these various data caii be united into one conception; in other ivords^ if we can come to an answer to this question with the help of these data. Probably one will suppose already oneself in which direction the conclusion can be found, by the way in which now the 26 points have been arranged. I must confess, however, that this solution has troubled me a great deal; while on one point it requires still further completion. As was mentioned under point 17 and 18, the fresh-water sponge seems to digest free in nature only little nutrition (symbiotic algae and other food particles) by means of food-vacuoles. So the sponge must evidently supply its food ii; another way. Several ways are imaginable: First the possibility, that the sponge lives of organic materials in solution, present in the lake water. I ani not going to treat 96 here the question, if this supposition — the Putter theory (48, 49) — should also count more or less for the Spongillidae ; for these sponges possess, as we will see presently, another very rich source of food ; so that the argument, on which Pütter's theory is based, seems not to hold good for the fresh-water sponges. The dissolved organic materlals of the lake water are for them surely not the most important source of food. Next one might have thought, that it were the products of photosynthesis of the green symbiotic algae (the oildroplets and carbohydrates) which, after having been ejected by the algae, would serve the sponges as food (point 1, 3, 11, 12). We now know^ how- ever (point 5, 13), that it is very likely such an eject'mg of oil- droplets and carbohydrates by the algae does not take place at all. There is still another possibility, viz. that the sponge is fed by proteins (or their constituent parts) which the green algae could eject. For the (colloidal) proteins this sounds, however, very un- likely ; and also for their parts, the amino acids, will be no question about ejecting by the algae, as we saw above that it is, very likely, already not the case for the primary products of pho- tosynthesis (the carbohydrates), that are still much more numerous. Consequently, nor in this way we escape from the difficulty. The solution is, that according to point 22 — 24 (p>. 94 — 95) the sponge has a very important, almost inexhaustable, perhaps even its principle source of food in the green symbiotic algae, which con- tinually die (p. 46' — 48, 57) free in the protoplasm of its amoebocytes, and ivhich then pass there gradually from „colourless algae ivith clear structure'''' into the successive „solution stages'\ „colourless ones with shade of structure'''', „colourless ones tvithout structure", and „vague shades of colourless algae", in order to finally disappear entirely (p. 42 — 45). Consequently, here free in the protoplasm of the amoe- bocytes necessarily an — dlthough rather slow (p. 57),nevertheless — complete break-down and solution takes place of the substances the symbiotic algae consist of; ivhile the products of the decomposition must come to the disposal of the amoebocytes. How this decom- position is produced, I cannot yet decide ; but it is evident, that enzymes of the amoebocytes will take part in it. 97 So it seems, as if the sponge wonld dispose of two different methods of digestion, l^i the often appearing sloiv digestion free in the protojdasm of the amoehocytes, 2nd the less common quicJcer digestion in food vacuoles of the sam,e cells. But is it not more likely, tliat these two methods are only apparently diiïerent and not really? With a slow digestion only littlc enzyme will be secreted to the body which must be digested, so no vacuole- will be formed around ; with a quick digestion on the contrary much enzyme, consequently a vacuole is formed. The whole difference between vacuole digestion and digestion free in the protoplasm would thus only be founded on a difference in the rapidity, with which the amoebocyte desires to digest a body (see also chapt. U). With a normal regular course of the process of life there is no need for a quick digestion, ouly little enzyme is secreted, conse- quently no food vacuoles are formed. But if, for instance, a sponge is taken from its habitat to an- other place, eg. an aquarium with water from the conduit, where it will miss at any rate all kinds of nourishment — if not the symbiotic algae, yet many other materials (dissolved in lake water?) which probably are not less important — it is very likely, that the sponge will theu try to supersede its lack of other materials by a quicker digestion of the food, which is at its dis- posal; in other words, the sponge will be going to secrete more enzyme and form thus vacuoles round its food. Now, according to point 19, exactly this thing happens with sponges in aquaria ! Next the fact, that in newly caught Spongillae, according to point 20, the food in young tissue is less quickly digested than in full-grown ; it can be explained in several ways. But it is not clear at once why, according to point 21, a quicker digestion takes place in the tissues of colourless Spongillae in darkness (not of Ephydatiae!) than in those of green ones in the light; for there is probably no question at all about a stronger nutrition of the green sponge . from the side of its green algae (p. 96), while in the colourless sponge even some more algae are digested in the protoplasm than in the green one (p. 96, 59, 46 — 48). So one must come to the conclusion, that the colourless Spongilla 98 wants more food tlian the green — once more, this cannot have its cause directly in the algal products of photosynthesis — but in what then ? Perhaps the following solution holds good : In connection with what was mentioned in point 16 (p. 93), one must admit, that the green sponge in the light disposes of a very considerable abiindance of Oo in its tissues, which the (colour- less) sponge in the dark cannot have, of course. It is now acknowledged in general physiology, that the katabolic phase of metabolism has quite another course in lack of O.^ than in abun- dance; in lack of 0^ a much more largely, but much less deeply extending break-down of body-materials (proteins, carbohydrates) takes place than with sufficiënt O.^ — Verworn (58), Hermann (28), Hammarsten (26), Biedermann (6), De Vries (63) — ; indeed, in lack of 0.^ much more material is required for obtaining a certain quantity of energy, as the organism for source of energy is then chiefly dependent on not oxidative splittings which procure but little energy, while then, also by the faulty oxidation, a great deal of the chemical energy of the splitting-products is lost for the organism. In this way one would be inclined to explain the fact, that the colourless Spongilla in darkness wants more food than the green one in the light '). For the present this is but a suggestion, to which I shall return however later on, Now that we have seen that the freshwater sponges for a great deal, perhaps even chiefly, find their food in the symbiotic algae, which continually die and are digested and dissolved free in the protoplasm of their amoebocytes, the connection, which there is according to point 7 (p. 89) between the number of oildroplets in the amoebocytes (point 3) on the one side and the number of dead (colourless) algae in the sponge tissue on the other side, may be explained quite simply. For the sponge tissue disposes of a lipase (point 8), and in point 1, 2 (p. 84) we found an always decreasing percent of algae with an oildroplet. 1) That this seemed not to be the case with Ephydatia, might be explained from the fact, that the colourless specimina I exarained, which contaiu always soine green algae, were partiy originating from the light. 99 according as tlic digestion of tlie algao had progressed. So in other words, just as the amoehocyte sloivly digests the other constituent jyarts of the algal cell and makes use of their decomposition-pro- ducts, in the saine iray and at the same time it also digests the olldroplets of the algae, and ivith their products of spUtting (the glycerine and acid) huilds up its own oildroplets. Indeed, we saw (point 3), that very likely the oikiroplets of alga and amoebocyte are not identical! From the preceding follows, that we may consider the pro- duction of the splitting-products of the oildroplets (the glycerine and acid) — so probably also the production of the oildroplets themselves (see below) — in the amoebocytes to be direct pro- portional to the number of the algae being digested, in other words, to the sum of the number of colourless algae with and of that without structure. The same thing will count also for the production of the carho- hydrate globules, which can be stained broiim by 7; as source of the carbohydrate we must of course accept — there are no such globules in the algae (point 11) — either the dissolved carbo- hydrates and the wall celluloses, or the nucleins, or again the oil- droplets of the algae. (The transmutation of fats into carbohydrates, as well as the reverse, we repeatedly meet in physiology.) According to point 9, 10, 14 and 15 the oildroplets and the globules, stainable by I, are even more numerous in the choauo- cytes than in the amoebocytes. From those same points it also appeared, that these oildroplets and globules are not captured from the surrounding water by the choanocytes, and that there is no relation between the number of oildroplets or globules and the number of dead algae in the choanocytes. Therefore it is very likely, that these oildroplets and globules are carried on from the amoebocytes through the „intercellular groundsubstance" to the choanocytes; for the amoebocytes with their constant di- gestion of algae form, as we saw, the true place of production of those corpuscles. But why are these carried on to the choanocytes in such a great number, that they-are even more numerous there than in the amoebocytes? 100 On p. 50 I have treated alroady, what an enormous quan- tity of water a tiny sponge makes circulate through its canal- system. This eurrent of water is kept iip by the flagellar-motion of the choanocytes. Consequently in these choanocytes a very strong transformation of energy takes place ; those choanocytes ^ therefore, must necessarily dispose of a great source of energy. What is more evident than fhat this large mass of oildroplets and of carhohydrate globules woidd serve as such! The more so, as we know from genera! physiology, that in organisms labour, the so called functional metabolism, exactly takes place at the expense of N-free materials, so of carbohydrates and fats — Verworn (58), Hammarsten (26). Next we can say that it is also very likely, that the oil- droplets (and carhohydrate globules?) are used in great numbers for the development of the gemmules ; for what we have given an argument above. Let us just look over, what we have stated in the last pages about the production and the consumption of fat in the sponge ; and let us try to make up in this way an explanation of the facts, which we derived from Table 12 for colourless sponges from darkness and green ones from light (point 5, 6, p. 87 — 89). This must be preceded however by another question. Namely : does the great mass of fat, obtained by the sponge from the digestion of the algae, occur in the sponge as oildroplets — the number of which we can easily state by means of the micros- cope — , or divided into glycerine and acid — which entirely disappear from observation ? In other words : may we see in the number of oildroplets, which has been experimentally stated, the total quantity of fat present in the sponge tissues, or, if not the entire, yet a proportional quantity — or may we not do so at all? This is an important question. The (l^t and) 2"'^ sup- position sounds most probable; not the S'*!. This question will soon find its solution in the foUowing. Now return to our subject. We were going to try to make up an explanation of the facts mentioned under point 5 and 6, with the help of the data about production and consumption of 101 fat in the sponge. Our data are (calculated per unit of time and of sponge-volume) : r. The production of fat (p) is always proportional to the number of colourless algae in the sponge (pag. 99). We know this number of algae in the different stages of development of the tissue of green Spongillae from light and colourless ones from darkness, from Table 6, pag. 46 — 48 ; so we can imraediately fix the course of p: p will increase in green and colourless sponges during the development from very young to full-grown tissue, and in colourless sponges it will always increase more than in green ones; at the end of, or shortly after, the gemmule-stage p will decrease considerably and be about the same in green and colourless sponges. The consumption of fat is determined by the motion of the flagella in the chambers (/") and by the development of the gem- mules {g). From this follows: 2. The consumption (ƒ) is proportional to the number of fla- gellated chambers (we suppose now, that the average of their flagellar-motions is always equal), the number of which is zero in gemmules, but quickly increases in very young tissue, to remain constant afterwards; f does the same. Next — let us say for simplicity's sake — f will be equal in green sponges in light and in colourless ones in darkness. 3. The consumption (r/) is only present and then liigh in the very young tissue during the development of the gemmules, and the same in green and colourless sponges. From these data follows: I. As p increases more during the development of colourless sponge tissue than during that of green, while (/■ + 'i in full-grown tissue of colourless sponges much more fat than in that of green ones (point i>, p. 87). II. Ist. As p increases during the development of green and colourless sponge tissue while {f + g) remains constant, the quantity of fat must increase in that period in both sponges. 2°'!. As in both sponges p only considerably lowers at 102 the end of, or sliortly after, the gemmule-stage, but (/' + g) di- minishes already immediately in that stage to about zero thé quantity of fat must be very high (maximal) in that period. 3'') so many more in a sponge in darkness, we must come to the conclusion, that in the last case the lack of light is the reason of the so much increased mortality. So we immediately try to find its cause : on the one side (point I, 1) in the sponge cells killing the algae much more considerably from want of food and (point I, 2) in the stronger „poisonous" influence of the metabolism-products of the sponge in darkness, on the other hand (point I, 3, 4) in lack of food and of 0^ and in accumulation of C 0^ in the algae themselves. However, we also know (point II, 8) that without the sponge tissues the algae can live for months in darkness and even multiply. Consequently, that lack of light — with its supposed consequence of lack of food and of 0.^ and accumulation of C 0.^ in the algal cells — by itself cannot possibly be the direct cause of the dying of the algae in darkness. On the contrary, it proves necessary for that manifold dying of the algae to be in darkness in an actively living sponge (point II, 6, 3, 2, cf. Table 10). The only and at the same time most general solution would be therefore, that on the one 106 side the weakened power of resistance of the algae — in conse- quence of them being in the sponge in darkness, lacking food and O2 and with accumulation of C 0^ — , on the other hand the still stronger hurtfull influences from the side of the sponge cells (point I, 1, 2) — also in consequence of them being in darkness — are the causes, that such a great number of those algae die in the amoebocytes in darkness. Why only so few algae die (point II, 5) in a sponge in light with regard to the total number present, is also quite clear after the preceding. The power of resistance of the algae will be much higher here, in light, than in darkness. The hurtful influences from the side of the sponge, also by itself already less forcible now, will thus destroy much fewer algae in this case than the sponge, which remains in the dark. But there will still always be a small number of algae, that disposes of less power of resist- ance for some or other reason; this will have to be destroyed by the sponge (compare II, 8). Also the other facts mentioned sub II, 1 — 8 are very well compatible with this solution. At last we get to the question, what those hurtful influences from the side of the amoebocytes, which proved able to kill the living algae with weakened resistance, are exactly. Whether they are: simply (point I, 1) a killing from want of food, so a certain feeding-process of the sponge cells; or (point I, 2) a „poisoning" of the algae by hurtful products of metabolism of those cells, consequently something, which in fact would have nothing to do with the direct feeding process of the amoebocytes, but for instance should be more considered as a reaction of defence of the cells against an intruder; or, as we have just formulated above, both causes together. In all three the cases, however, the final result remains the same, namely that the algae killed in one of the 3 ways are digested at last by the amoebocytes. So this question has in fact not much practical use ; it is more of theoretical interest, as I remarked above. Also, no definite answer can be given for the present; there are arguments for both points (I, 1 and I, 2). This can be shown 107 easiest in consequence of the fact (point II, 3, 5, (i), that the green algae in a sponge in darkness die in such a great number, in light on the contrary only in such a small. Against the opinion, that stronger „killing from want of food", so the in- creased want of food, in darkness (point I, 1) would be a cause for the manifold dying, tells : a. The fact that, as appears from ïable 8 and Table 15, several of the (groen) sponges, which have become almost colourless in dark, contain only few food vacuoles, so behave as if they did not specially want food, as stated on p. 97 — 98 (see ni's 333, 334, 340, 344, 366^1, 366 II). h. The fact, mentioned on p. 94 sub 19, that there are about the same number of food vacuoles in green sponges after their culture in aquaria in light as in darkness; in other words: that the want of food would not be larger in sponges in darkness than in those in light. By these facts the chief argument, that „killing from want of food" could in general be a cause for the dying of the green algae in the amoebocytes (p. 106), would fall. With a view to this we would do better to exclusively admit as cause for the dying: „poisoning" of the algae by products of metabolism present in the amoebocytes, stronger in the dark and active in all cases wheu for some reason the power of resistance of the algae has weakened (p. 103, point I, 2, p. 106). On the other hand, however, there are even more and stronger arguments which speak for the fact, that „killing from want of food" (p. 103, point I, 1; p. 106) certainly must be a cause for the dying of the algae in the sponge. I therefore refer to the points II, 7 and 4. ïhat increase of the mortality of the algae, when the green sponges are transported into water from the conduit (in light) — where the sponges will have to miss many food ma- terials, which they found in nature, so that they will have to make up for it in some way or other (see p. 97) — shows very much in the direction of „killing from want of food". But point II, 4, the fact namely, that the mortality in weak con- centration of the algae in the sponge in the light is equal to that 108 in strong concentration (per unit of sponge volume) can even only be explained by this last cause for the dying. From this would follow, that a sponge in light, whether it lodges many or few green algae, wants one and the same number of these for food. It is quite clear, why (II, -t) in a sponge in darkness the mortality in weak algal concentration is less than in a strong concentration : in darkness the mortality is much larger than in light ; if however the concentration is weak, it is impossible that many algae die. Why (II, 2) the mortality in all stages of development of the tissue remains constant, could be explained by „killing'from want of food" as well as by „poisoning by products of metabolism". Finally there are arguments which show, that in sponges in darkness there is certainly reason to speak of an increased want of food — in consequence of lack of 0.^ — ; which vs^ould make a strenger „killing of the algae to digest" from the side of the sponge cells quite intelligible (p. 103, point I, I, p. 106): X. The argument, mentioned on p. 97, that in colourless Spon- gillae from darkness, examined when newly caught, the number of food vacuoles appears to be greater than in green ones from light (p. 94, point 21) ; which argument formed exactly the starting point for the supposition about the changed katabolic phase in lack of O2 (in this case = lack of light) (p. 98). /3. When speaking about the growth of the sponges, I have mentioned (p. 53) that one could generally state, that green Spongillae (in light) are larger, so grow more quickly, than co-^ lourless ones (in darkness). What can be the reason? Very likely, there is no question of a strenger nutrition of the green sponge from the side of its green algae, while even somewhat more algae- are digested in the colourless sponge than in the green one, as mentioned on p. 97, Consequently, there is no question about, that the difference in rapidity of growth is founded on a smaller quantity of food, which the colourless sponge would have at its disposal. But it will have to be founded on a greater want of food, namely chiefly of proteins, in consequence of lack of suffi- ciënt O., in tlie tissues of the colourless sponge in darkness (p. 98, 103, I, 1 and p. 88). 109 When we look over the residta ohtaineJ, we migld conclude the foUowing cmises for the dijing of the algae in the sponge tissue: A. In light in fact only „killing froin want of food'^ (point 1,1^, and such of the (few) algae, the poiver of resistance of tvhich is somewhat weaketied already for some or other reason; but not „poisoning" by products of metabolism (point I, 2) nor lack of food, lack of 0.^, and accumulation of CO^ in the algae them- selves (point I, 3, 4). B. In darkness either ^killing from want of food^' (point I, \) — perhaps even stronger 7iow — or (and) „poisoning''^ hg products of metabolism (as reaction of defence of the sponge against a foreign intruder) (point I, 2^, and such again of algae, the power of resistance of wkich has certainly weakened noiv niifch more, in consequence of lack of food or of 0.^ and accwmulation of CO.^ (point I, 3, ■i). For the present a more detailed conclusion cannot be given; more data are required for that, among others about the problem if there is really question about lack of 0^ — with all its con- sequences, as for instance increased want of food — in the tis- sues of a sponge in darkness. Let us now pay attention to the two points {oc, (3, p. 108), re- garding this last problem and which are so important, because they give us an insight into the sigtiificance, which the 0^, se- creted hg the green algae in light within the sponge tissue, might have for the life of the spo?ige. One cannot say, that the con- clusion, made in connection with those points o. and /3, quite satisfies us. The hypothesis, that in lack of 0.^ the kataholic phase of the metabolism will have quite another course (than in abundance of O.J and consequently will cause an increased want of food — as is given on p. 98 and 103 sub I, 1 — may be right in general, it seems a bit far-fetched to consider this hypothesis applicable to our case of a sponge in darkness. Certainly, the sponge in darkness will possess a much smaller quantity of 0.^ in its tis- sues than the green sponge in light. But is there really lack of 0^, while sponges have even an extremely strong circulation of 110 water? Sliould one not rather suppose, that by this circulation the necessary quantity of 0.^ will already be kept up sufficiently in the tissues of the sponge in darkness, though it will be lower than in the green sponge in light — perhaps the green sponge in light wil not do anything with its larger quantity of 0^ and simply let it slip — ? If this were not the case, liow would then be the course of that katabolic phase in all higher water organisms not lodging chlorophyll, when lack of light ah*eady changed it so enormously in Spongillae (that is to say, made it go on accompanied with freeing of but relatively little energy). One then had to come to the conclusion, that all these higher water organisms, not lodging chlorophyll, can only produce less complete oxidations in their katabolic phase of metabolism (that is to say, less complete than the green Spongillae in light). On the ether side one has to acknowledge that it is diffi- cult to imagine, that this large quantity of 0^, which is present in the tissues of a green sponge iu light — I just remind that, according to p. 18 «, green Spongillae in sunlight even develop gasbubbles (very likely of O^) — would have no considerable influence on the katabolic phase of metabolism of the sponge, Besides, ^how would otherwise the phenomena, mentioned on p. 108^ /3, have to be explained? ') But let us leave now this question about the lack of O2 (with all its consequences) in the tissues of a sponge in darkness. It cannot be dissolved before we have stated experimentally, if in fact Spongillae in darkness excrete less complete oxidated products of metabolism than green sponges in light. Certainly this question would be worth such a research ! I hope to be able to do this afterwards. Also the question which was our starting point on p. 106, namely : whicli in fact are the exact causes of the dying of the algae in the amoebocytes, must, as said before, wait for its de- cision. The best thing is that, for the present, we content our- ]) And how (sce p. 51 noto) the perhaps smaller „filtering power" of a (colourless) sponge in dark? 111 selves witli the general fornmlatinfj- of the answer given on p. 109. The final result of our research info the use of the y^sijmhiotic''' associatmi (of sponge and yreen ah/a) f o the sponge is therefore: It is either the want of food of the sponge — which might he stronglg increased in darkness — or {and) the y^poisonous'''' influence of harmful products of metabolisin of the sponge (fo he considered as a reactioti of defence agaijist a foreign intruder) which continuaUij destroys green symhiotic algae in the amoehocytes ; atid exactly those algae, the power of resistance of which is already 'tveakened for some or other reason — for instance by having heen in darkness — (p. 102 — 109). All algae killed in this way come to the henefit of the nourishment of the sponge ; as this one digests and dissolves them entirely either free in the protoplasm of its amoehocytes or in food vacuoles, keeps the products of the decom~ position (p. 96 — 97) and rehuilds its own cell parts ivith them,, naniely for instance the oildroplets and carhohydrate glohules (p. 98 — 102). These oildroplets and carhohydrate glohules in their turn are, among others, the source of the great quantity of energy, which the sponge transforms in the fagellar mofion of its choano- cytes (p. 100). For the present no decision can he given ahout the exact signi- ficance for the life of the sponge of the O.,, which the living green algae in light secrete within its tissues (p. 93). It may he, that this O., is of much significance ; even so much, that the katahoUc phase of the process of metaholism in a green sponge in light has quite another course hy it — namely gives a relatively much larger quantity of energy to the sponge — than in the sponge in darkness {p. 98, 103, 109 — 110). Some indications were found for this; hut this important question requires quite a seperate research, before anything can he said for certain. As we saw {p. 96, 87, 92) it is very likely, that direct transfer of products of photosynthesis from the living green algae into the sponge tissue does not take place at all. When next we ask, whaf in fact the „symhiotic''' relation of 112 sponge and greeri alga is, considered from the point of view of the use to the sponge, we cannot verg well answer that qnestion, hefore the prohlem, mentioned ahove, ahout the significmice for the sponge of the O., secreted hg the green alga i?i the light, has come to solutiofi : a. If the significance of that O., is in f act so important, as tvas fhought possihle above, we must conclude — notwithstanding the fact, that the sponge continnallg destroys and digests numbers of algae, and notwithstanding all otlier phenomena, tvhich do not seem to go together with a sgmbiosis — that the reJdtion of sponge and green alga, considered from the point of view of the use to the sponge, is in fact a sgmbiosis, though this sgmbiosis is bg no nieans so complete as that of the Lichens. b. If, on the contrary, the significance of the 0.^ secreted bg the alga is onlg of little importance, ive can conclude — whatever mag be the real cause of the dying of the algae in the sponge tissue, wether it be the want of food of the spo7ige or {and) the „p)oisoning^' of the cdgae bg products of metabolism of the sponge — we must conclude that, practically spoken, that so colled symbiotic relation of spo?ige and alga is in fact nothing hut simply aprocess of nutrition of the sponge, or, if gou like, a verg frst transition of a process of nutrition into a symbiosis. At any rate this always counts for a sponge in darhness. For ive could state the folio witig : The sponge continuallg imports green algae from. the surrounding water into its amoebocytes {p. 50), where those algae then — it should be explicitly mentioned — are killed and digested {p. 111) by the sponge o?ily for a part, when circumstances are favourable; tvhile the rest of the algae can live on, photosynthesise and mul- tip)ly {and will give their f\, produced in light, to the sponge tissues {p. 93) — the onlg argument one can mention iri favour of the conception of symbiosis !). This favourable case is only realized in spo7iges growing in light {p. 70^72) — for in light i y mo ') — 1) This foUows from p. 70 IV, p. 51, and p. 60 — 01, 59. In darkness i — mo; so in light i > mo. 113 and f hen not even always (p. 41 ^ 75 — 7(i). If^ hoivever^ the circum- stances are mmewhat less favourahle — as is the rule in sponcjes in darkness {]>. (>■) — 70) and as sometimes happens also in those in light {p. 41^ 70 — 76) — then all imported algae {and all that mif/ht be present already) are continually and unavoidahly destroyed and digested hy the sponge {p. 111). What happens to the numher of green algae of a sponge under certain circumstances^ entirely depends upon the value, which each quanfity fakes under those circiimstances in this formula: i -\- r + mu =.e -\- g -\- mo the formula^ which we have got to know on p. GS — 75 as decisive for the numher of green algae of a sponge. For the „symbiosis" considered from the point uf view of the use to the alga, I refer to p. 83 — 84. In order to show even more clearly, how much the relation of fresh-water sponge and green alga is still removed from a real symbiosis (in the sense of mutualism), I want to mention what we should require from a relation between two organisms, which are closely connected, to be justified in calling this relation a symbiosis (mutualism) : That relation should be one of mutual use ; the symbiontes should be interested in each ethers existence, so spare, if possible, even nourish each other. Both the symbiontes should in fact behave as one, new individual — in extreme cases, for instance, not be able to exist one without the other and die together. The symbiosis should be kept up simply by multiplication of both symbiontes ; but should not need a continual supply from outside (import) of one of the symbion- tes, to restitute the destroyed ones. So ï^OLL (56) says about the Lichens: „Die Pilzhyphen umspin- nen im Flechtenkörper die Algen, überlassen ihnen den zur As- similation güastigen Platz . . . . , treten mit ihnen in innige Be- rührung und entziehen ihnen einen Teil ihrer Assimilate. Dafür 114 liefert der Pilz nicht nur das, dvirch oft kraftige Saure-ausscheidung gehaltreich gewordene Nahrwasser, sondern, wie es nach den üntersuchungen Artaris walirscheinlich ist, auch Pepton, so dass die Algen in dem Fleclitenkörper nicht nur nicht erschöpft werden, sondern sogar sich kraftiger entwickeln als in freiem Zustande und sich durch Teilung lebhaft vermehren." And Schenck (56) : „Die Plechten besitzen untereinander so viel übereinstimmendes in Bau und Lebensweise und haben sich als Konsortien" (of fun- gus and alga) „phylogenetisch weiter entwickelt, so dass sie zweck- masziger als besondere Klasse behandelt werden .... Die Symbiose der flechtenbildenden Pilze mit Algen führt zur Bildung von zusammengesetzten Organismen mit eigenartiger Form des ïhallus, welcher entsprechend seiner durch die Algen bedingten selbstan- digen Ernahrungsweise andere Gestalten als bei den nicht flech- tenbildenden Fadenpilzen aufweist .... Nur für ganz wenige Flechtengattungen ist festgestellt, dasz ihr Pilz auch ohne Algen in der Natur existenzfahig ist". I will not finish this chapter, before I have said somewhat more about the often mentioned (p. 111, 103, 109, among others) „poisonous" influence of the products of metabolism of the sponge, which influence would be deadly to the algae. There was no certain proof for its existence, but there were arguments for its probability. For if it might prove that the want of food of the sponge, mentioned on p. 111 and 109, cannot be accepted as a cause of the dying of the algao in darkness, there remains as only possible the one mentioned by the name of „poisoning by pro- ducts of metabolism". The term is vague, but all the same gives exactly what one would havo to understand by it. Of course, I am not going to take the question once more in consideration, which I said on p. 110 to leave till later on. But I have made sonie interesting finds among my sponge cultures, which certainly justify the question, if the sponge could exert poisonous iufluences on other organisms (c. q. the algae), which have come inside its body. In other words, if there would not 115 be some reason to accept, that here we should have to do with a true reaction of defence of the sponge against tlie foreign in- truder, in the way an unhealthy organism defends itsclf against the infector. I have foiind : 3 different types of algae (2 filamentous and 1 unicellular), which appeared to occiir in great number in the tissues of several Ephydatiae (from the Brasemer lake near Leyden and cultivated in my aquaria) (see chapter IX). Two of these, the filamentous algae, proved to destroy entirely the sponge tissue with their growth; the 3i"d, .the unicellular one, on the contrary, after having penetrated the sponge tissue in the beginning — the original colourless sponge had become light-green by it — was finally conquered and destroyed by the sponge. In the first place one could imagine this destroying as caused by ferments of defence of the sponge, the above mentioned „poi- sonous" influence of products of metabolism. But there is still another possibility. It proved to me, that a sponge may eject such unicellular „infecting" algae from its body together with detritus (for instance captured carmine grains). (See lateron, in the description of the defecation-process, chapt. E.) 8o here we have seen cases of positive infection of the sponge by filamentous algae, by which the sponge was destroyed. But we also saw a case, in which the sponge finally succeeded in conquering and destroying the intruder — the unicellular alga — which was spreading further and further. That unicellular alga appeared to be probably a Pleurococcacea, so closely related to the „symbiotic" alga of the Spongillidae (p. 34). Is it not evident then, that one is inclined to see also something in that „symbiosis", which is like an infection? An infection, against which the sponge must also defend itself? There is still another view in connection with the case of the mentioned unicellular alga. If the „relation" between sponge and „symbiotic" alga is no other than was mentioned (p. 111t-113), it might be possible, that the sponge does not want one certain 116 alga for such a „relation", but that it would content itself with all sorts of other unicellular algae, according to circumstances. So for instance, in the case mentioned above, with a relative of the normal „symbiotic" alga. In this way one might think possible, in different countries, an association of our fresh-water sponge with qnite different algae ! IX. SOME OTHER ALGAE OCCUKRINÖ IN THE TISSUES OF EPHYDATIA. After the theoretical consideration to which these cases gave reason I want to give now a short description with illustrations of the 3 infecting filamentous and unicellular algae which I have found. I must add that I have met with these algae not once, but in several specimina of Ephydatia (never in Spongillae) ; but only in one spring, and never in sponges immediately from nature, but always in specimina which had been in my aquaria for some time (2 — 3 months). Generally all 3 of them were to be found together in one sponge, but the unicellular alga also very often alone. The Ephydatiae infected by filamentous algae were to be re- cognized at dark-green, almost emerald irregular spots here and there in the colourless or light-green normal sponge tissue. The sponges were also (partly) surrounded at the outside by those algae, which freely spread in the water. Under binocular micros- cope one could obserye very distinctly that those green spots might be continued till within the sponge body, so under the normal tissue; but generally they were to be found in tissue layers more at the surface. If one examined a picce of such a green tissue-spot under oil-immersion, one found parts, where nothing but the skeleton of the sponge tissue had remained, but the place of the cells was entirely filled in by filamentous algae ; and next to that some almost intact sponge tissue parts, in which however among the normal sponge cells filamentous algae began to spread. One could also see how such a growing algal filament quite makes an exterior wall of the sponge protude (tent shaped), when trying to pierce it from within. 117 On closer examination of the filamentous algae there proved to be two different types present in the tissue at the same time (Fig. 43 — 45, drawn after living material). The last one (Fig. 45) consisting of long, 5 — 6 pi thick, unbranched filaments with girdle- shapcd chloroplast appeared free in the aquarium as well as in the sponge tissue. I think it to be Ulothrix subtilissima. The other one (Fig. 43, 44), however, was never free in the aquarium but only to be found in the sponge tissue. As one can see from the illustrations (Fig. 43, 44), it consisted of often very irregularly branched filaments, consisting of cells which could have all sorts of shapes from cylinder- to almost ball-shape. The chlorophyll was scattered all over the cell without any regularity — probably in a great number of chromatophores, while very likely each cell contained one nucleus. The filaments were about 8 — 9 (z thick. As with a view to my other investigations I could not spend much time on studying these infecting algae, I have not been able to discover their mode of reproduction (nor of the other filamentous alga). Nevertheless I want to draw attention to the fact that this alga, given in Fig. 43 and 44, is much like the Trentepohlia spongophila, which professor Weber and Mrs. Weber- Van Bosse (64) found in 1890 also in the tissue of Ephydatia fluviatilis, but of speciraina originating from a lake on Sumatra. Finally I want to speak about the unicellular alga which, as mentioned, appeared either alone or with the two filamentous ones in the tissue of Ephydatiae. Where of course the latter were situated between the amoebocytes, the unicellular one occurred just within the amoebocytes, mostly free in the protoplasm, but sometimes also in different stages of digestion within food-vacuoles. The alga is shown in Fig. 46 — 52 (drawn after living material). The shape was oval, the diameter 5,5 — 7^. The cell contained: a chloroplast lining the wall, which let the centre of the cell free and seemed to be one time single and another time composed of several parts; next a rather big refractive globule and a number of small refractive points, which, with different adjusting of the microscope, were one time lilac-brown and another time blue-green. The wall was rather thin. I have also found a stage of division 118 (Fig. 52); from whicli we see that „freie Zellbildung" does nut take place, biit simple vegetative division of the whole cell. Thougli I have not been able to give sufficiënt time to the research into this alga either, I came to the conclusion that we have probably to do with a Pleurococcacea, so with a relative of the ordinary „symbiotic" alga of the fresh-water sponges. Besides the 3 „infecting" algae mentioned here, there were of course also the normal „symbiotic" algae in the tissue of the „infected" sponges, hut their number was always relatively small. It stands to reason, that there might be in general inside the sponges — in the canal-system for instance — also quite otlier kinds of algae as well as protozoa and also diatoms, whicli might of course be captured at their turn by the sponge tissue to serve as food, and so might get into the amoebocytes. But this cate- gory does not come into consideration here at all. Ilere we have only to do with the algae, whicli appear aud keep up either regularly (the symbiotic alga) or accidentally (the 3 infecting algae) in a great number within the sponge tissue. B. THE CURRENÏ OF WATER IN THE CANAL-SYSTEM. OF THE FRESH-WATER SPONGES. As mentioned in the Introduction, I have found out a method, which enables us to observe wholly intact, normally living tissue of sponges with an oil-immersion for many hours, on several consecutive days. The way in whicli the necessary microscopic preparations were obtained is indicated above on pag. 12 — 13. It was by means of these living preparations that I have been able to state, that the generally acknowledged theory concerning the cause of the current of water through the sponge body is not right, as it is based on a mode of movement of the flagella of the choanocytes, which proved to me abnormal and caused by exhaustion. Anatomy. — Before proceeding to the examination of the 119 watercurrent, 1 want to givc a description and a diagraniniatic illustration (Fig. 53) of the canal-systein in frosli-water sponges. They are taken from Delage and Hérouard (1G) 1S99: „ La surface (de la Spongille) est soulevée par les extréniités sail- lantes des spicules (Fig. 53 cnli.), qui lui donnent un aspect hérissé; §a et la se voient quelques oscules (os.), assez larges, irrcgulièrement distribués. L'Eponge est partout, sauf naturelle- ment au niveau des oscules, revêtue d'une mince membrane der- miquc (ecfs.) dans laquelle sont percés les pores (p.)" (better: ostia) „et qui formc la voute d'une vaste cavité hypodermique. Cette voute, malgré sa minccur, contient des éléments mésoder- niiques, parmi lesquels des cellules contractiles, et est tapissée sur ses deux faces d'un mince épithélium de pinacocytes. La cavité hypodermique {cv. hy.) est continue mais traversée ga et la par des spicules ou des faisceaux de spicules, qui se drossant des parties profondes, soulovent sans la percer la membrane der- mique. Le plancher de la cavité hypodermique formé par la sur- face du choanosome est criblé de trous, de taille tres inégale, qui sont les orifices d'entrée du système inhalant. Les canaux inhalants {en. inh.) piongent dans le choanosome et s'y ramifient largement, mais sans aucune régularité ni dans la forme, ni dans la distribution de leurs branches. — De chaque oscule part un large canal qui plonge directement dans la profondeur, formant une cavité atriale irreguliere {cv. air.) d'oü partent en tous sens des canaux exhalants {en. exh.) d'abord a direction taugentielle, puis ramifiés "dans toute l'épaisseur du choanosome sans plus de régularité que les canaux inhalants, ni sous le rapport de la forme, ni sous celui de la distribution. — De la sorte, l'Eponge tout enticre est réduite a un système caverneux de cavités ex- trèmement irrégulières, les unes inhalantes plus étroites, plus canaliformes, les autres exhalantes plus spacieuses, plus caméri- formes, intriquées en tous sens, réduisant la parenchyme {chs.) a des cloisons peu épaisses. — Mais, au milieu de cette irrégularité, une règle persiste, absolue : c'est la non-communication directe des systèmes inhalant et exhalant, qui restent séparés. Toutes les lacunes inhalantes communiquent entre elles, toutes les exhalantes 120 de même ; mais pour aller des premières aux secondes, on se lieurterait partout a une cloison de choanosome. Dans ces cloisons sont les corbeilles, petites, arrondies, dépourvues de prosodus et d'apliodus, s'ouvrant d'une part dans les lacunes inhalantes par deux a cinq petits orifices prosopylaires et d'autre part dans les lacunes exhalantes par un large orifice apopylaire, ce qui permet de distinguer sur les coupes les deux sortes de lacunes. Dans ces cloisons sont aussi, entre les autres éléments mésodermiques .... les spicules formant dans Ie réseau du choanosome un réseau squelettique Ces spicules sont soudés entre eux, soit dans toute leur longeur, soit par leurs extrémités seulement, par la spongine". Delage and Hérouabd's illustration with few alterations (Fig. 53) gives rather a good idea of the canal-system ; it is, how- ever, but a diagram. A better illustration of the surroundings of the flagellated chambers in Spongillidae is given by Fig. 54. Finally a beautiful illustration of a flagellated chamber of Spon- gilla lacustris (Fig. 55) is taken from Vosmaer and Pekelharing (61). The authors mention that this figure was drawn with great care from a very carefully preserved preparation. The apopyle (rt^?.) and the excurrent canal is shown. The figure represents a s e c t i o n of a chamber ; therefore we see but one flagellum at its real length. The thin line uniting the bases of the choano- cytes represents the outline of the chamber. So we see that the chamber is lined by the well known choanocytes, whose collar and flagellum can be easily distinguished in the figure as well as their nucleus, a vacuole (at the base of the flagellum) and a certain number of black spots, which are doubtless the above men- tioned (p. 90, 9) oildrops. Finally I want to mention that the choanocytes are able to entirely retract their collar and perhaps also their flagellum. Fuiiction. — Proceeding to the description of the water-cur- rent in the canal-system, I want to remind in the first place that the water enters the inhalant (incurrent) system through the ostia, it then passes from the incurrent canals trough the proso- 121 pyles iutü the flagellatod eliambers and from there through the apopylcs into the exhalant (cxcurrent) system, in order to finally leave the sponge body by a large osculum (Fig. 53, 54). This c^irrent of water is caused by the movements of the flagella of the choanocytes in the flagellated ehambers, as is generally acknowledged. The great question which had been dis- cussed for ever such a long time, and which seemed decided in 1898 by the research .of Vosmaer and Pekelharing (62) — as mentioned in the Introduction — was: what is the exact way in which the flagella move; how is the movement of the water within the flagellated ehambers ; how is the whole water-current explained ? It is a matter of course that, on account of the difficulty of the research, one has not been able to make many direct obser- vations concerning this question. So Lieberkühn (38) says to have seen the movement of the flagella in Grantia botryoides (a calcareous sponge), viz. „Wimpern" which „ausserst lebhaft schwingen"; he does not give more details. Bowerbank (7), however, says about the flagella of Grantia compressa: „When in vigorous condition their motions are rapid and cannot readily be foliowed, but in some in which the action was languid, the upper portion of the cilium was thrown gently backward towards the surface of the sponge, and then lashed briskly forward towards the osculum, and this action was steadily and regularly repeated. Their motions are not synchronous, each evidently acts indepen- dently of the ethers", v. Lendenfeld (37) says — I quote from Vosmaer and Pekelharing — : „it appears that the cilia in the entodermal collar-cells move, pendulum-like, backward and for- ward, similarly to the cilia of the polyciliar epithelium-cells in the respiratory-tracts and other parts of vertebrates" — a remark, however, apparently not based on observations. Finally Cotte (13): „on peut voir Ie mouvement des flagella se produire sous forme d'ondes, avec un rythme particulier au moment ou se fait l'observation, inais qui a ce moment est Ie même pour tous les flagella d'un même territoire" (so in the way of polyciliar epithe- lium). „Par centre, a cóté des cellules a mouvement regulier, on 122 en trouve d'autres qui ont une allure absolument désordonnée". And: „ Ie mouvement des flagella est comparable a celui d'un fouet Ie mouvement de l'eau resultant de l'action des flagella doit etre, dans l'ensemble, perpendiculaire a Taxe des choanocytes". In close relation to these interpretations of the motion of the flagella (as Fig. 56 r/, bid) is the way in which the movement of the water within the flagellated- chambers was supposed to be. In the theory of Bowerbank, Lendenfeld (and of Cotte) one should imagine this movement to be regular and rapid, passing from the prosopyles through the chamber to the apopyle. In this way, ho wever, it would not be clear how the sponge is able to capture the food particles from the circulating water; for the greatest deal of it would flow rapidly through the canal- system without ever having been in contact with the cells liniiig the canals! Cotte resolves this difficulty in the following way: „Il est certain que cette disposition morphologique" (of the prosopyles) „a pour résultat la formation d'un remous ou d'un tourbillon au point oü l'eau pénètre dans la corbeille vibratile. Dans cette dernière les flagella, par leurs battements actifs, pro- duisent un brassage énergique de l'eau et par conséquent des particules en suspension dans celui-ci". And: „Il y a en ce point contact plus iniime de l'eau et des aliments qu'elle ren- ferme avec les choanocytes qui sont les organes de l'absorption". But this seems to be based on reasoning, not on personal observation. Therefore it has been the great importance of the theory of VosMAER and Pekelharing (62), that, based on experiments and observations of the motion of flagella and the vrater-current itself, it explained these phenomena in such a way, that it was evident at once that such a movement of the water in the flagellated chambers, as was stated by the investigators, was exceedingly fit for bringing food particles within reach of the sponge-cells. I am now going to treat Vosmaer and Pekelharing's theory more at large, as it has also been the starting-point of my own research. Their principal experiment, giving most important obser- vations, was made directly in the neighbourhood of the habitat 123 of the sponge on a thin-walled Leucosolenia, a tube-like calca- reous sponge, the inside of which is entirely covered with choa- nocytes. I will quote now: „A piece of about 1 cm. was out from a tube and then split open and immediately observed. The piece was covered with a cover-glass ; but this could hardly harm the choanocytes, as it was carried by the apical rays of the tetra- sclercs. The preparations were observed with Zeiss's homog. imm. 1.40, 3; Oc. 12. It was evident then that the flagella were beating quite independently from each other, all in different directions" (as Fig. 56 f/, 57 rf, 58 i). „The movement of each flagellum was not always in the same plane, and one moment it was stronger in one direction, another moment stronger in another. Sometimes a flagellum was stretched for a while almost horizontally. It happened also that one or more flagella were motionless, in order to beat again vividly a few moments afterwards. Every now and then flagella crossed, without ever becoming entangled. Particlcs suspended in the water were whirling about, never carried for- ward. In short, the aspect of the motion was absolutely different from what is observed in ciliated membranes of higher animals. There was no tracé of a coordination of neighbouring cells". The authors continue : „. . . . this mode of motion cannot be but advantageous for capturing particles by the choanocytes. This is not only the case for choanocytes forming flagellated chambers, but eminently so for those lining the cloacae of Leucosolenia. If all the flagella lashed briskly towards the osculum, the particles, entered through the pores, would be directcd chiefly towards the axis of the tube and rapidly removed through the osculum. On the contrary the movement of tlie flagella has the effect that particles can easily reach the collars and thus come into contact with the protoplasma of the choanocytes". „Moreover it seems possiblu to us, to explain by the irregular motion of the flagella, the regular current through the canals of the sponge, as this is so often observed, and so carefully studied by Gkant it seems to us that in the living sponge the water w^ould find more resistance in flowing out from the chamber 124 through a pore than it finds in streaming in. For we found that in carefully mounted preparations where all the choanoeytes re- mained fixed in their place, these cells surround the pores closely and are placed, not exactly perpendicular on the wall, but some- what oblique, so as to narrow the cloacal opening of the pore. We found this to be the case in a flat, stretched piece of Leu- cosolenia. Their position raust be all the more oblique in the living state if the wall is of course not flat but concave. If therefore in the cloaca the pressure of the water becomes higher, the collars of the choanoeytes will become somewhat inflated and the pore will be narrowed. If, on the contrary in the cloaca the pression of the water in the neighbourhood of a pore is lessened, water can easily flow in through the pores ; the choanoeytes with their collars thus act as valves. Now by the irregular motion of the flagella the pressure on the wall of the tube, which by the spicules is kept rigid, is continually changing. If the pressure becomes higher, this is of little eff'ect, but if the pressure becomes less, water will flow in through the pores, as long as they are open. The sponge will thus suck iu water, which will leave the body again through the osculum". Thus Vosmaer's and Pekelharing's theory. Then the investi- gators call attention to the fact that the arrangement of the canal system of the sponges becomes more and more appropriate accord- ing as one examines higher developed forms. Personal Research. — Hoiv much this tJieorij of Vosmaer and Pekelharing's may correspond with their observations and hoiv well it may make us miderstand that ivith such a movement of the tvater a (jreat number of foodpartides are brought uithin the reach of the choanoeytes^ it could not quite satisfy me froni the beginning. It appeared very unlikely to me that the flagellar motion of the choanoeytes should principally be quite different from that of the unicellular Flagellaia eg. the Choanofagellata^ which for the rest remind ns so much of the choanoeytes. This supposition was the more tompting, because it would make us quite independent of the synchronism (whether existing or not) and of the direction 125 (whether mutually deviating- or not) of the separate flagellar beatings. The movement of the flagella, which had hitherto been established in the choanocytes, was a rowing-movement (as Fig. 56 f/, 57 rf, 58 6) ; so a motion which is not peculiar to the long flagella but to the short cilia of the protozoa; while, on the contrary, the flagella of the imicellulars are moving in spiral-lines (compare DoFLEiN 17). If the latter, now, could be proved to be also the case with the choanocytes, than the solution would be quito easy. For the spiral- or screw-motion of the flagelUim of the unicellu- lars pushes the water on, just as the screw of a steamer, in the direction of and turning round the axis of the flagellar spiral, either towards the cell (Flagellata) or in the opposite way (spermatozoa). — This is simply determined by the fact, whether a spiral wave (optically) moves on from the top to the base of the flagellum or in the opposite way; but I will not enter further into this question here. — If in the choanocytes the motion of the flagella took also place in this manner (as a spiral), it is a matter of fact, that by the action of all choanocytes of a flagel- lated chamber together there should be a constant flow of water either from the centre of the chamber towards the wall or from the wall towards the centre, provided that the spiral-motions of all choanocytes moved on in the same way. We would how- ever not have anything to do with their synchronism or their direction. Now, according to Doplein (17) the Choanoflagellata push the water off along the axis of the flagellar spiral. Might it not be possible then that the same should count for the cho- anocytes too? The question was therefore to observe the movement of their flagella under circumstances that were as normal as possible. On the other hand one had to claim, that the study of the flagellar motions and of the water-current, produced by as niany choano- cytes together as there are within a flagellated chamber, had to be preceded by an accurate research into the motion of the fla- gellum of one, isolated, choanocyte and into the water-current it caused in a free and open space. Now, I can state that I have succeeded in both ways. The study 126 of the movement of the isolated choanocytes^ as well as of that in the intact flagellated chambers^ has shoimi me that the flagellar motton, under normal circumstances, is in fact the same as that of the Flagellata, viz. the Choanoflagellala : a spiral- or undulating- motion; but that this movement, after exhaustion, very soon changes into quite a different one, viz. the rowing'-motion. The research into the motion of the fiagella of isolated choano- cytes was made by me in February 1915. In fact it is best to be done in winter, at a low temperature. For one has to make use of ravel-preparations (p. 12) of living sponge tissue, which one watches as soon as possible with oil immersion in an Engel- MANN case. As in winter Spongilla dies, only Ephydatia was to be used for this research. I shall now give a description and some illustrations of the flagellar motion, which could be beautifuUy observed owing to the isolated situation of the choanocyte at the top of a number of other cells. For the observation, namely, one must have the flagellum isolated, but on the other hand the choanocyte itself may not be separated from the others, but it must, just as in the flagellated chamber, be fixed quite fast with its base to have a support against the heavy vibrations of its flagellum. I have noted the description literally during the observations and the figures were drawn immediately from the living material : 5.55 p. m. Flagellum shows very 7-apid nndidating-motions (immediately [prohahly in spiral-Une) of small amplitude. The ^ ^^ water with the particles is pushed away stronqly, isolation) . ^ ^ i^ j v' straight through the axis of the flagellar spiral, while at the side it flous on to the base (Fig. 56 a). 5.57 p. m. The amplitude of the flagellar motion becomes much greater, the movement less quick. The water with the particles is still pushed on through the axis. of the spiral, while at the side it flows towards the base (Fig. 56 è). G.00 p. m. Just a slight undulating-motion to be seen, very large amplitude, even less rapidity. ïhe water with 127 the particles is at first stirred to and fro, but finally pushed away in upward slanting direction (Fig. 56 c). 6.10 p. m. The last movement (Fig. 56 c) was evidently a transition from the spiral- or undulating-motion to this new one: A slow ') heating to and fro of the fiayelluni, unthout waves. The water with the particles is moved to and fro^ but it is not2Mshed aivay (Fig. 56f/). 6.15 p. m. The ftagelluni stops in a more or less straightened condition (Fig. 56c). To this I must add that after the phase, given in Fig. 56 «, the motion of the flagellum became less rogular; it was intcrrupted by resting-periods of unequal, but ever increasing length till 6.15 p. m., when it stopped finally. There was no collar to be seen in this choanocyte, evidently it had been retracted. One will acknowledge, now, that the first phase (Fig. 56 a) of the flagellar motion is in fact quite different from that which the investigators have hitherto observed. It goes without saying that the water current caused should prove quite a different one also. But there is still more to be seen in the figures: the mode of motion of the flagellum, hitherto described (by Bowerbank, Lendenfeld, Cotte, Vosmaer and Pekelharing), fully agrees with our phase given in Fig. 56 fZ — even the current of water! Now, the phase of Fig. 56 d however is quite abnormal, and caused by exhaustion, as after 5 mnts. it is already foliowed by final stagnation of the flagellar movements. The explanation, why these last phases (Fig. 56 c, c?), the rowing-movement, have always been found by the investigators and never the first one (Fig. 56 «), the serew- or undulating-motion, is quite clear now. Moreover, I will just call attention to what Bowerbank said, as I quoted already on p. 121 : „When in vigorous condition their motious" (of the flagella) „are rapid and cannot readily be foliowed, but in some in which the action was languid" etc! Prohahly one has alivays observed the movements of more or less exhausted flagella. 1) Thnt is to say, comparod with Ihe former intense motion; it still goes rather quickly. 128 I say „probably"; for I can only speak of the motion of the flagella of the Spongillidae ; it might be possible, though to me it does not seem very likely, that in other sponges the movement is quite a different one. It stands to reason that my observations are not confined to the one given hero. I have made many, and all of them with the same result. I shall not describe them again, but I will only give a few illustrations ; they speak for themselves (Fig. 57 a — f). The same for a number of choanocytes still joined within a part of a flagqllated chamber (Fig. 58 a — c). Alivays — in favourahle conditions of course: the choanocytes are often immediately damaged — the motion of the flagelhim was at first a rapid succession of (spiral-) waves of small ampli- tude. The waves ivere moving — without any exception — from the base to the top of the flagellum; and consequenthj the water with the particles was pushed on from the cell quickhj and in a straight line through the axis of the flagellar spiral^ ivhile it flowed toiinrds the base laterally. One can understand that with such a rapid succession of actions it was not easy to make out, whether the flagellum moved exclusively in one plane, as a flat motion, or as a spiral one; one time it showed a flat wave, next deci- dedly a spiral ; however, it does not matter very much. (I will revert to this subject later on.) After a short time this regular, rapid motion passed always into a slower, less regular one, during which at first the un- dulating-motion (and the water current) persisted, but this soon ceased, to pass into the still slower and more irregular rowing- motion, by which the water was only stirred a little, and no more pushed away. The end was absolute stopping of the stretched flagellum ; but not always for long. Sometimes (Fig. 57) the mo- vement began again after a quarter of an hour's rest, but very seldom the original rapid undulating-motion (and then only for a few moments), but more the later phases, alternatively, now the rowing-motion (Fig. 57 d)^ then the „lash" (Fig. 57 e)] and not fluent but jerking, interrupted by periods of rest, and very soon foliowed by entire stagnation, the flagellum (Fig. 57 /') stretched 129 out. Such a period of weak motion may be repeated scvcral times. As is shown in the figuros, the collars were sometim es visible for a small part; generally they appeared more clcarly when the motion had almost ceased (sign of relaxation of the protoplasm- contractility when death is approachiiig?). We might now go into a theory about the contractions of the protoplasm, which must take place in a flagellum in order to bring about these (spiral-)waves. And we should be the more justified in doing so, Ist because the spiral- or undulating-motion, as we shall see presently, is in fact the normal way of flagellar movement of the choanocytes, and 2nd because in my opinion it is very likely that in the changing of this movement by exhaustion we could find a good starting-point for such a theory about its mechanism. As all this, however, would only be more distantly connected with the subject we are treating at present, I prefer to leave it till lateron. Though we may have shown now, that the normal motion of the flagellum is more likely a spiral- or waving- than a rowing-motion, as the former investigators had found, we have not yet proved, however, that the normal motion of the ftcu/ella within the intact flagellated chamhers is really also a spiral- or undulating one. For up to now I described observations of ravelled sponge tissue. . Herh my method^ which makes it possible to observe wholly intact normally living sponge tissue with oil-immersion for a long tinie^ has rendered me good service. This method has been described on p. 12 — 13. Only Spongilla is fit for it (as Ephydatia grows too slowly) and exclusively in summer. If the microscopic preparations have been made with care and if the ontward circumstances have been favourable (sufficiënt warmth !), then we find, within a week's time, the vigorously acting flagellated chambers with in- and ex- current canals everywhere in the sponge-rim — so in the newly formed tissue. 130 A remarkable sight to watch siich a flagellated chamber! At first one sees only a round hole into which, so to say, the water runs in from all sides in incessant current, like a round cas- cade (the water disappearing in the middle). Of course, this is only optical delusion. The current of water itself cannot be observed, and what one took for the undulating streamlets are simply the (spiral-)waves of the flagella, that run on from all sides of the chamber to the centre. For the choano- cytes are, with their base, attached to the inside of the wall of a globular space (the chamber), so the flagella are all directed towards the centre (Fig. 55). The collars will be treated lateron. Examining now the flagella very accuratelg, one immediately recognizes the fagellar tnotion^ that we have got to knoiv above as normal in the isolated choanocytes {eg. Fig. 56a)] hut this one here is much stronger! The (spiral-jiraves are running on very clearly in rapid succession from the base towards the top of the flagellum ; their amplitude is very small, still smaller than Fig. 56« shows; sometimes the flagellum is almost stretched ; another time it seems as if there are some smaller waves superposed on the larger ones, which is certainly possible. An accurate illustration of such a strongly acting flagellated chamber is given in Fig. 59, drawn from nature. Beside the (ge- nerally occurring) very rapid spiral- or undulating-motion some flagella of a chamber may show a somewhat slower one with a larger amplitude, in the way as shown in Fig. 56 b. Probably, this last phase is inserted now and then, as a rest-period, be- tween the normal, quick undulatings ; I at least saw it sometimes pass into the rapid one. For hours one may observe the movements ; one n e v e r sees any other than those, mentioned here : the quick (spiral-)waves with now and then a slow one between. I have observed them ropeatodly in numerous diiferent preparations, in the course of scveral years (1915 — '16 — '17); always with the same result. Also, Professor Yosmaer and Professor Pekelharing — I am very glad to mention — have enabled me to demonstrate to them, in my living preparations, the flagellar motion of the in- 131 tact chambers, described hcre. Both considered my conception as convincingly proved by the preparations. As an exception, however, the chambers did not show these forms of the flagellar motion. It occasionally happen«d, that af ter liours of observation and experiment (with carmine) the movement became different: a relatively very slow one, and no more the normal but the same abnormal ones, which I have described in Fig. 56 ft-o?, as being caused by fatigue and exhaustion. Accordingly, they were always soon foliowed by entire stopping. Now the collars and cell-bodies of the choanocytes need treating. The cell-bodies, in my living tissue preparations, were in general not to be distinguished separately, as one easily understands; one only sees their joined layer as a whole, round the chamber ; just as is given in Fig. 59. The collars are to be seen in great number in the chambers; they are very long and leave their flagellum uncovered only for rather a short part at the top (Fig. 59). (I will return to this subject.) Watching a collar vertically on its longitudinal axis, one never sees its apical edge ; evidently, this is so thin that it es- capes to the eye. In this way of a collar one only observes two straight lines (the extending wall) at the side of the flagellum. As there are such a great number of cells in a chamber, it is not astonishing that one often has great difficulty in finding oiit the flagellum with its own two coUar-lines (of course, one immediately distinguishes the former from the straight collar-lines by its motion). It is quite an other case with the collars on the top of which one can look; so when our eye is in their longitudinal axis. Then one sees the edge of the collar very distinctly (as a little circle), in which the flagellum (as a tiny spot) (Fig. 60). Of course, I could not give all this in Fig. 59 ; I, therefore, only for clearness' sake have drawn the apical edge of some of the collars, though in fact they can not be distinguished in this position. Finally I should mention that I have never observed anything of the so called Sollas' membrane ; this quite agrees with the results obtained by Vosmaer and Pekelharing (61). - I now still have to speak of the shape of the flagellar move- 132 ments. Is this in fact a spiral, or is the whole wave in one flat plane? It could not be made out very well in the isolated choa- nocytes ; but all the better in the intact flagellated chamber. For there we see, as I said before, a number of collars from above on the top (as a circle), the flagellum within (as a spot) (Fig. 60). It then proves that that spot — the section of the flagellum — usually describes a flat ellipse or an almost straight line (Fig. 61, 62); consequently, that the flagellum itself performs its undulating- motion either as a flat spiral or in one flat plane. (As above mentioned, this makes but little diff'erence to the eff'ect on the water). So ive have shoini definitively that the normal flagellar mofion of the choanocytes is : a very rapid succession of (spiral- jwaves of small ampUtNde, yoing on from the base to the top of the fla- gellum {Fig. 56 a^ 59) and causing a current of water straight through the axis of the flagellar spiral also in the direction from base to top^ while the water floivs laterally towards the base. Ex- haustion causes wholly differe^it flagellar motions with abnormal current of water. The water-current caused by all the flagella together in a fla- gellated chamber must of course be the resultant of all the little currents, caused by each of the flagella separately. We have got to know the current of water during the normal motion of the flagellum of the isolated choanocytes (p. 126 — 128). Within a flagellated chamber the current of water, caused by each flagellum, must, as the mode of moving of each flagellum is the same, necessarily be equal to that which the flagellum would show in isolated condition of the choanocyte; so here there must be again for each flagellum a current of water through the axis of the flagellar spiral away from the cell, so now directed towards the centre of the chamber, while the water flows on towards the base of the flagellum laterally (Fig. 58a). The irhole trater-current within the fagcllated chamber^ as the resultant of all little currents (■(iHscd 1)1/ ('dcli flagellum sc/xn-tdcli/j ra)i br ukkIc rlcar i)i the best 138 ivaif hij a diagrammatic figure {Fi(j. 63). This figure does not nood special explanation ; it is planned after Fig. 55, inentioned above (p. 120). It sJwivs hoir the water must flow rcq)ldly and rcrjuhtrly from the prosopyles (there is onhj one indicated here, hut there are 2 — 5 in a chamber) between the cell-bodies and the collars of the choanocytes to the base of the flagella {here really the opening of the collars), to be pushed from, there by the fta- gellar motions to the centre of the chamber, thence to floir airay through the apopyle. It is impossible to prove here (eg. by adding carmine) that the current of water has indeed entirely this course, because — the next chapter will show this — the carmine grains, carried along by the water between the choanocytes, are kept there. This penomenon, however, proves already quite siifficiently that the Avater-current within a chamber has in fact the course given here (Cnf. Fig. 65, 66). If one asks about the differences of the water-pressure within the canal-system of the sjwngCj it is quite clear that, with tlio diagram given here (Fig. 63), this pressure must bc highest in the centre o£ the flagellated chamber (higher than in the sur- rounding water) and lowest (lower than in the surrounding water) at the flagellar bases, while it is increased exactly in and by the zone of the flagella. In order that a powerful, steady current may be maintained by the chamber and that, therefore, the water may enter rapidly and exclusively at the prosopyles and flow out by the apopyle, the structure of the flagellated chamber must comply with definite requirements. And these requirements do not only count for the sponges of the type of Spongilla but mu- tatis mutandis for sponges of any canal-system, either Calcaria or Incalcaria (provided of course that there exists the same flagellar motion). These requirements are: that the incurrent openings (prosopyles, pori) of the chambers (mastichore) are relatively narrow, the excurrent openings (apopyles, osculum) relatively wide and that the former are placed among the choanocytes (all this is generally realized). For the high pressure in the centre of the chamber naturally makes the water flow out through the largest opening, while over and above the flagellar motion in 134 connectioii with the placing of the prosopyles among the choano- cytes prevents any ovitflow by this last way. On the other hand the low negative pressure, that rnles at the base of the flagella and consequently in the whole zone of the cell-bodies of the choanocytes, must suck iip the water from as near as possible, so here through the prosopyles 5 while moreover all water dis- placement from the centre of the chamber, therefore also from the apopyle, to the base of the flagella is excluded by the action of the latter (perhaps except on the apopylar edge of a choano- cytic" layer, so there, where this one passes into the pinacocytic covering; but this water displacement is either of little impor- tance (Homocoela) or measures must have been taken against it — • more about this later on). So in fact we must be able to distinguish always three sharply separated pavts in each acting flagellated chamber with regard to its contents of water: Ist the zone of the negative pressure, that is the zone of the cell-bodies of the choanocytes with the prosopyles; 2n'l the zone of the flagellar fuuction, so the zone in which the water-pressure is increased from negative to positive; 3''d the zone of the positive pressure, that is — let me say so for the present — ■ the centre of the chamber with the apopyle. All passing of water from the S'"! into the l^t zone must be ab- solutely excluded ; of course also immediate passing from the l^t into the 3'''i; but passing from the l^t into the 2°^ and from the 2'"^ into the 3''td that of iticreasing, 3^'d that of positive water-pressure, remain absolutely separated, so that no water can pass from one zone into the other in any other way than from the 1^^ into the 2"^^ and from the 2>"i into the 3<-^ zone (Fig. 63). and that: b. this u-ay of passiyig of the water goes as quicJdy as possible (Fig. 64). Finally some separate poiiits: The motion of the flagella in the chambers does not change when the ostia close, as I repeatedly statod. Besides the above (p. 135) mentioned function of rcgulation of the current, we can probably ascribe to the coUars that of protcction of the flagella against injiiry and mutiial entanglement. A third and much more important function will be treated in the next chapter. Finally I should mention that Delage and Héroüard (1G) 138 1899 aud Sollas (53) 190G, either of thom in thoir own way, must have feit something of the theory, described and proved hcre, of the movement of water in sponges. Sollas is nearer the truth than both the other invcstigators ; none of them, however, gives proofs or even mentions cxperiments. C. THE INGESTION OF FOOD IN THE FRESH- WATER SPONCIES. Precediug: Researches. — The question of the ingestion of food is closely related 'to that of the water-current ; therefore the investigators have usually studied them together. When studying this problem one should discern the ingestion of solid food from the feeding upon substances in sohition in the w^ater. According to Putter (48, 49) 1909 and 1914, it would be absolutely impossible that a sponge feeds on solid food only; on the contrary, it would be more likely that it feeds on organic substances in solution, which would be present in the water in (relatively) large quantities and would diffuse through its surface into its tissues. I shall not speak now about the — to my opinion exact — critic on Pütter's theory by Biedermann (6) and LiPSCHÜTZ (40). I myself have never found a proof of its exactness during my investigations ; on the contrary, the argu- ment on which this theory its based (the deficit of solid food) seems rather not binding for the (green) fresh-water sponges — see pag. 96. But, of course, I do not think the possibility entirely excluded, that a sponge absorbs also feeding substances in solution. Already Haeckel (25) 1872 thought this probable. On the other hand, however, one certainly has no right to con- sider the research of Loisel (41) 1898, who saw vital staining Solutions taken up by sponge tissue, as a proof that sponges may really take up feeding substances in solution, as Minchin (45) and Sollas (53) do, and also Topsent (57) to a certain extent. For we know from the researches of O verton (1902) that, although i:}9 a ccrtaiii nuiiiljor of substances inay ciitcr a (;t'll l»y tlit!'usiii<5 (eg. the vital stains), a largo quautity of" otlior substanccs inay iiot, and especially thoso, that might bo food to the cell. This entering or not-entering would in tliis case bo a physical plicno- menon, independent of the activity of tlie cell (lipoid-theory of Overton). Although we are obliged, as IIöber (30) 1911 points out rightly, to admit beside this pliysical permeability still a physiological permeability of the cells, in order to make the ab- sorption of nutriment (in solution) conceivable, we may never consider the absorption of vital stains by cells as a proof to the possibility of also absorbing nutriment in solution. The capturing of solid food is generally stated for sponges. As to this, the view of Vosmaer and Pekelharing (62) 1898 is almost generally acknowledged in literature, as I mentioned already in the Introduction. These investigators showed once more and by better proofs than the ethers, that the flagellated chambers would be the chief „eating-organs" of the sponge. These experiments were made in the following way : A Spon- gilla or a Sycon, having been for some time in water with car- mine or milk, was either immediately killed in 1 °l^ osmic acid or placed back into pure water and killed afterwards. The sponges were examined in sections or in maceration preparations. I will quote herc the description given by Vosmaer and Pekelharing: „In sponges which had been for half an liour to two hours in water with carmine or milk we found a considerable quantity of carmine in the choanocytes, while in the pinacocytes and in the cells of the parenchyma particles were seen here and there, but in a considorably smaller quantity than in the choanocytes If the sponge had remained for hours (to 24 hours) in the car- mine, there was more carmine in the cells of the parenchyma than in the choanocytes. If, after a stay of many hours in car- mine, the sponge was placed back into pure water for some hours, the carmine was abundantly found in the cells of the parenchyma, and hardly at all in the choanocytes. Feeding with milk had about the same results we believe we are entitled to 140 say that tho choanocyt(3S really are the organs by wliich particles suspended in the water, passing the canals, are captured and thus brought into the tissue of the body". It is a matter of course that Vosmaer and Pekelharing concoived the mode of capturing food by the choanocytes in perfect agreement with their theory of the water-ciirrent, which theory I mentioned at large on page 123 — 124. So the investigators say: „The particles (suspended in the water) are.... transported to the flagellated chambers ..... here the regular current at once changes into a very irregular niövement" (as in Fig. 58&). „The particles are moved to and fro in the chamber, and though they partly leave the chamber through the apopyle, a number will, however, arrive ivitJdn ') the collars of the choanocytes. The protoplasm of the cells then seizes the particles in order to give them off again to the cells of the parenchyma. This does not prevent that now and then particles can be seized by cells lining the canals; but this will always be of less importance. Met- schnikoff's opinion that the flagellated chambers were not the real „eating-organs" is not sufficiently supported by his observations". Thus runs the theory of Vosmaer and Pekelharing. Minchin (45) 1900 holds a somewhat different view, namely that of Metschnikoff (44) 1892. Although this theory of Metschnikoff has been contested by several investigators — eg. by Yosmaer and Pekelharing — and Biedermann (6) declares: „diese letz- tere Bchauptung" (the Metschnikoff theory) „erfuhr keine Stütze, indera sich herausstellte, dass die Kragenzellen wirklich die einzigen direct nahrungsaufnohmenden Elemente sind", I shall quote Minchin's words, as they become of importance by the results of my research. Minchin says: „Although the problem might seom a simple one, thcre is no question which has been so much discussed as the nutrition of sponges With regard to the ingestion of food two opposite opinions have prcvailed, one set of investigators attributing an ingestive function to the 1) J talies from me, v. T. 141 collar cells, another set rcgarding the „mesodenn cells" as the true phagocytes, Those wlio hold the formcr view cxplain the presence of ingested particles in mosoderm cells as having passed on to tliem by the collar cells. The true explanation seems to lie, as Metschnikopf has pointed out, between these two opinions, The „mesoderm" shows a great difference as regards its degree of evolution in different types. While in some, eg. Ascons, tlie parenchyma is scarcely developed, in ethers it reaches a high grade of complication. In accordance with these differences the part played by the parenchyma in capturing food may, in some cases, be very slight, in others very great. There can be no doubt whatever, from numerous experiments that have been per- formed by various investigators from Carter and Lieberkühn in the fifties up to Yosmaer and Pekelharing at the present time, that in many sponges at least the collar cells are very active in capturing food. On the other hand, these cells are from their nature and size incapable of ingesting large bodies such as Infusoria or Diatoms, Food of the latter kind could only be absorbed by becoming entangled in the webs of tissue in the incurrent canal system, there to be absorbed by the phagocytic wandering cells, or, it may be, by porocytes". „Considered generally, sponges present a gradual evolution as regards the power of ingesting food materials, corresponding to the evolution of the canal system. In the simplest ferms, such as Ascons, microscopic food particles are ingested by the collar cells ; larger bodies, such as diatoms may be captured by the porocytes, which close upon them like a trap when they enter the intracellular lumen of the pore. The collar cells represent however the chief „eating organ" of the sponge". „In other sponges the complications of the incurrent system represent a progressive elaboration and perfection of an apparatus for assimilation, doubtless, in the first instance, of bodies too large to be absorbed by the collar cells. As the water passes through the inhalant canals and spaces, food in it is captured by cells in the parenchyma, either by phagocytic amoebocytes or, perhaps, also by porocytes. The function of ingestion may 142 finally be usurped almost entirely by cells in the parenchyma; the collar cells then become concerned only with the produetion of the current, their ingestive activities being in abeyance (Met- schnikoff)." Thus MiNCHiN. Finally I will just mention what Cotte (12) 1902 says about the mode of ingestion of food by the choano- cytes: „je suis disposé a croire que..,, l'ingestion peut se faire par toute la surface de la cellule active". But further: „L'inges- tion parait se faire généralement dans une espace annulaire situé entre Ie flagellum et la collerette". And „Le seul róle que nous puissions actuellement prêter (aux coUerettes) en dehors d'une intervention active dans les faits de phagocytose, est celui de guider les particules alimentaires vers la base du flagellum, point oü la phagocytose parait se faire avec le plus d'énergie". Persoiial Research. — The 4 principal questions^ wkich I sïiall have to treat, are therefore: P^ Are the food particles cap- tured froni the water bi/ means of the choanocytes of the fagel- lated chambers? 2'^^, Jn wJiat ivay does this capture by the choano- cytes taJce pjïace? 3''^ What happe^is to the particles captured? 4^^ Does the sponge disp)0se of still other means of capturing fioating particles from the water? I have been able to answer these 4 questions, ainong others by observing my normally living inicroscopic p)reparatio7is of sponge tissue (p. 12 — 13). I therefore placed these preparations in water from the conduit, to which I added some carmine, or in a very dilutcd suspension of green symbiotic algae isolated from another sponge. To make the observation succeed, it is necessary to trans- port the preparations already some hours in advance into the glass vessel (with the suspension) finally used for microscopising, otherwise one never sees the capturing of the particles; for, pro- bably, the ostia remain closed after the transport of the sponges, to be opcnod only after some time, so that only then the normal water-circulation starts. The phenomena can never be observed so beautifully with a suspension of symbiotic algae as with a' carmine suspension. 143 It goos without saying, after the results obtained by Vosmaer and Pekelharing with carmine-feeding to Spongillae, that I too found the first questionQ,^vm?d\yG[j Q,ri.^yi2VQè.'. The particles fioating hl the ivater are captm'ed in a mass hy the choanocytes of the fayellated chambers; very often their layer is dyed quite red by it (in case of carmine nutrition). It also stands to reason that, since I had stated a mode of motion of the flagella and the water within the flagellated chambers quite different from that described by both the investigators mentioned, also the way in ivhich the choanocytes capture the foocl particles was bound to prove wholly diiferent: those particles are not captured inside the collars at all^ as Vosmaer and Pekelharing thought, hut on the contrary out- side-hetiveen the collars (especially at their base) or betiveen the bodies of the choanocytes themselves. That this must necessarily be the case, immediately appears from Fig. 55, 59 and from Fig. 63, the diagrammatic representation of the water current in a flagel- lated chamber as the resultant of the streamlets produced by each flagellum separately. For the bodies and collars of the choano- cytes must^ so to say, filter the water, circidating between them, free from fioating particles. I shall now give a description of the capturing of carmine, as I have been able to observe so many times in my living sponge preparations. So the little sponge is in carmine suspension under oil immersion in an Engelmann case ; one has selected a favourably situated flagellated chamber. It is beautifully to be seen how the carmine is captured ! Con- tinually grains run on rather rapidly to the flagellated chamber, carried along by the water in the incurrent canal ; they slip into the prosopyle, but then they are either immediately kept or first they move quickly a little aside into the choanocytic layer, and stick there. On more accurate observation, however, the grains, after entering the prosopyles, prove in most cases to slip through the choanocytic layer, but, when having got to the base of the collars, to suddenly deviate aside and to be soon captured — still at the bases of the collars. Only very seldom a grain penetrates any farther, in the zone of the collars themselves ; as most of 144 them have been captured in advance, eitlier between the bodies of the choanocytes or between the bases of the collars. ïhe movement of the flagclla is always the rapid spiral- or undulating- motion, which was mentioned above as the normal one; the col- lars are normal, far extended. These different ways of capturing carmine grains are represented in Fig. 05^ 66. In both figures the choanocytic layer is drawn for convenience's sake as a broad circle; and the way taken by the grains is indicated by dots; while in the last figure — drawn from nature — the choanocytic layer has been represented as loaded with carmine. After all I have said and drawn about the structure and the water-current of the flagellated chambers (p. 132—134, Fig. 55, 59, 63), the here described way of capturing carmine between the choanocytes — by which the water circulatiug in a chamber is so to say filtered — is quite intelligible. I only want to point out that the phenomenon, that the carmine grains generally immediately pass the choanocytic layer, but then suddenly deviate aside along the base of the collars to be kept there, can be explained by the fact that in a living chamber on the one side the bodies of the choanocytes are shorter and bigger — which makes the open spaces between the separate cell bodies much smaller — than has been represented in Fig. 55 and in the diagrammatic Fig. 63, while on the other side the collars are approaching each other more and more in the direction of the centre of the chamber. In other words : the flowing water will find the widest passage in a chamber exactly at the bases of the collars (compare Fig. 59). Therefore, however, one should not think that zone of the bases to be extremely unfit for capturing floating particles ; that only depends upon the relative size of the latter. ïhe carmine grains now are ^ — 1 /y., the symbiotic algae 2 — 3 ^; thus so small that they can just pass the prosopyles, while they will stick between the bases of the collars. The more so, as we may suppose that the collar cells, for the advancement of that purpose, will be provided with a stick y, mucous surfaco, as is also accepted for protozoa. 145 Many times I have observed this phenomcnon of carmine cap- turing, in different preparations during several years (1915, '16 and '17); it always took place in the way described here. I had also the opportunity of demonstrating it to Professor Vosmaer and Professor Pekelharing ; both held my conception convincingly proved by the living preparations. In exactly the same way as described now for carmine, I have also observed several times green symbiotic algae being captured by the choanocytes in a chamber. As mentioned before, only very seldom a carmine grain gets into the zone of the coUars, as most of them have generally been captured already in advance. If it does take place, howevcr, it is the collars which prevent their escaping. For these appear to be very active enlargements of the capturing-surface of the choano- cytes, as the particles which might have escaped from their cell- bodies or collar-bases are, in most cases, held between the long collars, as I have been able to observe. A representation of such a case is to be seen in Fig. 67, a carmine grain which I saw captured between 3 collars (seen from above). Afterwards one can see the grain slowly descending along a collar to the base. (Fig. 68, 1-2). I saw the same thing happen to green' symbiotic algae. So here we have stated the remarkable fact^ that the choanocytes capture the food particles in exactly the same ivay as the Choano- flagellata. Only very rarely a carmine grain quite succeeds in escaping from the collar cells; then one sees it slip through the chamber. Sometiraes also, the way, gone by a grain in the chamber be- fore being captured, seems different from the normal one; an explanation might be given for it, but cannot be proved. Now the prosopyles still need treating. They are generally not to be distinguished, even if one sees the carmine grains enter the flagellated chamber at a certain point; and no wonder. For one does not see the separate collar-cells either, but only their joined layer as a whole. So it may count as a peculiarity, that there were even two prosopyles to be distinguished in the chamber of Fig. 66. The left one was varying in width; I measured it as 10 146 7 — 8 [y. on an average. The right one, on the contrary, was more normal viz. narrower, with the ordinary width of 3 — 4 ^ot, and constant as to size. Further, I think to have observed once a great change of a prosopyle of another chamber, viz. that it narrowed from an at first long, rather wide fissure to an opening of 4 //-. Taken for itself this seems a queer observation, rather to be explained by optical delusion. But it deserves our attention, when one considers it in connection with the preceding and with what Delage (15) says about the prosopyles of Ephydatia: „méats intercellulaires de grandeur et de forme extrêmement variables, produits par écartement peut-être temporaire des cellules flagel- lées pour donner acces a l'eau", while also Weltner (65) writes that they can arise and disappear again. In fact, this would be logical; as in that way a flagellated chamber, after the choano- cytes near the existing prosopyles had been overloaded with par- ticles from the water, could open quite new prosopyles simply by separating some other choanocytes. Finally I want to remind, that all these experiments with the normally living microscopic preparations could only be made with tissue of Spongilla (as Ephydatia grows so very slowly). I now must ansiver the 3''^ questioti, namehj what haj^pens to the particles from the water ^ after they have heen captured by the choanocytes at the base of the collars. Those particles — carmine grains or symbiotic algae — are then taken up by the protoplasm of the choanocytes and carried along into the cell (Fig. 66). How, I have never been able to observe ; but one sees them enter the choanocytic layer ; while one also sees ^hem very distinctly, either in intact flagellated chambers or in isolated choanocytes, within the separate cells and always free in the protoplasm, never enclosed in a vacuole. Next those particles are rather soon ejected by the collar cells ayain into the surroundiny tissue — let me say here, into the yfintercellular jjlasmic groundsubstance^\ in which also the chloro- phyll carrying amoebocytes are to be found (chap. F.) — from whence those amoebocytes take them. later on. This fully corresponds 147 to the results of Vosmaer and Pekelharing (p. 139 — 140). I have been able to observe it several times in my living preparations, regarding symbiotic algae as well as carmine. A description may follow here. Fig. 69 represents a fiagellated chamber with its normal surroundings of „intercellular" substauce and amoebocytes (the figure has been drawn true from nature). The shuttle-shaped amoebocytes with the green algae continually slide in various processions -- often directed oppositely (see arrows) — past the chamber ; no canals are to be seen. The flagella show the normal rapid spiral- or undulating-motion. In the choanocytic layer a number of green symbiotic algae are lying together at the base, in groups of 5 — 15; sometimes such a group is to be found in a protrusion of this layer (Fig. : 1). There all at once, in less than no time, the algae of that group are lying outside the layer, free in the „intercellular" space, but still on their original place (Fig. : 2). So the protrusion of the choanocytes must have been with drawn and must have „left behind" the algae. At least in this way one should explain the phenomenon, that has such an exceedingly rapid course. Next the algae, which got free in this manner, are slowly spread all over the „intercellular" substance (Fig.: 5), from where the amoebo- cytes will be able to take them up at t"heir desire. That, in fact, the amoebocytes do so, will appear from a following observation. But first I will describe another flagellated chamber in a prepara- tion, in carmine suspension. Situation almost as in the preceding figure, though here canals are ta be seen. Here is to be observed very distinctly how the carmine is ejected into the parenchyma (Fig. 70, I — III ; from nature) ; namely two small grains (a and b) ejected one after the other from a protrusion of the choanocytic layer. The figures speak for themselves ; in I the original condi- tion is given ; in II the successive removals of grain a, after it has been expelled, are indicated by 1 — 5; and in III the same is given for grain b. Here the ejecting takes place into a very plastic tissue-bridge. Then a flagellated chamber overloaded with carmine in the same preparation (Fig. 71, true from nature), while the carmine 148 from the chamber as centre begins to spread through the „inter- celhilar" substance by little streamlets moving to and fro. The flagella are in rapid spiral- or undiüating-motion. In the choano- cytic layer the small carmine grains are united at the base into conglomerates, just as we saw already for the algae ; while also outside the chamber in the tissue the conglomerates are more numerous than the separate grains (Fig.). Already some amoebo- cytes in the neighbourhood have taken up carmine. This must be originating from the choanocytes and have been taken from the „intercellular" substance, as there is nowhere any carmine to be seen in the whole preparation, except in 6 flagellated cham- bers with their nearest surrounding. Now, after the preparation has been in pure water all night, the next morning the above mentioned chambers are almost without carmine; but in the surrounding there are many carmine conglomerates, sometimes still free in the „intercellular" substance, most often however situated within the amoebocytes with algae (and then by times within a vacuole). The here described phenomena of taking up carmine or algae within the choanocytic layer, foliowed by ejecting into the „in- tercellular" plasmic substance and being taken up again by the amoebocytes with green algae, have been studied by me several times, although not in all their minor subdivisions ; and this not only by observing normally living preparations of sponge-tissue, but also with the aid of ravel preparations. One might now ask what happens to the particles captured, after they have got within the amoebocytes with symbiotic algae. I shall postpone this question to the next chapter, to first answer the last question of p. 142. Does the sponge dispose of still other means of capturing fioat- ing particles from the water? I have been able to answer this question affirmatively* again by observation of my normally living microscopic preparations. The phenomenon, however, is very dif- ficult to observe, as a number of favourable conditions must be realized togother — which only happens very scldom. It was not 149 until I had obtained in another way the proofs, that there should still exist in the sponge an entirely different method of capturing food, that I succeeded iu observing it in my living preparations. Those proofs were in short: 1. If one makes a ravel preparation of a little sponge (Spon- gilla or Ephydatia) that has been in a suspension of carmine or symbiotic algae for some hours — and thereby has become light- red or light-green — , then under the microscope the carmine or the algae prove to be present: a. in a great quantity of course in the choanocytes of the fla- gellated chambers. h. little or not yet in the amoebocytes with symbiotic algae — for the transport from the choanocytes to these amoebocytes takes time. c. in a relatively great quantity in a not very numerous kind of amoeboid cells, which distiuguish themselves from the ordinary amoebocytes with symbiotic algae by their gene- rally almost entire lack of such algae, while sometimes they hold all sorts of detritus (by tinies situated in vacuole). Their nucleus is, as that of the amoebocytes, vesicular. 2. While now in the choanocytes the carmine generally occurs as small grains or as conglomerates of sniall grains, it appears to be present in the cells, mentioued under e, principally in big grains or their conglomerates. (Perhaps one w\\\ doubt, if car- mine grains and conglomerates are so easy to be distinguished. In fact this is the case: the grains are generally simplc in out- line, straight and angular, as pieces of a crystal, and internally homogeneous, refractive red ; while the conglomerates are appa- rently more rounded oif, but in reality more irregular by num- bers of re-entering angles, and internally not homogeneous but red, every where interrupted by black ; which is conceivable by their structure.) 3. Very often one can clearly see in a normally living mi- croscopic preparation, which has been in carmine suspension for some hours already, that the carmine, except in the choanocytic layer of the flagellated chambers, is also to be found in mass in 150 an apparently iindifferentiated plasmic substance (in which few or no symbiotic algae) lining the canals. A lively transport of carmine takes place there. By itself this does not say anything ; that carmine could be proceeding from the flagellated chambers, though then it would be rather peculiar that it should exclusi- vely extend along the canal walls. Sometimes, however, it also appears that there is a certain difference in size between the carmine grains (not conglomerates !) within the choanocytes and those in the canal walls. The former are almost exclusively small (0.5 — 0.7 f/,), those in the walls often much larger (1.5 — 4 f/.). This fact now is supported and completed in a very desirable manner by what we could state above under 2 in ravel prepa- rations. The 3 points mentioned sufficiently indicated, that in a sponge had to he still qiiite a different method of capturing food-partides — and especially coarse parücles — ; and such in the canals themselves, outside the flagellated chambers; for wich then, of course, only the incurrent canals had to he considered. By chance I dis- covered that method; though, after all, one must say that it had to be functioning in a sponge. Just think of the structure of the canalsystem : incurrent canals — flagellated chamber — excurrent canals. One always used to say that the narrow ostia (dermal-pores), placed at the entrance of the incurrent canals, prevent the too large particles floating in the water from entering, and so from blocking up the canal system. But these ostia measure in living Spongillae, as I have been able to state several times, even to 63 X 84 |C^, while Delage (14,15) could fix their width in killed Ephydatiae on 6 — 30/^. Now, generally the prosopyles only measure, as we saw, 3 — 4 jCc. So it goes without saying that numbers of particles will enter by the ostia, which are too large to pass the prosopyles. What must hap- pen to these particles, what must the sponge do with them, when they have come with the water-current to a flagellated chamber and remain sticking in a prosopyle, so stop it up? They must be removed, otherwise — in nature there are so many particles in the water — the sponge would unavoidably die within short. 151 by all its prosopyles being stopped up. Of course tlio sponge can- not do it in any otlier way tlian by constantly making itself master of those particles, by taking them up within its cells, witliin its tissues, with the help of protoplasm currcnt ; in order to push them out again afterwards (about this in another chapter (E)). Now, in fact I have observed this phenomenon several times in my normally living microscopic preparations. It is knov^n, that a choanocytic layer of a flagellated chamber is covered with a thin tissue layer at the side of the incurrent canal. I refer to the figures of the different authors: eg. Delage (14, 16), MiNCHiN (45), VosMAER (59, 62) a. s. o. I myself observed in my living preparations, that outside and against the flagellated chamber at the side of the incurrent canal, against the base of the choanocytes, there is a thin layer of apparently undifferentiated protoplasm, which one time is relatively thick (1 — 'ó y.) and thus easily to be recognized as being separated from the choanocytes (and of course from the lumen of the canal), but next time is so thin, that it appears as a whole with the choanocytic layer. Symbiotic algae occur but few in it, or not at all. That layer, which one must imagine to be covering more or less the whole prosopylar side of the chamber (except of course the prosopyles), appears to be simply a continuation of the lining of the incurrent canal extending over the flagellated chamber, and, when visible, distinguishes itself from the choanocytic layer by a lighter tint (and of course by a darker one from the lumen of the canal). In that plasmic layer, now, very of ten all sorts of particles — : eg. oildroplets '), or carmine grains if the prepa- ration is in a carmine suspension — are carried on slowly by protoplasm current and are so removed over considerable distances (eg. '/^ of the outer surface of a flagellated chamber) -). Thus it is seen, for instance, that by this current carmine particles are carried off aside of the chamber into the parenchyma. All this is given in Fig. 72 — 74, which have been drawn from life. (In 1) One rernembers that, as mentioned on p. 100, those oildroplets would be the source of the encrgy in the flagellated charabers. 2) By which a plasmic layer, which is uot visible by itself, may bc recognized. 152 Fig. 74 one also sees the transport of carmine along a little „bridge" bent through a canal; cnf. Fig. 70). That this layer of flowing plasm must exist on the incurrent- canal-side of a chamber, is again very logical. For what would the choanocytes, eg. in Fig. 73, do with their captured carmine, if that layer was not there? Many times I have observed this layer on a chamber. I have also had the opportunity to demonstrate it to Professor Vosmaer and Professor Pekelharing. The rest of my observation concerned: A flagellated chamber with much carmine in the choanocytes already ; carmine grains run up through the incurrent canal and enter by a prosopyle. There approaches a large carmine ball (7x8 [x), also runs towards the prosopyle, but remains sticking in it. During 10 minutes nothing is seen to happen; but then the ball is going to move and it is, along the outside of the chamber — so between chamber and incurrent canal — , very s 1 ow 1 y — as by protoplasm current — carried off aside into the tissue over a distance of more than 18//. A moment later a similar phenomenon is to be observed on a somewhat smaller carmine ball, at another prosopyle of the same chamber. I also observed exactly the same thing happen to an alga and to a protozoon in other similar preparations. So it is the layer of apparently undifferentiated -flowing plasma^ situated outside and against the flagellated chamber at the side of the incurrent canal, that tahes up these big particles — which, carried along by the current of ivater, got into or against the prosopjyles and threaten to stop them up permanently — and that carries them off into the tissue, so that the prosopyles again become accessible (Fig. 75). If these particles might be of any use to the sponge as food, this u-ill undoiibtedly keep them and carry them to the amoebocytes (and digest them); which, as we saw already, also happens to the particles captured by the choano- cytes. If they are of no value to the sponge, this will try to get rid of them as soon as possible. More about this later on. 153 If one now inquires after tlie morphological meaning of this layer of apparently undifforentiated flowing plasma, I must declare that for this moment I don't dispose of sufficiënt data to answer this question (but see Appendix). Considering the above mentioned (p. 149 sub 1 6'), one is inclined to look upon it as consisting of amoeboid cells (one or more for each flagellated chamber). But one should not forget that that state mentioned of the sponge, tested as ravel preparation, answers to what we got to know as the state of the normal intact sponge on p. 149 sub 3. There it proved that the canal walls in general, not especially the exterior covering of the flagellated chambers, were loaded with carmine. So it is quite possible that the amoeboid cells, treated on p. 149 sub 1 c, have simply been canal-wall-cells, and have not had anything to do with that covering. The same counts for what follows. I killed a living sponge preparation, that, according to obser- vation, had reached in a carmine suspension a stage as given on p. 149 sub 3, in osmic acid and afterwards had the tissue mace- rated in water, to finally study the separate cells under the microscope. ïhe carmine now proved to be present: l^t in a great number and in fine grains within the choanocytes 2°'i in a great number and in big grains or conglomerates within very irregu- larly branched amoeboid cells. These amoeboid cells can take the most simple up to the most fantastic shapes ; one sees isolatcd cells with long and broad protrusions, even extended to mem- branes or stretched as bands (of course all pseudopodial processes), exactly as was observed in living preparations as the apparently undifforentiated plasmic substance; one sees cells with the ap- pearance of a hollow tube, which evidently lined a canal, with plasmic „bridges" and even membranes extended in the lumen. All of them contain carmine. These amoeboid cells now carry an often clearly visible nucleus, little or no symbiotic algae and sometimes detritus ; they are rather numerous. But carmine is hardly ever to be found in the ordinary amoebocytes with a great number of symbiotic algae. One sees the striking conformity with what was found on p. 149 sub 1, 2, 3. So the apparently undifforentiated plasma lining 154 the canals, which lodges the big carmine grains, does belong to amoeboid cells. Perhaps one is now inclined to look upon these as being pinacocytes, because in general the canals are supposed to be lined by this sort of cells — see eg. Delage 14. But, probably, the latter is not right for Spongillidae ; a fact which Weltner (67) pointed out already, and which I too could state. I namely found the canals lined : here by flat pinacocytes , there by amoebocytes with symbiotic algae, yonder again by apparently undifferentiated plasmic substance (Fig. 71). (Or must one, in both last cases, imagine the pinacocytes to be present, but extended so thin that they escape to our sight?) As the pinacocytes, moreover, generally do not show such an irregular shape (as the carmine-carrying cells in the above mentioned macerated material) and as they usually are also easily to be recognized as cells in a living preparation (while here we are speaking of apparently undiff'erentiated plasma), one had better explain this plasma, these amoeboid cells, as belonging to the parenchyma, which then is not lined here by pinacocytes — or by very thin, not separately visible pinacocytes? — . I will return to this sub- ject in the Appendix. At any rate the mentioned apparently undifferentiated plasma belongs to amoeboid cells. But, as said, one may not yet con- clude from this, that the flowing plasmic layer at the exterior of the flagellated chambers also belongs to amoeboid cells. If, however, this was in fact the case, we could ascribe several morphülogical meanings to those cells. In the first place one would be inclined to look upon this layer as being pinacocytes again or better parenchyma lined with thin pinacocytes — as Delage (14) gives — or parenchyma without pinacocytes. On the other side, however, one might say that here we had amoeboid cells, which probably entirely surround the prosopyles of the chambers, in other words, something as the well known porocytes of cal- careous sponges. I will also return to this question in the Appendix. For the rest, the whole question of the morphological meaning of the apparently undifferentiated plasma of the canal walls only 155 stands in a distant relation to the problom, wc are trcating just now, tlio ingestion of food. Which of the two methods of capturing food, the one with the choanocytes or the one with the plasmic layer, is the most important one for the sponge, will depend, in my opinion, simply on the size of the food-particles present. If the size is small the l8t, if it is larger, then the 2"'! method preponderates, With carmine nutrition the capturing by choanocytes was the chief one. Finally one might ask, if the sponge can capture food in still more ways. I must answer that I think it quite possible. In the first place I think of capturing particles in the incurrent canals themselves, which show all sorts of irregular lumina, while fine plasmic bridges, sieve-like membranes and what not, are extended in them, so that they have plenty of opportunity of capturing. Also ingestion of food at the outer-surface of the sponge seems possible. I have, however, never observed these ways of capturing. One thing would prove against them, viz. that with a carmine nutrition of short duration there is hardly ever carmine to be found anywhere else in the sponge than just in and at a short distance from flagellated chambers, as I often stated. But I have also made observations which are in favour of* them. In a living preparation there were numerous Flagellata moving quickly within the canals and at the outside of the sponge. Such organisms, now, some together and sometimes with carmine grains, were also moving within small vacuoles in the canal-walls or in the tissue at the outer-surface. It is quite impossible that these living organisms have been captured by the choanocytes or the plasmic layer; for then they would have been killed, at least they would be motionless. They are more likely to have been captured after having arrived in a blind ending part of the canal, the latter partly narrowing — for the tissue is very plastic, the canals arise and disappear while one observes them — and closing, when lts size had been reduced to that of a vacuole ; while finally 156 a cell took up the remaining vacuole with the Flagellata in it. At least, one can explain the phenomenon in this way. Sometimes one also finds diatoms in the sponge tissue, which are too large to have been ingested by choanocytes and perhaps also by the plasmic layer. These are more likely to have been captured by the tissue bridges and sieve-like membranes of the canals. Finally there must necessarily exist a system at the ostia to remove the too large particles kept there, so those which may not enter the incurrent canals ; this need not be accompanied with taking up within the cells. On the other hand, however, it is difficult to think, that food captured in that way should be of no use at all. So here might be still another means of capturing nourishment. I have never seen anything of it. So we saw in tJiis chapter tliat in the fresh-water sponges: pt the small (food-) particles are captured from the circulating water within the fiagellated chainbers-, viz. outside-between the col- lars (especially at their base) or between the bodies of the choano- cytes^ ivhile thus, so to sag^ the water is filtered clear (Fig. 63^ 65 — 68). Next these particles are taken up within the choanocytes^ united to conglomerates and ejected again into the ^intercellular" plasmic groundsubstance (Fig. 66, 69 — 71), from whence the amoe- bocytes with symbiotic algae take them up in their turn (Fig. 71). 2^'^^ the coarse (food-) particles are captured from the circulating water outside and against the fiagellated chambers at the side of the incurrent canal, and such, because they remain sticking in or against the prosopyles. The thin layer of apparently undifferent- iated floiving protoplasm, which covers that side of every fiagel- lated chamber with the exception of the prosopyles (Fig. 72 — 74), then takes up each partiele and carries it off aside into the tissue, so that the prosopyles again become accessible (Fig. 75). If these particles may be of cmy use to the sponge as food, it is very likely that they are carried on to the amoebocytes with symbiotic algae, just as those captured by the choanocytes. So we see that it is not right, when Biedermann (6) declares 157 „dass die Kragenzellen wirklich die einzigen direct nahrungs- aufnehmende Elemente sind". While on the other hand Minchin (45) wrote rightly : „There can be nö doubt whatever, .... that in many sponges at least the collar cells are very active in capturing food. On the other hand, these cells are from their nature and size incapable of in- gesting large bodies such as Infusoria or Diatoms. Food of the latter kind could only be absorbed by becoming entangled in the webs of tissue in the incurrent canal system, there to be absorbed by phagocytic wandering cells, or, it may be, by porocytes". Especially this last supposition, the ingestion by porocytes (here = plasmic layer, p. 154), has proved to be exact. D. THE DIGESTION OF FOOD IN THE FRESH-WATER SPONGES. I shall be quite short about this subject, as I only possess very few other data concerning it, except all I told above in extenso about the digestion of the green symbiotic algae in the sponge tissue, under the head „Chlorophyll" (p. 16 — 17, 42 — 45, 94—116). As we have seen, however, (p. 96) that exactly the symbiotic algae are a very important, perhaps even the chief source of nourishment for the fresh-water sponges, we certainly may con- sider. the results, regarding their digestion, to be decisive with regard to the problem of the digestion in the fresh-water sponges in general. We saw that the symbiotic algae, which the sponge has cap- tured from the water in the ways described in the preceding chapter and carried on to the amoebocytes, die within those amoebocytes, either for a part, or all of them, and are digested there and dissolved, while the decomposition-products come to the benefit of the sponge (p. 111 — 113). This digesting and dissol- ving mostly took place free in the protoplasm of the lodging cells, sometimes however within a vacuole (p. 97). As I remarked 158 already before (p. 97), botli these methods of digesting are pro- bably not different in principle, but only in quantity of secerned enzyme (in other words, in rapidity). I made no investigations into the enzymes acting (p. 96), except that the presence of a lipase was made probable (p. 89, 98—99). Perhaps I will have the opportunity later on to extend my investigation in this direction. As for the carmine captured by the sponge, I can mention thaty. after it had got into the amoebocytes with symbiotic algae, jt was generally soon ejected by these again and removed out of the sponge body afterwards — about which in the next chapter. Only very seldom I have been able to observe a beginning of digestion, a solution of the carmine; but then also, very remark- able indeed, a solution was to be distinguished within a vacuole (this became entirely light-red) from a solution quite free in the protoplasm of an amoebocyte, in which case from the carmine grain as centre the red colour slowly spread through the plasma. In fact a nice illustration of what I have so often mentioned for the symbiotic algae as plasma and vacuole digestion. A proof now, that indeed the difference is a matter of rapidity (of digest- ion), is given in these observations of carmine-solution in the fact, that carmine grains were never to be found any more in a light-red vacuole, on the contrary there were, when the solution took place free in the protoplasm. I obtained no data concerning a possible digestion of food else- where, eg. in the „intercellular" spaces of the parenchyma. This about the digestion of food. It had already been acknow- ledged in literature [see among others Biedermann (6) and also CoTTE (13)] that especially the amoebocytes took part in it. E. THE DEFECATION AND EXCRETION IN THE FRESH-WATER SPONGES. Also these phenomena I have observed in my living prepara- tions of sponge tissue. On the whole, there is but little known for certain in litera- 159 ture about these processes. In the first place one lias of course always thought probable the excretion of dissolved matter by diffusion (see Burian (10) 1910) all over the inner or outer sur- face of the sponge, though in fact no one has ever mentioned any strong proof for it. On the other hand Haeckel (25) 1872, Lendenfeld (36) 1883, Weltner (65) 1891 and Delage and Hérouard (16) 1899 supposed defecation and (or) excretion as being performed by the choanocytes; while Minchin (45) 1900 ascribes this function for a considerable part to the amoebocytes, Bidder (5) 1892, on the contrary, to the porocytes, and Loisel (41) 1898 tbinks the excretion being performed by the coutraction of the mesogloea (ground-substance). None of these investigators, however, mentions a definite ob- servation of the phenomena. On the contary the following do: Masterman (42) 1894 found, if a sponge (Grantia compressa), after having been for some minutes in a carmine suspension and afterwards in pure water, had been killed with osraic acid, that amoeboid cells filled with carmine protruded from the ex- ternal surface, as if they weré just going to be ejected. While something the like seenied to have happened also at the internal surface, as there were cells, ejected and laden with carmine, to be found inside the canals too. Masterman says: „We have here an example of a process of intracellular excretion for the removal of waste solids". Also the opinion of Cotte (13) 1904 is partly founded on observation; as far as I know it is the last extensive publication about excretion in sponges. As summary he gives: „Les cellules mésogléiques (amibocytes, spongoblastes, etc.) rejettent leurs pro- duits de désassimilation, sous forme de sphérules, dans la sub- stance interstitielle qui les expulse graduellemement. Les sphé- rules usées des cellules sphéruleuses clasmatosées sont expulsées par la substance fondamentale ; un certain nombre de sphéru- leuses vont s'éliminer d'elles-mêmes an niveau des canaux. Les choanocytes excrètent directement dans Iqs chambres". This about the excretion, about defecation: „Après l'ingestion de produits inertes les chaonocytes rejettent dans les chambres une grande 160 quantité de ceux-ci. Les cellules sphéruleuses entrainent dans leur élémination quelques-unes des particules qui ont été déver- sées dans la substance fondamentale. La plus grande quantité de celles-ci, après avoir été transportée dans tout l'organisme par les amibocytes, est directement expulsée par la substance inter- stitielle ; quelques-unes sont transportées jusqu'aux canaux par les amibocytes qui les y rejettent". As far, however, as I can gather from the description, Cotte has never observed the often mentioned ejection of particles by the „substance interstitielle" ; but he did observe the ejection of (or by) „cellules sphéruleuses" into the canals, as well as defecation by choanocytes (within the collar, just as in the Choanoflagellata !). Cotte experimented on Reniera simulans and Sycandra raphanus. As one sees, the whole problem of excretion and defecation is still a long way from being solved ; particularly because so often hypothesis and observation have been intermingled. Noiv, jj» mijself have come to the conclusion, hy ohserving the phenomena in my normally living microscopic lu^eparations of sponge tissue^ that defecation — and very likely excretion at the same time — takes place on a large scale hy means of vacuoles, which occur along the tvalls of the (excurrent) canals in an ap- parently undifferentiated plasmic substance^ that in reality con- sists of amoeboid cells. I now pass on to my experiments. A proof, that defecation — so a process, by which solid par- ticles captured from the water and food-rests, which are of no use to the sponge, are removed from its tissues — is really acting in the sponge-body, follows already from what I said in the first part of this paper (p. 15 — 16). There we saw that a sponge, newly caught from nature, has a dirty (green or brown) colour, as its tissue is loadon with particles from the (also brownish) water of the lake; this dirty tint, however, entirely disappears and the bright (green or creamy white) colour comes in its place, when the sponges have been cultivated for some days in pure 161 water from the conduit. Proof t/iat defecation must fake place even on (i large scale. For with a microscopic obscrvation the brown particles, which orginally werc in a great numbcr all over the tissue, proved then to have almost disappeared. ïhe same counts for colourless sponges which have captured siich a great number of carmine grains from a suspension, that they have be- come quite red ; here too the carmine is removed in pure water, so that the sponges become colourless again ; while one finds the ejected carmine conglomerates at the bottom of the culture- vessel. Next I will mention that, just as I discovered the pheno- menon of the capturing of coarse (food-) particles by (cells of) the canal-walls for the first time in ravel preparations of sponge tissue (p. 148 — -152), I obtained the first indications of the way in which defecation takes place by means of the same pre- parations : As I mentioned on p. 149, one finds in a sponge (Spongilla or Ephydatia), which has been in a carmine suspension for some hours, a great number of carmine grains l^t in the choanocytes and 2'^^ in amoeboid cells (without symbiotic algae but often with all sorts of detritus), while on the contrary carmine is not or rarely to be found in the amoebocytes with symbiotic algae. Has the sponge been in pure water for some time after it got out of the suspension, one finds, as was partly mentioned on p. 146 — 148, only little carmine in the choanocytes, but now much (as conglomerates, upto 4 pt large) in the amoebocytes with symbiotic algae, while it is also to be found rather much, and then in big conglomerates (upto 14 /y.), in amoeboid cells (present in a small number) without symbiotic , algae but with (often) all sorts of detritus. ïhe sponge itself then appears to be less red than it was immediately after it came out of the carmine, while now on the contrary the water, in which it has been, is coloured slightly red. If the sponge remains in pure water for some days more, one does not only find but little carmine in the choano- cytes but also in the amoebocytes with symbiotic algae. The carmine, however, is still present in a great quantity and in large conglomerates in the often mentioned amoeboid cells with- 11 162 out, or with few, symbiotic algae, and then sometimes within a vacuole. These cells, as said before, are not manifold ; they lodge besides a vesicular nucleus (which is very much like that of the ordinary amoebocytes) and the carmine eonglomerates, also often all sorts of detritus and sometimes some unicellular, green algae as described on p. 117, while a single time a va- cuole has been formed round all these foreign parts together. I believe, however, to have a reason for supposing that such vacuoles 'do occur more often in these cells round those parts than it seems, but that then they are only temporarily invisible by the accidental grouping of the particles. For I have noticed, that such a vacuole entirely disappeared by a movement of the cell (so that its contents seemed to be quite free in the protoplasm), to become visible again a few moments later. Very often those fo- reign particles are united to a more or less compact mass. Only once I stated such a detritus mass being ejected by a vacuole of an isolated cell. In the mean time the sponge itself has lost very much of its red colour in the pure water, while this now in its turn has taken a red tint. As it proves that the sponge does not show any destruction of tissue, we may explain the red tint in the water as caused entirely by the carmine the sponge has (by way of defecation) removed from its body. Now we examine the cul- ture water ; then it appears that the following parts have sunk to the bottom: carmine eonglomerates (eg. 7x10, 7 X 13 /C4.) together with all sorts of detritus and sometimes a big unicel- lular, green alga, which every time are united to more or less compact masses, just as we found them above within the amoe- boid sponge cells (without symbiotic algae). But there never was an enveloping cell to be seen round these detritus-masses in the culture water. So here we have stated in ravel preparations^ that in the fresh- water sponge the fimction of defecation is performed hy amoeboid cells (with few or no symbiotic alyaej, ivhich hy means of vacuoles fject the detritus masses outside the sponge tissue^ hut ivhich them- selves remain within the tissue. 163 Tf one examines a normallij living prepm-ation of sponge tissue that ' remains in carmine suspension for soms hours, one will find carmino, as has been mentioned on p. 146 and 149 — 150, on the one side in a great quantity in the choanocytic layer of the flagelr lated chambers (Fig. 6G, 71) and on the other side also in a great quantity in an apparently undifferentiated plasmic substance (in which few or no symbiotic algae) in the walls of the canals — to which it will have been transported, for instance, after having been captured in the plasmic layer at the outside of the flagellated chambers (p. 152, Fig. 75). 2'>J. If then the preparation is in pure water for*some time, we find, as we saw on p. 146 — 148, hardly any carmine in the choanoeytes ; but it now appears to be in small conglomerates within the amoebocytes with symbiotic algae. Besides we also find it in large conglomerates (upto 17 jot), and some- times together with detritus, within vacuoles in the apparently undifferentiated plasmic substance (in which few or no symbiotic algae) situated along the canal walls. 3"i. The sponge having heen in pure tvater for soine time longer, the carmine also disappears from the amoebocytes ivith symbiotic algae, to he found almost only as large conglomerates in an apparently undifferentiated plasmic substance (in which few or no symbiotic algae) and mostly situated along the canal walls and often together with detritus within a vacuole (Fig. 76a, 77). One will have to acknowledge that these observations on living tissue correspond very well with the results obtained in ravel preparations. The matter now ivas to observe the phenomenon of the ejecting of feces itself. In this too I succeeded in my normally living preparations. But also here I had to exert much patience. I shall now give a description of such a phenomenon of defeca- tion, as I observed it on a preparation which, after having been in carmine suspension, was in pure water for some time: A car- mine conglomerate lies, together with some detritus and some green symbiotic algae, along the wall of a canal in the often mentioned apparently undifferentiated plasmic substance. At first no vacuole is to be seen round these parts, but shortly 164 after there is; so then the carmine, the green algae and the detritus are together within it. Now tJie vacuole is going to pro- trude f ar into fJie canal (Fig, 76a); it is even pushed forward, so to say^ on a hroad stem. All at once — one does not see how — the verg thin vacuole ivall disajjj^ears at the side of the canal, some small carmine -grains begin to loosen from the conglomerate, move to and fro, a?id all of a sudden they run off; next some green algae do tJie same (Fig. 76 b); and at last the large conglomerate, moves a little to and fro, as if it ivere still kept back — then sud- denly it runs off through the canal! So one sees that here there is no question of the feces being ejected together with the lodging cell, as Masterman says; the cell, or tvhatever this apparently imdifferentiated plasma may be, simply stays behind in the wall. I have observed this phenomenon of defecation several times in the same way. Let us now attentively examine such a feces conglomerate before it is ejected. So it is in the apparently undifferentiated plasmic substance within the tissue. Later on I shall speak about this plasmic substance. Often no vacuole is to be seen around the conglomerate at first ; this only appears later on and then increases rapidly. One can also observe how, from all sides, small feces- particles (being within vacuoles or not) are carried on to the large conglomerate (also being within a vacuole or not) and are united with it. In the mean time the conglomerate is continually carried along in the tissue by the plasmic substance over considerable distances, so that for instance it happens but too often, that it escapes to our sight by disappearing into deeper tissue-layers. In the same way one can see a conglomerate — then always within a vacuole — moving repeatedly from one canal to the other; while the vacuole often protrudes so far into the canal, that one thinks it will burst ; but it withdraws again entirely into the tis- sue and goes to another canal, to repeat the same. A remarkable sight, which I want to describe somewhat more at large. A normally living microscopic preparation of sponge tissue, which has first been in carmine suspension and afterwards in pure water. A large carmine conglomerate lies again in an ap- 165 parently undifferentiated plasma, between three canals (Fig. 77, 1) ; there are some green symbiotic algac to bc foimd in the plasma, but by no means so many as in the ordinary amoebocytes; no vacuole present. A few moments later a vacuole arises around the conglomerate, while at the same time also some green sym- biotic algae are enclosed. The vacuole rapidly increases and protrudes more than half way into the lumen of a canal (Fig. 77, 2). But it does not burst! On the contrary, the vacuole withdraws into the tissue, to protrude then into another canal (Fig. 77, 3). But here it does not burst either, but withdraws again. Now it lasts for some time. At last it protrudes into the 3''d canal (Fig. 77, 4). All at once the thin vacuole wall disap- pears at the outside ; the conglomerate still remains in its place, it only moves a little to and fro, as if it were still kept back, then it slightly moves on and again to and fro, a pull — and it runs off through the canal. A remarkable process, that protruding into a canal, to withdraw again after some time ! I have repeatedly observed it, as said before. Why dit not the vacuole burst immediately? The only answer I can give, based on my observations, makes us acquainted — if it is right ~ with a remarkable phenome- non of sponge-life, which, however, is very logical, even indis- pensable. Just consider : The fecal cotiglomerates must necessa- 7'ily be ejected exclusively into the excurrent canals of the sponge^ otherwise the whole defecation-system would unavoidably fail. As we saw, however, the vacuoles with the feces are not bound to certain permanent places, but they are, just as the whole sponge tissue is continually moving, always carried along. But how does a vacuole „know" then if a canal is an incurrent one, in which it may not eject its contents at all, or an excurrent one? The vacuole — or better the protoplasm, to which the vacuole belongs — must examine this on the spot and then it will show the phenomenon which we saw it perform above: it will protude into the canal. Thus the thin protoplasmic vacuole-wall will get to know in some way or other the state of the canal, either, for instance, by the rapidity of the current or by the pressure of 166 the water. If the right (excurrent) canal has been found, the plasma contracts and the vacuole bursts ; if, however, it proves to be an incurrent canal, the vacuole will withdraw to trj the same somewhere else. Now, my observation relative to this was in fact, that the vacuoles withdrew from canals which, if it was possible to dis- tinguish, proved to be incurrent canals. (One can distinguish it from the situation of the flagellated chambers). We now got to know the process of defecation, which, as we saw, must very often take place in nature, where the water contains so many particles, that the sponges have quite a dirty tint, which however they soon lose in clean water (p. 160 — 161). This defecation proved to take place by means of large vacuoles. These vacuoles are partly filled with liquid — undoubtedly originating from the sponge tissue — ; this liquid is ejected with the feces. Have nof we found here, tlten^ besides a powerful defecation pro- cess also a strongly acting excretion process? I think we have. But we have not yet quite finished the process of defecation. There exists, besides the liere described tvay of defecation everyivhere at arbitrary ])oints of the excurrent canal walls, still another method which, as I believe, we shall have to distinguish from the first one. And this, because it is apparently bound to a more or less fixed place: hl sponges ,jfed" on carmine one repeafedly meets with one large accumulation of this^ matter near each flagellated chamber, and again in an apparently nndifferentiated plasmic substance, in the tcall of the excurrent canal (Fig. 73). While, ?wh\ on the one side new carmine grains are constantly added to the large heap by the flowing p)lasmic lager, situated at the incurrent-canal-side of the chamber (p. lol, 1-^6'), one sees on the other side now and then a big conglomerate being ejected from the heap info the ex- current canal; both of which is represented in Fig. 73 (drawn from lifc). I observed this, of course, again in my living tissue preparations. Of course it cannot be said, if this accumulation of carmine — 167 wïiich, apparently^ has heen deposited gradualhj lij the foiving plasmic layer^ so in small quantities at the time — is exclusively formed hy fine carmine grains^ captured by the chocmocytes and then p)assed on to tJiis layer^ or hy coarser particles^ which remaiyied sticking ivhen entering the prosopyles and then have heen carried off hy this plasmic layer {p. 156). Prohably hoth is the case. That in this way particles, which block up the prosopyles and are of no food value, are removed as soon as possible from the canal systcm, is very well conceivable and of much importance to the sponge. So here we get to know a very powerful system of cleansing the sponge: coarse particles^ which, having passed the ostia, remain sticking in the prosopyles and threaten to hlock them up permanently^ are taken up hy the plasmic layer and are carried off to a point in the tissue somewhere in the neighhourhood, froni tvhere they are soon ejected into the excurrent canals, to be removed ivith the ivater current {Fig. 73). On the other hand it is hardly to be accepted that coarse particles from the water, whicli might be of use as food, should be ejected in this way without auy reason. But then one has to suppose, that the sponge knows to decide whether a captured partiele contains nutrition or not, in the short distance between taking up in the plasmic layer and delivery at the deposit of feces. This seems very unlikely to .me; the more so, because above we have stated several times (p. 146 — 148, 157 — 158) that carmine, most certainly, i« carried into the sponge tissue and is moved on for digestion to the amoebocytes with green symbiotic algae, to be expelled only later on (p. 161 — 164). So it proves, that only the amoebocytes with symbiotic algae — which are performing the function of digestion (p. 157) — decide about food or no food with regard to the particles captured. Consequently, one may consider it as excluded that the same could also happen already near the flagellated chamber. The explanation of the phenomenon, that on the one hand the sponge carries the carmine even into its amoebocytes, while on the other hand it disposes of a very rapid method of getting rid of it immediately, seems to me the following : "VVith a relatively 168 small niimber of particles in suspension in the surroundino- water the sponge will carry all particles captured into its amoebocytes with symbiotic algae, so into its digestive organs (Fig. 71); but, when the particles in suspension are very numerous, it will also carry a number of them within its amoebocytes, but soon „satisfied" will leave oflF, to simply eject them, directly after capturing (in or near the flagellated chamber), along the shortest way at the • excurrent side of the chamber, of no consideration wh ether the particles are food or not (Fig. 73). We noiv can make the foUomnf/ diagram of the coiirse of the (food-) iKirticles captured hy a fresh-water sponge (imagine the often mentioned „intercellular plasmic groundsubstance" (chapt. F) in the places of the arrows). The pages of the text, in which the process was treated, and the figures referring to it are put in parenthesis. So we begin with the capturing in the choanocytes and the capturing in the plasmic layer at the outside of the flagellated chamber : capt. plasm. Ijiyer o. flag. cliamb. (Fig. 72— 75j 1 fp. 150-54, 156, 174) Cfipt. choailOC. (p. 143—46, 156) (Fig. 63, 65—68) amoeboc. w. symi). alg. (p. 146—8; 156—8). digestiou (Fig. 69-71) plasm. siibst. o. exc. can. wallj near flagell. chambers defecation (p. 166—68; 170) (Fig. 73) plasm. subst. o. exc. can. walls defecation, exeretion (p. 161—66; 169—70) (Fig. 76, 77) I now want to point out some more accidental peculiarities : hK Just remember that we could stade a few times (p. 162— 165) that vacuoles together with feces also ejected unicellular, green algae, even green symbiotic algae. I want to mention this emphatically witli a view to what I said, in the part about the chlorophyll of the fresh-water sponges, regarding a possible 169 export of symbiotic algae (p. 52) and a contest against infeoting algae by ejecting them (p. 115). Especially the question about the export is important. I do not venture to decide whether it can be large or not; in both cases here it concerned a green sponge, so a sponge that came into consideration for possessing an excess of green symbiotic algae (p. 70 — 72). 2i i + r + niu == e -\- g -\- mo < the formula, which we have got to know as decisive for the number of green algae of a sponge (p. 68 — 75). 16. By a comparison of the behaviour of the „symbiotic" algae wheu cultivated in sponge tissue and isolated in water, we got to the folio wing conclusion : In darkness the „symbiotic" as- sociation of sponge and alga offers much less advantage to the alga than a life free in the water, as in the sponge all algae are destroyed (p. 77, 83, Table 10). In light, on the contrary, that „symbiotic" association offers more advantage to the alga than a life free in the water; that advantage, ho wever, only consists in the fact, that the sponge protects the alga against destruction, eg. by enemies (p. 76 — 80, Table 10). The milieu — the feeding milieu — , on the contrary, is in the sponge not at all more favourable to the alga than in the water, neither in light nor in darkness, but about just as favourable or even less favourable (p. 77, 80—83, Table 9, 10). When further we know that also in light algae are constantly destroyed in the sponge — though less than in the water — , we must conclude, that from the point of view of the use to the alga that association with the sponge cannot be called at all a symbiosis in the mean- ing of that of the Lichens (p. 84, 113*— 114). 17. We could establish in 26 points the facts which bear upon the question about the use of the „symbiotic" association (with the alga) to the sponge (p. 84 — 95, Table 11 — 15). 181 With the help of these data we got to the following conclu- sion concerning this questión (p. 111 — 114): It is either the want of food of the sponge or (and) the „poi- sonous" influence of harmful products of metabolisni of tlie sponge (to be considored as a reaction of defence against a fo- reign intruder), which continually destroys green „symbiotic" algae in the amoebocytes ; and exactly those algae, the power of resistance of which is already weak^ned for some or other reason (p. 102—109). All algae killed in this way come to the benefit of the nourishment of the sponge ; as this one digests and dis- solves them entirely either free in the protoplasm of its amoebo- cytes or in food vacuoles, keeps the products of the decomposi- tion (p. 96 — 97) and rebuilds its own cell parts with them, for instance the oildroplets and carbohydrate globules (p. 98 — 102). These oildroplets and carbohydrate globules in their turn are, among others, the source of the great quantity of energy, which the sponge transforms in the flagellar motion of its choanocytes (p. 100). For the present no decision can be given about the exact signi- ficance for the life of the sponge of the 0^, which the living green algae in light secrete within its tissues (p. 93). It may be, that this O2 is of much significance ; even so much, that the katabolic phase of the process of metabolism in a green sponge in light has quite another course by it — namely gives a rela- tively much larger quantity of energy to the sponge — than in the sponge in darkness (p. 98, 103, 109 — 110). Some indications were found for this possibility. Direct transfer of products of photosynthesis from the living green algae into the sponge tissue does, most probably, not take place at all (p. 96, 87, 92). When next we ask, what in fact the „symbiotic" relation of sponge and green alga is, considered from the point of view of the use to the sponge, we cannot very well answer that questión, before the problem, mentioned above, about the significance for the sponge of the O2 secreted by the green alga in the light, has come to solution: 182 a. If the significance of tliat ü.^ is in fact so important, as was thoiight possible above, we must conclude — notwith- standing the fact, that the sponge continually destroys and digests numbers of algae, and notwithstanding all other phenomena, which do not seem to go together with a sym- biosis — that the relation of sponge and green alga, con- sidered from the point of view of the use to the sponge, is in fact a symbiosis, though this symbiosis is by no means so complete as that of the Lichens. h. If, on the contrary, the significance of the 0^ secreted by the alga is only of little importance, we can conclude — whatever may be the real cause of the dying of the algae in the sponge tissue, whether it be the want of food of the sponge or (and) the „poisoning" of the algae by products of metabolism of the sponge — we must conclude that, practically spoken, that so called symbiotic relation of sponge and alga is in fact nothing but simply a process of nutrition of the sponge, or, if you like, a very first transition of a process of nutrition into a symbiosis. At any rate this always counts for a sponge in darkness. For we could state the following: The sponge continually imports green algae from the sur- rovmding water into its amoebocytes (p. 50), where those algae then — it should be explicitly mentioned — are killed and digested (p. 111) by the sponge only for a part, when circum- stances are favourable, while the rest of the algae can live on, photosynthesise and multiply (and will give their O.,, produced in light, to the sponge tissues (p. 93) — the only argument one can mention in favour of the conception of symbiosis!). This favourable case is only realized in sponges growing in light (p. 70—72), and then not even always (p. 41, 75—76). If, however, the circumstances are somewhat less favourable — as is the rule in sponges in darkness (p. 69—70) and as sometimes happens also in those in light (p. 41, 75—76) — , then all imported algae (and all that might be present already) are continually and un- avoidably destroyed and digested by the sponge (p. 111). 183 18. Also soine other viows were given concerning the asso- ciation of sponge and green alga (p. 114 — 116). 19. Some cases were mentioned, in whicli quite other algae (than the normal ones) occurred in a great number in the tissues of Ephydatiae, viz. two filamentous algae and an unicellular one. The two former proved to destroy the sponge tissue; the lattor, on the contrary, was finally conquered by the sponge (p. 115 — 118, Fig. 43—52). B. 20. ïhe current of water through the canalsystem of the fresh- water sponges is caused by the flagellar motion of the choanocytes iij the flagellated chanibers. By studying isolated choanocytes as well as wholly intact flagellated chanibers we could state, that this motion (in normal condition) takes place in a spiral- or an undulating-line, namely in a very rapid succession of waves of small amplitude passing along the flagellum from the base to the top (p. 124 — 132, Fig. 56r^, 59); by which a current of water arises straight through the axis of the flagellar spiral and simi- larly in the direction from base to top, while the water flows on at the side of the base (p. 126—128, Fig. 56ff). Exhaustion causes quite different motions of the flagellum, with abnormal current of water (p. 127—128, 131, Fig. 56/>c^). The whole water- current within a flagellated chamber is of course the resultant of the little currents caused by each flagellum separately ; it is rapid and regular (p. 132—133, Fig. 63). In order that a powerful and steady current may be maintained by the chamber, and that, therefore, the water will flow in quickly and exclusively at the prosopyles and flow out by the apopyle, the structure of the flagellated chamber must comply with definite requirements ; these require- meuts were studied (p. 137, 133 — 136). C. 21. By studying the phenomena of ingestion of food in nor- mall y living microscopic prepar ations of sponge tissue, I could state that in fresh- water sponges : 184 The small (food-) particles are captured from the circulating water within the flagellated chambers, viz. outside-between the collars or between the bodies of the choanocytes, while thus, so to say, the water is filtered clear (p. 142 — 146, Fig. 63, 65 — 68). Next these particles are taken up within the choanocytes, united to conglomerates and ejected again into the „intercellular plasmic ground-substance" (p. 146 — 148, Fig. 66, 69 — 71), from whence the amoebocytes with symbiotic algae take them up in their turn (p. 146—148, Fig. 71). The coarse (food-) particles are captured from the circulating water outside and against the flagellated chambers at the side of the incurrent canal, and such, because they remain sticking in or against the prosopyles. The thin layer of apparently undifFerent- iated flowing protoplasm, which covers that side of every flagel- lated chamber with the exception of the prosopyles (p. 151 — 154, Fig. 72 — 74), then takes up each partiele and carries it off aside into the tissue, so that the prosopyles again become access- ible (p. 148—152, 155, Fig. 75). Finally the question was discussed, whether food can be cap- tured by the sponge in still more ways (p. 155 — 156). 22. No observations were made which could fortify the theory, that sponges feed especially on organic substances in solution (p. 138). D. 23. My principal results regarding the digestion of food have already been mentioned in the discussion of the symbiotic relation of sponge and alga (see point 17). I only added some new obser- vations (p. 157 — 158). E. 24. By observing the phenomena in my normally living mi- croscopic preparations, I have come to the conclusion, that in fresh-water sponges defecation — and very likely excretion at the same time (p. 166) — -■ takes place on a large scale by means of vacuoles, which occur along the walls of the excurrent 185 canals in an apparently undifferentiated plasmic substance (p. 160—168, Fig. 76, 77, 73), that in reality consists of amoeboid cells (p. 169—171). 25. Defecation perhaps also can take place at the outer sur- face of the sponge (p. 169), but I have never observed choanocytes performing the function of excretion or defecation (p. 169). 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Sponges nêwly captured; placed separa- tely into cylindrical glass vessels — capacity 5 L. (a. h.) or 3 L. (c.) — füled with water from the conduit, in the open air; sponge-pieces of equal volume in all series of experiments; an inverted funnel and tube placed under water over each piece. The sponges in darkness under a light-tight case. Column A indicates the presence (-f ) or absence ( — ) of gasbubbles within or at the outside of the sponge tissue ; column B the same for the inside of funnel and tube; column C the same for all outside the funnel and tube. Tlie sign = indicates the number of gasbubbles to be unchanged. All series of experiments are mentioned. As for the discussion, see pag. 18. In c. the green sponge-pieces are taken from one specimen. a. Spongillae; in light; vol. lO cM^. colour of sponge green colourless n" of culture 297 296 date hour A, B. c. A. B. C. 25. Yll. '15 10 a. m. » 1 p.ni. + + — » 6 „ + + + + + — + 26. VII. 6 . := = = 190 h. Spongillae; in light; vol. 3 cM^. colour of sponge gi-eeu colourless n" of culture 302 303 date hour A. B. C. A. B. c. 28. VII. '15 11 a. m. » 1 p.m. + + +- — +- » 4 „ + + +- — +- n 7 „ + + + + + +- — +- +- 29. VIT. 7 „ = = = =: r= = c. Spongillae; vol. 1| cM^. colour of sponge green green colourless n" of culture 401 400 402 in light or in darkness darkness light light date hour A. B. C. A. B. C. A. B. C. 2. IX. 16 11 a. m. in « 6 p.m. — +- +- + + + + + + +- — +- +- Table 2. The production of 0.^ hy the isolated green chïorophyll corpuscles of the Sjmigillidae in light ; proved by means of the Engelmann bacteria-method. Ravel preparations of living sponge tissue, to which some material from a bacterial-culture was added and also some small airbubbles, under coverglass surrounded with vaseline (pag. -12, i). Column A indicates after how long a time in light or in darkness the preparations were observed; column B indicates the disti-ibution and the intensity of motion of the bacteria tlien stated in the preparation. The chief experimental series has been mentioned; in all others the result was the same. As for the discussion, see pag. 19—20. 1 1 cc , (U Oi i 03 3 cc ition motion -73 3 i2 e ^ 03 O rou airbu tion 'S a o a o o. cc cc cc a; 3 _o "o m iqual distribu ■ather violent ccumulation iolent motion eiy weak m^ where ery weak mot o > > 1 cc , . OJ — -2 i S 3 sla ?» co cc o o '♦-> Q '^ 'S bc a o cc cc cc 3 m !qual dis tri butio: •ather violont mi mulation i nt motion (aii weak motio here fl .2 H-s O s 03 o; _o "o 3 ^ !^ & ë .2 s: o; o w ï-i 03 P- ?- ?■ ■^ >4-< *4 _ ^£ 'S O "" 'S -< -S ^ cc -Hl-* r- j, 1. O ^ 6 .SP 03 S -a ^ >,' Ö s s ^ a 13 0) .rt "^ 03 .^ -^ o i S , 03 03 round •bubbl m els > S > 03 r* 03 O) 3 c« cc fl _o a o o 'S o O 'S > O O 'S P» O ■'■+J o a •= .2 a 'S rH 'S fl 'S bD fl O o, cc pa distributi ■ violent i accumulation | violent motion (a very weak mot where .2 '■*3 o a 03 03 fl .2 o a -t-3 _o '■+2 o a c3 03 ,-H _o +3 o a .2 o a 03 fl _o '■+3 o a <1> bb equal rather 03 a Oj 'S fl 3 s a 03 3 'p- cc , 03 . 03 3 V2 a "0 3 "^ a ^ 3 3 :3 O o CC tion mot ro 'airb ition 'S ö 'S a o ■ m rO a fl g a '-5 o s C3 03 "i- r^ S p» fl o - Oh CC a 03 bb ^ o cc •-. ^ r er 03 ' 03 -„ accumulati( violent mot very weak where o a +i fl 03 3 co , 03 u CL; rH T3 3 "^ > 03 3 cc O fl J2 OJ 3 3 O f* O cc ai p X a 'S -; , '•+-> .2 a ^ .5 o c3 "43 fl 'S 03 .«■j _o bC a o Oh CQ al distribu ler violent a § S .2 -^ ^ "-J3 o a fl '■+J o CC a 03 03 mulat mt mo weal here Ti 03 a a 03 bO equ ratl accu viole very w > O '? "03 c*- fl o •-' cc rJ CC -^ -c . 03 . cc -fl cc 03 rfl -U cc • en ^ 03 J3 HJ cc ja +^ 1 < immediat "3 H-t a 2 1 5 fl o ^ aft. 1 0. a iu darkn rH|ïi a ;, S if fl Oj "" after ? in darkn after ? in ligh after ? ia darkn after ? in ligh 192 Table 3. The production of oildrops hy the isolated green chloro- phyll corpvscles of the Sponriillidae in light. Ravel preparations of living sponge tissue (pag. 12, i). Column A indicates wether the chlorophyll corpuscles were in liglit (1.) or in darkness (d.) during the pefiod preceding the examination; column B indicates the number stated of green chlorophyll corpuscles containing an oildrop per 100 green corpuscles. Some less exact experimental series are left out. As for the discussion, see pag. 20. a . (Spon gilla) b. Spongilla n» of culture 161 162 163 164 165 n" of culture 208 209 210 211 date A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. date A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. 25. II. '15 1. 68 1. 71 d. 47 d. 71 d. 41 16. III. '15 d. 38 d. 18 d. 42 d. 16 1. III. M 77 n 68 n 38 1. 70 1. 42 9. IV. 1. 85 1. 87 n 38 n 16. III. » 93 n 100 n 40 » 93 n 100 „ih. later 1. 70 1. 68 9. IV. 1. 90 11 V. n 90 » 97 d. 88 d. 92 c. (Sp ong illa) n" of culture 396 a 396 b 396 c 396 d' o m bc 03 396 e 396 f 396 g 396 h C3 date A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. > o3 A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. > ei 16. VIII. '16 d. 42 d. 30 d. 34 d. 60 42 d. d. d. d. 18. VIII. 1. 82 1. 74 1. 82 1. 80 79 ■n 44 » 40 » 22 n 36 35 20. VIII. n 96 n 92 n 94 1) 94 94 1. 78 1. 74 1. 86 1. 76 78 22. VIII. » 88 » 78 n 92 » 90 87 Table 4. Cultures of iJie isolated. green and colourless chlorophyll corpuscles of the Spongillidae ni various feeding media in light and in darkness; their cornposltion examined hy means of microscopic preparations (pag. 12, i). The manner in which these cultures were obtained and kept, as well as the composition of the media, is mentioned on pag. 9 — 12. 193 In the tables A — D is indicated: a. The n'' of each culture, h. The species (sp. = Spongilla ; ep. = Ephydatia) the culture lias been taken from. c. The date of the beginning. d. The nature of the culture- medium (last column), e. The composition of the culture from the first day till as long as it was kept; so column 1 indicates bv -}-, O, or — wether in the culture the green substance (n.b. exclu- sively that of the green chlorophyll corpuscles, not that of otlier algae wliich might the present) is increased, i^emained the same or decrea- sed; column 2 wether in the culture occurs a strong (-[-), a small ( — ) or no (n) ') infection of algae (a.), bacteria (b.), diatoms (d.) or of mould (m.); column 3 indicates the number of the gi'een chloropbyll corpuscles present in the whole (microscopic) preparation ; column 4 the number of tlie green stages of division of tliose corpuscles; column 5 the number of the ,,colourless chlorojdiyll corpuscles witli struc- ture" (p. 42); column 6 the number of the ,,colourless chlorophyll corpuscles witliout structure" („vague shades" excluded) — again always the number present in the whole microscopic preparation, consequently, present in an almost equal volume of each culture. As for the mode of stating these numbers as well as for the meaning of the symbols I — XII, see pag. 13 — 15. All data concerning one culture are united in one horizontal line. Next indicates: an asterisk to a n" (eg. 69*) that the culture orginated in a colourless sponge, a zero to a n" (eg. 84°) the culture originated in a green one; in all other cases the cultures of green corpuscles were taken from green sponges, that of colovu'less corpuscles from colourless ones; dr. means that the cliorophyll corpuscles are degenerate, p. that they have grown pale; while c. denotes that there occur centra of growth of green corpuscles. All cultiires are mentioned. To one series belong the following numbers (put together in parenthesis) — therefore these may be compared directly — : (37, 43), (65, 66, 72), (68,69), (80, 81), (84— 87), (91, 92), (113—120), (124—129), (141—142), (145—148), (188—198), (199—204), (240—242), (.309-316), (319—321). The cultures n« 72 and 86 were in the inorganic solution I of pag. 10; n" 114,118,125, 128 in tlie inorganic solution II; n" 87, 141, 142, 146—148 in tlie diluted organic solution III; n" 115, 119, 126, 129 in the concen- trated organic solution II; n" 188 — 195 and 199 — 204 in the concen- trated organic solution I; all mentioned on pag. 10 — 11. The feeding me- dia of the other cultures are indicated in the tables (conf. pag. 10 — 11). As these culttu-es sliould inform us, if and undei- whicli circiini- 1) mentioned in special cases oiily. 13 194 stances green and colourless chlorophyll corpuscles pass into each other (pag. 37 — 41) — for we will try to explain in this way, why green sponges occur in light and colom^less ones in darkness, and why green sponges grow colourless in darkness and colourless ones grow green in liglit (pag. 35) — ; and as we can see from Table 8, that in general a green sponge must be in darkness for at least a nionth in order to grow alraost colourless — during which period its number of green corpuscles strongly decreases, that of the colourless ones strongly increases — and that a colourless sponge must be in light for at least a month in order to grow somewhat green — during which period its number of green corpuscles strongly increases and that of the colourless ones increases a little — ; we should observe 01U' cultures of the corpuscles for more than a month. From the tables 4 A — D results (see also p. 37 — 44) : 7. The isolated green chlorophyll corpuscles, when cultivated in light or darkness in all kinds of feeding media, remain normal (green for instance) and alive for months, and multiply l)y normally green descendants. ?. The green corpuscles multiply more rapidly in light than in dark- ness (pag. 55). 3. In general tlie number of isolated colourless chlorophyll corpuscles in the cultures does not increase, but even decreases under all cir- cumstances raentioned sub i; the corpuscles disappear from the culture and never pass into the green form. 4. When the green corpuscles decrease in number, the colourless ones increase; so the lirst ones probably pass into the latter (wliile these disappear after some time). >. Bacteria do not seem to harm the green corpuscles; but mould, diatoras and algae make them grow colourless (n" 84!) (which colourless corpuscles disappear). rr Tabi.k 4 A. ■"■' ° lil. ■opliyll "T usc es n 1 gil . _ _ - immedintuly Hfler V4 moiitli alter Vï Kiontli nflcr '/j riionlb afler Vi month after 'U mooth af^er 1 mooth aöer i\ month after IVs month artci- 3 months after 2i/a months «fter 3Vj months aflcr i'li months after 51/4 months after Gl/j months after 8 inoutlis after 9 moiilhs M S d«lo |l2 3 t ' 0 I 2 3 i 5 0 1 2 3 i 5 c 112(3 i 5,6 1 2 3 i 5 6 I i2[3 4 5 C 1 2 3 .1 ". I-. 1 5 ü ' ,', 5 0 1 n 3 4UJ6 \ 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 ^ 1 2 3 4 5' ü 1,2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 G 1 2 3 4 5 C 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 III, Vil X 4- XII I . s. X X - , X VII . . +-rdl .,.,. -Id.l Xll vil 'I — d:'.. IV 1 ~ - • • i • . (15 ,|.. 11. VIN + :S XII _ . XII . XII VII V . . . , d. X |vi V ■ ■ • 1 ■ tlH' r ' " V VII X .tit VI I . ^ . VIII . I + + IX VII V . . .:.;... 1 . ■ i • ' ■ ■ • + 1 XIlIX I . ! . ■ 1 ■ . Si - -27 VIII XII vn I I 4-! . XII VII i!. . ' . ' . ' . - d. IX' . X ' I Jln . X I . ü* v : . XII d^ IV xn X IV Vil d^a. 1 I . .).■.!. . 117' 11, \l ,T, 1», 1 + b. X II II V VI VIII ■ + + XII VII III 1 . 1 , + ' + . +1 b. XII vil I ■ + - VII IV V b.ni. Xdr IX VII 11 . - + in.n. + vil I VII IV Xll I VII 1 m^a. x'ii Vlll Vil ik .1. cultures iD watur m .p. 0, Vil X VI IX X VI V VII + X V II XII Vil IV ni XII IV ■.m . ! y. vin X III VI + XII VII IV IV 1 . 1 . . ' . , - XII III I VIII ;, :iiii . X III VI *1- XII VIII V VI . 1 . .. . - Xll 1 1 III . :in . 1 X III' VI + . xiilvni IV IV ■ '. . . '1 ■ . - I 1 I 1 'AVI . X III VI + 1 . , XII ' VII; VI 1 ■!■■ . 1 . ■ ■ . ■ . ■ - 1 1 1 VI 'rl ■1., II, VIII ■ + c. + + XII VII I . + . XII 1 . 1 ,fii VII , + — d.0. X VI 111 d^a. VII 1 I dl I I I cultures in u; . ' Oi S 1 X 1 11 ' M ■ -!■■•!■ 0 . + . VII , VI ■ ■ + . X VII vil a. IX IV VIII Vlll + V VII ; inorgnn. feed, sol. \i\ .■|. I!l 1 . , .,.,. 1 . . . . j . + + X VI III 1 11 + d.n. IV VII X _ . _ cultures in dihited IIH II . V iVlIl 1 II V Vil 1 • 111 V VII . i. I II II . . . ! urgaii. fcyd. sol. 11". -11, , 11, XI . 1 . X 1 1 11 M + , 1 m. X IV I VII ■ ,' + ü,, 1 . . ni. IV . , VII . i . ■ + In. 1 1 1 . . .!. 188 > 1 10. ni ■ i ■ X injin' VI in. VIII vul ■ _ I . IV X , i . 1 . + m. I VII IX 11 I IV VII 1- CODCGDtr. m ■ . '. X ni|iii VI + ■n. , , _ + Rl. III V IX ,,,.!.. .'.'. i + m. 1 V Vil ^ I 1 111 VI _ orgnn. f...-,i. Sl.l. l'.HI N 1 VI tn. X IV VII - 111.; IX III IV| IX + I 11 11 1. 1 tm «1', i (1. XI X , II VI ; 1 : .i.j. .i. . . - , , X II , .1. m. IV I I t- cultures m dilutcd 81I' . '27. Vlll ' VII IX . . IV . ' 1 . .1. ;i V VI ■ ■j ■ _J • spongo- li<[iiid. :n<., -!■. 7 VIII X II IV VII . .I.i. 11 1. .V 1 1 11 1 0 . X 1 . h s <— cultur<^s in ronceutr. :oi • \ II IV VII , ,1. . .|. 1» Il XIII 0 . xii V- ■'■ - ■ 1 siionge- liquid. Tablk 4B. üreen hlorc phyll co (luscles in darkness * immcdiatvlf nllcr '/* rdontli alter 'ƒ> inonlli ulier Vl monlli aftel- V3 mODth after >/, moüth alter 1 moath aftel' VU nioath .ifter !■;. month after 2 moDths after 2Vi inoDths after 3Vj montlis after i'/, montlis after .^'/i munths after BVi months after 8 montlis aftel' 9 montbs j- 1 1 SIS 1 4 '5 C ! t 1 1 1 12 3 4 5 fi 1 2 3 4=10 1 2 3 4 5 C 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 l| s 3 i 5 6 1 2! 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 li 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 , 6 1 2'3 4 5 6 I 2 3 4 5 6 ' 2 3 4 5 1 6 B9' 85 117 1-ir, Mi air. 310 . ■>■! VII ,j.. 11. vm . ! 27. vin 0. XI ,■1. lÜ. I «1.. 9. VIII . V XII X 11 X X X X VII I 1 I I I VII I II V III III III 111 X VI VIII VI VI VI VI 0 + 0 + + .IX . ... .IV . I 1 V . ixii Vl' I ! . + . jXIl VU II IV + + . + . vil . ' I : . 1 ' ■ 1 ■ + + + + + . VII XU V IX V . 1 . XU UI XlIiUI XllillI XU I I III I I I I III IV + ■ XU V I ■ . + d.n. d. XII XII XU Vtl V ni I I 1 I I X 1 ■ VU XII lil ■ UI I I ■ IX xn VI V ■ I IV I . d7a. ' 1 ■ . i . ' ' '. " 1 [ . 1 . VU • Kil V III V ■ I V I m. VI XII IV IV VII I IV II I V UI ■ XII V I I + + m. [ m. VU X X VI VII XII X II V IV I I I I U III III v . 1 . UI VI III VIII 1 V iii'viu 1 ' II I I III e. X V V V cultures Id wat'T 8li f]: '27. VIII ilR . 0, XI t. XII X VII VU IV I II II VI X 0 ■ ■ 1 ■ . IV . 11 IX -t- XU V I - + + + XII XII IX .V VI I 1 I I I II;: ■ ■ 1 . — xn _ xn v vu I UI 1 I I .j . 1 . I I - IX UI V I I I V UI IV I I - I VII V IV uil III I uil V ■ cultures ÏQ inuigan. feed. sol. S7 SIP. iiT-YIll Mi 0],. 19. 1 XII II VII I V vin ■ : 1 xiilvi I 1 . . j . . ', . 0 1 . X II IV V IV VII :i:j: ■ 1 ■ 1 • ■ ■ . .. ■ IX I +ï XII II ■ +? IX XII II I II V VII . xn VI 1 I + xn II " IV I IV II X V I I X vil 1 vil .i. c vil . X n V V ' ■ " 1 ' ■ ' ■ i ' fultiireï ÏQ diluied organ. feed, sol. II'-' s|i. ü, XI 1111 . 10. 111 Illi , ' t. X X X X X X III III III III III II III III III III III VI VI VI VI VI VI . 1 . . . t . ■ m. IX II X + + tn. + m. D. m. X I ■ + m. + m. IX IX IX X IX I I I I III III III I I 7 V V vu VII . ^ • ■ . + m. V IV ' + m. + ■1- m. + b.m + b.m dl. II VI vu VII VII VIII ? IV I IV IV I III H II I I . ■ ■ + b. + m. t. f v5ii VÏI vïii • I I I I III I I I 1 IV I I II ■ • ' ■ ■ • . } ■ . cultures in conceDtr. organ. feed. sol. l-^f' -1-. Ij. XI iw - ■ 10. lil l',t7 „ WW . j. X X X X I II III 'lil iiriii lil lil 1 VI VI VI VI • . r . IX IV UI VU n. n. n. . VII . vil Vil I I 111 III III IV V IV V vu III I ■ + + VII VIll VIII VII UI UI II II II I II I [ vil I IX I I II I I I I I I ï j ■ • i ■ ! • cultuies IQ diluted sjionge- li.imd 240 ep. j 3. VI S41 [ , ! , 24-J , ;*i!l - j 7. VIII ]■ vil VI VI X X IV IV IV V II V V V VI u VIII vin vin IX vil '1 ■ " • 1 • +? B. VI . a. VI +! iTl V t' a.[l'x vil II II II VI III 111- V- ir I p 111- IV- 0 + b. IX I I II ■ _ VI VI VI IX I I II 111 V II" IV= II- 111= VII= VU- IV- VI- + VI VI 'V IX XI I 11= II I I 11= IIIIIll- I ir IV= 111= v= m' u- . - • . i- : cultures jQ concentr. sp>Dge- liquid ■r.iut 4c. Colüur ess cliloro pliy 1 corpuscle sf. liglil. „. 1' da.e iminodialiily iifloi 1/4 luonlli aller '/, moath .ilU'i' Vi mtintli after Vj nioutli after ^/j montli after 1 montli srter l'/t moDth after 1»/, month afler 2 nioDths after 2i/, months afler S'/, montli!' aftiïi' 41/j months after 5'/« months after GJ/, months aftel- 8 months after 9 months I -J :: /. '. 1 ü 1 ^2'3 U .5 |6 1 2 .1 4 .', 1-, , ■• :i 4 5|c 12,3 4 5 0 l!2 3 ^ 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 G 1 2 •i 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 = U 1 2 3 4 5|6 1 „ 3 4 15 0 i 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 3 4:5,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3|4 5 « 1 a 3|4 5 6 1 2 3 45e (iS .|,. II. VIM ™ . 20. VIII M . -n. ïiii K-, . 1: XI 1.17 .11, 19. I si' .|, -r, viii li:i , f,, XI .j. v|.|v„:x . 1 . VI: . VII X II. II VII IX , . VII IV II X . . Il . JV jVlU . . XII VII I 1 l'. XI II M . tvi . . VII \' -4- . XII 't' VII I II 1 1 VI VI + + VI XII IV VII II ■ III + ' VIII VII I III ' V + + IX VI V l 11 IX II X 4- d. 11 ■ IV X + + + + i + b. XII V V Xll 1 — ' X VII I II XII I ,11 I ■ ■ + + c. IV VII IV XI! V X + b.ni IV XJf IX VII Vil II 1 d.0. ■ 4- m.» 1 VII VII IV XII VII . xii VIII VII ■ ■ IX i' . ■ cultures in mit* r 1'js ^|i. 1), XI 111 . f. \I . . viiivlii ; X . ' S I II M , y . ■ ; ■ 1 0 . 1 ■ ' i ' ' ' IV II 11 ■ , ^ 4- a. VII VII I VI VI ' + : V X VII II vil II ■ . t. 'ix IV ■ Vin Vlll + n. V vil ^- ■ cultures in ïDorgan. feed. sol. ll.S r). I'J 1 II V MII II . |V 'vil ■ •l- ' _ III V VII ■1"- 1 . II II ■ 1 ■ i r cultures in diluted organ. feed. sol. lï.i -!■. i; XI I'.n i'|p. Hl, III 'JIMl . ■jnl , IW >li. IHll , vn II II II X X X IV III III III 11 1 X VI vin VI VIII VI VIII III VI i III ; VI III VI • . • lil. in. + ni. ni. + + ni. in. IV VIII X IV VII IV X ■ VII - + + I I I I III dr IX III V V V IV V IV VI VI VI X IX- IX ■ ' + I . VI ■ ■ ■ ■ b.m + b. + UI. + m. + m. + m. 1 I 1 VII V 11 1 I I IX Vil II . ' II 1 1 I IV III VII VI ■ • \ i _ . i, cultures iu coocentr. oi-gan. fced. sol. KI ■!.. 2-. VIII Iliï . ' C, XI :i:: 1 vii: IX II ' VI IV 1 + a. V VI X I ■ ,;;. IV I 1 ^ ' cultures in diluted spüiige-lii|uid. 'Ml .,,, ; 7. VIII . . X . . X II llVjVllI ii!iv!viii . . . ' 0 0 + X X I I I II I : 0 0 X I '1 I I I V- : : 1 ■i' ■ 1 . ■ : : 1 _ culture^ in conceoti'. spoDge-liquid. Tau i; 411. Cololirless chloro phy 1 corpi scles in dai-ki ess immediati-ly aftcr V» monlli alter Vi month afler '/j monlh aftcr V) moath after *ƒ« month arter 1 moDth aftel' IV, month after l'/j month after 2 montbs after 2'/j monlhs after 37, inonths after 4i/i raonths after b'lt inonths lifter G^/j inonllia after s munths after 9 months 1 1 2 3 . 4 ; .'. [ Cl 1 s .,*;5|ö 12 3 4 5 G 1 2 ■■! '• .i C 1 2 .S ■', i, (i 1 , 2 1 3 1 4 5 1 0 1 2 j 3 4 5 0 i 2 3 _L 5 0 ,|2J3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 c 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 •2 3 4 [ 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 i!2 3 4 5 j 6 1 1 S 3 4 5 16 1 2 3 '4 5 1. 91 , ~n -1. H.Vlll 20. Vlll 27. Vin 6. XI 19.1 Il VII ■ ■ V V 11 vil 11 IV IV vil X Vil! X vil IX Il X V Vlll vil X IV IV V VI I ' V II . 1 VI l\ VI VII. -i- VII 1 . IV II IV VI III V 1- IX V lil . ■ 1 ' . ' . 1 . . . II . vn ' i " 11: VI V I IV . V . I l'' VI VI I " V III I I IV II III ■ . I . I UI 1 ■ !■ !l j 'i V ciiltiiies in w;.tyr ;!;ri;r I-J-, -i. Il, XI 1 IVIl IV 11 1 X i , .1 1 , 'i' TIT iV II l-\ + IX I I ■|- r ' ■ V 111 I I 111 1 I VI r i V I illl V iiioi'^na. fi-eó- sol. uo «].. 10. 1 11 V Iviii 11 V Vil ■ 1 ■ 1 ! II V vil II 1 II ■ 1 ■ • . 1 • j .\.: cultuies in dildted ni-an- fft-il. f.il. 120 202 203 2fii ■]'■ op. ^1' CXI 10.111 * Vil II II II X IV III 1 II X VI vin viiviii VI Vlll III VI • ■ . 1 . 1 . m IV II] X 11. X II 1? , V vil 1 • - I VI III. X I 1 Vil ) ' ■ + m. I IV VI ■ ■ + m. + ni.b. I I Vil IV ' . + b. VÏI I I . ■ ■ ■ ... 1 . 1 1 1 conecnir. urg.it). fced -o\ i 1 88 IW 197" •!•■ 27. Vlll 10. 111 • II X X X 111 III III vil lil 111 III IX VI VI VI 11 1 . 1 . ( 1 n . VII 1 lil jll v'll 1 IV V VII lil IV V 1 1 . ) - ' . ■ 1 ■ . ■ ■ + + vïn VIII VII ■ III II II Vil I IX I I II I I I ■ ■'■ . 1 . ■ N"-'i'P'"-'i'l'i'd :'2i', . : 7. vni vil Vil X X IV, V Vlll IV V Vlll V VII IX 11 IV MM U. VI; 11 V III +! Z V 1 11 ir IV- t; 11. IX III I 1 ■ 1 t (1 t). IX I I II ■ VII VI IX I i IV- Il i 11= III V lil" VU" IV= VI= . . +! VI IX XI II I III I 11= III- 11- III" v= 111= ir ■ ■ 1 ' ' ' :i:|::m: ■ r ciiliiires lil oi.nn-entr, 195 Tablk 5. The iransition of ifiolated green cliloropjiyll corpusclcs of Uu; Spongillidae info llic sticcessive eolourless stages^ brought about under various ciirumstaiu'f's eithei' iii ciiltiii-ps (conf. Tal)le 4) ()i"'in vaseline pre- parations (pag. l^, J), and studied )\y stating the ininiber of the various chlorophyll corpuscles present in a microscopie preparation (pag. 13-14). In the table is' indicated: a. The n" of each culture orof each [irepa- ration. h. The species (s. = Spongilla; e. = P^plivdatia) froni \vhich the corpuscles were taken. r. The date of the examination. (L AVethcr the corpuscles were kept in light (1.) or in darkness (d.). e. The nuin- ber of the various corjjuscles stated : sub 1 tliat of the green ones, sub 2 that of the ,, eolourless ones with clearly rnarked out structure" (p. 42), sub 3 that of the ,, eolourless ones with shade of structure", sub 4 that of tlie ,, eolourless ones without structure", and sub 5 that of the ,,vague shades of eolourless ones" without structure. In the last column is nientioned,'wether these data concern a culture or a vase- line preparation and under what special circumstances it was. As for the meaning of I — XII, see pag. 14; and for the discussion, see pag. 43, II ; p. indicates that tlie green corpuscles have grown pale. m li I. no O CL. date or d. 1 2 3 4 5 37 10. VII 1. X culture 17. Yll Xll I I 21. VII X X diatom-iiifect. 31. VIII XII I I 68 s. 19. IX I. XII I I vas. prep. P- 6.x XII p. I I 1 in bright 30.x II p. X X Xll dayligbt. 15. XII VI X 25.1 I III IX XII 14. IV I I 111 XII 3. VI I I I XII 25. VIII I I 1 X 3. XII I I I IX 20.11 I I 1 Vlll 84 s. 2.ÏX 21. IX I. XII IX I X I I I culture, diatorn- 6.x Vp. xii infcction. 28.x IV XII X 10. XI IV VII I 1 11. XII I I 1 I 851. s. 28. V 1. X 1 V V culture, alga ; 1.VII 1 VIlI IV Vlll and diatom- 4. VIII I VII 1 VII infect. 94 s. 9. IX I. XII I I prep. 3I' in 1 21. IX vip. X il damp at 83°. i t 26. IX (lo.str. destr. 196 n» m 'o date 1. or d. 1 2 3 4 5 95 s. 11. IX 1. XII I I I 1 vas. prep. 17. IX XII p. I I I in bright 19. IX VI p. XII daylight. 6.x I XII I I 2. XI I XII I 15. XII XII 25.1 I VII IX X 14. IV I V [I IX 3. VI I I I X H3 s. 11. XII 1. XII I I I culture, 21.1 IX II transitory 17. III VII XII VII alga and 25. V XII IX mouldinfect. 21.11 I I I I 114 s. 21. 1 1. X V I culture, alga 18. III IX V III VIII infection. 25. V V V 21.11 I I 141 e. 24. III 1. X I II culture, alga 27. V IV V II X and diatom 21.11 I I I infect. 146 e. 19.1 d. II A I VIII culture, 24. III II V VII normal. 28. V II I II 149 e. l.III 1- XII I I vas. prep. 3. VI I X X 3. XII I II XII 20.11 I I XII 188 s. 10. III 1. X II I VI culture, 26. III VIII VII large in f. 30. III I IV X of mould. 15. VII II IV VII 189 s. 10.111 1. X III VI culture, 30. III III V IX large inf. 15. VII I II I VI of mould. 197 1. no 'o a, UI date or d. 1 2 3 1 4 5 190 S. 10. III 1. X 1 III VI cult., smal- 20. III X IV VII ler inf. of 30. III IX IV IX mould,later- 1. VI I II 1 II on larger. 194 S. 10. III d. X I ll VI cult., very 26. III X I I I srnall inf. of 31. III X I I VII 1110 11 ld, later- 10. VII VII p. I I I on large. 269 s. 24. VI 1. X -\ "^ X vas. pre]). 6. VII X I V IX 21. VII X I IV VIII 2. IX X I V I VIII 3. XII lip. II VII X VIII 272 s. 24. VI I. X 7 T X vas. prep. 6. VII X I I VII 21. VII X I II VII 2. IX X I I I VII 3. XII Xp. II III VI V 275 s. 24. VI d. X ■< ï X vas. prep. 21. VII X I IV VII 2. IX X I V I VIII 3. XII Xp. 1 III V VII 20.11 Xp. I III III VIII 277 s. 24. VI d. X A J X vas. prep. 2. IX X I V I VIII 3. XII Xp. I III V VI 281 s. 24. VI 1. V A r XI vas. prep. 2. IX 11 I I I VIII 287 s. 24. VI d. V \ r XI vas. prep. 2. IX II VII I VII 290 s. 9. VII 1. X V VII IX culture, 12. VII X III V VII nor mal. 17. VII X I I II 31. VII XII IV I III 24. VIII XII I I I 198 o o- 290 a. 290 b. 290 c. 290 e. 290 f. 290 k. 290 n. 290 291 307 1. s. date 7. VIT 31. VII 2. IX 7. VII 31. VII 2. IX 7. VII 31. VII 2. IX 7. vn 2. IX 7. VII 2-. IX 17. VII 2. IX 4. XII 4. VIII 3. IX 5.x 4. XII 20.11 4. VIII 3. IX 5. X 4. XII 20.11 7. VII 9. VII 12. VII 21. VII 21. II 3. TX 5.x 3. XII 20.11 28. VIII I. or d. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Xp. I XII X IX p. . I I XII X Xp. Xp. Xp. IV IV VI VI I XII 1 I I IV II I IV II II IV I I IV I IV I I I VII VII I I I VII VII III I V V I II I I lil 1 VI I I VI I II VI IV I VI I VI I I I VII VII VII V I VII VII VII IV VII VII IV III 1 I VII VII II II IX V I IX VI I IX IV I IX I IX VI II III X XI XII XII III X XI VII VII X VIII VI V III V XII XII XII XII VII VI V VIII VIII III vas. prep. vas. prep. vas. prep. vas. prep. vas. prep. vas. prep. in briglit daylight. vas. prep. in sunlight. vas. prep. in sunlight. culture, normal. VII VII vas. prep. in sunlight. 199 1. n" 0) te date or d. 1 2 3 4 5 308 S. 3. IX 1. XII I I I 1 vas. prep. 1. 5.x I I III XII in sunlight. 3. XII I I VI I XII 20.11 I I I IV VIII 318 S. 7. VIII I. X III III VI vas. pi'ep. 3li 5.x I I I X at 83°. Tarlk 6. The mniihcr of Ihc. rarious giweil end coloiirh^ss clilo- rapln/ll corpuscles present in < = S 5^<;5<<<^l^^jjjj^kj,^i^h^(«,i*<:r^i*^.^;j-i^ xxxxxxxxx -s<53-S-£;S-x;5^ <; -< ^ 5 r ^ ;S 5 S -5 t: o 3 g »o ta 13 o n 3 O 3 E 3 O - =^ tissue of brancli-bases and of erusts: full-grown. the 20 together: i-ol. I. :(!. Il + l.III + 2. IV + 5. V + 4. VI + 2. Vil col. 2. : 15. 1 + 3. II col. 3. : 2. II + 3. V + 9. VI + 4. VII + 2. VIII col. 4. ; 2.IX + 4. X + 8.XI + 6. XII tissue of branch-tops; vigorously growing. the 15 together: col.1. : l.III + 1. IV + 2. V + 4. VI + 0. Vil + 1. VIll cnl.2. : 12. 1 + 2. II + I.IV col. 3. : l.III + 3. IV + 5. V + 5. VI + I.VII col. 4. : 2. VIll + 12. IX + l.XII tissue of very young sponge-disks (2 — 5 m.M. diametei'); vigorously growing. the 11 together: col.1. : 4.II+2. 111 + 1. V + 3. VI + I.VII col. 2. : 9. 1 col. 3. : 1. III + 5. V + 3. VI + 2. Vil col. 4. : I.VII + 4. VIll + 2. IX 201 Tablk 6 B • Spongillae green ones from darkness culourless: ones from light O i. 01- 1 2 3 4 ^ i. 1 01- I 2 'A 4 s n. 2 n. vil i. X I IV. IX VII i. VI I V XI VII VII n X IX I II IV IV X IX tissue of bases and crusts. VII Vil n n VI VII I I V IV X IX tissue of bases and crusts. VII )) X I V X VII n VII II IV IX VII n VIII II III VI 11 VII n VI I IV IX VII n VIII I V VIII VII n V I IV IX Taüm. 6C Ephydatiae. green ones colourless ones ^ i. i. a o or 4 2 3 4 0 or 1 2 3 4 s n. r^ n. II i. IX V IV IX II i. III I VI X II n X VI III VIII t—t II ri V I VI IX > II n X VII III VIII H- 1 II n IV I VI X II n X VI III VII M S + XI n V I VII IX + II y^ X VI IV VIII lÓ P> ^ XI )) VI IV VI VII > II n X VI III VII + ^^ '^• XI » 11 I VII IX + ^ Xil n. XII V 1 • II ■n III 11 VI IX co t + X XII II i. XII VIII V VI 1 III VII 1 C-^ O II II II II I I V VI VIII VIII II II II IX XII X VI VII VJI VI V V VIII VII VIII + ^ ^i + X + + s ■": -^ > ^ s K • '^ S 00 11 II VII 51 ■n II I I I I I VII VI VI X IX IX • • = :• - + II IX VII V VIII ë VII 1 T VI IX ë 2 s^ • II V XII VII VI VII + "^ lO 4. CD bO + + +I II n X Vil V VII o 4J K- S ^ ;> 0 +3 ^ ^. > > II r> XI vil V VII o IM •^ 'T* O-X (X) 03 iH co ^ T- T- II n X V V vil o T^ c4 co vt 0 -T-' G-T 'CO '^ II n iX VI VI VII] 4J "o "o "o "o 0 0 ü 0 4J "o "o "o "o ü u 0 o VI 7) Xil li VI Vlli VI M XI III vil IX 202 Table 7. The ca-plut'c of f/rccii rhlovophyll corpuscles hy colour- lesn Sj>ongillae front n diluted simpension (in water) of ^uch corpuscles i^olated ft'oin a green sponge. Some equal cylindrical glass vessels were fiUed with 3 L. of water from the conduit; then a same quantity of the material, pressed out froin a green Spongilla, was added to each vessel of one series; so all vessels looked equally grayish. This suspension always proved to contain green chlorophyll corpuscles only, no other algae. Next an equally large piece of colourless Spongilla was placed in each vessel of the series, except in one, and all vessels exposed to light or kept in darkness. Sometimes also an equally large piece of colourless Spon- gilla was put into a vessel füled with water froni the conduit only, and exposed to the same conditions. In the tables is indicated: a. The degree of troubling of tlie culture suspension (-|-4~ + -|- = "^'^U niuch troubled; ü = clear). b. The colour of the sponge. c. The presence (-f-) or absence (0) of oscular- tubes. These data are given tbr several days. The chief series have been nientioned. As for the discussion, see pag. 28, 49; for the con- tinuation of the experiments, see Table 8. Table 7 A. in liglit; volume sponge 10 cIVP; 9 — VI — '15. n" 244 245 246 247 248 251 contents of vessel suspens. + sponge suspens. + sponge suspens. + sponge suspens. + sponge suspens. + sponge suspens. degr. of troub. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ^st col. of spong, osc. tub. colourless colourless colourless colourless colourless day degr. of ti'oub. + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + col. of spong. soinewhat greenish the gi'eater greenish entirely 2'1 greenish- part light- green light-green day osc. tub. + 0 + + + 0 .+ + + + degr. of troub. + + + + + + + 0 + + + 0 + + + + col. of spong. somewhat gieenish the greater greenish entirely Si day greenish part light- green light-green osc. tub. 0 0 + + + 0 + + + Table 7B. in light; \ 203 olume sponge 7 cM', 11— VI- '15. n« 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 contents of vessel sus])ens. suspens. + sponge suspens. + sponge suspens. + sponge suspens. + sponge suspens. + sponge conduit- water + sponge degr. of troub. col. of spong. osc. tub. + + + + + + + + colourless + + + + colourless + + + + colourless + + + + colourless 4- + + + colourless 0 colourless day degr. of troub. cöl. of spong. osc. tub. + + + + + + 2/5 Hght- green 0 + + V. ligbt- green 0 + + + somewhat green ish 0 + 3/5 light- green + + + + V2 liglit- green ü 0 colourless + + 2'! day degr. of troub. col. of spong. osc. tub. + + + + + V2 light- green 0 + 3/4 light- green 0 + + '/2 light- green 0 0 'U light- green 0 + V2 light- green 0 0 colourless + 4th day T.\BLE 7 C. in darkness; volume sponge 3 cM'; 24 — VJII — '15. no 325 326 327 328 contents of vessel suspens. suspens. + sponge suspens. + sponge conduit-water + sponge degr. of troub. col. of spong. osc. tub. + + + + + + + + colourless + + 4- + + + + colourless + 0 colourless Ist day degr. of troub. col. of spong. osc. tub. + + + + + + Vi liglit-green + + -f Vi light-green + 4- + 0 colourless 4- 2'! day degr. of troub. col. of spong. osc. tub. + + + + 0 Vi light-green + + + + 4- Vi light-green 4- + + 0 colourless 41 h day 204 Table 8. (kdturea of green and eoloiirless Spongillidae in ligltt or in darknest^ in aquaria filled ivitJi floiving water from the conduit ; white tlie colour of the sponges and the nuniher of the various green and, colourless cldoroj^hyll corpuscles in the tissues changes or remains constant. Generally of each sponge some pieces were cultivated in light and some otlier ones under equal circunistances in darkness; sucli pieces of one sponge are indicated in the tables witli one n", adding l. or d., event. I and II, to it. These cultures, of course, may be compared directly. The colour, and generally also tlie number of the various chlorophyll corpuscles in the tissues of eacli sponge (- piece) was exactly examined (pag. 13 — 15) at the beginning as well as at the end of the experiment. Mostly the material of the branch-tops was well discerned from that of the bi'anch-bases (see Table 6 A). The cultures took place, as mentioned, in aquaria with flowing water from the conduit or sometimes in glass vessels with 3 L. of the same (hut not flowing) water. As for the arrangement, see pag, 8 — 9, The cultures were kept till tlie sponges began to die or to reduce their tissue ; Spongillae usually after about 1 month, Ephydatiae after about 2 months. In this way the factors of import, (export), reduction and growth (p, 49 — 53) were excluded as much as possible in these experiments ; while as only active factors remained multiplication and mortality (pag. 54 — 62), That import was excluded foUows from the fact that the sponges were Cultivated in water from the conduit. The export is, as stated above, an uncertain but probably not important factor, The reduction, as mentioned, was excluded by putting a stop to the experiments, as soon as it appeared; while, moreover, a continual vigorous circulation of fresh water through the aquaria tried to limit its tronbling con- secjuences as much as possiJjle (p. 53). Had these measures been not entirely sufficiënt (which cannot be decided), one may consider, how- ever, safely that the reduction will have eqiially influenced all expe- riments of one series. The factor of growth, of course, can never be entirely excluded; but in these experiments it was generally but very weak only (p. 53). In the table is indicated: a. The n" of each experiment, h. The species of the sponge piece (s. = Spongilla; e, = Ephydatia). c, Whe- ther the piece was cultivated in an aquarium (a.) or in a glass vessel (v,), d. The date of the examination. e. Whether the examined mate- rial was taken from a branch-t()|) (t.) or from a branch-base (b.). /'. Wheter the sponge, at the moment of examination, was in good condition (g.) — showing no or but few reduction — , or that more '3 '£ :; i- - .. •é ."; ir E l^ P P c .^ p 5i .- 1 3 ■s •s - 3 1 ? ? ï* ? ? !» % ra n ? ' p s» „ s« » co » M .» - « .« ?= i- - -= .. 1 i 5" < < p ? P p p p » p ? 5 < < ■< P -; •; ? < ^ p p P ? ts 5 r \o f,1 < < !2g p P 1^ *H' P i: <; ^ r !'S3 ? w> to 3 '^ < " Jjl P >1 ^'l «g w o P <: ^ X X 50 o» p tO UI C5 ^ X X ::; X X X X to s :^ g X X ^ Co P.£ po S* |S |3 w ^ p. < < < < to < 'cSgp ;< < 1^ 0 p p *- ■< < < :^ < X <1 X - ■ < - X X -- - ■ < ta =i >< ^ X < ^ X :< t=: "^ >5 j:^ X > 'S-» i » » • i "2-' i 1 1 5 S p_ 2.^ 2.^ 2.jf_2.p_2. ° — ^ — ? — 5 S -■ = ° €. -. i. =Eo3'§ii ==03 '1= ==oa°ïi 3=0= 'I| 3g03lS'| ?, s, g 3«2?-? i^s^y ia,if-p èiif? =!i?f '5 ' 2. ' :i 1 6 1 'S p i s 1 '2 .= i S 3 «. p •^ 5 i '•? .= -^ s i "^ ? 1 - i -f i ^ i ™ -1 i ^ i 'i t i -• i B 1 1 ^ i « 1 1 ^ i ^4 B " n tra "■ k 00 " '- = ï n = n ;, ^ r" ~' r -i r i r ^ ~ 3 .3 .3 „3^,3, 15 3 rS=^' X «XX22- 1= g= -^S S X S X s 5 ■ -x ■ XX X li S"''^' < « ?' /' P :" p P u PBKPpSMp pp pp f r^ ? 21. VUl 16. IX 21. VIU IG. IX 21. Vlll 16. IX SS p!S se SS SS Sg Sg 3g ^2 ^ i ^ £ 55 55 55 5*! < < M pr w ie to p w S p cc r- 5555 5555 555 — p tO te *. ^ — P W ;« A. *. 55*'''5'^ 552"^55 Ut to p UI tS p P e 5' p B er p p- p- . . . . - . =r - ^ p. ^ ;^ .'* . r r . .~ r ■ ■ ■ ■ jr . - p- . • «1 ■ ,x5x . < ,5 ■^. >: -^ 2= S5 ■ • =55 S5^^< E5 =H • .< S S = ■ ^ ■ ^ = = 10 E:^ M 3 SS sa ■ • 2 ïïs Sx gs XX xr; . 5 g 2 ^ ■ X ■ X " <; ^ "- "- H a 5 a !^ S a- ö- a a 3 3 3 3 M ^. 1-H n M ■ tp • lo t^ SÏ^ ?^ ?^ S^ ?^ ?^ ?l^ ?^ ?ïS •f*':^ ï^r ^P pp ■^ ^ ^S ^"^ - ;5 "^ '^ - ;5 2« ^^ ^^ 5:5 ^;5 « *^ ^^ ^^ ~ p" F*?" ?'F' F"?" ?*?" P*?" P'P" P"P" P"?" P*?* F"?* P"?" ?*?* P" P" 33 en o m 00 to . ,g -Sg <32 "05 era Cn I • I ; (jq ^ oq CR crq cw 35 iq 05 r^ (jq era qq aq ao qq CR qq oq f OQTqcrq cnTqoq CRcnirq I • I 1 • I 1 ■ I I ■ > I ^< X Sö" 5S iS 3S ;3g c3g SS 3ïS S{§ SS 5E2 Sg $'ê -;3 ;5£ £ £ S;3 2"^ S"^ '^'^ *'** i^*' *''' ^5 00 C0 ^J ^ ^ " |S p pi )S3g ^ ü3 *- o- o- er c- 03 05' 05. ^ ï CR = ré re 05 5 o ré oq' 1=-^ 2. £. n 2 OQ 5" CR m 2 2 OP — o § ^ I ^ 05 3- -t re re M -t _" ds §" 2 OQ 09 ?-xi 2- o — o § ° 05 i^ — re era o H M M M -f- + 205 rednction (r.), or some dyin^ (-j-) coiild l^e ol)serve(l. r/. AVliolliei- tlie sponge had grown very weakly ( — ), rathei' well (-{-) ov vigorously (-[--[-). //. The colour of tlie sponge; for which I shall make use of the following expressions, indicating the green colour witli decreasing intensity: dark green > green > light-green > yellow-green > liglit yellow-green > greenish > colourless. /. The number of tlie various chlorophyll corpuscles present in the tissues: sub 1 that of the green ones, sub 2 tliat of the ,, colourless ones with structure" (p. 42), sub 3 tliat of the ,, colourless ones without structure" (,,vague shades" excluded); always the number present in the whole microscopic pre- paration, so in an almost equal volume of each sponge. As for the meaning of I — XII, see pag. 14, j. The type to which the sponge proved to belong during the experiment; in type I the green colour, therefore also the number of green chlorophyll corpuscles, increases; in type III the green colour and the number of green corpuscles decrease; in type II the green colour remains constant as well as the number of green corpuscles, or the green colour or the number of green corpuscles changes a little by increase or decrease; in the last case but one we may speak of a type IF; in the last one of a type IP". All experiments are mentioned; those belonging to one series are placed together in one space. As for tlie discussion, see pag. 58 — 66. In this table has also been registered the behaviour of some colour- less sponges, which had first been for some time in a suspension of green chlorophyll corpuscles, which, therefore, had been purposely infected with those corpuscles (see Table 7); viz. n" 246, 248, 254— 256 etc. For the discussion of these results, see p. 28, 50. 206 Tabi.e 9. Tlie intenslly of nndtiplication of the green chloropJiyll corpuscies of S2Jongilla in ligïit, ivhen cultivated in sponge-tissue ar in water r)i a iveak or in a strong concentration of tlte corpuscles. Of a green Spongilla a piece was cultivated in an aquarium (p. 8 — 9), while two cultures of green chlorophyll corpuscles in water were made of the remaining parts (p. 9), one containing the corpluscles in a weak concentration tlie other in a strong one. The sponge and the cultures were kept at about the same tempei\ature. In all of them the number of the stages of division per 100 green corpuscles was daily examined ■ — sometimes even several times a day — . A darker green rim was soon formed in tlie cultures to the membrane on the bottom (p. 40) — ■ the usual way in which the multiplication of the material is lirst recognized. Of course the chlorophyll corpuscles were in a stronger concentration in this rim than somewhere else in the membrane. In tlie tables is indicated : a. The date and the hour of the exami- nation. h. The then stated number of tlie stages of division per 100 green corpuscles in tlie green sponge as well as in the cultures in water, in the membrane and in the rim, in strong and in weak concentration of the corpuscles ( — means no rim ; -|- rim present). One day the concentration of the green corpuscles in the sponge and in the cultures was closely examined and compared. As for the method used, see p. 81. We shall call this concentration in a dark green sponge or in a dark green membrane: strong (s.); that in a yellow-green to light-green sponge or membrane: moderate (m.); and that in a greenish sponge or membrane : weak (w.). From the tables results: 1 Periodicity in the multiplication does not occur (p. 54). 9 The weaker the concentration of the corpuscles present in a culture the higher is their intensity of multiplication (p. 55). 3 In strong concentration the intensity of multiplication in water and in sponge tissue are equal (p. 82). 4 The culture may be destroyed quickly when infected by protozoa (j). 79). 207 Table 9 A. NO 373. (hitc liiiiir water from cond uit rcmarlis. green sponge ^ rong conc. weak conc. 1' ini memb, rim memb. 24. VI 0 2G. 2. ]). 111. 4 0 , 0 27. 2. „ 4 0 , 0 28. 4. „ 3 0 2 29. 11. a. ni. 3 0 2 30. , , , , , 1. Vil 11. „ 3 0 + 8.5 6.5 ~ 2. 12. m. 5 0 16 , 3. 0. p. m. 9 2 6.5 , ■ 4. , , , , , 5. 5. 1, 2 8.5 15 20 6. 2. „ 4 ( f 6.5 13 15 7. 10. a. m. 2 9 16 35 8. II. „ 2 i 8.5 16.5 31 11 6. p. ni. . . . 32 9. 10. a. m. 1 ( 5 22 30 lü. 10. „ 1 :: 12.5 29 32 11. 2. |). 111. 4 t ).5 16 24 31 12. G. „ 0 1 13 5.5 39 13. 0. „ , , , 39 14. 0. 1, 2 i 6.5 0 30 15. 12. n. , , , 39 n 4. a. ni. , , 33 ■n e. „ . . 45 V 8, „ . . . 30 16. i. p. m. 2 ( ) 14.5 16 29 17. 0. 1, . , , , 39 23. 11. a. m. J 28 25 30 -^- concentr. 20. , s. 3. m. rn.+ w. 30. 10. a. m. 1 20 13 29 2 - 5.3 13 17 33 average since 6. VII 208 Table 9 B. NO 389. date hour green sponge water fr oin lak e remarks. strong conc. weak conc. riiii Tnemb. rim memb. 20. VII 1 _ 2 30. il. a. ni. 1 1 — 0 31. . . , 1. VIII 10. „ 0 0 6.5 10.5 2. 10. „ 0 1 2 7.5 3. 10. „ 1 1 7.5 18 4. 9. „ 3 0 12.5 19 5. 9. „ 1 1 '20 18 6. , , . , , 7. 3. p. m. 2 1 4 12.5 -<- coucentr. 1) , s. m.+ in. w. 8. , . , , , 9. 7. p. m. 0 0 — 10.5*) *) infect. of '10. 12. n. 0 0 17 protoz., niembr. )i 4. a. m. 0 0 10 disappring. » 8. „ 0 1 14 ,) 12. m. 0 0 11.5 l-I. 9. )). m. 2 1 4 •18. 10. a. m. 1 7.5 5+) -}-) membr. + disappred. 0.8 1 9 12 average since 1. VIII Table 10. The i7ttensity of multipltcati(yn of the green clüowphyll corpiiHclc^ of ihe SpongüUdae and the ioitü inerease or decrease of tlie ii'lioJc nvnihcr of green eorpicscles^ lohen culiivated in sponge-thsue or in water ^ in Jiglit or in darkness. Generally of eacli sponge a piece was cnltivated in an aquarium in light and anotlier one under equal circumstances in darkness (p. 8); such pieces of one sponge are indieated in the tables with the same n". All tliese sponges have been mentioned already in Table 8 on account of the changing of theii' colour and tiieir aniount of various chloro- phyll corpiiscles. As stated there, the factors of import, (export), reduc- -^ 10 10 co 10 10 -_0 lO 10 10 w 00 ^ o 4s> co ê ÏD ï^ co co co 10 X «>-> ^.>.,. V 3 ^'+3 ï«3 ^EnjSS^aa |Sa « 3^3 , . ■, a a 3 2 a' ^ 3 a 3 a a » a ^ a a « M>>>H ■/•• concentr. at beginniug 5. III 21. IV 19. VI 28. VII aaaaaaaaaaaaa ^ aa«a33333a33aa < <; ^ 3 a a a *^ a , , . a i ^ r a)OOb0.^o.*o ^ 3 ? • =■ ^ » « a to €! S"' i ^ t 'ir ' ra " CO 0 W SSSg ? ??..... + + + ooo 1 1 1 CO OOOOOO-'O-^OOOO- ooooooooooou 3 . - - a g ..... ^ * to g- 1 =Ti 7?i 1 1 1 ?? o' ' 1 lo'ooi loo' ' , 1 1 1 1 =1 1 1 1 1 + i 1 1 , , 1 ??o 1 M M 00. II .... 1 i 1 1 co TT a — ^J O M) -^ — 1 « — — CO 0 09 »'8| =.,=«< a 3 ja » .» 3 ?■• ^ ^ ^ ==■ 5 " "^ g =:=■ w 1 3 1' ? ■+? o o o o (-. + + + + •=* Tl 1 ???? II -0 -j o oo to p to tn "O 1» 1 3 - a - - a a |a 1 1 0 w 3 i333jaa3a3a33a=.J433cer of green stages of divi- sion and the nnmher of eolovrless corpvsrh's trithovl strneture pre- sent in il ie ciilliire^. In the chief experiment fn» 290) several other cultures have been rnatje of one original culture, on two diflerent moments. These new cultures ai-e indicated in the tables by braces proceeding from the original culture. All these cultures were frojn time to time microsco- pically examined as to oildrops etc. (pag. 13—15). The observations concerning a same culture are united in the table by short lines. The num- bers joined to the braces and lines indicate the time (in months) between the two observations; 1. means culture in light, d. culture in darkness. For each observation is mentioned: sub 1 the number of the green chlorophyll corpuscles, sub 2 that of the green stages of divi- sion, sub 3 that of the colourless corpuscles witliout structure, sub 4 that of tlie green ones containing an oildrop, sub 5 that of the free oildrops; always the üumber present in the whole microscopic prepara- tion. As for the meaning of I— XII, see pag. 14—15; as for the discussion, pag. 86 — 87. Table 12. The nnniher of oildrops per amoehoctjte in the tissues in different stages of development (conf. Table 6) of green Spongil- lidae front lig ld and in colonrless ones front darkness (may be also from light); microscopically examined by means of ravel preparations from newly captured living sponges (p, 12 — 15). For Spongilla these observations are given in 4groups(conf. Table 6), viz. for the tissue of 7. branch-topsi?. branch-bases 5. different gemmule stages 1 sponge-disks; for Ephydatia only for full-grown tissue (Table 6). In the tables is indicated: a. the month of the examination. h.The number then stated : in column 1 the (average) number of oildrops per amoebocyte, in col. 2 the number of the green chlorophyll corpuscles, in col. 3 that of the green corpuscles containing an oildrop, in col. 4 tliat of the colourless ones without structure; in the last 3 cases the number present in the whole microscopic preparation. On each hori- zontal line the data concerning one sponge piece are given; sub 5 tho analyses of different pieces of a same sponge are indicated by the same letters. Finally for eacli tissue group the data, concerning all analyzed sponges together, are composed; this composition sim- plihes of course tlie mutual comparison of the results of the different groiips. As for the meaning of I — XII, see pag. 14; as for the dis- cussioii, pag. 85, 87-89. Table 11. n" i 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 ■ 4 5 i 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 fl-i X IV VIII X VII -i X III V X VII _1 X III VII X VII -3 XII VII X X -2i XII 1 VII X V 1-i X VI VIII X III -i X III VI X III — i X III VI IX III -3 X Vil IX IV -2i X I VII X IV 290 X V IX VII II 1-f X Ivii VIIl X II -i X lll IV X III — i X I V X III — 3 X VII X VII -2^i! X I VII X 111 1. „ d| X III -i IV X IV — 1 X 1 I IX III — 3 X III X III -1l~ X I 111 IX III 1 1 Id.è X III -4 V X IV — 1 X III VI IX VI — 3 X III X Vil •-2Ï X I III, IX, IV ¥ 1-1 XII VIIl IV IV XII III I XII IV — 3 :x I III X IX -2i X X IV i 1 !•* XI VI X IX — -1 X I I X IX — 3 X I IX IX -2i IV IV IV ' X V II 1 X IX 1-1 1.^ X X l I X X IX IX — 1 IX VIU IX IX — 3 — 3 X X I X IX IX IX i 1 1 i-i X IV X IX — i VIII VI -3 1 I X IX -2i I I X X 1; Y bi X V X IX - 1 VII vil — 3 X vil IX jiXII VI) III II I IV IV XII IV VIIIIII j 309 X VI 1 vil IXj i--i ■ xn VII IV vil IV -0 XII III VllI XI VI : i 1 310;; X VI VII IX 1-1 xirviii' VI vil IV — 6 XII 1 III XI X \ 31 li' X VI VII IX i.-l !XII VIIl IV VII V — 6 I I I I III i 1 312 j X VI VII IX i-f XII, V VI X IV -6 I I VI I V 313:' X I JVI j VII IX d.-f XII UI I XI IV 1-6 VI VI vil V ' 314J X I jVIj VII IX XII| III jIII XI III -6 VII VIIl III 315jj X VI VII IX d.-i jxii III I XI V — 6 XII I V XI X - 316 X VI VJI IX d--| XII I IV XI IV — 6 X I VII] vil vil 210 Tabi.f. 12. Spongillae. green ones from light colourless ones from flarkness Spongillae. gieen ones from liglit colourless ones from darkness Vil VIII VI IX IV IV IV IV VI Vil VI VII VI XII XII XII XII XII XII XII X XII XII X XII VII VII VII VII VII VIII VII VIII VIII VIII IX VII VII + % + +1= s VI VI IX VI IV IV IV IV IV VII VII VII VI VI IV VI Vlll VI vin VII i VII Ivi IV VII VIII VI VI VI IX IX VI VI iVlIl Vlll IV IV VII vil XII X XII X X IX X XI X X X vil X IX X X IX VIII X VIII X X X V X X X X X X X IX X IX X VII VIII VIII VIII VIII Vlll VIII IX VIII X IX IX X X bD r- b*; I + +Z X £; > c?i CT i-^ g^ — (N m •* VII + t> « E + x •* + s + + X f*^ ^ IC VIII IX , to 4: -TH (M ?0 'ïl' IX IV IV IV IV IV VI X VIII VI VII X VI VII VII VII VII VIII VI VI VII IV III IV IX III IV VII VII VIII VII VII IX X VI VIII X IX X IX IV IV IX IX Vlll XII IX IX IX IX X IX IX X 'i + X ^.+ + > - VIII IX XI XII XII XI XII XII XI XII XI 2 1=1 co S 3 'o "o "o *^ tj> ü i:j <:j + X + . A « tm o oa > >>x _; ^ -^ ló "^ ^ - fc ■< ++++ C8 o o o c '^ o -^j u XI IV VII XII XII X X X X X XI X VII VII III VII X VIII IV IV IV IV X X IX IX IX IX X X X X XII I IX IX VII VII X X ' young gemm. ■ olcler gemm. > old gemm. newly gcrmiii. gemm. later later XI IV still later VIII VI VII XII XII V IV VIII XII XII XII XII X young gemm. old gemm. newly germin. gemm. later still later VII VII Vil VII VI ' sponge-dislis VII XII IV IV VII IV VIII Vlll VIII VII IX spongc-disks Epiiydatiae. green ones 11 VIII ^ Vll „ IV „ VII „ VIII „ Vll „ IV „ IV „ VI I) IV 1) IV IV V n VI n VI „ VI n VI X X X X IX X VIII IX xu X IX XII XI XI X x X X X IX X VIII IX XII X IX X IX IX IX VII VIII VII VIII VII IX VIII VII VIII VII VIII VIII VIII IX IX VIII colourless ones o o ^XX + + + ^" X 5 • "^ co . T^ + X X „^a,co .C+ + + + + tO ^ S E P -H £ !> K- l> 2 iri T^ T-' -* rd I CT CO ^ O o o o VI IV IV IV IV IV VI IV VI IV VI IV IX Vlll VI VII IV X IV V IV V III VI VII III lil II II II V III III II V IX X IX IX VIII VIII X IX VIII VIII X XII XII XI XI X t: + - X + 5 + +t •"• o . . . A . c^ co -* 211 Table 13. The preaoice of a lipase i)t the iissiie of Sj>o)if/illit. In order to prove tliis presence I first made a sufficiënt quantitv of pure emulsion of fat (oildrops) from the sponge tissue, in ti)e following way: A living Spongilla (green or colourless; or geramulae) is rubbed and pressed, the parts of the skeleton removed; then tlie pressed out hquid is centrifuged for about 5 minutes, by which a tliick niass (of sponge cells and chhjro})liYll corpuscles) sinks to the bottom and the Hquid remains. Tlie kitter contains numerous oildrops (and, niay be, chlorophyll corpuscles). Next this liquid is evaporated at 60°; tlie residue extracted by etlier; the ether then fdtered and evaporated too. Then )-emains a substance of vaseline-like consistence, sticky, with a strong sniell, nielting when warm and then forrning a lasting greasy spot on paper, indissolu1)le in water, but dissoluble in ether and xylol, stained red witli sudan III and black with osmic acid. Consequently this substance is fat. By boiling in water it becomes an emulsion again, containing the same oildrops we originally i)ro- ceeded from. (Besides, tliis boiling is necessary to destroy all traces of enzymes, that might still be present.) I shall call this boiled liquid ,, emulsion". Next another living sponge is rubbed and pressed, etc, etc. (see above); while the liquid, i'emaining after centrifuging, is kept. This will contain the lipase, at least when it is present in sponge tissue. This li(iuid I shall call „enzynie". As one knows, tlie lipase splits the lat by hydrolysis into its com- ponent parts: the glycerine and the acids. It is the arising of the latter we have to sliow in our experiments; in the following way: A certain quantity of ,,enzyme" and „emulsion" are mixed; to this we add one drop of the indicator phenolphthaleine — being red in alkaline milieu, but colourless in an acid one — and such a small quantity of an (alkaline) Na^ CO3 solution that the whole mixture becomes light-red. The acids, then, set free from the „emulsion" by the lipase will make the red colour disappear. In order to get a pure result it is necessary, however, that in this mixture no acids arise in another way than by the hydrolysis due to the lipase; or at least that we reckon with it, if it proves to be the case. 3 Series of experiments (I, II and III) were made at the same time, in which the following substances were mixed: I. 15 drops of „enzyme" + '2.5 cM* of „emulsion" +1 drop of phenolph. + Na^ CO3 sol. II. 15 drops of „enzyme" -f 2.5 cW of water + 1 drop of phenolph. + Na^ CO3 sol. ÜI. 15 drops of water + 2.5 cM-' of „emulsion" + '1 drop of phenolph. -{- Naj CO3 sol. / 212 Tlie experiments were kept for liours at the same temperature as the room. Meanwhile the colour was accurately examined; while I used the foliowing indications for tlie red tint, arraiiged according to decrea- sing intensity : light-red >• somewhat red > reddish >■ somewhat reddish > colourless. In tlie table we find tlie colour-changings re- gistered; the data concerning one experiment, obtained at the times indicated, are given on one horizontal line. 1 ^ i F— . to w 'S cc tn "O co CO n3 to is r-r 2 - to -o "^ - oj a> m 03 P -S 03 03 « 1—1 '"' ^ T! ^ ^ ^ ^ 'u 3 - . <-■ 1 O ^ "O j ^ T 3 P p P *> P ^ "o ^ "o . — c > 03 -3 bc & o (U Ü U 03 Ü F^ ^ ^ s a S " o o o co to Wl g a d P :;:;:: :: ji p p p PhPPPPPPP ■^-" co rH|N ri co Xi 1^ to ï-1 co ^ ^ ^ ? ^ ï 'O .- .- .- co '■^ ^ -r :^ -G ^ T3 -a 03 - 03 -|J 0/ 03 to _ ' "^ 03 03 — — ' c3 f" ^ o 1? 'T! ■ -i i-i 1— 1 1— ( j_" Ih ^ ^ 03 03 03 03 D-;;r.rrp' a^pfr a.ppppppp O-PPPPPPP !«! X x X 03 Cj 03 03 Table 14. water of canal water of lake water from conduit 1 green sponge colourl. spoDge remarks green sponge colourl. sponge remarks green sponge colourl. sponge remarks oildr. glob. I oildr. glob. I oildr. glob. 1 oildr. glob. I oildr. glob. I oildr. glob. I. 1 2 i 2 i 2 i 2 1 2 1 2 i 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 i 2 1 2 IX IX IX IX IX IX s. IX. 1 day in aq. IX X IX IX X IX s. IX. i day in aq. X X s. IX. reduct. ? li month in aq. VII VII VIII VIII IX VIII IV XII VII XII s. VI. 1 day in aq. VI IV VII VI VI VI VI vm VII vil X IX VII IX X X X IX s. VI. 1 day in aq. VI VII X X IV VI XII XII e. VI. i day in aq. IV VII Vlll VIII X IX X X e. VI. I day in aq. VI IX VII X XII XII XII XII X XII XII XII s. VIII. not in aq. IX VI X VIII XII XII XII XII VI X XII XII s. VIII. not in aq. VI VIII X XII X XII X XII Vlll X XI XII X XII X XI s. VIII. no reduct. 1 month in aq. VIII IV XII VIII X X X X IX X XII XII X X X XII s. VIII. no reduct. 5 days in aq. IX IV IV XII VIII VII XII X X XII XII XII s. IX. no reduct. J month in aq. 1 IV VII VII VI IX VIII X XII XII X XII xn s. IX. no i-cduct. 1 month in aq. 213 I sliould inention that the colours of I^, II^ and IIIj were absolutely equal at the beginning of the experiment; this was also the case in I3 — I,,, II3, II4, III3 and III j as well as in I,., — 1,5, II-, 11^, III5 and Illg. The experiments I3 etc, II3 etc. and III3 etc. contained other ,,enzyme" and ,,emulsion" than the preceding ones. In the first place we see from the table, that the ,, blind" experi- mental series II and III lose indeed more or less their red colour. Consequently, acids are set free in these. In II one might ascribe this to liydrolysis due to tlie lipase, for this mixture must have also contained some (few) oildrops. But in III no lipase can have been present at all; nevertheless the fat is hydrolyzed — probably by means of the alkali — (or the red colour diminishes by the entrance of COj from the air). The expei'iments of series I, liowever, prove to lose their red colour sooner than those of II and III. One might be inclined to explain this by tlie combined inüuences, which were acting separately in II and III. But that would not be exact, as is shown in the second and in the last group of experiments. Still another factor must have been acting. That must be the hydrolysis of the fat by the lipase. But this lipase does not seem to be very active here; although it is ditfi- cult to give a decision. Table 14. Th^ Huinher of oildrops mid of' glohules, tolticli eau he stained (hrovm) hy 7, present in choanocytes in comparison to that in anwehocytes^ in green and coJourless Spongillidae taken from ivater of tlte lake, from water of the canal and from that of the conduit ; microscopically examined by means of ravel preparations (p. 12 — 15) of sponge tissue. I examined green Spongillae (s.) and Ephydatiae (e.) from light and colourless ones from darkness. The (average) number of oildrops (oildr.) and of globules which can be stained by I (glob. I) wasalways stated in the same volume of amoebocytes (sub 1) and of choanocytes (sub 2). As for the meaning of I — XII, see pag. 14. In the column ,,remarks" is mentioned: the. species of the sponge; the month of the examination; whether the sponges, after their capture from the lake or the canal, had been in water from the conduit (aq.) before they were examined, and for how many time; and whether sponge- reduction had occurred. All experiments are mentioned. As for the discussion, see pag. 90 — 93. 214 Table 15. The numher of amoebocytes, containing food-vacuoles, present in the (ravel) preparation (p. 7t^ — 15) of green and colour- less Spongülidae (hefore, and after they Jiave heen cultivated in aquaria) froni light and- from darkness, in tissues in different stages of developynent (conf. Tahle 6). Immediat.ely after the capture of green Spongillae from light and colourless ones from darkness their brancli-tops and branch-bases were examined as for their amount of amoebocytes containing food- vacuoles; of Ephydatiae only the fuU-grown tissue was studied (conf. Table 6). After some weeks' culture in water from the conduit in light or in darkness this examination was repeated, tlien, only for fuU-grown tissue. Generally of each sponge a piece was cultivated in light and another one under equal circumstances in darkness. As for the meaning of I — XII , see p. 14. The total number of amoe- bocytes present in the preparation was always very nurnerous (XI). In the table is indicated: a. The n" of the experiment, h. The date of the examination. c. The then stated number of amoebocytes con- taining vacuoles present in the preparation of a branch-top (t.) or a branch-base (b.), for cultures in light or in darkness; viz. on the 1^' line the number immediately after the capture (so at the beginning of the experiment) and on the 2'"! the number at the end. Finally for each tissue group the data, concerning all analyzed sponges together, are composed. All observations are mentioned, The green Ephydatiae came from tlie light, the colourless ones from darkness or from the liglit. As for the discussion, see pag. 94. 215 Table 15 A. Spongillae. green ones from light colourless ones from darkness cultures in cultures in light darkness light darkness no date t. b. t. b. nO date t. b. t. b. 292 23. VII VI I I IV 298 25. VII Vil IX IV IV 17. VIII VII IX '10 VII 1 IX IX 293 23. VII I VII I VII 299 26. VII III III IV IV 17. VIII VII VII 16. VIII IX VII 294 24. VII 1 VI ' III IX 19. VIII X IX VIII 1 - 367 22. VI VI 11. VII VII .VII N a 23. VII III VI i 23. VII II b III III ,i III VII c VI k VI d VII 1 IV IX e IV VI m IV vil f 51 III vil n VI IV g III VI 0 ,, VIII vil] h „ [IV III P VI VIII together; results of newly captured sponges lops : 4.1 + 5. III + 2. IV + 1. VI tops : 1. II + 2. III + 4. IV + 3. VI + + 1. VII + 1. VIII bases : bases : 1.1 + 2. III + 1. IV + 6. VI + + 4. Vil + 1. VIII + 1. IX 1. III + 3. IV + 2. VII + 2. VIII+ 2. IX 216 Table 15 B. Ephydatiae. green ones colourless ones cultures in cultures in liglit darkness light darkness n" date t. 1 b. t. b. 11" dato t. b. t. b. 333 23.11 III III 336 24.-1 1 IV IV I.V VII IV I.V V IV 334 • 23.11 III V .337 24.11 IV IV 30. IV VII IV 7. V IV IV 3.39 25.11 III IV 338 24.11 IV IV 24. IV VII X 8.V IV IV 340 25.11 IV III .341-2 25.11 IV ! IV 23. IV III III 30. IV VII IV 343-4 26.11 IV V 345-6 26.11 IV .V 30. IV IV VII 30. IV IV IV 348 26.11 IV .347 26.11 IV 8.V ' X 7.V IV 3661 21. VI IV IV 365 1 20. VI III III 12. VII IV IV 10. VII IV VII 36611 21. VI III IV 365 II 20. VI III IV 13. VII VII IV 10. VII VI VII together; results of newly c aptured sponges 6.111 + 7. IV + 2. V 3. III + 11. IV + I.V ILLUSTRATIONS. EXPLA.NATION OF PLATES n" I— VI. Fo)- clearness' sake many figures have been drawn more or less dia- grammatkally from nature. For each object (.„symbioiic" alga, flagellated chambei\ etc), however, at least one illustration true to nature lias always heen given. Fig. 1. Living green Spongillae lacustr. in water (natural size). The sponge- crust cannot be seen. As for the discussion, see p. 15—16. Fig. 2. Living colourless Spongillae lacustr. (natural size) in water, show- ing oscular tubes. The sponge-crust cannot be seen. See p. 15 — 16. Fig. 3. Living Spongilla growing on coverglass (magnif. 4 tiraes). i. = old centre; 2. = newly formed membrane. See p. 12 — 13. Fig. 4. Isolated living amoebocyte of Spongilla grown on coverglass (magnif. ± 1000 times). nu. = nucleus; gr. alg. = green chlorophyll cor- puscles. See p. 17, 175. Fig. 5. Living green chlorophyll corpuscle of Spongillides (= „symbiotic"' alga). Magnif. ± 6600 times. ch.p. = chloroplast; odr. = oildrop. See p. 24 — 25. Figs. 6 — 11. Plasmolysis in the „symbiotic" algae of Spongillidae. The hea- vily dotted portion represents the chloroplast; the slightly dotted one the protoplasm. See p. 26. Figs. 12 — 31. Different stages of the living green „symbiotic" algae of Spon- gillidae. Figs. 16—22, 25—29, 31 stages of division. The dotted portion represents the chloroplast. See p. 24, 30—33. Figs. 32 — 34. Plural stages of division of the green „symbiotic" algae of Spongillidae. The dotted portion represents the chloroplast. See p. 33. Figs. 35 — 37. Colourless stages of the „symbiotic" algae of Spongillidae. Fig. 35 represents a „colourless alga with clear structure" ; Fig. 36 a „colourless one with shade of structure"; Fig. 37 a ,, colourless one without structure". See p. 36, 42. Figs. 38 — 42. Green „symbiotic" algae of Spongillidae lulled, and stained by methylene-blue or haematoxyline. In Fig. 38 and 39 the oildrops have been stained. See pag. 25 — 26. Figs. 43 — 45. Filamentous algae infecting Ephydatia (magnif. ± 350 times). See p. 117. Figs. 46 — 52. Unicellular alga' infecting Ephydatia (magnif. + 800 times). The dotted portion repi'esents the chloroplast. See p. 117. 218 Fig. 53. Diagraminatic representation of a section of the body wall of Spon- gilla (with few alterations after Delage and Hérot-ard). cnli. = conukis; p. = ostia; os. = osculuin; ox.t. = oscular tube; ects. = ectosome; cv. hij. = subdermal cavity; en. inh. = incurrent canal; cn.exh. = excurrent canal ; c/^s. = parenchyma ; the arrows indicate the direction of the water current. See p. 119 — 120. Fig. 54. Fiagellated chambers and surroundings in Spongilla. fl. ch. = flagellated chamber; inc. can. = incurrent canal; exc. can. = excurrent canal. Magnif. ih 130 times. The arrows indicate the direction of the water current. See p. 120. Fig. 55. Section of a flagellated chamber of Spongilla (magnif. + 1600 times), after Vosmaer and Pekelharing, ap. = apopyle. See p. 120. Fig. 56. Successive stages of the flagellar movement of an isolated choa- nocyte. The cell body is still connected with several other choa- nocytes, the collar is entirely retracted. The arrows indicate the direction of the water current, the dots floating particles; the moment of observation is given in each case; a. immediately after isolatiou; in e. the flagellum bas finally come to rest. Magnif. rb 1770 times. See p. 126—127. Fig. 57. As Fig. 56. The collar is partly retracted. a. immedately after isolation; in c. the flagellum lias come to rest; in d. — e. a (new) period of weak motion began again, which is fmished in /". Magnif. ± 1770 times. See p. 128. Fig. 58. Successive stages of the flagellar movement of a number of cho- anocytes still joined within a part of a flagellated chamber, observed in a i"avel preparation. The collars are entirely retracted. a. im-mediately after isolation, in c. the flagella have finally come to rest. Cnf. Figs. 56—57. See p. 128, 132. Fig. 59. Intact tlagellated chamber of living Spongilla grown on cover- glass; the flagella in the normal spiral- or undulating-niotion. The collars are fuUy expanded. ch.l. = choanocytic layer; odr. = oildrops. Magnif. ± 1430 times. See p. 130 — 131. Figs. 60 — 62. Representation of flagellum and collar seen on top; in Fig. 60 the tlagellum stops, in Fig. 01 it is in spiral-motion, in Fig. 62 in flat undulating-motion. See p. 131 — 132. Fig. 63. Diagrammatic representation of the water current inside a flagel- lated chamber of Spongilla. pr.p. = prosopyle; ap.p. = apopyle; the arrows indicate the direction of the current; + and — refer to the water pressure. See p. 132 — 134. Fig. 64. Semi-diagrammatic rei)resentation of a chamber, the flagella of which are beating with the tops outside the apopyle. ch. l. = choanocytic layer. See p. 135 — 136. Fig. 65. The dill'erent ways of capturing (food-)particles within a flagel- lated chamber of Spongilla (diagrammatic). The prosopyles have not been drawn, nor the separate cells of the choanocytic layer (c/l. l.). The way taken by the particles is indicated by dots. a. and b. show the capturing between the bodies of the choano- cytes; c. the capturing between the collars; d. the capturing at the bases of the collars, See p. 143—145. 219 4 Fig. 66. The capture of (food-)particles witliin a flagellated chamber with 2 pi'osopyles, viz. between the bases of the collars of the choano- cytes (semi-diagrammatic). The way taken by the particles is indicated by dots. Tlie separate cells of the choanacytic layer (ch.l.) have not been drawn; the layer contains numerous particles w'hich have been captured. Magnif. ± 1000 times. See p. 143 — 146. Figs. 67—68. The capture of a carmine grain between 3 collars (Fig. 67), and the descending of the grain along a collar to the base (Fig. 68, 1 — 2) (semi-diagraminalic). See p. 145. Fig. 69. A flagellated chamber and its surroundings in a living green Spon- gilla grown on coverglass (magnif. ± 800 times). gr. alg. = green .,symbiotic" algae; cl. alg. = colourless „symbiotic" algae; ch. l. = choanocytic layer; mesgl. = mesogloea; ai)i. = amoebocyte; nu. = nucleus; vac. = food vacuole; odr. = oildrops. By 1 — 2 — 3 is represented the ejection of „symbiotic" algae by the choano- cytic layer into the mesogloea. See p. 16, 147, 174. Fig. 70. Two carmine grains (a. and b.) ejected from a choanocytic layer (ch. l.) into a parenchymal tissue-bridge (semi-diagrammatic). In I the original condition is given; in II grain o. was ejected and moved on (i — 2 — 3—4 — 5), in III grain h. ejected and moved on {i— 2— 3-4-5— 6—1). See p. 147. Fig. 71. The spreading of carmine from a flagellated chamber through the mesogloea into the amoebocytes. ca. = carmine grains and conglomerates ; the other indications as in Fig. 69. Magnif. ± 800 times. See p. 147—148, 174. Fig. 72. The layer of apparently undiiferentiated flowing plasma {pi. l.) situated outside and against the base of the choanocytes {ch. l.); an oildrop is moved on slowly (i — 2—3). See p. 151 — 154. Fig. 73. Semi-diagrammatic representation of a flagellated chamber with the layer of flowing protoplasm (pLl.) lying against the choano- cytes at the side of the incurrent canal. The choanocytic layer (ch. l.) has been drawn -as one vvhole; it lodges numerous captured carmine particles. Similar particles are carried along in the plasmic layer (i — 2 — 3) to a deposit place, from where now and then a large (fecal) conglomerate is ejected. Magnif. + 1000 times. See p. 151—154, 166—168. Fig. 74. Three flagellated chambers and incurrent canal {can.)\ layer of flowing plasma against the base of the choanocytes at the side of the canal; tissue ., bridge" bent through the canal (semi-diagram- matic). The figure represents the transport of carmine in the plasmic layer (a—fe-c) and in the „bridge" (/— 2— 3—4— .5). c/(. /. = choa- nocytic layer; ca. = carmine (grains and conglomerates) which has been captured. See p. 151 — 154. Fig. 75. The capture {2) and the carrying aside (3—4) of a coarse (food-) partiele, that remained sticking in the prosopyle (1 — 2), by means of the layer of flowing protoplasm (pi. l.). The figure is semi- diagrammatic. The separate cells of the choanocytic layer (ch. l.) have not been drawn; the layer contains numerous particles which have been captured. Magnif. + 1000 times. See p. 152. 220 Fig. 7ü. The defecation and excretion by a vacuole situated in the canal wall. The small circles represent green «symbiotic" algae. Mag- nif. ± 400 times. See p. 163—164. Fig. 77. The protruding and withdrawing of a defecation (and excretion) vacuole at several canals; in 1. a vacuole has not yet been formed ; in 4. it finally protrudes into the 3"^ canal and bui'sts. Tlie small circles represent green „symbiotic" algae. Magnif. rb 400 times. See p. ie::;— 166. Tijdschnft der Ned. Dierk. Vereen., 2de Serie, Dl. XVII. Van Triot photogr. et del. PI. I. Tijdschrift der Ncd. Dierk. Vereen., 2de Serie, Dl. XVII. JraCj /A. ■'^^ 53 w \ <■'<•?■ cHr. 5 C 7 8 9 10 11 •12 13 14 15 10 17 17 17 18 19 '20 '20 21 '22 00(0)® ® ® 23 '24 25 20 27 98 29 29 29 ,29 ;._ 30 ^31 54 45 M O-) c i'i. ir. 32 33 m 35 30 37 € ^^ ^, ,^. )^ '^ ^«^ 38 39 '/iO 41 42 46 47 -48 52 50 51 49 r 55 Van Tkigt fis. 4—54 del. Tijdschrift dor Ned. Dierk. Vereen., 2dc Serie, Dl. XVII. PI. II[. 59 o./: •■ /O 'sS- O© 60 61 62 Van Trigt del Tijdschrift der Ned. Diurk. Vereen., 2de Serie, Dl. XVII. . 1/ / , / cW. jnafg. .^//: /* »'» " //. * • »» »f!0^. •^' Van Tkigt del. fl'otj). • Jt.sfa 69 i: '/ 66 67 ^ PI. IV. \ 'V è,ir^ ^^^\ ^^ X 70 Tijdsi'hrift rler Nerl. Dierk. Vereen., 2de Serie, Dl. XVII. PI. V. / • •>!.H c-t. mj * *:•• ■ ■qr. aï«- "' Il ' • rtT^tS(kl f p£^. fM Vax Triot del. Tijdschrift der Ned. Dierk. Vereen., 2cle Serie, Dl. XVII. Pl.VI co Van Trigt del. II. VERSLAGEN. GEWONE HUISHOUDELIJKE VERGADERING. Sneek. Hotel de Stad Munster. Zaterdag 29 Juni 1918. 's Avonds halfaclit uur. Aanwezig de Heeren: Sluiter (Voorzitter), de Beaufort van Bem- MELEN, BoscHMA, Ihle, Loman, Redeke, Romijn, Weber en de Dames: Rastert, de Lint, Weber-van Bosse, Wibaut-Isebree Moens. Als gast Mevrouw Redeke-Hoek. » /-, /-v ' Afwezig met kennisgeving de Heeren: van Kampen en A. G. üudemans. De Voorzitter opent de vergadering en heet de leden welkom. Ver- volgens verkrijgt de secretaris het woord voor het uitbrengen van het jaarverslag. Jaarverslag van den secretaris. Het is mij opnieuw een aangename taak aan Uwe vergadering ver- slao- uit te brengen over den toestand onzer Vereeniging, thans over een tijdvak, dat zich uitstrekt van 23 Juni '1917 tot dezen dag. De samenstelling van het Bestuur onderging geen verandering, in de Redactie-Commissie voor het Tijdschrift werd de Heer Loman herkozen. Door den dood ontviel ons in Augustus 1917 van onze leden de Heer Dr H J. Veth, die aan onze Vereeniging 'j, gedeelte van zijn vermogen naliet, welke nalatenschap voorloopig nog met vruchtgebruik bezwaard is. In de vergadering van 29 September 1917 werd door den voorzitter dank gebracht aan den overledene voor zijn milde gave. , , ,, In 1917 hebben 14 dames en heeren voor hun lidmaatschap bedankt en wel de Dames Kleyn, Jonker, Cool, Sabron, Schoneboom, le Vino en de Heeren v. Ameyden, Crèvecoeur, Backhuys Everts, RJSink Heymann, Ootmar en Hammer, zoodat het aantal leden emde 191 / tot 209 daalde In 1918 "traden slechts 7 nieuwe leden tot onze Vereeniging toe tegen 15 in 1917. Deze geringe aanwas staat waarschijnlijk in verband met het feit, dat de Regeering in de laatste jaren geen subsidie meer ver- leent aan de studenten, die het Zoölogisch Station te Helder bezoeken. De nieuw toegetreden leden zijn de Dames: Brouwer, Berghege, ScHiJFSMA, en de Heeren: Reijne, v. d. Woude Venema, Varossieau en Begemann. Onze Vereeniging telt dus thans 209 leden tegenovei 21b ten tijde van de huishoudelijke vergadering in Jum 1917. Er is dus een kleine achteruitgang waar te nemen. tt De vergaderingen werden op de gebruikelijke wijze geliouden. I)e ge- wone huishoudelijke vergadering had 23 Juni 1917 plaats te Oisterwijk in het gebouw der Oisterwijksche Schoolvereeniging, voor dit doel wel- willend door den Hee)" Georgf: Pehk te Oisterwijk tot onze beschikking- gesteld. In deze vergadering werd de Heer Loman herkozen als lid der Commissie van Redactie voor het Tijdschrift. Op den dag dezer verga- dering hield Dr. J. Lorié, uitgenoodigd door liet Bestuur, in het gebouw der Oisterwijksche Schoolvereeniging een voordracht over ,,de Vennen in liet algemeen". Deze voordracht vormde de inleiding tot een welge- slaagde excursie naar de vennen te Oisterwijk, die Zondag 24 Juni onder leiding van de Heeren Dr. J. Lorié en Dr. J. T[i. Oudemans gehouden werd. Alle wetenschappelijke vergaderingen liadden wegens de beperkte treinenloop plaats te Amsterdam in de kleine restauratiezaal van het Koninklijk Zoölogisch Genootscha]) „Natura Ai'tis Magistra", daarvoor ook thans weer welwillend door het Genootschap afgestaan, en wel de Isie vergadering op 29 September 1917, de 1'^^ op 24 November 1917, de S'ie op 26 Januari 1918 en de 4'^« op 27 April 1918. Van het Tijdsclnlft zag aflevering 1 van deel 16 in September 1917 het licht, terwijl een dubl)ele aflevering 2 en 3 deze maand versclieen. De Redactie-Commissie zag zicli in overleg met het Bestuur tot haar leedwezen wegens geldgebrek genoodzaakt alleen die verliandelingen op te nemen, waarvan de auteurs bereid zijn de kosten te dragen van het zetten van den text en het maken der clichés. Om dezelfde reden ging- liet Bestuur, hoewel noode, er toe over de abonnementsprijs op het Tijd- schrift voor de leden van ƒ 3.50 tot /"5. — per deel te verhoogen. Daarna brengt de heer H. C. Redeke het volgende verslag uit: Verslag over den H y d r o b i o 1 o g i s c h e n C u i' s u s. Omtrent den tweeden Hydrobiologischen Cursus, die van 23 — 29 Juni 1918 te Langweer in Friesland werd gehouden, zij het volgende mee- gedeeld. Zeer tot ons leedwezen heeft MejuÜrouw Scholten gemeend als lid der Commissie te moeten bedanken. In haar plaats werd Professor van Bemmelen benoemd, die zich evenwel, na aan de voorbereidingen een werkzaam aandeel, te hebben genomen, jammer genoeg eveneens ge- noopt zag, wegens drukke ambtsbezigheden ontslag te nemen. De Com- missie vond ten slotte Mevrouw Dr. Wibaut-Isebree Moens bereid als lid tot de Commissie toe te treden en de leiding van een der dagen op zich te nemen. Ingevolge hiervan moest het programma eenige wijzi- gingen ondergaan. Voor het praktisch werken werd een geschikte gelegenheid gevonden in de bovenzaal van het liótel der dames Mink, genaamd: ,,Het Wapen van Doniawerstal", terwijl de Heeren D. van der Ley, wethouder en A. Faber, notaris, beiden te Langweer, de Commissie aan zich verplicht hebben, door voorlichting en hulp bij het verkrijgen van de noodige zeilvaartuigen voor de excursies. Daar tijdens den duur van den cursus het drijvend visscherij-laboratorium ,, Meerval" te Langweer gestation- neenl was, kon van de wetenschappelijke en andere hulpmiddelen aan hooi'd bij verschillende gelegenheden i'uimschoots gebruik worden gemaakt. Twaalf dames en heeren hebben zich voor den cursus aangemeld, en wel: de Heer W. Pï. van Seters, phil. docts., 's Gravenhage ; de Heer H. C. Siebers, phil. docts., 's Gravenhage; Mejufl'r. J. Brouwer. Til phil. stiid., 'sGraveiiliage; MejuflV. B. Kaiser, Groningen; MejuÜr. J, VoiGT, pliil. doct'^. Leiden; Mejulïr. Clm. Berkhout, i)liil. cand., 'sGra- venhage; Mejuffr. Greta Jonges, phil. stud., Haarlem; Mejuffr. A. Haga, phil. stud., Groningen; Mejuffr. B. Immink, phil. doet''.. Leiden; Mejuffr. C. R. Bakker, pliil. cand. Leiden; de Heer H. Begeman, phil. cand., Utrecht en de Heer L. G. M. Baas Becking, phil. stud., Utrecht. De laatstgenoemde was evenwel door ongesteldheid verhinderd aan den cursus deel te nemen. Zondagmiddag kwamen de deelnemers te Langweer bijeen en werden er 's avonds door den voorzitter welkom geheeten. Aangezien de Com- missie er niet in geslaagd was, om voor dien avond een spreker over de geologische en de hydrologische gesteldheid der Friesche Meren te vinden, moest de voordracht over het onderzoekingsgebied vervallen. In de plaats daarvan hield Mevrouw Wibaut een inleidende voordracht over zoetwater-sponsen en -bryozoen. Op de volgende dagen werden de verschillende excursies en voor- drachten gehouden, waarbij evenwel tengevolge van het ongunstige weer een paar maal van het oorspronkelijke programma moest worden afge- weken. Maandagmiddag demonstreerde Mevrouw Wibaut het in de buurt van Langweer verzamelde sponsen- en bryozoen-materiaal. De geheele Dinsdag \verd in beslag genomen door de biologische oefeningen en demonstraties onder leiding van Professor Jordan, waarbij 'de deelnemers in twee groepen, ,,pasbeginnenden" en ,, meergevorder- den" werden gesplist. Tot de laatste groep behoorden de dtimes en heeren, die den cursus reeds voor de tweede maal bijwoonden en aan wie in verband daarmede de bewerking van eenige moeilijkere capita selecta was opgedragen. Woensdag was de plankton-dag. Ofschoon de pelagische fauna en flora der Langweerder Wielen lang niet de verscheidenheid van soorten bevatte, als het Heumensche plankton in het vorige jaar, konden toch onder leiding van Mejuflrouw de Lint en Mevrouw W^iraut de voor- naamste bestanddeelen van ons zoetwater-plankton in typische exem- plaren worden vertoond. Des Donderdags hield Dr. Redeke een voordracht over de biologie en systematiek van eenige zoetwatervisschen, welke gevolgd werd door een cursorische bewerking van enkele vertegenwoordigers der Pe reiden en Cypriniden. Den daaropvolgenden, laatsten dag besprak Dr. Romijn aan de hand van een rijk materiaal de systematiek en oekologie der Cladoceren. Ofschoon, zooals reeds gezegd is, het weer niet bovenmate gunstig was, is ook deze cursus over het algemeen toch wel heel geslaagd. Dit is voor een niet gering deel te danken aan het onverstoorbare goede humeur en de opgewektheid der deelnemers en deelneemsters — eigen- schappen, die vaak bij biologen worden aari'getroflfen ! — en voor het overige aan den ijver en de toewijding, waarmede allen zich van de door hen vrijwillig aanvaarde, maar met dat al dikwijls inspannende taak hebben gekweten. Vervolgens doet de penningmeester de volgende Rekening en Ver- antwoording omtrent het door hem in 1917 gevoerde fmantieele beheer. IV Rekening en Verantwoording van den Penningmeester. Ofitvangsten. i. Saldo van 1916, reserve voor de uitgave van het tijdschrift f 1159.81 ^ '2. Contributie der leden 1062.00 Zoölogisch Station 3. Contributie van begunstigers . . 4. Bijdragen van particulieren v. h. Rijkssubsidie Huur der lokalen bij den adviseur in gebruik .... Bijdragen tot tijdelijke uitbreiding van de uitgave van het tijdschrift Terugontvangen voor geleverd Zoölogiscli materiaal Legaten, schenkingen, rente 8. 9. 10. Baten van het Zoölogisch Station 30.00 50.00 1500.00 1500.00 1592.50 446.35 72.62 130.00 f 7543.285 Uitgaven. Rente en aflossing. A. der leening 1889 /" 331.25 B. der leening 1895 «....„ 318.75 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. /■ Exploitatie van het Zoölogisch Station Bibliotheek Onkosten , . Tijdschrift „ 1681.05 650.00 3026.35 233.58 138.40 Verschotten van bestuursleden „ 157.31 Drukwerk „ 147.80 Vergoeding van] woninghuur a/d Directeur v/li Zool. St. ,, 600.00 9. Bijdrage voor het pensioenfonds van het vast personeel van het Zoölogisch Station ,, 100.00 10. Saldo (reserve voor de uitgave van het tijdschrift) . . ., 808.79 ^ f 7543.2^ Deze Rekening en Verantwoording is door de Commissie, bestaande uit de Heeren A. C. Oudemans en W. Warnsinck, onderzocht en goed- gekeurd. De Voorzitter dankt de Commissie en stelt de vergadering- voor de rekening eveneens goed te keuren en den penningmeester onder dankzegging te dechargeeren. Conform dit voorstel wordt besloten. Daarna dient de penningmeester de volgende ontwerp-begrooting in voor het jaar 1919. Begrooting 1919. Ontvangsten. 1. Saldo over 1918 pr. mem. 2. Contributie leden f 1200.— 3. Contributie begunstigers 4. Bijdragen van particulieren voor het Zoölogisch Station 30. 50.— 5. Rijkssubsidie . „ 1500. 6. Huiu' der lokalen bij den adviseur in gebruik 7. Verkoop tijdsclirift . . . 8. Geleverd Zoölogisch materiaal 9. Rente 10. Baten van liet Zoölogisch Station 1500.— „ 300.— „ 80.— „ 70-- f 4731.— Uitgaven. 1. Rente en atlossing. A. Leening 1889 f 31 8.75 B. Leening 1895 „ 306.25 '2. Exploitatie van het Zoölogisch Station 3. Bibliotheek 4. Onkosten 5. Verschotten van bestuursleden . . . . 6. Drukwerk f 625. 2495. 300. 150. 100. 100. 7. Vergoeding van woninghuur aan den Directeur van het Zoölogisch Station 8. Bijdrage pensioenfonds 9. Tijdschrift 10. Onvoorziene uitgaven 'b^ 600. 100. 250. 11. f 4731. Ook deze begrooting wordt door de vergadering goedgekeurd. Hierna brengt de Directeur van het Zoölogisch Station verslag uit over den toestand dezer instelling in 1917. 'D Verslag over den toestand van het Zoölogisch Station in 1917. Mijn verslag over 1917 kan kort zijn, aangezien er in het afgeloopen jaar geenerlei bijzondere gebeurtenissen zijn voorgevallen. Aan het onderhoud van het gebouw werd de noodige zorg besteed. Veel stormschade maakte talrijke herstellingen aan het dak noodzakelijk. De schietschade was in 1917 belangrijk, doch werd als altijd op de meest voorkomende wijze vanwege het Departement van Marine vergoed. Ook werd veel hinder ondervonden door het drukke gerij van zware vrachtautomobielen langs de Buitenhaven. In de kleine vestibule werd een oud windhok w^eggebroken, waardoor een flinke ruimte voor de berging van rijwielen werd verkregen. De inventaris werd op de gebruikelijke wijze aangevuld en uitgebreid o. a. met een dienstrijwiel. In verband met de steeds stijgende prijzen voor alcohol en chemica- liën werd in den aanvang van het jaar van beide een extra-voorraad ingeslagen. Het aquarium vereischte geen bijzonder onderhoud. Alleen werd van de zeewaterbuisieiding een koperen voetklep gestolen, die echter aan- stonds door een reserve-klep kon worden vervangen, die vervolgens goed opgesloten werd. De motorvlet kon tengevolge van den benzine-nood zoo goed als niet gebruikt worden. Het aantal laboranten bedroeg acht, niettegenstaande ook in het afge- loopen jaar geen subsidie beschikbaar was. De Heer J. L. Addens, phil. drs. te Groningen, kwam van 19 — 21 April in het Station om materiaal van Bryozoen voor een proefschrift over de ontwikkeling dezer dieren te verzamelen. De Dames J. H. H. van der Meer, P. A. C. de Vos en Zuster Ro- SALiE, leerlingen van de Amsterdamsche Universiteit, werkten van eind Juni tot ongeveer midden Juli over plankton, wieren en visschen. VI De Heer G. L. Funke uit Utrecht vertoefde van 1 — 2'i Augustus in het Station en hield zich met een algemeene studie der Heldersche Kustfauna onledig. Met hetzelfde doel kwamen de Dames A. G. Vorstman en E. M. J. Koker, beiden van Amsterdam, achtereenvolgens van 8 — 19 en van 12 — 19 Augustus in het Station. De verzending van materiaal had ook in het afgeloopen jaar wederom op groote schaal plaats. Zoo ontvingen: Het Zoötomisch Laboratorium te Amsterdam : diverse haaien en Crus- taceen, Kwalletjes, Avenicola en Parechinus. Het Zoötomisch Laboratorium te Leiden : 40 stuks haaien en '2 buizen Balanus. Het Zoötomiscli Laboi'atorium te Groningen: 60 haaien, 18 stuks A%)hrod\te en groote partijen scliaal- en schelpdieren. Het Zoötomisch Laboratorium te Utrecht: diverse koppen van liaaien. Professor Jelgersma te Leiden : drie bruinvisschen. De Hortus Botanicus te Amsterdam: eenige manden zeewier. De Hortus Botanicus te Utrecht: twee manden wieren. Mej. Haga te Groningen: diverse wieren. Dr. van Deinse te Rotterdam: 1 haai," De Heer Godsen te Amsterdam: diverse wormen en zeesterren. De R. G. H. B. S. voor meisjes te Amsterdam en het R. C. Lyceum voor meisjes te 's Gravenhage: elk een kleine collectie diverse zee- dieren. Mej. van der Meer te Amsterdam: een Sepia^ 3 zeeëgels. De H. B. S. met 5-jarigen cursus te 's Gravenhage en de Rijkskweek- school te Deventer: elk een kleine collectie diverse zeedieren. Omtrent de geldmiddelen kan nog worden medegedeeld, dat de uit- gaven in 1917 in totaal ƒ 3026.35 hebben bedragen, waarvan ƒ446.91 voor den Hydrobiologischen Cursus te Heumen en /' 2579.44 voor den gew^onen dienst van het Zoölogisch Station. Deze post komt in haar ge- heel voor op de rekening en verantwoording van den Penningmeester, die reeds een onderwerp uwer besprekingen heeft uitgemaakt. Om te kunnen beoordeelen, welk gebruik van het genoemde bedrag is gemaakt, laat ik hier een overzicht volgen van de voor de exploitatie van het Station alsmede voor den Hydrobiologischen Cursus in 1917 gedane uitgaven. L Exploitatie vau het Station. A. Gebouw en terrein /' 500.65 B. Aquarium en vlet ,, 99.18'/2 C. Ameublement ,, 4. — D. Overige inventaris ,, 121.56 E. Alkohol en chemicaliën ... • • ... „ 162.01 '/j F. Zoölogisch materiaal • ,, 233.62*/2 G. Exi)loitatie in engeren zin ,, 527.01 '/j H. Schrijfbehoeften „ 46.75 L Dienstpersoneel ,, 790. — •K, Grondlasten enz „ 94.64 Totaal . . . /■ 2579.44 Vii II. Hydi'ohiolof/ischc (hd'siix. A. Drukwerk, programma's enz /' 73.20 B. Huur en tiansport van meubelen ,, 47. — C. Vracht, aankoop van materiaal enz 48.75 D. Reis- en verblijfkosten der Commissieleden en van den bediende • ■ . „ 277.96 Totaal . . . f 446,91 De Voorzitter dankt den Directeur van het Zoölogisch Station voor het lutgebraclite verslag. Het finantieele helieer van den Directeur van het Zoölogisch Station over 19i7 is evenals dat van den penningmeester door de Commissie, bestaande uit de Heeren A. C. Oudemans en W. Warnsinck onderzocht en accoord bevonden, waarom de Voorzitter voorstelt den Heer Redeke onder dankzegging te dechargeeren. Vervolgens komt de uitloting van een aandeel in elk der beide geld- leeningen aan de orde. Van de aandeelen in de leening van 1,889, aan- gegaan ten behoeve van den bouw van het Zoölogisch Station, wordt N". 21 (staande op naam van den Heer Prof. G. A, F. Molengraaff, Delft), van die in de leening van 1894, gesloten voor de vergrooting van het Zoölogisch Station wordt N". 16 (staande op naam van de Erven van den Heer Dr. P. P. C. Hoek, Haarlem) uitgeloot. Vervolgens heeft de verkiezing plaats van een secretaris in plaats van den Heer Iule, die aan de beurt van aftreden is. De Heer Iule wordt als zoodanig herkozen; ter vergadering aanwezig, verklaart hij zich be- reid zijn herbenoeming aan te nemen. Dan gescliiedt de verkiezing van een lid van het Bestuur in plaats van den Heer van Kampen, die aan de beurt van aftreden is. De Heer VAN Kampen wordt met algemeene stemmen lierkozen. Op voorstel van den Voorzitter worden Mejuffrouw J. Scholten en de Heer L. P. de Bussy benoemd tot leden der Commissie, belast met het nazien der rekening en verantwoording van den Penningmeester en i\. van den Directeur van het Zoölogisch Station Ten slotte wordt o]) voorstel van den Voorzitter besloten het volgend jaar de gewone huishoudelijke vergadering te 's Hertogenbosch te hou- den, waaraan een excursie naar den ,.LJzeren Man" verbonden zou kunnen worden. Bij de rondvraag deelt de Heer Romijn mede, dat Teyler's Genoot- schap geld beschikbaai' heeft gesteld ten bate van het Natuurhistorisch Genootschap voor Limburg voor het doen van een voorloopig onderzoek van de hydrobiologie van de Maas. Daarna sluit de Voorzitter de vergadering. Zondag 30 Jimi liad onder leiding van den Heer Dr. H. C. Redeke een welgeslaagde excursie naar Lang weer plaats, waar een bezoek gebracht werd aan het drijvende laboratorium ,,de Meerval" van het Rijksinstituut voor Visscherijonderzoek. Men vertrok 10.33 uit Sneek, te Joure werd de lunch gebruikt, terwijl aan boord van de ..Meerval" thee gedronken werd. VIII WETENSCHAPPELIJKE VERGADERING. Amsterdam. Kleine Restauratiezaal van het K. Z. Genootschap ,, Natura Artis Magistra". '28 September 19l8. 's Avonds halfacht uur. Aanwezig de Heeren: Sluiter (Voorzitter), van Bemmelen, Bolsius, I')OSCHMA, DE BussY, Droogleever Fortuyn, Druyvesteyx, V. D. Feen, Heimans, V. D. Horst, Ihle, van Kampen, Kerbert, Loman, de Meijere, Peeters, Romijn, Schuurmans Stekhoven en de Dames: Feltkamp, FoRTUYN Droogleever, van Herwerden, Immink, Lens, de Lint, ScHDFSMA, Scholten, de Vos, Wibaut-Isebree Moens. De Voorzitter opent de vergadering en deelt mede, dat de volgende vergadering wegens den beperkten treinenloop (]e^ namiddags om 3 uur gehouden zal worden. De Heer H. C. Redeke lioudt een voordracht over nanno- of cen- trifuge-plan kt on. Hij Ijegint met er op te wijzen, dat voor betrek- kelijk korten tijd plankton uitsluitend met lijnmazige netten verzameld werd. Het lijnste weefsel, dat daarvooi- gebruikt kan worden, is buil- gaas N". 25 (oud N*^. 20), waarvan de Jiiaaswijdte ongeveer 50 (j. be- lankton in tegenstelling met het grovere ,,netplankton". Spreker demonstreert een kleine centrifuge, zooals die aan het Rijks- instituut voor P)i()l()gisch Vissclierijonderzoek in gebruik is en vestigt er in liet bijzonder de aandacht op, dat deze methode zich ook tot quanti- tatieve onderzoekingen leent. lx Voorts bespreekt hij aan de hand van eenige afbeeldingen de voor- naamste bestanddeelen van liet zoetwater-nannoplankton van ons land (Diatomeen, Peridineen en andere Flagellaten, Chlorophyceen) en staat meer in het bijzonder stil bij het voorkomen van een zeer verspreide en als voedsel voor onze planktonton uiterst belangrijke Clirysomonadine: Chrysococcus mfescens Klebs. e» Mejutl'rouw M. van Herwerden doet een mededeeling naar aanleiding van een achtjarig onderzoek bij Daphnia pvlex. — Spreekster heeft sedert Januai"i'i9i0 Daphnia pulex in het laboratorium gekweekt met het doel nader inzicht te krijgen in het wezen der cyclische voortplanting. Van een Dajihriia., Januai'i 1910 geïsoleerd, is tot heden het nageslacht, waarvan een stamlijst w(M-d bijgehouden, in leven. Door een eenvoudige nomenclatuur kan men van elke JJapluiia hun plaats in de stamlijst aanwijzen. De kweekproeven werden zoowel bij kamertemperatuur, als in de kelder en op een broedstoof (watertempe- ratuur l!2° — 18°) verriclit. De snelheid der embryonale ontwikkeling bleek tusschen 10 en 20° in grove trekken de wet van van 't Hoff te volgen (dit werd in een afzondei'lijke pi-oefreeks bij constante watertemperatuur aangetoond). Het onderzochte ras van Daphnia pa Ier, dat in de natuur monocy- clisch was, bleef deze monocyclie ook tijdens de kweekproeven behouden gedurende al deze jaren; de sexualiteit was het ééne jaar sterker uitge- sproken dan het andere jaar, zonder dat een vermindering in den looji der jaren viel waar te nemen. Meestal neemt de sexualiteit, welke in October begint, af tegen Februari om daarna nog een tM'eede geringere verliet'fing te vertoonen. Terwijl in de natuur in den winter alleen de ephippiaaleieren overblijven, ziet men in het laboratorium een deel dei' Daphh'ia's zich ])arthenogenetisch verdei' ontwikkelen. Zoo werd b.v. van Januari 1910 tot Februari 191(3 een reeks van parthenogenetische generaties in het leven gehouden, zondei' inschakeling van een ephip- pium. 0})iiierkeiijk is het, dat eiken herfst gelijktijdig in kamer-, kelder- en stoofculturen bij een deel der Dapliiiia's de geslachtelijke voortplan- ting begint, en wel bij dieren met erfelijk zeer uiteenloo- pend e formule; zoowel bij eerste als latere broedsels, bij generaties- lang geïsoleerde als Ijij gezamenlijk gehouden exemplaren. In tal van jjioeven werd getracht kunstmatig invloed op het ontstaan der gametogenesis uit te oefenen, fliiu'bij bleek in overeenstemming met VVoltereck's resultaten, dat plotselinge afkoeling van de eieren in het laatste stadium der rijping in staat is (J' exemplaren te doen ontstaan, hetgeen echter alleen gelukt in een tijdjtei'k van labiel evenwicht der geslachtelijke en ongeslachtelijke neigingen. Hierbij kwam ook het eigen- aardige verschijsel der pi'aeinductie voor den dag, namelijk een sexueele ditferentiatie der kleinkinderen van een wijfje, dat 24 uur tijdens rijp- heid der eiei'en in de ijskast had vertoefd. Op de hoogtegolf der par- thenogenetische phase zijn dergelijke proeven zonder resultaat. Bestra- ling met ultraviolet licht of met radium bleek geen invloed te hebben op het geslacht. Ook met gewijzigde voeding of toevoeging van verschil- lende chemicalia bij het slootwater werd geen resultaat verkregen. In het laboratorium blijft dus onder veranderde levensomstandigheden de cyclische voortplanting bestaan, ook als er geen gevaar voor het uit- sterven der parthenogenetische dieren meer dreigt. Is dit rhytmisch gebeuren erfelijk vastgelegd of zijn het invloeden van den herfst, die X aan onze waarneming ontsnappen, welke ook in liet laboratorium werk- zaam blijven ? Het ras van Ikiphnia jmlex, dat gedurende deze jaren in cultuur is gehouden, vertoont volstrekt geen ontaarding. Tijdelijke depressies worden door toevoeging van sporen van cvankalium, manganocldoride of andere chemicalia, ook wel door tijdelijke voeding met gist opgeheven. De nei- ging tot variabiliteit is zeer groot, hetgeen reeds na de proeven van WoLTERECK te verwachten was. Als eenige morphologische verandering werd het verdwijnen der chitinetandjes genoteerd, welke gedurende het eerste cultuurjaar bij vele pasgeboi'en Daplmin's aan de dorsaalzijde der schaal aanwezig waren. De Heer C. Ph. Sluiter doet de volgende mededeeling over de tril- h aargroeve van eenige A s c i d i e n. Het is sedert de nauwkeurige onderzoekingen van Cii. Julin en Ed. V. Beneden uit het jaar 1881 algemeen bekend, hoewel reeds in 1876 liet eerst door Ussow beschreven, dat bij Phallusia mammülctta de zoogenaamde ,,Neuraalklier", door de genoemde auteurs toenmaals ,,ap- pareil hypophysaire" genoemd, bij nog jonge dieren uitsluitend door middel van een enkelvoudig primair kanaal uitmondt in de bekende trilhaargroeve, openende in het voorste gedeelte van den kieuwzak; maar, dat bij oudere exemplaren secundaire vertakkingen aan liet pri- maire kanaal optreden, die naar de peribranchiale ruimte toegroeien en daarin ten slotte met secundaire kleine trechtei'vormige openingen uit- monden. Tegelijk neemt de omvang der neuraalklier geleidelijk af'. Later is hetzelfde verschijnsel bij eenige andere groote PltaUusia-soor- ten gevonden, terwijl gewoonlijk, zoo niet altijd, daarmede gepaard gaat, dat de trilhaargroeve zelve kleiner wordt. Bij een opvallend groote Pliallusia-soort, die ik binnenkort onder den naam van PJi. julinea n. sp. zal beschrijven, vond ik nu het extreme geval van dezen toestand. De trilhaargroeve was bij dit dier volkomen verdwenen niet alleen, maar de voorste punt van de dorsaalplooi was naar voren gegroeid, zoodat de coronaalzoom hier zelfs zeer smal werd. De neuraalklier zelf was geheel rudimentair geworden, maar talrijke secundaire kanaaltjes hadden zich uit den primairen gang ontwikkeld en monden in de peribranchiale ruimte uit. Wij hebben dus hier wel een uiterste geval voor ons van de waarschijnlijk niet slechts morphologische, maar ook physiologische omvorming van deze neuraalklier. Nog op een tweede eigenaardigheid in l)etrekking tot de trilhaar- groeve wil ik wijzen. De oorspronkelijke vorm van deze groeve of int- monding van het kanaal der neuraalklier is wel ongeveer cirkelrond, zooals dat bij verschillende, meer oorsprordvelijke vormen gevonden wordt. Nu blijkt deze eenvoudige vorm bij kleine dieren, met name bijvoor- beeld bij alle mij bekende kolonievormende soorten te blijven bestaan, onverschillig tot welke systematische groep deze kolonievormende dieren behooren. Bij grootere vormen, zoo bij de meeste alleen levende Asci- dien, wordt de vorm meer gecompliceei'd, maar laat zich toch veelal tot den typischen hoefijzervorm terugbrengen. Nu vond ik, dat bij een buiten- gewoon groote Poiycilor-soort, waarbij de afzonderlijke dieren de voor kolonievormende Ascidien enorme grootte van i'/j f-M. bereiken (waar- om ik dezen vorm dan ook weldra als Polycitor f/if/antens zal beschrijven), de trilhaargroeve niet meer de typische ronde of ovale gedaante bezit, maar den gewonen hoefijzervorm. die zoo veelvuldig bij de alleen levende A.scidieu «gevonden wordt. Men wordt liierdoor wel versterkt iii de laee- iiiiig, dat de hoelijzervormige instulping der opening afhankelijk is van de grootte der individuen. De Heer G. B-omijn deelt mede, dat de voorloopige excursie voor het Maasonderzoek dezen zomer is gehouden. Bij het onderzoek der Najaden op parasitische mijten, welke daarbij niet werden gevonden, had hij in een dier, dat door Mej. Scholtkn als Unio tionidus is gedetermineerd en dat aan het eene einde blijkbaai' gekwetst geweest was, eenige parelen in het weefsel van den mantel gevonden. Hoewel ze slechts klein en voor het meerendeel slecht ge- vormd zijn, aclit hij het voorkomen tocli zeldzaam genoeg om de vondst hier te demonstreeren. De Heer L. Peeters doet een mededeeling over het voorkomen van (MrdyJophora hivuMr'oi en EusponrjiUa Jacustris in de Zuid-HoUandsclie meren (cf. p. xvii). XII WETENSCHAPPELIJKE VERGADERING. Amsterdam. Kleine Restauratiezaal van het K. Z. Genootschap „Natura Artis Magistra". 30 November 1918. 's Namiddags drie uur. Aanwezig de Heereii: Sluiter (Voorzitter), Baas Becking, de Beau- fort, Begemann, van Bemmelen, Bolsius, Büsciima, de Burlet, de BussY, Dammer.man, Droügleever Fortuyn, Druyvesteyn, G. L. Funke, VAN Goor, Heimans, Ihle, Jordan, vam Kampen, Kerbert, de Lange, LOMAN, DE MeIJERE, VAM OORDT, PeETERS, ReDEKE, RoMIJN, A. M. H. SCIIEPMAN , ScniERREEK , SciIUUHMANS StEKIIOVEN , VAN SeRVELLEN , Stracke, van Wijhe; en de Dames: Bastert, van Bentiiem Jutting, Berkhout, Boterhoven de Haan, Droogleever Fortuyn-van Leyden, Feutkamp, Fortuyn Droogueever, van Hersverden, van 't Hoff, Jon- GES, Knoop, Lens, de Lint, Löiinis, Sciiijesma, Sciiolten, de Vos, Vorstman, Wibaüt-Isebree Moens. Als gasten de Heeren : Dr. H, G. Ringei-ing, J. Hoike. De Voorzitter opent de vergadering en deelt mede, dat het Ministerie van Landbouw, Nijverheid en Handel zoo welwillend is /'ISüO te be- talen als 'il)ijdi'age in de kosten voor a t r o o n der S p h i n g i d e n en zijn bete eken is voor de systematiek. Onder de in Nedei'land voorkomende Pijlstaai'tvlinders of Sphingiden zijn de Gehakkelde en de Pauwoogjdjlstaart (Snwr'ntlliKs jJOp'di en oceUatus) twee nauwverwante vormen, niettegenstaande het in 't oog- loopende verschil in teekening op de bovenzijde hunnei' vleugels. Die vei'wantschap ])lijkt uit de groote gelijkenis tusschen liunne rupsen, die zich daarbij ook met na-verwante plantensoorten : populier en wilg, voeden Verder uit de groote overeenkomst der vleugelteekening aan de onder- zijde, maar zeker wel het allermeest nit liet feit, dat de twee soorten met elkaar vruchtbaar zijn, en bastaarden opleveren, die zelf ook nog weer tot voortplanting geschikt zijn. Het is mij dan ook onbegrijpelijk, dat de systematici het noodig hehben gevonden popidi uit net van ouds bekende geslacht yïiiicnnUtKn te vei'wijderen en tot den vertegenwoordiger van een ander geslacht A'iiioi'pJta te maken. Wat nii die vleugelteekening betreft, beantwoordt popuU in hooge mate aan de eisclien. die ik meende te mogen opstellen als kenmerken XIIl voor een primitief patroon van teekening, t. w. overeenkomst tussclien vóór- en achtervleugel en tusschen boven- en onderkant, berustende op het bezit van een eenvoudig patroon, gevormd door een motief van teekening, dat over de geheele vleugeloppervlakte hetzelfde blijft en zich streng houdt aan de scheidingslijnen gevormd door de vleugeladeren. Dit motief bestaat bij jiopuli uit tusschenadervlekjes van meerendeels convex-concave gedaante (de convexiteit naar buiten gekeerd), die zoo legelmatig zijn gerangschikt, dat zij zich scharen tot overdwars over den vleugel verloopende donkere handlijnen. Ofschoon met al deze liinen even duidelijk, regelmatig en volledig zijn, kan men toch met oToote mate van waarschijnlijkheid beweren, dat er zeven hoofdlijnen zijn, en dat de voornaamste harer wederom begeleid worden door minder donkere en scherpe vlekkenreeksen, zoodat het aantal dwars- banden, wanneer men niet op diepte en scherpte van vlekteekemng let, noo' liooger zou kunnen gesteld worden. Op de bovenzijde van den ach- tervleugel van popuU wordt het gelieele wortelveld ingenomen door een steenroode tint, die voornamelijk teweeggebraclit wordt door liaarvormige schubben, en die blijkbaar de oorspronkelijke teekening overschaduwt en wegvaagt. Aan de onderzijde van den achtervleugel, waar die roode beharing ontbreekt, is dan ook de teekening duidelijker en vollediger, terwijl omgekeerd het wortelveld van den vooi'vleugel aan die zijde door een grijze beharing is overschaduwd. Bij ocellahiü daarentegen is de tegenstelling tusschen voor- en achter- vleugel aan den bovenkant zeer in 't oogloopend, en wijkt vooral de aclitervleugel van de bovengestelde eischen voor een oorspronkelijke tee- kening sterk af. Op den bijna homogenen rozerooden grond, die onge- veer de gelieele ziclit1)are oppervlakte van den aclitervleugel inneemt, staat n.l. een groote, sclierp met donkerzwart gecontoureerde oogvlek, die een donkere pupil op een smalle lichtblauwe iris vertoont. De voorvleugel daarentegen is gemarraoreerd met donkere vlekken van verschillenden omvang, vormen intensiteit op lichtbiuingrijzen grond. Deze teekening bezit een dubbele biologische beteekenis: in de eerste plaats vormt zij een beschermingsmiddel voor het dier, wanneer het overdag zit te slapen te midden der wilgentakjes. Dan overdekken de vóór- (ïe achtervleugels, met uitzondering van het voorste gedeelte dezer laatste, dat bij het vliegen juist onder de voorvleugels verscholen blijft evenals bij andere vlinders, en dan ook bij de meeste hunner van teeke- ning verstoken is. Hier daarentegen is het geteekend met dezelfde geschulpte lijnen en in overeenkomstige tinten als de voorvleugels, en vormt daardoor als 't ware een voortzetting van deze naar voren, waardoor de gedaante van een ineengekiinkeld blad met een middennerf en zijnerven nog treflen- der is nagebootst. Wanneer ecliter het dier in zijn slaap wordt ge- stoord, laat het de voorvleugels in voorwaartsche richting zakken, zoo- dat het achterste deel der achtervleugels zichtbaar wordt, en twee groote zwartgerande lichtblauwe irissen rondom een wijde zwarte pupil uit een roze oogveld van onder zware donkere wenkbrauwen (de vlekken langs den achterrand der voorvleugels) den belager schijnen aan te staren, die, zooals ])roeven bewezen hebben, daardoor heftig verschrikt wordt. Nu laat zich gemakkelijk aantoonen (zooals 'op overtuigende en namv- keurige wijze is geschied" door J. Botke in zijn proefschrift: Les motits primitifs du dessin des ailes des Lépidoptères et leur origine phylétique, Groningen 1916, pag. 106), dat deze teekening der bovenzijde van oed- M \- /('/(^s als een secuiulaire wijziging mui die \aii [jopiill niag opgevat wor- den, dat o, a. de oogvlekken der achtervleugels niet anders zijn dan de achterste uiteinden der drie buitenste dwarsbanden, die bij pojnili zich uitstrekken langs den gelieelen buitenrand der l)eide vleugels, dat verdei' het roze oogveld slechts een iets grootere uitbreiding in distale richting van het roede vv'ortelveld van dezen laatste vormt, en dat op het voor- stuk der achtervleugels de oorspronkelijke teekening van gekartelde dwarslijnen evenzeei', zij het niet in zoo hooge mate, is behouden ge- bleven als bij pojndi, wat in verband staat met het feit, dat in den ruststand oceUatus hare achtervleugels niet zóóvei" voor de voorvleugels uitstrekt als popiUi. Ook de vergelijking met verwante soorten levert bewijzen voor dit verband tusschen de achtervleugelteekening der beide soorten. Bij Smennthvs kinderinanni b.v., die overigens in teekening Ijijna volledig met ocellattif^ overeenkomt, is de vlek aan den acliterhoek van den achtervleugel veel minder oog vorm ig dan bij deze laatste, daai' zij uit di'ie ongeveer evenwijdige bandstukken bestaat, en wordt, gelijk BüTKE opmerkt, de iris slechts door twee niet met elkaar samenljan- gende lichte streepjes vertegenwoordigd. Bij Sm. coecus daarentegen nadert de oogvlek in gedaante en grootte tot die van oceUati(><, maar vertoont de gemai'moreerde teekening van den voorvleugel grooter overeenkomst met die van poptdi, daar het donkere middenveld evenals bij deze laatste ongebroken van vóór- tot acliterrand doorloopt en niet als bij oceUaiiis en kindermanni in een vciói'- en achterstuk is dooi* midden gesnoerd. Het verschil tussclien de bovenzijde van vó(ir- en achtervleugel bij oceUatus blijkt dus te berusten op wijziging in geheel verschillenden zin van één en hetzelfde })atroon, dat dan ook aan de ttnderzijde bijna vol- ledig bewaard is, evenals aan boven- en onderzijde beide van popidi. Men zou geneigd kunnen zijn, hieruit af te leiden, dat wij bij popidi te doen hebben met een teekening, die als de oorspronkelijke van het genus Smerinthus mocht opgevat worden, en bij de bovenzijde van ocel- latus met eene, waaraan slechts specifieke waarde moclit toegekend worden. Dat deze laatste conclusie te eng genomen zou zijn, blijkt reeds uit de bovengenoemde gevallen van coecn(s en kindennanni, maar nog over- tuigender uit de vergelijking met minder na vervvante vormen, zooals b.v. iUiae. Hier is op den bovenkant der voorvleugels klaarblijkelijk hetzelfde patroon aanwezig als bij occIJalus, maar in geheel andere uit- voering, zoowel wat lijnen als wat kleuren betreft. Op den achter- vleugel is het patroon grootendeels verdwenen, maar wat er van over is, vertoont naar den achterhoek der vleugels toe een sterke toeneming van zwarte kleurstofophooping, die nabij den hoek aanzwelt tot een donkere bandvlek. Dit is dus tot zekere hoogte aanduiding in de richting van oogvlekvorming aan dien vleugelhoek. Hoogst merkwaardig lijkt mij de teekening van tartarinoviï, die als 't ware een ovei'gang tusschen oceUatus en tiUae vormt, daar het patroon van den voorvleugel meer op dat van de laatste, dat van den achtervleugel meer op dat van de eerste lijkt, o. a. door de roze verkleuring, ofschoon van de oogvlek slechts een vage aanduiding, door ophooping van zwart pigment, aanwezig is. Aan den onderkant komen al de genoemde vormen sterk met elkaar overeen, en is het patroon 'van vóór- en achtervleugel bijna volledig aan elkaar gelijk. Het doet zich n.l. voor als een vereenvoudigde en ver- armde lijnenteekening, waarvan het volledige en hoog gedifferentieerde prototype op den bovenkant van jjopaU staat uitgewerkt. NV Langs (lezen we;^ van vergelijking met aiiileie, zuuwel nader als vei- wijderdei' verwante soorten, kan men ■voor ieder dillerentieel kenmerk der vleugelteekening van ocdiaius aantoonen, dat het niet speciliek eigen aan en onderscheidend voor die soort is. dorh aan een reeks van vlinder- VTjrmen gemeen. Als soortelijk eigenaardig blijven ten slotte slechts de kleine bijzonderheden der afzonderlijke bestanddeelen van de teekening over: zooals l).v. de grootte en afgerondheid van de oogvlek, en liare verplaatsing van den achterhoek des vleugelrands naar binnen. Even- min als de eigenaardigheden, waardoor ocellalus zich vau jjoj^jh^j onder- scheidt, mogen opgevat worden als soortskenmerken van eerstgenoemde, gaat het aan om de kenmerken, waarin zij met populi overeenkomt, zonder meer als generieke te l)esch(mwen. De verdeeling toch in zeven hoofddwarsbailen , elk samengesteld nit tusschenadervlekken, en van elkaar gescheiden door lichtere tnsschenrnimten. waarin rijen van min- der in 't üogloopend gepigmenteei'de vlekken knnnen gelegen zijn, komt niet sleclits in meerdere andere Sphingidengenera voor, maar schijnt ook ten grondslag te liggen aan het klenrenpatroon van vei'scheidene andei'e families van vlinders, ja wellicht aan dat van alle. Under andere kon ik een dergelijk patroon gemakkelijk opsporen bij de fam.(ler ^4rc^/n/a^', en blijkt Mej. A. F. Braun, geheel onafliankelijk van deze mijne opvat- tingen, bij de analyse van het klenTenpatroon der Tineidenfamilie JA- ihocoUeih tot een gelieel overeenkomstig patroon van zeven donkere dwarsbanden te zijn gekomen. In geen geval echter kan het ontstaan der eigenaardigheden van een of andere vleugelteekening toegeschreven worden aan de beschermende beteekenis, welke die teekening voor het dier bezit. Protectieve of ad- vertatieve patronen vormen geen afzonderlijke categoiien van teekening, zij dragen geen eigen karakter, maar zijn niets anders dan bijzonder gespecialiseerde gevallen van het algemeene patroon, dat aan een geheele groep van verwante soorten en geslachten eigen is. De bijzondere ge- acheveerdheid, waardoor zij zich van de 't naast met hen overeenko- mende onderscheiden, kan wel door natnurkenze belionden blijven, maar nimmer er door teweeggebraclit zijn. Met de bewering, dat een of an- der klenrenpatroon niet primitief, maar slechts een sympatliisclie, na- bootsende teekening is, w^ordt dus een tegenstelling gemaakt tusschen twee ongelijkwaardige zaken, die niet met elkaar in verband mogen gebracht worden. Nabootsend of waarschuwend kan iedere teekening werken, een oorspi'onkelijke evengoed als een secimdair gewijzigde. De teekening der beide vleugelparen van populi bootst evengoed den vorm- en de kleurschakeeringen van een dor blad na als die der voorvleugels van ocellatiis, de steenroode overharing van het wortelveld harer achter- vleugels heeft wellicht een dergelijke biologische beteekenis voor populi als de paarsroode verkleuring bij oceJlatus, al ontbreekt in de eerste ook de oogvlek, die er bij laatstgenoemde zoo sterk tegen afsteekt. Hoezeer zulk een verkleuring, waaronder het oorspronkelijk patroon schuil gaat, en waardoor het in vele gevallen geheel tot verdwijnen wordt gebracht, als een secundaire wijziging verdient opgevat te worden, zien W'ij onder de Sphingiden op een merkwaardige wijze ons voor oogen gesteld door de Braziliaansche soort PJiohoi lahrusiac. Bij deze bestaat tusschen vóór- en achtervleugel een niet minder schrille tegenstelling dan bij Smeyinthus ocellatus, al draagt de achtervleugel van lahrKsiae ook geen oogvlek. Op beide vleugelparen is het oorspronkelijk patroon sterk gewijzigd, en wel in tegengestelden zin: op de voorvleugels is het groo- XVI tendeels vervaagd en vereenvoudigd door een bijna volledige veigi'oening, die zich eveneens over de bovenzijde van kop, tliorax en abdomen uit- streivt, op de achtervleugels daarentegen vertoont het een schijnbaar bonte mengeling van geel, rood, blauw, groen en zwart. Toch kan 'men op beide vleugels de sporen van het oorspronkelijke gemeenschappelijke patroon gemakkelijk terugvinden, en ook waarnemen, dat het onderscheid tusschen beide het normale, aan alle Sphingiden eigene karakter draagt, d. w. z. dat vócir- en achtervleugels overeenkomen met de gelijknamige vleugels van andere pijlstaartsoorten, zoowel in de daarop bewaardgebleven overblijfselen der oorspronkelijke teekening, als in de manier, waarop deze gewijzigd is. In laatstgenoemd opzicht vertoont echter de voorvleugel van labrn- ■■/*(i'//-teekening dragen. Men krijgt den indruk, alsof in liet bijkans egaal-groene vleugelveld twee vensters zijn opengelaten, waar doorheen een paar tragmenten van een geheel anders gekleurden en geteekenden vleugel zichtltaar worden. Volgens mijne overtuiging is dit ook werkelijk het geval, in zooverre als de beide fragmenten in kleur en teekening beide een oorspronkelijker toestand bewaard hebben dan de overige vleugelo])pei'vlakte. Op den achter- vleugel is de dooreenmenging van gewijzigde en oorspronkelijk gebleven partijen al even grillig; de gele, blauwe, roode en groene plekken zijn door verkleuring, de zwarte daarentegen door ineensmelting van don- kere vlekken ontstaan. Slechts nabij den acliterhoek zijn enkele sporen van het oorsproidielijke jiatioon bewaard gebleven, in den vorm van drie smalle onregelmatige bandstreepjes, die ongeveer overeenkomen met de breedere en gelijkmatiger donkere banden van Snu'rinthKs coecus. Aan de onderzijde bestaat de gewone toestand: vóói- en achtervleugel in hoofdzaak aan elkaar gelijk, daar op beide vei'eeiivoudiging en re- ductie van het oorsjtronkelijk ])atroou op overeenkomstige wijze heeft plaatsgegrepen, n,l, door verkleuring van den vleugelwortel uit, in één en dezelfde tint onder behoud van twee donkeider bandstrepen over 't middenveld, en onder dillérentiatie van een buitenrandsveld,dat dooreen zigzaglijn van de overige vleugelvlakte woi-dt afgegrensd. Dit patroon der onderzijde werd zooals gezegd, in zijn hoofdkenmerken teruggevonden niet alleen bij alle Sphingiden, maar ook bij de meer- derheid dei' overige Nachtvlinderfamilies. Het mag dus niet eenvoudig als een familiepatroon worden aangemerkt, maar bezit een veel verder reikende beteekenis. Hetzelfde geldt voor de aan alle S})hingiden ge- meenscliap])elijke hoofdtrekken van 't pati'oon dei' bovenzijde, ook deze zijn niet tot de leden dier familie beperkt, maar worden evenzeer aan- getroflen in verwante families zooals Lipariden, Bombyciden, Noctuiden, Geometriden enz. M. i. ))estaat er geen rt^den om de overeenkomsten binnen de perken van een genus of eene familie aan verwantschap, die tusschen vertegenwoordigers van verschillende families aan paralelle ontwikkeling (z.g. convergentie) toe te schrijven, veeleer zou ik ook deze willen verklaren uit liet manifest-worden van aan beide families ge- meenschajijielijke erfelijke teiidenzeii, wier pliyletische ouderdom voor ieder kenme)'k afzonderlijk moet bepaald worden, maar in 't algemeen gesproken, nieeslal onder zal blijken dan de families zelf, ja dikwijls dan de oide of zelfs de klasse, waartoe die i'aniilies behooreii. XVII Mevrouw Wibaut-Isebree Moens deelt liet volgeiule mede: Het resultaat van o jaar plankton-onderzoek van de A m- sterdamsche grachten leert dat: i. tengevoljie van het gevolgde spuisysteem de grachten een zeer wisselende saliniteit liehben; '2. er een min of meer markant verschil is tusschen de Cl-cijfers \s zomers en 's winters. Deze zijn 's zomers door het vele ingelaten / u i d e r z e e - s p u i w a t e r hoog, en de brakwater- en marine-organismen belieerschen dan plaatselijk het planktonbeeld; 's winters is het Cl- gehalte veel lager door het overvloedige Amstelwater, wat nog grootere armoe aan organismen meebrengt; 3. de planktonorganismeu Van Schinkel en Am stel ondergaan, zoo- dra zij in de stadsgrachten komen, den invloed van een verzouting en van een vervuiling. Men kan door reeksen van monsters, op denzelfden . dag genomen op punten steeds meer naar 't centrum van de oude stad, uitmaken, dat 'tmeerendeel der zoetwaterorganismen sterft; 4. de planktonorganismen van 't bij Zeeburg instroomende Zuider- zeewater sterven voor 't meerendeel af, of lijden een kwijnend be- staan; daar het Zuiderzeewater op ziciizelf reeds zeer wisselend van zout- gehalte is en de erin voorkomende organismen eurylialien zijn, komt het mij voor, dat hier de invloed der vei'vuiling zich doet gelden en dat, wanneer, zooals nu in de nieuwe stad (h)or de nieuwe rioleering, de toestand verbetert, de Zuiderzeeplanktonten het ook in de binnen- stad uit zullen liouden en daadwerkelijk tot de reiniging van het stads- water zullen medewerken: 5. uit de gezameidijke analysen bleek, dat het gi'achtennet te ver- deden is in een aantal gebieden, allen min of meer met een eigen plank- tonbeeld: naar 't oosten en noorden ovei'lieerschen de brakwatervormen; naai" 't zuiden en westen de zoetwaterorganismen. In de binnenstad komen dan ook in de meest vervuilde gedeelten organi-smen voor, die ik gi'achttypen zou willen noemen: niesopolysai>robe brakwater-orga- nismen, die autochthoon zijn en zich saliniteitswasseling ne vervuiling ten spijt sterk voortplanten. Als verschillende gebieden zijn te onderscheiden : I. Yan Lennepkwartier, Kostvei'lorenvaart en Nassaukade. IL Jordaan tot en met Brouwersgiacht. III. Gmchtennet ten westen van den Amstel. IV. Binnen-Amstel, Rokin. Burgwallen, Singel. V. Markengracht, Houtkoopersburgwal, Oost-Indische kade enz. VI. Funenkade, Entrepót-dok, gracliten ten oosten van den Amstel. VII. Amstel^ Stadliouderskade, Mauritskade. VIII. Het I.], Open Haven bij het Centraal-Station, Oostei'dok, Dijks- gracht. Over de namen der planktonsoorten zal eldeis een mededeeling ge- daan worden. De Heer L. Peeters bespreekt het voorkomen van Cordylojihora la- cKstiis en Eiisponc/illa lacvstris in de ZuidhoUandsche meren, den W^steinder Plas meegerekend. Naar aanleiding van de bespre- kingen over bijdragen voor de Fauna van Nederland, op de zomerver- gadering Van 1905 te Leiden, vatte spreker het plan op een onderzoek in te stellen naar de Fauna van bovengenoemde meren. Met een motor- bootje kon hij van Katwijk a/d Rijn uit, kanalen en meren bezoeken. Een N \- 1 1 1 der eerste dieren, welke gevonden werden, was (lordylupliuni^ in d nabijheid der binnensluis te Katwijk a/Zee. Daarna werd zij ook overa^ gevonden in de kanalen en den Rijn ten noorden van Leiden en evenl zoo in de meren. Vooral in den Westeinder Plas was zij sterk ver- tegenwoordigd. In 19U7 verliet spreker Katwijk en zoo werd hem ee - voortzetting van het onderzoek onmogelijk. Dit vertrek was ook dn reden, waarom toen het zoutgehalte van het water niet onderzoche werd. Volgens PI van Beneden (vgl. P'aiin. Aanteekeningen door Drt Kerbkrt in: De Levende Natuur, 1918, bl. 75) is het water in de dok. ken van Londen zoet, omdat het niet zout smaakt en ei" in voorkgmen- de zo et water spons Ei(S[>(nu/iUa lacvslrifi en zoetwaterplanten als lA'mrtü. Maar dan zoti ook het watei' in de kanalen en meren als zoet te beschouwen zijn, omdat er behalve in den Westeinder Plas gevonden worden Euspcnif/illa, Epliijdatia en tal van zoetwaterplanten. Euxpon- f/illa groeit in liet Braassenierraeer in prachtexemplaren, maar in het Norremeer b.v. alleen als overtrek van steenen. In het eerstgenoemde meer leven polyp en spons vreedzaam liijeen : op de sponsboompjes vindt men tal van polyijeiikolonies. Thans is spreker er in geslaagd water te onderzoeken uit het ,, Addi- tioneelkanaal" bij Katwijk a/d Rijn, uit de Kager- en Braassemermeren en den Westeinder Plas. Van den Heer Dr. P. Aug. Drikssen, van de Leidsche Katoenmaatschappij, wien hij hier openlijk dank zegt voor zijn groote hulpvaardigheid, ontving spreker de geleidingsgetallen ') van het water uit den Rijn, de kanalen en de meren. Deze getallen werden met den z.g.n. .,Dionic"-Meter op velschillende tijden bepaald; zoo b.v. tweemalen met een maand tusschenruimte in 1914; één keer in Oc- tol)er '1916 en ook nu van een paar monsters water uit kanaal en meren. Uit die getallen blijkt, dat het geleidingsvermogen en dus ook het zoutgehalte van het water aan groote scliommelingen onderhevig is. Afgeleid volgens Mohr en uit de geleidingsgetallen werd als laagste Na Cl-gehalte gevonden 0,015 *'/q bij liet begin van het Braassemermeer, juist daar, waar de Z(joeven vermelde prachtexemplaren groeien van Ei(spongiUa. Verderop naai' de ringvaart toe wordt liet zoutgehalte grooter en de spons kleiner en kleiner. In de Kagermeren is het Na Cl-gehalte op het oogenblik. in November, 0,02 "Z,,, in 191(i volgens de geleidingsgetallen bijna 0,00 "z^, in den Westeinder Plas 0,03 "/^ (dit laatste zoowel volgens geleidingsgetal als volgens titratie); in het Addi- tioneelkanaal te Katwijk a/d Rijn is het OjOlS^/^, het geleidingsgetal 489, terwijl hiervoor in 1910 als laagste waarde 9632 gevonden werd. De gevolgtrekking is dus, dat liet water nergens als zoet beschouwd kan worden, daar als Na Cl-gehalte van zoetw-ater geldt 0,00470 1 en dat de planten en dieren, willen ze blijven leven, een sterk aanpassings- vermogen noodig hebben. De bewijzen van E. van Beneden kunnen dus niet aanvaard worden en de stelling van Dr. Kerbert (1. e.) : voor Nederland is nog niet uitgemaakt, of Cordylophora in stilstaande zoete wateren voorkomt, staat nog. Wel is volgens spreker de verklaring gevonden, waarom Euspongüla in de Kagermeren slechts als overtrek van steenen voorkomt: het hooge zoutgehalte moet er voor aansprakelijk gesteld worden, waarvoor het ge"drag van de spons in het Braassemermeer pleit. Ook de grootere tal- i) Uitgedrukt in reciproke Megohms. XIX rijkheid van ConlyJopJtora in den Westeinder Plas en de geringere in liet Braassemermeer behoeft geen verdere verklaring. Waarom Enspon- f/ilJa in het geheel niet in den Westeinder Plas gevonden werd, eischt verder onderzoek; volgens spreker kan de soms zeer sterke troebelheid van het water er mede oorzaak van zijn. Na dit onderzoek vindt spre- ker het zeer twijfelachtig, of nog als vindplaats voor Cordylophora in zoet water geliandhaafd mogen worden de dokken van Londen en liet kanaal bij Ostende (zie: De Levende Natuur, bl. 75); het bevestigd zijn in het laatste geval op Dreyssena polymorpha is hem geen bewijs, even- min als dit de eierkokons zijn van (Jrirononnis, waarvan er in den W^steinder Plas een G-tal gevonden werden op een takje van 4 d.M. lang, dicht bezet met Cordylophora. Wegens te vergevorderd uur worden de aangekondigde voordrachten van de Heeren de Lange en Jordan tot de volgende vergadering uit- gesteld. XX ÏTAAMLIJST ') VAN DE EERELEDEN, BEGUNSTIGERS, AANDEELHOUDERS, CORRKSPON- DEERENDE EN GEWONE LEDEN DEE op 1 Januari '1919. Kerel eden De Heer Franz Eilhard Schulze, hoooleeraar, Berlijn, 1908. » » Yves Delage, hoogleeraar, Parijs, 1908. Gegunstigers De Heer C. H. van Dam, voorzitter van het bestuur der Diergaarde, Koningin Enima-plein, Rotterdam, 1885. Mevrouw J. M. C. Oudemans— Schober, Huize „Srhoveuhorst", Putten ( Veluwe), 1897. » Dr. A. Weber — van Bosse, Huize „ïlerbeek". Eerbeek, 1897. Begunstigers, die jaarlijks bijdragen geven voor het Zoologisch Station De Heer Dr. H. J. van Ankuni, oud-hoogleeraar, Zeist, 1878. » » Dr. J. G. de Man, lerseke, 1878. » » Dr. C. A. Pekelharing, hoogleeraar, Utrecht, 1892. » » Dr. Max Weber, buitengewoon lioogleeraar, Eerbeek, 1890. Het K. Z. Genootschap „Natura Artis Magistra", Amsterdam, 1878. 1) De Secretaris verzoekt dringend aan hen, wier namen, betrekkingen of woonplaatsen in (leze lijst niet juist zijn aangegeven, of verandering ondergaan, hem daarvan eene ver- beterde opgave te doen toekomen. De De Erve Heer » » » » » De » Heer » De Erve De Heer » De » Heer » » » » XXI A.andeelhouders in de leeningen, gesloten voor den bouw (1889) en voor de vergrooting (1894) van het Zoölogisch Station 'j De Heer Dr. H. J. van Ankiim, oud-lioogleernar, Zeist., N". 1 (1889), N». 14 (1894). i van den Heer Dr. D. Bierens de Haan, Leiden^ N" 5 (1889). Prof. M. C. Dekhuyzen. Utrecht, No. 7 (1889). Jhr. Dr. Ed. Everts, 'sGravenhage, N». 11 (1889). Dr. A. P. N. Franchimont, hoogleeraar, Leiden, N". 7 (1894). J. Hoek Jr., Kampen, N». 18 (1894). Dr. R. Horst, Leiden, N». 15 (1889). Dr. A. W. Kroon Jr., Leiden, N». 3 en 24 (1894). , 1 van den Heer J. W. Lodeesen, Amsterdam, N". 18 (1889), adres Prof. van Leeuwen, Hooge Rijndijk 11, Leiden. Dr. K. Martin, hoogleeraar, Leiden, N». 19 (1894). Dr. E. Mulder, oud-huogleeraai-, Utrecht, N». 2!2 (1889). J. R. H. Neervooi't van de PoW, Rijscnherg {Utrecht), N'^. '20 {1SS9). Jhr. Mr. J. .E. van Panhuys, 's Gravenhage, N". 17 (1894). M. M. Schepman, BoscJi en Duin, N^. 28 (1889). De Erven van den Heer Mr. L. Serrurier, Batavia, N". 33 (1889). De Heer Ph. W. van der Sleyden, 's Gravenhage, N». 31 (1889). De Erven van den Heer Mr. M. C. A'eiloren van Thernaat, „Schothorst" bij Amersfoort, N». 9 (1894). Correspoiideerende leden De Heer A. Alcock, lioogleeraar, oud-directeur van het Indische Museum te Calcutta, Belvédère nabij Dartford, Kent, 1902. » » Dr. R. Blanchard, professeur a la Facult<'' de Médecine, 226 Boulevard Saint-Gerniaiu, Parijs, 1884. ^) » E. van den Broeck, conservateur au Musée royal d'Hist. Nat., Place de rindustrie 39, Brussel, 1877. » » Adr. Dollfus, 35 Rue Pierre-Charron, Parijs, 1888. )' » Dr. F. Heincke, Direktor der Biologischen Anstalt, Z:/eZ(/o?fmd, 1888. » » W. Kobelt, Schicanheim bij Frank/brt a. M. 1877. » » Dr. J. Mac Leod, hoogleei-aar, Gent, 1884. Z. H. Albert, vorst van Monaco, 7 Cité du Retiro, Parijs, 1888. De Heer J. Sparre Schneider, coiservator aan het Museum, ÏVomstr, Noor- wegen, 1886. Bestuur C. Ph. Sluiter, Voorzitter, 1916—1922. J. F. van Bemrnelen, Onder- Voorzitter, 1916 — 1922. J. E. W. Ihle, Secretaris, 1918—1924. L. F. de Beaufoi't, Pennhigmeester, 1914 — 1920. H. C. Redeke, 1914—1920. J. C. C. Loman, 1914—1920. P. N. van Kampen, 1918—1924. Comraissie van. Redactie voor liet Tijdschrifl C. Ph. Sluiter, als Voorzitter der Vereeniging. J. F. van Bemmelen, 1915—1921. J. C. C. Loman, 1917—1923. .1. E. W. Ihle, Secretaris, (1913) 1914—1919. Zoölogisch Station te Helder (!N"ie u-wediep) H. C. Redeke, Directeur, 1902. 1) Voor zooverre de aandeelen op 1 Januari 1919 niet uitgeloot waren. xxii Oewone leden ') De Heer J. L. Addeas, biol. docts., assistent bij de zoölogie; Verlenende Hee- reweg 5a, Gi-oningen, 1917. '^ •;• » » ür. II. J. van Ankum, oud-hoogleeraai-, Zeist, 1872 ■■■■' » » S. A. Arendsen Hein, Emmalaan 17, Utrecht, 1907 » » Dr. W. H. Arisz, Emmalaan 25, Utrecht, 1909. » » L. J. M. Baas Becking, biol. stud., Prinses Marielaan 4, Amers- foort, 1917. ' Mejuffrouw a R Bakker, biol. cand.. Houtstraat 6, Leiden, 1916. " dam 1 9n ^^*' ^^^'^*®"^^ ^'J ^^ physiologie, Oosteinde 24, Amster- «De Heer Dr. l]. F. de Beaufort, Huize „de Treek", Leusden (U.), 1904. Ac\ nr • ^l H. Begemann, Nieuwegracht 71, Utrecht, 19J8. 10 Mejuffrouw T A. Bekkering, Zwanestraal 20«, Groningen, 1914. -Je Heer Dr J F. van Bemmelen, hoogleeraar, Zuiderpark 22, Gro7iingen, 1894. Mejuffrouw W. S. v. Beuthem Jutting, biol. stud., Amsterdam, 1919. » E. C. Bei-ghege, biol. cand., Rijnsburgerweg 6c, Leiden, 1918. » L;- Berkhout, Archi medesstraat 25, 's Gravenhage, 1914. 15 » KM. Beucker Andrea?, Laan Copes 20, 's Gravenhage, 1911. n tt" i; r ^^"^Sfl. Phil. stud., Zoeterwoudsche Singel 48^, Leiden, 1911. • i>e lieer Ur. ,r. A. Bierens de Haan, zoölogisch assistent aan het Handels- museum van het Koloniaal Instituut, Weteringschans 93, Amster- dam, 1909. » » F. E. Blaauw, Huize „Gooylust", 's Graveland, 1885. » » Dr. J. Boeke, hoogleeraar, Utrecht, 1897. 20 J^ . » C. de Boer Jr., uitgever. Helder, 1911. Mejuffrouw N.H.W. M. de Boer, biol. stud., Nassaulaan 64, i/aarZem, 1916. ■ » Dr. M.Boissevam, Huize „Boschlust", J5t7Y/am (vacantie- adres: Bons bij Sneek), 1915. Mejulfrouw Tr. Boterhoven de Haan, Haagweg 107 G, Leiden, 1914. .,0 ue lieer J. M. Bottemanne, hoofdinspecteur der Visscherijen, van Blanken- burgstraat 41,' 's GrauewAa^e, 1893. ■•" » » Dr. P. J. van Breemen, Curacao, 1901. » ') Dr. C. E. B. Bremekamp, leeraar aan de Artsenschool, Soerabaia, Java, 1909. ' De N. V. Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorheen E. J. BriU, uitgever, Leiden, 1876. ue Meer Dr A J. P. van den Broek, hoogleeraar, Admiraal van Ghentstraat. Utrecht, 1906. 35 Mejuffrouw J. Brouwer, biol. stud., Bezuidenhout 393, 's Gravenhage, 1918. Tl ri" n r; Bruijn, Schuytstraat 229, 's Gravenhage, 1906. i'e lieer Dr. M. de Burlet, prosectoi- aan het Anatomisch Instituut. Utrecht, 1904. ' *^ '^ g»*- ^^ P; de Bussy, directeur van de afd. Handelsmuseum van het Koloniaal Instituut, Teniersstraat 5, Amsterdam, 1902. 1) De namen der abonnés van het Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dier- Kundige Vereeniging zijn met een * gekenmerkt. De leden der Vereeuigine ReSe'" ^°"''/'^-- Pei' ^^el op het Tijdschrift abonneeren bij den secretaris der De Heer » » » » » » » » » » XXI II Dr. J. Büttikofer, directeur der Diergaarde, Rotterdam^ 1888. 40 » » Dr. C. P. Cohen Stuart, plantkundige bij het proefstation voor thee, Buitenzorg, .Java 1909. Dr. P. J. S. Cramer, Buitenzorg, Java, IQOS. Dr. J. M. Croückewit, Roemer Yissoherstraat 7, Amsterdam, 1888. Dr. K. W. Dammerman, Gi-aaf Florislaan 12, Biissum 1907. A. B. van Deinse, leeraar aan het gymnasium en de H. B. School, Diergaardelaan 60«, Rotterdam, 1908. 45* » » Dr. M. C. Dekhuyzen, hoogleeraar aan de Veeartsenijkundige Hoogeschool, Biltstraat 109, Utrecht, 1880. » » Dr. H. C. Delsman, assistent aan het Zoötomisch Laboratorium te Leiden, Leidsche straatweg 5, Oegstgeest, 1909. » h Dr. P. A. Dietz, prosector bij de anatomie, Leiden^ 1908. » » Jan den Doop, Deli-Proefstation, Medan, Deli, 1917. » » J. D. Dorgels, leeraar aan de R. H. B. S., Van Sytzamastraat 4, Leeuwarden, 1917. 50* » » Dr. A. B. Droogleever Fortuyn, lector in de histologie, Leidsche straatweg 64, Oegstgeest, 1906. Mevrouw C. E. Droogleever Fortuyn — van Leyden, biol. doet», Leidsche straatweg 64, Oegstgeest, 1911. De Heer C. Druyvesteyn, biol. stud.. Kromme Nieuwegracht 74, [/irec/ii, 1917. » » Dr. Eugène Dubois, hoogleeraar, Haarlem, 1896. » » J. G. Dusser de Barenne, arts, Wilhelminapark 28a, f/frec/i^, 1918. 55 » » H. J. van Eekeren, leeraar aan het gymnasium en de H. B. School, Groote Markt la, Schiedam, 1914. » » Dr. J. E. G. van Emden, arts, Jan van Nassaustraat, 's Grat;en/iagre, 1887. * » » P. J. van der Feen, biol. cand., Ganzenmarkt 23, Utrecht (vacantie- adres: Domburg), 1916. Mevrouw C. P. Feenstra— Sluiter, Batavia (Nic. Maesstraat 125, Amster- dam), 1902. Mejuffrouw A. J. Feltkamp, biol. stud., Honthorststraat 14, Amsterdam, 1916. 60 » J. Foftuyn Droogleever, Justus van Effenstraat 50&is, f/^rec/ïi, 1917. A. W. Frederikse, arts, Zuidwolde (Dr.). G. L. Funke, biol. stud., v. Eeghenstraat 81, Amsterdam, 1917. H. C. Funke, Wageningen, 1914. Dr. J. P. de Gaay Fortman, van Bleiswijkstraat 71 , 's Gravenhage, 1913. 65 » » Dr. A. E. van Giffen, conservator aan het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Groningen, Rijksstraatweg B 22, Haren bij Groningen, 1917. » » Dr. A. C. J. van Goor, hoofdassistent aan het Rijksinstituut voor biologisch Visscherijonderzoek, Parallelweg 17, Helder, 1915. » » Hendrik Gouwentak, leeraar aan het Gymnasium, Lomanstraat 6, Amsterdam, 1901. * » "» Dr. H. W. de Graaf, conservator aan het Zoötomisch Laboratoi'ium, Jan van Goyenkade, Leiden, 1880. » » Dr. G. J. de Groot, leeraar aan de H. B. School, van Beverinck- straat 155, 's Gravenhage, 1903. 70 Mejuffrouw A. van der Haas, biol. stud., Frankenslag 329, 's Gravenhage, 1915. » M. van der Harst, Koudekerke (Walcheren), 1915. De Heer Dr. H. W. Heinsius, leeraar aan de H. B. School, P. C. Hooftstraat 144, Amsterdam, 1889. » 1) J. Heimans, biol. docts., Muidergracht 123, Amsterdam, 1912. » » F. H. van Hengelaar, med. stud., Heerengracht 307, Amster- dam, 1916. 75*Mejuffrouw Dr. M. van Herwerden, privaatdocent in de cytologie en assistente bij de histologie. Parkstraat 47, Utrecht, 1908. » J. Hingst, Huis te Lande, Vredenburgweg, Rijswijk (Z. H.), 1906. » A. W. van 't Hoff, biol. stud., Amsterdam, 1919. )e Heer » » » » » » » » '» » XXIV *De Heer H. R. Hoogenraad, leeraar aan de Rijks Kweekschool voor onder- wijzers, Kromme Kerkstiaat 46, Deventer, 1904. » » E. J. V. M. Hoogeveen, S. J., leeraar aan het Canisiuscollege, Nij- megen, 1908. 80 » » D. van der Hoop, Mathenesserlaan 252, Rotterdaw, 1908. » Dr. R. Horst, conservator aan het Rijks-Museum van Natuurlijke Historie, Oude Vest 105, Leiden, 1872. » Dr. C. J. van der Horst, 1^ assistent aan het Zoölogisch Laboratorium, Aquariumgebouw, PI. Mui dergracht, Amsterdam, 1910. » Dr. F. W. T. Hunger, van Eeghonstraat 52, Amsterdam, 1895. * » » Dr. J. E. W. Ihle, hoogleeraar aan de Veeartsenijkundige Hoo- geschool, Dillenburgstraat 13, Utrecht, 1904. 85 Mejuffrouw B. Immink, phil. cand., Groenhovenstraat 13, Leiden, 1911. De Heer Dr. J. M. Janse, hoogleeraar, "Witte Singel 76, Leiden, 1902. » >) Dr. H. Jordan, buitengewoon hoogleeraar, Frans Halsstraat 19, Utrecht, 1914. Mejuffrouw Greta A. Jonges, Zonrondom, v. Eedenstraat, Haarlem, 1916. » M. C. Julius, biol. stud., Columbusstraat 276, 's Gravenhage,\Q\?>. 90*De Heer J. H. Jurriaanse, Schiekade W. Z. 75, Rotterdam, 1915. Mejuffrouw B. Kaiser, assistente aan het Botan. Laboratorium, Groningen, 1916. Mevrouw L. van Kampen-Zernike, Zoeterwoudsche Singel 81, Leiden, 1915. ■••"De Heer Dr. P. N. van Kampen, hoogleeraar, Zoeterwoudsche Singel 81, Leiden, 1899. » » Dr. J. R. Katz, Roemer Visserstraat 2, Amsterdam, 1902. 95* » » Dr. C. Kerbert, directeur van het Koninkl. Zool. Gen. „Natura Artis Magistra", Amsterdam, 1877. » » P. E. Keuchenius, Proefstation Besoeki, Djember, Java, 1908. )> » C. J. van der Klaauw, biol. stud.. Geversstraat 16, Oe^s/yee^sf, 1917. Mejuffrouw M. Knoop, Ruychaverstraat 6, Haarlem, 1919. De Heer C. F. Koch, arts, res. off. van gezondheid 2Je kl., Haarlem, idll. 100 Mejuffrouw E. M. J. Koker, biol. cand., v. Baerlestraat, Amsterdam, 1915. De Heer L. C. Kolff Jr., Huize sKolthoven", Epe (G.), 1914. » » Dr. J. C. Koningsberger, voorzitter van den Raad van Indië, Buitenzorg, Java, 1888. » » W. J. C. Kooper, Stadhouderslaan 15, Leiden, 1917. Mejuffrouw A. C. Kreulen, biol. stud., Burgemeester van Hasseltlaan 65, Naarden, 1916. 105 De Heer P. Kruizinga, phil. docts., conservator bij de palaeontologie aan de Technische Hoogeschool, Prins Hendriklaan 26, Bijswijk, 1909. » » Dr. K. Kuiper Jr., Havelte (Dr.) 1911. * » » Dr. Dan. de Lange Jr., directeur van het „Inst.itut international d'embryologie", Gansstraat 62, Utrecht, 1902. » » Dr. J. W. J^angelaan, oud-hoogieeraar, Vogelenzang bij Haarlem, 1897. *Mejuffrouw A. Lens, leerares aan de H. B. School voor meisjes, Biltstraat 246is, Utrecht, 1901. 110*De Heer Dr. Th. W. van Lidth de Jeude, conservator aan het Rijks-Museum van Natuurlijke Historie, Boommarkt, Leiden, 1877. "-'■Mejuffrouw G. M. de Lint, assistente bij het Rijksinstituut voor biologisch Visscherijonderzoek, Binnenhaven 86, Helder, 1S09. » M. P. Löhnis, biol. cand., Jac. Obrechtstraat 75, Amsterdam, 1915. ■*De Heer Dr. J. C. C. Loman, van Baerlestraat 158, Amsterdam, 1881. » >) Dr. J. P. Lotsy, secretaris van de Holl. Maatschappij van Weten- schappen, Haarlem, 1900. 115 Mevrouw Agn. Lottgering, leerares aan de 1ste H.B. School, Graaf Floris- straat 28a, Rotterdam (vacantieadres: Hengeloosche Straatweg, Oldenzaal), 1914. XXV *De Heer Dr. J. G. de Man, Yerseke, 1872. * » » J. C. V. d. Meer Mohr, 1913. Mejuflrouw^J. H. H. van der Meer, assistente bij de palaeontologie aan de Technische Hoogeschool, Koningin Emmakade 142, 's Gravenhaqe, 1917. De Heer Dr. J. C. H. de Meijere, buitengewoon hoogleeraar, Sarphatistraat 76, Amsterdmn, 1890. 120 » » J. Metzelaar, biol. docts, rijksvisscherijleeraar, Linnaeusstraat 47, Amsterdam, 1914. Mevrouw M. F. W. A. Moerdijk — geb. Baronesse van Dedem van Driesberg, Buitenzorg^ Java, 1913. De Heer W. E. de Mol, biol. stud.. Transvaalstraat 112iii, ^ms^errfam, 1917. » » Dr. J. W. Moll, buitengewoon hoogleeraar, Groningen^ 1890. » » Dr. L. J. J. Muskens, arts, Anna Yondelstraat 6, Amsterdam, 1902. 125* » » Dr. H. F. Nierstrasz, hoogleeraar, Willem Barentzstraat 7, i/irec/ji, 1893. » » P. Nieuwenhuijse, arts, Santpoort — Meerenberg, 1916. * » » Wouter Nijholf, uitgever, 's Gravenhage, 1872. * » » G. J. van Oordt, biol. docts., assistent bij de zoölogie en botanie aan de Veeartsenijkundige Hoogeschool, Rembrandtlaan 6, Bilt- hoven, 1913. » » Dr. E. D. van Oort, directeur van het Rijks-Museum van Natuur- lijke Historie, Zoeterwoudsche Singel, Leiden, 1897. 130 » » Dr. A. C. Oudemans, leeraar aan de H.B. School met5-j. cursus, Boulevard Heuvelink 85, Arnhem, 1882. * » » Dr. J. Th. Oudemans, huize „Schovenhorst", P? » Dr. F. H. Quix, lector aan de Rijks-Universiteit, Heerenstraat, Utrecht, 1902. * » » Dr. H. C. Redeke, directeur van het Rijksinstituut voor biologisch Visscherijonderzoek, Helder, 1895. 145* » » Dr. J. van Rees, buitengewoon hoogleeraar, Hilversum, 1876. Dr. E. Reinders, Willemstraat 40, 's Gravenhage, 1917. H. W. Renkema, biol. cand., Weertsingel O. Z. 93, Utrecht, 1913. A. Reyne, biol. docts., Landbouwproefstation, Paramaribo (adres in Nederland: Kennemer Straatweg 180, Alkmaar)^ 1918. * » » Dr. G. A. van Rijnberk, hoogleeraar, Ph^'siologisch Laboratorium, Amsterdam, 1912. 150 » » Dr. W. E. Ringer, hoogleeraar. Stadhouderslaan 68, Z7 Dr. J. Ritzema Bos, hoogleeraar aan de Landbouwkundige Hooge- school, directeur v. h. Instituut voor Phytopathologie , Wage- ningen, 1872. » » )) » » » » » *De Heer » » )) » » » » » » » » » XXVI *De Heer Dr. G. Romijn, Hintliamereinde, 's Hertog enbosch, 1916. ^Mejuffrouw Dr. P. J. de Rooy, Stadhouderskade 57, Amsterdam, 1904. » Ch. L. Du Ry van Beest Holle, assistente aan het Zoötomisch Laboratorium, Vreewijkstraat 11, Leiden. :155 De Heer Dr. A. M. H. Schepman, directeur der N.V. J. B. Wolters' uit- geversmaatschappij, Israëlsstraat 18, Groningen, 1912. * » ->■> M. M. Schepman, Bosch en Duin (geni. Zeist). 1872. "■■■ » » Dr. A. Schiei'beek, 2'ie Sweelinckstraat 147, 's Gravenhage, 1916. Mejuffrouw K. Schijfsma, biol. stud., Plantsoen 35, Leiden, 1918. *De Heer J. F. Schill, Laan Copes van Cattenburch 10, 's Gravenhage, 1877. •160 » ), Dr. A. H. Schmidt, arts, Weistraat 130, Utrecht, 1893. Mejuffrouw Joh. Scholten, Jacob Obrechtstraat 76, Amsterdam, 1909. De Heer J. W. Schoor, biol. stud.. Nieuwe Mare 3, Leiden, 1916. » » Dr. J. C. Schoute, hoogleeraar, Zuiderpark 2, Groningen., 1900. )) » Dr. A. R. Schouten, leeraar H. B. School, Batavia, Java, 1902. 165 Mejuffrouw A. Schreuder., assistente bij de geologie en mineralogie, Valerius- straat 251, Amsterdam, 1913. Dr. J. H. Schuurmans Stekhoven, Jr., assistent bij de Zoölogie aan het Instituut voor Tropenhygiene, Tilanusstraat 82i, Amster- dam., 1914. P. J. M. Schuyt, burgemeester van Wamel, 1903. J. van Servellen, biol. stud., Bennebroekerweg, hoek Spieringweg, Haarlemmermeer, 1915. W. H. van Seters, biol. cand., Javastraat 78, 's Gravenhage, 1915. 170 )) » H. C. Siebers, aspirant adjunct-inspecteur der Visscherijen, Pijn- boomstraat 62, 's Gravenhage^ 1911. Dr. W. G. V. V. d. Sleen, Stoofsteeg 1, Haarlem, 1915. D. F. van Slooten, biol. docts., assistent bij de botanie. Donders- straat b6^i^, Utrecht, 1913. * » » Dr. C. Ph. Sluiter, hoogleeraar, Nicolaes Maesstraat i'25, Amster- dam, 1877. » » M. Spoon, biol. stud., Nieuwenhoorn., Voorna, 1909. 175«]\jevrouw Dr. G. Stiasny-Wijnhoff, Vil Schweighofergasse 8, Weenen, 1906. De Heer Dr. Th. J. Stomps, buitengewoon hoogleeraar, Weesperzijde 29, Amsterdam, 1909. » » Dr. G. J. Stracke, leeraar aan de H. B. School, Ceintuurbaa 249, Amsterdam, 1900. » » Dr. A. L. J. Sunier, zoölogisch assistent bij het Departement van Landbouw, Laan de Rieraer, Batavia., 1907. » » B. Swart, leeraar aan de H. B. School, Wilhelminasingel 43, Maastricht, 1905. 180* » » Dr. N. H. Swellengrebel, Binnen-Amstel, Amsterdam, 1906. Mejuffrouw Dr. E. Tal ma, Nieuwegi-acht 45, Utrecht, 1913. » Dr. T. Tam mes. Heeresingel 34«, Groningen, 1896. De Heer Dr. J. J. Tesch, visscherij-consulent, Stadhouderslaan 31, Leiden, 1902. » » Jac. P. Thijsse, leeraar aan de kweekschool voor onderwijzers te Amsterdam, Bloemendaal, 1895. 185 » » Dr. K. Tjebbes, Roelofslaan, Huizen (N.H.), 1911. L. J. Toxopeus, biol. cand., Lomanstraat 68, Amsterdam (vacan- tieadres: Appingedam), 1919. Dr. H. van Ti-igt, Witte Singel 96, Leiden, 1910. W. L. Varossieau Jzn., leeraar aan de kweekschool voor onder- wijzers, Antonie Duj'ckstraat 58, 's Gravenhage, 1918. Dr. J. H. Vernhout, Giststraat F 174, Middelburg, 1888. 190 » » Dr. Ed. Verschaifelt, hoogleeraar, Waldeck Pyrmontlaan 4, ^wster- dam, 1899. Dr. J. Versluys Jzn., hoogleeraar, Wilhelmstrasse 41, Gtessen, 1895. D. de Visser Smits, Laan Binon 12, Weltevreden, Java, 1905. » » » » » » » » ^ » » » » ' » » De Heer \-xvit MejuüVoinv J. M. H. Voigt, biol. oaud., Haagweg 94, LeAden, 1913. » I. Vooi'molen, Obrechtstraat 552, 's Gravenhage, 191'!. 195 » A. G. Vorstman, biol. carid., Mauritssti-aat 5, Haarlem, 1916. » A. C. P. de Vos, assistente bij bet Rijksinstituut voor biologisch Visschei'ijonderzoek, Binnenhaven 86, Helder^ 1917. De Heer Dr. Ernst de Vries, arts, gesticht Endegeest, üegstgeest^ 1906. ■'■■ » » Dr. Ma.K Weber, buitengewoon hoogleeraar, Eerbeek, 1882. » V Dr. K. F. Wenkebach, hoogleeraar, Weenen, 1886. 200 De Heer Dr. F. A. F. C. Went, hoogleeraar, Nieuwegracht, Utrecht, 1897. Mejuffrouw T. van de Werk, biol. stud.. Laan Copes van Cattenburch 92, 's Gravenhage, 1913. De Heer W. H. de Wette, leeraar aan de Gooische H. B. S., Heerenstraat 15, BussiDH, 1914. Mejuffrouw A. M. Wibaut, biol. stud., Waldeck Pyrniontlaan 11, Amster- dam, 1916. Mevrouw Dr. N. L. Wibaut — Isebree Moens, Linnaeusparkweg 110, Water- graafsmeer, 1906. 205 Mejuffrouw G. Wilbrink, Cheribon, Java, 1901. De Heer C. A. van der Willigen, biol. docts.. Parkstraat 49, Utrecht, 19'11. » » Dr. C. Winkler, hoogleeraar, Utrecht, 1909. * » » Dr. J. W. van Wijhe, hoogleeraar, Groningen, 1881. » » S. J. C. V. d. Woude Venema, leeraar R. D. N. S., Appingedam, 1918. i T IJ D S C H E I F T DER NEDERLASDSCBE DIERKUNDIGE VEREENIGING « ONDER REDACTIE VAN Prof. C. Ph. sluiter, als Voorzitter der Vereeniging, Dr. J. C. C. LOMAN, Prof. J. F. VAN BEMMELEN en Prof. J. E. W. IHLE. Sde SEI^IE IDEEL -X.-^T'XX BOEKHANDEL EN DRUKKERIJ TOORUKEIC E. J. B K I L L LEIDEN — 1919. Dj Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorheen E. J. BRILL te Leiden, heeft uitgegeven : Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeni- ging. Dl. I— VL 2de Serie. DL I— XVII. 8°. 1875—1919. Supplement de el I. Verslag omtrent onderzoekin- gen op de oester en de oestercultuur betrekking hebbende f 6. — Supplementdeel IL Rapport over ankerknil- en staalboomen-vissclierij - 6. — Serie 1, Deel I — III. per deel - 4. — „ 1, „ IV-VI „ - 6.- „ 2, „ I-XV „ „ - 6.- „ 2, „ XVI-XVII „ „ - 8.50 Register op het Tijdschrift der Ned. Dierk. Ver- eeniging, Serie 1, Deel I — ^.YI; Suppl. I en II; Serie 2, Deel I— X (1875—1908) ,...-. ^' - 1.— N.B. De Leden der Vereenigiiig wenden zich voor de aanschaffing van het Tijdschiift tot den Secretaris, Dr. J. E. W. Ihle, te Utrecht. Ergebnisse, Zoologische, einer Reise in Niederlandisch Ost- Indien, herausg. von Max Weber. 1890—97. Bnd. I— lY. f 88.— (Mit 3 col.' Katten, 93 Tafeln u. zahllosen Textfiguren). Graaf, H. W. de. Sur la construction des organes génitar.x des phalangiens. ïexte holl.-frangais. Essai couronné de la médai Je d'or par la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Leide. 4"^. / 30. — Piaget, M. K., Les Pédiculines. Essai monographique. 2 vol. Text, et planches. gr. 4°. f 60. — . Supplement, gr. 4°. . . . /" 18. — Snellen, P. C. T., De vlinders van Nederland. Microlepidopterae systematisch beschreven. 2 dln. gr. 8° ƒ15. — J3 KOEKDRUKKERIJ VOOrliecn E. J. BRILL. — LEIDEN. imirHyisuaiiUHB MBL WHOI Librarv - Serials PPPHiBB'-^ 5 WHSE 04825