TISSUE PROTEIN AND ENERGY DEPOSITION IN STEERS FED DIETS WITH DIFFERENT UREA FERMENTATION POTENTIALS (UFP) BY JOSEPH PATRICK TRITSCHLER II A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1981 with thee I have lingered once again, asked and begged and pleaded, cried and wept for what i have and can not have. you must think me, an open-hearted fool, settling for the comfort and confusion in your smile, so thee i love, before long i die. thee innocence Jeanne Joseph andrew Jeffrey dying Jill ani ta inqui si t ive jamey jan jane John Joanne robert susan independence david athletic o. wi 1 1 iam James kathleen dawn Catherine di sconcertive melanie lynn al ice kathleen pinckney paul Steven probing candace guiomar cultural humberto 1 ig ia art I St ic clar i ta pragmatic el izabeth maria ines pol ixsene commencement Stacy ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to express his appreciation to Ray L. Shirley, chairman of the supervisory comnittee, and to Joseph E. Bertrand, coordinator of beef cattle research at the Agricultural Research Center, Jay. Drs. Shirley and Bertrand were most encouraging, patient and helpful in their guidance of this endeavor from its inception to culmination. The suggestions and instructions provided by the members of the supervisory com- mittee, John F. Easley, Monroe C. Lutrick, Arno Z. Palmer and Paul H. Smith, are most gratefully appreciated. Thanks are extended to William 0. Presley, Joseph E. Nelson and the other employees of the Agricultural Research Center, Jay. Without their assistance and financial support this project would not have been possible. A special debt of gratitude is paid to Joseph M. Harris and Stacy J. Sloan. Mr. Harris, in his endeavor to meet similar deadlines, and with his insight, gave a special encouragement. Ms. Sloan's love and compassion gave the final impetus needed to attain a long sought goal. The author wishes to express his appreciation to Ms. Cynthia Zimmerman for typing this manuscript. Ml - TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS n i L I ST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vii ABSTRACT vi i i CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 TWO L I TERATURE REV I EW k Energy k Nitrogen and Energy 16 THREE MATERIALS AND METHODS 39 General 39 Metabol ism Trial A2 Feedlot Trial '»5 FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 55 Metabolism Trial 55 Feed 1 ot Tr i a 1 62 Empty Body and Carcass 71 Nitrogen to Energy Balance 83 FIVE SUMMARY 92 APPENDIX 96 LITERATURE CITED 100 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 116 - I V - LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. INGREDIENT COMPOSITION OF DIETS TO EVALUATE UFP, DRY MATTER BAS I S ko 2.. DRY MATTER AND PROXIMATE ANALYSES COMPOSITION OF DIETS TO EVALUATE UFP i+1 3. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN OF METABOLISM TRIAL USING STEERS TO EVALUATE UFP l^^ 4. INGREDIENT COMPOSITION OF FEEDLOT ADJUSTMENT RATION, DRY MATTER BAS I S /|7 5. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN OF FEEDLOT TRIAL USING STEERS TO EVALUATE UFP it9 6. DIGESTIBILITIES OF PROXIMATE ANALYSIS CONSTITUENTS AND TOTAL DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS (TON) OF DIETS DESIGNED TO EVALUATE UFP, DRY MATTER BASIS 56 7. COMPARISON OF CRUDE PROTEIN DIGESTIBILITIES DETERMINED BY METABOLISM TRIAL AND CALCULATED BY DIGESTIBLE PROTEIN REGRESS I ON EQUAT I ONS 53 8. METABOLISM TRIAL DATA ON ENERGY UTILIZATION OF DIETS TO EVALUATE UFP 59 9. METABOLISM TRIAL DATA OBTAINED FOR NITROGEN UTILIZATION IN DIETS TO EVALUATE UFP 61 10. FEEDLOT PERFORMANCE OF STEERS FED DIETS WITH VARYING UFP 63 11. STATISTICAL INTERPRETATION OF FEEDLOT PERFORMANCE DATA FOR DIETS VARYING IN UFP 65 12. ENERGY PARTITIONING DATA OF DIETS VARYING IN UFP 68 13. STATISTICAL INTERPRETATION OF ENERGY PARTITIONING DATA FOR DIETS VARYING IN UFP 69 ^h. EMPTY BODY COMPOSITION AND TISSUE GAINS IN STEERS FED DIETS VARYING IN UFP 72 15. STATISTICAL INTERPRETATION OF EMPTY BODY DATA FOR DIETS VARY I NG IN UFP 7Z, - V - LIST OF TABLES-CONTINUED 16. CARCASS CHARACTERISTICS OF STEERS FED DIETS VARYING IN UFP 73 17. STATISTICAL INTERPRETATION OF CARCASS DATA FOR DIETS VARYING IN UFP 80 18. PREDICTED RUMINAL AMMONIA CONCENTRATION AND UPPER LIMIT FOR UREA UTILIZATION FOR DIETS VARYING IN UFP 84 19. HETABOLIZABLE PROTEIN (MP) AND UREA FERMENTATION POTENTIALS FOR DIETS VARYING IN UFP 86 20. COMPARISON OF PROTEIN INTAKE AND PROTEIN TISSUE DEPOSITION IN STEERS FED DIETS VARYING IN UFP 88 21. COMPARISON OF NET PROTEIN (NP) REQUIREMENTS FOR PROTEIN TISSUE DEPOSITION IN STEERS FED DIETS VARYING IN UFP 89 22. DAILY PROTEIN TISSUE GAIN AS A PERCENT OF AVERAGE DAILY GAIN IN FEEDLOT STEERS 91 23. BODY COMPOSITION DATA OF STEERS IN INITIAL COMPARATIVE SLAUGHTER GROUP 96 24. COMPARISON OF OBSERVED AND EXPECTED AVERAGE DAILY GAINS OF STEERS 97 25. CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN VARIABLES OF FEEDLOT PERFORMANCE, ENERGY PARTITIONING AND DIETARY METABOLI- ZABLE PROTE IN 98 26. CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN VARIABLES OF DAILY EMPTY BODY COMPOSITION, CARCASS CHARACTERISTICS AND D I ETARY METABOL I ZABLE PROTE IN 99 VI - LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. General pathways of rumen carbohydrate fermentation 22 2. Relation between ammonia concentration of continuous- : culture fermentor contents and output of TAPN 29 3. Microbial growth yields in continuous-culture fermen- tors with purified diets containing urea 30 - V I I Abstract of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy TISSUE PROTEIN AND ENERGY DEPOSITION IN STEERS FED DIETS WITH DIFFERENT UREA FERMENTATION POTENTIALS (UFP) By Joseph Patrick Tritschler II August, 1981 Chairman: Ray L. Shirley Major Department: Animal Science A 5 X 5 Latin square metabolism trial and a comparative slaughter feedlot trial were conducted with 85 British type steers to evaluate diets with various urea fermentation potentials (UFP). With increasing dietary nitrogen, UFP values were calculated to be +3.8, +1.2, -l.A, -3.9 and -6.9 g urea per kg diet. The dietary metabol izable protein (MP) levels were determined to be 69.2, 76.6, 80. 1 , 8O.8 and 8O.O g per kg diet, respectively. Crude protein digestibility increased with decreasing UFP values (P <.005), but TDN, DE and ME showed no significant relationship to variation in UFP. While NE was not signi- ^ m ficantly related to UFP, feed efficiency improved and NE increased logarithmically (P < .05) with decreasing dietary UFP levels. Average daily gain, DM intake, ME intake and energy balance were parabol Fcal ly related (P < .005) to dietary UFP levels. Optimal feedlot performance VI I I and energy utilization were observed at -1.^ to -3-9 UFP, which corresponded to maximum dietary MP concentration. Carcass specific gravity was utilized to determine empty body fat and protein. Daily gains in empty body weight, fat and energy were parabol ical 1 y related (P < .001) to dietary UFP levels. Optimal empty body gains were also observed to occur between -1.4 and -3.9 UFP levels. Empty body pro- tein gain per day increased logarithmically (?<.05) with decreasing dietary UFP levels. Carcass characteristics followed similar para- bolic patterns with changes in dietary UFP. Their respective maxima and minima suggested that an increased degree of carcass finish occurred with increased dietary MP concentration. V/h i 1 e the MP system has merit with respect to predicting animal performance, it overestimated NP available for protein gained in tissues over g the 119-126 day feedlot trial. V;hile predicted NP ranged from I96 to 283 g per day, observed tissue protein gains ranged from 62 to 109. This suggested that only about one third of the predicted NP was actually deposited in tissues. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION While Florida is a high inventory state in total beef cattle population, the number of animals finished within the state is much less than the demands of the consumer. Over 80% of the beef consumed in Florida is finished out of state. The successful esta- blishment of an adequate Florida feedlot industry will depend on development of efficient marketing, slaughter and feedlot facilities. An efficient feedlot operation is contingent on proper evaluation of local feed ingredients. Typical feedlot rations are rich in energy with the proper balance of nitrogen to optimize utilization. While the grains of Northern Florida are productive, due to lower digesti- bility they may not have the nutritive quality of nidwestern grains. Nutrient levels in common feedstuffs given for meeting the require- ments of beef cattle (NRC, 1976; Church, I98O) may led to underesti- mation when Florida grown feedstuffs are fed. Studies by Maxson et a1. (1973) and Brommelsiek et al. (1979) demonstrated that typical Florida grains do not have the nutrient availability suggested by comparable feedstuffs listed by the NRC (1971a). Energy and nitrogen are principle nutrients in feedlot diets. Understanding the nitrogen to energy relationship is essential for optimal ration formulation. Microbial fermentation in ruminants, which precedes mammalian digestion and metabolism, complicates the - 1 - nitrogen to energy relationship. Understanding the nitrogen to energy balance should enhance maximum substitution of dietary non-protein- nitrogen sources for more expensive natural protein ingredients. The feedlot industry has accepted the California net energy system (Lofgreen and Garrett, I968) to predict liveweight gains. How- ever, net protein as a dietary guideline has been evaluated in a very limited manner. Burroughs et al. (1975b) proposed the metabol i zable protein (MP) system to predict the net protein available for maintenance and production. The quantity of MP available to the animal is a func- tion of the amount of rumen microbial protein synthesis from ammonia and energy and the amount of natural protein that resists rumen degra- dation and bypasses to the abomasum. Under the MP system, corn grain has approximately 72 g MP per kg when fed to cattle. Corn grain also has sufficient excess energy for rumen bacteria to generate an addi- tional 26 g MP, if 12 g urea per kg corn are added to the diet. To evaluate this addition of non-protein-nitrogen to the diet. Burroughs et al. (1975b) developed the urea fermentation potential (UFP) . UFP is expressed as the grams of urea equivalent in terms of excess energy (positive) or excess nitrogen (negative) per kg dry matter. Positive UFP values represent dietary energy excesses from which additional MP may be synthesized if urea or other nitrogen sources are added to the diet. Burroughs et al. (1975b) determined UFP values for approximately 90 common feedstuffs. UFP values are determined from the total diges- tible nutrients and crude protein composition of the ration. The MP system and UFP values have not been evaluated v;ith regard to net pro- tein tissue gains using feedlot cattle nor with respect to the proper nitrogen to energy balance using Florida feedstuffs. - 3 The present study was designed to test the nitrogen to energy balance in feedlot diets using the UFP and MP system, A metabolism trial and comparative slaughter feedlot trial v/ere utilized to test feedlot performance and carcass characteristics for isocaloric rations, Rations varying in UFP and MP were fed to steers to determine if MP generated by excess energy plus additional urea could be detected by increased carcass protein using specific gravity determinations. The addition of urea to high energy feedlot rations was observed for its effect on net energies for maintenance (NE ) and gain (NE ). Data m g were also obtained for the dietary nitrogen to energy relationship with regard to feedlot performance, quality of edible meat and empty body tissue gains. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW Energy Energy, the principal dietary constituent, generally repre- sents between 70 and 90^ of the daily dry matter intake. Histori- cally, energy nutrition and general animal nutrition developed con- currently. About 1777, the first animal calorimeter was constructed by the French chemist, Antoine Lavoisier (Maynard and Loosli, I969). The work of the German physician, Julius Mayer, and the English brewer, James Joule, led to the formulation of the First Law of Thermodynamics, that energy is neither created or destroyed. Mayer reportedly (Moore, 1972) conceived the idea of the conservation of energy and matter from the observation that oxidation of nutrients in the animal body produced heat and work. While the proportions of heat and work might differ for the same quantity of food combusted in the animal body, their sum should be constant. An alternative approach, made by the French engineer. Sad i Carnot (Moore, 1972; Brody, 197^), arrived at the theoretical maximum efficiency of an ideal engine. Carnot devised a cycle, in complete accordance with the First Law of Thermodynamics, which gave a precise model for the conversion of heat into work with the system returning to an iso- thermal state through a series of reversible steps. - k - 5 While the First Law of Thermodynamics could express a theo- retical maximum efficiency for the conversion of heat into work. It was obvious that theoretical perpetual motion, consistent with the principle of conservation of energy and matter, had never been observed. The subsequent development of the concept of entropy and its relation to free energy, v;ere directly related to the formu- lation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, that there is an energy loss in the transformation of heat to work. The initial expressions of the Second Law of Thermodynamics dealt with the impossibility of constructing the theoretically ideal engine, as described by Carnot in 1924 (Moore, 1972). Thomson used the Second Law to define a thermo- dynamic temperature scale (Kelvin). Clausius introduced the concept of entropy (S) , which gives the directional nature to the physical and chemical changes that are unaccounted for by the First Law of Thermodynamics (Lehninger, 1971). Summarizing, the First Law confirms that, although energy must be conserved, it can be transformed into work. The Second Law further stipulates that this total energy can be divided into two fractions, that which is available for work (free energy) and that which gives direction to physical and biological processes (entropy). A consequence of the Laws of Thermodynamics is that the change in energy in a system is dependent upon the initial and final stages, independent of the energy path between these states (Brody, 197^; Moore, 1972). For isothermal conditions, J. Willard Gibbs derived his classical relation associating free energy (G) , free enthalpy (H) , and entropy (S) , for a process changing from one state to another (Moore, 1972): AG = AH - T A S. AG [or AF, which is conventionally used for biochemical reactions, (Lehninger, 1971)] i s the maximal free energy which is theoretically capable of being transformed into work under conditions of constant pressure and temperature. AH represents the change in enthalpy or heat content of the process and is the total energy available for a biochemical process. T is the constant temperature in degrees Kelvin, and AS, or change in entropy, is that portion of the total energy (ah) which directs biochemical processes towards randomness and is thus unavailable for work. Brody (197^) and Blaxter (I962) pointed out similarities between the concepts of thermodynamics and net energy. Since animals are homeothermic and conform to the Laws of Conservation of Energy and Matter, then it is not surprising that the concept of net energy (Armsby, I9IO) adheres to the principle of Gibbs free energy. In this comparison, metabol izabl e energy (ME) represents the total energy available to animals. In nutritional terms, ME is analogous to the AH of biochemical reactions. Given this premise, that portion of the total energy not convertible to work (TaS) is nutritionally analogous to heat increment or specific dynamic action (SDA) . Finally, it is seen that the portion of the total available energy which is capable of doing work (AG) may nutritionally be considered to be the net energy (NE) . Thus, the Gibbs free energy equation, AG = AH - T A S is seen to be analogous to - 7 NE = ME - SDA. This analogue is made with the realization that it is dependent upon the initial and final states of the process. While these states may be readily definable for a series of biochemical reactions, the numerous metabolic processes of even the simpliest organism make it possible to estimate only the initial and final states. The NE represents maximum utilizable energy, but no reference is given to level of pro- duction or to factors which can affect the efficiency of this parti- tioning. Rubner (Kriss, 19^3) postulated that the SDA was a composite, waste energy effect derived from numerous oxidations and side reac- tions occurring in intermediate metabolism. Since the evolved heat of biochemical processes is a function of the initial and final states and is independent of the path between these states, Swift and French (195^) concluded that the potential energy of ingested food must be conserved in the potential energies of the excreta, stored body tissues and heat production. The term heat increment (Hi) has become synonymous with SDA. However, SDA, as it was originally derived from Rubner' s theory of isodynamic replacement (Armsby, 1910), refers only to the heat of nutrient metabolism (HNM). Isodynamic replacement was probably the first systematic attempt to address the problems of animal nutrition to the Laws of Thermodynamics. Derived from Rubner's work with dogs, it postulated, below maintenance, that nutrients replaced each other in a ration inversely proportional to their ME values. As Armsby (1910) and later Kromann (1973) pointed out, HI, as it can be experimentally determined, is a combination of HNM and - 8 - the heat of fermentation (HF) . Although, in a true energy scheme, HF would be considered a digestion loss, it is impossible to experimentally separate HF from HNM. Thus, the commonly determined HI, as does ME, contains not only the SDA but the HF, as well. Even though Armsby (1910) pointed out this discrepancy in Rubner's isodynamic replacement theory, he continued to determine NE values be- low maintenance. To Armsby (1917) the NE of a feed or nutrient was a measure of the feedstuff's ability to diminish the observed energy loss caused by feeding below maintenance. Developing the first large animal calorimeter, Armsby and Fries (1915, 1918) derived the first NE feeding system for cattle. Basically their approach was to determine basal catabolism and NE values for maintenance by comparing the heat pro- duction (HP) at two different, sequential submaintenance levels of intake. This procedure is based on the logic that, above the lower critical temperature, the consumption of feed increases HP proportional to intake (Armsby 1910, 1917). Assuming that the animal is above the lower critical temperature, the HP, in addition to HI, includes the heat produced in the various metabolic processes necessary to maintain life. This i s that port ion of the NE required for maintenance (NE ). m With this general concept of HP, the NE values of Armsby were based on the assumption that the utilization of ME was of equal efficiency (linear) above and below maintenance (Forbes et al., 1927). Earlier, Forbes et al. (1926a) showed that the computing of HP with above main- tenance levels of feed intake consistently lead to lower estimates of fasting catabolism than with submaintenance intake levels. With dairy cows, Forbes et al. (1926b) demonstrated that the greatest efficiency 9 - of utilization of feed energy was for maintenance, followed by milk production and body weight gain, respectively. Instead of proposing that HP be estimated by extrapolating above maintenance levels of intake, Forbes et al. (1927) concluded that HP should be estimated from observed HP during fasting. This HP estimate was less variable and significantly lower than that determined with above maintenance feed intake levels. This observation led Forbes et al. (1928) to conclude that the relation between HP and intake was not linear and that energy was more efficiently utilized for maintenance than for gain. This conclusion gave impetus to the division of NE into values for maintenance (NE ) and for production (NE ). Summarizing the data m p of Forbes et al. (1928, 1930) and his own, Marston (19^8) demonstrated that when HP and available energy intake were reduced by the parameter of weight in kilograms raised to the 0.73 power (Brody, 197^), the relation between them was essentially linear for above maintenance levels of intake. If the relation between HP and ME intake (MEl) is linear above maintenance and animals conform to the Law of Conservation of Energy (Blaxter, 1962; Brody, 197^; Kleiber, I96I), then the ob- servation, that beef cattle have a linear relation between energy gain and available energy intake above maintenance, is in agreement with thermodynamic principles (Garrett et al.,1964). Due to these observa- tions, Lofgreen and Garrett (I968) concluded that NE^ of cattle is linear and independent of level of feeding above maintenance (Garrett et al., 1959a, b) . Below maintenance there is general agreement that HP is not linearly related to MEl (Armsby, 1910; Forbes et al . , 1928, 1930; 10 Garrett et al., 1959b; Garrett, 1971; Moe et al., 1971, 1972). Marston (19^8) found this discrepancy consistent with the princi- ples of thermodynamics. Forbes et al. (1926a) observed that a linear extrapolation of HP versus intake always resulted in a lower HP intercept than experimentally determined HP values. Marston (19^8) postulated that such an extrapolation would represent the animal's true basal energy requirement, which would be equivalent to the true NE . The difference between this true basal energy requirement and m the observed basal energy requirement would be accounted for by sub- maintenance catabolism of animal tissue. Accordingly Marston (19^*8) reasoned that the augmentation of HP, at below maintenance feed in- take, is due to heat of catabolism of animal tissue and should not be included in the true basal energy requirement. The distinction, between using a linear or a curvilinear model to describe the rela- tion between HP and MEI, is more dependent upon the interpretation of the definition of maintenance than upon the Interpretation of ex- perimental results (Flatt et al., 19^5; Moe and Tyrrell, 1973). In the NE system proposed for dairy cows (NRC, 1971b, 1978; Moe et al., 1972), the maintenance and production requirement are expressed in an equivalent linear relation. Blaxter (1962, I969) developed a ME system in accordance with the postulation that the efficiency of energy utilization for main- tenance exceeds that for production with beef cattle (Forbes et al., 1926b; Kleiber, I96I). In this ME system (ARC, I965), ME has dif- ferent partial efficiencies for maintenance (K ) and for fattening m (K,). The ME for maintenance (ME ) needs are based on fasting meta- 11 - holism. This is equivalent to using the observed HP for determining the maintenance requirement. K , the efficiency of ME utilization for maintenance, is expressed as: Km = Sh.B + 0.30 Q . m Q represents the percent of dietary ME I of the gross energy intake (GEI) at maintenance. The daily fasting energy expenditure (E) is calculated from the expression: E = 0.077 Mcal/W, ^-7^, kg Thus, the ME is a measure of the fasting energy required and effi- m ciency of ME for maintenance: ME = E/K . m m The efficiency of ME for fattening (K,) is also expressed as a function K, = 0.81 Q + 3.0. 1 m From the average daily gain (ADG) , K, and ME , the proportion of ME for gain per amount of dietary energy can be determined: Meal ME _ "^f ^^^g^ l- ko 90 ]hO 190 2i»0 crude protein equivalent of ration (g/kg) Figure 3. Microbial growth yields (Y/i^jp) in continuous- culture fermentors with purified diets containing urea. Data from Satter and Sylter (igj't). - 31 with respect to dietary crude protein equivalent. The TAPN mea- sured point of ammonia overflow (figure 2) corresponds to the dietary crude protein level at which Y plateaus (figure 3). The actual dietary ^CP at which the point of ammonia overflow occurs would vary with the specific type of diet consumed. Diets high in energy, containing true protein, with protein resistant to rumen degradation and which decrease saliva flow, have an in- creased dietary crude protein level at which ammonia would accumu- late. Conversely, diets low in energy, high in NPN, containing easily degradable protein and inducing high saliva flow, would decrease the dietary crude protein level for the point of ammonia overflow (Satter, 1978). Satter and Roffler (1975) have summarized their results on ammonia accumulation in a practical system for the determination of nitrogen requirements with respect to energy balance. In this system, nitrogen and energy are considered the dietary determinants of the point of ammonia accumulation. Dietary CP and TDN determine the rumen ammonia concentration, using the multiple regression equation of Satter and Roffler (1977). NPN may be added to the diet to the extent that the CP to TDN balance produces up to 5 mg NH--N per 100 ml rumen fluid. Satter and Roffler (1975) ex- pressed the CP, TDN and NPN relationship in tabular form. Ammonia accumulation at 5 mg per 100 ml rumen fluid represents the point of maximal microbial synthesis. Addition of dietary nitrogen, either CP or NPN, above this level would not contribute to increased microbial protein synthesis. Metabol izable protein (MP), as introduced by Burroughs et al. (1972, 1973a), is the al pha-ami no nitrogen available to the animal for metabolism. The MP is composed of the microbial pro- tein plus the dietary CP which bypasses rumen degradation. While NPN can contribute only to microbial protein (Roffler et al., 1976), dietary CP, both above and below the point of ammonia overflow, can also contribute undegraded protein to MP. The MP concept was originated by Burroughs et al. (1971b), specifically to deal with the problem of urea addition to cattle rations. Burroughs et al. (1971c) demonstrated the inaccuracy of utilizing N times 6.25 to satisfy protein requirements when NPN feedstuffs are considered in feedlot cattle rations. In order to overcome the inadequacies of the 6.25 multiplication system, Burroughs et al. (1971a) introduced the urea fermentation potential (UFP) . to the MP system. The MP and the metabol i zabl e amino acids(MAA) are the quantities of digested protein or absorbed amino acids which are available to the animal for metabolism. This system is the first attempt to express requirements directly at the tissue level. MP is the sum of feed protein, which bypasses rumen degradation, and the microbial protein, which passes from the rumen to the abo- masum (Burroughs et al., 1972). The animal's MP requirements were established by a modification of a method proposed by Mitchell (1929). In this procedure, the main- tenance needs for net body protein (grams per animal per day) were derived using the equation of Smuts (1935): Maintenance = (0.0125) (70.4 W °"^^^). kg - 33 The W is empty body weight in l - microbial protein (Johnson et al., ]Shh) and 90% digestion for the undegraded or rumen bypassed feed protein (NRC, 1964). The estimated MP and MAA requirements were published for feedlot cattle by Burroughs et al. (1972), Burroughs and Geasler (1973) and Rouse (1978) and for dairy cows by Burroughs et al. (1975a, b) . The total MP requirement needed to maintain a specific ADG decreases slightly with increasing body weight gain for feedlot steers. Since the maintenance requirement for MP in- creases with increasing body weight, the amount of MP required per unit of body weight gain decreases with increasing body weight. This reflects the differences in carcass composition at different animal weights. As weight increases, there is a decrease in the proportion of protein gain with respect to fat gain (Berg and Butterfield, 1967; Elsley, 1976). The available MP in a given ration is calculated from the DMi, the proportion of CP degraded in the rumen, the proportion of CP bypassing rumen degradation and the TDN of a ration (Burroughs et al., 1975b). MP = (P^ X .90) + [(P2 - 15.0) X .80]. The P, in the equation is the grams of bypass alpha-amino protein per kg feed DM and is considered 90^ digestible. The P represents the grams of abomasal microbial protein per kg feed DM and is con- sidered to be Q0% digestible. The number 15.0 represents the amount of abomasal protein needed to satisfy the metabolic fecal protein requirement. The P„ factor represents the metabolic balance between energy and nitrogen. The grams of microbial protein are derived 35 - from either the grams of dietary CP degraded in the rumen or 10. 't^^ of the grams of TDN per kg feed DM. The P is calculated from the CP in the case of an energy excess and from the TDN in the case of a nitrogen excess. From the amino acid percentages of P, and P , MAA = (.9P, X AA%P )/100 + [(.8P - 12.0) x AA^P^l/lOO. Logically, if the dietary protein, which is degraded and syn- thesized into microbial protein, passes through an ammonia intei — mediate, than NPN should be subst i tutable into microbial protein on an ammonia equivalence basis. For this purpose, the urea fermen- tation potential (UFP) was introduced by Burroughs et al. (1971a). UFP reflects the microbial ability to incorporate ammonia, in the case of sufficient energy, into microbial protein. A positive UFP value represents the maximal amounts of urea (g/kg feed DM) which can be fed to obtain maximum formation of microbial protein. The derivation of UFP assumes that only ^^O percent of the fed urea is actually converted to microbial protein as, UFP = (].Ohk TDN - P ) T 2.8. The P- is the total grams of rumen degraded protein per kg feed DM. This is the protein which contributes ammonia to the rumen ammonia pool. The 2.8 factor converts to an equivalent amount of urea. A positive UFP value times 2.2 gives the grams of microbial protein synthesized from the additional grams of urea added per kg feed DM. The 2.2 factor is derived from the grams of MP synthesized from a kg of urea in the presence of excess energy. MP = (P, x .90) + [(P, - 15.0) X .80]. urea 1 / - 36 - MP = [2800(0) X .90] + ([2800(1.00) - 15.0] X .80). U lea MP = 2228 g MP/kg urea, urea The MP concept has taken protein beyond the digestibility stage. MP is the requirement expressed at the level of absorption in the small intestine after rumen ammonia and digestion losses. The MP system takes into account microbial synthesis and bypass protein to express the MP and MAA values of feedstuff s. The animal requirements are actually determined on a net pro- tein basis in terms of maintenance protein and tissue protein growth (or production) requirements. The ef f iciencies of ut i 1 ization of MP for maintenance and for production have been used to convert animal net protein requirements to animal MP requirements. Even with all the adjustments and assumptions accounted for by the MP system, a net protein (NP) system has been outlined by Fox et al . (1977) and Fox and Black (1977) to make additional adjustments not accounted for in the MP system. The basic NP system (Fox et al., 1977; Bergen et al., 1979) is structured like the MP system (Burroughs et al., 1975a, b) . The maintenance net protein (NP ) requirement is also based upon the equation of Smuts (1935): NP^ = (0.0125) (70. it W|^ 0-73'+) _ The W is empty body weight in kilograms. The empty body protein composition (EB ) of the average framed steer is derived from the equation of Reid (197^+): EB = 0.235 W - 0.00013 W^ - 2.418. Adjustments for frame size and sex are made so that animals may be 37 - compared at a standard composition (Brumgardt, 1972; Ayala, 197'^; Cr ickenberger et al., 1976b; Klosterman and Parker, 1976). Fox et al. (1977) have chosen empty body fat at 28.2 to 30.5% as the standard where steers are expected to grade low choice (Fox and Black, 1976; Byers et al., 1977). The animal NP for gain (NP ) requirement is the first derivative of the Reid (197^) equation, expressed at various average daily gains (ADG): NP = (0.235 = 0.00026 W) x ADG. g The efficiency of the utilization of MP is assumed to be equal for maintenance and for gain (Bergen et al., 1978). The NP values of feedstuffs viere determined by nitrogen balance trials (Bergen et al., 197^; Fox et al., 1976; Cr ickenberger et al., 1976a). The protein of feedstuffs is measured as a nitrogen retention quotient: rN retained-j •- N intake ■' ' which can be used to convert CP values to NP values. Only one NP value for feedstuffs is expressed, since the utilization, for main- tenance and for gain, is assumed to be at similar efficiencies. In order to account for the use of NPN supplementation, Bergen et al. (1978, 1979) developed the ammonia utilization potential (AUP) . AUP represents the upper limit on microbial protein synthesis: AUP = Rumen ATP yield x Efficiency of microbial protein synthesis. AUP - DMI X DE X Rumen OMD x Efficiency of cell yield. The DMI is the kg of dry matter intake, and DE is the digestible energy in Meal per kg feed DM. Rumen OMD represents the extent of 30 organic matter digestion in the rumen. The efficiency of cell yield is the grams of microbial protein synthesized per Meal of rumen DE. Rumen DE is the DE of the feed times the percent ruminal digestion. The rumen OMD and the efficiency of cell yield are dependent upon the dilution rate of the ration. Dilution rates for several types of rations have been determined by Cole et al. (1976c) and Kropp et al. (1977b). The efficiency of microbial cell yield, as protein yield per Meal DE available in the rumen, is determined from the relationship of dilution rate to microbial cell yield (Cole et al., 1976c; Kropp et al., 1977b). The extent of rumen OMD is expressed as apparent rumen OMD as a percent of total apparent OMD. Cole et al. (1976a, b) and Kropp et al. (1977a) determined the extent of rumen OMD for several types of rations. If the rumen OMD and the efficiency of microbial cell yield are known for the ration, than the AUP can be determined from the DMI and DE content of the ration In the NP system, NP values for NPN ingredients are determined comparably to true protein feedstuffs. However, in ration calcula- tion NPN is only utilizable to the extent that NPN (NH ) <_ AUP. The NPN (NH ) is the ammonia derived from NPN ingredients. To the extent that the NPN (NH ) exceeds the AUP, the NP value of excess NPN is zero. CHAPTER THREE MATERIALS AND METHODS Genera 1 The experimental design consisted of two trials. A meta- bolism trial and a comparative slaughter feedlot trial were con- ducted simultaneously from September, 1979, to February, I98O, at the Agricultural Research Center of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences located near Jay, Florida. Eighty-five yearling steers were randomly selected. Since some of the steers were purchased at local auction markets, their true ancestry is unknown. Animals utilized in the study were predominantly Angus,. Hereford and Angus-Hereford crosses. Through visual examination, the 85 steers were sorted into three breed groups of 58 Angus, 15 Hereford and 12 Angus-Hereford crosses. Further randomizations were made from the breed groups into the experimental groups. All the animals were slowly adapted to corn silage and corn grain diets during the summer preceding the two trials. Five Angus steers were selected at random, for the metabolism trial, and placed in individual feeding stalls, where they were fed the silage and grain diets. The experimental diets were designed to be isocaloric but to vary in nitrogen to energy balance utilizing the urea fermentation potential system (UFP) of Burroughs et al. (1975a, b) . The ingredient composition and proximate analyses of the five experimental diets are shown in tables 1 and 2, respec- tively. - 39 - /jO - TABLE 1. INGREDIENT COMPOSITION OF DIETS TO EVALUATE UFP, DRY MATTER BASIS UFP' b c I ng redient, % DM Reference no. +3.8 +1.2 -].k -3.9 -6.9 (+9.8) (+6.9) (+^.3) (+1.2) (-1.8) Corn grain Corn si lage Soybean meal Urea Salt^ Limestone ^-02-935 3-08-153 5-0^-60it 6-02-632 64.10 62.7't 62.25 6it.30 66.46 34.76 33.70 32.65 31.40 30.06 2.43 3.87 2.60 1.34 .10 .56 1.01 M .^6 .45 .45 .46 .69 .68 .67 .68 .67 Urea fermentation potential values calculated from data obtained in present study; values in parenthesis from feedstuffs given by Burroughs et al. (1975b). Added 2200 lU Vitamin A per kg diet DM from 16. 8g of Rovimix A-65O (Roche) . ^ NRC, 1971a. Contained 281% crude protein equivalent (min). ^ Trace mineralized salt containing 97.0 + 2.0% NaCl, 0.35% Zn, 0.34% Fe, 0.20% Mn, 0.033% Cu, 0.007% I and 0.005% Co. Contained 38.8% Ca (min) - ^1 TABLE 2. DRY MATTER AND PROXIMATE ANALYSES COMPOSITION OF DIETS TO EVALUATE UFP Item, % UFP' +3.8 +1.2 -1.4 -3.9 -6.9 (+9.8) (+6.9) (+4.3) (+1.2) (-1.8) Dry matter Dry matter basis Ash Crude fiber Crude protein Ether extract Nitrogen-free extract 58.22 58.85 59.45 60.25 61.12 2.14 2.24 2.30 2.20 2.09 7.06 7.00 6.92 6.70 6.48 9.71 10.62 11.42*^ 12.21^ 13.00^ 3.25 3.22 3.19 3.20 3.22 77.84 76.92 76.17 75-69 75.21 Urea fermentation potential values calculated from data obtained in present study; values in parenthesis from feedstuffs given by Burroughs et al. (1975b). Crude protein difference reflects the change in dietary UFP, since diets were designed to be isocaloric. *" Includes 0.28% crude protein equivalent from urea. Includes 1.57% crude protein equivalent from urea. ^ Includes 2.84% crude protein equivalent from urea. kz - Metabol i sm Trial A 5 X 5 Latin square design was utilized for the metabolism trial. The five diets (table 1) v/ere rotated through the five periods in the order shown in table 3. The five Angus steers were halter-broken and housed in individual concrete floor stalls. Dietary ingredients were weighed using milk scales and mixed by hand in metal tubs. One of the five steers was removed from the experiment after the second period, due to refusal of feed when placed in the elevated metabolism crate. The limited data of this steer was not included in the statistical analysis. At the beginning of the first metabolism period, the steers were implanted with 36 mg zeranol . Each metabolism period consisted of 21 days divided into three phases: adjustment to the diet, adjustment to the metabolism crate and fecal and urinary collection phase. The animals were adjusted for 11 days in stalls with con- crete floors to the diet fed during that period. The diets were fed ad libitum to the steers in their individual feeding stalls. The steers were weighed before being placed into their metabolism crates and again after being removed. The steers were adjusted for 3 days to living in elevated metal metabolism crates. Feed offered in the crates was initially cut to approximately 80^ of ad libitum level, then adjusted so the animals left a minimal amount of orts. During the last 7 days of each period, total urine and feces were collected. Daily samples of feed were taken at the beginning of the last 7 days of each period. The animals were fed twice daily, and orts, when present, were collected once daily ^3 TABLE 3. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN OF METABOLISM TRIAL USING STEERS TO EVALUATE UFP^ od Sti eer no. Peri 108A llA 1^2A 129A 121A^ 1 -].k -6.9 +3.8 + 1.2 -3.9 2 + 1.2 -3.9 -6.9 +3.8 -\.k 3 -6.9 + 1.2 -1.4 -3.9 +3.8 A +3.8 -l.i» -3.9 -6.9 +1.2 5 -3.9 +3.8 + 1.2 -]A -6.9 ^ Diets listed by urea fermentation potential values determined in the present study. Steer 121A terminated from experiment after period 2; no data from steer 121A used in analysis of results. kh at the time of urine and fecal collection. The steers were given water in plastic pails twice daily, and their water consumption was recorded. Two fecal collections vjere obtained daily. The initial collection was stored in metal trash cans with plastic liners. Following the second collection, the two collections were composited, weighed and mixed thoroughly. An aliquot, representing ]% of the daily fecal material, was stored in plastic bags and frozen for later analysis. Urine was collected in plastic bottles covered with two layers of cheese cloth to minimize contamination. Urine samples were preserved by 10 ml of toluene and 150 ml HCl (diluted ]:k) added to the bottles at the beginning of the collection period. Daily the total urine volume was recorded, and after thorough mixing a 2Z aliquot was collected in a nalgene bottle and refrigerated for later ana- lysis. The urine samples were composited from day to day by storage in the same nalgene bottle. At the end of each period, the feed, orts and fecal samples were thawed, thoroughly mixed and composite samples taken. The composite samples were weighed and dried in a forced-air oven at 60 C for approximately 48 hours. The samples were then ground to pass through a one mm screen in a Wiley mill. Proximate analyses were conducted on these samples in accordance with AGAC (1970) methods. The Parr adiabatic bomb calorimeter was utilized for gross energy determinations, as described by Anonymous (i960) and Easley et al. (1965). Urine samples were analyzed for nitrogen and gross energy following the same procedures. Prior to calorimetric analysis the urine was dried on solka floe absorbant. - k5 - Metabol i zable energy was calculated as the energy in the feed minus the energy losses in feces, urine and methane of digestion. Methane energy was estimated from the equation of Bratzler and Forbes (19^0): E = k.OMx + 17.68. In the equation, E is the grams of methane produced, and x re- -2 presents 10 times the grams of carbohydrate digested. Digested carbohydrate is the sum of the digested crude fiber and digested nitrogen-free extract. Each gram of methane produced represents a loss of 13.2 i ZG.k 100.2 IO9.O 120. ^f 128.8 N excretion Feces, g/day Feces, % intake-" Urine, g/day- -•" Urine, % intake- N retention, g/day 15.3 18.4 21.1 21.2 25.2 N retention, % intake I8.9 I8.6 19. 8 18.2 20.5 N retention, % absorbed 3^.8 3'*.7 36.0 29.0 J,\ .k N digestibil ity, ^diet'"--"^ 50.9 53.2 53-9 60.5 62.5 Digested N retained, % diet 36.3 35-5 37.7 30.3 31.3 - Means are significantly related to UFP by linear regression analysis (P<.01). -" Means are significantly related to UFP by linear regression analysis (P<.005). -"■- Means are significantly related to UFP by linear regression analysis (P<.001). ^ Urea fermentation potential values calculated from data obtained in present study; values in parenthesis given for feedstuffs by Burroughs et al . (1975b) . - 6: and P < .006, respectively). The linear decrease (P <.002) in fecal nitrogen loss, as a percentage of nitrogen intake, with de- creasing dietary UFP values, is the analogue of increasing nitrogen (crude protein) digestibilities. This reflects the nutritive entity relationship between apparent and true digestibilities (table 7). Although nitrogen retention tended to increase with decreasing UFP values (P < .08), the significance in the model is due more to differences between animals (P < .05) than to variation in dietary UFP (P < .1^). Additional linear regression analysis of nitrogen intake, nitrogen excretions and nitrogen retention when related to a logarithmic transformation of UFP values gave similar, but slightly less significant, results. Although quadratic UFP variables were not considered due to the experimental design, both nitrogen retention, as a percent of absorbed N, and digested N retention, as a percent of dietary N, appear to have optimal values near zero UFP values. This would imply a maximal efficiency of N retention associated with a value of zero UFP. Feedlot Trial The feedlot performance data of steers fed diets varying in UFP is shown in table 10. Simple regression analysis was conducted using UFP values as linear variables (UFP) , as linear and quadratic vari- ables (UFP + UFP ) and as linear, quadratic and cubic variables (UFP + 2 3 UFP + UFP ). In addition, a simple logarithmic transformation [in (e - UFP)] of UFP values was analyzed by linear regression analysis. Those models in which the most complex UFP variable made a significant 63 TABLE 10. FEEDLOT PERFORMANCE OF STEERS FED DIETS WITH VARYING UFP^ UFP^ 14 14 14 14 14 318 318 304 310 313 Al6 451 447 449 451 98 133 143 139 138 +3.8 +1.2 -1.4 -3.9 -6.9 Item (+9.8) (+6.9) (+4.3) (+1.2) (-1.8) No. of steers Average initial weight, kg Average final weight, kg Average gains, kg Daily dry matter intake, kg-- 7.92 8.66 9.17 9.16 8.90 Average daily gain, kg'«> .80 1.09 1.16 1.13 1.12 Dry matter/ gain'-' 9.86 7.94 7.90 8.15 7-92 " Means are significantly related to a logarithmic transformation of UFP by linear regression analysis (P<.05); the logarithmic trans- 2 formation used is In (e -UFP). "" Means are significantly related by simple regression analysis with linear and quadratic UFP variables (P<.005). ^ Urea fermentation potential values calculated from data obtained in present study; values in parenthesis given for feedstuffs by Burroughs et a1 . (1975b). 6k contribution (P < .10) to the model are summarized in table 11. F tests were conducted to compare the model error sums of squares (SSE) for the significance of including quadratic and/or cubic UFP vari- ables in the model (Cornell, I98I). For example, if the SSE of a reduced model (i.e UFP) is compared to the SSE of a more complete model (i.e., ... UFP + UFP ), the significance of the F test is the 2 significance of the additional variable in the model (i.e., ... UFP ). 2 The logarithmic transformation [in (e - UFP)] may not be compared to the other models by this F test. The prediction error sum of squares (Press) is used to compare all models for the same parameter and is a measure of the variation between the observed experimental values and those values predicted by the model (Gill, 1978). A lower Press statistic is indicative of less variation and generally represents a better fit of the model to the experimental data. Co- 2 efficients of determination (R ) and the significance level of the F tests for each model are also included in table 11. Both dry matter intake and average daily gain were significantly related by simple regression analysis with linear and quadratic UFP variables (P < .OO't and P < .003, respectively). This is indicative that optimal daily dry matter intake and optimal average daily gain occurred between the diets with -1.^ and -3.9 UFP values. Feed efficiency (dry matter/gain) decreased 1 ogari thmi cnl 1 y wi th decreasi ng UFP val ues (P < .02). The logarithmic model is chosen to represent the relationship between feed efficiency and UFP, because the linear relationship only tended to be significant (P < .06), the sequential addition of the quadratic and cubic variables only tended to be significant (P < .10) and the 65 - TABLE 11. STATISTICAL INTERPRETATION OF FEEDLOT PERFORMANCE DATA FOR DIETS VARYING IN UFpe Regression model SSE- Pr>F Press Daily dry matter intake UFP UFP + UFP^ In Ce^ ■ - UFP) Average dai ly gain UFP UFP + 2 UFP In (e^ ■ - UFP) Dry matter/gain UFP UFP + 2 UFP UFP + UFP^ + UFP^ In {e^ - UFP) i.sr .56' 1.11 '♦.'45 2.5A 1.36 3. '♦3 ac cd ad 00i» .lik 2.62 004 .79 1.'*'. 01 .59 1.82 .106" .03 .^♦6 .170 .037^ .003 .81 .06i* .073 .006 .63 .]]ii .06 .37 7.30 .03 .6A 5.26 .01 .81 3.78 .02 .52 5.5^* abed SSE values for the same parameter with the same superscript are significantly different (P<.10)'^'*, (P<.05)^, (P<.01)^; analysis used an F test to compare a reduced model with a complete model (Cornell, I98I). ^ Feedlot performance data given in table 10; urea fermentation potential values calculated from data obtained in present study. Model was not included if additional variable was not significant, Model error sum of squares. 66 TABLE 11 -CONTINUED Level of F test significance for model. Prediction error sun of squares represents a statistical measure of the variation between observed and predicted values (Gill, 1978). 67 - slight reduction in Press statistic value does not justify the use of the more complex models. There was a significant logarithmic relationship (P < .02) for feed efficiency to improve with decreasing UFP values. However, there is still considerable variation (R = .52) unaccounted for by this logarithmic relation. The combined observa- tions of dry matter intake, average daily gain and feed efficiency indicate that optimal feedlot performance occurred at a slightly negative UFP (-1.^ to -3.9), when determined from TDN, bypass protein and rumen degraded protein as described by Burroughs et al. (1975b). This slightly negative UFP range corresponds to the point of maximal metabol izable protein synthesis. Using the metabol izable energy values determined in the meta- bolism trial and the energy gained in the comparative slaughter feedlot trial, the partitioning of dietary energy intake by feedlot steers consuming diets varying in UFP is summarized in table 12. ME intake, energy balance and energy gain are significantly related by simple regression analysis with linear and quadratic UFP variables (P < .00'*, P < .0001 and P < .000^, respectively, table 13). Because the diets are isocaloric ME intake follows the same parabolic pattern observed for DM intake (table 10). Both energy balance and energy gain indicate that increased energy deposition occurs with increased energy intake. The energy balance data was derived by comparing the empty body energy content after the feedlot trial with the estimated content before the feeding period using the initial slaughter group data. The energy content of the empty body was calculated from the equations of Garrett and Hinman (1969). The energy gain data was calculated from the TT TABLE 12. ENERGY PARTITIONING DATA OF DIETS VARYING IN UFP^ UFP^ +3.8 +1.2 -1.it -3.9 -6.9 Item (+9.8) (+6.9) (+'t.3) (+1.2) (-1.8) ME intake, Meal/day''--^ 18.42 20.00 21.13 21.33 20.79 Energy balance, Meal/day-"* h.jS 6.19 6.66 6.76 6.50 Heat production, Meal/day 13.64 13.81 14.47 14.57 14.29 NE heat,*^ Meal/day 5-96 6.20 6.10 6.18 6.19 m Heat increment, Meal/day 7.68 7.61 8.37 8.39 8.10 NE , Meal /kg diet DM 1.46 1.45 1.44 1.46 1.46 m Energy gain, '^ kca1/W|^ '■^^■'^''■'•= 41.26 60. II 65.26 65.82 64.24 NE , Mcal/kg diet DM^- .84 1.11 1.05 1.07 1.11 * Means are significantly related to a logarithmic transformation of UFP by linear regression analysis (P<.05); the logarithmic transfor- 2 mation used is In (e -UFP). "" Means are significantly related by simple regression analysis with linear and quadratic UFP variables (P<.005). •>"•'• Means are significantly related by simple regression analysis with linear and quadratic UFP variables (P<.001). Urea fermentation potential values calculated from data obtained in present study; values in parenthesis given for feedstuffs by Burroughs et a1. (1975b). Energy balance from equations of Garrett and Hinman (1969). ^ NE heat equals 0.077 Meal per W, '^^ . m ^ kg Energy gain from equations of Lofgreen and Garrett (I968). TABLE 13. STATISTICAL INTERPRETATION OF ENERGY PARTITIONING DATA FOR DIETS VARYING IN UFP^ Regression Model SSE^ Pr>F^ R^ Press^ Metabol Izable energy intake UFP UFP + UFP^ In (e^ - UFP) Energy balance UFP UFP + UFP^ In (e^ - UFP) Energy gain UFP UFP + UFP^ In (e^ - UFP) Net energy for gain UFP .083 .06 .38 .137 In (e^ - UFP) .068 .02 .^9 -110 7.05^ .02 .50 12.334 3.00^ .OOit .79 7.761 5.13 .006 .64 8.420 106^ .0001 .33 122 89^ .0001 Ah 105 97 .0001 .39 112 400^ .01 .56 675 95^ .OOOit .90 183 243 .002 .74 400 ^ SSE values for the same parameter with the same superscript are signi a b ficantly different (P<.05) , (P<.001) ; analysis used an F test to compare a reduced model with a complete model (Cornell, I98I). '' Energy partitioning data given in table 12; urea fermentation poten- tial values calculated from data obtained in present study. Model was not included if additional variable was not significant. - 70 - TABLE 13-CONTINUED ^ Model error sum of squares. Level of F test significance for model. ^ Prediction error sum of squares represents a statistical measure of the variation between observed and predicted values (Gill, 1978) Energy balance models also contained initial age and initial meta- bolic body weight as covariates. 71 empty body weight gain using the regression equation of Lofgreen and Garrett (1963). Optimal energy intake and energy deposition occurred between -1.^ and -3-9 UFP values. This follows the same parabolic pattern observed in feedlot performance data (table 10), with the optimal response occurring near the point of maximal meta- bolizable protein synthesis. While the NE did not change with ^ ' m variation in UFP, NE increased in a logarithmic manner with de- creasing UFP values (P < .02). This indicates that for isocaloric rations, there is a minimal protein requirement for optimal energy utilization. The energy deposition data further indicates that for isocaloric diets, there is an optimal dietary nitrogen level at which maximal tissue energy deposition occurs. Dietary nitrogen in excess of this level decreased energy deposition. This decreased energy gain is due more to a decreased energy intake (MEI) than to an effect on the efficiency of energy utilization (NEg). Empty Body and Carcass Empty body and carcass data were analyzed following the format outlined for feedlot performance data. Empty body composition and tissue gains in steers fed diets varying in UFP are summarized in table H. From the equations of Garrett and Hinman (1969), the daily empty body gains in weight, fat, total energy and energy from protein and fat are significantly (P < .0001) related by simple re- gression analysis with linear and quadratic UFP variables (tables 13 and 15). The low coefficients of determination (R ) for the 72 - TABLE ]h. EMPTY BODY COMPOSITION AND TISSUE GAINS IN STEERS FED DIETS VARYING IN UFP^ UFP^ +3.8 +1.2 -].^ -3.9 -6.9 Empty body item (+9.8) (+6.9) (+^.3) (+1.2) (-1.8) Average initial weight, kg 281.3 281.2 273-3 276.8 275.3 Average final weight, kg 373-9 ^09.'* A07.0 AI3.5 ^12.3 Daily weight gain, kg-'^''-- .76 1.05 1.09 1.12 1.12 Final percent fat 26.19 27.69 28.88 28.9^ 28.11 Daily fat gain, kg----^'-- .^63 .591 .641 .65O .618 Final percent protein 16.26 15-96 15.73 15.72 15.88 Daily protein gain, kg'- .062 .099 .099 .102 .109 Final energy, Mcal/kg 3.36 3.A9 3.59 3.59 3.52 Dai ly energy gain. Meal-- 4.78 6.19 6.66 6.76 6.50 Daily fat-protein energy gain, 4.69 6.10 6.57 6.66 6.41 Mca 1 -•■ ••- •'■ Means are significantly related to a logarithmic transformation of UFP by linear regression analysis (P<.05); the logarithmic transfer 2 mation used is In (e -UFP) . "" Means are significantly related by simple regression analysis with linear and quadratic UFP variables (P<.001). Empty body composition calculated using specific gravity from equa- 73 TABLE 14-CONTINUED tions of Garrett and Hinman (1969); urea fermentation potential values calculated from data obtained in present study; values in parenthesis given for feedstuff s by Burroughs et al. (1975b) Equivalent to energy balance in tables 12 and 13- 1^ TABLE 15. STATISTICAL INTERPRETATION OF EMPTY BODY DATA FOR DIETS VARYING IN UFP^ Regression model sse' Pr>FJ r2 Press"^ Dai ly weight ga in UFP 1.79"' .0001 .38 2.05 UFP + UFP^ 1.37^^ .0001 .53 1.60 UFP + UFP^ + UFP^ 1.30"^" .0001 .55 1.58 In (e^ - UFP) \.5h .0001 .^7 1.76 Dai ly fat gai n UFP 1.18^ .0001 .32 1.37 UFP + UFP^ 1.02^ .0001 M 1.22 In (e^ - UFP) 1.10 .0001 .36 1.27 Dai 1 y protein gain -" UFP .0^22^^ .0001 .33 .Ok3 UFP + UFP^ .0386^^ .0001 .39 .0't6 UFP + UFP^ + UFP^ .0365^^ .0001 .42 .OitS In (e^ - UFP) .039^ .0001 .38 .0^*5 Daily fat-protein energy gain UFP 10i»" .0001 .33 120 UFP + UFP^ 87^ .0001 .Uk 103 In (e^ - UFP) 95 .0001 .38 110 abcdef _.^ , ^ SSE values tor the same parameter with the same superscript are significantly different (P<.10)'^, (P<.025)^^, (P<.005)^, (P<.001)"^ analysis used an F test to compare a reduced model with a complete model (Cornell, I98I). 75 TABLE 15-COriTINUED Empty body data given in table 14; urea fermentation potential values calculated from data obtained in present study. Model was not included if additional variable was not significant; all models also contained initial age and initial metabolic body weight as covariates. Model error sum of squares. Level of F test significance for model. k Prediction error sum of squares represents a statistical measure of the variation between observed and predicted values (Gill, 1978) 7& empty body data indicate that although empty body data are very significantly related to variation in UFP, a large portion of the total variation remains unaccounted for. The regression models contained initial age and initial metabolic body weight as covariates to minimize the large amount of animal variation within the groups. At the initiation of the feedlot trial, steer weights ranged from 2^0 to 350 kg. Steers of similar breed and frame score would be at different points on the growth curve with this variation in initial weight (Berg and Butterfield, 1976). Initial animal variation was expected to be a major factor affecting ultimate empty body and carcass composition. Subsequent research should consider slaughtering animals at the same point on the growth curve or at the same final composition rather than at the same point in time. In agreement v/ith the feedlot performance data (table 10) and the energy partitioning data (table 12), the empty body composition and tissue gain data indicate that optimal weight, fat and energy gains occurred with a slightly negative UFP value (between -1.4 and -3.9). Daily protein gain is loga- rithmically related to decrees i ng UFP values (P < .0001). This suggests that there are different protein and fat tissue deposition responses with respect to optimal nitrogen to energy balance. For isocaloric diets there is a minimal nitrogen content necessary for optimal tissue deposition of protein and fat. However, when nitrogen is in excess, there is a decreased energy (fat) deposition, while protein tissue deposition remains unchanged or increases slightly. This decreased adipose tissue deposition is probably due to a de- creased energy intake (table 12). - // The carcass characteristics and their statistical interpretation are summarized in tables 16 and 17, respectively. The regression models contained initial age and initial metabolic body weight as covariates to minimize initial animal variation. Even with the analysis of covariance, the coefficients of determination (R ) for 2 the carcass characteristics are extremely low. These low R values suggest that while specific gravity, yield grade, texture of lean, fat over the ribeye, ribeye area and dressing percentages are signifi- cantly related to UFP variation, a substantial portion of the overall data variation still remains unaccounted for. This unaccounted por- tion may be in part due to the large initial animal variation within each group, to slaughtering animals at different points in the growth curve and to the overall difficulty of changing carcass character- istics by manipulating dietary composition. Berg and Butterfield (1976) postulated that level of nutrition only affects carcass com- position indirectly by affecting the rate of growth or the rate of progression along the growth curve. At the same point on the growth curve, cattle have comparable carcass characteristics. The effect of nitrogen to energy balance on carcass character i sti cs could be better evaluated by slaughtering steers at comparable carcass com- positions. The evaluation is then in terms of the rate of reaching a specific carcass composition rather than comparing carcass com- positions after a specific length of feeding. In these terms, optimal nitrogen to energy balance is reflected in terms of a greater degree of finish (fattening) at the end of the feedlot trial. Consistent with the feedlot performance data (table 10), the energy partitioning - 78 - CTiOO I I CTl CNI TO (0 C3 >- < O CO -3- ro I + Cvj ' — CO — CM CM — -^ CO CPl -cr — ' — -a- ro — CM CO CNI — LTV CM CM OD -3- 0 vD v£> CO _^ 0 0 vD r^ CM 0 LTV 0 0 CM CO vO r-- u-\ 0 CO 0 vD CO CM • — un CO ' — ' — -3- CO — CM cr> CM *— vO CM LA 0 UO CO LA _^ LA v£> 0 0 ,— . r— -3- CTl CO 0 • — CM CTl 0 r-- LA LA r^ CM -3- LA -a- — LA CO -3- ' — •— -3- CO — CM 0 CM — CO ^^l LA CO LA -3- r-- CO r— CO ^— cc vO r^ cr> 0 CJ 0 vO 0 LA r^ vD r^ r- CO 0 00 00 CO CO — -3- CO 0 LA — ' — -3- CO — CM LA -3- CM -3- CM * *«> * ■!< 4-) cn ■!: (D ^ -;; «4- > E •M J-) 0 •j: U _•* -:; -0 -0 -:: C71 -C •i: (TJ >- -:; c a) l*- c cn •t CM (U 4-J •*' (D c c fO (b E ^ • — 0 .X" 0) 0 - 0 1 > (U r— JD C ._ fD > cn 1- "O 0 0 ^— M- 0 4- 01 J- - >- M- l/l <4- 0 1_ fD Q. • — c >- cn 4-J i-> 0 .— • — u (U ro > 0) >- •— -— •— -0 I_ s_ 1- 3 c 1_ 0 0 :^ (U u J3 »— >— D 3 0 4-J E 0 J3 T3 D- fO 3 . — TO 03 0 (U . — 0 0 ro LT) 2: 0' >- ^£~ s: 0 1- Ll_ CJ zn. U- CC •2 79 - CO CO o LA CO o en Ln O fsl o VO PA CO — 0^ LTV LA O CO cn j«: ^ i_ (D 0) x: ,1* (/I c »- (U (U o ^— J- N 0) 4-1 C- TO l- ai CQ c 1 — l- i/i - TO C TO c o l/l l/l Q) 1- cn - J3 ■a ro (U c TO O 0) 1- TO in c TO a) LA O l/l 0) JD TO L- TO > D- U. n u •^ 4-> ro i- ■o • TO ,— % 3 LA cr O O "O • c TO V L- &. TO »» — ■ 0) C in -— ••> r— in >- JZ r— *-> TO • — C S TO in C • — o in • >• >- in •— in TO 0) C L. TO Ol 0) C L. o I- in TO in Q) >- XI -o . c ro o cn in c TO c TO O c C7: in I C -D 3 in (U V- Q. c TO •M XI O TO •o E O ■a (D *-> ro 3 O TO O in (U TO > - XI • — in in "O (U c (U > cn in in 0) x: o MD II 0) •M TO 1_ o o CM II >- TO E CO o II 1- 3 TO E o LA II XI Q) 1_ ro -a >~ TO u Q) -o O E -a 1- >- i- i_ - - 80 - TABLE 17. STATISTICAL INTERPRETATION OF CARCASS DATA FOR DIETS VARYING IN UFP"^ Regression model^ SSE Pr>F^ R~ Press Spec i f i c gravi ty UFP UFP + UFP^ 0025^^ .047 .14 .00296 00239^ .019 .19 .00287 00248 .025 .16 .00287 In (e^ - UFP) Yield grade UFP + UFP^ 54.2 .0001 .33 64.9 In (e^ - UPF) 63.8 .004 .21 74.1 Texture of lean UFP 24.1^ .14 .10 28.0 UFP + UFP^ 21. 9*" .02 .18 26.4 In (e^ - UFP) 23.4 .06 .I3 27.3 Hot carcass weight UFP 13977"^ .0001 .76 16166 UFP + UFP^ 9929^ .0001 .83 11646 In (e^ - UFP) 11972 .0001 .80 I3756 Fat over ribeye UFP + UFP^ 3.53 .0001 .32 4.23 In (e^ - UFP) 4.36 .02 .16 5.10 Ribeye area UFP 1749 .002 .22 2042 2 In (e - UFP) 1742 .002 .23 2030 81 - TABLE 17-CONTINUED Dressing percent UFP UFP + UFP^ In (e^ - UFP) 199^ .06 .13 Ilk 187^ .02 .18 11^ 195 .03 .U 228 3 be SSE values for the same parameter with the same superscript are significantly different (P<.05)^, (P<.025)'', (P<.001)^; analysis used an F test to compare a reduced model with a complete model (Cornell, 1931). Carcass data given in table 16; urea fermentation potential values calculated from data obtained in present study. Model was not included if additional variable was not significant; all models also contained initial age and initial metabolic body weight as covariates. Model error sum of squares. Level of F test significance for model. Prediction error sum of squares represents a statistical measure of the variation between observed and predicted values (Gill, 1978) 82 - data (table 12), and the empty body composition data (table 1^), the carcass characteristics (table 16) show the greatest degree of finish (fattening) between the -1.^ and -3.9 UFP diets. Specific gravity, yield grade, texture of lean, hot carcass weight, fat over the ribeye and dressing percentages are significantly related by simple regression analysis to linear and quadratic UFP variables. These carcass characteristics generally have maximum or minimum values between the -1.4 and -3.9 UFP diets. Lower specific gravity, lower yield grade percentages, finer textured lean, heavier carcass weight, more fat over the ribeye and higher dressing percentages are consistent with a higher energy intake occurring between the -1.4 and -3.9 UFP diets. This corresponds to the maximum meta- bolizable protein content of the diets. Ribeye area increased (P < .002) with decreasing UFP values. Since the linear and loga- rithmic models both fit the data equally (table 17), the simpler linear model was chosen to represent the increasing ribeye area with increasing dietary nitrogen content. The increased ribeye area is consistent with the logarithmic increase observed in empty body protein gain (table 14). While the low R for most carcass characteristics indicates a substantial amount of vari- ation remains unaccounted for by the models. The observed changes in various carcass characteristics is consistent with feedlot performance and energy partitioning results, suggesting that optimal carcass finish (fattening) was obtained between -1.4 and -3.9 UFP values. 83 Nitrogen to Energy Balance Using the multiple regression equation of Satter and Roffler (1977), ruminal ammonia concentration was predicted from the dietary TDN and CP (not including CP from urea). These predicted ruminal ammonia concentrations and the upper limit of utilizable crude protein are presented for the diets in table 18. If natural crude protein is lower than those calculated from the upper limit values, then urea may be added as crude protein to mai- < Q UJ < < Ll_ o UJ cc to < < o Q- < CM CM CO < d^ CD c (1) 4-> o 1_ o. 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From September, 1973, to December, 197^+, he attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin. He majored in biochemistry and was awarded his Bachelor of Science degree on December 18, 197^. From June, 1975, to September, 1977, he v;orked as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Tibaitata, near Bogota, Colombia. He developed analy- tical techniques and conducted mineral status experiments to in- vestigate mineral deficiencies and toxicities in grazing cattle and sheep. While not attending school or working in Colombia, he either worked as a laborer for Babcock and Wilcox Tubular Products Division or contracted as a house painter and wallpaper hanger. Presently, he i s a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in animal science at the University of Florida. 116 - I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. u Dr. R.L. Shirley, Chairman Professor of Animal Seience I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Or/. J.E. Bertrand Professor of Animal Science J I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ^■^.Q^ -vi^-^ Dr. A.Z< Palmer Professor of Animal Sci ence I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ^//X^^rCa^ Dr. P.H. Smith Professor of Microbiology and Cel Science I certify that I have read this study and that In my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. />1 ,^ . c-/// l^^r^ ^ Dr. M.C. Lutrick Professor of Soil Science I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. •/ ^/^i^\ fe^ w/. J.F. Easley /' Assistant Professor of Animal Science This dissertation was submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the College of Agriculture and to the Graduate Council, and was accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Phi losophy , August, 1981 OU^/l\