TOMATO CULTURE By W. A. VAN CAMP. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Rts Gee industry to bs al bigger tie sate momato Cultivation A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE GROWING AND CULTIVATION OF THE TOMATO By WILL A. VAN CAMP EN DLANA POLIS, IFN DAIFANA ‘ ‘ me ’ . Pe ¢ 2 uA TOMATO CULTIVATION Every year a new series of cultivators, both of farm and garden, springs into ex- istence. If these young men could be per- suaded to take up the work from the scientific standpoint, agriculture could soon be elevated to an art. Instead of meeting the same difficulties as their fathers, they could benefit themselves and their State by profiting by the experiences of their predecessors. To these progres- sive minds who are interested in the suc- cessful cultivation of the tomato, we sub- mit the following suggestions of work, based upon the most careful observation and experience. First Tomato The first tomato was the small Red Cherry. The next one was the Golden Trophy, a very large, rough variety. The next kind was Mr. Warner’s Red Trophy, Copyrighted 1913 3 which, for a while, sold for a very high price, and at one time brought as much as ten cents for one seed. It would be impossible to follow up the constant improvement of the tomato and its rapid progress in all parts of the coun- try as a staple food, in this brief history of the plant; so we will pass on. Soil for Tomatoes One of the most important factors in securing an assured crop of tomatoes is the procuring of good soil. It is quite true that success in growing tomatoes has been had in almost all kinds of soil. To be on the safe side, however, care should be taken in selecting the soil to be used. A clay loam, well drained, will produce, as a rule, a large crop of very solid tomatoes. In some districts last season, where a rich, sandy loam was used, a very large yield was obtained. However, the best tomatoes are those erown in a moderately rich clay soil with a good porous clay sub-soil, but the land should not be made too rich, for this con- dition will induce too much growth of vine, cause blight and rot, and the vine will not be so prolific in fruit. Drainage The soil used for the tomato crop should be well drained either by nature or atificial means. ‘The first two weeks after the-plant is set in’the field is the time when the plant cannot stand much water. Care must be taken that young plants do not have “wet feet.” Planting and Making Beds Use common out-door hot beds. Nearly all farmers understand the making of these, yet it is well to mention a few points about preparing them for toma- toes. For each acre of tomatoes, provide a hot bed 6’x 10’. These hots beds should be made during the last week in March or the first week in April. The deep beds are far the best; and those with heating material placed under the ground are much better than the beds which are above the ground, for those under hold the heat much longer. 5 ‘Buluadi1 s10jaq pajzjor Ady} ‘9ouay ‘}YSITUNS 9indas jou P[Nod sa0}ewIOT 24} }BY} AABSY OS SBM ABBI[OJ a4], [IOS YIB[q YO A19A UO UMOIS SBM S30}BWIOY jo play siy pL This heat is an essential for the tomatoes. A deep bed not only retains the heat longer, after the bed is once thoroughly heated, but is more uniform throughout. Making Hot Beds Use boards 18” wide for the sides and ends. Excavate 8”, using the soil to bank up the sides and ends; this will pre- vent water from seeping into the excava- tion and cooling the bed. One should use not less than 12 inches of fresh stable manure well trodden down and elevated only a few inches above the surface. The next important item is to have plenty of good, rich dirt, using not less than 5 inches, and laying it on as soon as the bed is formed. Then put on the cover—glass preferred—close tightly and let it remain so until the bed becomes thoroughly hot. A canvas cover may be used, but it is likely to admit too much air, thus allowing the bed to cool. It is sometimes a week before it is thoroughly heated. ‘Then work the soil and sow the seeds in rows 8” apart, using five seeds to the inch. I wish to call your attention to 7 pressing the soil firmly upon the seed. If you wish to transplant the plant from this bed to a cold bed, you may sow the seeds in rows 6” apart and use eight seeds to the inch. The transplanting should be done after the plant has put out the second leaf. Vransplanted plants should be set in rows 2” apart and 2” wide. Use an old saw blade for making the furrows in which to set the plants. pee that no plant is bent, but that each is perfectly straight. This will make the plants much easier to handle. Making Warm Beds These beds should be made 5%’ wide and as long as one may desire. Use lumber 12” wide and make the cover out of muslin. Drive a stake about 20” in height at the middle point of each end. Then draw a wire from the sides across the end and another wire through the middle. This will make your roof like that of a house. You can now put the wires across at a distance of every eight feet in the same manner. This will hold the cover up well. Fasten one side firmly and secure the other side by means of loops. This de- vice will be very useful when you wish tou cave, the plants sunlight. Wet these beds stand three days before sowing the seed. The beds should be made as fol- lows: Excavate either the south or east end of the bed 114” lower than the other end. This will allow for drainage. Use 4” of fresh stable manure and pack it solidly. Then cover it with 3” of good rich soil. Top dress the bed with 1” of very rich soil and work this well into the top of the other soil, using a small garden rake. Cover the bed and let it stand for three or four days. Then work the soil again. In sowing the seed, sow it 1” deep, using four seeds to the inch and putting the rows 6° apart. By means of a board press the seed solidly into the soil. This will produce even germination. In working the plants, use a little tool made after this fashion. ‘Take a stick and drive four eight penny nails into the end. This you will find to be the best tool you can secure for working the plants. 9 In taking plants out of the bed, never pull them, but first loosen the soil so that you can lift them out, breaking no roots, and with some of the soil still clinging to the plant. In case we should have any cold weather, your plants will probably need more protection than the muslin cover. A lantern is not be used on account of the danger of fire or smoke. A thin covering of straw placed over the muslin is the best protection you can obtain. ‘The plants should have plenty Of air aiter they reach ©a iheieiit joi si inches. If you wish to rush them you can do it by watering them every day and by keeping them covered. The plant should be eight inches tall before you take it out of the bed to set it in the field. Growing Plants in Cold Beds We find that many of our growers think it is too much work to grow plants in a hot or warm bed, and hence they prefer a cold bed. The preparing of the cold bed is neglected and often poor re- sults are obtained. Cover your plant bed with 2” to 3” of fresh stable manure in 10 the fall, then in the spring rake it off before plowing. Plow the bed 5” to 6” deep, then cover the bed with a good coat of well rotted manure; then rake the soil, seeing that there are no clods or uneven soil. Have it in perfect condition and quite mellow; then if you have a seed sower set it as you would to sow beet seed. Make a small furrow, then sow the seed. Im-you, have no drill, take a tin can that has a lid, and punch the bottom full of holes like a pepper box. Use a ten-penny nail. Punch holes from the outside. This will scatter the seed in the furrow; then cover with a hoe or garden plow. Do not try to get the seed sown in a narrow row. If the seed are sown in a furrow 2” to 3” wide, the seed will scatter and make much better plants. Do not pull the plants, but dig them up and save all the little roots. Do not sow seed on the north side of fence or building. See that your plants get the morning sun—an east or south slope is best. The rows in a large bed should be 16” apart, in a small bed they can be 10” apart. I have had the very best results in 11 growing plants in the open field by using 500 pounds of commercial fertilizer to the acre. I use a garden plow to make my furrows and sprinkle my fertilizer in the furrow. If you have a seed drill, you can incorporate the fertilizer with the soil by means of the drill. If not, use the plow and make the furrow a little deeper. I make the rows sixteen inches apart thus giving plenty of room for hand cultiva- tion. I am never troubled with any fungi in this plant bed. My plants are a few days later, but are very strong and stalky. Sowing the Seed It is of utmost importance to know when and how to sow the seed in the beds. In hot beds, one should wait until the weed and erass seed get a good start. Then take a fine steel-tooth rake and work the soil until all young weeds and grass which have started have been destroyed, and: the soil made pertecthy sanes) Bhren commence at one end of the bed to sow the seed. They should always be sown north and south across the bed in drills 6” apart. The furrows should be from 12 i of harvesting depends to a great extent upon the earliness of trans- planting and the weather conditions at the time the first fruits are setting. Un- der favorable conditions, the first picking occurs from 70 to 80 days after the plants are set in the field. This will bring the beginning of the picking season from the first of August to the first of September. The vines usually continue to bear until the first killing frost. In picking tomatoes, handle them care- fully. Pick only those that are ripe. Do not injure the vine. If, by mistake, one is taken too green, place it back on the base of the vine to ripen until the next picking. Pick all decayed tomatoes from the vines at first and either throw them away or feed them to hogs, cattle, or poul- tiyanalleot which are very tond of them There is usually more fault found with reference to the tomato being picked too 25 green than with any other phase of to- mato growing. In some cases, at factories visited dur- ing the canning season, from one-fifth to one-third of the fruits in certain deliveries had to be taken out on the sorting tables because of their green condition. Crates of tomatoes delivered to the can- ning factory in a dripping condition are unfit for use. Pick at the proper time, pick carefully, and handle carefully after picking, and the crop will bring more money. In removing the fruits, care should be taken not to move the vines any more than is positively necessary. Lifting and pulling them about greatly reduces the yields in many instances. The stems lying on the ground take root and carry considerable nourishment to the ripening fruit, and as it is the younger roots that are of the most value to the plant, it is very important that they be left intact. Not only is this food supply cut short, but many of those fruits already formed are knocked off through rough handling of the vines. 26 Care must be taken in placing the to- matoes in crates in order to avoid bruis- ing them. ‘These crates are easily handled and keep the fruit from being crushed in hauling. The canning companies usually own the crates and either rent or loan them to the growers. The crates have aided considerably in the proper handling of the crop. | Do not fill the crates too full when loading on the wagon. Set them down carefully. If they are slammed around both before and after the fruit is in the crates, it is no wonder the latter comes to the factory in bad condition. All tomatoes should be taken to factory or station in a wagon with springs. Varieties There are now a great many varieties of tomatoes being offered. The variety depends largely upon the use for which the crop is intended. When growing for shipping purposes, we have found the Stone to be the very best. For the last thirty-five years we have purchased the Stone variety from the Livingston Seed 27 Company and have found it worthy of its name, “True Blue.” From a special ac- count I find that this variety was discov- ered two hundred and thirteen years ago, 1700. We also think well of the Landreth Red Rock. As they are a little earlier variety than the Stone, some people prefer them. We have used the Landreth Red Rock only three years, but we find our growers so well pleased with the variety that they are asking for its seed. It is as early as the Favorite, is a good producer, and is a smooth, solid tomato for shipping. Insects and Diseases At the present time the tomato in Indi- ana is not troubled seriously by either in- sects or diseases. In some localities, dur- ing certain seasons, one or two growers may be troubled to a considerable extent, but at no one time has an entire district been deprived of its crop, as often occurs with some of our other cultivated crops. Tomato Worm.—tThis is the large, greenish worm, commonly called tobacco worm, which lives upon the foliage. If 28 the worms are present in large numbers and are not controlled, they will soon ruin the vines, as the amount consumed by each, daily, is enormous. They can be controlled by the use of arsenical sprays, such as Paris green and arsenate of lead, or by hand-picking. Cut Worms.—There are numerous spe- cies of these worms, which often destroy the plants by eating them off close to the eround just after transplantation. The worms are about one and one-half inches long, and vary in color from a greenish to a dull gray. They may be controlled, to a certain extent, by having the ground plowed a couple of weeks before transplanting, and by scattering poisoned baits about the field in the evening, care being taken to keep all vegetation down in order to com- pel the worms to eat the poison. The baits are prepared by rolling up bunches of clover, grass or bran and wetting them with a solution of Paris green and water. Potato Beetle——The treatment for this insect is the same as that given above for the tomato worm. 29 Stalk Borer.—In some seasons this has proven quite destructive in certain locali- ties. The borer enters the stalk and tun- nels through it, causing the plant to sud- denly wilt and die. Either the borer or the tunnel it has made can be readily found and the trouble ascertained. The remedies for this pest are successfully preventive, and consist in keeping all weeds and foreign plants from the field and in practicing a rotation of crops. Point Rot.—This occurs at the blossom end of the green fruit. It gradually spreads until the fruit is entirely worth- less. The disease seems to prefer dry weather and light soils. At present there are no successful means of controlling it under field conditions. Sub-irrigation is said to have proven a successful remedy on small areas. Ripe Rot or Anthracnose.—While ripening, the fruit is often attacked by this disease, which causes it to decay rap- idly. It is more prevalent in rainy sea- sons, in some instances destroying the fruit on entire fields in a few days. Pre- ventive measures only can be made use 30 of, such as destroying the diseased fruits and planting far enough apart so that the light and air can enter to dry out the foliage. Blight and Cause.—I find the cause to be in taking the plants from the beds. In doing this, the roots are injured, thus cut- ting off all means of nourishing the plant, which will soon wilt, the leaves curling upward. Again, blight may be caused by the using of new soil. Older soil, well fertilized, combined with care in trans- planting, the roots having been protected, will greatly restrict the spreading of this blight. Leaf Spot Diseases.—There are several fungi troubles which affect the leaves and stem with a varying degree of severity. These diseases are characterized by the appearance of small, irregular brown spots, which may spread until the leaf and plant are killed. The one which is doing the most damage is the leaf spot. This disease usually appears first upon the lower leaves and then spreads to the leaves above. All the leaves may finally be destroyed. If many of the latter are 31 destroyed, the fruit will not ripen prop- erly, nor will the vines mature the usual number of tomatoes. The first step is the destruction of the fungus. In many cases it is found in the soil of old beds. If this soil is to be used, use air-slaked lime for a top dressing be- fore sowing the seed; mix this lime through the soil seeing that it is thor- oughly incorporated. When the plants are %4” in height, spray them with Bor- deaux Formula: 4 lbs. lime, 4 Ibs. copper sulphate and 50 gals. water. Spray the plants once or twice a week, using but a light spray. This will give you a healthy plant. Fresh lime around your plant after it is set in the field is a good remedy for any disease. 1 imd* a great many of the Momate Growers lose their crops on account of excess moisture, the roots gathering more moisture than can be transpired through the leaves. This will cause the leaves to curl and the bloom to drop off. A remedy for this is to cultivate deeply and as close to the plant as possible without injuring the roots. Follow this process by using a 32 large single-shovel plow, not less than 20” wide at the top and 10” long. This will throw the soil around the plant, caus- ing new roots to be put forth at once, thereby saving your crop to a great ex- tent: In the absence of the single-shovel plow, use a hoe and draw the soil around therplant: A field that is once’ airected with any fungus should not be set in to- matoes for several seasons. It is best to use fresh soil each year, destroying the old vines at the close of the season, to prevent the spreading of any disease that might be in the soil. Growers’ Clubs In order to interest the coming farmers of today, I organized, this season, ten boys’ clubs, the boys ranging in age from 12 to 15 years. These boys contracted to set out and tend one-half acre of toma- toes, using the Landreth Red Rock vari- ety of seed. They were to receive the contract price for the tomatoes, and as an inducement I awarded gold watches to the boys having the greatest number of. 33 tons to their one-half acre. The highest average received was seven and one-half tons to the one-half acre, which, consider- ing the age of the boys, was exceptionally good. Growers are at all times willing to ex- change their plans of raising crops with other Growers. I find that the organizing of Growers’ Clubs and the arranging for monthly meetings, where all points per- taining to tomato culture, as well as the raising of other crops, can be taken up, is to the advantage of the members. The new growers will become more interested in the work and better and more profit- able results invariably obtained. When Tomato Culture is better under- stood there will be no more certain or profitable crop that can be grown on the farm. 34 Grown by W. A. Van Camp, Indianapolis, Ind. The Van Camp Extra Early The seed for this tomato was sown un- der glass in a hot bed on March 15, 1910. It was transplanted twice, and each time was placed in a hot bed under glass. The plant was set in the open ground on the 17th of April and was protected from the cold by a covering or a box with a glass top. A liquid fertilizer was used twice, equal to 500 lbs. of Dust Fertilizer to the acre. The cultivation was done with a small hoe, the side of the hoe being used to scrape the top of the soil. In order to give the roots their own free growth, the ground was never loosened around the plant. On the 27th of July 23 ripe toma- toes were picked from the plant and to- matoes continue to be picked from it dur- ing the entire season. You can see sev- eral tomatoes still clinging to this vine, which was dug up the last week of Oc- tober. 36 LANDRETHS’ RED ROCK TOMATO BIG PROFITS are assured by planting this celebrated sort Send for LANDRETHS’ CANNERS’ PRICE LIST on all Seeds and Testimonials D. Landreth Seed Company Oldest Seed Establishmentin America FOUNDED i a Bristol, Pa. aSBISIP [|B Woy 901] SBM PUB IIZI[19ayq [Blo1auIWIOD BSuisn ‘uMOIS SBM pag UB SIYL E. Rauh ¢@ Sons Fertilizer Co. MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS Union Stock Yards Indianapolis, Ind. oat oat We desire to call your attention to our Special Tomato Fertilizer which is the best formula used for raising tomatoes. It has been tested out for a period of thirty years and always has given the very best of results. It is well balanced, and carries plant food elements in a highly available form. We shall be pleased to have you call on us or correspond with us, knowing it will be to our mutual benefit. sl E. Rauh © Sons Fertilizer Co. ten 77 1913 One Great Advantage That a Transplanter has over hand setting is that water can be used, cheaply and easily, to aid the plants in becoming established. To make this feature effective, the WATER VALVE must work promptly and continously. This valve in the J. I. Case WILL work and work BETTER than any we know. A Transplanter is a money-maker and a money-saver. It’s good bus- iness to buy one. See the nearest case agent or write directly to J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS Indianapolis, Indiana te3 Racine, Wisconsin