LIBRARY TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. QHARLES GRIFFIN & CO., LTD., PUBLISHERS. FERMENTSANDTHE1RACTIONS. A Text-Book on the Chemistry and Physics of Fermentative Changes. By CARL OPPENHEIMER, PH.D., M.D. Translated from the German by C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL, B.A., F.I.C., F.C.S. In Crown 8vo, Cloth. 7s. 6d. net. " Such a veritable multum inparvo has never yet appeared." — Brewers' Journal. TECHNICAL MYCOLOGY. The Utilisation of Micro-organisms in the Arts and Manufactures. By DR. FRANZ LAFAR. Translated by CHARLES T. C. SALTER. In Large 8vo, Handsome Cloth. Fully Illustrated. VOL. II.— PART I. 7s. 6d. " The first work of the kind which can lay claim to completeness in the treatment of a fascinating subject."— Lancet. FLESH FOODS: With Methods for their Chemical, Microscopical, and Bacterio- logical Examination. By C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL, M.A., F.I.C. Fully Illustrated. 10s. 6d. " A book which no one whose duties involve considerations of food supply can afford to be without." 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London: Charles Griffin & Co., Ltd., Exeter St., Strand, W.Q. TOXTNES AND ANTITOXIN ES. BY CARL OPPENHEIMER, M.D., Pn.D. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BY C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL, B.A.(OxoN.), F.I.C. LONDON : CHARLES GRIFFIN & COMPANY, LIMITED; EXETER STREET, STRAND. 1906. [All Rights Reserved.} > rf PREFACE TO THE GEEMAN EDITION. THE author's object in writing this work was to bring together all that was known on the subject of toxines, the definition of a toxine being based on chemical grounds and on the side-chain theory, quite independently of the origin of the poison. Hence it follows that although this book may be regarded as complete in one respect — viz., that it does, in fact, give a comprehensive idea of toxines as a whole — yet, at the same time, it was not part of my plan to deal with all the toxic substances of a doubtful nature that are formed in animals and plants. For this reason many animal and vegetable poisons, the toxine character of which is open to question (e.g., fish venoms), have only been described very cursorily, while no mention has been made of others (e.g., bee-poison, which is probably of a basic nature). In my attempt to give an exact outline of the toxines themselves and their antitoxines, I have had practically no previous work of importance at my disposal. Therefore, so far as it was possible, I have obtained my facts solely from the original papers. Yet I cannot but fear that my book remains a torso, since much that has been written on toxines is scattered through different journals, many of which seem unlikely to deal with such a subject, and it is therefore probable that many facts may have escaped my notice. CARL OPPENHEIMER. 692232 NOTE BY THE TRANSLATOR. THIS book is in many respects a companion volume to " Ferments and their Actions," by the same author. As in that case, I have made numerous additions to the text, so as to include the more important facts that have been made known since the appearance of the German Edition, and the selection from the voluminous mass of new matter has been made by Dr. Oppenheimer himself. C. A. M. GRAY'S INN, LONDON, W.C., June, 1906. TABLE OF CONTENTS. GENERAL PART. PAGES Introduction: Definition of a " Toxine," Chemically, Physio- logically, and Theoretically — Side-Chain Theory — Mode of Formation — Nutrient Media — Means of Promoting the For- mation of Toxines — Filtration — Purification — Chemical Nature — Influence of External Factors (Oxidising Agents, Poisons) — Fate in the Organism — Formation of Antitoxine — Immunity — Fate in the Digestive Tract — Mode of Action of Toxines, Specific Nature, Incubation Period — Constitution of Toxines — Physiological Action— Toxoids and Toxones — General Characteristics of Antitoxines, ..... 1-29 Behaviour of Toxines towards Antitoxines : Haptophore and Toxophore Groups — Specific Combination — Units of Measurement — Toxoid Formation — L0 and L+ — The Value "D" as a Measure of Toxones — Incomplete Saturation — The Value "200" — Poison "Spectra" — Physico-Chemical Meas- urements— Speed of Reaction — Conditions of Equilibria — Heat Manifestation of the Action of Toxine upon Antitoxine, 29-62 Endotoxines and Bacterial Proteins, 62-68 SPECIAL PART. I. THE TRUE TOXINES. Diphtheria Toxine: Secretion— Nutrient Media— Admission of Air — Preservation — Purification — Properties — Effects — Toxoids and Toxones, 69-91 Diphtheria Antitoxine: Production — Preservation of Serum — Concentration of the Antitoxine — Chemical Nature — Combination with Proteids of the Serum, .... 91-102 Tetanus Toxine : Nutrient Media — Properties— Concentration — Action — Relation to Central Nervous System — Fermenta- tion Theory — Tetanus antitoxine, 102-125 Botulism Toxine — Pyocyaneus Toxine — Toxine of Symptomatic Anthrax, Bacterial HsemolysineS : Tetanolysine — Pyocyanolysine — Colily sine— Staphylolysine - Other Lysines— The Leucocidine of the Staphylococci, 133-144 V111 CONTENTS. II. ENDOTOXINE8 AND OTHER BACTERIAL POISONS. PAGES Cholera ViPUS : Poisonous Substances Isolated — Is it a True Toxine combined with the Cells ? — Antitoxine, . . . 145-154 Typhoid Virus - Bacillus Coli Communis — Dysentery — Plague Toxine— Pneumotoxine— Gonotoxine— Strep- totoxine, 154-166 Poisons Of the Tubercle Bacillus : Tuberculine— Behring's Tubercle Poisons-Malleine 166-176 Anthrax Poison— Other Bacterial Poisons— Hog Cholera —Malignant (Edema— Swine Plague— Metsehnikoff's Vibrio— Dysentery Toxine, 176-184 III. THE VEGETABLE TOXIN ES (Phytotoxines). Ricine : Preparation — Chemical Nature — Properties — Action on the Blood - Immunity — Antiricine, ..... 185-201 Abrine— Cro tine— Robine— Hay Fever Toxine, . . . 201-208 IV. THE ANIMAL TOXINES (Zootoxine.s). Snake Toxines : Preparation — Chemical Nature— Properties — Mode of Action— Neurotoxine — Hsemorrhagine — Toxoids — Hsemolysine of Snake Poisons— Complex Nature — Action — Lecithin as Complement — Lecithides — Immunity — Anti- toxines, 209-233 Toad Toxine (Phrynolysine)— Salamander Poison— Spider Venom: Arachnolysine— Scorpion Venom, . . . 233-238 Fish Venoms : Trachinus Poison— Eels' Blood Poison (Ichthyo- toxine), 238-245 Toxine of Fatigue, 245 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX or AUTHORS' NAMES, ... 246-265 SUBJECT INDEX, , 267-274 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES, GENERAL. Introduction. — Not long after the principles of bacteriology had been established by ROBERT KOCH, it became the general belief that it was not, in the main, to the bacteria themselves that the chief symptoms of infectious diseases were to be attributed. It was soon recognised that the living micro-organisms were, for the most part, only indirectly harmful, and that their chemical products were to be regarded as the immediate cause of the disease. BRIEGER, in particular, pointed out in the very early days of bacteriology that search ought to be made for the specific poisons of bacteria, and he himself endeavoured to discover and isolate these hypothetical poisons. He first separated from culture media that had been altered by the growth of bacteria, and notably from the mixed products of putrefaction, a series of well-defined chemical substances which he termed ptomaines — nitrogenous bases, some of which were virulent poisons. These substances, however, proved not to be the real bac- terial poisons. They were not the weapons used by the parasites in living bodies. They were not the specific bacterial poisons, which were first grouped under the collective name of " Toxines." Then by degrees the conception of a toxine underwent a natural process of specialisation, so that the term began no longer to connote the poison isolated from any given products of decomposition formed in the vital processes of bacteria, but to be limited to the specific bacterial poison that caused specific illness. Hence this tendency to limit the connotation developed without being the result of conscious thought, or much less of being formulated in set terms. The confusion in the definition was still further increased by the fact that a series of bacterial poisons, apparently related to the proteids, were termed toxalbumins. tinder this name were in- cluded, not only certain poisons that we must to-day regard as 2 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. true toxines, but also others that had nothing in common with them except their apparent proteid nature. On the other hand, one very important and far-reaching theo- retical result of these researches was that a comparison was drawn between these bacterial toxalbumins and other toxalbumins of the animal and vegetable kingdom, such as snake poison and the like on the one hand, and on the other the poisonous vegetable ^rjoteids r^tw,; abnirte, and crotine, first investigated by ROBERT anti'his pupili. V* £Tn.e* most important deduction from this point • of ^yi&w^as. that. fir,st. drawn at a later period by EHRLICH, CAL- 'HJfejf-E; krid'e^heps^yiz.^ that the specific bacterial poisons do, as a matter of fact, enter* into a fundamental relationship with the cell products in question of higher organisms to form specific " anti-bodies " in the organism of the attacked animal, so that EHRLICH'S side-chain theory was applicable in general to their action. These poisons are haptines in EHRLICH'S conception, and, as regards the theory, it matters little what was their origin. BRIEGER'S great service lies in the fact that he was the first to show a relationship between bacterial poisons and other known poisonous substances. Hence it is not a very essential point that BRIEGER'S views require modification in two respects, in consequence of later researches, of which his own were not the least important. In the first place, the relationship towards other toxalbumins does not hold good in the case of all the bac- terial poisons isolated by BRIEGER, for very many of these are substances of non-specific character, not comparable with ricine, &c., since they are not haptines. In point of fact, there remain practically only the poisons of diphtheria, tetanus, Bacillus botulinus, and B. pyocyaneus as typical true toxines (e.g., tetanolysine, staphylolysine, and staphyloleucocidine, with pro- bably also the blood-solvent poisons of other bacteria), and some others, such as the poisons of cholera and typhus. Moreover, BRIEGER himself, at a later period, stated that his diphtheria toxine was not a proteid, and the proteid nature of ricine is also very doubtful, whereas snake poisons, even in the present condi- tion of our knowledge, appear to be proteins. In this respect, however, toxines resemble the closely analogous enzymes, among which, in addition to, presumably, true proteids (trypsin, diastase (?) ), there are substances of high molecular weight that belong to another class (pepsin, invertase). The definition of a true "toxine" is, therefore, arrived at in the following manner in the case of bacterial poisons : — All bacteria produce certain chemical substances in the media in which they develop. TOXTNES. 3 Although many of the bacterial substances formed in the most different ways are products of secondary decomposition due to obvious chemical reactions, yet beyond doubt some of them are primary products of bacterial metabolism. Some of these metabolic products are more or less virulent poisons. In this respect there is, in general, no difference between pathogenic and non-pathogenic micro-organisms. Thus, even when substances of this kind are poisonous, they have certainly nothing to do with the poisoning of an organism through the invasion of bacteria, even assuming they are pro- duced by pathogenic micro-organisms. Such poisons, for instance, as neurine have their specific effects, whether produced by bac- teria or by purely chemical reactions. Hence they must be eliminated first of all from the definition of a toxine. In the second place, a series of substances has been prepared by different processes from the dead cells of many species of pathogenic micro-organisms. These are of a proteid nature, as, for example, BUCHNER'S bacterial proteins, and are more or less poisonous. But their toxic effects differ but little whatever their origin. They never show a specific character, and never produce symptoms resembling those of specific diseases. In addition to this, the cell protoplasm of many bacteria contains toxic proteids that cannot be isolated from the protein, and these are also non- specific in their action. Excluding these, what is left on which to base the definition of a toxine ? Certain pathogenic bacteria, when grown in a pure cultivation, produce poisons that dissolve in the liquid nutrient media, and can only be obtained in an undecomposed, concen- trated, and imperfectly purified condition by the most careful treatment — substances which are not ptomaines and not proteids (vide infra}. Such substances have been isolated, in particular, from pure cultivations of the bacilli of diphtheria and tetanus, and they are the true bacterial toxines in the narrower sense of the word. In like manner all those more definite chemical poisonous substances formed in the cells of higher animals and plants must be separated from the toxines. The latter form a class of substances whose definition is found in their nature and characteristic mode of action, irrespective of their origin. Toxines are characterised in the first place by a sum of external properties. Their chemical structure is absolutely unknown. They are extremely unstable, and very sensitive towards even slight chemical influences, and especially towards the action of 4 TOXINES AND ANTITOXIN ES. heat. They are not proteids and not toxalbumins, and they show many remarkably close analogies with ferments. Physiologically, they are distinguished by being under suitable conditions extremely poisonous, far more so than any other known poisons. Nearly all toxines have also the peculiar characteristic of not acting immediately, but only after a latent period, a time of incubation, in which respect their action is analogous to the poisoning by living bacteria. In spite of their being so extremely poisonous to many animals, exceeding in this respect the most active of the simple poisons, such as hydrocyanic acid, they yet exhibit in only a few cases (e.g., snake poison) the immediate action that is characteristic of the simpler poisons. Above all, they are characterised by the specific nature of their action. Toxines have a peculiar form of activity characteristic of the whole group, as we shall subsequently see. In addition to this, each individual toxine has its own particular mode of action, which, in the case of bacterial toxines, shows a close relationship with the disease produced by the parent cells, being completely analogous in the case of tetanus poison. They are also strictly specific in the narrower sense of the word — i.e., they are only able to injure certain -living organisms, whilst they have abso- lutely no effect upon other organisms (some of which are closely allied to them), with which they stand in the fundamental highly important relationship of natural immunity. Nor are their relationships of acquired immunity less important, for it is a fundamental property of toxines to produce in the organism attacked antidotes of a strictly specific nature, which render the poison harmless in vivo, and, when separated from the parent organism, can also exercise their neutralising activity in vitro, each on its respective toxine, and only on that. Thus, each true toxine has also its corresponding true antitoxine. Incidentally, it may be mentioned that hitherto all attempts to prepare true antitoxines to the simple crystalloid poisons have been unsuccessful. Even the recent statement by HmscHLAFF,1 who claimed to have prepared an antimorphine serum, has been shown by MoRGENROTH2 to be completely unsupported by the facts, and to have been due to want of accuracy in the preparation of the minimum lethal dose. Not only have we data for forming a conception of what a toxine is chemically and physically, but we also have a theory based upon them. According to EHKLICH'S side-chain theory, a toxine is a poison which possesses at least two specific atomic 1 Hirschlaff, "Antimorphinserum," Berl. Idin. Woch., 1902. 2 Morgenroth, "Zur Frage d. Antimorphinserum," ibid., 1903, 21. TOXINES. 5 groups, — a haptophore group, whose function it is to enter into combination with the attacked cells, and a toxophore group, which produces the toxic effects. Every substance that possesses a specific affinity, a suitable haptophore group, for definite com- plex groupings of protoplasm, is a haptine, and every poisonous haptine that also possesses a toxophore group is a toxine. We must therefore base our definition of a toxine in accordance with this, and rigorously exclude from the toxines any poisonous substance that is not a haptine and that does not produce an antitoxine. This has been much more easily done in the case of mineral and vegetable poisons, for no one would dream of including among the poisons, in the narrower sense, the alkaloids, &c., of plants, or the few poisonous crystalline substances that can be isolated from the secretions and organs of animals, such as, for example, the alkaloids in the skin of the toad, adrenaline, &c. But it is of much more importance to effect a classification of bacterial poisons by means of this sharp definition. We must, in the first place, separate from the toxines all non-specific substances as defined above, from whatsoever bacteria obtained. But a still further classification is introduced by the fact that there are probably specific bacterial poisons, which are only pro- duced by definite groups of bacteria, and exert specific activity, but which are not haptines, do not form anti-bodies, and are therefore not toxines. Poisons of this nature appear to play a part — e.g., in tuberculosis. They will be shortly discussed in the special part. In addition to these there is a whole series of very imperfectly known bacterial poisons, whose specific nature and toxine character there are strong reasons for doubting. Most difficult of all is the question of the poisons produced by certain bacteria, notably those of cholera and typhus. Their toxines are scarcely known in the free state, and the poisons excreted by them do not appear to be the true toxines. On the other hand, we find among them another type, which presents great difficulties in the way of closer investigation. These are the endotoxines, which are firmly attached to the living cells, and are thus comparable with the endo-enzymes of yeast and animal organs. We shall discuss these more fully in a subse- quent chapter. On Toxines in General. — The true toxines, as defined above, are characterised, we repeat, by their physical and chemical properties in the aggregate, which we have now to describe more closely, combined with their fundamental property of 6 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. splitting off free haptophore side-chains in suitable organisms — i.e., of producing antitoxines. Although each individual toxine possesses its own character- istics, which can only be dealt with properly in the special part, yet all true toxines have a number of properties in common which justify us in speaking of them collectively. Bacterial toxines share these properties with all the other toxines known to us, such as snake venoms, the poison of the blood of the eel and murcena, spider and toad venoms, ricine, abrine, crotine, &c. In the first place, the mode of production is common to the bacterial toxines. They are to be regarded not, it would seem, as the products of culture media altered by the invasion of bacteria, but, as was demonstrated by BucHNER,1 as the actual products of the cell protoplasm, as secreted products of bac- terial cells. Just as the cell of the pancreatic glands produces and secretes its trypsin and the starch cell of wheat endosperm its diastase, so do the bacterial cells secrete their specific toxines. The fact that in the case of certain micro-organisms — e.g., of cholera, &LG. — the toxines may, under suitable conditions, be retained firmly in the protoplasm, has also its analogy among ferments, for we find the yeast enzymes possessing exactly the same characteristic. When grown upon suitable culture media, pathogenic micro- organisms that produce toxines usually develop their charac- teristic poisons within a very short time. Thus, SpRONCK2 obtained a very active diphtheria toxine within forty-eight hours. The virulence increases, however, with the age of the culti- vation. Roux and YERSINS found that a filtered diphtheria cultivation of seven days' growth killed a rabbit in six days, but that after forty-two days' growth an equal dose of the same cultivation caused death in a much shorter time. SPRONCK'S diphtheria toxine was ten times more virulent after five or six days' than after forty-eight hours' growth. Still, the virulence attains its maximum after a certain time, and then begins to diminish owing to the decomposition of the toxine (vide infra, Toxoids), so that old cultivations become less poisonous. Then, after a fairly long time, the degree of virulence usually becomes constant. 1 Buchner, "Die Bedeutung der aktiven loslichen Zellprodukte, &c.," Munch, med. Woch., 1897, 12. 2 Spronck, "Prepar. de la tox, dipth.," Ann. Past., xii., 701, 1898. 3 Roux and Yersin, "Contribution a 1'etude de la diphtheric," ibid., iii., 273, 1889; iv., 385, 1890. TOXINES. 7 The kind of culture medium naturally has the greatest influence on the production of the poison. In general, bouillon cultivations are employed, usually with the addition of a certain proportion of peptone ; but culture media are also frequently prepared from meat extracts, yeast extracts, &c. Agar and other nutrient media can hardly be advantageously employed. Interesting experiments have been made to produce toxines in proteid-free culture media, as, for instance, in aspara- gine solutions containing suitable salts (ARMAND and CHARRIN 1), and in dialysed urine. Satisfactory results, however, have not yet been obtained (GuiNOCHET,2 UscHiNSKY3). ZINNO'S* explana- tion of apparently successful attempts to produce toxines in such proteid-free culture media is, that only traces of proteid are necessary for the production of detectable amounts of poison. As a matter of fact, the quantities of toxine thus produced are extremely small. He concludes, from his own experiments, that the presence of a small amount of proteid is indispensable. Speaking generally, this factor varies so greatly with the kind of toxine that the reader must be referred to the special part, where a full description is given of the different methods that have been employed to obtain the largest possible yield of toxines. Here we will only point out briefly that too great acidity or alkalinity of the medium must always be avoided, and that, in general, the same precautions with regard to temperature, &c., must be observed as are usually taken to obtain the most active and virulent cultivations of bacteria. One point, however, of special interest may be mentioned here. The production of a very active and virulent growth of the bacteria themselves is not invariably accompanied by the de- velopment of very energetic cultures of their toxines. For, on the one hand, it would seem that the production of poison by the bacteria is not a direct function of their activity of growth or their high degree of virulence. Indeed, in the case of diphtheria, 1 Arraand and Charrin, "Transformation de la Matiere organique azote, &c.," Bull. Med., 1891, 356; 1892, 957. Absts. in Centralbl. f. JBakt., xi., 248, 1892. Cf. Buchner, " Bakteriengifte und Gegengifte," Munch, med. Woch., 1893, 449. 2 Guinochet, " Contrib. a 1'etude de la toxine du bacille de la diph- therie," ibid., 1893, 293. 3 Uschinsky, " Les Poisons de la diphthe"rie et du cholera," ibid., 1893, 293 4 Zinno, "Beitr. z. Stud. d. Entstehung der Toxine," Centralbl. f. JBakt., xxxi., 42, 1902. 8 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. there may be very energetic growth of bacteria, whilst the culture medium is absolutely non-toxic (LUBOWSKI 1). Moreover, in the case of vegetable and animal toxines, the production of poison depends on manifold physiological condi- tions, such as age, nutrition, &c., with which points we will deal more fully in the special part. On the other hand, it is beyond question that certain agencies increase the growth, and eventually the virulence, of the bacteria, but reduce the yield of toxines. This is due to the fact that they partially destroy the toxine already formed. Even when agencies of this kind increase the production of toxine simultaneously with the vigour of growth of the bacteria, yet, if employed too freely, the amount of toxine destroyed exceeds that of new-formed toxine, so that the final result is a diminished yield of toxine. Thus, when such agents are employed (e.g., the admission of air to diphtheria cultivations), it is possible to plot a curve, the abscissae of which represent the increasing quantities of the agent, and the ordinates the final yields of toxine. So long as, for example, the introduction of air causes the diphtheria bacilli to produce an abundance of toxine and the simultaneous destruc- tion by the current of air of toxine already formed keeps within narrow limits, the curve will rise. But by degrees the destruc- tive effect of the air outweighs its favourable influence on the production, and the curve falls again. There is thus an inter- mediate point at which, with a definite intensity of air current, there is a maximum yield of toxine, and its position obviously depends on numerous conditions, such as the nature of the growth, the culture medium, temperature, &c. This optimum is hardly ever realised in practice, the result being, as we shall see later, that conflicting statements are made as to the benefit or injury produced by the same agents. In addition to the introduction of air, other factors may have a similar effect. Thus, an increase of temperature may influence both the production and the decomposition of a toxine. On the other hand, there are apparently agents that do actually increase the final yield of toxine. A considerable amount of work has been done in these experiments to obtain larger quantities of toxines by the use of the most suitable culture media and tem- peratures, by the addition of special substances, &c., so that highly poisonous cultivations of the most important toxines can now be prepared. These methods, however, are of an entirely special character, and it is hardly possible to give at this stage 1 Lubowski, " Ueber einen atoxischen und avirulenten Diphtheriestamra," Zeit.f. Hyg., xxxv., 87, 1900. TOXINES. 9 any general method of importance that is universally applicable to all toxines. On the other hand, we must not omit to mention briefly here that toxine solutions do not invariably have a uniform strength. This phenomenon manifests itself notably in the case of tetanus poison. Apart from the fact that Nicolaier's bacillus produces two totally different poisons — viz., that which causes the charac- teristic symptoms of tetanus, and tetanolysine (q.v.) — very great differences are also to be observed in individual solutions of the poison as regards their specific activity. Although, as a general rule, tetanus poison is considerably more toxic for guinea-pigs than for rabbits, yet there are also some preparations of the poison that are almost as deadly for rabbits as for guinea-pigs (TlZZONl). BEHEING has confirmed this statement with regard to Tizzoni's poison, and has also found in the case of his own cultivations that certain parts were, relatively, extremely poisonous to rabbits. We must therefore conclude that tetanospasmine is not an indi- vidual substance, but consists of different active constituents. Similar phenomena have also been observed in the case of the poisons of diphtheria. Over -neutralised poisons are known which are absolutely without effect upon guinea-pigs, but are still poisonous to rabbits.1 Assuming now that we have prepared cultivations of living bacteria rich in toxines, it is necessary to treat them in such a way as to eliminate the action of the living cells, so as to be able to examine the poisons separately. For this purpose we can either kill the bacteria, or attempt to remove them completely from the poison. The first method, in which no attempt is made to remove the dead cells, cannot, by itself, lead to any definite conclusion as to the action of the poison, inasmuch as the dead bodies still possess definite chemical and physiological properties, which must render all deductions uncertain. Fortunately, this method, which was formerly employed, can be dispensed with in the investigation of true toxines, and, as a matter of fact, has fallen into complete disuse. For it is- possible to separate true toxines from their parent cells by filtration through filters impervious to bacteria. The chief substances used for the filtration, in addition to infusorial earth and chalk, are porcelain filters or Chamberland's candles. During the filtration the greater portion of the toxine passes completely into the filtrate, the residual cells retaining only as much viru- 1 For further particulars see Ehrlich, Munch, med. Woch., 1903, 33. 10 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. lence as corresponds to the amount of toxine mechanically adhering to them, and from this they can be freed by washing with a physiological solution of salt. But the cells no longer contain any true toxine, which might presumably be extracted from them by breaking up the cell structure (treatment with alkali), as H. KossEL,1 for example, was able to prove in the case of diphtheria bacilli. It is true that these dead cells may still contain poison of quite another kind (bacterial proteins), but these have nothing to do with the specific poisoning (vide infra"). The phytotoxines are found in the most different organs of plants, and especially in the seeds, from which they can be isolated by extraction with dilute solutions of salt. The zootoxines are produced in the secretions and blood of animals. It follows from all this that typical toxines are free secretions — substances that are phsiologically thrown off by the cells into the surrounding media. In this respect they are analogous to the true enzymes. Just as the pancreatic glands secrete trypsin, or the glandular cells of the starch layer secrete diastase, so does the cell of the diphtheritic micro-organism secrete diphtheria toxine. This can only be stated with certainty, however, for the typical toxines, notably diphtheria and tetanus. In other cases the facts are much more obscure. As we shall see later, it is still quite open to discussion whether, for example, the micro-organisms of cholera and typhus produce true toxines in the sense of our definition. Even grant- ing that this is the case, the toxines are certainly not secreted in a free state in any appreciable amount, but are firmly retained, at least, by the living cell. Only when the cell decomposes after death are they liberated to a limited extent, as in the case of older cultivations. But even then the poisonous substances have undergone radical changes, having been converted into secondary, more stable products that no longer show the characteristics of a true haptine. We shall return to this point later. A close analogy to this retention of the active substances to the living cells may be observed in the case of certain ferments? We know that the yeast cell, in addition to secreting a small amount of free diastase, also contains a series of other enzymes — invertase, maltase, &c. — which can only be set free after the 1H. Kossel, "Zur Kenntnis des Diphtheriegiftes," Centralbl.f. Bakt., xix., 977, 1898. 2 Oppenheimer, Ferments and their Actions, English translation by C. Ainsworth Mitchell. London, 1902 (Griffin & Co.). TOXINES. 1 1 death or injury of the cell protoplasm, or, as in the case of zymase, after breaking down the cell wall ; and we also know that Monilia Candida will not give up its invertase to the surrounding medium, under any conditions whatsoever. When toxine solutions have once been obtained by nitration of the cultures, or analogous preliminary means, such as extrac- tion of seeds, &c., they can at once be used, although containing numerous impurities, for physiological experiments. Moreover, even in this impure condition some rough experiments can be made with them to determine the behaviour of the respective toxines towards physical and chemical agents. Moreover, in order to have it in a more suitable form for keeping, this solution may also be concentrated with various precautions, or may even be evaporated to dryness without materially injuring the toxine. The main conditions are that the temperature must never exceed 45° C. (whence it is best to carry out the evaporation in vacuo), and that any strong acids or bases that may be present must be partially neutralised. For a closer investigation of toxines, however, tedious processes of purification are necessary to remove all impurities as com- pletely as possible. The simplest method is dialysis, which, however, only separates the toxine from the salts and peptones also present in the solution, but does not eliminate the proteids. Hence, complicated methods have had to be devised to isolate the toxines in the purest possible condition. The favourite methods employed consist of precipitation by means of am- monium or magnesium sulphate with subsequent dialysis, and of precipitation by means of the salts of heavy metals with subsequent decomposition of the resulting double compounds. The first of these methods yields, eventually, only solid concen- trated preparations of toxines which are still impure, although capable of being used for practical purposes, and the second method is the only one that gives approximately pure toxine preparations. A fuller account of its details, which have been worked out, notably by BRIEGER and his pupils, is given in the special part. They include exceedingly tedious manipulations requiring close attention, and consisting, in the main, of precipi- tation with zinc, lead, or mercury salts. The double compounds of the toxines with these salts that are precipitated are again decomposed by means of hydrogen sulphide, or of alkali carbon- ates, or phosphates. Then by means of filtration or dialysis solutions are obtained, which on evaporation in vacuo yield preparations which in favourable cases are very rich in toxine. They invariably, however, still contain considerable quantities 12 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. of impurities, either of inorganic nature (ash) or of organic nature (albuminous substances). A pure toxine is, up to the present, as little known as a pure enzyme, and it is scarcely to be expected that it will be successfully prepared in the immediate future. Even in the case of preparations, which were still not pure although containing relatively very few impurities, BRIEGEE and BOER obtained such minute quantities that further purification was out of the question. Moreover, attempts to prepare toxines on proteid-free culture media (UscniNSKY, loc. cit.) have given very unpromising results. As regards the chemical nature of toxines there is, therefore, practically nothing known. Just as in the case of enzymes, to which they stand in such close relationship, they were at first regarded as albuminous substances and termed toxalbumins. The more thoroughly, however, the preparations were purified, the stronger became the idea that the albuminous substances, although very difficult of removal, were only impurities, and that the pure toxines themselves were in all probability not proteids in the ordinary sense. And BRIEGER himself, to whom we owe the conception of toxalbumins, succeeded in preparing toxine preparations which no longer gave the ordinary reactions of proteids (cf. Tetanus Poison) any more than did toxines produced in albumin-free culture media. In the case of other toxines, too, successful attempts have been made to reduce, very considerably at least, the albuminous impurities. JACOBY1 succeeded by means of digestion with trypsin in obtaining preparations of ricine that were practically free from albuminous substances. The active principle itself is not at- tacked by this enzyme, whereas the albuminous substances present are decomposed by it. Since then these decomposition products, like trypsin itself, cannot be precipitated by ammonium sulphate, even in a 50 per cent, solution, whereas ricine is readily , precipitated at that degree of concentration, it is possible by this means to obtain from the mixed products of the digestion pre- parations of ricine that no longer give the proteid reactions. That is the only — negative — knowledge that we have of the constitution of toxines. With this exception we have to content ourselves with stating that they are bodies of high molecular weight, probably allied to the proteids with which they corre- spond in certain properties, and still more closely related to the ferments, whose constitution is equally a matter of hypothesis, 1 Jacoby, "Die chemische Natur des Ricins," Arch. exp. Path., xlvi., 98, 1901 ; Hofm. JSeitr., i., 51, 1901. TOXINES. 1 3 and to whose properties they offer the closest analogies in their reactions and activity. These analogies stand out in the sharpest relief, when we compare the influence of external factors on bacterial toxines with their effect upon ferments. There is the closest corre- spondence in almost every particular. A special characteristic of toxines is their extreme sensitive- ness to the action of heat. In their normal solutions they soon perish at temperatures above 50° C. ; at 80° C. their activity is at once destroyed, and even at 45° C. they are slowly decomposed. Individual ferments differ but little in this respect. On the other hand, they offer great resistance to the action of dry heat. Solid preparations can be heated to over 100° C. without suffering injury ; but even these appear to be destroyed by a temperature of 150° C. It is interesting to note that in liquids devoid of water, such as amyl alcohol, they can also be heated far above 80° C., and that many salts, such as, e.g., anhydrous sodium sulphate, increase their resistance to the acfcion of heat (BuCHNEE1). Low tem- peratures check their activity, but do not otherwise injure them. They dialyse to a slight extent through parchment, but not through collodion (RoDET and GUECHOFF 2), and through animal membranes, such as those of the oesophagus, bladder, large intes- tine, and especially the small intestine (CHASSIN and Moussu 3). In all these respects they behave exactly like enzymes. Toxines are more sensitive than enzymes to the action of light. Diphtheria or tetanus poison in aqueous solution is very rapidly destroyed by both sunlight and diffused daylight (tetanus poison within forty-eight hours according to KiTASATO4). Light is without action upon them when they are in the dry condition, or suspended in liquids devoid of water. An electric current can also be injurious to toxines, though only when continuous, for alternating currents of high tension are quite harmless to tetanus poison (MARMIER 5). Even when merely allowed to stand in solution in the dark, with every precaution, the poisons gradually become weaker, being decom- posed, at any rate, in the case of diphtheria and some other JBuchner, " Bakteriengifte und Gegengifte," Munch, med. Woch., 1893, 449. 2Rodet and Gue"choff, Soc. Biol., Hi., 965, 1900. 3Chassin and Moussu, "Influence de la dialyse, &c.," ibid., lii., 694, 1900. 4Kitasato, "Exper. Unt. iib. d. Tet. Gift.," Zeit. f. Hyg., x. 287, 1891. 5 Marmier, " Les toxines et 1'e'lectricite', " Ann. Past., x., 469, 1896. 14 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. poisons, into toxoids (vide infra). In the case of other poisons the existence of toxoids has not been established with certainty. All toxines are very sensitive to the influence of nearly all chemical agents. Oxygen, even when as dilute as in the atmosphere, has a pro- nounced injurious effect. When exposed to the air, especially when light is also present, toxines speedily lose their virulence, notably so in the case of tetanospasmine, which is greatly weakened by simple nitration. Speaking generally, all oxidising agents, including hydrogen peroxide, are very injurious. SiEBER1 found that calcium peroxide completely destroyed the virulence of diphtheria and tetanus poison within a few hours (1,000 times the lethal dose), and also that of abrine (5,000 times the lethal dose being rendered inert by 0-5 gramme of calcium peroxide). He also discovered that the oxydases of animal tissues acted upon bacterial toxines, but not upon abrine. More- over, on simultaneous injections of oxydase and toxine, the animal on which the experiment was made remained healthy. A vegetable oxydase (from the yam) also proved effective, although peroxydases, which only turn guaiacum blue when hydrogen peroxide is also present, were inert. An interesting statement made by him is that fibrin from the blood of a highly- immune horse contains an oxydase that destroys diphtheria virus, which is not the case with ordinary fibrin. But it is open to question whether this was not some remnant of unseparated antitoxine. A little is also known with regard to the action of other chemical substances. Strong bases and acids naturally have a destructive effect, and weak bases are injurious, while very dilute acids, especially those of organic nature, have probably a stimulating influence. The influence of neutral salts and of various other substances, notably upon tetanus poison, has been studied by FERMI and PERNOSSi.2 Some have a stimulating and others an injurious effect upon the toxic activity. Indifferent gases, such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide, have no influence. Only in the case of hydrogen sul- phide did BRIEGERS observe any injurious effect upon tetanus 1 Sieber, " Ueber die Entgiftung der Toxine durch die Superoxyde," Z. physiol. Client., xxxii., 573, 1901. 2 Fermi and Pernossi, " Ueber das Tetanusgift," Zeit.f. Hyg., xvi., 385, 1894. 3 Brieger, « ' Weitere Erf ahrungen iiber Bakteriengifte," ibid., xix., Ill, 1895. TOXINES. 1 5 poison after the toxine and gas had been kept in contact for four days in a sealed tube. Protoplasmic poisons, such as carbolic acid, chloroform, &c., have no materially injurious effect. Alcohol is very injurious. According to SALKOWSKi,1 salicylic aldehyde is extremely harm- ful, and he makes the same statement as to the action of chloro- form and formalin. Iodine and carbon bisulphide have probably a quite distinctive mode of action, inasmuch as they appear to attack only the toxo- phore group, and to tend to the formation of toxoids (EnELiCH2). Thymus extract has apparently a similar action (BRIEGER, KITASATO, and WASSERMANN.S Fate of Toxine s in the Organism. — Toxines disappear fairly rapidly after their introduction into the circulatory system of susceptible animals. In a short time the blood is completely free from toxines, as has been proved by the experiments of BOMSTEIN, CROLY, and BRUNNER on diphtheria (q.v.), the virus having entered into close combination somewhere or other in the latent stage of its activity, as has been shown by the researches of DONITZ 4 and others. DONITZ found that he could not save infected animals by the injection of antitoxines, even when only a few minutes had elapsed after the poisoning, since the toxine was no longer in a free condition when it encountered the anti- dote. Only by the injection of very large doses is it possible after a certain time to break up the combination of the toxine with the cells of the body, and so destroy the effects of the latent poisoning. Yet e\ien then there is a time limit, and after its expiry, notably in the case of tetanus, even huge doses of anti- toxine are no longer of any avail. Herein lies one of the causes of the defective therapeutical results in the serum treatment of tetanus. According to the latest views on tetanus, the antitoxine cannot follow the toxine in the nerve tracts. (For further par- ticulars see Tetanus.) A toxine escapes detection as such when small doses are injected into the body. Thus, if a single lethal dose, or a small multiple thereof, be injected into a susceptible animal, the poison rapidly disappears from the blood, nor can it then be detected in 1 SalkoAvski, "Ueber die Wirkung der Antiseptica auf Toxine," BerL Uin. Woch., 1898 (No. 25), 545. 2 Ehrlich, "Die Wertbemessung des Diphtherieheilserums," Klin. Jahrbuch, vi. 3 Brieger, Kitasato, and Wassermann, "Immunitat u. Giftfestigung," f. ffyg., xii., 137, 1892. 4 Donitz, "Ueber des Tetanus-antitoxin," Deutsche med. Woch., 1897, 428. 16 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. the organs of the animal.1 The poison has then become firmly attached to the organs specifically susceptible to it. Moreover, it is not excreted with the urine (GOLDBERG 2). When, however, the doses are very large, the poison takes some time to disappear, and can then appear in the urine.3 This, too, is perfectly explicable by the theory that the receptors are not adapted for such a sudden invasion of enormous quantities of poison, and hence a small proportion of the toxine breaks through the barrier of the kidneys and appears in the urine. The fact that the toxine disappears in the system furnished one of the supports for the conception of the so-called "fermenta- tion theory " of tetanus. According to this, the true toxine first splits off by a secondary reaction within the organism another poison, upon which the anti-body can no longer act (whence tetanus is not curable after the poisoning [vide supra]), and this having no incubation period, acts with the rapidity of an alkaloid, such as strychnine. COURMONT 4 and others claim to have some- times detected such a poison in the organs of the victims of tetanus. We will critically examine this theory in its proper place, and endeavour to show that it is at least superfluous. The disappearance of the toxines on the one hand, and the incurability on the other, can be readily explained by the side-chain theory without the aid of additional hypotheses. But all this only applies to susceptible animals. The fate of toxines introduced into the circulatory system of refractory, naturally immune, animals is materially different. The question of natural immunity has not yet been completely elucidated in all its details. It is, undoubtedly, an extraordinarily complex phenomenon, and, in particular, its forms of manifesta- tion and its causes show essential differences as regards natural immunity against poisons on the one hand, and against living bacteria on the other. In the case of toxines, we have only to deal with natural antitoxic immunity. This can be due a priori to two causes. Either the body of the naturally-immune animal contains antidotes which neutralise the action of the intruding poison, or the cells of the animal are 1 Salter's assertion (Lancet, 1898, i., 152) that toxines pass into the sweat is not supported by sufficient evidence. 2 Goldberg, " Ueber Ausscheidung des Tetanusgiftes durch die Nieren- sekretion," Centralbl. f. BaU., xxvi., 547, 1899. But cf. Cobbett (" Excre- tion of Diphtheria Toxine in the Urine," Brit. Med. Journ., 1900, i., 21), who claims to have detected the toxine in the urine. 3 See in particular Brunner, "Z. Kenntnis d. Tetanusgiftes," Z. f. 1dm. Med., xxxi., 367, 1897. 4 Of. v. Leyden-Blumenthal, Der Tetanus, Vienna, 1901. TOXINES. 17 immune against the attack of the poison, which is thus for them a completely indifferent substance. Both cases occur. As we shall see later, normal sera, and especially horse serum, contain antitoxines which afford pro- tection against small doses of toxines. And it is particularly interesting that, according to WASSERMANN,1 from 80 to 85 per cent, of the human race have appreciable amounts of a diphtheria antitoxine virus in their serum. These facts, however, are in- sufficient in themselves to explain the origin of natural antitoxic immunity, for such antitoxines are found exclusively in the sera of susceptible living organisms. On the other hand, the normal sera of refractory animals contain absolutely no trace of antitoxines. It was difficult to account for this fact until EHRLICH suc- ceeded, by means of his side-chain theory, not only in explaining it, but in making it one of the chief arguments in support of his view. Where there are no corresponding receptors (receptive groups in the body cells), there can be no attack on the part of a toxine, and the result is immunity against the poison. But in such cases the splitting off of side-chains to form an antitoxine is equally out of the question. Hence, according to this view, it is impossible for the blood of absolutely refractory animals to contain antitoxines. But it is interesting to know what happens to the toxines introduced into the circulatory system of such organisms. It is quite conceivable that such unstable and extraordinarily sensitive substances might be rapidly decomposed in the blood without having produced their injurious effects, or that they might be very rapidly expelled from the body with the excretions. Neither is the case. It is a remarkable phenomenon that these extremely active substances, which under favourable conditions can produce results of astounding intensity, should, when introduced into the blood of refractory animals, behave like the most harmless inert chemical substances remaining unaltered for a relatively long period, until finally they are slowly drawn into the metabolic changes, and gradually undergo complete oxidation. Hence it follows that, in the case of these animals, the mutual attraction between the poison and body cell must be much smaller than in the case of susceptible animals. There is no absolute difference, however, between susceptible and refractory animals, 1 Wassermann, "Ueber die personliche Disposition u. Prophylaxe gegen Diphtherie," Zeit. f. Hyg., xix., 408, 1895. 2 18 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. but only a relative one. The attractive power of the body cells (receptors) shows a gradual decrease from the most susceptible to the least susceptible animal. Thus tetanus poison, in a dose many hundred times greater than is sufficient to kill a mouse, circulates unchanged through the blood of a pigeon. If, how- ever, still larger doses are given, the pigeon becomes ill. In this case then there is not complete immunity, but only a very slight power of attraction on the part of the receptors. According to METSCHNIKOFF,1 and FERMI and PERNOSSI (loc. cit.), certain cold- blooded animals have still smaller powers of attraction. METSCHNIKOFF found that in the case of fishes, tortoises, and alligators, and also of arthropoda, the toxine remained unaltered in the blood without producing antitoxine. Only in the case of alligators, after longer action (fifty-eight days), did he obtain any antitoxine, while he was able to bring about this formation of antitoxine in old crocodiles by keeping the reptiles at a tem- perature of 30° C. Even then, however, he could not observe symptoms of illness in the animals. Similar results were obtained by FERMI and PERNOSSI in experiments on snakes, tritons, and turtle doves. Moreover, METSCHNIKOFF detected active tetanus toxine after the lapse of a month in the livers of scorpions, in which there had been neither symptoms of poisoning nor any formation of antitoxine. The hen has been a particularly favourite subject for experi- ments with tetanus poison, because although offering extreme resistance she is not completely immune against it. METSCHNI- KOFF asserts that the toxine can be recovered from the blood and the ovaries, and that eventually slight traces of antitoxine appear. ASAKAWA 2 found that the toxine introduced into hens' blood re- mained almost unaltered until the seventh day, and then slowly disappeared without being excreted. ASAKAWA could not detect any toxine in the brain or spinal cord of the hen, although he found it in all the other tissues. This may, of course, be due to the presence of blood in these tissues leading to some erroneous conclusion as to presence of toxine, while there is but little blood in the central nervous system. But, on the other hand, it is also very probable that slight traces of toxines disappear there by combining with 1 Metschnikoff, "Influence de 1'organisme sur les toxines," Ann. Past., xi., 801, 1897; xii., 81, 1898. Also, Immunitat, Germ, translation by Meyer, p. 264. Jena, 1902. 2 Asakawa, " Die Basis der natiirl. Immun. des Huhnes gegen Tetanus," CentrcdU.f. Bakt., xxiv., 166, 1898. TOXINES. 19 isolated receptors. For the hen is not absolutely proof against tetanus, and it is also possible to demonstrate a slight antitoxic activity in the brain, &c., of that bird. Corroborative evidence of this is afforded by the fact that direct intercerebral injection of tetanus poison produces the symptoms of tetanus in the hen. Hence, according to the views of EHRLICH and WASSERMANN, the defective attraction of the toxine for the body cell (receptor) is the main cause of natural antitoxic immunity. If the poison circulates in the free state and does not combine with the receptors, or does so only to an insignificant extent, the toxo- phore group is unable to act energetically, and so no serious injury is done. Defective attraction, however, is not invariably the cause of natural immunity. Thus, MORGENROTH * found that in the case of the frog tetanus poison enters into firm combination even in the cold, without making the animal ill. Under these conditions the toxophore group is inactive ; but it acts immediately when the frog is warmed to about 30° C. These theories of the attraction of the poison for the living cell and their specific combination are supported by experi- mental proofs. WASSERMANN 2 found that fresh substance from the central nervous system of susceptible animals combined with considerable quantities of tetanus poison. This was in agree- ment with the results of METSCHNIKOFF and ASAKAWA, who found that, in the case of less susceptible animals, the smaller the degree of susceptibility the less, too, was the amount of combination in the brain, &c. Thus, the brain of the hen only enters into feeble combination with the toxine, and that of the tortoise not at all. An additional support of this theory is furnished by experiments which show that, in the case of those animals (e.g., rabbits) in which the tetanus poison combines intra vitam with receptors which are not attached to the cells of the central nervous system, emulsions of other organs — e.g., the spleen — also combine with the tetanus poison (WASSERMANN). It is not a general rule that receptors only occur in the particular organs in which the poison produces its injurious effects. It frequently happens that combination and formation of antitoxine take place in other organs where the toxine does little injury. The action of the poison and formation of the 1 Morgenroth, "Zur Kenntnis des Tetanus des Frosches," Arch. Inter- nat. d. Pharmacodyn. , vii., 265, 1900. 2 Wassermann and Takaki, " Ueber tetanusantitoxische Eigenschaften des Centralnervenssystems, BerL klin. Woch., 1898, 5; Wassermann, " Weitere Mitt, iiber Seitenkettenimmunitat," ibid., 1898, 209. 20 TOXINES AND ANTITOXTNES. antitoxins are two distinct processes which may, under certain conditions, follow widely different courses. Fate of Toxines in the Digestive Tract. — The question of what becomes of toxines when they are introduced into the stomach or intestinal canal has a special interest. It is the unanimous opinion of observers that all toxines, including snake poisons, &c., with the single exception of ricine, are absolutely without action upon the system from the stomach. And it has been shown by GiBiER1 that these toxines do not act by way of the anus. CHARRIN and CASSIN2 assert that absorption of toxines through the intestine takes place when the mucous membrane is injured. It was proved by NENCKI and SCHOUMOW-SIMANOWSKI 3 that even large doses were not absorbed in the least through the digestive tract, and that only when huge doses, more than 100,000 times the lethal amount, were given, did symptoms of poisoning finally appear. These results conclusively show that toxines are not absorbed into the system through the normal intestinal tract. They must therefore either pass unchanged into the excreta, or they must be completely destroyed. RANSOM 4 concluded that the first alternative happened in the case of tetanus poison, but later workers, notably NENCKI and SCHOUMOW-SIMANOWSKI (loc. cit.) and CARRIERS,5 were unable to detect any trace of toxine in the excreta, even when doses as large as 100,000 times the lethal amount were given ; whilst CARRIERE was also unable to discover any antitoxic function in the serum after the intro- duction of toxine per os. Although KEPIN 6 identified abrine in the faeces he was unable to detect either diphtheria poison or cobra venom. Hence, toxines are destroyed ; and in this process three factors must be taken into account — viz., the living intestinal wall, the 1 Gibier, " Effets produits par les toxines, &c., injectees dans le rectum," Sem .Med., 1896, 202 (abst.). 2 Charrin and Cassin, ' ' Fonctions protectrices actives de la muqueuse intestinale," ibid., 1895, 545. 3 Nencki and Schoumow-Simanowski, " Die Entgiftung der Toxine durch die Verdauungssafte," Centralbl.f. Bakt., xxiii., 840, 1898. 4 Ransom, "Das Schicksal des Tet. Giftes nach seiner intestinal Einver- leibung," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1898, 117. 5 Carriere, "Toxines et digestion," Ann. Past., xiii., 435, 1899 (gives Bibliography); also, "Du sort de la toxine tetanique introduit dans le tube digestif," Soc. BioL, li., 179, 1899. 8 Repin, " Sur 1'absorption de 1'abrine par les muqueuses," Ann. Past., ix., 517, 1895. TOXINES. 21 intestinal bacteria (FERMI and PERNOSSI), and the secretions of the intestine. From the concordant results of experiments made by NENCKI (loc. cit.) on PAWLOW'S dogs and of those by CARRIERS (he. cit.) with preparations of enzymes, it is beyond question the digestive ferments that render toxines innocuous. Thus, CARRIERS (loc. cit.) found that even the saliva diastase had an injurious influence, that pepsin was not very active, but that trypsin, and, above all, the bile, had the greatest effect. NENCKI obtained the following results in experiments with pure sterilised fluid from fistulas : — Pepsin, by itself, destroyed bacterial poisons (but not abrine). The presence of acid was not essential, since the same result was obtained after nearly complete neutralisation, as had also been stated previously by CHARRIN.1 Pancreatic juice, by itself, had a greater destructive effect upon diphtheria toxine than upon tetanus toxine, the latter being particularly sensitive to the action of a mixture of 3 parts of pancreatic juice and 1 part of bile. Attempts to produce immunisation by the simultaneous injec- tion of bile with the toxine were unsuccessful. CHARRIN and LEVADITI 2 injected diphtheria poison (100 times the lethal dose) into freshly extirpated pancreas, and found that it was completely destroyed after twenty-two hours. Muscle plasma or pancreas heated to 70° C. were without action. According to CARRIERS, no destructive effect is to be attributed to the mucous membrane of the intestine or the intestinal bacteria. BALDWIN and LEVENES also proved that pepsin, trypsin, and papayotin destroyed diphtheria toxine. Notwithstanding this, CANO-BRUSSO4 still asserts that the destruction of the tetanus poison in the intestine is to be attributed to the action of the mucous membrane itself. Mode of Action of Toxines. — Toxines, as shown above, do not act through the digestive tract, and it is necessary to introduce them by other means into the organism. The most convenient method is subcutaneous injection, just as in cases of poisoning by living bacteria. 1 Charrin, "Action des sues digestifs sur les poisons microbiens," Arch, de Phyx., 1898, 67. Charrin and Lefevre, "Action de la pepsine sur la toxine diphth.," Soc. BioL. xlix., 830, 1897 ; Sem. Med., 1897, 296. 2 Charrin and fLevaditi, "Action de pancreas sur la toxine diphth.," Soc. BioL, li., 215, 1899. 3 Baldwin and Levene, "Action of proteolytic ferments on bacterial toxines," J. Med. Research, vi., 120 ; Malys Jb., 1901, 953. 4 Cano-Brusso, "Untergang d. Tetanusgiftes im Darm," Malys Jb., 1901, 914. 22 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. Direct introduction into the circulatory system (intravenous) is still more effective than intraperitoneal, intercerebral, or sub- dural inoculation, as has been used in the case of tetanus and gonococci poisons, or yet HOMEN'S method of injection into the nerves, which is sometimes employed. Intercerebral injection is of special importance in cases where either the poison when distributed throughout the body is seized by the receptors or other less susceptible organs (tetanus in the rabbit), or where the receptors in the brain are not very numerous, so that only concentrated toxine can effect any serious injury (tetanus in the hen). As regards the activity of toxines, there are two factors of fundamental importance — their specific character, and the time of incubation. The specific character is one of the most prominent character- istics of true toxines. Although more or less thorough resistance to the action of crystalloid poisons is known, cantharidine, for instance, being relatively innocuous to the hedgehog and atropine to pigeons ; yet in these cases there is only a weakening of the activity of the poison, and not an absolute resistance. Certain bacterial poisons, however, are completely harmless to refractory animals, while they act with the greatest energy upon susceptible animals. But the most important point in this connection is that, in the case of refractory animals, the toxine is by no means destroyed, but that it circulates unchanged in their blood as a completely inert substance. Thus arises the paradoxical phenomenon which we have de- scribed at some length above, that it is possible to kill a mouse with tetanus, by means of the blood of an apparently healthy hen which has previously been inoculated with large doses of tetanus poison. When the toxine cannot find corresponding receptors it is unable to make its attack. The toxophore group remains inactive, with the result that the toxine is a completely inert substance which the body regards as of so little importance that it does not even make speedy attempts to destroy it. This phenomenon, too, can readily be explained by the side-chain theory. According to EHRLICH, all nutritive substances, so far as they are not merely chemically changed by the secretions and their enzymes, enter into combination as haptines, and are thus brought within the power of the destructive and assimilative forces of the protoplasm. But, since the toxine does not enter into such combination, it also is not destroyed — not even treated in the same way as nutritive substances. TOXINES. 23 The specific nature of true toxines completely corresponds with that of the living bacteria. It is also characteristic of most of the known toxines that, unlike most simple crystalloid poisons, they do not exert their activity instantaneously or after a very short time, but that their toxic effects only appear after a definite time — the period of incubation. In this respect, too, bacterial toxines behave exactly like their parent living cells. The period of incubation varies, not only with the nature of the toxine, but is also dependent on other factors, such as the amount of the dose, the body tem- perature, &c. There is a limit, however, to this dependency, particularly as regards the amount of dose. The period of in- cubation is not in any way inversely proportional to the quantity of toxine. For example, according to COURMONT and DoYON,1 the period of incubation for guinea-pigs after injection of a lethal dose of diphtheria toxine is fifteen hours, and this cannot be reduced below twelve hours even by the introduction of enormous doses (90,000 times the lethal amount). A very interesting phenomenon in connection with this point is that in tetanus of the frog the incubation period can be delayed to any desired extent, by keeping the temperature low. Thus, if a frog into which the poison has been injected be kept at 8° to 10° C., it remains healthy, but at 30° C. tetanus begins after a definite time, and the frog dies. If, again, the warming be interrupted, the frog can be kept at 8° C. as long as desired, but after com- pletion of the remainder of the incubation period at a higher temperature, tetanus symptoms appear (MORGENROTH). In the case of some other toxines, however, notably snake venom, there is not this incubation period. These act with extreme rapidity. KRAUS2 found a true antitoxine-producing toxine in the filtrates of cultivations of Naskin's vibrio, which resembles the cholera vibrio. It killed rabbits without an incubation period when intravenously injected in doses of 0'5 to 1 c.c. There was an incubation period after subcutaneous injection. Constitution of Toxines. — The characteristic of every toxine is that it is a haptine — in other words, that it contains a haptophore and a toxophore group. Taking their constitution as thus fixed, most bacterial toxines 1 Quoted by Deutsch and Feistmantel, Die Impfstqffe und Sera, Leipzig, 1903, 40. 2 Kraus, " Ueb. ein acut. Wirkendes Bakterientoxin," Centralbl. /, Bakt., xxxiv., 488, 1904. 24 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. are, according to EHRLICH'S terminology, simple hapiines of the first class. Other toxines, however, have a more complicated structure. Thus, ricine and abrine possess, in addition to their toxic properties, the further characteristic of agglutinating the red corpuscles of the blood. The question now arises whether this second property is to be ascribed to some peculiar active principle invariably present in preparations of ricine, or whether the ricine itself is endowed with this double power. One of the proofs that the toxic and agglutinating properties are separable was afforded by the fact, that digestion with pepsin-hydrochloric acid soon destroyed the toxicity, but did not affect the power of agglutination (JACOBY,1 MICHAELIS and OppENHEiMER2). It was thus possible that ricinus toxine and ricinus agglutinine might be quite distinct substances, analogous to tetanospasmine and tetanolysine, the two separate poisons of tetanus cultivations. While, however, it could be proved that these were separate substances, which occurred in quite different proportions in different cultivations, and produced two distinct anti-bodies, similar experiments with ricine gave opposite results. The toxine and the agglutinine possess the same haptophore group, since they produce only one antiricine (JACOBY). The structure of ricine, therefore, is complex. In additon to its haptophore group it possesses two ergophore groups, with toxic and agglutinating powers respectively ; and it is thus a complex haptine of the first class. (For further particulars see Ricine.^ In the case of other toxines the constitution is still more complex and uncertain. Here, too, other activities (e.g., hsemo- lytic), in addition to the toxic function, are frequently met with, notably in the case of eel's blood and snake poisons. In such instances, it still remains to be determined with certainty whether the disintegrating principles are distinct substances. This is probably the case, however, with snake poison, for example. And, if so, the further question arises whether the ly sines, like the toxines, are hap tines of the first class — i.e., contain the haptophore and ergophore groups in one complex combination ; or whether they do not rather approximate in constitution to the haptines of the second class, such as the hsemolysines of normal and immune sera. The latter contain 1 Jacoby, "Ueber Ricimmmunitat," Hofm. Beitr. z. Chem. Physiol., i., 57, 1901. 2 Michaelis and Oppenheimer, " Ueber Immunitat geg. Eiweisskorper," Engelmanris Arch., 1902, Suppl. H. TOXINES. 25 haptophore and ergophore groups which are not united in one complex grouping ; but they have an amboceptor with two hapto- phore groups and a complement, which attaches itself to the complementophile group of the amboceptor after the latter has combined with the receptor of the cells, and thus brings about the hsemolytic action. The latest results obtained with cobra hsemolysine lead to the conclusion that this poison actually has some such constitution — that it possesses an amboceptor which is seized upon and brought into action, not only by an endo-complement that occurs in the red blood-corpuscles, but also by lecithin (KYES and SACHS). We shall return to this in discussing snake poison. Physiological Action of Toxines. — Although the primary char- acteristic of each of the bacterial toxines is its specific action upon the organism, as will be described more fully in the special part, they have also certain reactions in common, of which a brief mention should be made. They act primarily upon the general , health, producing weakness, prostration, and eventually collapse, y These phenomena are undoubtedly due, in the main, to a dele- terious effect of the toxine on the heart's action, this effect being | manifested in a reduction in the pressure of the blood, frequently accompanied by a diminution in the rate of pulsation and eventu- \ ally by paralysis of the heart. According to BARDiER's1 compara- tive experiments, however, individual toxines differ in their action upon the heart. Hypothermia, with or without preceding fever ', is an almost » invariable symptom. When injected into the skin and the | subcutaneous tissue toxines frequently give rise to infil- trations, abscesses, and necroses. Loss of hair is frequently observed. Internal organs, too — e.g., the intestinal tract — are usually injured (diarrhoea, &c.). Nor does the liver remain unaffected, as has been demonstrated, notably by TEISSIER and GuiNARD.2 CLAUDE 8 has observed bleeding of the gall-bladder. According to PADOA,* the liver acts differently upon different toxines. Thus, while it combines with and lessens the virulence of the diphtheria toxine when introduced into the mesenteric vein, it allows typhus toxine to pass, which acquires a higher virulence 1 Bardier, "Toxine et Coeur," Soc. Biol., xlix., 311, 1897. 2 Teissier and Guinard, "Effets des toxines microbiennes," Arch. Med. Exper., ix., 994, 1897. 3 Claude, "Deux cas d'h^morrhagie de la v^sic. biliaire, &c.," Soc. Biol., 1896, 169; Sem. Mtd., 1896, 62. 4 Padoa, "Ueber d. verschied. Wirkung. des Diphtheric- u. Typhus- toxins," Riform. Med., 1899, No. 26; MalysJb., 1899, 921. 26 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. when thus introduced into the system than when injected sub- cutaneously or into the veins. Degenerative changes also take place in the kidneys. Alterations of the blood (hcemoglobincemia) and vascular system are, in like manner, of frequent occurrence. Many toxines appear to have a solvent action upon the blood-corpuscles. According to KAEFUNKEL,1 they reduce the alkalinity of the blood, but this effect can be partially prevented by the application of artificial heat. Lastly, the nervous system and, in particular, its central organ are usually attacked, but in very different ways ; this will be dealt with more fully in the special part. CoNSiGLio2 states that he has observed a peculiar charac- teristic of diphtheria toxine. He has found that in small doses it stimulates the process of fermentation, but in larger doses checks it ; whilst, on the other hand, it has invariably a very injurious influence on the germination process of seeds. Toxoids and Toxones. — According to the side-chain theory, we must regard toxines as bodies that possess two distinct stereo groups — the haptoplwre group and the toxophore group. Assuming, now, that under certain conditions the toxophore group may be so changed as to lose its characteristic activity while the haptophore group remains unaltered, new substances will be formed which still have the power of attaching them- selves to receptors whether free (antitoxines) or combined (body cells), but without being poisonous. EHRLICH has investigated substances of this kind in the case of diphtheria toxine, and has established their great influence upon the toxicity of solutions of poisons and in the preparation of curative sera, with which we shall deal at length in the next chapter. These "toxoids," then, are non-poisonous, but are still haptones with specific powers of combination. When they are secondary decomposition pro- ducts of true toxines they are termed " toxoids," in the narrower sense of the word ; but there are also primary bacterial products, which are able to seize upon the same haptophore group as the toxine, but which have a different and much weaker toxophore group, capable of producing slight characteristic effects of its own, as has been demonstrated by EHRLICH and MADSEN in the case of diphtheria. These primary substances, which thus represent a second secretion product of the bacteria, are known as "toxones" 1 Karf unkel, ' ' Schwankungen des Blutalkaleszenzgehaltes nach Einver- leibung von Toxinen, &c.," Zeit. f. Hyg., xxxii., 149, 1899. 2 Consiglio, " Azione di alcune tossine, &c.," Arch, di Farm., vi., No. 3, 1898; MalysJb., 1898,634. ANTITOXINES. 27 has shown that toxoids of tetanus poison which have become quite non-poisonous no longer induce the formation of antitoxine. Accord- ing to his views, when side-chains are broken off there must be present in addition to the haptophore group a certain "combining ring" derived from the toxophore group. Toxones are not absolutely innocuous, but eventually produce temporary symptoms of poisoning (paralysis, &c.), which, how- ever, are absolutely different in kind from the effects of small doses of toxines. Toxoids have been identified with certainty in the case of diphtheria (EHRLICH), of tetanolysine (q.v.) (MADSEN) and of staphylotoxine (NEISSER and WECHSBERG, q.v.), and JACOBY (loc. cit.) has shown that in all probability they accompany ricine. There is also, however, a considerable weight of evidence that some at least of the other bacterial poisons have the power of producing secondary toxoids, in the case of tetanus, for example, to which we shall return in the special part. VAN CALCAR2 succeeded in separating the toxones from the toxine by taking advantage of the fact that animal membranes stretched to a certain extent allow the toxine to pass, but not the toxones. Hence, toxones have a greater molecular volume than toxines. When the membrane was stretched to a greater extent the toxones also diffused through it. This is the extent of our knowledge of toxoids and toxones. Since they, too, are specific haptines, they also produce anti- toxines as MADSEN and DREYER 3 succeeded in demonstrating in the case of diphtheria toxones. MADSEN and DREYER were also able to prove the existence of toxones which were poisonous to rabbits, but without action upon guinea-pigs. A poison that was without action upon guinea-pigs after neutralisation in the ratio of 200 : 200, did not become innocuous to rabbits until the ratio of the neutralising antitoxine reached 240 : 200. EHRLICH has given the name " toxonoids " to this variety of poison. On Antitoxines in General. — Our definite knowledge of anti- toxines is even smaller than our knowledge of toxines. They occur in the fluids of the body, notably in the blood serum and milk of immunised animals. Slight traces are also , "Beitr. z. Theorie d. Immunitat," Zeit. f. Hyg., xlvi., 176, 1904. 2 Van Calcar, "Ueb. die Constit. des Diphtheriegiftes," Berl. klin. Woch., 1904, No. 39. 3Madsen and Dreyer, "Ueber Imrnun. mit den Toxonen d. Diphtherie- giftes, Zeit.f. Hyg., xxxvii., 249, 1901. 28 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. of frequent occurrence in nornal sera, as, for instance, diphtheria antitoxins in the serum of horses (in the case of about 30 per cent.). Other anti-bodies are also very frequently present in normal sera, notably anti-ferments, &c. They can be separated from the fluids of the body by precipitation methods similar to those employed for the concentration of toxines. BLUM l found that lymph glands that had undergone auto-digestion were antitoxic to tetanus poison, but not to diphtheria virus or cobra venom. Precipitation with alum and ammonia (ARONSON), with mag- nesium sulphate (TizzoNi), and with solid sodium or magnesium chlorides (BRIEGER and BOER), followed by a method of puri- fication, yield dry preparations of antitoxines. The nature of antitoxines is unknown. They are probably albuminous substances, but this has not been definitely proved. The fact that they offer considerable resistance to the action of trypsin is against this view, although they are very sensitive to the action of pepsin-hydrochloric acid. Experiments to obtain further proof that diphtheria is an albuminous substance, or to determine to which albuminous constituent of the blood it is related, have not as yet led to any conclusive result. Antitoxines, like toxines, are sensitive to the action of heat, acids, &c., although, in general, they offer far greater resistance (see Diphtheria). CAMUS 2 found that anti-snake venom and anti-diphtheria poison could be heated for thirty minutes at 120° C. and for fifteen minutes at 140° C. without injury, provided they had been dried at a lower temperature, and then heated at 100° C. in a current of air. According to EHRLICH antitoxines are normal constituents of the cells — broken-off receptors — and as such possess relatively little physiological or chemical activity. They are not invariably produced in the organs where the poison exerts its specific action, but are also developed in other groups of cells. This appears to be especially the case in tetanus of the rabbit (q.v.). They are secreted under the stimulus of the haptophore group. EHRLICH regards them as "simple uniceptors'' — i.e., as substances with only one haptophore group, which coincides with the corresponding group of the toxine. Hence, nothing is more erroneous than to ascribe to antitoxines an activity similar to that of the toxines — 1Blum, "Ueb. Antitoxinbildung bei der Autolyse," Hofmeister's Beit- rage, v., 142, 1904. 2 Camus, "Resistance aux temper, elevees des vaccins desseche"s," Soc. BioL, L, 235, 1898. RELATION OF TOXINES TO ANTITOXINES. 29 to represent them as " substances akin to ferments" There is no support for the unthinking transference "of this notion from the toxines, and its only result would be to weaken the conception that toxines are closely related to ferments. Toxines, and probably also some ferments, have a haptophore and at least one " ergophore " group. They can not only combine, but also attack. Antitoxines do not possess the latter characteristic; they can only combine, and so ward off the toxophore group from the threatened cell, but not injure it. WASSERMANN'S experiments on pyocyaneus poison and CALMETTE'S on snake poison prove that the toxine remains intact in a mixture of toxine and antitoxine, and that after destruction of the anti- toxine the toxine can again manifest its activity (vide infra). Antitoxines, therefore, are not active substances, not "ferments." Antitoxines, as such, are physiologically completely inert, and are unable to produce any toxic effects. This, of course, only holds good for antitoxines by themselves and not for the sera in which they are present. It is true that unlimited quantities of horse serum containing antitoxine can be injected into a horse without producing any by-reactions. But, on the other hand, albuminous substances foreign to the body are in a certain sense invariably poisonous. They, too, give rise to protective substances — the precipitines described by MYERS and others.1 It is thus evident that unlimited quantities of horse serum cannot be injected into animals of different species. In fact, disturbances due to this cause have frequently been observed in the therapeutic use of diphtheria serum (q.v.). In such cases, however, the disturbances must be attributed to the serum rather than to the antitoxine itself. There is, doubtless, a connection between the struggle of the organism to eliminate foreign albuminous matters and KNORR's2 observation that antitoxines injected with sera foreign to the body speedily disappear, whilst antitoxines introduced in the sera of the same species remain for a very long time in the organism. Behaviour of Toxines towards Antitoxines. — We have already stated in the introduction that an essential characteristic in the definition of a toxine is that true toxines produce an antidote, an antitoxine in the body of the attacked organism. This fact, 1 For further particulars and bibliography of precipitines cf. Michaelis and Oppenheimer, "Ueber Immunitat geg. Eiweisskorper," Engelmanris Arch., 1902, Suppl. H. 2 Knorr, "Das Tetanusgift u. s. Bezieh. zum tier. Organismus," Munch, med. Woch., 1898, 321, 362. 30 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. which was first discovered by EHRLICH * in his fundamental ex- periments with ricine, a vegetable poison closely akin to the bacterial toxines, has now become so firmly established that we even have to regard the formation of antitoxine as a radical property of the true toxine. It is not possible in this place to deal with the significance that this formation of antitoxine in the organism has for the disappearance of infectious diseases, and for the development of the state of acquired immunity, or with the way in which these phenomena have been used as supports of the monumental side-chain theory. Here it is only necessary to describe the experimentally- determined relation between the toxine and its antitoxine as exactly as is possible in the present state of our knowledge, which, for the most part, we owe to the unwearying classical researches of EHRLICH. According to the side-chain theory, the only poisons that can act as true toxines are those that possess a specific affinity for the definite cells. For the representation of this specific affinity, EHRLICH assumes that both sides, the toxine on the one hand, and the attacked cell on the other, each have in their protoplasm an atomic group which reciprocally coincide, and thus enter into combination, and bring the toxine within the immediate reach of the cells. The first step in the action of the toxine is thus a concen- tration of the poison upon the cell by means of the reciprocal " haptophore " groups. The cell is now through this concentra- tion brought within the sphere of action of the toxine, and then follows as the second phase the specific action of the poison upon the cell — a function of the second specific the "toxophore" group.2 Toxines thus combine with the haptophore groups of cells, which are active as regards their " side-chains." If now, as in artificial immunisation, such side-chains provided with hapto- phore groups are produced in excess, and separated in a free state in the fluids of the body, especially the blood serum, these haptophore groups retain their capacity of entering into combina- tion with the corresponding haptophore groups of the toxine. Hence these brok en-offside-chains represent the specific antitoxine to the toxine. 1 Ehrlich, " Experimentelle Unters. iiber Immunitat," Deutsch. med. Woch., 976, 1218, 1891; also " Zur Kenntnis der Antitoxinwirkung," Fortsch. d. Med., 1897, 41. 2 The theory only speaks of atomic groupings in a substance, and Ehrlich has never asserted that a toxine consists of two substances — a haptophore and a toxophore substance — as Danysz (Ann. Past., 1899, 581) credits him with stating. Danysz, who confuses the process of plasmatolysis with toxine activity, has misunderstood Ehrlich. RELATION OF TOXINES TO ANTITOXINES. 31 This conception at once gives us two highly important points of view regarding the reciprocal relationship of the toxine to the antitoxine. Its acceptance immediately renders untenable two possible modes by which the poison might be influenced by its specific anti-body — viz., by direct destruction of the poisonous substance in its entirety, as it might, for instance, be destroyed by, say, a strong acid ; and secondly, by the action of the antitoxine on the specifically injurious toxophore group of the poison, just as, for instance, the poisonous property of aniline is considerably reduced by the introduction of acetic acid into its toxic amino-group. Neither is reconcilable with the side-chain theory, for there can only be any influence in the sense that the antitoxine saturates the haptophore group of the toxine, and thus prevents the possi- bility of its bringing its toxophore group into action by seizing upon the cell, while in reality its toxic force remains unchanged. While we have deduced this fundamental point of view as a consequence of the side-chain theory accepted by us as a heuristic principle, the actual development of the theory has naturally proceeded in a converse manner. Tedious experiments were first made to establish the correctness of these facts in order to use them as important supports of the theory. EHRLICH and BEHRING were at first of opinion that the poisonous property of the toxine was affected by the antitoxine, but subsequently came to the conclusion that it was a question of simple combination. The facts that led to this now generally accepted conclusion were of different kinds. At first it was the general view that the action of an anti- toxine was only an indirect one, its function being to render the organism "proof" against the toxine. This opinion was afterwards abandoned when it was found that toxine and antitoxine combined in accordance with definite arithmetical laws (law of multiples), with which we shall deal more fully later on. Then results of the greatest importance were obtained by a closer study of processes in which the inter- vention of the living organism could be absolutely excluded, and in which plainly visible reactions in the test tube were used as indicators of the influence of the antitoxine upon the toxine. The earliest of these were EHRLicn's1 celebrated experiments upon the agglutinating action of ricine upon the red corpuscles of the blood, the results of which showed that there were fixed numerical relationships between ricine and antiricine, inasmuch 1 Ehrlich, " Zur Kenntn. d. Antitoxin wirkg.," Fortschr. d. Med., 1897, 41. 32 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. as that the action of definite doses of ricine upon the blood was invariably exactly neutralised by corresponding doses of anti- ricine. The action of other hsemolysines, such as snake poison (KANTHACK), eel's blood (KOSSEL), and tetanolysine (EHRLICH). 2.—" Spectrum " of a Poison in the Protoxoid State. A further complication is introduced by the formation of syntoxoids (hemitoxine formation). Assuming that the toxine decomposes into equal parts of toxine and syntoxoid, the saturation takes place as follows : — 200 . x c.c. of poison + r = 0 x c.c. of poison + 160 158 Toxone x c.c. of poison + -^ = 1 T. free 'ZOO 156 x c.c. of poison + 2QQ =21. free x c.c. of poison + -^-^ = 30 T. free, and so on. 48 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. The " spectrum " (for the same poison), after the formation of syntoxoid, could then be represented thus — ProtojcoicL Synboocouci Toocorte GO WO 16O ZOO Fig. 3. — The same Poison in the Hemitoxine condition. As a matter of fact, however, the diagrams are still much more complex. It is not my intention to deal specially with the individual " spectra" that EHRLICH and MADSEN have published. I only wish to give the principles of these methods, and can now content myself with a simple statement of the results that have been obtained in these analyses. The quantitative decomposition of poisons on standing takes place in the following manner : — At first only toxines and toxones are present. The toxines consist of three distinct varieties, each of which has a different affinity for antitoxine — viz. , proto-, c£ew£ero-,and trito -toxines — the last being most nearly related to the toxones. Moreover, each of these varieties of toxines is composed of two modifications — a- and p-toxine — in equal pro- portions. The a- modification of all three toxines decomposes very rapidly, losing its toxophore groups — formation of syntoxoids and development of the above-mentioned hemitoxine condition. Then begins, at an early stage, the destruction of the toxophore group of the /3-tritotoxine, which, however, never continues to the complete replace- ment of the toxine by toxoid. Small amounts of toxine invariably remain in this zone — e.g., 3 : 7, 2 : 8, or 1 : 9 of toxoid — which can be recognised in the "spectra" by the fact that toxic action still takes place here, that, for example, in the case of the proportion 1 : 9, a reduction of the units of combination by 10 liberates 1 lethal dose. Not until a later period does the /3-prototoxine also disappear (develop- ment of protoxoid zone). Thus, there finally remains unchanged only the ft-deuterotoxine, in addition to a small quantity of /3-tritotoxine ; and at this stage the decomposition usually stops, the poison remaining unaltered for a long period in this form. There appear, however, to be occasional exceptions to this rule. Both EHRLICH and MADSEN have described "spectra" in which, even in the case of very fresh poisons, it is possible to detect the development of the protoxoid zone, although even the a-deuterotoxine is still intact, so that there is still a zone of unaltered toxine present. MADSEN (loc. cit. ), how- ever, considers that, taking into account the continued decrease in his pure poison mentioned above, we must conclude that the /3-deuterotoxine, too, is not of uniform structure, but that it possesses more readily decomposable constituents which change into tritotoxine. A very interesting confirmation of these extraordinarily complicated relationships is afforded by the fact that MADSEN (loc. cit.) frequently succeeded in again finding with sufficient RELATION OF TOXINES TO ANTITOXINES. 49 accuracy in these the quantities of toxones calculated by means 200 B or the rormula z - - -~ as given above. a + j8 For example, in one instance the calculated toxone value was 170 z = 33-33, and he found that at ^AA all the animals remained 160 alive, while they died at ~r, so that the toxone value must thus have been between 30 and 40. It is also evident that a complete transformation of certain parts of the tritotoxine most nearly allied to the toxones must increase the toxone zone, for it is impossible to recognise tritotoxoids, even when they occur in a state of purity, in a place where it is no longer possible to detect such a small amount of toxine. This is due to their possessing only a slight affinity similar to that of the toxones, and thus escaping detection in the determination of the L+ value, and also to their being confused with the toxones in making the diagrams. In this way we can explain an apparent increase in the amount of toxones compared with their quantity in the fresh poison, as has been found to be the case by MADSEN (loc. cit., p. 819), while it is denied by EHRLICH. It is not possible to fix an absolutely sharp limit between the different zones. There appear, rather, to be reactions taking place both between the toxones and toxines, and the toxines and protoxoids, which we must regard as being capable of having some slight influence upon the conditions of quantitative com- bination, unless we agree with MADSEN in attributing such uncertain reactions to the influence of varying conditions of concentration and temperature. Toxines and Antitoxines in the Light of Physical Chemistry.— Modern physical chemistry, which has effected so profound a change in our views of the nature of chemical reactions, has of late also turned its attention to the study of physiological chemical processes. I have already shown elsewhere 1 how great an influence these conceptions and methods have had upon the theory of ferments. Quite recently attempts have been made to investigate also the processes that underlie the action of toxines and antitoxines, by means of the kinetic modes of representation of physical chemistry. And there is reason to hope that in this way it may be found possible to express mathematically, in numerical values, the conceptions that the genius of EHRLICH has given to us. As yet, however, these attempts are still in their earliest infancy. 1 Oppenheimer, Ferments and their Actions. English edition. Griffin & Co., 1902. 4 50 TOXINES AND ANTJTOXINES. The processes that take place during the combination of the toxines with the receptors of the living cells can obviously never be investigated by this method of examination. Hence, naturally", it has only been employed to throw light upon those processes in which we can watch their progress and result in vitro — e.g., in haemolysis. Here again we have to thank EHRLICH that we possess exact methods of measurement for these processes. Thus, the first important research in this new field deals with hcemolysis under the influence of simple blood poisons, on the one hand, and of specific blood-solvent haptines, such as tetanolysine, on the other. ARRHENIUS and MADSEN 1 investigated the course of haemo- lysis under the influence of ammonia, sodium hydroxide, and tetanolysine. The material used in the tests for haemolysis was a 2-5 per cent, emulsion of the corpuscles of horse's blood washed thoroughly free from serum, and suspended according to re- quirement in physiological solutions of sodium chloride or cane sugar. The amount of haemolysis was measured colorimetrically by comparison with solutions of horse's blood, solutions of the strength of 2-5 c.c. in 100 c.c. of distilled water being taken to represent 100, and a colour scale prepared by corresponding dilution. For comparative determinations with constant amounts of blood (invariably 10 c.c. of the above emulsion), the only suitable interval is that relatively small one beneath whose lower limit haemolysis just begins, and above whose upper limit it is complete. The first result ascertained by this method is that haemolysis increases very rapidly with the rise in the amount of toxine added,2 so that, as a rough approximation, it is proportional to the square of concentration of the toxine. Now the " concentration " of the solvent agent does not corre- spond absolutely with the amount added. Thus, in the case of ammonia and sodium hydroxide, a certain proportion enters into combination with the blood-corpuscles, and does not contribute to the concentration. With tetanolysine, however, this com- 1 Arrhenius and Madsen, "Anwendg. d. physik. Ch. auf d. Stud, der Toxine u. Antitoxine," Z. physik. Ch., xliv., 1, 1903. 2 Arrhenius and Madsen give the collective name ' ' toxine " to these blood-solvent agents, while they term the specific haptine "lysine." Un- fortunately, this use of the term "toxine" is liable to create confusion, since it is not in accordance with the present happy limitation of the word to haptines. RELATION OF TOXINES TO ANTITOXINES. 51 bination is so weak that the numbers obtained do not need correction. This explains why a lower limit is found in which hcemolysis is entirely absent with ammonia and sodium hydroxide, but not with tetanolysine. Series of experiments were next instituted, in which variations were made in the percentage of blood-corpuscles on the one hand, and the amount of " toxine " (using the word in the above-men- tioned sense) on the other hand. The simplest case is that in which the toxine is present in such excess that complete haemolysis immediately ensues. If, in this case, we plot a curve, and place percentage amounts of the blood on the abscissae, and the degrees of haemolysis on the ordinates, the latter will natur- ally rise in a continuous line. But if the amount of toxine is smaller, only the initial part of the curve is a straight line — i.e., so long as the quantity of blood is still so small that the haemolysis is complete. But when the concentration of the blood rises still further, there occurs after a short rise a point where the whole of the " toxine " (ammonia later than sodium hydroxide) has entered into combination, and the curve falls again. The shape of this maximum is sometimes a sharp point and sometimes a horizontal line, according to the difference in the stability of the compounds with the blood-corpuscles. These details of the action of different inorganic simple " toxines " do not concern us here. It is, however, extremely important that this maximum is almost entirely absent in the case of tetanolysine — at least it cannot be identified with certainty. On the other hand, even this faintly indicated maximum occurs with a much smaller con- centration of the blood than in the case of ammonia, &c. From this it follows that the combination of tetanolysine with the blood- corpuscles is much weaker than in the case of inorganic agents, but that, on the other hand, it takes place so slowly that part of the substance that may subsequently be fixed still shows activity, whereas the combinations with ammonia, &c., take place so rapidly that only the actual excess of " toxine " takes part in the action. The proof of the fact that tetanolysine possesses so weak an affinity for the receptors of the erythrocytes might be employed as an argument against the general theory of specific combination. We shall return to this question of weak combination in dis- cussing the behaviour of tetanolysine towards antitetanolysine. Speed of Reaction of Haemolysis. — The measurement of the velocity of reaction is one of the most important means of 52 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. obtaining a closer insight into the nature of chemical reactions. ARRHENIUS and MADSEN measure the time within which the haemolysis has reached a definite point. For this purpose they cause an excess of " toxine " to act for a fixed time upon equal amounts of blood (which are taken as exactly 100). The haemolysis is interrupted by cooling the mixture, which is then separated in a centrifugal machine, and finally the extent of haemolysis is determined. Since the quantity of blood-corpuscles dissolved in the unit of time is the reciprocal of those remaining undissolved (100 - x), the follow- ing equation is obtained : — (1) J^ = K whence It has been shown that K is not a constant, but shows a rapid increase in the course of the experiment. This is due to the fact that the membranes of the blood-corpuscles at first offer resist- ance to the action of the toxine, but that this resistance becomes continually weaker with the destruction of the membrane. At first no blood-corpuscles at all are attacked, and it is not until the weakest membranes give way that haemolytic action is apparent. This power of resistance thus leads to the necessity of an "induction period" for haemolysis, the explanation of which is evident in these cases. Hence this method did not yield reliable results. Its authors, therefore, tried whether twice the amount of " toxine " in half the time had the same effect as half the amount in twice the time. It was found that, after making the necessary corrections for the alteration in volume, there was this approximate ratio, viz., that the velocity of the reaction was proportional to the concen- tration of the toxine. This held good in the case of ammonia, sodium hydroxide, and tetanolysine. The quantity of unaltered blood-corpuscles can be expressed by the following equation (in which a represents the amount of toxine), at all events with low proportions (i.e., where x is small) : — d x after integration */~x = 2 K a t, RELATION OF TOXINES TO ANTITOXINES. 53 which, expressed in words, means that the quantity of blood haemolysed is not only proportional to the square of the time of the reaction, but also to the square of the amount of toxine — a fact already experimentally determined, as mentioned above. The acceleration in the velocity of the reaction with each rise in temperature of 10° C. amounts to 2'76 : 1 with ammonia and sodium hydroxide, and 3 -04 : 1 with tetanolysine. The relative velocity of the reaction with ammonia compared with sodium hydroxide is 2 '24 : 1. It is thus absolutely independent of the concentration of the OH-ions. Hence the OH-ions are not the real active agents in the hcemolysis. Neutral salts check the action of their corresponding bases. The effect of the salt is approximately proportional to the cube root of its quantity. Ammonium salts, in particular, have a strong restrictive action. In the case of tetanolysine salts (though in larger quantities) have a stimulating influence. Normal blood serum and egg albumin check the action of " toxines," and particularly that of tetanolysine. Thus we have here a restriction of the effect of active substances by normal blood serum, which plays so great a part in the action of ferments. Here, too, without doubt, we have to deal with the occurrence of normal receptors as anti-bodies. Relations between Toxine and Antitoxine. — The experiments described here were made by ARRHENIUS and MADSEN with tetanolysine, the method being an extension of Ehrlich's method of incomplete saturation described above. They treated a constant amount of toxine (2 c.c. of a 2 per cent, solution of tetanolysine) with increasing amounts of antitoxine (in a 0*0025 per cent, solution), and determined the toxicity of the mixtures — i.e., the quantity that caused a definite amount of hydrolysis when added to 10 c.c. of a 2-5 per cent, emulsion of horse's blood. Allowance being made for the relative volumes, the toxicity can be expressed by the equation — 1 10 + x = x ' '~W~' where x represents the observed amount of toxine and G the poison strength. It was found by experiment that the required amount, x, constantly increased with the quantity of antitoxine added, and that G showed a corresponding decrease. There is thus no reason for the assumption that the " poison spectrum" (vide supra] of tetanolysine assumes a step-shaped form. On the contrary, the 54 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. ratios between toxine and antitoxine follow a definite curve closely resembling that which represents the relation between the decomposed part of a substance and the products of such decom- position. There is thus a condition of equilibrium between the free toxine and antitoxine, on the one hand, and the compound of the two, on the other, so that all three components are present. This deviates from EHRLICH'S fundamental view in just the same way as we pointed out above in the case of the compound of lysine with the cell. For EHRLICH assumes that, in the case of diphtheria virus, there is a firm combination between toxine and antitoxine, so that only the actual excess of one component is active. We shall return to this point presently. ARRHENIUS and MADSEN have strengthened the results of these observa- tions by theoretical calculations of the values of G and x. G is obtained from the equation : — Free Toxine Free Antitoxine _ „ / Toxine - Antitoxine V2 Vol. Vol. \ Vol. ;• The amount of free and combined toxine can be calculated in a complicated way. The amount of toxine present in 1 c. c. of a 1 per cent, solution is taken as the unit of measurement. Now, the original mixture of toxine with 10 c.c. of blood (without antitoxine) contained 0'23 : 10'23 units per c.c. Suppose that, in an experiment with antitoxine, it is necessary to add x c. c. in order to obtain the same shade of colour — i. e. , to ensure that the same amount of free lysine is present. Then the amount of toxine that has combined with the antitoxine is equal to the difference between the amounts of added and free toxine = x : (10 + x) - 0"23 : 10'23, and obviously as great as the combined quantity of antitoxine. The quantity of antitoxine added (n) is distributed over 4 c.c. of the lysine solution, and N hence each unit of toxine corresponds to — c.c. of antitoxine. If, now, the ratio of antitoxine to toxine in c.c. be represented by p — i.e., 1 c.c. of antitoxine solution saturating p c.c. of a 1 per cent, solution of lysine — it follows that — . --pr . p = the amount of antitoxine per c.c. n 10 + x J From this must be deducted the known quantity of antitoxine in order to obtain the actual amount of free toxine: Hence, by interpolation of these values into the first equation, there results : — 0-23 (ll-} RF23 K and p can be calculated approximately from the mean results of the saturation experiments, and the values thus obtained in 12 determinations being K = 0-115 p = 14-55, i.e., 1 c.c. of the 0'0025 per cent, antitoxine solution employed neutralises ( x 0-23\"| _ v( x _0'23\2 VlO+JB 10-22/J VlO + tf 10'23/ ' RELATION OF TOXINES TO ANTITOXINES. 55 14'55 c.c. of the arbitrary toxic unit, or this unit corresponds to 0'069 c.c. of antitoxin. The values of G and x calculated from this equation are in very close agreement with the observed results. When large quantities of antitoxine are used, a state of equi- librium between the toxine and antitoxine is only reached very slowly. At the same time the toxine becomes weaker, so that x becomes greater. An analogous result was obtained in an experiment in which the toxine was replaced by ammonia, and the antitoxine by boric acid. Here, too, the neutralising effect of the boric acid was exerted to such an extent that the law held good : — (Free Ammonia) (Free Boric Acid) = K (Combined Boric Acid)2. It follows, then, from these experiments that the same laws apply to tetanolysine and its saturation by its antitoxine as govern the saturation of bases by means of weak acids. Parts of the free components are invariably left uncombined. This was now made the starting point for attacks on Ehrlich's theory of "poison-spectra." If we plot the curve of the neutralisation of ammonia by means of boric acid, we find that the first amount added neutral- ises 50 per cent, of ammonia, the next only an additional 16-7 per cent., and the third 8-3 per cent, more, and from this we could draw the conclusion that the first aliquot portion of the neutralising solution meets with a much more toxic ammonia than the later portions — i.e., that ammonia consists of different toxic parts, which enter into combination with different degrees of affinity, these standing in simple relationship towards each other. This is obviously opposed to the views of EHRLICH on proto-, deutero-toxines, &c. Hence, according to ARRHENIUS and MADSEN, we must not employ as analogies for tetanolysine the conditions that govern the neutralisation of strong bases and acids, as EHRLICH has done in the case of diphtheria virus. In the case of strong acids and bases the amount oifree components is extraordinarily small, and, practically, we have only to take into account the compound and the excess of one of the components. Measured by this standard, then, the neutralisation curve of diphtheria virus deviates, as EHRLICH has shown, very considerably from the simple curve of the neutralisation curve of acids and bases, and lends support to the view of the existence of different poisonous constituents. But if we take as the standard the conditions of equilibrium that occur in the case of weak affinity, conditions 56 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. such as we find with tetanolysine, these apparent differences of affinity can be explained by the law of mass action, without assuming the existence of different toxine zones. The presence of one toxine and one antitoxine, which by their reciprocal neutralisation produce different conditions of equilibrium, and can thus account for the numerical conditions of combination, are quite sufficient to explain why the quantity of antitoxine does not invariably correspond with the same amount of antitoxic energy. If these considerations applied to other poisons, as well as to tetanolysine, they would modify a part, although not a very weighty part, of EHRLICH'S views ; but, at the same time, they would give us a further insight, based upon exact scientific methods, into these extremely important processes. Almost simultaneously with these attacks upon EHRLICH'S views other voices were raised against practically the same parts of his theory. Mention must be made, in particular, of the work of BoRDET,1 who, on theoretical grounds, has come to the conclusion that there is a kind of equilibrium between toxine and antitoxine. Certainly these conclusions are not based upon exact physico- chemical measurements, but are purely speculative. According to them, the relations between toxine and antitoxine either pre- sent certain analogies with the processes of dyeing (insorption, &c.), which BORDET does not more closely characterise — for throughout he avoids proofs of identity — or complex compounds are formed containing one toxine molecule with several anti- toxine molecules. The antitoxine is distributed over the whole quantity of toxine in such a way that one part of each toxine molecule appears to be neutralised and deprived of its toxicity. Regarded as a whole these speculations, which are not based upon new facts, are just as difficult, if not more so, to work into a theory as EHRLICH'S " spectra," which at least explain all the facts on the assumption of a single although complicated hypothesis. Moreover, BORDET'S assumption of a "partially neutralised" toxine is absolutely incapable of being put clearly without falling back upon the old, now happily discarded, notion of the " destruction " of the toxicity. Hence, BORDET'S attack is surely not capable of overthrow- ing EHRLICH'S theory of a plurality of poisons. Still less can EHRLICH'S position be shaken by the different attacks of GRUBER, although their object was nothing less than the over- 1 Bordet, " Sur le mode de 1'action des antitoxines sur les toxines," Ann. Past., xvii., 161, 1903 (reprint). RELATION OF TOXINES TO ANTITOXINES. 57 throw of the side-chain theory as a whole. These have been so completely answered and demolished by EHRLICH l that we can refrain from discussing them individually here. At first sight the objections of ARRHENIUS and MADSEN to EHRLICH'S theory of the manifold nature of diphtheria virus appear to be much more important, since they are based on the unquestionable results of experiments. This is another instance, however, that in dealing with the theory of toxines there is nothing against which we must guard more than too hasty generalisations. EnRLiCH2 maintains his position throughout in his reply to the criticisms of ARRHENIUS and MADSEN. He, of course, admits at once the correctness of the experimental proofs, though only in the case of tetanolysine, whose instability and slow combining power he himself had already recognised years ago. He refers to one experiment in which the antitoxine activity after two hours was forty times as great as immediately after the mix- ture had been made. But EHRLICH contends that the facts established in the case of this unstable, slowly -combining poison ought not to be transferred to the extremely active diphtheria virus, which combines rapidly (within a few minutes) with the antitoxine, and for which alone his "spectra" have been made. In his reply he once more repeats, very forcibly, the reasons that led to the development of his conception of the complex structure of diphtheria virus, and cites in support of it numerous separate facts, some of which were previously unpublished. It would take too long to deal with all his reasons again, since we should have to repeat nearly the whole of what we have said about toxoids and toxones. Hence we will only mention a few of them : — The conclusion that there are toxoids of different degrees of affinity follows inevitably, from the fact that the toxicity shows a gradual decrease while the amount of antitoxine required for neutralisation remains constant. EHRLICH cites the simple example of the neutralisation of two distinct alkaloids — e.g., quinine and codeine, which have a different affinity for hydro- chloric acid — as evidence that we are here dealing with neutral- isation limits, quite analogous to those which ARRHENIUS and MADSEN regarded as states of equilibrium between weak acids 1 Ehrlich, "Toxin und Antitoxin," Munch, med. Woch., 1903, No. 33-4 (reprint). 2 Ehrlich, " Ueber d. Giftcoraponenten des Diphtherietoxins," BerL klin. Woch., 1903, No. 35 (reprint). 58 TOXINES AND ANT1TOXINES. and bases. If the alkaloids be mixed in the right proportion, the curve can assume an exactly similar form. Even ARRHENIUS and MADSEN will admit the existence of protoxoids, but EHRLICH shows mathematically that there must also be other toxoids. He further succeeded in demonstrating, by calculation of the L+ value of a particular poison, that in this case the neutralisation of the toxine by the antitoxine exactly corresponded with the neutralisation of a strong base by a strong acid — i.e., that its course had to be represented by a straight line. It was also possible to prove, in the case of this same poison, that the forma- tion of tritotoxoids must have taken place in those parts of the toxine possessing the weakest affinity. Again, it can be easily demonstrated that there can be no change in the degree of affinity during the conversion of toxine into toxoid. But since, now, a poison that has been allowed to stand does show differences in its affinity, it follows that these must have already been present in the fresh poison, in the toxine condition, and at the same time it is evident that this proves that there is a plurality of poisons. EHRLICH thus firmly maintains his opinion that even in fresh diphtheria virus there are varieties of poison with different degrees of affinity, which subsequently undergo a partial conversion into toxoids with different degrees of affinity. EHRLICH also firmly maintains the existence of toxones as primary decomposition products of the activity of the diph- theria bacillus, upon which doubt had been thrown by ARRHE- NIUS and MADSEN. In particular, the fact of the existence of a poison without toxones shows that we cannot here be dealing with a " residue of unneutralised poison" but with individual substances possessing only a slight affinity for antitoxine which are usually present. For if it were a question of conditions of equilibrium these would occur in the case of all poisons. Apart from this important extreme case without toxones, addi- tional evidence against this view is furnished by the enormous variation in the relative amounts of toxones, which may range from 0 to 300 per cent. A further argument in favour of definite existence of toxones is their frequent diminution, "formation of toxonoids," as well as their absolutely different physiological action (vide supra). EHRLICH concludes from his arguments that diphtheria virus consists of at least three varieties of poison : — RELATION OF TOXINES TO ANTITOXINES. 59 1. The toxine. 2. The toxone, which kills rabbits suddenly, and guinea-pigs after symptoms of illness. 3. Toxonoids, causing illness in rabbits, but harmless to guinea-pigs. He also maintains that diphtheria toxine has so great affinity for its antitoxine that the curve of neutralisation of the pure toxine would form a straight line ; the deviations can only be explained by the assumption that parts of it possess different degrees of affinity. These fractions of varying affinity are present in the original poison. The theoretical deductions of EiSENBERG1 are very similar to the conclusions drawn by ARRHENIUS and MADSEN from their experimental results. He, too, is inclined to attribute the neu- tralisation of the poison and antidote to the production of a state of equilibrium, in which an excess of each of the two active components is present, in addition to the firmly-combined neutral compound. He claims, by means of this theory, to be able to obviate the difficulties in the way of accepting the view that only the compound and the excess of one component are present. His argument, however, also rests upon conditions that occur with other poisons than diphtheria, such as those of tetanus poison, hsemolytic complements, and, above all, agglutinines. It is extremely probable that in the case of these substances loose combinations may occur with dissociated states of equili- brium. But in the case of diphtheria virus the conditions of combination appear to be the only important factors, which EISENBERG, too, admits to be possible, and that the quantity of components liberated is very slight, as it should be in the case of firmly '-combined compounds. Thus EHRLICH'S arguments are also a sufficient answer to these generalisations, which in fact do not apply to diphtheria virus. Thus we cannot predict beforehand what the conditions will be in the case of other poisons. The question as to the influence of the several derivatives on the quantitative relation between toxine and antitoxine must be specially determined for each separate poison. Probably a whole scale of affinities will be found to exist, ranging from loosely combined, readily dissociated compounds, such as appear to be formed by tetanolysine to diphtheria virus. In this connection it may be mentioned that conditions of equilibrium also appear to occur in the case of ricine, in which when neutralisation is nearly complete free 1 M. Eisenberg, " D. Bindungsverh. zwischen Toxin und Antitoxin," Centralbl.f. Bakt., xxxiv., 259, 1903. 60 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. toxine and free antitoxine are both present. DANYSZJ has described this, and has based upon it absolutely untenable speculations similar to those of BORDET. We shall return to the facts when we are dealing with ricine. But we must never forget, as EHRLICH is fully justified in repeatedly insisting, that in these weak combinations a very important part is played by the time of reciprocal contact as well as by the concentration. Thus if too short a time be allowed for the reaction it is possible to draw an erroneous conclusion of a too high degree of concen- tration. Hence, when EISENBERG brings forward as a proof the separation of snake poison from its antitoxine at higher tem- peratures, it must not be forgotten that, according to MARTIN and CHERRY, this separation, which involves the secondary breaking down of the antitoxine, is only possible for a very short time after the admixture. Lastly, a caution must be given against over-estimation of the influence of mass action as regards other haptines. Contrary to the views of EISENBERG, who concludes that conditions of unstable equilibrium are the rule with agglutinines and pre- cipitines, v. DuNGERN2 shows that such conditions are quite exceptional, and that, in general, the combination of the pre- cipitine with the precipitable substance is complete and stable. In explanation of the quantitative ratios he concludes that there is a plurality of precipitines, which is quite analogous to the views of EHRLICH. Heat Manifestation of the Action of Toxine upon Antitoxine. — With the aid of VAN T' HOFF'S formula d log nat K W dt ~ 1-99T2 ARRHENIUS and MADSEN were able to calculate from the altera- tion in the dissociation constant, K, the amount of heat liberated in the combination of 1 grm. molecule of toxine with 1 grm. molecule of antitoxine. This value is equal to 6,600 cals. (with a possible error of 600 cals.). The evolution of heat is almost half as great as that liberated on neutralising a strong base with a strong acid. Vigorous discussion as to the bearing of the law of mass action upon the relations between the toxine and antitoxine still continues. The more 1 Danysz, " Contrib. & I'e'tude des propr. des melanges des toxines avec leur antitox.," Ann. Past., xvi., 331, 1902. 2v. Dungern, " Bindungsverh. bei d. Pracipitinreaktion," Centralbl. f. Sakt.f xxxiv., 355, 1903. RELATION OF TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. 61 thoroughly the question has been studied the more it has been found that ARRHENIUS and MADSEN considerably over -rated the influence of mass action. It was shown by VON DUNGERN in the case of diphtheria toxine and by HANS SACHS in that of tetanolysine that the fundamental condition theoretically essential for the view of ARRHENIUS and MADSEN — viz., the combination between the toxine and antitoxine should be reversible — was lacking, and that on the contrary the combination gradually became firm and irreversible. At the same time VON DUNGERN brought direct proof of the plurality of diphtheria poison by showing that a mixture of anti- toxine and toxine could be non-poisonous after a single addition of the exactly sufficient quantity of toxine, but that when the same amount was added in two portions with an interval of twenty-four hours between them it was poisonous. In the latter case the antitoxine being present in excess is distributed between the toxine and the toxone, and when the second portion is added after twenty-four hours the combination between the toxone and antitoxine has become so stable that the toxine can no longer find sufficient free antitoxine. The stability of the combination between toxine and antitoxine was shown by WASSERMANN and BRUCK in another way. They found that when .they injected a physiologically neutral mixture of tetanus toxine and antitoxine, together with some adrenaline into an animal, the contrac- tion of the vessels caused by the alkaloid led to a delay in the resorption of the antitoxine, whereas the toxine which is resorted by the nerves (vide Tetanus) was immediately taken up, and poisoning resulted. But if they allowed the mixture to stand for two hours before the injection, the toxine had combined so firmly with the antitoxine that no resorption of the former took place and the animal remained well. Lastly, it was found by MADSEN himself that it was only possible in the case of absolutely fresh mixtures of diphtheria toxine and antitoxine to effect a separation of the two components by means of their different rates of diffusion through gelatin, and that after the lapse of even a short time such separation could no longer be effected. This was also proved indirectly by an experiment of MORGENROTH, who found that fresh mixtures of diphtheria toxine and antitoxine were poisonous when injected intravenously into rabbits, but that after some time they were inert. However, even if the complicated relationships that exist in the case of bacterial poisons cause the curve of saturation to take such a form that it can be shown to have some resemblance, externally at least, to the curve of equilibrium between substances of weak affinity, yet in the case _ of Cobra venom the conditions are such that there is apparently a pure toxine there. At all events, according to KYES, the curve of saturation between the toxine and antitoxine here forms a straight line, like that formed between a strong acid and a strong base. The discussion has had the further very important result of raising the fundamental question whether there is any justification at all for applying the law of mass action to the reactions between colloidal substances. NERNST and others have given a vigorous denial to this. This has led in turn to a closer investigation of the properties of colloids, which has already established many important ratios between the reactions of toxine and antitoxine and those of the colloids, the consideration of which here would lead too far. L. Michaelis, " tJb. die Giiltigkeit des Massenwirkungsgesetzes bei der Reaction zwischen T. u. A.," Biochem. CentralbL, iii. [1], 1904. 62 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. v. Dungern, "Beitr. z. Kenntn. der Bindungsverh. bei der Verein. v. Di.-Gift u. A.," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1904, Nos. 8-9. Wassermann and Brack, " t)b. d. Wirkg. der A.," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1904, No 21. sen, "Constit. der poison dipht.," Centralbl. f. Bakt., xxxiv., 630, ^ 1903. Morgenroth, " t)b. die Bindung von Di.-T. u. A.," Berl. klin. Woch., 1904, 20; Zeit.fiirHyg., xlviii., 177, 1904. H. Sachs, " Konstitution des Tetanusgiftes," Berl. klin. Woch., 1904, 16. Kyes, "Kobragift u. Antitoxin," Berl. klin. Woch., 1904, 19. Nernst, "Ueb. die Anwendbarkeit d. Gesetze d. chem. Gleichgewicht auf Gemische von T. u. A.," Z. f. Electrochemie, x., 1904. H. Aron, "Ueb. organische Kolloide, Biochem. Centralbl., iii. [15 and 16], 1905. Endotoxines and Bacterial Proteins. — While the production and mode of action of true toxines, such as are formed by the bacilli of diphtheria and tetanus are fairly well known, the case is essentially different and more complicated with a large number of pathogenic organisms, of which we may take the bacteria of cholera and of typhus and B. pyocyaneus as the chief representa- tives. If a cholera cultivation of only a few days' growth be filtered through a bacterial filter, the filtrate is only toxic to a slight extent. Several c.c. are necessary to kill an animal by intraperitoneal injection, and even in these quantities the filtrates are not deadly to all animals. But if we take the residue of the filtration — i.e., the filtered-off bacterial cells — and destroy these by means of weak disinfecting agents, such as chloroform, it will be found that these dead cells are highly toxic. A few milligrammes of them are sufficient when injected into the peritoneum to kill an animal almost instantaneously with severe symptoms of collapse. In this case, then, the conditions are the reverse of those that obtained with diphtheria bacilli, since at first but little of the poison passes into solution, whereas the dead cells of the bacteria are extremely toxic. If, instead of fresh bouillon cultivations, old ones that have stood for several weeks in an incubating oven are taken, it will be found that there is a considerable increase in the toxicity of the germ-free filtrates. Much smaller doses are sufficient to kill the animals used in the experiment. Yet even under these conditions the toxicity of these filtrates never attains the same degree, as is found with diphtheria and tetanus poison, of which even fractions of a milligramme may cause fatal results. The explanation of these experimental results presents no diffi- culty. Obviously cholera bacilli, &c., secrete the greatest part of their poison within their vital substance. This part is only liberated when the bacteria undergo a process of destruction, ENDOTOXINES AND PROTEINS. 63 such as occurs when they are dissolved by the fluids in the bodies of animals, or such as take place spontaneously in old cultiva- tions, where part of the cells of the bacteria are brought into solution by the alkaline and other products present in such culti- vations ; and to this extraction process must be attributed the fact that the nitrates from old cultivations are much more toxic than those from fresh cultivations. If, now, we ask what position these poisons occupy as regards our definition : whether they are true toxines, against whose action the organism forms antitoxines, we have the following data to go upon : — Attempts to prepare a true antitoxine to the poisons contained in the cells of bacteria, the endotoxines, have as yet been unsuccessful. Hence, in the absence of further know- ledge, we must assign an exceptional position to these poisons. Their sole distinguishing characteristic is their extreme toxic nature in experiments on animals. But as yet no convincing proof has been brought that they belong to the true toxines, and possess distinct haptophore and toxophore groups. The case is different with the poisons that pass into the filtrate on filtration. A true antitoxine serum for these has been pre- pared— e.g., by RANSOM and by Roux and METSCHNIKOFF for cholera, and by A. WASSERMANN for the poison of B. pyocyaneus (q.v.). This was done in the well-known usual manner, by pre- viously treating the animals with increasing doses of the poisonous filtrates. By this means sera were obtained which were capable of neutralising with certainty many times the amount of the lethal dose of the poisonous filtrates. Hence, according to the results of all experiments that have been made up to the present, the conditions in the case of these species of bacteria are such that the chief part of the poisonous substance adheres firmly to the cells of the micro-organisms, and does not pass into solution. Such substances are termed the endotoxines, and are comparable with the endoenzymes of yeast and of bacteria themselves. Traces of a true toxine which passes into the filtrate also occur. The further question now arises, whether we are justified in concluding from these experiments that the production of poison follows the same course under natural conditions — i.e., in the organism. It seems fairly certain that the answer is in the negative. On the contrary, it is extremely probable that the slight traces of poison which we find in these cultivations, and which, as we have seen, increase somewhat in quantity on further extraction of old cultivations, are not those of the primary poison of the 64 TOXINES AND ANTITOX1NES. micro-organisms — that which we see exerting its activity in the pathology of these infectious diseases in man. An extraction process, such as occurs spontaneously in old cultivations, is by no means one that has little effect upon the constitution of these unstable bodies. In such old cultivations great changes of re- action from acid to strongly alkaline occur abruptly ; ammonium compounds and other chemical substances are produced, which we know tend to change and destroy bacterial poisons. Hence we must assume that even these traces of cholera virus, &c., that pass into solution, and to which an antitoxine can be prepared, do not represent the primary poisons of these micro-organisms, the poisons that they undoubtedly produce in the human organism, but are rather a secondary and more stable modification ; and this conclusion is based on the fact that while, as WASSERMANN found in the case of the poison of B. pyocyaneus, we are certainly able to prepare an antitoxine to this dissolved poison, yet this antitoxine behaves quite differently to the antitoxines in diph- theria. For the latter neutralise the corresponding quantities of toxine in any given multiples of the dose, provided that their own quantities are increased in the same proportion. Thus, if 10 doses of diphtheria antitoxine neutralise 10 doses of toxine, 1,000 doses will neutralise 1,000 doses of toxine. But in the case of pyocyaneus poison this " law of multiples " only holds good within very narrow limits — up to about eight or ten times the lethal dose. Beyond that there is no neutralisation, and animals die in spite of large doses of antitoxine. We must, therefore, conclude that it is altogether doubtful whether we have ever had the primary true toxine of cholera, &c., in our hands when using the culture media at our present disposal. It may be a question of suitable nutrient media, and further systematic research may be required before we get nearer to this important goal. The great influence of a suitable culture fluid upon the production of the true poison in artificial nutrient media is shown by the case of diphtheria virus, of which in the earlier experiments of Boux and YERSIN from 30 to 36 c.c. were required to kill an animal with the typical acute symptoms, whereas a close systematic study of culture media and the choice of suitable cultivations have had the result of reducing the amount now required to 1 to 2 mgrms. Hence we must regard the question of cholera virus and similar poisons as still unsettled in many respects. At the same time, we must not omit to call attention to the fact that so experienced a worker in practical research into the nature of cholera infection as B. PFEIFFER holds the view that ENDOTOXINES AND PROTEINS. 65 the striking symptoms of poisoning that appear in the spontaneous infection of man with cholera are also due to the absorption of poisons, endotoxines, set free through the solution of the cholera vibrio. In his opinion, endotoxines are thus the main effective poison in cholera and other infectious diseases, such as typhus, &c., that behave in an analogous manner. In support of this view, that in these infectious diseases we have only to deal with the bacteria as such, and the poison contained in their cells, and not, as in the case of diphtheria, &c., with a soluble poison that can be separated from the cells, but of whose presence in the human subject we cannot speak with certainty, as pointed out above ; in support of this view we have the phenomena that occur in the disappearance of these diseases and in immunisation against these bacteria, and the substances that are then found in the serum. Thus we have seen that in cholera, &c., only bacteri- cidal substances are present; but such exclusively bactericidal substances only occur, as WASSERMANN was able to show in the case of B. pyocyaneus, when there has been absorption of consti- tuents of the cell-substance of the bacteria, while toxines invariably cause a simultaneous formation in the serum of antitoxic sub- stances, and substances possessing specific bactericidal powers. Bacterial Proteins. — When bacteria that produce soluble poisons are freed as completely as possible from those poisons, there will still remain substances that belong to the cell material. These substances, too, have a physiological action, producing inflammation, aseptic abscesses, and necroses at the point of application, as well as slight general symptoms, such as fever, faintness, headache, &c. The same effects are also produced by the albuminous sub- stances prepared by chemical methods from the cells of the bacteria, and termed bacterial proteins, as first proposed by BUCHNER. They are obtained by different methods, of which those chiefly employed are extraction with superheated water in autoclaves, simple boiling with water, and extraction with dilute alkalies. To these have recently been added those methods, due to KOCH and BUCHNER, in which the bacteria are first triturated either in the moist or dry condition, with, in some cases, the aid of hydraulic pressure, in order to obtain their contents. In this way a long series of bacterial proteins has been obtained, which, although differing in some particulars, produce practically similar effects. We shall frequently meet with them in the special part, where, too, will be found references to the most important researches on this subject. It is unnecessary to describe these proteins in detail here, for 5 66 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. it has been proved beyond doubt by the researches of HOMER, BUCHNER, SCHATTENFROH, KLEMPERER,1 and many others, that at least the albuminous substances isolated by long-continued extraction from unruptured micro-organisms are absolutely without specific action, and thus can be neglected in discussing the causes of disease sui generis. But this only applies to the albuminous substances isolated from the cells in a state of ideal purity. To separate them, however, in such a state is only possible in the very rare cases when the bacteria produce only free soluble specific poisons, from which their cells can be completely separated, as has been done by KOSSEL in the case of diphtheria bacilli. There then remain behind proteins devoid of specific activity, exactly similar to those that can be obtained from the most innocuous bacteria, and, like other foreign albuminous substances, producing sterile abscesses, &c. But usually it is impossible to effect a radical separation of these proteins, in the narrower sense of the word, from the poisons. The protein preparations from most bacteria are still contaminated with residual particles of the specific poisonous substances or their secondary products, especially endotoxines and their derivatives, so that even these protein preparations still produce characteristic symptoms of poisoning, as is the case with cholera, typhus, and tuberculosis (see Special Part). Here, then, the action of the pure protein cannot be demon- strated, but only theoretically inferred. The actions of these poisons must be kept quite distinct from the immunising processes that are brought about by the cell materials of the bacteria, either in the uninjured cells or in chemical preparations — the problems of bactericidal immunity which have been completely elucidated by the researches of PFEIPFER and WASSERMANN as regards cholera, of PFEIFFER and KOLLE in the case of typhus, and of KOCH in the case of tuberculosis. These processes have absolutely no connection with the toxic action of the cell proteins. Here we have to deal with the introduction of suitable receptors, which rouse into activity bactericidal protective forces — ly sines, precipitines, and agglu- tinines ; with processes that depend upon the complex stereo- chemical configuration of the protein molecule. At present we can only assume with certainty the presence of such receptors in unaltered bacterial cells, which, like the For the bibliography see Klemperer, "Die Beziehg. v Immunitat u. Heilung," Z.f. klin. Med., xx., 165, 1892. SUMMARY. 67 cholera vibrio, pneumococcus, &c., bring about those destructive processes in toto. On the other hand, it is fairly safe to affirm that vigorous extraction, involving the formation of chemical protein preparations, usually changes that sensitive atomic grouping to such an extent that injection is followed by no bactericidal reaction, or only a very faint one, but rather that these albuminous substances produce only the same reactions as every albuminous substance that is foreign to the system — i.e., the formation of precipitines1 which are certainly very closely allied to the agglutinines. Yet it is very probable that, in the case of somewhat more scantily represented examples, such as Koch's tuberculin (q.v.) and Buchner's plas- mines — e.g., of the cholera vibrio and tubercle bacillus — specific receptors are present, so that these preparations bring about bactericidal immunising processes. SUMMARY. 1. A group of bacteria produces true toxines in the form of free secretions. After extraction of these soluble poisons there remains a residue of pure non-specific bacterial proteins. Type : Diphtheria. 2. Another large group appears to form only endotoxines : true toxines which are more or less firmly retained by the living cell, so that they are only secreted to a very small extent in an unaltered condition, and possibly not at all outside the body. When the cells die the toxines are partly liberated and partly retained, or are converted into secondary poisonous modifications no longer possessing the characteristics of toxines. Thus, in the case of this group the dead cells cannot be com- pletely freed from other poisons ; we cannot regard the results as being produced by pure protein alone. With this reserva- tion, however, it is possible to detect the activity of proteins. Type : Cholera, typhus, pneumococcus. 3. A third group possibly forms no true toxines, even within the plasma. The cell plasma contains poisons of another kind, which obscure the effects of the action of the protein. Type : Anthrax, tuberculosis. It is possible that as our knowledge increases groups 2 and 3 may be united. 4. The pyogenic action of their proteins is common to all bacteria, and depends, in the main, upon their effects as albu- 1 For further particulars about precipitines see Michaelis and Oppen- heimer, "Immunitat gegen Eiweisstoffe," Engelmanns Arch., 1902, suppl. vol. . 68 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. minous substances foreign to the system, — effects that can also be produced in an exactly similar manner by foreign albuminous substances of non-bacterial origin. The formation of the specific precipitation ferments, the pre- cipitines, after the introduction of any foreign albuminous substance into an organism, is a proof that every such foreign proteid is an injurious intruder which the organism endeavours to overcome. Just as, according to EHRLICH'S views, all food substances must find receptors in order to be assimilated, so must those receptors be made adaptable to foreign proteins when abnormally introduced — i.e., by subcutaneous or intra- venous injection — so as to seize upon them and render them innocuous. In this process general reactions, fever, &c., are of frequent occurrence. And here, too, we have a means of elucidating the action of bacterial proteins apart from that of any specific toxic impurities that may be present. SPECIAL PART. I.— THE TRUE TOXINES. DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. DIPHTHERIA toxine is the most important of all the bacterial poisons, both as regards its theoretical importance and especially on account of its relations towards artificial immunity and serurn- therapy. It represents for us the exact fundamental type of the true toxine; it has been used in most of the investigations that have thrown light on the mode of action of toxines, their relations towards disease, and the formation of antitoxines. Diphtheria toxine is strictly a specific poison, producing in animals almost exactly the same symptoms of disease as are produced by infection with living diphtheria bacilli. The knowledge of the fact that the diphtheria bacilli themselves are not found distributed throughout the body, but only in the false membranes or point of inoculation long ago suggested the notion that the general symptoms were caused by soluble poison. Even in his first work, LOFFLER 1 indicated the existence of such a specific poison, and subsequently he isolated it by precipitation with alcohol. Then R-oux and YERSIN 2 succeeded in establishing the fact beyond dispute. Roux and YERSIN found that a cultivation of the diphtheria bacillus in calf's bouillon of seven days' growth when filtered through porcelain and proved to be completely clear and sterile, produced typical symptoms of poisoning, especially when injected into the peritoneum. The toxicity increased with the age of , "Unters. tib. d. Bedeutg. der Mikroorg. f. d. Entstehg. d. Diphth.," Mitt. Kais. Ges.-Amt.,iL, 1884. Id., "Der gegenw. Stand der Frage nach der Entsteh. d. Diphth.," Deutsch. med. Wocli., 1890, 81. 2 Roux and Yersin, "Contribution & l'4tude de la diphtheria," Ann. Past., iii., 273, 1889; iv., 385, 1890. 70 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. the cultivation. A culture forty-two days old killed a rabbit in five to six hours with toxic symptoms analogous to those of a severe attack of diphtheria, whilst six days was necessary with an equal dose (35 c.c.) of the same cultivation of seven days' growth. The poison was also characterised by the same pheno- mena and the same degree of infectiousness as in the case of inoculation with living cultures. The conclusions of Roux and YERSIN were fully confirmed by KOLISKO and PALTAUF/ who produced the symptoms of poisoning by means of the filtrates of a bouillon cultivation of fourteen days' growth. Roux had already noticed that the poison was destroyed by heat, and concluded that it was akin to the enzymes. As such it was, in his opinion, a secretion product of the diphtheria bacilli excreted by them into the surrounding media. Yet this view was apparently quite out of keeping with the fact that young and vitally active cultivations produced relatively little toxine, whilst older cultivations gave richer yields. Hence, GAMALEIA2 concluded that diphtheria virus was not a secretion product of the bacilli but a constituent of their cell contents, which was not discharged by healthy bacilli, and that it was only when the cultivation became old and many of the bacilli died that the poison was extracted from their decomposed cells. This view, however, has frequently been convincingly opposed. H. KossEL,3 in particular, proved that the toxine was a secretion product and not a decomposition product, by the fact that, on the one hand, he observed a very plentiful formation of poison, even in quite young cultivations (two days old) when grown by suitable methods, and that these began to grow weaker after as little as five days, whilst, on the other hand, he showed that but little toxine was present in the cells of the bacilli themselves. He cultivated diphtheria bacilli upon as large a surface as possible, making the inoculations from the surface skin of a cultivation of one day's growth. After some days the bacilli formed a tough skin from which he poured off the bouillon. The cells of the bacilli were then repeatedly washed with distilled water and subjected to centrifugal force until the washings no longer gave the biuret reaction, after which they were extracted with water rendered faintly alkaline. This extract was only 1Kolisko and Paltauf, "Zum Wesen des Croup und der Diphtheric," Wien. klin. Woch., 1889, No. 2. 2Gamaleia, "Les poisons bacte"riens, " Arch, de M6d. Exper., 1892. 3H. Kossel, "Zur Kenntnis d. Diphtheriegiftes," CentralU. f. Bakt., xix., 977, 1898. DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 71 slightly poisonous. AKONSON,1 however, by trituration of the bacilli cells and extraction with ether-alcohol (4:1) followed by extraction with a O'l per cent, solution of ethylene diamine, obtained poisonous extracts from which he could precipitate the poison by means of alcohol. Again, according to BRIEGER and BoER,2 the extracted cells have certainly a considerable degree of toxicity, but this manifests itself in quite a different manner to the toxine, producing no immunity, &c. Diphtheria toxine is thus not a constituent of the cell contents, but a metabolic product. As regards the preparation of diphtheria poison, two things must be sharply differentiated — viz., on the one hand, the selection of methods to obtain the largest possible yield of poison, and, on the other hand, the experiments that have been made to isolate specific substances from the toxic cultivations and to investigate their nature, of course with the practical object also in view of obtaining as pure a poison as possible in a dry condition for the purposes of immunisation and serum-therapy. In preparing liquids rich in poison the methods must aim at the two cardinal points of, first, obtaining a solution containing as much poison as possible, and secondly, obtaining this poison as completely as possible in germ-free bouillon, either by sterilisation or separation from the bacilli. As regards the production of the toxine, the choice of the nutrient medium is of primary importance. Koux and YERSIN (loc. cit.) and LOFPLER (loc. cit.) cultivated their bacilli on an ordinary meat broth, and so naturally only obtained relatively weak solutions of the poison, especially in the early stages of growth. Subsequently, the addition of 2 per cent, of peptone became the general practice. According to H. KOSSEL (loc. cit.), the nature of this peptone is not a matter of indifference. He had employed with great advantage Dr. Aschmann's peptone from the Luxemburg Hygienic Laboratory. Chapoteaut's peptone has also been found an excellent material. It is also usual to add 0-5 per cent, of ordinary salt, von DuNGERN3 has found it advantageous to add ascitic fluid or to cultivate the bacilli on the fluid itself. GUINOCHET 4 asserts that diphtheria toxine is produced even in culture media devoid of albuminous substances. He was 1 Aronson, "Zur Biologie und Chemie der Diphtheriegiftes," Arch. f. Kinderheilkunde, xxx., 23, 1900 (reprint). 2Brieger and Boer, "Ueb. d. Toxine d. Diphtheric, &c.," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1896, 783. 3 von Dungern, " Steigerung d. Giftproduktion d. Di.-B.," Centralbl. f. Bakt., xix., 137, 1896. 4 Guinochet, "Contribution a l'e"tude de la toxine des bacilles de la diphtheric," Arch, de Med. Exper., 1892, 487. 1T2 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINS^ successful in producing it in urine rendered faintly alkaline, and his results were confirmed by USCHINSKY ; to this we shall return shortly. The choice of the culture medium is of great importance, particularly as regards the reaction. In ordinary bouillon the reaction is at first faintly alkaline, then becomes faintly acid, and then, finally, alkaline again. During the period of the acid reaction the production of poison is considerably checked or entirely suspended. Hence, means were sought to restrain this injurious acidification. Even the above-mentioned addition of 2 per cent, of peptone effects some improvement, but, by itself, is insufficient. PARK and WILLIAMS l adopted the simple device of increasing the alkalinity of the 2 to 4 per cent, peptone bouillon by the addition of a measured quantity of soda solution. They exactly neutralised their fresh bouillon (with turmeric paper as indi- cator), and then added to each litre 7 c.c. of normal soda solution, the mixture still showing an acid reaction with phenol-phthalein. They found, in agreement with SpRONCK2 and VAN TuiiENHOUT,3 that the acidification was due to the presence of glucose and glycerin in flesh that was too fresh, and therefore concluded that horseflesh (which is rich in glycogen) should not be used ; whilst SPRONCK advocated the employment of slightly decomposed flesh. By the artificial addition of glucose he was able to restrict the production of the toxine. This was in accord with the results obtained by BLUMENTHAL,4 who also found that no toxine was formed in culture media containing sugar when the proportion of the latter reached more than 1 per cent. Moreover, he could obtain no toxine from solutions of pure egg albumin or pure peptone. On the other hand, SMITH5 regards the presence of a slight amount of glucose (0'2 per cent.) as essential, and con- siders that it is only necessary to prevent the injurious acidifica- tion, in which respect he supports KUETE,G who effects this 1 Park and Williams, "The production of diphtheria toxine," J. Exper. Med., i., 164, 1896. 2 Spronck, "Sur les conditions, dont depend la production d. poisons dans les cultures diphte"riques," Ann. Past., ix., 759, 1895. 3 Van Turenhout, "Over de bereiding van diphtheriegif," Utrecht, Abst., Centralbl.f. BaU., xviii., 295, 1895. 4 Blumenthal, " Ueb. d. moglichk. d. Bildg. von Diphtherietoxin aus Eiweisskorpern und auf Zucker enthaltenden Nahrboden," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1897, No. 24. 5 Smith, "The Relation of Dextrose to the Production of Toxine," /. of Exper. Med., iv., 373, 1899. 6 Ruete, "Ueb. Herstellg. d. Di.-Heilserums," MiiJich. med. Woch., 1897, 213. by N DIPHTHERIA tOXINE. 73 the addition of fragments of marble to the cultivation. oLLE,1 differing from SPRONCK, has recommended the use of quite fresh flesh. MARTIN2 has obtained successful results by the use of a mixture in equal parts of extract of beef, or, better, veal, and of extract of pig's stomach. He gives the following recipes : — (i.) Extract of Pig's Stomach. — Five pigs' stomachs are finely minced or crushed, and the whole (mucosa and muscidaris) mixed with 10 grms. of pure hydrochloric acid (20 per cent.) and 1,000 grms. of water to each 200 grms., and allowed to stand for twenty-four hours at 50° C. The mixture is then boiled and filtered through loosely-packed cotton wool, and the filtrate mixed with 0'2 per cent, of acetic acid, neutralised while still hot, filtered through paper, and heated to 120° C. in an autoclave. The last process can also be replaced by repeated heating to 100° C., careful removal of the albuminous scum and fat, and, finally, clarification by the addition of calcium chloride and sodium phosphate (formation of a pre- cipitate of calcium phosphate which simultaneously carries down the albuminous turbidity). (ii.) Meat Extract. — Perfectly fresh veal is allowed to stand for twenty hours at 35° C., after which it is treated with 1,000 grms. of water for each 500 grms. of material, and again left for twenty hours at the same tem- perature. It is then expressed, and the resulting liquid mixed with 5 grms. of sodium chloride and 20 grms. of peptone, neutralised, and, after the addition of 7 c.c. of normal soda solution, sterilised at 120° C. A mixture of equal parts of the two extracts, heated to 70° C. and sterilised by filtration through Chamberland filters, forms an excellent medium which does not become acid and in which very active toxines are speedily formed, O'l c.c. being required for a lethal dose after thirty hours, and 0'002 c.c. after five to seven days. MADSEN's3 method is to leave finely-minced lean veal, two to three days' old, in contact with twice its weight of water for fifteen hours, after which it is boiled and strained. The liquid is then mixed with 1 per cent, of Witte's peptone and 1 per cent, of sodium chloride, rendered faintly alkaline, boiled for forty-five minutes, filtered, and the filtrate transferred to Erlenmeyer flasks holding a litre, and sterilised for fifteen minutes at 120° C. in autoclaves. He determines the reaction with litmus paper, and also the "titer" of the bouillon — i.e., the amount of normal soda solution required to give a distinct pink coloration with phenol-phthalein as indi- cator. The ratio of the two measurements is such that neutral solutions showing a "titer" of over 20 c.c. are unmistakably acid to litmus, while with 16 c.c. they are amphoteric, and below 10 c.c. are alkaline. Accord- ing to his experience the age of the flesh has no material influence. The addition of calcium carbonate recommended by SPRONCK (loc. cit. ) and VAN TURENHOUT (loc. cit.) keeps the reaction permanently alkaline, but at the same time does not materially promote the formation of toxine. 1 Nicolle, "Preparation de la toxine diphte'rique," Ann. Past., x., 333, 1896. >2 Martin, "Production de la toxine diphte'r," ibid., xii., 26, 1898. 3 Madsen, "Zur Biologic des Diphtheric bacillus," Zeit. f. Hyg., xxvi., 157, 1897. 74 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINfiS. SpRONCK1 subsequently abandoned his meat extract and cultivated his bacilli in a decoction of yeast, whereby he obtained very active solutions of poison. (After forty-eight hours the lethal dose was 0*05 c.c., and after five to six days 0*005 c.c.) He boiled 1 part of commercial yeast with 20 parts of water for twenty minutes with continual stirring. He then allowed the mixture to settle, decanted the supernatant liquid, added ordinary salt and Witte's peptone (obtained directly from Rostock), neutralised it, and added normal soda solution in the proportion of 7 c.c. per litre. Lastly, he heated and filtered the liquid, and sterilised the filtrate at 120° C. It is evident from these experiments that the production of toxines depends upon the alkalinity of the medium, and, as Roux and YERSIN had already found, it increases with the in- crease in the alkalinity. MADSEN, however, found (loc. cit.) that the amount of toxine was not invariably proportional to the alkalinity. A second method of increasing the yield of toxine is the intro- duction of air. Roux and YERSIN found that a current of air promoted the production of poison, although, according to MARTIN (loc. cit.) and PARK,2 this stimulation is not very pro- nounced, provided culture media, good in other respects, are employed ; whilst MADSEN considers it directly injurious in such a case, on the ground that when there is a plentiful production of toxine the air destroys a greater amount of poison than is formed under its influence. SPRONCK, too, is inclined to believe that while the growth of the bacilli, and therefore the absolute production of toxine, is promoted by the admission of air, yet that the relative production of toxine by a given number of bacilli is thereby diminished rather than increased. VAN TURENHOUT (loc. cit.) considers that the admission of air accelerates the oxidation of the nitrogenous substances, arid with it the cessation of the acid reaction, but that it also destroys poison. ARONSON 3 has very successfully replaced the introduc- tion of air by growing the bacteria in surface cultivations, so that they offered as large an area as possible to the air. SCHIERBECK 4 recommends treatment with carbon dioxide. 1 Spronck, "Preparation de la toxine diphterique," Ann. Past., xii., 701, 1898. 2 Park, " The Preparation of Diphtheria Antitoxine," Med. Record, xlvii., 484, 1895. 3 Aronson, " Immunisierungs- und Heilversuche bei der Diphtheric," Wien. med. Woch., 1894, 1956. 4 Schierbeck, " Ueb. d. Einfluss der C02 auf das Wachstum der Diphth.- B.," Arch. f. Hyg., xxvii., 339, 1896. DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 75 Too much air and pure oxygen have a very injurious effect upon the poison, especially at the incubation temperature (Roux and YERSIN, MARTIN, MADSEN). When cultivations are made in this way with every possible precaution to promote energetic toxic activity, very active toxines are usually obtained in a short time. Even after thirty to forty- eight hours they are unmistakably present. In seven to about thirty days the toxicity reaches its maximum, and then begins very slowly to decline, this being due to a simultaneous decrease of production in the cultivation as it grows old and to the com- mencement of the formation of toxoids. The transplantation of cultivations again restores their toxigenic power (Roux and YERSIN). As a general rule, then, in testing primary poisons, cultivations are used that are not more than three weeks' old (MADSEN, loc. cit.). For immunising purposes, however, much older poisons can frequently be used with advantage, since the toxoids they contain have also an immunising action. The development of a bouillon of the greatest possible toxicity does not invariably correspond with that of a particularly viru- lent living cultivation ; sometimes bacilli that are only slightly virulent may produce extremely active toxines (MARTIN, loc. cit.). On the other hand, there are also varieties of diphtheria bacilli that possess neither virulence nor toxigenic power. LUBOWSKI J has described an instance of this kind. A bacillus of human origin produced no active toxines whatsoever, whereas the serum of the child was strongly antitoxic. The inference is that the bacillus had been very toxigenic, but that it had completely lost its powers. In general, the production of poison shows extraordinary variations, and its amount cannot be estimated beforehand, even in the case of a similar cultivation in the same nutrient medium. MADSEN has vainly endeavoured to explain these variations • the kind of flasks and the sterilisation of the nutrient medium have no influence on the results. We have reached such a stage in the preparation of the poison of diphtheria bacilli that for immunising purposes we now use only poisons 0-02 c.c. of which will kill with acute symptoms guinea-pigs of 250 grms. The essential conditions for the pro- duction of the virus are : — 1. A suitable cultivation which grows upon the surface — i.e., develops on the bouillon in the form of a membrane ; 2. Alkalinity of the bouillon ; 1 Lubowski, " Ueb. einen atoxischen- und avirulenten Diphtheriestamm," Zeit.f. Hyg., xxxv., 87, 1900. 76 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. 3. Presence of a suitable peptone, preferably Chapoteaut's, in the proportion of 2 per cent. ; 4. A sufficient supply of air, for which reason the flask should only be filled to about a third of its capacity ; 5. Not too short and not too long a period of growth at 37° C. This depends upon the culture, and tests must be made with each different variety to determine when the maximum production of poison has been attained. As a rule, it takes from about ten days to three weeks. Lastly, means have also been sought to obtain a solution of poison which, while effecting rapid immunisation, would yet be but little poisonous, and so would not endanger the lives of the animals used for the experiments even when given in large doses. BRIEGER, KITASATO, and WASSERMANN l have found that diphtheria cultivations grown upon thymus bouillon lose their toxigenic capacity whilst their immunising power is but little affected. Here there is presumably a formation of immunising toxoids. Then, still more recently, MADSEN has succeeded in effecting immunisation by means of the toxones of diphtheria, and we shall have more to say about this when we deal with them later on. When liquids rich in poisons have thus been obtained, all that is necessary is to sterilise them. The methods employed for this purpose are the ordinary ones in general use : heat, addition of antiseptics, and nitration through bacterial niters. Roux and YERSIN found that solutions of the poison were rendered non- poisonous after a few minutes at 58° C. , but that the dry poison could be heated for more than an hour at 98° C. FRANKEL 2 endeavoured to sterilise cultivations by heating them for an hour at 65° to 70° C., whilst BRIEGER and FRANKEL3 found that small quantities could be sterilised with certainty when heated from three to five hours at 50° C., but that the poison was speedily destroyed above 60° C. BEHRING and WERNICKE 4 added calcium chloride to obtain a precipitate of calcium phosphate in the cultivations, and sterilised the dried precipi- tate by heating it at 77° C., and this did not materially injure the toxine simultaneously carried down. 1 Brieger, Kitsato, and Wassermann, " Ueb. Immunitat. u. Giftfesti- gung," Zeit.f. Hyg., xii., 137, 1892. 2 irankel, " Immunisierung Versuche bei Diphth.," Berl. klin. Woch., 1890, 1133. 3 Brieger and Frankel, " Ueber Bakteriengifte," ibid., 1890, 240. 4 Behring and Wernicke, "Ueb. Immunisier. u. Heilung von Versuchs- tierenb. d^ Diphth.," Zeit.f. Hyg., xii., 10, 1892. DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 77 Of the chemical agents that destroy the living bacilli, and simultaneously have a preservative influence upon the poison solution, and are also added for the latter purpose alone after filtration, the following are employed : — Iodine trichloride, IC13, by BEHKING and WERNICKE. Trier esol, in a O3 per cent, solution, by ARONSON (loc. cit.). Phenol, also in a 0*3 per cent, solution (SPRONCK, loo. cit.). Toluene is used by EHRLICH, who keeps his poisons at 15° C. in the dark under a layer of that substance. According to ABBA,1 diphtheria toxine can be preserved for two years if kept under toluene in the dark and in the cold. The best and most suitable means of preparing and preserving diphtheria virus for practical immunising purposes is the fol- lowing method, described by EHRLICH and WASSERMANN : — The bouillon cultures prepared in the manner described above are filtered through double filter paper, so that the coarse bacterial membranes are separated. The filtrate is then covered with a layer of toluene of the depth of about two fingers'-breadth, and the whole thoroughly shaken at frequent intervals during two days. All living micro-organisms will then be destroyed and the liquid will contain only the poison. When required for use the poison is invariably withdrawn by means of a pipette, inserted beneath the preservative layer of toluene. The poison must be kept in a cool place, and in particular protected from light by being placed in black flasks or flasks covered with paper. This is the method of preparing and preserving the poisons in use in the Prussian Control Station. For more delicate biological and chemical investigations this rough filtration is insufficient, and in such cases the liquid must be completely freed from the cells of the bacilli by filtration through a proper bacterial filter, and then sterilised. Attempts to Prepare Pure Diphtheria Toxine. — Attempts to isolate diphtheria toxine in a pure or, at least, concentrated condition were made even in the earliest period of the investi- gation of diphtheria bacilli. LOFFLER 2 found that evaporation or shaking with ether did not yield active poisons ; but, on the other hand, by extracting inoculated meat broth with glycerin he obtained a slightly toxic substance which could be precipitated by means of alcohol. He termed this, even in this condition, an "enzyme." 1 Abba, " Ueb. d. Dauer des toxisch. Vermogens beim D.-T. u. Antit.," Centralbl.f. Bakt., xxiii., 934, 1898. 2 Loffler, "Der gegenw. Stand d. Frage n. d. Entsteh. d. Diphtherie," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1890, Nos. 5 and 6. 78 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. Subsequently Roux and YERSIN, MADSEN, and others obtained, by means of precipitation with alcohol, saturation with ammonium sulphate, and precipitation with calcium phosphate, active dry preparations, which, of course, made no pretensions to purity. The fundamental idea underlying these experiments is that the diphtheria poison is carried down mechanically by the voluminous precipitate — e.g., of calcium phosphate — produced in its solution. BEIEGER was the first to undertake these investigations in a systematic and thorough manner. At first, in collaboration with C. FRANKEL/ he looked for ptomaines in the diphtheria cultures, but soon had to admit that there were absolutely no volatile bases present. On this account BRIEGER has considerably modified his views on the significance of ptomaines. He now obtained from the cultivations, not only of diphtheria bacilli, but also of many other bacteria, poisonous proteid substances which he termed toxalbumins. The method by which BRIEGER and FRANKEL isolated their diphtheria toxalbumins is as follows : — The globulins are first separated from the bouillon by saturating it with magnesium sulphate at 30° C. This gives a slight precipitate which is completely non-poisonous. The poisonous proteids are next precipitated from the bouillon thus treated, or, equally well, from the fresh bouillon, by means of ammonium sulphate or sodium sulphate, or also by the addition of a large excess of alcohol. Since the ammonium sulphate precipitate must be redissolved and dialysed (not without loss), it is best to employ precipitation with alcohol. The bouillon is evaporated to a third of its volume at 30° C. , and treated with ten times its quantity of absolute alcohol, preferably with the addition of a few drops of acetic acid. After standing for twelve hours in an ice -chest the liquid is filtered, and the precipitate taken up with water and again precipitated with alcohol, this treatment being repeated six or eight times until the substances dissolve to a completely clear solution in water. Finally, the preparation is dialysed and dried in vacuo at 40° C. This treatment yields a snow-white powder, the aqueous solution of which does not coagulate on boiling. It gives no precipitate with sodium sulphate, sodium chloride, magnesium sulphate, nitric acid, or lead acetate, but is precipitated by saturated solutions of carbon dioxide and by all the usual reagents for proteids. The substance is thus allied to the albumoses; it yields a benzoyl derivative, but not a phenyl- hydrazine compound. In the dry state it can be heated to 70° 0. without injury. It is poisonous, a dose of 2 '5 mgrms. 1 Brieger and Frankel, "Ueber Bakteriengifte," Berl. klin. Woch., 1890, 241. DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 79 per kilo, causing certain death. Hence, it is not very poisonous, a part of the toxine apparently having been destroyed. WASSERMANN and PROSKAUER l have modified this method. They evapo- rate the bouillon (which has been neutralised by the addition of 10 to 12 c.c. of normal soda solution, and sterilised by filtration through KITASATO'S niters, at a temperature of 27° to 30° C. in vacuo to a tenth of its volume. It is then dialysed in running water at a lower tempera- ture, by which means the salts and peptones are removed, and the globulins (which are not poisonous) partially precipitated. The contents of the dialyser are filtered until clear — an important point — and then poured into ten times their volume of 60 to 70 per cent, alcohol acidified by the addition of a few drops of acetic acid, and allowed to stand for twenty-four hours. The resulting precipitate is separated by filtration and the filtrate allowed to fall drop by drop into absolute alcohol. The new precipitate that is formed is also filtered off, and both dissolved in a small quantity of water and precipitated by the addition of twice the amount of a saturated solution of ammonium sulphate. This precipitate is again dissolved, and the solution dialysed until it no longer gives the sulphate reaction, after which it is again introduced into absolute alcohol and the process repeated until the aqueous solution is perfectly clear. The preparations are then dried in vacuo at 37° C. They give all the reactions of albumoses. Only preparations precipitated by alcohol of, at least, 60 per cent, strength are poisonous — not the others, so that in this way it is possible to effect a further separation from the bulk of proteids simultaneously precipitated. These products were also obtained in the same manner from extracts made with glycerin and ordinary salt from the organs of human beings infected with diphtheria. All these preparations, however, were only very slightly poisonous. Ten mgrms. were required to kill a rabbit in three to four days, and with 3 mgrms. death did not take place until after eight weeks. Products of greater toxicity were obtained by WASSERMANN and PROSKAUER by extracting the organs of poisoned rabbits with glycerin. This process yielded a , white powder which, when injected in a dose of 0'2 mgrm. into the veins, killed a rabbit in six to fourteen days. The separation of the true toxine from the associated proteid impurities, and therewith our knowledge that the active principle is not a protein is also due to BRIEGER,2 who, in collaboration with BOER, has prepared the toxine in a fairly pure condition. For this purpose, BRIEGER and BOER made use of the method of precipitating the toxine in the form of a double salt of zinc. The precipitation is practically quantitative, at all events in the case of diphtheria poison, but the difficulty of separating the toxine from the zinc is rendered the greater by the fact that hydrogen sulphide, which 1 Wassermann and Proskauer, " Ueb. die von d. Diphtheriebacillen erzeugten Toxalbumine, " Deutsch. med. Woch., 1891, 585. 2Brieger and Boer, "Ueb. d. Toxine d. Diphth. u. d. Tetanus," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1896, 783 j Zeit.f. Hyg., xxi., 259, 1896. 80 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. would otherwise have been a very suitable agent, destroys the toxine. After long and careful experiments they arrived at the following method of separation : — The poison-bouillon (blood serum was used with good results as the culture medium) is treated with twice its volume of a 1 per cent, solution of zinc chloride, and the resulting precipitate thoroughly washed with water, and then vigorously shaken with a 3 to 6 per cent, solution of ammonium carbonate. Ammonium phosphate solution is next added until the whole of the precipitate passes into solution, and there is only a slight turbidity due to separated zinc phosphate. This is allowed to subside and then collected on a toughened filter and thoroughly washed with water. The filtrate is saturated with solid ammonium sulphate, the precipitate redissolved in water, and the solution precipitated with solid sodium sulphate, by which means the peptones are left in solution. As thus prepared the toxine no longer gives the reaction of proteids. The zinc compound also shows no proteid reactions, and is optically inactive, but turns red when boiled with a solution of iron chloride. Alcohol, ether, acetone, acids, and weak oxidising agents rapidly destroy the poison, while weak alkalies and reducing agents do not affect it. Diphtheria toxine can also be obtained, although, of course, only in very small quantities, from dialysed urine — i.e., proteid-free culture medium (GUINOCHET, loc. cit.) — and from other similar nutrient liquids (UscniNSKY1). The culture medium used by USCHINSKY had the following composition : — Glycerin, 40 to 50 parts; sodium chloride, 5 to 7 parts; am- monium lactate, 10 parts; calcium chloride, O'l part; magnesium sulphate, 0'2 part ; and potassium hydrogen phosphate, 1 part ; in 1,000 parts of water. The poison did not give the usual proteid reactions. Properties of Diphtheria Toxine. — The poison is not known in a state of chemical purity. Hence, all that can be stated about it relates to the preparations that contain it in admixture with other substances. Its most important properties have already been described by Koux and YERSIN. It is probably not a proteid^ since the purest preparations (vide supra) do not give the proteid reactions. An attempt made by ARRHENIUS and MADSEN 2 to determine the molecular weight from the speed of diffusion into gelatin has so far only led to the conclusion that toxines have at all events a much smaller molecular weight than antitoxines. 1 Uschinsky, "Ueber Diphtherieculturen auf eiweissfreier Nahrlosung, Centralbl. f. BaU., xxi., 146, 1897. Id., " Les Poisons de la Diphtheric et du Cholera," Arch, de Med. Exptr., 1893, 293. 2Arrhenius and Madsen, "On the molecular weight of Di.-T.," Fest- schrift des Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, 1902. DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 81 It is very sensitive to external influences. The true toxine is very rapidly destroyed by boiling and fairly rapidly at about 60° C., but the heated solution still retains a certain toxic power, and when injected into animals produces emaciation and paralysis as a secondary affection, and frequently causes death. The poison appears to undergo a similar change within the organism. Roux and YERSIN have prepared poisonous substances with quite analogous properties from the organs and urine of children who had suffered from severe attacks of diphtheria. These produced toxic effects resembling those caused by toxones (vide infra). The simultaneous action of oxygen and light injure diphtheria toxine very rapidly, but either of the factors alone has much less effect. According to PIAZZA/ diffused daylight acts very slowly ; a perceptible decrease can be observed after twenty-three days, but it does not become considerable until after ninety- six days. Direct sunlight acts very ener- getically when oxygen is admitted. Only the ends of the spectrum, the heat rays, and the actinic rays (red and violet) have any action, the centre (yellow) being completely inactive. The toxine is also rendered inactive by acids. Roux and YERSIN state that acidification of a solution of the poison with lactic or tartaric acids renders it nearly harmless ; phenol, boric acid, and borax have a less injurious effect. Neutralisation par- tially restores the activity. According to BRIEGER and BOER, it is extraordinarily sensi- tive to the action of oxidising agents, whereas reducing agents in slightly alkaline solution have but little effect. This explains why the slightly alkaline reducing fluids of the body form its best medium. DELEARDE2 asserts that it is rendered innocuous by antipyrine. It is also destroyed by other antiseptics when more concentrated, and by salicylaldehyde (SALKOWSKI 3). Yeast weakens the toxine (NOBECOURT 4). It is extremely probable that, in general, the nature of the surrounding medium has an influence upon the condition and the action of the toxine, but it is far too sweeping, and is contra- 1 Piazza, "Influenza della luce solare sullatossina difter.," Ann. d'Igiene Sperim. [New Series], v., 521, 1895; Abst. Centralbl. f. Bah., xix., 914, 1896. 2 De"14arde, " Rech. expe"r. sur les proprie'te's, &c., de 1'antipyrine," Arch. de. Med. Exper., 1897, 786. 3 Salkowski, " Ueb. d. Wirkg. d. Antiseptica auf Toxine," Berl. Uin. Woch., 1898, 545. 4 Nobe'court, "Action des levures, &c,," Soc. BioL, Hi., 753, 1900. 6 82 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. dieted by the undoubted changes that can be detected in the poison itself, to attempt, like DANYSZ,* to attribute every altera- tion in the action to changes in the surrounding media. The other external characteristics are quite analogous to those belonging to all enzymes. Diffusion through parchment can be plainly perceived. Thus, when 5 c.c. of the poisonous bouillon were diffused into 12 c.c. of water, there passed through, on the average, in twenty-four hours a lethal dose for guinea-pigs (Roux and YERSIN). On the other hand, it does not diffuse through membranes formed from the organs of animals — e.g., the oesophagus, large intestine, the gall bladder, and the small intestine (CnASSiN and Moussu2). Nor does it pass through collodion (RoDET and GUECHOFP 3). It is completely insoluble in pure alcohol, which, however, slowly destroys it (WASSERMANN and PROSKAUER, loc. cit.), as also does acetone and ether (BRIEGER and BOER, loc. cit.). It is likewise destroyed by the digestive ferments in the stomach and intestine (PALTSCHiKOWSKi4). Like the enzymes, it is carried down from its solutions by falling precipitates. On fractional precipitation with calcium chloride the resulting calcium phosphate precipitate simul- taneously removes a large proportion of the toxine, the second precipitate being the most poisonous. The precipitation, how- ever, is never quite complete, still less so in the case of aluminium phosphate. In particular, the characteristic poisons that pro- duce the secondary paralysis remain for the most part in solution. This calcium phosphate precipitate can be heated to 70° C. without injury, and is not perceptibly damaged by being kept for twenty minutes at 100° C. When subcutaneously injected it slowly parts with its poison, besides producing inflammatory processes (separation of fibrin, false membranes), so that it appears to act exactly like the living bacilli. It is also pre- cipitated by nucleo-histone and nucleic acid (FREUND and GROSZ5). Toxines almost free from ash can be obtained by dialysing the aqueous extract of this precipitate, or by precipita- tion with alcohol. 1 Danysz, "Constitution des toxines," Ann. Past., xiii., 581, 1899. 2 Chassin and Moussu, "Influence de la dialyse, &c.," Soc. Biol., lii., 694, 1900. 3 Rodet and Gue'choff, Soc. Biol, lii., 965, 1900. 4 Paltschikowski, " Ueb. d. Veranderungen der diphtheritischen Toxine in dem Nahrungswegen," Abst. Centralbl. f. Bakt., xxv., 1899. See also the General Part. 5 Freund and Grosz, " Ueb. d. Bez. zw. Gerinnung u. d. Wirkg. d. Anti- toxine," Centralbl. f. inn. Med., 1895, 613, 637, DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 83 Special attention was given some time ago to the behaviour of solutions of diphtheria virus under the influence of electric currents. In the first place, SMIRNOW1 and KnuGER2 allowed continuous currents of low intensity to act upon the toxines, and found that when the current was cautiously applied there was a slight de- velopment of acidity at the anode. When the degree of acidity was such that 1 c.c. of the liquid neutralised about 1-2 c.c. of normal soda solution the current was discontinued, and it was then found that the toxic value had been considerably lowered, but not the immunisation value. Perfectly analogous results were obtained by D'ARSONVAL and CHARRIN3 in their experiments with high-tension alternating currents of great power. On these results were based theoretically untenable and very far-reaching speculations on the formation of " artificial therapeutic serum " without the aid of an animal, &c. ; in addition to which the fantastic idea occurred to D'ARSONVAL and CHARRIN of treating infection in the body itself by means of such high-tension currents, which, as is well known, have no action at all upon man. All these somewhat mystical conceptions, however, about the influence of electricity have been explained by MARMIER.* He has shown that during the electrolysis with continuous currents oxidising substances are formed, notably hypochlorite and free chlorine from sodium chloride invariably present, and that these have a secondary action on the toxophore group of the poison. As regards alternating currents, MARMIEU was able to demon- strate that, in spite of cooling with ice, such intense heating occurred that this alone was sufficient to explain the weakening of the poison. When he excluded this factor by means of in- genious devices, there was no perceptible action on the toxine either of diphtheria or tetanus. Hence we have here to deal with secondary alterations under the influence of the electric current, and these evidently tend to a more rapid formation of toxoid, with accompanying destruction of the toxophore group. Physiological Action of Diphtheria Toxine. — Diphtheria toxine is extremely poisonous to many animals. Roux and YERSIN estimate the single lethal dose for a guinea-pig at about 0*05 1 Smirnow, "Ueb. d. Behandlungd. Diphtherie," Berl. klin. Woch., 1894, 683; 1895, 645, 675. 2 Kritger, "Ueb. die chem. Wirkg. d. Electriz. auf toxische und immunis. Bakteriensubstanzen," Deutsche med. Woch., 1895, 331. 3 d'Arsonval and Charrin, "Action des Courants a" haute frequence sur les toxines bacteriennes," Comptes Rend., cxxii., 280, 1896. 4 Marraier, " Les toxines et l'e"lectricite," Ann. Past., 1896, 469, 84 TOXIN ES AND ANTITOXINES. mgrm., and for a rabbit about (H mgrm. of the organic ash-free substance, containing only a fraction, and possibly only a very small one, of the pure toxine. CALABRESE and ZAGAEi1 assert that it has absolutely no action upon cold-blooded animals, but COURMONT, DOYON, and PAVIOT 2 observed paralysis and emaciation in the case of warmed frogs. The action of the toxine corresponds in all essential points with the general effects produced by the living bacilli. Hence it is unnecessary to give an exact description of these symptoms here. We will content ourselves rather with a quite superficial survey, since the symptoms of diphtheria are described in detail in numerous text-books. As regards the general action of diphtheria virus, the following points have been recorded : — One of the most striking symptoms is the considerable en- largement of the blood-vessels, which occurs after a certain period of incubation (vide infra). The temperature first rises and then sinks below normal (to 25° C.), this being due, according to ARLOING and L/AULANiE,3 to the decrease in the vital energy and the oxidising processes. With very large doses the hypothermia may persist (COURMONT and DOYON 4). The whole metabolism of animals after poisoning with diph- theria toxine has been studied, with reference to the amounts of chlorine and nitrogen, by PACE5 and others. One of the phenomena is an extensive decomposition of albumin. Special interest attaches to the question whether diphtheria toxine has a directly injurious effect upon the heart's action or not. It is true that collapse of the heart eventually occurs, and that the heart remains arrested in diastole ; but it is not yet decided whether this is not the secondary result of a primary paralysis of the vasomotors. KRASSNOWS asserts that the main action of diphtheria toxine 1 Calabrese and Zagari, " Ricerche sulla tossina ed antitossina difter. ," Giorn. Internaz. di Scienze Mediche, 1895, No. 4, 19-21; Baumgarten's Jb. , 1895, 215. 2 Courmont, Doyon, and Paviot, "Action de la toxine diphte'rique sur le Systems nerveux de la grenouille, &c.," Soc. BioL, xlvii., 210, 1895. 3 Arloing and Laulanie", " Et. expe'r. sur les troubles imprimes . . . par les toxines diphth.," Soc. Biol, xlvii., 433, 1895. 4 Courmont and Doyon, " Marche de la temperature dans I'intoxication diphth.," Arch, de Physiol., xxvii., 252, 1895. 5 Pace, "Influenza della tossine difter.," // Polidinico, 7; Baumgarteii's Jb., 1900, 180. 6 Krassnow, " Zur Pharmakol des Di.-T.," Wratsche-bnaja Gazetta, 1904, 23; Biochem. CentralbL, iii., NO. 304, 1904. DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 85 is upon the respiratory centres, and that only in the final stages is the heart itself also affected. ENRIQUEZ and HALLION 1 found that the pressure of the blood did not fall until after some time ; this was confirmed by BECK and SLAPA,2 who only observed a sinking in the pressure of the blood shortly before death. Comprehensive investigations into the behaviour of the heart's action in cases of poisoning with diphtheria toxine have been made by ROMBERG, PASSLER, BRUHNS, and MiJLLER,3 who con- clude from the results that there is not a primary effect upon the heart's action, but that the injury to the vasomotors is the only direct action. The heart is only injured in consequence of a deficient supply of blood. STEJSKAL* has severely criticised these results and claims, on the strength of his assumed more accurate experiments, that diphtheria virus does cause direct injury to the heart. He concludes that after a very short acceleration of the heart's action there occurs a short period of continuous weak action, which is followed by a period of acceleration, the final result being a decided decrease in the \york done by the heart, attribut- able to injury of the heart rather than of the vasomotors. These conclusions are supported by the researches of FENY- VESSY 5 and SHARP,6 who were also able to prove the direct effects of diphtheria virus upon the isolated heart of a frog. MOLLARD and REGAUX7 observed myocarditic alterations in the heart after death, which possibly are also to be regarded as evidence of direct injury. EppiNGER8 also observed serious changes, which he termed myolysis, in the muscle of the heart. From this he concluded 1 Enriquez and Hallion, "Sur les effets physiol. de la toxine diphth.," Arch, de Physiol., xxvii., 515, 1895. 2 Beck and Slapa, "Ueb. den Einfl. des D.-G. auf den Kreislauf," Wien. klin. Woch., 1895, 333. 3 Romberg, Passler, Bruhns, a.nd Miiller, " Unters. lib. d. allg. Pathol. der Kreislaufstorung bei akuten Infektionskrankh.," Arch. f. klin. Med., Ixiv., 652, 1899. 4 Stejskal, " Kritisch-experim. Unt. lib. d. Herztod infolge von Diphth.- Toxin.," Z.f. klin. Med., xliv., 367, 1902. 5 Fenyvessy, "Ueb. d. Wirkg. d. D.-T. u. Antit. auf das Froschherz.," Jahrb.f. Xinderh., new series, xliii., 216, 1896. 6 Sharp, "The action of the products of the organism of diphtheria on the heart of a frog," Journ. of Anat. and Physiol., xxxi., 199, 1897. 7 Mollard and Regaux, "Le'sions du myocarde dans 1'intox. aigiie par la t. d.," Ann. Past., xi., 97, 1897. 8 Eppinger, "Die toxische Myolyse des Herzens bei Di.," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1903, Nos. 15, 16. 86 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. that the toxine attacked the muscle directly, combined with it, and thus injured it. As regards individual organs, the following facts are on record : — Intestine. — COURMONT, DOYON, PAViOT1 observed exudations and enteritis membranacea in the small intestine of dogs. Liver. — COURMONT, DOYON, and PAVIOT 2 found a hepatitis parenchymatosa, with hypercemia and internal hemorrhage, in dogs after intravenous injection. BALDASSARI 3 observed thick swellings and similar changes, such as occur in poisoning by phosphorus and arsenic. He records the occurrence of epithelial changes in the kidneys. Local lesions of the eye similar to those that occur in diph- theria have been observed by MORAX and ELMASSIAN.* GATTI 5 has also found that direct contact of diphtheria toxine with the retina produced injuries which led to swelling of the tissue, with conservation of the nuclei and ganglionic cells. But, above all, it also causes serious disturbances in the central nervous system, which we cannot describe in detail here. Investiga- tions on this point have been made by ENRIQUEZ and HALLION,G CROCQ fils,7 THOMAS,8 MuRAWJEW,9 and others. It is very questionable, however, whether these lesions of the nervous system are to be directly attributed to diphtheria toxine as such. So far as these changes have to do with the diph- theritic secondary paralysis, they must probably be attributed to the toxones. Whether the pure toxine can also produce secondary paralysis, or whether this is only a function of the toxones, cannot be asserted with certainty as yet, although the latter alternative is the more probable. The symptoms of 1 Courmont, Doyon, and Paviot, "Lesions intestinales dans 1'intoxic- diphth.," Arch, de Phys., xxvii., 484, 1895. * Courmont, Doyon, and Paviot, ' ' Lesions hepatiques engendres par la t. d.," Arch, de Phys., xxvii., 687, 1895. 3Baldassari, "Ueb. d. Wirkg. d. D.-T. auf den Zellkern," C. f. allg. Pathol.,vn., 625, 1896. 4 Morax and Elmassian, "Action de la toxine d. sur les muqueuses," Ann. Past., xii., 210, 1898. 5 Gatti, "L'azione di alcune tossine batteriche sopra gli elementi della retina," abst. by the author in Biochem. CentralbL, L, No. 775, 1903. 6 Enriquez and Hallion, "My elite exper. par t. d.,"Soc. BioL, xlvi., 312, 1894. 7 Crocq, "S. 1'alterat. du. Syst. nerveux dans 1. paralys. diphth.," Arch, med. exper., vii., 503, 1895. 8 Thomas, Boston Med. and Surg. J., 1898, No. 4, et seq. 9 Murawjew, "Des D.-T. u. Antit. in ihrer Wechselwirkg. auf das Nervensystem d. Meerschw.," Fortschr. d. Med., 1898, 93. DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 87 general poisoning are completely analogous to those produced by the living bacilli, so that we are justified in assuming that the latter cause such deleterious effects solely by means of the toxine that they produce. Guinea-pigs after poisoning with diphtheria toxine show, on post-mortem dissection, the typical appearance of the disease produced by the bacilli. FLEXNER! has given a most careful description of the appear- ance on section after poisoning with diphtheria toxine : oedema, swollen glands, congestion and haemorrhage of the suprarenal bodies ; otherwise there is little that is characteristic even under the microscope. COUNCILMAN, MALLOKY, and PEARCE* have also made a careful investigation of these symptoms. Roux and YERSIN were able to produce a typical pseudo mem- brane in guinea-pigs by inoculation of the trachea and vagina with diphtheria virus. The guinea-pig is the most susceptible animal, but, according to EHRLICH, different varieties have different degrees of suscepti- bility. Horses, goats, and sheep are very susceptible. Rabbits are less susceptible, and mice still less, being almost immune. After subcutaneous or intravenous inoculation the poison dis- appears from the circulation with extraordinary rapidity, being concentrated and fixed by the receptors of the tissue. This can be recognised by the fact that doses of an ti toxine introduced after the injection of the poison lose all power of action with extreme rapidity as the difference in time increases. DdNiTZ3 found that a quantity of an ti toxine just sufficient to neutralise seven times the lethal dose could no longer save the animal fifteen minutes after inoculation, and that after one and a half hours even very large doses were insufficient. On the other hand, the toxic power of the blood after injec- tion of diphtheria toxine has also been directly investigated. BoMSTEiN4 inoculated rabbits with a dose double that required to kill a guinea-pig for each c.c. of the blood of the rabbit. After an hour there was still O5 thereof present, after three hours 0-25, and after twelve hours 0-12. The rate of decrease 1 Flexner, " The pathology of toxalbumin intoxication," Johns Hopkins Hosp. Record, vi., 259, 1897 (reprint). 2 Councilman, Mallory, and Pearce, "Diphtheria: A Study of Bac- teriology, &c.," 1901. Quoted in detail by Vaughan and Novy, The Cellular Toxines, 1902, p. 75, et seq. 3 Db'nitz, " Ueb. d. Grenzen d. Wirksamkeit d. Diphtherieheilserums," Arch, infernat. d. Pharmacodyn. , v., 425, 1899. 4Bomstein, "Ueb. d. Schicksal der Diphth.-T. in Tierorganismus," CentraM.f. Bakt., xxii., 785, 1898. 88 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINKS. is thus continually smaller, and the last traces seem to disappear very slowly. Similar results were obtained by CnoLY.1 He found the toxine still unchanged after five minutes, and that half, at most, had disappeared after two hours. The poison is then, also, not to be detected in the organs of the body, nor is it excreted by the urine or intestinal fluid (BOMSTEIN), although BftUNNER2 claims to have detected it in the juices of the muscle, and SALTERS in sweat (?). It does not act by way of the stomach or the intestines. It is destroyed, like all other toxines, by the digestive fluids, notably by the liquid of a pancreatic fistula ; less readily by the gastric juice. In very large doses it shows a certain amount of activity (NENCKI, SIEBER, and ScnouMANOwsKi4), as also when the mucous membrane is artificially injured (see also the General Part). CoNSiGLio5 claims to have observed a characteristic property of diph- theria toxine. He found that in small doses it had a stimulating effect upon fermentative processes, but a restrictive one in larger doses ; whilst, on the other hand, it invariably had a very unfavourable influence upon the germination processes of seeds. Toxoids and Toxones. — Nothing whatever is known of the properties of the toxoids that occur in old cultures (see General Part). We have not the slightest idea of the chemical process which induces the supposed inactivity of the toxophore group. Nor can we state whether they are physiologically indifferent in the free state, or whether they still possess a slight toxic capacity, although, according to numerical results — sharply differentiated values obtained during the alteration of the poison — the latter alternative is not very probable. The only proof that other substances are present in weakened cultures is the fact recorded by BRIEGER and FRANKEL (loc. cit.) that they found in such cultivations a non-poisonous substance, which was somewhat soluble in dilute alcohol, and could be distinguished from the toxine by chemical tests — e.g., by the formation of a phenyl-hydrazine compound. This sub- 1 Croly, "Sur 1. disparition de la tox. diphth. injectee dans le sang.," Arch, intemat. de Pharmacodynamie, iii. 2 Brunner, "Unt. lib. die Wirk. von Bakterien- u. Pflanzengiften," Abst. Centralbl.f. Bakt., xxiv., 184, 1898. 3 Salter, "The Elimination of Bacterial Toxines," Lancet, 1898, i., 152 : cf. Walsh, ibid., 362. 4 Nencki, Sieber, and Schoumanowski, "Die Entgiftung der Toxine," Centralbl.f. Bakt., xxiii., 840, 1898. 5 Consiglio, " Azione di alcune tossine, &c.," Arch, di Farm., vi., No. 3, 1898; MalysJb., 1898, 634. DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 89 stance was also found in abundance by WASSERMANN and PBOSKAUER (loc. cit. ) in weakened cultivations. It must be left an open question whether it has anything to do with the toxoids. On the other hand, we know that free toxones, which form a second primary decomposition group of products, and can be studied beyond doubt in the transitional stage, do exert quite dis- tinct toxic effects. EHRLicn1 has observed oedema, and secondary paralytic affections. MADSENS found that they produced cedema, but not necroses or alopecice. The secondary paralysis occurred in thirteen to thirty-three days, and, in the case of large doses, invariably ended in death. He also observed differences in the behaviour of different cultures. With very much weakened poisons, in particular (i.e., those in which a large amount of toxones was present in the transition from L0 to L+), there was a more frequent occurrence of cases in which death was delayed. On the other hand, it is very remarkable that rabbits are killed with very acute symptoms by toxones (EHRLICH). But the question of toxones is also of great theoretical interest. If toxones are really true haptines — i.e., substances which possess haptophore groups identical with, or closely allied to, those of the true toxines — they must also be able to throw off receptors — i.e., to produce immunity, if EHRLICH'S side-chain is correct. This very interesting question has been experimentally investi- gated by MADSEN and DREYER,3and answered in the affirmative. In the case of many poisons which were so far neutralised by antitoxine (vide supra) as to contain only toxones still in the free state, they succeeded in producing a fairly high degree of immunity in guinea-pigs, rabbits, goats, and horses. The serum of the animals thus treated contained fairly considerable, though very fluctuating, quantities of antitoxine, reaching nearly as much as 400 I.E. per c.c. in the case of a horse. They were then also immune against the action of large doses of the fully poisonous toxine, from which the conclusion may be drawn that there is a close relation between the haptophore groups of the toxones and those of the true toxine. The rabbit occupied an exceptional position. At first the animal proved extremely susceptible. Mixtures which only produced the effect of toxones upon guinea-pigs still produced 1 Ehrlich, " Zur Wertbemessung des Diphtherieheilserums," Klin. Jahrb., vi. 2Madsen, "Constit. du Poison diphthe"rique," Ann. Past., xiii., 568, 1899. 3 Madsen and Dreyer, " Ueb. Immunisierung mit d. Toxonen d. Diph- theriegiftes," Zeit. f. Hyg., xxxvii., 249, 1901. $0 TOXlNfiS AND ANTITOXlNES. acute symptoms in the rabbit. On the other hand, most of the animals experimented upon with such mixtures, which undoubtedly contained nothing but toxones still in the free state, perished later with secondary paralytic affections. One animal, however, remained alive and was able to receive without injury very large amounts of toxone, eventually even several multiples of a lethal dose of the toxine ; but its serum never showed even the slightest trace of an antitoxine constituent. No explanation of this remarkable phenomenon can yet be given, unless we are willing to accept the view that although the active immunisation had stimulated the formation of protective substances, these had not been thrown off in a free state into the circulation (" sessile receptors " in EHRLICH'S terminology). Owing to the weak affinity of diphtheria toxone it is fixed much more slowly by the receptors of the organism — i.e., it does not disappear so rapidly from the circulatory system as the toxine. We have shown above that even fifteen minutes after the injection of seven times the lethal dose DONITZ was no longer able to save the animal by means of a quantity of antitoxine exactly neutralising the poison in vitro. DREYER1 has made corresponding experiments with the toxones. After two hours the equivalent amount of antitoxine was invariably able to render completely harmless a dose of toxone which would otherwise have been undoubtedly fatal after twelve to eighteen days, both being introduced into the rabbits by intravenous injection. With an interval of five hours between the injections the first signs of paresis appeared ; with ten hours' interval they invariably occurred, though not until after twenty to twenty-two days ; with an interval of sixteen to twenty-four hours the antitoxine was completely powerless. Similar results were obtained in the therapeutic experiments made by DREYER with larger quantities of antitoxine, both substances being subcutaneously injected into guinea-pigs. A five-fold dose introduced twenty -four hours after the injection of a dose of toxone which would be undoubtedly fatal after twelve to eighteen days, was sufficient to prevent death, though not invariably to prevent paresis. Of seven animals that received after forty-eight hours a dose of antitoxine neutralising 5,000 to 10,000 times the amount of toxone injected, one had no paresis, while the others had only slight attacks ending in a cure after eighteen to twenty-five days. 1 Dreyer, "Ueber die Grenzen d. Wirkung d. Diphtherieheilserums gegeniiber d. Toxonen," Zeit.f. Hyg., xxxvii., 267, 1901. DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 91 After an interval of 4 x 24 hours, and with a dose of anti- toxine neutralising 21,000 times the amount of toxone, there were two fatal cases of paresis, while one recovered after eighteen to twenty-one days. With an interval of 5 x 24 hours and the same dose of antitoxine (neutralising 21,000 times the amount of toxone) there were three cases of paresis, one of which ended in death after sixteen to twenty-nine days, while the other two recovered. The toxone is thus fixed relatively very slowly, and can still be influenced for a long time by the antitoxine, and probably also detached much more readily than the toxiiie from an already formed combination with the receptor. Diphtheria Antitoxine. — Diphtheria toxine produces in the body of an animal the corresponding antidote, the antitoxine. The antitoxine, which is thus a normal, but complementary, product of the body, occurs therefore in the fluids of the tissues and in the secretions of individuals that have recovered from diphtheria, or in artificially immunised animals. We cannot deal here with the mode of production of antitoxine and its relationship to artificial immunity and serum therapy; only what is known of diphtheria antitoxine, as such, can be described here. The two main sources for the artificial preparation of anti- toxine are blood serum and the milk of immunised animals. The more highly the animal is actively immunised, the richer these fluids in antitoxine, and the greater the prospect of obtaining it from them in a highly concentrated, if not pure, condition. The antitoxine is present in considerable quantities only in the serum of artificially immunised animals, although, naturally, it has been found to a less extent in the blood of those con- valescent from diphtheria. It is, however, particularly interesting that even the normal serum of many species of animals contains diphtheria antitoxine, and that thus haptophore side-chains are normally present in the circulatory system. A. WASSERMANN 1 was the first to detect antitoxine in 85 per cent, of the adults and 60 per cent, of the children examined. Antitoxine has also been frequently found in horse serum — e.g., by DiEUDONNE2 and CoBBETT.3 1 A. Wassermann, "Ueb. d. pers. Prophylaxe gegen Diphth.," Zeit. f. Hyg., xix., 408, 1895. 2Dieudonne, "Ueb. Diphtheriegift neutralis. Wirkung d. Serum- globuline," Arb. a. d. Kaiserl. Ges.-Amt., xiii., 293, 1897. 3Cobbett, "Enthalt das norraale Pferdeserum Antitoxin ?" Centralbl.f. Bakt., xxvi., 458, 1899. See also Lancet, 1899, ii., 332. 92 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. As an explanation of the fact that children at the breast are seldom attacked by diphtheria great importance attaches to the discovery of FISCHL and v. WUNSCHHEIM l supplementing the work of WASSERMANN, that the serum of healthy suckling babies already contains fairly considerable quantities of diphtheria antitoxine ; they detected it in 83 per cent, of all the children examined. The correspondence with the numbers observed by A. WASSERMANN indicates that here there must be a transference of antitoxine from the mother to the baby by means of the placental blood and the milk. As in the case of the toxine we must here distinguish between two aims — those that have in view only the preservation and concentration of the antitoxine for practical purposes with or without the production of a solid product, and, on the other hand, the attempts that are made in careful investigations to obtain an insight into the constitution of the antitoxine itself, by determining its ratio to the different proteids in its mother liquids and by isolating as completely as possible the active principle. Preservation of the Serum. — The first necessity is to preserve the serum so that it retains its full amount of antitoxine, while decomposition is prevented. The serum will keep for a fairly long time if protected from the action of air, light, or bacterial contamination. Since it is a good nutrient medium for bacteria it must be prepared and kept with strict aseptic precautions. In addition to this an antiseptic agent, such as phenol in solutions up to 0*5 per cent, in strength, is usually added. According to DI MARTINI 2 sterilisation by nitration is un- suitable, since a considerable proportion of the antitoxine is kept back by the Chamberland filter. This is categorically denied by DziERZGOWSKi.3 CoBBETT4 has thoroughly investigated this point, so extremely important from a practical point of view, and asserts that such retention frequently occurs, especially with the Berkefeld or Martin filter, and may be very considerable, par- ticularly when the pores of the filter begin to be clogged. Hence the filtration ought not to be forced. When it does not take place easily without the application of high pressure from 1 Fischl and v. Wunschheim, " Ueb. Schutzkorper im Blute der Neugeborenen," Prager med. Woch., 1895, No. 45, et seq. 2 di Martini, " Sul comportamento del siero antidifterico filtrate," Rif. Med., 1896, No. 266 ; Abst. Centralbl. f. Bakt., xxiv., 861, 1898. 3 Dzierzgowski, " Z. Frage : Ueb. die Verluste des Diphth.-Heils. bei der Filtration," Centralbl. f. Bakt., xxi., 233, 1897. 4 Cobbett, "Der Einfluss der Filtration auf das Diphth. -Antitoxin," Centralbl. f. Bakt., xxiv., 386, 1898. DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 93 outside it is very scanty. The antitoxine is retained by a gelatine filter (BRODIE l). The antitoxine is rapidly destroyed when heated to the boiling point. Even a temperature of 60° to 70° C. is injurious (VAN DE YELDE 2). The dry antitoxine, however, can resist a tempera- ture of 110° C. for half an hour, and of 140° C. for fifteen minutes (CAMUS3). It can resist lower temperatures to some extent. SPRONCK* has heated it to 59° C. for sterilisation without materially weakening its antitoxine power. Temper- atures up to 36° C. have no influence upon it (PALMIRSKI and ORLOWSKi5), although, according to MULLER,G they are very injurious when continued for longer periods (two months). It appears to be unaffected by very low temperatures (BuJWiD7). Direct sunlight and plentiful introduction of air (long continued shaking) are injurious (PALMIRSKI and OR- LOWSKI, loc. cit.). MULLER (loc. cit.) found that yellow and red light were harmless, even after being allowed to act for months, but that blue and green light were very injurious, as was also daylight after long continued action, whilst MARENGHI 8 found it had no effect if the exposure were short. According to MULLER all gases have a very injurious action, and hence he recommends that the tubes should be filled as full as possible so as to exclude any considerable amount of gas. It is thus best to keep them in the dark, upon ice, and closed in such a way as to exclude air and to protect them from contamination. Solid preparations of antitoxine should also be protected from moisture by means of phosphoric anhydride in vacua, as recommended by EHRLICH ; under such conditions they remain unaltered for years. 1 Brodie, /. ofPathoL, 1897, 460, quoted by Martin and Cherry, "The Antagonism between Toxines and Antitoxines," Proc. Roy. Soc., Ixiii,, 420, 1898. 2 Van de Velde, "Beitr. z. Kenntnis der antitox. Kraft d. antidiphth. Serums," CentralU. f. Bakt., xxii., 527. 3 Camus, "Resistance aux temp, e'leve'es des vaccins desse'che'es," Soc. Biol, 1., 235, 1898. 4 Spronck, "Chauffage du serum antidiphth6rique," Ann. Past., xii., 695, 1898. 5 Palmirski and Orlowski, Medycyna, xxiii.; Abst. in Gentralbl. f. Bakt., xix., 916. 6 Miiller, "Ueber d. Resistenz d. Diphtherieheilserums gegeniiber verschiedenen Einfliissen," CentralU. f. Bakt., xxiv., 251, 1898. 7 Bujwid, " Ueb. e. Methode d. Concentrat. d. diphth. Heils. mittelst Ausfrieren," CentralU. f. Bakt., xxii., 287, 1897. 8 Marenghi, "Ueb. die gegenseitige Wirkung des antidiphth. Serums imd des Diphth. -Toxins," CentralU. f. Bakt., xxii., 520, 1897. 94 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. SPRONCK1 asserts that antidiphtheritic serum that has been kept for twenty minutes at a temperature of 58° C. no longer possesses the property of producing the unpleasant erythema resembling urticaria, which is frequently the case with serum that has not been thus heated. It appears to be destroyed in the digestive tract. DZIERZ- GOWSKi2 found that immunisation could not be effected by introduction of the antitoxine per os. Only in the case of rabbits could a slight absorption be observed after its introduction into the empty stomach. Hydrochloric acid has a particularly injurious action, while neutralised pepsin and the pancreas and gall are fairly innocuous to it. Yet it is not absorbed by way of the intestine. There is no doubt, however, but that it must be gradually destroyed under the influence of the digestive ferments, for its resistance to the action of trypsin is not absolute. At all events, PICK (loc. cit.) found that the antitoxine was destroyed to a large extent (almost two-thirds), even after nine days' exposure to the digestive action of trypsin. It also disappears rapidly from the blood after subcutaneous injection, as was shown by PASSiNi,3 whose explanation is that a partial combination takes place within the tissues. BOMSTEIN* has studied the question of the survival of the antitoxine. After a single introduction of a quantity of the antidiphtheritic serum it rapidly disappears from the blood. It is not known what becomes of it, but it appears to be destroyed, for it is only during the first days that slight traces are present in the urine ; nor can it be detected with certainty in the organs. An interesting observation recorded by MuRAWJEW5 is that the anti- serum is far from being inert, and that it produces somewhat serious injuries in the cells of the spinal cord of guinea-pigs. He, therefore, gives a warning against the use of too large doses at once. This, however, is doubtless to be attributed to the serum of the foreign species of animal, and not to the antitoxine, since normal serum also pro- 1 Spronck, " Chauffage du Se"rum antidiphth.," Ann. Past., xii. , 697, 1898. 2 Dzierzgowski, "Die Bezieh. d. Verdauungsfermente zum Anti- diphtherieserum," Arch. d. Sciences Biol, vii., 337 ; Maly's Jb., 1899, 957. 3 Passini, " Vers. fiber die Dauer d. antidiphth. Schutzimpfung," Wlen. Uin. Woch., 1896, 1111. 4 Bomstein, " Z. Frage der passiven Immunitat. bei Diphtheric," CentraiU.f. BaU., xxii., 587, 1897. 5 Murawjew, "Das Diphtherietoxin u. Antitoxin in ihrer Wechsel- wirkung auf das Nervensvstem d. Meerschweinchens," Fortschr. d. Med.. 1898, 93. DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 95 duces similar injuries, although the results of my experiments contradict the conclusion of LINOSSIER and LEMOiNE1 that even minute quantities of normal horse-serum produce serious illness (persistent albuminuria) in rabbits. Concentration of the Antitoxine. — Soon after the first active antitoxine sera had been prepared, experiments were begun with the object of isolating the antitoxine. At first these were concerned with the purely practical idea of preparing solid substances which had not lost the specific property of the antitoxine. For this purpose the usual method employed was simply to precipitate the antitoxine and the proteids of the serum simultaneously — e.g., by means of concentrated ammonium sulphate, and to dry these precipitates at a low temperature in vacua. In this way fairly active, dry residual preparations of the antitoxine were obtained, and these, when shaken with very weak alkalies, yielded solutions of the antitoxine ranging up to several hundred times the strength of the original serum. ARONSON,2 for example, proceeded as follows : — One hundred c.c. of the serum were diluted with 100 c.c. of water, and treated with 70 c.c of a 10 per cent, solution of aluminium sulphate. Ammonia was then added in such quantity that the solution still remained slightly acid, and the result- ing precipitate was washed with 150 to 200 c. c. of cold water. It contained as much as 95 per cent, of antitoxine. Similar precipitates were produced by zinc sulphate and potassium ferrocyanide, and by iron chloride and ammonia. These precipitates were repeatedly shaken for long periods in a shaking apparatus with a hundredth part (calculated on the original serum) of very dilute alkali solutions, which just turned red litmus blue. BuJWiD3 freezes the serum, with the result that the water first separates as ice, leaving behind a turbid solution very rich in toxine. The crystals can then either be separated by "centri- fuging" or slowly thawed, in which process two layers are formed, so that the upper layer, containing pure water, can be withdrawn. Results quite analogous to these were simultan- eously obtained by ERNST, COOLIDGE, and CooK.4 BRIEGER and BOERS found that precipitates of calcium phos- 1 Linossier and Lemoine, "Action nephrotoxique des inj. d. se'rums normaux," Soc. BioL, lv., 515, 1903. 2 Aronson, "Weit. Unters. iiber Diphtherie," Berl. klin. Woch., 1894, 425. 3 Bujwid, " Ueb. e. Methode z. Concentr. d. Diphtherieheils. mittelst Ausfrieren," Centralbl. f. Bakt., xxii., 287. 4 Ernst, Coolidge, and Cook, "The Effect of Freezing upon the Anti- diphtheritic Serum," J. Boston Med. Soc., if., 166 ; Baumgarten's Jb., 1898, 242 5 Brieger and Boer, " Ueber Antitoxine und Toxine," Zeit. f. Hyg., xxi., 259, 96 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. phate or of the hydroxides of the heavy metals could not be used as means of isolating diphtheria antitoxine. Moreover, the method employed by TISSONI for the isolation of his tetanus anti- toxine (q.v.) — viz., salting out with solid magnesium sulphate at 30° C. — gave a yield of at most 50 per cent. On the other hand, BRIEGER and BOER have obtained quantitative yields by the following method : — Ten c.c. of the immune serum are mixed with 10 c.c. of distilled water, and the mixture treated with 4 grms. of dry potassium chloride, and 4 to 5 grms. of finely-powdered sodium chloride, and left for eighteen to twenty hours in an incubating oven, after which the precipitate is dissolved in water and dialysed. Frequently the precipitate agglomerates into nearly a solid mass on stirring with water, and no antitoxine is dissolved. In such cases it can only be extracted with weak alkalies. A more exact ex- planation of this anomaly cannot be given. After the residue has been dissolved, the solution is treated with an equal volume of finely-divided magnesium sulphate, and again left for two to three hours in the incubating oven, the result being that the antitoxine is quantitatively precipitated. In this way they obtained 0*2 grm. of active dry substance from 10 c.c. of the serum. BRIEGER and BOER have also endeavoured to concentrate the antitoxine by precipitation with the salts of heavy metals. Zinc salts proved to be the most suitable. The serum was diluted with five times its volume of water and treated with twice the quantity of a 1 per cent, solution of zinc sulphate or zinc chloride, and the precipitate washed with water. ^ It was then dissolved in a ,^ N. solution of alkali hydroxide, and the zinc precipitated with carbon dioxide. These experiments showed that in the precipitation with zinc sulphate the antitoxine was precipitated with the zinc, while the zinc chloride remained in solution. The portion containing the antitoxine was dried in a desiccator, and it was found that the zinc albuminate was somewhat soluble in water, while the zinc antitoxine was insoluble. The latter was, therefore, again dissolved in alkali solution and the zinc once more precipitated with carbonic acid. It was not possible to effect by this means a complete separation of the antitoxine from the zinc. BRIEGER and EnRLicn1 were the first to obtain active dry preparations from the milk of immunised animals by means of ammonium sulphate. They obtained one preparation which contained 14 per cent, of ammonium sulphate and was 400 to 600 times as active as the original milk. WASSERMANN 2 has modified this method to some extent, proceeding as follows : — 1 Brieger and Boer, " Beitr. z Kenntn. d. Milch immuner Tiere," Zeit. f. Hyg., xiii., 336, 1893. aWassermann, "Ueb. Concentrierung v. Antitoxin aus Milch, Zeit. f. Hyg., xviii., 236, 1894, DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 97 The milk collected with aseptic precautions is treated with about 20 c.c. of N. -hydrochloric acid per litre, coagulated as rapidly as possible by means of rennet enzyme, and filtered from the separated paracasein. The whey is then thoroughly shaken with chloroform and allowed to stand, after which the supernatant liquid is decanted from the layer of chloroform charged with fat and bacterial cells. Each 5 litres of the whey is next treated with a calculated amount (determined by a preliminary experi- ment) of 30 to 33 per cent, ammonium sulphate solution, and the pre- cipitate dried on porous earthenware at 35° C. in vacuo, separated as completely as possible from solid ammonium sulphate and dissolved in water to form a solution of the desired concentration. The experiments to obtain antitoxine preparations from the liquid serum have hitherto proved nearly worthless from the practical point of view, since at present it is preferred to immunise animals to such an extent that the serum of the animal itself contains so many antitoxic units per c.c. as to render concentration superfluous. On the other hand, the scientific side of the question has been followed with equal interest, and attempts have been made to isolate the antitoxine as such as completely as possible and to determine whether it is to be considered as an individual sub- stance, and with which proteid of the serum it combines. In addition to this, experiments have been made to discover points of difference between ordinary serum and that containing anti- toxine. SZONTAGH and WELLMANN* made a comparative examination of normal and antitoxic horse-serum. In neither did they detect any nucleo-albumin, while the proportions of globulin and of ash and chlorine, and the specific gravity were the same in each. The only difference observed was that the antitoxic serum contained, on the average, about 0-25 per cent, more nitrogen than the normal serum ; they rightly attribute, however, no special importance to this difference. On the other hand, they claim to have found that the therapeutic serum shows a decrease in the lowering of freezing point and in the electrical conduc- tivity, which are apparently proportional to the amount of antitoxine. FREUND and STERNBERG 2 have endeavoured to isolate the anti- toxine in as pure a state as possible by the following method : — The therapeutic serum was treated with alum and dialysed. No precipitate was produced in the dialysate by zinc salts. Nor was the 1 Szontagh and Wellmann, " Vergleichende chem. Unters. iib. d. normale Pferdeserum und das Diphtherieheilserum," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1898, 421. 2Freund and Sternberg, " Ueber Darstellung des Heilkorpers aus d. Diphtherieheilserum," f. Hyg., xxxi., 429, 1899. 98 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. antitoxine precipitated together with the zinc on the addition of alkali carbonate or phosphate, though it was carried down with the zinc hydroxide on the addition of an alkali hydroxide. From this precipitate it could be extracted by means of an excess of very dilute alkali, of only sufficient strength to just colour phenolphthalein. A solution of baryta could not be used since it destroyed the antitoxine. Unsatisfactory results were also obtained with iron salts. The solution was then saturated at the ordinary temperature with magnesium sulphate, which precipitated the antitoxine quantitatively. After further extractions with alkali and dialysis the final product was dried in vacua. Still better results were obtained by the following method : — The serum was first treated with a third of its volume of a 5 per cent, solution of alum. This precipitated the albumins, leaving the whole of the antitoxine in solution. The solution was then filtered and dialysed. The globulins, and with them the antitoxine, were precipitated from the dialysate by semi-saturation with ammonium sulphate, and the precipitate washed with a semi-saturated solution of ammonium sulphate. The precipitate was then redissolved in water and the solution dialysed, concentrated in vacuo, and filtered. In this way they obtained from 500 c.c. of serum 9 grms. of a dry preparation in the form of a reddish -brown gelatinous mass. This dis- solved slowly in water (4'7 grms. in 16 c.c.) yielding a syrupy reddish- brown fluid, which readily became turbid and could only be filtered slowly. The filtrate contained the same proportion of antitoxine as the unfiltered preparation. The addition of phenol was not injurious. The preparation behaved like a globulin. ASTROS and RiETSCH1 claim to have separated the antitoxine from the serum almost quantitatively. They diluted the therapeutic serum with four parts of water, and then added sufficient sodium chloride and potassium chloride to give a 20 per cent, solution, after which 0'5 per cent, of phenol was added, and the liquid left for twenty-four hours at 33° C. The theoretically important experiments of PICK may pos- sibly be also of practical importance. He showed that by saturating the liquid with ammonium sulphate, to the extent of about a third, a part of the globulins without any thera- peutic value was precipitated, whilst the active anti-bodies were separated when the degree of saturation reached 38 to 46 per cent. By this means he effected a tenfold to fifteenfold concentration. We will deal presently with the significance of his work. Equally important, from the practical point of view, are the experiments of PROSCHER,2 who claims to have freed the anti- toxines from proteid admixtures by digestion with trypsin. 1 Astros and Rietsch, "Essais d'Extraction de 1'antitox. diphth. " Soc. BioL, lii., 337, 1900. 2 Proscher, German Patent, F. 13,756, June 6, 1902. DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 99 Especial interest attaches to the question whether the anti- toxine circulates as such in the blood, and, if so, whether it is a proteid or not, or whether it enters into combination with a definite proteid of the blood. This also involves the question whether its precipitation together with proteid substances is simply a mechanical carrying down, or whether the precipitation is due to chemical reactions of a specific nature. It is undoubtedly very probable, a priori, that the antitoxine is a proteid, since according to the theory it is a constituent of the cell protoplasm. There is also absolutely no ground, as in the case of toxines, for regarding the antitoxine as an agency of enzymic character. On the contrary, it has absolutely no action by itself, either toxic or fermentative, and only enters into combination with the toxic ferment of bacteria, and it is a quite unwarranted generalisation to transfer the enzymic character of toxines to their antitoxines without further proof. The antitoxine lacks, to retain the graphic mode of representa- tion, every specific group with the exception of the haptophore group, and thus has neither a toxophore nor a zymophore group; it is indeed a haptine, but one that possesses only one, the haptophore, group. In point of fact, there are many reasons against the antitoxine being of an enzymic character. The only real argument in support of that view is the fact that it becomes inactive at 100° C., and that is surely not a sufficient reason. Against this, and in support of the view that it is a specific proteid, must be set the fact that it is not simply carried down mechanically, like the enzymes, but that it shows well- marked precipitation reactions. As has already been shown by BRIEGER and BOER (loc. cit.), the antitoxine is only carried down, together with zinc carbonate, when it has previously been precipitated by means of zinc sulphate, and not when zinc chloride has been used for the purpose. In like manner FREUND and STERNBERG were able to demonstrate that the antitoxine was not precipitated simultaneously with the slight precipitates produced by alum in the serum, although these carried down all albumins. It would appear, then, that the antitoxine either actually enters into combination with one of the proteids of the blood, or we must assume that the particular proteid of which the antitoxine consists approximates so closely in its reactions to a proteid of the serum that it is very difficult to distinguish "between them. Quite recently, however, PROSCHER (loc. cit.) has stated that he has prepared a diphtheria antitoxine which no longer shows 100 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. any proteid reactions at all. The further development of this question will be awaited with the greatest interest. The other question as to which of the serum proteids the antitoxine is combined with has been decided in favour of the globulins. BELFANTI and CARBONE x were the first to discover that the antitoxine was carried down with the globulins when they were precipitated by means of ammonium or magnesium sulphate, but not by acetic acid. The anti- toxine was also found by SniRNOW2 in the globulin precipitate thrown down by magnesium sulphate. On the other hand, DIEUDONNE 3 found that the globulins which he had precipitated by means of acetic acid and carbon dioxide were completely nactive. On dialysis, the separated globulins exhibited but little pro- tective power and that was mainly due to the filtrate. If, however, magnesium sulphate were used for the precipitation the whole of the antitoxine remained in the precipitate. A very similar result was ob- tained in the case of the globulins of normal serum, which also had a slight antitoxic power. Again, Hiss and ATKINSON,* and also ATKINSON,S found that the anti- toxine could be quantitatively precipitated by magnesium sulphate, and that the immune serum yielded a more copious precipitate than normal serum. IDE and LEMAIRE 6 assert that the antitoxine is precipitated by saturating its solution with ammonium sulphate to the extent of 28 to 44 per cent. These apparent contradictions as to the role of the globulins have been satisfactorily explained by SENG.7 He was able to show (as was also done simultaneously by MARCUS 8) that there were two kinds of globulins in the therapeutic serum — viz., in- soluble globulins, which could be precipitated by acetic acid, carbon dioxide, dilution with water, and dialysis, and a second category, the soluble globulins, which could only be precipitated 1 Belfanti and Carbone, " Contributo alia Conoscenza dell'antitossina difterica," Arch, per le Scienze Med., xxii., No. 2; abst. in Centralbl. f. BaU., xxiii., 1898. 2 Smirnow, "Note sur la de*termin. du pouvoir antitoxique du serum antidiphthe'rique," Arch. d. Science Biolog. de St. Petersbourg, iv., No. 3, 1895. 3 Dieudonne, " Ueb. Diphtheriegift neutralisier. Wirkg. der Serum- globuline," Arb. a. d. Kaiserl. Ges.-Amt., xiii., 293, 1897. 4 Hiss and Atkinson, " Serum globulin and Diphtheria Antitoxine," J. of Exper. Med., v., 47, 1901. 5 Atkinson, "The fractional precipitation of the globulins and albumins of normal horse serum and diphtheric antitoxic serum," /. of Exper. Med., v., 67, 1901. 6Ide and Lemaire, "Et. s. 1. repartition de 1'antitoxine diphth., &c.," Arch. Internat. d. Pharmacodyn., vi., 477. 7 Seng, " Ueb. d. qual. u. quant. Verhaltnisse d. Eiweisskorper im Diph- therieheilserum," f. Hyg., xxxi., 513, 1899. 8 Marcus, " Ueb. in Wasser losl. Serum globulin," Z. f. phys. Ch,, xxviii., 559, 1899. DIPHTHERIA TOXINE. 101 by the other reagents for globulins, especially anatrionium and magnesium sulphates. The antitoxine combined exclusively with the latter class, and thus remained in th£, filtrate tl &nng the precipitation by dialysis, carbon dioxide;-£cV ' !£his- explain*; the contradictory results in the work of BELFANTI and CAKBONE and of DIEUDONNE. SENG proceeded as follows in the isolation of his "soluble globulins " : — The albumins (which do not combine with any antitoxine) are first separated by means of a 5 per cent, solution of alum. The filtrate is dialysed, and this causes the precipitation of slight quantities of the insoluble globulins, which are also free from antitoxine and amount to TT to -£% of the total quantity of globulins present. This precipitate is collected and washed with water, and the filtrate ought not to become turbid on the dilution with a large volume of water, or give any reaction for sulphuric acid. The globulin is then precipitated by magnesium sul- phate at 30° C., or by semi-saturation with ammonium sulphate, and the precipitate redissolved and subjected to further treatment by the usual methods (vide supra). It contains somewhat more ash, notably aluminium salts, than the globulins precipitated directly from the serum by means of ammonium sulphate. The quantity of these soluble globulins, as compared with those of the normal serum, appears to have been somewhat increased at the cost of the insoluble globulins, but this cannot be demon- strated with certainty. SENG has also studied the very important question whether chemical differences can be observed between the soluble globulins of the therapeutic serum, as thus obtained, and those of normal serum separated in the same way. As was to be expected, he has not succeeded in coming to a definite conclusion, but it appears as though at least two important constants — viz. , the specific rotation and the temperature of coagulation— are higher in the case of the antitoxine globulin than in that of normal globulin. SENG himself remarks, very justifiably, that the physiological bearing of all these factors is far too great to allow of distinct differences being observed be- tween the sera of different animals ; it would be necessary to examine the serum of one animal before, during, and after immunisation. Some definite result might then possibly be obtained. Meanwhile this question has received further thorough inves- tigation in a series of researches carried out by Hofmeister's pupils. It was found that three distinct kinds of globulins could be separated from the blood serum by fractional precipitation with ammonium sulphate. In the first place, jibrinoglobulin is precipi- tated when the saturation with ammonium sulphate reached 21-5 per cent, by volume ; then, according to FULD and SpiRO,1 Hof- 1 Fuld and Spiro, " Ueb. labende u. labhemmende Wirkung d. Blutes," Z.f. phys. Ch., xxxi., 132, 1900. 102 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. xneister's so-called euglobulins are precipitated when the degree of saturation reaches 28 to 36 per cent. ; whilst the pseudoglobulins are deposited at a saturation of 36 to 44 per cent, by volume. The -pseudoglobuiinS) which dissolve in water forming a clear solution, correspond to the "soluble globulins" of MARCUS and SENG. PiCK1 was able to prove that neither the fibrinoglobulin, nor those pro- teids which were precipitated on the further addition of a saturated solution of ammonium sulphate (up to 36 per cent. ), possessed any antitoxic capacity when separated from the antidiphtheric serum of a horse. Only that portion which is precipitated at a greater degree of saturation (from 38 per cent, upwards) contains antitoxine. The aqueous solution of this substance gave only a slight turbidity when treated with a saturated solution of ammonium sulphate to the extent of 36 per cent., whereas at 38 per cent, there was a dense deposit containing a third to a fourth of the total quantity of antitoxine ; at 42 per cent, the precipitate contained as much as five-sixths ; and at 46 per cent, the whole amount of antitoxine. The filtrate, which now contained only serum albumin, had absolutely no protective power. Hence, in the case of the immune serum of the horse, the antitoxine is combined with the pseudoylobulin. On the other hand, in the immune serum of the goat, it is combined with the euglobulin, as is also the case with goats' milk in which the pro- tective substances are precipitated when the degree of saturation with ammonium sulphate reaches 27 to 30 per cent. We may again point out here that the euglobvlins are insoluble in water, and are therefore precipitated on dialysis ; this explains the great losses experienced by WASSERMANN and BRIEGER and COHN in their attempts to concentrate the antitoxine in goats' milk by precipitation with ammonium sulphate and subsequent dialysis. TETANUS TOXINE. The specific spasm-producing poison formed in cultivations by Nicolaier's tetanus bacilli is not the only toxine of these micro- organisms. They produce, in addition to tetanus poison in the narrower sense, also another true toxine, tetanolysine, which has a solvent action on the blood-corpuscles, and with which we will deal presently, and possibly also other poisons not of the nature of toxines. Here our interest centres chiefly about the characteristic convulsion-producing poison, tetanospasmine. It is unquestionably a true toxine with haptophore and toxophore 1 Pick, "Z. Kenntnis d. Immunkbrper, " Hofm. Beitr. z. chem. Phys., i. , 1902 (reprint). TETANUS TOXINE. 103 groups, and is closely related to diphtheria toxine in its main characteristics, and, like the latter, is very valuable for our theoretical conceptions. The specific convulsion-producing poison of tetanus was isolated at an early period from the cultivations by the same methods as were employed for diphtheria poison. Almost simultaneously KITASATO and WEYL1 and BRIEGER and FRANKEL (loc. cit.) separated from cultivations their toxalbumin which they recog- nised as the specific poison, soluble in water. FABER 2 was the first to obtain, by filtration of not quite pure cultivations, an active poison, which he found even at that stage to possess the essential properties of tetanus toxine. The results of further investigations into tetanus toxine were then published by TIZZONI and CATTANi,3 KITASATO,* and by VAILLARD 5 and his co-workers. The bacteria, when grown anaerobically on ordinary bouillon and on blood serum, produce very poisonous toxines. Particu- larly active solutions of poison were obtained by VAILLARD and VINCENT, when they first allowed a cultivation to grow for eighteen days on a culture medium and then filtered it. Fresh inoculation of this culture medium was fruitless, but by adding a certain amount of fresh nutrient liquid, a new growth of very active toxines was obtained. VAILLARD subsequently employed a slightly alkaline bouillon containing some peptone ; KITASATO recommended that the culture medium should be freshly prepared on each occasion. FERMI and PERNOSSIG found that agar cultivations were the most poisonous, especially so when grown in an atmosphere of nitrogen. BRIEGER and COHN 7 found that the toxicity of the cultivations could be raised by adding to the culture media precipitates obtained by means of alcohol from old typhus cultivations or 1 Kitasato and Weyl, "Zur Kenntnis der Anaerobien," Zeit. f. Hyg., viii., 404, 1890. 2 Faber, "Die Pathogenese des Tetanus," Berl. Uin. Woch., 1890, 717. 3 Tizzoni and Cattani, "Sur le poison du tetanos," Arch. Ital. d. Biol., xiv., 101, 1890. 4 Kitasato, "Exper. Unters. iiber das Tetanusgift," Zeit. f. Hyg., x., 287, 1891. 5 Vaillard, " Sur 1'immunite contre le t6tanos," Soc. Biol., xliii., 147, 1891 ; Vaillard and Vincent, " Contrib. a 1'gtude du tgtanos," Ann. Past., v., 1, 1891 ; Vaillard and Rouget, do., ibid., 385 ; Vaillard, " Sur quelques points concernant 1'immunite contre le te'tanos," Ann. Past., vi., 224, 1892. 6 Fermi and Pernossi, "Ueber das Tetanusgift," Zeit. f. Hyg., xvi., 385, 1894. 7 Brieger and Cohn, "Unters. iib. d. Tetanusgift," Zeit.f. Hyg., xv., 1, 1893. 104 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. from decomposed flesh. WLADIMIROFF 1 cultivated the bacilli in Erlenmeyer flasks in an atmosphere of hydrogen, and after seven days added to the culture medium 0*5 per cent, of phenol. He introduced the hydrogen through tubes, which passed through two openings in an india-rubber stopper, and the ends of these tubes were subsequently closed by fusion. DEBRAND2 asserts that tetanus bacilli grow very well in symbiosis with B. subtilis, and produce powerful toxines. In the case of these bacilli also it has been found that there is not invariably a parallelism between the amount of growth and the toxicity. RUPPELL and RANSOM 3 found that the freezing point of the bouillon was somewhat lowered on the production of toxine, which indicates a fresh formation of molecules; and, as the cultivation becomes weaker, the freezing point ought to be slightly raised again. USCHINSKY 4 cultivated tetanus bacilli on a proteid-free medium of the following composition : — Water, lOOO'O Glycerin, Sodium chloride, Calcium , , Magnesium sulphate, Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, Ammonium lactate, Sodium aspartate, . 30 to 40 5 „ 7 O'l 0-2 to 0-4 2 „ 2-5 6 „ 7 3-4 preferably with the addition of 1 to 2 per cent, of grape sugar. The air was excluded by means of liquid paraffin. The usual means of sterilisation are employed, especially nitra- tion through a Chamberland filter, and heating to 60° C. Tetanus toxine is extraordinarily sensitive to physical and chemical influences. According to BEHRING and KNORR5 it frequently loses very rapidly a considerable proportion of its toxic power on keeping ; its toxicity is frequently reduced to a hundredth part of the original amount in a few days. The atmospheric oxygen, in particular, has a very injurious 1 Wladimiroff, " Antitoxinerzeug. d. Tet. -Giftes," Zeit.f. Hyg., xv., 405, 1893. 2 Debrand, "Sur un nouveau precede de culture du bacille du te'tanos," Ann. Past., xiv., 757, 1900. 3 Ruppel and Ransom, "Ueb. Molekularverhaltnisse von Tetanusgift- losungen," Z. f. phys. Ch., xxvii., 109, 1899. 4 Uschinsky, "Ueber eine eiweissfreie Nahrlosung f. pathog. Bakt.," CentralU.f. Bakt., xiv., 316, 1893. 5 Behring and Knorr, " Ueb. den Immunisierungswert des Tetanus- heilserums," Zeit.f. Hyg., xiii., 407, 1893. TETANUS TOXINE. 105 effect upon the toxine, so that when slowly filtered, for example, it is very rapidly weakened ; and this is especially the case with an alkaline solution and in the presence of light, which, by itself, is not very injurious. KITASATO found that sunlight destroyed the poison in fifteen to eighteen hours. FERMI and PEENOSSI give the time as eight hours, and assert that in the dry condition or in benzene it is not affected by sunlight. A current of 0'5 amp. is stated by FERMI and PERNOSSI to destroy it in two hours, but alternating currents of high tension have no influence if heating be prevented (MARMIER 1). It is very sensitive to the action of heat. According to VAILLARD it is destroyed, for the most part, even at 65° C., but not completely at 80° C. KITASATO asserts that it is destroyed at 60° C. in twenty minutes, at 55° C. in one and a half hours, and gradually destroyed at 35° to 37° C. In particular, the addition of sodium chloride in the proportion of more than 5 per cent, causes the temperature of incubation to be rapidly injurious. In the dry condition the toxine is destroyed in thirty minutes at 150° C. ; in amyl alcohol and benzene it can be heated for an hour at 80° C. (FERMI and PERNOSSI). According to MORAX and MARIE2 it resists a temperature of 154° C. for about fifteen minutes. Alcohol destroys it (TizzoNi and CATTANI). Phenol in the proportion of 0*6 per cent, is not injurious, and chloroform has little or no influence. Gases, such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and hydrogen sulphide, were found by FERMI and PERNOSSI to be without influence. According to Roux and VAILLARD 3 oxidising substances, such as dilute potassium permanganate solution, are specially injurious, as is also carbon dioxide under pressure. Other acids are also injurious, tartaric acid to a very slight extent, whilst dilute lactic acid has a favourable influence (BRIEGER 4). A comprehensive research on the influence of the most diverse substances has been made by FERMI and PERNOSSI (loc. cit.). Iodine trichloride has also an extremely injurious influence. The action of a dilute (1 : 500) solution of iodine is very char- acteristic. Even when only present in small quantities it 1 Marmier, "Les toxines et Telectricite," Ann. Past., x., 469, 1896. 2 Morax and Marie, "Action de la Chaleur seche sur la tox. let.," Ann. Past., xvi., 418, 1902. 3 Roux and Vaillard, " Contrib. & 1'etude du tetanos " Ann. Past., vii., 65, 1893. 4Brieger, "Weitere Erfahrungen iiber Bakteriengifte," Zeit. f. Hyg., xix., 101, 1895. 106 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. speedily renders the toxine non-poisonous, but leaves its im- munising properties uninjured. Very similar results were obtained by EHRLICH in experiments with carbon bisulphide. It can hardly be doubted that there is here a rapid destruction of the toxophore group with a survival of the haptophore group, or in other words a, formation oftoxoid. Thymus extract appears to have a similar result upon the growth, according to BRIEGER, KITASATO, and WASSERMANN (loc. cit.). It appears to offer great resistance to putrefaction ; at all events, SYMANSKI l found tetanus poison still present in decom- posing cadaveric remains after forty-eight days. There is, however, some reason for doubting whether this was true tetanus poison. Concentration of the Toxine. — Experiments with the object of isolating the active principle from tetanus cultivations were made at an early period. BRIEGER and FRANKEL prepared a "toxalbumin" by the method de- scribed by them. VAILLARD obtained by evaporation of the solution of poison in vacua a brown residue, which was insoluble in alcohol and could be slowly dialysed. TIZZONI and CATTANI either simply dried the cultivations and then dialysed them, or treated them with ammonium sulphate, extracted the precipitate with water, and then used dialysis. Subsequent evaporation in vacua then left solid toxines. BRIEGER and COHN 2 first treated the cultures with ammonium sulphate. The precipitate was dissolved in water and part of the proteids separated by means of very small quantities of basic lead acetate and ammonia. The liquid was filtered from the lead precipitate and salts, amino-acids and peptones removed by dialysis. In this way they obtained a slightly Isevorotatory solution of the toxine, which was free from sulphur and gave no proteid reactions. They also prepared it from a proteid-free culture medium similar to that of USCHINSKY (vide supra). Then BRIEGER 3 found that the poison could not be precipitated by means of ammonium sulphate from very toxic solutions which no longer contained albumoses. He endeavoured to effect a further purification by precipitation with uranium acetate and decomposition with metaphosphoric acid or lead acetate and obtained preparations that no longer gave the biuret reaction. iSymanski, " Sitzungsbericht," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1901, 318. 2Brieger and Cohn, "Unters. lib. d. Tetanusgift," Zeit. /. Hyg.t xv., 1, 1893. 3Brieger, "Weit. Erfahrung. lib. Bakteriengifte," Zeit. f. Hyg., xix., 101, 1895. TETANUS TOXINE. 107 BRIEGER and BOER (loc. cit.) also made further experiments to obtain purer preparations by means of the zinc method described in the section on diphtheria toxine, or they used ammonium sulphate for the precipitation, dissolved the precipitate and reprecipitated the toxine with an equal volume of a O5 per cent, solution of mercuric chloride. They then collected the precipitate on a filter, thoroughly washed it, and treated it with ammonium carbonate as previously described. HAYASHI 1 by a somewhat modified method (precipitation first with ammonium sulphate and then with zinc chloride) has obtained preparations which, in his opinion, no longer contained non-poisonous albu- moses. Hence, he concludes that since these preparations are invariably precipitated by ammonium sulphate and give the biuret and Millon's reactions, tetanus poison itself must be an albumose. Owing to the very poisonous effects which tetanus toxine, even in the smallest doses, has upon certain species of animals, special stress has been laid upon the analogy that exists between that toxine and the ferments. In point of fact there are many reasons in support of that view. VAILLARD definitely terms it a ferment, and other authors, such as TIZZONI, BRIEGER, &c., incline to this view, which as a matter of fact has only been opposed, and that not very strongly, by FERMI in his various published researches. In my opinion we are justified in con- cluding that there is a considerable analogy between the toxines and also some other haptines and the ferments, and I have advocated this view in several places.2 There is no doubt that rennet is a haptine, but, as regards the other ferments, there are no data for settling their precise affini- ties. But there is absolutely no justification for the assumption that tetanus toxine acts like a ferment in the sense of affecting the enzymic decomposition of substances, for tetanus toxine is only akin to a ferment in the mode, and not in the scope, of its action. It does not effect the changes in starch, cane sugar, &c., brought about by enzymes. It is true that VAILLARD found a gelatin-liquefying enzyme in virulent cultivations, but many micro-organisms, pathogenic as well as non-pathogenic, produce similar proteolytic and other enzymes. Toxoids and Toxones, — The question of the presence of such 1 Hayashi, " Ueber die chemische Natur des Tetanustoxin," Arch. f. exp. PathoL, xlvii., 9, and Chem. CentralbL, i., 411, 1901. 2 Oppenheimer, "Toxine u. Schutzstoife," Biol. CentralbL, 1899, 799; id., Ferments and their Actions, London, 1901; id., " Zur Theorie der Fermentprozesse," Munch, med. Woch., 1901. 108 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. non-poisonous haptines has as yet hardly been systematically investigated. The haptophore group appears to undergo a simultaneous change during the extraordinarily rapid decrease in strength that occurs in fresh poisons ; but at the same time it has not yet been proved beyond doubt that there can be a diminu- tion in the toxic activity while the neutralisation value remains constant. All observers, however, have recorded differences between the direct and the indirect toxic value (i.e., that required to neutralise a corresponding quantity of antitoxine), which point to the existence of non-poisonous haptines. BEHRING,1 in particular, has called attention to this fact. He found that in the case of fresh poisons the direct toxic value was the same as the indirect value (expressed in terms of T^Vo of an antitoxine unit). Hence he named these "equivalent poisons." On the other hand, in older cultivations he invariably found the direct toxic value was smaller — i.e., toxoids had obviously been formed, and had neutralised part of the antitoxine, so that it was necessary to add fewer toxic units to reach L0 than in the case of fresh poisons containing only toxine. Such poisons containing toxoids are well adapted for immunising purposes, as has been stated by BRIEGER, and is easily explicable. The toxoids appear to have different toxic effects upon different animals ; at all events, the poison scale approximates very closely to that of the equivalent poisons (vide supra) in the case of certain species. The existence of toxones appears probable in the light of the experiments of KNORR,2 who found, for example, that on ap- proximate neutralisation with antitoxine (and therefore in the " differential zones ") an added quantity of poison had a consider- ably smaller toxic value than its corresponding direct toxic value, just as in the case of diphtheria poison far more than a lethal dose is required to convert the value L0 into L+. He himself, however, appears to reject this conclusion, and to account for the fact in a different way. Physiological Action of Tetanus Toxine. — Tetanospasmine varies very greatly in its action upon different species of animals, especially with subcutaneous injection. In the case of very susceptible animals, its toxic effect is astonishingly great when it is introduced subcutaneously in the usual way. VAILLARD prepared a solution, O'OOl c.c. of which killed a guinea-pig. This dose contained about 0*000025 grin, of 1 Behring, " Ueber Tetanusgiftmodifikationen," Fortschr. d. Med., xvii., 501,1899. 2 Knorr, " Die Entstehung des Tetanus- Antitoxins," Fortschr. d. Med., 1897, 657. TETANUS TOXINE. 109 organic substance — i.e., only a very small trace of pure toxine. The organic matter required for a mouse was only 0*000000025 grm. According to BRIEGER and COHN (loc. cit.}, the lethal dose of a far from pure toxine was about 0-0000005 grm. for a mouse, and 0 '00023 grm. for a man, but occasionally still more poisonous preparations have been obtained. The individual variations are also very great. According to BEHRING and KNORR, the certain lethal dose for a mouse is about six times as great as that which is just below that required to kill. Still greater, however, are the variations in the toxicity due to the susceptibility of the different species of animals. KNORR,1 in his paper on the subject, gives a scale of suscepti- bility to tetanus poison. He finds the horse to be the most susceptible animal. If we take the dose that kills 1 grm. of horse as unity, the amounts of poison required by the following animals are as follows : — 1 grm 1 , 1 ', 1 of guinea-pig, goat, . mouse, rabbit, hen, . 2 times as much. 4 ,, 13 2,000 200,000 BEHRING2 gives the following scale for fresh poisons, which show no difference between the direct and indirect toxic value (equivalent, poisons) : — One lethal dose for 1 grm. of mouse ( + Ms) kills 12 grms. of horse. 6 „ guinea-pig. 0'2 grm. of goat. Titf » rabbit. The numbers thus agree fairly well. In the case of old poisons, in which, according to BEHRING, the direct toxic value ( + Ms) is much smaller than the indirect value ( + ms) — i.e., the relative value for the quantity which, after neutralisation of T^OQ- an ti toxine unit, is still lethal (xoW an ti toxine units = 40,000 Ms), are quite irregular. In like manner the ratios between the smallest dose that causes illness and the smallest fatal dose vary very greatly with the species of animal. 1 Knorr, " Das Tetanusgift und seine Beziehg. zum tier. Organismus," Munch, med. Woch., 1898, 321, 362. 2 Behring, "Ueber Tetanusgiftmodifikationen," Fortschr. d. Med., xvii., 501, 1899. 110 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. The toxic effect is generally considerably increased when the poison is introduced by subdural or intercerebral injection. Thus, for example, the otherwise comparatively refractory hen can be poisoned fairly readily by the intercerebral injection of tetanus poison. We will deal with the probable cause of this on a later page. The phenomena on intravenous injection are the normal ones, but the incubation period is somewhat longer. When introduced into the stomach tetanus poison is practically non-poisonous. RANSOM 1 concluded that it passed unchanged through the in- testines, and claimed to have found it again in the faeces. CARRIERS, however, and numerous other investigators were unable to detect any toxine in the excreta after the introduction of large doses of toxine per os. CARRIERS 2 accordingly made experiments to determine where tetanus toxine becomes in- nocuous. He found that the poison was attacked even by the saliva diastase, that pepsin was less injurious, that trypsin had a considerable action upon it, and that bile in large quantity completely destroyed it. He could not detect any influence of the intestinal mucous membrane and the intestinal bacteria upon the poison, although FERMI and PERNOSSI had found it to be very pronounced. NENCKI and SCHOUMOW-SIMANOWSKI 3 assert that the digestive fluids render it completely innocuous, and notably the bile in conjunction with the fluid from a pancreatic fistula, whilst trypsin alone has less effect, being less injurious than pepsin. YiNCENZi,4 on the other hand, states that normal bile has hardly any destructive influence, but that the bile of animals infected with tetanus has a slight effect under certain conditions ; thus, for example, death inevitably follows in three to four days when the bile is active. On the other hand, the poison is somewhat weakened by the oxydase of the leucocytes, and, according to SiEBER,5 is completely destroyed by the oxydase of the spleen. It is absorbed with great rapidity on subcutaneous injection. 1 Ransom, "Das Schicksal d. Tetanusgiftes nach seiner intestinal Einverleibung," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1898, 117. 2 Carriere, "Toxines et digestion," Ann. Past., xiii., 435, 1899 (gives a bibliography of the subject) ; cf. the General Part. 3 Nencki and Schoumow-Simanowski, "Ueber die Entgiftung der Toxine durch die Verdauungsafte," Centralbl. f. Bakt., xxiv., 84 ; cf. Dzierzgowski and Sieber, Archiv. des Sciences Biol. de St. Petersb., viii. 4 Vincenzi, " Ueb. antitoxische Eigenschaften der Galle tetanisierter Tiere," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1898, 534. 5 Sieber, "Ueb. d. Entgiftung der Toxine durch die Superoxyde, &c.," Z. f. phys. Ch., xxxii., 573, 1901. TETANUS TOXINE. Ill It has been established by numerous experiments that a rat into whose tail the toxine has been injected can no longer be saved by amputation of the tail even after two to three hours. At the same time tetanus poison shows an unmistakable period of incubation. COURMONT and DoYON1 state that, in the case of guinea-pigs, the symptoms appear at the earliest after twelve hours, and in mice after six to eight hours. With medium doses the latent period for mice is two to three days ; for guinea-pigs, two days ; rabbits, two to four days ; the ass, four days ; and for the horse five days. In the case of man it fluctuates between one day and sixty days. The action is much more rapid after subdural injection (BLUMENTHAL and JACOB 2), or intercerebral poisoning (Roux and BORREL 3), as well as after direct injection into the spinal cord (MEYER and RANSOM 4). According to a table given by MEYER and RANSOM the periods of incubation after subcutaneous injection are as follows : — Mouse, . . . . . . 8 to 12 hours. Guinea-pig, 13 ,, 18 ,, Rabbit 18 „ 36 „ Cat, 28 „ 70 „ Dog, 36 „ 48 „ Man, ...... 4 days. Ass, 4 ,, Horse, 5 ,, Hence it increases with the size of the body, and thus stands in relationship to the slowness with which the poison is diffused (vide infra). The incubation period becomes smaller with the increase of the dose, but not proportionally so, and still occurs even after the largest doses. In the case of mice it never falls below eight hours. Thus, in one series of experiments, the incubation periods for mice were as follows : — Lethal Doses Hours. 13, . . . 36 100, . . . 24 333, 20 1,300, . . . 14 3,600, 12 1 Courmont and Doyon, vide supra. 2 Blumenthal and Jacob, "Zur Serumtherapie des Tetanus," Berl. klin. Woch., 1898, 1079. 3 Roux and Borrel, "Tetanos cerebral," Ann. Past., xii., 1898. 4 Meyer and Ransom, " Unters. lib. d. Tetanus," Arch. exp. Path., xlvi., 369, 1903. 112 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. Tetanus poison is therefore rapidly absorbed without at once manifesting its activity. Yet, even a short time after inocula- tion, free toxine can no longer be detected in the organism of susceptible animals. On the contrary, it has, for the most part, entered into combination with the receptors. Only in the blood, and, to a less extent, in the lymph, can toxine be detected after the injection (RANSOM 1), and in the case of the lymph for an hour afterwards at most. With these exceptions it cannot be found in any of the organs or secretions (MAKIE2). BRUSSCHETTINI 3 alone claims to have detected it in the kidneys, whence, according to him, it is ex- creted. In like manner it has been found by various observers in the urine. BRUNNER* detected it in the urine of animals used in experiments, but not in that of infected men, and his results were confirmed by BEHRiNG.5 KARTULis6 could only find it in the urine when very large doses had been given. It is usually vainly sought in the urine of men suffering from tetanus, though VULPINS 7 found the urine left in the bladder after death so poisonous that 2 c.c. rapidly infected a guinea-pig. In the case of refractory animals the toxine circulates for a long time in the blood, as we have described in the General Part, without entering into combination with the organs, until eventually it slowly disappears. In addition to its effect upon the central nervous system, which is the absolutely dominating symptom of tetanus poison- ing, and with which we deal at length below, tetanospasmine also produces certain general symptoms, which can only be briefly mentioned, since it can be no part of our task to give a complete description of the pathology of tetanus. The pressure of the blood remains unchanged, as has been found by HANS MEYER and HALSEY,S contrary to the results of former investigators, and in this respect the symptoms differ from those of strychnine poisoning which is otherwise so similar. 1 Ransom, " Die Lymphe nach intravenoser Inj. von T.-T.," Z.f. phys- Ch., xxix., 349, 1900. 2 Marie, "Rech. s. 1. toxine tetanique," Ann. Past., xi., 591, 1897. 3 Brusschettini, quoting from Brunner, loc. cit. 4Brunner, "Klin, und exp. Stud. lib. Tet.," Beitr. z. klin. Chirurg., ix. to xii., 1892-4. 5 Behring, " Die Blutserumtherapie," iii., 54, Leipzig, 1892. 6 Kartulis," Unters. iiber das Verhalten des Tet.-Giftes im KSrper," Diss., Berlin, 1892 (Dec.) 7 Vulpins, "Ueb. einen Fall von Wundstarrkrampf m. Tiervers.," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1893, 992. 8 Hans Meyer and Halsey, " Tetanusstudien," Festschr. f. Jajft, Bruns- wick, 1901. TETANUS TOXINE. 113 Eventually, infected animals show a marked reduction in tem- perature and severe inanition before death (HARNACK and HOCHHEIM 1). Effect upon the Central Nervous System. — With the exception of these few pronounced general symptoms, tetanus and also the completely identical poisoning with tetanospasmine are characterised in the case of most animals by the predominance of symptoms due to an affection of the central nervous system. It would appear then that the receptors which combine with the poison and thus initiate the disease only occur in the nervous system. There are only a few facts that have been urged against the view that this is the only point of attack for the poison. Thus VAILLARD, using very small doses of toxine, claims to have observed local poisoning of the neighbouring muscular tissue. The rabbit also occupies an exceptional position, since under certain conditions the poison can be fixed in other ways to an overwhelming extent, so that the animal dies of " tetanus sine tetano" (DoNiTz). This is a particularly striking instance of the observation that has frequently been made, that the poison can combine with receptors situated in organs of little vital importance, so that the fixation of the poison does not lead to any predominating symptoms of illness. We shall return to this phenomenon presently. The direct symptoms, the combination of the poison with the substance of the central nervous system, were first observed by SHAKESPEARE2 and YERHOOGEN and BAERT,S who poisoned animals by the subdural injection of material from the central nervous system of tetanised animals. BESEEDKA 4 in repeating this experiment left the normal brain substance of a guinea-pig in contact with a large quantity of toxine for a considerable time (up to six days) in an ice chest, and then removed the excess of free toxine by careful washing. He was able to produce tetanus in mice by means of this substance. PASQUINI 5 also found the central nervous system to be poisonous. 1Harnack and Hochheim, " Ueb. Wirkg. d. Briegerschen Tet.-G.," Z.f. Jclin. Med., xxv., 46, 1894. 2 Shakespeare, "Preliminary report on exper. researches concerning the infectious nature of traumatic tetanus," Centralbl. f. Bakt., ii., 541, 1887. 3 Verhoogen and Baert, "Premieres recherches sur la nature du te"tanos," Baumg. Jahresber., 1890, 198. 4Besredka, "De la fixation de la tox. te*t. par le cerveau," Ann. Past., xvii., 138, 1903. 5 Pasquini, " Sulla presenza del veneno tetanico negli organi," Rif, Med., 1902, 22, 23 ; Abst. in Centralbl. f. Bakt,, xxxi,, 117. 8 114 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. GOLDSCHEIDER and FLATAU,1 JouKOWSKY,2 and others have succeeded in demonstrating directly under the microscope the action of tetanus toxine upon the ganglionic cells, especially those of the anterior cornua. Particularly vigorous discussion has taken place on the question whether the nervous system is the only point of attack for the poison ; and also whether it is only the central nervous system that is attacked. The question appears to have been decided with certainty by the investigations of GuMPRECHT3 in favour of the view that the central nervous system, and above all the spinal cord, is exclusively attacked by the poison, and that the symptoms else- where are to be attributed to these primary ones. COURMONT and DoYON4 conclude that the whole of the sensory neuron is liable to the primary attack. The statement that the poison attacks primarily only the central nervous system is apparently not easy to reconcile with the fact of "local tetanus" The two can only be brought into agreement by the assumption that there is a direct transmission of the poison in the nerves from the point of infection to the spinal cord. This conclusion was first drawn by BRUSSCHETTINIS who was himself able to detect the poison in the nervous system, whereas other blood-free organs, including the muscles at the point of infection did not contain it. This view has recently received support from the particularly comprehensive experiments of HANS MEYER and RANSOM.° Their results were as follows : — After subcutaneous inoculation with tetanus toxine the poison could be detected in the nerve. This most important result was simultaneously confirmed by MARIE and MORAX * who found the poison in the sciatic nerve of one infected leg, and also in the other after the occurrence of general tetanus ; it was also found, in particular, in the masseteric nerve but not in the optic nerve, which is indeed an integral portion of the brain. 1 Goldscheider and Flatau, "Ueber die Ziele der modernen Nervenzel- lenforschung," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1898, 165. 2 Joukowsky, "De 1'influence de la toxine te"tan. sur le system nerveux," Ann. Past., xiv., 464, 1900. 3Gumprecht, "Zur pathol. d. Tetanus," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1894, 546; Id., "Vers. iiber d. physiol. Wirkg. des Tetanusgiftes," Pflugers Arch., lix., 105 (Bibliography), 1895. 4 Courmont and Doyon, "Le T(5tanos," Paris, BaiUiere, 1899. 5 Brusschettini, Rif. Med., 1892, quoted from Brunner. 6 Hans Meyer and'Ransom, "Unters. lib. d. Tetanus," Arch. exp. Path., xlix., 369, 1903. 7 Marie and Morax, "Rech. sur 1'absorption de la tox. t6t.f" Ann. Past., xvi., 818, 1902; xvii., 335, 1903. TETANUS TOXINE. 115 The motor, sensory, and sympathetic nerves are equally suit- able for the attack, according to MORAX and MARIE, although according to MEYER and RANSOM the normal axis cylinder is the exclusive conveyor of the poison, which reaches it only by way of the nerve end plates on the muscle and not through the blood. The poison is only distributed in a centripetal direction. MEYER and RANSOM also found that, in addition to severance of the nerves, injection of antitoxins into them prevented the poison from reaching the spinal cord. This happened with certainty in local (subcutaneous) poisoning, and sometimes also after intra- venous injection. The centres belonging to the protected nerves remain free, while the animal suffers from general tetanus. Even in the spinal cord itself severance can prevent the further distribution of the poison. In the case of animals thus treated no poisoning of the brain occurred ; they lay for three weeks in a continuous tetanic state and eventually died apparently from exhaustion. The direct transmission of the poison by way of the nerves appears the more probable from the fact that when directly injected into the nerves its action is much more intense (about ten times as much). In these experiments any quantities of poison which might possibly have passed into the lymph glands or blood on injection, were in each case neutralised by large quantities of antitoxine. The period of incubation is considerably shortened, and if the injection is made directly into the lumbar cord it is reduced to a few hours, as had already been shown by the experiments of Roux and BoRREL1 on tetanus in the head. The variations in the length of the incubation periods (vide supra) are explained by the slow trans- mission through the nerves. It follows from these experiments that the poison is first transmitted exclusively by the nerves themselves to the centres of the spinal cord, and that the specific symptoms are produced by these. If the poison attacks only the sensory centres, there results a simple tetanus dolorosus without convulsions. It also results from this strict differentiation that the poison does not reach the spinal cord by way of the blood or lymph channels. Under normal conditions the poison only reaches the motor ganglia by way of the motor neuron, and produces there a condition of over-excitability towards the usually latent stimuli which proceed from the sensory neurons. This is not the place to go further into the theory of tetanus itself. The usual point of attack of tetanus poison, and so of the disease, is thus the spinal cord. But it is not exclusively the 'Roux and Borrel, " T<5tanos Cerebral," Ann. Past., xii., 225, 1898. 116 TOXINES AND ANTITOX1NES. spinal cord that offers suitable haptophore groups for tetanus toxine. Roux and BORREL (loc. cit.'), for example, were able to prove that, on subdural introduction of the poison, the poison combined exclusively with the brain cells and produced cerebral tetanus. And, lastly, the experiments of DONITZ * on rabbits and of MiYAMOTO2 show that, under certain conditions, the poison can be fixed so rapidly by haptophore cells, other than those of the central nervous system, that the animal dies without spasms from a "tetanus sine tetano" In the case of rabbits this fixation of the poison in the less vitally important organs, which withdraw it from the central nervous system, undoubtedly partially accounts for their smaller susceptibility. At any rate, Roux and BORREL were able to poison rabbits much more readily by intercerebral injection, in which the poison comes into direct contact with the central nervous system, than by subcutaneous injection, which was not the case with guinea-pigs. Even the hen, so little susceptible in other respects, can be poisoned by intercerebral injection. Under certain conditions, which are still imperfectly known, many poisons (MIYAMOTO employed a very old preparation) appear to lose their predominating affinity for the central nervous system. It is surely not unjustifiable to assume, pro- visionally, that in this case substances have been formed from the original toxine which are undoubtedly still poisonous, but have lost their characteristic action upon the central nervous system, there being possibly a formation of toxoids of a special kind. On the other hand, in the case of refractory animals — e.g., alligators — and also in that of hens, which are not completely refractory, METSCHNIKOFF (vide infra) observed a slight forma- tion of antitoxine without preliminary symptoms of illness, which surely points to a combination with distributed indi- vidual receptors. The conclusion drawn from the study of the symptoms of the disease — viz., that the tetanus poison combines with the substance of the central nervous system, could also be confirmed experimentally. It was also shown, simultaneously, by WASSERMANN and TAKAKI 3 and by RANSOM,* that an emulsion of the fresh brain 1 Donitz, "Ueber das Tetarmsantitoxin," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1897, 428. 2 Miyamoto, "Beitrage zur Tetanusvergif tung, " Deutsch. med. Woch., 1900, 479. 3 Wassermann and Takaki, "Ueber tetanusantitoxische Eigenschaften des Centralnervensystems," Berl. klin. Woch., 1898, 5; Wassermann, " Weiterere Mitt, iiber Seitenkettenimmunitat," ibid., 209. 4 Ransom, quoted by Behring, Deutsch. med. Woch., 1898, 68. TETANUS TOXINE. 117 of a guinea-pig could combine with and render non-poisonous a certain quantity of tetanus toxine. It is true that this power of combination is not very considerable ; according to PALTAUFI 1 c.c. of the emulsion can combine with 100 lethal doses at most — a point which must not be overlooked in attempting to come to a correct conclusion about this question. It is the cells of the brain that enter into combination, as was shown by BLUMENTHAL2 and MiLCHNER,3 who found that the liquid was free from toxine after being subjected to centrifugal force. RANSOM,* too, was able to show that on injection of tetanus poison into the subarachnoid space the nerve substance combines with more poison than can be accounted for by the blood that it contains, but that the combination is not absolute, for a part of the toxine passes into the circulatory system even in this method of injection. On the other hand, MEYER, like BLUMEN- THAL and JACOB5 before him and ScuuLZE,6 found the cerebro- spinal fluid to be/ree from toxine. WASSERMANN regarded the results of this experiment as a confirmation of the side-chain theory. The receptors that are capable of combining with the poison in the brain substance, and also in the living brain, are the same that circulate in the blood as free receptors, so that WASSERMANN is right in forming his conception of side-chain immunity from these experiments. Objections have been raised on various sides, and notably by the school of METSCHNIKOFF r and by BEHRING and KITASHIMA,S against the conclusions drawn from WASSERMANN'S experiments. It would take us too far from our theme to deal thoroughly with the whole subject in dispute ; and so I will content myself with 1 Paltauf, "Diskussion zu dem Vortrag von Grueber," Wien. klin. Woch., 1901, 51. 2 Blumenthal, " Ueber die Verandergungen des Tetanusgiftes im Tier- korper," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1898, 185. 3 Milchner, "Nachweis der chemischen Bindung von T. -G. durch Nerven- substanz," BerL klin. Woch., 1898, 369. 4 Ransom, "Die Injektion von Tetanustoxin bezw. Antitoxin in den subarachnoidalen Raum," Z. f. phys. Chem., xxxi., 282, 1900-01. 5 Blumenthal and Jacob, " Zur Serumtherapie des Tetanus," Berl. klin. Woch., 1898, 1079. 6 Schultze, " Spinalpunktion u. Einspritz. v. Antitoxinserum bei Tet. traumaticus," Mitt. Grenzgeb. d. Med, u. Chir., v., 169, 1900. 7 Metschnikoff, Immunitdt, German ed. by Meyer, Jena, 1902. Also, Metschnikoff, "Influence de I'organisme sur les toxines," Ann. Past., xi., 801, 1897; xii., 81, 1898. Marie, "Propriete antite"tanique des centres nerveux.," ibid., xii., 91, 1898. Besredka, "De la fixation de la toxine tet.,"ibid., xvii., 139, 1903. 8 Behring, Allg. Ther. d. Infekt.-Kr., i., 1033. 118 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. calling attention to the work of MARX,1 who has resurveyed the whole ground. MARX has found, by over 200 experiments on mice, that the antitoxic action of the brain is of such a nature that it is merely supplemented by the addition of serum, and that the action of the brain does not, as was found by KITASHIMA (loc. cit.) in ex- periments with very large amounts of toxine, destroy the action of the antitoxine. MARX thus confirms W ASS ERM ANN'S view that the combined receptors of the brain act qualitatively and quantitatively in a completely analogous manner to the free receptors that are present in the antitoxine serum. And this affords a fresh support of EHR LICK'S view that the poison can only combine with suitable receptors, and that these receptors, when broken off, have a neutralising effect upon the poison, although they promote its action when acting in conjunction with living cells. It is impossible to see the force of the objection first brought against these experiments — viz., that the brain of animals, such as hens, &c., that are only slightly susceptible, has no protective action — for it is self-evident to anyone who bases his conclusions on the fundamental axioms of Ehrlich's theory, that only such nerve substance as actually combines with the tetanus toxine — i.e., possesses suitable haptophore groups — can exert a protective influence ; and such haptophore groups are evidently only present in the brains, &c., of these animals, which indeed are not refrac- tory, not naturally immune to tetanus. It is thus one of the most striking results of Ehrlich's theory that it at once throws a clear light upon the formerly so inscrutable problem of natural immunity. Both infection and the relative formation of anti- bodies can only take place where there is a reciprocal combination of haptophore groups. Where these are lacking there can be absolutely no infection or neutralisation of the poison. Indeed, the central nervous system is not the exclusive place where the antitoxine can be produced. As we have mentioned above, receptors that can combine with the poison also occur in other places where the fixation of the poison does not lead to any injurious effects — e.g., in the connective tissue, &c. But wherever receptors are present, there, too, can the formation of antitoxine take place. The production of antitoxine is a function of the haptophore group, and has absolutely nothing to do with the action of the poison as such. Thus, according to EHRLICH 1 Marx, "Die Tet.-G. neutralis. Eigensch. d. Gehirns," Zeit. f. Hyg., xl, 231, 1902. TETANUS TOXINE. 119 and WASSERMANN, the central nervous system has a protective influence, not because it offers a point of attack for the toxophore group, but because it contains receptors, which may also be present in other tissues. Against this view METSCHNIKOFP raised the objection that even the brain of frogs has absolutely no protective influence. Although frogs are absolutely insusceptible to tetanus in the cold, yet when warmed above 20° C. they are extremely sus- ceptible, as is also the case to a less extent with other amphibia and reptiles, and also with marmots (BiL LINGER 1), which do not die during hibernation (i.e., when their temperature is lower), but only after they wake from their sleep. Bats, too, when kept cold, exhibit considerable resistance so long as they sleep (MEYER and HALSEY, loc. cit.). Now the brain of the frog does not combine with, or show any protective influence against, tetanus toxine, and no antitoxine ever appears in the body of the frog when poisoned with tetanus. Although this assertion is doubt- less correct, and although the process of the breaking off and free movement of the haptophore groups has as yet been but little explained, yet the interpretation given by METSCHNIKOFF of this phenomenon — viz., that the central nervous system of the frog does not combine in the slightest degree with tetanus toxine — is certainly not correct. MoRGENROTH,2 in a very interesting research, was able to demonstrate that tetanus poison, even in the cold, does unquestionably combine, although slowly, with the central nervous system of the frog, but that the toxophore group is inactive. On raising the temperature, however, it immediately begins to act. The combination of the toxine with the central nervous system takes place very rapidly after its injection into the circulatory system. DECROLY and RoNSSE3 showed that in the case of rabbits the blood was not poisonous even one minute after the intravenous injection of a lethal dose of tetanus poison. Such is the rapidity with which the toxine disappears from the blood.4 1 Billinger, " Winterschlaf und Infektion," Wien. Uin. Woch., 1896, 769. 2 Morgenroth, "Zur Kenntnis des Tetanus des Frosches," Arch. Inter- nal, d. Pharmacodynamie, viii., 255, 1900 (reprint). 3 Decroly and Ronsse, "Pouvoir toxique et antitoxique du Sang, &c.," Arch. Internat. de Pharmacodyn. , vi., 211, 1899. 4 Donitz (vide supra), of course, assumes that in the case of rabbits receptors are also present in other organs, and that this accounts for the extraordinarily rapid disappearance of the toxine. In the case of guinea- pigs and mice it circulates longer in the blood. I have already had frequent opportunities of calling attention to the importance of such distributed receptors. 120 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. Now, very important consequences follow from this extraordin- arily great affinity of the toxine for the nervous system. Thus it is easy to render tetanus poison harmless by means of anti- bodies before it enters the nerve tracks, but much more difficult to break up the compound when once formed, to separate the toxine from the receptor, to cure the tetanus. With every hour the combination becomes more stable, and the activity of the serum less. It has been shown by DONITZ l how rapidly this in- jurious result takes place. The same quantity of an ti toxine, which, when simultaneously injected, protected a rabbit from a quadruple lethal dose, was absolutely unavailing when injected four minutes after the toxine (intravenous injection being used in each case). After one hour as much as 40 times the amount of antitoxine was necessary. After five hours even huge doses, such as 600 times the single effective dose, were useless. MOR- GENROTH, to his disappointment, found that the serum failed in its action in an exactly analogous manner in the case of frogs, although more slowly. In the therapeutic treatment of men it has frequently been observed that after the occurrence of the characteristic symptoms of tetanus — i.e., after the lapse of the in- cubation period — even huge doses of immune serum are usually of no avail. I have only dealt with this question to this extent, and the further discussion of it does not concern us here, because, on these facts, taken in conjunction with the occurrence of a longer or shorter incubation period (vide supra), attempts have been made to base conclusions as to the alterations in tetanus poison even in the human system. Thus certain authors (e.g., COURMONT and DoYON2) have assumed that the poison that eventually produces the outbreak of tetanus is not the primary toxine of the cultivations. The latter is asserted to act only as a ferment, which, under suitable conditions, decomposes the protoplasm of the attacked cell with the formation of the true tetanus poison, which can then produce its poisonous effects without a period of incubation. In reply to the arguments urged by these authors in support of their view, the following remarks may be made : — As regards the period of 1 Donitz, "Ueber das Tetanusantitoxin," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1897, 428. 2 Courraont and Doyon, inter olios. — (a) "Mecanisme de production des contractures du te"tanos," Arch, de Phys., 1893, 64; (b) "La substance toxique qui engendre le te"tanos," Sem. Med., 1893, 122 ; (c) " Du t6t de la grenouille, ibid., 1893, 302; (d) "De la produc. d. t. chez la poule," ibid., 1893, 486. See also their papers already quoted, and their work Le Tetanos, Paris, 1899. (For other investigations see Blumenthal, loc. cit.) TETANUS TOXIN E. 121 incubation it is assumed that the true poison is produced during this period, and that until then there is no action. This compli- cated view is not necessary, for the mode of action of the poison is at least as satisfactorily accounted for by the slow action of the toxophore groups and by the different degrees of slowness in the distribution of the poison in the nerve tracks as found by MEYER and RANSOM (vide supra}. A further point against their view is that the period of incubation becomes shorter in pro- portion to the amount of toxine introduced into the animal, although, as is the case with every toxine, there is a limit to this reduction of the incubation period by larger doses. Again, the complicated behaviour of the incubation period in the case of the frog, which has been brought forward as a special argument in support of this view can be explained more simply. H.. was able to prove that on warming the animal . there was at first only a very rapid and firm combination of the toxine, but no poisoning. If the frog, after being kept at 32° C. for twenty-four hours, was then again placed in the ice chest, it remained permanently well, although if again exposed to a temperature of 32° C. it died after an incubation period that was shortened by twenty-four hours, notwithstanding the injection of enormous quantities of antitoxine. If, as COURMONT and DOYON assume, a secondary change in the poison were produced by the warming, the frog would not remain permanently well even in the ice chest. The heat has here only promoted the formation of an extremely stable combination, and this requires further warming before it causes death by the action of the toxophore group. The fact that after combination has taken place the antitoxine is more or less completely ineffective has been put forward as of special significance in support of the theory of the secondary poison, but in my opinion this is far from being the case. The predominance of the antitoxine circulating in the blood over the toxine, which it prevents from combining with the central nervous system is solely due to the fact that it does so circulate in the blood and thus immediately seizes upon the toxine when introduced into the circulatory system and mechani- cally wards it off from the threatened tissues, and not to its possessing any greater affinity for the toxine. It has but little power of breaking up the combination between the nerve cell and the toxine when once formed, and it does so only by mass action when very large doses of antitoxine have been used. It is thus obvious that the antitoxine must be ineffective if introduced some time after the poisoning, and much more so when only applied after the appearance of the symptoms, and 122 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. there is absolutely no need for us to assume the existence of a new poison without affinity for the antitoxine. Nor can the theory derive any greater support from the fact that the brain of animals that have died of tetanus can still combine with the poison. But if these considerations do not altogether explain the want of influence of the antitoxine upon the toxine after the lapse of a certain time, the discovery by MEYER and RANSOM (loc. cit.) of the fact that tetanus antitoxine cannot follow the poison in its passage along the nerve tracks affords all that is still needed in explanation of this phenomenon. This fully accounts for the want of activity of the antitoxine, and there is no longer any need to call to our aid the hypothesis of a secondary poison. This hypothesis has not, however, as yet been thereby definitely disproved. An experimental proof brought forward by COURMONT and DOYON in support of their view was the fact that the transfu- sion of blood from a dog suffering from tetanus into another immediately produced symptoms of tetanus in the latter. KRAUS/ too, succeeded in rapidly poisoning other mice with the blood serum from a mouse infected with tetanus, as had previously been done by Nissen.2 Here then, in their opinion, there was manifested the activity of the secondary poison. It was next claimed that this poison had been detected in animal organs. BLUMENTHALS prepared from the organs of an animal that had died of tetanus, a poison which, in a dose of 0*35 c.c., caused death with tetanic symptoms in seventeen minutes without an incubation period, and was not rendered ineffective by the antitoxine. BUSCHKE and OERGEL* have also succeeded in preparing a poison that acted instantaneously from the liver, spleen, and spinal cord of an animal that had died of tetanus, whilst TAUBER 5 obtained a similar preparation in smaller quan- tity from the spinal cord, brain, and liver. Such reputed dis- 1 Kraus, "Beitrasr zur Klinik des Tetanus," Z. f. klin. Med., xxxvii., 247, 1899. '2 Nissen, " Ueb. den Nachweis von Toxin im Blut, &c.," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1891, 775. 3 Blumenthal, "Weit. Beitr. z. Kenntn. des Tetanusgiftes," Z. f. klin. Med., xxxii., 325, 1897; Id., "Ueber die Veranderungen des T.-G. im Tierkorper," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1893, 149. 4Buschke and Oergel, "Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Tetanus," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1893, 149. 5Tauber, "Bin Beitr. z. Kenntnis d. Tetanus," Wien. klin. Woch., 1898, 747. TETANUS TOXINE. 123 coveries of poison in the organs of dead animals must be received with great scepticism ; it is impossible to know with absolute certainty what has actually been extracted and what kind of poisonous substances may have been formed during the process of disease with its alterations in the protoplasm — substances that may have absolutely no connection with tetanus toxine, and against which the antitoxine is powerless. Even BLUMENTHAL himself, as also more recently COURMONT and DOYON, now cite these discoveries with great caution, and leave it an open question how far this poison from the organs corresponds with the actual tetanus poison. BLUMENTHAL regards it as a combination of the true poison with the cell substance. This cannot be proved, however, by such means. To recapitulate, COURMONT'S fermen- tation theory of tetanus toxine has not as yet been proved, and is as yet superfluous. Whether, notwithstanding, it is not correct has yet to be decided. But it is advisable not to obscure this extremely difficult field by additional hypotheses for which definite support is lacking. Tetanus Antitoxine. — The antitoxine of tetanus behaves towards its toxine in a manner essentially analogous to that of diphtheria — i.e., its antitoxic power can be shown to stand in certain definite relationships to the toxine. Both enter into combination with their toxines, and subsequent separation is impossible. The combination does not take place so rapidly, however, in the case of tetanus toxine, and hence, according to DoNiTZ,1 the test should not be applied until after forty-five minutes. Moreover, the degree of saturation depends upon the concentration ; the greater this is, the more rapid and complete the saturation, so that solutions of as nearly as possible equal concentration must be taken for the comparison. As regards the quantitative relationships the conditions are approximately the same as in the case of diphtheria. In this case, however, they have not been so fully elucidated, which is to be attributed, in the main, to the extraordinary instability of the toxine. The compound also appears to be much less stable, and sooner to attain conditions of equilibrium (on this point see the General Part). The serum can be preserved for a long time by the addition of 1 per cent, of chloroform or O6 per cent, of phenol if kept cold and in the dark. Alcohol and distilled water are harmless to it (BEHRING 2). Roux and VAILLARD (loo. cit.) were able to dry the cow's 1 Donitz, Sericht ub. d. Thatigkeit des Icgl. Institute f. Serumforsch. , &c. Reprint from the Klin. Jahrb., 1899, vii. '2 Behring, Die Blutserumtherapie, iii., Leipzig, 1892. 124 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. serum in a vacuum without loss, and when it was required for use dissolved the residue in six times its quantity of water. The milk of immunised animals also contains antitoxine. According to BBIEGEB and OOHN 1 it can be concentrated from the milk in the following manner : — The milk is first coagulated by means of rennet in an analogous manner to that used in the preparation of diphtheria antitoxine. The filtered whey is shaken with chloroform, allowed to stand, decanted, and then saturated with ammonium sulphate to the extent of 32 per cent. The precipitate is redissolved, a small amount of basic lead acetate added, and the new precipitate washed with water rendered very slightly alkaline. The filtrate and washings are now saturated with ammonium sulphate, and the resulting precipitate mechanically freed from the excess of solid ammonium sulphate by stirring it with pure chloroform. The salts fall to the bottom, while the light compound of the anti-bodies rises to the surface and is removed. In this way it was possible to concentrate the antitoxine to the extent of 300 to 400 times the strength of that originally present in the milk. A still further purification of the antitoxine can be effected by treating the filtrate, after removal of lead, not with ammonium sulphate, but first with sodium chloride, and then with sodium phosphate. Practically none of the antitoxine is precipitated with the sodium chloride precipitate, whereas it is nearly all carried down by the sodium phosphate precipitate. The properties of the antitoxine have naturally received much attention. It does not differ materially from diphtheria anti- toxine. It is partially destroyed at 68° C., though not completely so even at 80° C. Acids (hydrochloric acid, in the proportion of 1 part to 15 of antitoxine, and lactic acid) have also a destructive influence. Very weak alkalies do not injure it, but, when concentrated, rapidly destroy it. It does not readily putrefy (BEHRING). It is not dialysable, and is partially retained by Chamberland porcelain filters. TIZZONI and CATTANI 2 attribute to it the nature of a ferment, for which, in my opinion, there is no justification (see under Diphtheria). They draw this conclusion from the fact that it can be precipitated by alcohol, and can be extracted, though slowly, from the precipitates by means of glycerin. Doubtless, like diphtheria antitoxine, it is also a substance closely allied to the globulins. 1 Brieger and Cohn, "Beitr. z. Concentr. geg. Wundstarrkrampf schiitzenden Substanz.," Zeit. f. Hyg., xv., 439, 1893. 2 Tizzoni and Cattani, " Sur les propriete's de 1'antitoxine du tetanos," Arch. ital. d. BioL, xvi., 394 (abstract), 1891; "Ueber d. Eigenschaften des Tetanus- Antitoxins," CentralU. /. Bdkt.t ix., 685, 1891; "Fernere Unters. ub. das Tetanus Antitoxin," ibid., x., 33, 1891 ; Tizzoni, "Ueb. d. experim. Immunitat gegen Tetanus," Festschr. fur Virchow, Berlin, iii., 29, 1892. TETANUS TOXIN E. 125 It had already been found by TIZZONI and CATTANI that it was precipitated by magnesium sulphate. They had also observed that the globulins that were precipitated by means of weak acids (acetic acid, carbonic acid) or those separated by means of dialysis did not carry down the antitoxine, but only those globulins that were precipitated by means of solid magnesium sulphate at 30° C. PICK (loc. cit.) was able to confirm these statements by means of his more delicate methods. According to his results tetanus antitoxine is distributed in exactly the same manner as diphtheria antitoxine; thus, in horse serum, he found it to be combined exclusively with the pseudoglobulin. The value of tetanus antitoxine has been calculated by BEHRiNG1 in the following manner : — A "single" serum is taken to be that which will protect 1 grm. of an animal against the action of a certain lethal dose. Thus 1 c.c. of serum of the strength of 1 in a million will protect 50,000 mice of 20 grms. each ; hence a mouse requires ^^Jo^ c.c. or 0-00002 c.c., a sheep of 50 kilos. 0-05 c.c., and a horse of 400 kilos. 04 c.c. Recently, however, the serum has been tested as accurately as diphtheria serum in the Royal Institute for the Investigation and Testing of Serum. Test poisons are standardised upon a test serum that has been kept unaltered, and are then used for the valuation of the sera under examination. A fact of the greatest importance for the estimation of the action of antitoxine in the organism was that established by HANS MEYER and RANSOM (loc. cit.) — viz., that the antitoxine, unlike the toxine, is not capable of penetrating the axis cylinder. Hence the antitoxine is absolutely powerless against the poison when once the latter is in the nerves. Nor can it penetrate even by way of the blood and lymph tracts into the centres. Thus it can only neutralise the excess of poison in the tissues. And this explains why even highly-immuned animals can be poisoned when the poison is introduced directly into their nerves. MEYER and RANSOM hoped to be able to effect a cure by the direct injection of antitoxine into the nerves. 1 The values given by BEHRING (Die Elutserumtherapie, ii., 20) do not exactly tally. If 1 c.c. protects 50,000 mice, one mouse requires not 0-00005 c.c., but 0-00002 c.c., and a horse of 400 kilos, not 0 -25, but 0'4 c.c. 126 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. BOTULISM TOXINE. A third true toxine is the active principle in many cases of flesh poisoning. Considerable light was thrown upon the fairly obscure etiology of botulism by the discovery of VAN ERMENGEM,* who isolated from a poisonous ham a saprophytic bacillus, B. botulinus, which even then he concluded to be the producer of a specific, extremely active toxine. According to KEMPNER, it can also be detected in the faeces of swine, and ScHNEiDEMUHL2 regards it as the cause of the so-called birth-paralysis of cattle. Although substances had already been isolated at an earlier period, and asserted to be the active agents in the poisoning — e.g., that isolated by v. ANREPS from sturgeon's flesh — yet botulism toxine was the first that was proved to be the specific poison of flesh poisoning, and a true toxine. VAN ERMENGEM isolated it by filtration of cultivations of his Bacillus botulinns. It is extremely poisonous, the lethal dose for man being as little as 0-035 mgm. This in itself points to its being a true toxine. A further proof is the specific nature of its action, the symptoms of illness produced corresponding exactly with those of botulism. It produces the same symptoms in the eyes, aphonia, constipa- tion, and retention of urine. Fever does not occur. Finally, symptoms resembling those of bulbar paralysis are manifested, and end in death. Its action does not begin until after a certain period of incubation. According to FoRSSMAN,4 the mode of introduction has an influence upon the results. Thus, intercerebral injection did not produce the same characteristic form or intensity of illness as followed subcutaneous injection ; there was a greater difference with intraperitoneal, and the greatest with intrapulmonary in- jection. Violent dyspnoea is then the predominating symptom of the poisoning. Moreover, after interpleural injection the toxine is five to nine times as poisonous, although the period of incubation after a single lethal dose is longer. On the other 1 Van Ermengem, " Ueber einen neuen anaeroben Bacillus u. s. Bezieh. zum Botulismus," Zeit. f. Hyg., xxvi., 1, 1897. 2 Schneidemiihl, " Ueb. Botulismus beim Menschen und die sog. Geburts- paralyse bei Rindern," Centralbl.f. Bakt., xxiv., 619, 1898. 3 v. Anrep, "Intoxication par les ptomaines," Arch. Slaves de Biol., i., 341, 1886, quoted by v. Ermengem, loc. cit. 4 Forssman, "Beitr. z. Kenntn. d. Bakt. d. Botulismus," Author's abstract in Centralbl.f. Bakt., xxix., 541, 1901. BOTULISM TOXINE. 127 hand, the minimum period of incubation (with large doses) is six hours after subcutaneous injection, and four hours after intra- pulmonary injection. Like all true toxines, it is very sensitive to external influences. It is rapidly weakened by air and light, and also by raising the temperature even to 58° C. for three hours. Alcohol, ether, and oxidising substances also destroy it rapidly, while reducing agents are relatively but little injurious. On the other hand, it is a remarkable fact that it can act by way of the intestinal canal, as was found by VAN ERMENGEM, and confirmed by FORSSMAN. The fluids of the stomach and small intestine do not injure it, but it is speedily destroyed by the contents of the large intestine. BRIEGER and KEMPNER * have prepared the toxine in a concen- trated form by Brieger's method : — The germ-free filtrate is partially neutralised with ammonia, and treated with twice its volume of a 3 per cent, solution of zinc chloride. The preci- pitate is carefully washed and cautiously treated with a 1 per cent, solution of ammonium bicarbonate until the mixture just shows an alkaline reaction, after which it is decomposed with ammonium phosphate, the liquid filtered from the precipitated zinc phosphate, and the toxine precipitated with ammonium sulphate. In this way they obtained very small yields of solid toxine in quantitative experiments. Botulism toxine is a specific nerve poison. KEMPNER and POLLACK 2 and MARINESCOS have simultaneously studied its action upon the anatomy, and especially the alterations produced in the cells of the anterior cornua, and the destruction, chromato- lysis, and decomposition of Nissl's granule, with which I cannot deal here. It is, however, very important that, owing to this strong affinity for the nerve substance, botulism toxine is fixed and rendered harmless by it in an analogous manner to tetanus poison. KEMPNER and SCHEPILEWSKI 4 found that the brain and spinal cord were able to combine with considerable quantities of poison, and that that property could be utilised both in the prophylactic injection of brain substance, as well as for the neutralisation of 1 Brieger and Kempner, " Beitrag z. Lehre v. d. Fleishvergiftung," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1897, 521. 2 Kempner and Pollack, "Die Wirkung des Botulismus toxine auf die Nervenzellen," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1897, 505. 3 Marinesco, " Lesions des Centres nerveux produites par la toxine du B. botulinus," Soc. Biol., xlviii., 31, 1896; Sem. Med., 1896, 488. 4 Kempner and Schepilewski, "Ueb. antitoxische Substanzen geg. d. Botulismusgift.," Zeit.f. Hyg., xxvij., 213, 1898, 128 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. toxine already in the system for a period of twelve hours after its introduction. These properties distinguish the action of the substance of the central nervous system from that of certain simpler chemical substances, which, while equally combining with the botulism poison in vitro, completely lack its immunising and curative capacity. Examples of such substances are lecithin and cholesterin, but not cerebrin. This property of the brain substance is destroyed by boiling. According to CHARRIN and BARDiER,1 it also acts as a heart poison. It retards the action of the heart, and acts more rapidly than diphtheria poison in this respect. KEMPNERS subsequently prepared an antitoxic serum against botulo-toxine by the immunisation of goats. The antitoxine acts in accordance with the law of multiples. It can, however, only have any curative effect when used within twelve hours ; the dyspnceic form in particular is asserted by FORSSMAN to lie in- capable of cure. The practicability of the treatment is therefore as doubtful here as in the case of tetanus. PYOCYANEUS TOXINE. Bacillus pyocyaneus, which is very pathogenic for many animals, also produces a true toxine. The poisonous action of this toxine has frequently been investigated, as have also the phenomena of immunity that result on its introduction into the bodies of animals. There are also numerous researches on the " toxicity " of B. pyocyaneus in scientific literature, in which naturally no distinction was made between the poisonous effects of the cells and of the filtrate.3 Essentially, however, immunity against B. pyocyaneus is bactericidal ; no antidote to the poison is produced in immune bodies, but the bacilli themselves perish under the influence of a specific agent directed against them. Here, then, we meet with conditions similar to those that occur in typhus and cholera, with which we shall deal in a later page. The conditions differ, however, from those of cholera in one essential particular. Whilst in that disease the supposed toxine can only be separated very sparingly from the vibriones, and, in 1 Charrin and Bardier, " Action cardiaque, propri^te speciale de la botuline," Soc. BioL, 1., 60, 1898. 2 Kempner, " Weit. Beitr. zur Lehre von der Fleischvergiftung," Zeit.f. ffyg., xx vi., 481, 1897. 3 The most important literature on the subject is given by Breymann, "Ueb. Stoffwechselprod. des B. pyocyaneus," Centralbl. f. Bah., xxxi., 841, 1902. PYOCYANEUS TOXINE. 129 the main, remains attached to the cells themselves, it can be separated almost completely from the cells in the case of pyocy- aneus, so that we must assume that secretory processes occur here similar to those that produce diphtheria toxine. B. pyocyaneus has a very characteristic behaviour, as was shown by WASSERMANN.1 Frequently it develops in the body of an animal, and is thus infectious, and then the bactericidal protective forces come pre-eminently into action. On the other hand, however, it develops in its cultivations a true toxine, which can be separated from the cell substance, and produces in the organism a true antitoxine. B. pyocyaneus thus occupies a very interesting intermediate position between the purely toxic diphtheria bacillus, on the one hand, and the bacteria of the cholera type, on the other hand, in the case of which immunity is also pre-eminently bactericidal, not antitoxic, while the supposed endotoxines have not as yet been isolated in the free state. WASSERMANN proved that this poison could be* separated almost completely from the bacilli, so that the cells, just as in the case of diphtheria, contained practically no more toxine; but, above all, he showed that by injection of the living bacilli in small, but increasing, doses an immunising process results, which was directed exclusively against the bacilli themselves, and had absolutely no influence upon the poison. But, on the other hand, he succeeded in producing a true antitoxic solution by means of the soluble poison. In this case the serum had absolutely no bactericidal power in vitro ; yet, at the same time, an animal rendered proof against the poison was also immune against the living bacilli, just as in the case of diphtheria ; for the bacilli, deprived of their keenest weapon, their toxic function, are merely harmless intruders in the organism rendered proof against the poison, and speedily perish without inflicting any injury. WASSERMANN thus proved that B. pyocyaneus produced a true toxine, which in this respect was undoubtedly akin to diphtheria and tetanus toxine. It is somewhat more stable than these, especially as regards its behaviour towards heat. It is not completely destroyed even by boiling. In consequence of this a fact of theoretical importance was established in the case of pyocyaneus poison. It was found that in a neutral mixture of pyocyaneus toxine and antitoxine the latter could be completely eliminated by heat, 1 Wassermann, "Unters. iib. einige theoret. Punkte d. Immunitatslehre," Zeit.f. Hyg.y xxii., 263, 1896. 130 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. so that the previously neutral serum became poisonous again. This proves beyond doubt that what CALMKTTK had previously shown to be the case with snake poisons also applies to bacterial toxines — viz., that the antitoxine does not effect any destruction of the poison, but that there is a simple form of combination which renders the toxine incapable of attaching itself by means of its haptophore group to the cell and poisoning it. WASSKRMANN prepared his toxine by cultivating B. pyocyaneus on beef bouillon containing 2 per cent, of peptone, and subse- quently sterilising it by means of toluene. Further investigation of the poison and its antitoxine are still required. In particular an answer is still needed to the question whether the toxic principle is identical with pyocyanolysine, with which we shall deal presently, or whether the B. pyocyaneus, as is probably the case, resembles the tetanus bacillus in producing two active substances, a toxine and a lysine. It can be isolated by filtration through Chamberland filters. Its toxicity cannot be compared, at all events as yet, with that of tetanus toxine, for example. WASSERMANN found the lethal dose for guinea-pigs to be 0*5 c.c. The quantitative ratios between pyocyaneus toxine and anti- toxine show a very important peculiarity. In this case the law of multiples only holds good up to about 10 times the lethal dose. From that point upwards even great doses of antitoxine no longer afford protection. Undoubtedly WASSERMANN is right in concluding from the relatively slight toxicity of the poison, as well as from this restricted formation of antitoxine, that pyocyaneus toxine con- tains secondary poisons of non-haptoid nature derived from the toxine, such as have hitherto only been obtained outside the body in the case of cholera and typhus. In this respect, too, it would seem that B. pyocyaneus occupies an intermediate position between the diphtheria bacillus, which produces relatively stable true toxines, and the bacteria of cholera and typhus. THE TOXINE OF SYMPTOMATIC ANTHRAX. A weak immunising poison which did not cause death, and was only partially destroyed at 115° C., was obtained by Roux 1 by filtration of cultures and from flesh juices of infected animals. DUENSCHMANN 2 cultivated the bacilli of symptomatic anthrax 1 Roux, "Immunite centre le charbon symptomatique," Ann. Past., ii., 49, 1888. 2 Duenschmann, " Etude experim. sur le charbon symptomatique," Ann. Past., viii., 403, 1894. THE TOXINE OF SYMPTOMATIC ANTHRAX. 131 anaerobically on macerated flesh or ox serum, and found in the filtrate after seven days a poison with a specific action, which killed guinea-pigs in doses of 5 to 6 c.c. It had no protective action against living bacilli. ARLOiNG,1 in his latest researches on immunisation against symptomatic anthrax, makes no mention of any toxine being formed by the bacteria. Our knowledge of this otherwise practically unknown poison has been greatly enlarged by the recent monograph of GRASS- BERGER and ScHATTENFROH.2 Their results show that a true toxine is produced by the bacillus of symptomatic anthrax which had not been discovered by the researches of previous workers. They find that the formation of the toxine by the bacillus only takes place under certain definite conditions, notably when the micro-organism shows itself as a typical producer of butyric acid. For this purpose the presence of fermentable sugar, or still better of calcium lactate, in the culture medium is a primary necessity. It very frequently happens that there is no formation of toxine at all ; the " denaturalised " micro-organisms are no longer able to ferment the lactic acid and produce no trace of toxine. In such cases the power of sporulation may be either restricted or retained in full vigour. On the other hand, there may be an energetic formation of toxine in a quiet after- fermentation in which chiefly the lactic acid is decomposed, while none was formed in the first vigorous fermentation, and this may also occur in cultivations which are free from sugar but contain lactic acid. A further point of the utmost importance is the purity of the cultures, since other bacteria apparently injure the very unstable toxine. A temperature of about 37° C. is also necessary for the production of the toxine. The formation of toxine by the bacillus of symptomatic anthrax is a true free secretion. Filtration through infusorial earth was found to be the best means of separating the toxine from micro-organisms, since more compact filters absorbed too much of the poison. The effects of the toxine on guinea-pigs are similar to those caused by infection with symptomatic anthrax — viz., oedema, areas of haemorrhage, lowering of the temperature, oedema of the lungs — in fact all the general symptoms of toxine poisoning. The period of incubation is only a few hours, while the disease lasts for two to four days or, after very large doses, six to seven hours. 1 Arloing, " Serotherapie du charbon symptomatique," Comptes Rend., cxxx., 548, 1900; cxxxi., 319, 1900. 2 Grassberger and Schattenfroh, Ueber das Rauschbrand, 1904. 132 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. The unit of measurement chosen was a solution of the poison, O01 c.c. of which killed a guinea-pig of 200 to 300 grms. on subcutaneous injection. In the case of rabbits death did not take place until after the lapse of an hour after the intravenous injection of even 1,000 lethal doses ; the lethal dose for them on subcutaneous injection was O'l to 0-2 c.c. of the normal poison. Similar amounts per kilo, of body weight were also fatal to monkeys, dogs, hedgehogs, mice, hens, pigeons, sheep, and oxen. The lethal dose for a young ox was 40 c.c. of the normal poison, while sheep required about 2 c.c. Frogs were refractory, but retained the poison within their body. The poison passes very slowly through a porcelain filter and is hardly dialysable. It resists freezing and thawing, and light has but little injurious effect upon it, but it is affected when heated even to 30° C. On the other hand, it can be dried in a vacuum in the cold. It is almost completely destroyed in an hour when exposed to a temperature of 50° C., so that very large doses (7 to 10 c.c.) then produce only local swelling. It becomes rapidly weaker even when kept in an air-tight vessel and still more rapidly when exposed to the air. It is destroyed by permanganate added in the proportion of 0*15 per cent., by phenol (1 per cent.), and formaldehyde (0-1 per cent.), while "salting out" with ammonium sulphate and pre- cipitation with alcohol and ether have a considerable injurious effect. Chloroform is absolutely without influence upon it. The poison of symptomatic anthrax is also shown to be a true toxine by the fact that it is possible to produce an antitoxine to it. Guinea-pigs cannot be used for this purpose since they are too susceptible, but it can readily be done with rabbits and oxen. It is very easy to immunise the latter, and they yield sera of high antitoxic value (up to 400-fold), whereas even highly immune rabbits give sera which are only weak in antitoxine. The ratios between the toxine and antitoxine show numerical proportions exactly analogous to those observed, e.g., in the case of diphtheria toxine (marked variations in the value of D, swellings caused by the injection of mixtures in the "differential zone," &c.), and thus point to the presence of toxones. On the other hand, there does not appear to be any formation of toxoids, since the decrease in the toxicity keeps parallel with the decrease in the combining power. Moreover, combination appears to take place very slowly. The antitoxine appears to be very stable (it can be kept for two years). It is not dialysable ; it can be dried and can resist a temperature of 60° to 65° C. for an hour. TETANOLYSINE. 133 Over-saturated mixtures of toxine and antitoxine are fre- quently still poisonous to guinea-pigs, though other animals can be immunised by their means, so that here too there appear to exist conditions of equilibrium about the neutral point, which need further investigation. BACTERIAL HJEMOLYSINES. Closely allied to the true toxines are those bacterial substances which exert a specific activity on the red corpuscles of the blood, altering their plasma in such fashion that the haemoglobin exudes, the blood being thus "laked." They differ essentially, however, from blood poisons of the ordinary kind, such as, e.g., phenylhydrazine, &c., in acting physiologically as true toxines — i.e., producing anti-bodies, antilysines, in the organism. They thus approximate on the one hand to the true toxines, and on the other hand to other hcemolytic liaptines, such as ricine, &c., as well as to the specific hcemolysines which are formed on the introduction of erythrocytes foreign to a body and also in normal sera. Whether these lysines are simple haptines or whether they do not rather consist of amboceptor and complement has not yet been definitely decided ; yet in the case of staphylolysine, at all events, all the arguments up to the present support the view that they are simple haptines (BoiiDET, EHRLICH, and MORGENROTH). Of these bacterial hsemolysines only two are as yet definitely known — tetanolysine and staphylolysine. Other bacteria also exhibit hsemolytic activity, but it is not yet quite certain whether this is to be attributed to specific lysines, although it is true that in the case of coli-lysine, for example, anti-bodies are known. But the chief argument against their being of the nature of toxines is the fact that they can resist a temperature of 120° C. A further interesting point is the fact that there is an extra- ordinary difference in the degree of resistance offered by the blood-corpuscles of different species to the various lysines, and that the erythrocytes of certain species are naturally more or less completely immune against each of them. TETANOLYSINE. Tetanolysine was discovered by EnRLicn1 in cultivations of the tetanus bacillus. 1Ehrlich, Ges. d. Charittdrzte, [3], ii., 1898; B&rl. Uin. Woch.t 1898, No. 12. 134 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. The reasons that led EHRLICH to conclude that it was a different poison to the true tetanus poison, the convulsion-producing tetano- spasmine, are as follows : — The ratio between the amounts of tetanolysine and tetano- spasmine in the cultivations and preparations derived from them is not constant. Some solutions of the poison are rich in the former and relatively poor in the latter, and vice versd. Tetanolysine is more sensitive to external influences than tetanospasmine. Tetanolysine combines with the erythrocytes, while tetanus toxine is left by them in solution. In proportion as the tetanus solution varies in the amounts of the two poisons, so also the anti-serum prepared by means of this solution contains varying relative quantities of the corre- sponding anti-bodies, so that it is sometimes more antitoxic and sometimes more antilytic in its action. Tetanolysine was thoroughly investigated by MADSEN1 in EHRLICH'S Institute, and his results were confirmed by KRAUS and CLAIRMONT.2 MADSEN obtained, by means of precipitation with ammonium sulphate from a bouillon culture of tetanus, a preparation, of which O000001 grin, was the amount required for a lethal dose for a mouse. This poison dissolves the blood-corpuscles of many animals ; rabbits' blood, being particularly sensitive, is used for the experi- ments, in the form of a 5 per cent, emulsion in a physiological solution of sodium chloride. The amount of solution is determined colorimetrically by com- parison with a standard solution of blood. It depends, ceteris paribus, on the amount of poison added. There is a difference, however, in the sensitiveness of individual blood-corpuscles ; moreover, tetanolysine has much less action in the cold than at the incubation temperature, whereas other hsemolytic poisons do not possess this property. Tetanolysine is extraordinarily sensitive to external influences. Even at the ordinary temperature it becomes considerably weaker in less than an hour, especially in dilute solutions, but concen- trated solutions also soon lose part of their hsemolytic power. Higher temperatures, even 50° C., have a very injurious effect. The lysine can be kept on ice without undergoing decomposition for twenty-four hours, and in the dry condition is absolutely stable. 1 Madsen, "Ueber Tetanolysin," Zeit. f. Hyg., xxxii., 214, 1899. 2 Kraus and Clairmont, "Ueber Hamoly sin und Antihamoly sin," Wien. klin. Woch., 1900, 49. TETANOLYSINE. 135 It is particularly interesting to note that MADSEN was able to show that this weakening was due to the formation of toxoids. In his experiments he followed exactly the same methods as were used by EHRLICH in elucidating the constitution of diph- theria poison — i.e., he determined the conditions of combination with the specific anti-body of tetanolysine. This antilysine is present in the preparations of antitoxine against tetanus. In the first place, MADSEN established a unit of toxic activity and a unit of the antilytic power of the anti-body, in accordance with Ehrlich's methods, though here obviously the experiment on an animal had to be replaced by a determination of the blood-solvent power in a test tube. Then, on investigating the conditions of the partial neutralisation of the poison with anti- toxine, he found that they were quite analogous to those in the case of diphtheria poison, for the neutralisation did not take place regularly throughout the whole quantity of poison, but zones of different combining power with regard to the anti- lysine could be detected. An addition of only one-thirteenth of the total amount of antitoxine required to neutralise the toxic unit was sufficient to reduce the hsemolytic power by a half ; an addition of a fifth neutralised as much as nine-tenths of the poison ; whilst one-half neutralised ninety-nine hundredths. From this it follows that that part of the poison which has the greatest affinity for the antilysine is also endowed with the main proportion of the activity, that then come a second and third zone with less affinity and also smaller solvent capacities, and finally the " spectrum " is completed by a zone with slight affinity and little toxic activity. We have here, then (to employ the terminology adopted in the case of diphtheria poison), a zone of highly active prototoxine, with then a broad zone of less active deuterotoxine (hemitoxine *?), followed by the zone of tritotoxine, and, lastly, the toxones, which only act upon certain particularly susceptible erythrocytes, and also enter much more slowly and feebly into combination. In general, only prototoxine and deuterotoxine act in the cold (MADSKN'). " If a poison is so far neutralised with antilysine that these two groups remain inactive, the still remaining tritotoxine has absolutely no solvent action at 8° C., even when present in the largest quantities. This, as MADSEN has shown, is due to the fact that at that temperature the toxophore group of the tritotoxine is inactive, for it combines with the erythrocytes even at that temperature, 1 Madsen, quoted by Dreyer, Zeit. /. Hyg., xxxvii., 274, 1901. 136 TOXIN ES AND ANTITOXINES. so that solution takes place after separating the mixture by centrifugal force and applying heat. MORGENROTH (p. 121) was able to demonstrate the occurrence of similar phenomena in the case of tetanus in the frog, A further analogy with diphtheria poison is seen in the mode of the formation of toxoids. Thus, tetanolysine decreases in strength very rapidly, and mainly, as in the case of diphtheria poison, at the cost of the prototoxine zone. The deuterotoxine zone is relatively more stable. Like tetanus poison, tetanolysine differs from diphtheria poison in requiring a certain amount of time, even several hours, to combine with the antitoxine. Its action upon the erythrocytes also does not begin at once, but only after a certain period of incubation, which decreases with the increase in the amount of poison. ARRHENIUS and MADS EN (loc. cit.) have made a closer examina- tion of this incubation period, and attribute it to the restrictive effect of the membrane (see General Part). According to ARRHENIUS and MADSEN it is not absolutely indispensable to assume the existence of poison spectra, as described above, in the case of tetanolysine, and, in their opinion, the quantitative ratios can be better explained by the hypothesis of dissociated conditions of equilibrium such as we described at length in the General Part. I have, however, cited MADSEX'S investigations for their bearing on EHRLICH'S " spectra " and the conclusions originally drawn from them, because it is not definitely decided that there is a plurality of poisons in this case. The results obtained by TIZZONI and CENTANNI l show that the toxoids can also have an immunising effect, for they found that an anti-body to the lysine could be prepared by means of tetano- spasmine which apparently contained no lysine. Further experiments made by MADSEN 2 upon tetanolysine are very interesting, and have also an important bearing upon the question of the therapeutic action of antitoxines — i.e., upon their power of again liberating the lysine from its combination with the cell. It was found that, by the addition of antilysine, lysine in combination with the blood-corpuscles could be liberated again, and that the blood platelet could be "healed" even after it had been attacked. The necessary dose, however, increased very rapidly, just as in the case of diphtheria poison and tetano- 1 Tizzoni and Centanni, Real Accad. Bologna, 1900, quoted by Neisser and Wechsberg, loc. cit. 2 Madsen, "Ueber Heilversuche im Reagenzglas " Zeit.f. Hyg., xxxii., 239, 1899. PYOCYANOLYSINE. 137 spasmine. Even after five minutes twice the dose was required; after fifteen minutes, three times ; and after thirty minutes, five times the amount of a single protective dose. Beyond that time accurate measurements were not possible, since, prior to the addition of the antilysine, the amount of solution was so great that the shade of colour could no longer be accurately matched. PYOCYANOLYSINE. A similar bacterial hsemolysine has been obtained from culti- vations of B. pyocyaneus by BULLOCH and HUNTER. l They isolated it from eight different cultivations, the " results being practically the same." The hsemolytic power was tested upon the blood-corpuscles of the most different species of animals, the amounts usually em- ployed being 0-5 c.c. of the unfiltered culture, or 1-5 to 2 c.c. of that filtered through a Chamberland filter. Rabbit's blood offered some resistance. There is very little pyocyanolysine present in young cultures, the filtrate being practically devoid of it. Cultivations three to four weeks' old yield a filtrate which also contains lysine, though invariably in a very small proportion as compared with that in the main cultivation. BULLOCH and HUNTER conclude from this that the lysine is combined with cells of the bacilli, and is not liberated until the cultivations grow older. In consequence of this combination with the cells it is somewhat protected from the destructive effect of heat, so that the unfiltered cultivation can resist a temperature of 100° C. for a short period (fifteen minutes), whereas the poison in the filtrate is rapidly destroyed by boiling. The antilysine has not yet been detected. These results were, in the main, confirmed immediately after- wards by WfiiNGEROFF,2 who, however, also obtained the lysine by filtration of the cultures. Subsequently MARG. BREYMANN 3 found the lysine only in the filtrates, even in the case of young cultivations. WEINGEROFF was able to give a direct proof that the lysine combined with the blood-corpuscles, while the toxine present in 1 Bulloch and Hunter, " Ueber Pyocyanolysin," CentralbL f. Bakt., xxviii., 865, 1900. 2 Weingeroff, " Zur Kenntnis des Hamolysins des B. pyocyaneus," CentralbL f. Bakt., xxix., No. 20, 1901. 3 M. Breymann, " Ueb. Stoffwechselprod. d. B. pyocyaneus," CentralbL /. Bakt., xxxi., 481, 1902. 138 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. the same solution remained at liberty. This showed that the lysine and toxine were discrete. LuBENAU,1 too, found that an old pyocyaneus cultivation (twenty-one months) had a very pronounced hsemolytic action \ it was strongly alkaline ; neutralisation perceptibly weakened the hsemolytic function, but did not destroy it. LOEW and KozAi2 found that the admission of air and the addition of sugar promoted the formation of pyocyanolysine. According to BREYMANN the lysine, resists the action of heat. COLILYSINE. A principle that attacked the corpuscles of the blood, and was not destroyed by heat, was discovered by KAYSER 3 in cultivations of B. coli. It is produced when the reaction of the liquid is very faintly acid. Its action is most pronounced upon the blood of the dog, and then upon that of the horse, ox, and rabbit, while it has little or no effect upon the blood of man, the guinea-pig, sheep, goose, and pigeon. The order of the degree of activity upon the different kinds of blood differs from that of sfcaphylolysine. The poison is present in filtered cultivations of three days' growth, not in the cells of the bacteria. The haemolysis is not preceded by agglutination. The lysine can resist a temperature of 120° C. for thirty minutes without injury. It combines with the erythrocytes in the cold like a true toxine, and, on warming, solution takes place. Its stability on keeping varies very considerably. On subcutaneous injection there is formed in the organism an antilysine which is stable at 56° C. Moreover, " healing " — i.e., restriction of haemolysis when once commenced — can be effected by means of antilysine (cf. Tetanolysine). Normal serum, especially that of the horse, also contains the antilysine. STAPHYLOLYSINE. The history of the investigation of the staphylococci poisons and their role is, in the main, a description of the same labyr- ynthine paths as have usually been followed in the examination 1 Lubenau, " Hamolyt. Fahigkeiten einzelner pathog. Schizomyceten," Centralbl.f. Bakt., xxx., 356. 2 Loew and Kozai, " Ueb. d. Bild. des Pyocyanolysins," Malys Jb., xxxi., 912, 1901. 3 Kayser, "Ueb. Bakterienhamolysine, bes. d. Colilysin," f. Hyg., xlii., 118, 1903. STAPHYLOLYSINE. 139 of bacterial toxines. Fortunately in this case, unlike that of the streptococci, for example, definite results have been yielded by the latest researches. As regards the earlier investigations only three are really of importance. RODET and COURMONT 1 discovered in cultivations of staphylococci an im- munising substance precipitable by alcohol. REiCHEL,'2 who made a closer study of the problem, was able, by filtration of cultivations of Staphylo- coccus pyogenes aureits, to isolate a specific poison, which was, however, not very toxic, and against the action of which immunity could be obtained. MOSNY and MARCANO3 found that staphylococci were slightly poisonous, and, on injection, produced an antitoxine. We know now that Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus produces two specific poisons, one of which, leucocidine, has a poisonous action on the leucocytes, whilst the other, a lysine, affects the red corpuscles of the blood. The first to indicate briefly the existence of a staphylotoxine acting on the red corpuscles, as a substance distinct from leuco- cidine, was VAN DE VELDE,* and then KKAUS and CLAiRMONT.5 This lysine was first systematically studied, however, in Ehrlich's Institute by N KISSER and WECHSBERG.6 Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus produces a blood - solvent toxine, which can be detected in bouillon cultures after three to four days' growth, the optimum period for its formation being ten to fourteen days. The best condition for its production is in the still faintly acid broth, to which has been added from a third to a half of the quantity of normal alkali required for its complete neutralisation. It can be separated by filtration. The capacity for producing lysine varies very greatly with the different species of staphylococci, and apparently, as is also the case with the true toxines, stands in no direct ratio with regard to its virulence for man. The true pyogenic species, albus and aureus, invariably produce it, but there are numerous other non- pathogenic species that produce no lysine. The quantity of 1 Rodet and Courmont, " De 1'existence . . . dans des cultures du staphylocoque d'une substance vaccinante," Comptes Rend., cxiii., 432, 1891. 2 Reichel, " Ueb. Immunitat gegen das Virus von Eiterkokken," Arch. /. Uin. Chirurg., xlii., 237, 1891. 3 Mosny and Marcano, " De Faction de la toxine du staphyl. pyog.," Sent. Med., 1894, 544^ 4 Van de Velde, ' ' Etude s. 1. mecanisme de virulence du staphylocoque pyogene," La Cellule, x. ; id., "Contribution a 1'immunite des lapins centre le Staphylocoque," Ann. Past., x., 580, 1896. 5 Kraus and Clairmont, " Ueber Hamolysine u. Antihamolysine." Wien. Tdin. Woch., 1890, 49. 6 Neisser and Wechsberg, "Ueber das Staphylotoxin," Zeit. /. Hyg., xxxvi., 299, 1901. 140 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. lysine formed varies with the different species, as does also the period of time at which the maximum production occurs. According to LUBENAU l this fluctuates considerably within a few hours. The addition of glucose to the cultivations reduces the yield of lysine (KAYSER2). Staphylolysine answers the requirements of the true toxines as regards the influence of external factors. While it can generally be kept for a long period unaltered in an ice chest (with the addition of phenol) it is destroyed in twenty minutes at 56° C., is injured at 48° C., and even when kept in an incubating chamber loses its activity within a few weeks. It can resist the action of considerable quantities of alkalies, acids, and ordinary salt ; but strong alkalinity, especially at the incubation temperature, is injurious. The blood-corpuscles of different animals vary considerably with regard to their susceptibility towards the same lysine ; the erythrocytes of the rabbit appear to be the most susceptible, while those of man, of the goat, and, above all, of the goose, offer much greater resistance. A still further complication is intro- duced into the conditions by the fact that the normal serum of most species of animals exercises a more or less pronounced protective action against the lysine, so that in order to obtain comparable results, it is necessary to use washed blood-corpuscles. Rabbit's blood, apart from its special susceptibility, is also the best medium for the test, owing to the fact that normal rabbit's serum has only a very insignificant protective capacity. Even with the same blood it is possible, as in the case of tetanolysine, to demonstrate differences in the susceptibility of the erythro- cytes, so that even weak solutions of lysine dissolve certain blood- corpuscles, whereas considerably stronger solutions must be employed to obtain complete solution. ANTISTAPHYLOLYSINE. The protective force exerted by certain normal sera in varying degree against the action of staphylolysine must be attributed to the presence of a specific anti-body whose activity is exclusively directed against staphylolysine. Normal horse serum, in par- ticular, is sometimes so rich in it that as little as O'Ol c.c. will afford protection against a dose of staphylolysine that would otherwise dissolve the corpuscles en masse. 1 Lubenau, " Hamolytische Fahigkeit einiger pathogener Schizomyceten," Centralbl.f. Sakt., xxx., 356, 1901. 2 Kayser, "Einw. d. Traubenzuckers auf Staphylococcus," Zeit. f. Hyg.t xl., 21, 1902. ANTISTAPHYLOLYSINE. 141 Normal horse serum also frequently affords protection against tetano- lysine. From this KRAUS and CIAIRMONT have drawn conclusions as. to the identity of the two lysines and their anti-bodies. NEISSER and WECHSBERG, however, were able to show that, on the one hand, immune sera that afforded protection against staphylolysine had no action at all upon tetanolysine, and that, on the other hand, tetanus sera, which acted energetically against tetanolysine, afforded under certain conditions much less protection than normal serum against staphylolysine. Staphylolysine thus shows itself to be a true toxine in so far as it possesses a specific anti-body, which is present even in many normal sera including human serum, in varying amounts, and is invariably formed whenever an animal is rendered immune against the lysine. This is attained by subcutaneous or intravenous, but not peritoneal, injection of small doses twice or thrice repeated into goats or rabbits. A very interesting point is the protection afforded to the lysine by combining with the anti-body. Although the anti- body can resist temperatures up to 68° C., which speedily destroy the lysine, it is not possible to eliminate the toxine f rom a normal mixture by means of heat, and to leave the antitoxine free. All these lysines, whatever their origin, produce the same anti- lysine effective against them all, so that it would seem that we have here to deal with a simple haptine. The evidence is in- sufficient for us to decide whether we have here products of the activity of staphylococci or normal side-chains in the stricter sense of the word. Yet anti-bodies of the most diverse kind occur in normal serum with such relative frequency as to render it probable that normal receptors may actually have an affinity for the poisons in question, which in this case may have the form of free amboceptors resembling the receptors of the blood- corpuscles. The Constitution of Staphylolysine.— Staphylolysine has many analogies with tetanolysine in its constitution. It is not con- structed on the type of Bordet and Ehrlich's hsemoly sines — i.e., it does not, like them, consist of two parts, the "amboceptor" and the "complement" for after being heated to 56° C., at which temperature it becomes inactive, it can not be rendered active again either by normal serum or any other means. Nor does this lysine, after being rendered inactive, still produce an anti- body, as do the intermediate bodies that withstand the heat in the case of the haemolysines. Its structure is thus that of the simple toxine ; the haptophore and toxophore groups are attached to one nucleus. As in the case of the simple toxines, the hapto- phore group is able to enter into combination even in the cold, 142 TOXINES AND ANT1TOXTNES. while solution does not take place owing to the toxophore, group remaining inactive. If the erythrocytes of rabbits' blood be treated for some hours with staphylolysine at 0° C., no solution occurs ; but on carefully washing the erythrocytes, and warming them to 37° C. solution, it immediately takes place. Perfectly analogous conditions of combination and activity have been observed by MORGENROTH (loc. cit.) in tetanus in the frog, and by MADSEN in the case of tetanolysine. Staphylolysine is thus closely allied to the true toxines. This analogy goes still further. Adopting Ehrlich's method of determining the constitution of a toxine, NEISSER and WECHS- BERG have treated a definite amount of toxine with increasing fractions of the antitoxic unit, and have thus obtained " spectra," which present many analogies with those of diphtheria toxine and tetanolysine. There is no need to go more fully into these details here. Hsemolysines are also produced by other bacteria, as has been described — e.g., by LUBENAU (loc. cit.), and KRAUS and CLAIRMONT (loc. cit.). Agents with a solvent action upon the blood are formed by cholera micro-organisms and other similar vibriones. LEVY 1 isolated from typhus cultivations a lysine which acted most upon dogs' blood. By means of immunisation with typhoid cultures he succeeded in preparing an antilytic serum. Typhoid lysine also resists the action of heat. A streptolysine that was fairly stable when heated has been described by BESREDKA.2 It only occurs in young cultivations, and varies in its proper- ties with the nature of the culture medium. It is only destroyed after two hours' heating at 70° C., and is not dialysable. It does not form an anti-body under any condition, and thus is apparently not a haptine at all. For this reason I give no further particulars about it here. A hsemolysine isolated from cultures of the pneumococcus has been described by CASAGRANDI.S It is characteristic of this that only the non-pathogenic varieties of this diplococcus should form a lysine. Its constitution is similar to that of the other toxines. and it forms an anti-body. Certain species are also stated to produce a specific leucocidine in addition to the lysine. 1 E. and P. Levy, "Ueber die Hamolysine des Ty.-B.," Centralbl. f. Bakt., xxx., 405, 1901. 2Besredka, " De 1'h^molysine streptococcique," Ann. Past., xv., 880, 1901. 3 Casagrandi, " L'Emolisina e la Leucolisiua Diplococcica," Bull. Soc. Lands. Rom., xxvii., 2; Biochem. Centralbl., i., 402, 1903. THE LEUCOCIDINE OF THE STAPHYLOCOCCI. 143 Lastly, specific hcemagglutinines obtained from the filtrates from bacteria — e.y.t from staphylococcus and different vibriones — have recently been described by KRAUS and LuowiG.1 They are destroyed at 58° C. and form specific anti-bodies. They must be kept quite distinct from the specific hsemolysines. A lysine of the plague bacillus has also been described by IJRIARTE.2 THE LEUCOCIDINE OF THE STAPHYLOCOCCI. Simultaneously with the production of- lysine there is formed in the case of the typical species of staphylococci a second soluble toxine, leucocidine, which was independently discovered by VAN DE YELDE (loc. cit.) and by BAIL,S and was more closely studied by NEISSER and WECHSBERG.4 Its specific activity is directed mainly against the leucocytes, which it kills and dissolves, and also against certain other cells, such as hsematoblasts, ganglionic cells, &c. Owing to the fact that it appears to destroy the leucocytes in the living organism also, it produces infarct and other alterations in the kidneys. It does not appear, however, to have a specific action upon the epithelium of the kidneys. NEISSER and WECHSBERG tested its activity by means of their " bioscopic method" in which they took the reducing power of the leucocytes as the measure of their vitality, a dilute solution of methylene blue being used as the indicator. If the leucoci- dine was active no decolorisation of the methylene blue took place. In such determinations it is obvious that the quantity of leucocytes present must be taken into account; this was done by determining beforehand the single reducing dose, Lr, for each exudation from the living cells, and taking this result as the basis of the calculation. Leucocidine is produced in bouillon cultivations in about four days, and reaches its maximum in about eight days. As regards the influence of the alkalinity of the culture fluid almost the same conditions appear to hold good for leucocidine as for staphylolysine. Leucocidine invariably occurs in association with the lysine. 1Krausand Ludwig, "Ueb. Bakteriohamagglutinine," Wien. Idin. Woch., 1902, 120. 2 Uriarte, " H^molysine du bac. pesteux.," Soc. BioL, Ivii., 254, 1904. 3 Bail, "Ueber leukocide Substanzen in den Stoffwechselprodukten d. Staph. pyog. aureus," Arch. f. Hyg., xxxii., 133, 1898. 4Neisser and Wechsberg, "Ueber eine neue einfache Methode z. Beob. von Schadigungen leb. Zellen und Organismen," Munch, med. Woch., 1902, 1261. 144 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. The same species of staphylococci that produce the lysine also produce leucocidine, although far from invariably in correspond- ing quantity. As in the case of the lysine, passage through an animal increases the production of poison. It is, nevertheless, a specific poison unmistakably distinct from, the lysine^ and possesses its own haptophore and toxophore groups. The lysine does not combine with the leucocytes. Leucocidine passes into the sterilised filtrates and is thus a soluble poison. It is somewhat less stable than the lysine. At 50° C. it is destroyed in twenty minutes, and at 58° C. in ten minutes. When kept, preserved with phenol, in an ice chest it very rapidly becomes weaker, its activity being from twenty-five to sixty times less after sixteen days. Eventually it becomes quite inactive. Its action is fairly slow, so that it is essential to extend the period of observation to two hours. It is shown to be a true toxine by the fact that it is capable of forming an antitoxine. DENYS and VAN DE VELDE x were the first to prepare an anti- leucocidine by means of the injections of the filtrates from cultivations. Then NEISSER and WECHSBERG discovered anti- leucocidine in normal horse serum and human serum, but not in that of the rabbit ; in like manner they invariably obtained an antileucocidine of uniform character by immunising rabbits and goats. We have thus in the leucocidine of staphylococci a true toxine, which has specific action upon leucocytes — characteristic activity which has hitherto only had an analogy in the pneumococcus leucocidine discovered by CASAGRANDI (loc. cit.). 1 Denys and Van de Velde, " Sur la production d'une antileucocidine, &c.," La Cellule, xi., quoted by Neisser and Wechsberg. 145 II. —THE ENDOTOXINES. CHOLERA VIRUS. THE question of the nature of cholera virus, and of its position with regard to the true toxines, is still far from being definitely settled. Apart from the unfortunate fact that we meet with direct contradictions in the experimental results, there is also one very important circumstance that increases the difficulty of making a survey in this and many very similar cases, such as the poisons of typhus, pneumococcus, &c. The earlier investigators of immunity were not at that time able to draw the fundamental distinction between antitoxic and bacteri- cidal immunity, and thus at first no systematic research was made to determine the existence of a cholera toxine and anti- toxine. But even at the present day the difficulty of investi- gation is greatly increased by the fact that immunity against cholera is undoubtedly, in the main, bactericidal, and that anti- toxic immunity, even if it exists at all, occupies an absolutely secondary position. Even inoculation with the dead cells apparently produces a purely antibacterial immunity. The history of cholera virus begins with R. Kocn,1 who had long regarded cholera as a disease due to toxine poisoning, although it was only after tedious experiments that he suc- ceeded in causing rapid poisoning, and then only by means of living bacteria. On the other hand, NICATI and RiETSCH2 obtained poisonous filtrates devoid of specific activity, as was also done by YAN ERMENGEM.S Then followed the usual inves- tigations of the soluble crystalloid substances of a ptomaine character which had been isolated from the cultures, but were soon recognised as not responsible for the toxic action of the vibriones. The toxalbumins, too, which BRIEGER and FRANKEL isolated by their method from cholera cultivations, were found 1 R. Koch, " Vort. uber die Cholera," Berl Idin. Woch., 1884, 498; id., "Zweite Conferenz z. Erort. d. Cholerafrage," ibid., 1895 [37a], 8. 2 Nicati and Rietsch, "Effets toxiques des produits, &c.," Comptes Rend., xcix., 929, 1884. 3 Van Ermengem, "Sur 1'inoculation des produits de culture du bacille virgulse," Bull. Acad. Med. Be/g., [3], xviii., 1221, 1884. 10 146 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. by them to be substances having only a slight toxic action, and not producing any specific effects. Their cholera toxalbumin, in particular, was insoluble in water and not poisonous to rabbits. The first successful attempt to isolate a poisonous and approxi- mately specifically active product from Koch's vibrio was made by PETRi.1 He discovered in peptone cultivations a soluble poison, which killed guinea-pigs with hypothermia and other symptoms of cholera poisoning, although fairly large doses (2 c.c.) were required. His " toxopeptone," it is true, differed widely from the true toxines in that it could resist boiling. He also confirmed the far-reaching observation first made by CANTANi,2 that the cells after being killed invariably still con- tained an abundance of virus, so that the filtered cultivations were never as poisonous as the original sterilised cultures. KLEMPERERS also found that the dead cells were still poisonous and could act per os when the acidity of the stomach was partially neutralised and the intestine in a state of rest. Next come the experiments of HuEPPE4 and SCROLL 5 to obtain a "toxine" by means of anaerobic cultivations in eggs and precipitation with alcohol, but their results were contradicted by GRUBER and WIENER/ WESBROOK,7 and DoNiTZ,8 who were unable to prepare active specific poisons by these means. GAMALEiA9 concluded that there were two cholera poisons. He cultivated the vibriones for fifteen days in calf's-foot bouillon and sterilised the culture at 120° C. The poison thus obtained caused death preceded by a marked fall of temperature and paralysis, as well as by hypersemia of the abdominal organs. There was absolutely no acclimatisation to this poison, which 1 Petri, "Unters. iib. die d. d. Wachstum der Cholerabakt. entstehenden chemischen Umsetzungen," Arb. Kais. Ges.-Amt., vi., 374, 1890. 2 Cantani, "Giftigkeit der Cholerabazillen," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1886, 789. 3 Klemperer, "Ueb. kiinstlichen Impfsehutz gegen Choleraintoxikation," Berl. Tdin. Woch., 1892, 789. 4 Hueppe, "Ueb. d. Aetiologie u. Toxikologie der Cholera asiatica," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1891, 417. 6 Scholl, "Unters. iib. giftige Eiweisskb'rper bei Cholera asiatica," Arch, f. Hyg., 1892, 172. 6 Gruber and Wiener, "Ueb. d. intraperiton. Cholerainfektion," Wien. Tdin. Woch., 1892, 543. 7 Wesbrook, " Contrib. a 1'etude d. toxines du Cholera," Ann. Past., viii., 318, 1894. 8 Donitz, "Ueb. d. Verhalten d. Chol.-Vibr. im Huhnerei," Zeit.f. Hyg., 1895, 20, 31. 9 Gamalei'a, "Recherches exper. sur les poisons du Cholera," A rch. de Med. Exper., 1892, 173. CHOLERA VIRUS. 147 originated from the cells of the vibriones and was of a nucleic character. In addition to this, however, the cultivations con- tained a poison, a nucleo-albumin, which was unstable when heated; it occurred in the cultures that had been sterilised at 58° C., while the filtrates were only very slightly poisonous. It produced very violent diarrhoea and other choleraic symptoms. WASSERMANN1 found that the dead cells when used in the proportion of eight to ten times the quantity of the living vibriones produced the typical symptoms, ending in death, in a guinea-pig. By evaporation of the cultures and precipitation with alcohol he obtained a poison which, in a dose of 0*02 grm., killed guinea-pigs but produced no antitoxic immunity. PFEIFFER and WASSERMANN2 and ISSAEFFS assert that the serum of im- mune animals does not confer antitoxine immunity. KLEMPERER* found filtered cultivations to be slightly poisonous. The question was then further investigated by WESBROOK. He cultivated the vibriones on alkali albuminate which gave no biuret reaction. After three weeks there was an unmis- takable biuret reaction. The poison, when filtered through porcelain, was fatal to guinea-pigs in doses of 0'5 to T5 c.c. and possessed immunising capacity. He attempted to isolate it by neutralising the alkali albu- minate with hydrochloric acid so that it was precipitated, concentrating the filtrate in vacuo at 40° C., and dialysing it after the addition of alcohol. Both the precipitated albuminate and the albumose left in the filtrate were poisonous. He also obtained from a rich growth of the bacteria in proteid- free culture-media (like those employed by USCHINSKY), to which a certain proportion of sodium hydroxide had been added, a poison which, after imperfect purification, yielded a brown sub- stance that gave no biuret reaction and only a faint xantho- proteid reaction. It had a poisonous action and immunising capacity. From these results he concluded that cholera virus was only in combination with proteids, but was not a proteid itself. This poison was invariably only sparingly produced in the cultivations, and was but very slightly poisonous in comparison 1 Wassermann, " Unt. iib. Immun. geg. Choi, asiatica," Zeit. f. Hyg., xiv., 35, 1893. 2 Pfeiffer and Wassermann, " Unters. iib. das Wesen d. Choleraimmuni- tat," f. Hyg., xiv., 46, 1893. 3Issaeff, "Unt. lib. d. kiinstl. Imm. geg. Cholera," Zeit. f. ffyg.,xv., 287, 1894. 4 Klemperer, " Schutzimpf . d. Menschen geg. asiat. Cholera," Berl. Uin. Woch., 1892, 970. 148 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. with diphtheria toxine and tetanus toxine, and hence PFEIFFER1 asserted that cholera virus possessed a totally different nature and mode of production to these true toxines. He put forward the view that cholera virus was not an excretion product of the, vibriones, but a substance firmly retained within the cell in the normal condition, an " endotoxine," which only left the bacteria after the death of the latter. This would account for the rela- tively small toxic action of the filtered cultivations compared with the highly poisonous effects of the living cultures, and, as was shown by PFEIFFER, of the dead bacilli. PFEIFFKK advanced, in support of his view, the following facts which he had observed : — The germ-free filtrate of bouillon cul- tures is only about half as poisonous as the original cultivation before boiling. If boiled cultivations are filtered the germ-free filtrate is more poisonous than that from the unboiled culture. But if, on the other hand, the filtrate from the untouched culti- vations is boiled, it loses its toxic property. If the vibriones are killed by means of chloroform or thymol the poisonous property is retained, whereas the addition of alcohol and precipitation with ammonium sulphate have an injurious effect upon it. When the vibriones are allowed to dry slowly, so that they die, they retain their toxic power. If they are then heated with water and the liquid filtered through a Chamberland filter, the filtrate is non-poisonous ; nor is glycerin any more effective in extracting the poison from the dead cells. PFEIFFER 2 concludes that there is a primary very unstable poison which is converted by heat into the secondary poison, prepared by SCROLL and others, which while acting in the same manner is ten to twenty times weaker. PFEIFFER3 still firmly maintained his theory even after RANSOM 4 had claimed to have prepared, from cultivations, an active cholera toxine possessing true immunising powers, and after SoBERNHEiM5 had, at an earlier period, obtained by filtra- tion of old cultivations in a rapid state of decomposition a poison that acted per os, and also produced immunity. RANSOM himself 1 Pfeiffer, " Unters. lib. d. Choleragift," Zeit.f. Hyg., xi., 393, 1892. 2 See also Pfeiffer, " Studien zur Cholera- Aetiologie," Zeit. f. Hyg., xv., 268, 1894. 3 Pfeiffer, " Ueber die spezifische.n Antikorper der Cholera," Zeit. f. Hyg., xx., 217, 1895; id., "Ein neues Grundgesetz der Immunitat," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1896, Nos. 7 and 8. 4 Ransom, "Choleragift u. Choleraantitoxin," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1895, 457. 5 Sobernheim, " Experim. Unters. iib. Choleragift und Cholerschutz," Zeit.f. Hyg., xiv., 485, 1893. CHOLERA. VIRUS. 149 gave no further details as to the preparation of his poison, but BEHRiNG1 subsequently stated that Ransom's poison was obtained from cultivations of five to ten days' growth, by means of a short heating at 100° C., filtration through a Pukall's filter, and pre- cipitation with alcohol. This solid poison is stated to produce violent choleraic symp- toms and death when tried upon animals. It causes in the organism of the animal a slight formation of antitoxine (protec- tion against four to six times the lethal dose), and in this respect should be regarded as a true toxine. Against this, however, must be placed its stability when heated, which, according to RANSOM, is one of its characteristics, and also its relatively small toxic action (0-07 grm. of the solid poison is the lethal dose for guinea-pigs). PFEIFFER, therefore, regards Ransom's poison as a secondary product, and is of opinion that its reputed antitoxic power is not greater than that of the normal serum. METSCHNIKOFF, Roux, and TAURELLI-SALIMBENI 2 brought forward the following interesting experiments in opposition to Pfeiffer's theory : — They placed 3 to 4 c.c. of a peptone solution, part of which contained living vibriones and in part of which the micro-organisms had been killed by means of chloroform, in sterilised collodion capsules, which were then hermetically closed and placed in the abdominal cavity of guinea-pigs. The animal treated in this way with the dead vibriones became slightly ill, whereas that poisoned with the living micro-organisms perished in three to five days with typical choleraic symptoms. Post- mortem section showed the usual alterations found in cholera, but in none of the organs were there any vibriones, although these were alive in the capsule. Some of the animals survived and then showed an increased resistance. The inevitable deduction to be drawn from this experiment is as follows : — In the culture medium contained in this closed capsule which thus represented a model intestine, there was formed a poison which could diffuse through the collodion membrane whilst the vibriones developed vigorously inside the capsule. On the other hand, but little poison was liberated from the dead cells — only sufficient to produce slight illness. 1 Behring, ' ' Untersuch. Ransoms iib. die Agglutination der Cholera- vibriones," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1898, 294. 2 Metschnikoff, Roux, and Taurelli-Salimbeni, ' ' Toxine et antitoxine cholerique," Ann. Past., x., 257, 1896. 150 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. At first the vibriones showed vigorous increase within the capsule, but soon they assumed other forms and then no longer increased ; they did not die, however, but could still be cultivated months afterwards, on nutrient media. Passed through the body of an animal after intraperitoneal injec- tion they again yielded cultures of a high degree of virulence. They then endeavoured to obtain this poison also from culti- vations of the vibriones thus made virulent. Old cultures have relatively little toxic action, and they, therefore, used quite young cultivations of two to twenty-four hours to three or four days' growth. These when filtered had an average toxicity of O'S c.c. per 100 grms. of animal. The addition of serum to nutrient liquids increased the degree of toxicity and also the development of a torula form in the cultivation. The poison thus obtained was also stable when boiled, but was soon rendered inactive by air and light. When hermetically sealed up it kept for a long time. Alcohol and ammonium sulphate did not precipitate it. It behaved in a manner analogous to Ransom's poison. By injection of increasing doses it was possible to produce an antitoxic immunity, which although greater than that of normal serum, was yet exceedingly insignifi- cant compared with that of diphtheria and tetanus antitoxines. In the most favourable case 1 c.c. neutralised six times the lethal dose ! In this respect its behaviour is the very opposite of Pfeiffer's bactericidal antiserum, obtained by means of im- munisation with dead vibrio cells, which is devoid of any neutralising effect upon the toxine. This is an argument against the view that the dead cells contain any appreciable amount of immunising toxine, since otherwise this, when liberated, would necessarily show its power of forming an ti toxine. COURMONT and Do YON 1 also obtained a soluble poison that could be filtered ; it had an exceedingly small toxic effect, the lethal dose for a rabbit being 4 c.c. (!). It produced hypothermia and hsemorrhagia, also paralysis and peripheral neuritis. It was extremely sensitive to the influence of light and air. Culti- vations sterilised at 50° C. proved somewhat more poisonous. HAHN,2 on the other hand, employing Buchner's method of trituration and expression at a pressure of 4 to 5 atmospheres, isolated from quite young cultivations, a cholera plasmine, in the form of a yellowish-brown liquid, which when injected in doses of 0'5 to 0*6 c.c. protected guinea-pigs after eight days against ten times the lethal dose. Particularly interesting 1 Courmont and Doyon, " Effets de la toxine choler.," Arch, de Phys., xxviii., 785, 1896. 2Hahn, ' ' Immunisierungs- u. Heilversuche mit den plasmat. Zellsaften, &c.," Munch, med. Woch., 1897, 1344. CHOLERA VIRUS. 151 points in connection with these plasmines are that they are only very slightly poisonous, and that the immunity that they confer is apparently a true bactericidal one ; it is not as yet possible to prove that the active substances expressed are those that cause the formation of the bactericidal intermediate products. This question is of great theoretical importance and will be specially dealt with when we come to consider Tuberculine (q.v.). Buchner's plasmines cannot help us in the matter of the poisons and antitoxines of cholera. It is not altogether easy to form a definite conception of the nature and mode of action of cholera virus from these apparently contradictory experimental results. For this purpose the question must be formulated in a more precise manner in accordance with our theoretical conceptions concerning bacterial toxines. The question is then no longer: " Do the vibriones produce a soluble poison that gives rise to choleraic symptoms'?" but it is necessary to ask whether they produce a toxine — i.e., a poison which enters into combination in a specific manner, and eventually produces specific antitoxic immunity. When we put the question in this form the following conclu- sions may apparently be drawn with some degree of probability from the experimental results. It appears to be the fact that the vibriones produce a true toxine, which is very sensitive to all external influences, and even through the ageing of the cultivations undergoes a change in a manner that has yet to be further investigated. This toxine differs materially, however, from those of the diphtheria type, in that it is not, like such toxines, secreted in the free state and almost without residue by the vibriones, but appears to be energetically retained by them intra vitam. We here meet with peculiarities similar to those that occur in the case of true ferments. While, for example, yeast excretes only one enzyme, yeast diastase, it also contains others — e.g.,invertase and maltase — which are not given up by the living yeast cell, and can only be extracted after the cell has been killed, or after its membrane has been ruptured by means of glass powder. In addition fco these the yeast cell also contains E. Buchner's zymase, which can only be set at liberty by the very drastic means of trituration and expression under high pressure. Perfectly analogous conditions are found in the case of the inverting enzyme of Monilia Candida, which is also active after the addition of toluene, but has not yet been isolated from the cell of the mould-fungus by any of these methods.1 1 For further details of these ' ' Endoenzymes " see my Ferments and their Actions, Griffin & Co., London. 152 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. And the cholera vibrio retains such ferment within itself in firm combination, but capable of isolation by drastic means, as was shown by GERET and HAHN when they isolated a proteolytic enzyme. In like manner, then, the toxine also appears to be firmly combined with the living cell, to be an endotoxine analo- gous to the endoenzymes. After the death of the cell, however, it passes, partially at all events, into the culture medium, just like yeast invertase, so that, as PFEIFFER has shown, cultures killed by thymol, &c., or by drying, give indications of the poison they contain. But that the toxine, after the death of the vibriones, is really free, dissolved in the medium, and diffusible, is shown, again, by the experiments of METSCHNIKOFF, Roux, and TAURELLI-SALIMBENI, in which it was found that living vibriones enclosed in a collodion capsule exerted their toxic activity outside the membrane. For, without doubt, in an ex- periment on these lines, of luxuriant growth on a restricted culture medium, a process of death and decomposition would take place simultaneously with the development of new vibriones. And since in this case the toxine can, immediately after its production, exert its activity upon the organism, while itself protected from every injurious influence, we may conclude with some degree of probability that here the primary true cholera toxine is the active agent. Probably this presumably true toxine is also active in cases of real cholera in the living organism. And this toxine ought, therefore, also to produce an antitoxic reaction in the organism. That this reaction is so slight ought not to excite surprise, for, in the first place, the amount of toxine thus set free can only be very trifling, so that a high degree of immunisation is not to be expected ; and, further, this degree of antitoxic activity is lacking in a complete poison that has undergone secondary alterations, and, as we shall see below, probably contains numerous toxoids, the result being that the antitoxic power of the serum must appear too small. Thus the cholera vibriones, after death and decomposition, give up part of their endotoxine to the culture media ; at the same time it is highly probable that they still retain the larger proportion of the toxine, just as zymase is retained by yeast. Possibly the method of aseptic autolysis tried by CONRAUI l upon typhoid bacilli may enable us to prepare the primary cholera poison. This primary poison, a true toxine, is extraordinarily sensitive to external influences, in which respect it resembles zymase, and its full activity can therefore only be demonstrated under con- 1 Conradi, "Ueber losliche, durch Autolyse erhaltene Giftstoffe," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1903, No. 2. CHOLERA ANTITOXINE. 153 ditions as favourable as those of the above-described experiment of METSCHNIKOFF and his collaborators. A further conclusion to be drawn is that cultivations that have been killed contain only a very small amount of the toxine, and this accounts for the want of success in the attempts to isolate it as a chemical entity, and also the but trifling toxic action of the collodion capsules containing the dead cells. As the vitality of the cells grows weaker the proportion of true toxine present also decreases very rapidly, so that in old cultivations or those that have been destroyed there is little poison present except that secondary heat-resisting product that has been described by various observers. This is certainly no longer a true toxine, since it resists boiling and is relatively but slightly poisonous. This poison, too, is only secreted to a small extent, but is, at all events, sufficiently stable to be isolated as a definite substance distinct from the body cells of the vibriones. It has, moreover, a slight power of forming an antitoxine ; it thus shows all the characteristics that belong to Ehrlich's toxoids — viz., greatly reduced toxic capacity, greater stability, and the power of forming an antitoxine, as well as of entering into combination. Hence, from these considerations, we can conclude with some degree of probability that the cholera vibrio produces a true toxine, an endotoxine, comparable with yeast invertase, which is only separated scantily, if at all, from the living cell, and that this toxine is extremely unstable, and is very readily transformed into a secondary mixture of poisons rich in toxoids. At the same time, it is highly probable that, in addition to this poison so scantily secreted, the cholera vibrio, presumably, like all bacteria, also contains in its protoplasm a simple non- specific bacterial protein, which produces symptoms of inflam- mation, as, for example, that of the diphtheria bacillus. Only in this case it is not possible to separate the enzymic poisons so quantitatively as in the case of diphtheria, so that it is difficult here to obtain objective proof whether any such poisonous protein is present, in addition to the specific poisons. CHOLERA ANTITOXINE. We have shown above that it is probable that there is a cholera toxine which produces antitoxine to a small extent. No decisive unquestionable proof, however, that the serum of the animals in the experiments contains an active antitoxic substance has been given ; and so long as cholera antitoxine has not been actually 154 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. detected in the fluids of the body, the whole question whether KOCH'S vibrio produces a true toxine must be regarded as an open one. The question whether or no the serum of the animals used in the experiments confers antitoxic immunity does not necessarily coincide with that which is alone important, from the theoretical point of view — viz., Does it contain anlitoxine ? This antitoxine may possibly be very unstable, or, owing to its small quantity and its great dilution when introduced into the animal, it may become inactive. This would explain the negative results obtained by PFEIFFER, KOLLE, WASSERMANN, ISAEFF, and others in experiments on animals, and of LAZARUS* on convalescent cholera patients, assuming that there really exists a cholera antitoxine, proof of which has certainly not yet been brought. TYPHOID VIRUS. Almost the same description might be given of typhoid as of cholera virus, only that in this case the experimental material is far more scanty, and the question of the existence of a toxine and antitoxine has hardly passed the first stages of discussion. All that is certain is that typhoid bacilli can, under certain conditions, produce true toxine poisoning, and that the bacteria must therefore produce an active poison. On the other hand, it is equally certain that immunity against typhoid bacilli is essen- tially, as in the case of cholera, not antitoxic, but bactericidal, and antitoxic immunity, if it occurs at all, is only of slight importance. Here, too, the history of the investigations of the poison begins with the researches of BmEGER,'2 who first isolated typhotoxine, and subsequently his toxalbumin. These and similar preparations are not the specific typhoid poison. On the other hand, as was found by BEUMER and PEIPER,S and subsequently by CHANTEMESSE and WiDAL,4 cultures steri- lised at 100° to 120° C. in autoclaves are poisonous, the dose being from five to six times that of the living cultures ; the older they are the more toxic they become. 1 Lazarus, " Ueb. antitoxische Wirksamkeit des Blutserums," Berl. klin. Woch., 1892, Nos. 43-44. 2 Brieger, Weiteres fiber Ptomaine, Berlin, 1885. 3 Beumer and Peiper, "Bakt. Stud. lib. Typhusbaz.," Zeit. /. Hyg., ii., 110, 1887. 4 Chantemesse and Widal, " L'immunite centre le virus de la fievre typhoide," Ann. Past., ii., 54, 1888. Id., " £t. experim., &c., de 1'infec- tion typhique," ibid., vi., 755, 1892. TYPHOID VIRUS. - 155 Soluble poisons were prepared by BRIEGER, KITASATO, and WASSERMANN (loc. cit.) by heating the liquid cultures to 80° to 90° C. and precipitating with alcohol, and also by concentrating them at 37° C. before the addition of the alcohol. These had slight toxic and immunising properties, while the nitrates were absolutely inactive. SiROTiNiN1 obtained a poison possessing specific^) activity by filtration, but PFEIFFER and KoLLE's2 results were a direct contradiction of this. BITTER'S 8 prepara- tion was obtained by extraction with concentrated glycerin and evaporation in vacuo at 36° C. SANARELLI* cultivated very poisonous typhoid cultures on glycerin bouillon for a month at 36° C., and then sterilised them ; these cultures were frequently rendered more poisonous by intra- peritoneal injection into mice. From them he isolated, by means of maceration for several days at 60° C., a very weak soluble poison which produced specific symptoms in the mucous mem- brane of guinea-pigs and monkeys, especially that of the intestine. The lethal dose for rabbits amounted to 10 c.c. per kilo. There was nothing specific, however, in the symptoms in the case of this animal. RoDET5 found that filtered typhoid cultivations were slightly toxic, causing elevation of temperature and local signs of necrosis ; the residual cells had hardly any poisonous action. Special importance attaches to the results obtained by CnANTEMESSE,6 who obtained a very active typhoid toxine speedily decomposing in the air, by cultivation of the bacilli on an extract of spleen which had been digested with pepsin and again neutralised. Here, too, we find the same behaviour as in the case of cholera, the poison being not completely destroyed at 100° C. — i.e., doubtless being converted into a less poisonous, but more stable, modification. It is possible that in this case also we have to deal with toxoids. It acts upon susceptible animals, producing drowsiness, para- 1 Sirotinin, "Die Uebertrag. von Typhusbazillen auf Versuchstiere," Zeit.f. Hyg., i., 465, 1886. 2 Pfeiffer and Kolle, "Ueb. d. spez. Reaktion d. Typhusbazillen," f. Hyg., xxi., 203, 1896. 3 Bitter, ' ' Ueb. Festig. v. Versuchstieren geg. d. Intoxikation durch Typhusbazillen,';^^./. Hyg., xii., 298, 1892. 4 Sanarelli, "Etudes sur la fievre typhoide expe"rim." Ann. Past., viii., 193, 1894. 5 Rodet, " Sur les propriete's toxiques des cultures des bacilles d'Eberth," Soc. Bid., 1., 774, 1898. 6 Chantemesse, "Toxine typhoide soluble," Prog. Mtd., 1898, 245; id. " Losliches Typhustoxin," Wien. med. Blatter, 1898, 18 et seq. 156 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. lysis, and also, especially on intravenous injection, acceleration of the pulse and lowering of the blood-pressure. Introduced per os it is harmless. VINCENT 1 found that filtered cultures of EBERTH'S bacillus were very poisonous when injected into the cranium, and that even animals rendered immune to typhoid were not protected against its action. Hens and pigeons are almost refractory, while other animals show varying degrees of susceptibility. Rabbits are three times as susceptible as guinea-pigs. Soluble poisons were also found by MARTIN 2 in filtered typhoid cultivations ; he concluded that the poison retained in the cells was identical with this. He cultivated the bacilli in a bouillon partially prepared from extract of spleen and containing alkali albuminate. The collodion capsule method has been tried by RODET and GuECHOFF,3 but with little success. CONRADI 4 obtained typhoid poison by aseptic autolysis of the bacilli, mixing them with a 0*8 per cent, solution of sodium chloride and leaving them for at most forty-eight hours in the incubating chamber. In this way he prepared a solution of a cell-free poison, which in a dose of 2 c.c. killed guinea-pigs in twenty-four hours. This method and also that of MACFADYEN and ROWLAND 5 are particularly promising for the elucidation of this question in the future. MACFADYEN triturated the bacteria at the temperature of liquid air and thus obtained a poison that caused acute symptoms, and also, according to his preliminary experiments, produced antitoxic immunity. This typhoid endotoxine has been described more fully by MACFADYEN 6 in a detailed investigation recently published. It was found to be very poisonous. In immunisation experiments 1 Vincent, "Inoculation intercranielle du bacille Eberth, &c.," Soc. BioL, lv., 1214, 1903. 2 Martin, "Die chem. Prod. path. Bakt.," Wien. med. Blatter, 1898, No. 25 et seq. 3Rodet, A. and G. Guechoff, "Versuche die Methode der Kollodium- sackchen auf die Kenntnis der toxischen Produkte des Eberthschen Bacillus und des B. coli anzuwenden," Soc. BioL, lii., 962, 965, 1900. 4Conradi, " Ueber losliche, durch aseptische Autolyse erhaltene Gift- stoffe," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1903, No. 2. 5Macfadyen and Rowland, "An intracellular Toxine of the Typhoid Bacillus," Proc. Roy. Soc., Ixxi., 77, 1902, also Centralbl. f. Bakt., xxxiv., 618, 1903. 6Macfadyen, " t)ber das Vorkommen intracellularer Toxine," Z. fur allgem. Phys., iii., 303, 1904. DYSENTERY. 157 it had a protective action against both the toxine and infection with living bacilli. Whether these soluble poisons are true toxines or toxoids — i.e., whether or no they produce antitoxines in the body — is still more doubtful than in the case of cholera. PFEIFFER and KOLLE absolutely deny that there is any excretion of a free soluble poison or formation of antitoxine, whilst BITTER concludes that there is a slight production of antitoxine. On the other hand, CHANTEMESSE observed an unmistakable and energetic formation of antitoxine, after the injection of his typhoid toxine, especially in the case of the horse. We have thus, as in the case of cholera, a poison firmly retained in the cells of the bacilli, and only to be separated from them with difficulty. Our theoretical conclusions must, there- fore, with all reserve, be very similar to those we have drawn in the case of cholera virus — viz., that there possibly exists a typhoid toxine, but that it is hardly excreted in the free state, and that the poisons that have been prepared are greatly altered secondary products. BACILLUS COLI COMMUNIS. The only statements that the coll bacillus produces a toxine are those of BARBA-MORRHY l (of whose results only a short abstract giving no particulars of the nature of the poison was accessible to me), and that of RODET, who discovered them at the same time in typhoid cultures (q.v.). According to MARTIN'S results (loc. cit.) the coli bacillus and also Gaertner's B. enteritidis appear to behave in quite an analogous manner to the typhoid bacillus as regards the production of their poison. VAUGHAN 2 by heating the cells with dilute (1 per cent.) sulphuric acid, obtained a poisonous substance which was cer- tainly not a toxine. With regard to colilysine, vide supra. DYSENTERY. CONRADI (loc. cit.) has succeeded, by means of the method of aseptic autolysis, in preparing a soluble dysentery poison. After eighteen hours' autolysis he obtained poisons which killed large rabbits after the intravenous injection of 0-1 c.c. The symptoms were violent diarrhoea, paralysis, decrease of temperature, &c. In cases of chronic poisoning with smaller doses there were also intestinal ulcers and all the pathological and anatomical appearances of dysentery. 1 Barba-Morrhy, Baumgartens Jb., 1897, 403. 2Vaughan, "The intracellular Toxines of some Pathogenic Bacteria," J. Amer. Med. Assoc., 1903, 828 ; Biochem. CentralbL, i., No. 1,056. 158 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. PLAGUE TOXINE. The plague bacillus also produces soluble poisons which pro- bably belong to the true toxines, although the question is still unsettled. The nitrates of quite young cultivations have no poisonous action, as was shown by the concordant results of the German Commission,1 WERNiCKE,2 ALBRECHT and GHON.S On the other hand, toxic properties are developed in old cul- tivations (even after five days), and increase with their age. The cultures cause death, preceded by emaciation, degenerative changes in the liver, and weakness of the heart's action. The plague toxine has been most thoroughly studied by MARKL. MARKL4 found, first of all, that the cells of bacilli that had been killed by chloroform were very poisonous, but subsequently made use of the filtrates from bouillon cultures instead, which proved fully as poisonous. The toxic power was particularly great in the case of old cultures that had been grown at a lower temperature (about 20° C.), and it increased up to about the second month, after which it became stationary, and then decreased until eventually the toxine disappeared. Plentiful admission of air to the cultures was most essential. The temperature of incubation had an in- jurious effect upon the toxines. The lethal dose of the most active poisons amounted to 0-005 to O'Ol c.c. for mice and to about O'l c.c. for rats. In the case of these animals the poisoning proceeded rapidly, with symptoms of collapse, but without any anatomical altera- tion except fatty degeneration of the liver; with rabbits and guinea-pigs, however, it only acted in this way when very large doses had been given, and otherwise its action was more pro- tracted, extending over several weeks. Occasionally a splenic tumour and pigmentary atrophy of the liver were produced. In the case of a cat he observed, in addition to marasmus, loss of hair and wide-spread necroses of the skin. In guinea-pigs it pro- duced rigor and extreme lowering of the temperature (25° C.). 1< 1896. 2 Robert, "Ueber vegetabilische Blutagglutinine, " Sitzungsber. d. naturf. Oes.t Rostock, 1900, xxv. [5] (reprint). 192 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. With large doses of ricine the agglutination is followed by diffusion of the colouring matter of the blood, so that ricine has thus also a hcemolytic action. According to JACOBY this haemolysis is only an intensified form of agglutination and not a separate process. The agglutinating action is not restricted to the blood. LAU found that ricine also caused the agglutination of pus cells and the cells of organs, that it coagulated milk, and produced coagu- lations in solutions of white of egg and of plasmon, but did not affect solutions of myosin and human serum ; while STILLMARK obtained precipitates by means of ricine in the sera of the dog, cat, ox, and hen. The blood-corpuscles of different species of animals vary as regards their susceptibility, just as they do in the case of bacterial lysines. The blood of highly immune animals — e.g., goats — is yet completely susceptible to ricine poisoning, so that immunity through lack of receptors, comparable with natural immunity, does not occur. LAU * concluded that the blood-corpuscles of fish were abso- lutely proof against ricine, but FRANKEL 2 showed that this was only relative and that the introduction of larger doses of ricine caused agglutination of the blood of even the barbel (Barbus fluviatilis). This resistance is due to the presence of a normal anti-body in fish serum. Ricine antitoxine from goats' blood also possesses this protective power. Yet, on the other hand, normal barbel serum has no antitoxic effect upon the action of ricine in cats' blood. Great interest attaches to the question of how far this action upon the blood in vitro has a bearing upon the occurrence of general ricine poisoning. The older investigators, notably STILLMARK, were inclined to believe that the haemorrhage and necroses could be explained by a similar process of coagulation within the lumen of the vessels. Yet, on the one hand, thromboses have never been found ; and, on the other hand, as was shown above, these symptoms must be regarded as irritant effects of the poison in loco. Nor is any stoppage of the brain arteries suggested by the central symptoms. But, above all, this theory that the action of ricine upon the blood might be made responsible as the cause of death is disproved by the fact that MULLER was able to show that this ^au, " Ueber vegetabil. Blutagglutinine," Dissert., Rostock, 1901. 2Frankel, " Ueb. d. Wirkg. d. Ricins auf Fischblut," ffofm. Beitr., iv., 224, 1903. RICINE. 193 agglutination never occurred at all in the living blood. He also discovered that pepsin-hydrochloric acid checked this action upon the blood without affecting the toxic power — a result which, it is true, was denied by LAU, but was conclusively confirmed by JACOBY (vide infra). This question is particularly important because it should furnish an argument for deciding whether ricine is an individual substance, or whether its action upon the blood ought to be regarded as quite distinct from its toxic power, in the sense that there are two separate constituents of the castor seed, exerting their activity in a different way — a point of view put forward, e.g., by CUSHNY and MULLER. It is, however, extremely probable that the question in this form is not sufficiently precise. It is quite in accord with Ehrlich's theory that ricine should be a receptor of the second class of a somewhat complex constitution, possessing only one haptophore group but two ergophore groups — viz., a toxophore group which causes the poisoning, and another group producing the agglutination, and for which the term " agglutinophore " group has been suggested. This theory can be readily supplemented by the further hypothesis that these two ergophore groups differ in their degree of stability, a difference of susceptibility to digestion with pepsin-hydrochloric acid being in fact capable of detection, so that even to explain this phenomenon it is unnecessary to assume the existence of two substances. On the other hand, however, it is not as yet possible to demonstrate more fully the manifold nature of ricine poisons. As FRANKEL has shown, the antitoxine of normal barbel serum is absolutely devoid of protective power against the action of ricine upon cats' blood on the one hand, and, on the other hand, also against its toxic action upon rabbits and even upon the barbel itself, so that here there is evidence in support of the view that there is a distinct fish blood agglutinine and fish poison. We cannot discuss this question more fully until we are able to consider the action of ricine in the light of the side-chain theory. As in the case of all true toxines there are four points that justify a poison being included among the hap tines. We have already touched upon the small lethal dose, the incubation period, and the variable toxicological behaviour. But the most important point of all is the formation of anti- toxine in the organism, the production of active and passive acquired immunity. In this respect, also, the behaviour of ricine exactly corresponds with that of the bacterial toxines. It was, in fact, experiments 13 194 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. with ricine that led EHRLICH to his epoch-making researches upon antitoxic immunity. Immunity against Ricine, — EHRLICH l succeeded in rendering white mice and rabbits immune against ricine by first introducing small doses per os (and, in the case of rabbits, also by way of the conjunctival sac), and then, after attaining a certain degree of immunity, he was able by cautiously increasing the doses in sub- cutaneous injection to reach a fairly high state of immunity, the process taking about four months. Mice previously treated in this way were capable, after eight weeks, of resisting the lethal dose for a man. While a dose of 1 c.c. in a dilution of 1 : 200,000 per 20 grms. of body weight was absolutely fatal to the animals used in control experiments, Ehrlich was able to give doses of 1 c.c. of solutions of 1 : 500, or even 1 : 250, to the immunised animals, so that from 400 to 800 times the original immunity was obtained. It was no longer possible to produce pano- phthalmitis in immune animals even by the introduction of large doses, although there was still a frequent occurrence of the local necroses. Now, the serum of these immunised animals contains an anti- ricine, which, just like the bacterial antitoxines, is capable of combining with the ricine in vitro in such wise that both its toxic and agglutinating action are prevented in accordance with definite numerical laws. A special point of importance in this connection is the fact, also established by EHRLICH, that the same quantity of serum can influence both actions in the same way. A further proof that there is here a simple combination between the toxine and antitoxine has been brought by DANYSz,2 who found that on treating a neutral mixture of ricine and anti- ricine with proteolytic enzymes the antitoxine could be destroyed, so that the toxic power again appeared ; animals that had been given an exactly neutral mixture per os died of typical ricine poisoning. EHRLICH'S fundamental experiments have since been confirmed and extended by M. JACOBY 3 in a very exact and theoretically far-reaching investigation. JACOBY agrees with EHRLICH'S conclusion that there is a true quantitative combination in the action of antiricine upon ricine, 1 Ehrlich, " Exper. Unters. iib. Immunitat," Deutsch. med. Woch., 1891, 976, 1218; "Zur Kenntnis d. antitox. Wirkg.," Fortschr. d. Med., 1897, 2 Danysz, "Melanges des toxines avec les antitox.," Ann. Past., xvi., 331, 1902. 3 Jacoby, "Ueber Ricinimmunitat " Hofm. Beitr. z. chem. Physiol. u. PathoL, i., 51, 1901. RICINE. 195 and that antiricine consists of broken-off normal receptors. He has observed a very interesting deviation from the bacterial toxines. If an active immune serum be brought into contact with solutions of ricine a distinct precipitate is formed, which is also the case when solutions of antiricine are used (vide infra). On the other hand, there is no precipitate produced when active ricine is treated with normal serum or with destroyed antiricine, or when ricine rendered inactive by boiling is brought into con- tact with antiricine. DANYSZ (loc. cit.) simultaneously investigated this precipitate, and found that there was invariably an optimum of admixture at which the strongest precipitation occurred. We shall return presently to the conclusions that he drew from this result. This combination of ricine with antiricine is, as JACOBY rightly concludes, a primary one. The resulting neutral compound is, however, in this case only sparingly soluble, and thus forms a precipitate which also carries down, as usual, other proteids of the serum ; for this is the only way of explaining the amount of the precipitate. But there can be no question of any precipita- tion of proteid by some preeipitine that has been formed, and of this precipitate then carrying down with it the mixture of ricine and antiricine ; for even ricine that is free from albumin produces in the organism a serum that gives the albumin reactions. More- over, the strictly quantitative combination that is formed is opposed to the view that there might be any removal of the toxic power of the ricine by adsorption during a simultaneous precipitation of proteids • for the proteid precipitates containing ricine that have been formed in another manner — e.g., by nucleic acid (vide supra) — are poisonous, whereas this precipitate is not. But as soon as there is any excess of ricine present, the filtrate remains poisonous in exactly the degree corresponding to that excess. A removal of toxic power so quantitatively regulated cannot be accounted for by adsorption. An apparently paradoxical phenomenon can be simply ex- plained by the theory. The washed erythrocytes of highly- immunised animals are at least as susceptible, and apparently still more susceptible than the normal erythrocytes. It is theoretically conceivable that the power of forming receptors may become temporarily spent, so that the erythrocytes may contain few or none at all, with the result that their suscepti- bility may be very insignificant, or nil ; this appears to happen frequently in the case of eels' blood (q.v.). Conversely, the theory can also assume the possibility of the erythrocytes being endowed with the power of a very vigorous 196 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. formation of erythrocytes, so that they thus contain more than the normal quantity, and that their susceptibility is therefore unmistakably increased. On the other hand, it is obvious, and has been confirmed by the facts, that the erythrocytes in the natural serum of immune animals receive very considerable protection from the presence of anti-bodies in their serum. In one experiment JACOBY found such blood to require ten times as much ricine to produce the maximum agglutination as in the case of normal blood. This phenomenon of the haptines combining with the free side chains in preference to those in combination has been observed in the case of all toxines. The free receptors appear almost absolutely to have a greater degree of affinity than those attached to the cells. This fact forms the basis of every " cure " in cases of toxine poisoning — i.e., the disruption by means of the an ti toxine of a combination already formed with the cell. We have already shown in their respective places that this curative action is only possible for a very short time after the combination in the case of diphtheria and tetanus ; a very similar state of things is also found with the blood poisons, for MADSEN was able to detect in the case of tetanolysine (q.v.), and JACOBY, in the case of ricine, an arrest of agglutination through the subsequent addition of antiricine. But, in spite of its slight affinity, the haptophore group of ricine combines in the absence of free receptors just as quanti- tatively with those attached to the erythrocytes ; and just as tetanus poison becomes fixed to the central nervous system so is ricine quantitatively attached to the erythrocytes, so that the mixture has no action upon a fresh quantity of blood. The agglutinating action is thus completely paralysed through the quantitative combination of its substratum with the erythro- cytes. We ought, therefore, to conclude a priori that if ricine is an individual substance the toxic power of such mixtures should also be destroyed. This, however, is not the case. MULLER found that the filtrates from the precipitates produced by ricine were devoid of agglutinating power, but yet were poisonous, although to a considerably reduced extent, and without producing the typical appearances on post-mortem dissection. These experiments were not regarded as quite conclusive by JACOBY. In his opinion it was possible that there might be still some ricine mechanically carried down in the precipitate formed in the blood, and that this ricine might again be liberated during RICINE. 197 the slow filtration.1 But even JACOBY'S own experiments, made with unfiltered blood rendered non-coagulable, gave the same results. The mixture had the same degree of toxic power. He himself, however, raises the very important objection that although the poison in this way reaches the cells of the tissues in a combined form, these cells may very well possess the power of decomposing this combination and of attracting the poison to themselves to their own injury. For the receptors of the tissues, like the free receptors, may possess greater affinity for the toxine than do the erythrocytes, although, again, it must be less than that of the free receptors ; otherwise no immunity against the toxic action could be produced. This view is also supported by an argument which, to my surprise, was overlooked by JACOBY. If we assume that the tissue receptors combine more readily with the haptophore group of the ricine than does the latter with the receptors of the blood-corpuscles, we have an explanation why in cases of the poisoning of living animals with ricine the symptoms produced in the blood are so slight in comparison with the general symptoms, a fact for which it is otherwise difficult to account. These experiments, too, do not decide the question whether or no ricine consists of two separate substances. JACOBY, in a further research,2 made use of Ehrlich's method of separating haemolysines, by subjecting mixtures of ricine with blood-corpuscles to centrifugal force. The agglutinating power was invariably found to have disappeared from the liquid, whereas the amount of toxine varied from 25 to 90 per cent, of the original amount. The poison had never combined quanti- tatively with the receptors. Its action was also qualitatively unchanged. JACOBY next rendered animals immune by means of this poison freed from the agglutinine. The immune serum thus obtained showed not only antitoxic, but also anti-agglutinating power, although the plasma poison freed from agglutinine required less antitoxine than ordinary ricine. Exactly similar results were obtained with ricine that had been previously treated with pepsin-hydrochloric acid. This agglutinine-free poison also produced an antitoxine which had an influence upon both functions of the ricine. The action of pepsin-hydrochloric acid upon ricine had already been studied by JACOBY in his earlier investigation, and he had been able to confirm MULLER'S assertion that the agglutinating power was considerably reduced, even to -^ of its original amount. 1 Loc. cit., p. 68. That is, if I have correctly understood the drift of the argument, which is somewhat too briefly expressed. 2 Jacoby, "Ueber Ricinimmunitat," Hofm. Beitr., ii., 535, 1902. 198 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. But the name amount of antitoxins was required after the experiment as before to neutralise the greatly reduced agglutinat- ing power, as well as the unaltered toxic activity. One c.c. of antitoxine was required to neutralise the extraordinarily small agglutinating power of 5 c.c. of pepsin-ricine ; but the same quantity was also sufficient to destroy the toxic activity of the same quantity corresponding to at least 15 mgrms. of ricine (30 lethal doses). But, more than that, it was possible still to add enormous quantities of poison (up to 8 c.c. of pepsin-ricine) without killing the animals, though they certainly became emaciated. One is strongly reminded by these facts of the conditions observed in the case of bacterial toxines, especially those of tetanus and diphtheria. There, too, EHKLICH found that more than a single lethal dose had to be added to a completely neutral mixture (L0) in order to obtain L+ (see the value D in the General Part). Another very interesting result was shown by JACOBY'S ex- periments— viz., that whereas 1 c.c. of antitoxine was required to neutralise O26 c.c. of ricine solution before the treatment with pepsin, the same quantity was sufficient for 5 c.c. after the treat- ment. At the same time the toxic action remained unchanged, so that any possible destruction of the ricine molecules was out of the question. It surely follows from these experiments that a large number of the haptophore groups must have disappeared, which, in the untreated ricine, had combined with the receptors of the serum, but, subsequently, no longer had any attraction for the anti- ricine. But these haptophore groups could not have corresponded with the toxophore groups, since the toxic power remained un- changed. We are thus inevitably driven to the conclusion that non-poisonous haptophore groups must have been present in the crude ricine. JACOBY is thus justified in his conclusion that there are ricine toxoids which are destroyed by pepsin-hydrochloric acid. And they must also be syn- or protoxoids^ since they are simultaneously saturated on neutralisation. The conditions are quite the reverse in the case of the agglutinating function. It is true that the number of hapto- phore groups also shows a decrease here, but to a smaller extent than that of the ergophore groups. If, now, we assume that the haptophore groups are the same, it is probable that there are here formed new toxoids of a peculiar kind, which consist of only the haptophore and toxophore group, and have lost their ayglutino- phore group. RICINE. 199 And in support of the view that the haptophore groups are actually identical, and that ricine is thus an individual haptine, though of complex structure, we have, above all, the fact that the antitoxic and anti-agglutinating action remain just the same after the treatment with pepsin, and the results of immunising experiments with ricine devoid of agglutinine (vide supra). In the case of hap tines that were undoubtedly distinct, such as, e.g., tetanospasmine and tetanolysine, EHRLICH was unable to observe any trace of such a parallelism. On the other hand, much can also be said against their identity, so that the question cannot yet be regarded as definitely settled. But if we grant their identity commercial ricine must consist of the complex groupings represented in the diagram — toxophore W^^ agglutinophore haptophore and also of toxoids, either without any ergophore group,1 or with only the agglutinating group thus— These are eliminated by pepsin, possibly with the formation of toxoids with groupings in this form — Fresh ricine, like diphtheria poison, appears to contain less toxoids, for according to JACOBY, Merck's preparation gradually decreases in its activity. In addition to these bodies, which we are obliged to regard as pro- or syn-toxoids, there appear to be also toxones of ricine, though JACOBY has not touched upon this point ; at least this conclusion can be drawn from the ratios of D (L+ - L0) given 1 This is really the more probable ; it is difficult to conceive that there should be toxoids containing such a sensitive group as the agglutinophore group. This question, however, is of quite secondary importance. 200 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. above, which exactly recall those observed in the case of diphtheria poison. It is as doubtful in the case of ricine as in that of the bacterial poisons whether there are not cases of dissociated equilibrium here. DANYSZ (loc. cit.), in fact, observed very striking ratios. The fact that there is an optimum point of mixture (vide supra) for the production of the largest precipitate is only a fairly weighty argument ; and a far more important reason is that, according to DANYSZ, there is never an absolutely neutral mix- ture. He found that these mixtures invariably possessed both toxic and antitoxic action — i.e., that although they themselves had a slight toxic action they were yet able to retard or altogether prevent death on the addition of a whole lethal dose. His speculations based on these facts are very similar to those of BORDET (see General Part). It is probable that the truth is that we have here to deal with dissociated conditions of equili- brium, such as were found by AERHENIUS and MADSEN in the case of tetanolysine. ANTIRICINE. JACOBY has also made attempts to isolate antiricine. It may at once be mentioned that any separation of an antitoxine from an antiagglutinine has not been found possible by any method, and that, notwithstanding the theoretical considerations given above, we have thus in practice to deal with an individual substance. Antiricine when salted out with ammonium sulphate is quan- titatively precipitated in the fraction that falls when the degree of saturation reaches ^- to J- of the total amount. In this way it can be separated from a large proportion of the other colloids. Experiments with trypsin on the same lines as described above in the case of ricine showed that it absolutely resisted the action of that enzyme. Antiricine was quite unaltered after two hours' heating at 60° C., and after digestion for thirty minutes with an equal amount of N/10 sulphuric acid or N/10 soda solution at 37° C. Pepsin-hydrochloric acid had no effect upon antiricine after an hour at 35° C. On the other hand, it was destroyed by acids at 60° C. Antiricine thus appears to be a substance resembling the bacterial antitoxines in stability. It is a simple receptor of the first class, but provided with only one haptophore group. STEPANOFF (loc. cit.) was able to detect antitoxine in the blood of rabbits, even twenty-four hours after the injection of serum A BRINE. 201 containing antiricine. After seven days both the antitoxine and the power of resisting the poison had disappeared. He found it neither in the urine nor in the intestinal tract, and there is thus no evidence of its being excreted ; presumably it was oxidised in the system. ABRINE, Abrine, a toxine closely resembling ricine, is contained in the seeds of the jequirity (Abrus precatorius\ a plant indigenous to the East Indies, and possibly also to Brazil. It is found in almost every part of the plant (HENSEVAL l). It was discovered by BRUYLANTS and VENNEMANN 2 who were the first to announce that the active principle of jequirity seeds had nothing to do with bacteria, but was an enzyme, a toxic proteid. The same results were obtained by WARDEN and WADDELLS working under the direction of ROBERT KOCH in Calcutta. SIDNEY MARTIN 4 found that abrine consisted of a globulin and an albumose. The action of the albumose resembled that of the globulin, but was much weaker — i.e., according to our present views more poison attaches itself to the globulin than to the albumose, while the true poisonous principle is distinct from either. Its hsemolytic capacity was discovered by ROBERT in 1889 and investigated by his pupil HELLiN.5 Its action is so similar to that of ricine that EHRLICH (loc. cit.) considered it necessary to prove its individuality. Some differences were observed which showed beyond doubt that abrine, although very similar to ricine, was yet a distinct substance. It is much less poisonous than ricine, especially per os. EHRLICH found that solutions of the same strength (1:100,000) killed mice, on subcutaneous injection, in six days, whereas in the case of ricine they caused death even after sixty hours. On the other hand, CALMETTE (vide infra) found 0'5 mgrm. per kilo, fatal to rabbits within forty-eight hours, while the 1 Henseval, " L' abrine," La Cellule, xvii., 139 ; Malys Jb., xxxi., 910. '-'Bruylants and Vennemann, " Le Jequirity," Bull Acad. Med. Belg., [3], xviii., 147, 1884. 3 Warden and Waddell, Non-bacillar Nature of Abrus Poison, Calcutta, 1884. 4 Martin, "The Proteids of the Seeds of Abrus," Proc. Roy. Soc., xlii., 331, 1887; Martin and Wolfenden, "Physiol. Action of the Seeds of Abrus prec.," ibid., xlvi., 94, 1889-90; Martin, "The Toxic Action of the Albumose from Seeds of Abrus prec.," ibid.t xlvi., 100, 1889-90. 5Hellin, " Der giftige Eiweisskorper Abrin.," Dissert., Dorpat, 1891. 202 TOXINES AND ANTITOXIN ES. lethal dose for a mouse was 0*001 mgrm. The lethal dose for 1 grm. of mouse was found by RoMER1 to be 0'0005 mgrm. Like ricine it produced inflammation, but necroses were seldom observed. On the other hand, a specific action of abrine is that it causes the hair to fall out rapidly around the point of injection, until complete baldness results. The appearance on post-viortem dissection is almost the same as in the case of ricine ; an additional effect being a characteristic hydropic degeneration of the muscle of the heart (WERHOFSKY2). Unlike ricine it also acts in small doses on fishes' blood (LAU, loc. cit.). But the conclusive fact is that a state of immunity can be produced against abrine, which does not afford protection against ricine ; in like manner animals rendered proof against ricine are not immune to abrine. Action upon the Eye. — The action of abrine upon the conjunc- tiva is much more energetic than that of ricine, injection being followed by serious permanent lesions of the cornea or by panophthalmitis. In consequence of its energetic irritant action abrine is sometimes used in ophthalmic medicine, the violent inflammation produced frequently causing the dis- appearance of new inflammatory vessels and leucoma in the cornea. The maximum initial therapeutic dose is given by ROMER 3 as about O'Ol mgrm. for rabbits. According to EHRLICH the action of abrine can be regulated by immunising the conjunctiva itself with increasing doses. For practical purposes ROMER has carried this immunisation to such a pitch that it is possible to avoid all the more serious symptoms without affecting the therapeutic action. Antitoxine is then produced in the conjunctiva itself. Part of the poison is also absorbed from there and produces a general formation of antitoxine and immunity, although not to so pronounced an extent as after subcutaneous injection. The greatest degree of immunity attained was 500 antitoxic units, and local immunity was produced more rapidly than general immunity. Passive immunisation of the connective tissue with antiabrine serum only affords protection so long as the antitoxine itself is still present. On the other hand, the subcutaneous in- jection of large doses of antitoxine also protects the eye. An attack of abrine ophthalmia can be successfully treated by local 1 Romer, "Ueber Abrinimmunitat," Arch.f. Ophthalm., lii., 90, 1901. 2 Werhofsky, " Beitr. z. pathol. Anat. der Abrinvergiftung," Zeiglers Beitr. %. pathol. Anat., xviii., 115, 1895. 3 Romer, "Ueber Abrinimmunitat," Arch.f. Ophthalm., lii., 72, 1901. ABRINE. 203 application of therapeutic serum, even in very severe cases. The subcutaneous introduction of large doses also has a therapeutic action. The local immunity of the eyes lasts longer than the general immunity.1 Properties of Abrine. — Experiments to obtain an insight into the constitution of abrine have been made by HAUSMANN,2 who has applied to this toxine the method used by JACOBY for ricine (q.v.). Abrine is precipitated by saturating its solution with am- monium sulphate to the extent of 60 per cent., and can be freed from part of the proteid thrown down with it by repeated precipitation. Abrine thus purified has a very energetic toxic action, so much so that animals frequently die before the appear- ance of necroses and intestinal symptoms. Abrine resembles ricine in resisting the action of trypsin. Hence it was found possible, as in the case of ricine, to obtain a preparation which, while possessing a high degree of toxic power, no longer gave the biuret reaction. On the other hand, its agglutinating power is very much more resistant to the action of pepsin-hydrochloric acid than is that of ricine (q.v.), and when the action of the enzyme is very energetic the toxic and agglutinating functions eventually disappear almost simultaneously. With this exception there is nothing special to be said with regard to the chemical reactions of abrine ; so far as is known it behaves in exactly the same manner as ricine in this respect. According to CALMETTES it is rendered inactive by iodine tincture, gold chloride, and hypochlorites. It is apparently but little affected by the digestive fluids. H ELLIN, alone, has found that it is destroyed by the enzymes of the intestine. On the other hand, according to NENCKI and ScHOUMOW-SiMANOWSKi 4 pepsin has no influence upon abrine. In like manner it was found by REPiN5 that the diluted digestive fluids and also the living mucous membrane of the stomach and intestine and the intestinal bacteria were inactive. He is inclined to believe that the smaller toxic effects on intro- duction of the poison per os, which, according to HENSEVAL (loc. 1 Rehns, "Immunite acquise centre 1'abrine," Soc. Biol., Ivi., 329, 1904. '2 Hausmann, "Zur Kenntnis des Abrins," Hofm. Beitr., ii., 134, 1901. 3 Calmette and Del^arde, "Sur les toxines non-microbiennes," Ann. Past., x., 675, 1896. 4Nencki and Schoumow-Simanowski, "Die Entgiftung d. Toxine d. d. Verdauungskanal," Centralbl. f. Bakt., xxiii., 840, 1898. 5 Repin, "Sur 1'absorption de 1'abrine par les muqueuses " Ann. Past., ix., 517, 1895. 204 TOXINES AND ANTITOXINES. cit.), are from 200 to 250 times less than in the case of sub- cutaneous injection, are due to the fact that, on the one hand, abrine is extremely susceptible to the action of acids and is thus partially destroyed in the stomach ; and that, on the other hand, it is extremely indiffusible. He found that after forty-eight hours' dialysis the proportion that had passed into the water did not amount to 1 : 250. Hence it remained in the intestine, and he was able to find it again in the faeces. HENSEVAL, however, asserts (loc. cit.) that it is also absorbed by way of the intestine and rectum, as well as of the bladder and peritoneum. CALMETTE and DELEARDE investigated the excretion of abrine. The blood from the heart of poisoned animals was found to be toxic in large doses (10 mgrms. introduced by intravenous in- jection) ; but the urine was absolutely free from toxine. On the other hand, however, they found that abrine appeared again unaltered in the intestinal tract, when injected intravenously into rabbits. Neither the blood from the heart nor the contents of the intestine of immunised animals were found to contain any poison that had been introduced. An interesting fact which CALMETTE1 was able to demonstrate with the aid of specific antitoxines is that the poisoned wood shavings with which the Indians, with malevolent intent, poison cattle are smeared with particles of jequirity ; the poison on the rags impregnated with snake- venom and inserted into the rectum of oxen so as to poison them, could also be identified in the same way. Some experiments made with antiabrine serum by CALMETTE and DELEARDE may also be mentioned here. Antiabrine loses its activity at 58° C. Calcium chloride and gold chloride have no effect upon it. According to HAUSMANN (loc, cit.) the agglutinating power is considerably increased by the addition of very slight doses of antiabrine, which is doubtless to be attributed to the elimination of inactive proagglutinoids (protoxoids), which have a restrictive influence. On mixing abrine and antiabrine a copious precipitate is formed, as in the case of ricine, even when abrine that gives no biuret reaction is used. 1 Calmette, "Sur le serum antivenimeux," Comptes Rend., cxxii., 203, 1896. CROTINE. 205 CROTINE. A third toxine closely allied to ricine is found in the seeds of Croton tiglinm, an East Indian plant belonging to the Euphor- biacece, from which croton oil, the most powerful purgative known to us, is extracted. STILLMARK (loc. cit.) was the first to prepare the toxic principle of these seeds, using methods analogous to those employed in the preparation of ricine. A fuller investigation of crotine was made by ELFSTRAND/ He decorticated in the presence of alcohol and ether, and extracted them with water, a 10 per cent, solution of sodium chloride or glycerin, precipitated the active constituent by means of alcohol or ammonium sulphate, and purified it by dialysis. It presents many analogies with the other toxines. In solu- tion it is destroyed at 70° C., while the dry seeds are rendered non-poisonous at 110° C. Pepsin-hydrochloric acid is said to destroy it. Toxic Effects of Crotine. — The lethal dose for frogs was found by ELFSTRAND to be about 0'23 grm. per kilo. The symptoms preceding the death of the animals were progressive paralysis and decrease in the reflex excitability and of the faradic excitability, Jv. affecting first the brain, then the spinal cord and nerves, and - finally the muscles. Here again hypersemia and ecchymoses of ^ the intestinal membrane were also observed. Crotine has only a slight influence upon the heart, and the end -plates of the motor and sensory nerves are not affected. Pike are killed by a dose of 0*04 to 0-1 grm. per kilo., the main symptoms being dyspnoea and paralysis. In the case of warm-blooded animals (rabbits, dogs, cats, rats, hens, auf das Wachstum der Diphth.-B. Arch. f. Hyg., xxvii., 339 (1896). 74. SCHNEIDEMUHL, Ueb. Botulismus beim Menschen und die sog. Geburtsparalyse bei Rindern. CentralU. f. Bakt., xxiv., 619 (1898). 126. SCROLL, Unters. lib. giftige Eiweiss- korper bei Cholera asiatica. Arch. f. Hyg., 1892, 172. 146. SCHOLTZ, Beitr. z. Biologic d. Gono- coccus. Arch.f. Dermatol. , xlix. , 3(1899). 163. SCHULTZE, Spinalpunktion u. Eins- pritz. v. Antitoxinserum bei Tet. traumaticus. Mitt. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir. , v. , 169 (1900). 117. SELANDER, La maladie infectieuse des pores. Ann. Past., iv., 545 (1890). 182. SELBERG, Beitr. z. Kenntn. d. Gift- wirkung d. Schweineseuchenbak- terien, £c. Diss., Berlin, 1896. 183. SENG, Ueb. d. qualit. u. quantit. Verhaltnisse der Eiweisskorper im Diphtherieheilserum. Zeit. f. Hyg., xxxi., 513 (1899). 100. SEWALL, Exper. on the Preventive Inoculation of Rattle - snake Venom. Journ. of Phys., viii., 203 (1887). 228. SHAKESPEARE, Preliminary Report of Exper. Researches concerning the Infectious Nature of Trau- matic Tetanus. CentralU. f. Bakt., ii., 541 (1887). 113. SHARP, The Action of the Products of the Organism of Dipht. on the Heart of the Frog. Journ. of Anat. and Physiol., xxxi., 199 (1897). 85. SIEBER, Ueb. d. Entgiftung der Toxine durch die Superoxyde, &c. Z. f. phys. Chem., xxxii., 573 (1901). 14, HO. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 263 SIEBER - SCHOUMOWA, Les scrums therapeutiques anticocciques. Arch, des Sciences Biol., iv., 415 (1896). 165. SILBERSCHMIDT, Contrib. a 1'etude de la swine plague. Ann. Past., ix., 65 (1895). 183. SIMON, Ueber die Gifte der Strepto- coccus. Centralbl. f. Bakt., xxxv., 318(1904). 166. 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Immunitat gegen Tetanus. Festschrift fur VIRCHOW. Berlin, 1892, iii., 29. 184. TIZZONI & CATTANI, Sur le poison du tetanos. Arch. Ital. de Biolog., xiv., 101 (1890). 103. Sur les proprietes de 1'anti- toxine du tetanos. Arch. Ital. de Biolog., xvi., 394 (1891). 184. — Ueber d. Eigenschaften d. Te- tanus-Antitoxins. Centralbl. f. Balct., ix., 685(1891). 124. — Fernere Unters. iib. das Tetanus- Antitoxin. Centralbl. f. Bakt.y x., 33 (1891). 124. *TIZZONI & CENTANNI, Real. Accad. Bologna, 1900. 136. VAN TOURENHOUT, Over de bereiding van diphtheriegif . Utrecht, 1 895. Abst. Centralbl. f. Bakt., xviii., 295 (1895). 72. 264 BIBLIOGRAPHY. U URIARTE, He"morysine du bac. pest. Soc. BioL, Mi., 254 (1904). 143. USCHINSKY, Ueber eine eiweissfreie Nahrlosung f. pathog. Bakt. CentralU. f. Bakt., xiv., 316 (1893). 104. — Les poisons de la diphtherie et du cholera. Arch. d. Med. Exp., 1893, 293. 6, 80. — Ueber Diphtheriekulturen auf eiweissfreier Nahrlosung. Cen- tralU. f. 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Acetone, Influence of, 82. Acids, Influence of, 81, 124, 200, 204. Agglutination, 24, 192, 193, 196, 197, 203, 205, 206, 207, 223. Agglutinines, 24, 59, 66, 173, 191, 193, 223, 227. Agglutinophore, 193, 199. Air, Influence of, on toxines, 127, 132, 150, 158, 167, 168. Albumins, 84, 98, 101, 212, 226. Albuminuria, 95. Albumoses, 171, 178, 201, 212. Alcohol, Influence of, 82, 105, 127, 132, 188, 213, 234. Alexines, 239. Alkalies, Influence of, 124, 140, 143. Alligators, Susceptibility of, to tox- ines, 18, 116,233. Amboceptors, 25, 141, 221, 224, 225, 230, 239, 244. ,, Anti-, 230. Ammonia, Influence of, 50, 51, 52, 53, 213. Ammonium sulphate, 132. Amphibia, Susceptibility of, 119. Anaesthesia, 241. Ancistrodon contortrix, 215, 223. ,, piscivorus, 222. Androctonus occitanus, 237. Anthrax poison, 67, 176-182. Anti-bodies, Specific nature of, 2, 53, 133. Antilysines, 133. Antipyrine, 81. Antiseptics, Influence of, 81. Antitoxine units, 35, 36, 38. Antitoxines, 4, 6, 15, 17, 28, 29, 30-62. Antivenine, 230. Aphonia, 126. Arachnolysine, 236. ,, Anti-, 236, 237. Aranea diademata, 235, 236. Arterine, 191. Ass, Susceptibility of, 111, 229. a-toxines, 48. Autolysis, Aseptic, 157. Axolotl, 218. B BACILLUS of anthrax, 181. ,, botulinus, 126. ,, ,, Toxine of, 2. ,, coli communis, 157, 163. ,, enteritidis, 157. ,, of glanders, 175. ,, megatherium, 227. ,, of plague, 158. ,, prodigiosus, 172, 173. ,, pyocyaneus, 65, 128, 129, 130, 137, 163, 172. Toxine of, 2. ,, subtilis, 104. ,, of symptomatic anthrax, 131. ,, tetani, 104. tuberculosis, 166, 168, 170, 173. ,, of typhoid fever, 154. Barbadoes seed, 185. Barbel, Susceptibility of, 192. Barbus fluviatilis, 192. Bats, Immunity of, 242. „ Susceptibility of, 119. Bile, 226. 268 INDEX. Bile, Action of, on toxines, 21, 110, 214, 232. Birds, Susceptibility of, 235. Birth-paralysis, 126. Blood, 190, 202, 205, 206, 207, 210, 216, 223, 224, 242, 243, 244. ,, Toxic power of infected, 87, 88, 233. Blood -corpuscles, 224, 225, 227, 228. (red), 225. ,, ,, (red), Action of toxines, &c., on, 133, 134, 137, 139, 140, 191, 192, 206, 236, 242, 243, 244. ,, -pressure, 85, 112, 156, 190, 205, 218, 241. „ -vessels, 84, 161, 190,218,221. Bombinator igneus, 233. Borax, Influence of, 81. Boric acid, Influence of, 55, 81. Bothrops poison, 227. Botulism antitoxine, 128. toxine, 126-128. Brain, Action of, on toxines, 116, 117, 118, 119, 127. ,, -substance, 215. /3-toxines, 48. Bufo cinereus, 223. Bungarus coeruleus venom, 216. ,, poison, 227. Butyric acid, 131. CACHEXIA, 162. Calcium chloride, Influence of, 213, 231, 238. ,, peroxide, Influence of, 14. Camel, Susceptibility of, 235. Carbon bisulphide, 106. Cat, Susceptibility of, 111, 158, 205, 216, 235. Cattle, Susceptibility of, 235. Cephalin, 226. Cerastes venom, 220. Cerebrin, 128. Chicken, Immunity of, 236. Children, Susceptibility of, 92. Chiracanthium nutrix, 236. Chlorine, Influence of, 83, 213. Chloroform, Influence of, 105, 132, 213. Cholera, 66, 128, 129. ,, antitoxine, 63, 149, 150, 153, 154. ,, lysine, 142. ,, plasmine, 150, 151. „ poison, 5, 6, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 145-153. ,, toxalbumin, 145. ,, vibrio, 65, 145, et seq. Cholesterin, 128. Influence of, 214, 226, 227. Chromic acid, 217. Coagulation, 191. Cobra, 209, 210. ,, amboceptors, 226. ,, antitoxine, 228, 229. ,, haemolysine, 25, 222. „ venom, 20, 61, 210, 211, 212, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227. ,, Anti-, 230. Codeine, 57. Coli antilysine, 138. Colilysine, 133, 138. Coma, 217. Complement, 25, 141, 224, 225, 226, 239, 244. Conger, 239. Congestion, 87. Conjunctiva, 202, 219. Conjunctivitis, 191. Constipation, 126. Convulsions, 103, 163, 179, 190, 205, 218, 221, 235, 237, 238, 241. Copper Sulphate, 213. Copperhead snake (Ancistrodon) poison, 214, 215, 219, 221. Crocodiles, Susceptibility of, 18. Crotalus adamanteus, 223. ,, antitoxine, 228. ,, durissus, 212. venom, 215, 216, 219, 220, 221, 223, 227, 230. Crotine, 205-207. ,, Anti-, 206. Croton oil, 205. ,, tiglium, 205. Culture media, 7, 71-76, 80, 91, 103, 104, 131, 146, 147, 161, 162, 163, 165, 167, 168, 175, 177, 179, 183. INDEX. 269 Curare, 231. Curcas purgans, 185. Cytisine, 181. Cytolysine, 221. DABOIA Russeli, 221. ,, venom, 212, 221. Deutero-albumose, 171. ,, toxines, 48, 135. Diarrhoea, 25, 157, 161, 179. Diastase, 10, 21, 110. Diemenia antitoxine, 228. Differential zones, 41. Dilatation of blood-vessels, 84. Diphtheria antitoxine, 28, 32, 33, 57, 61, 91-102. „ toxine, 2, 3, 6, 13, 15, 20, 21, 23, 25, 32, 33, 35- 49, 54, 58, 59, 61, 67, 69-102, 180, 229. Dog, Susceptibility of the, 122, 132, 138, 205, 216, 223, 225, 234, 235, 240, 241, 242. Dysentery, 157. ,, poison, 157. ,, toxine, 184. Dyspnoea, 126, 163, 177, 190, 205, 235. E EELS' blood, 32, 33, 195, 222, 234, 239-245. Elaphin, 210. Electricity, Influence of, 13, 105, 213. Emaciation, 158, 161, 179, 190, 241. Endocomplements, 224, 225. Endothelium, 221, 228. Endotoxines, 5, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 145, etseq., 182. Enhydrina venom, 216, 218. Epeira diadema, 235, 236. Epitoxoids, 39. Equivalent poisons, 108. Ergophore groups, 24, 25, 29, 193- 199, 244. Erythrocytes, 33, 133, 142, 191, 195, 196, 197, 206, 242, 243 (see also Blood-corpuscles, red). Essential oils, Influence of, 213. Ether, Influence of, 82, 127, 132, 213, 226. Euglobulin, 102. Exophthalmus, 241. Extracts of fungi, Influence of, 214. Eye, Action of toxines on the, 86, 202, 205. FATIGUE antitoxine, 245. ,, toxine, 245. Fever, 25, 161, 235. Fibrin, 191. Fibrinoglobulin, 101. Fire toad, 233. Fish venoms, 238-239. Fishes, Susceptibility of, 216. Formaldehyde, 132. Frogs, Immunity of, 132, 242. „ Susceptibility of, 19, 23, 84, 119, 121, 205, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 223, 234, 235, 237, 238, 241. G GARDEN spider, 235. toad, 233. Gases, Influence of, 105. Globulins, 78, 79, 97, 98, 100, 101, 210, 212. Glycogen, Influence of, 242. Goats, Susceptibility of, 87, 109, 140, 192, 225, 234, 242. Gold chloride, Influence of, 213, 231, 238. Gonococcus, 161, 162. poison, 22, 161-163. Gonorrhoea, 162. Goose, Susceptibility of, 109, 138, 140. Greater weever, 238. Guinea-pig antiserum, 229. ,, Immunity of, 236. 270 INDEX. Guinea-pig, Susceptibility of, 23, 36, 37, 87, 89, 90, 94, 95, 105, 108, 109, 111, 113, 116, 119, 130, 131, 132, 133, 138, 147, 149, 155, 156, 158, 159, 163, 167, 170, 172, 180, 183, 189, 214, 215, 216, 223, 225, 234, 238, 241, 242, 243. H BJEMAGGLUTININES, 143, 227, 228. Hsematuria, 241, 242. Haemoglobin, 132, 242. Haemolysines, 32, 34, 133, et seq., 206, 215, 220, 221, 222, 223, 227, 228, 229, 230. Anti-, 230, 234, 238. Haemolysis, 24, 50, 53, 133, et seq., 192, 206, 222, 223, 224, 226, 227, 233, 234, 236, 238, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244. Hemorrhage, 131, 150, 216, 218, 234, 242. Hgemorrhagine, 215, 216, 219, 220, 221,227,228,229, 230. ,, Anti-, 230. Hair, Action of toxines on the, 25, 158. Haptines, 2, 5, 22, 23, 38, 41, 45, 50, 89, 99, 103, 133, 141, 193, 196, 199, 206, 212, 213, 214, 224, 244. Haptophore Groups, 5, 23, 24, 25, 30, 37, 42, 44, 99, 108, 116, 118, 130, 141, 168, 180, 192, 197, 198, 199, 200. Hay fever antitoxine, 208. ,, toxine, 207, 208. Heart, Action of toxines on the, 25, 84, 85, 86, 128, 158, 161, 176, 190, 202, 205, 217, 218, 235, 238, 241. Heat of combination of toxine with antitoxine, 60, 61. Hedgehog antiserum, 229. ,, Immunity of, 242. ,, Susceptibility of, 132, 216, 233, 241. Hemitoxine formation, 47, 48. Hen, 229. , , Immunity of, 242. Hen, Susceptibility of, to toxines, 18, 19, 22, 109, 110, 116, 118, 132, 156, 205, 215, 234, 236, 243. Hepatitis, 86. Hetero-albumose, 212. Hog cholera, 182, 183. ,, ,, antitoxine, 183. Holocephalus poison, 211. Hoplocephalus curtus poison, 212, 215, 231. Horse antiserum, 229, 238. ,, Immunity of, 236. , , Susceptibility of, 87, 109, 1 1 1 , 125, 138, 225, 235. Hydrochloric acid, Influence of, 94, 124. Hydrogen peroxide, Influence of, 14, 188. Hydroxyl (OH-ions), 53. Hypersemia, 86, 146, 205. Hyperleucocytosis, 229. Hypochlorite, Influence of, 83. Hypoleucocytosis, 229. Hypopyon, 162. Hypothermia, 25, 84, 150, 167, 218. ICHTHYOTOXINE, 239-244. Immunity, 4, 16, 41, 66, 67, 89, 118, ' 119, 128, 132, 145, 147, 148, 159, 160, 161, 163, 165, 167, 170, 173, 174, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, 186, 193, 194, 197, 202, 203, 206, 207, 208, 220, 222, 228-233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 239, 243, 244. ,, units, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 45, 125. Incubation period, 23, 110, 111, 115, 120, 121, 126, 127, 131, 136, 188. Induction period, 52. Inflammation, 162, 189, 202, 205, 216. Intestines, Action of toxines on the, 25, 86, 242. Invertase, 10, 151. Iodine, Influence of, 105, 106, 213. ,, trichloride, Influence of, 105. INDEX. 271 Iodine trichloride, Preservative effects of, 77. JATROPHA curcas, 185. Jequirity, 201, 204. Jerboa, 237. K KARAKURTE, 235. Katipo, 235. Keratitis, 162. Kidneys, Action of the toxines on the, 25, 86, 143, 169, 190, 242. LACTIC acid, 131. ,, Influence of, 81, 105, 124. Lamprey, 239. Lathrodectes, 235. Lecithides, 226, 227, 238. Lecithin, 25, 128, 225, 236. Lecithinophile group, 227. Leeches, Susceptibility of, 235. Lethal dose, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 45, 83, 84, 109, 111, 126, 130, 132, 134, 149, 150, 155, 158, 162, 163, 170, 172, 179, 184, 189, 194, 198, 201, 205, 207, 210, 215, 216, 219, 220, 221, 222, 232, 241. Leucocidine, 139, 142, 143, 144, 227. Anti-, 144. Leucocytes, 143, 227, 229. Leucocytosis, 190. Leucolysines, 227. Leucoma, 202. Light, Influence of, 13, 44, 81, 93, 105, 127, 132, 150, 167. Liver, Action of toxines, &c. , on the, 25, 158, 169, 190. „ extract, 214. Lizards, Susceptibility of, 216. Loss of weight, see Emaciation. Lungs, 175, 242. Lymph glands, 28, 190. Lymphocytes, 227. Ly sines, 24, 50, 54, 66, 139, 142, 143. MALIGNANT oedema, 183. Malleine, 175, 176. Malmignatte, 235. Maltase, 10, 151. Man, Susceptibility of, 109, 111, 120, 138, 140, 189, 206, 207, 217, 225, 235, 238, 241. Marasmus, 158. Marmots, Susceptibility of, to tox- ines, 119. Medulla oblongata, 190. Mercuric chloride, 213. Methaemoglobin, 222. Milk, 226, ,, Antitoxine preparations with, 97, 124. Mocassin snake poison, 219, 221. Mongoose, 216, 233. Monilia Candida, 11, 151. Monkeys, Susceptibility of, 132, 155. Mouse, Susceptibility of, to toxines, 18, 22, 87, 109, 111, 118, 119, 122, 125, 132, 134, 158, 162, 170, 178, 194, 201, 202. Mucous membrane, 110, 162. Muraena, 239. Muscles, 245. ,, Influence of toxines, &c., on the, 113, 114,115,190, 191, 205, 217, 237, 241. Myolysis, 85, 241. N NAIX, 210. Naja egiziana venom, 218. ,, haje poison, 227. ,, tripudians, 209, 223. Necrosis, 155, 158, 189, 190, 202, 205, 216, 220, 234, 241. Necturus serum, 224. Nephritis, 207. Nerve substance, 214. Nervous system, Influence of toxines, &c., on the, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, 127, 176, 205, 218, 219, 228, 241, 242. Neurine, 3. Neurotoxine, 215, 219, 220, 221, 227, 228, 229, 230, 237. Anti-, 230. Nucleic acid, 171, 174, 188, 195. 272 INDEX. (EDEMA, 89, 131, 216, 220, 234. Oxen, Immunity of, 236. „ Susceptibility of, 132, 138, 205, 223, 225, 234. Oxidising substances, Influence of, 127. ' Oxydase, Influence of, 110, 222. Oxygen, 218. Influence of, 14, 81, 104, 105, 206. PANCREATIC juice, Action of, on toxines, 21. Panophthalmitis, 191, 194, 202. Papaiin, 186, 222, 226. Papayotin, 21. Paralysis, 89, 126, 146, 150, 155, 156, 157, 190, 205, 218, 221, 234, 235, 238, 241. Pelias berus, 210. Pepsin, Action of, on toxines, 20, 110, 203, 222. Perch, Susceptibility of, 206. Peripheral neuritis, 150. Peritonitis, 162. Petromyzon, 238. Peyer's patches, 190. Phenol, 132, 165, 166, 213. ,, Preservative effects of, 77, 81, 105. Phenylhydrazine, 133. Phrynolysine, 233, 234. Phytotoxines, 10, 185-308. Pig, Susceptibility of, 205, 216, 223, 233. Pigeon, Immunity of, 242. ,, Susceptibility of, 18, 132, 138, 156, 215, 234, 243. Pike, Susceptibility of, 205. Plague antitoxine, 159. ,, lysine, 143, ,, toxine, 158, 159. Plasmines, 67, 170, 173. Plotosus, 239. Pneumobacillus, 172, 173. Pneumococcus, 159, 160, 161. ,, antitoxine, 160. ,, lysine, 142. „ poison, 67. Pneumonia, 175. Pneumotoxine, 159-161. Poison glands, 210. Potassium iodide, 213. ,, permanganate, Influence of, 105, 132, 213, 217. Precipitines, 29, 66, 67, 68, 173, 174. Priapism, 235. Protamines, 239. Proteids, 78, 212. Proteins, Poisonous non-specific, 3, 62, 65, 66, 67. Proto-albumose, 212. Protoplasm, 3, 6. Prototoxines, 48, 135. Protoxoids, 39, 40, 45, 47, 48, 58, 198, 204, 222. Pseudechis porphyriacus poison, 212. Pseudoglobulins, 102, 125. Pterois, 239. Ptomaines, 1, 2, 78. Ptosis, 217. Pulse, Acceleration of, 156. Purging nut, 185. Pus formers, 67, 68, 162. Pyocyaneus antitoxine, 32, 63, 129. poison, 29, 32, 64, 128- 130. Pyocyanolysine, 130, 137, 138. QUININE, RABBIT antiserum, 229. Rabbits, Susceptibility of, 19, 23, 61, 70, 79, 84, 87, 89, 91, 109, 111, 113, 116, 119, 120, 132, 134, 137, 138, 140, 142, 150, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 165, 184, 189, 201, 205, 207, 210, 215, 216, 222, 223, 225, 229, 234, 235, 236, 238, 241, 242, 243. Rat, Susceptibility of, 111, 158,205, 215, 216, 217, 235, 236. Rattlesnake, 212. Receptors, 17, 18, 50, 66, 68, 87, 112, 113, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 141, 173, 174, 192, 195, 196, 197, 198, 200, 233, 236, 239, 242, 243, 244. INDEX. 273 Rennet, 107. Respiration, Action of toxines, &c., on the, 85, 179, 205, 217, 218, 234, 235, 241. Retention of urine, 126. Ricine, 12, 20, 24, 30, 31, 33, 133, 185-200, 224, 229. Anti-, 24, 31, 33, 193, 194, 195, 197, 198, 200, 201. anti-body, 192. Ricinus africanus, 185. altissimus, 185. borboniensis arboreus, 185. brasiliensis, 185. communis, 185. ,, major, 185. guyanensis nanus, 185. jamaicensis, 185. philippinensis, 185. sanguineus, 185. spectabilis, 185. Ring adder, Susceptibility of, 216. Robine, 207. Robinia pseudacacia, 207. SALAMANDER poison, 234. Salicyl aldehyde, 81. Salivation, 241. Saponine, 226. Saturation units, 42, 43. Scorpaena, 239. Scorpio afer, 237. Scorpion, Susceptibility of, 18. ,, venom, 229, 237-238. Sepedon antitoxine, 228. Serranus, 239. Serum as a vehicle for antitoxines, 92, 97, 98. ,, Protective action of, 140. ,, Standard, 38. Sheep, Immunity of, 236. ,, Susceptibility of, 87, 132, 138, 177, 205, 223, 225, 234. Sieboldia maxima, 234. Skin, Action of toxines on the, 25, 158. Sleeplessness, 235. Snake hsemolysine, 224. ,, sera, 224. ,, toxines, 209-228, 230. Snake venom, 23, 24, 29, 32, 33, 60, 215, 219, 223. ,, ,, antitoxine, 28, 32, 228- 233. Snakes, Susceptibility of, 216, 233. Sodium glycocholate, Influence of, 214. ,, hydroxide, Influence of, 50, 51, 52, 53. " Spectra" of poisons, 46-48, 56, 135, 136, 142 Spider venom, 234-236. Spinal cord, Action of toxines, &c., on the, 114, 1J5, 127, 190. Spleen, 190. Staphylococcus pyogenes albus, 139. ,, ,, aureus, 139. Staphylolysine, 133, 138-140, 141. ,, Anti-, 139, 140-141. Streptococcus, 164. Streptolysine, 142. Streptotoxine, 163-166. Strychnine, 231. Suffocation, 179. Suprarenal bodies, 190, 215, 242. Sweating, 167, 176, 235. Swine-plague poison, 183. Symptomatic anthrax antitoxine, 132. ,, ,, toxine, 130- 133. Synanceia, 239. Syntoxoids, 39, 45, 47, 48, 198. TARANTULA, 234, 235. Tartaric acid, Influence of, 81, 105. Temperature, Influence of, 12, 76, 81, 83, 93, 94, 105, 113, 124, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 149, 150, 155, 159, 160, 162, 163, 165, 167, 174, 179, 183, 184, 188, 200, 204, 205, 212, 214, 216, 219, 220, 222, 223, 225, 227, 230, 231, 234, 236, 238, 242, 244. „ of body, 131, 155, 157, 158, 177, 179, 189, 205. 18 274 INDEX. Tetanolysine, 9, 32, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 61, 102, 133-137, 140, 141. Anti-, 135. Tetanospasmine, 9, 14, 102, 108, 109, 112, 113, 134, 136. Tetanus, 102-125. antitoxin, 15, 16, 17, 28, 33, 61,96, 108, 109, 115, 116, 118, 120, 122, 123-125, 231. toxine, 2, 3, 9, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 33, 61, 102-125, 180, 229. Tetrodon, 239. Thymus extract, Influence of, 106. Tiger snake, 215. Toad, 234, 242. ,, toxine, 233-234. Toluene, Preservative effects of, 77. Tortoise, Immunity of, 19, 242. Toxalbumins, 1, 12, 78, 79, 154, 187, 212. Toxic unit, 41, 42, 45, 169. Toxines, 1, 2, 5, 6-25, 29-62, 188. Toxoids, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 57, 82, 88, 106, 108, 116, 132, 135, 136, 155, 159, 182, 188, 198, 199, 207, 221, 244. Toxones, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43-49, 58, 59, 89, 90, 91, 108, 132, 135, 199, 206. Toxonoids, 58, 59. Toxopeptone, 146. Toxophore groups, 5, 23, 30, 31, 37, 44, 48, 83, 88, 119, 121, 135, 141, 193, 199. Trachinus draco, 238. viper, 238. Tricresol, Preservative effects of, 77. Trigonocephalus, 210. ,, venum, 220. Trimeresurus poison, 227. Tritotoxines, 48, 49, 135. Tritotoxoids, 58. Tropidonotus, 210. Trypsin, 186, 187, 188, 200, 203. ,, Action of, on antitoxin es, 94. ,, ,, on toxines, 21, 110. Tubercle poison, 166-168. Tuberculine, 67, 166, 168-175. Tuberculinic acid, 171, 172. Tuberculosamine, 171, 174. Tuberculosin, 172. Tuberculosis, 66. ,, antitoxine, 170. ,, poison, 5, 67. Tuberculothymic acid, 172. Tuberkulol, 170. Typhoid antitoxine, 157. ,, lysine, 142. ,, virus, 154-157. Typhotoxine, 154. Typhus, 66, 128. ,, poison, 5, 25, 65, 67. Ty rosin, Influence of, 214. U ULCERS, 157. Uniceptors, 28. Urethritis, 162, 163. VIBRIO, Metschnikoff's, 183, 184. „ Naskin's, 23. Viper hsemolysine, 224. „ venom, 2 1 0, 211, 212, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222, 234. Vipera aspis poison, 213, 215, 218, 222. ,, redii, 217. Vomiting, 217. W WEAKNESS, 217. Worms, Susceptibility of, 216. YEAST, 151. Zootoxines, 209-245. Zymase, 151. BELL AND BAIN, LIMITED, 43 MITCHELL STREET, GLASGOW. 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