ee He = ooo ; AES i ea, gm, Ase WY SY ye ee, AY Ze Wa Gane (AK ZER emer NEY TTT TPS Qo IAIN \ 5 AEX ae Sa as FOE SN hic, ZN [ame ° UY] Al | V VA \ FoR i Se Wh spe eee Vig Vee NES Ne oye Sa. “a YAS LAs N: NEY, AREAL XA Se EST | ESS A | eee n= Vax 4 on ee Od, EZ, = = Sa Oy ee L—— em tig PED (ee A eee oe SESE eT ORE ISAS ZEON NN Navel Zes PERS) LX ws eR ER SEE Ne WISE SESE LEE esata Ps ONS EA AR NIRS PES ASar aye place of B. perennis. "ae For Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum a new nearly related species is mét with in Portugal. "From the above we may establish the following propositions : 1. Many plants are Tarab in-all their parts in southern than in northern regions. ‘This pheno- menon was. naturally to be expected from a more SOUTH WESTERN PARTS OF EUROPE. 47 favorable climate. However some grasses and mosses are exceptions to this rule. 2. Many species, which are smooth in the North of Europe, prove hairy inthe South, as Teucrium ‘Scordium, Lotus corniculatus, &c. A similar phe- nomenon is observed in alpine plants, and in the vegetables of the highest northern latitudes. In- tense cold and intese heat in this instance produce similar effects. 3. Many plants, perennial in northern, are annual in southern regions. The heat and drought of the latter cause the roots to die away. Talfo find that many annual plants from the South of Spain and Portugal easily become perennial when kept in green-houses; but on the contrary, I know of no instance in which a plant, indigenous both to northern and southern regions, is annual in the former and perennial in the latter. Ricinus is often adduced as a case in point, but this is not a native ‘of ‘the North, and its extraordinary rapid growth ‘seems to be the cause of its exception from the general rule. Salicornia herbacea is no exception, as it is found together with S. fruticosa. 48 ON THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE I leave to others the deduction of further con- clusions from similar analogies, and am contented -with having offered the first materials. I now come to those plants which, in the North and middle of Europe, grow in plains, but which _are found upon mountains or in cool places in the OUR. i's , Veronica officinalis, serpyllifolia, Beccabunga, haederifolia are only found in the mountainous cooler regions of Portugal and Spain; V. Becca- -bunga descends the lowest of them. Nardus stricta; only met with on the highest northern mountain tops of Portugal. The same is the case with Scirpus caespitosus. Carex ovalis (leporina Autor.) flava, distans, patula, panicea only appear on very high mountains in Spain and Portugal. Agrostis vinealis is attached to the cooler regions _of the South of Europe. a Aira flexuosa upon the highest northermost mountains in Portugal; A. cespitosa on elevated spots. a SOUTH WESTERN PARTS OF EUROPE. 49 Holcus lanatus & mollis prefer the cooler res gions of the most southern parts of Europe. Ajuga reptaris, genevensis are only found in the cooler parts of the most southern Europe, as aiso Be- tonica officinalis, Lamium maculatum, Clinopodium vulgare, Melittis Melissophyllum, Prunella vul- garis. Melampyrum pratense in Portugal and Spaiii, only upon high mountains. Plantago major prefers cool places in the most southern parts of Europe; so do Dipsacus syl- vestris, Galium Aparine, G, Mollugo, Valantia cruciata, | Betula alba is a rate tree in Spain, Portugal, the South, and even the middle of France. , It is only fotind there upon high mountains, on the Estrella, the Getez, &c. Hex Aquifolium very common in the middle of France, in Portugal and Spain, only found in the cooler parts. Primula acaulis common in England and the middle of France, is only met with in the cooler parts of Portugal. D s a “ §O ON THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPY OF THE Lysimachia nemoram upon high mountains in the South of Europe. ) Campanula Rapunculus in the North of Porte- gal and Spain. Rhamnus Frangula o on the side of babies and rivers of the North of Portugal. . Viola canina agrees’ only with cooler places in the most southern parts of Europe; V. odorata inhabits mountains only. Thesium pratense upon the high- mountains in Portugal. : Sanicula europeea on elevated shady places in Portugal and Spain. | Linum catharticum in the South of Europe upon high and cool mountains. Corylus Avellana, Ulmus campestris, Humulus Lupulus, in cooler parts of the South of Europe. Sambucus nigra is, indeed, cultivated through- out the South of Europe, yet in its wild state is only found there on high and rude mountains. Anthericum ossifragum is. very abundant pin the high mountains ae Portugal. SOUTH WESTERN PARTS OF EUROPE. 51 Lilium Martagon only upon high craggy mountains in the South of Europe. Juncus nemorosus Ponticn, only’ upon high mountains in Portugal ; J. vernalis Euru. descends lower, but still belongs to mountains. J. campestris spreads yet lower down; J. squarrosus on the highest mountains in Portugal. Convallaria Polygonatum by the sides of cool brooks in the South of Europe; C. majalis is not found there at all. Epilobium grandiflorum, parviflorum, tetrago- num are found near the brooks of Northern Portugal; E. montanum, angustifolium are not inhabitants of the most southern parts of Europe. Vaccinium Myrtillus. This is the only species of Vaccinium, which extends pretty far towards the South; in Portugal, however, it is only met with upon high and craggy northern mountains. Acer Pseude-Platanus in the North of Spain and Portugal, but not A. platanoides. Quercus longipedunculata and brevipedunculata, Both trees become rare in Spain, and are only found on the tops and sides of high mountains. D2 §2 ON THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE The former is still scarcer than the latter, and in the most southern regions of Europe disappears entirely. : Scleranthus arinuus and Saponaria officinalis on high spots in the South of Europe. , Arenaria trinervia upon pretty high mountains in the South of Europe. Stellaria Holostea is fondest of cool places in the South of Europe; S. graminea is only fouhd there on mountains. | Lychnis Flos cuculi in cool places in soutltern Europe. | Taxus baccata is only found, in the South of Europe, on very high and craggy mountains. ; Chelidonium majus is less frequent in the South than in the North of Europe, and chooses cool places only. » | | Hypericum quadrangulare in the cooler spots of southern Europe. Fagus castanea. The chesnut tree is peculiar to the middle of France and the North of Italy. In Spain and Portugal it is only found on high mountains and in cool places. Fagus sylvatica be- SOUTH WESTERN PARTS OF EUROPE. 53 comes less frequent even in France; in Spain and Portugal it is scarcely to be found at all. Pyrus communis appears rather to belong to the South than the North of Europe. Crategus Aria & Sorbus aucuparia are only seen upon the highest and very craggy northern mountains of Portugal. Aquilegia vulgaris in cool places in the South of Europe. Rubus cesius only upon high and cool moun- tains in the South of Europe; but R. fructicosus every where. Fragaria vulgaris in cool shady spots of the South of Europe. Helleborus foetidus plentifully in middle Eu- rope; inthe South, upon high mountains, Sonchus oleraceus laevis every where in the most southern parts of Europe; S. asper in cool places only, Hieracium Pilosella as well as H. sylvaticum only upon very high mountains in the South of Europe. Tanacetum vulgare only upon high mountains 54 ON THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE -in the South of Europe; as also Matricaria Par- thenium, Chrysanthemum corymbosum. Solidago virga aurea upon high hills in the South of Europe, as also Asclepias Vincetoxicum. Artemisia Absinthium and A. vulgaris in the North of Portugal and Spain. Achillzea Millefolium on high mountains in the South of Europe; as likewise Asclepias Vince- toxicum. 3 | Polypodium Filix mas, P. Filix foemina, P. fragile are found only in the South of Europe in high mountainous regions; but P. vulgare is com- mon every where; P, aculeatum descends the far- thest into the plain, the most so towards the South. Osmunda Spicanthus Linn. is more frequent in the woody and mountainous countries of South Europe than in the North. | The mosses which are only found in high mountains in the southern parts of Europe are, Buxbaumia foliosa; Sphagna; Polytrichum com- mune (P. juniperinum and P, piliferum being much more common), P. nanum ; Orthotrichum affine, striatum, crispum 5 Hedwigia ciliata; Dicranum scoparium, glaucum ; Trichostomum lanuginosum, SOUTH WESTERN PARTS OF EUROPE. 55 canescens; Mnium cuspidatum, undulatum, fon- tanum; Fissidens taxifolia, polycarpos; Neckera crispa, curtipendula; Leskea complanata, lucens ; Hypnum nitens, proliferum, -squarrosum; Bar- tramia pomiformis. Most Jungermanniz (with the exception of J. tamariscifolia and complaniata) grow, in the South of Europe, upon high mountains only; as does also Anthoceros, Lichens, which likewise, in the South of Europe, are only found on high mountains, are, Ver- rucaria tatarea, grumosa; Psora decipiens; Lo- baria farfaracea, saxatilis, fahlunensis, rigida, saxicola, verrucosa, ciliaris, czesia, muralis, phy- sodes; Peltigera papyracea, sylvatica; Stereo- caulon paschale, fragile, lanatum. This catalogue will be considerably enlarged, when all the mountains of the southern parts of Europe have been more closely examined. T now come to the consideration of the particular Floras, and shall begin with the countries that are the farthest to the West of Europe. §6 ON THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE Portugal has three Floras, that of the South,.. that of the middle country, and that of the North. _ The countries near the Tagus, and upon the South side of this river belong to the first, with the exception, as usual, of some high mountains. This tract of land, not being separated by any natural boundaries from Andalusia, has many plants in common with it, as might be expected; but, on the other hand, not so many by far with the middle of Spain, and still fewer with the South of France. Only Sicily and the most southern parts of Provence bear some, though not a very strong, resemblance to these tracts in their vegetable productions. The Floras of Andalusia and the South of Portugal are those that resemble the most that of the coast of Barbary.—Here are some instances of plants, which formerly were thought peculiar to the North of Africa, but which are also found in the southern parts of Portugal and vice versa: Scirpus pu- bescens Desronr. Fl. Atl., Iris;alata Lam. Festuca phleoides Desr. Stipa paleacea VauL, Thymus Cephalotes, Phelypea lutea Dzsr. Urtica caudata Van. Cynoglossum pictum Van_, C. clandestinum SOUTH WESTERN PARTS OF EUROPE. 57 Desr. Also most of the Cisti, which cover large tracts of land in the South of Portugal, are met with in the North of Africa. Many others will be shewn hereafter in the Flora Lusitanica.* These North African plants are only found ia the plains and hotter districts; the woody moun- tains, on the contrary, yield some vegetable pra. ductions, which have hitherto been detected only in Madeira, such as Myrica Faya, Pteris arguta, Trichomanes canariensis, and some others. The calcareous mountains, even those of Algarve, have fewer North African plants, but more of thase that belong to the other regions of the South of Europe. There are a greater number of plants, peculiar to the South of France, in Algarve than ia Alentejo; and it is well known in the country, that the former (with the exception of some spots) is not so hot as the latter. The proximity of the sea, and a chain of mountains which extends almost to the sea; are evidently the causes of this * Count Hor FMANNSEGG, who is returned from his botanical travels in Portugal, isnow employed upon a Flora Lusitanica, which it is expected will soon appear. T. 58 ON THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE phenomenon. The highest mountains in this tract of land afford particularly plants belonging to the South of France, and to the North of Italy. Another class. of mountains, ‘for instance those . round Mertola, bear some plants peculiar to the middle of Spain. - The Flora of Middle Portugal i is composed of the foregoing, and of the northern Flora of the same kingdom. It contains indeed far more ‘plants of northern Europe, particularly such as are very universal, and marks as it were the boundaries between both; in the more elevated parts the northern Flora immediately presents itself. The Flora of the North of Portugal has many peculiarities. That it should be nearly the same . with that of Gallicia might be expected from their mutual proximity. With that of Biscay, as well as with that of the Asturias, it corresponds in many respects; but not in so many as might have been expected. A material cause of this difference con- sists in the hills of North Portugal being of | granite, whilst those of North Spain are calcarious, SOUTH WESTERN PARTS OF EUROPE 59 Ta the deeper parts not many more plants of the North of Europe are perceived than in the middle of Portugal ; but on the contrary, on the high moun- ‘tains, especially in shady and boggy spots, they appear in abundance. On the sunny exposures of - high mountains we meet with plants belonging to the South of France and the Middle of Spain. The South-West of England singularly cor- responds with many parts of Portugal, and es- pecially wih the northern and cooler districts, in its “vegetable productions. The white Dog-rose (Rosa arvensis,) which has hitherto been found only in England, is not uncommon in the hedges of the North of Portugal. Moreover Spergula subulata SmituH, Sibthorpia ecuropzea, Scutellaria minor | are to be found on the rocks of North Portugal ; while Pinguicula lusitanica has been discovered in England. Perhaps further examination would prove a still greater concordance. Many plants are peculiar to North Portugal as Antirrhinum triornithophorum and Omphalodes Jusitanicum TourNEF. two very common plants in 60 ON THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE the hedges of the high county of Beira and Entre Minho e Douro. | Comparatively speaking, Portugal has no great number of plants in common with the rest of Europe; and the resemblance of its Flora even to those of Spain and the South of France, is not found to correspond with the opinion that has been enter- tained of it. And on the other hand, its corres- pondence with that of the North coast of Africa, and with that of the South-western districts of Eng- land, is much ftronger than could have been ve pected. . Scarcely any resemblance, or. at leaft much less than what might have been suspected, exists between it and that of the Levant. I scarcely know one oriental plant which is to be found in | Portugal. The Portuguese Flora, when united with that of a part of South Spain, displays great originality ; which is chiefly owing to the extensive sandy heaths and barren slate rocks, which in other European countries are not of such extent. A considerable number of the larger species of Cistus, to which heaths only are congenial, and such like plants,.are SOUTH WESTERN PARTS OF EUROPE. 6f here in their favourite situation. The following may serve as the foundation of a more complete botanical view of this country. The chain of the Gerez mountains in North Portugal, is high, well watered, and shady, where Quercus Robur and Q. pubescens W1LLp. with the olive, grow in the greatest abundance. In the more elevated regions the birch, yew, and Sorbus atieuparia are found, and on the banks of the rivers Rhamnus Frangula. The underwood is Erica arborea, Prunus lusitanica and Arbutus Unedo. The still higher, and especially the shady parts, are full of plants of North Europe; which, mixed with the Portuguese plants, ascend to con- siderable heights ; hence an extraordinary medley is produced. Thus upon one of the highest levels are found Scirpus ceespitosus, Nardus stricta, along with Betula alba, Scrophularia sambucifolia, &c. The middle regions abound in Cytisi, Geniste, Spartia, of which only Genista alba Lam. is known; on lower mountains several Cisti espe- cially C. hirsutus Lam. C. scabrosus TH. Kew. C. cheiranthoides are common. \ 62 ON THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE The whole province of Entre Minho e Douro, consists of shady cultivated vallies, in which some plants of North Europe, grow along with many beautiful ones peculiar to Portugal. Here are seen Antirrhinum triornithophorum, Omphalodes lusi- tanicum Tourn. Spergula subulata, Sibthorpia Europea, Aquilegia vulgaris. Upon arid moun- tains are found the above mentioned Cisti ; on the heaths, Erica umbellata, E. Daboecia, E. cinerea. The more elevated districts of Beira, particularly the shady well cultivated spots about Coimbra, afford a similar Flora. The chain of the Marao-mountains is for the most part dry and naked, and of course not. so rich in plants as the Gerez-mountains. Plants of North Europe are but scarce on the naked spots, except Hieracium Pilosella and a few more round the village of Campeam, where there is a small wood of birch, oaks, and Cytisi. Thefe latter, the largest and. most abundant species of which is as yet a non-descript, here attain a con- siderable height. SOUTH WESTERN PARTS OF EUROPE. 63. The deep vallies of Traz-os-montes, for instance the valley of the Douro, are distinguished by the production of Spanish plants. The mountains along the Douro as well as the Cape Estrella, are naked and dry. The} produce some plants of Northern Europe, as Scleranthus ' annuus, Achillea Millefolium, &c. with some few belonging to middle Spain, and several that are exclusively their own. The Estrella is not so well watered nor so shady as the Gerez. On its higher regions we find, in- deed, birch and mountain-ash, but, upon the whole, fewer plants of the North of Europe than on the Gerez. The under wood consists of Erica arborea, and australis, with some Cytisi. Their naked sum- mits and rocky parts produce’ several plants belong- ing to the South of France, but none belonging to the North of Europe. From this it appears, that it is the want of shade which principally prevents the extending of these plants. The heaths of Middle Portugal are covered with Pinus maritima Gerarp. The most common Cisti upon them are C, Cheiranthoides, C. sambu- 64 ON THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE cifolius ; the usual heaths, Erica cinerea and E. um- bellata. ‘They have also many plants exclusively their own, as Scilla unifolia, Hypericum linifolium and several which are yet undescribed. The hills ‘on the borders of the Tagus, espe- cially near Lisbon, which are composed of limes stone and basalt, afford an uncommonly rich Flora« We find there many plants which are. peculiar to North Africa; many are common throughout the South of Europe, such as the Trifolia, Medi- cagines, &c. and finally an abundance of Por- tuguese plants and such as are peculiarly their own. The Cintra chain of mountains produces some plants of North Portugal, some few of North Europe, and some peculiar to Madeira. Hence the Flora of these mountains is very complicated, but highly interesting. The heaths of Alentejo are of two sorts; those which consist of deep sand are rich in Cisti, and many other plants, peculiar to these parts or other- wise only to be found in North Africa. The dry heaths, which have a covering of granite grave SOUTH WESTERN PARTS OF EUROPE. 64 are cloathed with Cistus ladaniferus and monspeli- ensis, and but poor in other plants; though several rare vegetables, peculiar to Portugal, are there dis- covered. Serra da Arabida, a chain of calcareous mountains, strongly resembles those of Algarve, except tliat there are some shady spots in which are found some rare and mostly undescribed plants: The country bordering upon the Guadiana is full of vegetables peculiar to Spain. Serra de Monchique has some few plants peculiar to North Europe, some to Madeira, and others to the South of France. Rhododendron ponticum is the common underwood on the sides of the brooks. Spain in proportion as it is more extensive, is also more varied in its productions than Portugal, The first that presents itself for distinction is the Flora of the Pyrenees; this is rich in peculiar plants, that are not met with on the more elevated parts of those mountains, which constitute the branches of the Pyrenees, as for instance in Biscay and Catalonia; somewhat lower we come to plants indigenous to southern France. E 66 ON THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE. The Flora of New and Old Castile, and of a part of Estremadura, is a: singular and very distinct Flora from the rest. The plains of sand and gypsum, in these provinces, produce a.medley of peculiar plants. most exclusively their own. Leeflingia, Queria, Minuartia, &c. are well known} but a great number of them, even of those in the neighbourhood of Aranguez, are yet undescribed. The chain of mouatains have also many that are peculiarly their own, although not in proportion to the plains. The excessive heat of the summer, the intense cold of the winters, the shadeless plains, and the gypseous soil, considered elsewhere as phenomena, are here in the order of nature. The Flora of Valencia, especially that of the range of “the calcareous mountains, which run through the whole of that province and part of Catalonia, has many peculiarities. The species of Teucrium are here in abundant diversity, as also Cistus, Sideritis, &e. Of Cistus, however, only the smaller species are found, the larger ones belong to the hot sandy heaths of Andalusia and Portugal, | SOUTH WESTERN PARTS OF EUROPE: 67 The Floras of Gallicia and Andalusia appear. to harmonize with those of North and South Por- tugal. . South Germatiy, Northern and Middle France, and the South of England, have, altogether, great resemblance to each other; and-it appears frona mineralogical geography, how much they agree on the whole in their respective soils, and how widely these latter differ from the soil on the other side of the pyrenees.. The South of France, that tract of land which Linneus called Gallia narbo: hensis, perhaps the richest country of all Europe in the diversity of vegetable genera, has a Flora peculiar to itself; which only exterids over the middle sized mountains beyond the pyrenees. Pro- vence has. plants peculiar to South France, but not in great abundance. The following is a catalogue of plants which are frequent in North Europe, but not found in the South of Spain and Portugal : Veronica Chameedris, triphyllos, verna. Orchis bifolia, mascula. 68 ON THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THZ Ophrys ovata. Salix pentandra, Caprea, acuminata. Valeriana officinalis, dioica. Scabiosa succisa, arvensis. Plantago major, lanceolata, maritima, Galium verum, sylvaticum. | Asperula odorata. Alchemilla vulgaris. Cuscuta europea. Viscum album. Pulmonaria officinalis. -Lithospermum officinale. Lycopsis arvensis. Asperugo procumbens. Cynoglossum officinale. Anchusa officinalis. Primula veris & elatior. Menyanthes trifoliata. Hottonia palustris. Verbascum Thapsus, nigrum. Vinca minor. Phyteuma spicata. Campanula rotundifolia, Trachelium, glomerata. Lonicera Xylosteum. | Rhamnus catharticus. Omnes Ribesii species. Evonymus europeus, SOUTH WESTERN PARTS OF EUROPE, 69 Gentiana campestris, cruciata. | Chenopodium bonus Henricus, rubrum, glaucum, hybridum, polyspermum. Bupleurum rotundifolium, falcatum. Sium latifolium, anguftifolium. Aethufa Cynapium. Cherophyllum sylvestre. Cicuta virosa. Pastinaca sativa. Aegopodium podagraria. Pimpinella saxifraga, Carum Carvi, Viburnum Opulus. Sambucus racemosa, Parnassia palustris, Drosera rotundifolia, longifolia, Berberis vulgaris. Allium Scorodoprasum, Convallaria majalis, bifolia. Ornithogalum luteum, minimum and all related species. Aristolochia Clematitis. Trientalis europea, Vaccinium vitis Idea, uliginosum, Oxycoccos, 72 ON THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE . Polygonum Bistorta. , Adoxa Moschatellina. Paris quadrifolia. Mercurialis perennis. Monotropa Hypopithys. : All species of Pyrola. Ledum palustre. Andromeda polifolia. Dianthus Carthusianorum, Armeria, deltoideus, superbus. Arenaria peploides. Oxalis acetosella. Prunus Padus. Crataegus torminalis. Spiraea Ulmaria, Rubus ideus, Tormentilla ereé&a. Potentilla Anserina, argentea. : Geum urbanum, rivale. Comarum palustre. Anemone Hepatica, pratensis, sylvatica, rosa, ranunculoides. Ranunculus auricomus, lanuginosus, Trollius europzus. Calla palustris, Arum maculatum. VEIila, nemo- SOUTH WESTERN PARTS OF EUROPE, vt Fagus sylvatica. Leonurus Cardiaca. Galeopsis Ladanum, Tetrahit, Galeobdolon, Stachys sylvatica, palustris, recta, Nepeta Cataria. Scutellaria galericulata, Thymus Acinos, Euphrasia officinalis, odontites. Rhinanthus Crista galli. Melampyrum cristatum, arvense, nemorosum, sylvaticum. Lathrea Squamaria. Antirrhinum Linaria. Draba verna. Alyssum incanum, calycinum, Cochlearia Armoracia. Thlafpi arvense, Erysimum officinale, Alliaria, Sisymbrium Sophia. - Brassica orientalis. Turritis glabra. Crambe maritima. Pinus sylvestris, Abies, &c. 72 ON THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE Juniperus communis. Fumaria cava, solida. Orobus vernus, tuberosus, niger. Lathyrus pratensis, sylvestris, tuberosus. Vicia sepium. ; Astragalus glycyphyllus, Medicago falcata. Tragopogon pratense, T.eontodon autumnale, hispidum. Prenanthes muralis, s Hieracium paludosum, sabaudum, umbellatum, | ‘ Sonchus arvensis. | Lapsana communis. Carlina vulgaris. Cnicus oleraceus. Carduus crispus, acaulis. Onopordon Acanthium. | Serratula tinctoria. Gnaphalium dioicum, arenarium, sylvaticum, Chrysathemum Leucanthemum. | Erigeron acre. Cineraria palustris. All species of Tussilago. SOUTH WESTERN PARTS OF EUROPE. 73 Achillea ptarmica. Centaurea Cyanus, Jacea, Schoenus compressus. Scirpus sylvaticus. Eriophorum polystachion. Alopecurus pratensis, geniculatus, arvensis, Agrostis vulgaris, hispida. Aira aquatica. Poa aquatica, trivialis autor. (pratensis WiLLp.) is at least very scarce inthe South; compressa, angustifolia, nemoralis, cristata. Cynosurus cristatus. Avena elatior, pubescens. Elymus arenarius. Carex dioica, pulicaris, remota, digitata, praecox Tacq. pallescens, Pseudocyperus, vesicaria, hirta. Ophioglossum vulgatum. Osmunda Lunaria. All species of Lycopodium to be met with in the Northern parts of Europe. Polypodium Thelypteris, Dryopteris, phegopteris, All species of Phascum; Gymnostomum ovatum; Tetraphis pellucida ; Leersia vulgaris; Grimmia apocarpa; Orthotrichum anomalum; Lefkea 74 ON THE BOTANICAL GEOGRAPHY, &c, XN polyantha; Hypnum triquetrum, serpens, abie- tinum, crista castrensis ; Webera’ pomiformis. Marchantia polymorpha. Bacomyces vulgaris. Lobaria pulverulenta, stellaris, pulmonaris, frax- inea, ON THE NATURE AND MODE OF PRODUCTION OF AGALLOCHUM OR ALOES-WOOD. BY I, DE LOUREIRO. eee [Translated from the Portuguese.]* We find by the works of Dioscoripgs, Ort- BAsius, and P. Arcynerra, that the veget ble production, commanly called Aloes-wood, has been known time immemorial, and that it was in use among the Grecks under the name of Agallochon, in latter times under that of Xylaloe. The Ro- mans called it Lignum Aloes and Agallochum. PLINy mentions it under the name of Tarum. The Arabian naturalists adopted the greek deno- mination and called it Agalugin, Of these Avyi- * Memorias da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, Vol. x. p. 402—415. 76 LOUREIRO ON THE NATURE AND MODE CENNA, SERAPIAS, Ruasis, Isaac, and AveR- ROES are particular in their mention of it. Before the Portuguese had in the fifteenth cen- tury with a perseverance truly heroic, by doubling the Cape of Good Hope, opened to the world the direct commerce of India (where only it is to be found), it had been imported thence to Arabia and afterwards by way of Suez to Cairo and Alex- andria; from which port it was brought by the Venetians to Europe. But previous to this, and ‘even before the Christian era, it was carried, with other valuable Asiatic commodities, from the East to the West, by the merchants of Tyre oy Pheenicia; who, in those times, were. of all na- tions the most skilled in the arts of navigation and commerce. Patol The tree which yields this valuable material, is a native of that part of India, which lies beyond | the Ganges, and there only in some places not far removed from the Equinoctial line, as in the king- doms of Cochin China, Laos and Siam. Jn the king- | dom of Tonquin it is only found in small quantity, OF PRODUCTION OF ALOES-WOOD. 77 and of an inferior quality. Some seem to think that it exists likewise in China, but this [I doubt; for that which is sold at Canton, and thence distributed over the whole empire, and also over Japan, Malacca, Surate, and. Arabia, ap- pears evidently to have been bought in the ports of Cochin China. We find that when by the devastation of continued wars, which were only ended in the year 1773, in which the tyrant Nhai revolted, this kingdom no longer possessed a suf- ficient number of hands to collect the aloes-wood in the deserts and on the mountains of the western regions ; the sale of this valuable article then also ceased in the emporium of China. In the islands of Borneo, Macassar, the Moluccas, Sumatra, at Malabar, Pegu, and in the territories of Malacca, are also found some sweet-scented sorts of wood, which I have .seen and which have been by some authors called Pa de Aguila (Aloes-wood) but they are far inferior both in scent and virtue, and are sold at a much cheaper rate. #8 LOUREIRO ON THE NATURE AND MODE But however distinct from each other, the trees are, which afford these species of wood, the ignerance of travellers, and the avari¢e of the druggists, suffer them all to go under the appel- lation of true Aloes-wood. Among these substitutes, that species which is found (and really taken by some for the genuine one) in the Malacca Territory, where it is known according to. Rumptius* by the name of Garo Malacca, appears to be the best. But then Rum- phius, who, in the year 1693, received -some branches with both leaves and fruit, gives a figure of the latter} which is made to resemble 4 small plum; the inner side is divided into two or four cells with as many seeds. Hence I infer, that this tree is not the trie Agallochum, the fruit of which (as will be hereafter shewn) is a sort of woody monospermous pod. # Rumph. Herbar. Amb. 2 cap. 14. + L. c. tab. ro. ¢ Though the figure mentioned in Herbarium Amboinénse is not exactly like Loureiro’s plant in the Banksian herbarium, yet from the description of Runiphius and sonie allowance necessary to be made for, the stiffness of almost all the figures of that work, it appears that both OF PRODUCTION OF ALOES-WOOD. 79 Those authors who have endeavoured to obtain correct information of this vegetable on the spot, and whose descriptions (though neither clear nor scientific) come nearest to truth, are the above Rumphius and the famous Portuguese naturalist Garcia DE Horta, the latter of whom describes it in his treatise on spices*, which appeared first in Portuguese and was afterwards translated into other languages. Many other authors, an- cient and modern, mention the Aloes-wood as an object of profit to merchants, as an article used in temples, as a perfume, &c. ;- but as relative to Botany it has not hitherto been sufficiently attended to. It was known ‘to be the produce of a tree, but the tree itself and the manner in which it pro- duces the Aloes-wood was unknown. Some at- tempted to describe the plant without having seen are the same. As for the fruit, the representation in Rumph. Herb: Amb. certainly does not agree with the description, the author of the above paper gives of it, but approaches nearer to the figure of Cavanilles (Dis. Botan. t. 224) given from a fruit which was. brought from India by Sonnerat. Rumphius owns that the fruit which he represented had not been found growing upon tbe branch of the tree which he received, but only tied to it. Oy ' * Gare ab 5torto de Arom. 1. 1. C. 16, 80. LOUREIRO ON THE NATURE AND MODE it, and consequently were wide of the truth; others passed it over in silence, because they knew nothing of it. Among these is Linnaus, who has not introduced it in his Systema Plantarum 5 being, however, obliged to mention it in his Materia Medica,* he describes it asa poisonous, corroding, inebriating plant, belonging to Ficus, and lactescent; which is contrary to truth.t Af- terwards, indeed, Bercrust quoted WEDEL, who considers it as an excellent medicine not at all violent in its operation. I had opportunity of seeing and of examining it during many years, while employed in the mission to Cochin China, its native country ; \ % Linnxi Materia Medica, Amst. 1749, p.184. + Linnzus, mentioning the Agallochum in his Materia Medica as a poisonous drug, does not allude to the plant of Loureiro, but to that which he himself afterwards called Excoecaria Agallochum, and which, according to Rumphius (Herb. Amboin. Vol. 2. p. 237) yields likewise a substance scarcely to be distinguished from the true Agallochum. That Linnzus referred it to Ficusin the mentioned work, was a mistake, which /not knowing the true plant producing the drug/ he seems to have been Jed into by the analogy of the milky juice of Excoecaria. Mr, von Schreber in his editions of Linnzus’s Materia Medica suggests, indeed, his doubts of its belonging to that genus. T. + Bergii. Mat, Med. ¢ regno veget. Vol. II. p.go3. OF PRODUCTION OF ALOES-WoopD. 81 and where it is found more plentifully and of better quality than in any other part of the world. But even there to acquire a thorough knowledge of, and to become intimately acquainted with its his- tory, much assiduity and labour is requisite, as these trees are only to be met with at a great dis- tance from the, inhabited parts of the country, on - elevated and chiefly deserted tracts, extending for more than eleven degrees in the direction of N. W. inclining to W. and separating the kingdom of Laos from those of Tonquin, Cochin China and Champa. | The tree which gives us the true Aloes-wood is of considerable size and its branches ascending. Its bark is smooth, consisting of strong, flexible, threadlike fibres, resembling those of hemp. The wood is white, not very hard, and des- titute of coloured veins, Leaves alternate, Jan- ceolate, coriaceous, smooth, flat and undivided. Flowers terminating the branches in small corymbi. Each has a calyx of four acute, hairy, deciduous leaf- lets ; the under one curved, bent inward, crescent- F 82 LOUREIRO ON THE NATURE AND MODE shaped, and almost double the length of the rest. Coroila of six unequal petals, longer than the calyx. Filaments distinct, ten. Style simple. Fruit an oblong, acuminate, crescent-shaped, ligneous pod, with a single seed of the same form, sur- rounded by an aril. From the examination oe its flowers, it appears to constitute a new genus, belonging to Decandria Monogynia of Linnzeus, and which I have distin- guished by the names of Aloexylum verum, the first of them meaning the same as Xylo-Aloe or Aloeslignum, a name by which it was already known. | ; : But why is the wood of the Aloexylum white, even, and destitute of coloured veins, as the pieces of Agallochum are uneven, dark-coloured and with large veins? Why is no oily and resinous matter perceivable in the former, since the latter abounds with it?. Why is the mother-tree insipid -and scentless, as the Agallochum is remarkable for its bitter taste, and strong pleasing scent, in which its virtue and consequent value reside? This physical metamorphosis, displaying such distinct OF PRODUCTION OF ALOEFS-WOOD. 83 qualities, and affording such unforeseen results in the same subject, I shall now explain from the observations I have made. The manner in which Agallochum is formed within its mother-tree, is analogous to that by which scirrhous tumours, consequent gangren, and mortification are produced in animal bodies ; which, unlefs checked in their progress by art, prove fatal. Now it often happens in various parts of the trunk or branches of the Aloexylum, that its alimentary juices, rising in an unconcocted state, (hence too thick or too viscous for the slender and confined passage afforded by the vertical ves- sels) form these obstructions, which are constantly increasing by the accumulations of others that continue to be impelled towards them from the root; and whilst the more subtle parts exhale by the lateral vessels and pores in the bark, the thicker. and oily ones remain behind, and in the course of time are coagulated into a resinous mass. This » when accumulated to a sufficient degree, extends and bursts the vessels and channels in which. it E2 84 LOUREIRO ON THE NATURE AND MODE was contained, and then presents a shapeless, hard, dark coloured, fragrant mass, full of coarse veins, called Agallochum. | Thus this substance, however. precious, is the immediate result of disease, and often contains a Teredo and a brown species of Meloe; which, by gnawing -and penetrating into the interior of the | stem, give it the rugged appearatice we perceive in the pieces, and bore them full of holes. The disease having spread far into the stem, the upper part at least loses its communication with the lower part through which it received its support and aliment ; while the sound parts of the tree decay, and yield their precious perfume, by the production of which it had paved its way to its own destruc- tion; and, as Ovip sings of the Phoenix: Se super imponit finitque in odoribus evum. ; As the Agallochum-trade is very lucrative in the East, the natives of those regions go every year in search of it, at the expence of much hazard and labour, among the mountains ;, for which purpose they keep together in bodies of ten, twenty or OF PRODUCTION OF ALOES-WOOD. 85 more, with provisions for a month, and with arms for defence against the wild beasts ; such as tigers, rhinoceroses, elephants and snakes, which abound in those parts; and with implements requisite for cutting the wood. They traverse the distant parts of forests, and examine every Aloexylum-tree they find. Such as are very healthy and have green leaves they pass by ; those on the other hand, which are either already dead, or have their leaves of a pale yellow hue (a symptom of approaching disso- lution), they immediately fell, cut them open in a longitudinal direction with their hatchets, and dis- cover the object of their pursuit. They sometimes find it accumulated into large pieces, one Arroba or more in weight, sometimes only into smaller ones of a few pounds, according to the length of time the tree may have been deceased. The traders distinguish three sorts of true Agal- lochum produced by the Aloexylum-tree.: The first the Europeans call Calamba; the natives of Cochin China, Ki-nam. This is the most valuable and rare, being found in Cochin China only; and there, only upon those mountains which lie towards 86 - LOUREIRO ON THE NATURE AND MODE the west from the province of Binh-Khang, for- merly a part of the kingdom of Siampa in the latitude 30° North. The Calamba is of a brown or dark yellow colour, mixed with black; it consists of coarse fibres, intermixed with numerous veins of resin ;. so that when placed over a fire, it evaporates almost entirely, and sheds a most sweet and permanent perfume. Newly gathered, it is softish, but be- comes sradually harder. Those who fetch it an- nually from the forests, find it in very small quan- tities, and are obliged, under the penalty of death, | to deliver the whole of it to their king, who ap- plies it to his own use in the palace, and gives away some few ounces to his favourites, and but seldom sells it. The second species, which is commonly called Pao de Aguila by the Portuguese, Fram-huong by the natives, ‘has the same scent as the former, but neither so penetrating or delicate ; and is therefore far lefs valuable. Upon being evaporated, it leaves more residuum, and does not show those coarse threads and resinous veins so remarkable in OF PRODUCTION OF ALOES-WooD. 87 the Calamba, except when counterfeited by the ex® ternal application of hot irons, which the druggists use, to give it the appearance of the genuine Ca- - lamba. That Pao de Aguila which is the heaviest, and sinks in water, is esteemed the best; though I have found pieces of lefs specific gravity, and not so dark coloured, which had however a very strong and pleasant smell. ne There is one sort of a pale hue, which is taken from trees, long perished, and which have by exposure to the weather, lost much of its fragrance and virtue ; this is called by the natives Huong-tu, or dead Aloes-wood. Another sort of an ash-colour, called Huong-sinh, or living Aloes- wood, is superior to this ; being obtained from trees still living, or newly dead, and consequently in better preservation. A third species, called by the natives simply Huong (perfume), is the least valuable, as well in regard to specific gravity, as in scent and virtue ; it is taken from trees in which it had scarcely begun to form. This species is entirely white inside, as is the sound part of the tree, or it con- , 88 LOUREIRO ON THE NATURE AND MOD “tains some small black knots which have just begun to form. The outside, however, is often found of the same colour and shape as that of the best Agallochum, which it owes to the black colour, wax, and hot irons employed by the drug- gists to impose upon unexperienced purchasers. It has some smell, but a weaker and less agreeable than the other two species, and therefore sells much cheaper. eG In some parts of the East, the Agalluchum is frequently used as a corroborant, and in some degree astringent medicine. Its smoke revives the animal spirits, and is efficacious in vertigo from debility; but not in that kind which proceeds from hysterical: affections. Taken in the form of powder or pills, it promotes digestion, checks ‘vomiting and diarrhea. As for the economical uses of the Aloexylum- tree, the natives of Tonquin and Cochin China make writing paper of it. To do this, they macerate the bark in water for some days, and having re- duced it, by beating, into a pulp, they put it into a Fe OF PRODUCTION OF ALOES-WooD. 89 moulds. The paper thus prepared is not so white as common European paper, but thinner and more durable. | The perfume of Agallochum, especially that called Calamba, is very much esteemed in all parts of the East. In their temples the natives burn it upon their altars, either unmixed or formed into lozenges with other odoriferous- ingredients, as sandel-wood, benzoin or musk. ‘The princes of Japan, China, Cochin China, and Siam, haye censers of gold or silver for this purpofe; these are nearly filled with pure. sifted ashes, upon which a live coal, without flame, or smoke, is placed to receive thesCalamba. The vessel is so placed and arranged, that the smoke, which rises in a fine white thread-like stream, inclines towards and perfumes, the guest on whom they wish to bestow honor or attention. The Chinese and Japanese use this ceremony when they take their tea, the Turks and Persians at their coffee or sherbet. - In Indostan, they generally embalm their dead QO LOUREIRO ON THE NATURE AND,MODE &c. bodies with compositions of sandel-wood and other precious odoriferous substances, but for kings and princes the Agallochum is used, the fragrance of © which keeps for a longer time and extends farther. ON THE GENERA OF ORCHIDEZ, AND THEIR SYSTEMATICAL ARRANGEMENT. By PROF. 0, SWARZ. eaten) ete { Translated from the Swedith. ]* EE ar THE Orchidex have been confidered, ever fince ‘Mortson’s time, as belonging to a proper na- tural family, easily distinguished ‘by the following charaéters ; leaves undivided, and generally reticu- lately veined; flowers mostly polyphyllous, situated above the germ, and having one of the petal-like leaflets differently shaped from the others ; fruit unilocular, opening, when ripe, by three valves, and scattering its seeds as fine as dust ; a peculiar smell, proceeding either from the root or from the inner parts of the flower. But in defining. and distinguishing the various genera from one another, * Kong]. Vetenskaps Academiens nya Handlingar. 1800. p+ IIs. seq. 92 SWARZ ON THE GENERA OF ORCHIDEA, each founder of a system has pursued a different method. TourwerorT was the first who undertook this task; it was not, however, from the peculiar figure or internal structure of the flower, but from the habit of the whole plant, that he constructed the generic characters of his Nidus avis, Limodo- rum, Ophrys, Orchis, Helleborine, and Calceolus. Ray, Rivinus, and Borruaave followed him in this. C. Knaut and Kramer took their charac- ters (though not with great fuccess) from the spur and other external parts, and partly even from the - root. WEDEL gave six petal-like leaflets to the flowers of Orchidez ; three of which he termed the calyx, and distinguished his genera by the difference of the lip. Lupwic defined them (as © did also HAuLeEr at first) by the form of the root. MicHe Lt also made use of this part for the form- mg of some genera of this natural order. Liny2zus, endeavouring to extraét better cha- racters than thofe given by his predecessors, distinguished the plants of his twentieth class (Gynandria) from the others, by their male parts AND THEIR SYSTEMATICAL ARRANGEMENT, 93 being situated upon the style, or upon an elongated receptacle analogous to it, bearing both pistil and stamens. All the genera of the first order (to which his Orchidee belong) were required to be diandrous. The essential characters of the different genera he borrowed from the external parts of the flower, partly from the Labium nectarii (or necta- rium, as he sometimes calls it), and partly from the spurs, when present. These characters appeared for the first time in the Genera plantarum; in a subsequent edition he still retains them, and in the fifth changes a part, and gives up some genera, the species of which he transfers to others, and finally establishes the charaéters of Orchidex as follows: Filamenta semper duo brevissima ; stylus vix distinctus ; anthere bine nud@ tunica carentes, cellulis tecta quae deorsum aperiuntur, Fc. Fur- ther experience has shewn how uncertain and insufficient this was. : While these improvements, or rather changes, were making, Hauuer, by his assiduous exami- nation of more than fifty species of Orchidex growing wild, was enabled to propose characters, 94 SWARZ ON THE GENERA OF ORCHIDEA, which (in his opinion) were sufficient for distin- . guishing the different genera. From the changes’ to which the lip and spur are subject, this naturalist endeavoured (perhaps with reason), to demonstrate the insufficiency of the Linnean arrangement of Orchidez, and therefore fouaded his own upon the parts peculiarly belonging to fructification, or what he calls machina staminifera, in qua fovea ungui- nosa est, que ad ovaria videtur ducere.* His method, however, has not been so generally adopted as that of Linnzus, though Cranrz endeavoured to give it additional strength, and Scopox1 adopted it in his Flora Carniolica, as well as ALLIONI in his Flora of Piedmont. In the mean time Apanson had given an arrangement, comprehending feven of the eight Linnean genera; founding it, however, on such uncertain characters, as pefala convoluta, pen- dentia, anthers? In Lepanthes, the flower of which has no Jabellum at all, the scarcely visible membranaceous integument, covering the pollen, and soon dropping, cannot be considered as an upper lip, since two | distinct petals appear at the sides of the style. The upper lip therefore, as it is calied, does not belong to the corolla, but rather to the parts of fructification, and is to be considered as the true _and only anther, to be met with in all the species hereafter to be mentioned, Cypripedium only ex- cepted, which has two of them; all the other genera hitherto known are monandrous. DANSON was the first who formed this opinion, afterwards adopted by Jusstzu, Scureser and SALiIsBuRY. Besides the above-mentioned, many other names have been given to this anther; such as fungus, glans, cucullus, squama, operculum, and other vague appellations. This part is found to differ very much in the different Orchidez, with regard to form as well as insertion, In Orchis and Ophrys, for instance, it is, 108 SWARZ ON THE GENERA OF ORCHIDE Es almost upright, connate with the upper part of the - style, but in such manner that the part where it joins, is visible, fleshy behind, with two oblong cells,. each of which has a membranous valve at the front that opens and emitsthe pollen.* The same is the case in Disa; but here the anther re- clines, assumes an horizontal position, and is con. ‘cealed in the helmet. ~ In Satyrium it resembles a scrotum, and is attached near the summit of the elongated style. Corycium and Pterygodium have an anthera didyma, the cells of which constitute, as it were, two anthers, at the sides of the style, but join at. the back part of this organ. Disperis has a simple. upright anther covered in front, the integument having two cells, formed by two cartilaginous twisted side-lobes. In Neottia, Cranichis, and Diuris, it is fixed to the back-part of the style, upright, acuminate, * At the front of the base, beneath the anther, above the stigma pro- jeets a blunt point, which Cranrz callsclitxris; SpRenceEr, kappchen; Linnzvs took it for the stigma. In many species both of Orchis and Disa, there appears another smal] point projecting between the cells of the anther, over the above-mentioned blunt one, which Hari re called ‘spinula. Its-use is unknown. ‘ AND THEIR SYSTEMATICAL ARRANGEMENT. 1609 -with two cells, between which and the correspond- ‘ing cavities of the style, the pollen masses are ‘found. In Epipactis it is fixed to the hinder part of ‘the upper end of the elongated style. In Cymbidium, Epidendrum, and in all the genera which I shall hereafter notice, as having an anthera opercularis mobilis, the style-is generally - elongated. The anther in these is like a convex, fleshy, or membranous lid, slightly fastened, as if by an articulation, to the edge pointing towards “the back part. This is lifted up and often’ drops off, as soon as the pollen issues from the one, two, or three celis, which open opposite the eave?" ac the top of the style. Now as an anther consists of a Joculament ¢ or ‘membrane in which the pollen is contained or ‘prepared, that part which I have just described ‘must be considered as such, and indeed as a single anther, in all the Orchidez: except in Cypripedium. The pollen, or that impregnating substance which in the anthers of the Orchidez appears, as it were, to constitute a distinct part, displays a 110 SWARZ ON THE GENERA OF ORCHIDEZ5 singular diversity, both with regard to its compo- sition, and the manner in which it is lodged within the anthers of the different genera. In many, as for instance in Orchis, Cphrys, &c. it resembles two club-shaped masses, which are supported by means of a fine transparent thread-like pedicle, furnished with a small orbicular gland; above the stigma, at the sides of the above-mentioned blunt- topped point. These masses, which, till mature, remain concealed within the cells of the anthers, appear to be composed of an infinite number of oblong vesicles tapering downwards, and imbri- cate at their narrower extremities. They are’ transparent, yellowish, white or green, and filled with a fluid into which they seem almost to dis- solve when they come in contact with the stigma. To this fluid their chain-like: connexion, which appears in separating them from one another, is likewise owing. . No less remarkable is the elasti- city of these masses, particularly in those of. the different species of Orchis; in which, when they: have been forcibly extended to four times. their length, being left to themselves, they immediately AND THEIR SYSTEMATICAL ARRANGEMENT. IIf return to their former shape. In some genera (as Epipactis), the masses appear to be surrounded by a thin membrane, perhaps belonging to the inner surface of the cell. This they either lose in the course of time, or it remains, and may then be separated longitudinally into two or more coherent parts; which, when the elastic masses protrude from the cells in the anthers, easily adhere to one another or to different parts of the flower, by means of the gland which is situated there, and which appears at first dry, but afterwards be- comes juicy. This is what Navensure and ScHKuuR call ‘the emigration of the males, or _. the infidelity of the males to their females.*) The former author has observed this only in Orchis bifolia, but I also found it in Orchis maculata, in the beautiful Orchis habenaria, and in some species of Epidendrum. | Disa Corycium, and a few other genera, have masses of pollen resembling those of Orchis ; but in Thelymitra, Cranichis, Neottia, Diuris, Are- thusa, &c. they do not separate so easily from the *Ustert’s neue Annalen, No,2. Scuxunr bot. Hanpeucn, No, 21. ti2 SWARZ ON THE GENERA OF ORCHIDER, + anther and resemble more the pollen of the getie- rality of plants; the microscope shows, however; that they consist of numberless transparent globules. In the Epidendra, the masses consist ‘of uniform, round, flattish bodies closely united, and covered by a fine membrane; they may be divided, but alf their parts are upon a common pedicle. We find eight of them in Limodorum Tankervilliz ; four; or two pair upon one footstalk in aerides flor aéris, &e ; ; Lepanthes cochlearifolia has but a single oes in its anther. . ) Unless examined in a fresh state; one might, with regard to the last mentioned genera, think - with GAERTNER, not indeed that each mass of pollen, as he imagines, is an anther, but that these masses are to be considered as solid. In his opi- nion these supposed anthers are “* ex uniformi subs stantia subcornea s. carnosa formate.” This is how- ever not the case; for they really consist of a granulated substance, as may be easily seen Me help of water, and a magnifying glass. , ‘That these masses lie as it were loose, in their proper cells, having at the same time the AND THEIR SYSTEMATICAL ARRANGEMENT, 113 habit of dissolving, proves clearly that they ought mot to be considered as the anthers themselves, as they hitherto have been; but as the genituia, or impregnating substance analogous to pollen. With regard to their nature and the humour con- tained in them, they have some resemblance to the Asclepiadeeg, the male parts of which display a construction equally uncommon. ‘ The style ascends, as it is before said, from the germ, within the corolla, bearing the male parts fastened to or connate with it; and therefore it is to be considered as the common receptacle of both the sexua! parts. On account of its remarkable thickness and shape, as well as the singularity and Situation of the stigma, it deserves a peculiar denomination distinct from stylus.* The stigma of the Orchidez, a part as import- ant as the germ, has been but little understood. Linnzus’s idea of it I venture to pronounce erro- * That many botanists bave been of the same opinion, appears from the numbers of names given to this part ; such as tuba; scapus stamineus, spermaticus,tubz ; machina staminea, fructificationis, prolifera, seminalis, foecundans; columna staminum, staminifera, genitalium, foecundans; mas chinula, &c. ‘ H li4 SWARZ’ON THE GENERA OF ORCHIDE, neous, as he took for this part, that blunted point which in orchis is found projecting beneath the cells of the anther, and above the real stigma. In cases of entire deficiency of this projecting point (as in Ophrys, &c.) he made use of the expression stigma obsoletum, &c. KézrREUTER imagined the whole inner surface of the cells of orchis, containing the pollen-masses, to be the stigma which absorbed the fructifying substance, by which means it was con- ducted to the ovarium ; but ‘this theory is not better grounded than that of Linneeus.—SprencEL and Scuxuur* have certainly hit upon the right part.** It is distinctly to be seen in Orchis ‘below the anther, and behind the opening into the spur ; as also in Ophrys, though the spur be wanting in this genus. - In Disa it is spherical, and situated ‘at the base of the style; in Epipactis at the end of ‘the style, facing the anther; in Satyrium (Thunb.) above; and in Corycium behind it. Neottia and Diuris have it upon the front of the style towards * Srrencecs entdecktes Gcheimniss der Natur, &c. p. 402. **Harzer and CRAntz mention it in several species described by them under the name of pectus unguentarium, or fovea unguinosa. AND THEIR SYSTEMATICAL ARRANGEMENT. 115 the lip, as also Epidendrum, Arethusa, &c. but in these latter before the atither, perhaps also beneath it. In Cypripedium, ,the stigma is more distinet than in any other} it is crooked, hollow, and pro- boscis-like, and situated at the end of the style. The moisture issuing from the stigma renders it - shining and visible. The small particles, globules or vesicles of the pollen-masses, accumulate and dissolve upon it. These paiticles I have seen upon the stigmas of several species of Disa, and in great abundance deep down the singular channel of the calyx of Orchis burmannia L. (O. pectinata Thunb. Capens,) the stigma of which is situated near the upper end of thegerm. They dissolve upon the viscid stigma; by which perhaps is caused the peculiar smell that the sexual parts of even the well scented Orchidex diffuse when touched; and which is even to be perceived, many years after, in their flowers, if soaked in warm water. The mode of fructification in these plants is not less remarkable than the organs employed in it. Schkuhr and Sprengel have already communicated 7 H2 116 SWARZ ON THE GENERA OF ORCHIDES, | something concerning this operation, in those spe- cies which have fallen under their inspection. ‘In -orchis, and those‘ genera, the pollen-masses of which are furnished with a thread-like pedicle, these are ejected, on the unfolding of the flower, out of their cell, and, either by elasticity, or (ace cording to SPRENGEL) by the assistance of insects, find their way to the stigma: In Epipactis, Neottia, | Cranichis, and others that have no pedicles to the pollen, the pointed ends of the masses are stuck to the opposite gland, and thus brought nearer to the stigma. But in those genera that have a moveable anther situated upon the top of the style, as Are- thusa, Epidendrum, Cymbidium, &c. it is lifted up backwards like a lid, by which means the pointed parts of the ‘pollen-masses, fixed to the foremost and projecting upper part of the style, remain in the cavities beneath the anther, and thus find the way, without difficulty, to the neighbouring stigma. In Cyprepedium, the sexual parts of which are still more distinct, the dilated stigma stoops. towards the anthers, which are situated underneath at the sas of the style. Those species, the floral parts AND THEIR SYSTEMATICAL ARRANGEMENT. I17 of which are particularly large, as for instance, Limodorum Tankervilliz, the style, when opened. longitudinally, distinctly shows slender ducts, run- ning from the upper end of the stigma down to. the germ; and when put into water and slightly pressed, the absorbed fluid soon appears to issue out of the stigma. The fruit, of which GAERTNER has given a com- plete description, i is almost the same in all Orchidex, except as to size and external form. It consists of an unilocular capsule, with three projecting angles, along which it at last opens, with three valves, con- nected at their bases. The seeds, the receptacle of which is an elevated, shaggy, or hairy ridge, are in immense number, small, globular, and surrounded each by a membranaceous, transparent, white, veined and channelled aril, closed at one end. The genus of Vanilla, however, differs from the rest by having a seed-vessel which, though a capsule, yet approaches nearer in form to a pod, and contains, within a succulent matter, an immense number of subtle, roundish seeds, covered by a glittering, brittle integument, but without a proper aril. 118 SWARZ ON THE GENERA OF ORCHIDEA, From the before-mentioned it is evident, that the sexual parts widely differ in the several genera of Orchidez ; yet in those species, which appear nearest related, the resemblance is very close. Hence I have been induced to look for ‘the princi- pal characters (as Hater did also), among those organs that have as yet been least attended to. Of all parts of the flower of Orchidee, both inner and outer, I consider the anther as the most to be de- pended upon. From its situation and insertion, there- fore, I have taken the primary distinctions ; the reft have been furnished by the outer, parts of the Somer, as appears in the annexed table. | But, befides the characters derived from the jabtics of the anther, there is another principal -one, which must not be overlooked, viz. the qua- lities of the pollen-masses. In the Orchidee of the first division, which have the anther intimately connected with the style, these pollen-masses are furnished with a long thread-like pedicle, and are -‘compofed of small yesicular grains, which adhere closely. In those which have the anther fixed to. the back of the style, the pollen:masses are with- AND THEIR SYSTEMATICAL ARRANGEMENT. IQ out a pedicle, and, of such fine grains, that they resemble a farinaceous substance. In those of the last division, with deciduous anthers, the pollen- _masses consift of round, and often divisible globules, but never acquire the mealy appearance of the former. The anthers of the second division, when unripe, resemble indeed thofe of the third, but never drop off. These circumstances seem to give additional weight to the proposed arrangement. As all the genera I have given are founded upon the results of my own observations, I did not choose to take up the several new ones of the Prodromus florze Peruvianze & Chilensis ; most of them being known to me by figures only. Gongora, Masdevallia, and perhaps Anguloa appear to be distinct from the genera established by me, though it is certain, that they all belong to the third di- vision. Rig, rs 3 “£2 @ Re Ca4 roms: fe te . ft fe BOWES De ne So oo tw ee oe RS ns ee hy Anthera Postico ; — eee Ss edlee umipuleatatar.. ifs --- 2! sd coawcs Disa subterminali, | 5 Pepe | Cpeemte 5 anlenthicg arate. nun. «2s euts co ag ek a os See Satygium : stylo brevifli- ¢ - (foliolis Jateral. exterior. horizontalibus concavis ...-.----..- - Pterygodiam: | mo connata ; | nullo; | foliolis lateral. exterior. horizentalibus calcaratis -....-_...- -Disperis Calcare floris | < 4—phyllo, foliolis lateralibus erectis, basi ventricosis......-. - ~Corycium t —_ calyce | foliolis‘omnibus-subpatentibus....2---..eece ees eee eens Ophrys | Anthera F : (foliolis omnibus conniventibus.........------+e---cee ~-Serapias: erecta | foliolis lateralibus basi antice productis......-...-.--.-.--.Neottia stylo parallela J calyce resupinato ; labello galeato ..--... wee - eee eee ------- ~~ Cranichis . | Jateri ejus | patente ; labello foliol. calyc. conformi.....----- -~--+------Thelymitra > postico afixa. { _ CZ—phyllo; foliolis 2 anter. elongatis labello suppositis.......Diuris | Monandre. x = 2 persistente s j SUDINIRENGC. <2 wae ase aber eee eel eS. eS rerbuta: pulmepraume| sthpatente. ~~ 2. <2 an = Seen Ss 2 es -e ----.-Epipactis | loso ; Calyce. — ~ f resupinato ; labello adscendente..........--~.-Malaxis : lnbello BahicayG Mee -— ck pee --Cymbidium: | 3 plerumque | Inbello pinnae nbc ge oes. a ae ee Sciam | Anthera __ decidua; labello erecto, inferne styloeonnexo-..-.--.... Epidendrum operculari,. 43 polline glo~ 4 Calyce 4 labello subcucullato; capsula ecarinata ......- -- Vanilla margini posti- bulasi. "4 patente. > Iabello Janina saccata -.<--.-- av eee s o-- ul Aérides co apicis styli | lshello dst Maleamtows— 2. eens oe. oc imedoruin inmserta, mobili. ! labello a foliel. calyc. anter. basi productis incluso. Dendrobium : | { | labello foliol. cal. conformi ; exteriorib. basi coalitis-Stelis L L t=: Ulabello-nullo, . 2-2-2. -eaceneeaceess+---<~Lepanthes Diandrum oe Cypripedium GENERA AND SPECIES OF THE NATURAL ORDER OF THE ORCHIDEZ. BY PROF, O. SWARZ. a - "Character generalis Orchidearum. FLOS irregularis, ringens s. patens. Pl. 3. seq. CaLyx superus, 4-5-7-phyllus. (Vid. fg. E.G.M.) - Foliola conniventia s. patentia, colorata, mar- cescentia ; Exteriora duo (G.c¢.), tria s. quinque (M. a.) quorum unum semper superius 8 posterius (nisi flos resupinatus) szepe fornicatum, fub- inde postice calcaratum (B. a. C..a.); duo s. quatuor (C. b.) Jateralia anteriora. Interiora duo Jateralia exterioribus alternantia, M petaloidea, cum postico superiore interdum ~- connexa galeam formantia. (A. a. b.) Corotia: Petalum unicum sive Labellum, foliolo calycis superiori oppositum, inter foliola Jateralia exteriora Stylo ad basin, medieta- em s. apicem insertum, basi planum,—ex- 122 SWARZ ON THE cavatum—concavum—calceiforme-——subtus _ carinatum s. calcaratum : Lamina fornicata. (K. d. e.) s. ‘foliolis calyci- STAM, nis interioribus confermis a. a.) Se lobata (D. b.)-multifida ; disco plana (Q. a. b.)- depressa; situ adscendens—horizontalis— dependens. Meee Filamentum nullum. Anthera unica, (raris- sime due) stylo adnata s. inserta, oblonga (A. c.)-subrotunda-didyma (C. ©); termi- nalis erecta-incumbens (B. c.); s. postica, Jateralis stylo parallela (I. d.); s. tantum margini postico apicis styli operculi instar inserta ; fixa s. mobilis; persistens Sigh cd, ) s. decidua ; I-2-4- locularis. , Pollen in s. sub loculis antherz liberum con- globatum e congerie granulosa simplici s. partibili pedicellata (A-H.) s. sessili; matu-. rum ex anthera erumpens, in stigmate deli- quescens. Pist. Germen inferum, sessile s. pedicellatum, line- are-cylindraceum-oblongum-subrotundum- costatum, sepe leviter tortum. - NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDES. 1243 Stylus brevissimus (A. f.) s. elongatus (C.c. e.) crassus, teres s. angulatus, antherifer, Stigma convexum-concavum-globosum ;_ basi (A. c. B. c.) s. apice (C. c.) amtice s, pos- tice (E. e. G. g.) stylo insidens. ‘Per. Capsula forma diversa, 1-locularis, trivalvis, plerumque carinata, sub angulis dehiscens, basi & apice cohzrens. Semina receptaculis ternis parictibus capsule aduatis adherentia, minutissima, plurima : Arillo scobiformi membranaceo tubulato obvelata; s. rarius nuda, in pulpa carnosa nidulantia, . N. B. In Statyrium, all the leaflets of the calyx, as also the Labellum, are connected at the base. In Orchis Burmanniana the calyx is tubular - below. Stelis § Masdevallia have the outer leaflets of the calyx connected ; but the inner ones are distinct. Lepanthes has no Labellum, but in its plaee the upper or under part of the style has two lateral petal-like lobes. 124 SWARZ ON THE Character differentialis Orchidearum. Monocotyledones. Flos superus, irregularis, Genitalia coalita. Capsula unilocularis, trivalvis, polysperma. Habitus. Radix tuberosa s. fibrosa; simplex s. divisa. Caulis herbaceus, simplex, rarissime divisus s. scandens, foliosus s. subnudus, vaginatus. Folia simplicia, basi vaginantia s. sessilia. Inflorescentia uniflora, spicata~ paniculata-sub- racemosa. | Flores sessiles, rarius pedunculati. Bractee floribus subjectz. I. Orchideea with one Anthera. 1. ORCHIS. Pl. 2. A. Char. essent. Calyx ringens, foliolo superiore fornicato. _ Labellum basi subtus calcaratum. Juthera terminalis adnata. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEA. 125 Char. naturalis. Calyx irregularis, ringens, 5-phyllus : Foliola 3 exteriora, quorum unum posterius fornicatum; duo lateralia anteriora. Duo interiora \ateralia, superiore exteriore ple- rumque conniventia in galeam. Cor. Labellum a latere inferiori stylo antice ad- nexum, diverse formz, patens, basi tubo calcariformi subtus porrecto. Genit. Stylus e Germine infero oblongo contorto brevis, columnaris. Anthera magna, oblonga, terminalis, stylo adnata, erecta, dorso gibba subcarinata, bilocularis : Joculis antice dehiscentibus. Massa pollinis clavato-pedicellate, s. granula oblonga vesiculosa, imbricatim pedicellis in- sidentia basi glandulosis ad sinus inferiores loculorum insertis. Stigma infra antheram pone meatum in calcar, convexum, obliquum. Per, Capsula oblonga, unilocularis, tricarinata, trivalvis, sub carinis trifariam dehiscens, apice & basi coh@#rens. 126 SWARZ ON THE Semina ‘tumerosa, minima, subrotunda, arille scobiformi induta. Species. ‘ a. Radic. indivisis. ©. Susanne L. O. hispidula Th. ciliaris L, et | secunda Th. é bifolia L. viridiflora Roitl. habenaria, L. cucullata L. MonorthizaSws -— érnithis Jacq. | japonica Th. globosa L. speciosa L. | pyramidalis L. foliosa Sw. 7 ~ -coriophora Ls plantaginea cubitalis L. Roxb. Cor... - morio L. pectinata The mascula L. . " ~ - 2s mews ls a a nL aS Rp 6 re ‘ O. foliosa: labello lineari obtuso, denticulo fili- ; , formi ad basin utrinque, caule vestito, foliis ovatis acutis.—-E, ‘Cap. b. sp. ? SPARRMAN, : O. viridiflora : labello tripartito, laciniis lineari- bus, lateralibus patentibus, inter- ~ NATURAL ORDER OF QORCHIDEX. 127 O. ustulata L. rubra* Jacq. militaris L. pallens Jacq.’ fusca Jacq. palustris Jacq. variegata Jacq. hircina. foetens Hall. Satyrium hir- moravica Jacq. _ cinum Linn. papilionacea L. b. Radic. palmatis. latifolia L. flava L. cruenta Fl. dan. viridis sambucina L. Satyrium viri- incarnata L. de L, maculata L. nigra. odoratissima L. Satyrium ni- conopsea L. grum L, St medio obtuso deflexo ; foliis radica- libus ensiformibus. Ex India Orienc. RotTTLerR. ’s Orchis rubra and Opbrys crucigera of Jacquin (pl. rarior. Vol. 1 tab. 183 and 185) are both to be considered as nonentities. They were 2 drawn by the juvenile pencil of a now eminent botanical painter, from the dry mutilated specimens, and the verbal description given to him by the Rev. Norbert Botcius, who had found them in the vicinity of Rome. T. . 128 SWARZ ON THE c. Radic. fasciculatis. fuscescens L. strateumatica L. albida. _ _Satyrium. albi- dum Linn. hirtella Fl. ind.occ. plantaginea. Saty- rium Linn. hyperborea L. fimbyiata H. Kew. | d. Radic. nondum coguitis. sancta L. _psycodes L. ra spectabilis L. tipuloides L. dentata Sw. Ichneumonea Afz. procera Afz. membranacea Afz e. dubia. calcarata Walt. car. lata Walt. ophioglossoides W. longicornis Poir. elata Poir. | Koenigii Fl. dan. suaveolens Villars aphylla Forfk. viridis Forfk. batrachites Schrank. vomeracea Hall. macrophylla Col. holosericea Hall. siaasaihloleeeeidflidchlasa slice O. dentata: radicibus—; labello tripartito, la- ciniis lateral. oblongis dentatis, intermedia lineari obtusa integra; calcare germine duplo longiore. E China. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEH. 129 N.B. Among the species of the first four divisions only O. birtella & plantagenea are an exception in regard to the Anthers. They have, like Neottia, a lateral anther and farinaceous pollen. If more such species should be discovered they. ought to be separated from Orchis. They have also a peculiar foliation.* ~ g.HipA.. Pha. B, Char. essent. Calyx resupinatus, subringens : Foliolo gosteriore dorso unicalcarato; interioribus stylo accretis. Labellum ecalcaratum. Anthera Orchidis. Character naturalis. Calyx subringens, plerumque resupinatus, 5- phyllus. © All speciesprinted in italics are new ; those marked Afee/. are from Africa, and will hereafter be described by this naturalist, I “130 SWARZ ON THE Foliola tria exteriora, quorum unum posterius (situ. szepissime anterius.), erectiusculum, concavum s. fornicatum, basi. s. medio Calcare postice exserto; duo anteriora erec: tiuscula. alin Duo lateralia interiora, minora, diverse figu- re, styli columne ad latera utrinque adnata. : Cor. Labellum inter foliola lateralia majora ante basin styli insertum, rarius divisum ; ecal- caratum. Genit. Stylus e germine infero oblongo, brevissi- THIS Anthera oblonga, stylo adnata, erecta s. in- cumbens cum foliolis cal. iaterioribus in galea reclinata ; bilocularis. Pollen ut in Orchide. Stigma globosum prope basin. Per. ut in Orchide. | N. B. The length of the spur is different in different species, being very long in some, and quite short'in others. In Disa Mela- leuca and patens it appears to be entirely NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEZ. I3C wanting, but still the hindermost leaflet of the calyx is convex, and the other parts agree perfectly with the generic characters. Species. a. Calcare longiore. D. grandiflora L. D. cornuta. Satyrium grandi- Orchis L. florum. Th. Satyrium Th. macrantha Sw. longicornis Th. D. grandiflora: galea acuta erecta, calcare co- nico nutante ; labello lineari obtuso; caule subbifloro. D. cornuta: galea obtusa, calcare conico deflexo; ‘foliolis inter. bidentatis; labello “ obovato velutino plano; spica laxa. D. macrantha: galea acuta erecta, calcare conico porrecto; foliolis inter. retusis; labello oblongo acuto carinato, E C. b. {p. D. longicornis: galea obtusa supina, calcare germine longiore deflexo; labello lanceo- lato obtuso ; caule unifloro. 12 132 SWARZ ON THE . D. draconis. { D. ferruginea, Orchis L. Satyrium Th. - Satyrium Th. porrecta Sw. rufescens. Satyrium Th. ee D. draconis: galea obtusa erecta, apice dilatata, calcare subulato germine Jongiore nutante ; labello iaeari obtuso ; spica fastigiata ; bracteis reticulato-nervosis. D: rufescens : galea obtusa erecta, calcare subu- lato. germine longiore nutante; labello Janceolato obtuso ; spica laxa; foliis ensi- formibus. : D. ferruginea.: galea acuminata dorso conica, calcare subulato deflexo; foliolis inter. cuspidatis ; labello, lanceolato obtuso ; spica ovata multiflora. | D. porrecta: galea obtusa dorso conica, calcare subulato porrecto; foliolis inter. biden- _tatis; labello oblongo undulato ; spica ovata multiflora. ¢ C. b. sp. SPARRMAN. \ NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEE. 133 D. cernua. D. chrysostachya Sw. Satyrium cer- Tuuméy Th. — -. bracteata Sw. physodes. Satyrium cer- nuum 2x. Th. D. cernua: galea acuta, calcare oblongo com- presso nutante ; foliolis inter. acuminatis ; Jabello lineari ; foliis lanceolatis basi sube- quitantibus.- . D. physodes: galea obtusa, calcare subrotundo inflato ; foliolis inter. retusis emarginatis ; labello lineari ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis. D. chrysostachya : galea obtusa, calcare oblongo deflexo; foliolis inter. obovatis; Jabello lineari; spica longissima; bracteis apice reflexis. e C. b. sp. SPARRMAN. D. bracteata: galea obtusa, calcare oblongo; Jabello lineari apice Jatiore; spica cylin- drica, bracteis erectis floribus longioribus. e C. b. sp. SPARRMAN. 134 SWARZ ON THE D. torta D. flexuosa. Satyrium tor- Satyrium Th. tum Th. Orchis flexuosa. Orchis flexuosa Ameen. Acad. Lin. suppl. p- 108. Orchis biflora Bifidas sisi sadgan sp. pl. Satyrium Th. — tenella. Satyrium Th. Orchis. Suppl. a a en a Ne Be ee 5 torta: galea acuminata, calcare obtuso ad- scendente; foliolis inter. 2-dentatis ; labello oblongo apice subulato convoluto ; caule flexuoso. . D. flexuosa: galea obtusiusila,, calcare obtuso porrecto; foliolis inter. apice. linearibus — acutis; labello ovato acuminato crispo ; caule flexuoso. D. bifida: galea obtusa, calcare adscendente apice bifido; foliolis interior. labelloque lanceolatis acutis. : D. tenella: galea acuta, calcare porrecto acuto ; foliolis inter. rhombeis; labello lineari ob-~ tuso; foliis subfiliformibus flexuosis. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEH. 135 D. sagitalis. D. barbata. Satyrium Th. Satyrium Th. Orchis. Suppl. Orchis Suppl. lacera. Sw. b.Calcare conico abbreviato porrecto obtuso. D. maculata. Th. L. secunda. Satyrium Th. Disa racemosa L. D. sagittalis: galea apice dilatata triloba calcare nutante subulato ; labello lanceolato undu- lato. D. barbata: galea acuta basi conica, calcare | subporrecto acuto; labello ovato, margine multifidollalciniis linearibus ; foliis setaceis. D. Jacera: galea obtusiuscula ; calcare porrecto ; labello oblongo concavo, apice laciniato. e C. b. Sp. SPARRMAN. D. maculata: galea obtusiuscula supina saccata ; foliolis inter. linearibus; labello Janceo- lato-obtuso ; .caule unifloro. D. secunda: galea acuta erecta; labello subfili- formi; caule flexuoso, floribus secundis. s 136 SWARZ ON THE D. excelsa. D. spathulata Satyrium Th. Satyrium Th. Orchis tripeta- Orchis L. Suppl. ‘loides L. cylindrica venosa SW. - Satyrium Th. ee me ~ D. excelsa: galea suberecta acuta; foliolis int. pice dentatis ; labello oblongo; caule © multifloro, foliis lanceolatis. | D. venosa: galea erecta acuta venosa; foliolis inter. lanceolatis integris ; labello subfili- formi; caule paucifloro, foliis lanceolatis glaucis. eC. b. sp. SPARRMAN. D. spathulata: galea erecta. acuta; labello petiolato, apice dilatatolWifido ; caule pau- cifloro, foliis linearibus. | D. cylindrica: galea obtusa, labello lineari apice Jatiori obtuso ; spica cylindrica; foliis ob- longis nervosis. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEA. 137 ° D. melaleuca D. patens Serapias Th. Serapias Th. Ophrys bivalvata Orchis filicornis Suppl. Suppl. tenuifolia Sw. : Ophrys patens Suppl. ~ 3. SATYRIUM. (Tuuns.) Pl. 2. C. Char. essent. Calyx ringens: foliol superiore fore nicato, postice bicalcarato, ceteris labelloque basi coalito. D. malaleuca: galea acuta subreclinata concava ecalcarata; labello lineari obtuso ; spica fastigiata ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis. D. tenmifolia: galea acuminata erecto-patens concava ecalcarata ; labello filiformi; caule subbifloro, foliis setaceis. D. patens : galea acuminata erecto-patens con- cava ecalcarata; labello filiformi; spica ovata multiflora ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis. { 138 SWARZ-ON THE ' Anthera stylo elongata adnata sub Stigmate terminali. Charaéter naturalis. Calyx ringens, 5-phyllus : Foliola omnia basi coalita. Tria exteriora quorum uxum superius s. posterius maxi- mum, fornicatum, basi calcaria duo varie longitudinis postice exserens; duo anteri- ora, lanceolato-linearia. Duo interiora minora stylo foliolisque exterio- ribus basi accreta. Cor. Labellum foliolis interiorib. conforme illisque basi connatum, indivisum. Genit. Stylus e Germine infero, oblongo, con- torto erectus, elongatus, superne gibbus, sub-galea reconditus. : Anthera zlobosa, didyma, versus apicem dita. tatum.. styli adnata, bilocularis : Joculis ‘superne hiantibus. Pollen ut in precedentibus, sed pedicelli. ad sinus superiores loculorum inserti. Stigma supra antheram ! concavum. Per. Capsula priorum. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDES. 139 N. B. The /abellum is not with five divisions (Ameen. Acad. p. 109.) but simple, con- nected at the base with the leaves of the calyx. The situation of the stigma above the anthera is peculiar to this genus. | The generic name of Satyrium is, according to THUNBERG, reserved for Orchides with the spurs attached behind; the Linnean species of Satyrium find their place in the genus Orchis. Species. S. cucullatum S. membranaceum Sw. Orchis bicornis L. S. cucullatum: foliis radicalibus binis cordato subrotundis concavis, caulinis remotis cucullatis subretusis ; floribus cernuis. S. membranaceum : foliis radicalibus binis cordato ovatis, caulinis vagineformibus approxi- matis membranaceis retusis; floribus cer- —nuis; foliolis cal. serrulatis. C. b. sp. SPARRMAN. 140 SWARZ ON THE oS. coriifolium Sw. 5S. striatum Th. erectum Swe | bicallosum Th. ‘parviflorum Sw. bracteatum Th. . foliosum Sw. | Ophrys bracteata pumilum Th. | Suppl. S. coriifolium : foliis ovatis acuminatis subreflexis vaginantibus coriaceis, margine membrana- ceo-crenatis, floribus galeaque cernuis.— Orchis lutea caule purpureo maculato. Buxs. Cent. 2, t. 10. ¢€.- Cap, bil sm. SPARRMAN. : S. erectum : foliis radicalibus ovatis, caulinis approximatis cucullatis carinatis membra- naceis; floribus galea calcaribusve subrec- tis. Cap. b. sp. S. parviflorum : foltis radicalibus ovato-lanceo- latis, caulinis latere apertis, floribus subro- tundis cernuis. CC. sp. S. foliosum : foliis ovatis acutis concavis approxi- matis, basi cucullatis, floribus bracteisque erectis. C.b. sp. THUNBERG. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEA. 14! dubia: Orchis carnea Hort. Kew. ~ 4. PTERYGODIUM Sw. Pl. 3. E. ~ Char. essent. Calyx subringens : foliolis laterali- bus exferioribus. horizontalibus concavis. Labellum medio stylo inter loculos Antherz remotos insertum. Stigma posticum. Character naturals. Calyx subringens 5-phyllus : Foliola tria exteriora ; unum superius erectum, concavum, carenatum cum duobus lateralibus intertoribus obovatis patulis connexum, galeam formans. Duo anteriora, ovato-lan- ceolata, horizontaliter patentia, concava. Cor. Labellum varie figure, stylo inter-loculos Antherze insertum, replicatum, patens. Genit. Stylus e germine infero oblongo erectus, brevis, apice obtusus s. acuminatus. 142 SWARZ ON THE Anthera medio stylo adnata, didyma, bilocu- laris: Joculis (in diversis speciebus) diversi- formibus, ad latera divergentibus. Masse geniture Orchidis. Stigma posticum (versus galeam) ad basin dorsi antherze, convexum. Per. Congenerum. N. B. The name is taken from the Greek areeuyades AlatUs : cui scapule aperte alarum in modum extant, as the leaflets forming the helmet, and the two lateral ones. The cells of the anthera being distant from each — other, one could suspect two anthers in this genus; but the partitions have but one cell each, and are connected with one another at the sides of the style. Species. P. alatum | P. catholicum Ophrys alata L. Ophrys catholica Ls sp. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDES. 143 Ophrys alaris —P.. caffrum Lin. suppl. Ophrys caffra L. P. volucris inversum Ophrys volu- Ophrys inversa L. cris L. atratum. Ophrys triphyl- Ophrys atrata L. la Th. 5. DISPERIS Sw. Pl. 3. F. Char. essent.:Calyx ringens: fofiolis lateralibus exterioribus horizontalibus subcalca- ratis. Labellum e basi styli, erectum, genitalibus connexum. Anthera velo tecta, lacinias duas antice circum- flexas exserente. Char. naturalis : Calyx ringens, 5-phyllus :. Foliola tria exteriora, quorum unum superius erectum fornicatum, cum duobus iuteriori- bus lateralibus illo contiguis galeam erectam s. incumbentem efficiens. Duo lateralia anterigra horizontaliter exstantia ; utroque 344 " SWARZ QN THE perula s. calcare brevi obtuso deorsum spectante. Cor. Labellum e basi styli erectum, inferne at- | tenuatum, genitalibus adnexum, apice fub galea reflexum. st 3 | Genit. Stylus brevissimus e Germine infero ob- longo-cylindraceo. Anthera stylo ‘apice adnata erecta s. recli- nata, oblonga, bilocularis: tecta velo mat- gine utroque lacinulam cartilagineam re- curvato-circumflexam antice exserente. | Masse Pollinis Orchidis similes, pedicellis apicibus lacinularym veli adglutinatis. Stigma anticum, prope Antheram. Per. precedentium. N. B. Name from 4s (bis) and vga (pera), as both the horizontal lateral leaflets are furnished with a small bag or short spur. This genus comes nearest to the foregoing, but is distinguishable from it by the spurs of the lateral leaflets, by the insertion of the: labellum, the structure of the anther, and the situation of the stigma. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEZ. “145 Species. Difperis capensis. cucullata Sw. Arethusa ca- fecunda. pensis L. Areth. secunda Th. villosa. Ophrys circum- Arethusa vil- flexa. L. losa. cordata Sw. — D. capensis: caule diphyllo unifloro ; foliis lan- ceolatis. D. villosa: caule diphyllo unifloro bractea ger- mineque villoso; foliis cordato-ovatis sub- tus glabris margine ciliatis. D. cucullata: caule diphyllo unifloro, germine glabro, foliis oblongis bracteaque subtus pubescentibus. e C. b. fp. SPARRMAN. D. secunda: caule diphyllo multifloro, foliis Imearibus ; floribus secundis. D. cordata: caule diphyllo multifloro, foliis cor- datis glabris; floribus distinctis.. Ex Ins, Mauvriri. wo CO” SWARZ ON THE 6. CORYCIUM S. Pl. 3. G. Char. effint. Calyx xingens, 4-phyllus; _foliolis erectis, Jateralibus basi ventricosis. Labellum stylo supra Antheram ad- natam infertum. Char. naturalis. : Calyx. ringens, 4-phyllus : Foliola erecta: duo exteriora, quorum untim supertus emgustius cum duobus dateralibus interioribus majoribus retusis, :basi concavo- wenwwicosis connexum, galeam referens.— _.. Alterum-exterius inferius obovatum. Cor. Labellum basi attenuato apici styli fupra | -» antheram .infertum, Jamina replicatay pa- vente. : | | Genit. Stylus e Germine infero .oblongo torto erectus, brevissimus, basi angustior, apice obtusus alatus ; alisiad latera deflexis. | Anthera medio stylo ‘sub Jabello adnata, didyma, bilocularis: Joculis xremotiusculis, ab alis styli postice tectis. oon ‘ NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDES. 147 ~ Masse geniture Orchidis, pedicellis ad sinus superiores loculorum, lacinulis propriis in- seftis. Stigma posticum, convextum (versus galeam) infra loculos. Per. Congenerum, N. B. This genus, which derives its name from Keigvnos (galea, cassis) on account of the struc- ture and position of the flower, is easily to be distinguished from the rest, by its four-leaved calyx. The insertion of the Labellum and the two small wing-shaped leaflets at the upper end of the style, hang- ing down behind the anthera, represent as it were an inverted orchideous flower. Thefe wings seem to be of the same na- ture with the two inner leaflets, which are commonly met with in the flowers oF i the Orchidez. ) Species. Cyryciem Orobanchoides. Satyrium Orobanchoides L. Th. K 2 ws. aS _SWARZ ON THE C. crispum. a Set - Arethusa crispa Th. vestitum. : Ophrys Volucris-Th. -bicolorum. ‘Ophrys bicolor Th. yOPHRYS Hh) Pha De Char. essent. Calyx subringens : foliolis patentibus. | Labellum e basi styli, ecalcaratum, patens. Anthera Orchidis. Character naturalis. Calyx subringenti-patens, 5-phyllus : Foliola tria exterioria: unum fuperius conca- vum, cum dyobus lateralibus interioribus angustioribus connivens. Duo lateralia an- teriora patentia. Cor. Labellum basi styli antice adnexum, subtus ecalcaratum, ssepe carinatum; Jamima in- divisa f. partita, patente. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDE. 149 Genit. Stylus e Germine infero, oblongo, torto brevissimus, erectus. Anthera stylo apice adnata, erecta, magna, gibba, bilocularis : loculis antice hiantibus. Masse Pollinis clavatee ut in Orchide, pe- dicellis basi glandulosis ad sinus. inferiores loculorum insertis. Stigmainfra Antheram, anticum, convexum, Sete datUDy. _. Per, precedentium. N.B. This genus distinguishes itself by the . absence of the spur at the /Jabellum, from Orchis, which it resembles however in regard to the other parts of the flower. : Species. Ophrys MonorchisL. =O. Jancea Th. alpina L. crucigera Jacq.* anthropophora L. Myodes L. fuciflora. - O. lancea: scapo nudo; labello sublineari deflexo trifido, lacinia media obsoleta. e Java. THUN- BERG. | * See the note, page 127. ¥50 SWARZ ON THE O. arachnites. O. feolopax Cav. » lutea Cav. dubia : O. trifolia Walt. * fimbriata Walt. barbata Walt. : ra 8. SERAPIAS L. Pl. 3. H. Char. essent. Calyx ringens: foliolis conniventibus, Labellum ecalcaratum, Jamina de- flexa. Anthera stylo clongato adnata, Character uaturalis. Calyx vingens : Foliola 5. acuminata, erecta. Tria exéeriora, duo inferiora angustiora, Omnia conniven- tia in galeam.- Cor. Labellum concavum, /amina acuminata de- flexa. : Genit. Stylus e Germine infero oblongo erecta, elongata. | Anthera ovata, adnata, erecta, postice gibba, bilocularis. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDES. 15t Pollen Orchidis. Stigma anticum sub & prope Antheram, concavum. Per, Congenerum. Species. Serapias cordigera L. lingua L. Huc referende plures forsan distinctz species ex Orchidibus Etrurie secundum B. Tozzi a Petiverio in Oper. hist. nat. spect, T. II. delineate, 9. NEOTTIA. Jace. Ph 4k Char. essent. Calyx ringens: foliol. lateral. exte- rioribus antice circa basin /abelji ventricosam connexis. Anthera stylo parallela, postice in- ferta, Character naturalis. Calyx rmgens, 5-phyllus : Foliola tria exteriora, duo interiora, conniventia sed apice patula, 52 - SWARZ ON THE Exteriora lateralia basi antice producta, sepe connexa s. in formam calcaris ad basin labelli utrinque decurrentia. Cor. Labellum basi attenuatum subventricosum, foliolis calyc. lateral. amplexum: Jamina . erecta, patula. Genit. Stylus e Germine infero, oblongo, 3-gono erectus, cylindraceus, apice scarloso acu- minato. i Anthera stylo postice adfixa, illoque pa- rallela, erecta, acuminata, bilocularis., Mass@ Pollinis pulvereo-granulate, lineares, in sulcis binis longitudinalibus styli, loculis Anthere oppositis, semiincluse. Stigma anticum, versus apicem styli obliquum, convexum. y Per. Capsula 1-locularis, trivalvis, &c. N.B. The generic name is taken from Jac- quin, who re-established it, having been given before to some of the Ophrydes Linn. The dissections of the flower of Neottia spe- ciosa in Jacquin’s Icon. rar. Vol. III. charac- 7 NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEX. 153. © terize this genus tolerably well, but for the a ¥ stigma, which is not well represented. Species. , Neottia speciosa Jacq. N. cernua. elata. Ophrys cernua L. N. minor. Jacq. adnata. Satyrium ela- Sat. adnatum Sw. tum Sw. pr. Orchioides. spiralis. Satyr. orchioides Sw. Ophrys spira- repens. lis L. Sat. repens L. tortilis. calcarata Fl. Ind. oce. | Satyrium spi- polystachya Fl. Ind. occ. rale Sw. pr. flava Fl. Ind. oce. : dubia: Ophrys peruviana. Aristotelia spiralis. Aubl. Lour. Limodorum lanceo- Epipactis Nuil. Jatum. Audi. Feuill. 10. CRANICHIS. S. Pl. IV. K. Char. essent. Calyx. resupinatus, subringens. “Labellum fornicatum. Anthera Neottiz. 154 / < §SWARZ ON THE ° Character naturalis. Calyx resupinatus, subringens, 5-phyllus : Foliola tria exteriora. Duo Iateralia supe- riora, wnum.anterius inferius ; subequalia, erecta, patentia. Duo lateralia inferiora vix minora. Cor.. Labellum (situ supremum) inter foliola ¢a- lycis lateralia superiora, fornicatum, ova- tum, subcarinatum, basi sepe bifidum, tenerum, genitalia tegens. Genit. Stylus.¢ Germine infero ovato, obliquo, erectus, medio dilatatus, apice membrana- _ceus, acuminatus. Anthera;sty\o parallela, postice adfixa erecta, acuminata, bilocularis. Masse Pollinis oblong, subsessiles, pul- Veree, | Stigma anticum (versus labellum) conca- viusculum. Per. Capsula obovata, basi attenuata, 3-gona, &c. N. B,. This new genus has already been adopted by Von Scureper; but the generic. character is here given more completely. % NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEA. 155 Species. Crenichis aphylla Flor, Ind. occ. diphylla — — oligantha — —_ stachyodes =- > — J MmuyscQsa.. pauciflora — — dubia; Galeola nudifolia Loureiro. 11. THELYMITRA. Forst. Pl. 4. L. Char. essent. Calyx subregularis, patens. Labellum foliol. calyc. conforme. Genitalia cucullo 2-penicillato cincta, Char naturalis. Calyx subregularis, 5-phyllus: Foliola ovato-lanceolata, concava, patentia. Tria exteriora vix s. paullo maiora, postico erecto. Duo interiora. Cor. Labellum magnitudine & figura fol. cal. interioribus conforme, genitalia antice basi amplectens, erectiusculum. 156) MG era Oe ee’ OY 7 Genit. Stylus e Germine infero, oblongo erectus, cucullo membranaceo superne retuso s. pli- cato-crenato amplexus, /acinulis duabus Ia- teralibus erectis, penicillato-barbatis. Anthera sinu cuculli inserta, erecta, stylo postice parallela, stigmate contigua, acu- minata, bilocularis. Massa Pollinis subtilissime granulose. Stigma anticum, obtusum, infra apicem sca- rioso-bifidum styli. Per. Capstla clavato- turbinata, Bees Cetera con generum. | Species. a salymiira Forsteri. Thelymitra Forst. een Nl. 49. Serapias regularis Forst. prodr. \ Ixioides.* 12. DIURIS. Smitn. Pl. 4. M. Char. essent. Calyx subringenti-patens, 7-phyllus : Foliola duo anteriora elongata Le- belfo ecalcarato supposita. Anthera Neottiz. # Ex nova Hollandia, communicata a Cel. Smitu. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEH. 157 Char. naturalis. Calyx subringens, 7-phyllus : Foliola quinque exferiora, quorum unum sa- perius sessile subfornicatum ; duo lateralia superiora unguiculata, ovata, erecta; duo anteriora pedicellata, elliptica, patentia, labello supposita. Duo interiora lateralia, rhomboidea, sessilia. Cor. Labellum e basi styli subunguiculatum ecal- ~caratum ; ‘Jamina ovata, convexa, lateribus deflexa. Genit. Stylus € Germine infero, oblongo, contorto erectus, gibbus, acuminatus. Anthera \ateralis, stylo parallela, postice inserta, erecta, acuminata, bilocularis. Masse@ Pollinis oblonge, pulverez, sessiles, apici lateris opositi styli adfixe. “Stigma anticum, subterminale, obliquum, ob- tusum. | Baas “Per. Congenerum. -ouN. B.. The. flower of this genus consists of eight petal-like leaflets, the labellum in- “1g8 SWARZ ON THE cluded, not of nine, which ate attributed to it in the Transact. of the Lin. Soci Vol. 4. p. 222. ‘ Of the two species of Diuris, which are taken - up, we expect a farther description from the celebrated owner of the Linnean Col- lections. - 13. ARETHUSA L. Pl. 5.0 Char. esseat. Calyx subxingens: foliglis subconni- --ventibus. - ) Labellum ecalcaratum. Anthera opercularis, persistens. Pollen pulvereo-granulatum. Character naturalis. Calys subringens, basi angustior, $-phyllus : Foliola tria exteriora, duo interiors erecta, subconniventia. Cor. Labellam erectum, basi attenuato ant culato stylum amplectens ; /amina dilatata, patente, longitudinaliter’ sailed plerum- - - que. Danae - NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEZ, 159 Genit. Stylus e Germine imfero tereti-oblongo erectus, parum gibbus, antice concavus. -Anthera terminalis, opercularis, subrotunda, bilocularis, non decidua. Pollen pulvereo-granulatum.: Stigma anticum, in parte concava styli infra Antheram. Per. Capsula oblongo-ovata, &c. Species. _Arethusa bulbosa L. A. gentianoides Sw. Fl. ophioglossoi- Ind. occ. des L. triauthophoros Diuk. divaricata L, petreaa Afzel. biplumata L. ‘34, EEIPAU tio. Teatr. Pi. N. Char. essent. Calyx erecto-patens. Labellum eca\caratum. ee a A. trianthophoros ; caule remote vaginato aphyllo subquadrifloro, vaginis foliaceis ; pedunculis florum elongatis. Ex America sept. Commu- nicata ab IJ]. ScHREBER. 160 SWARZ ON THE _Anthera opercularis, persistens. Pollen pulvereo-granulatum.,. Char. uaturalis : Calyx 5-phyllus : ; ~ Foliola. erecto patentia,. concava; tria exte- riora; duo interiora parum minora. : Cor. Labellum e latere inferiore styli, basi at- tenuatum s. concavum s. carinatum, calyce longius ; /amina concava s. plana, deflexa, integra s. fissa. | Genit. Stylus e Germine infero oblongo-erectus, _ teretiusculus, apice subbifidus. Anthera margini postico apicis styli inserta, ovata, erectiuscula s. incumbens, non (s. rarius) decidua, bilocularis. , Massa geniture oblonge, pulvereo-granulate subinde partibiles. Wh Stigma anticum, obliquum, convexum, dorso adscendenti, cujus facies concava Anthere incumbit. ; | Per. ut in congeneribus. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEZ. 161 N. B. Epipactis is very like the foregoing genus (Arethusa), but the peculiar form of the flower in particular, as well as the manner of growth by which the genus is distin- guished, do not admit of their being united. This genus is one of HaLLer’s, and most of the species, which he refers to it, are also ‘retained here. ‘the difference in the anther distinguishes it from the genus Ophrys. Species. a. Jabello lamina integra. Epipactis latifolia L.. S. lancifolia Ebrb. Serapias latifoliaL. _ E. ensifolia. palustris * Ser.grandifloravar.L. Serapias longi- Ser. ensifolia. Ebr. folia L. rubra | microphylla Serapias rubra L. } Serapias micro- erecta phyla L. ' . Serap. erecta pallens | Th. jap. Serapias grandi- flora L. 162 SWARZ. ON THE E. faleata ORS ovata Serapias falcata ~ Ophrys L. Th. jap. Convallarioides Swe b. /abello lamina jissa. Camtschatea FE. nidus avis ~ Ophrys L. Ophrys L. porrifolia : cordata Ophrys unifolia Ophrys'L. } Forst. iy. MALARIS OS. Fl Rev: Char. essent. Calyx patens, resupinatus : | Labellum concavo-patulum, adscen- dens. | Anthera opercularis. eee ees es ee ame eS E. Convallaricides: caule Ddifolio, foliis cor- dato-subrotundis acutis, labello oblongo : apice dilatato obtuse bilobo,—E Terra Nova Amer. Sept. communicata a cl. amico S. TORNER. : E. porrifolia : scapo tereti, folio fistuloso. acuto _ levi vaginato ; labello apice bilobo. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEH. 163 Char. naturalis : Calyx resupinatus, 5-phyllus : Foliola tria exteriora: duo superiora, unum inferius s. anterius ; lanceolata, obtusa, pa- tentia. Duo interiora latetalia linearia. Cor. Labellum basi concavo stylum amplectens, calyci incumbens, adscendens ; /amina ob- tusa s. acuta, erecta s. subreflexa. Genit. Stylus e Germine infero teretiusculo, obo- vato erectus, parum gibbus, antice apice- que excavatus. Anthera terminalis, opercularis, heemisphzrica, bilocularis, oblique insidens, decidua. Masse@ pollinis sessiles, oblongz, globulares, margini anteriori apicis styli incumbentes solitarize. | Stigma anticum (situ posticum) infra Anthe- ram, versus labellum, concavum. Per. Capsula pedicellata oblonga s. @bovato, &c. N. B. This genus approaches to the next, but - besides the situation of the flowers which 2 164 _ SWARZ ON THE are turned upside down, the species be- © longing to it havea peculiar habit, which distinguishes them from all the other Orchi- deous plants. Species 4 Malaxis spicata. Flor. Ind. occ. . umbellulata- - = monophyllos. Ophrys monophyllos L. nerd ees Mee RRS SET ee CN ERE SE el By M. spicata: foliis binis ovatis; scapo 4-gono racemifero ; labello subtrilobo, medio acu- minato. hey M. wmbellulata : foliis binis ovatis ; scapo 5-gono, floribus umbellulatis; Jabello subtrilobo, medio acuminato. M. monophylles: folio subsolitari-ovato acuto ; scapo triquetro; labello concavo acumi- nato. ‘ NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDES. 165 M. Rhedii Sw. Epidendrum resupinatum Forst. Basaala poulou maravara Rheed, mal. $2. 1.027. paludosa. Ophrys paludosa L. liliifolia. : Ophrys liliifolia L. Leeselii. Ophrys Leeselii L. a M. Rbedii: foliis pluribus Janceolato-ovatis -_acutis plicatis ; scapo triquetro ; labello con- cavo obtuso crenulato. M. paludosa : foliis subquaternis apice scabris ; scapo 5-gono; labello concavo acuto. M. Uiliifolia: foliis binis ovato lanceolatis, scapo 3-quetro; foliol. cal. intern. reflexis disco- loribus; labello concavo obovato, apice acuto. M. Leselii: foliis binis ovato-lanceolatis ; scapo 3-gono 3; labello apice ovato recurvato. 166 SWARZ ON THE M. nervosa. ie das Ophrys nervosa Th. fl. jap. Epidendrum nervosum Th. ic. jap. dubia. _ Katou'ponnam marawara. Rheed. mal. 12. t. 28. Bela pola Rhced. mal. 11. t. 38. Epidendrum caudatum. L ~ Limodorum nutans. Roxb. Cor. t. 40. N.B. Malaxis Lilifolia, Loeselii, & nervosa, which formerly (Act. Soc. Scient. Ups. 6. p- 76.) I transferred to Cymbidium, ought not to be separated from Malaxis. Though the flowers of these species have not com- pletely that resupinate position like the rest, yet they are so much turned, that the lip is not directed outwards, but generally towards the scapus, and adscending. M. nervosa: foliis pluribus ovatis acutis ; scapo angulato; labello ovato sulcato subreflexo, basi bicallosa. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDE. 167 _Tuunserc calls the lip of M. nervosa petalum supremum ; the flowers, therefore, are distinctly resupinate. 16. CYMBIDIUM Sw. Pl. 6. R. Char. essent. Calyx erectus s. patens. Labellum basi concavum, ecalcara- tum; /amina patula. Anthera opercularis, decidua. Pollen globosum. Character naturalis. Calyx 5-phyllus rarius 4-phyllus: Folicla erecta.s. patentia. Tria exteriora; duo interiora plerumque parum minora. Cor. Labellum basi concavum (nec stylo margini-« bus adnatum) ecalcaratum; /amina patula, indivisa s. lobata, erecta s. deflexa, Genit. Stylus e Germine infero, oblongo s. ovato m erectus, semicylindricus, spe gibbus, an- tice concavus. Anthera opercularis, heemispherica, 2-4-locula- ris, decidua. 168 ‘SWARZ ON THE Masse Pollinis globulosze, solitariz s. gemi- nz s. partibiles, pedicello insidentes apici styli antice adglutinato. Stigma anticum, prope antheram & apicem styli, concavum s. convexum. Per. Capsula oblonga s. ovata, 3-6-carinata, t-locularis, trivalvis, secundum costas de- hiscens, fenestrata. | Semina numerosa, minima, arillo scobiformi in- duta; sulcis elevatis valvularum . villosis adsidentia. 5 he C. Z es © A. Parasitica. a Calyce erectiusculo. Cymbidium’ coccineum. Epidendrum L. oe SS ST SRS SS NT NEES A C. coccineum : subcaulescens, foliis terminalibus aliisque radicalibus bulbo innatis, subensi- - formibus obtusis, scapis filiformibus axilla. ribus unifloris. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEX. 169 C, tripterum, C. echinocarpum. Epidendr, Smith Limodorum pen- vestitum Fl. I. occ, dulum Audi, - proliferum, muricatum Fl. I, oc. oe C. sripterum: acaule, foliis bulbo innatis radi- calibus vaginatis multifloris ; germine tria. dato. Obs: Receptaculo pollinis instruitur, © quod negavit Cel. SmirH. C. vestitum: caule dichotomo, vaginis undique imbricato, apice axillisque bulbiferis, bul- bis monophyllis, floribus confertis e vaginis caulinis. C. proliferum: caule adscendente prolifero, fo- liis distichis ovato Janceolatis floribus axilla- ribus sessilibus, bulbis e vaginis foliorum diphyllis——Proveniunt in India occidentali. C. echinocarpum: caule compresso, decumbente, pendulo imbricato, foliis bifariis ovatis acuminatis, capsulis muricatis. (. muricatum: caule compresso erectiusculo im- bricato, foliis bifariis oblongis acutis lineatis, capsula muricata. #70 SWARZ ON THE trichocarpum FI. I. oc. C. testzefolium Fl. I. occ. glaucum °-- Imeare. graminoides --- | Epidendrum Lizz. equitans. Epidendr. Forst. C. trichocarpum: caule tereti-compresso radi- | cante -imbricato, foliis bifariis linearibus subreflexis, capsulis pilosis. ; C. glaucum:, caule compresso erectiusculo imbri- cato, foliis bifariis lato-lanceolatis subtus glaucis; capsulis nudis. ; C. graminoides : caule compresso assurgente mul- tifloro imbricato, foliis bifariis lineari-lance- olatis remotiusculis ; capsulis glabris, pedi- cellis elongatis. : C. testafolium: caule repente, foliis incumbentibus subrotundis acutis convexo-concavis cari- natis, floribus sub foliis sessilibus. C. lineare: caule simplici erecto; foliis distichis linearibus obtusis, apice emarginatis, flori- bus terminalibus subspicatis.—Habitat in India occidentali. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDES. 171 C.teretifolium Fl.I.oc. b Calyce patente serrulatum. C. autumnale. globosum. Epidendrum Forst. Epidendrum Yacg. © montanum FI. Ind. oc. C. teretifolium: caule simplici, foliis sentitereti- bus, floris solitarii terminalis labello apice triquetro. | -C. serrulatum: caule subdiphyllo ; foliis lanceo- latis carinatis seirulatis, spicis terminalibus laxis filiformibus. C. globosum: caule’ simplici subunifloro, foliis tereti-canaliculatis; labello ovato; capsulis globosis. C. autumnale: caulibus e radice reptante simpli- cibus ancipitibus, foliis confertis lanceo- latis, spicis subpaniculatis terminalibus. - Hab. in Nova Zeelandia. C. montanum: caule simpliciusculo, foliis lato- lanceolatis apice subrecurvis, racemo ter- minali, floribus secundis, lamina lab. 3-fida. 172 SWARZ ON THE C. nodosum. C.aphyllum. © Epidendrum L, Limodorum Roxb. : scriptum. aa Aloifolium. Epidendrum L. EpidendrumRowb. cucullatam. . . Epidendrum L. C. nodosum: caule simplici monophyllo tuber- culo radicato, folio | semicylindraceo subu- lato, lamina lab. integra. ae C. scriptum: foliis bulbo innatis ovato lanceolatis trinerviis, scapo multifloro, petalis maeu- latis. . | C. cucullatum: caule simplici unifloro diphylle foliis subulatis sulcatis, Jamina lab. ciliata- Incolunt insulas Ind. Occ. C. aphyllum: caule simplicissimo aphyllo tereti- aruculato, floribus lateralibus subsessilibus, Jabello basi convoluto.—Generis Dendrobii adsine. Patria Bengala. c.. Alvifolium : foliis radicalibus lato-linearibus | canaliculatis carnosis apice retusis, scapis multifloris erectis. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDE. 174 C. pendulum. C."preemorsum. Epidendrum Rowxd. Epidendrum Roxd. tessellatum. flabelliformeF'.I. oc. EpidendrumRoxb. —_ subulatum. C. pendulum: foliis radicalibus distichis lato- linearibus apice retusis concavis; scapis declinato-pendulis multifloris. Utrumque ex Malabaria. C. tessellatum: caulescens, foliis imbricato disti- chis lineari-canaliculatis carnosis, apice tri- dentatis, racemo axillari. C. premorsum: caulescens, foliis remotiusculis. distichis lato-linearibus canaliculatis apice premorsis, spicis oppositifoliis. ~ Patria . Malabaria, Coromandel. CC. flabelliforme: foliis radicalibus basi attenuatis compresso carinatis, superne planis: ovato- lanceolatis nervosis, scapis abbreviatis unifloris. C. sibulatum: foliis subulatis sulcatis racemisque radicalibus. 174 SWARZ ON. THE C.triquetrum. —- Limodorum tube- pusillum. — rosum L. Epidendrum L. - C. verecundum. B, Terrestria. Limodorum altum pulchellum. : Facqe oe C. triquetrum : foliis radicalibus subtriquetris canaliculatis recurvatis, marginibus dorso apiceque compressis, scapo multifloro, flo- -ribus 4:petalis, labello basi cordato. C. pusillum: foliis radicalibus ensiformibus basi equitantibus, scapis paucifloris, labello basi angustiore, Jamina triloba. C. pulchellum: foliis radicalibus ensiformibus nervosis, scapo paucifloro, labello erecto basi attenuato, lamina expansa, disco con- ¢avo piloso. Habitat in America septen- trionali. C. verecundum: foliis radicalibus lato-lanceolatis plicato-nervosis, scapo multifloro, foliolis calycis interioribus conniventibus, labello ventricoso, lamina emarginata crispa sul- cata. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDES. 175 C. diurnum. C. giganteum. Limodorum ¥acq. _ Limodorum ZA. utriculatum F1.1. Oc. Satyrium Linn. suppl. C. diurnum: foliis radicalibus lineari-lanceolatis carinatis, scapo paniculato, foliolis calicis _ patentibus, labello erecto, lamina triloba. C. utriculatum: foliis radicalibus geminis lanceo- lato-ovatis scapoque multifloro vagina inflata basi cinctis, fol. cal. subconniventibus, radice maxima tuberosa.—Cum preceden- tibus in Amer. merid. C. giganteum: foliis radicalibus equitanti-ensi- formibus subrecurvis, scapo tereti, floribus remotis; labello hastato, lacinia intermedia ovato-plicata. , ‘Obs. Labellum hastatum nec sagittatum basi subtus gibbum nec cornutum, _laciniis baseos deltoideis prominentibus, intermedia 5-lamina magna oblonga integra primum concava demum convexa, carinata, disco Jongitudinaliter plicato, limbo undulato. 176 C. tabulare. Satyrium Linn. suppl. Serapias Thunb. pedicellatum. Satyrium capense SWARZ ON THE C. aculeatum. Satyrium Lin suppl. Serapias Thunb. squamatum. Ophrys squamata Linn. Sp. pl. Forst. Satyrium pedicel- corallorrhizon. latum Suppl. Ophrys corallhor- Serapias pedicel- thiza L. Tata Thunb. cr SG NR CE ES CREE CERES RI OER SIREN FRR C. tabulare: folio radicali linéari, scapo erecto Whoo, hoa paucifloro, lamina labelli trifida, laciniis ovatis integris. al Obs. folia nulla caulina, nec lacinia media labelli emarginata. Radix bulbosa. | C. pedicellatum: folio radicali lineari-lanceolato nervoso, scapo angulato, floribus subpedi- cellatis nutantibus, cal. foliol. erectis. C. aculeatum: foliis radicalibus~subternis ensi- formibus, scapo vaginato, spica ovata. Radix in utroque bulbosa. Scapus illius lon~ NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEX. 177 C. grandiflorum. C. boreale. Limodorum 4ub/. Cypriped. bulbo- sum L. ? eee tee at es es ee gissimus, hujus digitalis vaginis foliaceis veftitur. Calix erectus. Labellum basi gibbum, lamina trifida, lacinia intermedia superne muricata. Omnia in Africa australi vigent. C. grandiflorum: scapo subtrifloro vaginato, va- ginis remotis foliaceis ovato-lanceolatis, labello trilobo, intermedio emarginato. Incolit Americam meridionalem. C. boreale: folio radicali unico ovali acuto, scapo ~~ tereti unifloro, corolla bilabiata, labio infe- riore subinflato, lamina replicata, fauce barbata. Hab. in Lapponia, Siberia, Terra Nova, Amer. Sept.—Columna geni- talium ut in Cymbidio monandra ; minime Cypripedii, cui Anthere duz distinctz. M 1978 SWARZ ON THE C. ensifolium. C. striatum. Epidendrum L. Limodorum Th. Fe. Species dubia. Epidendrum tuberosum Linn. — Epidendrum caudatum L. Malaxis forte species. a Epidendrum tenuifolium L.. “Epidendrum furvum L. Epidendrum ovatum L. Epidendrum juncifolium L. Epidendrum guttatum L. Epidendrum Cebolleta Facq.. Epidendrum violaceum Facq. Epidendrum Clypeolum Fors¢. C. ensifolinm : foliis radicalibus ensiformibus ner- vosis, scapo tereti paucifioro, labello ovato, subrecurvato, maculato, ) -C. striatum: foliis radicalibus ensiformibus ner- vosis, scapo angulato paucifloro, -dabello oblongo, lamina plana trifida. Proveniunt in China, Japonia. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDES. 179 Epidendrum triste Forst. Epidendrum Calceolarie Retz. Epidendrum plantaginifolium Retz. Epidendrum Lycopodioides Retz. Limodorum floridum Salisb. Limodorum altum Lizn. Helleborine radice arundinacea, Plum. Epipactis flore virescente, vulgo Piquichen Feuill. Epipactis amplo lore lateo, vulgo Gareilu Feuill. Bletia Flor. peruy. & chil. prodrom. Sobralia Flor. peruv. et chil. prodr. Fernandezia? Flor. peruv. & chil. prodr. Chichiltic Tepetlauchpochitl Hernand. Tzaupochitl Hernand. Helleborine foliis rigidis angustis Plum. Thrixspermum Centipeda Loureiro. Renanthera coccinea Loureiro. Angrecum nervosum Rumph. Herba supplex prima Rumph. Augrecum terestre primum Rumpbh. M 2 180 ~- SWARZ ON THE N. B. The foregoing species, being of a polymorphous habit, might perhaps hereafter require a further subdivision. With regard to the characters taken from the anther and lip they all ge to agree, 17. ik rae ste Sw. Pl. hing ie & Char. Essent. Cals patens. ~ Labellum planum, basituberculosum: Anthera opercularis, decidua. Character naturalis : Calyx 4-5-phyllus : Foliola patentia, ‘subunguiculata; tria pots duo interiora majora, plana, subrepanda ; j8. duo exteriora, duo interiora a, (ots cays 4- phyllus. ae | ine Cor. Labellum e basi. styli, patens, Jobatum, lobo medio magno, disco _superne gibbis duobus ‘elevatis. Genit. RO gd c Germine infero, subteret lineari erectus, antice excavatus, marginibus apicis alatis. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEA. 181 Anthera subrownda; opercularis inter alulis apicis styli, bilocularis, decidua. Masse@ Pollinis globulares, binz, pedicello communi juncte. | Stigma infra antheram, concavum. Per. preecedentium. TF N. B. This genus, which derives its name from Oyxid0y ( Luberculum) on account of the form of the labellum, distinguishes itself, not only by its flowers, but its stalk being of a harder and lefs herbaceous nature than that of the other Orchidez, and divided something like a Thyrsus. Species. Oncidium carthaginense. Epidendrum Jacq. altissimum, — Epidendrum acq. quadripetalum. Epidendrum Yacq. 182 | SWARZ ON THE ©. variegatum. Cymbidium FY. Ind. 0 oct. Cebolleta. Epidendrum Facq. 18. EPIDENDRUM L. Pl. 7. U. Char. essent. Calyx patens. ~ Label/um basi tubulatum, stylo antice -adnexum, ecalcaratum. ©” Anthera opercularis, decidua. ~ Char, naturalis. Calyx 5-phyllus : Foliola subequalia, patentia. Tria exteriora duo interiora. © Labellum basi turbinatum, stylo connexum, —ecalcaratum ; /amina erecta, agi indi- visa s. lobata. Ec ut in Cymbidio. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDER. 183 Species. Epidendrum cochlea- E.bifidum Fi, Ind. occ. tum L. polybulbon - - fragrans Fl.Ind. occ. = labiatum - - - E. cochleatum : foliis geminis oblongis bulbo inna- tis, scapo elongato, Jamina labelli cordata, obtusa. _E. fragrans: folio lanceolato. bulbo innato ; scapo abbreviato multifloro, lamina labelli cordata acuta. E. bifidum: foliis subternis Ianceolatis bulbo innatis ; scapo ramoso, lamina labelli 3-par- tita, lobo intermedio reniformi bifido, E. polybulbon :. caule repente bulbifero, bulbis diphyllis unifloris, flore pedunculato, lamina labelli cordata. ) E. labiatum: foliis radicalibus oblongis, bulbo medio solitario monophyllo, scapis pauci- floris, lamina labelli obovato -incrassata. Cum preced. in India occid. provenit. 184 SWARZ QN THE E.amabile L. E. verrucosum Fl. Ind. oc. patens Fl. Ind. occ. , punctatum L. eee ¥ E. amabile: foliis radicalibus lato-lanceolatis, scapo subdiviso, cal. fol. lateralibus orbi- culatis, lamina lab. tripartita: lacinia inter- ‘media hastata, apice bifida. Hab. in Ind. Orientali. Obs. Labium basi angustissimum nec columna ut in ceteris connatum ; glandula tamen magna bifida ad basin lamine inserta, apice _columnz connexa antheramque tegens. E. patens: caule simplici, foliis oblongis, pani- cula terminali simplici diffusa, lamina labelli triloba, lobo intermedio bipartito. E. verrucosum: caule simplici folioso verrucoso, -foliis lanceolatis nervosis; scapo paniculato corollisque impunctatis. E. punctatum: caule simplici vaginis imbricato, foliis lanceolatis nervosis; scapo panicus lato corollisque punctatis, NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEH. 185 E. nutans Fl. Ind. occ. E.ramosum Facg. umbellatum - - rigidum - - diffusum - - ES TE RE, “ E. nutans: caule simplici foliis ovato lanceolatis - amplexicaulibus, floribus subspicatis nutan- tibus, lamina lab. triloba, lobo intermedio tridentato, E. umbellatum : caule simplici, foliis ‘oblongis subemarginatis, floribus in sinu folii termi- nalis confertis, lamina lab. triloba, lobo intermedio emarginato. E. diffusum: caule simplici ancipiti, foliis oblon- gis, panicula terminali ramosissima ; lamina lab. cordata acuminata. E. ramosum: caule ramosissimo, foliis linearibus obtusis emarginatis, spicis terminalibus laxis, floribus distichis. E. rigidum: caule simplici, foliis oblongis, ob- tusis, spica terminali laxa ancipiti, floribus distichis, lamina Jab. cordato-ovata acuta, 186 SWARZ ON THE E. bifarium Fl. Ind. oc. E.secundum L, nocturnum L. fuscatum Smith. _ciliare L. eel E. difarium: caule simplici, foliis cordato-lance- olatis horizontalibus, spica terminali laxa ancipiti, floribus distichis, lamina labelli triloba. | E. nocturnum: caule simplici, foliis oblongis aveniis, floribus terminalibus, lamina lab. ‘tripartita integra, Jacinia intermedia lineari- elongata. E. ciliare: caule simplici, foliis binis oblongis aveniis, lamina lab. 3-partita, lacinia inter- _ media lineari. ‘ E. secundum: caule simplici, foliis oblongis emarginatis; pedunculo terminali longis- simo, spica laxa secunda, columna Tongi- ' tudine petalorum. ae ) E. fuscatum : caule simplici, foliis oblongis acu- minatisve, pedunculo terminali elongato, spica globosa, columna petalis breviore. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEE. 187 E, elongatum facq.. Species dubia. E. vomiforme. Fl. Indy occ. E. anguftifolium. Fl. Ind. occ. E, liliifolium. Rez. E, sessile. Retz. Helleborine floribus atropurpureis. Plam. Helleborine amplissimo flore vario. Plum. 19. VANILLA. Puivum. Pl. 7. T. Char. essent. Calyx patens. Labellum basi subcucullatum, ecai- caratum ; /amina patente. Anthera opercularis, decidua. Capsula siliqueeformis, carnosa. ent E. elongatum: caule simplici, foliis oblongis, pedunculo terminali elongato, spica laxa, lamina lab. dentato ciliata. Omnia para- sitica Ind, Occid. 188 ‘SWARZ ON THE Char. naturalis. Calyx 5-phyllus, wo, Foliola subzequalia, patentia. Tria exteriora, duo zuteriora.. : Cor. Labellum basi subventricoso stylum amplec- tens, ecalcaratum ; Jamina dilatata patula, apice convoluta, deflexa. Genit. Stylus e Germine infero, longo, cylindra- ceo, 3-gono erectus, trigonus, gibbus, antice planiusculus. - Anthera magna, opercularis, conyexa, bilocu- laris, decidua. Masse Pollinis globulares, bipartibiles. Stigma anticum versus apicem styli, con- vexum. | | Per, Capsula etincdea cylindracea s. oblonga, obsolete trigona, 1-locularis, carnosa, trie bus-lineig notata. Semina numerosissima, lenticularia, nuda, in pulpa nidulantia. NATWRAL ORDER OF ORCHIDES. 189 Species : Vanilla aromatica—Epidendrum L. claviculata—Flor. Ind. Occ. Sp. dubia. V. flore violaceo, fructu breviore rubro. Plum. V. flore albo, fructu breviore corallino. Plum. Angurek Warna. Kampf. Visco-aloes quinta Kamel. ex Luzonia Ray. 20. LIMODORUM Tourner. Fl. 6. S. Char. essent. Calyx subpatens. | Labellum e basi postice in Calcar productum. Lamina patula. 3 ‘- Anthera opercularis, decidua. _ a as V~ aromatica: foliis ovato-oblongis nervosis cap- sulis cylindraceis longissitnis. V. claviculata: foliis lanceolatis acutis. concavis recurvatis rigidis, capsulis subellipticis. Epidendr. claviculatum Sw. prodr. 190 ‘ SWARZ ON THE Char. naturalis. Calyx 5-phyllus, plerumque patens, rarius resu- pinatus. Feliola tria exteriora, duo interiora, foepe minora. et Cor. Labellum basi concavum, postice in calcar | _ variee figure & longitudinis prominens. Lamina patula indivisa s. lobata. pa ut in Cymbidio, Epidendro. Species. ‘Limod. Tankervilliz. Hort. Kew. | Phayus Lour. ftriatum Banks. L. Tankervillia : foliis radicalibus ovato lance. ~~ olatis nervosis, scapo simplici multifloro, ~ labello cucullato integro, cornu abbreviato. L. striatum: foliis radicalibus lato Janceolatis nervosis, scapo simplici, lamina labelli tri- loba, cornu germine breviore.—Habitant in China Japonica. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEX. 19t L. virens Roxb. recurvum Roxb. - triste Thunb. _L. capense Berg. Satyr. triste Linz. falcatum Orchis falcata Th. jap. L. virens : foliis radicalibus Jinearibus acutis concavis, scapo ramoso punctato, labello concavo, cornu abbreviato. L. recurvum: foliis subradicalibus Jato-lanceo- latis mnervosis scapo duplo longioribus, spica globosa recurva, cornu brevissimo. L. triste: foliis radicalibus ensiformibus erectis, | scapo ramoso, floribus subcampanulatis, cornu obtuso germine breviore. Promont. __ bone spei. L. falcatum: foliis subradicalibus equitanti- ensiformibus falcatis, scapis paucifloris, cornu filiformi longissimo, 192 SWARZ ON THE L. Jongicorne Thunb. _L. fasciola | Epidendrum ca- _ Epidendrum: Forf. pense L. barbatum Thunb. funale Flor. Ind. oc. _ Serapias capensis L. filiforme : at Mais ee in ae L. Jongicorne: foliis radicalibus equitantibus lato- linearibus obtusis, floribus scapi secundis, cornu filiformi longissimo. Hab. ad pro- mont. b. sp. | t. finale Pee et bifloro, labello bilobo, cornu subulato longissimo. Ly filiforme : aphyllum, radicans, pedunculis sub- trifloris, labello ovato, cornu apice capitato. Hab. in Jamaica. : L. fasciola: | aphyllum, radicans, pedunculis mul- tifloris, labello integro, cornu compresso obtuso. Hab. in Ins. societatis maris ‘pacifici. . ‘L. barbatum: foliis radicalibus equitanti ensi- formibus subfalcatis, scapo flexuoso vagi- nato, floribus approximatis, cornu obtuso germine breviore, lamina labelli subtriloba. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDES. 193 L. hians Thunb. abortivum. Satyrium hians L. Orchis abortiva L. Limodeorum Tourn. a a - L. Aians: foliis radicalibus equitantibus lineari- bus, scapo paucifloro, corollis cernuis hian- tibus, cornu longitudine germinis, labello trilobo, intermedio subobcordato. Obs. Petala 5 subzequalia absque galea. Cornu e basi labelli nec posticum.—Flos ante florescentiam resupinatus, unde labellum pro galea calcarata perperam habitum. L. abortivum : aphyllum, fcapo vaginato, petalis erectis, labello ovato undulato, cornu subu- lato germinis Jongitudine: Habitus, fol. calic. situs, & imprimis figura columnz genitalium pristinum Limodorum Cxuusi1 & Tournerorti ab Orchide ablegant.—Provenit in Europa australi. Obs. Labellum minime bifidum sed trilobum ; lobis Jateralibus minoribus medio ovato, disco striato subbarbato. N 194 SWARZ ON THE L. Epipogium. L. cucullatum. Afz. Satyrium L. bidens. Afz. cristatum Afzel. emarginatum. Afz%e Species dubia : Epidendrum spathulatum Linn. Epidendrum orchideum Retz. ' Epidendrum pusillum R. Epidendrum complanatum R. Epidendrum clavatum R. Epidendrum subulatum R. -Epidendrum bidentatum R. Serapias Epidendraa R. Califta amabilis Loureiro. as SSE a Serre terre L. Epipogium: aphyllum, scapo vaginato pauci- floro, floribus pendulis resupinatis, labello trilobo concavo, cornu adscendente ovato. Calice patente (licet resupinato) et co- lumna. Limodoro proximum. Ex Alp. austr. Helvet, NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEZ. 195 Helleborine aphyllos flore luteo Plum. Flos triplicatus Rumph. Orchis triplicate Willemet. Ust. Ann. bot. 18. Pp» 52- . Katu-Kaidu-Marawara Rheed. Limod. virenti affine, a1. AERIDES Lovr. Pl. 8. Y. Char. essent. Calyx patens. Labellum ecalcaratum: Jamina sac cata. Anthera opercularis, decidua. Char. naturalis : Calyx 5-phyllus, patens. Foliola subzequalia, subinde repanda s. apice Jatiora. Cor. Labellum foliol. calycinis brevius, e basi styli ortum; /amina in saccum depressa, super genitalia szepe reversa. Genit. bears Per, ut in Limodoro, &c, N2 196 SWARZ ON THE Species. Aérides retusa. A. coriacea. Epidendr. retu- Limodor. coria- sum L. ceum J7/. mus. r“airmehigiges.,* " latifolia. Epidendr. flos Limodor. latifo-. aéris L. lium Jf. mus. Limodorum Act. 3 ups. VI. dubie : - Aérides odorata Loureiro. Biti maram maravara Rheed. ence aac so A. retusa: foliis subradicalibus linearibus apice bifariam retusis, racemis longissimis axilla- ribus. Habitat in Malabaria. A. arachnites: caule subramoso radicante, foliis fanceolatis, petalis apice dilatatis, sacco la- belli antice bifido, processu erecto biden- tato. Hab. in Japonia. | A. coriacea: foliis caulinis ovatis acuminatis sub-,_ coriaceis lineatis, apicis paniculatis. Pro- venit in Madagascar. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEZ. 197 22. DENDROBIUM S. Pl. 8. V. Char. essent. Calyx erecto patens ; in quibusdam resupinatus. Foliola lateralia ex- teriora circa basin /abelli ecalcarati conniventia s. connata, spe calcar mentientia. ) Antherg opercularis, decidua. Chara&ter naturalis. Calyx 3-phyllus; in aliquot speciebus resupina- tus : Foliola tria exteriora oblonga, erecto patentia ; duo interiora lateralia frequenter minora. - Lateralia exteriora ad \atera styli inferne pro- minentis antice basi producta, conniventia s. coalita, seepe calcar mentientia. Cor. Labellum a foliolis calycinis lateralibus basi inclusum illisque subinde connatum, ecal- caratum. Lamina subrecurvata, concava s. plana, integra s. divisa. Genit. ut in Limodoro. Per. . 198 SWARZ ON THE N. B. When the flower is turned upfide down, the calyx appears to consist of four leaves only, but then the two outer leaves are Jarger than the rest and connected, so as to form a sort of helmet, beneath which the labellum is fixed in a pendent situation. Though remote from the Szy/e, it, however, communicates with it by means of a keel running from it to the end of the connected leaves of the calyx. Thus the flower of this genus appears almost like that of Cranichis. Species. a. floribus rectis. D. palmifolium Fl. Ind. D. Barringtoniz. Occ. Epidendrum Sauth. D. palmifolium: foliis lato lanceolatis nervosis, singulis bulbo innatis, scapis radicalibus multifloris. | D. Barringtonie: foliis pluribus bulbo innatis latioribus, scapis subunifloris. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDE. 199 D.sanguineum Fl. Ind. oc. D.utricularioidesFl.1.oc. Myosurus. testiculatum - - - Epidendr. Forst. corniculatum - - - D. sanguineum: foliis geminis oblongis bulbo in- natis, scapo subdiviso, petalis lateralibus in formam cornu, germini adnati, decurrenti- _ bus. Hab. in Ind. Occidentali; Jamaica. D. Myosurus : fol. Yanceolatis linearibus canalicu- latis subemarginatis, scapis nudis, spica filiformi nutante. Ex Ins. Soc. mar. austr. D. Utricularioides: foliis Janceolatis lineatis pla- ‘Nis, scapo paniculato, petalis lateralibus sub labello magno obcordato in cornu bre- vissimo basi unitis. D. testiculatum : fol. tereti subulatis, scapo sim- pliciusculo, cal. basi ‘antice didymo-ventri- cosis. D. corniculatum : crule brevissimo, folio cuneato- oblongo subpetiolato, pedunculo. unifloro, cal. acuminato curvo. 200 4 SWARZ ON THE D. Lanceola =» - Dz alpestre mde. sertularigides-- + - . laxum eouhll racemiflorum - - - iueclfoliheabiq’ Epidendrum Linn, : ) D. Lanceola: caule brevissimo, folio lanceolata subpetiolato, pedunculo bifloro. : D. sertularioides : caule communi filiformi re- pente radicante, partialibus erectis mono- | phyllis brevissimis, foliis Ianceolatis subpe- tiolatis, pedunculis.unifloris. D. racemiflorum: caule elongato, folio ovato, | racemo foliis longiore erecto, floribus ses. cundis acuminatis tetragonis. | D. alpestre: caule elongato, folio ovato lanceos lato, racemis’ laxis, carinis capsularum muricatis. | hag D. lexum: caule elongato, folio oblongo acu- ; minato, racemis laxis, capsulis nudis. D, ruscifolium: caule elongato,. folio ovato- lanceolato, floribus in sinu folii aggregatis, NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEZ, 201 b. floribus resupinatis. D. biflorum, D. moniliforme. Epidendrum Forst. Epidendrum L. anceps Sw. crumenatum Sw. D. biflorum: caule tereti simplici, foliis distichis - lineari-lanceolatis planis, pedunculis binis oppositifoliis e basi vaginarum brevissimis. D, anceps : caule ancipiti simplici, foliis distichi scalpelliformibus planis, pedunculis binis ¢ basi vaginarum brevissimis, Ex India orient, D. moniliforme: caule tereti simplici basi tube- roso, foliis lineari-lanceolatis, spicis erec- tis, floribus. remotis alternis solitariis, pro- cessibus obtusis. . D. crumenatum: caule subramoso compressius- culo basi tuberoso, foliis ovato-lanceolatis, spicis erectis, floribus remotis alternis gemi- natis, processibus acuminatis. Angraecum crumenatum Rumpu. © Java GRONDAHL. 202 SWARZ ON THE D. polystachion Sw. D. javanicum Sw. Epidendrum mi- lingueforme SWe nutum Aub/. . reptans Sw. crispatum. Epidendr. Forst. eee D. polystachion : foliis subradicalibus lato lace. olatis, scapo ancipiti, ‘spicis pluribus alter- nis secundis. Ex Amer. Africa & Asia. a D. crispatum: caule ramoso virgato, foliis cylin: draceis filiformibus subincurvis, racemis lateralibus simplicibus. . D. javanicum: caule radicante, foliis petiolatis erectis lato-lanceolatis obtusis, scapis *€ basi vaginarum petiolorum multifloris. E Java THUNBERG. D. lingueforme: caule radicante, foliis sessilibus ovatis carnosis, scapis e basi foliorum mul- tifloris. Ex insulis maris pacifici. Commu- a nicavit cel SMITH. D. reptans: caule radicante bulbifero, bulbis diphyllis, foliis ovatis, scapis radicalibus. Cymbidium reptans. Act. ups. VI. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDER. 203 D. galeatum Afzel. D. paniculatum Afz. pumilum Afz. roseum Afz. dubia: Epidendrum carinatum L. Maxillaria Fl. per. & chil. prodr. Ceraja simplicissima Lour. Lincea Hernand. Epidendrum graminifolium L, Epidendrum concretum Jacq. Angrecum flavum vel septimum Rumpbh. Angrecum nonum Rumph. Angrecum caninum Ryumph, _ Herba supplex secunda Rumph. Herba supplex quinta Rumph. a3. STELIS S. Pl. 8. W. Char. essent. Calyx subduplex : Foliola exteriora basi coalita: interiora labello conformia, apice subfornicata su- pra stylum. Anthera opercularis, decidua. — Of SWARZ ON THE Character naturalis. — Calyx sub 5-phyllus, s. subduplex : Foliola tria exteriora basi coalita, triangularia, planiuscula; duo i#teriora minuta, stylo contigua, erecta, obcordata, apice subfor- | nicata. a‘ Cor. Labellum figura foliol. cal. interiorum, erectiusculum. Genit. Stylus e Germine infero ovato insidens, brevissimus, foliol. inter. & labello am- plexus, apice dilatatus, excavatus, triden- tatus. ; Anthera subrotunda, opercularis, antice bifida, . bilocularis, decidua. Mass@ Pollinis globulares, {olitariz. Stigma anticum, prope antheram, convexum, Per. Capsula ovalis, trigona, trisulca, sulco su- periore carinata, 1-locularis, trivalvis. N. B. Stelis, vox greca, significat viscum quod arbort innascitur, que natura hujus generis est. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDE. 995 Species. Stelis ophioglosseides - Epidendrum Yacq. Lin. micrantha, - - - - Dendrobiisp. Act. Ups. VI. N. B. To this the whole genus Humboltia Flor. peruv. & chil. t. 27. is to be referred. 24. LEPANTHES S. Pl. 8. X. Char. essent. Calyx sub 5-phyllus, patens: foliola exteriora basi subcoalita; duo inieriora difformia. Labellum nullum, sed Stylus basi s. apice alatus. Anthera opercularis, decidua. S. ophioglossoides : caule unifolio, folio oblongo lanceolato racemum subaquante, floribus trigonis. S. micrantha: caule unifolio elongato, folio lato-lanceolato racemo breviore, — floribus hexagons. Habitat in Ind. Occ. & Amer. meridionali. 20g _ SWARZ ON THE Character naturalis. Calyx sub 5-phyllus Foliola tria exteriera, cordata, ovata, acuta, patentia, basi subcoalita. Duo interiora minuta, variz figure, ad basin styli utrin- que adnata, exterioribus incumbentia. Cor. Labellum nullum. _Genit. Stylus e Germine infero subrotundo 3-gono erectus, cylindraceus ; Alulis s. lobis duobus minutis Jateralibus oppositis, ad basin s. apicem styli insertis. Anthera opercularis, subrotunda, 1-2-locularis, decidua. Massa Pollinis globulares, solitaric. Stigma intra apicem styli, con- cavum. , Per. Capsula pedicellata, subrotunda, 3-6-gonay 3-sulca, 1-locularis. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDEA. 207. Species. Lep. concinna. Fl. Ind. occid. Epidendr. ovale Sw. prodr. - pulchella. | Epidendr. pulchellum Sw. pr. tridentata. Epidendr. tridentatum Sw. pr. cochlearifolia. Epidendr. cochlearium Sw. pr. L. concinna: folio ovate acuminato, cal. foliolis subrotundatis acutis: interioribus postice obtusis. L. pulchella: folio subrotundo acuto, cal. fol: acuminatis ciliatis: interioribus utrinque acutis postice cruciatis. L. tridentata: folio ovato acuto marginato apice. tridentato, floribus basi triquetris, cal. foli- olis acuminatis, aliis styli erecto incurvis. L. cochlearifolia: folio orbiculato covexo con- cavo. Omnes, in India Occidentali vigent. 208 SWARZ ON THE - ' Il. Orchidee with two Anthers. 2s. CYPRIPEDIUM L. Char. essent. Calyx 4-phyllus, patens. | Labellum ventricosum, calceiforme: Character naturalis. Calyx 4-phyllus : Foliola patentia, quorum supremum erectum, infimum dependens, lateralia subdeflexa. Cor. Labellum inflatum, calceiforme, obtusum. Genit. Stylus © Germine infero pyriformi, gibbo, basi atténuato, contorto, sexangulari erec- tus, cylindraceus, /obo subterminali, pedi- cellato, diverse forme, subtus carinato, plano 6. lateribus deflexo dorso auctus. : Anthere dux, distinctz laterales, subsessiles, biloculares, Jacinula lanceolata utrinque - subjecta. Mass@ Pollinis pulvureo-granulose. Stigma terminale, cernuum, inter antheras lobo styli tectum, dilatatum, fovea triangu- Jari umbilicatum. NATURAL ORDER OF ORCHIDES. 209 Per. Capsula obovata, obtuse trigona, tricari- nata, &c. Semina receptaculo lineari singule valvule lone gitudinaliter adnata, adsidentia. Species. C, calceolus Linn. C. spectabile Salish. parviflorum Salisb. humile Salish. Seen ete C. calceolus: lobo styli ovali concavo subtus canaliculato carinato, Jabello petalis bre- viore compresso. C. parviflorum: lobo styli sagittaeformi basi de- flexo, labello petalis breviore compresso. C. spectabile: lobo styli ovali basi retuso con- cavo subtus obtuse carinato, labello peta- lis longiore grosso. C. album H. Kew. €. humile: lobo styli rhomboideo acuminato, lateribus deflexo, labello petalis longiore antice fisso, foliis binis radicalibus. C. acawe H. Kew. _ 210 SWARZ ON THE NATURAL ORDER, &C¢. C. ventricosum. C guttatum. macranthos. japonicum Thunb. C. ventricosum: lobo styli sagittato concavo, labello petalis breviore ventricoso, antice fisso. E Sibiria. C. macranthos: \obo styli cordato-acuminato ses- sili, labello petalis longiore, ore contracto crenato. E Sibiria. ee C. euttatum: lobo styli adscendente ovali apice— emarginato, labello petalis longiore, ore -patulo plano. Gwe. Sib. E Sibiria.» C. japonicum : lobo styli subsessili ovato apice _ acuminato reflexo, labello petalis breviore antice fisso foliis binis, caulinis subopposi- tis sabrotundis. THuNB. ic. Jap. EXPLANATION or Pr. 2—38. Pl 2. 4. represents Orchis mascula L: a. the flower in its natural size. &. magnified. c. male parts on the “body of the style. * pollen-masses coming out of their cell aboye the stigma. d. the pollenmasses sepa- rating. e. one of those bodies of which the pollen- masses consist, greatly magnified. /. a back view of the style with the anther. B. a. a flower of Disa cornuta, natural size. 6. the same with the helmet drawn back, to see the inner leaves. c, anther and stigma. * magnified. d, flower of Disa maculata in its natural size. * the inner leaflets within the helmet. e. flower of Disa tenella. f. its inner parts magnified. C. a. flower of Satyrium cucullatum nat, size. 6. a front _. view of the same, with helmet drawn back, and the foremost leaflets bent down. c. style with its anther and stigma. * above, magnified. d. natural size. e. a front view of the same, magnified. f. flower of Satyrium striatum. g. front view of the same. 4. back view, magnified. 4. style with its anther. 4. pollen- mass. 3 D. a. a flower of Ophrys Myodes natural size. b. mage nified. ¢, sexual parts with a part of the germ and lip. Pl. 3. £.a flower of Pterygodium inversum closed and in nat, size. 6.the same open. c.,a back view of it, rather magnified. d. the sexual parts with the lip viewed in front, * pollen-mass. e. back view of the sexual O02 O19 parts. *the stigma. f. the same of Pyer. atratum viewed from: before. * from behinds *the stigma— all magnified. | may F, a. Front view of a flower of Disperis capensis in its natural size, 4. back view of the same. c. sexual parts with the lip, greatly magnified. d, integument covering the anther in front. ¢. anther separated, _f. view of one of the cavities in the integument with ~ the spiral lobe. | G. a. b. a flower of Corycium orobanchoides viewed from ; both sides, natural size. c. the same opened, and magnified with its different parts displayed, d. one of the lateral leaflets still more magnified. e. front view of the sexual parts with the side-lobes and lip. fa back view of the same. g. the same with the ateNtes h. one of the Peat aed ral greatly mag- nified. Maa lower of Senin cordigera nat. size. 6. the same expanded, c. lateral view of the sexual parts. d. front view. e. pollen-mass, magnified. Pl. 4. J..a..a flower of Neottia Orchioides nat. size, J. front view of the opened flower. c. sexual parts with lip, rather magnified. d. the same without lips magnified. K. ag. a flower of Cranichis aphylla nat. size. &. mag- nified, o> a flower of Cranichis diphylla. e. still more cites to show the sexual parts, particularly the situation of the stigma, f. the lip. separated. '. g. sexual parts. A. front view of the same, with the anther bent downward. 4 pollen-masses, 4. front part of the style with stigma—all magnified. Le a. flower of Thelymitra Inioides nat. size. b. sexual parts of the same, c.-of Thel. Forsteri, magnified. d, the part on which the anther is situated, in an ex- 213 panded state. ¢, the part on which the stigma appears, separated. f. anther. g. pollen—all mag nified. at : MM. a. flower of Diuris nat. size. 4. the same, the four outer leaflets being removed, magnified, c. d, sexual organs. e. anther separated, greatly magnified. Pl. 5. N.-a. flower of Lpipactis palustris nat. size, 4, the same of £, Nidus. c, sexual parts of the former, with the stigma in front. d, anther. e. pollen. ~ ff. sexual parts of the latter—all magnified, 0. a. flower of Arethusa ophioglossoides L. nat. size. 4. the same somewhat expanded, c. d. a lateral and front view of the sexual’organs. e¢. anther viewed from the under side. -f. pollen—all greatly magnified. Pea, flower of Malaxis monophyllos nat. size. 5. mag- nified. c. sexual organs. d. the same, situated on a part of the germ, with anther bent downward and pollen-masses fixed near the stigma. e, anther and pollen-masses. _f. stigma situated on the front part of the style. g. flower of Malaxis Laselii in its natural size and situation. d. the sexual parts of the same, magnified. Q, a. flower of Oncidium variegatum nat. size. 6. back view. c, the tubercules on the lip, greatly magnified. d, the sexual organs. e, the same with anther dropped. jf: anther. gg. pollen-masses, with their pedicle—all strongly magnified. Pl. 6. R. Cymbidium. a. the flower of several species .of this genus. 4. the lip and style of Cymb. ensifolium nat. size. c, the flower of Cymb. Leselii, rather magnt- fied. d. the lip of C. echinocarpum nat. size.» ¢. the flower of C. pusillum. 3 214 S. a. the flower of Limodorum funale nat. size. Be the resupinate flower ‘of Limod. Epipogium nat. size. _ Pl. 7. TZ. a. the flower of Vanilla claviculata nat. size. 6. the capsule of V. aromatica, with one valve opened and cut off. ¢. the seeds of Vanilla both nat, size, and magnified. — Uva. the flower of Epidendrum fragrans with entire lip. b. flower of E. bifarium with three-lobed lip, both nat. size. ¢. three-carinated capsule. d. seeds in their nat. size, and magnified, covered by the aril. Pl. 8. V. a. flower of Dendrobium Barringtonie and D. palmi- _ folium. ‘6. the flower of D. moniliforme opened in ‘front to fhow the insertion of the lip, &c. W, a. the flower of Stelis ophioglossoiles nat. size. 6. the \ ~same magnified. c. flower of 8. micrantha magnified. d. the same laid open. ¢. the inner leaves: of the calyx, lip and style. f lip separated, & style with ‘anther. X. a. the flower of Eapisedse robe ifolia nat. size, b. , the same greatly magnified. c. flower of L. pulchella d. the same magnified. 7. a. the flower of Acrides flos acris nat size. b. the lip divided in the middle. c. style with anther drawn backwards. d. pedicled pollen-inasses. e. flower of A. coriaceum nat. size.. f. the sac of the lip eed to the style, nat. Size. SOME BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS BY DR, M. B. BORKHAUSEN. ea iT RS a 0 ['Tranflated from the German.*] eS AMONG the various charges brought forward with a view to disparage the merits of the great U Swedish naturalist, we find it imputed to him, that he has often neglected the study of nature, and not only formed many spurious genera, but, what is deemed still more detrimental to the science, many spurious species, and, on the other hand, that he has sometimes degraded real species into varieties. Subsequent botanists, therefore, have taken great pains to correct these Linnean errors, _ by searching for those plants reduced into varieties, and reinstating them in their specific rights. _ * Romer’s Archiv fir die Botanik.vol, I. p. 4g. 216 | BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS However great the merit of such exertions when properly applied, it should always be remem- bered, that the éxamination of a plant, to ascer- tain whether it be a species or variety, ought to be made in its natural situation, and never from specimens preserved in herbariums. The dubious plants should not only be observed in different soils, but also in the different regions of air, | which a mountain traverses, or through which a whole tract of éountry, with all its diversity of soil, adscends, to see whether or not they will retain their distinguishing characters in the com- bination of many different circumstances. I shall here communicate some cases, in which this care- ful examination has been neglected, and species have been established, which, according to. my own observation, are mere varieties. ¢ 1. Orobus tenuifoliis Rotu Beytr. Zur Bot. 1. f p. 78. n. 7. Ejusd. fl. Germ. ‘I. p. 305+ & Il. 2. p. 170. Orobus pannonicus Jaca. Viad. Fi. p. 128. | Orobus austriacus CRrantz Stirp. Austr, P» 374s tab. 1. fig. ies wie | BY DR. M- B. BORKHAUSEN.. 217 - Having observed this plant for several years in various soils, in high and low situations, the result of all my observations has been, that it is merely a variety of Orobus tuberosus. All the above distin- guishing characters which the authors attribute to it, and which indeed are chiefly taken from relative qualities, such as Jength and width, are not suffi. cient to establish it as a species. I am possessed of specimens of all shapes; with leaves broad-lan- ceolate, nearly oval, going over by slow degrees to very narrow and nearly capillary, so as to make it impossible for words to convey a clear idea of ‘the different gradations. Several observations made by me upon the Bergstrass-mountains (which from the foot to the highest summits are equally covered with a stratum of fine argillaceous earth, producing this plant in abundance), have proved the truth of this assertion. At the foot of these mountains it | is found with lanceolate, and nearly oval leaves; as we ascend higher, the leaflets are seen to become gradually longer and narrower, and the stalk more | delicate ; upon the summits of the Kuotenheimer . Hohe, an elevation of about 1800 feet above the \ 218 ‘BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS Rheinthal, I observed none but with weak and de- ‘cumbent stalks, and leaves very long and capillary. The specific character taken from. the stipules, as ~ -being toothed in O. tenuifolius, and without teeth in O. tubefosus, is not less inconstant than that taken from the leaves. . I observed them on the “same plants, nay upon the same stalk, both with and without teeth. The stalk of O. tuberosus as well as of O. tenuifolius is four-cornered below, two-edged or winged above, and in both some- times quite simple, sometimes branched and diva- ricate at the base. According to these observa- tions, therefore, the character of Orobus tuberosus, as comprising both varieties, would be as follows; Orobus radice tuberasa, caule inferne quadran- gulo, superne ancipiti alato, foliis pinnatis. Var. a. foliis bi- et trijugis, lanceolatis et lineavi- bus. | b. stipulis denticulatis et integerrimis. e. caule simplici et basi ramoso diffuso. 2. Polygala amara, vulgaris & monspeliaca. Linnzus and all subsequent botanical writers BY DR. M. B. BORKHAUSEN. 21 ‘separate these three plants into so many species, which, however, appear to be mere varieties. The ‘distinguishing characters attributed to each of them ‘are not so constant or exclusively their own, as to entitle them to the rank of real species, Accor- ding to the difference of soil the plant varies very much; with stalk upright or trailing, simple or branched below; with root-leaves alternate or opposite, abovate or oval, cauline leaves lanceolate or linear. The soil most favourable to its growth, and in which it attains the most intense bitterness, appears to be a fine argillaceous soil, covered with bog-earth, such as is found on the Bergstrass- mountains. Here the plant. always appears as Polygala amara, varying, however, frequently, both with respect to the stem, which is either simple or branched below, and to the root-leaves which are generally opposite, but also alternate, even on the same specimen. As the argillaceous soil is gradually mixed with gravel, and at last becomes entirely gravelly,’ the plant loses more and more of its luxuriant appearance, both the radical and cauline leaves become narrower, 220 BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS the stalk more ligneous, rigid, and upright, and thus it is converted i into Polygala monspeliaca. In dry meadows and poor grass-plots, in woods, the pleat generally appears as Polygala vulgaris, though, according to the different quality of the soil, the stalk is either entirely decumbent or’ some- what adscending, the reot-leaves more or less — . crowded, opposite or alternate, and it gradually runs both into Polygala amara and monspeliaca, that no limits can: be drawn. : DN Ne al ih Coa ’ 3.. Scabiosa Colinade and ochroleuca L. (S. tenuifolia Rota.) I very much doubt whether these plants be dis- tinct species, having seen them in many forms both in the same and in different soils. In good, rather “moist ground, the stem is slender and smooth, with ong tender. branches, and flowers rather nodding ; in a gravelly and stony ground, on the contrary, the plant becomes more rigid, the branches are shorter, and, ‘as well as the stem, more or less rough with hairs, in proportion to the greatcr or less barrenness of the soil. In the s ‘ BY DR. M. B, BORKHAUSEN. 22% ‘rough as well as in the smooth variety, both the radical and cauline leaves are subject to variation, so that I have never been able to find distinct specific characters for Scabiosa Columbaria and tenuifolia ‘(ochroleuca L.) In that which I consider as the smooth variety, I found the following diversities ; a. root-leaves obovate, crenate ; cauline leaves pinnate ; ‘leaflets lanceolate or linear. b.. root-leaves obovate, deeply notched or cut; an lower cauline leaves pinnatifid; the upper a. pinnate: leaflets entire, lanceolate. 8, pinnate: leaflets lanceolate, gashed, some- times partly pinnatifid. y: doubly-pinnate: the last leaflets very _ narrow and pointed. c. root-leaves pinnatifid, the odd segment very large (nearly as in Erysimum Barbarea) and notched or deeply cut; the lower cauline leaves pinnate: leaflets narrow, sharp-pointed; the upper doubly pinnate, or also simple. | d. root-leaves and lower cauline leaves pinnate ; leaflets. pinnatifid; upper cauline leaves doubly pinnate, as in No. c, . 239 BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS” In the rough variety I met with the following diversities; a. leaves as in No. b; of the smooth variety. b. as in No. c; of the same. 7 c. as in No. d, of the same. | d. root-leaves and lower 'cauline leaves doubly pinnate ; the last leaflets entire, the upper cauliné leaves simply pinnate ; leaflets linear, entire. | e. all leaves doubly pinnate: the last leaflets entire. ; : : | f, leaves as in No. d, the last leaflets with distant teeth. : | | In both these varieties ] found the flowers of a blue, pale, violet, pale red, ycllowish-white, and white colour. 47. Viola tricolor et arvensis. Linnaus made both plants: varieties of the same species, but other botanists, thinking them- selves better informed, accused him of a great error, and again dissolved this pretended species composita into. two, with the above names. ! BY DR. M. B. BORKHAUSEN, 223 -Every unbiassed observer, however, comparing both plants in nature, will find, that Linnzus was-perfectly in the right; they very gradually run into one another, and it frequently happens that both these varieties are found upon the ‘same stalk. 5. Pimpinella Saxifraga Linn. and P. dissecta. Retz. & Roru. ~ Linwzus united both plants under the common name of Pimpinella Saxifraga; RetTzius and Rotru separated them, and endeavoured to find a specific difference in the root-leaves. But in observing these plants at a spot where they grow in abun- dance so many gradations and varieties offer with regard to habit, proportion and partition of the leaves, as to make often utterly impossible to decide, whether a specimen belong to Pimpinella Saxifraga or P. dissecta. I myself saw the root- leaves of the following plants. a. pinnate : leaflets roundish, acutely serrated. b. pinnate : leaflets roundish, gashed. c. pinnate: leaflets pinnatifid. 224° BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS | - d. doubly pinnate :; Jast leaflets entire. e. doubly pinnate: last leaflets toothed or gashed. ua f. doubly pinnate: last leaflets pinnate, cians In the first year when the stalk of the plant is not yet much divided, I constantly found the reot- leaves simple, with roundish serrated leaflets ; the next year, on the other hand, I often observed different leaves from one root. - ¢ 6. Hieracium muroram and pilosissimum SCHRANKIL Pia Both plants, which former botanists, as TABERNZMONTANUS, BARRELIER, &c. had con- sidered as two distinct species, Linnavus united under the name of Hieracium mur oroum 5 but Mr. ScHRANK, in his Bavarian Flora, again divides them into two species, to which, according to my own observations, they are no way intitled. The characters assigned to them by this latter botanist are not sufficiently distinctive and exclusive, but - both plants gradually run into each other in such a manner as to preclude all possibility of fixing their 7 BY DR. M. B. BORKHAUSEN. 225 boundaries. In both the single cauline leaf is sometimes perfectly formed and distinctly petiolated ; sometimes it appears stopped in its growth, and often more resembles a stipule than a leaf. The radical leaves are sometimes, in one and the same plant, nearly orbicular or oval, sometimes they are perfectly entire, sometimes rather undulated at the margin, not seldom obsoletely, but as often dis- tinctly and sometimes deeply toothed. This cir- cumstance, as well as the greater or less pubes- cence, is merely owing to the greater or less sterility of the soil. Those leaves which are entirely without teeth, are the most hairy of all, and the deeper they are toothed, the more they lose in hairiness, This hairiness is also different at the different ages of the plant. The young leaf, which has not yet arrived at maturity, is the most hairy, but in proportion as it grows, the pubes- cence becomes gradually thinner, and_at last disap- . pears entirely. Mr. Scuranx thinks he has found a constant character for his Hieracium pilosissimum in the persisting wool of the leaf-stalks ; but accor- » ding to what I have observed, this character is as p 226 BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS liable to change as others; the leaf-stalks as well as the leaves being very variable with respect to their pubescence. 7. Hieracium sylvaticum et maculatum. SCHRANK. All the characters mentioned by Mr. Schrank, though varioufly modified, are found in either ‘of thefe plants, and the liver-coloured spots are of no moment, as in both the varieties, nay even sometimes in Hieracium murorum, they appear more or less intensely displayed. According to these observations, the four above- mentioned’ species of Hieracium of Mr. Schrank might be reduced into two, Hieracium murorum. and Hierac. sylvaticum. But are even these really different from each other? In both, as I have -mentioned above, the liver-coloured spots are visible on the leaves, which of itfelf betrays some affinity of their interior structure. Hieracium murorum and H. Sylvaticum are said to be distin-, guished from each other by the stalk being either aphyllous, or oniy monophyllous in the former, and polyphyllous in the Jatter, But also in this case BY DR. M. B. BORKHAUSEN. _ 227 there are many modifications and approximations, which make it often very doubtful, whether a plant _ belong to the one or the other. I observed the stalk—r. entirely without leaves. 2. with a leaf not grown out and resembling a stipula. 3. with leaf completely grown. 4. with a leaf and a sti- pule. 5. with a broad petiolated leaf, and another narrower and sessile. 6. with two distinct leaves, the lower petiolated, the upper sessile, and another - not grown out, and resembling a stipule. 7. with three complete leaves, the lower petiolated, the two upper sessile. In both, when in a young state, I observed the leaves to be hairy, as in Hieracium murorum; which pubescence disap- peared from the upper surface when the plants were on the decline. Should not these obser- vations warrant the inference, that also Hieracium murorum and H. sylvaticum are mere varieties of | the same species? ?2 ay si oil ACCOUNT OF THE ULE-TREE, (CASTILLA ELASTICA), AND OF OTHER Terie PRODUCING THE ELASTIC CUM,-< By Don VICENTE pve CERVANTES, PROF. OF BOT. IN MEXICO. —_aa—— [ Translated from the Spanish* ] WHEN we cast a view over the great variety of remarkable natural productions, which decorate the fertile plains of New Spain, our attention is parti- cularly arrested. by that valuable plant, which the ancient inhabitants of . Mexico called Holguaheitl+ and which is now known to the natives by the name of Arbol del Ule. Previous to giving a cir- cumstantial account of this tree and its produce, _ *Suplemento a la gazeta deliteratura. Mexico. 2 de Julio de 1794. + Franecrscr Hernanpez nova plantarum, animalium et minera- lium Mexicanorum historia ed. Rom. 1651. fol. pag. 50 (edit. matri- tens. cur. Prof. ORrz6A, Vol. 2. p. 336.) ‘230 ACCOUNT OF THE ULE-TREE the elastic gum, or Ule of the Mexicans, it will not be foreign to my purpose to say something of several other South and North American vege- tables, which likewise yield this substance. 4 The Jatropha elastica of the younger Linnazus* (called Pao-Siringa by the Portuguese of Brazil; Jeve by the inhabitants of the province of Esmeraldas, and Caoutchor by the Mainas-Indians, inhabiting the borders of the Amazone river) pro- duces the elastic gum in so great abundance, that several travellers have been inclined to believe, this tree provided all Europe with it. The hotter parts of the kingdom of Mexico pro- duce several species of the fame genus, such as * This is the plant of which Auster has givena figure inhis Plantes — de la Guiane frangoise, under the name of Hevea. As this author has not | represented the flower, which he never saw, but only the fruit, the youngerLin wn 4,uswas induced, from the general appearance ofthelatter, to refer this plant to Jatropha; a genus, into which, indeed, many plants of the order of Euphorbiz have been thrown, that cannet be properly faid to belong to it. R1rcuanrp, who had an opportunity of examining the flowers of the Hevea, in Cayenne, afterwards communicated the de- . scription of the sexual parts, together with a representation, in the “fournal de Physique, Vol. 27. p. 138, from which ScuRreser established the generic character of his Siphonia; a name corresponding with that of Pase-Siringa or siringe-wood of the Portuguese, and given to it, because the natives of Brazil; among other commodities, fabricate fyringes of the fubstance yielded by this tree. T. ; EY VICENTE DE CERVANTES, 231 Jatropha urens, commonly called mala muger (the wicked woman), J. Curcas L. and other new species * described in the Flora Mexicana, all * JATROPHA peltata: floribus caliculatis, foliis peltatis. Flor. Mex. cum icone. J. edulis : floribus caliculatis, foliis cordatis inte- gerrimis sublobatisque. Flor. Mex. cum icone. J. ciliata: floribus caliculatis, foliis cordatis ova- tis ciliato denticulatis. Fl. Mex. cum icone. J. dioica: floribus caliculatis dioicis, foliis ob- longo spathulatis. Flor. Mex. cum/icone,. J. palmata: floribus caliculatis, foliis cordatis lobatis denticulato-ciliatis. Flor. Mex. J: triloba; floribus excaliculatis, foliis trilobis acuminatis, integerrimis. Flora Mexicana. Hucipochotl Hernanpez edit. Roman. 61. Matritens. Tom. 2. p. 361. J. quinqueloba: floribus excaliculatis, foliis quin- quelobis oblongo ovatis integerrimis. Flora Mex, 232s ACCOUNT OF THE ULE-TREE which, efpecially J. ciliata, afford a great quantity of a milky juice, from which probably some resinous parts might be extracted. i ‘The Cecropia peltata, L. called Coylotapala and Yarumba by the Indians of Jamaica, and Ambayba by those of Brazil, likewise produces a similar substance; so do Ficus nympheei-folia L.* (the elastic gum of which is known in Mexico by the name of Texcalama), Ficus Benjamina L. and F. indica L.. Perhaps all the true species of this genus agree in this quality, differing however in the quantity and elasticity of the resinous} sub- stances: a circumstance observable in the Texca- Jama, which is inferior in this respeét.- ‘ Besides the above-mentioned plants, which we find in the works of both old and modern bota- \ SRR ems neem SS Se ee - J. octandra: floribus excaliculatis octandris, foliis palmatis, lobis intermediis hastatis. Flor. Mex. cum-icone. %*Hernanpez hist. ed. Rom. p. 81. ed. Matritens. tom. 1. p. 166. + We use the term of the author ; it ought however to be remembered _ that the elastic substance has no analogy torcsin. T. _ BY VICENTE DE CERVANTES. 233 nical writers, there are some other trees not so well understood, that produce the substance in question, such as those of which Mr. Fresnav, whilst ‘engineer at Cayenne, communicated the descriptions to the academy of sciences at Paris, who published them in their memoirs for the year 1751. _ Among these we find the Mapa or Amapa, of which, however, no description is given by Mr. Fresnau, except that it is a very lofty tree of con- - siderable thickness, with smooth bark and leaves resembling those of the Dutch lime-tree, but rather larger. ; ‘The juice of this tree, mixed in equal quantities with that of Comacay, a species of Ficus, produces, according to Mr. Fresnau, a sort of leather; a similar result, he says, takes place in mixing three parts of the juice of the same Comacay, with two parts of the milk from a sort of pear-t?ee, called Couma by the Portuguese of Para.* * This is certainly a species of Ficus, as the fruit reprefented in the Memoires deVacademie roy. des sciences 175%. pl. 19. fig. 4. clearly shows ; but whether it be Prumier’s Ficus folio citrei acutiore, fructu viridi, or some other of the unsettled species of this genus, requires further investi- gation, T, 234 | ACCOUNT OF THE ULE-TREE: The Pao comprido of the Portuguese of Para is another tree, discovered by the same gentleman, ‘producing a milky juice, which, when inspissated, without any addition, very much resembles the elastic gum. ‘This tree he describes as very lofty, and proportionably thick, with branches, at the top only, forming a roundish head. Its leaves are tapering towards both extremities, smooth on the upper surface, and rough on the under, of a light green colour, inclining to yellow. The fruit is about the fize of the little finger, of a straw-colour when come to maturity, and includ-. ing a large hard nut. , From such an imperfect description it is impos- sible to determine the genus to which this tree belongs, though it is beyond doubt, that it cannot be ‘Jatropha elastica L. or the Pao siringa of the Portuguese, since its fruit appears to be a drupe, while that of the Jatrophas is a tricoccous cap- sule.* * A sketch of probably this same tree, which though rudely done, still expresses the above character, is preserved among the drawings in the Banksian library. From an annexed observation we learn, that “ this tree, BY VICENTE DE CERVANTES. 235 Lastly Mr. Fresnau acquaints the Royal Aca- demy of his having found in Aprouage, and on the banks of the Maturini river, a great quantity of the true Poa Siringa, which, from his more circumftantial description, can be no other than _ Jatropha elastica of Linnzus. From this digression I return to the Uk-tree, which, in commemoration of the merits of the late indefatigable Don Juan DEL CasTILLo, I have named Castil/a.* NATURAL CHARACTER OF CASTILLA. Mascuti FLores. Cai. Perianthium hemisphericum monophyllum imbricatum, squamis ovatis acutis. “a native of Brazil particularly Para, is called Massaradub; that the «* Indians extract from it, by incisions in the bark, a viscous white sub- * stance like what comes from fig-trees, which they receive into earthen ** moulds to make squirts to play with in carnival time, as also boots, “ hats, figures of animals, &c.’’ The sketch is taken from a drawing in the possession of Mr. WxH1TEHzAD, which was sent from Brazil. T. *Don Juan vex CasTiito, a native of Jaca in the kingdom of Aragon, was sent to Porto-Rico, when 27 years of age, as first botanist to the Royal Hospital, in this island. This province he held with great exertion for seventeen years, when government appointed him, together © with other naturalists, to examine the natural produétions of Mexico, where he dicd the 26th of July, 1793, having attained the age ef 49 yearr 236 ACCOUNT OF THE ULE+TREE Cor. nulla. ! Stam. Filamenta plurima filiformia intus calycis parieti inserta, exteriora gradatim longi- ora. Anthere simplices subrotunde. FoemMINEI FLORES in eodem ramo masculis alterni. - Cai. ut in masculis, squamulis paululum latiori- bus et crassioribus, persistens; fructibus perfectioribus expansus. Cor. nulla. Pist. Germina plurima (15 ad 20) ovata. Styli duo raro tres divergentes persistentes. Stigmata simplicia revoluta. Per. Drupe 15—20 basi connate, obsolete tri- angulares, apice excavate. ; Sem. Nux ovata unilocularis. Nucleus con- formis. \ ¢ The Castilla elastica is one of the loftiest and most luxuriant of the trees which adorn the hot N. E. coasts of Mexico, and greatly resembles at first view the Annona muricata, generally called by the Spanish Cabeza de negro (negro-head.) BY VICENTE DE CERVANTES. 237 Its stem is from three to four yards (varas) in circumference, and very straight. Bark smooth,’ soft, from three to four lines thick, cinereous and of a bitter nauseous taste, as is the milky juice, issuing from every wounded part. BARRE oe Branches alternate, horizontal, round, flexible, and furnished at the upper end with stiff hairs. Leaves alternate, a foot and half long, and seven inches broad, strongly sinuate at the base, generally terminating in a point, pubescent on both surfaces, entire, though appearing toothed at first sight, especially the younger leaves, in consequence of the villous brushes formed by the pubescence at the margin of the leaves, and disposed at equal distances from each other; the upper part obliquely striated in the direction of the greater veins with an intermediate network ; leaf-stalks thick, round, hairy, and somewhat more than half an inch long. Stipules at both sides of the younger leaf-stalks, oblong, becoming gradually narrower from the middie to the point, membranaceous, generally falling off before the leaf has attained its full fize. 238 ACCOUNT OF THE ULE-TREE, Flowers axillary to the leaves, the female solitary and sessile, the male on.a very short pedicle, two or more, seldom three together, alternate with the female flowers at the lower part of the branches; at the top are male flowers only, gene- rally solitary. } Calyx both of the male and female flowers im- bricated, with hemispherical straw-colored mem-~ branaceous scales; at the time of faevindigians those of the male usually lengthen out and split to let out the stamens, and those of the female extend in proportion to the growth of the germ. The small pedicle that supports the male flowers, and which scarcely exceeds the length of two lines, is like the calyx, covered with minute scales. Stamens white, and though the outer ones are gradually longer, and all of them appear to become more extended at the time of fecundation, yet they scarcely exceed the length of the last scales of the calyx. Anthers roundish, and of a deep yellow color. A nah tig Fruit: from five to twenty oval drupes obsoletely . triangular, somewhat larger than a pea, fixed with ‘ BY VICENTE DE CERVANTES. 239 their bases to the extended calyx, and with their sides adhering to one another; orange-coloured when ripe, mucilaginous and almost tasteless. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IX. a a. a. male flowers. b. b. female flowers. : c. back view of the calyx of the female flowers, d. the stamens. , sia e. the drupaceous fruit. f, the same cut transversely to shew the kernel, g. the kernel, _ h. a branch cut, from which the Ule distils, aren OBSERVATIONS ON THE GENERA | JUGLANS, FRAXINUS, AND QUERCUS, . IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF LANCASTER, w NORTH AMERICA, By rue Rev. H. E. MUHLENBERG, | WITH THE REMARKS OF PROF. C. L. WILLDENOW; a [Translated from the ‘German.*} eee amen PROPOSING to communicate to the friends of dendrology some of my observations upon the trees that grow in the neighbourhood of Lancafter, I fhall begin with the genera Juglans, Fraxinus, _ and Quercus, as these stand peculiarly in need of a More accurate examination. JUGLANS. I arrange the species growing with us under two divifions; the first, containing the common * Neue Schfiften der Berl. Naturforschenden Freunde. Vol, 3. 180%. Q. 242 MUHLENBERG’S OBSERVATIONS ON THE walnut, exa@ly corresponds with the characters Linnaus has given of Juglans; the second, com- prehends several species of what the inhabitants call Hickery-trees.. In the flowers of the latter I never found more than four square anthers, and I leave it to others to decide whether on this account they ought to be separated into a new genus. The species I observed are the following: ne A. 1. Fuglans nigra L. Universally known by the name of the black walnut, and so well described and figured by WancEnuHEIM, that any addition would be fuperfiluous. It flowers here in. the beginning of May, having twenty or more square: anthers arid two pistils. The buds are axillary in the Spring, but during Summer appear above the. axils. The nut is in most cases perfectly round, but sometimes oblong; without any concomitant difference in the tree. — . 2 Fuglans cinerea WANGENH. This species is well-known by the name. of white walnut or butter- nut. The description and figure of Wangenheim are very accurate. I have no doubt but that this is GENERA JUGLANS, FRAXINUS, &c. 243 the same with Juglans oblonga of Mitier; but whether Linn us has considered it as a variety of I. nigra only, or whether. it be J. cinerea of this | naturalift, I am unable to decide. It is easily dis- tinguished by its whitish bark, and by the viscidity. of its leaf stalks and. nut shells. The small buds are (as in the foregoing species) simple and axil-. lary in the Spring, but during Summer there issue others above the axils, On account of its medicinal quality. it is called Juglans cathartica by Curier. If this species required a new name I should call it J. viscosa.* B. 3. Fuglans alba L. By this Linnzeus pro-, bably means the commonest kind of hickery, known. by. several names in this country, such as “black Hickery, mountain H. &c. It is the Juglans alba acuminata. MarsHALL, Juglans alba WaLTeER. The shells of the nut are variously shaped, more * Juglans cinerea Wa nGeENu. iscertainly the same which Linn 2us has described under this name, and of which Jacquin (Misc. 2. p. 7. Icon, rar. 1. tab. 92.) has given a good description and figure. The number of the leaflets varies very much; I have counted from 12 to 17 on the leaves of one and the same tree. Q2 244 MUHLENBERG’s OBSERVATIONS ON THE or less oval, but casily distinguished from the others by their four edges. Another distinguish- ing character is the wool covering the under sur- face of the leaves, their stalks, and peduncles. This species might be called J. villosa.* 4. Fuglans compressa. This approaches to the foregoing, but may easily be distinguished by. its bark being very much furrowed and ridged. The leaves and their stalks are pubescent, as are also the young branches. The aut is very well represented by GarrTNER under the name of J. compressa. In this country it is known by the name of Shell bark, and sold in the markets. i cannot believe it to be the same with J. ovalis of » WaNCENHEIM, but it certainly is J. ovata of * Linnzus, as is proved by the authors he has quoted, has brought, several species under his Juglans alba, considering them) as varieties, which, however, is contrary to experience. It is difficult to decide, which is his original J. alba. It appears to me most probable, that he means the same described by Katm inthe Transactions of the Swedish Academy for the year 1769, which also corresponds with Mr. Min- LenBERG’s J. alba. As the Hickery species are but little known, I shall attempt giving the specific characters of those which were examined by me. J. alba: {foliolis septenis oblongis acuminatis subtus pubescentibus scabris, fructibus sub-quadrangulis levibus. GENERA JUGLANS, FRAXINUS &c. 245 MARsHALL and MituER. I have observed a. 8 7 leaflets.* Fuglans amara. This is J. cinerea of WaLrerR, but I cannot decide whether also of Linnzus. It is universally known in’ this country by the name of Bitter-nut, Hog-hickery, white Hickery. MarsHALt calls it J. alba minima. It is easily distinguished by its compressed leaf stalk and the leaflets, “which are 7—12 and smaller; but more particularly by its rough and furrowed nut, containing a bitter kernel. Juglans cordiformis WANGENH. appears to be different from J. amara; but the description and figure of Juglans sulcata WiLLp.} agree very well with it. The wood of this species is not esteemed so good fuel as that of the two former. © J. compressa: foliolis septenis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis subtus pubescentibus mollibus, nucibus obliquis compressis. + WiriveNnow’s Eerlinische Baumzucht (description of the trees in the neighbourhood of Berlin) Berlin 1796. 8. pag. 145. tab. 7. fJ. sulcata: foliolis subseptenis lanceolatis acuminatis subtus pubessenti- bus, fructibus subrotundis quadrisulcatis. This appears not to be J. cinerea L. though it has sometiines yz leaflets. “246 MUHLENBE RG’s OBSERVATIONS ON THE 6. Fuglans glabra. To this belong at least three varieties, all possibly distinct species :* ac a. A very lofty tree, with bark rather ridged, thick branches, and very small nuts, easily cracked. Leaflets five, sometimes seven, with both surfaces smooth. J. glabra WancENH. comes nearest to it. In this part of the country it is known by the name of the red Hickery, a great part of the inside of the wood being red. It is also called Pigent, b. A variety with exactly oval nuts, and like- ‘wise easily cracked. They do ‘not seem to vary in any other respect. The lower surface of the leaves in both species are furnished with many yellow resinous points, whence the specific name of odorata given to it by MarsHaLL.—It seems to be J. ovalis WANGENH. C. Perhaps more than a mere variety, being a tall tree with smooth bark and slender branches. Known in this neighbourhood by the names of Besen-Hickery, Herz-Hickery, (Broom H., HeartH.) Leaflets from five to six, quite smooth. ‘Nut ob- * J. glabra: foliolis septenis ovatis acuminatis utrinque glabris subtue resinoso punctatis, nucibus oblongis. \ \ 4 GENERA JUGLANS, FRAXINUS, &c. 247 cotdate, without angles. ‘This species is slower in arriving at maturity. It is: probably mistaken by W.AncENHEIM for J. glabra. In my Index Fore Lancast. I have called it J. obcordata.* 7. Fuglans Pecan MarsHaux, does not grow here, but in the back-country. It is Juglans rubra ot GAERTNER, as far as I am able to judge from the fruit. Juglans illincinensis Wancenu. has no sort of relation to it either as to its leaves or fruit > FRAXINUS. Of the ash I have observed three different species in this part of the country, and several varieties. . “* ¥, cbcordata; foliolis septenis ovatis acuminatis utrinque glabris punc- tatic, nucibus obcordatis levibus. This appears to be a distinct species, though nearly related to the foregoing, but as Thad a few leaves only to compare, I cannot decide whether they be constant in their form, They differ from those of the foregoing species by their leaflets being tapering at their base, and doubly-toothed towards the point; the base of the leaflets of the other species, being, on the contrary, very unequal, tapering z at the upper, and blunt at the lower end; teeth simple. Perhaps the latter characters may be subject to change, but that of the nut is constant. + This species is entirely unknown tg me. W. (it is Juglansangus- ifelia Hort. Kewens, T. ) 7. 248 MUHLENBERG’S OBSERVATIONS ON THE 1. Fraxinus sambucifolia Witup. This species has different names in eaiuny with others, as white ash, black ash, &c.. It is but small, and stands generally in or near the water; and is best distinguished by its sessile serrated leaflets, with woolly ribs, and by its linear seeds. I find con- stantly male flowers upon some, and hermaphro- dite upon other stems. They have neither calyx nor | corolla, and the anthers are blunt at the upper end. This species of ash is F. nigra of MarsHALL and of Port*, excluding the synonym of F. excelsior of Kam. | 2. Fraxiaus pubescens Witip. This is easily known by the lower surface of the leaves, the leaf. stalks and peduncles being furnished with soft hairs. Male and female flowers upon different trees. Anthers 2-4, pointed at the upper end. The seed is the longest of all the species that grow in this country, and elongated into a point. Corolla none. Calyx of five divisions. It is very well described * J. P. Du Rov’s Harbkesche wilde Baumzucht. Second edition in «3, vels, (enlarged) by Dr. Port of Brunswic, 1800. i GENERA JUGLANS, FRAXINUS, &c. 249 ‘by Marsa. under the name of Fraxinus pen- sylvanica. 3. Fraxinus americana. \s distinguishable by its smooth leaf- and flower-stalks. Leaflets entire or slightly serrated, petiolated, upper surface rather glossy, lower surface sea-green, with brown wool with near the midrib; the rest smooth, or furnished white soft hairs when young; male flowers dice- ‘cious. Anthers tapering upwards. Fruit round below, flat from the middle to the upper end. By this, and the preceding species, varieties are produced, which partake of the characters of both, so that it cannot be determined to which they belong. Between Fraxinus caroliniana and F. americana of MarsHAuu there is hardly any specific difference. As to the aeconomical uses of these species of Fraxinus, No. 2 & 3 are reckoned very good fuel, and are used promiscuously for that purpose. No. 1 is scarcely good for any thing but for making brooms aud baskets. When used for the Jatter purpose the wood is previously beaten, whence the 250 MUHLENBERG’s OBSERVATIONS ON THE name of Pachgammak (beaten-wood) given to it by the Indians. QUERCUS.* Of the oak I shall only here notice those species * Of all trees and shrubs, oaks and willows prove the most difficult of botanical investigation; the former because their leaves vary yery much accofding to the soil, the situation, and climate in which they grow; the latter because the observer has not always an opportunity of comparing both sexes, and because they are apt to produce hybrid offspring ; to which may be added, that the form of their leaves is likewise subject to change from the soil, and the different periods of their growth. As for the oaks, it is so much the more difficult to distinguish species from varie= ties, as they have been but little observed in their native countries. Of such of the above species as I have had an opportunity of examining, ¥ shall attempt giving the specific characters. W. 2 Since the publication of this paper, M, M1cuaux,a native of Charles- “town, in South Carolina, and well known as an indefatigable traveller in the service of Flora, has published a work of great utility on the same subject, under the title, Histoire des Chénes de l'Amerique ou description et figures de toutes les especes et varietés de chénes de l’ Amerique septentrionale. a Paris, 1801. fol. Aware of the great confusion in which the North Ame- rican species of this difficult genus were involved, this botanist has sown and cultivated, during his residence in America, all the species he had an opportunity of procuring. By this means he became, indeed, enabled to mark the multiplied variations through which they pass, until. they arrive at their full growth, and to discover their mutual affinities; but on the other hand he found it a matter of great difficulty to distinguish and define many of them by true and constant specific characters, Find- ing that neither the structure of the sexual parts, nor that of the acorns and their cups proved sufficient for his purpose, he finally had recourse to their leaves. The leading charactertaken from these, is their being with or without terminating bristles. A subordinate character is derived from the time that intervenes between the first appearance of the flowers, and the fruit’s arrival at maturity. Some ripen their fruit within six, others - got in less than cighteen months, Of the former the frnit is perma- x \ - GENERA JUGLANS, FRAXINUS, &c. 251 . that are common in the neighbourhood of Lancaster. - Marsuatv has the following divisions. | A. White Oaks. “1. Quercus alba. This is vety common, and has been often figured. Thave only to add, that the scales at the cup of the acorn are round, and that the cup has a foot- stalk half an inch long.* 2. Quercus alba minor; grows generally upon hills, and, when in richer soil, approaches very hear to the original species). WaNcENHEIM de- scribes it under the name of Quercus stellata. Bartram in his journal mentions it as Q. lobata. nently axillary, of those that require two years to arrive at maturity, it is only so during the first year, as in the second it is left naked by'the leaves falling off; though some of these last are, from the concomitant permanency of their leaves, also permanently axillary, as Quercus coccti- fera L. and Q. virens Hort. Kew.—The number of the specics with their varieties described in this work is twenty. To those species of the above paper, as could clearly be traced, we have subjoined their spe- @ific character given by Micnau x; referring the reader for their more minute investigation to the work itself. TT. * Quercus alla; {oliis oblongis ‘sinuatis glabris, junioribus subtus te~ mentozis, lobis lanceolatis obtusis indivisis. 1 This is the Linnean species, which also varies, the divisions of the leaves being sometimes linear, sometimes lanceolate. 252 MiiHLENBERG’S OBSERVATIONS ON THE This tree is frequently dwarfish and stunted, wher it is called Grund-Eiche (ground oak.)* 3» Quercus alba palustris is a genuine species, but very subject to vary. Leaves wedge-shaped below, denticulated, under surface tomenrasds often ap- proaching very near to those of the white oak. This species is easily distinguished from others by its acorn having a very long foot-stalk, and the scales of the cup being almost prickly. In this neighbourhood ir is called swamp white oak. There is a variety of this species that never * Quercus stellata: foliis oblougis sinuatis subtus pubescentibus, lobis obtusis, superioribus bilobis, W. ~ This is Q. obtusiloba of Mrcnaux (N. r. Pl. x.) who gives its spe- cific character as follows: Sate Q. obiusiloba: {oliis subtomentosis profunde sinuato lobatis, lobis retusis, basi acute cuneata; fructu mediocri, cupula craterata, glande brevi ovata. T. f +It isnew and as yet undescribed. I call it Quereus bicolor: foliis oblongis subsinuatis subtus tomentosis, lobis obtusis apice callosis. Jeaves more or less sinuate, sometimes coarsely toothed only; the middle rib of each lobe projecting over its blunt point, and forming @ cartilaginous projection. The lower surface of the leaves is constantly ~ clothed with a white cotton. W. This appears to be Q. lyrata of Water, figured (Pl. 4.) by Micxuau x, who defines it thus: , Q. lyrata: foliis subsessilibus glabris lyrato sinuosis, summitate dila~ tata divaricato-triloba, lobis acutangulis, terminali tricuspide: cupula depresso-globosa, muricato-scabrata; glande subtetta. T. GENERA JUGLANS, FRAXINUS, &c. 253 exceeds the height of four feet, but bear abun- dance of acorns. B. The chesnut-leaved oaks ought to stand nearest to the white oak, having a similar bark. Q. alba palustris is the intermediate species. 4. Quercus Castanea mihi. Resembles the former, and when growing in a moist soil, is often scarcely to be distinguished from it; but in a dry one it approaches more to Q, prinus, and from Mitier’s and WancenHeim’s de- scriptions, I suspect it to have been considered as a mere variety of the latter. Its cups are sessile.* 5. Quercus prinus humilis MarsHauu. Is per- haps only a variety of the former, with an abun- dance of small fruit.+ | 6. Quercus prinus is very well known; it grows on dry ground in company with Fagus Castanea. The acorns are of the largest kind, and fall off s Quercus Castanea: foliis oblongo lanceolatis.acuminatis subtus tomen- tosis, grosse dentatis, dentibus subequalibus dilatatis apice callosis. W. Appears to be Quercus Prinus var. palustris of Michaux, n.5. pl. 6. +A new species, different both from the last and the following. I call it ; Quercus prinvides: foliis obovatis obtusis glabris, grosse dentatis, denti- bus subequalibus dilatatis apice callosis, W. Micuavx considers it as a variety of Q. Prinus: Querc. Pumile n. T. 254 MUHLENBERG’S. OBSERVATIONS, ON THE early. Cups upon footstalks half an. inch long, nog, scaly. ‘The wood of this species is, very durable,*. C. Redoaks, or have long, white, smooth and broad streaks in the bark, and deeply. sinuated leaves, the points of which are terminated by. bristles. To this division Lrefer:. _ 7. Quercus rupra maxima Marsu.—Q. latifolia Hort. Kew. . It is known here by the name: of the ff 6 . fas my broad Jeaved Spanish Oak, and may easily be dis- tinguished by its short shallow cups, and large acorns.f | we sg Bi CaM) * Duercus Prinus: foliis ovato-ellipticis obtusis subtus pubescentibus " grosse dentatis, dentibus subxqualibus dilatatis apice callosis. In autumn the leaves turn smooth on their lower surface. W. 2. Priaus: foliie oblongo-ovalibus acuminatis acutisve subuniformite? dentatis deciduis; cupula craterata subsquamosa 5 glande Woe Mr- cHAux. T. P ft is difficult to mark out by distinct characters the. species of North American Red Oaks, unless such be taken from the fize of the leaves and fruit, the depth of the incisions, and the different angles of the leaves, But magnitude being a relative quality, ought not to be ad= mitted as a character, except when the proportion of one part to the other be expressed at the same time. The oaks mentioned above under No. 7, 8, 9, and 11, only differ with regard to the size of their leaves and fruit, which may, however, be subject to change. I know from experience, that the obtuse and acute angles of the leaves as well as the depth of, their incisions are very liable to variation; and therefore do not venture to establish the oaks described under the above-mentioned numbers as distinct species, particularly as they all agree in the following characters; GENERA JUGLANS, FRAXINUS, &c. 255 8. Quercus rubra ramosissima Marsu. ws Q. palustris Wancenu. & Du Roi t. 5. fig. 4. Its leaves are comparatively small, as are the cups of the acorns.* | g. An Oak very similar to the latter, with regard to its leaves, is that which they call here Black Jack. It never attains any remarkable heighr, but its wood is considered as very good fuel. As it does not grow in any place nearer to me than the islands of the Susquehanna, ] have not as yet been able to ascertain whether it be any more than a mere variety. The wood of No. 8 and 9 is not good for fuel. . Lo. Quercus coccinea, the Scarlet Oak, is dise tinguished from No. 7 and 8 by its leaves turning to. a fearlet-red color before they fall of The cups of the acorns are not flat at the base, but | Q. rubra: foliis oblongis sinuatis glabris, lobis divaricatis apice denta- tis acutis setaceo-mucronatis, calycibus fructus basi planis. * The specific character Mreu aux gives of it is as follows : Q. palustris: foliis longe petiolatis, profundius 7-lobis sinubus latis, lobis oblongis, acute subdivisis ; fructu parvo; cupula scutellata, levi; glande subglobosa.—-Mich, n. 19. pl. 33.34. T. 256 MUHLENBERG’S OBSERVATIONS ON THE tapering. WaAncENHEIM has given a figure of ie | | | What I take to be a variety of this, with leaves deeper indented, smaller, and not shed before spring, grows upon the mountains. | D. Black Oaks. So I call those that have a blackish bark, by which they may be distinguished at a distance. ‘To this division I refer. . r1. Quercus rubra WANGENH. p. 14. Fig. 72. -and Du Roz Pl. 5. Fig. 2. is certainly distinct from Quercus rubra maxima, by its bark and fruit. Leaf-stalks very smooth, long; leaves also smooth on both surfaces, except within the angles of the — nerves. Is universally known here by the name of the black oak. 12. Quercus nigra Wancenusim, MARsHatn, Du Rox. This varies very much in its leaves, and sometimes can scarcely be distinguished from the foregoing, whence it is generally considered here as a variety of it. Whether it really be * This should be separated from the red oaks. Its specific character is, Quercus coccinea: folits oblongis profunde sinuatis glabris, lobis distan- tibus divaricatis apice dentatis acutis setaceo-mucronatis, calycibus fructus basi attenuatis, GENERA JUGLANS, FRAXINUS, &C. 257 Quercus discolor Hort. Kew. remains still to be ascertained.” | 13: Quercus marilandica Gronov. Fl.Virg. 140. Q. nigra pumila Marsn. is very well figured by Du Ror, Pl. 6. Fig. 2. and WancEeNHEIM, PI. 5. 13. Leaves very much variable. Grows upon dry hills only. E. Of’ willow-leaved oaks there are none in this neighbourhood; but about Philadelphia the narrow-leaved Quercus phellos grows’ in abun- dance, and in the back countries another which MarsHatt calls Q, phellos latifalia. The leaves of the latter (probably a distinct species) are oblong, veined, and woolly on the lower surface. F. Water Oaks.— Quercus aquatica Hort. Kew. is not to be met with in this neighbourhood. Quercus uliginosa of Wangenheim I have seen ina dry state, as also some others with leaves cottony * It is the true Quercus discolor Hort. Kew. to which I give the fol- lowing specific character : Q. discolor: foliis cbovato oblongis sinuatis subtus pubescentibes, lobis oblongis obtusis dentatis setaceo-mucronatis. + 1 take this to be Q, nigra L. which I distinguish thus : Q. nigra: foliis cuneiformibus glabris basi subcordatis subtrilobis, lobis diyaricatis intermedio breviore, dentibus setaceo-mucronatis. RQ ~ 258 MUHLENBERG’S OBSERVATIONS ON THE below, and perhaps belonging to Q. discolor, or else to the following species : * G. Grund-Eichen(Ground oaks) I callsuch which are constantly of a dwarfish size. They delight in situations exposed to the sun and dry ground. When intermixed with large trees, they die, being. impatient of shade. To this division several oaks are referred not properly belonging to it: Quercus alba pumila becomes, lofty, as also does Quercus: prinus humilis. The only one mn this country which I always found small-sized, is 14. Quercus rubra nana of MarsHatt, Q. ilici- folia of WANGHENEIM and WitiDENow. ‘This species is pretty well known in-Europe. Whether * Quercus aquatica Hort. Kew. certainly contains several species de- scribed by Wangenheim, which deserve to be, more closely examined. The above mentioned with leaves cottony below, and which Mr. MiinLensere takes to be Q. discolor Hort. Kew. is a non-descript. I define it : 9. elongata: foliis trilobis subtus tomentosis, lobis divaricatis, inter- medio duplo longiore trifido, apice setaceo-mucronatis. The leaves are very distinctly divided into three lobes, the middle of _ which, being subdivided into three smaller ones, is double the length of the two lateral ones, which form right angles. Lower surface of the leaves cottony; upper surface dark-green, shining. The flowers and fruit I had not an opportunity of examining. W. Is it Q. falcata of Michaux? T. GENERA JUGLANS, FRAXINUS, &c. 259 the specific name of ilicifolia be very characteristic, I leave to the decision of other botanifts* ; Q. nana is the old name. It bears fruit in abundance, as aoes also the variety No. 3. Both of them would deserve to be cultivated, but for their roots spread-~ ing so very far, and impoverishing the soil. Perhaps it may be worth the attention of the botanist to know what colours the leaves of diffe- rent oaks assume before they fall off. The follow- ing are my observations on some of them : | Q. alba of a brownish red (cottony at the flowering time). Castanea yellowish. Prinus brownish red. - Q. rubra max. yellowish (cottony at the time of flowering). rubra cocc. scarlet-red. *. rubra 11. yellowish. nigra 12. brown, brownish red, and fome- times yellow. 7 * In my opinion the specific name of ilicifolia of Wangenheim is very , proper. I have described this speciesin my Berlincr Baum Zucht. p. 275» R 2 —— OBSERVATIONS ON THE PLANT CALLED ERICA DABOECIA, SWEWING THE NECESSITY OF REFERRINGIT TOA DIFFERENT GENUS AND ORDER. By PROF. ¥USSIEU.* TOURNEFORT was the firft who pointed out this vegetable, under the name of Erica cantabrica flore maximo, foliis: Myrti subtus incanis,t and de- scribed it as a plant with a low and woody stem, not unlike that of a heath, to which, as far as general habit, it bears great resemblance. Ravi afterwards mentioned it under the same generic name, adding, that by the inhabitants of Ireland it was called St. Dabeoc’s heath. Linnvus, to ‘whom the plant was but imperfeétly known from * Annales du Muséum National I’. Cahier, 102. + Instit. rei herb. pag. 603. ¢ Dendrologia, pag. 98. 262 JUSSIEU’S OBSERVATIONS thefe accounts, placed it, in the second edition of his Species plantarum, pag. 509, at the end of the Genus Erica, as E. Daboecia; ‘hot, however, without suggesting his doubt as to the propriety of this position. When this naturalist afterwards received, from CoLuinson, the description of the flower and fruit, he called it Andromeda daboecia, in the twelfth edition of his Systema, pag. 300 3 where he observed, its habit required this trans- lation, though in regard to the number of the parts, it shewed greater affinity to the ‘heaths. This change was adopted by Murray and REICHARD; but THunsBeERG, in his * Dissertatio de Erica,”’ returned it to that genus under its former name; in which he has been followed by LAMARCK, GMELIN, WILLDENOW. Such flu€uation among botanists as for generic determination, proceeds either from not attend- ing sufficiently to. the whole of the sexual parts of plants, or from overlooking charatters as unimportant, which really are far from being so. The followers of systematic order often think, for instance, that they have given a complete idea of ON ERICA DABOEFCIA. 263 a capsular fruit by pronouncing it of four locula- ments, many seeded and opening by four valves; but the observer of natural affinities, not satisfied with this charaéter, inquires into the form and structure of the valves, their mode of union, the situation and insertion of the seeds; and by com- bining these several observations, derives more accurate results, and is thus often enabled to fix immutably the place which a plant ought to occupy in the natural order. The plant in question is a very striking instance of what has been advanced.. In the present series ‘of Dicotyledones with monopetalous and perygy- nous corolla (or corolla attached to the calyx), we find two families, which formerly were united in one, and adulterated befides by the introduction of other genera in the Ordines naturales of LINN &Us,* in the family of Vaccinia of ADANson, and also in the series of orders in the garden of Trianon. These two families, which of late have been determined by characters no ways ambiguous, but sufficiently distinct to keep them for ever separate, * Ordo xviii, 264. JUSSIEU’S OBSERVATIONS are the Rhododendra and the Erica ; both adopted in the ** Genera plantarum,” published by me in 1789. The fruit of the former isa capsule, of which each valve, folding itself so as to make its edges approach inwardly, forms a complete loculament, _absolutely separate from, and independent of; the loculament formed by the neighbouring valve (valve introflexe loculum proprium constituents). The edges of the valves are attached to a central receptacle, bearing numerous minute feeds. ‘The valves constituting the capsule of the heaths are of quite a different structure. Each of them bears along its middle a septum (valve medio septi- fera.), which, being applied against the central seed-bearing column, forms a separate loculamenty. produced by two valves, conjointly contributing cach its half. This distinction, as it affords (even without cther distinctive characters) an invariable line of partition between these’ two orders, is now adopted by the followers of the natural system, and has-enabled M. VaenrENaT to shew, that the Epigeea, arranged by me among the Ericze, must be transferred to the Rhodo- ON ERICA DABOECIA. © 265 dendra, having valve introflexe, each forming a Toculament by itself. ; Dr. Smitu,* guided by the same circumstances, has referred to the Rhododendra his Menziesia, a genus, ‘which, with the characters of a fourcleft pitcher-shaped corolla, of eight perigynous sta- mens, of an ovarium liberum furnished with a style and stigma, unites that of a capsule with four valves introflected exactly in the manner of those of Rhododendrum and Epiga. } On examining the capsule of Erica Daboecia, the same structure will be perceived as in the Rhododendra, viz. four retroflected valves; from which circumstance it is naturally to be inferred; that this plant, so far from remaining allied to the genera Erica or Andromeda, must even be entirely detached from the Order of Erica, and transferred to the neighbouring one. ‘The inspection of its other characters, as derived from formand number of its several .parts, moreover proves that it must belong to the genus Menziesia,+ from which it * Plantarum icones hactenus ineditz, Fasc, III. pag & tab. 56. 4 Also Mr. SarrssurY, in his edition of ‘TuuNBERG’s Dissertatie de Erica, printed at Featherstone, 1800, mentions the circumstance of 266 JUSSIEU’s OBSERVATIONS cannot be separated, though there does exist some difference in the habit of the two plants. As the ieaves of this species bear great resemblance to those of Teucrium polium L. and of Andromeda polifolia, 1 propose to call it Menziesia polifolia. The specific character may be given as follows: Menziesia polifolia : folis alternis, ovatis, revo- lutis, supra viridibus, glabris, passim pilosis, subtus tomentosis, incanis; floribus race- mosis, terminalibus. And that of Dr. Smitu’s species, which he has called M. ferruginea, thus : Menziesia ferruginea: foliis terminalibus, fasci- culatis, lanceolatis, denticulatis, non revo- lutis, supra pilosis, subtus levibus ; floribus inter folia pariter fasciculatis, singulis longe pedicellatis. | | A third species of this genus may, perhaps, be found in the Azalea pilosa of MicHaux, which Lamarcxk* quotes, as a dubious species, ar the the fruit of E, Daboecia being that of Menziesia, to which genus he refers this plant in his Species Ericarum. Linn. Trans. Vol.6. T. * Tableau encyclopédique et méihodique, &c. pag. 494. ON ERICA DABOECIA. 267 end of Azalea, from which it differs in the number of its stamens, which are eight instead of five. As the author has made an Azalea of it, we may sup- pose that the structure of its capsule is similar to that of Menziesia; the number of stamens points out that of the valves to be four, instead of five: and from these two considerations results a real approximation of that species to Menziesia; which is confirmed by its corolla being oval, according to the description of LAMARCK. BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS ‘SY ) ” PREDERIC EHRHART. — [ Translated from the German.*] leet need : VERONICA Teucrium and Veron. prostrata Linn. are rather to be considered as varieties; it is often impossible to distinguish them from one another. Monarda capitulis terminalibus, caule obtusangulo Mitt. Fig. p. 122. t. 183. f. 1. is not Monarda fistulosa of Linnzus, but Monarda so sy of this botanist. : Monarda floribus capitatis subdidynamis, caule acutangulo, Mill. Fig. p. 123. t. 183. f. 2. is not : Monarda didyma of Linn vs, but hid M. fistulosa. Unless the synonym of Mixxer, quoted by * F, Ebrbart’s Beitrige zur Naturkunde, &c, Hanov. 1787—92, 270 FREDERIC EHRHART’S Linnzus for his Salvia paniculata, be -wreng, Salvia africana Mill. dict, ed. 8. is nothing else than S. paniculata L. and therefore the synonym of Miller is either improperly applied to S. africana Reichh. Syst. vol. 1. p. 69. Hottuyn Pfl. Syst. vol. 3. p. 42. Etling. Salv. p. 21, &c. or both the mentioned species are one and the same plant.* Crocus has a spatha monophylla according to Linnzvs, but I have always found a spatha duplicata in Crocus vernus. The outer one is a tube, which, opening at the top at one side, lets out the flower; the inner is awl-fhaped, nearly surrounding the tube of the flower, and inclosed by the outer spatha as far as the’ top. Both are opposite each other like the glumes of the grasses. ~ Schoenus fuscus L. is not’a variety of Schoenus albus, as Hupson thinks, but a distinct species. * The plant figured by Miller, (ic. ot 225. fig. I.) appears to be Salvia africana L. and therefore RErcuHARpD’s and Er LiNGER’s refer- ences are right. In W1LipzNOw’s cdition of the species plantarum, both S. africana and S, paniculata are referred to Miller's figure. T. + The same observation has been made before by Jacqurn, in his Fl. austr. V. pag. 48. where he describes Crocus vernus : “ Apprimi hac (folia) flori solent spathis vaginantibus, obsolete albentibus,ternis guandoque quaternis, ut nesciam cur Linnaus dinerit spatham univalvem radi- calem ?°-T BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS. 271 The latter is a diandrous plant, has stylum gluma pauco longiorem ‘8 setas receptaculi decem; Schoenus fuscus, on the contrary, is a triandrous plant, stylo glumé duplo longiore &F setis receptaculi tribus, semine multo longioribus, ec, ; Cyperus palustris hirsutus minor, paniculis ailbis Moris. hist. Vol. 3. S. 8. t. 9. f. 39. is Schoenus albus, though Linneus refers to this figure at his Juncus niveus. Schoenus Mariscus L. cannot belong to the other Linnean species of Schoenus, or to the Marisci of HAuuer, being diandrous, and its fruit a nut, containing a four-winged kernel. Eriophorum polystachium is sometimes a poly- gamous plant. Cornucopiz is not a good generic name, and Cornucopia is worse. | Saccharum arundinaceum Retz. appears not to have trivalved corollz, but two-flowered glumes, as feveral of the polygamous grasses have. The outer floret (flosculus) is generally one-valved. Phalaris is a compound genus, some species 272 FREDERIC EHRHART’S having two-valved flowers, others of three, four, five, and six valves. as | } Agrostis pumila L. which I gathered, in com- pany with my late friends, Linnavus and Griino, near the Linnean villa Hammarby, and which . - both acknowledged to be a distinct species, is nothing, according to my own observations, but a diseased Agrostis stolonifera. I preserve speci mens which are half Agrostis stolonifera, half A, pumila.* : | Cynosurus cristatus has not bractez pinate, but piunatifide. Cynosurus echinatus has not a bifid style, but is truly digynous. | : , _ The Cynosuri digitati do not properly belong to the rest of Cynosuri of Linnzeus, but conftitute a ‘proper genus. With regard to the situation of the locust they approach to Capreola of ADANSON, and to Andropogon barbatum and polydactylon. Bromus secalinus, squarrosus, hordeaceus, arven- ~, sis and tectorum Linn. are, indeed, very nearly * In Agrostis pumila, the flowers, as a consequence os the disease, zppear constantly smutty, and display, when dissected, a great number ef small blackish globules, resembling minute seeds, T, BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS. 273 related, but far from being one and the same species. Such species as Bromus polymorphus of Scoport are what other botanists call ‘* divisions.’’ The same may be said of Avena pilosa ScopoLt Carn. ed. 2. n. 124. | Avena Leeflingia Gort. sept. n. 110. is Avena preecox Linn. Elymus caput Meduse and Hordeum jubatum, in my opinion, belong to one and the same genus. The synonym of Baunin and Morison which Linnzus and other editors of the species plantarum have given to Hordeum vulgare, ought to be Hordeum polystychum hibernum. The second synonym of Hordeum spica subdisticha calyce folioso setaceo, fioribus omnibus hermophroditis, longe @ristatis HALL hist. n. 1533. 1s not right, but ought to be as follows: Hordeum polystichum hyber- num ‘BauH. theatt, p. 438. Moris. hist. V. 3. p- 206. S. 8. tab. 6. fig. 3. Hordeum polystachyum hibernum Baun. theatr. p- 439. which, by RetcHarp and HoutrTvuyy, in their Syst. plantarum, is taken up for a synonym of Hordeum hexastichum, ought to be erased, $ 294 FREDERIC EHRHART'S The Bauhinian fynonym of Hordeum spice poly- sticha, floribus omnibus hermapbroditis, longe avistatis Hau. hist. n. 1534. fhould be changed La a Hordeum polystichum vernum Bauh. theatr. P- 439. Moris. hist. Vol. 3. p. 206. Triticum hibernum & J Cet) "| ZS eegerden Sos — VSN SA it BOT NS AS 4% : Fi EES OEE DES LEH. SEN ee aA WN Se Sgncs TRANS RY AS Oo TL SS NL eet SSRN TS HES > Fate SS: PROS j SZ WS LON AEE: RS — RASA so ra R es me Fe Me 6 TEL oN ae) , cA a BRA IN ewer, Eh AY AY By gece; sh aon oN Ties SIN ioe SHEN MEN aS BS= WA EET Des PTL URI IT SEPT Xa a 7 S:. : Say, ON Sn sent (SSE UT SSEEAN/ aR RE ANS RRNA : = Ros a ors Bs ent freodc a ee cand a Se SS Rae A SHAN =e peta. =e eer iWbenav as ae gente Nias) : St Ae = Les NEGA . r/ Hf BAN ea iS pt i eee AVS Py. ae fol F y Ewe , =a i CAV MSS 3 5185 00099 2691 \\} fica QK3 .K62 ‘| Air eth) \ ee Ios asi of yh cf eee | at 7 Af a wind N \ Mey rs om SO EAA A vir te ae Des iit i Sci SS ed, a 3 ai Se ae if: — Cr /} en +”, tae ~~.) ie Z J SSS ~~ Say, KASS ae te < OAS a SS PE LD OE, GAD - ae, ee wr ee tow - - he ry : = - Meret 5 < - oa ~ - my - nee or - -- — _ —— eaters 7 a ~ "i = J = 7 : —_— - ope > os —_— ee ae eae eels ae -~- att oo = Amy 5 ~ ied cw i eat - 7 rire - - on - : —_ ~ tone —