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Tragedie of King i\i- chard the fecond.

As h hath becnc publikely a&cd by the Right Ho* nourable the Lord Chambcrlainc his feruants.

By Willi Am Shake-Jptarc


Printed by Valentine Simmcs for Andrew Wife,and *rc xp be (old at his (hop in Paules churchyard ac the figne of the Angel,




r.- 9

, v



,Iohn of Gant,

with other Nobles and A

Attendant!, *.'


Lde Iohn of Gaunt time honored Lancaiter, Haft thou according to thy othc and bande ►Brought hither Henry Herford thy bold fbn, Here to make good theboiftrous late appcale . Which then our lciiure would not let vs hear* Againft the Duke of Norffolkc,Thomas Mowbray? Gaunt. IhauemyLeige. King Tel me moreoucr>haft thou founded him If he appeafc the Duke on ancient malice, Or worthily as a good fubieel lLouW On fonae knownc ground of treacherie in him.

gaiint A? ncareas I could fitt him on that argument, On fomc apparent danger fecne in him, Aimde at your Higlmcfle, no inueterate malice.

Kmg Then call them to our prclencc face to face, And frowning brow to brow ourfelues will hcare, y

The accufcr and the accufed frcelyjfpeake: . Hie flomackt are they both, and full of ire» , In rage, dtafcas the fca» haftic as fire.

SnterUHllingbrooke and Mowbray*

Bt&ng. Many ycares of happy daies be-all My gracious Soiieraigne, my moft louing Liege.

A a Mm.


TheTragedie of

Afyrrf, ' Each day ftil better other* JiappinefleV Vniil /tferc hcattens cnuying carths,go©d happe, A dde aril immortal ti tic to your Cro^ne. .-'*, >

Kw%. , We thanke you both,ycCone but flatters vs> As wel appeareth by the caufe you come, Name^toappcalcJeach other bf high treason: Coofirtolf Hereford what doft thou obiedt ISJUG

Againft the DukcofN orfolkc Thomas Mowbray?

BhL FirfUicaucn Le the record to my ipcccb> In the dcuotion of afubie&s loue, Tendering the precious fafctic of my Prince, And free from other misbegotten hate, Come I appellant to this prtnccJy prefence* Now Thomas Mowbray do I turnc to thee, And marke my greeting wel : for what I fpeakc My body fhal make good vpon this earth, Or my diuinc fouje arifwere it in fceauen; Thou an a traitour'and a rpifcreant; Too goocl to be fo,and too bad to hue, Since the more faire and crl flail is the skie» The vglier fecriie the cloudes that in it flie: Once mo re, the more to aggrauatc the nojec. With a fbufc traitours name ftuffe I thy throte, And wifh(fo pleafe my Soueraighc)ere I moue, What my tongfpeaks, my right drawne fword may proucv,

Mow. Let not my cold words here accufe my zcale, Tis not the t riall ofa womans war, The bitter clamour of two eager tongues, Can arbitrate this caufe betwixt vs twaine, The blond is hottc that muft be coold for this, »

Yet can I not of fuch tarn e patience boaft, As to bchuihtand naiikntat al to fay.

lrit the fane rcucrence of your highnelle curbes meet From giuing reines and fpurs to my free fpeech, Which clfe would port vntijl it had returned Thcfe tearmes of treafbn doubled downe his"throat: Setting afidc his high bloudsroyaltie, And let him bee no kinfman to my Lcige,


King Richard the fetonL

I do dcfieTnUijand fpi t at him, 3 1 tiri

Cal him a flaundcrous coward and a villainc, Which td maintained would allow him ods, And mecte him were I tide to runoe afoote, Eucn to the frozen ridges of the Alpes, Or any other ground inhabitable, Where cuer Englifh man durft fette hisfoore, Meanc time let this defend my loyaltie, By all my hopes mo ft ralfely doth he £c.

?$hL Pale trembling coward there I throw nay gag^t iA Difclaiming heere the kinred of a King. irlT

And lay afidc my high blouds royaltie, Whkh Feare,not Reference makes thee to except. If guikie dread hauc left thee fo much (trengeh, As to take vp mine honours pawncthen ftovvpe* By that,and all the ntes of Knighthood clfe, Will I make good againft thee arme to armc, ] What I haue fpokcor thoucanfi: deuife.

Mow. I take it vp,and by tjiat fword I fweare, Which gently laidc my knighthood on my ftoulden | *& lie antwerc thee in any faire degree, Ochiualrous defigne of knightly trial!, And when I mount,aliue may I not light, If I be traitour or vniuftly fight.

King. What doth pur Cpofin lay to Mowbralcs charge! It mud be great that can inhcrite vs, So much as of a thought of ill in him.

Bttl Lookc what I fayd my life flial prooue it true* That Mowbray hathreceiude eight thou fand nobles, In name of Lending^for your highnefte fbuldiours* The which bee hath detaindc for lewd imploymcnts, Like afalfe traitour arid iniurious -viUaine, Bcfidcs I fay,and will in battaiie prooue, Or here,or cite where $o the farf Jicft Verge |

That eucr wasjui*ic, ycd by Englifh eie, That all thetrcafons for th,cfe cigliGceney cares* Complotted and cofrtriued 'in this land: Fetchtfrom falfc -Moyvbfty their firft hcaAand/pring?

A 3 Further


Further I fay , and further will mainfaine Vpon his bad life to make all thisj^ood,

That he did piotte the Duke of Glocefters death,

Suggeft hisfaone bcleeuing aducrfaries

And confequently like a iraicour coward,

Sluc'tc out his innocent fault through (Yreames of bloud,

Which bloud, like iacrificing Abels cries,

Euen from the tongueleiTe Cauerns of the earth,

To me for iuftice ana rou<*h chaftifement:

Anctbvthe s;'Oriouswarch of mv difcent,

Thisarmefhalldo ir,or this life be fpent. King . How high a pitch his refolution (bares,

Thomas of Norfblke what faift thou to this*-" Mowb. Oh let my foueraignc tur ne away his face,

And bid his cares a little white be dcafe,

Till I haue told this (launder of his bloud,

How God and good men hate fo foule a lier. King. Mowbray, impartial are our eiesand earei?

Were he my brothers ay jiny kingdom es he ire,

As he is but my fathers brothers fonne,

Now by fcepters awe I make a vow,

Such neighbour ncercnej to our facred bloud

Should nothing priuiledge him nor partializc

The vnftoopingfirrnenefleof my vpright foule,

He is our fubieft Mo wbray/e art thou,

Free fpeech and fearclelTe I to thee allow. Mowb. Then Eollingbrooke as low as to thy heart, Through the falfe paflage of thy throat thou lieft* Three parts of that receiptclh 3d for Callice, Disburft I to his highmife Souldiours, The other pare rcfei u de I by cohfen u For that my foueraigne liege was in my debt, Vpon remainder o£a deare account , Since laft I wenfto France to fetch his (Jucene: Now fwallow downe that lie .For Glocefters death* I flew him not,but to mine ownc difgraec Neglected my fwornc dutie in that cafe: For you my noble Lord of Lancaftcr,


Ring Richard thejccona*

The honourable father to my foe,

Once did I lay an ambufh for your life, A trcfpafle that doth vexc my grccucd foule: Ah but ere I laft receiu'dc the facramen:, I did confeffc it,and cxaclly begd Your graces pardon,and I hope I had i>. This is my fault, as for the reft appeald It iiTues from the rancour of a villaine, A recreant and mod degenerate traitor Which in my felfe I boldly will defend, And cntcrchangcably hurle downc the gage, Vpon this ouerweening traitours foote, JTo proouc my felfe a loyal Gentleman, Eucn in the beft bloudc chamberd in his bofome» In haftc whereof moft heartily I pray Your highnefte toafsignc our trialday.

King. Wrath kindled gentleman bee ruled by me, Lets purge this cholcr without letting bloud, This wee prefcribe though no Phifition, Deepc malice makes too dcepeincifion, Forget,forgiuciConclude,and bee agreed, Our Doctors fay this is no month to blcede: Good Vncklc let this end where it begunne, Weele calrac the Duke of Norfoikcyou your foanc.

gaunt. To be a makc-pcacc fhal become my age, Throw downe(my fonnc) the Duke of Norfolkes gage*

King. And Norfolkc throw downc his.

^aunt. When Harry ,whcn?obedicnce bids, Obedience bids I ihould not bid again? .

King. Norfolkc throw downe wee bid, there is no boote.

Mow. My felfe I throw(dread foueraigne)at thy foote, My life thou (halt commaund,but not my (hame, The one my dutie owes.but my fatrc name Defpight of death that Jiues. vpon my grauc, To darkc difLonours vfe thou (halt not hauc: I am difgraflc^nipcachtjand baffuld hecre, Pier ft to the foule with Slaunders venomd fpeare, The which no balmc cancurc buthis heart bloud



Wtahbreathdctmspoy^fW V*1 «J¥"kri ddatmao&vtt

Kin£. Rage nraft be Wichita*!, - Giue me his gage ,Lion$ make L«<*pardstame. Mowb. Yea,but not change his fpots, take but my fharae And I rcfigne my gage my deare deare Lord. The purelt treasure mortal! times afTdord, Is fpotlcflTe rcputatiob,that away Men arc but guilded loame,or painted clay, A Iewell in a tenne rLnes bardvp cheft, Is a bold fpirit in a loyall brcaft: Mine honour is my hfeboth grow in one, Take honour horn me,andmy life is done; Then (deare my Liege)mine honour let me try, In that I liucand for that will I die. King. Coofin throw vp your gage,do you beginne, 'Bui. OGod defend my foulc fromfuch decpe finncs Shall I feeme(£ reft- fallen in my fathers fight? Or with pale beggcr-face impeach my height, Before thisout-dardedaftardterc my tongue Shall wound my honour with fuch feeble wrong, Or found fobafc aparlee,my teeth mall tcare, The flauiflh motiuc ofrccanting feare, And fpit it bleeding inhis high difgrace, Where ihame doth harbouT,cuen inMowbraiesface. King. We were not bor ne to fue^ut to com maundy Which fincc wee cannot do to make you friends,, Be readie as your life fhall anfwerc it, At Coucntry vpon Saint Lambards day, There fhall your fwordsand laurKes arbitrate The fwei ling difference ofy our fettled hate, Since wee cannot atone you,yeu (hall fee lullice defigne the Victors chiualric: Lord Mar lnall, comniaund our Officers at Armes, Be readie to direit tfaefe home alarmes. Exit*

Enter John of gaunt >mth theDucheffc ofGtocefter. Gaum. Alas'the part I had in Woodftocks bloud, Doth more follicite rac then your cxclaimcs*


King Rkhardthefecwd. s

To flirre againft the butchers of his life. But fince correction heth in thofe hands, Which made the fault that we cannot correct, Put we our quarrell to the wil of heaucn , Who when they fee the hourcs ripe on earth Will raine hot vengeance on offenders head?. " Ducheffe Findes brotherhood in thee no fharper fpurre? Hathloueinrhyoldbloud noliuingfire?- Edwards feuen fonnes whcrof thy ielre art one, Were as feuen viols of his facredbloud, Or feuen fane branches fpringing from one i oore* Some of thofe feuen are dried by natures courfc, Some of thofe branches by the Defames cut:j But Thomas my deere Lord, my life, my Glocefi er, One viol ful of Edwards facred bloud, One flouriming branch of his moft royall rootc Is crackr, and al the precious liquor ipilt, Is hackt downe, and his fummcr leaues al faded r y Enuies hand, and Murders bloudy axe. *h Gaunt, his bloud was thine, that bed, that wombe, i*hat mettal, tiiat fclfc mould, that fafhioned- ee Made him a man: and though thou liucft and breathed* Yet art thou flaine in him, thou doeft confent _n fome large meafure to thy fathers death, In that thou feed thy wretched brother die , Who was the model of thy fathers life , Call it not patience Gaunt, it is difpairc, In fuffering thus thy brother to be flaughtred, Thou flic weft the naked pathway to thy life. Teaching ilernc Murder how to butcher thee : That which in meane men we intitle Patience* Is pale cold Cowardice in noble breads. What dial 1 fay? to fafegard thy own life, The bell way is to venge my Glocefters death. Gaunt Gods is the quarrell for Gods fubftitutc, His deputy annointed in his fight , Hath caufd his death, the which,if wrongfully Let heauen reuehgefiw I may ncuct lift

B An

Tht Tfdgedictf

An angrie arme againft his ramiftcr. Daek Where then alas may 1 complaint my fclfc?

(jaunt To God the widdowes Champioruind defence.

rPnck Why then T $f® ! u ell old Gatrk Thou 2:0c ft to Couen^ vvhere to bcholde Our Coofin Hcrfc^ and fell Mowbray fight,

0 fet my husbands wrongs on Herfords fpcare, That it may enk. oiucher Mowbraics breaft: Or if ipiik)rUine mitle the firft carier,

Be Mowbraics finnes fo heauic in his bofome, if That they may bteake his feming cowfers backe, And throw the rider headlong in the lifts, Axaitiue recreant to my CooCn Herfordi Farewel old Gauntjthy fometimes brothers wife* With her companion Gnefe mull end her life.

Gaunt. Siller farewell Imuftto Coucntrie, ; As much good ft ay with thee, as go with naee.

Duck Yet one word morcgrictc boundeth where it fafs. Not with the emptie hoi lownctle,but weight:

1 take my leaue before I hauc bcgunne». For fbrrow ends not when it feemeth done? Commend me to my brother Edmund Yorke, Lo this is a U t nay yet depart not fo, Though this be ahdo not fo cpjickly goc*

I (ha 1 remember more : Bid him,ah what? With al good Jpcede at Piafhie vifit me, Alackc and what ihall good old Yorke there fec: But emptie lodgings and vnfurniilvt walles, VnpcopledotTceSjVnrrodden ftones, And what heare there for welcome but my groraesB -.. Therefore commend me, let him not come there, To feckc out fbrrow thst dwek euery where, Defolatc.defolate will I hence and die: The laft leaue of thee takes my keeping eye* Exeunt*, ufi ; y-

Enter the Lord Marjhatt and tbeZhtke Aumerlt* to1*j* Mar. My Lord Aumerifs?rjr£lw3:l>^rrbrdar6dfe|,s§^ Jfam* % Ycaat al polntsif/^firnj x$<imvi»t»


King RiclurdihefectHcl.

M*r* The Duke of Norfolk* fprightfiiHy and bold. States hw <.nc furarnons of the appellants trumpet.

Awn. , ! ay then the Champions are prepare! , and (lay ior f»9fMf»* but his rnaiefties approach.

" *• - trHWpetsfoHnditKdthc King Gfcw mtfr his nohleswhen

laey arefet,enter the duke offfitrjoike m armes defendant, ZCmg. Marshall demaund of yonder Gfaj^BBpion, The eaufc of his arriuall here in amies, i ,.>*cc htm his narac,and orderly proceede To fwcare him in the iuftice of his caufe.

Mar. In Gods name and the Kings fay who thou art, ixvaX wky thou commeft thus knightly clad in armes* Againft what man thou comfhand what's thy quarrel* Speake tiuely on thy knighthood, and thy oth, .As (o defend tbec hcauen and thy valour.

Mow. My name is Thomas Mowbray, D.of Norfolkc* Whohithercoracingagedby my oath, (Which God defend a knight Should violate) Both to defend my loyaltie and truth To God*my king»and my fucceeding ifitie, Agamflthc Diikcof Heiford that appeales tnee9 And by the grace of God. and this mine arme, To proouc him in defending of my felfe, A -rv tout to my God,my king,and nae* ,a I tiuely fight defend mc heauen.

» The Trwnfetsfound^nter *Duke ofHerford appellant in armour. J&g. MaruSall askc yonder knight in armesa Both who he is»and why hee commeth hither Thus plated in habiliments of watre, And formally according to our law, Depofchiminthciufticeofhiscaufe. ^ *

Mar. What is thy namc,and wherfore ceraft thou hither? ~c king Richard in his toy all lifts, 1 1 ii /horn comes thou?and whats thy quarrcll? Speake likca true kaightAi i^jend thee heauen.


BhL Harry of Herford,Lancaft:er,andDarbie Am I, who readi e here do Hand in Armes, To prooue by Gods graceyind my bodies valour \r\\^h,oT\Thoma4 Mowbray Duke of Norfolke, That he is a traitour foute and dangerous* To God of heauen,Kin^Richard,i-nd to me: And as I trueiy fight,defend rne heaue'n.

Mar. Onpaineofdeatli hoperfonbefo bold Or daring,hardic,as to touch the lifts, Except the Martiall and fuch officers Appoyntcd to direct thefe faire defignes.

BhL Lord Martialljktme kiffe my foueraignes hand, And bow my knee before his Maieftie, For Mowbray and my felfc are like twomen^ That vow a long and wearie pilgrimage, Then let vs take a ceremonious leaue, And louing farewell of our feuerall friends, -

Mar. Thcappelrant in alldtttiegieetesyourbighnefle, And craues to kiiTc your hand and take his leaue.

, King, Wee will defccnd and fold him in cur armes, Cooil/i of Herford^as thy caufe is right.

So be thy fortune in this royall fight;

Farewel my bioud, which if to day thou (head* Lament we may,but not rcuenge the dead.

BhL Oletnonobleeyeprophaneateare

For me,if I be gorde with Mowbray es fpcare:

As confident as is the falcons flight

Againft abird^do I withvMowbray fighf.

My louing Lord I take my leaue of you:

Of you (my noble coofin) Lord Aumarle,

Not ficke although I.hauc to doo with death3

But luftie^yong^andcheerely drawing breathy

LoejasatEngiilhfeaftsfoI regreet

The daintjell lafhto make the end mod fweete.

Oh thou the earthly Authourof my bloud,

Whofe youihf uU fpirit in me regenerate,

Doth with a two-fold vigour-lift me vp»

To reach at Fi&orie aooue *cy head*


King Rkhardthefeccnd.

Adde proole vnto mine armour with thy prayers., And with thy blefsings ftcele my launce&poynt, That it may enter Mowbraies waxen coate, And furbifn new the name of Iohn aGaunti Euen in the luflie hauiour of his Tonne.

gaunt. God in thy goodcaufe make thee profperoim Be fwift like lightning in the execution, And let thy blowes doubly redoubled, Fall like amazing thunder on the caskc Of thy aduerfe pernitious encmie, Rowfe vp thy youthful blond, be valiant and Hue.

'BhL Mine innocence and Saint George to thriue.

Mow. How cuer God or fortune call my lotte, There liues or dies true to King Richards throne* A loyal,iaft,and vpxight Gentleman: Neuer did captiuewith afreet heart Cad offhischaines of bondage, and embrace, His golden vricontroled enfranchifcment, More then my dauncing foule doth celebrate, This fcaft of battle with mine aduerfarie, Moft mightieLeige,and my companion Peeres* Take from my mouth the wifhofhappieyearcsv As gentle and as iocund as to reft Go I to fight,trueth hath a quiet brefh

King. Farcwcl (my Lord) fecurely I efpie, Vertue with valour couched in thine eye, Order the triaIlMartiall,and beginne.

Mart. Harry of H error d,Lancafe*;and Darby » Receiuethy launce,and God defend thy right

BhL Strong as a tower in hope I; cry, Amen*

Mart. Go beare this lance to Thomas D. of Norfolke*

Herald. Harry of Her ford, Lanca fie r and Darby Stands heere, for God, his foueraigne,and himfelfe, On paine to be found falfc and recreanr, To prooue the Duke of Norfolke Thomas Mowbray, A traitoar to his God,his king,and him> And dares him to fet forwards to the fight. Bemld. Here ftandeih Thomas Mowbray D.of Norfolk,

B3 On


On paine to be found falfe and recreant,

Both to defend himfelfe, and Co approue §

Henry of HerefordiI^ncaftcr>and Darby,

To God, his fbueraigncand to him difloya!,

Courageoufly, and with a free defire,

Attending but the fignall to beginne,

Mart. Sound trumpets, and fct forth Combatants Stay, the king hath thrownc his warder downe.

King* Let them lay by their helmets, and their fpcare% And both returne backc to their chaires againe: Withdraw with vs, and let the trumpets found. While wc teturne thefe dukes what we decree f Drawnccre and lift What with our counfel wc hauc done. For that our kingdomes earth fhouidnotbcfoH4 With that decrebloud which ithathfbftcred: And for our eyes do hate the dire aspect Ofciuil wounds piowd vp with neighbours (word, And for wc thinke the Eagle-winged pride Offkic-afpiring and ambitious thought* o il

With riual-hati ng enuy fet on you To wake our peace, which in our countries cradle Drawcs the fwecte infant breath of gentle fleepe, Which fo touzdc vp with boiftrous vntunde drummc With hat (hrefbunding trumpets dreadful bray, And grating mock of wrathful yron armcs» Might from our quiet confines fright fairc Peace, And make vs wade c ucn in our kinreds bloud. Therfore wc banifh you our territories: You con fin Hereford vpon paine of I i fc , Til twice fiuc fummcrs haucenricht our field Shal not regreece our faire dominions But tread the ftrariger paths ofbanifhrnenr.

BhI. Your wil be done; this mud my comfort be, T hat Sunne that warmes you here, (hall (nine on me, And thofe his golden beames vnto you here lent Shal point on me, and guild my bani/hroent.

Km Noifolke, for thec rcmaincs a hcauier doome,


King Richard the fhccni.

Which I with fome vnwillingnes prcnouncc. The flic flow houres ihall not determinate The datelcfle limitc of thy dcerc exile, The hopelefle word of neuer to rcturne, Breathe I againft thee, vpon painc of lite,

Mcmb. A hcauic fentence, ray mod foueraignc Lie»e» And aW vnlookt for from your Highneffc mouth, A deerer merit, not ib deepe a maime, As to be caft forth in the common ayre Haue I deferued at your Highnefle hands: The language I haue learnt thefc forty y cares» My natuic Englidi now I muft forgo, And now my tongues vfe is to me no more Than an vnftringed violl or a harpe, ^

Or like a cunning inftrumeat cafde vp, Or being open> put into his hands That knowes no touch to tune the harmony: Within my mouth you haueengaold my tongue, Doubly portculiift wi th my teeth and Iippes, And dull vnfeeling barren ignorance Is made my Gaoler to attend on me: I am too old to fa wnc vpon anuric, Too far in y eeres to be a pupil now, What is thy fentence but fpccchleffcdcath> Which robbes my tongue from breathing natiuc breath.

King It bo Dtcs thee not to be companionate* After our fentence playningconafes too late,

Afow. Then thus I turne me from ray countries light* To dwcl in folcmne (hades of endlefle night.

King. Returne againe and take an oth with thee. Lay on our royal fword your bamfht hands, Swear c by the duty that y 'owe to God (Our part therein we bani/L with your (clues,) To kcepc theoath that we adsninifter: **

You neuer /hal, fo helpe you truth and God* Embrace each others loue in bani foment \

Nor neuer looke vpon each others face, Nor ncucx write, regtcctcj nor reconcile

* - - - Thb

The Tragedie of

This lowrifigiempcft of your home-bred luce, Norneuerby aduifed purpofe meete, To plot, contriue, or complot any iH, * Gam ft vs, our ftate, our fubiects^oi our land.


Mow. and I, to keepe althis.

'Bui. Norffolke,fo fare as to mine enemy: By this time> had the King permitted vs, One of our foule? had wandred in theayre, BaniOitthisfraile(epulchxeofourfle(h» <■

Asnowourflefliisbanifht from this land, Confefle thy treafons ere thou -flic the. real at e, Svncc thou haft far to £o, beare not alons:

r-ri ft

The clogging burthen of aguiltic foule.

Mow. No Bullingbrooke, if euer I were traitour, Mv name be blotted from the booke of life, And I from heauen baniftit as from hence: Butwhat thou art,God,thou ,and I, do know , And al too foone Q. fcare) the king fhai re w; Farewel (my Lcige) now no way can I ftray* Saue back to England althe world's my way.

King Vncle, euen in the glafles of thine eyes* I fee thy grieucd heart : thy fad afpeel: Hath from the numbc r of his baniihtyeeres Pluckt foure away, fix frozen winters ipent, Returre with welcome home from banifhment.

'Bull. How long a time tees in one lutlc word, A

Foure lagging winters and foure wanton fprings, End in a word, fuch is the breath of Kings.

gaunt. I thankemy leigf , that in regard of me, He fhortens foure ycarcs of my fbnncs exile, But little vantage dial I reape thereby: Forerc the fixeyeares that he hath tdfpend Can change their moones, and bring their times aboHt* My oile-dried lampe, and time bewailed light Shal be extinct with agcand endlciTe nights, Myintch of taper will be burnt and done* And blind fold Death no t le t me jfec my fonne. I


King Richard the fecond.

Kmg. WhyVnckle thou haft many yecrcs to liiie.

Gaunt, But net a minute (King)[thaC thou can ft giuc, Shorten my dayes thou canft with (ullcn forrow, And pluck nights from me, but not lend a morrow: Thou canft hclpc time to furrow me with age, But ftoppe no wnnckle in his pilgrimage? Thy word is currant with him for my death, But dead, thy kingdome cannot buy ray breath.

King. Thy Co nnc is bani (h t wit h go Jd aduife, Whereto thy tongue a party, verdift gaue, Why at our iullicc feemft thou then to lowre?

gaunt. Things (vveete to taftc, proue in digeftion fowrc« You vrgc measaiudgc, but I had rather, You would haue bid me argue like a father, Oh had't beenc a ftranger, not my child* To fmooth his fault I would haue beene more raiide: A partial (launder ought I toavoyde, And in the femence my own lire deftroyde: Alas , I lookt when fome of you fhould fay, 1 wast oo ftricl: to make mine owne away: But you gaue leauc to my vnwilling tongue, Againft my will to do my felfc this wrong.

King. Coofen fare wel,and Vnckle, bid him fo. Sixe yeres we banifh him and he ftial go.

Ah. Gofin farewcl, what pre fence muft not know, From where you do remaine, let paper flicw.

JMar. My Lord, no leaue take I , for I will ride A* far as land wii let me by your fide.

<juunt. Oh to what purpofc doc ft thou hoard thy wef jds, That thou returned no greeting to thy friends?

*Bull. I haue too few to take n*ry leauc of you, When the tongues office fhould be prodigall To breathe the abundant dolour of the heart.

Gaunt. Thy gricfe is but thy abfence for a time.

ThL Ioy abler) t,griefe is prefent for that time.

(jaunt. What is fixe winters? they arc quickly gone.

Bui. To men in idy, but gncfe makes one houre ten.

<j*anu Call u a crauailc that thou ta!< ft for- pleafure.

C Tui

TtulMy heart wil figh when I mifcal it fo,

Which 6ndes it an lhforfed pilgrimage* *

Camt\ The fallen paflage of thy weariefrepy; >uori2 Efteemea foylc wherein thou art mteu The precious Ie wel of thy home returne,

BuU Nay rather euery tedious ftridel make, Will but remember me what a de ale of world I wander from the Jewels that I loue , Mnft 1 not feme a io~g apprentifhood Toforrenpallagcs,andinthcend# ?]

Hau'mgmy freedome,boalt of nothing elfe, But that I was a iourneymao to griefe*

Gaunt. Al places that the eie! of heauenvifits, Arc to a wifcmanportcs and happy hatiem; Teach thy neceflitieto rcafonthus. There is no vcrtuc like necefTitie, Thinke not the King did banifh, thee, j

Butthou the king. Woe doeth the heauicr fit, Where it pcrceiucsjt is but faintly borne: A

Go, fay I lent thee forth to purchafe honour. And not the Kingexilde thee; or fuppofc Deuouringpeftilence hangs in our aire, And thou art flyiag to a freflier clime .v . Lookc what thy foulc holds decre,imagine it *^ i To ly that way thou goeft, not whence thou com A: Suppofe the nnging birds munitions, The grafle whereon thou tread(t,the pretence ftrowde> The flowers, faire Ladies, and thy ftcpsi no more Then a delightful meafure or a dance* -

Eor gnarfing forrow hath lefle power to bite The man that mocks at it and kts it light*

'BhL Oh who can hold a fire in his hand, i?t

By thinking on the frofty Caucafu? Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite, By bare imagination oTafeafo Or wallow naked in December fnow, By thinking on fahtaftick fiimniers heat ? Oh no> the apprchcnflon of chc good


King Richard the feccnd*

Gives but the greater feeling to the worfe;

Felt forrowes tooth doth neuer ranekle more, J rS3l1i

Then when it bites, but laonchcth not the fore.

Gaun. Come come my fonne5Ile bring thee on thy way. Had I thy youth and caufe, I would not flay.

BuL Then England* ground f arc we!, fvvectc foile adiew My mother and my nurie that beares me yet, Where ere I wander boaftofthisl crp, Though banifru, yet a true borne Englifhmair. Bxeuttt,

Enter the King with B$tfbit,&c-at one dor e, and the Lord Atimarle M the other.

King We didobferue. Coofin Aumatle, How far brought you high Hereford on his way?

Aum 1 brought high Herford,tfyou cal him fo> But to the next his;h way/and there I left him,

King And fty, what ltorc of patting teares were Hied?

Aum Faith none for me, except the Northeaft wmde/ Which then blc w bitterly againfl: our faces, Awaktthe deeping the w me, and fo by chance Did grace our hollow parting with a teare.

King What faid your coufin when you parted withhim?

Aum Jrarewe^ & for my heart dtfdained that my tongue Should fo prophane the word that taught me craft, To counterfaitc opprefsion of fuch griefe, * That words feemdburied in my forrowes graue : Mary would the word Farewell hauelengthned houres. And added yeercs to his fliort banifhment, He fhould hauc had a volume offarewtls: But fince it would nor,he had none of me*

King He is our Coofens Cofin, but tis doubt, When time £hall call him home from banishment,, Whether our kmfman comes to fee his friends. 4 OutfclfeandBufhie, 1 \

Obferued his courtfhip to the common people, y How he did feeme to diue into their hearts, With humble and familicrcourcefie, ,;n3f

With reuer eacc he did throw away on flatten

C 2 JVooing


Wooing poor ecraftfraeti with the craft of (miles,

And patient vndcrbearing of his fortune, rj

As twere to bamfli their affects with him,

Offgoes his bonnet to an oyflerwench,

A brace of dray men bid God fpeede him well,

And had the tribute of his fupple knee,

With thanks my countrcy roen,my loumg friends.

As were our Englandjn reuer ilon his,

And hec our fubiecls next degree in hope*

Greene, Wei, he is gone, and with him go theft thoughts, Now for the rebels which ftand out in Ireland, Expedient mannagc muft be made my liege, Ere further ley fure y ecld them further meanes >W For their aduantage,and your highaclTc loiTe*

King. VVc will our fclfe in perfon to this war, And for our coffers with too great a court And libcrall larges arc grow nc fomewhat light, Wee arc inforft to farme our royall Rcalme, The reuenew whereof (hall furmlh vs, For our affaires in hand if that come fhort, Our fubftitutes at home (hall haue blanke charters, Whereto when they (hall know what men arc rich. They (hall lubfcribe them for large fummes of gold, And (end them after to fupply our wants, For we wil make for Ireland prefentlyJ

Enter *Bufiie vetth newts* Tuft* Old Iohn of Gaunt is gricuous fickc my Lord, Sodainely takcn,and hath fent pod had e, To intrcate your Maiefhc to vifithim. King. Where lies he? Bu]h. AtElyhoufc.

King. Now put it (God)into the Phifitions mind, To heipc him to his graue lmmediatly.- Thc lining of his coffers (hall make coates TodeckcourSouldioursfor thefe Infh wars: Come Gcntlemen,lets all go vifithim, Pray God we may make haftc and come too late, Amen. Exeunt*



SnterIohnofgamtJtcke}mththe T>ukeofYorhe,&c. CJAHnt. Wii the king come that I may breathe my laft, In holtome counfei to his vnftaicd youth? Yorke. Vex not your felf, nor ftriue not with your breath. For al in vainc comes counfei to his care.


gaunt. Oh but they fay,thc tongues of dying mcn» Inrorcc attention like deepe harmonic^ Where words are fcarccthey arc feidome fpent in vainc* For they breathe truth that breathe their words in paine: He that no more muft fay, is liftcned more Than they whom youth and eafe haue taught to glofe, More are mens ends marktthen their hues before: The fetting Sunne, and Mufikc atthc glofe, As the laft tafte of fwectes is fwecteft laft, Writ, in remembrance more then things long paft, Though Richard my liucs counfei would not he*re# My deaths fad tale may yet vndcafc his care.

fork*. Noiit is ftopt with other flattering founds, As praifes of whofe (rate the wife are found Lafciuious Mccters,to whofe venom (bund The open care of youth doth alwaics liften, Report of fashions in proude Italie , Whole manners ftil our tardie apifh nation Limps after in bafe immitation: Where doth the world thruft foortha van i tie, So it be new there's no refpeft how vile, That js not quickly buzd into his cares? Then al too lace comes Counfei to bee heard, Where wil doth mutinic with wits regard: Direcl not him whofe way himfelfc wil choofe, Tis breath thou Iackft,and that breath wilt thouloofeo

Count. Me thinks Jama prophet new infpirdc, And thus expiring do foretel of him, His rafli fierce blaze ofriot cannot lalt: For violent 6rcs foone burnc out them felues, Smal flioures laft long,but fodainc ftorracs arc fhort: He tires betitaes thatfpurs toofaft betimes,

C i W&

x«\\ A


With eager feeding foode doth choke thefceder.,

Light yanitic,ihfatiat>6 cormorant,

Corrfuming rneanes foone prayes vpon it felfe:

Thtsroyallthi one of Kings, this Sceptred He,

This earth of Maieftie,thisfeace of Mars, t

This other Eden,defiiyJ?aradicc, ni U io3

This EprtreiTc built by Nature for her felfe, ****\>

Againft infe'clion and, the hand of War,

Thjs happie breede of men,this little world,

This precious ilone fette in the filuer fea,

Which femes it in the office of a wall,

Or as moate defenfiuc to a hpufe,

Againft: the cnuic of leile happier lands.

This blefled plotte3this earth3thisRealrne,this England^

This nurfe,this teeming wombe.of rpyall kings, ti

Feard by their brecde^and famous by their birth,

Renowned in rherdeedes as far from home,

For chriftian fcruicc and,true chiualric.

As is the fepukhre in ftubburnc Iewry,

Of the worlds ranfomejblefled Maries fonne:

This land offucb deere foulcs;this deare dcare land,

Deare for her reputation through the world,

1$ now leafde out,I die pronouncing it,

Like to a tenement or pelting Farme.

England bound in with the triumphant fea,

Whofe rockie fhoare beatcs backe the cnuious liege

Of vvatry Neptune,is now bound in with fhame,

With inkie blor.es, and rotten parchment bonds.

That England that was wont tp conquere others,

Hath made a fnamefuilconqueft of it feffe:

Ah would the fcandall vanitk with ray life,

How happie then were my enfuing death?

Torke The King is come,deal e mildly with his youth,- Jot yong hot colts being ragde,do rage the more.

Enter the Kingand ^ueeue^c. ^ueene How fares our noble vnclc Laricaftef? King* What cojnfort man&o w ift with aged Gaunt?

King RkhArdthefeconi.

CJAHnt Ohow th# name befits my compofitreifch Old Gaunt indecde,and gaunt m being o\d» i i tl

Within me Griefc hathlkcpt a tedious f aft. t&l

And who ab frames from mcatc that is not gaunt?

For fleeping England long time hauc I watcht,

Watching breedeslcanneflctlcanncflc is all gaunt?

The pleafure that fome fathers feede vpon,

Is my ftriit fa (hi meanc Hrychildr ens lookes,

And therein iafting haft thou madcmOgaunt:

Gaunt am I for the graucgaunt as a grauc»

Whofc hollow wombe inhcrites naught but bonei# King, Can (ick men play fo nicely with their namesj ] Gaunt No miferic makes fportromocke it fclfo

Since thou doft feeke to kill my name in toe,

O mockc my name (great King) toflatter thee. King Should dying men flatter thole that hue? Gaunt No,no,men liuing flatter thofe that die. King Thou now a dying fayfl thou flattereft me. gaunt Oh no»thou dieft though I the fickcr bee. King lam in hcalth,I breathe.I fee thee ilU Gaunt Nowhethatmademeknoweslftethecilt

III in my felfe to fee,and in thee, feeing ilk

Thy death-bed is nolefler then the land.

Wherein thou heft in reputation ficke, A

And thou too carcleffc pacient as thou art,

Gommitft thy annoynted body to the cure

Of thofe Phifitions that firft wounded thee,

A thoufand flatterers fit within thy Crowne,

Whofc cempaflfe is no bigger then thy head, |

And yet imaged in fo fmall a verge,

The waftc is no vyhk lefler then thy land: , Oh had thy Grandjire with a Prophets eye,

Secnchow bisfonnesfonnefhould deftroy hisfbnnes.

From forth thy reach he wouldjiaue laydc thy Offtake-,

Depofing thec before thou wert poflcft, <*>"

Which art pofTcft now to depofe thy felfe:

Why Coofin wert thou regent of the world, ;

Ic were a ftamc to let this land by leafc;



But for thy world enioying but this landj

Is it not more than fhame to ihamc it io •?■

Landlord of England art thou now not,not King,

Thy (late of taw isbondflaue to the law

And thou.

King. A lunatick leane-witted foole ,

Prciuming onan agues priuilcdge, Dareft with thy frozen admon>tion Make pale our checLe, chafing the royal bloud With furic from his natiue refidence. Now by my fcates right royal maicftic Wert thou not brother to great Edwards fonne, This tongue that r u ones (o roundly in thy head, Should runne thy head from thy vnrcuerent, IhoHldcrc. Gaunt Ohfparc me not my brother Edwards fbnne, For that I was his father Edwards fonne* That bloud already like the Pelhcan, Hall thou tapt and drunkenly carownS My brother Gloceftcr,plaine well meaning foule Whom faire befal inheauen mongft happy foulcs, May be a prefident and witnes goed : That thou rcfpe&ftnotfpilhng Edwards bloud* loine with the prcfent flcknes that I haue, And thy vnkindnes be like crooked age , To crop at once a, too long withered flower, Liue in thy fhame* but die not frame with thee, Thcfe words hereaf er thy tormentors bef Conuay me to ray bed, then to my graue, Loue they to liue that loue and honour haue.



King Ard let them die that age and fullenshaue For both haft thou, and both became thee graue.

forks Idoebefcechy<iurMaicfty,!mputehiswords To waiward fickhnes and age in him, He Icucs you on my fife, arid holdcs you decrc A> Harry Duk* of Hereford were he here.

King R .ght, y 6a fay true, as Hereford* louc.fo his* As theirs, io mihe,anri bjt as it is,

!?■ ttortb*

King Rtcb&Tdthejecona.

North. My liegc^old Gaunt commends -him to your Ma* King Whatfayeshe? (leftic

North. Nay nothing,aI is faid: o

His tongue is now a ftringlcflc inftrumen*, Words, life >and al, old'Lancafter hath fpent

Torke Be Yorke the next that mud be bankrout f<v Though death be poorest ends a mortal wo.

King The rlpcfi: fruit firft fils,andfbdoth he) His ti me is fpent, our pi Igrirtiage mu& be; So much for that. Now for our Irifh wars: We mull fupplant thofc rough rugheaded kerne, Which liue like venomc, where no venome clfe, But onely they haue priuilcdgc to liuc. And for thefe great affaires do afkc fome charge* Towards our afli ftance we doc feaze to vs, T he plate* coync, reucne wes, and moucables Whereof our Vncklc Gaunt did ftandpofle ft.

Torke How long fha!l I be patient? ah how long Shal tender duetie make me fuffer wrong? Not Gloceftcrs death, n©r Hercfords baniftimcnr, Nor Gaunts rebukes, nor Englands priuatc wrongs, Nor the preuentionofpoorc Bullmgbrooke, About his mariage, normyownedifgrace, Haue eucr made me fower my patient chceke, Or bende one wrinckle on my foueraignes ficcs lam the laft of the noble Edwards fonnes, Of whom thy father Prince of Wales was firft. In warre was neuer Lyon ragderaorc fierce, In peace was neuer gentle lambe more milde Then was that yong and princely Gentleman: His face thou haft, for euen fb lookt hc» Accomplifht with a number of thv hourcs; But when he frowncd,it was agatnft the french, And not againft his friends : his nobje hand Did win what he did fpend,and fpent not that Which his triumphant fathers hand had wonnc: His hands were guiltie ofnokinredbloud, But bloudy with the enemies of his kinne.

D Qh

; TheTtAgtdit tf

Oh Richard : Yorkc is too far gone with griefe, Or elfc he neuer would compare betwecne.

King Why Vrckle whats the matter?

Torke Oh my leige,pardon me if you pleafe, If not J pleafd not to be pardoncd.am content withal, Sceke you to fcaze and gripe into your hands The roialties andrightes of banifbt Hereford : Is not Gaunt dead? and doth not Hcrford hue? Wasjnot Gaunt iuft? Cvnd is not Harry true? Did not the one deferue to haue an hey re? Isnothisheireawel defcruing fonne? Take Hercfords rights a way, and take from time His chartersand his coftornarie rights; Let not to morrow then enfuc to dale; Be not thy fclfc, For how art thou a King But by faire (equenceand fuccefsion ? Now afore God,God forbid I fay true, If you do wrongfully feaze Herfbrds right, Cal in the letters patterns, that he hath By his atournies general to fuc Hisliuery, and deny his offered homage, You pluck a thoufand dangersonyour head, Youlpfe a thoufand we'll difpofed hearts, And prick my tender patience to thofe thoughts Which honour and ate age^ce cannot thifke.

King Thinke what you wil,we ceaze into our hands His plate? his goods, his mony and his lands.

Ttrke lie no: be by the while, my hege farcwel. What wil infue hereof ther's none cm tch Bueby bad co.urfes may be vnder flood That their c«entscmnei;er fall out good, £xin

King Go Buihic to the Earle of Wilt Aire ftraight, Bid him repaire to Vito Eli houfe, To fee this bufmes : to morrow next We wil for Ireland,and tis time I trow, And we create in abfence of our fclfc, Our Vnckle Yorkc Lordgoiternour of England^ for he is iuft and alwayes loucd vs well '*

q Come

Km* Richard th: fccovi.

Coiae on oor Qucenc, to morrow rnuft wcc part,. Be merry,for our time of flay is fliort.

Exeunt Kiftgand Queene : Manet Norths, North, Well Lords, the Duke of Lancaftcr is dead* Rojfe And huing too for now his fonne is Duke* fVtlL Barely in title not in reucnewe*. North. Richly m both if lufticc had her right. Rojfe My heart is grcat,but it muftJbreak with filence, E'rt be disburdened with a liberal tongne. North. Nay fpeak thy rnind,& let him ncre fpcake more That Jpcakes thy words againe to do thee harme, (ford? Will. Tends that thou weuldft fpeak t o the D. of Her* If it be (biout with it boldly roan, Quicke is mine eare tohcare of good towards hira»

Rojfe No good at all that I can doe for him. Vnlcflc you call it good to pittie him, Bereft and gelded of his patrimony. North. Now afore God tis fhame fiich wrongs arc borne, In him a royal I Prince,and many mo Of noble bloud in this declining land, The king is not himfelfc, but bafely led By flatterers, and what they will informe, Meercly in hatcagainftanyof vsall, That will the King fcucrcly prolccute, Againft v*,our liucs,ourchildrcn,andourheire&

Rojfe The commons hath hee pild with grieuous taxes,, And quire loft their hearts /The nobles hath he find For auric cnt quarrels,and quite loft their hearts.

Wilio. And daily new exaclions are deuifdc, As blankcs,bencuolenccs,and I wot not what. But what a Gods name doth become of this?

fVUlo. Wars hath not wafted it,for warrdc he hath nor> But bafely yecldcd vpon compromifc* That which his noble aunceftors atchiudc with blowes» More hath he (pent in peace then they in wars.

Rojfe The Earlc of Wilt/hire hath the Realmc in farme. Willo. The King grownebankerout like abrokenman.

D 2 North*


North. Reproach and diflblution hangeth oner him, Rojfe He hath not money for thefe IrilTt wars,

His burthenous taxa;ions notwithftandmg,

But by therobbingof the banifht Duke. North. His noble kininian rnoft degenerate Kiflgs

But Lords, we hearc this feareful tempeft fing,

Yetfeekeno fhelter toauoydtheftorme,

Wee fee the winde fitte fore vpon our failes*

And yet wee ftnke not,but fecurely per i/h. %ojfe We (ee the verie wracke that we mull: fuffcr^

.And vnauoy ded is the danger novv»

For furTcring fo the caufes of our wracke* North, Notfo, euen through the hollow eyes of death,

I efpie life peering,but I dare not fay,

How ncare the tydings of our comfort is.

WU. Nay let vs (hare thy thoughts as thou do ft ours* 'Rojfe Be confident to fpeake Northumberland, Wee three are but thy fcife,and fpeaking io, Thy wordsare but as thoughts>therefore be bold.

North. Then thus J haue from le Port Blan A Bay in Brittanic receiude intelligence* That Harry duke of Hetford,Rainold L.Cobham, That late broke from the Duke of Exeter His brother Archbiihop late of Canter bury, Sir Thomas Erpingham, fir IohnRarofton, Sir Iohn Norbery,fir Robert vVaterton,& Francis Coinefc All thefe well furntlhedby the DukeofBrittaine With eight tall ihippes/bree thoufand men of war, Are makinghither with all due expedience, And ftiortiy meane to touch our Northerne fhor?, Perhaps they had ere this,but that they (lay Thefirft departing of the King for Ireland, If then wee ih all fliake offour countries flauifh yok«t Itnpe out our drowping countries broken wing, Rcdccmc from broking Pawne the blemifht Crowne, Wipe offthe dull that hides oar fecpters guilt* And make high Maieftie looke like it felfe. Away with m e in pod to Rauenfpurgfe :

King Richardrtefhcond.

But ifyou faint,as fearing to doe fo, Sray%ind be fecrer,and my (elfe will go.

Roffe To hoi fe,to horfe» vrge doubts to fhem that feare. WUlo. Hold our my hoife^and I will firft be there.

Exet&t. Enter the £lMeene,Bujhie>andrBfigot.

Bujh, Madam,your maieltie is too much ladde, You promift when you parted with the king, Tolavafide life harming; hcauinefTe,** Andcntcrtainca cheererull difpofition.

gueene. To p leafe the King I did, to pleafe my fclfc I cannot doo it* yet I know no caufe Why I fhould welcome fuch a gueft as Griefe* Saue bidding farewtil to fo fwecte a^ueft, As my fweete Richard : yet againe me thinkes Some vnbornc forrow ripe in Fortunes wombe, Js co mming towards me and my inward foule , With nothing trembicsaat fomc thing it grieues/ More then with parting from my Lord the King*

'Bnjh. Each fubfiance of agriefe hath twentie fhadowes, Which fhewes hkc gncfe ltfelre^utisnotfb: For Sorrowes eyes glazed with blinding tearcs, Dmides one thing entire to many obiec"b, Like perfpecliueSjwhicrLrightly gazde vpon, Shew nothing but confufion,eyde awry» Dtflmguifh forme: foyour fweete maiefiie, Looking awry vpon your Lords departure, Find fhapesofgriefc more then hitnfelfe to waile, Which lookt orras it i's,is naught but fhadowes Of what it is not, then thrice (gracious Quecne) More then your lords departure weep not,raorc is not (een Or if it be,tis with falfe forrowes eyes, Which for things true,wecpes things imaginarie. S>uecne. It may be fo,but y c( my inward foulc Perfwadcs me it is other wife : how ere it be, I cannot but be fad : fo heauie fad, As though on thinking on no thought I thi nke, Makes mc with heauie nothing faint and fhrinkct

D 3 Viffi.


tupjle Tis nothing but conceit (my gracious Ladic.) Jjhtecne. Tis nothing lei7e,conceit is iiill denude From Come forefather Gricfe, mine is not Co, For nothing hath begot my fomething griefc, Or fomething hath the nothing that 1 grieue, Tis inreuerfionthat I do pofldle, But what it is,that is not yet knowne, what I cannot narocjtis namelefle woe I wor.

Cjreene God faue y ->ur roaieft ie,and wcl met Gentlemen, 1 nope the King is not yet fhipt for Ireland.

gueene Why hopeft thou fo'tis better hope he is3 For his defignes craue hafte,his hade good hope: Then wherefore daft thou hope he is not fhipt?

Greene That he our hope might haue retirde his power, And driuen into defpaire an enemies hope, Who ftrongly hath fettefooting in this land, The banifht tfullingbrooke rcpeales himfelfe , And with vplifted armes is fafe ariude ac Rauenfpurgh. £lmene. Now God in heaucn forbid* Cjreene Ah Madam tis too true,and that is worfer The Lord Northumberland,!^ yongfenne H.Percie* The Lords of Rofle,Bcaumond,and Willoughby, VVith all their powcrfull friends are fled to him.

^Bn/bie Why haue you not proclaimd Northumberland And the reft of the reuolted faclion,traitours?

Greene We haue,whcrcupon the carle of Worceftcr Hath broke his ftaffcrcfignd his Stewardfhip, And al the houfliold feruats fled with him to Bullingbrook

Queen* So Grcene,thou art the midwife of my woe, And Bulhngbrooke,my forrowes difmall heirc* Now hath my foule brought forth her prodigie, And I a gafping new deliucrd mother* Haue woe to woe, forrow to forrow ioynd. Bujhie Difpairc not Madam. Qneene Who fhall hinder me? I will diipaire and be at enmity, With coufening Hope,hc is a flatterer, A parafitc,a keeper backc of death,


King Richard tie fecond.

Who gently would difTolue the bands of life, V Vhich falfe Hope lingers in exfremitie.

Greene Here comes the Duke of Yorke, f ;

Queette. With fignes of war about his aged necke, Oh in 11 of careful bufinefle are his lookes, Vnc'le for Gods fake fpeake comfortable words.

Torke Should I do fo, I fhould bely ray thought s> Comfort's in heaiien>and wee are on the earth* Where nothing liues but croffes,carcii?nd griefe# Your husband he is gone to faue far off* VVhillr others come to make him loofc at home,, Here am I Jef t to vnderprop his land* Who weake with age cannot fupport my felfc, Now comes the ficke houre that his iurfctmade, Now /hall hee trie his friends that flatterd him. Sermngman My Lord,your Tonne was gone before I came*

Torke He was,why (o go all which way it will: The nobics they are fled,the commons they arc cold, And will(I feare)reuoit on Hcrcfords fide. Sirraiget thee toPlalliic to my fitter GloceiTer, Bid her fend mee prefently a thoufand pound, Hold take my rin^.

Seruing/mn. My Lord, I had forgot to tel your Lord/nip, To day I came by and called there, But I ftiall grieuc you toreport the reft.

Torke What ill knauc?

Sermngman A n houre before I came the Duchcffc died*

Torke God for his m*rcjel what a tide of woes Comes rufliing on this wofull land at once? I know not what to do : I would to God (So my vntruth had not prouokt hiin-to it) The King had cutte off my head with tny brothers* What are there two pods difpatcht for Ireland? *W

How Haall we do for money for thefe wars* Come fifter,coofin I would fay,pray pardon mce, Go fellow get thee horac,prouide fome Carts, And bring away the armour that is there* ^Gcntlcraen^YvillyougQTOuftertticaJ aojjj


If I know how or which way to order thefc affaire* Thus diforderly thiuft into my hands, Ncuer bclccuc ice : both arc my kinftnen, Tone is my foueraigne,whombothmy oath And dutie bids defcnd,tother againc Is my kinfrnan, whom the King hath wiongd, Whom conference and my kindred bids to right, Wel,fomewhat weemuft doo :comc Coofin lie difpofe ofyou?<3ent!cmcn,gomufter vpyourrocih And meete mc prcfently at.Barkiy: Jfhouldto Plaihic too,but time will not permit: Alhsvncucn,and euerie thing islcftathxeandfeauen.

Exeunt Duke J%£ man.Buflj. Green. Bujb. The wind fits faire For ncwes to go tor Ireland, But none returnes. For vs to leuic power Proportionable to the enemic is all vnpoisiblc.

Cjreens Befides our ncei enefle to the King in loue, Is neare the hate of thofe louc not the King.

Tag. And that is the waucring commons* for their louc Lies in their purfes,and who fo empties them, By fo much fiiies their hearts with deadly hate. Tttjb. Wherein the Kngflands generally condemnd. Bag. If iudgement he in thcm,then fo do wee, Bccaufewe cuer bauebeencneerc the King.

Greene Well I will for refuge itraight to Brift.Caftle, The Earle of Wiltshire is already there. Bujh. Thither will 1 with yc>u,for little office Will the hatcfull commons performefor vs> Except like curs to tcarc vs all m pieces* Wil you go along wich vs? Bag. No,I wil to Ireland to his Maieftic: Farewcl if hearts prcfages bee not vaine. We three here part that ncre /hal meete againe. Bnjh. Thats as Yorke thriues to beat back Bullingbrook. Gree. Alas poorc Duke,the taskc he vndertakes, Is numfcring (arrds,ancrdrinking Oceans dry, Where one on his fide fights>thoufands will flie, Farewell at once,for once/or aikand eucr.

. Buf>,

King Hkhtrd 'the fecond.

*BHp>ie Well, we may mcete againc.

'Bag. I fearc me neue r.

Enter Hereford,NorthumberUnd. Bull. How Far is it my Lord to Barckiy now?

North, Bcleeue meel noble Lord* v \

I am a ffraunger in Gloccfierfhire, Thefc high wild hils and rough vneucn wayes Drawes outcur miles,and makes them weanfome, And yet your faire difcourfe hath betfheas fugar, Making the hard way fweetc and delegable* But I bethinke me what a weary way, From Rauenfpurgh to Cotfliail wii be found, * In RoiTe and Willoughby wanting your companie* Whichlprotcfthath verie muchbeguild The tedioufnefle and procefle ofmy trauaile: But theirs is fwcetened with the hope to hauc The prefent benefit that I poflefle, And hope to ioy is httlc leflc in ioy, Then hope inioyed : by this the weary Lords Shall make their way fcemc fliort, as mine hath done, By fight of what I haue, your noble companie.

'Bulk Gfmuch leflc value is my companie, Then your good words.But who comes here?

Enter Harry Perjy. North. It is my fonne yong Harry Perry, v

Sent from my Brother Worccfter whenccfoeucr. Harry how fares your Vnckle? (of you.

H.Ter. I had thought my Lord to haue learned his health

North. WhyishcnotwiththeQucenc?

H.Per. No my good Lord,he hath rbrfookc the Court, Broken his ftafFe ofofficcand difperft The houfbold of the King.

North. What was his rcafonf he was not fo refoludc Whcn'laft we fpake togither. H.Per. Bccaufe your Lord/hip was proclaimed traitour. But he my Lord is gone to Raucnfpurgh, To offer fcruicc to the Duke of Hereford* And fent mc ouer by Barckiy to difcouer,

E Whaf


What power the Duke of Ycrkelvad Jcuied there, T hen with directions to repaire toRauenfpurgh. North. Hane you forgot the Dukeof Hcrefords boy?

K Per. No' my good Lo: for that is not forgot, Which nere I did remcmbcr,to my knowledge 1 neuer in my life did looke on him.

North. Then learne to know him noWjthis is the Duke.

H:Ter* My gracious Lo: I tender you my feruice* Such as it is, being tender, raw, and young* Which elder daies ilial iipen and confirmc To more approued fcruice and defert.

BhIL I thankc thee gentle Perfy, and he fiire, 1 count roy fclfc in norhing cKc Co happy, As in a fouie remembring my good friends, And as my fortune ripens with thy loue, It fhalbe fhl tliy true kmesrecompence, My heart this coucnant malces»my hand thus feales ir>

North. How far is it tp-Baikly, and what Our Kecpe* good old Yorkc there with hn men of war?

HPfJf. There ftands the CafHc by yon tuft of treeSj Mand with j.QO* men as I haue heard, And in it are the Lords of Yorke»BarkIy and Seymor, None elfc of name and noble cflimate.

Nort* Here come the Lords of Rode and V Villoughbv

Bloudy with fpurr.Hir,fieiy redwith hafte.

BhIL Welcome my Lords I wot your iouc purfues,

A baniiht traitour : my trcdury I

I%yet but Vnrelt thank*, which more inrichf,

Shalbc your loue and labours recompence.

Rc$e Your prefencc makes vs rich, moft noble Lord- Wd. And far funnounf s our labour to attainc if. I fflfclo^ BhL Euermore thanke'sthcexiheq'fet'o^ttopoori,

Which tilhsiy infant fortune comes to ycares,

Stands for my bounty: but who comes here? North. Ic is my Lord of Barkly as I guefie: Barky My Lord of Hei eford my meilage rs to yoir. BhL MyLord^yar.fwereistoLancafter,

And I «m come to kcke that name in England*


King Rid?#rdtheftcottd.

And 1 roufi finde that title in your tongue, Before I make reply to aught you fay.

2for. Miftake roe not my Lord, tis not ray meaning* To i ace one titfeof yourhouourout: To you my Lo. I comc> what Lo: you will, From the ftioff ghorious of this land The Duke of Yorke : to know what prickesyou on, To take aduantagc of theabfent time. And fnght our natiuc peace with felf<?borne armes?

BuL I /hal not need tranfport my words by you, Here comes his grace in pcrfbnr my noble Vncklc.

Yorke Shew me thy humble heart, and not thy knee, Whofe ductie is dcceiueablc and falfe.

'Bull. My gracious Vncjclc.

Yor. Tut cut,gracc me no graccnor vnckle mc no vnckle* I am no traitors Vnckle, and (hat word Grace In an vngrarious mouth is but prophane: Why hauc thofe haniflat and forbidden leg?, Dardeonce to touch a duft of England* ground? But more than why? why hauc they dardc ro marehr So many miles vpon her peace full bofome, Friting her pale fact villadgcs with war, And offentation ofdefpifed armes? Comft tho u becaufe the annointcd king is hence? Why fooiifh boy the King is left behindc, And in my loialbofbme lies his power, Were I but now Lord of fuch hot youth, As when brauc Gaunt thy father and my fclfe, Refcucdthe blackc prince that young Mars of men. From forth the ranckes of many thoufands French, O then how quickly fhould this armeofminc Now prifoner to the Palfic chaftifc thcc» And minifter correction to thy fault!

'Bh/L My gratious Vncklc let mc know my fiulv On what condition ftands ic,and wherein?

Yorke Eucn in condition of the worft degree, In grolTe rebellion and dctcfled trcafbn, Thou ait a bam&t man andhere art come,

£ 2 Before

'-•» TV

The Tragedie <f

Before the expiration of thy time,

In brauing armes againft my foueraigne,

Bui. As I was banilht,! was baniflit Hereford, But as I corne,I conic for Lancafter, And noble Vockle, I befcech yuur Grace, Lookc on my wrongs with an indifferent eye: You are my father/or me thinks in you I fee old Gaunt aiiue.Oh then father, Wil ycu permit that/£ fhal (land condemnd A wandering vagabond,my rights and*royaltic« Pluckt from. my armes pcrforccvand giucnaway To vpflartvnth lift.? wherefore was I borne? If that my Coofin King be King of England, It muft be graunted I am Duke of Lancafter: You haue a fonne,Aumerle,ray noble Coofin, Had you firft diediand he beene thus trod downe, He ihould haue found his vnckle Gaunt a father, Torowze his wrongs,and ch^fe them to the Bay* I am denied to fue my liuerie here, And yet my letters pattents giuc me leaue. My fathers goods are all difti aind and fold, And thefe,and a l,are al amide employ ed. What would you haue me do?I am a fubie<ft, And I challenge law, Atturnies are denied me, Aud therefore personally I lay my claiine To my inheritance of free dclcent.

North, The noble duke ha:h beene too much abufed.

Rojfe It (randi your grace vpon to doo him right. Wtllo, Bale men bv his endowments are made great. Torke My Lords of England,lct me tell you thisr

1 haue had feeling of my Goofins wrongs,

And labored al 1 could to do him right,

But in this kind,to come in brauing armes

Be his owne earner ,and cutte out his way,

To find out right with wrong,it may not be:

And you that do abctte him in this kind*

Cherim, rebclhon,and are rebels al. North. ThcnobleJDu^chaihfworftc^hiscommingis1


King Richard the ficwd.

But for his owneyind for the right of &aC We al haue ftrongly fworne to giuc him ayde: And let him acuer lee loy that breakes lhat oath.

Yorkg Wel,wel>I fee thciiKieof thefearmes, I cannot mend it I muft nccdes confefle, Becaufc my power is weake;andalUl left; But if I could,by him that gauc me life, 1 would attach you al , and make *:<y\\ fioope Vnto the foueraignc mercy of the Kir?g; But fince I cannot,beit knownc to you, I do rcmaine as newter,fo fare you well, Vnlefie you pleafe to enter in the Caftle> And there rcpofe you for thisnight.

Bui. An offer vnckle that we wil accept, But wee mull vyinne your Grace to go with vs ToBri(towCaftle,which they fry is held By Bufhi*,Bagot,and rh eir complices* The caterpillcrs of the common- wealth, Which 1 haue fworne to weede and plucke away»

Torke It may be I will go with you,but yet lie pawie, for lam loathitobreake our Countries lawes, Nor friendsmor foes,to me welcome you are> Things paft redrefle,are now with me pad care, Sxemt*

Enter Sarle of Salts bury, and a Welch Caffeine. Welch. My Lord of Sal isb uric we haue ftaied ten daics, And hardly kept our countreymen togirher^ And yet we hcare ho tydings from the King* Therefore wee wil difperfc our (clues,farewelL Sahfi Stay yetanother day thou trullic Welchoian, The King rcpofethal his confidence inthec#

Welch.Tis thought theking is dcad,we will not flay> The bay trees in our countrcy all arc wirherd, And Meteors fright the fixed ftars of heaucn, The palc-facde moone lookes bloudie on the earth, And lcane-lookt prophets whifperf careful change, Rich men looke fadde,and ruffians daunce and leapt? The one iu fcare toioofc what they' cwoy»

B3 The

TheTragedk of

The other to cnioy by rage and war, to3

Thefc Ggnes forerunnc the death of Kings, VW

farewcl,our countrymen arc gone and fled. As wel a fTured Richard thcyr King is dead,

Salif. AhRichardlwitheycsorheauiemmd, ruol

I Ice thy glory like a (hooting Oar, rji

Fall to the bale earth from the firmament,; Jug

Thy lunne fets weeping in the lowly weft, Witnefsing ftotraes u come,woe,aad vnrcft, [j ©in/

Thy friendesare fled to waite vpon thy foes, And croily to thy good al fortune goes.

Enter Duke of ? Hereford \Torke ,Not 'thumb >erlamC, , \ a\f Hufhie and Greene frifoners. 'BulL Bring forth thefc men. Bufhrc and Greene I will not vexc your fbu les: Since prcfentiy your foulcs mu(r part your bodye<, With too much vrging you* pernitious hues, For twere no chancy, yetxo waili your bloud ; From off myjianqy, here in the view of men I will vnfoldfome caufes of your death, You Kaue milled a Princes royall King, A happie Gentleman in bJoud and lineaments, Fyyou ynhappiedand difflguredclcane, You hauein manner with you! finfu! hourcs» Made a diuorce betwixt his Quecnc and him, Broke the poflfefsion of a royall bcdt And ftaindc the beautic of afaire Qucencs checkes With tearcsdrawnefrom her cies with yourfoulc wrongSi My fclfe a Prince by fortune of my birth, Neare to the King in bloud,and ncare in louc, Til they did make him mi (interpret me, Haucftoopt my neckevnder youriaiuries, And figlumyEnglifhbrcarhinforrcncloudcs, Eating the bitter bread of bani/Timent, While youhaucfed vpon my fcgniorics, Difparkfc my parksaand fclld my for re ft woods, From my ownc windowes tome my houflaold coate, Rac t out my imprccicjeauicg »e no figne,


Kin* Richard the ficenct.

Sattemensopinion$,and my liuing bloud,

Te fhew the world I am a Gentleman.

This and much morcimuch more then twice all this

Condemns you td the death : fee them deliucred oucr

To execution and the hand of death.

Bnjbie More welcome is the ftrokc of death tame, Then Bullingbrooke to England,Lords farewell.

Cjreene My comfort is, that heauen wil take our foule?> And plague iniuftice with the paines or hell.

BulL My Lord Northumberland fee them difpatcht* Vnckle you fay the ^acene is at your houfe, For Gods fake fairely let'hcrbcintreated, Tel her I fend to her my kind commends; Take fpeciall care my greetings be -deliucred.

Torke A gentleman of mine I haue diipatchr, With letters of your louc to her at large.

rBttll. Thanks (gentle Vnckle:)come Lords away,

. r t. :*i_ /t»j^j. J »J i ii

To fight with Giendor and his complices,

A while to vvorkcand after holiday. Exeunt.

Enter the King, AkmerI'e,Carleil,&c.

King Barkloughly Caille call you this at hand?

Aunt. Yea my Lcrd,Howbrbokis your Grace the ayre* After your late tofsiiig on the brcakingfeas?

King Needes mud riike it well, I weepc for ioy, To f rand vpon my Kmgdorae once againe, Dearc earth I do falutc thee with my hand, Though rebels wound thee with their horfes lioores; 1

Asa long parted mother with her child, Playes fondly with her tcares^nd fmilcs in meetings So weeping,fmihng,greete I thee rhy earth,

And do thepfatiour with my royal hands; »™ Feedc not thy foueraigncs foe,my gentle earth, Nor with thy fweetcs comforf his raucrtqus fence^ But let thy Spiders that fucke vp thy venome,

And heauy gated toades lie in their way> Doing annoyance to thctrtcherous feclte> Which with vfiarptog fteps Artraroplfc rhec:


ThcTrfigedie of

Ycelde ftinging'nettles to mine enemies: . r,£

And when they from thy bofome pluck a flower, Guard it I pray thee with a lurking Adder Whofe double tongue may with a mortal touch, » T hrow death vpon thy foueraignes enemies: \X\

JVlock not my fenceles coniurati on Lords* This earth dial baue a feeling and thefe (tones Prcoue armed fouldiers ere her natiue King, SlialTfaultcr vnderWule rebellions armej.

Car/, Feare not my Lord, that power that made you king Hach power tokcepeyoukinginfpightofal, The meanesthat heauem yeeld muft b t imbrac'C And not neglected. Elfc heaucn would, And we wil not,hcauens offer, we refufe The profered mcanesofluccoisandrcdrcfle.

Aunt He meanes my Louhat we are too remifTe Whilft Bulhngbrooke through our fecuritic, Gro wes ftrong and great in fubftance and in power . King Difcomfortable Coofen, knowft thou not, That when the fcarching eie of heauen is hid Behind the globe that lights the lower world Then thceues and robbers ran.ge abroad vnfeene, In murthen and in outrage bloudy here, But when from vndcr huterrcftriall ball* He fires the proude tops of the eaftcrnc pines, And dartes his light through euery guilty hole Thenmurthcrs, treafbns* andderefredfinnes, The cloak of night being pjuckt from off their backs, Stand bareand naked trembling at themfelues? So when this thiefe»this traitour Bullingbrooke Who all this while hath reueld in the night Whilft we were wandiins* with | he Antipodes,. Shall fee vs rifing in our throne the eaft His treafbus will fit bluihing in his face, Net able to endure the fight of day, But fclfe affrighted, trembled at his fiane, Nptal the water i^^he roqgh rude fca, Can waih the balna.e off f*wu an annointcd King,


■Pit*. J -f u . .

Kmg Richardthefecom,

The breath of worldly men cannot depofe,

The deputy elected by the Lord,

For eucry man that Bullingbrookc hath prefr,

To lift fnrcwd ftcele againft our golden crown e,

God for his Ric : hath in heauenly pay,

A glorious Angel: then if Angels fight,

Weake men muft fal, for beauen (til gardes the right.

Enter Sahsb.

King Welcome roy Lo: how far off J;ies your power?

Sftlif, Nor nerc nor farther ofFmy gracious Lo. Than this weake arme; Difcomforte guides my tongue, And bids me fpeakc of nothing butDefpaire, One day too late I fearc me noble Lo: Hath clouded al thy happy daies on earth, O call backc yefterday,bid time return c, Aud thou fhalt haue twelue thoufend fighting men, To day, to dav, vnhappie day, too late , Ouerthrowes thy ioyes frindes, fortune and thy ftate, For althe Welfhmen hearing thou wcrtdead, Are gone to Bullingbrooke,difpcr(t and fled.

Aum Comfort my liege, whylookesyourgracefbpale.

King But now the bloud of lOOOO. men Did triumph in my face, and they are fled: And til fo much bloud thither come againe, Haue I not rcafon to looke pale and dead? All foulcs that wilbc fafeiflie from my fide, For time hath fct a blot vpon my pride.

Aum Comfort my liege remember who you are.

King I had forgot my felfc» am I not King? Awake thou coward, Maicfly thou flecpeft, Is not the Kings name twenty thoufand names? Arme arme, my name a puny fubieft ftnkes At thy great glorie, looke not to the ground, Yc fauouiites of a Kins;, are we not hi2;h? High be our thoughts ,1 know my Vnckle Yorke Hath power enough to feme our turnc:but who corns here?

Enter Scroopc,

Sen More health and happines betide my liege,

F Then

jheTrajedie of

Then can my care tunde tonguf deliuer him.

King Mmc care is operand pay heart prepare^ The woi ft is worldly lofle tlWu canft vnfold, Say,is my Kingdome lofl J why twas my care* And what lofle is it to be rid of care? Striucs Bullingbrookc to be as great as wce» Greater he flval not be> if he feruc God, Weele feruc him too,andbc his fellow Co: Reuortour fubieels^ that we cannot mend, They brcake their fay th to God as wcl as vs: Cry woc>deflruc'tionJruine,aad decay. The word is death,and death wil hauc his day.

Scroo. Glad am Lthat your bighncflc is fo armdc, To bearethe ty dings of cahmitie, Like an vnfcafonablc (lormic day, Which makes the filucr Riuers drowne their £hore*« As if the world were al dilTolude to teares. So highaboue his limits fvvels the rage Of Bullingbrookc,coueringyour fearefull land With haid bright Ircele, and hearts harder then fteele, White beard* haue armd their thinnc and^ hairelelTc fcalpi Againll thy maieftic : and boyes with womens voyces Srriue to fpejkcbiggc, andclap their female ioynts In fttfTc vmvildic armes againll thy Ciowne, Thy very beadfmen lenrnc to bend thcyr bowes* Of double fatal ewe againll thy Mare, Yea dift&ffe women mannage rufhe billes, Againft thy feacc both yong and old rebel, And al goes worfe then I haue power to tell.

King Too wel,tco wel thou telft a tale fo ill* Where is the Earlc of Wiltiliire?whcre is BagoCJ What is become of BuiriicJwhcre is Greene? - That they haue Jet the dangerous enemic Meafure our confines with fiich peaceful (leps, If we preuaile, their hcades fhal pay for it; I waixant they haue made peace with Bullingbrookc*

Scro. Peace hauc they made with him indeed my Lord* King Oh villainesj vipers^amnd without redemption*



Dogs eafily wooane to fawne on any man. Snakes in my hcai t bloud warmd,that ft ing my heart; Three Iudafles,each one thrice worfc then Iudas, Would they makepeace^erriblc hcl!> Make war Vpon their ipottcd foules for this.

Scro. Sweeteloue I fee changing, his property Turnes to the fowreft and moft deadly hate, Againe vncurfe their foulcs,thcirpcac^ is nude With head,and not with hands,thofc whom you curfc Haue felt the worft of deaths deftroying wound* And lie ful low grau'd in the hollow ground. jium. Is Bufnie,Grcenc,and the Earlc of Wilt/hire dead Scro* Ye al of thcra at Bnftow loft their heades, Atm* Where is the Duke my father with his power? King No matter whcre,of comfort no man fpeake* Lets talke orgraucs,of Wormes,and Epitaphs, Make duft our paper,and with rainie eyes Write forow on the bofome of thecarth. hcts choofc executors and talke of wils; And yet not fb,for what can we bequeath, Saue our depofed bodies to the ground? Our lands,our hues,and al are Bui lingbrookcs. And nothing can wecalour owne,but death, And that final] model of the barren earth, Which ferues as parte and couer to our bones* For Gods fake lctcc vs fit vpon the ground, Andtel faddc ftoriesofthe death of Kings* Ho w fomc haue beene depofdetorne flainc in war» Some haunted by the ghofts they haue depofed, Some poyfoncd by their wiucs,(bme flccping kild, Al murtheredjfbr within the hollow Crownc That rounds the raortaf temples of a King Kecpes death his court,and there the antique fits, Scoffing his (iate>and grinningat hispompe, Allowing him a breath,* little fceanc. To roonarchife,be fcard,and kit with lookes, Infufmg him with felfc and vaioc conceit, As if this flcfli which wallcs about our life*

F 2 Were

TheTragedie of

WcrebratTe impregnable: and humord thus, Conies at the laft,and with a little pin, Boares through his Cattle walls,and farewell King, Couer your heades,and mocke not flefh and bloud* "With foletnne rcuerence throw away refpeft, Tradition,foime,and ceremonious dutic» Foryou haue but miltooke meal this while, 1 liue with bread like youvfeele want, Tafte griefe,neede rriendes,fubicc1:ed thus, How can you fay to me I am a King?

Carleil. My Lord, wifemen nere fit and waile their woes But prefently preuent the wayes to waile, To feare the foe,fince feare oppreffethftrcngth, Giues in your weakeneiTe Grength vnto your foe, And fb your follies fight againft your fclfe: Feare and bee flaincno worfe can come to fighf, And fight and dye,is death deftroying death, Where fearing dying,paies death feruile breath. Anm. My father hath a power, inquire of him, Ahdlearne to make a body of a limine.

King Thouchidft me wel,proude Bui lingbrook,! come To change blowes with thee for our day of doome: This agew fitte of feare is oue-rblowne, An eafie take it is %o winnc our owne. Say Scroopcwhcre lies our Vncklewith his power? Speake fweetely man,although thy lookes be fower, Scroope. Men nidge by the complexion of ihe slcie The (tate.and inclina'ion of the day, So may you by my dul and heauic eye: My tongue hath but a heauier tale to fay, I play the toi turer by final I and final], To lengthen out the worfl that muft be fpqken: Your Vncje Yorke is ioynd with Bullingbrooke^ And all your Northerne Cafiles yeelded vp, And all your Southerne Gentlemen in armes Vponhispartie.

King. Thou haft {aid inough: Beftuew thee coofin which didft leade mc foorth


King Richard 'the ftconL

Of that fwcctc wajr I was in to Affitffe; What fay you now'what comfort hatte: we nowe^ N By hcauen lie hate him euerlaftingly, That bids me be ofcomfort any more: i,irn Go to Flint Caftie.there Ilcpme away, AKi That,

Toeare the la?nd that hash fome hope For Ihaue none/ ct no man fpeake againe To alter this,for counfel is but vainc. Anm. MyLeigc, one word. King He does medbttb/e wrong, Thafwoundsme with the'flatteries of histong, Difcharge my followers>let them hence away, From Richards mght,to Bullingbrookes fiire day. Enter Bt*U< Yorke, North. Bui. So that by this intelligence we learne The Welchmen are difperft,and Salisbury Is gone to m cete the King, who lately landed With fome few priuate friends vpon this coaft.

North. The newes is very faire and good my Lord, Ri&ard not far from hence hath hid his bead.

Torke It would befeeme the Lord Northumberland To fay King Richard;a!acke the heauiedayy Whenfuchafacred King mould hide his head.

North. Your Grace miftakcs>onely to be briefe Left I his title out.

Torke The time hath bin,would you haue bin Co brieve He would haue beenc fo briefe to (horten you, (with him* For taking fo the head,your whole hcades length. rBuU. Miftake not (Vncklc) further then you fhould. Torke Take not (good CooGn) further then you fhould, Lead you miftake the hcauens arc oucr our heads, 'Bui. IknowitVndejandoppofenotmyfelfe Againft their wi! .But,who comes here? Snter *JPcrcie.

Welcome Harry: what, wil not this Caftle yeeld? H.Percie The Caftle is royally raand my Lotd Againft thy entrance*

F 3 SuU.


WhR. Royally,whyitcontaincsnoKirjg*

RPtr. Ycs(ray good Lord) It doth containc a king>King Richard lici Within the limits of yon lime and ftone. And with him the Lord Aumei leXord Salisburie, Sir Stephen Scroope, befides a clergie maa Of holy Rcuercnce,who I cannot iearnc.

North. Oh belike-^ is the Bifliop of Carleil.

^uU. Noble Lords,

o to the rude ribbes of that auncicnt Gaftle, Through brazen trumpet fend the breath of parlec Into his ruindc ear cs,and thus dcltuer* H.tull.on both his knee* doth kiffe king Richard* hand* And fends aileagcance and true faith of heart To his moil royal perfon .• hither come Euen at his fectc to lay my armes and power: Prouided, that my banishment repcald, And lands reftorcd againc be freely graunrecf, Ifnotjlevfc thcaduantagcofmypowcr. And lay the fummers dull with rfiowcrsofbloudp Rainde from the woundes of Slaughtered Eng^fhrBCn, The whicb,how far oft from the mind ofBulhngbrooke It is,(uchcrim(bn temped fhould bedrench Thefrefligrccne lap of fai re King Richards land, My (looping dutie tenderly (hall (hew: Gofignifie as much while here wee march Vpon the grafsic carpet of this plaine; Lets march without the noyfe of threatning drummed Thatfrom this Caftles tottered battlements, Our faire appoyntments may be wel pemfde. Me thinks King Richard and my felfe fhould meete With no IclTe terror then the elements Of fire and water when their thundering fmoke, At meeting tcarcs the cloudie cheekes of heaucn. Be he the nrejlc be the yeelding water, The rage be his 3whi!ft on the earth I raignc. My water's on the earth, and not on him , March on,and marke kinj Richard hpw he lookeV


Kin* Richard the fecond.

The trumpets found* Richard appeareth en the wHs* BnU. See fec,King Richard dothhimfelfeappcare, As cloth ' the "-btii thing difconrentcd Sunne, From out the fierie portal of the Eaft, When he percciues the enuious cloude* are bent To dirnmc his glorie»and to ftaine the tracks Of his bright padige to the Occident

York* Yet lookes he like a King, bcholdc his eye, As bright a is the Eagles,lightens foi.h Controlling maieftie; alackc alacke for woe, That any harme ihould frainc fo fairc a fhe w.

KixgWc arcamazdeand thus long haue wc floode, To watch the fcarefut bending of thy knee, Bccaufc we thought our felfe thy lawful King: And if we be, howe dare thy ioynts forget To pay their aweful ductic to our prefence? Ifwc be not, fhew Vs the hand of God That hathdifmiltvs from our Stcw^rdffiip^ For wcl we know no hand of bloud and bone Can gripe the (acred handle of our Scepter* VnlclTehcdoprophane, fteale,orvfurpe: And though you thinkc that al as you haue done Hauc torne their foulcs, by turning them from vs^ And we are barren and bereft of friends: Yet know, my maifter God omnipotent, It muttering in his cloudes on our behalfe, Armies of peftiience, and they fhail ftrikc Your children yet vnborne, and vnbegot, That lift your vaflailc hands againft my head, And threat the gloric of my precious crowne. Tell Buliingbrooke, for yon me thinkes he ftandes^ That cuery Uride he makes vpon my land, Is dangerous trcafon : he is come to open The purple teftamentof bleeding war : But ere the crowne he lookes for liue in peace, Ten thoufand bloudy crownes of mothcri Tonnes' Shal ill become the flower of Englands face, Change the complexion of her maid-pale peacev

The Tragedie of

To fcarUt indignation and bedew,

Her paftorsgraffe with faithful Englifhbloud.

North. The .King of heauen forbid:our Lo:thcking, Should fo with ciuill and vnciuii amies Be rufht ypon.Thy thrife noble Coofin, Harry Bullingbrooke doth humbly kifle thy hand, And by the honourable tombe he fwcares, That ftands Vpon your royal grand fires bones, And by the royal tief>of both your blonds Currents that fpring from one mofl gracious head, And by the buried hand of warlike Gaunt, And by the worth and honor of himielfe, Comprifing al that may be fworne or fayd. His comming hither hath no further (cope, Then for his lincall royalties,and to begge Infranchifement immediate on his knees, Which on thy royal panic graunted once, Hisglitterimgavmeshce will commend to ruft, Hi$ barbed fteeds to ftables,and his heart To faithful feryice cf your Maiefty. This fweareshce, as hce isprincelTe iuff, And as I am a Gentleman I credit him.

King Northumberland,^ thus the King returnes, His noble Coofin is rig,ht welcome hither, And al the number of his faire demaundes Shal be accompliftit without contradiction, With all the gracious vtterance thou haft, Speake to his gentle hearing kind commends.

King We do debafe our felues Coofin, do we not? To looke fo peorely and to fpeake fo faire? Shal we cal backe Northumberland and fend Defiance to the traitor and fo die.

Aum. No good my Lord>lets fight with gentle words, Till time lend friends, and friends their helpful (words,

King Oh God,oh God that ere this tong of mine, That laidc the fentencc ef dread banifhment On yon proudman fliould take it ofFagaine, With words of foothi Oh that! v^cre as great,


King Richard the fecond.

As U my grite, or lcflcr than my name !

Or that I could forget what I haucbccncl

Or not remember what I muft be now!

Swcllft thou (proud heart) He giue thee fcope to beate,

Since foes hauc fcope to beate both thee and «ie. Aum. Northumberland comes back from Bullmgbrooke* King What muft the King do now? muft hefubraitj

The King dial do it : muft he be depofde ?

The king dial be contented? muft he ioofe

The name of a King ? a Gods name let it go :

He giue my ic wels for a fct of Beades t

My gorgeous pallas for a hermitage :

My gay apparel for an almefmans go woe %

My figurdc goblets for a difli of wood:

My fee ptcr for a Palmers walking ftaffe :

My fubiccls for a pairc of carucd Saintes,

And my large kingdome for a lit'e graue ,

A little little graue, an obfeure graue,

Or lie beburied in the Kingshic way ,

Some way of common trade, where fubiecls fecte

May hourcly trample on their toucraignes head;

For on my heart they treade now whilft I line:

And buried once, why not vpon my head?

Aumcrle thou weepft (my tender-hearted coofin)

Wccle make foulc weather with defpifed teares;

Our fighs and they fhal lodge the rummer cornc,

And make a dearth in this reuolting land:

Or fhal we play the wantons with cur woes,

And make fomc prcty match with (heading teares,

And thus to drop them ftill vpon one place.

Til they haue fretted vs a pa ire of graue s

Within the earth, and therein laide; there lies

Two kinfmen digd their graues with weeping eiev

Would not this ill do we I? wcl well I foe,

Italke but idlcly, and you laugh at me*

Moftmightie Prince my Lord Northumberland*,

What faies kingfBullingbrooke, wil his maieftie

Giue Richard leaue to hue till Richard dye*

G Ton

TheTragedit of CK:'

You make a kg and Bui lingbrifoiciftaic.5 X. I ?; t A

North, My Lord, in the bafc court he doth attend, To fpeakc with you, may ic pleafe you to come downe.

King. Downe, downel come, likeghftering Phaeton i "Wanting the manage of vnrulre lades. In the bafe court> bafc court where King? grovvc bafc, To come at traitors caUs, and do them grace, In the bale court come downe : downe court, downe King",

For nightowlcs^re\!k where mounting larkesiliould fing*

Bull. What faies his maieftie? ) r < -

North. Sorrowe and grtefc of hart, Makes him fpeake fondly like a fcmtikc man, Yet he is come,

Tull. Stand al ap&fepwlo And fliewfaircduety tohisMaieftic: ( he kneeles downe* My gracious Lord.

King* fai re coofen, yon deJbafe! your princely knee, j\ To make the baft earth prourfwlsh kitting *te J A

Me rather had my hart might feele your ioue,, Then my vnpleafedeie fee your cuxtefle; Vp coofen vp> your hart tsvp I fcnowc, Thus high at-.lgaft, although yaur knee be lowe*

'Bull My gracious Lord* I come but for mme ovvne.

Kinff. 'Your owne is yours, and I am, vours. and al .

BhIL So far be mine my moll redoubted Lord, As my true feruie$|7i.all ;deferue your loue. <t£y

King. Wei you deferue : they welldeici ue to hauc, That know the ftrongTt -and (arc ft way to get, | nQ

Vucle giuc mc your handes, nay drieyour c-cs T tares (hew their loue, but want their remedies^ Coofen 1 am too young to be your Father, Though ypu are old enough to be hcyre, What ypu willh sue, ite giue, and willing ro. For doe we muft» vvha$ force will haue vsdoci Set on towards London, Cofen is it fo2 "Enter the BuM* Yea my good Lord :

jQueenewlth , King. Then J muff not fay no. beratien- g*iee% What fport fhall we dcuife here imhis garden

King Richard the ficend.

To driue aw$y the hearjie thought of care? Lady Madam wcele play at bpwles. Jgueeve Twifmake me thinkc the world is foil ofrufe& And that my fortuac runs againft the bias. jpi2

Lady Madam week daunec. Jgueene My legs can keepe no mea&rc in delight,. V Vhen mypoore heart iux.meafare kcep.es in griete* Therefore no dauncingguie;fome other fpoit,

Lady Madam week tel tales, * -tjIwH

Quee. Of forrow or ofgriefe?

Lady Of either Madame, ,fi ^^

£uec. Of neither girlc* n^ riJCH tab oH

For irof ioy,beingaltogithcr wanting, , {$miA ,VOiifbiHI

It doth remember me the more of forrowv N sr(T

Or if of gricfc,being altogithcr had,

It addes more forrow to my want of ioy: . , ^ulq yi <fa

For what I haue I neede not to repeate, 16g 5f| ? ya^m | And what I want it bootes not to complain v^rj W & Lady Madam ile fing* -31c f>f ,Wi

£gc. Tis well that thou haft caufe, JooiV But thou fhouldft pleafemec better ; woulaft thouweepe. Lady I could vveepc Madame, would it do you gotd. i. ... ^ue. "And I could Gng would wecpiqgdo tne good, And ncuci borrow any tcare of thee- Enter Gardmcr,

But fiay,here cornmeth the gardinei s, Lets ftcp into the fhadow of thefc trccs» l jls

MywretchedneiTevntoarowofpines, pHT

They wil taikeof (bte,foreu eric one dot|^ Qa[ -.^ Againft a change woe is fore- runne with woe.

9<m. Go bind thou vp yon dangling Aphncocks, V Vhich like vnruiie children make their fire Stoopc with opprefsion of their prodigall weight, Giucfbmeluppprtance to thejbending twigs, Go thousand lib an executioner r

Cut oft the heades or two fait growing Fprayes, Thatlooketooloftie in our common- wealth* All muft be eucn in our gouerncment youthusiiBp/oydawillsoruotcaway 1 '.

G * Thg


The aoy fomc weedes that without profit fockt The foiics fcrtilitic from wholfome flovvcrj.

Msn. Why fhould wee in the compaflc of a pale* Keepe law andforroe,anddue proportion, Shewing in a tnodie our firme eftate, When our fca-walled garden, the whole land Is full, of wcedes,rner faireft flowers choakc vp, Her fruit trees allvnprundc,hcr hedges ruind, Her knots difordercd,and her holfomc hearbes Swarming with Catcrpillcrs,

Garal Hold thy peace. He that hath fufrcred this difordered fpring, Hath not v himfclfc met with the fa! of lcafc: The wccdles that hisbroadc (prcadingleauei did&elfer, That fecmric in eatingnimt/) hold him vp. Are pluckt vp roote and all by Bullingbropke, I mcanc the Earlc of WiltfaireJBufhiejGrccric. Man. What are thiy dead? gard. Thtryare, And Bullingbrooke hath ceafde the waftcfull King, Ohwhatpitticitisthathehadnotfotrimdc And dreft his 1 and as wee this garden at time of yearc Do wound the baikc,thcskinnc of ourfiuit trees, Left being ooer- proud with fappe and bloud. With too much inches it confound it fclfe: Had he done fo vf.o great and growing men, They might hauejiude to bcare,and he to tafte Their fruits of dutie: fuperfluous branches k>P a way5that, bearing bougbes may hue: Had he done fo3hirn felfe had borne the Crownc. Which wafte of idle hourcs hath quite throwne downe. Man. What,thinkc you the king ftall bedepofed? CjtrcL Dcpreit he 'is alrcady,anddepofde Tis doubt he will bcLettcrs came laft night To a dcarc friend of the good Duke of Yorki Thattell black tydirigs.

Qute* Oh I am prefxr'o death through want of /peaking: Thou old Adaim likeneffefct to dreflc this garden,


King Richard the fecmi.

How dares thy harfh rude tong (bund this vnplcaiing news?

What Euc?what ferpent hath fuggeflcd thce#

To make a fecond fal of curled roan?

Why doft thou fay king Richard is depofdc?

Darft thou thou little better thing then earth

Diuine his downcfall?fay,wherc,whcn and how

Camft thou by this il tidingtffpeakc thou wretch.

Gard> Pardon me Madam,l ittle ioy Jiaue I To breathe thefe newes > yet what I fay is true: King Richard he is in the mightic holdc Of Bullingbrooke : their fortunes both are wcyde jl

In your Lo. feale is nothing but hinafelfe, And feme few vanities that make him lights But in the Ballancc of great Bullingbrooke* Befides himfclfe, arc al the Englifli pecres, And with that oddes he Wejghes King Richard dowrc; Pod youtoLondon.andyouwilfindit fo« I fpeake no more then euery one doth know.

Jgneene Nimble Mifchance that art fo light of footc, ]5oth not thy embaflage belong to me, An dam Haft that knowes ifX)h thou thinkeft To feruc roe laft,that I may longed keepe Thy forrow in my brefl : come Ladies, go To mecte at London Londons king in wo. What,was I borne to this,tfiat my fadde looke, :t!

Should grace the triumph of great Bullingbrooke! Gardner for telling mee thefe newes of woe, Pray God the plants thou graftft may neuer grow. Exit.

Gard. Poore Queen fo that thy flatc might be no worfe, 1 would my skil wcrefubicftto thycurfc: Here did (lie drop a teare,hcrc in this plact lie fct a banke of Rcw fowrc hearbe of grace, Kcw euen for ruth here fhortly fhal be fecne, In remembrance of a weeping ^uecne. Exehttt

BhU. Call forth Bagor, H.&er'B+gQU Enter *Bnt.

Now Bagot.frccly fpeake thy mind, with the

What thou doefl know of rioble Giocefters death, Lordsta

Who wrought it with the King.and who performde 'Parfametfi

Si The

The Trd*edie$f

ThcbJoucty office of his timclcflc end.

Bagdi 1 hen fct before my face the Lord Aumerlc

Bull. Coofin,(landforth,andlookevpon that mm.

*Bagot My Lord Au/ncrle,l know your daring tong

Scorncs to vufay what once it hath dejiuered,

In that dead time when Giocefters death was plotted

1 heard you fay, is not my arme of length,

Thatrcachcthfrorn the reftfull Enghih courc

As far as Callicc to iiiine Vnckles head?

Amongft much other talkc that vcjy time

I heard you fa) , that you had rather refute

The offer of anJmndred thoufand.Crownes,

Then BullingbrookeS returne to England, adding withall,

How bleft this land would be in this your Coofins death.

Aum. Princes and nobic Lords,

What anfwere fhalll make to this bafe man2

Shall I fo much difhonour my fairc flars

Onecjualltermcstogiue my chafHccment?

Either 1 mufr,or haue mine honour foild

With the attainder of his flaunderous iippes,

There is my gagCjthc manual feale of death,

That markes thee out for helUhou heft, f

And willmaintaine what thou ha (I fayde is falfe

In thy heart bloud,thpugh being al too bafc

To ftaiiaethc temper of my knightly (word.

Bull Bagotjforbearcjthou (halt not take it vp.

Aum. Excepting one,I would he were the beft

lnal this prefence that hath mooude me fo.

Tit*. If that thy valure ftand on fimpathic,

There n my gage Aumerle,in gage to thine;

By thatfaireSunne that fhewesme where thouftandft,

I heard thee fay,and vauntmgly thou fpakft it,

That thou wcrt caufe of noble Gloccfters death,

If thoii denieftit twentje timesthou heft,

^ And I wil turjne thyfalfliood to thy heart,

Where it was forged with my rapiers poynfc.

Aum. Thou darfl not (coward) hue I to ice the day*

Fit*,. Now by my fbiileJ would it were this hourc.

Aunt, T t O-

King RichardtJitftcdnct.

A*m. FiWJvvatc.rs thouarcdamncitoPielforelw^

L.?er. Aumericthouiieftjlishcmeurhastiuc *>30oT


And that thou art fo>theic I throw my gage.

To prooue it on thee to the cxtreameft poyhr

Ofmprtalli>reathmg,Gca^ckifch6udarl}* *&

Aum. And if I do nor .may riiy hand* rot off, oM Hi

And neuer brandift more reuerfgrftillftecle dguotij JbnA,

Ouer the glittering helmet of my foe. b! *»fllje

Another Z.I take the earth to the like (forf worn Xumerle)

And fput rhee on with ful as many lies,

As it may be hollowed in thy trecherous eare* 3'nj j s Y'

From fin'ne to finnc : there is my honors pawned nbl io*I

Ingageitto the trial hf thou da rfh **wj2

Aum. Who fets me elfe?by heauen He throw at all,

I haue a thoufand fpirits in one bread,

Toanfwere twentic thoufand Inch as you.

Sur. My Lord FitzwaterJ do remember \sf4V **b

Thevery time Aumerle and you did talke. owq iu\ bn A Fit*,. Tis very true.yon were in prefencc then*

And you can witnefle with me tins is true. ^&

Sur, As falfe by heauen^s heatien it felfe is true. - .Vi O J# *,. Sortie thou heft, (fwort!^

Sur. Di/honorablc boy, that lie ftial lie Co heauy on my

That it fliall rendet vengeance and reuenge,

Til thou tke lie-giueryand that lie do lie' " v

In earth as quiet as thy fathers (cull, wit

In proofc vyhercof there is mine honours pawne,

Ingage it to.the tryal lithondaift. h

Fitz» How fondly dolt thou fpura forward horier

If I dare care3or drinke,or breathe,or hue,

Idaremcete Surr.y inawilderrKiTe,

And fpitt,e vpoh him whiMH fay he lies,

And lies,and lies : there is the bond of fay th* * 'CIrM ."*5w)

To tie thee to myitrong corre&ion:

As I intend to thriue in this new world,

Aumerle isguiltie ofcmy true appeale. )W

Befides ,1 heard the baruihed Norf olke fay?

ft Tfi«

* hiTrtgftt ■$

That thoU AumcTlc didft fend two of thy me», To execute the noble Duke of Calhce.

Atm. Some honcft Chriftian truft me with a gage* That Norffolkc lies, hcerc do Ithrowe downc this. If he may be repeald to trie his honour.

Butt, thefc differences flu! al reft vnder gage. Til Norffoijce be repeald, repeald he ftialbc. And though mine cncmiet rwftord againc To al his landes and figniories : when he is rcrenid, Againft Aumcrlc we willinforce his trial,

CarL That honourable day (hal neucr be fccac# Many a time hath baniflit Norffolke foughtt For Icfu Chrift in glorious Chriftian field* Streaming the enfigne of the Chriftian Crofle, Againft blacke Pagans, Turkes and Saracens, And toild with workesof war, retiidhimfdfe To Italic, and there at Venice gaue His bodie to a pleafant Countries earthy And his pure (oule vntohis G-pcaine Chrift, Vnder whofc coUlours he had fought fo leng.

Bull. Why B.isNorffolke dead?

CarL AslurcaslliuemyLord.

BuJL Sweet peace conducl his fvvect foule to the bofbmc Of good olde Abraham : Lords Appellants, Your differences fhal al reft vnder gage, 3"il we afsigne you to your daies of trial. inter Y$rkt.

Tork* Great Duke ofLancafterl come to thee, From plume-pluckt Richard, who with willing foule* Adopts thee heirc, and his high fceptcr yeclda, To the poflefsion of thy royal hand: Afcend his throne, descending now from him. And long hue Henry fourth of that name.

Hull. In Gods name He afcend the regall throne,

Car. Mary God forbid, Worft in this royal prefence I may fpeake. Yet beft befeeming me to fpeake the truths Would God any in this noble prefence, Were enough aoblc to be vpright iudgc

King Richdrdthefcccnd.

Ofnpble Richaid. Then true noblcncflc would Lcarne him forbearance from Co foulc a wrong, What fubic£t can giue fentence on his King? And who fits not here that is notRichards fubiccT? Thccucs arc not iudgd but thcyarc by to hcare# Although apparant guilt be feenc in then* And ftiali the figure of GodsMaiefty, His Captainc, ftcward, deputy* elect Annointed, crowned, planted many yeares Be iugd by fubiccl: and inferiour breath, And he himfelfc not prcfent? Oh forfend it God* That in a Chriftian climate fbules rcfinde, Should iliew fo heinous blacke obfeene a dec J, I fpeake to fubic&s, and afubieft fpeakes* Stird vp by God thus boldly for his King* My Lord of Hereford here whom you call King, Is a foulc trattour to proud Hereford* King, And if you cfowne him,!ct me prophefic, The bloudof Englifh fiiall manure the ground, And future ages groanc for his foulc aft, Peace fhall go fleepe with turkes and infidels, And in this feat of peace, tumultuous wars, Shal kin with kin, and kinde with kinde confound: Diforder, horror, fcare, and mutiny, Shal heere inhabit,and this land be cald, Thr field of Golgotha and dead mens fculs. Oh if you raife this houfc againft this houfc, It wil the wofHlIefr diuifion proue, That euer fcl vpon this curfed earth: Preuent it, refift it,and let it not be Co, Left child, childs children crie againft you wo,

North. Wcl haue you argued fir, and for your paines. Of Capital treafon, we arrcft you here: My Lord of Weftminfter,bc it your charge, To kcepe him fafely til his day of trial!.

Bull. Let it be Co, and loe on wednefday next, We folemn ly proclaimc our Coronation, Lords be ready all. Sxeuvt*

H Abbot*

'Manet Weft Car led, Ah-



Abbot. A wofull Pageant haue we hect e behelc*. 'on1* Car. The woes to \iomc, the children yet vnborrieJfc*;*

Shall feele tins day as fharpc to them as thorne. Auw.You holy Clergy men, is there no plor,

To ndde the realrne of this pernjtious blot? Abbot. My Lo. befcrc I freely fpenke my mind hereirv*

You (hall not onely take t he Sacrament.

"Enter the Queene •with her at tendants.



Toburic mine intents, but a I fo to effecT-, What euer I (hall happen to deiufe: I fee your brovves are ful of di (content, Yourhartof forrow,aud your eies of teares : Come home with me to fupper, lie lay a plot, Shall (hew vs all a merrie day.

£uee. This way the Kifig wil come, this is the way, To Iulius Carfarstll e re &ed Tower, To whofe flint bofomc my condemned Lord, Isdoomde aprifoner bv proud Bullingbrooke, Hcere let vs reft, if this rebel tens earth Haue any relling for her true Kings Qucene. {Enter %ic* But foft, but fee, or rather doe not fee, My faire Rofe wither, yet looke vp, beholds That you in pittie may difolue to deavv, And waih him frclh againe with true loue tearcs, ' Ah thou the modle where olde Troy did (land! Thou mappe of honour, thou King Richards tombe, And not King Richard : thou moil beateous Inne, Why (liquid hard fauourd griefe be lodged iu thee, When triumph is become an alehoufe gueili*

Rich. Aioyne not with griefefaire woman, doc not fo* To make my end too hidden, learne good foule> To thinke oar former (rate a hnppie dreame, From which'awak f,thetr ueth of what we are Shews vs but this : I am fworn'e (brother fwect) TogrimnccciTitie^ndheandL Will keepe a league til death. Hie thee to Fraunce^ Andclojlterthcein iorne religious houfe, Our holy liues muft win anew worldscrowne, Which our prophane hourcs heere haue throw rie downe.

King Richard the fecund*

<$ueen* What is my Richard both in ftiape and mind Trantformd and wcakened?hathBullingbrooke Depofde thine intelle&?hath hec bcenc ia thy heart? The Lyon dying thrufteth forth his pawe, And wounds the carth,if nothing clfe,with rage. To bee orc-powcr'd,and wilt thou pupiH-hke Take thy eoire&ion,mildly kiflc the rod, And fawne on Rage with bafc humihtic, Which art a Lion and a King of bcaftv.

King A King of beads indcede,if aught but beads I hadbeene ftili a happic King of men. Good (fbmetimes j£ueene)prcpare thee hence for Franc*, Thinkel a*ndcad,and that eucn here thou takcil As from ray death-bed my laft liuing leauc, In winters tedious nights fittc by the fire With good old folkes,and let them tel thee talcs Of woefull ages long agoe becide, And ere thou bid good night to quite their gricfe, Tell thou the lamentable tale of me, And fend the hearers weeping to their beds: For why,the fenfleffc brands will fimpathic The heauie accent of thy moouing tong» And in compafsion wecpe the fire out, And Tome will mourne in afhes,fome cole blackc, For the depofing of a rightfull king. Enter Northum.

North. My Lord the mind of Builingbrookc is changdej Youmuft ioPomfrct,not vntothe Tower, And Madamitherc is order tane for you, With all fwift fpcede youmuft away to France.

King Northumbcrland> thou ladder whcrewithall The mounting Bullifigbrooke afcends my throne, The time fhall not be many houres of age More then it issere foulc finnc gathering head Shall breakc into corruption thou (halt thmkc \ Though hec diuide the Realme and giuc thee halfe* Jt is toolittle,helping him to all. He fhal! thinke that thou which knowft the way To plant vnrightfull kings wilt know agatne,

H 2 Being

TheTragcdit of

Being nere fo little vrgd another way, To pluck him headlong from the vfurped throne, Thelouc of wicked men conue*ts to fcare, That feare to hate,and hate turnes one or both To worthy daunger and defcrued death . My guilt be on my head,and there an end: Take leaue and part,for you mull part forthwith. King Doubly diuor#,(badde men)you violate A twofold marriage/betwixt my Crowne and me, And then betwixt roe and my maried wife. Let me vnkifle the oath betwixt thee andmcc: And yet not fo,for with a kiffc twas made. Part vs Northumberland,! towardsthe north, Where fhiuering cold and ficknefle pines the clime: My wife to Franccfroro whence fet foorch in pompe, She came adorned hither like fwecte May, Scntbacke like Hollowmas,oririortft of day. guecne And mud we be diuidedjmuft we part? King I hand from hand (my loue)and heart from heart* jQueenc Banifh vs both.and fend the king with mee. King That werefomc loue,but little pollicic* Jgueene Then whither hcgoes,thirherIet me go. King So twotogither weeping make one woe, Weepe for me in France, I for thee heere, Better far off then necre be nerc the necre, Go count thy way with fighcs;I mine with groaaeJ. JpHeene So longeft way fhail haue the longeft rnoanes. King Tw ifc for one ftep ile groane,the way being fbort, And pecce the way out wkh a hcauic heart. Come come in wooing forow iers be briefe. Since wedding ic,there is fuch length in griefe, One kiffc fhali ftoppc our rrjouthes,and doubly part, Thus giuc I mine,and thus cake I thy hearr:

£ueent Gme me mine owne againe»twere no good part* To take on me to keepcand kill thy heart; So now I haue mine owne agaioe,be gone, That I may (Iriuc to kill it with a groane, King We make woe wanton with this fond delay,


Kin* RkhdrAtheftctnd.

Onceraore adcw,the reft let forrow fay. exeunt.

Du. My Lord you told me you would tell the reft, Enter dube

When weeping made you breakctbeftory VTorkg

Of our two Coofins comming into London.51* *™J mdthe

Torke, Where dkU lcauc? *'W^Jri Jwhefc.

Bh. At that fad flop my Lord. &

Where rade mifgouerncdhand* from windowei'ttJ^3 ,u« Threw duft and rubbift on King Richards head.

Torke Then (as I fayd)th e Duke great Bullingbrooke, Mounted vpon a hotte and fienefteede, Which his afpirirsg rider feemde to know, .

With flow,but frately pace ke^t on his courfe. While all tongues cride.God faue the Bulhngbtooke, You would hauc thought the vcric windowes fpakc: Somanygrcedielookesofyongandold, ^

Through cafements darted their defiling eyes Vpon h«;vifage,and that althcwals '»' With painted imagery had fayd at bnce> Ienj preferue the welcome Bullingbrooke» Whilft he from the one fide to the other turning Bafe-hcadedjlowcr then his proudefteedes nccke Bcipake them thu3»I thanke'you countrymen: And thus frill doing,thus he paflt along.*

£>#. Alacke pooreRichardjwherc rides he the wbilit* Torke As in a Theater the eyes of men, After a wcl graced Aelor leauesthe ftage, Are idly bent on him that enters next, Thinking his prattle to be tedious; Euen fo,or with much more contempt mens eye* Didfcouleon gentle Richard,no man cried,God (auc him, No ioyful tongue gaue him his welcome home* But duft was throwne vpon his facred head. Which with fuch gentle forrow he fliooke off, His face (til combating with tcares and fmiles, The badge s of h 1 s griefe and patience, That had not God for fbme ftrong purpofe ftcefd The hearts of me.n»they mult perforce hauc racked, And Baibaiifmcit felfe hauc pitted him,

H 3 . But


Butheauenhath a hand inthefe euents, MfttthQ

T^vtotyTo whofe hie will wee bound our cal me content*, [ .»0L - To Bullingbrooke arc we fwornc fubiccls now, f

Whofeftatc and honour I for ay allow. Du. Here eoraes my fbnne Aumcrle. aT

Yorke Aut»erle that was %t&nh -j&

But that m ioft,for being Richards friend: ; *ttrfW

And Madam3youmuft call him Rutland now: I am irn parliament pkdgc for his truth And lafring fcaltic to the newe made King.

Du. Welcome my ferine, who are the violctsnow That ftrcw the grecne lappc of the new come fpring.

Awn.. ISladam I know not, nor I greatly care not, God knowes I had as liefe be none as one.

Yorke Wel,beare you wcl in this new ipring of timc> Leaftyoubccropt before you come to prime. What newes n\>m Oxfprdjdpthcfc iflfts & triumphs hold* Aum. For aught I krjpw(my Lord) they do. Yorke You willbe there 1 know. Aum. If Qqd preuent not, I purpofe fo . Tork^ What fealc is that that hangs without thy bofonifll ¥ea,lookft rhpu'paleflet me fee the writing. Aum. My Lor d,tis nothing. Yorke No matter then who fee it, I will be fatifficd,let me fee the writing.

Aum. I do befeech your grace to pardon me» It is a matter offmallconfequcnce, iA

Which for fome rea(ons I would not haue fcene .

Yorke Which for fome reafons fir I meane to ft lre3re,Ifeare.

Du. What mould you feare? Tis nothing but fome band that he is cntrcd into For gay appatrell againft the triumph

Yorke Bound to himfclfe, what doth hee with a bond ;H That he is bound to. Wife3thou art afoole, 1 f

Boviletmefce the writing. Aum. I do befcech you pardon me,I may not fh$w JftrlT Yorke I will be facisfied*kc me fee it I fay:


Km& Richard the fcbmd.

Torke Treafon,foule trcafomvillamctrai tcr,flaqej %ffi

V*. .What is the matter my Lord? hfiK£ ^

Torke. Ho, who is within there&ddle my horfe* rendu it

God for his mercy Iwhat trechery is here? <Dn. Whv,whatisitmyLord? ^

7frfe Giue me my beotes I fay,faddle my herfe, Now by mine honour^iy life,my troth, I wiliappeach the villaine*

<Vh. What is the matter?

Torke Peace fooliOi woman.

<Dh. I will not peace, what is the matter Aurnerfe?

hum. Good mother be contcntjit is no more ^ Thertmy poore life rauft anfwere. " 8"d™

Du. Thy lifeanfwere?

Torke Bring me my bootesj will vnto the King, ' .

T>u, Strike hira Aumerreipodre°boy thou artamazd, tiunuHe*^ Hence villaine, ncuer more come in my fight, terswttb

Torke GuicmSmybootcsIfay. «™ tobnttt.

Dh. Why Yorke what wilt thou do? Wilt not thou hide the trcfpaflTe of thine owne J Haue wc more (bns'or are we like to haue? DU* f '

Is not my teeming date driinkc vp with time?

Torke Thou fond madde woman, ?ir^ **!**

Wilt thou conceale thisdarke confpiracie? Adoozenofthcm here haue tanc the facrament? And interchangeably fet downe their hands, To kill the King at Oxford.

Du. He fliall be none,wecle icepc him here, Then what is that to him? c

Torke Away. fond vvoman,wcrehetwcntie times myfom Iwouldappeachhim.

Dh. Hadfl: thougroand for him as Jhauedone, Thou wouldft bemore pittifull, But now I know thy minde.tnou doft fufpeft That I hauc becne difloyal to thy bed,


And that lie is « baftard,not thy fonnc;

Sweete Yorke,fweetc husband be not of that minde,

He is as like thee as a man may be,

Notlikemceoranyofmykinne, ,

And yet I loue him. Torke Make way vnruly woman. Exk.

1)h. Alter Aumerle : mount thee vpon ins horfe,

Spur,poft, and get before him to the King,

And begthy pardoi^ere hce doaccufe thee,

lie not be long behind,though I be old,

I doubt not but to ride as fall as Yorke,

And neucr will rife vp from the ground,

Till Bullingbrooke haue pardoned thee, a way,be gone* Enter the RbgH. Can no man tel me of my vnthriftic fonnc* Km *>*h ~^n *u* t^rcc moncths fince I did fee him laftj

bis nobles. If any P!aSuc hanS oncm$ ti$ hcc>

I would to God my Lprds,he mis;ht be found:

Inquire at London, roongft the Tauernes there,

For there they fay,he daily doth frequent,

With vnrcftrained loofc companions,

Euen fuch(thcy fay)as ftand in narrow lanes,

An d bcatc our watch,and ro6be our paiTengers,

Which he yong wanton and effeminate boy,

Takes on the point of honor to fupport fo diflblutea crew*

H.Percie My Lord,fome two daies fince I faw the prince,

And told him of thofe triumphs held at Oxford .

King And what faidc the gallant?

Percie His anfwere was,bc would to the flewes,

And from the commoncft creature pluckc a gloue,

And weare it as a fauour,and with that

He would vnborfe the lufl reft Challenger.

King H. As diflolute as defperate,yet through both,

I fee ibme fparldes of better hope,wfoich elder yeares

May^ppiiy bring forth. But who comes here?

Enter Ah- jumt where is the King? (fo wildly,

merle <wm- jrm^ ft \vhat m canes our coofin that he (tares and looks

**^ Asm. God faue your gracej dp befcech your maicftte,

To haue fomc conference with your grace alone.

King Richard the JecMd.

King. Withdrawe your felucs, and leaucvs here alone ' What is the matter with our coofennowc?

Aum. For cuer may my knees growc to the earth. My tongue cleaue to my rooffc within my mouth, Vnlefle a pardon ere I rife or fpeakc,

King Intended, or committed) was this fault? If on the firft, how heynous ere it be To win thy after louc, I pardon thee. Aum. Thengiucnicicaucthatlnnyturncthekey,

That no man enter till my tale be done.

King. Hauc thy defirc.

Tor. My leige beware, lookc to thy felfc, The duke of

'Thou haft a Traitor in thy prefence there. Torkeknocks

K'mg. Vilainlle make thee fa fc, (fearc At the Aoore

Aum, Stay thy reucngeful hand, thou haft no caufc to amderyeth.

Tork. Open the dorc, fecure foalc, hardie King, Shal I for louc fpcake tteafon to thy face? Openlhe dorc, or I wil breake it open.

King. What is the matter vncle, fpcake, rccoucr breath, Tel vs, how neare is daunger> That wee may armc vs to encounter it?

Tor. Perufe this writing hecre, and thou (halt know, The trcafbn that my hafte forbids me fhew.

Anm. remember as thou read ft, thy promifc paft,

I do repent mc, reade not my name there, My hart is not confederate with my hand.

Tor. It was (vilainc) ere thy hand did fet it do wne. ] tore from the traitors bofome (King,) Feare, and not loue, begets his penitence: Forget to pittie him, left thy pittic proue A Serpent that wil fting thee to the hart.

King. O heynous, ftrong, and bolde confpiracv; O loyal Father, of a treacherous Sonne, Thou fhecre immaculate and filucrFountaVnc, From whence thisftreame through muddy paflages. Hath held his current, and dcfildc himfelfe, Thy oucrflow of good conuerts to bad: And thy aboundant goodnes (hall excufe

I This

TheTrajjtdie of

This deadly blot in thy digreffing fonne .

Tor. So ilia! my vertucbc his vices baude , And he Hill fpend mine honour, with his fhame, As thriftles fonnes, their fcraping Fathers gold : Mine honour hues when his dishonour dies^ Or my fhamde life in his cb (honour lies , Thou kilft me in his life giuing him breath, 1 he traitor lines, the true man's put to death* Dh. What ho, mycLiege, for Gods fake let me in. KingH. What (hril voice iuppliant makes this eger crie? <Dh. A woman, and thy aunt (great king) tis I, Spcake with me, pitic me, open the doore, A beggar begs that ncuer begd before*

King Our fecne isaltredfrom'afcriousthing, And nowchangde to the Beggar and the King: My dangerous coufin, lei your mother in, I know fhe is come to pray for your foule finne.

Torke If thou do pardon whofoeuer pray, More finnes for this forgiuenes profper may : This feftred ioynt cut off, the reft reft found, This let alone will al the reft confound*

Dh. Oh king, beleeue not this hard-hearted man, Loue lou'mg not it felfe, none other can* Tor^e Thou frantike woman, what doft thou make here? Shall thy old dugs once more a traitor reared Dh. Sweetc Yorkebe patient* hearcme gentle Liege. XingH, R ife vp good aunt. *Dn. Not yet I thee be feech. Foreuer wil 1 walke vponmy knees, And neuer fee day that the happy fees, Till thou giuc ioy, vntil thou bid me ioy, By pardoning Rutland my tfanfgrefsing boy. Awn. Vnto my mothers prayers 1 bend my knee. ifroke Againft them 6oth my true ioy nts bended be, 31 mai ft thou thriue if thou graunt any grace.

'Du, Pleades he in earned? Jooke vpon his face . His eies do drop no teares, his prayers are in icft, His words do conic from his mouth? ours from our brcaft,

King Richard the fec&iid.

He pray es but faintly, and would be denied,

We pray with heart and foule, and all befide.

His weary ioynts would gladly rife 1 know,

Our knees ftill kncclc til to the ground they growt

His prayers are ful of fulfe hipocrifle ,

Ours oittuc zeale and deepe intcgr i tie,

Our prayers do outpray his, then let them haue

That mercy which true prayer ought to haue. King Good aunt ftand vp.

2)#. Nay ,do no t (ay, Hand vp; Say pardon firft, and after wards, ftand vp, And if I were thy nurfe thy tongue to teach, Pardon mould be the firft word of thy fpcacb, I neuer longd to heare a word til now, Say pardon King, let pitic teach thee how » The word is (Horr, but not fo (norths fwecte, No word like pardon for Kings mourhes fo naeete.

Torke Speakeit inFrcnchjKinglay^ardonnemoy*

2)«. Doft thou teach pardon pardon to deftroy ? Ah my fowre husband, my hard-hearted Lord ! That fcts the word it felfe againft the word:

Spe*ke pardon as tis currant in our land, i&-sM»3[

The chopping French we do not vnderftand, Thine cie begins to ipeake,fct thy tongue there* Or in thy piteous heart plant thou thine care, That hearing how our plaints and prayers do pierce, Pi tic may mooue thee pardon to rehearfc.

KingH. Good aunt ftand vp.

'Du* I do not fue to ftand. Pardon is al the fute I haue in hand.

King I pardon him as God (ball pardon me.

D*r Oh happy vantage of {a kneeling knee* Yet am I fickc for fcare. fpeake it agamc, Twice faying pardon doth not pardon twainc, But makes one pardon ftrong*

KingH* I pardon him withal my heart,

Dfi. A god on earth thou art

King a But for our trufty brother inlayy ajad the Abbot,

I 2 ? With

Exeunt* Manetjir Tierce £.*■-



With all the reft of that conforted crew,

Dcftrucliori ftraight Hull dog them at the hcelcs,

Good vncklejielpc to order (cuerall powers

To Oxford,or where ere theft trai tours arc,

They dial not hue within rhis world I fwcarc,

But I wit haue them if I once know where.

Vncklc farewell,and Coofin adew, jjo ob ny vi<| i

Your mother well hath prayed .and prooue you true.

Du. Gome my olcl fonnc,! pray God make thee new

Exton Didft thou not markc the K. what words he ipake? Haue I no friend will rid me of this huingfeare? Was it not ft? >hui

Man Thefe were his very words.

Exton Haue I^no friends qaoth hechc {pake it twice* And vrgd it twice togithc^did he not?

Mun He did. *

Exton And fpeakingit,he wifhtly lookron mee> As who fhould fay,! would thou wcrtthe man That would diuorcc this terror from my heart# Meaning the King at Pomfret.Come !e u go, 1 am the Kings fncnd^aod will rid his foc^ Rich. I haue beenc ftudying how to compare ehard alone* This prifon where I liue,vnto the world: And for hecaufe the world is populous, And here is not a creature but my felfe> 1 cannot do it \ yet He hammer it out, My brame lie prooue,the female to my foule, My foulc the father, nd thefe tv\o beget A generation of (Kil- breeding thoughts: And thefe fame .thought* 'people this li tie world. In humours like the people of this world: For no thought is contented : the better fort, As thoughts or thm^diumearc interrnixt With kruplesiand dofet the word it felfe Againll thy woi d,asthus:Come little oncs> & then againe, It is as hard to come as for a Caramel! To thrced the pofteme of a fmal needles eye: Though ts tending to ambition they do plot


King Richard the fecmd.

Vnlikely wonders : howthefe vainc wcakc nailcs

May tcarc a paflagc thorow the flinty ribs

Of this hard world my ragged prifbn wallcs:

And for they cannot die in their owj*e pride,

Thoughts tending to content flatter themfelues,

That they arc not the firft of fortunes ilaues,

Nor (hall not be the laft like feely beggars.

Who fitting in the ftockes refuge their /hame,

That haue many, and others mud fet triere3#

And in this thought they find a kind ofca(e,

Bearing their own misfortunes on the backc

Offueh as haue before indurde the like.

Thus play I in one prifon many people.

And none contented ; fometimes am I a King,

Then trea/bm^nakc me wiA my felfc a beggar,

And fo I am .* then cruming penuric

Perfwadesmelwasbctrcrwhenaking, **W*

Then am I king aguine, and by and by,

Thinkc that I am vnkingd by Bullingbrooke,

And ftrait am nothing. But what ere I be,

Nor I, nor any man, that but man is,

With nothing 'hal be plcafde, till he be eafde,

WitH being nothing. Muficke do I heare, the mnfiktfbit*

Ha hakcepctime, howfbwrcfwccteMufickc is

When time is broke, and no proportion kept*

So is it in the mufikc of mens liucs:

And here haue I the daintincfTe ofeare vt 3f) IB»v

To che'eke time broke in difordered firing:

But for the concord of my ftate and time,

Had not an earc to heare my true time broke ,

I wafled time, and now doth time waft e me:

For now hath time made his numbringclocke; >W

My thoughts are minutes, and with fighes they iarre^

Their watches on vnto mine cics the outward watch

Whereto my finger like a diallcs poynt

Is pointing fill, in cleanfing them from tearcs.

Now fir, the found that tcllcs what houre it is, *

Arc clamorous groanes which ftrikc vpon my heart,

Which is the bell, fo fighs,ahd tearei, and groancs,

I 5 Shew

•W TheTfAgeiico}

Which is the bcl,fo fighi, and tcarcs,and grones, Shew minutes, times, and houres : but my time, b >j v Runnes porting on in Builmgbrookes proud ioyef While 1 ftand fooling heerc his iackckof the docket This muficke maddes me, let it found no more, For though it haucholp'raad men to their witts, In me it (ecmes it wil make wife men mad .* Yet bleiTing on his hart that giucs it rac , For tis a fi^ne of lout1: and loue to Richard, Is a ft range brooch in this al- hating world. Groomc. Hailc royal Prince. Rich. Thankc* noble pear e: Enter a f n^ cheapeft of vs is ten gortes too deare. groom of the vvhat art thou, and how Cornell; thou hither, ftMe Where no man neuer comes but that fad dog,

That brings me foodc to make rnitTor cuneliue.

Gnome. I was a poorc groomc of thy (table King, When thou wert King: who trauailiing towards Yorkc, With much adoe (at length) haue gotten lcauc, To lookc vpon my fomc times roiat mailers face* Oh how it ernd my heart when I beheld, In London ftrectes that Coronation day. When Bullingbrookc rode on Roane Barbaric, That horfe, that thou fo often hail beftridc, That horle, that I fo carefully haue dreft.

Rich. Rode he on Barbaric, tel me gentle friend , How went he vnder him?. $dh

groom. So proudly as if he difilaind the ground. K#V. So proud that Bullingbrooke was on his backe: That lade hathcate bread from my royal hand, This hand hath made him proud with clipping him: Would he not (tumble' would he not fa] downe, Since pride, muft haue a faliand breakc the neckc, i vM Of that proud man, that did vfurpc his backe? Forgiriencs horfe why do I raile on thee? Since thou created to be awed by man, ^ Wa$f borne to bcarc; I was not made a horfe,

And yet 1 bcare a burthen like an allc, Spurrde, galld, and tirde by iauncing Bullngbrooke.


rersrujh in.

Here Sxton Jlrikes him down.

King Richard the fecond*

Keeper Fellow,giue placc,hcrc is no longer ftay. ^mer onet*

Rich. Ifthouloucmc,tis time thou wert away. Mb*, mth

grocme What my tong dares not.that my heart dial fay ******

Keeper My Lord,wilt pleafc you to fall to?

Rich. Taftcofitfirlt,asthouattwonttodo.

Keeper My Lord I dare not,fir Piercie of Exton , Who lately came from the King commands the contrary. E*tf Cjroom

Rich. The diuel take Henry ot La£ca(ler,and thee, Patience is (tale,and I am weary of it.

Keeper HclpcheTpeihclpe.

Rich. How now,what meanes Death in this rude aiTault? The murde- Villaine thy owne hand ycclds thy deaths initrument, Go thou and fill another roomc in hel.

Rich. That hand foal burne in neuerquenching fire, That (taggers thus my perfon : Exton,tby fierce hand Hath with the kings bloud ftaind the kings owne land,; Mount mount my (bu!e,thy featc is vp on hie, Whilft my grofle flefh flukes downcward here to die.

Sxton As nil of valurc,as of royal I bloud: Both haue I (piild,Oh would the deede were good. For now the ehucll that told me I did well,* Saies that this deede is chronicled in hell; This dead King to the Jiuing kinglle bcare, Take hence the reft and giuc them burial here.

King Kind vnckle Yorkcthe latefl newes we heare, Is,that the rebels haue confumed with fire Ourtowneof Cicetcr in GiocefterAire, But whether they be tane or flaine we heare not; Welcome my Lord,whatisthe newes?

North. Firfl to thy facrcd Hate wiih I al happinelTe, The next newes is>I haue to London fent, The headesof Oxford^Sahsburyjand Kent, The manner of their taking may appcare A? large difcourfed in this paper here*

King We thanke thee gentle Percie for chypatnes, And to thy woorth wil addc right worthic games.

Frf*. My Lord I haue from Oxford fent to London, T he heades o I Bt occas,and fir Benet Sccly, Two of the dangerousconfortcd traitours, That fought at Oxford thy dire oucrthrow. K«g

Enter 'BhH. brookc with the duke of Torke.

Yvter Nor"



Enter' Lord Fit<,watcrs*

King Thy paines Fitz.(hat not be forgot. Right noble is thy merit well I wot# iSL

Enter H. Terete The graund confpirator Abbot of Weftminfter, Terete. W ith clogge oFconfcicncc and fo wre mc lancholie, Hath yeelded vp his body to the graue: But here is Carlcil liuing>to abide Thy kingly doomc,and fcntcnccof his pride,

King Carleiljthisisyourdoome, Chooic out fome fcc.ee place»fome rcuercnt roome More then thou hatband with it iov thy life: So as thou hu ft in peace,die free from ftrife. Forthough mine encmie thou haft cuerbcene. High fparks of honour in thee hauc I fecne. Enter Vxton Sxton Great King,within this coffin I prefent with the ^y ^urycc* ^carc : herein al breathieffe lies Coffa ^*c mi5ntlc^ of thy created enemies,

" ™' Richard of Burdcaux,by me hither brought.

King Exton I thanke thee no?,for thou haft wrought A deede or daughter with thy fatal hand* Vpon my head and al this famous land. txton From your owne mouth my Lord did I this deed. king They louc not po ifon that do poifon neede, Nor do I thecthough I did wifti him dead, I hate the murtherer,Uue him murthcred: The guilt of conference take thou for thy labour, But neither my good word.nor princely fauour, - With Caine go wander through the iliade of night. And ncucr flicw thy head. by day nor light* Lords I proteft my foule is ful of woe, V/

Thatbloud lhouldfprincklc me to make mee grow* Come mourne with mecfor what I do lament; And put on fullcin blacke iaccntincnt, He make a voyage to the holy land* To wafli this bloud off from my guilty hand, March fadly afrer,grace my mournings heerc. In weeping after this vntimely Becrc.