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AND MACMILLAN AND BOWES, CAMBRIDGE; G. BELL AND SONS, LONDON. M-DCCG.XCVIEL, —— /Y¥5 ADVERTISEMENT. Tue Society as a body is not to be considered responsible for any facts and opinions advanced in the several Papers, which must rest entirely on the credit of their respective Authors. Tre Society takes this opportunity of expressing its grateful acknowledgments to the Synpics of the University Press for their liberality in taking upon themselves the expense of printing this Part of the Transactions. — 613420 7 Sée CONTENTS. An Algebraically complete system of Quaternariants. By Davin B. Marr, B.A., Fellow one @hrist/s 2 Collen chemmimmeetce ss =o. asieneyice sa cewces's vnacuvneten taeecauetencnoie ha'ssces sbaseecnernde Forced Vibrations in isotropic elastic solid spheres and spherical shells. By C. Carer, NOD mlellowsorm ino Re WOOL... occa ceatercscs sss 0a le cee ene enna anaes caw avey Uawensaste ooras . Distribution of Sclar Radiation on the Surface of the Earth, and its dependence on Astronomical Elements. By R. Harcreaves, M.A., formerly Fellow of St John’s Wollogeriaencereearrntecicc- oy oes i= cas eee evn ontae ha tama acta Micoeicce cee cne Weueaas Midedeansnecnsoerineese The Contact Relations of certain systems of Circles and Conics. By Prof. W. M°F. Orr, M.A., Fellow of St John’s College. With Plates I. U0. LID. .0.... 1. ccceccccceceseeeeeees Change of the Independent Variable in a Differential Coefficient. By E. G. Gator, M.A., Rellow sob Gonvallemand! Caius: College, <222ie...---2<<--0--aueaeedeaaceceacitess sues sosBganoncese - Dades, on the “equilebriam theory’. By C. CHREE, Sc.D. ............0.0.-0.cscsesceseecernseese . Circles, Spheres, and Linear Complexes. By J. H. Grace, B.A., Fellow of St Peter’s (Coll es eee eemnnee tr iiss ca dniisetnntien edt cn os ce tia c1/els oa sucelt ame apncndentedscaneeanre sad satnae . Partial Differential Equations of the Second Order, involving three independent variables and possessing an intermediary integral. By Professor A. R. ForsyTH............... Reduction of a certain Multiple Integral. By Artuur BLACK _ ...........0.:.-0.0eeeee eee eee On the Fifth Book of Euclid’s Elements. By M. J. M. Hint, M.A., D.Se., F.R.S. . A New Method in Combinatory Analysis, with application to Latin Squares and associated questions. By Major P. A. MacManon, R.A., Se.D., F.R.S. ............-.. . On some Differential Equations in the Theory of Symmetrical Algebra. By Professor PNOMMBE PII EONS YTS eee 5502S cto" s civiccercrsiaii al c’anla siarace a eialelaia iessTs eee Re ALTE ero ki Oa) ale eictale aetna acs PAGE I. An Algebraically complete system of Quaternariants. By Daviw B. Mair, B.A., Fellow of Christ's College. [Read 26 February, 1894.] In the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. XIV. Part IV. Dr Forsyth discusses the differential equations satisfied by the concomitants of quater- nary forms. As point-, plane-, and line-variables are taken @, Ly, Ls, Ls, Uy, Ug, Us, Uy, Pw Ps Ps> Ps Ps» Ps: the line-variables being expressible in terms of two sets v, w of plane-variables in the form Py = VW, — VM, Ps = VWs — VWs Po = VMs — VWs Ps = Vs; — VWs Ps = VsWs — VWs Ps = VWs — VM. The leading coefficient of a quaternariant, ie. the coefficient of the term contain- ing only 2, p;, and wm, satisfies four differential equations, which Dr Forsyth writes Ve — 0 — 0: ee — Oy iO. Of these either of the last two may be omitted as it is satisfied in virtue of the remaining three: and any solution of these equations, integral in the coefficients of the quantic, is the leading coefficient of a concomitant, determined except for an additive multiple of Pips + P2ps + PsPs- 1. The present object is to derive from the differential equations a complete system of concomitants for any quantic, the number in a complete system being less by 5 than the number of coefficients of the quantic. For this purpose it is convenient to use NV, rather than M,, and to introduce a new differential equation ®=0 which is satisfied in virtue of the original equations. Solutions ¢ of V,=0 are first found, next functions y of the quantities ¢ which satisfy M,=0, then functions y of the quantities y which satisfy @=0, and finally functions » of the quantities y which satisfy V,=0 and are therefore leading coefficients. The method is first applied to the cubic. Vou. XVI. Parr I. 1 2 Mr MAIR, ON AN ALGEBRAICALLY COMPLETE The cubic being agen; + 3a07r, + 3a.1,074+ are +32, Ay 2? + 2a,'x,25 + ay'x3? + 83b,220, + 6b,0,050. + 3.722 + Qbp'2,2 + 2b, x52 + 86 em 2,7 + 30,052," + 22 + dyx,? + 322 Qp'@, + 0y'%3 | +a) 23 + bya. we take as first three solutions of V,=0 6,=a;, 6=a, G.=c.- Also Nii, = ae this quantity }, is taken as variable of reference. As third solution we take G5 da. For the fourth, since V.b, =a, b, Nib, — bN.b, = (b,, aoa, — bo) = A, say; now WV.6,=0, and we take as fourth solution 0,=(b,, a2Ya,, — by). Again N,c, = 2b,, and therefore ; Qe .No by — byNo Cy = 2 (Co, b,¥a,, — bo); calling this expression 26,,, we have 0; Nb, — b)N2Os = (Co, b1, Goh, — bo); as this last satisfies V.=0, we take as fifth solution 6;=(C, b,, aa, —b). As sixth solution we take GL= GA. And since V,6,/=a,, we form the expression by Ns by — bNo by = (bs, eG, — bo), which gives the seventh solution 6, = (b;', a Ya, — bo). In the same way we derive four solutions from as, b, ¢, d, three from ay’, by’, ¢’, ’ mr two from a,”’, b,”, and have besides the solutions a,’ and a,’”. The solutions @ are not in a convenient form. If each be multiplied by an appro- priate power of @,, there results the set of 19 solutions ¢, given in Table I, such that M,¢, (for all values of r except 2) is a solution of V, =0. 2. The solutions of M,=0 are found in a similar manner. The effect on the functions ¢ of the operator a,?M;, which will be called A, are given in Table I. For three solutions we take = bo W=, Wn = 9, SYSTEM OF QUATERNARIANTS. 3 Also Ads= do; the function ¢, is taken as variable of reference. We have next, since Ag, = 2¢, 2p, Ad, — PAs = 2 ($5, Pil bs, — Hs) ; this expression satisfies A=(0 and we take as third solution Vs = (;, Pidds, ed dy). As fourth solution we take Wi = >. And from A¢,=¢, we have PAds — P.Ads = (hs, $:0bs, — ba), which is a solution so that we put vs= (5, ;0¢;, = ps). In this way are found the 17 solutions y which are given in Table II. 3. The operator ® is, with the present notation, a,M, —b,N,. Its effect on the functions ¢ is given in the first table, the effect on the functions is thence calculated and given in the second table. It appears that Py, is also a function 1. Hence, as before, by the use of y, as variable of reference, are deduced the 16 solutions y of ®=0, which are given in Table III. 1 ah : : The effect of the operator a on the quantities ¢, , x is calculated in succes- 1 sion, as shewn in the tables, and it appears that ms N,x, is also a function x. 1 From these, using y, as variable of reference, we find 15 solutions » of NV,=0. 4. Since the solutions of each equation are expressed in terms of solutions of the preceding equation, it follows that the quantities @ satisfy the three equations Ne — 05 a= 0) Ve "0: Also, although the ¢’s are not integral in the coefficients, the @’s are integral functions, as is proved by expressing them in the symbolical form. Thirdly, to see that the o's are independent, consider the system ¢. The coefficient a, is introduced into the system by do, a by gi, a by ¢,, and , , »,) , ” dy, b,, Cy, Gd, by, Ms ds, bs, CQ, dy, ay, b, ? Co aq, by “u > ut A ; by ds; ds; ds; ds; ¢d;, ds; ds, dis du; Pi, dis, Piss is; Piss diz dis, respectively. Since every function added to the system introduces a new coefficient there can be no relation among the functions ¢. The set ho. vi vo, vs, vi, vs; ve ve; vs; Yo, Yo, vu Yio, vis, Vis Vis, Vis introduce do, di, ds, ds, ¢$;, ds, ds, gra, gu, hr, ds, dis; dis; dis; diz, dis; dis; 1—2 4 Mr MAIR, ON AN ALGEBRAICALLY COMPLETE respectively, and are therefore independent. The set Xo» Xi» X2> Xs» Xs» X5> Xe. Xz» Ke» Xa» Xo» Xu» Ki2» Kis» Xis> Xis introduce Wo, th, vs, Ws, VWs, Vrs, Vv, vi, vis Vis: Vs; Viv, Vis, Ws, Vis vio; respectively, and so are independent. The final system @y, M1, We, Wy, Ws, M5, We, W;, Ws, My, Mo, Mu, Miz, M3, Mis introduce in succession Xo» Xa. Xs» Xs» Xs» Xe» Xo» Xz» Xs» Xu» Ns» Kis» Xia» Xz» Xo» and are therefore independent. Lastly the cubic has 20 coefficients, and we have obtained 15 independent solutions of the equations N= M,=N,=0, they are therefore the leading coefficients of a complete set of concomitants. 5. The complete concomitant belonging to each leading coefficient may be found from other differential equations given in Dr Forsyth’s paper. A shorter method is to express the leading coefficients in symbolical form, For this purpose the functions $, y, x are first expressed symbolically; they are given in the tables with the use of the contrac- tions (a8) = 4,8. — a8; At = All, — Asby = — (AB) B? dp = a8: — a:8, (aBry) = Go, Gg, Ay | 1A, By Bi | | v2, Yo Ys | and the identities a8 — a8;= (a8) ay ag — (a8) ao = (aBy) 9°. In Table IV. the symbolical form of the leading coefficients is given, the contraction a; being retained for shortness. To obtain the complete concomitants it is now only necessary to replace m, az, (48), (a8) by az, (aBp) BA a (aBp), coal (aByu), where Oy = M2, + An, + AX + O54, (aByu)=| %, %, Os, O% hi, Bo, Bs, By Yu. Ya, Yas Ye Ten! MI, BONS MOP (aBp) = (4.8; — a3») Pit (a;B; — 4,8;) P2+ (a8. — 28,) Ds + (G63 — a,P;) pst (a.8,— a8.) Pst (a8; — a,8s) ps. The degree in w, p, and w may be then seen by inspection; the leading terms of the 15 concomitants U are given in Table IV. SYSTEM OF QUATERNARIANTS, 5 6. It may be mentioned that two of functions » may be replaced by simpler forms. Since (a8) y¢ + (Bry) a + (ya) Be =0, we have (aP) (By) ary Biy, = $ (By) arin {(a8) Ye — (27) Be} aa 4 (By) ar Bin, i— (By) ae =— W.0;. Hence ws = (a8) Biyireye (By) ae + (a8) ye| =—@,.@;+ @, . (a8)? a:8;, so that w, may be replaced by (48)° a8. Similarly @y = — @,. Wj + @,. (4B) (ay) Binnye, so that w, may be replaced by (a8) (ary) Bins: 7. In Table V. are given the leading coefficients for the quartic in symbolical form, the contraction a; being used for (as8,— 4.8) 8, Table VI. gives the leading coefficients for the simultaneous concomitants of two quadratics. In the literal form small letters denote the coefficients of the first quadratic, capitals those of the second; in the symbolical form undashed letters denote the former, dashed letters the latter. This set is however quite unsymmetrical with respect to the two quadratics, and a more symmetrical set will be found. A system of two quadratics. 8. The equations V,=0, M,=0, satisfied by the leading coefficient of the two quaternary quadratics, shew the coefficient to be a concomitant of two binary quadratics with , b,, a, and Cy, B,, A,, as coefficients and with four sets of variables a,, —b,; a, —b'; Ai, —B; A,’, —B,. The equations are also satisfied by the six quantities Hh = %, q2= Ao, M=%, gs =A, h =, @=—A,. Consider then the functions UY, = (Cp. d, Gar, — b), v, = (C,, B,, As¥A,, — Bo), W, = (C, 0, aQa, —bYA,, —B,), w, = (Cy, By, A.YA,, —BYa,, — by), 2,= (6, b,, da§-A,, —B,)’, 2. = (Cy, B,, Asha,, —b)’, v= (ce, b, a.Na,, — b, Va’, — b,’), ve = (C,, Bi, AsGA, — BG Ay’, — B,), 0," =(e, b,, aay’, — by’), v, = (Cy; BAA, — By W,' = (6, b,, a29-A,, — By Yay’, — by’), ws =(Cy, By, Asa, — Ay’, — By’), hy = 2 — b2, ha= C4 — bs eA Ca The fa—COae A,{aq, >= 0). 6 Mr MAIR, ON AN ALGEBRAICALLY COMPLETE Of these all containing no dashed letters are solutions of V,=0, and for the rest No —'a,ly, Nyy = Axhe, Nay = Dah, Nv = 2A hs, Nw. =Ash,, Nav. = ahs. From these we see that r= % — qh, Ty = Vs! — gz hs, 8 =" — Gy, $= Vs — Ga he, t= Wy — gin, n= We — Qi hs, are solutions of V,=0. We can now choose a complete set of 15 solutions; we take n> Ry Diy Tin Sis bass Ga, hy, V2, T2) 82, tn « Tas; Fass U- The five q, du, %, ™, &, belong to the first quadratic and are independent since they introduce a, d, , @, @, In succession. Then A, is introduced by g.; A, and B, | by w, and f, which are independent of one another since the elimimation of A, from FS = (Bo, Aifa,, — bo) W; = (C, b,, d2%a,, — bY A, — By) does not eliminate B,; C,, B,, A, are introduced by 2, hy, he, which are independent for a similar reason; A, by &.; By, Ai by 72, ty; and A,” by s,. The corresponding concomitants are QS er = Qty +... V,=(@8p) (yp) Baye = tip? +... H, =} (@Bpy =hp?+... R,=4 (aByu)(aBp)yz = NMpwy+... S, =—1(aByu)? = $+... T= 4 (aBa’u) (ap) a =terpyt... with the symmetrical six ORVAR eH lta iSa5) earls and H,, = (aa'py = hp + ... FP, = —(aa'p) a0’, Spicy th ae saz W, =(@8p) (aa'p) Bre. = wyeepet.... There remain three solutions 2,, z, w. not used as members of the complete set. They are given in terms of the set by Wy? — 42, + hy fi? = 0, We — Wk. + hf? = 0, hyo fir + 2wyw, — VV. — 22. = 0. SYSTEM OF QUATERNARIANTS. 7 By reason of these relations w, may be replaced by w,, 2, or z,. Or a symmetrical but less simple set is obtained by replacing h,, by wy. 9. The unsymmetrical set of solutions of Table VI. are expressed present set as follows, the functions w,, 2,, 2, being retained for simplicity : ®=h> @, =, w,=h,, @;=7,, oO; = 2: @, =fia, @, = WW, hos = PW, — Yt, @ = 2, Fis@r = WZ. — VjWe, Oy = hy, — Iz, Nyho fr@ = — ty hye — tyhsy24 + PZ. + HhwW,Z, hyhs fir@,s = (VW, — WZ») co) + (Uv, — Wy) 1, hPhe fires = — fh hy? + 26° — 2wdy + vf’, where b = beryh. — rh, — TywWyhs, vr = tyr). A system of three quadratics. in terms of the 10. The concomitants of three quadratics might be found by the general method but not in a symmetrical form. We take with the two quadratics of § 9 a third with Greek letters as coefficients. We have then as solutions of the equations functions of the types 3 h> VY, Ta) S15 la, Ts his, te, to which may be added n= | (Of “ae | ; T=| a, by a |. Ca By Asn HCA Ee | yo Bi % | m Bo a | Also the binary variables in v, may be replaced in whole or in part by d4,, —B,, and @, — 8); this will be denoted by additional suffixes, e.g. Vi, 2 = (Co, b,, a, dy, = bY A,, = B,), VY, 2,3 = (Co, (iis a,\A,, = Bea, = Bo). 8 Mr MAIR, ON AN ALGEBRAICALLY COMPLETE The 25 leading coefticients of the complete system of concomitants are obtained in the same way as for two quadratics. We take hs U; Ti, Ss h, for the first quadratic, and with these q: introducing the coefficient A o> Ose) Wes snesaninee cote on onsteenee euee Qo, Fists cnaneice ou eeercesen aanane < Xa 1, — x1) a? BB, (aBy) 1° @s = Xs arBeye Bin (48) (ay) @s =(Xu; Xs 1, = X1) Do = (Xs Xu> X31, = Xa)? Oy = X15 Oo = (Xu X01, = X1) 3 = (X12. Xu Xs Ql, = Xa)? O4= (Xo, Xaz» Xs» Xs 01, = x) a Berye 81918," (48) (ary8) as Beye Bi yi O:2e7 (a 88) (aye) BeyedeBiy. 8 (28) (ay) (08) BeyedeRid; (a8) (ay) (adm) m.* BeyedeBins 8, (48) (ayé) (a8n) En? Beye: Bin: 8 (aBe) (ary) (adn) ,°E,2n? LL Corresponding concomitants U, =a nu; +... U, =O,2;°p\ +... (Of =@,0;°p+... U; =a5a'p,, + ... U, =a,2,5u,? +... U, =0,2°p; + ... Ug= a. ipe to. U7 =a, pin -- U, =ag0,5p;' + ... U, =0,2,° py, +... Uy) = Oy 72 p2u?+... Us=onr pe... Dy = 0.0 pt, +... O15 = 0D t+. Ui,= O47)" pPus+... bo | by Mr MAIR, ON AN ALGEBRAICALLY COMPLETE TABLE V. Leading coefficients of concomitants of quartic in symbolical form. a,’ a? a" 4a;°8,? (a8)? 4 a,°B,? (a8) (@By) De da,°8 (aBy) (488) 7:38 a, a8 a,a:°B, Bz (a8) a, a2 8,°B: (aBy) y:° a By? ar Beye (48) (ary) a, BP yPaeBerye (a8) (aye) €,8 a, Beyaz Be ve (a8) (aye) 5363 & By*91°8" Beye de (a8) (ary) (a8) a Bey?" Beye 8: (a8) (ay) (adn) m8 0 B,°9727 8; Beye de (48) (ayE) (adn) Em! a Bry? 8 BeryeSs (aBe) (ay) (adm) 4° Em. ast Bias 8: (a8) ay'Be (a8) 8 BiyPas’ Beye (a8) (ay) Boy as Beye (a8) (aye) a Bey iar Beye (488) (aye) Oe° Bey2 bP aeBeyede (48) (ay) (a8) Boy? dP aeBeryede (48) (ay) (adn) m8 BeyrdPasBeye 8: (a8) (aE) (adm) E,ms° Boy? d2aeBeyede (aBe) (ay) (adn) a Em By? be Beyedeee (48) (ary) (28) (ae) Bey? da? Beye dees (a8) (ary) (a8) (ae) «8 Bry? ds? €:* Beye Sz ee (a8) (ary) (088) (ren) O,°;° Boy? de Beye dece (48) (aryn) (488) (aex) 9:90:51 B78) €:? Beye Seer (a BE) (ary) (088) (wen) E59; O,9x,° SYSTEM OF QUATERNARIANTS. 13 Taste VI. Leading coefficients of concomitants of two quadratics. Oo, —t,— cd, @, =a =(¢, bd, aa, — by)? , =} (a8) = cya, — b? ws =$% (48) (aBy) = (Co, by, dean, — Ya’, — by’) — ay’ we @, = 498, (aBy) (488) = ay” w, — 2a’ ws — ay'2@, — (by a, — a b,)? ORES Ale @, = 00, (aa’) = (B,, A,Ya,, — by) @, =— apa,’ (aa’) = (¢, by, a ha,, — bi, — B,) @s = a2, 8B, (aBa’) = Aya, — ay w, — (by a, — ay'b) wg @, =a;"=(C,, B,, A.Ya, —b,)? @y=— aa; (aa’)=| cB, C) Ag b, A, Qa, — b,) — Cb, —Cya |—Ba, | @y = 228 (aa’) (Ba’) = CQ, be Cb, a, Ca? \Ya, —b! —2B,c,b, | —B, (C) dz +b,*) | —2B, b, a, + A.c? + A, cb; +A, b,? @1. = 4302 B, (aBa’) = w, (Ba, — A,/b,) — w, (by ay — ay by) — @y ay ®)3 = — as Bey (aa’) (Brya’) = @, (Gis bs, a0, = BUA, — By)- Dio (by a 3 ay by) — @y, A, eBid: (Gye) (aba) = an Av! Oem, (Bic, — Ay aa) — 2a, A’ (Cy, by, do Qa,, — boy’, — By’) + Les ao’ (bya, — ay’ by) + ey, 52. II. Forced Vibrations in isotropic elastic solid spheres and spherical shells. By C. Curez, M.A., Fellow of King’s College. INDEX. SECT. SECT. 1. Historical introduction. 13. Solid Sphere; Surface forces derivable from potential. 2. Notation, Fundamental Equations, &c. 14. 3 3 Displacements near centre. 3. General Solution. 15. “ . Pure transverse vibrations, general case. 4. Expressions for Stresses, 16. eS “1 < bs +, rotatory vibra- 5. Surface Equations. tions. 6. Relation between bodily and surface forces in in- 17. Thin Spherical Shell; Surface equations. compressible material. 18. Thin Spherical Shell; Displacements, mixed radial 7. Solid Sphere; Pure radial vibrations. and transverse vibrations. 8. Solid Sphere; Mixed radial and transverse vibra- 19. Thin Spherical Shell; Alternative formule in terms tions, general case. of frequencies of free vibrations. 9,10. Solid Sphere; Mixed radial and transverse vibra- 20. Thin Spherical Shell; Pure radial vibrations. tions, incompressible material. 21. 5 = F Pure transverse vibrations. 11. Solid Sphere; Mixed radial and transverse vibra- 22. Pa a A Results collected. tions, case of 2nd harmonic, 23. Thin Spherical Shell; Simplest analysis of displace- 12. Solid Sphere; Application to elastic solid ‘‘earth.” ments. §1. The free vibrations in an isotropic elastic sphere or spherical shell have been treated in some detail by several writers, but comparatively little attention has been given to the motion which accompanies the application of periodic forces. In Vol. XIV. of the Society’s ‘Transactions’* I wrote down the equations determining the arbitrary constants whose substitution in the general solution gives the amplitude of the vibrations corresponding to given systems of surface forces. In the ‘Proceedings’ of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. xrx., Mr Love arrived at equations for determining the forced vibrations of a spherical shell containing a given mass of liquid. In his Treatise on Elasticity Mr Love has also considered the subject of forced vibrations in a solid sphere due to bodily forces derivable from a potential; illustrating his method by application to the interesting case when the potential involves only a spherical harmonic of the second degree. Mr Love’s method is based on Pro- fessor Lamb’s} well-known solution in Cartesian Coordinates. Here, as in my previous treatment of the sphere, I adhere to polar coordinates. * lc. pp. 315—6. The method of treating the spherical | + Vol. 1., pp. 324—8. shell is described on p, 319. + Proceedings London Math. Soc., Vols. xm. and xty. Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN SPHERICAL SHELLS. 15 The most fundamental division of forced vibrations is into those which have, and those which have not, the same frequency as one of the free vibrations of the same type. In the former case the mathematical theory of elasticity makes the amplitude become infinite. In the latter case in an elastic solid the expressions for the displacements, even in a sphere or spherical shell, are usually too complicated to convey much _ infor- mation except through numerical application in particular cases. There are, however, two classes of cases in which results of a general character are obtainable which are at once elegant and of obvious physical significance. The first class consists of the vibrations of a solid sphere due to forces whose frequency is small compared to that of the fundamental free vibration of the same type; the second class comprises the forced vibrations of any frequency in a very thin spherical shell. It is to these two classes that attention is almost exclusively devoted in the present paper. As the whole investigation is based on my general solution* of the elastic solid equations of motion, it is convenient to reproduce these equations and their solution with some slight improvements in the notation, § 2. Polar coordinates r, 6, @ are used, 6 being the ‘polar distance’ and ¢ the ‘azimuth. The elements dr, rd@, rsin@df at any point are the fundamental directions along which are taken the arene u, v, w. The dilatation is denoted by A, or a Reta d ; A = de (ur =) ti aang 9 ag (or sin 8) + ino ap ("sin 8) Aascceareneccasos (1). The stresses in the notation of Todhunter and Pearson’s ‘ History’ are = (m—n) A+ 2n%, f= (m—n) A+ 2n ("4 g 1s). = u 1 dw i= (m—n)A+2n (240 = = cou ag manTD alk ARQ TOBORO SC UREA 2); = (Z- ah s 2); ee Ndr rr dO)” ~_. (dw w 1 os) =n (5 - Aun dd)’ = ldw w 1 dv m= n(- ddr” Be are sin @ aa where m, n are the elastic constants in the notation of Thomson and Tait’s ‘ Natural Philosophy.’ Supposing periodic bodily forces to act derivable from a potential V satisfying Laplace’s equation, we may present this potential in the form pe Otten al ea COS Ct aera cepa sana sweeeamea arenas (3); * Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans., Vol. x1v., pp. 308 et seq. 16 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC where V;, V_;, are surface spherical harmonics of the same degree, 7, and ¢ is the time counted from any convenient epoch. Here and in what follows = denotes summation with respect to 7. The internal or “body-stress” equations are (m +n) r? sin = —n = +n oP + pr? sin 0 (- oe) = 0, (m+n) sin 6 = —n * +n = + pr sin 0 ( aD) =O Sy Ut. (4), (m + n) cosec 0 —n = +n oo pr (ano a5 oa) | where for shortness l= — 15 (wr sin 8) — a (or)| : = ee a = (wr sin 0)| he Where tet, (5). : d du € =sin 6 lan”) — at It is convenient to concentrate attention on the terms actually appearing in (3), taking them as a type. Differentiations with respect to ¢ need not then appear explicitly, since for instance d2u ae ku. The representative term in (8) involving 7 can occur of course only in a spherical shell, 7 being regarded here as a positive integer. The surface forces are conveniently grouped under three classes. Thus in a spherical shell we may regard the forces over the outer surface 7=a@ as consisting of :— (i) Pure radial forces = (R; cos kt) ; (ui) Tangential forces derivable from a potential, whose components are > (Gr cos it) along ad@, > (eae AES cos kt) along a sin 0d¢; (iii) Tangential forces derivable from a stream function, whose components are > (=. 8 = cos kt) along ad@, = - = cos it) along a sin @d¢. The letters ;, 7;, 7; represent spherical surface harmonics of degree 7, R, being a constant and occurring in the case of uniform normal pressure. Over the inner surface r=b we may suppose similar surface forces to act, distinguished by the dashed letters R;’, De T%;. led ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 17 The letters R, ©, ® without a suffix are employed to denote the total components of the forces on the outer surface along the fundamental directions, the same letters dashed having a like application to the inner surface of a shell. Thus R= (RK; cos kt), aT; 1 dry’ a (“10 ene aN er iy on (6). 1 dT; dr; - &=3(_, as — 79 ) cos kt In the general case there may of course be any number of applied forces, whether bodily or surface, with different frequencies and epochs, but as the effects of each are independent of the existence of the others no confusion can arise through cos kt being made to do duty for the time factor in every case. The surface conditions which must be satisfied by the solution for the spherical shell are the following six :— over r=a over T= m= R, 7 = R,) ro =9, FO OF easetine cane ceteacsaaeiise sree (7). In the solid sphere there are of course only the first three. § 3. In my original treatment of the vibration problem bodily forces were not sup- posed to act. Thus the complete solution of (4) requires the addition to my previous solution of terms which constitute a particular solution when V exists. This presents no difficulty, for by (1) and (5) we see that A, A, 33, © all vanish for values of u, v, w of the form where M is any constant, so long as V satisfies Laplace’s equation (an dl (9 tV\... eau | a (* 7) anode 7a) sm Odg* Thus a particular solution of (4) is obviously Eeviay “fe Saaer sD ar : Sere Brdo’ eaaiidds Latent eS (8). This is practically the equivalent in polar coordinates of Mr Love’s* treatment in Cartesians. Putting for shortness P P_ ps a, a BPM Rr a Les ectpa te cotecscson ces (9), m+n * Treatise on Elasticity, Vol, 1., Arts 139 and 201. Vout. XVI. Parr I. 3 18 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC we may represent the complete solution of (4) by the typical terms :— u=cos kt E £ = (FV; +7 V_.) +E =e 1 Jay (har) — 13 rien (har)} Y; +74, (Rr) Z - — {yr J_;4(kar)— rae i Ja (bar)} Y_34+77J__4(kBr) Zi] vageeat (10), d v = cos kt Ese: ri / Ve+7r Vz=) _ Pe CA i+} (kar) Y;+ J_;_,(kar) V4) ra d gee 1) dr rt (Jiss (kBr) Z; + Ji4(kBr) Z.1)} a! + ne ag Otis BBP) Wet AT. (b8r) w.3| bles ee (1), w = cos kt Zi (Vit V. ; ya (% (kar) Y; + J_i, (kar) Y_; ) see Jer i -i-1 Bee t+4 i —i-4 -i-1 nC ee. . A : : bya ; tape (Jess Br) Zi + J (KBr) +.) d ST {r4Ji44 (kBr) We+ 14 J_i-4 (kBr) W243] ROS EES enone (12); answering to which A = cos kt {r4Jj43 (kar) VY; + v4 Jy (hear) Vig} oo ecceececeeeeees (18). In these expressions Y;, Z;, Yi, Zi, Wi, Wir represent surface harmonics of degree 2 with constant coefficients. The form of these harmonics depends solely on the harmonics appearing in the bodily and surface forces; their constant coefficients are determined by the surface conditions. If for instance there be only a bodily force derivable from a potential r*V;coskt, then the surface harmonic appearing in, say, Y; is the same as that occurring in V;, and the ratio Y; : V; is found from the surface conditions. As usual J;4,(z) and J_;4(2),-where z=kar or kr, represent the two solutions of the Bessel’s equation dr’ r dr and their differential coefficients will be denoted by J’;,,(z) and J'_;_, (2). dz ee CN) D For our present work it is convenient to write ; Se ee as Ss Tes a ! 2 (+3) + 2.4 Qi +3)(a+ 5) me + : =L/7-4 & ie: fee asa fh +s@on tea @rSD SS | the values of the constants L;, L,’ beg immaterial. ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 19 § 4. In dealing with the stresses it is convenient to use the following abbrevia- tions :— 2 = 2 \ ra | CBr ae >) Fix (har) + 72 rae (kar) — = _ Dixy (kar) }|- rAj, | rAkBr [2's (kBr) — Tiss (kr) = 7B;, | | | 1 — rt fed saa Ci, ready kBr)?—2(i-1 ) —rt ‘any Bry— We \(i+2 2) Texy(hBr) + 2F"c4 (kr) — en - oie % ay) i ~ | (ee 2) 2 i+ (kar) — fea" 4 (har) — 2 _T45 (kar) || =.5 ar (kBr) = ,F, 29 ey: 7 Tixy (kar) = Gi, me Fe iy (k8r) + 20'euy (KBr) — < ar dis (kr) 05 2 | The expressions obtained by writing —7—1 for +7 on the left-hand sides of equations (15) will be denoted by ,A_;,...,-H_;, respectively. This substitution, it will be noticed, leaves the values of 7(¢+1) and (i—1)(¢+2) unaltered. Using these abbreviations we have for the typical terms in the stresses :— tr =n cos kt |-z {i (i —1)r°*V; + (+1) (¢+2) r7*V__} + rA:Y; + BZ; + ,A_j4 ees + Biskos| sacri unica ints Waited solowalae ete (16), 96 =n cos kt |- = {(i+ on) nV, — (i +1- aa) aoe + £;:Y;+ Fi4;+ -EiiaYiit FiinZin + Jot Coe, +1G 2.7 operas z+} 1 ane as ig (oh a PW) ee a ord ee (17), ee eae d 1 ) =n cosit | - Bit e088 tg + Sa jag) — (i+1-cot @ 5 — aaa) Visa + AY: + PZ; + bi aY iat Find 1 @ +(sr006 ype wa) GY tel FG «Vg 5? His2-+} — Tea {r cosec 6(F; Wi + Fin Ww.) | She Meine AT 8 See eee (18), 20 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC 78 =n cos kt |- Ba Pde {(t-1)rV,-(¢+ 2)r-0_,_,} d + 99 Oi t+ D4i+ CiiPiit Dizi} += a i {tr (,B:W:+,Bin Ww | FE BnR SHC DOSE ERO EEE eAae (19), hy 1d BE aa ddd {(2 ad 1)r—7J; = (i + 2) rs Va ro =n cos kt |- Ce, + and dé {-C:¥;+ »D4;++CizYi4+ rD_;.2_+} ut = itn BiWs42B <5 w.)| Tagan a eee (20), 66 = n cos kt |- 4 108 {cosec 6 (r**V; + r*V_,_,)} d2 + dbdé {cosec 0 (,G;:Y;+,Hj;Z;+ »G@44Y 44+ -HiZ_i4)} @ wean So epee Ww.) tiene (21). § 5. To get rid of the troublesome prefix r in the surface conditions, we shall write A;, B; ete. for ,A;, ,B; etc., A’;, B’; ete. for ,A;, ,B; ete. Referring to (16), (19) and (20) we see that the six surface conditions (7) lead to the following six equations :— AY; SF BZ; a AL Vin sr Bi4Z A =; {t(¢—1)a®?*V;+ (64+ 1) (@+ 2) a7 V__} + : HRs sah vi visa ox ddeeseneett (22), OY;+ DZ;+ CiiYi4 + DiiZ__ Bort a ; ene 1 < =pilt-Da' 2V;-—(2+2) a7 Via} +— 7% Saletetete etela ciinieie oiolelsicieieleisieisicielseeeiets (23), Aj Y;+ BjZ;,+ A’isYiit+ BiaiaZ is Oe Panta! Ce = 7, 66-1) B74 G41) 4+ 6-7} + 2 RY .... ie (24), ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS, 21 C/ ¥;+ D/Z, + C’i Yi + Di. Z_i, 9 = Fel E-1) BV, — 64 2) Bg} HE TY seanssnssrcossvsonnsvsnnessen (25), aBW;+ aBy,W ii, = z eg CE EP PCET AES EPR Por ROPES PRET Teer? (26), bB W, + bB’.Wia= 2 Oe rr eT yea (27), These equations constitute two independent sets. The first set, consisting of the first four equations, determines the four unknowns Y;, Z;, Y_;,, Zi. These have to do either with the bodily forces or the surface forces of the first two classes. The second set, consisting of the remaining two equations, determines W; and W_;,. These have to do exclusively with the surface forces of the third class, The values of Y;, Z;, Vi, Zi, may of course in any case be easily written down in the shape of determinants, the denominators having the common value Ij, where i B;, Az 1; Bix C;, Di, Clas, Dix (28). eer errr reer reer err reer eee eee ree) Cy, Di, Can, Daa | The values of the determinants are however somewhat complicated, and the deduction of numerical results answering to given numerical values of k, a, b, m, n would entail a good deal of labour. The expressions given by (26) and (27) for W; and W_j;, are comparatively short, and numerical values would not be hard to deduce, supposing tables of the Bessel’s functions with arguments + (i+ 4) existent. § 6. Before proceeding further it is convenient to establish one very general relation between the displacements due to bodily forces and those due to surface forces when the elastic material is supposed incompressible. By an incompressible material is meant one in which the bulk-modulus m—4n is infinite, while the rigidity and Young’s modulus are finite; in other words, while n is finite n/m is zero. Referring to (9) we see that in such a material kaa vanishes compared to k§a. Here we assume k and a, and so k§a, finite. The general relation is as follows :— The displacements at any point of a sphere or spherical shell of incompressible material, due to bodily forces derivable from a potential V satisfying Laplace's equation, are identical with those due to pure radial surface forces equal to the product of the density p into the surface values of V. 22 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC For instance, in a spherical shell of radii a and 6 the displacements due to the bodily forces derivable from the potential 7‘V;coskt are identical with those due to the combined action of the radial surface forces R =pa'V;coskt over r=a, ‘R = pb'V; cos kt » r=. It will be sufficient to prove the relation for the terms depending on surface harmonics of degree 2. Since by hypothesis kaa is vanishingly small, we may im any expression neglect all but the algebraically lowest power. We thus get from (15), A;=. La (kaa) {(kBay — 21(i — 1)}, C;, = — La (kaa) x 2 (i—1), Ajn= Lia (kaa) {(kBa)? —2(¢+1) (1+ 2)}, Cjiwj= Lja* (kaa) x 2 (t+ 2) Taking R;=0, and using the above values of A; and A_,;,, we see that (22) may be written in the form A; 1%. ta a (ka)-*+3 v% af BZ; + A_j, han = a (kay? ae _ [PVA E = (i (é—l) a0, 4 641) (6 42)a-- V4} + pop, (ba) Vilao (aa) {(hi8a)*— 24 (i =1)} % => 7 (ka)i+# V_;_, La (kaa) {(kBa) — 2 (i +1) (i + 2)}, _ . (Vipa' + V_spa*) after reduction, using (9). Similarly (23), (24) and (25), in the absence of surface forces, may be written C; | en = (a)-t#3 vi 1D, elie { ano =< (leet)'+8 V2} tee ALLY phy (lei + Bide Al [Pat pay (had Vain} cB glib =* (Vipbi+ Vip), 1 Ly Gy 1%; * ae (deer) v; + DiZe + Cis {Pos +. (hat V4} Pa eas cer ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 23 Comparing these equations with (22), (23), (24) and (25), we see that the values of Yi+ ay (ea Mi, Zi, Vint pp (ha) Viand Z_, when there act only bodily forces derivable from the potential (r‘V;+7-*"V_,,) cos kt are identical with the values of Y;, 2, Yi, Zi respectively when there act only the pure radial surface forces R =p(a'V; +a" V__,) cos kt over r= a, | (30) HapGiicrer yeaa, ras f 5 PERE PR: Seamer nae ; Again, retaining only the algebraically lowest power of a, we may write (10) in the form = cos kt |- r-4D; (ka) {Fi 4 Er. (ka)-*3 vit +7 Ti (KBr)Z; + 1244-1) Li (ka) an + _ (ka)i*8 aa +77J_i4 (kBr) 2] This shows that when there act bodily forces derivable from the potential ('V;+7r— V_,_,) cos kt the expression for u is the same as when there act instead the surface forces required to give to Y;, Z;, Y_;, and Z_j;, respectively the values which belong to Y;+ a (ka)-*4 V;,, Z:; Vint pp (hay V_;, and Z_,, when the bodily forces act. The requisite system of surface forces as we have just seen is (30). Our theorem is thus established for the displacement uv. Its proof for v and w proceeds on the same lines and is even more easy, it being noticed that W; and W_;, in (11) and (12) vanish. The proof for the solid sphere is really included in the above; it is also easily given independently. The theorem, it need hardly be said, is not confined to forces varying with the time. If its deduction for the case of equilibrium, by regarding equilibrium as the limiting form of vibration when & vanishes, should seem questionable, it will be found a simple matter to deduce it directly from the equations of equilibrium, or to verify it in the explicit solutions I have given for the general case of equilibrium of the sphere* and spherical shell. A particular instance of the theorem was noticed by Professor G. H. Darwinf{ as long ago as 1879, and its truth in the general case of equilibrium of a solid sphere was established by myself in 1887$. In the future it is not unlikely a still more comprehensive result may be established applicable to all shapes of bodies. * Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans., Vol. xtv., equations (36) to t Phil. Trans. for 1879, pp. 6 et seg., and Phil. Trans. (38), pp. 264—5. for 1882, p. 200. + Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans., Vol. xv., equations (92) and § Camb. Phil. Soc, Trans., Vol. xtv., p. 265. (93), pp. 362—5. 7 ———— we 24 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC SOLID SPHERE. PurE RADIAL VIBRATIONS. § 7. The case of pure radial vibrations accompanying the application of the pure radial surface forces R= R, cos kt, where &, is a constant, can be deduced from the general case of the radial surface forces R= R, cos kt. where R, is a spherical harmonic of degree 1. It is desirable however to treat the pure radial vibrations independently, both on account of their importance and because they may accompany the action of a type of bodily force not provided for by the general solution. The type in question consists of a radial force 2V,r cos kt, where V, is a constant. The corresponding body-stress equations are found by writing V,7*coskt for V in (4). They thus answer to a species of potential, which does not however satisfy Laplace’s equation. Forces of this kind would arise in the case of rotation about an axis, if the angular velocity were a periodic function of the time. For supposing this angular velocity to be o cos k’t, and to take place about @=0, we may regard the “centrifugal” forces as answering to a potential V =} sin’ 6 cos* k't = 1 (w*r? — wr P;) (1 + cos 2K't), where P, is the second zonal harmonic. The potential 2 (wr? — w°7* P,) is a form considered in my equilibrium solution* ; the potential —4o%P, cos 2kh't comes under the general case of bodily forces considered presently; and the remaining term in the potential 4 w*7? cos 2h't is a special case of the problem we are just entering on, with Vio.=to%, k=2K. If from any cause gravity were supposed to contain any periodic terms, the corre- sponding forces would also be of the type specified. * Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans., Vol. xtv., pp. 286, et seq. ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 25 The problem proposed is to find the forced vibrations in a sphere of radius a due to the simultaneous or independent action of radial bodily forees 2V,7 cos kt, » surface ,, R, cos kt, where V, and &, are constants. Replacing V in (4) by V,r°cos kt, we find that a particular solution is SA eee a (31); for this makes A constant, while A, 35, © all vanish. The complete solution is thus u=cos kt |-z = Vor + Geary ay ae = cos kar} xo ecsteh sas Taste a (32), where A is a constant determined s sin kaa ‘sin kaa \ ? V, 4 [im + n)- ian ~ Gey ( aa ee kaa) | = R,+2 (3m —n) Jeo (33). Substituting in (32) the value of A determined by (33) we obtain the solution in its complete form. From a mathematical standpoint this is all that is wanted, but a complicated mathematical expression such as ensues can be made to yield the sort of information a physicist desires only when definite numerical values are ascribed to k, m/n, p and a. One can not foresee what individual cases are likely to be of most use, and the construction of elaborate tables for a large variety of values of hk, m/n &e. might be a waste of time. Further attention is thus confined to the case when the frequency of the applied forces is small compared to that of the fundamental note of the pure radial type of free vibrations. The frequency equation of this type is obtained by equating to zero the coefficient of A in (33). Denoting Poisson’s ratio (m—n)/2m by », we know that for the funda- mental vibration* kaa/a7 increases from °6626 when 7»=0, to 1 when y»='5. Our hypothesis thus amounts to assuming kza a small fraction, so that the trigonometrical series for sin kaw and coskaa are rapidly convergent. This being our first example, the method of treatment will be shown in some detail. Expanding in powers of kaa we transform (33) into 5m ade n 10 (Bm — * See Prof. Lamb in Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Vol. xmt., p. 202. Vou. XVI. Parr I. 4 a eeeee A 7m +3n V, 3 (3m —n) {1 — (kaa) \ = Ms = R,42(8m Ln) 2. ak ie ae) 280 (3m —n) Fy + 2(8m~n) ke 26 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC Thus we find from (32) u 3m—n \g OMm+N Ng lite on coskt 3 it Gon) 10 (8m — n) oe) 280 (3m —n) } _ 23m—n_ .. omt+n . 7m + 3n Soy es {1 — aay 70 Gm =n) t 2) 80 (8m —n) °°" } se {Ro+ 2 (3m —n) ua ; {1 = = + a om } =} Ror {1 — A, (kar)...... } 5m +n 3m —n ° 3m —n ne E =i — 5 hee? ( (Tm + 3n \ at 1°) + hy Mat (SP at — rt) SBOoGC i; / / 3m — n It is important to notice that the principal terms in the coefficient of V, cut out. But for this, the approximation need not have been carried so far, as the fourth and higher powers of kaa are neglected in our final result. Taking the coefficient of uw to the other side of the equation and reducing, we have to the specified degree of approxi- mation _ Ror cos kt 1 yo, (om +n) &@ — (38m —n) x? Y= ann E + is Hp (m+n) (3m — n) cos kt 3 : se Gas Gm) | (om +n)e@—(38m—n)r° kp Z —___F______ { Dan? Wer * 140 (m +n) (3m —n) {(245m? + 130mn + 29n?) a — 14(8m—n) (5m +n) wr? + 5 (8m — np | Fano 30008 (34). For the value u, of the displacement at the surface we find ee K°a*p (5m + 3n) } 35 (m +n) (3m — n) _ ak, cos kt ( a kea%p ) 2a° Vp cos kt { lg = === = “ 3m—n 3m —n 5 (3m — n) When the terms containing /* in (34) are neglected, we obtain for the displacement an expression identical with that supplied by the equilibrium theory. This is I think obvious @ priori, and merely serves as a confirmation so far of the accuracy of the work. When we have only surface forces we may, to the present degree of approximation, start at once by neglecting terms in (kaa)* in the coefficient of A in (83). When however there are bodily forces it is quite different. The particular solution (31), as containing /* in the denominator, becomes infinite when /=0, and so the complementary solution is bound to supply a term in k~ to cut it out. Thus if in substituting for A in (32) one went only as far as the (kaa)? term, one would arrive only at the equilibrium value of wu. Terms in f* it is true would appear in the denominator, answering to the coefficient of A in (33), but in the absence of the terms of the same degree which should appear in the numerator their presence would be absolutely useless, if not misleading. ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 27 Unless the approximation is carried so far as to give correctly the terms of order (kaa)? in uw it is impossible to form a trustworthy estimate of the degree of accuracy of the equilibrium theory. Supposing for instance kaa = 1/10, it is quite true that (kaa) itself is small compared to 1, but until one knows the size of the numerical coefficients of the terms of order (kaa)’ it is illegitimate to characterise them as negligible. Strictly speaking, even when the terms of order (kaa)* are determined, one is hardly justified in drawing physical conclusions without having regard to the possible importance of terms containing higher powers of k. That these terms must in reality be very small may however be readily seen by reference to the rapidity with which a~ sina and a(x sin #—cos#) converge when «# is small. Returning to (34), we see that the coefficient of * is positive for all possible values of r in the case both of #, and V,. Thus the displacement is always and everywhere greater than according to the equilibrium theory. An idea of the magnitude of the difference between the dynamical and equilibrium theories is most easily derived from the surface value (35) of the displacement. In terms of Poisson’s ratio we thence deduce for the ratio of the dynamical to the equilibrium value :-— in the case of R, kepa® 1 — 2m —7 a 10(1+7) ° ae OL + (kaa)? 1 a san, +7) in the case of V, Kepa? (1—2n)(4—87) {2 (4-82) . sas wi 1, or 14+ (kaa) 35(1+7) Taking /*pa*/n as constant, we see that as increases from 0 to ‘5 the term in /*, or 2 02 oy? what may be called the dynamical correction, diminishes from — to 0 in the case of the surface forces, and from ——— ss to 0 in the case of the bodily forces. In cases where the frequency weal is compared with the frequency K/27 of the fundamental free radial vibration the following table will be found instructive. The quantity dynamical value of uw tabulated is equilibrium value of wa’ TABLE I. n= 0 25 3 a 5 | Case of Surface forces ke ie ke SPAS R, cos kt 1+ 0867 7 1+ 0789 7, 1+0753 75 140658 & Case of Bodily forces ke ke | ie ke = 5 = | 0-968 — 1+0°940 — ayer 1 +0990 7 | 140976 7; | 1+ zi | i+ EK | 4—2 28 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC The dynamical correction is always more important for the bodily than the surface forces. In the case of the bodily forces the coefficient of k*/K? is wonderfully constant. SOLID SPHERE. Mrxep RADIAL AND TRANSVERSE VIBRATIONS. § 8. The typical vibrations are those answering to the bodily forces derivable from the potential 7‘V;cos kt, and to the surface forces dT; dé coskt, B= ile af; cos kt. R=R;coskt, O= ana oe To determine the values of Y; and Z; in the general solution (10), (11), (12), we have by (22) and (23) AY; + B&=2i(i—1)a-Vi+~ Bi, yg wbvlincisebaadincetstreeee ees (36). CY;+ DZ,= EB (t—1)a*V;+ - T; al : af 1 Thus Y;= = (¢—1)(@D;— B) a“ V+ = (R;D; — 7.8} = il soresasaueeen (37), Za {RG -W(As— 0) eV + * Bes ROD} =Th where Il; = A;D; = BC;. A;, B;, C;, D;, being obtained by writing a for r in equations (15), are known quantities; thus the substitution in (10), (11) and (12) of the values of Y; and Z; given by equations (37) supplies the complete mathematical solution of the problem proposed. We shall confine our further attention to the case when the frequency of the forced vibrations is small compared to that of the fundamental free vibration of the type mixed radial and transverse. This is equivalent to assuming kaa and k8a small compared to unity. For shortness we shall write 2 for kaa and y for ka. Taking (14) for the definition of the Bessel, we find i247 ie %+3 " 2Qi+3)7" 4(+3) Qi+5) 1 2a (@— 4) (7+ 3) > + 3@i43)Qi4¢5) 7” + wor hee | sS0do¢ (38), A;=La-ta3 |- 2(i—-1)+y?+ e a+1 t1+3 a Ores dete cl eS Se a ee eee i 1— Faia) 4 +8 i438) Gite)” 7a+5 oe ts a ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 29 yy oes eat i do; : F (eet Som is Fee ee ee: — d. j — 2 i d | do I tly ee ale le i le aia? ae ae do; 1 da; zs bess ak vit ddd. fle a \ 7, aaa —p dd? Eee The single integrals obviously both vanish under the specified conditions of the problem, and the double integral reduces by means of Laplace’s equation to +1 f2r i+ [_ [oir duds, Tete 0, which proves the lemma. Now by (54), the value of the fractions being independent of 6 and ¢, Sa Qa | i (uq)?sin Od@dd when tangential forces alone act / 0/0 = a a a i a | | (7,)? sin Odd 0/0 | | vt {(vq)? + (Wa)*} sin @d@dd when radial forces alone act 0 =?(i+1P— a Js {Caa') + Gara ‘ag,) } 20048 and by (55) this is equivalent to mln | i (Uq)? sin Od@dg@ when tangential forces alone act oso m flr i | {(va)? + (wa)?} sin Od@d when radial forces alone act oso ie \(aa) ate (aa at sin 0dédd : (56). PP cee ae adode 00s cecccecscccceccuceas J 0/0 Now the resultant tangential displacement and the resultant tangential force at any (= adT;\? point of the surface are respectively V(vq)?+(wa)? and oh (FF =a ) cos kt. Vou. XVI. Part I. 5 34 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC Thus (56) signifies that the mean square of the surface radial displacements due to tangential surface forces bears to the mean square of the surface tangential displacements due to radial surface forces the same ratio that the mean square of the former set of forces bears to the mean square of the latter. As the result (56) holds equally when k2 sin? kt is written for cos?kt in both numerator and denominator of the left hand _ side, we may regard the theorem as holding for the kinetic energies of the radial and tangential surface motions in the two cases instead of for the mean squares of the displacements. CasE 1=2. § 11. The second case of mixed radial and transverse forced vibrations I have worked out is that when 7=2, there being no restriction on the value of n/m. The applied forces consist of bodily forces from the potential 7°V, cos kt, and the surface forces R= R, cos kt, ary. i O= de °° Kt, Lear. Oo= ae do cos kt. Putting i=2 in (38) to (44), and substituting in (37), we find Y, and Z,; then employing these values in (45), (46) and (47) we ultimately obtain for the displacements Balecosien 5. ee eae, ea (19m — 5n) | 2 (4m — n) a? — (8m —n)1 kp ™ ee. - * 84n (m +n) (19m — 5x) {(2009m* + 1047 mn — 855mn* + 123n°) a — 4 (259m? + 113m2n — 141 mn? + 21n*) a*7* + (19m — 5n) (Tm? + Gmn — Bn’) | R, cos kt ra~ n\(19m — 5n) [sm —n)@—3(m—n)r kp $ 2, 2 3 4 ats T2n(m +n) (19m — 5n) {(287m + 217mn — 82mn? + 12n) a — 4 (37m + 34m2n — 28mn? — n°) ar? + (19m — Sn) (m? + 2mn — 2n*) | T, cos kira | , ; . + 7 (193 (19m — 5n) E (m — n) (a? + 2r*) Kp oe 3 5a ="! 2 1 3 4 +e GaeLay Con = on) {(169m? + 5m?n — 122mn? + 18n°) w —(m—n) (23m? — 44mn — 19n?) a2r? — (19m — 5n) (m?+ 2mn — 2n*) 4] ree (57), ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 35 P= cdi “cos kt r | 9 —n)ai—(5m —n)12 = on =) (4m — n) a? — (5m — n)1 kp —<$_*_______ f¢ 2 3 2n — 855 2 23n3 + o5, GES a) {3 (2009m* + 1047m*n — 855mn? + 128n*) at — 4 (1295m + 782m'n — 474mn? + 63n°) a*r* + (19m — hn) (49m?+ 42mn — Yn?) | dR, @ cos kt ra~* [sm —n) a? —(5m + 2n) 7° + ae Ey = { 362 (m+n) (19m — 5n) + on (19m — 5n) 3 (287m® + 217m?n — 82mn? + 12n*) at — 2 (870m + 402m2n — 21mn? + 19n*) a*r?+ (19m — 5n)(Tm?+ 14mn + 4n2) “| oS cos kt ra~ Ti Som=an) [2 (m—n) a? + 2 (5m + 2n) 7? kp 3 =D 2 3) qs oa Toe Cr Lon ba) {3 (169m* + 5m*n — 122mn? + 18n°) a — (115m — 345m?n — 309mn? + Tn’) ar? — (19m — 5n) (Tm? + 14mn + 4n*) | Shoe SUS: (58), d 5 < =| Expression obtained by writing - = dé Sas = UAT ANALG OLR | receoseneaeetaee (59). For the corresponding value of the dilatation we have 7 Bln? + 33mn — 6n*) a— 8n (19m — 5n) r*) 42n (m +n)(19m — 5n) j ©” cos kt A= Tye aa | 2 V, {1+ kp +21R,a- \1 +Rp (62m? + 259mn + 29n?) a? — 9n (19m — 5n) “| 126n (m+ n)(19m — 5n) re (5m? + 217mn + 44m?) a? — 9n (19m — 5n) 7? : —422a- | + kp ISSR TD Bat feeeseeee (60) T, 1 dT, The coefficients of Z.k°a%7* in (57), ‘S k*a?r? in (58) and = amar k*a*r* in (59) are the only ones whose sign alters as n/m varies from 0 to 1. The surface values of the displacements are rendered more concise by the employment of Poisson’s ratio »=(m—n)/2m. Thus we get pV. cos kt(2 + 7) a® | Kpa? 91 + 81 + 27° ; eT (GEST) 422-4 n 42(2+)(7 +57) R, cos kt (7 — 4) a 1 kepa? 35 — 4m + 267? 2n (7 + 5m) | n 6(7 —4m)(7 + 5n) T, cos kt 9na {1 kpa® 7 + 55m — 117? n(7 + 5m) n 54m (7+ 5) 36 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC p cos kt(1 +n) a 2n (7 + 5n) {1 x k*pa? 91 + 222n + 817? | n 126(1+%)(7+ 5m) dR, cos kt 3na 1 k°pa? 7 + 55n — at d@ 2n(7+ 5m) n 54m (7 +5n) ae cos kt (7 — n) a dé | Kpa? 49 —2n + 677 ) (62) Tal Loa) = Ga Geunie e ; : 2 38 1d ad. Wq =| Expression obtained by writing Tuas: for de value) (Of)! <2 .-.--s2-«( 68) The tangent of the angle which the resultant displacement at any point of the surface makes with the normal is given for the bodily forces by f / (aay. 3 1 aV,y Ve ae V ( dé / Sa 6 dd, ae A k*pa? 13 —12n (64) Ung V; 2(2+ 7) n 126(1+m)(2+)) 7" ; for the radial surface forces by af ey 1 — 2 2 a5 GE e/a yes a2 2 2 Vg? + Wee ral ( dé , = 0 dd 3n (y , Mpat 7 +7 — 387") (65) = Ua =— = oh Ff = 4en { n 54m (7 = 4m) J > for the tangential surface forces by ah a +( 1 ee) Vg + Wa? = \sin @ dé / 7—n it: K*pa? 7 + 28m — ver (66) uP ae 5 SC ay L The coefficients of k*pa*/n inside the square brackets in (61), (62) and (63) are obviously positive for all values of » from 0 to °5, which we shall regard as limiting values. Thus in every case the dynamical correction supplies an increase to the numerical values of the surface displacements. dk, The coefficient of 7Z, in the value of wg bears to the coefficients of “ado and 2 ese in the values of v4 and w, the ratio 6:1, or 2x3: 1. The results established sin 6 dd ; in § 10 for incompressible material thus hold for all values of » when i= 2. An idea of the size of the dynamical correction to the surface values of the displace- ments in the several cases will perhaps be most easily derived from the following Table II. The quantity tabulated is dynamical value of displacement equilibrium value of displacement’ ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 37 TABLE II. Fo 06 Displace- | ior a p noting ment = 0 25 3 y radial =| 1+: sas 1+- 144g “0° | 1+- 1495 Hew | 1+ 1386 — Bodily gee if tangential | 1 +1032 ae % : . stop = ES sy 1 + 71238 - Re radial 1 +1190 “P® | 1 + -1199 * ee 1 +1241 be 114-1386 La Surface n | dial aaa | tangential ) 1+ 1801 i =e 1 +1546 Ko | 1+: sess "0 ee radial © 1 +1801 Ke 14-1546 ‘eet 1 +1238 kp Surface n tangential 2 2? ees eee | 8 | tangential | 1+ ‘05 ia - 205 z 1+ 0536 be 1+ 0583 K’pa? UG | nu Regarding = as constant, it will be seen that the influence of the value of » on the size of the dynamical correction is comparatively small, except in the case of the radial displacement arising from tangential surface forces and the tangential displacement arising from radial surface forces. These are cases in which the equilibrium values of the displace- ments absolutely vanish with 7. In the case of the radial surface forces the dynamical correction to ~ passes through a minimum when 7 is ‘11 approximately, and in the case of the tangential surface forces the corrections to vq and w, pass through a minimum when 7» is ‘20 approximately. From (64), (65) and (66) we see that the dynamical correction makes the direction of the resultant displacement at any point of the surface approach the normal in the ease of the bodily forces and the tangential surface forces, and likewise in the case of the radial surface forces when » exceeds ‘443. § 12. The action of the bodily forces of the present case in a sphere of incom- pressible material has, as stated in § 1, been already considered in some detail by Mr A. E. H. Love. The result at which Mr Love arrives, |. c. p. 327, is with our present notation —38 kpa 29 | vial | Scale 189 | fen Bindi. \ i iso haa | win anita sin\olnlsty Hiclewin dare terete (67). a ta 189) From this result Mr Love draws the following conclusion :— 38 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC “For a sphere of the mass and diameter of the earth, and of the rigidity of steel or iron, executing vibrations of the species considered with a semi-diurnal period, we have, in C.G.S. units 27/k =12 x 60 x 60, p=5°6, n= 800 x 10°, a= 640 x 105, so that kaVp/n=1/4 nearly. It follows from this that the neglect of (ka Vp/n)* would be fairly justifiable in the case of such a body. We conclude that in the case of an elastic solid earth the bodily tides would follow the equilibrium law.” (lc. p. 328.) As explained in a parallel case in § 7, the result (67) does not really proceed beyond the equilibrium value; what we have to consider is the magnitude not of (ka Vp/n) but of the term in (kaVp/n)? which actually occurs in u,. For this purpose we refer to Table II, and taking Mr Love’s hypothetical value ka Vp/n=1/4 we find that the ratio of the dynamical to the equilibrium value of w,q is 1:009 : 1 approximately ; so that the dynamical correction is slightly under 1 per cent. The application to the earth of results obtained by the mathematical theory of homogeneous isotropic elastic solids is of course highly speculative. The best value to assign to the rigidity » im such an application is largely a matter of opinion. The elastic moduli of iron, however, are much higher than those of most known substances. It would thus perhaps be better—especially as the maximum error involved in the equilibrium theory is of more interest than the minimum—to assign to m a considerably lower value than Mr Love does. If there is any reason to suppose that the earth but for its rotation would be a true sphere, then a value such as 32x10’ grammes weight per square centimetre has something to commend it*, and it is at least a fair average value for known materials. With this alteration im Mr Love's data we find for the ratio of the dynamical to the equilibrium value of uw, the considerably higher value NODE Even with these figures, however, the approximation supplied by the equilibrium theory is still very close, so that Mr Love’s conclusion appears less open to criticism than the reasoning on which he based it. As the absolute size of the tidal disturbance due to the moon’s attraction in a hypothetical earth of this sort may possess some interest, I have evaluated (61) and (62) taking p=5°5, n=32x10" grammes wt. per sq. cm., 27/k=12 x 60x 60, a=64x 10’, accepting for V, the estimate given in Thomson and Tait’s ‘Natural Philosophy’ Part II. Art. 812. The departure of the earth from a spherical form and its mutual gravitation are left out of account, and the dynamical correction is neglected. Taking the foot as * See Phil. Mag. Sept. 1891, p. 250. ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 39 unit of length, and supposing the line joining the centres of the earth and moon taken as axis of the harmonic, I find approximately Ug = jp Jeb cos kt, Va = — $sin 26 cos kt. The amplitude of the displacements due to the sun’s action would be about half as big. Supposing simultaneous astronomical observations to proceed at two distant stations on the earth’s surface, there might under favourable conditions, under the joint influence of the sun and moon, be apparent fluctuations in their relative latitudes such as might possibly suggest a displacement of the polar axis, A second of are on the earth’s surface answers to nearly 100 feet, so that judging by the preceding figures any effect of the kind must be extremely small; still those conducting the very delicate observa- tions by which a displacement of the earth’s axis is attempted to be measured might do well to arrange their experiments so as to secure the elimination so far as possible of any effect of the kind. SURFACE FORCES DERIVABLE FROM A POTENTIAL. § 13. In the third case of mixed radial and transverse vibrations referred to in §9 the surface forces, radial as well as tangential, are derivable from a potential of the form ra} §; cos kt, where S; is a surface harmonic of degree 7 This gives in terms of our previous notation Vij OVERS 4S, ol, = Soo csaet ees oneeapap eee E iecanpoce n= (68). The solution is easily obtained without any restriction to the values of 7 or m/n by means of the following artifice. The equilibrium terms* in the displacements are known to be wri q-it2 u= 2n (i —1) S, cos Iti at ORAS A pae cans Nesecesane Omerc wasters (69), 25S ae aS EL CES a dé sin@ dd and so are derivable by differentiation from the potential rq Daten) S; cos kt. Suppose now for a little we employ fixed cartesian coordinates x, y, z, the dis- placements relative to these being a, 8, y. Also let a=a,+ ka, * Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans., Vol. xv., Equations (109), p. 379. 40 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC where a, is the equilibrium value. Then as we have just seen Le ae ea ey me, iia Gace Hoes he vasisce teoe daec sec beeen (70). We notice that a, &o, Y themselves are solid spherical harmonics, and that the corresponding dilatation A, vanishes. There being no bodily forces, the first body stress equation is m = + nV72a — ia dx ane we The terms independent of /* vanish, and the terms in & give dA, m ae +nV%a,+ pa =0. Thus substituting the value of a from (70), we have A. att P d i Fea nV*a, + p ae Re 1) 78; cos ie} = Oss ceases eter (71). m This is identical with the ordinary equilibrium equation dA : dV m de t UV +P ae =0, for the case of bodily forces derivable from a potential V, provided qo V= GS 7S; cos kt. Again there are no terms in #* in the surface forces derived from the potential ra; cos kt ; thus the terms containing /° in the expressions for the displacements must by themselves satisfy the equations for a free surface. The terms /°2, &c. in the displacements arising from the given system of surface forces thus satisfy the same body-stress equations, and the same surface equations, as the displacements supplied by the equilibrium theory for the case when there act bodily forces derivable from the potential keg In (i — 1) rs; cos kt. Consequently the terms in &* in the displacements of the present problem must be identical with the displacements in the specified case of equilibrium. They are thus deducible at once from my general solution for the equilibrium of a solid sphere*. * Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans., Vol. xiv., Equations (36) to (39), pp. 264—265. ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 4] The expressions to which we are thus led are bd S:cos ktir’1a-i+# F a kp v {i +2)m—n} a?—(i—1) {(i+1)m—n} bid (72) © 2n.@—=1) n 2 (4 — 1) (20? + 40 +3) m— (21+ 1) n} = ae a. w _ cos kira 3 rege fal aca Ee aw —(i—1){%+3)m—n} | (73) a: iy aS; 2n («—1) n 2(¢—1) (2? + 4¢4+3)m—(2i+1)n} J d@ sin dd The corresponding dilatation is given by Aaa Sains COE aldol geen) wodtheire 20 1 (74). n 2@—1) (Qi + H+ 3) m—Qi+ 1pm} It is zero on the equilibrium theory. For the surface values of the displacements we have ape ta; cos kt K*pa? (ic) on 7 (75) “In (i—1) n 2(t—1){(2?+4¢+38)m—(2t4+1)n}} Ya _ Wa COS kt 1 k*pa? 3m —7n (76) dS; 1 dS; 2n(t—1) nm 2(¢—1) (2+ 4043) m— (224+ 1) nj} ; dé sin@ dd The dynamical correction tends as usual to increase the surface displacements ; it is relatively more important for the radial than the tangential displacements. Its importance, for a given frequency of vibration, diminishes rapidly as 7 increases. The results (72) to (76) may be verified for the case n/m=0 by putting R;/i=7;=S; in (48) to (53), and for the case t=2 by putting R/2=7,=S, in (57) to (63). It was in fact a study of the solutions found in these two cases that led me to the train of reasoning by which the results (72) to (76) are deduced here. § 14. Before quitting the subject of mixed radial and transverse vibrations, it is worth noticing that near the centre of the sphere in all the preceding cases the dis- placements are deducible, to a close degree of approximation, from a species of potential function Q, such that This is easily verified in the several formulae, retaining in each only the lowest power of r. The values of @ in the several cases are as follows :— for incompressible material, with 7 any value, cos ktria~*2 27> + 18c4 + 4123 + 337? + 177 + 15) = D) 2 o= Qn (i — 1) (2? + 47 + 3) [+ pi vi) {ia Be 4n (t —1) (20 +5) (22 + 4743) J oe ag U(2i + 8H — 19% — 725 — 45) 2 — Ti+ 1) [Pi + pa a oe Vor. XVI Parr fF. 6 42 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC for case i= 2, with n/m any value, cos kt r* ‘ : os 2n (19m — 5n) [pa V, {2(4m —n)+k*pa? (2009m? + 1047m?n — 855mn? + a 84n (m+ n) (19m — 5n) 287m? + 217m2n — 82mn? + 12n8 = a2 2 +R,{8m SC SPLTEE 12n (m + n) (19m — 5n) a a ee Jana 3 +7, {3 (m=—n)+ Kpas Or + Sen ee | Sea (79): 6n (m+n) (19m — 5n) for case of surface forces derivable from potential r‘a~*18; cos kt, _ 8; cos kt ria? ig 7 {(i+2)m—n} Ss Qn (t—1) [1 +p Qn (i —1) {(2? + 4¢ + 3) m — (27 + 1) 2} SOLID SPHERE. PurE TRANSVERSE VIBRATIONS. § 15. The typical surface forces are af dt; dt; - eae ® = — — cos kt, dé see § 2. For the value of W; in the general solution (11) and (12) we have by (26) aBW; = 2 Tee n When the frequency of the forced vibrations is small compared to that of the funda- mental vibration of the pure transverse type depending on a harmonic of degree 7, we may employ the approximation (39) for B;. Doing so we find eventually, retaining only terms in i? in addition to the equilibrium values, vw ___cosktria (t+1)e@-—(i-l1)r° “nah < da ECD E + kp SETICEOH sevadesten aeeee (81). sin 6 dd dé The dynamical correction obviously increases the numerical value of the displacements for all values of 1; this increase, relatively considered, diminishes however as r increases. For the surface values of the displacements we have Ve _—« Wa__ ~acoskt k°pa? 1 : a sD nm Gales) Cee (82). sin 6 dd dé For given values of k, p, a and n the relative importance of the dynamical correction falls off rapidly as 7 increases. ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 43 SPECIES t=1 OF PuRE TRANSVERSE VIBRATIONS. § 16. This species, called by Prof. Lamb the rotatory, claims special attention. Taking for simplicity the axis of the harmonic as the line 6=0, we have the applied forces given by Dian RIN OICORIRD ase acade eae connate coh ee. (83), where 7, is a constant. Such a force system is not in statical equilibrium except when coskt=0, but has a resultant couple Sra*t, cos kt about the line @=0. If the time factor did not exist, the couple would produce a continually accelerated angular velocity about @=0, and the displacements might be regarded as tending to become infinite. When the time factor exists, however, this ceases to be the case. Treat- ing the sphere as a rigid body, the azimuth @, relative to a plane fixed in space, of any plane fixed in the body and containing @=0, satisfies, it will be found, the differential equation 2 = = — 7, cos kt. If we suppose @=0 when t=7/2k _ _ 51, cos kt we get o=—- outlay : This answers, so long as & is not zero, to a simple harmonic oscillation about a mean position corresponding to ¢=0. The displacement of the point (7, @) from its mean position, measured along the are of the small circle on which the point moves, is TISIN Ol OLN —1 977 SILO COS|ICti Tal] PUAlcr ae ceepeseeines esse eeeeeee (84). The formulae (81) and (82), if in them we put 7=1, lead to the obviously erroneous result that the displacements are infinite. This is due to the mathematical treatment, which assumed the value (39) of B; to be replaceable by B; = L;2a y3 (¢— 1) + {1 - saan 7} ; This is satisfactory unless i=1, but in that case we have instead B, =— L,2a-hy? . Bey? (1 — ey + AY) ccceeecceeccneceeeecesecees (85). Using this, we find in place of (81) pat F 5r k*p Tr? — 5a? =e 6374 — 1267°a? + 55a4 - w=—7, sin 6 coskt mal fra as YO + (= eae cas ewancsise OO); and in place of (82) a2 2 2 2\2 W_ =— 7, sin 6 cos kt op = es (Fee) | ond sath «ai (87). 44 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC The principal term in (86) taken alone would give Pees Cau COs Kb), oe ees ee, (88). park? Answering to this, however, we see by reference to (2) that the stresses are all zero. In other words (88) must represent a rigid body displacement, and comparing it with (84) we see it must stand for the displacement supplied by ordinary Rigid Dynamics. Omitting the rigid body displacement, we get for the true elastic displacement = kp 63r*— 126 7 ra? + 55a) a2 2 ‘ =7,S1 s kt —— 772 — 5a? — pi earn ated (Co }!))). w=7,sin 6 cos kt 1 1G 5a =. 259 | (89) and for its surface value : a k*pa? We = 7, sin 6 cos kt Tn {1 +5 “ee AEC SEC ease oan IOS ope on eee (90). If these results hold when & is small—and the proof seems pretty satisfactory,—it is on physical grounds difficult to see how the results w =7,s8In Or (Tr? — 5a*)/14na’, Wa = sin 6 a/7n can fail to hold for the elastic displacements in the sphere under the action of the surface force ® =7,sin 6. We thus appear to have hit on the solution of a problem which seemed insoluble when approached from the ordinary equilibrium equations. Our solution throws light on an aspect of the case left dark by ordinary Rigid Dynamics, viz. the mode in which the influence of the surface forces is transmitted inwards. We now see that the surface material forges ahead, following the lead of the applied forces, while the central material lags behind. The total displacement is in fact by (91) greater or less than the rigid body displacement according as the point considered les outside or inside of the spherical surface r— aN 5/1. and to elastic strains and stresses depending thereon, but these may be separately treated. They prescribe a hmit to the application of the elastic solid theory. The rigid body rotation gives origin to “centrifugal forces’ The dynamical correction is seen by (90) to increase as usual the surface value of the elastic displacement. THIN SPHERICAL SHELL. § 17. We now proceed to consider the second class of forced vibrations referred to in § 1, viz. the vibrations of any frequency in a thin shell. By a thin shell is meant one whose thickness h bears to a, the radius of the outer surface, a ratio whose lowest power only need be retained in any mathematical expression occurring in the solution. This may imply of course a limitation in some of the results. ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 45 Supposing there to be only surface forces, given by (7), acting on the outer surface we find that equations (22) to (27) may be written y y , 1 AiY;+B;4,+ A4iYi1+ Biiziu= = R;, OY; 4+ DiZ;4+ Ci aYii+ DiiZiu= : T;; (4:40) Yi+ (B-Sa5") Zi+ (4-1 — 2 gh) ) gras da a da da (92) h (tas ft (Bs = ike ea) a i= 0 / h_ de; h dD; I, GAO NY (G.—F0 ge) Fit (De- 54 Gg) Ht (Cr Ge i) + (Dis — he o) MiGs =I) a da 2 BBW Ee aB. ow = } a ee (93). {abs Loe (aby W;+ {ab i- ha. = 7 (0B. )f=0 0| The first four and the last two of these equations form independent systems. Taking first equations (92), we find for the value of the determinant IJ; formed of the coefficients as in (28), Tae (2 A;, B;, PAleraar ‘Bas . C;, D;, Cole DES afi wei dA_;+, dBi, eae in » @ da” a Ad | cort crete eee teeeeenee (94). dG; aD, Win Win Tre Ta dg 2. | In finding the values of II; and of Y;, Z, YV_ii, Zi. use is made of the following results obtainable from the definitions (15) :— g Wi 2 eC Se) ) ” “da y? —2(1—1) (7+ 2) Eres — 4a? (# setae) 1 ibe AC Dae : y? — 2 (i— 1) (4+ 2) 1 i _ FWD; ip=an es - 2B; {y? =3G=1) +2) * da —2(t—1) (t+ 2) —— . dC, _2A,{at— (6-1) (6+ 2)} — 40; {ye— a — =) G+2)} _ da y —2(¢—1) G+ 2) 4 Di ee —4(i—1) (¢+2) da “yp —2(¢—1)(¢4+2) 1 pes 2y? (2? + 21-1) +4(¢@—1) 1(4 +1) @ +2) Qi (t+ 1) {y2— 2 (i — 1) (+ 2)} ) 46 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC where as before r= k°aa?, y? = k°B?a?. Writing A_;.,...D., for Aj,...D; respectively in the above, we obtain without further change the values of ee — in terms of A_;4,...D_;,. This follows from the fact that the substitution of —z—1 for +7 leaves unaltered 7(i+1) and ({—1) (i+ 2). Writing for shortness A;C_in = CAs = M; y—2(@—1)@+2)— o| (96) DB; = Bopl Sai ), y— 2-1 (@+2) we obtain from (95) and the corresponding formulae with the sufix —1—1 the following results :— Lape en a 4M; {y* — 442 (@ +448) + 160? 4 (i —1) (6 +2) +))} «.....97), d; dC_y_ is Aa Gg Ava a 2 AM, (op =a? S01) 0 2) oie cavecs see seocuseaes sakes Pua teantae (98), Ce es a (tip ES Todas = ST os Oy eR acer ee (99), da da S dC; dC_j 4.72 . C_s=,.a =— a Ca aa == as (i — ct feta cred isanteiteey deans ea «sneha << urine eer (100), dA; dCin_ @A-in aC; : pis a ee eae = M; {ya — y? (@ +74 2) — 2a (t— 1) (0 + 2) +2(¢—1) (i+ 2)(i— 2) (4 + 8)}......(101), pena — Bia ae =O (G9 1) Ne (op 16 — Yee Se arose ese caces Pee eee eee (102), dD; aD_;- B_j.a7 7 — Bia By E == — Nilfot SANGO GEE 2) sc seve ctcesece cette stecesons. cacemaene (103), ees Ep ge oN Fee (=I) (ie) lala nae ease Heh ERROR arc: (104), da da dD; dDz5 1 Bes eee. ; Perens : Dee De = aE ily - 2 + 2-1) +4 (i= 1) (6 +2)i@ + 1)}...105), i abe _ t= 4 dB; “da” da da da “= N; {y'- (Bi B62) + 26-1 +2) 6-2) 43)}-- .(106). ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 47 Returning now to (94), we have (a/hy M;=(A ed dA; A; aes ‘ (D ar Tah adD_,, ' da da + (a 8B 8B) (0.0 — oe ae Ha (p Laas Bi; — Dia om “out te) laa kOe = OF A) (a4 dD; IB UB; Di 7 da er PR da. + (DBs .-BD)(a ag 22. aia ae ee (107). Substituting from equations (97)...(106), we find on reduction he MN; ; : F , pl Seen ET Cnu Ca {@- 1@+ 2) (By? — 4a?) — 4 (22 + 21+ 5) y' + (P4044) ya? t hy}. (108). i= This expression is convenient for our present purposes. When desirable, however, the values of M; and JN; are easily substituted. For by the definitions (15), we get 2 ; , M; = Be. 2 {J i+} (x) dian (x) = Ji4 (x) Af —i-} (a)}. Thus using the definition (14) of the Bessel’s, with the corresponding result @ {ST s44 (@) J-i-y (@) — Sing (©) J i-4 (@)} = (20+ 1) LLY, we have 9 (9; M;= a Tie Li. Similarly Be ry. LOS wa+ljas Fala Hence finally MN, _ (26+1) LD) Aon) iG cea The employment of (109) in (108) supplies an elegant value for II;, showing exactly how it depends on the definition of the Bessel’s functions. §18. As we intend retaining only lowest powers of h/a we may regard the displacements as constant throughout the thickness, and so write a@ for r in the general formulae (10), (11), (12). We can then express the coefficients of Y;, Z;, Yi4, Zi. in these formulae in terms of A,, B; etc. 48 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC For instance the coefficient of Y;coskt in (10) is tac, ~ (kBay = 2(¢—1) i+ my Treating each coefficient in (10) in this way, and writing y* for (k8a)*, we find after reduction {a u/cos kt} {y? —2 (@ = 1) (a SF 2)} =— (A: Y; a BZ; ar Ae as + Be D3) —t(¢+1)(C,Y¥,+ DZ, + CiaY.4+ Di.Z_) + $y? (GY; + C_1.Y__). Whence by means of the two first surface conditions (92), we get 1 R+iGeDZ GYe5C:, Wiss wm acos tt | a Ty tis STEEN Ree (110) Treating (11) and (12) in a similar fashion, we find d 1 R;+ 27; ey B24 Bij Zi PCOS ap [=s ny—2(¢—1)(¢+2) UG+D) yY—-2—-1) GF = ae Sa i d 2 w= | expression obtained by writing = nb dd ree 6 MeL VEN: WED Son6coo0- (112). Taking now the four equations (92), and combining the determinants arising in the values of Y; and Y_,,, we find without serious difficulty OVE CEV Ge BM Malas a y—2%—-1)%4+2) na Tl; (i +1) R; {y'— 2y? (22+ 2i— 1) + 4¢ (@ 4-1) 24} + Ty(3y¢ — 4°) wee (113). Similarly we find Ei sR ane LR; (39? — 402) — 47; (y* — 12y? + 1622)]......(114). y—2(i-1)\G+2) na MN; I; the resulting expressions in (110), (111) and (112), we find _acoskt{ R:+71@+1)7,; = ye —2(t—1) (t+ 2) a Ri {2Q#+2%— ly H+ Dae y| +2441) MBP 40°) ] G45) h 4(¢—1) (0+ 2) (By? — 4a?) + 4yra? (F@ +74 4) — 2p (224 WH 5/4 ys] ” _ acoskt d re R;+2T; n d@| y®—2(¢—1)(i4+2) wt 2R; (By? — 4a) + 7; {4 (By? — 4a) — 5 iE (as) ier ue x (2 +7 +4)— 2y! (Qe? + W+ 5) +y8 ; Substituting in (113) and (114) the value of * from (108), and then introducing n w= | expression obtained by writing —— in value of o| doch P onde eee seee (117). sin 0 ii for 76 _— ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 49 In determining the values of O;V;+C_;,Y_;, and B;Z;+ BiszZi we neglected all but the algebraically lowest power of h/a, and thus to be consistent we must omit the terms — an” cos kt |R; +7 (6 +1) Ti} {yy —2(¢— 1) (+ 2)}> in the value of xu, 1 P - — an cos kt rr (R; + 27;) fy? — 2 (¢@-1) (i + 2)}7 “4 ” ” Vv; — an cos kt x ies (R; + 27;) fy? -— 2 (¢- 1) (+ 2)} > w sin @dgp> * i Tee Pare * ha? ; The terms left in the values of the displacements are of the order a* applied force h n To put the expressions for the displacements into an immediately serviceable form, write in their values for 2 and y*, and divide out above and below by k% We then find after some simplification (2? + 20—1)m—n K*pa? m+n aby , na £98 kt Lo 3m —n (1 ~ Qn (2+ 2—1)m— =| EGU 2 a ~~ Inh @—-1)@+2), _ pa (2+ 20+ 5)m —3n- % Ey m+n le) n 2(¢—1)(7+ 2)(8m—n) ( n / 4(¢4—1)(0+2)(3m—n) d k*pa? m+n a ae cos kt dé es (1 ~ dn 38m — -)} 119 ~ 2nh (i—1)(i + 2) ites k’pa®? (20° + 20+5) m —3n (Kepa?\? m+n ha n 2(¢(—1)(¢+2)(8m—-n) ( n ) 4(¢—1)(4+2)(8m—n) E: : ied Id, Ch : - w=j| expression obtained by writing Sai for qe Valuer Ot? |Neasccecess-cece-eess (120). § 19. The displacements can be thrown into a form which is shorter and more suggestive physically, by the employment of the roots of the various types of free vibrations in the thin shell. The denominator in the equations (118), (119), (120) when equated to zero is of course the frequency equation for free vibrations of the type mixed radial and transverse depending on surface harmonies of degree 7 This equation may be written \23m— ) m Ls n oi ents = ek te Ain pa) m+n n (224+ 21+5)m—3 pa- m+ f (ke) = ks — 2h This differs from the equation originally given by Lamb* only in the notation. Regarding this as a quadratic equation in k* we shall denote the roots, in ascending order of magnitude, by A, and K,. We shall also make use of K,* and K,, where K,/2m is the frequency of free vibrations of the pure radial type, and K,/27 that of * Proc. London Math. Soc., Vol. xtv. Vou. XVI. Part I. 7 50 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC free vibrations of the pure transverse type answering to displacements which contain surface harmonics of degree 7 For these quantities we have the expressions 4n (38m —n) LG => ° pa’ (m+n) Sy eye = py 95 Ke = (EWC 42) 2 creer eee nee (123)+. As pointed out by Lamb, K,? is the real root supplied by (121) when 7=0, but its value is got most simply by treating the radial vibrations separately. Defining f(k*) as in (121) we easily find POO AED = it hye Geer eT NEG (124), FORTS TOES, pe ace (125). Kis R= (KA Rye CLIK co. eee eee (126). From (124) we see that K,° is less and K.? greater than either K,? or Ky. The denominator in (118), (119) and (120) is of course simply (1-3e)(0- az) and employing (122), (123), (125) and (126) we easily throw these equations into the forms :— (2? +27 —1)m—n ke Lg Saal: es Ce (1- Keak? PL) BC+ DE aa i Qnh(t—1)(14+ 2) (1— LG 3 es (127), \ K? Ke d ie MeN 722s 0. // T) ill 2 at econ kas wot) x) 2 (128) ~ Inh(i—1)(i+ 2) Se cielsicialsielelaiaieinialuleintel inlets alclalclelsisielelviel-iuleialateleteelte bh er ' i z oe | expression obtained by writing = 9 for - — in value of o| © Saeeeeeeen (129). As no assumption has been made as to the magnitude of k, it may have any value which does not lead to infinite values for the displacements. These results are thus in one respect much more general than those found for the solid sphere. Putting k=0 we obtain results identical with those found by retaiming only the algebraically lowest power of h/a in my solution of the equilibrium problem}. This seems so far a satisfactory test of the accuracy of both dynamical and equilibrium solutions. The reservation made in obtaining the equilibrium solution that 7*h/a was small§ is equally necessary in the present case. * Lamb, l. c. p. 50. See also Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans., Vol. x1v. p. 321. + Ibid. p. 320, or Lamb 1. ec. ~ Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans., Vol. xv. Equations (96) and (97) on p. 369. § le. p. 373. ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 51 From (127), (128), (129) we have at once u A iGanyT,’ when &; vanishes, =a =F / — ite — Tie’ when 7; vanishes.........++ (130). d@ snOdd WN ea +(axo dd This is the identical relation met with in § 10 in the case of the solid sphere. In discussing the influence of the value of & on the displacements, we shall call a displacement direct or reversed according as its sign is or is not the same as it would be on the equilibrium theory. The radial displacement depending on the radial surface force is direct when lec Ky, and also when K+ Kke—Ke w= ph (Kj — ) els{ejeleiuis[oisle,s(o[ale/s/etolelereiclareiete ters (145 DE When the surface forces are of the mixed radial and transverse type the expres- sions (127), (128), (129) for the displacements do not naturally fall into such simple ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. o forms. For one thing the denominator contains the two factors K?—k and K2—k The simplicity, however, of the results in the other cases led me to try whether some- thing similar might not be effected for the mixed radial and transverse vibrations by separating the two vibrations whose frequencies are combined in (121). Eventually the following ‘line of reasoning produced the desired result :-— The one common feature of the pure radial and the pure transverse vibrations is that the direction of the displacement coincides with that of the applied force. Is it possible for this phenomenon to occur with mixed radial and transverse displacements; ie. can we have Ebon RO ® Putting k=O in (118), (119), (120) we see this relation is satisfied in the case of equilibrium if (224+ 2i-l)m—-n. .. ify Gee ‘ ae +7(¢+1) RT See REECE DEC CaO cee te CREA e (146). Employing (122), (123), (125) and (126), we find we can write (146) in the form R)*_ 4B; Kt+Ke—2Ky , (Ki KA (Ki- Ke) _9 (rr) Ty Ke? BGs or Ri SEY Se (2 Kp ae F i a a The directions of the resultants of the displacements and the applied forces of the mixed radial and transverse type thus coincide when either FeSO Ra ea Sey Yea (148) or Ref PRS ee ee eae ee (149). In the general case when R&; and 7; are independent we split the forces into two sets by making R;= R; + Rk’, T,;= P+ 7! wales ak su stelaelatnicainteneietesientei (150): where Ry of he _3Ke R; —(K?— K2) T; 151) 2(K2—Ka)~ Ke) = ré Ti Heke (151), Cea A OS 4k ee ee SR ke), kK; RK? (Ke Sc) Waa ines ceo (152). Substituting for R; and 7; in terms of R’, R;’, T/ and T;’, and using (122) &e., we easily replace (127), (128) and (129) by R;' cos kt : R;" cos kt oh(Ke— (K2—1) t ph Koy eres “= (153), 56 Mr CHREE, ON FORCED VIBRATIONS IN ISOTROPIC ee cos kt = cos kt OT ph(keae) | ph(ke= ey tae eecceecec essen ccssssseesrece (154), ET AN adudlipod Tala _sné dd cos kt an db cos kt (155) => “ph (Ky — ih) (Ke = By ph (Kye — he) (Ke = Te) Cece reece cece scceseceeeces vo)). The object in view is obviously fully accomplished. We have split the applied forces of the mixed radial and transverse type into two sets. The first has for its components aT, , 1 T; R= Rk. cos kt, O1= cos kt, ®’=— ams cos kt, dé sin@ dd where Rj, 7) are given by (151); and the corresponding displacements w’, v’, w’ are given by uv w 1 os terete nce eencaecccecseeseneceses 156). R’~ © ®~ ph (K2—P) Oe The second set has for its components uw " Sal u aT” Aect p “u 1 aT,” R’=R; coskt, ©’ = 10 coskt, ® Sane cos Kt, where R;’, 7,’ are given by (152); and the corresponding displacements wu”, v”, w” are given by Ue Oe a 1 ae R’ = 0” = ’ = ph (Ke =I) ateraisteleteleietcieateininietereretsietsietelelatetareleietere (157). ” Since w’, v', w’ become infinite when k=4A,, while w’, v’, w” become infinite when k=K,, it might be assumed as practically certain on physical grounds that the directions of the resultant displacements in the two cases coincide with those of the resultant displacements in the free vibrations, of frequencies 4/27 and K,/27 respectively, which depend on surface harmonics of the specified forms. It is, however, unnecessary to rely on physical grounds alone, because the mathe- matical proof is easily obtainable. Thus take the equations (92) and put R= 0= 7.2 Suppose the vibration frequency to be 4/27, and the surface harmonic appearing in the displacements to be S;. Then we find without serious trouble u it Vv < w 158 S| Ee) Pade oe eee Tat oe) KG? Ke KAnae K?- Ke? K2- K2sin 6 dd Taking k= K,, we get w v a Ww 2 iS Ke ds; Ke mE as? 2(Ke—-Ke) dé 2(K2—K,*)sin@ dd and, supposing S;« 4K °R;-—(A?- 4K) 7;, ELASTIC SOLID SPHERES AND SPHERICAL SHELLS. 57 we recognise from (151) the identity in the directions of the resultant displacement in this free vibration and the forced vibration (156). Taking on the other hand k=, in (158) we get a free vibration which, supposing S,c -—4K2R;+(KS-— Ke) 7;, has clearly the same direction for its resultant displacement as the forced vibration (157). The conclusions we have reached for the thin shell may be presented as follows :— The applied forees may be split into: Pure radial forces one set; iving for representative Pure transverse forces Bee P ; one set: harmonic of degree 7 : : iving for representative Mixed radial and transverse forces }8'V'78 ‘OF TP . » two sets. harmonic of degree 7 In each set we have: Resultant displacement along the same direction at every point as the resultant force, and force displacement = PING Bad Ra aes, aK where k/2a =frequency of applied periodic force, =0 for equilibrium ; K/2m=frequency of free vibration of corresponding type (whose direction of motion coincides with the line of action of the applied force at every point). In the case of equilibrium phK? may be regarded as measuring the elastic resist- ance to the displacement. It is a quantity varying as the mass of the shell per unit area of surface, and as the square of the frequency in that species of free vibration in which the displacements involve the same surface harmonics and have the same direction for their resultant as the equilibrium displacement in question. This relationship between the phenomena of equilibrium and motion appears of great physical interest. So far as I know, no case of it has been previously noticed in elastic solids. Vou. XVI Parr L 8 III. Distribution of Solar Radiation on the Surface of the Earth, and its dependence on Astronomical Elements. By R. Harereaves, M.A., formerly Fellow of St John’s College. [Read Jan. 27, 1896.] THE object of the following paper is to express in the form of a harmonic series the amount of heat due to the earth, in any latitude or for a zone of any extent, from solar radiation at any period of the year. In the main part of the paper, the earth’s atmosphere is taken to be diathermanous, but afterwards absorption is admitted according to a law of some generality, and the same methods are adapted to this case also. The coefficients are expressed in finite form by means of complete elliptic integrals of the three kinds, and also by series of zonal harmonics, and numerical results are tabulated for every ten degrees of latitude. Special attention is paid to the way in which the various terms are affected by changes in the values of the astronomical elements, obliquity of ecliptic, eccentricity of orbit, and longitude of perihelion. The harmonic form is suitable for application to meteorological questions, or the question of underground temperature near the surface of the earth, or to such secular changes of climate as are discussed in the theory of glacial epochs. As many are interested in these questions who would be unwilling to follow the manipulation of elliptic integrals, I have given a full outline of argument and con- clusions apart from the technical work. In this way and by the numerical results, obtained by somewhat laborious calculations, I hope to have made the material accessible for purposes of application, to those who do not care to face the mathematical work. It seems proper to mention that I have found in Ferrel’s tract on ‘Temperature of the Atmosphere and Earth’s Surface’ a table similar to table (B) below for latitudes up to 60°. He refers to Haughton’s Lectures on Physical Geography for the method, which is one of approximation by series of slow convergence. He does not appear to have considered specially the influence of changes in values of the astronomical constants. Also Sir Robert Ball’s book on Glacial Epochs contains a result for the hemisphere, which is a particular case of results given here for any latitude or for a zone of any extent. I may add that it was the feeling that results for the average of a hemisphere would Norr, Jan. 20. I have discovered that a paper by to Knowledge covers a certain section of this paper, my Meech (date 1857) in Vol. 1x. of Smithsonian Contributions results being in agreement with his. Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION, ere. 59 lead to an understatement of the case, that induced me to attempt the more general problem. § 1. General Outline. The annual variation in the amount of heat received from solar radiation in any latitude depends on two causes, the ellipticity of the orbit, and its inclination to the equatorial plane. In consequence of the first, the distance of the sun varies, in consequence of the second its declination, on which depend both the duration of daylight and the altitude attained by the sun, The heat-supply thus subject to an annual variation may be expressed in Fourier’s manner by a harmonic series, and this will contain a non-periodic term, an annual, a semi-annual term, We. Denoting by H/r* the amount of heat falling on unit surface exposed perpendicularly to the sun’s rays for unit time at distance 7, the element of heat-supply is = (L,+ L,sin 6 + L, cos 20 + L,cos 40 +...) or ee tL, sin + ...), t being mean time, and @ the orbital angle of the sun measured from the spring equinox. The formula gives the total variation due to the combined action of the two causes. The coefficient ZL, takes the simple form = sin Asin e, A being latitude, e obliquity of the ecliptic; and has opposite signs in the two hemispheres. The other coefficients I,, L, ... are also functions of X and e only, but do not change in passing from northern to southern hemisphere; they require for their expression in finite form, complete elliptic integrals of the three kinds, or they may be expressed in series of zonal harmonics with sind as argument, and zonal harmonics with associated functions with cose as argument. The astronomical constant h is introduced through the equation dé r a7 and with a year as unit of time its value is 27ab, a and b being semi-axes of the earth’s orbit. Since h varies as the minor axis it is dependent on the eccentricity, to a very minute extent however, as the square of the eccentricity is involved. Apart from this factor the amount of heat received while the sun travels through a fixed angle in its apparent orbit, is quite clear of the influence of eccentricity. The importance of this last element emerges when the results are transferred to mean time. If summer and winter denote the times between the equinoxes, summer and winter totals of heat-supply on unit area in latitude » are 2 (Z,+sind sine) and = (Z, — sin sin e), and the annual total — : L The numerical values of the coefficients as far as Z, and their differential coefficients with regard to X and e are given in table (A). As regards ZL, it is sometimes con- venient to have its values expressed in percentage of the mean of the globe; these values are :— A=0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° DT,=122°4, 1207, 115°7, 1075, 967, 837, 696, 600, 525, 507. 60 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION Also the proportions in which these amounts are divided between summer and winter are as follows :— A=0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° Summer 50, 53°65, 57°51, 62°08, 66°88, 73:24, 81:59, 91:15, 97°65, 100 Winter 50, 46°35, 42:49, 37:92, 3312, 26°76, 1841, 885, 235, 0 Analogous formule are proved for zones of any extent. The summer and winter heat-supplies for a polar cap extending to latitude X take the form ae (Z, + cos? X sin e), where c is radius of the earth, and Z, a function of X and e which increases from zero at the pole to at the equator (this last bemg Sir R. Ball’s case). If we take the three zones into which latitudes 30° and 60° divide a hemisphere, the proportions of summer and winter heat-supplies are 554 to 446, 69 to 31, and 89:9 to 10:1 respectively: while the total annual supplies for the same are 586, 33:4, 8 re- spectively in percentages of the total for the hemisphere; or 117°3, 91:3, 60-4 per unit area where the mean of the globe is 100. § 2. The way in which Z£,, the quantity determining the annual total, depends on latitude and obliquity of the ecliptic deserves a special study. If e were zero the value of LZ, would reduce to cosd, varying from unity at the equator to zero at the poles. In A e= 90° D E $8 D' sit B 6 3 €=23°97' a 21 oe 3 2 st 0) A 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° sor 90° Fig. 1. Fig. 1, AA’ corresponds to this case; the abscisse represent latitudes and the ordinates corresponding values of Z,. CC’ represents the course of Z, for «= 23°27’ taken as the AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 61 present value, and it is clear that for a middle range of latitude, the values of JZ, differ little from those in which e=0, but near the equator are somewhat less, and near the pole much greater. If e is further increased, the position of the pole becomes constantly more favourable, that of the equator less favourable. In the extreme case when e= 90", so that the arctic region has grown till it embraces the globe, the equator being the final position of the arctic circle, BB’ represents the course of £, which increases con- — , 3 2E tinuously from equator to pole. (In this case L,=— where cos2 is the parameter of the 7 elliptic integral, and so JZ, ranges from — or ‘6366 to 1.) STS) The various curves all have the tangent for X%=0 parallel to OA’, and the value of L, either a maximum or a minimum; a maximum for values of e€ less than 65°20’, beyond that a minimum. Again, excluding the case e=0, the tangent for %=90° is parallel to OA’, and the value of Z, is a minimum up to e=45°, beyond that a maximum. For values of ¢ less than 45°, Z, imcreases continuously as we pass from pole to equator, for values of e greater than 65° 20’ diminishes continuously. But for intermediate values of e both equator and pole have maximum values, and consequently there is an intermediate minimum, which in fact starting when e=45° at the polar end, shifts gradually across, till for e=65° 20’ it reaches the equator. The curves DD’, EE’ shew two of these cases, one with an arctic, the other a non-arctic intermediate minimum; and the locus of these minima is the curve UZU' of Fig. 2. § 3. There exists a curious correlation in the way in which Z, depends on the two elements « and A, viz. if each is changed to the complement of the other Z, is un- changed. For example Z, is the same for «= 20°, X=50° as for e=40°, X=70°; the latitude being arctic in the one case, non-arctic in the other. Accordingly the statement L,=cosdX for e=0° has for its correlative that L,=sine for the pole X=90°. Thus taking any ordinate in AA’ for which e=0, say for latitude 50°, this is also the proper value for the pole with e=40°. In exactly the same way the curve BB’ gives the values of Z, at the equator for different values of « The curves AA’, BB’ cross in latitude 36° 7’, and the correlative statement is that for e=53° 53’ the value of Z, is the same for pole and equator. The correlative of the theorem as to intermediate minima within the range 45° to 65° 20’ for e is, that for values of X less than 24° 40’, as e increases from 0° to 90°, Z, diminishes from a maximum value on AA’ to a minimum on BB’; for values of 2» greater than 45°, exactly the opposite is the case, AA’ giving a minimum, BB a maximum; while for values of X between 24° 40’ and 45° both curves give maxima values, and there exists for each latitude a minimum value. The curve XY in Fig. 2 represents the locus of these intermediate minima, hence for a latitude between 24° 40’ and 45° we begin for e=0 with a maximum value Q on AA’, drop to a minimum & on XY, and then rise to a final maximum S on BB’ where ¢€= 90°. 62 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION § 4. Having dealt with the course of values of LZ, in the general case, it remains to notice the amount of variation that would accompany such secular changes as are thought possible by astronomers. The effect of a small departure from the present value of € is shewn by Table A which gives differential coefficients with regard to e. It appears that for low latitudes Z, is diminished by an increase in e, and increased by a fall in e, the amount of the change diminishing from equator to latitude 43° 20’; for higher latitudes the effects are reversed. Stockwell’s limits for the possible range of ¢€ are 21° 58’ 36” and 24° 36’. With these the total ranges in the value of Z, expressed in percentages of LZ, are :— A=0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° Range ‘93, 90, ih 5); 21, 50, 205, 651, 955, 10°56. As the present value (taken at 23° 27’ in the calculations) lies between these limits, the range is partly above, and partly below, the present value. The amounts are in- considerable below latitude 60°, but beyond that seem competent to produce sensible climatic changes. The mean value of Z, for a hemisphere or for the globe, as seems obvious @ priori, is independent of « and =f: In fact the smaller changes over the large area in latitudes below 43° 20’, exactly balance the much greater changes over the smaller area in higher latitudes, when the mean is taken. AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 63 . . . Yat . . . The corresponding range in the value of Z, or 5sinXsine the annual term is i “ n every latitude 104 per cent., and increase of ¢ everywhere causes increase in L,. On the equator LZ, vanishes, the appearance of the sun north of the equator in summer, here giving rise to a semi-annual term which has its maxima at the equinoxes, when the sun is in the zenith at midday. The semi-annual term diminishes in value as we recede from the equator, vanishing about 44°, changing sign and increasing with some rapidity towards the pole. It is generally much smaller than Z, and L,, with the exception as to L, at the equator just mentioned, and the exclusion of very high latitudes. Its changes with ¢ are on the same scale roughly through most of the range, as those of L,, and are therefore much greater in proportion. § 5. The equation for transferring to mean time is 6+ C=2rt+ 2esin 2rt + °F sin dart ers The constant C depends on the position of perihelion with regard to the first point of Aries, 6 has been measured from HY as initial line, and ¢ will be taken to be zero at perihelion P. The transformation made for the case in which C=79° gives results which are tabulated in (B) for every ten degrees of latitude north and south. It will be remarked at once that the symmetry between the northern and southern hemispheres has disappeared. So far as secular changes of climate are concerned the cases of most i t interest are those of Figs. 3 and 4; in the former, summer has its GP maximum duration, in the latter, winter. As the amounts of heat received in summer and winter have for each latitude values which _ are independent of their relative duration, it is plain that when VAG summer is longest the division is most equal, and when winter is P Sy ay. longest most unequal. In so far as this is a cause for glacial and Fig. 4. genial epochs, Fig. 3, in which C=5 corresponds to the genial case, and if squares of e be neglected, the element of heat being = Qdt, YW=L,—(L,— 2el, —eL,) cos 2rt — (L, + 2eL,) cos 4rt... , while for the glacial case in which O=-T, Q = L, + (L, + 2eL, + eL,) cos 27t — (L, — 2eL,) cos 4rrt... both for the northern hemisphere. Each of these formule is derivable from the other by changing the sign of Z,, which is precisely the change by which we pass from northern to southern hemisphere. Hence so far as this cause is efficient, the northern hemisphere is in a glacial state when the southern is in a genial state, and vice-versd. Again as J, increases from zero at the equator steadily towards the pole, while I, diminishes, the modification produced in the annual term by the eccentricity is 64 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION greatest absolutely, and all the more relatively, in low latitudes. The difference between the two states is obviously wider, the greater the eccentricity. The maximum limit allowed by astronomers to the eccentricity in the course of secular changes is ‘07, and with this extreme value the coefficients of the annual term are :— A=0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° For extreme glacial epoch 1372, +2437, 3430, 4322, 5084, 5797, -6143, -6420. i - genial , — ‘1372, — ‘0367, + 0946, 1930, -2952, 3681, -4683, 5328. In the lower row the signs are reversed so as to make the midsummer of the hemisphere in question the zero of time in each case. Noticeable is the change of sign which implies that the maxima fall together for low latitudes on opposite sides of the equator, instead of half a year apart as for higher latitudes. The reason for this is that the fact of the sun’s being north of the equator in summer and south of it in winter, which generally produces the main part of the annual term, at the equator gives rise to a semi-annual term and near the equator produces only a small annual term. Hence the secondary influence of the change of distance predominates at and near the equator, and this influence is the same for north as for south. Near the equator, as at 10° say, we have the two influences concurring on one side of it to produce a sensible maximum and minimum, on the other side opposing each other and giving a small resultant term. The differences between these extreme cases seem to me sufficiently remarkable. For example at 70° N.L. in the genial epoch the annual term is about the same as at 43° in the glacial epoch, or in the southern hemisphere at the same time (=that of 62° N.L. at present): so also 50° in the genial corresponds to 22° in the glacial (39° N.L. at present); and 35° in the genial corresponds to 10° in the glacial (26° N.L. at present). For completeness the coefficients of the semi- annual term are added for the same extreme cases A=0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° Glacial epoch — 0294, — ‘0126, + ‘0076, + ‘0309, + 0575, + ‘0888, + °1302, + -2103. Genial _,, — 0294, — 0430, — ‘0522, — -0567, — -0551, — -0452, — -0214, + -0359. When the upper row applies to north latitude, the lower applies to south latitude, and vice-versd. Croll, in judging of the effects of eccentricity, assumed temperatures proportional to midsummer and midwinter receipts of radiation in any latitude. The inference from heat-supplies to temperatures is a very difficult one owing to the variety of modifying conditions; but even when the problem is stated in its simplest form, the solution of the conduction equation requires the separation of non-periodic and the several periodic terms, these terms are affected with different factors in the integration, and the periodic terms suffer a modification of phase. It seems to me, therefore, that a proper basis for argument on the question of secular climatic changes is afforded by comparing non- periodic terms in the two epochs, annual terms in the two epochs, and superposing the mean temperatures and annual variations separately deduced. For the purpose of such s AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 65 rough comparison as is possible between climates in distant epochs, the semi-annual term may be ignored. But until the comparison between heat-supplies and temperatures is put on a better footing as regards the present state of the earth, a considerable degree of uncertainty must attach to any such comparison. § 6. Comparing briefly the influence of the astronomical elements on non-periodic and annual terms: (1) Eccentricity alters to a minute extent all terms, the minor axis of the orbit occurring as a divisor to the whole formula. (2) Otherwise the non-periodic term is not affected by the eccentricity. (3) The influence of eccentricity in modifying the annual term depends on longitude of perihelion. The positions of greatest influence are when the major axis of the orbit is perpendicular to the line of equinoxes, and when the eccentricity has a value at all approach- ing its maximum, the changes are quite considerable. In north and south hemispheres the effects are in opposite directions at the same epoch. In higher latitudes where the normal.annual term is considerable, these effects are a sensible increase or diminution of the amplitude; in lower latitudes, the normal annual term being much smaller, and the modifying term greater, the difference between the two hemispheres is quite remark- able, the place of zero amplitude being shunted from the equator greatly to the genial side. For example we may have a zero amplitude in 15°S.L, the amplitude increasing as we recede from this in both directions, so that at 15° N.L. it may be of notable dimensions. The character of this influence is obscured by taking a mean for either hemisphere. (4) All the effects due to obliquity of the ecliptic are in the same direction in the two hemispheres. (5) The non-periodic term is affected by this cause, and for latitudes higher than 60°, the influence of alterations produced by the usually admitted secular changes in this element, is very sensible. These effects do not appear in the mean of either hemisphere. (6) The normal annual term, by which is meant Z, unmodified by terms depending on eccentricity, is affected similarly in all latitudes by changes in the obliquity of the ecliptic; but the effects on the annual coefficient in mean time are of a more complex character. In the sketch of absorption, the coefficient of transmission is taken to be of the form e,+e,cosl+e,cos*I+...... , where J is the angle between the sun’s rays and the zenith, and it is shewn that the results for each term admit of exact expression in the same forms as before, viz. either by complete elliptic integrals, or by series of zonal harmonics. One of the effects of the absorption is shewn to be a large relative increase of the periodic part in low latitudes, gradually tailing off when the pole is approached. Vou. XVI. Parr I. 9 66 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION MATHEMATICAL THEORY. § 7. When the absorption of the earth’s atmosphere is ignored, the formal supply of heat or light on the surface of the earth depends on the strength of solar radiation, the distance from the sun, and the angle of exposure to the sun’s rays. Take for the element per unit area Hdt x cosJ/r?, dt being time-element, r the distance from the sun and J the angle between the normal to the surface and the direction of the sun’s rays. In latitude X this angle is given by cos{=sinAsiné+cosdcosdcosy where $ is the sun’s declination and y the hour-angle changing in the course of the day uniformly from —W, to +, Wr being the hour-angle at sunset. As the change of is uniform dt At we may put dann om where At is a day; then the heat-supply for a day = 7 | cos Ix di wy (sin \ sin 6 + cos X cos 6 cos) dy -—h HAt ia ~ Irv? = a (xv, sin A sin 6 + cos A cos 6 sin Y,), aa yy or = + say, being determined by sin Asin 6+ cos cos 8 cos y,=0 or sin d= tan d tan 6, @ being positive in summer, negative in winter. The integral for the day then assumes the form Tr Hat 15 - ¢) sin 2 sin 6 + Vcos? \ — sin? af alae Eo an ances eee I (a). If @ is the orbital angle of the sun measured from the first point of Aries and e the obliquity of the ecliptic siné=sinesin 6, and if further we use hAt=rd@ the well-known astronomical relation, we obtain a second form of the element Hdée {( = (+4) sin \ sin € sin 8 + Veos? X= Shi esin® 6} dacoaschonadnocGe- 1 (0). This is taken as element of a continuous heat-supply through the year. We integrate in fact for the time of daylight ignoring changes of declination, and regard the result as a supply distributed uniformly over a complete day, the declination changing con- tinuously in the formula thus obtained. During the period of total day in the polar regions, the integration above is between the limits — 7 and +7, and the resulting formula a sin X sin e sin 6, or in effect the bracket is replaced by 7 sin) sin e sin 0; while during the period of total night the bracket is null. The comparison of supplies at particular times of the year in the same or different latitudes, is easily made by (1), but to obtain a general view of the annual variation we must express the bracket in (1), call it Q, by a harmonic series. Thus the element of heat-supply being — et ae a a > Se Re Tia CS ae AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 67 it will appear that Q admits of expansion in the form L, + L, sin 0 + L,cos 20+L, cos 40+... and this again is readily transformed to a series depending on mean time. . . : Tv 7 . . ° § 8. We begin with the non-arctic case r<(5 —«). The following notation is used :— a 2 dO 2 dé = — si 2 y= SSS > Tl — ee B I V1—Z sin 0d0, K i V1 —k* sin? @ I, (1 —sin’e sin? @) V1 — sin? 0’ 2 eee ee! 2 cos 260d0 2 cos 26 dé = 2 V —k* sin? i= SS, — —- oe = — =. Ey i COB eOM Lk eminGdeyhR, hs V1 — ksin? 6 | (1-sin’e sin?6) V1 — sin? involving the relations Vi= Paint =* (5+ B, 00s 26+ £003 40 + eae ) 7 \2 / V1 = Bint = * (F + K,c0s 20 + nee ) aw \2 / ea eaete es —.—~ 4/1 1/(1 —sin* esin® 8) v1 =F sin? @ =~ (5 TI + II, cos 20 + eet. ). Thus the last term in Q viz. Voos X= Sint esin® @= "°° ™ (= B+ H,cos 20-4 Hycos 40+ Poeae \e ; F F tan \ sin € sin @ where k=sinesecd. For the expansion of @ we have sing@=————————-_ and _ there- /1 —sin?¢ sin? @ dp tan X sin e cos 6 4 tan X sin ecos 6 /1 fore >) = —_—______ = (2 + T, cos 26 + TN, cos 40 +... ) d@~ (1—sin?esin? 0) /1—# sin? 0 7 \2 ks ie ‘s F = SAX SES {(II + 1) cos 8 + (I, + 1.) cos 30-+......} and so p= eae a + II,) sin @+ ; (II, + I.) sin 30 + = Gh +TII,)sin 50+...... ! : T * no constant being required as ¢ vanishes with @=0 or 7, Hence ieee by ee ee 2) SC {au + II,) + Aus II, — 11 + 1, } cos 26+ (= 11,+ IT, — 5 0. + 1.) cos 48 7 3 \5 3 / Aaraiters and the whole value of @ is if Te tle gilli 2 Sok (SE+E. cos 26 + waceue ) | 2 7 2 ; sin? A sin’ € on aR) (5 inet, +1.) cos 20 \eqoder hae Lis 1 COS X i a Cy ig ; zeae se eh, | eee eae | \o 3 / j 68 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION Further by differentiation and a little reduction it may be shewn that TOO sin? a 1 de cos A(1 —sin?e sin? @)/1—ksin?@ cosrJ/1—F sin? 0 III (a) a a), dQ = a ay Dp aBrA—Q=—seerJ1 —k sin? @ dQ _ 4sin?d /1 % ) 01 Ge tan e—Q= > (9H + cos 26 + TH, cos 46+ aceoke ~*~ (5 K+ K,00s 20+ K cos 46 + ) III (6) SSAC 5 COS 40 = Sree Phe 2.8 ; dQ a 4 1 and ap tan A-—Q=— TS (5 B+ H.008 26 + £, cos 40 + wees ) We have thus in harmonic form the values of Q, - and = The annual term is the only one with simple trigonometrical coefficient, and is also the only one which changes sign with A, that is in passing from north to south latitude. The total amount of heat = received within any range of @ is given by Se 27, sin 6 + L, cos 20 +...... Ni and “ as the various coefficients LZ depend only on 2% and e, the result is independent of the relation between @ and mean time, only depending on the eccentricity through the constant fh which varies as the minor axis. Further the difference between north and south hemispheres only appears in the term Z,. If summer and winter be defined by the equinoxes, their total heat-supplies are = (Z,+sm2sine) respectively, and for the southern hemisphere the contemporaneous values have the signs crossed. § 9. The calculation of the integrals E,, K,...... is effected by means of the sequence equations :— (2n +3) Binz: + (2n — 3) Boys + 4m Em (2 — *)/? = IV ( (On E51) Koss: (n= Die a9 are ROO ON ee a), or if both are required, more conveniently from the cross-equations 8nBon =k (Kons — Kons) \ ren (2n4'8) Bo Gaal) Bee eee IV (0b), the last true to n=0, the rest to n=1. These with (K—K,)=2(K—E£) admit of easy proof and together determine the whole series in terms of KH and K. The advantage of IV(b) is that for the two functions only one division by /* is wanted for each step forward. The quantities K, K,...... are alternately positive and negative, converge rapidly at first, and ultimately im the ratio — tan’ where sn ¢=k. Of the quantities H#, £,...... a similar statement may be made, but Z, is the first negative term. AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 69 This ratio is —1 when k=1, and the K’s all become infinite. It will appear presently that this gives rise to no difficulty in the formule used. For the II’s the series relation 5K + K, cos 20+ puss = (1 —sin? ¢ sin? 6) (5 1+ Mh cos | he Pe )» gives by equating coefficients of the various cosines I, = i —£ (1 —X), = 2, — Tl pie ty a TL, pp (Ie), Le the form of the relation remaining the same after the first, and p standing for 4/sin*e. On reduction (II, + IT) sin* « = 2 (K — II cos? e) (II, + I.) sint e = 8 cos? \ — 8K (cos? \ — sin? e) — 2 (4 — sin? e) (K — II cos*e) (II, + T,) sin® e = 2 (16 — 12 sin?e + sin‘ e) (A — II cos? e) a — 9sin? e+S8cos* X)(cos* A\—sin*e) SE 2 5 - a ork ae — 13 sin? € + 8 cos* X), For the K’s the corresponding expressions for the opening terms are :— K, sin? «= 2E cos? x — K (2 cos? X — sin? €) 3K, sint e = — 8E cos*d (2 cos? — sin? e) + 16K cos? \ (cos? A — sin? e) + 3K sin*e, and for the 2's 32, sin* e = E (2 cos? — sin’ e) — 2K (cos* A — sin® e) 15£, sin‘ e = — Hsin‘ e— 16£ cos* A (cos? — sin? e) + 8K (cos? X — sin? e) (2 cos? \ — sin? e). With the help of these we obtain for non-arctic regions 2 a TT is ‘ L,= aay {E co? +sin?A(K —Icos*e)}, L,= 5 Sindsine, 4 2 in? <2 in? Le => ererencvenaeh {EB cos? X (2 — sin €) 2K (cos r sin €) — sin? (2 + sin? e)(K — II cos" e)}, ae ae E —I1 cos? e), = 5 cos Xsin ¢, Oe a Vecite—(2--sin eC — licoste)}, ME V. oe = — 50s {E cos? — K (cos? — sin? e) — sin’ e (A —II sin? ))}, =" 25) sin A cose, | dL, _ 4 cos € Papasan. eX {— Ecos’) (4+ sin® e) + X sin® e (cos? A — sin* e) € oT + (K — II sin? A) (4—2 sin’ € + sin‘ e)} 70 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION For later terms the direct expression by means of #, AK and IL gives too lengthy formule. It is better to apply numerical values to the successive sequence equations (IV). In each of these integrals it will be remembered k=sinesecd and the second parameter of II is —sin*e. On the Arctic circle we have the limiting case T == plied by (cos?A—sin*e), when the product vanishes, and also in conjunction with I in the form K—TIIcos*e«. But in the limiting case — e, and therefore k=1, H=1, and & and II both infinite. Now 4X occurs multi- wl sinkecos@d@ sine 1l+sine log, —, l—sine K — eos e=| » l—sintesin?6 =. and with this particular value, all the formule in (V) remain valid. As regards (II) 2 cos (2n + 1) 6dé 1 —sin’e sin? 6 ’ 3 and (III) it may also be noted that for the limiting case I.,+ Uni. = | Jo Sane = = — i sin? € cos 6 cos 2n6 de 0 , both finite. The values for Q, = and dQ ~ 1 —sin?esin? 6 dx : ee . 2 dé are all finite at the limit. When A=0, II reduces to i =>; or Esece. » (1 —sin? esin? 6)3 The values of Z,, L,...... are tabulated with their differential coefficients with regard to e« and 2 for every ten degrees of latitude. It will be seen that ZL, is very small except in Arctic latitudes, and subsequent terms are smaller still. § 10. When we seek a similar expansion for the Arctic regions, the discontinuity in the form of @ needs attention; viz. for periods of partial day, it retains the same form as before, Q, say; for the period of total day it is wsinXsinesin@, Q, say; and for total night it vanishes. @, and Q, have the same value for the transition, and also Q, merges into zero at the other transition. If the expansion is denoted as before by [,+L,sin 6 + L,cos 20+ ...... we have QarL, =[Q,d0 + {Q.d0, wl, =JQ,d0 + fQ.d8, ...... To find limits for the integrations put cosX’=sinesin7z, then the periods of partial day are from @=0 to 7, from 0=7—7 to mw+7, and from 0=27—7 to 2x7. The period of total day is from @=7 to m—7, and that of total might from r+7 to 27-7. Q, is integrated through the periods of partial day, Q, through the period of total day. L, will be found to retain its original form 7 sin Asin €. YsmAsine[7, . —— édé. = ['s sin : : OM a ; : [,=sinX sin ecos r += [ cos? X — sin? e sin? 6d@ + ~0 [,=—sin sin € (cos T -5 cos 37) i [“ cos 26 ./cos? X — sin?e sin? 0d0 e / To + Seu aS | “sin @ cos 26d0 “0 T AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 71 To transform these to complete integrals put sin @=sin7siny and so d@ __ sintcosy dy A we get where A=,/1 —sin?7 sin?y. As ./cos?\ — sin’ 7 sin® 0 = cos X.cos 1, 7 2 cos A sin T [ cos? as 2 sin sin e sin? t f * f sin cos ba 0 I, = sin 2X sin € cos t + = T Tv A 4 cos X sin T fi cos 20 cos* wdy A 0 , tsin Asin e sin? t i’ ¢ cos 26 sin cos dy T 0 A ; Lf, =— sin Xsin € (cos Atha cos 3r) + 3 The first integral in JZ, is 2 sin € 2 f ——— (H— K cos*r) or Smal {# sin? e — K (sin* e — cos*X)}. The first integral in L, is 2 oe — 2 2 a ( cos? rT) (2A? — ee 4 sine, (2D — (1+ 2.cos? 7) + K cost 7}, T S10 T A 2 where Day (1 —sin?t sin? yr)? dy and so 3D = 2# (1+ cos? r)— K cos? rt 4 3rrsine Obviously any term of this type may be integrated by expanding cos 2n@ in powers of sin*@ or sin? sin? and so of A*, ie. (1 — sin?7 sin? yp). sim Asin » ap sin X For the ¢@ terms we have sing = ean: and therefore pa cos nse | (2 cos? — sin? e) + K (sin? € — cos*)}. and the integral 7 7 2 is ¢ sin? 7 sin cos dy _ -| ga] i ee A sin X yp giving o 1 —cos? A sin? oar wiat sin X dy =—F co ot T aaa ~(k- II cos*e), where II = I (1 — cos?’ sin? y) A’ 2, Hence i aa me sin? e — K (sin*e — cos?) + sin? (K — II cos? e)} are |# sin? € + cos* e (K — II sin? )}. 7 la Siidilntly [ psin’7 cos 20 — cos yy _ = 3 cos Tats Si ee ib : ee ¥ (5 As— A) in which the integrated section exactly cancels the first expression in L,. To transform the integral, a factor A is introduced in the denominator, and in the numerator 1— cos? Asin? y= A’ sin? +cos*e is used. The integral then 4 sin? ~ 37 sin’ {2.E sin? e — (2 + sin? e) (4 — II cos*e)}, 72 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION and the whole value of Z. is 4 Snsinte {|#’sin’ e (2 — sin* e) — 2X (sin* e — cos? X) — cos? e (2 + sin? e) (K — II sin?X)}. dQ To find qQ we may either differentiate or argue as follows: qe tane— Q is a function de 1 / sin? X rhich by III (a)= : = hee y (@) cosh VE ain? see Nau @ \1 — sin’ e sin day, and vanishes for total day or night, Q being =7sindsinesin@ for total day. If this be expanded in the form m+ m, cos 20+...... : 9-1) for the periods of partial 7 dé ( sin? X 1) Qaim, = + : ——— srt 1 — sin? sin? @ y 0 cos A V1 — sin? esec? A sin? 6 or transforming by sin @=sin7sinw 2 dw / sin? X m= ae |, V1—sin’t sin’ ee 7 sin 7 bere So also m= a — 2H sine + 2K (sin® e — cos? A) + (2 — sin’? e) ( — II sin? ))}. dQ ‘ The same method applied to expand a end Q in the form n+, cos 20+ ...... 2 : ae Ban, rd a 1 RO gives No Se ae {E sin? e — K (sin? e — cos* d)} 4 2 in2 2 a aT {E cos? + (K — £) (sin? e— cos? A)}. For 2» =5 the m’s all vanish leaving = tane-—Q=0, and the ms are all finite leaving a =0. Collecting results for Arctic regions we have :— ae Til ce , eee 7 sine€ asine (2 Sine + cos? e(K — I sin*a)}, L, = 3 Sin Asin ¢, 4 ; awe 2 = Vo ‘a 2 cae {EB sin? e (2 — sin? e) — 2K (sin? e — cos? A) | — cos? e (2 + sin?e) (K — II sin? X)}, dL, _2cose Ga (EZ —K + II sin?), Ss =a 5 sin Neos e, a dL, 4cose ; {— EB sin* e (4+ sin? e) + 4K (sin? e — cos? d) +(4—2 sin? e + sin‘e) (K — II sin? Q)}, ‘de 37 sin‘e dL, 2sinX aL cae * 5 a dL, 7 tT ese koa e+ K (sin? e — cos? X) + cos?’ (KX — II cos* €)}, ae os cos X sin ¢, De 4si : : : : = = aes {EB sin‘ e — K sin? ¢ (sin? e — cos* A) — cos* A (2 + sin? e) (K — II cos? e)} | AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 73 cos Xx =e In these formule / = =k. and the second parameter of II is —cos?d\, whereas : . sin € _ dle’. for non-arctic regions we had coe and —sin*e. On the Arctic circle the parameters agree, Os dy thy de’ dr’ A= 90°, Q=7sinesin# from @=0 to 7 and =0 from 0=7 to 27. The expansion of and the values of J,, Wigs tue will be found to agree. At the other limit such a function by Fourier’s theorem is sine (1 + 5 sin 6 — > cos 26 — = cos AMG ees ) ; This limiting form, which will be found to result also from using b=K==5 in the above, is also the case in which the convergence of coefficients is slowest. § 11. The way in which LZ, depends on 2X and e presents some interesting features which we proceed to discuss. On comparing the formule for arctic and non-arctic regions, it is clear that sine plays the same part in the one, as cos in the other. Hence if other values »’ and e’ be taken so that »’ is the complement of ¢, and &’ of X, the arctic formula of each is transformed to the non-arctic formula of the other. Also if A¥+e€< 90°, so that A» is non-arctic for ¢ ’ +e’ is > 90°, and therefore »’ arctic for &’, making the correlation complete. The use of this theorem of correlation is both con- venient and suggestive. Thus when e=0 the value of Z, takes the simple form cos); therefore when X= 90°, Z,=sine, a result already noticed. Again on the equator L,="2 a a 2E : where sine is the parameter; hence for e= 90°, L,= = where cosdA is the parameter, giving the form for Z, in the extreme case when the earth’s axis is supposed to lie in the plane of the orbit (BB’ in Fig. 1). In this last case Z, increases continuously from equator to pole, the first being a minimum, the second a maximum, whereas for e=0 the equator has a maximum. aL Now for all values of e, a for X=0, and for all except e=0, the same is true at the pole, and the question is suggested, where does maximum change into minimum at each end? Differentiating III (a), we get ao : (x-4), ~ cos X but in arctic regions the right-hand member is replaced by zero for total day or night. Hence @L, 2 - 2 sine dye thy = = hes ae aR i), Wor, SOWIE Tee I 10 74 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION : ; : : . _ sine cos X for non-arctic and arctic regions respectively, k being ——. or ——. cos Xr sin € On the equator 2 = —(K — 22) parameter sin «. T Up to «=65° 20’, K <2H#, after that >2#; hence up to 65° 20’ the value at the equator is a maximum, but beyond that a minimum. At the critical point (kd Fe aL, 2H aa? =0 and aD! SeC* €, so that the point counts as a minimum. At the pole Z,=sine and K—F£ vanishes. Expanding the right-hand member, we get iL, 1 3 cos? X dn? ==— jae ts) aL, . i 5 : : Hence D2 18 Positive up to e=45°, and after that negative, so that the pole gives a minimum up to e=45°, and after that a maximum. For the critical case dL, aL, 3/2 Fe oer eit and the point is a minimum. Thus from e=0 to 45°, 2, has a maximum at the equator, and a minimum value at the pole, while from e=65° 20’ to 90° the conditions are reversed, but in the range «=45° to 65° 20’, equator and pole are both maxima and an intermediate minimum is suggested. The correlative statement is that from %=0° to 24° 40’, e=0 gives a maximum, and ¢=90° a minimum value; from %= 45° to 90° the conditions are reversed, while between X= 24° 40’ and 45° these are both maxima and an intermediate minimum is suggested. § 12. Take this statement first, and examine the points for which Oe 0. ) For arctic regions = 2 ees (£—K +I sin?2), by (VI) and vanishes for « = 90°, % giving the curve BB’ of which BX is the minimum, and XS’ the maximum section; or for Dig <6 EM ULSHVTEy —¥\ 0) one ca coponoteacooeoneceacearepopdocbonc7 (a), : 2E x : 3 : F which reduces L, to —— (parameter oe iF this constituting with (a) the equation to 7 sin € sine the arctic section XZ of the curve of intermediate minima. dl, 2 sin X For thi === ca ia dX =msinecosr {(K — E) sin? e — II cos? ecos* 2} by (VI), or substituting from (a) _2 (K — EF) (sin e — cos* d) 7 sin €sin A cos X AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 15 The arctic range must be taken from ¢=90° to the boundary of arctic and non-arctic F : i dl, . oe A A ds. Sey regions given by sine =cos A, and aD 8 always positive in this range, diminishing from Z SSeS ar (parameter cos 2), when e= 90°, to zero when sine=cosrX. When ¢=90°, I sin?\=Z, and therefore by (a), K=2E (parameter cos), the value of » is therefore 24° 40’, and the values of Z, and dL, dx touches BB’ at that point. At the arctic boundary H=1 and therefore by (a) are the same as for the curve BB’, so that the curve starts at X in the figure and 1K = Wain eee 1+ sine rn 9 Bene = O88 d log, cot 3° This is satisfied by 1=33°20}’ or e=56°39}', and makes LS at the point Z where the tangent is parallel to OA’. For the non-arctic section dL, 2 cos € de msinecos?r {II sin? sin? A — (K — EZ) cos? A}, : : ES. : and the range of ¢ is from zero to sine =cosX. ali is zero firstly for e=0 which makes de both terms vanish, giving the curve AA’ of which YA’ is the minimum, YA the maximum section; and secondly for HF simfersinsAy— (he) \COSW Nese ae enema ere ae ean ene ane eae eee (d). This condition, with the value of Z, from (V), gives the equation to the non-arctic section ZY of the curve of intermediate minima. For this curve, quoting (V) again, dl, 2sinr 2 (K — E) (cos? X — sin? e) 7 a (— £+K — II cose) = — 7 Sin Asin? € by means of (b); this quantity vanishes at the arctic boundary and after that is negative, 7 attaining its greatest numerical value when e=0. In the limit when e=0, l=35, and (K — £) cos? = 7 sin? e, therefore by (0), sin’ b= 5, and X= 45°, and a = limit of ew om sinte 2’ so that the non-arctic section ranges from Y, where it touches the curve AA’ in latitude 45°, to Z where it has a tangent parallel to OA’, and is continuous with XZ. 10—2 EE 76 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION It appears then that AA’ and BB’ represent maxima and minima values, AY and BX being maxima, A’Y and BX minima, while XY is a curve of minima. For any latitude between 24° 40’ and 45°, the value of Z, is a maximum for e=0 on curve AA’, falls with increasing ¢€ to a minimum on curve XY, and with further increase rises to a maximum for «= 90°, that is, on curve BB’. Each curve LZ, touches XY at some point, Y for e=0, Z for «= 56° 394’, and X for «=90°. P is the point for which the total range is a minimum, viz. latitude 36° 7’, there being a correlative theorem that for e=53° 53’ L, is the same for equator as for pole, the total range for this value of e« being the least possible. dL, By starting from aX =0, we may obtain the locus UZV (Fig. 2) of the intermediate minima for the bushel of Z, curves from e=45° to 65° 20’. The ordinates are the same as those of the curve XY, and the latitude to which any ordinate belongs is the complement of the value of e to which the same ordinate refers in XY. For example. U and X have the same ordinate, one referring to %=0, the other to e=90°; so also Y and V, Z is common to both, and the tangents at U, Z and V are parallel to OA’. If the relation between and e were explicit, one curve could readily be deduced from the other. Ordinates at special pots are:—B ‘6366, C or X ‘7389, Z ‘7620, P -8078, Y or U ‘7070. The movements of Z, with small range on both sides of its present value are readily followed with Table A and the statements in the outline. The percentage values given are 100 dz, ,,, 7 ue ral (A e—A €), where e+ Ae’ is greatest value, e+A”e least value of e. § 13. The element of radiation mtercepted by the whole earth is Hdt 4 Hdé P se Hdé a Xm? or —>— x qe%, or per unit area 7 7— , , : Hr HAH ‘ : é and therefore the year’s total per unit area = Oh aa whereas for a particular latitude it is a Hence the mean value of JZ, for sphere or hemisphere is = (It may be worth remarking that 47H represents the total radiation of the sun’s surface in a year.) The mean value of Z, may also be obtained by direct integration. In the integral 2 E={ Vi=snie ca ae ae 0 AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 77 and other integrals used for the non-aretic case, write sin @=sinesin 6, then 7 ©. cae (cos* b= sin’ X cos? ) db 7L,= 2 0 cos cos p Jin? € — sin? d) (cos? A — sin? ob) In the arctic regions write sin ¢=cos) sin 6, then 7 he (cos* @ — sin? A cos*e) dd ee an b a (sin? € — sin? g) (cos? X — sin’ d) ‘ The mean of L, for the hemisphere 27° 3 =| T,cos doh +{ costa. 0 T a2 ae pan arf (cos* @ — sin? X cos? e) db 0 cosh J( (sin? € — sin? ) (cos? — sin? d) 2210 we (cos* p — sin? d cos e) dp _ The. 0 cos d J (sin? e — sin? ¢) (cos — sin? ) a2) : cos A (cos* @ — sin? d cos? €) dX ~ Jo COS al = € — sin? d) (cos? X — sin’ d) _1yfs__cospdd ~ —=—————* — {eos? e + 2 (sin? e — sin? =— 2 Wane SanG ( %)} It is clear that the same process of integration is possible where any even power of sin A occurs multiplying Z,cos \ under the integral sign, and therefore also where P., (sin X) occurs multiplying Z, cos under the integral sign, P,, being a zonal harmonic. We might therefore by this method determine the coefficients in the expansion of L, in zonal harmonics of even order. This expansion may, however, be obtained in a more general way, giving also Z,... in this form, as follows. The value of Q is (5+) sin \sin 8 + Jcos? A — sin? 5, and by application of III (a) it is easily shewn that &Q ia caus tan com 3a de dn d& dé * For the period of total day in the arctic regions Q=7sin Xsin 6, which satisfies the same differential equation. Now if any term in the expansion of Q by zonal harmonies be M,P,(sind), then for this term Gass — tan 6 ee n(n+1)M,, ee So ae 1) A P,,(sin X) or qs 7 d& dé 78 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION and therefore M, « P,,(sin 6), and the expression now stands Q=bh+ 3 P, (sin X) P, (sin 8) +P, (sin 2) P, (sin 8) + 6,P,(sin X) P,(sin 8) +...... VII: the annual term being the only zonal of odd order. When e=0, P.(nd)=0) Pia 5, Pie. 7 Pa but @ then reduces to cosA, and this, expanded by even zonals of sinX, is 5 13-5 (5) gPe(sina)—9 (5-4) gP.—13 (5-2) oP 2 Hence 57 37 eae eea esos) Gr a. b SaEyer b,=-——, sees by = —l)y> 4n+1 SSS a 0 : 32 ee ee Ae Each term P,, (sin) may be expanded in cosines of multiples of @. For this purpose put 5 T . GY Li T sin 6 = COs € Cos 5 + sin € sin 5 cos G -8), so that @ appears as an azimuthal angle; and apply the general theorem i i—s Ps (oom) = 842 ET" coss (6 #) x0i0"Pe (a) Pew), in which P;*(w) denotes aaPi (x), cosy = pu’ + vv’ cos (d—¢’), and the factor 2 is omitted for s=0. In the present case i=2n, p’=0, v’'=1, w=cose, v=sine; therefore as P.,2+1 (0) =0 and whe |2n + 2s saya z 7 23) = 2 [n+a|n—s and cos 2s (F — 8) =(-1) cos 286, Pp,(sin 8) =" 2 x (1 |2n—2s anes 280 nba |n ae sin® ¢P,,, (cos €) cos 280 ; the factor 2 omitted for s=0. The substitution of these values in (VII) gives the com- plete expansion of Q in cosines of multiples of 6, and the coefficients are series of zonal harmonics of sind, with these and associated functions of cose. Thus writing J 1 = p? = dy + GP, (4) + 0,P, (4) +... AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 79 Ly = a) + deP, (sin X) P, (cos €) + a,P, (sin X) P, (cos €) +... LT, = sin? € {5 a,P, (sin dX) P,? (cos €) + = P,(sin X) P? (cos €) + x6 P, (sin X) P,? (cos €) + ... —— Gon Pon (S10 X) Pon?(Cos €) | (n+1)(2n—1) ak | | \ | L,=sin‘e tre P, (sin X) P (cos €) + aa P,, (sin 2X) P,;* (cos €) VIII Ag mi — denPon (sin r) Pon' (cos €) + a700 PoP! ++ 34 1m +2) (Qn—1)(Qn—3) *° LD, =sin' ¢ {st P, (sin X) P,f (cos €) + aS550 P, (sin 2) P,f (cos e) | Gon Pon (Sin X) Pon’ (CoS €) | + 23 +1) (w+ 2) (n +3) (Qn —1) (2n—3)(Qn—5)* -t | As before L,=5 sin sin e. The coefficients a), a2, ..., converge rather slowly; with €= 23°27’ the zonal expansion of L, is 7854 — 3743 P, (sin X) — 0351 P, (sin d) + ‘0064 P, (sin A) + ‘0109 P, (sin A) + 0068 P,, (sin 2d) +:0018 P,, (sind) +... ; the reason of the set-back being that P, (cos €)=—°3827, while P, (cose) =— ‘1277. The values of P,, (cose) with increasing x become ultimately indefinitely small, though the diminution is not steady from term to term, but accompanied by a rocking to and fro, according as cose lies near roots or maxima or minima of the equation P,, (uw) =0. § 14. For most purposes, I think, the formule for a particular latitude give in- formation as useful as those for finite zones, and excepting the case of the hemisphere are simpler in form. I propose therefore to shew how the zone formule may be obtained, but with less detail. The method given is that used by Sir Robert Ball for the hemisphere, viz. we project the area illuminated at any moment by the sun, on a plane perpendicular to the sun’s rays, and dis- tribute this evenly in longitude over the whole zone. Consider the polar cap extending to latitude » (<90°—e unless otherwise mentioned). In Fig. 5 OS is the direction of the sun, PQ is a small circle of latitude », SZ a quadrant, and PQT7 represents half the illuminated portion of the cap with the sun at S. We require the projection of the surface 2P7Q on the plane BOT at right angles to 80 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION OS. In ae 6 this projection is represented by TQMQ’ for summer, and by 7QM’Q’ for winter, where QMQ’M’ is an ellipse, whose semi-axes are c cos X : aN and c cos 2 sin 6. Q’ Ne The area 27NQ=c?(y—sin xy cos x) where siny=cos) sin ¥. all The area QMQ’ is the projection of 2PNQ on the plane, and therefore i 6. = c* cos? A (Wr — sin ¥ cos Wf) sin 6, giving for the total projection ce {y — sin x cos x + sin 6 cos? A (yr — sin cos )} ; ay is the hour-angle at sunset determined by sind siné+cosdX cos é6cosy=0 for which, as before, we write ae @ so that ¢ is positive for summer and negative for winter. 2 In any non-arctic latitude = —2 is the maximum value of x, its range is small in low latitudes, greatest on the arctic circle, viz. from 0 to « Using the relations sind=sinesin@, sin@d=tandAtan d, cos y = sin A sec} the above may be written :— G {5 cost Asin esin 8 + + 6 sin esin @ cos! A—sin 2 cos dW sini eee" sin 8} sabe Ix. The element of heat-supply for the cap is got = multiplying this projected area by ia or oe ; ane == © 240, 2 where Z is the bracket. When > (90° — e), Z takes the value 7 cos?\ sin esin@ for periods of total day, and vanishes for total night, the range of x being from 0 to 57> for partial day. cHdé h On an indefinitely small zone the amount is (-Ka), and this must equal the result previously obtained, namely ae (27c? cos X dX), or = = — 2Q cos i, which of course admits of easy verification. We may write Z+Qsind=F sin esind +y + sin esin 0. 6, Seo ee 7 fe a AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 81 § 15. The only new element with which we have to deal is y, which is expanded in a manner analogous to that for ¢, with this difference, that in integrating the series for x, it is to be remembered that y=; —2 for 0=0. Result for non-arctic regions T 4 tan Xr X=5-% ar (1 — cos 26) {£ cos? — K (cos? A — sin? e) — (K — II cos? e)} 4 te ty : : : aa (1 —cos 46) cx — II cos? €) (2 — sin* e) + © (cost dX —sin’ e) (6 — 3 sin’ e + 4 cos? d) so eke — 5 sine + 4 cos* whe. For arctic regions 4 sind Ty sin (1 — cos 26) {# sin? e — (K — II cos? e)} os or sin® € fat Ls (1 - cos 40) }(K —II cos* e) (2 — sin? ie -_ © (sint € — cos* d) 7 sin’ € = ao, (6 — 5 sin? e + 4 cos? r)p+ From previous work, for non-arctic regions ¢ sine sin 8 = — zal (K —II cos? e) + Ae cos 26 {— (K — II cos? e) (2 + sin?e) — 2K (cos? \ — sin? e) + 2F cos* A} 4 tan X = P phe : , : ae . : ——_—— 0 {(K — II cos* e) (24 — 8 sin* e — sin‘ e) + 8K (cos? \ — sin® e) (3 — sin? + 2 cos? X) 157 sin‘ € — 8E cos?X(3 — 2 sin? e + 2cos?r)} +... , and for arctic regions 2 sin X 4 sin aii sin € sin 9 = ae (K — II cos? e) +35 cos 26 {— (K — II cos* e) (2 + sin?) + 22 sin? e} ae 157 os 40 {(A — II cos* €) (24 —8 sin? — sin‘ e) — 8K (sin* « — cos* d) sin? € — 8E sin? e (3 — 2 sin* e + 2 cos*A)} + Summer and winter heat-supplies are, for caps extending at least as far as the polar circle, = (25 cos* \ sin e — #' sin A cos X + sin Xcos A (A — IT cos* e) + 2 x») ; and for caps reaching not farther than the polar circle 2 Paty = (£5 0 cos? \ sin e — Hsin X cos X + zk = (sin? € — cos? d) sin X cos* X 7 a K = 3 5 o}> a (X —II cos 2) +5 x) Vou. XVI. Parr I. 11 ee 82 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION ‘ mr : , : sin where x is the non-periodic term in the expansion of y, and in the first formula laa : cosxX.. n a moe in the second k= eo the first formula the second parameter of II is —sin*e, in the s second, — cos?X. Or with Z expanded in the form Z, += cos*d sine sin 6 + Z, cos 20a the summer and winter heat-supplies are He? : a (Z, + cos? sin e). It may be shewn that for non-arctic regions dZ, 2E 2 sin X cos A cot 2 tan d cot e : 9 us —_—— (K —II sin? 2), "= — — cote sin A cosA + ——_—_—_——__ (K — TI cos’ e) + —— de 7 T T and for arctic regions Z, 2E . 2 cos € sin X : 2 sin © dZy _ — — sind cose+ eee (A sin? A) + Ene G a2 (K — II cos’), de 7 vg 7 sin® € with the usual parameters for the two cases. These last give the alteration in the non- periodic term, due to change of obliquity of the ecliptic, for any polar cap. When a complete hemisphere is taken X=0, and therefore ¢=0, X=5, and the formula for the heat-supply reduces to aH c'dt 7Hedé = (1+sinesin @) or Dh, (1 +sin esin @). : : : wHe (7, . 3 : In this case summer and winter supplies are = é + sin c| respectively, or per unit Bie area (5 + sin e), and for the year - Sir Robert Ball’s results. 2 The mean supply per unit area in latitude X% was denoted by a Hence the mean value of ZL, for the hemisphere is A (belonging to a latitude 36° 35’ approximately), as was proved by direct integration above. Z, increases from 0 when %»=90° to 5 dZ, . oe : 5 : : when X=0; de 3 always positive, vanishes for X=0° and 90°, and has a maximum where ath that is, about latitude 43° 20’. (See Table A.) de AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 83 § 16. The values for zones being got by subtracting one polar cap from another, it ‘ ; ; , dZ, . P is clear that for zones both of whose margins are below this latitude, de 18 negative, € for zones with both margins above this latitude, positive; while zones which embrace this ‘ dZ, =e , é latitude may have Ae positive, negative, or zero according to the extent to which the € margins pass to the two sides of latitude 43° 20’. As an illustration, I give figures for the three zones into which the northern hemisphere is divided by the parallels of 30 and 60°, The polar zone here extends beyond the arctic circle even with e at its maximum value. The heat-supplies for the three zones are given by the following series, multiplied by ede: namely for h Tropical zone ‘9208 + *1563 sin 0 + ‘0356 cos 26... , Temperate zone 5246 + ‘3126 sin 6 —‘0017 cos 20... , Polar zone 1249 + °1563 sin 6 — ‘0339 cos 20... ; or as the areas of these zones are me*, me?(V/3—1), we?(2— 4/3), the mean supplies per unit area are ad multiplied by series for ah Tropical zone 9208 + 1563 sin @ + 0356 cos 26... , Temperate zone ‘7168 + "4270 sin 6 — ‘0023 cos 24... , Polar zone 4740 + 5833 sin 6 — +1265 cos 26... . The values of a for X=0°, 80° and 60° are respectively 0, 1693, and *1559; hence for the zones the values — +1693, +°0134 and ‘1559 in the order tropical, temperate, polar. With Stockwell’s limits for e the total changes in Z are ‘007754, 000623, and ‘00714, or for the non-periodic term of the second series ‘0075, 00085, 0266; or in percentages ‘84 per cent. for the tropical zone, hardly appreciable for the temperate zone, and for the polar zone nearly 53 per cent. These figures give the whole range up and down from the present value; by an increase in e the tropical zone loses, the temperate very slightly gains, and the polar zone gains considerably. The annual term, exactly like that for a single latitude, has a total range of 104 per cent. The application of the zonal harmonic method gives results much simpler in form, but the convergence is a little slow. We have “7-29 cosa, and therefore | i Zi 2Q cosr da. JA 11—2 84 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION Integrate the whole zonal expansion of Q given in VIL, p. 78; we obtain an expression for sin X cos? X Z, viz. P,(sinX) is replaced by cos*A, P; by sind cos*r, P, by 4 (7 sin? — 3), sin cos? X P, by 8 (33 sin* X — 30 sin? + 5), by sin A cos? xr Ee 64 (715 sin® \ — 100) (sin* A + 385 sin?A — 35)... , cos? X and generally Ps, by im 1 P m—1— Poni), be. n(2n+1) Pm (sin 2). For example, the integration of the non-periodic term in VIII. gives A= 2a —sin d) + a.P, (cos €) sin X cos* A + ues (cos €) sin X cos?A (7 sin? A—3).... § 17. The transformation of the various results to mean time presents no difficulties. We use the relation 0+ 5 —o=y+2esin y+ 7 sin2y..., where y=27t, ¢ measured from perihelion, @ from T the spring equinox. Taking into account el, eL,, eZ, but not @L,, and omitting eL,, sd, sin 6...) transforms to : aa dt multiplied by 7e ‘ : LI, + cos (wv + @) \- L, (1 ~ = + ecos w (2L,+ 1.) +sin(W+o)(2L, — L,) esmo + cos 2 (r+ @) {- DL, + 2 L, cos 2a — 2eL, cos a} + sin 2(y+o)( > a, sin 2 — 2e, sin ) + cos (3x + 2a) 5 ue L, cos w — 3el,} — oer, sin @ sin (8% + 2) + L,cos4(+o).... For numerical results see Table B. In this formula Z, changes sign in passing to the southern hemisphere. If e is ignored, the formula is L, — L, cos (+ @) — L, cos 2 (+ @) + [, cos4¢ (r+ o).. Regarding this as a normal form, it is most modified by the ellipticity of the orbit, when, in the course of secular changes, has the values 0 and 7. AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 85 2H’ 2HO a, h To the same order as above, the heat-supply being we have for o=0 perihelion in midwinter Tie {bs (1- e = ab, el} cos 2at — {b Beaty, + 2eL,} cos dart 27e - (Sed. + = L, | cos 6rrt + [, cos 8rt..., and for #=7, perihelion in midsummer, the sign of Z, must be changed. As in the outline »=0 belongs to the genial period, #=7 to the glacial; and a genial period in one hemisphere due to this cause corresponds to a glacial one in the other. 7 31 - : ; HE The values o=5, —; make summer and winter of equal length, and give the minimum departure from standard form; for the first, perihelion in conjunction with vernal equinox V=L,+L, (1 - *) sin 2art + e(2L, — L,) cos 2art + (Z. + 2 L,) cos 47rt + 3eL, cos 6rrt 27e Fe) i +h, sin 67t + L,cos 87t... . As an example of zone formule transferred to mean time take first the hemisphere, for which the element of supply per unit area is a +sinesin @) or — multiplied by :— for genial epoch = =1— {sin € (1 - i) - 2e} cos 2rt — (2e sin € — *) cos 4rrt bo Lat PA er sin e cos 6z7t ... , C Te é 5 +) a 24} cos 2art + (20 sine + BE) cos 4art » glacial _,, 1+ {sin € (1 ag Ne + —g~ sin € cos Garbiseae O ,» present position 1 — {sin € (1 - =| — 2e cos ol cos (27t + w) + 2e sin w sin (27¢t + @) 9 : 5e De. ; Die. “4 - 2e sin €— “7 COS w cos (4r¢ + w) + > sin w sin (dart + w) — = — sin ecos(67t +@).... In figures these are :— for genial extreme 1 — ‘2562 cos 2art — ‘0435 cos 4art — 0066 cos 67... , » glacial > 1 + 5362 cos 27t + ‘0680 cos 4rt + 0066 cos b7rt..., » present position 1 — 3669 cos (27t + 11° 56’) — ‘0128 cos (47¢ + 11° 37’) — 0004 cos (67# + 11°)... , Qe 86 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION with w=11°, e='0168 for present position, and with e=-07 for the extremes. In every case time measurements start from perihelion. As a further example the second type of series on p. 83, referring to the three zones 0° to 30°, 30° to 60°, 60° to 90°, are in mean time for oe ; ‘9208 + °2871) — 0025) | —*0049) Tropical zone —-0241/ cos 27t _ 0463) ° os 4art —-0101| cos 6rt ..., m a ‘7168 + 5255 aaa WO) + 0075) Temperate zone _-395 cos 2rt _ weal S4art _ 0065) cos 67t... , 4740 + 6561 +2140) + 0356) Polar S Ort... ; olar zone se ene me 0506| cos dort | 01765 cos Ort ... ; the upper figures belonging to the extreme glacial, the lower to the extreme genial epoch. By comparison of these results for broad zones with those just given for the hemi- sphere, it is seen what an unsatisfactory view of the effects of eccentricity is given by taking the average for the hemisphere. § 18. Absorption. It is usual to allow for absorption of light or heat in passing through an absorbing medium by the use of a formula e~”, where z is the thickness traversed, For a considerable range from the zenith, when the earth’s atmosphere is in question, ¢ is taken proportional to secZ, J being the angle between the zenith and the sun’s rays, but near the horizon, the formula is modified and z made to approach a limit depending on the value assumed for the height of the atmosphere. The formula is easy of application when the object is to compare the amounts of absorption at different times of the day, but seems to present considerable difficulties, if we wish to integrate for the annual supply. Moreover it involves the assumption that rays after passing through a mile of the earth’s atmosphere, experience the same proportionate absorption in passing through the second mile. I suggest the use of a formula e,+e,cos7+e,cos?J+... to represent the proportion of heat or light transmitted, and that this formula be compared directly with observation at different zenith distances. This would give the relative values of €, @ +.. Which is sufficient for all terrestrial problems. For the determination of the solar constant, absolute values are needed, and these involve some such hypothesis as to absorption as is given above. The exact integration of each term of the above can be effected by the methods hitherto used, and some answer can be given to the interesting enquiry, how far the proportions of the coefficients of the non-periodic and various periodic terms are affected in different latitudes. Thus for example the e, term gives for the day’s integral e,HAt later : . ; ; i: ; ¢,HQ,.d0 Sarr | Bes Asin 6 +cosr cos dcos yp) dy or — 5 where = 5(5 ate $) feos X + sin? e (5 sin? — u (1 — cos 20)! + »=0, d 1 : il6.8} “= tand=5 3 x } P,(sin’)+7(5) ie * P, (sin 8) + ll (= sa) a P,(sin8).. +, quoting the expansion of ar in Todhunter’s Laplace’s Functions, p. 115. V1 —p ; ; 3 735i 20a Also - IAN, 12 Ore wo. Pent (0) =(— 1) oe pee. 31r V1 lla n—1 4 Cis ae os = = Tee Cs = 39 » o) Cny= 5 (dn +8) oC IL) ¥e al. 7 [} or this is emia = (4n +3) 5 | Pani (am) da. 0 2 > * . 5 T GAO But if we expand by odd harmonics P2,,,(sin6) a function which => for positive values o vin 2 O 5 . a 5 of sind, and = for negative values of sin 6, this is the coefficient required. Now when M=as P,,(sinX)=1, and so the value of x, given by the series reduces at the pole to m for summer and zero for winter, as it should do. § 20. The coefficient ,b, of any term P, (sind) P, (sin 6) in y, 3s derived from the =—p(ps}) (n—p)(n+pt+1) equation (c), and a repeated application brings us to the term in x, or x, whose coefficient corresponding one in xp» by the factor as appears from substituting in is known. But this leaves that of P, in y, undetermined in each case, this being the highest of the odd or even set of terms, according as p is odd or even. To determine terms of this type — AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 89 compare the coefficients of sin’? in the values of y,, and in the series, when A=0, p ax being even; and in the value of 5 , p being odd. Thus to take the even case when A=0, 4 Xp = [cos 8. cos? dap = ao = 5 cos 5, and in the series the only term containing sin” 6 is .,b.,P.,(0) P.,(sin 8). Now Py (= hg PI iy and the highest power of siné in P,,(siné) is 1.3. .4p-1. Treat the odd term with the help of d ‘ da Xt = (2p +1) x2) sin 6, ise when A=O0 derived from (b), and it appears that the formula 5a oe - bn holds whether p is odd or even. When the difference of p and n is even we have for the coefficient »b, in yy pat Ont Dp STARA = nolo s: ee De In this case m does not exceed p, and when n=p, 2. ..p—n must be taken =1. When the difference of p and n is odd, (Qn +1)|p.1.3...(n+p) nist» 22.4...(n+pt+1).(n—p)(n—p+t2)...(n+p) ae) j nDp = and in this case either p or » may be the greater, and the denominator may contain negative terms. The aie terms are :-— Xo == al = (sin X) P, (sin 8) — — as (sin X) P; (sin 6) a 5 Ps (sin X) P; (sin 8) ... x1 = - = q Pe (sin 2) P, (sin 8) — : P, (sin X) P, (sin 8) + YF" p, (sind) P, (sin 8)... ‘ - S10) xe= 2 +27 P, (sin 2) P, (sin 8)+ 7 P, (sin 2) P, (sin 8) + 17 P,P, — 54 PP. T 38 137 X= 5 aq bits ip 5 PP ie Lay is aN ye 10 7 P,P; ... (the rest even) lla Y= Tela ee = 2 BE at ee 5 PPit 355 Pal .. (the rest odd) Vou. XVI. Parr I. 12 90 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION x; for example contains the infinite series of even zonals, and the odd series up to P;, xX contains the infinite series of odd zonals, and the even series up to P,. In x; all the coefficients are derivable from those in y% by the factor Fe Ae (n — 3)(n + 4) except that of P;, for which we are thrown back on the special method, but in any case the coefficients are all determined without reference to any previous series by the two formule above. In Arctic regions, at the transitions from total to partial day or night, the series are continuous, the first differential coefficient of y., the second of y,, the third of X2,-.. With regard to either variable being discontinuous. With these values we have, when e,+e,cos2+e,cos*J+... represents the amount of light or heat transmitted for the inclination J, the element of heat-supply Hdé Sab Hdé = (Xa + GrX2 + GX3 +...) mm leu of eke with no absorption. The first term y,, which does not appear here, and was introduced for analytical purposes, is the supply-function as it would be if with the existing duration of daylight, light or heat came with equal strength that of the zenith during the whole day. It might be applied to the heating of a cloud in mid-air presenting an equal surface to the sun through the course of the day, the meaning being clear when we remember that the use of one factor cos J was necessitated by the exposure of a surface at a varying angle. To transform P, (sin 6) into a sine or cosine series with regard to @, for even values of n, the result is given above, p. 78; for odd values it is s=n 2(—1)"|2n — 2s Pini (sin 6) = =, Plas Sige sin**+? eP*") (cos €) sin (2s + 1) 8, and this completes the expression of any member of the group in the standard form L,+L, sin 6+ L, cos 26 + L£,sin 36+ £,cos40+4+.... For x2, the cosines go as far as cos 2p, and the sines of odd multiples take all values, for Yopi; the sines go as far as sin(2p+1)@, and the cosines of all even multiples occur. § 21. At the pole y,=7sin’6 or wsin’esin’@ from @=0 to 7, and vanishes from 6=7 to 27. The expansion of such a function may be effected imdependently, and the opening terms are: es w= - AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 91 TB exits 0 D5 36 hes 50 XM =5 +2sind +, sin 36 += sin 58... aie 2 2 xi=sine (1 +5 sin @ — 5 cos 26 — 7, ~ cos 46. . : wr 4. T + ee ee me Va = ms fa) We aaaedeas (e). X2 = sin (7 i sin 6 4 08 20 = sin 36 105 sin 50 ) ¢ : 2 : 4 x= sin e(5 +57 sin 0 — 2 cos 20 — < 7 sin 30+ 4 cos 46 . a) : 37 («16 16 = 4 = = | = Xs = sin (7g +738 é- 700s 3s 20-— 35 sin 36 + 7, c0s 40 ...) If in the general forms (d) X be put = oy and the comparison of a term of type sin (2s +1), or cos 2s0, be made with the simplified form (e), the result is an expansion of the type sin™e in terms of P% (cose) or Pxii(cose) or P.,; s being fixed in the series in question, and n not less than s. The series are finite if m is even, infinite in the other case, and form a generalization of formule already quoted in Todhunter’s Laplace's Functions, pp. 114, 115. The means of the successive functions y,, x:-.. for the globe or for a a hemisphere are T Tv Tv 7 AGC ee a0 for succeeding terms of series (d) the coefficients diminish at a less rate or even increase, and from this we infer that the periodic terms, and the element in non-periodic term dependent on latitude and obliquity of the ecliptic, increase relatively as we pass from y, to the succeeding functions. It is not easy to judge at sight the effect in any particular latitude, say, on the non- periodic term, because this derives a section from each of the zonals of even degree. But at the pole, as appears from (e), we have Gn on oe TB cee —sin?e, =sime, -—~sim‘e..., sim ¢, 4 3 16 where the means for hemisphere are suggesting a rate of decrease growing as we pass from equator to pole. This may be proved generally, but with a view of shewing it more readily, I give numerical values in Table (C) for latitudes 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°. As regards the annual term which derives a section from each odd zonal, we have in low latitudes absolute increase, and so a conspicuous relative increase. In latitude 30°, the figures for the successive functions are nearly the same, for higher latitudes the annual term diminishes in absolute value, but still at a less rate than the non-periodic term, and - 12—2 a 92 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION finally at the pole there is little difference in the rates at which these two terms diminish in passing from the normal function to those with absorption. § 22. We readily obtain summer or winter totals of radiation received by finding [7 Paina) a8, The opening terms are [Py Gind) do =2 sine, ia P.d0 = ($sin* e~ 5) iz ["—3sine + sin’ 0 0 4 2 0 3 i) Pie = = (1 Lee = sin‘e), p Pao = "7 (1—ssinre+ sin‘ e) ie For winter the terms of even order are the same, those of odd order have the sign reversed. Also average values of the various terms for the hemisphere may be obtained by in- tegrating 7 i P,, (sin 2) dx. Jo Even terms except that of zero order vanish, 2 1 7 1 3 1 [ Pa=5, i Pdr=—s, pS ae Again the series in (d) may be transformed into zonal formule (or more properly polar- : cap formule) by the substitution given at the end of § 16, and noticing that the polar-cap element is a while the ordinary element in latitude % which is per unit area is | Hdé . Bs ; = , “ah? it appears that the factor mc? is also required. With these changes we have values q of polar-cap formule down to any latitude for the various absorption functions used, and by subtraction formule for a zone of any extent. The constants @, @, ... may be different for different wave-lengths. Also if the absorption is different at different seasons of the year for the same angle of incidence, the quantities contain annual or semi-annual terms, and these should be introduced in the expression Ha + GiXa + «--) = 0XA 1X2 es Deer when transforming to mean time. Or if the absorption is different in different latitudes for the same angle of incidence, then e,... are functions of latitude. The discussion of such points would involve a survey of radiation with a bolometer in different latitudes, and at different seasons of the year, as well as at different times of the day. AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON ASTRONOMICAL ELEMENTS. 93 (A) Table of coefficients in the expansion of Q in the form L,+L,sin 0+ L, cos 20+ L,cos40+..., and of their differential coefficients with regard to « and X. (€ = 23° 27’) | dLy aL, aL, aL, || dZ, aL, dL, dL, r Ly I, Ly I, de de de de | dy dy dy dy = _ = = = — - ———— = - 0° || 9591 | -0 0412 |—-0004 ||—1950 | -0 | 1987 —0051 || 0 6251 | ‘0 0 10° || 9458 | 1085 | -0394 |—-0004 ||\—1856 | -2502 | -1897 —0042 —1520 | 6156 —0221 -0004 20° || 9065 | 2138 | :0334 |--0003 |—1570 | -4928 | -1600 —0032 |—2973 | 5874 —0456 -0008 | 30° || 8429 | 3126 | -0232 |—-0001 ||—1088 | 7205 | :1088 —0007 ||—-4306 | 5413 —-0715 | ‘0014 40° || ‘7577 | -4018 | -0081 |+:0002 ||—0348 | 9263 | -0330 +0025 \—"5419 | 4789 |—-1034 | -0024 50° || 6557 | 4789 |—-0138 |4+-0009 ||+-0722 1:1039 —0807 +:0092 |—-6193 -4018 —1509 -0049 60° || 5455 | 5413 |—0477 |4+-0024 |/4+°2441 |1:2480 |—-2688 +:0274 ||—-6260 | 3126 —4795 | ‘0289 70° || 4543 | 5874 |—-1225 |+-0116 ||+°6462 |1°3541 |—7357 +0604 |\—3547 2138 —6437 0250 80° || 4112 | 6156 |—2255 |—-0207 |+°8569 |1-4192 |—-6873 —1671 |—-1546 | 1085 —4499 —2797 90° || 3979 | 6251 |—-2653 |—-0531 ||4+-9174 11-4411 —6116 —1223 | -0 Is 0 0 ‘0 The mean value of ZL, for the globe is A: Unit value of Z, is what it would be at the equator if « were =0, in which case LD, would reduce to the form cosX. I, is negative for southern hemisphere, L,, L,,... alike for both hemispheres. (C) Table of coefficients when the absorption functions are used. Ly for L, (sin @) for L, (cos 26) for x | ray X2 Xs Xs x X2 Xs X4 4 Xe Xs Xs 0° || 9591, °7232, 5893, +5012 | -0 ‘0 ‘0 0 0412, -0622, ‘0764, +0859 30° || 8429, 5735, 4316, 3446 | 3126, 3260, 3191, 3039 | 0232, 0155, -0020, —-0018 45° || "7084, °4230, 2868, °2107 | 4420, 3803, 3176, 2640 —-0018, —-0311, —-0514, —-0621 60° || °5455, -2741, 1602, °1013 | 5413, °3460, -2272, 1453 | —-0477, —-0777, —-0761, —-0645 90° || 3979, 1244, 0419, -0148 | 6251, ‘2115, ‘0841, 0268 | —-2653, —-1244, —-0504, —-0195 L, (sin 36) for | DL, (cos 48) for : X X2 X3 Xs | Xi X2 X3 Xs o || 0, 0, 0, 0 —0004, 0, 0009, 0018 30° 0, 0063, ‘0108, °0133 — 0001, -0, —-0006, —-0014 45° || 0, 0055, 0044, 0006 | +-0005, 0, —-0010, —-0020 60° 0, —0007, —-0080, —-0144 +0024, -0, —0007, +:0001 90° || 0, —-0422, —-0247, —0165 | -—-0531, -0, +0072, +-0049 In this table y, is the normal case of no absorption, y, = Q. 94 Mr HARGREAVES, DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION. In x2 absorption is proportional to cos J, IMG onasbooané senenoanananeqnq00sno9080 10 cos? J, Tih cosnagacooosoasdnooabcosnnbmabersoosace cos? I. (B) Expansion of Q in mean time W=27t, ¢ measured from perihelion, unit time 1 year. Kccentricity e='0168. Longitude of perihelion 79°. 0° ‘9591 + 0328 cos (r+ 0° 27’) — 0406 cos (2 + 22° 54’) — 0021 cos (By + 22°), 10° N. 9458 — 0769 cos (we + 15° 25’) — 0424 cos (2 + 21° 24’) — ‘0021 cos (By + 21° 37’), S: » +:1403 cos (y+ 8° 35’) — 0352 cos (2 + 23° 34’) — ‘0019 cos (Br + 22° 36’), 20° N. 9065 — 1834 cos (Wy + 12° 47’) — 0399 cos (2 + 21° 51’) — 0019 cos (Bye + 20° 48’), 8. » +2442 cos(r+ 9° 40’) — 0257 cos (2 + 22° 24’) — 0015 cos (Bx + 23° 33’), 30° N. °8429 — 2845 cos (yr +12° 4’) — 0330 cos (2 + 16° 37’) — ‘0015 cos (BW + 19° 42’), S. $3407 cos (Yr + 10° 6’) — 0128 cos (2p + 37° 55’) — 0009 cos (Bp + 25° 49’), 40° N. -7577 —-3766 cos (yr + 11° 44’) — 0214 cos (2 + 15° 18’) — 0008 cos (By + 16° 15’), S. » +°4268 cos (+ 10° 21’) + 0068 cos (24 — 3° 26’) + 0001 sin (By + 22°), 50°. N. 6557 — 4574 cos (yr + 11° 32’) — 0079 cos (2+ 0° 42’) + 0016 cos (3 + 64°), S. » +5001 cos (YW + 10° 31’) + 0360 cos (2 + 16° 51’) + 0013 cos (3x + 18° 6’), 60° N. °5455 — 5240 cos (yr + 11° 24’) + “0304 cos (2yr +28°13'-5)-+ 0019 cos (By + 25° 2’), S. » +5585 cos (Wr +10°375)+ 0660 cos (2+ 7° 52’) + 0029 cos (Br + 20° 2’), 70° N. -4543 — 5726 cos (x + 11° 20’) + 1035 cos (2x + 23° 56’) + 0057 cos (Br + 23° 6’), S. » +6019 cos (Yr + 10° 41’) + 1422 cos (2 + 20° 31’) + 0067 cos (3x + 21° 4’), 80° N. 4112 — 6056 cos (yr + 11° 19’) + ‘2055 cos (2 + 23° 24’) + ‘0109 cos (By + 22° 34’), S. » +6253 cos (ve +10°416)+ 2461 cos (2 + 21° 3’) + 0119 cos (By + 21° 28’), 90° N. -3979 — 6162 cos (x + 11° 19’) + °2450 cos (2 + 22” 55’) + 0128 cos (By + 22° 32’), S. » +6337 cos (+ 10° 42’) + 2862 cos (2p + 21° 11’) + 0140 cos (By + 21° 30’). IV. The Contact Relations of certain systems of Circles and Conics. By Prof. W. M°F. Orr, M.A., Fellow of St John’s College. [Read Nov. 23, 1891. Revised Oct. 19, 1896.] [Lhe author is indebted to Mr A. Larmor for suggestions as to revision.) CHARTER: A FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM. SECTION I. ENUNCIATION. 1. I pRoposE to show that if Fig. 1 represents four circles on a sphere intersecting so that either the four pomts A, B, C, D (and therefore also A’, B’, 0’, D’) or the four A, B, C’, D’ (and therefore also A’, B’, C, D) are concyclic [a condition which may be otherwise expressed by saying that the difference of the arcual angles OAB and OBA equals the difference of the arcual angles OCD and ODC irrespective of sign] then the incireles of each of the following tetrads of arcual triangles are touched by two other circles besides OAC and OBD:— CATR emt) AUP eee CLD). OG er emake Pe. (1), OU a MOC es OCDE QIOUY: sie ass He (2), OAR MOAB “OCD. «QOD a 4c eee. (3), Cae Owe OCD! OCD ae aoe (4), OAAe MONE “OCD 06D oe eS (5), OBE SOARS -O'CD*® OC Diao (6), CABO OCD). \ OCD ieee eee (7), OAR MOAB. OCD * AOC Dran tstee ee (8), OBS BROUBO’-OCD!- MOOD ioe ch heads (9), CARI OUR “OCD OCs Lo Mae: (10), OAR er OAR’ OCD OCD. eee (11), OAR BaW AR “OCD! * OCD Bin eee (12), Cibo sGnn OOD!" OCD. iar ee (13), (AMR OAn. OOD, - ODE wa eae (14), aoa BR. OCD. COU. 5 (15), ABS ABs ¢ OCD, =OEDE 2 1 ee, (16). * “The incircle of O'CD’” means the circle touching OAC, OBD, CDC'D’ and containing within it these three circles. This notation seems natural from analogy with the case in which these three circles are great circles. A similar remark applies to “the incirele of O’4B’.” Wore “vil, Rant Tle 13 96 Pror. ORR, ON THE CONTACT RELATIONS OF SECTION II. Two LEMMAS. 2. I shall use as Lemmas a particular case of a theorem given by Mr Jessop in the Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Vol. XxiU, and its converse. His theorem is enun- ciated :—“The sum or difference of the angles any two fixed generating circles of the same family of a Bicircular Quartic make with a variable generating circle of any other given family is constant.” It might also be enunciated:—“If P,Q, R, S be four generating circles of a Bicircular Quartic, P, Q belonging to one family and R, S to another, then a circle can be drawn through one of each pair of intersections of P with R, P with S, Q with R, and Q with S (and therefore another circle through the remaining four of the same intersections).” The same theorem of course follows, by inversion, or stereo- graphic projection, for Sphero-Quartics also. The particular case referred to is that m which the Quartic consists of two circles on a sphere (or in a plane). As Mr Jessop’s proof does not readily enable us to select the concyclic points I give a proof for the particular case depending on Casey’s relation among the angles of intersection of four circles that touch a fifth. (It may be worth while pointing out how to write down this relation. Let the points of contact be K, L, M, N as in Fig. 2: write down the analogue of Ptolemy’s theorem, viz.:— sin} KM. sin} LN =sin}KL.sin} MN +sin4 KN. sin3LM, and substitute for each great are joining two of the points K, LZ, M, N the supplement of that angle between the tangent circles at its extremities within which the circle KZMN lies.) Let Fig. 3 represent two circles of each family touching the two circles S and S’. Since the four circles touch S we have Pes 6 @ Opes a yee: sin 5 C08 5 + COS 5 cos 3 = SIN 5 COS 5 Deed tae Se |. 5 eae (a@b\e and since they touch S’ we have CW Oe eo (SGI o @ isin = sine cos Cos 2 cos 5 SIN 5 = Sin 5 Cos 5 + cos 5 cos Q ceeeseeeseetseeeesceeeeeees (2). From these relations we obtain the equation a+é . Bry sin —— = sin—>~ therefore either a+d6=68+y7 or a+d=27-B-y, therefore either a—S8=y—6 or a+8=27-y-6. If the former relation hold dA, B, C’, D’ are concyclic, if the latter, A’, B, C’, D, Mr Jessop’s theorem thus being established on either supposition. CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF CIRCLES AND CONICS. oy It is however necessary for the present purpose to show that it is the former of these alternatives which is true and not the latter. If a third circle be drawn touching S and S’, of the same family as AB and CD and having a position intermediate between them, and if 0, be the angles that correspond to y and 6, we have either a—B=y—56 or a+8+7+6= 27; and at the same time either a—B=0—¢ or a+ 8+0+ = 27: and at the same time either y—8=0—¢@ or y+6+0+6=2r7. If the former alternative be not taken in the first case it must either be taken in one only of the other cases or not be taken in any case, as if taken in both the other cases from the equations a—B=0—¢, y—&8=0—¢, we deduce the equation a—B=y—6. Now if we take the former alternative in the second case only, we deduce a=6, B=q¢. Thus the equation sin * cos oe cos ~ cos _ sin = cos = 2 2 2 DS a) De which corresponds to (1) for the.cireles concerned, reduces to sin = cos B. cos = cos ee sin 2 cos B rar, 2 Pa a Dre a De which cannot be true since neither @ nor © is 7. Similarly we cannot take the former alternative in the third case only. Again, if we take the latter alternative in every case, we deduce a+B=y7y+6=0+o=7. Equation (1) then reduces to sin 2 Silleben 2 cae ae ea ae 2 Ae wee, oy which cannot be true since neither » nor w’ is 7. The former alternative must therefore hold in the first case; (the same argument shows that it must hold in all three cases). The points O’D’ having been proved concyclic with A and B, if the circle CDC’D’ be made to vary continuously, touching S and 8’, it is obvious that in any position the instantaneous positions of C’ and D’ are always concyclic with A and 8B, it being noted that © and C’ (or D and D’) interchange as the varying circle passes through the position in which they coincide. When the concyclic points have been determined for the intersection of two given circles P and Q of one family with any two of the other family this consideration suffices to determine them for the intersection of P and Q with any other two. 3. Conversely if in Fig. 3 COC’, DOD’ be two circles of one family touching S and S' and CDOC'D’' be a circle of the other family and A, B be two points one on each of the circles COC’, DOD’ concyclic with OC’, D’, then through A and B there can be described a circle touching S and S' of the same family as CDC’D’. For through A two circles of that family can be described. If a circle of that family be made to vary 13—2 98 Pror. ORR, ON THE CONTACT RELATIONS OF continuously from coincidence with CDC’D’ first mto coincidence with one of these circles and then, restarting from the position CDC’D’, into coincidence with the other, im one ease C, and in the other C’, will move continuously into coincidence with dA. The former of the circles will pass through B, because from what has been proved if it do not pass through B but cut DOD' in E and EL’ the circle C’D‘A will pass either through £ or £’, which is impossible, since by hypothesis the circle C’D’A cuts DOD' in B; therefore the result stated is true. SECTION IIL PROOF OF THE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM. 4. In applying the Lemmas to the proof of the theorems stated in Art. 1 the following notation is adopted: the incircle of the tmangle OAB is denoted by 4 and the escribed circles of this triangle opposite the angles A, B, O are denoted by 1, 2, 3, and the inverses of 1, 2, 3, 4 with respect to the circle cutting OA, OB, and AB orthogonally are denoted by 1’, 2’, 3’, 4 respectively: the incircle of the triangle OCD is denoted by Iv and the escribed circles of this triangle opposite the angles C, D, O are denoted by 1, Il, lI respectively, while the imverses of I, II, lI, IV with respect to the circle cutting OC, OD and CD orthogonally are denoted by I’, m1’, m1’, Iv’ respectively. I have found it impracticable to get good figures for all the tetrads without varying the sizes and positions of the four circles OA, OB, AB and CD. In all the figures (Figs. 4—12) however O lies within and 0’ without the circles AB and CD; the points of intersection of these circles lie in the angles AOD’, BOC’; and A, B, C’, D’ lie on a circle; this circle is not drawn. Of the two circles whose existence the theorem asserts, in each case one only is drawn, the dotted circle m the figures. Fig. + shows the circles of tetrad (1) denoted by the numbers 3, 4, lI, Iv, placed at their centres. Two circles can be drawn having contact of the same kind with the circles 3, IV and of a different kind with 4; let FHE’F’ be one of these circles. Then since ABA’B' and FEE’F’ both touch 3 and 4, by the first Lemma A, B, #, F are coneychic and ZOAB—2zZOBA=2ZOFE—2ZOEF (angles between small circles being meant in every case), but Z OFE —Z OEF=2 OE'F’ —2OF'E’, since F, E, F’, E’ are concyclic, and 2O0AB—2ZOBA=ZO0CD—ZODC since A, B, C’, D’ are concyclic; therefore ZOE’F’ —z OF'E’=ZO0CD—2ZODC and therefore (by the second Lemma) the circle FEE’F’ (and not the other circle through £’, F’ touching Iv) touches the circle mr. In a similar manner the other circle having contact of one kind with 3, tv, and of a different kind with 4, can be shown to touch IU. CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF CIRCLES AND CONICS. 99 The eight circles that can be drawn to touch three given circles consist of four circles and their inverses with respect to the circle cutting the given three orthogonally ; there are two species of tetrads of these eight circles which are touched by a fourth circle; a tetrad of one species consists of two circles and their inverses with respect to the orthogonal circle of the given three; a tetrad of the other consists of circles analogous to the inscribed and escribed circles of a plane triangle (the radical centre of the three given circles being supposed to lie within each of them). No distinctive names appear to be in use for the two species; in the present paper the former species will be called inverse tetrads, and the term Hart tetrad restricted to the latter species. The existence of a second circle touching 3, 4, mI and iv, thus indeed follows from that of the circle FEE’F’ as the circles 3 4 I IV form an inverse tetrad of the circles touching OAC, OBD and FEE’F’. A similar remark applies in the cases of tetrads (2)—(8). If A, B, C, D be concyclic instead of A, B, C’, D’ a figure for that case can be obtained by erasing the circle CD and redrawing it, of the same family touching 11 and Iv but so that A, B, C, D are concyclic, C and D denoting points on OA and OB respectively, both to the right of O. In a similar manner, in the cases of the other fifteen tetrads, the case in which A, B, C, D are concyclic may be deduced from that in which A, B, C’, D’ are concyclic or wee versa. If without altering the figure the letters A and D’, B and C’, C and B, D and A’ be interchanged in the figure and proof, the figure and proof apply to tetrad (4). Fig. 5 shows the circles of tetrad (2); the proof is precisely similar. If in proof and figure A and A’, B and B’, C and C’, D and D’ are interchanged we establish tetrad (8). This particular interchange of letters might be objected to as a mode of deducing one tetrad from another in other cases on the ground that it changes a figure in which the order of points on AC is O, A, C, O', and on BD, O, B, D, O' into one in which the order on AC is O, C, A, O’, and on BD, O, D, B, O'. In this case however if the portions drawn of the circles AB and C’D’ did not extend to their point of intersection there would be nothing to show m which order the points actually occur, and therefore a proof valid for one order is valid for the other. Fig. 6 shows the circles of tetrad (5); the proof is similar except that A, B, H’, F’ are concyclic instead of A, B, EL, F. Fig. 7 shows the circles of tetrad (6); in this case also A, B, H’, F’ are concyclic instead of A, B, E, F. If in figure and proof we interchange A and D’, B and C’, C and B’, D and A’ we establish tetrad (7). Fig. 8 shows the circles of tetrad (8); it has not appeared practicable in this case to draw the circles so that both 1’ and 1 contain within them the three circles they 100 Pror. ORR, ON THE CONTACT RELATIONS OF are respectively drawn to touch, as they would do if drawn in Fig. 1. In this figure also A, B, E’, F’ are concyclic. Fig. 9 shows the circles of tetrad (9). In this case A, B, EZ, F are concyclic. The existence of a second circle touching 1, 2, m1, IV follows from that of the circle EFF’E’ as the circles 1, 2, 111, Iv form a Hart tetrad of the circles touching OAC, OBD and EFF'E’. A similar remark applies in the cases of tetrads (10)—(16). If A and D’, B and C’, A’ and D, B’ and C be interchanged we establish tetrad (15). Fig. 10 shows the circles of tetrad (13). In this figure also A, B, H, F are concyclic. If in figure and proof A and D’, B and C’, A’ and D, B’ and C be interchanged we establish tetrad (11). Fig. 11 shows the circles of tetrad (10). In this figure also A, B, EZ, F are concyelic. If in figure and proof A and D’, B and C’, A’ and D, B’ and C be interchanged we establish tetrad (16). Fig. 12 shows the circles of tetrad (14). In this figure also A, B, #, F are concyclic. If in figure and proof A and D’, B and C’, A’ and D, B’ and C be interchanged we establish tetrad (12). The fundamental theorem stated in Section I. has only been established for one configuration of the four original circles, but by the principle of continuity must be true for all modifications of the figure. 5. Tetrads (1)—(8) are analogous to inverse tetrads and each is in fact such a tetrad of circles touching four others as has been shown in Art. 4 If as a particular ease the circle CDC’D’ coincide with ABA’B’, C coinciding with A and D with B tetrads (1), (4), (5) and (8) merely consist of two circles taken twice, tetrads (2) and (3) become the same inverse tetrad of circles touching OA, OB and AB, and tetrads (6) and (7) become another inverse tetrad of circles touching OA, OB and AB. In the case of each of these last-mentioned four cases one of the two common tangent circles whose existence has been established, becomes the circle AB, and the other becomes the fourth circle that touches an imverse tetrad. Tetrads (9)—(16) are analogous to Hart tetrads and each is in fact such a tetrad of circles touching four others as has been shown in Art. 4. If as a particular case, the circle CDC’D’ coincide with ABA’B’, C coinciding with A and D with B, tetrads (9) and (13) become the same Hart tetrad of circles touching OA, OB and AB; so also do (10) and (14), (11) and (15), (12) and (16). In each case, one of the two common tangent circles whose existence has been established, becomes the circle AB, and the other becomes the Hart circle which touches that Hart tetrad. 6. With the notation that has been adopted, the tetrads analogous to inverse tetrads are 1210, 121711, 1 2’1n, 341mrIv, 3411’ Iv, 3’ 4 rr Iv, and 3’ 4’ 1’ Iv’; and the ea = Se - — CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF CIRCLES AND CONICS. 101 tetrads analogous to Hart tetrads are 121Iv, 121n’Iv’, 1’2'urtv, 1’2’m'iv’, 3410, 341, 3’4 111, and 34’ 11’. (The order of the tetrads here is not the same as in Section I.) Thus however the circles be situated when we know the Hart tetrads of the circles that touch OA, OB, AB, and the Hart tetrads of those that touch OA, OB, CD, and have identified a single tetrad of either kind of the sixteen above, the others of each kind can be easily identified. 7. There also exist of course, among the circles touching AB, CD, Od, and AB, CD, OB respectively, sixteen tetrads of circles touched by two others besides AB and CD. CHAPTER II. CoNTACT RELATIONS AMONG THE CIRCLES TOUCHING TRIADS OF THE EIGHT THAT TOUCH THREE GIVEN CIRCLES. SECTION IV. THE CIRCLES TOUCHING TRIADS OF A Harr Group. 8. In Fig. 13 let AB, BC, CA represent three circles intersecting on a sphere or in a plane, let A’'B'C’ be their other points of intersection which do not appear in the figure, and let 1, 2, 3, 4 be the Hart tetrad of circles touching AB, BC, CA, which are escribed and inscribed to the triangle ABC (4 has not been drawn). By Mr Jessop’s theorem or otherwise, two of the points P, P’, Q, Q’ are concyclic with A and B; which two are they? If the Hart circle change continuously, still touching 1 and 2, it can pass into the position AB without either P coinciding with P’ or Q with Q in any intermediate position, and when it does come into the position AB the point P’ coincides with A and Q’ with B. Therefore by the concluding paragraph of Art. 2, A, B, P, Q are the concyclic pomts. In the same way if the Hart circle change continuously, still touching 1 and 3, before it can pass into the position CA, P and P’ would coincide and interchange, viz. at the point of contact of BC with 1. Hence P, R, A, C are concyclic. If again the Hart circle change continuously, still touching 2 and 3, before it can come into the position BC both Q and Q’, R and R’ would interchange, so that B, C, Q, R are concyclic. This is one way of getting these results. Hence the four circles BC, CA, AB, PQR satisfy triply the condition of Section I. 9. Let us find in which are of the Hart circle its point of contact with 4 is situated. Let 12 denote the direct and 1/2 or 12’ the transverse common tangent of 102 Pror. ORR, ON THE CONTACT RELATIONS OF 1 and 2, with a similar notation in the case of the other circles. By Casey’s relation we then have from the circle BC, sin }(12') sin} (34) +sin$ (14) sin} (23) =sin}(13’/) sin} (24), from CA, sin} (23') sin} (14) =sin$(24’) sin} (13) + sin} (1 2’) sin} (3 4), from AB, sin 4 (23’) sin (14) =sin $(13’) sin} (24) + sin $ (3 #) sin $ (1 2). Adding the first and second equations, subtracting the third and omitting terms common to each side, the resulting equation is sin }(1 4’) sin} (23) =sin$(24’) sin $(13) — sin} (3 4’) sin} (1 2), showing that the points of contact of 1, 2, 3, 4 with the Hart circle form-a quadrilateral of which the second and fourth lie on a diagonal; that is to say, the point of contact sought for lies between P and R’. 10. Let us now apply the theorem of Chap. I. to obtain contact relations among the circles touching BC, CA, AB and the Hart circle of ABC (denoted respectively by a, b, c and d) in sets of three. Suppose the concavities of BC, CA, AB are towards A, B, C respectively; denote by abe the circle which has contact of the same kind with a, 6 and c¢ and is neither 1, 2, 3 nor 4; denote by abc’ the circle which has contact of the same kind with @ and b and of the opposite kind with ec’ and is neither 1, 2, 3 nor 4, and adopt a corresponding notation in the case of other circles. Consider circles touching a, 0, ¢ and circles touching a, b, d; since A, B, P, @ are concyclic, of the abd circles abd and abd’ (i.e. the circle escribed to the triangle CP’Q’ opposite the angle C and the circle inscribed in the same triangle) and of the abe circles 3, 4 form an inverse tetrad. Hence writing down the abe circles as 1, 2, 3, 4, and abe, ab’c, abc’, abe, the first row forming a Hart group and each circle in the first row being the imverse of the one below it with respect to the circle cutting a, b and ¢ orthogonally, and the abd circles as Ie 2D: eS hy ieee and ab’d, a’bd, abd’, abd, which we do in accordance with the rule indicated in Art. 6, the first two circles of the second and fourth rows form an imverse tetrad, as also do the last two circles of these rows, and the first two circles in either form with the last two in the other a Hart tetrad. Each of the other twelve tetrads of Chapter I. either consists of two of the circles 1, 2, 3, 4 taken twice or is a tetrad of circles touching three circles, ie. either a, b, c, or a, b, d. Thus only four of the sixteen tetrads are new. The notation alone is sufficient to enable us to write down the two new tetrads of each kind. For an inverse tetrad consists of four circles of one family touching a, b, and there are only two such tetrads which are new, and a Hart tetrad consists of two circles touching a, b, c and belonging to the same family of circles touching a, b, and two circles touching a, b, d and belonging to the other family of circles touching a, b, and of these also only two are new. CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF CIRCLES AND OONICS. 103 So too considering the abe circles and the acd circles, writing down the former as ie A 2sreto, | a abe, ab'c, abc’, abe, and the latter as Le De eae acid, acd’, aed, acd, we see that the first and third circles of the second and fourth rows form an inverse tetrad as also do the second and fourth circles of the same rows, while the first and third in either with the second and fourth in the other form a Hart tetrad. And considering the abe circles and the bed circles, writing down the former as and the latter as [not mioe 4: bed’, be'd, b’ced, bed, we see that of the second and fourth rows the first and fourth circles form an inverse tetrad as also do the second and third, while the second and third of either with the first and fourth of the other form a Hart tetrad. Again if we consider the cda circles and the cdb circles, a consideration of the figure shows that if we write the former as 1, 2, 3, 4 acd, acd’, a’cd, acd, and the latter as non “oe Fd, bed’, be'd, b’cd, bed, > of the second and fourth rows the first and second circles form an inverse tetrad, as also do the third and fourth, while the first and second of either with the third and fourth of the other form a Hart tetrad. Similarly for the eda circles and the abd circles, and for the abd circles and the bed circles. 11. Hence:—If we take any Hart tetrad of circles touching three others and describe circles touching them in threes we get four sets of four circles [exclusive of the original three and of another which with them in every case forms a Hart tetrad of circles touching the Hart group with which we started], each set of course being a Hart tetrad; we can form twenty-four tetrads of circles each consisting of two out of one of the above sets and two out of another such that each tetrad is touched by two circles besides the two which they have been constructed to touch in common; twelve of these: tetrads are Hart tetrads and twelve are inverse. Wiig D-OVAR usw UE 14 104 Pror. ORR, ON THE CONTACT RELATIONS OF 12. All these tetrads can be shown in a table as follows. Write down the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and underneath each the letters denoting the conjugate one of the other four touching each of the four triads. a er 3 + bed’ | bed | Wed | bed | ac’d | acd’ | acd | acd | abd | abd | abd’ | abd | abe | abc | abe’ abe | Consider any two horizontal rows of this table (other than the first); they represent four circles touching in common two of the four circles a, b, c, d; take out of one row two belonging to one family of circles that touch the common circles of a, yes GAP take out of the other row two belonging to one family (but either) of circles touching the same; these circles form a tetrad touched by two other circles besides two of the four a, b, c, d; if all are of one family it is an inverse tetrad, but if two are of one family and two of another it is a Hart tetrad. Each inverse tetrad consists of two circles and two vertically under them, each Hart tetrad of two circles and two not vertically over or under either of them. 13. As a particular case, if we take the inscribed and escribed circles of a plane or spherical triangle and describe circles touching them in threes we get four sets of four circles [besides the sides of the original triangle and its Hart circle], each set of course being a Hart tetrad; we can form twenty-four tetrads of circles each consisting of two out of one of the above sets and two out of another such that each tetrad is touched by two circles besides the two which they have been constructed to touch in common; twelve of these tetrads are Hart tetrads and twelve are inverse. These tetrads can be found by the rule given in the preceding section from the annexed table, the notation being the same as in the previous one: a b c d 1/937] tee. 2st || 198 234 | 2'34 | 23’4 | 234’ 1/384 | 134 | 134 | 134’ 124 | 194 | 124 | 124’ CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF CIRCLES AND CONICS. 105 SECTION V. THE CIRCLES TOUCHING TRIADS OF A GROUP CONSISTING OF THREE MEMBERS OF A Harr Group AND THE CONJUGATE OR INVERSE OF THE FourRTH. 14. Suppose as before that a, b, c, d are a Hart tetrad of circles touching 1, 2, 3 (three circles in a plane or on a sphere) and that their inverses with respect to the circle cutting 1, 2, 3 orthogonally are denoted by A, B, C, D respectively; then the circles a, b, c, D like a, b, c, d satisfy triply the condition of Section I. (Fig. 14 repre- sents these circles, D being the circle XY’ZX’YZ’.) For B,C, Y, 7; C, A, Z, X’; A, B, X, Y' are respectively concyclic by Mr Jessop’s theorem. Let abc, abc’ denote the same circles as before, let abD, abD’ denote respectively the circles touching a, b and D with contact of the same kind, and touching a and b with contact of the same kind, but D with contact of the other kind, and which are neither 1, 2, 3 nor the abD circle which forms a Hart group with 1, 2, 3. Let this last circle, the incirele of C’X’Y, be denoted by [abD’]. Then considering circles touching a, b, ¢ and circles touching a, b, D, since A, B, X,Y’ are concyclic 1, 2 of the abe circles and 3, [abD’] of the abD circles form a Hart tetrad; and writing down the abe circles as 1, 2, 3, 4, and abe, ab’c, abc’, abc, and the abD circles as 1 PB |lez/2]I, and a’bD, ab'D, abD, abD’, we see that of the sixteen tetrads given by the theorem of Chapter I., and formed by taking the first and second or the third and fourth circles in either the first or second rows with the first and second or third and fourth in either the third or fourth rows, all are new except those in which 1 and 2 occur. Therefore we obtain five new inverse and four new Hart tetrads. Exclusive of those in which 3 occurs there are two new inverse and two new Hart tetrads. Similarly among circles touching a, b, ¢ and a, c, D respectively we obtain two new inverse and two Hart tetrads exclusive of those in which 2 occurs. We write the abe circles as aoe 2h 3, 4, and a’‘be, ab’c, abc’, abe, and the acD circles as le 7, oy laeDy|; and a’cD, acD, ac’D, acD. Similarly there are two new inverse and two new Hart tetrads (excluding those which contain 1) among circles touching a, b, c and circles touching b, c, D; the same number among circles touching a, b, D and circles touching a, c, D; the same number among circles touching a, b, D and circles touching b, c, D; and the same number among circles touching a, c, D and circles touching b, c, D. 14—2 106 Pror. ORR, ON THE CONTACT RELATIONS OF 15. These tetrads are shown in the annexed table, very similar to that of Art. 12, and formed as follows :— [oa | | beD | b'eD | be'D | beD’ | a acD | ac'D | acD' | aD | ab'D| abD | abD' r | abe | ab’c | abe’ | abe Write down in a row the numbers 1, 2, 3, and underneath each the letters denoting the conjugate circles touching the various triads; in the fourth column write down the letters denoting the circle which forms a Hart tetrad with the other three in the same row. The rule for writing down the tetrads is the same as that given in Art. 12. There are twelve of each kind, There are other tetrads not given by this table in each of which however one at least of the circles 1, 2, 3 occurs. SECTION VI. THE CIRCLES TOUCHING TRIADS OF A GROUP CONSISTING OF THREE MEMBERS OF A Hart GROUP AND THE CONJUGATE OR INVERSE OF ONE OF THEM. 16. Let Fig. 15 represent the circles 1, 2, 3; a, 0, c, B; the last four consisting of three members of a Hart tetrad and the inverse of one of them with respect to the circle cutting 1, 2, 3 orthogonally. The circles a, b, c, B satisfy singly the condition of Section L, A, C, Z, X’ being concyclic. Therefore considering the circles that touch a, b, ¢, and those that touch a, B, c; 1, 3 of the former and 2, [acB’] of the latter form a Hart tetrad ({[acB’] denotes the circle touching a, c, B, and forming a Hart tetrad with 1, 2, 3, i.e. the incircle of B’X’Z); therefore writing down the abe circles as i 2: 3; 4, and abc, ab’c, abc, abe, and the aBce circles as iF 2) 3, [aB'c], and aBe', aBc, aBe, aB'e, we see that of the sixteen tetrads given by the theorem of Chapter I and formed by taking the first and third or second and fourth circles in either the first or second rows with the first and third or second and fourth in the third or fourth rows, those in which 1 and 3 do not occur appear to be new. But the circle [aB’c] is the same circle as [acD'] in Section V., since a, c, B and D form a Hart tetrad of circles touching 1, 2, 3, and the fourth circle touching them is [aB’c] or [acD’]. Hence any tetrad in which 2 and [acB’] occur has been already considered, Thus there are only three new tetrads of each kind; or excluding those in which 1, 2, or 3 occurs there are two of each kind. CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF CIRCLES AND CONICS. 107 17. Again, let us consider circles touching b, B, a, and circles touching b, B, c. We shall have in this case to adopt a notation to distinguish any circle touching three from the conjugate one (its inverse with respect to the circle cutting the three orthogonally). So let bBa’ for instance now denote the circle touching b, B, a which lies outside b and B but inside a, and similarly in other cases. Since CX’ and AZ are drawn across the arcual angle X’Y’C, so that C, X’, A and Z are concyclic, we see that 2 and abB’ (the incircle of CX’Y’) as being abB circles and 2 and beB’ (the incircle of AYZ) as being bcB circles form an inverse tetrad. So writing the abB circles as abB’, 2, ab’B, abB, and Bal, aiey, ahtisifexe the former row being the inscribed and escribed circles of CX’Y’; and the bcB circles as beB’, 2," eB, “be'B; and 1 oy UGB: | (b'eBe the former row being the inscribed and escribed circles of AZY’; we obtain four new Hart tetrads, 2 occurring in all, and five new inverse tetrads in one of which 2 occurs. Omitting those in which 1, 2, or 3 occurs there are four new inverse tetrads but no new Hart. SECTION VIL. THE CIRCLES TOUCHING TRIADS OF AN INVERSE GROUP. 18. Let Fig. 16 represent the circles 1, 2, 3; a, b, A, B. In this figure the relative positions of the circles 1, 2, 3 have been altered, as otherwise the figure seems somewhat puzzling. The circle CPO’ is b, DPD’ is B, CQC’ is a, and XQX’ is A; the former two being supposed concave below. These circles satisfy the condition of Section I. doubly, C, D, X, Y and also C, D’, X’, Y being concyeclic. Consider first circles that touch a, A, b and circles that touch a, A, B. Since across the angle CQX, CX and DY are drawn so that C, D, X, Y are concyclic, 1, 3 of the aAb circles and 1, 3 of the aAB circles form an inverse tetrad. Hence writing the aAb circles with the notation of the previous article as DAG TOT OrALO WOT tos (04ND GAL Ds and aA’b or 2, aAb, aAb, aAb’, the former row being the inscribed and escribed circles of the triangle CQN; and the aAB circles as aAB or 1, QA'B or’ 3, - aA aA, and acd Br or 2, @aAiB, aA'B’, aA’B, the former row being the inscribed and escribed circles of DQY; and noting that the second circles in the second and fourth lines are the same, we see that all the Hart tetrads 108 Pror. ORR, ON THE CONTACT RELATIONS OF we obtain are merely Hart tetrads of circles that all touch a, A, 6 or that all touch a, A, B. We obtain four new inverse tetrads by taking the third and fourth circles in either the first or second row with the third and fourth circles in either the third or fourth row. 19. Again, since across the angle CQY, CX’ and D’Y are drawn so that C, D’, X’, Y are concyclic, we see that 2, 3 of the aAb circles and 2, 3 of the aAB circles form an inverse tetrad. Hence writing the aAb circles as QeAlD Or) -2awaeALOm Orme. 1 AtoeemaeAlbe and a@Ab’ or 1, aAb, : aw Ab, aA’b, the former row being the inscribed and escribed circles of CQX’; and the aAB circles as @ AcBor 25 oPAGS OGEo une AL BD aeAIB. and a@aAB oor 1, aAB’, wAB’, aA'B, the former row being the inscribed and escribed circles of D’QY; we see that we obtain no new Hart tetrads but four new inverse tetrads by taking the third and fourth circles of either the first or second row with the third and fourth circles of the third or fourth row. 20. From the two last articles we see that from the two squares | aA’b’, aA’d, aAB, a AB’, | ; and a Ab, a Al, aA’B’, aA’B, we can obtain eight new inverse tetrads by taking either horizontal row of the first with either horizontal row of the second and either diagonal of the first with either diagonal of the second. Similarly by considering circles that touch b, B, a and circles that touch b, B, A it can be shown that from the two squares YBa, Ba, | DBA’, ObBA, and Nie ay bBa’, bBa, | OBA, BBA’, | we can obtain eight new inverse tetrads by taking either horizontal row of the first with either horizontal row of the second and either diagonal of the first with either diagonal of the second. 21. Furthermore the four circles A, B, a, b cut the same circle orthogonally. Hence if any circle touches three of these circles its inverse with respect to the above circle also touches them. But any two circles and their inverses with respect to any circle form an inverse tetrad touched by four other circles. Therefore if we take two inverse circles (with respect to the circle cutting A, B, a, b orthogonally) touching any three of the four circles A, B, a, b and two inverse circles touching any other three of the four, they form an inverse tetrad touched by two other circles besides the two they have been constructed to touch in common. As before tetrads containing 1, 2 or 3 are only the known inverse tetrads of circles touching three given circles. Exclusive CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF CIRCLES AND CONICS. 109 of these we get twenty-four inverse tetrads, being four for each combination in pairs of sets of three of the four circles A, B, a, b. For the sets Aab and ABa the tetrads are obtained by taking either vertical column of the first square in Art. 20 with either vertical column of the second square. And similarly for the sets Bab and ABb. Thus if we take any inverse tetrad of circles touching three given circles, to touch them in threes there can be drawn four sets of four circles (exclusive of the original three and of one which with them forms an inverse tetrad); by. taking two circles out of one set with two out of another we can form forty inverse tetrads, such that each tetrad is touched by two other circles besides the two they have been constructed to touch in common. SECTION VIII. GENERAL STATEMENT OF THE THEOREMS OF THIS CHAPTER. 22. From the preceding articles we obtain the following result:—Eight circles can be described to touch three given circles; these eight circles form fifty-six triads; to touch any triad we can describe a set of four circles exclusive of the original three and of one which with them forms either a Hart tetrad or an inverse tetrad; each set is known to form a Hart tetrad or an inverse tetrad; by taking two out of one set and two out of another drawn to touch triads which have two members common, we can form in addition two hundred and eighty-eight Hart tetrads and seven hundred and twenty inverse tetrads, each touched by two circles besides the two they have been constructed to touch in common. 23. These tetrads are classified in the following table : Number of tetrads among circles touching | 5 : groups of | Total number of new Type of a group of four circles different ees of ths | the stated | tetrads thus obtained. | touching three given circles. ErOUR: | type. Hart. | Inverse. Hart. Inverse. Number of | Hart group, abed ...........- 12 12 8 96 96 group and the inverse of the fourth with respect to the circle cutting 1, 2, 3 | Three circles of a Hart | } orthogonally, abcD ...... iz | 12 8 96 96 Three circles of a Hart | tetrad and the inverse of | | either of them, abcB 2 6 48 96 288 Inverse tetrad, ABab ... OF i= 40 | 6 0 240 110 Pror. ORR, ON THE CONTACT RELATIONS OF CHAPTER III. EXTENSION TO CONES AND CONICS. SECTION IX. THE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM. 24. Every two antipodal circles being the intersection of the sphere with a right circular cone, when the four circles OA, OB, AB, CD in Fig. 1 are great circles by combining each of the tetrads in Art. 1 with the tetrad composed of their antipodals we get the theorem :—If four planes P, Q, X and Y passing through a common point are such that a right circular cone can be described through the intersections of P with X, P with Y, Q with X, and Q with Y, then there can be formed eight tetrads of right circular cones each consisting of two touching X, Y, P, and two touching X, Y, Q, such that each tetrad has two common tangent circular cones (besides the planes X, VY); four of these tetrads are analogous to Hart tetrads and four to inverse tetrads. A similar theorem is of course true of cones touching P, Q, X and P, Q, Y. The enunciation of the reciprocal theorem is obvious. 25. Hence by projection, using the term “U-conic” to denote a conic having double contact with a given one, U:—If four straight lines P, Q, X, Y, are such that through the intersections of P with X, P with Y, Q with X, and Q with Y, there can be described a U-conic, then there can be formed eight tetrads of U-conics each consisting of two touching X, Y, P, and two touching X, Y, Q, such that each tetrad has two common tangent U-conics (besides the lines X, Y); four of these tetrads are analogous to Hart tetrads and four to inverse tetrads. A similar theorem is of course true of conics touching P, Q, and X, and P, Q, and Y. The enunciation of the reciprocal theorem is obvious. 26. Let us next extend to cones and conics the fundamental theorem when the four circles OA, OB, AB, CD are small circles. Any two covertical right circular cones intersect in four lines two of which lie in each of two planes perpendicular to the plane containing the axes of the cones. Let us restrict to these planes the title “planes of intersection” of the cones. If P, Q, X be any three covertical circular cones there are four sets of planes of intersection of P and Q, Q and X, X and P which pass through a common line. If P, Q, X, Y be any four covertical circular cones, we can take in eight ways planes of intersection of P and X, Q and X, and of P and Y, Q and Y such that through the intersection of the first two and the intersection of the last two can be drawn a plane of intersection of P and Q; and if the cones be those obtained from the circles OA, OB, AB, CD of Fig. 1 and their antipodals, we can choose these planes of CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF CIRCLES AND CONICS. 111 intersection in one way such that in them le pairs of intersections of P and X, Q and X, P and Y, Q and Y respectively, possessing the property that four of them, being one of each pair, lie on a circular cone (and therefore the other four lie on another circular cone). We obtain the theorem that in such a case out of certain eight of the thirty-two circular cones touching X, Y, P, and certain eight of those touching X, Y, Q, there can be chosen sixteen tetrads each consisting of two touching X, Y, P, and two touching X, Y, Q, such that each tetrad has two common tangent circular cones (besides X, VY); eight of these tetrads are analogous to Hart tetrads and eight to inverse. A similar theorem of course holds for cones touching P, @, X, and P, Q, Y. The enunciation of the reciprocal theorem is obvious. 27. By projection we obtain from the four right circular cones of the previous Art. four U-conics possessing a certain property. Any two U-conics meet in four points and two of their common chords pass through the intersection of their chords of contact with U; let us restrict to these two the title “chords of intersection” of the conics. If of the three conics in each of which there meet a chord of intersection of P and Q, a chord of intersection of Q@ and X, and a chord of intersection of XY and P. (The chords of intersection are the six lines joining the radical centres.) If P, Q, XY, Y be any four U-conics ” P, Q, X be any three U-conics there are four points called “radical centres we can take in eight ways chords of intersection of P and X, Q and X, and of P and Y, Q and Y, such that through the intersection of the first two and the intersection of the last two there passes a chord of intersection of P and Q, and we can in the case in point choose these chords of intersection in one way such that of the four pairs of intersections of P and X, P and Y, Q and X, Q and Y, which lie on them, four points (being one of each pair) le on a U-conic (and therefore the other four on another U-conic). We obtain the theorem that when this condition holds, out of certain eight of the thirty-two U-conies touching X, Y, P, and certain eight of those touching X, Y, Q, there can be formed sixteen tetrads each consisting of two touching X, Y, P, and two touching X, Y, Q, such that each tetrad has two common tangent U-conics (besides X, VY); eight of these tetrads are analogous to Hart tetrads and eight to inverse. A similar theorem of course holds for U-conics touching P, Q, X, and P, Q, Y. The enunciation of the reciprocal theorem is obvious. 28. If from any radical centre of three U-conics pairs of tangents be drawn to them, through the six poimts of contact a U-conic can be drawn. This conic has been called by Casey (among others?) a conic “orthogonal” to the given three. (See “Memoir on Bicircular Quartics,” Chap. v., Transactions, Royal Irish Academy, Vol. xxtv.) As there are four radical centres, there are four orthogonal conics. The thirty-two U-conics that touch the three conics consist of sixteen pairs, the members of each pair and some one of the orthogonal conics being the projections of two small circles and a circle with respect to which the one is the inverse of the other. Four pairs are so related to each orthogonal conic. There are thus four sets each consisting of four pairs. The eight conics touching X, Y, P that enter into the tetrads of the theorem stated in Vou. XVI. Parr II. 15 112 Pror. ORR, ON THE CONTACT RELATIONS OF the last Art. are the set corresponding to the particular orthogonal conic of X, Y, P derived from the radical centre which is the intersection of the particular chords of intersection which satisfy the condition of the theorem. A similar statement holds for the conics touching X, Y, Q. A statement of analogous character holds for the tetrads of cones in Art. 26. SECTION X. An EXTENSION OF THE THEOREMS OF Sections IV., V., IN A PARTICULAR CASZ. 29. Suppose the three original circles of Chap. Il. are great circles; A and a, B and b, C and e¢, D and d are then antipodals, Let us see how many tetrads of each kind we obtain among two sets of circles, the first touching one of each of the pairs A and a, B and b, C and ¢, and the second touching one of each of the pairs A and a, B and b, D and d. From each of the following pairs of triads there can be obtained, as in Sections IV., V., two tetrads of each kind, each consisting of two circles touching one triad of the pair and two touching the other triad, viz. :— ABC and ABD, ABC and ABad, ABec and ABD, ABe and Akbd, AbC and AbD, AbC and Abd, Abe and AbD, Abe and Abd, and as many more their antipodals by interchanging A and a, B and b, C and c, D and d; there are thus thirty-two Hart tetrads and thirty-two inverse. 30. By joming the circles in the last article to the centre of the sphere by night circular cones we obtain the following result:—If four circular cones be described touching three given planes, to touch any three of these we can describe sixteen other circular cones besides the three original planes and four cones each of which touches all the given four; we thus get four sets of sixteen cones; besides the tetrads of cones having a common tangent cone which we can form by taking four cones out of the same set, we can form thirty-two tetrads by taking two cones out of any one set and two out of any other, such that each tetrad is touched by two cones besides the two they have been constructed to touch in common; sixteen are analogous to Hart tetrads and sixteen to inverse tetrads; and as the four sets can be combined in six ways we obtain ninety-six tetrads of each kind. 31. Hence by projection and reciprocation:—If four U-conics be described touching three given lines or passing through three given points, to touch any three of these we can describe sixteen other U-conics (exclusive of the original lines or points and of four CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF CIRCLES AND CONICS. 113 conics each of which touches all the given four); we thus obtain four sets of sixteen U-conies ; besides the tetrads of conics touched by another U-conic which we can form by taking four conics out of the same set, we can form thirty-two tetrads by taking two out of any one set with two out of any other, such that each tetrad is touched by two other U-conics besides the two they have been constructed to touch in common; sixteen are analogous to Hart tetrads and sixteen to inverse tetrads; and as the four sets can be combined in six ways we obtain ninety-six tetrads of each kind. SECTION XI. AN EXTENSION OF THE GENERAL THEOREM OF CHAPTER II. 32. Supposing the three original circles of Chap. II. to be small circles the following result may be obtained from the general theorem stated in Art. 22, by combining anti- podal circles in pairs and then projecting. Take three U-conics, U,, U., U;, and consider the eight U-conics touching them which correspond to any definite one of the four ortho- gonal conics. To touch any three of these there can be described thirty-two U-conics; these consist of four sets of eight (corresponding to the four orthogonal conics of the chosen three); in one set of eight there occur the origimal three conics and one which with them forms either a Hart or inverse tetrad; consider the remaining four of this set of eight. We have four such conics touching every triad of the eight touching U,, U,, U;. It is already known that every such set of four forms either a Hart or an inverse tetrad; we can however obtain in addition two hundred and eighty-eight Hart tetrads and seven hundred and twenty inverse, each consisting of two conics touching one triad of the eight, and two touching another triad, the two triads having two members common. SECTION XII. A FURTHER EXTENSION OF THE GENERAL THEOREM OF CHAPTER II. 33. The results of Chap. II. can be further extended to circular cones and to conics having double contact with a given one, but the results as will be seen are too complicated and indefinite to be of much interest. Any two circles of one family touching two given circles and any two of the other satisfy the condition of Art. 1. Let us consider the eight circles touching any three circles 1, 2, 3, and the eight touching 1, 2, and any fourth circle 4; let P, Q be any two circles of the former eight and X, Y be any two of the latter eight, such that, of the circles touching 1, 2, P, Q belong to one family and X, Y to the other. Among the circles touching P, Q, X, and the circles touching P, Q, Y, we obtain by Chap. I. sixteen tetrads touched by two circles besides P and Q. But 1, 2, as touching P, Q, X, and 1, 2, as touching P, Q, Y, will be found to constitute one of these tetrads. No tetrad into which 1 and 2 enter is new, being merely 15—2 114 Pror. ORR, ON THE CONTACT RELATIONS OF a Hart or inverse tetrad touching either P, Q, X, or P, Q, Y. We thus obtain four new Hart tetrads and five new inverse. We obtain as many from the circles touching X, Y, P, and the circles touching X, Y, Q. And we can so choose P, Q, X, Y in seventy- two ways. Again, if of the circles touching 1, 2, P and X belong to one family and Q and Y to the other, we obtain four new Hart tetrads and five new inverse from circles touching P, X, Q, and circles touching P, X, Y, and as many more from circles touching Q, Y, P and circles touching Q, Y, X. And we can choose P, Q, X, Y m two hundred and fifty- six ways. Thus we obtain in all (328 x 8=) 2624 Hart tetrads and (328 x 10 =) 3280 inverse by taking all combinations of two circles touching 1, 2, 3 and two touching 1, 2, 4. 34. Again, if P, Q, Rbe three circles touching 1, 2, 3, and X a circle touching 1, 2, 4, such that, of the circles touching 1, 2, P, Q belong to one family and R, X to the other, we obtain, by Chap. I, sixteen tetrads each consisting of two circles touching P, Q, R, and two touching P, Q, X. If P, Q, R be three members of a Hart tetrad touchmg 1, 2, 3, then 1, 2, 3 are members of a Hart tetrad touching P, Q, R, and excluding as before of the sixteen tetrads those in which 1, 2, or 3 occurs, there remain three new Hart tetrads and three new inverse, And there remain four new Hart tetrads and five mverse from among the circles touching P, R, X and the circles touching Q, R, X. P, Q, R, X can be so chosen in one hundred and twenty-eight ways. If on the other hand P, Q, R be three members of an myerse tetrad of circles touching 1, 2, 3, then 1, 2, 3 are members of an inverse tetrad touching P, Q, R, and excluding those of the sixteen tetrads in which 1, 2, or 38 occurs, we obtain two Hart tetrads and four inverse from the circles touching P, Q, R and the circles touching P, Q, X; and four Hart and five inverse tetrads from the circles touching P, R, X and the circles touching Q, R, X. And we can so choose P, Q, R, X in thirty-two ways. Thus from all combinations of three circles touching 1, 2, 3 and one touching 1, 2, 4, we obtain (7 x 128+ 6 x 32=)1088 Hart tetrads and (8 x 12849 x 32 =) 1312 inverse. 35. Now let us take on a sphere any three circles 1, 2, 3, and their antipodals which we will call 1, u, ur We can describe sixty-four circles antipodal in pairs, touching one of each of the pairs 1 and 1, 2 and u, 3 and m1. Let us take four of these sixty- four circles such that none is the antipodal of any other and see how many Hart and inverse tetrads we obtain among circles touching two different triads of these four. If the four circles all touch 1, 2, 3 we obtain [Art. 22] 288 Hart tetrads and 720 inverse; as many if all touch 1, 1, m1, or if all touch 1, 2, 11, or if all touch I, Uy, 3. Thus we obtain 1152 Hart tetrads and 2880 inverse and as many more, their antipodals. By taking different fours, of which three touch 1, 2, 3 and the fourth touches I, 2, 3, we obtain, as shown in Art. 34, 1088 Hart tetrads and 1312 inverse among the CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF CIRCLES AND CONICS. 115 circles touching different triads of the four, and by combining the groups 1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1m 8, 1 2 wm, 1 Ww MI, I 2 WW, 1 © 3, I 1 WW in pairs which have two circles common, we obtain (1088 x 12=) 13056 Hart tetrads and (1312 x 12 =) 15744 inverse, with as many more their antipodals. And by taking different fours, of which two touch 1, 2, 3 and two touch 1, 2, 3, we obtain, as shown in Art, 33, 2624 Hart tetrads and 3280 inverse among circles touching different triads of the four, and by combining the different groups in pairs having two members common, we obtain (2624 x 6 =) 15744 Hart tetrads and (3280 x 6=)19680 inverse tetrads, and as many more their antipodals. 36. By joiming the circles of the last Art. to the centre by right circular cones and projecting we obtain the following results :— Take three U-conics, U,, U., U, and consider the thirty-two U-conics that touch them. By taking various fours of these corresponding to the same indefinite one of the orthogonal conics, we obtain among the U-conics touching one triad of the four and the U-conics touching another triad of the four and belonging to that set of eight which includes the three original conics U,, U,, U;, 1152 tetrads analogous to Hart tetrads and 2880 analogous to inverse. (This is merely the theorem of Section XI. repeated, all the orthogonal conics beg now considered instead of some definite one.) By taking various fours consisting of three that correspond to an indefinite one of the orthogonal conics and one that corresponds to another indefinite one, we obtain among the U-conics touching one triad and the U-conics touching another triad and belonging to that set of eight which includes two or more of the original conics U,, U,, Us, 13056 tetrads analogous to Hart tetrads and 15744 analogous to inverse. And by taking various fours consisting of two that correspond to an indefinite one of the orthogonal conics and two that correspond to another indefinite one, we obtain among the U-conics touching one triad of the four and the U-conics touching another triad and belonging to that set of eight which includes two or more of the original conics U,, U;, Uz, 15744 tetrads analogous to Hart tetrads and 19680 analogous to inverse. SECTION XIII. A METHOD OF FURTHER EXTENSION. 37. By polarizing Hart and inverse tetrads of circles on a sphere Mr A. Larmor has obtained new contact relations among systems of circles and has extended the results to cones and conics (“On the contacts of Systems of Circles,” Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. Vol. xxit.). The results of Chaps. I. and II. might also be extended in this manner. Apparently however the process would involve a careful examination of the nature of the contact of many of the circles considered, and would not lead to results which could be expressed simply. V. Change of the Independent Variable in a Differential Coefficient. By E. G. Gattop, M.A. Let y and w be functions of an independent variable z The problem to be considered is that of expressing i in terms of = a and = —- as ar 2 The problem is equivalent to that of the reversion of series or, what is the same thing, the expansion of one function in powers of another. A solution, though in a very undeveloped form, is therefore afforded by Burmann’s theorem, as usually given in treatises on the Differential Calculus. If we put uw=/f(z) and y=¢(z2), the solution may be expressed in the form du A EE ee (€) (E — a)" I] dy” [dé (ib (E)— $ (@)}") Je=2’ where after the differentiations have been effected £ is put equal to 2. More developed solutions have been given in four different forms by Sylvester*, Schliémilch+, Hess} and Leudesdorf§. Sylvester’s result is expressed in a fully expanded form with the coefficient of each term evaluated. The proof which he gives is inductive, but the result can be obtained directly from a formula due to Jacobi||. Herr Schlomilch’s result may be regarded as a development of Burmann’s form; though not well adapted for the purpose, it can be made to produce Sylvester's expanded formula. (See § 12.) Herr Hess has used the same equations as Schliémilch, and obtained a result in the form of an elegant determinant, the elements of which are calculated by a simple rule. Mr Leudesdorf’s form is very important in connexion with reciprocants, being purely symbolical and expressed in terms of an operator which in the particular case when u=«# reduces to V, the annihilator of pure reciprocants. In 1855 Sylvester communicated without proof to the Royal Society (Proceedings) a fully expanded formula for the change of any number of independent variables, and the results were reprinted with corrections, but again without proof, in the Quarterly Journal * Phil. Mag., Vol. vit. 1854, p. 535. § Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Vols. xy. p. 197 and p. 329 + Compendium der hiheren Analysis, Bd. um. pp. 16—20, and xvim. p. 235. and Sitzungsberichte der Kinigl. sdchsischen Gesellschaft || Crelle’s Journal, v1. 1830, p. 257. ‘‘De resolutione der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, 1857. aequationum per series infinitas.” + Zeitschr. f. Mathem. u. Phys., Thi. xvu. p. 1. CHANGE OF THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE IN A DIFFERENTIAL COEFFICIENT. 117 of Mathematics, Vol. 1, 1857. Treating the question as the reversion of series Cayley* deduced Sylvester's results from the theorem of Jacobi already mentioned. .This communication is restricted to the case of one independent variable, though it is hoped that it may be possible to extend the results to two or more variables. An Raat c du expression is obtaimed for 5—, dy" and may be deduced from it. (See § 12.) At the same time it leads at once to Sylvester's which is closely allied in form to that given by Schlémilch, formula, and may indeed be regarded as a concise expression for it; whilst it also leads naturally to Mr Leudesdorf’s symbolical result and introduces the operator V in a form convenient for transformation. The formula was originally obtained by induction, and an inductive proof is given in § 5; but a better insight into the nature of the solution is obtained by following Cayley’s method, and establishing the formula directly, as in § 6. The following notation is used throughout the paper. The differential coefficients dy dy du du de? dg? are denoted by 4%, Yo ---, a0 5 nee bY tastes =; and 2 stands for aE The result of suppressing all terms of an expression in which y occurs explicitly is indicated by a zero suffix; thus [D"y"], and [D"(uy’)], represent the result of expressing Dry” and D"(wy") m terms of y, y%, Yyo---, and then suppressing the terms in which y occurs explicitly. Similarly Ay” and A” (wy”) represent the result of suppressing all terms which contain y and y, in Dy” and D”(uy"), whilst A,” (wy”) is the result of suppressing the terms which contain y, y%,, w and uw, in D” (uy’). The functions thus defined play an important part in the theory of the change of the mdependent variable, for not only do they enable the results to be expressed in a compact form but they appear as coefficients in all the operators connected with ordinary reciprocants. In fact, the general multilinear operator investigated by Major MacMahon+, which includes as particular cases the operators of the theories of reciprocants and invariants, has for its coefficients numerical multiples of D"y” if y, 7, yo, ... are replaced by a, b, 2!c, 3!d,.... There is distinct advantage in expressing the coefficients in this way, especially in the more complicated operators, as the transformations of the operators are offen considerably simplified thereby. See $$ 9, 10. : 5‘ d aie : § 1. Consider the function D”(w,7"), where =o. . The coetticients of the terms in Lagrange’s theorem on expansions are of this type. The expanded form may be easily obtained by direct differentiation, but it is still simpler to proceed as follows. It is obvious by Taylor's Theorem that, if 2 Z a a a (tue tu 5 + 1) (y+ ine + ys oT + Ys 317 > * **Note sur une formule pour la réversion des séries,”’ second note. Collected Works, Vol. 1v. 229 and 234. Crelle’s Journal, tom. ti. 1856, and “ Deuxiéme note &e.”’, + Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. Vol. xvm. Crelle, tom. Iv. 1857. Sylvester’s results are proved in the 118 _ Mr GALLOP, CHANGE OF THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE is expanded in powers of z, the coefficient of 2” will be D" (wy") ole Hence by the multinomial theorem D (wy) _ s r! Un a (Bry? (ya? p= 2 prac Go ) (#) eee enc are i (1), where summation extends to all terms of degree one in ws, of degree r in y’s and of weight n+1 in ws and y’s together; on the understanding that weight r is assigned to u, and y,. Zero values are admissible for a, b, c, ... but not for h. The same relation may be written Duy’) _»s n! Ne =) . Spe ome (a A ee (2). Putting «,=1, we have also D"y" n! On b Yo c WY ost yt (#) (2) att Se eee (3), where summation extends to all terms of degree 7 and weight n. The expanded forms for [D" (u,y")}, [D°y"} will be obtained by omitting terms con- taining y explicitly, whilst to get A"(w,y") and A”(y’) all terms containing y or y% must be suppressed. To obtain A,” (w4y") we must suppress all terms containing y, y or %. Since [D"(2,")]) 1s equal to the coefficient of 2” in 2 7 (+ Uz+...) (ne+y. =r x ; it is obvious that [D"(w,7")], vanishes when n is less than r. Similarly A” (w,y") vanishes when v is less than 2r. The general result of this section may be stated (u +2 +05; + )(yt net nest § 2. To obtain an expression for the differential coefficient of A”(w,7") write 2 U=u%+ Maz + Us 5 + nos 2 a and regard z as independent of z Then by (4) 5S = Muay UF? i.e). a (5). IN A DIFFERENTIAL COEFFICIENT. 119 Differentiate with respect to «; then ad s . a ; 2 Fg > =I dy O” (Hy NS Ne (u.+ Use + Wes + ) +rU yr (ms ty9 - +) f Differentiate (5) with respect to z; then Ae = 2 \ Ga A” my") = Y" (ut et Maite ) Tate UY (met m5 it Yen, mit vs) Hence by subtraction ae = = A” (my i= ee Goi (my" =—1YoZ Of) i ry,2 = A"(uy'—). Whence, comparing coefficients of 2”, we have d A” (oy) _ An (1% ye ‘ A? yf) dx n! n! —TYs (n—1)! ? AnH (wy) _ d A» (ts A” (w7/’) AXE) = as 7 + NY =) ie Cece cere cece tere eee seeeeseseee (6). or Putting w=, we have Atm r d A™% A yr ee ee G =e oR tctr ase tiotensebacktan comedee (7). Again, (6) may be written N+1 4/7 n+1 r Nor n r N—-1y;7—-1 n—-1 ar uy anty i (my ye a [ aAty es A; hy | + ny, E Anty 2 Ao" (wy >| } r! r! da: r! r! ES han! and therefore by (7) AM (uy) _ d Am (my") r! Rh) ple A n—-1 (wy) Bak + NYs =i es sce ccccencversccesecs (8). +4 In the same way as (6) was proved it may be shown that [De Coy _ & (D* Quy), , [DY Cay )] > ate ae aes, + Y2 = (Snes olelajatatajasatatalatulstalatatstalticiatstra (9) [D1 y"], + ad [Dry'h ,, (Uae El, ro a SReiniete ee § 3. The partial differential coefficients of D"(my") with respect to y, %, Ys, ... are easily obtained from the equation ~ and gr 2 ‘ 2 r xo De (4 7") = (utme+ Us at Zs) (y + 2+ Yr art =) ; Differentiate with respect to y,; then 3 yD ua)= = 7 (Y + IZ + oe) (th + ez + «.) z= D" (w, afm) Vou. XVI. Part II. 16 120 Mr GALLOP, CHANGE OF THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE Comparing coefficients of 2", we have e D» (my) he Drs (my) ay, ni si(n—s)! ” or - ID ROP NSO) AOE CR DP) aegseetosetacoseqncananne seen: da); & where (n); = G=aE The result is of course zero if s>n. Similarly = LD Gif) = (1) DW Ree hes cee aces cade eee saree (12). 8 Particular cases of these results are obtained by replacing D by A or A,, or by putting Uj — eis = (NO EOP 79 (QD) NES CG Jaco ncnansactossconaaneoecongadocacce: (15), Ys = [NEP (@) en NES HEU conpon ansbHonce aopdoesonoRboSnducocouccr (14), Us a ay, INSP (DB) VN (AG? 2) pace ase aadBan spoon scsesstoadodeso a5: (15), Ys 0 aan IN (THO) SGD en AOL ocd sontodueascoassobuaobeassovonoodscc (16), & = ; A”y" = ()) pC ae 2 Ba po cod SHOR EIG COOPER OSCR DOBOENE 5: Son (17). In particular ra) i as ra) [NaROP ae (Yn) = ay, 2 = (n + i) Anettig, = (WE DW) aige ss seccest RE. ee (18). § 4. Various expansions for the functions may be obtained in powers of y, or of y and %, or of y, y, and y%, &c. The method will be sufficiently evident from the following example, which will be required later in § 12. We will prove that [Dy"]o pe au r Ary n—2 A?- Naa es =| + ny, ——~_— C= +(n)oy je ea t Ow = 3 $b. thay prietas eeeeece (19). IN A DIFFERENTIAL COEFFICIENT. 121 It is evident by Taylor's Theorem that the coefficient of y,* is equal to the result of suppressing terms containing 4, in eS y Meal 1\Oy,/ or! a aa Sots eee (yee oh Ee EL that is, in gr dn 1)...(n—s+1) = by repeated applications of 11; the coefficient is therefore A Any" (x); ———- veo § 5. Equations (6) and (7) may be used for verifying the formule for the change of the independent variable. It is easy to verify by direct differentiation for small values of n that dmx A” Aty il [Nap il Any8 dy" ye yh yn OQ! ~ yes 3! + Lt il " Anrv-1 ” on il n—-1 A? n—1 ist ch ene a 2 ar yer r! yen @-D! Gian aiatdisfale/ain/alatelelala cjainre\e's The result for general values of n follows at once by induction with the help of (7). In the same way it may be verified by direct differentiation that for small values of n d™u i: 1| 1 A™ (u 2) Un — a A™ (my) + re ee dy", n a| Am An (uy) (- Dy Atr-i (% JO Ae ae 3! nt yn 7! (- HD) A222 (my") ’ SF fom Reece) S eee eee eee eee eee ee (21) > and as before the result for general values of n is proved by induction with the help of (6). If now the functions A”47?, Av+*y3,... A" (wy), A" (47°), ... are expanded by formule (3) and (2), we obtain the milly-developed forms given by Sylvester (Phil. Mag. Vol. vut., 1854). From (20) we have dx (-1)' (n+r—-1)! Ys\? (Ys\° aan ge ar (BY (#) (Oe cee ener (22), where r=a+b+c+..., and the summation extends to all sets of a, b, c,... which satisfy the equation a+ 2b4+3c+...=n—-1. 16—2 122 Mr GALLOP, CHANGE OF THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE From (21) hee een = Dee _f a (2) sia (23), dy ~ y" a! bic!... (k—1)!\2!/ \3! where r=a+b+c+..., and summation extends to all sets of h, a, b,... which satisfy the equation h+a+2b+3c+...=n, zero values of h being excluded. Another form may be given to equation (21). Expand A" (m.y¥), A" (w4.7’), ... by Leibnitz’ theorem for the differentiation of a product. We then find cae = = =U _ de dy =X." — +X.” Be epee osc oo ad (24), where : i we 1 An x 2 ee a peek ie Samp e 1 = oye il pases ys (n+ 2) tet Se aa Gs ae rye Ieee 5 ; A222 AS raitane as eo (2n —r — 1),, ——— Gea Srnerend C5) Obviously nae 1 = dy” . Symbolically we may write where X,” is expressed as in (20). § 6. A direct proof of the formule of the previous section can be obtained from the theorem of Jacobi already mentioned. As the proof of the theorem is very simple in the case of one independent variable, it is reproduced here for the sake of completeness. Let 7 be a quantity given in terms of & by the equation n= & + a,&+ a,b + Denote the right-hand of this equation by X, and put Y =a,&(1+P). Let F(&) be any function of & expansible in powers of £, which it is required to expand in powers of ». Suppose the result to be F(E) =), + dyn + by? + Now, if f(&) is any function containing & only in the form of powers, positive or negative, [er®]_=o where [ ];> denotes the coefficient of €~* in the development of the function enclosed in brackets. IN A DIFFERENTIAL COEFFICIENT. 123 Hence, if m be any quantity except — 1, ‘m aX 1 d ine! = [ee least ae" |= ° where it is understood that YX” is developed in the form Xm = (aé)m [i+mp+™ C=) D Pah. i) and P, P?,... are expanded in powers of &. , 1 dX Again, E Ele Pi =|5 dé log x], & 1 = lz log {aE (1 +P))| = eta dé log (1 +P)| = since log (1+ P) contains only powers of &. Now the equation F(E)=b, + 0X + b,.X? + is an identity. Differentiate and then divide by X”. Therefore ne ee xX = dé iT St and hence, by the preceding work, +... +P + (n+ 1) ba + (n+ 2) DnioX + * ; nbn = E 1 nite ahd s te EAN EN 3s mee (26). To apply this result, let y=$(z), w=f(«). Let « be increased by &, and let the consequent increments in y and wu be » and », where ze a Sioa a : N=E+ Yo t Yogi t---=X, Say ; 3 ptt Then when v is developed in powers of , the coefficient of »” is by (26) and V=MHEt UL 1d XP dE |e" But the coefficient of »” is aa Therefore 1 d™u eee ae ates les: U = + WET e+ Po Now write Fay g tet so that X=nF+V. 124 Mr GALLOP, CHANGE OF THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE Therefore Ft=(n—1)t| Uwern(14+ 4) "| _(n—1)! yy" = (v- n aE +(n+ 1), aE —(n+2)s vet Ne Hence, expanding UY, UY?, UY*,... by (5) of § 2, we have Fp = coticient of &> in (n—1)! i= OY ei aa gay ee +1)! 5 — a (n+ 2)! s AS (my) pee yi" yea 21 yn = Te: 8! n n at 2 n+2 and therefore - 2 = se -- ak = Ak ae mS ato) = we See y n Yn :. Hn -- n 3! This is the formula (21), and putting «=a we obtain (20). § 7. Mr Leudesdorf’s symbolical forms for these results may now be easily deduced. First consider the form (20) for ae We have Amy = (r+ 1) A" (ys) =(r +1) A (yyy) = (r +1) [(m), A8(yyn). A™ Fy" + (m), A* Cyn) AMY +(m); A® (yy). A™>y" + ...] = = al) 0 ) ES (0) za ey a SO a, (yy) aT :,| Amy" by (17) of § 3. Therefore Arian) r+1 iL jany aly gates r r! r) P rs) where V= A (yy) ae A (YI a FA (YY) aH vee nsec eee ee rece teen ees (27), OY: Cys and therefore V is the annihilator of pure reciprocants, that is, é Re V=3y2 ae + 107243 <— aa See Mr Leudesdorf’s paper, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Vol. XviL, p. 199. The expression for V may also be written a, V=k av ag toy mie “4 sveas locate eee eee (28). IN A DIFFERENTIAL COEFFICIENT. Hence also AR,» 1 - AM (r+1)! ~ p(r—1) “(r—1)! =+ Vr Nigra, 1 = ry Vey. Ym—r-+1 ee ee es ( 29). The formula (20) may now be written Ga. . il ee eee Len dy" et yet Yn yr? 1! ys 2! ye 3! BS = ne "Yn Sepco AREA SRE PCEEEGS och Settee ce Ee (30). 1 This is Mr Leudesdorf’s result (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., xvit, p. 208). As he shows in a second paper in the same volume of the Proceedings, p. 333, this result is fundamental in the theory of pure reciprocants. For, if f(y, 4, ...) is any homogeneous isobaric function of degree 7 and weight w, it is easily deduced that Wiss Bese) (a) a if (oh, Maps): § 8. The formula (21) for at may be transformed in a similar manner. We have i a - eS h aa A" (my) + a Boe = = Sa, ¥) = u,X,"+ ante Ay’ wy - at — AY (my) +: = eel ee ive Agee ae y) . where AGS oe, = a as and A,” (w%y”) denotes the result of suppressing y, y, and wm in D” (wy). Now Aj"? (uy) =A," @ny.y") =(m a 1),A3 (my). A™*y" + (m +1), Agi (qy). A™ yy" +... = (m).A,° (uy). A" y” + (m), Ags (Hy). A" y" +... + (m),A,° (ay) . A™y” + (m), Ao! (yy). A™ Sy" + ..., since (m), +(m),. = (m+ 1),. Now by (16) of § 3 the first line of the last expression may be written 0 E Cana + Ait (uy) ms + AS (my) Ee | Ao” (uay") = Wy. Ao” my’), 3 ‘4 5 where W, denotes the operator in square brackets. 126 Mr GALLOP, CHANGE OF THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE The ond line is equal to 7 [(m),A° (ay) A" (yA y1) + (Mm) Ack (uy) A" (YT) + J =r Ag” (ty 4791) =r Am (yp. uy") =r [(m),A%(yn Ao” (My) + (Mm), A4(y 1) Ao” (HY) + «+ ] 3 a ™ Tr = [acu ae A*(y¥%h) ae Z| Ay (my’) = Vay? anys): See equation (15) § 3. Now write W=W,+V, so that W is the operator considered by Mr Leudesdorf (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Vol. xvut, p. 239), allowance being made for difference of notation. In order to make the notation agree with that used in the paper just quoted we should have to write and substitute y, z, # for wu, a, y. We have therefore AGE (arf) a We NGre (ee) SIN OO) =WHArru Fn Aen et Nantes: cabo pee CH OARS eoanasSbodood (31). The formula for os therefore becomes du — hae hata oe ji-T+ a(x) ~ a (Fy + a Un n dy” ma ee I 2! on 31 A Vv wv =a € Yn. ty tye € “Un 1 ee = prs @ Yi 4p stg —— Mei) ea aetna crepe ent ge oss «aia essa eo se a see Re (32); at since W, when operating on y's only, is equivalent to V. ' This is Mr Leudesdorf’s result, which, as he shows, may be generalized like the previous one and is fundamental in the theory of certain extensions of the ordinary theory of reciprocants considered by him in the paper referred to. 2 IN A DIFFERENTIAL COEFFICIENT. 127 § 9. It appears that the usual operators of the theory of ordinary reciprocants can be conveniently expressed in terms of the functions considered in this paper. The formula necessary for the transformation of the operators when written in this form are given in §§ 2, 3. There seems to be considerable gain in simplicity and directness by the use of * this method. As illustrations two important transformations of operators are given in this and the next section. The first will be used to prove a theorem established by Mr Leudesdorf in the paper last referred to. Defining W as in § 8, the operator W’ is defined by the equation W'=Ak (uy, + Ayt (wan) ae + AP (wy) ire atts 5 ee OYs OY + AS(um) Pores (wi) =f + A (uu yee ~ Ch MCR hme Coasts EY dls, so that W’ is obtained from W by interchanging w and y. The theorem is that W and W’ are commutative. We proceed to form the product WW’. Write WW'=W.W'+WeW’, where W. W’ denotes the product as formed by ordinary multiplication, and W+* W’ denotes the result of operating with W on the coefficients of W’. The expression for W is a a) 0 W=A? @,y) Due + Aoi (my) 5u, + AP (my) ai rads Ys 0 i) 0 FAK YI) 5° + Ast (yr) ay, + AF (YI) ay ree Hence the coefticient of a) in W* W’ is OU, ES (uy) + Ad (my) sf + AS (uy) # oa | A,” (um) Us OU, Ou; =(r+1),A3 (Hy) ur» + (7 +1), Act Any) Gs + (7 +1548 (HY) Hat. by (18) of § 3, =A (My .u) = A (yuu). Again, the coefficient of s in W* W’ is by (15) and (16), after interchange of u and y in these equations, AP (ny) a+... + AP (yi) a+... | Ast (ugn) ae Chyat - A ag | As th =A (my) .(7)s o 4, + A,t (wy) - (7), Ag? *y, + Ae (uy) : (r)sAc” > +... + AS(yy:). (7r)Ag™@u + As(yyr). (7)sAc 2 u + AK(YI). (7) Ac u +... The first line is equal to Ay’ (yy). Vou. XVI. Parr II. 17 128 Mr GALLOP, CHANGE OF THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE In the second line writing (r),=(r+1),;—(7);, &c. we obtain (r+ 1);A8 (yy) Ao @u + (7 + 1)sAct (yn) Aout ... — [0r)sAe? (yy) Ac ru + (7) AS (yg) Ao ry + ---] = Al (yy. u) — Ar” (Ym. %). The coefficient of i is therefore A,’ (wy). Hence WW’'=W. W'+ Ag (yurg) @ + A$ (yur) +... 4 5 0 a 5 ; es 6 —— + AY (uy) on + AS (wy) one SES pe acemrrreacocaserdccus (33). This result is, I believe, new. Being symmetrical with respect to w and y it shows that WW’=W’'W. The transformations of ad sea ad ed and the other operators of Mr Leudesdorf’s paper can be effected in the same way. § 10. In this section we consider the operator (4, v; m,n) discussed by Major MacMahon (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., vol. Xvut., p. 61). By definition (mw, v3; mM, n)= >i 0 w+sv) As m —— , OAn+s _s (m—1)! where A, m= >2— eC, aeaiees Ky wie ikea lene and summation extends to all terms of degree m and weight s. If we write M=Y, d= Y/l!, d=y/2!,..- Asm= m si’ ieee. Dey a ad (Hy 95 m,n) = SIEe (ut ov)(m +8)! 5 Now the product of two such operators (mw, v's; m,n’) (mw, v3 mM, nN) consists of two parts, one formed by ordinary multiplication, the other by operating with (wv, v'; m,n’) on the coefficients of (wu, v; m,n). The latter is denoted by (mw, v'; m’, n’)* (Bn, v3 mM, n). IN A DIFFERENTIAL COEFFICIENT. 129 The coefficient of (w+ sv) = — in the last expression is n+8 wily ss ‘ , Dey r) Dey" mim [2 =o (H+ e'v')(n' +8)! aie OYniae| 8! 1 i ‘ D*1 m DES —* yn) = sea =s—n' (a +s'y')— hed Va m sg! (s—n'—s’ )! The coefficient of uz’ is, by Leibnitz’ Theorem, i Ce in me — = Ales ie mM (s =! ‘I Ni s—n', Mm+m'—1 The coefficient of v’ is wi=s- a DENG a) 1D eS Ties (s—1)! (s—n’=8)! i Deo ( af th) (s—n'—1)! 1 Ds Ya ~m+m—1 (s—n —1)! = (s = n’) Jel og m+m'—1+ The coefficient sought is therefore m+m —t1 jst ww + (s— n ) v ee m+m'—1+ Hence (mw, v's m’, n’)* (mw, v3 mM, n) m +m 0 op eee at lied ‘+(s—n')p v (w+sv) As_n, mpm’ —1 A nts This is the fundamental result of Major MacMahon’s paper. § 11. The formula (20) can be established more directly from (7) than in § 5 by the following process. Equation (7) may be written d n n+1 N—-1 4/71 da Aly — ry, Ay which may be formally expressed as 0 0 a) "a (4- vax ay)4 ee Hence, if f denotes any integral function, da £ F(A, y=(A-n 5x ay) Fs y). 17—2 130 Mr GALLOP, CHANGE OF THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE d Any" _ 1 a gO tee ) ny Again, da yi" ~ ye (a Ye oA Oy Y ya) Avy |e OR — ES oA ay ] ee 2 hs SH) ES ol po (fie Therefore dyy" | yy, 0A 5 all aoa and if m is any positive integer and f an integral function, dad{ an “¥)|= |e -Y aa (& A | An (42) dy Foue. a nA 0A eS yet on : Now choose f so that 0 *) 5 (221 ae 2Y\ 29, Cae J NY =Ay and therefore #(~) =e nh, The last formula then gives d i2s “n) Amn _Ay n»)= dy \y™ ae Ay Now dx = 1 = ik eh; dy hh wh a2 Ah =s8 therefore ape ae ni d®x An _4Y : and dy yi OMI ge Sue teeleseeaaeslosts seine tones anlet Sloseeeeee (34) ONG - s\=3) RSV Ec SE... (35), which leads to the expanded form dx An Ay Ay? Asys | —_—— = i= = ACE dy” yy" [ h + Oty? Bl ys ‘i TL 1 [Morty il Ave ~ Ty Any + ye? 2h yes 8B! Hee, which is equation (20). It is to be noted that since A”y”’=0 when n< 2r, the last term of the series will be 1 Metso SD \ ia a ION CI Gar f (=) e=f(F). Ante =3 é 1 > =f(-3,)-4 erin From (34) it follows that IN A DIFFERENTIAL COEFFICIENT. 131 d™u : : j The formula (24) for dy may be obtained in precisely the same way. In symbolical form it will be found that d®u Arm Ay a\" _Ay d = IY fe (2) ; erie and uf ( i § 12. The connexion of these results with Herr Schlémilch’s form will be shown by deducing the formula (21) from his results. In his notation [Compendium der héheren Analysis, Bd. 11, pp. 19, 20, equations (35) and (36)], Xo = (nl) Pe re n! (n+7), ~ ri(n—r—1)! y” | o Dy (r). 1 : [Dy], nm+1lyrt+l n+2y27(r+1)(r4 2) (r), 1 [Drty5], n+3 y3 (r+1)(r+2)(r+3) 7" to r terms} A Expanding the functions [D"+*y*],, &c., by formula (19), we find that the coefficient of rs in the bracket is equal to (—1)?7 A’*”y? multiplied by Op 1 S@ee Crp) (pe l)e 1 n+p (r+1)(r+2)...7+p) nt+pt+l1 (rtl)...(r+p4l]) 1! (r)pie (7+ pt+2)(r+p+1)(p+2)(pt)) 1 _ n+p+2 (r+1)(r+2)... (r+p+2) Phe + = E = (@)p 2 = (T)pir 9 are = Gah RaNGsep) [| Pee 508 fh eee = P+ (7)p+2 / , oye eae fae Oe sae |r Now l-(r)e@4+(r),2+...=—-2)". Differentiate p times; therefore (1)? [(r)p 1.2.3... p—(Mp 2-8-«:- (Dt1). 2+ (r)pad.4 .. (pt2) 2—...] =(—1)’r(r—-1)... 7-—pt+1)Q-2)™. 132 Mr GALLOP, CHANGE OF THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE, ETC. Multiply by #"*?-, and integrate between limits 0 and 1 for «; therefore ()p = (T)pa te ee peepee ee ht) es =r(r—1)... (r-p+1)| ome (1-2)? dx _r!(n+p—1)! - @Fryle Hence the coefficient of = may AO as 1 ! ! *! ! =): x xp n! (n+7r) ) ri(n+p SUN Ea Gea. (Caan Arte = (= 10+ P— Vrs which is the same as the coefficient in X"_, as given by (25). Tides, on the ‘equilibrium theory. By C, Curer, Sc.D. CONTENTS. SECTION I. HOMOGENEOUS SOLID CORE AND OCEAN. §§ §§ 1‘ Preliminary. 7 Comparison with results in Thomson and Tait’s 2, 3 Elastic solid equations, displacements and stresses. Natural Philosophy. 4, 5 Depth of ocean small compared to “ earth’s” 8 Material nearly incompressible. radius, determination of shape of equilibrium 9 Relative magnitudes of true tide in solid, and surfaces. apparent tide in ocean. 6 Luni-solar tides. 10 Loeal disturbance, or high harmonic. SECTION II. CORE AND LAYER OF DIFFERENT HOMOGENEOUS SOLIDS. §§ §§ 11 ‘Preliminary. 16, 17 Surface equations. 12‘ Elastic solid equations, 18, 19 Relatively thin layer, determination of equilibrium 13 Displacements and stresses. surfaces. 14 Determination of certain’ constants. 20 Luni-solar tides, numerical estimates of influence 15 Materials highly incompressible and of equal of heterogeneity. rigidities. SECTION I. HoMOGENEOUS SOLID CORE AND OCEAN, § 1. The first problem treated here is the influence of disturbing forces from an external source acting on a non-rotating “Earth,” which consists of a homogeneous isotropic solid core and a completely enveloping liquid ocean. The forces arise from a potential represented by a single term which involves a surface harmonic of degree 7. When i=2 the problem becomes that of the equilibrium theory of the tides. This problem is dealt with in Thomson and Tait’s Natural Philosophy*, but not I think altogether satisfactorily. It is doubtful whether Thomson and Tait absolutely limited their conclusions to the case when the solid is incompressible, but Professor Karl Pearson+ in his discussion of Lord Kelvin’s researches in Elasticity shows that the elastic solid part of their work is satisfactory only on this limitation. Though a great limitation mathematically, this is seemingly unimportant so far as concerns numerical estimates of tides on the actual earth. Further, the problem, as presented by Thomson and Tait, has been solved by Professor Pearson? himself without any assumption as to the compressibility of the solid. * Art. 842. t+ Todhunter and Pearson’s History of... Elasticity ..., + Todhunter and Pearson’s History of... Elasticity..., Vol. m., Art. 1723 et seq. Vol. u., Part 1., Art. 1724. 134 Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” The problem discussed here is more general than that solved by Lord Kelvin or Professor Pearson; but the chief occasion for the present work is that Thomson and Tait’s presentation of the tidal problem seems to possess two distinct defects. Of the first the authors were fully conscious, they “neglect the mutual attraction of the waters.” In their Art. 815 they had calculated for the case of a rigid core the influence of the gravitational action of the ocean itself on the height of the tide, and in Art. 817 they speak of this as a correction of the order of 10 per cent. which may be neglected owing to the numerous uncertainties prevailmg in the problem as presented by nature. Pre- sumably in treating the elastic solid “earth” they took the same view of the uncertainties, and did not think it necessary to make the calculations requisite to allow for the liquid’s gravitation. The second defect, though somewhat more important, has I think hitherto escaped detection. It is simply that the tidal ellipticities im the ocean and solid core being different, the liquid pressure on the surface of the core is not uniform and must be taken into account. This conclusion is obvious enough, when pointed out, but I was led to it by no @ priori considerations, but from having to assure myself that a somewhat conspicuous discrepancy between the result I obtaimmed by a straightforward analytical treatment and the result built up by Thomson and Tait was not due to error on my part. § 2. Let p+p’ and p be the respective densities of the solid core and ocean, m and n the elastic constants of the core in Thomson and Tait’s notation. It is supposed that in the absence of the disturbing forces the surfaces of the core and ocean would be spherical—though this is merely for brevity—and that the liquid completely covers the solid. If then the potential of the disturbing forces be represented by rVioi, where og; is a surface harmonic of integral degree 7, and V; a constant, the equations to the equilibrium forms of the common surface of the core and liquid and the outer liquid surface will be respectively Here 0;/b and a;/a are very small, and their squares and product will be neglected. Under these conditions if V, be the potential in the core, V, in the liquid, we have V, = 2mpa? + 2rp'b?— 32 (ptp)r+rVio.+ we (pag ay 4-/ pba *2D,)\- asseees (3), 2 2 , b8 iW Aro; cos i =4 645 V.= 2mpa? — 2mpr° + 47p ae rViopt a1 (ORG BOR aT MRI) tN)) soonascananc (4). Let u, v, w be the elastic displacements at the point 7, 0, ¢ in the core, in the directions of the elements dr, rd@ and rsin @d@ respectively; and let rr, &c. denote the stresses, in the notation of Todhunter and Pearson’s History of Elasticity. Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.’ 135 Also let _du , Qu, ld he on Beek ay ie cot + - ane Ga: _ aaa tay; ae “7? sin 0 \d0 7" ~ ag or), 1 Eee d é), pahivaveien sacaven oad ccaes (3): =ain 0 \dé dr wr sin F dur du C=sin a (F a) Then the body-stress equations in the solid are aa ES CN aR is Rta OV (m +n)r?sin 0 7 -— ny +n + {(@?-i-3)m4n} VY; OWS 7/ doy _ = /cosee dos =- a ) nr Z; dé dd ri Gales) F eer oe 4h @t2)m—n - sical m+n es + 935 Tyo ape bd} + a+1 Fr) Go @ = 33 =1(38m—n) Y,+ Sr(pt+p’y omen r?+terms of order a;/a .......... (14), G—=termsxof Ordern ck di es.-n acre tecens donedtte eee seen csee sacar aatosesoe ses eceeee (15). In the surface equations #, @ and 43 occur multiplied by 0,/b, so that we require only the terms appearing in (14) and (15). We have next to find the value of p at the surface of the core. The hydrostatical equations in the lquid require where C is a constant. At the surface (2) p must vanish exactly, and so the constant terms and the terms containing o; must vanish separately. We have thus Ce her (pat ds yD) see eich (17), 0=a'V; —47aa;(p +p Bas) 4 ee = {past-p) O/a) Abi)... ccsegenee eee (18). Employing in (16) the value of C supplied by (17), and the value of V, obtained by writing b+ ;0; for r in (4), we have the required value of p. *s ” Depth of ocean small compared to “ eart radius. § 4. Thus far no restriction has been put on the depth of the ocean. In the actual earth, however, the depth is very small compared to the radius, and our further attention will be limited to the case when (a—)/a is very small. In this case (18) becomes — ; 47a 5 0=a'V; —ir (p +p’) dai + ay (pai + p'bi) SRO HoSHOSOUseuOnscsogep.cosacs (19), Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “ EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” 137 and the liquid pressure at the surface of the core is given by P=Fmp (P+) {Gi —D;) TEA. — OD}... ccererscoccecccsccersesseenssssoeseves (20). For our present purpose the part of p independent of o; may be omitted. It would merely add to the value presently found for Y, a term of the order (a—b)/a, which would be negligible in (28), the only equation which depends on the value of Y;. Writing b+b;o; for r in the expressions for the stresses, substituting in (7), (8) and (9), and employing the value of p given by (20), we obtain three equations deter- mining Y,, Y; and Z; Of these equations one comes from the constant terms and one from the terms containing o; in (7), while the third comes from either (8) or (9). Terms of order a—b being neglected when terms of order a@ exist, these equations give Y,=— 37 (p+ p')? a? (5m +n) + {(m +N) (BM —N)}..cvececeeceeceeeereees (21), 2 (t—1) naZ; — Coe ue: CROP ainacene ateameresdieciae sone ose (22), AG ee ee) ye wy, 2; = na Z;— G+1)Qi+3)° Y; =( @ s(e o\o[evidlela.s a,n'ae)eleleapclelelsene- eu s voli (23), where for shortness P= _(2t+3)m++1- Le aie (21+ 3) (m+n) 4mrp (p +p.) a(a;— bj) : , : ; ICE CHEGEC ENS ae 1) (27+ 3) m+ (i+ 2) (i+ 3) n} _ _4r(p t+ pl G1) adj 15 (20 + 1) (27 +3) (m+n) : ree (p+!) {a Vi+ oT _ 4ar(p +p’ @—1) (82 +9) nab; {10 (2¢ + 8) m—(110 + 18) m} «0... eee eereeeeee (24), Q= t+1 n W+3m+_n ACA Een ee bee (25) The solution of (22) and (23) is Y; = (4 +1) (214+ 8) a (P—1Q) + {(22 + 40 + 8) m—(20 41) nh... eee (26), 7, ema my PHC (Gata 8)maape) 8). 2(¢—1) n (22? + 40 + 3) m — (2+ 1) x} § 5. By (21), Y, is determined explicitly to the required degree of approximation ; but (26) and (27) do not yet give Y; and Z; explicitly because the values (24) and (25) of P and Q contain the still unknown quantities a;—; and );. To determine a;—b; and b; we have as yet only the one equation (19). A second is easily got as follows: By hypothesis the undisturbed surface of the core is r=b, where 6 is a constant. 18—2 a eo eee ee @uy,+ aZ, _ 2mp(p +p’) a? (a; — bj) {20 (20+ 1) (2t + 8) m? + (1008 + 127? — 114 — 12) mn + (87? + 262? + 317 + 12) 7} _ 2m(p +p) ad; {107 (27 + 1) (22 + 8) m? + (4278 + 440° — 617 — 60) mn — (1674 + 4878 + 267? — 491 — 36) ) n*} 138 Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” Thus the equation to the equilibrium surface when the disturbing forces act is r=b+u(with r=b +);o;), but it is also r=b+b;0;; consequently b;=coefficient of o; in the value of uw when for r we write b + b;a;. We thus find m(p+p')y3bb; (i+2)(p +p’) VY b: =40;:Y,+3% m+n 2 (22+ 3) (m+n) _ 2m (t+ 2) (p +p’) OB pa~a; + pb“; (27+ 1) (27+ 3) m+n im— 2n SATE U+B)n [iat ee cas) Pen ARE min oan-(aoc deep ococoo sodas (28). Neglecting (a—b)/a as before, substituting for Y, from (21), and combining terms, we convert (28) into G42 (p+p)aHV! Amp (p+ p')(i +2) a2 (a; — bi) Bes 2 (21+ 3) (m+n) 2 (20+ 1) (20+ 3) (m+n) na ap (16i2— 134 — 78) m — (161? +174 — 18) n Hee (pp) es — ogy een ae a a im—2n__,.. = — FEE BR OLY, ASI Pee eae coc nccenn tecnees eee (29). Again from (24), (25), (26) and (27) we find am — 2n 2(2i+3)n _ (p+) Vi fi (t+ 1)(21+3) m+ (224 + 1078 + 97? — 57 — 6) mn — (27° + 52? — 2) n?} 2(¢—1) (21 +3) n(m +n) (22 + 404.3) m — (2141) n} 3 (20+ 1) (20+ 3) n(m +n) {(222+ 40 + 8) m — (274-1) n} 15 (27 +1)(21 +3) n(m +n) {(2i2 + 44 + 3) m —(27 +1) n} och seeetidens (30). Substituting in (29) and reducing, we finally obtain ai (p+ p')iVi ((2i+1)m—n} o= 9G —T)n [Qe +H+3)m— (it Lr} _ dp (p + p') @ (ai— b;) {2 (2¢ +1) m + (27? + 274+ 1) n} 3 (20+ 1) n {(21? + 4¢ + 3) m— (27+ 1) n} _ 4r(p +p’ @b; {152 (2¢ + 1) m?— (82? + 62? — 27 — 9) mn + (403 — 2i? — 31 — 8) n?} 15 (21+ 1) n (Bm—n) {(2274+4¢04+3)m—(20-+1) no Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” 139 This is to be taken with (19), thrown most conveniently into the form a Vy — dra? (a — b) | (p+ 6) dor (p + p’) a? ue Po.=0. eae ol Cy) } iy = ea From (31) and (32) we find oe BB tact aga — (40? — 40 — 9) m — (21? — 27 — 3) n ay re E fr (pte) gna PRED ACELDA Le (ep +p’) {(2t +1) m —n} — p {u (20+ 1) m + (202-74 — 2) n} os: 2(¢—1) n {(20? + 44 + 3) m — (27 + 1) nn} = ayy +[1— 3 p +4 der (p + p’) a? ! a 2+1ptp (15 (20+1)n (Bm —n) ((20 pada x {(p + p’) (152 (2% + 1) m? — (Si? + 67? — 2 — 9) mn + (418 — 21? — Bi — 8) n*) ~p (15i(2i+1) m*+ (Si? 81-3) mn — (4 +5 —1) wt) | ‘pd seaharalanith (33). If the material though of finite rigidity be incompressible, we have n finite but m infinite, and so ees 2 (i—1) (2774+ 404+ 3)n (ai—b) $r(p +p) = BT & - any, 34 Sn PA (E707 eee (34). —24+1 p+p ° n (207+ 47 +3) Case 1=2, luni-solar tides. § 6. In the case of most physical interest, when the disturbing forces are due to the action of the moon or sun on the earth, i=2. Also if M be the mass, R the distance of the disturbing body, # the earth’s mass, and g “gravity” at the earth’s surface (neglecting “centrifugal force”), 1) CMG HEL) (GREG?) ee senme sae eaten ctoas sscinecheet saeco (35) to the present degree of approximation. Consistently with our previous work, which neglects (@—b)/a, we may put ATED: 12 Py EG ras. Geciskir. Boe paseed: akaetee- aes. «es (36). Thus for the lunar or solar tides we get for the general case of isotropy from (33) g(p + p')a(m+n) (a, — by) + {1 * 5 (8m —n) (19m — sh = bn (19m — 5n) + {9 (p+p')a (5m —n- F rr (5m + 2n))| a (M/E) (a/ Ry 3g (p+p')a {Ome — 5 5mn +n? — a ot (150m? + 13mn — Viney} 3 ine pt+p 5n (38m —n) (19m — 5n) 140 Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” When the core is incompressible, this becomes ge PO eto Me (38). 2 2 2 ~ 5gp'a ete 2 2gp'a °p+p 19” The equations to the equilibrium surfaces of the liquid and solid are respectively r=a+az(3 cos? @—1)/2, r=b+b,(3 cos? @—1)/2, the disturbing body being in the direction 6=0. Thus the extreme height of the apparent ocean tide (high to low water) is 3 (as —b,)/2, and the extreme height of the true solid tide is 3b,/ 2. If in (37) or (38) we suppose the solid rigid, ie. of infinitely large elastic constants, we have b,=0, : (2 ‘ dy = a (M/E) (a/RY = ( en = a at ape (39), agreeing with Thomson and Tait and the result (xm) on p. 367 of Prof. H. Lamb’s Hydrodynamics. § 7. The result found by Thomson and Tait in place of (38) is equivalent to dy — b, = a (M/E) (a/R) = {1 + 2gpa/19n}, where p=the earth’s mean density =p+p' to the present degree of approximation. The simplest way of stating the case is that Thomson and Tait’s result neglects the density of the ocean relative to the mean density of the earth. We have approximately p/£5 = p=(p + p')/55, and it will be found that Thomson and Tait’s estimated height of the tide is about 12°/, too small when gpa/n is negligible, and about 22°/, too small when gpa/n is infinite. These are the two extremes for incompressible material. In the earth we have approximately gpa = 35 x 108 grammes wt. per sq. cm. The value to ascribe to n is largely hypothetical. If the accepted ellipticity of the earth be due to its rotation we have some reason to regard n=11 x10’ grammes wt. per sq. cm. as an inferior limit to the rigidity. Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” 14] Taking these values we should find Thomson and Tait’s estimate nearly 20°/, too small. § 8. As no material can well be wholly incompressible, considerable interest attaches to the influence of a slight compressibility on the height of the apparent tide. This we find from (37) by retaining terms in n/m while neglecting those in (n/m), &e. Thus we get a(M/E) (a/R) n p MiGente 1-%— (1924904070) 2gp'a m In the true earth 19 rie 2= 22 approx., so that the coefficient of n/m in the denominator in (40) is necessarily negative. Thus the rigidity n being supposed constant, the apparent tide is greater for a slightly com- pressible than for a wholly incompressible earth. The difference is, however, extremely small under any probable contingency. Thus take the figures suggested by seismological phenomena* n/m = 1/24, / n=35 x 10" grammes wt. per sq. cm.; with g(p+p)a=35 x 108 - os e p/p’ = 2/9. These data give 1 (19 P_9 1 Go +P) a) _ tem (199 al 9n )=uls: and the corresponding increase in a,—b,, relative to the value for absolute incom- pressibility, would be little over 1 part in 500. Under the same conditions as in (40) we find Oy, Opa a. p torp = 0 pa (195-24 ag 2 | eee (41), showing that for a given rigidity the tide in the solid decreases slightly relative to the apparent ocean tide as the resistance to compression diminishes from an infinite value. § 9. The relative importance of the tide in the solid is, I think, not in general sufficiently appreciated, thus attention may be called to a few numerical results obtained for the case of the incompressible material. Ascribing to gp’a the value 285 x10’ grammes wt. per sq. em., a close approximation in the case of the true earth, we have the following results: n (in grammes wt. per sq. em.) = 80 x 107 | 35 x 107 | 11 x 10’ b,/(az—b.)= “94 21 68 * See Phil. Mag., March 1897, p. 200. 142 Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” According to these figures the true tide in the solid earth may be very considerably larger and is not likely to be much less than the apparent tide in the ocean. Case when 7% large. § 10. The general equation (33) is complicated unless numerical values be ascribed to the several quantities it contains. When, however, 7 is very large there is a simple first approximation, viz. &Vi/g=a,—bi= 2im (b;/a) (4 _ gp +p')a(2m = 9g (p’m— pn) 5m (3m — n) According to this, as 7 increases (a;—,)/a'V;’ tends to a constant value, while b;/a; tends to vanish. It would thus appear, at least if inertia be neglected, that an external dis- turbing influence which is either local, or very variable with the angular coordinates, is likely to have a much larger tidal influence on the ocean than on the solid earth. SECTION IL CorE AND LAYER OF DIFFERENT HOMOGENEOUS SOLIDS. § 11. In treating the solid part of the earth as homogeneous, we make so large a departure from known facts that it seems worth while to try to form some idea of the influence of heterogeneity. The simplest heterogeneous solid consists of a core and enveloping layer, each homogeneous in itself, but differing the one from the other. The second problem considered here is the influence on such a solid of disturbing forces from the potential rVioi, the notation being as before. The addition of an enveloping ocean would make the problem resemble more closely that presented by the earth, and so would enhance the physical interest of the results. At the same time the present discussion will be found, I think, to throw considerable hight on the actual problem presented by the earth, and to be at the same time quite sufficiently complicated. In the preliminary work the materials of the core and layer are supposed to be any two different elastic solids, and the surface conditions first presented are perfectly general. These equations are not, however, solved in their most general form. To do so would have entailed very laborious, though not intrinsically difficult, analysis, and in view of certain considerations which will be duly explained, I did not feel disposed myself to devote the necessary time. § 12. It will be supposed that in the absence of the disturbing forces both surfaces of the layer are truly spherical, and that under the action of these forces the equations to the outer and inner surfaces become respectively Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” 143 Here a, aj, b, 6; are constants, while a;/a@ and b;/b are so small their squares and product may be neglected. The density is p in the layer, p+p in the core; the elastic constants m, n in the layer, m’, n’ in the core. The potentials being V, in the core, V, in the layer, we have V, = 20 (pa? + p'b*)— 2a (pt prt rVioi+ + Spa, +p O-H410;). .cccenseee (3), V, = 2p (a? — 47°) + inp abr Vioit o srk Pig mes CgtIp late DF: asus sese se scce (4). The body-stress equations in the core are obtained by writing m’, n’ for m, n in equations (6) of Sect. I; while the corresponding equations in the layer require the substitution in these equations of p for p+p’ and V, for V;. The equations to be satisfied at the outer surface (1) are 7 mee a 9 —(a;/a) cosec gM = =0, dg ™ 7 (ai/a) 92 © 3 —(a;/a) eee dg 7 — (a;/a) = —(a;/a) cosec 0 os @=0 Sia =O) cm ee cinta Oe es (5). At the common surface (2) of the core and layer there must be continuity in the values of the displacements wu, v, w, and also of the stress components doi > do; rr — (0; |b) 76 — (b;/b) cosec @ dd 76, — (b;/0) Ga — (b, |b) cosee 8 a P 7 — (0; |) 76 ase 66 — (b;/b) cosec @ pA $6 Of the surface equations six occur in pairs, each pair furnishing only one independent equation. We have for instance a pair of equations of the type F(a, m, Aes =(=f(a, m, n) cosec om holding all over a spherical surface, from which we obtain but the one equation F(a, m, n...)=0. § 13. The body-stress equations in the core are satisfied by re oa ha ey, U=4trY, +7 —__,_ tr 14a; “ m+n - rite, (’+2)(p+0') Vi 4 4dr (i+2)(p +p’ )(paa; +p bar. im’ —2n’ y;\ (6) 2(20+3) |. m’+n' 24 +1 m+n’ n’ 5 aa Vou. XVI. Parr II. 19 Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” | do; 7 = w | epeeaess ee me dd og OS Dy roe!) (oar ort phe) AEA) 2 Nir: a © 2(22+3) n't n/ ' 2i+1 m +n (¢+1)n’ where Y,’, Y,, Z; are constants to be found from the surface conditions. In like manner the body-stress equations in the layer are satisfied by mp rs Tp piUs eee = 2Z TT RL = 2 pe 17, t ik Camis ec om+n eal Wd Z moe. \@+2) p>, ave dor (i+ 2) p'a'a;__ im — 2n yi — 2(2i+3)|( min * (214+ 1) (m+n) n fe ro; (4 (t—1) pp’ bi; | (ut 1) mt+2n,, — igel elels 2 (21 —1) | Cra) Gace) art Veep tie Lage oeccactemeens (8), / do; do; J ary w/ cosec 6 dd al pay Ae pit pV, Aas 4rrp'a-*4; (t+ 3) m+ 2n,, 74 "2 (2i+3) mtn" (204+1) (m+n) (i+1)n : rv (_ 4arpp'b**b; (i—2)m—2n,, ¥ ey, t9 (27-1) \(2i +1) (m + n) 33 in Yin Aa Die vvvesens (9). The terms containing o; or its differential coefficients are all of the order a;/a or b;/b The terms independent of o; would alone exist if the disturbing forces were absent and the surfaces (1) and (2) truly spherical. To the present degree of approximation we may neglect subsidiary terms when they have a multiplier a;/a or 0b;/b; hence in dealing with the surface equations we need consider only principal terms in @, 46 or %6. Thus the stresses in the core, so far as required in the surface equations, are given by 5m’ +n m +n w@=1(3m'—n)Y+2r(p+p') r+2(%—1) nr Zo; PG meen, (SER — Tee Seah tL ay A. ro; aa +(727+i-1)n (pie By igen (pa-"Ma; + p’b a ~~ %+3 m +n 1s = 2i+1 +{(?-t—3)m' +n'} vi Spaodaceca (10), a/ ari =76/ /conec 0 a = — nr Z, re [(@+1)n' (p +P) dor (pam "a; + p ae t(i+2)m'—n',,, ; Mond @til)), -sx3l m +n {P+ 2+1 5 a+1 - (12) = OS 5m’ — 3n' 6= 66=1(38m'—n) VY +% apm 0) era < csesotiee seestnccomeetes (12), a6 = 0 Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” 145 Similarly the stresses in the layer, so far as required in the surface conditions, are wr =4 (3m —n) Y,— 4nrZ_, + rp" (5m +n) 1? — 4rpp' m —n b* m+n Pe m+nr 12.6, — Dani Aaes ro; [(20+3)m+(i2?+i-l1)n ,, 4rpa-*a; nde S mapats [oem A (Y, + eT) (@-i-3)m4n)¥,| ra; [(2t—1) m— (1? + 7-1) n 4rrpp'b'**d; 3 : = =—= a — $(72 = F 21-1 | m+n 2+1 ahead) 0) 1s] = 2i(4 42) nr FZ _ p05 6-20 (14), aos. | do; _2(t—1) sgn on ae | cosec 6 dé wu Z; rm (Gt1)np/y. , arpa “a;\ 1(¢+2)m—n,,) a3 | m+n (vi+ 2+1 )+ t+1 Vir rv (darpp'inb'**b; | (t?—1)m—n 5, ees ‘ = oH = oe + Ps } =| +2 Ee] n7 V (er oe ceceecenssccecce (15), @ = $6 =1(3m—n) Y,4+ 2nr7Z_,+ uC aS ls (16) =¢¢=4 0 = + 35 7P For 47 pp GeGie laws R=0 § 14. If the disturbing forces were absent and the surfaces (1) and (2) truly spherical, the only arbitrary constants would be Y,, Z, and Y,’, and their values—deduced from the vanishing of 7 over the outer surface, and the continuity of w and 7 over the common surface of the core and layer—would be given by Y, [(8m —n) (4n + 3m’ — n’) a? + 4n {3m' — vn’ — (3in — n)} 6°] ™p” =-2 = {(5m +n) (4n + 38m’ — n') a — 4n (5m +n — 3m’ +n’) Bb? 4crpp’b* es aa es 172] 16 no eect [(m—n)(4n+3m'—n’) a+ 2n{3m'—n' —2(m—n)} b?]— 18.7 (p + p’P nb®...(18), Z_, [(8m — n) (4n + 3m’ — nv’) a? + 4n {3m' — vn’ — (3m —n)} B*] Sikes [(5m + n) {8m’ — n’ — (3m —n)}a? + (Bm — n){5m + n — (3m’ — n’)} B*] +4 meee [(3m —n) {3m’ — n! — 2 (m—n)} a+ 2 (m—n) {8m —n — (3m' — n’)} b] — sh (pt p’)? (Bim — 2) AD? «oc. ce cc eee cece cseeceeaeeeceneesaetsesaneseneeceeeseeeeceeaenes (19) YY [(8m — n) (4n + 8m’ — n’) a® + 4n {3m’ —n’ — (3m — n)} D* =— 2p? {3 (5m +n) a’ — 5 (3m —n) ab? — 8nb*} — 4arpp'b? {(3m — n) a® — 3 (m — n) a*h — 2nb*} \2},2 ’ = a [(8m —n) (4n+ 5m’ +n’) a? + 4n {5m' + nv’ — (3m — (| Hil Reeeoneece (20). m +n 19—2 146 Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” Substituting these values in (6) and (8), and neglecting all terms in o;, we should get the elastic displacements in a gravitating truly spherical “earth” consisting of a core and outer layer of different materials whose common surface is spherical. When the disturbing forces act, the values of these 3 constants contain terms of order a;/a, &c.; but these subsidiary terms would not be required for the determination of a; and 0$;. The remaining 6 constants Y;, &c., appearing in terms containing o; explicitly, may be determined in terms of V;’ by means of the surface equations whatever values we attribute to m, n, m’ and n’. Unless, however, we ascribed definite numerical values to the elastic constants, and to b/a, the resulting expressions would be very cumbrous; and if the numerical values of these quantities were known it would probably be simplest to insert them at once in the surface equations. Materials highly incompressible and of equal rigidities. § 15. Partly for this reason, further consideration of the problem is limited to the case when n’=n, these quantities being finite, while n/m and n/m’ are negligible. The presumably enormous pressures under which the earth’s deep-seated materials exist seem a probable cause of wholly exceptional resistance to change of volume, whether we suppose the material to be wholly elastic or partly “set”; but there is no obvious reason why the resistance to change of shape should be exceptionally large. Thus on physical grounds alone, we should be disposed to suppose n’ of moderate size, but n'/m’ exceptionally small; and unless the layer were very thin similar reasoning would apply to n and n/m. A perhaps even more important consideration, leading to the same restriction, is that unless much larger values than any hitherto found, even for steel, be ascribed to the constant m’—and to m also, except in a very thin layer—the numerical values deduced for the strains and displacements are too large to be consistent with the fundamental hypothesis of the mathematical theory of linear elasticity. From the above considerations we should regard an increase in m with the depth as the most plausible hypothesis for an elastic solid earth; but there does not appear the same reason for expecting an increase in 1. The principal reason, however, for supposing n’=n in the rest of this investigation is the great simplification thus introduced in the mathematical work. § 16. The physical conditions presupposed in the remainder of the paper are briefly that the core and layer have the same rigidity but different densities; and that the resistances to compression though not equal are both very large. Putting for brevity 8 (i—1) wp*aa; dorpp'b'*?a-*b; | 42a = ae See ee ee » pa'V; 3@i+1) 4orpp'b’a a; + aT P isisecccomscoane(alyy Bh ee ES se Maes 99): pb V; 41 + 37pp bb; + ~ 3 (i+ 1 =Q eee c cee cc ccc cecccces (22): Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” 147 we have for surface conditions gee ad 2(¢—1)a'*Z;- peas i (=) ay; 24+3 \n i? + 3i—1 aa a (“a ae) eV Oe Sa od ee (23), 2(—1) waz ti(i+2) m ge lg saeesl- arr, meat 2 (i+ 2) i(Qi = 1) (“) a Ln) foe - fae a Viera, HU cccccccccccc-seevees (24), 9 — i-2 4 V=s=8 ( i + 31-1 TN ‘ . = 2D — Seg GPM ST (Geer 264 ber, : @—i-3 /m’\,..,, 2 —2 (6-1) 0A + (“) Paget) See he (25), Wi—Nye ay 6642) (m\ poy 1 (my ay 204 Dye pL Gye esy a) OF gars (G)P Pet py ae aes G8) Ne f=) ey a ee dete (26), b27, — a é z) v= 7+1 5 (e) ety aba 2Qi+3) 2(2i—1) OE + ory (S LN ce eee cee ses eee (27), Aa 2(i oye +3) (7) DMESE CR Ta : 1) =) eS ae ee a5 be Dh + hei a5 (=) Ti Ce ee eet NN (28), It will be noticed that the constants Y;, Y_;, and Y; in these equations have for multiplier (m/n) or (m’/n), quantities which by the present hypothesis are extremely large. This implies of course that Yj, for instance, is very small compared to Z;, and any term in which Y; appeared would be negligible compared to one in which Z; appeared provided the other factors were of like order of magnitude in the two cases. As appears, however, by reference to the formule (6) to (9) the coefficients of the Y constants in the expressions for the displacements bear to those of the Z constants ratios of the order (m/n) : 1; so that the terms depending on the Y and Z constants are really of like importance. 148 Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” § 17. The equations (23) to (28) are satisfied by (¢+1)(2¢ + 3) P 44443 n _ i G41) +2) (2+3-Ci +1) (/a)4 (bay Q (m/n) a Y;= (21+ 1) (2? +44 3) D TETE Stet eeeateeeeeeeeaeeeees (29), ee. eel @ekee) ye GIN eneweeas) i i(b/ay 215+ 51*—5r7+404+3 : ae — Fis aE aryl G=p Gree "1+ )G+2Hb/a4% ...(30). ——1 7. a Q (m/n)b“7Y__.= Ct DO (31), “ay US wd) YO) b f= 94+ 3) CT EDSEEELI Steet aaeccceeaeeceeetescneeaessaeecsacsateseeesaseaes (32), spy G41) (2+8) (bP (m'[n) bY = 277+ 4443 (V2 n _ tbl fF 7(7 + 2) (20+ 3 — (27 + 1)(b/a)*) (b/a)**) Q 3 a4] 4 as = Sa EBOGOR nc date I0ESGOG 353)) poagr = 242) Ola" P "2 (i—1) (277+ 404+3) n a t+1 (25+ 51*§- 50? + 40 + 3) os VICE oe a 1) (22 — 1) (222 + 4+ 3) 0%) 2i+1 _t(v+1) (+ 2) (6/ay"™) Oe (34). 2744143 n The values of P and Q are given explicitly by (21) and (22) when the values of a; and b; are known. To determine a; and }; in terms of JV,’ we proceed as in Section I We substitute in (8) a+.a;o; for 7, and note that the coefficient of o; in the resulting equation must be a;; similarly we substitute b+6;0; for r, and equate the coefficient of o; to ;. In this way we find, for n/m and n/m’ negligible, -=qa7.—.- v (=) tHy.— a+] (=) ih Vas — is 5 a;=aZ; 243) \n ayy; 2(@i—1) \n TV Aes Bi is an Rocesocu soe (330))) i+l — ji-1 m iny. m —7 —ij—2 a ee xeisy (a ;) Y;- 2 (21 — ae mb oa ie me) Aare brn shoo (30) > Substituting for Y;, &c. from equations (29) to (32), and inserting their values (21) and (22) for P and Q, we are left finally with two simple equations from which to determine a; and b; in terms of V,. These two equations are true for all values of b/a, and the explicit determination of a; in the general case has no difficulty except in the length of the expressions. Through considerations of time I have limited myself to the most Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” 149 interesting case when the thickness a—b of the layer is small compared to a. Before passing to the solution in this case, we may however draw one interesting conclusion in the general case. Neither m nor m’ appears in the values (21) and (22) of P and Q, and both are likewise absent from the expressions (29) to (32) for (m/n)Y;, Z;, (m/n)Y_i, and Zi. It is thus clear from (35) and (36) that the values of a; and b; do not contain m, m’ or m/m’. Consequently so long as the layer and core are both highly incompressible, a difference in their resistances to compression has no appreciable influence on the shape of either surface of the layer whatever be the nature of the disturbing forces. Special case of relatively thin layer. § 18. Putting a—b=t, and neglecting (t/a)? we find ae Vine Gri eon, Maree Pre w= FG) @e+h+3) n talG—NQr+hsa) nT 3), b/b = ee) Eee on Ee er (88), 2G—-1)Qe+N+3) n 'a2G—-lQ?+H+3) 2 Now P—Q does not vanish with ¢, thus to a first approximation a (2¢ + 1) P-Q b/b=a;/a= CINCH EW ESE) marge care a (39), Likewise subtracting (37) from (38), we have ee (t/a) 3° P-Q b;/b - a;/a= TCL OBE ETO Vee Wer ee ere (40). Combining (39) and (40), we get Be b/d = (ax/a) (1 tori a) nebo BA ta Sosth ae pion: (41), i-l1lt , or b; =a; (2 proee 1 =) Mialelafeicinteteaicieeiwuleleisesiattic/ (46). Of course g is the same as in the hypothetical composite earth. We may now write (43) in the form Ja={1+ ee ee ala= [+ oars 2-1) Q2+ 4+ 3)n 2 (¢—1)(20? + 47+ 3) xf - —o.e'/a) 24-1) 5 SL eer boston pe S11) (1 encom Cos )( + 274 4043 As: the coefficient of t/a in (47) is essentially negative, we see that the lesser density of the layer always makes the disturbing forces less effective in altering the spherical form than if the density were uniform. * Phil. Mag. March, 1897, p. 193, equation (52). | Dr CHREE, TIDES, ON THE “EQUILIBRIUM THEORY.” 15] Case i=2, luni-solar tides. § 20. In the case of most physical interest when the disturbing forces represent the tidal influence of the sun or moon 1—=2, Vy =g (M/E) (a°/R, in the notation of equation (35) of Sect. I. In this case by (47) is (gpa/n) (M/E) (a/R) E _ 4(¢/a) ee hee) 1+ 45 (gpa/n) 14+ ;9pa/n a,/a = Here the percentage reduction in a,/a due to the lesser density of the layer is 80 (t/a) (p'/p) {1 + gpa/n} + {1+ Bgpa/n} ...........:. cece cece ee ees (49). In the actual earth we have approximately gpa = 35 x 10° grammes wt. per sq. em., and this we shall employ in the following estimates. Our work assumes t/a small, so as a convenient example suppose t/a = 1/20. Suppose likewise as an approximation to actual conditions (p/p) =4 (20/19)? = 583 approx. ; and as representative of extreme and mean rigidities take the three cases G) n=80x 10" grammes wt. per sq. cm., @i)) =35 «107 55 : Gitte — ie 7 * Then by (49) for the percentage reductions in the value of a,/a due to the lesser density of the layer, we have the following approximate values: Case 1 il il Percentage reduction 5 7 10 As the above hypothetical layer would in the case of the true earth be nearly 200 miles thick, and the effect varies directly as the thickness, we may expect variations of density within 30 or 40 miles of the earth’s surface to have but little influence on the lunar or solar tides. In the case of disturbing forces which are local, or vary rapidly with the angular coordinates, variability in the surface strata is probably more important, for the coefficient of t/a inside the bracket in equation (43) tends in general to increase with 7. Vou. XVI. Parr II. 20 Ny < SS S ae a SS a = > S S ae ~~ SS x SS s S Camb Phil. Soc Trans Vol XVIPlate aa 7 wey ey ¥ VII. Cireles, Spheres, and Linear Complexes. By Mr J. H. Grace, B.A., Fellow of St Peter's College, Cambridge. [ Received, July, 1897. Read, 25 October, 1897.] In this paper there are discussed certain theorems concerning circles and spheres, and analogous theorems concerning linear complexes. The whole is divided into seven sections. In I. we discuss certain relations between systems of linear complexes; these we apply to the exposition of the analogy, due to Klein, between line geometry and sphere geometry in four dimensions; and also to the transformation of Lie in which a straight line corresponds to a sphere and two intersecting straight lmes to two spheres which touch. In II. the theorem, that the circum-circles of the triangles formed by four lines meet in a point, is proved by a method depending on the theory of curves; a similar method is applied to shew that there is no corresponding result in three dimensions and again to prove the analogous theorem in four dimensions. Then the theorem, that, given three points one on each side of a triangle we get three circles meeting in a point, is extended to three and four dimensions. Finally the results are transformed by both methods explained in I. In III. we prove the set of theorems given by Clifford (“Synthetic proof of Miquel’s theorem”), and also another set of theorems, of which the first are particular cases, viz.: “Given three coplanar lines and a point on each of them, we obtain three circles meeting in a point.” “Given four lines and four concyclic points, one on each of them, we have four sets of three lines and the points derived from these four sets, by the first theorem, lie on a circle.” Vor %. VI. “Pane IL. 21 154 Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. “Given five lies and five concyclic pots, we have five sets of four and from each set of four a circle; these five circles meet in a point.” And so on ad inf. IV. contains the proof of a corresponding set of theorems in space of three dimensions, as follows :— “Given three planes and a point on each line of intersection, we have four points in all and they determine a sphere.” “Given four planes and a point on each line of intersection, we have four sets of three planes, and from each set of three a sphere: the four spheres so obtained meet in a point.” “Given five planes and a point on each line of intersection, we have five sets of four, and from each set of four a point; the five points so obtained lie on a sphere.” And so on ad inf. In V. the general configuration of points and spheres derived from the theorems in IV. is discussed. ; If we take x planes we obtain a system of 2”7 spheres, 2”7 O-points and n(n—1)(n — 2) n(n —1)(n—2) ewe MES) UAE 2 Vie 6 6 points; each O-point les on n spheres and each A-point on 4 spheres. 2% A-points; each sphere contams n O-points and In VI. certain symmetrical systems of points and spheres are obtained, viz. : (i) A set of sixteen points lying by eights on ten spheres, there being five spheres through each point. (i) A set of seventy-two points lymg by sixteens on twenty-seven spheres, there being six spheres through each point. (ii) A set of 576 poimts lying by 532’s on 126 spheres, there being seven spheres through each point. Similar sets of points probably exist m which there are eight, nine...spheres through each point, but as the number of points increases the difficulties as to notation become very great. Finally in VII. some of the results are transformed in accordance with the methods of I. Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 15 wo SECTION I. Systems of Linear Compleces. 1. In line geometry, as the subject has been treated by Pliicker and others, a line is determined by six homogeneous coordinates connected by a quadratic relation : the line in fact depends really on four quantities, but two others are introduced for convenience in analysis. Supposing that ayy,2,0, and «#,y.2z.0, are two points on the line; Lmnr,, lmmnr. two planes passing through the lne; then J, m, n, X, mw, v, its six coordinates, are defined by Limi ni r: wi v=. — LO, + Yy@s— Yo, 2 Z@.— 2D, : YZo— YoRy 2 Lo — Zo, 2 LYo — Ley = MyNo — MM, 2 Mylo — Nol, : Lame — Lem, : Lyre — lor, : Myo — Mey 2 NF. — Ney, the equivalence of the two sets being easily proved. [It has been considered generally by Pasch, Crelle LXxv. p. 108.] The coordinates are connected by the relation N+ me +nv=0 and are independent of the particular pair of points or planes chosen. Further, two such lines intersect if only Lo + LoAy HF My bo + Maly + Vo + Nov, = O. 2. If the coordinates of a line satisfy a linear relation XX 4+ Yu t+ Zv+Ll+ Mn+ Nn=0, the line belongs to a Linear Complex of which ZL, M, N, X, X, Z are called the coordinates. As regards a linear complex X,¥Y,Z,1,M,N,, L,X,+ M,Y,+N,Z, is called the invariant and we shall denote it by $a. For two linear complexes we have the mutual invariant L,X,+ L,X,+ M,Y,+ M.Y,+ \,Z.+ N.Z,, denoted by a, If this vanish the two are said to be im involution. Thus if the invariant of a linear complex vanish its coordinates are those of a line and the lines of the complex are the lines meeting this line. If the mutual invariant of two lines be zero then the lines intersect, and if the mutual invariant of a line and a complex be zero the line belongs to the complex. 21—2 156 Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 3. If we consider J, m, n, 2X, #, v each replaced by a linear function of six variables 2,, %, @3, %, Zs, % We get a new system of coordinates, in which the 2’s are connected by a quadratic relation p=0 when they are the coordinates of a line. Further, whereas in the original system the vanishing of a coordinate meant that the line in question met one of the edges of the fundamental tetrahedron, the vanishing of one now indicates that the line belongs to a certain linear complex 2,=0 for the w’s are linear functions of 1, m, n, », w, v. (Klemm, Math. Ann. 01.) The complexes 2,=0, #,=0, 7,=0...%;=0, are called the fundamental complexes, and we shall now obtain the relation ®=0 in a form which involves only the mutual invariants of these complexes. 4. For this purpose suppose T,, M;, Ni, X1, Yi, 4%, &e. are the coordinates of fourteen linear complexes 12d; Apeo OMe Deemer eG male then we have EN in| Moai eXG, BV eae Pile WE ee, X. cv ares oF a B77" the relation between the mutual invariants of two sets of seven linear complexes. Suppose now that 1’, 2’, 3’, 4’, 5’, 6’ are the same as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 respectively, and denote the others by a, b, then the foregoing relation obviously gives a, in terms of Bq +++, Ty--., Le. it gives the mutual invariant in terms of the coordinates. By making zqa=0 we get the condition that the complexes @ and b should be in involution, and by making b the same as a, and then making a,q=0, we get the relation between the six coordinates of a line, the coefficients being functions of the mutual invariants of the six fundamental complexes. i. Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 157 The relation (A) is precisely similar to that which occurs in the theory of circles and spheres (Lachlan, Phil. Trans., 1886), and is obtained in the same manner. By supposing certain of the mutual invariants to vanish the relation may be made to take a simpler form; two cases will be considered, (I) when all invariants o,,, in which m+n vanish, ie. when the six fundamental complexes are mutually in involution ; (II) when all invariants a,, except a, vanish where m+n and oy=0, a, =0. 5. In (1) the relation becomes GaPn , Pa2Piz Bag FP hy Bah = et) Soe On hore) Dig and if we replace Sq, DY ay ete See on by JN on-.., we get Bary = LY) + LoYo «+» Le Yo, and consequently with these coordinates the condition for a line is ae Now in the geometry of circles a circle is given by four coordinates 2, #, 7, #,, and when the four fundamental circles are mutually orthogonal the condition for a point may be written LY + ay +ay+ ze =0; also the condition that two circles should cut orthogonally is LYi + LyYot L3Ys + sys = O. In the geometry of spheres we have five coordinates 2,, 2, 23, 2, #3; the condition for a point is UP + @y + Lye + oP + ae = 0, and the condition that two spheres should cut orthogonally is LY + TYo +... + L5Y;=0. Similarly in space of four dimensions we have a geometry of hyperspheres in which a sphere is given by six coordinates De Bayan hes the condition for a point being Gea o.. Le — Os and for orthogonal section LY + CoYo +++ LeYs =O, and a point lies on a sphere if the coordinates of two satisfy the conditions for orthogonal section. 158 Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 6. Thus comparing these results we see that there is an exact analogy between the geometry of linear complexes, and geometry of spheres in four dimensions, in which (i) a linear complex corresponds to a hypersphere ; (ii) a straight line corresponds to a point ; (iii) two lmear complexes in involution correspond to two spheres cutting at right angles ; (iv) a complex and a straight line belonging to it correspond to a hypersphere and a point on it. (Klein, Math. Ann. Vv.) Thus if we can prove any theorem involving the stated geometrical relations in the one set, we can immediately infer a corresponding one in the other. For example, to the result that four such hyperspheres have two points in common corresponds the fact that four linear complexes have two lines in common. To a linear complex and two polar lines correspond a hypersphere and two inverse points, for on the one hand every linear complex containing the given lines is in involution with the given complex, and, on the other, every sphere passing through the two points cuts the given sphere orthogonally. 7. If we suppose the coordinate a, to vanish, the condition for a line is THEE aos ips and the geometry is that of lines in a linear complex and complexes in involution with it. Thus geometry in a linear complex is equivalent to the geometry of spheres and points in three-dimensional space, the correspondence being exactly the same as in the last article, with the exception that all linear complexes in this system are in involution with the given one. So, if the coordinates #; and #; vanish, we find that geometry in a linear congruence is equivalent to the geometry of circles and points in a plane. It is to be remarked that there is nothing in line geometry corresponding to the element at infinity in sphere geometry, and consequently all propositions involving planes in the sphere geometry must be inverted so that the planes become spheres before they can be transformed. The element at infinity is in fact replaced by a line which has no particular property with reference to other lines. 8. In case (II), Art. 4, by taking suitable multiples of a, &. we can obtain an equation of the form Bry = LY + LoYo+ L3Ys— LyYs — 3 (Ys ar UYs) =i()3 and the condition for a straight line is xz + 1S = vee — one — £0, = 0, a form which is most useful for this article. Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. lag Now supposing a sphere to be given by its equation in ordinary Cartesian coordinates e+ y+ 2+ 2a + Ay + 2dz + e=0, we have r=b?+c+d —e, or introducing a quantity a to make the equation homogeneous, we have B+ c+d?—ae—r’=0, and the sphere is given by the six coordinates a, 6, c, d, e, r which are connected by the same relation as above. Thus we have an analogy between the geometry of spheres and straight lines, but we have still to discover the analogy to a linear complex and the fact of such a complex containing a given line. Also while a line is replaced by a unique sphere, a sphere corresponds to two lines because the sphere is unaltered by changing the sign of r, whereas a line is changed by this process into its polar line with respect to the complex corresponding to r=0. 9. To complete the discussion we observe that if two spheres a, b, c, d, ¢, r; wv, Uc’, d,e, 7’ cut each other at an angle a, then 2bb' + 2cc’ + 2dd’ — ae’ —a’e — 2rr' cosa =0, where @ is so taken that cosa=+1 for external contact, and cosa=—1 for internal contact. Thus if a=0, we find 2bb' + 2cc’ + 2dd’ — ae’ — a’e — 2rr’=0 as the condition that two spheres should touch externally. Now the first sphere is replaced by the two lines a, b, ¢, d, @e +7, a, b, ¢, d, &, —7, and similarly for the second; consequently to two spheres which touch externally correspond two pairs of lines, such that each of one pair intersects one of the other pair. As each pair of lines are conjugate with respect to a linear complex one intersection is a necessary consequence of the other. For internal contact the +r lme meets the — 7‘ line,) ; pace . (Lie, Math. Ann. v.) and the —r line meets the +7’ line } 10. To illustrate this, consider the problem of describing a sphere to touch four given spheres. We have in the transformation to draw a line meeting four given lines, Suppose we have to get a sphere having like contacts with the four given ones, then we take the four lines a, b, c, d corresponding to the (+7’s) and the four a’, b’, c’, d’ corresponding to the (—7’s). 160 Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. There are two lines meeting the former four and two meeting the latter four, viz., the polars of the first two with respect to the fundamental linear complex; therefore there are two spheres having like contacts with the four given ones. If the sphere sought has to have like contacts with a, b, c, and the opposite kind : bed’ with d, we take the two quartettes ate d and thus get two more spheres. For the condition for external contact being 2bb’ + 2cc’ + 2dd' — ae’ — ae + 2rr' = 0 simply expresses the fact that the +7 line meets the —7" line and vice versd. Hence as we can choose the quartettes abed’, a'b’e'd D4 in ==8 ways, we have 8 pairs of spheres touching the four given ones, as ought to be the case. 11. We have so far obtained no meaning for the transformation of a _ linear complex, but the equation 2bb' + 2cc’ + 2dd' — ae’ — we—2rr’ cosa=0 gives us the interpretation at once, since it shews that if a line belongs to a linear complex the corresponding sphere cuts a given sphere at a given angle; but a system of spheres cutting a fixed sphere at a constant angle and the system which cut it at the supplementary angle correspond to the same system of linear complexes. In fact a sphere is represented by two lines which are polar lines with respect to the linear complex, and therefore taking a sphere and an angle associated with it the spheres which cut the given sphere at the associated angle are represented by the totality of lines belonging to two linear complexes which are inverse (we may say) with respect to the fundamental one, viz., each is the locus of the polar lines of the other. Changing the sign of cosa only interchanges these complexes, and so the lines which are the transformations of the two sets of spheres are identical. Taking 6, c, d, a, e, r as the coordinates of the line they satisfy the relation 2b’ (b) + 2c’ © + 2d’ (d)—e' (a) — a’ (e)—7 (2r' cos a) =0, the line b, c, d, a, e, —r satisfies 2b’ (b) + 2c’ (c) + 2d’ (d) — e' (a) — a’ (e) — (— r) (— 27” cos a) = 0, the inverse complex to the foregoing and as stated interchanging the sign of a inter- changes these two complexes. Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 161 12. If we take five lines and their polar lines, the pair of complexes containing them become the sphere cutting the corresponding spheres at equal angles, where the five lines are (+7) lines and the five polar lines are (—7r) lines; if we take a complex containing four of the (+7) lines and one (—r) line and the inverse complex, we get a sphere cutting four of the given spheres at equal angles and the remaining one at the supplementary angle, and so on. There will thus be in the extended sense of the word 16 spheres cutting five given ones at equal angles, where an angle and its supplement are not taken to differ. 13. To enable us to translate theorems regarding spheres which pass through a fixed point we must remark that if a sphere becomes a point r=0 and the pair of lines in this case coincide, and further the united line belongs to a fixed linear complex corresponding to *=0, which has been called the fundamental linear complex. Finally a sphere is replaced by two lines which are conjugate with respect to r=0, and it has with the totality of complexes having this pair of polar lines for conjugate lines a relation which may be stated as follows; viz. if we associate our sphere with various angles in the sense already stated, then the singly infinite set of linear complexes correspond to the sphere and the angles thus associated. 14. If the equation of a circle in ordinary Cartesian coordinates be a +y"+ 2ba + 2cy +e= 0, then its radius 7 is given by r=b+ce—e, or, introducing a quantity a to make this equation homogeneous, we find that a circle may be considered as having five coordinates a, b, c, e and r connected by the equation B+ c—ae—r=0; and if two circles cut each other at an angle a, then we have 2bb’ + 2cc' — ae’ — a’e — 2rr’ cosa=0, where a is so taken that a=0, cosa=+1 for internal contact, a=7, cosa=—1 for external contact. Thus, to put the matter briefly, we see that (1) The geometry of circles is equivalent to that of lines in a linear complex (A). (2) A given circle is represented by two lines which are conjugate to a complex (B) in involution with the one (A) in which the system lies. (83) To circles which touch correspond lines which intersect. (4) Being given four lines and their polars with respect to (B), we have a complex containing the four and in involution with (A), and another containing the Vou. XVI. Part IID. 22 162 Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. polars and in involution with (A); corresponding to this system in the circle geometry, we have four circles and a circle cutting them at equal angles, exactly analogous to the corresponding proposition in sphere geometry. Reckoning an angle and its supplement as being not distinct, then there are eight circles cutting four given ones at equal angles; but there is only one which really cuts them at equal angles, the remaining seven cut some of the circles at the one angle and the other circles at the supplementary angle. Thus, when we have given any theorem regarding lines in a linear complex, and lmear complexes in involution with the given one, we can at once derive a proposition concerning circles in one plane, where the complex contaiming four lines is replaced by the circle cutting four given circles at equal angles. We have already shewn that there is an exact connection between the geometry of spheres and poimts in three dimensions and geometry in a linear complex: hence we see that there is a connection between theorems regarding spheres and points in space and circles in a plane. SECTION II. 15. There is a theorem in plane geometry to the effect that, bemg given four straight lies, the circumeircles of the triangles formed by omitting each lne in turn meet in a point; we are naturally prompted to inquire whether there is a corresponding proposition in three dimensions and also in four, since the latter case leads to theorems regarding lines and linear complexes. For the purpose of this inquiry it is convenient to regard the proposition in plano as a particular case of the theorem that all cubic curves that pass through eight fixed points pass through a ninth. In fact take as the eight points the six vertices of the quadrangle and the two circular points at infinity, then since each circumeircle and the corresponding omitted line form a cubic through the eight points, the four such cubics have a ninth point in common, consequently the four cireumcircles have a point in common. 16. In three dimensions we consider cubic surfaces passing through the circle at infinity (cubic cyclides, in fact) and also through all the 10 vertices formed by five planes, and observe that the circumsphere of the tetrahedron formed by four planes and the remaining plane is such a cubic. These cubics satisfy 10+7=17 linear conditions, for the section at infinity instead of being a general cubic is a known conic and a variable line, and as a cubic can be made to pass through only 19 arbitrary points, all these cubics pass through the points of intersection of any three of them. Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 163 To find how many points three sueh cubics (cubic cyclides) have in common, we consider the case in which each of them is a sphere and a plane and thus see at once that the number is 242.34+2.341=15. (This is in fact Schubert’s principle of the fixity of number, Abzahlende Geometrie, passim. ) Hence as our systems have already 10 points in common they have five further points common to all, but by the line theorem just proved the four circumspheres which are got by always including a certain one of the planes meet in a point on that plane and therefore the five further points lie one on each of the planes, and we infer at once that there is no corresponding theorem in three dimensions. 17. This does not preclude the possibility of there being such a theorem in four dimensions, and in fact there is one which we proceed to prove. We take six hyperplanes in four dimensions; any four of them meet in a point, consequently omitting one of them we get five points through which there is a hypersphere, then the six hyperspheres so obtained by omitting each hyperplane in turn meet in a point. For this purpose we consider cubics in four dimensions passing through the imaginary sphere at infinity and through the eS es vertices of the six “solids” so formed. The section by the plane (hyperplane) at infinity is a known sphere and a variable plane therefore involving only three instead of nineteen constants, hence the cubics are subjected to 15 +16=31 linear conditions. Such a cubic can be made to pass through a Sere 1=34 points, and therefore all through 31 fixed points pass through a number of other fixed points. To find the number of these we have to tind the number of the intersections of four such cubics by considering each to be a sphere and a plane, thus the number is 242.442. 2°542.441=31, and therefore such cubics pass through 31 —15=16 other fixed points. Now we get one such point clearly on the plane of intersection of two hyperplanes* (by the line theorem); as there are 15 points of this nature there is one other common point and hence the six hyperspheres meet in a point, which is the theorem we set out to prove. * Because the section of the figure by the plane of intersection of two such hyperplanes will be four lines and the circles circumscribing the triangles formed by them in threes, hence the application of the line theorem. ‘ 22—2 164 Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 18. Translating this proposition into the language of linear complexes and _ straight lines it manifestly becomes the following: “taking six complexes having a line in common then any four of them have another line in common, and therefore from a set of five of them we get five lines through which one linear complex may be made to pass; then from the six complexes we get six sets of five, and as from each five we get another complex, we thus derive siz new complexes, then the theorem is that these siz complexes have one common line.” 19. Now in the hyperspace system we had 31 points such that all hypercubic surfaces of the particular kind mentioned which pass through 15 of them pass through the complete system. Inversion gives us a set of 32 points such that all hyperquartics passing* twice through the imaginary sphere at infinity which pass through 16 of the points pass through the remainder, hence in the line geometry we get a system of 32 lines such that all quadratic complexes through 16 of them pass through the remaining 16. To prove the theorem without having recourse to the geometry of four dimensions, we would remark that all quadratic complexes through 16 lines pass through 16 other fixed lines (for any four quadratic complexes have 32 lines in common); so we consider the system of quadratic complexes through the first line, and the common lines 15 in number of the six complexes taken four at once; this gives 16 lines common to the complexes, and proceeding im this way we get the theorem, but it seems clearer to first state it for four-dimensional space because then we have the analogues in two and three dimensions to guide us. In hyperspace, we may mention finally that we have 32 points lying by 16’s on 12 spheres, so that there are six spheres through each point, and In line geometry we have 32 lines lying by 16’s on 12 linear complexes, there being six complexes through each line. 20. We remarked that in the hypersphere geometry there was one common point of the cubics on each plane of intersection of two hyperplanes; this corresponds in the line geometry to the following :— Denote by a, b, c, d, e, f the six original complexes, and by A, B, C, D, E, F the complexes derived by omitting each of the original ones in turn, then such sets as A, B, C, D, e, f have a line in common. Thus we get 32 sets of six having a line in common, viz. abcdef ... 1 of this type abcdHF ...15 ,, ” AUB CO Dieter. to- hs, » ASB GED EE elie. lan ee, “s shewing the complete symmetry of the system. * Such a quartic is represented by the general equation of the second degree in hyperspherical coordinates in a manner exactly analogous to the bicircular quartic in circular coordinates, hence it is the analogue of a quadratic complex in line coordinates. F Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 165 21. S., n=l, Rss Sma aati 41. As has been already remarked, greater symmetry is given to the results just obtained, by inversion with respect to any point. In fact the planes we start from now become spheres through a given point, and the edges become their respective circles of intersection. Let us briefly consider the system derived from five planes. Retaining our previous notation we perceive that a plane of the system contains 15 points, viz, the point at infinity, six vertices, four P-points and four points of the type O(pqr)s. Again a sphere of the type S,,- contains 15 points, viz. one vertex, three P-points, two points of the type O(abcd), six points of the type O(abc)d, and three of the type Qav. The final sphere contains five points of the type O (abcd), and ten of the type Qu. Hence we have in all 16 spheres, each containing 15 points. The total number of points is 56, viz. one at infinity, ten vertices, ten P-points, 20 points of the type O (abc) d, ten of the type Qs, and five of the type O (abcd). Through the following there pass five spheres :— The one at infinity, the P-points, and the points O(abed), and through the rest, viz., The vertices, the points O(abc)d, and the points Q,», there pass four. Thus the whole system consists of 56 points lying by fifteens on sixteen spheres, there being five spheres through sixteen of the points and four through the remaining thirty. SECTION V. 42. I proceed now to the discussion of the system of points derived in lke manner from any number of planes. The processes involved are hardly more than mechanical, when once a comprehensive and luminous notation for the points and spheres of the system has been fixed upon. Such a notation I shall now endeavour to explain. Vou. XVI. Part III. 24 178 Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 43. The planes with which we start are denoted by the letter S with a single suffix, as S,, &c. Then, from three planes we derive a sphere which we call Say. From five we derive a sphere Syycae, and so on. Again in the line of intersection of two planes we have a point Oy. From four planes we derive a point 0 (abcd), SIRS ceeds oe oiawveicceseckerseeceeccece O (abcdef ), and so on from any even number of planes. Further* Syzc, Sasa, Saca meet on S, (line theorem), ates, Sands Wate liosesecsceeee Saveae (five-plane theorem). Also, in our proof of the five-plane theorem we may write Ua U S’.=Sae, S’a=Sava, and so on, and then inasmuch as S‘cae, Seat, Saep meet on S'o, we find that Sanedes Saveas, Sadcer Meet on Save. Since also S‘caey S‘cag, S'cag meet on Scaeyg, we see that Savede, Saved, Sadedg Meet On Savedesy- Then applying these two results to the accented system we infer that Sanedefg Sristeriin Sabedehf meet on Sabedas Savedefg, Sabedephs Sadedefi Meet ON Sadedesonis and so on ad inf. 44. The points where these sets of four spheres meet, lie on no other spheres of the system we are considering; but as regards an O-point, there are always n spheres through it, as we see as follows: Through a point O., we have 2 of the type S, and n—2 of the type Sy, wee cecccccccsccccccccce Oadeae wis cote et PUR RE isc toe se see NUS At, cotoake endian Sixes wee cee ecccccccececcsces Oabedes WEees See ee TO Roan neesecanseee abode Rik WSO eteens deena Sabedefg » and so on, x being the number of planes with which we start. On any sphere there lie x O-points. The sphere S, contains 0O,(at infinity) and n—1 points of the type Ou, aah bee See Bra Sabie -sesseeoct GOL UDO byPONOme secs Ute comcnciecccedeecesen Onneas SHOSOO SONG COOOL Sabdede aecinsoseey UD ine cen OE Oe RIVED dunassanwceronaeees Qaerys and so on generally. * S, S, S, meet on S,,, by hypothesis. Mr GRACE, ON OIROLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 179 The number of O-points is n(n—1)(n—2)(n—38 em I)(n—2)(n— 8), | n(n—1) Sou papa 4! = 2n-1, The number of spheres is aah} ee ne n(n _ Dee =n There are n O-points on each sphere, and n spheres through each such point. We denote a point where meet Sz, S;, S, by A,(type), SOU GE REDS ESRC OE ST ODES BRC ea TEER Siro, Sirith She nde 4! af a eee cece cee e nee senccesessessseesecesesees atedas Sabeas Sands eee Jal, t sence A, ae ctoiors ete eine eleletsratenslcto eye Sater sisiavets Secs sw = DD BBEdA's A, lies on one sphere of the type Sure, and so on. Also we denote a point where meet Sgrc, Sava, Saca by A, (type), wale eclecise sic cscccuicenencievacecccceseccicessccacecs Sabedes Sabedy Sabcer eee A; A, lies on one sphere S;, ae Se i sens ea Soe Here is to be noticed that each A-point les on four spheres. The point of intersection considered being the one through which only four spheres pass. The number of points A, is fees n(n—1) (n—2)(n— 3)(n—4) Renew en ee ewww eee een eneeeeene Als eee 2! 3! A n(n —1)(n— 2) (n—3) (n—4) (n — 5) (n — 6) Pace Meeeenseata sewed sie Giateinet riche 31 : Beetaicneeeeeaas cn seneneseshise (C205, SBS Rcadeo des cHORCOSSTRRERT COREE DACRE ADOS- COR uOIScBREEAE ono Saha eichiew sama cele asien wsrbauleattine 7\5y 008 ce to 2) ; 3! n(n—1)(n—2) (n—3)(n—4)(n—5) Sb acocntenTeoAnterecneerrocn 7: ae = = ; 3! 3! AccodeeOnneencepcocmeoceeeenar (YDS ogoaer CaSO ood COCe EORO RO CER OOEE ELEC OCOICOGEERCEOC 24—2 180 Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. and therefore the total number of A-points is Se a | 3! _n (n—1) (n=2) 5,5 3! as n(n—1)(n—2) 2! 45. Finally each sphere contains A-points, as we shall now prove. The sphere S, contains the following, Viz. : (n—1)(n—2) 1 points «Ao, —1)(n—2)(n-8 or) (nD or ioe ese! oe =2) 9 in all. The sphere S,»- contains 1 poimt Ay, 3 (n ar 3) ”? AG 3 (n—3)(n—4) 2 ! ” iélon (n— 3) (n—4)(n— 5) 3 ! ” A;, Sa eS) ; viz. a : in all. The sphere Sgicae contains Looe eee 5.4 iho (n= 5) » AS; 5. (n— — 6) 4 (n— 5) (n—6)(n—7) 3! _n(n=1)(n—2) in all 31 Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 181 A sphere with (27 +1) suffixes contains (2r + 1) (2r) (2r — 1) points Ay», 3! (2r +1) 2r 7: iPr (n a 2r = 1) ”» Any n—2r—1)(n—2r—2 (2r +1) § a “ = ) ” Ar, (n — 2r —1) (nm — 2r — 2) (n — 27 — 3) 3! » Jalen cate On n(n —1)(n—2) a 3! 46. Thus, to sum up, we have a system consisting of 2” spheres, 2"-' O-points, n(n—1 —2 ; > - — —2 and a! 2"-* A-points; each sphere contains » O-points and se is Be) A-points; each O-point lies on n spheres, and each A-point lies on four spheres. Eg, n=5 gives us 16 Q-points and 40 A-points, and there are 15 points on each sphere. n=6 gives us 32 O-points and 160 A-points, and there are 26 points on each sphere, The O-points form a system analogous to the whole system in Clifford's Theorems, viz., there are 2” of them lying by n’s on n spheres. SECTION VI. 47. In the systems of points and spheres already considered, there are, it will be observed, two classes of points; through the smaller class of points in the general case there pass n spheres, while through the other only four spheres pass. There is not, then, complete symmetry in any system, except that derived from four planes, and here we have five points, through each point pass four spheres, and on each sphere there he four points. I proceed now to explain how systems of points may be derived from more than four planes such that through each point pass the same number of spheres, the complete set of points and spheres being analogous to the inverted form of Clifford's Theorems. 48. For this purpose I remark that in the case of n planes, already considered, we took a point on each line of intersection; if these points be taken in one plane we get a system of points derived from n+1 planes, then taking each plane in turn as the additional one we have the foundation of the symmetrical system of points. 182 Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. The general method is to apply the inverted form of theorems obtained previously to the case of the spheres passing through the point where three of the planes meet. The general systems seem rather complicated, though the difficulties are perhaps super- ficial rather than essential, so in the present pages only the complete systems derived from five, siz, and seven planes will be considered. 49. It may be convenient to state the results at once and obtain them afterwards. They are as follows :— From five planes we get a system of 16 points lying by 8’s on 10 spheres, there being five spheres through each point. From six planes we get a system of 72 points lying by 16’s on 27 spheres, there being six spheres through each point. From seven planes we derive a system of 576 points lying by 32’s on 126 spheres, there being seven spheres through each point. In the case of eight planes the system will consist of a number of points lying by 64's on spheres and there will be eight through each point, but I do not go into this fully at present. 50. I. Five planes. Here all is well known, viz, if the planes be a, b, c, d, e, the circumspheres of the four tetrahedra formed by e and the others meet on e, and similarly for a, b, c¢ and d. Thus we have 10 vertices and one point in each plane and then inverting with respect to any point we obtain the complete system as indicated. 51. Il. In the case of six planes we use the following notation :— Py; for the point of intersection of the planes 1, 2, 3; Q,., for the other point of intersection of the three circumspheres through this point; S,; for the sphere derived from the first five planes by taking the subsidiary points on the 6th, and so on. Also O (abed)e means the point derived from a, b, c, d when the subsidiary points lie on e. Thus through the poimt Q,. there pass six spheres, viz. three circumspheres and the three spheres S,, S,, 8S; So far then we have 71 points and through each of them pass 6 spheres, viz. One at infinity through which the six planes pass. 20 vertices through which pass three planes and three circumspheres. 20 (-points. 30 points, five in each plane, the five in fact derived by taking the other planes in sets of four. Through these pass one plane, one S,, and four circumspheres. Mr GRACE, ON OIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 183 We shall now shew that the spheres S,, S,, S,, S,, S,, S, meet in a point. In fact, apply the inverted form of the tetrahedron theorem to the four spheres Sto, Sysis, Sons, Suos, Which meet in a point on the plane 5. Calling them a, b, c, d for shortness, we remark that a, b, c meet in the point O (1235) 4, on a, b is the point Qs, » Qus; 7 Quis, hence the sphere derived from a, b, ¢ is simply S,. ” Cc, a ”» ” Consequently S,, S., S;, S,, meet in a point, and in like manner so do any four of the six, consequently the six meet in one point. Now we have 72 points, and there are 27 spheres, viz., 6 planes, 15 circumspheres and S,, S,, S;, S,, S,, S;. On a plane lie », 10 vertices, and 5 O-points. On a circumsphere lie 4 vertices, 8 O-points, and 4 Q-points. On an S sphere he 5 O-points, 10 Q-points, and the point last obtained. Thus inverting we have the complete system already indicated, and we may remark that starting from the six spheres meeting in any point we can derive the whole system in exactly the same way as we have derived it from the six planes. 52. III. Taking now the case of seven planes we denote them by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. S (1234) denotes the cireumsphere of the tetrahedron formed by the planes 1, 2, 3, 4. S(q, b) denotes the sphere derived by omitting the plane @ and taking the subsidiary points on the plane b, and in general @ means that the plane a is omitted; 6 means that the subsidiary points are taken on b. The three planes 1, 2, 3 meet in P,;, and the four circumspheres through this point meet again in sets of three in four new points. The sphere through these points belongs to our system, and we denote it by S(123). The further notation is explained as it is introduced. We apply some of our previous results to the system a B OY 6 1, 2, 3, S(12384), S (1235), S (1236), S (1237), and denote the four latter, for brevity, by a, 8, y, 8 respectively. 184 Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. There is little difficulty in seeing that S (aBy/3) = (123), S(1Py78) = S(4 1), S (2878) = SG 2), and so on. Hence as S(1a88), S(1By8), S(1yaéd), S (ays) meet on 6, we infer that Sj.5 passes through the point on S(1237) in which concur S (41), S(51), S (61). By symmetry, then, through the same point also pass $(137), S(127), and hence through all such points as this we have seven spheres. From our six-plane theorems we infer that the spheres S (1878), S (2878), S(aB78), S38), S (By), 8(38) meet in a point; we proceed to shew that S(8) is simply the sphere S (125). One point on S(38) is the point where meet S(128a), S(12By), S(1288). Now S (128a) = 8S (1245), S (126y) = 8 (1256), S (1288) = S (1257), these being easy deductions from the theorem regarding the circumceircles of the triangle formed by four lines. Thus one point on S(38) is the point where meet S (1254), S(1256), (1257), or as we may call it, Q(1253). Another point on S (88) is the point on which meet S(12a8), S(12y8), S(layB), S(ay8), « 8. Now these are respectively S (1245), S(1265), S(71), S(72) and S(1235); therefore on S(38) is the point where meet S (1254), S(1256), S (1253); that is the point Q (1257). Similarly the points Q (1254), Q (1256) are on the sphere, and therefore it is the sphere S (125). In like manner S (3y) = S (126), S (38) = S(127), and hence we infer that S(41), S(42), S(123), S8(125), §(126), S(127) meet im a point. This point may be called R (124) without confusion. Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 185 53. Again S(®8yd) passes through the point on S(aPyé) in which concur S(18), S(28), S(3~), ze. through the point in which meet S(123), S(125), §(815), (235). Similarly through the point on S(18y8) in which meet S (28), S (38), S(a8). Now S(1By8) = 8 (41), . S@8) =S(135), S(3B) =8(125), and I proceed to prove that S(@8)=S8(45) so that in this point there meet S(41), (45), S(185), (125); therefore through the same* point pass S(165), S(175). Consequently S(bed) passes through the following points: R(154), R164), R174), R(254), R(264), R(274), R(354), R(364), R (374). If we interchange 3 and 5 four of these points are unaltered so the sphere is un- altered, and thus if any of the numerals 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 are interchanged the sphere is unaltered; therefore this sphere may be consistently denoted by S(4) for it is symmetrically situated with respect to 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7. < 54. We have now to identify S(a@B) and S (45). A point on S(@8) is where meet S (1238), S(128y), S(138y), 8 (23Ry), i.e. where meet 5, (1256), S$ (1356), $(2356) and S (1235), we shall call this point O (1236) 5. Another such point is manifestly where meet (1238), S(1288), S(1388), S(2388) or O(1237) 5. A third point is where meet S(12y8), S(1288), S(1y88), S (2788), or the point where meet S (1256), (1257), S(41), S(42): and through this same point pass also S (1253) and S(45) for it must be the point @ (125 4). * This point is R (154). Vou. XVI. Parr IIT. 25 186 Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. A fourth point is where meet S(1387), S(1388), S(1y88), S (2788), and passing through this point we therefore have 8 (1356), S(1357), S(41), S(42), S(1352), S (45). Similarly, we obtain a fifth point, and so on, and as all lie on S$ (45), we have S (a8) = 8 (45). Now we have proved that S(By8) = S(4), so in like manner S(yda) = S(5), S(8a8) = S(6), S(aBy) = S(7). But we have seen that S(@y8) passes through the point on S(a@yd) in which meet S(1p), S(28), S (38) (see p. 184, line 7), ue. S(4+) passes through the point in which meet (123), (235), (315), (125). Therefore four spheres of the types just written down meet in a point, and this point by symmetry is on S,, S; and S,. Hence S(By8), S(yda), S (8a8), S(aBy) meet in a point and therefore the spheres S(4), S(5), S(6), S(7) meet in a point. Thus any four of the seven S,, S,, S;, S,, S;, S;, 8, meet in a point, hence aa all meet in a point and this point completes the system. 55. We shall shew the connection of the final poimts in the six-plane system with our present configuration. Viz., we know that S(1By8), S(2878), S(B8y8), S(a8), Sy), S8(ad), meet in a point which is on S(@y8). Consequently SD, S42), S(43), S45), S46), S(42), meet in a point which is on S(4), and this point is manifestly the point derived from the six planes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7. Calling it N,, we see that S(r) passes through N(r) for each value of r. Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 187 56. The complete system of points obtained then is as follows :— A. 1 at © through which pass the seven planes. 7.6.5 T2738 735 vertices through which pass three planes and four circumspheres. B. C. 7X Fa 105 points of the type 0(1234)5 through which pass one plane, four circumspheres, and two spheres S (65), S (75). D. 7X1=7 points of the type O(123456)7, through which pass one plane and the 6 spheres STD) S QTY sess S (67). = 6.5.4 F = . E. Xs = 140 points of the type @(1237), through which pass three cireumspheres, (123), S(71), S(72), 8 (73). 6 4 F : : F. ce ee ae ts 140 points in which meet such sets of spheres as 35° Tae S (123), S§(127), S(137), S(1237), S(41), S(51), S(61). 6.5 : - G. 7X7—3= 105 points of the type (124), through which pass S(41), S(42), S(123), S(125), 8 (126), (127). Z-S-3=35 points in which meet such sets of spheres as S (123), S(234), $(341), (412), S(5), S(6), and S(7). J. 7 points N in which meet such sets as S(71), S(72), S(73), S(74), (75), S(76) and S (7). J. A final point in which meet Sty Si, Bey Sa Be We bial Se In all we have 14+ 3854 105 + 7+140 + 1404 105435 +7 + 1=576 points. Of spheres there are 126 made up as follows: 7 planes, 35 cireumspheres, 35 of the type S(123), 42 of the type, S(41) and 7 of the type S(r). Also each sphere contains 32 points; we shall enumerate the points for each class 25—2 188 Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. of sphere in a table; for this purpose we denote the classes of points by the capital letters opposite them. A B C DD £ F G | I | J | Total a | — Plane contains 1 15 15 1 32 | | Circumsphere et Wh abe 1D vi) awk 32 a : : ote, aan S (123) | 4 12 | 12 4 32 [rasheyet S (41) | 5 1h LO AGiag| 5 1 Ae aes Be | — =] | S(r) | a | | ela | | | ee Sls il aay points} 1 | 35 | 105 | 7 | 140 | 140 | 105 | 35 | 7 | 1 | 576 SECTION VII. 57. In virtue of the general principles explained early in this paper, all our propo- sitions relating to spheres and points may be immediately transformed in two different ways. I. All points are replaced by lines belonging to a given linear complex, and all spheres by complexes in involution with the given one. II. Then we may replace all the lines by circles and the linear complexes by circles with associated angles in such a way that two intersecting limes correspond to two circles which touch, and a line belonging to a linear complex becomes a circle cutting a given circle at a given angle. 58. I will not trouble to translate all the propositions obtained above in this way, but give only some general considerations, which will afford an idea as to the nature of the propositions obtained in each of the two classes. 59. Let us take the tetrahedron theorem, viz. points PQR, P,Q,R, are taken on the sides of a tetrahedron as in the figure, then the spheres AQRP,, BRPQ, DP,Q,Rf,, CPQR, meet in a point. Taking a fixed linear complex R, the four planes become complexes in involution with it and having one of their common lines belonging to &. Any three of them and Mr GRACE, ON CIRCLES, SPHERES, AND LINEAR COMPLEXES. 189 R have a further lme common, the four lines so obtained correspond to A, B, C, D, call them a, b, c, d; also in the ruled surface common to each two and R we take a A R B line, the six lines so obtained correspond to P, Q, R, P,, Q,, R, and are denoted by P@ 7; Pr G, M1; then d, p,, %, ™ and similar quartettes determine a linear complex in involution with R, and the theorem is that one of the two lines common to the four hnear complexes so obtained belongs to R. Taking five linear complexes, in involution with a given one R and containing a given line of it, and a line in the ruled surface common to each pair and R, we get from each set of four a line belonging to R, these five lines belong to the same complex in involution with R&. Then taking six complexes (still in involution with R) we get six sets of five, from each set of five is derived a linear complex by the last theorem, and the six complexes so obtained are such that they have a common line belonging to R: and so on ad inf. Further, starting from five complexes in involution with R we can build up a set of 16 lines belonging to R lying by 8’s in 10 linear complexes in involution with R, there being 5 complexes containing each line. Then, starting from six complexes, we find a system of 72 lines in a linear complex lying by 16’s in 27 linear complexes in involution with the given one. Starting from seven complexes we find a system of 576 lines in a linear complex lying by 32’s in 126 linear complexes in involution with the given one. 60. In circle geometry we get the following :— Four circles L, M, N, R cut a given one OU at angles X, yw, v, p respectively, cutting LI, M, N at angles A, pw, v we have an associated circle (viz. the inverse of QO with respect to the orthogonal circle of LZ, M, N); call this R’ and derive L’M’N’ in a similar manner. Then take any circle P, cutting WM and N at angles yp, Ree esos ctelostceeceres Merrett Vat ose Dr. doen se sesausp Dict Sisteittclelsitlals/ AL =A p> A. p= DH TT saps SOD Saale: aya As pj =42p> Asp = Asp: Asp =A: pf: dE IP S U R Te Ap = Asp: A.D = 4s p> Ap = Asp When all these relations are satisfied, the system of equations A,=0, A,=0, A, =0, is a complete system; as there are seven independent variables for wu, it follows that there are four functionally independent integrals, say CASO i, Oh & (hh we) Up =Us(V, &, ¥, 2, L, m, n), Ur, = Ug (newts 2,0, 105) 7); OSG OR AE ada The conditions to be satisfied that this may be the case are, (i) the foregoing set ey PD OF THE SECOND ORDER. L99 of nine differential relations, (ii) an algebraical set, which can easily be obtained in the form S= ORe BE | TU=LD +SP | ™=PR-DJ\, US=MD+T7Q} , U?=PQ-DK ST = ND + UR) DW =| Py Uj Bg iv. 9, S| To St Mie) The last seven equations may, in fact, be regarded as expressing J, J, K, L, M, N, W in terms of P, Q, R, S, 7, U. Using them for this purpose, we can, for the present case, write the differential equation in the form aD+P, hD+U, gD+T \=0. Pe. (DG) (D285 gD+T, fD+S8, cD+R | From the form of the equations of which 4, w%, u,, wu, are functionally independent solutions, it is manifest that any functional combination of them is also a_ solution, say D(m, %, Us, UW) But it has been seen that any solution is an intermediary integral of the original equation; and so there is an intermediary integral of the form D=0, where ® is the most general arbitrary functional form. 8. This is, however, an equation of the first order. In the present case we can, without further imtegration, actually obtain an integral of the original equation: all that is necessary for the purpose is to eliminate /, m, n between the four equations j= Cys) Ug—Os, Wz — Os, l= Cy, where @, d», a3, a, are arbitrary constants. In order to establish this result, we must prove that any two of the integral equations w=a (say they are @ = constant, @=constant) can be taken as coexisting imdependent equations. Now the condition that this may be the case is fag) v, l which, on substitution for as GEA ag op ae op from the differential equations identi- Ou’ oy’ 02’ du’ dy’ Oz cally satisfied by them, becomes » (08 0b df 00 » (08 Oh ae _ (00 Oh Ap 06) _ a=) (a am ol =) +(@-8) (= alan al Be a) (= on om =) 0 But, under the present hypothesis, we have a=a’, B=’, y=7; the condition there- fore is satisfied. Accordingly the four equations «=a are four coexisting independent equations. 200 Pror. FORSYTH, PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Eliminating /, m, between them, we have, in general, a relation involving 2, x, y, 2 and the four arbitrary constants. Suppose it to be of the form v=F'(a, ¥, 2, Gh, Mo, As, A). The fact that the Jacobi-Poisson condition of coexistence for each pair of equations u=a is satisfied, enables us to infer, as in the case of two independent variables, that the values of J, m, n, v deduced algebraically from those equations are such as to give v av l=—, m= —, n=— Ox * oy Now the complete system of differential equations ou ou ou ou ou D( + 1) - (Pat US +7) <0, Ou Ou Ou Ou ou’ D5 tm) -(Uqt sm t San) =o (OU ou ou D(x +n 5) -( tS +R) is associable with the four equations dv =Ildx +mdy + ndz —Ddl = Pdx + Udy + Tdz — Ddm = Ude + Qdy + Sdz — Ddn =Tdx + Sdy + Rdz as the customary equivalent in differential elements. > Hence it appears that the solution v=F (a, Yy; Z, h, Me, As, a) of the original equation is such that oF peta, Gp tein son daxdy Oudz oF or ap O50 Dames or 02" + 10, Oa? D +S=0, DRo+R=0. Moreover, the verification that it satisfies the differential equation is immediate by taking this equation in the form obtained in § 7. 9. Now the solution which has been constructed is one that involves four arbitrary constants and so it is not a complete integral. But its importance lies in the fact that it can at once be changed so as to give the most general integral of the equation: a result due to the proposition that 7 ¢=¢(a, 8B) and ~=wW(a, 8B) denote OF THE SECOND ORDER. 201 two arbitrary functions, then replacing a, M%, ds, a, by a, B, ob, Ww respectively, an integral of the equation is given by the elimination of a and 8 between v=F(a, y, 2, a, B, $ ) 0= a OF op | OF ow Op da Ov Oa =f; O= PP ab | OF Oy 0B 0h apt dp 0B and this integral is the general integral of the equation because it involves two arbitrary functions each of two arguments. The proposition will be proved by shewing that the postulated integral equations satisfy the differential equation. We take the integral in the form v=F, AP @ coh. ae ap 83 the two latter implying complete derivatives with regard to a and to £ respectively. From the second and the third equations, we have oF oF O= Sade + oa + Gap *) oF oF oF = Faan + aaae * OB a) and two similar pairs for derivation with regard to y and to z respectively. Now from v=F, we have oF re — oan Was +2 Lye = > oF ae oF ae + 3a % +38 ay’ = ae +2 8.= OF | bois 08 ez” so that J, m, n have their form the same as when @ and @ are arbitrary constants. Next, 2a or. oF da? * dada °* + a Box _OF (@F @F @F ~ Oat - (Fae dae’? aga"? B2y. Vou. XVI. Parr III. OF Bz 202 Pror. FORSYTH, PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Writing _@F @F @F Ph "~ Gai? 2098’ OB” we have a= F,,—(p, qs r Yaz, (sia)re and similarly h=F,,—(p, q, 7%a2, Br&ity, By), g =F, - (p, q raz, BrXa@,, B:), b=F,,—(p, 4% r) ay, By), S=Fryz—(P, % TRG, ByXaz, B:); c=F,, —(p, q raz, Bz). These values of v; 1, m,n; a, b, ¢, f. g, h; are to be substituted in =o.) ees nD Ue migiDi ele |i. |hD+U, bD+Q, fD+8 |gD+T, fD+S, cD+R| The differences from the case when @ and £8 are arbitrary constants arise solely through the quantities a, b, c, f, g, h and not through the coefficients of those quantities. Now we have seen that DF.+P=0, DF,,+U=0, DF,+T=0, DF, + Q=0, DF, +S=0, Di + k= 0; hence, on substitution, we have @= (p, q TY ax, Bx): ? (p, q; rQay, By War, B;), (p, q; rQa:, B.Yaz, Bz) (p, % 7X42, Brtey, By) (PG ay, By) » (PG Thar, Be, By) (p, q; 7 Vaz, BrVaz, 8); (p, qd rQay, By Wa, Bz); (p, q ra, 8B.) Take two quantities X and yw such that a, + Aa, + pa,= 0), Br +B, + wB2=0; and multiplying the second column by 2 and the third by uw, add both to the first. Each constituent in that column‘is zero; and therefore © vanishes, or the differential equation is satisfied by the integral equation given. . 10. The results can be summarised as follows :— To solve the differential equation aD+P, hD+U, gD+T \=0, AD+U, bD+Q, fD+8 (gD+T, fD+8S, cD+R a OF THE SECOND ORDER. 203 the coefficients satisfying certain conditions, we construct the subsidiary system _ du dw 1/,0u r OW , py OU\ _ ean eg CRE. Gal - an) ou ou 1 du Ou du aa as | (u ae on 7a) ri Ci tes A fe , ou Ou\ _ oa a a eel al +S 5+ Re) =0 which is a complete Jacobian system and therefore possesses four functionally independent integrals. Let these be wm, U, ws, ws. ‘hen from I= hy VH= Ch, WSCA, WASCire we eliminate /, m, n and obtain a relation between v, #, y, z and the four constants, say OSIM Oh FA the Cy Cay Gh)» Let (a, 8) and wW(a, 8) be two arbitrary functions, each of two arguments; then eliminating a and @ among the three equations =H far, Yy; 2, a, B, od (a, B), v (a, B)}, _aF 9_aF = fa? = 5° we obtain the general integral of the differential equation. And the conditions to be satisfied by the coefficients are 0 Seyi Aree. a.p= b> ey teas a a8. Page tabeind ym onl It may be added that a+r, h+y, 9+P =!) h+y, b+p, fte 9g+B, f+a, c+(ay—Byu)l+ (By — ad)m+(Au—y’)n where a, 8, y, A, # are any constants, is a particular example of this case: as is also 1++ av, lm + ha, In+gv | =0. lIm+hv, 1+m?+bv, = mn+fo In + gv, mn +fo, 1+n?+cv | 204 Pror. FORSYTH, PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS And another example is given by Professor Tanner* in the form ayz | a, h, g | —lyz | b, f | —mza | a, g | —nay | a, h | h, b, f | fc g, ¢ | ent lof ¢| +amna + ynlb + zlme —lmn = 0. 11. It remains to consider the various alternatives to the hypothesis that the Jacobi-Poisson conditions are all satisfied identically. Any such condition, not satisfied identically, is a new equation; and accordingly the various cases for consideration are when these new equations are i. One new equation, ii. Two new equations, iii. Three new equations. First, when there is one new equation which arises from the conditions of co- existence of A,=0, A,=0, A;=0. Let it be A,=0. This can occur in various ways. (a) Two of the conditions may be satisfied identically, and the third then gives the new equation. (b) One of the conditions may be satisfied identically; and the other two give new equations which, in effect, are equivalent to one another. (c) No one of the conditions may be satisfied identically; the three are new equations which, in effect, are equivalent to one another. In general, we have several subsidiary systems: for the equations determining a, a’; B, 8’; y. 7 im general lead to two sets of values for each pair. If, however, a Jacobi-Poisson condition is identically evanescent, it is at once obvious from the form of the condition that the corresponding values are equal; thus if, in § 6, the condition ie : De A containing the term in (a—a’) = is evanescent, then a=a’=S; and the number of systems of subsidiary equations for w is diminished. It is simple to take account of the various ways in which we thus far have four equations in the system. Thus for (a), we can have two systems; for (b), we can have four systems; for (c), we can have eight systems. But though this number of systems can arise in the respective cases, it does not always arise of necessity: for the pair of sets of values of say a, a’ can be the same without the other conditions being satisfied and so, in (a), we might have only a single system. 12. There are now four equations in each system: but additional Jacobi-Poisson conditions must now be satisfied, viz. (A,4,) = 0, (A.A) =0, (A,A3) =0. * Proc. Lond, Math, Soc., t. vu. p. 89. OF THE SECOND ORDER. 205 If these are satisfied, either identically or in virtue of the four equations already established, the system is complete. It then has three functionally independent solutions, SAY %, Mw, Us; and the most general solution of the system, which is then a general inter- mediary integral of the original equation, is of the form P(t, Ue, Us) =0. It may happen that such an intermediary integral can be deduced from another system, given by different sets of values of a, a’; B, 8’; y, 7; let it be F(U,, U,, U;)=0, where F is perfectly arbitrary and U,, U,, U; are the three functionally independent solutions. We proceed to consider under what circumstances (if any) ® and F' can be treated as simultaneous equations, Since w%, %, us are solutions of a simultaneous system, ® is also a solution of that system: that is, we have Tb, = Pedy eae AO.) where ee ep oe Ox ov D ad ob D®, = yQ + QP, + ah, , P= a +m ae ee Do, = §'®, + a®,, + R®,, » d, = Aan an Now for the subsidiary system satisfied by F, let A, A’; B, B’; T, I” be the corre- sponding coefficients: so that A, A’ is either a, a’ or a’, a: the set of first alternatives in each case giving the system for ®. Then F satisfies DF,= PF, +1’ Fn + BF, DF, = TF, + QFin +A’F, " DF, = B’F,+ AF, =o RF, Now in order that # and ® may be treated as simultaneous equations, we must have FP, — F,®,, + F,®,, a, F',Py ar PF, 7 F,,®, =0. Substituting from the above systems and collecting terms, we find (P= 9) Fm + (LY — 7) Fim Bi + (B— 8’) Fn ®, + (B — 8) Fn + (A — 2’) Fin®, + (A’ — 0) F, Pm = 0, evidently identically satisfied when A, Al=a, a; B, B=B, B; 1D r= Y: 206 Pror. FORSYTH, PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Hence we have the theorem :— If all the conditions for the possession of three functionally independent solutions be satisfied for each of the systems 1 1 Pz =F (PP+ ¥Pm + BPn) Fe = py (PRi+ Pm + BF nu) 1 ra ®, = D (v2, ar Q®,, + a’®P,,) , F, = D (y F, SF QF » i aF’,) ra =F (BO+ ab, +R®,)) Fe = 5 (BF + dF, + RF) then the general intermediary integrals o=0; F=0, deduced from the respective systems, can be treated as simultaneous equations. Further, it can be established that the linear equations in differential elements equivalent to F=0 are included in the Charpit-system subsidiary to the integration of ©=0 as a partial differential equation of the first order. The simplest instance of all in the present case arises when two of the Jacobi- Poisson conditions (A,A,)=0, (A,A;)=0, (A;A,)=0 are satisfied identically, and the third is a new equation containing a term in = and when, further, the full system is complete. Of the three pairs of quantities a, a’; 8, 8 y, 7; two contain equal members, and the third contains unequal members. There are then two subsidiary systems; and thus we should have used all the subsidiary systems. I pass over, for the present, the discussion of the relation to one another of integrals derived through subsidiary systems not chosen according to the restriction in the proposition just established. An instance of this case is furnished by the equation |at+P, h+U, g+T7\+@(c+ R)=0, h+U, 64+Q, f+8) lg+T, F4+8 “ot RI where P, Q, R, S, 7, U, @ are constants. There are two subsidiary systems; and the intermediary integrals obtained can be treated as simultaneous equations. 13. If the Jacobi-Poisson conditions (A,4,)=0, (A,A.)=0, (A,A;)=0 are not satisfied in virtue of A,=0, A.=0, A,=0, A,=0, so that the system of equations is not complete, the new equations that arise through this set of conditions must be associated with the former four. We proceed as before and render the system ultimately a complete Jacobian system; and if in this state, the system contains n equations, there are 7 —n functionally independent solutions of the system. OF THE SECOND ORDER. 207 Of the remaining two cases, viz. those in which the conditions for the coexistence of A,=0, A,=0, A,=0 lead to two new equations and to three new equations respectively, it is unnecessary to say much in general detail. The process is the same as in the last case; the system must be made complete. If it contain more than six equations in this state, there is no common solution and so there is no intermediary integral; but if it contain » equations, n being less than 7, then it possesses 7 —1 functionally independent solutions and an intermediary integral exists. 14. In the preceding investigation, the most general form of the prescribed type has been taken initially. Instead of making the necessary modifications for simpler forms, it is better to apply the method at once to the simpler forms. For example, in the ease of the equation wa + 2eyh + y°b + 2azg + 2y2f + #ce=0, we substitute for a, b, ¢ from Uz + At + him + Guin = 0 Uy + hay + bin + fun = 0-3 Uz + gia +fulm + CUn = ah then we equate to zero the coefficients of f, g, h and the term independent of these quantities. Solving the resulting equations, we find only a single system of simultaneous equations determining w, viz. Uys 2 Un CH AY, 82 , Lz + Ylly + ZU, = 0 oe and so for u, and u;. where uw, denotes Ox It is easy to prove that this system is complete, and that the four functionally independent solutions can be taken in the form y la + my + nz £ = , v—(la+my +t nz). Zz ’ =z Hence there are two intermediary integrals of the respective forms eSNG 2, y a) xz a ie x ? Oe v— (let my +ne)= (2, =), where ¢ and yf are arbitrary functions. Moreover, by § 12, these can be treated as simultaneous equations, for the initial system is complete as obtained; hence we have v=ap(%, “)e¥ (4 =) as a primitive, and manifestly it is the general primitive. 208 Pror. FORSYTH, PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 15. Taking now more generally the case in which an equation of the second order possesses an intermediary integral, though not of the functional form previously considered, we have an equation F=0, satisfied in virtue of derivatives from u(v, x, y, 2, l, m, n)=0, that is, in virtue of lity + Ux + Amy + htm + gun = 0, My + Uy + hy + bum + fun = 0, NUy + Uz + G“urt+ fulm + CUn = 0. Hence when we substitute for a, b, c m F=0, the resulting equation must be evanescent: and therefore the coefficients of all combinations of f g, h that occur in the modified form must vanish, so that a number of relations will arise. Each such relation is homogeneous in the derivatives lu,+uz, MUy+Uy, NUy+Uz, U1, Um, Un; hence there cannot be more than five algebraically independent relations. On the other hand, there must, in general, be at least three relations; for if the result of the substitution is to give T+Pf+Qg+Rht...... = 0, then we must have 7=0, P=0, Q=0........ If these were equivalent to only one relation, this would occur through a common factor that vanishes, say [uy + Uz =O (Muy + Uy, NUy+ Uz, UH, Um, Un); where 6 is homogeneous of the first degree in mu,+Uy, Nuyp+Uz, UW, Um, Un. We thus have, for the construction of the equation of the second order, 6 + amt hum + gun = 0, MUy + Uy + = ((). NUy + Uz + =(j), three equations involving four ratios uw, : uz: 4: Um: Un not homogeneously. The equations are insufficient for this elimination: and therefore, in general, the present case will not arise. Further if the relations are algebraically equivalent to two only, they may be taken in the form P (ly + Uz, MUy + Uy, NUy+Uz, U1, Uns Un)=0, Q (ty + Uz, My + Uy, Ny + Uz, Ua, Un, Un) =0, lay + Ux + AM + htm + gun = 0, My + Uy + hay + bum, + fun = 0, Ny + Uz t+ Guat fum + Cun =0, OF THE SECOND ORDER. 209 five equations involving five ratios lity + Ug: mtly + Uy 2 Ny + Uz ULE Um iu, Not homogeneously. The equations are insufficient for the elimination: and therefore, in general, the present case will not arise. Hence there must, in general, be at least three equations, algebraically independent of one another. We thus have three cases to consider, according as the number of algebraically independent relations is (i) three in all, (ii) four in all, (iii) five im all. These cases will be taken in turn. 16. Three algebraically independent equations. Suppose the equations solved for (say) Lily + Uy, MUy + Uy, Ny+Uz, In terms of wW, Um, Un: il, in a particular case, it proved possible or convenient to solve only for some other combination, a tangential transform- ation could be effected so as to transfer it to the above form. Let it therefore be L=Uz+ lly +X (Ui, Un; Un) = 0 M= Uy + MUy + fe (1, Um, Un) =O}, N=tz + ty + (%Y, Un, Un) = al where A, #, v are homogeneous of the first order in wm, wm, wu, and the coefficients in X, #, v are (or may be) functions of v, «, y, z, l, m, n. But though these are, in the present case, the aggregate of algebraically independent equations thus derivable, they must satisfy the Jacobi-Poisson differential conditions of coexistence. Writing v, 2, y, Zz, 1, m, N=a&, a, Bs, Ly, Xs, Xe, Vz; ANA Uy, ..., Un=Pr, -+-) Pr similarly; we form the combinations u (e aM aL al Ox; Opi Op; 0x; : (L, M)=>% i=1 for the three pairs; and these must each vanish. Now we have L=ap, + ps+X (ar, -.-, %, Ps> Pes Px) =, M=xp,+ ps + w( )=0, N=a;p,+pstv ( )=0, with A, w, v homogeneous of the first degree in p;, p,, p;: and so (Be, nee near This manifestly is not satisfied in virtue of L=0, M=0, N=0; and therefore it is either a new equation or an identity. Vor, soi, Parr ik 28 - 210 Pror. FORSYTH, PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS In order that it may be an identity, the term in p, must vanish, for p, occurs nowhere else in the equation; hence, as a first condition, we have Op om on Ops Ops Similarly, if (M, N)=0, (N, L)=0, are identities, we deduce, as first conditions oS oF Ops Opr’ ax _ av Op; Ops’ respectively. In order that these may be satisfied, a function © of p;, p., p; and a, ..., a must exist such that 00 fale) GL) vinpae Ee Op,’ v Op: Evidently © must be homogeneous of the second degree in p;, Ps, p;- Taking Ps = Op;, Pcs = OPz we have @O=p7A (2), De, Z3, Ds, D5 Us, D7, A, o)=prA, where there now is no restriction upon A, the function of @ and ¢: and then oA 0A oA 0A = p- — = p- — a Ar —_— — an rn Pag? lied Paes 1 p, (24 0-4 #5) But these are not the full aggregate of conditions: thus, from (1, M)=0, we also have On On ON Om (»#)4 (2H) 4 (Z#)=0 U— —@55—- +———Ha- +| 0x, Ox, 0%; OM, \®s, Ds Ts, Ps ee Substituting the values of X and yw just obtained, and removing the factor p,, we have bs Oe aA eA OA fe G@A PA OA OA “@x,00 “da, 00,00 0x, 07500 000p 0x;0p 06° _#A PA_ FA BA, PA A_p PA _ A 20,00 96? dmb 800@ * 07,00 (& abode? ag? BA (JA 8A « OA Taman (59 ~ 9 a - $ 599g) = Similarly, from (M, V)=0, we have the further condition 4 OH ov MO (mr) (M2), (2) 9; “0a, ° On, 0x; 02, a Le, Pe Xz, Pz OF THE SECOND ORDER. 211 and from (NV, 4)=0, the further condition ov Or On v, Xr foe R "Oe, ur Day Ga =) i ey ae lan a) Ba “an "Oa, On, each of these, when substitution takes place for 2, p, v, leading to another equation of the second order satisfied by A. The former equation is, on rejecting a factor p,, CA e (2 0A , oA oe,)+ GA -(2 0A A OA ) — Pana ae anos. ameds? Guabe \ de, and, ° dead A (0A pot PA aA) AAD GRA Danae (5a ~ 9 a - $5058) ~ ade@ (2 ae a= sa) A. (Ao 9 fA _4#A) oA (2 aA, 8A | A ) Bad Mod ve aa ae eae onde aaa ad pea aA earn (24 - 2055 38 — 255 gt O38 + 296 sa5, + e ag? ) seer eA way aA, A td ot Ep ave DEF) (om oa00 - $5055 7 and similarly for the other. These three equations must be satisfied by A: and when any common solution is obtained, then we can construct the corresponding partial differential equation of the second order which has an intermediary integral. For the equations are 0A > (lu, ae Uz) = Pr a0 ; but lity + Uz + Ay + htm + guy = 0, that is, 5p, + Po + aps + hps + gp; = 0, in the present notation; and so, substituting for uz, we have 0A — ag +a0+ho+g=0. Similarly a $ ee hd + bh+f=0; and aA 0A Bice PI tet e— 0 the last of which, in connection with the other two, can be replaced by — 2A + a6? + 2hOg + bg? + 290 + 2fG+c¢=0. Eliminating 6 and @ between this equation and the other two, or what is the same thing, forming the discriminant of the equation regarded as involving two variables @ and ¢, we have the equation of the second order which possesses an inter- mediary integral. 28—2 212 Pror. FORSYTH, PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 17. It is not difficult to verify that the three equations of the second order determining A all are satisfied when for A we substitute any function that involves @ and ¢ only and not the other variables. In this case, which corresponds to the case treated by Goursat (§ 1, note) for the case of two independent variables, the partial differential equation of the second order is obtained by equating to zero the discriminant of —2A (0, )+ a®+ 2hOg + bg? + 298 + 2fp+e=0. And the differential equations, satisfied by and determining the intermediary integral, are oA F,=0=p, + Ws Pi + Pr og oA f= 0= Bet ae Bras ’ P,=0=p.tepr+p-(2 A — 05-65) a system in involution. They must have four functionally independent common solutions: the more simply these are chosen, the more direct will be the construction of the in- termediary integral. It is easy to see that (Fi, pr) =9, (F,, pr) =9, (F;, pr) =9, for r=1, 2, 3, 4; so that we can take p,, ps, Ps, Ps as the common solutions. We therefore combine PrL=Hh, Po=Me, Ps=A3, Ps =A, with F,=0, F,=0, F;=0; so that we have = Op, 7 LPe— bp: where @, ¢, and p,; are determined i aA Pz 06 Sx a2; P oS As — 2, 7 ad S| 16 p,(24— as —¢ 5B) — a,y— Q2, Now du = p,da, + ......... + p;da;, so that —d (UW — G2; — Ae, — O33 — Ay,) = — p; (da, + @dx; + dda;,). The right-hand side must be a perfect differential, say =dU. In order to evaluate U, we change the variables so that they are 0, @ and z,; writing 0A 0A 26) ad A,=AB,, A.=AB,, =A, 2A-—0A,—$¢4A,=A OF THE SECOND ORDER. 213 we have Ay + 5 = (A, + A207) B,, Us + X= (A, + 2;) By, and therefore pera A (de, + Bid, + da) A d o + aa) | (a, +a4;) OdB, + pdB, SS 0) SS —————. A? a, ay A It is easy to verify that Od B, + dB, _ att A ms?” and so we have ANOS) E (a, ar ee, a, Consequently W= GX, + AX, + Ugly + AsLy — a 2 =e. 1 where ec’ is an arbitrary constant. Now the intermediary integral is u=0, or wu =constant, so that e’ may be dropped; that is, dividing by a,, and writing a, 8, y for a/a, ;/d,, A,/a,, we have vt ant By +92 —(y +n =0, 0A where a=24-0% = — b> 4A is any function of @ and ¢, and the derivatives of v, viz., 1, m, n, are given by oA 0A TE oes 0% 3 - 65% atl B+m ytn These equations determine the intermediary integral of the equation of the second order given by Discrtgy (— 2A + a6? + 2hOp + bd? + 290 + 2fh +c) =0. 18. In order to obtain a primitive of the equation, we note that the variables v%, ©, y, 2 occur only in the combination v+ax+ @y+yz, the quantities @ and ¢ im- plicitly involving J, m, n. Now of the system, subsidiary to the integration of the intermediary integral, two equations are —dl_-—dm_-dn at+l B+m y+n’ so that we have l+a = constant = p, n+y¥ m+B n+¥ = constant = c, 214 Pror. FORSYTH, PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS these equations satisfying the proper Jacobian conditions for coexistence with one another and with the intermediary integral; they therefore can be used for substitution in dy = Idx + mdy + ndz. But when these equations are used, @ and ¢ (as also A and A) are constants; and so ytn=AtA (vt axt By +2), l+a=p(y+n), m+B=a(y+n). Substituting and integrating, we have 2(v+acx+ By +yzP=A7AA (pat cyt+z+7), where a, 8, y, p, o, 7 are arbitrary constants, A=24 == - 65 A is any function of @ and ¢, and @ and ¢ are determined in terms of p and o by the equations Lad 10d _ p 0d a dd It will be observed that the primitive contains six arbitrary constants, whereas a a4 ,0A 2A OR O55. complete primitive should contain nine. 19. The intermediary integral which was obtained, viz. V =v a0+ By +92 (n-+7)! ———nrm = 0 Al = <= (24 070 O55) dA =A dA (0A ’ Nag) Sage een ce og l+a m+B n+y contains three arbitrary constants a, 8, y. That these three can be eliminated by forming the derivatives, can actually be verified as follows. We have 0x shies 7 and therefore m+ B= i 5 0A 0A\ Seen oe nty=E (2d 055-656). v+an+ Bytyz=&A. From the last equation, it follows that Les 0A 00. GA Oh F 0& et ye eee, _ (0A 00 0A 0b 0& m+B= Ga _ zp (04 00 , 0A 0d 0& mtr (6 5; + op a) * 2A ae OF THE SECOND ORDER. 215 But from the other equations, we have _ (PAO, PA O6) , 04 a ang es de * a00@ ) 30 da’ _ ,(@A 00, BA Ap) 0A OE Hist (gs bet ORF oe) ap aa’ (0A 8A . 8A\00 (OA . A . AVG a4. dA\e sae (Oh 08h 0h) Be Ja (o4-vig 93 20 260g) aa + \ap ~ °agag ~ Page) anf 20° a6) az : ries _ (0400 0A dG\ , ,, OF and therefore ab +hp+g=E \ae ant ap sf) +2A ae atta 04 E 00° Similarly differentiating the equations with regard to y, and to z, we find . 0A he + bd =e )i = ap 3 0A oA : eg g9+fbot+e=2A 0-5 a5 respectively. These, when combined, lead to the required differential equation of the second order. But the intermediary integral can be generalised. Suppose that a, 8, y are con- sidered functions of «, y, z instead of being constants: they must be subject to the limitation that the final differential equation must be the same in both cases. Now this final differential equation arises from the elimination of @ and ¢ among three equations, one of which is l+a ab+hd+g= oe and therefore these three equations must keep this form under the changed hypothesis. Now the effect of the change is to add, to the left-hand side of the equation quoted, terms 9 4 68 and, to the right-hand side, terms ("ae toe * 2) tom woton (GSH 6D H-Dee (-D6-NE(-De-» 216 Pror. FORSYTH, PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS These three shew that a functional relation subsists between a, 8, y qua functions of 2, y, 2; say Y= T'(a, B). (0-§)da+(s—F)ae + (1-4) dy=0. that is, as the quantities a and § are independent of one another, we haye o-$+(1-4) 5 =0, And then we have E &/ 0a 29 (2 2\e = a a om These equations, together with fiat r (a, B) =0, v+ar+ By +yz-FA=0, 0A l+a—f~5 =()) m+ B-E 5g =0 nty—£ (24 0% oz) =o. ao me? od lead by the elimination of the quantities a, 8, y, 6, ¢, & to the generalised inter- mediary integral involving one arbitrary function of two arguments. 20. I leave on one side, for the present, the question of generalismg the primitive which has already been obtained: as also the wider question of generalising a primitive of any equation of the second order in three independent variables, when the primitive contains more than three arbitrary constants. Lastly, the preceding investigations are based upon the assumption that the initial system of three algebraical equations is a complete system. In the alternative assumption, the system must be rendered complete by the association of such new equations as arise out of the Jacobi-Poisson conditions: it will then contain more than three equations in each such case, and so effectively is included in the remaining possibilities of § 15, as yet unconsidered. 21. Four algebraically independent equations. Suppose the equations solved for say Uz, Uy, Uz, Uz ID terms of tn, Un. The expressions for each must be homogeneous of the first degree in u,, and u,: or if we take u,=@u,, so that @ denotes um+ wu, for brevity, then we have R= Lsp; + Ps + PrPr (My «+» » Zs 0) = 0, S = xpi + ps + p01 (Hr, «-- 5 2, 6) =0, E = &p, + Ps + Pr (a, ..., 4, 0) =0, iP = Ps + Pm (21; eee 5 Uy é) = 0, Ps — p:4 =) OF THE SECOND ORDER. 217 Forming the function (R, P), we require that it shall vanish: and therefore we have an equation of the form p, + terms independent of p., ps, py=9, so that we must have a new equation, say D, + pk (a, ...,a,, 0) =0. Let the others be transformed by means of this new equation, so that Ps + Pop ( )=0, Ds + pro ( )=0, Ps + prt ( )=0, Ps + prt ( ='(); Then we must form all the combinations (A, B) in pairs: and they must all vanish either identically, or in virtue of a single equation which determines @ as a function of a, ..., &. In the former case, the system is complete: and so it possesses two integrals functionally independent of one another. We thus can construct an intermediary integral involving two arbitrary constants. If, in the latter case, the system is complete, there is one solution; and we can deduce an intermediary integral involving one arbitrary constant. If the system is not complete, there is no intermediary integral. It should however be noted that, though the original four equations are deduced from a given equation of the second order, the latter is not the only equation of the second order satisfied in connection with them. In fact, we have Uz + Uy + hity + gun = 0, that is, on dividing by p,; (= wp), —p,—a7,+h0+g=0; and similarly —o,—hr,+b60+f=0, —7—-9m™+f0+c=0. When @ is eliminated, two equations of the second order (and not one alone) result: and the supposed given equation is satisfied in virtue of those two. 22. Five algebraically independent equations. When there are five equations, they can be solved for (say) uz, wy, Uz, UW, Um in terms of u,: and the values will be of the form Uz = Ay, Us, = BU, Utils Uy = Sun Un = EUn Vou. XVI. Part III. 29 218 Pror. FORSYTH, PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. where a, 8, y, 5, € are functions of v, x, ¥, 2, l, m, n only. But assuming that these equations can coexist as a system of simultaneous partial differential equations, the supposed equation of the second order can be replaced by three equations of the second order, linear in the highest derivatives: these equations being, in fact, a +48 + he+g=0) B+hd+bet+ f=0l. y+gitfe+co=0 The case is thus of highly restricted generality. 23. Though only particular classes of equations have been considered, the methods indicated enable us to construct equations possessing an intermediary integral and also to obtain the intermediary integral for such equations as possess it. If, however, an equation of one of the proper forms be given but should not satisfy the necessary conditions, or if an equation not of any of the proper forms be given, the general method is inapplicable: the equation does not possess an intermediary integral, and some other process that may lead to a primitive must be adopted. The discussion of this part of the subject is reserved for another paper. IX. Reduction of a certain Multiple Integral. By Arruur Brack. *Communicated by Professor M. J. M. Hii, M.A., Se. D., F.R.S. Received June, 1897. 1. To evaluate the multiple integral Read October 25, 1897. | V (exp — U) da, ... dx, where U and V are homogeneous quadratic functions of the n variables «, constant a, and all the integrations are from —2# to +o, it that U is essentially positive. .»e@ and a being further supposed n n If U= Zdr,r Dp + 22a,» TVs, 0 0 n n V = 2krip Of + 22 Ky 5 Bhs, 0 0 (where a;,;=@s,, and Ky, s= Ke, r); if A be the discriminant of U, regarded as a quadratic function of a... #,, if A,, be the coefficient of a,,, in A, and B,, the coefficient of a,,. in then the integral in question is equal to eee eee e ee esene nS exp = a") EB {Beet + DS kers Ay Axl he 4A {Es Bo 3F 2S Kr,s B, i . Aw An 0 0 1 i, foe a) * The Multiple Integral, to which this paper relates, is useful in the applications of the Theory of Probabilities to Statistics, It was evaluated by the late Mr Arthur Black, who died in 1893, in a manuscript work on the application of Mathematics to the Theory of Evolution, but not exactly in the form here presented, the discussion being spread over different portions of the manuscript, and the notation being slightly different to that here adopted. No altera- tion has been made in any essential point of the work or of the method. The whole of Mr Black’s manuscript work is in the hands of his sister, Mrs Constance Garnett, of The Cearne, Kent Hatch, near Edenbridge, Kent, and can be seen by any one interested in the subject. M. J. M. Hu. 29—2 220 Mr BLACK, REDUCTION OF A CERTAIN MULTIPLE INTEGRAL. 2. The first step is to evaluate an expression of the form 4 =/ dx, ... dtp (Cyo% + Cr % + --» + CrnEn) exp (— UV). r=n-1 n—1 = = U= Ann Xn? + 22 > Any Ly + > Oy, Dy? + 2 2, AygXy Xs; r=0 0 0 2 n—1 2 n-1 | a a ~ = rr Grn *. Onn = (anna +> Oni, | +2 2, 0 / 0 Anr Ann "=1 | dre @ rn y 8 n 9 | r 7 Ans Ann rXs, 0 il n n—-1 c Cc Te | doe ds = ee Ge) +e oe exp Oe n Gan 0 0 Anr Ann n-1 =—= Put Anny + = Any @y = Z Rae Pes 0 Cyr Cun 1 =a i — dz, “08 day, dz == cone fm + x a, ] exp (-2—-U’), Anr Ann By x,| ‘ After integrating with regard to z, the result is n—1 ES) 0 Ars Ayn Ao RSA ie where |S os ba 0 Ang Ann 7 n-1 Te i da. dey a expl= 0). Se n—-1 @nn P 0 | Anr Ann Cyr Cyn This is an expression of similar form to the one from which the integration commenced. Write for brevity Cy.» Cy. 3 O05 = eel r=1 to n—l, An, r Grain bu 1 Ary Arn ie 1 | Ars Orn r > +s . Ann | Anr Onn Ann! Ang Anan Then the result of the next integration with regard to #,_, is [ 7 7 m2 =| 6 r) = Sol. vos v, n—1 I | doy... dn-anf = E Dy ~n-2 rm n—1, N—1 0 liner r (Pres n—1 Jew 0”, i n—2 b bor < n—2 b b where U” =e! > ue | rr rT, 7i—1 JE 2 > x, Vs r,s 7, N—1 | , n—1, N—1 0 (is, r Ona, n—1 0 (rs s Dn, n—-1 Now writing down the determinants Cyr Cy, n—-1 Cyn Gy,s Ayn Cy, n G—a,r AIn-a,n—-1 Ir-,n and Qn—-1,s A—1i,n—1 U—-i, n Qn,r GOnn1 Ann Qn,s QAnjn-1 Gn,n | * In order that U may be essentially positive, it is necessary that | Wan G-140 A, Ag, Bu, | Gn-1 Ann should all be positive. a i ee ee Mr BLACK, REDUCTION OF A CERTAIN MULTIPLE INTEGRAL. 221 it follows from known properties of the adjugates of these that Cy, r Cy, n—1 Cun An—,7* G-1,n—1 4n-1,1n |> | &, r on n—1 (ips oe jie nL M An, r An, nl Gn, n Gy,g Or,n—-1 Grn and b,., 8 b,. n—1 | 1 = | = Gn—-1,s UM-—1,n-1 Un—1, 10 | On, 8 On, n—1 Gn, n Qn,s OUn,n-1 Gn ! a = dee dz J 7 rae Cy, x Cyn = Cv,n | U” aoe fe ae ee exp (— U”"), ie Q-,n—-1 A-,n 9 GM—-,r G—-,n— n,n | Css cy | Qn,r Ann Ann |! where Gyr Arn Ar, n Gre Grn rn | n—-2 +23 2,25 Gn-1,s G—-,n—-1 Cn—-a,a 0 Gn, n—1 Gn-1, 0 n-2 uw 2 a a | U"=% ® | An-a,r An-a,n—1 A%—-,n | “n, n—1 nn 0 | Gnjxy Gn, n—1 Gn, n | Gn,s Gnjn1 Gna After integrating with regard to «, 2, = nif 1 8 C, C. 2 Cynara Cyn i b ty..dtns ; Sian, |r - Ome % ¥, |exp(—U”), Gj», n—2 Un—2,n—1 Un—2, n 0 An, r Un—s, n—2 An—2, n—1 Un—2, n Aa, n—2 Ma,na Ina, n Ur, r Ana, n—2 In-a,n—- Tr, n Gn,n—2 An,na GUnjn |) Gn,x Onn» Anna Gn Gn—2, n—2 Ane, n-1 Un», n U” Ar, n—2 Ira, rn I~, n Gn n—2 Unni Gn,n n-3 : | (SONU ARO Ee a Gy,s Gyno Gy noi Gyn n—3 | => 2; +25 2,2, | 0 Ano, r Un—2,n—2 An—2, n-1 Us, n 0 An», s Ano, n—2 U—2,n—1 U2, n > An, r Gna, n—-2 Gna,na UA, n Ap—a,s T—1,n—2 U—1,n—1 U—i,n | Qn,r Gn n—2 Anni Anan {| Gs Un,n—2 OUnn—1 Gn and so on, until after integrating with regard to a, n—1 1 T= |ae, Vor : aa | aes eee ay a apnea, Cisne en Oa, Oia msl cle alge dee ar Dahatcanes, On wy t Qn, r An, 2 tenes An n 222 Mr BLACK, REDUCTION OF A CERTAIN MULTIPLE INTEGRAL. where | p 1 . a 1 5 i eeeeee ge | yo) = SaZ Gy 7 Gye. r,7 a 232,a, | Ay, gs Ayo seoeee Gyn | ie 0 Qe y Myo -+0--» Aan | 0 | Ge, 3 Woo eevee Ann | . = | wee c eres cee ecesece eeesese eee eee ee | An, 2 eeuene An, n | | ey? “are (Thea | Wiha g Cacpedtose oa -| @ yo ete: a Ceres Og toinswess ath | = or Sa 0, 0 A, 2 —" | 4 Dea, 0,1 Mo, ™ Lge | Gy, Ae Gin ag | Ughateorees Qaim lg! Saeed Aen | TET pecans a, 0 Gy, 2 GOOCN Qn, n An, 1 Gn, 2 " ot) Gy, n | Any Ang +--+ Gnn = Ay a2 — 2A Me, + Ary A Ne AwAn = A, =A («- =" a ) eS Aw A” Ae axe A | Geos Gs = Aw (a 4" ) + 0" A wen ccvne ence seeeeee 3 ° WI) (Gis, “ebonos: Chas & (fv) = — — Aw (« = An nm) +a2 A Ga ES Gin ip IAG AP An, 2 -+-++- Ann To complete the integration put Au J il Oy a = : Then ee can 1 = 2, anaes @ ear iim SN ee ees EA | Onsvmas sen Gan | Cy, 0 Cy, 2 veers Cun | Cy Cy, 2 eeeeee Cyn Rasta ction ca Ayn a ee Oe Soe pat where (Qs) ahi at ta X eT es |e — ty | ae Oe na wodttin’ 2) er Ris pees non enc Seren * (7s, Czeongass Osa peri ag Gols sek lax ae ] na —} because i ze*dz=0. bed) r= fF oe _ ag Zo A hay amoonondt a eT Cok Chak aces osu tay ee = A 00 | An, +++++-Aa,n | Co,9 Aa,geee++ Clon Gs, 1 Aso --y0++ Aon Age) scsatesenesevene } aaamieke as An, aeeeres Ann | & Qn,o An,o-+++++An,n lpg Grateec sac lates 4 Mr BLACK, REDUCTION OF A CERTAIN MULTIPLE INTEGRAL. 223 Now writing down the determinant Cigh HCMC ncn (len Cine Un ra ttacee se rel go Gg Cag srscee As.n | =E£, Any Any Ang s+reee Onn it appears that 1 Cy,0 Cy,a scores Cun Ohan, (yey boncer Con | os | Aa,o Ong resssr dan a (Bi Ut eenateice (itive | (coefficient of c,,,) (coefficient of a,) ) Mia Eetetecetainicicaciays aici vielen Mall seGonedoocorcacmasc000 + (coefficient of Cy, 1) (-— coefficient of Ayo)\ Gn,o Anya +++ Ann An, One Onn (1 Aen a.m =E Onakaceeee Gren Cra iCuim Cra eases. Con a oan age Ginn Wn Mtb ceonce an ce] (Teer ia te Sh A, QR AG ROM et sp, (tlry (leet. GP) On GoG Onn =|| dary, ... Ain (Cy + Cyt, +... + Cnn) exp (— VU). n 3. The particular case m which Co lee Cyn (Cy — sees) (Cy Oy, To — is very important. It gives | aM Boe dz, exp(— U)= La exp (- 7): n Li 00. Se | EM a sdben Cin 24 (Cyo%y + CyB «2.0. + Cyn Lp). “nh The work proceeds as in the evaluation of J up to the end of the integration with regard to a. nt is oI Hence T= fosde, co ee Sz, | Cyr Cua seoeee Cyn ‘exp (— U"™) Ang veveee Aon ) 0 | oy Aga ooocne don bdo oh . Gaga tin. (Po 224 Mr BLACK, REDUCTION OF A CERTAIN MULTIPLE INTEGRAL. a exp (= 4) R I\Cyo Cy.s --oss Con Cra Ceaeweaee Con Ay Mere ae ae fis) Gacvcseces y (et 0 ereasoe: tr 00 where Fi] omits hee S| Ved he S| ay |i dooce 2, exp — | led Wiad Cn Seo hy opens ec PL jen 8 aes A os | ee Gen | | we eeee | | Gn,o In,2 Qn,n An,1 Un, ++++++ Ann | | RGA Sesoae Onn) Gaps : Ag Li sie Putting =F ty +2 Talos ; 80 uu Gan | no and neglecting the terms which vanish in virtue of the relation i ze" dz =0; -—o2 G5 Gea eianoon Cea Gor iGusieee or (es —= 3 wa Nae Aa? Bes ee Anka as (iF od | agile vane fife J= == as aay RS dze = ee + 2 A =, JAg | tareee SM tee | - | Seer mtarcecete cat hn chccacen eee sere see al heed Ano Ano .-+--+ Ann | Any Ano. ----+ Ann «Ann | Clade oe I oon con ia Reale aes Ts 0 eeeoee (fis 7 Fry aBacocorort |lWvl\) Beasseenccorcocosc | Heppoe GPE || | CER seqcae Grane! { Crap Csse ences Cas CoEC a reeeee Gen —n 2 acA fe Se = ofa | 4.,| Gn Oe os. Glan | 4 Ay | Mar Maz sees Cin WAS Gace Ar 00 | sivisisivisiejeisieisie sisin svejegi|| Mn Nlll| | te sisfeeiniefoloietetsterolelefels ee Gag Unavsnceee Cin Oe Oy ances Onn thee cee Te, | Gee Eber Ca Gig RStae Cr 1 he | 4 ae eee eeeeee An oe Peet As», PY. Ved Ree a lal (or eis scoc eeweee Ann Any Aye Seer Any a r (PE a (eae (oancoas ch CAM (2-5 acess Gray inl JES An? w2Ay | Ho Mn diz s+ yy, 1 | Ga Ap ...... (Pe = || (2p.9 9) Sa Sata aa P i) Age | Ga Gar Mop +++ ay, WY. Re ke Se ee | Poe PP ee eee eee eee eee ee | Ano Any Ang COIS Glyn | | ya Ans prewinitse Ann 4 Mr BLAOK, REDUCTION OF A CERTAIN MULTIPLE INTEGRAL. 225 5. Now let n n V= Liker,r Uy? =i QWLiker, aU Ly 0 0 Then V=_— key (Hey + Ky By + +000 + Kon Lp) Hy (Hyp Xy HF Hy 2 + oreo + Kin®p) wPoicteralerolbrevais ints siaiera ma mierein are sao aisia tata sia/atelaraia + Bin, (King Lo + Kny®y + oee00e + Kyn Lp). ee | V exp (— U) dm ...... dx, n ™ Az? = fF (oo) eae 00 00 where Kon Ko, Kog «++0e- Kon Ky Ky Kyo veeeee Kin Kng Kyi Kng seers Kin L=Ay Ayo My Ng «esse Gin | + AR Ayo Ay Ayo «+++ Cin) ere Ae Ayo Ai Ap «+++ An (he RO beneee Grn Glaty Olan (ee oncene Gnn (CP ed (cere (s Jom n n = 2 Kerr Ag? + 23 Kr,s Aor Ao,s 0 and Rete Mass sis fo Kin Gi Gee ewans Tes Oi” Ws essen He M= 4Aq Ag, Ag nseveretaln Aon, se Ky Koo AROE OO Koy, de eee au Sr 5 sree seeerccescesns | | eeeevereeseescseses An-1,1 An—-i,2 teens An-in Any Qe eeeeee Gan Any Ang eeeece Ann Kn King seeseeese Knn = n n M=44q [2B ie 23, .Br.| 1 1 Wow, SOVWb Ie We 30 eae TS X. On the Fifth Book of Euclid’s Elements. By M. J. M. Hitt, M.A., D.Se., F.R.S., Professor of Mathematics at University College, London. Received November 12, 1897. Read November 22, 1897. Abstract. Art. 1. The objects of this paper are (1.) To draw attention to the indirect character of the argument in the Fifth Book of Euclid’s Elements. (IL) ‘To reconstruct the argument showing how the indirectness may be removed. (III.) To develop the theory of ratio from the reconstructed argument. Art. 2. The indirectness of the argument arises in this way. Amongst the definitions of the Fifth Book there occurs one (No. 7) which furnishes a test for unequal ratios. This test plays no independent part in Euclid’s Elements, bemg merely used to prove certain properties of equal ratios. Now if the test for equal ratios, given in the fifth definition of the Fifth Book, be a sound and complete one, it ought to be possible to deduce all properties of equal ratios from it, without employing the test for wnequal ratios. This is in fact the case, as is shown in the reconstructed argument, which is given in the second part of this paper. The developments of the theory of ratio in the third part of the paper are (1) The proof of the fundamental proposition that two magnitudes of the same kind taken in a definite order determine a real number. This real number is defined to be the measure of the ratio of the first magnitude to the second. (It may be noted that this is the first occasion on which the term “ratio” appears in the theory as presented in this paper.) Vor. XVI. Parr IV. 31 228 Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. (2) The proof of the fact that the definitions of the processes of adding and com- pounding ratios must in every case lead to consistent results; and that the commutative, associative, and distributive laws hold good for these processes. (3) The proof of the fact that the definition of the measure of a ratio and the definition of the addition of ratios lead to the result that the measure of the ratio, which is the sum of two ratios, is the sum of the measures of these ratios. From this it follows that the multiplicity of ratios 1s measwrable. (4) One ratio being defined to be greater than another when the measure of the first is greater than that of the second, the conditions which must be satisfied in order that one ratio may be greater than a second are deduced in the form given in the seventh definition of the Fifth Book, so that this definition is treated as a proposition to be proved, and is not laid down as a definition to start with. When this has been done it becomes possible to order the multiplicity of ratios. I. The Indirectness of the Argument in the Fifth Book of Euclid’s Elements. Art. 3. This will be seen from the following account of the contents of the book. The edition employed by the writer of this paper is the Oxford Edition edited by Gregory and dated 1703. It is convenient not to follow Euclid’s order. The contents of the book may be grouped as follows :— (1) There are five Propositions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 which relate to magnitudes and their multiples but are not concerned with ratios. They relate to simple cases of the commutative, associative, and distributive laws. (2) Of the definitions only three are important. No. 3, which defines ratio, is only sufficient to distinguish ratio from absolute magnitude. No. 5, which furnishes a_ test for equal ratios. No. 7, which furnishes a test for unequal ratios. The 7th definition is only used twice, viz. in the proof of Propositions 8 and 13. (3) All the remaining propositions Nos. 4 and 7—25 deal with properties of ratios. These may be divided into three groups. (4) The first group consisting of Propositions 4 (with its very important corollary), 7, 11, 12, 15 and 17, express properties of Hqual Ratios, and are deduced directly from the Test for Hgual Ratios. (5) The second group consists of Propositions 8, 10, and 13, which express Pe of Unequal Ratios, and depend on the Test for Unequal Ratios. This group of propositions is used in the Fifth Book to prove properties of Hqual Ratios, but nowhere else in Euclid’s Elements. ————— i& << = - — = ne Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. 229 It follows that the Test for Unequal Ratios plays an indirect part only in Euclid’s Elements. (6) The third group consists of Propositions 9, 14, 16 and 18—25. All these deal with properties of qual Ratios, but their proofs depend directly or indirectly on Propo- sitions 8, 10, and 13, and therefore ultimately on the Test for Unequal Ratios. Il. Reconstruction of the Argument. Identity. Art. 4. Two objects are said to be identical when everything that can be said of one can also be said of the other (except that they occupy the same space at the same time). Two objects are said to be identical in respect of a particular property when every- thing that can be said concerning the possession of that property by one object can be said concerning its possession by the other. Number. Art. 5. When several objects are under consideration, all those which possess a certain property may be distinguished by saying that they constitute together a species, and that this property is characteristic of the species. One of the objects thus distinguished will be, in regard to this property, a unit of the species. Recognising the characteristic property in successive units, the simple conception of the whole number is obtained. Two units of the same species are equal, ie. equivalent in respect of the specific property. In this paper, except where otherwise stated, the word “Number” will be used as an abbreviation for “Positive whole number.” Notation for Number. Art. 6. A Number will always be denoted by a small letter. Assumptions with regard to Magnitude. Art. 7. (1) If one magnitude is given, it is possible to find any number of others identical with it. (2) It is possible to unify into a whole any number of identical magnitudes. The whole is then called a “Multiple” of any one of the identical magnitudes. 31—2 230 Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. Notation for Magnitude. Art. 8. A magnitude will be denoted throughout this paper by a capital letter. Homogeneous Magnitude. Art. 9. A homogeneous magnitude is one which can be regarded as consisting of any integral number of identical parts. It is to be understood that the integral number of parts may be any integral number whatever; that the “identical parts” are objects which are identical in respect of one and the same property, and that the object is identical with its parts when unified into a whole. Magnitudes of the same kind. Art. 10. Two homogeneous magnitudes are said to be of the same kind, if they can both be conceived as containing portions which are identical. Assumptions with regard to magnitudes of the same kind. Art. 11. (1) If two magnitudes of the same kind are given, it is possible to determine whether one is greater than, equal to, or less than the other. (2) If two magnitudes of the same kind are given, it is possible to form a multiple of the smaller which is greater than the larger. Equimultiples. Art. 12. If the same multiple be taken of each of two magnitudes A and B, these are called equimultiples of A and B. Scale of Multiples, or Multiple Scale. Art. 13. There exists a set of magnitudes depending on 4A, all of which are known when A is known; viz.— A, DASA, WARE... Alar: which can be carried on to any extent. These may be distinguished from all other magnitudes by calling them multiples of A (the first being called the first multiple of A for this purpose). The above set of magnitudes may be called collectively the scale of the multiples of A, or more briefly the Multiple Scale of A. Art. 14. If A and B be two magnitudes of the same kind, then however small A may be, or however great B may be, it follows from Art. 11 (2) that the multiples in the scale Ai, ‘DAngS Al wale eesae 7 Be sone will, after a certain multiple, all exceed B. Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. 231 In like manner, after a certain multiple, they will all exceed 2B; and so on, multiples can be found, which will exceed 3B, 48, ...... Yat Seeger Hence it is possible to determine the positions of the magnitudes B, 2B, 3B, 4B, ...... RSD aac es with reference to the multiples in the Multiple Scale of A. Relative Multiple Scale of Two Magnitudes. Art. 15. It is possible to arrange im a single series the magnitudes occurring in the multiple scales of two magnitudes A and B of the same kind; eg. take the two lengths A and B, and an indefinite straight line OX, A B 1d 24 3d 44 5A 6A Cp ee en eee eee 1B 2B 3B 4B Starting from a fixed point O on this line mark off lengths equal to A above it, and lengths equal to B below it. With the above values of A and B the following magnitudes are in order of magnitude TA, 1B, 24, 2B; 3A, 3B; 4A, 5A, 4B, 6A, ...... and this may be continued to any extent. Now let vertical limes be drawn between consecutive multiples and let the multiples of A be moved upwards on to the line above, there being no horizontal motion. Then let the letters A and B be suppressed, and let A be placed at the commence- ment of the upper line, B at the commencement of the lower line. Then there remains the following :— and this can be continued to any extent. It appears therefore that the integers 1, 2, 3, ...... Aine Bacar all appear on each line; and the mteger 7+ on the upper line will be on the left of, above, or to the right of the integer s on the lower line, according as rd is less than, equal to, or greater than sB. The above arrangement of integers is called the relative multiple scale* of A, B; or more briefly, when no confusion is possible, the scale of A, B. * De Morgan remarks in his treatise on the Connexion For the form in which they are used in this paper I am of Number and Magnitude that the Theory of Relative indebted to Mr A. E. H. Love. Multiple Scales must have been known to Euclid. xX 232 Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. The abbreviation [A, B] for the scale of A, B is very convenient. It is to be particularly noted that the order of the letters A, B cannot (unless A= 8B) be changed without altering the scale. Conditions which hold when the scale of A, B is the same as that of C, D. Art. 16. In order that the scale of A, B may be the same as that of C, D it is necessary and sufficient that for all possible values of the integers 7, s the following conditions be satisfied :-— (1) If rA be greater than sB, then must rC be greater than sD. (2) If rd be equal to sB, then must rC be equal to sD. (3) If rA be less than sB, then must rC' be less than sD. The fact that the scale of A, B is the same as that of C, D can be conve- niently expressed thus :— [A, B]=[C, D]}. Art. 17. The proofs of the following propositions, not concerned with ratios, present no difficulty, and will therefore be assumed. (1) r(A+B)=rA+rB. (Eue. v. 1.) (2) (r+s)A=7rA+sA. (Hue. v. 2.) (3) If A>B, then r(A—B)=rd—rB. (Euce. v. 5.) (4) Ifr>s, then (r—s)A=rdA-—sA. (Bue. v. 6.) (5) r(sA)=7s(A)=sr (A)=s(rA). (6) rA = 7B, according as A = B, and conversely. Proposition 1. (Eue. vy. 15.) Art. 18. To prove that [A, B] =[nd, nB}. For sA = rB, according as s(nA) = r(nB) ; .. [A, B]=[nA, nB]. (It may be noted that, since n may be any integer, nA and xB represent an infinite number of pairs of magnitudes having the same scale as A, B. Hence the scale does not determine the magnitudes corresponding to it, though the magnitudes determine the scale.) Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. 233 Proposition 2. (Eue. v. 11.) Art. 19. If [C, D]=[A, B], and [Z, FF) =A; 2); then [C, D]}=[Z, F}. This is evident. Proposition 3. (Corollary to Eue. v. 4.) Art. 20. If [A, B]=[C, D], to prove that [B, A]=[D, C}. The scale of B, A is obtained from that of A, B by writing the lower line of the scale of A, B above the upper without displacing the figures horizontally. Now the scale of C, D is the same as that of A, B. Hence the altered scale will be the scale of D, C as well as that of B, A. a Bs Al =D Gil. PROPOSITION 4 (i). (Euc. v. 7. First Part.) Xm Pal be A=B: to prove that [A, C]=[B, C]. If AB: then rA =rB; ial = aC, according as 7B = sC. . [A, C])=[B, C). PROPOSITION 4 (ii). (Euc. v. 7. Second Part.) Art. 22, If A=B, to prove that [C, A]=[C, B). ite A=B, then Sasi, > . > . rC=sA, according as rC = sB. <= <= 7 [CA [Oh BI, 234 Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. Proposition 5 (i). (Euc. v. 9. First Part.) Art. 23. If [A, C]=[B, C), to prove that AB: If possible let A be not equal to B. Then one of them is greater than the other. Let A be the greater. Then A —B is a magnitude of the same kind as C. Then by Art. 11 (2) it is possible to find an integer n such that n(A—B)>C, * nA >nB+C. Hence some multiple of C, say rC, lies between nA and nB. Let WAS 70 SMBs &. Fcc ee tao ee dese Snes sees Set (1). But since [4, C] =[B, C], it follows that if yet a es ol Sok ode Ra ear ee (ID). Now (II) and (1) are contradictory. Hence A and B are not unequal, /| Slop PROPOSITION 5 (ii). (Euc. v. 9. Second Part.) Art. 24. If [¢, A}=[C, B], to proye that A= Bs If [C, A]=[C, B], then [4, C]=[B, C] (Prop. 3), a (Prop. 5 (i)). Proposition 6. (Hue. v. 16.) Art. 25. If A, B, C, D are four magnitudes of the same kind, and if [A, B]=[C, D], to prove that [A, C] =[B, D}. Take any multiples of A and C, say rA and sC. Then there are three alternatives, according as rA = sC. <= Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. 235 If rA B, nsC > nrA +B. Hence some multiple of B, say tB, exists such that ns > tB>nrA. Since [A, B]=[C, D], and nrA < tB, *, nr . Si rA =sB according as rC = sD. <= =< to prove that r(A +B) 2 (r+s)B according as r(C +D) = (7+ s) D. . [44 B, B)=[C+D, D}. PROPOSITION 7 (11). (Hue. v. 17.) Art. 27. If [A, B]=[C, D], to prove that [A ~ B, B)=[C~ D, D). There are two cases: i A>B, then C>D. - [A, BJ=[C, DI, rA = sB according as rC = sD, “. provided 7s, which is all that need be considered, r(B—A) = (r—s)B according as r(D—C) = (r—s) D, [B—A, B|=[D-C, D}. Proposition 8. (Euc. v. 4) Art. 28. If [A, B] =[C, D], to prove that [rA, sB])=[rC, sD}. Pe rels Vea = |05 JON °. (pr) A = (qs) B according as (pr) O = (gs) D, EDAD) = q(sB) according as p (rC) = q(sD), .. [rA, sB]=[rC, sD). Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. 237 Proposition 9. (Euc. v. 12.) Art. 29. If [4,, BJ=[4., B.J=...[An, Bal, all the magnitudes AR AG Ae epee eb, being of the same kind, then it is required to prove that [4,+4.+...+An, B+ B,+...+ Bi] =[A,, Bi]. ‘* [Ay, B.]=[4,, Bi], Cee As = sB, according as rA, = sB,: . [A;, B3)=[4,, BJ, > . > . TA;=sB, according as rA,= sB,, > (4,, B,J] =[4i, Bi, mAs = sB,, according as rA, = sB,. Consequently 1 (A, +Ag+As+... + An) = 8 (B, + Bo + Bat... + Bn), . > according as rA, = shies - [4,4+4,.+4;4+...+ 42, B+ B+ Bj +...+ Br] =[Ay, Bi. Proposition 10. (Eue. v. 19.) Art. 30. If A, B, C, D are magnitudes of the same kind, and if [A, B]=[C, D], to prove that [4 ~C, B~D]=[A, B]. Of the two magnitudes A, C one is the greater. Let A be greater than C, then by the Corollary to Prop. 6, B is greater than D. - [4, B]=[C, Dj, . [4, C]=[B, D] (Prop. 6), *, [A-C, C)=[B-D, D] (Prop. 7 (ii)), *. [A-C, B—D]=[C, D] (Prop. 6), .. [A-C, B-D)]=[A, 8B] (Prop. 2). The case in which @ is greater than A can be dealt with in like manner. 32—2 238 Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. Proposition 11. (Euc. v. 25.) Art. 31. If A, B, C, D are four magnitudes of the same kind, and if [4, B)=[C, D], then the greatest and least of the four magnitudes are together greater than the sum of the other two. Suppose A the greatest of the four magnitudes, SHAS PBe and [A, B])=[C, D], = GS/s - [A, BJ=[6, Di and the magnitudes are of the same kind, *. by Prop. 6, [A, C]=[B, D]; but A>C, oie DP: Hence D is the least magnitude. Now, by Prop. 10, [A —C, B—D]=[A, B]. But A>B; .. A-C>B-D, o,, Vile IDSs JIE (GL Art. 32. In the preceding propositions Nos. I—11, one scale only is supposed to be given, and from it, in most cases, a new scale is derived. The three important propositions which next follow are of a more complicated nature, inasmuch as they show how to derive a definite scale from two given scales. PRoposITION 12, (Euc. v. 22.) Art. 33. If A, B, C are magnitudes of the same kind; if 7, U, V are magnitudes of the same kind; if [A, B]=[7, UV], and if [B, C]=[U, V], to prove that [A, C]=[2, V}. As in Prop. 6 there are three alternatives, according as rA = sC. _ Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. 239 If rA tB> nr. .: urA 1sC. \s.seasaceemseeereseceesceencs (hy): And now, as in the latter part of Prop. 6, it follows from (I)—(IV) that [A, C]=[7, V}. CoroLtiary. (Eue. v. 20.) To show that, with the notation of Proposition 12, A ZC according as 7’ = Ve This follows immediately from [A, C]=[7, V]. ProposiTIoN 13. (Eue. v. 23.) Art. 34. If A, B, C be three magnitudes of the same kind: if 7, U, V be three magnitudes of the same kind, if [4, B]=[U, VI, and if [B, C]=[7, VU}, to prove that [A, C]=[7, V}. As in Prop. 6 there are three alternatives, according as rA =sC. <= If rA tB>nrdA; -; nrA sB; or (2) rA=sB; or (3) rA sD, or (5) rC=sD, or (6) 70 < sD: On comparing the scales, no difference is shown between them if (1) and (4), or if (2) and (5), or if (8) and (6) coexist. On the other hand, any other combination of one of the alternatives (1), (2), (3) with one of the alternatives (4), (5), (6) shows a difference in the scales. 242 Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. Hence the cases to be considered are the combinations of (1) and (5) giving rA > 8B, 10 = 8D .1.....00cec sce oeseeeeeeees (7), (1) and (6) giving fA > 8B, 10 < 8D ooo ici... sic. ccnsn scones (8), (2) and (6) giving rA = 8B, 71C < 8D onc. ..ceciicee cn cen tecenee (9), (2) ‘and (4)ipiving rAl— By Oe ree cecnnesnn cen ennaaee (10), (3) and.(4) givinp’rA < SB) 60> SD ein nccnccnracs-a nanos (11), (8), and) (5) giving Ao B. 9G senna ee ee (12). Art. 39. It will first be shown that if (7) or (9) exist, the existence of a relation of the form (8) with different values of the integers 7, s is necessarily implied. Take (7) in which 7rA >sB, rC=sD. It is always possible to find an integer x such that n(rA —sB)>B, *. nrA >nsB+ B. Hence at least one multiple of B falls between nrA and nsB. Let tB be such a multiple. .. nrA > tB > nsB. -- tB > nsB, os Se ~.. £D > nsD, 6D Snr. Hence (nr) A>tB, (nr) C< tD, which is of the form (8) with 7 changed into (nr) and s changed into t¢. Taking next (9) in which rA=sB, r0tB, nrC< tD, which is of the form (8). Hence the cases (7), (8), (9) are represented by the single form (8). Observing next that (10), (11), (12) may be obtained from (7), (8), (9) respectively by interchanging A and C, B and D, it follows that cases (10), (11), (12) are repre- sented by the single form (11). Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. 243 Art. 40. The next point is to determine whether the scale of A, B can differ from that of C, D in one part in the manner indicated by (8), and in another part in the manner indicated by (11). *This will be shown to be impossible. The proposition to be proved is this :— If Ac RE MTL aR ant ee arse hee ceeoaccivevsveedvasaalees (8), then no integers 7’, s’ can exist such that NEO aE Oar OUST HID) nae «Ah eee eas neat ee eee (13), which is a relation of the form (11). If possible let (8) and (13) coexist. From (8) TEAS SHB, SRE AE A. OE ke (14), TS, ORG BSED 8 cAI A Sots ote Bd ce (15). From (15) WGA << GRUB... eRe. ea A a a Oa (16), WS ge GSED eas ccee dase costa cece oon ene Ome Li): From (14) and (16) rs A >r'sA FPS MOM nee ce BGAN OCRCEIC CONDE an coca nsec mn Done ae (18). From (15) and (17) rs'C < r’sC PNR INS. Sad tian ocean ree ee eee (19). But (18) and (19) are contradictory. Hence (8) and (13) cannot coexist. Now (13) is of the same form as (11). Hence the two ways in which two scales can differ indicated by (8) and (11) are exclusive of one another. But (8) represents (7), (8) and (9); whilst (11) represents (10), (11) and (12). Hence if two scales differ in any part in one of the ways represented by (7), (8), or (9); then they cannot differ in any other part in one of the ways represented by (10), (11) or (12). Art. 41. Now in (7), (8) or (9), rd occupies a more advanced position amongst the multiples of 6b than rC does amongst the multiples of D: which may also be expressed thus:—rC' occupies a /ess advanced position amongst the multiples of D than rA does amongst the multiples of B. On the other hand in (10), (11) or (12), rd occupies a less advanced position amongst the multiples of B than rC does amongst the multiples of D; which may also be expressed thus:—rC occupies a more advanced position amongst the multiples of D than rAd does amongst the multiples of B. * Compare the proof in De Morgan’s unpublished Tracts, of which there is a manuscript copy in the Library of University College, London. Vout. XVI. Parr IV. 33 244 Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. The above distinctions may be conveniently expressed thus :— In (7), (8) or (9) the scale of A, B is above that of C, D; which may also be stated thus:—the seale of C, D is below that of A, B. In (10), (11) or (12) the scale of A, B is below that of C, D; which may also be stated thus:—the scale of C, D is above that of A, B. PROPOSITION 16. (Fundamental Proposition in the Theory of Ratio.) Art. 42. To prove that if there be three magnitudes, of which the first and second are of the same kind, then there exists one and only one fourth magnitude of the same kind as the thiré magnitude, such that the relative multiple scale of the first and second magnitudes is the same as that of the third and fourth magnitudes. Let the given magnitudes be A, B and C, of which dA and B are of the same kind. It is required to prove the existence of a fourth magnitude D, such that the scale of A, B is the same as that of C, D. (1) By Prop. 3 it is sufficient to find D, such that the scale of D, C is the same as that of B, A. (2) To show how, if D exist, it is possible to determine two magnitudes between which D must lie. Take any multiple of A, say rd. Then find an integer s such that Hence E is any magnitude such that the scale of #, C is below that of B, A. Next find two positive integers ¢, w such that WBA Os. 203.2 CE. Ee ee (3). Then it is always possible to find a magnitude F such that EH USS ACH ae eeee te ace Caen Aeaane ECE POLO On Gace ce (4). Hence F is any magnitude such that the scale of F, C is above that of B, A. The magnitudes # and F will be shown to possess the required property. It is necessary to prove first that # is less than F. Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. 245 From (1) and (3) stB >rtA > rub, ', &>ru, :, ttl > ruF, but ruF >rtC by (4): . stl > rtC; but P rt0 > st by (2): *. sth’ > stE, .. F>&. It will now follow that D, if it exist, must lie between # and F. If possible let DrA by (1). Hence the scale of D, C differs from that of B, A. Next, if possible, let D> F. * uD >uF, but uF >tC by (4); UD te: whilst uB< tA. Hence the scale of D, C differs from that of B, A. Further D is not equal to # or F, because in neither case would the scale of D, C be the same as that of B, A. Hence D, if it exist, must he between /# and F. (3) It will next be shown that there cannot be two different values of D. If possible let G and H be two different values of D both satisfying the required condition ; -. [G, C]=[B, A], and [H, C]=[B, A]. Hence [G, C)=[A, ©} (Prop. 2). Hence Ge (Prop. 5 (i)). Hence G and H cannot be different. Hence, if D exist, it can have only one value. (4) To show how to obtain closer limits for D. 33—2 246 Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. This is done by showing that if H be a magnitude such that the scale of #, C is below that of B, A; then a magnitude greater than EH, say H’, exists such that the scale of EH’, C is below that of B, A; and by further showing that if F be a magnitude such that the scale of F, C is above that of B, A; then a magnitude less than F, say F’, exists, such that the scale of F’, C is above that of B, A. ? Suitable values of #’ and F’ are given by sh’ =7C, Z wi” = tC. For sE =r, rC>sE by (2); -, sE' > sE, os ME Seen Also sh’ =r1C, sB>rA, so that the scale of H’, C is below that of B, A. Further uF’ =tC rA; then other integers p, g are known by Art. 39 to exist such that pE' qA. Then by taking £” so that pk” = gC, it follows that EY" > EF’, and sce pL’ = qC, pB > qA, the scale of #”’, C is below that of B, A. In this way the magnitudes between which D, if it exist, is shown to he, continually approach one another. This result may be stated thus :— There is no greatest magnitude H such that the scale of #, C is below that of B, A. There is no smallest magnitude F’ such that the scale of F, C is above that of B, A. (5) Suppose that it is found by carrying on the process above described that, if D exist, then Xi

sH, Se Gams Bi — 72 Ae -. the scale of F, C is above that of B, A, which is (11). Hence quantities Z, F satisfying all the required conditions have been found. Case (II). Let B and A be incommensurable. Then as in Art. 42 (2) take any integers r, s, t, wu and any quantities #, F such that Se eae aes aeiadetearatasesscneatendeteeces (1), SEN Ona x toca ees sdemanoabereses seclqe cee eee (2), QUB RAWAM test Sees secu. Sguncnasene Besse acme eset (3), Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. 249 then # satisfies the Ist condition, and # the 2nd condition, but the 3rd condition will not be satisfied unless #-— Ll < K. If the third condition is not satisfied, it is always possible to find an integer n such that C runM, and from (3), suB < stnM. Now suppose that* pM < suB <(p+1)i. Then since runM < suB < stnM, it follows that runM < pM <(p+1)Mz strM. rn Sp pM, so that the scale of #, ZL is below that of B, M. Also from (4), suf > str, -. su >(p+1)L, whilst suB<(p+1)M; .. the scale of F, Z is above that of B, WM. Now take 2’, F” such that suk’ = pL, suk’ =(p+1)L; *. sul’ = pL, suB > pM, suk’ =(p+1)L, suB <(p+1)M. *. (sun) B’ = p(n), (sun) B > p(ni), (sun) F’ =(p+ 1)(rL), (sun) B<(p+1)(md): *. (sun) B’ = pC, (sun) B> pA, (sun) F’ =(p +1), (sun) B<(p+1)A; .. the seale of #’, C is below that of B, A, which is (1); and the scale of F’, C is above that of B, A, which is (ii). Further, su(f’ — Eb’) = L, and nb =C< nk, * suB cannot be equal to a multiple of M, for then sunB would be a multiple of 4, and then B and 4 would be commensurable. 250 Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. IIE *, su(F’ — BE’) < K, ee Bs IRS which is (iii). Hence the existence of the two magnitudes B and A of the same kind renders it possible to separate all magnitudes of the same kind as C into two classes. The first or lower class contains all magnitudes such as #, having the property that the scale of H, C is below that of B, A. The second or upper class contams all magnitudes such as F, having the property that the scale of F, C is above that of B, A. Every magnitude # of the lower class is less than every magnitude F of the upper class. Further it is possible to find a magnitude # of the upper class, and a magnitude E of the lower class, such that /—Z is less than any magnitude AK (however small) of the same kind as C. Under such circumstances, the statement that the two classes define a certain magnitude would correspond exactly with Jordan’s definition of a real number. That the magnitude so defined is the magnitude D such that the scale of D, C is the same as that of B, A has been proved in Proposition 16. Definition of Ratio. Art. 44. It has been shown that a magnitude D exists such that the scale of D, C is the same as that of B, A; where A and B are any two magnitudes of the same kind, and C is any magnitude (Art. 42). If C be taken to be the unit of-number, then D is a magnitude of the same kind as the unit of number, and may therefore be called a real number. Hence corresponding to the magnitudes B, A of the same kind there exists a single real number p, such that the scale of B, A is the same as that of p, 1. This real number p is taken to be the measure of the relative magnitude or ratio of B to A. The ratio of B to A is written shortly B: A. Consequently B: A is the same as p:1, which may be written B:A=p: 1. When this relation holds, p is the measure of the ratio B: A. The measure of the ratio then is a real number, and may be distinguished from the ratio itself. Since this real number p is entirely determimed by the scale of B, A it follows that any two other magnitudes having the same scale as B, A will determine the same number. le an ee Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. Two ratios are considered to be equal when their measures are equal. If therefore the scale of A, B be the same as the scale of CU, D; 251 then the measure of the ratio of A to B is the same as the measure of the ratio of C to D, and therefore the ratio of A to B is equal to the ratio of C to D. Hence any of the preceding propositions in which it has been proved that the scale of A, B is the same as the scale of C, D, may be referred to as expressing the fact that the ratio of A to B is the same as that of C to D. Art. 45. may be greater than another. Unequal Ratios. PROPOSITION 17. Let p be the real number corresponding to the ratio A : B. In like manner let o correspond to the ratio C’: D. To obtain the conditions which must be satisfied in order that one ratio Then A: 8B is said to be greater than, equal to, or less than C: D according as p is greater than, equal to, or less than o. In order to make practical use of this condition, its form must be altered so as depend, not on the measures, but on the terms, of the ratios. If p>, then p—o is a magnitude of the same kind as the unit of number. Hence an integer 7 exists such that and r(p—oa)>1, rp >ro+l. Hence some integer s lies between rp and ro. Now but Again, and Consequently if integers 7, s exist such that Vou. XVI. Part IV. = Tp>s(l)>rTe. AR Bip ele rp >s(1), Sil Sey CleDi ares ro Ca: rA>sB, rCsB, r0 Cea! Let p, o be the real numbers corresponding to A: B and C: D respectively. Hy Zales = Geile and rA>sB; eT ps8 (!): Also C6: D=c: 1, and rCs>ro. is p >o. SS ZU SISSON ID. Now the condition found which must hold in order that A: B may be greater than C: D, viz. that integers r, s, exist such that rA>sB, rCC:D, and C: D>E: F, then Aly E> Du. Since ABA ep) integers 7, s exist such that rA>sB, r0E: F, integers ¢, uv exist such that tC>uD, th $B: Wh PU SOU ES Wanye Ny Mince racecrstras Secos nasa cays (4). From (3) stA>ruA. *, stA > suB. Se wabssi nay, but th < uf. Ey val Sasi 1 ee Note. The result of this proposition renders it possible to order the multiplicity of ratios. Addition of Ratios. Art. 48. Ist stage. The general idea at the root of the process of adding ratios is this :-— When it is desired to find the ratio of one magnitude to a second it is per- missible to break up the first magnitude into parts, then to find the ratio of each part to the second magnitude, and then to add up the results. (It should be carefully noted that it is the first magnitude, not the second, which may be broken up.) 2nd stage. To make the idea quite precise, the following definition is necessary. Let the sum of the ratios X :Z and Y:Z be defined to be X+ VY: Z. (This is the same fact as that expressed in Euclid’s 22nd Datum.) 3rd stage. To apply this definition to the addition of any two ratios A:B and C': D, the following process is to be followed. Take any arbitrary magnitude Z, and then find two others XY and Y (Prop. 16) such that ASB = eZ, GD = V¥e-Z. 34—2 254 Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. Then (A: B)+(C: D) =(X :2)+(V:% =X+4YV:Z. 4th stage. The process described in the last stage requires justification, because the form of the resulting ratio depends on the arbitrary magnitude Z If the process is to be of any use, it is necessary to show that the value of the resulting ratio does not depend on the arbitrary magnitude Z This will be accomplished when it is shown that if any other magnitude Z’ be taken instead of Z, and the same process followed, the value found for the resulting ratio is the same. Suppose, then, that A:B=X':7, and OID SW oA. Then (A: B)+(C: D)=X'+ VY’: Z. Hence it is necessary to show that X'+ VY’: Z=X4+Y:Z. Now XG — PAN — PAGE Ze BORG SA 2G (ERO; 2) Gocosasnsoansacbsapesonossoosd (1). Also Wi a’ = (ls DSN 3% 9 HS Vey (Bropie2) Meeecannecaesceaesseeeeeeees (2). «, X’4+ Y’:Z’=X+4+Y:Z from (1) and (2) by Prop. 14. Hence the process described in the third stage is justified. Art. 49. The next step is to prove the commutative and associative laws for the addition of ratios. PROPOSITION 20. Art. 50. To prove the commutative law for the addition of ratios, Le. (A : B)+(C: D)=(C: D)+(A: B). Let ANB Xe = Z- and Che DS We Then (A: B)+(€: D)=X4+V:Z2 = VX 3h Also (C:D)+(A: B)=V+4+X:Z, . (A: B)+(C: D)=(C: D)+(A: B). Or, denoting a ratio by a single Greek letter, a+B=B+4a. Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. to oO Go Proposition 21. Art. 51. To prove the associative law for the addition of ratios, ie. (A: B)+(C: D)]+ (2: F)=(A: B)+[(C: D)+(E: FY]. Let A:B=X :Z, CAD =Waez E:F=U:Z. . ((4: B)+(C: D)+(£: P)=[((X :24+(V:DJ]+(U: 7 =(X+Y:2)4+(U:2Z) = ¥-- OZ, (A: B)+((C: D)+(E: FP) =(X : 2A4+[(Y:2)4+(U: Z)] =(X¥:Z7)+(Y+U:Z) =X+YV+U:2Z. (4: B)+(C: D)+(2: F)=(A: B)+[((C: D)+(E: PF). Or, denoting a ratio by a single Greek letter, (a+ B)+y=a+(8+y). PROPOSITION 22, Art. 52. To prove that the sum of the measures of two ratios is equal to the measure of the single ratio which is the sum of the two ratios. Let p, o be the measures of A: B, C: D respectively. Take any arbitrary magnitude Z, and then take X, Y so that A: B=X:Z, Cay — Vi eZ. Then (A: B)+(C: D)=X+4+Y:Z. Since AN? B= pi: and Coa: - 1 it 1 1, Bene ees i= pt; cle (Prop. 14.) Hence p+o is the measure of the single ratio, which is the sum of the ratios A:B and C: D. Therefore the measure of the single ratio which is the sum of A: B and C: D is equal to the sum of the measures of A: B and (': D, Hence the multiplicity of ratios is measurable. 256 Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. The Compounding of Ratios. Art. 53. Ist stage. The general idea at the root of the process of compounding ratios is this :— When it is necessary to determine the relative magnitude of two magnitudes A and © of the same kind, it is permissible to make the comparison indirectly by taking another magnitude B of the same kind as A and C, and then comparing A with B, and B with C. From this point of view the relative magnitude of A and C is considered to be determined by the relative magnitude of A and B, and the relative magnitude of B and C. 2nd stage. Euclid renders the above general idea quite precise by the following definition :— The ratio of A to C is compounded of the ratio of A to B and the ratio of B to C. (See the use made of the definition in the 23rd Proposition of the 6th Book, which gives a clearer view of the process than the 5th Definition of the 6th Book.) 3rd stage. To apply this definition to the compounding of any two ratios P:Q and 7: U the following process is to be followed :— Take any arbitrary magnitude A, and then take B and C (Prop. 16) so that IP 2 (Dae wl § 18, N93 (Of SIRS CF Then the ratio compounded of P:Q and 7: U is the ratio compounded of A:B and B:C, and is therefore A :C. ; 4th stage. The process described in the last stage requires justification, because the form of the resulting ratio depends on the arbitrary magnitude A. If: the process is to be of any use it is necessary to show that the value of the resulting ratio does not depend on the arbitrary magnitude A. This will be accomplished when it is shown that if any other magnitude A’ be taken instead of A, and the same process followed, the valwe found for the resulting ratio is the same. Suppose, then, that PQ ASB, and FAO BAC. Then the resulting ratio would be that compounded of A’: B’ and B’:C’, and would therefore be A’: C’, In order that this may agree with the former result it is necessary to show that ELS (CS Ay 3 (0) Pror. HILL, ON Since and it follows by Prop. 2 that and THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. Ai Beh O= A’: B, BrG= UB 3G, Ai B= Al: B, Pm Bi — bane peep C—. Feaen(8, (Prop. 12). Hence the process described in the third stage is justified. Notation for the Compounding of Ratios. Art. 54. The following notation is convenient. Let P:@Q compounded with 7’: U be written Consequently @ OQ) : 0). (ARR) a (BiG) — CANO), Note on the Compounding of Ratios. Art. 55. following rule :-— Let the ratios to be compounded be dA: B and C: D. 257 It is possible to compound two ratios by proceeding according to the Take the ratio of equality in the form H:#, where E£ is any magnitude of the same kind as C and D. Take P and Q so that E:-C=A:P Then P:Q is the ratio compounded of 4:8 and C: D. To prove this take & so that Then (A : B)*¥(C: D) =(4 : B)xX(B: R) Hence it is necessary to show that From (3) by Prop. 3, = Aw ry ees aA. lta cc dagncesteen coat tmeaeee nee se ee Dy OCS Boe) Be oc oa CE es eS 258 Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTS. From (2) and (5) by Prop. 13, TORE ORES RON A Bessacn soo hag enone coos asae soaane ace seeHae sou (6) From (1) and (6) by Prop. 2, NRIPS IAL aby Brop. 6; Lhe 3 (0) which is the result (+) to be proved. This mode of compounding ratios is of interest on account of its connection with the extension of the idea of multiplication. The unit ratio is taken to be the ratio of equality #: £. One way of deriving from the unit ratio the ratio C: D (which corresponds to the multiplier) is to change the antecedent of the unit ratio in the ratio #:C, and the consequent of the unit ratio in the ratio #: D. Let these changes be performed on the ratio A: B (which corresponds to the multi- plicand). Then the antecedent becomes P by (1), and the consequent becomes Q by (2), so that the resulting ratio is P:Q (which corresponds to the product). (The above process contains an arbitrary element £, but its value does not affect the value of the resulting ratio, for P:Q=A:R, and R is determined by (3) into which # does not enter.) PROPOSITION 23. Art. 56. If Za 3 I= (4) 2 18, and CD Seer to prove that (2B) 3eC2D)=@2 A) (SB): Take AVCIBSIC 3 Ih, and C:D=L: M, then Q:R=K:L (Prop. 2), and S:T=L:M (Prop. 2), - (A: B)¥(C: D)=(K :L)*¥(L: MM) = Ke= Me. and (Q:R)*¥(8S:7T)=(K :L)*¥(L:M) = 13 Wh a : B)¥(C: D)=(Q: R)¥(S: TD). Art. 57. The next step is to prove the commutative, associative and distributive laws for the Compounding of Ratios. Pror. HILL, ON THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID'S ELEMENTS. 259 PROPOSITION 24. Art. 58. To prove the Commutative Law for the Compounding of Ratios, Le. 4 3B) 6 (C.D =(C = D) (A: B), Take (OID Ine ID, and SA iS Dar Mipetiame ettas caaeee ane atatocac seve ccsesa teegaas ( .. (A: B)*¥(C:D)=(A: B)*(B: £) =A:Z£, and (C: D)*(A: B)=(C: D)*(D: F) = (0 2 10 2) Hence it is necessary to prove that A:H=C:F. Now (2) is Zl 3 13} ID) 2 Ja and from (1) B:E=C:D, .. by Prop. 13 A:H=C:F, -. (A: B)*(C: D)=(C:D)%(A: B). Or, denoting a ratio by a single Greek letter, | aX B=B*a. PROPOSITION 25. Art. 59. To prove the Associative Law for the Compounding of Ratios, i.e. [((A : B)¥(C: D)] *(E: F) =(A BOC : D) * (2: F)). Take (OG De 2A AR CE EBACE CCOOEB ROC SA a OPE EOC uCRLECoS: Did, Dad» -- Dudm; where atB+...+H=X, AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS. and the double summation has reference to every solution of this equation integers (including zero) and to every permutation of $,, d.,... dm- Art. 4. As a further particular case, Do" =ZZD.bDad ... Did, and we have a summation in regard to every partition of y into » parts, counted as a part, and to every permutation of the parts of each partition. 267 in positive zero being The operation ¥ Dad: Dp $s... Dudin; the summation being for every permutation of the parts a, 8,..., may be denoted by P LD apie; and thence we have the equivalence D, = madd) er yh ’ where the summation is for all partitions of y. It may happen that (48...) is the only partition of y, for which Dag... 6 does not vanish, so that dD, a Daa eas As will be seen the assignment of ¢, so that this may be the case, is the key to the solution of the problem of the Latin Square. Art. 5. Take the polynomial , a = (De + per SSC (w Fei a) (x aa a.) Ae (z a An): and, with the object of investigating Latin Squares with the n elements Who Why ode Uiry consider the symmetric function Sama... a, wherein a, @,,...@, are to be regarded as unspecified different integers. Let a +a,+...+a,=, and form the partial differential operator 1 Dy = ail (Qp, + PrOp, + Pp, + ---)”, the linear operator being raised to the power w by symbolic multiplication, so that D,, is an operator of order w. The symmetric function Daytiaste ... aye may be conveniently symbolised, in the usual manner, by the partition notation (iE: Beg Uy As is well known the operation of D is shewn by D(C {ig =+= An)\=(dg'>-='An), DDS (Cte Cte kp ate Lp, | ( Cy a a hg gt «ly, D,, (a) = 1, DED yD. Din (QhGsds '.. Oy) =A. Vou. XVI. Parr IV. 268 Major P. A. MACMAHON, ON LATIN SQUARES I now construct the symmetric function (Css Og) and suppose it multiplied out until its equivalent representation as a sum of monomial symmetric functions is arrived at. We have (Gidseee Gn) Ka(bibsbs--e)s and operating on both sides with Dy Dr Dies, we find Dy, Do, Dog +++ (he «-+ Gn)” = K, and we can calculate K by performing a definite series of operations. If we operate with D,, only those symmetric functions, on the right-hand side, survive which include a part w in their partitions, and, in each of these, the number of times w occurs as a part is diminished by unity. We must consider the operation of D,. upon the left-hand side (CHT 380 (Eh) First take for simplicity n= 4, and write (G@etag, ass a) —(as10; ond): and w=at+b+c+d. Let a, b, c, d be so assigned that (abcd) is the only partition of w=a+b+c+d into four or fewer parts, repeated or not, drawn trom the parts a, b, c, d. Ex. gr. we may take (@, fd, & EN H(Gy ay 2 Ay and it will be noticed that 15 has the single partition (8421) into four or fewer parts, repeated or not, drawn from the parts 8, 4, 2, 1. Then D,y(abed)* = D avea, (abed)* (see ante Art. 4), and D» (abcd)! = XD,, (abed) Dy, (abed) D,, (abed) D,, (abcd), wherein 1,v,02, is a permutation of the letters a, b, c, d, and the summation is for every such permutation. (Cf. Q. M. J. No. 85, 1886, “The Law of Symmetry and other Theorems in Symmetric Functions,” § 4.) Art. 6. It is this valuable property of the operation D, when performed upon a product, that is the essential feature of this investigation. The right-hand side consists of 24(= 4!) terms, each of which is (bcd) (acd) (abd) (abc), and we have the identity D,, (abed)s = 4! (bed) (aed) (abd) (abe), and clearly also Dy, (G,G20s -.. An An)"=N! (Gedy .«- Gn) (AyGs ... An)'-.- (QiAs «>: Gna): a a AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS. 269 As remarked above we may consider, in general, Latin Rectangles. If we consider a Rectangle of n columns and 1 row we obtain a trivial result, which however it is proper, for the orderly development of the subject, to notice. We are subject here to no condition. The whole number of rectangles is n!; of reduced rectangles n! ge it This we may take to be indicated by the above operation of D, upon (Gidareee pee To give it analytical expression, in the identity JOE (OR pa Oh) eH ree 0) hoe (GACH den tee) put Cy 10 so that BONE ir eer =) uel PR SY n!\n =n! = G i} Mm, where 7, is the number of reduced Rectangles of » columns and 1 row. I call to mind that the case is trivial, and n,= 1. Ds (G4, tee On)” Ja =a,=...=an=] Thence m= Art. 7. I pass on to consider D* (abed)* = 4! D,, (bed) (acd) (abd) (abe) =4!=D,, (bed) D,, (acd) Dy, (abd) Dy, (abc), where 2,v.v;2; is any permutation of the letters a, b, c, d, and the summation is for all such permutations. Now observe that certain terms out of the 24 vanish. D,, (bed) vanishes when v%,=a, Dy,(acd) when v,=b, D,,(abd) when v,=c, D,, (abc) when v,=d. We are only concerned with those permutations VVV3U4 of a, b, c, d which are competent to form a Latin Rectangle of two rows, the top row being a, 6, ¢, d. We have in fact the ‘Probléme des rencontres.’ v,v,0v, can only assume the 9 permutations (D2 0h 01 ada Ge tth Ce adh AY eye 2089 9 fo & QR — ao 270 Masor P. A. MACMAHON, ON LATIN SQUARES 9 being the solution of the corresponding ‘Probleme des rencontres, and representing the number of Latin Rectangles in which the top row is abed but in which the first letter in the second row is not necessarily b. To obtain the number of reduced rectangles we must divide the number 9 by 3 (=n-—1), and so reach the number 3. On the right-hand side of the identity D*, (abed)s =4!XD,, (bed) D,, (aed) D,, (abd) D,, (abe) we obtain, after operation, 9 terms; 3 for each reduced Latin Rectangle of two rows. Let nn, denote the number of reduced Latin Rectangles of » columns and two rows. On the right-hand side of the identity IDEA (Gs fos CS UID (PI aoe CE) IOLs (CHIE Bag 7) coe IDE (RO Gon (ren) we obtain after operation (n—1)n, terms, corresponding to the Latin Rectangles, reduced as regards columns but unreduced as regards rows,—or n!i(n—1)n, terms, corresponding to the totality of unreduced Latin Rectangles. We have _ sum of coefficients of terms in the development of D%, (aa -.. Gn)” aad ni(n—1) the development being that reached by the performance of D’, in the manner indicated, and the numerator of the fraction necessarily representing the number of unreduced Latin Rectangles of x columns and two rows. ’ As before we can give m an analytical expression. Each of the n!(n—1)m terms in D* (aa, ...a,)” assumes the value nm !\" () my W\n ni(n—1) Gi which is a new solution of the much considered ‘ Probleme des rencontres*.’ {Ol 0, = aq — 1-0-1 — Ay — al Hence oo Art. 8. Observe that in the above process we have a series of operations correspond- ing to every unreduced Latin Rectangle. I pass now to the Latin Rectangle of three rows, a problem hitherto regarded as unassailable. * Another solution has been given by the author, Phil. Trans. R. S. vol. 185 a, 1894. AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS. 271 Suppose Uy Uy +0Uny Ws Ug ose Un, Udariecatnc; to be such a rectangle. In operating with Dy upon (aas...dn)", we get one term corresponding to Do, Dag ino Digs Operating upon this term with D,, we get one term corresponding to the double operation. Ds, Die aD Dap ¥ Dep i Dey rk, and again operating upon this last term with D,. we get one term corresponding to the treble operation De Do eat Dn Ks Dy * Doy * ».. Dey Dy, * Do * «+. Deg 5 that is to say, in performmg D,, we have a one-to-one correspondence between the w? terms involved and the unreduced Latin Rectangles of n columns and 3 rows. ‘To obtain the reduced Latin Rectangles we have merely to divide the number of terms by n!(n—1)(n— 2). Hence calling »,; the number of reduced Rectangles, we have, by previous reasoning, Ny = [Di (Gite --- Gn)" Ja, ag= = ay =1 n!(n—1)(n— 2) ey Art. 9. It is now easy to pass to the general case and to demonstrate the result [Di, (did... dn)" Ja Se ois pieelya (=) “(n—s)!\s! ie — In the case of the Latin Square sS=Nn, and we should be able to shew, after Cayley’s remark, that Np = Nn- Now n, — eae (aay Sl Gn)" Ja, =ag= ++. =ay=1 ee n!(n—1)!n" . My = [D* (Gd wee Ci eee es ” n!(n—1)! , and it will be shewn that these expressions have the same value. 272 Masor P. A. MACMAHON, ON LATIN SQUARES After performance of D** we obtain a number of terms of the nature (@)\(@yrosa (G5) and putting herein a4, ==... =4,=1, we obtain a factor n”. On proceeding to perform D,, again, before putting q=a=...=4a4,=1, we obtain simply unity and the quantities %, %,... 4, have disappeared. Hence oe (aay. : O=) =Gy= ++ =G_=1 =" [D2 (Gide seen) eae ay = 19 and thence Nn = Np: The expression for x, may be simplified because Di, (G42.- An)” is an integer and does not involve the roots @, Qs,---Qn. The numerator of the fraction is the coefficient of the symmetric function (w”) in the development of the power (Oreos ays, w being equal to a. Art. 10. In the symmetric functions the letters @,, @s,...@, are taken to represent different integers and so far their values have been unspecified. They must be ap- propriately chosen or the analysis will fail. It is essential that the number Q, + Ag +... On shall possess but a single partition, into » or fewer parts, drawn from the numbers @,, >, Ms, -.. Gn, Tepetitions of parts permissible. Thus of order 4 the simplest system is (4, Ce, As, a) = (8, 4, 2, 1), the number 15 possesses the single partition 8421, of four or fewer parts, drawn from the integers 8, 4, 2, 1, repetitions permitted. The system 7421 would not do because 14 possesses the partition 7, 7. In general, of order n, the simplest system is (Wan (ees aon Chey Wp) = ZS ona 2 1) To perform the operations indicated we have to express the function (Gila san) AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS. 273 in terms of the coefficients A Pi» Pas +++ Pas and operate with be > Dy = aan (Op, + PrOp, + +++ + Pn—Op,)”; : a S . n\ ; as many times successively as may be necessary. We then write 4 for p, and substitute in the formule. The calculations will, no doubt, be laborious but that is here not to the point, as an enumeration problem may be considered to be solved when definite algebraical processes are set forth which lead to the solution. In the case of the Latin Square we may write the result n (2022. 21)" =... 42! (n—1)! n, (2"—1)+4..., or in the form ’ (Sa a2”... a dn) =... +0! (n—1)! nada” a2" ... ap +... , n!(n—1)!n, and m, enumerating respectively the unreduced and reduced Latin Squares of order n. It will be noticed that (2772"-*...21) is what I have elsewhere* called a perfect partition of the number 2"—1; that is, from its parts can be composed, in one way only, the number 2”—1 and every lower number. SECTION 2. Art. 11. I proceed to discuss the ‘Probleme des ménages’ by the same method. Lucas in his Théorie des Nombres thus enunciates the question :— “Des femmes, en nombre n, sont rangées autour dune table, dans un ordre de- terminé; on demande quel est le nombre des maniéres de placer leurs maris respectifs, de telle sorte quun homme soit placé entre deux femmes, sans se trouver 4 cété de la sienne ?” He then remarks that it is necessary to determine the number of ‘permutations discordantes’ with the two permutations 12 a) AC... n— on Dime AGe Dc WI. Iz He remarks as follows :— “Nous ne connaissons aucune solution simple de cette question, dont |’énoncé donne lieu a |’étude du nombre des permutations discordantes de deux permutations déja discordantes et plus généralement, du nombre des permutations discordantes de deux permutations quelconques.” * «The theory of perfect partitions of numbers and the compositions of multipartite numbers.” Messenger of Mathematics, Vol. 20, 1891, pp. 103—119. 274 Masor P. A. MACMAHON, ON LATIN SQUARES He gives solutions due to M. Laisant and M. C. Moreau of which the most con- venient is represented by the difference equation (n —1) Ang, = (? —1) An + (HN +1) 44+ 4(—1)” with the initial values (Aen Ay) = he): The reader, who has mastered the preceding solution of the problem of the Latin Rectangle, will have no difficulty in applying the same method here. Construct the symmetric function (GQ, ... Gn) (A,B, ..- An) (das... An)'-.. (Ass --- Ons); where the sth factor from the left is deprived of the symbols a,, ds,, (a suffix when >n being taken to the modulus n) by the operation of Da,Da,.,- We now operate with D,, and obtain Dy, (Gxity)--- On) Dy, (Gilly <2 En) --+ Dy. (Qty... On); the summation being for every permutation UVa =~ Up of the letters a,a.... dy. The number of products that survive is precisely the number of ménages denoted by Lucas by the symbol X,. Each factor of each product contams n—38 symbols @ in brackets and for 05 — a has the value Hence OR Aco) (CR G55) oes (Pere te) eee ar 3) , or a G:) WDE (roc GC) (Hi can C000 | GATS 565 Wl pee As before we may take in the calculation (Bs Pn con Ol) City PSS one 1bE Art. 12. Similarly we can tind the number of permutations discordant with each of any two permutations whatever that are mutually discordant. If these two permutations be a Un ’ = Un’, we have merely to form a product in which the sth factor from the left is deprived of the symbols 2, v, and proceed as before. We thus arrive at a similar but, of course, not an identical result. Art. 13. It is equally easy to find the number of permutations discordant with each of two permutations which are not mutually discordant. a - ~ > Ey AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS. 275 Let these permutations be UVa es Valgsy «901 Uy, ; VitUnecaUitigr. cua. We take a product in which the left-hand factor is without »v,, the next without v,, &e....the sth without v,, but beyond this the tth factor is without the two symbols x, wy. Denoting this product by P we, by the usual method, reach the solution Ms! (7 Nae) Kn = (5) Gh) LD Te eee Art. 14. On a similar principle we can enumerate the number of permutations discordant with any number of given permutations whatever. Let Uy U5. U5 aceUn , i, / , VY Ug Us ---Un, Vy" Ve" Us) 4+.Un', / > be the m permutations and of the m letters v,, 2, v,’,...; let the different ones be Ug, Ug, Us, --- Ks 1X Number, Take for the sth factor (Gi ye00 Ga) deprived of the letters Uae ugh eissic: § and form the resulting product P. Proceeding as before we obtain the result = me rail pit ste pelea fae (a+) | \G +1) | € = ST ca * [DioP Jeymaym.-smtg where j,, jo,---Js,--- are numbers, at once ascertainable, and =j =n. Art. 15. A more direct generalisation of the ‘Probleme des ménages’ is obtained by imposing the condition that no husband is to have less than 2m persons between himself and his wife. In the problem above considered m=1. If m=2 we must enumerate the permu- tations discordant with GM GM, Ags Ay... Ans Ane Una Qn es) Ch Lys Oust Ga On, Oy CE = RR ee) Se: 25 % Gy Ue Gy +..Qm CG, Gy Gy and we form the product IZA (Gi3000 CCH ace UP) CAGRE pon?) coe (Gl dee) Vou. XVI. Parr IV. 37 276 Mayor P. A. MACMAHON, ON LATIN SQUARES the solution being given by number = (=) UD IZA eee semen and in general eT number = ( Gm t}) WePadeee ne SECTION 3. Art. 16. The notion of a Latin Rectangle may be generalised. Instead of n different letters we may have s, of one kind, s, of a second, s, of a third, and so on. The letters may be, ex. gr., where Ys=n. To obtain a Latin Rectangle of t rows we take ¢ permutations of the letters such that in no column does a, occur more than s, times, a more than s,, ad; more than s;, and so on. The reduced rectangles have the top row and left-hand column in the same assigned order and evidently we can obtain their number by dividmg the number of unreduced rectangles by n! me (n—1)! EU CUEN Res Sal (GS in the case when the rectangle is a square, and by factors of similar forms in the other particular cases. Examples of such quasi-Latin Squares are a LC QO Oo OO @ aad Oe ly OG ana 1D ons (WO @ OE 0 (iS i Gh @ am WW CerGumnD i Gh 1 by ana aa: Art. 17. We have Latin Squares and Rectangles associated with every partition of every number. The three, given above, correspond to the partitions 21°, 27, 31; we have already, in the first part of the paper, considered the case abcd corresponding to 1* and there remains the case aaaa, of partition 4, which is trivial. Part of this theory is intimately connected with certain chessboard problems that might be proposed. Take the unreduced Latin Squares on the letters aaaaaaa b. The enumeration gives the number of ways of placing 8 rooks on the board so that no one can take any of the others. a ag AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS. 277 Similarly the enumeration connected with aaaaaabe gives the number of ways of placing 16 rooks, 8 white and 8 black, on the board so that no rook can be taken by another of the same colour, Like problems can be connected with other cases. Art. 18. Let us consider the general question of the enumeration. First take the simple case a, ds, where (n—1) a+ a =w. Assuming a and a, to be undetermined integers and remembering the law of operation of D,,, we have Diy 4)" Gt)" = 0 (ay" aay)" (a,"). The coefficient indicates that for unreduced rectangles there are n possible first rows, viz.:—the n permutations of a,” do, and DAG ly)” =n (v = 1) (Gis an) (=D, the coefficient n(m—1) shewing that there are n(m—1) possible pairs of two first rows in unreduced rectangles. n! Also ID ie Gy)” = Gant (a7 dy)"-* (a,"—), ! giving G=al unreduced rectangles of s rows. Hence Di (a,"~ az)" = 0! (da) (a,)"> D(a)" a)" = 0! intimating (as is otherwise immediately evident) that the number of unreduced rectangles of n—1 rows or of squares is 7!. To enumerate the reduced rectangles observe that in Row 1 we have one place for ad, instead of n places; in Row 2, n—2 places instead of n—1; in Row 3, n—3 instead of n—2, &e. Therefore for the rectangle of s rows we have a divisor nn—-l n—2 n—-st+l1 ee eee) weet n—s > ee n!} (n—s—1)! which is Gar ast Therefore the reduced rectangles, of s rows, are in number n—2)! or (s < n). 37/—2 278 Masor P. A. MACMAHON, ON LATIN SQUARES If s=n, the case of the square, the last fraction factor of the divisor must be omitted and we find the number (n—2)!. Suppose the symmetric functions to appertain to the quantities and in the identity De (Give: ly)” = Gun (Gas CAE (GEA suppose ChSCh= 53-2605 SO Sb n! f n! CS) (Geer noes oot eos ((n—s)!s! for sdn-1. \ < WG Aer eras When s=nx—1 we have also the case of the Square as before remarked. The right-hand side is therefore an analytical expression for the number of un- ! 1)! reduced rectangles and we have merely to divide by meal : a a to obtain that of the reduced rectangles. Art. 19. This simple case has been worked out to shew that the desired number can be obtained as the result of definite algebraical processes performed upon a certain symmetric function. In the actual working it is essential to select a, and a, in such wise that a," ao is the only partition of w=(n—1)at+a, into n or fewer parts drawn from the symbols a, and a, each any number of times repeated. It will be found that the simplest system is a = 1, ag =, necessitating the consideration of the symmetric function (nits) Art. 20. If we next proceed to enumerate the Latin Rectangles of (Cmatlas we find that the Square enumeration is most easily expressed, those connected with Rectangles having complicated expressions. AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS. 279 The reason for this will be obvious from the results n 10},. (qa): — (3) ( an Gp) ia (apse As Vie Di (ay'-*az)" = (5) {Carta (a2) + 2(n— 2) (a"azy-*(ay"*as) (a) a 3 “| (a:"“*a,?)"* (ar? ay , for it will be seen that the right-hand side of the identity just obtained, as containing terms of three different types, is not simply evaluated for unit values of the quantities %, A, as, wee An, and the terms will not have a single type until we reach D** which is the case of the square. Then every term is some permutation of (a1)" (a2). If K be the whole number of these terms, K is the number of unreduced squares, and then putting oe we obtain Se nes [Dee (Gate 20)” a a anna = De (i= a2)", n! (n—1)! and dividing K by (n—2)!2! “ (n — 38)! 2! we obtain the number of reduced squares. Art. 21. We get a precisely similar result for the enumeration of the squares derived from Xs =k (nS? ... ARSE 6 ) : % Ysa =w/]’ viz. for the unreduced squares K=n™ (Dr (ast as ... a8)", and then division by n! (n—1)! Soap!) (Ge — 1) last age! gives the number of reduced squares, The choice of a, dy, ... a, is determined by the circumstance that, for the validity of the process, «70 = Zsa must possess no partition of n into n or fewer parts drawn from the set Mh, Ag, ++. Ap, each repeatable as many as n times (n= %s), except (aa, ... a5). 280 Masor P. A. MACMAHON, ON LATIN SQUARES This condition is satisfied if Qs > 8,0;, As > 8A, + 82M, Ay, > 8,0, + S20g +... + Spa Ga: Putting therefore a,=1, we can take a,=1, a Sie ds = (8, + 1)(s. +1), a, = (8, + 1) (8. +1) (83 + 1), dy = (8: +1) (6241)... (441+), and the symmetric function to be considered is {1% s+ 7 (a+ D@+i) watt (& +1)(%@+1)... (Sat 1) }. Observe that the partition, which here presents itself, is of necessity a perfect partition. Ex. gr. To determine the Latin Squares on the base aabb, we take the function (a°b*)s, or (371?)4, (3°1°) = p? ps — 2p, psp t+ 2pF — PiPsPs + BpsPs + Spr°Ps— Ipsps— SPrp; + 12ps, (ie ola Clomete ay Ps dps Ps dp, Ps PP dps > Da. ( d +p +n + Ps : Upo Ps dp, dp; dp, Dg (3712)'= 6 (321)? (BL, D2 (BL) = 6 (3°) (PP + 4 (8°) B1P (1?) + BD, D3 (3°12) = 90 (3 (VD, D; (371°)! = 90. and I find Hence the number of unreduced Latin Squares is 90, and to obtain the reduced forms we divide by (3) (7) =18 and obtain 5 for the number of reduced squares. These are aabb aabb aabb aabb abab abba bbaa baba bbaa bbhaa bbaa baab aabb aabb abab abba bbaa baab baba bbaa AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS. 281 SECTION 4. Art. 22. Let us take into consideration the Greco-Latin Square of Euler (see Introduction). Instead of Greek letters I find it more convenient to use accented Latin letters, so that for instance a Greco-Latin Square is av” be Ch aad be’ cb’ bY c* a*, or more conveniently bb’ ca’ ac co bt, ceo ab’ bb’. I remark that the Latin and accented Latin letters form, separately, Latin Squares, and that two other Latin Squares are obtainable, (1) by taking the bases to the exponents a’, b’, c’ in succession, (2) by taking the exponents to the bases a, b, ¢ in succession. In order to apply to the question the method of this paper it is necessary to con- struct suitable operators and operands for use in the master operator theorem of § 1. It is necessary to form symmetric functions of two systems of quantities CERCA ong (lap / CNUNCON eeu eee Write (1+ qa + a'y)(1 + ax + ayy) «(1+ a0 + on'y) =1+ pot + Pay +--+ Pw? y” + ..., 910 = = Pw, w OPrww 3 Jr= =Pw, w—1 Pwwis Gavw = al wit 9 inte where gg" denotes that the multiplication of operators is symbolic, or non-operational, as in the symbolic form of Taylor’s Theorem. The reader should refer to the author’s paper “Memoir on Symmetric Functions of the Roots of Systems of Equations,” Phil. Trans. R.S., 181 4, 1890, § 3, p. 488 et seq. Denote the symmetric function Say cy! e182 15/2 343 45% by (ayay’ aga a4, -..), and observe the results given (loc. cit., p. 490), ee (Gee Ga...) (aes Gaas (i’)= 1, Goa, Gaay --» Ganan' (Gidi WeMs' ... AnQn) = 1. 282 Masor P. A. MACMAHON, ON LATIN SQUARES Also (see § 10, p. 516 et seq.) if Sir Sy Say Fm denote, each, any symmetric functions and = IRE tee Tins Grow aa = (Gan) (Goatys) cee (Cpe) i Are Vita, where the double summation is for every partition (ayay’ dad’ ... Ogits ) of the bipartite number ww', and for every permutation of the m suffixes of the functions f,, fr, fi, -.- fm We may denote the operation indicated by the single summation > (Ga,a Jr) (Gaza J) “99 (Gaatfs) fev 3s Fm by ChE FE «4 so that there is the operator equivalence Game = 2G aay aay... wae) the summation having regard to every partition of the bipartite ww’. Let Q, +a +... +d, =W Qy ds +... $On =W, and suppose the integers he. Py cee, UES ve M,, Mg, «6» An so chosen that on the one hand w possesses the single partition (aa... @,) composed of n or fewer parts drawn from the parts a, qd, ... @, repetitions permissible, and on the other hand w’ possesses the single partition (a‘a,'... @;’) composed of n or fewer parts drawn from the parts ay’, d.', ... Gp’ repetitions permissible. Then we have Sf —— Grw = =G aaa sty) «+» Usp Mtn’) where CES ado Gay pon Ue are some permutations of 1.2.3... respectively, and the summation is in regard to every association of a permutation SHS coo ae with a permutation (Abedio: te Art. 23. First take n=3 WwW =, +d, + ds w' =a, + a + a5, and, as operand, the product (yay, aydty ays’) (yey) aaety) yy’) (ayes) act,’ asQo’) AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS. 283 where a, ad, a; are in the same order in each factor, and the dashed letters in suc- cessive factors, being written in successive lines, a Latin Square is formed, viz. :— We find (Cont (aya, Ayl, sity ) (a,as’ oly, A(t,’ ) (aya, AA As,’ ) = (ayy ayy) (aay aay’) (aay agar’) + (aay asas') (aya. aa) (aa! a,0,') + (aay aa!) (ax, a0’) (aay asa’) three terms respectively derived from the partition operators G@ay aay aa) Gay aay aay) Ga, aa," ayat,')* Operating again with G.~” we obtain (a,a,’) (a,a.’) (a.m) ts (a,a,') (aa) (a,a,') + (aya’) (asa) (aaas’) + (asa) (aae’) (aser’) at (aya, ) (asa) (a,a,’) + (a,a,’) (a.a;) (a,a,’) terms respectively derived from the operators Gaal @,a,' aya5')> Gea aay ast’) Gay aay aay), F@a/ any aay) Gea GxQt3 Asts')> Gia! aya,’ a5) Operating again, on each term with the corresponding partition operator, we obtain the number 6. We have obtained this number from the six combinations of operators Giaay aay aay ) ( Fiend aya’ aes) ) Gea aay aay) Geet aay eax) | \ Teas aay aay) oS ana, aay) Gina? aay waz) \Giay aay aay) \Gqay any! aay) Gea? aa ans) ) (Giaay asa’ a03) | Giaay aay aa;') Giqay an) aay) Gieay aay aay) | \ Faas aay oes) Gay aay aa) \Gaa any ans) \Faay an! a0) Vou. XVI. Part IV. 38 284 Masor P. A. MACMAHON, ON LATIN SQUARES and to these correspond the six Graco-Latin Squares , ’ , / , ’ , / Y (0; Aes’ Aga Onda) Ost, (G,05 gly Ay’ Any pis THT rer Wide 00. Os: THIEL FIRS Tere , , ’ / ‘ , y ’ , GH RIES (a Qs AAs Ad, Gee MT eG Ts G0, AA; Age x: A Ac A a ‘ , , ’ , , ' ' , UsMy Az3Q, AAs Asdz Ag =A GQ Arxls AsMly Ajy A, At’ Ay Ass’ ght’ Golly Ag,’ As, By forming the operand, as above, we have insisted upon the left-hand column of the square involving only the three products Myth’, Alyy gh', but by permuting a’, a,, a,’ we get an additional factor 6 and by permuting the 2nd and 3rd columns a further factor 2! we find that the unreduced number of Greco-Latin Squares of order 3 is If we insist upon the suffixes appearing in numerical order in the left-hand column for both undashed and dashed letters and also in the top row in the case of undashed letters, we obtain the reduced squares. In this instance there is but one, viz. A,0y’ Ayla’ GY URGE! G(x G33 Az) Ay’. In general the enumeration of the reduced squares is obtained by dividing the number of unreduced squares by (n!¥ (n—1)!. Above an operand was formed corresponding to the single reduced Latin Square, a, Gs as of order 3. Operating with G®,, viz.:—three times successively with Gy» », we obtained the number 6 and this has been shewn to give 3! times the number of reduced Graco- Latin Squares for, as remarked above, 3! is the number of ways in which the products Gd), As’, asd; can be permuted. Hence the number of reduced Greco-Latin Squares is 6 Ny ag AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS. 285 In general we shall find that we must form an operand corresponding with each reduced Latin Square in the dashed letters, operate upon each, with Gy. n times successively, take the sum of the resulting numbers, and divide by 7!. The result will be the number of reduced Graco-Latin Squares of order x. Art. 24. To elucidate the matter I will work out (not quite in full) the case of order 4 and deduce the reduced Greeco-Latin Squares. There are four operands, since there are four reduced Latin Squares of order 4, viz. :— CE ORE GR ah a GE.” Gh QyemiGa (dee (Oy ee (iE Tai nih Gaus dg san WH me Whe tae Gian Qe i GI GEE aay dy a G ay Qs Gy Gh a. ds Gy Gy Gy Qj & dy Qk aie ae Ci eee OA i Re, Ct ae These are (A) (aya, Ay’ Aglty. aya; ) (aa,’ nity Agly ay ) (aya, Ay Ugly aay ) (a,a, Atty, Ass aya; ), (Bb) (aya AsQly Aghly aya ) (ayay’ ty’ Usits, Att; ) (aay Ash, Asay’ ays ) (a,a/ nls Aste aay), (C) (a,a, Ay, Ags, aya; ) (ayas (pty Ugh, ayy ) (aya, Aly Ass. a) ) (aa, a.ay Ast, aay ), (D) (a,a, Ayly' Ayits aya’) (ayas’ oly yh,’ ay; ) (a,as, Cally Ugly asa ) (a,a, Ayats, Aly, aay’). The operation of D*‘, upon (A), (C) and (D) causes them to vanish and on (B) ww the result is 48; hence the number of reduced Greco-Latin Squares is 48 —_=2. 4! These are ’ ’ , ' ’ , , / AA, Ally’ Ags’ AyAly G0, Aclls Ag Ate Anlly ys) Ag’ Ags’ Aly Ay js) Ag, Ass Ags) Ay gly’ Ass Ay’ yy’ Agty" ' tf / , , , , , Ag, Ast, AAs AA, Ady Asta Ath Ads Observe that the undashed Latin Square is the same in both cases and that the second square is obtainable from the first by a cyclical interchange of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th columns of dashed letters. By the method we can, by regular process, determine the number of Greco-Latin Squares appertaining to any given Latin Square. The enumeration, however, in all but the simplest cases is so laborious as to be impracticable. And I do not see the way to prove that no Greco-Latin of the order 6, and generally of order = 2 mod 4, exists. 38—2 286 Masor P. A. MACMAHON, ON LATIN SQUARES SECTION 5. Art. 25. It naturally occurs to one to seek other systems of operators and operands which lead to the solution of interesting problems. In the master theorem (MUX. UX 8) Pay (UB. US) Gy (UP iUg.. UP) hy (UUs... Us) Pm Milinatennet 7 ba! asta! « BU BSIIBRh Gi ily pegticcs eet where od = digs tee din : put o) = (ais y= aes Na ee and R= Vs Then (Ox{0z- «Oz, O® = => (XG) 8 (XG) 02... () 0. where ENGNG ene Ale — Oe Ones Ores and as usual we must take every factorization of the operator and then distribute the operations upon the right-hand side in all possible ways. Take 06=2,2,...z, and puttmg n=3, we have (02,02,02,) (L,Lo03)? = (0702025) (L:VaXg) « (12g) . (4,423) + (48043) . (Oz,0x,0.r,) (U2) . (XTX) + (&,@pX5) . (X05) . (Ox, 0xr,0x,) (X23) + (A2,0x,) (P25) « Oz, (WL) « (#5) +5 similar terms + (Ax,02,) (G23) « Ox, (4 T2Ls) « (LLCs) +5 similar terms + OxOz, (@Xails) « Ox, (Lats) . (Xy2s) +5 similar terms + Oz, (@,2o%s) . Oz, (Lay) . On, (2X2) +5 similar terms. In all 27 (=3%) terms corresponding to the 27 permuted partitions of 27,7; into exactly 3 parts, zero being reckoned as a part. Selecting any term on the right-hand side, say Ox,On., (XyLx3) « Ox, (@yLas) - (Cas) we obtain (a). (aa). (arts); and if we were to proceed to perform the operation 0,,0,,0,, a second time, of the whole number of 27 operations, into which the operator is seen to break up, only a certain number will be effective in producing a non-zero term. ores, Sf 6 Ue ce AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS, 287 We are subject to the conditions (1) 1st operator factor must not contain 0,, or 0,,, (2) 2nd factor must not contain d,,. As one operation we can take (3) » Ox,0x, (2X2) « Ox, (X23), resulting in - (3) (+) (@rat2)e Again operating with 0;,07,0,,, we find that only one of the 27 operations can be per- formed, and we have On, (3) - (+). 0x02, (48s), resulting in Ges Csi): Forming a square table of these operations we find Oz, Ox, Ox Oz, Or, Ox Or, 3 | and it will be seen that each of the three operators 0;,, 0,,, dz, occurs exactly once in each row and in each column. This feature is a necessary result of the process. Art. 26. We may symbolise the above taken successive differential operations by the scheme 12 3 3 12 and selecting the operations in any manner possible, so that an annihilating effect is not produced, we will obtain a Square of order 3, having the property that each of the three numbers 1, 2, 3 appears exactly once in each row and column without restriction in regard to the number of them that may appear in each compartment. We have in fact the Latin Square freed from the condition that one letter must appear in each compartment. Hence it is seen that these squares are enumerated by the 288 Masor P. A. MACMAHON, ON LATIN SQUARES number of terms which survive the operations performed on the right-hand side of the identity after three successive operations of 07,0202. Therefore the enumeration is given by (0z,02,02,)° (ai°a2825*) = (3!)*. In general for the order x the enumeration of these squares is given by (Oz,0z, +++ Oxy)" (&,"H2” «.+ Zn”) = (n hr We may state the problem in the following way :— “72 different towns form a square and there are n® inspectors, of each of n different nationalities. Find the number of arrangements of the inspectors in the towns subject to the condition that one inspector of each nationality must be in each row or column of towns combined with the circumstance that no restriction is placed upon the number of inspectors that may be stationed in a particular town.” The result is, as shewn, (7!)”. Art. 27. We may also consider the operator (707,2-. 02)", in conjunction with the operand (Ge coo > where m 2M Thus, in particular, taking (@,,0z,)*(772)*, we find arrangements such as | which is a square of 3? compartments, and the numbers 1, 2 are arranged, in such manner, that each is contained once in each row and in each column, The enumeration is given by (Oz, Ox,)° (@&)° = (3!), and in general the result (Oz, 0x, «++ Ox_)™ (4 %2 «++ Zn)” = (m!)” shews that, in a square of m® compartments, the » numbers 1, 2, 3,...” can be arranged, in such a manner, that each is contained once in each row and in each column in exactly (m!)" ways. AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS. 289 Art. 28. It is very interesting to see that these results can also be obtained by means of the symmetric function operators employed in the body of the paper. For take as operand \() (2) (aig) «-» (An)}”, where of course (a) = Zam, &e.; and as operator ee CU nraeeane ee Where as usual w possesses the single partition (a,a)...a@,) into n or fewer parts drawn from @, @,.-.d,, repetitions permissible. For simplicity take n= 3, and write (Gy, Gy, G;)— (a, 0; c): Then ((a) (b) (¢)§ = (a+b +0) + (a+b, c)+(a+e, b) + (b+¢, a) + (abc)}’, and Dave = Diaro+e + Dior, o + Dare, » + Dore, a) + Diare) ; according to the notation explained above (Art. 4). Now Dio+o+e {(@) (b) (©)}8 = Dazore (a)? (b) (6)? = Dare) (a)* (6) (cP? = (319, and, performing the developed operator upon (a+b+c)+(a+b,c)+ (atc, b)+(b+¢, a) + (abc)}, we have to consider the 125 terms of which the expanded power is composed. One of these is (a+b+c)(a+e, b) (abc), and, performing Dz.),-, we obtain two terms, F (a+c,b) (abe) +(a+b+c) (b) (ac), and now it is easy to see that Disvrce(a +b +c) (a +e, b) (abe) =0. But selecting out of the 125 the term (a+b, c)(a +e, b) (abe), the operation of D,.».- produces (c) (a+c,b) (ab) +(a+b, c) (b) (ac) +(a+b) (a+c) (bc); the terms corresponding respectively to Daso* a. Sit Dex *KDaye * - Dex DED, Dik, and, selecting the first of the terms produced, Dd. *K Dy * Da * yields (a+c)(b); and now operating again, = ID RES aD < yields unity. 290 Masor P. A. MACMAHON, ON LATIN SQUARES AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS. Hence we obtain one resulting term corresponding to the operator scheme a+b c c b a | a+c¢c b | or say 2 3 3 2 1 13 Pages| | which is a square having the desired property, viz.:—each row, as well as each column, contains each of the three numbers, without restriction in regard to the number of numbers appearing in a compartment. And when we carry out the whole process we must arrive at (3!)° such squares, each square typifying a succession of operations. Art. 29. Hence we establish the general theorem, above enunciated, as the enume- ration is given by Dy ats ee (Ga) (Gs) =. 3(Gn)*s which is Dyaay...0n) (Aa”) (3") «+ (@) x (n!)", or (n!)”. Clearly, the enlarged theorem corresponds to DD Pertti (a) (Gs)... Gn) which gives (m!)", as before. Art. 30. This interesting result shews that we may expect to meet with many pairs of operators and operands differing widely in character which conduct to the same theorem in combinatory analysis. I believe that the method of research, above set forth, is of considerable promise and worthy of the attention of mathematicians. It is probable that known theorems in combinatory analysis will lead conversely to theorems connected with operations which will prove both interesting and valuable. XII. On some differential equations in the theory of symmetrical algebra. By Proressor A. R. Forsyru. [Received February 5. Read February 21, 1898.} In a recent memoir*, I have discussed the theory of partial differential equations which are of order higher than the first and involve more than two independent variables. Most of the investigations apply, as indicated in the title of the memoir, to equations which are of the second order and involve three independent variables. The cause of this limitation was a desire to secure brevity in the formule; it is however evident from the course of the analysis (and there is a statement to this effect) that the investigations apply, mutatis mutandis, to equations which are of order m and involve n independent variables. It is an inference from the theory of partial differential equations there given that the most general solution of an equation of order m in n variables involves m independent arbi- trary functions and that each of these functions involves n—1 (or fewer) arguments. The arguments are shewn to satisfy an equation which, reproducing itself for all transformations of the independent variables, is called the characteristic invariant; and the form of this equation depends, in the first instance, only upon the aggregate of the derivatives of highest order that exist in the original differential equation. When the original equation is denoted by Ii eles 8 Ne BPS) Ya om z Zm,, m Wis aa) Ga Ce Woe ry May ey Mn 7M, A pig ayrln? TL ''O2. oon é 1 Ok, ox" (where and m+m,+...+m,=m which is taken to be the order of the equation), then the characteristic imvariant is s f or ay (= ae £6 Menem ha) \Oa) > day fi where the summation extends over all terms that arise through derivatives of F with regard to all the partial differential coefficients of z of order m which occur explicitly in F. * “Memoir on the integration of partial differential when an intermediary integral does not exist in general,” equations of the second order in three independent variables read before the Royal Society on 16 December, 1897. Vou. XVI. Parr IV. 39 292 Pror. FORSYTH, ON SOME DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS The characteristic invariant is only one of a set of subsidiary equations, which can be obtained as follows. Denoting an argument of an arbitrary function by uw, let the inde- pendent variables be changed from the set 2, 2, ..., Gr, Ln tO m%, HM, ».+, Ina, U, differentiation with regard to the latter set being denoted by d and to the former by 0 when the differential operator is expressed. To effect the change, we may consider z; as a function of a, ..., 2,4, u, and we write dz, dx, r> accordingly, we have dz, &, & ae a 2a (Sestales D-Shy Br hls es Sa =F Pr2s,, 8, «5 8n—-1) 148n>? ath for r=1,2,...,n—1. By means of the aggregate of these relations, each of the derivatives of order m can be expressed in terms of 2,9, ...,0,m and of new derivatives with regard to Dy, BZ, ..-, Ly Of differential coefficients of order m—1. Now assuming that the solution of the original equation is of the type known as free from partial quadratures, we have il d m 20, 0, 0, m— dz, aa Zz, au so that 2), o,...,0,m involves derivatives of the arbitrary function with regard to w of order m higher than those which occur in the value of z, while the derivatives of order m—1 involve derivatives of the arbitrary function with regard to w only of order m—1 higher than those which occur in the value of z. Accordingly, when the transformed equation is arranged in powers of 2,9, ...,0,m, 1n the form a —1 a-2 a Z,0 | Oy ARAL Oh mn ATED Opener OE 0} we must have FSS IR=O, JES coccue : the first of these being the characteristic invariant. This is an aggregate of subsidiary equations. If there be any integrable combination, it is proved to be of the nature of an intermediary integral of the original equation; and there may be as many of these as there are distinct values of u, or sets of values of uw, determined through the characteristic invariant. There are various classes of partial differential equations, discriminated according to the resolubility of the imvariant into equations of lower degrees in the first derivatives of uw. In particular, if the invariant is resoluble into m equations, each linear (and homogeneous) in the derivatives of w, then each of the m arbitrary functions involves n—1 arguments, being the n—1 functionally independent solutions of the corresponding linear equation. But if the resolubility of the invariant into linear equations is not of this complete character, there is a corresponding declension from the number of arguments in some or all of the arbitrary functions. Pe a alee ce, — — aetna IN THE THEORY OF SYMMETRICAL ALGEBRA. 293 If for none of the arguments wu there should exist an integrable combination, then we take the deduced equations Le ee } 0a, 0, which must be satisfied identically by the solution of #. This is a set of m equations, each of order m+1 and linear in the derivatives of highest order. Each of them is treated by the preceding method as to the derivatives of order m+1 instead of order m: it appears that the characteristic invariant of each of them is the same for all, being the characteristic invariant of #: and-each of them provides one other equation, so that, in addition to the characteristic invariant, there is an aggregate of n subsidiary equations involving new derivatives with regard to @,, a, ..., %— of the differential coefficients of z of order m. When an integrable combination, other than F=0, of the subsidiary equations exists, it leads to an integral equation of order m that can be associated with the original equation : and so for each value of uw, or set of values of uw, leading to an integrable combination. If there should be no integrable combination of this set, then we take the deduced equations Cad =()) coo (Ge fon, 2 n) Gemma) rare 10) and proceed from derivatives of order m+ 2 as before: the characteristic invariant persisting throughout. Of the corresponding new set of equations, integrable combinations other than 7) oF an pam seeeee ’ Tt F=0, are required: if and when obtained, they lead to equations which can be associated with the set just indicated. And so on, for successive systems of deduced equations. There is another method of proceeding which, dispensing temporarily with the sub- sidiary equations other than the characteristic invariant, proves effective (partially or wholly) in individual examples. It consists in effecting the actual transformation from %, Xq, +06, Gn, Ln tO XH, Lo, ».-, Tn, U upon the original equation: when the new form is obtaimed, it is regarded as a new equation; and it may happen that this new equation can be solved wholly or in part. Examples of both methods of proceeding are given in the memoir referred to: the special example to which the latter method is applied being Laplace’s equation. The purpose of the present paper is to indicate the application of the latter method to a set of equations, the most general solution of which can be obtained explicitly and completely. These are the equations (2+e Ug aan +2, e) u=0 Seen Or om. 7) Dan 2 where the multiplication of the operator is symbolical and not operational: they are of 39—2 294 Pror. FORSYTH, ON SOME DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS importance in the theory of symmetrical algebra*, and there is accordingly reason for obtaining their most general solution. SINGLE EQUATIONS. 1. As the representative equation is of order m and involves x independent variables, the most general solution must contain m arbitrary functions. Every argument of any one of these functions must satisfy the characteristic invariant of the equation, which is (= Loe Ou +2, eu" 0 an, Dy Oa, Do Oat, eecees n—1 aa, =v. The invariant is resoluble, consisting in fact of the m-fold repetition of an equation of the first degree in the partial derivatives of uw; hence the arguments of all the m arbitrary functions are the same, they are n—1 in number and, in value, they are any n—1 functionally independent solutions of the equation As the arbitrary functions involve only those n—1 quantities and as there is no limitation on the arbitrary character of the functions, it is sufficient for the purpose in view to choose as simple a set of n—1 functionally independent solutions as may be possible. These solutions are integrals of the subsidiary system der, _ ity _ ity _ _ diy 1 zy a eeeeee eee which can be otherwise represented in the form dz. ao (S23 yi ae-s1t); and therefore dz, an ike Hence the integrals are _% Ly = 2! + Ur, ry zs = 3! + Ust, + Us, a a a Ds a G3)!" Gaye weenieie + QUs— + Us, * See MacMahon’s memoirs “On a new theory of ib., vol. xm (1891), pp. 193—234; ib., vol. x1v (1892), pp. symmetric functions,” American Journal of Mathematics, 15—38. vol. x1 (1889), pp. 1—36; ib., vol. x11 (1890), pp. 61—102; IN THE THEORY OF SYMMETRICAL ALGEBRA. 295 for s=2, 3,...,”. When these n—1 equations are solved for w,, u,..., Una, they give the explicit forms of the requisite n—1 arguments, as follows: aa . a laa (ay, T, 161, — 2%), ee AN es wl - m= 3) (ay, @, TN, ri} ’ — a), , Ua , Uy = = (as, @ gy, +++, Uy, TW, 191, — %)F, for s=2, 3,..., n: the quantities «,', 2,',...., z,/ being defined by , Tecan for r=2, 3,..., n. The arguments are therefore known quantities. The similarity of form of the arguments to the leading coefficients of the (Hermite) covariants associated with the quantic @G 2, Da, Df) Ding Qed yaye is complete. 2. Instead of pursuing the general theory, it proves to be more direct (owing to the special character of the equation) to proceed to the final solution by introducing %,, Uz, Us, ---, Un aS the imdependent variables in place of 2, 2, 4 3,..., %. Denoting any function of the variables by P, and differentiations with regard to the new variables ge saan d by es SFiS mes SRD then in order to obtain the transforming differential relations, we have dP dP dP dP aE da, + Pag duty + Fe tise monaee + ai, dun = dP oP => aur, da, aP + ae (ada, + dito) + a (ada, + x,du, + dus) Ox: oP 2 \ a an, (ade, db 21 dus + adu, + du, —2 a—3 + ob; {rade + Pees dus + Meee oe Aig Bio veees + 2,dus_ + ae! as s—2)! s—3)! i} 296 Pror. FORSYTH, ON SOME DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS and therefore & =~ +25 + 25 +a, 2 4 4aGaA + Lg a AG Beets. + 2p, & fo Fea b Ot et tie ia raz t sae +on ant Joes de + oan: = Biles ey eee eee cee eee ete eet eee eee RE OEE EE ESTEE EEE EEE SEH EEO EEE EE SEH EEE EEE Ernsseeeesssesees The operators which, as will presently be seen, are required are, in addition to d dz, 7 the set Q +2, Z + & d + @. g + Ot, | Ox. "On, Oats a +2. g + & g =F ate Oise we ae On he PI ae Sd tA Guy NTO) GOD Tok d a say these are do, ds, dy,...... ; and denote aes by d,, so that the whole series is d,, ds, ds, d;,..., d,. By the above relations, we easily find pe pees oy diy dig dily = Gilet eater aos Le tee > Midi an cee aig (die wee = Lees Care & +U Le dan ee sSUiia ey eS CH San aGiTs We eee ee eee erent eee eee eens een eeeeneeeeee © which are the expressions of the operators in terms of the transformed system of variables. These operators possess the commutative property—the verification of the statement is easy—that d,ds = d.d,., when operating upon any variable quantity, for all combinations of r and s; consequently when the operators are combined operationally and not solely symbolically, they obey the laws of ordinary algebra. IN THE THEORY OF SYMMETRICAL ALGEBRA, 297 3. In order to distinguish between symbolical and operational combinations of these differential operators, we shall use d to imply a purely symbolical expression for the operator and shall retain d to denote the fully operational expression. Since d, is the operator it follows that, with the notation just indicated, the original differential equation can be expressed in the form aU =0. It proves desirable to change the expression so that the operators which occur are operational and not solely symbolical; in other words, it is desirable to express d," in terms of operational quantities that are not purely symbolical. The necessary expression is given by a particular case of a theorem in linear differential operators, due to MacMahon*: it is as follows: The relation eud: = evry? ds+h yrds} y'd,+... holds for any value of y, when expansion of both sides in powers of y is effected: on the left-hand side the powers of d, are symbolical only, on the right-hand side the powers of the operators are operational. Consequently, we have d, =d,, gid? = aid — 5 cadet 5 ds i= i mae sn 3 ae i (4-5) Gai f pin 15 a+5 (53 a.d,)| San , {i det 53(g ytd tg de) +555} * Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, vol. xx1v (1890), the relative signification of da," and d,” which is implied pp. 246—250. It should be added that, for simplicity of (but not explicitly used as regards the operators) in the notation and printing in the present paper, I have reversed paper referred to: see pp. 247, 248. 298 Pror. FORSYTH, ON SOME DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS the coefficient of — d,"* is 1 (m— 8) ~ 1 applet A te Cea je: )P: ($ds)¥» (— Fy) the summation extending over all the terms corresponding to integer solutions of the equation 2po+ 3p,+ 4pyt ... =S. These results are most simply obtained on expanding e¥ and e7}¥@+3u°dés—tu'd.+.. separately, and then multiplying: for a reason that will soon appear, it is convenient to arrange the expression in powers of d,. 4. The transformation having been now obtained explicitly, let it be written in the form d,” = d,” + dA, + dA, zk dA, to 5438 consequently the differential equation is (dy + dA, + d,™-A, + am, zr eS) U= 0. Let a, a, ..., % denote the roots of the equation =m 2. Em A, ts EMSA, + Em A+ Be = 0, where it is easy to see that a, a, ..., %m are distinct from one another. Also, let A,, As, ..., Aj, denote m independent arbitrary functions, each of them involving the n—1 arguments ws, Us, ..., Un quite arbitrarily. Then the solution of the equation can be expressed in the form uss eas A: s=1 a form which however is only symbolical and for any effective use of which moreover the solution of the foregoing algebraical equation of degree m would be needed. Such a necessity is superfluous: and the expression of the solution can be changed as follows. 5. Manifestly, we have ye 3 4 _ a a } U = Wy +2 + Fy Me + By Ue + Al "hs “Foca ‘ where ug = 2A, +a8A,+...+0°A,,. Replace the m independent arbitrary functions A by other m arbitrary functions Pas Pa, SIS) Je IN THE THEORY OF SYMMETRICAL ALGEBRA. 299 defined by the relations A,+ Big fswcece 4 Ain el GA, + Ay +...... + GnAn=P, aAr+ @Ayt oo... eA = P, aA, + AP Ast icd + aA, = Pr the m functions P are evidently independent of one another. Denoting 1S ae ec iat | Gi OS Ca men rear acs 2 2 2 GeO Ok: «GPAs caee cee Crt en me ee strce at Se Oe by oO, we have Du, =090 A, +0890 A,+ ...... +a° OA» =| iC Hae ear tens \Ceoesabe ik, emily ee fied Ne naa Me eee ae 1 fc ae ; | Gea {Gey aLceats: On Cons ed asl Bee nd aes 2 2 2 2 2 a; OR tacos) a, Citccn Og mera Tuas a an as ein 3 Gar Chas qm ee a where the (operator) coefficient of P, differs from oO by having a’, a, ..., a% in the r* row PS CCAC Oe Ate w Ore tere) (Qre Let H, denote the sum of the integral homogeneous functions of the roots %, a, ..., Om which are of weight «: in particular, Hy =m +a,+...... +n = 0, and in general, these functions are given by (1 + 2A, + 27A, + 2A,+...... )04+2H, + 2H,+2H,+...... y=1, on introducing a term zA, which is zero. We thus have 0=H,+A,, 0= H,+ H,A, + Az, O0= H,+H,A,+ HA, + A,, Vou. XVI. Parr IV. 40 300 Pror. FORSYTH, ON SOME DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS and therefore H,(=0), H., Hs, ... are operators which can be regarded as known. Then by Jacobi’s theorem on alternants*, we have I Ge. Len coe ee Slee ae vii me We +) en . ee Ba os ase sos | ae a: ree Mare Nie on. mesa tien eae eee Oh Ole, e--, oe mag re ee pe shad uy | ay ay bel oa del J GE. ee eee eee eee eee ee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ee rr) | a” CH heh qa | 0, 0 3 > te eeee > 0 > 0 5 tee ’ Jeb, ; Heme | i ee , a, OF 10sec oe : Oi ate alr, ieee = || Jel H,, H,, cenece > lela 2 gees } 1 ? H,, F,, Povo Sy ? Fn 335 He_, | 0 > 1 ? Sale secave ? Jakes He | A es ON Ae RA Siig te Ae | Oi, OSE nO ok ers 7 Rene 7 Sk BS | 0: ROW AIO eras te all, yee Hg ee the latter determinant being the value of the former because the first r—1 constituents in the diagonal of the former are each of them unity and all the constituents below the diagonal and belonging to the first r—1 columns are each of them zero. To evaluate the new determinant, multiply the second row by A,, the third by A,, the fourth by A,, and so on down to the last row which is to be multiplied by Ay_,: and then add each of these rows to the first, replacing the first row by the new constituents thus obtained. These operations do not alter the value of the determinant. But now, in the first row, every constituent except the last is zero; and the last is Tepe nb) ele peas Nd ho ep Gacoce BE)! spa S— (Gye e—m + JN veda 6—m—1 + «.-<-- a5 AnH, ror) = E,., 6» say: hence the determinant =(— 1)"*E,,¢ I, H,, H,, > Tih ose, 0, 1 > H,, ? Hes —2 | 0, 0 > 1 2 , lila =(— l 1 Dis ry * Ges. Werke, t. 11, pp. 441—452; Scott’s Theory of Determinants, p. 124. IN THE THEORY OF SYMMETRICAL ALGEBRA. But the coefficient of P, in the expression for us i Ue eee ie! | a a, ’ (7 ee ecm ’ Gn —2 —2 = Caer Ci aired t: fi On 6 CH ae Ce. Sener 5 Ce r Cimaent CLAR cy. teiee bei a | (se a PR =n (en) acai 1 ame Sage centri 3 awl a ee ee eee 5 Gh r—2 r—2 —2 ier Anne Ge wslesatee ees CUS SC en Stare ee ae aay, oscars 4 CR @ 6 (eid i NGS he a ee eae = fy 6; and therefore Ug = Ey oP, ar Eo 9P.+ Es,6Ps+ was + EnoPm,; for values of 6 greater than m—1. Accordingly, we have m Za es Elleemt 2 8 ‘Bo P| ’ where £,, is an operator defined as E,6 = Ag_s41 =e A, He_s + A. Hes SP cod ar Vira) o ere and the quantities P are m arbitrary independent functions of the Us, Us, +++ Un This is the most general solution of the equation a ) ra] ra) ™m Ger ae) OF 301 n—1 arguments where the multiplication of the operator is symbolical and not operational. 6. A few simple cases occur for the lowest values of m. First, taking m=1; we have (PSION OAS Ue Peas C5) where F is an arbitrary function, as the most general solution of ap st ale ae (a arta 8 ana + +24 an -| U=0. 40—2 302 Pror. FORSYTH, ON SOME DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Secondly, take m=2. The subsidiary algebraical equation is &—d,=0; and accordingly we have u=(14 +o + a d+ oe .-) ® (us, Te pmeere qe) +( ae 1) ¥ y THe sey OS where ® and Y are arbitrary, as the most general solution of Gy 0 é fe Sah aa +. -+ Pn 5 <) U=0: Thirdly, take m=3. The transformed differential equation is (d; — 3d,d, + 2d;) U=0, and the subsidiary algebraical equation is & — 3éd.+ 2d,=0, so that 4,=0, A,=—3d,, A,;=2d;. Then H, denoting the sum of the homogeneous products of p dimensions of the three roots, we have H,=coefficient of 2 in the expansion of 1 1 — 3d,2* + 2d,2* im ascending powers of z, that is, H, = (3d, (— 2d," Se Gree where the summation extends over all the terms that correspond to integer solutions of 20+ 3 =p. Then for the present case, E,9 =H, + A,He_, + AsxHy_,=— AsHy_, = — 2d,He_, E,9=He.+ A,Hy»= Hy, E;,9= Ho; and accordingly we have — opt 5 U= {1 _ (FH + ze HA, + z Ho+ =) ad, | P, (QR the) — H, + A; Se ae, pe j Ps (istetigneeeee its) 2 Pid 4 =) 5 + gh +7 H,+3 H,+ r Je ORS WS, sean Cs IN THE THEORY OF SYMMETRICAL ALGEBRA, 303 where P,, P., P; are arbitrary, as the most general solution of /0 Ci) a a \3 lan + an, + aq, bo + teas) Wi A0) 7. In the form in which (§ 5) the solution has been obtained, it is easy to associate the result with Cauchy’s existence-theorem*, Let it be proposed to obtain that solution of the differential equation which is such that, when #,=0, the values of a) IU ona U an, Anaspco 5 aa ml are respectively equal to O(n G5) coon HPD) CORP Rass Son Ca) chon Ce ay Cy coon On referring to § 1, it is at once evident that, when «,=0, we have Us ite Sin Again, taking the general solution as given in § 5, we have, when 2, =0, aU a = 12 (Ch, By coon 0) wen Gh =O@ 1 = r+1 (a2, Ty, v0, in): But the value should be $)4; (#2, #3, ..., %): so that Pras (Ga; 3, eee), Ln) = Pr4. (a; Dy, sary rn) and therefore [Pre Cy coon Up Sana (Cay Wp cen UE) for all values of r. Hence all the arbitrary functions are determined in accordance with the assigned conditions. 8. In the preceding investigation, the multiplication of the operator has throughout been supposed symbolical and not operational. Corresponding results occur in the case of equations for which the multiplication of the operator is partially or wholly operational. The three kinds of cases that can arise can, in the notation previously adopted, be repre- sented in the forms dU =0, dd” +U = 0, dU =0. In each instance, the most general solution involves m arbitrary functions independent of one another: and the functions involve the n—1 distinct arguments wm, us, ..., Un. The solution of the first has been obtained. That of the second can be made to depend upon it; it is derivable from the solution of the first by noting that the trans- formed equation is . dy (dy * + dy" 2A, + dy #A +... )U=0, * Jordan, Cours d’Analyse, t. m1, p. 306. 304 Pror. FORSYTH, ON SOME DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS so that in the final expression obtained above in § 5, we only need to replace the quantities H, by their modified values: or what is the same thing, we replace H, by H,’, the sum of the homogeneous products of p dimensions in the roots of aie _ I VAN! te fala VAN +...= 0. The operators E,,. for s=1, 2, ..., w are each zero. The third is the limiting case of the second. All the operators E are zero: and the solution is m—1 SS art DE (is tls aeons 0 s— where all the functions ® are arbitrary. 9. The equation which has been discussed is one of a series that arise in the theory of symmetric algebra and it appears, at present, to be the most important of the series. There is one class of equations of a similar form; and their general solutions can be con- structed in a similar fashion. They all can be represented in the form ( 0 0 r) fa) RS Sh ee Se i ae ee Ons 9 cones Op 42 "? Oa "u=0, where the multiplication of the operator is symbolical only and not operational; with the previous notation, this can be represented by ad™U =0. The case already discussed corresponds to p=1; for the remaining cases, p has the values 2, 3, 4, ..... We proceed to the integration of the equation, retaining a general value for p, so as to include all the cases: the march of the integration is similar to that in the earlier part of the paper. 10. The most general solution of the equation a™U =0 contains m independent arbitrary functions, each of »—1 arguments. These arguments satisfy the equation : du ou ou ou \™ (am, ee O%p 41 i Batpys ei) = = © This equation being resoluble, as before, into the m-fold repetition of a linear equation in the derivatives of u, the n—1 arguments of each function are the same for all the m arbitrary functions; and they are any n—1 functionally independent solutions of the equation As they are the arguments of quite arbitrary functions, it is manifestly sufficient to obtain IN THE THEORY OF SYMMETRICAL ALGEBRA. 305 the n—1 solutions in the simplest forms possible. Accordingly, we require the simplest integrals of the equations dit, _Uitty _Aiixy _ diay _ ay dip+r —_ Uap er _ disp +r =<. By Tp+r Lop+r for r=1, 2, 3, ..., p—1. These integrals are given by Ly = Us, (s=1, 2, ..., p—1); Ly Tap =o, + Usp, cA Lp = CW ese Deh ; CA pcria aes pe a ask (= 2) ay CCST 3) wet +H Ly ca) p + Ucp; for values of «=2, 3, ..., up to the integral part of - and Lpty = LyLp + Up+r, a Lop+r = Ly art pUp+r + Urspir, oem fae U3p+4~ = Ly ait at Upir + Lp Usp+r a Usp+r> a cat tees Teper Or ‘ocec==ty («—1)! Uptr ig) —2)! Uspir + +++ + Lp U (ea) ptr + Uxptrs for values of «=2, 3, ..., up to the integral part of a and for values r=1, 2, ..., p—1. The quantities ~ are the arguments of each of the m arbitrary functions: their values are easily proved to be Us = Xe, (s=1, 2, ..., p—1); hae ; Wap = oy (@ aps Li Gaajps e-1 Laps Bp, LOL —ay)5 for the values 2, 3, ... of «, the quantities 2',, being defined by the relation Dep — 0! Zep; 1 A Ul / and Ueptr = 25 (Hep, & (n—3) ptr> A Ans £ opirs Lpir, a,Q1, — &p)*, for the values 1, 2, ..., p—1 of r, for the values 1, 2, 3, ... of «, the quantities 2’g,, being defined by the relation 2 opty = 6 Lopir- 306 Pror. FORSYTH, ON SOME DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 11. The next step is the transformation of the variables from the set a, a, ..., @% to the set w, Us, ..., Upa, Lp, Upir, ---) Ur. For this purpose, we denote derivatives : : d d : ; with regard to the new set of variables by du’ du’) 8° that, denoting any function 1 2 by P, we have P= = ah = = Le as dP $= =i du, Raa di, te = Gia dep a =H Te tte deptr = dP a pe 9=1 0X@ auoke = 3 pal 2G du, OR). SOM (pas oa + an, diy + « Oixp |enndey Ge 7 2) jhe +O = 3) ! ditzy =F = p-l oP {ax j fe ome aL = anaes te deer +B (e—ayppr Ay + (ox Cal dtp yy + (<—2) Map +r aL a : Hence d 0 F iG) nm ew) a 0 du, 0h, cre Dilan) Silom for the values s=1, 2, ..., p—1; also d Cae pal a SS SS aR = x x1) ptr =—— day day * = M? Big, 1" Pept aa ae ae + &: d a g +... Fe, Pe Ce Ge n? Oa, =d): also the series edi 0 6 (BO ts Ot @ dilsy ~ dex, "Sey Big By * Aidey * | d 0 0 ie kin | ditsy Qiiey ' ? Baty | 21 Baty | 31 Ary (3 da a ie @ | dus, Gam ? Day * 21 Day * a and the set Gis agen 0 ia © a 0 ding” Oigt, tage PONE ONE s d — om +2 2s + x, 0 debyy + OLep+r 4 Osi, 2! O%sp 47 ae b cae ie | Asn, 7 OXsp4r “p Ora sae this set existing for the values r=1, 2, ..., p-l. IN THE THEORY OF SYMMETRICAL ALGEBRA. 307 From these, we have Similarly, we find a + =u _ de = ale é duisy s=1 “ Ottigts Op s=1 | Olay is = dy, 3 and so on. The series of operators dy, dy, dy, dy, ... are (as will be seen from the next section) the only operators required for our immediate purpose; the transformation from the old set of variables to the new set of variables has been effected for each of them*. The remaining operators do, however, occur in other connections: the necessary trans- formations are easily effected, and they lead to the result +U ef +2 ” disper Sr aoc RR Tay Se =p dttp+r ditsp+y p-l E(u go +u ———— + Usps 3——_ + ) 3 +8 +8 see a=1 WEG i diag ors TET dtietrte g 3 hayes Cy OSpirda Op +142 ll ae * The invariantive form of all the sets of operators, marked: their simplest (monomial) expressions are ob- that occur in connection with the class of differential tained in § 24. equations under consideration, can hardly fail to be re- Vout. XVI. Parr IV. 41 308 Pror. FORSYTH, ON SOME DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS . : : th oe where it will be noticed that the term uw, 5 a the one term which is absent from 2p+r the transformed expression for d,:,. As a matter of fact, this expression can be regarded as the expression for all the operators when values 1, 2, 3, ...... are assigned to r: one term in each case being absent from the transformed expression. 12. We now proceed to change the equation dmU=0, in which the repetition of the operator is symbolical and not operational, into an equation in which the operators are not solely symbolical. For this purpose, another particular case of MacMahon’s theorem (quoted in § 3) is effective, as follows:— The relation git = el -hwrdopt hySdap—lysdapt... holds for any value of y, when expansion of both sides in powers of y is effected: on the left-hand side, the powers of d, are symbolical only; on the right-hand side, the powers of the operators are operational. Consequently, we have d,—d,, ee noanh-5en lee eeel 1 iE m 1 ue geal d™ + > 7ST de @).05 mi Mone => (a —'s) ae where ©, ,, denotes DP 1 > er ee Qo! Qs! Qu! .-- _ (= $day)” (Ady) (— 4dyp)™..., in which the summation extends over all the terms corresponding to integer solutions of the equation 2q.+ 393 + 4qu4+-..=5. It is also to be noted that, when the number n of original variables # is finite, the highest suffix that can occur in the symbol of an operator occurs in d,,, where « is the integral part of a but that when n is infinite in value, there is no such restriction upon the number of the operators that can occur. Manifestly, 0,, ii $ doy, ©; >= 4dsp, ©; => + (dsp > 4d;,); et ie IN THE THEORY OF SYMMETRICAL ALGEBRA, 309 and so on, Writing m! 7a - 0, , (m—s)! *? Asy™= the equation d"U=0 is transformed to (dm +A, ,d™*+A,,d"*+...)U=0. 13. The analysis that leads to the solution of this equation is, mutatis mutandis, precisely similar to that given in § 4, 5: the result for the present case is as follows. Let H,,, denote the sum of the integral homogeneous functions of weight « in the m roots of the equation Em + EMA, y+ EMA, pt EMA, p+... = 05 and let Pi 2 Tz lie Ges enya Pee ety. nye Pee for r=1, 2, ..., m and for all values @ given by m, m+1,.... Further, let Q,, Qs, .... Qn denote m independent arbitrary functions of the arguments ly, Un; oan s Up a, Uppiy Uptas «os tn. Then the most general solution of the equation 0 fa] a 3 \m a Ge a OLp41 sista Op +2 sie) ote ote Tn—p sa) U=0 Sooty (rae: ee ] aes ls = at 5 s]e i - s=1 Heep: peo E,,0,»¢ Q 14, As in § 8 with the operator d,, so here with the operator d,, we may consider equations associated with the equation just solved given by dedm-+U =0, dU =0. The solutions of these equations are derivable from those of the equations as given in § § in the same manner as the solution of a™U =0 has been derived from that of 7 dr U=0. 15. In the preceding examples, the characteristic invariant is in every case an exact power of a single linear equation: with the result that the arbitrary functions, which occur in the respective solutions, are merely different arbitrary functions of the same set of arguments. It is however easy to suggest other equations in which the characteristic invariant is in every case resoluble into equations each of which is linear but all of which are not 41—2 310 Pror. FORSYTH, ON SOME DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS the same. Thus, e.g., we might take ae a0: the characteristic invariant of which is the product of m distinct linear equations; or Ge. de. 5.5 ae 0, the characteristic invariant of which is the product of p distinct equations repeated m, times, m. times, ..., m, times respectively. Only a single example, as simple as possible, will be discussed: it will provide a sufficient indication of methods of solution. 16. Consider the equation d,d,U = (d,d, — d,) U = 0. The arguments of the arbitrary functions, which are contained in the general solution satisfy the equation (d,8) (d,0) = 0, that is, they satisfy either d,é=0 or d.6 = 0. As regards the equation d,@=0, we know that it possesses »—1 functionally independent solutions denoted by ws, Us, -.-, Un; and that when the independent variables are changed from the set 2, %2, Xs, .--, Ln tO %, Us, Us, ---, Un, then d d, dx,’ h= u + u +2 d aL Sian dae. ik dakaiae ; d. z ae + @ + a aa le F ; Us Tees ; Next, consider the equation dé = 0, in the first place when the variables are ws, Us, -.., Un. It possesses n—2 functionally independent solutions, say 2, 2%, ..-, Un, given by the expressions in § 10 when p=2; and when the variables wz, w;, ..., Um, are changed to the set ws, v3, ..., Un, then D ANY ‘ : , , where Do denotes derivation with regard to the last set of variables. The differential equation thus becomes d (2 ia ag IN THE THEORY OF SYMMETRICAL ALGEBRA. 311 Let Ot, v5, %, Us, Us, %, ---) be any arbitrary function of the arguments, say @; and denote by /®du,, the value of U which is such that DU Die Un; then the most general solution of the equation for © is @=(1+ Bar eas +3 d+ ae + (ut ase 2 ty a e+ 26 4! 3 10! ° Us Uses itl Tsp 6 Hay + pet git tai Gt ye: We have seen that both ® and W are solutions of the equation for ©, subject to the relations d@=dV, 2db=d,V: consequently, let the three arbitrary functions in ® be denoted by F,, G,, H, and the three in VW by F,, G,, H,. As the relation d,® = d,V must be satisfied identically, we find, on substituting the values of ® and Y, that d,F,=G2, d;G,=H,, d;H,=d;F.; and similarly from the relation id=d,V we find that ET — (Ca en He — a Gann ls Gill all of which are satisfied by taking F,, G,, F, as three independent arbitrary functions, say L, M, N; and then Ih, Grail , ih Sif G,=d,L, H,=d,M, H,= ae When these are substituted, we possess the values of © and VW; and when these values of ® and YW are inserted in the expression for U, we have the following result :-— The most general solution of the simultaneous equations dU =0, 20 —0, is given by U a S biel One p eta n aan Sh L ee leat Gp—m)! S + @m +1)! (Ce eek sp—m+1 agit 3p—m+2 sy Sart mae dy us an \ mp (2m! ee —m-+1)! + (Om +1! (8p —m-+2)! fel Oise ie oe eame JL SSS | +1 np (2m! (8p—m+ a1 % a + Om +1)! (8p—m)! dz? j N, where L, M, N are three independent arbitrary functions of the n—2 arguments Us, Us, +++) Une IN THE THEORY OF SYMMETRICAL ALGEBRA, 319 23. Another example in which the ultimate solution is differently obtained is as follows: required the most general simultaneous solution of aU—0; aU =0: Now we have d? = d} — 3d,d. + 2dz, d> = d} — 10d? d, + 20d?d, — 30d, (d, — $d?) + 24d, — 20d.d, = (d; — 7d.) (d} — 3d,d, + 2d;) + 6 {3did, — d, (5d, +d?) + 4d; — dod;} ; therefore any solution of d?U =0, which satisfies d'U =0, satisfies also RU = |3did, — d, (5d, + d3) + 4d; — d.d;} U=0, and any solution of d'U=0, which satisfies RU =0, satisfies also d}U=0. Consequently, we may replace d/U=0 by RU=0. The general solution of d}U=0 is known, being given by v-\1-23 a H, ds Pi ay Dp p=3 2 ap + fr >) a H,.\ J. (ig Way ot05 We). 3 Pp: p= x 2 pP . ae te SS at Ha iPS 23 pi} OO n +{5 al p—2 (Us, U Un) he Hy =3 Bay) (— 2a 2H the summation in H,, extending over all the terms that correspond to integer solutions of 20+ 3 =p. This solution must satisfy RU=0 identically: consequently when the value is substituted, the coefficients of the various powers of #, must vanish. Writing ®, = H,.P; + HyP.— 2d;Hp-sP,, we have USP Aap Pi S| = wo: = 11+ % at oi JAP 1B? : p=3 P so that, substituting in RU and equating to zero the coefficients of the various powers of v,, we find SLI SO Sse =) 3d,®, = D,P3 +- D;P» = 0, 3d,2, —D,P®, +D;P;=0, and 3d,P,,» = D,Pp+ a D,®, = 0, for p=3, 4, 5, ...: here, D, and D, denote 5d,+d} and 4d; —d.d, respectively. 320 Pror. FORSYTH, ON SOME DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Now from the expression given above for ®,, and remembering that lik a 3d.H js SF 2d;Hm_—s =0 > we have ®,,, — 3d Pino + 2d, Pm_3= 0; consequently 3d,®,..— D,®,., + D;®, = 3d, (8d;P, — D,Pp_, + D; Py») a 2d, (3d,0,_, a DPB,» + D;®,_.). The difference-equation for ®, is therefore satisfied for p, if it is satisfied for p—2 and for p—1; and therefore it is satisfied for all values of p, if satisfied for p=2 (with the justifiable convention that ®,=P,;), p=3, p=4. Moreover, we have at once 3d,©, — D,®, + D,®, = H, (3d; P; — D,P, + D;P,) + H.(3d,®, — D,P; + D;P:), on using the relation H,=H;; and 3d,®, — D,&, + D,®, = H, (3d,&, — D,P;+ D;P.) + H.(3d;®,— D,®,+ D;P;), in a similar manner. Consequently the first three equations are all that need be retained ; when rearranged, these three equations are 0=3d,P, — D,P, + D;P, 02 SDP +(D;+9d.d;) P, —6d2P, 0 =(D, + 9d,d;) P; — (8d.D, + 6d?) Ps + Lae Let A denote the operator 2d, D — 3d.D* D;, — 54d,d3 D, — 18d;D,D,;+ D} + 18d,d; D; + 81d3d; D; + 108d; ; then P,, P., P, are each of them a solution of the equation NP = (0) It may be added that, as indeed is to be expected, A is the eliminant of d{ and d) when d, is eliminated between them: when expressed in terms of ds, d;, d,, d;, the value of A is + a2 (240d,d.) + dy (—300d2d, — 360d,d: — 120d,d: + 120d2d2 — 12d”) + 250d3d, + 225d2d,d2 — 180d,d°d, + 60d,d,dé +1085 —100d2d? + 5d,d8, where it will be noticed that, the sum of the positive coefficients being 1072, the sum of the negative coefficients is — 1072. 24. The quantities determined as solutions of this equation are functions of Us, Ugy «sey Un Or, in order to facilitate the construction of an algorithm, say of Un, Us» Us» ++) Um: the values of these in terms of the original variables being known. IN THE THEORY OF SYMMETRICAL ALGEBRA. 32] Let there be now introduced a succession of sets of variables, denoted by Uso Wyn, Usa, Wary se, Une: Tia ac dP petll ep Cee ae TEAR Te areca ree Dm Poca ee and defined by the respective sets of equations 9 Udy Un = 5, t Ue, Us, = Use, ame ue a Ug = 3! H+ Ue, Use + ea, Us), = Usy Use + Usa, has Ue Ue uz Ugy = + Aye + Uny Wee + Use, Un = = Usa + Un Us + Uyo, =A a! 1 = >, Use 1 Use 7 ues ) Uso = 2! + Uses, | ; | U sg | Uo = 31 + Ugo Uggs + Ugg, | Up = Us, | Uqo = Ugo Wag + Urs | 10 >> 82 tho, 2 = 2! Usg + Us. Uzy + Up, 35 | Us. = Ussy | Ugo = Ugo sg + Wes 5 | Alsg Un, 2= 2! Usg + UyoUss + Un, s ) and so on. Of the new sets, the first contains two groups of variables, the second three groups, the fourth three groups, and so on. At the respective stages, the sets of x independent variables are as follow*: Ty, Un, Us, Ua, Un, Us, Un, Us,» -++> Unie 2, Usy » Use, Use, Us2, Uge, Une, Uso, seey Uno: Ty, Un, Uso, Us, Uss, Wes, Ups, Usa, +++, Uns: 2, Un» Uso, Ugg, Ussy User, Ura, Usts eee, Una? eee ee eee nee wens * The vertical lines in the tableau shew the variables which are unchanged in passing from one set to the next. 322 Pror. FORSYTH, ON SOME DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS The operators at the respective stages are as follow. With the variables in the first line, d me dae and the remaining operators are multiple-termed. d With the variables in the second line, d d dar, eens du,” and the remaining operators are multiple-termed. d, = With the variables in the third line, d d d Td 2s = dase mn ae and the remaining operators are multipie-termed; in each case being of the form in § 11. d, And so on. If then, in any differential equation, the operator of highest suffix is d,, it will be sufficient to effect the first s of the above transformations in order to be able to use the preceding simplified forms of d,, d., d;, ..., ds. 25. In order to obtain solutions of AP=0O in § 23, where the highest suffix in the operators is 5, let it be taken in the form d;P+d;4,P + d,A,P + A,P =0, and suppose the variables changed to those in the fifth row in the preceding tableau: then as P is independent of 2, it is a function of wy, Us, Wass, Usiy Wess Ursy s++> Uns: The operators d,, ds, d,, d; that occur are d d d d Wik,” Gilg ig’ a? respectively: and the quantities w,;, ws, -.., Uns are independent of uy, Up, Uy, Us for the purposes of partial derivation. By proceeding as in § 4, 13, we obtain the solution of AP=0 in the followig form: Let H, denote the sum of the integral homogeneous functions of weight « in the roots of the equation & 3 BA, + EA, = A; — 0, so that H, is a rational integral algebraical function of d,, d;, d,. Further, let E,, = Fo —+41 oF A, A _, ee [NB 5 hs (so that FE, contains one term, E,, contains two terms, and #,,, contains three terms), Finally, let A, B, C denote three independent arbitrary functions of Uy, Us, Us, Uss, Uns, +++5 Uns, that is, of the set of independent variables other than w,;,; then the most general solution of the equation AP=0 is . IN THE THEORY OF SYMMETRICAL ALGEBRA. 323 This is accordingly the form of each of the quantities P,, P,, P,; let the functions for the three quantities be A,, B,, C,; A,, B,, C,; A,, B;, C, respectively. Let WV. denote EA, + HB, + ExC,, where EL; = H; + AH, + A,H, =— A;, £y,=HH,+A,H,, E,=H,. 0 = 3d,P, — D,P, + D;P,, 0=— D,P; +(D;+9d.d;) P, — 6d? P,, 0 =(D, + 9d.d;) P; — (8d.D, + 6d?) P, + 2d;D,P,, the resulting equations must be identically satisfied: that is, the coefficients of the various powers of ws, are zero. There thus arise three sets of equations, each singly infinite in number and similar in form to the set in § 23 for ®,: it appears, as in that investigation, that each set is satisfied in virtue of three equations; and the three sets of triplets are Then when the values of P,, P., P; are substituted in the three equations — 4B, = 3d,A, — D,A, — did,A, — 40, = 3d,B, — D,B, — d.d,B,}, — 4V, = 3d,0, — D.C, — d.d,C, — 4B, =— DA, + 8d.d,A, — 6d? A, — 40, = — D,B, + 8d.d,B, — 6d? B, — 4V¥,=— DC; + 8d.d;C, — 6d; C, — 4B, = 8d.d,A, — (8d,D, + 6d?) A, + 2d,D,A, — 40, = 8d.d,B, — (8d,D, + 6d?) B, + 2d,D,B, — 4V, = 8d.d,C; — (3d.D, + 6d?) C, + 2d,D,C, The three first equations give B,, B,, B, in terms of A,, As, A,; the three second equations give C,, C,, C; in terms of B,, B,, B, and so in terms of A,, As, A;; and with these values, the three third equations are identically satisfied. Accordingly we retain A,, A,, A; as the arbitrary functions. The values of P,, P,, P, are then known: when these are substituted in U, we have the most general solution of the equations t " aa i— ON da Ui— 0) Vor: XVI Parr iv. 43 324 Pror. FORSYTH, ON SOME DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS expressed in the form of a doubly-infinite series in powers of #, and of us, the coeffi- cients of the various power-combinations being the appropriate derivatives of three independent arbitrary functions of wn, Us, Wiss Wes, Uys, +++» Unss derivation of the arbitrary functions taking place solely with regard to ww, Us, “ss. 26. The last special example has been worked out in full, because it is sufficiently significant of the march of the analysis required to solve the simultaneous equations a@u=0, d?U=0. We assume g>p, n>q: if the latter be not justified, some modifications would be required, analogous to those in the last case if the number of variables were less than 5. The most general solution of d?U =0, is known; it contains p arbitrary functions P of the variables uy, wa, ..-, Ua. Tt must now satisfy the equation dU =0. The necessary conditions are that p homogeneous linear relations involving derivatives of the functions P may be satisfied. It follows immediately that each of the functions P satisfies the equation where A is the resultant of d?, d? and has the form d?+d?70,+...=0, while @,, ... involve the differential operators d., d;, ..., daa. Transform the variables so that they are the gth line in the tableau of § 24: then the operators are d d d d At, : ds dag do a duga, q-2 : dy Zz dug,q4 , = The solution of the equation AP=0 is obtained as in the corresponding case of § 25: it is a series proceeding in powers of wq,g.1, and the coefficients in the series are derivatives of p arbitrary functions of dns OP cca renew syn Uibeiinn coos Zar derivatives with regard to Wn, Uo, +.) Wg—,q—2 alone occurring. This form, therefore, is characteristic of each of the p functions P that oceur in U: selecting accordingly p functions Q for each of the functions P, there are linear relations among these functions Q@ and they are such that, out of the p® functions Q thus introduced, p?—p of them can be expressed in terms of the remaining p which thus remain arbitrary functions. Let these be Q;, Qo, ---, Qp- IN THE THEORY OF SYMMETRICAL ALGEBRA. 325 Then each of the functions P is expressible as a series of powers of w)44, the coefficients being aggregates of derivatives (with regard to wy, ty, -.-, Ug—a,g—) of the p arbitrary functions @ which involve the arguments Lars ibe. dens: Te gels 7 “a7 betas Finally, when these values of P are substituted in U, the result is the most general solution of u q-1,q-* di:u=0, d?U=0, in the form of a doubly-infinite series of powers of a, and u,,4, the coefficients being the appropriate aggregates of derivatives of the p arbitrary functions Q,, Q., ..., Qp. The form of the solution is not unique: another form would be obtained were we to begin with the most general solution of d?U=0; and we afterwards should require to transform the variables in A, which now would be di + dO +..., only to those which occur in the pth-line in the tableau in § 24. As however both solutions are quite general, they can be changed into one another (and so also for other forms) in a manner similar to that which marks the corresponding transformation for the case already (§ 19) quoted. TNX” TO Oda. Na. Absorption of solar radiation, 86 Algebra symmetrical, some differential equations in, 291 Brack, ArtHUR. Reduction of a certain multiple integral, 219 CHReEE, C. Forced vibrations in elastic spheres, 14 Tides on the equilibrium theory, 133 Circles, spheres and linear complexes, 153 Contact relations of systems of, 95 Combinatory Analysis, a new method in, 262 Complexes, linear, 153 Conics, contact relations of systems of, 95 Contact relations of circles and conics, 95 _ Differential coefficient, change of variables in, 116 Differential equations, partial, of the second order, 191 Differential equations in symmetrical algebra, 291 Earth ; application of theory of elasticity to, 38 Solar radiation on the surface of, 58 Tides on, 138 Elasticity, equations of, for forced vibrations in a solid sphere, 14 Equations, partial differential, of the second order, 191 Differential in symmetrical algebra, 291 Equilibrium theory of the tides, 133 Euclid’s elements, on the fifth book of, 227 ForsyrH, Professor. Partial differential equations of the second order, 191 — Some differential equations in the theory of sym- metrical algebra, 291 Gatiop, E. G. Change of the independent variable in a differential coefficient, 116 Grack, J. H. Circles, spheres and linear complexes, 153 Graeco-Latin squares, see Squares Haroreaves, R. Distribution of solar radiation on the earth, 58 Harmonie analysis of solar radiation, 58 Hart, tetrad, and Hart circle, 100, 102 Hitt, M. J. M., D.Sc. On the fifth book of Euclid’s elements, 227 Independent variable, change of, 116 Integral, reduction of a certain multiple, 219 Invariant, characteristic, of a partial differential equa- tion, 291 Latin squares, application of combinatory analysis to, 262 Lie, correspondence of spheres and straight lines, 159, 165 Luni-solar tides, 139 MacMawon, Major P. A. A new method in com- binatory analysis, 262 Magic squares, see Squares ' Marr, Davin B. An algebraically complete system o Quaternariants, 1 Multiple integral, reduction of a certain, 219 Ocean, tides in, 133 Orr, W. M°F. The contact relations of circles and conics, 95 8 Proportion, see Ratio Quadratic, concomitants of, 7 Quaternariants, an algebraically complete system of, 1 Radiation, solar, its distribution on the earth, 58 Ratio, theory of, 231, 241, 244, 250, ete. Rectangles, Latin, 269 Series, reversion of, 117 Shell, thin spherical, vibrations of, 44 Solar radiation, its distribution on the earth, 58 Spheres, circles and linear complexes, 153 Squares, Latin, Graeco-Latin, Magic, application of combinatory analysis to, 262, evc. Symmetrical algebra, some differential equations in, 291 Symmetric functions, theory of, 265 Tides, on the equilibrium theory, 133 Variable, change of independent, 116 Vibrations, in solid spheres and spherical shells, 14 CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY J. AND C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. TRANSACTIONS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PPHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. VOLUME XVII. PART I. CAMBRIDGE: AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. M. DCCC, XCVII. ADVERTISEMENT. Tue Society as a body is not to be considered responsible for any facts and opinions advanced in the several Papers, which must rest entirely on the credit of their respective Authors. Tue Society takes this opportunity of expressing its grateful acknowledgments to the Synpics of the University Press for their liberality in taking upon themselves the expense of printing this Part of the Transactions. Se CONTENTS. PAGE I. Theorems relating to the Product of two Hypergeometric Series. By Prof. W. M°F. Orr, Nigen, Lovell Chiles Ge Siremes, IDs liay | Speossessooceencosopposo cebceedeccoodcassascusocecouneac 1 II. On the possibility of deducing magneto-optic phenomena from a direct modification of an electro-dynamic energy function. By J. G. Leatuem, M.A., Fellow of St John’s OMe eo rleecorssa es essrm em ceacereatse enna ce Serato cneh eh. ee eis svnaliedls eect neatamlosues scene asics 16 III. On the solutions of the equation (V°+x°)=0 in elliptic coordinates and their physical applications. By R. C. Macraurin, St John’s College ...............sececececneeeeeceseen ees 41 I. Theorems relating to the Product of two Hypergeometric Series. By Prof. W. McF. Orr, M.A., Royal College of Science, Dublin. [Received June 1897.] 1. Tue following theorem is stated without proof by Cayley (Phil. Mag. Nov. 1858, and Collected Papers, Vol. 11. page 268), viz. writing as usual a.B a.atl.p.8+1 , TS AE) ett Meg.” 2 I, ay ye | then the product F(a, B; y+4; 7). F(y—4, y-B8; y+; 2) is connected with (l=2)*tF-7, F (2a, 28; 2y; x) by a simple relation; for if the last-mentioned expression is put equal to 1+ Be + C2? + Da +..., then the product in question is equal to etna Y y-y+1 y-ytl.y+2 Mpeg See 8) Oza: : y+$.yt+3 The object of this paper is to establish the above and other similar theorems. 1 Ba+ 2. Having given any series DS DOT AE cpio eB ECor ice OSRECACAEL CONOREA oo Unc 4 (1), if we form from it another Ao Ose ence tac s wove oconce ee slot eakeeec ontemeem remote (2), brs 7 +O Ort by means of the relation He eed Ge ee eee (3), where @ and ¢ are constants we shall express the connection between v and wu by writing Wi (Ge eh), OF Di | 0s Digby le ves avianriee nmr sneenecax sae (4). The method of proof pursued is to take the normal forms of the equations satisfied by two independent hypergeometric functions, obtain the linear differential equation satisfied by the product of the solutions of these, and investigate in what cases it can be identical with that satisfied by ae eka 10s hs: (Ll — Bre) aca cacaxvies voesntenentetadaes (5), where z is a third hypergeometric function, all three functions having 2 as argument. Vor. X VIL. Parr TI. 1 bo Pror. ORR, THEOREMS RELATING TO THE 8. Considering any two equations of the types CD26 = 0) (CD? 6. OR crnneeeenenen arson eee (6), (7), it is easily found that the product £€' satisfies the equation By +2 p [Put SeyityPt|+dy=0 el A (8), where 7+ 1’=P, I—I'=Q; D denoting differentiation with respect to # (Compare Schafheitlin, Pr. (No. 99), Sophien-Realgymn. Berlin, 29 S. 4°.) If (6), (7) are the normal forms of the equations satisfied by n=F(a, B; y; 2) and 7 =F, B; 7; 2) 1-- NM-pw4+r?-1, 1-v aig aaa +o: respectively, we have T=4 | where A=1l-y, p=a-P, v=y-a-B, with corresponding relations in case of the dashed letters. The most general solution of (8) in this case then is y= at (y+) (1_- yt (atB—-y+a +B —y +2) {Amn + Bnyn.’ + Cnn’ + Dnm,} Nts (9), where 7, 72 are any independent solutions of the equation satisfied by 7; m’, ,’ are any independent solutions of that satisfied by 7’, and A, B, C, D are arbitrary constants. 4. We now proceed to find the equation whose solution is given by (5) where 2 is the most general solution of n(1— 2) 42 + (A — Ba) © — 07 =0 OM TI (10). Writing (1 —.«)-7z=u, we have | wD*u + (B+ 2c) «Du + {6 (co —1)+ oB + C} vu — {22D %u+ (A+ B+ 2c) cDu+ (cA +C) uj +eDu+ ADu=0......... (11). If a solution of this be u = a,x", we obtain the relation {(r —1) (r — 2) +(B + 2c) (r—1) + ¢(¢-1) + oB+Cha,4 —{2r(r—-1)4+(A4+B420)r+oA4+Cla,+ (r+ 1) (7+ AGH =0......0. (12). Making the transformation indicated in (2), (3), and writing D’ for ey we obtain dz the equation a (D' + 6+1)(D' +6) {D' (D’—1)+ (B+ 2c) D'+a(o—-1)+oB+C}v — (D' + 6) (D' +$—1) {2D (D’—1) + (A + B+ 20) D'+cA4+C}v +2 (D614 6-2) DD ¢ A= 1) 0 =O errr crrerer erences (13). PRODUCT OF TWO HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. 3 On writing y'=a-"y the equation for y may be obtained from (13) by changing D’ into D’+h, and on writing A+2h=A’ B+ 20 + 2h = B’ h(h+A-1)=L 2h(h—1)+h(A eae ce etl <= | Gs al i (14) h(h—1)+h(B+2c)+o(c¢-1)+oB40=N O6+h+1=0 ot+h+1=¢' 2p’ + A’ = P, 20' + B’—24'— A'+4=Q, 2($’—1) 4’ + $'($'-1)+ L=P, 29'(0 — # +2) +(0'+ §)(A’ + B)—4(¢'-1) A’+ M91 9, ee Eb eR A) a ae (f' — 2) {(g’-1) A’ + 20} =P, oss(15), (p' — 1) {0 (4’ + BY) — 2 (g’— 2) A} +64 $ — 2) M—4(¢’-2)L=Q, 0'(8'—$' + 2) B'-(0'—g'+ 2)($'—1)A'+2(’— 2)L—(0' + ¢'—2)M+20N=R, ($' — 2) (¢’-3) L=P, ($' — 2) {(@' -1) M—2(¢'-8) 1} =Q, a — 1) N—- 1) — 2) M+’ —2)(¢' 3) b= R, and rearranging, this equation becomes Hetae tae BP ty tag] of = 0. .:.5.(16). If we now write y =(«—-1)*y, we finally obtain as the equation for y PL, Q4+4« P, Qs + 8«P, RR, + 3xQ, + 6x (xe —1) : Pita par] Yt ees Behe tele 2) py, + fie Get Paks 5 Hat Bu Qe Bu (C1) P, | 2ekhs + Be (e—1) Q+ de (eI) (e-2) wv a (a—1) a(a2—1) (a—1)8 | Dy ane On-treles Ry + «Qs + «(«—1)P, wR + (4 — 1) Qa + («— 1) (« — 2) P, Sie eae a(e—1y ~ @(@—1) ; gael = Daal eae ED F< et ee ae eee (17). This then is an equation two independent solutions of which are given by (5). The other two will be considered later. (See Art. 8.) 1— 3 =< 4 Pror. ORR, THEOREMS RELATING TO THE 5. Let us now examine whether the last equation can be identical with (8). If (8) be written in a form in which the coefficient of D*y is unity, that of D'y is -5 5 hence it is evident that the equations cannot be identical unless Q be of the form a-™(a—1), where m, n are some constants, positive or negative; but the most general value of P is of the form a b c *< et a@-1) * @=1 and of Q gat = ace y a2 ° a(a—1)° (a—1)’ hence there are six cases in which the above condition is satisfied, viz. L m=1, n=2, a =0, '=—c’, ie. W=VA3, W=p?; Il. m=1, n=1, v=0, c =0, MH=A2, =v"; Til. m=2, n=1, ce’ =0, a =-0’, w=p?, P=v?; IV. m=2, n=0, b'=0, c =0, y=v?, 2—-wW=rA?—p?; V. m=0, n=2, a =0, 0'=0, MHA, wW- v= p?—-v?; VI. m=2, n=2, c=a’, b=—2d¢’, w=p?, V-v=r2— dv", 6. In Case L, writing Q=c’a—7(«#—1)-*, equation (8) can be written in the form 1 2 a b c Dy+ Bs 2 yt 2fS+ ta tayt by + 4a —b fe b + 2c 2c as x (2 —1) e@_ iy" Gos J 4a b—4a =p 02 6) 2c 2c" ache ce + {et God te@nir- eGo TE y= nen (18), Comparing (17) and (18) we obtain 14 equations connecting the 16 quantities re Q:, lees Qe, Rs, Ps Qs; Rs, P,,; Q; Ri, ¢, a, b, C, K. Eliminating the 12 first we obtain the equations Crp ia +5 ral (Cate 1) Oss aa Ssnenaa scone soonee ndSscuo soo Da8 (19), Ges 1) e+ Ge-2-b42" =" ch =o den Sisree ciate «sles aeetaele aoe (20), PRODUCT OF TWO HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. 5 which are both satisfied by k=—4, and we thus obtain Ji Q: =4 P,= 2a Q. = 2b + R, = 2¢ + § DN ate ie (21), Q, =6a—b R, = 3b + 2c — 3 P,=4a Q, = 6 — 6a 3a—3b-—c. 38 Dieser 16 noe ec and c= | (22). The alternatives to «=—4 involve two relations instead of one among 4a, b, ¢, c’, and thus cannot lead to cases of equal generality. Using the above values in the 11 equations (15), connecting the 7 quantities 0, ¢, A’, BY, L, M, N with a, b, c, they are found to be satisfied for any values of a, b, c, by @=4, ¢'=1, A’=-1, B’=0, L=2a, M=2b+4a, N=2a+2b+42c—3 ....(28), and cannot hold in any other case of equal generality. : 3 oe / — f =_ t ‘2 => _— = The relations a — 000 C; © =TE-5> which characterize this case are equivalent to WSN, poesesk ey web Sab Il consonssconsnctcnnoniososooseoce (24). Consider first the case in which all these ambiguous signs are taken positive, that is to say, in which , y=y7, a—-Ba=a—B, at Bt+at+ Ph =I —1............. cee (25). The values given in (23), when substituted in equations (14), lead to Here also we take the ambiguous sign positive and further obtain either - iy) (OLs ey 2 eases cece oc oesoee acs «a aaseteecessn (27). 6 Pror. ORR, THEOREMS RELATING TO THE Taking the former alternative we arrive at the results A=2y7-1 B=2a+28-1 C= ie" SES en ee (28) @=y-4 p= It will be found that if in case of the ambiguous equations (24), (26), (27) we make any other choice of alternatives than that above, the theorems thereby deducible will be of exactly the same type as those which follow. If z=F(a’, 8’; y’; x) be a solution of equation (10) the values given in (28) are equivalent to the equations oS OU OR! ao ae Ce eee (29). 7. We now insert the values we have found in the solution given by (5) of the equation (17) which has been proved identical with (8) whose solution is given by (9), and on dividing both sides by (1—)tayY we obtain the theorem that if z be any solution of the equation satisfied by F(2a, 28; 2y—1; 2) then (y—4; y; 2(1—a)**#+Fy) is a linear function of the four independent functions which are the products of a solution of the equation satisfied by F(a, 8; y; x) and a solution of that satisfied by F(y—4-4, y-4-8:; 7; x). If we denote the general solutions of the last-mentioned equations by 7, 7, respectively, and use the suffixes 1, 2, &c. to distinguish the particular solutions as in Forsyth’s Differential Equations, a consideration of the general forms of z, 7, 7 shows that unless 2y be an integer, positive or negative, if in this theorem we write z=2,=2, then the function of 7, »’ mvolved is mn = MM = 1% = 1M» and the theorem thus gives the equations fy—45 ¥3 Ga)? F (2a, 28; 27-1; @)} or {y—43 y3 (L—a)r-* AF (2y — 2a—1, 2y -28—-1; 2y—1; 2)} FG, Boye) FG ne pe ss cates eee (30) = (1 —2)*t8P FP @ 8B; 73 %) FASE, BASS 75 2) ccccecce-.seervenesesewnens (30’) =(1l—2z) F(y—a, y—B3 73 ZF (GAE BASS 75 2) coeceeceereereereereeees (30”) =(1—2)r*4 F(y—a,y—B; 7; 2) F(y—2—-4, y—B—-4; 13 2)nnneeeee (30”’). The type of the theorem is the same whether the first or the second form of the left-hand member be used. If we take the first form, Cayley’s theorem and equation (30) are identical, and if in the latter y were changed into y+4 they would be expressed by the same symbols. PRODUCT OF TWO HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. * 7 If we write z=z2z,=2,, then the function of 7, 7 involved is MMs = NM = 16s = 144 ; and the equations obtained are of exactly the same type as those above but expressed in different symbols. It will also be found that we obtain equations of exactly the same type by choosing appropriate functions of z, », 7 which proceed in descending powers of @. 8. A question naturally arises as to the other two solutions of (17) which are not given by (5). Its most general solution is of the form y =(e@—1)-*a-, where v is given by (13). The relation (12) which exists among the coefficients when v is expanded in powers, shows that there are values of v which proceed in ascending powers of x of which the first terms are respectively Thy FETE RN Yi 28 of these the first two are, but the last two cannot be, given by (5). If however, reversing the train of substitutions by which v is derived from z we write w’=(%; 6; v) where v is given by (13), the relation between successive coefficients in wv is not (12) but the result of multiplying equation (12) by (0+7r)(0@+r—1)(6+7r)(d6+r—-1), this relation being obtained from (13) in a manner similar to that in which (13) is obtained from (12). The relation thus obtained leads to a differential equation for wu’ identical not with (11) but with the result of performing on (11) the operation indicated by (wD + 0)(a@D + 0—1)(#D + ¢)(w@D + $—1). Such an equation is of the sixth order; four and only four of its solutions (combined linearly) are admissible from which to derive v by means of the relation v=(@; $; w) for our theorem. This equation is equivalent to that obtaimed by equating the left- hand member of (11) not to zero but to (Oi SE OMFS IES OK te Ol OF So caaemeaeecote sone ton eee sCoane (31), C,, C., O;, OC, being arbitrary constants. Changing in such an equation the value w’ into 2 by means of the relation u’=(1—«x)-%2 it becomes [2 (1 —a) D?+ (A — Br) D—O) 2 = (Cia * + C.a-¢ + Cyr? + Cya'*) (1 — x) ....(32). By expanding the right-hand member in powers of « its solution can be deduced from that of a series of equations of the type [w (1 — 2) D?+ (A — Br) D—C] 2 =<, or [x (1 — @) D? + (y” —(a” +B’ +1) 2) D—a"'B") fH a8... (35). 8 Pror. ORR, THEOREMS RELATING TO TWO HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. It may be easily established that a solution of this is as Fae (e+a”+1)(e+ 8” +1) “(Fy EF) +7) FY + DEF DEF) which we will write in the form, lieth Dena , ath “(+7 (e+) It should be noted that the natural numbers do not here occur factorially in the denominators of the coefficients of the powers of z. F(a’ +e4+1, B’t+et ]; y’te4], €4+2;3 2)... (34). A solution of the equation [e (1 — x) D? + (y” —(@" +B" +1) 2) D— aR") 7 =a (1-2) ........ ..-(35), is therefore F ae oF oF : a : Hey yee tet], BY t+etl]; y’ +e41, +2; z) (o—1)a*¥ ~ Lie 9 4+1) (e+ 2) (o — 1) (o — 2) at*8 1.2.(e+7'° +2) (€+3) the complementary function being the most general value of z, as given by (10). F(a’ +e4+2, Bo +e+2; y’ +e4+2, +3; x) F(a’ +e+3, B°+e+3; y’+e4+3, «+4; z)—-...... (36), On forming wv by the relation = (02 D3 (Ua) rSiZ)) i ces tectcescssersnscdes sdeceoeoecers (37), it appears that the leading term of v has the same index as the leading term of 2 so that in order to obtain the expressions for v, the indices of whose leading terms are respectively 1—¢, 2—¢, we must (unless @ differs from @ by an integer which is not the case here) write C;=C,=0. The two values of z to be inserted in (37) in order to obtain thereby the missing solutions of (13) may thus be obtained from (36) by giving e the values —¢, 1—#¢. Since (Cia-* + Ca) (1 — #)7 1 =(C,+4+ C,) a? A — 2)" 1 — Car (1-2), another solution may be obtained from (36) by giving e the value —¢, and increasing o by unity. 9. The two linear relations which connect the two independent solutions of (17) last obtained with the other two solutions of (8) may of course be expressed in an infinite number of ways. We may specify the following Cie (5; Tete Sat a+B+t—-your gi Gints lets Saas PQa—y+l, 22=—y+1; y, 2—y;3 #) = ae ei +2, 28—y+2;y7+1, 3-4; 2) me -esecteueseorrenee- eae (xii), equation (ix) further reduces to (I OF ESS CaO}! 6 Breed pnqactoqsdacmsabsdoaassospscoobre (xiv) Hence we have eS (Abc ROS ye (Sb a) 0 so oecnacanonsdsosassosanbesose (xv), and therefore also TEP SUDO Gi WEE AO sonsooanooooadcaphoonoseensons (xvi); and as @ is small, these lead to w, = (1-4) 0, w, = (1 +40) 9, m=(1- 5 ys) a m= (145 n=) | a aeeees oe ITER (xvil), expressions which will prove exceedingly useful in the subsequent analysis. 14. For a medium in which there is no magneto-optic effect the relations (xi) do not hold good. In fact, as for such a medium C is zero, the equations (vill) and (ix) all reduce to the same form, namely P+m? oo 4jo+ pK” and the ratio A/B is left quite arbitrary. If, as in the case of air, the medium is also a non-conductor, o is infinitely great, and equation (ix) assumes the form P+m?— pK =0, which expresses the fact that, if V be the velocity of propagation of light, V*=(wi)-. There are two values of m’ of the forms +m and —m. DIRECT MODIFICATION OF AN ELECTRO-DYNAMIC ENERGY FUNCTION. 25 THe REFLEXION PROBLEM. 15. On passing now to a more detailed investigation of the problem of magnetic reflexion, the preceding paragraphs justify the representation of the optical circumstances in the air by the following expressions :— &= A,e! (la+mz+pt) 4 A et ewe ave dd /de, n = Byes e+mztn) 4 Bet (la—metpty + dd /dy, f= — (Um) A.etetmesn0 4 (Ym) Aertemeren + dg/de, b =Ae-® et txt v0), d= (p'/4ar) Be-# et tx+00, wherein A,, B, represent the incident wave and A, B the reflected wave; the system of units being the electromagnetic, w for air is equal to unity. In the metal the refracted light may, in accordance with § 12, be represented by £ = Ayes etmetrh 4 Aer rrmeteh + dp/da, 1 = = U(coy/m,) Aye 240 + 1 (ws/m,) Ase etme + d/dy, € =—(l/m,) Aye @+m2z+P — (L/m,) Aget @+mz+") + d/dz, p=DHerk eter, — = (pu/4ar) Diet” et xt 00, Getting rid of the ¢’s, the values of & 7, ¢ and > in the two media may with advantage be rewritten as follows :— In the air a A,e (la+-mz+pt) + Ae (la—inz+pt) a5 dAe—® e (atpt) | n= Be (le+mz+pt) de Be (a—me+pt) ROseACOMreee XVill), c= = (l/m) A,e' (la+-mz-+-pt) + (l/m) Aet (a—mz+pt) — IAeZerar1t | ( ) r= (p*/4ar) De et (la+pt) In the metal é = Ae (lat+m,z+pt) + (a+ z+pt) st lA ‘ee (atpt) n = —t(@,/m) Aye +2479 + ¢ (w./m.) Age’ @tmz+P), (zis) — (L/m,) Aye (la+m,z+pt) —(L/my) A,e' (la+-m,z+pt) ah 1F'ee Cztph | A= (p?n/ 407) Dez et (a+pt) 15a. Let us first consider the second of the alternative hypotheses referred to at the end of § 10, namely that which supposes € discontinuous. The boundary condition (IV, 2°) must now be used, and from it it appears that, since in air C is zero, Q must also be zero. A slight simplification thus takes place in the expressions representing the optical circumstances in the air. Substituting these expressions in the boundary conditions we obtain :— Vou. XVII. Parr I. 4 26 Mr LEATHEM, ON DEDUCING MAGNETO-OPTIC PHENOMENA FROM A (I) From the continuity of & and » 7 BES. TES 1s BY. Be Srl: URN pe en scocor oeceeemAbe senceoees 4 (xx), By + B= —t(a,/m,) Ay +t (Wo/IMe) Ag. ...ecerereccrvecseersenetenes (xxi). (II) From condition (IT) 1 ob +m RK’ a= = — (2 +m; P+m2 . } ate 4or/o + up K’ EY m aoe Ms As + darCp {(atgl + yum) (— 0eo,/m,) Ay + (Aol + yore) (+ t@2/mz) Ag} Agr Coty (1 @ Ayia Als) lovectoneee cere pecbses+ereres senen ear (xxi). (III) From condition (IIT) 1 RO um) (By— B)= po ge A, + @2A,) — 4arCp {(aigl + yor) Ay + (ol + yore) As + (vated + ryol) IA’) + 4arCryup {. z a A,+t E ome a.) sophia Pere ee ee (xxiii). 1 2 (IV) From condition Sie ee In these results the specific inductive capacity of the metal is denoted by K’ to distinguish it from that of air. Equation (xxiv) shews that when y, is zero so also is Q’, so that when the reflexion is equatorial there is no condensational wave; it also shews that Q’ is small of the first order compared with A, or dA,, and may therefore be omitted from equation (xxiii). If we eliminate @’ from these five equations, and, neglecting small quantities of the second order, substitute in terms containing the factor C the first approximations Q for , or , and M for m, or m., we obtain 4arC yy A,+A=A,+A,+ Ge eo (As Pay’: 5) hee Pen ASABE 0 Sry Be CARRE Es (xxv), ¢ (By-2B) = (@,// Tr) "A (alas) Agen emet erences eee eee erecese ene series (xxvi), 1 @ Ea up o; os Km See 4or/o + pK’ (ee rks Mz Ay} + 47Cp oy cl + 2y,MW) (A, — As)... (xxvii), L 1 2 Pp Km (B, — B)= deen ean 2 4+ 4erCp (al + yoM) (Ay + As) + deep Sop (dy + As) ooeeeceeee (xx¥iii). {@,A, = wA,} DIRECT MODIFICATION OF AN ELECTRO-DYNAMIC ENERGY FUNCTION. 27 On substituting the values of m, mm, @,, @, from § 13 and remembering result (xii), these become Ay mea, pa ee 4 Ay pe M (By +B) = (A, — ~ 4) +. Me (aj) + yp) (A, + Az), 1 w z= (A, — 4) = FP (4, + Ay) + 4erCp $7, (al? + yO 2M) (A, — Aa), em (B, - By ="# (4, A, )+4nOpy wr (A: +-A,) From the first and second of these equations we obtain, to first order of small quantities, Ay + Ay= Ay + A — (B, + B), ay (4s — 4s) = 0 (By +B)- =. Wr (tol + ell) (Ay + A); and if we substitute these values in the an and third equations, and remember that 1/K = V*=p*/@’, we get relations which 4 reduce to == —A)= mo a A) aye e+ Yl *)e(B, + B), a hs Zonccce (xxx). “¢(B,—B)= paee(B, +B)- pare Cl! ~ Yell?) (Ao +A) Solving these for A and B we have Soy EN ee 8xrCm pe (m M he m+ hes) Ao— pio? (ad + yo) B,) (C+ 4) (2 + HG) w\ /m M laser M noel 6:6-0.81) | Ba | SC (ats — yA?) A, + (= +4) (4-5) B,| / (= +4) (S+ ud) which, since A and B specify the reflected light, constitute the complete formal solution of the problem of metallic reflexion. 15 b. Turning now to the consideration of the first of the alternative hypotheses of § 10, namely that which supposes € continuous, we proceed exactly as before, save only that we use the boundary conditions (IV, 1°) instead of (IV, 2°). In this case, of course, A is not zero. Substituting the full expressions (xviii) and (xix) in the boundary conditions we obtain :— (1) From the continuity of & 7, and € 4,+A4+dAa=A,+ 4,4 da’, Bo + B= —1(@,/m) A, + ¢ (@,/m,) As, = G,-A)-@=-> 4,2 4.+@. Mm, - Ms 28 Mr LEATHEM, ON DEDUCING MAGNETO-OPTIC PHENOMENA FROM A (II) From condition (IT) 1 ee +m? ak ag ay Per LL “i ee ae Arlo + pK’ | m mae My 4, + 4arCp {(a,1 + yy) (— t@,/m,) Aj + (al + ypirs) (@s/ mM.) Ao} + 4rCyup (— @,A, + @,A.). (III) From condition (IIT) = Gen RED (OTS) 4ar/o =: pk’ — 4arCp {(aol + yom) Ay + (aol + ome) Ao + (val + yol) 1A} + Cup {+ P ae aoe ae cea “Ash. (IV) From condition (IV, 1°) (p?/4ar) A = (p*u/4ar) A’ — Cry pl {— ce (@,/m,) A, + ¢ (@./mms) As}. If we substitute in these equations the values of m,, ms, @,, @, from § 13, replace (47/0 + pK’) by +O2/up in virtue of (xii), and omit small quantities of the second and higher orders, we obtain :— A,+A+U8=A,+A4,4 dQ, 4rrC PO? (By +B) = (4 Ay) + aps (al + yoM) (Aa + Ae), wae =A) +B = Fp(Ast A) +E Te (al + go) (As = A, k m = (A, =) = Fe yy + Ay)+ 4nCp <7 1B (4,25 + yO? ) (A; — A2), = mu (B, — B) t+ (A, — As) + 4Cpy, = (A, + As) + 4orCpl? (vay +70) BW, 10, PA = ip wA’ — 4arCpy, Tr (A, — A,). Solving the second and third of these for (A,+A,) and (4, —4A.,), substituting the values. so obtained in the others, and remembering that 1/K =p*/*, we get :— (M-— d) @+ da’ =A, pe Cans =A) (ol + typ) «(By + B), pya =— pe" = ey A) + 4rCpa,le (B, + B), — 4rCp = (408 — yoM*) A + dar Cpl? (1009 + Yo) p M 1 1 =P «(By — B) = p'w G1 (By + B) + 4nCp 5 (aol — pM) = (Ao — A), PA — —p pW =— 4rCpy,le (B+ B). DIRECT MODIFICATION OF AN ELECTRO-DYNAMIC ENERGY FUNCTION. 29 When we assume, as it is usual to do, that for magnetic forces alternating as rapidly as those in light waves, the magnetic permeability is unity, the form of these equations becomes simpler; and the elimination from them of @ and @’ which are now seen to be small of the first order, leads to :— Ay A= (4,= -4)+ 0 ay (esl + Yo?) (By + B)=0, mv y “+ (By— B)— 4,1 (By+B) + ry (oe? — Yl?) (A,—A)=0. Solving for A and B, we get 1 1\f/n M 8rCm 1 1\/m MM =[Ga-a) Ge) 4o— paren OP + vol) Ba] + a) (G+) a = 1\ /m M 1 LN (7. BO pins toy oes Ge m +1) a a) iB WG a i) be a = F Now the expressions here obtained for A and B are identical with those of equa- tions (xxxi) when in the latter w is, as usual, put equal to unity. Thus it appears that the alternative hypotheses as to boundary conditions discussed above lead to precisely the same results, and it is a matter of indifference which we adopt. The subsequent calculations apply equally well to the two views. 16. The value of © is determined by the consideration that {?/w?= R’e**, where Re is the quasi refractive index of the metal*. The quantities R and @ are con- nected by the relations R?cos2Qa=n2(1—k), R'sin 2a=— 2n’k, with Drude’s optic constants, whose values for different metals are quoted in Thomson’s Recent Researches+. The value of WM is obtained from that of © by the relation M?=0?—(, and it will be convenient to denote M/w by the symbol #1, so that ES CRF te awanteise coarse sasesseesenceseetesene se (xxxii). If 7 be the angle of incidence, and if we suppose the direction of the incident light to lie in the quadrant between the positive direction of the axis of w and the negative direction of the axis of z, then, w and p being assumed essentially positive, we have arises = NU = +). COS Ben svescciiecssaes scene sees + yates: — - |e siyaeas =e) 9 masons, yon aT no mee 61°30’. | «*171°38’—-2z «| ~~ 181° 49! 10°11’ +2 sae | Pere | Tg ee aa 36°10 | 162°47’—« 174° 9! 11°22) 42 In order that there should be agreement of theory with experiment it is necessary that the value of « for iron should be about —11°; if this be so the agreement is extremely good. 21. When the reflexion is polar we see from (xxxvili) that — 167°C ,e71 VA, cos? 7H¥E ($¥1 — cos 7) ({¥URe** + cos 2)” Taking y, positive in the standard case, and still assuming C, negative, we find that My = 270° — x— vector angle of fH? +the sum of the vector angles of ({#l—cos7) and ({#UR“e* + cos z)...... (xl); and m; differs from this by 180°. 360° — m, = vector angle .of Observations of the amplitude and phase of the magneto-optic component, in the ease of polar reflexion from an iron mirror, have been made by Zeeman. An account of these experiments will be found in the paper which we have already referred to ; he confines himself to one angle of incidence, viz. i=51°22’.. His result as regards phase compares with theory as follows— Polar Reflexion from Iron. Yellow Light. yo=+850 C.G.s. | Angle of incidence Calculated value of m; Zeeman’s observed tsxcess of m (observed) | al value of m over m; (calculated) | —$<<— | ———___________ - - | 51°99" | 151° 14 — 2 | 229° 55’ 78° 41’ +a | Thus the agreement of m; with Zeeman’s m requires that e=— 78°41’. The same value of # would correspond to agreement between m, and Zeeman’s m if C, were DIRECT MODIFICATION OF AN ELECTRO-DYNAMIC ENERGY FUNCTION. 35 assumed positive; both results are at variance with that of the preceding paragraph. Values of w numerically greater than 90° are excluded by the definition in § 16, and so, of course, need not be discussed. 22. In considering the amplitude of the magneto-optic component, it is to be noticed that, when the incident light is polarised in the plane of incidence, the incident ray is —A,sect and the magneto-optic component is —B; when the incident light is polarised perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, the incident ray is —B, and the magneto-optic component is — A sec?, Hence Bcosi A . i= = = a | ttt eter renee eeeeee li). 4; = mod ( a Jie /» = mod (x aa Jane (xl) Thus, for equatorial reflexion, we readily derive from (xxxiv) 167°C,e* .V— Aa, sin? 7 cos 7 S#L (41 + cos 7) (G4UR“e* + cos 2)’ /y =the same ; #; = mod and therefore «#;=, = (say), which agrees with Sissingh’s result. If for brevity we put 167°C, VA“, = L, then sin’ 7 cos 7 EL (41 + cos 7) (H¥URe4 + cos 7)’ and the latter factor may be calculated for any angle of incidence. w=L. mod In the following table the values of jw derived from theory for various angles of incidence are compared with the values observed by Sissingh. Equatorial Reflexion from Iron. Yellow Light. a,=—1400 cas. Angle of incidence sa Ppa of Saree obseried (ceed et ue) 86° 0 [) Saiaen F 284, 49°57 pcsatsor A Saas PRE en ees ea usa ky vis. |... 4102S oor epee eo! .g15. |. | asso | a eS ee ee eee ee ‘pros Sl —eee03- | 700 | 867 - gee] CTO! 630 | 1499 ~ TS 35853 Tina eee, aaa oeeer| 60 Spare 1:60 eso a ea 423000 36 Mr LEATHEM, ON DEDUCING MAGNETO-OPTIC PHENOMENA FROM A In order that the theory should agree with experiment it is necessary that all the numbers in the last column should be equal. Obviously this is not the case; and their inequality is so pronounced, and depends in such a regular manner upon the angle of incidence, that it cannot possibly be attributed to accidental errors of obser- vation. We must therefore conclude that here the theory is distinctly at variance with experiment. 23. For polar reflexion, we derive from (xli) and (xxxiv) — 167° C,e%. VA fy, cost (§¥1 + cos 2) ( f¥LR~e* + cos 2) =~ p;=p (say). py = mod Comparing this with the amplitude in equatorial reflexion, we find og E @) sin® | # (polar) % f° | If —a,=1400, y,=850, i=51°22’, the value of this ratio for iron, as calculated from theory, is 0122. But the values ascribed to @,, y,, and 7 correspond to the experiments of Sissingh and Zeeman; and the latter found experimentally » (equatorial) _ # (Sissingh) _ 294 pw (Zeeman) so that here again there is a serious discrepancy between theory and experiment. Nickel. 24. In the paper of Zeeman’s already quoted there are given some measurements which he made upon polar reflexion from nickel. He also quotes experimental results of Kundt* and Drude+, which he expresses in a form similar to his own. These I have used to form the followimg tables, wherein the theoretical values of the phase and amplitude have in all cases been calculated for yellow light. Equatorial Reflexion from Nickel. White Light. | Angle of incidence | Galeulated value of m | Kundt's observed | Excess Of ms (Cory 30° 6 [Meek = eles Oram 29°59 +a | 40° | 148°50’— 15°42 | —38° S42 50° 0 |aso°dS a ll oe 36°59 +2 61°30—| = s158° 17°22 127°39" | —30°38'+a | esie” | ier vie | )aeeaa a)” Seances | 7s 0 | ivo°4s’2 | 130° 6 | —40°39'42 * Wied. Ann. vol. xx. + Wied. Ann. vol. xtvt. DIRECT MODIFICATION OF AN ELECTRO-DYNAMIC ENERGY FUNCTION. 37 The value of @ indicated by the figures in the last column is about 4+35°; this would give fairly good agreement except in the case of the first angle of incidence. Equatorial Reflexion from Nickel. White Light. Angle of ieidence | Called value of m | Prades obgervedl | Bxoess of m (observed) 60° 157°19'—« | 181°38 | —25°41’ +a S pene | tesa | gees) | oes aa | me | ayoras’'—a2 =|. ora’ =| 20°56 ta ge Pre ye iS | ee ee If the third angle of incidence, for which Drude’s result differs widely from that of Kundt, be left out of account the mean value indicated for 2 is about +17°. Equatorial Reflexion from Nickel. Angle of incidence | Talo | value of 10n, | “omer tr) 30° 6 38199 il | 31-46 40° 0! 21366 vii 17-79 50° 0’ 23527 1:39 16-21 61° 30’ 25017 ‘90 3528 65°18’ «-F5978 ‘84 40°14 75° Of 25334 23 145°1 The inequality of the numbers in the last column shews that the theory does not here agree with experiment. > Polar Reflexion from Nickel. Yellow Light. Zeeman’s observed Excess of m (observed) Angle of incidence | Calculated value of m; Aeon over m,; (calculated) 50° 160° 19’ —a# 191° 40’ 32° 21’+ 2 so that the value of w required for agreement is — 32°21’. 38 Mr LEATHEM, ON DEDUCING MAGNETO-OPTIC PHENOMENA FROM A The experimental results used in the following table are due to Dr C. H. Wind*. Polar Reflexion from Nickel. Yellow Light. | Angle of incidence Calculated value of m; | Observed value of m; See nae | 394 86 | «155° 35’ 14° 32 —141°3' +2 pao) 0. |. 168° We way | —145° sabe 750 | ~+—:180°30’—2 geros’ | 1485 As the value of x here indicated, viz. about +145°, is inadmissible, it appears that this set of experiments requires C, to be positive; the value of « then indicated is = 3) Cobalt. 25. Experiments made by Zeeman and by Drude on mirrors of cobalt are used in the following tables. Polar Reflexion from Cobalt. White Light. | | Angle of ineidence | Calculated value of m; ee oben oe GleeeD 45° 157° 55’ —@ 200° 34’ 42° 39’ 4+ & GOUDE slim 165°. 6.e 207° 40’ do? 3a UO 73° (ie 64 Se | Weir satieal nme ar ee Here the value indicated for « is — 42° approximately. Polar Reflexion from Cobalt. Angle of incidence | Calculated value of m; Zeamanis cpeere pre eA 50° 159° 55’ — 2 205° 9 45°14 +2 60° 165° 6-2 212° 30’ 47° 24 + x 72° 174? 47’ — 2 ats Ge a ce The indicated value of « is about — 47°. * Communications from the Leiden Laboratory of Physics, No. 9. DIRECT MODIFICATION OF AN ELECTRO-DYNAMIC ENERGY FUNCTION. 39 Equatorial Reflexion from Cobalt. Angle of incidence | Calculated value of m | Prades obrerved — Exeous of (ee 35° 146° 49’ — « 102° 36’ ade 1B BON |) SRA Se 154° 83° See ie hares 168° 29’ — a GPa = ieR a | 83° 182° 19’ —« 167° 3’ =15°16' 42 | No value of a will make the theory agree with this series of experiments; the mean of the indicated values is about + 15° 30’, The experiments used in the following table are described in the Communications from the Leiden Laboratory of Physics, No. 5. Polar Reflexion from Cobalt. White Light. Y= 430 C.G.S. Angle of incidence Caleulated value of 1ogyo Mp — logy) L’ Zeeman’s observed value of 10° x u Calculated value of y,/L’ Observed value of u ) 45° 5559 1:58 2276 60° 5349 1°50 2284 73° “4.690 L117 2516 In this, Z’ is an abbreviation for —167°C, VA y,. the numbers in the last column indicates a very good agreement of the theory with this The approximate equality of set of experiments. CONCLUSION. 26. On comparing with one another the results of the last six paragraphs it is readily seen that, while it is possible to assign to the w of any one of the metals considered such a value as will bring the theory into a more or less rough agreement with the experiments on equatorial reflexion, or again such a value as will bring about agreement with the experiments on polar reflexion, yet these two values of # are so widely separated from one another that they cannot be reconciled even by the utmost allowances for errors of observation. The results as regards amplitude moreover, in the cases of nickel and iron, shew that no two of the experiments can be accounted for 40 Mr LEATHEM, ON DEDUCING MAGNETO-OPTIC PHENOMENA, Etc. by the same value of C,. The discrepancies between the theory and the Kerr experi- ments are also very noticeable, though their importance is perhaps not so great on account of the extreme delicacy which is required in these experiments. On the whole then, it is clear that the theory which we have been considering does not account for the observed facts. A confirmation of this conclusion is afforded by the absence of A, from the formulae (xxxiv), which signifies that, according to the theory, the component of magnetisation perpendicular to the plane of incidence produces no effect; but such an effect does exist, and has been measured by Zeeman*. * Communications from the Leiden Laboratory of Physics, No. 29. Ill. On the solutions of the equation (V?+«’)b=0 im elliptic coordinates and their physical applications. By R. C. Mactaurin, St John’s College. [Received and read 16 May, 1898.] Ir is well known that the solution of a very large number of physical problems depends almost entirely on the successful treatment of the differential equation (V?+«*)W~=0. The difficulty in any case is to obtain a solution in terms of coordinates that lend themselves readily to the symbolic expression of the “boundary conditions” of the problem. When the boundaries are either right circular cylinders or spheres all the analytical difficulties have been most successfully overcome, but comparatively little headway has been made with other forms of bounding surfaces. The present paper deals with problems relating to elliptic cylinders and spheroids. The two-dimensional problem seems first to have been attacked by Mathieu [Mémoire sur le mouvement vibratoire d'une membrane de forme elliptique, Journal de Liouville, t. xu, p. 137]. This was in 1868. In the following year H. Weber published a paper in the Math. Annalen (Bd. 1) dealing with the subject. Further references will be found in Heine [Handbuch der Kugelfunctionen, Bd. u., p. 208] and im a recent work by Pockels (1891) Ueber die partielle Differentialgleichung Au+«cu=0. The three-dimensional problem is from an analytical poimt of view very similar to the one for two dimensions. It has been attacked by C. Niven in the Phil. Trans. 1880, in a paper on the “Conduction of Heat in ellipsoids.” The present essay will be found to contain very little in common with any of the above—except that the physical problem that occupied Prof. Niven in 1880 receives a brief mention here, although the method of treatment is quite different. Since this paper was written, my attention has been called to a short article by Lindemann, “Ueber die Differentialgleichung der Functionen des Elliptischen Cylinders” [Math. Annalen, Bd. 22, p. 117]. He uses independent variables practically the same as those of this essay (p. 43, et seq.) and obtains some of the results reached here, but is mainly occupied with proving some theorems about the product of two solutions of the differential equation. Vor. XVIL. Parr I. 6 42 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+«*) v= In dealing with elliptic cylinders, we may define the position of any point by its distance z measured along the axis from some fixed normal section and by the semi- axes a@ and a’ of the confocal ellipse and hyperbola that pass through the point. We may develope W (regarded as a function of 2) in a Fourier series of the form XA, cos(nz—e,), where the coefficients A, are functions of a and a’. Since 2s cos (nz — t,) = — WA, Cos (nz — Ep), we see that the equation (V?+x«?)~=0 reduces to (V°+x«")W=0, where «?=x«?—n® and ve== +55" Thus practically the whole difficulty is reduced to finding a suitable solution of the equation (V+ «) ~=0. 2 Now with the usual notation ae= 5 +o : 5 h,o hy 0 ee Vey hata| (eae) +a Ge =e) and if we take w=a/h; a’ =a’/h where 2h is the distance between the foci of the confocal system we get Ef 1 2 oy Oy {oom oy Y oy Vib = ea’) G tee 1e aa?” Barf |: If then (V,°+4*)=0, we have, putting he=, wenayp=—|@-1) eK) sen ee Me, dy ye ee eat ee ae el ae ox? Now put w=yy' where y is a function of w# only and zy’ of 2’, and we get (@ a= afte ety| = 7 |e Daa aga t o ane | =p say, where p? is some constant. dy Hence we have aot (Na? —p)y=0, and a similar equation for y’ in terms of a’. We have oae= . Thus a is the reciprocal of the eccentricity of the ellipse and so is always greater than unity. Also 2 =a’/h= re and a’, being the reciprocal of the eccentricity of the hyperbola, is always less than unity. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 43 We see then that everything now depends on the solution of the equation (a? —1) y" + wy’ + (Aa? — pp’) y= 0. This equation has three critical points, c=+1, ¢=—1, c=a. Hence we must endeavour to obtain suitable solutions for the three domains corre- sponding to these critical points. To obtain a solution in the neighbourhood of #=1 we make the substitution #«=—z+1 in the above equation, which becomes 2(2—2)y"+(—2+1) y+ [0 (2-1)-p']y=0. If we write this in the normal form (i.e. with the coefficient of y’ unity) we see at once, by Fuch’s Theorem, that its integrals are regular in the neighbourhood of z=0. Hence y is of the form :— Y= Woe Fe ee... + a,2™" +0000, 5 there being at the most only a jinite number of negative powers of z. The indicial equation proves to be m(2m—1)=0, so that we have two series corre- sponding to m=0 and m=4#. Equating the coefficient of 2"*” to zero we get :— —(m+n4+1)(2m+ 2n4+1) day +(m+r24+2% — Pp’) An — 2 Ay + Mayo = 0. Thus for the series corresponding to m=0, we have —(m +1) (2n + 1) nya + (0? + 2 = p®) An — 22 y_y + Ngo = Oveceeeeeeeee a); and for that corresponding to m=, — (n+ 1) (2n4+ 8) day t+ (m + P+ A= p?) dn — QAPGn_y + N2Gpn_o = 00. ee (2). Now consider the first series (#=0) and put v4) =Qns:/dn. = n+ AZ — p? 7 22 ‘ x2 PE Late Memeo) Ge DOr elm Gt iy Gnt a, eae Ant B... 22 re » 2° M+) Q@nrn4+1) @F+)DQrt+ly* M+DQnt 1) %,%—. Thus when n is very large, either vp is indefinitely small or v, approaches the limit + 4. The series is therefore convergent if |z| <2. It is easy to show that the series also converges if |z|= 2. 44 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V*+«*)y=0 For this purpose, put z=+ 2z,, then we have (2) = Yan = Ubnz,"=¢,(%) say, where b,=(+ 2)" an, 0 0 (n +1) (2n +1) bay = 2 (rn? + = p*) bn — 8A? (bn — Dn»), _ 2(n?+ =p’) aoa basa = (n+1)@n+1)”" Qn4+1)(r+ 1) Ora — bys). res a Ores Thus when vn is very great bj,,=b,, so that Gn @a) is negligible and we 2 (n? + A? — p) may write ba = (n+1)(Qn41) b,. Lt n S -1)=8, and as this is greater than unity it follows that the series n—1 ‘ Xb, =; (1) is convergent; so that @(+ 2) is convergent. 0 We can prove in exactly the same way that the other series (corresponding to m=) is convergent if |z| }2. We have thus obtained two solutions of our differential equation appropriate to the neighbourhood of the critical pomt c=1. These are :— P=4(2)= Sanz" [a, given by (1) p. 43, a, =1], 0 Q=4 (2) = Sa,ertt [Giteecnceccease (2) Pecans Ca— |: 0 The ‘domain’ of these functions P and Q is the interior of the circle, whose centre is 2=0 and radius =2; ie. the circle with centre at the critical point «=1, and passing through the next critical point e=—1. We shall call this the domain D,. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 45 P=¢(z)=¢(1—«2) is a ‘uniform’ function, returning to its original value, when the argument z traces out any closed contour. On the other hand Q=2'y(2)=(1—-2)! p (1-2) is ‘multiform’. y(z) is uniform, but z! changes sign if z makes a tour round the pole z=0. If p is the modulus and @ the amplitude of z we may take A=+vp (cos $ + isin eh. Our fundamental equation is not changed if for « we write —#. Hence following out the same argument as above we shall get two solutions in the neighbourhood of the critical point «=—1, viz.:— P=$(lt+e), Y=(1+a)¥0 +2), where ¢ and y are the functions already obtained. The domain of these functions P’ and Q’ is the interior of the circle with centre at the critical point «=—1 and passing through the next critical point e=1. We shall refer to this as the domain D_,. (ey NUL We must now turn to the consideration of the integrals in the neighbourhood of the third critical point z=. For this purpose we make the substitution #= a a Xy substitution which is simply and elegantly represented in a geometrical form by the aid of Neumann’s sphere—in the well-known manner. Our equation now becomes :— x,‘ (1 — a?) y” + x3 (1 — 2a,?) y’ + (A? —p*a,) y = 0. The critical pots of this equation are %=0, 4=+1, corresponding to T— oO, ot I. We have to consider the solutions in the neighbourhood of «, = 0. 46 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+«*)y=0 Writing this equation in the normal form y+ py! + py = 9, we see that z,=0 is a pole of p, of order 1 and of p, of order 4 It follows from Fuch’s theorem that the integrals in the neighbourhood of #,=0 are irregular, We must not then expect quite the same simplicity in the treatment here as that which characterised the earlier work. From the form of our equation we see that if y be expanded in powers of 2, the coefticients of even and odd powers will be quite independent so that we may assume two solutions in the forms :— Y= 08 (Ay Oye 4... + Ont +... + a4/ae+...+d_y/a2" 4+...) n=2 ——taee > on = % Ant”, n=—@ ; n=D and 9) — ee ee ire n=-@ Take the first series y=a, = a,0,°" and substitute in the equation xf (1 — 22) y" +2, (1 — 22,7) y' + (?— pa?) y = 0. We must have :— a4 (1 — a?) [CaP e +64 2) (s+ 1)a,+(s+4)(s+3) aaPt... +(s+2n)(s+2n—1) a,aer 2+ =| |+2 —s) es Hae ee eat bie ns) (2n+1 =a... | os Cy ae +a (1 — 203) E ine +(s +2) aa, +(s+4) aoait ... + (8s + 2n) ave" +... (2—s)a, (4—-s)a, (2n — 8) G_2n gai gin ea + (2 — pa’) [es + ae t on. + Oya" +... Hence we must have: Ma, +[(2—s)?—p*?]a,—(8—s)(4-s)a, =()) Ma, +([s?—p"] a —(2—s)(1-s)a, = (0) Gna +[2n+s?— pp] an —(2n—1+48)(2n—2+8)an,=0. The last equation holding also if for n we write —n. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 47 Considering the ascending part of the series (for which n is +) we see at once from the last relation that in the general case (s unrestricted) the series Op, Gny,.. will continually increase with n, so that the series formed in the way indicated on the last page will usually be divergent and so useless. But by properly choosing s it may be possible to make a,=0 for indefinitely large values of m, in which case as we shall prove our series will converge in the region |#,|$1. It is easy to see that if the ascending part of the series converges, the descending part will also converge, For we have (2n+1—s) (2n + 2 —8) a_(ny) — (2n —8?—p?) d_n — Ma_ in») = 0. ren (- ile Cn II (2n—s) Meni + [Qn — s?— p?] c, —(2n — 8) (Qn —s —1) ec, = 0. Let a»= where II (x) is Gauss’ function =['(@+1) and we get Comparing this with the relation between aj4,, a, and ad,4, we see that for very large values of n, the relations are practically identical. It is easy to see that c, cannot be infinite for any finite value of x, hence it follows from what has just been said Kr” (— 1)" da : : that for large values of n we may put a»= =n Gi=ae where « is finite. If then the ascending part of the series converges, the descending part will do so with great rapidity for any finite value of the argument. We have said that c, cannot be infinite for any finite value of n. For, putting p— n-s=— Nae (2n—s)(2n —s—1)=—-N Uo, we have ¢4;+UnCn +Un—-1en=0. Suppose we make 4 =0, Cre then we have a system of equation to determine ¢,, ¢;... Cn... C2 =— Uo, Cy + Volo = 0, Cy + Uglz + Url. = O, Cs + UsCy + UsCy = 0, and so on. Solving we get C= — Uy, —u 1 C3 = = Uva, 0 ww rat m0 al | — Oy 0 “vw Us| and so on; the determinant in the denominator of c, being =(— 1)”. 48 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+x«*)y=0 Thus as the denominators cannot vanish and the numerators cannot become infinite for finite values of n, we conclude that c, is necessarily finite when x is so. Returning now to p. 47, we have seen that s must be chosen so as to make a, =0, if the series is to converge. The condition a, =0 is of course a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for con- vergence. But it is easy to show that when this relation is satisfied the series does converge in the region ' [ 1. When | 2, |=1, we have Lt ™ —1, so that the higher test Lt n ES - 1] must Un—- Unt be used. This limit is $, so that the series converges on the circle | 2, | =1. Thus we have proved that the ascending part of the series converges when | aw, | + 1,-1e. |e] 41 But by p. 47 if a, is finite the descending part converges for all finite values of the argument. Of course when the ascending part converges a, is finite, so that the whole series converges in any region in which the ascending part is convergent. Clearly also, if the ascending part diverges the series as a whole is divergent. Summing up then, we find the necessary and sufficient condition for the convergence of the series we have obtained as a formal solution of our differential equation im the region | 2,| $ 1 is that s should be a root of the equation a, =0. For brevity, put (Qn+s?—p?=NMop; (2n+s—1)(2n+s—2)=—NuyRA, and we have Ona + UnGn + Uni dna = 0. Some of the constants are necessarily arbitrary. Taking a,=1, a,;=0, we have a, = —%, Ay + U,Q, = — U, ly + Udo + U,d,=0, and so on. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 49 Solving, we get 0h » 1 0| Uy h=—%; = a= —| Uy L hl=|%m %, 1]: U VY, 0 wy %G 10 ww, Ue i BO OO tO) Oh. Ais) ie OOP Ole (Oe Oe OOP One. Ae = 0 Us Us 1 0 0 +e - OO) Oe aye ah Or. OF 80; 10) VOR Ruer ae Lee Ove srenateete vs and s is determined as a root of a, =0. We proceed to show how s may be developed in a series of ascending powers of \. Let Un =n, Un = p? —(2n+5s)?, then we have @ ny = UnW'n +A? (8s + 2n — 1) (s+ 2n—2) any; a =%; tly = 0, + 28 (8+ 1) = Hr, E pee _ i o%1 a’, = UV» E +2. ee ~ eee >) ; and so on. The equation determining s is a’, =0. It is clear that this equation is equivalent to UpUz Vg 00 Veo [1 + Ag*™Sy + Act Ss + Ag®S, -..] = 0, 5 2 4. ee : Saisie + (eb2Gs) yeas Dal ... (mode of formation is obvious), Up» Vy UV - Vo Uo. Us where ,S,= oS.=sum of products of every two non-adjacent terms of the last series, oS; =sum of products of every three non-adjacent terms of that series; and so on. If X=0 we have v,=0 where n is zero or any positive integer, and this gives s=+p—2n. To indicate the method of procedure let us obtain a few terms of the expansion of s, corresponding to v,=0, as a first approximation. 5 1 We have tee zat ae St Up . V; Seg Ss S+2.8s4+8 oy = gSr-FaSe; 15s =———— 55, + aS, Up - Vy; VyUo s.stl s+2.8s+3 oS3 = ——— .S5+.18;; 1S; = ————_, 8. + 8, U » h Uys and so on. Vou. XVII. Parr I. N 50 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V*+x«*)y=0. Our equation to determine s is [1+ S,+ MM Sot+.... 10; te nt es at PAPAS AGS, +0.) LS ee HO. First approximation : »=0, p?—s'=0, s=p (taking + sign). Second : Tae ae esi) VY »P(@+1)~ mh es p-s Leer cyte i 0; s=p ye Third: op: BRED Fg ot Cee ane eee) VY, VY, VY Pe (Gan!) eG dean te e ee 7, V; U,V2 be Spay aa Pa o> ieee pSepaaiy and so on. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 51 We have now shown how to obtain six different solutions of our fundamental equation :— P=$(1-«); and Q=(1-2) y(1-~), which are applicable to the domain D,, P’=¢$(1+2); and Q’=(1+2)W(1+a)...... DE P" =2, Saya," = c* Sa, a" = a ® (2), and Q! =a" tao? Se" Day oS a O(a). The last two series are convergent for all finite values of # such that |#>1. Thus the domain D,, is the ring bounded by the two circles |v|=1, and |z|=@. If we draw these various domains we see that they overlap. ae + eee ae Aion. | —— Lon ie ee ACH i i My as The region common to two domains such as D, and D_, will be referred to as the domain D,_,. In the domain D,., we have four solutions P, Q, P’, Q’, and there must conse- quently be a linear relation between any three of these. 7—2 52 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+x«*)y=0 We proceed to determine the values of the various constants in these linear relations. In the domain D,_, we have P’= AP + BQ, ie. $(1+2)=Ag(1—2)+B(1—2) p(1—2). Make « approach the pont «=1 and we get $(2)=Aq¢(0)=A. [We have proved, p. 44, that ¢(2) is finite.] Next, keeping # real let it approach the point z=—1, so that the amplitude of 1-a is 7, then we get 1=¢(0)=A¢(2)+ Bi V2 (2). i —14+¢°(2) v2 (2) | Also we have in the same domain Q’=A’P+ BQ, ie. (+a) y(1+a)=A’'o(1—2)+ B (1-2) pl —2). Making «=1 we get V2(2)=4’6(0)=A’. Thus we have A=¢(2); B=— And making x move along the real axis to w=— 1, we get 0 = A’ (2) + Bi v2 w(2). Hence we have A’="2y(2); B’=+i$ (2). A Bless AB = a We may note that P’=AP +BQ We have then, Q'=A'P + BQ’ from which we deduce » lez |@ #1: BY=BP), leh nina Q=1(- AG + APY, These relations having been found we can determine with what solution of the differential equation we shall reach any point 8 (say) in D, or D_, when we start with a definite solution from a point « in D, or D_, and move along a given path to 8, provided the path avoids the critical points 1, and —1. As an example of this we shall work out a particular case that will afterwards be of service. Suppose we start at a on the real axis in the region D, and move along the dotted path in the figure so as to come back to a. The only poles of the functions involved are the points 1 and —1, so that the effect of going along the dotted road is the same as going along the path a@yéde, round the loop enclosing —1, then back along edy8a, then along aPydy'a. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 53 Suppose then we start at a with the solution P which is appropriate to D,. As soon as we get to 8 we can (if we choose) express P in the form i(BQ’— BP’) for we are now in the domain D,,. The functions QP’ hold throughout the domain D_, and so are suitable for use when we wish to make a tour round —1. On making the circuit round —1, P’ will be unaffected, while Q will change sign. Thus we get back to e« with the solution —7(BQ’+ BP’). We are again in the domain D,_, so that we can express P’ and Q in terms of P and Q by the help of the relations just obtained. We have, in fact, —i(BQY + BP’) =—i[B(A'P + BQ)+ B (AP + BQ)] =—1[(AB’+ A’B) P + 2BB'Q). P and @ hold all along the path edy8a, so that we arrive at a with the solution —i[(AB’ + A’B) P + 2BB’. Q). Starting now with this solution and going along aSyéy’Ba we note that P and Q hold all along the path, and that on making the circuit round 1, P is unaltered while Q changes sign. We conclude then that if we start from a with the solution P and go along the dotted path we shall return to a with the solution —i[(AB’ + A’B) P —2BB'Q). In exactly the same way we might show that if we had started with the solution Q we should have returned with —7i[(AB’+ A’B) Q—2A4’. P]. Next consider the various solutions that we have in the domain D,.. They are:— P =$(1—2); Q Re SS ae P" =¢"® (a); Q’ =a" ¥ (2) , 54 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V*+x«*)y=0 We must therefore have relations of the form a*® () =P” =aP +BQ=ad (1-2) + 80-2) PA -2), 2 (e)=Q’ =P +8'Q=4'6 (1-2) +8 (1-2) f(A 2). The work on the last page will enable us to get a relation between a and 8. For suppose we start with the function P” from a point such as @ on p. 53 in the domain D,, and describe a contour enclosing the points 1 and —1 but entirely confined to the domain D, so that P” holds throughout this path. We shall retum to a with the function (cos 2sm7—7sin 2sr) P”. But in the region D,., P’=aP+Q, and from page 53 we see that if we start with the function aP + Q and describe a path such as the one we have just followed with P” we return to the starting point with the function —ia[(AB’ + A’B) P —2BB'.Q)—i8 [(AB’ + A’B) Q— 244’. P}. This then must be identical with (cos 2s7 —7 sin 2s7)(aP + 8Q). Equating the coefficients of P and Q in these identities we get a(cos 2s7 —7 sin 2s7r) = — ia (AB’ + A’B)+7.2A4A’. 8, B (cos 2s7 —7 sin 2s7) =—i8 (AB + A’B) +7. 2BB. a. These two equations are really identical, they give us B 2BB a cos 2sr —isin 2s7 +71(AB’ + A’B)" Now we have a*@®(x)=ad(1—2)+ 8 (1-2)! p (a). Putting z=1 we get ®(1)=ad(0)=a, so that we have 2iBB’. ® (1) a OKs ES cog n= ean ent Pe CRN), Similarly we can determine a’ and #’. We have now completed the formal solution of our differential equation. It is an equation of the second order with three critical points, and we have obtained two solutions in the domain of each critical point and determined the constants in the linear relations that connect different solutions in a common domain. There is no finite region of the plane for which we have not obtained an appropriate solution. But for dealing with physical problems which it is the main object of this paper to attack, the solutions in the vicinity of the origin are not in a very convenient form. In the domain |#|<1 we want solutions expressed in powers of a. It is easy to build up such solutions by taking proper linear functions of P.Q.P’.Q’, but we may as well attack the problem directly. Our equation is (#—1)y" + ay +(2a*—p*?)y=0. Assuming a solution of the form Yy=ar"+ He" +... we find, on equating the coefficient of the lowest power of 2 to zero, that we must have m(m—1)=0. Ia IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. or or Thus we have two solutions of the forms :— YHA + a+... + ayo" +... YY =Ce +¢o,0° +... +c, +... The equations connecting the coefficients are :— —2a,— p'a,=0; — 12a,+ (4 —p*)aq + Va, =0 — (2n +1) (2n + 2) dni, + (4n? — p*) ay + MGn = 0’ \ — 6c, + (1— p*®) eq =0; — 20c, + (3° — p*) cq + Ne, = 0 — (2n + 2) (2n + 3) Cra, + [(2n + 1)? — p*] en + Mena = 0° [We may note here that if %=0 our equation reduces to (#*—1)y" + ay’ —p*y=0, which is satisfied by y= Acosp0+Bsin p@ where =cos@; |#| 1. For some purposes it is convenient to take z=)a as variable and then we have (z*—2*)y" + zy +(2—p*)y=0, which, when X%=0, reduces to Bessel’s equation and gives y= AJ,(z)+ BK, (z).] Let us examine the convergence of these series. We have — (2n +1) (2n + 2) dnig + (An? — p?) an + MGna = 0. 4n? — p? a 1 Tietilte = GrialGn and Wa Tee tao aay eae) | (ne lyn ta at 6n+ 2+ p? ~ ~ Qn+) Gn+2)t QrtDQ+2 mo" Thus either v, is very small when n is large, in which case v, approaches the limit ae or U, is not indefinitely small and approaches the limit 1. In the former case the series converges for all finite values of the argument. In the latter it converges when |#|<1, and also, as we can easily show by proceeding as on p. 44, when |z|=1. Thus in the most unfavourable case the series converges when |z|>1 and this quite independently of the value of p. Exactly similar reasoning applies to the odd series cw+.... Denoting these solutions by /(#) [two functions, one odd, and the other even] we have four solutions of our differential equation expressed as series of powers of z. Two solutions (f) are confined to the region \a|<1, the other two (P” and Q”) to the region |z|¢1. All these series hold on the circle |#|=1. If we start from A (see next page) and go with f, or f, along the real axis to C and back again to A, we must return to A with the same function with which we started if the functions involved are suitable for use in physical problems dealing with the complete cylinder. For a tour round the cylinder must bring us back to the same physical conditions from which we started. Now on the circle |#|=1 we can express f, and f, as linear functions of P” and Q”. And starting with f from A and going along AOCOA must bring us to the same 56 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+*)y=0 result as going along ABCDA. But along this latter path we can replace f by a linear function of P” and Q’; hence it follows that, in dealing with physical problems concerning the complete cylinder, P” and Q” must be such that they return to their C Py Q’ D original values when taken round the contour ABCDA. It is at once obvious that this requires that s and s’ should be either zero, or positive integers (we can take them to be zero), But if s and s’ are zero, the condition for the convergence of the series P” and Q” will restrict us to a particular set of values of p, viz. the roots of a,=0, [p. 48]. Now a few pages back, in dealing with the convergence of the / functions, we saw that there were two alternatives—v, tends either to zero or unity in the limit. In the latter case the series is convergent in a@ certain region f whatever be the value of p. In the former the series is convergent for all finite values of the argument. If then we choose p as a root of v,=0, we shall have series that are convergent for all portions of the w plane at a finite distance from the origin. Now if s=0 the relations connecting the coefficients on p. 46, are the same as those that connect the coefficients of the 7 functions, We see then that in this case the particular values of p to which we are confined for the convergence of our functions P” and Q” are identical with the roots of v,=0. [To distinguish the odd and even series we shall refer to these as the roots of a,=0 and c,=0 respectively.] Thus the f functions are convergent for all finite values of the argument and our problem is to a certain extent simplified by the fact that we can use the same functions [an odd and even power series of wz, respectively] for all finite values of 2 However, this simplification is counterbalanced by the fact that the two solutions on p. 55, ie. the odd and even series correspond to different values of p*, so that we are obliged to complete the solution of our differential equation by the aid of new functions. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 57 As the determination of the appropriate values of p* is important for the physical applications, we must consider this part of the problem in some detail and obtain some numerical results, Considering the even series (the discussion of the odd series proceeds on exactly the same lines), we have seen that p* must be chosen so as to be a root of a, =0. Putting a)=1, the various coefficients are given by the equations 2a, =— p’, 12a, = (4 — p?) a, + 3, (2n + 1) (2n + 2) anys = (4n? — p*) dy + Man. Before proceeding with the actual calculation of the roots of a,=0, we shall notice some points as to the position of the various roots of a, =0. The equation a,=0 considered as an equation in p* is clearly of the nth degree. Its roots are all positive, for it is obvious that when p* is negative a, is necessarily positive. For if this is true of a, and a,_,, then since (2n + 1) 2n + 2) Many = (40? — p*) Qn + Mana, it is true also of a. But it is clearly true of a, and a, so that, by induction, it must be true for ay. For some purposes it is rather more convenient to replace a, by (—1)"a,’, so that we have :— 2a, = p?; 12a,’ =(p?— 4) a +, (2n + 1) (Qn + 2) @’nas = (p? — 4m?) ay’ + Va‘. It is now obvious that all the roots of a’n,,=0 are less than 4n*. For if we put p? = 4n? or any greater quantity aa,’...... @n4, are all positive. Again when p?=(2n — 2)%, a,'a...... a,’ are all positive and — 8n+4 ; NAO + 7m (On + 1) (Qn +2)" * (Qn +1) (Qn + 2) For large values of n the last term on the right is negligible compared with the first, and as a,’ is positive it follows that for large values of n, @’,,, will be negative. [Our interest is centred mainly in the roots of a,=0 when n is large, and in what follows we shall suppose n large enough to make the right-hand side of (1) negative when a,’ is positive.] We have seen then that a’,,, is positive when p?=(2n)*, and negative when p? = (2n — 2). Hence the equation a’,,,=0 has a root between (2n— 2)? and (2n)* Won, DANE Iain Ik 8 58 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+«)y=0 We have seen that all the roots of a,’=0 are less than (2n—2)% Let p,? be any such root. Then the expressions Pr? — (20); Pn? — (2m + 2)*; vee are all negative. Also since p?=p,? satisfies a,’=0 we have these relations :— (2n + 8) (2n + 4) nyo = [pn —(2n + 2)")] @nn, (2n + 5) (2n + 6) ans = [pn — (22 + 47) Une $V On. etc. ete. Thus when p*=p,? we see that any. is of opposite sign to a’n.,; and a’n,; is of opposite sign to a’,,, and so on [nm being large enough—see remark on last page]. If a’, is positive then a’,,, is positive, @’n,. is negative, and so on. Now let pn? be the next root of a,’=0 greater than p,’. Suppose the graph of a,’ is as in the figure, the dotted lie representing @’yi:. We have taken a,’ to be negative when p* is a little less than p,*. For this value of p®, any, must be of opposite sign to a,’ and so positive. Next consider a value of p* slightly less than p,*. Here a,’ is positive and a’,,, consequently negative. Thus a4; has changed sign in the interval. Hence we see that a root of a’,,,=0 les between each pair of roots of a,/=0. From what was said above this is true also of a’,,.=0, nist; ete. Each of these equations has a root lying between any pair of roots of One =10; IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 59 From the relation (2n +1) (2n+ 2) @n4.=(p? — 4n’) ay’ + a'n_, we see that when A, =0, @’n4, and a’,, have the same signs and that for large values of n, a’,,, is then but a small fraction of a@’,_,. Thus if in the figure P,P, is finite, P,Pyp4, is very small (for large values of n)— so that the roots of @,,,=0 are very close to those of a,’=0. We conclude then that as nm increases the roots of a ,,,=0, approximate more and more closely to the roots of a,’=0 and so in the limit when n=~, the roots of a. =0 are definite in position and independent of n. We shall now proceed to calculate some of the roots of a,=0 and c,=0. As on p. 49 we can express these quantities a, and c, as infinite determinants. But the second method there referred to is the practical one, Le. we develope p* in a series of powers of X*, the series being rapidly convergent if X? is not too large. : u For brevity let v,=4n?—p?; a,= Pn , then we get Unter = UnUn + 2. (2n—1) 2n. Uy. Taking u,=1 we have Uh =U ; a2 waa [1495 i Up. V4 A ese: Us = UpVVo E +r ( + )| 5 Chon eechos egrets e010 Us = UpVyVas E +r ( + + ) Ua; Uy. Va Vo- Us +o 255! UpVyVVs and so on. We see then that the equation a, =0 is equivalent to UVpVe «+= Van [1 + AGS, + Ag'Se + Acs + --.] =O, 1b Bek Bee = + Up-% U.Va Vg. Us where St »S,=sum of products of every two non-adjacent terms of the last series, and so on; as on p. 49. If X=0 we have wv,...¥.=0, giving p?=(2n)*, where n is zero or any integer and leading to Bessel’s functions [JwJ,...]. We shall denote the values of p* that correspond to roots of %=0, 7,=0, ete, by Po» pe, ete., respectively. 8—2 60 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+«*)y=0 po? (corresponding to v)=0). 2 Sie + Mo. Dy | Dy Vy second term) and similar notation for ,S,, etc. We have ,S,= Seas ‘ae (the same as ,S, but beginning with 1.2 oS. +S; and so on. Vp - 2; Gleave eign genes SON ae Y Wt 0; Wi; aa Tey ala Y23 3s = 3.4 3.4 WS; = —— .8,+;S.; 1S;=——,S.+.8; and so on. V;,. Ve UV. Ue So that our equation v,[1+)*,S8,+...]=0 may be written 2 Up + (A + AG, + AKG. +...) + UA? GS, + AAS, + «..) = 0. tl First approximation : %=0, .. p2=O0. 2, lee it hee, Second. M+ 7 2=0, . u=— - =-53 Pray . QN27 INS 2 Third. V sk 5 ec S; _ a . Sy = 0, 1 Yy rs cla IE) v a 202 24. 1 =-—p- 4 2 =o 0S or + ae Gab op ee) AS eS SB Ze DPN 2r8 INT Bye) Fourth. 0=% +—_+ — Si + ze So + = a n*) GS, + 228.) VY Vy UV, OF VV. 2r2 Dn! PING 3.4 ) =U + VU et dy (oS, I S)) Ur v; (.s. - 1h aF VV ASH DAE DNAs 23 4 ACS aieiS eae OO =Uyt+ = + ( + ) Vy VW, —-VyVo Vi «UV, \ Ve VVs eile: 22 24.12 24n! (= sn eee foe 16—™) 16.16 4. 16 * 16.36) Tom aTG ( a 5) ( 2 x? Xt : : == Pi toi 95 (coefficient of A® vanish). Thus up to »* the expansion of p,? in terms of 2 is s ped rv? Pi= 9 — 33° IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 61 pe (corresponding to root v,=0). Our equation is Y, [1 + AS, + AS, + AVS; + ...] = 0. (1). oe, woe fs) = a = Y : ara a Lt peso sorta aes So = —— WS, + —.,9, + 2), UY i iL 3.4 wo) = — 9 Se shes 6 “aes a enw Sst Ss ; ; LB (1) is equivalent to v, + Sar rN? (1 + AAS, + AMS, +...) + at rN? (1 + A248, + A4,S,) 0 2 + U,A* (oS, + A45, + ALS, +...) =0. First approximation : %4=0, .. p2=2?=4, Second. nem (* 42-4) <0, ay n=— Fi mass, had 0 we (+=) I, (54° st ipa aa - #5 s,) =n 4012 42-4) 4 [24 65,9) amee( 249-4) ye 58 3S, Up Vo Proceeding as before this gives p.2°=4 fee Plea y 4 PS ANC The Sees hai ee Le) Fourth O=u+™ ( + ; Vo Vg Uy Us Up"Us UgUs Vs —2 12 Sew Bf a, Se Ale UY OG rE, ne 5.6 /_ 30 | Za ? ToD (aa 32.60)" Here again the coefficient of A° vanishes and we have up to A‘, TSS a ea ae We shall turn next to the odd series. We have the general relation (2n + 2)(2n + 8) Caos = [(2n + 1)? —p*] Cn + MCpa- 1 2 E u In this case put Up, =(2n+1)—p?; Ca= == 7 and we have Uns = Unlln + 2. (2n + 1) (22) Up 62 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+«*)y=0 Taking w=1 we get Uy =, y= an Us = VqV; (1 35 as 2:3), : 3 AnD) Us = UpV:Vo [ree (=: i Li ale Just as before the equation to determine p® is UVVo «++ Vo [1 + AS, + AS. + ...] =0, Fc z : where gee $59 JOn0 + Up. V, U,.V_ Vo. Ve and so on. [Everything is exactly as before except that 2.3 is associated with vv, instead of 1.2, and so on.] pe (corresponding to root v%=0). First approximation : H=0; «. pe=l. Dis 3 , 3 Second. U +X. - =e vy=— GN pi= 14h. Third. 4 tig eee Op enne 5 Y ULV. 3, 24 4 O25. Qaetco ae RET fate, 22) Fourth. 0O=uy+ ue = M+ VY Ve2V> V1 V2 UjUo Vas , ego =l1-—p?+ ar eee Ce "eee ona 8- Gh + ies = Ge 4 io ae eos — 5 oe 3-94 \eros er 1 241 oe 4 6 - pr=1+5NS Ips * 12x (Gaye te IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS, 63 ps (root corresponding to v,=0). Our equation is Orr [Reacts Ne tetac te etal = Olcvec ers dencaceseotevse re cecetauneere (1), ea gu2-8, 45 ena 2 4.5. VU. VzeVq Vy. UU UUs 2.8 y 4.5 3 daet td aa 1+: BS ? = St? 8,4, 2.3_, Hence (1) becomes UE era MLL + AVS, +48, + ...] 0 who sp 5 ; eae 2 [1 + A2S, + AMS, +...) + OA? (QS, +78, + ...). First approximation: v,=0; .. pg=9. Second. 0=7,+- (734 Eis =) Uo V2 / 2 1 =9- pire; ob pe=9+5™. D.¢ 5 2. 5 Third. =n 40 (= “3 442) 4 ]*3 5, Ss as ~*~ s,] Vo U Vo Vp Vo 2 =n4n (7-3 44%) a4. 5. Gail U% OP V-2Vs 5 . (ope | eee ee oe 1g6—™ 16°. 40 2 2 1 17 a= 2 Bi! Sy eens 2: 5 5 Fourth. Onn (2 248) BEE Ty a 2 abs (¢: ie ae ~~) % OF Vo"Vs U2V3 UgUs aes a 9 6 =9—pegt+nr 7 a 17 7. (ae = +o 16.32 2 Pe = aOR Orel se 8. —>\ Ee 6 a Or aT ae i640 Es 40:5 (16-3) (40-3) 2, 2 17/ 20287 . —— 1 4 4 6 a sag * Beccles 100 9° We have seen if we proceed to solve one fundamental equation in a series of ascending powers of z(= A) we get two separate series, one even and the other odd. But from what we have just done it is clear that these series correspond to different values of p?; so that for any particular value of p* we have really only one solution. 64 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V*+«*)y=0 We shall denote this solution by f(z), using suffixes f,(z), fi(z), ete. to indicate the values of p? (p,?p2.--) to be taken in the series. One equation is (22 — 02) of” + 2y! + (22 — p?) YHO oc receeeeeneccnereceeeeneceeneees (1), of which we have one solution y=f(z). To get another solution assume y=2f+w. Sub- stitute in (1) and we get v[@—r fF" + of + E—PIFIF STE) 0" + 2) +2(2—N) Vf +(2—d) w’ + ew’ + (2 — p*) w=, Since f satisfies equation (1) the coefficient of v in the first line of the last equation vanishes. Since v is quite at our disposal we may choose it so that a) dv _ (2 =) aa te which is satisfied by v=log (z+ J(2?7—2’). Thus our problem is reduced to finding a particular solution (the simpler the better) of the equation dw dw dv df ——, df aKa ans ED) n= = Ne ee (=) Fo tea + a pws 2 (Pd) Fe BAN, ceerreccereee (2). Let w=J/2—22.u. Substitute in (2) and divide by /2—22, and we get 5 na Ghul du poet: df (22 —d*) apt aga @ ae lju=—277. We shall obtain w in the form of an ascending series of powers of z. The form of the solution will be different for the odd and even series f,f.... and fi fy... Take first the even series for /- fe) Ha+ a2 «05 On ZF... a we OF os a ips df eee (2 —) at 84 at @ —-p+1lju=-2 de tutte — Ana, 2"I14.... Clearly « must be an odd series. Assume Uw=A ztAS+... + Ans™+.... (2 — dr?) [6.A,2+ 20A,29 +... +(2n+ 1) (2n) Anz” + ...] + 32[A,+3A,2°+...+(2n+1)Anz™+...]+ (@—p?+1) [Anz+ Aiz+... + Anz™+...] =—4ajz+...-—4na, 2". Equating the coefficients of different powers of z, we get "GAGA (A 03) A AO oreo seiciee sitoeeincemeemevielelasieinsie hi eeetelter cer @; — 20A,d2+ (16 — p’) A, + A, = — 8a; — (Qn + 2) (Qn + 3) Angid? + [(2n + 2)?— p*] An + Ana=— 4(n +1) dnir...(2), which enable us to determine the coetticients successively. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 65 As we require only a particular solution, we may give any values to A, or A, we choose, consistently with (1). We must now examine the convergence of the series u. In the first place we may prove, by proceeding as on p. 47, that A, cannot be infinite for any finite value of n. The relation connecting successive coefficients in f(z) is — (2n + 1) (2n + 2) dng? + (40? — pp) in + On =O oo. sc cescenccecececececsess (1). Tf Uni: =Gnii/an we have ol 6n+2+p + ee *n+1 33 (In +1) (Qn+2)a2 W2QAn+1)Qn+2)%- Hence when n is large we have ; 1 either y= (Qn +1) (Qn +2) dee cecucveccsceccencnsnescrcedcesevacucess (2), ' : ; ; 1 : or Up is not indefinitely small, and approximates more and more nearly to 32 as m increases. But p® is chosen so as to make a, =0, hence we are confined to the first case (2). 1 nest) (GED) and ad, to zero, we see that —4(n+1) a+: is indefinitely small for very large values of n. Since then », approximates to This being the case we see by comparing (1) above with (2) of p. 64, that when n is very large the coefficients of ware connected by the same relation as the coefficients of the convergent series f, Hence as the coefficients of wu are finite for finite values of n, it follows that the series ~ is convergent in the same domain as the series f. In exactly the same way we may proceed with the odd series for f, f (2) = z+ 28+... + en2"™414..., ee, du seit, oL df (2 —M) ae t 82a + yu gD = — 2¢, — 6¢,2"... —2 (2n +1) cnz™.... In this case we take w=C(,+C,22+...4C,2"+4+... and get (2 — 2) (20, + 12C.2?+ ... + 2n (2n —1) Chz"? +... ] + 32 [20,2 + 40,28 + ... + 2nC,2"™7 +4... J+ (f-p+)[Q4+G2+...+C2"+...] =— 2c, — 6¢,25 ... —2(2n +1) cn2™+.... This gives — 202+ (1 — p*®) Ch = — 2c, — 120.2 + (9 — p*) C, + C, =— 6c, —(2n+ 1) (2n + 2) Chr? + [(2n 4+ 1 — p?] Ch + Cha =—2(2n+1) en, from which, as before, the coefficients may be determined in succession, and the conver- gence of the series w established. Vou. XVII. Part I. 9 66 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+«*)y=0 We have now obtained two independent solutions of our equation, viz. T= JAG bepococesscaocoabeanpapseucs scoboko aon unaBosanuonsodbsscoRAer (1) y=f (2) log (2+ V2— 22) +u V2—™ HK 2) ies eR pocodeos on sauder sus oorodbsneonisdos ucgob chee aonenete (2). The complete integral is therefore y= Af(z)+ BF(z). The two series are convergent for all finite values of the argument. We shall now proceed to obtain two other solutions which represent y ‘asymptotically’ (to use Poincaré’s term)—i.e. we shall obtain two series which approximate more and more closely to solutions of our equation as the argument increases. These series will be very useful for numerical calculation when the argument is not small, and they will also help us to determime what linear function of f and F we must take if we are seeking a solution of our equation which is to vanish when z=%2—a problem that confronts us in many physical applications of our analysis. Our equation is (2-2) y" + zy’ +(2—p*) y=0. Let y=uet where t=7iz and the equation above becomes (P+ M)u" + (Ql 4+¢4 2d) w+ (t— pr? + VY) w=. Assuming a serial solution in descending powers of ¢ of the form u=t"(aqta/t+a/et+...], we find that we must have 2n+1=0, therefore m=—4, and equating coefticients of the various powers of ¢ to zero we get ce ens ae +M— p, As 9 ay (| Seah NE 9) salt Sia aa (G+ als Ms 2n+1) 2(n+1)dny= ee + P| An — (2n — 1) Man + (2n—1) (22+ 3) NGn-, = which enable us to determine the coefficients in succession in terms of a, which is of course arbitrary. Now let us examine the convergence of the series just obtained. Let tns2=Ani3/an. Then we have | w-p+1/4 o56 2n—1/1 2n+3 n+1 eee) | hPa Ces eye |C Dis, E + c s 5 . 5 WL Hence when n is large, either u, is large, in which case w= 5 9 nearly, or wy, 1S small, im which case we have approximately when 7 is large 0 2r2 E ont? |. Tort= | ietOn Un IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 67 This relation cannot be satisfied by a small value of u,, so that we conclude that when n is large u, is large, in other words the series is ultimately divergent. But, for large values of the argument, the series begins by converging rapidly, and so if we stop before the terms begin to diverge the series obtained will be quite well adapted for purposes of calculation. Suppose, for example, that in any numerical problem we agree to neglect terms of the order — and are dealing with values of the argument which make the nth term of the above series of the order —— If we stop at the nth term of our series and substitute in the differential equation, the equation will not be quite satisfied; but instead of having zero on one side of our equation we shall have a few terms of the order 1 —— In other words, the series we have taken (stopping at the nth term) satisfies our equation approximately, the error being of the order we agreed to neglect. The solution thus obtained is he = eee eae ee Gay ew Ud, Ay = 7 |u- 2-2... Jes say. Changing the sign of i we get another solution, viz, : y= [a+ E-S-... | = $ (2) say. The complete integral is y= C¢*(z)+ Dd-(z) where C and D are arbitrary constants. By taking certain linear functions of ¢+ and g we build up two solutions that will be of service afterwards. We shall denote these by x*(z) and x~(z), where Oe BO (a2...) +S (S-S+...) SF Paco = Zz 2 Zz Ge = =. [R cos z + Ssin 2], Nz a. where f= Oy — es SSS aN 2 Zz =i HOOP OL [Asie — cos 2]. Zz These give $*=y*++ix-; ¢-=y--iy-, PE EIp (LS t+ x) = Ve (yt + 97), $* =i = (1 — i) (yt +7) = VBe-H (yt y-), bo == 68 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+)y=0 We proceed to consider the linear relations connecting the functions 7, F, ¢* and ¢-. Let f=ad*+ Pq and suppose we are dealing with the even series f. f(2) is a uniform and continuous function of z, so that if we make a circuit round the origin we shall return to our starting point with the same value of f This however is not the case with ¢* and ¢ which are multiform functions. It follows then that to insure the continuity of f, the constants a and 8 in the above relation must be discontinuous. If we put z=r(cos@+isin 6), we shall find that a must change discontinuously as @ goes through an odd multiple of 7 and 8 as @ goes through an even multiple. We have e@ = e7"sin? gircos® so that the modulus of e% is e~"sin?®, But f=ag¢++ Bp = ae-7sin?(,..) 4+ Bersin?(...) and, when 6 lies between 0 and 7, sin @ is positive, so that @ ~ is (for large values of r to which we are confined when dealing with the functions $) exceedingly large compared with ¢*, and so is far more important than ¢*. But when @ passes through 7 these relations are reversed, The term ¢* is now the all important one. Hence as @ passes through mw the constant a must change discontinuously to insure the continuity of ff There is no possibility of another discontinuity till we get to @=27, ¢ must now become the important term so that 8 must change abruptly, and so on. We conclude then that a changes discontinuously as @ passes through an odd multiple of 7, and 8 when 6 goes through an even multiple. We can obtain a relation between a and 8 by working on the same lines as on p. 52. I $I A’ —?\ 0 x A If we start with any of our functions at A (for which @=0) and go along the circle of very great radius ABA’ to A’(@=7), we must get to the same result as if we go along AQA’ [avoiding the points 4, O—2 by describing small semi-circles round them], for the space enclosed by these two paths contains no critical points of our functions. Suppose then we take f along AOA’ and its equivalent af*+¢~ along the great circle. Then f is valid all along its path and so is af*+d¢-, the functions ¢ being defined only for very large values of the argument. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS, 69 Starting from A and going to A’ we increase 0 by w. f is even and so does not change sign, Hence we reach A’ with f; but f at A’ is not equal to ap++P¢- but to a’p++P¢~ (since a is discontinuous at @=7). For brevity we shall denote J (2)=f (r.cos @+isin@) by f(A). Thus we get ag*(0)+ 8~ (0) =f (0) =f (77) = a'b* (3) + BO- (7) =~ ix" (0) —i86* (0). Hence a=—i8 and B=— ia’. We have found then that when r>0>0, f=a($*++7¢-), and in exactly the same way we see that for the odd function we have f=a,(¢*—7¢-). Now consider the other function Fauv2—2 + flog (2+ V2—2?). To make this definite we may take V2—2=4+Vy (cos : +7sin 4 where yw is the modulus and @ the amplitude of 2—2*; and for log (z+Vz—22) take its principal value. i Suppose first f is even, then w is odd (see p. 64). Let F=Ad+t+B¢- and carry out the process of last page. On going round z=), V2— becomes iVz—2? and so F becomes iuV2—2?+flog(z+iV2—A2). Passing z=0 z becomes negative, and w being odd becomes —u; while f is unaffected. Thus F has become — iu V2—2?4+ flog(—z+%7Vz— 2), where of course z here means |z), Then going round —2r, F becomes uV2—2?+flog(—z-V2+X)=F+7if, where F means the value with which we started. Just as before A must be a discontinuous constant, changing as @ goes through an odd multiple of 7 and B as @ goes through an even multiple. If A becomes A’ when 0=7 we then have :— A'$* (1) + BG- (7) = F (0) + inf (0) = Ag* (0) + Bo- (0) + ira (h* + ig-); “. —tA’d- (0) — iBg* (0) = Ag* (0) + BH (0) + ira (P* + G7); ». -tA’=B—na; —iB=A+ mia, and F=A (¢*+i¢-)—7ad-, [7 > @> 0). Treating the odd series f in the same way we get F=A' ($+ —ig-)+ ra¢-, [r >> 0]. 70 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+«*)y=0 We have now only fwo undetermined constants, and these can be easily found by calculating the different series for one value of the argument. But for a large and important class of problems even this labour is not required. In these cases all that is wanted is the roots of f(z)=0 or f’(z)=0, or something of this form. The larger roots in these cases necessitate the use of the functions ¢, but it is at once evident that the value of the constant a is not required. We shall now investigate the larger roots of the equation f(z)=0. Taking the even series [fj, f2-..] we see from last page that our equation is $* (z)+7p~(z)=0, or x* (z)+ x (2)=9, T = T or Roos (2-7) + Ssin (2—F) =0. ios If tany=S/R= —— Pree eainie d Eas. (1), Og re ote ‘ ee then our equation becomes cos (2 = - +) =0,and z— = —Wv=(2m + 1) = where m 1S an integer, so that i samt oT 4 yp SoU owion a,c ons cebgeseideCeaintew ences Sant CA) When 2 is very large we see from (1) that y»=0, and thus the very large roots are given by z=mn+ on . diminishes as z increases, so that the difference between two consecutive roots is more and more nearly equal to 7 as the sign of the root increases. In the general case having got tan y from (1) in terms of z we use the expansion w=tanyw—tan'~+ttan’4..., substitute m (2) and proceed by successive approximations. The treatment of the odd series [f,, f;...] is of course precisely similar. Our equation is now $*(z)—7igp- (z)=0, Le. y*(z)— yo (2) = 9, or Rein (2-7) — Scos ( -7)=0, : 7 7 sin (2-7-4) =0, Sk — mT where m is an integer, so that c= mm + T+ In exactly the same way we may deal with the larger roots of /’(z)=0. In most physical applications, the root of most importance is the lowest root; and it will sometimes happen that that root is too small to make the process just con- IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 71 sidered effective. In such a case there is no difficulty in finding the root directly from the ascending series, which converges rapidly (the argument being small), We shall illustrate this by finding the lowest root of /, (z) =0. 2 4 We have ee faae (up to A’)... and using this value of p* we get ‘alle oR LRN Se Ln Gan A EGA ae a, 64 12.64 Cn | ree ce ah Qs 1 af ae (Geey > WGaedaW —% ae p ( n Se ees «| 1 Me Hence i752) al els-at|+ lan mat ~| = ee ele. s aa cpl Waaeys: selcacao- | N@areeee Now z=Av=xa; X=kxae, so that f,(z)=0 is equivalent to 1 1 ia 1 e vei oil) Sa Lae ate apt a “len ata 1 Saas a os 3 | + Sikes (1). The series on the right of (1) is rapidly convergent, and the terms are alternately positive and negative. If we stop at the nth term we get an algebraic equation which (for different values of e) can be solved by Horner’s process with very little difficulty if nm is not very great. The root thus obtained will not of course be exactly a root of f,(z)=0, but it will be a close approximation if n is not too small. Also it is clear that the roots of the equation corresponding to n and n+1 will be the one greater and the other less than the root of f,(z)=0. Thus by solving the equations corresponding to n and n+1 and taking z to lie between the two roots we shall get a close approximation to the real root. Retaining the first five terms of our series and putting ya we have to solve :— 2 yi —'25y + yy? [015625 + 015625e"] — y [000434 + 001302e"] + [000006781 + :000038e) = 0. For e=0, the equation becomes yt — 25y? + 015625y? — 000434y + 000006781 = 0. “J bo Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+«*)y=0 Attacking this by Horner’s process we get 1 — 25 15625 — +434. 0678 (1728 1 ee 0625 — 8715 —15 0625 — 3715 ee — 3037 1 75 — 4375 2178°75 =a — 4375 — 3809 — 8582 500 i 5 ae 1121-75 5957 556 5 685 31135 — 2624 944 1 fo iis 2542°75 aie 160-25 2854 000 7 203 / 124778 22 363-25 i 2978 778 7 252 126514 29 / 615 25 3105292 7 864 36 62389 7 868 430 63257 2 2 434 The equation y*— '25y* + 015625y —-000434=0 gives in the same way y=‘1748. Thus the real root must lie between ‘1728 and ‘1748. If we go to a higher order we find y=*1730 as a very close approximation, Since y =5 this makes z= 2404. Treating the equation corresponding to other values of e in the same way we get these results :— For e=0, 2=2404; e=04, 2=2'512. e=O01, z=2411; e=0°5, z= 2°585. e=02, 2=2429; e=06, z=2°774. e=0°3, z=2457; e=07, z=3:092. For larger values of e, we should take in more terms of our series to get a close approximation to the root, which is getting too large to make our approximation very accurate. For these larger roots it is better to use the descending series, and the method of finding the roots from them, explained on p. 70. We shall proceed to consider briefly several physical problems that can be solved by the aid of the functions we have been considering. Vibrations of elliptic membranes : If 7 is the tension, p the density and w the small displacement normal to the plane of the membrane, the equation of motion is j dw T Tia a V2w=cV2w where 7'= pe’. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 73 Taking w to vary as e**, we get (V,?+x«*)w=0. Since w must be finite all over the membrane we are confined to the f functions—supposing the membrane to be a complete ellipse. Thus we take w=SA, fy (Aw) fy (Aa’) oleet, « (on which the frequency depends) is determined by the boundary condition; which is w=0 when z=. This gives f, (Aa) =0, or f, (xa) =0, where a is the semi-major axis of the ellipse. The nodal system is composed of a series of confocal ellipses given by f,(Av)=0, and a series of confocal hyperbolas /, (Aw’) =0. To determine the frequencies corresponding to the various fundamental modes of vibration we have to find the lowest roots of f,(z)=0, f\(z)=0, and so on, and we haye already seen how to do this. Taking the values found for these roots in the case of f,(z)=0, we find that the ratios of the frequency of the fundamental note for e=0, e=01, e=02, e=053,... e=07 to that for e=O are 1; 1:003; 1:013; 1:022; 1:045; 1:075; 1154; 1:286. Thus there is very little difference between the notes emitted in the different cases. The interval between the notes for e=0 and e=01 is less than a comma; between e=0 and e=02 just about a comma, between e=0-6 and e=0 about a minor third: and between e=0 and e=07 an interval between a minor third and a fourth. Of course the frequency rises as the eccentricity increases, The vibrations of an elliptic plate can also be determined. If FE be Young's modulus for the material, p the density, 2t the thickness, and yw Poisson’s ratio, then if w is the displacement normal to the plane of the plate the dynamical equation is Et 3p(1—p*)” K=p*/ci our equation becomes (V#—«*4)w=0, or (V?+«?)(V?—«*)w=0. This can be solved in terms of our functions, and as w must be finite all over the plate we are confined to the f functions. We may take then w= Ae™t[ f(z) + wf(iz)] [f(2’) + uf (i2)], where z=dAax; 2 =rao’. w+c'Viw=0, where ci= If as usual we take w to vary as e” and put The nodal system consists of the series of confocal ellipses given by f(z)+ m/f (iz) =0, and the series of confocal hyperbolas given by f(z’) + w/f(iz’) =0. If the plate is clamped at the edge (c=), we must have w and aw 0 at the edge, nea (Sp) pepe (20) — 0} F' (2) + iuf (im) =0. Eliminating y»’ we get the frequency equation [2,=«a] S' (@) _ of'(%) SF (2) SF (%) © Von. XVII. Parr I. 10 74 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+«’)y=0 Vibration of air in elliptic cylinders. If y is the velocity potential we have as usual TY = Vy, and taking w to vary as et we get (V2+e)p=0. As y must be finite at all points in the cylinder we take $= EAn fn (Aa) fa 2’) ot Since there is no normal displacement at the boundary we have oF _o when Oa x=, so that corresponding to w= Ane**f,(Xx)fn(Aw’) we have the frequency equation Fa (AX) =0, or fn (ka) =0. We have already explained (p. 70) how the roots of this equation are to be obtained from the descending series. We shall write down the results for the lowest note of the modes whose velocity potentials are y = Af, (Ax) fo (A*) e'***, and Y= Afi) fiOur)erst Any other mode may of course be discussed by the same method. Mode y= Af, (dz) fy (da) et, (c= 331,00 centimetres per second.) ca hee ieee ee cee eee that for e=0 0 | 3832 20156 16400 1 o1 | 38432 20221 1.6346 10033 02 | 3:8720 20366 | 16230 10103 03 | 39259 20650 16007 71-0245 04 || 40578 21346 | 15495 10591 05 | 4is74 | 92095 | 15008 | 1:0997 06 | 43799 | 23036 | 14348 11430 ov || 47328 | 24895 | 13277 12351 (08 | 52923 | 27835 11875 1-4132 We see from the above that there is an interval of rather less than a comma between the notes emitted in the case e=O and in e=0°2. note c then e=0'8 will sound F% very nearly. If e=0 gives out the IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 75 In order that e=0 may omit the middle c of a piano (264 vibrations a second) its radius must be a= 76°35 centimetres = 30°061 inches, Mode w= Af, (Az) f, (Az’) efx, [The lowest roots of f,/(Aw) is not very large and is best obtained by the method of p. 71.] Ratio of e Ka axfrequeney | wave length/a Preece ard 0 | 180 | 9683 34135 1 o1 || 1sui7 9687 34120 10005 02 18421 9690 34112 | 10007 03 | 18449 9705 34057 1-0024 04 18494 9728 33979 1-047 05 | 1ss27 | 9744 | 33900 | 1.0063 06 | 18576 | 9772 33823 | 1-0093 “ov | 1ses7 | 9813 | 33683 10135 08 | 18758 9867 | 3:3496 10191 09 | 1ss75 | 9929 3°3290 1-0255 This is the gravest of the normal modes. The influence of eccentricity on the frequency is exceedingly minute. If the motion is not the same in every transverse plane we can still solve the problem as indicated on p. 42. Thus suppose, for example, the cylinder is bounded by rigid transverse walls at z=0 and z=J, then we take =A, cos se ; and get (V2+")An=0, 27-2 where Ke= Ke = ; so that we have finally ab = DB. fn (N2) fn (A'2’) cos aT ES where 1’=he’ and «’ is given above. 10 —2 76 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+x«*)y=0 The lowest note corresponds to m=1, and iis Te 2— 7/2 4 fe R Hey or (xa)? = (x«'a)? + as (1). The lowest values of «a for the different cases have just been written down for the case n=0, and the corresponding frequencies are thus obtainable with the aid of (1). Another problem that is readily solved by the help of our functions is the deter- minations of the tidal waves in a cylindrical vessel of elliptical boundary. If £& be the elevation of the free surface above the undisturbed level then it is well known that ‘the equation of continuity’ and the dynamical equations lead at once to oF V3 where c?=gh, (h being the depth). Thus we have €= 24, f, (Ax) fn(A2’) e**, the boundary equation being 0 or fn (Am) =9. This is the frequency equation, giving the admissible values of «, and the corresponding ‘speeds’ of the oscillations are then «c= « Vgh. Another hydrodynamical problem that naturally presents itself here is the consider- ation of certain possible forms of steady vortex motion in an elliptic cylinder. In steady motion in two dimensions the angular velocity () is constant along each stream line. But if w be the stream function we have V,*"=20, so that every possible form of steady motion is included in Vjxr=y(W) where y (yr) is an arbitrary function of wy. If we put y(W)=-—«'*h where « is a constant we get our equation (V.2+«°)y~=0, and as Ww must be finite at all points within the cylinder we have y= =A nti n (Aw) 7 n (A2’). As w must be constant along the boundary, we get for the case corresponding to Ww=Af, (Ax) fr(A2’), fr (A%)=0 or Ff, (xa)=0, the roots of which determine the admissible values of x. We have aiready shown how to obtain these roots and have written down the lowest root for n =0, corresponding to various values of the eccentricity, (p. 72). The periods of vibration of electricity in a cylindrical cavity of elliptic cross-section inside a conductor are readily obtained. Since everything is independent of z (measured along the axis) we have, with usual notation eta O3 thus there is a stream function wW, from which w and v ; : ot ov. ow ze Ree . are got by differentiation Daa 0 =a By applying the circuital laws of Ampere and Faraday in the usual way we get Gas V2(Vyy) in the dielectric, where V is the velocity of propagation of electro-dynamic action through the dielectric. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 77 Putting y. ce we get (V+x«*)y=0, and since y must be finite everywhere in the cavity, we thus get p= TAn fa (Ae) fr (o'eix"", Now the wave length will clearly be comparable in magnitude with the diameter of the cylinder, so that for ordinary sized cylinders the frequency is enormously high. But in such cases the currents are confined to a mere ‘skin’ on the surface of the conductor. Inside this skin (ie. in the conductor) there is no EM.F.; and the tangential E.M.F. is continuous on crossing the skin. Thus the tangential E...F. must vanish at the surface of the dielectric. Since the tangential E.M.F. vanishes, the tangential current Oy : a : : also vanishes, therefore a =0, at the boundary, or in our notation Ane when #=a). } aL Thus if p=Af, (Ax) f, (Aa’)e™"*, the admissible values of «(X=h«) are given by the roots of f,’(A%)=0. The roots of this are given (for 7=0 and n=1) on pp. 74, 75; the wave lengths there determined apply also to the electrical problem. If we are dealing with the problem of electric waves in the dielectric surround- ing an elliptic cylinder then we must replace f,(A7) above by @,~(Xx) and take We = LAndn (Ax) fy, (Aw’) e*”t in the dielectric. In this case the admissible values of « are given by the roots the equation ¢,/~ (ca) =0. If we wish to estimate the decay of magnetic force in a metal cylinder, the lines of magnetic force being parallel to the axis we have (neglecting polarisation currents) >», _ 47 de Vyc = air : 4mm or, if ¢. ce, (V2+«2)c=0 where @=— The appropriate solution is c= ZA, f, (Ax) f, (da) e-™. Now we are neglecting polar- isation currents so that ¢ is constant in the dielectric. Taking this constant value as J, and noting that the tangential component of the magnetic force is continuous, we have at the boundary (#= a») DAn Fat) fn (AG) en pel. In the case of free currents IT=0 and the admissible values of « are given by the roots of f,(A®)=0, or fy, (ka) =0. : m — 4rpa? The ‘modulus of decay’ is = Sri Sau m core a(xay values of («a), the slowest of all corresponding to the least root of f,(«a)=0. We shail write down the modulus for a copper rod semi-major axis 1 em, for which «= 1600; and for an iron rod of same size for which # = 1000, and c=104 The decay is slowest for the smallest 78 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+x«*)y=0 lane RMeciniees@apper| Metin eon ese eer | (seconds) (seconds) e=0 0 | 2-404 001359 2174 1 o1 | 2411 | o01351 | 2169 0-9942 02 | 2-429 001331 2130 | 09793 03 | 2457 | 001301 | 2082 09573 04 | 2519 001245 “1991 0-9158 05 | 2585 001175 | “1881 08649 | o¢ | 2774 001021 1633 0°7510 07 | 3092 | 000803 1284 | 05907 _ In dealing with the case where the currents are longitudinal and the magnetic force transversal, we may express everything in terms of R the E.M.F. along the axis. Adopting the usual notation we have :— da__ OR. 0b _ OR. i BOG me ate an 477 wipe = sep = Ava, In the cylinder we have (Ve2+x«2) BR, =0 where as and in the dielectric (V2+ x) Ry=0 where 12 = (5) . Thus R,=DAnfa (Ue) fr Aux’) e'?*, R= =Brabn (Avt) fn Aor’) ert. The E.M.F. parallel to the axis is continuous at the surface of the cylinder, « R,=R, when =”, ©. Anfn(%)= Badan (Ach). KR is a ‘stream function’ for a and ow b, so that the magnetic induction parallel to the bounding ellipse is proportional to Ap But the tangential magnetic force is continuous; so that we get another boundary Aim ’ , A if. n (42) = Bohn v7; (Aco). equation Eliminating the ratio of A, to B, we get:— Mh (Ar%o) * No hn (Ao) aS SSQun yy ke ae Since the currents will decay slowly p/V (and therefore X.) is very small. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. Ao Now if X=0, the equation for $,-(Aw) is 2? ee ne dy 24 (2 n) y= 0. Let y=ue’ where t=—iz and we get ? 2 ars i ~+(t—n)u=0. ‘ ch : : a Solving this in an ascending series of the form mat re .., We get as the “in- dicial” equation m?—n?= 0. Thus we have ¢) (Aw) = approximately when X is small. ae Making use of this we find that (1), of p. 78, becomes Rtn. (4%) Mn (M2) or Mn (Ay @) + Moen (U%)= 90, which determines the admissible values of p. If, as in case of iron, pw is large we have f,(4,%)=0, which has just been considered for the case n=0 on p. 78. =- nd, Secrion II. SpHerorps. We shall proceed now to the more interesting problem of finding solutions of the equation (V*+«*)yr=0 that will enable us to deal with a variety of questions relating to spheroids. Generally if a, %, a; form a system of orthogonal coordinates so that the line element ds is given by ds*= oe +e — it is well known that 3 V2yp = Ighgh lala tet]: Also if a, %, 4 satisfy V*y=0, we have the simpler relation Vp = h? wt hee 4 nes We shall be dealing with prolate spheroids, and shall define the position of a point by the semi-axes a and a’ of the ellipse and hyperbola confocal with some given one that pass through the point, and by the azimuth ¢. We may take a=—4 | Hi ( = y (with the usual notation). » da a --' Be 80 that dey => ik! ee bD bVve@=—a? pdp=ada; | eA 80 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+x«*)y=0 =a? | b? da? 2 b? da. P WG i i oe In this way we get bigs eae z ane (eae ; a h? h? ie 1 a hy : Aas 1 1 \e 1e. Vyr= 12 (2 mew |- ae (1 — «*)- Tay ee Hl bid +(i—a ale 5 where z=a/h and a2’ =a'/h. If we take to vary as sin(n@+ ) we have a =— ny, and hence if (V2+.«*)y=0 we get fy 0 e 0 l : ; We (2? — #*)Yp=a (1 - 2) ¥_ 2a) *) = +(=a- po) As before assume w=yy' where y is a function of # only and 2 of 2’ only. We then get Me hk =X) nv —-Me= — 1 nf? Ee Layee «) Te =a ae as These NE y OF =-—p say (where p is an arbitrary constant). Thus y and zy’ both satisfy an equation of the form d Aub ip a aia ae ag he ag Pe i cares eae: In case of symmetry about the axis we have n=0 and d 2 dy 22 — ag ag + Dae iy 0. Consider (1 — a) y” — 2a’ + (p — x? a) y— 7 y= 0: saisraertiewiclcewioe sjscre (1). Let y=(1 —@*)"".z. Substitute in (1) and divide by (1 —2)"*. This leads to the equation (1 — 2°) 2” —2(n +1) a2’ +[p—n(n+ 1)—d2*] z=0 Everything now depends on the solution of this equation which we may therefore regard as the fundamental one of our problem. It corresponds to the equation of p. 43 in our former work. This equation has the same critical points as that just referred to, viz. 1, —1, and 2». Its solution in the neighbourhood of these critical points might be investigated on exactly the same lines as before. The work however would be so nearly identical with our earlier work that it is hardly worth repeating it here. We shall proceed at once to obtain solutions in a form convenient for physical applications, Le. in a series of powers of 2. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 81 Assuming 2=a,0"+a,0"*'+... and substituting in (2) of last page we find that we must have m(m—1)=0. Thus we get two independent serial solutions, one even and the other odd. Taking the even series first we have :— PTE I Bie ee, it) ae UN Sa Substituting in the differential equation and equating coefficients of different powers to zero we get 2a, + pao =0; (2m +1) (2m + 2) duit [p’- 2m(2m +n — 15) eta CO where p’=p—n(n +1). 4(n— lym—2=p | aN (2m + 2)(2m +1) — (2m 4-2) (2m +1) vp,’ Tf Uns = Om/@m we find Imi, =1+ Thus when m is large, either v%» is small in which case v, tends to the limit rn ~ (2m +1) (2m + 2) is very large. In the former case the ultimate convergence is the same as that of the series for cos Xv, and the’series is convergent for all finite values of the argument. , OF Ym is not small and then v,, approaches the limit 1, when m We must consider more particularly the other case which is more unfavourable to the convergence of our series. In the first place we note that the series converges for all values of the argument whose modulus is less than unity. It is important to examine the convergence in the extreme case when |#}=1. The series is @+a@,+...+@n+... to @, where (2m +1) (2m 4+ 2) dia = [2m (2m + 2n +1) — p'] dn + Man. As we have already seen Lt ae =i man m Gm 2m (2m+ 2n+1) — p’ Gm (2m+1)(Qn+2) ai ( Qin 1) oy (2m + 1) (2m + 2) — 2m (2m + 2n+1)+p’ ; 2m (2m + 2n+1)—p' =1—n in the limit when m=m. 2 and when m is very large we have approx.; Ama For all cases except n=0, this is less than 1, so that this test of convergence shows that all the series (corresponding to different values of n, except n=0) diverge when «= 1. For the case of n=0 we must use a higher test of convergence. We have in this case :— (log m) x [™ = = 1) is | = (log m): pms. 1) Gan 4m? + 2m — p’ Seen A om so that for this case also the series diverges when «= 1. Vor XVI. Parr i. 11 ultimately = 7 : = ultimately = 0, 82 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+*)y=0 Now 2’=1 on the axis of the spheroid, so that if we are dealing with physical problems that require the dependent variable to be expressed in terms of x and 2 throughout a region from which the axis of the spheroid is not excluded, we cannot make use of the series just considered. For such problems we are confined to the first case mentioned on p. 81. In other words we must have v,=0, and then the series we obtain converge for all finite values of the argument. As before this limits us to particular values of p. The series just considered are the even series: but of course precisely similar results are obtained from a treatment of the odd series. The cases that will prove most useful to us in the discussion of physical problems are those corresponding to »=0 and n=1, and we shall therefore consider these more in detail. For the case of symmetry n=0 we have faa) Ws (p—me)y=0. It will be rather more convenient to solve this im powers of Az, and taking Y =, + O (ALP +... +Gn(At)"+... we get 2a,r2 + pa, =0; 12a,.A*— (6 —p) a, — a = 0, (2n + 1) (2n 4 2) dnd? —[2n (2n+ 1) —p] Qa—G,r=9. We have seen that for most physical applications p is confined to the roots of a,» =0. The determination of these roots proceeds exactly as on p. 60, et seq., the only difference is that in the present case we take v, = 2n(2n+1)—p instead of (2n)?—p*. Thus we can use our former work to give us the values of p with comparatively very little trouble. po (corresponding to v,=0), see p. 60. First approximation: %) =v, ~. pPo=9. Le Aa nN 2 Second. Oat ae w=O; & %=—Zi P= a: y. = 2 oO. Third. Saye oes aoe V4 V;7Vo ivin yn. = rv a oe OY. Bens Pa Sim ISbE a 2? 4 6 § & Fourth. O=n¢ VE SA OES el, Vy Oy | ida Pon | thy ols Wats 3s hat Dare eee ; ad Po 335 eso ere 5 = 7 8 . DAN * . 5 . o/ Fifth. OR oY See ee ate 4, 5.6) VY VU, VyVo V, \ VV. VV VyVo / _ 2a ee ee eo ee UV; VVo | Vivo \ Vo Vas Va, \ VVo V3 —-VsVy IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 83 eee 4 182) 10 yw = Se Vt 6 Hence up to ” we have p, 3 ~ 135 AY + 3°57 e+ 37.58 73° Ps (corresponding to v,=0) see p. 61. First approwimation: v,=0, .. p.r=6. MoS ee. a Second. nr ; 3r =") = OF i P=6+ mM. Third. V+? (= 2k -*) _» mw (% Z pat °) =0, % Vo VY. " Usds Rr Pao on ge mee ee ee Sy ee, U Vo UsUs VU; UM, Ug So that pam 6457 + a ii tes Neo (21° ~ 99x 7 ps (corresponding to v= 0). First approximation: v,=0, .. py= 20. egg (ee 2-6) a py nice Second. Vo +X ea a rie a 0, pPs=204 77 Third. +2 e a »-8) - [Po 5 2 *|- 0, Vy Us Uy Us7Us Boy Sos Cs 77 5 (6. Wie 18} Similarly with the odd series let Y = CAG +O (Aw +...+ Cn (Aw +... and we get (1 — 2) [6c,A8a + 20c,A5a? + ... + 2n(2n+1) cn Aa" + «J — 2a [oor + BeA8z? + ScASa* +... + (Qn +1) e,rA™Hae + ., prs ayn [2 + (IN |4 lf fs (Xz) dx, by p. 89. Similarly, when n is odd, we have f, (Aw) = Aw +e (AW) + i | i Faaz)l daz =< [e7A — ¢,7A8|3 + C°A?|5 + ...] in Lfn (AX) dz, by means of the relations above. Since | k Fa (ax) dx and i es fn(e)dx are easily determined by direct integration —1 J 1 of the series, we can thus determine | Fa (nx)|° ae. =u The above gives us the value of the constant A, of this and the last page. When nm is even we have | fa (ax) de ns a, { iF (Ax)|? dx a so that in this case A,=1/(ae — a7r?|2 + ay M4 + a) and similarly, when n is odd, we get A, =1/¢7A? — ¢fA3 3 + ch 5 “Eons We shall proceed to discuss some physical problems, involving the use of the functions now under consideration. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 9 Vibrations of spheroidal sheets of air. [f c be the velocity of sound in air and y the velocity potential our characteristic equation is oF aot “f. Taking y to vary as e** we get (V?+«*)y=0. As we are confined to a thin layer we may regard # as a constant, and so our fundamental : l in @ ; aa equation reduces to (1 — wv) CE + (uta? — Nat) = 0. This is the same form as before with p=«a’. If the layer is complete the series for yy must be convergent for all possible values of 2’ (i.e. from a’ =—1 to a’=1, inclusive), and so we have y~=Af(z’); [F(z’) becomes infinite at the poles a’ =+1] and the necessity of convergence at the poles determines the hitherto arbitrary constant «, or rather confines it to certain definite values. See p. 82. If the layer of air instead of being complete is bounded by two parallels of latitude, then our solution is ~=A/f,(a’)+ Bf,(w’) where f, and f, are the odd and even series of p. 81. p is not now restricted by conditions of convergence, the series f(z’) being convergent (whatever p be) provided «’<1, which is the case in the present problem. At the bounding walls we must have oY =o; so that if 2’ =a, «=£ are the boundaries, we have Afy (a) + BF’ (a)=0, Af’ (8)+ Bf’ (8) = 0. Eliminating 4:B we get the frequency equation Fo (a), fr(a) |=0, Jo (8), fi’ (8) which determines the admissible values of «. If one of the boundaries (8) is the equator, then the frequency equation takes the simple form fj’ (a) =0. Returning to the case of the complete spheroid we shall determine the frequency corresponding to some of the simpler modes of vibration. Corresponding to py: (p. 82), 2772 — ag 2 2 4 4 6 we have a ls a A i a a aivialeis biateloatemciert wide bia alelaleiatetsiate (1), and X=hk=xae, so that (1) becomes 2 1 2 2 2 — Ka E 3° +735 eae + . |=0 It follows from this that for our problem we must have «a=0. The expression in brackets [ ] cannot vanish for real values of «a, to which we are confined in the present case. 92 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V*+«*)y=0 « being zero, yY is independent of the time—so that there is really no vibration at all, and this so called ‘mode’ is without physical interest. Corresponding to p,. This is the slowest periodic movement for the case of symmetry round the axis. The vibration is wnsymmetrical with respect to the ends of the spheroid. We have dat = p= 2+ 2 eM g Mt =2 +3 eae = ate +..., giving a? =2+1.2e + 692e + 38e8 + .... eae Ka? ax frequency | wave length/a ee ee 7439 4450 | 01 | 20121 7461 4436 02 20491 7528 4396 03 | 21136 | veay | 4398 lo4 | 2209 | veis | 4234 05 | 23491 | 806i 4106 ear 2-5397 8383 | 3-948 07 27802 8786 3767 08 31497 9385.—«| = B346 09 | 36181 10,000 | 3310 The ratios of the frequencies for e=01...e=0°9 to that for the sphere (e=0) are 1:003; 1:012; 1:028; 1:051; 1:083; 1126; 1181; 1-214; 1°330. The interval between successive cases is rather more than a comma, that between e=0°8 and e=0 is rather more than a minor third, and between e=0°9 and e=0 is just about a fourth. If then the sphere gives out the note ¢ (or Do) the spheroid e=-f, ,, = » » @ (or Re) very nearly, 3 5 e= 3s 3 » » € (or Mz) fairly nearly, > ey c= - » » # (or Fa) very nearly. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 93 For the sphere to sound the middle ¢ of a piano (c’; frequency 264) it must have a radius a=28 centimetres =11 inches. If the eccentricity is ;§, then a=31 centimetres (12} inches), » 4 oe stor $ (142 inches), The accompanying rough sketch will illustrate to the eye the influence of size and eccentricity on the note emitted. = : e=0 _ e=0°6 e=0°56 e=083 e=0°83 94 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V*+«*)y=0 Corresponding to p. (the slowest symmetrical vibration), 11,,, 94 21388 a? = pr.=6+ 57 + Oip” go (p. 83) =6+ = ere + Gry Kate! — a Kase +... , so that a? =6 +3'14e + 2e4— 14e®+... (va ; : Ratio of | ea? axfrequeney | wave length/a | frequency to o | 6 | 1288s 2-569 1 01 | 60314 12918 2-563 1-003 02 61286 13020 2544 1-010 03 | 62978 13201 2°507 1-024 04 || 65459 13461 2-459 | 1045 05 | 69136 13830 2393 1-073 06 73238 14234 2325 1105 o7 | 7-456 14734 2-247 1143 08 | 84620 15301 2163 1-186 0-9 9°3266 16063 2-061 1-247 The interval between the notes corresponding to e=0 and e=-3, is just about a comma: between those for e=0 and e=-,5, about a major third. We shall now turn to the case of non-symmetry about the axis. Taking y to vary as sin @ (where ¢@ is the azimuth) we have n=1 im the equation of p. 80. Corresponding to p, (the gravest note we can get), 8 Cee pe eee eee 2) oo. . il 4 8 =) = inp 4 pt oa 6 6 = 245 Kate 5a 7 eae + oy a, (ware +... giving ew = 2+ 0-4e + 0:062e + 0:006e+.... The values are tabulated on the next page. The lowest note in the series (that for the sphere) is the same as that in the mode discussed on p. 92. But for the same eccentricity (except e=0) the notes in this mode are rather lower than im the mode on p. 92. In the present case if the sphere gives the note Do (c), then the spheroid e=,°- gives out a note slightly lower than Re (d), while the note corresponding IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 95 to e= 7, in the mode of p. 92 is Fa(f). The spheroid e=,5, gives in the mode of p. 92 about the same note as e=,'; in the present mode. e a | axtrequeney wave length/a 0 5 | 7439 4450 o1 | 2004 7446. | had 0-2 2-016 7468 4-432 03 | 2037 7508 4-409 04 | 2-066 7361. | 4377 o5 | 2104 | 7630 | 4338 06 2152 | 7716 | 4289 07 221 | 7822 £231 08 2282 79-44 4167 09 2367 8093 £090 Corresponding to p, Cee = ee a z Neer aor : 7 1029 33.79 =643 cae 5099 (2) tas qe (xaye+..., so that a? = 6 + 2°57e? + 0:°96e! + 0°33e8 + eee | a? ax frequency | wave length/a oli @ 12883 | 2569 o1 || 6027 | 12916 | 2562 02 | 61032 | 12996 | 2546 03 | 62303 | 13141 | 2519 o4 || oas7s | iss4a7 | 2480 os | 660e7 | 13598 | 2446 06 | 70632 13980 2366 ov | 75226 14427 2-294 os | s1242 14994 2-207 09 | 88902 15686 | 2110 — 96 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS ON THE EQUATION (V*+«*)y=0 The notes of this mode are rather Jower than in the corresponding cases on p. 94; e=, of this mode nearly corresponding with e=,§; of the former. Vibrations in a hemi-spheroidal sheet. The symmetrical vibrations (corresponding to p,, py...) make the equator nodal, so that we may at once adopt the above results to vibrations in a hemispheroid closed at the edge. The notes are given on p, 94 The unsymmetrical type (corresponding to p,, ps...) make y=0 and therefore ~=0 at the equator (z’=0). Thus in these modes there is no pressure variation at the equator, so that there is a loop there. If we make the rough assumption usually adopted in the elementary treatment of open ends—viz. that there is a loop at the end, we can thus apply our results to the determination of the notes in a hemi- spheroidal layer with an open end (open at the equator). The notes are given on pp. 92 and 95. The case discussed on last page (n=1) gives us the gravest note in a quadrant of a spheroid, closed at the sides and open at the equator. A problem that is analytically closely analogous to the one just discussed is the investigation of the modes of vibration for the electrical oscillations tn a thin homeoidal layer of dielectric between two conducting spheroidal surfaces. There are clearly two perfectly distinct types of oscillation. In one the wave surges backwards and forwards between the bounding surfaces, the magnetic force being normal to the ellipsoid and so the electric force tangential. In this type the wave length will be comparable with the thickness + of the layer, and the frequency will be consequently excessively great. The longest wave will be that which crosses the layer and gets back again in a period, so that its wave length is 27 and there will be harmonics of wave lengths 7, 37, etc. For the other type—which we are now to examine—the waves advance along the ellipsoidal surface, the electric force being normal to the ellipsoid and the magnetic force tangential. The electric force R is normal to the spheroid. Let the line element on the spheroid be given by dst = 1 2 Then, on applying the fundamental circuital laws of Faraday and Ampére to the elements ABEF and ABCD, we get {with help of relation waa GI ; eR a (hy 1 AGB) , 0 (he LOR) a bee ae eee Soa ae rae ih IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 97 Owing to the symmetry about the axis rh is independent of ¢ and our equation becomes pots d/h, 107R be Sa — Bale a7 pt Oa" ) 3 8 (10 = = Iyhe ont (7: = aa eee eee eee eee eee ee eee ee eee ee eee (1), if ~ is constant, as we shall suppose. a Pp = we : 2 1 Noy hae hig? h? (a? — a2)’ le ~ h(a? —1) (1 — 2)’ and for a homeoid t=ap where a is a constant, or T= q he Men =i : Va? — a? Substituting in (1) we get OR _ 1 a R wK ot? ~ he Va — a? a? = (Gl a) Vo — 2 2 =a? i 2 2 ry Or a fi ow or if y= R/Va®— 22, wKh? (a? — 2") aE = aa! (1 — 2!) one : 1 ; : F : Putting Par so that c is the velocity of propagation and taking y to vary Mm as et, we get Line 2s Ov + a2 (a2 a!) =0, where X=/hk. This is exactly the same equation as we had to deal with in considering the vibrations of spheroidal layers of air. The solution is of course the same as before: p= =x«'a? being determined in the case of a complete spheroid by the condition of convergence at the poles. The only difference is that c, the velocity of propagation, is different for the two problems. The wave lengths are the same in both cases; and have been determined in some of the more important cases on p. 92 e¢ seg. If the surface is not complete, but is bounded by a parallel of latitude 2’, we must consider the condition at the edge. The layer of dielectric being supposed very thin, it is clear that the current (7) at the edge will be almost entirely tangential (along the parallel of latitude). Thus the boundary condition may be taken to be the vanishing OR Oar’ edge. Vou. XVIE Parr tl. 13 98 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+)y=0 Since R= V2*—2?.w, the boundary condition becomes (a — a) oy z= 0. ox At the equator «'=0, and the boundary equation is then oY =o, so that the conditions are exactly the same as in the sound problem with a closed edge. See p. 96. Vibrations of air contained in a spheroidal envelope. If wW is the velocity potential our characteristic equation is OF =e Vp, to solve which we take y to vary as e*¢ and proceed as on p. 79. If we are dealing with a complete spheroidal surface we must confine ourselves to the f functions, and take p= DA, fn (@) fn @) eX. At a rigid boundary oF <0, so that the boundary condition is f,’(%)=0, which determines the admissible values of x. We have already shown p. 87 how the roots of this equation can be obtained in any case. The gravest note will be the fundamental one of the type y=/i(x)fi(2’)e*, the values of « being determined by roots of f,' (a)= 0. On p. 88 we have given the lowest root of this equation for different values of the eccentricity of the bounding spheroid. We thus get these results :— | Ratio of e | ka ax frequency wave length/a Pouseney to fo | 20815 | 10950 30186 1 O1 | 20825 10955 30172 | 1-0005 02 | 20848 10960 30158 10010 03 | 20365 10975 30117 10024 0-4 2:0902 10993. 30061 10042 05 20961 | 11026 2:9978 1:0070 o6 | 21035 | 11064 2-9876 1-0104 oy | 241194 3 | 29745 1.0150 08 21233 11170 2-9594 1020 09 | 241364 11240 29411 1.0264 IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS, 99 The most striking thing about these results is the exceedingly small influence of moderate eccentricity on the frequency. The interval between the fundamental notes for a sphere and a spheroid of eecen- tricity 35; is less than a comma. For the sphere to sound the middle c of a piano (c’) its radius must be a = 41487 centimetres = 164 inches. If the eccentricity is 4 then a =41'764 centimetres = 16°444 inches. ” ” ty py he 42°57 ” =16°761 » If we wish to find the motion of the enclosed air due to a given normal motion of the bounding spheroid, we have a apne JS (a’k) et (say) when #=2,; and so we assume p=A/f(a’) f(x) e*, the boundary condition being Af'(x)=a, .. A= far ) X and our solution becomes w= a ©) VACA Gade “fF (@) To determine the motion of air contained between two confocal spheroids, we must use two independent solutions of our fundamental equation, neither of which become infinite anywhere between the spheroids. We may take y = [Af (x) + Bo (2) ] f(a’) e*. When x=2, and =a, we must have oF =o. Hence Af’ (a,) + Bo’ (a) =0, Af’ (a) + Bo’ (x2) = 0. Eliminating A:B we get SF (a), $' (a) SF (#2), (2) which is the frequency equation to determine «. On the communication of vibrations from a spheroid to the surrounding gas. We shall suppose the disturbance due to a periodic normal motion of the surface x=. If the normal displacement is ¢(#')e* we can expand ¢(«’) in a series of F@) et so that at the surface «=a, we have to deal with a boundary condition of the form ca =f (Am) ex. To represent the motion in the surrounding gas we want a solution appropriate to divergent waves: and so take w= Ag (z) f(z’) e*“, where z=da, 2 =a’. The boundary condition gives 1=AA¢g’—(z%) so that vag onl ee 13—2 100 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+x«*) y=0 At a great distance from the spheroid z is very large, so that $~ (2) =b, — approximately. Hence at a great distance from the Sana we may take e (xct—z) Y= w SS etx (ct—a) are Wien ee rr where @ is the semi-major axis of the confocal Rte through the point in question. In estimating the energy emitted by the vibrating spheroid we may note that since there can be on the whole no accumulation of energy between two spheroidal surfaces, the energy transmitted across any of the confocal surfaces must be independent of z. Thus we may if we choose take the particular case when z is very great for estimating the transmission of energy across any one of the confocal spheroidal surfaces. e (xct—z) Now we have just seen that when z is very large we may take ~=A/f(z’) where A =b,/Ad™ (&). The energy transmitted across a spheroid z up to time ¢ is W= [au[[-ey as With the usual notation pdp = ada =h’adz ; p'dp' = h?a'dz’, dS = 2my. dp! = 20 dp! = Ih V1) =a). dp’ = ls, 7 LP SGe vz /#-1 Bae peed pag 5 Ne 3 ay a eee ts = Qath (a2 — nae W= a = aoa 1) aa. As already explained, we may take se expressions for y and = corresponding to large values of a. et (xct—2z) This gives =ixcAf (2’) e (xet—z) ao Af (z) when z. is large. —s 2) Hence W= | dt (ps pcr Af (ey 2th (S -1) de’ IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS, 101 If we integrate cosm«(ct—a) {m an integer} with respect to ¢ over any number of periods we get zero: while the integral of cos*«(ct—«) or sin*«(ct—a) is }t, where t is the time. Thus integrating over a long range of time—or rather over a range including a number of periods—we have W=}4.t. pwcd|A}? 2arh (= - 3) i. { f (Ax’)}? da’, AP (2) ” where |A| is the modulus of A = mod. : A 1 Also since we are supposing z very large = may be neglected and we get (re- membering that = he) 2 da’. ae Ap] FO) Scattering of waves by an obstructing spheroid. Suppose a series of plane waves with their fronts perpendicular to the axis of a spheroid move towards the spheroid and are scattered by it. The velocity potential of the impinging wave is o¢=e* (ct-+a,) — gixct em see p. 89, ee BAay n (Ac) f, n (r2’), where the coefficients A, are determined as on p. 90. For the scattered wave we take w=e'' [B,db,7 (Ax) fi, (Az’). At the surface «=a, we must have w Anfn’ (A) + Badn (AX) = 0, which determines B,, so that the velocity potential of the scattered wave is known. —ine At a distance from the spheroid we may take ¢n;~ (ua) = b, <— giving be (xct—Az) wv = TS TBafn (A2’). We shall now turn to a brief discussion of the electrical oscillations over the surface of a spheroid. 102 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+«)~=0 Consider the case where the currents are in meridian planes through the axis of the spheroid and the magnetic force in parallels of latitude. If a, b, ¢ denote the com- ponents of the magnetic induction parallel to rectangular fixed axes, ¢ being along the axis of the spheroid, we have c=0, and =sin d. x (#2’), b=—cosd.y (aa’). If as usual we take all variables proportional to et we have (V?+«*)a=0 in a dielectric, where «=p/V, V being the velocity of propagation in the dielectric; and (V2+«2)a=0 in a conductor, where «?=—4pip/o, the conductor being of specific resistance o and magnetic permeability y. Since in the present case a=sin $. x(a’), we see that y is a solution of the equation on p. 80 for the case n=1. ; Thus inside the spheroid we have a=Asing. f(Na)f (Nx) e”, =—Acos¢d.f (rx) f (N2’) es, c=0. And outside (in the dielectric) a= Bsin dh. B (rx) f (Ax’) e*, =—Bcos ¢. B- (Ax) f (Aa’) e'?*, c=0. Since the tangential magnetic force is continuous we have A 7 Ff (2) = BE (Ax), x=, being the bounding spheroid. Another surface condition is got from the consideration that the electromotive intensity parallel to the spheroidal surface is continuous. Now the oscillations of the surface distribution of electricity are very rapid for ordinarily sized spheroids—the wave length being comparable with a diameter of the spheroid, and the velocity of propagation very great. But we know that in the case of very rapid oscillations the disturbance is confined to a very thin ‘skin’. Inside this skin there is no E.M.F. [or there would be an electrical disturbance, which does not occur]. Hence for continuity of E.M.F. we see that the tangential E.M.F. vanishes at the surface of the dielectric. To get an expression for the E.M.F. we make use of the circuital relation of Ampere, that the line integral of the magnetic force round a circuit =47x current through the circuit. IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS. 103 Apply this to the ring-shaped circuit in the figure and we find, if H is the resultant magnetic force and ( the intensity of the current, 4arC . Qery .dp = £ (amy . HH) da, Now the E.M.F. parallel to C in the dielectric is ae and we have seen that this vanishes, so that our surface condition is 4 (yl)=0, when «=a, and y =hV(e—1)0—2”), “ [Va,? — 1 @- (ra,)] =0. Now from p. 88 we see that 2. Met 1 6- a= [+e - | ew nr. p so putting z=Xa,, the frequency equation becomes ee Ie -*) (0+ - =) | =(/. In the case of the sphere, X=0 and the series for pn” (Ax) are finite, so that the problem is very easy. The most important case corresponds to n=0, giving p)=2, b,=—b,, b, and all other b’s vanish, so that w (1 - 5) e-%=0, 22—iz-1=0, and dz i+ V3 Dea ey tee UTNE 2 Vt -3V Thus ¢?=e*?t=¢ %¢ % ‘. Thus the frequency is vais and the modulus of 4a, decay is =. so that for ordinary sized spheres the vibrations are almost “dead beat.” For values of 2% other than zero the question is not so easily answered. The modulus of z for the case of the sphere just considered is unity, and in the general case the series ee ... converges only for large values of the argument. For small 104. Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V*+x«"’)y=0 values of the eccentricity we can get z from this series sufficiently accurately, as the coefficients b., b,... will be very small; but for larger values of e it will be necessary to replace this descending series by the ascending ones f and F, in the manner indicated on p. 87. If we wish to consider the oscillations between two confocal spheroids (conductors) we must take, in the dielectric between the conductors, a=sin b. f (da’) ev [Cyt (An) + Dy“ 2)], b=—cos@...; c=0. By the same argument as before we must have yt )=0 when z=2, and =a, (the bounding surfaces), i = d = . ee {[Cy* (am) + Dy~ Qx,)] Va? — 1} = 0; AT {[Cx+ (ws) + Dy~ (Aa.)] V2 — 1} = 0, 1 2 and eliminating C:D from these two equations we get an equation to determine the frequency and modulus of decay. The case of a thin homeoid has already been discussed on p. 96. On the decay of electric currents in conducting spheroids. First take the case when the lines of magnetic force are parallels of latitude. Then just as on p. 102 the tangential magnetic force in the conductor is Af(\’z) f(X'z’) e, where oa . This must be continuous at the surface of the conductor, and if we neglect displacement currents it is zero in the dielectric. Thus the admissible values of « are given by f(’%)=0, where «=a, is the surtace of the conductor. We have already shown how the roots of this equation are to be found. The. tangential magnetic force is LA, f(A,/x) f(rs2’) e tH is where the summation extends to the different values of «x, given by the roots of f,(A’%)=0. The constants A, are determined in terms of their initial values by the usual process (see p. 88). Next take the case when the currents are in parallels of latitude. If P, Q@, R denote the components of E.M.F. (corresponding to a, b, c of last problem) we have :— Inside the spheroid P=Asin $f (X2) f (V2’) e?*, =—Acos¢...; R=0. Outside the spheroid (in the dielectric) P=Bsin d®- (Az) f (Az’) e?*, Q=—-Beos¢...; R=0. The continuity of the EMF. parallel to the spheroidal surface gives Af (Na) = BH- (ray). IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS, 105 Another “boundary equation” is got by considering the fact that the magnetic induction tangential to a meridian is also continuous. By making use of the circuital relation of Faraday and proceeding just as on p. 103 we get in this way bhi U a = * War —1f(r'm)] = Bo [Va — 1 @- (ra,)}. Eliminating the ratio A: B from the two salshel equations we get oo ENV aa al wo? —1f (r'%)] fe (Va? —1 ®- (ra,)] jet OQiah wh NELAGey ma This equation can be considerably simplified by noting that the currents will decay so slowly that p/V must be a very small quantity. Thus 2 is in this case exceed- ingly small. When A=0 the equation on p. 88 becomes at u at oa +22)" 4 (4e—p +2) n=0, while p=n(n+ 1). If we solve this in ascending series in the form u=4a,2-" +@ni,2-"*1+..., we have as enike the indicial equation m?—3m+2—n(n+1)=0, so that m=n+2, and we have y,=a. Qay approximately when 2 is very small. Hence when X is very small we have is e7e ®,~ (Az) = aV a? — —— Oar? ; d aie dx ee nO) ne and ———— = —— . P,- (Ax) Ja —1 So that the frequency equation becomes (1 + np) a fn (Aa) +’ (a? — 1) fi’ ('x,) = 0 and when yw is very great this is practically equivalent to f, (\’2,) =0. Various problems on the conduction of heat in spheroids may be discussed on the same lines as above. For an isotropic solid of specific heat c, density p, and uniform conductivity x, : ses OD : the equation of conduction is a V*v, where v is the temperature, Suppose we have a spheroid with its surface w=, kept at uniform temperature v, and wish to ascertain how the heat diffuses into the interior. We take v—v, to vary Si, ase ® and so get (V*+x«°*)(u—»v,)=0 i eee Up = SAnin (Ax) fn (A2’) ae. Vout. XVII. Parr I. iy 106 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V?+)y=0 which represents a temperature gradually approaching v, everywhere. The surface con- dition gives 7, (A#)=0, and so determines the admissible values of x. Initially (when t=0) we have v=v, + LAnfn (At) fn (rx’), and to determine the constants A, we should require to expand the initial temperature in a series of this form. (See p. 88.) For example suppose that initially v=v,+Af,(Az) f,(Az’), then at time ¢ we should pa 2 have v=y+Af, (Az) f, (Az’)e ” ‘. The ‘modulus of decay’ is oP _°P* —_. The values Rae hee (ae of «a are the different roots of fi(ca)=0. The decay is slowest for the smallest root. Calculating this by the method of p. 87, and taking ek for copper and =0:22 for iron, we are led to these results :— 1 for Copper for Iron 0 31416 08964 agisn on | Unica 01 31538 | -osss3 | 4547 | 09877 02 | 31902 08696 | 4467 09701 03 | 32598 | -08381 “4295 0.9328 o4 | 33476 | -o7s98 | 4057 | 08810 05 | 34785 07319 3760 | 08166 If the surface temperature is a given harmonic function of the time, say ve", we cp take v to vary as e@ and get (V?+«*)v=0, where bs. ee 1 To represent waves of heat travelling inwards from the surface we take v= DAngnt (Az) fn (Ax’) ef. The constants A, are determined from the surface condition which makes % = LAngn* (Ax) fn A’). Suppose the surface temperature is v,f,(Aa’)e'*, where v, is ‘a constant. [We know that when 2»=0, f, (Az’)=P,(“), so that for small values of 2, f,(A2’) differs very little from a constant.] Then the temperature at any point of the spheroid is given by bor (Az) per oman v=, IN ELLIPTIC COORDINATES AND THEIR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS, 107 We have K=—io p= =—tom say, % enn 0-9; Z2=)L£ aoe ee = apn) Ad Now ®,* (Az) = Bt, (z) = =(1 ~%_b)a€ =- * Rew say, and @,+ (Am) = — Re™. 0 ae Mela % So y=. , — etl (2-20) +¥—Yotot] ra’ | 02 R, Fo(ne') aR =a / BE a -a) , i[ -/ Ee -a)+W-y +et] =NH—s e aa fora’) .€ Py ; E aR, This represents a wave moving inwards from the surface with velocity 26/2, fern ep © The phase is not the same throughout, the change at the surface a from that at a, being y-—y,. The amplitude also diminishes as we go inwards, its ratio at a to that a, mo : 0 = “a to 59): at the surface a, being 7p . e 0 Making use of the relations connecting the coefficients 6,, b,... on p. 86, and using the value of p, on p. 82 we easily get, F J mo 1 (mo) wy — J] — | a 292 __ _-_-~_ q det |, as Gz 2 io) nese Pek fy eae ae ls oa, 'e* ] and of course Re is got from this by writing a, for a. ace /ma 8V2mo) aze? 2m?o7a,e GS [2 = ( mo + : . 5 AUT hes Thus Eee 3a Te = a 45 3 = (= ue st ) age — ca a,*e 3a DB Uke ieee ty oaks and R= E = (5 > = =| ace? — ate.] + aes a Zo: Le (Ge) eats The quantity - is the “thermal diffusivity” of the substance. For copper we may take == 143 and for iron + = 022 We have seen that the velocity with which the me 7 108 Mr MACLAURIN, ON THE SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATION (V? + «*)W=0 etc. a5 wave travels inwards along the axis is ‘hs a If the period were ten minutes, this would give a velocity of 02367 centimetres per second for copper and ‘004609 for iron. The following table gives the change of phase and amplitude on the spheroid a= 20, the surface a,=30 being exposed to a fluctuating temperature, the period 10 minutes. eS. may, at a,=30 |a=20 and a,=30 o | a |. ogtova 0 01 | og999 | ogioea | 4 o2 | 099954 | 091032 | 14’ 03 | 099826 090915 | 28° ~o4 | o9g7e1 | ogosse | 42 | Os | 099529 090644 50 wees TRANSACTIONS CAMBRIDGE me liieOSsOPHICAL sOCHETY. VOLUME XVII. PART IL. CAMBRIDGE: AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. M. DCCC, XCIX. ADVERTISEMENT. Tue Society as a body is not to be considered responsible for any Jacts and opinions advanced in the several Papers, which must rest entirely on the credit of their respective Authors. Tne Sociery takes this opportunity of expressing its grateful acknowledgments to the Synpics of the University Press for their liberality in taking upon themselves the expense of printing this Part of the Transactions. CONTENTS. PAGE IV. Certain Systems of Quadratic Complex Numbers. By A. E. Western, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. V. Partitions of Numbers whose Graphs possess Symmetry. By Major P. A. MacManon, ett. Ce et Lec weEVone Mem mi@/ DIS. Se 8, occ ena eaten. eee 149 IV. Certain Systems of Quadratic Complex Numbers. By A. E. Western, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. [Received 24 October, Read 31 October 1898.] 1. THE object of this paper is to discuss the Theory of quadratic complex numbers from the point of view indicated by Prof, Klein in his Lectures on Mathematics (1894), Lecture VIII. on “Ideal Numbers.” A quantity ¢ which is a root of an equation a+ qa" + ...+a,=0, the coefficients a, a,...@, being rational numbers, is called an “algebraic number.” (See Weber's Lehrbuch der Algebra, Vol. u1., Chapters 16 and foll.) In particular, if the degree of the equation of lowest degree satisfied by ¢@ is 2, @ is “an algebraic number of the second order,” or more briefly, a “quadratic number.” I do not propose to discuss non-integral quadratic numbers, and I shall therefore speak of “quadratic numbers,” meaning thereby “ quadratic integers.” [$ is an “integral algebraic number” when @, Az,... d, are all integers. ] Every quadratic number is then a root of an equation w2+a,r+a,=0, where a, and a, are integers. Solving this equation, we obtain —4+ Va,’ — 4a, p = a ps ° Let a,2—4a,= ed, where d does not contain a square; then —atevd Co) = 5 was F Note that d=1, 2, or 3 (mod. 4), for if d were =0 (mod. 4) it would contain a square, contrary to hypothesis. Vou. XVII. Part II. 15 110 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. There are now two cases to be considered :— (1) a even: then e is even, and d=1 or 2 or 3 (mod. 4), and therefore ¢ is of the form «+y¥d, where x and y are integers. (2) a odd: then e is odd, and d=1 (mod. 4), and therefore ¢ is of the form e+y Vd : 2 where x and y are odd integers; this may also be written ry pit sek eee xz and z' being integers, and y’ being odd. (In the volume above cited, pp. 601 and foll., Weber discusses these systems of quadratic numbers and obtains the above results.) I shall only consider the case d negative; the resulting quadratic numbers are “complex,” in the usual sense of the term. And I shall call numbers of the forms 75 chxd numbers of the first and second “type” respectively. It will a+yNd and #+y 1+%d 2 be convenient to use the symbol @ in lieu of Vd, or of , so that for any assigned value of d, and whichever type is being considered, the general form of ‘the numbers of the system is z+ yO. In the first type, &—d=0; in the second, @—@+ = =0. By a “system,” I mean the totality of numbers of the form 2+ y@ of a given type, for a given value of d. 2. The product of any two numbers of a system is a third number of the system; in fact, for a system of the first type, (a + y®) (a! + 7/8) = (aa! + dyy’) + (xy’ + x'y) 8, and for one of the second type, / ’ u 1-d ’ , ’ , (@ + y8) (a +) = (au ~~" w) + (ay + xy + yy’) 0. Each system is therefore, for multiplication, complete in itself. When however the question of factorisation is considered, a system is not necessarily complete in itself. Evg. 6=2x 8=(1+¥7—5)(1—- V— 5). Thus in the system of the first type, given by d= —5, the number 6 can be decomposed in two distinct ways into prime factors. In face of this difficulty, Dedekind Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS, 111 invented his theory of “ideals” (Supplement XI. to Dirichlet’s Zahlentheorie); and Weber, in his Algebra, follows the same method. This theory, owing partly to its generality and partly to the novelty of the conceptions introduced, is difficult; Klein’s treatment introduces clearness and simplicity. Gauss’ Composition Theory in the Theory of Binary Quadratic Forms is in fact the key to the factorisation of quadratic numbers. The connection between the Theory of Binary Quadratic Forms and the Theory of Quadratic Numbers is due to the fact that every principal form of a given determinant is the product of two conjugate quadratic numbers. When D=0 (mod, 4) =— 4d, the principal form of determinant D* is 2 yf, which is equal to (x+y V—d)(«—yV—d). And when D=1(mod. 4)=1-— 46, the principal form of determinant D is a+ vy + 87’, which is equal to (2+ x : meat (« ty) =) ; Since D is to be taken negative in this paper, d and 6 will henceforth denote positive integers. The product of a quadratic number and its conjugate will be called the “norm” of that quadratic number. The norm is evidently a real positive integer. The following notation will be convenient :— a, b, c,... denote quadratic numbers, a’, b’, c’, ... their respective conjugates, and A, B, C,... their respective norms, and A=aa =N (a)=N(a). If then a= be, it follows that A=BC, so that to every multiplication of quadratic numbers, corresponds a composition of quadratic forms. Now Gauss’ law of Composition asserts, that if f and f’ are two quadratic forms of the same determinant, then the product of any two integers representable by f and J’ respectively is representable by a definite form # (which according to circumstances may belong to the same class as either f or f’, or may belong to a different class to either). If A is an integer representable by the principal form, and if B and C are factors of A representable by forms belonging to classes other than the principal class, and if A=BC it is evident that there corresponds the factorisations a=be and a’ =b’c’, where b and 6 are the linear factors of B regarded as a quadratic form, and similarly ¢ and Gof. * As suggested by Klein, I write a quadratic form ax*+bry+cy?: its determinant is D=b?-4ac. 15—2 112 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. To complete a system of quadratic numbers, it is therefore necessary to introduce as “numbers” of the system the linear factors of the representative forms of each class for the given determinant: the numbers thus introduced will be called “secondary,” in contradistinction to the “principal” numbers originally defined: they will be denoted by ai+yp, where x and y are any real integers. 3. It is clear from what precedes that the properties of a system of quadratic numbers are very intimately connected with the number of classes of Quadratic Forms of the corresponding determinant D. Where there is only one such class, the corre- sponding system of quadratic numbers of the form a+y@ is complete, not only for multiplication but also for factorisation. The negative values of D for which this is the case are =3 =4 =7, —8, =i), —12; —16)—19) — 2%, — 237 —43) 6/3 — lbs (see table in Gauss’ Werke, Bd. 11. p. 450). The first two of these cases are well known; D=—3 gives the numbers 2 + yp, where p is a cube root of unity, and D=—4 gives the numbers «+ yz, « being a fourth root of unity. As my object is to consider the character of the secondary numbers, in the form in which Klein has presented them, I shall set aside the systems of quadratic numbers for the values of D above given, and shall devote the remainder of this paper to the con- sideration of the case which comes next in simplicity, when there are two classes only of quadratic forms. The negative values of D for which this is the case are given by —D=15, 20, 24, 32, 35, 36, 40, 48, 51, 52, 60, 64, 72, 75, 88, 91, 99, 100, 112) 15, 123° WAT, L485 TST 232, 235, 267, 403, 427. (Gauss, loc. cit.) ; When D=—15, the forms representing the two classes are a + xy + 4y?, and 2x7 + wy + 2y’. The former is equal to the latter may be written and hence it is (5+ a8 yo ee Sn ee, ee a I and therefore Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 113 The object of expressing the linear factors in this particular form is to ensure that the product of two secondary numbers should be a number of the system: this is now the case; for V54+V—38\2 14+V7-15 r= ( > y= 2 = 6, V5 4+V—8)\ (V5—V—3) _. x ( 2 )( 2 )=2, an EON er ni J=35 and (aL > Hee SES Sf Also we have AO=A—Qyw, pwO= 2X. If, however, we took : 5,.,1+V¥—15 5.,1-Vv-15 we should find that neither of these factors behaves as an integral number; for — seat eye Oy 2v2 4 which is a non-integral quadratic number. In the Lecture VIII. before referred to, Klein discusses generally this question of the proper factorisation to obtain the secondary numbers, and states that “it is always possible to bring about the important result that the product of any two complex numbers” of the system of the principal and secondary numbers “will again be a complex number of the system, so that the totality of these complex numbers forms, likewise, for multiplication a complete system.” When D=- 20, the forms representing the two classes are a + by’, and 2a? + 2ey + 3y°. The principal numbers are given by a+yV—5, the secondary numbers by aN2 py te Therefore in this case M=2, AM=14+0, w=—-24+6, M=—-A+2u, wO=—3BA+yp; 1-V—-5 v2 Le. A—p, and NV(w)=p(A—p)=3. the number conjugate to mw is ? 114 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. This furnishes a full explanation of the paradox 6=2x3=(1+6)(1—6) mentioned above (§ 2). Neither 2, 3, 1+6, nor 1—@ are primes, but 2—Ay 3=pn(A— Pp), 1+0=rp, 1—0=A(A—p). In like manner the values of X% and ww may be determined for the other values of D given above; it is, however, unnecessary to do so here, as the general theory of any of these systems of quadratic numbers is to a large extent dependent of the particular numerical value of D; where this is not the case, I shall confine myself to the system D=— 20. It should be observed that in general secondary numbers are not quadratic numbers as defined in § 1: the latter are those which have in § 2 been given the name of principal quadratic numbers. In the case D=—20, the only exceptions to this statement are the numbers 2), whose square is 22%, and xrrxO =a (— +2), whose square is 102%, # being a real integer. 4. A number whose norm is 1 is called a “unity”; a secondary number cannot be a unity, for 1 is representable only by forms of the principal class. If a+m@ is a unity of a system of the first type, then 4°+da’=1. Since d is positive, and >1, the only solutions of this are a=+1, %=0. Similarly for systems of the second type, we get G2 + Ay%, + 64,2 = 1. Since 6>1, this gives only q=+1, 4%=0. Therefore the unities of the systems now being considered are simply +1, and —1, just as in the theory of real numbers. There are three kinds of primes in any of the systems: (i) principal primes, which will be denoted by p, and whose norms P are prime numbers in the ordinary sense; (ii) secondary primes, denoted by g, whose norms @ are also ordinary prime numbers; and (iii) real primes, denoted by r, which are ordinary prime numbers not represent- able by either form of the determinant—D. The norm of r is 7. The primes, as thus defined, are evidently indivisible into actual factors belonging to their system. It will now be proved that they are primes in the full sense, so that any number can be expressed as the product of these primes in one and only one way. Let m be a quadratic number, principal or secondary, M its norm, m being such that M is odd, M, a prime factor (in the ordinary sense) of M; and let M=M,M,. Then M being a norm is representable by a quadratic form of determinant D, corre- sponding to the given system of quadratic numbers. It follows from the ordinary Theory Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 115 of Numbers that all the factors of M are also representable by forms of the same determinant. Let H, H,, and H, be forms respectively representing M, M,, and M,. Then the theory of Composition supplies the algebraical identity A CXG Vi) (a ay) x (a, 2), where X and Y are lineo-linear functions of a, y, a”, y’. Each linear factor of H,(«, y) therefore divides H(X, Y), and therefore must divide one or other of the linear factors of H(X, Y). Each linear factor of H(X, Y) is therefore the product of a linear factor of H, (a, y) and a linear factor of H,(a’, y'); each side of this equation may then, if necessary, be multiplied by the numerical factor required to bring the linear factors of H, H,, and H, to the correct forms (see § 3); lastly, if X, Y, 2, y, 2’, y’ be given the values for which the forms H, H,, and H, respectively represent the integers M, M,, and M,, the algebraic equation becomes numerical, and gives the factorisation of m in the form mm. If m, is not prime, it can be similarly treated. Thus finally we obtain a unique expression for m as a product of prime factors. A method is given later for actually carrying out the process of factorisation. The proof above given is not applicable to the factorisation of the determinant itself in quadratic numbers; in most cases the determinant has a unique factorisation, but when 1D (D being even) or D (if D is odd) contains a square, this is not the case; eg. D=—36: then 9=3?=— & Nor is it applicable to the factorisation of 2, though as a matter of fact, in most cases no exception to the general law of unique factorisation arises in connection with 2. Besides the cases where = is a multiple of 4 (a particular case of = containing a square) there is only one exception, which arises in the case D=—60; the quadratic numbers are then of the forms e+yN — 15, and aVv3+y Vv —5, and so M-w=3+5=8, and therefore the number 8 can be factorised in two distinct ways, 2x 2x2, and (A+)(X—y). In these anomalous cases Klein’s method breaks down; it fails to give the ultimate prime factors. Apparently these cases can only be dealt with by Dedekind’s method. Putting aside those values of D with which we cannot deal, the following values of —D remain to be studied: 15, 20, 24, 35, 40, 51, 52, 88, 91, 115, 123, 148, 187, 232, 235, 267, 403, 427. The systems arising from the latter values of D can be divided into three sets: (i) Those in which 2=)?; these are given by —D=20, 24, 40, 52, 88, 148, and 232. (ii) That in which 2=2yp, being the case D=—15. 116 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. (iii) Those in which 2 is a prime; these are given by —D=35, 51, 91, 115, 123, 187, 235, 267, 403, 427. The numerical values of 6, X, and yw, and of their norms, and the values of AO, pA, etc, are given for these 18 values of D in Tables I. and II, at the end of the paper. 5, All the elementary theorems of the ordinary Theory of Numbers in regard to prime numbers and divisibility are true for the 18 systems to which I now confine myself, since for each of them the law of unique factorisation exists. I shall therefore freely adopt, without definition, the technical terms, such as ‘modulus,’ “ residue,” “congruence,” of the ordinary Theory of Numbers, and the usual notation connected therewith. The operation of multiplication can be applied to any numbers of a system, whether secondary or principal. It follows at once from the theory of composition, applied to the case of determinants with two classes, that the product of two principal numbers, or of two secondary numbers, is a principal number, and that the product of a principal and a secondary number is a secondary number. Examples of these laws are given in § 3, for the cases D=—15, and —20. On the other hand addition only operates between two numbers of the same class, either both principal or both secondary. For the quantity obtained by adding together a principal and a secondary number does not belong to and has no necessary connection with the system of principal and secondary numbers, and must therefore be considered as irrelevant to the present subject. 6. Residues.—In accordance with the principle above stated, a principal number cannot be congruent to a secondary number. Complete sets of principal residues and of secondary residues to a given modulus are required: the most convenient complete sets are given by the following formulae, which relate to the case D=—20; the method of obtaining them is the same for each system, but the actual results differ slightly from each other. I. Principal modulus, n=g(«+y@), where x is prime to y; let M be a?+5y?, the norm of 2+ y8. (1) Principal residues:—A complete set is given by s+#0, where HS; Wy sect (Mg —1), C=O. Mo ncmaniete (g —1). += Ohl (59 1), f Onalee (eg el) k being 1 or 2, according as ~+y is odd or even, ie. according as M is odd or even. Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 117 II. Secondary modulus, n=g(a\+ yu), where « is prime to y. M=2z* + 2xy + 3y', the norm of wr + yp. (1) Principal residues:—A complete set is given by s+ t@, where =O se (Mg —1), t=O) TS cos (g—1) (2) Secondary residues:—A complete set is given by s\+tw, where gin (ears (G9-1), (HU) here (kg —1), k being 1 or 2, according as y is odd or even, i.e. according as M is odd or even. It should be noticed that in all cases, the number of residues in a complete set is Mg, which is the norm of the modulus. The proof of I. (2) will be given as a specimen. If sX+¢u is a multiple of n, then N+ tu=g (x+y) (ur+ vp). Now A9=—2A+2yu, wO=-—3A+p, so equating coefficients of ~ on each side, we get t= {v(at+y) + 2uy} ; so, k being 1 or 2, according as #+y is odd or even, UAOM(MOO SEG). tencecvsee seen sasusucoesqsestas tata aceeere (i). Also, (sr + tu) (x — yO) = gM (ur + vp), therefore s(w@+y)+t(3y)=0 (mod. gM), 8 (— 2y)+t(x— y)= 0 (mod. gM). Find & and 7», so that (7+y)n—2y&=k; then we get ks +t (3yn + v& — y&) = 0 (mod. gM). Now M=a"+5y*, where « and y are not both even, for they are coprime: if one is odd, the other even, M is odd, and k=1; if both a and y are odd, M is even, and k=2:; in either case M= 0 (mod. k). Therefore, dividing the last congruence throughout by hk, s +5.(8yn + #& — yé)=0 (mod. g 7) Baca ssec cae ee sae seats sees ae (ii). Congruences (i) and (ii) are the necessary and sufficient conditions that sX+ tu should be a multiple of n. No two numbers of the set s\+fu, where Se i Rare (F9-1), (sn oe (kg — 1) are therefore congruent for the modulus », and every other secondary number is congruent to one of them: in other words, this set is complete. Vou. XVII. Part II. 16 118 Mr WESLERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. In the important case of the modulus being prime, the results are simpler, and admit of being stated generally for all the systems. (i) Modulus n, a principal or secondary prime, whose norm is J. Principal residues :—0, 1, 2, ...... , NV-1. Secondary residues :—0, A, 2A, ...... , (VW—1)\X, provided that n is not 2X. (ii) Modulus 7, a real prime. Principal residues are given by s +6, Secondary residues by s\ +t, where 3s =O ees ,r—-l, 7. Factorisation of numbers—KEach real prime factor of a real number can either be represented by one of the quadratic forms connected with the system, in which case it is the product of two conjugate prime factors, or it is a real prime of the system. To factorise n=x+y0, or aX+yp, where x and y are coprime. Express WN, the norm of n, as the product of real prime factors d, B, ...... . Each of these numbers is representable by one of the quadratic forms connected with the system; therefore A=aa’, B=Dbb’, ..., where a, a’, ... are primes of the system. By the method shewn in the previous section, calculate the residue of n (mod. a); if this residue is 0, a@ is a factor of n; if it is not 0, a’ must be a factor of n. Similarly the other factors of n are determined. Example, in the system D =-— 20. 55 (61+ 26). 5 =— 6, 11 is a prime. The norm of 61+ 20 is 61°+5.2?=3741 =3.29. 43. 3=n(A-p), 29 = 3? +5. 2°=(3 + 20) (3 — 26), 43 =2.4°4+ +p) (5A —p). If @ = a (mod. 3 + 28), (8 — x) (8 — 20) =0 (mod. 29); hence 3x2 —10=0 (mod. 29) se + 3=0 (mod. 29), and so « = 13 (mod. 29). Then 61+ 20= 61 + 2x=87 =0 (mod. 3 + 28). Similarly 61+ 2@ is a multiple of X— yp, and of 44+ yp. Therefore the number 55 (61 +26) is —11@7(A—,)(44 4+ pz) (3 + 28). Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 119 8. Congruences.—Precisely as in the ordinary Theory of Numbers, Lagrange’s theorem as to congruences may be proved:—a congruence of the nth degree, the modulus being prime, cannot have more than n incongruent roots, And if such a congruence appears to have more than n incongruent roots, it is an identical congruence. The linear congruence ex =f (mod. x), nm being any number, and e being prime to m, has one and only one root. E and N being the respective norms of e and n, real integers & and 9 can be found such that En —NE=1. Then since En =1 (mod. n), ee'nf =f (mod. n), where e’ is the conjugate of e. The solution is therefore x= e'nf (mod. 7). 9. Fermat's Theorem.—I. For powers of a principal number h, prime to the modulus n, which is a prime of any one of the three kinds. Let K,, K,,... Ky-, denote a complete set (except 0) of principal residues to the modulus x. Then hK,, hKy,... hKy-, is also a complete set. Therefore WN-1 GK, ... Ky_1) = KK, ... Ky_1 (mod. n), and so AN-1= 1 (mod. n). II. For powers of a secondary number j, prime to the modulus n. In any system, a secondary number j, can be found whose square is a real integer, and which is prime to n. In systems of the first type, provided n is odd, j, may be taken to be A, and then j,?= 2. In systems of the second type, 7,=A+p, Or A—yw, one or other of which is prime to n. : Then j°=f, where f may be found for each system from Table I. Then MUGS WGA Con WEG and elGisr Je Kaste=s Jobnet are two complete sets of secondary residues to the modulus n. And therefore gX-1 =9.%-1 (mod. n). 120 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. For systems of the first type, we get poia2e (mod. 7) =(2/N) (mod. n) N?-1 =(—1) ® (mod. n). For systems of the second type, Nei je — ae (mod. n) =(f/N) (mod. n). When a particular system is specitied, the expression of Fermat’s theorem can be simplified. Thus for the system D=— 20, the theory of generic characters shews that P (the norm of an odd principal prime p), being an odd integer representable by the principal form, satisfies the congruence P=1 (mod. 4); and that Q (the norm of an odd secondary prime gq) satisfies Q=—1 (mod. 4). Applying the general theorem that has just been proved N2-1 jX=(-1) § (mod. n), first to the case of n=p, we obtain jP-1=+1 or —1 (mod. p), according as P=1 or 5 (mod. 8). P-1 And therefore pus(-tl) (mod. p). Q41 Similarly j2?-1 =(-1) * (mod. q), and ial (mod. 7), since R=r=1 (mod. 8). 10. In the theory of real numbers, if a is an odd number a?=1 (mod. 8). I propose to consider the analogue of this for quadratic numbers, but here and in the sequel, whenever the properties of 2 are in question, I shall contine the discussion to the seven systems mentioned in § 4, for which 2=2*% In these cases 6=Vv-d —D where d= Paine . Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 121 Numbers will be called odd, semi-even or even, according as they are prime to A, a multiple of X% but not of 2, or a multiple of 2. As above A denotes a principal number, j7 a secondary number. If h is odd, h=1 (mod. 2), that is h=1+)k; therefore h?=1+ 2k + 2h? =1 (mod. 2), To proceed further, with higher powers of A for moduli, it is necessary to distin- guish the cases where d is odd, from those where it is even. First, the case d odd; then 0=V—d is odd. So, h being odd =1 or @ (mod. 2), that is h=1+2k, or 642k; therefore hW?=1+4k+ 4k, or — d+ 46k + 4h. Now, if k is odd, so are 6k and k*; and if k& is a multiple of A, so are 6k and k*: in either case k? +k and k?+ 6k are multiples of 2X. And so h?=1 or —d (mod. 4n), according as h=1 or @ (mod. 2). Similarly when d is even, and, as before, h is odd, h?=1 or 1—d +26 (mod. 4), according as h=1 or 1+@ (mod. 2). Similar results hold for squares of odd secondary numbers. First, the case d odd. =e, so fae Sen eg 2 As before we get j?=p? (mod. 4A), if j= (mod. 2), and j?=(A—p)* (mod. 4A), if j=X-— ph (mod. 2). Then And so peters or +596 (mod. 4n), according as j=e or X— p (mod. 2). Secondly, in the case d even b= ee == and so pH=- 2 or 2 ao 20 (mod. 42), according as j=m or X— yp (mod. 2). It is worthy of notice that the squares of odd numbers (principal or secondary) in any one of these quadratic systems can be congruent only to 4 out of the 16 odd 122 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. residues to the modulus A’, Le. 44; a result remarkably similar to the corresponding fact in the system of real numbers, viz. that all odd squares are congruent to 1 out of the 4 odd residues to the modulus 2°, ie. 8. It will be convenient for future use to gather up in tabular form these results and some other similar ones, for the particular system D=-— 20. Residue of Number Residue of Square Residue of Square to mod. 2 to mod. 4 to mod. 4 0 0 0 or 4 Principal | p+0 20 +20 b numbers | 1 1 1 0 —1 3 0 0 0 or 4 Secondary r 2 +2 be numbers ‘i 246 260g A+ pw —2-6 —2-0 11. Quadratic Congruences to a prime modulus—Since the square of either a principal or a secondary number is a principal number, the general form of congruence to be considered is w=h (mod. n), h being a principal number prime to mn, and nx an odd prime of any of the three kinds. According to circumstances, this congruence may have either principal solutions only, or secondary solutions only, or neither, or both. (i) Principal solutions :—the necessary and sufficient condition for solubility is ne h 2 =1 (mod. n). This condition is necessary, for N=1 h ® =a%-1=1 (mod. n); (§ 9, 1) and also sufficient, for taking the complete set of principal residues to the modulus x in the form Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 123 : Pe ee ee ; : ’ wl. and squaring each, we obtain —j— different residues of squares of principal numbers; N-1 each of them satisfies h ? =1 (mod. x), a congruence (in h as unknown) which cannot N-1 a have more than —5- roots; therefore every value of h such that h 2? =1 (mod. n) « is congruent to the squares of two of the principal residues of n. Ng an ; oe Further the = residues which are not congruent to squares of principal numbers are the roots of N=1 h ? =—1 (mod. n). The symbol (h/n) will be used to denote the least residue (either +1, or —1) of v= w= h 2 (mod. n). This must be distinguished from the analogous symbol (A/B) in the ordinary Theory of Numbers. It should be noticed that (h/n) has no meaning, unless h is a principal number, and n is a prime number. (ii) Secondary solutions of — z=h (mod. n). N-1 Then h 2? =a#%-1=41 (mod. n), the ambiguous sign depending on the system of numbers and the value of x (see § 9, mm). : As before it may be proved that the condition be ae (mod. 7), (as the case may be) is sufficient as well as necessary for the existence of secondary roots of the congruence. For systems of the first type, this ambiguous sign may be expressed as (— 1) = (§ 9, 11). Accordingly if N=+1 (mod. 8), the congruence 22=h (mod. n) is soluble both in principal and in secondary numbers, provided that (h/n)=+1; but it is soluble in neither, if (h/n)=—1. On the other hand, if N= +3 (mod. 8) the congruence is soluble in principal numbers only if (k/n)=+1, and in secondary numbers only if (h/n) =—1. 12. The value of the symbol (h/n) can always be expressed in terms of the cor- responding symbol in the ordinary theory of numbers, and so, when h and n are given, its actual value, +1 or —1, can easily be determined. The proof of this statement differs according as » is a real prime or not. First, let n be a principal or secondary prime. Then (§ 6) a real number h, may be N-1 N=1 found congruent to h (mod. n). Hence (h/n)=h 2 =h, 2 (mod. xn); but N-1 h, 2 =(h/N) (mod. NV), and so, since V is a multiple of n, N-1 hy 2 =(ho/N) (mod. n); therefore (h/n) = (ho/n) = (ho/ ). 124 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. Secondly, let n=7, a real prime. Let h=x+y0, and its conjugate h’=«+ y@. If the system is of the first type, @=—d, and so Or = (— dy? 6 =(— d/r) 6 (mod. 7). Now (-d/r)=—1, for r is not representable by any form of determinant —4d; and —6=6'; therefore 6’= 0 (mod. r). The same result holds for systems of the second type: then 20=14+VD, 26=1-VD: 1 so 276 =(14VDy=1+ D? VD (mod. r) Sup) (mod. 7) = 20 (mod. 7); also, 27=2 (mod. 7), and hence v=’ (mod. 1). Then, in either case, hh” =(e@+y0)"=a"+y'O (mod. 7). But w=a2, y=y, and &=0 (mod. r), so Weae+y0 al (mod. 7); therefore WH=hh’= H (mod. 7). And) so) fually, (eh aa (Hla) unadaea It should be observed that, if both the numbers a and 6 in the symbol (a/d) are real, the symbol is still different from (a/b). For in that case, e-1 b+1 (a/b) =a 2 =(a’) 2 =1 (mod. BD), while (a/b) of course may be either +1. It is evident that (Iyhohs «../n) = (hi/n) (ho/n) (hs/n) «.-. 13. Laws of Quadratic Reciprocity between two principal (including real) primes exist for all systems of principal quadratic numbers; these laws are analogous to, and indeed are deduced from, the Law of Quadratic Reciprocity in the ordinary Theory of Numbers. In determining these laws, systems of the first and second types must be separately considered, and the former will have to be subdivided according as d==) = 1 (mod. 2), or 2 (mod. 4). For the reason appearing in § 4, systems for which d=0 (mod. 4) are omitted. Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 125 The following notation will be used, in discussing the laws of reciprocity for systems of the first type: p=«+y@, and p’=«'+y'@ denote two (non-conjugate) principal primes; P=a*+dy* and P’=2"*+dy* are their respective norms. Then PP’ = (a? + dy") (a? + dy’*) = X?+dY?, where X =ax'+dyy', Y=a'y — xy’. Now we have identically wv (a + yO) = wa’ + dyy' + y'0 (a +y8), that is wp’ =X (mod. p), and so (x/p) (p'/p) = (Xp). Since a and X are real numbers, Gh) = (z/P), and (X/p) =(X/P). Therefore | (p/p) = (a/P)(X/P), Similarly (p/p) = (2’/P’) (X/P’), and so (p/p) (p'/p) = (#/P) (| P) (X/ PP’). This formula is true for all systems of the first type: in order to evaluate the right- hand side of the last equation, we must consider separately the cases when d is even or odd. 14. First, let d be odd. Then since P=a*+dy*, either « is even and y odd, or vice-versa. If p=1 (mod. 2), then y=0 (mod. 2), and P=2*=1 (mod. 4); but if p=0 (mod. 2), then #=0 (mod. 2), and P=d (mod. 4). In order to evaluate (w/P), three cases must be treated : (Gj) « odd, and y even. (i) w=2&, where & is odd, and y odd. (ili) #=2E, where & is odd, and w~>1, and y odd. (i) Here p=1 (mod. 2): then (#/P)=(P/zx), since P=1 (mod. 4) = (a? + dy?/a) = (dy?/a) = (d/x) z-1 d-1 =(-1) 2° (@/d). (ii) «= 2, where & is odd, and y odd. Then P=4&+4dy?=4+d (mod. 8), folersi and so («/P)=(2/P)(E/P) = (2/P) (—1) 2 = (P/E). Now (2/P) = (2/44 d) = - (2/d), and a 5 : = pol (mod. 2), and (P/E) =(d/E). Wove, G0, Jenga IE 17 126 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. Therefore (a/P) = — (2/d) (— DF as (d/é) = — (2/d) (E/d) = — (#/d). (iii) «= 2", where w>1, and € is odd: also y is odd. Then P=d (mod. 8), eed 2 a (Bye) therefore (a/P) = (2/P) (€/P) = (2/Py* (— 1) ale Gale = (2/d (—1) 2° 2 (d/é) = (2#/d) (E/d) =(2/d). Cases (ii) and (iii) can be summed up in one theorem: if w is even, then (a/P) = (— 1)? (#/d). 15. While continuing to treat the case of d odd, we are now in a position to evaluate (p/p) (p'/p). Since PP’=X?+dY¥%, the results of the last paragraph give the value of (X/PP’), as well as of (#/P) and (2’/P’). Three cases must be separately considered : (i) p=p'=1 (mod. 2); (ii) p=1 (mod. 2), p’=@ (mod. 2); (iii) p=p' =@ (mod. 2). It will suffice to give the detailed working in the first of these cases only. In this # and a are odd, y and y' are even. So X =a’ +dyy'= a’ (mod. 4), and therefore X is odd, and Y is even. Hence the result of § 14 (i) gives z—-1 d-1 (a/P)=(—1) 2" ® (@/d), Gl ash (2'/P")=(—1) 2 * 2 (#7/d), X-1 d-1 and (X/PP’)=(—1) 2° 2 (X/d), az'—1 d-1 =(-1) 2° = (aa’/d). Therefore (pip) (p/p) = (@/P) (e’/P’)(X/PP) d=) /z-1+a/-1lt+ae-1 =(-—1)2¢ 2 ) ; Now e—1l+a’—1+4+ae'—1=(e4+1)(2'+1)—4=0 (mod. 4). And so the index of —1 on the right side of the last equation is even, and therefore, when p=p’=1(mod. 2), (p/p) (p'/p) = 1. The result when p=1 (mod. 2), p’=@ (mod. 2) is similarly found to be -1 -1 x d 4¥ (p/p’) (p'/p) =(—1) 2° 28; Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 127 7] that is, if d=1 (mod. 4), (-—1)?, et+y-1 but if d=3 (mod, 4), (1) 2 aba! d-1 y+y And when p=p’=6 (mod. 2), (p/p) (p'/p)=(-1) 2° 2° 2 ; zo! that is, if d=1 (mod. 4), (-1)2, ata'+yty' but if d=3 (mod. 4), (-1) 2 Finally, the Laws of Quadratic Reciprocity for systems of the first type, for which d=1 (mod. 4), can be summed in the following simple and beautiful shape :— If either p or p’=1 (mod, 2), then (p/p’) (p’/p) =) ay ata If both p and p’=@ (mod. 2), then (p/p’) (p'/p)=(-1) 2 . This law holds for the systems D=— 20, —52, —148 (for which d=5, 13, 37 respec- tively); but it also holds for all other systems of principal quadratic numbers of the first type for which d=1 (mod. 4), as the existence of secondary numbers is irrelevant to its proof. In the case d=3 (mod. 4) we similarly have :— x (a@—1) y+ (1) ytuy 2 If either p or p’=1 (mod. 2), (p/p) (p'/p) =(— 1) xta'tyty' If both p and p’=@ (mod. 2), (p/p’) (p’/p)=(—1) 2 16. The case d=2 (mod. 4) remains to be treated, in order to complete the discussion as regards systems of the first type. The procedure is similar to what has been given, so that there is no need to set out the working, which is somewhat lengthy, owing to the number of different cases. a —1) y'+(2'—1) ytyy’ 2 ce If either p or p’=1 (mod. 2), (p/p) (p'/p) =(- 1) to Pew! If both p and p'=1+8@ (mod. 2), (p/p) (p’/p) = (— 1) 17. It is a remarkable fact that the laws of reciprocity between a principal prime and a real prime, or between two real primes, are the same as would be obtained from the law between two principal primes by making one or both of them become real primes. That is to say, if in the formule for (p/p’) (p'/p) we write 2’=r, y'=0, we obtain the true expression for (p/7) (r/p). For, in every system of the first type, (p/r)=(P/r) and (r/p) =(7/P), (§ 12); and so LER eat (p/r) (r/p) =(P/r)@/P)=(-D? 2. Now if d=1 (mod. 4), P=1 (mod. 4), (§ 14), and hence (p/7) (r/p) = +1. 17—2 128 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. This is what is obtained from uy" (p/p) (p'/p)=(-1) * when we put r for 2’, 0 for y'; but it need hardly be said that this substitution of r for p’ does not prove the result. Next, in the cases d=2 or 3 (mod. 4), P=1 or 3 (mod. +) according as y=0 or 1 (mod, 2): that is ait = y (mod, 2). pol | And so we get (p/r) (r/p) =(—1)" =. And this is what we get from the formule for d=3 (mod. 4) G 15), and tor d=2 (mod. 4) (§ 16) on putting r for z’, 0 for y’. In the case of two real primes, r and 7’, since (r/r’)=+1, and (7/r)=+1, we get (r/r’) (r'/r) =+1, which agrees with the formule for (p/p’) (p’/p). 18. Similar but more complicated laws hold for systems of the second type. Here, if p=2+y8, p=ar+y?, then P=x2+ay+by, P=a? +a'y' + by”. Also, p) being the conjugate of p’, p’ =a +y@=a +y'—-y 08; and so ppo = X + YO, where X =au + xy’ +byy’, and Y=a2'y—x2y’'; and so PP’ =X*?+ XY+68Y". The identities on which the theorem depends are . x(a’ + yO) =aa' + vy’ + Byy' — yO (ew + y?), and (a + y') (a+ yO) = wa’ + vy’ + Syy’ + yO (x+y), the latter being obtained from the former by changing # to w+y’, x to x+y, y to —y, y to —y, and @ to 6’. These identities may be written xz.p =X (mod. p), and (a +y').p =X (mod. p’): and therefore (p'/p) (p/p) = (a@/P) (a + y'/P’) (X/PP. Finally, we obtain the following results, in which for brevity I write (p'/p) (p/p) = (— 1)™. I. § even: here P=a*+ay (mod. 2), and so « must be odd, and y even, if Pi is odd; and therefore p=p'=1 (mod. 2). Then , , Cyl ae y 1 ee ae M= 3 es ott 5 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 129 II. &=1 (mod. 4). Here an odd prime p may be =1, or 6, or 1+ (mod. 2), so that there are six different cases: (1) p=p’=1 (mod. 2), (iil) p=1, p’=2@ (mod. 2), x M= 2 °9 (iil) p= p’ =@ (mod. 2), _@bytl, aby el cyt 9 +1. San tale hed eam Ma ak as ea (iv) p=l, p'=1+4 (mod. 2), _ (v) p=@, p' =1+82 (mod. 2), etytl wt+y « a+]. f Seine pees se gas w (Vi) p=p'=1-+ 6 (mod. 2), poet ott gl yt M= aes 2 eo a 2 ogee III. 6&=83 (mod. 4). As before, there are six ditferent cases: G) p=p’=1 (mod. 2), —@+y—-l aty'-1 #-1 a1. M= 5) . 9 ti Salt won (ii) p= 1, p’'=8@ (mod. 2), «a—1 Mao (ii) p= p’=@ (mod, 2), Pe ei ee yal oe eee a ea (iv) p=1, p’'=1+8 (mod. 2), eink, Scot Ay Heed ge 5 >° (v) p=9, p'=1+8@ (mod, 2), meatty-!} v+y+2 +2 v'- 1. oy 2 ‘ 2 ; (vi) p= p’ =1+4@ (mod. 2), [ea het ae es Tey. Rae ary 2) 4M 130 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. It is remarkable that for all values of 8, when p=p’=1 (mod. 2), the expression for M is the same. As in the case of systems of the first type, it may be proved that these laws remain true when for p is written r, or (and) for p’ is written 7. 19. Just as in the ordinary Theory of Numbers, the Legendrian symbol was generalised by Jacobi, so the analogous symbol (h/n) may be generalised. In § 11, the symbol was only defined to exist when nm is a prime number. Now let n=7nonz..., Where 7, %, N3,-.. are odd prime numbers, all prime to h: then we define (h/n) thus (h/n) = (hrs) (hn)... Tt follows at once from this definition that (h/m) (h/n) = (h/mn), m and n being any odd numbers prime to /h; that (h,/n) (hy/n) ... = (hike... /n), In, ho... being prime to the odd number n: that if h=k (mod. n), then (h/n) = (k/n); and lastly, that if h is real, n being as before any odd number, whose norm is J, (hi /n) = (ho/ N). Now let p and p’ denote any two odd principal numbers in one of the systems which are specially considered in this paper (§ 4); then the prime factors of p or p’ are a certain number of odd principal or real primes, together with an even number of odd secondary primes. Then the laws of reciprocity for the product of the generalised symbols (p/p’) and (p’/p) are the same in form as those already proved when p and p’ denote odd principal primes. The reason for this is simply that throughout §§ 13—18 no use is made of the supposition that p and p’ are primes; all that is assumed about them is that they are odd principal numbers. 20. To complete the Laws of Reciprocity, we must evaluate (Aq/p) (p/q) for systems of the first type, in which \?= 2. Let p=2'+7'0, gq=ari+ ypu. Then the following results may be proved: I. For the systems d=5, 13, 37, for each of which d=5 (mod. 8). (i) p=1 (mod. 2), then (xq/p) (p/q) =(— Its: (ii) p=0, q=p (mod. 2), then Qg/p) (p/¢) =(— 1)"F" 9; (iil) p=0, q=rX+4y (mod. 2), then (Ag/p) (p/g) =(— i)" = ; where el pre Det» Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 1381 II. For the systems d=6, and 22, for which d=6 (mod. 8). (i) p=, q=m (mod. 2), then —_g/p) (p/q)=(-1) ® $5 (ii) p=1, q=A+m (mod. 2), then (g/p) (p/q) =(— "4; aty+y' Git) p=1+0, q=p (mod. 2), then (rgip) (p/g)=(—1) 2 $; zl (iv) p=1+0, g=A+yu (mod. 2), then (Aq/p) (p/q) =(- 1) 2 ¢; z/4—-] where g=(—1) 8. Ill. For the systems d=10, and 58, for which d=2 (mod. 8). x(@'+y'-1) (i) p=1 (mod. 2), then (q/p) (p/)=(-1) 2 $3 = : atyte'ty'-1 (1) p=1+0, g=p (mod. 2), then —_(Aq/p) (p/q) =(— 1) 2 gd; (ii) p=140, q=A+m (mod. 2), then (Xy/p) (p/) =(-1) = 4; at] where g=(-1) 8. BINARY QUADRATIC FORMS. 21. In this branch of the subject the analogy with the ordinary Theory of Numbers is not so complete as in the earlier portions of this paper. As in the ordinary Theory, the quadratic form az*+ bry +cy? will be denoted by (a, b, c); a, b, ¢, w and y denote quadratic numbers. A binary quadratic form with quadratic numbers for coefficients will be called throughout the paper briefly a “form.” The number m is represented by the form (a, b, c) when m=aa?+bary+cy?, « and y being numbers: it will always be supposed that x is prime to y, and that a, b, and c have no common factor. The determinant of this form is A=b?— 4ac. A is therefore always a principal number. As there is no distinction in the systems here considered between positive and negative numbers, there is nothing corresponding to the division of forms into definite and indefinite forms which occurs in the ordinary Theory. Forms may be divided into sets, according to whether their coefficients and variables are principal or secondary numbers. Remembering that a principal and a secondary number may not be added, the following kinds of forms exist :— (1) a, 6, and c principal numbers. (2) a, b, and ¢ secondary numbers; in this and the former case, either (a) x and y principal numbers, or (8) « and y secondary numbers. 1382 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. (3) a@ and e principal, b secondary. (4) a and ¢ secondary, b principal; in this and in case (3) either (a) x principal, y secondary, or (8) «x secondary, y principal. These will be called the Ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th kinds of forms. 22. A different classification of forms can be made according to the residue of A (mod. 4), since A= b? (mod. 4). For the system D=— 20, d=5, the table in § 10 furnishes the following results :— (1) b=O0(mod. 2), the form (a, 6, c) being of any of the four kinds; then A= 0 (mod. 4). The form (1, 0, -=) is an example of this case. (2) b=1+ 4 (mod. 2), the form being of the first or fourth kinds; then A = 26 (mod. 4). (3) b=1 (mod. X), the form being of the first or fourth kinds; then A= +1 (mod. 4). (4) b=X (mod. 2), the form being of the second or third kinds; then A = 2 (mod. 4). (5) b=p(mod. 2d), the form being of the second or third kinds; then A = 2 + @ (mod. 4). And conversely for any value of A satisfymg one of the above congruences forms exist of the corresponding kinds; for ac=4}(6?—A); the number on the right can always be split into the principal factors 1 and 1(®—A), and it is fairly evident that out of the infinity of possible values of b, 1(b?—A) will often split into the product of two secondary factors. 23. Forms are said to be equivalent when the substitution x =ax' + By’, y= ya + dy’, where ad — By =1 transforms one of them into the other. Then the inverse substitution ioe de — By, yf = — yu + ay transforms the latter into the former, so that the relation of equivalence is a mutual one. Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 133 There are four “kinds” of such substitutions : (i) a, 8, y, 5 all principal; then « and y are both of the same kind, ie. both principal, or both secondary. (li) a, B, y, 6 all secondary; « and y are both of the same kind. (ili) a and 6 principal, 8 and y secondary; « and y are of different kinds. (iv) a and 6 secondary, 8 and y principal; # and y are of different kinds. The first and second kinds of substitutions alone are applicable to forms of the first or second kind; and the third and fourth kinds of substitutions alone to forms of the third or fourth kind. If the form (a’, b’, c’) is equivalent to (a, 6, c), being obtained from the latter by the substitution 6 ) , then a’ = aa? + bay + cy’, b' = 2aaB +b (2d + Bry) + 2cy6, ce’ = aB? + bBs + cd. Therefore a form is necessarily transformed into another of the same kind. Since b?— 4a’c’ = (a5 — By)? (0° — 4ac) = b? — 4ac, equivalent forms have the same de- terminant. me /ene »_(% B Let s=(* ve s=(", O) then the substitution arising from their composition in this order is SS’ = (a + Bry ap’ ie ya’ + by’ vB’ + 88’ ] Now let o, denote a substitution of the «th kind. Then o and c,? are of the first kind, o,0, and o,0, are of the second kind. Therefore the substitutions of the first and second kinds together form a group, of which those of the first kind form a sub-group. So also the substitutions of the third and fourth kinds form a group, of which those of the third kind form a sub-group, Other compositions of substitutions, e.g. o,c¢;, are impossible, for they would necessitate the addition of principal and secondary numbers. We can now give a more precise definition of “equivalence”; it is an essential part of the notion of equivalence, that forms that are equivalent to the same form should be equivalent to one another. In other words the set of substitutions, assumed to exist by the definition of “equivalence,” must form a group. Vou. XVII. Part II. 18 134. Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. There are accordingly two kinds of equivalence, corresponding to the two groups of substitutions applicable to a given form. A form of the first or second kind will be called “narrowly equivalent” to any form obtained from it by a substitution of the first kind, but “widely equivalent” to a form obtained from it by a substitution of either the first or the second kind. Similar definitions of the terms “narrow” and “wide” equivalence apply to forms of the third and fourth kinds. Forms which are equivalent are said to belong to the same class, the class being narrow or wide, according to whether the equivalence is narrow or wide. A wide class obviously contains the whole of a narrow class, if it contains a single form belonging to the narrow class. Since all forms of a class are of the same kind, we can speak of the “kind” of the class. 24. There is, as in the ordinary Theory, a close connection between any class of forms and the set of numbers representable by any form of the class. For, if a’ =ae2+bay+cy, a being prime to y, and @ and 6 be chosen so that ad —By=1 (§ 8), then the substitution is i converts the form (a, 6, c) into an Y equivalent form (a’, b’, c’). Conversely, if (a’, b’, c’) is equivalent to (a, b, c), then the extreme coefficients a’ and c’ are representable by (a, b, c). Hence the following theorems :— The set of the extreme coefficients of all the forms of a narrow class of the first or second kind coincides with the set of all numbers representable by a form of the class, the variables and y taking coprime principal values. The set of the extreme coefficients of all the forms of a wide class of the first or second kind coincides with the set of all numbers representable by a form of the class, the variables taking all possible coprime values. The set of first coefficients of all the forms of a narrow class of the third or fourth kind coincides with the set of all numbers representable by a form of the class, x taking principal and y taking secondary values; and the set of third coefficients of the same to the set of numbers representable by a form of the class, # taking secondary and y principal coprime values. Lastly, the set of the extreme coefficients of all the forms of a wide class of the third and fourth kind coincides with the set of all numbers representable by a form of the class, the variables taking all possible coprime values. If a’ is an odd number representable by (a, 6, c), and b’, c’ have the same meanings as before, then b? — 4a/c’ =A, and so b? = A (mod. a’). Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 135 Therefore, if a’ is representable by a form of the first or fourth kind (in each of which the middle coefficient is a principal number), a must satisfy the condition (A/a) =1. And if a’ is representable by a form of the second or third kind, the condition is (A/a) =1, or —1, according to the value of a’ and the system considered. (§ 11 (ii).) Conversely, if b*=A(mod.a’) is soluble, then writing L Sa =e, the form (a’, b’, c’) is of determinant A, and represents the number a’, 25. In the ordinary Theory of Numbers, there is an elementary proof of the finiteness of the number of classes for a given determinant, which depends on the method of Reduction. This method of proof does not apply to the systems of numbers now being studied. It will be remembered that in the ordinary Theory the first step in the process is to apply to the form (a, b, c) the substitution ie i; thus producing the form (c, b', a’), where b’ = — b — 2c6, a =a+bd+cé; and 6 is then determined so that | b'| Zc. In this way a reduced form (A, B, () is obtained, such that CeAt|BI. Now, in any of the systems of numbers here considered the substitution lease ) is either of the first or fourth kind, according as 6 is principal or secondary. In either case, it is not always possible to find a residue b’ of —b to mod. 2c such that N (b’) < N (2c), and the process of reduction therefore breaks down. If this were possible when b and ¢ are any principal numbers, the Euclidean process for finding their greatest common factor would work, and there would be no need of secondary numbers to complete the laws of factorisation. And it is easy to prove the impossibility of always finding a residue 6'-such that N (b’)< N (2c), where either b or c, or both, are secondary numbers. Possibly Dirichlet’s analytical method of determining the class-number for a given determinant in the ordinary Theory would apply to these systems of quadratic numbers. GENERIC CHARACTERS. 26. Just as in the ordinary Theory of Numbers, the classes for a given determinant may be divided into genera. Since the results mainly depend on the residues of squares to moduli consisting of powers of 2 or its factors, I shall confine the remainder of this paper to the case D=—20, ie. d=5; and for brevity I shall only consider forms of the first kind. 18—2 136 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. All the results of this nature are derived from the simple identity 4nn’ = x? — Ay’, where n= au? + buv + cv*, n =aw?+ bur’ + cv?, xv = 2auw’ +b (w’ + u'r) + 2c’, y=w' — wv, A =)? —4ace. Three cases will need separate consideration, according as 6 is even, semi-even, or odd, ie. according as A=0, 26, or +1 (mod. 4). (§ 22.) (1) When A=0(mod. 4) = 45, the above identity may be divided by 4, giving nn’ = x? — by", x here meaning half the expression above given for z. (2) When A= 26(mod. 4) = 28, 2Qnn' = x — dy’, where ew = Qauw’ + b (uw! + u'r) + 2erv’. (8) When A= +1 (mod. 4), 4nn’ = a? — Ay. With regard to narrow classes, in any of these three cases, there exist quadratic characters precisely analogous to the quadratic characters in the ordinary theory. For if t be any odd prime factor of A, we have 4nn’=2*(mod.t), where « is principal (since the form is of the first kind, and the numbers u, w’, v, v' are principal). Therefore (nn’/t) =+ 1, that is (n/t) = (n’/t). 27. There exist besides supplementary characters, which depend on theorems as to the residues of n and x’ (being odd numbers) to moduli of the form A‘ These characters may be defined as follows: n=n,+n,@ is an odd number whose norm is V; then v (n)=(- 1)", N-1 x(n)=C1)*, Lnp+-¥n,-1) (m+ ¥n,—3) w(n)=(- Where no ambiguity is caused, I shall write y for W(n), ete. Therefore yw =+1 or —1, according as n=1 or 6 (mod. 2); when x=+1, n= +1, or +(24+ 4) (mod. 4), when y=—1, n=+(1+ 26), or +0 (mod. 4). Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 137 And the following table is easily deduced from the definitions just given. Residues of 2 to modulus A°, i.e. 4A. vv x ® = ee +1, +3 36 a5 3° AN: =6 + + = 14+20, —1+20 From the definitions or from this table it may be verified that van'h= en) v(m’), x (mn')=xXM™)xX(m), on’) = o(n) o(n/). One specimen of the reasoning by which the existence of these supplementary characters is proved will be sufficient, and I shall then present a table shewing all the appropriate supplementary characters of narrow classes for the various values of A. In the case A= 46, and 6=+(1+48) (mod. 42). Then nv’ =a2°+(1+@)y¥? (mod. 4), where a must be odd, but y may be odd, semi-even, or even, both 2 and y being principal; then (§ 10, table) z?=1 or 3 (mod. 4X), y=t1, 26 or 0 (mod. 4), and so nv’ =2+0, —0, 440, 2—0, —14+20, 1 +26, 1 or 3 (mod. 4)). Therefore o(nr’)=+1, that is @ (n) =o (n’). 138 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. SUPPLEMENTARY CHARACTERS OF NARROW CLASSES. 1 (NsSciny Cite ese) characters || ee “Characters +1 _o¥ 0 | xe £3 | + 4 s Ae: + (1+ 20) wv +2 Wx + (1 — 28) ee | ee a +6 Wx | 2+ 20 v, xe £440) -| yy || 228 ONE £@46) | oy + (1+) o + (2-0) | x | #0-8) xe + (3 +9) ee | | +£(8-84) yo Il A=26= 26 (mod. 4). Residues of 8 to mod. 4. Characters. +0 Nr +(2+6) Ill. A=+1 (mod. 4); there are no supplementary characters in this case. 28. Two classes of a given determinant are said to belong to the same “genus,” when all their generic characters have the same values. Half the assignable genera of narrow classes of the first kind for a given deter- minant are impossible; this Tesult is obtained (as in the ordinary Theory) by applying the Law of Quadratie Reciprocity to the equation (A/n)=+1 (§ 24), n being here any odd number prime to A representable by some form of the first kind of determinant A. For example, let A=4ts*, s being principal and the largest square in A, and ¢ also principal and =¢#/,...; and suppose t=+6 (mod. 4). Then n being m+ 0, the law of reciprocity (§ 15) gives (A/n) = (t/n) = € (n/t), Ny ah where «=(—1)?, if m, is odd, but (—1)?, if m, is even. Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS, 139 That is, e=+1, if n=+1 or +6 (mod. 4), and e=—1, if n=+(14+20) or +(2+6) (mod. 4). Therefore e=Wy; and (n/t) = (n/t,) (n/t.) ...... ; so that the condition (A/n) = +1 becomes ary . (n/t) . (n/t) .....- =+1. Similar applications of the law of reciprocity (§§ 15 and 20) to the numerous cases furnish the facts set out in the table below, which is arranged in a similar manner to Dirichlet’s table in the ordinary Theory (Mathews, Theory of Numbers, Pt. 1. p. 135), and to H. J. S. Smith’s table in his paper “On Complex Binary Quadratic Forms” (in the system of numbers «+yV—1) (Collected Papers, Vol. 1. p. 421). In the table s* denotes the largest square dividing 6 in cases (I) and (II), or dividing A in case (UID as 1 conebe are the different odd prime factors of t which is itself odd; s,, s,...... are those odd prime factors of s which do not divide ¢; and J is the index of the highest power of » contained in s. In each line is the complete set of characters for the corresponding value of A, those characters to the left of the vertical line being subject to the condition that their product is +1. POSSIBLE GENERIC CHARACTERS FOR NARROW CLASSES. Wh Nee, (1) 8=te 8 principal, and ¢= +1 (mod. 4), a or s secondary, and t= +(2+@) (mod. 4), =O Or il || (tals soccer dy, (C/N); cocnee f=2 (Wt). conbce sy 3%, ((IEM)y oncnos LSP (Ut) oan ar, xX, @, (n/s), ....-- 2) S=ts s principal, and t= + (1+ 26) (mod. 4), Oi or s secondary, and t= +0 (mod. 4), I=) we Wh, (Bite), ance (WIEH)s cd6bec T=2 any (n/t); <.<- 06 y,, (N/S;)5 sewer 2, ale (uit) sncecoes xX, @, (n/s), «.-.-- = s principal, and t= + @ (mod. 4), el {rr s secondary, and t = + (1 + 20) (mod. 4), a) aley,) (tufts); -o0see (Way, Beco i=l OPP | oy, (Wah Gooner (CIES), “cectoe {hey} We, > (n/t), ....0. Gs (2 /S:) reece of s principal, and t= + (2+) (mod. 4), EL = te s secondary, and t= +1 (mod. 4), ii) x, (n/t), --.+0 (OS) Scere F=1 or 2 |, (nfo... Ase (11/8); sees I>2 xy, (n/t), 00. In, @, (1/3), 2200. 140 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 5) S=nts? \; principal, and At= + (1+ 4) (mod. 4), ( 7 ee eras secondary, and At = + (1 — @) (mod. 4), 10 @ya (Mt) sats (COAG Socane IT=1 Dm iG), sone ar, (n/s:), ---.-- 13> 1 ‘ay, ((olfel)s, Boone alr, x5) (nisi); sesee _\,9 {8 principal, and t= +(1—@) (mod. 4d), (Serene ie s secondary, and At = + (1 +@) (mod. 4), f=0 | xo, (n/t), ...-.. ((/EA, casos eal xo, (n/t), ...... aps (11/8;);, cere (SS x, @; (nf&), <-..0 Ws, (1i/Si); eee. M s principal, and At = + (3 + @) (mod. 4), Oe = s secondary, and At= +(3— 4) (mod. 4), IT=0 Wyo, (n/t), ...-- | (n/s), «+++ L=1 Wr, xo, (n/t), ...-.. (7u/'5;) eee ee jes Gene (ails WOE _\,. {& principal, and A= + (B3— A) (mod. 42), ©) Os lor s secondary, and At = + (3 + @) (mod. 4), = 0 | vr, (n/é); <2... | (a5 eseone if=il vr, @, (n/t), 2.00.- ((aifst}5 aeonec IES il ab, @, (n/t), ...00. Psa (OES aaeete II. A=26(mod. 4) =26 = 2ts*. 6 = + @(mod. 4) le, (ail), eooaee (OIE) cocose 8=+(2+4 4) (mod. 4) | (n/t), ...... (UA), Gacsed II A=+1 (mod. 4)=¢s*. | (ota) coccee 1 (2/3); cocnec 29. The generic characters of wide classes remain to be considered; we shall find that characters here occur of a kind which have no analogy in the ordinary Theory. Using the notation of § 26, if n is a number of the wide class represented by the form (a, b, c) of the first kind, w and v are either both principal or both secondary (§ 24). Similarly for w’ and v’; and so # and y are both principal, or both secondary. Let t be any odd prime factor of A. Then 4nn’ = x? (mod. ¢). If z is principal, this gives (nn'/t) = +1. [2-1 If x is secondary (nn’/t) = zT-1=(—1) ® (mod. #). (§ 9, 11) Now either Z=+1(mod. 8), in which case (nn’/t)=+1, whether 2 is principal or secondary, and we get the quadratic character (n/t); or 72=+3 (mod. 8), in which case Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 14] (nn’/t) is +1 or —1, according as « is principal or secondary. Let t/ and t/ be two odd prime factors of A, both of whose norms are =+3(mod.8); then it follows that (nn’/t/t’) =+ 1, whether @ is principal or secondary; that is, (n/ty'te’) = (n'/t't’) ; thus in the case of wide classes, there is a quadratic character corresponding to every pair of those odd prime factors of A, whose norms are =+3(mod.8). These however are not all independent, but it is evident that if #/, ty, ...... t,, are the prime factors of A of this kind, then (n/t,t)), (n/t)'t;), ...... (n/tt,) are all independent, and form a complete set, r—1 in number; for (n/ty't’) x (n/t/tmn’) = (n/t'tm’). For certain values of A the supplementary characters y, , etc. occur; and there are also in some cases mixed characters, as > (n/t,’), ete. The latter arises when (nn’)=+1, and (nn’/t))=+1, if « is principal; but v (nn’)=—1, (nv’/t)=—1, if @ is secondary. Then ¥(nn’) (nv’/t{)=+1, in either case: and so -(n). (n/t’) =W (mv). (v'/t). I now set out in a table the supplementary and mixed characters of wide classes for the various values of .A; it will be observed that they are identical with the corresponding results for narrow classes, except that some of the supplementary characters are associated with (n/t). SUPPLEMENTARY AND MIXED CHARACTERS OF WIDE CLASSES. IL A=48. coast aA | Chameter, | Byam Residues of | Charactere, +1 we (n/t) 0 ¥ (n/t), X% Yo +3 ¥ (n/t) 4 ¥ (n/t), x + (1 + 26) y (n/t) +2 % (w/t), x £(1— 28) (n/t) +20 (n/t) | +0 wx (r/o) || 2 +20 ¥ (n/t), vxo | +(440) Wx (n/t) 2—20 v (n/t), yo +(2+6) me +(1+8) ar tr/i) + (2-8) x | +0-8) xo (n/t) | + (3+) ¥xe | +(3—@) yo Worn, OVINE IRN IE 19 142 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. Il. A=28=26 (mod. 4). | Residues of 8 to mod. 4. | Characters, | +0 | ve (n/t) + (2+ 6) | none III. A=+1 (mod. 4). No supplementary, or mixed characters. 30. In the following table, the notation is the same as in the corresponding table for narrow classes, the only difference being that the dashed” letters’, %, --4 Since denote prime factors of ¢ and s whose norms are = +3(mod. 8), the other factors being denoted by undashed letters: and 7 denotes the number of the former kind of factors of t It is evident that if 7=+1 (mod. 8), then r is even, and if 7=+3 (mod. 8), then r is odd; and it is easy to prove that if t=+1, (2406), +(A+ p), or +(2X—p) (mod. 4), then T=+1 (mod. 8); while if t=+(1+ 20), +6, +p, or +(A—yw) (mod. 4), then T=+3 (mod. 8). Bearing these results in mind as to r being even or odd, it will be seen that the product of the generic characters to the left of the vertical line is the same as in the previous table; this is of course necessary, since the product in question is a transformation of (A/n), and the latter expression is equal to +1, for either narrow or wide classes. In the event of there being no factors of the form t, or s,, or only one of them, the results given below need some modification; it is however easy to see in each such case what the complete set of characters is. For instance in the first line of the table, if there is no ¢’, but there is s,, ..., the characters are (njt), (n/t), ----.- Jar. (n/sy), (n/s,), ...--- ((OEREI y cacsoe 5 but if s,/ is also absent, then the mixed character containing yy disappears, and the characters are (ft) (ate) Sse = (te/S3)5 snceees Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. PossIBLE GENERIC CHARACTERS FOR WIDE CLASSES. I. A=46. (1) 8=ts principal, and t= +1 (mod. 4) ) reap ire ~ lors secondary, and ¢ = + (2+6)(mod. 4)) : IT=0 or 1 | (n/t), ..., (n/tt), ..., (n/t'te) | Ww (n/t), (n/s), ..., (n/t’s:), «-- [=2 (n/t), ..., (n/tt), ..., (r/t't-) (n/t), x, (n/s,), ..., (n/t), «.. sy (ijt); <=, (aftr te), -2.5 (a/b be) ve (n/ty), x, Yro, (n/s,), ..., (n/t,’s,’), ... - incipal, and t= + (1 + 20) (mod. 4)) ane {s principa eee (2) e lor s secondary, and t=+@ (mod. 4) | ey T=0 or 1| (n/t), (n/t), «.., n/t’), «.., (n/t’t,) | (n/s), ...) n/t’), «.- T=2 af (n/t), (n/t), ..., (n/t’t’), ..., (n/t't,) COED rece Wate) eee 2 ap (n/t), (n/t), ..., (n/t/t), ..., (n/ tt) x, No, (r/ 8), os +3 (n/t 8), «--- (3) Sats : principal, and t= +6 (mod. 4) ) » odd or s secondary, and t=+(1 +20) (mod. 4)f T=0 Wey (r/t), (n/t), ..., (n/tte), ..-, (n/t'tr’) | (n/a), ..-, (r/ty‘sy), ... L=1 or 2 | Wy (n/t), (n/t), ..., (n/t'4), ..., n/t‘t-) | x, (n/a), ---, (n/t’s;), «-. HS& Wx (n/t), (n/t), -.. (n/t't), ..., (n/t’tr) | x, yo, (n/s,), ..., (n/ts,), ... (avis 248 : principal, and ¢=+(2+) (mod. 4)) ete 3 e or s secondary, and t=+1 (mod. 4) | 6 T=0 | x, (n/t), .... (n/t), -.-, (n/t) (WIEN 5 coo, ((CEAEH)S oe IT=1 or 2 | xX (raft) sree nay Uf tex tex) ) <5) (Peace) | cele (rata) (aS) wees (Tuftasr)s <2 fv) | x, (n/t), -.. (r/t't), ..., (n/t'tr) | vr (n/t), yoo, (n/a), ..., (n/t's:), « . — 42 {8 principal, and t= + (mod. 4) | Soda hy Piesle ts: s secondary, and ¢=+(A—,) (mod. 4) L='0) Woi(altny (ulé)s ne. (n/its);, <--, (n/trt-)) || (n/s,); <-., (njtsi); --- F=1 | o (n/é), (n/t), ..., W/t’te}s.., (n/t/t-) | sro, (n/s,), ..., (n/t’s,), «.. I>1 | w(n/h), (n/t), ..., (n/t’t), ..., (n/tt-) | % Wo, (n/a), ..., (n/t’s,), ».-. 19—2 1438 144. Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. s principal, and t= +(’— 2) (mod. I ay or s secondary, and t=+ p (mod. 4) IT=0 | xo (n/t), (n/t), ---» (n/ty'te), .--, (nfh‘tr) | (n/s,), .--, (n/ts1), --- T=1 | xo (n/t), (n/t), (n/t;'te), -.- (r/t'tr) | axe, (n/s,), --- (raltsn) sree I>1)\ x, 0 (n/4), (r/4), ---, (n/t'te), -.., (n/t't-) | yo, (n/s,), -.-. (n/t’s)), «--- (6) sats | (7) S=2ts? \: principal, and t= +A +H) (mod. 4) ! ree or s secondary, and t= + (2X—,) (mod. 4) T=0 | vyo, (n/t), «+ (n/t't), --» (n/t/t-) | (n/s,), ..., (n/t’sy), --- IT=1 Vxo, (n/t), tees (n/tt), tee (n/t't,) | vv (n/t), (n/s,), tees (n/t'sy/), tee I>1| x, vo, (n/t), --., (n/ty'ts), ---. (tte) | (n/4), (72/53) secon (22) ttSy) rene 7 s principal, and t= + (24 —p) (mod. 4) \ gs RS) aes ic s secondary, and t=+(A+ 4) (mod. 4) pee T=0 | Wo, (n/t), -.-, (n/t’t), ---, (@/titr) | (n/s), ---» n/t’), --- T=1 | wo, (n/t), ..-, (n/t't), ---, (n/t't,) | ap (n/t), (n/sy), ---, (r/t's), «-- I>1 | wo, (n/t), --- (n/ty'te), ---5 (nftvtr) | We (n/t), x, (n/s), --- (ORAS con TI. A= 26 (mod. 4) = 26 = 2¢s*. ap (n/t), (n/t), ---, (n/t’te), «-) (r/t't) | (n/si), «+>, (nj S:)s c= B= EOF DO Kmek OE tafe), ultita =. ftir) (n/s:), --5 (n/t'sr), «-. r even Ill. A=+1(mod. 4)=¢s?; 7 even. | (n/t), ..-, (n/i'tr), ---) (n/t't,’) | (n/s,), ..-, (nfs), ---- 31. As an illustration of the results obtained in reference to Binary Quadratic Forms, I now consider the case A=—4. Let mn be an odd principal number, repre- sentable by a form of the first kind having this determinant; then (§ 24), m being any prime factor of n, (—4/n) =+1. Therefore (—1/N,)=+1, that is V,=1(mod. 4). But the norm of any odd secondary number =3(mod. 4), so mn, and therefore every prime factor .of x is either a principal or a real prime. And conversely all such primes and all numbers composed of them are representable by some form of the first kind with this determinant. I have searched for forms of the first kind in the same way as is done in the ordinary theory, and after eliminating all forms (within the limit of my search) narrowly equivalent to simpler ones, the following forms remain :—(1, 0, 1), (@, 4, —@), (@, —4, —@). : t Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 145 The form (—1, 0, —1) is equivalent to (1, 0, 1), the former being derived from the latter by the substitution Da, (9-2): First consider narrow classes; then the first line of the Table I. (§ 28) for A=46 shews that there is one generic character w, which apparently can be either +1 or —1; this is an exception to the general rule that half the assignable genera are impossible, this exception being due to the fact that when A=—4, there is no generic character (n/t), t not existing in this case. Both these genera in fact exist, the class represented by the form (1, 0, 1) having the character y~=+1, and the classes represented by (6, +4, —@) having the character yw=-—1; neither of the latter classes can therefore be narrowly equivalent to (1, 0, 1). Further, it is not difficult to prove that the forms (0, 4,—@) and (6, —4, —@) are non-equivalent (narrowly). I have accordingly proved the existence of at least three narrow classes of forms of the first kind; there may be more such, for, as pointed out in §25, I am not aware of any method of ascertaining the number of classes of a given determinant. Turning now to wide equivalence, the three forms above mentioned are all equiva- lent ; for ] O=X?+ pw, 2=AwtrA(A— p), —O=N+(A—pY/, m4 x = i; : and therefore the substitutions ie ; ) and ( a respectively convert AS NS me ee a) (1, 0, 1) into (6, 4, —@) and (0, —4, —@). There is apparently therefore only one wide class; it has no generic character (§ 30). 146 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. TABLE I. 32. Systems of numbers of the first type; D=—4d, r= V2. =/)) 6=V—a B Aye we NG) fm) 20 V=5 es -- ue) || eee Soe Wana 24 V-6 V—3 6 - 3 Qu — 3r 40 Vv-10 V—5 0 — 5 Qu — 5r 52 |) sag.) |. WY ST tal gees pet occa od) eee 75 88 V— 22 V—11 6 —11 Qu = 1 148 | V—37 ae leet) 21826 Ae a) ALONE 232 | V¥—58 V—29 r) — 29 oy | 20 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. 147 TABLE II. Systems of numbers of the second type; D=—46+1, 0= J ses 7) A and 9. are conjugate. 3: | arias d n? Be na | 48 15 4 apes @ lag re, | 2n 35 9 eee 6 3 = Op aes 51 13 Ei 3+0 5 Sy Sp a 91 23 EL 146 5 Bre ieee |i See Ve 115 29 pees 440 7 Beet |) Oi ay 123 31 Ves 9+6 AG | ee ONY = Nee tila 187 AT eae 1+0 7 Ney VN re 235 Pome fe NES 1040 13 | 1A—184 | 13\-10p 267 67 shee 2146 23 | 22.— 234 2—2p 403 101 ae 446 u Se bly, | wie. ae 427 107 eee 1340 | 1m | 14.= 1%, ) Tey adap 148 Mr WESTERN, CERTAIN SYSTEMS OF QUADRATIC COMPLEX NUMBERS. TABLE III. 33. The system D=—20; 0=V—5. Table of numbers, their prime factors and norms, in the order of magnitude of their norms. Principal Numbers. Secondary Numbers. Numbers. Prime Factors. Norms. | Numbers. Prime Factors. Norms. = | Lr aoe 1 = 1 r = 2 2 Ne 4 bh = 3 r) o 5 eae = ‘ 1+0 Ay 6 Noseyrie | = 7 10 Qe je) 3 lp ere | - : 3 Bh(A— p) 2) 2n | aN 8 246 (=p) 4 A= 2 —n6 10 2-0 — ms Qu Mu 12 3+0 NA+ p) 14 2n — 2 (A= pw) Pe) d (2d — pw) h I+ 0(X— p) 15 4 » Tt) eSpNes = Op i. 20 re) 20 3r Aw (A— pb) 18 440 bw (2X — p) 21 N+ 2p —rA(A- BY = 4-6 CA OAD) pe lweseae. — yt : 14.20) bi) (N=) (ON— ple Neen = 23 1-206 —m(rX+ p) : 20 —3y = os 2420 My 24 | Su 2 (A—p) 27 2 — 26 A (A — bw) z 3A —3u H(A py 2 5 — 6 25 BX +p = [lke » 4X — —(A— pp » V. Partitions of Numbers whose Graphs possess Symmetry. By Major P. A. MacManon, R.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Hon. Mem. C.P.S. [Received and read 28 November, 1898.] Ir will be remembered that in Phil. Trans. R. S. of London, Vol. 187, 1896 a. pp. 619—673, I undertook the extension to three dimensions of Sylvester’s constructive theory of Partitions. In Sylvester’s two-dimensional theory every partition of a unipartite number can be associated with a regular two-dimensional graph. In the present theory only a limited number of the partitions of multipartite numbers can be represented by regular graphs in three dimensions. But whereas Sylvester was only concerned with unipartite numbers, the three-dimensional theory has to do with multipartite numbers of unrestricted multiplicity. Though the partitions of such are not all involved the field is infinitely greater, and all which come within the purview of the regular graph are brought harmoniously together. If in this new theory we restrict ourselves to two dimensions but view the graphs from a three-dimensional standpoint, we obtain in general six interpretations of the graphs instead of two and multipartite numbers are brought under consideration as well as those which are unipartite. The enumeration of the three-dimensional graphs of given weight (number of nodes), the numbers of nodes along the axes being restricted not to exceed /, m, n respectively, was conjectured in Part I. but only established for some particular values of /, m, n. For msl it may be written T—a™ 1 —a™t\2 (1 — grt i Wee ==) -- GS) a il — gril iS gti l-—-am l 1 — gz * il BR 2 Te aes l—a™ ( a —- (’ = a) i= gether J — gm 1 —qgm ae The symmetry of this expression and its real nature are best shewn by a symbolic crystalline form. Vou. XVII. Part II. 20 150 Mason MACMAHON, PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS Observing that it is composed of factors of the form (1 —.*)', where t may be positive or negative, put 1 —a*=exp.(—u') in the case of every factor, and it will be found, after a few simplifications, to take the form exp. ca (1 — wv’) (1 — wi) (1 — wu). In the two-dimensional theory the generating function el a a) (1 — gl) ae qd — alm) (l—z)(— 2)... —2") has the symbolic crystalline form exp. a dG =u) (1 =), whilst in one-dimensional theory 1-27 l-« obviously leads to exp. u(1—w’). Hence we seem to have before us a system in « dimensions associated with the crystalline form exp. Weir. (=u) (1 =u)... (1 — we). In general a graph by rotations about the axes of a, y, and z ir may assume six forms. When these forms are identical the graph is said to be symmetrical or to possess wyz-symmetry. Such ex. gr. is ©e e When the six forms reduce to three the graph is said to be quasi-symmetrical. If it be such that each layer of nodes is symmetrical in two dimensions or, the same thing, is a Sylvester self-conjugate graph, it is said to possess wy-symmetry. Ex. gr. ©Oe © WHOSE GRAPHS POSSESS SYMMETRY. 151 Similarly the graph SB S418. possesses y2-symmetry, and by rotation about the y axis, or that of z, may be converted into one possessing wy or zu-symmetry. It is proposed to investigate generating functions for the enumeration of graphs possessing ay and wyz-symmetry, the former naturally including the latter. Algebraic theorems will be evolved in the course of the work by the method initiated by Sylvester. “vy-SYMMETRICAL GRAPHS. The self-conjugate Sylvester graphs which have 7 nodes along each axis can be formed by fitting into an angle of 2i—1 nodes any number of angles of nodes, any angle containing an uneven number, less than 2i—1, of nodes and no two angles pos- sessing the same number of nodes. Ex. gr. for i=7 we have the angles which by selection of the Ist, 3rd and 4th of the angles may be formed up into the graph Hence, as Sylvester shewed, the generating function of such graphs is immediately seen to be a (1 +a)(1+ 0)... (14a), Each layer of the three-dimensional graph has this form, and if there be two layers at most we may construct a generating function Oayay ... av" (1 + ax) (1 + dyaer’) ... (1 + ayy ... A027) x \(1 +=) (1 aad (1 + x \ ... ad int} ay AAs TM AgMs / where {2 is a symbol of Cayley’s which means that after multiplication all terms con- taining negative powers of a, @, @;...a; are to be struck out and then each of these letters put equal to unity. The first line of the expression following Q is derived from wv (1 + 2) (1 + 28)...(1+ 2) by placing as coefficient to each 2*— the product ad... ds. 152 Mason MACMAHON, PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS The angles of the first or lower layer correspond to the powers of « in the first line, those of the second layer to the powers in the second line, and the operation of Q is such as to prevent any combinations of the former and the latter which give rise to an irregular graph. Summing this function from i=1 to i=? and supposing its value unity when 7=0 (a convention that is made only for convenience; no form exists for <=0) we obtain O.(1 + qe) (1 + ayaza*) (1 + ayazage*) ... (1 + agg... au") (/ i a xpi x (ee = Si teres (1+; ) ... ad inf.} \\a ieee tly att ) as the generating function which enumerates zy-symmetrical graphs of at most two layers, the number of nodes along an « or y axis being limited not to exceed z. Further if 7 be infinite this becomes :— QO (1 + qe) (1 + ayagz*) (1 + ayarasx*) ...... ad inf. x (1 + = = Q + a) BpeouE ad inf. It is moreover clear that the generating function of «y-symmetrical graphs which have at most 7 nodes along each of the axes 7, y and at most j nodes along the axis of z (i.e. which involve at most j layers) is:— Q (1+ qa) (1 + aqyaer*) (1 + a,a,a30°) ...... (1 + aay... au") x (a + b z) (1 se bibs 2) @ + bibabs 2) Bo ecee ad inf. a (na 1 \ 1s / A, A203 Cy Clo 5 es ee x (1+ pa)(1+ pps a\(14+ oR? 2) ye ste « ad inf. x (2 + ci x) (1 + Git 2) ¢ si dds 2*) gees ad inf. Gy Co CCCs j rows, © operating in regard to all the symbols, a, 6, c, d, &c. ... If the graphs be unrestricted, as regards 7, we put 7=%; and, if they be totally unrestricted, we regard the tableau, upon which © operates, as possessing an unlimited number of rows and columns. The generating function is crude. One, which only involves 2, is ultimately to be desired. It should be possible, by algebraic processes, to perform the operation © and thus to pick out the terms of the product which constitute the reduced generating function. This appears to be a matter of considerable difficulty, and in order to determine the probable form of the reduced function I have examined many particular cases and WHOSE GRAPHS POSSESS SYMMETRY. 153 attempted its construction. My conclusion is that, writing (s) to denote 1—a%, the reduced function is, in all probability, an algebraic fraction of which the numerator is GLO BG By | sass-s (j+2i—1) x (QB +4)(BY+6)(Bt8) ss sasaee (2j + 4i—4) x (Qj +8)(Bj+10)(QBj+12) savas, (2j + 44-8) Miser ceamisredss discs sarscoaserescrammerencnstenedssnarcades teed x (27 + 4s) (2) + 48 + 2) (274+ 48 4+4)...... (27 + 41 — 4s) Od oH EUODUOCHOSIONOH-ODCOLE EAB Ec asnadon cae AMSbOCDOC DARE DEAE wherein, if 7 be even, there are 47 rows the last of which is (2) + 22); and, if 7 be uneven, there are $(i—1) rows the last of which is (2j + 2i — 2) (2j + 2c) (27 +2142); and the denominator is obtained from the numerator by putting j =0, viz. :—it is (CD) G)@) scan (2i—1) ai (4:) (6) (3) a eens (4i — 4) >< (3) GLO) (UY coes0c (4¢—8) Mo sav alee cie eisai Girls cisiecGiosstidleelne soltole elect x (4s) (48 + 2) (45 + 4) 000... (47 — 4s) Meceeeeasnssagesless ssncigseseeeesuuaeoneeses the last row being (22) or (2i—2)(2¢)(2i+2) according as 7 is even or uneven. The proof of this formula, the truth of which seems unquestionable, is much to be desired. When the number of layers of nodes is unrestricted we put j= and the numerator reduces to unity. When moreover both ¢ and j are unrestricted in magnitude the reduced function becomes 1 (1) (8) () (7) ... (+) (6) (8)? 0 (12¥' (14) (16)! (18)... or as it may be also written (2) (4) (6)? (8)? (10)? (12)8 (14)4 (16)... wherein the numerator denotes the generating function of Sylvester’s unrestricted self- conjugate graphs in two dimensions. Some particular cases are interesting. By putting 7=1 we should obtain Sylvester's result in two dimensions. 154 Mason MACMAHON, PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS We find (2) (6) (10) (14) ... (42 — 2) (1) (3) () (7)... Qi-D) ’ which may be written (1 + 2)(14+.a4)(14 2°)(1+2")... (1+ 2%") and is right. When j= 2, we find re af (2i+1) (27+ 4) (274+ 6)... (4¢ — 2) (42) (1s (4) Ge Or 22a (25+ 2) (2144). 4i- 2) i) | G+ 4) Qi +6)... (4-2) (Hi) @) (4 ..8(@i—2)(@)'" (@)@ © .-@i-2) or For an even weight 2w~ we must take the coefficients of «” in (i+ 1) (6+ 2)... Qi—1) (2) ie 2a Gane) and this is the generating function of two-dimensional graphs of weight w, not more than i nodes being allowed along either the # or y axis. Hence a correspondence between the at-most-two-layer wy-symmetrical graphs of weight 2w restricted as to the x and y axes by the number 7 and the graphs in two dimensions of weight w restricted as to the axes by the number 7. Ex. gr. for w=4, i=8 the correspondence is ala ial iL al 22 vl 22 Wat al 1 Heel I 2 2 2 Wit a 1 1 Ie Ul For an uneven weight 2u~+1 we take the coefficients of 2” in (i+ 2)(7 +3)... (2¢—1) (22) (1) (2) 8). @-D and this is the generating function of two-dimensional graphs of weight w, not more than 7+ 1 nodes being allowed along the # axis nor more than 7—1 along the y axis. The correspondence established is that between the at-most-two-layer xy-symmetrical graphs of weight 2w+1 restricted as to each of the w and y axes by the number 7 and the graphs of two dimensions of weight w restricted as to the w axis by the number 7+ 1 and as to the y axis by the number 7—1. Ex. gr. for w=5, 1=4 we have the five to five correspondence ESTEE TE Ths kth ak ah al il VEL lee Wel Qal 0 eal 222 1 ia if ud iba i! Tet Tt 21 2)1 1 21 1 1 1 Jick 1 ea 2 a 1 1 WHOSE GRAPHS POSSESS SYMMETRY. I qn a1 where 7 is indefinite the generating function becomes _ite (1 — a*) (1 — a) (1 = a)... ad inf. This curious result shews that the number of at-most-two-layer «y-symmetrical graphs of weight w is equal to the whole number of partitions of 4w or of 4(w—1) according as w is even or uneven. There is another solution of the problem that has been under consideration. Instead of constructing a generating function from successive layers of nodes parallel to the plane of wy, we may build one up by first considering all the exterior angles of nodes; then those which become exterior when the former are removed; and so on. Thus if any graph were 21 it 1 WU) em bp bp Ww me et ob we first take as constructed by the superposition of Th ak al elalenl i il ile Le cer a cee eS SSS 1 1 1 a then WADI made up of Lea tek: 2 i 1 1 1 then : : We are then led to the crude generating function 1 OG —m)(1 — max) (1 — max’) (1 — maba®)(1 — mabex") ... (1 — mabe ... x) (.- =) @ -5*) (1 - a 2) inf, (1-3) (1-52) (1- aa") ead inf, a ab ab'e . aden, 156 Mason MACMAHON, PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS in the ascending expansion of which we must take the coefticient of m/, operating in regard to the letters Cg Or be ce a’, be ce’ We have, therefore, the identity OQ. (1 + ayx) (1 + ayaga*) (1 + ayayaza)... (1 + ayy... aja) x gees 14 a) 14 be as son. Exel Tas (ae cia / MAA Cc N CC. (re 1 10 3 10203 5 x (1+ b, x) (2 ae ee) (a+ Fs «) sop Exel wate, j rows 1 = ComiX (1 — m) (1 — mz) (1 — maa’) (1 — maba*) (1 — mabea?) ... (1 — mabe ... 2") ee a’ ab’ os) ? i) (1-52) (i-¢ abe 7 ec ad inf. L a’ : ab! : (Se (== a b’e 7) - ad int. ad inf. and, when 7 is unrestricted, O (1 + qe) (1 + Gao’) (1 + Qyaeasz*) ... (1 + yan... aja") x (1422) (142 bibs o) (14 Heat). ad inf. ai Ag Ags Cy Cy Co C, CoC : (uct) rte a) (14 fee =) .. ad inf. ad inf, 1 =O — «)(1 — aw) (1 — aba?) (1 — abea’)... (1 — abe... «) ab’ F a-2) (1-Se \(1- Sw)... ad inf. ie al’ ab” F (1-3) (1-49) (1- ay) Pacem ad inf, a remarkable result, which it would be difficult to establish algebraically. WHOSE GRAPHS POSSESS SYMMETRY. 157 As it is necessary in the sequel we will now determine the generating function which enumerates the «wy-sywmetrical graphs, limited as above, but subject to a new restriction, viz. each layer of nodes is to be formed by, at most, s plane angles of nodes. The enumeration, it is easy to see, is given by the coefficients of mz” in the development of 1 a—— 2 (1 + mar) (1 + maya.z*) (1 + majaza,a’) ... (1 + maya, ... aja") l-—m x (1 + 1) (1 + bibs ) ¢ + Obibs “) ... ad inf. 1 MA. AAs CQ C\Cy C1 CoC3 er x (14 %2) (14 2%) (14098). ad int ( ih x + bb. 1+ Mao ad inf j rows, and also by the coefficients of m/z” in the development of 1 1 l1—m “ (1 — mx) (1 — maa*) (1 — mabz*) (1 — mabea’) ... (1 — mabe ... 2) (1 = “\ (1 - 52) (1 x a 2) ... ad inf, ab abe (1-3) (1-42) (1-53). ad inf, a wb wb’'e § rows. Let the coefficients of m* in the former of these generating functions be denoted by F;,,(x), and denoting the generating functions by A and B respectively, we have :— A=1+4+ mF; (x) + mF; .(x) +... + mF; .(x)+..., B=1+mF,,,(2) + mF,,,(@) +... + mF;,.(")+.... Moreover for j=, we have A=1+4mF,,() + mF... (x) + mF, 3 (x) +..., and for s=o, B=1+MmPF,,.. (x) + mF, («) + mF, . (2) +.... THE wyz-SYMMETRICAL GRAPHS. Just as Sylvester dissected the xy-symmetrical graph in two dimensions into plane angles we may dissect the #yz-symmetrical graphs in three dimensions into solid angles. Each solid angle is in the shape of a symmetrical fragment of half of a hollow cube. In each of the planes ay, yz, zx we find the same symmetrical two-dimensional graph. If this graph has 7 columns or rows the number of nodes which lie on one or other of the three axes is 1+3(i—1) or 3i—2. In the plane of wy we can place plane angles of Vou. XVII. Parr II. Dit 158 Mason MACMAHON, PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS nodes so as to form a symmetrical graph in two dimensions. If w be the weight of the solid angle we have w—3i+2 nodes to dispose symmetrically in the three planes and this can be done in a number of ways which is given by the coefficients of ps (w—si+2) in (1+2)(1+2*)(1+2)...d+2>), that is, by the coefficients of 2” in Q: = x (1 + a5) (1+2°)(1 +2")... (1+ 2), which is therefore the generating function of the solid angles in question which have exactly i nodes along each axis. Observe that i—1 factors follow 2, and that, when it is convenient, we suppose the\yexpression to have the value unity when 7=0. Hence the solid angles which possess 7 or fewer nodes along the axes are enumerated by 1 +2 + a4 (1 + 2) +u7 (1+ 2) (1 +2°) +2 (1+ 25)(1+a°)(1+2")...(1 +a). Fitting solid angle graphs together when possible produces «yz-symmetrical graphs. When <=2, Q.=a'(1+ 2°), the two solid angles being Ors © oO : ene of contents 4 and 7 respectively. We cannot fit a solid angle into the first of these, for there is no node upon which it can rest. In the case of the second we can fit in the solid angle for which i=1, Q=a# represented by a single node e, and thus form the symmetrical graph ee, ot content 8. Synthetically we form the generating function Ow! (1 + az") € +20) =a2+a'+2° of all symmetric graphs having i=2. Observe that the construction of the factors, following the operator , permits the association of a and e and does not permit that of WHOSE GRAPHS POSSESS SYMMETRY. 159 Restricting ourselves to two solid angles when 1=3, Q,=a7 (1 +2) (1 + 2) we are similarly led to the construction of the generating function Qa? (1 + aa) (1 + aba) x +5 ak (1 +2), whence after expansion and operation we find (a? + 0 + 6 =} @*) -- (@ + a + a) + (a + aw) + 2, and the correspondence is a a. an a? x aba? x’. ax. aba? 33 Ila Seoul SeBh yy Behe 1 Al By dheeil Sigh ly tl 1 1 44 Taal | a aa = a’ aba? .= a ax. aba. — 3-2) 1 33) & 3) 3)8) PAD) 3} 4 al 8 aol 1 Pag k Bt JL al al eee a’. ax. aba® ab 332 8h 3.33 83.8) 2 33) 2 PY 83 Qik Bia ihey, Cae ab’ a 8} 83 83 333 3B 2 In the form which arises from the product at. aba. the largest solid angle is given Se by 2’. abx*; that is, a gives the axial portion 1 , « yields : : in each of the three 1 3 3 2 planes, so that the resulting angle is 3 11; the next largest solid angle is given by 21 and this fits ito the larger. 21—2 160 Mason MACMAHON, PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS a a rina ial : Again from a. aac? aba? . we get first 1 from a’, and then 1 and 1, in 1 ee 8 oN ; pe each plane, from a* and a, yielding 3 1 1 the outer solid angle; and —.— gives a solid ay hy Poe 2 - : 22 angle, composed of 1 and 1 fitting in each plane, viz. :— 24° and this fits into the 333 larger solid angle yielding 3 3 3. 33 2 It will be clear now that the generating function for symmetrical graphs having nodes along each axis and formed of at most two solid angles is Qa? (1 + a2) (1 + aqaet®) ... (1+ mae... Ga) a a 7 a a * «i424 (147 \4 Z ee a+ ) +. ad int ie nasa a)” AyAotts ay ays the general term in the series to infinity being 38—5 2s 6S—15 2 (+=) (+=) ae +). MAyAy «+. Asa ay Ay, A Ay ++. Aso Summing this function, for values of 7, it is found that the generating function, for the graphs composed of at most two solid angles and having at most ¢ nodes along each axis, is O {1 + at at (1+ qa’) + 2? (1 + aya*) (1 + ayagt*) +... + a8 (1 + aya) (1 + aqaet®) ... (1 + aya ... ai 2) a 3 7 7s rl alps Be (1+%)+ z (1 +=) (1 + ) int ik Gan Gy) ~— AyAnltg Ay yy If the graphs are to be composed of at most two solid angles but to be otherwise unrestricted we obtain QO {1+ a@+a4 (1 + qa*) + a7 (1 + qa*) (1 + a,a,2") +... ad inf} { aaa, e iy a / x ; waht sate? (1+ =)+ e (1+2) (14+ = ) int. il Gan GAG (yh) ~~ Ans hy ‘as It is now easy to pass to the general case in which the composition is to be from at most s solid angles. The generating function is WHOSE GRAPHS POSSESS SYMMETRY. 161 OQ {1 +e + a4 (1 + a,a*) + v7 (1 + aya) (1 + ayage®) +... + a%*(1 + aya) (1 + ayaa)... (1 + yay». aia") eee a (1+ Ae) + w% (1 + at) (140 w) intl Ally on (d J xr + t+ of as (+e at) + pe (1+ 22 a) (1 +p a) +..-ad int} f ( te eee a (a +f) 4 a (1 +S (1 + oe) int} 12 C1CoCy Cy Ss YroOws. When the first row is also continued to infinity, and the number of rows is infinite, we have the crude form of generating function for xyz-symmetrical graphs quite unrestricted, When s=1 and i= it may be easily proved that the generating function may be written a ae Me eG i= a2) {=A C=e) =e. a (k—-1)— (k—2)8 + d-#) Gd —2) (1-2)... d—-a) * There is another mode of enumeration of «yz-symmetrical graphs which it is important to consider. Durfee has shewn how to dissect a symmetrical graph in two dimensions into a square of nodes and two appendages lateral and subjacent. Ex. gr. the graph where this is a square of four nodes, a lateral appendage a and one which is subjacent b. This dissection leads to the expression of the generating function in the form of an infinite series of algebraic fractions. Sylvester further applied the same dissection to unsymmetrical graphs and derived algebraic identities of great interest. In the case of three dimensions we also have a dissection of the same nature. This is not based upon the isolation of a cube of nodes as might at first appear. If we take such a cube, for example, OBS 22 162 Mason MACMAHON, PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS we may, it is true, attach appropriate lateral, subjacent, and superjacent graphs and thus obtain an zxyz-symmetrical graph; but a slight consideration shews that a large number of symmetrical graphs escape enumeration by this process. Ex. gr. the graph 3.3 | 2 321 24 is based upon the cube in question, whereas the graph 33) 3 3 rl Syke pal ~ is not based upon that or any other cube, yet it is without doubt symmetrical. In the former of the two graphs observe that the appendages are lateral subjacent 2 1 superjacent : : The fact is that symmetrical graphs are based also upon graphs other than those which are perfect cubes. The whole series is formed as follows -— We have, first, those based upon the cube 1, viz. the base is 1. Secondly, we have those based upon graphs such that there is a square of four nodes in each of the three planes of reference. These are of two kinds, viz. :— 22 22 21 22 where the nodes of the former are in the shape of the half of a hollow cube and the latter is obtained from the former by combining with it the cube 1. Thirdly, we have four bases derived from the graph which has the shape of a half- hollow-cube of side 3; viz. :— 333 333 333 333 Sele 3 2 1 333 333 33 I 3} iil 332 333 where observe that the three latter bases are derived from the former by combination with the three bases previously constructed, viz. :— 1 22 22 2 1 Ded WHOSE GRAPHS POSSESS SYMMETRY. 163 Similarly, of the fourth order, we have eight bases, viz. :— 444 4 444 4 444 4. 444 4 Aye 4211 4331 4331 edt sat 4111 4321 4331 2a at Ae Ae 444 4 444 4 444 4 444 4 444 4 444 4 444 4 444 4 442 2 443 2 444 4 444 4 442 2 4422 4443 444 4 the seven latter being derived from the former by combination with the seven forms previously constructed. The way in which the bases are built up is now plain and we see that, of order x, we can construct 2” bases of which 2"—1 are derived by combining with the half- hollow-square of order n, all the bases of lower orders in number, 1424294 ... 4907 = 901, As one illustration take the graph a me bw ot the z axis being perpendicular to the plane of the paper. The graph is built upon the base 33.3 321 By 1 Es a the lateral appendage being 321 fat 1; b the subjacent appendage being 311 21 1 c the superjacent appendage being 3 i 2 1 164 Mason MACMAHON, PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS From the lateral appendage we derive in succession the subjacent and superjacent appendages. The rule is to face the origin and give the lateral graph right-handed rotations through 90° about the axes of z and y in succession. We thus derive the subjacent graph, and a repetition of the process upon the latter then gives the superjacent graph. Thus starting with the lateral 321 17 ; i the two rotations give in succession et es old iL @ aol 2) il ‘ 1 1 the latter being the subjacent, and operating similarly on the latter we obtain in succession iL 2 33 3) 5 Il eleand en ; 1 1 the last written graph being the superjacent. As another example, if the lateral be 22 1 it i 4 we obtain by operation 12 2 12 and 21 ; 1 1 21 giving 2 1 the subjacent: operating upon this 1 ie acts 3 2 i giving 5 the superjacent. Compare the graph 54/221 41/11 21 21 1 bo bo ke bo upon the base WHOSE GRAPHS POSSESS SYMMETRY. 165 We have arrived at the point of shewing the construction of the bases and we have seen how to construct the graph, being given the base and the lateral; the base and the lateral completely determine the graph, and if they be of contents w,, w, respectively the complete graph is of content w,+3w,. For a given base we have now to determine the possible forms of lateral appendage preparatory to attempting their enumeration. Every line of numbers parallel to the axis of y in a symmetrical graph is of necessity a self-conjugate partition of a number, for otherwise more than one interpretation of the graph would be obtainable. Ex. gr. in the graph 54221 4 Todt Dell 21 1 5 4 2 2 1 is a self-conjugate partition of the number 14, 21 » » » » ” 3, the corresponding symmetrical two-dimensional graphs being oe?ee Hence this self-conjugate property appertains also to the lateral appendage, the lines of numbers being taken parallel to the axis of y, not parallel to the axis of # The reverse would naturally be the case if we were considering the subjacent appendage. This property imposes a limitation upon the possible forms of lateral appendage. Let w, be the content of the base, 7, its order ie, the number of nodes along an axis; also let w, and 7, refer to the lateral. Then for the complete symmetrical graph we have content w,+3w, and order 4,+%, or say, w, 7 referring to, the complete graph, w=W,+3u2., t=U+% For the base 1 w,=1, 7,=1 the lateral must have the form ni ie FL and the generating function for such laterals whose order does not exceed 2, is ce gat = See l-2z Vou. XVII. Parr II. 99 166 Mason MACMAHON, PARTITIONS OF NUMBERS therefore if F(w) denote the generating function of the associated symmetrical graphs nig tl * Co a” F (x) = Co a F (x) =Co amt 7 — ‘ = Sigt8 j . F(a j)= =z : ee ? 1 the generating function of symmetrical graphs on the base 1. Since 7,=i—1, we may write this — F(a )aat p= 2 ~ : 2 1 ; 1 the latefal may involve 1 and 1 but not L hence its form bo bo For the base must be ase Ain evra Wl atl beep lege eat If 7, be unrestricted the lateral generating function is 1 . l—2z.1—2°’ otherwise we have to seek the coefficient of mz in 1 . 1—m.1—mez.1—mz’ and since W,=1, {=2, p=1— 2, we obtain the generating function of symmetrical graphs a’ 1—m.1—ma?.1— ma?’ in which we seek the coefficient of m2”. Similarly for the base Bee since the lateral must be of the form 22, ee MY 22 us e form 9 9-4 4°" we are led to the generating function bi 1l—m.1—ma.1—ma.1—mz’ in which we seek the coefficient of m* a”, If the base is at most of order 2 we may say that the enumeration of symmetrical graphs of content w and having at most 7 nodes along an axis is given by the coefficient of mx” in mz mg? m>tz8 1+. -———__. =, ae wl Sao ola ee * Cox” F (x) denotes the coefficient of «¥ in the expansion of F(z). WHOSE GRAPHS POSSESS SYMMETRY. L167 If %, and therefore 7 be unrestricted this expression naturally becomes ie: 7 a ed a @ *1—@.1—a*1—a.1—a 1—a"" The question now arises as to the direct formation of the fractions appertaining to the bases of order 4. The form of the lateral appendage depends, as we have seen, upon the self-conjugate unipartite partition represented by the right-hand column or boundary of the base. We will call this partition the base-lateral. So far of the first four orders we have met with certain base-laterals, viz. :— Order 7i,= Base-lateral 1 1 2, 2 2 ri 1 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 i 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 2 4 4 1 2 3 4 Of order 7, there are 7, different base-laterals: for consider the formation of the base of order nx from those of inferior orders. Combination of the half-hollow-cube form of order 7, with the bases of orders less than 7,—1 can only result in base-laterals identical with that of the half-hollow-cube base; and assuming that base-laterals of order 7,—1 are 7,—1 in number, it is plain that the combination referred to can only produce 7,—1 additional base-laterals. Hence, on the assumption made, the whole number of base-laterals of order 7, is 1+7,—1=7%. By induction the theorem is established. The 7, base-laterals of order 7, are (writing them for convenience horizontally instead of vertically) Alig etn CR eso ee re ecera he We must discover the generating function of bases having a given base-lateral 1,%s'~*. The base-lateral in question is associated with 2°-*7 different bases if s = Sm, 2).mi~ t,=1s=1 enumerates, by the coefficient of mx, the whole of the symmetrical graphs subject to the single restriction that more than 7 nodes are not to occur along an axis. TRANSACTIONS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHlLOSOPHTCaL SOCIETY. VOLUME XVII. PART III. CAMBRIDGE : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS M.DCCC, XCIX. ADVERTISEMENT. Tue Society as a body is not to be considered responsible for any facts and opinions advanced in the several Papers, which must rest entirely on the credit of thew respective Authors. Tne Society takes this opportunity of expressing its grateful acknowledgments to the Synpics of the University Press for their liberality in taking upon themselves the expense of printing this Part of the Transactions. Waly WAU VUE IX. CONTENTS. On Divergent (or Semiconvergent) Hypergeometric Series. By Professor W. M°F. Orr, MAS Taal (Collligee cir Seems, ID Skin eeGesepeanoconocns onccboncodeonec bocagandencncHnanmaroces A semi-inverse method of solution of the equations of elasticity, and its application to certain cases of aeolotropic ellipsoids and cylinders. By C. Curez, Sc.D., F.R.S. On the Change of a System of Independent Variables. By HE. G. Gator, M.A., Fellow Ong Gonville sands Carusy Collegerss.aseemcess ces accord aceicarancenaewsicoeieeniecateemace sseeeeesetmoss On Divergent Hypergeometric Series. By Professor W. M°F. Orr, M.A. .......... 0.2.65 PAGE 171 201 231 283 INDEX TO Cayley, on the product of two hypergeometric series, 1 ; on change of independent variables, 231 Characters, generic of quadratic forms, 135 Curer, C., Se.D., A method of solution of the equa- tions of elasticity, 201 Classes of quadratic forms, 139 Currents, electric, decay of, in conducting spheroids, 104 Earth, the, equations of elasticity applied to, 210 Elasticity, a method of solution of the equations of, 201 Elliott, Prof., on Cyclicants and Reciprocants, 231, 267, 273, 279 Ellipsoids and cylinders, elastic, 201, 213, 223 Elliptic disc, rotating, elastic, 217 Equation, the study of the differential, (v?+.x?)y~=0, 41 Fermat’s theorem for quadratic complex numbers, 119 Gatuor, E. G., On the change of a system of inde- pendent variables, 231 Gauss’s law of composition of quadratic forms, 111 Graphs, for the partition of numbers, 151 Heat, equation of conduction of, 41, 105 Hypergeometric series, on the product of two, 1; on divergent, 171, 283 Kerr, experiments in magneto-optics, 30 Klein, Prof., lectures on ideal numbers, 109 Larmor, J., theory of the electric medium, 17 LeaTHem, J. G., On deducing magneto-optic phenomena from an energy function, 16 Mactaurny, R. C., On the solutions of (y?+ x2) ~=0, 41 MacManon, Major P. A., Partitions of numbers whose graphs possess symmetry, 149 Wor, SAVE 12d ME Wee eV EL. Magneto-optic phenomena deduced from an energy function, 16 Numbers, Partitions of, whose graphs possess symmetry, 149 —— certain systems of quadratic complex, 109 Optics, and magnetism, theory of, 16 Orr, Prof. W. M°F., On hypergeometric series, 1, 171, 283 Oscillations, electrical, in a homeoidal layer of dielectric, 96 Partitions, theory of, 149 Physical applications of the equation (v?+ x2) ~=0, 41 Pochhammer, on contour integrals, 173 Quadratic, complex numbers, 109; quadratic forms, 131 Quantics, algebra of, 249 Reciprocity, laws of quadratic, 124 Reflexion, magnetic, 25 Sylvester's constructive theory of partitions, 149; on change of independent variable, 231 Tables of quadratic complex numbers, 146 Variables, independent, change of, 231 Vibration, of an elliptic plate, 73; of electricity in a cylindrical cavity, 76; of spheroidal sheets of air, 91 Waves, reflexion and refraction of, at a plane surface of magnetised metal, 22 scattering of, by an obstructing spheroid, 101 Westery, A. E., Certain systems of quadratic complex numbers, 109 Zeeman, experiments in magneto-optics, 32 38 Cambridge : PRINTED BY J. & ©. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. TRANSACTIONS CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. VOLUME XVII. CAMBRIDGE: AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS M.DCCO, XCIX ADVERTISEMENT. Tue Society as a body is not to be considered responsible for any jJacts and opinions advanced in the several Papers, which must rest entirely on the credit of their respective Authors. Tue Soctery takes this opportunity of expressing its grateful acknowledgments to the Synpics of the University Press for their liberality in taking upon themselves the expense of printing this Part of the Transactions. IIt. Wu - VIII. IX. CONTENTS. Theorems relating to the Product of two Hypergeometric Series. By Prof. W. M°F. Orr, IMAC mLVOyaln Gollegsvots sciences Dublint esssaccsee.rddeneorere meecsserder setae acnenceasatees On the possibility of deducing magneto-optic phenomena from a direct modification of an electro-dynamic energy function. By J. G. Learuem, M.A., Fellow of St John’s Wollegowanasenestenc nether es ersistwceriss svecostesaccge aids nssoste at aoenees os onmontorntemesee ousesereee tees On the solutions of the equation (V*+x*)y=0 in elliptic coordinates and their physical applications. By R. C. Macuaurin, St John’s College ..............csccscccceseecsvcneceseee Certain Systems of Quadratic Complex Numbers. By A. E. Wesrern, B.A., Trinity Colleges Gam brid cen tewaaosssnnmesssnyascsenssseese siden. des eee sastenecden foeen ate nbees ane aoe ne oe ees Partitions of Numbers whose Graphs possess Symmetry. By Major P. A. MacManon, WAC HD) Srp ib dk e,h kl ONsay OMI ©abuSs, dasniaceneeome caster war coracstiees rece eeresaneecs ereeaeees . On Divergent (or Semiconvergent) Hypergeometric Series. By Professor W. M°F. Orr, MAS wRoyal Collegeof Science, sMubliny <.:cc-e-n.nccecessncdecsccisasteaesven ete nseeecsee ees one A semi-inverse method of solution of the equations of elasticity, and its application to certain cases of aeolotropic ellipsoids and cylinders. By C. Curer, Se.D., F.R.S. On the Change of a System of Independent Variables. By E. G. Gatiop, M.A., Fellow of Gonvalleyand!( Carus) Colleges eencceecccncs se secaretsnesscetissacs cp celescescnedeteendvesdseascecesce On Divergent Hypergeometric Series. By Professor W. M°F. Orr, M.A. ..............068 PAGE 16 41 109 149 VI. On Divergent (or Semiconvergent) Hypergeometric Series. By Prof. W. M°F. Orr, M.A., Royal College of Science, Dublin. [Received and read May 16, Revised September 1898. ] 1. THE series CHE coo Gis @, (@, + 1) ay (a, +1)... Om (Am + 1) Hak bela eee, (1) I pyps--+ Pn 1.2. pi 4p; + 1) po(p2+1) .-- pn (pn+1) is convergent for all values of « if mn and convergent for values of z whose modulus is less than unity if m=n-+1; im such cases if its sum be denoted by 1+ F(z, Ga, +2. Om 3 Pr P2,--> Pn; ©) the successive differential coefticients of this expression are represented numerically by the convergent series obtained by taking the corresponding differential coefficients of the terms of (1). The relation connecting the coefficients of two consecutive terms 2”, @,.,a7™, viz. — i 27)\(er-F 7) <- = (en ET) Ors = (Gi EF) (Ga +7)... (Cin FG) Gy ----2- 0022-0 (2), is equivalent to the differential equation {(0-+%) (0+ 04)... (0+ an) = 7 8(8 +p, 1) (0+ p.—1)-. (0+ px} y=0 ... (8), in which @ stands for the operator «d/dx. The series (1) is therefore, when convergent, a solution of this equation. Relation (2) is satisfied by n other series, convergent if (1) be convergent, one of which is 2 F(a —pit 1, m—pi+1,...Qm—pit1l; 2—p,, pr—pit,... pn—pit1; z)...(4), the others being analogous. Each of these n series when convergent is therefore a solution of equation (3), and the n+1 series thus furnish the complete solution of this equation for all values of « if m+n, and for values of « whose modulus is less than unity if m=n-+1. It is supposed that no two of the quantities a@,...¢m, ~i,--- Pn, 1 are equal, or differ by an integer. Relation (2) is also satisfied by m series proceeding in descending powers of «, one of which is a, (% = pik 1) ose (a, T Pn at 1) 1.(a)— @ + 1) mints (@ — Gp, a 1) a, (a + 1)(@ —pi+1)(% = Pie 2) see (a, = Prt 1) (a — Pn +2)1 + 5) 1.2. (a, — a+ 1)(@—a +2)... (@:—@m + 1) (& — amt 2) xe re -++(9), Wor, XVIl Pann TE. 23 = Lon {1 + 1 n—m+1 — + 172 Pror. ORR, ON DIVERGENT (OR SEMICONVERGENT) the others being analogous. These m series are all divergent when the former n+1 are convergent. The object of the present paper is to show that in such a case if the real part of (—1)"™*/x is negative, then provided s exceeds a certain number independent of x, the sum of the first s terms of such a series as (6) differs by some quantity whose modulus is less than that of the next term from a certain linear function of the n+1 convergent series (1), (5), etc., and that whether the real part of (—1)"""~' & is positive or negative, for any specified value of s, x can be taken so great that the sum of the first s terms differs from the same linear function of the convergent series by a quantity whose modulus is less than that of the next term multiplied by 1+.e, where e is any assigned small positive quantity. It may be remarked that the theorem stated for the case in which (—)"""**z has its real part negative cannot be true without some restriction on the argument or the modulus of (-)y-"™4 a, It has been pointed out by Hankel (Math. Annal. Vol. 1) that such a theorem cannot hold for a series proceeding in powers of wu whose terms, after a certain one, are real positive and increasing as the three results to which it would lead on terminating the series successively before each of three consecutive positive terms, of which the first is less than the second and the second less than the third, involve an in- consistency. Hankel however appears to consider that it may hold for all other values of uw; this is a mistake unless the function of w to which the semiconvergent series is “equal” (in the sense above) is discontinuous on crossing some curve other than the positive part of the axis of real quantities, as it is evident that, with this exception, if the theorem be true for all save real and positive values of w it must be true even for these. The well-known semiconvergent expansions of J,,(«), for example, cannot therefore hold for complex values in the sense that for each of the two divergent series occurring therein the error committed in stopping after the sth term, provided s—n-+4 is positive, has a modulus less than that of the next term, without some restriction on the value of #; and in fact the demonstrations given by Lipschitz (Crelle, Lv1.), Hankel (loc. cit.), and Gray and Mathews (Treatise on Bessel Functions) are invalid unless « be wholly real. Lipschitz, who discusses only the case in which n is zero, appears in fact to consider only real values of «. The fallacies involved in the proofs by Hankel and by Gray and Mathews will be noted presently. The magnitude of the error in case 2 is complex has been discussed by H. Weber (Math. Annal. Vol. xxxvu..), who has not however explicitly referred to the fallacies in question. 2. As a lemma to be used in establishing the theorem of the present paper I proceed to prove that if (1—t)~* be expanded in ascending powers of ¢, where the modulus of t¢ may be greater than unity, then provided a+s be positive the modulus of the error out- standing after s terms is, if the real part of ¢ be negative, less than that of the next term, and if the real part of ¢ be positive, and ¢ not wholly real, less than that of a certain multiple (involving the argument of ¢) of the next term. We have diets Cae we ON Z=t Gl eee Gee) Be Ss HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. 173 (1 — 2)-* dz ; » where (1—z)-* is equal to unity at the origin. and Qari = a Multiplying by integrating along the path ABCDEFA in Fig. 1, CDEFA being supposed a curve, every point of which is at an infinite distance from the origin, we obtain i 1, — —a (l—t)*=l+at+... (to s terms) + 5 We) : l 2m J z*(z—t) si FIG I wherein the path of integration is the same and (1 —#)-« reduces to unity at the origin. If now a+s is positive the path CDEFA contributes nothing to the integral on the right and the remainder after s terms, which we will denote by R(a, s), is equal to the integral taken along the path ABO only. This may be written, following Pochhammer (Math. Annal. XXXV.), In the form — ts pO 1 —z)-* dei} A (@— 1)” Suppose first that 1—a is positive. We then have t : a [ic (G= Ure R(a, s)= seen Cay =) I os a dz fae “(z—1)- = = sin a | nae If the real part of ¢ be negative ies | Ae Se ec ee 1 #(—2) , an II (s) Therefore since II (a—1) TI (—a)=-mcosec ar we have #I1(s+a—1) mod. R (a, s) < mod. Il(s)M(a—1) A Le. — I (n)t Pa-o-tae Ferg ee 1) ~ Qri(1—a)(2—a).. all 2e-pent 1.28 (2—t? | 1.2.2 (2-8) s(s+1)...(s+n—1) TI (n). 2+" (zt) jae II (n) & sin (a— 72) 7 ns 1 s waa) @=a)*. -(n—- 5 | ») ite pen + ee @a=or s(s+1) ess II (n) 27" (z-7) If now the real part of ¢ be negative, this integral would be increased in absolute value by replacing every negative power of z—t by the same power of 2; if this were done the coefficient of (z—1)""*z*-"> under the sign of integration would be s s(s+l1l s(s+1).. ae 1494S 1.2. , which is equal to (s+ a ——- ieee Accordingly, since iF _U(n—a)T(st+a—1) ik (z = I) Se le a G re a) : we have sin (a—n) 7. I (s+a—1) U(—2) am. II(s) #Il(s+a—1) IL(s) Il(a—1)’ mod. R(a, s)< mod. < mod. ie. ) 1 ra (ee = = gor { 4 @=O0—01, 0-9 2-6-9 @-44)1, 1 gy | 1 wv 1.2 ie ) besides that of the type (5) which now is = = ae EID ee pS DE Het Dene ane | it. ht (11), 1 Le 12 or A particular case of relation (8), in which p is written =2a=n and «@ is replaced by 2x, is given by Glaisher (Trans. Roy. Soc., 1881, Part 3, page 774). Pochhammer shows that equation (7) is satisfied by the integral | e" (u— x) -2urPdu taken along a path which starts from any part and returns to the same point, provided the path is such that the initial and final values of e“(w—«)*u*? differ by zero, and has considered the two solutions r (x, 0,2—, 0—) | CE iirc) «RU PU Ueetnnete cot mance es as cat he =P Pn; “) TT (a; — p) TT (pr — 2) TI (ps — po — 1)... HE (ps — pn — 1) II (p; — a — 1) II (p, —a, — 1)... I (p;— a — 1) =F 1 F(a —p, +1, ...@&—pit1; 2— pi, po— pit 1,..-pn—pitl; 2) +(n—1) other terms analogous to the last ries II (a, — 1) II (a, — ps) see TI (a — pn) oa mae = ate — Ds he = Uh ose Maa) (ae) Waa Haass pastel ee sca a@—a,+1; —1/z)...... (28), wherein the argument of every power «” lies between —mm and + mr, the symbol of equality being interpreted in the sense that :— (A) If the real part of « is positive, the error committed by stopping the series on the right-hand side after s terms is less in absolute value than the next term, provided s exceeds a certain number. Of the series on the left we may select the first so that 1, p,,... pn, are in ascending order as also @, %,...@. If a is any * The semiconvergent series for J, (x) may be readily obtained by forming the equation satisfied by e* . I, (x) and using the analogues of (26), (27). a ee HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. 181 fractional number let [a] denote, if @ is negative, zero, if a is positive the integer next higher than a Then s is not to be less than the greater of the integers r=n ren [a —a@ —1])+ = [2, — pr], [en — @ —1) + >> [a, — pr]. r= r=2 (B) Whether the real part of « is positive or negative*, # can be taken so great that for any assigned value of s the error in stopping after s terms is less in absolute value than the next term multiplied by 1+ e, where e is any assigned positive quantity however small. It is to be noted that in the enunciation of (A) the additional factors occurring in the numerator and denominator of the second term omitted are all positive, and the argument of w is restricted to a range of 7, including that value which makes all the terms omitted real and of alternate signs; some restriction on the argument or on the amplitude of « being, as remarked in Art. 1, not merely incidental to our method of proof but essentially necessary from the nature of the theorem. 5. We will first prove by induction that there is one solution of the differential equation satisfied by TE(Chg Ch cod he, fake [ary con on StH) which can be written in the form Ce~*x*(*-») where, as @ increases indefinitely, having its real part positive, C tends to a fixed limit. (The minus sign has been inserted before the w as it is easier to reason about a negative quantity when we call it —# than when we call it +.) This is true also if the real part of « is negative but not required for the present purpose. Let us assume that this is true when there are n a’s and n p’s, and introduce another « and another p denoted simply by a and p. The differential equation for the new hypergeometric function is satisfied by Mica) ai-P i (v— ap p*"1¢ (v) dv, where ¢(v) is the solution of the old series referred to (see Pochhammer). Writing (v) = Cory” = Cory and making the substitution v=2+u, the above solution may be written in the form 70) Curae | Cemursea’ (Ie \a4) a) “te littean see vsecateccecee tees (29). Let us assume in the first instance that p—a is positive; this is then a multiple (depending on the unspecified arguments) of the line integral Cre | Ceo*ur" (1 + u/x)ee> du. 0 If (1 + u/x)2*"— be now expanded in powers of u/# the modulus of the remainder after a certain term will be less than that of the next term, and it is accordingly * If the latter, it will also be shown that the error is less than a certain multiple of the next term (s restricted as before). 24—2 182 Pror. ORR, ON DIVERGENT (OR SEMICONVERGENT) evident that the above may be written in the form C’e~*a*-P*™ where, by increasing 2 sufficiently, C’ can be made as nearly as we please equal to a certain constant. Also in case p—a@ be negative, on integrating (29) by parts the integral may be written in the form 1 7 1 = i fatz = Ce up-* 1 +u/z a+m—1 as Fan em ype (1 + u/z atm—2 jo" aaa ed reer (1+ wfayem—s 1 o_oa 44/2) L +-(1 buje) aca cite The expression in the square brackets vanishes at the infinite limits, and by making z great enough dC/du may be made as small as we please by hypothesis, and the above integral, if « be large enough, can thus be made as nearly as we please equal to TO) = me = : Back NdeI SE fi ees ye C-Ca+ wa) du, from which it is evident that any limits to the value of p—a may be extended by unity, and therefore, for all values of p—a, (29) may be written in the form "one oe = (a-—pr) where C’ tends to a fixed limit as # increases indefinitely. 6. The solution which does tend to this form is a multiple of II (— p,) 11 (—p.) .-. 1 (— pa) . ae ieai=acuee - Ay, +» Any Pir +++ Pn; — 2x) 4's" T= 2) (p= p= 1) --- (pr = pn = 1) at II (p,—a@, — 1)... (py —an—1) aor F(a, — p, +1, ++ My — pr +1; 2—p,, pi— pr +1, w+ Pn— pr+1; —2), wherein the argument of «” lies between —mz7/2 and + m7/2. This may be seen by making in the theorem indicated by equation (28) the arguments of # in succession — 7 and +7 and subtracting the results after having multiplied one of them by e”*. It then appears that the above solution is one which, when in it 2 is made real and positive and sufficiently great, can be made less than a certain multiple of any specified term of the series 2% F(m,4—ptl,...; a@—-a4+1,...;+1/2), and therefore must be the one in question, as from equation (28), assumed to hold for the above functions, no other solution can be of this order for infinite values of « which have their real part positive. 7. We require to evaluate the integral ip tl OM (Be CB nie CRT NY Oh BED [PACD ICH aGacbondenonasacacteasacc (30), when intelligible, that is when m-+1 is positive and m—a,+1 is negative, where a, is the algebraically least a. (When « is very great the hypergeometric series is of order #-%.) HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. 183 The hypergeometric function is equal to II (p, —1) es I—pn (> — n—An—1 pyan—1 , ae P(e =) eae | Og me CO ah Plaes- Ba) Oe provided a, and p,—a, are positive. Substituting this value in (30) and changing the order of integration, which can be shown to be legitimate since m—a,+1 is negative, (80) can be written in the form — i (Pn Di al yx—1 . : ‘i M+1—pu ( u—an—1 7 Mel Gale UOT (0; 51... C1} Pry «-- Pr=i3 — 0) av : apn (a — yp dz; but the # integral is equal to I (an pL Toa 2) u (pn —4a,—1) II (pn — m — 2) gittl—a v m and accordingly (30) is equivalent to Tl (pn — 1) 1 (a, —m — 2) . TL (@ — 1) IE (pn — m — 2) Jo EH (Coss «on Onmaisy Pals ee Pasi) aU: In the same way provided a, and p,— 4 are positive TI (p, — 1) I (a, — m— 2) (* Il (a, — 1) IL (p,; — m — 2) Jo _ IT (p,— 1) Il (a —m— 2) ~ II (@,—1) I (p,—m— 2) Gy ame dx I a” F(a; py; —") dx = 0 Therefore by induction we finally obtain for (30) the value r=n TI (p,— 1) II (a,—m-— 2) : Il (m) . we Tl (a, =i) I (p, = a — 2) eee cece cee ceesececccesesecs (31), provided, in addition to the conditions necessary to make (30) intelligible, all such quantities as a, and p,—a, are positive. These latter conditions may however be removed. Since F(a, +1, Ga, «++ Any P1> Pa +++ Pn — &) —- F(a, Oy, «0. Ans Pi, Pa: -++ Pn —) eS > F(a, Qs, +++ Any Pr, Pas +++ Pn — 2), by multiplying both sides by z™ and integrating we obtain | 2B (ay +1, G3, «0 ta; pis «-» Puy — 2) Ce — | OMIT (Cietewe ln Ors ea) Pas we) Cer 0 Jo ae ret Lf -|* FG), <. On; Piss Pai —2) | ee GOEL (Chi reael ns Pusey) oe 1 0 1 0 If the second integral in the left-hand member is intelligible, so also is the first; the expression in square brackets then vanishes at the limits and | a (as, see Ans Pry +++ Pn3 — 2) dx= a-t2 1 / x” F(a, +1, Qe, +e» And Pris +++ Pnjy — x) dx, “0 0 a 184 Pror. ORR, ON DIVERGENT (OR SEMICONVERGENT) and accordingly any inferior limit imposed on any a may be extended by unity, the other a’s and p's being kept unchanged, provided in (30) the integral remains intelligible. Also from the equation F(a, @, +++ &n> Pis Pr» +++ Pry —2)—F(%,%, see Bn Pi» Pe, «++ Pn—-1» pn—1; — 2) —a d = ——_ —_- <: _—f 9 melas ee BOR nee ea apoy/ yA ==) borongorosoond sagedgcatonee (32), by multiplying both sides by #” and integrating we obtain | 2B (a, Gy, «++ Bn Pir Pos +++ Pans —o)de— a” F(a, s+» Q&r3 Pry Pos +++ Pn pn—1; — x) dx 0 = = [ame (a, Qs, eee And Pir +++ Pans -2)| 0 Pa— m+1 [* Sh HOI Can, con Cay [Sg Ep coo (2 SHA)CHD. conosacsdebooosuodsnse0e (33). Pa= 0 If (30) is intelligible all the terms in this equation are finite and that in square brackets is zero at the limits and thus we obtain i x” F(a, Gy, ++» Any Piy Poy +++ Pry pasts — «x)dx Se he Be ela | GHOTH (Chg suo @h8, (Sip 606 [2R =) CMoovoocc0c (34), Pa — Is aie and accordingly any limit to the value of any p may be extended by unity, the other a’s and p's being kept unchanged. The result stated as to the value of the integral (30) has thus been established *. 8. It is to be noted that the proofs given of the results of Arts. 6, 7 for functions of any order assume the truth of equation (28) for functions of the same order. We now proceed, assuming the results of Arts. 6, 7 and equation (28) for functions of any and the same order, to extend equation (28) to functions of the next higher order by the introduction of another p and another a. We do so in the present Article, taking the equation in sense (A) but subject to the restrictions that each of the quantities P2— 2, +++ Pn—m, p—4 %+1—p,,...%q+1—pa, ut+t1l—p, is positive. In Art. 9 we will extend the equation in the sense (B), and in Art. 10 the restrictions introduced in the present Article for the sense (A) will be removed. As indicated by Pochhammer the equation satisfied by F(a, @%, a2, -.. @n3 Ps Pry «++ Pn; +2) is satisfied by ai | (Oa) Swe B (0) dv eek eheceeesce Seog ee (35), where ¢(v) is any solution of that satisfied by F(a, %,... nj Pir ++» Pn; +) and the path of integration is a closed one such that the final value of (v— a -*1v7"¢(v) differs by zero from the initial one. * This result may be generalized by omitting any number of a’s, if the integral remains finite; write r=y/a and then make a infinite. HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. 185 Let the path be one which makes a circuit round the point w in the positive direction, then round the origin in the positive direction, then round the point @ in the negative direction and finally round the origin in the negative direction. Suppose in the first instance the real part of # to be positive. Such a path is equivalent to the paths ABCA, ADBA, ACBDA which may be replaced by the four portions ABCA, ADBA, ACBA, ABDA, (Fig. 3). — Let A be a point h on the axis of real quantities and let ¢(v) be CF (a, Ao, vee an; Pi> Pe, =us Pn; +) r=n +> Cw F(a — py t+], ... tr—pr+1; 2—p,, pi—pr +1, .-. pa— perl; + v)seeeceeee (36), r=1 those values being taken which make the initial arguments of every power of v zero at the point h (before multiplication by C, C,), and make the initial argument of (v—«x)-* diminish indefinitely as h increases indefinitely. On examining the values of the arguments at different points it will be seen that the second and fourth portions of the path together contribute to the integral (35) the expression (z) (en (a—p) — g2ria) gi—p if C (uv — ap ut F(a, Ms, -.. On; Pir +++ Pn; +2) dv r=n fx) iS (ei (e-P) = tien) af C,(v — £)p-2-} ya-er F (a, = pr + MS Sob, —prt+ L2 — Pr, ++ TL h +e Pn—Pr+1; +) AV.....00..0-- (37), the initial arguments being taken as above. If the differential coefficient of this expression with respect to h be written down it will be evident that in virtue of equation (28) assumed for the function of the (n+1)th order, i.e. that which satisfies the differential equation of the (n+1)th order, provided we take Tl (a aa 1) (= p:) oss TI (— pn) II (— a.) I[(—a,)... J (— a) II (a, —p,) I (p, — 2) II (o, — p, —1)... 1 (p, — pn — 1) II (p, — a — 1) I (p, —a;—1)... I (p,— an, — 1) (oH (e" (a—p) _ e27ai) = (6/3 (e7 (a—p) _ g2nt Car this differential coefficient when h increases indefinitely will be of the order he-=-*; and the same is true also for a complex value of A provided the argument of h is kept between —7 and +7 and the value of the function to be integrated is reconcilable 186 Pror. ORR, ON DIVERGENT (OR SEMICONVERGENT) with that previously taken. Accordingly provided p—a,—1 is negative, a condition which we have for the present supposed satisfied, the expression (37) will remain finite when h increases indefinitely, and its value will be unaltered if for h we substitute any infinite limit whose argument les between —7 and +7 and if the value of the function to be integrated is reconcilable with that already taken. Now let be increased indefinitely. We have also supposed for the present that p— is positive; each symbol of integration in (37) may therefore be replaced by (en (p—a) __ | z in which the infinite limit is on the production of the line joining the origin to the point 2. With the above values of the constants C, C,, and assuming the theorem to hold for the functions of the (n+ 1)th order, the expression (37) may be written TI (a, —1) (a — (yoo WIN(CA — Pn) art (p—a) __ E ea TGs =a.) l(a en) Le) | ape (v — 2pm yoo ~ Zz F(m,%—pitl,.-- G—patl; ma—-m+1, a—a; 41, ... | —a, +1; — 1/v) dv...(39). Expanding the divergent hypergeometric series in descending powers of v and integrating the terms successively we obtain II (p—a—1) 1 (4 —p)U (4 —1) 1 (a —p,)... 1 (um II (@, — a) I (a, — a)... IE (a, — an) (er! e-2) — 1) = Pa) oa F(@,a—p+i,... %—pratl; m-a+1,a—4,41,...q—a,+1; —1/z)...... (39a), the argument of a™ lying between — 7/2 and +4,7/2; and by expressing the error as an integral, the theorem being assumed for the function of the (n+ 1)th order, it appears that, provided @,+s and all the quantities of the type a,—p,+1+s are positive, the error in stopping the divergent series at the sth term has a modulus less than that of the next term. Returning to (35), the sum of the portions contributed by the first and third portions of the path is : f (0) (_-e™ ay ge CO (uy — 7 P-*1 9! F(a), ..- On} Pir --» Pn; +0) QY r=n Tf (a, 0) +S (1 — erie) | C,a0'-° (y — @)P-2 y-p 7=1 h F(a —p,+1, ... @2—prt+1; 2—p,, ... pa—pr+1; +) dv...... (40), the initial values of the arguments at the point h being the same as in (36). The differential coefficient of this with respect to h is of the order h?-=~ owing to the particular values assigned to C, C,, and accordingly (40) like (37) remains finite HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. 187 when fh is increased indefinitely provided p—a,—1 is negative. We now expand (v—a)y-* in ascending powers of #; the coefficient of #'-?t” in (40) is therefore — (0) II (a Pp ss | Corn F(a, pe ee ie < gs’ -t0)) SE Tap) I Gn) r=n + Cye—m—i-er F(a, — prt 1, ...&— pr+1; 2—pr,--- pn—pr+1; + »)| Gil osess (41), r=) wherein all the powers of v are initially real before multiplication by the complex coefficients C, C,.. The successive values of m are 0, 1, 2, &e. We proceed to evaluate the integral in this when / is made infinite. By considering that, owing to the particular values assigned to OC, C,, its differential coefficient with respect to h is of the order }p-"-™~, it appears that the integral remains finite when h increases indefinitely, (provided p—m-—a,—1 is negative, which is certainly true if as already supposed p—a,—1 is negative), and as in the case of (37) this is true also for a complex value of h provided the argument of h is kept between —7 and +7 and the value of the function to be integrated is reconcilable with that previously taken. Accordingly by changing the argument of h to ~—7 as in the path GFEABDAEFG, {0) (Fig. 4), the symbol of integration in (41) may be changed into | " where all the powers of vw in the function to be integrated have zero argument (before multiplication by the complex coefficients C, C,) at the point in which the path intersects the positive part of the axis of real quantities, and the initial and final limits of integration are not merely both negative and infinite but the same. (By changing the argument (0) of h to +7 instead, we might obtain the symbol | with different values for the arguments of the functions to be integrated; the evaluation of the integral would Vou. XVII. Parr III. 25 188 Pror. ORR, ON DIVERGENT (OR SEMICONVERGENT) however lead to the same result as that to be presently deduced for the present case, as of course it should.) Let us first suppose that p—m-—1 and all the quantities p—m—p, are positive; the integral can then be expressed as a line integral, and attending to the values of the arguments and of C, C,, it is in fact i" [ene wsin(p—m)a I (a,—1)U(—p,)--- I (— pn) am) p—m—2 : ey Sn = ‘ ani AK ial e @,) uw F(a, +++ Any Piy+-+ Pns w) .sin (ep — m—p,)m 1 (a, — pr) II (p, — 2) Il (p,— p: — 1) --- II (p,— pn — 1) e(P + pr—2a) mi 1 sin(p,—p)7 — IL (p,— a— 1)... I (p,— an — 1) 2 YPM pr r i F(a, =p, +1, .:.@,—pr+1; 2—p,, pi—pr+1, ..-pPn—pr+1; -»)| du. Using the values given in (31) for each of the n+1 terms of this integral and making use of the relation II (n—1)II(—n)=cosec nz, the above may be written a Il (a,—p+m)II(a,.—p+m)... I (a,.—p+m) Il (p:— p +m) I (p.— p+m)... U(prx—p+m) UA—pt+m) Apneyat SIN @ 7 SIN 4 7... SIN &, 7 sin p 7 SID p, 7... SID Py 7 Mae ee is sin (% — p,) 7 Sin (3 — pr) 7... SiN (an — pr) 7 | ee a. (42) a sin p; 7 Sin (p — p;) 7 Sin (p; — pr) 7 «-- SIN (Pn — pr) T But the expression in square brackets is equivalent to sin (p — a) 7 sin (p — 4) 7... SIn(p — &) 7 sin pT sin (p — p;) 7 Sin (p — ps) 7 ... SIN (p— Pn) 7’ ef —2a) ri ‘ epmi for it is easily seen that this last may be written in the form e(P—2a) wi f : A 2 ae 2 38 (sin pw sin (p — p,) 7 J ? where A, A,, etc. are quantities independent of p and their evaluation in the usual way leads to the result stated. The value of (41) is then U(a—p+m) Il (a, —p+m) I (a—p+m)... I (a,—p+m) II (a—p) IU (m)° I (p,—p+m) Il (ce. —p+m)... II (pn — p+ m) (1 —p+m) sin (p — &) 7 Sin (p — a) 7 ... SIN (p — Gn) T sin p7 sin (p — p;) 7 ... Sin (p — pn) 7 (e2"" p—a) __ l)r The limit of the expression (41) when h is infinite still has the value (43) even if the additional conditions introduced in the process of evaluation (viz. that p—m-—1 and all the quantities such as p—m-—~p, should be positive) are not satisfied. For bearing in mind that Gy Ao.. l ; ap Fm Az, --- Ans Pi: Poy +++ Pn; v)= sy (h(a a Geet Warsi Anictaaks pi bl, see Put Ll; v), Pi1Po +--+ Pn efi ot HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. 189 and that d qin F(a — at, en pi tl; 2— pr, Poa—pPpitl,—pit1; v)} =(1—p,)v F(a,—p,+1,...a¢,-—p, +1; 1—p,, pp—pit1,... pr—pit+1; »), if we write the integral in (41) in the form fo) | ye—-m—2 & (y) dv wh and integrate by parts, we obtain 1 h 1 7 (0) —m—1 = p—m—1 of’ , seul” bo] aul g P (v) do. But, attending to the values of C, C,, given by (38), it appears that the difference between the two values of the expression in square brackets when » is equal to h is zero when h is infinite and that —¢'(v) only differs from $(v) by having all the constants @,...@n, pi,.-. Pn mereased by unity, and accordingly we can increase all the quantities @. a,...2n, P, Pi,+-- Pn in the equation Lt. (41) =(43), keeping m unaltered. In a similar manner we can show, by writing the integral in (41) in the form ao) [cme e(v) do, Jh that we can increase p, by unity, keeping the quantities a, a),...0n, Ps Pis-+-Pr—is Preis-++Pns m unaltered, and still have the equation: —Lt. (41) = (43). h=a The initial value of m is zero and in that case (43) reduces to TI (p — 2) IL (p— p: — 1) UI (p —p,— 1)... I (p — pn— 1) I (a — p) I (p= SN pap Seah a oa and accordingly the expression (40) contributed by the first and third portions of the path is this multiple of — (e27i (e-2) _ ]) e- F(a—pt+1,m—ptl, wa—-ptl,...¢ar—p+1; 2—ip; pr—p+ly2..ipn—pAls 4pm)... vec (44), wherein the argument of z'~? lies between =F —p) and +5(1 —p). - Again returning to (35), (36), (x, 0, w—, 0—) | (GOS SEA (are ayinne Ons Pion Pasieea Ona. U) QU: ce wherein the arguments have values reconcilable with those chosen, may be shown to be Tl (p—a—1)M(a—J) [1 (ep —1) — de (*-)) sin (9p —a—1)rsn(a—1)7 s tHE (iv chs asia Oley sayeth) Pais) eee eee a eee (45), 190 Pror. ORR, ON DIVERGENT (OR SEMICONVERGENT) wherein the argument of 2° lies between — (p — is and +(p — 1)z, and making use of the values of C, C,, given by (38), the integral (35) may after some reduction be written in the form a II (p —a—1) TI (a, —1) I (— p) 0 (— ps)... Th (— pn) 2ri (p—a) _ “ . * 4 (ate ay OS aya) ag aay FO Or Bad Ps Ps Bas "=" TI (p—a—1) 1 (a,—p,) I (p,—2) 11 (p,— p —1) I (p,—p, —1)--- 1 (p»—pn-1) ay >l—pr — pact II (p, —a—1) II (p, — a — 1)... If (pr — an — 1) PE a rts 4 Q&—p,rtl; 2—p,, pi—prtl,--- pa—prt1; »)| Score been coneecmnactcaachss (46). Equating (46) to the sum of (44) and (39a), and dividing by (e °-» —1)II(p—a—1), we obtain an equation of the same form as (28) and to be interpreted in the sense (A), but with an additional p and an additional a. I do not see how to remove the restrictions imposed at the beginning of this Article without first showing that the theorem is true in the sense (B). 9. We now proceed in a different manner to extend the theorem in the sense (B). — ae The differential equation for F(a, a,...@23 P,Pi;-++ Pn; +) is satisfied by (—2z, 0, —x—, 0—) i Grea () 2h GPO (OND). so oaseoensnososososorace (47), c where @(—v) is any solution of that satisfied by IH(Cee sca GES fIxycna/Spy = OCD (It would be more consistent with what has gone before to change the sign of v in the above. The introduction of the minus sign has however the advantage that the function of —v with which we will be concerned does not involve 7 explicitly to so great an extent.) Fig 5 The above path is equivalent to the four paths ABCA, ADEFA, ACBA, AFEDA (Fig. 5), A denoting a point h at a great distance on the positive part of the axis of real quantities, HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES, 19] It is assumed in the first instance that the real part of « is positive and the argument of a is taken to be between —(1—p) 7/2 and +(1—p) 7/2. Let @(—v) be AF (a;,...n} pis ++» Pn} —V) ae > Ao F (a, — pp +1, «0. an — pr #1; 2— pr, Pi— Prt+1,... pPa— prt 1; — v), r=1 those values being taken which make the initial arguments of every power of v zero at A (before multiplication by A, A,) and make the initial argument of (v+)-*— diminish indefinitely as h increases indefinitely. On examining the values of the arguments at different points it will be seen that the first and third portions of the path contribute to the integral (47) y (=2, 0) (i es*) ase ik A (u+ @)P>° U2 (a, ... Gn Pr, --- Pn3 —V) av r=n T(—2, 0) + (1-e (oat? | A, (v+a)P—2-1y2-Pr F(a, — py+ 1,...; 2 — py,-.- pn— Pr+1; —v)dv...(48), r=1 h the initial arguments being taken as above; and assuming the results stated to be true for the function of the (n+1)th order, if we take the differential coefficient of this with respect to h it will, by Art. 6, as h increases indefinitely, become of the order of a product of e~* by a certain power of # and therefore diminish indefinitely, provided ee “ee TI (—p,)..- 1 (— pn) — parat Qrpt __ == a (at+p)t —= [1 — e?r*) (e27? — 1) A =] 4e7 (**?)* sin am sin pr. A Tis). seas [(1 — etie—er)) (e2t(o— Pr) — 1) A, =] 4e7(@+P—2hr)t sin (a — p,) 7 Sin (p — p,) 7. A, A II (p, — 2) Il (pr — p1— 1) ... II (p, — Pn—1) II (p,—a, —1)... IL (p,— a, —1) pe eee (49), { and therefore with these values this integral will remain finite when h increases in- definitely. In the expression (48) we now expand (v+w)?-*7 in ascending powers of z; the coefficient of w°*” is m U(a-—p+m) [ i ez 2 —m—2 . : ; (-) TI (a—p) II (m) ie aa excy) A ( uP F(a, axe © ans Piy oe Pn; = v) dv “T(-2, 0) € ‘a — ene-»9) A, | yr—m—1— Pr F(a, — py +1, ...3 2— py, ++» Pn—pPr+1; —v) ae] ...(50), 7=1 h i Mi wherein all the terms are initially real, and the successive values of m are 0, 1, 2, &e. This too remains finite if 4 increases indefinitely for the same reason as (48). We will first suppose that all the quantities p—m—1, p—m—p,,...... p—™M—pn, are positive; the expression in square brackets can then be expressed as a line integral 192 Pror. ORR, ON DIVERGENT (OR SEMICONVERGENT) taken between the limits 0 and h, and when / increases indefinitely, using the value given by (31) for the integral (30), it is in fact S11 (5 —1)I(@,— p+m) x (at+p)i _- = rae ger'e*0% sin am sin pm. ATI (p—m—2) Tl Tr ay Tp =p +m) ae TT Wiese pr) I as — p+ m)* = "geriat 2p) sin (a— p,) 7 Sin ,)7.A,Il(p —m—1—p, wi Aetna iL += (a— pr) (p — pr) (p pr) I Ht oll, Seen Attending to the values of A, A, and making use of the relation II (x — 1) Il (— n) = II cosee ur, this may be written in the form T s=n TI (as — p +m) ( SIN @7F SIN G7... SIN Ay Il (m —p+1) sai I (pp—p +m) \sin pyr sin ps. ah Da —p+t+2)7 Jee sin (a@,—p,+1)msin(a,—p,+1)7... sin(@,—p,+1)7 a 21 8in(p,— 1) 7 sin (p,— pr +1) 7... sin (pn — pr + 1)7sin(m+1+ p,—p)7\- But the expression in brackets is equal to sin (a, +m—p+2)rsin(a+m—p+2)7...sin (a,+m—pt+2)7 sin(m—p+2)7sn(m+1+p,—p)7...sin(m+1+pn—p)7 (Se for it is readily seen that this last can be written in the form B r=n B + | —____—~_____, sin(m—p+2)7 ; p,—p)7T where B, B, are quantities independent of p and their evaluation in the usual way leads to the result stated. Accordingly (50) reduces to (— Il (a—p +m) II (p —m — 2) II (p —p,—m—1)... TI (p — pa— m—1) II (a—p)II (m) I (p — a, —m—1) II (p —a—m—1)... 1 (p-—a, —m—1) This result may then be extended to cases in which the conditions that p—m—1, P—M— Pi eee p—m-—pn should be positive are not satisfied, as is done in a parallel ease in Art. 7. Therefore the portion contributed by the first and third portions of the path is, when / is made infinite, TI (p — 2) I (p— p:— 1)... I (p — pn — 1) Il (p —%—1)1(p—a@,—1)... I (p — an —1) 2—p, pi—pt1, po—pt1,—pt1; +2)..........-- (50a). vw F(a—p+1,a—pt+l,...@—pt+1; * For s=r, pg is to be replaced by unity. HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. 193 Again, the second and fourth portions of the path contribute to the integral (47), : Oe (e?"P" — 1) wp [ A (vu + @)P91 9-1 (a, 6. An} Pry Pas +++ Pn} — V) dv r=n ; nO) + (e2re—Pr) — 1) ate | A, (y + c)P-91 yt F(a, —pr+1,...d,—pr+1; 2—p,,... r=1 vh Pn — Pr+1; —v) dv...(51). We now expand (v+#)-*-' in descending powers of «; the coefficient of a-*-™ inthe above is (—)y™ I (a— p+m) Il (a—p) Il (m) 7 (0) jer 1) A| ymra-1 F(a, ... An; Pr--- Pn; —v) dv oh +3 (enn = 1A, [ume-eF (a —Ppr+1...dn—pr+1; 2—p,... pa—pr+1; —v) ae] «»«(52). r= Suppose at first that the quantities m+a, m+a—p,4+1,...... m+a—p,+1 are all positive; this then reduces to a line integral and the value of the expression in square brackets may be obtained from the value obtained for the expression in square brackets im (50) by changing m into —m—1, interchanging « and p and then multiplying by —1; accordingly the value of (52) is Il(a—p+m) UW(m+a—1)1(m+a—p,)... I (m+a—p,) IIl(a—p)Il(m)° U(m+a—a) UW (m+a-—a,)... L(m+a—a,) (-)rm This value may as before be extended to the case in which the conditions that all the quantities m+a, m+a—p,+1,...... m+a4—p,+1, must be positive, do not hold. The successive values of m are 0, 1, 2... and accordingly we obtain for the part contributed to the integral (47) by the second and fourth portions of the path, the divergent series _H@—-)U @—p) =p.) ... 1 G@— pn) Il (a —a,) l(a —a,)... I] (a—a,) w* F(a4,a—pt+l,a—p,tl,...a—pratl; a—@q+1,¢@—-a@+1,...a—a,+1; —1/z)... (53). As regards the remainder in this series after s terms, the remainder after s terms in the expansion of (v+a)-* has the origin of v for a multiple point of order s, and has, by Art. 2, a modulus less than that of the next term provided a—p+1+-s is positive; and accordingly bearing in mind the order of ¢(—v) in the neighbourhood of the origin of v, the remainder in (53) may be written in the form of a line integral Ca-*-* | pur (— 2) do, “0 provided, in addition, all the quantities «+s, a—p+1+s, a—p,+1+s,...... a—p,+l+s, are positive, C denoting the numerical factor, and p a quantity whose modulus is less than unity. We are not however justified m assuming that this integral would be increased numerically by replacing p by unity, and hence that the remainder in (53) is less in 194 Pror. ORR, ON DIVERGENT (OR SEMICONVERGENT) absolute value than the first term omitted; for it seems possible that @(—v) may change sign between zero and infinity which would invalidate such reasoning*; (if this objection could be removed, this proof would establish the theorem in the sense (A) also). We will show however that if the inferior limit to s imposed by the conditions just laid down be raised by unity, the modulus of the remainder after s terms is less than that of a certain n multiple of the next term. Denoting =(a,—p,) by o, as v increases indefinitely ¢(—v) 1 becomes of order e~’v’. Suppose that of values of v lying between zero and infinity 2, is that which gives to v*"**$(—v), which owing to the inferior limit of s being raised is now zero when v is zero, its numerically greatest value. Choosing any positive quantity y less than unity, find a value v, of v so great that for all greater values ¢(—¥v) lies between the limits C’(1 + vy) ev’, C’ being a constant which we could find if desired. The integral in the above remainder is therefore less than Ke) (— %) + (6 al + | e-ryaitste y and therefore less than v%,6(—%)+ CO A+y) I (a-1+oa+s). Therefore the remainder is less in absolute value than a certain multiple, independent of a, of the first term omitted. If the real part of w is negative, the same may be proved, for a different multiple, depending on the argument but not on the modulus of w, in a manner similar to that in which the parallel case for the function F(a; p; x) was treated. Since by taking w great enough, terms at the beginning may be made to outweigh as much as we please any finite number of those that come after, and since there is in the above no superior limit to s, it is evident that x may be taken so great that the error committed by stopping the series at any assigned term is less in absolute value than the next term multiplied by 1+e, where e is any assigned positive quantity. Returning to (47) (—*, 0, —%—, 0—) | DP (UY -- e)Po tS UE (Ai, .-. On; Pir =» Pn; — 0) aU “¢ with the values of the arguments reconcilable with those already chosen may be shown to be —4et)™ sin (p— a) sina . ae trea re: &, ++» &n; Ps Pr» ++» Pn; +2), and ire 0,—2—, 0—) ai? (y + @)P-* yr BF (oy — py +1, ...3 2 — py, pi— pr + 1, .-.; —v) dv Je * As @(—v) is an integral of the form of that discussed therefore be proved in this manner subject to these in Art. 5 it may be seen that it does not change sign for restrictions which may be removed as in Art. 10. Art. 8 values of v between zero and +o provided for all values (part of which had gone to press before this was noted) is of 7 from 2 to n, p,—a, is positive. The theorem might therefore to a great extent unnecessary. =. HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. 195 to be II (a — p,) Il (p —a—1) Il (p —p,—1) %—prt+1,...én—pr+1;2—p,,;p—pr+1,... pn —pr+13 +2) — 4e'e+o—2") Ti sin (p — a) or sin (a—p,+1)7. oe F(a — pr +1, wherein the argument of a'~*r lies between —7(1—p,) and +7(1—p,), and making use of the values of A, A,, given by (49), the integral becomes by ] II (a — 1) HI (—p) Il (~p,)... U (= pn) II (a — p) II (— a) UW (— a)... (— an) é. 1 S IT (a — p,) U1 (p, — 2) Il (p, — p — 1) IL (p, — p, Eyes Il (Pr — pn — 1) Il (a@—p)4 Il (p,—a@,—1) I (p,— a — 1)... IL (pp — &n — 1) (Gy, «06 On Ps Pry «+> Pn; @) aver F(a—p,t+1,aq—p,t+1,...d.—pr+1;2—-—p,,p—prt+1,... pn—pr+1;+2)...(54). Equating this to the sum of (50a) and (53) and then multiplying by Il (a—p) we obtain a result similar to that indicated by equation (28) in the sense (B). It differs however from that obtained in the sense (A), in having a and a, p and p, interchanged. 10. Before proceeding to remove from equation (28) taken in the sense (A) the restrictions imposed in Art. 8 that certain quantities must be positive, we will first show that if a—a, is positive and if the theorem holds for the remainder after s terms of the function involving a, a, it holds also for the remainder after (s+1) terms of the function involving , %,+1, the other a’s and p’s being unchanged. Tf Wm, %,-.-G3 Pi, Ps --» Pn; £) denote either any one of the n+1 seres of the left-hand member of (28) including the constant multiplier, or the sum of the terms at the beginning of the divergent series on the mght (including the constant multiplier and the factor 2") up to and including the term involving a specified power of @, it is easily verified that Any, Qa; Onis Ag+ ls, Pry Pay --- Ps 2) =(a% — %) (a, Gz, +e» An-1, Gr; Pir Par +++ Pns z) —wv(a+1, Os, +++ Any, An; Pi, Pas +++ Pn; 2). If then R(s+1), R(s+1, a,+1), denote respectively the remainders after (s+ 1) terms of the right-hand member of equation (28) for the function involving %, a, and for that involving m, a,+1, and if R(s, a, +1) denote the remainder after s terms for that involving a+ 1, a, we have R(st+1, m+ 1l)=(m—%) R(s+1)—R(s, 1 +1). If then the theorem holds for R (s, a), a fortiori it holds for R(s+1, @,), and it also holds for R(s, a +1), for = [a,—pr] is not increased by increasing a; we thus have ie mod. R(s + 1) < mod. ai ae to ie ae ETE eat Vol. XVII. Parr IE. 26 196 Pror. ORR, ON DIVERGENT (OR SEMICONVERGENT) and mod. R(s, 4 +1)<(s+1) times the same, therefore provided a,—a, is positive we deduce that II (a,+s)... I(aq—pat+1+s) 1 TI (a,—@,+1+s)...11 (4-4, ~+1+s) II (aq —a, +s) I (s+1)ants*)? mod. R(s+1, a, +1) < mod. which is the result stated; this reasoning holds for all values of s including zero. We will next show that if the theorem holds for the remainder after s terms of the function involving 4, it also holds for the remainder after (s+1) terms of the function involving a,—1, the other a’s and p’s being unaltered. If (a) denote either the left-hand member of (28) or the sum of the terms at the beginning of the right up to and including the term involving a specified power of xz, we have a? ab (a4) = = fea U trea = Lia fv, coruseets ce seeees eee (55). If then we denote the difference between the left-hand member of (28) and s terms of the right-hand member by R(s, a, x), we have au Ri(s, a, 2) = = ociaeal £o| Cid bet Hemel aE tan sa ska tin (56), and therefore . : Ee R(s+1,a,-1, »| =| ATTA 3) Oh) CAB sceooanos05s76cc0" (57). For all values of s including zero, 2» R(s+1,a,—1, 2) vanishes when the modulus of « is infinite, whatever be its argument, since equation (28) is true in the sense (B) and since the first term omitted when multiplied by 2*' has for its index «+s, the being negative of which is one of the conditions that the theorem should hold fore (Gaceeee): Accordingly M Repel z)=— a | w3R (6, a, 2) U2 sacecsccceieeaeestew (58). By taking for the path of integration the production of the straight line joining the origin to the point 2, it appears that either member of (58) would be increased in absolute value by replacing R(s, a, 2) by the modulus of the first term omitted; but this change would replace the right-hand member by the modulus of the (s+2)th term in the series obtained from the right-hand member of (28) by diminishing a by unity; therefore R(s+1, 4—1, 2) is less in absolute value than the next term: this reasoning holds for all values of s including zero, We will now, having in fact proved the theorem for all values of s including zero subject to the conditions that for all values of + from 2 to mn inclusive a,—p,+1 and p,—4a, should be positive, proceed to examine what restrictions should be placed on s if these conditions are violated. HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. 197 We suppose that a, is the greatest a and p, the greatest p. Suppose first that a,—p,+1 is negative lying between —a, and —a,+ 1, and that Pn—% 18 negative lying between —b, and —b,+1. Then a,—a,+1 must also be negative lying between —c, and —c,+1 where c, is either d,+6, or d,+6,—1. For the other values of 7 from 2 to n—1 let b, denote [a,.—p,], which for some values of r may be zero. The theorem then applies for all values of s to the function involving &%+Cn, a, — bs, see a, —bdy, 1, Pir» Pes «++ Pn» since the necessary conditions are satisfied. We may increase the value of a,—6, by unity 6, times in succession, keeping all the other a’s and p’s unaltered, provided at each such operation we increase the lowest value of s for which the theorem holds by unity, the condition for the validity of the last such process being that a,+¢,—(4,—1) is to be positive; thus when we attain the value a,, s has to be raised from zero to b,. Then for each other value of r in turn we may increase in a similar manner the value of a,—6, by b,, increasing the value of s at the same time by b, also, the condition for the validity of this being that a,+c¢,—(a,—1) should be positive, which is true since a, is the largest a. Thus when we attain the values a, a,...a,, the lowest admissible value of s is Sao r=2 Finally we diminish the value of a,+¢, by unity c, times in succession without altering the other a's or p’s, at the same time increasing the value of s by cy. Thus the n lowest admissible value of s is [a,—a—1]+[a,—,], as the enunciation states. 2 Next suppose that a—p,+1 is positive but that p,—a, is negative; we have now two sub-cases according as a,—4a,+1 is negative or positive. Taking first the former: as before the theorem applies for all values of s to the function involving & + Cp, 2 — bo, Sinks an — Dn, ul. Pir Pa, +++ Pn> and we proceed as before, with the result that when we attain the function involving @, Go, .-. &, I, Pis +++ Pn> the lowest admissible value of s is ise & [a, —p,]. Taking the latter sub-case, the theorem now applies for all values of s to the function involving CR CRS UN meas I, hg Se. fare 198 Pror. ORR, ON DIVERGENT (OR SEMICONVERGENT) as before, for each value of r+ in tum we may increase the value of a,—b, by },, increasing the value of s by 6, also, this being legitimate since a,—a,+1 is positive ; thus when we attain the values a, @&,... a, 1, pi,--- pn, the lowest admissible value r=n of sis = [a,—p;]. r=2 Next suppose that a,—pnt+1 is positive and p,z—a, positive, but that for some values of r, p,—a, is negative. This is similar to the sub-case last considered and as r=n in it, the lowest admissible value of s is = [a,—p,;], the term [@,—p,] being however r=2 zero. Finally suppose that @,—pnr+1 is negative, and p,—a, positive. The theorem applies for all values of s to the function involving % +[pr—%—1], dt — bo, Boo Cin ale Pis «++ Pn- As before, for each value of 7 we may increase a,—b, by b,, increasing s by b, at the same time, this being legitimate since 4+[p,——1]—4%,+1 is positive, p, being greater than a, and a fortiori than a,. Finally we reduce the value of a,+[pnr—a—1] to a and thus when we attain the values a, %,... Qn, 1, py, .-. pn the r=n lowest admissible value of s is [p,—%—1]+ = [a,—p,], the term [a,—p,] being zero. r=2 These several limits are all included by the statement that s is not to be less than the r=n r=n greater of the two integers, [p,-—a—1]+ = [a,—p,], [an—u—1)+ = [a,—p,|. r=2 r=2 11. We may in fact obtain a limit to the error even when the real part of x is negative. The reasoning of Art. 3 suffices to show that for the function aad (a, a —pitl; +1/x) if the argument of «2 be +¥, y being <7/2, the modulus of the remainder is less than that of the next term divided by (sin(@+-y))'*J (cos @)s—ts+. where 6 and @+¥ are each less than 7/2; and by changing in the integral (37) the point h to the point at infinity on the production of the line joiming the points 0, x, we see that the same statement holds for the function of the (n+1)th order if for all values of r from 2 to n, m—p,+1 and p,—4, are positive. Also a reference to the method by which these restrictions are removed shows that in the most general case the index of sin(@+ +) may be replaced by the greater of the integers [a,]+[a,—a—1], [mJ+[pn—%—1], while that of cos@ is left unaltered in form, affected only by the increase in s, s being the number of terms taken and subject to the same restrictions as before. We must bear in mind that every p is greater than 1, pn the greatest p, r=n a, the greatest a, and p, the p omitted from the sum > [a,—p,}. r=2 We may investigate the numerical value in the case of the semiconvergent series for the Bessel functions. In this case we may write a=}—n, pj,=1—2n. Hence [mJ is 1, ma—p,+s+1 is }+n+s. The divisor is thus sin(@++y) (cos 6)#"*s; to make this as large as possible, @ should be nearly zero unless y be very small, and we deduce that the error is less than the next term divided by siny; if y be very small, HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. 199 the greatest value is greater than when y is zero, in which case it is (4 +n+4s)id+™”. (}+n+s) t+" > this tends to equality with (f+n+s)“e+, even for moderate values of s, and the error is thus less than the next term multiplied by a number which is nearly (4+n”+s)!e. The multiplier thus obtained when y¥ is zero is considerably larger than that given by Weber (Math. Annal. xxxvut.) for all arguments, which is about shar cos nm. 12. By reasoning similar to that by which it is shown that Lt. (1—«/a)*=e* we may show that by writing #=y/h, a=—h and increasing h indefinitely we can diminish the number of a’s in equation (28) successively by unity; we thus obtain very general results. From the theorem that as tr increases indefinitely the ratio_of II (7) to er’ V27r has unity for its limit it follows that if « and @ are positive quantities and t be increased indefinitely Teas 78 has unity for its limit, and making use of this result we see that the general theorem may be written in the form that if m}n VT Cees Og re ee ere So Rel (cys Cs, < MEO Mer eran seo 2 Il (a —pi) UW (pi—2) Tl (px —p2.—1) 0c Il (p, = Pn—1) 11 (py — a — 1) il (p;—a,—1)... I (p) —am— 1) ++ Am}; Pi, Pa» +--+ Pn; (-)"—-™ a) a F(a, —p, +1, a—p,+1, Beni ny — Pict Ls 2— pi, p2— pit, ee Pnu—Pitl A) eat) +(n—1) terms analogous to the last BN (Ge 1) 10 (cx) p,) E = ag = Ny — Nx ==) — a aay SU eeeaacene (9), and three of the type 2, a? LEG feed ol tC Ih rE E, pda 7 ta ie da ert dady *~ n, idee are (10) In the present instance the equations of type (10) are identically satisfied and need not concern us further. When the material is symmetrical round the z-axis we find in place of (9) ES eee d? eas 7) 20+9) .@ - TCE) een oleae dady oie ye Spee TE a* > Re 1 @ dz ("> = Be) eC E a (= — nxx — Nv) — = dydz y= Ose qi ). @ (/z—qw 14-\ , 1 1 @ =e dz ( (a a 2) + E Be- a) n dxdz” * See Todhunter and Pearson’s History of Elasticity, Vol. 11. Part i. p. 74; or Love’s Treatise on Elasticity Vol. 1. p. 122. Vou. XVII. Parr III. 27 204 Dr CHREE, A SEMLINVERSE METHOD OF SOLUTION OF THE § 4 The greater complexity of (9) or (11), as compared to the corresponding equations for isotropy, does not affect the type of solution; and, as im the papers (A) and (B), we may assume we = A, + A.w? + A,y? + A,’2’, m= B+ Bat + Bly + B’2, z= C0, + Ca? + Cry? + C.'2, w =2QLyz, 2 =2Maz, z= 2Nery| Here A,, A,... NV are constants to be determined from the body-stress equations (5), the surface equations (6), and the equations of compatibility, the latter of which alone vary with the type of material. Fortunately there is an immense economy of labour owing to my having in papers (A) and (B) expressed all the A, B, C constants in (12) in terms of the three L, M, N. In effecting this simplification I employed only (5) and (6), equations which, as pointed out above, apply to all kinds of elastic material. We are thus enabled at once to replace (12) by the following equations established in the two earlier papers :— = Se? + Ty + UP 48 [age + 7)(1-2-F—2) GB UP a b? a b2 Ce Ba Se + Ty + UP+e | Rp + U)(1- 2 -F-2) | By? 2 3a yx 2 +L -3-$- )+ar(-3-¥-2)| gw =QLyz, m=2Maz, w=2Nay § 5. The results (13) apply to all kinds of elastic material, whether possessed of 2 or of 21 independent elastic constants; but the values of LZ, M, N vary of course with the material. The expressions for the strains corresponding to (13) vary. Thus, for material symmetrical with respect to the three coordinate planes, we find from (3) 82H, = (1 — 92 = Ms) (Sa? a Ty + Uz) + {a? (4Pp Ep S) — M2)" (4Qp +T) \ ee nal | +(@M —mbl) (1-2-4 —*2) 4 @N — meth) (1-2 -F -2) 2 aye 2 = (nd? N + nyc*M)(1 — ae Oyz = 2Lyz/n, EQUATIONS OF ELASTICITY, AND ITS APPLICATION, ere. 205 The expressions for the other four strains may be written down from symmetry. If the material be symmetrical round the z-axis we have 1 , se = ( —t _ j) (Set + Ty + Ue) + | a (4 Pp +S) — 1/0 (4Qp + 7)) | m,n i — Te (dRp + uv) (1-5-4 -2) ie (“oe (1 es BURN =) a (Gr ney ¢ Be OY s “) E’ E Sy = expression obtained from that for s, by interchanging a with b, # with rE y, L with M, P with Q, and S with 7, tite (15) Es, = (1 — 2n) (Sa® + Ty? + Uz*) + {c? (4p + U) — na? (4Pp + S) — nb? (4Qp + T)} | a@ 8 ¢ | 2 2 2 2 | —n(@M +¥1)(1- 2-2) 4 (en naeN)(1— sy | +(eM—qbN) (1-30-42), we ob ye = 2Ly2z/n, o72,=2Maz/n, oey=4(1 +7’) Nay/E’ § 6. Results which depend only on the form of equations (13) are true irrespective of the nature of the elastic material. For instance* if S, Z and U vanish, or there be no surface forces, the resultant stresses across parallel tangent planes at their points of contact with the system of confocals @/a?+y/b+2/C=r are all parallel; and their intensity varies as 1—X. § 7. We have now to consider how Z, M and N are to be determined. Substi- tuting from (13) in the equations of compatibility, whether (9) or (11) as the case may be, we obtain three simple equations of the form ay + aM +a,N =a, QoL + de + desN = Ge,}....---- ja pusedsch saat ts dyeorcaaeews (16), sl + a3M + a,N =a, where @,,... 3... are known functions of the elastic constants, the bodily and surface forces, and the semi-axes of the ellipsoid. Representing by IJ,,, II,., &c. the minors of the determinant Qi, a, Gs | =| Cisse Gans! gall ws Wee et co eee ce nou eee (17), | | |-Chs, ez, Ass | * Cf. (A) § 2. 206 Dr CHREE, A SEMLINVERSE METHOD OF SOLUTION OF THE we have from (16) L=(oa,Ih, + oI. + asIl,3) = I, (Gam Pee en ory UP ord MI) lM 550 ec oseeqoce esuseuoee00° (18). N = (@, 0h; + @olles + ws 115) + I § 8. When the material is symmetrical with respect to the three principal planes of the ellipsoid otal a ed |e ili (19) = Fr = atte 2 — abt — ca? a and the other a’s can be written down from symmetry, the relations (4) being borne in mind. For the same kind of material 2 i? E, \ =, =(3Pp +S) E (m2b* + msc?) + EB, [4% (nc? — b?) + re (1 — 9) E, aw v| = E. +5 | tRp (nab c+) +0 {nad ge |, | be m= | BP (mt — 0°) + 840° — 10) a] +042) 7p Cme+ me) | te ar Fe [2p (qn@ — &)+ Ula Ce nm) 4p 7Ar ‘ol |, | “Lie (nb — at) +815 — na) et | ee | 2 yale B; —b? ee 2 2 + 5 | 89p (naa? = 0) +7 forme) GU} | + Gp + 0) pe (ret + nab Under like conditions 8 4p 4¢3 bict II, =8 i ak: BE. (9 = MN) +o (9 = MMs) +9 E.E, qd — NesNs2) - ab? /(3 Ame ae (3 4ms Free WEL 2ms\ (1 2me se 2n = > oR (= 2)+aG rae ae \G— eas me) ee vy abc? (= = 2ms = ahs 43 a*b*ct B | 1 ae 2m. is “e) E, \t. E, E, 3) Tt, Fy, DR Ib? (21) bic! 3 : Tl. = EB, is US — 532) + Tel 35 ame — Mtn) — 3 aq5 ae (lie Mss) +8 bic? ames rs pete 2) + = S By EF, % / a*b>c* (3 4 mse 2 ese, (a 4 LOmsths _ *) E, E, - ra E, \ Ep E, % EE (n2b* + nasc*) + Ey The other four minors of the determinant (17) may be written down from symmetry. EQUATIONS OF ELASTICITY, AND ITS APPLICATION, ere. 207 * In obtaining (20) and (21) free use has been made of the relations (2), by means of which various alternative forms can be obtained. The full expression for II is too long to write down. In practice, after determining the minors as above, one would determine I from such an equation as lier, snp tan Waals yg Wiigecterece sens aseheccsrente at 9 F Re / ie , / Sa,/a = a | | 2 (4 — 5y — 397) , ( WAL +7) ai mayne E BE’ E® nb’ a et ee st BE ( — E lp Meee ee (46). I have manipulated these expressions so as to facilitate comparison with the corre- sponding results (30) and (31) for the influence of gravitation. If in (45) and (46) we suppose #’/E very small, we have w’pa? (1 — 7’) (2d—") 1 \ ied 0 jane 27 nj’ Sa,/Sa, = expression of order E’/H and so nevliaible! 6a,/a = The similarity with the corresponding results (32) for gravitation is noteworthy. If on the other hand E/E’ be very small, we find, remembering that I’ is approximately equal to — 16y*/H°, ba,/a = — w*pa’n/(3E), ) Sa,/Sa, = expression of order #/E#’ and so negligible) SaaS G8): If we suppose both (39) and (40) to hold, or the material to be absolutely incom- pressible, we find Leet ds 32, bala = Sohn (gar upto) sea pad es Oa allan 1)| cooeeten teeta eee (49), : SEI \EE’ 4E62' nE ME where II’ is given by (43). In the case of rotation, unlike that of gravitation, a slight departure from incom- pressibility has very little effect; we may thus regard the results (49) as close approximations when the material is slightly compressible. In particular, if the material, though absolutely incompressible under uniform pressure, is slightly compressible under other circumstances, we find under combined gravitation and rotation from (44) and (49) 72%; which can hardly fail to be universally true, Il is essentially positive. ROTATION ABOUT SHORT AXIS. § 17. When the flat ellipsoid rotates with uniform angular velocity » about its short axis, P=Q=o*, R=0, and the equations (16) take the form QyL + doM + a43N = $ wpb? fa? (m./ L,) — b*/ £3}, QoL + dy M + do, N = $ w*pa? |— a?/ EB, + 6? (ny) £,):, hy L + dM + a3;N ==10' ly a (a? — Hyb®) + ne (b? — na? ah, where a, &c. are given by (51). 214 Dr CHREE, A SEMI-INVERSE METHOD OF SOLUTION OF THE Referring to the values found above for the determinant IT and its mimors, we find on reduction, remembering (2), Pelion (Zot. 20 ae L=M==5 Tl’ (ote sans nw) (52); sea pays Pickcuietiow Sara s> uc eR Re oe ; Ne-G(RtE- oe) | where ,_ 8a* Sb ao(2 4Me : II STi oe & = infalataletelstslaieterelsietstaletaleistcteteleinistersintaiatete (53). We may reasonably regard Z, M and JN as essentially negative. In our subsequent work the following result will be found useful, 3(L1+M)+2N=2(3L4 N)=2 (8M 4+ VN) =— ep... eee eee (54). Putting in (13) S=T=U=R=0, BQ or, we have ve/a? =(40°79 + M+ N) (1 = 22/u? — 77/6’) — (40% + 3M + VN) 2/8 — 2Ny?/b. Having regard to (54) we see that the coefficient of z*/c? vanishes, and deduce we = — 20°D (1 — 2/2 — y?/b*) — 2Ny?a?/b?, where Z and WN are given by (52) and (53), Similarly we find = = 200 (1 — 227/a? — 2y/b? — 2/c*), But we have been treating terms of order c* as negligible and so may regard = as vanishing. Again we have ve =2Lyz, 2 =2Mzr; or these two shearing stresses are of order c, and so though they are large compared to = we may neglect them for a first approximation, The complete stress system re- maining may be written ae = — 20D (1 — 2/0? — y?/b?) — 2Narb*y?/b4, wy =— 2670 (1 — a2/a? — 97/6?) — 2 Na2b7a?/a, | ....0.ceeececeececeeees (55), zy = 2Nay with Z and N given as above by (52) and (53). § 18. If w be the inclination to the a-axis of one of the principal stress axes in planes parallel to wy, we have cot 2p = 4 (xe — w)/ x7 = cot 26 — (a? — b*) (1 — a°/a? — y?/b*) + (2N ay) .....cceee eee (56); where ¢ is the inclination to the a-axis of the normal to the confocal e/a + y/P =r, which passes through the point a, y, 2. EQUATIONS OF ELASTICITY, AND ITS APPLICATION, ete. 215 This gives very readily the angles w and 5t¥ made with the a-axis by the two principal stress axes which lie in the plane parallel to xy. The third principal stress axis is always parallel to the z-axis, Without any reference to the values of Z and N we see from (56) that v=, for all values of w and y if B= a3, and for all values of b/a if e/a? + y?7/b? = 1. We thus see that in a flat rotating spheroid, whatever be the relative values of the Young’s moduli or Poisson’s ratios, any perpendicular on the axis of rotation is a principal axis of stress at every point of its length. Again for any shape of flat spheroid the principal stress axes at the rim in the central section z=0 coincide everywhere with the normal and tangent to the bounding ellipse. The stress along the rim normal vanishes in accordance with the surface conditions, while the stress @ along the tangent is given by T= p* {(y'[b) & + («°/a) w — 2 (yja’b?) 3}, where p is the perpendicular from the centre on the tangent at «, y. Referring to (55), and remembering that e/at+ a/b = p>, we easily find tet =k ON a2 | ate te eats na sls oeddctae emcee eae anea oe (57); or, writing in its value for N, Ey ec at 6! 2a%b%,.\ . (8a* S8b4 a2 (3 _ +m e @ = 2w°p (a°b?/p) ae E. \+ iF - E, + a’b ae =) senognyo: (58). The stress along the tangent to the rim in the central section is thus a traction, which varies inversely as the square of the perpendicular from the centre on the tangent. § 19. The strains which do not vanish are, as a first approximation, Sz = — 2(L/E,) (a? — nyb*) (1 — 22/0? — y*/b*) — 2 (N/E,) (@y?/2 — fgstlie Sy = — 2(L/E,) (b? — nna?) (1 — a*/a? — y°/b*) — 2 (N/E,) (b%x*/a* — nna*y*/b*), | (59); s, = 2(L/E,)(nua? + nub?) (1 — a2/a? — y?/b*) + 2(N/E,)(na?y?/b?+ neb/a’), em ; Czy = 2Nay/ns where L and N are given as before by (52) and (53). 216 Dr CHREE, A SEMLINVERSE METHOD OF SOLUTION OF THE To the present degree of approximation, the strains, like the stresses, do not vary with z; and at the rim in the central section z=0 they depend on the constant N only. Along the axis of rotation the strains are constants given by the simple expressions = — 2(L/E,) (a? — nb’), ey ny (60) ; sz = 2 (L/Es) (na? + nssb*)! where Z, as shown by (52), is a negative quantity. An 7 in excess of 0° is at least highly exceptional, thus supposing a to be the longer semi-axis we may regard s, at the axis as essentially positive, or a_ stretch. On the other hand s, at the axis is positive or negative according as b/a > or < Vn. For the changes in the lengths of the semi-axes we find from (59), by integration and substitution for Z and JN, 2 ees Spel lt 12) A abt Balam 5 parm) Lg tg + 8 (GB) Oma / 2 s 4 2 2) The 2 oy Nat 36/b= 5 a atc - nat) | + pte (-- R)t- (a? — mb?) | Ae 56D) 2 2b*) a3b de/c rat nt (n@ ar Nsab* ) (Get si ie te = ) where II’ is given by (53). In passing, the following elegant relation may be noted 3 (a2da/a — b°6b/b) Me 28c/c as/E, — b4/ EB, (Qa@ + sb? VE, Regarding II’ as essentially positive, we see that 6c/c is invariably negative; or the short axis, about which the rotation occurs, necessarily shortens. The two perpendicular axes if similar in length in general both lengthen. If 6, however, is much smaller than @ it will usually shorten. For instance, if 3/3 apy aneisane sess eceeestesievsciscckcinesien sence (63), we have 8b/b = — 2@°pa? (m2/E£,) (1 — mann) + (8 + 4meta + BI Hi/Ns). 00. eee eee (64). The relations (60) and (57), it should be noticed, supply simple physical meanings to the constants Z and WV of the solution. EQUATIONS OF ELASTICITY, AND ITS APPLICATION, ere. 217 SECTION IV. THIN ELureric Disk ROTATING ABOUT THE PERPENDICULAR TO ITS PLANE THROUGH THE CENTRE. § 20. In a previous paper* I have shown that in isotropic material the first approximations to the stresses and strains in a thin elliptic disk may be derived by applying the constant multiplier {4a* + (3 + 7) a®b? + 4b} + (Bat + 2a*b? + 3b4) to the values of the corresponding stresses and strains in a flat ellipsoid of the same (central) section zab, and equal axial thickness 2c or 2/. A similar result holds when the material is of the more general type dealt with in the present paper, the constant multiplier being alone different. To find the suitable constant multiplier we may pro- ceed as follows: The mean values of the stresses, as | showed in an earlier papert+, are given by simple formulae of the type | | [Fava ydz = If} Xadadydz + If d dior PS epne cee pee acCoO REC CTEL (65): where X is the a-component of the bodily forces per unit volume, and #' the z-com- ponent of the surface forces per unit surface. The volume integrals extend throughout the entire volume, the surface integral over the whole surface of the solid. In the present case we thus have i |[Feaeayae =n) |[[ednayae ape NOE roo hee Moa (66). Supposing C to denote the constant multiplier required for transformation from the flat ellipsoid to the thin disk, we find for the disk from (55) we = — 20 La? (1 — 22/0? — 7°/b*) — 20 Narb*y?/b', where Z and WN are given by (52) and (53). Substituting for x: in (66) and integrating, we tind —C.2mrabe.a?(L+3N)=o'p.27abe. a*/4; whence =—'p/(4L + 2N), =(83L+ N)/(2L4+N) by (54). Referring to (52), we have at once 5 (Sat She _ 4m =a . (6a! es Rise 1 2ms\) me. Cale te tee (oe) ae + 2a%b ‘= E)} hp eee (67) Thus, writing for shortness 6a4 6b aa fe 2ma\ pt pt 2e8 (| m= eanes musica (68), * (A), p. 49. + Camb. Phil. Trans. Vol. xv. equation (109), p. 336. 218 Dr CHREE, A SEMIINVERSE METHOD OF SOLUTION OF THE we have as first approximations to the stresses and strains in the thin rotating elliptic disk :— 2n92f,974 Dhs 2}2 x 2 4 4 3\ yf? 2a [EFF Deleon] a 42 1g 1 2 1 —~ «wpb? [/2at 2b' a?b* ( oy te UE ie Gaaee a e == oS THE IG i E, 33 =) ; a* =) FN, bee at E,/ a |’ | sisisiess (69) ; ~ 2wip/at , =) = ame (atz- ET) =z=r = yz =0 _ op 5 Zar 2b aad ay \ a 7 1G [( = mab ) (Fe ar E, at Ng ) (e a 5) 9 (& ee ope ™2\ (VY? _ bra*\ +2 (p+ 20) (Gemma) | | arp: a Ay ea 2b! —a*b*) Sieh ) | = PM’ lo UP ) & a5 E, ats Ns ) ( fie i | 4 4 2 2 2,2 | 2 os 0 2a: ) (OS a) rie G i ey ae aaa) (70). | 2 ee ee eee et BM" | (rs + Mab Nes a E, * Ns (2 a & 22 20g (2 hal Sy Be = E, Cgz (Cuz 0 arb?) LY, BE) 4 § 21. The position of the principal stress axes in the disk is given by the same equation (56) as applies to the flat ellipsoid. Again, over the perimeter of the disk the normal stress component vanishes and the tangential component, in the plane of the cross-section, is given, cf. (58), by 4 4 242. 4 4 F = 2etp(b'|p') (G+ pp) + = + + 20% (7 — 2) ee (71), 1 2 Ns where p is the perpendicular on the tangent from the centre of the ellipse. The increments da, 6b and él (J=c) in the semi-axes of the ellipse and the axial semi-thickness are given by (61) when II’ is replaced by II”. The relation (62) applies equally to the disk. Employing 6/ as above, we find from the value of s, that the displacement yv parallel to the axis of rotation is given by (OUND (Ul SHANE = IAIN). coonscohoedqoond sce dncscooa sence (72); EQUATIONS OF ELASTICITY, AND ITS APPLICATION, ere. 219 where » (20% 2b¢ ab? ( 2a* 2b* arb “a A? = (N30? + nob?) | i a = ) + ym (= +h +2) +n (; + 2 ) ; - 1 2 3 3 od | » (2a* 2b' ah? 1 4ny' 2a‘ 2b* a%b*\) a 2 5? a res bss! 2) aA nd pate bP = (naa + mb?) (Fe ay as ) jm (7+ E, ja +1 (Fe Pers y} 2 Ns Since 6/ is negative, assuming II” positive, (72) shows very clearly how the originally plane cross-sections parallel to the faces of the disk become paraboloids whose concavities are directed away from the central section, and whose curvature increases with the distance z from that section. The curvature at the centre of an originally plane section is greatest in the zy or in the za plane according as a@f> or b, we easily find a2>6,? if either Ns2/ Qa = 1, or (HD REST PA G Pate | la ssen6 | pecnenasnacta ane poe nne een re (74). Thus the curvature is greatest in the plane containing the shorter axis of the ellipse if Ns: and ns, are equal or if (74) holds. Whilst the reduction in the thickness of the disk diminishes as we retire from the axis of rotation it remains a reduction right up to the rim. For it is obvious from (70) that ys, the value of y over the curved surface, is given by a Oe pea) { ay? bat te ee) (mae te =) Pht RAS (75), 2 =— 2 (2e%p/ E11”) ( a bf a*b*n a 2, E, It may be worth noticing that the reduction in the rim thickness is greatest at the ends of the minor axis or at the ends of the major axis according as can hardly fail to be positive. any > Or in the present case are only of the order /* of small quantities, our solution is presumably an exceptionally favourable specimen of its class. Still it would not be legitimate to apply it without further investigation to the species of anchor ring which arises when a—da’ is comparable with /. At first sight, it might appear better to have omitted the terms in F? and 2 altogether; because in their absence * would vanish exactly over both rims. If, how- ever, we omitted those terms, we should be unable to satisfy all the internal equations. Such a failure, in the absence of special knowledge, is much more serious than failure to satisfy a surface condition. For in dealing with internal equations we get, through differentiating, contributions of like magnitude from terms that are of widely different importance in the displacements and stresses. It is thus almost impossible to judge whether failure to satisfy an internal equation is trivial or absolutely fatal. In the present case, while the terms in / and 2 serve mainly to save the pro- prieties and silence criticism, they fulfil a useful purpose in indicating the degree of approximation reached and the circumstances modifying it. For instance, the solution 29—2 222 Dr CHREE, A SEMIL-INVERSE METHOD OF SOLUTION OF THE becomes absolutely exact if 7=0, or H/E=0; and it is the more exact the smaller 7 or E/E is. On the other hand if £’/Z be large the solution has a very limited application. § 25. When E and £’ are of the same order of magnitude we may omit the terms in /? and 2 in ordinary practical applications. When these terms are omitted I shall use the notation rr, u, &ec. When the material is isotropic the values of u, w, &c., constitute what I have called elsewhere* the ‘Maxwell solution, as being the solution to which Maxwell’s treatment of the problem would have led him in 1853 but for some small inaccuracies in his work, It is noteworthy that rr and ¢f depend on no elastic constant other than 7’, while w is independent of 7 or #. Thus the stresses and radial displacement are exactly the same as in an isotropic material whose Young’s modulus in £#’ and Poisson’s ratio 1’. The longitudinal displacement # on the other hand depends on 7 and £, but even in its case the law of variation with the axial distance depends only on 7’. For the increments in the radii a and a, and in the semi-thickness at the two rims, we find (Sa/a)=(w%p/4B)A—a)ae+ Benya) (79); (a’/a’) = (w*p/4E’) {(3 + 9’) a2 + (1-9) a} J (81/2) pa = — (w*pn/4B) (1 —9') a + (3471) a4.) (81/l),-a = — (w*pn/4E) (3 +7'/) a +(1—7'/) a} ) From these we deduce the following elegant relations (8l/l) rma = — 0 (E/E) (8a/a) =—n" (8a/a), (81/l),-a = — 9 (E'/E) (8a' Ja’) = — n” (Sa Ja’), beveeeee entree cess (81). (81/0) rma + (81/Yenu == 0*p (n/E) (a? + 0’) The arithmetic mean of the reductions in the thickness at the two rims of the disk is thus independent of 7’ or #’. The reduction in thickness is invariably greatest at the inner rim. Originally plane sections parallel to the faces he during rotation on paraboloids of revolution, the radius of curvature at whose vertices equals H + {w*pn (1+7’) 2}. The curvature increases as we approach the faces z=+/. The general character of the phenomena is the same as when the material is isotropic (see Camb. Phil. Soc. Proc. Vol. vu. pp. 201—215). * Camb. Phil. Soc. Proc. Vol. vu. p. 209. ae EQUATIONS OF ELASTICITY, AND ITS APPLICATION, ere. 223 SECTION VI. ELONGATED ELLIPSOID, c/a AND c/b VERY LARGE. § 26. Retaining only the highest power of ¢ in each case, we have for three-plane symmetry dy = 8c4/E3, dy = 3c/E;, dy=3 (a4/E,) + 3 (b4/E,) + a*b? {1/ns — 2m,/ E}}, Qe= C/E, ay=—c (80°95)/B; + b°N5o/E5), des =— Cc? (a*ny + 3b? Ns2)/ Es, ‘L 2me Wms Tl, = (ct /B)| Oa nuneoe E; “G — Matha) + Ba°b? (—- -F- ee NE 1 1 ( 1 2 2nxMs Ila = (c*/E;) Es (1 = mss.) + z “(9 — NxM) + 3a*b? ( ie a 7 i =|, | | Ts = 8¢°/E,?, Noes (82). [ 3a‘ 3b 10nae 7) on | | Ths = (ct/E3) |- E (i= MMs) a E, (1 = nex) + rl Somat E. — zx) | ’ | II,, = 8c°a*n,3/(L,E;), | IL, = 8¢°D*n.,/(H,E:), | 2m2 — 2m is 8 (c°/E; i) EB (Ui sade E, 2a = nate) + abe (2 — EE | ROTATION ABOUT THE LONG AXIS 2c. § 27. The values of the a’s in equations (16) are as follows: CS op= 4o%pc* (an + b'ns2)/ Es, @;= 40" \e (mb? — a?) + = (qne — v»h Substituting the above values of the II’s and o's in the equations (18) we have the values of the constants LZ, M, N of the general solution. Thus for NV we find 4 bs 22h? 2@"p | a d > Ma) = E, d =e Nossa) oF Ee (me s= nm) = 3a4 hs we [oS cB (1 = msn) + E, (1 = neq) + 2b = = E = It is unnecessary to record the values of LZ and M as I have eliminated these quantities by aid of the following relations, which are not very difficult to verify :— o (L — M)= (nua? — neob*) N, 2 (L + M)= (nna? + nb?) (N + jw’p)) whence CL =n aN + to*p (naa? + et (86), OM = 7h N+ top (nt neh) a : 224 Dr CHREE, A SEMI-INVERSE METHOD OF SOLUTION OF THE Retaining V (given explicitly by (84)) for brevity in the expressions for the stresses and strains, we have ie [Ger +N) (1 = = Be a) =(ho*p +30) | ed w= »|- (Joi + 3N) 2 + hotp +) | fie ,-5)| é Qn? Dy? 22 Ba Ae (87); z= (ne =e Ned?) (4@*p _ N) ( a: be <) se (qa = Nob? \N € == ) > | xy = 2Nay, | y% and = of order a/c or b/c, and so negligible J cea am Daye 27) 54 (0'p/B) (amb) (I= FZ) — dena mal) (1 — fe - Sh | 2 Qa? 2) 3a2 2 2 | +(N/E,) ie (1 — mss) (1 — =— = > = — b? (m2 + ms92) (2 — we -% = a) , | Gey Z Z 2a? 2 2 : ee — mt) (1-5 BS) — dom tnd) (1- eat | ee ; é ae oDee Yee ee de Be =P (N/E,) {ma — NxNs2) ( = Go : wal “)- a? (2 2 + Nasi) (15 Fags 2 -*)k ’ | 8,=— 4 op (nna? + Nab*) (1 — 2°/¢)/Es, | Oxy = 2Nay/ns, | oy: and oz, of order a/e or b/c and so negligible J § 28. For the displacement parallel to the long axis we have 1 y= — bo%p (nat?-+nab)2 (1-5 5)/ B, asaisse seesle se sonwe eee (89). Sections perpendicular to the axis of rotation thus remain plane. The shortening of the long semi-axis is given by dc/e=- 4@"p (730° + Tee) Be. “cv asic sdhws'tocemcstnceesesteeeeeeree (90). Using undashed letters as immediately above for the case of the long ellipsoid, and dashed letters for the case of the flat ellipsoid of Section III., the velocity of rotation, the material and the axes 2u, 2b being the same in the two cases, we find from (90), (61) and (53) (Befe) = (Be'fe)=1—4 inte ne + ab" (= + +b) (P+ +S) ae (91). E i, £, Thus the shortening per unit of length in the axis of rotation is less in the elongated than in the flat ellipsoid. 2 si Pe OP TT A 2 vt See EQUATIONS OF ELASTICITY, AND ITS APPLICATION, ete. 225 For the increments in the other principal semi-axes of the elongated ellipsoid we have lw 2 N 3 > {a — Mb — 4s (Mad + Nab*)} + 3 a (1 — 37x), ; LD eh oe. (92). 1 wo 2 N db/b =54° {b? = Nyt? — tn (nat? + Nb*)| ap 3 EB. B* (1 = gesno.) | ba/a= 3 2, The values obtained for 6$a/a and 6&b/b when its value (84) is substituted for NV are somewhat lengthy even for a spheroid (b=a). As, however, the influence of the elastic structure is very clearly exhibited in the case of a spheroid, I shall record the value obtained for the difference in the expan- sions of the two semi-axes taken along the directions of the two principal moduli Z, and £,. It is given by da — da, {3 3 1 2 ' 2 ae “wipa z iz (1 = mss.) 1 (1 = aos.) + ata i i 7 PAL 1 1 1 1 - 3 \P, c z) IE (1 — 37x) + E, (1 = mos32) + ad : 2 ; ; d 1 1 = 6m» 67:2 + 12° E, (ns? — Nao”) te (1 = msn) + E, (1 — 32) — Pa E. E, Nere tel (93). By supposing equality first between £, and £,, and secondly between n, and np», we readily see how 6a,—6a, depends on the difference between elastic moduli and on the difference between Poisson’s ratios. SECTION VII. Lone ELLiprtic CYLINDER ROTATING ABOUT ITS LonG AXIS. § 29. By a long elliptic cylinder is meant one whose length 27 is very large com- pared with the diameters 2a, 2b of the cross-section. The solution for the elliptic cylinder—terms of order a/l or b/l being neglected—is obtained from that for the elongated ellipsoid by simply omitting all the terms in 2. We thus have = a 2 . j) as [oa (1-2) - Gop tay) f], | 2 2 ae |- (ftp +3N) = + (Sa% + WV) (1 = | | 2. 22 9. 2 u : ee 2 = = (Nn? + Noob?) F wp +N)( + = p) + (7310? — N32b*) N Vas ) , xy = 2Nay, = =%=0 ) 226 Dr CHREE, A SEMI-INVERSE METHOD OF SOLUTION OF THE 1 * 2a? 2 \ sz= se {a- 7120") (1-2. = a = P) - $m (ni + Ns2D*) (1 sale ioe = \ | 2 952 +7 fe (l= MMs) (1 = <- -) —F (m2 + ™3Ns2) a-* ey, eas =—¥) > | _ lop a ae -*) a= a — a0) (1 == Bos (i 0? + nab*)( )} | aie cad Ane (95); + z {i (1 — ns 732) (1 = = = r) — @ (x +12) (1 2 ant 8, =— to’p (nna? + 2b*)/ Es, Cxy= 2Nay/nsz, ne ES ES xz = Tyz=0 where NV is given by (84). § 80. The conclusion that the above solution applies to an elliptic cylinder may be justified as follows: The terms containing z in equations (87) contribute nothing to the body-stress equations because d=/dz, &c., are of the order of small quantities here neglected; thus the expressions (94) for the stresses will satisfy the body-stress equations. (This is easily verified of course directly.) Again over the cylindrical surface e/a+ p/P = we have from (94) az = — 2Na*y?/b, yw =—2ND'a/a?, ty = ANY «2... ereeerneeonee (96); whence (w/a?) zz + (y/b*) zy = 0, (w/a?) ay + (y/b*) w = 0. The equations over the curved surface are thus completely satisfied. Over the terminal planes z=+J/ the normal stress # does not vanish everywhere, as it strictly ought to do, but instead we have | 2 dady = 0. Thus, according to the theory of equipollent systems of loading, the solution is satis- factory, except at points in the immediate vicinity of the terminal sections. § 31. The increments in the semi-axes a and b are given by the same formulae, viz. (92), as apply in the case of the elongated ellipsoid. The reduction in the half length J of the cylinder is given by 81/1 = — Lwp (0? + Tab?) / Bes ...c cee eec ese ce nec eeceeeeeeeewees (97). Comparing (97) with (90), supposing 1=c, we see that the shortening in a long cylinder is greater than the corresponding axial shortening in an elongated ellipsoid EQUATIONS OF ELASTICITY, AND ITS APPLICATION, ere. 227 in the ratio 3:2. This arises from the reduction in the strain s, near the ends of the axis of rotation in the case of the long ellipsoid. If undashed letters refer as above to a long cylinder, and dashed letters refer to the awial thickness of a thin disk of the same material and elliptic section rotating at the same speed, we find comparing (97) with (70) of Sect. IV. + RDIFIN — L{a* 6 eye 2m2\ _ (2a* , 2b , ar? (3Y/t)+ (BU /l)=1-5 {+ + eb Ge Te) + (F + mae —) ChCP’: (98). Thus the reduction per unit of length in the axis of rotation is invariably less in the long cylinder than in the thin disk. As in the case of the disk, the tangential stress # in the plane of the cross-section has a very simple form at the surface. For if p be the perpendicular from the central axis on the tangent plane at a point w, y on the surface, we easily find from (96) Bie 50 Nati [pie tes aera eek ee ee (99), N being given by (84). At least as a rule WV is negative and @ a traction. The formula (99) differs from the corresponding result for a thin disk only in the value of WN (cf. (71). We can easily attach a simple physical significance to N. Thus let % and # represent the minimum and maximum surface values of @, occurring respectively at the ends of the major and minor axes of the elliptic section, then NV = di Ge tte ye (GPA eeaaes aed Sdeeat s andico eee (100). SECTION VIII. LONG ROTATING CIRCULAR CYLINDER OF MATERIAL SYMMETRICAL ROUND THE AXIS. § 32. When the cylinder is solid, the solution can be obtained by putting b=a, H,=H,=E£', &, in the results of last section. When the cylinder is hollow, an independent investigation is necessary. In obtaining the following results I made use of the solution* published in 1892 for the case of isotropy, recognising that the type would remain unchanged. As the method adopted is practically identical with that applied in Section V. to the circular disk, I pass at once to the results. The origin has been taken at the mid-point of * Camb. Phil, Soc. Proc. Vol. yt. pp. 283—305. Vou. XVIL. Parr TIL. 30 228 Dr CHREE, A SEMI-INVERSE METHOD OF SOLUTION OF THE the cylinder’s axis, and r, ¢, z are ordinary cylindrical coordinates. The expressions for the stresses are as follows: 7 = wp (3 + 9 — 2n?(E’/E)} (a?- 7°) (1 — a2/r*) + {8 (1 — 7° E/E), $ = w'p [{3 + 9 — 2m? (E’/E)} (a2 + a? + aa? /r?) — (1 + 39 + 29? E/E) r*] = (81 — E/E), 2 =o'pn(1+7) (a+ a2— Wr) + {4(1 — E/E), 6 =7rze = bz: =0 } Se Eve decee se (101). The displacements w parallel to the z-axis, and w along 7, are given by w=—o'p7n(a?+a")z/(22), = 41 ep (Can) Sane ee (ye - 2) 3 W577 || Re BiiAe Leap ae tall) Naren as) aoe (102). + ast (3 + 1 — 277k’/E) wa" | Be An alternative form for uw, worth recording, is _1 wp “8 El —rE/E w ) [1 -—7')(B47')(@4+ a*)r—-(1—9*) 84+ +7)84+7/) @a?/r — 2? (E’/E) {2 (a? + a%)r—-(+7)r+(14+7'/) @a*/r}]...... (108). I shall assume 1—72H'/E to be positive; if it could be zero the expressions for the stresses and displacements could become infinite. § 33. The solution, except when »=0, is dependent on the theory of equipollent systems of loading, in so far as we have to substitute for the exact surface equation z=O0 over z=+1, | 2arzdr=0. a If we put a’=O0 in (101), (102) and (103) we obtain the correct values of the stresses and displacements in a solid cylinder of radius a. The stresses and strains, however, near the inner surface of a nearly solid cylinder are, as in the case of the disk, totally different from those at the same axial distance in a wholly solid cylinder of the same external radius. Comparing (101), (102) and (103) with (77) and (78), we see that when 7 or H’/E vanishes the formulae for the stresses and displacements in the long cylinder and thin disk become identical. This is true irrespective of the absolute values of 7 or EZ’. § 34. The stress system (101) possesses several features of interest. The radial stress 7 is everywhere positive, or a traction, except at the surfaces, where it vanishes; it has its maximum value where r=Vad. The orthogonal stress $$ is everywhere a traction. Its largest and smallest values occur EQUATIONS OF ELASTICITY, AND ITS APPLICATION, ere. 229 respectively at the inner and outer surfaces. Distinguishing these values by the suffixes ; and ,, we have $0; = h@%p (a? + a") + Fw*p (1 +77’) (a? — a)/(1 — ih'/E),\ ay , 4 EA 4, pee ets hdddeh doce (104). Bo = hep (a? + a) — fo'p (1 +-0') (a? = a'*)/(1 — 9 2'/ EB) | This shows very clearly how 43; and 6% approach equality as the thickness of the cylinder wall diminishes. The third principal stress 2, parallel to the axis of rotation, is a traction inside a pressure outside the cylindrical surface r=} (a?+a"). The surface values of 2, using suffixes as above, are given by 4 = — 2% = tw'pn (1 +7) (a? — @)/(1 — 9B /E)...... 2 ec eec eee eeees (105). The numerical equality of 2; and 2, seems curious. The following relation is also a neat one Big — Bag = 7) ($b; — $80) icac soe ceececeesscavdscnesccstesesese (106). It somewhat reminds one of the results (81) established for the annular disk. § 35. Coming to the displacements, we see from (102) that the cross-sections— unlike those of the disk—remain plane. Further, if 6/ and él’ denote the changes in the length of a hollow and a solid circular cylinder of equal length, the material, section, and velocity being the same, we have OU OU AGS Ga occecacccnass come aemetracasereanee se (107). The influence of rotation on the length thus increases notably as the wall of the hollow cylinder becomes thinner. Comparing the first of equations (102) with the last of equations (81) we see that the change per unit length in the length of a long hollow cylinder is the exact arithmetic mean of the changes per unit thickness in the rim thicknesses of a thin disk of the same section and material rotating with equal velocity. For the increments in the radii of the two surfaces of the long cylinder we find from (102) da/a = (w*p/4B’) {1 — 7') a? + (8 +7’) cal 8a'/a’ = (@'p/44’) {(3 + 9’) a + (1 — 19’) a} formulae in exact agreement with the corresponding results (79) for the annular disk. A variety of interesting relationships exist amongst the different displacements. Thus if A represent the cross-section 7 (a? — a”), and ¢ the wall thickness a — a’, we have from (102) (da/a) + (8a’/a’) = wp (a? + a")/ EB’, — (dl/l) = {(8a/a) + (8a'/a’)} =— nH" /(2E) =— 319", bee eceeeceeceenececeees (109), (6a’/a’) — (6a/a) = w’p (a? — a”) /(4ns) | (Gal Een CHES UIE) (CVI) Sesaceeceeceer ebcenccce (110), (8t/t) = wp {(a — a’ P— 9 (a +a’) (AB) oe cece see eeeee (LED): 230 Dr CHREE, A SEMI-INVERSE METHOD OF SOLUTION, etc. If the increments in a, a’ and J could be measured, the relations (109) would give EH’, 7! 7 and n; immediately. From (110) we see that the area of the cross-section of the material is always increased by rotation; while (111) shows us that the cylinder wall becomes thicker or thinner according as 7) 2f+29+ 2h, Dz? Dy? Dz (tufvow") 1 ata anes S 2 daw FET (Qu (ju, be 1 Gi! gat... rainy) (Dayasivst) eee 1 FTI Omtestnt™ Ont) con onennescesseeeceee (3), 234 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF where summation extends to all zero and positive integral values of fi, fo, --. 91, ge,-+ hy, hy... 2 My VY, i, fa» M1, --- Which satisfy the conditions Aitht--=ff Atget.-=9 ntht...=h A+ DAA + Tri’ + ThA” = p, Atptv [py Goats feGnales Aske Bal Any apa base WoC le eee (5). Again, on differentiating the equation Uf 1 DHE PT amn (tap. BE 9B with respect to & we find UU: sy fi. EBA Bun Ein Csi fide (Gaye) «-- FA girs C2, But TU! VOWS, = SD_? DA Dz (toute) g saa therefore, by comparison of coefficients of powers of &, 9, D2POD,ADZ (tud v9 wuz @=ny “a a D! a) pin = hm Wy CAre TE CA LOS WS [in 8 Wg fg VAR Cred bad(B)) > And similarly DPD, D2 (tuf v9 wuz ; @=D! Gem! oa as pia Sgn [p.9.73 ig h3 Ar oY; A, Ma, 1; &e.] DPD, AA Dz (tut 094" yWz) C=) G=—DuiGS hig iG i ARCH S 1A GEOR Ws [PA Do: Wn [Mg VAS S20] bococossanosee (8), = 5. Sf. Sgyn! . Shy” where the limits of summation are the same as in (4); and similar expressions can be written down with 2, y, z interchanged. It is obvious that, if p+q+r<2(f+g+h), D,?D,2Dz7 (tufv%w") = 0, since the coefficient of &?n2¢" in TUS V2W* will be zero. For similar reasons D?D,2D7 (tuf wuz) =0, if p+q+tr s 2f4+29 + 2h+1, D,?D,2Dz (tufvIwuv,) =0, if p+ qtr = 2f+ 294 2h4+ 2, &e. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 235 § 2. We now proceed to establish the formula for the change of the independent variables in a partial differential coefficient. It is first necessary to state the theorem of Jacobi on which the method is based. Let v, v, w be three quantities given in terms of three independent variables & », € by equations of the form UV = E+ AaoE? + Gono? + Coons? + duofn +... + dank? +... =&+X, say; V = 1 + Dao& + «.. + Dyn +... = 9+ Y, © = C+ Cok? + ... + CmeE+... =C6+Z, where the as, b’s and c’s are any quantities independent of &, », € It is important to remark that the linear part of each of the expressions must consist of a single term. If these equations are solved for & », € in terms of v, v, w one set of values will vanish when v, v, » vanish, and can be expanded in series proceeding by integral powers of v, v, w. Supposing that & 7, € have these values, we can then expand a general function /(&, 7, €) in powers of uv, v, @, and Jacobi’s theorem states that the coefficient of v'y"w" in the result is equal to the coefficient of &~¢> in the expansion of 0 (vu, v, w) 1 OCR (ee OAC Oak (Sas where the expansion is effected by first arranging (£+X)-'*», &c. in powers of X/E, Y/n, Z/€ and then substituting for X, Y, Z and multiplying together the various terms. F (Em, ©) Now let wu, v, w, ¢ be given functions of three independent variables w, y, z; and let it be required to change the variables from a, y, z to uw, v, w and express aitmtnt/owdv™dw" in terms of differential coefficients of ¢, u, v, w with respect to a, y, 2. To this end let x, y, z receive increments & 7, €, and let the consequent increments in u, v, w, t be v, v, w, t. The first differential coefficients of u, v, w, t will be denoted by special letters according to the following scheme , ” U0 = 4, Un = 4, Un = , , uu Vio = b, Uno = 0, Voor = 5”, ae = , = ” Wi = C; Wu=C; Wm =C, ho = d, too = d’, boo = a’. Then v=aéE+an+a’E4+ U, v=bE+ b+ bE + V, o=cE+cen+c'54+ W, ae where U, V, W, TZ have the same values as in the previous section. Vou. XVII. Part III. 3] 236 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF But if t be regarded as a function of wu, v, w, we have also gitment vip™e” ep se Ua Oi Ouldv™w" lL! m! n!’ T= and therefore d'+™+¢/du'dv™dw" may be determined as the coefficient of v'v™w/l! m! n! in the expansion of 7 in powers of v, v, @. To apply Jacobi’s theorem we make the transformation EF =aE+ant+a's, ‘= bE+b'n +b'6, =cE+ cm +0°S; so that JE= AE + Br’ + CL, Jn = A’E’ + By + C8, Je= AE + Bly +08, where and A, B, C,... are the first minors of J. We now have v=£40U', v= 41- Vi, o=F+W’, gel, where U’, V’, W', T’ are the values of U, V, W, T in terms of &, 7’, &. To express these values take D;, D,, Dg as in § 1, and write Des (ADs + A'D, + A" Dp), De > (BD; + B'D, + B’De), Dee : (CD; + C'D, + C’Dp, and denote D:!D,”"D,2U’, &e., by w'imn, &e.; and wWimn/l! min! by @’ima, &e. Then Vii aioe Vi= 2D ' por EP 090", Wi eC eo meer TL" = Xd por EP 20", where in U’, V’, W’, p+q+r¢ 2, and in 7’, pt+qt+r<¢l. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 237 If also we take D,, D,, D, as in § 1 and write = 5 (AD, + A'D, + A”D,), ine + (BDz + BD, + B’D,), D, = 5 (OD, + OD, + O”D,), then De? Dy Det (T'U'1V'OW") = DPD AD, (tulv7w"), provided that products of the operators D,, D,, D, are formed by mere algebraical multiplication; that is to say, in the product D,D, it is supposed that D, does not operate on the coefficients of D,, D,, D, which occur in D,. Therefore by Jacobi’s formula 1 gltm+n ¢ I! m!n! dulddv™dw™ is equal to the coefticient of & ny’ in y 0 (y, Vv, @) a5 1 ia} (€, n, &) (E+ (Oar (7 a Vij G Je Wir d or ee ee pan (Eth) (m+g)i(n+h)! Seer et UW flmiginth! 0U’ ov’ ow’ PAO VEE | 1+ OF , oF’? of | ern nmtoH c/nthti? Ua eave ah RO | On’ » ) On’ > dn’ i, neue ov’ ow’ | GE AN BR? Nik ae that is, in et pees egen L+F)i (mm +g)! (n + h)! Sap nadie Ufimtgtnth! Spenane | Leer al OVO oye ee eee ; | Us, 1+, We piqint Us, VW, 1+ws where w%, %, W:, We. stand for Du, D,», Dyw, &e. To obtain the term containing £7’ ¢’ we take p=/+f, q=m+g,r=n +h. 31—2 238 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF Hence +-m+ OMIM Soe, 9-0, h=2 (—1)/t9th DAS Dnt Deth = 27=0, 9=0, h=0 1 2 A ouldu™ aw" 1+%, 0, w,| whyIw —— (10). ‘ Sots A Tuatha ee ins V3, 1+ ws; Although in this expression summation extends to all values of f, g, h, it is obvious from the remark at the end of § 1 that terms for which f+g+h>l+m+n will be zero. In particular, if J/=1, m=0, n=0, the only term not zero is that for which FSU, G=Q, CSO. It is easily verified that | 1l+u, , W, A/J, B/J, C/J ’ G+tuz, b+%z, CHUWz Us, 1+; W> Al Is (Bide (CHS) a +Uy, B+, ¢o +, ls, vw, L+w,; IPL fy al 2x Fuel OZ Bf a’ +uz, b+, e+ wu, ! _1| atu, b+, C+Wz J Gi tetas (Deal Uy se UCiact Wall sencetene sasncnemeec erect es (11), a’ +uz, b’ +, c+ w, Ug, Uy, Uz, — I 0, | Uz; Vy, Uz, 0, a ts 0 Wz, Wy, We, 0, 0, -1 | A B C =| Ul, 0, 0, af ? iz i DOCOOCOCDNODDUCOUOOOUOOOGOG (12) A Dad 0, ul, 0, ap > IT ’ It A” B" Q” 0, 0, I, ai ? ei ? i It must be understood that when the determinant (11) or (12) is substituted in the expression (10) the operators D,, D., D, affect uz, Vz, Wz, &e. but not a, b, c, &e.,, or A, B; C, &e. § 3. To obtain Sylvester’s expanded form of the result we use the form (12) for the determinant and expand D,'+/D,”"*9D,"** in powers of D,, Dy, Dz. This operator is equal to s +f)! (mtg)! @+h)! ~ py! po! ps! qi! qo! gs! 71! 72! Ts! (AD ay (AD Ne (ACD Del aan ie = (ena (ee Eareace: (5 Ti Tj a fh Tita INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 239 where summation extends to all zero or positive integral values of p,, p., ps, &e. for which Ptpotp=l+f, At+t@m+tg=mt+y, r++ =n+h. We now re-arrange the grouping of the terms and transform (10) into ol+m+n t Sac. 082, haw (= 1)/+9+h-3 DI Dmg Dpto oulau™ Own = S=0, g=0, h=0 (uD;), (uD,), «DD, D, 0, O ut vr (vDz), (vDy), (wD), 0, Dy, 0} Sigh? (wD,), (wDy), (wD, 0, 0, D, ee. ben woe | Te eu ectie Rema a ies Dt where (wDz), (uDy), (uD) are the same in effect as D,, D,, D, but operate on wu only, whilst (vD,),... operate on v only, and (wD,),... on w only. We can now make use of the results of § 1 and obtain finally (L+f—1)! (m+g—1)! (n+h-—1):! Glimtn ¢ si/=2, 9=2, haw ~ ee (= yes Butoum™oum — —Bemoa=o (— 1Y Pi! po! ps! = ul ga!qs! = ry! Ta! 15! x =(p: +@a +7 -—1)!(pt+q@t+rn—- 1)! (ps + Gs +73 —- 1)! x J—emintf+gth) AP: A’P2 APs BX B'S BY’ ON C2 O"s X[(P+G+N), (Pot G+), (Pst stra); fg hs As wv; My By 1; &e.] >A, Sita, tAn, l+f, 0, 0 GTA pli Di 0, m+4q, 0. x Shim", Shyu", Shan", ° We AIT wie (13), Ba+ratn, 0, 0 pP, Q> ry, | 0, po+Qa+7e, 0, Pay qa Ts | 0, 0, Pst qs+7s, Psy Is i where the limits of summation are given by (4). A little consideration is needed to see the truth of the last result. It is obtained by regarding the determinant as expanded, then expanding the various terms by § 1 and grouping together all the terms which give rise to the particular term denoted by [i+ Qtr) (Pat Gtr), (Prt Gtr); FAI ry wy Ys My My 13 &e] The last result agrees with that given by Sylvester but differs in sign from that -obtained by Cayley when the number of independent variables is odd. 240 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF In the case of certain terms, such as those which occur in the evaluation of ot ou?’ explains, there is no difficulty in deducing the proper value. the coefficients as given by (13) take an indeterminate form, but as Sylvester § 4. In order to obtain a symbolical expression for the result of the change of variables we return to equation (10), and by a re-arrangement of terms write it in the form = — >a fy ae (= 1y+ gth Di Dry Dpto D,—(uD,), —(vD,), —(wD,) Syd —(uD.), D,—(wD.), —(wD,) | t pas “ Ae, ee ee (14), —(uD;), —(vD;), D,;—(wD;) | where, as in the previous section, (wD,), (wD.), (wD;) are equivalent to D,, D,, D; but operate on w only. This re-arrangement is effected by grouping together terms homo- geneous in D,, D,, D;, (wD,), (uD,), ...-.-- The operators required for the purpose of expressing the result symbolically will be considered in the following sections. §5. Taking U, V, W, T as in § 1, let suffixes 1, 2, 3, 4 indicate that (& m, &), (&, m2, &),-.. are substituted in them for &, 7, €; so that Ty = Gogg E,? + Aono? + --- Let also U;, U;,,... denote & Ue “ U,,.... Let {U,U;} denote an operator formed by replacing terms such as &?,7¢" in the product U,U;, by = . The particular brackets { } will be used to indicate this operator and to distinguish it from a mere algebraical product. Similarly let {U,V:,) be an operator formed from U,V;, by replacing EP .267 by eer | Let also {U,W;,} and {U,7;,} be formed by replacing &?,%&" by 203 Oper : ; 0pm See and &?n, 26" by rele We shall also suppose eight similar operators {V,U;}, {V.V¢},... to be formed in like manner, and twenty-four others by writing 7 and € for &. Written at full length for a few terms the first operator is fa) () é 0 fe) { U, Us} = 2A» Oalann mae Aq20 A190 Daless ae Aono 5 Adlon a BA Ahr Oden = (2@a00@oa0 a5 Go) Bam Baers a + Bo Cin Oden + (2dh099 Goo2 + Bin) 5— a ae (Apo9 G01 + Gon G0) 5— Oden + (Ahi Move + Godin) ait (2299 Mon + 220i) 5— ‘i AF oss INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 241 Similarly a a a : a {U, V;,) = 2a. boo Osos + Gyo Dr9 Doan + dobro ODoos + (doo D130 + 2419 b aon) ODav Fieve If it is desired to work with wpor, Upgr, &e. instead of apr, Dpgr, &c., the operators may be formed in similar fashion. Thus {U,U;,} is formed from a 2 ft 3 2 (1 e “ts ee 57 + Udon 51 + th bm + «+. + Us00 2 a S) (uaE: + thio + tan G1 + Uso = are. =} by replacing £7,276" by p!q!r! ze : OUpgr And therefore the operators may be also expressed in the following manner {U,U;,} => D,?D,2Dz (uuz) = 7 Upgr {U,V;,} == D,?D,'Dz (urs) — é par {U,W,,} = % D,?D,2Dz (uw;) ce , OWpar (U0, =ED.”D,2Dz (ut) =, ‘par &e. ; &c., where summation may be supposed to extend to all positive integral values of p, q, 7, though in the first three operators the coefficients of g ; g : a will be zero if OUpgr’ Opgr OWpgr p+q+r<3, and in the fourth the coefficient of a will be zero if p+q+7r< 2. The operators actually required will be nine formed by combinations of the above, viz., 1a; x} = {U,U;} a5 {U,V;,} ar {U,W:,} + {U,7;}, (U, y} = {UU} + [U2V2, + {Us W,,} + (U.T,,}, &e., &e. § 6. The first theorem to be established with regard to these operators {U, 2}, {U, y},... is that they are all commutative with one another. But before proceeding to the proof of this theorem it is necessary to make a few preliminary remarks. Let F(&, 7, €) be any integral function consisting of terms £?y%f" such that p+q+r<¢2 and let {F(&,m, &)}, {F(&:, m, &)},... be operators formed as in the preceding section. 242 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF It is then obvious that {F(é, N> &)} U;, = F(&, > &), {F(é, ™m> &)} UZ SIF (E- Ne» &), a ag, 22 é = OF, {F(&, hy &)} U; {F(&,, ™m> &)} Uz, = {F(&, ™m> &)} é = 9g PE. ™)> o), {F(&, > &)} U:,= apf (Eo 12, &2); {F'(&,, ™m> &)} V,= 0. A number of other similar results might be written down by interchanging suffixes and the quantities U, V, W, 7, & », €& Again {F(é, My» &)} U,U:, a Us, (F(&, m, &)} U,+ U, {F(é, ™) f)} U:, Ee Gee ee U, se Fb ea {F (&, No» &)} U,V«, =U, {F (2, m2, §2)} ve rs) — ise P(E m> &). Many similar results could be obtained, but these will be sufficient to indicate the mode of procedure about to be adopted for forming the products of the operators Ee ee 10 OR eee § 7. The essentially distinct cases to be considered are the products (U, 2} {U, y}, {U, x}{V, x}, {U, x} {V, y}. We will take these cases in order. Let {U, a} {U, ys={U, a} -{U, yi +{U a *{U, y}, where the first term on the right is the result of algebraical multiplication, and the second is the result of operating with {U, a} on the coefficients of {U, y}. It is only the second term that can possibly be unsymmetrical. We have AUR IUUATSUAALSUALALSUA IE IUAME SUA AES LAAT SLA a ={U,U,} * (U,0,} + (0,0) *{U.V_.} + (UUs) * (UaW,} + (Wie) * (0.2,} + {U,V_} #{U.V_} + {T,W} * (UxW) + (UL) # (UL) = (Uy, Tse} + {Us 5d a dh + WryVeVe} + (Wr a0) + (LUT 3 pirditetenss Q +02 Wah + {Ue UW adh + age leh INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 243 = (U, (O10 gy, + 2U¢,U,,)} + (U2 (UsVen, + Ue,Vn, + Uy Ve,)} + {Us(Us We», + U¢,We, + Uo, We} + {Us (UL in, + Us,T, + Uy,T%)} ={U, y} *{U, a}, from the symmetry of the expression with regard to — and 7. Again we have {U, a}*{V, a} =[({U,U2} + (ULV ¢,} + (Us We} + {OL e}] * Vi Ue} + {VV} + {VW} + {V2} = {U, Uz} * {ViU,} + {U.Ve,} * {Vi0g} + {UV e,} * {Vee} + {U2 Ve,} * {VW} + {U,Ve,} PRA ie oe oe =| ize (UU e)} + (Ty UiVe) + (VeUeVeh + + |Vase (UV e)} E, + (Ue) + (MUM) + Voge (OW adh + {Vase (Tled} = {V,U, U2, + ViU%, + UU, Ve} + {V0 Veg, + VU, Ve, + U.V%,} + {U;VsWee, + We, (VsU¢, + UsVi,)} + {UV Tee, + Te, (UVe, + Vie} ={V, «}*{U, a}, from the symmetry of the result with respect to U and V. Finally {U, a} *{V, yJ=[(CUe} + (UV) + {Us We,} + (U2e3] * [Vi Ui} + (VeVn} + {Vs Wa} + {VL 3] U, Uz} * {VU,,} + {UV} * {ViU,,,} + {UaVe,} * {VoV,,} + {O2Ve,} * {V;W,,,} + {U,V ;,} * {V.T,,} + {Us We} * {V5 W,,} + {U7} * {V.T,,} ( = {Vi (WUs)} + (0.0.2) + (Vo.aVe) + {Voge (Ve) + (Wy UV 0 a ) + (DUN) + | Page OWa)t + {Ve Wate) = {OiV, Us, ar Vy U;,U,, 15 U, O;, V, J st {U2 V2V en + V.U,,Ve, at U, ne WV, ‘a ar {U, V; Wenn, ar We, V; Te + We U; Vz, 1 {UV Tey, a5 Ts, V, U,, a se U, Vi}. This expression is unchanged when U, V and &, » are interchanged and likewise the suffixes 1, 2. Therefore {U, x} *{V, y}={V, y} * {U, a}. By interchanges of U, V, W and a, y, z, the products of all pairs of the nine operators can be reduced to one or other of the three preceding. It has therefore been fully established that all the nine operators {U, z}, {U, y}, {U, 2}, {V, 2}, {V, y}, {V, 2, {W, wt, {W, y}, {W, z} are commutative with one another. Vou. XVII. Parr III. 32 244 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF § 8. Now, taking U, V, W, T as in § 1 we have (U,U,} Ul = fU! (U,U,} U =U. 00; = (0) AU eee, (15a), Se 5g Us U;,} US -5 (Ux 1 A eae (15 b), (U0) = Ul =e (UUs) Us =7 (U2) Re ee ae (150), (U,V;,} Vo =gV0 (UV;,} V=gV9 UV; = Us ott ee eke (15 d), LAA i Vo= “e (U.Vs} Vo = we (Ug Pale fhacertne eee (sie) {U,V} x vo=s o Ueh Ve 2 (ux) Mbox Ate e (15 f), (U.0s} T= ue pth Doerr atl ceed st af Semin (159) By comparison of the coefficients of &?7%" on the two sides of these equations the following formulae are deduced: (U,U_} DePDyeDzul = DePDytDz (wo wl) ceccceeesneesserrenres (16 a), 3 a ne {U,U;,) DPDyDi = wl = D,?D,2Dz = (u = w) Ls te SOR (16 b), [U.U,} DerDeDs 2 w= Dedede 2 (uZ w’) sddnceeecnegagntc (16 c) 1 é, x yu Zz oy x y Zz oy On ee ae A (UV. DED EDs = DP DaDen” po eae ee (16 d), ( &, y 7] On AWeet (U,Vz} Dz?DyDe “ w= DzPDyiDe 5 (uz. v’) RR te (16 6), U.V;,} DDD © v9 = DD, eds 2 (u = i) ce (16 f), = ay oy at [UsLe,| De?D,Dz t= DzrDeDz (we) Mere cr any (16 g). The form of the above results shows that they may be generalized by replacing D,”D,!D7 by any function consisting of integral powers of D,, D,, D:. These examples seem sufficient to show the effect of the operators. It will be noticed that the effect is to introduce a solitary w and to make certain alterations in the symbols of differen- tiation. The effects are perhaps best seen by examination of (16 e) and (16/). With a view to the application of these formulae to the result in § 2 it is con- venient to re-write them in another form. Let (wD,), as on previous occasions, represent D, when operating on w only, and let [wD,] act only on the solitary w which is introduced into the last set of formulae. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 245 With this notation (16 a) becomes, if F(D) represents any function of D,, Dy, D,, {U, Uz, F(D)w = F(D) {(uD,) — [wDz)} wu. wv. Moreover, since {U,U;} does not operate on V, W or 7, the equations (15 a, b, c) 0 still hold if the functions operated on, viz. UY, ag U ..., are multiplied by powers of V, W, T and their differential coefficients. Thus from (15 b) we have, for example, = a a a (Tis) . 5p. VOVWW,T = = (Ux U) VoV.WW, 7; and corresponding to (16 a) {U,U;} F(D) $ (wD, wD, tD) ufviw't = F (D) 6 (wD, wD, tD) \(uD,) — [uD,z)} uw. ul w"t, where @(vD, wD, tD) represents a function of (vD,), (vDy), (vDz), (wDz), .... Similarly {U,U,,} F(D) $ (wD, wD, tD) wi w't = F(D) ¢ (vD, wD, tD) {(uD,) — [wD,)} wv. ut vw" t, {U,U;} F(D) $ (oD, wD, tD) uv wt = F (D) $ (wD, wD, tD) {(uD,) — [uD,)} u. uf wt, and therefore Ei (TU) +4 (00, } +4 (0, Us} F(D) (wD, wD, tD) wrw't = F(D) b(vD, wD, tD) {(uD,) — [wD,]} wu. wi w"t........ (17 a), whilst similar results hold for D, and D,. Again, from formulae of which (16d) is a type are deduced formulae exemplified by the following A” A cAg [Fara + 7 (OMG tan) F(D) ¢ (uD, wD, tD) ufv9w"t = F(D) 6 (uD, wD, tD)(vD,) vu. wiv9wt....... (17 5). And, from formulae of which (16 e) and (16 f) are types are deduced others which are exemplified by A” J = F(D) $(wD, tD) {(vD,) + [uD,)}} (vD,) uw. wet wt te... (17 c). 5 {U.Va} + (U,V) + (U.Ve)| F(D) $ (wD, tD) (vD,) uSoowt If in this last formula (vD,) is replaced on the left by (vD,), then on the right {(vD,)+[uD,]} must be replaced by {(vD,)+[uD,]}; and if on the left A, A’, A” are replaced by B, B’, B’, then on the right the second (vD,) must be replaced by (vD,). § 9. Return now to the expression (14) in § 4 and write, for brevity, D,— (uD,), — (wD,), — (wD,) —(uD,), D.—(vD.), —(wD,) |= A. —(uD,), —(vD;), D;—(wDs) 246 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF By adding the second and third columns to the first it is evident that (tD,), —(vD,), — (wD,) |A|=] (éD.), D.—(wDs), —(wD.) |. (tD;), —(vD;), Ds— (wD) By use of this form and consideration of the rules exemplified in the preceding formulae it then becomes evident from (17 a) that [5 (Ut) + 1G U,} + Ay (UiUc} | DiDDar| A\ wher (tD,), —(vD,), = (wD,) = D,'D,"D;"\ (tD.), D.— (wD), —(wD,) | {(wD,) — [uD,}} w. whorw*t. (tD;), —(vD;), D;—(wDs) Also from (17 }) and (17 c) E (U.Ve} +5 (UV) +5 (0. v3} DEDmDy| A| uleurt | (¢D,), — (wD,) — [wD,], — (wD,) = D!D "D;"| (tD.), D.—(vD2) — [uDz), —(wD,) |(vD,) u. wh vrwtt. (tDs), — (vD;) — [wD,], D; — (wD) Again by interchange of v and w in (17 6) and (17 ¢) it is obvious that E [U.W.} +5 (UW) — (Us) DADIMDj'| A | wf owt (tD,), —(vD,), —(wD,) — [uD,] = D|'Dy"D;"| (tD.), D,—(vDz), — (wD,) —[uD,] | (wD,)u. ufvrwtt. | (tD;), —(vD,), D;—(wD;) —[uDs] Similarly by interchange of v and ¢ in (17 6) and (17 c) it follows that [5 (eee ae 4 (00s) DEDmD, | A\ uhrowrt (tD,) + [uD], — (vD,), —(wD,) = D,'D."D;"| (tD,) + [uD], D.—(vDs), —(wD,) | (tD,) wu. ufoow*t. (tD;) + [wD,], —(vD,), D;—(wD;) Now add these four equations together. The operator on the left will become FU, a} +5 {Uy} +5 (0, 4 which it will be convenient to denote by {U, 1}. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 247 On the right-hand side all the terms containing [wD,], [wD,] and [wD,] disappear. For the coefficient of [wD,] in the operator is easily seen to be (tD,), — (wD,), —(wD,) =y DD,"D," (tD,), D, = (vD,), og (wD.) (tD,), —(vD;), Ds- (wD) (tD,), —(vD,), —(wD,) + D/D"D;"| (tD,),. D,—(vD,), —(wD,) | (tDs), —(vD,), D,—(wDs) =0, The coefficient of [wD] is (tD,), = (vD,), =a (wD) D'D,"D;"| (tD,), — (wD,), —(wD,) |= 0. (tD;), —(vD,), D;—(wDs) The coefficient of [wD,] is (tD,), —(vD,), —(wD,) DD,"D;"\ (tD,), D,—(vD.), —(wD.) |=9. (tD,), —(vD,), —(wD,) Hence {U, 1} D! DD," | A | ufo9wtt = DDD," | A | {(wD,) + (vD,) + (wD,) + (ED,)} wor w"t = DUD EDA, ait eau re seatccs/snsesntceseueeltes fetta sacar os (18 a). We note that {U, 1} may be written {U, e}, {U, y}, (UY, 4 1 a” == b, b’, b ic y J / ” 6 e, c If we take similarly a, a, an ; (V, =5 | (Va, yh (V4 |=FIBIV, 4B IV, y+ B(V, ah C, Cc, c” and at, a, a” . (W3=5] % 8, oY | FLOW, a} +0°(W, 9} +0" CM, af} {W, a}, {Wey}, {(W, 2} we shall find {V, 2} DED ID," | A | wlotwt = D!D"D," | A| uloI wht .....eeeeeee es (18 b), {W, 3} D2D.™D. | A| wort = DEDMD PY | A | ufo «2.0... ree eeeee (18 c). 248 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF We have therefore DAA Det pe |A} ut vIw"t { U, 1} Di Dito) thi | A| ut—yow"t {U, 1}/ DADmraApmtia | Al ywnt ={U, 1 {V, 2)9 (W, 3}* DAD Ds | A It. But |A|t= D,D,D,t, so that the expression becomes 1G; 17 {V, .2)2{W, 3)". DED. Devs. Therefore sates 2 = as (— 174 DaADmt9-D nth | A ee =S(-1)ftot ee BE ee at ie a DED D,rt ap Maat: 00) ea Ane AOR rrp es (19 a), since the operators are commutative. The fact that the operators are commutative has been proved independently, but it is pretty obvious from the circumstance that the D,, D., D; are commutative, so that the above reduction might have been effected in different orders. If it is desired to bring the independent operators {U, a}, {U, y}, &c. into prominence the result may be written A A’ A” B B BY oltmt ng Si ap = = Soe of = = fen 2 SS, & = —{V, yr = —4{V, Sarai 7x4 ten zi Ae Aires Ne ral aie ral hy 7 2} C Cc’ (ola -=—{W, x} -—{W, y} - —{W,z eo TU EE og gh gg Pt oD are haael oe Ah tio teen (19 b). : 1 gitmt nt If we write Dinn = It m! n! duldu™ouw™? ay ane a DED. mJ)” we have Dis Se ON BSS ge ee eee (19 c) lim! n! LDN ED a De Ul! m!n! Since DD."D." is merely a linear transformation of D,'D,"D7, the operators required for the purpose will be simply the ordinary operators of the theory of invariants. These operators we shall define as follows :— § 10. It remains to express by means of operators acting upon djnn- 0 Dzy as {ET} — S (q + 11) Che. q+, ies ; p=1, q=0, 7=0 0 Oye = {T's} a pS » P+ den, es. rag > 2 p=0, q=1, r= Wg2 = [ET 3} = > tba, Pp = 7) rt1 a7 > =1, q=0, r Od par INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 249 - 0 cde at ea aiid Pt don, arrag ’ =0,qg=0,rTr= por “ o,={(nTji= REN ae he — 7 eae | ¢} oi ie di ) dp, q~1, ie a a a oe ee Ag¥t) d; q+ Od’ =0, q= = 7) where 7’ is as in (2), and the operators are formed by expanding &7,, &c., and replacing EPnity by = The upper limits of p, g, r in the summations are all infinite. ‘par These operators w are identical with the operators © discussed in Elliott's Algebra of Quantics, Chap. XVI. Their properties are there obtained by forming the alternants, but as the formation is simplified by use of the symbolical method the process by this method is given here. We remark that the operators 0/0& and {£&7,} are independent and therefore, if 7; denotes an algebraical expression, (ET) Te= (0) 3p T = ap lET) T= 5p (ET) Hence Wx Oyx — Oyr@zy = {ET} {n Te} — {nT e} {ET} a a) = |nggEt,)} — {ES nt} = (ap ala Ted pls ch caa cn aerntae cates sual tox emma *s soamaerane (20 a) @ry@xz — Ox2Ory = {ET} {ET} — {ET¢} {ET} Gy é ) = {Ese EM) - LES ED} ace crocs ct ee en ee (20 b), WryWzx — OzxOry = {ET} {ET} — {STs} {ET} Cd) C) = |Z) - fee ero} sail ETT leigy oo ronan Sosa teatae slseig< rene v-sesiaccieaeons soaagecs (20 c) Similarly Dy Yaz Dy Drags — Tt Org ce sea tens eames vanpavenaeesane woes cise «5+ dcaceneas seen (20d), Dry Orga Oey vari — | Ol aneenenceee ss seotea nea steasesnencke ices ase suas coer ssaaee (20 e). Equation (20a) shows that if a function is annihilated both by @,, and @,, and is isobaric in first suffixes it must also be isobaric in second suffixes and the partial weights must be equal, and if the function is further annihilated by @,, and o@,, it must also be isobaric in third suffixes and all the partial weights must be equal. Equations (206) and (20e) show that any two o's are commutative if they have the 250 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF same letter for their first suffix, or the same letter for their second suffix. Equations (20c) and (20d) show that the ’s are not independent but that any one of them can be expressed as the alternant of two others, so that if a function is annihilated by the three operators @,z, @zz, @zy, it is also annihilated by all the others. When the case of more than three independent variables is considered there will be pairs of o's which have no common letter in their suffixes, and reference to the above proof of equations (20) shows that such pairs are commutative. That the operators {U, x}, {V, a}, ... are not commutative with any of the o's is easily seen by forming the alternants of typical pairs. Thus {U, 2} Wy — Waxy {U, x} ={UTs,} {&.7,.} — {G73 {Us} (ee) a) a if On, ( urs) = {Dose er.) = {&.U,,0r} — {U.T,,}, {U, 2} wy — @yx {U, x} = {UT} {nT} — (mTe} {UsTe} a OMFG Ns ae, (O.2.)} = ‘ces (nts) — Uz T:}, (U, a} coye — coy (U, 2} = {U.Le} tn.Pe)} — fnPs} (ULe) pee 3 =i ag, ( ust.) = \Uuag (03) = (n.Uz,T:.. § 11. We can now express DED2AD Um! nt! by means of these operators acting upon dimn. We have, in the first place, @z2A. mn => (n + 1) ay=n m, n+1) +p)! @z? dimn — we A a dip, m, N+p> n+p)!(m+q)! Ox! @z2? dimn = ee dp-9, m+q, n+p: Therefore DiDmDPt_ 1. (ADz+ A'Dy+ A”D\t 7 lim!n! Sarat eo), ) eae abate Eee ib J itmini~ pigil-—p—¢! Al-14 A't A"? D714 Die Det INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 251 ee ote Jt mini~ p!q! i (A\is = : ae a) ( (ay Wy! Wzz" Chinn rir hey ITH) Al-?-9 A’a A"? (m +q)!(n Fp) Nidpop—o, m+q, np \J/) ~ pig! \ 4, 1p Aen Awe = (5) é sa Chins since @,, and @,, are commutative. To express D,'D,"D,"t in a similar manner we proceed thus. We have JD, = AD, + A’D, + A”D,, JD, = BD, + BD, + B’D, ; whence AD, = BD, + c”D, — c'D,. It may be noticed here that, if we were dealing with more than three independent variables, ec’ and —c’ would be replaced by second minors of J. We have therefore DD." Dt A ee . ~ imint =D! (BD, + cD, Dy" D t Am ry, " rD = Fit © piigt rt BPD (CDs) (Dey Dt, where p+q+r=m Aa-m " A\ts 2eetsies Saal a an q(— dy Up) qntr)!(5) e Orbe aree A! wry + Al wre TANG COUN rare 1 /AB\P/ c\r “ =(5) Ga) © * peter) (=a) oe? 2 dn Alaryt+A"wr: AB c! (5) ic carr pas ieieera ae d; =| — = p + Gimn- J, (4 Finally, since D,=a''D,+b’D, + ¢"D;, we have maT tfm DED: Ds t D, D, Cant (Dz = aD, = b’D,)"t Umint Uimin! i c nr 1 n= p! ae (—a’)a(—b"y D7 Di" Dt, where p+q +r=n, mi) “ ” A! wry+ A" wre AB ¢ ( a’’)4(— b yr A l+q ‘e ie SSS oye S wy: AB ic: @. =F Myx — 7 @ 2 Jc” Ux ce’ uzZ> a’ A bc” ae iia Wa {U, V, W} =U, +{V, 3+{W, 3} =F[A (0, a} +AU, y} +4" (U, 2] + F(BIV, 2 + BV, yh + BV, 2]] + F[C{W, 2} +0 (W, y} +0" (W, 2}]. il gh t hen Dinn = Im! n! duldv™dw” Al-m cm =i Now if © denotes any linear operator which acts on two functions P and Q, we have EAU, Vs WH. eer’, GP | 6. Digan ses bdo se sneen (21). e@P 62 Qe 6% PO) where 9,, ©, are equivalent to but act respectively on P and Q alone. Therefore eUPe2@ eon. PO iP) By repeated applications of this principle we find that A 1+U—m—m' ec” m+m—n—n' Jie Dimn Demin = @ (UF, Wi ems Fees Sema dimn Ar m'n'- And more generally if F(dimn, drmn’,-..) represents any function isobaric in each set of suffixes being of weights p,, po, ps mm first, second and third suffixes, APi-P2 ¢Pa-Ps Te eG, V, WI meres I (damn, Armin'y «+-) «+++ (22). TCD ree rata se) § 12. The asymmetry of that part of the operator which depends on the o’s is a consequence of their non-commutative character. By arranging the work a little differ- ently nine different forms of the result could have been obtained. In the case of two independent variables the number of different forms will be four, and it will be convenient for some of the subsequent applications to have these four forms set out at length. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES, 253 In modifying the work of § 11 for this case it is obvious by reference to the argument that only two @’s will be required, viz. 0 @z, = {ET,} = pines (¢+1)dpa, gi Adpy’ ; 0 Oyr = {n T's} = ee ED dy+1, q-1 Ad pq ; and their effect on d;, is seen to be this :— a oo — Wry” din diy, m+p> l ! yz? dyn =f +P) Airy, m—p- Moreover, reference to the work shows that c” must be replaced by unity, and that Therefore eee eee ee eee ipjm l m A comp AB “r= (5) = ete din We will next obtain the second form of the result. We have DiD,."t = . (AD, + A'D,)! Dj t =Fi25 2D,” Dt, where p+q=l. Therefore Dj! Dj"t _ =. 1 y(m aa APA dnp l!m! m! p ANNE 1 ANP S (5) ai (=) Reps t 4. -(4 “) et Ant. Now JD, = AD,+ A'D,, JD, = BD, + B'Dy; therefore, eliminating D,,, A’D, = BD, — D;. 33—2 254 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF Hence DiDnt = ana (B'D, — D,)" D,!t = 5 ™ pe (_ 12 DH? Dest A’™ pq! = = a Be (—1)91 (1+ p)!q! (4) a den th S Therefore Bi (2 eae ae willl (-oil ie 2 lly (Al Re ai = G ( ) a) ( es =(-1)" — La at oc’ a OR rete ope (23 b) Interchanging B, B’ with A, A’ and J with m, and writing —J for J, we shall find similarly ae yG) &) Ran a ir tt ete Oe => (23) = (Gy (Fe) Pare aect me Wa) cee Dee (23 d). From these results it follows that, in the case of two independent variables, if F is isobaric and of weights p,, p, in first and second suffixes, F (Dig ee) = BOs CHOU HET dpdhon ace ieee eee (24 a), where {UV} =F{A (UW, a+ A'(U, + BUY, a+ BV, yl] ovrrrerecceee (24 b), and the quantity K and the operators @;, @, may have either of the two sets of values APi-Pa AL AB rae Ona a a> yy Oe atatale atelalaiateiajarcloielalttcrseielarere (24 ¢), nce B AB K= Jaan? 1 = Py Oye, @, = yi Ory sec c cere cece cncccccccs (24 d). And, as another form, FE (Digs jos Ce ene BL OGae cna)’ wast cate doses cc teen eee (25 a), to or o INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. where K, @,, », may have either of the two sets of values 'Di~Pa d 4 oud K= (- 1)? a » a= yz, O,=— - Day vscrececccsccseses (25 b), K=(-1)" — So CS ate o— a ee Oust a atrcseadadacces (25 c) Here A, A’, B, B’ are the first minors of J, and therefore A=b’, A’=—b, B=—-d’, Bia. § 13. In the particular case when there is only one independent variable 2 which is transformed to u, we have J=u,, A=1, {U, V, W}={U, a} ={U,0;,} + {UT ,,} ; there are no ’s, and we have, if F is an isobaric function of weight p, f and Di=——=—e This form is not quite the same as that given by Mr Lendesdorf (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Vol. Xvi.) and also established in my previous paper (7rans. Camb. Phil. Soc., Vol. Xvi.), but one formula can be deduced from the other by the method of the next section. § 14. Another form of the general result is often more useful than that stated in equation (21). It is obtained by exhibiting separately the terms containing first differential coefficients of ¢. For this purpose modified forms of the operators {U, 2}, ... must be used; let [U, z] denote the result of suppressing all terms in {U, 2} which contain dye, duo, don, 80 that [U, 2] may be formed in exactly the same way as {U, za}, except that in the process of formation the value of 7’ used is dag? af oon? aR dof? + dy EN +... instead of that given in (2). Let [V, «], [W, «], [U, y],... represent similar modifications of {V, a}, {W, a}, {U, y},.... Therefore {U, x} =[U, xv)+ Dio [U4], {U, y} =[U, y) + doo [U4], 256 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF The twelve operators [U,], [V.], [W.], [U, z], [U, y], -- . are easily seen to be all commutative with one another. For, by § 7, {U, a} {V, y}-{V, y} {U, a}=0; therefore {[U, 2] + doo [Us}} {[V5 yl doo [Va]} — {[V; y] + dow [Vs]} ([U, 2] + dro [ Us]} = 0. Hence, by selection of the coefficients of Gyo, dno, Arodoo, it follows that [U, z](V, y]-LV, yw [Y, z]=9, (ULV, yI-LV, y] (UJ =9, [U, x] [V.]—-[V.] [U, «]=0, [U,] [V4] -—[V.] [U.]=0; and in similar fashion it may be proved that the alternants of all other pairs of the operators are zero. Now, by (19¢e), -{U, vy, Ww} DED "Dr Ui min! ~ Therefore if [U, V, W] is the modified form of {U, V, W}, so that Dimn =e (U, V, WI=F(ALU, 2]+4'(U, y] +4’, 2) +5 (BV, o]+ B[V, y] +B’, 2) +5(CLW, a] +0'[W, y]+0"(W, 2), (u,v, -(4a+4'a'+4"a") (Ug —1 (Bat Ba +B"ANL va —-Lca+eva'+e"a") (Wa DD" Ds" De i J ff imn = @ oa me 6 Lim! n! Now D'D,"D3% is a linear function of dyg,, Therefore the effect of [U,], [V4], [W.] operating on DD."D,"t is to change dyg into Apgr, bygr, Cpgr and therefore to produce DiEDED Su, DEDED sy, DED Dw; whilst repeated operations by [U,], [V.], [W.] produce zero results. Hence Dinn =" "I ALS. DID MD ot —(Ad + A’ + A’d’) DED "Dy —(Bd + B’d’ + B’d’) DiD™Dv — (Cd + C’d’ + 0A”) Di DPD yw] “1 ce, wy | DIDMDS, DEDDou, DiD"Dym, DLDMD Zw | Si b c INDEPENDENT VARIABLES, 257 § 15. Up to the present there has been no restriction on l, m, n except that they be not all zero; the last formula holds when 1+m+n=1 on the understanding, assumed throughout, that D,!D,"D,"u, D,D"Ds"v, DD "Dw all vanish when l+m+n= 1. But it is necessary to assume, in what follows, that 1+m+n>1. Corresponding to the operators » of § 10 we introduce six operators 2 given by the equations Oxy = [6 Un.) + [EV 5) + [Es Wa] + [ET], Oye = [Ue] + [mV e.] + [ns We,] + [Ze], Ore = [FU] + [EV] + [6s W,) + [E.2e,], Ore = [6:U¢,) + [SV e,] + [We] + (8.2), Oy2 = [Ue] + [Ve] + [ns We) + [Tc], Oey = [8105] + [SV] + [on] + [80], where Oi a0 ons Vi=Oyee ees Wa = Cams? + +. ; T's = dao E e+... , 0 C) m= 3p, On Vu = ap, Var ones and after expansion of the expressions [£,V/,,], ..., £m!" is replaced by ae : pyr f) ri) a EPIC" by aban , €PnC" by cee EPn ac’ by ll par pyr pyr The four components of each operator are independent of one another and therefore commutative with one another; but as in § 10 the ’s are not all commutative. In fact, applying the results of § 10 to corresponding pairs of the partial operators, we find the alternants of various pairs of ’s to be OgyQyz — QyzQey = — [6:Us,) — [82 Ve,) — [Es We] — [ELe.] + Pm U9.) + P02Vo.) + 92 Wo] + Pn], NyyQzz — Az2Azy = 0, Oe — De Ay = Azy, Quy Qyz — AyzAzy = — Azz, QQ — zy Ary = 0. From these relations deductions can be made similar to those in § 10. We next write A’ A” AB ec Dares rate eA b"c" 0, == =F Oe = Oy 258 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF DID" D St a Abm (om m—n 4 J Hao agica, Sh.) op ek D. ‘DoD ny Alum (oh m—n rf m! = ae af Cree iam =: Therefore ee St ee J d a b e | is hea, | Shae (27) qd’ a b” c" Now write IFS |) ol b c =Ad+A'd'+ A’d’, d’ we da’ b” ec’ df= || @ d c = Bd+Bd + Bd’, 4 Gk c a” ae c d= || @ b d = Cd+ 0'd'+C"d’; a’ b d’ a” bY da’ therefore Alm mn Da = yee el, y, WeM%e%e0s (Sdimn = aCe = Dian = EGran) Kjeteisiatelpiaiaia’wieisiate (28), and as in § 11, if F denotes a homogeneous function of degree 7%, which is also isobaric of partial weights p,, Ps, Ps; APi?2¢''Pi Ps F (Dim; ---)= yp, e- (U, Vs WleMe%e% F (Idan — Syn — Fabimn — FsCimns +++) «+-(29), or using the operators [U,], [VJ], [W.] defined in § 14 APiP2¢"'P-Ps Ti (Dry 50) = JP ws ai = a e-[U, Vs MeMeMg%g— FEU 9 FV oT F(dinn, ---) This last form does not require F to be homogeneous, though it must be isobaric. § 16. If in (27) we put t=a, y, 2 in succession we obtain formulae for the interchange of the dependent and independent variables. Write 1 gitmtny, Aimn= Tj m! n! duldv™dw”’ 1 giimtny Benn = Ll! m! n! duwdv™dw”’ if! glimtng Cunn = 1! m! n! duldv™dw™ INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 259 Then, provided 1+m+n>1, A —nc!’m—n Alin a ja —e-lU,¥, W) 76% 16%. e% (Adinn by Bhunn 4 Counn) Ahm” //m—n | h c -(U, ¥,W)] of a a Aimn imn Cimn ——— ya é merge eo. 67. Ee a’ by Cima Wesead (31a), ae ie cc’ A —me//m—n — T y / ve Bimn = Jin Cag at WleMe%eNs (A Gimn + Bbimn ar C Cimn) eno ’m—n mt ane SRA ee py, |! b c yn e eo .e.e Aimn loprers Clmn | ceeeesere (315), a” b” cr Ammen = “4 o “u" ua ” Comn = — - Jin e— LU, V, Wi eMigMe0s (A”dimn + B’Bimn + C”Cimn) l—mp’m—n ee Aes e-LU, V, Wle%gM%e0s b ¢ Jim , , , a b CB Wi eeececsc cess (31e). Amn Dimn Ctmn And if F(Dimn, Ain, Biman, Cimn; ---) 18 a function homogeneous of degree i in Aimn; Bimn, Cimn, Din; -.. and isobaric of weights p,, p., p; in first, second and third suffixes, we have AM —Poc!/Ps—Ps eae W1 @Mg%g05 1 F (Dimn, Amn; Beans Cuan = = i . F(S,Qimn == Jobimn SF J sCimn = Jdimn; Adimn + Blinn ae Coumns A’ Gimn sr Bbinn a OCs AD tisnn ar Born: + Co Cimas o° -) o ccccceeenas (32). Since there are no d’s occurring in equations (3la), (31b), (8lc) the operators occurring in these equations, but not im (32), may be simplified by the omission of differential operators which affect only d’s. Thus [U,7;,] may be omitted from [U, 2], fedeulietrom: O75 «-..- It will be noted that Aim, Bimn, Cimn ave the coefticients of v'v™#" in the expansions of &, », € when the series = Gok SRose 4 GimnE'n™E” + ..5 5 V = bro& + +--+ OunnEé'n™l® +... , @ = Ci + 0. + CimnE'N”E" + ..., ave reversed, and & 7, € expanded in powers of v, v, @. Yo) oem. 0) Ol (ie oats oO I 34 260 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF § 17. The formulae of § 15 may be adapted so as to give a symbolical form for the differential coefficient of an implicit function. The method is applicable to any number of variables, but for the sake of brevity the work will here be restricted to the case when there is only one dependent and one independent variable. As in § 16, let u=F(x, y), v=G(#, y); 1 oy. m! dum? is obtained on the assumption that w is constant, so that if we take G@(«, y)=#, we then formula (31b) shows how to determine B,,, or this difterential coefficient ™, shall obtain a ou on the assumption that #, y are connected by the equation F(a, y)=const. As in § 16 let ay, stand for ORE ee PP! gq) Caray?’ the b’s of § 16 are in this case all zero except b, which is equal to unity. Now we have J= Gh Gi i @ Ay dn 0) =— yy so that A=0, and therefore the forms of ©,, ©, used im (27) are not applicable. Instead of these forms we may use forms similar to those given in (25a, 6) and obtain S a K=1,, O=0, O;—=—— 0. 01 We have therefore, if m>1, B, + tw, vig-gtaw | % 1 mm Ga Amo Ono Now, in general, when dealing with special values of the letters, it is necessary to carry out all the operations imdicated and then substitute the special values. But in the present case, where all the b’s involved in the operators are zero, it is allowable to suppress in the operators all terms which involve b's; for it is obvious from the form of the operators that they never diminish the degree of any function in b's, though they may increase the degree. It therefore follows that the terms which arise from the b-parts of the operators will all be zero. We therefore have [U, VI=-1U, y= SPF] 1 9 re [( Gop + Gu En + Aon? + AoE? +...) (AnE + 2m + dn & + ...)], 01 Oy = [EF] = [E (ané + 2an9 + anE+ «..)], INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 261 0 on the usual understanding that £m? is replaced by Demy Hence finally the value of Co Pq * diy ; ; y= Re Jam 38 found from the equation F(a, y)=0 is given by fr cs Ldmy__ 1 o-Acrr) -“*(er, Bom a: m! da” a.” am Namrata Mat ein tat lane adie Od aly © dpaceinie os vena e (33). § 18. The determination of the differential coefficients of implicit functions is equi- valent to the solution of equations by series, so that the method of the last section leads to a symbolical form for the solution of a set of equations of infinite degree. It will be sufficient to illustrate the method by considering the case of a single equation, O= F(x, Y) = Ayyt + Any + Aah? + Ay LY + Ayo y? + Ago? +... 5 it is required to determine that value of y which vanishes when # vanishes. The solution is y=Byct+ Beet... a where B,=— a o1 , and B,, is given by (33). Now let P denote the terms of F(z, y) which are independent of y; then the required solution of the equation F(z, y)=0 may be written 1 + [rr] 2" (Fy) ag er A Mn Oa Guts ChRE te-ceaddenancdcetneesssetse: serine (34), ol where the operators [FF,], [EF,] are the same as in the last section. For an equation of finite degree n it is necessary to suppose all the operations carried out, and then all the coefficients ap, for which p+q>n must be made zero. If f denotes any rational integral function %o 5 , Ene a af EN TY =C@ & LFF] ~@ A Leal Ff (- rE) aia ereleiciciciele viaiviciee sin win'eien ainie (34a). §19. As an illustration of the general methods established, we will employ them to effect the change when the variables are linearly transformed. Let the scheme of transfor- mation be N= an + aly + a’g+ at, V =f0+By+6’+p"t Z=yat yt et yt T.= da+ Syt+ 82 +8", and 7 being regarded as the dependent variables. Let 1 Qitment U! m! n! datoy™ez”’ i giminT lim! n! ex'eY™oZ” d inn = Dian = 34—2 262 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF It is required to express Dimn in terms of dimn, dymn')---- In the formulae T, X, Y, Z are to be written for ¢, u,v, w so that a,b, c,... will denote first differential coefficients of TY not ¢, and therefore a=at+a't,, b=B+B'tz,... Now equation (27) shows that by writing X, Y, Z, T for u, v, w, t the value of Dimn can be found in terms of differential coefficients of X, Y, Z, 7 with respect to a, y, z and therefore expressed in terms of fyg,,---- But the operators [U, «],... which produce the expression can be replaced by others involving differential operators Maer For the operator [U, x] or [X, x] may be written a Q a ZA, PAA? (XXz) aXset ES AzPA {AY (Xz) Ven + SAPA SAS (XZ) a7 — + EA, PA, 007 (Xs) a pqr where p+q+r>2. Now since all first differential coefficients are removed after operation with A’s it is obvious that in A,?A,2A,7(XX,),... X, Y, Z, T ‘may be replaced by at, B'”'t, yt, 8”. Moreover, if p+q+r¢ 2, X pg = O"bpar » Yyqr = Boar» Spar = boar » Lyge = 8" boar 5 and therefore, for operations on a function Of eXpors Lipa 2oers Lear ees ) mt 0 uy 7) ut 0 ir 0 Ot par 4% OX por at OV yar tae OZ par ve OL par j Also SA PAYAL (XXz)=a' 27D APA, AZ (tz), TAPA MAS (XVz) =a"B” SAzPA,IAS (tte), &e. Therefore [U, #] becomes 0 0 0 é wey Pp q rT wn Ua we nt a >A, A, Az (ttz) E ake =F B ave Of Aine 5 | =a" SAPAIAY (ite) =. ‘par Now denote the operators 0 Ot por 0 >> A,PA {Al (ttz) > > A,PA,IA7 a > DA PAYA, (tt, Oh: ‘par ‘par by Vi, Vo, V;. When working with d ‘nq ©nstead of pe it will be more convenient to form the operators V by writing Vi=trd, Velen), Ve=lrrd where T = ogy E? + don? + --- and after the algebraical multiplications £?n7£" is replaced by aa par INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. We shall then find that [U, w), [U,y], [U, 2], [V, a],... become 263 ol’ V, F al” Ve. al” V;, Bovawens and it finally appears that [U, V, W] becomes Aa” + BB” + Cr” 7 Ala!” + BBM! + Oy” Alege: BY BY + Cl” = i Vi+ 7 -_ Y, —— V,=V, say, so that Piz seat a yen d/ a a a’ al’ b b’ b” [si c c cc’ ff” wil V, Vz V; 0 | di) at Cates a + at, a” + at, a” | B+Btz, B+ Bt, BY’ + Bt, BY yty"t of tet ? Ye +t, yf” i Vitae eos, O Jf a a’ a’ al” : ” P}, ll (oa To dUodoodeNOnbg cba HcOOAESaECuRAROCceCE: (35). Pee hae es Y y yy” yf” When there are n independent variables the corresponding formula for V is Teh ee is | Wor V2, os Wo ? 0 “ ee A) 5 a™ DC a cyte ee een ee ee (36). Bees = ar), Be Vey eye oo po aay eee Seo ae ey eo The formula (26) then gives D Almem—n pe DIDO D YT. dD! D DX, Di! ‘Dm dD. Ve DED" Ds LRA Mm —. JH ie ie Ve Zz (37) 1, x, y, Z, meeeec(an): Te XxX, Ve Zz. Now, 1+ m+n being greater than unity, the determinant becomes Oe al” (sy yf” D, 1 D, m Dj" é+ Oy at alt, B+B't: yt ote OFF Ok a’ + Cat B+ Bue of +7ty 8" ef Ot a’ te ae Be 4 Bitte yf” + 9y'"tz 264 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF = al!’ BY” mw Di Dr Dt B OL a “Ria Of Gy Beenie =ja B vy 8 |DID™D aay, a) BR shy lity Ou ee ee ote 2) = ME DED D i asays so that M is the modulus of the linear transformation. To transform D,!D."D,"t we use the operators Oxy =[Et,], zz = [Ere], @yz=[nTe], — @y2=[T¢), @2=[Ste], ay = [Sr], where T= do &+dyen?+..., and the operators are formed in the usual way by replacing Bene with 5 investigated in § 10, and just as in previous cases we find that if we write The properties of these @’s are precisely similar to those of the o’s A’ PAu Oa, Way + Ai xz; AB c O, ae eu Dyx — Za Dyz; a’A bc” Ory Oe tae we shall have finally Almne!/m—n Duan = M — 6 Vetiaias Dem ntuccet. ase eee reece (38). And if F(dimn, drmn’,..-) is a pure homogeneous function of degree « and isobaric of weights p,, ps, ps; in first, second and third suffixes, F (Danan; Dem’ pee =) — =e APi-?Pi¢’P2Pae- VeM% eg iM (dimn; Adymn’ os 3) pecoud (39). The value of J is at a’’d, a +ad, a” + ald” B+A"d, pte", 8" +—"0" fy a Sy Ry ee oy enya INDEPENDENT VARIABLES, 265 and A, B, C,... are the minors of this determinant. It will be noticed that products of d, d’, d’ do not appear in J, which is therefore a linear function of these quantities. In fact another form is J= a, a, a”, a” Bs §8 ee RY % Hs Co | OT (41D); M'* Br: B A’B’ Le ae Or BR or oO;= Ti Dry eee ce scescccnscne (41¢). And, equally well, TE (ID 9, Sg) LO EMG cog) aadocpensonedccnesccoschene (41d), where V is as before, and K, 0, ©, may have either of the two sets of values MiA'?:?: A A’B' K=(- 1 ey ee me ; =a Myx, 0, =— a Dyy serererereeeees (4]e): M* BP B AB K=(- tame oe » Q= Bow Og= => (SF) Soecnpndodar act (41f). For example, suppose it is required to change the variables cyclically so that t, z, y are changed to w, y, ¢ and w is the new dependent variable. Let «,, stand 1 Qumy T Tm! ayoe™ The scheme of transformation is X=0.e+1.y¥+0.¢, Y=0.%+0.y4+1.4, F=1.¢2+0.y+0.t 266 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF Therefore = | © 1 | =—& M=1; 5 aa pee a = Jl o ee OMe 0 0 1 | Here B’=0 and therefore the form (41c) is not applicable, but the form (41b) gives fyjPx—Ps pas AE =Car? te ty is O82 TE (dumesccs). asecce eee ace (42a); and the forms (41e), (41) give identical results, viz., EN (Gens eee (- ty) Pie ou =e (Gms -- )= DD" Cpe ty) 2 @ tt, HI 1IK(Gbns aac) ele ee =(- 1) pe te te PP (dm, ---) vdee nana Sauapanesoeets (42D). If it is required to make the second cyclical change from ¢, 2, y to y, t, @ so that l+m y is the dependent variable, let ym = =. Then the scheme of transformation is X=0.2+0.y¥+1.2, Y=1.2+0.y+0.4, T =0.¢+1.y4+0.t. Therefore Jf =|te ty |=—ty, a) 0 Vi ae see Ac | 2s i 0 ty” 1 0 0 Here A=0, and the form (41b) is not applicable, but the other forms give t,)pP. Vn _ ty te F (Ym, 500) = & year? ty @ tz” ty HEM (Cams ea) arotete aislayetelsravelovereinetalotere (43a) ¥. and (-ayerm Ta tay, FY im; +) = (= ae Pee we ty ” F (dma; «-+) Ve =(- i) a HOU ty 5 Fig, <=) _V, ho Sei: ne tier Ge (deaies Vek (43b). INDEPENDENT VARIABLES, 267 §21. The alternants of the operators » with,one another have been already examined in § 10; it remains to examine the alternants of the operators V combined with @’s. These alternants have, in the case of two independent variables, been given by Prof. Elliott (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. Vol. x1x. p. 9); but the proof is much simplified by making full use of the symbolical form for the operators. Only typical cases sufficient to establish the general results will be considered. We have Y= [TT], Vey = i Dyx = [nT], Oyz >= [nT], where 7’= dy &+..., and after multiplication £?n7f" is replaced by xy ; par Therefore V,V.—V.V,=[TT;](7T,] —[TT7,](TT:] ‘yyy yy fj 0 L4 i- yy 0 = ht, se an| = [PEt + Te (2,)| Very — Oxy Vi = [TT:] [er = [é7,,] [TT] = E on) iw lente sé) | SPRATT RE a ee coe 2k (44), Vioys — yz V,= (PT nF) — [nT] [PTA = | nge Ot) |- | ott + Tn] Vi@ye — @yzV1 = [TT] [nPe] — [nq] [LT] = |nz¢ n)| = [nsf + rs (ot)| Similarly ee Vp asa ane dee to Me (44e), and generally V, or [77;] is commutative with all w’s except those which have z for the first suffix, whilst all the V’s are commutative with one another. § 22. The applications to the theory of pure cyclicants are easily made. A cyclicant is defined as a function of differential coetficients which is unaltered when the dependent and independent variables are interchanged in any way whatever, save for the introduction of a factor which involves first differential coefficients only. The cyclicant is pure if it involves no first differential coefticients. In the case of three independent variables, and the method will be perfectly general for any number, we shall show that if the function, supposed pure, is invariable Vou. XVII. Parr ITI. 35 268 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF save for the factor mentioned above, when ¢ is interchanged with x and y, z are unaltered, and also unaltered when ¢ is interchanged with y and z, # are unaltered, and also when ¢ is interchanged with z and a, y are unaltered, then the function is invariable when any interchange whatever is made, and moreover the function is invariable when the general linear transformation is applied. We shall find that the necessary and sufficient conditions for the mvariance of a homogeneous and isobaric function are that it be annihilated by the three operators V,, V., V; and the six operators @zy, @zz, Wyz, @yz:, @zz, @2y. These conditions, though necessary and _ sufficient, are not independent. For it is evident, as in § 10, that annihilation by three o’s such aS @yz, @zz, @z, Will ensure annihilation by the remaining o's, and it is proved in § 21, that annihilation by the @’s and JV, will ensure annihilation by V, and J. Now annihilation by the o’s implies that the function is invariable when the independent variables only are linearly transformed, so that a pure function will be a cyclicant if it is unaltered by linear transformation of the independent variables and unaltered also by the interchange of the dependent and one independent variable. In consequence of annihilation by the o’s any pure cyclicant will be an invariant of the system of quantics in & , §& Aso = aE dean? a5 opal? ate di EN aF din EG + dunf, Ag +... + dyn En + ... + dnEn§, SSS ee i) and conversely any invariant of these quantics which is annihilated by V, will be a pure cyclicant. When the number of independent variables is n, there will be n operators of the V type and n(n—1) operators of the w type. § 23. To make the transformation by interchange of ¢ and x the scheme will be X=0.2+0.y+0.24+1.4, Y=0.2+1.7+0.2+0.¢, Z=0.e2+0.y4+1.2+0.¢, T=1.£+0.y¥+0.2+0.¢, : . f D 1 b il gitming Se ne CEE eee Se caper aa atoy™oz” © Here M=-—1, Tae Ue ee 0 1 0 0 0 1 A=4, A=—0, AV=0) B=—f ce —0,7 a —t.,)0 =O) cr INDEPENDENT VARIABLES, 269 Therefore O,=0, O,== m Oye, O=— 4 rip z x and V= | V;, Ve Ke Ons Ve | 0 0 0 1 | 0 1 0 | O 0 1 0 Therefore if F (dinn, dymn,...) is a pure homogeneous function of degree i and isobaric of weights p,, po, p; in first, second and third suffixes, ; Vi t t (- 1) Sat SS tes EF. (Dimns Dyin’; j= titPr te ty ae ty f= Bl (yaa drm'n’; vee)e x - : : 1 4 : The right-hand side can be arranged in powers of 8 7, z, and since these are x Zz xz independent quantities it is obvious by observing the coefficients of their lowest powers that, in order that 2 (dim,,...) may be invariable, save for a factor, it is necessary that the function be annihilated by V,, ow, and o,,. These conditions are obviously sufficient, and therefore if the conditions are satisfied we have aa\e FD sce Decem = Fe Fg 2 Similarly the necessary and sufficient conditions that F may be invariable when t is interchanged with y, and wz, z are unaltered, are that F be annihilated by V2, ox, and ,,; and, when ¢ is interchanged with z and «, y are unaltered, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the permanence of F' are that it be annihilated by Vs, yz and @y,. If F is annihilated by all the operators V and o, equation (39) shows that F will be permanent in form, save for a factor, when any interchanges of variables are made or when both dependent and independent variables are changed by any linear transformation. Since the annihilation of a function isobaric in first, second and third suffixes by the w’s implies that the three weights are equal, equation (39) shows that if F be a pure cyclicant the effect of the general linear transformation upon it is to transform it into Mw Jee where 7 is the degree of F and p the weight in either set of suffixes. In order that a function may remain permanent in form when the variables are changed by the general linear transformation it is therefore necessary that it be homogeneous and isobaric in each set of suffixes throughout. 35—2 270 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF § 24. As another illustration we will give a proof of a theorem established by Prof. Elliott in a paper “On Pure Ternary Reciprocants, and Functions allied to them” (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. Vol. x1x.). In this paper he considers two independent variables x, y with a dependent variable z. His operators V, and V, are the same as those considered in $19, 20 and 21, with z written instead of t: his Q, is w,, and his ©, 1 QPt%@z p! q! dar dy?” (Pe, Pastas eect ean) a nO), is @z,; and he writes 2,, for He considers a “reciprocantive covariant” where wu, v are any quantities and Py, P,,...Pm are functions of 29,... where p+q¢ 2, such that P, is a homogeneous and isobaric function annihilated by V,, V2 and @,,, and @x,Po=MP;, OnyL. = (i —1) Passe. Onl — ms Oay Lan — Os In consequence of these conditions the function is a covariant of the emanants (dsp, dy, du Qu, v), (dso, din, Can, dys Ou, v)§, Therefore, if w,, w. are the partial weights of P,, m=w,—w, and the function is only altered by the factor (—1)" when w, v are interchanged. Hence if in P, each quantity 2,s 1s replaced by 2s, the result is equal to (—1)”P,,_,, and the quantities P therefore satisfy the conditions @yzPm=MP ma, SyzPma=(m—1) 1 epace Opin ey Oya) Prof. Elliott shows also that all the P’s are annihilated by V, and V,; this property following from the relations Oya Vi — Viedyz = 0, Oxy Vo — Vex, = 0, Ory Vy — Vi@zy = Vs, @yzV2— Voeye = Vi. See § 21. Now let the variables be cyclically transformed from z, x, y to «, y, z so that « is ; 1 92t2e the new dependent variable. Let «,, denote Alli ByPOe4 ’ and let P,(x) denote the result of substituting 2,,,... for 2)4,-.. in Py. Similarly when the variables are transformed from z, 2, y to y, 2, x so that y is the : OP+4y new dependent variable, let y,, denote allel ae and let P,,(y) denote the result of substituting y,,,-.. for Zp... i Pp. Then Prof. Elliott’s theorem states that* P, (2) iG) (— 1)it Th mF =(- yarat = = (Ce 1%. IES, tee ie) (— 21; Zn where 7 is the degree of Py. * Prof. Elliott gives different powers of (—1) in his statement of the theorem, but there is a slight error in his work which accounts for the difference. A a ate INDEPENDENT VARIABLES, 271 The theorem follows at once from the results of § 20. Using equation (42a), we have EF ad ato Vy he FF at is Py (a yy a 2, #30 ty "6%, ” P,(z). But @,, annihilates P,(z), and V, annihilates not only P,(z) but ‘every function of the form @x,’P,(z); therefore LE a ay” Pris) Le (2) = (- zg am = zy" 2x ll /e3\2.. = = Ee Zz ee E — 2, Oxy + aie) Oxy — a 12 (z) 1 _ m(m—1 = apyinm [Poo mPa t+ BONED Paste t— a + (Pate (-1 = Fra (Pas Pay Pas ve P)( 2p 60)" _C 1 jit. eae i+, (PoP iees 0m) (= Zas 2) Again, the first and second partial weights of P,, are w, and w, respectively; there- fore by equation (43 a) _Va iy Zyl —2 _2 Pr(y)= es Guwenmene 7 Ps (4). Z yet But @,, annihilates P,,, and V, annihilates not only P,, but every function of the form @yz”P,; therefore x ae. fer 2y LU eee Sup *y\" m =Cz,)Fe E = 5 tie 31 € yx? — ..e + mal 2 ge | tlre ae [P. (— Zy)™ + MP, (— 2y)™ 1 22 + gee), P,(— 2)" 7277 +... + Paes ~ (—2y)r ite 22 1 > (az yirte, (Po, Pas P, mee Pin) (— 2y, Zn). ¥, The two results establish the theorem. § 25. It has been seen that when the variables are linearly transformed from t, a, y, 2 to T, X, Y, Z a pure function of differential coefficients will be unaltered in form, save for a factor, provided it is annihilated by the operators Vis Vacs and eg Ond; <6.) Lb, willbe convenient temporarily to denote V,, V2, Vs by Vz, ee It is evident that this permanence of form would be ensured if the transformed function expressed in terms of differential coefficients of 7 with respect to X, Y, Z 272 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF were annihilated by operators Vy, Vy, Vz, wxy, wxz,... formed with the quantities Dyor, Apgr, --- In the same way as Vz, Vy, Vz, wzy, @zz,--. are formed with yor, Gor) ---- It must be possible therefore to express the effect of these operators Vy, Vy, Vz, @xy, ®xz,-.. on the transformed function by means of the original operators acting on the original function. It is now proposed to examine into the manner in which these operators Vy, wxy,... can be so expressed. The scheme of transformation is, as before, X=ar +ay +a"z +a't, Y =Br+ B’'y+p'2+B"'t, Zaye toy +y'2 + "4, T =6a + &y +82 + 8", and ¢, 7’ are regarded as the respective dependent variables. Suppose now that a, y, 2 receive increments & 7, € and let the consequent increments in ¢, X, Y, Z, T ber, &, 7’, ©, 7’, so that T=AywE +doon +dmf + dong? + Aoogn? +... , T= Dyook’ + Doon’ + DenS’ + Doyo&’? + Dyson’? + -- « Then VA = Vz = (T = DyooE >= don = dof) (Tz i, yoo). Bry = S (tT, = doo); Oye =] (Te a Ay), &e., where after expansion £72" is replaced by a : Py Therefore also ' f , f 0 Vy = (7 a Dayo = Dion = Donk ) & = Din) ; oxy =& & a Dan) > , (Or @®yx = (se - Pw) , &., when &?n 2%" is replaced after expansion by a : OD par Now let F(&, 7’, &) be the symbolical expression for an operator obtained by expanding F’(£’, 7’, €’) in powers of &, 7’, & and replacing &?n'9f’" by = it being par understood that # contains no term for which p+qg+r<2. Then Prof. Elliott has INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 273 , , . . seRO TU. ‘ P proved* that the expression for this operator in terms of aq... 8 obtained by expanding Oo par a certain expression in powers of & », € and replacing £?n%f" by - - This expres- Od nar sion is i ; Or OT Or’ ay F U ’ TTA A or Ae a Sw BAN ” zit HP, 1, 6) (A"-aF wears), where M=| a, a’, (4 ce B, [sit Bas Bee | | | Yr ta is, aan oe iene ae and A, A’, A”, A’” are the minors of 6, 8’, 8”, &” in MV. The application of this rule to the operators considered here is simplified by use of formula (47) which we now proceed to establish. The rule itself may also be deduced from this formula, but Prof. Elliott adopts a different mode of proof. We have, in consequence of the scheme of transformation, EB =aE+ an + a’O4+ a's, n =BE+ B+ B'S+ B's, CayEtyntyo +77, 7 = 6& + 8 +06 + 87. The simplest way of finding Dio, Doo, Do. is to determine them as the coefficients of &', 7’, ¢’ when 7’ is expressed in terms of these quantities. Now, neglecting higher powers of & », € than the first, the last set of equations may be written EB’ = (at adiy) E+ (a +.a”dow) 9 + (a” + @don) § 1 =(B +B dro) E+ (B +B" doo) 7 + (B" + B' den) & C= (9 + 9dr) E+ (oy +. dowo) 9 + (y" +9" don) & 7 = (8 + 8d) E + (8 + 8’ dao) 9 + (8” + 8’ doar) & Therefore, eliminating &, , € we have la+ abs: a ap a” duos al” if al” doer B+PB''diw; i Rae B'+ Bo den, 7 ms , m ” m” , — 0 see eeeeeeees (46). y+ 9"diw, y +9douo, y+ "den 4 § + 6 di, 8 + 8douo, 6" + 8"'dun, T * «The Transformation of Linear Partial Differential Operators by Extended Linear Continuous Groups.” Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Vol. xx1x. 274 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF Write this equation in the form 7 = Diy E’ + Doon’ + Donk’, and Dy, Doo, Do: are immediately determined. As previously, write J= | ata’ dy, a +a’ doo, a + a"don | _0(X, Y, Z) B+B"dm, B+8du, B"+B"dm | 2 ¥ 2)” y+ yy rw, yy 35 yd ’ y a5 door The increments £, 7, € 7 have only been temporarily assumed small for the purpose of finding Dy, Dao, Do. Let them now be regarded as finite; then the determinant on the left of equation (46) will be the value of J (7 — DywE’ — Doron’ — Dont’). Multiply the first three columns by —& —y, —@ and add to the last. We then find, by means of equations (45), J (7' — DywoE’ — Down’ — Df’) = (7 — Ayo — Anon —AonS) | & + roo, a’ + a dy, a” + a dun, a” | B ote B dro; Isy SF B' duo; [x ae Bidens Be yt" dw, +7 "da, oY +7", 6 + 6'di, +0 du; 8 +8'"du, &” Multiply the last column by do, dno, @o and subtract from the first, second and third columns respectively. We then obtain the important equation , ; ; M T = DyoE — Daon — Doo = 7 (7 — dio& — dow — dons) soanuasadcacesd («!i/)). This theorem is the generalization of a statement by Prof. Elliott (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Vol. xv, p. 147) made with reference to two independent variables when the linear transformation consists of a cyclical interchange. § 26. Now / f ’ va 0 4 Vy=(7 F Dioo& — Doon — Donk ) & 7 Dw) . Therefore the transformed expression for Vy is obtained from 1 , / , / Or’ uw Or , OT uw Or vad — Dyk —Daon — Do f’) (ae — Dae) (a —A Aare A on A = by expressing it in terms of & », € The first factor is transformed by equation (47) which gives / f , lA M LD — DywE — Dawn’ — Din =F (r- Ayo — Ano — don). Again, from this last equation pom T (Palit aga) INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 275 where 5 a e are to be obtained from equations (45). These equations give ‘a m OT\ 0& nm OT\ On Te Te OTN GG 1=(a+a se )ae + + (a! +a a) ae t (« +4 at) ae” / we Or)\ 0& 7 yy 1 OT ag 0=(8+,'"" ( fe =) ae +( ; 8 B ae) ae’ + +( 8’ +8" in) OE \8 + p" 5t) é ae = ye gm 2) BE (pg on BVO (rg aw Or) Of 0=(y+y a) oe tv +9” mee +(y +9" 56) ag Now let i — a + on OT a’ +. m OT al’ ae i ot a | oF’ en’ 0g Me OT nor ss ite! +e" =, + p's at Se ee a m” Or , m” Or mw Or ere: ae? bia Soret of +y¥ at iy On, Are OT, Hee T an SOE? and let @, A’, A” denote the minors of the first row of J; therefore pete es Ob ees ee! ae re Ani ae’ eine Hence Or’ M rn iy I (je—Dw) = 7 fi \a (eo dw) +B (=- day) +2 (3 og - den) M r) a mk =F th Dig ae don | vet OT wi ae r 0 +8", A+R", BRS wt Or (jie mt za: se uw Or | M | or Or Che aay ae ti: Bn a0 ae do | B+B' dm, B +B" du, B’ +B’ dun yt dw, +9" du, ¥ +7'"dun | M ” =7 {4 (F-dw) +4’ (3 (je— dns) +4 (F-an)| pers (48) where A, A’, A”,... Wits SAVANE are the minors of J. Parr III. 36 276 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF The Page, expression for G is therefore , (OT n(@ a a dro & — doom — eon g) \4 @ = din) +A (i — da) +A Ga a dn.) = wid V,+AV,+ A’ V,), or, in the previous notation, 2 (A Vik Ve ACV ee, Arcee te anes (49). Similarly the transformations of Vy and Vz are = (BV, + B'V,+ B’V;), = (CV. HO, Clie ee (49a). ; , (Or Again Oxy=& & = Daw) > and the transformation of xy is therefore me &- Dayo) (A Aa — a" 5) = aC +a'nta’f+a’r) \B (F — dh) +B (= = day) + +B” (= ag tha) as in equation (48), 1 wn , aw a mr wt = {(a +a!” do) E+ (a +a doo) 9 + (a + don) § a" (7 = dio E — dnon — don £)} (n(n) +7 da) 3 Gaal Now let G,, G, G; be operators defined by the equations Or a G=€ (ae = de) = pd por Od par’ 0 ) é 0 G,= iS (Fe — dae) = Srey ae 5 p where in each case p+q+r>1. Then the transformation of w yy is 1 mn ’ mr / a” wm A 7 {(a + a” diy) BG, + (a! + a” do) B’G, + (a" + a” dy) B’ Gs} 1 wae A , mn" Wa ” mt ty (a+ dyo)(B ory +B’ wxz) + (a + 2”do) (Bey + B’@yz) + (a" +0” don) (Boz +Box)} al” * +5 (BV, + BV s+ BYVs) coeeeessssssee sonsssseeseessnessnecsssesseceansnnncscensanneasse (50). INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 277 If the function F' operated on is isobaric, and of weights w,, ™,, w, in first, second and third suffixes, we have GF=wu,F, G.F=wF, GF =w,F. If further w, = w,=w,, since B (a+ a” dy) + Bi (a! + a” do) + BY (a" + a” don) = 0, we find for the transformation of wyy, a linear function of the operators V and wo, viz. 5 {(a-+.0'"dyy,) (B’ wny + B’ tye) + (a! +.0”doyo) (Beye + BY toyz) +(a” + dy) (Boze + B’w,,)) “ur * + - EN FY BPO arose gh tv at net ies a IS SD srs ca le (51). The transformations of the remaining operators yy, wyz,... can be written down at once from this last expression. > § 27. For example, suppose a cyclical interchange is made from z, a, y with 2 for dependent variable to «, y, z with a for dependent variable. Using the symbolical notation, let Vi = (= 20& — 200) (S¢ — 210) 5 Vo = (€— 20& — 2019) (5 — 201) 5 Way = E (F, — 2) 5 Oyxz = 1 (& — 2); Vy =(& — Xn — nb) (E, — U0) ; Vi! = (€ — aon — nb) (Eg — 2m) ; @yz =) (& — fin); Oz, = €(E, — 2p). The scheme of transformation is X=0.2+1.y7+0.z2, Y=0.2+0.y+1.z, 4=1.¢2+0.y¥+0.z, so that M=1, and df= || (0 1 | =—2. The transformations of the operators are therefore respectively, if for simplicity we suppose them to act on pure isobaric functions with equal partial weights, ie, 2 s I Ber Wy — ea a) se nel e oe See anaes aenrecs coed Saigeape sie wa ran vad=~ <~aNMawenaps (52a), 210 es aa Vig = Aa Vi Binlelele(eleie'e:wia-v.0.u,siniu(dinie’em/ela'a'aieie elueisWin'a'neieinia wala bala\viow « ntle'a'a a\plein 6/c\a'n' erute ela s’a setgine ae (52b), , 1 9 Myz ee Wyz TOT errT ere ee ree eee eee eee eee eee eee ee rr (52c), , 1 1 ) On, = — Zu (20 Vi- ZV) = Zao {210 (— 20) Wyy + 2)» Zo, » Myx} 2 uot ; 52d =— a (2 Vi — ZV 2) + e EROS e ir) ) Bacdnes Jodngnace cece epireeeeaGal scr ene (52d). 36—2 278 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF § 28. As an application of the last results we may employ them to prove two formulae which are fundamental in Prof. Elliott’s paper “On the Linear Partial Differential Equations satisfied by Ternary Reciprocants,” Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Vol. Xvi. Let F(Zpq,-.-) be a pure function of the differential coefficients, and let w be any number. It is required to evaluate é F fa) ins alee ee Eb where in the differentiation with respect to aw, it is assumed that a, a», @,,... are regarded as constant, and, in the differentiation with respect to a), @ , ©», @y, ++. are constant. We shall, for simplicity, assume F to be homogeneous of degree 7 and isobaric with equal partial weights w. Now the change from a, yz to z, wy is the second cyclical interchange from a, yz; therefore by making suitable interchanges of letters in equation (43b) we have Vy Zio 1 ” 1 be ——w'y F (2p9; = (— 1)7 tre ° TE Xo LT Gina S06 where V,’ and @,,’ are the same operators as in the preceding section. It may be remarked that V,’ and @,,/ are commutative by §21. Therefore since fo=— ol 0 F pot w 1 1 Do , - Shee a. ==). a = = | ab va ie Wy: (= 1)§ vat i—we me TM F (Gin; =) La Toy 01 by (52b) and (52c). Similarly 0 /(F 1 1 ; a ea aig (Aut) 7 age (Tag) OH OD garam HH Oa F Gea) 1 = — Fp Oval pas mee) by (52c). These are Prof. Elliott’s formulae. § 29. The theory of cyclicants is a generalization of the theory of ordinary reciprocants; in the case when there are two independent variables it plays a part which has the same reference to the theory of surfaces that the ordinary reciprocant has to the theory of plane curves. But the ordinary reciprocant may be looked at from another point of view. Regarding y as a function of «, let us suppose & 7 to INDEPENDENT VARIABLES, 279 : : a 1 dy — 1 ae be corresponding increments of « and y; then writing a, for — —” and A, for — ; n! da ni dy" we have N= GE + a€?+..., E=A,.n+ Asay’ +.... The second series is that obtained by reversion of the first, and a reciprocant may be looked upon as a function of the coefficients of a series which is unaltered in value, save for a factor involving a,, when the series is reversed. From this point of view the generalized reciprocant may be defined in the following manner. Using the notation tt "i . OPt+ItTy of § 16 let u, v, w be functions of a, y, z, and let Gpgr Aenote ——— —_____ Pp: 4:7! dxPoytoz 1 opta+ry pi qi r! durevidw" and let A, , denote Then F'(Gpor, Bpgr, Cpgr, ---) Will be a reciprocant if F (Agger, Bygr, Cpgr, +++) = PF (Gpqr, Bpars Cpars -++)s where w is a function of first differential coefficients only. The function will be called an n-ary reciprocant if there are mn independent variables involved, and F will be a pure function if it is free from first differential coefficients. This kind of reciprocant may also be regarded as a function of the coefficients of series which is unaltered, save for a factor, when the series are reversed and the coefficients of the reversed series are substituted for those of the original series. Sufficient conditions to ensure the permanence of such functions, when pure, are easily obtained from the results of § 16. Reciprocants of the kind here considered have been discussed by Prof. Elliott* for the case of two independent variables. The conditions here obtained for n variables agree with those obtained by Prof. Elliott, who however does not examine into the question of the independence of his conditions. Suppose F (dimn, Bima, Cimn,---) to be a homogeneous function of degree i and isobaric with equal partial weights w. Then ci); F (Aina; Berns Ch ce . -) = Jive e7[U, Vs W) eM eM es F (Adimn aF Blinn 5F Commas A’dimn sf BOimn 3° CCimn ’ A Cian 3 B’bimnn 30 ClCmaa . .) at (53). The function will therefore be permanent in form if it is an invariant of the system of emanants Aso E? + Aya? + oon F* + Gro En + ..-, (Sey a eee ts) Doo E? +... Osteo se was "a. \P. sae eee (54), Cana E* + -: | * «On the Reversion of Partial Differential Expressions with two Independent and two Dependent Variables.” Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Vol. xx1r. pp. 79—104. 280 Mr GALLOP, ON THE CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF which remains an invariant when Au+pv+vw, Nutpety'w, Mut+p'vt+v’w are sub- stituted for u, v, w, and which is further annihilated by the various operators [U, <], [V, 2], [W, 2], (U, y],.... The operators as defined in § 14 contain terms with differential operators involving ¢; such terms will of course be omitted here. It is obvious that functions which satisfy the conditions just laid down will be unchanged or at most changed only in sign when wu, v, w are interchanged; and that they will be unchanged or changed only in sign if first, second and third suffixes are interchanged. Such functions therefore, if homogeneous, will be of equal partial degrees IN) pers 'o=*> Opors ==> Gpgrs =-- ° When linear functions Av+pu+vw,... are substituted for uw, v, w im a combinant the function is multiplied by the 7th power of A, Bb Vi; uy ’ ‘¢ | Ne) a ee. Ie ise yp’ | where 7 is equal to any one of the equal partial degrees of the combinant. In the case of the reciprocants here considered the determinant is | ae Be Cae Wee Peers Bere? | A”, Ba (64 which is equal to J*; and the determinant is equal to J” when there are n inde- pendent variables. Reference to equation (32) then shows that the factor for a reciprocant of equal partial degrees 7 and equal partial weights w is (- 1 ye Ja) i K (- 1 ynt Jnirw tru so that (- 10} 7 (pers Opgrs Cpgrs +++): F (Aper; Bears Ohren no0)) = § 30. One example of such reciprocants is easily seen to be the eliminant of the quadratic emanants just written down. For this is an invariant of the required type, and since it involves no differential coefficients a,,. for which p+q+r> 2, it is obviously annihilated by [U, ], [V, a],.... This example for the case of two independent variables is given by Prof. Elliott. The eliminant in this case is (Gao, — boa.) (@irDo2 — Oe) — (GaDo2 — boy on)*- INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 281 The partial degree i=2, and the partial weight w=4; therefore by the last result of § 29 this expression is equal to J* {(AwBy — By An) (AnBu — Buda) —(AnBu— ByA o)*}; where J =ab'—ab. The invariant character of the function just considered corresponds to a simple theorem in the theory of the reversion of series. Let UV = MoE + Ayn + Ay E? + AnEn + dyn? +... , V = DdyoE + dan + byE* + buEn + bun? +... , and suppose that from these equations are deduced the series E= A,ut Ayv + Anu? + Ayuy + Ayy?+..., n= By + By + Bov? + Byvy + Boy? +.... The theorem then states that, if the quadratic terms in the original series have a common factor linear in &, », the quadratic terms of the series obtained by reversion will have a quadratic factor linear in v, ». The theorem is easily proved independently. The property referred to is one un- altered by a linear transformation, and therefore we may take & for the common factor. The method of successive approximation then shows at once that the quadratic terms in the last two series must have a common factor. $31. The conditions for pure reciprocants laid down in § 27 although sufficient are not independent. This statement can be proved by forming the alternants of various operators. If we assume F to be an invariant of the system of emanants (54) which remains unaltered save for a factor when Au+pv+vw, Nut+pouty'w, Nutpv+ vw are substituted for uw, v, w, then it can be shown that annihilation by one of the operators [U,«#] will ensure annihilation by all the others. In fact since F is invariant when Au+uv+vw is substituted for u, therefore # must be annihilated by the operators which in the usual symbolical notation will be denoted by [V,] and [W,], so that a or dla [Vi] = [Dak + ...] = 6 =P ecc'5 [W,] = [Caaf + ---] = Caw 5 Pal 200 Similarly F must be annihilated by [U,], [W.], [U3], [Vs]. Now, in the present case, we have [U, #] =[U,U¢,] + (U.V:,] + (Us We); therefore (U, «)[Vi]—[VA](U, 2] =[02V%,] * [Vi] — [Vi] * [U, Ue,] — [Vi] * [02%] — [Vi] * [U,We,). 282 Mr GALLOP, CHANGE OF A SYSTEM OF VARIABLES. 7 And [Varese a, [Gi Uy = 72 1) v=o. Therefore [U, #)[¥)- (VALU, #]=(0,Ve)-[0e,%a + U,Ve.1-[%%e]—-1V2 Me] =—[V,U;,]—[V.V:,]—[VsW,] = = [Vy Gl) esacesctes bisa ctissinetow ios soot sets dasoeese eoee doseee (55a). Similarly LU el Wolter | Weta oa eon es (555); and other equations can be written down with y, z in place of #, and with U, V, W interchanged. Again Oy = [EU y+ [EV 9,1 + [Es Wag] ; therefore Oz, [U, 2] -[U, ©] Ory = (&,U;,] * [UU] + [& Uy, * [UV] + [60,1 * [Us We] + [&Vn,]* (V2V2,] + [&W,,] * [Us We] —[U,U¢,] * [&U,,] — [U2Ve,] * [&V5,] -—[Us We,] * [EW ,] = | 0,,Us, + Usp GUy)| +1EUe, Ved (660, Wel + | Uaze EM) | +[0.26"_)|-[62 Cr)|-[b9 Gr» |-[ae cmp =([U,U,,]+[U2V,,]+ [Us W,,] 8 1/0 I ea aN MR ne Sn hee (550). Similarly OF Oe 23 — NO a] Ore [kU alle oce ace sistent eee eee reece (55d); and other equations can also be obtained with V, W in place of U, or with a, y, z interchanged. Equations (55a), (55b) show that any fuaction annihilated by [U, 2], [Vi] and [W,] will also be annihilated by [V, z] and [W, x]; and then equations (55c) and (55d), with similar equations in which V, W are written for U, show that the function will also be annihilated by [U, y], [V, y], [W, y]. [U, 2]. [V, 2], [W. 2]. Hence defining a combinant of the emanants (54) as an invariant which remains invariant when wu, v, w are replaced by linear functions of wu, v, w, we see that any combinant of the emanants which is annihilated by any one of the operators [U, 2], [U, y],... will be annihilated by all the others and will therefore be a reciprocant in the sense defined in § 29. IX. On Divergent Hypergeometric Series. By Prof. W. M°F. Orr, M.A., Royal College of Science, Dublin. Addition*. [Received 3 April 1899.] 13. WE have obtained the complete solution of equation (3) in divergent series only in the case in which m=n+1. It has been shown by Stokes (Camb. Phil. Soc. Proc. Vol. vi.) that in any case in which m 00 yi? | OPT CaUll ale (Q) ints cats vates nessa teMemee vac nee naanese (70), Lee where (v) when v is small is of the order of a power of v, and when »v is great is approximately equal to evi", provided the argument of v lies between — 3/2 and +37/2, and ¢ is an indefinitely small positive quantity. It should be noted that the limitations placed on the argument of « in the integrals which have been expressed by divergent series were only imposed in order to make those series arithmetically intelligible in the sense of equation (28), but that while the integral forms are retained no such limitations are necessary. We may accordingly suppose that in (70) the limits of the argument of y are still further extended to —27 and +27; for in evaluating Fig. 6. the integral when the argument of y lies between —37/2 and —27 we may change the lower limit to a point whose argument is — 37/2 without altering its value, and so have all along the path of integration y(v)=e-"v*@-»), As regards the path of 37—2 286 Pror. ORR, ON DIVERGENT HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. v a consideration of (37) of which it is a limiting form, and of Fig. 3, shows that if the argument of y lies between 0 and 27 the path must be such as ABC, or A’BC’, (Fig. 6), while if the argument lies between 0 and —2z7 the path must be such as the image of this with respect to the axis of real quantities. We can take y so great that wW(v) is as nearly equal as we please to evi“ °? for values of v for which e~”’” is as small as we please, and accordingly so that the value of (70) is as nearly as we please equal to that obtained by replacing y(v) by this approximation. We would then have to consider an integral of the type [erred nce a my ey This is a particular case of another with which we will have to deal, viz.:— hea) | GME OG IAL weet £1 NG Lis Ee eee (72), ey s being a positive integer, and e an indefinitely small positive quantity, the argument of v at the infinite lmit being zero, and the argument of y lying between —(s+1):/s and +(s+1)7/s, the path of integration thus bemg permitted to make round the origin a number of revolutions determined by the initial argument. See Fig. 7, in Fig. 7. which ABCDEFG represents a case in which the argument of y is positive, as we will at first suppose. The value of e*’-""™ is stationary for values of v given by the equation G8 UPR 0 cine waters sansfenie'dieceiseeree ore onenenoeetes (73); let v, be that root whose argument is s/(s+1) times the argument of y, and thus lies between 0 and +7. It may be noted that if the point corresponding to any other solution of (73) lies in the region traversed by the path of integration in (72), the real part of v at any such point is very much greater algebraically than the real part of v,, and therefore the modulus of e*’-*"™“ very much less than that of e~-wn, We will now suppose the path of integration to pass through »v,, and consider separately the two portions of the path from v, to » and from ey to v,. Considering the former, let part of it be a straight line starting from », in a direction whose argument is Prop. ORR, ON DIVERGENT HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. 287 half that of »,, a direction which makes an acute angle with the positive part of the axis of real quantities and an obtuse angle with the line joining », to the origin. Expanding v~* in powers of v—v, we have for points on this line sv + yeu * =(s +1) 0, +8(8+1)(v —,)/20, + R, where mod. R